An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm -
Vel. 14, No. 24
© 1970 The Anchor
ST. PAUL PRICE 10¢ $4.00 per yoar
FaU River, Mass., ThursdaYe June 11, 1970 ",
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Nixon Taps Lodge As Vatican Envoy WASHINGTON (NC) - Henry Cabot Lodge intends to make his first exten~ed visit to Rome in about two weeks, as President Nixon's newly named personal envoy to the Vatican, and will set up office in a hotel there. The 67-year-old former U. S. Ambassador to Saigon discussed his plans with NC News when reached by telephone at his Beverly, Mass., home a few minutes before the White House announced his appointment. He was given no formal diplomatic status, although he is ranked in the U.S. State Department as a roving ambassador. "I'm deeply grateful for the honor," said Lodge, "I'm looking forward to visiting the Vatican. I pray that this will open up great opportunities for exchanging points of view that will advance the cause of peace." Asked how soon he expected to make his initial visit to the V&tican in - his new capacity, Lodge said he expected to go "toward the end of the month." He said he would remain in Rome "a few weeks" and would live in a hotel, maintaining an office there, rather than provide himself with a leased apartment. Occasional visitors to Pope
Paul VI from the Nixon administration over the past year, such as Transportation Secretary John Volpe and, twice, presidential assistant Peter M, Flanigan, have stayed no more than one or two ·days. Lodge was last received in papal audience on Jan. 16, 1967 after he had ended two tours as ambassador in Vietnam for President Johnson and before heading the Paris negotiating team for President Nixon throughout 1969. Nixon's decision to name Lodge marks the first time the United States has set up a personal emissary arrangement with the vatican since President Franklin D. Roosevelt sent Myron C. Taylor over in February 1940 as his liaison man with Pope Pius XII, less than two years before American entry into World War II. The time Taylor actually spent in Rome covered only a few months, although he remained on the books until 1950 as special envoy. Concern over the search for peace was evident in the Washington announcement of Lodge's appointment and in the words of Turn to Page Fourteen
Holy Rosary Church Scen@ Of Ordination on Sunday Rev. Leo Polselli, C.S.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gaetano -Polselli, 103 Varley Street, Fall River, will be ordained to the priesthood on Sunday, June 14,
at noon, by Bishop James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River, in Father Polselli's ·parish church, Our Lady of the Holy Ro~r~ . A native of Fall River, Father Polselli was born on May 22, 1940. He attended Fall River public schools 'and was graduated from Durfee High School in 1958. Upon completing high school, he enrolled at Stonehill College, North Easton, from which he received an A.B. degree in economics in 1962. In the Summer of 1962, he studied at Purdue University and for six weeks in Puerto Rico to acquaint himself with the cooperative movement in preparation for the Peace Corps. He received an assignment to Chile in November, 1962, to work in the formation and assessing of production cooperatives in southern Chile. He returned from the Peace Corps in September, 1964, when Turn to Page Seventeen
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FIRST COMMENCEMENT: Bishop Connolly congratulates George J. Banville, one of the 87 seniors of the first .graduating class from Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, as Rev. Charles J. Dunn, S.J., rector, second left, and Rev. John G. Cornellier, S.J., principal, right, participate in the ceremonies.
Except In Massachusetts?
Federal Voucher Aid To Begin in 1971 CAMBRIDGE (NC)-A voucher system for education which might prove a financial help to both public and non public schools has been proposed by a group of researchers here. Christopher' Jencks, author and associate professor of education at Harvard University, directed the study under an Office of Economic Opportunity grant. Jencks said the proposal-to be tried out in one or two areas in Fall 1971 - would probably help alleviate money troubles in nonpubli~ schools. One section
father Tosti CeD Di@ce$Qn Director The Chancery Office announced today the appointment of Rev. Ronald A. Tosti as Diocesan Director of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Following philosophical and theological studies at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, the newly Turn to Page Sixteen
in the proposal argues that parochial school participation in the program would be constitutional. On Monday the State Supreme -Judicial Court of Massachusetts called unconstitutional the so-called Mooney bill which proposed a voucher system of state aid. Under the bill, filed by State Rep. Jolm J. Mooney (D-Canton) the stote would provide It voucher of $100 a year for each child attending an accredilled pubnfic or private school, with the voucher to be turned over Kor redemption to the school of alttendance. The present prollltern lIlttendallt upon this OlEO proposal is this: can it be implemented in Massachuse1lt5 nn
view 'of the strl.ctures of the Massachusetts Sll&t<a Constitution, the mosll severe in the nation in thl: matter of state aid to non-plllbnc schools? The OEO plan aims, at giving parents in an area more freedom to choose where U:eir children go to school, as we:1 as to provide the _ financial assistance needed to upgrade education programs jn all participating schools. Parents in a given area would receive one voucher per elementary school age child equal to the am.ount spent by neighborhood public schools for educating each pupil. Children could then be enTurn to Page Six
Praises Charity and Zeal Of Late Msgr. IPrevost Rev. Joseph A. Mar-tineau, ad-ministrator of St. Michael's Parish, Swansea lauded the charity and energy of Rev. Msgr. Louis E. Prevost, pastor emeritus of St. 'Joseph's Parish, New Bedford in a homily delivered at Pontifical Concelebrated Mass of Requiem offered on Tuesday morning at 10 in St. Joseph's Church, New Bedford. The homilist, who served as Monsignor Prevost's assistant for 15 years in the New Bedford Parish, stated: "Monsignor Prevost was a' charitable and energetic priest. His daily Mass was the 'source of his untiring interest and enthusiasm in the building of Christ's kingdom on earth." In verbal pictures seen as the late pastor emeritus' assistant, Father Martineau wove a tapestry that depicted the benefits received by missionaries, parishes and schools through Monsignor
Prevost's incessant charity. Bishop Connolly was the principal celebrant of the Mass. The Turn to Page Six
THE ANCHOR. Thurs., June 11, 1970 "'
See Passion Play Hostile to Jews
St,o"ehill Names Academic Dean
NEW YORK' (NC) - Despite schola,rs' protests around the world, the famous Oberammergau Passion Play "remains fundamentally hostile to Jews and Judaism," said a spokesman for the American Jewish Committee.
Rev. Edmund J. Haughey, C.S.C., has been named Academic Dean of Stonehill College to succeed Rev. David Arthur, C.S.C., who will enter the UniRabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, the versity of Michigan this Summer committee's interreligious affairs to complete doctoral studies. director, said. the passion play At the same time announceenacted every decade since 1634 ment has l>een,IJ!ade of the ap"still imputes to the Jews colREV. THOMAS F. DALEY MSGR. ALFRED J. GENDREAU MSGIi.' HENRI A. 'HAMEL REV.' LUCIEN A. MADORE pointment of Brian P. Murphy to lective guilt for the crucifixion." succeed Father Haughey as DiHowever, he praised a Cathorector of Admissions at the colIic'scholar's criticism of the play lege. Murphy, who has J)een for helping to implement the Assistant Director of Admissions teachings of Vatican II which resince 1968, is an alumnus of Father Madore, chaplain at pudiated the alleged collective Five members of the ordina- . tary of the Examiners of the Stonehill and is receiving an adMt: St, Joseph's School, Fall guilt of the Jews. vanced degree in counseling tion class of 1935 will commem- Clergy. He was named a Domestic River and director of Notre from Northeastern University orate their 35th' anniversary in Rabbi Tanenbaum referred to the priesthood with a copcele- Prelate by Pope John XXIII with Dame Cemetery, Fall River with the Class of 1970'. served as an assistant at Notre Father Luc De Queker, secretary brated Mass of Thanksgiv!p.g at the title Monsignor in 1964. Father Haughey, who holds 5 on Monday evening, June 15 Monsignor Hamel served seven Dame and St. Mathieu Parishes, of the subcommission of Jewish degrees from the University of in St. Joseph's Church, New Bed- vears ~s an assistant at St. An- Fall River for seven years. relations of the Belgian Catholic Notre Dame and Catholic Uni- ford. In 1942, he joined the U. S. Commission on Ecumenism and thonv's Parish, New Bedford and versity, was appointed to the his statement entitled "OberamThe jubilarians. who were or- in i942 entered the chaplain Army Chaplain Corps and re- . mergau, Sign of Contradiction or admissions 'post at, Stonehill in mained in the service for 18 corps of the U.S. Army and then 1964. He formerly taught history dained on June 15, 1935 by Bish- later transferred to the Army vears. In 1960, he was named to of Reconciliation?". The statement was, contained in a letter and government at King's Col- .oj> Cassidy in St. Mary's Cathe- Air Force. He served in many his present assignment. lege in Pennsylvania and previ~ dral, Fall River, are: Rev. Msgr. theaters of operation and was . Father Sullivan, pastor of 1m- sent to priests of the Malinesously served as Guidance Coun- Alfred J: Gendreau, ·Rev. Msgr. Command Chaplain, Military Air 'maculate Conception Parish, Brussels archdiocese. sellor and Athletic Director at 'Henri A. Hamel, Rev. Thomas F. Transport Service when he re- North Easton since Oct. 1969, In it, Father De Queker wrote Notre Dame High School, Bridge- Daley, Rev. Lucien Madore, and tired in 1963. served as an assistant in parishes that "it is very important that Leo T. Sullivan. t , port, Conn. Father Haughey re- Rev. He served six years as pastor on Cape Cod, in Taunton and for Christians who go to Oberf!mMonsignor Gendreau. pastor cently served as Prseident of the of St. Jean the Baptist Church, 18 years in Holy Name Church" mergau be informed of the obTaullton, of St. Jacques Parish, Catholic College Admissions Fall River and was named as' New Bedford. Council and is a member of the was a member, of the Sulpician pastor· of St. Joseph's Parish, ) While at the New Bedford as- jections of the Jews against the passion play and be informed AmeriCan Political Science As- Fathers and taught in seminaries New Bedford on Aug 12, 1969. si~nment, he also served as Area of the problems that the play in Baltimore, Seattle and Detroit sociation and the American PerPope John elevated the jubilar- Chaplain of the Boys Scouts and 'posed from the Christian' point sonnel and Guidance Association. from 1935 to 1953. During, the ' ian to the rank of Domestic Prel- the CYO and in 1952 was ap- of view as well . . . ." He is a member of Pi Gamma years 1943-46, he served as an ate with the title of Monsignor pointed Diocesan Director of the Mu, national honor society for Army chaplain in the European on Aug. 26, 1960. CYO. The statement cautioned Theater of Operations. He served social science. Christians attending the play "to St. Father Daley, pastor of In June, 1960 he was named as assistant, at St. Mary's Catheavoid letting themselves be dral from 1954 to 1959 and was Mary's Parish, Norton served as first pastor of St. Ann's Parish, swept away by the drama of assistant at Our Lady of the Raynham. _ Meeting to Discuss named administrator of St.' Pe~ Isle Parish, Nantucket and Holy A member of the Priests' Sen- the passion and blaming for the ter's Parish, Dighton in 1959. Name Parish, Fall River. ate since its inception, Father crucifixion till Jews indistinctly, Technology Impact He has served as pastor at On June 8, 1944, he joined the Sullivan served as first chair- those of today as well as the GENEVA (NC) - Churchmen Blessed Sacrament Parish, Fall Chaplain Corps of the U.S. Army man of the Personnel Board. contemporaries of Jesus." and scientists will discuss the River and has been in his pre'sent and remained in the service for significance of the theology and assignmerit ' since 1966. 20 years with service in both the ethics to environmental probNecrology. Monsignof' Gendreau has ~Iso European and Asiatic Theaters C~Ulbs lems, population growth and bi- f.erved as Vicar for Religious, of Operation. JUNE 18 'ological experimentation 'in a. Pro-Synodal Judge, and SecreIn March, 1960. while still a Rev. James M. Coffey, P.R., conference here to be 'held June member of the Chaplain Corps, 28-July 4 on "The Future of Man Member of the St. Ignatius 1935, Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton. he attended' the Vatican ConsisAbbot Il1Istal~ed and Society in a World of Sci{ory that saw his personal friend, Guild and the 'Loyola Club of ence-based Technology." CONCEPTION, (NC) - Abbot Peter Cardinal Doi, elevated to Bishop Connolly High School, 'I Included in the approximately, Kevin McGonigle, O.S.B.,' 55, ,has the Cardinalate. The friendship Fall River will co-sponsor a reDay of Prayer 100 persons expected to attend been installed as the fifth head developed when Father Daley ception from 8 to lOon Sunday will be physicists, computer ex- of the Benedictines' Conception was serving as an Army Chap- night, June 14 in the Bishop June 21-Sacred Heart, No. perts, biolQgists and biochem- abbey here in Missouri. He was lain in Japan. Connolly High School cafeteria Attleboro. ists, demographers, professors of blessed solemnly by Bis!lop as a testimonial to Rev. John G. St. Francis Xavier, HyanCornellier, S.J. principal of the , social ethics and theologians. Charles H. Helmsing of Kansas nis. boys' high school since its openThe Roman Catholic Church will City-St. Joseph, Mo. Ten bishops' Chicago Director St. Mary, New Bedford. send eight official observer-par: and abbots took part in the cere" ing in 1966. Gets B,oston Post· . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ticipants. The sponsoring organizations mony. CHICAGO (NC)-J9hn J. Rob- urge all parents and students of "'-·"W·""·""·,':' inson, director of the Tri-Faith the schools first graduating class Employment Project of the Chi- and the undergraduate classes to cago Conference on Religion and attend this evening of recogniD. D. Wilfred C. Race, has been named assistant tion. Sullivan Driscoll director' of Boston's archdiocesan Commission on Human Mass Ordo Rights. Robinson, 37, joined the Tri469 LOCUST STREET FRIDAY-Mass (Choice of CelFaith' Project staff in 1966 as ebrant). Weekday. FALL RIVER, MASS. director of one of the project's neighborhood employment cen- SATURDAY - St. Anthony of 672-3381 Padua, Priest, Doctor of the ters. Since April,1968, he has Church. Memorial. White. headed the city-wide network of free employment centers SUNDAY-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost. Green. Mass Propsponsored by CCRR in cooperaer; Glory; Creed; Preface of tion with the Chicago Committee Sunday. on Urban Opportunity. Under Funeral Home MONDAY-Mass (Choice of Celhis leadership, the project placed ebrant). Weekday. 571 Second Street more than 50,000 unemployed TUESDAY-Mass (Choice of Celinner-city adults in jobs. Fall River, Mass. ebrant). Weekday. 679-6072 WEDNESDAY-Mass (Choice of Celebrant). Weekday. MICHAEL J. McMAHON Priest Call1didate\ Registered Embalmer De PERE (NC)-Father Rob- THURSDAY - St. Ephrem, the Syrian, Deacon, Doctor of the Licensed Funeral Director ert Cornell, O. Praem., history .Church. Optional. White. department cl1airman at St. Norbert's College here)' plans to announce his candidacy for Congress in Wisconsin's eighth' congressional district. Republican Ol11e. fFn«ODI1!!D""B 1J9@8D8rE John Byrnes, 56, h~s held, the congressional seat for the past 550 Ir:.ocust Street ' 1r~li1e&'~~' ~@Iroice . FATIRlHlAVlEN MEN lHIONO]R MA\lRY: Present at the 25 years. !FaiD River. Mass. !Edward IF. Carrnoy Vigil of the Feast of the Sacred Heart honoring the Pilgri~ 111"'11""""11"""''''''''''''''''''''''"''''''''''''''''''''''11''"""""""''''!l!lu'''''''''''''''" THE ANCHOR •
Five Priests Plan '35th Jubilee Mass
to Honor Fr. Cornellier
Michael C. Austin
Statue of the Blessed Virgin at the Sacred Hearts Churcl;t, Fairhaven, were Manuel Gonsalves, William Keane, presiI dent of the Men of the Sacred Heart and Joseph Costa.
Second Class Postage Paid 3t Fall River, Mass., Published every Thursday, at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cahtolic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $4.00 per year. .
5~9 Coun~y
Rose IE. !;uaDRfi
IE. SunBllvalll
New Bedford ~9,\)-622~ Serving the area since 1921
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Bishops Attend Joint Retreat
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THE ANCHORThurs., June 11, 1970
Diocese of FaU River
Rev. Ronald A. Tosti as Diocesan Director of the Corio fraternity of Christian Doctrine. Appointment effective June 11, 1970.
~~~t£-aBishop of Fall River.
Diocesan CCD Office Completes Survey of Teac:hing Materials The Diocesan CCD Office has recently completed a series of evaluations covering a variety of materials used for instruction in CCD schools of Religion and in Adult Education programs. The evaluations, which have been distributed in chart form to each parish, represent a compilation of surveys taken among teachers using the various mao terials in actual classroom situations. In those cases where newly published books are evaulated, the Diocesan CCD Board and Staff conducted appraisals which considered a number of points dealing with format and content. Sister Martha Wordeman, Diocesan Catechetical Consultant, was coordinator of the project, which took several months. It covers 36 different school and adult education offerings, many of them new or revised since a similar project was completed in June, 1969. Commenting on the task, Sister Martha said that the evaluations were particularly timely because their publication now would assist in plannipg for CCD programs scheduled for the Fall. In addition, she indicated that the more popular texts used in CCD programs have been the subject of some controversy_ in recent months. "There has been a considerable amount of misinformation circulated recently about CCD texts", said the Sister. "While certainly not the last word, the Diocesan evaluations are an objective, professional judgment based on doctrinal approach, content, format and actual use." "The materials presently available to teachers are the best we have ever had", stated Sister Martha. "The variety insures that the parish CCD unit can choose materials which will be appropriate tools for a sound Religious Education program." Copies of the text evaluations have been forwarded to the United States C!ltholic Conference in Washington, where the Division of Research and Development is conducting a religion textbook evaluation project. Ad· ditional copies are available on request from the Diocesan CCD Center in Fall River. In preparation at the CCD
Center are evaluations of materials designed to' be used with exceptional children and books dealing with the. preparation of children for the reception of the sacraments.The are scheduled for Summer publication.
The New Bedford Catholic Guild for the Blind will hold its next meeting on Tuesday evening at the Lapointe home. A cookout will be held at 6 and the meetin~ will follow.
ECUMENICAL PILGRIMAGE Under The Personal Spiritual Supervision of His Excellency Most Reverend
JAMES L. CONNOLLY Bishop of Fall River
ENGLAND - ITALY - PORTUGAL with Optional Tours To
Pays For Everything From Logan Airport to Europe and Return. No Extr~s - No Hidden Costs. Includes Air and Land Travel; Deluxe Hotels; All Meals Except a Few Lunches.
PAY $200 DOWN Balance in Twelve Easy Monthly Payments Sponsored By The
Guild for Blind
U;OLY FAMILY SENIORS SCAN YEAR BOOK: Prior to cOplmencement ceremonies in St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford, four of the 89 members of the senior class at Holy Family High School, New Bedford examine the history of their class as written in their year book: They are: Dennis· Winn, Lois Murphy, Paul Chevalier and Sharon
LIBERTY (NC) Moving closer to the organic unity sought by a national AnglicanCatholic commission, 21 bishops of both faiths gathered for three days of prayer at Immaculata Retreat House here. . The joint retreat was the first ever held. by the two churches. Some of the prelates are members of the ecumenical commission which .suggested such activities' in a recent statement. The Joint Commission on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations in the United States, five-yearold theological dialogue. group, announced in May that commission members had reached substantial agreement in several theological areas and urged further Angilcan - Catholic cooperation, including joint activity in missionary, educational and social programs. At the same time, members announced plans for the recent retreat. Dr. Massey Shepherd, Episcopal Clergyman from Graduate Theological Union in Berke· ley, Calif., and Father Herbert Ryan, S.J., of Woodstock College in New York, were the reo trE;at masters.
DIOCESAN TRAVEL LEAGUE Rt. Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, Director
2J Glorious Days Departing Octob~r 13 ON .THE MAGNIfICENT PAN-AM 747 World's Largest, Safest, Most Luxurious Passenger Jet His Excellency, Bishop Connolly extends a cordial invitation to people of all faiths to accompany him on the First Ecumenical Pilgrimage to Europe that will combine a leisurely vacation with a rewarding spiritual .and cultural experience,
The main tour will include a Papal Audience, visits to the Shrine of Our Lady of 'Fatima; Canterbury, the Seat of Christianity in Englandj Rome, London, lisbon and many more with opportunities to vary your itinerary to fit your needs.
Dear Monsignor: Without obligation please send me complete information on Bishop Connolly'S Ecumenical Pilgrimage.
Options will also include Jerusalem and Tel Aviv if peace is restored to the Middle East. Mail the coupon for ·Cost of Main Tour. Prices On Optional Tours Furnished On Request. . detailed information.
Rt. Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, Diocesan Travel League P. O. Box 1631 • Fall River, Mass. (02722)
.. ~
Priest Refuses Persona I Honor
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 11, :1970
San Juan Capistrano Resents Return of Famous ,Swallows SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO (NC) - They're pulling out the . welcome mat from under this mission town's world famous swaIlows-,-but in wagering cir· cles the smart money is on the feathered creatures" pesky or not. There's no doubt the, swallows made this a world renowned town. And each year tourists by the thousands flock here to see if the birds keep their traditional date on St. Joseph's Day (Mardi 19», returning from wintering in warmer climes to nest in the cliffs by the sea. Fabled in song ("When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano") and for decades in hun· dreds of yearly news stories, the swallows, too, keep attracting tourists, through the Summer' months-which isn't bad for the town's economy. But the swallows have extend· ed their nesting places from the cliffs to buildings in the town. Businessmen, homeowners lately have been degrading the town's No. 1 tourist attraction as pests who make "a terrfule mess." The disgruntled have been knocking down nests, employing noise makers, to scare off the birds. Washington Problem , Even some swaIlow nests at the 194-year·old, mission have tumbled to the ground-but the good Fathers at the mission claim ,the nests were loosed by rains and feIl.
Not all of the townsfolk are, enemies of the swallows. There are a goodly number contemplating appealing to the town officials .for an ordinance ibanning harm to the birds. , Back in the early 1930s when San Juan Capistrano was a sleepy, little-known town, an en. terprising newspaperman ;suggested promoting the return of the swallows as an attraction. It mattered not that some swallows showed up before St. Joseph's Day, or days later, the legend was built around thE1 return on March 19. And it worked. Among the wagering fraternity, those willing to risk a few bobs on the birds are mindful , . " that in Washington, D. C., f"uit· 'less efforts (noise makers, poisons, the works) have been emSTANG SENIOR OFFICERS: Joseph Gill, class presiployed by city officials trying to ' unroost starlings from govern. dent, seated, Deborah Sa Vieira, vice-president and Kenment buildings. neth Correira, treasurer gather for the last time as officers And in the nation's capital, of the class of, '70 at Bishop Stang High School on comthey've been trying to evict 'the mencement nay of the N. Dartmouth Diocesan High School. starlings since before the Capistrano swallows' became tradi- ' ' , tional. ,
Police, People Clash In Polish Village
"Women and Law
Remedies for Sex Discrimination Nucleus of Georgeltown Course
BONN (NC)-,-Police and people of the village of Chodkow in southeastern Poland clashed 'recently when police attempted to tear down a church under construction in the town,' it was ,reported here. Th~ churth was beAnglican Opposes. ing built without governm~nt authorization. Women in Mil1listry , ST. CATHARINES (NC) - A Chodkow 'has only a small priest in the Anglican Church of chapel at present,' so that most Canada has said in an interview Catholics have to remain outthat he is '~absolutely opposed" doors during Mass. After Chu~ch to women in the ministry. authorities unsuccessfully sought .Father Carmilo ae Catanzaro, ' authorization for construction, superior-general, of the Confra- the people using' their own reternity of the Blessed Sacrament" sources, started to build the said that ordination of women is church in 1963. contrary to the Scriptures. Since that time, governrqe,nt 'At the confraternity's annual meeting here~ he said that de· authorities have put pressure on spite the high position of women the owner of the lot where the in the New Testament, it was church is being built to, tear significant that Jesus chose no down the structure. women to be apostles: . The recent clash occurred f" Father Catanzaro, rector of St. when police surrounded the site Barnabas church in Peterbor- and h'ad workers from other ough, is also chairman of an A.n- localities tear down the building. glican organization opposed to The villagers attacked and polic;:e union between the Anglican repelled them with tear gas and church and the United Church nightsticks. Some demonstrators of Canada. had to be hospitalized.
WASHINGTON (NC~ivil knows Mrs. Bowman in a less rights of women and legal rem-' professional way. Her husband edies for sex discrimination form is a law professor there. ' the nucleus of a course to be "I intend to approach the taught by a woman lawyer this . course with a bias that women FaIl at Georgetown University are denied equal opportunities in Law School. our society," said Mrs, Bowman. The school is believed, to be She concedes that she has faced only the second U. S. law school little sex discrimination, but to offer a credit course in sex adds that it does not lessen her discrimination, although most awareness of the enormity of law s'chools have had civil rights the problem. courses for a dozen years. "This is going to be a meat The course is the result of a lmd potatoes course, with emrequest for it by an ad hoc group phasis on remedies," said Mrs. of students, 11 women and a Bowman. Otherwise, she beman, who had seen the syllabus lieves the class would deteriof a similar course at New York orate into "a group of women, University Law School this year; students sitting around complaining about being relegated Teaching the two-credit course to second-class citizens and caIled "Woman and the Law" at cleaning house ~nd' playing Georgetown will be Mrs. Bar· doIls." bara Bowman. She is director <>f At Georgetown, which has 108 the District of Columbia Legal women students in an enrollment Aid Agency, and was third in of 1,200, Mrs. Bowman plans to her 1963 class at Yale Law teach' students how to bring School. legal suits against sex bias and Georgetown, which has one to "offer'a chance to face speciw'oman law faculty member, fic problems rather than merely surveying the law ,case-by-case." III11I1111111mtlIIllUU"""'1ll1ll1l1ll1ll""It"Um""I1""llllltlU1UUlIl""""mlllll1llltlllllllimIllilllllllm"II'mmlmllllllll"'I1"ll11lllmllllllllllllllt'II11'""'"'II'II"""l1"",",:"".,,,,;mmlllllllll"""""""'HU"''''IIII11t1mtll'''''''"''''U"""l11"""'''Wlllllm''"''''''''''U'''IJ'''''''''' The 31-year-old Mrs. Bowman said she intends to take sex disCATHOLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT crimination "into the spotlight of 'public attention, which in turn wiIl spark the needed legisSCHOOL CALENDAR 1970 - '1971 .Iative reforms." "The vision of achieving total equality for women is an idea SEPTEMBER 1970 OCTOBER 1970 NOVEMBER 1970 DECEMBER 1970 F M T M W T W T F T M T T whose time has come. That viW T W T F F M 1' 2 sion will be transformed into re9 10 1l 2 3 [4] 5 61 234 14 15 16 17 18 5 6 [7J 8 ality by legislatures and courts," 9 9 10 (\1) 12 13 7 8 [91 10 1l (2) 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 she said. 16 17 18 19 29 14 15 16 17, 18 19 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 23 24 25 (26 27) 21 22 23, (24 25 26 27 ' 28 29 30 30 28 29 30 31) ,2l Days 16 Days 18 Days 17 Days M
F (I)
1l 18 25
3 10 17
24 (3ll
12 [13] 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 20 Days
22- , 29
FEBRUARY 1971 T W T F 2 [3] 4 5 9 10 1l 12 8 18 19) U5 16 17 ,22 23 24 25 26 M I
15 Days
MAY 1971 T W T
4 5 (6 1l 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27
7lb 14 21 28
JUNE 1971 W T T I 2 3
7 14 21
8 15 22
18 Days
MILWAUKEE (NC)-A priest was given a standing ovation when he declined an award for work among the Spanish speak· ing community here at a B'nai B'rith dinner. ' Father John R. Maurice, direc· tor of the Milwaukee Spanish Center, said he feIt he was not entitled to the award. He recommended the award go to Delfina Guzman, Santos Godoy and William Quiles who have worked "behind the scenes for many years" without due recognition, or to several organizations helping minority groups. Joseph M. Berstein, dinner chairman, read the priest's statement declining the award. When he finished more than 300 at the dinner gave Father Mauriee a standing ov~tion.
9 19 16 17 23' 24 19 Days
4 1l 18 25-
MARCH 1971' T W T
1 2 3 4 8 9 [10] , 1l 15 16 17 18 22 . 23 24 25 29 30 31· '; 23 .Day~
() = Holiday or [ ] = - = a b
5 12 19 26
APRIL 1971 T W T 1
6 [7J 8 5 12 13 14 15 (19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 16 Days
See Needs Money To Meet Payrolls PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Philadelphia archdiocesan officials may have to borrow more money to meet two upcoming payroIls in 32 Cathqlic high schools. The archdiocese met a $369,000 payroIl deadline Friday with. out a loan, but was forced re'cently to borrow $375,000 to meet its previous payroll. That, was the first time it had borrowed to finance its schools. Officials said the financial picture "remains blurry" ·because it is unknown how many parishes can afford to pay assessments of $150 for each high school stu-. dent. It is also unknown how quickly parents will respond with tuition or student fees. With' two June payroIls amounting to $1.2 million, the archdiocese may be forced to borrow again.
See Us first See Us Last But See Us
,cHEVROLET 7001 Kings Hwy~ NEW BEDfORD Open Evenings
2 (9)a-
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16 23) 30
vacation; no school session ' Professional day; schools close at end of morning • session for staff in-service program. End of Quarter. Examinations given during this week; report cards issued within week following. Good Friday Catholic Teachers Convention
Catholic Woman, Mother of Five, 'Military Wife of the Year' WASHINGTON (NC) - Mrs. Albert Sanford, president, Military Council of Catholic Women, an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women, was chosen "Military Wife of the Year" from five finalists;. all Catholics, competing for the honor. Receiving a dozen roses and a kiss from master of ceremonies Art Linkletter, Mrs. Sanford commented: . "If I could, I'd blush." She is the first black to receive the honor in the fouryear-old contest. The finalists, representing each branch of the armed services, have a total of 32 children. Four are officers' wives. Gussie Smith Sanford, wife of Lt. Col. Albert G. Sanford who joined the Army as an enlisted man, is a mother of five and is functioning as an "envoy without portfolio" at her husband's post in Frankfurt, Germany. Among other activities, she is a member of a German-American society, an honorary member of a German Catholic women's or-
ganization and a powerhouse in the Girl Scouts. Volunteer Service Mrs. Sanford stood next to last in the count of finalists' children. Mrs. Ralph Wewmouth of the Navy and Mrs. Malcolm Luft of the Air Force tied for first with eight each; Mrs. Stuart Bechwith (Coast Guard) has seven, and Mrs. Richard Greer of the Marines (and a former Marine herself) has four. The large number of offspring evoked more than one comment by the finalists' celebrity introducers. Mrs. Greer, with the fewest, said: "I feel like a piker." Also among them, the five finalists share an astronomical number of volunteer hours devoted to everything from teaching retarded children to civil rights activities. Mrs. Weymouth, wife of a rear admiral, holds open house in Norfolk for the wives of en- . listed men and receives their troubled calls at any hour. Mrs. Greer, wife of a Marine gunnery sergeant stationed at Camp Le Jeune, N. C., was able to enlist the aid of the military community in a VISTA project in nearby Jacksonville. e Will Tour U. S•. 00 S Final selection of military wife ST. PAUL (NC) - Protests of the year was made by a panel against continued military of five women judges selected courses in Cctholic institutions by Mrs. Walter Varney Magee, got down to the high school president of the General Federa-. level here. tion of Women's Clubs. Each of the finalists received Members of Concerned Chris- an IS-inch bronze "Milli" stattians for Non-Violence, affiliated uette of a woman holding a with the Minnesota Clergy and "wreath of peace" in one hand Laymen Concerned, distributed with the other· "outstretched in literature protesting the military aid to those less fortunate." tradition at Cretin High School Mrs. Sanford received a rephere. lica of a four-foot Military Wife The literature claimed "a of the Year trophy which is on ilita Catholi~ ?1 ry school" .is .a _ permanent display at the PentacontradIction and ~dded It lS gon. She will tour U. S. cities "mandatory" that Christians "to teII her story and the Amer"~e":land ,~ilitarism be total~y ican military co~munity's story, ehmmated from Cathohc to U. S. television audiences and schools. the press," according to the broBrother Theodore Drahmann, chure announcing this year's F.S.C., principal, said Cretin will competition. continue its military tradition. The awards were presented by Earlier the school suddenly Linkletter, who in 1967 decided switched dates for its annual to become the Bob Hope of sermilitary parade when reports of vIce wives overseas and began a protest reached officials. The with a 13-day tour entertaining school is conducted by the distaff groups in five European Christian Brothers, who .for countries. The tour resulted in many years have' conducted a a "Service Wife of the Yearnumber of miiltary high schools Europe," and evolved into an annual ·competition. throughout the country.
Protest M.el.etary In H19 h Sc h I
ST. ANTHONY HnGH GRADUATES: Diane Bochichio, class vice-president, right, assists Denise Boucher, class secretary in the presence of the senior president Daniel La Pierriere prior to the comencement procession of the senior class at the New Bedford Cooed High School.
Thurs., Jur.e 11, 1970
Hippies Problem In N'ew Orleans
/'l... (( i
ATILEBORO CO-ED DIOCESAN HIGH: Among the 89 boys and 94 girls receiving diplomas at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro at execises conducted Tuesday evening in the presence of Bishop Connolly, were: Wayne Boisvert, Richard Deschenes, Priscilla Proulx and Young Lew..
NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The pastor of an Italian ethnic par· ish in the city's French Quarter has refused to join fellow residents of the colorful neighbor. hood in a sweeping condemnation of hippies flooding the area. Father Vincent Liberto, O.M.!., has had both sides of the coin: He was forced to change two weeknight services to morning hours because the parishioners of St. Mary's Church were too frightened by the surge of un· kempt youth to venture out after dark. He was voluntarily helped by a hippy who scaled a waII and opened the gate from inside when the priest accidentalIy locked himself out of his residence. "I'm afraid I don't know of a solution outside of praying for them," said Father Liberto. EventualIy they'II go~away, he added, and that will end the hippy pr~blem.
Long Overdue' Religious Leaders Stress Necessity Of Welfare Reform WASHINGTON (NC) - Officials of three major religious bodies-the National Council of Churches, the Synagogue Council of America and the U. S. Catholic Conference have proclaimed June I to 7 as Welfare Reform Wee~. Stating that "reform of the welfare system in America is long overdue," the general secretaries of the groups said the special week was to educate the public as to the need of such reform and to show support for reforms like those proposed by President Nixon in a speech last ·August. . Legislation incorporating his major suggestions has been passed by the House of Representatives and is now being considered by the U. S. Senate. The general secretaries, Dr. R.H. Edwin Espy, Rabbi Harry Siegman and Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, called on religious leaders throughout the nation "to join us in expressing their concerns for welfare reform," The general secretaries said they' expected "the concerns of religious people for the needy would .reach a high point during the religious services of June 5-7, and that this concern will be expressed in discussion and consultation with the poor and in prompt and appropriate action in behalf of welfare reform," Noting that the Aid for Families with Dependent Children program "disrupts families, often fails to provide minimal subsistence, demeans the recipient and reaches less than half of those in need," the religious leaders expressed their deep concern with the suffering of the nation's poor. They praised the President and Congress for their efforts to give assistance to those unable to provide adequately for themselves and their families. "The pending legislation, or some similar family assistance program, which provides income maintenance and rewards for' suitable work, sets important new dire,ctions and deserves sup-
port, even. though the benefit schedule shouid be substantially increased. The coverage should be broadened to include families without children and single persons in need," they said. In their calI for Welfare Reform Week, the general secretaries asked local priests, ministers and rabbis to hold meetings and education-information pro.grams on the critical national issues of hunger and pov.erty and reform of the present welfare system in the United States. The leaders called for an interfaith effort across the country and local congregations, dio.ceses, orders and institutions to take part on their own initiative, on a cooperative basis, in behalf of the nation's poor. ~
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,THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., June 4, 1970
Sacred Heart \-\
Continued from Page One rolled in any area public school --or in any private school which chose to partiCipate.. Parents would present their vouchers to the respective schools which would turn them in to local government agencies for reimbursement. No school participating in the program could charge tuition beyond the ,value of the voucher. This means some expensive private schools would .probably not be included, but Jencks told NC News the vouchers "would be substantially more than the tuition that most parochial schools would charge," since public school per pupil costs run about $700 for middle income families on a nationwide average.
Congratulations are in order for graduates of all levels of academic achievement. Those who have come to the terminal of their education now enter the arena of putting ideas into practice ~nd working changes for the better in the nation. Those who have completed one phase of the educa~ tional process and are entering another can be cautioned to take not only a short range view of what they wiSh. to accomplish but to keep in mind the long-range goals: of life. What they do in the next few years will be an investment for a long life and will have,-impact on themselves and the community in which they involve themselves for generations to come.
Chaos Confounded
The- suggestion haS been made-not completely facetiously, either-that the whole country needs to g~ ~n vacation. 'True, most people are weary and frighten~d with the long litany of woes and troubles and conflicts at home and abroad. But no one can resign too easily from the human race; nor should one be too willing to slough off' .. responsibilities. Perhaps there could be an answer in a lowering of voices and a greater willingness to listen as well 'as to. talk. Perhaps the answer to much of the dissension and conflict lies in a rather old-fashioned concept - a greater measure of courtesy and politeness, a greater measure of charity. " , When bitterness enters the picture then there is pol- . arization and the pitting of pers,on against person, grOl-tP against group. But where there is kindness and, courtesy, then there is at least a platform of civility on which people of varying viewpoints can meet and talk with sOllle degree .of reasonableness. The alternative to this is cha~s further confounded. .'
Proper Balance
School Vouchers
Low Income
w~t::r_l1(®I¢~lt~~l·:~tt~mIDm:-mll1t~~1f:mID:x~&~~=rnMt::r~1:r:lW i{M~$gm
HomilistLauds Prelate's Charity Continued from Page One concelebrants were: Rev. Msgr. Henri A. Hamel, Father Martineau, Rev. Roland B. Boul~. Rev. Louis R. Boivin, Rev. William E. Collard, Rev. Bernarp H. Uns- , worth. Also, Rev. Walter J. Buckley, Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski, Rev. A. Castelo Branco and Rev. Joseph Trawinskwi, OFM, Conv. Rev. Michel Gagnon, W.F., a grandnephew of the late Monsignor Prevost and a missioner in . Algeria, also concelebra!ed. Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of' the Diocese, was pr~s-, ent in the -sanctuary. His chaplains were Rev. David A. O'Brien and Rev. Lucien Jusseaume. Monsignor Prevost died Friday, June 5 in St. Anne's Hospital, Fall' River following a shoro illness. Born on Sept. 29, 1886 in St. Charles, P.Q.:. Canada, the sori of the late Louis and Stephanie Marquis Prevost, "Msgr. Prevost received his philosophical training at Laval University, Quebec and his theological training at St. John's 'Seminary, Brighton. Ordained on June 10, 1911 in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River . by the late Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, he was first assigned as an assistant at Notre Dame Parish, Fall River. Other parishes served by Msgr.
Prevost as an assistant were: Sacred Heart, No. Attleboro; St. Jacques, Taunton; Sacred Heart, New Bedford. In 1927, he was assigned as pastor to St. Dominic's, Swansea and the following year was assigned to establish a new parish in the Swansea area named St. Louis de France. While there, he built a church and a combination school and convent. As the parish grew, it became evident that a larger edifice for worship was necessary and so a new church building was constructed under the supervision of Monsignor Prevost' and the old church was converted into a hall.' After 26 years in the Swansea parish, he was named pastor of St.. Joseph's Parish, New Bedford where he remained until he became pastor emeritus on Aug.
Listening to the various opinions of coll,ege graduates on what they have achieved or should have achieved through their college courses makes one wonder if perhaps there should be several' types of colleges througho* the land. " , One type of college would be for those who wish to improve their minds, for those interested in intellectual development. Another type of college might' be for those who wish some vocational training to prepare them to enter into a world wherein they will gain employment and proceed tq 12, 1969: make a living. ' , On Feb. 3, 1958, Pope Pius XII A third type of college would be for those who want elevated the late pastor emeritus to find themselves, for those who are seeking self-awarei to the rank of Domestic Prelate with the title of Monsignor. ness and the answers to some of the basic problems that He . leaves one sister, Mrs. they may have as regards their own individuality and their Bernadette 'Mathieu of Quebec, role in a society. and several nieces and nephews. And still another type of college would be for those Interment was in Notre Dame Cemetery, Fall River. who wish to participate in an activist community. Most colleges have tried to be a combination of all 'Arclhbishop Sheen. four with varying degrees of emphaSIS on one or another aspect at one or another time. CaUsChurchDrop The ideal is still probably a combination of all four, Judge Bali'S ~eligion themes, with a particular emphasis on intellectual growth.' Housecleaning And the almost unbearable challenge facing adminis- Education Classes CLEVELAND (NC)-ArchbishDANVIL~E (NC)-A U. S. disop Fulton J. Sheen, retired bishtrators and faculty and students themse(ves, is to tr.y to, put together an academic communIty that will keep all trict court judge here in Virginia op of Rochester, N. Y., described' ruled a Martinsville school sys- a reported drop in the nation's forces in proper balance. tem's religious education plan Catholic population as an examunconstitutional because an optional attendance provision
.@ j) The 'AN"C·U'OR'·; :~:~;:r s~~~ent~O'::e b~::,e;ti~~
doctrinated to religion." , Judge Theodore Dalton ruled that the schools could teach religion as an' academic discipline OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVIER ·in which teachers are' 'hired and paid by the local school board. Published weekly by ,The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River .Dalton added that "every stu410 Highland Avenue , 'dent should be required. to attend. If the course is necessary Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 to the education of one child, PUBLISHER , it is equally necessary to the education of all students." Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. He ruled against the current GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER plan in use in the Martinsville schools, under which a private Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Re"'v. John P. Driscoll organization pays religion teach~leary Press-Fall River , ;, ers in the publ!c schools.
ple of "the Good Lord cleaning house." The former head of the national Society for the propagation of the Faith told staff members of the Women's Federal Savings and Loan Association here that "the Lord is reducing quantity for quality » ... ... those that are leaving the Church, none are leaving to bceome more holy." , Archbishop Sheen added that "because we are living in a 'culture that is erotic, materialistic and inclined never to blame Itself, you can't help but see why we're not having any luck with the cross." But, he emphasii:ed, the Church will survive despite the forces of secular culture..
Per pupil costs for low income children are usually higher since they sometimes need special tutoriDg programs and other extra help. For ''this reason and to encourage schools to accept children who may be more difficult to educate - vouchers for low income children will be substantially higher, 'totaling around $1,000 Jencks said. He noted these figures may be misleading, however, since per pupil c~sts "vary fantastically from state to state." A safeguard incorporated into the proposal would prevent using vouchers for possible segregation purposes. If a given school wanted to pick and choose which applicants to ap'prove instead of accepting them all, it would have to fill half its places by lottery. Experiment Jencks and his colleagues are negotiating with interested school officials across the country to determine the best locations for starting the five to eight year, OEO-funded experiment. Establishing the program later on a voluntary basis at the national level would require "a ~vast amount more money and congressional legislation," he said. The Harvard educator said his group had "talked to Catholic school superintendents in anum· ber of communities we are interested in, and that their resj>onse has been "generally quite enthusiastic." He said there had been one or two instances where these officials had been worried about certain restrictions in the voucher system-notably thatdifficult-to-educate children must not be turned away. But Jencks said the officials were generally willing to accept· these children if given sufficient funds to' educate them. _ Criteria Jencks said the criteria for choosing areas to try out the voucher system are numerous. The community itself-and the local school board-must want the vouchers and be willing to cooperate. The program can only be conducted in "a state which both constitutionally and politically is willing to be helpful in g~tt1ng things set up." The area under consideration must .also have enough schools to offer parents educational alternatives. Each school participating would be required to report fUlly on its programs and curricula to help parents make an informed choice. ' Researchers would also like "to find a community which is both economically and racially mixed," Jencks said. "We want to find out what it does for both low and middle income children and also for blacks and whites,"
Law Students to Investigate Effect of Records on Youth
MILWAUKEE (NC)-A FederThe FCC commissioner claimed al Communications Commission- many hard rock radio stations er told Catholics in communica- are constantly violating this tions arts here he had hired two stat~te by playing songs that Georgetown University law stu- contain. obscenities or promote dents to investigate records the use of drugs. played on the radio for their But he noted the FCC is proeffect on young people. hibited from any form of broadRobert E. Lee said the George- casting censorship. town students will work on the Free Speech project this Summer, consulting The FCC fined a Philadelphia psychologists and. narcotics radio station $100, recently for agents. Lee told the St. Bernardine broadcasting an interview with a Communicators Guild, a group rock group leader laced with of Catholics engaged in commu- four letter obscenities. The comnications arts in the Milwaukee mission hoped the station would archdiocese, that a U. S. criminal take the case to court so that statute provides a maximum fine federal guidelines on obscenity of $10,000, two years imprison- could be established, but the ment, or both, to anyone who' station paid the fine instead. "The problem arises over the "utters any obscene, indecent or profane language by means of first amendment, and what free speech reaIly is," said Lee, who radio communications." first was appointed to the FCC by President Dwight D. EisenBalk Catholic Aid hower in 1953. "I can't see that this type of thing is for the To Drought Victims common good." SANTIAGO (NC) - So severe But Lee said public concern Is the drought in central and and awareness-not FCC cennorthern Chile that even the cac- sorship-is the answer. . tus is dying. Families of farmers Many Good Stations made destitute have been migrating in desperation to the "In a free enterprise system," cities. he noted, "I try to giv'e the Yet the Chilean Congress has broadcaster the maximum freedenied a government request for dom within the context of the a $400,000 subsidy to bolster the law," " efforts of Chile Caritas, national The former chairman of govCatholic aid agency, to feed ernment committees on allsome 400,000 victims of the channel broadcasting and indrought.The appropriation would structional television said he adhave all.owed Caritas to continue dressed a student audience at Its food program for 270,000 the University of California's children and 115,000 adults in Berkley campus recently. schools, villages, hospitals, mi"They Said that 'about 90 per grant camps and other aid cen- cent of them are on some kind ters. of dope," he said. "These are the Much of the food came from kids that are going to run the the Food for Peace program of country. When I hear all these the United States, through the' records advocating drugs, I'm U. S. Catholic Relief Services. concerned, and I think you should be," Population Up When a broadcaster in the auSAN JUAN (NC) - Puerto dience protested that Lee should Rico's population has risen 14 recognize positive contributions per cent in the past 10 years made by radio stations like drug despite government birth con- education programs, the commistrol efforts, figures released sioner agreed that there are here indicate. The island's Gov. many good rock stations. He Luis Ferre said that the average said about 98 per cent are good 1.4 per cent annual increase has broadcasters and some do not him "extremely concerned," and understand the implications of added that "if this increase is al- the music they play. Lee said it is the' remaining lowed to continue it can harm our efforts to improve the life two per cent he is trying to reach. of our eo Ie,"
THE ANCHORThurs., June 11, 1970
City Has Movi'e Rating System
FIFI'Y:-ONE GRADUATE AT PREVOST IDGH: Raymond. Potvin, George De Villers, Guy Gelinas and Paul Roy with 47 other young men received their diplomas from Monsignor Prevost High School, Fall River in tradi"tional .joint ceremonies with Jesus-Mary Academy in Notre Dame Church, Fall River.
Irish Martyr Plan Prayer Crusade for Canonization Of Blessed Oliver Plunket DUBLIN (NC)-Cardinal 'Willima Conway of Armagh said here that a special crusade of prayer will be started this year for the canonization of Blessed Oliver Plunket. The cardinal addressed priests of the Oliver Plunket Union, all former students of the Irish College in Rome, on the 300th an· niversary of Blessed Oliver's arrival in Armagh as archbishop and the 50th anniversary of the beatification this year. . The tercentenary of his martyrdom will occur in 1981. Cardinal Conway said that Blessed Oliver stands revealed as "a hero of Christ in his own writings." . Blessed Oliver was arrested and tried for treaSon during the persecution oi Catholics in Ireland in the 17th century. He was tried in London because the government was fearfUl that it would not obtain a conviction in Ireland. He was accused of remaining in the kingdom despite an edict which expelled priests and Re-
LaY'man Editor JACKSON (NC) - James E. Bonney, veteran newsman, is the new editor of the Mississippi Register, newspaper of the statewide Natchez-Jackson diocese. He is the first layman to hold the post. Bishop Joseph B. Brunini said Bonney will alsQ serve as communications direc~or for the diocese . Bonney served as a newsman with the Associated Press, Memphis Press-Scimitar and Jackson Daily News.
NOW ALUMNAE OF JESUS-MARY: When. Diane Caouette, Jeanne Berube, Claire Chouinard and Debra Le Blanc received their diplomas' in Notre Dame Church, Fall River on Sunday, they became members of the Alumnae group with the other 27 members of the class of '70.
ligious -and of conspiring to bring a French army into Ireland. He was found guilty after the jury had debated for 15 minutes and on July 1. 1681, was hariged, drawn and quartered. On~ of the prosecution's witnesses later confessed that he had perjured himself. Blessed Oliver's head is preserved in St. Peter's Church, Drogheda, Ireland.
Maine Diocee Has Building Commission . PORTLAND (NC)-A diocesan building- commission has been formed here by Portland Bishop Peter Gerety to establish uniform standards and procedures for construction and major renovation programs. Bishop Gerety charged the group with the "responsibility of developing standards to insure quality control and maximum economy in parochial and diocesan building and renovation programs," The commission will meet in the near future to review procedures for the planning, development and construction of capital projects of the Church in the state of Maine, and will be working closely with the diocesan liturgical commission and the diocesan architectural and engineering consultants.
Tel. 49·81
Lutheran Organizes Catholnc Retreat ARENDTSVILLE (NC)-There was something a bit different about a weekend retreat for 50 eighth graders from three Catholic schools in the Harrisburgh area here in Pennsylvania. The fact that the outing was fun-packed - hikes, ball games, movies and other amusementsas well as filled with solid spiritual exercise wasn't too unusual. The unusual feature event was -it was organized. directed and forged into a good Catholic retreat by Ron Swager, social studies teacher at Bishop Neumann School in Steelton. He is a Lutheran.
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JERSEY CITY (NC)-Dissatisfied with the fiim industry's rating system, Jersey City has enacted an ordinance that provides a backstop. Modeled on an ordinance suggested by the Christian Communications' Apostolate of the Newark archdiocese, the ordinance establishes a motion picture review board and is aimed at keeping children under 18 from attending unsuitable films. It was approved by a 7 to 0 vote. Apostolate officials testified before the City Council prior to the vote. Under the law, exhibitors will be required to file a proposed classification for each film they intend to show. They must also file a summary of the plot and other information the board might consider necessary. If the board approves the classification, it will adopt that elas-' sification as its own. Otherwise it may request a showing to five of its members who would determine the classification. Penalties are provided for exhibitors who show films of an X-rated nature (no one under 18 admitted) without advertising the classification and for knowingly selling tickets to such films to those under 18. Those misrepresenting their age to gain admittance would also be subject to penalties.
South Yarmouth Dennis Port
BANK BY MAIL we pay the postage Yarmouth Shopping Plaza Hyannis' O!lterville
Nun Heads Viet
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 11, 1970
Comm,o,n Varieties-of Poppy I
. .
Pr,odu,ce Colorful' Bloss,oms By Marilyn and Joseph Roderick In the lull which occurs in the garden following. the blooming of flowering bulbs and mid-season azaleas it is good to have something very showy to lift the garden before the roses come into their own. In my own garden I find two beautiful accents, has to be overwhelmed irises and poppies. The lat- byOne the talent of Ralph Martin ter are' especially good be- Jr., the beauty, charm and . cause they propagate very warmth of Barbara Conlon, the
readily and can be summarily re- gaiety and wit of her sister moved from any area of the Jo-Anne, the bubbling, cuteness garden which needs room right of Ann Cullen, the masculine charm of Mike Manning and on, after they flower. , There are many varieties of and on and on. All participants in this l1igh oriental poppy, many of which produce large beautiful blooms, school (I'm sure members of the and. there are several very como' audience had to keep reminding mon varieties which produce themselves that this really was small colorful blooms and which only high school, 'this is ~ow propagate readily. I prefer the professional it was) production .latter, not that I do not like the threw themselves into their beautiful blooms of the better parts with all the vigor and varieties but because I am inter- zest of enthusiastic youth.. ested in a mass of short-lived Like Professionals color. This the common variety gives me.' In the production numbers the Short Term Color genius of the direction shqne Poppies. are normally planted through for never for one moin late Summer. They have a ment was any member of tp.e taproot which must be placed huge cast out of part. Watching, deep in the soil and allowed to . one forgot they were next door remain undisturbed until the fol- neighbors and babysitters and lowing Spring. Poppies do not each and every one became. p~rt take well to movemeRt so it is of that bygone era replete with. wise to order yours from a rep- Keystone Cops and bloomer.clad utable house or nursery. bathing beauties' that is 'the setThey may also be started from ting of "High Button Shoes." , seed, but I have never been sucSongs were belted across the cessful using seed. Actually most footlights with professional p~o of the ones we have in our gar- jection and at intermission t~e den start themselves, and they audience couldn't stop talking do so quite readily. about how entertaining the eveNormally we do not, like ning was and how the director, plants which make rampant Sister Kathleen Gibney, hiid growth because they eventually made this such a thoroughly become a nuisance and deprive professional production. I other plants of the necessary nuI'm sure a Rodgers and Harptrients. But in this case the' tap merstein opening night couldn't root remains buried far below have been better received. the surface and leaves which They say that the time to emerge above the ground can be leave anything is when you are removed without appreciably af- at your peak and 'surely Sister fecting the plant.. Kathleen,who is leaving the Fall What results is a flourish of River Diocese to work in the short-term color in the Spring Florida Diocese, is at the peak and very little harm ,during the' of success in working with the rest of the season. dramatic talents of the youth of this area. A regretful goodby to lIn the Kitchen f Last' year at this time I wrote , an outstanding talent. June and July are great how much I had enjoyed the Prospect Players' production of months for entertaining and "Bye Bye Birdie" and while I when you corp.e. across" a recipe generally try not to repeat my- that is both delicious and easy self I can't refraim from prais- to prepare it becomes a "find." ing their latest production, Dlwiled Crabs "High Button Shoes." In an age where so many peo1 .green pepper ple look down .upon the younger 1- small onion generation with dismay and ap2 Tablespoons butter prehension it is a great joy to 2 Tablespoons brandy" watch the performance of such 1 Tablespoon dry mustard " talented, enthusiastic and. whQle1 Tablespoon prepared mu~some youngsters as those .that tard l participated in this outstanding Y2 teaspoon salt rendition of a bright ~nappy Y2 cup white sauce (use your musical. favorite recipe here) pound of crab meat (two cans) ! Upholds Conviction 1 Tablespoon fine bread crumbs For Defrauding ·Nuns WASHINGTON (NC) - Con. 1) In Ii saucepan .saute thJ viction of a lawyer charged with green pepper and onion in th~ fraud and larceny of an order of butter until transparent. 2) Remove the pan from the nuns has been upheld here by the U. S. Court of Appeals. _ heat and stir in the brandy; dry, Victor J. Orsinger, 48, has mustard, prepared mustard, salt, been free pending his appeal.· He white sauce, crab. meat and' was sentenced last Jan. 3 to bread crumbs. Return pan tOi three to nine years for fraudu- cook over low heat stirring gent-' lently converting for his own ly. use $1.5 million entrusted to him 3) Spoon. into 6 shells and by the American province of sprinkle the tops with fine bread, the Sisters of the Divine Savior. crumbs. (this can be prepared' According to the three-judge ~p to this point and refrigerated appeals court opinion, Orsinger until just before serving) 4) Bake in a 400· oven for 10 was in financial difficulties in 1963 when he was legal couns~l minutes. Put under the broiler: and financial adviser to the nuns. for a few minutes.
Aid Program WASHINGTON (NC) - Sister of Providence Simonne Begin has been named exceutive director of the Vietnam Assistance Program of the Department of Health Affairs, U.S. Catholic Conference. Sister Simonne recently completed a tour of duty in the program as advisor to the chief nurse at Khanh Hoa Province Hospital in Nha Trang. The program was established as an ad hoc division in the Department of Health Affairs in 1968 when the U.S. Agency for International Development sought 'the department's assistance in setting up a public health system for the civilian population of South Vietnam.As the first two-year contract period is renewed, Sister Si· monne succeeds Sister Karen H.• Gossman, who served as first executive director of the program. Sister Ka~en will assume the position of field director of the program, stationed in Saigon. Sister Simonne will have charge of recruiting and main· taining a staff of 21 volunteers for the program, 'including three doctors, one hospital administrator, three lab technicians, two nurse-education advisors, two nurse-anestheists, and 10 chief -VISITS NEW BEDFORD SERRANS: Bishop Connolly nurse advisors. The volunteers, both Religious is greeted by Vincent Hemi'ngway, left, past president of lay pers'ons, serve for an the New B.edford Serra Club and Judge Arthur A. Carrellas and 18-month period in Vietnam of Newport, right, district governor of District No. 40 at after a brief training session in Ha:waii. Prior to her service th~ annual Bishop's Night sponsored by the New Bedford with the program in Vietnam, Serra Club. . Sister Simonne was a hospital administrator in Wallace, Idaho, for five years.
Fails to Provide Aid For Private Schools
Historic Meeting of Fr. Serra, Don Gaspar Reenacted in Monterey MONTEREY (NC) - A Mass sung in Gregorian chant 'Vas a vital part of festivities marking the 200thanniversary of' this resort and military center, capital . of California under both Spanish and Mexican regimes, And presently See City for the Monterey diocese. Bishop Harry A. Clinch was Ii principal celebrant at the Mass, which followed reenactment of .the historic meeting of Father Junipero Serra and Don Gaspar de Portola on the shores of Monterey Bay, June 3, 1770. The two had led expeditions from San Diego. The Franciscan missionary traveled by sea and the soldier by larid. Their meet-
Upholds State's Right To limit Welfare WASHINGTON (NC)-A 5-3 vote of the U. S. Supreme Court upheld California's right to set statutory limits on the amount of welfare grants a single family could receive. . The high court ruling overturned the August, 1969, decision of 'a three-judge federal panel that had ruled against the state's authority to set welfare limits. At the same time, the court ruled that California could not reduce welfare payments, to de-. pendent children on the presumption that men living in the household contributed to the' children's support. , This decision too overruled a ,three-judge panel's earlier findings. "In the absence of proof of actual contribution," Justice William O. Douglas said in the court's opinion, "California ~ay - not consider the child's 'resources' to include 'the income of a nonadopting stepfather who is not legally obligated to support the child."
ing at Monterey was an important event in the history of the Spanish conquest of the New World. Portraying Father Serra in the pageant, the script for which was prepared from letters and diaries of actual participants in the event, was Father George McMenamin, pastor of Carmel Mission Basilica which served as the administrative center for the chain of missions Father Serra established from San Diego to Sonoma. Father Serra, now a candidate for sainthood, is buried in the mission at Carmel. The' Paulist Choir from Los Angeles sang at the bicentennial Mass, a symbolic remembrance of the first Mass offered in Monterey by Father Serra. The mission church built under his direction became known as the Royal Presidio Chapel when mission activities were moved to Carmel, and this recently redecorated adobe structure presently San Carlos Borromeo cathedral for the Monterey diocese. After the Mass, the bicentennial celebration continued with a children's party, a chicken barbecue, a parade, and colorful fireworks. A continuing series of. bicentennial events will take place all Summer in Monterey.
SAN JUAN (NC)-An extraordinary session of Puerto Rico's legislature closed here without taking action on a bill designed to provide government aid to private .institutions of. higher education. Several Puerto Rican educators, including the chairman of the commonwealth's council for higher education and the president of the commonwealth university, had urged the Puerto RiCo government to provide aid for the island's private schools. Education council chairman Enrique Cordova Diaz told students at the Puerto Rico Junior College that the government would support such aid plans "were it not for the limitations . of our constitution on aid to private schools." Cordova Diaz added that the aid was essential if private schools, "which the people of Puerto Rico need and will continue to need so great· ly," are to survive.
MOTORS OLDSMOBILE Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven
"Save Wit}l Safety'" at
Finds Visit to Beauty S'alon Delightful and Inexpensive
THE ANCHORThurs., June 11, 1970
My horoscope said that in May I should change my ~ hairstyle, grow longer fingernails or do something new tp my appearance. After reading an article in Women's Wear Daily, about this marvelous salon on Newberry Street in Boston run by Catherine is the look for the seventies it Hinds where one could go needs a bit of training to achieve and have a facial, learn how but this talented young lady had to care for your skin and al-, managed to achieve it.
Eduoation Guide
so how to apply make-up correctly I had the distinct feeling that this was what my horoscope was hinting at. A telephone call later I had a Saturday morning appointment for a facial and.a session of Individualized. Makeup.
:<:: ;"'''''~:&i3
Marilyn was the very pretty young girl into whose very capable hands I was placed after appearing an hour earlier than I should have for my appointment. The whole atmosphere of the salon was one of relaxed friendliness with the emphasis on the customer. When I had been seated in a deep soft lounge chair with elevated foot rest and wrapped in soft towels, my skin was analyzed, cleansed and covered with oodles of thick, creamy salon cream that is used by the operators to give a professional facial. All the time Marilyn's trained hands were at work she discussed skin care, the effect pollution Is having on the skin of the women of today and the many reasons women should begin caring for their skin at an early age rather waiting for the ravages of time to take their toll. Amazing Results After luxuriating under all this tender care for a half hour or so my skin was cleansed again and then my make-up applied while Marilyn explained what she was using and why. During this process she let me hold a hand mirror to watch exactly what she was doing. The results were amazing; my skin looked better than it had in ages, and the make-up, while quite flattering, didn't look overmade-up. While the natural look
:1 was thrilled, to say the least, and I wanted to know more about Miss Hinds, who had opened this facial salon in 1966 and since that time has numbered among her customers many of the very fashion-conscious and beauty-conscious women of New England including some of the Kennedy family. Beauty Routine Miss Hinds, it appears, is a Skidmore College graduate who became interested ·in skin problems and the "science of cosmetics" when she found so many' of 'her classmates besieged by adolescent skin conditions that persisted. After ,graduation she began working in the cosmetic field and developed her own line of complexion aids a'nd cosmetics, and from this evolved the opening of her Boston salon. One interesting feature o( a visit to this salon is the charting of a beautv routine for the customer to follow at home. While it is suggested that one use Miss Hinds' products there is no high pressure salesmanship to make you feel that no others should be used in this routine. I did buy the cleansing cream and three bars of the complexion soap which I found mild enough for the most sensitive skin areas. Lift for Spirits Many women's clubs in this area may be interested to know that Miss Hinds speaks to groups of women on skin care etc. for a fairly nominal fee. Certainly someone as knowledgeable in the. care of the skin and the use of make-up as she would make an interesting speaker. I don't know whether it was the facial, the make-up or just the life my s'pirits experienced during this delightful morning but I do know that the doorman at the hotel gave me a great big "Hello", I had a pleasant conversation with my cab driver about the good to be found in the youth of today, and my husband took me out to lunch. All this for $IO-Certainly a fee much lower than one would pay to have one's spirits raised by a psychiatrist.
Develop Catholic
'\ ~
.~ ,~
SUA's 83rd GRADUATION: Receiving diplomas on Monday afternoon from Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of the Ufocese, were 86 young ladies who completed courses at the Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River. Four of the graduates were: Joanne Lesiow, Gail Potvin, Gail Osga and Denise Depin..
'Kind of Fever'
Urges Southern !Baptists Maintain Doctrines
'Auction-itis' Makes Quiet Catholic Episcopal Church Owner PHILADELPHIA (NC) - .Only explanation John J. Bell had for being catapaulted overnight into citywide fame was-"I was in a kind of a fever." Bell, normally, prefers the quiet life. He and his family are devoted to St. Hugh's Catholic church affairs, historic Philadelphia, and, particularly, the Kensington· section where they reside. ' But -the day the 66-year-old' St. Ambrose EpiscoPil church and rectory in the Kensington section were put up for sale at public auction, Bell sallied forth, intent on bidding for the three", bedroom parish house as an in-
Siovakia'n, Priests Under Red Thumb VIENNA (NC) Hard-line .communists who have returned to power in Czechoslovakia are tightening the screws on priests in the Slovakia region, where, by the government's own statistics, four out of five baptized Catholics maintain their belief in God. . The Slovakian authorities, expressly rejecting the relatively relaxed interpretation of regulations on religion in the liberalized period of Alexander Dubcek's regime in 1968, have ordered a return to strict application of the provisions. ' The "rehabilitation" of clergy and Religious convicted under the Novotny regime in Czechoslovakia came to an end in 1969. Under Dubcek many priests and members of Religious Orders were cleared of charges on which they were sentenced to prison terms by the Novotny govern· ment.
WASHINGTON (NC)-A guide for evaluating religious education programs in Catholic elementary and secondary schools has been refined here by a group of educators. . Meeting at National' Catholic Educational Association headquarters, .the Catholic school officials worked with a document drafted by the association's newly-formed Conference of Religious Education Directors last month at a Metairie, La., workshop. The guide outlines five major areas for examining religious education: goals, programs, organization, supportive services and evaluation. Curriculum and quality of teaching will be considered, as well as visual aids and textbooks used. Religious education specialists will be asked for advice and comment and the guide will be tested in selected schools and Summer programs. After final revision, the guide will be made available to individual Cahtolic schools on request.
vestment. His wife Rose went along to make sure things didn't get out of hand. When the auctioneer's hammer fell for the third and last time, quiet, devoted John J. Bell found himself the owner of the whole plant-church, parish house and all-for $11,900. Mrs. Bell said: "I didn't know he was going to bid on all of it. When he did I almost fainted. I had to have some help standing up after it was over." After recovery from auctionitis fever, Bell said he realized the Kensington community had wanted the old church building (built in 1904) for a community recreational center. He said: "If the community doesn't rally behind me now, I'm in a bucket. I feel sure the residents will they've wanted the church for a long time." Mrs. Doris Walton, head of the area civic improvement group, said the group is looking forward to getting the ,building in shape for neighborhood recreation-but mentioned nothing about financial plans to take the church building off John J. Bell's hands. "I think I was half unconscious when I started bidding on the church," said Bell. "All we ever owned was a house. Now, all of a sudden, we have another house and a church," said the still bewildered Mrs. Bell.
DENVER (NC) - Dr. W. A. Criswell, president of the 11.4 million member Southern Baptist. Convention, warned Baptists here that they "must not seek to alter our theology to conform to the passing philosophical fancies and fashions of the day." Dr. Criswell, who delivered the opening address at the Baptists' annual meeting here, reo ceived strong applause when he said, "It is folly to bend theology to fit man when the Bible teaches that men must be altered to con· form to the theology of God." Dr. Criswell urged the about 10,000 Baptists here to maintain their denominational unity, lest they sacrifice the impact of their traditional evangelistic emphasis. "We must maintain our doc· trines and principles or lose our unity and message. There will be no peace to us and no offer of hope to a troubled world if we lose the doctrinal basis for the gospel we preach," said Dr. Criswell.
CONRAD SEGUIN BODY COMPANY Aluminum or Steel 944 County Street NEW 'BEDFORD, MASS. 992·6618
Real Estate SIXTY-FIRST COMMENCEMENT: Elizabeth Von Trapp, Patricia Leduc, Jeannine Dore and Elaine Lapointe were among the participants of the sixty-first Commencement held at Dominican Academy, Fall River conducted on Sunday afternoon. .
Rene L. Poyanl, Inc.
Hyannis 279 Barnstable Road
Special Arrangements for School Groups I
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FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER 636-2744 or 999-6984
Pl!'oise Graham FUm on !srael
THE ANCHORThurs., June 11, 1970
fail in Attempt To Upset State School Aid Law LANSING (NC) - Michigan Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley has ruled as invalid petitions being circulated throughout the state designed to kill newly enacted legislation providing $25 million in aid for nonpublic school students. Kelley issued the opinion as a result of a request made earlier in the month by Rep. Stanley M. 'Powell c,9ncerning validity of the petitions. Powell is an opponent of state aid to nonpublic schools. The petitions seek an amendment to the l\'lichigan constitution which would repeal existing and future services to students' attending nonpublic schools. It was estimated that more than 160,000 signatures had been obtained on petitions. Michigan requires petitions from 246,000 resident voters to place an issue on a ballot for referendum. The petitions were being circulated by the Council Against Paroch- . ial aid in the hope of getting the issue before voters in the November election. Election Laws Clear Rep. Powell, who indicated he was, sympathetic with the petition drive, asked for the attorney general's ruling because he said he believed it would be a wast of time to collect several hundred thousand signatures statewide only to find out later the petitions were not in proper form. Atty. Gen. Kelley's opinion said the state election laws are clear on the matter. He said a petition to amend the ·constitution must specify precisely the form of the proposed amendment. Since the petitions do not meet the required form specifications, Kelley said: "I am therefore constrained to hold that in such respect the petition submitted does' not comply with Uiat particular requirement." Federal Funds The Michigan legislature in late 1969 approved a $1 billion state school aid bill, including the $25 million for aid to nonpublic school students. Tied in with the bill was a provision that all federal funds, currently estimated at $40 million a year, made available for elementary and high schools in the state be distributed to all schools. The federal' fund feature of the bill was not spelled out in the anti-public school aid petitions. Success of the petition campaign, some authorities said, would jeqpardize the $40 million in federal funds to the state. Atty. Gen. Kelley's opinion said: "It would be impossible for a signer to said petition to know with any degree of certainty exactly what amendment was proposed by said petition." Kelley's opinion was viewed as having the effect of keeping the constitutional amendment question off the November ballot.
STRAIGHT TALK: Prisoner Ananias Washington, right, explains prison life 'during a question period with the high school religion classes of St. Mary'S' Parish, Pontiac, Ill. The classes spent a night at the Illinois State Penitentiary in Pontiac for "straight talk" from long, termers. NC Photo.
Prisoners Advise Teenage Students
NEW YORK (NC)-Evangelist Dr. Billy Graham's new movie about Israel, which is being shown through the' cooperation of the American Jewish Committee to both Christian and Jewish audiences, has received acclaim from all faiths. Adam Reilly of the National Catholic Office for' Motion Picutres said his office will promote the film which "is a good discussion starter on the place of the Jew in the modern world." The color film entitled "His Land" was filmed in Israel and relates the prophecies of the Bible to modern times. It takes the viewer on pilgrimages to Jerusalem, Bethlehem. Galilee, Tel Aviv and the Negev. The final 10 minutes of the film, calling for "decisions for Christ," are omitted when the movie is shown to non-Christian audienc,es. Last month when Dr. Gra· ham's movie production com· pany World Wide Pictures received comments from all faiths about the movie, these were in· cluded: Sister Rose Albert Thering of the Institute of Judeo-Christian Studies, Seton Hall University, said "the picture is ecumenically excellent." Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, director of interreligious affairs for the American Jewish Com· mittee said the film is "a moving - documentary which communi· cates the humanity and living reality of the Jewish people, their struggles and achievemen.ts in IsraeL"
'Don"t Make Same Mistakes I Did' PONTIAC (NC)-Straight talk about how prisoners turn~d crooked is what religion students at St. Mary's parish here heard recently. Behind prison walls at Illinois State Penitentiary, some 90 S~. Mary's teenage religion student~, teac~ers and others from nearby cities, listened to highly persomll stories from three long-term inmates. The three who call themselves the Triple S Team, standing for, Society Sensitivity Sessions, presented an extemporaneous message without sermonizing. Their idea waS to let listeners hear what they will of the obvious message that says "you're free; stay free." '
Seminar to Study Fatima Apparitions
WASHINGTON (NC)-A group of scientists and scfence editors are being invited to, a Miracle Seminar for Scientists this Sum~ mer at -Fatima, Portugal, to study at first hand the circumstances surrounding the apparil tions of the Blessed Virgin re+ ported there 53 years ago by' three peasant children. The seminar will be sponsore~ by the Blue Army, a U. S. or, ganization dedicated to promot-, ing devotion to Our Lady of, Fatima. The U. S: offfice of the Blue Army and its international center at the Fatima shrine will pay the expenses of most of the Convention 'Slate scientists who attend the semi-', NEW YORK (NC)-:-The 33rd nar on July 13. At the seminar the scientists biennial Catholic Daughters of persons who claim America national convention is will meet . d f scheduled July 19 to 23 in Seat- t h ey wltnesse apparitions 0 tle, Wash. Mary C. Kanane of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima be-' Union, N. J., national regent of tween May and October, 1917,:' the 200,000-member organiza- ' first reported by the three Portution, will preside at the conven- guese children. The, only living tion session, national headquar" member of the trio of children is: Sister Lucy; a Carmelite' ,nun. ' ters here annoum:ed.
"You're at a beautiful age when you can start thinking about what you can do for somebody else," said prisoner Guadalupe Ruel. "It's not easy talking about yourself and your mise takes," he, said, but admitted one of his biggest mistakes was being "selfish all his life." Admires Students He blamed that selfishness for actions which put him behind bars. He said tnat friends encouraged him to grab the gun of the policeman who told him he was under age to drink beer at a carnival. Ruel said he didn't mean to do it," but he shot and killed 'the' policeman. "I cared about nobody but me," he ex· plained. Life-term prisoner Ananias Washington offered students the same message based on different circumstances. In the 11 years since his apprehension for murder. in a stickup, he said he has had time to realize he committed crimes . "to gain the admiration of those not worth admiring." ' It is the students "I admire," said life prisoner Robert Taylor convicted of murder. "And I ask you not to make the same mistakes I did." He added that as a youth he was estr;mged from religion, but has since found great comfort in spiritual values. He was baptized and confirmed in prison. Earn Rehabilitation Among those hearing the'message were prison warden Joseph C. Vitek, who also teaches religion at St. Mary's and another teacher, Mrs. Mary Bert LoPiccalo. : During a question period moderated by prison chaplain MIlIf..
Asks Parliament Aid Catholic Church
John Whelan, the students asked STOCKHOLM (NC) - Bishop about rehabilitation at the John E. Taylor, O.M.I., of Stockprison. holm has urged the Swedish parWashington answered by say- liament to grant temporary ing that there are opportunities financial aid to the Catholic at, the prison for vocational, and Church in Sweden. educational training. "But reha"A temporary public grant to bilitation is something you can't the Catholic Church, aS,has been give. It's something you earn." proposed in a motion (in parliaAfterward, a teen listener re- ment), would give us a chance marked that Washington "sure to survey, plan and coordinate our efforts for the immigrants, was a talker. ,to build up continuous contacts Washington h~s right to that with state authorities and public title because of a three-hour institutions, and to improve the speech course he took behind social instruction given to the bars while completing a college foreign clergy working here," degree in sociology. He entered the bishop said in his statement college with the skills of a sev- to the Riksdagen (parliament). enth grader. The bishop was referring to a He got into the Triple S pro- motion made in February by gram "with the idea of helping." four Liberal party members in He said if he "could change parliament. They proposed that somebody'~ attitude it would be $200,000 be granted to the Naworthwhile." tional Board of Immigration for distribution among the Catholic, Orthodox and Jewish congregaEmperor Dedicates tions for ,their advisory work with immigrants. C<aJtholic School ADDIS ABABA (NC)--Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia has opened a new Catholic boys' school and an annex to a girls' -school here on the grounds of the cathedral. Tne emperor praised the contribution the Church had made ' to education in the country and stressed the necessity of education for Ethiopia's development and growth. '
Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL , INDUSTRIAL , COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar St., New Bedford 993-3222
ORTINS .Photo Supply 245 MAIN STREET FAlMOUTH - 548-1918 ARMAND ORTINS, Prop.
CORREIA &SONS ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTER • Television • Grocery • Appliances • Fruniture 104 Allen St., New Bedford 997·9354
Illinois Assembly Blocks Private School Aid SPRINGFIELD (NC)-The Illinois General Assembly has adjourned without providing any financial assistance for nonpublie schools after emotion-charged lobbying ~fforts on both sides of the issue. Earlier in the week, some 600 representatives of state education associations and the Illinois Council of Churches demonstrated on the capitol steps, waving anti-nonpublic aid picket signs and singing religious .and patriotic hymns. At the same time, about 100 women representing the National Catholic Society of Foresters, meeting in Springfield for their statewide convention, visited their respective legislators to ask for help on aid proposals. Statements of concern on the financial crisis facing Illinois nonpublic schools were issued by Cardinal John Cody of Chicago, the Chicago archdiocesan school board, and the state's six diocesan school superintendents.
SNOW~. Plan to Continue THE ANCHORThurs., June 11, 1970
Grape Boycott
PRIEST OF THE SNOWS: Father James M. Harrington stands in front of his "Chapel of the Snows" at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. Father Harrington, as Chaplain for members of Operation Deep Freeze, h~s a parish of some 5~ million square miles.
Maneuvers Fan I1linois Gov Richard Ogilvie has called for aid to nonpublic ' schools for the past two years. Both times, aid bills passed the state House but were killed in the senate education committee. The 1969 aid bill sought a $32 million appropriation for the state to purchase secular educational services from nonpublic school. This year's bill, introduced to a $29.5 million appropriation request, due to a number of nonpublic school closings. Proponents of non public aid tried various political maneuverings to get some favorable legislation passed. State Sen. Arthur J. Bidwill called for a vote to discharge the Copeland bill from the Senate committee so that it could be voted on by the Senate as a whole. ' Backers of the Bidwill motion thought an amended form of the Copeland bill could be passed if there was sufficient support to take the bill out of' committee. But the motion failed by a narrow vote of 27 to 26. The same afternoon, the Senate education committee sent the" Copeland bill and two others dealing with rionpublic school aid to probable oblivion in a subcommittee.
Appoints Extension Society President, CHICAGO (NC) - Father Joseph Cusack, 46, of Chicago, as the new president of the 65-yearold Catholic Church Extension Society of the United States of America, will supervise expenditure of some $2.5 million dollars in 1970 for Catholic home missions. Cardinal John Cody of Chicago, society chancellor, said Father Cusack's appointment was approved by Pope Paul VI. Active with the society for the last 10 years Father Cusack succeeds Bishop John L. May of Mobile, Ala., former auxiliary bishop of Chicago. .. Father Cusack was born here and ordained to the priesthood here May 7, 1949. Three of his 10 brothers are also priests serving in the Chicago archdiocese. The Extension Society, a national organization, was founded here in 1905 to serve and support the neediest missions within this country. Since then, it has received and disbursed some $SO million for home missions.
New Zealand Priest Has
La~gest Parish Chaplain for 'Operation D~ep Freeze
McMURDO stATION (NC) rent year as spiritual leader for There may be Catholic priests the Catholics among the Operawith a higher ranking in the tion Deep Freeze exploration and Church hierarchy and more sec- construction parties. ular power within the marbled Because this year's U.S.Navy halls of the Vatican. But there's chaplain is Protestant, nearby not a priest in the' world with a New Zealand pitched in with Fr. parish the size of Father James Harrington to help with the CathM. Harrington's. olics. It's part of a spirituai proAs Catholic chaplain for the gram between America and New U.S. sailors and scientists of Op- Zealand that has been going on eration Deep Freeze, Father Har- for 10 successful years. "My tour of duty is divided rington ministers to the spiritual needs 'of more that 2000 Navy into two parts," explained furmen-and even a few women- hatted Father Harrington. "Durscattered across 5.5 million ing the four months of November square miles of ice-encrusted real through February, when Antarctica is sunlit 24 hours a day, 1 am estate. down at McMurdo Station. Father Harrington is the only "I conduct religious services, priest in an area the size of Mexico and the United States com- work on moral problems, help to bined. You have to go 2000 miles keep the men involved in athletnorth to New Zealand to find an- ics and after-hours interests plus, flying by chopper and C-130 other priest. "I don't think I'll ever serve again in a community where Adopts Communion, there are .only males in the congregation, no women's guilds and Penance Guidelines PORTLAND (NC) - Bishop Sunday schools to head up, never babies to be christened, weddings . Peter L. Gerety of Portland has to be performed, and quite hap- approved new guidelines for the pily,' very' few funerals to ar- reception by children of first Communion and Penance, in acrange," said Father Harrington. cordance with the Second VatiSpiritual Aid Program can Council's declaration on He is a chunky, bespectacled Christian education. Stressing responsibility of' parcleric in his late 30s and is not ents in preparing children to rea full-time Navy man. A. New Zealander, he was appointed by ceive the sacraments, the guideBishop Brian Ashby of Christ- lines emphasfze the parents' role church to fill in during the cur- in determining when the children are mature enough to receive the sacraments with benefit. Penance i:l not required beHits Suburbanites fore first Communion, but may Who Fail Cities be delayed until children suffiCLEVELAND (NC) ~ Subur- ciently understand the full banites here have been criticized meaning of the sacrament. by Cleveland Auxiliary Bishop The diocesan Office of ReliWilliam M. Cosgrove for failing gious education, starting next to face up to their responsibil- Fall, will begin a series of programs intended to aid parents in ities to the city. Speaking at an awards dinner fulfilling their increased responof the Cleveland Catholic Inter- sibilities. racial Council, Bishop Cosgrove said that suburbanites: "Have parasitically used the facilities provided by the city American'sEconomy King and ignored the multiple probFor the Best Deal Come To lems of the city itself." Suburbanites, he said, 'do little Broadway Rambler about open housing and public INC. housing, and "as long as the RAYNHAM, Mass. on Rt. 138 pressure areas can be confined 768 BROADWAY to the city, some politicians can CHARLES J. DUMAIS, Pres. reap political hay." .
Hercules to, some of the outer stations like Pole and Byrd to hear confessions and say Mass for the Catholics way out on the ice. Primitive Places "After February, Antarctica begins getting dark and cold for six to eight months. The Rev. Bill Dando, the Presbyterian minister who's the official Navy chaplain, stays down on the ice with the men. I go back to New Zealand and from then on, my help is provided almost completely By radio." Father Harrington's office on the ice is tucked inside a tiny green hut shack-the Chapel of the Snows-in the middle of the 150 labs, offices, barracks and warehouses that make up McMurdo. " The southern-most church in the world was built on a voluntary basis during the mid-fifties. It can easily be altered from Protestant or Jewish use to the site of a Catholic Mass. "On my periodic runs to the Pole Station, or Byrd Station, the places we say Mass are even more primitive," Father Harrington said. "At the Pole, we usually set up on the bar in ..Club 9O--the recreation lounge under the ice there-pushing the bottles aside and ignoring the dozens of playmates who stare down from the 'walls."
WASHINGTON (NC)-A five year grape boycott is beginning to payoff, "But we won't quit until we win," declared the priest-research director of the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee. Father Victor Salandini said that what his group is really against is the buying of grapes by the Defense Department. "Sales have increased about 800 percent over the last two years," he said. In addition to Father Salandini's lobbying efforts to stop these sales, union members have been in New York foil' several months organizing a grape boycott under the direction of the group's vice-president, Andrew Imutan. The priest said the group would concentrate its activities against several stores, all members of the same chain, which he said appears to be the only one left in the city selling California table grapes. Time is on the side of the boycotters, the priest said. "If we don't win this year," added Father Salandini, "we won't give up. The farm workers are very patient Q ¢ they won't give up Q Q Q they have nothing to lose." 0)
Episcopalian Dean Scores Churchmen WASHINGTON (NC)-America's only black Episcoplian dean told Episcopalain clergymen at the National Cathedral here that the most urgent missionary work in the United States is not in the often-black ghettoes of the city, but among "suburban heathens." Very Rev. Dillard Robinson, dean of Trinity Cathedral in Newark, N. J., charged that churchmen have been "the biggest prostitutes in America" for failing to support social reform. Rev. Robinson said that fear of a drop in income has prevented many clergymen from speaking out on controversial issues. "That's forgetting that Christianity originally was a revolution," he added. "If Christ were alive today, he would be a radical."
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 11, 1970
'Enemies of the Poor' Very Angry Book Lawyer Hit$ Churches, Unions, Legal Profession James Graham, a dedicated lawyer-activist who taught poverty law for a number of years at New York University and Columbia University and is now on the faculty of the College of Law of the University of Arizona in Tucson, has just published a book which is full of righteous indignation against three groups in particular: the churches, the, trade unions, and the legal profession; These three groups, he says, are the principal enemies of
GEORGE G. HIGGINS the poor in the United States. Thus the title of his exceedingly angry book: "The Enemies of the Poor." (Random House, New York $7.95.) For present purposes and for obvious reasons I am chiefly concerned with Mr. Graham's scathing attack on the Christian churches in general and the Catholic Church in particular. Writing as a Catholic, he is merciless-and, unfortunately, rather sarcastic at times-in his criticism not only of the leaders of the Catholic Church, but of the entire Catholic community, lock, stock and barrel. For all practical purposes, the only "good guys" in his simplistically black-and-white scenario' are a couple of priests in Man· hattan and a handful of "rebel priests" and like-minded laymen in the of .Brooklyn.
Everyone Out of Step I don't know all of these priests, but those that I do know are deserving, in my judgment, of the generous praise that Prof· essor Graham has heaped upon them. \ On the other hand, I think it is regrettable that Professor Graham felt it necessary to build up the reputation of these militant "ghetto priests" by ruthlessly tearing down the reputation of their own bishops and, inde~d, of the entire American hierarchy -and not only the hiearchy, but the entire Catholic community as well. . Much as I regret having to say so, I get the impression that what he is really trying to tell us-or, in any event, what he comes through as telling his read· er-is that everybody else in the Church is completely out of step except Professor Graham and the' beleagured little coterie of militant priests and laymen with whQm he has been associated (in some very worthwhile projects, let it be said) in the greater New York area. That may conceivably be true, of course, but then, again, it may just happen to be a slight exaggeration. Tarnishes Reputation All I know for certain is that whatever Mr. Graham may think about the, performance of the hierarchy, the clergy, and the laity in the field of social weI· fare and socio-economic reform (and he doesn't think very much of it, that's for sure), he has badly overreached himself and has tarnished his reputation as a legal scholar by questioning other peoples motives with what
I can only describe as wild aban· don. His clincher in this regard comes in the form of a very. heavy·handed rhetorical question: "Is it too· cynical to suggest that churchmen want to believe that the bulk of reliefers are moral delinquents, because to admit to economic causes would betray the startling contrast bet~een Christian rhetoric and reality, between the comfortable circumstances of the great mass of believers and the innocents on the AFDC rolls?"
poses, but it is people who enter polling booths . . . " By this he means and so states in another context that "if the Church is to play a meaningful role in the secular city, it must act as an entire community." Reform Week
It is principally for this reason that the general secretaries of the U.S. Catholic Conference, the National Council of Churches and the Synagogue Council of America recently put out an urgent call to all of their constituent bodies to set aside June 1Tampers WltIl Record June 7 as Welfare Reform Week My answer to that is: Yes, it's and asked local priests, ministers much . too cynical to suggest and rabbis to hold meetings and llOything of the ~ind-and; on education-information programs on ttte c'ritical national issues of the record, very inaccurate. God knows the Church,' like hunger and poverty and, more other groups in American society, specifically, on .the reform of the NIT. ST.. MARY'S ACADEMY COMMENCEMENT: has much to answer for and no present woefully inadequate welreason whatsoever to preen its fare system in the United States. Receiving diplomas at Sisters of Mercy high school for feathers on the way it has ap- : The three general secretaries 'girls in Fall River, were: top to' bottom, Diann Couture, proached the problem of abject in a joint statement as well as in separate and very extensive Patricia Whalley, Ann Marie Majkut and Donna Gauthier. poverty in the midst of plenty. Nevertheless it serVes no use- mailings to their, own constituful purpose--except perhaps, in ents, called for a' massive interthe case of a writer, the thera- faith effort across the country. Local congregations, dioceses, peutic purpose of beating' the , other fellow's breast in public- Religious Orders, institutions, and organizations were asked, to' to tamper with the record. ' Redemptorist Priest, Orphan Boys The record admittedly shows . take part in this all-out camall sorts of failures on the part paign, on a cooperative basis, in Survive ·Raid on Village of churchmen, high and low, in behalf of the nation's poor. the field of socio-economic reRhetorical OverklU form, but it does not show that BINH THIEN (NC) -,., "Find • seminary classmates, and the "churchmen want to believe that two villages are eight miles , This interfaith campaign, 'pub- the priest and kill him". the bulk of reliefers are moral licized and promoted as widely Father John Nguyen The apart. 'delinquents ... " : as possible, will obviously not Thiep, C.SS.R., 33, crouched in Father Thie}: has been in Binh In the case of bishops, what produce a miracle. But I trust a bunker and listened to the Thien 'three years. He has built they "want to believe" wa's s~at that Professor Graham will admit Viet Cong platoon, leader give the parish up to 3,000 Catholics ed most recently in their April that, at the very least, it's a step orders to kill him. But the in a population of 8,000. 23 resolution, adopted at the San in the right direction. priest and the 14 orphan boys in He has helped the people in Francisco meeting of the Nation· I would also like to hope that the bunker with him survived socio-economic matters as well al Conference of Catholic 'Bish~ it will cause him to' reconsider the 30-minute raid on the vilops, in all-out support of wel- his simplistic charge (as para- lage which left two dead and as in spiritual ones by organiz· ing a cooperative for farmers fare reform legislation. phrased by his. publisher on the 16 wounded. and fishermen and starting a Using explosives, rockets and credit union. dust jacket of "The Enemies of . Act as Community the Poor") that the churches have constantly shooting, the Viet \ In his training school he had It had previously been stated, not only 'been indifferent to, but Cong raiders destroyed, the vilin much greater detail, in the have acquiesced in, the present lage Catholic church, the pri- 30 young girls learning dress Congressional testimony on this welfare system and have rein- mary school and a training making and needle work. "We same subject presented on No-, forced the larger community's school for girls that Father had 10 sewing machines, three vember 12, 1969 to the House contempt for the poor and its Thiep had built in the past three girls to each machine," he said. Ways and Means Committee, by tendency to cast them outside years. He estimates it will cost Now he has to repair tl:te maMr. John Cosgrove in the name the body politic. him about $8,000 to repair the· chines or find new ones: Security for ,Binh Thien vil- 'of the USCC Department of SoThis kind of rhetorical over- damage. cial Developm.ent, of which he is kill may help to relieve an angry Quang Ngai province, in lage ,is an understrength Popular the director. writer's sense of helpless. frus- which Binh Th'ien is located, is Forces platoon of 24 men. There tration at the slow pace of re- still one of the most insecure should be 40 men in it. UnderI doubt that Mr. Graham himstrength and overworked, the self could have presented the form' in church and society, but places in South Vietnam. For almost two generations, platoon is not always able to 'case for welfare reform or could there is a carelessness about it hav,e defended the good name of which, as suggested above in an- it has been the home of the Viet beat off Viet Cong attacks. welfare clients much more effec- other context, one is surprised Minh and now the Viet Congo Sometimes the Viet Cong get tively than Mr. ,Cosgrove has and somewhat disappointed to The hills· and mountains to the into the village and wreck havoc done in this hard-hitting state- encounter in the writings of a west are still infested with iViet as they did recently. legal scholar. Cong who raid the coastal vilThat time they missed Father ment. lages and hamlets to destroy Thiep, but he knows they will be Be that as it may, Professor what has taken years to build. back again looking for him. He Graham- makes a, good point In February, 1969,' the Viet is not worrying about that, when he says in his new book Ask Grants for All Cong raided Binh Khanh village however. that "prepared statements may High Sclhool Seniors in the province, ordered Father "I accept my fate," he said be persuasive intellectually and WASHINGTON (NC) - The Alphonse Nguyen Duc Diem, C. resignedly, and. then started to good for public relations purpresident of Marquette Univer- SS.R., out of his house and kill- talk about how he can repair sity in Milwaukee, Wis., told a ed him. the damage the Viet Cong did House subcommittee on higher Maine Bishop Urge~ education Fathers Diem and Thiep were in the last raid. that a system of direct Draft Law Change grants to all high school seniors ~ PORTLAND (NC)' - . Bishop should be initiated. Father John Raynor, S.J., told Peter L. Gerety of Portland in a letter to members of Maine's subcommittee members that the congressional delegation has ap- grants should be applicable to vocated amending present draft tuition at any college or univerlaws in favor of selective con· sity a student chooses to attend. scientious objectors who oppose The priest said such a profighting in a war they consider gram would eliminate the probunjust. , . lem of state boundaries acting as The bishop recalled the starid barriers for those wanting to atin favor of such a move taken tend college. Some states make in November, 1968 by the U. S. grants to students which can be An S. F. 1: car loan makes you • bishops. : applied only at colleges within • .an instant wheeler dealer! Acting with the backing of the the state. diocesan Senate of Priests, the Father ~aynor also urged • • THE GO-AHEAD BANK THAT PIlJTS YOU AHEAD. bishop sent letters to Sens. 'Mar- Congress to act "now in a regaret Chase Smith and Edmund sponsible manner to assist all S. Muskie and Reps. Peter N. institutions of higher education, • . RIIlHT BY THE STOP & SHOP,' SOIlERSET, MASS. • Kyros and William B. Hathaway, but especially the hard pressed ur;ging their support for suchan independent colleges and ,uniamendment to the present law. I versities."
Viet .Cong Target
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Doubts Sincerity of New Left's Efforts for Change In recent columns I have been severely critical of the tactics of the New Left both in the nation and in the Church. A number of correspondents have written irate letters suggesting that I have become "conservative" and have "sold out to the Estabconcretely put it, "You can't lishment." To begin with, no win without allies," and, my enorganization as inefficient as thusiastic young friends of the the Roman Catholic church New Left, the only place you're can possibly be thought of as having an "establishment," and if I have "s'old out" it was obviously at an invisible price. For I have the same position in the official Church now as I did 16 years ago- assistant pastor -about the lowliest form of
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going to find allies is among the silent majority; you will not find allies by engaging in precisely that sort of behavior which is most likely to antagonize them. No Easy Answers
There is a large number of Americans dissatisfied with the war in Vietnam, with heavy taxation, with incompetent governmeiltal bureaucracy, with leadership that does not tell it the truth, with the directionless drift which has characterized the United States since the assassination of John Kennedy. Youth has no monopoly on such dissatisfactions. The difference, I think, between the younger generation of the dissatisfied and the older generation is that the latter realizes that there are no quick and simple and easy answers to the question of what to do about those aspects of American society which one does not like. Similarly, in the Church it is not just the young who are dissatisfied with the quality ofecclesiastical leadership but what the young clergy don't seem t~ realize is that the' silent majority is dissatisfied not merely with the top level leadership but is dissatisfied with them, too.
humanity available to any member of the white race in the United States. It is most unlikely that I will have any different position 16 years hence. But the conservative charge is more serious for, apparently to the fevered minds of the New Left, anybody who is concerned with actually accomplishing social change is a conservative. Only those who pursue tactics which have been demonstrably counterproductive are to escape the conservative label. You are either a kamikaze radical interested in self-destruction (or in "liturgical gestures" a la the Need Allies Berrigan brothers) or you have But, the response comes, "You sold out. This is of course patently ab- can't change a system in surd yet it is understandable. which the leadership is a selfOurs is an extraordinarily frus- perpetuating clique." Such a trating time for those wanting ·statement is nonsense. Of course change both in the Church and you can, but you can't do it in the larger society. The situ- . by quitting, you can't do it by ation seems to be getting worse copping out, you can't do it all around us and we are ap- by forming factional caucuses parently powerless in the face which are designed to be permanent tiny minorities, you of deterioration. Thus, American young people can't do it by insulting people, realize they can be drafted to and you can't do it by insistfight a war which they detest ing on ideological purity. by a government which not only You can do it only if you have despises them, and thinks it allies. If you have enough alshould get reelected without lies, then there it not reason their support, but which also why the Church will not in the is apparently convinced that one not-too-distant future return to of the keys to reelection is pre- the traditional method of selectcisely its hard line against the ing its leadership (and its worth noting, by the way, that two young. popes in the sixth century said Basic Weakness it was immoral for a bishop to And the young people in the be chosen by any other method Church realize that the Church than the election by the laity is governed by men who are not and clergy of his diocese). Somehow or other, I don't selected by the rank and file and who are in no way responsi- think this is really either a ble to it. In addition, many of "conservative" or a "sell-out" them either do not know what position. It is rather a suggesa large number of their' followers tion for strategy and tactics think and feel or, if they do know, that have a chance of winning but then that is, I think, the simply do not care. Under such circumstances, last thing in the world that then, the young ask themselves,. the New Left wants. For, if "What can we do?" and the they should win then they would most obvious answer is that have to exercise responsibility they can do nothing, not at and that would end all the fun. least by themselves. This is such an outrageous discovery Authorize Strike that violence of one form or another seems to be the only adePHILADELPHIA (NC)-Grganquate response. ized lay teachers in 32 PhiladelAnd herein, I think, is the phia archdiocesan high schools basic weakness of the New Left, by a 317-25 vote authorized religious or civil. It seems sing- their union leaders to call a ularly innocent of awareness strike any time after the new that the moral righteousness of school term in September. The a cause has never at any time vote was taken to bolster the in human history guaranteed position of their leaders in negovictory for that cause. tiations with archdiocesan offiAs Saul Alinsky has quite cials for a new contract.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of :-aU River-Thurs. June 1 n, 1970
Archbishop Stresses W.omen's Role in Current Unrest CINCINNATI (NC) - Cincinnati's Archbishop Paul F. Leibold said here 'women can provide correct· answers for many of today's critical problems, ranging from unrest among the young to turmoil in th¢ Church. Celebrating his 30th anniversary in the priesthood on "Archbishop Leibold Day" proclaimed by Acting Mayor James H. McCabe, the prelate was feted at a luncheon by the Dayton Catholic Women's' Club. . Discussing unrest among youth and violence of college campuses, the archbishop said the young "are operating from a very definite value base which is evidently quite different from what we consider our tr.aditional Christian one."
He refrained from criticism of some aims of the younger generation-rejection of "our technological monster, racism, subtle repression"-but said the time is at hand when women can provide the young with a solid value system. Spirit of Criticism He called women God's "chosen vessels of spiritual values" and said now is the most favorable time in history "for the promotion of woman toward her full human stature." The archbishop said women should be a decisive factor for the renewal of the Church and welcomed increased dialogue between them and Church leaders. He urged women to work particularly to promote loyalty' to
the Church. "A corrosive spirit of criticism has become fashionable in some sectors of Catholic life," Archbishop Leibold said. "There are, for example, so-called Catholic magazines and newspapers which seem to have no other function than t~at of reporting unpleasant news regarding facts and persons in the ecclesiastical area." Frequently such news is presented "in a unilateral way" and perhaps some news reports are "even altered and dramatized to make them more interesting and spicy, so that readers become used, indeed, not to diffidence and to a preconceived lack of esteem for ecclesiastical persons, institutions and activities."
Cathedral Camp Resident and Day Camp for Boys
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Our Lady of the Lake Day Camp For Girls Camp Fee 35.00 for 2 wk. period. JUNE 29 - AUGUST 21 Camp 'Fee $125.00 for 8 wk. season period. FEES INCLUDE: Transportation, Insurance, Arts & Crafts, Canteen, Horseback Riding, Weekly Cook-Outs, Milk Daily WIthout Added Cost. BOYS' CAMP
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THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 11, 1970
Oregon Comm"nity Approves Cross As Memorial to War Veterans
Joyfully Anticipate$ Arrivtd
EUEGENE (NC)-Voters here crete cross on the site. Shortly have approved a charter amend- after, a citizens' group began ment that officially turns a cross legal action to get the cross erected on city grounds into a taken down on the grounds that memorial to veterans, of' all it was a religious symbol and United States wars. therefore constitutionally barred At the same time, they ac- from public ground. cepted the cross as a gift to the State and federal courts, incity, appointed an American Le- cluding the Supreme Court, have gion post to affix a suitable upheld the contention that the plaque to the memorial, ordered cross should be removed. the city park department to ilHarrang said that the vote to luminate it, and involved all of rename the cross a war memothe above in a legal controversy rial was both "poor theology and that has .lasted five years and bad law * * co they nave renamed reached the U. S. Supreme Court. the cross, but not changed its The ctbss in question has be~n character," he pointed out, and a tradition since' the Depression. emphasized that "constitutional In the mid-30s, someone put up issues are beyond a majority " a wooden cross on a bluff over- vote." looking the city. As the cross He said he expects the cross and its successors rotted, they will have to come down. In the were periodically replaced. ' . meantime, the American Legion Then, in 1964, John Altucker is going ahead with plans for a put up a more permanent con- July 4th dt::dication ceremony.
Of Long School Vacation' If I mention that I'm happy' when the children start Summer vacation, people look at me like I'm losing touch with reality. "You have eight kids-and you like to have , ·them home?" It's not so much that I like them at home, , I just don't like school. It's non-commital remark about each not even school itself, it's child's progress until I had a the problems it brings and chance to look them over· thorthe fact that I look at things oughly and find out what they differently than the ,Sisters do.
really meant. .
I think homework should be something they do at hometo, help their mothers. When homework is schoolwork that I have to help them with, I'm less than enthus,iastic.
Later on in the evening, I tried to study each one systematically. When I got all through, their father asked, "How are they doing?"
I also don't understand their
I knew' one was not contributing to classdiscussiops in some subject, but I 'couldn't remember which kid.' One was not working up to potential in Social Studies-or was it Science? The most boisterous one at home was rated as being' very courteous, so I had some doubts about the truth of the rest of that report.
coming home with a punishment which requires three hours writing "because the class was talking." When the children have misbehaved at home,' I don't send them to school to be punished; so should the sisters send the school nonsense back home? I've .often wondered what would happen if. I sent a message, "See that my child spends the day cleaning the classroom. He didn't clean his room this morning." At least it would be more related to the crime than "write the multiplication tables 10 times because you were running in the hall." On various 'occasions I've tried to understand the school's point of view. And, on various other occasions I've tried to get the school to understand my point of view. Neither has met with much success. So, I blunder along till Spring, then start counting the, days' till Summer vacation'. Six-Page Reports I keep telling myself the modern methods are better, and in most cases I know they are. But, when they came home with their report cards ending the mid-term semester, I had some doubts. 'What happened to. the old report cards that were simply a list of marks and an average? You just louked down the line and knew what they were passing and what they were failing. Someone must have decided the old report card didn't allow for a full interpretation of the child's achievements. A new form has taken its place. It's six pages long-and has room for 67 comments. Ten of them are basic marks with 40 qualifying ·categories. There are six personal characteristics with II alternative evaluations. Granted it gives a pretty thorough report on each child. The trouble. was that five of them came home with these cards at the same time. Five of them were, showin'g them to me at the same time. Every one wanted my comments at once. That's 335 marks I have to evaluate.
Confusion of Opinions My mind doesn't grasp so much that quickly. I looked at each one and tried to make some
"I don't know."
But, whether tl).ey were passing or failing. I couldn't say. Besides ,there was to be a parent-teacher conference. Maybe' I could learn something there. I ran into a confusion of opinions. I understand that the Sisters can have some problem children in their classes. Would you believe I have a few problem Sisters among those who teach my kids? Trouble With Reading With most of the Sisters I got simple answers, and knew where I stood. ,With !my "problem!',Sister I came away feeling whatever was right 'with the· child was due to her marvelous teaching; whatever was wrong, was my fault. I reached the last interview. somewhat worn out,· because of all the advice and admonitions that had been poured on me. Sister had ~aught several of my children. and I knew her quite well. She' was very sweet and conscientious. She expl;lined that my daughter was, hiving trouble with her reading. If I could spend a little time, maybe only a half-hour, with her every day, having her read aloud to me, it would help to improve her ability. Instead of simply promising I would do it, knowing I would never get to it, and thanking her for the interview, my'fatigue . got the best of me. Worn 'Out "You know, Sister, it's getting near the end of the term. I'm pretty well worn out trying· to help them with homework. I can't promise you that I'll help her every day, because I know I might do it once and not get to it again for days. Suppose we just let her stumble her way through to the end, of the term, and maybe I'll be more inspired next September." I expected her to be shocked by my "indifferent parent" attitude. Instead, she shocked me. "You're right. You know, I get pretty well fed up by this time of. the year, myself. I can hardly wait for the term to be' over. "But, that's the kind of advice we're supposed to givc--:.and most of the parents expect to hear." , She raised her hand in a' guesture of conviviality, "To Summer Vacation!"
Vatican Envoy Continued from Page, One government and Church officials involved. ,Ronald Ziegler, the White House press secretary, announ'sed the hews to reporters at his regular morning briefing on June 5. saying that Nixon had asked Lodge to visit the Vatican "from time to time" and that Nixon believes the visits "will be in our national interest.!' On Continuing Basis "Ambassador Lodge' will be discussing any international or humanitarian subJects of interest and concern to the Vatican and the Pope and the President," said the presidential press spokesman. Ziegler said Lodge would be "<;:onveying the/views of the President and soliciting views" on those subjects at the Vatican. He said Nixon felt it was "important to have the benefit of the Vatican's "information and views on a continuing basis." At the Vatican, a press office spokesman said: "We welcome this appointment as a means of more direct colloquy and dialogue for peace." Ip answer to a question, the spokesman said the Vatican had 'never expressed opposition to a ,presidential - visitor' relationship, in the place of full diplomatic relations. . In Washington, the Apostolic Delegate to the United Stateswho also has less than diplomatic status, as the papal represenative to American Catholics and not to the American government-expressed confidence that the. Lodge appointment would be reviewed favorably by other nations. Valuable Relationship Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, the delegate, said, the naming of Lodge was "re~ognition of the special peace-making mission of the Holy See." He said the Vatican, considers the relationship "valuable in these times" and added that the 'arrangement was part of an effort to achieve "the goal of peace in international, relationships." , , The appointment was preced, ed by a weekend visit to Rome in mid-May by Peter Flanigan, U.S. Presidential assistant. Flanigan's trip went unannounced. He spent some time with Archbishop, .Giovanni Benelli, Vatican Undersecretary of State, but did not see Pope Paul. ,The special character of Lodge's function, lacking as it does any qiplomatic status, eliminates any required Congression-. al action. The U.S. Senate must approve ambassadorial appointments made by a President.' Preside'!! Harry S. Truman had proposed Gen. Mark Clark as a full ambassador to the Vatican in, October 1951, touching off considerable stir. The idea . was quickly abandoned.
"The Irish Mammie from Africa" They call her the "Irish Mammie", for she is both mother and sister to the people of Sierra Leone, Africa. "Mammie" is an Irish missionary Sister who has spent hte last 17 years curing and teaching. and laughing and praying with the people of this small African village. . . " ", "Mammie" is an official member of many native families. At a recent wedding in the town, Sister was granted part of the girl's dowry (a privilege usually reserved for members of the immediate family). This assured her of her family status, as well . as the right to give advice in any marital disputes which might arise. What this little nun lacks in physical stature, she makes up - for in stamina, courage, foresight and faith. When Sister first arrived in the village, there were no medical facilities at all. But her skill as a surgeon was matched only by her genius for invention. She erected a make-shift clinIC and was soon on call 24 hours a day. She began c1asses..; medics and nurses. She toured the village giving instructions on basic hygiene and health care. Today, Sister has a team of six missionary sisters who staff two mobile clinics, an~ a core of top-notch African nurses. Yet, there are still many serious problems here. There is still a 40 per cent to 50 per cent infant mortality rate because of low nutritional standards. There is still a high rate of illiteracy. There are still poor farming and living conditions. But "Mammie" is ,fiercely proud of her African family. When speaking of Africanization, Sister most emphatically states that African culture is "different", not "inferior". Her efforts both as doctor and missionary have clearly brought out the best of African culture. . And so it was for her. African "family" that "Mammie" came to beg. Sl)e needs money to build a new medical center; she needs. m~ney to train more nurses; she needs money for new equipment. And we, in turn, come begging to you for all the "Mammies" who work so lovingly and devotedly for all God's children. Please send your offering today. '
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SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column and send your offering to Right Reverend Edward T. O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 368 Fifth Ave, New York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan . Director. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720
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CITY..................................................................... STATE.............................. ZIP............ June 13, 1970
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Advises Political Pressure To Delay Arms Escalation
THE ANCHORThurs.,. June 11, 1970
Pope Observ'es Golden Jubilee
When, a short time ago, Captain James Lovell of Apollo 13 thanked President Nixon for the Medal of Freedom, he recalled his vision of the earth as he had seen it from what now' seemed the warm comfort of his earlier' . mission on Apollo 8. From his windows then he had most three times over. In destructive power-megatonnageseen Planet Earth full of the American lead has been cut color, shining with light, by the sheer size of Russia's blue with the reflections of air and sea, the single welcoming pinpoint of life in the whole dark immensity of space. Since his earlier journey, this . . h b vIsIon as, unhappily, ecome something of a cliche. Our surprise, our recognition of the C~--'~--:::::::::::l
C::::::'_,_ _~ J
beauty and the uniqueness of . our planet are fading a little as the freshness wears off. But it had not worn off for Captain Lovell on the darkened, cold and crippled capsule of Apollo 13. He saw again, as he reminded the President and the crowds and the world, that this Planet Earth is the only place where life can be maintained, the only hope for survival for sentient beings, the only conceivable haven for those three beset and courageous astronauts. Either they made it back to earth or they were extinguished in infinite space. Near Extinction Is there any hope that the human race can realize in time that they are in exactly the same predicament? They are careering along in their orbit round the sun at unbelievable speeds, survival ensured only by the thin casings of air which keep out the killing heat and killing .cold, only by the tiny supplies of cultivable soil and drinkable water. As with Apollo 8, the space ship that is this whole earth appears to be functioning well, in a physical sense. All of us aboard are not concerned about air running out or soil unusable or water that can no longer be drunk. Yet if we could see with entire clarity what we are ~oing to ourselves, our spaceship can be said to be perilously close to the predictment of Apollo 13. We seem, in fact, to be devoting much of our best intelligence and finest technology to preparations to blow the "panels" of our planet in such a way that the whole human race will not be far off the near-extinction of the astronauts..And then no friendly external Flight Direction, safe in some other place, would be giving us directions for a safe way out. In the week of Apollo's flight, the most reliable and prestigious of all the bodies which monitor the world's warlike activitiesLondon's Institute of Strategic Studies-produced its annual estimate of where the world is going with its armaments. The survey gives cunent figures for the nuclear armaments of the Great Powers. Today America can deliver 4,235 nuclear warheads, Russia 1,880. On present planning, by 1975, the the use of mulitple warheads will multiply both ar!i~mals al-
warheads, particularly the 25 megaton warhead attached to its mammoth SS-9 missile. But the relative power is less important than the fact that either Power could now destroy most of the other 15 to 20 times over and by 1975 the "overkill" could be nearer 100 times. . This is the potentially explosive force that can change our planet into a larger version of the charred, broken, debris-ridden capsule the astronauts saw floating past them as it sped on into infinite nothingness. Atomic Death The argument has been made in this column before. But it must be made again. The arms race between the two SuperPowers is a total folly. It is 1I. folly first because their equal scientific skills imply that neither side can get decisively . "ahead" in killing power. Continued competition merely means continued insecurity at ever higher levels of spending. But the second root of the folly is far more serious. The biological damage of even a first strike will shatter our "capsule," our planet Earth, quite sufficiently to draw the attackers, the attacked and the bystanders into the slow horrors of atomic death. The fate which seemed to hover over'the three astronauts--of undrinkable water, polluted air, rising fever.·and extinction in the darkness of the void-is even now heing prepared for the human family by the infinitely skillful and infinitely stupid "military /industrial complex" of both Russia and the United States. Passionate Conviction Can we learn in time to see ourselves as possibly destined to be dying astronauts on a crippled earth? Does it matter whether we ·do or not? Have we any .influence? The answer must surely be that in an open society, such as America's,Congressmen are responsive to passionate conviction among the voters on whom their re-election depends. To agitate for a moratorium on further arms escalation, to demand a steady reduction in the military budget, to give active support to the Russian-American talks on arms limitation and in particular to imaginative American initiatives-all these attitudes sway the Congress and ultimately the Administration. Can a Christian try to do less?
COLLEGE DEAN AT 21: Patricia A. Ponto, chats with ·Robert Christian, president of St. Norbert's College, West De Pere, Wis., after she was named dean of women at that school. Miss Ponto may be the youngest dean in the country. NC Photo.
Younges,t Dean ~ Wisconsin
College Appoints Member Of 1970 Class
WEST DE PERE (NC) - St. Norbert College here has the youngest dean of women in the United States - Patricia Ann Ponto, 21, a native of Neenah, Wis. She was graduated from the college on May 24 and hired as dean of women two days later. A straight "A" student in sociology with minors in English and secondary education, Miss Ponto succeeds Carolyn Schrei· ner, who served four years in the position. Miss Ponto said the deanship is "just the type of career I've wanted." She had' applied for
Una Voce Members To Meet Saturday
NEW YORK (NC)-Members of Una Voce, international organization devoted to preservation of the Church's traditional Latin worship and Gregorian chant, will meet here Saturday for a Mass and lecture program. At St. Thomas More church, members will participate in a Murphy Says Israel Latin High Mass. Music at the 'Fights Our' Battles' Mass will be the Gregorian Mass NEW YORK (NC) - Califor- of the Angels with the Ambronia's Republican Senator George sian Gloria and the Third Credo; L. Murphy told guests at an sung by the congregation under American Jewish Committe din- the direction of John Mitchell, ner here that the U.S. should choir director at Holy Face Monsupply jets to Israel because astery in Clifton, N. J. "Israel is fighting our battles.r Speakers at the meeting inin the crucial cockpit of the clude Dr. John McManemin, Middle East." president of Una 'Voce in the Senator Murphy observed that United States, and Dr. Eric de with Soviet pilots manning Saventhem of Zurich, president Egyptian war planes "the bal- of Una Voce international. Panance of military power is tip- elists inClude L. Brent Bozell, ping over in favor of the Arabs." editor of Triumph magazine, and He asserted that "we cannot af- Msgr. Vincent Lloyd-Russell; ford' to let our friends down pastor of California's mission anywhere in the world, and Is- church of San Juan de Caprael is one of our best' friends." istrano.
graduate work in counseling when she heard that the dean of women's job was open. A friend dared her to apply. Her letter of inquiry was short, she said, listing what she feels are her two strong points "rapport, and I have that with the students, and enthusiiasm, and I let the college be the judge of that." Miss Ponto was one of three candidates interviewed by a 12member committee made up of nine students and three resident directors. "It was the general feeling of the committee that Miss Ponto was simply the best person for the job," Father E. Thomas De Wane, student .life dean, said. The rapport she has with students may cause prablems at times, especially with resident assistants, Miss Ponto admitted, "but basically, it will be to my advantage." "I think .1'11 be good [or St. Norbert College because I really know what's going on here," she said.
VATICAN CITI (NC)-Pope Paul VI celebrated the 50th an· niversary of his ordination as a priest by celebrating Mass in the tiny church of St. Ann's, the parish church of Vatican City, for a small congregation of 500 persons who had been invited by the Pontiff himself. The Mass, on May 29, was a private affair, or at least as private as is possible for any event in the Pope's life outside of the Vatican palace. Press, radio anu television were conspiciously absent because instructions had been given that no publicity was to be devoted to the ceremony because the church is quite small. Although the morning Mass was a private affair, there were some high officials and prelates present, including Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York. Also present were all the· personnel of the papal !>ecretariat of state led 'by the secretary, Cardinal Jean Villot, and the former secretary, Cardinal Amleto Cicognani. The' 72-year-old Pope did not deliver a sermon but after the Mass, stopped to shake hands and exchange' greetings with many of those present, including Cardinal Cooke. 'The morning Mass was in great contrast to the Pope's public observance of the Feast of Corpus Christi the day before. The feast day is a public holiday in Italy, and the Pope took the occasion to go to an outlying parish of Rome to celebrate Mass amid thousands of . ROlJlans and visitors.
Canadian Cardinal Convention Speaker DAYTON (NC) Cardinal George B. Flahiff, C.S.B., of Winnipeg, Man., will give the keynote address at the 13th annual meeting of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men here ~une 22 to 26. Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate in the United States, will also participate in the program built around the theme "A New Vision-American Religious Life in the 1970s."
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Masier Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 806 NO. MAIN STREET Fall River 675·7497
WH ITE'S Family
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 11, 1970
Seton Hall Has New President
Pablo Casals' 'Reflections' Review IIIustriousCareer Pablo Casals has been called the greatest living musician. At the very least, he is a unique phenomenon. Lately, at the age of 93, he vigorously conducted 100 cellists in the playing of his composition "Sardana," this at a benefit concert in New York ' City. He reviews his long which produces ease in performance. life and illustrious career in Technique, he says, is indisJoys and Sorrows (Simon pensable, but "it has, always and Schuster, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. $7.95), which is subtitled '!Relections by Pablo Casals as told to Albert E. Kahn." Casals is a Catalan, a distinction which he never forgets and of which he is almost . inordinately proud. He was born mmmHm:m~'~'}!'H~
been m:y viewpoint that intuition is the decisive element in both the composing and the perform'ing of music lIO III * For me, the determining factor in creativity, in bringing a work to life, is that musical instinct." Robert Benchley's Life Robert Benchley has been dead for almost 25 years, yet his humorous writings have not died. Pick up today' one of his several books, and almost anything you chance on is likely to afford you delicious amuse~ ment. , ' Much of the detail is dated, of course, but Beilchley had an uncanny eye for the human foibles which are among the constants in our history, and the fUll he wrought with them is still contagious. Babette Rosmond has now written a book about him, Robert Benchley: His Life and Good Times (Doubleday, 501 Franklin Ave., Garden City,N.Y. 11531. $6.95). It is a patchy affair, and one has to be middleaged to recognize many of the names which occur in it' and many of the allusions.
NOW COYLE ALUMNI: Seniors Brian Hinton, Donald Spineili, Raymond Conlon and Xavier Matesanz received their diplomas on Monday night from Bishop Connolly and _therefore are now members of the Monsignor Coyle High School Alumni.
in the little town of Vendrell where his father was church organist. The elder Casals intended to apprentice Pablo to a carNew, Jersey Supreme Court Sets New penter, convinced that his son could at least make a living at Church Suits P'olicy that trade, whereas his own experience indicated that music brou~ht little material reward. TRENTON (NC)-Reversing a state courts in New Jersey conlong series of previous opinions sistently have dismissed such Broomstick and Strings the New Jersey Supreme Court suits on the grounds that the But the child, surrounded by ruled here courts have jurisdic- courts lacked jurisdictiort. music from infancy, began to Writing Methods tion to settle internal church In a decision written by Jusplay the piano when he was disputes, except where a doctice Haydn Proctor, the high By no meims does the author only four years old. At the age - trinal questiQn is involved. court held: "The loss of the opreconstruct ·or make vivid the of five he became a second soBy a 6-0 vQte the court or- portunity to worship in familiar prano in the church choir, and times and circles in which dered a trial be held on the mer- surroundings is a valuable right was paid ten cents for each Benchley lived and moved. Among the book's more in- its of a suit -brought by a Bap- which deserves the protection service at which 'he sang: teresting aspects are .the pass- tist churchgoer who contested, the law where no constitutional When he was seven, he was his expulsion from the South barrier exists ¢ - ¢ * playing the violin, and he start- ages which, despite inadequacy, Orange Baptist church. Q "Except in cases involving re• deals with Benchley's writing ed on the church organ at nine, "We believe," the court said, ligious doctrine, we can see no methods. sometimes substituting for his "that e?Cpulsion from a church reason ~or treating religious orfather. His pieces gave the impres- or other religious organization, ganizations differently from other A band of wandering musici- sion of effortlessness, but the can constitute a serious emo- non-profit voluntary organizaans came to town, bringing a fact is that the spontaneity and tional deprivation which, when tions." cello-like instrument, a crude ease which they had on the compared to some losses of propThe suit was brought by Wilcontraption consisting of a printed page were the result of erty or contract rights, can be liam Baugh, who contended his slow and sometimes anguished far more damaging to an indi- expulsion from the South Orange broomstick and strings. , This fascinated the youngster, work. 'vidual." church violated the church's byThe text is marred by some and he persuaded his father to Relying on previous decisions, laws. make something similar for him, pecular punctuation and some its chief elements being a gourd fractured French. and a. single string, Thus, strangely, was a splendid career launched. Later, Casals saw and heard Continued from Page One a real cello. "From the moment named director was ordained on I heard the first notes I was overwhelmed. I felt as if I could May 11, 1962 in St. Mary's Canot breathe. There was some- thedral, Fall River, by Bishop thing so tender, beautiful and Connolly. Following ordination, he was human-about the sound. I had never heard such a beautiful . named as assistant at Our Lady sound before." He got a real of the Assumption Parish, Osterville where' he also served a$ cello. , It was his mother who recog- , Co-director .of the Cape Cod nized his potential and deter- Confraternity of Christian Doc- / mined that it should be realized. trine. In Sept., 1968, Father Tosti At the age of 11, he got an opportunity to go to Barcelona to was transferred to Sacred Heart study at the school of music Church, Fall River and remained ,there, and she went with him. there until la'st September when When he was 17, he proceed- he was assigned to pursue ed to Madrid for further study, courses at -Fordham University, and again she accompanied him, New York leading to a master's degree in Religious Education. as later to Brussels and Paris. .On Dec. 4, 1968, Father Tosti I Stresses Creativity was named Defender of the What he considers a ·turning Bopd in the Diocesan Matrimopoint for him came when, in nial Tribunal and on Aug. 27, 1900 at the age of 23, he play- 1969 was appointed Assistant ed for Charles Lamoureu, the Diocesan Director of the Confra~ celebrated French conductor. ternity of Christian Doctrine. Casals confesses that he alHe succeeds Rev. Joseph L ways felt nervous before a per- Powers as Diocesan Director. TAUNTON GHIRL§ §ClH!(())())!L: Among the 81 girls who formance, and still does. Com- Father Powers will remain _in plimented on the ease of his his present post as administrator_ graduated from Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton on playing, he replies that it is of St. Mark's Parish, Attleboro Monday afternoon were: Lynn Murphy, Jane Carey, Betsy only hard work in preparation Falls. Lawson and Mary Jane Lucey.
Protects Right
SOUTH ORANGE (NC) - A priest who has been active .in student affairs has been named as the new president of Seton Hall University here. Father Thomas G. Fahey, 47, was selected after a four-month search by the board of trustees after some 180 candidates were screened for the position. Father· Fahey, vice-president for instruction since 1963 succeeds Auxiliary Bishop John J . • Dougherty of Newark, who resigned a year ago. Ordained in 1947 to serve the Newark archdiocese, which conducts the university, Father 'Fahey taught at Setort· Hall Prep until 1955 when he joined the university faculty. He served as athletic director; a teacher of the classics and dean of men before becoming vice-president.. Although - Father Fahey has -been popular among the students throughout his service at 'the university, the trustees underscored that his choice' was not connected ,with this popularity. The selection was based on his all-around merits, the trustees indicated.
College Youths Find Religion Irrelevant PRINCETON (NC) - A Gallup poll relased here shows that some 58 per cent of the nation's college students find organized religion irrelevant. "I can't see how church-going relates to living a good life," one student remarked, and the survey indicated his attitude was typical. Liberal male upperclassmen at northern private colleges seem to find organized religion least relevant to their lives: Conservative females in their freshman or sophomore year at southern church-related schools find religion most relevant, Everybody else fits in somewhere between the two extremes. The survey was conducted from April 24-May 3 and was drawn from a nationwide sample of 1,114 students at 55 colleges and universities.
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Insurance Corporation
Thurs., June 11. 1970 THE ANCHOR-
Parish Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.
chairmen of parish or· are aslted to submit for this column to The, O. Box 7, Fall River
02722. MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD The PTA will conduct its final meeting of the year at 7 on Sunday evenillg, June 14 in the school and all members of the Girls' and Boys' Basketball teams are urged to attend this special meeting. Mrs. Lucy Marks and Mrs. Elsie Felix are in charge of refreshments. A c1amboil will be served be· tween 5 and 7:30 on Saturday evening, June 27 in the school basement under the sponsorship of the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of the parish. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, FALL RIVER' The Holy Name Society' has announced the following projects for Sunday, June 21: following reception of Holy Communion in a body, a father and son ca- ' tered breakfast will be served following the 8 o'clock Mass. At 11 :30 on the same morning, a group will leave for the Boston Red Sox baseball game and tickets may be obtained by con· tacting either George Tonelli at 4-8932 or John Moniz at 3-6719. ST. JOHN, POCASSET The following slate of officers of the Women's Guild has been named for the 1970-71 year: Mrs. Redmond O'Callaghan, president; Mrs. George Pereira, vice-president; Mrs. Raymond Roarke, recording secretary; Mrs. Harold Weatherby, treasurer; Mrs. Russell Bums, corresponding secretary. Committee chairmen for the coming year will be: Mrs. George Butler, spiritual development; Mrs. George Anderson, organization and development; Mrs. Charles Collins, family and parent education; Mrs. Paul Innis, youth. Also, Mrs. Newell Percy, CCD cooperators; Mrs. Thomas Pierce, Catholic Charities cooperators; Mrs. Roarke, civic action; Mrs. Gordon Wixon, hospitality; Mrs. Helen Perkins, sunshine; Mrs. Edward Towne, publicity. The annual banquet of the guild will be held OIl Tuesday evening, June 16 at East Bay Lodge, Osterville. The Women's Guild of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Buzzards Bay has invited guild members of St. John's to a wine tasting party in the K. of C. Hall. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The public is invited to the festival penny sale scheduled for 8 on Saturday night, June 13 in the school auditorium under the chairmanship of Shirley Korzenewski. ST. MARY, SO. DARTMOUTH The Women's Guild will serve its annual chicken supper at 7 on Tuesday evening, June 23 and the price will be $2.50. Sheila O'Hayre at 3-3186 and Betty Hemingway at 2-3490 are accepting reservations and are hoping that many men of the parish will attend. Following the supper, Brad Luther, a deep sea diver, will show slides on his work and discuss many unusual experiences.
Says Ugly American Image Hurts Ties Venezuela President Scores Press, Movies, TV WASHINGTON (NC) - Venezuela's president said here that a bad press, plus projection of an ugly American-type image, today is damaging seriously U. S.-Latin America relations. , President Rafael Caldera, featured speaker at a National Press Club luncheon, told newsmen the U. S. press often has turned "good news into no news," relyinK mostly on "bad news" about Latin America. He deplored, too, the distasteful image which the U. S. and its people are reaping from current movies, television and radio programs carried in his own and other Latin American nations. Regarding the bad press, President Caldera lamented: "Only deplorable incidents receive wide publicity >Co >Co '" Little is .said about literary and scientific accomplishments, about man's efforts to bring nature under control; little is said of social organization and defense against dangers to peace and development." Caldera added: "It is much easier to represent the Latin American ,as an unruly person, as a difficult neighbor, as one incapable of achieving what others have in economics and technical fields. "I believe in the power of mass communication, as it has a daily influence upon the judgment of each citizen who molds in his heart the feelings that ultimately influence his will," the visitor added. President Caldera, here on a state visit to 'discuss with Presi-
College President BROOKLYN (NC) - Father Thomas J. Gradilone, 45, has been appointed by Bishop Francis J. Mugavero of Brooklyn as president of Cathedral College of the Immac.ulate Conception, liberal arts seminary college here which serves the Brooklyn and Rockville Centre dioceses and the New York archdiocese..
dent Nixon imports of Vene- screen. ,The improper behavior zuelan oil and other trade mat- of an executive or businessman, ters, said half' of all petroleum a distasteful remark by a poliproduced in his country goes to tician or a community leader, the United States, but there has instinctively provokes an indigbeen a 30 per cent decline in nation that associates this type volume and 20 per cent in prices of conduct with everyone else in the last decade in such im- of the same nationality," he deports. This stalls development , c1ared. "This is the way in which Latin Americans often judge efforts, he indicated. , "Americans." Greatest Difficulty Accepts as Gemnine "On the other hand, close to "Our radio stations transmit 50 per cent of, our imports--or over $600 mililion a year-come 'your music and your outlook from the United States," he on life," the president explained added. "We are your first cos- in referring to the influence of U. S. technology and communitumer in South America." cations. "Our television is full of Stressing that he spoke not the imagery that reflects your only for Venezuela, President way of thinking and acting, Caldera told of difficulties Latin while your motion picture inAmericans are having in the pur- dustry propagates all the mansuit of peace and prosperity, be- nerisms and polemics that the cause of their dependency on Latin American audience accepts industrial nations such as the as being the genuine image of United States. the United States." The greatest,difficulty, he said, :President Caldera said these ' is image. unfavorable contributions, plus Each man judges his fellow- the foreign and domestic issues men ,'by what he reads in the of the United States, are exploitpress, hears on the ,radio and ed by certain international watches on television and on the groups to produce "unfavorable repercussions >Co >Co >Co and blame the powerful and the rich" for the Calls for Sacrifices world's ills. reasons I believe To Maintain College that"Fora these dialogue within the EMMITSBURG (NC)-The top Americas - North, Central, and Knights of Columbus official South - which is so necessary said Catholics must maintain "a for a frank exchange of informa- . goodly number", of colleges in tion, has a ready channel in the this country to insure continua- communications media," he said. tion of sound development of the young along moral and intellectual grounds. Speaking at Mount St. Mary's The ANCHOR College graduation ceremonies, K.' of C. Supreme Knight John • TYPE SET W. McDevitt acknowldedged' • PRINTED BY OFFSET "the future cannot be like the past." He added that "our amaz• MAILED ing proliferation of, institutions cannot continue in the face of - BY THE real pressures which face us." He urged Catholics to maintain as many Catholic universities and colleges as possible, deFALL RIVER claring the "goals are worth any sacrifice."
Continued from Page One he returned to the campus of Stonehill College preparatory to entering the Holy Cross Fathers Novitiate in Bennington in 1965. Following his novitiate, Father Polselli studied at Holy Cross College, Washington, D. C. During his theological studies, he was engaged in such apostolic activities as tutoring and teaching at the Catlu>lic Spanish Center in Washington. In the Summer of 1967, he accepted a' position as counselor with the Senior Centers of Dade County, Fla., working principally with the Cuban elderly. Father Polselli received his Master's degree in theology from the University of Notre Dame in 1968. While at Notre Dame, he assisted in the local Mexican apostolate and in catecheical work at St. Pius X Parish. His pastoral internship program consisted in living and working at Santa Rosa Parish in Santiago, Chile, with a team of four Holy Cross priests. In addition to his parents, Father Polselli has eight brothers and sisters, all of whom are married. Father PolselIi will offer his first Mass at 11:30 on Sunday 'morning, June 21, in Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, Fall River.
Brooklyn Schools Fight Drug Abuse BROOKLYN ~q -The Brooklyn diocesan schools office has launched a program that will attack drug abuse among high school students from two angles. ' The first is through a pilot project in a Brooklyn high school that draws together teach· ers, students, including nonusers of narcotics and professional anti-drug therapists. The second approach is the formation of a coordinating council on drug abuse education and information that will include civic, religious and legislative officials. ' The training for Living Institute, a Manhattan-based agency, is conducting the 'pilot project at· Nazareth High School. Members of the institute's professional staff meet regularly with 30 students, ranging from freshmen to seniors in a series of seminars designed to study the underlying causes of drug use and abuse.
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cises were conducted for the 1970 class of the Fall River nursing school.
THE ANCHORThurs., June 11, 1970
Thirty-six seniors of St, Anne's , School of Nursing will r~ceive their diplomas from Bishop Connolly at ceremonies scheduled for 3 this afternoon in St. Anne's Church, Fall River. Rev. Rene Patenaude, O.P.; of St. Anne's Monastery will welcome the graduates, their' relatives and friends. The address will be given by Rev. Walter A. SUllvian, director of Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. 'Following the awarding of di,'plomas, Miss Mary O'Gara and Miss Rita Bertoncini of the School of Nursing, will be in charge of the distribution of roses. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will conetude the ceremonies. St. Anne's Choir Boys, under the direction of Normand Gingras, organist, will sing the processional, recessional and hymns at Benediction. Last evening, Class Day exer-
Bishop to Award Diplomas To 36 Nursing Students
The program consisted of piano solos for the processional and recessional by Miss Rosemary Braga of Fall River and the , class of 1971. Atty. Harold K. Hudner, chairman of the hospital board of trustees presented the program and John F. Dunn, M.D.. president of the Medical Staff greeted the class. The main address was given by board member Mr. James P. Waldron, Esq., and the class essay was delivered by Helen Hayes of Taunton, senior class president. .
. ;"....$
Sister Madeleine Clemmence, Ph.D,. director emeritus of the school, and presently dean at SMU's School of Nursing, presented the special award, while Sr. Irene Therese, director of the Nursing School, presented the school pins.
a, HELEN HAYES President Taunton
LUCILLE BARROWS Vice President North Carver
PATRICIA ,ROBERTS Secretary Taunton
The program conclusion consisted of the graduates reciting the Nightingale Pledge and the singing of "A Time for Us."
SUSAN SAVOIE Treasurer New Bedford
I --
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of ~QH River'-Thurs. June 11, 1970
November 'Off.Year' Elections Most Interesting, Important' WASHINGTON (NC) - The elections coming up this November, to fill all the seats in the House of Representatives and a third of the seats in the Senate, promise to be among the most interesting in decades. Called "off-term" and "offyear" elections, because no presidential candidates will be on the ballots, November's voting, could turn into a "referendum" on President Nixon's administration, some political soothsayers are predicting. To the extent that this turns out to be true, and can be so interpreted, the elections should also have unusual importance. A striking phenomenon right now is that recently the, country's economic plight seems to be nudging the Vietnam war and the Cambodia fighting a little to one side as the principal point of focus. One political practitioner here has been quoted anonymously as saying that, while probably one family in every 10 is directly involved through relatives in the fighting in Vietnam, every family in the nation is directly involved in rising prices and unemployment, the slide in the stock market, the threat of new deficits and taxes, and so on. Politicians notice .such things. National Issues Samplings of thinking and talking taken around the country, and reported back here, indicate that people in all sections are thinking about the same things-the war, the increasing cost of living, campus disorders, and a half-dozen other things that almost daily are in the headlines. This indicates that local elections, and that is what they are this year, may be settled on national rather than local issues, President Nixon, meanwhile, seems determined to pursue the courses he has taken-with regard to Vietnam and the economic crisis-confident that in time they will prove to have been the right ones, though they are meeting with barrages of criticism. ' Everything 'On Target' The President invited some 60 of the nation's business leaders to dinner May 27 at the White House, for the announced purpose of explaining the Cambodian situation to them., That same day, even before the dinner, the stock market ,rose 32 points, a record for a single day. At the dinner, the President told the businessmen that "everything is on target and' going better than anticipated: in the Cambodian operation." He repeated the Administration's forecast of an upturn in business in the second half of 1970. One guest said after the dinner that the Presid'ent had done "a fine job of explaining a lot of things that mignt have puzzled people before." He added that "any time you hear things you've read in the papers direct from the President of the United States, you're a little more impressed." As of now, those who are venturing opinions seem to feel that the Republicans have a poorer chance now than they had several months ago to capture additional seats in the' two houses of Congress. Many feel there won't be much change. [.Qwerlng Voting Age It is still some five months to 'November, and things could happen by then to change the picture. But such happenings would have to be dramatic. There would seem to. be an opportunity for the Democrats
in the November elections, but whether they can seize it is open to questio'n. At present the Democrats have no single solid leader around whom to rally. They will have to come up with one by the time of the 1972 presidential elections, of course. The temper of the country shown in November's elections may help the "king-makers" in determining what manner of man he should be. Some political writers are bold enough to say the same thing applies to the Republicans. And, if it should just come about that by 1972 a constitutional amendment could be added lowering the voting age, the picture would take on another dimension.
Charge Terror Campaign Against Church
_Wayne Pitts of New Bedford
Impresses Coach at Worcester Tech Two-Sport S.tar Won Murphy Memorial Award At, the conclusion of his high school career, Wayne was awarded the coveted James P. Murphy Memorial Club Award at the school's annual Spring awards' day program. The award is given annually for high scholastic standing as well as standout athletic ability. Pitts was one of the top students in his senior class and maintained a high B average throughout his four years at New Bedford High.
By Luke Sims When Worcester Polvt;echnic Institute opened fts 1970 freshman baseball season, Wayne Pitts was in the starting lineup. The former New Bedford High two-sport star athlete was the second baseman for Coach Mel Massucco's Lit~le Engineers as they played host' to' Assumption Prep. The freshman coach has been most impressed with the play of the former New Bedford High star and, readily predicts a "bright athletic future in the years ahead." ' Pitts distinguished himself on the gridiron this past Fall and should be a great help to the varsity, next season. He garnered the headlines on several occasions but his finest game came in WPI's 14-7 victory over Rensselaer Poly' freshman on Nov. 3. Wayne scored both touchdowns, his first on ,a brilliant 75-yard pass-run play midway through the second period and another on a 60-yard punt re. turn in the third quarter.
WASHINGTON (NC) - Nine members of the' U. S. Catholic Conference's committee for ihternational affairs, five of them bishops, have issued a statement here charging the government of Brazil with mounting "a campaign of terror against the Catholic Church." Issued on the first anniversary of the brutal murder of a Brazilian priest, Father Henrique Pereira Neto of Recife, the statement said that Father Neto's only crime was "an active concern for social justice and the liberation of men." Father Neto was a close friend of Archbishop Helder Camara of Olinda Recile and his vicar for youth affairs. The progressive priest was a friend of many student leaders who were highly critical of Brazil's military regime. One of the student leaders was shot mysteriously in ,Recife about a month before the killing of Father Neto, who was beaten; shot and hanged. His body was found hanging from a tree on the campus of Recife University. Archbishop Camara blamed the priest's death on reactionary groups. The chief suspect is a rightist terrorist organization called the Anti-Communist Hunt Commandos, whose members include ultraconservative elements in the armed forces. That organization has said it considers progressive priests more dangerous that communists, themselves. Four gunmen who machinegunned the home of Archbishop Camara in 1968 are believed to be members of the same group. 'Systematic Terror' , Father Neto's death, the nine signers declared, was no isolated instance, but "a part of a wider picture of systematic terror. The crippling of a Catholic student 'leader, the imprisonment and beating of others, including nuns and priests, the deportation of North American and European' missionaries, the baseless accusations brought against several Brazilian bishops, even the attempted suicide of a tortured Dominican friar-these are 'instances' which add up to a 'campaign of terror against the Catholic Church." Yet others, the statement continued, are treated even more harshly because they do not have the ready access to world public opinion that Catholic leaders have'. ' The nine signers ended their statement by emphasizing that in the face of evidence -brought against the Brazil government, they could not remain silent.
On 'All' Teams Worcester Coach John Veino was quick to praise the efforts of his star halfback. "Pitts' second touchdown on the punt return was strictly by his own efforts. We had a blitz on the kicker and Wayne picked up the first 30 yards himself before our blockers were able to give him any help at all." Pitts enjoyed similar success on the gridiron and diamond at Sargent Field in New Bedford and other "battle pits" through-' out .Bristol County. • He was a star halfback and captain for Coach Joe Betten-
Richmond Diocese Has Due Process RICHMOND (NC)-The, Richmond diocese has established a non-judicial due process system, 'consisting of a conciliation and arbitration service designed to help safeguard rights of all members of the Church. Central to the procedure is a five-member board of administrative 'review, to receive complaints, determine if due process has competent jurisdiction, and dispose of grievances by conciliation or arbitration or, if possible, work out a settlement with an appropriate agency. The board may reject complaints when its chairman and two other members concur. Bishop John J. Russell of Richmond confirmed selection of the first board, consisting of two priests elected by the Council of Priests, two lay persons elected by me Diocesan Pastoral Council and one persor. appointed by the bishop-his choice was a lay woman.
court's unbeaten eleven during his junior year and was the starting catcher for the State Tournament semi-finalist the following year. He wa's named to several "All" teams in both sports during his junior and senior years including the New Bedford Stanoard Times All-Scholastic squads. Among Top Studen~s Baseball Coach John Pacheco once said of Pitts: "He's the type of kid who just has to play. He hurt a toe before one game and had an ice pack on it all night and played the next day without a word."
Denver Sisters Get Pay Raise DENVER (NC)-Sisters of the Denver archdiocese will receive a pay' increase from $2,000 to $2,400 per year, effective July 1. The raise was recommended by a' committee appointed to examine' nun~! salaries by Archbishop James V. Casey. Auxiliary Bish9P George Evans, who served on the committee headed by Msgr.Edward Leyden, said the committee will study what uses can be made of existing convents not now being used to capacity. The money for the salary increase will come from each parish, which averages four Sisters' services, Bishop Evans said. Biggest concern of nuns is to find a way to financially provide for their own retirement and for the Sisters already retired, the committee reported. There is also a need for Sisters to help provide for education 'of Sisters within their communities.
College President LADYSMITH (NC)-Dr. Robert E. Lpvett, vice-president at Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa, has been appointed president ,of Mount Senario College, conducted by the Servite nuns here in Wisconsin. He has served as a teacher at a half dozen colleges and has headed fundraising and development programs at several institutions.
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'Player of Year' As a junior he was awarded a Sportsmanship Award in football and was named to the AllState team. His most cherished award,' however, had to be his selection as the "football player of the year" during that unbeaten season. Pitts is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pitts Jr., 36 Lexington Street and is a communicant of St. Lawrence Parish. He enjoys all sports, including track and weightlifting . and is "at home" in the water during the Summer months. Only a first year man at Worcester Poly, the athletic future looks extremely bright for the likeable New Bedford lad.
Aid in Distribution Of Holy Communion DETROIT (NC)-A group of 32 laymen, candidates in the Detroit permanent diaconate program, were commissioned ministers of the Eucharist in a special ceremony here. Auxiliary Bishop Walter J. Schoenherr of Detroit officiated at' the commissioning ceremony, authorizing the laymen to assist in distribution of Communion. It was disclosed that 21 of the men will exercise the privilege in their own parishes while the other 12 may be called to assist in parishes when their help is needed. The group is one of the largest commissioned in a diocese in this country under the newly granted permission from the Holy See.
WYman 3-6592
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THE ANCHOR- . Thurs., June 11, 1970 'ii"ho
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PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Cardinal John J. Krol cautioned here: "It is man who makes war! It is man who must make peace." To achieve the peaceful objective, the Philadelphia archbishop advised: "Man must destroy the instruments of death or be destroyed by them." The cardinal· addressed members of the Philadelphia Public Relations Association, who hon-·· ored him with the organization's 25 th anniversary Public Service Award. The cardinal recalled the association was founded at a time when the world seemed convinced it was embarked on an era of peace."Man's continued discovery of the secrets of nature," the cardinal declared, "is not matched by his discovery of his own spiritual nature. Man's increasing control of the forces about him is not matched by the control of the forces within him." God's Blueprint "To achieve and preserve peace," Cardinal Krol said, "man must acknowledge God. He must acknowledge that there is a necessary and knowable order in the world which God has placed under the control and management of man. The history of mankind proves that there is no substitute for God's blueprint for world order: there is no instant or miracle formula for peace." "Peace is not a vain hope or a sentimental dream," the cardinal continued. "It is a philosophy of action. Man must live and act with the conviction that international affairs are neither self-regulatory nor beyond control; that international. controversies can be r~solved by negotiations based on mutual trust, confidence and willingness to forgive; that such negotiations must respect the right and dignity of all persons ·and peoples and must enlist their cooperation in the pursuit of the shared hopes of mankind." "Today, a gratifying increase in the awareness of the urgent need for peace is matched by a diversity of views on how peace is to be attained. Such diversity, if reaspned and· restrained, can be profitable," he said. "It is good that the young are' interested and articulate and that solons defend their convictions," the cardinal declared. ·"We should not exaggerate the age gap. The world has always been peopled by young and old. Neither has a monopoly on wisdom, vision or courage. Neither is omniscient or infallible." "Both," Cardinal Krol said, "must work together in patience, in faith and in mutual trust. Order cannot be achieved through disorder. Peace cannot be achieved through violenceon the battle front or on the home· front."
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Meeting To Expand Dialogue LONDON (NC)-A new group aiming to expand· dialogue between the Anglican and Catholic Churches at national and regional levels in the United Kingdom has met here. The conference; in thC' library of Westminster cathedral, was, attende4 by members of the Anglican Ar<;hbishop of Canterbury's commission for Roman Catholic relations and the corresponding unit of the Catholic Ecumenical Commission.
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