
Page 1

Entire World Awaits Direction. of Holy Spirit

Cardinals to Elect New Pop-e

Five Americans 'to Participate. in

Cardinal Spellman

Cardinal McIntyre

Cardinal Cushing



Aft AfNAor ., M'Iot4......... ".. III I'r. PA..

Fall River, Mass., Thursday; June 13, 1963 • 't

Vol. 7, No. 25 ©

~963 ·The Anchor

PRICE IOc $4.00 per 'fear

The Vacant See

Diocesan Priest Now'at Vatican Writes Sublimely of Solemnity in Rome ., By


Edward 1. MitcheD

Time, the healer of all wounds, is. gently easing the IOrrow felt here in Rome at the passing of Pope John. The official period of mourning continues, with special Masses each morning in St. Peter's Basilica for the·soul of the departed poritiff. At the spondent was 'alloWed to enter same time preparations are the papal apartment and pay his 'well a d van c e d for the respects to the remains of the Opening of the conclave that dead pontiff. Clutching a cruci­ elect the successor to John fix to his breast, Pope John XXIII.' seemed as serene in death as he had been in life. I looked down In this pause before the Chair upon his face and kissed the of Peter is again vibrant with cross 01. his slipper-and remem­ life and leadership, memory bered that he had prayed for me lingers on the soul-stirring (as he had for all of us!) in his events of the past week. There dying breath. As I moved away was that sunset Mass on the from the bier, the deep stillness steps of St. Peter's the evening of the room struck me. It was tPat the Pope died, with thou­ broken only by the hushed shuf. sands upon thousands of faithful fling of feet participating. There was the across the car­ phrase from the last Gospel of peted floor, the the Mass that came ringing over fluttering of a the loudspeaker, "There came a curtain in the man from God whose name was wind, and the .fohn * * *" There was the an. distant splash­ nouncement ten minutes later ing of a foun­ that the Pope had just entered tain in the eternity, and the tears of the Square below people, and the great bell of St. Later that af­ Peter's dolefully echoing to their ternoon, under sorrow. an ov-ercast sky, Nor can memory ever forget the body of ,Gte experience of the following Pope John was· ~ternoon when )'our correTurn to Page EiiPlteea



.Cardinal Meyer


From 50 to 91

Peruvian and German are Youngest; Vatican Curia Member Is Oldest By

Patricia McGowan

If the 82 members of the College of Cardinals were employed by the average large corporation, 64 would be drawing retirement checki'l. Only 18 would be active, be­ cause only that number are under the age of 65. That the Church, unlike most of mod­ The Prefect of the Congrega. ern society, places no par­ tions of Seminaries and Univer­ ticular premium on youth, i~ sities, Giuseppe Cardinal Piz­ proved by a glance at the zardo, was born in 1877,' only birth dates of the Cardinals, of Cardinal claiming that birthdate. whom only 17 were born in the , Four Cardinals were born in. 20th century. 1879, Ignace Cardinal Tappouni" Oldest Prince of the Church is Patriarch of Antioch of the Sy­ Francesco Cardinal Morano of rians; Francesco Cardinal Bracci the Vatican administrative staff. of the Vatican adininistrative Born in 1872, he is 91.. The staff; Clemente Cardinal Micara, youngest Cardinals are Juan Vicar General' of Rome; and Benedetto Aloisi Cardinal Ma. Landazuri Ricketts, O.F .M., Arch­ . bishop.of Lima, Peru, and Julius sella. The latter is Cardinal Cham. Cardinal Doepfner, Archbishop ot'Munich and Freising, a mere berlain of the Holy Roman Church and during the present 50 years old. ". 'J,'railfng Cardinal Morano .for "sede vacante" period when the 'second place in order of age is Church is without a Pope, he has 90 year old Carlos Cardinal de-la taken possession of the proper­ Torre, Archbishop of Quito, ties of the Holy see and is ad. ministering Church affairs. It Ecuador. Three Cardinals were born was his duty to verify the death of John XXIII. in 1876, Brazil's Augusto da Sil­ , There are five 83 year old Car. va, Spain's Enrique PIa y Deniel dinals. ,They are Santiago Car­ and Italy's Maurilio Fossati. dinal Copello, Chancellor of the Church; Pierre Cardinal Gerlier. Archbishop of Lyons, France; Clement Cardinal Roques, Arch­ bishop of Rennes, France; Paolo Cardinal Giobbe, Apostolic Datary; and Jose Cardinal da Turn to Page Seventeen By order of His Excel­ lencYI the Most Reverend Bi!!hop, an examination for college students desirous of studying for the priesthood will t;>e held at 9 Thursday morning, June 20, in the Convent of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, The fourth annual Dioce­ Prospect Street, Fall River. san school picnic for elemen­ The matter for the examina­ tions will consist of subjects tary school students will be usually undertaken during the held at Lincoln Park, North first two years of the classical Dartmouth, Tuesday, Wednesday college courses. There will be and Thursday - June 18, 19, 20. no examination of Philosophy. The outing is under the spon­ Each candidate appearing for sorship of the Diocesan School the examination will be required Office and will be under the to present the following papers: supervision of Rev. Patrick J. , A letter of recommendation O'Neill, sup e r i n ten den t of from the college which he has schools assisted by Roland S. attended together with an of­ Gamache, Lincoln Park's Public ficial record of his scholastic Relations Director. standing in the various studies Schools have been divided into he has pursued. ~~ groups of approximate17 Turn to Page Twe1v. Turn to Page llolineteen 0

Examine Students Next 'Thursday For Seminary

Diocesan Grade School Picnic Next Week


ROME (NC) Five American Princes of the Holy Roman Church will participate in the voting 'when the College of Cardi­ nals convenes here next week to elect a new Supreme Pon­ tiff to succeed t~ late John XXIII. The five represent the largest unit of Ameri­ cans ever to take part in the secret papal balloting in the Vatican's Sistine Chapel. The five Americans are: Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York. · James Francis Cardinal Mc­ Intyre, Archbishop of Los An­ geles. Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston. · Albert Cardinal Meyer, Arch­ bishop of Chicago. Joseph Cardinal Ritter, Arch­ bishop of St. Louis. Nearly 80 Cardinals will attend the conclave which will open next Wednesday. Balloting will begin next Thursday. · Cardinals Spellman and Mc­ Intyre attended the conclave which elected Angelo Cardinal Roncalli as Pope in' October 1958. Edward Cardinal Mooney, Achbishop of Detroit, was in ROineto participate in the Papal balloting in 1958. However, he was fatally stricken about two hours before the con cIa v • opened. American Car din a 1 shave voted in only foUt' of 78 papal elections. It is not known as yet how many of the 82 Cardinals, repre­ senting more than 30 nations of the world, will take part in the largest con~lave in the histor, of the Church. Two Are Dl Oarlos Maria Cardinal de la Torre, ArChbishop of Quito, Ecuador; . will not travel to Roine. He will be 90 years old ,in November and has been in bed for some months with thrombosis. Carlo Cardinal Chiarlo of the Roman Curia., or central ad­ ministration of the Rom a n Catholic Church, is anotner of the Oardinals who is not ex­ pected to attend. He is seriously ill and confined to bed in hw home near .Lucca, in Tuscany. The membership of the College of Cardinals represents 31 coun­ tries. The greatest ~ystery sur­ rounds Jozsef Cardinal Mind­ szenty, Primate of Hungary, who has been in refuge in the United States Legation in Bud­ apest since the Hungarian up­ rising of 1956. It was thought at one time that the Vaticall would urge Cardinal Miridszenty Turn to Page Three

Problem of Space Brings Conclave Rule Change ROME (NC) - The deci­ sion of the Congregation of Cardinals that each Prince ­ of the Church shall be ac­ companied by only one conclav­ ist has helped to solve the prob­ lem of accommodations at the Sistine Chapel for the election next week of a new Pope. Formerly each Cardinal Wall permitted two assistants. Cardinals who are sick and require special care will be al­ lowed two conclavists rather than the former three. The change has been necessi­ tated because 82 Cardinals-the largest number in history - are eligible to participate in the balloting which begins next Thursday. Only 51 took part in the 1958 conclave which _elected Pope John XXIII. Aside ,from the staff of coo,"­ Turn' to Page Twel"


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 13! 1963


Excellent Church Music Does Exist But Is Seldom Heard in Church

Prelate Deplores

Educators' Lack

Of Humor

NEW YORK (NC)-There's a lot of bE-autiful church music but it's never heard in churches, an erstwhile piano player in a, Rome nightspot asserted he,re.

DAYTON (NC) - Arne1\­

iean education suffers from.

a "tragic lack" of a sense of

humor am 0 n g educators,

Mass Ordo FRIDAY' - St. Basil, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of the Church. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. SATURDAY - Mass of the Blessed Virgin for Saturday IV Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect SS. Vitus, Modestus, and Cre­ scentia, Martyrs; no Creed; 'Preface of Blessed Virgin. SUNDAY-II Sunday After Pen­ tecost. II Class. Green. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface · of Trinity. , MONDAY-St. Gregory Barbar­ ici, Bishop 'and Conf"'sor III Class. White. Mass Proper; · Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface.. TUESDAY - St. Ephraem, Dea­ con, Confessor and Doctor of • the Church. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; SecOlid Collect SS. Mark and Marcel­ lianus, Martyrs; no Creed; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY-St. Juliana Fal. conieri, Virgin. III Class White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second C'JllectSS. Gervase and Protase, Martyrs; no Creed; Common Preface. THURSDAY-Mass of previous Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Second Col­ lect St. Silverius, Pope and Martyr; no Creed; Common Preface.

FORTY HOURS DEVOTION June 16-C 0 r pus Christi, Sandwich. St. Elizabeth, Fall River. , June 23-Blessed Sacrament, Fall River; . ' St. Mary, Norton. Sacred Heart, North At­ tleboro. June 30-St. l'J.:ary, New Bed­ ford. St. Francis Xavier, Hyan-. nis. '·Holy Trinity, West Har­ wich. July

7-St. Joan of Are, Orleans Our Lady of the Assump­ tion, Osterville.

THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall RIver, Mass.. Published overy Thursday It 410 Highland "venue Fall River Mass, by tha Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall RIver. Subscription price by mall. postpaid $4.00 per Year,

Ralph Burns, 40, ·who com­ pose(l, arranged and conducted the musical score for the "Cath. olic Hour" TV series "I Am With You," said: "A lot of beautiful church music has been written, but the only place you can hear it is on the concert stage. Music directors in the churches like to keep the traditional, so you never hear anything else." Burns is a musical arranger for the Broadway theater and in the "pop" record field. He re­ called that in 1954 he attended the canonization of St. Pius X and was impressed deeply by the sounding of trumpets heralding the arrival of Pope Pius XII for the ceremony. ' He said: "It was a thtilling musical experience," and he used it in his arrangement for the TV series produced by the Na. tional Council of Catholic Men. "Studying early church music is almost the same as studying the history of music itself,'" Burns said in recallin!:t the re­ search he did for the TV series. Reproduction of the early music for the series was partie. ularly difficult, Burns said. "The scor"'! would have been dull if I used the adual music of - the time," he explained, "they didn't have ..sharps and flats--­ just seven notes. I had to ,take the music and nake it sound good." Burns, a parishioner of St. Malachy's, the "actors' church'" near Broadway's theater district, currently is orchestrating a new Richard Rodgers musical sched­ uled for the Fall. He did the or. chestrations for the Broadway musicals "No Strings," "Little Me," and "Hot Spot," i1nd also arrangements for a number of Ray Charles, Johnny Mathis, Tony Bennett, Vic Dainone and Lena Horne recordings.

Legion of Decency The following films are to be added to the lists in their re­ spective ,classifications: Unobjectionable for General Patronage--Mouse 011 the Moon. Unobjectionable for Adults and Adolescents - Black Fox; Thrill of It All. Unobjectionable for Adults­ In the French Style. .. Objectionable in Part for All -Irma La Douce (Objection: Based on a stage production of the same title, this comedy is concerned with· the subject of prostitution. In developing its story of the redemption of one particular prostitute, the film so concentrates. upon the de.tails of prostitution and upon sugges­ tiveness in costuming, dialogue and situations that. it fails as comedy and, as a consequence, tends to' be a coarse mockery of virtue.)

HIGH HONORS: Graduating with high honors from Dominican Academy, Fall River, is this pretty quartet, shown at Class Day exercises. Seated, Carol Zmuda; standing, from left, Jeanne St. Amand, Oarol Viana, Pamela Audet.

Press Strong Factor More Catholic College Students Seek U. S. Foreign Service Careers WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic press can take a bow. In 1962, one out of every five clll1didates taking the competi­ tive examination for U. S. For­ eign Service Officers was a stu­ dent or graduate of a Catholic college or university. This represented an impres­ sive increase over former times, and is believed to have been due in. good part to the publicity the c.ltholic press gave to the exam­ ination and the opportunity young people were afforded t9 serve their country. "The Catholic press was of val­ u~lble assistance in bringing this information to the attention of iu: readers," a U. S. State Depart­ ment staffer said in making known the percentage of Cath­ oIlc college students among the applicants. He also said a "sub. stantial number of them" were successful in the examination. Next Examination The examinatiqn for Foreign Service Officers is coming up again-Saturday, Sept. 7.. It will be given at 70 cities throughout th,e U. S. and at dIplomatic and consular posts abroad.. Three options will be featured".-His­ tory, Government and Social Science; Management and Busi­ ness Administration, and Eco­ nomics. ' Applicants who are 21

under 31 years of age as of July I, 1963 and who will have been citizens of the U. S. ·for at .least nine years as of that date,are eligible. A minimum of 20 years of age has been established for those who either have bachelors degrees or have completed their junior year of college. Varying Backgrounds July 22 is the closing date for filing completed application forms. Application forms and infor­ ma'tion can be obtained from ·tlie Secretary of the Board of Ex­ aminers for the Foreign Service, Depal'tment of State, Washing. ton 25, D. C. ' The Foreign Service aims· to draw its manpower from youths with varying geographical, edu­ cational, economic and rae'ial backgrounds. It believes it cim best mirror the country it repre. sents in this way. . ,'-,'''' In· ad9ition to applicants,with majors in political science, goy­ ernment, history and the liberal arts, ,it is looking for men" and women applicants trained· in such diverse specialties as bu.dg­ et and fiscal work, management, personnel, labor relations, la'W, banking' and finance; industry, foreign trade and all' other pects of economics and adminis.. tration. .


BAN FRANCISCO (NC)-The Spanish National Tourist Office hel~e has announced that a trip to Spain will be offered as first prize in a contest to select, the bent published article on famed California missioner Fat her Junipero Serra, O.F.M., and his part in Western development.

Necrology JUNE 18

ltev. James M. Coffey, P.R., Past,or, St. Mary, Taunton



,DUBUQUE (NC) - The Serra

Club of DUbuque has. been pre­

~ted with its charter by Wil­

fred Schlaefer of St. Paul, Minn.,

,~trict governor of Serra In­ ,ternational.

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lic.n.... Fun.ral Dir.cror and R.gilr.red Embalm.r


nt. Rev. James J. Coyle, P.R.. LL.D., 1931, Pastor, St. Ma17, Taunton.


Funera'i Home GOLD MEDAL WINNER: .Michael R. Nagle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nagle, Holy Name parish, Fall River, receives gold medal for proficiency in Latin from Bishop Russell J. McVinney of Providence at De La Salle Academy, Newport, graduation ceremony.

-Charter Serra Club,


Fr. ,Serra Contest


Bishop 'John J. Wright of Pitts­

burgh said here~ Speaking at the 113th com- _ mencement exercises at the Un­ iversity of Dayton, Bishop Wright said there is a "stupid and deadly earnestness sur.­ rounding the discussion of in­ tellectual life of America and the intellectual life of the Church." It is so devoid. of a touch of humor that it suggests "that kn,owledge and informa­ tion may be on the increase, but wisdom and understanding oa the way out," the Bishop said. "Education that leaves no time

for nonsense is no education at

all," he declared. "Of many of

the books on American educa­

tion which are flooding the

markets presently one commos

note cuts across all differences of

progressivism, conservatism, lib­

eralism, aristocracy, classicimn,

and llCientism - it's the ap­

palling absence of any trace

whatever of a sense of humor."

As an example, the Bishop

cited a report entitled "The

Pursuit of Excellence: Educa­

tions and the F u t u l' e of

America." He said. "It is the

work of a sober grou·p of seriou.

thinkers • • • concerned with the greatness of our nation, its pur.­ pose, courage, responsibility.. and eminence ••• and who amass impressive statistics at the work-hours needed and the application required if colle­ '~iate and university educatio. is to contribute to these so praiseworthy ends. "But one asks as he turns eacla page, why is it all so deadly ear~t? What has become of the humanistic touch in the discus­ sion of education that used te . reveal a humane preoccupatio. that manifested itself in an oc­ casional trace of a sense ~ humor?", the prelate said.'

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'lItE ANCHOIt~D.iocese O,f-Fan .River-T.hurs. June 13, 1963

RITES FOLLOWING THE DEATH OF POPE JOHN: Left: Albert Cardinal Meyer, Chicago, sprinkles the coffin of Pope John with holy water during the simple funeral service in the apse of St. Peter's

Holy Union Nun Wins Doctorate In Philosophy



Basilica, Rome. Right: Santiago Cardinal Copello, Chancellor of the Holy Roman Church, supervises the smashing of Pope John's Fisherman's Ring, a symbol that the See of Peter is vacant.

Rules Now Enable .Alr to Participate Boston' Cardinal Twice Missed Voting

Continued from Page One opening of the conclave to a Sister Therese Anna, S.U.S.C., to attend the conclave even it maximum of 18 days. Pope Pius Iormerly principal of St. Mary that meant that he would not XII, in his apostolic constitution of Dec. 8, 1945, "Vacantis Apos­ High School, Taunton, received be permitted to re-enter Hun­ tolic Sedis," reformed the entire tile degree of Doctor of Philo­ gary. body of rules governing the con­ tIOphy at the commencement ex­ Vary in Length clave. ercises of Boston College on "r.he length of conclaves has Because of the legislation de­ Monday. 'lIhe daughter of the varied. Pope John XXIII was late Cornelius and Mary Dono­ . elected within four days - on· creed by Pius XI and Pius· XII, Tan of Fall River, Sister Therese the 12th ballot. His immediate the American and other cardi­ Anna is a graduate of the Aca­ predecessor, Pope Pius XII, was nals living at great distance are demy of the Sacred Hearts, also eleCted in 1939 in 20 hours. It now atlle to journey to a con­ clave in time to participate in raIl River. was the shortest conclave since the voting. She receIved her A.B. from 1623. Manhattan College and her A.M. Misses Election The first oC 0 n c Ie. v e - the ilIl'om Boston College. Her doc­ longest· on record· - was held . In 1878, at the election of Pope toral thesis is entitled: "Ameri­ atViteroo, Italy. Pope Clement _ns an4 Englishmen Througb IV bad' died there, Nov. 29, 1268.. Leo XIII, John Cardinal Mc­ Each Other's Eyes, 1850-1860: Rule~ then in force required the Closkey, Archbishop of New York and America's "'first and Ii. Study in National Spirit." meeting had to be held where only cardinal then, did not ar­ During the Summer, Sister 1he former pope had died. The rive in time· to vote, but was 'I'berese Anna will continue her UI cardinals _present deliberated present °for the coronation on IPesearch in Anglo-American re­ two years, nine months and two . March 3, 1878. . lations at Oxford University ill days before electing Gregory X First . American car.dinal. to England through a grant u Pope on Sept. 1, 1271. awarded by the British univer­ 'I1he Pope they finally elected, vote in a; papal election was the .ty. Gregory X, lost no time in Archbishop of Baltimore, James She witt also take part in the Issuing an Apostolic Constitu­ Cardinal Gibbons, who was pre­ Anglo-American. Conferenee of tion "Ubi Periculum," setting ·sent for both the election and Historians at the Institute of forth the procedures to be fol-· coronation of Pope St. Piux X Historical Research, University lowed in future elections, stipu­ in Aug. 1903. of London. On her return in lating that a conclave could not One Day Late September she will join the adjourn until it elected a Pope. At the election of Pope Bene­ history faculty'Of Boston College Abolishes Veio dict XV, on Sept. 3, 1914, John lor the coming academic year. . Decrees of succeeding pontiffs Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of retained this basic rule and New York, was the only Ameri­ Reeetves Fellowship added others as the times de­ can present. He was traveling in· In the Summer of 1961 Sister manded. Switzerland when Pius X died Pope Clement VII (1523-'1534) 'l'herese Anna was a recipient on Aug. 20, 1914. On the day decreed that all future elections after the P..ppe's death, Cardinal of a Coe Foundation Fellowship tit American Studies. For the be held in Rome. Gibbons and Boston's William past two years she has continueli . Pius X (1903-1914)' abolished Cardinal O'Connell had sailed ber studies at Boston College the veto power of monarchs over from New York for Naples, on a teaching fellowship. She is papal elections following his where they landed on Sept. 3, a member of the American His­ election after Emperor Francis fhe very day Pope Ben~dict was torical Association and the Joseph of Austria sent word elected. American Association of Univer­ through Cardinal Puzyna that he Again no American cardinal sity Professors, and she has did not want the election of the been invited to join the Academy leading candidate, Secretary of was present for the election of of Political and Social Sciences. State Cardinal Rampolla, and Pope Pius XI on Feb. 6, 1922. For the second time Cardinal Currently the religious is threatened to use the power of O'Connell lost his race across veto if he were elected. working on a committee of the In those days, some Catholic the Atlantic. In his first audience New England Unit of the Na­ countries were allowed this veto . with the new Pope he spoke of tional Catholic Educational As­ his disappointment and Pius sociation for the improvement' or "Right of Exclusion". But the changed the regulations, ex­ incident so shocked and angered of. the teaching of social studies. 1he 62 cardinals present that the tending the time, in a new newly-elected pope decreed that Apostolic Constitution. ex-communication was to be Nea.rly Misses Again Mass .at Sub Base pronounced "ipso facto" against But even with this extension GLASGOW (NC) Father any cardinal who attemped to of the time between the death of Michael Lee, pastor of Dunoon act for a government by casting a pope and the opening of a near here, has celebrated Mass a veto during a· conclave. conclave to elect another, Car­ on the United States Navy Travel Time dinal O'Connell nearly missed floating dock anchored in the In his motu proprio ''Cum the opening of the conclave that elected Pope Pius XII on March Holy Loch, Polaris submarine Proxime," March '1, 1922, Pope anchorage on the River Clyde . Pius XI extended the interval 2, 1939. The Cardinal was in here in Scotland. between a pope's death and the Nassau when he received word

Congress Expresses Profound Sorrow WASHINGTON (NC) - The Senate and House of Representa­ tives unanimously adopted resolutions expressing "profound sorrow" at the death of Pope John.

on Feb. 10 that Pius XI had died and had first to return to the U.S. by boat before going to Rome. Philadelphia's Archbishop De­ The Senate resolution de­ nis Cardinal Dougherty and Chicago's Archbishop George scribed Pope John as "a preem­ Cardinal Mundelein departed inent spiritual leader who en­ deared himself to peoples of aU from New York on the fol­ lowing day, reaching Rome in nations and all faiths by his un­ ample time for the election. tiring efforts to promote unity among religious, to advance the C~rdinal O'Connell arrived at Naples on March 1, and hastened dignity of the individual, and to by auto to Rome. He was the last maintain international peace." of the 62 Cardinals to arrive, . The House resolution said the reaching the conclave chamber . Pope "exerted the most chal­ less than an hour before the lenging and sincere efforts for doors were locked. It was the world peace * * * manifested the first time that three U.S. cardi­ broadest tolerance toward man. nals voted in a papal election. kind and all creeds, and * * • pleaded for the protection of op.­ Modern 1~ravel Now inflhe d~YS of speedier pressed minorities." transatlantioc liners and jet planes, the trip to Rome presents no great problem. However, it is "h.t Ii";' 10 put !fl. kitt. to bed ;. interesting to note that to get while YOII still have tfle ene'IIY.Turn to Page Five o


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THE ANCHOR-·Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. June 13, 1963



Summer plans for the Holy Name Society include attend­ ance at a baseball game in Boston Sunday, July 28 and a barbecue and family field day Sunday, Aug. 4 at Independent Sportsmen's Club. ST. ELIZABETH GUILD,


Members will hold their an­ nual Summer sale Thursday, Aug. 8 in the parish hall. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE,


New president of the Council of Catholic Women is Mrs. Orner Martineau. Council members will hold a mystery ride Satur­ day, June ·22, with arrangements in charge of Mrs. Eugene Hebert and Mrs. Albert Blanchette. Reservations are open until Wednesday, June 19. ST. ANNE,


Social Group officers are Mrs Medora DaSilva, president; Mrs. Celia Leblance, vice-president; Mrs. Claire Meianson, junior vice-president; Mrs. Doris Asse­ lin, secretary; Mrs. Jacqueline Lauzier, treasurer. ST. MARY,


Men's Night will· be held by the Women's Guild tomorrow night in the churc'h hall. A pot­ luck supper will be served. A cake sale is announced for 10 Saturday morning, June 29 at the Mello Shoppe, Padanaram Village. ST. MICHAEL,


The parish celebration of the Holy Ghost feast, to be held Fri­ day through Sunday of this week will include a penny sale and bazaar tomorrow, ~ bazaar on Saturday ~nd a band concert, bazaar and auction on Sunday. All events will take place on the school grounds. In addition, Sunday's program will include a Solemn High Mass ~nd an afte-­ noon procession through streets of the pariSh. Proceeds from all activitie8 will benefit the parish school. ST.' MARY'S CATHEDRAL,


The Men's Club plans it annu­ al Father's Day Communion breakfast and installation of of­ ficers to follow 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, June 16, and to take place at White's restau­ rant. Rev. John E. Klinchla, director of the Family Bureau of the Boston Archdiocese, will be breakfast speaker.

ST. LAWRENCE, NEW BEDFORD New officers of the Couples Club include Mr, and Mrs. Don. aId Sciscento, presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Monfils, vice. preJlident; Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. '3parrow and Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Healy, secretaries: Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. f""- "'''in, treasurers. ST. KILIAN, NEW BEDFORD New officers of the Women's' Guild are Mrs. Alphonse E. Spir­ let, president; Mrs. William J. Richard, vice-president;. Mrs. Sydney Garth, secretary; Mrs. Hervey A. Caron, treasurer; ,Mrs. Harrison Francis, corresponding secretary and publicity chair­


LOTS OF BRAINS: A talented group, these 26 :seniors from Bishop Stang High School. Among them they've amassed $90,000' in scholarships and grants.

Urges Graduates To ,Fight for Bill of Rights

The unit has contributed towards the parish ox:gan fund and announces among future ac.. , CULLMAN (NC) Atlanta tivities a cookout. to be held pu b lis her Ralph McGill, a "Rednes'day, Aug. 14 at the home spokesman for southern liberals, 4)f Mrs. Spirlet. appealed here to college gF-adu­ Rev. Walter J. Buckley, pastor, at~s to be "aides to my genera'­ addressed parents and members tion" and help put the nation in 4)f the newly formed Boy Scout or-der. Troop 49 at the first Court of 'McGill, pub lis her of the Honor to be held for the group. Atlanta Constitution, spoke flo Troop 49 has two patrols: the the graduating class of the Bene­ Hawks and the Flaming Arrows, dic'~ine Fathers' St. Bernard CoI­ each consisting of nine boys. leg,~ here in Alabama. About 2,000 people gave him such ST. AUGUSTINE, thunderous. applause the pro­ VINEYARD HAVEN gram w.as del aye d several The Women's Guild will ,spon­ minutes. sor a tea and bazaar Sunday, l\I[cGill and Archbishop John July 14 with Mrs. George E. P. Cody were awarded honorary Buckley Jr. in charge of arrange­ degrees. ' ments. A food sale is scheduled McGill asked college youth to for Saturday, June 29. M.rs. Adrien Silva is chairman. HOlLY NAME, ST. THERESA'S. NEW BEDFORD SOUTH ATTLEBO~O The Holy Name Society will The Gay G's, a women's choral sponsor a ham and bean supper group 01 30 voices, will present from 5.to 8 Saturday night, June a musical and variety show en­ 22 in the parish hall, Ceunty titled Springtime in Paris at a and Studley Streets. Tickets ar~ Saturday night, June 15 iR the available from members or at church hall. Proceeds will ben­ the ooor. Proceeds will benefit' efit the parish building ftHMi" the sChool building f~. and song and ~nce acts will be featured in addition -00 the ST. LOUIS, ch4)rus. ' FAl.L UVEIt Members of the Women'. ST. JOSEPH. Guild win meet.at 6:30 Tuesd~ FALL ltlVElt Brownie troops 'of the parish night, June 25. in the church ~tl will hold a cookout at Girl Scam for an installati1):ri~banquet.Mrs. William Lynch -is cl1airman. Camp Tattapanum Monday.after­ To be seated are the current noon ahd evening, June 17. A bus will leave from St. Joseph's officers, all of whom were re­ turned to office. They are Mrs. school at 3:15. Wilfred 51. Michel, president; ST. JOHN BAPTIST, Miss Agnes Murphy, vice-presi­ NEW BEDFORD dent; Mrs. Gill Rapoza, secre­ Ladies Guild announces a Com­ _tary:: Mrs. Fred O'Neil, treasurer. munion supper Sunday, June 23 Ml's. James Murphy will be at Copicut Lodge. An outing at installing officer. Entertainment Rindge, N. H. is planned Sunday, will feature the guild glee club, July 14 for members and their direeted by Miss ~urphy. families. Future activities in­ clude a rummage sale for mid­ September. ,

ST. ROCH, FALL RIVER The Council 0": Catholic Women lists a chicken barbecue supper OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL - and penny sale for Saturday, HELP, NEW BEDFORJ) New officers of Our Lady of June 22 in the parish hall. A mystery ride is scheduled for Perpetual Help Society are Mrs. August and a f~ shion show for Jeannette Tobojka, president; Mrs. Jane Pietraszek, vice-presi­ September. dent; Mrs. Adele Ponichtera, It is announce'l that work for the Rose Hawth~rne Home will Mrs. Mary Szeliga and Mrs. Jo­ sephine Murach, secretaries; and continue throughout the Sum­ mer, but that regular meetings Mrs. Sally Szlegier, treasurer. Corporate Communion is will be discontinued until Sep­ planned for 8:30 MaS&. Sunday tember. morning, June 23, to qe followed ST. STANISLAUS,

at 6:15 that night by an installa­ FALL RIVER

New officers of the PTA and tion banquet at White's restau­ rant. Alumni will be installed in Sep­ The unit will present a sav­ tember ceremonies, in charge of . Mr. and Mrs. ,Joseph Gromada. ings bond to the highest ranking girl graduate of the parochial They are Joseph Amaral, presi­ school at graduation ceremonies dent; Mrs. Bertha Pensak, vice­ this Sunday. president; Carl Erdman, secre­ tary; Mrs. Stanley Forczyk, SS. PETER AND PAUl" treasurer. FALL RIVER ,The Women's' Guild will spon­ OUR LADY OF ANGELS,

sor a chicken patty supper at FALL RIVER

The Holy Name Society will 6:30 Wednesday night, June 19 have a Communion Breakfast in the church hall. Mrs. Robert Sunday morning following the Colbert, chairman, will be <WI­ sisted by Mrs. Rocco Postiglione, 8 o'clock Mass. The new slate of officers of co-chairman. Mrs. Stanley Jan­ the Council of Catholic Women ick and Mrs. Laurence Lynch will be in charge of a penny sale is as follows: Mrs. Esther Dzu­ gala, president; Mrs. Dorothea to follow the meal. Mrs. Henry Holland, ticket Almeida, vice-president; Mrs. chairman, annnUllces that tickets Mary Rodrigues, recording sec­ are available from her or her retary. committee. Mrs. Alma Viveiros, corre­ New guild appointments are· sponding secretary; Mrs. Lillian LaForce, treasurer; Miss Irene Mrs. Francis C. Taylor, Anchor Furtado, Mrs. Mary Faris, and scribe and Mrs. Thomas Cahill Mrs'. Sarah Pimental, members and Mrs. Postiglione, spiritual development chairmeF of tlJe board of dfrectors.

become "allies in faith" with the Bill of Rights and wage battle against those who encour-age violence for political gain. Speaking against the bllCk­ ground of the impending effort at desegregation of the Univer­ sity of Alabama and Gov. John Wallace's professed determina­ tion to block physically the colored students' entry, M~m said: Common Cause "You and I must put our in­ dividual selves and our national house in order and be able to

oonfront our domestie probletnll, sociological and economic, for they now demand our best. "I appeal to you as aides to my generation. We need you in a COmmon cause that can be won. We need you as allies in faith in our form of government and in the Bill of Rights, now snidely and cynically under at­ "tack.

"'Today we see, and hear, men with so little faith in themselves that they seek to destroy the faith of others in our processes 6f law and of constitutional government."

Servant of the servants of God

...·1 iii'




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Itt! A'NCMOR-DiooltSt!t of Fa" River-Thurs. June 13, 1963

DURING THE VACANCY: Left: The Camerlengo'- of 'the Sacred College of Cardinals, Benedetto Cardinal Masella, symbolic mace in hand

Urges Teachers Pl'omote Values Needed Most

takes possession of Vatican City. Right: The Papal apartment is finally sealed, and may not be opened except by the new Pope.

Cardinal Mindszenty May Stay in Exile Maintains Asylum in U. S. legation in Budapest Continued from Page Three

MIAMI (NC) - Teachers to the conclave whkh elected have an obligation to pre-. POf)e John XXIII, on Oct. 28, mote those values society 1958, Francis Cardinal Spellman, needs most, a priest told Ar(:hbishop of New York, had

died of a heart attack at the North Ame'rican College on Oct. 25, less than two hours before the conclave opened. Cardinal Mindszenty, Arch­ bishop of Esztergom, Hungary, was unable to be present, as he was in the American Legation at Budapest, where he still maintains asylum following' the Hungarian revolution of 1956. Alojzije Cardinal Stepinac, Archbishop of Zagreb, who died in 1960, was then confined in his native village of Krasic by the Yugoslav communi9t govern­ ment. Ta.ken by Ambulance Thomas Car din a I Tien of Peking, now in exile, returned to Rome from Germany in an ambulance where he had been hospitalized following an auto accident. Hp. arrived in time to participate in the election of Pope John XXIII. When Pope John XXII was elected 1314 at Carpentras, France, the cardinals had deli­ berated 24 months. The shortest conclave in the history of the papacy was that which elected Pope Julius II, after only a few hours. His predecessor, Pius II,

his difficulties. IIOme 500 members of the newly When Pius XII died on Oct. 9, organized Catholic Teachers· 1958, Cardinal Spellman was on .Guild here.. ' the high seas returning to the Fa.ther FranCIS ~. Canfield,. United States with some 600 pil­ ~resl~ent of the ~a:lOnal ~atho- grims aboard the Greek liner ~tC LIbrary AssOclatlO~, said that Olympia. The news came at 5 .A.M. The ship veered off C(lurse 10 contemporary. sO~lety th:se values are truth, Ju~tIce, charI~y to take the. Cardinal' to the and freedo.m, aspomt~ out ~n. . Azores. A launch· met the ship th~ encycbcal.Pacem m '!'errls., and took him to Terceira Island, 'T~e Cathobc.. teacher In the whence he was flown to the Is. pubhc school Will not prosely­ I .f S . t· " 'd F th r C nfield. "He and 0 . anta Marla, where be I~e, sal a e a caught a Portuguese plane for will. no~ try to advance..the. Lisbon, arriving there at 6 P.M. speCial mterests of the VISible Th' t f' ' t I <-- h Church. He will not flaunt his

lr y- lVemu;u es a~ e'was Faith before the unbelieving, e?-r.oute by air to. Ro~e, ar­ rivIng at at two The responSl''ble C a th 0 l'IC WI'11·1

a ­ . . the 'Vatican . ways respect the sacred right of minutes past mldmght.

conscience. Motor City Cardinal

"But both public and paro­ Detroit's Archbishop Edward chial school teachers will recog­ Cardinal Mooney and the Arch~ nize an obligation and an @p­ bishop of Los Angeles, James portunity to promote the very Francis Cardinal McIntyre, also values that our society needs arrived before the beginning ()f most today." the conclave. Controlling Influenoe Of the 54 cardinals eligible to Father Canfield said that 'if vote, only 51 E.mtered the 1958 the teacher is professionally conclave. Cardmal Mooney, 76, competent, if he has control over his matter" and is aware of "his duty to bear witness to Christ, George G. Pelletier, lecturer then he will recognize the op­ on music and director of Stone­ portunities to make these great hill College glee club, has been values a controlling influence in accepted for advanced study of the lives of his pupils." conducting this $ummer at the "In doing that work, he will Berkshire Music Center at Tan­ enrich beyond measure the im­ glewood in Lenox, Mass. in the pressionable mind of the young." department of choral conducting. I 365 NORTH STREET he stated. "And he will thus en­ , . F rich society for years to come. The center is the Summer insti­ , NEW BEDFORD \ tute of the Boston Symphony For what can make for a re­ Orchestra for the advanced study sponsible citizen better than , WYman 2-5534 , . of choral, orchestral and cham­ truth, justice, charity and free­ ber music. dom? "It is your vocation as profes­ <SSgS, %%%SS%%i%%SSSS%%%%SS%%%%%SSSSSS$'%%SSSSS' sional teachers, as loyal Ameri­ cans, and as witnesses to the (;(,spel to reinforce and, if necessary, introduce into the INC. lives of your students these great forces:

Study Conducting

had died on October 18, 1503, after a reign of only 26 days. It was Julius II (1503-1513) who or~red Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (1508-12) and he also founded the Swiss Guard in 1506.

CLEVELAND (NC) - Father Aloysius M. Fitzpatrick, for 34 years the editor of the Catholic Universe Bulletin, newspaper of the Cleveland diocese, marked his '50th ordination anniversary by coming to work as usual and attending a late afternoon recep­ tion in his honor .at St. John . College.


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ST. MARY-OF-THE-WOODS (NC) ...,.... A cast of 16 players sponsored by St. Mary-of-the­ Woods College here in Indiana will tour U.S. armed forces in­ stallations in Greenland, Ice­ land, Newfoundland and Labra­ dor with the musical comedy, "Seventeen," starting Monda,., July a

.Marks Jubilee


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. \-~l At least Sunday he IS • • • -With everybody waiting on him, cotering to his every whim. And Dad, no doubt will show his appreciation of all the attention by put­ ting down for a moment the worries and cares he shoulders. Don't forget-let him know you're glad he's Your Dad!

Happy Father's Day!








6' ,


THE ANCHOR...,..Diocese of Fa" River-Thurs. June 13, 1963 . • .•. ,:1'., '" ",'; . _ . '" . . .

What Kind, 'of, Man?



Prayerful Waiting Edt..

~'. 'While it makes !for interesting reading, there is, none­ the' less, something distasteful about the speculation now going on about who the new Pope might be. Such guessing and evaluation very human and for· that reason is tolerated. But the thought that keeps intruding is this: all REV. JAMES It.. CLARK, the prediction is based on human judgements. And there is more than the human to be considered. -Assistant Director When Pius XII died, the one thought was that here lotin Amerjcan Bureov, NC*' was a giant among men, a modern Doctor of the Church, a Pontiff whose shadow would dwarf any successor. When 'fRANK Y6tJ it was announced that the Patriarch of Venice was the new Pope there was acceptance and a certain amount of ''We a.re gratefui to h. sympathy for the man who would try to follow Pius. Bot only for her BPlendif , ' That was the human judgement. But the Holy Spirit work as a nurse and as • had entered,the conclave,' too, and the last four and one­ English tea e her in half years need no commentary to tell what kind ol a Pope was chosen. school, but also for her kindn~ Once again men feel deeply the loss of a Pope. Once '

her sincere interest in OW again men ask,.....,... with understandable human questioning problems, and her example as

~ who can follow John in the awesome task of ruling the a true lay apos­

Church of God. And once agitin there must be kept in mind tle." Mexican

that the element always to be considered is the grace' of pastor Father

~d. , ' ' Francisco

At this time, the prayers of men should be, that the expressed these

thoughts upon

Holy Spirit will guide the Cardinals in conClave. the departure

God knows what kind of man His Church needs. It of papal volun­

needs a holy man. It needs, in the words of Pope John, a e:rhn.oLlCjh the: CW££k CWith the: ChLln.ch. teer nurse Gen­

"true priest before God and men;" Whatever other kind evieve Zandala.

By. REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic UniverSity 'of personality is needed in a Pope in the years to come­ After one year

in this Mexican

God knows. Men's prayers should be that He touch the town Miss Zandala was trane.. minds, and hearts of the Cardinals to choose that kind TODAY-Corpus Christi Day. Gradual Hymn. God alone is the ,ferred recently to an urge. of man. Catholic faith in the holy Supper' rock on which the human labor




New Warmth While he lived, Pope John drew all manner and con­ dition of men to himself, and in him they were made aware of the charity that is the mark of a true Christian and the signpost pointing the way to God. In his death, the late Holy Father has done the same. Men of every religious persuasion have prayed for his soul. Here in the Diocese of Fall River, the Bishop and priests and faithful were joined in the Cathedral by rep­ resentatives of the Orthodox and Jewish and Protestant faiths who attended the Pontifical Mass sung last Thursday evening for the Pope. With nO,one being asked to compromise or surrender his conscience-held beliefs, Oatholics and Orthodox and Jews and Protestants still showed that all were touched by the life of a great and good man who lived and died for God and to bring men closer together in God. ' -The respect that those of other religions' showed for the Pope, the veneration with which they studied his pro­ nouncements and followed his activities, the prayers that they offered for him throughout his pontificate and during the difficult days of his dying - all these have touched the hearts of Catholics the world over and are a guarantee that the new warmth now existing among all men of good will because of PQpe John will not die out.

Evil at Home


Disgust is the only reaction to' the shocking events coming out of Great Britain relating to men in high gov­ ernment places. A filthy web of immorality and deceit hangs over the whole sorry mess. The temptation is to view the revelations with self-satisfied censure. ' That would be a mistake - to let the gaze wander too far from home. In the last several months there has been ample indication that all is not well in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Evidence has been offered that too many men have looked upon the public treasury as a private mine. It is too bad that the hue and cry stirred up by these revelations has not lasted. It would be too bad if the passing of time worked to the advantage of those who betrayed a public trust for personal profit. This is not written in the spirit of vindictiveness but in the belief that dishonesty in' public office strikes at the very root of democracy - freedom with responsibility. So while all, denounce what is happening in other places, let the evil that is still to be cleared. up closer to home share in the condemnation..



OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Di~.se,~ Fall River '410 Highland Avenue Fall'River, Mass. OSborne 5·7151' PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly. D.O., PhD. . GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Daniel f. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll ,MANAGING EDITOR

Hugh J~ Golden'

of the Lord receives a resound- of building can be ultimately ing affirmation in today's Mass. meaningful. And His love alone, And the poetry of the Sequence is the security of human brother­ Hymn expresses more clearly - hood and solidarity. Rejection than philosophy our conviction: of, the brotherhood (the' me~l, "Bread and wine are now signs the symbol of heavenly unity) is only and no longer their own rejection of Him (Gospel). realit~. But wonderful realities MONDAY-St. Gregor Bar­ are hIdden under them * * * See, " Y , here is the bread of angels be- BarlgO, BiShop, Confessor; All come the earthly pilgrim's f~od." ~asses of the "~anctoral cycle" (m commemoration of holy men TOMORROW - St. Basil the and women) are characterized Great, Bishop, Confessor, Doc. by a strong accent on the action tor. Agai..n the Mass dwells on of God in their lives. We see this in the hymns today: "The Lord" preaching and teaching particu­ larly, but, more broadly, on the did this and that (Entrance cost in effort and self-denial of Hymn). "I have annointed his, that my 'Christian discipleship in gen­

eral. Patience, urgency, the good, hand may help him and my a1'llll :fight, the course (First Reading) strengthen him", (Offertory); ,-and in the Gospel theempha-' "whom the master has set over ,sis on one's 'cross and on reck-' his household (Communion). '[lning one's strength for the sake The saint's human ,cooperation is not ignored (Gospel), but even of effective witness. ' this is an aspect· of God's work. ST. MARY ()N SATURDAY. No dilemma of grace 'and works Saturday Eucharistic celebra-, her.e. All is a, hymn to. His 'tions, unless an important feast mighty power, :lntervenes, are ordinarily com­ TUESDAY-St. Ephrem, Dea­ lrnemorative of Our Lady as first e.on, Doctor. Men like Ephrem .among the disciples and as sym­ :bol of the Church itself, in ita saved the Church in, the East :aspects of holiness and mother- from the error of thinking that ll1ood. ' , theologians must always be bish­ ops or priests. Mary roots the salvation that , Not' only deacons like Ephrem 1l1as cOme to the world in Jesus but' laymen, too, have made ~Christ 'fi~ly in human history. great contributions -in theology :She prevents the mystical, ele­ to the Church's understanding of lInent in religion from running God's Word. The work of scien­ lriot and disdaining the redemp­ tific students and teachers of the 1~,ion of flesh and blood. ' Word is necessary if the salt of SECOND SUNDAY !,-~ER our official and ministerial :PENTECOST. The rhythm of the preaching of it is not to lose its Christ even tis and salvation hiS' savor (Gospel). tory has given place during this

WEDNESDAY - st. .JuliaM :season after Penteco~t to 'the Falconieri, Virgin. "You have ,rhythm of the Christian life' on 'loved right and hated wrong,"' ,earth during this "little while.~ we sing in the Entrance Hymn ~ChriStian faith, for all its other. today in honor of Juliana. For "Worldly aim and focus, is still we are gathex:ed around the 1~he faith of men, worldly, earth. ' altar in our school of values, our lbound men, who must respond to school of loves. ' (;od's great gifts through love Public worship, especially' the lind work in the here-and-now. Mass, is precisely this. This is That love, and work have a one of its functions. To school us lI1ew basis for the man· of· faith noto~ly to love, but also in' the :is clear in the Ffrst Reading as order in' which, persollS .and 'well as in the Entrance and thingS are to be loved * * * and the way in which wrong (not ,Atlanta Archdiocese: the wrong-doer) is to be hated.

'Catholics Increase

Protestant, Catholic

ATLANTA (NC)-The num­ Iber of Catholics in the Atlanta Choirs in Festival archdiocese has grown nearly VICTORIA (NC) -,- A, 200­ as per cent since the archdiocese "Was established seven years .ago ,voice combined choir from seven ·-from 23,695 in 1956 to 43,342 Protestant 'and four, Catholic ,churches participated' in ,this at present. The ,new figure is base'd on Texas city's first Inter-Faitl1 Hymn Fe'stiva!: ' ' :statistics gathered in an archdi­ Msgr. Frederick O. Beck spon­ '[lcesan census in March. It cOin. Jpares with.a Catholic population sored the event in St. Mary's total previouSly estimated at ,Church. He said: "This is our local way of carrying out the :17,677 for 1963 Of the, 4;J,OOO-plus CathoUcs in spirit of the ,Ecumenical Coun,.. 'the archdiocese, 36,168 (83. per CU, which. in essence is to effect closer cooperation· among aU l:ent) live in the Atlanta metro­ Christian churches." ' :politan area,

project in Chile. The priest tinued:


"Very soon after her arrival here she gained the affection of the family with whom she made her 'home. I saw this whole fam­ ily weeping when she was le.a. . ing. Later she had earned the love and gratitude of the pa­ tients whom she attended with true Christian charity, with <;(reat humility and with maternal s0­ licitude. Frequently she was al­ most moved to tears when she saw the sufferings of the poo.r and the sick. I never saw her tired or annoyed at having 10 attend to the needs of any of her patients. On the contrary, she always was cheerful, and hope,. ful. Thus she lived here for al­ most a year and remain's a beautiful mem -.ry for all of us. With her life she traced an e_ ample of the· fulfillment Of Christian charity. The good which she 'accomplish'ed 'amQ~ our 'peop~e Was very great, and her memory will remain wi. ,us forever. We thank her f~ her apostolic work so full eI self-sacrifice and humility. Ja Heaven, ,God will reward the Catholics of the United Stat~ ,for their tremendous efforts to carry spiritual and material help to all those who need it."W'e cannQt comment, on such an elC). quept, testimonial except to say that Miss Zandala probably profited by the prayers ~aid here in our own Diocese fi''' the volunteer movement and to wonder if maybe you can our now vacant place.



Peruvian Papal Voluntet'1"S 'We, have mentioned before that South, American countriee were attempting ,to form thetr own' papal volunteer groups. 'I1le first such team in Peru is com. posed of a doctor, teacher, credit un ion specialist, catechetical specialist and other laymen.-The te,am wor~s in the parish of .Sa Roque on the outskirts of Lima. They are making a census of. the families in the makeshift hutt outside the haciendas and assist. ing families in need. Other proj.­ ects include cooking and sewiDl elasses, an illiteracy campaiga, eatechetical classes, and medicel and dental assistance on three haciendas. The group has the ell­ pected problems of spiritual: and ,technical needs, financing, re­ cru~ting, specific difficulties ia the work itself and the probleM of helping those who do lMJt undersmnd their realnee~s, These laymen however are re.­ sponding to the challenge Of the Church in modern times. Th~ , are becoming aware of probleme in Peru that they only vagueq knew existed. They are usiJlC their' talents' to raise the socialt ecoI!omic and spiritual level 01 Peruvians.






j_ ANCHOR.-;.i)foc:ese of Fan Rive.:':Th~". June,l3, 1963

i Cardincil Moran,

~ ·;·Oldest ~Iector


::At -.ConclciYe·-.·:,· ;­ :: VATICAN ciTY (N'():-:'" ,'Francesco Cardinal Moranq, ··who celebrated his 91st birthday on June 8, will be .the oldest cardinal to enter the conclave' to elect a successor to Pppe .John xxrn. . · The bEmt,' 'shuffling Cardinal, who still insists' on attending all papal functions where the presence of the cardinals in · Rome ~s requ4'ed, has served the -itoly See 'for 63 years, beginning ..•. an assistant in the' Vatican





Cardinal Morano was born.OD ·'J'\itle 8', 1872, at Caivano, a small ..townon the outskirts' of Naples. .:J:be last of four children bo:t:il to Antonio and Luisa Stanzione ·Morano;Franeesco at the· age :of' 12 entered the minor semi­ -nary at Aversa, which his broth­ 'er Giuseppe had also attended. Accredited Lawyer . , In 1892 his family sent him 10 Rome to study physics and mathematfcs, in which he took <legrees in 1896. At the same 'time - he won degrees in philo­ -sophy, theology, and canon and eivillaw at the Pontifical Roman Seminary for Juridical Studies. He also picked up a diploma as ·a lawyer accredited to practice before Church courts. In 1900 he went to work at FIRST AT FIRST: Raymond Sherman. New Bedford, the Vatican Observatory, having already published a paper on senior class president. is first graduate to receive diploma "'The Conductivity of Heat in the ~roin Bishop Connolly at first graduation at Bishop Stang Foothills of the Roman Country­ High School, North Dartmouth. At left, Rev. Patrick J. side." He worked at the Vatican O·Neill. superintendent of schools. Right. standing. Arlene Observatory for three years and Arruda, South Dartmouth. Patricia Vogel. Fall River; later published a paper on math­ ematical tables for making stellar seated Michael·Etu, North Dartmouth; Richard Desjardins, . photographs in the Vatican area. South Westport. In 1903 he became an assistant aotary of the Sacred Congrega­ tional of the Holy Office. In 1921 he was named a pre­ late judge of the Church's high court, the Apostolic Signature. In 1925 he was named a judge VATICAN CITY (NC)-With 29, is a onetime papal diplomat was that of Prefect of the Sacred ~ THE of the _Sacred Roman Rota, an­ other high Church court, later the .Vicar of Christ dead, the top who was elected Camerlengo by Congregation of Sacramental nJ he was named secretary of the administrative .officer' of the his fellow cardinals of Rome on Discipline. On the Ocean-' Church is Benedetto Cardinal Oct; 9, 1958, several hours after As Camerlengo of the Roman Apostolic Signature. at 163rd Street . Aloisi Masella, the Camerlengo, Pope Pius XII died. Church, Cardinal Aloisi Masella Oelebrate. Mass Daily Pius XII himself, as Eugenio is .administering the ordinary at­ or Chamberlain, of the Holy Among numerous other of­ "AMERICA'S Cardinal Pacelli, had been Cam. . fairs of the Church with the ad. ffces, he has been a member of Roman Church, FUNDI!RI'UI. CO .Cardinal Aloisi Masella, who erlengo prior to his election to vice of a committee of three what is now known as the Pon­ anORT·lloTI!i." tifical Academy since 1903 and will be 84 years old this June the papacy. But the office was cardinalll, the senior cardinals vacant on his' death. present representing each of the .304 afr-concrltioned rooms was president of the organiza~ Cardinal Aloisi Masella was .orders of the Sacred College-:­ • 3 swimming pools tion that preceded the academJ,' • FREE ~f.partllng for 500 C8I"I. retained in the office of Cham­ bishops, priests and deacons. In . !Or one year. Church & Mass Information berlain by Pope John. He is now nnusual cases he consults all of 'He was ~ted a cardinal br' alsO Chamberlain of the Sacred the eardina'1s in Rome. POP4J John at the December, '.' HAuTERIVE (1'I"'C) - Bishop College of Cardinals, a post 1959, consistory and was con­ tie.crated an archbishoP by the Gerard Couturier of Hautet'ive which was held in' 1958 by Al­ has turned over direction of the fredo Cardinal Ottaviani. · Pope in April, 1962. His age restricts his activities College of Hauterive to laymen. Cardinals Advise Clergy will give up financial, and he lives a carefully regulated Cardinal Aloisi Masella'spri­ life. He rises at 6 A.M. in his academic, administrative and mary position during the 'reigns apartment in the patace of' the disciplinary duties at the school of both Pius XII and John XXIII . Holy Office, recites his breviary, at. the end of June. . celebrates Ma1JS in his private The school was founded in chapel and br~kfasts lightly, 1954 as a diocesan seminary but was .opened to lay students also .On Saturdays. practieal 1 It hall a present enrollment of 235 but will be able to accommo­ . yeareourses starting J'une 15. date 400 when additions now Efficient placement service. under construction are completed OLEVELAND (NC) - Arch­ in September. ,N,EWENGLAND TECHNICAL bishop Paul· J .. Hallinan of At­ . The present faculty includes INSTITUTE OF R. I. was awarded a doctorate from Western . Regerve University 18 priests IlDd 14 laymen. 184 Early St., Prov.46'7-'7'7t4. . Bi$hop Couturier said in a ~esterday an earned one. The prelate bad nearly com~ pastoral that the time has come pIeted his studies for his Ph.D. .for priests to devote thems~lves in history when he was named more exclusively t~ "the minIs­ of the word and of prayer." Bishop of Charleston, S.C.; in .1958. He had been director of "I believe in the laity and I 8l.e Intercollegiate New man have confidence in the laity of Club here. my diocese," .t>.e said. Since his appointment as Bish:' ep, he completed his written DRY ClEANING thesis and returned to Western and Reserve and passed oral exami­ FUR STORAGE aiations. He was named Arch­ flDad is 54)meOne' to go to with troubles, bishop of Atlanta in February" someone to follow, someone to depend on, :W62. . . .'

Carmerlengo Administrative Officer


Cardinal Aloisi Masella Holds Post'




U ,.."..

lIoaTe -=

Laymen to Direct Quebec ,College


Archbishop Halli.,an Receives Doctorate




restaurant" & 10lnge

Predicts Ecumenical ; Council to Continue· LOS' ANGELES (l-t"'C)-James I'rancis Cardinal McIntyre pre~ dieted here that the Ecumenical € o imcil will' continue despite the death of Pope John. ' Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop Of Los Angeles, said, "I would expect the Council to contiriue because it is part of the opera­ tion of the magisterium of the Church~ It is not a question of human wisdom but of the Holy Ghost oper~ting among men." . .- .... . _~-

.-..~~---., .....



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THE AN~HOR-Diocese of FolI'River-Thurs. June 13; 19~a

Justice War-reA·

At. Serra' Rites

M,other of Bride Has Big Part'

I~ Planning Perfect Wedding

WASffiNGTON (NC) -Chief Justice Earl Warren and his wife left here to take part in the ce~ ebration of the 250th anniver­ sary of the birth of Father Ju­ ni~ro Serra on the island oil Majorca off Spain. .

By Mary Tinley Daly At this time of year many a mother prepares to hear

wedding bells "breaking up that old household of miJ!,e," to

paraphrase the song. Some of our dearest friends, and others

outside the circle, have written to ask advice, knowing that

the Head of the House and

spoofs in current literature, bis spouse-to make a rhyme the the bride's mother should be 8ft

-are old hands at the game. older and wiser pilot than her'

These will' be happily busy daughter.

weeks from now until the end of June; marked in'the meantime 'with other sig.

nificant and

thrilling family ,


tions: baptism

of the newly

arrived J 0 h n

Morris, son of

Pat and Dan;

and graduation'

from high

school for Gin­

ny. We're going

10 be all dJressed

up and with plenty of places to go this month! Though we have been through similar experiences many timet before, each baptism, each grad­ uation, each wedding brings its own joy and not one ever, ever becomes stale or hackneyed. Practical Detalls A$ to w~dings, no matter how many you have attended, when it's in the family it is "the" wedding. You want it to be as perfect for the young couple at! you can make it. Of course,. when it comes to .practical details, having been over the track before is of im­ measurable help. First of all, you don't panic, knowing that you'll inevitably come upon that traumatic stage during the planning and working when it seems as though there are just 100 many details, that it win never all dovetail, and you must hav~ forgotten something vital, though you don't know what it is! Until by experience you find that long-range time schedule becoming built-in equipment,

it is a wonderful help to consult bridal literature as to ''what to do six weeks before" the big day; five weeks before, etc., right down to the actual wed­ ding day. However, we did find a ludi­ erous note in one such advice booklet, telling the. bride that on the day of the wedding she should "finish up her thank-you notes." Certainly, efficiency shouldn't be honed to that fine an edge and her unfinished paper work at that stage can wait until after the honeymoon! Mother's Role To keep a bride's joy in her upcoming marriage, to plan wIth

her the anticipated wedding just , as she wants it, is Ii vital part of the role of, a mother. She ~ called upon to play many dur-' ing these weeks. Regardless of

Women Leave 'Stilettos' Outside New. Church ·LONDON (NC) -: 'The new Church of the Good Shepherd at New Addington, Surrey, near London, loOks from the outsid, on Sunday mornings rather like a mosque. . .

All the women at the request

'of the pastor leave their shoes on the porch and either put on flat-soled . sl.ippers or go, into church. in their stockinged feet. The beautiful new church with

its polished wood-block floor iI

the pride of Father John Nevin,

the pastor. He has put·up a no­

tice on the porch: '~Stiletto heela

must not be worn."

Highest Honor Miss Marguerite Williamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Thomas J.' Williamson, Fall River, has received a General Excellence Award. highest honor presented to graduating seniors :: at Salve Regina College, New­ port. In addition, she received a French award. She plans to

It's all too easy to soar into a

production that goes off into

orbit; to plan the \bridesmaids'

pretty outfits down to the last

rosebud-and forget the baptis.

mal certificates or fail to engage

the church; arrange for the re·

·ception menu and forget to get

marriage license long enough

ahead of the waiting period;

scan wedding guest list and in.

clude school friends--and then

overlook Aunt Minnie. Also,

complacently to aecept the fact

that the Father of the Bride is

all fixed sartorially, ignoring a recent increase in "corporation" since last he walked down the aisle with a daughter. As pilot and "member of the crew," a D;lother must also keep

the wedding in hand financially: setting the course according to

the family finances, making it

as lovely as possible but not

taking it into the Shoals 011

disastrous bills. There is, also, the all-impor.

tant adjunct of keeping the bride in the most calm, happy and relaxed mood possible. Don't bother her with problems you can settle-also don't bother her father with them. For heaven's sake, haven't you been handling household problems such as these since befor.e she was born? It' this be "momism," so be it. rm all for letting Mom take the brunt during these days, settling the multiple questio.ns, using her discreti!>n,' such all it is. , Years from now, the present . bride' will· gladly· assume the same role. .

The Chief Justic:e said he ws;. not making the trip as' a repre"­ sentative of the .U. S. Gover&. ment .nor of California, but " . a Californian to pay tribute to Father Serra.", ' . • Father Serra, a Fmi:lci~ missioner, established nine ~ the famous California missions. He"'died Aug. 28, 1784 in Carmel, Calif. •

Essay'. Contest

QUEENS FOR 'DAY: ·Graduating seni()rs are queens for a day at Jesus-Mary Class Day exercises. From left, Madeline Valcourt, Agnes Desnoyers~ Barbara Boudria, Cecile Barnabe.

Gail Dunse, Coleen Lam~ ,and Joyce Rocha are this year'. .winners of an annual essay con­ ,test sponsored by Judge Beatrice . Hancock Mullaney for members of .Our •.L ady of Fatima Court. Fall River Foresters. At the 0r­ ganization's ·annual· communioa breakfast Judge Mullaney made the . awards, which honor the memory of Rev..John F. O'Keefe. first chaplain of the ·court. Tbb ,year's essay topic was "Can R" ria Be Converted?"

Assign ·Two Women To Arctic Mission EDMONTON (NC) - Two .women who belong to a secular

institute have been assigned to ,teach' school' and do social work among Eskimos in the Arctic 'mission of Holman Island. They are Rita Valcourt of 8t. Boniface, Man., and Monique Piche of Grevelbourg, Sask., both of whom are members Of the Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate. 'They will work with Oblate missioners. Annunciation parish here hal "adopted" the women's mission project and will provide supporL , The' secular institute baa head­ quarters here.


Catholic Students Win

In Masonic Contest JUNCTION CITY (l<.'C)-A couple of Catholic high school students took prizes in a Masonic-sponsored essay contest. , Karen Stepelton, a junior, and Daniel Crowe, a freshman at St. Xavier's school here each were awarded $25 U. S. Sav~ngs bonds for essays on "What American. ism Means to Me." The awards were presented by Maj. William Koeckert, pres­ ident of the Fort Riley, Kan., chapter of the National Sojourn­ ers, a Masonic organization, con­ test sponsQr, at a school assem­




Sociology Award

Miss Kathleen Anne Morris­ sey, 'New Bedford, is the recip­ ient of the Margaret Moore Sul­ livan Award for highest scho­ lastic achievement in the depart­

ment of sociology at Salve

Regina College l<."ewport. A grad­

uate of. Holy Family High School, New Bed,ford, 'she wall vice-president of the' senior elass at Salve Regina and grad. uated with • bachelor of art. degree cum laude.




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THE ANCHORThurs., June 13, 1963

Explains Qualities Desirable In Prospective Husbands Dear Father: I am 19 and feel like an apprentice bigamist. I have been dating two wondenul boys- "both very much alike" yery steadily. Now both have indicated that they are going to 'ask me to become en­ only plod through Mad Maga­

gaged. I honestly think.l1ove zine, watch out.

them both. Is this pO'ssible? Which of the two are you most What do I do now? How do proud of? Which do you most Marcie K.

Dera Marcie:

Would I shock you very much It I sug~sted that flipping a e<iin 'might not be too bad an idea? Let's start by saying, yes, it is possible to,love many peo­ ple at the same time--mothers, teachers, friends, the poor and even enemies. This is the Chris. ,tian idea. It is even' possible to love two boys. very j,ntensely, very per­ sonally. Intimacy and proximity, that is, just being near people and getting, to know their good qualities very well, has a great 'deal to do with this. I know one' girl who was vice-president of a young adults' group for four ,.ears :Who proceeded to become engaged to each succeedingpl'elI­ tdentuntil fourth one mar­ ried h e r . " " Focus on One .' In your case, I really think FOU ought to stop shOl1.. Pull back from the situation for a fJw{ weeks and make the best ehoice you can~ Then focus the one boy of your life. Ties with the other should be cut lently but swiftly. At the outset you will have recurring doubts as to whether, "I should have chosen Phil over Mike:' but· as you concentrate on Mike and find new 'levels. 01. understanding' and friendship, the image of Phil will begin to fade away. You say the boys are pretty much alike; Well, maybe these' reflectionswiU help you make a choice. '. Cheek 'Rome Life. Consider they relate to their parentS. Is his fatber' a "'milktoast" .allowed to smoke only on the back porch!, Is ~is mother a prOfessional "martyr" who is constantly impressiRlt ~u with the sacrifices she haa made? Is his. father authoritar­ ian, inflexible, domineering, the righteous lord and master! Check him out in his home life and observe him withaistera and brothent-even the %0010­ 8ist doesn't. ,feel he knows the rhiQOceros till he has studied him in his native habitat. How does he impresss your parents? They are not seeing bi.m through a rosy haze and their opinion can be quite ob­ ~ective. You make your own de­ eision, but your parents' impres­ Sion of him could be most en­ lightening. CompatabiUty Nec~ What about compatability 'of temperament?' Which of these boys are )'i)U most comfortable with? If a young lady is fastid;' ious and' wants a house that UI almost antiseptic, while her fiance considers the whold world his ashtray, this could be a problem. St. Jerome with his lion, his hermit Ways and his doctrinaire approach to life was a saint. Therese of Avila Who waS the ~ourge of Spanish politicians and police was another. But the possibillty of marriage between the two would give one pause. Beyond goodness and lItrength of character a ·ceitaift eompaUbility is really necessary. Edaeation Level ' " Similarit)- of education level, . . at least similar attitudes and euriosity about learning can be Wry . helpful. If yu enjOJ' . . "turday Review and he' C8Il




enjoy introducing to your fam­ ily and friends? Which of them would make a better father for' .your children? Which will be more interest­ ing at the age of 471 Which of the two is more irreplacable? If one were snatched away tomor. row which would you grieve for most?· . , Attitude Toward Religion Whicb of the two 'will make YOU a better person, will educe from yoU the most wonderful qualities as a woman, wife and mother? Finally what about their atti­ tudes toward religion? Is their relationship toward God some. thing important in their lives? Do they work at their religion? Statistically, husbands and wives who never attend Chur~h are found ,the poorest ot all mar· ital risks. whi-ch of the two is more vir­ tuous? (And remember virtue is not standing in a stained ,glass window with a 1ilyin your band!) It is as exciting as tight­ -roping across ~"'iagBri!.Falls. It is keeping your balance in judg­ ment and action 8.espite the ten­ Idons and forces and pitfalls, and pressures of modem life, " Which of these boys possess the solid beginnings of courage, justice, patience, generosity and kindness? It seems terribly, unromantic fa work up an accountant's bal­ ance sheet on Phil and Mike, but the intellect must take over :when the heart is confused-and . going calmly through these re­ neetions may' tip *e scale in favor of one or the other. . : All else falling,you still have that coin.

Candlelight Ban" Friends 01 at. Anne'a HoapUaI, ••11 River, wiU aponaor • Candlelight Ba 11 WedneadaF· • ,bt, Oct. II at VenWi de Mile lNl8taurant. Co<hairmen aN . lira. ausseU Ouellette .... lin. IIoI'ril iIonU& . .

New York School Wins Forensic Tournament PITTSBURGH (NC) - Regis' High School of New York cap­ tured the grand sweepstakes trophy here at the 12th annual National Cat h~ I i c_ Forensic: League tournament. Some 650 students took part in the competition for the best individual speakers- and ,team. of the nation's Cathulic high schools. Categories included de­ bate, original oratory, extem­ poraneous speech and oratorical interpretation.

Junior 0 of I .

Miss' Jean Marie McGilvray, daughter' of Mrs. John McGil­ vray, 34 Salt Pond Road, Fal­ mouth, and a member of St. Pat­ rick's Parish, was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree. at the 39th' con\mencement exer­ cises ,of Marymount College, Tarrytown, N. Y., presided over by His Eminence Francis Car­ dinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York. A chemistry major, Miss Mc­ Gilvrary received the Mary­ mount College Alumnae Asso. ciation Gold Medal for Chem. istry. She was awarded an Assis~antship.in Biochemistry to Mount Holyoke College, a Fel­ lowship in Molecular Biology to Dartmouth Medical School and received Honorable Mention in the National Science Foundation Gl"aduate Fellowship competi­ tion. . At Class Day ceremonies, a part of Senior Week at Mary­ m()unt, Miss McGilvrary re­ ceived a Social Service Emblem fur efficient and constant service in social work. She is a graduate at Lawrence High School, Fal­ 'mouth.

Infant of Prague Guild

RARE PRIVILEGE: Mr. and Mrs. George Le13lanc, , Sacred Heart parish, North Attleboro, receive Holy Com­ , munian from Rev. Edmond Dickinson; at Mass celebrated. in their home in observance of their 65th wedding anni­ versary. '

, , ,






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DES MOINEs (NC) - The prayer and Bible reading are United Presbyterian Church currently 'pending before the General Assembly has disap- 'U. ·S. Supreme Court. proved Bible reading and prayer Other sections' of the report in public schoola as '''devotioital oppose tax exemptions for reli· acts." gious institutions, Sunday laws .At the same time, the assembly which reqiure "observance of said Ute Bible may be read in the Lord's day" and direct public pUblic schools' as a ·source at .id to parochial schools. literary or hi900rioal ,tudies. , The section on aid to parochial The' .section of the Ohurch­ I schools, however, approved pro­ million.member Unf~ Pr~. visions of "welfare services" to. terian Church took this stand ill .wdents in these schools. It abo approving a r~ort on Church­ ..tressed that Pre s y t e ria n s­ State ,relations. should be concerned with para­ Approve WeUare Services chial schoola and their studentl. The seclionof the Church­ State .report on religion inpuhUe schools. was adopted by a vote of 577 out of ,840 delegates. Two cases involving public school

Deschenes Auto Body


New officers of the Infant of Prague Guild of St. Mary'. Home, New Bedford include Miss Patraicia McGlynn, .presi. dent; Mrs. John Webster, vice­ president; Mrs. William Ver­ thol, - secretary; Mr.. Deania Abrantes, treasurer.

Presbyrerian Assembly. Votes

Against 'Public School Prayer

I I Junior Daughters of Isabella in New 'Bedford will hold their anWh.ttt... the dllmllge Involved _ nual outing saturday, Jane' 15 ,at, automobll. or II truclt the plaeeto ~athedral Camp. A dance is' I cal for price and workmanship .. planned for Friday ilight. June , 28 at Kennedy Center. MiSl: Mary Lou Morra fa Chairman. . ' I






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Thurs., June 13, f963

Says Pope John Ea rned Place :In History , NEW YORK (NC) - "Jew'Ish ~isbry will reward Pope John as 'one of the righteous among ihe nations of the earth who ~arhed a place in the world to come.' " : The tribute was contained in Jl message of condolence sent by the American Jewish Committee to Amleto Cardinal Cicognani; Papal Secretary of State. . Signed by A.M. Sonnabend, A:JC president, the message said: , "The American Jewish Com­ mittee joins in the universal mourning over the death of Pope John XXIII. In the brief five years of his papacy, he has given extraordinary personal leader­ ship that has significantly trans_ formed and improved human re­ lationships in such Ii historic way that this may well COt;lsti­ tute his greatest living monu­ ment. . , "His great personal humanity, bis overwhelming charity, and his love for the' human person have endeared him and have won the universal respect of men of

iln races, religions and pointS of view. . . , 'Friend Leader' . '·'It is .obvious from the anxiety. that men everywhere have felt during his recent illness that 'he was regarded as Ii friend and leader by many who are outside liis 'own religious tradition. .Jewish ' history will r'eward .Pope John as 'one of the riglite­ among the nations of the "arth who earned a place in ~e world to come.' , 'j "The' American Jewish Com­ mittee is persuaded that Pope John's 'brilliant 'and greatly ~eeded spirit of, humanity and :fraternity that 'made such a dif­ ference. in the world of public affairs will continue to radiate in the relationships, between man and his fellows lor' many 7ears. to come. May his memory ~ntinue to be a blessing.'" ,


,To Hear

Chaplains . Archbishop,


, PORTLAND (NCr -~'Arch­ bishop Edward D. Howard of J;»ortland and Bishop Andrew G. Grutka of Gary, Ind.'"will speak ·.It the ~eetillg here .in Oregon ~ug. is to 30 of the American € a tholic Correctional Chaplains Association., , , ! Archbishop Howard' will speak at the S1. Dismas awards dinner of 'the convention on Aug: 26. Bishop Grutka will speak at the eonvention's bishop's' luncheon on Aug. 27. ' convention is being held in connection with meetings of the' American Congress of Cor­ rections and the American Cor­ Jlectional Ohaplains Association.


AT LAST: Clutching thosle precious diplomas are these young ladies from Sacred Hearts Academy, ,Fairhaven. ][i'rom left, Joanne Nunes, Patricia Porter, ,Jeanne Lefe­ bvre, Diane Rondeau.

Christianity Loses Round I 'in Africa


Archbishop of' Pari.,

Marks 80th Birthday'

.. PARIS .(NCh-Maurice Cardi­ nal Feltin, Archbishop of Paris,' lparked his; 80th, birthday by S~ve offering Mas!! in, st.' Sulpic., c~).ll'ch here where :be was ()IIoo, 1~y gains independence and its 'sponsibiUty, and cooperative en. '~ , llpirit is changing. deavors should follow in due d.ain~d in July, ,1909. " . ; In ,the' crowd, which filled the 'Nationalism StrouK '.: ' courser .. - " ," . "This rQus1:be met with a post,;' "TQe strongest emoti o nal,:f9rce, c~urchfor .tl)e' Mass were 3', 1tive,Christian inspired revolu~ in ,Africa today is nationalism. b,ishops, inclUding Paul Gardinal Ilion,'" 'Father.' Crane observed. It. will.not neces!\azdly,culminate, Richaud, ',Archbishop of, Bor...

"Since most of the countries in." in independen<;e but, will.. go, on.; deaux, ,and Archbishop· Paole'

....olved are largely argricultural; to a major revolution," he said. Bertoli,. .. Apostolic "Nuncio ..,


I~he credit union must be a 'main Thousands betw~n ,t,he ages France. '. ;instrument' beCause' it will of 16 and 30 .are unemployed in , A letter from "the 'Holy' See"

l~.ourage, m.utual trust .and r~ Africa, he said, and have nothing was read at the ·celebration. A

, to contribute ,but discontent. t~legram from West' German: Need Independence Chancellor Conl"8d 'Adenauel' : They are the stuff 'of' which, praised' (;:ardinal" Feltin for 'Iii. revolutions made,,'" said ~ff9rts for' Franco..qerman peace: ~' Fath'er Crane,are adding' the' revolu~ a~ reconciliation. Cardinal Fel,.;, TORORO (NC)~Bishop John tion would' be the brain child of tin ,w~ Qorn, May '15, :1883, iii. • I(;rief of Tororo in laying the a small group of pseudo-intellec. D~lhl, France., , , " ,c " .: . , ...., l~ornerstone for the new $196,000';'-' tuals who:- would merely ma·ke, ...... '. " " 'building .for St. Peter's"College' use. of the vast popl 9f unem."! , '. ~l"""'l •- :, i .. .' ~- .. ,:ltere in Africa voiced gratitude' ployed. ' , to the people ef the United Father Crane pointed out 'the" ' ,Co"'.fJ'et~ States ,for meeting its cost. ' Peace Corps material was, first­ Among the 200 peopiepresent ClllSS but'the movement lacked'"a oat the ceremony were U. S. Am. spiz:itual philosophy and alwaYs." bassador Olcott H. Heniiilg and w!>uld be suspect because H was Uganda Education Ministe~ 'S; J .. ui,lder 'government sponsorship. , Luyimbazi Zake, . ' , ' ~ ll~ said programs of aid, should, Bishop Greif tOld them that be i~dependent if they are to the future loyal and successfu,l su.c~d.' . work of the college for the beriefit of ~e peOple should be ' seen as a 'permanent token' of gratitude for the American aid;


Manpower TI'aining Could ANTIGONiSH (NC) - Chris;.' tianity has lost the ,first round in the -social struggle in Africa but could win the second in five years through 'a concentration on selective training of manpowe.r. , This' 'appr:Hsal' was made, by Father Paul Crane, S.J.; head of Claver House"London, England, a citizenship training school 'for Africans. The Jesu.it 1s here in Nova Scotia for' liaison' work' with with 'the Coady Interna. tional Institute' of St, Francis XavierUpiversity 'after, com. pleting' a' close' study of condi­ tions in nine ,African coul).tries.' 'O~ Par~y Problem ' The 'Cathol'ic Church has failed to'conc'entrate on development of ,young li!.Y~eri ,for sqcial and politicalleaderslUp in AfrJcan countries, ", Fathl)r Crane said, adding, there is no doubt, the Catholic Church will survive in Africa; ~\lt. "it really a ques~ tion of the extent to which it can influence ~ changing Rociety, ~whe~h~r it will survive inside or ou~ide .the Sacristy has'to be determined. 'African authQritar., ianism on a one partY,basis:poses a greater threat than commu. nism amorig African nations, Father Crane' emphasized. There are two revolutions in Africa, political and' communistic, he noted. Communists are utilizing social changes as the equivalents of communism" he said. They begin their efforts when a coun­

NEW YORK (NC) - The Na­ tional Legion of Decency has charged that the Motion Picture Association of America "regre~ tably compromised its respon­ sibilities to the motion picture public" by granting a Produe. tion Code seal of approval to the widely publicized ''Cleopatra'' movie. " , The legion anno~riced it hait placed the multi-million dollar production whicb stars',Elizabeth , Taylor and, Richard Burton and is scheduled for, release this month in its Class B ....:.. "morally objectionable in part for all.... In its objection against the film, the legion stated: "This pretentious historical spectacle is seriously offensive to decency because of its continual emphasis upon. i m mod e s·t costuming t h r 0 Ii g h 0 u t its four-hour running timl). Boldly sUggestive posturing, dancing and situatione cQmpound the offense." The legion observed: "It ii ~1SC? tc;> be noted that the pre~ even of so-called family appeal, has for weeks attempted to con';' dition the public toe~pect little of this film but sensational sex.It


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THE ANCHORThurs., June 13, 1963

.Reports Russian Catholics Live In Lithuania


Says Bishop Key To Church Unity

BERLIN (NC) - Most of the Soviet Union's Catholics live in Lithuania, according to the Polish atheist quarterly Zeszyty Argumentow. The magazine, which carried a report on the Catholic Church in the Soviet Union, said that there are some 700 active churches in Lithuania. Sma 11 e r concentrations of Catholics exist in w est ern Ukraine, Belorussia, Latvia and Estonia. Also "amopg the million Poles dispersed all over the ter­ ritory of .the Soviet Union, a cer­ tain number a,re Catholics," ac­ cording to the magazine. There are four archdioceses in the Soviet Union: Vilnius and Kaunas in Lithuania; Riga, Lat. via; and M 0 h i 1 e v, Belorussia. But the atheist organ adds: "There is no Roman' Catholic Episcopate in the Soviet Union, neither on a country-wide scale nor in individual union repu'b­

RAPID CITY (NC)-"Without the bishop there would be ne Church" because the bishop of a diocese "is the source of unity and holiness," Archbishop Leo Binz of St. Paul said here. , Archbishop Binz spoke at the dedication Mass for Our Lady of _ Perpetual Help cathedral, new mother church of the diocese of Rapid City which' covers the western half of South Dakota. Archbishop Binz said bishops, as the successors of the Apostles. exist "only to call the people and proclaim God's Word te them • • • They are the shep.­ herds and leaders, yet servants of the least of the brethren'" '" • Nothing is possessed on their own, but everything is in de­ pendence on Him whose apostle. they are." The image of "shepherd' best conveys the total function of the LAST LOOK: Graduates at St. Anthony High, New Bedford, take last look at school Apostles and their successor" paper. Seated, Roland.Bedard, 'class president; Gerald Sauve; standing, Doreen Faucher, Archbishop Binz said. lies. ' -' , . Constance Martel. "To feed the flock is to pro­ One Bishop Free claim to it the Word of God and ..... Apostolic administrators head to nourish it with .the Word th:e . metropolitan chanceries. made flesh. To sanctify the flock They participated in the (fixst) is to communicate the holinesa session af the Vatican Council." of God's Word which is Jesus (In fact there are five bishops in Christ.·' .' the Soviet Union, of whom only "To rule the flock is to inter.­ orie is free. Only two Lithuanian · There were developments, as pret the Word of God to those priests went to the council's #rst Pope John took an attitude ment of some useful end. Illession). towoard communism that some . Some saw in this a "widening" well as words, which- historians who hear it, guiding them after According' to Soviet atheist' consider daring. of 'the "opening to ·the left," but will study closely 'for clues for the pattern of the life of the Word on earth." . publications, the Catholic clergy' His already great Encyclical it was always emphasi~d that, many .years to come. Greeted Pope is loyal towards the state and the' Letter Pacem in Terris oote-' those who might·' on occasion S 0 vie t Pre m i e r Nikita lIOcialist structure. At present' ,g()rically, condemned commu­ dNlw, near to communist move­ pdests .1Iupposedly '. encourage nism as intrinscally wrong. ~t ments and states for a' useful· Khrushchev sent gr~tings to 'NO JOB TOO 110 people to work on, collecUve the' same time, it said that uilder purpose .should be e~erts in PoPe Johp XXIII, nc$bly on the farms, in spite of .the ,fact' thilt· cei'tain conditions it, might be their' field, know communist Holy" Father'Sbirtbday, and on :NONE, TOO SMAll his Selection ,to receive the Bal­ in. the past they called them:. ,possi'ble for one to draw nearer' tactics, -be sensitive' to the r'e-­ satan'. work. to' eommunists for the attain­ quirements of the' natural law zan Peace Prize. " Khrushchev' is believed re­ and . Catholic social teaching, obedient to Church authority. : sponsible for his son-in-law Alexei Ad:l;hubei, editor of Isves­ -P~ivately PRINTERS· ." . Pope- John insisted that the Ua, goin~ to R0!l?e, where he had 'Church must rejec,t communism a private audience with the Pon­ Main Office anciPlant'

as a system, but he indicated tiff. that individual com m u n i s t LOWELL, MASS.

The Russian Orthodox Church · .. VATICAN CITY (NC) - '!be carried the Pope in life on hlj leaders coUld change, reasOn mortal. remains ,~. pope Johri' portable throne. They carried and cominon ·senseforce them to ~nt two observers to the· first Tetephone Lowen. XXIII .were entombed· in' the the -body slowly, about 150 feet change their .views 'on' sOciety session of the' Second Vatican . 458-6333 and 457·7500 ~ume~ical. Council. crypt. of' St. Peter's basilica at. down-the-front steps, halting for and' human nature.. Pope John, Prelate Released the end of a phenorn~nal' three' a short while half way down. apParently~ sought prudently to, Au~ifia':Y Plant. When.. they reached,' the lower encourage such change; . days and two nights 9f venera­ :' After the first session ended, tion.. point, they turned around with­ BOSTON the . journal of the Russian Or." An .estimated two millioD out turning the body and slowI,. thodOx' Moscow Poatriarchy re-" OCEANPORT, N. J. !bourners bad crowded into the returned to the basilica. .. viewed' its proceedings favor': PAWTUCKET, It. I. . ~asilica .and into St. Peter's ably.' " . Two-PartCereinony Square through the days and. . Pope John was able to effect· .:A' crowd of about 50,000 in th~ Goa nights f(Yt one last glimpse of. 84uate jostled ,to get, a . g~ , ,~T. MARYS (NC - T wi. the release of Archbishop Jor;yf lhe deceased PQntiff.' , view. The whole prOcedure t90k ,brothers with a single objective Slipyi of Lwow after the latter Over 35 Years Experience . After the' basilica 'had been about- 20 minutes. An, honor reached their goal in life here had. been held in communist deared of mourners, #te Pope's: guard of the Palatine and SwiSs T~lesday. The Revs. PatrickD. confinement ror 18 years. The­ LET US SUGGEST body was brought ~ the top Guards, and Chamberlains Of' M~any, S.J., and ~mile' G. Archbishop was able to journey 'A' PORTFOLIO steps of the basilica to;be viewed, Cape and Sword accomPanied Mc~any, S.J.; were ordained to . Rome, where he' took up by those, packed into the square. i the body.. residence. ' to·. the Jesuit priesthood at St.' . There wall reason to believe , Whim the' body ap~eared .1 In the crowd 'were seminariana Mary's' College here by Arch­ the front steps, the big' bells of with the distinctive garb of their bish~p Edward J. Hunkeler of that sOme acceptable settlement might be worked out in the case St. Peter's began to toll. A voice various colleges. K!lnsas City in Kansas. and Refurm of Jozsef Cardinal Mindszen:t'Y announced over the loudspeaker The burial ceremony. was per­ I ' The sons of Jui18 Guignon Mc­ which would permit him to to the people in the squ'are: "The formed in two parts: the cere­ Anariy arid' the late Patrick D. INSURANCE leave the U.S. Legation in Buda­ remains of the Pope of Charity, mony in the basilica with cardi­ McAnany 'af Shawnee, Kan., at­ and possibly journey freely UTILITIES af Goodness and of 'Peace are nals and other' dignitaries at­ tended Rockhurst High. School pest, to Rome. ' being brought out for a final tending, and the actual entomb­ BANK STOCKS and CoHege in Kansas City. Pat­ colloquy." ment in the crypt with only the ' rick McAnany received a law OUR SPEC!ALlTY The body was carried out on immediate. family and a small' degree from Harvard, passed the A .AMILY TRIAT a kind of stretcher by the "Bus- • select group of official persons, Missouri Bar and practiced law write for more information· IIOlanti," the function;aries who attending. BAR-B·Q CHICKENS in' St. Louis in the Summers of 1961 and 1962. Father Ijbnile McAnany will offer his first 'Solemn Mass in FARMS St. Joseph's church, ShaWnee 145 WalhinitoD St., Fairhaven 31 MILK STREET Sunday and his brother will of­ Just off Route IS BOSTON, MASS•. fer his first Solemn Mass in the same church the following day. WY 7-9336 HU 2-4750 Watch for Signl or New Bedford, Mass. While out for a Drive

WYman 3-5494 Stop' at thil Delightful Spot

Some Consider Po'n·tiff's Stand' Daring Wonder at Attitude Toward Communism



Pope's 'Body

In St.·

Entombed­ Pet~r's Basilica CryPt-, .



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FALL RIVER GRADUATES: It's graduation day for these seniors at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River:From left, Marguerite Zembo, ,Joyce' Richard, Elizabeth Slu8arski~ Christine Johnson.' _.,'

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'-HE ANCHOR-1)iocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 13, 1963


Wasting Our Money·


the Fisherman' Lacks Substance, Force

God Love You By Most

Let us bring this Idea of "waste" down to the personal leveL .Recently a young Catholic woman, who was rapidly becoming an alcoholic and had contemplated suicid~ revealed that she had been psychoanalyzed five lhvs a week for four years. "You have not told us," we Aid, "tiut we assume that you have lost your Faith through bad morals, namely, by leaving your husband and marrying another man." She admitted this was so. The psychoanalyst had told her she was "sick." She was not sick. She was a sinner.



places about him. They are con­ servative and cautious, opposed to innovation, afraid of bold strokes, accentuating the magis­ tracy rather than the mother­ hood of the Church. Kiril longs for one collaborator of' vision and genius. Father Telemond He believe he has found his man when Father Jean Tele. mond, a Jesuit, is brought back to Rome by the superior general of 'his society. Telemond has been in exile and under a pall of silence for 20 years. These he has spent largely in the Far East, pursuing' his researches in palaontology. Manifestly drawn from Father Teilhard de Chardin, Telemond has worked out an astoriishing speculative concordance of cre­ ation and is regarded with sus­ picion by the churchmen whom .the pope coDlliders out of sym­ pathy with his own aims. On Telemond'sarrival in Rome, he is appointed .to give the memorial lecture at the Gre. gorian University in the pres­ ence of the Holy Father. {}barge UnorthodoxJ' The lecture, outspoken as well as scholarly, is enthusiastically received by some, while others are obdurately opposed to its argument and mutter fbout its unorthodoxy. The Pope is among the former, and summons Telemond to spend some weeks with him at Castel Gandolfo, during Which. they converse daily and the POpe'5 admiration and love for Tele­ mond deepens. He encour?O'~'l Telemond to compl~te the book on which he bas long been iauv!.". ing and submit it to the Holy Office f<n scrutiny. . The climax of the novel comes with the cOmmunication to the Pope of the findings of the HoI,. Offiee . They are adverse; best suDuned up iii the sentence, "It is their opinion·· • that the , above-named work presents· am. biguities and even grave errora in philoSophical and theological matters 'whfcb offeJid Catholic doctrine.'" Finc!s SereDitJ' The Pope is bitterly disap. pointed but accedes to the deci­ sion. After a terrible struggle, Telemond submits, but then suf­ fers a heart attack and dies. The Pope is desolate. But after a dark night of an­ guish and self-ques.tioning, Kirll emerges into serenity. He sees that he bas expected too much too soon, that there is weakness In himself which he had not ad­ mitted, that there is muc~ to be learned from the ehurdunen whom he had looked on as mere obstructio~,that the po~er of Jove cannot work ita woriders it tainted with self love, and that progress 11 possible at a more patient pace. Grand 01' GrancUo8ef .Mr. West baa here a theme which some will .find grand, others grandiose. What cannot be disputed is that he handles it more orotundly than incisively. In short, Mr. West puts on a 'complex and e1ever enough per­ formance, but one ·loola la . vain for soUd SLlbStanceand vibrant force. The development of the Dovel' fa all too predictable. There are far too man,. cliches both of thought and of expression, de­ spite the author's unqueStionable facility-perha~ fatal facllity­ with word-. Ineidentally, aI­ thoUgh the atory is laid at a time· when, preswnably, Vaticaa Council n will have finished it. work, tbere .. nothln, u to • ' probable accomplishment. aDlI their etfeet.

Fulton J. Sheen, D. D.

Our forefathers _beUeved ill "saving": our ~eneratlon beDeve. In "spencUn&'." The last l'eneration often ased the term "waste" u a warnin&", but today "waste" Js praised, not UDder that DaIile but aa "expandin&" economy." A future &,eneratfon wfll cane as for bellev1n&, that pilinl' up mountains 01 debt b the 'fNU to , keep a coul1tr')r prosPerous.

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy · Morris L. West scored' a major success with his novel The Devil's Advocate. It was followed by Daughter of Silence, which enjoyed a lesser popular response. Now comes The Shoes of the Fisherman (Morrow. $4.95), of which it can 'be said at once that its reach may not be initiated. Part, America :exceeds its grasp. In these various schemes, the ·the mixture is as before: ele.,. pope feels cribbed and, largely, .ments which figured promi­ thwarted by the old men in high

. nently. in the previous works are given yet another fling, and it .is quite a limp one. But the eentral concern of the novel is aometliing different more 'ambitious than anything the author has undertaken up to now, and it 'does not come off as well as one would want. The time is in the fUture, one .... would surmise. The See of Peter Is vacant. The cardinals are gathered ftom all quarters of the, earth to elect a new pope. . The Church is judged' to be in retreat the world around,' and the need is said to be of a pon­ tiff who will be in touch with the people,' show intense com­ passion for them, and' make the pre$ence and pertinence of the Church felt. Ukranian Pope . As the electors prepare for the eonclave, they discuss Uiepossi­ bilities for the Fisherman's throne. It is proposed that Kiril Cardinal Lakota be chosen b7 acclaimation. He is a man of 50,.·a bearded Ukranian who has been in a So­ viet prison for 17 years. His ·con­ finement, and the tortUre suf­ fered during it, have left their mark on him, physically and ·8P iritually. 'The proposal is acted· on.. Hardly has the conclave begun th~.n it. ends' in his .election' witbouteven the formalityCJf a· ballot. He retains his baPtismal name, &Jld'becomes Pope Kiri!' r. The new Pope' is, as had: been . hoped,. anxious to have the head of the Church reach the ordinary man in his most acute and in­ timate needs. To this end, he 'begins the practice of hearing 'eonfessions in St. 'Peter's. 'He !also ventures out of the Vatican ~ night, wearing plain black 'and walking the streets. , Subcouselous Mind On such an,expedition~ he ex­ ~hanges talk with poor people, «oes on a sick' call to a dying .man, visits'the home of a fairly young widow, Ruth Lewin, who is a convert ·from Judaism but - '" has· lapsed into apathy and near­ despair. ; He also wants the Chureh to 10 boldly forward, meeting the ,challenges of science, for· ex­ 'ample. Thus, he would have the :discoveries and insights of psy~ ;ebiatry put to use by religion. · In his journal he writes, "The ,human psyche is the .meeting 'ground between God, and' mario :It is possible; I think, 'tliat some .of the meaning of the.mystery of :Divine Grace may be revealed 'when we understand better the .working of the subconscious 'mind,where buried memories ,and buried guilts, and buried impulses, germinate for years, and then break out Into a .mange flowering." Move Toward Peace · Moreover, he means to take ~e initiative in' moving the' .~orld toward peace. ~e U. s. 'and the U. S. S. R. are still glow­ ering at each other, heavily .;.rmed with thermonuclear :weapons, and poised to preeipi­ 'tete catastrophe' for the world, :~ould either make a falae move. 'Pope Kiril knows well the head .:of the Communist world, J[amenev, who had been -his own .lnterrogator during hJa impris­ • .:> onment and bad, when raised 1;0 'the top place' In the U. S. S. R., ·.ranged for his release. He -proposes to get in touch 'with Kamenev and see whether :"'otiatilona betweea Ruaia and


Now comes the waste. We quickl,.

. SECRETARY: Archbish.. figured up that In four years she had paid

$26,000 to her psychoanalyst. We told her

op Francesco Carpino, seere­ tba& it takes only $3 amonDl to help cure

tilry of the forth-coming . • leper. In that time, she could have sup­

conclave which begins June plied almost 8,700 lepers with suIphone for a month. "Oh;" lbe

19, will have the honor of said, "don't tell me. I don't want' to hear about helping others."

handing the newly-elected One of the great psychiatrists in the United state., Dr. O. pope the white skullcap sym­ Hobart Mowrer, wrote in this -connection: "We must recognize that bolic of the papacy. NC in oW' efforts to find a form of salvation which is supposedly _ E'hoto. better ·and less crude than anything which the poor can afford,



Continued from Page One barbers, carpenters. ·master. of ceremonies, secretaries and' the litke, lodging had to be found for 162 persons, counting 78 Cardi-. nab accompanied by one eon­ clavist and two Cardinals accom­ panied by two aides. In 1958, only one Cardinal bad t:t1ree assistants and the rest had two apiece, making 157 persons '97ho had to be lodged. As a re­ sult the additiOnal five lodgings h.ave been found with difficulty, and some are rather makeshift.. Another problem was how to find room in the Sistine Chapel for the 80 thrones where the Car­ lilinals sit during the balloting. 'rbe Sistine Chapel is 132 feet long by 43 feet wide and is di­ ,ided at about two-thirds 01 ita length by a low marble barrier surmounted· by a wooden ralling. In previous' conclaves, . the larger part of the chapel, kilO'WD 21S the presbytery, was enough to 2lccommodate the Cardinal-' thrones. This time the wooden railing will be removed and thrones. placed also in the small­ fir part known as the nave.

:Seminary Exam Continued from Page ODe letter of recommendatlOll l!rom the pastor of the parisb ia 'which he resides. A certificate of hiI Baptism. A certificate of h1s Confir­ llDatlon. A certificate of bia ~ lInarriage. . Notice of -the examination . . . laued b,. Rev. Alfred J. Qen.O Ilreau, S.T.D., secretaI'y of ~ :Board of ExamineD. ; A

School Bus Bitl . BAluUSBURG(NC) - lrour ~p~~tives have iDtrodueed a .bm in the state Legislature .. provide tax-paid school bu, transportation for 'parochial and other private sc:bool pupu..

we have been, in: effect, wasting ,9\lr money. We would be far better off if, instead of giving a so-called therapist a genero!» fee, we gave the same amount of money each week to some reaD:y good cause."

U anT of Oar readm are sianen - anc! who IIi 110&- and thetr sins are causing them mentai' upsets because theJ' have not' repented, may we sQcest that: 1)' theJ' hUmble themselves and reeeive the pardon Our LorClinake.avaUable tbrou&,h IIJs CrosS:' Z) bedn to help their' neirhbors. thus taldnl' their mJnds off thelll8fJlveB: 3) send us the moneT Dle:y are now' ~dlDc 011 a .' P9J'choanalJ'st. who denies piU. We wfD use It- for lepers, thal:

. God 1IlaJ' have mereJ' on 'all of! us who have leprUJ' OD 0111' ~ala.

GOD LOVE YOU to R.J.V: for $35 "This ".part of the amount

we received for .ellfng a piece of propert:y. We know. God will

bless us if we bless those less fortunate than ourselves.'" .' •• to

M.J.S. for $5 "My husband' is presently serving In Vietnam and

has had a firsthand look at· the poor of the mission world. We

send this in thanksgiving for our own blessings." ••• 1;0 R.N.B.

. for $50 ''I recently came into contact with • Jnissionary' for the first time and came' to know his personal courage and sense of sacrifice. Let this offering help aU the missionaries in all area of the world~" ••• to E; K: for $~ "With: a flUnily' of 'nine, I am only able to send this small sacrifi~. I plan to.end more often."

At a ,loa lor gift suuesUons'! ~them _Into a Pm for.: The Society lor the. Propagation Of the Faith b7 selectlnc ow lIIDari euffUnks sets (cwal or square). tie clasp ~ I&cnes" chanD. . IIacJe of .old-colored HamUton finish wfth the raised reel fa­ ...pta of the Soelet)', ·thee Uems' are Ideal for class awarda.··

IIeIIlbIarJau, P'&daatfoD dtte. Spedt)- the· ltema 1011 deatre,

. .eJo.e a mfnJmum offeriDl' of $3 tor eaCh piece. andaeud J'OUl'

IIaIIIe and ~ .. The 8oeie~ tor the Pr.opacaUoa 01 ·the

....... H6 PIftb Aveaue. New York 1. New York.

Cat eat tbIa eolamn. pin J'OUl' saerilJce to It and mati R to

. . lIolil Rev. i'ultoa J. Sbee~ National Dkector of the SocfeQ

'for the Propapilon of the Faith. 366 Filth Avenue. New York

l. H. Y. 01' :rour DIocesan Director. BT. UV. RAYMOND T.

.CONSIDINE. 36S North Main Sireet, Fa.1l River. Ma-.



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Pederal ••

1_ ...... CorporatioII

1lfE ANCHOR-'-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. June 13, 1963

Notable Events of Year Include

Bishop Cassidy -High ~pening,.

First Graduation at Stang


'J;'his will be the last regular roundup of'news for tIM! school year 1962-63. It been an interesting year marked by many notable events. Chief among them we~e the opening of. Bishop. Cassidy High in Taunton and the first graduation at Bishop Stang cees awarded certificates to out­ .Hig.h in N:orth Dartmouth. .standing' students enrolled in a Stangnes have been ill a elassicai oourse in six high . 'whirl of act i vi t'i e s eele­ schools . throughout the New


brating this iinaortant first. Cul­ ·Bedford area.' minatiQn will come on Monday, , The following students from June 17 whim'the fourth annual ,St. Anthony High in New Bed­ honors' night prog,ram will be -ford were awarded the same held in the .school auditorium. Junior· Chamber of Commerce At this program, all awards won 'certificates: Ric h a r d Methia, by all students will be presented. Oharlotte Parker, Richard Beau­ In addition, special prizes will lieu, Roland Bedard, Lorraine be awarded to top students in Belanger, Lor r Ii. i n e Denault, the freshman, sophomore and Doreen Faucher, Bernadette junior. classes. Rev. John, P. Gallant, Jeannette Leger, Con­ Driscoll, assistant manager of stance Martel, Maurice Michaud The Anchor, will be the main and Paulette St. Gelsis. . speaker on this special occasion. And at Sacred Hearts Aca­ demy in Fairhaven winners were Sportsmanship Award Awards are very much in the Jane Donnelly, Cynthia Caton, END OF SEASON:· Sodalists at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River check bulletin news at the Diocesan high Paula Couto, .Laureo Gallop, Di­ for end of season events as the organimtion prepares to wind up successful year. board schools. Debating awards were ane Guillotte and Diane Ron­ From left, Mary Robertshaw, .Patricia Denehy, Beverly- Roach, Carol Gannon. given at Coyle High in Taunton. deau. Zembo Sisters at their awards assembly. Those Alana Almeida, a senior at Seniors at Holy Family High Ington and Vivian Byron were dette Murphy, secretaries; Chris­ receiving them were Timothy Sacred Hearts Academy in Fall held' their annual prom at the honored, while Judith Callahan tine Bisio, treasurer. Andrews, Anchor school re­ River, has recently received Allendale Country Club on received a pin for her work as " Thank You porter John Oabral, John Mc­ With the regular school new. Andrew, James McGarry and word that she has won a $350 Tuesday. Senior class activities' Mercian editor. With ber were scholarship offered by the Tiver­ will end today with a. class recognized Susan Konarski, Mary column signing off for the sea­ Paul Wessling. ' Anne Ferreira and . Thalia son with. this week's Anchor; a From Coyle also comes the ton Lions Club. Alana will enter outing at Sandwich. The debating club at Holy Proyous. word of than~s is in order to the announcement that the'following the St. Anne's School of Nursing Diane Driscoll and M. Inez correspondents who report on Family'entertained their retiring were recipients of declamation in September. High on the list of award debate coach, Atty. Maurice Dion received business awards; happening/> at' the 12 Diocesan medals: Donald Ayotte, James Foagan and Peter Lacaillade. winners at SHA, Fall River are Downey at a dinner held at Mary Anne' Ferreira was hon. ·campuses. They are Richard the Zembo sisters, Frances and the Kennedy Youth Center. Tbe ored for French; and Margaret Beaulieu, St. Anthony; Marc Journalism awards were re­ Bergeron, Stang; John Cabral, eeived by John Cabral, James Marguerite. Both are among the . club presented Mr. Downey with Sheahan for science. Kathleen Cordeiro and Linda Coyle; Cecile Canuel, Jesus­ McGarry, and John McAndrew. nine seniors graduating with a -watch in appreciation of his Fer....eira were commended for Mary; Dorothy Coderre, Feehan; Five students received glee club high honors. In addition· Frances services as moderator of the de­ awards and there were eight received a Nationwide Latin bate club for the past five years. tiutstanding school spirit and Joseph CroftQn, Prevost; Patricia leadership, respectively. Examination award along with School Spirit Denehy and Susan Johnson, year book awards. Nine mem­ Highest scholastic honor of SHA, Fall River. Awards have gone 1xl many bers of the basketball squad 19 other seniors' at the academy Also Mary Ann Ferreira, Ml were given awards and Ubrari,an and she was elected a member seniors at Mt. St. Mary's. They' ;valedictorian . went to Mary awards went to Tom Delaney, of the National Honor ·Society. include NOMA proficiency cere Anne Ferreira, who maintained St. Mary; ,Pauline Gagnon, DA; Marguerite received a Gregg tificates in arithmetic to Nancy a 96 per cent academic average. Alice McDermott and Charlene James Bradshaw and James Bol­ . - Annual Picnic Award for artistic typing. Ten Pestana, Veronica Ruest, Diane Phillipe, Cassidy; Laura Ouel• ton. And the following have re­ lette, SRA, Fairhaven; - Rohert Underclassmen at Bishop Cas­ eeived the Bishop Connolly other seniors received this Boulay, Joyce Ferreira and Ev. Peccini, Holy Family. oratory medals: Michael Sousa, Qward. Marguerite also merited elyn Richard; and in spelling to sidy High are enjoying their an­ the certificate for highest honors Evelyn Dussault. 'Most of these students are nual picnic at Cathedral Camp Jobn Cabral and Donald Hoye. Varsity letters went to Kath. today, ·with swimming on the graduating seniors. To them this in Business Education awarded Sister I&'natins Award leen Cordeiro and Patricia Faria, .agenda if the weather is favor~ column wishes much future suc­ And at Dominican Academy in by the Catholic Business Educa­ basketball team captains, and a able. cess. , . tion AssocIation and .she and Pall River the winning team f01' During the Summer, in place New. Cassidy sodalitY· officers basketball 1 n t ram u r a 1. was Jean Smith were' the recipients loving cup to VolleybaR Cap. are Ann McDemlOtt, prefect; of regular news, a series of in­ given blue ribbons while the of the international G reg g tain Joanne Leandro. In music, Kathleen Cordeiro, Suzanne Desmarais, senior pre­ terviews with outstanding up,. volleyball team was given red Shorthand Ex,hibit award. J 0 ann e Leandro, Eleanor fect; LilIianBrennan, junior comiI.1g seniors at the Diocesan In addition to their scholas­ ribbons at an awards assembly. .prefect; Mary West and Bema­ high schools will be featured. ­ At the same assembly varsity tic achievements, both Zembos Kitchen, Rita Skelly, Susan Part­ hold many national awards for team members were given let­ their proficiency at the accor­ ters and' the two head cheer­ leaders, Paulette Ross and· dian: They have entertained on M'Ildeline Canuel, were given countless programs in the Fall River -area and have ,been mem­ miniature silver megaphones. bers of the SHA orchestra since A special award for out­ entering the academy. etanding sportsmanship pre­ The Honor assembly for fresh­ sented for the first time at Dominican Academy and named men, sophomores and juniors at SRA will take place on June 20. in memory of Sister Ignatius, The student body will hold a former principal, was given to school picnic at Cathedral Camp Beverly Camara. The award con­ on Wednesday, June 19. sists of two parts, a trophy and Square Dancing a plaque. The trophy is pre­ Beginning Monday, June 1'7 sented to the winner and her students at Bishop Feehan High Dame is engraved on a plaque which will hang in, the front in Attleboro will start a busy week. Monday will be a day of hall of the academy. recollection. Fat her Reddy, Glrll state O.M.I. will preach on the theme From Mount St. Mary Aca­ of "Dangers of Summertime." demy in Fall River ·comes the On Tuesday, June 18 200 announcement t hat Madeline sophomores will tour the liter­ Thibault, a junior,' has been ary and historical places of in­ awarded a French prize. terest in the Boston area. For And Lea Laflamme, a junior the freshmen a special tour has from Jesus-oMary Academy in been arranged, including a trip Fall River will represent the to the Museum of Science in Frank Allen Wilcox. Auxiliary . Boston. '

of the American Legi~m at Girls

On Wednesday, June 19 stu­ State which will be held at dents in room 118 will present Bridgewater State College, June a dry Mass for the student body. 14 through 21.' On the same day students at Lea is an honor 'student at . Feehan will present a talent JMA and is active in 'basketball, MOW. .

Infra.r;d heaters tltat take !tie out of outdoor. nfgh~ .,­ the student council aI.1d the glee

Also on Wednesday, cheer­ air! Modern Gaslights that bring ~ck the charm of the Ga. elub. She is also a member of leaders, athletes and student the National Honor Spciety, and council will unite in offering one . light Era! • Barbecue grills with re·usable ceramic: coals that the sodality and is active on the big Feehan social. A barbecue, leave no soot or ashes! Luau torches. that light up your patiol lehool's newspaper staff. games and square dancing will And More Awaro be enjoyed on'the campus from • Heated water for the swimming pool. Radiant heating

From Holy Family in New Bed­ 6:30 to 10. The proceeds from under the flagstone! Aft Gas ... all available now, to make your

ford oomes the announcement this altair will ,be used for cheer that the following were elected leaders' equipment. patio usable day or night, any season of the year!

members of the National Honor On Thursday, June 20 music ~,-;-'- .~ ..:.- -----,' --_.. ­ Society: Thomas Azar, Arthur by the Feehan Chorus and the Lafleur, Elaine Math.ews, Peter band will entertain the students . Sullivan, Robert Mello, Kathleen and iacuIty at a music assembly. Sciscento, 'Richard Perras, Bryan Soloists will feature their talent Healy, Bonita Gomez, Arlene and there will be a special Paiva, Rosemarie Lamielle and rendition of the Feehan school Robert Peccini who is Holy eong. Family's Anchor reporter. The Debate Coach same students, with the excep­ On the same day the honors tion of Rosemarie Lamielle who assembly' will . 00 held. Sister Telephone OSborne 5-7811 155 North Ma.in ·St. .is taking a business course,' Mary Urban will address the were honored by the Junior group and present the scholastic Chamber of Commerce. The Jay- awards 1;0 the studenta.







Fall, River




·· ...14 ,

·THE ANCHOR-Diocese. of FaU' River-Thurs. :June 1,~ 19'63'

Urge Joint PushAgainst Enemies

SAN ANTONIO (NC) ­ Catholics an d Protestants were exhorted to end "fool­ ish examinations of division"

More Than Half of 260 Popes Have Chosen One of 12 Names· VATICAN CITY (NC) - One of the first things the new pope who succeeds John XXIII will have to do, accordint: to cen­ turies-old tradition, is to take • new name. Choices by the last 15 pontiffs Indicate that it probably will be Benedict, Clement, Gregory, John, Leo or Pius. No other names have been taken by popes for more than 200 y~ars. Seven of the 12 popes since 1775 have been named Pius. But Pope John was the first pontiff to USe that name in more ,than six centuries. Although known as John XXIII, he was only the 21st legitimate pope of that name. The fact that there have been popes known by numerals higher than the nIJITI­ ltier of pontiffs who have borne ,.;a given name is due mainly to 'j'

;'Charities Drive' . Spe'cial Gifts NATIONAL

$ZOO Joseph M. Mosher Associates $100 F. S. Payne Co. $50

Camac Company .


Thomas E. Murray Co., Inc. $25 What Cheer Foods Agostini Construction Co. $10 . D. Di~on Donovan Inc. .' , ATTLEBORO

the fact that some of the 37 an­ and stage a joint push against tipopes - false .claimants to the "those forces aligned against papacy - have taken the same the Church of Christ." . name. The counsel came from AuxI1­ Of the 260 popes since St. .iary Bishop Stephen A. Leven of Peter listec:\ in the 1.963 official ' , .San Antonio and Methodist Pontifical Yearbook, more than Bishop Fred Pierce Corson of half have been known by one of Philadelphia, head of the World a dozen names: Innocent, Ste­ Methodist Council. phen, Boniface, Urban, Ale­ Sortie 5,000 Catholic aild Pro~ xander and Adrian in addition estant-cle1'gy and laity' heard the to the six names listed above. . prelates at "An Evening of Ell\l­ The last pontiff to use a name menical' Witness" in the Munici­ not in the top 12 - Paul V ­ pal Auditorium here. reigned from 1605 to 1621. Bishop Corson, an observer In all, 79. names have been used by the popes, but only 30 have been in use in the last tho usa n d years. :Forty-three popes, including St. Peter, have had names used only once. The last was Pope Landon whose MOVES: Taking a P~ru­ pontificate lasted from ·9i3 to vian bishop's pastoral letter 9i4.· . . There have been 21 Johns, 16 iiterally,~ish~p Julio Gon~ Gregorys, . 15 Benedicts, 14 -Cle­ zalez Ruiz of PUIl;o, packed ments, ·13 Innocents and Leos, up his personal belongings 12 F'iuses, 9 Stephens, 8 Boni­ faces a'nd Urbans; 7 Alex-anders" and moved out o{his episco­ and 6 Adrians..The last Adrian, pal palace;'converting it into 'a 'Dutchman, was' the last non­ an educational radio center Italian pope. He reigned from 1522 to 1523. . for the peasant farmers of The above 12 names have been Make FIrst NaUonal )'Our cookout and pll:nlc f1eacfquartelL Peru. NCPhoto. used by a total of ~42 popes. YOU'll find everythIng golld·to eat plus a big selection of barbecue' arl/ls. accessories and picnic Items-ali value priced.


.-Respect fOlr 'Nickel.'


. CHICAGO (NC). - Chica'ga will have a Negro mayor within 20 years, the chairman of the sociology department of Loyola' University here has predicted. "What manner of man he will be," Paul Mundy told the univer­ sity's 300 - member citizens' board., "is likely to reflect how well or how poorly Chicagoland's responsible white leadership comes to grips with the accumu­ lated frustrations, injustices and iriequal'ties that have been im­ posed on Negroes of every social class and condition in employ­ ment, housing and education."


Reds Want to Talk At Catholic Colleges NEW YORK (NC) - The Communist Party U.S.A. is re­ questing Catholic colleges to in": vite "responsible communist spokesmen" to discuss the new encyclical of Pope John, "Pacem in Terris." A letter to catholic college , presidents from Arnold Johnl!on, director of the party's Lecture and Information Bureau, talks about "the need for a better un­ derstanding between CatholiC41 aIld communists."

Serra Convention 'SAN FRANCISCO (NC)­ .tames Francis Cardinal Mc­ ~tyre, Archbishop of Los An­ ,eles, will speak on vocations at 4he closing banquet of the 1963 lIOnvention of Serra Interna­ ~onal here starting Sunday, .uly 7; Serra officials said..

Catholic Relief Services ­ National Catholic Welfare Con­ ference, worldwide relief agency of U. S. Catholics. l:.ast July at its national eon­ ve:tltion, -Miss Buckley said, mE!mbers voted $50,000 for the Pic)us Society of St. James in South America; $10,000 each to thE~ Holy Father, CR&-NCWC, thl~ Catholic Press Association an,1i the Catholic Church Exten­ sion Society which has received $100,000 fr,om .the CDA-all out of those nickel dues.



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JUNE 24 to



Beginner's and Review Work in High School Subjects· ENGLISH; VOCABULARY and REAiDING, SCIENCE, FRENCHr MATHEMATICS, TYPING and ~UI'SeS as requested SUNDAYr, June Ui, 9-12 a.m. -

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FrYers & B~oilers - 2% to 3Y2 LB'A", - Ready to Cook

Head, of Catholic Daughters of Am~rica Cites - Works of Mercy Aided by Five-Cent Piece­

LOS ANGELES (r-t"C) - Margaret Buckley is a lady with a heal.thy respect for a nickel. $25 She's seen the nickel build a _' Atherton FurniturE'! Co. multi"-million dollar enterprise TAUNTON in 60 years. $50

The Supreme Regent of 215,000 Joseph A. Egan

Catholie Daughters of America $Z5

in the U. S., Puerto Rico and McKenna's Gift Shop Cuba, talked about the nickel $10 when she stopped off here on Benny's Auto Sales . her way to the CDA state con­ to · . S acramen,. ven t IOn In and . F.ALL RIVER. talkci1' abOut the nickel. "Do you know what each CDA . $100 H. & Sons, Inc. Court is required to pay in dues . P. Hood $Z5 Att N th n J. Sokolets1cY . ~ "the CDA national tr:easi.try? FaIr' Rrve: Building TradeS. Five cents per member per ~tincil . ..month. It's been the same for I . '$10 60 years. You see, nickels do I'" . count," she said. I'M. Richard BraWn '''''.' '. Miss Buckley estimates that in NEW BEDFORD six decades the CDA has donated $100 millions of dollars to Church New Bedford Defense Products charitable activities. In the past 16 years, $75,000 were voted

Sees Negro Heading ;Chicago in 20 Years

at the Second Vatican Council who had a private audience with Pope John, assured the assem­ bled Protestants: "The Catholic is not our enemy." He added that secularism, materialism and communism are the enemies who are "at war with Christianity." Bishop Corson said the S~cond Vatican Council was not called in fear or despair, but for the purpose of renewal so the Church could examine itself and faCe a world that is at war with ·it. • "The Second Vatican Councfi was a call to war on thoSe forces aligned against the Church of Christ."


PlCGS of 50

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8ge 6ge






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.Fourth· .Annual·






JUNE 18,19, 20

Rides - Amusements -Prizes

This Message ;s Sponsored By The Following Individuals and Business Concerns in Greater Fall River:


Ann Dale Products, Inc. Duro Finishing Corp. Enterprise Brewing Co. The Exterminator· Co. Fall River Trust Co. Fall River Electric Light Co.

Globe· Manufacturing Co. . Kormon Water Co. MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms Mooney & Co. Inc. Newport Finishing Co.

Plymouth Printing Co., Inc.

Sherry Corp.

Sobiloff Brothers. .

Sterling Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers Union, of America. AFL·ClO


.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 13, 1«163

Super.Rlght Quality, Heavy Steer Beef

ROAS'S TROPHY WINNERS: Awards winners at Prevost High School's Class Day in Fall River include, from left, Ronald Caisse, Richard L. Jusseaume, Marcel Chretien, Paul Dumais.

Blanshard Concedes Admits Legality of Auxiliary Services'

To Parochial School Pupils

UNIVERSITY PARK (NC) ­ 'aul Blanshard conceded in a debate here that auxiliary serv­ iCes may legally be provided by government to children in paro­ chial schools. The writer and lecturer,

known for his attacks on the

Catholic Church, conceded that

the Federal school lunch pro­ gram, medical services to Ch;l­ dren in parochial schools and

tax-paid bus rides are consLltu­ tional "as the law· now stands.."

. Blanshard debated with Wil­ liam D. Ball, a Harrisburg attor­ ney prominent in Church-State discussions, before an audience 'at .Pennsylvania State University. Blanshard characterized the is­ sue of Federal aid to church.' related education as' involving "nothing more than the question of whether the public is to sup­ port the Catholic Church." But he did acknowledge the legitimacy of Federal college scholarships which a student can use at a church-related in­ stitution. ' . 'Thought Control' In the two-hour discussion, sponsored by the University De­ partment of Education Services, Blansh;lrd charged Catholic schools are freqjJently of second­ rate quality and create a "divi­ sive mentality" in graduates. He peppered his remarks with

Save Taxpayers

$200 Million

NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Cath­ olic elementary and high schools in the Archdiocese of New Or­ leans saved taxpayers nearly $200 million from 1946 to 1961. Statistics compiled by the Clarion Herald, archdiocesan newspaper, place the figure at $198,749,374. The annual value of Catholic education to the state in the 11 eivil parishes (counties) within the archdiocese has grown from an estimated $5,136,329 for the 1946-'47 school year to $24,082,­ '133 for 1960-'61.' In the 1960-'61 school year there were an estimated 181.000 students in public elementary and secondary schools in the archdiocese an.1 74,568 in Catho­ lic schools. The Catholic school figure is equal to approximate­ ly 41 per cent of the public school enrollment. The cOI:clusions in the Clarion Herald study were reached by multiplying the amount spent annually to educate each pUblic school 3tudent in: each of the 11 civil parish" the number of Catholic stuu,uaS.

allusions to "thought control ill Catholic schools," "hierarchial domination," "Jesuitical leg.er­ demain," and "Franco-loving teachers!' Ball, in reply, said that if Blanshard's charges are true, Catholic school graduates mUM be monsters who should be kept out of the area of public respon­ 'sibility. He called Blanshard's caricature of the schools "ab­ surd,"







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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 13, 1963

British Prelates Merge Cath'olic Radio, Films


LONDON (N C) - The British Bishops have merged the nation's separate Cath­ olic film and broadcasting organizations into a single unit. Plans include the building of a big Catholic studio in the Lon­ don area for making Catholic films and television programs and for training priests and lay­ men in TV and cinema work. The project is expected to have far-reaching developments affecting the whole future of Catholic work in this country in the field of mass communi­ cations. The Catholic Film Institute and the Catholic Radio and Tele-· vision Center are being amal­ gamated into a National Catho­ lic Center for Radio, Television and Cinema with headquarters in London and Glasgow under ecclesiastical assistants. The de­ cision was taken at the recent conferences of the English, Welsh and Scottish Hierarchies. Ready-Made Films Father A g nell u s Andrew, O.F.M., full-time adviser to the British Broadcasting Corpora­ tion and director of the radio and television center at Hatch End near London, will take charge of the new unit. Two priests will assist him in London and two in Glasgow. The projected studio to which the Bishops are making an initial grant of $85,000 will not only help. develop this sphere of Catholic action in Britain but will also meet in increasing demand of the developing· coun­ tries of Africa and' South America for ready-made Catho­ lic films for cinemas and new televisi{)n s tat ion s and for training personnel ror such work.

CBS To Pres·ent Ste",fl:GC Story NEW YORK (NC)-The story late Alojzije Cardinal Stepinac, Primate of Yugeslavia, will be {framatized -on a &ational television pro.:rram 'Sunday, June 30. "The stepinac Case" will be presented on the "Look up and Live" program telecast on the Columbia Broadcasting" System network. The program will be presented by CBS in cooperation with the National Council of Catholic Men. Cardinal Stepinac was sen­ tenced by the Yugoslav com­ munist regime in 1946 to 16 years at hard labor for alleged wartime coHaboration with the Germans. He was released from prison in 1951 but was kept under con­ stant guard. He died in 1960..

of the



NC News Service

ROME (NC) - L'Osservatore Romano has called the N.C.W.C News Service "the "most highly developed and most important" Catholic news agency in the world. The Vatican City newspaper drew attention to the fact that the news service's logotype NC "appears often" in its columns with news stories and feature articles originating with this "well known and great organiza­ tion of the Bishops of the United States." . Osservatore pointed out that NC was started by the Hierarchy of the U. S. to .give the Catholic press "a serious and informed news service,'" and .has grown to its presence eminence in the span of only 'Some 4.0 years.

March in Red Zone BERLIN (NC)-Close to 500 youths from East Berlin and the Soviet 2:{)ne of Germany, some from as far as 30 miles away, came through a pouring rain to take part in the traditional aco­ lytes's pilgrimage to Alt-Buch­ borst. Auxiliary Bishop Heinrfch Theissing of Berlin offered Masa for them at the Marian shrine.


FIRST AT BISHOP CASSIDY: Judith Ann Bourgault celebrates occasion with classmates Elizabeth Ann BrennaB, becomes first graduate, of Bishop Cassidy High School as ·center, and Estelle Therese Lague, right. Cassidy _Higlt ­ she receives diploma from Bishop Connolly. Right, Judith replaces St. Mary's High, Taunton.

Cardinals Range in Age From 50 to 91 S~lecting

Pope Great Privilege of Church


Continued from Page One­ the Vatican administr.ative future Cardinals, Valerian Gra­ dinal Suenens of Malines-Brue­

cias, Archbishop of Bombay; sels.

Costa Nunes, Vice Camerlengo. staff; Jose Garibi Cardinal y Giovanni Urbani, Patriarch of • Augustin Cardinal Bea, S.J., . Rivera, Archibshop of Guadala­ From Vienna is Franziskua

Venice; Bernard Alfrink, Arch­ Cardinal Koenig, born in 1905;

president of the Secretariat for jar.a, Mexico; and Antonio Car­ Promoting Christian Unity, and dinal Caggiano, Archbishop of bi-shop of Utrecht; and Fernando and claiming 1906 is Genoa'.

Quiroga y Palacios, Archbishop Giuseppe Cardinal Siri. In 19M

Carro Cardinal Chiarlo of the Buenos Aires. . V.aticanadministrativ~staffwere of Santiago de Compostela, came Raul Silva Cardinal H~

Another Latin American, Car­ riquez, S.D.B., Archbishop of

bOl'n in 1881. lEIs Cardinal de Vasconcellos · Sppin. All were born in 1900. santiago, Chile; aoo in 1901

Andre Cardinal Julien, also ~ Motta, Archbishop 'of 'Sao Pauro, Poland's S t e fan Cardinal Rufino Cardinal Santos 01. the

the administTative sU!ff, was was oorn in 1890, all were .Wyszynski was born in 1901; Philippines.

born in 1882. Thomas Cardinal Tien, S.V.D., Venezuela's Jose Humberto Car­ cardinals Valerio Valeri, pre­ exiled Archbishop of Peking; dinal Quintero in 1902; Chkago's Tanaanyika's Laurian Canft".

fect of th1! Congregation of Reli­ Alf-o~ Cardinal Castaldo, Arch­ Albert Cardinal Meyer in 1903; nal Ru-gambwa was born in "1911

gious; Maurice Feltin, 'Archbish­ bishop of Naples, aoo A-lfredo and SeTille's Jose Cardinal aDd 19U is- shared by Jul1.

op ~f Paris; Fernando Cello. of Cardinal Ottaviani, -secr~tary or' Bueoe y Monreal in 1904. Cardinal I>oepfDer and Juaa

the Graoo Penitentiary; aoo the Congregation of the Holy Also sharing the 1904 birth­ . LaBdazur:i Cardinal RicketU, Amleto Cico.gnani, Papal secre­ Office. · date are Paul Emile Cardinal pr-eviously mentioned younge. tary of State, share the birthdate The year 1891 saw the birth of . Leger of Montreal; and Leo Car­ Cardinals. of 1883: Belogna's Giacomo Cardinal Best known in this country is car-o and Bogota's Luis Cardinal Cardinal Cicognani, for many Concha. years Apostolic' Delegate to the Cardinal Ritter United States. ,-6nly two years a Cardinal, Dean of College but 71 'years of age is Joseph Cardinal Ritter of St. Louis. Dean of the College of Cardi­ Also 71 are. Anselmo Cardinal nals is Eugene Cardinal Tisser­ ant of France. Born in 1884. he Albareda, O.S.B., Vatican ·ad­ shares the date with France's ministrative staff; Joseph Cardi- I Achille Cardinal Lienart; Alberto nal . Lefebvre, ·Archbishop of Cardinal di Jorio, pro-president Bourges, France; Peter .Cardinal Doi, Archbishop of Tokyo; Ah­ of the pontifical c'ommission for tonio Cardinal Barbieri, O.F.M.. Vatican City; and William Car­ , dinal Heard, British member of Cap., Archbishop of Montevideo, the Vatican administrative staff. Uruguay; and Jozsef Cardinal The year 1885 saw the birth of Mindszenty, Communist-harried Pietro Cardinal Ciriaci, prefect Archbishop of Esztergom, Hun­ gary. of the Con,;regation of the Coun­ Secretary of the Sacred Con­ cil; and Antonio Cardinal Bacci More and more buyers sistorial Congregation, .Carlo of the administrative staff. Cardinal Confalonieri, was born James Franais Cardinal Mc­ of NEW and USED' . Intyre, Archbishop of Los An: in 1893; and 1894 was the birth­ geles, was born in 1886, as were date for Toronto's James Cardi­ 'CARS nal McGuigan and Rio, de Jan­ Gustavo Cardinal Testa, Secre­ tary of the Congregation for the eiro's ·Jaime Cardinal de Barros are taking Oriental Church; and Benjamin Camara. Four Princes of the Church, Cardinal de Arriba y Castro, advantage of the Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain. including Boston's Richard Car­ Four Cardinals were "~,.,, ''1 dinal Cushing were born in 1887: Ascadio Larraona, C.M.F., 1895. The Qthers are Luigi Ti'ag_ "ECONOMY" AUTO LOAN PLAN lia, pro-vicar general of Rome; prefect of the Sacred Congrega­ tion of Rites; Michael BroY'ne, Paolo Marella, prefect of ·the .Congregation of the Basilica of O.P., master general of the Do­ This convenient'. • . money saving plan offers car buyers . minican Order and member of St. Peter; and Gregory Petei' many advantages. Available at any Qf our. 3 Neighborhood the Vatican administrative staff; Cardinal Agagianian, Transcau­ Joseph Cardinal Frin.gs, Arch­ casian-born pr"fect of the Con­ Bonks. bishop of Cologne." Gel"!"'~"\': gregation for the Propagation of and Paul Marie Cardinal Ri­ the Faith. chaud, Archbishop of Bordeaux, Australian Cardinal France. Norman Card ina I . Gilroy, Cardinal Spellman Archbishop of Sydney, Australia, In 1888 the Patriarch of Lis­ is 67. At 66, Giovanni Cardinal bon, Portugal, Manuel Cardinal Montini, Archbishop of Milan, Goncalves Cerejeira; and Er­ is the only Cardinal born in nesto Cardinal Ruffini, Arch­ 1897. The following two years CENTER BANK-Purchase and William Sts. bi-shop of Palermo, Italy, were boast only one Cardinal e~h, born. also, with Ildebrando Cardinal NORTH END BANK-Cor. Acushnet Ave. and Coffin Ave. Five 'Cardinals, including New Antoniutti of the Vatican admin­ York's Francis Cardinal Spell­ SOUTH END BANK-Cor. Cove St. & Rodney French Blvd~ istrative staff and Giuseppe Car­ man, were born in 1889. The dinal Ferretto, also of the staff, others are Francesco Cardinal having been born in 1898 and Member. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Roberti, prefect Of the Supreme 1899 respectively. Tribunal of the Apostolic Signa­ The twentieth century· wall .. ture; Efrem Cardinal Forni of ushered in by the births of four :




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'..:t~8=. :...-'_.:....TH_E_A_N_C_H_O_R_-_D_io_c_e_se__ of_F_a_"_R_i~ve_r~-_Thurs.June 13,'1963

The Vacant See

- Burial of Pope

Illumined by tiers of flicker. Continued from Page One earried through St. Peter's ing candles and flanked by his Square, where such a short beloved Swiss and Noble Guard, the silent shepherd granted his time before he had trium­ phantly processed with the final audience to the sheep of his bishops of the world to open the fold. On Thursday afternoon your Second Vatican Council. A crowd of more than 50,000 watched correspondent was privileged silently as the Palatine Guard to be present at the privte fu­ neral of Pope John. Standing in in plumed hat.! opened the pro­ sacristy beforehand, I cession with a slow, funeral st~p. the They were followed by the w:atched the cardinals enter to Swiss Guard in armor and black vest for the simple funeral cere­ helmets of mourning, the papal mony that Pope John had re­ nobility, and the Lateran sem­ quested.There was Cardinal Ma­ inarians. Beside the papal bier, sella, the Camerlengo of the which from a distance seemed College of Cardinals, who rules to be floating above the .heads of the Church as "first among the crowd, walked the Pope's equals" during· the inter-regnum. sister and three bFothers. There was Carc;linal Ottaviani, As a New York reporter noted, the Secretary of the Holy Office, "The cardinals who followed the who will apnounce the new pope procession walked as though to the world at the conclusion weighed down by their grief. of the conclave. The American Ambassadors practiced in never Cardinals, Ritter, Meyer and betraying their emotions .could McIntyre were also there. In the apse of the basilica a not keep their eyes from mois­ "JACK PAAR SHOW": A performance of the "Jack Paar Show" highlighted class short ceremony followed. The tening." . day program for seniors at Holy Family High School, New Bedford. From left, Robert As the Julian Choir sang' the official notice of death was St. Germain, Robert Clarkson, Richard Perras, Paul Ponte, Pa\ll Fredette. Sister M. read, the absolution performed, ~ c funeral chant so familiar to Charles Francis, 'principal, directed proquction. Catholics, "Deliver ine, Lord, and each of the cardinals pres­ from everlasting death," the ent sprinkled the coffin with School Prayer Servant of the Servants of God holy water. When Cardinal entered the basilica for the final Leger of Canada broke down in COLUMBUS ( N C) - The time. The cries of "Long live the tears, Msgr. Loris Capovilla for­ Ohio House has adopted a reso­ Pope" were silent now. With or got his own grief for the moment . lution ~tating that "daily prayer ~ithout those cries, long life was and came over to comfort the cardinal. It was to his personal and Bible reading should not be At Lourdes in France, there is the famed shrine where Our John's forevermore. secretary, Msgr. Capovilla, that prohibited in schools of Ohio." Blessed Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous. i'A door opened Messages of condolence poured Pope John had said the day be­ It was sent to the Senate for on Heaven," one Pope explained it in from every part of the world. fore he died, "When this is all action. • • • Today in far-off India, • parish They were more than the pro­ dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes over, be sure and have a good tocol demanded by the passing visit with your mother." needs • financial miracle. The stol')' of an international figure. Pope begins twenty years ago when the The triple coffin was then sol. John had captured the heart and emnly carried outside the basil­ Bishop of the diocese bought land for IIOme 350 families. The place was imagination of the world, and ica and down into the crypt. And named ALEXNAGAR COLONY and now that world suddenly seemed then, as the Gospel says of Our is situated in MADAMPAMin ·empty without him. Lord's burial, "the tomb was NO&THERN MALABAR. The firs& .. In the city of Rome flags were sealed and all withdrew." . RT. 6, EAST FAIRHAVEN iJriest sent there built • shed f . flown at half-mast; television Soon, all eyes will be fixed on Mass. The place is close to the jun­ SERVING ITAllAN FOODS networks were silent except for In Memoriam, cle and wild animals and malaria lII'fl the news; schools, theaters, and that frail stove pipe outside the Sylvester Vercellone Prop. Pope of Mission.. prevalent. The priest came down government buildings w ere Sistine Chapel which' will give the first clue to the world that a with malari. and had • fever every other day for. three years. closed. Even the deafen~ng roar J:2i!!!Ii!!ffil!i!lffi!Ji!!ffi!Ji!!ffi!li!!Ji!!Ili!!Ji!!Ili!!Ii!!Jli!!Ii!!Ji!!li!!I~l!!l~ilil StiH he and his people held on •.. The other day. the shed of Rome'~ traffic seemed to be new pope has been elected. · erumbled under the Impact of time and weather. Mass had to respectfully muffled. To a man, But for the time being, the be said in the school which is against covernment regulatioos. tfie Italians were profoundly eyes of humanity are content to The pastor is now trying to build • modest church, 120 feet b,. glance back once more with grieved. 80 feet. His name is Father S. J. MUTHUKATTIL. The' '''He was a saint," a woman love on that man who, when parishioners have donated theq. labor to build the foundattoa. said at a downtown newsstand. asked by a little girl in a hos­ The,. have little or no money to give. Father needs $4.000 to pital who he was, could smil­ "Yes," said the man behind the fJDish the buUdinc. His Bishop and the Sacred Coneregation counter, "he understood the little ingly answer, "My name is · of the Eastern Rites in Rome add their fervent plea for his aid Angelo 'Roncalli, but now every­ .' people." · • • • Maybe IIOmetime, somewhere, Oar Lady of Lourdes · pod to you. This would be • niee time to reciprocate. With . These "little people," who had one calls me John." ,.our help • miracle eaa take place. An,. amoant .WiD be ... been indeed the apple of. Pope PRINTED AND MAilED precl..... John's eye, were able to pay Polish Madonna Copy their tribute to him again the . OSborne 2-1322

.TAKE A NUMBER. DIVIDE BY A HUNDRED next day when the doors of St. In Vienna Display WYman 3-1431

We know of a priest who has a simple method of seeking belp Peter's were opened at eight when in need financially. He says a prayer, offers a Mass in­ o'clock in the morning. In an VIENNA (NC)-A copy of the _m tention, calculates the sum needed; divides by a hundred allCl unbroken procession ..that lasted' famous Black Madonna from · thea sends the hundredth part to the pOOr-immediately. • 36 hours and which was esti­ the Polish shrine of Czestochowa reasoning is simple. Didn't Christ .promise it hundredfold? ... mated total over two million bas become a temporary altar Jlhybe you. have a financial problem. Why nOt think of send­ persons, the people of Rome and piece in SJ. Stephan's Cathedral lag a $10 FOOD PACKAGE to the PALESTINE REFUGEES? the city's many' tourists filed here. Or $2 for' a BLANKET for a BEDOUIN FAMILY. past the mortal remains of the The original icon, popularly departed pope lying in state be­ attributed to St. Luke, has been GRADUA110N DAY: ENTER' JOY , fore the papal altar. .' the focal point of Polish pilgrim. And what joy! A )"OUDC person walks down a colle«e .isle Commercial. Industrial

ages for centuries. Garouch admlriDc crowds' 01 relativetil .. «et the sheepskin. Institutional

Emotions are intense. Exultation. joy, tenstlness! Some . . . Franzisqus Cardinal Koenig of Students Help' Build Painting and Decorating

dentS are as white as the parchment they are .. receive lIIltI Vienna received the copy as a their smiles. shall we Sa)" it. • little sheepish with so much Hospital in Mexico gift from the Pauline monks of 135 Franklin Street

limelight. We uk them-and you-to thin'i: of those need,. CINCINNATI (NC) - Eleven the Jesna Gora monastery at I'Jeminaria~ and Sisters-to-be in our care who wish .. seek OSborne 2-1911

Xavier University students will Czestochowa during his recent fal1 River after Christ's other sheep, students such as THOMAS SARTO help build a children's hospital visit to Poland. THARAYIL and SEBASTIAN SAVIO PEREPPADAN of Ball­ and home for nurses this Sum­ «alore. India .... SISTER LIGOURI and SISTER VIANNEY ':-=OC=CloOCloC:)C-=-C=CloOCloC::Kt mer in San Cristobal in the 01 the Carmelite Sisters in India. They and others need $100 sparsely populated southernmost • year as • seminarian for six years training and $150 • year Building Contractor

part of Mexico. for two years to become • Sister. Will you adopt ooe ., The students, who have .al­ them. We have the oames of many others. Masonry

ready left for Mexico, will re­ ceive only room and board from THE POETS ARE BANISHED In the life of St. Columcille, we read of his plea to save 1,200 their hosts, the Mexican Na­ poets from being banished from Ireland. They were demand­ tional Center for Aid for the So. Dartmouth ing too much food, shelter for themselves and their retinue. Indian Missions. and Hyannis The Saint prevented their banishment and immediately the 1,200 Most of the inhabitants of the bards composed and sang a most beautiful song in his honor region where they are going are WY 7.9314

but he forbade them to give him any more honor ... We haw members of the TZozel and 7 JEA.NETTE $TREET So. Dartmouth

many MISSION CLUBS where you can help MONTHLY for a Tzeltral Indian tribes. Hyannis 2921

song as the phrase 'goes-a prayer and a $1 a month. We list FAIRHAVEN WY 4-7321 the clubs: Rosary Processions ·SSSSSSSSSS%SSSSSS%%%S\ DAMIEN LEPER CLUB (cares' for lepers); ORPHANS !.W:~ ST. PAUL (NC)~Some 65,000 BREAD (Feeds orphans); PALACE OF GOLD (Provides persons took part in two Family for aged); BASILIANS (Supports mission sehools); MON­ lll Rosary processions here and in ICA GUILD (Provides chalices, e6c. for churehes). ~eating Enclosed find , .for , ..................•••• __

· Minneapolis. An estimated 35,000 Name " .

participated in the 15th an~ual ~amoul Reading HARD COAL. ~n ~"'~~.6.:..... Street .. , .........•. Zone Cit,. ' state .. , .••

rites at the Cathedral of St. Paul, NEW ENGLAND COKE ~~~ .~


while 30,000 joined in the 13th TITLE: THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE

DADSON OIL BURNERS procession at the Basilica of st. Mary, Minneapolis.

India: ABishop Provides Land For His People


















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~i,kes 'Ca~e,

High 'C~rdinals

In Class B, Final Saturday

THE ANCHORSaturday, June 1, 1963

Sees Increasing

Role for Laity

By Jaek Kineavy An effective ~hit pitching performance. by ace right­ hander Joe Santos who was abetted no little by. the big bat of batterymate Bruce Christopher combined Monday to send Franklin High, the only team to enter tourney play . undefeated, down to a 3-2 Woody Berobe with Somerset'. 1088 at neutral Hayward mitey.mite Bruce Cranshaw on Field in Attleboro. The vi~ deck. tory m 0 v e 8 the Narry On the mound we saw a number League champion Cardinals Into the Class B' finals against' the winner of the Matlgnon­ Swamp­ lICott game. The site at this writ­ ing has not been determined but it will be a Sat­ urday afternoon affair. It has been a great season for coach Jack McCarthy's

Cardinals. They bad to go right down to the wire to annex Narry honors after dropping a squeaker to Somer­ set on Memorial Day when Joe Santos balked home the only ron of the game in the bottom of the seventh. This they did, sweeping past Dighton-Rehoboth and Westport to post a 14.2 record in N any competition and hold a one game edge over runnerup Somerset. This past week was a buSJ' one for the CM'dinals who be­ tween Narry assignments and tourney competiti'on were forced to play four games ln five days. They had little diHiculty with Silver Lake in the first round but Wareham, Old Colony titUsts, proved a formidable quarterfinal opponent. The issue was finally resolved in the 12th when co­ captain elect Jim Bradshaw squeezed home Frank Cabral for a 7-6.victory. Timely hitting, effective pitchlng, good bustle stamp Case a serioUs contender in the tourney final round Saturday. The club, has demonstrated its ability to' come from behind to take one­ run ball games arid these factors always point to a solid aggrega­ tion.The Cardinals thus have a shot. at becoming the second Narry dub. to capture Eastern Mass. Class B honors. Somerset went all thf' way in '57. Good luck, Cardinals! The oruy other Southeastern Mass. school to 'make ,it to the semi-fmals, 'Harwich~ 'drew a tough customer in Our Lady's of NeWton and their undefeated hurler, George Berry,. woo ~u. thored no Jess than three seven­ inning no-hitters this year. The, teams were scheduled to meet on Tuesday and at this writing the results of the game were ur.available. And so the 1963 scholastic baseball season is just about ready for the moleskins. It was a good one, Durfee and New Bedford coming up with repre­ sentative clubs, while Bishop Stang and North Attleboro were surprise runnersup in the Bristol Colinty circuit. In the hitting department the nod goes to

Study of Catholic Students on TV NEW YORK (NC) - A study of Catholic students in' non­ Catholic colleges will be fea­ tured on the Sunday, June 16 . showing of "Directions '63 ••• A Catholic Perspective" on the ABC-TV network. The program will focus on New York University where some 10,000 Catholic students are enrolled, according to the National Council of Catholic Men which produced the pre­ sentation.

ceo Group to Meet WASHINGT0N (NC) - The National Lay Committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine will meet in Pittsburgh starting Friday, June 14, tile National CCD Center here said. About 55 persona ~ expected.


MONASTERY (N C) ­ The role of the laity in the life of the Church is in­ creasing, a theologian told

of outstanding boys, Santos of Case, Canastra of Stang, Isidore and Levesque of Durfee, Mir­ anda of New Bedford, Texeira of Taunton, but given our choice we'd take Jim Goodwin, stylish' Somerset lefthander who pitches with his head as well'as his arm. Goodwin authored two no.hit­ ters this season and posted a 6-1 record losing· to Case and Joe Santos, 3.0. Both these boys have FAREWELL TO MOUNT: Class Day exercises' are another year of competition. among last activities of seniors at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Wow!

Fall River. From' left, Maria Rodrigues,' Florence Raposa, In the all.round 'department­ and we hasten to add that we Patricia Faria, Donna Negus. didn't come even close to seeing half the teams in the area-let me say that Frank Sullivan of Case could play shortstop for any club and New' Bedford's Paul Mandeville had no peer among Senators Oppose Softening Policy

the centerfielders. Many of these Toward Hungary's Red Regime

boys will now move into Legion and CYO ball where theexpe­ WASHINGTON (NC) It gary, Sen. Dodd said it "justifies rience they'll get will serve to would be "a terrible mistake" the proposed reversal of policy stand them in good stead for the for the U. S. to soften its policy by referring to improved condi­ '64 campaign. toward the Red regime of Hun­ tions in Hungary, and to the A couple of former Durfee gary, Sen. Thomas J. Dodd of granting of an amnesty to polit­ High athletes in the persons of Connecticut said in the Senate. ical prisoners." Charley Carey and Dick Bona­ He expressed "personal mis­ "It speaks, I:.l adition," he con­ lewicz were accorded All-New givings (,ver the reports that the tinued, "of improved relations England first team status in the Department of State plans to re­ between the Kadar government recent balloting of the coaches and the Catholic Church and of throughout· the area. Both had establish normal diplomatic re­ lations with the Kadar govern­ the fact that more American mo­ great careers at Colby in foot­ ment and that it has decided to tion pictures are being shown." ball and baseball. Carey has ac­ cepted a 'position .witl' Scott drop its opposition to the accred­ Destroy Will to Resis~ itation of the Hungarian dele­ Paper Co., while Bonalewicz will "I confess that I cannot under­ gation to the U. N. play Summer ball in Canada be­ stand this reasoning," the Sen" "I believe that it would be a fore reporting for Air Force terrible mistake if we take these . ator asserted. duty. "The proposed revision of pol. actions, the senator said. icy on Hungary seeks to relax Senator Dodd's stand was sup­ ported by several other senators, tensions with the Soviet Union including Frank J. Lausche of and thus reduce the danger of Continued from Page One Ohio, Ke"neth B. Keating of war," he stated. "But if we de­ 6000 students each, and groupS New York, Roman Hruska of stroy the opt and the will to re­ have been arranged so that each Nebraska, Strom Thurmond of sist of the captive peoples we is drawn from the whole Diocese, South Carolina, .and Jacob K. shall be removing the siligle most important deterrent to Soviet ag­ t h U s relieving transportation Javits of New York. problems. Calling attention to ,a recent gression. It is my conviction that 'At Lincoln Park each school State Department memorandum 'such a policy would make the leaders of the Kremlin 'more will have a headquarters area, outlining the new policy on Hun­ certain of themselves, more 'at which'a member of its faculty rogant, more demanding, more will be on duty throughout the Military Pilgrimage prepared to risk uggression." day. C1;lildren' will be supplied LOURDES (NC) - Bernard stri1l tickets for rides on all park ap}usements.and use of the park's Cardinal Alfrink, Archbishop of golf course, bowling alleys .and Utrecht, the Netherlands, pre-. sided at a Pontifical Mass here roller skating rink. Highlight of each day's picnic for a pilgrimage of 45,000 ser­ MAKES YOllR ' will be' the awardtng of 3 boy's vicemen from 27 nations. Mau­ and 3 girl's· bicycles to holders rice Cardinal Feltin, Archbishop CAR RUN BETTER of lucky tickets. Awards will be of Paris, preached at the Mass offered by Bishop Pierre M. made in the' park pavilion at 3 At New Cor Dealers Theas of Tarbes and Lourdes. o'clock each afternoon. and. Service ~tcition.' The annual military pilgrimage Schools to attend the picnic Everywhere Tuesday, June 18 are Blessed started 18 years ago. Sacrament, Espirito Santo, Sa­ cred Heart, Sacred Heart Acad­ emy, St. ;Louis', ,$1. Vincent Enjoy 'Dining Horne, Holy Name, Fall River; IN THE St. Jacque, 51. Anthony, Sacred Heart, Our Lady of Lourdes, Tauuton; Sacred Heart, Holy JOLLY WHALER 245 MAIN STREET Family, Our Lady of Mount Car­ -AND-

mel, St. Hyacinth, St. Joseph, fALMOUTH-KI 8·1918

51. . Kilian, New Bedford; St. SPOUTER INN ARMAND ORTINS, Prop.

John Evangelist, Attleboroj St. RESTAURANTS

Anthony, Mattapoisettj S1. Mi­ chael, Swansea. Always Free Parking Schools assigned to Wednes­ day, June 19 are St. Anne, St. St. Francis Mary's Cathedral, Holy Cross, Residence Prevost, 51. John Baptist, St. fOR YOUNG WOMEN Matthew, St. Patrick· St. Stan­ 196 Whipple St., fail River islaus, Dominican Academy, Fall Riverj St. Anne, st. ~nthony, St. Conducted by franciscan Mary's Home, St. Theresa, Holy Missionaries of Mary Name, Our Lady of Assumption, ROOMS - MEALS

New Bedford; Immaculate Con­ OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY

ception,' Taunton; St. ,Francis Inquire OS 3-2892

Xavier, Acushnet;. St. Joseph, At~leboro; Sacred ,Heart, North Attleboro; St. George, Westport. Schools for Thursday, June 20 are No'tre Dame, St. Joseph, 51. .Michael, St. Joseph's Home, '58. Peter and Paul, st. Roch, Jesus Mary Academy, Fall River; Holy Rosary, Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 8t. 273 CENTRAL it..VEt

John Baptist, 81.. Mary, New Bedford; St. Joseph, 81. Mary, Taunton; St. Mary, Attleboro; WY 2-6216

Sacred Heart Academy, Sacred Heart,-. St. Joseph, Fairhaven; NEW BEDFORD

Joan of Are, Orleans; St. Louis of France, Swansea.

'Terrible Mistake' u.s.

School P•.cn."c

some 250 priests attending. a symposium here in Nova Scotia. Father Grepory Baum, O.S.A.. of 'St. Michael's College, Toron­ to, said the Church exercises her mission of transforming the world through the laity, and this temporal mission is the laity's "proper domain." . Father Baum said it must, be understood, first that the Church has two missions: 1) eschato­ logical - destined to save men for eternal life, and 2) temporal , - destined to transform the

world; and the second mission t.

, subordinate to the first and de­

pendent on it, The .priest-theologian made clear that the laity have not only a temporal mission but also share in the eschatological mission of the Church. , Led by Holy Ghost "Lay people are teachers," he stated. "They announce the Gospel in many ways, they have insight into revelation and are led by the Holy Ghost; but' In this exercise of theirs they are subordinate to the supreme magisterium of the bishops." "In the second mission of the Church - the temporal mission - the role of the laity is greater," Father Baum' said. "This is their 'proper doma~n. The Church exercises her mis­ si{)n of transforming thi'l world • • • through the laity. Here the clergy is involved only indi­ rectly. ''The role of pastors is .to . create a right conscience in the people, to train them, inspire them, illumine them with t)le Gospel and the teaching of the Church. But in the application of the general principles the laity is free and must rely on . its own initiative."

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THE AN~HOR:-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 13, 1965

REQUIEM FOR POPE OF UNITY: Left: Bishop Connolly assisted by Rt. Rev~'Leonard J. Daley, Hyannis, blesses the catafalque at the final' absolution of the Pontifical Mass of Requiem in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, for the late Pope John XXIII. Right: Represent.atives .from the Fall River Ministerial Association and the officers of the Temple

Cape Cod Chapel Open$ Sunday To' Faithful Our Lady of Grace Church, a mission of Holy Redeemer parish, Chatham will open its doors for the first time next Sunday, June 16. Semi­ contempory in des i g n, the Church has a seating capacity of 500. The interior is plywood paneling; oolored ash gray with matching pews,· Altars and com­ munion railing. On either side of the sanctuary is a choir and a cry-room. The Church located on Route 137 off Route 28, will be solemnly dedicated at 11:30 A.M., July 7 by the Most Rev. James L. Connolly. Following the dedica­ tion ceremony there will be a noon day Mass~ Ground-breakin"g ceremonies for the new ediface occured in July, 1962 shortly after which exeavation was under way and construction rapidly proceeded. Rev. John J. Brennan, SS.CC. " is pastor..

Beth-el, F,all River, were received by the Bishop in the Cathedral sacristy following the Mass.. Left to right: Thomas Ellison, president of the Temple; Bishop Connolly; Rev. Harold W. Melvin, pr~ident of the Ministerial Association and rector 'of St. John's Episcoal Church. The non­ Catholic and' Jewis,h reI?resentatives occupied pl~es of honor at Mass.

Paulist Oppos;es Corporal Puni'shment Practice

PerV'4~rts, Sound

NEW YORK (NC)-Corporal punishment in schools is "a mon­ strous perversion of sound teach­ ing," says Father George Hag­ maier, C.S,P.. of the Paulist In­ stitute for' Religious Research. He voiced. his opinion follow­ ing U. S. House of Representa­ tives passage of a bill to permit corporal punishment in District of Columbia public schoolS. "It is not surprising that our national legislators have been so unsuccessful in curbing the spread of juvenile delinquency if this is a sample of the kind of. thinking they are doing on: the subject," Father Hagmaier as­ serted. Bardeas Defiant Addressing a conference on "Social Therapy for Youth" the Paulist Father said corporal

Teaching Methods

punishment is "the prerogative the parent, who may occa­ sionally employ it with debat­ able BUCCess." Corporal .punishment adininis­ tE,red by teachers is a clear a(l­ m.ission of failure-on the part oj: the teacher who uses it and the school sYstem which enoour­ a!~es it," he declared, ad(ling: ''To meet violence with vio­ lence invites the teacher to join the" delinquent. It confirms the already distorted notion of "the problem adolescent that 'might

. OlE

Assistant Head WASHINGTON (NC)-Father Thomas J. Leonard of Philadel­ phia has been appointed8$Sist­ ant director of the Youth De-. pa,rtment, Nat i o.n a 1 Catholic Welfare Conference. ..

LEOPOLDVILLE (~"'C)-Cath­ otic groups joined with other leading religious associations in the Congo to set up the Union of Believers of the Congo to "safeguard our Congolese moral heritage." Representatives from 21 lead­ Ing Catholic organizations, a Protestant movement and a Kibangist movement formed the union whose charter is based on respect for the human person, liberty combined with social re­ sponsibility, the right and duty ·to work, the family seen as the basic cell of the community, love for country and freedom of religion. The union's purpose Is to spread respect for its principles, particularly among public au­ thorities. It will be headed by a council made up of six delegates from each member organization and an executive committee elected by the council. The union is not aligned with an)'" political movement.

PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The 200th ,anniversary of the foun~­ ing of Old St. Mary's Church makes right.' It can be emotion­ ally exploited by the sadistic or was observed here with a sol­ emn pontifical Mass offeredb,. immature teacher. "It frightens the innocent stu- . Archbishop John J. Krol. dent, hard~ns the defia~* ,ones, . Many important historical and in gener~l cripples the events were marked by special growth of inner direction and· ceremonies in Old St. Mary's lo­ cated not far from famed Inde­ self control.'~ . pendence Hall. The third anni­ Kennedy Agree.' versary of the Declaration of He said it would be "laughable Independence was commemo­ if it were not· so tragic" to sup­ rated on J~ly 4, 1779, with a pose that "whacking the kids service attended by many of the aroun(l in school is going to help officials. of the Continental solve the innate hostility of chil­ Congress. As early as 1774, dren raised in a delinquent so­ George Washington and John ciety." Adams attended vespers in St. President Kennedy, querie<l" .Mary's. about the corporal punishment"' A solemn Te Deum of thanks­ at a recent press conference,' giving was sung in the church on said he favors fil'{ll parental dis­ cipline in the home but opposes NC?v. 4, 1781,following the sur­ eorporal punishment ill the' render of the British troops at sch()ol. Yorktown.


. Congo Forms Union To Defend Heritage



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much you tMnk your Pop's the Tops!

B. M.


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Philadelphia Church Marks Anniversary :

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