An Anchm' of the Soul, Su/"(~ and Firm -
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, June Vol. 13, Noo 24 © 1969 The Anchor
Designates Seven As High School Coordinators
Six high schools in the Diocese of Fall River will have a priest assigned to the . religion department starting
1969 PRICE 10¢
$4.00 per Year
Holy Father Urges Christian Unity The long arduous road toward full Christian .Unity is a response to the Holy Spirit. It is a wonderful movement of the children of God. It is a joyful obedience to the needful call of the Mystical Body. So, the Pope went to Geneva and visited the international home of the Ecumenical ripe enough to be answered. There are grave theological Council of Churches. In an implications, deeper study, and emotional and frank address a real commitment to, a long and to the world leaders of Christian churches and religious bod1es, the Pope acknowledged the anxieties that move all Christians to fulfill Christ's unity prayer but he also faced clearly the many real difficulties in the way. Proclaiming great respect and deep affection for the work of the World Council of Churches, he promised all prayerful and human cooperation in the road to unity. In all fraternal frankness, the question as to whether the Catholic Church should be a member of the World Council, the Pontiff confessed, is not yet
arduous road. facing all. The Pope emotionaly accepted .such a journey to fulfill Christ's wishes for unity. Referring to his own role in ecumenical affairs, the Pope introduced himself as "Peter" concerning whom Christ had lain real responsibilities; "Pastor" the unmerited role as "fisher of men" and "minister of communion" to promote "understanding, cooperation and fraternity" among the Church; and finally, "Paul" the apostolic minister Turn to Page Six
Adapt Hindu Rites To .Mass Liturgy BANGALORE (NC)-The Holy See has approved a 12-point plan of the Indian bishops for adaptation of Hindu rites in the Church's liturgy. The approval means that the Mass in India will begin to look more and more like Hindu temple ceremonies in its ex- thattu" (tray usually made of ternals, and celebrants will brass). The letter called for a gradual be less distinguishable from implementation of the adaptapujaris (Hindu priests). The tion and also recommended that 12 points include replacement of genuflection with "anjali hast" (bowing with hands folded), of candles with oil lamps, and of the corporal with' "thamboola
Full-Time Deacon For Rochester The distinction of becoming the nation's first permanent deacon under the permanent diaconate restored by Vatican Council II fell to the Rev. Mr. Michael G. Cole, 34, of Rochester, N. Y., a former Anglican priest, married and the father of four children. He was ordained a deacon by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of Rochester. Mr. Cole and his family joined the Catholic Church last year. He and Bishop Sheen met in England. The bishop invited him to come to Rochester, where he was named director of the diocesan Family Life Bureau.
a "catechesis" should precede the changes. The 12-point plan also allows celebrants and the congregation to adopt the sitting posture during Mass like pujaris, to remove footwear, to kiss objects in Hindu fashion by touching them and bringing the hands to one's eyes or forehead and to use incense. Other changes replace the traditional Mass vestments with an . "angavastra" (tunic-type chasuble with a stole) and allow for presentation' of gifts in kind as a preparatory rite during Mass. They also permit the Hindu form of worship-with flowers, or incense or lamp-at the conclusion of the anaphora during the Offertory. The letter also welcomed another proposal of the Indian bishops under which a new Indian aphora, probably in the Sanskrit language, will be composed in collaboration with experts.
Priests To Head Courses
fAli'JM'S DAY: Every day is Father's
a little gi~I'~' heart
Diocesan Clergy. Observe Jubilee of Ordination Two priests of the Diocese will celebrate 25 years in the priesthood this weekend with their parishioners rejoicing with them. Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, pastor of St. Michael Church, Fall River; will celebrate a' solemn high mass at 5 Sunday afternoon, June 15. His Excellency, Bishop James L. Connolly, will preside. Assisting Father Mendonca will be Rev. Joseph Oliveira, curate at St. Michael Church, as deacon; Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, curate at Santo Christo Church, Fall River, as subdeacon; Rev. Charles Saudade of Peabody, as preacher. Also celebrating a quarter of a century in priestly ministry will
be Rev. Ernest E. Blais, assistant pastor of St. Theresa Church, New Bedford. Due to sickness in the family, Father Blais is curtailing his celebration to a Mass of Thanksgiving scheduled to be offered at 8 on Sunday morning, June 29 in St. Theresa's Church, New Bedford. ' Father Blais Born in Pawtucket on May 26, 1918, Father Blais is the son of Mrs. Mary S. (Bouchard) Blais Turn to Page Six
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in September of this year. Following the directives of the Diocesan School Board and ProSynodal Statute No. 107 which states that "every secondary school will have a chaplain to provide spiritual guidance and services," Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, superintendent of Diocesan Schools, has named seven priests to the religion department of six schools. Father O'Neill stated that they will teach religion and serve as coordinators in the religion de"flexipility." As envisioned, the are: Rev. John J. Oliveira, assistant at St. John of God, Somerset, to Mt. St. Mary's Academy, Fall River. Rev. Maurice H. Jeffrey, assistant at. St. Jean the Baptiste, Fall River, to Dominican Academy, Fall River. Rev. Cornelius F. Kiley, assistant at St. Joseph, Fall River, to Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River. Rev. Robert W. Dowling, assistant at Notre Dame, Fall River, to Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall River. Rev. James H. Morse, assistant at St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro, to Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. Rev. William W. Norton, assistant at St. Kilian, New Bedford, to Bishop Stang High School, No. Dartmouth. Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino, assistant at Holy Name, New Bedford, to Bishop Stang High School, No. Dartmouth. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of the Diocese, has authorized the ~bove assignments.
Albany to Begin New Program At S·eminary ALBANY (NC) - A new program designed to bring a substantial increase in vocations to the priesthood has been announced· by Bishop Edwin B. Broderick of Albany. Beginning in September, Mater Christi, formerly a two-year minor seminary, will initiate a four-year program for the formation of priests. Seminarians who reside' there will commute each day to Siena College, Loudonville, for classes in several fields of study besides the required language and philosophy. They will be able to choose electives in which they are most interested, and participate in extracurricular activities. Bishop Broderick said the key word in the new program is partment. The priests assigned program will: Encourage more youth to study for the priesthood under Turn to Page Six
Asserts Religion Series Excellent
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 12, 1969
Bishops of Connecticut Request Substanticd State Aid for Schools HARTFORD (NC) - The bish- state sen;itor and state repreops of Connecticut have asked sentative, preferal;>ly through a for "substantial" state aid to brief letter written today, your nonpublic schools of the state convictions in support of a bill and urged supporters of such aid that provides to nonpublic to make their conviction known schools the substantial financial to legislators. . help they deserve, and without The bishops expressed their any crippling controls." , position on financial aid to nonIn conjunction with the paspublic schools in a pastoral let- toral letter, the Connecticut ter which was read at all Sun- Catholic Committee on Educaday Masses in the 360 Catholic tion (CGCE) initiated a state-' churches throughout the state. wide distribution of information The letter followed completion sheets church-goers in each by the education committee of parish. The printed materi~1 con~ the state General Assembly of a tained background information draft of the Nonpublic School . about state aid to nonpublic Secular Education Act, which schools and data concerning the calls for a measure' of state aid 204 .parochial elementary schools to the nonpublic sector. and the 24 diocesan high schools "State aid given to nonpblic in Connecticut. schools would help those schools to educate future citizens in secular subjects," the bishops said. "This wO,uld be the stitch in .1rhe~~@9JgCQlrru HQ1t~ time to save nine' because' otherwise the overburdened public C~u.Br(h (CH'QtD~$ school system would have to do ST. LOUIS (NC) - A French the identical service for the state theologian cited by St.' Louis at several times the cost." University as "the theologian The bishops also said: "The most faithful to Catholic tradifuture of nonpublic education in tion" described several of these BISHOP VINCIl:NT M. LlEONARD this state calls for active interest aspirations as severely in conon the part of all citizens of flict with that tradition, during a lecture program here.' . Connecticut." Help They Deserve Father Henri de Lubac, S.J., a The letter was signed by member of the Vatican's new In- He@cdl~ Archbishop Whealon of Hart- ternational Theological Commisford; Bishop Walter W. Curtis of sion, spoke on "The Church To- ~®I'i!1Il'iH§lo ~.®® Bridgeport; Bishop Vincent J. day" at the university while here PITTSBURGH (NC) Hines of Norwich; Archbishop to receive an honorary doctor of Bishop"designate Vincent M. Henry J. O'Brien, retired arch- letters degree. bishop of Hartford, and Bishops He lashed out at those critics Leonard has assumed charge John F.•Hackett and Joseph F. "within a'nd against the Church" of the administration of·the Donnelly, auxiliary bishops of who make no distinction be- Pittsburgh diocese albeit plans Hartford. tween its essential and non- for his installation .are not com"We urge you," said the bish- essential elements, and refuse to plete. ops, "to tell your own elected recognize all that is good in its The installation is set tentapast tively for June 30 in St. Paul's Such critics do not think, suf- cathedral here,. but other details Mass Or~o fer or reflect, he said. They are are incomplete. . Help Minorities FRIDAY-Feast of the Sacred "bitter, vindictive," theyt'wound" The 60-year old Pittsburgh Heart of Jesus. I Class. White. the unity of the Church by atMass Proper; Glory; Creed; tacking the Pope, and become native began his administration the "accusers of their mother of the diocese when John CardiPreface of Sacred Heart. and their brothers." nal Wright left Pittsburgh to SATURDAY - St. Basil, Doctor He answered a question as to make a retreat at the Trappist of the Church. III Class. the proximate danger of schism monastery in Spencer, Mass., .White. in the Church with a firm nega- before starting for Rome to betive, and cited the ecumenical gin his new duties as head of the SUNDAY - Third Sunday after Pentecost. II Class. Green. movement as "tending toward Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy. _. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; even greater unity." Father de Lubac also stressed "All who love the diocese of Preface of Trinity.· that he did not, wish to impugn Pittsburgh will rejoice, as' I do, MONDAY - Mass of preceding those critics who loye the in the appointment of Bishop, Church and are seeking needed .. Vincent M. Leonard, a native Sund~y. IV Class. Green. reform, but was speaking of son, as the ninth' Ordinary of .TUESDAY-st. Gregory Barbar- those who "are against all forms this truly beloved diocese," Carigo, Bishop, Confessor., III of authority, against all struc- dinal Wright said at his deparClass White. tures." ture. "He takes over the office of WEDNESDAY - St. Ephrem the 'Bishop ~ith wotltlerful advanSyrian, Doctor of the Church. Necrology tages. No one< has deeper roots III Class. White. in this community.· No one Or JUNE 20 SS. Mark & Marcellian, MarR1. Rev. James J. Coyle, P.R., knows it better. Np one loves it tyrs. Red. LL.D., '1931, Pastor, St. Mary, more," the Cardinal declared. Bishop Leonard, who has Taunton. THURSDAY - St. Julia Falcoworked closely with Cardinal, nieri, Virgin. III Class. White. . JUNE 21 • Wright for the . last 10· years,· Or Rev. Desiree V. Delemarre, pledged to carryon .the proSS. Gervase & Protase, Mar-, 1926, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, grams inaugurated by the Cartyrs. Red. dinal "to assist the disadvanFall River. Rev. Francis D. Callahap, taged minority groups of the 1948, Pastor, S1. Patrick, Ware- community." Auxiliary Bishop ham. Day of Prover Bishop Leonard was born in Rev. Clement Killgoar, SS.CC., June 15-C 0 r pus Christi, 1964, S1. Anthony, Mattapoisett. the Hill District, which was Sandwich. largely. populated by Irish immiHoly Trinity, West HarJUNE 24 grants, on Dec. 11, 1908. His wich. Rev. Bernard' F. McCahill, mother died while he was studySt. Mary, Norton. 1907, Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, ing for the priesthood. His father June 22-5acred Heart, North Fall River. worked most of his life in the Attleboro. steel mill before his death 15 JUNE 25 - St. Francis Xavier, Hyyears ago. Rev. Raymond J. Hamel, 1960, annis. The bishop who was ordained Chaplain, S1. Joseph Orphanage, S1.Mary, New Bedford. on June 16, 1935, has spent his Fall River. Rt. Rev. Louis A. Marchand, entire priestly career in his na1941, Pastor, St. Anthony, New tive diocese. He became assistTHE ANCHOR ant 'chancellor in 1950 and Bedford. Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, chancellor in -1951. He was conMass. Publis~ed every Thursday at 410 JUNE 26 secrated on April 21, 1964, to Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rev. Charles P. Gaboury, 1931, serve as auxiliary Bishop of/' River. SubscrIption price by mail, postpaid Pastor, S1. Anne, New Bedford. Pittsburgh. $4.00 per yea~.
BD$h@p lteon@lfdl N@tBW®
....... ". .
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Pastors of the Philadelphia archdiocese were informed by the superintendent of schools that the Sadlier series of elementary school religion texts, criticized by some parent groups, is "an excellent presentation .of Christian doctrine." . In a .letter to all pastors Msgr. Edward T. Hughes said: "We are most concerned that no unapproved textbooks be introduced into the parochial schools, particularly in light of the strong support given to the series by our religion teachers. and other groups that have reviewed the program." In an apparent reference to a religion series published by the Daughters of S1. Paul which some pastors have reportedly sought to introduce into the elementary schools, Msgr. Hughes noted: "We welcome the consultations of our parish priests and teachers in the, selection of our textbooks." "We know, however, that any attempt to impose religion textbooks which have not been approved by our official religion committee and which are unacceptable to the major~y of the religion teachers in our schools would seriously harm our program."
IB@~ DVi(l]
f"Il'(Q)theslfs t@
LA PAZ (NC)-The Bolivian government has protested to Church authorities here against what it calls the "subversive" stand of two Jesuit priests during the recent visit of Gov. Nelson A. Rockefelloer of New York. President Lui Adolfo Siles told Jose Cardinal Mauer of 'Sucre and Aux'iliary Bishop Gennaro Prata of La Paz that the Church should curb .such activities as the speeches "against imperialism and colonial domination" delivered by Fathers Jose Ferrari, S.J., and Jose Pratta, S.J. They participated in antiRockefeller demonstrations: Both are foreigners. President Siles' asked the bishops to warn the priests to keep out of Bolivia's internal issues and foreign policy.
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PRINCIPAL: Brother Edgar S~. Pierre of the Brothers of Christian Instruction, son of Mrs. Eva St. Pierre, Fall River, has been named principal of St. louis Regional High",School, Biddeford, Me. Brother Edgar previously taught in New York and Michigan schools and has been on the St. louis faculty since 1961, as a teacher of English literature and composition.
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Maryland College Censures Two High Officials
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 12, 1969
EMMITSBURG (NC) A Mount- St. Mary's College spokesman here in Maryland says the college trustees will make 11. formal announcement "in a' few t:1ays" concerning faculty censure of the president and dean of academic affairs. The faculty of the liberal arts college voted 30 to 20 to censure Msgr. Hugh J. Phillips, president, and Father David Shaum, dean' of academic affairs. The faculty also expressed a "lack of confi· dence" in regard to the exercise of their duties and the best interests of the college. Faculty furor was aroused after a freshman student WilS allegedly reprimanded for 'Writing an article in the student newspaper satirizing Parents' Day activities.
Shows less Belief In Sweden, france -
RECEIVES DIPLOMA: Shirley St. Amand, among 30 graduates of St. Anne's Hospital School of Nursing, receives diploma from Bishop Connolly at services in hospital chapel.
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©~ ~D@~[j'@[ii) lP®@[9)~® NEW YORK (NC) - Father Dermot Doran. C.S.Sp.. who was instrumental in starting mercy flights to Biafra from the island of Sao Tome. said "I have noticed a dramatic upsurge in the morale of the people. It now seems at an all time high. This was apparently because of recent military victories despite the loss of Umuahia," The Irish missioner, on his return from his 15th trip to Biafra. emphasized that relief programs must continue regardless of military victories. For. he said, despite the efforts of the Church relief agencies. the emergency program still falls short of providing the women. children and aged in blockaded areas with even their proper minimal nee9s. The missionary said "rations of food distributed are still only Va of a pound per person. and that is only in the most accessible areas. There still remains a large pocket of the population which none of us are reaching consistently. We must face the facts that the air lift will be necessary for many months to come. and quite possibly for at least a year," He continued: "There is no sign of a peace settlement in the near future and this is t.he greatest tragedy of this crisis. The emergency program was never intended to be an answer to cruel civil war; and now we have more than ever reached the state where we must utilize all influences at our command to bring home to our governments and
Catholic Corporation Builds Housing Units TOLEDO (NC) - The building of 180 units of housing for lowincome and moderate-income families here is under way in Toledo's Chase Park Urban Renewal Area: Sponsor of the housing units -to be kllown as Regina Manor Apartments-is the Catholic Better Community Development Corp.. of which Bishop John A. Donovan of Toledo is president.
international organizations that they must act to bring an end to these hostilities without further delay." The total number of relief flights . completed from Sao Tome into Biafra from March 1968 to the end of May this year was 247 carrying over 30,000 tons, he said.
STOCKHOLM (NC)-There is less belief in God and eternal life in Sweden and France than in any of the 12 countries studied by the Reiigio-Sociological Institute of Stockholm. According to the institutes' study, which covered the year 1968, 21 per cent In both countries said they do not believe in God. Only two per cent in both the United States and Greece denied the existence of God. In Sweden. 72 per cent said they do believe in God, and in France and Norway 73 per cent. In the U. S. 98 pet cent said they believe in God. Belief in eternal life is waning in Sweden, according to the study. Such belief went from 49 in 1948 to 38 per cent in 1968. However, 53 per cent in France said they do not believe in eternal life.
SCHOLARSHIP WINNER: Awarded a scholarship from St. Mary's Cathedral School in Fall River was John Witkowski, center, shown with Mrs. Harold Sawyard and Cathedral rector Rev. Msgr. Robe;t l. Stanton.
Slain SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - A 12-foot statue of St. Francis, cast partly from 2,000 guns turned in by citizens following the slaying of Sen. -Robert F. Kenneoy, was dedicated in ceremonies at the civic center plaza here on the first anniversary of the assassination. The statue, called "St. Francis of the Guns," was dedicated as a "memorial to (the) marytyrdam of Kennedy;. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy." Smal1 mosaic images of the four assasinated men are set in the lower body of the statue.
Memorial Catholic, Protestant and Jewish clergy participated in the ceremonies. Archbishop Joseph T. Me· Gucken of San Francisco celebrated an ecumenical folk Mass as part of the ceremonies, in which young guitarists and choirs representing many schools participated.
~®Ii1l@fr@ M®®frUIru@ A speci~l meeting of the Senate (If[ lPrles~s will be held Friday afternoon, June 13, at I:30 at the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River.
under the friendly leadership of
Msgril George Ell Sullivan
Pastor, st. )oseph Parish, Fall River
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/ THE A,,!~HOR-Diocese-of Fall River-Thurs. june 12, 1969
Attivists ~nterrLllpt Mass; Demarnd 75 Perr Cent of hncome
ST. LOUIS (NC)-A group of St. Louis blacks interrupted a noon Mass at a middle-class suburban Catholic church and later announced that it was the first in a Summer-long series of "Black Sundays." The St. Louis Archdiocesan Human Rights Commission, in a subsequent statement to all Catholic pastors, asked that "incidents be avoided" when and if disruptions of services occurred in their churches. The statement noted that "since 'all persons are welcome' in every Catholic church, -the visits to Catholic churches in the area should not in itself be a cause for concern." The demonstration took' place at Ascension church in Normandy, a 25-year-old suburb of middle-income whites and a few but growing number of blacks living in single family bungalows. The . interruption of the Mass, the first such incident at a €atholic church here, was sponsored by the Action Committee To Improve Opportunities for Negroes '(ACTION) a local militant black \group of several years' standing. Demand Support Percy Green, ACTION chairman, said his group was sympathetic to James Forman and the National Black Economic Development Committee but was independent of it. ACTION's demonstration, its first, was at a Catholic church because Catholicism is the largest denomination. in St. Louis, Green explained. The ACTION group approached the Ascension pulpit immediately after Father Paul A. Zipfel,
an associate pastor, finished reading the Gospel. They asked to be allowed' to read a· list of demands, but Father Zipfel refused after an .unidentified layman came forward and threatened to eject the ACTION spokesman bodily. -' Father Zipfel announced that the group would not be allowed to speak, the congregation applauded and the' demonstrators left the church. Later, ACTION' spokesmen said they are planning a series of "Black Sundays" at other Catholic churches in the area to detail charges of. white racism by ~e St. Louis archdiocese and demand support ahd financial aid for black programs. ACTION said it would give no advance notice of the churches to be visited. In leaflets handed out at Ascension church, ACTION claimed that the archdiocese is "doing little or nothing at all" to integrate white suburban, parish schools, that· church schools in black areas are inferior, that black history is not taught throughout the schools. It 'demanded 75' per cent of the annual income of the archdiocese, removal of investments from firms which practice dis-' crimination and public church discipline against white Catholic policemen who fire at fleeing black suspects. \
. Archdiocese Backs Creative Thinking
LOS ANGELES (NC)-The Los Angeles archdiocese's Department of Education has approved Vote to Continue· . funding for 10 projects to develop original and creative high ROTC Program school. teaching ideas. .. NOTRE DAME (NC)-A Notre Four of. the 10 projects apDame policy~making committee· voted to continue the univer- proved deal with Mexican-American, Afro-American and other sity~s Reserve Officer Training Program. while leaving it- to ethnic study programs. The projdeans of the various schools to ects were proposed by l1igh determine the academic credit of school teachers. One of the proposals approved military courses. The Notre Dame Academic deals with establishment of a Council acted in concordance professional reference and evalwith the findings of a separate uati,:,n center for Mexican-Amercommittee of faculty members ican study aids in literature and and administrators. Deans al- social studies at Our Lady of ready determine credit for other Loretto High School in the city's central area. university courses. The council also asked miliOther proposals, not related to tary and government officials to ethnic studies, deal with team work out a method by which teaching projects in ~cience, use students may withdraw from of film in art and an experiment ROTC without military or aca- in religion with retreats demic penalties: and ~ "Wf TeCOllection.
Celebrates -Mass For Pope John VATICAN CITY (NC) - On the sixth anniversary of Pope John XXlIl's death his successor went down to the grottos beneath St. Peter's ~asilica to celebrate Mass near his tomb. Pope Paul was accompanied through the dim and low-ceilinged corridors by his secretary of state, Jean Cardinal Villot. At the altar of Christ the King, he offered Mass, surrounded by the brothers of Pope John, Zaverio and Giuseppe Roncalli; Pope John's nephew, Msgr. Giovanni Battista Roncalli; and his longtime secretary, Archbishop Loris Capovilla of Chieti. Three hours after celebrating that Mass, Pope Paul was pres, 'ent at a commemorative Mass in St. Peter's basilica offered by Giovanni Cardinal Urbani, patriDOMiNICAN ACADEMY: Paying last visit to Marian shrine arch of Venice and an old friend . in schoolyard'are Dominican Academy gr<;Jduates in Fall River. of the late Pope. Thirty-three From left, Jeanne Dufresne, Beth St. Amand, Sh~ila Cortin, Diane cardinals were there, along with members of the Pope's household Gauthier, Virginia Rivard. an.d the diplomatic corps, accredited to the Holy See. At the end of the Mass the grottos which had been closed during the ceremony, were openboth present it and at the same ed and thousands of those who VATICAN CITY (NC) had taken part in .the Mass Pope Paul VI, noting that time withdraw it." streamed from the basilica down He called the presentation of religious truths are "veiled" God's truth, through revelation into the narrow passageways to in their presentation to man, "open and sure and extremely visit the former Pope's flowerhas said that belief implies an clear" but noted that it does not strewn tomb. aC,tive effort "to discover." force assent. "To see, you hav~ to open "It is offered in such way as La. Priests to Offer your eyes," he told a crowd in to respect the freedom of man " Hierarchy Choices St. Peter's basilica on the Day to whom revelation is presented. LAFAYETTE (NC) - Bishop of the Italian Repubilic. It is not impenetrable, not equivI Maurice Schexnayder of this ocal, yet it is still veiled." 'To receive revelation you Louisiana See has invited diocAsking what discovery the esan priests to make recommenhave to believe. To believe, under this aspect, means not only Christian makes when he seeks dations for episcopacy appointto accept passively and lazily, to penetrate revelation, the Pope ments. Each priest has been but to discover: That is, to seek answered: "The discovery is urged to suggest five names.. into and penetrate into the love. God has revealed Himself , The, diocesan Senate, after meaning of the word of God, above all in love. The whole his- tallying. the ballots, will convey into the manner and the veil that tory of salvation is love." the results to the Ordinary.
Implicit Discovery Effort
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BISHOP STANG: Preparing for graduation ceremonies at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouthirom left, Robert Oliveira, Paul Przybyla, Mariann Fernandez, 'Patricia~O'Donnell.
PHONE OS 5-7811
Report lParmsh
• 'i'HE ANCHORThurs., June 12, 1969
o~®@~onab~w CINCINNATI (NC)-Parish councils are functioning in 210 of the 260 parishes in the Cincinnati Archdiocese and
most of them are considered to be Clreasonably effective." This was reported to the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council by Msgr. Earl L. Whalen, council secretary. Archbish- councils are effective included: communication within the op Karl J. Alter on. Sept. 29, aids parish (53); fosters pastor-laity 1966, had published a decree cooperation (56); creates concern establishing the Council and calling for parish councils in every parish. According to the survey, which brought responses from 175 parishes, the average parish council has 18 members, most of them lay men and women. The range of numbers, however, is from seven in the smallest council to 37 in the largest. In about two-thirds of the councils, an executive secretary conducts the meetings, and iIi the rest they are conducted by the pastor. All but a few of the councils prepare a list of subjects for discussion prior to each session, and many of them distribute copies of the agenda to the members in advance. If the 165 parish councils included in the survey responses, 86 indicated that they had liturgical commissions, 82 had education commissions, 73 had social action commissions, 71 had financial commissions and 61 had ecumenical commissions. Only 41 reported having family life commissions. Most parish councils .have members "at large" in addition to representatives of the various organizations in the parish, and most of the members at large are elected by vote of the parishioners. Some are named' by the council itself and some by the pastor. . Asked if the parish council was "reasonably effective," 147 answered yes and 20 answered no, the report indicated. Specific ways in which the
Object to Method Of Naming Dean BOSTON (NC) - Boston College professors have temporarily refused to approve the "monarchial way" a new dean was appointed.. Father W. Seavey Joyce, S.J., college president, named Richard Hughes, English department chairman, to the post of dean of arts and sciences. Faculty members agreed to Hughes's competence to hold the job, but "he still was appointed in a monarchial way," according to one professor. Father Joyce said, " I think there was some feeling that the faculty should have a larger part in this selection."
Vote Reimbursement F@r Shared Time ST. PAUL (NC)-The Minnesota House appropriations committee approved state reimbursement to public school districts for students enrolled on a shared time basis. The bill, authored by Rep. Ivan Stone, specifies an appropriation of $1 million every other year for such foundation aids. The committee action, following subcommittee approval, placed the bill on general orders, awaiting its turn on the House floor. Shared time reimbursement is one of the three bills being backed this session by the Minnesota Catholic Conference and Minnesota Citizens for Educational Freedom.
for the parish (38); produces concrete programs (21); fosters community. involvement (7); provides a learning process (8). Among the negative comments given by those who found their councils ineffective were: parish too small (4); duplication of effort (5); lack of direction (5); lack of communication (4); and failure to involve parishioners (4).
Archbishop Cites Duties of Prelate
See End] of BiGS ~n Texas K of C SAN ANTONIO (NC)-A Texas Knights of Columbus leader predicted here that all evidence of discrimination will be eliminated in the Catholic men's organization in this state in the next 10 years. "A lot of people said it would never be done, but I think we are witnessing the beginning of the end of racial prejudice within the Texas Knights of Columbus,", s{JidCharles. Everett of Houston, chairman of the state K. of C. social action committee. The K. of C. social action ·committee was set up two years ago after articles and an editorial in the Alamo Messenger, San Antonio archdiocesan newpaper, disclosed the lack of Negro members in K. of C. councils and urged creation of a committee to , , deal with the problelll. t· Everett said discussions and , dialogue sessions promoted by i the committee have led to an "improved attitude" in which ,councils are now seeking out minority group members. He conceded that there are .~'.,: "diehards" who will not change but added that the full results of the program, if continued, will be seen in "about 10 years." SITE OF SHRINIE: A Buganda family prays beside a marker He predicted that within five at the exact spot where the martyr Charles Lwanga was burned years all local councils in areas o to death in Ugando in 1886. Pope Paul VI, during his visit where there are black or Mexi· starting July 31, will consecrate a shrine on this site, from can-American Catholics will be which the former church has been cleared away. The Pontiff's integrated. visit, the first by a reigning Pope to Africa, will last three days. <
LITTLE ROCK (NC)-Bishop Lawrence Preston Graves has begun his duties as auxiliary to the spiritual leader of the Little Rock diocese with an admonition that peace is attainable only "if we are convinced that man is not material because materialism begets inequality, divisions, chasms in society." The admonition underscoring the duties of a bishop and the gravity of the times, was delivered by Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans, who recalled these words of St. Paul to Timothy: "For this reason, I admonish thee to stir up the grace of God .~fr(jJJ@])J fin~ih~ M@]If<qJ&lIe\t'~@ ~~i1!Jd~n~~ Re~@«:t which is in thee by thelayjng on of my hands. For God has not 1!JJ1ii1©1~lJ'lro,@~[f@lU'g{S'M@th@d$ given us the spirit of fear, but· of power and of love and of pruMILWAUKE (NC)-An over- were graduate students, the dence. whelming number of Marquette study found. "Do not therefore, be ashamed University students favor the Father Shaw said students of testimony for our Lord, nor idea that students should have "look upon student power as. a of me, his prisoner, but enter more power in university affairs, means of asserting their human into my sufferings for the gospel . but they also reject.undemocratic dignity and as a c~eck in posthrough the power of God. He methods of bringing about im- sible adminis~rative injustices." has redeemed us and called us provements, according to a study with a holy calling, not accord- made here. ing to our works, but according The study also found that: . to His own purpose and the Only four per cent of Margrace which was granted to us quette University students rein Christ Jesus before this world gard themselves as radical or existed but is now manifested by militant. the enlightenment of our Saviour Nearly half tend to think there Jesus Christ." are times when only violence brings about changes in social institutions. Announce Institute Women students are more likely to regard themselves as modOn Negro History BROOKLYN (NC) - An insti- erate, but in' fact are more liketute on Negro history and cul- ly to have' radical "iews. The study was conducted by ture for elementary and secondary school teachers in the Brook- Father Eugene F. Shaw, who lyn diocese will be conducted teaches journalism, sociology and here beginning in September, anthropology at Marquette. He diocesan school officials an- was assisted by students in a research methods course in the nounod. The institilte is the initial department of sociology and phase of a program, organized anthropology. Student Power ValullIble by Raphael Longobardi, diocesan school curriculum coordinator. The study was based on inter. Dr. Mary Huff Diggs, a Negro views with 539 students who Sure Dad's «lI real C~amp i So be sure faculty member of Hunter Col- were selected as representative to make! lliim glad he's yeur !OJGJd i lege here, will introduce the of the university's 11,000. stuteaching of African culture and dents. the history of the Negro in Father Shaw said the results America in the diocesan school were a "rough hewn profile A. Wonderful, Memorable system. rather than a carefully drawn Scheduled to continue until portrait of the Marquette stuMay, 1970, the institute will en- dent" on the subject of stodent compass the historical arid cul- power. The students interviewed overtural development of AfroAmericans, and will feature the whelmingly indicated they faviews of 14 leading black intel- vored the concept of student power as valuable, good, timely, lectuals. The program, jointly spon- admirable, rational and mature. Freshmen, however, were more sored by the Brooklyn Catholic Interracial Council and the likely to view it that way than Queens (County) Catholic InterFortune Factor racial CounCil, is intended for all DOWNTOWN! FALL RIVER schools, elementary and secondMan's life is ruled by fortune, ary, in the two-county diocese. not by wisdom. --Cicero.
famous i,r QUALITY and SERVICE I
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Mark Jubilees
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.June'12,1969 "
Influence vf Religion In a talk to the general assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Duke of Edinburgh called the influence of the churches "absolutely crucial" at the present time. He felt that whether this influence is positive or negative it will affect-as it has affected-the lives of nations and of individuals. The Christian Gospel has touched nations and families and has shaped much of their thinking and acting and their civilization.. The Duke said that the p'roblem facing the churches today is not that the message is being rejected but that in the present-day environment "the messengers are still struggling to find the best way to convey the message so that it holds- the attention of the modern generation and so that its meaning shines out like a beacon in the gl09m of the doubt and confusion of the modern world." It is always good to hear' the views of informed individuals who have wide concerns and who can present a point of view of a somewhat different religiou~ tradi-, tion. The fact remains that the values of religion do and will form the minds and hearts and, therefore, the activities of men. The present burden is on the messengers of religion to make sure that they are getting through to these hearts and minds.
Paul at Geneva At his coronation sO,me six years' ago, Pope Paul spoke remarks in many of the world's languages. And one listener in St. Peter's Square remarked that the won-' derful thing was not what he spoke in these langauages but that he spoke in them. This was a sign even then of his reaching out to all men.. His presence on Tuesday in Geneva at both the International Labor Organization and the World 'Council of Chur(;b~ evidences his concern for abetter" life for all men the world over. And his concern for a greater fellowship among all Christians. The Pope did not gloss over the fact that many difficult obstacles of a theological nature remain in the relationship of the Roman Catholic Church and the churches of the World Council of Churches. His listeners could respect such frankness and truth. But the fact that the Pope spoke before the World Council and stressed with such deep sincerity and obvious emotion his concern for the call of Christ that all be one will have an impact on Christianity. There is an impatience today that makes mat:ly persons want to brush over differences in' belief in a worthy desire to attain to unity. In all reverence and respect for the beliefs and ecumenical desires of others, the Catholic Church still must stand fast in what she holds as the complete teachings of Christ and cannot obtain a present semblance of unity at the price of both present and future confusion in beliefs. " This is not an exercise in stubbornness or monolithic self-concern. It is not a matter of pride or self-assertion for its own sake. It is in keeping with the awesome, commission that she has from Christ and that she cannot' relinquish in any degree.
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue' Fall R,iver!' Mass., 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL'MANAGER Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A -Rev. John P~ Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden, LL.B.
. . . .leary
DiSIJ'Mpticn of Church Service May Be Voice of Godg NCC Say~
Continued from Page One and the late Edgar Blais. He was graduated from St. Raphael Academy in 1936 and prepared for the priesthood in the Oblates of Mary Immaculate at the Oblate Seminary. Following ordination in Lowell on June 25, 1944 by Most路 Rev. Bishop Louis ColIignon, OMI, he was assigned to Les Cayes, Haiti., His service in the Fall River Diocese began Sept. 17, 1952 with assignment as assistant at St. Louis de France, Swansea. He has been assistant at St. Theresa, New Bedford since May 23, 1968. Father Mendonca Born Sept. 26, 1919 in New Bedford, Father Mendonca is the son of the late Luiz G. and Maria R. (Almeida) Mendonca. He was graduated from St. Mary's parish school and Holy Family High, and completed his studies for the priesthood at Seminary of Angra, Terceira, Azores. Ordained June 10, 1944 by the late Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.D., he served as assistant at Santo Christo, Fall River, and Immaculate Conception and Mount Carmel parishes, New Bedford. He was appointed administrator of Our Lady of Health, Fall River, on Sept. 26, 1962, pastor Of St. Anthony's, East Falmouth on May 13, 1964, and pastor of St. Michael's, Fall River, on Oct. 27, 1966. Father Mendonca was named a member of the Board of Examiners of the Clergy on Dec. IS, 1967.
such a way that a serious'dialogue is generated." Several churches have been experiencing disruptions, most Continued from ,r-age One notably by a black group led by James Forman, who is demand- striving for brotherhood between ing millions of doIlars "in repa- all baptized ,Christians. Though Christian Unity is still rations" from the churches., imperfect, 'the Pope recognized NCC urged ministers not to the ecumenical movement of toleave the sanctuary when disrup- day as "the' Father leading all tions occur and asked them not Christians through the 'Spirit to "'take personal offense when toward that fullness of unity carefully, planned and polished that 'Christ wills--one and only ceremonies are 'spoiled' by un- . one Church that will reflect that scheduled intrusions." union that exists - between the "The voice of God," the state- Father and the Son." ment pointed out, "can someThe recent history of the ecutimes be discerned in even -the menical movement has been enmost indecorous interruptions." couraging indeed, Paul VI said. , It has brought all Christians to a true humility, a true hope. Prayer and meditation on the Master of the Church has been fruitful. New Church at Newman Shrine Honors Though he acknowledged a high degree of emotion at this Memory of Italian Priest "prophetic moment," it has LITTLEMORE (NC) - A mod- Virgin, 'biJilt by Cardinal New- "made more lucid than ever our ernistic diamond-shaped church man when he WI,lS its vicar. confidence." was opened here, scene of John Close by are' the converted He praised the work of CardiCardinal Newman's conversion stables where he lived and nal Bea and stressed his great' to Catholicism and site of his where 124 years ago he knelt at interest in continued common first oratory. the feet of an Italian priest, study of thorny issues. The The moderate-sized church is Father Dominic Barberi, and fruits so far have produced ai stonq's throw from the village's asked to be received into the welcomed invitations between Anglican church of St. Mary the Roman Catholic Church. Christians, common researchIt was an event of great im- especially in Christian worship, port for Christianity in this trail)ing of the laity, common recountry. Newman was then a sponsibilities in this world, comleading theologian in the Angli- mon search for peace. Continued from Page One can Church and his conversion The possibilities ahead would updated post-Vatican II condi- at a time when Catholicism was include a common approach to tions. still a small struggling minority study the problems of those who Provide a wider choice of ,marked the beginning of the profess unbelief, of the generastudies and greater selectivity "second Spring" for the Church tions gap, of non-Christians. for seminarians to pursue elec- here. He hoped for collaboration on The old stables to which New- local levels in an ecumenical tive courses. . Eliminate loss' of credits which man returned after his ordina- spirit. And the Pope stated that often happened in the past when tion in 1848, renaming them it was to ferment such collaboa student left the seminary to Maryvale and setting up the first ration that the Second Vatican prepar:e for a, secular career. of his famous "oratories," have Council had placed the ecumenbeen preserved as they were in ical work of the Church in the Allow for the maximum use of his time and are now visited by hands of local bishops. existing facilities at Mater Chris- hundreds of people every year As virtues to be exercised on ti. Seminarians will live there from many parts of the world. the arduous road the Pope asked four years, inst~ad of two, poThe Italian Passionist priest for (1) quality of cooperation tentially doublil)g use of, the who came here with only a/ and not multiplied activities seminary. smattering of English to convert 'alone; (2) internal cohversion Demonstrate to collegians arid this country was later beatified. which would produce Ii denial other potential candidates a real- The new $120,000 church, of self and a gift of self in charistic, manly spirituality and fra- ,blessed and opened by Auxiliary ity; (3) loyalty to Christ; (4) true ternity which will encourage Bishop Laurence Emery of Bir- humility; and (5) placing of one's others"to follow their 'example: mingh~m, is named after him. self at the service of all. NEW YORK (NC) - Do not call the police to put down disruptions of church services, the National Council of Churches (NCC) advised its 33 member denominations in a statement issued by its Division of Christian Ufe and Mission. The statement urges that legal'recourse is available if services are disrupted, but added: "Recognizing these protections of the civil law, we urge the churches not to invoke them miless the disturbance is dangerous and destructive." The statement urges that demonstrators' complaints '~be heard and that the religious group respond to their complaints in
Ciwristian Unity
On Converstion Site
Album'll)' Program
Prelate Reports Church Progress In Racial Cris;s
~ssue New Riij~e!
HOUSTON (NC) -"Real and measurable progress has been made" Cardinal John J. Wright of Pittsburgh reported to the National Confer路 ence of Catholic Bishops here, in the <::hurch's work on the national race crisis, but in other areas he said "we are still at the starting line." "In ail areas the need far outdistances our efforts and the employment of our resources to date. The plain fact is that the need exceeds our resources, actual and pqtential," he declared. Cardinal - designate Wright's talk titled "The Church and the Urban Crisis" reported on the mandate given the U.S. Catholic Conference's Division for Urban Life to "respond by word and deed to the report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders." He said "one result can be measured-that is that our relative immobility in the face of crisis points out more clearly than ever the seriousness of our problem. The dangers that beset us as a nation-the crisis of our cities is far greater than even the Kerner Commission realized." He added that "as we look around our nation in the spring of 1969, it is obvious that it is a nation charged with tension." Unselfish Charity He cited the serious unemployment among minorities and other factors which head the country "despite ail the good will toward two nations, one white, one black; or in terms of poverty, one affluent with reference to color, one desperately poor without reference to color." The chief contribution the Church has to make, he said, "includes the example of social justice and of unselfish charity. But the essential mission of the Church it this, as in ail things else, consists in the prophetic appeal to the conscience of the king and of the citizenry; and the sparking of motivation for Christians to go the extra mile -the mile of charity that goes beyond the mile required by justice."
Open New Jersey Housing p'roject ENGLEWOOD (NC)-The first tenilnts have moved into a housing project being constructed in a dilapidated section of this city's ghetto by the Mt. Carmel Guild, social welfare agency of the Newark archdiocese. They made the move with the dedication of the first of six buildings which are to be erected. The first tenants are area people living in' homes which will be razed for the secontl phase of the construction program this fall. That will involve the construction of four buildings. There are eight apartments in the first building, designed by a black architect after the needs of residents were determined. There are four three-bedroom units in the buildings.
What Next? MONTREAL (NC)-A suggestion that the Statue of Liberty be moved to Canadian soil was made in a statement by Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam, a national inter-faith, anti-war organization with headquarters in New York, which claims 25,000 members in the 50 states an<J the three major religious faiths.
THE ANCHORThurs., June 12, ] 969
EVER PLAY A KOTO?: Learning to play the koto, a 13路stringed Japanese musical instrument, doesn't appear to present many problems to Father Thomas J. Mantica, M.M., of Albany, N.Y. With his instructor, Ito Yuta, the Maryknoll missionary priest is playing a duet for the elderly at a social room in his parish area in Souther,:, Kyoto, the ancient cultural center of Japan.
Reds Seek Unconditional Surrender Unchanging Demands Continue PARIS (NC)-What the Viet- gets in North Vietnam above the ninsts wanted to keep the prenamese communists are demand- 21st parallel. Then the 20th tense of having exacted an uning here from South Vietnam parallel, one degree' farther conditional halt to the bombing and the U. S. virtuaily amounts south, became the limit. Last But according to an official November the U. S. haIted all air American source, the understand路 to unconditional surrender. That conclusion comes, from raids above the Demilitarized ing was perfectly clear on both weeks of studying their formal Zone, thus giving immunity to sides. The communists observed it statements and attending their military supply depots and transport lines for communist for a few months. Then on Feb. press conferences. forces operating in the south. 22-23 they broke it, in the postSteps taken by the United Tet offensive, firing rockets and it was For the November halt States to bring about negotiamortars into the cities. They set tions appear to the communists understood that the communists up artillery positions inside the would reciprocate by halting all to be the first steps of a retreat. Demilitarized Zone. Their reaction, accordingly, has mortar and rocket attacks on the large population centers of SaiThe Americans did not resume been to take the offensive here gon, Danang and Hue. (That is, their air raids on military posiand in Vietnam. Here, in weekly and supply lines in North meetings, they keep repeating for a cessation of attacks on mil- tions Vietnam. they were to give itary targets their absolute, unchanging deThat is, the communists had mands, expressed in insulting up not military gains but attacks language. In South Vietnam they on civilians.) They would also got, in fact, an unconditional have reacted with widespread ,respect the Demilitarized Zone halt to the air bombardments. Naturally, their leaders promilitary and terrorist measures. by staying out of it. claimed it to their people as a Proclaim Victory In Paris they continue to cail This understanding was not a victory over the Americans. for the complete abolition of the written agreement. The commupresent government in South Vietnam and the constitution, though this government is repreRaise $90,000 sented by an official delegation TORONTO (NC) - More than in the meetings here. INSURANCE AGEN,CY, INC. 8,000 young people walked 15 The communists also demand miles in Metro Toronto and 96 WILLIAM STREET" the unconditional withdrawal of raised $90,000 for the poor peoNEW BEDFORD, MASS. ail U. S. and other alli~d troops ple living in Itacoatiara, Brazil. Officials of the Council of Cathfrom South Vietnam. 998-5153 997-9167 olic Men, who sponsored the PERSONAL SERVICE One-Sided Concessions march and rally, were astounded at the amount raised. They are still making these unqualified demands after more than one year of meetings between the American and North Vietnam delegations, after more than four months of four-party WITHOUT TRAFF!C & PARKING PROBLEMS meetings. Thus they have made it impossible up to now-to move at the forward an inch towards actual negotiations on peace. The concessions so far have SOMERSET, MASS. been made by one side-the Americans and the South Vietnamese. The most friendly, democratic BANK oHering First, the U. S. haIted ail Complete One-Stop Banking bombing raids on military tarClub Accounts Auto Loans Checking Accounts Business Loans Trial of Heart Savings Accounts Real Estate Loans The hardest trial of the heart At Somerset Shopping Area-Brightman St. Bridge is whether it can bear a rival's failure without triumph. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation -John Aiken.
AUCKLAND (NC) - The New Zealand bishops have issued a document applying the Vatican's 1967 Directory on Ecumenism to this country. Called "Application or the Directory on Ecumenism," it concentrates especially on the conditions for prayer in common in Catholic and other churches" and on the question of conditionsI baptism of converts. It also deals with baptism in relz.tion to mbced marriages. But it does not deal with the question of the promises regarding . children in mixed marriages, & topic not covered in the DiIrectory on Ecumenism. Introducing the local commlantary in a special newsletter, Bishop Brian Ashby, of Christ Church, chairman of the National Commission on Ecumenism, points out that Pope Paul VI made the original directory a directive and called for its "speedy implementation in all parts of the world." He also draws attention to the statement of the New Zealand bishops in the foreword that "ecumenism is not an optional 'ex_ tra' but an authentic expression of the organic life, of the Church." The bishops emphasize that "the work for Christian unity must concern every member of the Church," and that ecumenical effort must be based on "sound instruction in the teachings and authentic traditions of the other Christian Churches."
Stamp MQJlrks
BERNE (NC) - The International Labor Organization's stamp, issued in 1960 for use by the ILO bureau in Geneva, is being overprinted "Visit of Pope Paul VI, Geneva, 10 June 1969," to commemorate the organization's 50th anniversary and Pope Paul's visit to Geneva.
Tell DIU! why you think he's sitting at the top of the beap. He'll like the idea or gAtftbug pretty!
Rappy father's Day, Dad! The
Old Red--Bank Fall River S~vings Bank FALL RIVER SOMERSET
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall
Ri~er-Thurs. June 1~; 1969
Reject $25,000 Social Center
By Joseph and MarilylIl Roderick We are about to embark on another house enlarging project which is going to take up part of the garden and so we are faced with moving some of our plants, inclQding roses. Moving plants is always difficult, especially when we begin to approach . the hot weather. But there' for $5.95. I'm sure you'll find are time~ when it can't be this is a small sum to pay fot" the 164 pages of culinaty treah eIpe d . So here are a few sures gathered within its bright general guidelines for plant- covers. moving although one can never Lebanese JLeanings guar.antee a hundred per cent Don't your taste buds tingle success. . when you read descriptions of such delights as Deftaidakia The first thing is to make sure (cocktail-size meatballs), Lefkas that all your arrangements are Souvlakia (Pork Kebabs), and completed ahead of time; a hole Fassousi Fresca Me Domates is dug ,watered etc., and a proper (Green Beans with Tomatoes). covering for the plant has been Many of the recipes have Lebanprovided. The best time to move ese leanings therefore I'm quite anything is in the evening when sure that anyone in the diocese the heat of the day has passed who enjoys Lebanese food will .and the weather is likely to be find this book a "must" in her less dry. The plant to be moved cookbook collection. should be thoroughly soaked It is not a book, however, for several days in ·advance so that the novice cook. Just the names water loss will be a a minimum. of the dishes and some of the unfamiliar ingredients would throw Water Loss a learner and she would probSummer- is not the time to ably end up' letting this quite move shrubs because of the heat marvelous little collection collect and their growing cycle, but if cobwebs on her shelf. No, this is the cookbook for you have to' move them keep in mind the problem of water those who revel in trying new loss. To reduce such loss the dishes, especially foreign and plant should be cut back as far exotic sounding ones. It would as possible and the roots should also make a perfect gift to anybe pruned to keep them as cQm- one who has ever had the plea. sure of touring these islands for pact as is necessary. I'm sure it would bring back Roses, for instance, should be beautiful memories, especially. cut back to a few canes and the the au~or's introduction, which roots pruned to' match the di- reads lIke - a love letter to the ameter of the cime spread. Im- ancient land of Greece. mediately after lifting, the This is olle recipe from this roses should be planted, watered, Greek Cookbook that you don't" and protected from excessive have to visit the island to enjoy sunshine and winds. This may or cook. be done by. covering the bush IFassouli Fresca Me Domates with a large basket or setting I Y2 pounds green beans (1 up canvas over the top of the quart) bush in some way. At any rate 1,4 cup .olive oil .(this really some protective device must be should be olive oil because this used until the plant begins to is all they use in the islands). accommodate itself to its new 2 tomatoes, peeled and choplocation. ped 1 medium onion, sliced The odds on moving piants successfully are very slim and Y2 teaspoon suger Y2 teaspoon salt grow slimmer with the age. of dash of pepper the plant. I have at least 10 rose 1) Break beans into I-inch bushes which will have to be moved and they at are least pieces or slice diagonally. 2) Add to the olive oil with five years old. I would be satisfied to have two or three of the the remaining ingredients· and bushes survive the moving. Shal- cover tightly, ,cook over moderlow roots plants are a different ate heat until it comes to the matter, since they can be moved boil, then. turn heat low and cook more readily, but these are usu- u~til beans are tender, about 20 . . ally less valuable and more easily mmutes. replaceable.
ST. JOSEPH: This is it, the entire graduating class of St. Joseph High School, Fall River. From left, Denise Beaudoin, Louise Dion, Deborah Lemire, Marguerite Hall, Janel Lafond.
~n Ceylon, .T00 Church Runs Private Schools at Financial loss; Government Refuses Aid KANDY (NC)-The provincial synod of the Catholic Church in Ceylon, which has ended its sessions here, made no decision concerning private schools which are run at a financial loss by the Church. _ . The government of Ceylon is unwilling to give any financial aid to these schools, while at the same. time it refuses them permission to charge adequate tuition. This has been the situation for the past eight years. A .growing number of Catholics is asking that the private schools be turned over to the state. A' commission appointed last year at the urging of Thomas Cardinal Cooray, O.M.I., of Colombo studied the school situation but reached no conclusion satisfactory to all concerned.
Establish Commission for Communica~ions
TOLEDO (NC)-An ecumeni· cal communications commission has been established here as liaison between the Christian community of northwestern 'Ohio and the communications media, with initial concern limited to radio and TV. Donald L. Wilhelm and the Rev. Harold Salverda are associate directors of the commislin the Kitchen Governor Rockefeller sion, working under a hoard of clergy and lay representatives. Between Jackie 0 and Zorba Signs Anti-Smut Bills Wilhelm serves in the. Toledo the Gt:eek Islands have becom~ ALBANY (NC)-Governor Nelthe "in" place to talk about son Rockefeller signed into law Catholic diocesan information ofand visit. I must admit having bills providing stiff penalities for fice as administrative. assistant little knowledge of the area, wholesale dealers and distribu- to Msgr. Lawr~nce J.,Ernst, -d~ that there have been quite a few tors of hard core pornography rector of lay councils and of other places higher on the list and for the sale of obscene ma- the diocesan office for radio and TV. Mr. Salverda, a Baptist minof countries. I would like to visit terials to minors. . ister, has been chairman of the when my ship comes in. All this The first bill increases the of. has changed though for after fense of disseminating indecent Council of Churches' radio committee since 1957, and moderator just glancing through Betty Wa-' material from a misdemeanor son's Greek Cookbook the lure which is punishable to up to on~ of a phone-in program, "Let's of these ancient islands has be- year. in jail, to a, felony, which Talk It Over." come almost irresistible. carnes a sentence of up to four This charming collection of years in prison. The second bill increases the Greek recipes, adapted for the penalty against wholesale deal~merican kitchen will be pub. PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. IIshed by the Macmillian Com- ers who are g~i1ty of promoting Sales ana Service obscene matenals, but continues pany on June 15 and will sell ~~ for tJomestic as a misdemeanor the prosecu~ ~ and Industrial tion against newsstand and other Oil Burners Mountain .Mover retail· store operators. 995-1631 Energy, like the Biblical grain . Whole promotion of obscenity 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE of mustard seed, will move IS classed as a felony punishable NEW BEDFORD mountains. -Ballou. by up to seven years in prison.
The 30 Catholic secondary schools that chose to continue as private non-fee institutions after the nationalization of the schools by the Ceylon government in 1960 have been encountering l!evere difficulties in financing and staffing. Voluntary contributions to their support are inadequate. At, the time of the pastoral convention which prepared the way for the. provincial synod, many speakers expressed the opinion that the Church should make her educational system available to the government as a service to the nation. Some said only rich schools could survive under the present system and added that private schools should be open to rich and poor alike.
EVANSTON (NC)-Parishion· ers of St. Nicholas Church here rejected a proposed $25,000gymnasium-social center by a vote of 650 to 241 with 50 abstaining, Father Andrew J. McDonagh, pastor, announced. Father McDonagh ,said vote cards were sent to 1,900 persons of whom 1,500 are officially registered. He explained the vote was taken in this' manner because "the priests, with the parish building and finance committee, felt that they would like to go to the people to have tnem share in the decision," since the matter of the proposed gym-social center had been "a vital issue in St. Nicholas for many years." The Illinois pastor said the "flavor of comments on many vote cards was that we should not build a gym-social center at this time, but rather spend whatever available funds we have on maintaining the superior quality teaching staff and curriculum of the grade school." Father McDonagh said he feels that "going to the people on an issue as vital as this is worthwhile because their . . . judgment is a strong resource for making knowledgeable decisions."
Resigns Presidency SPOKANE (NC)-The resignation of Father John P. Leary, S.J., president of Gonzaga University for eight years, was announced here by the university's governing board. Father Leary has been in Lenox, Mass., since mid-April recuperating from an illness which befell him while on a business trip to the east coast.
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THI: ANCHORThurs., June 12, 1969
Poorly Run Stores Incite Return to Home Sewing
Cord ina I Advises
Mia rquette Grad'S
By Marilyn Roderick
No wonder more and more women are taking up sewing was the thought that ran through my mind as I. viewed the rows of racks that confronted me in the dress section of a large department store. Oddly enough, these were not bargain basement dresses but what one would arm the garments slide together that you really have to consider an assortment of again) buy that particular item awfully better dresses. But the man- badly to put up with this. ner in which they were displayed did little to induce one to buy. Maybe it's just my personal quirk, but my first reaction upon viewing merchandise displayed en masse is to lose interest in what I intended to buy. This mass confusion is usually found in large department stores in shopping areas that cater to a great many surrounding towns. And while I'm well aware that even though they do have 20 dresses in the same style it is very unlikely I, personally, will run into someone else wearing the same dress, this look of "mass production" truly takes away my shopping appetite. Packed Racks Another shopping peeve that really "turns me off" is when racks are so packed with merchandise that you nearly lose your arm in the struggle to push a few aside so that you can view the dresses. This takes such strength and perseverance (every time you withdraw your
Carmelites Convene For Elections, Renewal NIAGARA FALLS (NC)-Carmelites of the Canadian-American province are holding their triannual meeting at Mt. Carmel College here, to elect a new superior and council for the coming three years. The Canadian-American province, with headquarters near Chicago, has monasteries in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Kansas, Texas, Arizona, California, Wisconsin, Washington, D.C., and the Ontario province of Canada.
And then there's that darling little specialty shop that treats its customers as if they had the cholera. As your gloved hand reaches out to look through the racks a shrill voice pierces your thoughts. "Don't touch the merchandise with your gloves one," is, the command from stern-faced salesgirl. Such orders do a lot for customer morale in fact it takes one all of a second before indignation rears its ugly head and the cus路 tomer marches out-highly insult路 ed. This same little shop has a buzzer on the outside that you ring, in order that the manager may rush over and unlock the door to those cusomers that she wants to enter. It's run a bit like a high-class speakeasy. These places always bring out the worst in me and invariably I leave without purchasing anything and in a vile mood. Still a Few Fortunately, .there are still a few good stores still left. You know, the type where the customer is made to feel wanted, where her choice is a,ccepted and where sales people are kind and helpful without being cloyingly sweet. In these tasteful shops the merchandise is displayed well, the racks are not crowded and the cusomer is treated as an individual. Fashion forecast for Fall is that the price of clothing (along with everything else)' is still rising. When we're paying such high prices for garments we should at least be able to pick and choose them under the best conditions. Ah well, we can always go' back to the sewing machine and I must confess that I have never met any sales girl in a material department, or store who wasn't the most helpful person imaginable and one who made shopping a joy. If that isn't a case for home-sewing, I don't know what is.
\,.It, \
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JIESUS-MARY ACADEMY: Happy in their caps aAd gowns are Susan Cournoyer, Claire Souza, Elaine Dufault, Charlotte Levesque, graduates of Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall River.
Less Hostile Study Reveals Older Classroom Teachers More Professional, Helpful WASHINGTON (NC)-TeachResearch for the OE report ers over 30 and other senior cit- was directed by Dr. S. Alan izens should get a welcome boost Cohen, associate professor of from a recently completed study education at the Ferkauf Gradufunded by the U. S. Office of Ed- ate School of Humanities and ucation here. . Social Sciences at Yeshiva UniThe study found that class- I versity in New York. Based on room teachers with from 15 to a one-year pilot study of 79 New 30 years experience tend to be Jersey teachers, its purpose was more professional, more helpful to learn the effects of sensitivity and less hostile than younger training on the classroom inteachers. While older teachers structors. ' look upon "problem" children as One problem of younger teachyoungsters with learning or aca- ers, according to the study, is demic difficulties, their youl'l~er that they try to "play amateur colleagues tend to view them as psychologist," a tendency which disruptive and annoying, the re- appeared to be strengthened by port said. the self-analytic methods of sensitivity training. Older teachThe study learned, moreover, ers also recognized psychological that so-called sensitivity training and environmental causes of sessions or group dynamics children's problems, but they aptraining made "older teachers peared to prefer to "psychoanal>I> >I> even better and the youngyze" less and to concentrate er teachers >I> >I> I) even worse!" more on educational or learning Some people say the findings factors as the best means of support what they've long sus- helping a child. The report concluded that "in pected: That people over 35 may be good for something, after all, their zeal to consider the whole in addition to being astronauts. child and to stress psychological and sociological foundations rather than how-to methodolgy, Name Nun to liaison teacher training colleges may be shortchanging our children." Post for Religious DETROIT (NC)-Sister Mary Corinne Bart, an educator and sociologist, has been named to a new,liaison post ,here between the Detroit archdiocese and Religious serving in the, archdiocese. Her, duties will relate to the interests of more than 4,000 nuns and 170 Brothers. In addition, she will assist women who have resigned from religious 365 NORTH FRONT STREET communities in adjusting to lay
MILWAUKEE (NC) - Critical judgment, optimism, and a sense of humor are necessary for facing and shaping the future, said John Cardinal Dearden of Detroit at Marquette University's badcalaureate program. , IIh his address, the cardinal des[t:ribed critical judgment as "al too rare a gift in our time." He stressed that it is essential in the shaping of the future, for people have to evaluate the times to determine what can be kept and what must be changed. Cardinal Dearden told his audience that evaluation and criticism alone were not enough. People must discover what steps to take to correct the social ills of their time. He pointed out that optimism and a sense of humor are necessary in this attempt. Optimism "is a quality that is greatly needed," for it "enables us, in the light of experience 0 0 0 to look to the future with confidence." Speaking of humor, he said that in a sense critical judgment and optimism are "components" for humor. He told the graduates that "to retain something of that light, confident spirit, reflects our Christian tradition."
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Sister Mary Corinne will serve as assistant to Auxiliary Bishop Joseph M. Breitenbeck, who is John Cardinal Dearden's delegate to those serving in religious commuities.
HOLY FAMILY: At lastl Diplomas are held by Ric ar
urowski, Theresa Pryslupski, Carol Kramer and Paul Arabasz of Holy family High New Bedford.
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THE ANCHOR:...Diocese of Fall Riv~r- Thurs. ju~'~)i!2; 1969
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DAYS OF FRIENDSHiP: At Days of Friendship conducted by Rev. Harold Wilson for Newman Association students and their friends from Bristol Community College, Fall River, at Star of Sea Villa, 'South Dartmouth, participants gather for conference, upper left, prepare banners and posters, lower left, and listen to specially-chosen records.
Former Anglicans Ordained Deacons
'BCC Newman Association Members Enjoy D. ays - OJl.f L'rlen v.. dsh·"p a t StaroJ l.fS Tr.·,l The adult and children's choirs· ea '" ,a of Holy Name Church, Fall '
Se't Musi'c Night At Holy Name
By Patricia
River, will join the Normandin Junior High School Glee Club of New Bedford in "An Evening of Music" at 7:30 Sunday night, June'15"in' Holy Name ,school auditorium. Over 100 voices will be heard in selections of sacred music, songs from Broadway musicals and popular motion pic· ture tunes. Bach, Mozart, Peloquin, Lerner and' Lowe, Bernstein, Rodgers and Hammerstein will be among COmposers represented. The church choir includes teachers, students, !lomemakers, a Sister and 'a seminarian, span· ning an age level from junior high school to a grandfather. Its initial performance was given last November at a concert dedicating a new organ at Holy Name Church. The children's choir made its first appearance at a Mass on Pentecost Sunday. Young .Organist
. It was a cold.dampweeJtend,spent in an ark of a house designed only for Summer and sunshine, .but even their discomfort spoke to the college-ageyoungsters< gathered aCStar of' the Sea'Villa in South· Dartmouth for three Days' of- Friendship directed by: Rev. Harold Wilson, Newman' Association chaplain for Bristol Community College,' Fall River. On..e expressed it in a poem: At a glance on the shore All things are the same, All the shells and rocks have no specific names, But at a closer look you will see Each is ,as individual as a personality. If a particular person is different from us, Like the shells we are different, yet one, And in this person we must look for similarity, For if we compare our differences we only widen our animosity. Our lives are like' this house designed by a mad sea captain, A place of crazy corners, of twisted stairs and staggering floors, An old worn insanity whose walls capture space and wrench it into pieces Then crush the pieces together. Set by the sea, sheltered coves, surrounded by grassy fields, A fantastic denial of life-a refusal. This house fights us, and now this weekend we lose each other in the corners (how often have you searched, for someone here?).
Holy Name's organist is John R. Danis, a juhior at Bishop Connolly High School.' He will be joined in Sunday's concert by Mrs. Clifford Shard, pianist; Joseph Bento and Andrew Kozak, trumpeters; and Allen Lechan and Joan Sevigny, violinists. Other instruments to be heard will be bells, tympani and a group of seven guitars. Directors of all choirs is Edward A. Peters, music specialist at Normandin Junior High School and in charge of music at Holy Name Church. A grad· uate of Saltman School of Music, he also holds a master's degree in education from Bridgewater State College. He is music director for Camp Echo, Summer educational day camp operated by the New Bedford public school system. The public is invited to Sunday's concert, for which there w~ll be no admission charge.
We have come to find another, to share this time. We will not divide and stumble and lose our way in darkness. We capture one large room for ourselves, cover others with color, bring scallops (the sea· shell of life) from the shore. We will wrench ourselves out of our old house.
Superior Man It is the mark of a superior man that he will take no harmful ease.-Confucius.
The weekend program included listening, visual and artistic experiences, liturgical services and conferences. Aiding Father Wilson were Rev. Kevin Tripp, Sis-
tel' Teresita, S.U.S.C. and Christian Family Movement members from-Taunton. ' Art Work Much of what participants felt was expressed via art. Sister Teresita presided over a room full of the raw materials for posters, collages, and other creations, and as the weekend progressed the villa walls were cov-' ered with them. Very popular were halffinished posters by Sister Teresita, which the students were invited, to finish. One poster, depicting a lonely 'man, was inscribed "I am alone and you •• *" One s.tudent finished phrase, ". '" ... will n6t be a real friend." Another wrote, ". 0;. 0;. come to give me your hand." A picture of a nurse with an emaciated war orphan elicited the ·scribbled. comment, "Who needs love more - nurse or baby?" and "We all need Care
and Hope and people to love." Shells, tlie symbol of a pilgrim, were frequ~ntly used in collages. One boy wrote at the bottom of a cross of scallop shells, "Loving you is a joy.' Let me share it with you." Summing up. one young adult said, "Eevrything was good but the weather."
PERTH (NC) - Three former Anglican clergymen, all married, were ordained deacons by Archbishop Launcelot Goody of Perth at St. Mary's cathedral. They· , were the first to be ordained as ":Iar~ie4 deaf~J:ls;, in the : ILa,~in rite l~ Al;lst~aha. ., It is expected. that the Australian bishops will approve, with the permission of the Holy See, their ordination as priests later this year. The three' new. deacons are the Rev. John Lisle, the Rev. Frederick Beyer and the Rev. Rodney Williams. They will live with' their families and carry out the duties of deacons in parishes until their ordination to the priesthood.
laymelrn fro ChOG~~
EducatQ@1'll !m@@fi'd ST. PAUL (NC)-Laymen will participate in voting on a district basis for five of the seven expiring terms on the St. Paul and 'Minneapolis archdiocesan board of education. The initial 12 lay persons on the 18-member board ~ere appointed early in April. The board consists of Coadjutor Archbishop Leo Byrne, as an ex officio member; 12 lay men and women; two priests, two Sisters and one Brother. Two other expiring board posts will be filled, with a priest to be selected by the archdiocesan priests' senate, and a nun to be chosen by the newly formed Sisters' Council.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 12, 1969
--- "
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Near East Welfare Association, and principal speaker; Most Rev. Francis M. AT TESTIMONIAL: At testimonial to Chor-Bishop Joseph Eid honoring his Zayek, Maronite Apostolic Exarch for the United States; Chor-Bishop Eid. 40 years service to St. Anthony of the Desert parish, Fall River, the pastor concelebrates Mass at Shrine of Our lady of lebanon, erected on church grounds. _ Standing, Rev. Kenneth .A. Michael, assistant pastor at St. Anthony of the Desert; John Monsour, _banquet toastmaster. Right, he is congratulated by participants in program at banquet held in his honor. From left, seated, Msgr. John G. Nolan, national secretary of Catholic
Paulist Publisher Voices Concern Over Budget Priorities let our voices be heard immediately," Father Illig stated. Father Illig acknowledged that part of the Nixon administration budget is allocated for programs to combat hunger and to improve housing. But he said such praiseworthy efforts will not get at the roots of the nation's most pressing problems - "poverty and race. "If you give a hungry man a fish, you've done him a service," the priest said. "If you teach him how to fish you've done him a greater service. "There is a direct demonstrable relationship between race prejudice and ignorance," he stated. "There is » » » a direct demonstrable relationship between poverty and ignorance. Education is the only Workable solution we have to solve these two issues, and yet the needs of education have been placed extremely low in the list offe~eral priorities." Pass Resolution . Father Illig recently spoke on educational priorities at the first joint convention of the Catholic Press Association and the Associated Church Press, held in Atlanta. Some two-thirds of those present at the convention later voted passage of a resolution introduced by Father Illig deploring the Administration's "lack of practical sympathy for Alm~ Moter Honors education." Ad'cn' Le® Marvi~ The resolution stated: "In ST. LEO' (NC) - A dormitory view of the extremely low priwas named for movie staralumnus Lee Marvin at graduaIELECTRICAL tion ceremonies of St. Leo's College here in Florida. Contractors Father James Hoge, O.S.B., former teacher of the actor, said: "You could always identify Lee as a leader. Not always a good leader, but always a leader. He wasn't the worst student and he wasn't the best we ever had." Marvin, who participated in dramatics at St. Leo's quipped: "I was always a heavy here at St. Leo's." Abbott Marion Bow944 County St. mon O.S.B., of St. Leo's abbey, New Bedford blessed Lee Marvin Hall.
WASHINGTON (NC)-A publisher expressed grave concern here about the "lack of priority" accorded to education in the recent budget proposals made by the administration of President Richard M. Nixon. "Where your budget lies, there is your interest," Father Alvin Illig, C.S.P., a director of the Paulist Fathers Publishing Division, said. "The federal government is seemingly saying 'we are little interested in our children at this particular time.' " "If this inaugural budget goes through the way it is, I just hope it won't be that way for four years," the priest said. Last April 16, the Nixon administration released its Budget Committee recommendations for the fiscal year beginning July 1. Of the total Federal Budget recommendations of $19.9 billion,' only $3.2 billion-slightly more than I Yz per cent-was recommended for programs administered by the Office of Education. Root of Problems "This is the first concrete indication of the priorities of the new administration. These priorities, still before Congress for debate, will be solidified into law unless all of us in education
ority given the educational needs of America by the new federal administration in its inaugural budget recommendations, be· it resolved that this joint meeting deplores this lack of practical sympathy for education as OUI"
best hope to eradicate poverty and race prejudice, and prays that this sense .of priorities will not - prevail for the full four years of the Republican Administration." Father Illig said copies -of the
resolution are being sent to U. S. bishops, members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives, superintend. ents of Catholic education and Catholic weekly newspapers and magazines.-
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Flannery OIConnor's Fict'gon Reveals Creative Ability By
Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy
When Flannery O'Connor died in 1964, many people who had never met' her experienced a pain of loss. For she was among the few superlative artists in fiction of our time. She had published relatively little: some short stories and two novels. But By the "manners" of the title, all of it was of thenrst Miss O'Connor meant "the texquality, both in perception ~ ture of existence that surrounds and in execution. To realize ,you." In her case, it was the
Medal for Justice Brennan
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 12, 1969
that no more work of such pe- South, not homogeneous of culiar worth would be forthcom- course, but a singiJlar society, ,haunted by defeat in the Civil ing, was to have reason for the War and also by saturation in keenest regret. the Bible, a society with its special outlook, ways, and idiom.' Now Sally and Robert FitzgerSingular Society For her, a story began with a aid, her friends for many years, personality, observed by the have gathered senses and probed for underand edited some standing. At bottom, there w,as of Miss O'Conmystery, which could be touchnor's unpublished, illuminated in some measure, ed essays, artibut, ultimately, more suggested des and lecthan exhausted. f tures, and give She was profoundly concerned them to us under the title of with grace and the supernatura!'o Mystery and Manners (Farrar, But she realized that these could Straus and Giroux, 19 Union not .be talked about abstractedly. Square, New York; N. Y. 10003. They had, somehow, to be $6.95). , shown. Such a posthumous collection "This means for the novelist can be a sad business indeed, that if he is going to ~how .the consisting of bits and scraps, ob- supernatural taking place, he has viously unfinished, and serving nowhere to do it ex"cept on the RETIRES: Archbishop Robert to diminish rather than enhance literal level of natural events, the author's reputation. But that and that if he doesn't make these E. Lucey of ~Cln Antonio has reis not true of Mystery and Man- natural things' believable in tired after. 35 years of service ners. themselves, he can't 'make them in the hierarchy. Pope Paul VI Several excellences mark this believable in any of their spir- has appointed him titular archwelcome and wonderfully re- itual extension." bishop of Tauromenium. NC She takes one of her great Photo. readable volume. There is, for example, Miss O'Connor's expli- stories, "A Good Man Is Hard to cation of the art of fiction as she Find," and indicates just where,. understood and practiced it. She to her mind, the moment of Better Relations was that rare being, one who grace and its operation occurs. BONN (NC)-The Polish trade combines creative and analytical This is perhaps the most con. union paper, Glos - Pracy, has powers. crete exemplification of the prin- said that "possibly a' full normalHer extraordinary creative ciple which informed her work, ization of relations between the ability is manifest in her fiction. but there are other instances government and the Catholic Here she explains what she -did, more briefly alluded to. bishops can be reached in the how she did it, and what fiction, Constant Suffering near' future," it was reported in her view. is and why it sucMiss O'Connor .evidently de- here by KNA, German Catholic ceeds or fails. tested reviewers' references to News agency. Again, there is her explanation her compassion. By this she of the special character and meant pity or even a kind of sen- . answers the problem of meaning force of so-called Southern fic- timental condescension. Of these, for large numbers in our society, tion. A Georgian, she was herself she wanted none. and particularly for those who a Southern writer, different, Compassion, for her, meant occupy strategic decision-making however, in being a Catholic in a "suffering with,"and she says positions within it. No less signifregion predominantly Protestant. something striking in a lecture icant is the fact that religion is the difference enabled her to called "Novelist and Believer"; mute before.the questions of the appreciate the better the reasons "We begin to examine our own young," '. for the distinctive aspects of the relfgious notions, to soiJnd them Religion, which once permefiction produced by her fellow for genuineness, to purify them ated' everyday society in. the Southerners. in the heat 9f our' unbelieving West, has long ..siilce 'ceased to neighbor's anguish." , Catholic Novel do so, says Dr. <YDea: This is . Still again, there are her reNowhere in these pieces is because of- a series of revoluflections on the Catholic artist in there any reference to the au- tions, . political, industrial, scienfiction and' the much debated thor's long and painful illness. If tific, which have. transformed "Catholic novel." These are bril- . one did not know about it from society. Iiant in their hewing to essen- otHer sources', one would never . Centr~l Problem· tials and their probing depth suspect U:1at her suffering was Today, religion has to live in after depth of integral meaning. constant. . a house buiJt. by science and No one has discussed this vexed The only sharpness evident is technology, and it has' not come and often foolishly prattled directed at mediocrity and pre- o to terms with these or been able about subject more incisively. .tension. For people, there is only to exert leadership in the set· Also, there is the meatiness of kindness. Good humor and a ting wherein .they. have placed everything here laid out. To be muted sort r of wit run all modern man. sure, there is some repetition. through the extended statement The crucial question is, "What But even the repetition is graced of wisdom which this book rep- is man doing on earth?" Religion by a further refinement and resents. has an answer, but it has not. elucidation. Miss O'Connor was Religious Crisis applied this answer to the connot ,one to write distractedly or One wonders what Miss temporary context or put it in loosely, to fill out pages or lec- O'Connor would make of the the contemporary comprehenture hours. She had an abun· .style of Thomas F. O'Dea, as ex- sible vocabulary. It is vital that dance of things to say, and shehibited in. Alenation, Atheism· aggiornamento continue and sucput them precisely. and the Religious Crisis (Sheed , ceed; and it is essential to perFinally, there is the personal- and Ward, 64 University Place, ceive that no such thing as "reity which shines through these New York, N. Y. 10004. $4.95). traditionalization" is possible. pages. That personality was This is an essay well worth readDr. O'Dea's essay states' glimpsed in her fiction, Even ing, but it is hard work for one strongly, if not felicitously, -a while the story or the novel ab- not versed in sociologists' jargon. central problem. It is not exactOn page 88, .Dr. O'Dea tell us, ly an exercise in cheeiiulness. sorbed one in itself and its implications, one speculated about "The central thrust of this book, One doubts that it will become the writer. Here the writer of course, is that religion no a popular tract, but one earnest· emerges more in her own person, longer contributes an adequate Iy. hopes that it will be thought, and one finds her admirable and sense of relationship and direc- fully considered' by religious delightful. tion and no longer ,satisfactorily . leaders.
WASHINGTON (NC) - Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., was presented with the University of Notre Dame's highest honor,. the Lae~are Medal, at a ceremony here. ' Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., university president conferred the award in the Supreme Court's east conference room in the presence of some 125 invited guests. Chief Justice Earl Warren and Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle of Washington participated in the ceremony, which was followed by a reception. Justice Brennan was named to receive the gold medal last March 16, Laetare Sunday. Established in 1883, it is conferred annually on an American Cath-
olic who has coupled a distinguished public or professional career with an exemplary pri· vate life. Brennan is the' second member of the Supreme Court to be so honored. Chief Justice Edward Douglas White was the 1914 medalist. The late President John F. Kennedy received the Laetare Medal at the White House in 1961.
Second S@tback TALLAHASSEE (NC) Florida Legislature for the ond stra! year has killed islation designed to relax state's abortion law.
The seclegthe
Have you ever wished you had a son a priest? Now you can have a 'priest of your own'-and share forever in all the good he does. . . . Throughout the Near East each year, gratefUl bishops ordain hundreds of new priests trained by people like you.... Their own families are too poor to support them in training, but good Catholics in America 'adopted' these seminarian;;, encouraged them all the way to ordination.. ,. In some inspiring' cases, this support was given at personal sacr~fice .... How can you begin? Write to us now. We'll send you the name ofa young seminarian who needs you, and he will write to you. Make the pay· ments for his training to suit y_our convenience, ($8.50 a month, or $100 a year, or the total $600 all at once). Join your sacrifices to his, and at every Sacrifice of the Mass, he will always remember who made it possible.
, look at the nearest $10 bill. What is it actuallY' worth? Only what it will buy. In Miami or Brook,, HOW lyn or Philadelphia, it will hardly buy enough to TO feed a family for two days. In the Holy land, it MAKE will feed a poor refugee family for an entire' $10 month. The Holy Father asks your help for the S·T·R·E·T,C-H refugees, more than half of them children. Your money multiplies-as you give it away.
Thinking of the months ahead, why' not send us your Mass requests right now? Simply list the intentions, and then you can rest assured the Masses will be offered by pries,ts in India, the Holy Land and Ethiopia, who receive no other income.... Remind us to send you information abo'ut Gregorian Masses, too. You can arrange now to have Gregorian Masses offered for your· self, or for another, after death. '
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For only $200 in Ernakulam you can build a decent house for a family that now sleeps on the sidewalks. Simply send your check to us. Archbishop Parecattil will write to thank you also. ----~~------------
Dear Monsignor Nolan: Please return coupon with your offering THE
_ _
.TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR, JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: 'CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N,Y, 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840
College Officials Attempt to End Campus Dispute JERSEY CITY (NC)-As the trial of 42 faculty members and students from St. Peter's College continued in nearby Hackensack, college officials made a last-minute attempt to end the dispute which has caused intermittent turmoil on the campus. A college spokesman said Father VictorR. YanitelIi. S.J., president, has offered to give Thomas Haessler, an assistant theology professor, a one-year, terminal contract for the 1969-70 school year. The dismissal of Haessler, reportedly because of his failure to complete graduate work at Union Theological Seminary, helped precipitate a student strike and demonstrations, which PREDICTS 'LO~G WiNTER': had pretty much run their course John Cardinal Wright, 59, geswhen exam week started. tures during a recent interview The rehiring of Haessler is the during which he predicted for only outstanding issue between the administration and the stu- world Christianity "a long dents, five other demands hav- winter" of decreasing membering been resolved. Haessler him- ship perhaps to last into the self is among those on trial in 21st century. Cardinal Wright Superior Court for having failed has been named by Pope Paul to end a sit-in at the college VI to head the Vatican Congreafter a court injunction. gation of the Clergy, where he Father Yanitelli, a college will administer rules governing source said, coupled his offer of priests the world 路over. NC a one-year contract to Haessler Photo. with a request that the American Association of University Professors issue a statement Maryknoll Fathers specifying that a letter sent to Haessler last November consti- Win Bolivian Award MARYKNOLL (NC)-Ambastutes a denial of tenure: sadore Julio Sanjines Goytia of Appeals Dismissal Bolivia has presented to Father That letter informed Haessler John J. McCormack, M.M., suthat his contract would not be perior general of the Maryknoll renewed. He has appealed his Fathers, the Order of the Condor dismissal to the AAUP, although of the Andes for the outstanding the faculty senate concurred in work of Maryknoll priests in the dismissal. Bolivia. However, AAUP standards reThe Maryknollers, the diploquire that instructors with more . mat said at ceremonies here, than two years of service be have been outstanding in their given a full year's notice of nonefforts to bring t1}e Gospel and renewal. AAUP standards have culture to the people of Bolivia, not been fully adopted at St. particularly to the poor with Peter's, although they are scheduled to go into effect in whom they have become closely identified. September. Haessler's dismissal, The order is the highest the however, was in accord with practices outlined in the college Bolivian state gives to civilians. The first Maryknoll priests handbook. Haessler has been a member started missionary work in the of the college faculty since 1963. Andean country in 1943, at the Were he to be given a regular . EI Beni and Pando region. They contract for next year, as stu- have now 62 priests and seven dents demand, the question of lay Brothers in Cochabamba, La his right to tenure could be Paz and Santa Cruz, and in the raised again. vicariate of El Pando.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 12,1969
Vetoes Aid to Church-Relaifed Colleges Go",.
ALBANY (NC)-Gov. Nelson Rockefeller has vetoed a bill which called for the inclusion of church-related colleges and universities in New York State's $20 million program of aid to private institutions of higher learning. But at .the same time, Gov. Rockefeller stated once again he favors aid to church-related colleges. He indicated, however, that he thought the present bill, which was approved by the State Assembly in May, could not survive court tests of its constitutionality. The New York State constitution, through the so-called Blaine amendment, prohibits the use of public money "directly or indi-
rectly, in aid or maintenance of such an amendment to permit (: * (: of any school or institution state I aid to be given to these of learning wholly or in part institutions of higher learning is under the control or direction of . desirable and in the best interany religious denomination, or est of the people," the goverin whi~h any denominational nor stated. tenet is taught 芦 Q Q " The state-aid program, effecIn rejecting the bill, Rockefel- tive this year, has a fund of $20 ler noted that direct state aid million from which eligible colto sectarian institutions seems leges and universities will be clearly barred by the Blaine re- paid $400 for each bachelor's striction and said that as matters and master's degree and $2,400 now stand no statute would be for each doctorate awarded. Proponents of the bill which able to circumvent the barrier. He said he is in agreement would have placed the churchwith a committee report which related schools in the eligible recommended amending the con- category, had maintained they stitution to permit state aid to would be eligible for the aid so church - related institutions of long as the funds were not used higher learning. for instruction in religious sub"I still feel that the adoption jects.
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Popul'at'mon P'roblems Due To Speed of Expansion
By Barbara Ward
At a recent convocation' at the University of Notre Dame, Mr. Robert MacNamara, President of the World Bank, devoted his address ,to the problem of the population explosion and warned his largely Catholic audience that population con t r 0 I on humanity's continuing would come - either by ground relative ignorance of the workstarvation or by vast and ing of human fertility and the violent civil strife or by a consequent need for much more humane and rational policy of family planning. Does this statement set the ' President of the 'largest international age n c y involved in development in direct con fl i c t with the teaching of Pope Paul VI? Do we see here a tragic gap, bet wee n the the Church with its longing to assist development an foster international institutions and the international community-which equally makes no secret of its desire for Christian and ecumenical support? No doubt, if the whole question of population policy is discussed in terms of one problem only-the methods of family regulation permissible to Catholics -the deadlock seems fairly complete. There is no question but that population policy will be at the very center of international development strategy in the Seventies. ' A very wide variety of methods of control - not excluding the "safe period" and rhythm method - will be proposed by governmental and private agencies and by international aidgiving bodies. It is easy to con路 -jure up a picture of perpetual friction between the Church in its own efforts for development and the secular institutions working in the same field.
Vietnam Catholics Honor Archbishop
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 12, 1~69
Positive Reasons But this unfortunate outcome is not inevitabile. And the reasons are not negative reasonsfor instance, the fact that mil路 lions upon millions in Asia and Africa are not Christian and have therefore 'no part in the controversy about methods. The reasons are positive. First there is common ground on the fact of a population problem of a wholly new kind. Secondly, there is common ground' on the basic and essential values of family life-including its moral autonomy-and the degree to which they are under threat in the world today. ' Thirdly, there is ,common ground on the scale o{ development aid which will be needed if Asia, Africa and Latin America are to give all their families anything like a decent chance of food and work and shelter in the next decades. Fourthly, there is common
Occupy Cathedral CHICLAYO (NC)-To dramatize their conflict with the owner of a sugar plantation, about 100 Peruvian farm workers marched the 60 miles from the plantation to this city and then occupied its cathedral. The workers were protesting the firing by ,the Cayalti hacienda of 67 employees who had complained of ill treatment from supervisors.
scientific research. 'Let us look at these problems, beginning with the basic fact of population increase which is recognized in the opening sections of Humanae Vitae as being a grave new issue confronting the human race. The essence of the present crisis is not so much the scale of population growth out the speed of 'expansion. Economists who point out that the Earth can carry a much larger population and that continents' like Latin America and Africa are in some measure underpopulated, are' of course, correct. If every continent had the density of the Low Countries, billions more could, in theory, be housed and fed at least as well as the Belgians and the Dutch. But the Low Countries reached their pr:esent conditions over more than a century during which they built up their whole apparatus ,of industry, modern agriculture, power, transport, cities. When they'were accumulating the capital (or savings) necessary for this infrastructure of modern life, their population was growing by not much more than two 'per cent a year and the number of people moving out of traditional agriculture into the new towns and industry was under on per cent. Families Stabilized Under these conditions, an annual rate of economic growth which varied from three to five per cent a yeiu', left a steady balance, over and above consumption, for -investment in, houses, roads" 'electricity, factories, fertilizers and all the other needs of a technological and produc. tive society. And one of the chief reasons for this balarice was that; during the critical decades of the 19th Century, say, between 1800 and 1860, inventions and changes in industrialization went ahead of inventions and cha'nges in public health~ By the' time the death rate began to plunge downwards -from over 40 per thousand 'to 15 per thousand-urban life and the end of the farmers' need for a large working, family, had already begun to stabilize family _ size. In the developing world today, the situation is reversed. Public health, the control of epidemics, have arrived ahead of industry and modern farming. Before agricultural productivity nas been decisively increased, before the installations of modern urban and industrial life are in' place, the death rate has started its plummeting downward course. The last four decades in Latin America, the birthrate has stayed about stable-at 40 to 45 births per路 thousand of inhabitants. But' the death rate has fallen from above 30 to about 15.. . This change - of death rates "modernized" ahead of birth rates -'- has two consequences which will 'be ,examined next week.
SAIGON (NC) - Archbishop Angelo Palmas, leaving. Vietnam after five years of service as apostolic delegate here, was given a chalice by Vietnamese Catholics as a token of their esteem. The presentation was made in Immaculate Conception cathedral here after Archbishop Pal-
mas celebrated Mass. Archbishop Paul Nguyen Van' Bingh of. Saigon and his auxiliary, Bishop Francis X. Tran Thanh Kham, were present, along with the superiors of Religious orders and many Vietnamese priests, Broth路 ers, Sisters and lay people, including Sen. Nguyen Van Huyen, chairman of the upper house of
the National Assembly. After Mass, a layman representing. Vietnamese Catholics read a farewell address praising Archbishop Palmas for helping the development of the Church during his service here. The archbishop is leaving for a new post as apostolic nuncio in Colombia.
THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH . . SEND YOUR GIFT TO The Right Reverend, Edward T.,O'Meara . National Director 366 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10001
The Right Reverend Raymond T. Considine
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of Men's Superiors. To Discuss Freedom, Dissent WASHINGTON (NC) - "Freedoms in the Church" will be the theme of the 12th annual meeting of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men from June 23 to 27 at the University of Santa Clara, Calif. Provincials, abbots, and superiors general of the various orders and congregations of Religious men in the United States will meet to discuss freedom and dissent, one of the important issues affecting the Church and American .society today, it was announced at the conference headquarters here. The meeting will be limited to members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM), an organization of some 250 religious superiors,' representing 35,000 priests and Brothers of the United States. An invitation has been extended to the bishops of the United States. !For Greater Understanding Recent controversies, such as the dissent of the faculty of theology of the Catholic University of America; the burning of Selective Service records by groups including Catholic priests, Brothers and Sisters, and the expulsion of priests from Brazil, have all centered on the question of freedom and protest. The conference said watchwords are freedom of inquiry, academic freedom, freedom of protest and freedom to preach the Gospel in its social implications.
"Our hope is," said Father Gilbert J. Graham, O.P., CMSM president, "to come to a greater understanding of this principle of human freedom as it affects the lives of our religious men. "Our bro.ther priests," he continued, "participate fully in the civic and academic communities in which they live, and share the concerns of their secular colleagues for justice, for reform, for full development of the human personality. In addition, these priests or Brothers are members of voluntary societies -the Church and their own religious orders - which adds a new dimension to the problem of freedom as it affects them. Freest in Church "I am confident," Father Graham added, "that our discussions will help us appreciate that our Religious are, 9r should be, of all persons, the freest in the Church, to respond to the Spirit, in His urging that there be an end to war, poverty, and racial discrimination." Keynote speaker will be Father Augustine Paul Hennessy, 'c.P., editor of 'the Sign magazine, Union City, N. J. Discussant for the academic freedom area will be Father Augustine Rock, O.P., director of Blackfriars, Chicago. Directing discussions on political freedom aspects will be Father Walter L. Farrell, S.J., provincial superior of the Jesuit Detroit province. Maryknoll's Superior General, Father John J. McCormack,
~ l
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 12, 1969
Cardinal Says Christians. in China Suffer Permanent Persecution
. 1 .l
M.M., will lead discussion on the freedom of missionaries in their social action programs. More than 4,000 religious priests and 'Brothers of the United States are at work in overseas development programs.
Heart of Joy Wide flush the fields; the softening air is balm; echo the moun· tains round; the forest smiles and every heart is joy. -Thomson.
WASHINGTON (NC)-A Chinese who is among the newest members of the College of Cardinals has characterized the Catholic Church on mainland China today as the "Church of tile Catacombs" and the "Church of Silence." Paul Cardinal Yu Pin, archbishop-in-exile of Nanking, China, said at a press conference at the National Press Club here that the juridical position of the Christian today in communistruled China is one of "permanent persecution." Religious persecution on the mainland, he added, is "universal." Cardinal Yu Pin, 67, who was elevated to the college of cardinals by Pope Paul VI at the April 30 consistory, is the second Chinese to be so honored.' The first was Thomas Cardinal Tien, S.V.D., of Peking, who died in exile on Taiwan in 1967. The cardinal, who stands six feet three inches, said a few churches on the mainland have been left open "for propaganda purposes," but the Chinese bish· ops and most of the Chinese clergy are under house arrest. By way of example, he cited Bishop Ignatius Kung of Shanghai who, he said, has been in jail since 1955. All foreign mlsslOnariesbishops and priests - have been expelled, with the exception of Maryknoll Bishop James E. Walsh, who is 'still under house
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arrest in Shanghai after having refused to leave his people. Because of the religious per· secution, Cardinal Yu Pin said, many Chinese priests have had to abandon their public ministry and become farmers or industrial workers. Clandestinely, they are "still working very hard" for the preservation of the faith among the older Chinese people, he added. Since the "proletarian cultural revolution," which began in 1966, the cardinal said, there has been no more news of churches on the mainland. Ac· cording to. current estimates, there are some three million Catholics in China, he stated. The cardinal expressed con· cern for younger Christians on the mainland who, he said, are all enrolled in schools which are communist-directed and operated. Religious schools have long been abolished. Cardinal Yu Pin stated there is "full religious freedom" not only for all Christian denominations but for all religions, on the island of Taiwan where he now resides, and which has been the seat of the Chinese Nationalist government since the com· munist takeover of the mainland in 1949.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 12~1969
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SANTIAGO (NC)-Raul Cardinal Silva Henriquez of Santi· ag~ admitted that close to 20 per cent of his See's priests have asked for laicization. In a televised press conference here, Cardinal Silva also praised "rebel" priests and said the Church in Latin America is working for social reform. He also admitted the existence of conflict in the Church. "I know indeed that within the Church there are opposing groups," he said. "Some use the spur on me so that I start trotting, while others pull the bridle so that I slow down. Thus my role is to coordinate both forces, often an unwelcome, difficult task. I get praise and reprobation from either group, and at times from both together. Yet I accept such a role witi' gratitude and an open heart. ~ I could not try to do less than Our Lord."
Here it is, the last school column for the year. As . thoughts turn from schoolbooks to sandy beaches, from up-at-the-crack-of-dawn to somewhat later morning sleeps, schools send students off with awards and honors for a year's' work well done. At And perfect attendance recPrevost High 'in Fall River ords were made for their high gold stoles were worn at school years by Donald Harrison graduation by Robert Thi: and Earle Flynn, while sports
bault, valedictorian and Richard jackets went to varsity sports Levesque, salutatorian, indicat- participants Edmond Larue and ing their rank of highest honors Carl Brodeur. in the senior class. Bishop Cassidy Award Gold cords for high honors At Class Day exercises at Mt. were sported by Thomas Barnes, St. Mary Academy, Fall River, Paul Berube, Ronald Briere, Don- Patricia Ann' Talbot, valedictoald Harrison, Mark Lynch, Paul rian, received the Bishop Cassidy St. Laurent, Edmond Tremblay Award for scholastic excellence. and Alan White, while th., blue Othe awards were made in the and white cord denoting honors fields of business, English, was worn by Donald Corriveau, journalism, music, mathematics Paul Desmarais, Maurice Duval, and athletics. LIBRARY AIDES: library aides at St. Anthony High School, Marriage Teaching Earle Flynn, Ronald Frazier, Cited as a National Merit New Bedford, are, from left,' Muriel Bousquet, Sandra Dion, David Poisson, James Reid and Scholarship finalist was Anne Jacqueline Lemay, Louise Robitaille, Lorraine Arcoutte~ 2x24 Obstacle to Union Dennis Rioux. ' BONN (NC) - The Catholic Hefko, while Jane McDonald doctrine of the indissolubility of Other awards at Prevost went merited a United Nations award marriage is the main obstacle to to John Hogan, "Mr. Prevost, and Cynthia O'Connell a Forenreunion between the Catholic '69"; to Jean Forcier, outstanding sic Society presentation. Church and Orthodox churches, junipr; Roger Ouellette, outHighest ranking graduate at a Serbian Orthodox bishop has stanOIngJ sophomore; and Rich- Dominican Academy, Fall' River, Stresses Difficulties Facing Bishop said. ard Tremblay, outstanding fresh- was Debra Lee Lay. At DA In an interview with the GerIn Era of Unrest man. awards were also made in all man Catholic news agency, Nor did Prevost forget the fields at Class Day exercises, SEATTLE (NC) ~ At a time .of placing of the hands upon girls. Voted "Miss Prevost where an original cimposition by when a man would be suspected . Bishop Power's head during the KNA. Serbian Orthodox Bishop Andreas of Banjaluka, YugoCheerleaders '69" were Susan Madeleine Delisle, "Farewell, .of having "rocks in his head to ,consecration ceremonies. slavia, said that the dogmas of 'Dear School," was also premCournoyer and Denise Brisson of want to be a bishop," the Most Emphasizing ,the difficulties papal infallibility, the ImmacuJesus-Mary Academy, Prevost's iered. Highest ranking student at Sa- Rev. Cornelius M. Power, 55, re- which a bishop encounters in late Conception of the Blessed sister school, which hel!1 joint cred Hearts, Fall River, was ceived episcopal ordination as this era, Bishop Topel asserted: Virgin and the Assumption are graduation exercises with the Marilyn Riley and at St. An- the second spiritual leader of the "No longer can a bishop keep not the major barriers to reunon. boys. Yakima, Wash., diocese. aloof; he must live with his peoTrophies went to Edmond thony's New Bedford, a $3800 Bishop Bernard J. Topel of ple." . scholarship was awarded JacqueLarue for athletic ability; Robert Spokane, in his homily made the "Love is a sign of discipleNEW ~f.Q\VIES H Thibault for scholarship; Earle line LeMay to Notre Dame Col- allusion to the trials which beset ship, an<;i open and loving dia~ N. H. lege, Manchester, Flynn for school spirit; John a bishop in the current era of logue is necessary," _Bishgp Denise Beaudoin was·.valedicRegular 5%' I Hogan for service; Alan White unrest. But he added that Bishop Topel continued. "It is not torian for her classmates at St. for journalism; and Paul St. LauPower shouldwant the office enough to listen with a closed Joseph High, Fall River, and 90 Day No~ice 5 Y2 % rent for organizational ability. Carol Ann Sabota performed the because as "Peter has said, 'God mind." Sys~ema~ic. . 6% Outstanding 'feens ' same office at Feehan High in wants it.'~' : Bishop Topel said Bishop PowArchbishop Thomas A. Con- er had requested no personal reDavid Poisson, named out- Attleboro. Daily In~erest 4314% Highest honors at Jesus-Mary nolly of Seattle, whom Bishop marks, but asserted his judgstanding teenager for Massachuas chancellor, was Power served setts, was honored recently at Academy, Fall River, went to ment that Pope Paul VI had Term CerHficate 5 % the state house in Boston, and Doris Desrosiers, with high hon- the principal consecrator at the made an "excellent selection in ceremonies in St. James' cathealso receiving mention were ors merited by Paulette Berube, dral here. choosing Bishop Power to head . Ba§~' ~mver Susan Cournoyer, Charlotte LeJames Ford and Alan White, the Yakima diocese. More than a score of archvesque; and honors by Yvette He reminded that the bishop Berthiaume, Janice. Deschenes, bishops and bishops were pres- in his office must serve rather ent in the capacity-packed cathefathers D~y Elizabeth DUBois, Joan Emond, than rule. Bishop Topel advised Bank by Mail A Father's Day service of song Diane Froment, Madeleine La- dral and took part in .the ritual the new bishop to love with a we pay the postage and prayer will be held at 3 Sun- joie, Jane' Michaud, Jeanne Christ-like love, "even the young • SOUTH YARMOUTH • HYANNIS day afternoon at La Salette Michaud, Jeanne Phenix and Masses on Saturday priest who says and does someShrine, Attleboro. The program Jeanne Roussel. • YARMOUTH SHOPPING PlAZA . thing with which you cannot The Balfour. Honor Key for Night UI'll lao See will include a witness talk by a agree." • DENNIS PORT • OSTERVILLE general excellence went to Drane LAFAYETTE (NC) - Bishop wife and mother, and a sermon Froment. Maurice Schexnayder has auby Rev. Robert Boucher, M.S. thorized Catholics in the Lafayette Diocese to fulfill their Sunday Mass attendance obligation Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport by assisting at Saturday evening Masses. . The Bishop specified the Mass Where The on Saturday must be scheduled Entire .. Family after 6 P.M. He also announced that persons who receive ComCan Dine munion at Saturday morning Economically Masses may also receive at the Saturday evening Masses. FOR CAMP RESERVATIONS IPI-:IONE 675-7185
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ST. ANTHONY: Farewell to highschool books and book covers is' bidden by Louise Beshara, Nicolette Boucher, Daniel Brule and Richard Soucy of St. Anthony High, New Bedford.
On lake Providence near Plymouth and Cape Cod. Personally. conducted by Sisters of Divine Providence. Staff of qua lified college girls teaches swimming, boating, canoeing, sailing, riding, tennis (3 courts), archery, softball, volleyball. Counselor-Training Program. Singing, crafts, cooking and' dormitories supervised by the Sisters. Daily Mass, trips, ocean bathing, campfires, parties. Sister M. Noel, Dir., Sacred Heart High School, Kingston, Mass. 1·746·2374
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THE ANCHORThurs., June 12, 1969
Students Tell House Committee Priest Cfheer'ed Demonstrators WASHINGTON. (NC) - Two Georgetown University students told the House Internal Security Committee here that a professor at the univ~rsity apparently cheered demonstrators who tried to disrupt a campus military event. The professor, Father Richard T. McSorley, S.J., was also said to have lent a movie projector to two members of the militant Students for Democratic Society (SDS) for showing a Black Panther film. Father McSorley is well known in the Washington area as a ,peace advocate and long-time critic of the war in Vietnam. He was later invited to meet with House Committee investigators about a possible appearance before the panel after charging that "the committee is not interested in the truth about the SDS." The priest was in the hearing room but left in the midst of testimony by students John T. Hoffman, a senior from Honolulu, and John C. Driscoll, a freshman from Norwich, Conn. The committee, formerly known as the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities, is investigating the role of the SDS in student unrest. Attempt Disruption Hoffman, an officer in the' Georgetown ROTC, said that during military day ceremonies on the campus in May, 1968, demonstrators ran through the ranks of cadets in an attempt to disrupt the event. "Father McSorley was standing on the sidelines," he said. "He seemed to be cheering them on. He was enthusiastic about the demonstration." Questioned by Rep. Louis Stokes of Ohio, Hoffman said he could not hear what the priest was saying. "He raised his arms and yelled as though to encourage them," Hoffman stated.
Make a World One man all by himself is nothing. Two people who belong together make a world. -Margolius.
Rejects Relaxed Abortion BiUs
"He has never been very enthusiastic toward the military. I
assume that he was not cheering us."
Driscoll said Father McSorley lent SDS members a projector for showing in a freshman dormitory a film featuring Black Panthers Huey Newton and Eldridge Cleaver. "He sat in the room during the showing of the movie," Driscoll said. DriscolI said the purpose of showing the film, as he understood it, "was to acquaint us with the Black Panthers. They (SDS members) obviously felt that if we understood the Black Panthers we would be sympathetic toward them."
LANSING (NC)-The Michigan Senate has rejected efforts to calendar for debate two bills designed to relax the state's abortion laws.
The bills have been "on the table" since they were reported without recommendation by the Senate Committee of Health, Social Service and Retirement.
,;': l,
Authors of the bills, Sens. Gilbert' E. Bursley of Ann Arbor and John E. McCauley of Wyandotte, made unexpected motions to have the measures calendared for Senate consideration. Both motions were defeated with a minimum of debate.
Prelate Replies To Executive LOS ANGELES (NC)-Frank W. Castiglione, executive vicepresident of the Western Growers Association, has made public a letter received from Archbishop Joseph T. McGucken of San Francisco disavowing support for the boycott of California table grapes but declining to condemn grape growers. Castiglione said he had asked the archbishop to "personally visit the 700-mile grape producing area of our state," after reading news accounts of a press conference held by Archbishop McGucken in San Francisco in which he discussed the activist role of some priests in the grape boycott controversy. In his reply to Castiglione's invitation the archbishop wrote: "I am astonished by your reference to my 'vocal condemnation of California grape farmers.' I have never at any time condemned the grape farmers, or any other farmers. Neither have I ever supported the idea of the boycott. "I have indeed visited many ,of the farming areas and said Mass in the camps of farm workers. I have also every Winter had a lot to do with the charitable work with which the Church is burdened to take care of the victims of the problems of migrancy," Archbishop McGucken wrote.
The Bursley bill would authorize abortion if pregnancy threat-
ened the' mental or physical health of an expectant mother, where there was reason to believe the child would be born with a serious mental or physical handicap, and if the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest.
PREVOST HIGH: Among graduates from Prevost' High School, Fall River, are Alan White, Don Harrison, Tom Barnes, Edmond Tremblay. Gold cords they wear indicate tkey are graduating with high honors.
The McCauley bill would permit a woman to have an abortion for any reason, provided it was performed by a licensed physician in an accredited hospital. The presen~ law permits abortion only when the expec. tant mother's life is in danger.
For Cuban Children Miami Catholic Welfare Bureau Program In New Phase MIAMI (NC)-Almost 10 years and more than 14,000 children after it began, the Miami Catholic Welfare Bureau's program for Unaccompanied Cuban Children has a new phase-youngsters are arriving in the U. S. via Spain under waiver of a visa. According to Msgr. Bryan O. Wl!lsh, who inaugurated the program in 1960, "Until now these children had to either wait for a remote chance of being a lucky one on a direct U. S. airlift flight to Miami, or go to Spain and wait alone, perhaps without any money, for a visa to the United States." Msgr. Walsh said that through the efforts of Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami the U. S. Immigration Service arranged for a waiver of visa and now permits the young refugees to come to this country when sponsored by a relative who is already here. Draft Age As a group of Cuban exiles waited at Miami International Airport recently to meet the first children to arrive under the new procedure, they pointed out that young boys reaching the age of 14 in Cuba are forced to enrolI in the militia. The first of 13 boys and one girl deplaned from the New York to Miami airliner was embraced by his mother whom he had not seen for years. He and the others
Up to Us Only what we have wrought into our character during life can we take way with us. -Humboldt.
each wore a y.ellow button, bearing the insignia and initials of the United States Catholic Conference, and a name tag. As Monsignor Walsh doublechecked his list of names to insure that each youngster was met by his sponsor, the one 16year-Old girl on the flight said that she and her 14-year-Qld brother had flown from Cuba to Spain after relatives sent them money. They were cared for by Franciscan priests and Sisters in Madrid until their departure for New York. Welcomed in Miami by an uncle, they had left both parents behind on the communist-controlled island.
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Practice the Rule We have committed, the Golden Rule to memory. Let us now commit it to life. ~Markham.
MY. ST. MARY: In traditional white gown Fall River's Mt. St. Mary Academy seniors prepare for graduation. From left, Cynthia O'Connell, Anne Hefko, Alice McManus, Patricia Talbot.
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'THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall
... f,. .
River-Thurs"J~~e 1"2;'1969
Parish Parade
Scores -Incredibly Vicious Diatribe 'Against' Jes!uits
By Msgr. George G. Higgins
Director, Division of Urban Life, U.S.C.C.
Dan Herr, publisher of The Critic,remarks in a reo, cent article in U.S. Catholic and Jubilee that "the Church in America at least and perhaps in a good part of the Christian world" has 'entere~ upon a period in which "bitterness, confusion, apathy; This being the case, it is not dissension, despair - all the I surprising that he should raise ugly elements of intramura the question as to "whether, in strife are all too evident." an age so desperately threaten~d For present purposes, I would by unbelief, the Church can afchange only one word in the ford the luxury of maintaining .statement. The a 'rich and treacherous enemy w 0 r d "strife" within her own borders, whether isn't quite strong another suppression of the Society altogether, desp'ite the conenough to reflect the frighttinued existence of some faithful ening degree of Catholics in it, is not necessary." sheer intramural Mr. Clinton's answer to this "hatred" t hat hypothetical question is quite keeps cropping predictable, of course. He wants up, too frethe Society suppresssed once quently for comand for all and without delay. comfort, in cerMeanwhile, he suggests, no bishtain segments of op "really can in conscience the Cat hoi i c allow any member of a Society press. Farley Cinton's incre ibly so filled with poison to exercise vicious diatribe against the Jes- priestly ministry in his diocese." uits in the June issue of Triumph These few quotations from Mr. can serve to illustrate the dis- Clinton's unbelievably vicious tinction I am trying to make. screed could be matched,' if Intramural strife is one thing; space permitted, by at least a malevolent hatred is something dozen which are even more else again. And Mr. Clinton's ar- despicable. In other words I am ticle, in my opinon, is an exer- not quoting the article out of cise in hatred pure and simple- context. if one can appropriately use the Most Hateful Article To the contrary, the article as word "pure" in this context. Dendly Serious a whole is, much wors.e than The very title of Mr. Clinton's these few quotes, bad as they unconscionable attack on the are, might tend to suggest. In Jesuits is enough to make a man summary, I would say it's the sick to his stomach: "Diabolus worst-and most hateful-artiest Jesuita * * * ita! ita!" ("The c1e I have ever read in any CathDevil is a Jesuit *. ~ * Yes! Yes") olic magazine, in any language, . When I first caught sight of during the past quarter century. this title on the cover of TriThe only thing sillier than . umph, I thought that Mr. Clinton writing such an article would be was simply trying to be funny to dignify it with a chapter-and(in a strangely perverse sort of verse reply. On the other hand, way, to be sure), but as soon as while I have no intention of I started to read the article I dis- playing that game, I feel com. covered. that he was being dead- pelled to say for the record that Iy serious. some of Mr. Clinton'.s hateful re'Treacherous Enemy' marks about individual Jesuits, It quickly became apparent, in living and dead (friends of mi;te other words,that he is absolute- I am proud to add) are beneath Iy convinced that the Society of contempt. Jesus is possessed by the devil If he derives some sort of perand that, with fe,:, except~ons, verse satisfaction out of malignits members .are qu~te consclOu~-. ing the entire Society of Jesus in Iy ..coo~eratlllg with the eVil '. "globo, so be it. But impugning SpIrIt I l l . a desperate effort the motives of individual mem. to destroy the Church. bers of the Society and accusing them of being in the service of Students Plan Suit the evil spirit is something else again. Lawyers have'a name for Agalonst Trustees this sort of malice; they call it WASHINGTON (NC) - Stu- libel. Theologians havean~thei dents at the Catholic University word for it; they call it slander. 'Unclean Spirit' of America announced at a news conference here they will go One 'example will suffice. Mr. to court to get an injunction Clinton seems to have it in for to prevent "further damage" to Father Donald Campion of programs in the university's America - who, incidentally, troubled school of education. must have sat next to him on They charged that the admin- numerous occasions at press istration has provided inade- conferences in Rome when the quate funding and sharply re- two of them were covering the duced course offerings in the .Council 'for their respective school, particularly in ·the areas journals. of the exceptional child, interAn unclean spirit, Mr. Clinton be a "class action" on behalf of says, reigns in the Society at the students at the Catholic Univer- present time. It's the sort of unsity of America, with the partici- clean spirit "which cries out for pation of specific students who the exorcist." The devil in other have agreed to take part. words. Moving in for the kill. Clinton then tries to illustrate national and comparative educa-' tion, and guidance ane! counsel- this indictment as follows: "It ing. is' not casual err:or, it, is persisDavid Carliner' of the Amer- tent, repeated, multiform error, ican Civil Liberties Union, an dislike of obedience that we find attorney for the students, said -in, for instance, Father Donald suit will be filed in"'U. S. District Campion's ~merica." In other Court naming the pontifieal uni- words, Father Campion is conversity's I>oard of, trustees as sciously. doing the work of the defendant. Carliner said it would . devil. ., .. , •• _.,.,_.~_".,>,' .;" ";" ,-.: \ " • ":-, \, r.· .'. '-' .-'" \. ... .... -. .,.~._'
'I. • . . '
ST. HEDWIG, NEW BEDfORD The parish council will sponsor a bazaar on the church grounds Friday, July 4 through Sunday, July 6. Heading a large committee of parishioners and junior and senior choir members are Rev. George Roskwitalski, O.F.M.Conv., pastor and Rev. Alphonse Zalacha, O.F.M.Conv., curate. ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER. New Women's Guild officers are Mrs. Alfred Medeiros, president; Mrs. John Mercer, vicepresident; Miss Mary Cullen and Miss Julia Harrington, secretaries; -Mrs. Gerard LaChance, treasurer. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Installation ceremonies for the Council of Catholic Women will be held at 6 Sunday night, June 15 at White's restaurant. Children of Mary will sponsor a cake sale at all Masses Sunday, June 22. 1
SACRED HEARTS, FAIRHAVEN: Members of the last graduating class of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven are, from left, Barbara H.. Lanczycki, Dolore~ M. Dufresne, Deborah M. Dufresne, Natalie A. Branco.
Publicity chairmen of parish or· ganizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River
02722. ,ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Sunday Mass schedule is tit 7-8-9-10-11 A.M. and 5 P.M. Saturday evening Mass is at 7 P.M. Confessions on Saturday from 4 until 5 P.M. before evening Mass at 6:45 until 7 P.M. after Mass until· 8:15 P.M. Sunday before 7 AM. and 5 P.M. Mass. The Holy Ghost, Society will conduct its traditional ceremonial' and attend Mass at 10 10 o'clock next Sunday. The Women's Guild installation banquet will be held at Sunderland's on Tuesday, June 17. For' banquet menu, reservations 'and transportation call Mrs. William Waddicor. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Contemporary music will ac-' company the 10 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, June 15. Students will graduate from the parochial school at 7:30 tonight in ceremonies in the church. Parents and relatives are invited to a reception in the school following the graduation. The church and children's choir will join the glee club of Normandin Junior High School, New Bedford, in a concert at 7:30 Sunday night, June 15 in the school auditorium. , ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Women's Guild members ,attended a Mass for Peace concelebrated by Rev. John J. Regan and Rev. Ronald Tosti, followed by a banquet at the 'Nimro'd Club. Members will sponsor a luncheon 'and fashion show Tuesday, July 8 at Flying, Bridge restaurant and a Summer fair Saturday, July 26 on the church grounds. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL ·HELP, NEW BEDFORD Members of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Society will receive 'corporate Communion at 8:30 Mass Sunday morning, June 22, and new officers will be installed the same day at The Coachmen restaurant, Tiverton. Reservations should be made by Sunday, :June 15.
ST. MARGARET, BlJZZARDS IBAY Members of SS. Margaret-Mary Guild will deliver pastries to Sacred Hearts Seminary Wednesday, June 18. This service is a continuing guild project. Plans are underway for. the annual penny sale, slated for 7:30 Wednesday night, July 2 at the parish center on Main Street. Proceeds will benefit parish youth activities. Summer cake sales will be .held Sunday, July 20 at St. Margaret's and Sunday, Aug. 17 at St. Mary'S, Onset, with proceeds going towards the guild pledge for the new parish center. New officers are Mrs. Donald Lakin, president; Mrs. John Cummings, vice-president; Mrs. John Sanna and Mrs. Mary MacGinnis, secretaries; Mrs. Charles Lindberg, treasurer. The next executive board I meeting will be held Wednesday, June 25 and regular guild meetings will resume in September.
HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO The Women's Guild will sponsor a card party on Tuesday night, June 17 at the church ~all on Linden Street. Door pnzes will be awarded and refreshments will be served. Proceeds will be contributed towards a workshop for retarded.
~{!.!JoU' ~[h)@~~®Iiil@®$ Ao<d] [?l!i'UV@U'® ~~[h)@©~$
PHILADELPHIA (NC)-A suit filed in U. S. District Court here attacked state aid to non public schools as an unconstitutional promotion of racial segregation. The suit, filed by six religious, civil rights and educational groups, asked the court to stop any . payments under' Pennsy.lvania's 1968 aid to nonpubhc schools law. The organization claimed that some non public schools are racially. segregated and that any state assistance to them fosters the practice of segregation.
RAMBLER American'sEconomy KinSJ lFI'r the Best Deal' Come To
.Often Happens, Decision of charac.ter will often give' to an inferior mind command over a superior.-Wirt.
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Lobster Boats
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 12, 1969
Marsden 01 Fairhaven; Feijo 01 Fall River
~ '
: _..'
- s
. ,•.:'•....
Outstanding at Springfield
1'.' . \y,.,
Bo'th Plan Careers as Teac hers-Coaches
By Luke Sims
The Springfield Chiefs will lose two of 'its finest Warriors s~ortly ~hen' John Marsden of' Fairhaven and
~ t~=>
CASSIDV lXIiGI-iI: Grcn!l~ of BishopC'1:iS'Sidy High School in Taunton include, left to right; Madeleine Silvia, Cynthia Terra, Paula Winter, Patricia McGann and Patricia LeClerc.
to Assist Youth
NCCC Sl!i!c5'etary Named Coordinator f@Jfi' Whate House Conference WASHINGTON (NC) - Msgr. Lawrence J. Corcoran, secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Charities, will be coordinator of the Catholic involvement in the 1970 White House Conference on Children and Youth. He replaces Father Philip Jarmack, who recently resigned as associate secretary of the NCCC and from the post: of executive secretary of the United States Committee for the 1970 White
Champions Yowng Geill!ration
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - John Cardinal Wright of Pittsburgh lined up solidly on the side of today's much criticized "restless" younger generation. During a press conference the cardinal expressed belief there is little difference between the "kids of today and those of yesterday," except in his generation the communications media "gave us a chance to grow up in private."
House Conference. The White House Conference on Children and Youth has been held at approximately 10-year intervals since 1910. Accepting his post Msgr. Corcoran said: "The Church has traditionally placed heavy emphasis on child' development and youth formation. The White House Conferences reflect the close partnership between government and private sectors in addressing the problems of children and youth. "We hope that this 1970 conference will contribute to society's efforts to assist youth today, when they are in the grip of so many tensions," he declared. Msgr. Corcoran has been secretary of the NCCC since September, 1965. He served as assistant director and later as director of Catholic Charities for the Columbus, Ohio, diocese from 1947 to 1965. He has been active as a member of national and international groups deal-. ing with social, charitable and welfare problems.
Jim Feijo of Fall River turn in their athletic garb for graduation robes. Each has been a tower of strength on tile Springfield sports scene and are good reasons for the Chiefs' overal1 success in the field of athletics. Marsden, a former star athlete at Fairhaven High School, recently earned his third letter as . a member of the, Springfield varsity baseball team, while Feijo was a letterman in botll football and track. Both boys hope to go into the teaching-coaching profession next year. Marsden, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Marsden, 135 Washington Street, is married to the former Linda Theodore of New Bedford and is the father of an infant son. The two were married last year at Holy Name Church in New Bedford and are presently residing in Springfield. While at Fairhaven, John was a member of the Blue Devil basketball and baseball squads winning letter three and four respectively. Had Cousy Scholarship As a junior in 1964, Marsden was the recipient of the annual Bob Cousy Rotary Club scholarship and along with Dartmouth standout athlete, Mark Devitt, was awarded a 10-day membership to the former pro basketball star's Summer camp. During the baseball season, Marsden was awarded a berth on several all-star teams when he led Fairhaven to a second place finish in the tough Bristol County League. . The highlight of that season came during the final week when John' spun successive shutouts against Bi~hopStang (4-0) and Taunton (1-0) to assure the Devils of second place. Following the high school campaign, the big right-hander pitched for Fairhaven's Post 166 in the American Legion League. Feijo is a 5-11, 210-pound former Durfee High athlete who overcame a serious knee injury In his sophomore year to become an outstanding liii'~man on the Chiefs' football squad. The only son of Mr. and Mrs. James Feijo of 413 Manchester I Street, Jim has a sister Naomi
and is a member of Our Lady of Health Parish. Won Trevisano Award While being limited somewhat due to the gimpy knee, Jim played every offensive line position and was dubbed a "most valuable player" by Coach Ted Dunn.. While at Durfee he won berths on several AU-Bristol County League teams for his prowess in the grid sport and enjoyed his finest year as a senior when he led the Don Montie-coached HiIltoppers to an unbeaten, untied season and was chosen winner of the Donald Trevisano Memorial Award as the team's most valuable lineman. Both have been outstanding, hard-working individuals both on the athletic field and in the
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" ,.. r.":r:.. JAMfES FEIJO
classroom and their loss is sure to put a dent in the Springfield athletic picture.
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Write for Cltllol Tel. m·5448 COYLE GRADUATES: Members of this year's class at the Taunton boys' high school include, left to right, Richard C. Gaudreau, Philip E. Bettencourt, Gilbert J. Nadeau (a magna cum laude graduate) and Louis J. Rezendes.
Hew Bedford, Ma.siachuJetfl
636-2744 or 999·6984
THE ANCHOR-DioceSe of Fall River-Thurs. June '12, '1'969
-Connecticut Hous'e Approves , Rill· to :Aid Nonpublic ,Schools',
Co·Discoverer of Insulin Seeks More Knowledge of Diabetes TORONTO (NC)-The co-discoverer of insulin, still active in the medical field almost half a century after his discovery, would "like to discover a lot of things connected with diabetes." Dr. Charles H. Best, who was 22 years 'old when he and Frederick Banting discovered insulin here, said 'in an interview that "oral insulin would be an excellent thing if one could do it. "And now that we are playing a'round with genes so much," he added, "it might be possible to do something so that people wouldn't inherit diabetes." , Asked, to explain why diai?etes is spreading today, particularly' in the more developed countries, Best said he thinks it is because "all the children who used to die are now 'living and having chilo' dren of their own." Dr. Best, a Presbyterian, was asked how a member, of his church gets into the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. "I don't think 1 ever knew
who put up my name," he said. "I imagine it was Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin. As a matter of fact, I took the place that was vacated by his death. The number of people who get in is determined by the number who pass out of the pi«ture. "We are supposed to go to Rome every two years and spend two weeks," he explained. "The debates are purely scientific and a great tome comes out which travels all over the world. People are really anxious to belong to the academy." Pioneered Plasma After discovering insulin in 1921, Dr. Best headed the medical team in 1939 that pioneered blood plasma, which saved countless lives during and since World War II. He was the first blood donor for the cause. Has everything else seemed anti-climatic? "It hasn't seemed like that to me at all," Dr. Best said. "Even today 1 nourish the idea that some thought might well come . to me that is just as important as anything else 1 have ever done. 1 think that will go on as long as 1 live." He pointed out that much progress is being made' 'so diabetes victims may some day take insulin in an oral form. "We know the structure of the insulin molecule now. and may be able to get rid of parts of it," he said. "If we 'can get it down small enough so that it could be absorbed (through the stomach wall into the blood stream) we would have oral insulin. "People talk about oral insulin now but they mean the pills which (stimulate the pancreas) liberate insulin," Dr. Best explained. "There is no oral insulin at the moment, but the possibility of there being one, 1 think, is fairly good-not in the immediate future, but sometime."
'HARTFORD (NC)-The< Con- teachers' salaries, with the stipnecticut House of Representa- ulation that no .reimbursement dves has approved a bill which will be mad~ for a teacher who , would provide $6 million a year at any time during the ,regular in state aid to parochial an~ school, d,ay teaches a subject other nonpublic schools. , imparting any religious teaching. ' , The House action came less A higher percentage of salary than 48 hours before the end of reimbursement is provided in the the current session of the legisla· case of schools at least one-third ture. The issue of state aid to of whose pupils are considered / the non public schools was con- educationally deprived. sidered so sentitive that no roll The reimbursement for pur, call of house members was tak- chase of ,textbooks, which must .en, and the measure passed by be books approved by public voice vote. school authorities, would be $10 , The bill-termed the Nonpub- per elementary pupil and $15 lic School Secular Education per secondary pupil. Act-now goes' to GOY. John The mea'sure specifies that Dempsey, who was expected to "imy taxpayer" in the state may 'sign it. It passed in the State test the constitutionality of the Senate just a few days before proposed new law even before the vote in the House. any of the $6 million appropriCOLLEGE PRESIDENT: Brother Passage of the bill followed a ated to carry it out has been statewide campaign by the Con- spent.. A lawyer for the Connec- T. Mel Anderson, F.S.C., has 'necticut Catholic Committee on ticut Civil Liberties Union said been named the 23rd president ,'Education (C C CE), which im- he expected his organization to of Saint Mj:JrY's College of Colmediately issued a statement do so. . ifornia. NC Photo. tommending the legislators' for a' "progressive and understanding approach" to the financial' probI lems of nonpublic schools. The Catholic Bishops of Con, necticut had also called for "substantial" state aid to nonpublic ,. schools in a· pastoral letter read WASHINGTON (NC)-A fac- , munity consciousness at the uni- giving stude~ts an opportunity at all Sunday Masses in the 360 ulty-student fact-finding' commit- versity is the disparity of inter- to be heard.' ' '. Catholic' churches in the state, tee at the Catholic University of ests among its components." Sixty per cent of the students. . and had urged supporters of such America here has reported that The Catholic University has claimed they ~ad no rel~tionship aid, to rpake their views knowl1 a majority of students are hos- twice as many graduate\students with the neighboring community to 'the legislators. ,tile to the administration, cen- as undergraduates. "except for economic dealings." , Salary Reimbursement tering most of, their dissatisfac"If there are to be meaning- Th~y said they were "ignorant , ',Under terms of, the bill, any, tion in the areas of "finance, ,se- ful relationships between the of' political and social conditions ·approved nonpublic school in the' curity, certain relations with the two groups, they must' be fos- in the District of' Columbia save state that' serves .Connecticut personnel services,' .and the tered on the departmental level," for what they read in the press." 'residents would be eligible to board of trustees." . ~ Most of them "do not care the report stated, suggesting in· receive state payments, on a soThe joint committee was set· formal discussion groups with about local problems and are not called purchase of services basis up last· May by the university's faculty participation. interested in their solution," the for teachers and receive a text- Committee on University Plan-. report added. ' The report discussed faculty books allotment. But 'there was "practical unaning. interest in "closer contact with The bill provides a basic 20 nimity" there should be more It ,put a large portion of the ' students" but added that the facper 'cent reimbursement for student body to work in a mas- ulty is "at a loss to understand black students on campus and sive examination of views on the how it could be achieved." The that "scholarships should be Doocese Establishes structure and policies of the uni-' faculty members "look to the provided to encourage a better students for effective' means to racial balance." versity. "Less than one per cent of Autonomous School "The Task Force was designed bridge the .communication 'gap,'" CU students are involved in PROVIDENCE (NC) - Father to define problems and to dis- it stated. radicaL activism," the report New Berth Edward W. K. Mullen, superin- cover what the students felt More Black Students. stated. But it added that the LAFAYETTE (NC)-Henry P. tendent of Catholic schools, has' about the. uriiversity," said Msgr. Many students criticized the political climate may be chang- Libersat Jr., editor since 1966 of announced· that three parishes in Joseph Moody, professor of histhe Providence diocese have tory and chairman of the task secrecy with which they said ing. "Since many freshmen have the Southwest Louisiana Registhe university administration been involved' wiith radicalism, ,tel', diocesan newspaper, has acagreed to undertake the estab- force. operated, claiming that tuition near their homes, the number cepted a position as senior editor lishment of an autonomous A summary report of the find- raises and ad'lances in board may be expected to increase," of the Sunday Visitor chain of school which will, in effect, Catholic newspapers. bridge the ground between the ings was sent to the administra- costs were announced without the report said. Catholic' and public school sys- tion, the univ\ersity' planning committee, and the chairman of tems here. The new school, to open in the board of, trustees' committee t;ti'N('~:WWrr.t:1:N§)1,:mlmN'K@:m;'lNMNn:§)mmH:d§)}mmd§)}H~i:@nm:m:w::j@§::mm:t:'mmm:t:mflum:nwnmm@Blli.'ll::ecBl£]:Mfi:\%1mm:lm::1MJ:mmWnm:I§0i: the Fall, will 'be. independent of - on student ~ffairs., all parishes and of the diocese Criticize Secrecy itself, both financially and legalThe final report covered some ly. A separate corporation is to 17 general areas ranging from be established with its own the campus bookstore to -relagoverning body. tions with the .neighboring Father Mullen said the new Washington community. school's charter of incorporation The report says a major barwill include a statement that the school's philosophy is one of rier to the "development of comopen enrollment. Children will be taken without respect to race, color or creed, and the school Name Bishop Clinch· Remeud,er Pop's TIle question Sunday! will provide religious instruction Confereil'ilce 'Advisoll'· by non-Catholic clergy for non·· PITTSBURGH (NC) - Bishop Catholic children to the extent required. The same is true with H,arry A. Clinch of Monterey, regard to courses in Negro cul- Calif., has succeeded John Card, inal Wright of Pittsburgh as ture. '\ episcopal 'advisor to the National Catholic Laymen's Retreat ConQuakers Arresll'ed ference. Cardinal Wright made the an011'1 C.apifi'(l)~ Steps WASHINGTON (NC)-Eleven' nouncement of Bishop Clinch's members of a Quaker action succession at a meeting here of conference board members, who group were arrested while assembled on the steps of the U. S. assembled to say farewell as the cardinal prepares·to leave in Capitol without a permit. The eleven, who grouped. on June for his new post in Rome. the steps to read names of The cardinal has served as the American soldiers .who have conference's advisor for 22 years. died in the Vietnam war, were '. John J. Raymond of Detroit is charged with unlawful entry. president. Founded in 1928, the They were warned to leave the conference has 180 retreat steps or face arrest five times houses in 50. states affiliated before Capitol police took ac· with it. Some 250,000 men make tion. retreats at the houses yearly.
'Students 'H , ost.-I e to ":Administration cu Study Cites Dissatisfaction
it:sBtt}zel'~1)all A VERY HAPPY