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VOL.47, NO.23

• Friday, June 13,2003


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Diocese readies for Bishop-Elect Coleman's ordination

MEMBERS OF the St. Theresa Parish, South Attleboro, Youth Group, friends and family, enjoy a pasta supper put on by the group to help support the diocesan Catholic Charities Appeal.

Youth group's pasta· supper benefits the Charities Appeal SOUTH ATTLEBORO - A pasta supper p.lanned and conducted by the Parish Youth Group at St. Theresa's Church has generated a tidy $500 donation to this year's Catholic Charities Appeal currently underway. "I'm very proud of them because the idea came from the young people themselves," said Father James Fahey, pastor of St. Theresa's. He talked about how the Youth Group strives to foster awareness of social, spiritual and charitable responsibilities. Adult leaders, including Pam Bliss and Richard Stanley, helped to guide the event held in the church basement, but the hard work of publicity, ticket sales and waiting on tables was undertaken entirely by the teenagers. Father Fahey identified high schooler Matt Magliozzi as being the overall coordinator of the supper, which attracted parishioners, parish neighbors and people from across the region as well. Magliozzi was the recipient

of the Pope Pius X Youth Award as representative of his home parish. "He had lots of help, too, from the other members of the Youth Group, in putting this event together," Father Fahey reported.. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, director of the Appeal, spoke enthusiastically on hearing the news of the initiative undertaken by the South Attleboro teens. "This is a great story, and there are so many wonderful stories associated with our Diocesan Family's efforts," he said. "We're especially excited to hear of the interest of some of our teen-agers in the campaign." . Msgr. Harrington and Michael J. Donly, diocesan director of Development, continued to register optimism about the Appeal, reporting to The Anchor that returns were approaching the $3 million mark as this week's edition of the diocesan newspaper went to press. A listing of the latest Appeal returns begins on page 11.

FALL RIVER - Two former bishops of Archbishop Cronin. Bishop O'Malley served the Diocese of Fall River will assist as conse- here until October 2002 when he was apcrating bishops at the ordination of Bishop- pointed bishop of Palm Beach, Fla. Archbishop Cronin and Bishop O'Malley .j Elect George W. Coleman as the seventh bishop of the diocese on July 22 at II a.m., in will also be concelebrants at the Mass with Archbishop St. Mary's CaMontalvo and thedraL Bishop-Elect Archbishop Coleman who Daniel A. will be celebratCronin of the ing his first Mass Hartford, Conn., as a bishop. archdiocese, and Bishop-Elect. Bishop Sean P. Coleman, 64, who O'Malley, OFM had been the Cap., of the Dioelected adminiscese· of Pal m trator of the Fall Beach, Fla., will . River diocese be assisting since shortly after Archbishop Bishop O'Malley 'Gabriel left, was named r Montalvo, the the bishop-elect Apostolic Nuncio to the United RETURNINGTO the Diocese of Fall Riverfor Bishop-' by Pope J oh.n States. Elect George W. Coleman's ordination and installation Paul II on Apnl Archbishop as the seventh bishop of the diocese will be fifth bishop 30 S t Th Montalvo will be the principal o! Fall River, Archbishop Daniel A. ~ronin. of the Arch- nativ:, ~~~r~~t consecrator at diocese of Hartford, Ct., left, and sixth bishop of Fall since 1964 in his the ceremonies River, Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., of the Dio- many leadership years has served of Holy Orders. cese of Palm Beach, Fla. (Anchorfile photo) as a pastor, diocArchbishop esan director of Education, Cronin, who had served as an and as a monsignor with duauxiliary bishop in Boston ties as vicar general and beginning in 1968, was moderator of the Curia. named the fifth bishop of Fall The ceremonies of ordinaRiver diocese on Oct. 30, tion of a bishop include the 1978, succeeding Bishop reading of the mandate of his James L. Connolly. After call to be bishop; the consent serving for 21 years in Fall of the people; examination of River he was named archthe candidate; the singing of bishop of Hartford in Januthe Litany of the Saints while ary 1992, replacing Archthe candidate prostrates himbishop John F. Whealon who self; the laying on of hands; died five months earlier. the prayer of consecration; Bishop O'Malley, who ARCHBISHOP GABRIEL the anointing of the was named auxiliary bishop Montalvo, Apostolic Nuncio to candidate's head; investiture of the three-islands Virgin the United States, will ordain with ring, miter and pastoral Islands diocese in 1984 ...:...and install Bishop-Elect George staff; and the formal seating and succeeded Bishop EdW. Coleman as Bishop of Fall of the new bishop. I ward Harper there a year The celebration of Mass later - was named bishop of River next month at St. Mary's will follow. . Fall River in 1992, replacing Cathedral. (CNS file photo)

Because of the special occasion of the ordination and installation of Bishop-Elect George W. Coleman as the seventh bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, The Anchor's summer schedule has changed. Usually, The Anchor does not publish the first two weeks of July. This summer, The Anchor will not publish on August 1 and 8. Deadline for copy or advertising for the July 25th edition is JUly 18.

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SWANSEA - An unseason- the Council dedicated its new able blizzard on April 13, 1953 home. The first social held that didn't hinder 65 Catholic men Thanksgiving with Ii turkey raffle. from meeting in the parish hall of . Since then the Council Hall has St. Louis de France Church to undergone many modem renovafound what would become. the tions and is considered one of the Bishop James E. Cassidy Council most impressive structures in the town. No. 3669, Knights of Columbus. Despite its humble beginnings . Today the Bishop Cassidy and with its first Grand Knight Council is as strong as ever and James Murphy at the helm, the some of the original charter memCouncil quickly outgrew its bers still playa vital part in the rented St. Andrew's Club on ongoing activities. . There have been 38 dedicated Ocean Grove Avenue. With 500 active members, the vibrant group grand knights at the helm over the purchased land of a dairy farm on years and the Council has proudly Milford Road and began to reno- provided four State District Depuvate the dairy barn donated to ties: James B. Murphy, Gilbert E. them by the Laflamme Brothers.' Poisson, Robert O. Mathieu and It was only fitting that on the' Robert L. Goddu. The current Grand Knight Columbus Day weekend in 1958

Walter A. Bean, and his brother Knights have made their monthly "Theme Socials" as popular as ever. Their charity work through the generous contributions of the citizens of Swansea and Somerset - for the area's ,youth; and the Massachusetts State K of C. Annual ''Tootsie Roll Drives" - have netted thousands of dollars for the physically handicapped, God's Special Children, and chaperoned youth dances held ~onthly. While members of the Bishop Cassidy Council report they will celebrate its golden jubilee June 28, they also made it very clear that it won't put a crimp in another half-century of service to God, their country, and their community.

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LORRAINE STONE, nursing supervisor at the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, display,S a certificate of recognition she received upon being named its Employee of the Quarter. Stone also received a pin, reserved parking spot, cash award and a reception in her honor. With her are Thomas Healy, administrator; Derek Poitras, assistant director of nursing; and Erin Kanuse, assistant administrator.


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!Ma~ it

'June 16

2 Cor 6: 1-10; Ps 98:1-4; Mt 5:3842 June 17 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2,5-9a; Mt 5:43-48 June 18 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1-4,9; Mt 6:1-6,16-18 June192Cor11:1-11;Ps 111 :1-4,7-8; Mt 6:7-15 June 20 2 Cor 11 :18,21 b30; Ps 34:2-7; Mt 6:19-23 June 21 2Cor12:1-10;Ps 34:8-13; Mt 6:2434 June 22 Ex 24:3-8; Ps 116:12-13,15-18; Heb9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16,22-26

easierfor tliose you fow 1III111111111111111111111111111

THE ANCHOR (USPS-54S-mO) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July ard the week after Christmas at 887 Highlard Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year, POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P,O.Box 7, Fall River, MA (Jl.772.

I n Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week June 16 1975, Rev. James McDermott, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset June 18 1935, Rev. James M. Coffey, P.R., Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton 1984, Rev. Declan Daly, SS.Cc., Associate Pastor, St. Joseph, Fairhaven 1992, Rev. Henri Laporte, O.P., Former Pastor, St. Anne, Fall River June 19 1916, Rev. Hormisdas Deslauriers, Founder, St. Anthony, New Bedford .. June 20 1931, Rt. Rev. Msgr. James 1. Coyle, P.R., LL.D., Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton '. 1926, Rev. Fall River 1948, Rev. 1964, Rev. Mattapoisett 1976, Rev. Fall River

June 21 Desire V. Delemarte, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, ' Francis D. Callahan, Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham Clement Killgoar, SS.Cc., St. Anthony, David O'Brien, Retired Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul,

June 22 1977, Rev. Alexander Zichello, Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford


Friday, June 13, 2003

Senate votes to extend tax credit ~riticized by Church, o~hers WASHINGTON (CNS) - A come parents who qualified for last tax cut bill widely criticized' for year's child tax credits will qualify leaving the poorest families out of for an increased credit and will 'a tax credit would be expanded to receive checks this summer.for an include them under another bill advance refund. approved by tre·Senate. But Cardinal McCarrick The original tax cut bill signed pointed out that the final bill does into law two weeks ago was called pot provide an expansion of that a disappointment by the chairman child tax credit to millions of.lowof the U.S. bishops' Committee on income families. Domestic Policy in a letter to "By dropping a provision inWhite House senior adviser Karl cluded in the ,Senate versiQn of the Rove. tax bill, close to 12 million chilThe U.S. bishops are "very dis- dren in low-income working famiappointed that the tax bi II just lies will receive little Or no benefit signed by the president does not from the final bill," the cardinal increase the refundable portion of said. "At a cost of $3.5 billion, this' the child tax credit," said the re- provision would have been just centleller from Cardinal Theodore one percent of the official $350 E. McCmTick of Washington. billion cost of the legislation. If the His was just one in a chorus of intent of the tax cut was to put· voices complaining about the bill's more money in .the hands of those ,exclusion of the poorest families . who need it most, these families with children from an expansion should have been included." of the credit. Democrats in the The bishops' conference House and Senate blocked several worked with the administration in routine bills in protest, before Sen- 2001 to ensure that the child credit ate leaders allowed a vote on a bill in that year's tax cut bill was re- . to include lower-wage families in fundable for low-income families, he said. the expanded credit. "However, the expansion.ofthe The $350 billiol'l tax cut measure signed by President Bush re- credit contained in the new tax law duces taxes paid by nearly every" does not provide similar benefit to one except single taxpayers who millions of low-income working make less than $6.000 and couples families with children," Cardinal ' who make le'ss than $12,000. It McCarrick wrote. "We urge you to act now to find also changes the income tax'rates for people whose income puts an effective way to expand the asthem in the middle- and upper- sistance provided to middle-inlevel tax brackets. come families, to working p09r Cardinal McCarrick's letter, famjlies and their children as and the critics in Congress, took well," he concluded. issue with the portion of the bill After some Republicans also that increases the amount of tax voiced their sUppOtt for expandcredits given to some families with ing the credit, the Senate quickly childrcn. Middle- and upper-in- drafted and approved the second

Diocese of Fall River


bill to expand the refundable portion of the credit to include all families. The House must act on the legislation by June 23 in order for the additional families to receive checks when 25 million other households will this summer. House Republican leaders argue that the law excludes the lowestinc'ome families on the grounds that the amount of income tax they pay falls below the necessary threshold. They point out that workers at the bottom of the wage scale already benefit from the earned income tax credit, which,can offset

all payroll taxes for some people. At least one Senate Republican, ~'This notion that we are not tak- , Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, ing care of the poor working fami- said even families who do not pay lies of this country is completely income tax.should be eligible for false," said House Majority the higher credit because they pay Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas. other kinds of federal' taxes, such DeLay previously h~d said that as Social Security and Medicare the House would not generate its taxes. own bill on the subject, though he wo'uld consider allowing a Senate bill to be heard in his chamber.

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His Excellency, the Most Reverend George, W. Coleman, Bishop-clect of Fall River. has accepted the resignations from the .Office of Pastor of the following:

• Free over-the-counter medicines • Free car seats for infants and children • Free bike helmets for children

Rev. Jose A.F. dos Santos, Our Lady of Health Parish: Fall River.. Rev. Roger D. LeDuc, Saint Louis de France Parish, Swansea.

Effective June 25, 2003 His Excellency, the Most Reverend George W. Coleman, Bishop-ciccI of Fall River, has announced the following appointments: Rev. Michael Camara, from Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, New Bedford, to Parochial Administrator, Our Lady of Health Parish, Fall River. Rev. Richard R. Gendreau, Pastor, Saint Michael Parish, Swansea, to Parochial Administrator, Saint Louis de France Par, ish. Swansea. Rev. Dermot R. Rodgers, Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of Viclory Parish. Centerville. to Parochial Administrator. Saint Michael Parish, Swansea. -

Effective June 25, 2003

• Free books for children on their birthdays through age 10 • Special programs for people with diabetes, asthma, or high blood pr.essure • Special help if you're having a baby For information on how to join the health plan that gives you more.

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Friday, June '13, 2003

-the moorin~

the living word

,Renewing the printed word, The recent management shakeup at The New York Times, the resignations of top editors and the admission of dubious reporting cla'ims are but a few indications of the sad state of today's journalism', Long considered the sacred cow of natiQnal newspapers, the Times has been thought by some to be the benchmark of American newspapers, The disclosure of faults and failures'is not solely a Times issue, but is also reflected in many of its ~atellite publications, The real problem of course is the desire to win Pulitzer prizes at any cost. This fixation had led to a reporting ,style that is nothing more than a feeding frenzy. Even the publisher of the Times re-' marked that the paper has to "focus ,again on producing the finest news reports we can." This admission of failure 'should echo in all of its subsidiarie's' newsrooms. ' . What we have been reading in the Times 'and' the BC!ston Globe ,is what is called advocacy journalism:, Straightforward reporting was substitut~d for subjective commentary. In some cases, printed stories were mere fantasies of reporters. This concept of making up stories that really do not exist is not the fault of the Times alone. Other papers reflecting explosive stories often;'ignore real truth and substitute fictitious tales from ihe writer's own poin~ of view. We often see this methodology employed in televi,sion reporting. The fact that this falsification l1)ind-set penetrates' the world of print is a sad commentary on today's secular press's attempt to win awards and sell p a p e r s . ' American journalism was once grounded in fair and open fac-. tual reporting. However. S9 many newspapers today are an extension of. bias and prejudicial attitudes. Political favoritism plays a, major role in the print media. Other forms of intolerance surface in special areas such as reporting religious fopics~ Certainly"amid the revelation of scandal of horrendous deeds in the Church, there' was woven a less than subtle anti-Catholiccommentary. Personal criticism and subjective reflections <;:re~te a double standard for reporting. On the surface, a given paper claims its dbjectivity and' fairness, but in fact practices neither, Publishers who allow this to be part of their paper's work ethic are affecting a grave public disservice. Editors who openly dominate newsrooms 'with their p~rsonal agendas simply have lost all concern for truth. I, In an age when fewer ,people are readi'ng daily papers, and more people are unable to read, one would think that there wO\Jld be a rethinking of how one would gain public confidence rather than manipulate it. People who felt that the Times was the Bible of journalism are fast becoming dishe~rtened and dispirited. Readers have the right to make up their own minds about issues. They too cifteu. presuppose that what they read in the papers is actuai, posi,tive and real. When, in fact. newspaper copy is subjective, introspective and partial, readers are led into a determination that is pure fabri- ' cation. This is more than a journalistic disaster; it is a complete affront to authentic values. ' ' , As the Times continues to straighten out its own ~ouse, let each of us be aware that what, we read in the paper can often be far removed from actual reality. The power of the written word is tremendous, When. used correctly. words have an ability to lift us tip. When they are prejudicial and bias they drag us down. We need always to renew and revive our journalistic standards. Let's hope that all in theyrint media tlike this to heart. .

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Letting go By

Gino paused, looked heaven- our life, giving us the grace to ward and shouted out, "Hey, is direct it according to his plan. If we 'could ever truly let go, there anyone else up there?" Interestingly, one of the laws our spirits would soar. But as' Most of us are like Gino, We of Zen is that a person not use the story of Gino DiSylvestro, want a way out of our predica- its art to design his or her own who h~d just purchased a new, ment, but when God prompts us plan. Zen isintended to make a red Ferrari. teaches us, our gri p to let go, we hold on to the pre- person free by encouraging its on life is extremely tight.' dicament more tightly than, students,to let go of their preconceived concepts. The art of As any of us would do, Gino ever. , immediately took his new car It is extremely difficult ~o let Zen is to make its students its The Exec;;utive Editor for a test run. Winding around - go 9f our control over events or, disCiples. Zen teaches: "If conmou'ntain curves and singing our isolated view of how things cepts have been extinguished "0 Sqla Mia," he forgot to pay should be; we' fear that if we do completely, then you may say attention to the road. Suddenly it will mean the end of our life anything as freely as you will. he lost control of the car, and as we know it. Fear 'par-alyzes And if concepts have been ex- . within split seconds he went us, ~ak!ng us lose heart. tinguished. y'our, words will flying out of' the car as it ca~ Events control us rather than surpass the eloquence of the reened off the mountain. As he we controlling them. The result most eloquent of worldly men." . ,." .' ." . ., .. began to fall, a tree growing on is that we lose our sense of freeSt. Luke tells us that Christ OFFICIAL'NEWSPAPEROFTHE Ol'OCESE,OF FALL RIVER the side of the mountain mi- dom., had the same concern: "Don't l Published weekiy bythe,Cathbli2Press*of'th Diocese of Fall River When are we ever truly free? , be concerned about what you raculously snagged him. " ' ; , : '·.,1~!'~"~:'~ .' ..... "-,,,_, .', ,.; t.' " . ,. . 887 Highland Ave,nued' ';'''::( ,~"'P.O:SOX 7,' " Dangling there half petri- ,When we let go, believing that are going to say, for I will give Fall\ River" MA,P2720',;i,:-:;'" ',' ,Fall River, MA 02722-0007 fied, he, began to pray aloud: "If God is in control and knows you the right words and such _ " . . t ",' _ • '.c-7': - :," ,: Telephone<508~,67,5,715J,,-: FA)( 508-()75-7048 ' logic that none of your oppoanyone is up there, please tell what is best for us. me what to do, please talk to , '. ,':"",E-~a,il,:,T~~Mqh~t~,N,1c,~~r!leYfs.orf''.. This is not reckless; rather it nents will be able to reply." , Send address chaflge's~ to~P.O:, Box;'caJl oi".useE-maii address me and show me a way out of '!J1eans we're putting' life in , Letting go means having ",'~ .~, this." proper perspective. So often we faith in God's plan for us, sit, .' :·Y EXECUTIVE,EDiTOR'· ' To his surprise, a voice came feel ,we are in charg~ of life; we, ting at his feet as' a disciple, sur. . ::; '; '.:' : I,:. Re";;M!>l;j'r. Jotin'F:MOore ' " ". '''~!7'''''' ,;,~>·. ::,,:~:,,,l,,~";~"; ';~'-.:'~,', ,~".-r ". ~ .. ~ , " from heaven whispering, direct and design it. Letting go rendering preconceived ideas ,EDITOR ";\:"":,'!:Ji:,':NEWS EDITOR '" OFFICE MANAGER "Gino,' Gino, let go.' Gino, let means r€;versing this order and and simply .listening to 'his '.. DavldB~ JOIl~ei::~11~;jilmis"N: O~nbti~\.~ , "Barbira M. Rels go, just let go." seeing that God is in charge of voice, . I. ~( ·.: •. 1·... ·~·<~· . . . ""d~~/1;~~";·~r<,.':·:':(:;,;:~\~:b"~! ;~.~. ":.:;.. '; <~

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the anchof(S)'

Friday. June 13, 2003

I've got the pigskin blues Patriots' place-kicker Adam at zero hour I jumped into the fray. waiting to pay a large amount of Vinatieri has yet to smack the pig- For 20 minutes I kept jumping into money to buy a sausage, pepper and skin with his piggies signaling the the fray, each time receiving the onion supreme and a beverage opening of the 2003 football season, heartbreaking message, "your re- .alJ while the action is taking place and I've already felt the sting of the quest cannot be processe9. try an- on the field. agony of defeat (no pU!1 intended. other event date." All I wanted were I thought about how) won't be though not bad). three lousy tickets for one lousy able to stand in a line twice as long For the first time I can as the food line to use the ..rest rooms - all while the recall, I was completely shut - - - - - - - - - - out from purchasing tickets action is taking place on the to at least one New England field. Patriots' home game - inI thought about how I cluding exhibition games! won't be able to try and I realize that a very large keep my toes warm sitting percentage of the seats for 300 feet above the playing By Da~e Jolivet surface, despite wearing each game are the property of season ticket holders, but ..... _ three pairs of hunting socks I never thought I'd be com' - all while the people in pletely on the outside lookirtg in! game - and n~thing! When the the club seating area are in The Patliots put a limited num- smoke cleared, I sat there wonder- shirtsleeves behind large glass panher of individual game tickets on sale ing just how ':Iimited".a number of· els as the action is .tl)king place on last Saturday via a major ticket tickets·were actually available. the field. I thought about how I won't be agency. Fans had the opportunity to Being a native New Englander. score the ducats either by phone,"E- and a life-long Red Sox fan, I natu- able to walk another mile back to mail or at the agency's satellite sites rally dwelt on the downside of all my cm: after the action has taken throughout New England. this. I thought about how I won't be place on the field so I can sit in a Having known about the ticket able to hop in the car on a cold, . marathon traffic jam to simply reach .sales a few days ip advance, I was windy Sunday morning so 1could Route I. And how I won't be able well prepared to grab my 'piece of . wait in traffic in order to pay a large to sit and wonderifI' II make it home the·pigskin pie. I scampered into The amount of money to park nearly a in timeto get to work by nine o'clock the next morning. Anchor office last Saturday mom- mile from the stadium. . And finally I thought about how ing ·to utilize my ultra-fast DSL I thought about how I won't be Internet connection. I opened three able to be the last link in a human I won't still 'have the chill in my separate ticket agency screens, and . chain winding around the concourse bones while trying to come up with

·My View

From the Stands


Letters to ·the Editor Editor: Is it possibl,e that we, as' Church, would be far stronger if we accepted marriage as a vocation the same as priesthood as a vocation? I like to believe that in God's eyes all vocations: marriage, religious, single life and the priesthood are important and actually necessary to make us the true Church. We need education to believe and accept this. We constantly pray for vocations to the priesthood. But maybe if we prayed more often· to strengthen all vocations we might be more successful in having stronger marriages - as well as those in other vocations - committed to our Church and to God. Is it not realistic to think that most vocations to the priesthood come from families who have strong commitments to each other? Instead of negative reactions to a secl!lar view of marriage. let Us pray for better understanding of the sacrament of marriage as well as mutual respect for those choosing other vocations, and for the realization we all need each other to make a true Church. Let us begin by praying and listening to each other.

Carol Markey Mattapoisett Editor:


Standing in front of an abortion facility in New Bedford, I . wonder how it could ever have come to this. Thousands of babies have been aborted here and I have done little to prevent it, although I consider myself to be Pro-Life. The women who come here are 'in desperate need of help. Seeing

no other way out, they are mo- vigil at the abortion facility. and ments away from doing some- reminding me of the need for conthing they will remember and stant prayer to end abortion. I also must live with all their lives. Their .thank the Pro-Life councilors for decision to abort their child is ir- the time they generously volunreversible. That is why Pro-Life teer to help women who have uncouncilors with accurate fetal de- planned pregnancies. They have velopment information, including saved unborn children from beorganizations offering .adoption ing aborted. I need to do more. options, friendship and especially Won't you help too? For informapr.ayer, volunteer their time tion about saving lives call Mary' weekly. I thank the Franciscan Ann Booth' at 508-636-4903. Mary Ann Booth Friars of the Primitive ObserDartmouth vance for sponsoring this 24-hour

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51 . a n~w column that next Tuesday. better not gqing to Gillette Stadium No, sadly, I won't have any of this year. But real football fans will that fun this fall and winter. Instead, 'understand how I so wanted to get I'll have the best view.of the game stuck in traffic jams; wait in line for on a 25-inch television, in the . exorbitant goodies; miss half the warmth of a living room only a few game waiting to use the rest rooms; feet away from an unoccupied bath- nearly freeze to death in the upper room. I'll also be able to have two stratosphere; and then spend hours sausage, pepper and onion supremes in a big, friendly parking lot exodus. without jeopardizing my eight-year- Oh great, I've just depressed myself Old's college fund. And when the again. . game is over, I'll be able.to watch Dave Jolivet, editor of The the four o'clock game in the same Anchor, is a former sports edi· cozy confines, and when that's done, tor/writer, and regularly gives the 8:30 p.m. ESPN game of the one fan's perspective on the week. unique world of sports. To the average human being, it 'Comments are welcome at probably sounds like I'll m~e out dave;olivet@anchomews.org.

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Friday, June:13, 20"03]

A man who loved Gregorian Chant Sadly, Marier died in February advancing the studies of this chant. Few people were as I~cky as I was as a child when it came to Mother Benedict Duss, abbess 2001. At his wake, his daughter at the time, invited him to teach the Suzanne Rogers told Mother Anne Church music. I grew up in the she had made a promise to her nuns, and this chant master, parish of the Cathedral of the father that his unfinished' book, '.'A already renowned for his, scholarImmaculate Conception in . Gregorian Chant Master Class," ship and founding of the Boston ATTLEBORO - Healing formation contact Bea Martins at Albany, N.Y., where we had an would be published. and by the at St. Archdiocesan Choir School incredible choir master, Profes~or services will be held at the' La 508-678-3351 or Maddy Lavoie Paul's in Cambridge, Mass., said abbey. . Francis Walsh. He especially 'Salette Shri'ne Sunday, in Portu- at 508-672-6900. "I had no idea how we were yes. loved Gregorian Chant, and guese, and June 29 at 2 p.m. in because he did a good . going to do it," said NEW BEDFORD - The English. For more information Mother Anne. "Then I got selling job on its beauty call 508-222-5410. Courage Group will meet Satur- . and importance, the a phone call from a man day at 7 p.m. the rectory of pastor gave him permisnamed Scott Turkington, a ATTLEBORO - The an- Holy N,ame of the Sacred Heart sion to teach all of us choir director and organist nual procession and Mas's in of Jesus Parish: Courage is a sup- children, from fifth- to .. ~Line at St. John's Church in honoi· of the Holy Sgirit will be 'port'group for Catholic men and eighth-grade, this simple, Stamford, Conn. He 'said a celebrated Sunday at Holy Ghost wpmen' who are confront~ng eloquent music. woman had been here By'Antoinette Bosco Church. 7\ Linden Street. 'The same sex attraction issues and : I hadn't heard who told him he had to get processiQn will begin at 9 a.m. who a·r.e striving to lead. chaste Gregorian Chant for . L..----------L~ ~ to the abbey. On the phone and Mass will follow. Guest lives. For ~ore information call decades until I started I discovered he knew Dr. homilist is Deacon Tom Souza. Msgr. Thomas Harri ngtonat going to the Abbey of R~gina This was J!1e beginning bf a long Marier very well. I almost fell of Traditional free sopas will be 508-992-3184. . '. Laudis in Bethlehem, Conn., a relationship. In time, ne inspired the stool!" community of Benedictine nuns . them to produCe two beautiful CDs. Turkington, who had worked served in the church hall after for years with the chant master, ·Mass. NEW BEDFORD - Calix, who, admirably, live comfortably . First was "Women in Chant," where the nuns offered Gregorian wasted no time getting to the a group which enlists Catholic with both tradition.and the p~sent. It was in the early. '90s, at a special for the "Festal Celebrations chants abbey and meeting Mother Anne. FALL RIVER - The Chap- men and women who are grateor'the Vilgin Martyrs and Our Lady They both .I,<.new this was more .let of Divine Mercy is recited ev- fplly celebrating recovery from morning high Mass in Latin, with . than a coincidence! ofSo.rrows.",Then in 2001 came ery Wednesday at 3 p.m. at Holy alcoholism, drug addiction and the nuns providing the music, that , I,savored "Women the familiar tones of the in Chant Recordm'e Shming how 'intensely Marier Name Church, 709 Hanover. other dependencies will meet beautiful Gregorian Chant first. Remembering tJie Mysteties in the wanted to finish his book, they. Street. The sacrament of n~con­ Sunday at 6.:30 p.m. at the parheard in my school days. . Life of Jesus, Son of Mary." began a collaboration that now has ciliation will be available. For ish center of. Holy Name of the Marier's special "student" at It was somewhat later that I met cmned out Mmier's dream. With mOI'e information call 508-679- Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. Theodore Mmier, the'man who '. the abbey was Mother Anne. He voices from the nuns of the abbey • 6732.' Newcomers always welcome. had taught the nuns to sing this had told her of his heart's desire, to and the men's choir from St. music so professionally. He 'wasn't produce a book of ins.tructions for • John's directed by Turkington, the FA LL RIVER 'Fhe NORTH FALMOUTH ~ A a johnny-come-lately to fhe abbey. . leaming to sing Gregorian Chant, . packaged book and CD now have .Hudner Oncology Center' at Cancer Support Group meets at He had been their teacher for more with a CD of sung models and bee'1 completed. Saint Anne's Hospital is offering St. Elizabeth Seton Parish every than 30 years after being brought spoken instlUctions. "He wanted to . The book and CD can be an education and support series third Wednesdayor' the month-at -to the abbey oy Dom Joseph communicate the things he had purch~ecl from the Abbey of ' Jor cancer patients on Wednes- 7 p.m. For more information call Gajard of Solesmes Abbey in . Regina Laudis: learned that make chant a living , days from 5-6 p.m. in room 220 508-563-7770. France, tpe monastery famous prayer, sung beautifu.lly," said www.abbeyofreginalaudis.com; ) ,of Clemence Hall. For mOI'e inworldwide for preserving and Mother Anne.' telephone: 203-266~ 1727., . formation call Mark Theodore at' POCASSET - The 10th an508-674-5600 ext. 2279. nual Mass ofthe.Anointing of the. Sick will be celebrated June 29 MASHPEE - The Third Or- at 2 p.m. at St. John the EvangeQ. What is a doctor of the to deal with this danger to the sacrament of penance. der of Carmelites will meet Sun- list Church, 841 Shore Road. For Church? For example, the health? (pennsylvania) However, there is, according to day at 5:30 p.m. in St: Jude's more information call. Betty . introduction to "Philothea" by A. By coincidence, your the BCL, no evidence that Chapel at Christ the King Church Ka"'limer at 508-563-9020. St.' Francis de Sales describes question anived in the same mail widespread litulgical adaptations fch prayer. rosary and. study. For him as a doctor of the Church. as a newsletter on the subject from for,the prevention of transmission more information call.Dottie SEEKONK- A Life in the St. Augustine and St. Therese of the American Bishops' Committee of SARS m'e needed at this time. Cawley al 508-477-27~8. Spirit Weekend will be held at the Child JesiJs are mentioned on the Liturgy. It responds well to Again; according to the Centers your concerns, and desclibes what St. Mary's Parish Center July 18- also. Why are they called , for Disease Control. cases of the BCL is learning and doing SARS continue to be repOIted MISC~LLANEOUS - The 20. The weekend conciudes with doctors? . A. Doctor of the Church is a about coping with the problem.. primmily among people who Greater Fall River Citizens' for the celeoration .of Mass at 3:30 The BCL quotes the national traveled to affected m-cas or who in Life Chapter will be participat- p.m. followed by dinner. For title given ~ince the Middle Ages some cases have cared ing in the Massachusetts·Citizens more information call Rita , to theologians, men and women, o'f acknowledged for or lived with a SARS for Life "Brave New World" Beaudet at 508-399-7519. holiness and knowledge patient. To protect U.S. conference on June 21 from 8:30 and whose writings residents, people . a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Boston WEST HARWICH - The suspected of having' College's Devlin Hall. Father Celebrate Life CommitJee of Holy teachings have been of SARS ([J'e isolated from Tadellsz Pacholczyk of St. Trinity Parish 'will hold its monthly exceptional value to lhe Church. ("Doctor" is others, receive car-c and Patrick's Parish Falmouth will Holy Hour on June 22 at I:30 p.m. l3y Father Latin for "teacher.") are carefully monitored. participate. Topics include in at Holy Trinity Church, 246 Main OrigimJly,'the four John J. Dietzen who may have Travelers vitro fertilization, stem-cell re- Street. All· invited to pray for an most notable do<:;tors were been exposed l-cceive search, and cl~ning. For more in- end to abortion. Sts. Augustine, Gregory insuuctions on what they the: Great, Jerome and Ambrose. Centers for'Disease Control on the should do if they become ill. The list has grown now. to about. best way to prevent transmission No general plans exist, thel-c33. Presently the title is granted to . of SARS (Severe Acute Respirafore, to change the liturgy because persons of distinguished wisdom tory Syndrome). ''As with other of the SARS outbreak. The and sanctity by action of the pope. .infectious illnesses, one of the SecretaIiat for the Litulgy in Three dodors of the Church are most important ane;! appropriale Washington will continue to FALL RIVER The high practice standards and evalu- women: Sts. Catherine of Siena preventive practices is careful and monitor the situation to provide FIRSTFED .Center for Breast ations are conducted' by board- (died'1380), Teresa of Avila (d. frequent hand hygiene. Cleaning . the best possible advice to , , Care at Saint Anne's Hospital has . certified physiciafls and med,ical 1582), and Therese of the Child, diocesan bishops. " . your hands often using either soap been awarded. a three-year ac- physicists. . Jesus (d. 1897). .. and water or waterless alcoholEven in these circumstances it is creditation in stereotactic breast The hospital's service is ac- / Q. I am a nurse. In light of baseCt han9 sanjtizers removes necessary to remember that bishops biopsy imaging services as the credited for mass and calcjfica- ' the SARS infections, I'm potentially infectious materials are still responsible for liturgical result of a recent survey by the tion core-needle biopsy proce- concerned about' the continuing from your skin and helps prevent practices in their dioceses. Thus, no American College of Radiology's . dures thatmay be used as an al- practice of the sign of peace in disease tran·smission." . priests or laypersons have authotity Committee on Stereotactic Breast ternativ'e to excisional biopsy. our parish. ShoUldn't that be . In some heavily affected areas . on their own to change or l-csuict Biopsy Accreditation. For more information visit eliminated now to protect people bishops have introdl,lced measures options in the celebration of the Accreditation is awarded to ,Saint Anne's Website: from beComing infected? Is, the . regarding the distribution of holy' liturgy without consulting the facilities for the achievement of www.saintanneshospital.org. Catholic Church iloing anything Communion, the sign of peace and diocesan bishop. .


The 8ottom.

.. ·

.Doctor of the Church




Saint 'Anne's Hospital receives new accreditation

friday, June 13,2003

Cardinal praises House vote on partial-birth abortion ban The bill prohibits doctors from WASHINGTON (CNS) reference to the amendment in his The House's 282-139 recent vote June 4 statement, but in a May 30 committing an "overt act" dein favor of a ban on partial-birth letter to fellow bishops about the signed to kill a partially delivered abortions moves the nation one upcoming vote he said, "This fetus and includes an exemption step closer to achieving a goal problematic amendment will need in cases where the procedure is necessary to save the life of sought by most Americans, the mother. Cardinal Anthony J. Specifically, it defines Bevilacqua of Philadelphia "Nothing in our Constitution de- partial-birth abortion as one said in a statement. "In voting to ban this mands that unborn children must be in which either "any part of procedure, one of the most subjected to a proCedure so violent and the fetal trunk past the naheinous acts ever perpe- so painful," Cardinal Bevilacqua said. vel" (in a breech presentaor "the entire fetal trated upon an unborn child, "To allow the brutal killing of a child tion) head" is delivered outside Congress is in harmony with the vast majority of mere inches from being born is bar- the body of the mother beAmericans who find this baric," he added. ''To cloak the act in fore the baby is killed. Cardinal Bevilacqua violent act intolerable and the Constitution is a national disgrace." noted that opponents of the want it stopped," said the ban have pledged to "chalcardinal, who chairs the U.S. bishops' Committee on Pro- to be removed in a conference lenge the constitutionality of the Life Activities. committee before the president Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in The Senate voted 64-33 in fa- will sign the ban into law. There court." "Nothing in our Constitution vor of the ban March 13. Presi- is no scheduled timeline for this demands that unborn children dent Bush has promised to sign to happen." the legislation, which was twice After any conference commit- must be subjected to a procedure vetoed by President Clinton. tee changes, both the House and so violent and so painful," he But before it goes to the presi- Senate will need to vote again on said. "To allow the brutal killing of dent. the legislation must head to the legislation. conference committee because of Shortly before the House vote, a child mere inches from being a Senate-passed amendment. Ap- the White House issued a "state- born is barbaric," he added. "To proved in the form of a nonbind- ment of administration policy" ing resolution, the amendment en- urging enactment of the legisladorses Roe v. Wade. the 1973 de- tion without any significant cision that removed most state re- amendments. "The administration strictions on abortion, and says it strongly believes that enactment secured an "important constitu- of H.R. 760 is both morally imtional right." perative and constitutionally perCardinal Bevilacqua made no missible," it said.

cloak the act in the Constitution is a national disgrace." In 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a Nebraska law banning partial-birth abortion in its Stenberg v. Carhart decision, saying that the procedure was protected under Roe v. Wade and that the ban was unconstitutional because it did not provide an exception for the safety of the mother. Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., the chief Senate sponsor of the legislation, said in March that the new legislation directly addresses the constitutional problems put forward in the vaguely worded Nebraska case by including pages of medical findings proving that "partial-birth abortion is never necessary to preserve the health of a woman," that it "poses serious risks to a woman's health" and that it "lies outside the standard of care." The House vote also drew praise from Carl Anderson, supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, and Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee, among others. "For almost a decade now, countless Americans, including the members of the Knights of Columbus, have worked long

and hard to achieve this ban," Anderson said in a statement. "We must now continue this work, and make the partial-birth abortion ban a foundation on which to build a renewed culture of life." Johnson expressed hope that the legislation would prevail in its next challenge before the Supreme Court. "Two-thirds of Congress, 70 percent of the public, and four Supreme Court justices say there is no constitutional light to deliver most of a living baby and then puncture her head with a scissors," he said. "But Five Supreme Court justices have said that the right of abortionists to perform partial-birth abortion is guaranteed by Roe v. Wade. We hope that by the time this ban reaches the Supreme Court at least five justices will be willing to reject such extremism." But Kate Michelman, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, the organization formerly known as the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League. called the legislation "a broad. unconstitutional bill which sacrifices women's health and future fertility on the altar of extreme rightwing ideology."

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Fall River diocese marks its centennial The following are the next in a series of historical sketches of the parishes comprising the Diocese of Fall River, founded in 1904. The series will run in chronological order from oldest to newest parish, according to diocesan archives, concluding in March, 2004, the centennial anniversary of the diocese. Please note that ALL parish histories will nm in the order they were founded - including parishes that have been suppressed or merged. Histories ofmerged parishes will run according to the time-line.

St. Stanislaus Parish, Fall River Construction of a new church, returned to his native Poland. Father Lawrence Malecki suc- attached to the school, began in ceeded Father Basinski, and he soon 1992. During the construction pepurchased a three-story home on riod the students were moved to the Broadway to serve as the Sisters' former St. Patrick's School a few blocks away. Bishop Sean P. convent. Following the establishment of O'Malley, OFM Cap., dedicated the the Diocese of Fall River in 1904, new church in November of 1994. Father Malecki was recalled to serve A delegation of Felician Sisters, as pastor in Quidnick, R.I. Father whose presence was so vital at the John Nowicki replaced him and school for decades, attended the served the parish as pastor until dedication. 1918, at which time Bishop Daniel The site of the former church was Feehan appointed Father Hugo transformed into a garden playEmanuel Dylla pastor, a position he ground for the school children. would hold until his death in 1966. The parish celebrated it's centenFire damaged the church struc- nial in 1998 with a number ofevents ture in 1951. Extensive renovations and pilgrimages. were needed and a new organ was On May 8, 2002, Father Bruce purchased and bells installed. M. Neylon was appointed eighth ST. STANISLAUS CHURCti, In 1963, the church received new pastor of St. Stanislaus Parish, reFAI:-L RIVE~ stained glass windows, the work of turning to his childhood neighrorthe Trappist monks of St.. Joseph's . hood. Abbey in Spencer. The following St. Stanislaus Parish continues to year, a new 4;O-foot fiberglass steeple be a vibrant parish, maintaining was erected. many of the Polish traditions that Shortly before Father Dylla's have been a part of its culture. ,death in 1966, ground was broken The school also continues to be .for a new school building across the an important part ofthe parish. Prin"" ~~.~.'.:I路 .;;.. sm:e the chlirch. Father Dylla ,'CipalDenitaTremblay is retiring this .died'on September 10 andon Sep- month after serving in thatcapacity tember 15, Father Robert Kaszynski for 20 years. Jean Willis will sucwas named pastor. ceed her. On May 6, 1967 Bishop James The permanent deacon is L. Connolly dedicated the new Franciszek W. Mis. The church school. is located at 36 Rockland Street, In April of 1991 the church build- Fall River, MA 02724. The teleing was completely destroyed by phone number is 508-672-0423, fire. As the building burned, parish- and the FAX is 508-677-1378. ioners rescued many of the church's The parish Website address is treasures. www.saintstanislaus.com/.

FALL RIVER - As southeast- for services. Later a school near the ern Massachusetts became more in- Cathedral was regularly used for. dustrialized in the late 1800s, more worship with Polish priests coming and more immigrants came to the to serve from as far away as Bos- .. region to seek a better life for them- .ton. . Bishop Matthew Harkins initi-:: selves and theirfamilies. Toward the turn of the century many of the im- cited plans for the establishment of a migrants came from the partitioned Polish-speaking parish under the Poland after its futile attempt for in- patronage of St. Stanislaus. dependence in 1863. A two-family dwelling on Many of the Polish immigrants Rockland Street was purchased settled in Fall River, which was part and served as a place of worship of the Diocese of Providence at the with Father Peter Guzik as the time. Since there were no parish fa- parish's first pastor. The first bapcilities to meet the needs of the Pol- tism took place at the home on ish-speaking residents, they utilized October 21, 1898. The cornerstone St. Mary's Church on Spring Street for a new church building was laid

on Feb. 26, 1899. Father Guzik remained pastor until April 1902, at which time Congregation ofthe Resurrection Father Joseph Ziemba served as interim pastor until Father Peter Basinski was named pastor in June of that year. The new parish had grown to 300 families by then. In 1906, Father Basinski established St. Stanislaus School, staffed by the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice (Felician Sisters), who were housed on the second floor of the school building. Shortly after organizing the school program, Father Basinski


St. Roch's Parish, Fall River FALL RIVER - In 1910 Pine Street between Orange and Mayor John Coughlin said in one Tremont streets for $18,000, of his speeches that "Father which included several Granite Theodule Guiguere and the St. Mill houses for its workers. The Roch (parish) have done more middle of the land was empty for the area that 50 policemen and by October a temporary could have done." church was ready for parish use. This was the public estimate Included in the church building of the influence of St. Roch's were a hall and school. Parish which was at that time The houses remained, one to only II years old. be used as a rectory, the other for Established by Bishop Mat- a convent. thew Harkins of Providence on The first teachers were lay May 2, 1899, to serve the city's people but in 1902 the pastor growing French-Canadian popu- went to Europe and brought back lation, the parish was situated in the Sisters of St. Joseph du Puy, a poor section in the middle of who made the first U.S. foundathe city. It was named by its first tion of the order at St. Roch's. pastor in honor of the parish in A fine musician, Father which he had been born, St. Guiguere passed on his talents to Roch's in Quebec, Canada. many students. Father Guiguere celebrated In 1917 Father Damase Robthe first Mass in the parish on ert, who later became a monsiMay 8, 1899 in a temporary gnor, became the second pastor. chapel at the corner of Oak and He razed alI but the church, recBedford streets, and immediately tory and convent and redecorated set about acquiring land for and stuccoed them. buildings. Fathers Charles E. Clerk and He purchased property on Philias Jalbert carried on the re-

building. Father Adrian Gauthier faced a parish debt of $54,000 in the middle of the Depression. He founded a chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society to help parishioners in those difficult times. Other parish societies took up the burden as well. Under Father Reginald Barrette in 1950 the property was refurbished and in 1960 Father George S. Daigle was completing the work. He was succeeded by Father Rene Gauthier. When the parish celebrated its diamond jubilee in 1974, Father Roland Bousquet was the pastor. Father Lucien Jusseaume was the pastor, when Bishop Daniel A. Cronin announced that St. Roch's would close following Sunday Masses on June 27, 1982. Bishop Cronin reported that demographic changes in the central section of the city contributed to a decline of parishioners, which at the time of the announcement, numbered only 100.


Friday, June 13, 2003

the anchof(S)


Vatican museums seeking tomorrow's masters today VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Filled to the brim the contemporary art collection at the Vatican. A with masterpieces from the Renaissance and other great lover of modern art, the late pope wanted to golden ages of art, the Vatican museums are search- build on the Vatican's traditional role as a patron of ing for something new. artistic expression. Over the last 30 years, the museums have acBut unlike Renaissance pontiffs, Pope Paul did quired more than 500 works of modern art, adding not have the world's best artists at his beck and call. to a contemporary collection that most visitors never Nor did he have strongboxes full of gold to comsee - in fact, they mission works like don't even know it Michelangelo's exists. Sistine Chapel fresThe acquisitions coes or his marble leave some people Pieta. puzzled. When you're Instead, the flush with paintings, Vatican relies on doetchings, statues and nations to fill its conmodels by renowned temporary collection. masters, why fill up Works come from the storerooms with artists themselves, or works by relative unfrom heirs, foundaknowns? tions, collectors and "If the popes of corporations. previous centuries Not all the works had taken that attiare accepted, and that tude, we wouldn't can present a delicate have the great collecproblem. They are tion we do today," evaluated by experts said Francesco and voted on by a Buranelli, director of commission before the Vatican Museums. they become part of the Vatican's collec"Our role is to document the times tion. The Vatican, in we live in, not only the centuries of the line with Pope Paul's past," he said. belief that all true art To highlight the is spiritual, is not just latest artistic arrivals, looking for works with religious themes. in late May the muse"The idea is that ums opened an exthe sacred nature of hibit of more than 50 new works of contemAN OIL painting of Christ's crucifixion by Italian art is not only found porary art, selected futurist Gerardo Dottori is among the modern works in the subject matter. fr~m 360 works ac- of art on display in a special exhibit at the Vatican All art can be linked qUlred between 1980 Museums. (CNS photo courtesy Vatican Museums) to the divine," Forti said. and 2003. Housed in a section of the museums' vast The current exhibit reflects that principle. A entryway, the exhibit catches visitors before they've 1984 work titled "Four Generations" by Ameribeen exhausted by the miles of paintings, statues can painter Will Barnet is a stark and realistic portrait of family members. Nearby, a powerful alleand tapestries on display inside. The works range from an abstract rendition of a gorical painting by Antonio Santagata depicts prayfallen angel to an expressionistic still life with fish. ing figures standing in a landscape of blood-red Most tourists would not recognize the names of thorns. these artists, who worked in the 19th and 20th cenThe exhibit is also meant to celebrate the 25th year of Pope John Paul II's pontificate. All the works turies. In the eyes of museum officials, the show is giv- on display were acquired during his papacy, and a ing modern paintings a much-deserved day in the few of them feature the current pope. The most striking is a painting by Spanish sun after years in storage. "We have a big problem of not enough space," neorealist Pedro Cano. Titled "The Embrace," it desaid Micol Forti, curator of the Vatican's contem- picts the famous scene in 1978, when the newly elected pontiff hugged Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, porary art collection. It was Pope Paul VI who launched the idea of the old warrior of the Polish Church.

Pauline B~oks publishes comic book on mysteries ofrosary BOSTON (CNS) - Pauline Books and Media has published the Rosary Comic Book, a 56page comic book adaptation of the mysteries of the rosary. The comic book contains instructions on how to pray the rosary, the full text of all the prayers of the rosary, and the luminous mysteries, which were recently introduced by Pope John Paul n. Cartoonist Gene Yang, who wrote and illustrated the comic book, said he hopes the work will prove useful to Catholic children, their parents and their teachers. "As a child I didn't really understand that the

rosary was meant to be a meditation on Christ's life - it just seemed like a bunch of words I had to say over and over and over," Yang said. "I'm hoping that this comic book will help today's kids understand what I didn't." The comic book can be read as a regular comic book or used in prayer, with the panels taking the place of the beads of a traditional rosary chain. It is part of a product line released in May by Pauline Books and Media to commemorate the Year of the Rosary and the month of Mary. The Rosary Comic Book may be purchased online at www.pauline.org/store.

DOMINICAN SISTER Marie Hannah stands behind a rendering of the new addition to the St. Cecilia Dominicans Mothertlouse in Nashville, Tenn., during a recent groundbreaking ceremony. (CNS photo by Andy Telli, Tennessee Register,

Growing number ofDominican Sisters prompts $35M addition ~

Congregation of young religious is bucking the trend of dwindling vocations.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (CNS) The Dominican Sisters ofSt. Cecilia congregation is growing, and so is its motherhouse in Nashville. The sisters hosted friends, family and supporters in mid-May for the groundbreaking and blessing of a renovation ofthe motherhouse and an addition that will more than double its size. Included in the addition will be a new chapel, dining facilities, infirmary and 160 living quarters, called cells, for the sisters. "Growth is a wonderful gift;' said Mother Rose Marie Masserano, prioress general of the congregation. "We think God is asking something of us." The groundbreaking ceremonies, which featured music performed by the sisters and some of it composed by the sisters, also served as the launch for the second phase of the fund-raising campaign for the addition and renovation. The first phase has raised $28 million in pledges and donations. The goal for the second phase is to bring the total to $35 million, which would make the renovation and addition one ofthe largest projects ever undertaken in the Diocese of Nashville. The success of the fund-raising campaign so far has been "miraculous;' said William Burleigh ofCincinnati, chairman of E.W. Scripps Co. and chairman of the fund-raising campaign. Burleigh's daughter, Dominican Sister Anne Catherine, is a member of the congregation. "The story tells itself," said Burleigh, noting that the growth in vocations among the St. Cecilia Dominicans is bucking the trend of declining vocations for religious orders across the country. "Peoplejust want to help." Over the last decade, the congregation has seen steady growth and now has 200 sisters, the largest nurn-

ber in its history. The congregation also stands out because so many of its members are young. Sixty-one percent ofthe congregation is under 40 years old, and the average age of the sisters is 34. Burleigh said donations and pledges have come from people across the country, including some who live outside the communities where the congregation has sisters teaching. The motherhouse, added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1971, is located atop a hill overlooking downtown Nashville. It was built after four Dominican Sisters came to Nashville from Somerset, Ohio, in 1860 to open a boarding school for girls. The 100,OOO-square-foot addition will connect to the end of the 1904 addition and be built in a Ushape. On one side of the "U" will be the 160 cells and on the other will be a new 12,752-square-foot chapel large enough for all the sisters to gather for prayers and Mass. The addition also will include an interior courtyard, an expanded library and archives room, an elevator, an infirmary and a new dining hall and kitchen. When the addition is complete, the existing 84,000-square-foot motherhouse will be renovated. That is expected to take 16 months to complete. The addition imd renovation are estimated to cost $29 million. Throughout the design process, Mother Rose Marie pushed to keep the building as simple as possible to be consistent with the sisters' vow of poverty, Burleigh said. "If there's any extras in the building, they're pouring it into the chapel;' he added. The St. Cecilia congregation, in the Dominican tradition, combines monastic practices and the ministry of education. The sisters educate more than 8,000 students in 25 Catholic schools in nine states: Tennessee, Alabama, Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Ohio and Virginia.


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u.s. bishops' president urges Bush to secure peace in Holy Land¡ Bv STEPHEN STEELE CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTON - Religious extremists must not be allowed to derail the U.S.-backed peace plan in the Holy Land. the president of the U.S. bishops' conference told U.S. President George W. Bush. Bishop Wilton D. Gregory of Belleville, IlI., told Bush in a recent letter that Chllrch leaders were "concerned that every effort is made to resist extremists on both sides who use religion to justify violence and terrorism or to justify opposition to negotiation and compromise. especially over territory." "Those involved in the process cannot permit extremists in either community to undermine or destroy prospects for a just peace through unjustitied terrorist violence or the denial of legitimate aspirations to live in their own homeland in dignity and peace," he said. Bishop Gregory said the United States had a "special responsibility" to secure peace in the Holy Land and that the peace process needed strong support from the rest of the international community. "For that reason, your direct and sustained involvement is most welcome and necessary," Bishop Gregory told Bush. The bishop said the Catholic Church in the United States strongly supports the "survival and security of Israel," but also supports the "legitimate aspirations" for an independent Palestinian state. Bishop Gregory said Israelis and Palestinians had legitimate grievances that need to be addressed in order to have a lasting peace. He said the failure of some Palestinians to recognize Israel's

right to exist within securebordel'S and Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories and expansion of Jewish settlements were fundamental obstacles to peace. In an effort to get regional support for the U.S.-backed "road map" plan, which envisions a Palestinian state by 2005, Bush planned a summit in Egypt with Arab leaders and a later meeting with Israel's prime minister. The meetings were to be Bush's first personal Mid~lc East peace mission. On June 2, as a U.S.-backed peace plan began taking shape in the Middle East, Pope John Paul II and top Vatican officials met U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell for talks on ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In another meeting the same morning, the pope detailed the Vatican's vision of lasting regional peace - including independent and sovereign Israeli and Palestinian states - to Israel's new ambassador to the Vatican. The 83-year-old pontiff, looking in good form, chatted easily with Powell before and after their 30-minute meeting and stood unassisted to bid him goodbye. The pontiff sent his regards to President Bush and said "God bless America" after the meeting. ' Powell then met for an hour with Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, and Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, the Vatican's equivalent of foreign minister. U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican Jim Nicholson said the meetings, which he attended,offered a chance "to have a real, thorough wringing out" on many issues of Vatican and U.S. concern. He told Catholic News Service the talks were "very positive, very cordial" and went longer than expected.

ISRAELI PRIME Minister Ariel Sharon, right, and Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas shake hands as U.S. President George W. Bush watches after making Closing statements following their recent summit meeting in Aqaba, Jordan. (CNS photo from Reuters)

FATHER ROBERT Oliver points out elements of the Boston Archdiocese's new "Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Children" during a press conference in Boston recently. The priest said that the majority of the policies had been in effect for almost a year. (CNS photo from Reuters)

Boston issues new policy to prevent clergy sex abuse Bv CATHOUC


BOSTON - The Boston Archdiocese, where investigations of clergy sex abuse against minors led to the resignation last December of Cardinal Bernard F. Law, has issued a 112-page policy to prevent further abuses. It requires clergy, archdiocesan personnel and Church volunteers to report knowledge of sexual abuse of minors or reasonable suspicion of it to civil and Church authorities. It also pledges archdiocesan cooperation with civil authorities. Underthe policy, allegations are to be investigated by a diocesan review board which is to make recommendations to the archbishop. It also outlines programs for teaching about and preventing sex abuse in parishes and Catholic schools. "Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Children" was released May 30 and posted on the archdiocesan Website. Once the archdiocese starts a preliminary investigation against an accused cleric, the archbishop may request the accused to voluntarily refrain from public exercise of ministry or he may "decree the removal orthe faculties of a cleric for the duration of the preliminary investigation," the policy states. News investigations and court proceedings last year turned up evidence that in past decades the archdiocese had tried to cover up abuse cases and had transferred to other parishes or Church posts some priests known to Church authorities to have abused minors. Cardinal Law stepped down as head of the archdiocese last Decembel' 13 when Pope John Paul II accepted his resignation. Father Robert Oliver, an archdiocesan canon lawyer who directed the drafting of the new procedures, said they are the archdiocese's set of rules for applying universal and national Church

law on the protection of children. Many of the policies promulgated have been in use in .the archdiocese for several months. The policy document describes the work of different offices that have been established to handle allegations. and to prevent future abuses. These include the Office of Healing and Assistance Ministry; the Office of Child Advocacy, Implementation and Oversight; and the review board, made up of mainly lay people. "We've been restructuring all of our offices, changing entirely how we handle not only allegations and how they are received, but how we can give support to persons who have been hurt, how we are training everybody in the archdiocese to recognize signs of abuse and how we've instituted mandated reporting," Father Oliver said. The drafting of a new procedures was announced by Cardinal

Law in January 2002 and termed the "zero tolerance policy." It built on the 1993 archdiocesan policy. The revising Of the 1993 policy began with the creation of the Cardinal's Commission for the Protection of Children, established in late January 2002. The archdiocese took its recommendations and consulted with the priests' council, the pastoral council, pastors, theologians, canon lawyers and lay people. Father Oliver said that the new policy goes beyond the requirements of civil law in requiring all clergy, archdiocesan personnel and volunteers to report suspected child abuse to authorities. He noted that the policy outlines a "clear procedure that (the priests) will understand so that at each stage of the process they know what will happen, what is expected of them, and then what potentially could happen with the information that is gathered."

Pope says media can help peace by favoring reconciliation, respect In his written message for this VATICAN CITY (CNS) Pope John Paul II, marking World year's World Communications Communications Day, said the Day, issued in January, the pope mass media can serve the cause of said the media often shape attipeace by favoring reconciliation, tudes about such global problems. understanding and mutual respect. as terrorism, conflict in the Middle Speaking at a noon blessing Eas~, injustice and assaults upon from his Vatican apartment win- the sanctity of human life. He said the media's power "is dow, the pope invoked a special blessing on journalists, especially such that in a few short days they those working in Catholic media. can create the positive or negative "In effect, the communications public reaction to events which media can make a valuable con- ¡suit their purposes." "Such enormous power" calls tribution to peace, tearing down the barriers of mistrust, encourag- for the highest standards of coming understanding and mutual re- mitment to truth and goodness," he . spect, and, even more, promoting . said.' He said those who work in the reconciliation and mercy," he said. "Therefore, it is by virtue of media must particularly avoid settheir vocation and their profession ting groups against each other for that those working in the mass reasons of class con"flict, exaggermedia are also called to be peace- ated nationalism, raCial supremacy or religion... makers," he said.




Friday, June 13, 2003

Catholic Charities Appeal returns




John Goldpaugh, MIM Charles Oliver, St. Anthony of Padua: $225-M/ St. Joseph: $250-M/M James MIM Robert Whelan, Lillian Yarosh, M/ M Joseph Cabral; $200-St. Anthony Salve; $200-MIM Norman Hopkins, M Alan Blair, Lorraine Deponte. of Padua Federal Credit Union; $1 00- New England Church Supply; $150EAST FREETOWN MIM Dionisio DaCosta. . Continued on page /2 St. John Neumann: $200-Daniel & Kathleen Hinds; $150-Lowell & Virginia Dawson, MIM Mark Pepin; $135MIM Joseph Herman; $1 OO-MIM John The tlve leading parishes in the five deanerie~ have been identified: laFreniere, Florence Foley, MIM Brian Presents S. Thpmpson, M/M Joseph Attleboro: Benevides, MIM Robert Ladino, MIM Malcolm Hathaway, MlM Steven B. Our Lady of Mount Carmel'-Seekonk $ 133,179.00 Friday, June 20 • (5-9 PM) Meet Old & New Friends Duarte. St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro 55,826.00 EAST SANDWICH St. Mary, Mansfield 50,921.00 Saturday, June 21 • (9AM-IPM) White Elephant Sale Corpus Christi: $2,500-MlMThoSt. Mary, See~onk 37,135.00 mas F. Murphy; $450-MlM Philip J.. (5-9 PM) Family Night St. Mark, Attleboro Falls 33,063.00 Cardarople; $300-MlM Michael M. Sunday, June 22 • (12-5 PM) Fun for everyone Amrich, Virginia Fortuna;. $240-MIM David Koczwara, M/M George W. Cape Cod: Streeter; $20o-MIM Philip R. LeFaivre; St. Pius Tenth, South Yarmouth $. 153,753.25 $15Q-John Handrahan; $125-MIM JoOur Lady of Victory, Centerville 82,076.00 Rockland Street, Fall River, MA (Off Broadway) 'seph MacMillan; $100-Sally Latimer, Holy Trinity, 'West Harwich 77,882.00 MIM Frederick Bressette, MIM James Christ the King, Mashpee 62,485.00 Synk, MIM Robert C. Fielding, MIM Corpus Christi. East Sandwich 58,842.75 Johh Bauer, MIM Charles A. Peterson, FRIDAY MIM Richard E. Nycz, MlM John L. Eddie Forman Orchestra (5-9), Roberti, MIM Robert 1:. Farrell, ChrisFall River: From Hadley, MA tine Ratches, DrlM Sabino J.. Rizzo, St. Michael, Swansea $ 39,670.00 Joyce S. Bruce, M/M Donald V. SATURDAY St. Thomas More, Somerset 37,543.00 Cianciolo. Holy Name, Fall River Ivory & Brass Polish Band (5-9) 35,429.00 EAST TAUNTON St. Stanislaus, Fall River 33,297.00 Holy Family: $1,000-ln Memory From Gil~ertville, MA of James & Madalaine Maddock, MI St. John the Baptist, Westport 31,745.00 SUNDAY M Robert Gallagher; $300-MIM Mark Joey Smola Velvetones (Nooil-5) S. Sabina, M/M Edmond St. Yves; New Bedford: From Ludlow, MA $220-MIM Wilfrid Courcy; $125-BarSt. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth $ 56,679.00 ba.ra Paul, MIM Daniel Neves, MIM Also Featuring Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford 51,298.00 Peter Luttrell; $100-M/M David SI. The Famous . 49,239.00 St. Mary, South Dartmouth. Yves, MIM Peter Andrade, MlM RobSt. John Neumann, East Freetown 41,734.00 ert Kelleher, Mary Case)'. Polish Kitchen . FAIRHAVEN St. Patrick, Wareham 41,228.00 'American Kitchen St. Joseph: $250-M/M james Games of Skill - Chance Honohan; $150-Robert Paine; $100Taunton:' Polish Heritage Artifacts Richard Claflin, .Ms. Sheila Marshall, St. Ann, Raynham $ 56,619.41 M/M Daniel A. Mello, Mrs. Anita Carroll and Religious Articles St. Anthony, Taunton 31,400.00 Rose, Joseph Days, M/M Michael 24,916.00 • Powers, M/M Thomas Joseph. St. Paul, Taunton COME JOIN US - RAIN OR SHINE • UNDER TENT St. Mary: $500-M/M Edward. 22,338.00 Annunciation of the Lord, Taunton FREE ADMISSION • FREE PARKING Shau~hnessy;$200-Congregation of Holy. Family, East Taunton 22,201.00 ww)V.ststanislaus.com the Sacred Hearts; $125-MIM Robert Shields, Jr.; $100-Mrs. Linda Kearley, . Robert Paine. PARISHES FALL RNER ' Two thousand years ago Jesus called Peter . .. Holy Name: $325-Mrs. Wilson Today, He calls Matthew Eileen Morris; $120-M/M Henry Curtis; $200-ln Memory of John & ACUSHNET St. Francis Xavier: $200-Natalio Lumbra; $100-MIM Arthur Lemieux, Margaret McDermott, Yvette M.J. & Doris Gomes; $135-M/M Robert The Lemoine Family, M/M David Paquet, MIM Thomas Stanton; $100Matthew will be ordained to the priesthood next DeTerra; $125-Barbara Mello, Eva Paine, Sr., M/M Aime Turgeon, St Mary Ann Dillon, Mary' & George year- but he has already started Rousseau; $110-M/M Manuel Theresa Women's Guild, M/M Luzitano, Mrs. Manuer Maitoza, MlM Medeiros, Jr.; $100-M/M Carlos Raymond Drolet, MlM Kevan Higgins, Joseph Viera. to help satisfy the great hunger for Pacheco, M/M Thomas DeBarros, MIM Martin McCann, Michael Nolan, - Holy Rosary: $160-M/M Jesus that he sees among his Walter & Simone Dalton, MlM Harold MIM Arthur Paquette. Lawrence Talbot; $110-M/M W. Crapo. Jr. BREWSTER Raymond Cousineau; $1 OO-In Loving people in fzis native India: He ASSONET Our Lady of the Cape: $1,000- Memory of Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio, and other seminarians gather . St. Bernard: $300-Douglas & MIM Robert Hunter, Our Lady of the Mary Pontes. Cynthia Michaud; $200-Michael & Cape Ladies Guild; $30o-MIM Joseph HolyTrinity: $2,000-Anonymous; vi!lage children to teach them. Diane Berube; $150-Antonio & Denise Dowd; $262-MlM James J. Gibbons; $700-SI. Vincent de Paul Society; . They visit prisoners, offering a Branco; $125-Maurice & Maureen $20o-MIM Wilfred L. Gallant; $160-MI $500-Holy Trinity School: In appreciaBeaudoin; $100-George & Carole M Joseph George Carguilo; $100-MI tion of Sr. Marise, our crisis counsemessage of hope. "In all we do DuBois, Robert & Isabelle Blake, M Fred Calabrese. lor; $21 O-M/M Paul Couture; $200-MI we are also proclaiming the Good News of Vilma Medeiros. Raymond & Janice BUZZARDS BAY M Dan Araujo, MIM Benjamin Boudria, St. Margaret: $1,050-James & Corinne Demers, MlM Gilbert Faria, Ro.se. Jesus to people, hoping that one day they will ATTLEBORO Marie Feeney; $225-William & Lori Paul' Martin; $150-M/M Albert accept Him .as their only Savior," Matthew says. Holy Ghost: $125-Lawrence' Morrison; $1 Oo-Paul& Ruth Caldwell. Beaudoin, Joanne Fernandes; $125McNally; $100-Mrs. Leon O'Brien, "For that to happen more needs to be done." CENTERVILLE MlM Herbert Boft; $1 OO-MIM Vincent Manuel Amaral. Our Lady of Victory: $500-MIM Campbell, Ann.a Chlebek, Lisbon SeaSt. John the Evangelist: $1,000- John P. Barrera; $300-Mrs. Anthony food Company, MIM Albert Belanger, M/M James Coogan; $500-Patricia DeDecko; $250-Mrs. Mary Anne MIM George Phelan, Keith Bernard, Will YOU support Matthew and other young men M/M. John Mafeus, M/M Louis Carella, MlM John Lee, MlM Robert Fenney; $200-MlM Wayne L. James, in the Missions in their studies for the priesthood Mangiaratti; $400-Brian Stark; $300- Mrs. Robert Wilson; $120-MIM Frank Perreira, M/M Noah Pereira, M/M Arthur Rodrigues. MIM Robert Rovzar; $250-MIM SA J. DeLeo; $100-MlM John F. Aylmer, - as they prepare to bring the "G?od News" of . Immaculate Conception: $200Gulino, Mrs. Richard Smith; $200-MI MIM James C.' Clancy, MIM William Jesus to the nearly hoo-thirds of our human family M Frederick Bartek, Marilyn Blake M. Haney, Samuel Keavey, MlM Ed- In Memory of James A. Partridge; Cobb, MlM Mervell Cronin; $180-Drl ward D. Tocio. $160-MlM Raymond LaFleur; $100who do not know Him? Please pray for mission M Steven Bensson; '$150-Jack CHATHAM Miss Mary Lennon, Deborah seminarians. ,., Please offer your financial help as Holy Redeemer: $500-Associa- Longchamps, In Memory of Marion L. LaMothe, MlM Frank Luongo; $100Annette Brown, Kevin Cryan, M/M tion of the Sacred Hearts; $400-MIM Boyer from Ken Boyer, In Memory of well. . Thank you for your generosity! Donald DesVergnes, Mrs. Patrick William Brennan; $300-SI. Vincent de Marion L. Boyer from Henry & Susan Gillet. Duffy, M/M George Gay, In Memory Paul Society; $150-James Amsler, ---~----------- ~ The Society of St. Peter Apostle for the support of missioll vocatiolls Notre Dame: $3,150-ln Memory of Larry Keating, Marieange'Kirouac, Constance Gormley;$125-MIM Peter Mrs. John Picchi, M/M Robert Acton; $100-MIM John Braska, MlM of Richard Cloutier; $125-Knights of ...a Pontifical Mission Societl{ . Rev. Msgr. John J. Oliveira, V.E., 106 Illinois Slreel, Raymond, MlMThomas Stapleton, MI David Coupal, Mrs. Marie Griffin, MIM Columbus-Bishop Stang Assembly; New Bedford, MA 02745 Attenlion: Column ANCH.06l131OO Paul F. Murphy, Henry Welch. $100-MlM Paul Berube, MIM Donald . M Gary Trudo, MlM Robert Turcotte. 0$700 ... jilll year's support, mission seminarian EAST FALMOUTH . Poulin, Richard Scolaro. St. Joseph: $300-M/M Joe 0$100 0 $50 0 $25 . 0 $10 0 Other ",-$_ _ St. Anthony: $750-Great Rock Sacred Heart: $185-MlM John J. Brannon; $125-Jeannette Governo. St. Theresa of the Child Jesus: Tractor Company, Inc.; $550-M/M Sullivan; $125-Bernie, joan, & Karen Name $800-MlM Normand Carrier; $500-MI Daniel Bailey; $400-William Joyce;" McDonald,JohnT.O'Neill;$120-MIM ' Address M Paul Brillon, M/M Frank Gillan; $380-Mrs. Kenneth O'Connell; $300-James Darcy; $100-M/M Daniel F. $400-M/M Eugene Hodge; $250- MIM Edward O'Brien; $250-MIM John Duffy, Letitia Lynch: St. Anne: ·$150-St. Vincent de Michael & Maureen Sands; $200-MI Magnani; $200-MIM Robert E. Tippo, Visit us at our "home" on the web: • M Richard Magliozzi; $150-Dorothy MIM Josep.h Tenca; $125-MIM Gary Paul Society, Alma Cabral; $100www.worldmissions-catholicchurch.org Rabesa; $100-MlM Carl Gonsalves, Jacqueline Fallows, Yvonne Quintin.. Brochu, M/M Rodolphe Bergeron,





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Continued fro~ pag~ JJ

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. Friday, June· 13, 2003

MIM Richard A. Calacci; $4QO-M/M , Nadeem; $13S-William Brunell; $12S- $1,200-MIM Philip Danby; $1 ,OOD-MI M Raymond Lawson, ,M/M Craig MIM Charles St. George; $12S-MIM Richard Lewis; $300-M/M Richard Mrs. Hugh Donnelly; MIM James H. 'M Ernest J. Gavel,.James J. Derba; Mello, M/MJames Powers, MIM Paul • Michael Moreira; $120-MIM Thomas Lewis Congdon; $2S0-Mary Louise Gray; $100-MlM James Allen, Rita $SOO-Mrs. Barton Tomlinson, M/M Reilly. SOUTH YARMOUTH M. Makuch; $100-M/M Lawrence Mannix; $200-Brian J. Reardon, Mrs. Billingkoff, MIfy1 James O. Colvin, Jr., Paul J. Ryder, ·M/M Frederick St PiusTenth:' $500-Mrs. Vincent Hickey, MlM Joseph E. Gross, .M/M Dorothy Egan; $lS0-M/M Orrin Macy, M/M Wade Devers, M/M Richard Wrightson; $4S0-Francis Swift; $300Leonardo Delima, In Memory of MIM John Topham, Francis Santos; Forbes,MlMJosephM.Doyle,Jr.,MI David McCarthy, Mrs. Virginia R.Keeffe;$300-Mrs.RichardSullivan; $135-MIM Richard Herman; $12S-MI M Ralph Gi,lmore, MIM leonard Karp, Worthington, R.C. 90nnolly; $2S0-MI $2S0-Rita McNerney; $1 SO-David E. . Marion t. Boyer. . Plante; $100-M/M James Plath, M Richard Jagolta; $10S-MIM Rich- MIM Paul Lafratla, MIM William Roy, M John MacKinnon, M/M John D. St. Michael: $100-Anonymous. SS. Peter and Paul: $200-St. ard C. Ryder; $1 OO-Nqe Pineda, MIM MIM James Schromm III, MIM Joseph . Sullivan'; $20D-MIM James Ryan, MI James' & Joan Herlihy, MIM Robert Sm~h. M Henry Ciampi; $12S-MIM George Sullivan. . Vincent <;le Paul Society; $100-Mr.. James Lentowski, MIM John Fee, Sr., NORTH DARTMOUTH Rucker; $100-M/M Paul Fair, Mrs. SWANSEA M/M Albert Brock, M/M Michael Arthur Bartlett. ' St. Julie Billiart: $1 ,OOO-MIM Ed- Daniel Leach, Ca~herine Haggerty, St. Dominic: $30D-MIM Donald St. Stanislaus: $2,000-M/M Angelastro, MIM Michael Beamish, MI. ' Raymond Romagnolo; $SOO-Julie M Charles Gibson, MIM John Harlett, ward Harrington, David J.' Creamer; Mrs. Eileen Hurley, M/M Richard Souza; $1 SO-Helen M. Tackett; $100Picard, A Friend; $365-A Friend; $30D- Sr., MIM William Hays, MIM Donald $3S0-Paul Cabral; $300-Nicola J. Curley, Thomas Hartigan, MIM Rob- St. Dominic Women's Guild, Daniel . M/M John Minior, John Polak, Jr.; Holdgate, MIM Steph~n Lamb, MIM . r-,.1arra, M/M James E. Costa, M/M' ert Cronin, MIM Michael White, Mrs. Silvia, Kurt E. Simon, Joanne & Lance $27S-M/M Thaddeus Karcz, John Kenneth McAiJley, M/M Francis Ronald' Enoksen, M/M Robert Kenneth Corcoran, Robert J. Bunchi, Lavoie. St. Louis de France: $300-St. Kostka; $2S0-A Friend; $230-Jennifer McGarvey, MIM Michael Roche, MlM Peckham; $220-Jane M. Brightman; Philip Boudrea, Luke Lally, David C. Vincent ae Paul Society;. $200Teves; $180-A Friend; $170-M/M William Spencer, MlMThomas Ryder, $200-CaptiM Leonard Rivet, M/M Bayer. Deacon&M Robert Normandin. RobertW. Machado, MIM Douglas'G. . POCASSET David Beard; $168-Lucille Carvalho; Jon Walker. Vrona; $lSD-M/M James J. Donnelly; St. John the Evangelist: $S,OOOSt. Michael: $500-M/M Brian NEW BEDFORD $lS0-MlM Henry Paruch, MIM Paul Holy Name of the Sacred Heart $12S-Beatrice Gracia, M/M Thomas· Rev. Robert C. Donovan; $300-M/M Keating; $3SD-MIM Dorvalino Carreiro; LHeureux, M/M John Polak, • Georgic:m8> Teves; $12S-M/M Scott of Jesus: $l,OOO-M/M Richard S. Bancroft; $11 D-Susan Pawlak-Sea- Francis A. Van Allen; $2S0-MIM Jo- $2S0-M/M Kenneth Thorpe; $22S-Dr/ M Joseph McGuill; $11D-M/M Craig' Mitchell, M/M Peter Home'n; $120- ' Saunders; $2S0-Mrs. Joseph Landry; man; $100-M/M John Nunes, M/M . seph Walsh, MIM Michael D. Kell~y; Jot:m Mazurek, Jr.; $100-Beverly $24Q-MIM Bob Roberts; $lSD-Celeste Charles Almeida, M/M Charles$200-Helen Farrington; $12S-M/M Sherwin; $100-ln Memory of David Ashworth, Paul J. Martelly, M/M DeMoura, MlM John Cordeiro, Phyllis A. r.:>ufresne, MIM David Bryant; $1 OD- Toomey, MIM Francis Morse, Sheila Ke~hSonger;$10D-MlMJeffreyDavis, ,Edwards, A Friend, MlM SteveI') Rys, MIM John Kavanaugh, MIM Laurier Isherwood, MIM Robert Ladino, M/M MIM Joseph Lombardo, MIM James Norbert Flores, MIM Billy Dolin, MIM Edward M.' Amaral, M/M Vincent K. Barrett, Mrs. Benjamin E Dimlich, James A. Mello, Jr., O.L.O.E Seniors Joan LeClair. Valerie Polka, A Friend, Rock, MIM Thomas Winfield. . Our Lady of the Assumption: Aidala, In Memory of Aurore Dion, M/M Richard Patton, M/M Kevin of Saint Michael's Parish, MlM WiIIJane vVeglowski, Denis Butler, MlM Violette Powell, MIM Steven Giampa, Robin, Brenton & Eleanor Miller. . iam Hamilton. ' . . Gilbert LHeureux, MIM Edward Couto, $100-Bette Spencer Douglas.. PROVINCETOWN SOUTH DARTMOUTH Our Lady of Fatima: $lS0-St. MIM Bernard Audette, M/M Paul L. MIM Leo Lavoie, Joanne Rzasa. Vien, M/M Stephen Braz, MIM Anto.St. Peter the Apostle: $200-RobSt. Mary: $10,000-M/M Patrick 'Santo Christo: $SOO-Santo Vincent de Paul Society. Our Lady of Mount Carmel: nio Cabral"MIM John Cabral, Barbara ert Cabral, Cabral Enterprises, 'Ed- Carney; $200-John Sylvia, Karen Christo Holy Rosary Sodality; $400Caron, MIM Paul Gillis,MIM James ward Gage; $12S-Edward Goshen; Medeiros. Marilyn Harrington d/b/a Oliveira Fu- $700-S1. Vincent de Paul Soci~ty; Estrella, Manuel Ferreira, Richard $1 OO-Fireside Insurance, John Corea, TAUNTON neral Homes; $22S-John B. Moniz; $300-Rose Hendricks; $2S0-Fiortu~ Annun~iation of the Lord: $1 OO-MiM Raul Camara, Joao Pavao, guese Prayer Group; $100-A Friend, Kowalski, MlMAlexanderNicholas, MI John Mulcahy, Anthony S. Roda, Jo. seph Maroon. $l,OO'O-Holy Ghost Society; $300MIM Gualter Lopes, MIM Nuno Araujo. Holy Name Society, M/M Jose O. M Lloyd Francis. -NORTH DIGHTON . RAYNHAM Bruce Blunt, MIM Herbert'Ferreira; Almeida, Jose D. Costa, Manuel FALMOUTH St. Joseph: $1,3S0-Mr. Frank St. Ann: $3S0-'M/M Edward $2OQ-MlMGeOrgeSherry,MlMAntero Rapoza, Jr..,MlM Jamie Salgado, A S1. Patrick: $3S0-Mrs. William C. Dillon; $200-M/M Thomas 'L. Friend, M/M Joao Aguiar, Manuel .Costa; $2S0-Vincent Furtado, MlM Whelan; $300-MIM Salvatore Oliveri; Oliveira, M/M Mich'ael Rogers; $1 SOMatthews,.Jr.; $1 SO-Ms. Margaret A. . Teixeira Carreiro, MIM Pedro Silva, MI Richard Lee; $200-John E.Gray; $220.04~MIM Marc Deshaies; $210- M/M John Kennedy; $120-M/M Frederick; $130-Walter Fitzgerald; M Joao Moniz Soares, MIM Pedro M. $lS0~Paul Achtelik; $12S-Mary P. William Vareika; $200-MIM Francis Manuel DaCosta; $100-MlM Richard $1 OO-John's Liquor Store, M/M Jesse Sousa, Ricardo Victoria, Maria- E Vargas; $1 OO-MIM Rol;)ert E. Lee, MI Ferioli, Paul Fountain; $lS0-MIM Ed- Martin, Mrs. Ida Baptiste, MIM Joseph . M Raymond Monteiro, MIM Bren.dan . ward Goodrich, M!M John McMullen; Martin, Paula Alegi, M/M l.,eslie Enos, MIM Paul Gilmartin, Ms. Rachel Vincent. Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Lynch, Mrs. Robert 'McGuirk, Carol . MIM E. Jason 'Oldfield; $140-MIM Ri- Spousta, Deacon Robert Faria, M. Mooney, Mrs. Eleanor L. Swanson. chard Bourget; $12S-Maryann Kelly, Bartel/P. Bartel, M/M Joseph $3,OOD-Conventual Franciscan Friars. Sanderson. HYANNIS . NORTH EASTON MIM Donald McKinnon, Barbara Peck, Figueiredo, MIM William Silva, Mrs. St. Francis of Assisi: $12S'St. Francis Xavier: $1.S00Immaculate Conception: $900- MIM Joseph Saia; ~.1 OO:MlM Boyd Virginia Alves, MIM Manuel DeSousa, Brazillian Community of Cape Cod; Kathleen Henry-West; $1 OO-M/~ $620-M/M Robert Fougere; $300- Rudolph Caruso, AttylM James Henry. . St. Vincent de Paul Society; $100- Anderson, MIM Damel Andrade, Dr/ M/M John Cullen, MIM David Lopes, Janice Polisano; $200-MIM Robert . St.,John the Baptist: $300-Por- Charles McMenamy, M/M 'James' M Edward D'Andrea, MlM Richard· M/M Adelino Reis. . Emery, MIM Brian Gregg, MIM John Holy Rosary: $20D-Mrs. Frances Bastille; $lS0-John Bradley; $12S- tuguese Charismatic Prayer Group; Friesen, MIM Christopher Vaughan, Hagman, M/M Joseph McDonald, G. Gorczyca, MlM William Powers; Mrs. C.E. McAdoo, Miss Lillian- $2S0-Holy Name Society,.Confirma- ' MIM Joseph Camara. NORTH FALMOUTH Lorraine Montana, M/M PeJer $1S0-MIM John Lopes, MIM Robert Senteio; '$100-M/M Ralph Berling, tion Class of 2003; $20D-Anonymous; St. Elizabeth Seton: $l,SOO- Reifschneider, MIM John Silvia, M/M Nichols; $1 OS-Mrs. Victoria Sivicla & John M. Boyle, Fred Connelly, Joseph $1 SO-Catherine Sanderson; $126-MI . Stanley; $100-MIM John E' Biedak, Dolaher, M/M K. Eubanks, Betty M Antonio Alves: $120-MIM Jose A. Louise McCarty; $1,1 OO-MIM J. David Robert Simmons, SEEKONK. Mrs. Paula Chase, M/M Robert Jenkins, John W. McBarron, Donald Sousa; $10S-ln Memory of Michael White; $1 ,000-MIMTom Fahey; $750Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Estrella, MIM James Lukaszewski, MI McGaffigan, Frank Naimo, MlM Ken- Pate~kos; $:1 OO;M/M Evaristo Francis Chase; $SOO-M/M Gerard neth Pina, St. Francis Xavier Ladies Almeida, Anonymous, MlM Jose T. Boyle, MlM Robert Chisholm, Patricia $l,OOO-MIM Francis Gibbons; $700- M Walter Taraska. Araujo, M/M Carlos Raposo, M/M. Heath, M/M William Kelley, M/M rviIM Richai'dJones, MIM Daniel Leite; Immaculate Conception: $SOOGuild. MANSFIELD J.aime Furtado, MIM John Rodrigues, HerbertSullivan; $400-MIM James $300-Kenneth E. Demers,,-Elizabeth 'Susan Moniz; $200-M/M Ronald McGoldrick; $300-M/M Thomas Gaebe;$2S0-MIM Ernest Arredondo, Legere, Patrick McDermott; $10D-MI St. Mary: $1,1 OO-In Memory of Mary Ann Lomba. William Palanza; $l,OOO-MiM David . St.Joseph-St.Therese: ~300-MI Bushy, Mrs. Mary Lawrence; $2SD-MI MIM William Cuddigan, MlM Marc D. M Paul Eno, Rose-Marie Briand, MIM Conley; $SOD-MIM Joseph Mok; $2S0- M Dennis Bowen; $2S0-Anonymous; M Edmund· Burke, Judge/M Roger Miller; $240-MIM Anthony Alves, M/M Kevin Quinn, M/M I:larld Dennen. MlM John J. Tanous; $200-Maryse S. $20D-Anonymous; $100-Anonymous, Champagne, Grace Sullivan; $200'- Brian Levesque; $225-MIM Anthony . St. Anthony: $700-Cynthia Lee, MIM Frederick Conlon; $12S-MI Michael Alves, Carol Bolton, MIM Paul .Therese Earley, MIM Robert Fallon, Andrews;$20D-WiliiamBowen,Jr.,MI Abreau;.$SOO-A Friend; $300-A M John J. Rush; $100-MlMThomas B. Carrier, MlM Fernando Lopes, MI MlMTom Murphy; $lSQ-JudgelM Don M Hugh FlanagalJ, M/M Joseph Friefld, Anonymous; $250-Annalee .. Carpenter, M/M Edward Marcheselli: Mullen, MlMWiliiam Ogara, Jr., Daniel Nystrom, M/M Stephen Correia & J. Carey, Mrs. Raymond Cassidy, M/ M Edmund Voisine, Sr. ' St. Lawrence: $131.2S:MIM Jef- Richard Nissi, Patricia. Stone; $140- Pimental, M/M William Ward, MlM Family; $200-A Friend, In Memory of M Willi~m P, Ellis, MlM Kevin King, MI frey Marden; $12S-Dr/M. William M/M John Leddy; $12S-M/M Paul Anthony Mello; $1 SO-Julie Coccia, MI John C. Correia, Rita C. Souza; $lS0M John M. Nevers, Jr. April, MlM Charles Inn'is, MIM Robert M Harold Devine, Frances ·Gorman, Anonymous, M/M Joseph Amaral, . O'Donnell. , MARION St. Rita: $100-Walter & Marilyn St. Mary: $200-M/M Arthur J. Shaw; $100-Cornelia Adams, M/M MIM Anthony Spagnolo, MIM Robert Manuel S. Fontinha; $140-Anonymous; $120-Paul Rico; $1 OO-A Friend, Marshall, Paul Williams, Terence & Villeneuve, Jr.; $lS0-MIM William R. John Bearce, MIM Richard Carlson, Stefanik; $1 OO-MIM Emilio Abatecola, Kym Lee, MlM James Meere. Silveira; $'140-Mary Ann Marshall; MIM Glenn Chalifoux, MIM Theodore 'M/M Dennis Carey, M/M Kevin MIM Antonio P. Reis, MlM Leonard MARTHA'S VINEYARD $12S-M/r-,.1 Raymond G. Bourassa; Cole, MlM Timothy Denmark, Phyllis Emmett, MIM Robert Gagliardi; MlM . Rocha, Charles Ferreira, Elsie . Roman Catholic Parishes: $110-MIM Donald J. Marshall; $100- Flaherty, MlMWalterHaas, MIM Barry Robert Karewa, Isabel Mangaliman, Abreau, Laurentina Craven, M/M Edite. Rodriques, Nancy Shackett, Mariano Carroca, Herbert Jacinto, St. $l,OOO-MiM Arthur W. McGrath, Jr.; M/M Arthur Caron, M/M Richard, Kent, Mrs. Alice Kirk, MIM William Kirk, Anthony's Youth Group, Theresa $200-MlM David Gazaille; $100-MlM. Chevalier; Christopher Giblin, MI Esther Martin, M/M Bernard Peter Tortolano. Henry Shelley. Mjames LaCroix, MIM Jonathan Pye, McMahon, Robert Mead, MIM James SOMERSET. Camara, MIM Joao Reis, MIM Manuel MASHPEE MIM Mark Richard, MIM Mario J. Melo, Musto, Clare O'Brien, MIM Richard St. Patrick: $1,200-Richard Oliveira, A Friend, MIM David Melo, ~ Christthe King: $l,OOO-MIM Gre- MIM Manuel Carneiro, Daryl &: Lynne Pierce, MIM James Quill, MrS. Howard Peirce; $2S0-MIM Nicholas Gagliardi, MIM Arthur Cabral, Jane R. Santos. gory M. DUhn;$3S0-Judith A. Gordon; Aviza, Anthony & Jacqueline Redgate, Karl Weiss, M/M Robert MlM Marc Walz; $12S-MiMWiliiam Anonymous. Synan; '$100-MIM Er.nst Cummings, St. Jacques: $100-MlM William $30D-Mary Hanley;$25D-Ed~h Mikina; Kopoczewski, M/M Joseph EA. Wray, MlM George Yost. $210-Achille Carloni; $200-M/M ,LeBlanc, MlM Armand Augustine;MI NORTON MIM Edw~rd Kerr, MIM Geo,rge Lee, Grundy, MIM Dana Higginbotham, MI, M Scott Lacy, Rebecca Pereira, Paul St. Mary: $4S0.-Chartley Beer & Joan Whittington. James F. Lyons. MlM Charles HiCKey; M Maurice Samson, M/M Michael St. Thomas More: $3,000-St. Racine. . $150-Andrew Carmichael,MIM Ed- . Farias, M/M John Mimoso, M/M Wine; $200-M/M John J: Ribeiro; St. Joseph: $300-MIM Lawrence ward L. Breslow; $125-M/M Leo Fernando Raposo, M/M. Norman $180-MIM Norman Corriveau; $12S- Thomas More Conference-St. Vincent MIM Douglas MacMaster; $1 OO-MIM de Paul Society; $60D-Former Special Masterson; $200-MIM Robert Clark, Rodrigues; $100-M/M John. E Nadeau. ' Paul E Griffin, MIM'Frank DelGiudice. Agents ofthe EB.I.; $4OD-MIM fv1ichael MIM Lawrence Scanlon; $lSQ-Joseph Sweeney, MlM Robert P. LePage, MI . NORTH ATTlEBORO . ORLEANS Stubbs; $300-MIM Richard Kelley, MI' Oliveira; $12S-Mrs. Sandra Raible; M Edward Dombrowski, MlM Charles Sacred Heart: $175-MIM Norman St. Joan of Arc: $SOO-MiM Rich- M Jack L. Melchert; $200-MIM David $110-MIM Stephen White; $1 OO·MIM Innis, MlM Joseph W. Henderson, Ri- Rogers; $'150-M/M Edwin Patch; ard Nourie, MIM'Paul W. O'Connor, . Bulhoes; $100-MIM Willie C. Brown, . Stephen St. Onge. chard Brien, Robert Barreti, MlMAn- $100-MIM James Howard.. thony W. Malta. ' St. Mark: $1 ,bOO-Anthony & Anne MlM Thomas C. Sheller;$200-MIM Noreen L. Cotter, MIM John F. Daley, St. Mary: '$SOO~John & Ruth MAITAPOISEIT Rando; $SOO-Pauline DeWitt; $200- John Cuccia, MIM Bernard·Maguire, Jr., MIM Frederick Kozak, MIM David Fenton, Eileen Martin; $150-Robert & Diana Sullivan; $1 06-0rland & Judith' St. Anthony: $27S-Dr/M Edward & Marie Lee, Robert & Henry J. McCusker; $lS0-MiM Roo- J. Mulready." SOUTH DARTMOUTH . DeAbreu, John & Maria Furtado, Lawrence Oliveira; $17S-M/M' Nancye Nerz; $100-Florence Murray. ert Leite; $12S-MIM Joseph Welch;' St. Mary: $1,000-Dr/M Roger Orren & Eva Hellwege, Gerald & 'Edmund Butler: $·115-M/M David St. Mary: $500-M/M Patrick , $10D-MIMArman~ALidette, Evelyn M. Mcintire; $100-Susan McGowan, MI .F~gibbons, MIM Alan Ross, Ruth A. Dryer, MIM Frederick Fenlon, MIM J. -Pocze; $600-M/M Joh,n Kelleher; Joann Tripp, Eduino & Carolyn M Paul Milott. Smith; $2SD-MIM William R. Conroy, Barry Kavanaugh, Jane 1. Klimshuk, $SOD-DrlM Roger Lacoste; $12S-Mar- DeSousa, James Reid, Peter H. Con-. St. Paul: $SOO-M/M Robert NANTUCKET . Jr., MlM Stephen Eighmy; $200-MIM Jane E Le~manr), George B. Tazzini, garet Alves. . SOUTH 'EASTON Bessette; $300-ReplM James Fagan; St. Mary/Our Lady of the .Isle: Howard Gaudette; $lS0-MlM R. John J r . ' OSTERVILLE' Holy Cross: $lS0-M/M David $200-AttylM Richard Nunes; $1S0-MI $l,OOO-Grace Morris Bardeljs; $SOO- Connor, M/M Michael Coyle, M/M In Memory of Beulah /Jo. Edwin Scully, .. Edward Lambert, Jr.,MIM Anthony G. Our L.ady of the Assumption: Hyatt; $1 OD-Mrs. Michele Azevedo, MI Continued on page J3 .


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Friday, June 13,2003

In rousing sendoff, pope tells Croatians of better days ahead By JOHN NORTON

ward them in greeting. The crowd's cheers bounced off the surrounding white buildings, one of which was draped with huge yellow banners in imitation of the Vatican's flag. The square was an undulating sea of small Croatian a'1d Vatican flags dancing above' thousands of smiling faces,glistening from sweat and water liberally splashed from plastic bottles. Picking up a thread than ran throughout his visit, the pope encouraged Croatians to draw on their Catholic faith as they face the challenges of rebuilding society after a' bloody 1990s' war and decades of communism. "I remember your sufferings caused by war; which are still visible on your face and on your lives. I am c1o.se to those bearing the tragic consequences of the war," he

said. The pontiff's motorcade route in Zadar took him past a number of ZADAR, Croatia - Croatians crumbled buildings that were gave Pope John Paul II a rousing shelled during, the conflict. sendoff June 9 as the elderly pon"I know your strength, your till' finished an exhausting five-day . courage, your faith and I am sure trip to the largely Catholic Balkans your persevering efforts will enable country.. you to see better days," he said. In the loudest and most colorful The pope's encouragement to gathering of the trip, as many has Croatians throughout the trip in100,000 people packed the old port cluded vocal support for the bid of area of the central coastal city of the country, the second-mostZadar, waving white ribbons and Catholic Slavic country after the tirelessly chanting, "Pope, we love pope's native Poland, to enter the you!" . European Union. The 83-year-old pontiffslumped While the pope was in Croatia, in his chair at the beginning of the Polish citizens turned out in a weekLiturgy of the Word ceremony, held end referendum to vote in favor of in intense heat and humidity. but joining the European Union. seemed to draw energy from the Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls told reporters travcrowd's enthusiasm. The pilgrims roared in appreciation every time eling with the pope that the pontiff . he even slightly raised his arm tohoped the decision "will help Poland as well as the European com'munity, where Poland can make a contribution with its moral and spiritual values and its religious convictions." . The pope's Croatia visit, his third in less than a decade, took him to five of the country's cities in as many days. Navarro-Valls, noting the pope's stamina despite the pace and punishing temperatures, said the trip was' a sort of "resistance test" for future papal travels. The pontiff planned to go back on the road in late June for a oneday trip across the Adriatic Sea to Banja Luka, Bosnia, and is exA CROWD of nuns worships at Pope John Paul II's final pected to visit Slovakia in Septemservice at Zadar, Croatia:The visit included the beatification ber. But Vatican officials have cast of Sister Maria Petkovic, founder of the Daughters of Mercy. doubt on a potenti~1 visit to Mongolia this summ~r. (CNS photo from Reuters) CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE'

POPE JOHN Paul II gestures during his transport via catamaran to the harbor town of Rijeka in Croatia: The pontiff was on the 1Oath foreign trip of his papacy. (CNS photo from . pool)

Norrjs H. Tripp




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Co/lti/lued front page J2 M Wayne Pacheco, Dr/M Joseph

Nicholas Zapple, M/M Scott Andreasson, MIM Richard C:v. Fish, Novak; $1 05-MlM John Mullen; $1 00- MIM Timothy J. Hall,' Jack & Marie M/M Frank Almeida, M/M Henry Hayes, MIM Paul McCormick, MlM Lawrence T. McKevitt, Marilyn M. Arsenault, Jr., Rosemary Bettencourt, M/M Joseph Conlon, M/M Donald Monahan, Constance Porter, M/M Duncan, Annamae Schondek, MIM Edward Roth, MIM Albert Stiglmeier, Elwood Shepard. - Richard TiIlE!Y. WAREHAM


Sl Patrick: $60D-Raymond Fava; $300-Leo & Lillian McGowan; $100MIM George Munroe, In Memory of Mary A. Neves, Dr. Joanne Mongeon, Mrs. John R. Lambiasi,' Alvina Campinha, 51. Patrick's Circle, Joan Behan. .

Our Lady of Gra'ce: $315-SI. Vincent de Paul'Society; $100-MIM Romain Saulnier, M/M Michael Bettencourt. 51. George: $100-MlM Carlos Ferreira, MIM Robert Comtois, MlM William Platt, SI. George Women's Guild, 51. Jean Baptiste Council #441. St. John the Baptist: $1,000Betty Mercer; $500-M/M john McDonough; $400-SI. John the Baptist Women's Guild; $300-MIM Walter Grundy; $250-DrIM Michael Corbett; $200-Peter .:.I. Ouellette; $100-M/M Paul Arnoe, Joyce Paquette, Veronica Beaulieu, MIM Gerald Santos, MIM Carlin Lynch, M/M Christopher Canepa, MIM John McDermott, MlM Richard Riley, Suzanne Lyons.


Our Lady of Lourdes: $1,OOO-MI M George T. Ryan; $20D-Jude Herold, MIM John R. Kuebler, William Murray, Virginia M. Sanning, Bernadette M. Schmidt; $100-Helen B. Bauer, MIM George Civita, MIM Thomas P. Flynn, MIM Joseph K. Kane, MIM Walter X. Kane, John J. Mulcahy, MlM Norman R. Singleton, Sandra Stocker. .


Holy Trinity: $2,50D-MIM Robert W. Udell; $1,OOD-Honorable Elizabeth . J. Dolan; $375-Mary Jane Birch; $25DM/M John W. Rooney; $200-M/M Everett Boy, MlM James Davenport; $175-James R. Cavanaugh; $150-Ms. Patricia Gallagher, Hon. Marilyn Sullivan; $125-M/M John R. Black, Grace Waystack; $100-M/M Bruce Anderson, Mrs. Dominic Ciaccio, Constance Collinge, MIM John J. Gay, M/M Joseph Harding, Mrs. Frank Mattrango, MIM Peter O'Rourke, MI M James F. Powers, Joan Sullivan,

tory Men's Club, Centerville. FALL RIVER AREA: $500-James W. Clarkin, Esq.; Knights of Columbus-Fall River Council #86; $400-SJB Federal Credit Union; $300-Holy Rosary-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $250-Conlon Electrical Contractors, Inc.; $100-The Ski House; Holy Rosary Women's Guild; R&D Landscaping; Knights of Colum. bus-Msgr. Furtado Council #12348, Somerset. NEW BEDFORD AREA: $200-St. James-St. Vincent de Paul Society. TAUNTON AREA: $500-St. Anthony-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $1 OD-Knights of Columbus-St. Joseph Council #11914. . . NATIONAL: $400-Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, Melbourne, FL.


On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "AmlOUilce ill my name that / promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvation ofiheir souls, all those who 011 the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: 1. Go to confession; 2, Receive Holy Commullion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 millutes while meditating on the /5 mysteries ofthe-Rosary, with the intelltion of making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:' Con~essions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evenjng Mass on the-first Saturday.


. BUSINESS & COMMUNITY ATILEBORO AREA: $1,OOO-SI. John the Evangelist-St. Vincent de Paul Society; St. Mary-St. Vincent de Paul Society, North Attleboro; $300-Seekonk Knights of Columbus Council #5108. CAPE COD AREA: $5,OOO-M/M Jonathan Stott, Osterville; $300-Spartan Cleaners, Inc., Hyannis; $100-0ur Lady of Vic-













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Friday, June 13, 2003



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VIVIAN POULIN, left, is honored with flowers on Volun- . "teer Day at Notre Dame School, Fall River.. Making the pre'sentation are Principal Anne Conlon and pre-kindergarten . student Kaylee Barboza. Poulin has b~n volunteering at Notre Dame for more than 30 years.


.... TEACHER CHRISTINA Raposo of St. Anthony's School, New Bedfo~d, leads students into church to make their first Communion. Forty-seven boys and girls from the school received the holy Eucharist that day. . ~ Kindergarten teachers Mark Olson and Kathy Lemieux fr,om St. Anthony's School share a smile and路 some flowers during the school's recent Teacher Appreciation Week. Students de.signed flower pots and decorated T-shirts to honor theirinstructors.

SEVENTH-GRAD'E teacher Rosemary Downing from Our Lady of Mount Carmel School reads with student Miranda Machado during the New Bedford school's recent Book Buddy Day. Fellow kindergartner Alexis Terra listens carefully~

WESTPORT STATE Rep. Michael Rodrigues visits with students from Notre Dame School, during a recent visit to the State House in Boston. Students were on hand to advocate more state funds for Catholic education. From left: Brendan Slean, Andrew Souza, Ralph' Kfoury, Rodrigues, Mayka Rodrig'ues, Danielle Grimo and Zachary Boutin.

THIRD-GRADERS from Saint Mary-Sacred Heart Schoo.l, North Attleboro, donned ,garb of the 18th century and spent the day studying at the historic Woodcock 'Garrison House, known as "The Little Red Schoolhouse." They used a primer al')d slate and even played 18th -century games at recess. From left: Emily Tormey, Olivia Cortellini, Maggie Dunn and路 Mary Kate Petterson.


1'- 'FridaYiJune13,2003-





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Sports ideal gives way to 'cult of champions,' Jesuit magazine says By JOHN THAVIS CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE ROME - Plagued by commercialization, modern sport has lost its traditional ideals and given way to a "cult of champions" that has more to do with spectacle than human fitness, an influential Jesuit magazine said. As drug use among athletes increases along with profits, the Church must join others in proposing radical reforms of contemporary sports, it said. The comments came in a long article titled "Resources and Risks of Sport: Ethical Considerations" in the June 7 issue of La Civilta Cattolica (Catholic Civilization), a respected journal whose content:. are reviewed prior to publication at the Vatican. It was written by Jesuit Father Alois Koch. a German theologian. The article said modern sports is overcommercialized and overorganized. in large part because of expanded TV coverage. Athletes have become increasingly exploited as performance machines, it said. "The traditional ideals of sport arc long dead and have given way to an invasive spectacle of the media," it said. It said the clements of modern sports include profit-making, "parareligious rites" around sporting events, global planning of tournaments and competition, the political regulation of sports and the "reduction of the ath lete to a

robot." The article said athletes are victims' of the system, frequently lured by large sums of money and promises of fame but eventually- "sacrificed on the altar ... of performance." It said this type of sportspectacle is essentially operated for profit motiv~s and has nothing to do with personal fitness. It risks becoming a new "opium of the people" unless steps are taken to curb the excesses, it said. The article said sports officials alone are incapable of m ak i ng the neces s ary changes. That is demonstrated by the 30-year experience of performance-enhancing drugs in modern sports, which remain widely used despite the ever-increasing scientific knowledge of their dangers, it said. "The problem of drug use has become more and more irresolvable, under the pressures of the 'law of the market,''' it said. The article said Catholic theologians should be among those proposing a serious ethical reflection on these and related issues, so that the risks of modern sports can be highlighted. At the same time, it said, Church thinkers should encourage a more holistic understanding and practice of sports among all sectors of the population. In the modern age, men and women run a serious risk of being seduced by physical inactivity, it said.






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Understanding mental illness By CHARLIE M~RnN • CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE UNWELL Pretty soon they'll come are not "crazy." Those who deal All day staring at to get me with such suffering deserve our the ceiling They'll be taking me away compassion, our understanding (Repeat chorus.) and as much support as we can Making friends with Sung by Matchbox 20 give them as they face the chatshadows on my wall All night I'm hearing voices Copyright (c) 2002 by lenges inherent in living with such telling me Atlantic Records a condition. If you are into "mainstream Unfortunately, mental illness is That I should get some sleep soft rock," then undoubtedly you one of the least understood mediBecause tomorrow might are a fan of Matchbox 20. Over cal situations. be good for something the past five years they have just It is true that some mental illabout defined this approach to nesses afflict people as young as Hold on I'm feeling like I'm teens. However, these teens can headed for a "'" ,~"", find real help .for their suffering Breakdown "' . ,.....11 through medlcllle, SUpp0l1 groups I don't know why and dialogue with mental health professionals trained to work with Chorus: , I'm not crazy, I'm just a adolescents. As you interact with a variety little unwell I know right now of people, most likely you will meet individuals who arc strugyou can't tell gling with a mental illness. Again, But stay a while, and it is important that you take the maybe then you'll see approach of compassion., If A different side of me friends or peers ridicule or make I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired crude remarks about these individuals, do not remain silent. Yes, I know right now it takes courage to confront your .you don't care peers for making fun of someone, But soon enough you're pop/rock. "More Than You Think but being a disciple of Jesus ofgonna think of me You Are" is Matchbox 20's lat- ten demands courage. And how I used to be Central to the teachings of the est disc. Their first hit off the alSee me, talking to bum was "Disease," and now Catholic Church is a recognition myself in public And dodging glances climbing the charts is their cur- of the dignity and sanctity of evon the train rent release "Unwel1." ery human being. It is often imI know, I know they've all The song presents the painful possible to know why mental illstory of an individual's mental ill- ness or any other form of sufferbeen talking 'bout me ness. As he experiences his emo- ing occurs in a person's life. HowI can hear them Whisper And it makes me think tional instability, he says: ''I'm ever; no malleI' what another's there must be feeling like I'm headed for a affliction, that person is still elllbreakdown. I don't know why." braced by God's love. As today's something wrong He says, "I'm not crazy, I'm just disciples of Jesus, our job is to With me a little unwel1. I know right now make sure that the power of our Out of all the hours you can't tell, but stay awhile, and caring extends to all who suffer. thinking Your comments are always maybe then you'll see a di fferent Somehow I've lost welcome. Please write to me at: side of me." my mind Mental illness is precisely that, chmartin@swindiana.net or at (Repeat chorus.) an "illness." As the song suggests, 7125W 2008, Rockport, IN I've been talking individuals facing this affliction 47635. in my sleep



A farewell column By AMY WELBORN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE I have news, and I'll just put it short and sweet: It's time for me to say goodbye to this column. A while back I was given the wonderful opportunity to strut wliting this column for Catholic youth and people who love them. I don't remember the year, but I remember what life was like for me then: - I had two boys, both creeping close to adolescence, and a little, toddling girl. I was teaching religion in a Catholic high school. I was then, and for years allclward, immersed in teen culture, life and concellls. Well. life goes on. My kids arc much older. I lell teaching live years ago to write full time, and I'm simply not as clued in to what

you guys are thinking, worrying and laughing about on a daily basis as I used to be. I decided, it is time to hand the reins over to someone who is. I'll miss contributing, but I'm confident that whoever takes over will give the fresh insights you need and deserve. And never fear, the books I've written for teens - the "Prove It!" seties that answers teens' most common and pressing questions about God, Church, prayer and Jesus - are out there, published by Our Sunday Visitor Press. A priest once told me that all preachers have basically one homily that they give over and over in different forms. He meant that every preacher has a central concelll that grips him and won't let him go, a particular angle on

faith, and if you listen carefully over time you can usually figure out what it is. If you've been reading me for more than a year, you've probably

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Coming of flge

figured out I'm the same way. I can't put it in one sentence, but I have a set of themes I come back to, not because I'm unimaginative but because I think this is the most pressing message teens need to hear. Here's what I've been trying to tell you for a decade or more:

- God loves you, really loves you. You are absolutely not an accident. God created you - the specific you, with a face and a name - completely and totally on purpose for one reason: He wants you to exist. If you want to be happy - and everyone does - that is the place to begin. If you arc absolutely confident that you were born because God wanted you to be born, everything else falIs into place." You know to put God first in your life because without his love that brought you into being, well .... You know that your life has meaning, purpose and potential. You know that forgiveness and the chance to start over are as close as a heart that's open to Jesus who

gave his life because he loves you. YOli know how to look at your Catholic faith and what it teaches you. It's not a bunch ofmles dreamed up to make you miserable. It's the concrete expression of God's love for you as he gives you the chance to be close to him through prayer and sacraments, as he reveals to you the way to live that's going to bring you peace and joy. It's about freedom freedom to be who God created you to be rather than a captive to what the world says you should be. You know that you arc not, and never will be alone. So have hope and take heart. Live joyfully and freely in God's love for you. It really and tmly is what he wants. Can you believe it?

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_. Friday, June 13, 2003

Goodv~. B~d

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The story of the Apostles: Simon the' Zealot

Boston Globe


spirit of love and completely subordinated his The 11 th apostle on our Journey of- the " ideals of earthly kingdoms and values. Twelve is Simon the Canaanite. He received As a short note, St. Simon has a strong trahis call to discipleship along with Andrew;Pe: dition of having served with St. Jude in Syria ter, Thaddaeus and Judas Iscariot at the Sea' and Mesopotamia, and to having been of Tiberius. He was surnamed "the Zealot" be- . martyred by being sawed to pieces. He is, by l cause of his rigid adherence to the Jewish Law: tradition, buried together, bones inter-mixed, With his fellow disciple, St. Jude. (Luke 6: 15; Acts 1: 13) Western tradition has this disciple preach. Happy Digging! , ing in Egypt and along with St. Jude in Persia where both suffered martyrdom. Ask Dr. Dig Eastern tradition says Simon In Genesis it says that Adam lived 930 died peacefully in Edessa. years. How could that be possible? In any event, this - Evelyn apostle is a complex Dear Evelyn, subject - espeIf you think that is cially if he is idendifficult, in the List of tified with the radiSumerian Kings, it cal fringe of Jewish lists A-Lu-Lim having nationalism. So to lived for 28,800 years. properly understand Also AI-AI-Gar is listed his character it is necas having lived for essary to look at the po36,000 years. So, it can be litical climate of firstassumed that given that century Palestine. In a some patriarchal figures land, .under Roman could have enjoyed a notable rule; the Jews were for longevity, we have to think that centuries dominated even the Genesis account is not to . byforeign powers. be taken literally according to our , Centuries of oppression understanding of a 365-days-a-year 'followed with the Greeks and time span. .then the Romans who, in the first century, were the undisDr. John Heird is a Bible histoputed world power. In all rian and archaeologist. He is a these hundreds of years of writer and lecturer on biblical back- • domination, the Jews never grounds and the development director accepted it as a matter of life and destiny. They for the Diocese of Little Rock. Write him at never got used to the mastery, of others, and drdir:@lampcom.com. several times would mount a revolt ag'ainst the foreign oppressors. For example, in the second century B.C. the Maccabees raised up to make Israel a free and independent nation. As the decades passed, Israel was still under foreign domination, but the flames of national identity and patriotic zeal refused to flicker. They were revolutionary freedom fighters that were a thorn in the side of the Romans. The Imperial powers responded and some of the bloodiest and most terrible times in Jewish history followed. In reprisals as many as 500 Jewish people a day were sent to the cross by the Roman authorities. This fueled the conflict and the resulting warfare by the Zealots and the Romans led to the total destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The madness came to a climax in the month of August of the year when an estimated 100,000 prisoners and another 100,000 executions were exacted by the Legionnaires. Still some of the Zealots refused to give up. Such was their fierceness. We can only assume that Simon was such a petson~ There is some scholarship that tends to deny that he was a full-fledged Zealot, opting for the opinion that he was only a keeper of the Law. We know little about him from the Biblical accounts - especially how he could have tolerated Matthew a fellow disciple and a Roman official. But such is the,power of the fellowship of the Savior. Even though it is probably a true premise that Simon was first drawn to Christ because the Lord was a plausible ally in the removal of the Roman rule, the transforming power of the Holy Spirit manifested in the apostle a ST. SIMON THE ZEALOT .


Sourm: UnhlIlliIy of IlDdlest8r

u.s. bishop says no military solution possible in Liberia:'·: ,




. st~tement. WASHINGTON ~ C~tholic The he~th and edu~ationinfraleaders remain convinced there structures, already in disarray from be no military solution to'viQlence a civil war of 1989-94, have been' in Liberia, according to the chair-: :furt\1er eroded, he noted, Jbe ,un7' man of the U.S. bishops' Commit- : employment rate remairis at more' tee on International Policy. than 85 percent. In a recent statement, Bishop In this situation, said Bishop John H. Ricard of Pensacola-Tal- Ricard, 'The Catholic Church and lahassee, Aa., said the U.S. bish- other religious organizations serve ops and the Catholic Church in as the last remaining structures caLiberia support the U.N. Security pable of providing essential social .Council's recent decision to extend services, particularly health and an embargo on arms sales to education, in the absence of a viLiberia. able state." "We support the call of the 'Churches, hospitals and other Catholic Church and the Interreli- buildings owned by religious comgious Council of Liberia for anim- munities have been pillaged and mediate and unconditional cease- destroyed, said Bishop Ricard, yet fire, and for negotiations leading to "the Catholic Church pursues its the creation of a government of mission to serve those who are most national unity," he said. affected by,the war." , As two rebel groups battle with Bishop Ricard said a '~govemforces loyal to President Charles ment of national unitY" being 'p'roTaylor, the peace and stability of posed by the churches would proLiberia's neighbors - Ivory Coast, mote' reconc,iliatlon arriong :ail Guinea and Sierra Leone - are people of the country and prepare threatened, said Bishop Ricard. The for. futur~ presidential elections,. " U.S. embassy in late May advised Such a government would iri~ Americans in the country to leave elude the parties to the conflict but because of the danger of military also representatives ofcivil society, action. The U.S. embassy remained various religious groups, the open, however. diaspora and "legitimate opposiBishop Ricard said that since tion parties," he explained. 1999 thousands of Liberian civilHe urged the international comians have been killed. Another mil- munity to prepare for deployment lion have been forced from· their of an international military stabilihomes within the country and a zation force, which would be nechalf-million have sought refuge in essary to guarantee security for the neighboring countries. people of Liberia, "Government and rebel forces He also asked all parties in the have been accused of committing . conflict "to provide safe corridors egregious human rights abuses, in- to allow for urgently needed emereluding th¢ sex~al abuse of women .gency relief assistance for and young girls and the conscrip" Liberians, refugees from neighbortion of minors for military service, ing countries and third country namassive looting, ethnic massacres tionals," and urged people of faith and other atrocities," he said in his to pray for a deep and lasting peace.




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