The,~ ,
' .
ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-ST.
Thursday, June 11, 1959
Fall River, Mass. Vol. 3, Nov 24
.Second Cia•• Mail Privilelr" Authorized at Fall River. Ma...
$4.00 pe" Yea'
O.rd,in Fall River Man · ·on· June ~. ft1 ..' '.esult
UNIONCOFFICERS OF THE QUEEN OF PEACE SODALITY: Sodalists of the Catholic High Schools of .the piocese have elected the following officers for the coming year. Left to .right, Winifred Welch, treasurer, Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River; Lur. ci~le Dem~rs, vice-prefect, St. Mary's High"~a~nton; Kevin Tripp, president, Hory Family ; . '. . ' . . ~ . ,High, New Bedford; Frances Thomas, recordmg. secretary, Mount St. Mary's Fall River' Rev. Mr. Owen E. Finnegan of'the Society of .Jesus, and Roger St. Martin, corresponding secretary, Prevost High, Fall River. .' , Son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen F. Finnegan of 124 Cottage '1 1
. .
D'.·I·oeesan '. p'a',roc' h lea'l SC' h00' Is ·.T'"0-' G','ad'ua,te'" T'ot'"a' 'I 0' f 1""6' ~~
Street, Fall River, will be ordained to the' Priesthood. at . Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland, on Sunday, June' 21, by Most Rev. Francis P.
Heart Parochial School and Msgr. Coyle High School-ClilSS of 1941-Rev. Mr. Finnegan studied pharmacy privately for one year with the lat~ Frank E. Duffy of Fall River. He then Served 39 months with the United States Air Force, 'from 1942 to 1946. · After leaving the Air Force, Mr. Finnegan studied for one year in th,e, University o{ Virginia School of Foreign Service and· for one year at St. Anslem's College. Entered Jesuits. On Sept. 7, 1947, Mr. Finnegan entered the Society of Jesus· at Shadowbrook and made his two .years of novitiate and two years of classical studies ~here. He t~en went to Weston College for' three years where he studied philosophy. receiving his A.B. and M.A. degrees from' Boston '. . ~olh~g~. Mr. Finnegan was assigned for hia' regency, or .teaching ..p~riod' ,~ Fairfield Preparatory School . irtConnecticut. and taught: there, tor two ,years. . . In June of 1956, Mr. Finnegim
Diocesan grammar schools will graduate 1226 boys' and girls this -June. ·The total includes 597 boys and 629 girls. St. Mary's School, North Attleboro, largest in the Diocese with an enroll!llent of 795 children, wiir grad uate 62 eighth graders. At, the other end· of the 'scale is St: Hyacinth's School, New, Bedford, the smallest school to have a graduating' - class~ Total ,enrollment in its "
eight grades is 81, and it will ~ h~ve 10 graduates. Some' 'p~m~:hial . schools are even
B" 1·5'.h'. 0.'p- Stan" 9 H Ie 9 h .
ars' .C'apa"c' le ty
'~~~~ro:t~ne~~t~;:~~~~~%~~; ~Ie'
. the srpallestis Holy RQsary, N e w " . " .... ..':' .,B.edford, .with a total of 28 boys afld 22 -girls enrolled in five Diocesan school officials'report that enrollment in the grades. , '.' Oldest in Country freshman class of Bishop Stang High School, first Diocesan A special distinction is pos- regional secondary institution, is' nearing capacity. Students &essed by EspiritoSanto School, who plan attendance the' North' Dartmouth school , F,all River. Founded in 1910, it . should register now to make REV. MR. FINNEGAN; s.J.., is the oJdest Portuguese school st~nds at 110 boys 't~ 80 girls. ' ,Turn to Page. Eighteen certain of admission,says Outsioe the Fall River area the: went to Wood~tock College' in Mai'yllmd for his theology. After Rev: Edward J. Gorman, proPQrtion of registrations ia ordination hewiil' cOip.plete "his . D,iocesan superintendent. At 50-50, but within' Fall River aptheology and then "will be .assi7 . Present,' registration 'stands' at ..piications so far are from bOYI igned by the. Provinci:ii ~f tlie .. ~ci.1 190: Maxirrium to. be accepted. only. It is hoped' that girls ~rom . New England Province ·of·the 'in ·the· piorte;er freshma~ ,cia,ss Fall·River. will also be enc')ur~ , SOcietyo(Broadcast~r Jesus: . . . 'a~d ' .app~icatio~'s' . . . are: aged to ent~r' the,'new school. . . ,f' '. a, 0 'IV" is. 240, ..., . " . , ~ . - '. ,. . coming in at a rapld" rate,' " . . There ample bus trans. Mr. Finnegan: is a member' of:' . 'DUBUQUE (NC)' - The' ,." . . ' '. " .. , pOrt.atiop, a~corciing to ;father' the Nationa.l ,'A-ils<x;hition" of, ',' "mota!, 'i'¢sponsibility" of ,'rhe proportion of. boys to girls, Turn t.Page Eighteen' ···· .. C 't"h 'I"" "t ' 'It' "t';' t' I i~~he coeducational hi~h school Tarn Eighteen . ,.;.~ ..OICS 0 cu Iva e.m e. ' to . Page' . leCtual excellence "grows ;e~ery.·day,:·, says Father James ... , ,. P. Shannon, educator and hisacquired '. . . W ASlIINGTON (NC) - Stretching thedoetrine of new. cibligatio~s ,with our in'CINCINNATI (NC)-Archbishop Ka~I J .. Alter· of Cin~pal infallibility to, coyer more than it actually· does Ie'ads creasing numbers and improved' cin.hati, ·say·s it is "time Call a'hale"to the discussion o,f.' . economi.c.:a.nd·:s~~hil stahis/' dei.nany to'conclude that aC~tholi~president:would00 bot.!nd clared the'pI'eSid'Emt of the cor. religion as 'an issue in the 1'960 president~~1 elections. "There ~~.~. special, way to:an'o.utside·authority, Sen. Eug~ne~J•. ,- Turn·,'t~.Page.. Eighteen .'. has been' too much 'talk already" about·i;he.suljject,'Arch.... ~cCarth~r' Of Minnesota s a i d ' . . .' .......', .... " .". ,'. '.' . bishop Alte{ declared.-. "More lengt~y questi?n-a?d7 of it. is' decidedly unwelIwer artIcle carried 10 the , '.' '. _ . ." , . come. The persistent. referJu6e8 issue of the New ence·to only one religion as ~J~~liC. . Th~ ques.tions ,.~ere ' , :, ' . .'" '" ' . , . . against a.ll' others' in evaluating A . t' I . Th A h " ' l ,'.' eI' . ' 'bI' f d ' t h' tt .' d •• . theeligibi\it1,o! ·.a.candidate for: asked by GIlbert A. HarrIson, . , ~tor apd pUbIis~er of toe n. ar I~~ m ·e .•n? ,OJ; ,I~ arg y. r~f;lp0I1s1 e, o~ a prece en .-s a e~mg., eClslon~o .' office, is ,in itself an incitement . .. drop children's M:a~ses at Sa~r~d .H:eart'Cht!rch,;Fall RIv~r. The artIcle, which appeared m· t9ma~e'an issue,'of the lact," he . ~kly jou.rna~ . . . ' ... The legislator, a Catholieand the May 2~ j.ssue,undel' theJ>yline of·.Ayis C. Roberts, reported.stress laid on family par.:' observed;·' .' .. ' .. ", ior~erly' professor at the College . ,tic.ipation at Mass, during th,e ann1.!~l conyen tion. of the Diocesan' Council, of Catholic " ... -The: Cincinnati. prelate" com-" o~ ·s,t, Thomas, SL Paul,. said h~ Women. It reportedstate.. c,. " . mented'public opinion polls irit~inks th?sc: who .feel ~~ere is' mEmts bv Rev. John'p. Dris-" dIff,Iflilty att~nding an early Msgr.Sullivan also meritioned' ~ieate··there·"Ii~s, been "sollie. ~. "9 ath ?!IC Issue" 111 pohhesare -' . .,' .' . ' '", . ' Masll. that· Sac~ed' ,Heart . p~rocbial Improye.ment" In the general concerned about "'NhetherAJn.~r- c?ll, ,curc~t,ea,t SS: .p'et~:r~ '" sch.ool c~.Ildr~n are t h9 r oughly attitude toward hav~ng a Catha.: traI~edin .dlalogue. Mass relie as president since the, 1928 . rea, or what is called American- Paul G~urclt, Fl,lll. RlVe~,.and,., . 18m ":is threatened by firm'. and . ~Irs. john J." Suilivan' panel, . sponses..;Withtrem . scat.t,ered " ;.. '.. <.. , ,'c'. . . . - " . : ' , ' ~ ~~ta'$>lis.l\ed r~ligious d9ctrine:~ . .,participa;1t, to' the eff~~t, 'that " . throug.hout :the. cpngregation an'!i ',. ". Turn to' Page Twelye . \·':There is an assumption that "children's Masses. take away'·' attending varIOUS Masses" he the dogmatism of Catholicism is' from fanliliness," . hopes that' general layparticipaI~ · . ':rur~ to Page Eighteeo' . Changed Thinking.' tion will be encouraged. ....1.
Sets·l,nfeliectual. :Me.rit "as :.G, . "0' C "f'h'" .cs
·. ena . t or'5oys D'. ou . b'ts '5'.tem· . " S Fr,om Infallibility Doctrine .
to~,i~:':C:~hOliCS h~ve'
D"ernan ds Ei1' d 0 f D' . ·•.·SCUSSlon . ' . Of I Relig.ion in :Po itics· t,o
Sacred Heart Parish in Fall Rivet to Drop Re-SpecialChildren's Mass' o.n··S '..un"da.y. "
.in a
l '
Pope Supports . ,: .. lI.. nited Nations . Refugee Y,.ear· '. .... VATICAN CITY (NC) His Holiness Pope John XX.III 'is' marshalling: the. full · ... ' '. • upport of the Holy See 00behind the .World'Refugee -,rear, it .was revealed here.. The Pope himself· will make a raaio broadcast to the world in ~~aIf of refugees. on 'Sunday, .J,vne 2~. It -was,also,annQunced ,. : .. ~~.rn ..1o. Pal'~' Slxke....
"The' article; together with the
"The people are resp~nding
As's'e'rts' "'Iat.·on" e'e'ds, Pat'r.vo't.·c'. I~ Young.· . Pec:»p Ie
increased emphasis on'congrebetter at Masses, all the time, gational participation in Mass, however," he noted, in comment- ; set me thinking about children's ing.· on reaction to the new WEST HARTFORD (NC)' lVIasses, which I 'have supported' liturgy in general: Sacr.ed Heart . during my 29 yearS'as a pastor," Church has been at the fore--U. S.Senator Thomas J. said Msgr. Sullivan.' front 'of Diocesan parishes in Dodd of C(mnecticut' says The Fall River 'pastor said he introducing the techniques of never before in' history has had approved of' children's, lay participation advocated by· theUniteci States '6ee'n so ill Masses largeb because he felt Pius XIi just before his death. nee.iI of 'thepatriotism . of its they caused 'parents 'to attend A microphone system has been youn.g '.' . and receive Communion with·, installed in both upper and their youngsters. . lower 'churches to enable lay As·.Simon' of Cyrene took up He feels now however that readers to be heard .with ease.' the.cross"of·Christ,·Senator Dodd seating of children with ' their . A well-trained corps of men is. declared, so the United States, families will serve the same purparticjpating in all Masses under "at a time .when morality and . pose and will be mOre eonven-, . the direction of Rev. Jo~n' 1...' decency' were being persecuted . ,ient 'f?r parents with tra~spoi'''' ' . ' , ,... ~egan;.; .,.... ..•.. , and,cI:ucified**,*took·up the cross ,iation problemi who roiihthave.... MSGDl. 'J.--'JOSEPH: SVLLIVAN ,,-rarlll" ,Pa.-e Ei~htee. . ..... . rura ie Paa-e' Ei&'hteen ".'
D'ioc:eso'n <Cowboys' ,Ho~~"
To 'Win ponies'at School' Picnic':'~:"
Youthful ~re~mersof the' Diocese are mentally planning pony rides and brushing up on pony care. There's not a oftlJ,e .16,000 enrolled iii the 57 elementary,." schools of the area who doesn't_hope,that he or she will 'be .~, the lucky winner of a com- day. An will march iIi: ihe pletely equipped pony' at climaxi~g parade and will be h . the Annual Diocesan gr~ted' by BishOp : . c School Picnic, Monday and . w 0 IS also donating the. ponies
PI Fe' .', 'C, :, y'O' an, I rst " . . .' Golf To.u~~ey,'·' :" For J une·29 . . ' .,
: ..
first Fa]] ,River o p n o l l YThe , .Greaten ' · ,.'" ,' CYO g'olf tournament will ""-
Tuesday June 22 and 23 at Lin- to be awarded. . . CQIn P.a~k, North Dartmouth. ; ,qther activities 'will include ,A pony.will ·be., awarded, to rl~~s on park amusements, which, a boy. or girl on each day: Add~-.will be, open to yo~ngsters at tional prizes include puppies an!!1 . red~ced rates; b?~lIng; roller bicycles. Procedure will be ,for . skatIng and miniature. golf. the children to write 'their names Adults accompanying the school schools, cities and grades on tliJ will be admitted free b~ck of their strip tickets ad-- rIdes and other. amuseme.nts m m,itting them to park amuse:' o~der to ~upervlse the children. ments.' Th¢se will be deposit€d' Will be luncheon in a designated ,box on the day With the complIments of the' of the picnic, and winners will park management.
uv held ,at Pine' Valley Country Club, South Rehoboth, Mon-
day, .rune 2tJ· Goffers will pl~y th,e Pine. Valley. course th,e day of ~e. tournament without P'l}ment of green feelS .due to the kindness of Owners' Bur';; gess and John Mello.. '
·-ntEAMCHOR~ .
lhurs., June 11, 1959, DIOCEEtE' OF' FALL R·IVE~·~"'M"'s'S.:
All members of GYO parish groups or theCYO centers are eligible toGolfers' take part in the 'nament; who . are'tournot
'Soc.•eal,.ActleO'n , m e m b e r s of the.CYO'may,obtain 'S h T . 'applications from Sam' Priestly.
~ .drawn at the parade climaxini( each day's . ., 8,000 activ.ities. Daily Youngsters from Fall' River S'wansea, Attleboro and North Attleboro schools will attend' the Monday .picnic; those from New Bedford, Acushnet, Fairhaven, Orleans, Westport and Taunton the Tuesday session. A total of 8,000 children is expected each
VCiti~ftn C.·ty' ....-
peec '
0PIC Members must bring their CYO ~OSTON (NC)-His Emi,. ADMIRE PICNIC PRIZES: Ronald Piariseau' (left) and . cards withth~m·t~ ,day of the G.' his twin brother Rene, pupils: of St.' George's School' in ~ tournam~n!.· ~ '. " ' .. '. • nence lacomo Cardinal L"r- Westport, gently pat the:IPonies after their arrival at . , Co~ncil 86 .~mghts of Colu~ :c~ro ,will speak' at the 20th' L"" r"p k O ' . . . '. ,', . . bus IS donatmg ,the trophies -North Amer.ican Liturgk~l !nco n ar. nepony WIll be ?lV~n. to- the lucky" boy or ,whicn, will' go to the low :gri;),ss Week on "The Relationship Be- gIrl on each day of the School PICnIC. .' ,. winners in the following divi~ .
Issue's ' urgy and So~ial Action," it was announced py Father, Shawn .. G.' New 'Sets of Stamps Sheehan, president of' the Na, '.~AT,ICAN . CITY (NC)-This ti~nal Liturgical Conference. twee'n' Participation in the Lit-
, .
sions: ages 12-13;' 14-15; 16-17"
il 19 Merchants of Filth Will t - . Low net 'prfies will not U , 'Increase· ,. be,awarded this year due 'to tillit . 'i1I'ess' Determined Drive ·Acts Now' . lack of establis,hed haildica'pa
LOS ANGELES . . ; among ,Some of the partiCipa·nts. tiny state has issued' two new General theme of the' weeK, chants of filth" will double their even" grade. school youngsters . ,Ho~e'y~r· . ~ trpphy ... ~ill . ~ Sets of'commem'orative stamps. which 'Will be held ,at 'the Uni-'business in the 'next' fouryearsare'becoming,thetal'getof these aYfarded to the winner-,of ~ :'., One' 'set m;'rks the' 30th' "versifY of Notre Dame from Auunless-there is a' determined 'racketeers," she' said.', . blmd ,b?ge:r." ." verSary of the signing" of ,the 26, is ."Lay Patticip'adrive to starrw out their aetiv"One of. the 'most. dismayingFQr ;urther' OIl Lateran Treaty. The two stampS' tion in theMass)~ The theme Hies; U.·· S.. clubwomen'· were facts in}his whole picture," she ,.t~e, .tournaIJ;lent: '(:~.ntact "jlla 'bfthe series-:..a:t'30 'and 100 'lire was chosen in response to .thewprned 'here. ".'. \ ;, stated, IS that youlJgsters need :{..enaghan as 6-&007. . :.:'.....bear 'the' lik,eness of I'o'pe Pius instruction on lay participation not'· have'indicated' 'any interest . . . . . , . . ,. 'XI, The Laterimpact signed issue.d by the Sacred Congreta,. More than'i,OOO delegates 'atin·this trash fo, receive' it' in the " "" '. " .." .... tion of Rites last September.. '. terding the 68th anrlual mail.. ', racketeers openly Cfur'ing his pontificate. , Th~' other set commemorates . In 19~6' Cardimll, Ler,caro, Hon of the General. Federation. solicitever.y young. persoriwhose . ,Rev. Edward J. :B~in~, 'asSlstthe 17th centenary of the e'nd 'of archbishop of Bologna, Jt!lly,ds:"ot,WoIIleI\'.~:c:::1ubs wer,e tol~ 'by name' they can obtain, 'whether ant at': St. "Louis ChJrch;FaU persectitio'n u n d'e rEmperorsued a directive to, his :,:archthei~ presidEmt, Mrs. Chloe'Gif- through ',the purchase' of 'maillng Riv~r" Will ~d'd~es~' 'meiribers' of Valerian.' Portraits' of .martyrs diocese titled '~A-. I,.iturgical - f()~q, that "s~methi!1gmu~t''be lists, study of school 'elass: books the Se'rra Club "of' Fall River at '~ho' suffered under Valerian' D.irective for !'-ctive Participa- " " ,imd now is thetime.~';: '. or through the use of'lake busi- tl?,~~'bi-monthly.meeting.ton igbt decorate' the'six stamps, whi'ch tion' of the' :Faithful .. at' Low. Mr;s. Gifford specifically,called ness fronts;" '".' . " ' , , . a~ 6 in the Hotel M'elle~:_' . , ' 0.' Mass." This directive was a"foreattention to the increasing danUnsoliCited . runner of the Holy See's 1958 ger that. indecent publications "The Post .Office Department ,"Sc SPECIAL15c FRIDAY"":'" St. John of San Instruction: . pose for youth. "Teenagers and estimates that between 700000' . WALLET SIZE PICTURES" 'Facundo, Confessor. Double, Gardinal Lercaro hall fre.arid 1,000,000 children 'in A~erLaminated (Seal in', .;White. Mass Proper; Gloria; qu'ently' fntelliican homes will recel've unsol'I'e, . t dinsisted that an." . L' UI Second Collect SS. Basilides gen un erstanding of and -ac-, ited obscene', pornographic lit5c. ea. 2 25<;' p.p.. and Companions, Martyrs; tive participation in 'th~ . Holy / 'era~re through the m'ails .this . "24 HOUR SERVICE' Common Preface:' Sacrifice Of the Mass'is the most Th " . f ' " , . year," she·sal·d. . , ' - e season s mal meeting of ' . , SATURDAY ~ St. ., Ant~ony of Important step in revivifying the the Attleboro area., Catholic Mrs. 'Gifford expressed' the / "Padua,. Confes~or ,anq' Doctpr~?u~ch iIi th~ .~oth C~nt~ri,' GUild' for the Blind was hope "that'every Federated club NEW BEDFORD,' MASS.. , '. "of the.,Churcp. Double. Wh.ite.• '" I;IIS ..adqress~ tp~ maj.or speech HOly. G,host, Missio!1ary',C enacle.: wei_man; in .the'United States will _, .... Ma~s. ):'ropeq "Gloria;., .Creed;" ,of the 2pth annlJal North· Ainerex'ten'dher 'efforts ·to· see th'at · " ' c ' ·L·t·· ." I'W "', " , .. ·UnderAhe direcHon'of' Father :' .'- :; ~ ", C ommon P reface.. , , . . . . }.~n ,1 urg~c.;I"" eek,. js, l l c h e d - . · these pornographic mailin'gs are SUNPAY",,:-,IV "Sunday. After uled for' August 24, .':' ..... ' Gerard"Chabot the group' . haseliifiihated:" ',,' "" ',' , ., P t t D ,heen studying the Catechism;for en ecos . ouble. G I' e en. C . •• Adults' b 'F th 'W'll" I '·:"Sh. e'c:, advi,sed" chi.l:\worrieri " to: . " . " ..When it's, ,time .:. . :: :l' ·..f·rQP,er; 'plo,ria; ,.Se<;;w}.d ,. . .." a.:.. y a er ' I lam 'J. (1.) d.. raw'.· .p.·Ublic' 'atttmtiori to 'the Coi1-"'T';;;" "'m'", Coogan, each the' having copy',.jh , ",•ColIect'Si:'Ba'sil, Bishol'l'; . u braille. ,At' closea .of. 'eaCh'practice;'(2' ilrgeparents tohlHp :. lessor and Doctor of the ' ,.··'a . pp.r,eheIid mailers of' p'orn'o'g'ra"I, . .; : :.1. '. ". '.' .', '., h ,,,,,reed; Go .• (NC) Catholic' session, Benediction Of the Mo'c;;'t ;,:.,'Ch urc; Preface: '(of .' ',"CINCINNATI ' i , ' \, ,,' " " , - . '.. '~'phy; (3) h~lp mobilize eo'm''m''u'n"n .j • T' schools commiSSIOn grad'- .13.lesse""\,.Sa .... crament .took ,pl";"e rInI·ty. ' . . 'their ., ...., I'n .. itY,support 'behind law"enfdrce~ONDAY-Ma~sof the prev.ious L uat: s ~o "t~ar .down th~ walls, of the:.siste,r's Chapel of, the Mis- . t" " ,Sunday. Simple, Green. Mass' ·malIce, preJudice, an~ sin," Msgr. .sioJ?,ary,· Servants of the 'Blessed ~efi ;'an.~' (4) '1'ally 'pilbliC' oplnEdward, A C ht t Id ,Tr~nity. A s,o,cial.. hour·' followed. IOn·" behmd' new: and" stiffer' ' .\'\ ,::Proper; No Gloria; Second . , ' .onnaug on.o . ' . l e g i s l a t i o n . "\ ' r CollectSS. Vitus andCom_: :p~r.La~y ~fCmcinnati College;s .- '''Sponsors for the seasonurider '.·panions, 'Martyrs;' Common gr~duaho~ class. . . \ the· direction of Bertram ;Silvia ,Preface. There IS the duty for you 'to were the Knights of Columbus 'TUESDAY..,-Mass of theprevi- advance trut~: .. to apply trqth. the' . Catholic Women's Club' Truck Body 'Builders' ous Sunday. Simple. Green. to th.e health, the welfare',. the Daughters of Isabella and th~ . Aiuminum or Steel 'Mass Prop!;!r; No Gloria' Sec- happmess and the holiness '9f Catholic Nurses. • I · ond ColleCt 5S, Vitu; . and ~en'" the, prelate said. "Ther~ 944 County 'St,· :,Companion's~.. Martyrs·;.Com-· ·.Is. the duty to bluep~i';ltfor manNEW BEDFORD MASS. BEFORE YOU' mon Preface: kmd whaL Cathohpsm mean's '. WY 2.6618 . WEDNESpA.Y "T M;ass ,00:. the an,~ .what 'real Amer~canism is.", BUY - TRY previous Sunday. S i II i Bu~ you. canr;lOt do that," he O'~E'IL 'Green. Mass Proper No 'Glo- warne~, "mer~ly' by, .leading · ria; Common' Prefa~e. ' . ~h~t IS called :a 'good. Catholic '276 .central .... St:.' fait River 'rHURSDAV-St. Ephraem Dea- . hfe or, ~y restmg content with · con,Cl?nfe'ssor', a!'1'd Doctor' of pr~servm~ Catholicism within - OS~rne '6.:a279 · the Church. Double.' White. ypurselves.. · ,You must . apply OLDSMOBILE .' Mass. Proper; Gloria; Secon'tl yo~r. ~atholicism in all 'your Ilenault;; 'Peugeot • 'Simco r Collect SS. Mark and Marcel- ,~chvlhes-at home, in business, ,67 MiddleStree~ 'Fairqaven . ,lianus, Martyrs; Creed;. Com-' In. the profess~ons, in your mon Preface. neIghborhood,' , In "your city, evellYwhere in everything and :Famous ReaCling' HARD COAL' ... ~":.., , ""M A Delicious.. always." . :.• " NE.W CC;>KE' Treat FORTY HOURS . DADSON OIL BURN~RS ~I:f .~~ DEVOTION The following. film ill to be . 24·'t1our', Oil Burn~ Service : ~ 5H~LL 0:::: added to the list: ..--:~'C ~I~ :i:1-, Unobjectionable for .aduits· ,:' C,hc:'r~oaLBriquets. .. ~~IieJ~ Mirror Has Two Facl;ls. < .'
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.,DAUGHTERS OF ST,,~PAUl ,":' . 'Invite:· roull9 gm. 114-231 .. ~'e;~ ,...~ :Ch~~,..; viMyard ...: ait. :A~o.ite";:'"
. Edition.: .Preu. Radio. M.o;'ie. _«I , .
,";';011. '.... . . . . mOdern:, ....... . . . . . Il'i..i~" S.islen bring C~riil'" DoCtrlM ,
:to ~..~.r~"'L~ ·raC4!.;,~i~:::o..,~.:,. fer ......rmatiotl write to: • .' .• '. _~'
Deplores -Youth's' Undue Stress, On Security
F.ormtJf Modern· T'abernacle 'Is Derivative Of Tent ,of Ark ,of the' Covenant
By Rev. Roland Bousquet LORETTO (NC)-About " " St. Joseph's Cliurch-New Bedford 190 graduates of st. Francis " The w~rd. tabern~cle ~ea~s .ten~ or dWel~hi.g. The tabe~nacle is the dwelling place of College here were urged not our ,EucharIstIc Lord, ChrIst hvmg m the mIdst of your parish .to receive you after the to become \ trapped in the ~ay S :ork, to encourage t~ose who are burdened with heavy crosses, to sanctify your "unwholesome" cult of security JOyS. Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and 1 will give you rest." Matt. by the' Commencement 'speaker,' 11 :28. The tabernacle, as we Miss Genevieve Blatt, Pennsyl- know it, is of rather recent vania state secretary of internal origin. 'From the time of the affairs. Miss Blatt an~ Auxil':' iary Bishop Lawrence F. Schott Apostles until the Middle of Harrisburg received honorary Ages, the Blessed Sacrament was degrees at the exercises. not generally reserved since , Miss Blatt said "that the de- Holy Communion was only 8ir~ for _' security is perfectly dIstributed at Mass. ' normal and natural," but that The first, Christians' under"the expectation of security . .. 'stood that Holy' Communion is seems to me to be an unhealthy an integral, part of Mass. The perversion of a normal and Divine Victim' which 'they of-' mitural desire." fered with and by the priest '''The young meri and women became the ,spiritual foo<l of who are -looking for employment their souls. Because of the great' today don't seem to be exchi- number of communicants, Holy sively interested in the amount Communion is distributed ,at of salary or in whether or not it times outside of Mass. Neverisa 'white collar' job," Miss theless, the celebrant must' re- , Blatt. stated. ceive Holy Communion at each , "What they all ~ant to know Mass he offers. is whether' or not they could be After the Roman persecutions, lIrbitrarily dismissed, whether or it became customary to keep the not they ,will get automatic in- Blessed Sacrament in a cabinet White may always be used 'for crements in salary or promo- 'in the sacristy, but only for the the veil. The color, however, tions, what fringe benefits they 'sick and the. dying, By the ninth usually cpnforms to that of the can expect to insure them against century, the consecrated SpeCies day's feast -or office. The veil the hazards, of illness, accident, were generally rese'rved in the is never black. Purple <is used moving expense, or any other church itself. at,a Ma!ls of requiem and white 'unforeseen 'ot unforeseeable Respect and Security for benediction of the' Blessed emergency." In France and England, conse- Sacrament. . Unwholesome Cult crated Hosts'. were placed' in Our tabernacles recall the tent 'She said "the security seekers silver or gold receptacles, shaped 'of the' Hebrews harboring the . ' , Ark of 'the Covenant: This tent of 'this mid-twentieth century 10 the form of, doves, which have their cult" ,and it "is an were suspended above the altar; 'was also called ,the tabernacle. unwholesome one." "while in Germany. the Blessed On Mt. Sinai, G6d made a pact .' 'with the Hebrews. He chose ' t k "You, however, have the old- S acramen was ,eM 10 a cup-, est and best C~llt of, this' Western board' built in the sanctuary ,them to be His people from among all the nations of the 11 Th ese cup b oar d s were conw.orld, the cult of Christian liv-, wa. f' " " earth. God would become their . 'th h' t t d ing," she told the graduates. s ruc e In e s' 'dapeS 0 , towers, ' t King and :protector ,if . they "Let the security cultists "0 an d were ,ca IIe acramen ;. 'l' H' 'I ' R th " ' would obey His Jaws. At God's their frightened way, chained to ouses. " nome, e consetheir doubts and fears and wor- cJ;ated Species were placed on order, Moses constructed the ark 'It" 't l'f ' f t ' of the, cov"ena,n, t. This was a ries. You go your way, doing th e a ar I se" 1 ,_0 en 10 recept ' chest, made of v'ery 'precious the work God has given you to' ta c 1es ,very SImi ar 0 our pres-, 1 Th . wood, setim, woo'd, overlaid with ' b do, secure only in the knowledge en,t -t d'ay'ta" ,ernac . es: ' 11 is Roman ' ,.. 'gold both' exteriorly and I'ntethat you are doing His will." cus om was umversa y adopted Diplomas were presented to and today forms the law of the 'riorly., , " " ' , the graduates by Bishop Howard Church. . A slab ' Of,the· purest gold. J. Carroll of Altoona-Johnstown "Our' churches, at: times, can' called' the" propitiatory, served. and Father, Kevin' R. Keelan, ,Iboast of pos'sessing the finest as a cover., 'on this cover, two T.O.R., president 'l)f St. Francis filigreed gold aJid silver vessels cherubim of beaten' gold were College, which is ,conducted by enchl!sed ~l\I'ith' precious gems':' 'sO, : phi:ced ' that." their" wings the Third Order Regular of St. Nothing, however,_ can surp'a~' formed' a'seat 01' throne; The Francis. ' i n beauty and valu~ t,he, pres:-- ark symbolized .'God's presence ence of Our Eucharistic Lord in '3 m 0 n g His chosen people., tabernacle. " ' ""Thence: will 'I give' orders, ' and' Oblates Plcin,Stadium "th-e "It is 'then most fitting that the' ~peak 'to thee over' the, propiAs Pilgrimage, Site' Blessed Sacrament be reserved" tiatory, an<t,::from' the' midst' of BELLEVILLE (NC)-"':An out- ,with the greatest possible' re~ the two' 'ch,etubim**"'all things door stadium seating ,15,000 per-: spect, and ~ecltrity, The Church which , I will command the sOns around a main 'alt~r flanked 'directs that the' tabernacle be, children" of Israel' by thee." by 15 side altars will be built on solidly' 'constnicted, usually of ,Ex. XXV, 22 ' "The ark was the visible token an 82-acre site near here as" it ~etal, .and securely fastened to' pilgrimage center dedicated to the ,middle ,of the altar. Euchar- of the alliance which God' made Our Lady, of the Snows, the isticsytp.bols often decorate the for it contained the two, stone Oblate of, Mary Immaculate tabernacle door. Nothing, save tablets of the ten commandments Fathers have announced. ' , the' ciboria containing, the' con- given to" Moses by' God. Later A. shrine to the Blessed Moth'er, secrated Hosts, is ,placed, in' the on, the staff o,f Aaron and a· vesunder that title has been on the, tabernacle, " sel containing man'na, that mys, grounds of St. Henry SeminaJ;'y Gold leaf, gilt or white silk terious ,food by, which God fed here, but expanding enrollment.. lin'e the, interi~r. A silken veil His people in' the' desert, were and consequent need for expan,. completely, envelops the exte- alsq added to the ark. sion of the seminary prompted rior'; no qtatter how beautiful Our tabernacles covered with plans to move the shrine to a the tabernacle may be. This can- its canopy recalls the portable site where it too can be opy is the sign of the Real 'temple of the Hebrews. The ark expanded. Presence within the tabernacle. of the covenant was the visible
token of the invisible presence of God., The tabernacle in your parish church contains the real presence ' of Our Eucharistic Lord, who fulfilled and realized' the promises of the prophets. God made a pact, a 'covenant with Mos~s: God esfablished'~' new covenant with His ,Son. The Eucharist is, the token of this new alliance. "This is my blood of the new covenant which is shed ,for many." St: Mark XIV, 24: The stone tablets symbolize Christ, the lawgiver. Our Lord commissioned His ,Apostles: "Go therefore, ;lnd make disciples; .. teaching them to observe all I have'commanded you." SL Matt. XXVIII, 20. Aaron's staff was the scepter of his pri~stly power, a faint representation' of the power of 'the, High: Priest, of the 'new «:o~enant wh,o said: "1 'a'm the way, ,and, the' truth, 'and the life." St'John XIV, 6. The vessel of manna; that' mysterious food, typified the Holy Euchar, ~~t reserved iii our tabernacles: Your fathers ate the manna in the desert and' died. I am the living bread that has come down ' from'heaven, so that if anyone' , eat of it he will not di'e." si. John' VI, 49,"00.-" ,
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THE ANCHORThur$:, June 11, 1959 .
Applauds NATO For Developing Spirit of Unity WASHINGTON (NC) The greatest achievement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has been to promote a "habit of cooperation" and ~ "higher spiritual unity" among its member nati.?ns of the free'West., This praise for NATO is contained ,in a statement issued by the Committee on Juridicial Institutions of the Catholic Association for International Peace commemorating the alliance'~ 10th anniversary. The statement declared: "As we consider ,the overall picture of NATO * * * it may, well be that its greatest contribution has been and will be its realization , of a higher unity within the area which comprised a good deal of ancient Christendom. "It was, from 'this Christian community that the institutions of modern international law and or~anization largely developed. In a world where respect for international law and organization is retarded by deep' ideological rifts, there appear5 to be good reason to turn to this community for inspiration and progress in ' building a' true international juridical order." The CAIP committee pointed out, however, that there is still "room for improvement" in ,NATO. Specifically, it said, "the real strength of NATO's forces' while enough to give an ag~ gressor pause, is far below realistic levels,_ and there is some question as to whether its chain , of command has yet been sufficiently simplified. to permit prompt and effective action."
Start New Novitiate . PASCOAG (NC) - Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Rhode Island novitiate ,of the Brothers ',of the Sacred Heart· were held' here with Brother Georges-Aim", S.C., ProvinCial Superior, presiding. The novitiate, which will accommodate 60 to 75 persons, is expected to be completed, in 10 months. '
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T,ide Is' Beginning to Turn For -European 'Catholieism '
-THE ANCHOR Thurs., June 11, 1959
Faith De'mands More Teaching" Less .Defense,
By Most Rev. Robert J., Dwyer, D.D. Bishop of Reno
The tragedy of the 19th century was the, failur~ ,of the Church to maintain her hold upon the workers of .Eur6pe'§ vast industrialization. It is a wound which will take, generations; perhaps centuries, to heal. The Church, however, .. is not wringing her hands in: , "
ST. LOUIS (NC)-Catholic college graduates "were urged 'not to "defend" the Faith but to teach it, by Dr.
quiet despair; she is bending'
The 'long tradition' of the ·identificationof the Church with the managerial classes is unquesttonStanley J. Idzerda of Michigan' ably handicap, and .offers a , Stat~University., indications that the tide is be- 'handle to the Communists to , Speakin·g at Fontbonne College ginning to turn: ,. create ill-will arid suspicion. -here, Dr. Idze~da said: . The story': of 'the "Worker Here again the general proPriests" in' France has received ject is too new to afford ground "I think the Faith has' had • enormous pubfor proper assessment. There is little too much 'defense' and as ticity. When the much ertthusiasm for it, coupled a result we have whole conidea was conwith 'a good deal of questioning. juries of defensive apologetic ceived almost Its success pretty obviously people, who wish to, save the 20 years ago, 'it depends on the personal qualiChurch from slurs, slander and wa's envisioned ties and integrity of the priests misunderstanding, but who are as a d r a s tic involved, as well as upon ,the unaware' of the fundamental step, character., prudence of 'management i;\ truth that all of us are obliged istically French ' refraining from inter~erence. to teach as wei! as· defend. in its feeling of It is interesting and ,heartening "The be'st defenders know the urgency, to reto note, tt)al the administration stock, respon!)es to every stock, deem the deof the great Fiat automobile objection and consequently C h r i s t ian compagy, centered' at -Milan, make 'very few Christians. We ized mas s e s . Italy, encourages its employees know we must be slow to anger Priests who had - heretofore to make annual' retreats and and slow to speak, possess the been ,~ontent to stay in their pilgrimages to' Rome, Assisi, or wisdom of the serpent and the sacristies, would put on overalls Lourdes. ' , dove, but do we really know <and smocks and take jobs side . At Assisi we fell in with such what it means to be full of by side with the me? and women l!' pilgrimage, numbering over Christ and wish to share. the 'ANNE FRANK' VILLAGE: Father .Dominique Pire of the factories. 300 m'en. It was impossible not knowledge of His coming with They would ~aket!leir aposto feet' the warmth of their faith of Belgium, Nobel prize winner (right) perform'S the'sym- . others?' , tolate one of companionship in and their sense that religion was bolic bHck laying ceremony for the new village of Anile "We cannot be witnesses outhardship and suffer~ng; t~ey a vital part of their' lives. Frank n~ar Wuppertal; Germany. Otto Frank, father of aide the churct< if we c'ontinue would prove to the proletanate A holiday spirit prevailed yet .. that the C.htirch, like her Divine 'they were exact in their attend-=--- Anne Frank, famed Jewish girl who died in a Nazi Con- .. to speak a language 'that few . can understand, related to an ' . • Master, belongs to all men, thatance at Mass and at the confer- centnltion camp, watches. NC Photo. o age' that few' care about. The , she might save all. , ences held for them at the world needs your witness, but But the ver~' urgency of the Civitas Christiano, a remarkable it needs it in terms it can listen situation, at least as it was center for ·Catholic Action esto, feel an4 be willing to 'move viewed by those w~o promoted tablished in the city of St. upon. the venture, expo,sed the move- J:raneis. ST. LOUIS (NC) - Bishop Church's inv~stment of people ment to grave dangers. Too Christia.n Citadel Fulton J., Sheen ,urged 5,000 and, tal¢nts in the Catholic hos'many of the "worker priests" A vibrant priest, Dom Gio- \ Catholic Hospital' Association pital system will be justified bebecame more absorbed in prob- , vanni Rossi, has conceived this .'The Family That delegates here to begin a new fore God. lerns of social justice or of poJ- "Christian Citadel" as a- central search for ways to emphasize the ~ister Mary Louise of. the , itics th'an of their avowed apos- power-house of Catholic life, Prays Together spiritual reason for existence of Daughters of Charity of St. Vintolate: spiritual, ,artistic, social and the Catholic hospital. cent de Paul underscored the There were a few defections,'.. economic. Stays Togethe"':'The Catholic hospital is fail- import;ance of a hospital emfew scandals, and as a result the With his priests and - lay ing in its mission if it seeks p~oyee s .n:orale on ov~rall hosHoly See directed the French companions, dedicated men and THE hierarchy to suspend the pro- women who live a full religious merely 00 have the ~st facili- pltalefflclency. She IS superties, the largest and best-rounded viso.r of DePa~1 General Hospigram pending further study. life, he h'as assembled a monut ff h.'· tal m St. LoUIS. It was a bitter pill for those mental library, together with sa, or even worse, s owmg a "The f t th t" ks ~c a a person wor. who were absorbed in it heart apparatus for the study of con- ' healthy, annual profit for i t s . he said. In a hospItal .do~s not make hIm "Attleboro--Soutb AUlebon and soul, and ,there were some temporary problems of every activities" '" ,', . a generous worker, content with " Seekonk who presumed t~ ignore the nature. Pope John XXIII is per. '. The chemICal ~akeup ~f t~e longer hours, inadequate equipvoice of authority, By far the sonally interested in the pro- ammal and the human bemg IS' ment and lack of coffee breaks'" ·greater number engaged in the gram and was a frequent visitor largel~ the same, yet. the human she said. "Ten~ion on the job c~n " ..~ ~ ~ work, however, loyally and un- prior to his elevation. soul gIves a s~bstanhal .form to be reduced by, policies which complainingly obeyed. Hearing Dol. Giovanni sPeak the ,~,atter whl~h I C<)llshtutes a . provide for regular hou~s, insurProgram Has ,New Form to the m~n, watching their elec- m~,n, he e:c~lall1ed. .. ance, retirement plans, ,salary Now, after the lapse of a few tric reaction, made us feel that . ~o the hVll1g presence of the increases and, promotions." ,.'.. ' years, a, modified . fprm, of tremendous possibilities a;e in splntual and corporal works of "Worker Priest" program has store for such ventures of the mercy must make the' Catholic hospital different from all oth,been authorized', and, is making faith. .: headway. The ,iphests invoived, One thinks, wistfully, that if ers,· as day is from night. u ' ,The Bishop asked for a ·"ne.w while working'dn the mills and such progress had been instiINC. , factories, ';live 'together in reU:' tuted 100 years ago, much '6f the ,concern for the poor, a use of gious community. ' , tragic loss of faith might 'have suffering's tremendous potential' , 299 :4SHLEY BLVD. Their spiritual exercises 'are' been averted. But it is both for the salvation of souls, and opp. St. Kilian Church safeguarded; greater care is foolish and futile to criticize the a recognition that the 'person' taken in their supervision. While past for not thinking in terms is to be see~ in tile occupant of Free Parking Free Delivery WHOLESALE & RETAIL it is far too early to predict the of the present. How will we be every bed." . New Bedford ' WY 7-8281 In this, way, he said, the results of'such a venture, which criticized for our failures 100 ,are almost necessarily difficult years hence? . ~~ SHUCKED CLAMS and slow, there are great hopes' The problems of European, STEAMERS & FRIERS held ouf. that'it may act as a Catholicism are manifold and leaven 'in the paganized masses. ,exhausting. Bu't 'it is nonsense' APPRAISER The ':Worker: P·riest" move- to suppose, as some writers REAL ESTATE ment is the .French response' to would suggest, that the battle , :., 'A 75 MILE AREA : " the problem: In -Italy' and, Spain is lost. ' " " " , . , another "approach' is being' ham"It has 0I11y just begun. The INSURANCE 'mered out. This is the assign- faith is here, militant and wisely For' Restaurants ... Institutions WY 3-5762 ment of priests as chaplains. to ,progressive. Today, for the, first Roadside Stands 136 Cornell st.' the factories. 'These, priests offer time in long centuries; the~e' is Large or Small Clambakes New Bedford daily Mass for the wor-kers, 'the feeling of victory, iJ.1 th~ air., counsel with them and advise Confirms Patients them, institute catechetical in-, We can supply Lobsters, Oysters Thomas F. Monaghan Jr. POMONA (NC) - Auxiliary struction a,nd courses of moral Shrimps. Scallops in Season Bishop J. Alden Ben of Los An'guidance. Treasurer Seaweed fo'r Clambakes 01$0 geles administered the sacr~ment Depending ul20n the interest Available and' good-will of the manage- of Confirmation to 160 patie'nts Prescriptions called' for ment (more' widespread than at Pacific State Hospital for the , 142 SECOND STREET and delivered ' ,,' mentally retarded, The class was 'at first anticipated) they HEADQUARTERS FOR was five years in preparation. . are able to have ,offices assigned FALL RIVER - 30 THIRD ST., FALL RIVER DIETETIC SUPPLIES' to them and even to build 600 Cottage St. WY 4-7439 OSborne 4-5693 ' ~, chapels. conveniently l,?cated Pope Sees Leader' OSb,orne 5-7856 New Bedford near the' factories. ROME (NC) _. Pope 'J'ohn ~ . Tradition Is Handicap , :" :c~]cX1II' nas received inaudfence ''':===========:::;:~ . ': ~he ,.di!ficulty, ,gIle', of :p'atri~r9~ M,axirhos,.IV Sa~gh 'of .!r 24 Hour ; 'mall1tall1ll1g. proper, lI1d~pet:ld-, Antioch 'of 'the Me~chites, leader " ,e!1ce of actIon, and of ,refuting of Melchites Rite. " " NURSIN~ ,- CARE the assumption that the Church ' ' I Resident Camp for Girls ~ Ages 5-15 ' is mereJy serving the 'interests " Nurses' from " JUNE,'29 ~ AUGUST,' 10 Accredited Schools' ;of management. .:'MA'Rtn~ Operated and supp~r.ted, ~y ex~rienced Sisters and' CounResig'ns Port. .,j. ',:'~" ,,:.SC'RAP 1\1ETAU3 .. " ,.selors. Superb ,Iiv,ing cpnditions. Enjoy our beautiful, large, " WA:?TE PAPER -"- RAGS ' " new Blue 'Swimming Pool. ' ,. PHILADELPHIA (NC) < TRUCKS AND TRAILERS FOR , Father Dennis J,. Corney, S.J., Weekly Fee $35.00 ,Registration $5.00 , , has resigned as labor rehitions PAPER DRIVES, A Bea!Jtiful Home' Phone -GE 4-2079 or' GE 4-0143 arbitrator for'the Port of Phila:" CHURf::HES, SCOUTS and Beautiful Scenery '" ' or write·· to' ;' delphia; Father Corney is head ,CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS 88 FORT, STREET ., SISTER MARY' THOMAS, 'R.S.M) :of St. Joseph's Coll~ge Industrial 1080 Shawmut Avenue FAIRHAVEN, WY 3-3277 3070 ,PcawfUc~"et AvenUe, Riverside, R. J.' ,!Relations Ins,titUte..' . " i , :~e"'i Bedford 'I:WY2~7.828 '~: ~
every effort to regain the lost ground, and there are
Bish~p SheenAsk~
Hospitals' Stress /AII Works· of ,Mercy
James f. O'Nei/t
LARI,VI ERE'S Pharmacy
r"D"eiiv'ERIES '~ITHIN"'j
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THE ANCHOR~ Thurs., June 11, 1959
B'eat Poet Sees Synthesis In Catholic Religion
SEATTLE (NC)-Of an things .•• a "beat" poet in black cloth! That's what many people think about the Dominican Brother Antonius after reading about him or hearing him read his poetry, as he did at Seattle University here. In a day of "the organiza. , pitality house conducted by the tion man," Brother AntoniuI Catholic Worker Movement. It NEW YORK (NC)-The is pretty unusual, at that. was on June 1, 1951, that he beAmerican Association for As he puts it, he's "beat to 0 'came Brother Antoninus, DominJewish Education reports one the square and sQ.uare to the ican tertiary: Of his new career, per cent of 'U. S. school beat." And he's convinced the the 46-year-old poet-friar said:. children in non-public general "square" and the "bEtat" can Tertiary. schools-43,180 youngsters-are and should meet.' HAs -a Dominican tertiary I in Jewish - sponsored " Day "I think of society as involved live a life of obedience under schools," which in 15 years have in two ballic attitudes-the world my. superiors but I take no vows. increased from 33 to 214. of the square and the world' of I may leave at any time, or they The association said Jewish the beat" 'said this gaunt friar. may dismiss me.". . schools of all types enroll about The square, he explains, is the In recent months, Brother An553,600 youngsters and estimated Institutional, the practical, the ·toninus has spoken before and the annual cost of $60 million. inflexible, the world of ciXic read poems to audiences at the It said 47..1 per cent of the ~irtue, of the "organization Universities ,of, Chicago. Michichildren are in "weekday afterman." The beat rep,resents the ·gan and Washington, at Santa ',' noon schools," 45.1 per cent in world of the non-comformist, Clara and Detroi.t ,Universities , "One-Day Sunday schools" and the visionary, the artist, the and to the Commonweal Club of 7.8 per cent in "day schools." mystic. His vocation is to express Los ·Angeles. At St. Albert's his BLESS STATUE: Rev. John J. Griffin, pastor of St. similar to Catholic parochial Christianity as a synihesis, a garb is the white. tunic, black schools. . fusing; of these two conflict scapular and hood'of the Domin- Paul's Church, Taunton, presides at ceremonies blessing a The study asserted that the forces: . ican, tertiary. In speaking before five-foot statue of Our Lady of Lourdes, donated by the "dramatic increase indicates that Why did this California poet the public, he wears a black tie •. parish women's guild. Left to right, Rev. William O'Reilly, the Jewish Day Schools have who, as Bill Everson, hatedreli- and black clerical suit. St. Joseph's,_ Taunton, and Father Griffin. In front are met a deeply felt need for more gion, choose Catholicism for his Brother Antoninus feels. there's intensive Jewish education by aynthesis? a little bit of square in every children of the parish who also participated. 'groups in the community."Parallel be'at and a little bit' of beat in HBecause I saw it was that one q every square. The study said that, "of an place where the mystical and the "Some' of the greatest saints American chi I d r e n attending institutional achieved any kind ,have been the most beat," he non-public. schools in which of parallel. I feel that any reli- Said. both general and religious stud.' gion worth its salt has to bring 'St. F;rancis' stripping off his MILAN (NC)-Only Catholic rational r~spect for justice and ies are ·taught, 91 per cent are . these two '~spects of the human " clothes and, giving them to his pri'nciplescan raise up a "barrier rights' which are found only in Catholic, eight per cent are lOul into p a r i t y . ' father as he renounced a world to the rising human rivalries the absolute and transcendental Protestant· and one per cent are "To me, the great thing of my ,of wealth and position to min, principles of religion. Jewish." life is the visionary world. This ister to the poor was "a straight and establish in the world the "Only the authority and grace In March, the Depllrtment of creative forces of kindness and ,b what I mean when I say 'beat reaction," the Dominican of true religion ... the Catholic Education of the National Cathlove." . I'm 'beaL' But I can't. shut myself said. . religion, can constitute the re- olic Welfnre Conference said His Eminence Giovanni Car- sistant barrier to the rising hu- 4,101,790 children are in Cathoff from my brother and be a BlIt then Christianity is always visionary, The love of any Vi~, "beat," is always "insurgent," . dina I Montini, Archbishop of man rivalries and establish in olic grade schools and 790,469 ionary, under Christianity, takes . he added. . Milan, told 60,000 Italian. vet-" the world the creative forces of students are in ClItholic higb him back into relations with "When it loses its insurgent erans they represent the pain- kindness an!! love," schools. other men." character, it loses its soul-force ful experience of war and an ~ ~ . As a "beat," Brother Anton- ... When I awoke one day and organization which. "wants to Inus was "way out", before his discovered that Christianity is transform itself into a wise and July, 1949, conversion to Catholnot dead and cannot be killed, powerful safeguard for real icism. He was a cohort of the then I became a true insurgent, peace." early North Beach writers and a Christian, who had theretofore 'Cardinal Montini said the vetOPEN MON., TUES., WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. 8:30 poets who sowed the seeds of the been only a rebel," the Brother erans' search for peace could HSan Francisco literary renais- 'said. . not be "based on the challenge CLOSED MON., TUES., WED., 6 P.M. sance." He spent World War II of weapons, on the balance of ~ a camp -for conscientious CLOSED THURS., FRI., SAT., 6:30 P.M. contrasting qesires for hegemony objectors. ,and material, nor on careless It was in assisting at Mass concern for honor and the deNEW YORK (NC)-His Emi- fense of one's own country. with his second wife that Bill Everson 'was influenced to move nence Alfred, Cardinal OttaInstead, he said it must be from "way out" in toward viani, Pro-Secretary of the based "on a .more universal sense UNION WHARF FAIRHAVEN, MASS. Sacred Congregation of the Holy Catholicism. of human destinies, on a more . "It's sad for the beat and the Office, is in the United States Mluare to be disaffiliated,'" said for a one-month visit. "Yours is a fascin"ating his.,. the gray-haired poet. "It was at the point of my conversion to tory," the 69-year-old Italian Catholicism that i started back prelate told the newsmen upon 'into the world of the square." , his arrival. "In less than two Before he entered the religious centuries as a nation, you have tife at St. Albert's College 'in became not only wealthy and Oakland, the cO!1vert spent a' powerful but; above all the 7ear writing poetry on a Gug- strong- support and defer:se of genheim fellowship. After that, the highest ideals of freedom and be WOrked in the Oakland, holt:' civilization."
Jewish Schools 'Cost Millions To.Support
Cardinal Stresses Only Catholic ,Principles Assure World Peace,
..•.......................... • •
Cardinal Ottaviani Commends America
"So You Want
Fordham Schedules· Vocations Instit'ute. . .
To Be
NEW YORK (NC)-Fordham University will hold its ninth "nnual Institute on Religious Sacerdotal Vocations July 15 and 16, with a two-day session dealing with the practical aspects of recognizing, stimulating 'and fostering vocations to the ieli·.ious life. The Jesuit school also announced that the Institute will aponsor two workshops dealing with the practical, asceticaI, psychological an.a liturgical" factors in the formation or" novice. and in the lives' of Religious. The first, a workshop of 'Il1WtreS9Cs cK. novices, I?ostulants and junior· professed, will be held from July 20 td 24. A workshop for local suPeriorS will be conducted from July 2'l' to July 31.
St. Anne de Beaupre Shrine Has Museum ST.' ANNE DE BEAUPRE (NC)-A museum in which the life of St. Ann are depicted has been opened here in Quebec at the world "amous shi-ine dedica~ed to t.he grandmother of the Infant Jesus. . . The two-story building houses 10 . life-size' wax groups which are the work of Gerard Crepin .. Paris and over 50 tableaus and- reproductions \ of famoua .. .paintints-dealing .with'eveota,ia ,,:,.~., • • .ijf~.,~.$~.. ~n •• ' '-
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'6" '. -THE'~NQfOR . . Th"rs.;·June 1'-1, .1959
; DlOCES," 'Q.F; FALL RIVER. MASS. . "'" .' " IJf:receJitw~eks, se~eral promh{~nt· figures)rt education . ".'-1_...:",.~. ---------,.--,.:. have insisteQ th~t the role of the college isto':dev~lop :the ·mind of man.· Training of character,theyhave said,belorigs- ' to.the Church and home, and if college.graduat~s·arelacking moral de~elopinenttl1Em.theblam~:belqngs,tothe in~d~-,. ,quate job that Church and home 'have done:.. ..... ." '. : II?- an.appat:el}t,a.nswer'tothisJ}ne,oftaIK,the·distin~: · , T O D A Y - S t . Barnabas, 'Apol'Uished Pitirim.SorQkin, Harvard's"emeritus. professor()f ·'lltle,'He was one of the 72 disci- .. 8ociology,.sta~ed·thatthe main detect in modern schools . pIes 'of' Our Lord and was a .• h h'" ttl' I . t'll t I ' 't natiye of.Cyprus. He ·is ~en-' 1S t at t ey, concen r~e. exc !Islve y on:m eee ua pursUl S ' .. tioned repeatedly in the Acts of
and.,pay very·littie·at,tention to the'develoPtnerit of.c~a~acter· '.. . . t'th-e' Apostles and worked ~ith in sttidents~ .... ' . .. . ". ' ..... · · S t . P a u l at Antioch;, Seleucia, . Dr. So~okiri'said:'''If''a 'st~dent has all A's and B'sh~ . PaphOs and other places~ He is . . . h I' : Said to have been stoned to . .. ' may graduate magnaoreven summa'cumJaudefromsc 00, . death .at Cyprus because of his 0
e~en thoughhfs ..moral, character .may: be very poor.-We . success in preaching the Gospel. should. concentrate on. the total education .of the' total TOMORRo'W -St. John of 5t. personality.... ' . . . Facundus, Confessor. He was a , It i~ true that the schools are beginning. to r~sEmt .:..Spaniard who .became a hermit' and with justific~tion - the role that' parentt haye thrust of the Augustinian. Order at upon them',. the role of bringing children to compete maturSalamanca. He was noted for _ his devotion to' the Mass. The ity.. This duty and .privilege of the. parents .has been· aban- . --,.. POWer of his preaching brought donedinto the school's care by mothers 'and fathers too .... "~ . .about a 'reformation in Salaman-·· UnSUre' of themselves, too unmindf.ul.of their vocation, too He denounced the impuritY unthinking of' their children's needs. ;In' their' knowledge. rife at the' time and went to hill that they' cannot play' mother. and· father and, home to .,".; death inwhOSe . 1479,companion poisoned'in bysina , . woman he had converted.' · sttidents,'educators and coll~ges are tending to go to· the other extreme and make their work the work of' training the intell.Ed',alone.··, . . ,'.' ' . ", , . SATURDAY-St Anthony' of Padua, Confessor-Doctor.' He ~ .' . Here is where Dr. Sorokin's words .'point<,>ut the· tru~," . . ' was b'o)-n in il95 in Lisbon; · role of the college. It exists· toedu~ate the whole man ~. " joined the Order' of Canons the of :morality as weil as the man- of the mind, the . i 'C . ' ,.... ~ Regular·' at an early age ·and. man of virtue as well as the man of information. The whole " , ; . g' ~U. ~nsecrate transferred to the Franciscans 'n' l'S m·· .a'de' up' of mind a.nd will and.' emot,ions a.nd.· e.dtic.a,t. . i,on M ' . . . ' . .' in Prompted desire ma for 1221. m~rtyrdo·riJ., he by set aout for must put all intoproper relation among-:themselves and with, . Africa'. but a storm brought him the world and a vocation in life and God.-' ." /. '~ .....,. ", . ." , ." ,. · t o Italy. 'There under the. gui.d':' The college' does not exist to do the work of the parents " By. Fa:ther}ohnL. Thomas, S.J; ance'of St.Francis of Assisi, h~ andhome'and Chuich.-But the college cannot pretend indif:-" ·Assistant Professor of Sociology ~ began, career as a,prel!ch.. . ", . er and worker of. miracles. He ferenceof the work of these-a work of forming character Saint ~uis Univer~ity died' in 1231 and \vas canonized" · which is also the concern. of education. '. . . < . X. know. you'll think we're strange, but' my husband a year later by Pope Gregory IX~ ... eg' ,,:aJ\?I .are finding i~ 'Qi~ficultto achieve a ·spirit o~ :religious He ~as declared a Doctor ofth" . _ . . .. " . . . . ' '. ,,, .' : '.', lm~ty or toge;therness. Although w~'re, ·bo,th' Catholics, l Church ,9.Y Pope' Pius XII. >.::', . Safety off-icials"have just gotten, over the: shock of the' '. guess we've been r~ised as such rugged individualists that·· SUNDAY~St. Basil the Great; . Memorial Day weekend statistics of accidents and deaths.' ,we, 'don'tknow how.. to coinBishop~Confessor-Doctor.One ,of . '. . , .... ."'. youexpres~ .your oneness as a th t I .b t d 'f th G 11:' They'.. look. with .fear upon the' upcom,, ing Summer' J!1~nth~ 'DlUilicate il}' this" area.. Our couple' and. "potentially . a e mos 'ce e ra eo' e ree , . ' f . I' . . . Fathers, he came from 'a family with (more cars o,n the road, children out. ~f school, a:~ilies'l'e IglOn, remams such a pn~familY. 'It ,is a shared.public of saints; best known of whom travelling; .\. .:.' ",vateaffair, and yet :I thirik acknowledgement both of your are his' brother, St. Gregory' In the last :fifty years, sixty ·million Americans"hav~ , ::yve:both feel the need for 'sha~- desire to.strtve for,m",tual per- Nyssen; .and his sister;· St; been killed' or iriJured' in motor 'vehicle accidents•. Tnere ·is:·· u;I~ ,here. Wher~ do we start? !.~~ti~~~~:S, cO\lple imd to do sO ·Macrina. He was born at Ca'esa·' ana.utQrnobile ·a.:cci..dent every few seconds; a.n inj.ur.yev.~ry·, ','.Y,o~~ ·expt.eri;.; . , .\ . rea .in· Cappadocia. Asia Minor; '. ' d '.' f lOt ' . f' 'rte ... t .' . '. ,,' ence IS no as To, preserve this consecration .and became Bishop of Ca~sares eleven secon s; W ata I .y every: ou . en mJnu e s . ' ;' <. ;,"unuin,ial as you' vital and operative in your: fam... · i~370; He was known as the' The number one· cause ·of accidents still remains ·.:high·,'ID'a y t h ink, ily life, keep a statue' or picture father ,of monastic life in' the Ilpeed. The most keen 'reflexes' and· skillful car-handling' .Nora. Of sourse;' ,of .the ·Sacred: Hel\rt. enthroned· East 'and opposed the Arian .eRnnot j~uarai1tee safetyfo.r' the driver "or . passengers" or .ever~ . pe~son~s·. . in YQur home, Our Lord Himself heresy.. He died' h1 379.' . . relabonshlp , to . told St. Marguerite Mary why · pedest~ia~s when the~peedometer ~oes oversi~ty.•. ;'.' • " . God .' is. e x p e r i - t h i s was' necessary: "lest' meri' . MONDAY - St. Vitus. and .' .. ' Studies have shown. that there Is.a correlatIOn. b~tw,~en, _ enced in' sUch' . forget ho~ much I have loved Companions: Ma·rtyrs. 8t. Vitus, high accident records ~nd crime' or other·· })e.;·:~ani n't i mat e', them." . a child, with his nurse, St.' Creshavio,r. The a.ccident-prone driver is no accident -'-he is an, personal w'a y You need this constant rece~tia, andwhoher husband; SL . . Modestus, instructed ihdividual with .. an· insufficient awareness of his resport~i:'· that it is diff~~ minderof His love and, your b' .' . ' h . I I f G dAd d' f h }" cult to share It . consecration, for the ,distractions the boy'in the 'Christian Faith; Ihty ~ t e mora . a,w o. 0.. n a ecree 0 t at .aw " who 11 y with and'hurried pace of moder.n were driven from their homes sha'lt not kIll states ..- 'Thou . '. . . ' .., , .. ,...others. .How tend t'o exclude all thought of by' his parents and' forced to flee . . t omob'I' · t oy m . w h'ICh . t 0 Sh ow .0 ff'", or ever,. par t'ICU IarI")" . from Sicily to Italy. There they. . I e. IS no t.·a. fora brief Th e au ' were imprisoned and. suffered I y lD our SOCII ,' ' Him,' except, perhaps. p play. Iti~ not two tons of prestige with whichto'jmpress: ety most pe.o e ~re extrem~ y half':hour on Sunday. . . martyrdom for the Faith undei It' is not the fastest means between two points. It .is' ,shy ,abou~dISCUSSlDg ?r. ~harlDg Christ said, ,"Where two or Dioclethri 'in 302. ' ' . ' : • • " . . ' '. . " c' " '.' • any senbment· or atbtude per. . - . three of· you arp.gathered togeth. .......?: · mach,me capable of goo,d or ~vII~ependmgon the .m~tur.JtYtaining to religion. f't d" ,er in My Name, I am there iiI TUESDAY-SS, Aureus, JU9I . 'bTt an d 1T!0ra responsl 1 I Y 0 1 S river.··· . -. ". ..':' . This reticence may. result· the: midst .Qf you." He has prom- . tina and companions, Martyrs. H High speed, carelessness, showing .off, .immaturity'in . f~om fear that "outsiders would ised to be:'with you in your It is believed they lived before age or mentality- these when added to an auto!hopile ',n,ot understand, ,but ·it exists home, but you're not likely to the seventh l:entury.. During an add up to danger or de~th. ' ,,' eve?- 'among Catholics, indeed,' remember. ihis' unless you have invasion by the Huns;' 8t.· Au:. ..'. . .' . as. m .your case, even ,between· . some visible reminder to recallreils, who was Bishop of Mainz,' , . .' ~ husband and wife. his presence. and St. Justina, his sisters, and 0 C ! . It is almost as if' we had . Is it not . a sor.ry commeJ:}tary .others were driven ·from the . . . . ., .. __ .'.' .: tacitly agreed to exclude from' , See. On his return, his zeal for, The them~ pf the graduatIon talks to ~ho~e l.e~vmgt.he~':displayo'r discussion everything on th~ religious. shyness of a Christianity aroused certain evilelementary and secondary schools of the DIOcese m the next ~atholic. when' we find no reli- doers and while he was offering . .',bu.tthe most f.ormal, I'mpersonal . gious symbols in their' homes? few ~eeks l"ill be . t his .:.- Noblesse oblige. Th~t meamfthat ~:. expressions of our lovf for God. Has He not promised that He Mass, he and his sister and a -the graduates 'mlist realiz.e that'their position:as.. .graduates·:':Mutual Endeavor would--'bless every place 'where number of others were murdered; . of . Ca~holic··s'c~o~ls·.demand~, ~'. 'uniformly high st~ndar~.·o{':>; "ydu .~;~ qUiterf~ht 'i~ f~eling a picture of His Heart would' be in c~urch. ... ;. thmkmg and speakmg and actmg. . that this extreme reticence is set up and hOJlOred? WEDNESDAY - St. Antidius, . The words of St. Pa:u1 to the Christians'of Philippi could out of pl?ce in marriage. ConUnique Devotion Bishop-Martyr. He lived in the ., well serve as the parting words' to' Catholicgdidiiates'" sidered ,from the viewpoint of Furthermore, in practising this 'fifth century, and was a disciple : reminaing them to build. up' an' awareness of their nobilit;. your. pur.pose, in dlifte , YObul r devotion to the Sacred Heart, ~nd the successor of St. Froninu's . b f G d' f . .(,. I "A' ,. . " ' , marnage IS suppose 0 ena e '. you are not adopting just another in the Dioces of Besancon, east-, a~ mem ers C;>. 0 8, ami y. . nd now, .brethrenj·all t~at you to assist each other in "devotion from among so many ern·France. He was put to deat~ rmgs true, all .that commands reverence, all that makes for growing steadil~' in love toward otherS,now available. Atcording by marauding Arian vandals at right, all that is pure,all'that is love1:v;all·that,is gracious' <;Tqdandyour neighbor. to 'f'ope Leo XIlI, the de,votion Ruffey,' where his relics are . tete h II'mg, virtue and . . m merit, -:- wJ1erever'virtue and n:Ieri~ ','" ;':5urely: there. is. som~thing to .the Sacred Heart is unique, e n s h r i n e d . ' are found ,_ let. this be the argument 'ofyour thoughts•.. " strange If shyness or r~hcen~e representing the very essence of Then the God of.·peac I'll b 'th . ~. ,pr~vents YQU from ,treatmg thIS Christianity, ·for ·it· deals w i t h " , ' purpose as a shared, mutual "God's eternal love' for men. . as C!,!rist loved the Church," · e w. e WI you. . . .. "n ' and he went on to point out thai .ende·avor. hat c'an you do to Hence 'this devotion is Sf' ap- the. goal' of married love wa's· .' yy. 'remedy this situation? . propriate for' marriage" and mutual perfection in Christ. . '. . , ,'.. . .. , r , · : " . · U of' A t-family. ·life.because it offers us
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·C'ath Ii G'radua. t'es.·
,'@ , d:;'.,': ~"h- 'A-N'~HO' R'.', ~::ril~ ~oo~~~~:e::l~tto~arh: .:~~:.s,tu~th:~: i~i~~:e't~~:e~h~~ iST~ppropriate to ~your
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husband hiIsbadds-'and wives must learn in your home, can break down··.. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF. ,THE ':OIOeESE 'OFFAU' RIVER'" a'i)'cf you actingas·a ,unit. In this . it. isl1o~\o love. -' '. .. "'. the barriers of shyness and reti-" P bl" h . "kl h . C" .' . .' . . " , . ' - , . coimection, I' can" think "of no 0" .Marriages are started· on a .cence· that now separate you. ' , ! by T410' e otholic of the . . . ' . ', . . u is ed ' . wee y."" H' h Press .. .Diocese ' . of Fall 'River . , .' .mo·re· 'fl't'tl'ng devo'tl'on" than the JIl.ixture of, friendship, sexual Not only is . your act of"corise-" . Ig land' Avenue con'secratl'on of yo'ur.parnershl'.p. . . . ' . '. . ' . , " a t t r a c t i o n , infatuation, and mu- cration a shared, . ~.mify'ing expe-."' . Fa II .River,. ·Mass., '. ... OSgorne 5~7 i.n m,'artiage to the Sacr'ed He'a'rt. . tuaI .. ~ '. ' J5.1·" . •. ' latterY,:·bot f they endure as' ri~nce, but· as you -r~cite; it to.. . "PUBI:ISH~R ,.'; . .",. "'.: "';<: _ : ; this sugge'stion sounds"f~rtoo '~utualiy perfectin'g partnerships. gether, you ~il~ learn openly to ." . Most' Rev. James ~'Connolly.· 0'.0.,' PhD; . 'si,mple to get result~; but lei's only.. ;if . hilsbandsand .wives. acknowledg\? the significance 'of . GENERAL .MANAGER ·"",ASST.,GENERAL 'MANAGER ..examine its implications ~ore' learn to love as Christians. . Christ's' presence in your heartS' , , . . .. . closely. ." ,Cllrist Is Model . and in your home. .. ,'." , Rev. OQ!l.i~l. F•..,Sllqlloo. ·"!"A.··,, ':" -Rev. John: P. priscol!." . 'In' the fi~st' place: this conse'- '. In this, Christ -is. your model. ,; 'Once YOd. have accompiishe(f.' . ' ..... ", MANAGING EDIT.OR· . cration is not 'an' individual;. but As St.:P~ul r.eminded husbands this" your problem of commliiii,:.' _ HughJ. Golden' a Shared, unifying act,in which °in. par.ticular. "lo~e your wives cation'is sblvea. ,:.:':' :.,,:; " . -, ':~;:.'.'.~
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,testl;lles~~':Police;; eo'ri'f'ror;:Chu rcl1;':,.
" THE',~NCHOR,.-' ,; Thurs., June 11 , 1959 DIOCESE' OF FALl:: RiVER:' MASS, I
In 'Soviet:Union'
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.U,ge$ ,D9~,tQrS,',.',·
WASHINGTON (NC) -', Testimoh:Y :lndicati:rig" :that " ' the Orthodox church in the Sov\et' Uili6Ii' is 'under 'direct'
Study,' C~'uses
.'Of ,Accidents,'
NEW YORK: (NC) conti-o'l' ~f the secret poiice' has' Panels of medical specialists be~l), waqe' p'uJ)lic hete 1?Y" )lie ., Senate Internal Security Sub"; , eould g~eatly assist traffic coml!littee. . , ' , ' , court judges and licensing . Sen. .rames 6, Eastland of"Misofficials in reducing traffic sissippi, s!lbcpmri,"littee cl).airman, , fatalities and injuries, Dr. Ebert sai(i the te~timony wG!s taken at . Van Buren, professor of medisubcommittee execu tive~ sessions cine' at' Emory University, has and established that a number of' said at Fordham University. the secret police ,serve as' priests There has, been no concerted of the Orthodox church. effort to di~cover "the overall ,Metropolitan Nikolai, foreign medical factors" which cause affairs secretary of the Russian people to have accidents, he told Orthodox church and second" " participants in the 'third annual ranking, churchman in 'Rlissia, Regional Traffic Court. Conferwas, shown' by testimony to be., ' ence sponsored by Fordham ,Law ani agent of the secret police, the, School and the American Bar Senator, said;, Association. "We know of poten"The ,Russian people ,still tial hazards, but we don't know, yearn for their churches," Sen. how many drivers are affected Eastland, declared. "Because ·of, by'them." , this, strong 'feeling; churches are Dr. Van Buren described' .. allowed to exist., But _the free" pi'lot, stUdy being conduc;'ted' in church always has been dangerAtlanta of tpe feasibility' ,of ous to tyrants, To eliminate this establishing such panels. While, threa't, the' communistS forced some cities proviqe psychiatric many' priests to hecome agents. ()l' psychological examinations T'ho s e' priests 'who resisted GROUNDBREAKING: Bishop Connolly turns the first shovelful o~ dirt initiating , for some violators,'the "Atlanta' were liquidated and 'were ' ' S ' A F II R" I ' pr@gram; he pointed out, is the replaced' by specially'. trained construction of a million dollar addition toMt. t. Mary s cademy, a . Iver. n,rear are fiest of its kind to provide compolice 'agi'mts 'who 'donned Cler- Rev. Thomas F. Walsh (left). and Auxiliary Bishop Gerrard. I~. pictu~, at right Mother preb.ensIve psycho-phy~cal ~... : ieal' iob~s to carry : out their' M. Catherine, R,S'.M., Provincial, follows Bishop at the ceremol\laLs~ovel.,, . "I ' , a~inations. aliiJigrimerits. 'Thus'the churches'" , > are rio longer la •threat com-' . :,. ;:, :~" . ,. , 1.: ',: muhist' oppression because 'they are''tilerE!iy artn of a '~overn:""" ment which deriies the existence
of God." ' TeStililony linking the Ortho- . doi' 'to' the' SOviet~regime was given by'Petr'S. Deriabiari, for~ m€;~;~n~D" (!lecret p!>lice) officer; who was attached to .the 'Soviet Embassy 'Vienna; Austria, when he defected from the ranks of communi~m in 1954. . . The' former' secret police 'offieer' said 'he was assig'ned to assist MetropoHtan Nikolai when the churcl)~al} came to, ,the Vienna : Peace, COl1ferel;lce in December" 1953. The witness said he reeeiv'ed' his assignment' by tele-' gram fromMoscowwhich related that MetroPoliia'n Nikolai was an agent of' stil'te,' security in addition.l;to his duties' as' 'a churchtnall: ',','.', ' .. , .'.,' Mr;' ,Deriabian' said that in,' 1937, S0viet· leaders saw the. policy·, of', closing churches and" exiling: priests ,was not working;: so they instituted, ·the program, of forcing priests to serve as'" aecret police agents.,
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_Lhr... .,... .....ltr....
that's famous ror~avings ••. ~ .vings On ~gular gM Dealel"s DWideod Daysl You caB have the car with ~ and full-liltel'ed oil .•. double-life mulllers .•. DO-WU biggest dividends on a better~than-ever dividend. deal. Doish ••• pIus other economy feat!li.tes. That's because Ford sales are sizzling along out frond ' No matter what kind' of a C8l' you're driving. bring It Ford's Thunderbird~inspired'styling was awarded . .ill. Once you see the 59 Ferd (and lind out the wonder, the Gold Medal at Brussels'forits elegant lineS. FGnI is ful,bu,. it really is),you11 he Ford's biggest:boosterl' , 'the car that's built fOr people'.•• with wider· doors for .. Stop in at" your 'Ford D~ler's SOOIl and sample lUI' easier coming and going .'.. with ~ts that are deep stock. Get the trade-in dividend of the year. Better hunyl aTld soft aU the way aeroSf so that even the man in the fORO OI~ISION. 5};;d~~' , middle has full coD1f~. ~d, Of course, Ford ~ the car
1959's "best b~ is even better now: during your Ford
During his tenure the Catholic-sponsored Scout units more' than doubled in number in the ' archdiocese. Msgr. Dowd· baa ~ also served as chairman of the national' chaplains', committee and as national director of the Catholic Committee on Scoutinc ainee 1949.
:?,AG,INAw', (NC) -"A f~rm~" stUdent ,fQI,' tl;1e, Met~odi~ minisUr.~s b~eQ-,riaIlled vi~ rector of th~ ,new St. ?aulSemil1ary, ; berei'.!, ,Mic~igaQ- and prin,cipal, of its higli school section. He is vision 'director. 'Father Murdick naW' 'd'ioeesan' 'radio ~nd ·teie-' Father Murdick, 'diocesllO radio and television' directOr. Father Murdiclc, wh,o 'entered the' Church in 1940, is the author of the recently publish~booIt. "~ollrney into 'Truth"," wbicll, reCou~ti'the story of his. OOIiVer~
l ,
. "
SAN FRANCISCO (NC)....:.. Msgr. George M. I;)owd, pastor of St. Mary's Church in Franklin, Mass.; was one of. 11 men award-· ed. the Silver Buffalo decoration" . by: the, National' Council, Boy Scouts of, America, at the organizat~on's 49th annual meet~ng in the Civic Auditorium here. The ,awards ,were made for "distinguished service to boy-,· hood." Msgr, Dowci was cited for ,. organizing and directing' the Catholic Youth Orf~anzation of the Boston archdiocese from 1938 to 1950. At..the lUime ttnle be served, as archdiocesan scout
':'-:" W(Q)l~ILIIl-§ M©jSlt':,1BUUT1IlFU1ULY, JF~(Q)jp>(OIRrnl(Q)N1Elf)) ;
:Ford's thet>:estsellcr••• ~o get" thC:'best tmdes on the
:: . ,I;
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qheck your driving, ,It' CHECK 'ACCIDENTS;----'.
Mont·h 'of Sa'cred Heart Time
Fo~ Major$tepsin Life .' f
-THE ANCHOR. Thurs., 'June 11; 1959
Drugg ists Here 'Aid Maryknoll
By Mary Tinley D<tly
June is the month of the Sacred Heart. Also the month Maryknoll Sisters wjll benefit of graduations; weddings, . ordinations-th-ose vital,· irrefrom the current charHy drive of ·vo~a~le s~e~s on the, ,r~ad of life, ~her~~is, .q?ite lik,eiy , a the Catholic Pharmacisls' Guild defInIte tIe-m here: IhiS mo~th WhICh IS dedl~ated to the of St. James; according to announcement . made by Timothy Sacred Heart~symbol 'of Keating, secretary. the infinite love of OUr Lord into maturity. . Every Saturday in June, from A different religious com.for us-is singularly appro- eight in the morning until no~n, munity is named as recipient of 'priate Jor the· taking of such ,is booked for a wedding in most the drive proceeds' yearly. steps. . Catholic churches. And. yet for 1958 the Ser"ants of Relief of Graduations? They may seem r~latlve, friend, member~of-the Incurable C~ncer were chosen ~ dime~a-dozen, except to those wedding-right up to bride and! " and in 1957 the Medical Miscon c ern e d . or .brid·egroom, the. reaction is sionaries of Mary. . 'There are unithe same: a solemn 'occasion with Organized ·.in the Fall River versity and colits particularly awesome aspect. Diocese in 1952, the, guild's memleg commenceHere are two individuals who bership is composed.of reg~stered rnents; hi g h before God p~edge themseJves Catholic pharmacists. Similar school, g ram;.. to each other, until. death. "What organizations exist' in other Di~ rna r s c h 0 0 I therefore God' hath' joined tooceses 'and members look .to,graduations _ gether, letn:l man put asunder;".' wa.rds formation 0'1 a national •. and eve n the In the dignity of the:~age-old... . organization. , .. ___ iemi _ comical·' ceremonY,even i'mother-of-theChairman for the current drive ones; those from' bri'de" forgets the multitude of .. . js Anthony R. Ruggiero. 'Pr~ kindergar:. details with which she has'been , ,IN' APP~ECIA'l'ION: 'At NlinTeacher's Day at.' Our' c~eds are used to purcbase,drugs L~dyofr~r~tual HiHp School; New Bedford, pupils pre~ . and mediclll supplies for pa' .• w(th ~ gift of appreCiation. Margaret tients of the religious commun'i.'reat their number, inyour.·town will dovetail-or they won~t .. ; Isentedj.;heir:teach~rs d k ts h . ties named yearlY-as recipi~m'y , or'ours, each is/The graduation.· ,·Ifs. heartening. that .the' month Z ~ps 1- pres.en era to -Mother Superior Mary Justine.. . of proceeds; :. , .Kinfolk congregate, focus their' of the Sacred. Heart has been 'movie or still. cameras, extend . chosen as ·the favo'rite for such 'eongratulations ~ n d become Iltupendous un<tertakings.· '. 'Franciscon~harges ,' ..:.· bearers Of gifts. Another '·wallet? Ordinations? It ~ms .semi- 'R d W·· h 'b'". • . . "'Well, you can exchange it." .sacrilegious to put this' in the .' es· .!t I SO' otoge' .~ ... -.' . :' ; ,Eighth grade sw~et gir~grads plural-because each young mario 'JEFFERSON CITY (NC).,-Red .' 'teeter uncertainly. on tli~ir first . ,who eventually 'comes to ordina- . sal:lot~urs" w.ere:· responsible for pair .of 'high. he.els "and, 6 the tion has l>eeriscreened more the·' destruction . of .Catholic 11 'way:home, walk stocking-footed,' carefully than the space-special-' ~hurches, .SchoO~s '~nd 'informa"" 'ea~rying shoes in hand. ''''We're 1sts. His education.has had to be tion centers during the January high SchQoler~' now!". ih~y' tell . of the finest; his' faith staurick' . rid'ts m ,Leopoldville, \ Belgian ene' another. The thrill is con- 'His llours of study Iltretchbe- Congo,· a ;epres~ntative of the '. .. · 'lagious.:. " ~ . . . .. "yond' .the imagjl1atio~·;,~f,wost,,,'B~lg.ia~ . government' to.the'··· s,.... . .. The' .'~.Pomp .and tirc~mstance .. of us;. exhaustive examination; " United Nati.ons :char~ed·here. '," ~ ¢i~cuit~':'extends tintii.y·ouhear· have eliminated hundreds along The repre~entative,Fra~ciscan ~at ·fa~i)iar. march in . your the way. ' .' Father AdheIlJar.DePauw, sPoke .l~p 'asy'ou attend high sch~ol ... Each has long~eri ''Watched at the TeDeum'.:I,nternational ,hidu'ations.; There .are . proud, . lor any poss~ble' signs of emo-. convention,... ." . -~arents, .. dewy~eyed, corigratu- tion. instability, anything,· that' ·"He.said th~'t stalirigrad':'trained' .. , la'tingand. 'kissing their "own ·~ould' interfere with his becorri- II8boteUl:s'" were ~pr'king iii' a '. j~rticular •. pfjde-and~joy. The. /l,?g .a true llh.epherd of."llQuls., cO\1,t:Jtrywhere f~vem~l1ion of the '. :17 and 18'::year oldspretend ,·to . SemInary heads have become . 13 million .inhabitants are Cathbe'bored, but they're' secretly re- increasingly conscious. of· the olics-:-:-an~ within '48 hours after joicirig., Ttiey're colIege~entrant.· necessitY"of detectin~ ..miSfit!l-"-'· :.the"iloly: see. advocated inde- .'. lio~~r' ready· to . take: jobs. those· whose flaws would· pass' pendenee'f~r the nation. ' :Mission accomplished. .ubenn?tlt'ct«:dl in ~he ~a!ty ?';J,t:w:o~l,d.,,',',l'he,Belgian-bornpri~st. said . The. group of. the' fo'u'r-ye'.ars:' . .·u er Incompatible' . crisis . " y. ' . ' .With . t h'"e Red .in, Asia has united 'later, finishing college or univer..; ·t.h e exalted stat",. of the. pnest-. 'Islam, Catholicism'.and other re~ty?with' their adde!i 'maturity b.OFOd· ··· ' 't'h'e r·a"n····k~·o·'f·.. ·t·h··e.;,:,.··n·e'w·l.. ·· ..Jigio.ils·inili.·e',fight'nst the ':Gef Cok, in·~on.~ni."~ ••,_, rmg and·Famdy~·siZt" .. " r om are, on··the face of ·'it·, anxiouS-to' Q.... Y ."get /Ill this' fuls ,over' ..with,", ordained .will come our fuiure eom~on enemy,athelsb~ eom'hiie~~"O~1IYof :;,,~ coco,c~o co.;;;.';"y·by · Arid yet the·same.thm Bishops-perila~s'oheo'f iheni ",', ~l!ml!JYl,... ,F~th~r;'I>ePauw ,d~,:", .. ,over ·the soiemnity tha't 'sur- succe~sOr' to Peter ,.' . . . ,a plo~~: the. Re? Chinese "disre'COCA~COLA' 'BOtTLINCf'cOof' iounds their really .worthwhiie . Those ea'r~est' y' g spect, .for religion' in. throwing . FAll RIVER, MASS: , who on t'he d'ay': o'f oun · t~ell the Dalai Lama. outQf Tibet." " ." .. achievement. They listen to this . . , .. or d ma lOn, . _. " ~~~ probablyjast commencemellt'" face' the· Bisho~ 'are' trlily the talk with more serious attention cream of the crop. Physica,lly, than they gave four years before mentally, emotionally, they.have . .- and ,certainly more than four survived' the. most rigorous years before that! Their parents. discipline.· . realize that this is the final Only such A-plus young men Iltep from childhood. . Those -the finest the Catholic Church congratulations hl,:lve a more ~in- can produce-ar~ real;· procere meaning., ; ..( '!ounce every day of tneir lives: Weddings? Well, June is still Introibo ad altare Del. ("I wiil the most popular month. Each go in to the altar of God") wedding ·is'.an occasion unto itWhat a momentous month ~is · self. Here is 'the r~al plunge June-that of' the Sacred Heart.
'·.:n~~~d/e~o:.11. ~:~~~g~:~r~~:t~e:r~~~h~~~~~:.
..,,_.... '" -..... -. , .".. , "
l. "'.. Let your t~irst decide the' size •• ~, .:
_\ . ' .'when yo~enjoy
,.' .' CQC8-Cola
,,'" ...... .'
-", ',:,
. '
• •
.' •
Cardirlol Urges, Catholic Famili'es . . 'To Adopt 'Unwanted Children '
LONDON (NC)-WiIHam Car": that the unmarried mothers of dinal Godfrey, Archbishop of these children are often ,not· of Westminster, has appealed for a the' Westminster archdiocese. • 50 per cent increase in the numLondon is· recep'tion area:for . 'ber' of Catholic families willing immigrants and for girls ,from to 'adopt 'unw:ihted' ch·ildren. the provinces seeking privacy The )'lumber' of such children away from' their own. small has'become a,serious 'problem in, towns, he 'said. . . . his ,diocese; which includes mOI:e' ' It is difficult to keep in tOuch · fua,n hal~ ot'. the. London area: witIi. them during the: necessary The' onl~r society' in 'Bri tiJin, I trial period when 'for and' :CathoHc or non-Catholic, with: other: purposes the' pre,senceof a perlparu~l)hlurplus.o{ children' the. mother is needed for inves"; : .over., adopters' is Westminster'. tigation by . the' prospective 'C!r~~d~o~.gescue, .he.rioted. . 'adopters and ·iorconserit.:Miuiy'·· .The' Cardinal said' increased . of these. girls 'tend' to' disappear' :. efforts had' been mad'e' in' the .' before final arrang~ments' can past year to'. solve the problem be" made: . . .. . , by allowing the children to go . . We t~at the attitude to'adopf-er$ in other dioceses and'" of-: Catholics- to-;·adoption ,·ill even to Ir~'and but the ad'in'in- -:' chan~ing,'" the ·Ciirdinal. alsO · is~~a~fve . burde~ .' is great; . in.<., sai~'.;"~:eju~ice :ag~inst . the, ilyolvmg .much exacting irivesti_;:,le~~b~ate,ch~ld,}s·~t;ssemng and · ration. \ inti> the. . credentials, " thIS: .;l!s ,you. ca',l' ~~~f,!rstand,.is -' living standards and, conditions~ ;,du.~•..t() . ~her.ec9.,gwtlOn "of t~e · of ,would-be adopters. . ;". ~~ct;J,hat a chU9 ~hether borri '.' The .' number : 'Of" &hildren~::' moor' outsid~;~awf\H we~!~~k is' .available - for' ad T " h .. :, mad~ .to:.the. ]mage::~nd.,hkeness ..' O? IOn sows. of ,God." ' . r~' ",..., no· sign of. lessenmg and His·· . !Th 'b' : , . . I :.~" ~".;. . Eminence warned that'f f-',' e oy ~r ~lr :~ born mto . . , I ~u ,£he' world IS mnocent or any flclent, C help. IS not forthcommg '..'. sIgma t'·.. atta ...., th" c he d .~, ....,. 'Its ,parents many a . ohc children may;.' aIJeI'.its· plight"'t "i" . ' may have to' go to uon-Catholic'~' . '. m~1 es our ovmg adopters, whose demands ex_:.:,:.~compasslOn. an ,:,(~are. Once ceed the children available . : .:il9.RI>..l;,ed ;such:a.:~~llid ~a.s a status . .' of ItS own and Its orlgm' carries . "The <;:animar pointed' "out with it no' blemish Or stain."
.. .. .,'
NOW. .,"
<foronet· ~- . . ....
. .... ·,.I..',u,·, ~_ _. , ,.,".' , , ..... , ..". ..., .. ', :~,
:Il~''rHEtorOntfaiJART':':: . . '"
.... "
Many of 'Y09w:ii\ted:o'irtore of thi~ :~ . \ elegant ice cream than you got in the, . : " Cor~n~t pi.nt.·This:acclaim created the' (Jqronet Quart.'·i ','. .., , . Now, you can,enjoy twice as much of_ the World's Finest Ice Cream iiI·the new Coronet Quart: Look for the royal purple and gold carton at your Hood Ice Cream dealer_today. .
the"World's}-Fin~st'lce' ,. Cream'. ."
,WATCH,!!26 .",.EN" ~VERY WEEK 7·7,30 PM
·Su'g'ge·sts··Bri'des ~ I~~es't'i9ate V~ri0us :' Ki~cJs bf· Dinnerware
Sucordium Club Plans Welcome
By Alice Bough Cahill . '. .The other day I stood fascinated by a magnificent display' 'of Lenox' China In downtown window-samples of some of the rare pieces ·that have been'made for the White House and some 'of the 'patterns made today. There were many people admiring this additions or replacements may display and the d,iscussion be easily made.. . overheard was amusing. The We suggested that you start discussion waS about china' with a service for four; Someone
The Sucordium Club of the 'Sacred Hearts. Academy, Fall . River, will conduct a Welcome Party on Wednesday evening, June 17, from 7:30 to 9 for the mothers of September's Fresh. man Class and pre-primary pupils. The event will be held in the Convent Hall an Prospect Street. Invitations will be sent by Mrs. Alfred J. Roy. president who. also has announced that Sister John Elizabeth, S.U.S.C" high' school principal, will address the group. '. .. ' . The Academy Seniors of Se~ .tember 'will entertain .the·. incoming freshmen atthe,paI:ty: I;Iospitality. chairman Mrs. Thomas' F. "Di:Nuc~i. will .be .assisted by Mrs. Rodger.G. Petit in.planningjbe ~efr.eshm~ntll..;
,has asked, "Why cereal bowls.?" Of course you don't have to buy cereal bowls if you don't want them, but a cereal bowl may double for a soup bowl and some day you might want to use it for a prize pudding or dessert you've just made.
and the deeision was that all ehina was alike. How very wrong and uninformed these People were! D'i n ne t -' ware includes liwo'ge n era 1'.
THE ANCHOR-· Thurs., June 11, 1959
classifieations~~· . Service for Eight pOrcelain .a 'n d" An ultimate goal to be work'HIGH HONORS IN SCIENCE: Winner of'seven honors '.'8' r··t' hen ~.' ing toward in building up a china' ware. Earthenan outstanding student in science at MittyinOurit College, -service is a service ,,"or eight.:... . ware' may be eight each of dinner, luncheon; Tarrytown;wnere she1graduated magna. cuJt:!.· 4tude,Susan *bOivitled'into ,salad, bread,. and butter p.lates; . Anne SchQles,of Brooklyn, receiv:es -her diploma. from His ':e"M 'i"p'o r -" eight ~up!i and saucers, cereal ·Emin~nce Francis Cardinal Spellman. NC Photo. eelairi', and' pot-' . . , ~ ",.,: "'~.:"", ~ . f· ", ~ Asks ,·Court 'to Ban bowls'; 'cream soups;: one cream ~ry:' or' coul'se s'emlp'orceiiliii'is and 8Ugat, two vegetable dishes, . Movie . Cens~r~hip' , IOperioi" to' pottery' and' IS 're- . one, medium' platter', one' .large flected in tht-_ - difference .i'n WASHINGTON .'(NC)·':'" The plat4lr and one gravy boat. price. Did you ever stop to think U. S. 'Supreme .Court' has been It is surprising how w'ell you why dinrlerware is referred to can get along. withoul this asked to rule the New' York The 'Catholic .University. of fied students ,for a Summe!: Il8 china? state motion' .piCture licensing complete set when you first Puerto Rico is offering an inten- course· in. Ponce. '. PorC.Ellain is caned china, be- start housekeeping. sive 'instit'ute~ of missionary for- , .. Ta)dng. into consideration va- system unconstitutional.' eause f China is the land of its :'Ii1iltiori' :for~ Sisters engaged in ri~!Js' ,criie~i~,: l\{onsignor' I~afI Attorney Ep~raim: L~~d.o~, origin and.,.; f}I:~t·, pt~nu,~ad~l1!,!::-;\" 1."Pi~ ii~~'f'~!P., at>~ut caring for ,work\/-with;·' Spanish-speaking I)lich' presented the lisLAmong repr'esenting' a film ~isiriRutiJ.lg For centudes it' was exported yohr chma that ~ay help, you. "studelits in New York, to,be held .those selected 'was. Sister Ann 'c.orporation, has t~ld the high thence to oth.\'~r, countries, until .,:~.\.l~d,~n;.FAan~rl!.'"t~•. : the water in-Ponee hom June 29 to· Sept; 5, Wi~liar.i<,. who "is pres- C(;lUrt, that the' New York motion the secrets :its composition 'temperature and ve~y stro?g ,with, a' .full wee~ of retreat as an ..~Vyte~el1ing,'ran~is d,e picture censorship system ~~il and manuf~ctt1re were dis- soap m~r.. C;i14se,~l1Y k;md. of dm- ,integral part~f thejnstitu~e.. ' Sales...Scl:iool, Manhattan.. Sister 'stitutes 'pI'ohibitedform 'of IIOvered. ; r:i . nerware to, crackle or craze. " ·,'·The first. SIX" weeks will.· be l:l~st,a~iht' '. pi~vio4S1Y,' ~q ·.t,his prior restraln't."'. . . . ". Porcelain iis made from Chitl'~'':~'Grease and acids left on dish£t1 ':devoted to·,the:intensive study, of .(Jio~es~ haying .l:1E~~n assigned to " "I do not'fOl~"a mo~e'nt qt'les:" clay and ot~~r ~ rp.~.terials" suqJt': over, night. may l~ave stains. spoken: Spanish, and· a variety' of ,:~,t: ·lVI,ic;P!,\~l's. :Schoot .in ..Fall tio~ the right of New York: 'io as feldspar.:·; 'Fii1~" bone :!.;. Plates should be dned one at a ,courses in' the social' sciences ~iy~r .aIJ4,.1~ter·t~ ~t:, Jo~ph's punish the .slio~ingof 'o.bsometime{us'ed.ilnd I know y~,:,.!T·time ~ecausert1?! rim under the ··,and .area studies of' Puerto·. Rico. School, in Taunton from wl:iich se¢ne . film;"'" Mr.. t.on!lon ' ·~aid. have heard. the. expression,~,plate IS roug~ and may scratch ·After·:this period and the retreat, ,sh~" ,Was< t,ri1ns~\:lrre4. ,t<i .New IiWhat'I object' to 'is preventing "bone ch,~~::,:>.\.:·;:,,~·,:,::'~.::,\he top of a~,ot~er plate. .the showing at 'alL" ,. ;" .'",-, the Sisters will be assigned.,to ~o,t* ~~st, ~Elpt~m.b~r, ." l • Here are.a:Je.w· pOinters to're,:"" "" Real porce),a!t:I::c<Iike this beau- ,tl~~ee'; w.e,e¥, ~f.supervised ~enmember about'· porcelain. Hold tiful Lenox :.we' were admiring) ·sus, work in ..Puerto, Rican com• piece 'of china up to the lig~t,Or extra'-fimtearthenware plates munities.! ,: COME' IN SEE and DRIVE Francis .Cardinal Spellman has Ilftd i.f it is translucent,' : ;should be stack'ed with' a small porcelain" When ~pped, porj;. :;C;.lrcle o{ fe.1,t het~een each plate. offered, to pal' the, full cost of eelain. or,'. china\·has a c.lear,. z:e'":' .: Dinnerware,: tha~ ,is not used attendance at. this Institute for "'The ~Ortd's _~ 'Beautifully P~ioned Can30 Sisters tea~hing in ib~ Areh~nance. A br"ak in porcelain is; "frequently mi!y·.•be stored with '.. . at elear; nonabsorbe-nt 'and . tbe. . plastic cove~'s' over each stack diocese of New York..The Ad-. col~r all the, ~aY throl;,lgh~ , o~ plates., ~n.~l"i?ver nests of · ministrator of the Catholic Uni~ORD . Earthenware Op~que '. bowls. ',.... '. . . versitY'was .. asked to cho6se from' the 197 Religious who atJust,.as porceiain' is" traIiSo1;.:··!,)(~l,lr:,c~~s.~e~';1ire extr~ spe;. tended' Saturda} cla'sses Cilr. . .. .. " ' ~cent earthenware. is. opaqUe.. clal care . Many people like to dihal 'Hilyes':Sch60I;thbse who , ~l' ~ang tlleu' ,';ups, but remember , . ". ':'" ':FORD'DEALERS FOR OVER 38 Y E A R S " . and when .tapped ",has .."a...,,. ~i '. tbaCthe,"h'an'ale is a weak part ~o'll1d.'bE::.con:siQered·highlYqti~'fi~, ~ ~ ~.;' lOund. If you happeq. .to.. break.. f ' d r ' t ' d 't' 'ght 1344-86 Purchase St. N~w Bedford, Mass.. , • piece of earthenware;' yoi.i'll ' . 0 a e lcae' cup an I mi notice that the break is :r'ough,;';"b,feall;, ,Cups are safest. placed : .l . , on a narrow shelf, WhICh .you porous and of a dull ,:color•.:, '. ..:". ..... . .' '.' I' t· .... 'd b ' " : E th'" {'dat"l's can.put:QVecyourpaesan e-. ar enwa~~ 1,S Ire '., " a .~s. cause"the';she1f'i~;:narrow it high temper.ature than porcelam. 'won ... , t "'.In"t'er . 'f'"ere·. "'. : I . h'" . l' . . WI·th·reac'h'·In'g' You can buy a.very hlg -qua lty . f' .. 1 i'· 'd "'t , SUPER-RIGHT, HEAVY WESTERN,. earthenware which is made of . or p a es. un er I . refined ciay and fired to a hard .,-, , . CORN-FED STEER ~EEF . state at high temperatures, like New' Bedford .'. Auxiliary Spode or Wedgwood. . To Hoi'd..:Boffef Supper For the young brides to whom. OJ. The Infant of' Prague Guild, we were talking last week, we'd suggest that you visit stores auxiliary for 81. 'Mary's Home, with large displays of d,inner- New Bedford, will hold a buffet ware and investigate the merits supper at the home Monday, of each kind. When you've made June i5. Members will chaperyour ehoiee, be sure that you one home children to the DiocRn~",d, Ill'e buying open stock, so tbat esan pi£nic Tuesday, June 23. To serve as officers for the ROllnd or Face KIIlP ''s. Tw.0 ·Hats' year are Mrs. G'ordon Barriteau, ·president;l\1rs. August Medei..; Prize. TV Progr~m' . ros, vice. president; Mrs. Albed' COl;,YMBUS (NC) '..,- A top ..'romke" secreta'rY;· Mrs; Frances award of Ohio State University·,·Kwiailq)wski:,'tr.easurer. was voted.'to station ·WGN-TW",,:·:···· :.. '.:.:':. " . . SUPER'-RIGHT, SKINLESS; SHANKlESS, of C~i¢ago :to!')1' special .half :;, .Offices'for Council;, . l " , DEFATTED FULLY-CO'OKED, 8-12 L8S hoUr;~?tumehnt~lr'Yf ~rofg~at"hrn,del' a't 'V·A '6 j TY .. (NC).:...· . 'SR; A.NN ",". , log WIth t e . Ie 0.· e a ~ ;" ." ..... ...... . ' " , . ,f. . .. C dl 'I S . 1 St 't h Ar h'$ Qf the, preparatory com.,·· . , . ; . , '.',' b~~0;~6f'C~:~~0. ~I C, . c -:m;is~ioi<fOf<::~~the JorttIcoming' . Another Term .,-. >. -. SEMIT·tl d "TI C l' T 0 .EcumemcalCouncll have been ~ ROME '(NC)':"::"Father Alfonso I.e. Ie .~r m~ s ,w ·estabjished,.i~·.the::VatiCanand Maria .Morita; O.SJ\1.; has been Bats,"· the program ~as tele~ast ... wilihepar('of'the offIces of the reelechid' Superior .. General of BONELESS shortly before Cardmal~Strlwh.",',,". ";. i , . . . . left Chicago.' for' ROll!e ,to take. Se~re~llrlat ?!' ,sta.te:; :. . '. . the· S~rvlte O~der.:\.. over the.·post" of..Pr~-Pr~fect C}f, ,,~~"~~;:'.h~~"""'+-:-~>.:~~:.+'.~~~~: ••:••:-.:-+,;,. . 'WHOLE FULL. HALF' the Sacred C.ongregatfo.n'fo! th~. ··'C' . 'A' ~. Propaglitfoh :O~·,the.Fciith.'Car... ,,:,. ··:·:'c"···.. ·A· ,'F'" :.No,Center Sflces kemovyd LB ..' d~nal ~tritc~ died shortly ,a~t!'lr . THE IDEAL CAMP FOR, CATHOLIC BOYS 'J.: hiS arrival III the Eternal CIty,' "'.. til . ' . . 40th SEASON :
. ' .
Fortner 'Diocesan Teathet to Take 'Sum'mer 'Course in Puerto'Rico.
it's .'
. . .
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ROASTS L879c Top
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'WiLLiAM, s.u.s.c.
:c:-;··>··-'·C··£.T':'n" U'E:DRAL' . ':'. ,. "·M·D.
CHaeardd,i,n'f90Ir" PDr'~lli'.I··:c,Fe_~~
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"'~.'_...',.',. \.JULYc, 4. ,t...o·,AUGU·.·S.~ ... -.. ,,~,~ 9, 1959 . _ . _ ,:1
WASHINGTON (NC) _ His Eminence' ·'Ricb'ard.·Q ".Cai'dinal''o' Cushi~g gave, high :p.!-"aise: to-the"
diligence"-:in.t~g~t~ng..comm~n'1": ,
< ••:
Hoover has' just Completed' 35 rears in the post and praised him tor "uncommon service to a natioo he deeply 19Ve$ and the Jl'atltude of which he so greatly ~~N
Swimming, Rowing, Cano~ing:~~Gi.H'.'l9r !;fo.rse!?ack Riding, I " " ;'.,. ." ...• Cr:aft.s, ~rchery and t~e.whole'ra'~,~e of athletic ~,.,' ,,'.", .' <", ,,: sports a~d, 9~':"~s. '~',' ):- '\" . ,';
' .'
tOMtI:tM~ ~AHON D'''''''' c. . ,.rector
. .'
to' p.i 0.. BOX 63. . EAST F.REETOWN, MASS.. Telephone Roche5ter office Rockwell 3-8874
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t '," ,','! .' '~I,O~~SAN SEMINARIAN$' COM~I.lISE·CA~P:.·STtFF i ".' "I~'~''se~~ aii'..~ppl,ications and requests forfurth~f::i~iQimation I:";' =~~:~~~' . REV"'.' w"· ILLIAM'J
. :",.::';:::. ,..... .----I;"SUp·ER-RIGHT' QUALITY~ " , ':':'~ . :MEATS~ON~P.R!(:1i
~e:~~r~~~~:~'~ I~~~~~~~:"'Di~c~'~Ci~ 'Rate - 2 we~kS ~5~~,:,se~so'L$200
iIIm and crim~.
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". .''LARGE' EGGS':':: .". ' .,. .'" STGR'RcATolYe
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10-" ., .. -.:.-n:re ANCHOR'
"Sees. Inco'lculable ~Rewards:' IriR~din~Good-Poetry .
Intensive Care Units to Help II . H · I . lin osplta s· ,
By. Donald McDonald
Davenport Catholic' Messenger
. .
Several years ago, Ge~rge Marek of RCA Yictor re~ords relea'sed a re~ording whicli he ha,d giv:en thistitle:"Classical Music for People Who. Hate Classical Music'''. . · Mr. Marek's 'point, and I think he made it, despite t1)e :.squarish prose of the album's . canst th~U k;n me .. , . ** * iit1e, was that there is a great deal' more beauty and And poppy or eharrils <:an · pure enjoyment. in CIassi~al make us sleep as well.
: .. ~
. .. ,
. Thurs.! June 11, ~ 9.5.9'
ST. 'LOUIS'(NC) ~"In•. tensive Care" units to iin. prove the service' of 'criti.: cally ill and emergency pa-
tients 'in hospitals 'were urged' here by Sister Mary Brigh, music 'than inany ·people sw;pect And better than thy stroke. O;S.F., administrator .of St.· ·and' that classical music ~ is a . - Why swell'st thou then? Mary's Hospital in ROchester, good deal less One short sleep past, we wake Minn. diffi~ult to uneternally,,' She described "Intensive derstand and And ·Death shall be no more: Care" as 'one of the' divisions appreciate than Death, thou shalt die!" needed in a program .of total • these same peo'Heaven-Haven' patient care. "Intensive Car:e," · pIe have been' Hopkins' . "Pied ;B eau t y" .she said,' .provides around-the~., ;led·to. believe: ("qIory be tQ God .for:~appled clock bedside attention' by ..',. ,.What he didthings ...") is'almosLan overtrained.· personnel. 'who have. was select some' . worked standard, of course,' parthe :benefit :0£ a complete stOck of 'the most im,.. . . Catholic':schooLcur:' . . 6f. 'einergency~' supplies . ami: ·:.'in~ciiateh,· ..,:·an(r-has :,probablY. been. ,. CARDINAL' 'ANI> CABIN'ET.1\fEMBER:: His. Emirtence·,':. 'eq~,ip~e~:t' ~i,thi~),. easy :' rea~h: ,:· peai.i~·g••:~elo-· .-worn ' too: thin' for'; the usage:Q( .. Alf 'd"'" C' d;,'1 '0'''': .". '.. ' '(" "'11)' p" :'cL...;. ' , "One IS 'lmpresseil .by. the ease ......j~s. ,frdm..chls- . Ilersliasion; ... but Why,·.ilQ,(~.h.'is . ' . .re p,., ,&r.. l!la, \, . WlVla,n~... rw. t.: .' ~9-.~!etaty .~~ >tl!.e:: ' ~itfi·.wh!.al the'·uni! 'ena'iHes 'ih~~ ·.;,.,i~al ,w<>.r~f.!' ~9.t. ,:"Hea:*en~Hayep.:".o.~:th(~~a~iQn, Sacred: C~ngrega~ion .,of ,t~e .H;o~y; Offl~,~.' '~n~ ,.YiS,'~.:~~~:bO~. ""~u'r~"t,o' :meet, ·sil<;l~eri.. ~eti<>.~,: ,>.;.p~s d~c ..1. ilop.~~.,_.: ';,:::: ~ ;; . " ':01 a'nuiitaking ·th¢veil:·,'··)· ~.secretary James'. P. Mitcnen- (center)' ;'w'ere',among' tnOse" patierit's' needs without Jea~ing. "'. remember'what ·he.included, but ., \ ~'I'li.~~e't~.~~~~edfo)W ',.; :'.!': ,.··;"'~~~i~ingh9:n1>rarY::A~:r.~s~.~~.J~e~:¢~\~o.lit.:~UH~vet;~~ty .. Bt'hr'el';g'~sa£~.el:nd.·.t'l! si~et:~,S~st~!":'~art~ · I' s~ppo~;Borodiri's "NocturJ;i~"" . W~~~eBprm~s n<s~, f:111., Atnerica~ .Archbishop' Patrick:;A: ;',O'Boyle .of Washington'" 11 · ,iii .Chopjp,:; .waltZ, . a B:ic)i. ~it,. To·flelds·where flIes no marp· .... · - ' . ' . . ' . , ' . ' . ,.' .. ". . . . . ~ork, ~. Team,' ." ,'" · sOme of·D~I~us )nd pebussy. ~nd :andsided~hail' :,_., .'. "".' .. !' ~ryl;lncellor. the Jlmvel(~lty,lsshown:pr~sep~mg,t.h~,cltatl(~n In Sf." Mary's Hospital . ill gobs of 'rchaikovsky's ballet. .'. Arid a"few lilies bl~'w:':'." .' to the Cardm~t NC Photo; ".' "'",' .... v. .' . .:,. , . ,~~.>c,!it!s.i~r~.ihe· adIli~nistr:~tQ.r..;~il':'.. · musl~·;·typifi~·e ·i.~~' progra~.· . 'O~"hi_s !'TJ1~"'Habit'-o{",perf~~:'" .. ~~, ... ' . , ;~~.. ,':'.. .t.~~' ~'.~ . ' "' . .' .. , . : ,'pl~ined,. the 116-.bed· ;:', i>~~p'i!~ ,~h~ ·.facrth~r.~,;gr~at;.ti~Ii':-:-:..;, rEle~te~:SH~i}ce1",Siilg ...,$t$:" ;"cal 'arid ""rieuroslfrgical division
;Totalof-Amerlca:'f Ne-g r.o.': . ,,::;(:;h~';~~k~?:;,~,ri?=:jf4;=:." ,~I:~~ddi~iO~··::to···~h~k~~~~~.~'s·':.C.olitin·ues':\'~o ,;$hoW·:: St:~·ci·dY· .(;;..·.;': . • ····:t:~·~~~i~~a,~~;~~d ~~~~~C:o :~~~!: thmg to .be sald for It. I fe.el su.. re sonnets, my. an.thology ,would m-.. B A.y ST' L0UIS' ('N'C')' , :The .'. '. . . . . . - ". . " fessiori~11'. 'rilirses," one practical
'., .•.• '." ·.,"' ... · · ; · . : i . ,,," .... """11''': ·t·,· . '." .. .n>' ; ~·re ers ·S,V.O, of Acra·"Ghana'West · that eV~!1 t~l) n:to~~ cer,~,,n.d...>,eec~e~~rom.:)~.~~.,ays, 'are91 AmericanNegroesa~tive-:;:J\f~ica;' '.. " '....;.... ilUrsearid '?~riodic visits by,re~i~ advanced of muslc.lov~!.s. cut ,c~rtam~y. Prmce Hen.ry ss.p~~c~ ·.ly' ,engaged in the' Catholic. . " : ' . ' •... 'dent· :physlClans· on each shift.. '.' their" teeth' on . TchaikoWsky's over hIS fallen enemy, .H?t~~)\lr. "priesthood. ' ,. . .' Of., the .. 91 p}'"~e~ts,. th{! ]IStJ~g., Leng'th of 'stay . is two to five :'" "Fa~elhee well,~r.e'a~he~rt!. Seventy'eight .of these priests S~lOwS,. 31areDlvl~eWor.d!'Ils- . days; she said. One use ofibe · "off's second Piano ..Con~e~to. All Ill-~eaved.amb}tJon.',.~p w, i~re., stationed in .t.he United' SlOnanes, 12 are Benedlctmes, ,units is the" routine. care of all ',of us begin with the,":ilot .' I. ~uch ar~,th?u shr,un~),.:States.and13 have'assignmepts·.fourare Holy Ghost Fat.h.ers, post-operative intracranial !;!ur•. . . .When d'· S'Ince . 1950' . th . . . . ·.,.'w"ith' . the . ,'difficult . '.' . .that .thiS . • body 'dId . con- .a b roa. . e num b er ' ·.three f StareJ members h thof the .SOCIety t . ge'ry p'a' tI'en·t·s . '. " .'. ft' ., . d '''d' h· tam.a SPirit, . f' A . N .. "t' h' .0 ' ' . osep, ere . are· wo '. ' . ... ., .',.... . I...... haye 0 er. Won ere . w y A ' k " 'd . f' ' . . /.. '. ll'" 0 , merlCan egro . pnes s.. as Negro 'prl'ests I'n the' Soc' ty f "Doctors' and' .nurses agree ,.. . . ..... - ., . . , . mg om or It was too 'sma. .' . . . . . . '. Ie 0 . .. : ,llop1et~lln~ equ.~llY. ,as .~!f~~tlve; l ,., ":a"bound;' . '. . . . . ' ( lJ.1 cr ell,sed from..37 to 91, an 1':1-.. St. ~drriund, Order Of" Friars tha! the quality of care .is su.. ,a~ the ,VIctor ~r()duct1(;)n .has ..... But' now 'two pace'ii;"'of' .the" , c~ease ,of neaJ,"I.. ~50 per. cent.m .Minor' Conventual' and Blessed' pepor because'. the personnel not been done m the real!'1 o f . . mneyears,.accordmg to the ,sem- Sacrament Fathers and one . work as a team become' highly' '. poetry. . . I v}lest earth h " inary which is conducted by the eac·h. l;n. 'the' Clar'etl'ans ·the skilled 'in the ob~ervation of and ·..,...iit s room enoug .... Society of the Divine \Vord· O n e ' . . , .' SoberJ~g T~Oug '. . The contempora~ies would be .' .' . : .' .. , ..Sacr~d Heart of, Jesus' Fathers, . s~ecialcare needed b! these pa~ .I don't th!nk It. reqUIres a there too 'Juan Ramon Jimenez .. of ~he prIests IS. a b.lshop, the , Redemptorists, White .Fathers bents and hav~ readIly ilt hand l!~ecial ~in~of person to appre- fore~am~le; and Phyllis McGiii~ Most Rev.. ·Joseph 9 h yer Bow-. and Mary~noll ~i,ssio?aries. The the special equipment·thatcan-··· . elate and·.sa.vor go~d poet~y a~y ley with' her ",vit and underlying me. r. ie. an ·H .. ie'rarchy Negro p~lest~m, thiS . c?untry~().tbe per~anently located Oft ~ore than It reqUires .a speclal Moping UpO.. 1 the stair." . are· s~rvmg m 30, archdiOceses" ~yery ·hospltal ward: 'bec;ause eI km~of person to enJ.oy good wisdom.·1 ieaveyou withthis'Aid 'Needyin Haiti· and dlOces,es'· jts.excesslVe ..costs... musIc.. '" . -sample from' the hitter's 1.'Gallery. . NEW YORK (NC)..-The U. S . · · · " , .. while I do . not· to " of Elders"'"'. .entitled' . 't'IOn 'has -' ",..-. ":'.'.":(.:' .. {.. · And . . . intend . . , .'The . . .Old" b'IS h'ops, re I'Ie f .orgamza , . II W '.d ~~, d ' go,;md proselytizmg for p~t- 'Beauty': . .' . . .'.".,,, . launched Ii "crash '. progralJl"" t o " " .;. )";;,y,::,;, '~,..~+.) ·:.,,·,Qpen·A Day e.:nes ~r: I.t~~,:ne~~rt~el.e~~ ~t~ ~o~h~~~'~' ~ ,",,' .~'QI?"quette!l':l:.w,i ql~:> il~!~rs; .' I. get' ~oOa suppiles't6rernote'areas "., '.:' , . " , ?. , " Open'ffidciy,":i:,hH.I': 9"'P:M~";' .. : . l.~':'" oug t to realI~e ,a-amI ,IonS ";,,":hoards' her'b'reath" :~:';:~J;:" '6£' 'northwest'!'lIaifr -Whicli'~ is<' .f ,.::,.,."",,:::' .. 'f""[- >i•.•. '. \ , ,. , , ' . : ',. "'.";:,' . ' . - . ' ,••• ' : .. jtlo~ peoP1!i.• fo,r .!lne. re,oh'~';'~:~'. . F()r bJand/iilh~enJs,; fluffs··.~ut)' g·ripp.·e·(j .' .bY',,· \:l'rouight~:cau5ed ".. ' .' ,,; .;. ';i':···,.'..,;'.~:."" :~':"'.'.":"'; :::..•~,':.'.: _.;. ;;'.:',,'i-,",':.'.' ..,.,"'. . 'kaQother,.,ar,e,nQ.tawareo:tJ.~c~'!i.;;,..J·/~ {her'halr,"!":'· j' ':'·'''·famihe'''·· .:"',:".;'" .·.·.~,'<i/·; .:' . ,':. :;1c y'",::",,,,, '.. . R~ l~~ealculable rewar\ds°tr~~~'~in,g~~e:, " i.' ~Ild !t:'rep~ N~r stubborn su'~t'or, ., Cath~iic R~lier' S rvices-Na~ ".' . "c,:': ",';.' 'yO :;: '. poets., . ".. , ,.., ... , /; ...,., ...... ·,'Death·· 10:, ''', • . ". . ",';.'; ~"''''" " .:; "J... :':j\":'. 1.1. -. " i~ . . . .' . ' . .. . ., .. ' , " . ;i :.)~9ni'l~ qa~hohc WelfaJ,"fLGo,nfer-. j... If .?ur. lIves :p:e. tl~l/:!."·ftIYt!ly". : ... ':;' "". • ~J . " ~l!ce has.sent 300. tons ,of' c9rn ',... ,.'. jt'prosalC, l~ .rp.a~~.~ll~e~ca,l:!.s,~.:,~,~"~~~.r,~t es RU~SICL. ;;. riJel!I;·flo~~ .. and~i}k'J~ 't~~ ~rea 'i, they are .also. lIt~ra.llY ;,~ro~a~c:ToJmmac:ulateHeart ,~nd plaristo sE;nd, ,13Q t9,n!!:,of i . Our readmg I~ hmlted· to· the .• . . ~';' ..·f9Pd each, week' till, the ,crisis .,'. : ", ..... !. colorless, functIonal prose of.the c.;.·,,~.~0KANE. (NC) - AtheIstic' ends . . .. ''', '. . .... .' ,.-r' ; ,newspaper. :.story,1 J~e, ';, Soy~~;t Rus~ia:; ,'las been d~di.- \:c., .. ' . . : ;:,., ';:"'.. " . ' '.,: .. . . ' : .. . ". letter and the' occasional niaga-. cated to the Immaculate- H~art.·j·' ":,CRS s~ud thl~ .foodi.J& In.:,addl-,'' .'~ "i, !. . .... -- ...' . . - ' .. ,.C ...... . ...- .... 0 f"M ary '''b'y B'lS h op '. B"ernar d.. '<J.'. ·tion program· " . i' zme' artIcle or short story. ~ , ' . to .the . . ''oLregular .' . . • more dreary landscape cannot' be Topel of Spokane. The' Bishop ~elIef shIpments to HaItI begun imagined. . also rededicated, his' diocese. to In January, 1956. ,The age~cy has ..' ' .,..... the BlessedN'.:other. been. sendmg specIal shIpments STYlED BY · Let us pretend" then, ·tltat. we . ... '. '" . of. food arid medicines to Haiti . are playing the game' of putting. Explammg the. dedIcatIon of.. .' 1949 ' poetry's best foot, or' at least' Russia, the Bishop ·said he did smce .' most' beautifu~ foot, forward; so in the name of millions of " . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . that we are bringing together Russian ·who. "must 'Wh'ite'sFarm Dairy poetry calculated to stimulate keep their love of Mary 'hid~en j. popular interest. What,~houlc;l be .away wi~h. their icons."·< . ·"SPECIAL .MILK, .'. , inchid€ci in such an anlhological From Our Own apologetit? Whatpoem~should' esult dentists; 'Tested Herd"" . ?ta?.v~,aj?'·.~f:.;:J. ~~!~~,io.,~;i,n,~? . ,..,' Wo .. r~.j,n. m . ..0.9.·.).· . .. ., , · , A c u s h n e t , " Mc:"ss~lWY3-4457 . '.·Al"':': "t':h' ... ~. 'f" 'ld' .... '. '.:-.' i''''''t<.'{ ·":d~'.·'·.". NE.W. YORK (NC ):-,-Two Jes- . t~.~Hub.. h~s· a fine .selecIS "SO" vas '·:an M'.". ..'. .... .' . . as e Ie · . '..':, ;..: T,c";~ :;,;:;'~lt sCIentIsts,' a prIest· .and a .Sp·eciaJ Milk tion· of "Palm Beach" suits hat te~mll1g .t. the comp~l~r'2~~1~\~::';scholastic . are trying to battle: • Homogenized Vit.·D Mil.k c:ar~fully .styled and lei',~e ?~~ate~ as much f07.. 1e,a:np,~· th'eir wa;J through the smog. . i • Buttermilk . · o~t. :~~~t~lln po~~s. as: l:Ie ,wopld., .•' ':Working' at Fordham. Univer-i ored for the c1ergy~ The .• Tropicana: Orange Juid, be praIsed for mclU(:h.n~ others. '81ty here. Father Frede~ick Dilexcl~si~~ P~I~. B~ach fab~ • Coff!'!e and Choc. Milk D.onn.e,'Wordsworth'··'.1 ," lemuth S.J. of' New York arid. Eggs '"" Butter ' . •"ides the ultimate in . . . . . ,W~re I giver, the task ~..~~put- .' .,Duane 'Skid:n6r¢; S.J:,· Of 'Grand · tirig such a· work together;" I' .Forks, N. D., are investigating . coolness and in com~ort"':' think I would certainly include. the role of 'ozone in 'the combus- . r,'esiits .~~i~kies be~utif~IIY. Donne, Wordsworth," Shake..:' ,:tion 'process of hydrocarbons. ,The ,:"p!m . BeQch' tailo~ing _ speare,'Blake, to mention 'orilya '. With' infrared' ligh't, they are' . ':., .. ' ·lo·oking,. through.l20-feet. of air ·few ·of the majors.; . details, c:issure a perfect fit. '. " Could 'on:e omit' ihe~e-'li'ries" laden ,with hydrocarbon matefrom Donne's "Death"? '; ',' . .' rial!;! to. determine how ozone' .... r'ri~at~.b~" not pri?ud: ~th~ugq:: forms ..~n· a\ ,:......
A ..
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~:i¥i:·:~~~d.~:~~:ut1~~'i~ .'~/. ~P'E'~E'CJ++Co°I~t 000'i.are not so: '. . -:'," ,:',-.' ". R·F T vN· for those who~. t~.ou:.thInk~~ '.. '... ; (: 01 i . ·l·:t!loud()s~ OVl'!rthro'w:"~,,,-:.·;~,":·:>,' "~:."- .:' ~
.J.~~Y 6 ~~,AU~UST ~4
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·,~:~'~:t .~e~!:~~;k~' ",',,~':':7:o~, ~:~r~;;:~~~~;>.· 'V~~~·~:~-~~~:!i~r,~.ri~~}~r.' Die:'not;poor~peath;~'nor""yet"
6 We~ks,,-:-60:H~ur'Cours:e,
' . ! -:. ,,", .... " .
'. , .. DETROIT::(NC)"~ 'Auxiliary , ',',' Bishop Fulton J .. Sli.een~.of,~New; .' York'. and television . performer , "Ed Sullivan~'wili be·:irr;.opg: ttie '.' ·. ···.•p·e'a"ke·'·r·s·····w·."'e·n .. ··· the' :" "C"'a"th"o"li"c o 11.
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':,Prelate Asks .Continuatic)n":·:: . ;., 'Of Relations 'Wit~':Sov'iet' -
THE ANCHORThurs., June 11,,1959
LA CROSSE (NC)"'-Fre~ 'nations of the world should not' sever relations with, the::Sovi~t Union, His Eminence Alfredo Cardinal Ott~vianihas counseled he~e; The,Cardinal, ~ho is Pro-Secretary ~f 'the,"Sacr¢'d Congregatiol1 'of the Holy Office, said that the, 'weigh o'n ~he people of Africa," best foreign relations pqlicy' he stilted. ' "is one. desigJ.1ed to pr¢vent '. As~~d if a?ything m.ade as~e.,. · the Soviet regime from cIa!. ImpreSSIOp on hIm dl;lrIng
Outlook Br.~ght F'. C'h h . or. urc In Japan
' t ' his travels in the U, S., the gOIng 0 war, d "De f'InI,·t e Iy, , I "Would it do any good Iorthe ~ C ar d'ma.1 rep'1'Ie: free nati'~ns of the world to have be~n: encha?ted wl~h the isolate the Soviet' Union?" he' warm SpIrIt of faIth ~an~fested was ·asked. by A~erican.Ca.l,ho~lCs I~ the .•.. wonderful organIzatIon of the "Absolutely not," he rephed. Church life: parish life religious "Sh?uld th,e world i~?la.te the instruction, administration, CathSOVI~t r:gIme, then ,It would olic discipline and' piety-all so conSIder Itself under ~lege. The evident. in your public de,;, net effect o! such actIon would. , ". ,. be . to '.revive its revolutionary" meanor, ., communist'Jervor','" . ;.' ,', ' .:, 'Air~lnst: Comprodiise"" . , " ~'.,.
future in that country, Bish-
MANILA. (NC)-Japan. ese Catholic' leaders are optimistiC about the Church's op. Pau 1 T ague h'1 0f 0 sa k are. ported here, There are several reasons for Catholic optimism in Japan, the 'd Bishop sal•. "The first is that since the war the' Catholic Church is really free for the first time in Japanese . h.i~tory _ Cat~olic leaders . feel, they. 'now have a greateJ:" fa.lMity'to evangelize the pagan'
'Ch'l·ef' 'A.,'d'd' r~ess' e'·s .'.,'
-r~e. C~rdin~l said.~~ti.e·:~est·. Sio~uxGraduah~s :.~:
.,: . '.':,' '. .. .J!l,ust .c.ontm.,!e t.o.
n*:g()tI~~~" .. a1'!d.. "
~. - , .
,C; This< hew:,freedom is
gu~ran- .
..' . ~,', . 'J¢ed by.)h~ present· Japanese I .' Jp ~~!:\Ve, t~F-/ d~~~ .()p~n f.«?J:",. t~e:'" "F,'I~~' R~QGE·(N.c).~~i f,ul~-, ; '. ~ •. REC~IV~.S C"AIl:r~R : John ·T.Hbwland .(left) treas" ~:;~C~r~tit~P9n;': .Th~te ~ is··no. ~?cb . ." ,:.SQ~I~~ ;,to ,~,~ter ~ ~he .YpoNy: ~ of;;:,.,. b,l.o~,~sl!1 ,,1,!Q!an m,; ~~.I~f'~ .('jir¢r -.<!f Massach1;lsett~~hit~ QounciI,K:'of C;prel?~!1tsc~3r- F~:'l?~n,g . t.?d~Y;, ,'. Blsh?p, ~Ta.~~chi ' nations But·he added that the. r:egaha dehvere!i the comll.leQc,e, ':h't "t"V't~R' M'" 'G '''d K"······nf'f'B·'·h·St· · ,.. C'·' .. "I""!4lld" as'a Shmto state rehgl(m ....,..We~t . ~~st:gUa~d:' ·agai~·i~i'''~ny''.::m~nt .~dr~~s~t·. ~rad~~i~~r.·_ ~X";;::i ~r. J" ;0' .1 ~;, orz;a,., .1'3;)), , nI~ • ~... l~,. OP, ,~,m~;, ~p~e~. The;~ are herloted . 13~pi'inel~i : •'.,' "'eo~i?~9Diise '~or "coi:ii:'e,sS!9r(''''t haiercises" of ',Holy,: R6~~:r J.f:;~~?~,:.,.,~?~. 4~~2, ~~wBedford ..,'Rev. WIlha~,E. ~ollard;.eouncIl." Sh.ji:it~·; s~~ts': arid,'S6 ~ Buddhist. .'.~. migh(e'ncourag~:Soviedil~~ilsi;" t.h~ .~9unlry!~ ·'la})g,es,L'lildI~m. ... cn.~plam, smIlesapproyal. ,'. ,. - " . , ,. . .'~ , 'seets; but 't~ese are luno way; ·'genee: . . " " . . :; .-.~,. ., mIssI9n~ b.oardmg'Se!iool; .located·, ~'~'~. , ...... . :. ', .. ' .. " .'. associated" officially with, the' ,.,.;,
, .
, '
·"Th/q;~~t· iniP~t:tlipt ·thing,~,< S~uth' Dalco~a., "Prelate Presents' Catholic' .Vi.ews '. F' 'I' A·d . '' , : , ;.to'c10s~t~,:~oviet. 'UT!iOli.;.O!f.".-in:th~ Phil~~elph.i~ n, e era to ,Education ~.::, :.#~~d 'con'II:n:\nj!~pi;s ,~~~~!,"s~~e;ISI~:d::~~ra~~, ~~:d !: WA~HINGTON long~terin,'
. gover~ri\ent.'.·
.i,n •. : : .,' '.. ,; . 'c' '.. " j lie said' !'1s to keep contact-not.ChId· Halftown , ~ell known· 'O'~'"' '~d'" ';'Tod ., ... m . . , .. area' f?r his .: ' I: : ,/.about : (NC) - T he '" low-iriterest 10!lns ,: : ' ., ... !l?:eng~. I~ I~a~y.; }h~.;~a~.~,~fl~l Mis~on':' "Do not· .b~· . De~ar~ent o~ ~d,ti~ation of the /9r }lChO~Lco~stru.c!io~.,: :.~~ 'Y.e~t: ,?n t~ explain.. ~h~at ~~, the RosaI' . I ~I~ m~st. O(lt st.ems frorr.. ·· afraif to bold o~i heads hi' Ii:' [NatIOnal Cathohc ~ Welfare Con- ,Thlf\.'· pr~la~es lett~r ,s~r,~ssed ,'pag~I?,s fe~l Jr.~t CatholICIsm 18 . . , e~on~mlC ,~,roblems ~f ma~y. of ,You: ,are AmeJcans _ the :. fi~st, ".!erence has p~esented a series o~ ,.. the, . ~~pa~!~~nrs , OPPQSI!IO. , to :a mN0r, rel~lp~n .an? . ~me;. t~at .. Il ,the:J;le,op.le,. . '.~, .. , .., Americans. No" one'has'more', reCQlllme~datIOns t,o.a . Senate .:J?~rll1~?e~t, Federal suppor~. of ,?e~an~~ theIr ,attentIOn.... ' .. : ,But he said thaUhanks; to. the, . r:ight to live in the United S'tates· '.. subcommittee ~!udY,mgpropo~ls ., educatIon, .and,. OPPosed .P~o- ., Thill ,srmpathy is e~press~~ .in. " ..Marsh~ll Plan and the eflio.rts of .' than ~y.ou " '. . ,/ for Federal fmanClal educabon ,posa~s to,. prov~de Federal sub- the sen~:hng, ()f pagan students to .~atholic Relief Services.-Na:.. . . . , ,.'.... , ··aid.. ~ sidy of' teachers' salaries on the ,. study in Catholic colleges. andIsed :".". Catqolic Welfare ·C.onfer- .,'" He, ad'v. the. ,graduates; to .' The Department's opinions are ~ ground" that' '·such. a program , "The absolute ,ence, the communist danger, has , ' ,g,et., the .l:ie~t. POSSible, educalt on contaifi('!d in a letter from Arch- would, by its nature, be ~,per- jority' of students in Cat 9lic ' Ii' ,,' ~ . and to use It In securing a pace ",' '", , ' , ' ., . h. " de mtely subSided m Italy.. f 'th I d h' ' I '''Bishop Albert G: Meyer of Chi- manent one. schools m Japan are pagans, ~ . Opportunity in Africa . .., . or, demseAves ~n t ,el~I'pet~p e .. cago episcopal chairman ot the ., ,Tl)..e. Arch,bishop wrote", that the ,Bishop' said,' but added that. , .. " . . . " In,mo ern· merIcan CIVI Iza IOn, " ' h.,' 't l' , b't "1 'The Cardinal said that Al!rica ' .He'·said he, was pleased to learn ., NCWc- unit, to Senator James E, ",private and· public edllcation ..! e ~aretl, space n~ ~ s. ac es , is the· continent where', special".', that·15.of the IS-seniors will- go ., Murray bfMontana; chairman of ",~re" partn.~rs ,01:\ the American.·)~ the way. when thel~ ~~I1dren .. opportunities .now . , . Se'na t e L a b or an d P u blic Wel- e d uc at'Ion sc ene a nd th el'r we1_ 'want exist " for . on -eto college. . to embrace Cathohclsm. . Am!'lricans to help buJld a better "Education is essential in the . fare sUb~committee.. fare spoul~ be advanced si.mul. Sp~~king about the prese?t world He cited three principal d t' f th A·' .. ArchbIshop Meyer saId the taneously many propo!jals for condItIon of the Church m ' 'in Africa ' that commu-, Ire d'emp" IOn ' t b e l'lev e s 1'f' t emporary.F e d era 1 aSSlS ' t ance, " Japan, B'IS h op T a g uc h'I S al'd , that ' dangers .Ch' 0f H' 'emerlCan 1ft wn ' d ' NCWC ' d epart men Ie a 9 sal, Congress. deems Federal aid a' He ~poin:ted out that action by the number of Catholics has~ , riists 'seek to e~ploit' super-. n IaQ,,: , na. t'IOna . l'~lsm, I sam..anu...pover I .. ' t y.~ ' dJeSUIt Father Ed- Inecessity Congress. the di- more than doubled since the end. " . . , Lawrence f the H ' ., two recommendations',. . 'will maintain ~, , h " . .. .' . war s IS .su~erIor 0 0 y. Should be heeded:. versity. which' is "a cherished (),f the war.' At the end of t e' · Through your .. ' POInt-F~ur . Roslilry MIsiaon. , 1) The aid should, be tempor-. !eatur.~· of the American way of war there were about a hundred,! · program,. ~ou!-, ·~utual SecurIty. . . ," 0', .,. 0 0', ary. assistance. granted ~mly for . life". ~alld~.1 avoid reducing thousa~d Catholics in ,Japan arid a!1d f,a{d, Explains OPPosItion specific ,purP9ses in. ·areas. of" eduQtitiQIlal effort to "a common' today there are 270,000 fath-, your ~on e~ u ag:,n.cI~~:- I .e. T.·.' F' d" . ',IS b °d ' .. ·'pr.oven ·need. . . . 'be,,'1':," . . mold." ..... "~~' olics/" he. said. ~ . .' ~Cathohc R~hefServlces"'-rYou. .0, ~ era. U SI y,)o' """"",.. ", ..,: t . AInericans:,; heJ.p ,to ,splv:~",t~~se.. YOUNGSTOWN (NC)-:-Bisn~p'" ,;" . ~), t~~ aI~ .. ~po~l~ . ',' a~~" () ~·.mQst pressing ..•pr.9 b Aems 'tpat':Em'fuet'M ,,-W3'lsh:'watned" here ,; ~I\!.~ , o~; .chIlqr~,9:, l;Itte,n,,,l ng '. ' , . ., t··,.•·· ..... ~.~ , " . ~nonpubhc schools by grantll)gto '~'Pop:e' '~~c'a' II's'··'R·ef'l:Isal' that"bIlls lliow '~fQre' Congress "~:: . ,,, t" ,.... ' . ""'f't ,., .~ t't 't(bl1s ~ . seeking .fede~'l'if\iridsfor'teacli,;,' I?rIva e, nonpro 1 m~ t\l, .' .
. :..
Htheti:Y't~"::r-:sag~~: a~~t~li:: b~u~c~'~ ,·B.~sp,op~ Tagtlc~i' '.s~:id.
~ To·BI·e~s:Weapons.'
ers'·salat~~;.:a:n"4>;f6r build~n.g ,;;";'Meet'p,opel"oday.
'VATICAN . T _ .schools tnrp;U~ho~t:~th~ :U,S., ~ ,.i.nOME '(~ti)"':"::'lfaliari lnilitary CITY (NC) Pop~,.. passed "would'''sound the deatll i ,.' .... . " " , ; , . ., . . " , ",.It'" ··.J(>linspeaking to repr'esentatiyes ' .,"', ., -. .; .".~ .. , . 'chaplams WIll meet m orne I ' : of·.-a,'n· Italhi.n 9.rgani,z.3ti,OI;\ ~f re,1-,' . kn~ll to h~~.f~l;eilucahon.ln the '.' t'oday a'nC:rwill have~fiaudience , t ~ !. ". w'rth' a'· former chap'hIin, . pO.'pe~ atives of war~. dead, recalled St. ,. lJn.~ted St!1 E!!l.•~~.- _.• '... 'Pope Pius X's refl.lsaltobless . ·•..rheBishops of the United ···J'dhn'·XXIII. They will pr~~ent weapons' at the outbreak: of ' State.!l~Qr~years h~ve, oppo~d' the Pope with a book containing fe<ieralizing o,f education becaUse ;'biographies Of military eha'plains , World. ~ar I, -When ·asked. to . they l>elieye~ that education: of. ,,'and 'sOldier-priests' of the PoPe's, bless the weapons Pius X, said; c.hild~en· is the pi'!me respo'nsi-' native region of aergamo. . "I do not bless war,.1 bless bility of the' parents, and should' . ' peace." be kept on a local ievel in order This heartfelt remark, Pope that the wil~ ~of the parents John said,' cannot be limited could be heard,'.' he declared, ,only to on,e tragic period in the ".Federal subsidy for scchools ELECTRICAL history but shoyld serve as a wili· create a mo'nolithic, polit_ motto for all time. ically-controlled system which CONTRACTORS Pope John said histol'y sho'ws will spell' death- to liberal ideas: R~sidential - Commercial, wars are provoked by hate and a'nd' 'hEifore Which the'; prhrate Industrial . passions that go pack to the schooLsystem:which the'Chm'ch' ",\ . very begin'ning of human his- Has:.;~o';labori6UsIY~bu.iltuI>'i n;' 6331$roadway, Fall Rive~, tory. They are enco'tlraged by this ~ natioil):)illlst.inevitably: ' OS 3~1691 the Prince of 'Evil who has ev,' 'succumb:'" 't.' ' erythihg 'to gain Iron;' tHso~·de.r:. :' .... :.. ~: ~ and· . ·from whatever conflicts';.. ,.. ,. .., ,. . :~~ the ~i~ht of Christ, th~·Pfi'pe . . . .....
)::,':-,'. '.
. -.':
He noted the trials. of the, two world wars hav,e .been terrible,and that. all .the world has sufferel. the consequences. Therefore, 'he emphasize~,'it is essential to' desire, realize, 'and the. cause of. peace on' a CJ:tristian basis, ' ",
PAHIL.. ··CO. 18~6PURCHA:SE .ST. ~ ,,\' "
NEW: .BEDFORD Wy" 3.~3186 '."
12 .
Sister-'Writes' In-formative Boqk.on Retarded Children
-TIft ANa10K
Thurs., June 11, 1959
-_. --'._--- .-
Sacrifices for the Mission
God. Love You
By Rt. Rev. Msgl'. Jobn S. Kennedy The mentally retarded in the. United States now number ~bout 4,800,000, and of these one-third are children of school age. This means that one American family 'in 10_~as in it a person with this handicap. 'not 69nfined to peopl,e of .any child with mental retardation, particular social or economic like each normal child, is one group, but i~ found. ever)'- sent by God for a purpose that where up and down the no one else can accomplish."
. By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen.D.D.' The. Holy Father, John xxm, recently spent forty-five'
minutes with the National Directors of his Society for the Propagation of the Faith' who gathered from .all parts of the world for their annual meeting in Rome. lie r'ecalled his happy days National Director of the same Society in Italy and bade his directors to educate the faithful to the 'purpose of his Society for the Propagation of the Faith. To that end we set down the following points. . , 1) The Society for the Propagation of the Faith does not belong to any particular missionary 'society, but to the Holy Father and to the Church. ~ .
seale. Of all the afflictions affe'ctThis boo'k, a kind of popular, ing children, mental retardation abbreviatel encyclopedia on the, i's b y far the retarded child, is recommended . most common. to the relatives of the retarded. Formerly, parIt should also be generally read, ents regarded a because at some time practically retarded' child everyone comes in touch with as· an insoluble the retarded, if it is only when p'~oblem; and an appeal for funds is made by one to be consome unit of the National,Asso~aled, But in ciation for Retarded Childien or our day:,. great when state or niunicipal authprhan g e 11 a s ities are, asked to provide facilcOme abo u t . ities for the children. The problem is This is not a private .concern, PREFECT APOSTOLIC : 'Ii"o w ,b e~i n g I but· very' tiIuch a community ,':F~therF,irminSchmidt, O.F.. faced, and much is' being done' concern. a common responsibil-' M:'Cap.,'superior of'the Capabout it. i • • / . , -ity, ~and the 'more people are" .' . i These are some' of t~e facts inform~d 'about it the more gen- ,:, uchin ,College, Washington, to be found' il;dhe' first pages of erous and constr,uctive their 'D.-: C., . has· been appointed The Challenge of the Retarded response will be. Prefect ",Apostolic of' Mendi, :>Chilct by Sister Mary Theodore, Papua, New Guinea, by the \ O:S.F. (Bruce.' $3.95). The au~ecoveries . . thor 1s on the staff of the justly Robert D a.h l' s Breakdown Sacred Congregation for the famous 81. Coletta School for (Bobbs-Merril~.. $3.95) is an Propagation .of the Faith.· Exceptio~al Children in Jefferaccount of,. the author's decline NCPhoto. ~ son ,Wisconsin: She has. been into-mel.1tal illness, the course': eng~ged in wor,k with the' re- of the illness, and its cure. Betty tttrded for a!mos't 30 years, and .Martin's No One.: Must: .Ever' t, Know ,(Doubleday.' $3.75) tells St.' Coletta's, a pioneering. ven.Continued from Page One ture' of its- kind, has be~n in. what happened to Miss Martin Qperation for, more than 50 (a.pseudonym) and-her husband' elections in which Al Smith, a '. . a'fter they recovered from Han- Catholic, was defeated. Jiears. N evertheless. hE. continue d ... . sen's Disease, formerly' called ;,": For Better Understandin~ ) . leprosy, and tried ·to make'a ."the re~ord reflects little credit ;'In this book she'summarizes new life in the ordinary world. ",l~,Q,.the existjng !'Itate of.'public tier o~n experience, that of the' ...:. The value of Dahl's book lies ' 'opi'nlhn:' suspicion 'and inveter,ichool, a'na the findings of-re-' in itS depiction of what it ,means . ate prejudicf' still seem to handisearchers and other experts. Her ~ be ·,mentally' ill. It. is com-: 'cap any Catholic"whoofffers objective is to foster better un- pl~t~iy: subjective. it u~" 'himse'If 'ils:a candidate for the derstimding of the retarded, and virtually nothing of' the views highest public office' on the Ilhe is chiefly addressing parents. of the' several doctors or the national level." She discusses at' length the' ·reasons\for the different phases Such prejudice,' the. Archeeuses and varieties of retarda- of treatment. bishop declared, indicates that tion~ The causes can be many,' The pages given to the au'~the~ spirit of democracy- has but come down to something" ·thor'S' em'erge'nce from' bis' de;; failed to take· root in the con" ,oing' wrong in the prenatal or rangement .are few 'and do not, sciousnells o~ a large number of, early life of 'a child. afford ·anything. like a . satisfac- the, citizens of the United , ;-Retardation is a permanent tory explication of: what ",as:, State~.". , .'. ,'. . e·o n d i t io n which persists. done for him and why it worked. '.' ''They give ooiy'lip service to throughout life. There are tech, 'Hence Breakdown,' while it, the provisions of the Constitu~iques for determining the. de-' enabl~s . to,share' a dreadful tion:' which declare that; there . gree of retardation and: the' experieQce,' offer's very lithe"i.:a~" shall" 'lk' .'no ·religious test for , Child's cap'acity for developmen't the way of enlightenment. public office," he added. arid 'adjustment. ' . . .' Archbishop A I t e r asserted ; Sister Mary Theodore stresSes' Win Final Success that':4'ocusiIig' attention 'on the the fact tl1at the retarded child In the widely read Miracle at-'- issue' of religion in politics '.'ren- ' is a child not a freak. He has ,the Carville, Miss Martin told us of del'S no service ,to the cause of Same emotional needs as other her discovery that she had Hlm- genuine democracy, nor does .it children, esp'ecially that of lov": sen's Disease and of her years help, the c: use of good' public fig and being loved. at the leprosarium' in ,Louisiana, ~relations among our citizens." : He also needs to, be 'helped to her recovery, her marriage, and "Continuous discussion of the use whatever measure of intel- her leaving with -her husband. subject' in the public press tends tectual ability. he has. He. has Now, still with the assistance of. to exaggerate the political _sigassets which should be discerned Evelyn Wells,' she relates what nificance. of different religious and capitalized on. . happened in the ,next 10 years. convictions," he stressed. "Mentally retarded individThe couple concealed their Cites Constitution 'uals," the author writes, "can history, used their savings to Pointing, out that "to subject learn to live with human di£!- ~lU'y a trailer, did some touring, .' theological' principles. to.. publiq" nity, If they 'are guided to de- ; set out to make a permanent' debate in the evaluation of a ~velop -their abilities ,they may home in California. How, they 'candidate's eligibility" violates even excel in certain areas.~ She won through to success after a both "the letter and the spirit" gives scores of examples from' succession of. heart-breaking of the Constitution, the Arch;her own work at St. Coletta's to setbacks, is the burden of these. bishop stated that voters should (llustrate ,these points. touching pages. concern themselv~s' only with a , ,Parelfts' Attitude Ccithoiic Theatre . candidate's ability and integrity. .: While concentrating on the The Archbishop' declared that cihildren, . the author does not' Group to Meet. '., "so far as the interests of Cath~~'orget the parents. She ll'StS and NOTRE DA . olics are concerned." there is no ME (NC)-Bishop necessity that there be a eath~lic . ~xplains the ell~ments in the Leo A.' Pursley of Fort Wayne prop~r attitude on their part. Ind" will Qffer an August president."":E.' have not suffered ' ariypointed serious out. uisadvantage so far,~' . T he chief of these' l'S acceptance P on tT I I.ca1 . M ass o~ening the he of the 'situation realistically, 12~~, bienmal co.nvention of the" "The only interest we as Cath'. not wasting tune and money in National CatholIc Theatre Con- olics have in the question," he trying to establish that a gen- ference. t d'"IS t h at no dIsability .. , I ' S . " c' o n'Inue, - ulne y retarded child is not. 'ho~e 2,000. dele~ates -from be levied 'against a Catholic be'actually so, . .' . sc ~~l ~nd .commumty theatre. cause of his religion. It will be . The facts about the child must groups In thIS c04 n try and Can- disastrous ·to good public relabe confronted as soon- as pos- ada ~re. expected to ~ttend' the. ·.ti~ns in our, pluralisti~-society ~ible;·it must !?e seen that ."the meetm.g. Th~ convention, themE;.. if thi's'issue jjp.!Subjected to furof whIch W~!l ~e "God Behind ther debate. and . fM . . inevital:lle.. Catho'lc Vets Score the Masque, wIll be held Au- contention which would follo~.' gust 18 to 20 at the University It is time to c'a1l' -a ' .the :Religion in Politics of Notre Dame. '.' discussipn." ... " .--0 . . .,BELLEVlLLE (NC)-opposi.~on to a c'andidate for, the' U. S. 'j!.'!f'1 ~l presidency"based on' religious Electrical .. " ~rounds has been condemned' by' ~llinois Catholic War Veterans, Contr.~ctor5 • .. ' :: ':!:-.);, ~eclaring that "a,spiration to any .~ p~litical office, regardless of 'party, shrll'lil be jud£!ecl on 1v ,-~""4,,··:,·:, terms of the ability and merit of y+~;, -,e cancLdate." ',~.;' The Catholic veterans. cited their military service on behalf M. the nation and pointed out 944 County' St, that in th{ "fight lor liberty N~w Bedford ' • there was nl' distinction because .: race or religion,"
:E. h'd ·.Dis·cuss.·on·
2) It serves no one group or area. of the world, but the whole world. Now it includes Latin A,nericain its ald. 3) . There are 300 missionary societies in the Church but no one missionary society aids any other missionary society; A dpes not aid B, nor does B aid: C. Each society cares o.nlY' for its own-thanks to the faith., iul friends who help in their' support. As the Fattier of a 'family must love and serve aU his children,' so :t.oo the Holy Father has the responsibilitY- of caring for all the 135000 missionaries in i over 700 scattered are~s of the earth. .' 4) IIi, order to assure equality of distribution, the Holy Father' 'said that he muSt be '''first and principally aided." He alone appoints the '''missionaries;' he' alone sends them into the mission field!l; without Ii mandate from him no missionary may go into a foreign, · land. Brit he who has 'authority over the missionaries, must also have the means' to aid thell).. Hence he 'has his Societf\' for the Propagation' of the Faith to gather funds from the faithful-not funds '-'really, but rather SACRIFICES. '. ,'5) . 'Every' cent the faithful give to the 'Society for the Pro:' · pagation of the Faith goes to the Holy Father. No Diocesan Dir:ector, no· National Direetor, no Bishop in the world may tou<;h that money, for once given'to the Society for the Propagation of. the Faith it. becom~ part of the Holy Father's Mission Treasury: He alone,. through a: committee ;!lpppinteq ,by b~; hal1. the right to' allocate t~J<it money ito the mission territories and societies. . 6) This Society 'thinks in terms of the universal needs of tHe Church. What would. happeii'to '~he~nilssi()hS'·if·:the~'F'i~hch aided; only the French mi~sionaries, and the Dutch helped' only Dut~h' missionaries and Americans helped, only Americans? The, Church wquld become' riatiq,rlalistic, fragmented 'anci! niir~(;w:"'It' is abso~ lutely inconceivable~. for' example, .that the Holy Father wouid ' aid 'only Italian misliionaries, He· ,has ;t9 aid . them,.all, regardless . natIonality. So our. $acrifices.,plust not be used' exclusively for Olll' I nationalists but for our missionaries,'.whoever· and wherever they are.. 7) The Holy Father has greater knowledge of the 'needs of Africa, Asia and Latin America\ t,hana~y. of us.. .It would be sheer presumption on part to decide 'in "'all ih~a~ces' where our charity should go. Furthermore, in aiding the Vicar of Christ we make an act of 'faith ,in the, Primacy· of· Peter;, . 8) Tell others. about the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of 'the Faith;, take up collections in your Office for the Holy Father; cut,-into yo~r own capital; Make aas' of "self-denial; send' your sacrifices ·NO'W,·PLEASE. ; -:
" , ' ".
GOD LOVE YOU to Mrs. H for $10. "I'm going to Send a: -lIttl.e each month toj ease my conscience' and'iD;;ii'e' resiitution for ~; wrong done long, ago." . . . to Mrs. L.C. for $3.00 "After a year's . prayers to the. BleSsed Mother my brother-hl.;:law ,f~und work." · . . . to- C.A.P. for $.185.00 "This is a sacrifice out of Love that I have promised.". ---- . ~ <~ : r Cut out thIS coh,lmn, pin your sac~ifice to it' and mail' it to .the Most Rev, Fulton J: Sheen,"NationaJ, Director of, -The Society for the Propagation 9f the Faith, 366-Fifth Avenue. New York 1. N Y., or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE 368 North )Viain 8tr,eet, Fall' River,' MaSS. .:." .1.": • ,!,.. .' •
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E~;p·IRiTO : SANTO~':
. Thurs., June'H, 1959
OF FAI-!I{Rlv,5Fi,:.MA·~S
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Stu4'Y', 9p~~~t~~r~ " ;"0"" f""'P·.,a';'r.'.,•
'.' ',' . . " ".,'.',,". .•• PALL RIVER .'...' . . .... FA~!:iL.·RI:V.JJ;.R.'<:/. " ~ .', .is'111e':"s':~.~('l';".:::, Charles·... 'Pkche~· ..·is gener31.m:;: 'Rliv('J:;.':~oseph·Sullivan".· chairman ,of the .parish fes~v:al pastot£,w~s'~t~~'J!laiq~,spealJ;,er" , ' L O N D O J l f _ :(NC)"7"',AtiI:ne-,and,.. starting .. tOday' .'>arid' .riiiul'ing 'Sur(d'iy·.i,:eYtiqi!'ig" ~t'" thEi ~ nt~i~;~;: motion ,study .on" ,the "efficj~nt .. through Saturday:' .The festival ann'!.Il;l!~'i>n:~tiil!ation'· banquet o~'< running. Of' parishes' was' beiel . held aga:in next Thur.~ay ._the ":W_9~.eri~,~. g~~ld· .. 'rn~ ,jll.vited-: .; ·,;here:'"·by.. '40 prie'sts maDT '.:;' thro~gh Saturday, June 18 ,to 20: . gues.ii>. ·.thd(t(fe~·Rev. JohnJ... . parts' of Bri'tain. ' .:" . Heading" the gifts committee 'is Regan;" Rev:' Raymond. IN. 'McThey placed. their duties· ill Edrhu'nd'Pavao and tlie' neigh::" . Cadhy; :~ev, "John J,. Morris, , order of iInportance as: 1') litur- . borhoOd .corrimittee,·. Mrs.' Mary I M.M:.,.aii,!J. . .'Rev.. 'John J.. Mc-· gical;' 2), visiting; 3) :.lay apost~" Luiz-:' l~ "Gre~~r;:·.O.p.... :" 'late;" 4) instruc'tio'ns~ - converts Mrs: William Slater was the' and pre-marriage; l;i) social ac,- . 8~ .. I)O~NIC'S, installing; officer. The slate con'. tivities' and 6) confniternities. 8W~NS.I\:A sists' of Mrs. Donald MacLean, The needto'reorganize tbeir Next regular meeting oftlle . preiident; ·Mrs. John B. Cum-' . work' "u:; . meet .Contemporary Women's Guild wil1beheld next· minits, vice-president; Mrs: .Tho . needs, especialiy'the prc;motion .. Moriday', night. Miss- Jane' M. mings, vice-president; M,r s.. of the lay apostolate, was emBorden wasjnstalled .as presi,.. Thomas T. I.tirns, reco'rdlngsecSANTO CHRISTO TESTIMONIAL: Principals 'at th'ephasized. It was s~ggest.ed that dent for a third term at the retary; Mrs.'Charles.H. ?v,litchell; testimonial to the Santo Christo.Basketball~Team,ofFall time~s~vjngmeas~J;'esmi~ht i~ annual bahquebat ,Wharf .Tav- ,t~ea,sJlrer; Mrs: Char~es E. Cur- RI" r ather,before the'festivfties. Left to right; Co-captains. clude ~elegat!ng ~o. U~e :l~ity, a ern,; Warren,' 'R. I., last ~night. . .. tIs", pre,ss ,.correspondent;. and \. .~e., g ., . . '. .... ,..... .'., .",' ~"'. number gf parochIal dutIes. such Other' officers . installed were·' Mrs. -Jilm~s T. Ro~eJ::ts, historian. ~ . R.I~~a~dEstrel}a anqRon A V'~}la,~am, JO,nes·:oftp~ :CeltIcs t .;as .'finanfe" .rout\ne desk ,work, MI's:.,;·I110yd·Jarvis, vice'-presi-" Apt>ointed regIstrars were'.' mam speaker"andRev.~.Allt~onyM. <;Qm~% pans}iCYO andJhechOIr.... . "," ' dent; Mrs.. Manuel' Caton sec-·Mrs.'James H. Hoyle Jr.• Mrs. director." , .',.,: , , ' ';, , .. prepar,ati!>n and coit-, . ·ret~ry~· ,Miss. ··Alice··.. . Pacheco,' John; H; .Springer, .Mrs.. GJlbert :." "'.. ,," ~ ... ,./.:.l ... " ..,:. ~. ' I ' ~ '. vert instx:ucti~ migp.t largely be treasurer. '.. ., ''A. ~tone, and, ,Mrs. Jolin' T.. do~~", ..collectively.: se.rvic~.s. Mrs~.·Raymond"Heyworth··was KenYon,', . " " .", . . . ' , · ' F ,., .,>1, . , ' " , ' . , .'.'. '. '. ,whIch attract .only a few people Installing, officer,·and·,Mrs. Al-, The ,following. directors wil(, ~lew""Ap'p:' 'a~'c'" .W· eliininate~LThepriest;s'. phonse Ruggiero, marshal. Guests" serve on the board: Mrs. Peter 1""lIIIl ~. - ' , " ',.. I . own tImetable for: Masses, meals were Rey;. George J!:. oSullivan, A. Gib,ney, Mrs;, ·,WoodJ;.ow ,Wil... . ERIE (~C).-A radically. new has been: used'in churches in and' oU~er. <rally .a~ti.vHies mig~t pastor, . and ,:ftev.. ',l'homas. F.,: son, Mt:s. William:ij~~ringtop" ' m the U~f;,O~ .color~d ,'.' France, but only, recently has be .revIew~d~hll~,.g~o~~s . of , (!'> W~~sh,.f~r.m~r:; pastor.. Mrs. RoberlN~dderman. Mrs. .g~ass. m 'ch~rch .. ,~Ul~dIngs. 'WIll. ' ,his work 'been ..requ·ested 'in ,the ,parIshes could,In th,~ mter:ests ~f.~ ST. MARy'S, . ··, Daniel' Duffy and Mrs. Nestor be.:featured m tfie chapel of. St. United States'" ,,. ':'., , , •. econ(}ffiy;,.cooperate In ,some spe-" MANSFIE;LD . ; Silva. . .• Mark's' 'Minor': Seminary' ,now·"" '. .. " " . ,cialized needs: The first"ahnual Graduates~ C~airmenappointed for .the imder ~onstructio~here:. . , .. ew Mass andCriiiiiJiuriioriBreakfilst" .. .. . ':!11en I r I ~as'heId"SuI\day,with;53';~n';: J. Connors, ways and ~,~m,tS;,.,iri,tl).e.l:hap~la~t:hecllre,cboi~ o.f, ~ tors'·: representing' iM6IiSign6r: Mrs. Raymond W. Audette, pro-. ~chbIshop J~hn ~ll;rk ~artnon, . ' ,:c,'l '. ": 1 and .made .. wasteland 01 the 'once. Coyle"High; Mahsfleld' 'HIgh; \ gram an~ l\!rs.Jop.n E., Kiley, .. BIShop: ErI.e,. utIh~e,~ :Irr~gU,,·L~.'b-,'St. ~"I~",' " . 'oOm'lortabie . entlrel,' Catti!Ue. " , Dominic~n . Academy; ,,' Notre ~ 'oospitali!y: . " .. , .'~' , , :., larly shaped pIec:~ of :staI?ed' ·V !"~ Dame' Academy !'arid;' Sacred'" ~rs. Pet~r ~.~Ibney, t~e ~)Ut- . glass: nearly two mches, th.l~k, . .c.:,-' ~iJ" , ,~lUlICe 01 'Aei'ur~''''(EthI?p.I~). Bef~ Head' Country Day~ SdloOl 'ill' ~?mg preSldent,.wasprese~ted 'set Into ~ement a?-dfor~mg : .'(; Abe, plalDe . &IIese ...~ ,~pl~.,b" attciidance:'" i ' .... ~:'. ' .·gIfts,PY the ,GuIld." , . ,:"walls··~hIch"combme".!ar.hstry. . ... ~,~ balU'a ~b~~ .~~,.~4 reetc,g. BreakfaSt 'was "served 'bythe'SAc:::~ED, HE~R~;'" ... , .,.and~rchitecture,:,. ' i."".,.,~ :; .. , ,.~ .(A,' On 'tGpof,.. thelr. ~Iort~. the .ew.paren'ts' '·committee;.:' :~GTaduates·· NORTH ATTLEBORO :... " '., .ThIS con~rasts :wl.ththe. tradI-" er~iDei,at bas, DOW 'l~oDdemned . &,heir, presenterl:· a .set of processional"' l'4~~.:... :~~li."9:~ry4~_~·.\~o,~1~rd~;·.~n~.~ tio~ll' : :staln~ .. g~a~s,.,... _~~(ldO~S~~';" ,!.: ,t:l. . ,.mple· school as"tunsale -.for" 'be ehtl- ,'- 1-;" torches' to .theparish." ' '. . .... 'M~s, WI1ham.paYl~~ead,a. ~om ..,.,{,,;WhICh,.',use,. thm p,ec~, ·of"gla~s., ., ,', ' " ' . T.he . Catholic. Woman's Club" , ,a pa,rty f9.r,. ath.,; ;:,qeld:; together,. :by: strms :of ":1~ad,,. " . tlren. , Tbe; . must "rebuild': witb ' the ' ... partial... schol::u'snip toStonE;hill,,:gra?e. ;gradua~e,s', ,"andset~n a. frame .. OrdinarIly, ' , " , I . . ' . . : ' UitleleftbJUIe :Iocusts~ Tb~,~Osi win College was granted -to Benjamin . follOWIng th~ C:E7remony;. ",;,' such, dehcat~ work . IS J>rotected r~HoIJ Fathtr's MiIsioII AiJ be, $2.500. C.ould )'ou possibt7 belp Tartaglia ,of' Mansfield High., , OUR, LADY OF.GRAC~, ,J "."on, the· outsIde by...a sheet. of , ftrthtOri/mla/Chmrh.·· &hem-In &b'eir.lneedT. . ,. ,NORT!i lVii:S1,'rO~:r,. ,'." : , ' heavy clear glass. or by SC reen. ~. '. . 8ACRED HEART, . Mrs, Jeannette Butler willbe .. ing ,". " ',' MASSES IN' HONOR OF'THE SACRED.HEART WILL.. BR~NG, NORTH ATTLEBORO . president'of the Women's Guild The new chapel will also inUNTOLD SPIRITUAL' STRENGTH TO y:OU ......THE OfFE~~ '. Parochial sch'ool grliduates' for the c~ming . year. Assisting :cltid~ ~radition~l ~ainec.i ~~lassINGS WILL' .SUPPLY 'NECESSITIE~ OF LIFE FOa. YqUR awar(jedChristi;mpoctrinedip_ her as vice 'p'residenL'is Mrs. in a large window.,beh!"d'the. MISSIONARY·PRIESTS·IN·'l:HE.r-lEAREAgT... " lom'irs'with a'niting of' excellent Margaret Gosselin:. ·'Mrs.' Louise' main altar portrayi,ng the. Last. are, Francine . Girard and Hel~n' ·Roy. is secretary andMrs~ Loretta· Supper, 'b~t'''ihl~ Jype, of glass THE LORD HAS .SPOKEN ~ ANTONY . Kirby. ,Eight received their Vandal"treasurer:" .. work was exciuded.from,the a~d·'JOSEPH .. has.spokeD and they diplcima~ w'ith~igh' honors 'and The group will hold.itS"next'posSlbii~t~es ior,th~',.,~w~ndow~.avejmswer~d·..... hey:;ha.v~:,applied for' 'ad', , nine. with. honors:' '. . meeting 'in' September;. "" " <.waUIi.~' ". ,;:',;, .' . mlssloD,to "the: seminary a~ Alwaye' and , ' . .,',',' ... ,'·,L ....... '," .')-,.;; . ,;"' ....• . ", 1 C' h .th.e,y.. h~. \;·enl·acc«<p.teIL!'8~ca~d. idatl,ls'for ',:\l,"" Unusua. .apeI ',' ' ,. ;I . .' , .. ',,' "'. .' the ~~Ie.sth~od.:u,'0lY-t;v:er, .eac~. boy. must" 1 ':'I'hre.e.P~des~sJJom~,~yle'' T-lie-:-'uriusual' chapeI het't! is bave a sponsor who.wlll be willing 'to pay . '. ' -' ' . "" .. the 'inspiration' ·of,JArc'hbishop'·' . bis .necessary expenses of '$l\l0 a year'for • "'.Gannon"'who nas"sa'id,he wishes"· 'the sa vearcourse' .of..semlnary training: . .." It·:·to 'he a ""mCiderli.'''Sainte .':, . Perhaps·the' Loid·has··~iilso.spoken to )'oU'. ,;.t ••L.,~.o---... ' ','y'.LE':-'.:,;H·,..·I··G'·H'.·:..:.'S·.'.C.•·H: · ',0'0 .. Y.. .,·St. C;o'l-;m:·:':.;a'.·~n:·'·s','~ .,,~;: ..:. . .' '.,'.; 'ChapeIle," the'· .famous 'small', . and invited you ~tri 'iiave~pa;rnn' the "makiIig 01 a priest," If He ".,,' C9 , '''~ Church,::B;~kton:': Pai"is.chape1.builtbYSt. Louis' has" 'you may 'pay 'tb~'money;'ln any maDDer conveDient whJle', . TAUNTQN', ',. ". ,. ";'•.::'.:. ',;" Sixty-t\\ro ..of, Coyle's. 106:,'. IX; King' .of Fnince;'whose ·50.,.. . ."your '''adopted''soD''advances' &0 the altar. . , ", ' ' . :'i'hree ~'Coyle ·graduates.. I959,g,t:aduates . plan. • college'; foot',high stained, glass"windows; " ',' .",," - .'" .. " .. ." .' " ' . . . ordfnatftirt:,thismonth. To.sing,his careers.. Of~ampusesselected; giv~ the-i~pre~!!ion ,o~ being.. YOUR LAST . WILL IS GOD'S WILL WHEN IT MAKES MEN-' first soIe.rn.n "'M:a88 i~t 's"t..· ~ary~s ptost .... ~r.e at.tendlog.··.. Provide·nce '. .walls. .' ;' . . '.' _.", : . \ TION OF.."T~E" NEAR E1\.S!~· .MisSIONsi . ;" ,. ,. . Clithedral':J):al!-':R,lver,' l:;urid~Y; College, ..: ~ith.." Stonepill"'~and, Robett Stickle, heado{Stickle SISTER SILViA and SISTER MAR(HlERiTA 'wisb ki 'JoID , .Tune 28 is Rev. Owen E .. Firine- Northeastern~rtlnriipg:::secorta' iii 'and Associates: 'Clevela'ild' 'archi&be Franciscan Sisters In' Egypt 80 tbat· tbey may speDd tbelr gan, S.J., class ,o'f :1941. :. choice and the University' of teets,. designed the,. seminary ' ..' 'lives In cloSe' union with' thePGor who ::R,ev. John' Errlest Brunelle, : Massac~usetts third; One grad- - chaPel. The. glass work was done. L are so' dear to &be Sacred Heart. Both girill' M.M. class of 1950 'will sing his . uate ~as been accepted' by An-' in Paris by Jean Barillet, winner have been accepted but each must now first 'Mass Saturday" June 20. at . napolis, and one 'by M.I.T. of n u mer 0 u Ii international "obtaln'a spODsor wbo will payber neccs\'!II' sL 'MiChael's' Church; Avon; PREVOST HIGH SCHOOL awards.',··.·· sary expenses of $150 a year for·tbc·two MiSS. Rev. Frederick H' i Lawton, PALL • RIVER" . " Mr. Barillet, who did both the year'perlod of Dovltlateirahilo«. fou mil7 C;S.C., also of the class .of 1950, P I' L b,,·t '11 cement glass',and :the traditional . Dot 'be able to work wltb .the poor· Of au am . -Christ witb-our bands but #"00' certalD~ sang· Mass S un d"ay,'. 'J' une 7,a t tat' t ",rd WI . ' be .Salu.' stained glasS windows, won the. # . Orlan a gra uahon e x e r C I s e s , I t I, caD do It throu&-h' tbe ,bands of your ScheduI~. for.. S.·unday.,:.June 1'4',~ grand prize 'in stained' g ass a ' Ch' h L k B l' W' Id E "daughter In Christ." Wby not adopt one S .. ' " " " a n d Julien' Goulet',JT. will be ,the recent' russe s' .or x01 UIese' DUDS' &Odaj aad' brlDI ber';to the poor aDel ,ourseU' to valedictorian. Highest honors position"'Hehas'also~been'e n - . , " . ..' 'wilI g to R' h dB .... "Rob- "trusted with restoration of gla~ . . cioser,to'GodT' EXETER (NC). - Abandon-' 0 IC ar arre..e, S .. t Ch 11 d ttie ' ' . ' , " . ert St. La.urent, Robert Tremblay ,in the am e ape e a n . AS YOU PREPARE FOR VACATIONLAND THINK OF THE . . ment of' their faith by nearly and' Richard :'Chretien . 'wbile . Cathedral of No~reD~~e<r:ms. REFUGEE ~HILDREN BEHIND BARBED 'WIRE.. THE half England's ·Catholic..popula:.. .. " " . H' "cement gloss" techmque BEST VACATION THEY CAN IMAGINE IS A LAND WHERE tion is primarily; ~ue to weak- ~onors are merited by Edgar IS. . .' ness, lack of ~uriderstandiQg ·l)f Ber:ube~ Ronald ,Ber!l!>e! , RolaDd THERE IS ENOUGH ~O~A:'J~:K~ILI; FE~ A FAMILY ~ the Faith, and .the "herd in- ..Bileali;,· Raymond BlaiS, ;Roger " I , . . 'TURIN· (NC)-TheGonsoIata' ROW CAN fOU .SHOW DEEP GKATITUDEBY A 8HAL. Lamon'~ .~ '.-" .Dona"I\f., Lanouette', . , Society for Foreign' . . M'" ,.atinct" in reverse:,. ' WOEit.... Isswns h as LOW GlFTTfou reali, Clau't and yet eaCh year 10 many of .. . So says Father; ·Francis Rip- Reginald" L'Italien and .Paul-· elected Father D!>menica 'Fiorina ir7 to do Just' tbat lD 0111'- seleeUon of 'a cllt lor Fatbers' Da,... ' ley, superior' of <"the' Catholic" E '1' ·M···tt· ,'" , .. . as' ·S.~·per·I·or Ge_nerat' 'I'tlls year, let your «ift match ,our &"l'atU~dc . , . let bOth ,of tbem . Missionary . Society... He is di- . ml' e· a· on. . be eternal! 'There are many waY8 of dOlnl tbl. aDd today •• cectinga conversion Clrive being 0 ·.00'00.••••• 000 would suggest aD artIcle' for a missIon ebapel '1lven In the name" " , conducted by a group of tra.vel~b .: . . ..' . . . .. :. 01 your lather. Wc' will seDd our beautiful' gift· liard' anywbere ;-.. Ing priests seeking' to .convert·· • ., . , ' :' .... 'II: .,. 'In the world' to·tel1Iiim of your &'eDerosity. You eui sbarc your" ':. the nation to' CatholiciW1. ,'He; ~ love and gratitude lor,. your lather with 'tlie pOor 'Of ·tbe mlsslolill . said the Catholic teaching. on who come to tbe:Uouse or God: . birth control .is one·.of the. most· . ~ ' . ' . '. "':'" -. '., . _' Candles' . "$2S' Mass' book $2'5 ctborl'iuD'''; . misunderstood,' of the .,ChUrch's / ',: SaD~tuary' lamp.. 15 .AItar~ stone' ".:;' 10· Crucfns .or • • • • • • :" 2Sdoctrines. The;"key ·to.the· wiu:lie ...,:-~\ : I MaliS 'beI~it'::, " ' ':" 5''}"~~'' VeS!~~Dts.: .. ~ "'~~ture, :' : :; :.' ;. 15 'matter of' recort'vertirigBrita'in ',JNE'VE~DON'E. L1FrIN'G;"D MORE,RROtA·,WHILE YOU Pl,.A~ TO VACATION FROM WORK AND ,," is the horne, 'father Ripley de. ·.EQUIPMENT:: WE .INViTE YOUR ., ' . FAMILIAR SURRQUNDINGS W;HY. NO.T ,GIVE; A. THOUGHT clared.· .. .' '., . . ' TO THE LEPERS .' .. COULD YOG SPARE' $5 FROM YOUR The priest a~serted . . ;. !?e 'prob' VACATION~MONEY . TO HELP'• AN ·OUTCAST? • _J' .,.' ..... ., -·'of ' 1em of "leakage" has ,been ex~ ... ' · ' . ".. aggerated in the Catholic-press;: '. . .". , ,,\ . I ..
••• , .
E:r.•-e· Sem'.•-n:o··:·r'ii'C.h·Q.pel,·Features." '" roo 'h' ith' Stained Glass
COml!1~yearare: ~~~ ~ap~lOnci
,tecl).mquE!~ Iq~luded
':A'·NO··.·.·J·HE·"N'T"',Hr.··L··OC·U·'S'.T·.S,,··.·.:,C,~'"A'·.'·,M'· E'', ••"'.::
, .. t'
;SP9tJigb1tlng .Our ,Sc:.h.·9QIs.·,. ,each
!, .
'ays Due
urc ea age Weakness'·
Heads' Missioners
L.· 0 0
WE'V'E RAISED THE' ROOF' ,<TO' BETTER SERve you. ---,' '. SOMfFACE MADE INsTALLeD, NEw INSPECr.ON"":'; ..... '. :; 'ROASTc·ST6'FFE[rCHICKENs ,'\'.'
up'their Eait!i,'ave beea.. ":i to Ca~cili.c 'sCh061S')llld' their .parents are p~~ticing,Cat~olics.,
'. '.
~: ":~:~?O~rs~l: ~;~~KE'yS...,. .'. .
I .
~::~:l~~',~~~~:~1~.~~;~:·, "''':':'~ RQ~~:EL~WN ' '
~~rSst01iss,ions~'" ; _r. ' ....r P. 'wehl', Na"1 Sec','
weakness and beCaUse tiiey,··do·.. ·~ I Wclsh~n9tOiI St;eet,:·"':Itte:· 6, 'FaittiOYen':'" WYman 2-6473; aot UDdel'atand it. he cl)D.llilenlel1. •• I t n , 0 0••••
CAlt:I.C>L~~; N~A: a~~c;m;~~~~~'~SSOCIATION
.. '
480,Lexingt.n.Ay•. at 46th St.' New·Yorld7;N. . . . Y.·
.. '-
'S~ghtless '_ Tauntonia,ns·
In 'Ca:tho'lic :Tap~ -.,'
Blaze Trail, '. .Rec:ording 'Fi:eld .
Thurs.,' June 11; 19'59·
School Official Hits Dropping, Lower .Grades',
By Marion Unsworth Two of the' most avid. enthusiasts in the Fall River Diocese of the rel~tively new art' of communicating via tape recording. are a husband and ,wife team iii: Taunton Edith and Merrill Maynard. They use tapes not only fo;' social, 'educational and cul- fr c" " " . t' l' b ' t " t 1" om any athohc.who has a ur~. pUJ1)Oses, u .as a VI a machine and w~~hes Jo exchange, facIlIty for promotmg Cath- receive and borrow: tapes." . olic action. More than most, He ii; New Enghind representhey can appreciate their- value, tative for the organization; One for both are blind..' of' his functions· is to make it With a handicap· which might known to ·the puplic."andto have 'rendered many helpless interest new'memberS. , the, Maynards have engaged fo; The. Mayhards. themselves , many years in ,Church and civic have three tape recorders, using affairs. ' t h e m for clerical work, learning, . Their principal interest lies preserving material and social in making available to other .contacts. They have several blind people .good literature projects I underway, including music, philosophy and theology: assis~ing a., Belgian priest in this To this end 'they are members . country to propagate devotion of 'the Catholic Tape 'Recorders to Our Lady of. Beauraing via of America, International' 'and . tape recording; recording matethe Catholic Tape Guild. ' rial pertaining to the third Order Can Now Participate . of St. Francis, to which May"My interest· in the Catholic . nard belongs; and trying t'o gef' Tape Recorders came to a head editions of dialogue, and sung last September, when Pope Pius 'Ma~ses transcribed into Braille. XII advocated the use of dia'- ,ThIS last has been' a pet project logue and sung Masses:with con- of Maynard for many years. gregational pariicipation;" said' . Mrs.. Mayn'ard commented on Maynard. : an advantage of tape recording "I knew that here. in the Fan,' ?ll wom,en can appreciate; she River Diocese .there are over IS able to have whole books 300 blind to whom Mass is.. read to her while she is washing; mystery," he explained. "They ironing, and doing other house-:attend strictly out of obedience.. ,hold tasks. , It is said so quietly .that it is a Ma~y Interests . secret Ma'ss as far, as the blind . The couple' list other interellts are concerned.. I, \Vas overjoyed . as 'religion, poetry: and musi~.. at the decree which would give Mr. Maynard a'lso served for them a' chance 'to ,participate.'" eight years on the 'Taunton City The Maynards th.erefore joined ,Council. Each has' ,a . ~iiide dog, the Catholic Tape Recorders' Mrs. Mayna:r d a . German shepwhich has a worldwide member~ herp, " Hildy; ; het: 'husband a ship 'of ~ore than 200; including. 'boxer,. Fawn;, ' : .. religious and' laity. "Its ,chief They are a famIliar :sight in aim is the sharing of this' spirit St. Mary's parish" where they of Cath'olicism via tape recording .atte~d Mass and .receive Comon as many levels as interest mUDlon every Sunday and as the members," Said the TauntOn often during the' week a's' work, man. ' schedules permit. . Members make, listen to' and ., Maynard is' anv ins~rance exchange tapes. They,' maY'.,e' broker. His wife is direc,tor of· cop~ed from other tape~, records, sa~es of article,S made' bY; the radIO or televisien; or)hey may bl.m.d. for the . Massachusetts be originals, consisting of mate- DIVISIOn of the Blmd. rial .read from. a book newsTheir record of achievement paper or pamphlet. 'Spohtaneous is .impressive for any twoCathconversation is also taped . for ohc lay people; but it is made aociaJ purposes. , . even more so' by the fact that Biggest Attraction' .', '. ,Maynard, before" his conversion "What has become one of the in 1938, was Baptist minisier. greatest attractions for mem. ~ers," said Maynard, "is' the CENTERVILLE (NC) - The library the organization is build..; lng up, located. ip: ~ 'Kindee, new $3,886,000 St. Leonard Theological Seminary'of the FranCisMichigan." Tapes of general interest are can Fathers here' in Ohio has· eopied for the library and are been described' at dedication ceremonies as "a' precious pearl' then available to all members. The Maynards estimate they Set in 'a golden ring" by Auxiispend a minimum of i 20 hours iary Bishop PaulF. Leibold of . each week recording and listen- Cincinnati. "No work of the' Church is Ing. A dividend of the activity is the many friendships they have more important than ,.the prepmade through it. Many "social'~. aration of her priests," Bishop tapes have been. received 'and Leibold said. "'The priests are sent· from their 'hom¢ at 148 !he living medium 'through Washington Street, T~unton to whose ministry Christ's mystical and, from all parts of fihe wdrld. presence abides in the Church "The group isn't just: for blind until the end of time:" , or Shut-ins," emphasized- Maynard." A member must bc-capable of.. run.ning a tape. recorder or have a companion 'who·can. We are interested in hearing
a New Ohio Seminary
Catholic Association To Hono'r Educator '
CLEVELANB . (NC) . Concentrating Catholic education on 'junior and senior high .school levels was
THEY SPR.EAi> LIGHT: Mr.. and Mrs. Merrill, Maynard, members of St:, Mary:s parish, Taunton, spend hours ",:eekly tape recording material of Catholic interest. They CIrculate completed tapes to fellow members of the Catholic Tape Recorders of America. The Maynards, both ·blind '. feel· ~perecordings offe~.the :sightless .unparalleled oppo~tunIbes to share the spmt of Catholicism. '. . '.
Sees· No ~onflict Between Church . TeachingClnd American Spirit .
WASHINGTON (NC)-'-'Arch-ual and religious as has been bishop Egidio Vag'nozzi hasde-that of my illustrious' predecesclared there' is, no conflict be- . sors;'" tween. Cathol~c.te?chin~ and the He also emphasized the "viial" AmerIcan ~PlrIt. mherlted Tro~ . mission of the United States in the' foundmgFatp~rs of thIS. the' world,. and '~xpressed !'the, country.. ., " 'fervent . hope that· American Speakmg at .St. Matthew's Catholics'will be second to none Cathedral, . the 'new' Apostolic in the accomplishment of th Delegate saId: . mission which is 'America'~ . "I wish to ·reaffirmat the. be-' today.".· ginning of my mission in the, United Stat~:J of America as per-:sonal ,representative of His MONTEVIDEO (NC) A Holiness, Pope John XXIII," school to train employers· to exArchbishop Vagnozzi said, '~my ercise .Christian principles in' conviction that ,there is .no con';' industrfal activities has been .flict, between the. teaching 'of opened by thhe Uruguay Cath'the Catholic Church and the. olic Association of Management true' and genuirie American spirit ~ndBusiness Leaders. '. " that has been .inherited from the founding Fathers of the Republic and se~n througl,' the best tracJitions and practices the Americ,an people." .. The, Apostolic Delegate/reiteerated that "my mission is es-' sentially and exclusively spirit-
'posed here by the superintendent of Cleveland diocesan schools in an intervi'ew. . Msgr. Clarence E. Elwell said it is his opinion eliminating grades one to six wou'ld be tak- . ing too great a risk at too high a price for too small a return.. Msgr. Elwell com'mented on a suggestion .'. made by Bishop Lawrence J,Shehan of Bridgeport, Conn., at the- recent National Catholic Educational, Association' coIivention that thought might· well be given to experiments in sponsoring l;mly upper level grades since' many · areas can't provide all Catholic children a full Catholic education.. Msgr. Elwell: said his 'belief .. · that it is, better to have the ."largest possible nucleus" of · Catholics who, have received a full Church' school education rather than erase part of such training for all Catholics. He also maintained that such a plan would cost more since' hi~h schools are more expensive., to equip and maintain. He Said,., · too,. that given the same building ~pace, fewer \ pupils would get' mto. school since a high school tea<;her .lJ.Iust handle a smaller · class than a grade school teacher. About,76 per cent of Catholie· children in the Cleveland diocese attend Church grade schools and about .41 percent Catholic high' schools for, an over-all average of about 67 per, cent, more' than 10 per cent higher than the national average. :,
Train Employer$
YOUR 011 HEAn ... coIl
R. A.WILCOX CO. OFFICE FURNITURE la Stoek lor Immediate Dell..,,"
I" "uick delivery,'
Available for
'Banquets, Testimonials, Etc. For Full Information Contad ROLAND GAMACHE' WYman 9':6984
Plu,mbing ~H,eating' , ,Over ,35 Years of Satisfied Service
CHICAGO (NC)-Dr. Arthur' 806 NO. MAIN STREET C. Becker, dean of .the school fall River ' OS 5-7497 of music' at De Paul University here, will receive the annual citation of the National Catholic Music Educators Association for' "outstanding contributions to music and mllsic education." , The presentation .will be made Saturday at the opening session AUTO BODY AND, of the association's 12th national .GENERAL REPAIRS, convention, at the.Conrad Hilton' Hotel here. A n~tive of Louis75°8ell-';;Ue Ave.('W..Y~3~7661 ville, K:Y., Dr. Becker 'becomes New Bedford. the sixth recipient of the' citation. Dr. Becker has been the dean of De Paul's music school since its founding i~ 1912, He'has beim ..' " on the boar~. of directors of the Catholic Music Educators Asso": ",. '.' ciation since 1955. He h~s also . B.' f, GOODRICH; Dist. served. as an officer ·'Of' the' Na-' RECAPPING' DONE' tional~ssociation of Schools' of ,.: ' IN OUR OWN PLANT Music,and is an a~sociate'mem- ,...• "365 'MAIN STREET ber of the :i\merican Guiia of ." 'FAIRHAVEN •.. " Organists' and a' member, 'of the.. "'" WY;;'ci~:'7.~4501' ~ \' Society .of, American Muslcana..
,. ;
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Long Mission' to South America -
. 1:6
Cross-Exam·ination· .
DIOCESE OF FA!.!.' RIVER. "'''55 ..
After something like 20 years, my first glimpse of bim remains 'picture-vivid in my mind. I am talking about . Father Patrick Peyton, the FamilY.Rosary crusader who has become a world' figure. I was on the news staff of a big
. BELMONT (NC)- HIt is
"d P t 'A d'" 'ld er, sal a. n ....e 0 . er ,priest iif~d his arms and cried 'out almost in exasperation: "Talk to her, man, talk to her! She can get her ~on to do better fpr you than breaking your back. t(} heal you!" That night, Our Lady must surely have felt the force .of the crushing eloquence of Pat Peyton. "He talked to' her" with everything that was in him-and that is a lot, as those who know him know. Then Patrick Peyton, with a strange obduracy that must have seem,ed prep~s~erous to the at:. tendmg physIcIan, began to de-_ mand that new X-ra'ys be taken. The doctor protested that there was no doubt about Pat's condiSoiution on Page EiI~·hteen tion~ But. ~e ?ave lin ~s every ACROSS 39 Joseph's father (luke) 10 'She,devil one must-give m to Patrick Pey1 Matrimony officiot", 42 Make amendment 13 W~man's no.... ton when his big heart is set 7 Ideal \ Matrimony Place 44 Marriage feast .erve<' 14 Soil upon something. 11 .Our Father embolis.... 46 Mass ':as"" act of wO<·16 Sing";, The ne~ X-rays showed 0 no 12 Suffix ship 17 Ende&rm..... tuberc~losls. , . 13 Refined spirit, 49 Walked a n , ' 18 Hued Dedicates 'Life . _ }5 ,Pledges Matrimony .50 "Till .. :.' do u' part" 21 Isle 24' Tenthed Arid so Patrick PeYton went 19 Single (Comb.. form) ,.52 Said' of Mafrimony ·26 liqueur back to the seminary, and com- . 20 Breached. Matrimony. 5~ Fr. Hubbard arGO 54 Pews. 28 Stair unit 'pletedhis stuqies and' was 22, Iri~hfatholic unit 23 "let no man put 56 That (G.) . 30 Peter . ord~ined, and dedicated his life , asunder'" (. , ,19:3'9) 57 A purpase of Matri-34Of milk to the service. of the Lady Mary. 25 Marriage made s~cramany 35 Anarchist ' The day after ordination, or ment during Christ's· 59 Honar, as: parents 37 Dry.slUnned perhaps ·that after~'lOon, he sat life here 61 "The Ri yer" (Bib.) 40 Actor 62 QuintessenC<t, 41 Woman's ' _ . down to think about what he 26 Wife of Tobia. 42 Hor'mone -- . could do for Mary.. One thought 27 Calonial governor,gen, 64 Tur~er eral 65 The universe 43 Teherans and another came to hi"m, but, at 29 Fcimily head .DOWN' 45 B~haYing' last 'he .grasped 'one and-held it 31. Mairim;;ny' doe. 'this 1: Statute base 47 Winged' firm. . 32 \ His children relea....d 2 Old Dutch dollar 48 Have lysis He would spend his life per-(Esd,) 3 Ibidem 51 Acne.victim. suading 10 million American 33 Id est . 4 Most weird 54 Package . (Abbr.) 34 Hollywaod·marriage too 5 Senior 55 Hour . families to pray the Rosary toseldom does 6 ·Bible mountain 58 Falsehood gether "every blessed day of 36 Marriage to non7 Adar 60"Compete their: lives." . . Cathalic 8' Swiss river 63 Suffix That's what he told me, sitting 38 Indefinite article 9 ~ow (Var.) '" in our living room; and I looked at him with wonderment. How was he going about it? Well, he Continued from Page One Assembly, in its resolution last· . was writing to people and giving that the Pontiff is contributing fall calling for a World Refugee talks whenever he cOl!ld. ' fuhds to the United Natioils Year, suggested june, 1959, as Great Peace-.;;:ilker the beginning. But it set no '.' I tol1 :him it wouldn't do. It refugee' program.' he ,was 'going to talk to' the ". In addition, L was learned that specifi~date, ~nd a ~umber of AlI\erican people, he would have the Holy ~ will initiate a vast countrIes' begm the\r observto get his' message. to 'them by diplomatic action-by' means 6f ance on June 28. ,way of radio, movies, news- its representatives throughout papers. the world-to encourage the'vaWe know what happen~d·. Not' rious Qations to' undertake addionly did Fath'er Peyton reach the tional efforts to aid the remain- . people of America~he reached ing victims of war and persecuthe ~ople of 'Europe and Asia tion. 469 LOCUST STREET and Africa too. He strode' across ; The State of Vatican CitY, FAU RIVER, MASS. the world like a colossus, pleadTaunton Knights of Columbus ing. for prayer; prayer; prayer: lI)eanwhile, 'is preparing to issue OS - 2·3'381 wit'!. sponsor performances of' He is one of the great 'peace~ a .series ..of . postage stamps 'deWilfred C. james E. sigrled to emphasize the' need for the Clyde Beatty-Cole Brothers makers of all time. Driscoll S~IIiYan, •Jr. Circus and wild animal show And' now Father Pat has 3n- action' in behalf of the refugees. Pope John's refugee broadcast "riday,' June 26. With proceeds ,_ nounced that, all he has done takes place on the day the/World Iio ,go to charity, 'the' show will thus far was "o~ly a novitiate." be located on Route 44 at Win- He has plunged into a 20-year' Refugee Year begins in much of tht'op Street. mission of grace' to the South the world. The U.N. General Michael Attractions will include aliQn American continent, which sure.Ad tiger act by Clyde Beatty, ly is destined to be a giant· on Inc. acrobats, _ dancing horses, arid this earth. May God hold him in &t'apeze acts. the hollow of His. hand: h'
Pope SupportS. Refugee Year
Taunton K of C Sets' Dahr for Circus
Dr. Malik Says RealCha lIenge F.a~es West
By Joseph A. Breig Clevela.nd Universe Bulletin
metropolitan daily then; and 'd t F th BOme bod y h a d sal . 0 a er Peyton that maybe I could ·give him some ideas for pro!Roting the Big Idea that burned iil him like a furnace.,. / -He seemed to fill the ·doorway of (}ur home as . my' wife and I greeted him: He was a great raw bon e d young Irishman with the brogue in his mouth and Irish pieties punctu;lting the flow of his eloguence. Oh he was/eloquent indeed. tlot"';ith rhetoric' or oratory, not with any t hi n g practiced or polish!l..d· or rehearsed, but with the gigantic force of one 'who eOuld weep for sheer convictfon .and from 'desire' to convey his ,message to others, . Prays fo'~ How touchingly simple the message was!Bu,t, wh~t colossal obstacles loomed to be.. sur~ounteci if the' Jla'I1ling fire .of him was to become a conflagrali6n going acr<oss,~~erica and around the world! f ' - In the Holy' Cross' seminary at tbe University' of Notre -Dame, Patrick Peyton one morning had felt his mou th fill"sllddenly with ,blood. He tried .10 hide / his afDiction' from hi s .superiors because all he wanted was to go o'n to the priesthood', But of. course they found him out. ., In a hospital, the verdict of X-rays was given. Young Pat Peyton, reared in ,a poor cottage ·in Ireland, wa:' in an advanced stage of tuberculosis. One of his lungs would have to be surgically collapsE:d. Because of complications"this cletnanded removal of ribs, with accompa'1ying distortion of one, .tuJUlder. Patrick Peyton resigned himself,. He awaited the OPeration, praying for courage. But an older priest, filled with faith, came to visit and stayed,to chide. He told Pat to pray to Our .Lady. "I have been praying to
. Thurs., June 11, 1959
:better to face the truth and . die, than to live a thousand comfortable years in falsehood and escape." This was the message brought to the graduating class of Bel,mont Abbey College by Dr: , Charles H. Malik of Lebanon. "The basic truth today," the United Nations' General Assembly president said, "is that there is an inescapable confrontation between communism and the rest of the world, calling for an historic decision. . '''I ani not sure, the effective ~orces of freedom are sufficiently aware .of what is at stake, nor whether they are adequately prepared, . on every level of human existence, to meet the challenge," he declared'. Dr. Malik expee,ts neither the present Big Four foreign minis- . ters conference. nor a summit meeting to alleviate world conditions. . . ·"The two positions are fairly firm," he said. "The Western Powers and Russia are confrontbig each other with a, certain degree of rigidity." '
, :Extends Limits BELIMORF (iIlC)"':""Residents of t~e Melpham' Central' Higb School' District have voted to extend from 12 to 35 miles the limit of tax-paid trans'porta'tion for nonpu!Jlic sC[lOoi pupils, most of whom travel by bus or rail from this Long Island suburb to schools in New York City. About 68 p'upils are affected.
Trinitarian Fathers BOYS WANTED fOt' the Priesthood and 8rothe·rhood. lack ot funds NO impedi• ment. . 'Write 10:
POBox 5742 .Banimore 8. Md.
O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 'Second St. Fall River, Mass. OS 9-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Licensed Funeral OirectOt' Registered Embalmer
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M-K Restaurant' GOOD FOOD
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'Pleasant Atmosphere , "ask anybody"" Air Conditioned '. 31' Acushnet Ayenue New Bedford
986 .Plymoulh A veo Fall River
549~9UNrY; ST:
OS 3-2272
FUNERAL and Give the correct name for that part of the Mass known· .. · COlftp/~.te ,. the "kiss ofpeace"?:~(a) The Secret? (b) The Agnus i>ei'? (c) MONtiMENT ,The Pax? (d) The Offertory! .' . "_eral BeMe . -- SERVICES I.. The Swiss Guard and fhe No~ Guard are two protective .forces of the,V~tican. Name anGther:-(a) The Vatican Guard'! 550 Locus' S$. .ouRHl! • SANDWICH.· MASS. ~b) The Palatine Guard'! (c) The Ron\3n Guard?, (d) The Car"all 81"6, Ma-. Ibinni?' . . Servia, OS 2~2391 ·1. What does the .word' "eP1Ph&f17"mean:-(3,) Manifestation' 01. CAPE COO Rose E. Sullivan God'! (b) The New Year? (c) The Visitation?' (d) The ·New1IId·$unoUA.dllI!·Co"'......Itl.. , Jeffrey E:Sul1ivan born? . ,. ! '. ~ In the Old Testament, who":in addition to' Solo-mon is c~lled' 'i. \~ the Son of David?:-(a) Thlf Mes,gias? (b) Joseph? (c) Moses? f (d) Abraham? . . . ' - : ,. /' I.~ Which two Apostles were nicknamed the "Sons of Thund~r"" (a) Peter and' Paul? (bi Peter, and Andl'~wi (~) Matthew' an'd' Matthias?- (d) James and' John? " . " ,.. J" . . ; ... What· fs the minimum ag~ ordin~rily r~ui{'ed for a .peI:s~)I;t. to '. ~ TAUNToN, MASS. act all godparents'!·:-(a) 14 years? ,(b) 21 years? (c)16 years'! and t.: What. event immediately followed Christ's fasting in de~ert?:-(a) His baptism! ,(b) .Betrayal by JudaS'! (~>' Temp-" 11fE lANK ON tabon by. Satan? (d) His 'entt'y into Jerusalem? ,," , I~I~ .whatChureh inquiry cases does the "Devil's Advocate" par-. . 'AUN'O~ GREEN - . .GENERAl TIRES .. - • DElCOIAnERIES t~<;IJ>ate? :-.-(a) , Excommunk,a~ion!' (b) .CanOJ1ization'! (c) Mar-: . ' , rlage Annulment'! .'_ . .' ~~_. .' . '. . '..... , .~r 01 Feder.l· ' De...." . '. ~PERFECT CIRCLE RINGS, .. '., . - ,,' .". ,'. Give yourself"10',marks"fOr each :1lOI'reet 'answer 'on' P,age""'l'~': . . ,··.,..........'.C . ~ ... ·~F~ll: I,vn- '-'-,'·HEW·· BEDFORD, - HY.ANNIS'-- NEWPQR· . " :' 't:, .' .,' Yo.. ~, '•• " ."RaUng:, 8O--Excel~ent. .~y..eq:_, Good,·"~oodtd,i4).:",-.Fair. :'.. :. .,. , .. <' ••'. " ~.. '.;.< _;~.,~.•, ~' __. :•.~ ..,y ~ ~"!'~_ -.¥,.'~J~,.. -..:.. 'l;_:.,,".~ .. ...':~. ~~ t.:·~~· ~', -~." -:.~.f l"";.--~"~ _,, ,,,',,"",...'),,;".~ ~,.-.:.~ .."'. 1.
f~. Bt.istoICounty:
·Srist«».1 C~~nty:' Trust .C·ompany
Eulogizes Priests in Field Of ,Catholic· Social ·Action I'
Thurs., June 11, 1959
By Msgr. George G. Higgins
Seniors' Day Set for Attleboros On Tuesday
Msgr. Joseph 'F. Donnelly, Director of the Hartford Archdiocesan Labor Institute, was recently reappointed by Governor Ribbicoff of Connecticut to his third successive term as 'Chairman of the State Board of Mediation and Arbitration. The Governor must be prepared for this task when he administered the by atl intense study of the social oath of office to Msgr. Don- question. . nelly, thanked him profusely "It is essential that those
T his richly deserved t r : bute to Msgr. Donnelly undoubtedly reflects the sentiments of the majority of workers and employers in the State of Connecticut. Both labor and management sincerely respect him as a dedicated and thoroughly im'partial public servant, whose technical competence in the field of industrial relations is blended with a profound concern for moral and· spiritual values and a sensitive priestly interest in' the spiritual arid, tempgral welfare of all his "clients" regardless of their religious affiliation. Papal Teachinc On the evening of June 4 both labor and management had an opportunity to pay their respects to Msgr. Donnelly at a dinner held on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of his ordination. As one of those w.ho spoke at this testimonial dinner, I took the risk of embarrassing Msgr. Donnelly by trying to assess his extraordinarily successful ministry in the field of industri~l relations and Catholic social action from the point of view of papal teaching on the role of t"e clergy in the modern worl!!. _ Checking papal references on this subject is ·today relatively easy, thanks to tl).e publication · recently by ,the Newman Press of a comprehensive volume entitled "The Catholic Priesthood According to the Teaching of the Church." . The'index to this very useful compilation of Papal documents from Pius X to Pius XII includes well (Wer 50 specific references ' by the last four Popes to various phases. of the priestly apostolate in the field of sOcial aciton and social reform. Two of these references will suffice for present purposes: For Salvation of Souls 1. Pope Benedict XV, Letter to the Bishop of Bergamo on the. Social Question: "Let no priest imagine that action of this kind is foreign to the priestly ministryon the grounds that it brings him into the economic sphere. "Consequently, it is our will that priests would regard it as part of theL duty to apply them.selves witll all possible care and · energy to tile study of social science and social movements, and to support by every 'mea_ns in their power those whose activity in this field is conducive to the general welfare. . ." 2. Pope Pius XI, Encyclical on . the Reconstruction of the Social Order: "All those who are candidates for the Church's ministry
A Catholic Seniors' Day will be held at Cathedral Camp Tuesday, June 16 for high school 'seniors of the
whom you propose to assign spe. cially to this mirristry should manifest a delicate sense of justice, 'and be prepared to oppose all unjust demands and actions with manly firmness; they· should excel in prudence and in the discretion which avoids extremes; abov\:: all,. they should be thoroughly imbued with the charity of Christ which alone has the power," acting at once with firmness and gentleness, io make men submit. their hearts and will to the laws of justice and equity.'! .\ , 0
FIRST OF THE SEASON: All set and ready to go at the annual clambake sponsored by Father Damien Council No. 4190, K of C, at their !:lome in Mattapoisett are (left to right) Arthur W. Martin; Thomas M. Sullivan, grand knight y and Albert Fortin, chairman. , c .
Thousands of· Romans Pack Square As Pope John Gives Benediction
'This Great Work' The first of these two Papal statements is ample justification for the assignment of priests like . ROME (NC)-,-More than 10,-Msgr. Donnelly on a full-time 000 Romans packed the vast basis to specialized work in the square dominated by the Colosfield of Catholic social. action. seum and the Arch ConstanThe second is a capsule-like tine as His Holiness blessed summary of the priestly qualthem with the Host. ities which have characterized The occasion mar~ed the first the work of-Msgr. Donnelly over _time during, this century that a the years and which account for pope has left the Vatican to preits effectiveness. side ,over the .city'S Corpus This tribute to Msgr. Donnelly ~hristi procession. on the occasion of his Silver \ His presenc~ attracted thouJubilee will probably' be offen- sands of people from the city sive to his natural sense of mod- and /the suburbs. They lined the esty. square, crowded the archway But perhaps if, will be 1ess embarrassing to him if I note that while it was occasioned by . HAMBURG (NC)-His Emihis Silver Jubilee, it is meant to ,"'apply not only to hOim personally nence Francis Cardinal SpellmaJ:l but to all of the other priests in was· awarded the International Grand Prize, a bronze trophy, at' the United States, who, are so effectively performing what Pope the international stamp exhibi-. , Pius XI referred to as "this great tion held here. Father Gdinia of work ... , this eminently priestly Gelsenkirchen, Germany, won a and apostolic work" for the sal- prize for his collection of vation of souls and for the Vatican stamps. greater honor and glory of God.
Bill Gives Excise Tax ·Relief to Churches WASHINGTON' '(NC)-':"A bill e"x~mpting' reiigi~us organizations and institutions from ·exclse taxes. on communications; and transportation has been introduced in the ·U. S. House of Representatives. , The me~'sure, introduced by Rep. Sidney R. Yates of Illinois, extends to religious organizations and institutions anexempiion already granted educational organizations. 'it was 'referred to the House Ways 'and" Me~ns" ,'Committee' . !.
Director NCWC Social Action Department
for his outstanding sex-vice to the State of Connecticut. "I doubt," he said, "that any other State in the nation is blessed with so capable and so understanding a man as Msgr. Donnelly to fill a post of this im-
Prize for Cardinal
Papal Audience
of the Colosseum. They also perched atop the subway station and nearby ruins of ancient Rome and even beat down bushes that obstructed their view of the Holy Father. . The crowd hushed into perfect silence when the Pope . raised the monstrance cOl1taining the Host. Many persons who were clinging to precarious" perches managed to get on their knees. High on the hill above the square streetcars halted during the blessing.. The Pope blessed the crowd from a. temporary altar set up beneath the Arch of Constantine, the symbol of Christianity's triumph in the Roman Empire.
College Gets Loan WASHINGTON (NC)-Merl'imack College, North Andover; Mass., conducted by AUgUStifliall Fathers, has been approv€ti fm a $725,000 loan to aid in.bwJdin, two dormitories, the Communi" Facilities Administration of the Federal Housing and Home J'i,. ·nance Agency announced here.
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John XXIII has received in audience Senjin Tsuruoka, Japanese Ambassador to the Holy See, who is returning 'to Japan . to assume new ·duties. No' successor 'has yet been named by the Japanese government.
ELECTRIC CO. Electrical ContractOl'S
and 'the second and third stories
Attleboros, Mansfield, Norton and Seekonk. Activities, sponsored by District Four of the DIOcesan Council of Catholic Women, will start with Mass at 10 o'clock. The rest o·f the 'program will include lunch, sports, swimming, and a weinie roast, closing with Benediction 'of tllE. ·Blessed Sacrament. charge of parish youth programs are taking reservations and will lend assistance in the day's program. Mrs. George Bauza, Norton, District Four president, is general chairman. .
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.iTHE ANCHOR Thurs., 'June 11,1959
-Raises 'Doubts . -" .: ,Continued from Page One' ment whether it is conduciye to ...DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER, MASS. .~ompatfble.with the pp.ilosophy . t~e common. good or not to make - aild~mocracy'" he s~id' indicat- '. a law in. a specif!c area:" . Cross WOlI'd~"lliti"n . i,' ~ " ,On church-staterelabons, Sen. ·ing that ,there seems t~ be a . McCarthy, said he thought most general a~d Wddedc~ncer~ ~~er U. S. Ca"tholics'whohav'e given PRIEST~ASS · ~e d.octrme· of "the .)nfalhbIhty \ serious attention to the problem . of the tope .. " .' . would support the. 1948 stateLIBERAIIIANA' ; In tiisexchanges wIth Mr. ment .by. ,the late Archbishop ELIXIRIB:EjTROTHS Harrison, the Senator explained McNicholas_of CinCinnati who MONIDIVORCElAOH.\ the doctrine. saying .that it doe!\, as chairman of the' admi~istra~ M 'TTIlEA'R'TtIlllINNA · nOt apply in' detail to decisi,;>ns ~ tive board of the Natior'HlICath...; . . A ...L~_ . iii the practiC:llori:l,er in a ve!y, olic Welfare 'Conference. 'said A~ERSTIHUSBAND aPecifiCway,~butrather: ." .' .that if .Catholics constit~tea a .~JTElAMIS.IE . ' '"It applie~ primarily to relimajority in' this ~ountry they, LASTS MIXED iiousand moral teachings'"be- wou1a not seek a union of churchA.l.~ ~ IAT. ON.~· 'joildthose dic(ated ,by' a natural and state. lU'....L.L!J.I.J ~ . · law or obtainable byhUman r . '.. CATER'. CENTRAL rea~~·...:..,. questions of revea,led _Gra. duatio,n. \ . TRODIDEATHIHOLY tI-~tti· 'and of su'pernatural, per- . . ICuecENCHES~ S . fleCtion." ..... 'Conti~'IUed from Page One '. ~. . ...... A· .... H~' 'added that the doctrine iii theUnitert States. With ~total ',CHIJ:,DRENIREVERE .'alSO. applies,. h~w.ever, "tQ cer~ .enroilment ·of· 343 . cl)ildren; it' . ,NIL:ElELIXIR ./ tain actions arid ,decisions. which 'will graduate 24, at ceremonies,·' :.~G.E,.ERlSYSTEM are' a part. .of .the· temporal' .and scheduled' for' 3 Sundayafter:. ~ ,Political orderwhich.inv9Iv~in:" nCf>hounr·'ch-!.une;, 21 in EspiritoSanto ·ts:'.' . ~rpretation and applicat.~qn of ethicai conclusions,"l,)ut he, .Anoth~r, first in the~.fieldof, ~ANSWERsti (~); 2 (b); 3 (a); Doted that '~Prot~stantil, too, pass. parocnialeducattori in the Dio- '. 4. (a);,5 : (d),; .~ .(a);'7 (c); 8 (b) · judgment .on '. 'the" temporal . cese'is claimed by the Sisters ole .. ",,'.. " . . . . . .'.' lIcene."· . Mercy.. The first :~~mrriuhi~yto.Children's. M a s s ,:' Asked. then about what Mr;. come lfitot~e Diocese,.t,hey. :,,,,. '., . . .. ' H~rrison icalled"a widespread founded'a·school,in 1874'at'Rod~ . Contmuedfrom race On~" ". ·feeling that 'the C~tholic Church . man arid" Fourth Streets.' Fall Children's Masses will be "-,-clergy. and laymen-:-is ruled by River.. : "." drop,ped' comlll~ncing . Sunday, • fe~ at .the top and ?that there..,; ,.' About 1886 the Sisters ~f the ,June " 14, .' said •. Msgr.. sum,· fore. no Catholic is real1Y'fre~' Hoiy 'Cro;s and.' Sev~Dolors . van. Between 'now and ~he· end in the sense that other Amer.., took charge:uf, St. Anne's par- of ~hool, .both. parochIal ~,!d icans .are Jree," .the Senatorre- ochial school also Fali Rivet. pubhc schoolchIldren attendmg plied that· the answer reqtiin!s,."a .. The . instituti~n·. is now' under c~techism classes_will have the' distinctioll between "strict, rigid,." the di.rection 'of the only com~' newsystem_empha~i.zedto them. religious sanctions applied with-' munity founded in this Diocese Not only are fam}hes expected.' in 'the Church on her .own meIl1-' the Dominicans of St" Catherin~ to attend Mass· as a unit; but it · bers: 'and the. use of civil action of Siena. . '." is Msgr. 'Sullivan's hopeth!'t ~ sustain the Church.po!?it!<ln.';· Also in 11186. the 'Religious of . every, ~a~il~ will receive Holy .... . . .. Mary .and thoeRe..ligious. ·CommunIon every Sunday. He .added that in the area of' civil' 'action' "the individual of the' Holy Union of the Sacred · Catholic legislator or office . ~earts' came iritothe' Diocese 'holder is the one who must make and founded sc·hools. They were :the final prud'ent judgment." followed in succeeding years by F u r n i t u r e ' -5to,e ; "He in'ay.acknowledge that. his o' th e r teaching'" coriu)1unities 'Church authorities are sti'onglyuntil the' present .tiine" when JOSEPH M. F DONAGHYopposed 'to such and such pfac1.7 religious orders are' repri-',: owner/mgr. 'tice, but the legislator himself sented aITlOng the 57 'parochial . 142 Campbell St. has' to. make the' practical judg.., schools of t'he Diocese. ".
' .
o"f 'F'a.Oth ".
I n t e l l e c t u a l M e r i t Goal ·Continued from' Page One, Shannon . said: ·"We· should no lege of St. Th.omas, St. Paul, ,longer be' c~n~erned with deinMinn:,as'ne'reviewed .the long , onstrating to other' Americans struggle of immigrant Catholics., that w~ are loyal citizens, trust, in this country in his commence- worthy neighbors, entitled" to 'ment address at Clarke College 'membership in the country club. here. ,.." . ' ... :B~tter 'Course' . Noting that the era of poverty. ' ...We should now/: he said, "be ~nd i>,rejudice is over.. Father able, to presume that these questions have' already 'been an..,. swere~ adequately .for .men· of F ~. ..Innegan good will; and we should also Continued.from Page One ·be pre'pared to "admit. that.most B d '1:' A . t' . 'R' h men are. men 9~ good will. .. roa c!1~ ers SSOCIa IOn. ~. as ';' "The: . traditional American done e~tensi~ework" in broad-- *plrit of! fairness has. opened. to casting, radio, dramatics' and ,tel-/ us any d90rs we care to enter~, evision. ~ 'it onlY·rein'ains}orus to demon.His 'First Solemn Mass' wi~l ~trate tpe i1egr~eof skill and take' iaceatll inSti"Mar's ~pil.ity pI,"9fe!l~ional .. , p ...'. , Y . 'l,ltandardsofs9<::lety." . Cathedral,Fall RIver, on Sun.; . "Th C th I" ,"h· h' '. to' . . . .. ;...., e· a .0 'c. w.!l opes June. 28. A,ss,stant PrIest WIll·. be .' advarice the cause of the Church Very:,Rev: '.i\,rthur W.· Tansey, .. by. poleinic~J ciispJitation . or by '. ReCtor of the Cathedral; Deac~n .. denoun.cingMartin LjJtIiet;is out .' will Rev. John p, Driscoll, of step wi~~ the tilJl~s": he added• SS. Peter & Paul Church, Fall "How, much, petter' and more ,River,~u~-Deacon,wiWbe Rev.. fi-u'afunt ~ould ~ if Catholic Francis~: JIaJ,ligan; O.i>:;Dom:students:\v9ull;iset to prove :ho~ . il)ic3n H:9U~e .of Studies,,' Wash.,., w.ell theyc!lq. th~ ques.,. ington. Preacher will be Rev: 'tions of history, explore the mysRichardG. Shea, S.J., of Boston teriesof' physics, and' 'expound College.' . . . . ..,.;, the. beauties of litera~lire:" .
New Bedford, Mass.
: WYmcm 9-6792
Patriotism' HEADQUARTERS FOR' Continu~;d from Page One' ',continued from Page One COLONIAl AND' of· preser'ving . decency. in the Gorman.' According to pres~nt world." TRADITIONAL FURNITURE· . plims a bus' will probably run Deiivering thetommencement 'from the center of Fall River, address at St. Joseph's College, out Pleasant Street, and thence the Senator asserted: to the. school on Slocum Road, ~ JOB TOO 81G "If the destiny of i nation is ,near Route !J. Definite routin'g to be. fulfilled, each generation NONE· TOO SMAll will depenCi upon location of the , .. must renew its understanding ,majority of students' homes. • of it.• Busses! will also run to the "Many of our countrymen to. ,', . .. " school' from New BE!'d~oZ:d and day resent our role in the world the Cape area. .. because they ~o not understand ' . ' PRINTERS I Students already enrolled at . it. There are . mounting signs' :.B.ishop Stang in,clude eight 'qoYii! that our 'people are ',' ,,'" Main Office ~nd PI.1It and· twogirls·frQm. Acushnet; ,:weary of ,the burden and ,'wish '.;LOWEll,MASS. • ,five boys .and" five' girls. Jrom 'to lay. -it. down. " . " "'I'ele,;bo Low~lI . .'Fiirl1aven; 'Mattapoise'tt" .two . "But .our" .task .. is far .from· 'boy!' and t~9 ,girls;W~~tp.(>r~. completed .. Our .·country .1l)eeds . '.. -" '''''I-nll .MOL 7~''''' · ~~ree boys \lnd:fourg}rls. . " new strengtli,'. new:zeal, new. '" . . " ' '. New Bedford, 46~' bOys, ,55 idealism. I· believe 'that ·when· .. , .·girls;' Dartmouth': five, bOys, six . thefuIIJealization 'dawns'upon 'i"o' ·A.~I"aITP"''';; '. .·.girls; . Freeto",n, .one' boy'; Buz.., 0\lr peo.pIe of'the nob.i.lity'.of. ou.r.· '. ""10'STO·N . ~ zards ~ay" one ,boy;WareiIam,·· role,·o£.the meaning of 'our. . . ..... ' .. two boys, five. giHs;Marioh,. labots,', tl)en '. 'oti'r .. blirden""':"'like ' ... H' .; ;O"cE~NPORT ,N.l' ',' ,Jhree. bo~s,qnegir( Fall ,River, that,' of Simon-will. 'seem' to'PAWTlACKET;L' L' .gro~ iight: the.~labor"i~e~t."":\~;_'I:': '1' '~:" '", Aboyso;Tiverto,il.'!?':1e b;I)Y~. ; . Bishop
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···{jij.Y' F.~lI1iIY·cifNe~ '.
K of C])ioceso'nCYO
At Hopew'elf"Park ;;S,qnday 'I'
..J "
By Jack Kineavy,
• ~:w'(""
Somers;t H'hrh' Sch~ol C;'a~h" .? ~
" '," ,,'
The seCond annual DiocE::san CYO Meet will be staged at Hop~well P'ark, TauntOl),,'Stlnday at 1 :3.0 P.M. Ul1der the auspices of Monsignor Coyle Council No. 82, Knights of Columbus. It will, be a triangular affair with 'contesting s qua d ,s represe!'tin~ ~h.e ".' each' final, event, . the scoring .to greater areas of. raunto~, be done on a 5-3-2-1 basis. Prizes, New Bedford and Fall River. will be given. to the first three .
'finishers in each event. The winning relay team will receive a of competition, the senior group special award and trophies will embracing, the 17-20 age bracket, be awarded, to the champions in the juniors, 13each division': 16.. R~gional 'Fiverun~ing events and three ~ u a I 1f y field events .are Oil the docket ~ng me~tldha~e in the senior division. These ineen .e In elude the 100 and the 220 yard al~ areas ~nd dashes, the 440, the 880 and the Director. B I II mile. The field events which will ~asey IS. nov lead-off the competition boast In pos~esslOn of . . the high jump,' broild lump and the,. final rosshot put. Tbe calendar for the ters o~ e a c h juniors is much Ule same exclusqUS~d. I..t give of the miie and the shot.' 1z e 1m1 s 'have been im-' A banner .throng is expected posect ,in both' divisions. The' to ,view the Competition which , juniors may dress !if contestants, will bring. together the finest while" the maximum number young '.Catholic· track talent ''for' the seniors 'is 28~ Qualifiers in Southeastern Massac~usetts. for Sunday competition 'mi.lstNew'·BecIfor,d, 'c;iefending' cham,have. finished ,in· ·the, top· three pions intQc. seVioJ;' ~ivisionana ,in an event to be eligible for the ';;Ill.~~ver,J~~ jUI)for__~tal!~a~1d :Ofin,aIs, il). that, eyeot. This;- Pcll- ;bearer, once agalb, wIll flel(:l "tains'ttl the ru'nnirig eventS. in str<mg' :$Qu~ds. ". T~unton w)l1 :the senipr' gr,ouping :and io th~ prove a more' forniidable aaVtr·,field events in both divisions. ! sary this nine,however, in th~t " ' ..... ' , " " , its ju~isdiction·..·has' . b~n ex,.. Make RestridioDS. tended 'to' 'include the Attleboro, Easton"areas: On yourhiatk' ... i , It is further' stiplil~ted that a Tourney Finals Saturday' ' eontestant's participation is r~ , '8bicted'~:to 'one 'Funning" event, ',~ ,To"", ,Easte\'n }l4a89.' ,~ase.bal1 'one field ejrent; and· the relay. , Tourney .t .-411 ,<;o~clude il) all ;l'our placell ,wilLbe Awatded ill ~ee, clas8eio Saturday:. , WheJ'e
There wlll be two classes
these game~ will be held or who will be involved is, at this writing, completely conjectU{al: " 'Monsignor Coyle High moved into the semi'-final bracket' on the. strength of a sOlid 10-5' victory over Durfee at HanH,n Memorial Field on Monday.
Bartek Busy
Pete Bartek and Joe Contreras also had two hits apiece. Bartek, chosen 'athlete of the year at Coyle, spent. a busy ~fternooi1 Sunday posting a double in the Fall River CYO Regionals. Pete copped bOth the 100 and the 220, defeating a couple of established track performers, John Mooney and Bob 'Mllcnado.
Righthander Al Costa SUl'vived a shaky start to pitch a strong game' through the fuiddle innings and then coast to his . Top scorer in the Fall River second victory of the tourney. preliminaries was Al Morris, The Warriors eliminated WalSomerset High's fine middle pole, Bay ,State runnerup, 9:6, distance runnel', who scored a at Mansfield last Thursday. triple in the junior competition. Coach Jim, Burns~ team was ··Morris, won the 440 and 880, "scheduled' to 'gO against Everett then placed first· in the high 'in a Class A semi -final yesterday:. 'ju~p to account for 18 of the,21 The potent ·hitting. of 'the slig~t points amassed 'by St. Patrick's winning two man squad. Brottier "appear~ng Warriors le~tJittle to .be desiH~a"intli«i'burfeegame,~s ,Ger.ry came up with the remaining three ..points·. ~. tAo. (. '. 'they'"pelted::the; combined ,offer,.,. :'ings ~f 'Lomax and Murray for > 'Back' "to'· liaseliall, ' Dighton, '14 hits.. Pete. Gaz"Qla, hard-hit- 'Narry League' Champion came ,ting firS'!' "oasetrian; '''m'ore than up with a big' seven run eighth :lived up to his billing as the innill'g' to down, W'ireham, j~meat an.d.\Pota~o~e§'..,man. ,.in the 12-6, :'in a Class B quarterfinal .Coyle order. Pe.te had t')o\'o singles Monday: The . Lions' explos1jn iand a 'boi>mihg triple" ih five 'was featured by Jack' ':Torrel' '>tl'ips to. the .plate. c • .. • " , • two -doUbles>,' both' &:oming"'m
the same inning. Dighton ,"". scheduled to play the Milfor~ Methuen winner yesterday. Alumni League The Fall River CYO Alumni League which has caught \h~ fancy of a host of good ball players in the area continues to give evidence of developing Into a first rate circuit Skip LewiS, former Detroit farmhand, has joined Sacred Hearts, managed 'by Charley Carey. Add Ray Me,;. deiros, ex Durfee-Durfee Tech flinger and the Hearts have come UP' with 'the best mound tandem in the loop. ' .. I. " Jim' Bridgeman. Colby freshman ace,' turned in the leagu~'. first. 'no:'hitter on Sunda'y. 'The strong-armedSt: Thomas , righthll,I'!der" . s h \i. t 0 'u t St. Michael's, 8:"0,: to bring his season's record into tialahce";:' Irb',;, maculate ConceptiOn 'beat him the first time out,. 3-2. Movi'~k_ into the Somerset Imeup for' the St;'Michael's tilt was" Mel Dou'thwright, sophomore mainstay:' of 'the Springfield' College . nine 'this Spri'ng.· " ' , , , .'.,'
WORKERS F6R'GOD:: Through~ut the 'Diocese, dedicated men, members of the Society' of St. .vincent de Paul, are at work -relieving ,I . - human suffering. In' left picture, the Attleboro Particular Council holds its monthly meeting; ,:Left to °right are' MylesF. Daley, president; Rev. William D. Thomson, iIi charge of the soc,iety's Diocesan Central ~ouncil; and Frank Teixeir~,presidentof St. Mary~s parish,conference, N:orton. In
Urges Gradua.t~s Transplant Faith Into. Action, .' ,
,center picture, left to,pight,Raymond Roy, Raymond Boule and Edward Lacroix ~,re at work in' the salvage store rece,ntly openep by'Notre' Dame ,parish conference, Fall River. Lacroix is treasurer of Fall River's' Particular Council. At right, Vincentians D~;id 'Eo Vigeant and- Emile Dozois ' call on' a family in need, assistance. The Vincentians'great ally, is the, Poor Box-Stop atit some Sunday•. / . - ' , '. "
Vincentian~ rraetiee Lo~~, Care of '\1Yeigltb~r
I 'n
- h D-toeese " arts 'es' Th' 'rough"out. , ,
Re'yive Christian U~ity 'Society
'LONDON (NC)-The Society , of St. Jqhn Chrysoston'l, English DETROIT (NC)~Modern , ., By Patricia McGowan Catholic organization which pro'~mericali society is making ,As'the 'Coast Guard is called the iJileJ}t elder ,brother of the ,armed serviceS', the St. mO~es ther.eturn of, the sepa"a ,democracy" of religion Vincent de Paul Society might be' termed the silent service of-a parish; Working in such' " rate~ . ;Easte~n. Christians to a~d a religion 'of democracy," . abosolute secrecythat,e~en parish priest~ not-directly charged with its care . do not C~rldshahn umtfyt , has be~nod·re-f A .' D e Bl ;,Inc·. h' ' t y l. , sth . d'IspenSa 'bl e rIg .. h t:,''h and, of pastors,' . ' 'iilactivity. VlVe ere a. er a peri 0 · Msgr. I rvmg as . k now 0 f th e cases I't h'an dl es, th e socle e, m warned he-re. . Catholic Welfare Bureaus " " ' . '. . <."There, ai'e n1aily indic~tions ' . , . ,. ' fare Bureaus, refer ,cases of ,Parish conferences..are orgail, MaIn goals announced by the. Chat we' ,are developing- not a an~ ~1l concerned WIth alneed to the parish' conference 'of' . ized 'into Particuiar Councils society are: "To work and' pray triple melting pot of.' Catholic, levIatmg human need~ the individual, andmel1 are sent whicH meet monthly. In this that all men; and in particular Protestant and Jew, - but a n'ew In' the Fall R'iver Diocese· immediately to the home..: Diocese there' are Councils in the separated Christians of the super-religion of Americanism," Vincentians,·organized in nearl;. In these days of \yell-organ-., ' Fall,Riv.eF,New Bedford, Taun- / Near and' Middle East, may the national director of the' Fam- every parish, assisted . over 5,000 . ized public welfare the. Vinc~n- .ton, the Attleboros and,the Cape speedily be, united in the One tly Life Bureau told the gradu": individuals during the past,year. tians' ,task is often simply that and-Isllinds:,A Diocesan. Central Church of C,hrist; t(J foster inter- ating cla'ss at' Marygrove College, Over' 7,000 visits were made to of directing people'to the proper Council unites':, the' work of all all works ~pproved by the . : '''There is .~ow ~ ~Oml)romise. families institutions and hos: channels fo:- aid>Because of this parish, !lnd particular groups and Holy Se~ th~t make for a better eoncerrlingbiblicalandnatural pitals. ' ,.. Ithe ~work ?f 'the soCiety' has' is irLtu'rn responsi!:>le,to the Su-· understanding of the problems law religion.' God, llas .b~come, Spiritual Works broadened in' recent years. .' perior Council in New York and of Eastern Christendom' and' to: that jolly ioodfel~ow, our chum,Ort' the spiritual side' i>f the Bishop's H'eipe~ 'worl<!,h,ea~quarters .'in Paris, " studya'nd make better' known im induigent' old' grandfather', ledger; marriages .and'baptisms ' It is now concern~d 'wjth apo~- Where, Freaerick Omnam_origi-:' th~ history and significance of " , .. oor omnipotent ser~ant who de- w~re rectified and arranged' tolic efforts on- behalf' 'of the' "nated: the ,so,ciety,:...ahd : named it.: the.,great Eastern Liturgies." . mands nothing Of us"and guaran- . child~en placed in ParO~.hia(aild ~~C?le Dioc~sl}as w~ll -~s ;ind'i.~ 'for ~t.'.Vi?ce~t,~e.raul.. . ~,~~: 'ieading,.,i·~:th~ reviy~l are the: . tees ou~, every· prayer:" ,.. Sunday schools,ret~rn~',toth~ vI.dual. parIS~es.· ...Tbe annual 9n~ Inore ,e~ample of the care ,society's' ,tw~ , honorarY'secre, Broke~ Ma:r~iag'~ .. sacraments' effected,'and Dlany. ,.. BIShop'S. Ball IS co-spons~red.bY. 'of theC~4rchJor he~ 'children;, .tai'ie~, 'Father Ronald': pilking~:, . : ,He charged, iha't . "religion is. ,converts made. Nearly~O:OOO ' thes~cletY : and . the DIOcesan', ~~e, S~., V ll;tqtln,t>c;iePaul;Society-,~: : to~, -o.f:' th~ Westminste"r' Cathe-:' beComing 'psychiatry ,put . :t<.: prayerbooks and other 'rehgIOusCounCll of Catholic Women arid ltke, "~hakesp~~re~s, quality of . 'dral staff 'and 'Miss "Katherine' music, a paCkagej~b" the rEis!.il!. articles. weI:e distrib'u,ted: ' its, proceeds ,.~ssist- charitab~e'i,m~tcY:~ .~l~!lse!i hiIu\, who ,':Cive!l '. ',H,unterBiair', . ~rominent'''writer:' of organizationai -technjque,a In: charge ·of, the' DIOcesan 'works as dt;slgnated' ,byHI':- , a04:· hIm -~ho tak~s. ' .on Russian affairs. . changing' fad, our m.ost powerful, Ceptral Council of the society is, . Excellency. . . . ' " Other proj'ects include' a bOys'? ..wea'pon agiiri§t comrriunisin', nie: . :Rev, William D; Thomson', pastor enemy of':loneliness.'! ' of St. Mary's :Chu~ch, Norfpn. day .camp, inaugurated for .the Studies' indicate . that' . many He )\admits: that he knew 'litUe', first time in 1955'by Sacred Catholics are reacting to' this about the organization's aciivr~ Heart parish conference Fali ,Do You Woric,~na Factory,' ;debas~mentqf religion 'in' the ties when he was' given 'ihe River; and the St.Yinc~nt de ., ~a~ge. ,Mad-line Shop .or ·.ame way' as' their non':'Ca'thoI;'c' assignment.-, ",. . . . Paul Health 'Camp, ,which served. ;,:Gasoljne. neighbors, Msgr, DeBI~iic de::' Hea!lked a lay leader abOut 438.boys last suminerin addition . . '.. (.... - , .. .Stcltion?, ' ~ .. . ' .' ~ ,clarei!.. ,.. - .. . ,. . .. ' ~,hTeh' .vinCentianlSf_,~ntcI -''!It'has , t~ldk; too'374., daYt~amPl elrs. "1' ",.' ~ickilp and deliver, .clean 'L! "The number of Catholics,lost .'. '. ~ow yours~ In 0" ¢ wor ' . na na IOna ." eve: Vincen-' and repClir overalls.' Aiso. 'we" to 'the Fait'lifro.m 'bi'okenmar- and 'you'll very soon iearnto .'tians'"'froll) time to ti~erii.ak~ a compiete C~vercills. Pa~ts ~tiages is possibly eV:en ,grea'ter love it." That has ooeritrue for 'contributions to councils in areas and· Shirts' for sale. " " , 'than. the 'large numbei'''ofcon- ,hilll, says Father ,Thomson, 'and, ,stricken by floodor< other' dis.. , ; W~ 'recl~ih,: a'nd_wcish any., oily; Yerts we make'." ,Other statis~ .he:s seen it' proved. tiine,:aild;' '"a~t~r. In the; Diocese~ , future dIrty or grea~y 'ratls> ' . . ,. 'tics indiCate' that large numbe~s again ",ith lay, meinbers..·. plans incluqe area salvage st'ores , ,of Catholks practice' pir tli ,con-, ',.:Meit sele6ted fo~ the St.' Viri,,';' 'lik:e, that receptly opened by: Why,~y, ~h~",W.-, Supply, trol and'ignore other moraLprece.nt de Paul ,SocI~tymu~t ,\>e Nott~ . Dame parish'~onference; . 'cepts of the thurch,'be:decl~red"',I:Jlat~r~,;tI: ~:~~mbers' oblig~ti~n!l' incl,ud,e. : _. " . Thre~ :Pre. ~I$,' .', .,.'. :lbl~. the, c0!1fI.~e!ll?es' . a, ~eekly, ~eeting, ilildpr~ctiee. ' ~'; . olpeople, In· need, ~n twos,- theY:. of, the corporal and spiritual d~heset'h,bct~··d-MSg.r"":ViSit cases a·'thepri~st~ 'wo'r,ks 'of mercy: throu,gh . their. . '. - to neIBnl"vlew"lolf anc ca e on. e gra uates \ - t' th' con . f erenc::e," . .~, '. ... .... . k ," . 't' .... , t' f'" d'Ire~ or 0 f'' ,elr· ,as case ,assignments. .: ,m~ e a reco~ml men " 0 parish units are called~,., .. ". . ' ". 2: ,.Howard Ave'.. New'Becilord . " , ~emsel~es to Chrls~. He esp~:. . They are empowered to judge • ,.",II". . . . . . . . . .lPh1.oe ,wy '-G424 er W~; 9.~,6425• • •_ . . . . ,clall~ U1 ged them to take three the merits of each cij,Se' and to :, ateps." . '.. " . . , .. give immediiite assis'tance' if : r- }). . Be ~rbcula~e.;r~~ter tlJ.e necessary. :Often' Catholic:cW~I': dialogue of, our" . times." . He ' " . '. " ,.;. Say'sMovi~s,B~i~ng' '-pOinted out that Ureligion must :, be as clear as it 'is sure, or it is 'no religion. Our Catholic cul. .:. :lure will, Q.ot be recognized by ,CINClNNATI (NC )....",Do, HoI., NEW BEDFORD . , . .. . ;non..,C:atholics until; they . are lywood movies', beiong ,in th~ ':>~ l' shown, what having 'a., cultUl'e' high school curriculum? A~et- _ "really means.'" " .eran Catholic educator,'says they, ·INDUSTRIAL: OILS . ,2) "Accep~,'your leadership as ,~o-to a limited extent, a~d ., I .'~ HEAliNG. OilS .• ·vocatic;m.. .'Transplant' You'r. provided they are careitilly. an:" -Faith ':into action." Catholics ..,a'yzed· afterward. .:....;',.'., .• t , ,"rol\s! not 'leave :the, stage va- " Msgr. Carl J .. Ryan;:Cincinl1ati. TIM~EN~:' cant tor the: immoderates ~nd aI:chdioc.esan,superi.l1 tendent "of ,reac~ioiia,\,i~s,": Msgr. DeBlanc" 'schoOls, sees soniesei'iousi rea:..·. : .: ;'; ':,OIL 'BURN'ERS ·declared. ',. .. ' , sons for showing a limited:ntim~, - :' 3) ,'", Develop' ·\'i n t e r Ii It I' ,ber, of .'movies . in hi'gh :,sehool . "strengths." By, this;" Msgr,De-or,.colleg~; 'and following'ea~h-' ,~ Blat1c. said he .mearif'inot 'only film. with· a' lively' ,discu·ssl·on,.of , ' . -- :our.. lPoral life,bl\tespecially iUri the ~lassroom. .", '" .. , SOl COUNTY"ST. ." "BR,E-AD ,~e ascetic life."- He,\Vat~ed that .. Jp.fact, ~fi1m evalua~ioi1.pI:o:"_, NEW BEDFORD ", '. '_.we m!-1st.go· beyond' the call of .. grall1 is now· being',!condileted :", . ' -., :', _ ' : ' ,. ~duty, iC.we, ~re'eveif:,to 'prese~ve:, ,'in ,at least four ,liigli":~ch\)olS/i.{d.:'" ' . 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