VOL. 45, NO. 24 • Friday, June 15, 2001
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Two m.~q:,:~~~bra¢e the priesthood B~:~~RG~T~~~N.-...... '; ......:;:'.'.....
and the mor~ you ~iUbe like him." dience arid respect to the bishop and his successors. They then prostrated themselves before the altar dur'The bishop described how Jesus was a tireless teacher FALL RIVER - Two men were ordained to the priest- .. and 'pre'acher of the Word and how Jesus is asking each ing the chanting of the Litany of the Saints as the bishop hood by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley OFM Cap:, before . new _priest·to be the Same. "Allow yo~elves to be trans- and priests knelt in prayer. The candidates lay face hundreds of clergy, family and friends at morning Mass .formed' by the Word. As JeSus calls y~:JU to share his mis- down in the main aisle of the Cathedral as the Litany June 9 in St. Mary's Cathedral. ," 'sian, lay your head on'his heart. In all you do as priests ... was sung. Bishop O'Malley then imposed his hands on each canRev. Mr. Kevin Andrew Cook and Rev.' Mr.' David' . preaching, forgiving sin, prayiJ)g~ .. : do all with the love didate and other priests in attendance joined in the gesCallaghan Frederici responded to the call by the bishop of Christ in your heart," the bishop proclaimed. to be ordained and serve in the Fall River ·diocese. Each Following the homily, each candidate pledged his obe- ture of invoking the Holy Spirit. The imposition of hands and prayer of consecration that fol' then announced his readiness to enter the lows are the heart of the ordination order of presbyter andthose gathered sigceremony. naled their approval with loud applause. The new priests were then vested Bishop O'Malley expressed his thanks with stole and chasuble, the liturgito the families of those being ordained cal vestments of a priest. for their role in nurturing vocations and Father Richard Rieman vested addressed the ordinandi directly during Father Cook and Father Bruce his homily. . . Neylon vested Father Frederici. The "The Spirit of the good Lord is upon bishop then anointed the men's hands you. As Catholic priests you must leam with the Oil of Chrism, as a sign that to love the confessional. You must be they have been chosen to do God's there to show God's mercy. Kevin and work. David, today, like Padre Pio, Jesus Family members brought the gifts breathes the power into you to destroy to the altar which were received by sin. Be in awe of that and heal the wounds the bishop and symbolically handed of sin, and remember: to be a good conto the new priests. fessor you must first be a g'ood peoitent.'~. In a moving conclusion to the cerThe bishop said it should be, clem;. tg emony Bishop O'Malley knelt before them that they are becoming priests"not , ;".C;'·:-~i;-:-);l"7,!; " each of the new priests and received for themselves, but for others. "Celebrate their first blessing and then kissed the Mass with love and devotion and faith their hands. and give the Bread of Life to his people," I Fathers .Cook and Frederici dishe advised. tributed Communion to the congreReflecting on the Gospel reading, gation during the Mass and followBishop O'Malley told the deacons, ing the final blessing by the bishop, "Christ is asking you Kevin and David, FATHERS KEVIN Andrew Cook and David Callaghan Frederici receive congratu- received a rousing round of applause. do you love me? Jesus says to you 'Feed my sheep because you love me.' The lations from '~heir parents following their ordination to the priesthood June 9. From left: They were then again greeted by their '. Tum to page 15- Priests more you 'love Jesus the more you can Louis'and Rosemary Cook, Father Cook, Father Frederici and Joan Frederici.
staff, students & O\lAtnni bid fond
farewe" '-,:
.to st.
5aviolfr Day Nursery FAREWELL - Cathy Bruno, left, and her daughter Amelia, center, were among many who attended an open house at the St. Saviour Day Nursery last Sunday to say good-bye to the Sisters of the Resurrection who staff the school and to take a last walk through. St. Saviour will close at the end of June after 40 years of caring for pre-schoolers from the Greater New Bedford Area. Cathy, who organized the open house, was a student there in the late 1960s, while Amelia, age three, attended this year. Here they join Sister Marcella, community superior, and Sister Leandra, who has been at the school since it opened its doors. The Sisters of the Resurrection have also served as sacristans for the Diocesan Television Mass since its first broadcast in 1963. (Photo by John E. Kearns Jr.)
(A'tl OUC
APpEAL ./ ~~7
Appeal in strong sprint as finish line looms
FALL RIVER - "We are blessed with people who ' strive until the very end for the well-being of those . around them," director Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington said affectionately and enthusiastically as the 60th annual Catholic Charities Appeal approaches its conclusion next week. "This has become a wonderful sign of the total commitment that pastors, parish chairs, committee members and donors have shown in recent years," the monsignor added. Tum to page JJ - Appeal
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of FalJ River - Fri., June! 5, 2001
St. Vincent de 'Paul opens new thrift store in Taunton TAUNTON - The Taunton District of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul announced the opening of Pennies From Heaven, a thrift store. The grand opening will be held June 19 at 11 a.m., at the store located at 107 Main Street adjacent to City Hall. Pennies from Heaven will sell previously owned clothing, furniture and other items to support the works of the Society, Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Thursday evenings until 8 p.m. Donations of items for resale at the new store will be accepted during reg1Jlar store hours or may, be dropped off at the St.
OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE Mon.'- Sat. 10:00- 5:30PM
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~ Eucharistic Holy ~ Hour and devotions to Our Lady of
LaSaletfe and Divine Mercy are held every ~ednesday evening at 1: I S p.rn. in the Slrine Chu~c" at LaSa'ette Shrine ...9 41 Perle St•• Attfebo..~
Saint Anne's "'announces .scholarship recipients.
Vincent de Paul Salvage Center, 19 Kilton Street, Mondays FALL RIVER - Six area stuthrough Fridays from 9 a.m., to dents' have been awarded $500 noon. scholarships by the Multicultural Donated items designated not Health Committee of Saint Anne's to be resold will be, accepted and Hospital. distributed free of charge as ' The winners were selected needs arise. based on scores in five categories: For more information con- health career-related educatioI), tact Natalie Callahan at 508- leadership, bilingual and bicul823-6676. tural skills, community involveThe St. Vincent de Paul-So- ment and financial need. ciety is a Catholic· lay orgaThis year's winner are: nization dedicated to serving - Lisa Pacheco of Fall River, the poor. It provides assis- ari x-ray technologist at Saint t~nce to people and families Anne's since 1998. A student at in need of food, clothing, Bristol Community College, she emergency shelter, help with will be a full-time student in Sepprescription costs, rent, util- tember studying radiology at ity bills and summer camp Massasoit Community College; tuition. Assistance in time of - Blanca Cecilia Rojas of Fall disaster is always available River, a clinical nursing assistant and supplied free of charge. at Saint Anne's. She'v'dll major in nursing at Bristol Community College; Montie Plumbing --.: Sophea Sal1n of Fall River, & Heating ·Co. a dietary. aide at SaintAnne's since Over 35 Years 1999. Currently a senior at of Satisfied Services Durfee High School, she will atReg. Master Plumber 7023 tend Simmons College with a JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. major in pharmacy and a minor in biological sciences;' 432 JEFFERSON STREET - Yeng Tang of Fall River, a FALL RIVER 508-675-7496 senior at Durfee High School. She will attend the Medical College of PennsyIvania Hahnemann University, where she will major in biomedical sciences; , Sales And Service Shannon DaCunha of , . Swansea is enrolled atSalve'Regina Fall Riveris Largest University and has majored in nursDisplay C?f TVs ing since 1998. She will pursue a master's degree in nursing; ZENITH" .' SONY - Kex Hug Ly of Fall River is a senior at Durfee High School. . 1196 BEDFORD ST. She will pursue pre-med degrees FALL RIVER at either Simmons College or the 508-673-9721 University of Massachusetts at Amherst. In addition to the scholar re-
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. Daily Readings June 18
2 Cor6:1-10; Ps 98:1-4; Mt 5:38'42 June 19 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2,5-9a; Mt
5:43-48 June 20
2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1-4,9; Mt 6:1-6,16-1-8 ·June21 2Cor11:1-11; . Ps 111 :1-4,7-8; Mt6:7-15 June 22 ,Ez 34:11-16; P~ , 23:'1-6;Rom 5:5b-11 ; Lk 15:3-
7 June 23
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2Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Lk' 2:41-51 Is 49: 1-6; Ps 139:1-3,13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66,80
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1II1 ANCHOR " " I " I1111111111 " Periodical 1111 " I THE (USPS-54S-mo) Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July aJXI the week. after Christmas at 887 Highland Aveme, Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Cilholic Press of the Dioceseo~Fall River. Sub;cription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS seOO address changes to The An:hor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA cm12.
cipients, special recognition was given to Gloria Soares-Burcroff of Portsmouth, R.I. She has been an employee of Saint Anne's In-
terpreter Services since 1998. She is a recent graduate of Rhode Is,landoCollege with a bachelor's degree in Spanish.
INSTALLED - Michael J. Fitzpatrick, a seminarian from the Fall River diocese stUdying theology at Mount St. Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md., was recently installed into the ministry of acolyte by Bishop Daniel A. Hart of Norwich, Conn., in the seminary chapel of the Immaculate Conception. The son of Michael and Elana Fitzpatrick of Wrentham, the second year theology student will be serving for the summer at St. Michael's Parish in Swansea. The ministry of acolyte is part Of the progression towards ordination to the priesthood. (Photo by,Tim Jacobsen)
In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week June 18 1935, Rev. James M. C~ft;ey, P.R., Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton .1984, Rev. Declan Daly,\SS.CC., Associate PaStor, St. Joseph, ' \ \ . Fairhaven 1992, Rev. Henri Laporte, D.P., Former Pastor, St. Anne, Fall River , \ \ .~
19 1916, Rev. Hormisdas DeslaOrlers;Founder, St. Anthony, New B e d f o r d " / : ; ; : : , , ("" , . ~ ~ \ ~,.-......--Junti ~O 1931, Rt. Rev. Msgr. James J. Coyle, P.R., LL.D., Pastor, St. \\ Mary,Taunton . " .... ' . June2~ \ ' ' 1926, Rev. Desire V. Delemarre, PaStOr, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River \ \ 1948, Rev. Francis D. Callahan, Pastor,~St. Patrick, Wareham 1964, Rev. Clement Killgoar, SS.Cc.~St. Anthony, Mattapoisett 1976, Rev. David O'Brien, Retired Pasto\, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River ' , \~\ ' \.',
June 22 \\ 1977, Rev. Alexander Zichello, Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi, New .Bedford June 23 1980, Rev. Finbarr B. McAloon, SS.Cc., Pastor, Holy Trinity, West Harwich 1992, Rev. George Wichland, CSSR, St. Wenceslaus Church, Baltimore, Md. June24 . 1907, Rev. Bernard F. McCahill, Pastor, SS. PeJer & Paul, Fall River
Transfers of parochial vicars are 'announced ~
Eight diocesan priests, . including two newly ordained, receive assignments.
St. Mary Rectory, New Bedford, while remaining part-time chaplain, St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, and director of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults;. Father Paul C. Fedak, from FALL RIVER -Appointments affecting parochial vicars were an- . residence at St. Mary Rectory, New nounced today by Bishop Sean P. Bedford, to residence at St. JosephSt. Theresa Rectory, New Bedford, O'Mall~y, OFM Cap. All of the appointments are ef- while remaining chaplain at Bishop Stang High School; fective June 20. Father Dermot Rodgers, from They are: Father Marek Chmurski, parochial vicar ofSt Michael's Parfrom paroChial vicar of Our Lady ish, Fall River, to parochial vicar of Victory Parish, Centerville, to . of Our Lady of Victory Parish, parochial vicar of St. Anthony's Centerville; Father Christopher Stanibula, Parish, Taunton; Father Scott A. Ciosek, from from parochial vicar, St. Mary Parparochial vicar of Our Lady of ish, Seekonk, to sick leave, with Mount Carmel Parish, New residence at St. Stanislaus Rectory, Bedford, to parochial vicar of St. Fall River. Receiving their first assignments Michael's Parish, Fall River; after being ordained on June 9, Father Henry J. Dahl, from residence at St John the Baptist Rec- were: Father KeVin A. Cook, as patory, New Bedford, to residence at
I Pray to end abortion I
rochial. vicar, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, New Bedford; Father David C. Frederici, as parochial vicar, OUf Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville.
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who knitted a pair of mittens for the poor each day until her death at 104
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DOLORES, who got her Ph.D. at age 55, started a new life as a missionary a167, returned to the U.S. at 80, and contiD.ues today to lecture about her work.
Rev. David C. Frederici, Parochial Vicar, Our Lady ofVictory Parish, Centerville.
Effective June 20, 2001
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First Assignments Rev. Kevin A. Cook, Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, New Bedford.
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His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointments:
For your home or business.
His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointments:
Effective June 20, 2001
OFFICIAL Rev. Marek Chmurski, from Parochial Vicar of OUf Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville, to Parochial Vicar of Saint Anthony Parish, Taunton. Rev. Scott A. Ciosek, from Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, New Bedford, to Parochial Vicar of Saint Michael Parish, Fall River. Rev. Henry 1. Dahl, from residence at St. John the Baptist Rectory, New Bedford, to residence at Saint Mary Rectory, New Bedford, while remaining part-time Chaplain, St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, and Director, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Rev. Paul C. Fedak, from residence at Saint Mary Rectory, New Bedford, to residence at Saint Joseph-St. Therese Rectory, New Bedford, while remaining Chaplain at Bishop Stang High ' School. Rev. Dermot Rodgers, from Parochial Vicar of Saint Michael Parish, Fall River, to Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville. Rev. Christopher Stanibula, from Parochial Vicar, Saint Mary Parish, Seekonk, to Sick Leave, with residence at Saint Stanislaus Rectory, Fall River.
Gordon Howard
Rep~rs On
Diocese of Fall River
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFallRiver-Fri., June 15,2001
DAVlD' SNOW··.· ..... . " '. ,D.ON,PH.D.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River....:...- Fri., June 15,200 1 '-
the. moorin~
the living word· (
Ethics and· communication The ads for personal computers, paging systems and visual telephones dominate much of our advertising market. In the process they are changing the face of our entire world of communications. For the most part, it is only the beginning. Much of our future will be determined by various and developing means of communications. The control of social communications will indeed become a determined factor in our entire social order. Who are these people? They are public officials, corporate executives, owners, publishers and station managers, editors, news directors, producers, writers .. and the like. For these people, the question of ethics, good or bad, is . an imploding issue. Social communication has immense power. In the field of economics it supports business and commerce, employment and prosperity, fosters competition and enables people to make personal choices of goods. Today's economic systems could not function · without the media. . In the world of politics, social communication. is the information Web for the entire political process. It is the media, for better or worse, that can influence political results. Our recent presidential election stands in testimony to this reality. The media has become an indispensable tool in elections. They supply information again, · pro or con, for events, officeholders and espec;ially for candidates. So often, the media can call and manipulate an election. The-media play an ever-expanding role in the field of education. Various media equipment are standard instruction tools in many. classrooms. Beyond the classroom walls the instruments of communication including the Intemet, conquer barriers of distance and isolation. In this particular area the media must be extremely careful in their presentation of information. They must always guard against offering materials that would lead people into glamorizing evil and . perverse values. The media can be an effective means to spread the "GoOd News." Many people's religious lives are enhanced through the media. Local and national programming of religious events provid~s encouragement and opportunities to persons who are confmed to their homes or to institutions. On the other hand the .media can also be hostile to religion and people's beliefs. This area of communications is often subjective and debasing. A positive and objective mind-set is needed if religious concerns are to be treated with respect and dignity. It should be obvious that despite their immense power, the means of communication are only media. They are instruments available for both good and evil uses. ChoiCes rest ultimately on each individual. Ethics in the media is not simply the choice of communication specialists. It should be remembered that the media do nothing by themselves, they are tools used as people choose to use them. We take it for granted that the vast majority of people involved in communications are· conscientious individuals who want to do the right thing. Public officials, policymakers· and corporate executives · desire to respect and promote the public interest, as they Wlderstand it. Today, most professional communicators desire to use their tal~ ents to serve the human family and are troubled by the growing economic and i4eological pressures to lower ethical standards. . It should be noted that to work in the media is a vocation dedi, cated to truth and the welfare of the human family. In this light, this call, of its very nature demands from those who involve themselves in the media, sincere outreach to foster and support high ethic~ standards. The heart of ethics in the media is to be found in the service of the human person, grounded in honesty and justice, speaking the truth about human'life and its fulfillment in God.
How ·can we ever achieve peace? By FATliER EUGENE HEMRICK CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE
With the escalation of wars involving Israel and Palestine, Macedonia and Albania, and a myriad of other bloody' clashes throughout the world, how reasonabl~ is it to expect peace in our lifetime? Perhaps a better question to ask is: What is a reasonable understanding of peace in this life? There is a frieze at the U.S. Capitol, "The Apotheosis of Democracy," that offers a balanced view of it.. . . . The Editor In the middle of the frieze stands the allegorical figure of Peace, with people enjoying their work in farming, industry and maritime trade surrounding her. Just behind her is an olive tree, 'the hallmark of peace..The idylOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER lic scene symbolizes the fruits of Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River peace par excellence. ' 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX7 However, if we look more Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 closely at Peace, we notice that Telephone 508-675-7151 beneath her flowing gown are a FAX (508) 675·7048 breastplate and coat of mail, and Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above that she is resting her arm on a shield. These symbols represent the EDITOR NEWS EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER balance between an idyllic picture Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore James N. Dunbar _ Dave Jolivet of peace and its reality: The message is that peace in this world is
never permanent, but must be fought for, and once gained, must be defended repeatedly. The underlying theme of good vs. evil is repeated frequently in other friezes found on Capitol Hill. A LibrarY of Congress mosaic portrays Law standing with her friends - Industry, Peace and Truth - on her right, and her enemies - Fraud, Violence and Discord - on her left. The lesson is clear: Wherever peace is found, So, too, are' her enemies found,' .. If peace is so elusive and difficult to maintain, what did Christ mean when he told his apostles that he had brought peace to the world?' . The peace Christ speaks of is knowing that the eternal life he gained for us is our reward for trying to maintain peace. Christ is telling us that on this earth the real lasting peace we can achieve is in knowing and believing that eternal life and peace await us. But there is even more to understanding peace than this. The fact that we can't achieve a lasting peace on this earth ,doesn't mean we shouldn't try to
achieve some semblance of it. On the contrary, the Beatitudes implore us to be peacemakers. But how do we accomplish this when the odds are against us in . terms of stopping wars or even minor conflicts? We start with the little things. We start close to home. . Cutting remarks are ol)e source of discord at home. We speak rather casually of "cutting someone down," but cutting remarks draw blood, and this often turns to discord and its own kind of warfare. When we think about it, big wars usually begin with remarks that are grinding or cutting, or with people who freeze others out. Allit takes is a little hurt here and there or a snub to create great tension. Although we may not be able to stop major wars being fought around the world, we can start the peace process at home. Avoiding the little hurts that leave peace in an at-risk position in our lives is one step to take. And we should remember that we have to keep creating peace over and over again - that it is somewhat precarious and not meant to be taken for granted.
Local missionaries mark anniversaries MARYKNOLL, N.Y. "- Two High School in 1940 and began Both priests were' ordained on Maryknoll missionary priests who studies at Maryknoll in 1942. He June 9, 1951. are natives of the Fall River dio- currently serves as pastor of San They are among 50 cese, will celebrate the 50th anni- Lorenzo Parish in Archdiocese of Maryknollers who will be comversary oftheir ordination as priests Yucatan, Mexico, and is in charge memorating their ordination to the on June 24. of the Marriage Encounter move- priesthood, or oath as Brothers in ceremonies to be held at the CathoMaryknoll Father John Michael ment for the archdiocese. lic Foreign MisBreen, 78, was sion Society of born in Fall River, graduAmerica in Ossining, N.Y. ated from Father Durfee High Breen has spent Schoolin 1941, his entire misand entered Maryknoll in sion career of 48 years minis1944. He curtering to the rently lives at people of Centhe Maryknoll tral America. Fathe'rs and He worked Brothers retireamong the inment residence digenous in Los Altos, Mayan people Calif. in the mounMaryknoll tains and along Father Charles the rivers in A. Murray, 79, Guatemala and was born in founded New Bedford, Maryknoll's graduated from FATHER JOHN M. ·FATHER CHARLES A. first mission in New Bedford BREEN MM MURRAVMM
Activist works to help children By NANCyWESTWND CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE
SACRAMENTO, Calif. For Barbara Lubin of Berkeley, it's always been about the children. The children in the Dehiyshe Palestinian refugee camp on the West Bank who can't sleep because of the shelling outside their windows. The children of friends living in Gaza City who have seen enough violence that they fear going to school. And the countless Palestinian children she knows with the look of hunger in their eyes: Lubin is a crusader for Palestinian rights as director of the Middle East Children's Alliance. She brought her campaign to achieve peace in the Middle East to an audience at St. Ignatius Parish in Sacramento in mid-May.. A Jewish mother of four, she has taken a different path from the one she walked as a child growing up in "a very rightwing kind of Jewish home," she said in an interview with The Catholic Herald, Sacramento diocesan newspaper. Two events changed her perspective and her life. The first occurred in 1968 when her son Charlie was born with Down syndrome. She waged a lengthy legal battle to ensure that all children have the right to be educated together in the least restrictive environment possible. But fighting school districts and bureaucracies' as a children's rights activist, Lubin said, was "a piece of cake" compared to the challenge she accepted during her tenure on the Berkeley Board of Education in the 1980s.
THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 15,2001
San Salvador, EI Salvador. He also ity ofhis mission career in Peru where started a new mission in Cuzarnel, . he taught at the seminary and high Honduras, training Indian leaders school; served as a pastor and taught to run their churches in the absence catechists. He also worl<ed for the of a priest. He also established Maryknoll development department schools, a medical dispensary and in New Yorl< and Connecticut a credit union; and served as a pastor. a:r~to. Father MUrray spent the major-
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DIRECTOR OF MUSIC .NEEDED (Organist/pianist/Choir Director) for Lower Cape Parish of 1,200 households. 4 weekend liturgies, holy days, adult and junior choir. Weddings and funerals (additional stipends). Competitive salary and benefits. Contact: Search Committee SI. Joan of Arc Parish P.O. Box 336, Orleans, MA 02653 508-255-0170 E-mail: joanarc@c4.net
Some students from San for.53 years." Francisco State University asked her why she was silent about the Israeli invasion of Lebanon when she had been so vocal about social injustice issues in Central America. "I said, 'I'm Jewish,' and they The Armburg Insurance Agendes, Inc. said, 'So?''' Lubin recalled. She decided to join a U.S. delegation that went to the Is222 Milliken Blvd. raeli -occupied terri tories in Fall River, MA 02722 1988 as the fi~st Palestinian 508-676-1971 intifada, or uprising, bega.n. 1692 GAR Hwy. . "Everything that could hapSomerset,MA 02726 pen to us other than being killed 508-676-1971 happened. We were shot at, tear gassed and chased out of 437 Stafford Rd. Fall River, MA 02722 villages by Israeli defense forces," Lubin said. 508-678-4769 During the trip she paid her first visit to the Dehiyshe refuAngela M. Pickup, OM, AlS, API, CPIW gee camp, where 11,000 Palestinians live in what she deis a valued member of the Feitelberg and scribes as a "horrendous" environment. Armburg Insurance Agency 7eam! Once she was back in Berkeley, she founded the Middle East Angela is a Senior Vice President and partner with over 25 years of insurance experience.. She is Children's Alliance. Since then, responsible for our Personal Insurance Division, Claims Department, Infonnation Systems she has worked tirelessly with Department, Hwnan Resources, and Branch Operations. supporters from various ethnic Angela is a licensed Property and Casualty and Life Broker. She earned a Certificate in General and religious backgrounds to imInsurance in 1993 and in 1994 she became one of the first insurance professionals in the COWltry to prove life for Palestinian, Lebathe Associates in Insurance SetVices Designation. In 1996 she received the Associate in Agerry earn nese and Iraqi children by raisAutomation Designation and in 1999 the Associate in Personal Insurance Designation. She is curing more than $7 million for hurently enrolled in the Insurance Institute's Associate in Agency Management Program and teaches manitarian aid. Insurance Institute courses in the greater New Bedford area. She doesn't doubt more blood will be shed before peace Angela is a'memberofthe Massachusetts and National Associations of Insurance Women and a memcomes to the Middle East, but ber of the American Business Women's Association. She was named ABWA Business Associate of Lubin doesn't think the obthe year in 1999. She is a volWlteer for the American Cancer Society and the American Diabetes Association. Angela is a lifelong resident ofthe New Bedford area and cwrently lives in Dartmouth. stacles to that peace are as insurmountable as many believe. At the Feite1berg and Annburg Insurance Agencies we can help you navigate the complex world "Many people say Jews and of insurance: Our independence gives us the freedom to search and select the best value for our Arabs have been killing each clients. other for thousands of years. Nothing could be further from the truth," she said. "We lived together - Jews, Arabs and . . Safety Insurance Christians - for thousands of years. This has been going on
~ Feitelberg Insurance
THEANCHOR- Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 15,2001
Iteering pOintl Publicity Chairmen are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or. town should be included, as -- - 'well as full dates of all activities. DEADLINE IS NOON ON FRIDAYS. Events published must be of interest and open to our general readership. We do not carry notices of fundraising activities,which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from our business office at
of natural family planning classes sponsored by The Couple to Couple League will begin June 19 at 6:30 p.m. at Saint Anne's Hospital. For registration information call Rita Quinn at 401-635-8773 or Diane Santos at 508-67~-5741 ext. 2480.
LAKEVILLE - A ProLife Day of Reflection will be held June 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at His Land, Precinct Street. Attendees are asked to bring a bag lunch. Coffee will be provided. Mass will be celebrated by Father Stephen A. 508-675-7151. . Fernandes. For registration inATTLEBORO St. formation call Ed Shivvers at Joseph's Parish has 24-hour 508-295-6279. Eucharistic Adoration beginning after the 9 a.m. Mass evMASHPEE The ery First Friday .of the month. monthly meeting of. St. John It ends before the 9 a.m. Mass of the Cross, Third Order on Saturday. Support from Carmelites is held every third people from all ages is wel- Sunday of the month at Christ come. For more information the King Parish. Mass will be call Pauline L'Heureux at 508- celebrated at 5:30 p.m. and 222..:7047. prayer and study will follow. For more information call EAST FREETOWN Mary Good at 508-759Volleyball games for young 6354. adults will be played June 21 . NEW BEDFORD - The and July 5 and 19 from 6:308:30 p.m. at Cathedral Daughters of Isabella HyaCamp for anyone in their 20s cinth Circle #71 will hold its or 30s. For more informa- monthly meeting June 19 at tion call Bud Miller at 508- Holy Name of the Sacred 675-3847. Heart of Jesus Parish Center at 7 p.m. For more information FALL RIVER - A heal- call Mary Macedo at 508-993ing mass in celebration of the 9179. 20 th anniversary of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin NEW BEDFORD - DeMary at Medjugorje will be votion to Our Lady of Perheld June 19 at 7 p.m. at petual Help is celebrated ev. Holy Name Church. It will ery Tuesday and to Divine include witness~s from sev- Mercy every Thursday at the eral people who recently re- noon Mass at 'Our Lady of turned from Medjugorje. For Perpetual Help Church. For more information call 508- more' information call 508679-6732. 992-9378.
FALL RIVER - A healing service will be held June 24 from 2:30-4 p.m. at Saint Anne's Shrine. It will include rosary, Benediction and the opportunity for people to be prayed over in. dividually. FALL RIVER - Catholic Social Services seeks volunteers to teach ESL, English as a second language, and civics in the Attleboro and Taunton areas. Prior teaching experience is not necessary and training will be provided. For more information call Areli Hodkinson at 508-226-4780 or 508-674-4681. FALL RIVER -
A series
NORTH DARTMOUTH The next Retrouvaille weekend will be held September 14-16 and. offers couples a c h ance t 0 h ea I an d renew •
troubled marnages ..RedIscover yourself. and y.our spouse and a lovmg relatlOnship in marriage. For more information. call 1- 800-4702230 or the Diocesan' Office of Farnily Ministry at 508-9996420. POCASSET - The ninth' annual Mass of the Anointing of the Sick will be held June 24 at 2 p.m. at St. John the Evangelist Church, 841 S-hore Road. For more information. call Pauline Hubert at 508759-1190.
Does abortion result in automatic excommunication? Q. An article in our paper dis- municated. Several important conFinally, if there is an excomcussing the "morning-after" ditions must be met for that to hap- mimication;we do not shut people out. In addition to countless other pill, said a wo.man could be ex- pen. communicated for taking it. . First of all, a person must be at ways we offer every possible supHow can that happen? No one least 18 years old and be aware port to mothers who have had an would know whether she was that an excommunication will take abortion, the excommunication, if actuaUy pregnant. Is the inten- place if the act is carried through. ther~ was one, can be taken away when the individual goes tion to have an abortion enough for excommuni- . . - - - - - - - - - - to confession. cation? Is every person In most, ifnot all, parts of the United States, who has an abortion excOnlmunicated? It seems priests can lift the excomharsh to shut out a sinmunication immediately ner just when they need and finally in the sacrahelp. the most. (WisconBy Father ment of penance. If you John J. Dietzen are presently in touch with sin) A. Let's take yourquessomeone in this predications one at a time. It is ....- - - - - - - - - ment, please encourage true that a Catholic who procures Many people know abortion is se- her to return to the sacraments of a "completed abortion" incurs an riously immoral but know noth- penance and the Eucharist as automatic excommunication. This ing about any other penalty, in quickly as possible. She needs all includes, incidentally, not only the which case there is no excommu- the grace and spiritual support'she mother herself, but .families, doc- nication. can get. Also,ifemotionalcin<umstances For those interested in checktors, nurses and so on if their assistance or other actions made them surrounding the pregnancy are so ing references, the sections of necessary accomplices in the abor- violent as to cause grave fear and canon law most relevant here are . tion. confusion in the mother, if she is, Canons 1398, 97, 1323 and 1324. A free brochure answering As you say, it is uncertain for example, under intense preswhether an abortion actually takes sure from family or close friends questions 'Catholics ask about place following the morning-af- to "end the pregnancy" (and I can ecumenism, intercommunion ter pill. An abortive intent may be assure you from my own experi- and other ways of sharing with present, but,' while that intention eqces that this kind of tragic situa- people of other faiths is availis objectively seriously sinful, it tion is not rare), again there would able by sending a stamped, selfaddressed' envelope to Father does not in itself incur excommu- be no excommunication. nication. Some other conditions are also John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, Furthermore, it is important to required; but you get the point. Ill. 61651. know that even in more common More is involved here than a simple Questions may be sent to Fasurgical abortions, not every per- statement that people who have ther Dietzen at the same address, son who has an abortion is excom- abortions are excommunicated. .. or e-mail: iidietzen@aol.com.
Questions en. n d Answers
The still changing American family The data is out on the 2000 census, and one fact an education and good health. Writing a book called stands out strikingly: The American family is chang- ''A Parent Alone" in 1979 was when I really leamed ing. Fewer than one-fourth of all households in the what most single mothers were up against: isolation, United States now fit the description of the nuclear . loneliness, often tt:oubled children and, almost alfamily: a married couple with children, living to- ways, poverty. Many also felt abandoned by their gether under the same roof. In 1960, 45 percent of church. households were father-mother-children families. The May census rePort had me wondering if things Now that's down to 23.5 . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ had changed for single percent. moms, now numbering By contrast, going up 12.2 million. I called is the number of houseDeirdre Weaver, a much holds headed by single younger woman-friend, parents. The census shows about being a single mom. that seven percent 'of the I leamed from her that one By Antoinette Bosco thing hadn't changed and nation's households were. headed by single mothers, that was the pain one sufand 2.2 percent - one fers from the dreams and household in 45 - by single fathers. hopes shattered when a marriage ends. None of this surprises me. Anyone who has been . Weaver, a devout Catholic, said she felt "God has awake the past few decades has seen the major changes pushed me in front of an oncoming freight train for . f '1 l·ti fr h .. d" th d 10 amI Y I e om ow we envlSlone It 10 e ays a reason." She begap writing about being a single . of "Ozzie and Harriet" 50 years ago. mom, and this became lyric poetry she describes as Economics has played a part, with women having "a personal, emotional outpouring, like a bloodletto work outside the home; mObility is a factor, where ting necessary for wounds to heal." She says she warited people move geographically away from the support single moms to know "they are not alone." network of extended families; religious influence has But, when you begin to put words down, new ideas diminished. Even the fact that we live longer has come. When Weaver learned that 70 percent of single been cited as a reason why the nuclear family keeps moms don't have Internet access, she decided to write losing ground. a book that would help moms bridge that digital diRegardless of the reasons why, what is most im- vide. Called "Loosely Braided Fog: A 3-D Mom in portant is that we, as a nation, take notice of what is the Making," her work has now been published by happening to families. We need particularly to look Hats Off Books. Both she and her publisher will doat single parents, cut judgments and criticisms and nate some of the book's proceeds to charities which give them help they may need with their enormously teach single moms about information technologies. As for being an advocate for single parents needdifficult job of raising children alone. I know this situation well. I became a single par- ing to learn these 21st-century skills, Weaver believes ent in 1967 and raised and financially supported my that·"this is what God wants me to do." My deepest six birth children alone. I was luckier than most' respect goes to her and people like her who extend women plunged into this situation. I had my faith, help, not criticisms and judgments, to single parents.
The Bottom Line
Our Cup runneth over The journey began three days Canadiens won seven Stanley Cups, gentleman Ray remained loyal. after Christmas in 1960, in the frigid and the nearby (and hated) Toronto In March of 2000, the call of the cold of Montreal, Quebec. And for Maple Leafs captured four. For a Cup was too much for Bourque. He all intents and purposes, it ended in young French-Canadian, nothing· requested a trade to a contending Denver, Colo., last Saturday night. meant more than winning the team. Time was running out on his The sojourn was one of hard work, Stanley Cup. Nothing. stellarcareer, and the chances to have blood, sweat, tears, frustration, disLittle Ray grew into big Ray, as his name engraved on Lord Stanley's appointment, loyalty and ultimately did his ice hockey prowess. He was trophy. The Bruins sent him to Coloelation. drafted by the Boston Bruins in rado. After 20-plus years Ray There were tears in my 1979; a team that had won two Bourque was no longer a Bruin. eyes when Raymond ,... .....--:=~-...,.. Diehard Bruins fans Bourque held the Stanley were devastated ... and Cup aloft on the ice surface W hopeful at the same time. of the Pepsi Center in DenHow strange it was to see ver, lowered. it to his lips, No. 77 in the maroon and and planted one long white of the Avalanche. smooch on the holy grail of I was fortunate enough By Dave Jolivet to have been at the hockey. There had to have been tears in the eyes of FIeetCenterthis past March most Bruins' fans that for Bourque's only Boston watched Game 7 of the appearance in a non-Bruins Stanley Cup finals, to determine the Stanley Cups that decade. uniform. The outpouring of admi2000-2001 National Hockey League Ray Bourque became a stellar ration, appreciation and adoration champs. When the Colorado Ava- NHL defenseman, aptly filling the was deafening. It may have been a lanche won the Cup, there were tears skates of hockey legend Bobby Orr. different team, but it was the same in the eyes of Bourque, his wife and From the instant he stepped on the old Ray. his children. There were tears in the ice as a Boston Bruin, Ray Bourque The Avalanche players and fans eyes of the Avalanche fans. It was a always gave everything he had. He readily accepted Bourque as one of doggone sobfest. was a leader, a worker, and a gentle- their own, making it a mission of Raymond 1. Bourque was born man year in and year out. He quickly theirs to bring him that elusive chamon Dec. 28 nearly 41 years ago in became one of the best players in pionship. the ice hockey Mecca of Montreal. the NHL. Last Saturday, the dream came Had it been possible, he would have .Yet, season ~r season, Bourque true. The journey ended. The tears entered the world with a tiny pair of watched friends, former teammates flowed. Bauers orCCMs on his feet. (Luck- and young kids drink from the Cup. Looking back, Bobby Orr will ily for mama Bourque that wasn't Despite the yearly disappointments, always be a Bruin, even though his possible.) Yet, it wouldn't be too for Bourque it was business as usrlal. career ended as a Chicago much longer before little Ray would No complaining, no contract dis- Blackhawk. Bourque too, will alfeel as comfortable on two thin putes. He was a Bruin, and to the ways be a Bruin. You can't erase 20 blad~ gliding on a sheet of ice, as Bruins he gave it all. years of blood, sweat and tears. But you and I would on terra firma Ice Unfortunately for Bourque, and as a Stanley Cup champion, Ray rinks and frozen ponds would be- for Bruins fans throughout New Bourque will always be a Colorado come little Ray's playgrounds. England, the Boston brass refused Avalanche. During Bourque's formative to surround their nucleus with the As I watched Raymond J. years, the hometown Montreal talent needed to win. For 20 seasons Bourque skat~ ~und a crowded
My Vie From the Stands
A hot market tip Pssst. Shhhh. Come over here. Let me whisper a It is not clear, however, if trained sixth-graders will stock-market tip in your ear: Buy shares in defibril- be stationed riear the St. Mark defibrillators or if a' lator companies before you read the rest of this col- team of highly trained ushers might be developed. umn, then come back. Quick! . Apparently, though, this is not a big deal as the. OK, now you can return to reading in your nor- machine is sotechnically advanced it can read a heartmal tone of thinking. .attack victim's vital signs and determine whether or When you sell that stock at a healthy gain, you not a shock should be given. can thank not only me for sending along the tip (ahem, It sounds like almost all of us who have someone yes, my birthday is coming up soon), you can thank fall to the ground at our feet can feel competent Msgr. Glenn "Duffy" . enough to plug in the Gardner and his parish in , . . . - - - - - - - - -..... zapper paddles and ad." Plano, Texas, St. Mark the minister enough voltage to stop .the parishioner's Evangelist. The St. Mark's folks heart long enough to have it restart on its own in a have purchased not one but normal, life-saving two honest-to-goodness defibrillators. I predict this rhythm. Piece of cake. By Dan Morris This would make for trend will sweep the counelectrifying (OK, I am try like purple elephant jokes. weak) conversation at cofNot only will Catholic fee after Mass. parishes stock defibrillators as standard equipment Msgr. Gardner was not quoted on whether or not for people suffering heart attacks - like fire extin- he thought presence of the defibrillators would inguishers - so will the Protestants, the Jews and the crease Mass attendance, notably from local cardioMuslims. It's hard to know for sure about the Hari care units. Nor did he say if fund-raisers would be Krishnas. allowed to use them in the field. You might think, ''That's shocking," which is a It has been acknowledged that defibrillators could terrible double entendre, and we should be ashamed be seen as a benefit for affluent parishes, leaving of ourselves for giggling and making snorting sounds poor parishes to hook up frayed extension cords to like Sandra Bullock. After all, these sophisticated oven mitts. However, it is hoped well-heeled Cathomachines save people's lives (defibrillators, not Sandra lics might share with lower-income parishes, perBullock, although her character did do that in "Miss haps from this stock tip. Congeniality"). If the defibrillation of American parishes catches According to a story in the Texas Catholic news- on like I think it will, the bishops might eventually paper, the defibrillators are so simple to use they have to issue guidelines for their use. have been tested successfully by sixth-graders. (Given Watt, you think? Comments are welcome. E-mail Uncle Dan the machine's name, some of these kids probably were disappointed to learn it was not a lie detector.) at cnsuncle@yahoo.com.
The offbeat world of I U ne e Dan
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., June 15,2001 arena with his pot of gold, I saw a little rosy-cheeked, French-Canadian boy, with wobbly ankles gliding on a frozen Quebec pond, without a care in the world, doing what he does best. And loving it. Brings a tear to
your eyes, doesn't it? Dave Jolivet is a former sports writer/editor, and current staff member of The Anchor. Comments are welcome at Dave.Io6vet@Anchornews.org.
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THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., June 15,2001
Bishops ~ vote on revised norms on Communion By JERRY FILTEAU CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTON - The U.S. Catholic bishops are preparing to: vote this week on a revised version of 'This Holy and Living Sacrifice;' a ~tory on the reception ofCommunion under both kinds in the U.S. Church. The bishops are currently meet~ ing in Atlanta. : The revised directory they are to vote on encourages Catholics to receive Communion under both forms, bread and wine. It quotes the Vatican's new Gen~ eral Instruction of the Roman MisL sal: "Holy Coinmunion has a more complete form as a sign when it is received under both kinds." The original 'This Holy and Living Sacrifice" was issued in 1984 in conjunction with a Vatican indult - or exception to general Church law - allowing U.S. bishL ops to make broader use ofthe practice of Communion under both kinds in their diocese. The new instruction says a bishop can allow Communion under both kinds whenever it seems appropriate to a community's pas~ tor, "provided that the faithful have been well instructed and there is no danger ofthe profanation ofthe saCrament or that the rite would be difficult to carry out on account of the number of participants or for some other reason." Father James P. Moroney, executivedirectorofthe U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Liturgy, said the new directory, if approved by the U.S. bishops and the Vatican, would in effect establish an indult to continue three current U.S. practices that are not permitted by the norms of the new general instruction. One such exception would state that during the Agnus Dei, ("Lamb of God") if the celebrant is unable to distribute the eucharistic bread and wine into ancillary vessels
within a reasonable time and there is no concelebrating priest or deacon to assist him, "extraordinary rnipisters of holy Communion may assist with the pouring of the Precious Blood (into additional chalices) and the distribution of the consecrated hosts into ancillary vessels.!' While the instruction says that extraordimiry ministers are not to approach the altar until Communion time, the permission for them to assist at the altar during the Agnus Dei would automatically make an exception to that nOfQl. Another general norm reserves the consumption of the remaining Precious Blood after Communion to priests and deacons. The proposed new text then adds: ''When there are extraordinary ministers of holy Communion, they may cOlisume what remains of the Precious Blood from their cup of distribution." : A third general norm authorizes only an ordained minister or permanently installed acolyte to purify the sacred vessels after Communion or after Mass. The proposed U.S. text says, ''When a suffiCient number ofpriests or deacons are not available, extraordinary ministers of holy Communion may purify the vessels." , Father Moroney said priests may have good pastoral reasons forasking the assistance of extraordinary ministers in consuming the reniaining Precious Blood and purifying the vessels. One would be time constraints for priests who have to celebrate Mass in several parishes each weekend. Another would be the practical difficulty a priest may face if he has to consume the remaining contents of several chalices. Adoption of the directory requires approval by at least twothirds of all Latin-rite members of the bishops' conference, followed by legal recognition ofthe bishops' action by the Holy See.
A CHINESE man looks over a large poster featuring the Chinese Communist Party emblem in Beijing recently. The poster was promoting JUly 1 celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the party. Religion is repressed under the Communist government, which officially claims atheism. (CNS photo'from Reuters)
THE REHABILITATION Team of Our ,Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, top photo, is ready to help provide good care for people at its newly renovated rehabilitation facility. Recently dedicated, it will provide care for people who have experienced a variety of injuries or disease with the goal of increasing people's indepengence and function. From left are: Kelly Nadeau, Deb Richards, Director of Rehab Services Deb Smith, Cathy Pires, Stephanie Mello and Michelle DiMasso. Director of Volunteers and Community DevelopmentThaddeus Figldck, middle photo, presents an award to volunteer Lorraine Silva during a luncheon honoring volunteers at Marian Manor, Taunton. The annual gathering, taking place during National Volunteer Week, honors many men and women who dedicated themselves to helping the residents and staff of t!le nursing f~cility. Staff members of the Diocesan Health Facilities system, right, were honored at a Mass marking Mission Day at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. The day. is celebrated annually to bring staff together and recommit all to the mission of caring. Pictured with principal celebrant al)d Executive Director of Diocesan Health Facilities Msgr. Edmund J. Fitzgerald are those that received special recognition. They are: Home Administrator Carmelite Sister Mary Robert Romano, Dr. Stewart Kirkaldy, Connie Viveiros, Deborah Romano and Sharon Martin.
John XXIII moved: to final resting place in reverent ceremony By JOHN NORTON CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. nal resting place at a prominent alStrong sunshine poked through . tar, dedicated to St Jerome, on the VATICAN CITY ~ Ranked by the overcast sky and gleamed off main level. the recently exhumed and treated Pope John's wax-covered face and In January, several months after body ofPope John XXIII, Pope John hands, giving them the look of Pope John Paul declared him Paul IT praised his predecessor for slightly yellowed translucentalabas- blessed. Pope John was exhumed attentively following the Holy ter. From certain angles, it appeared from the basilica's crypt in anticiSpirit's guidance, particularly in the comers ofhis mouth held the hint pation ofthe move upstairs, intended convoking the Second Vatican of a smile. to facilitate the flow ofvisitors to his Council. Ahead of the ceremony, officials tomb. He joins two other popes The former whose bodies are expontiff's body, laid posed behind glass in with anus crossed in a the basilica: St Pius X, luminous glass casket who died in 1914,and decked with red and 17th-century Blessed yellow roses, rested at Innocent XI. the side of the altar in After disassemSt. Peter's Square for bling Pope John's the Pentecost Mass beoriginal three-layer fore being moved to a coffin, Vatican offinewly prepared resting cials found his face place in the basilica. and body intact They "We have thejoy to' attributed it mainly to host, near the altar, the preservation methods venerated remains of taken immediately afBlessed John XXIII," ter the pontiff's death said Pope John Paul, to - the injection of tworepeated bursts of apand-a-halfgallons ofa plause. formaldehyde-based "He let the Spirit solution.' mold him day-by-day, After'the exhumaseeking with patient tion, the body reporttenacity to conform THE GLASS casket of Pope John XXIII is dis- edIy was subjected to himself increasingly to played near the main altar inside St. Peter's Basilica ~other chemical pro(God's) will. This is on the 38th anniversary of his death. The casket was ,~t intend~. to ~~u; the secret behind the goodness with which later m?~ed to its new permanent resting place at;c;ull~!:~~l~Seca~. he conquered the the ba~lhca's altar of St. Jerome. (eNS photo from . Other step.s to guaran_ ~. .' ~. .flee the6ody's preserpeople of God and Catholic Press Photo) " T ' , . . . - ......,. many people of good .' varion included,filling will;' he said. dressed the former pope's body in the new ~ with nitrogen gas and Before the Mass, which also new pontifical vestments of white using a glaSS' thirt'blifh til~Violet marked the 38th anniversary ofPope watered silk, a lace surplice and a rays. . . John's death, the former pontiff's fur-trimmed red velvet cape. A Emmanuele Ronca,lli, a 4O-yearbody was wheeled in procession snug ermine-trimmed red cap cov- old nephew of the fonner PQntiff, a through the square on a red-draped ered the top of his head and part of northern Italian journalist who atplatform. After an initial light ap- his ears. tended the Mass, said he hoped the After the Mass, 16 gray-suited at- permanent display of Pope John plause, the crowd of about 30,000 fell silent, many of them blessing tendants carried the I,OOO-pound would be absent of superstition or a themselves as his casket went past. shatterproof casket into the basilica sort of personality cult around his Pope John Paul said the Second to the main altar for public display uncle. Vatican Council, which Pope John into the early evening.. Once the 'This is not about his person, not opened in 1962, took ''the form of a basilica's doors closed for the night, about his message, but about him as renewed Pentecost," the outpouring the casket was moved to its new fi- a symbol of holiness;' he said.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 15,2001
Su~~~me K,.ig,ht I:n'g~~fllembers Ito
create coun,cil i'n eve:ry paris'h
said Anderson,who is based in New Haven, Conn. "We need ORLANDO, Fla. - Su- to realistically offer the opporpreme Knight Carl A; Ander- tunity to be a Knight 0f Columson challenged the Florida bus to every Catholic man." Knights of Columbus to cre路路 The top Kniglit said there ate a council in every parish are 13,000 councils that reach and make membersh~p in the about 40 percent of parishes Catholic fraternal organization within the United States and a top priority. Canada. "We need to work to link According toEd Marusa, the mentality that when you pUblic relations director for the think of the mission of the Rorida State Counci I, there are Catholic Church, you think of 266 councils in Florida, inthe work of the Knights of Co- cluding 12 new councils, and lumbus," said Anderson, the 39,400 members.' chief executive officer of the Anderson added that coul1Knights of Columbus. cils should confuiue to be acAnderson addressed more tive in every' p~rish school than 700 people gathered at the through annual fr~e throw con97th annual conference of the tests and essay contests. Florida State Council, which But the organization should included members from across not just be about numbers, Florida and a small contingent goals and quotas, Anderson from the Bahamas. said. The group of 15 Bahamians The Knights should foster a included Archbishop greater devotion to God LawrenceA. Burke of Nassau, through the Blessed Sacrament, who celebrated Mass at the and Anderson said tHat, on June' convention. 21-23,2002, the Qrder will celAnderson, who was ap- ebrate its first interrlational eupointed head of the Knights in charistic congress at the BaOctober, told those gathered, silica of the National Shrine of it is a "truly great time to be a the Immaculate Conception in Knight of Columbus." Washington. Although there ar~/ 1.6 milAnderson askoo the Knights lion members of th~Knights to follow the examlJle of John nationwide, Anderson;said only Paul II when confronting the two percent of. tIle ~1 million culture of death. ae encourCatholics in the United States aged those gathereq to institute active Pro-Life;:lJJid couples' are part of theorgarW?ation. '''!\vo perceryt c~n!ot be the chairmanships in every counextent of ourpotenti'al.. There cil to promote Pr~-l.ife and is plenty of room'for growth," family causes.
Panelists share stories to assess lay ministry's future Bishop Joseph P. Delaney, a former priest of the Fall River diocese, spoke of laity's growing role. By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
BALTIMORE - Panelists at the National Association for Lay Ministry conference shared their own stories recently in an effort to assess future directions in the growing field of lay ministry. "I'm extraordinarily optimistic about the future of lay ministry," said Bishop Joseph P. Delaney of Fort Worth, Texas, chairman of the U.S. bishops' subcommittee on lay ministry. "The whole future is wide open." The bishop was one of four panelists who spoke on "Honoring the Lessons of Our Experience to Discover Our Future" during the May 31-June 3 conference in Baltimore marking the
association's 25th anniversary. natural desire for human solidarity" Bishop Delaney said his own expe- that included a wild bus ride in Cairo, rience as a priest of the Diocese of Fall Egypt, a brief stint in a Portuguese sarRiver, Mass., and a bishop in two Texas dine factory, and a discussion with a dioceses showed him that, "although resident of Papua New Guinea about the we are united as effects of various a large church, ... "spirits." the ecclesial~liCiting the "I'm extraordinarily optimistic stories as evi. mate can vary dramatically about the future of lay ministry," dence of the from place, to said Bishop Joseph R Delaney of "tremendous place." differences" that In Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas, chairman of solidari ty can which is begin- the U.S. bishops'subcommittee overcome, ning to experi- on lay ministry. 'The whole future Schwab said ence a serious is wide open." Catholic lay shortage of ministers could prie,s ts, "the "help those of growth in lay our culture to ministry has far outstripped the lack of encounter those who are different." clergy," he said. The goal is to make people aware Panelist Marian Schwab, director of of "our common humanity of trementhe office of pastoral staffing in the dous variety and richness" and of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, La., fact that we live in "one world with gave examples from her life of "the problems that belong to all of us,"
Schwab said. Dolores Leckey, senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center in Washington and former executive director of the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Family, Laity, Women and Youth, said her experiences with a prayer group convinced her of the importance of listening to others and to herself. Dennis Beeman, director of Christian formation in the Diocese of Richmond; Va., and chairman of the NALM. board of directors, recalled a meeting. in 1994 at which he heard two bishops arguing about a question that related to the future of lay ministry. "And I thought, 'This is like Peter and Paul''' arguing about future directions in the early days of the Church, he said. "Conflict is part of our tradition. Creative tension continues God's redemptive power in the world. "But we need to keep asking the questions," he advised his fellow lay ministers. "Don't be afraid to disagree."
10 -~
THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 15,2001
Execution marks sad day fo~ country, bis-,ops' leader says
mercies will grant them every WASHINGTON (CNS) The execution of Timothy consoling grace during their grief MeVeigh and the resumption of and suffering," Bishop Fiorenza federally sanctioned executions said. "On this difficult day, we marks a sad day for the country, the president of the U.S. bishops' . pledge our best efforts to reverse this culture of violence and reconferences said. Bishop Joseph A. Fiorenza of place it with a profound respect Galveston-Houston, president of for the inherent value God conthe National Conference ofCatho- fers on human life." Susan Borcherts, spokeslic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference, said that he deeply woman for the Indianapolis Archregretted the execution of diocese, in which Terre Haute is located, said Indianapolis ArchMcVeigh. McVeigh was executed by le- bishop Daniel M. Buechlein was thal injection Monday at the fed- saddened the execution was goeral prison at Terre Haute, Ind. ing forward. "He is praying for the victims He had bee;} convicted of murder in the 1995 bombing of the and their families. He is praying Murrah federal building in Okla- for Timothy McVeigh and his homa City, in which 168 people family. He urges Catholics to join .him in prayer," said Borcherts in .were killed. "In an age where respect for a statement on Monday. Among other comments about life is threatened in so many ways, we believe it is important to em- the execution was a statement phasize that human life is a gift from Cardinal Adam J. Maida of from God, and no one or any gov- Detroit. "The spectacle that surrounds ernment should presume to kill God's gift," Bishop Fiorenza said the McVeigh execution should in a statement released just after have a sobering effect on us all, the execution was carried out. moving us to an examination of "Rather, all of us have the respon- conscience of how we can best sibility to protect human life from promote life for everybody," said Cardinal Maida. "This includes conception to natural death." He noted that the U.S. crimi- innocent human beings in the nal justice system has alternative womb threatened by abortion, the ways to punish criminals and pro- victims of other people's viotect society and called on Catho- lence, and ye~, even the guilty lics and all people of good will who are caught in a vicious cycle "7"" particularly legislators to of vengeance and unrepentant reconsider the use of capital pun- rage. "We have a God-given mission ishment. He said the bishops offer their of understanding and reconciliasympathy and prayers for all those tion to everyone in need, even touched by the bombing. those with sadly hardened hearts," "We pray that the God of all he said.
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Priest, .soldiers found guilty in' Guatemalan {Jishop's murd~r GUATEMALA CITY (CNS) - Three military officers and a priest were found guilty of the 1998 murder ofAuxiliary Bishop Juan Gerardi Conedera of Guatemala City. A three-judge tribunal found the officers guilty of murder and sentenced each to 30 years in prison. Father Mario Orantes, who lived with Bishop Gerardi, was sentenced to ~O years as an accessory to the murder. Lawyers said they would ap'peal. Bishop Gerardi's housekeeper, Margarita Lopez, was found innocent of charges that she covered up the murder. . The trial marked the first time high-ranking Guatemalan military officials were forced to testify about their actions. Bishop Gerardi, who headed the Guatemala archdiocesan human rights office,was bludgeoned to death outside his home in April 1998, two days after he released a report blaming the military for the majority ofthe 200,000 deaths
- A DECAYING Atlantis is revealed in the new Disney animated adventure "Atlantis: The Lost ~mpire:' (eNS photo from Walt Disney Pictures)
Movie-goers discover Atlantis in new Disney flick By ANNE NAVARRO CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE NEWYORK- The legend of the lost continent comes alive in the imaginative animated adventure "Atlantis: The Lost Empire" (Disney). Known for "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Hunchback of Notre Datne," directing duo Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise team up once again in a film that pays homage to the storytelling style of Jules Verne. "Atlantis" combines the adventure theme of Verne's novel "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" with the lore of the famed lost city. The story is set in 1914 with mild-mannered Milo Thatch (voiced by Michael J. Fox), a cartographer and linguistics expert, as its hero. Like his late grandfather before him, Milo is convinced he knows the whereabouts of the lost city ofAtlantis: Once athriving civilization; Atlantis was swallowed by a giant tidal wave at the height of its glory when its king (voiced by Leonard Nimoy) tried to use the city's crystal energy source to dominate the world. The adventure begins when eccentric billionaire Preston B. Whitmore (voiced by John Mahoney) finances ~ ~xpe~i~oh to find~tlantis ~d asks Milo to lend hiS lingUistics expertise to gUIde a team of exp~orers. Milo is presented ~ith a mysterious and ancient book that could prOVide the key to finding th~ l?st empire and that was left to Whitmore by Milo s grandfather. Together with a crew made up of. experts in geology, medicine and demolition, ~lo sets forth on a ~tate-of-the-art .submarine and discovers more than Just a lost empue. The narr~tive is mor~ involved than most Disney films, touchmg more directly on the theme of greed and. ~varice, while still wrapping things up on a pOSItive note. However, "Atlantis" drowns in its own plot details. The explanation of the lost city's energy source is as mysterious as the city itself. And the filt,n's opening sequence in which citizens of AtlantIS speak in their Latin-sounding gibberish
in Guatemala's 36-year civil war. Lawyers from the archdiocesan human rights office worked'with prosecutors during the trial. . The prosecution said re~ired Col. Disrael Lima Estrada, a former chief of military intelligence, masterminded the killing to keep the bishop from testifying in possible trials about wartime killings. One witness said the other two officials, Lima's son, Capt. Byron Lima Oliva, and Jose Obdulio Villanueva, former members of the presidential guard, entered the house J.lear the time of the murder. Much of the testimony about Father Orantes' role in the mur(:~搂 M()~le der centered on traces of Bishop Gerardi's blood that police investigators found leading to the priest's bedroom. At one point in "Evolution" (DreamWorks) the investigation, police arrested Entertaining fantasy comedy Father Orantes' German shep- . in which a small-town biology herd.. professor (David Duchovny) and Guatemalan human rights or- geologist (Orlando Jones) try to ganizations waited all night in the control rapidly evolving alien orpacked courtroom until the ver- ganisms brought to Earth by a dict was read near dawn. meteor crash, while competing
(accompanied by subtitles) is likely to be confusing to children. The film's angular, edgy animation is a fresh departure from the usual Disney fashion, while still retaining the familiar attention to detail and color. Characters have a very blunt look, with squaredoff fingers and pointy facial features, resembling . Japanese cartoons and video games. "Atlantis" seems to be Disney'S foray into the nonmusical animated action genre, apparently to . compete with films such as "Titan A.E." and "The Iron Giant." However, with volcanic explosions and scenes from the heroic climax popping out at the audience, the action is also more intense than in most Disney cartoons. Yet, distinctive characters and a fine ensemble voice cast make up for some of the film's shortcomings. Fox's endearing Milo wins the friendship and respect of the rough-and-tumble crew through his integrity and courage. Commander Rourke, given a world-weary yet amiable quality through the voice ofJames Gamer, is the surprise villain. Don Novello, whose voice some may recognize from his days as Father Guido Sarducci on "Saturday Night Live," offers quite a funny turn as the laid-back demolition expert, Vinny. And the late Jim Varney, creator of the lovable yet exasperating bumpkin character Ernest, is a good fit for the crew's crusty cook, Cookie. 'Though the eye-popping animation is accomplished and the characters are engaging, the muddling of the film's fanciful narrative diminishes its overall appeal. And the heightened action sequences may be overwhelming to younger children accustomed to a more gentle film viewing experience. Due to intermittent action violence, the U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-II - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested.
with a govern路ment scientist (Julianne Moore) attempting to do the same. Creative special effects and goofy characters turn director Ivan Reitman's far-fetched narrative into escapist delight. Some sexually suggestive humor, sporadic sci-fi action violence, fleeting nudity and briefcrass language with a few instances of profanity. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-II adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for' children under 13. "Let It Snow" (Artistic License)
. Forgettable romantic comedy in which a young man (Kipp Marcus) gives up a promising career as he mopes for years' over his best friend (Alice Dylan), each being too proud to be the first to say "I love you." Director Adam Marcus' low-budget comedy has droll moments and some engaging characters, but the wafer-thin . story line cannot support an entire movie without becoming tiresome. Sexual situations and references, frequent rough language, minimal profanity, fleeting nudity and comically intended violence. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III - adults. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of America.
Continued from page one
Msgr. Harrington noted that the fact that the parishes' leadership are not satisfied with just surpassing the total they reached last. year is most significant. "They realize the great need that exists among the tens of thousands of those who come to our agencies and apostolates for aid each year," he said. "They also realize that the increase in the demand for services that is evident in all of the Appealfunded areas requires this extra effort." The Appeal books close for
parishes at the end of the day on June 21, it was reported. The matvelous effort on the final leg of the campaign has also raised optimism among the Appeal leaders that the 60th annual effort will exceed last year's totals. Anyone interested in making a donation may do so at any parish in the diocese or by con· tacting the Catholic Charities Office at 508·675·1311. Following is a list of the top five parishes currently leading in the deaneries of the diocese.
ATTLEBORO AREA Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro St. Mary, Mansfield St. Mark, Attleboro Falls St. "Mary, Seekonk CAPE COD AREA St. Pius X, South Yarmouth Our Lady of Victory, Centerville Christ the King, Mashpee Holy Trinity, West Harwich Corpus Christi, East Sandwich FALL RIVER AREA St. Stanislaus, Fall River Holy Name, Fall River St. Thomas More, Somerset St. John the Baptist, Westport Santo Christo, Fall River NEW BEDFORD AREA St. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford St. Mary, South Dartmouth St. Patrick, Wareham St. Mary, New Bedford
$ 122,893.00
64,820.20 56,597.00 41,077.00 33,198.00 $ 171,410.00
91,185.50 78,593.50 64,838.00 63,287.00
42,193.25 39,529.00 37,436.00 36,880.00 32,325.76
$ 55,713.00 54,555.00 48,662.00 38,156.00 37,796.50
TAUNTON AREA St. Ann, Raynham St. Paul, Taunton Holy Family, East Taunton Immaculate Conception, North Easton St. Anthony, Taunton
$ 38,584.00 26,710.00 25,331.00 23,667.00 22,151.00
BUSINESS & COMMUNITY ATILEBORO AREA ings Bank; $8OQ-FirstFed Charitable $2,50Q-Bacon Construction Co., Foundation; $550-C&D Sousa Inc., East Providence; $2,OOO-V.H. Construction Co., Somerset; $500Blackinton & Co., Inc.; $1,000- Conlon Electrical Contractors, Inc.; Morin's, Inc.; St. Stephen St. Vincent LeComte's Dairy, Somerset; de Paul Society; $800-St. Mary St. RALCO Electric, Inc., Westport; Vincent de Paul Society, Norton; $375-St. John of God Women's $600-Jeweled Cross Co., Inc.; Guild, Somerset; $350-Sterling $300-J&R Investments, Norton; Package Store, Inc.; $250-Fall River Knights of Columbus #5108, Municipal Credit Union; $200-St. Seekonk; $250-Willis-MacKinnon . John of God Holy Rosary Sodality, Insurance; $200-St. Mary Women's Somerset; Hathaway Funeral SerGuild, Seekonk; $150-Knights of vice; Hebert-Hathaway Funeral Columbus #330, North Attleboro; Home; $150-Americana Travel; $100-St. John the Evangelist $100-St. Michael's 2001 ConfirmaWomen of Spirit; Vachon Mazda; tion Class, Fall River; Almeida ElecKnights of Columbus #5876, South trical, Inc.; Paul B. Sullivan InsurAttleboro. ance; Alpert's Storage Center. CAPE COD AND NEW BEDFORD AREA THE ISLANDS AREA $l,OOO-St. Vincent de Paul So$5,000-Anonymous; $350-Dioc- ciety, New Bedford District Council; esan Council of Catholic Women, Eye Health. Vision Centers, District V; $300-St. John the Evan- Dartmouth; $500-Perry Funeral gelist St. Vincent de Paul Society, Home; Holy Name of the Sacred Pocasset; Christ the King Women's Heart of Jesus St. Vincent de Paul Guild, Mashpee; $250-Robert F. Society; Holy Name of the Sacred O'Rourke Plumbing & Heating, Heart of Jesus Couples Club; $225Hyannis; $150-Thomas H. Peterson St. Mary St. Vincent de Paul SociRealtors, West Harwich; $100-0ur ety, Fairhaven; $200-Ferreira EngiLady of Victory Men's Club, nRering; $100-Fairhaven Lumber Centerville; St. Joan of Arc St. Company; Cabral-Lamoureux FuVincent de Paul Society, Orleans. neral Home; Murray F. DeCoffe AuFALL RIVER AREA tomotive Service, Inc., Mattapoisett; $3,OOO-Slade's Ferry Bank; The Castelo Group. $2,875-White's of Westport; $1 ,500TAUNTON AREA Citizens-Union Savings Bank; $525-St. Joseph St. Vincent de $l,OOO-Fall River Five Cents Sav- Paul Society, North Dighton; $500-
St. Joseph St. Vincent de Paul Society; Polish American Citizens Club; $300-St. Jacques St. Vincent de Paul Society; $225-St. Anthony Holy Rosary Sodality; $1 OQ-St. Paul Council of Catholic Women; Queen's Daughters; Jim Dorsey & Son, Inc. NATIONALS $2,000-R.A.D. Jones Architects, Inc., Rockland; $500-Joseph V. Tally, Inc., Providence; $400-Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, Melbourne, FL.
THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 15,2001
PARISHES ACUSHNET St. Francis Xavier: $200-MIM Donald R. Lafond; $100-M/M Ronald A. DeMilio, Knights of Columbus, Damien Council #4190. ASSONET St. Bernard: $l,OOO-MIM Fred Bopp; $300-MIM Douglas Michaud; $200-MIM Dennis Read; $125-MI M Antonio Branco; $120-Ryan Levesque; $100-Robert & Catherine Adams, M/M Robert Barboza, M1M Maurice Beaudoin, John J. Demetrius, M/M Ronald MacCarone, Arthur & Judith Norman, M/M Paul Ouimet, Debra Souza. ATILEBORO Holy Ghost: $1 OO-Richard . Demoia. St. John the Evangelist: $750M1M Martin Dietrich; $500-Patricia Carella, Robert DiGiantommaso, MI M John P. Lee; $350-Robert Barton, M/M Richard Harris; $300-M/M Douglas Strott, Dr/M Fredrick WolI; $250-Susan Higgins, Mrs. R. Russell Morin; $200-Anne D. Duffy, Mrs. Francis E. Kelley; $150-MIM Mark S. Cuddy, M/M Gerard Lefrancois, M/M Richard Marsh, Donald Pelletier, MIM Paul Roque; $125-M1M Brian Churchill, M/M Joseph Graney, Michael Graney; $120-MlM RobertWuesthoff; $110M/M peter Gay; $100-M/M Frank Carroccia, Edward F. Casey, M/M Sean Danahe~ M/M Robert Ga~ Anita Gendron, Julie Hammond, William E. Hannan, MIM Paul Harris, MIM Shawn A. Jorde, MIM Kesse Kesse, MIM Kenneth Kogut, M1M Michael O'Keefe, M/M Michael Powers, M1M Robert Sweeney, MI M Gary TrUdo, M1M Larry Valade. St. Joseph: $500-MIM George Largess; $100-M1M Julien Forget. St. Stephen: $285-MIM Joseph M. Hodge; $240-Suzanne Jette; $200-MIM Normand Beauregard, M/M Robert Soares; $100-M/M James Cassidy, M/M Paul Gaughan, Mrs. Joan Hallal, Mrs. Diane Heagney, Normand Johnson, Marie L:Etoile, MIM Robert E. Richard. St. Theresa: $800-M/M Normand Carrier; $500-M/M Shawn Seybert; $300-M/M Louis Lacivita; $200-M/M John B. Casserlly, Marie Chatigny & Eileen Murphy, Tracy Dinh, MIM Richard Magliozzi, Margaret Snedeker; $100-Carol Amaral, Anonymous, Richard Bisbee, M/M Timothy Champagne, MIM Robert Chicoine, M/M Raymond Drolet, Donald & Vivian Duval, MIM Robert Joubert, Eileen Morris; Sidney & Julie Winter. BREWSTER Our Lady ofthe Cape: $1,200M/M William J. Whalen; $400Dolores & Gene Kennedy; $200M/M Michael Hunter; $100-Mrs. William Nelson, M/M Warren G. Holland. BUZZARDS BAY St. Margaret: $250-Joseph & Patricia Cleary, Elizabeth & Vincent DiM ilia; $200-Charles & Alyce Lindberg; $150-Joseph & Barbara Smolinsky; $100-Eugene & Continued on page 12
. F€>RE
!Ma~ it
usierfor tliose you row
want to thank you for your generous donation . to our seminary in .Viamao, Brazil. The entire amount was applied for the formation: of our seminarians, as well as for some much needed repairs. We purchased four computers and printers, upgraded our infirmary, acquired a hydraulic pump so that the students can have clean water, and installed a centralized phone system. We could not have done any of this without your generous financial help and prayers. May God continue to bless you." Father Rodolfo Luis We~ Rector of Our Lady of Consolation Major Seminary, Brazil
Today there are more than 28,000 young men in the Missions who want to serve their people as priests. With the help ofyour prayers and your gift to the' Propagation ofthe Faith/St. Peter the Apostle, many more can continue to answer "Yes" to the Lord's call to follow Him.
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Please remember..the Society for the Propagation of the Faith when writing or changing your Will.
THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,June 15,2001 Continued from page 11
Josephine Sweeney,' Manuel & Mary Garcia, John & Yolanda Gray, Ernest Perry, Betty Smolinsky. CENTERVILLE Our Lady of Victory: $SOO-Mrs. Julie Fagin; $300-M/M Maurice Bresnahan; $2S0-Dr/M Kenneth Scalera; $200-M/M Raymond Garafano, MIM Ernest J. Jaxtimer, DrlM Richard K. Mannal; $160-M1 M John Lonergan; $1S0-Samuel Keavy; $12S-M/M James W. Higgins, M/M John H. Murphy; $100-MIM Timothy J. Davis, Dr/M Donald Deschenes, Robert F. Fife, Mrs. Jean Greer, M/M Henry J. Hayes, Mrs, William Kenney, Kathleen Knowles, M/M Donald Rogers. CHATHAM Holy Redeemer: $300-Society of St. Vincent de Paul; $2S0-MIM Edward F. QUinn; $100-MIM R. Gilbert Bergh, M1M Joseph DiRocco, MIM Thomas J. Groux, Mrs. Mary MacLean, Joan & Chet Mohr, M1M Edward Porter. DIGHTON St. Peter: $1,OOO-Evelyn &William Mendoza; $SOO-Harold & Donna Mendoza; $100-William & Colette McKeon, John P. Rufo. EAST FALMOUTH St. Anthony: $200-Franklin W. Perry; $100-Nancy Daale, M/M Walter Micek, M/M Richard G. Vitagliano. EAST FREETOWN St. John Neumann: $3S0-MIM Stephen Perry McGraw; $300-M1M Richard Lizotte; $100-MIM Chester liewacz. EAST SANDWICH Corpus Christi: $2,OOO-M/M Eric Vander Mel; $1,200-MIM Dante F. Gallerani; $1,OOO-Thomas G. JUdge, Jr., MIM Ernest A. Plante, Jr., M/M Richard D. Roberts; $700Beatrice & Mary Gleason; $SOO-MI M John L. Stebbins, Robert L. O'Malley; $3S0-M/M Robert Buckley; $300-M/M Philip R. Lefaivre; $27S-M/M Leo D. Diotalevi; $2S0-M/M James N. DeFrancesco, Christine Ratches, MIM Richard Jack; $200-DrlM Richard R. Brodeur, Katherine Bixby, Mrs. Norma Halter, M/M Michael C. Peluso, MIM George W. Streeter; $17S-MIM John Bauer, M1M David J. Gibbons; $1S0-M/M Carol E. Watters, MIM Joseph F. Desrosiers, 'Mrs. Agnes Van Nostrand, Mrs. Patricia M. Sanford, M1MThomas F. Timlin, Mrs. Sally Latimer, Robert F. Rooney; $12S-M/M Robert C. Dilorio, MIM Richard Clabault, MI M Robert D. Wentworth; $120-MIM John Hackett; $10S-M1M Stephen A. Susko; $1 OO-MIM David Merrow, MIM Richard E. Nvcz, MIM Richard D. Boudreau, Mrs: Jane Curran, MI M Warren Bailey, M/M John A. Wegman, Mrs. Helen AClams, MIM Robert G. Fitzpatrick, MIM Joseph V. Venezia, MIM Paul R. Feeley, MI M John F. McCarthy, M1M Michael K. Ayer, MIM Lyman S. Goding, Mrs. Leona DeMoranville, Mrs. Joyce S. Bruce, MIM Michael J. Miller, Mrs. Margaret M. Stookins, MIM Thomas E. Fafr, MIM Johl) B. Sullivan, MIM James Connolly, Mr. David W. Judge, Jr. & Ms. Margaret Lurate,' MIM Frederick Bressette, M1M Richard E. Tavares, Barbara J. Hadley, Mrs. Dorothy Costello, MIM Bruce J. Baxter, MIM Luis Cordero, MIM Victor M. Devine, M/M Francis F. Cullinan, MIM Jerome Tremblay, MI M Richard M. Sheets, M1M Michael T. O'Neill, Mrs. George D. Williams, Mrs. Mary DOherty, MIM Joseph T. Marone, Dr/M Sabino Rizzo, Mrs. Mary Robinson, M/M Robert E. Corradi, MIM Kenneth Corbin, MIM Patrick Lynch, ~ John L. Roberti,
Joseph Raposa. ' Santo Christo: $SOO-Oliveira MIM JosephF. Keenan, MIM Henry Funeral Homes; $3S0-Santo J; Graebener. . Christo Feast Committee; $100FAIRHAVEN Tony's Bakery, M/M Fernando St. Joseph: $47S-HonIM WiII- Pereira. FALMOUTH iam H. Carey; $2S0-MIM James P. Honohan; $100-M/M Kenneth St. Patrick: $SOO-Mrs. Frank J. Melanson, Mrs. Anna Parker. O'Connor; $300-John J. Norton; Sf. Mary: $1 OO-Edward Allaire, $200-M1M Peter Carr, MIM W. Leo Lillian Desrosiers, M/M Paul Stanford; $120-JaneA. Hopewood; Marashio, Judith Rodrigues. $100-Robert & Eleanor Bent, Ms. FALL RIVER Anne G. Corsini, Nancy & Donald St. Mary Cathedral: $400- G. Craig, Mrs. Brenda Dugan, MIM . Claire O'Toole; $1S0-Thomas L. Leo Dunn, Jr., Mrs. Geraldine Carroll, Ruth Hurley; $100-M/M Fortier, Rev. Mr. Patrick & Lorraine Francisco A. Maurisso, M1M Joseph Mahoney, MIM Edward V. McCarthy, M/M James 1. McDonough, M/M Andrade, M/M Jesse Martin. Espirito Santo: $200-Espirito William J. O'Brien, MIM James R. Santo St. Vincent de Paul Society. Sawyer, M/M John Simonis, Holy Name: $1 OO-Bruce & Sa- Eleanor L. Swanson. rah Hague,MIM Thomas Stanton, HYANNIS St. Francis Xavier: $400William Heaney. Holy Rosary: $200-M/M' Ricardo M. Varella DBA Varella Manuel DaSilva; $1S0-M/M Paul Painting; $300-M/M William Miniacci; $100-M1M Louis Goncalo. Cericola; $2S0-M/M Edward Holy Trinity: $100"M1M Rich- Salvas; $120-Louis S. Holly; $100ard Arrugo, 'M/M Louis Bouchard, - John Bradley, Mrs. Ida Brown, MIM M/M Benjamin Boudria, Joanne Richard Corbin, Atty/M John P. McGuiness, MIM Joseph Medeiros. Curley, Mrs. James Douglas, MIM Immaculate Conception: $100. Thomas DiMauro, M/M ,Richard Immaculate Conception Women's' Dresser, Cara Harding, Mrs. Guild. Roberta Hart, Dorothy Hughes, MI Notre Dame: $1S0-M1M Rich- M Armand Martineau, M1M Joseph ard Cloutier; $100-M/M Lonnie Nahil, MIM Michael Niechwidowicz, Blanchette, M!S. Laurence Demers, ,Mr. Bernard Nugent, Jr., Gisela Mr. Edward A. Rheaume. O'Neil, The Paddock Restaurant, MI Our Lady of the Angels: $360- M Joseph Rausch, MIM Albert St. In Memory of Manuel Velho; $2S0- George, Ronald & Frances William Moniz; $200-DcnIM John F. Turowetz. Branco, Charles Veloza; $100MANSFIELD St. Mary: $7S0-M/M Paul E. Rose Mello, Tobias Monte, A.F. Almeida & Son Funeral Home. Bousquet; $700-John F. Gomes; St. Anne: $100-St. Vincent de $SOO-M/M Robert C. Rubino; $300Paul Society.MIM路Robert Pietrafetta; $200-M/M St. Anthony of Padua: $200-M1 Eric E. Butler, M1M Giles Dognazzi, M Joseph Cabral, Jr.; $12S-ln Annamarie & Joseph Monks, M/M Memory of Francisco B. Silva; $1 00- Keith Ninesling; $1S0-Thomas F. Portugalia Imports & Exports. Crimmins; $140-Mrs. James Bent; St. Joseph: - $2S0:MIM James $12S-M/M Daniel E. Joyce; $100D. Salvo; $200-M/M Joseph M/M Kenneth Buja, Barbara O'Connell; $100-M/M Joseph Cedarfield, MIM C.M. Fillmore, Mrs. William Holske, Josephine Lodico, Gagne, M/M Richard R. Martel, Jr. St. Michael: $900-Rev. Luis A. Jean Lee & Ray Martin, Muriel K. Cardoso; $2S0-M/M Gerald Silvia; Murphy, MIM Joseph G. Materia, M/ $1S0-Anonymous; $100-Miss M Kenneth P. Owens, M/M John J. Evelyn Almeida, M/M Manuel S. Rush, M/M Camille L. Saulnier, MI Medeiros, Manuel Rogers and M James Strickland, M/M Edmund Sons Fune~al Home, Guilherme J. Tierney, Mrs. Clifford Titus, M/M Gonsalves & Family, Anonymous, John Todesco. MARION A Friend, St. Michael's Feasts ComSt. Rita: $2.000-Stephen & mittee, St. Michael's Prayer Group, St. Michael's Holy Rosary Society. Connie Heacox; $300-Jeffrey & St. Stanislaus: $1,108.2S-S1. Kristen Glavin; $200-Frank & MarStanislaus School; $1,OOO-M/M garet Cafarella; $1S0-Jack & Raymond Romagnolo; $700-M/M Kathryn Hagerty; $100-Mary D. Arthur Viana; $SOO-M/M Kenneth Jones. Tremblay, M1M Robert Gaw, M1M MARTHA'S VINEYARD Roman Catholic Parishes: Charles Joerres, M/M Thomas Pasternak; $400-A Parishioner; $12S-Mr. Otis Rogers, Jr.; $100-Mr. $3S0-A Parishioner, M/M Louis James F. Barry, M/M Robert W. Mazurek & Katie; $32S-M1M Dan Ogden. MASHPEE Rocha, J~; $300-M/M Raymond Girard, John Polak, Jr.; $2S0-MIM Christ the King: $1,OOO-MIM Robert Eagles; $244-M/M Edward Scahill, Jr.; $600-Marcia Thaddeus Karcz; $220-A Parishio- Hackett; $SOO-MIM Daniel Goggin, ner; $200-Paul Gibson, M1M John M/M Tyrone Goodart, Eileen Cordeiro, M/M Paul Dufault, M/M Hooley, MIM Martin F. Henry, MIM Kenneth Kawa, Alice Kret, A Pa- Michael J. Howley, MIM James F. rishioner.. Caroline Dawicki, Dr/M Remillard, Jr.; $400-MIM Brendan Michael Weaver; $1S0-M/M Tho- Brides, MIM Ignatius Reed, Elizamas Wrobel, M/M John Polak, A beth Tyminski; $360-M1M Stephen Parishioner, Lois Walkden, M/M Greelish; $300-M/M Samuel George Wrobel, A Parishioner, In Patellos, MIM Anthony Franchi, MI Memory of Lillian Deda; $12S-Rob- M Frank Wellman; $2S0-Ann ert, Jo-Ann, & Rob Polak, MIM Greg Hanley, Mary Hanley, Maureen Rego, A Parishioner, MIM Stephen Lerch, M/M Robert F. McCarthy, Kulpa; $120-Denis ~utler; $110- Hubert Raymond; $200-Mary Ann & Jeff Varley; $104-Ronald Fanous, M/M Albert S. Wickel, MIM Jolin; $100-M/M Michael John J. McQuillan, M/M Frank Banalewicz, Angelina Silvia, Boyko Angelis, M/M Michael 1. Leahy; Memorial Funeral Home, Rose $1S0-M/M Edwin M. Karp, John F. Forczyk, M1M Tony Sousa, MIM Ed- Foley, MIM Marcel N. Lizotte; $1 00ward Piszcz, Thomas Kostka, Emily MIM Daniel A. Grady, M1M Richard ' Przewoznik, Rick Sahady, Claire J. Sullivan, Mary Galloway, M/M Ponte-Goncalves, Walter Sokoll, Daniel Martin, M/M Stephen Sophie Kocon, M/M William Carignan, M1M Donald F. McCarthy, Correiro, M/M Leo Lavoie, A Pa- M/M James E. McNeill, M/M rishioner, Anne Drzal, M/M Rogelio Michael MUlgrew, Claire Gerson, Cabellon, John Deveney, Jr., M1M Marie Garvin, M/M Thomas A.
McGinnis, M/M Christopher P. mous; $12o.A Friend, In Memory of Kerins, MIM Robert F. Paul, MIM Michael Pateakos; $1 OO-In ThanksWarren Flilarn1ey, M1M Samuel S. giving, Hilda Couto, M/M Jaime Rowe, MIM Anthony Camerota, The FurtadO, M/M Carlos Raposo, Frames, Marion Raffetto, Mary Anonymous, A Friend, MIM Victor Burridge, Kathryn Cassidy, M/M Valente, Maria E. Freitas, MIM JoGeorge Baker, M/M Joseph C. seph Gonsalves, MIM Guilherme Joyce, Ruth E. Jonis, MIM Joseph Brasidio, MIM Manuel Moniz. St. Joseph-St. Therese: $200Petrie. MATIAPOISETI MIM Raymond Belanger; $1S0-M1 St. Anthony: $6,OOO-MIM Paul M David Burr; $100-Anonymou5,ln Duchaine; $2S0-M/M Walter Memory of Hilaire Tremblay by Wordell, M/M Donald Fleming; Gertrude Tremblay. St. Lawrence: $1,OOO-MIM Ri$200-br. Elisabeth A. Pennington; $100-M/M Charles Rodrigues, chard Saunders; $7S0-M1M David Patricia Leclair, M/M James R. Nelson; $2S0-Patricia Norton, S1. Machado, MIM Bertrand Allain, Jr., Vincent de Paul Society; $200-M1. Bessie Kimmett, MIM John Vaughn. M Joseph Harrington, MIM Walter Loveridge; $1S0-M/M Anthony NANTUCKET St.Mary'S/Our Ladyofthe Isle: Ferreira; $110-M/M Louis A. $300-M/M Paul Clarke, Eileen Robillard, Jr.; $100-Elizabeth O. McGrath; $1S0-Ann Lehan, M/M路 Bolton, MIM John Fletcher, John M. Richard Pardi, MIM Richard Mack; Newby, Jack & Barbara Nobrega. ' St. Mary: $4S0-S1. Vincent de $130-MIM Richard Herman; $12SMIM Philip lampietro; $100-Marion Paul Society; $100-M/M Arthur J. Congdon, M/M Stephen Lamb; Villeneuve, Jr., M/M Joseph FA Robert Lelle, MIM William Pew. LeBlanc, MIM Norman Nadeau, MI , NEW BEDFORD ' M Donald J. Marshall. Holy Name of the Sacred, NORTH ATILEBORO St. Mark: $300-M/M William Heart of Jesus: $2,OOO-ln Memory of Gerald R. LaFrance; $200-MIM McBrine; $1S0-MIM John Murray. James Holmes; $120-M/M John St. Mary: $SOO-Ruth A. Smith; Czaban; $100-J. Rita Harrison, MI $2S0-M/M Patrick Fitzgibbons; M John Kavanaugh, MIM Paul R. $200-M/M Robert Cox, Louise Levalley, Helen Mcintyre, MIM Paul Brown, M/M Charles D. Se'dlak; J. Manning, MIM Pierre C. Seguin, $100-Anonymous, 'Gertrude M1M George Smith. Dagosta, William Brunell, Mrs. BerNuestra senora de Guadalupe: nard ByrneS, MIM William Roy, MI M AI~n Waugh, MIM Leo Cloutier, $100-loraida & Rafael Pascual. Our Lady of the Assumption: MIM Louis Abdou, M1M Normand $1,OOO-MIM Joseph Gomes; $200- Letourneau, Charles Blais, Jr., Rita Joanne Martin; $104-MIM Joseph Billingkoff. Ramos; $100-M/M Julio DePina, NORTH DARTMOUTH Margaret Sheffield: St. JUlie Bllliart:' $SOO-M/M Our Lady of Fatima: $200-MIM Roland Hebert, M/M Martin D. Anthony J. Pereira; $100-M/M Manley; $240-Donna L.B. Grenon; Jacques S1. Pierre, Sr., M/M Mark $200-St. Julie Women's Guild, MIM Amaral, Mr. Joseph J. Pereira, MIM ~,Scott Berger, Ernest Bourgeois, MI John Abaray, Jr. M James B. Lanagan, M/M EdV'ard Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Sylvia, Carol Peters; $120-M/M $150-Miss ElisaM. Alves; $100-Ms. James E. Costa; $100-Benilde Julieta Ferreira, M/M Eduardo Costa, MIM Kevin Barrett, MIM KenPacheco, A Friend, M/M Paulo N. neth K. Cambria, Thomas Kenny, Bicho, M/M Edward Cabral, M/M lina Masucci, Josephine Medeiros, Jose Claudino, M/M Joao L. Sylvester Sylvia, Douglas G. Vrona, Machado, Mrs. Maria Medeiros, MI D.M.D., M/M Ron Xavier, M/M M Paul Samagaio, M/M Uriel Silva, Raymond Peck, M/M Thomas S. In Memory of David Varao. Bancroft, M1M Gerald H. Crofford, Our Lady of Perpetual Help: M/M Robert Ladino, M/M Paul $SOO-M/M Frederick Kalisz, Jr.; Rioux, MIM Fernando Sousa. NORTH DIGHTON $200-M/M Lionel Dubois & Family, ~nonymous; $1S0-MIM Robert Cyr, St. Joseph: $1,200-Frank M/M Steven Hunt & Families, Costa; $3S0-St. Joseph's Bingo; Anonymous; $12S-M/M Mitchell $2S0-Vincent Furtado; $200Gacek, MIM Robert Koczera & Fam- Vincent Scully; $12S-Mary P. ily; $1 OO-M1M Philip Adams, Anony- Vargas; $100-Harold Chartier, Wilmous, M/M Rodney Cejka, M/M liam Medeiros. NORTH EASTON Ronald Correia, Mrs. Stefanie Frasier, MIM Fryderyk Gorczyca, MI Immaculate Conception: $2SoM Edward Jarosik, In Memory of Mrs. Timothy Maroney, MIM James Frank & Rosalie Jeglinski, M/M Trasher; $20o.MIM John Norton, Jr.; Mitchell Koczera, Mr. Camille J. $12S-Jean Larkin; $100-M/M Kosztyla, Our Lady of Perpetual Ronald Neely, MIM Ronald Day, MI Ladies Society, Joseph M Kenneth Robbins, Richard Sobolewski, Jr., Miss Genevieve D'Amore, MIM Charles McCarthy, Szczech, MIM Feliks Witkowicz, Drl Jr., MIM Mark Fisher, MIM Lewis , Aries Jr., Daughters of Isabella, MI M John Wolkowicz & Family. St. Anthony of Padua: $2So.M1 M Albert Corte, MIM Leo Harlow. NORTH FALMOUTH M William E. Shanks; $1S0-MIM Bernard Torres; $100-Ralph & St. Elizabeth seton: $1,000-MI Yvette LeBlanc. M Gerald Boyle, MIM J. David White; St. Francis of Assisi: $SOO-In $SOO-MIM Thomas Kennedy, M1M Memory of Frank Garcia; $2S0-M1 Florence McCarthy; $300-MIM JoM William Whelan III; $200-ln seph McCarthy, M/M Gustav Memory of Marty A. Crovello; $100- Swanson; $2So.MIM Dennis Hurley; Women's League of S1. Francis of $200-M/M Richard Nissi, M/M Assisi, S1. Francis of Assisi Men's James Nixon, MIM Kevin O'Neil, MI League. M Herbert Sullivan; $1So.MIM RobSt. Hedwig: $160-MIM Joseph ert Antonucci, MIM Don Carpenter; Rapoza. $12S-MIM Edward Maguire; $100St. James: $12S-MIM George MIM William Arnone, MIM Dennis Silva. Fox,-MIM Paul Halpin, Mrs. William St. John the Baptist: $SOO- Leary, MIM John Leddy, MIM Carlo Anonymous, S1. Vincent de Paul LoChiatto, M/M AI Piccirilli, Dr/M Society; $300-StJohn's Portuguese John McCue, MIM James Quinn, Prayer Group; $2S0-A Friend, Jo- Mrs. Karl Weiss. ORLEANS seph Martill; $200-St. John's Holy Name Society; $17S-Anonymous; St. Joan of Arc: $1,OOO-MIM $1 SO-Mary Ann Lomba, St. John's John Somers, M/M Thomas Holy Rosary Society; $12S-AnonyContinued on page 13
Continued from page 12
M/M Peter McGillick, Mrs. Mary McCombs; $500-M/M Joseph Pacheco, MIM Kevin Proulx, MIM Conlan; $300-M1M James Salmon, Maurice Rousseau. M/M William Sullivan; $250-M/M St. Thomas More: $1,OOO-St. Alfred Williams; $200-M/M John Thomas More St. Vincent de Paul Prendergast, Frank Ulyan; $150- Society; $200-Joan Cuttle; $15D-MI Jane Delea, Anne Marie & Mary C. M David Gauther; $125-MlM JoDyer; $1 OO-Charles·Adorney, MIM seph Reidy, St. Thomas More ReWalter Brady, Eleanor Brosnahan, tirees; $1 00-M1M William Bradbury, M/M David Brown, M/M John Thomas F. Burns, Jr., MIM John F. Devlin, Mary, Anne Douglas, MIM Daley, Jr., Clement J. Dowling, MIM Robert Fahey, M/M Frederick Shaun Fitzpatrick, Sr., M1MTimothy Fenlon, MIM William Gaudet, M/M J. Medeiros, MIM Robert Meehan, H. Edward Jans, M/M John Gertrude O'Neil, MIM John T. Smith, Hamilton, MIM Farrell Kane, Joan Gloria Sroczynski, MIM James H. Penny, M/M Albert Reichers, Sullivan, Jane Varanese. SOUTH DARTMOUTH Theresa Rew, MlM Sewell Rose, Virginia Smith, M/M Richard St. Mary: $10,000-MIM Patrick Valicenti. Carney; $750-DrlM Roger Pocze; OSTERVILLE $550-M. Mello/P. McKnight; $500Our Lady of the Assumption: MIM John Kelleher; $100-MlM Ri$550-Virginia Worthington; $300- chard Duffy, M/M Daniel O. MIM Frederick Wrightson; $250-Ri- Saulnier. SOUTH EASTON chard J. Ledoux, MIM Paul G. Smith; , Holy Cross: $150-M1M James $200-Susan McLean; $100-M/M David Bradford, M/M Robert Sullivan, Mrs. Dav,id Hyatt; $100Cronin, M/M William Haney, Mrs. Mary Edmonston, Mr. Rich Hudson, Theresa Reynolds, Mrs. William MIM William Powers, MIM Harold Smith. Thompson. SOUTH YARMOUTH POCASSET St. Plus X: $6,000-M/M Philip St. John the Evangelist: $640MIM William J. Grace; $400-Eileen Baroni; $2,000-Mrs. Ronald T. Hogan; $250-M/M Michael D. Murphy; $1,500-St. Pius Tenth St. Kelley; $150-MlM Eugene N. Perry; Vincent de Paul Society; $520-MI $100-M1M Gordon Wixon. M Edwin McGuire; $500-Mr. George RAYNHAM Keleher; $400-MIM Thomas Bailey; St. Ann: $300-M/M Joseph $300-MlM Michael Hill; $250-M/M Bettencourt; $125-M/M John W. Francis Daly; $200-M/M Paul Leddy; $100-Dr/M Edward W. Beaudry, M. Russell McPadden, D'Andrea, MlM Daniel O'Brien, M/ John Pacitto, M/M John Marques, M Arthur Whittemore. Reneau Bouchard, John Carey; $160-Geraldine Gleeson, Gertrude SEEKONK Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Cashman, Madeline Hanley, M/M $20,000-Anthony Andrade; $750- John Galvin; $150-Alice Boehler, MI M/M Richard LaPorte; $500-0ur M Andrew Corrigan, Bernadette Lady of Mount Carmel St. Vincent Mirisola; $125-Mary J. Donovan; de Paul Society; $400-M1M Robert $100-Anne Carew, Mrs. William Bessette, MIM Joseph DiMuccio, MI Conley, John Cox, Andrew Costa, M Peter Tortolano; $350-M/M Will- M/M James Crocker, Enrico iam Cuddigan; $300-M/M Michael DeMaio, M/M Jerry DiLillo, James Bushell, M/M Robert Perreira; Greeley, M/M Charles Heid, John $250-Mrs. Elizabeth Gaebe, James Hynes, M/M David Manning, Viara; $200-M1M Emest Arredondo, Normand Phaneuf, M/M Robert M/M Michael Brady, M/M Mark Ryan, M/M Darien Terrile, Dr/M Canuel, M/M Gregory George, Robert J. Tilley, Catherine Flynn, Charles Heaslip, M/M William Mary K. Durham, Mrs. Ernest Kirkwood, MIM John Mellen, MlM Eastman, MIM Paul Douglas, M/M Charles Mercier, M/M Joseph David Cassidy, M/M Robert Reddy, Mullen, MlM George Zimmerman; Richard Dutra, M/M Michael $180-M/M Raymond Paniccia; Fitzgerald, Anonymous, M/M $150-MIM Harold Devine, Russell James Grande, John Curry, Sr., Vincelette; $125-M/M Robert Joanne Butler, Jeff & Kim Terrio, M/ Brawley, MIM Raymond Gaudet, M/ M William Floyd, Edmund Wyse, M/ M John Whittaker; $120-M1M Rich- M Mark Lynsky, Thomas J. Kelly, MI ard Leclaire; $100-M/M Paul M Norman Gill, Kathleen Watson, Archambault, Dr. Vincent Armenio, M/M John Hall, MlM John Penney, M/M Jacob Belt" M/M Tom M/M Paul Murphy, M/M Charles Charnecki, Mrs. George Creighton, Liberty, Mary Graves, M/M Arigo MlM Gilbert Devine, MIM Leonard Latanzi. SWANSEA Dingley, M/M Michael Durkay, Mary Our Lady of Fatima: $120-MIM Gamboa, M/M Gregory Garcia, Mary Golberg, Dennis Grande, MI Daniel Azevedo, M/M Arthur M Charles Greaves III, MIM James Turcotte; $100-0ur Lady of Fatima Hall, M/M Robert Hitchen, M/M Seniors, MIM Roger Soares, Helen Robert Karewa, M/M George Roberts. St. Dominic: $250-Daniel L. McCauley, M/M Thomas Miller, Philip Jensen, M/M Joseph Moniz; $150-Claire Carty; $100Lance Lavoie, Barbie Lomas. Medeiros, MlM David Soares. St. Louis de France: $100St. Mary: $1 ,OOO-in Memory of Helen A. Bobola; $300-M1M Timo- Pierre Boudreau. St. Michael: $125-M1M Adrian thy McGinn; $200-M/M Gerard Cinq-Mars; $140-Robert & Lindy Lamarre, Jr.; $100-MIM Raymond Goudreau; $120-M/M Richard Duclos, Dominic Troy, M/M Larry Carignan; $100-Mrs. Amelia Perry, Bywell, MlM Dana Rigo, Carolyn Thomas & Sherry Ustas, Mark & Hetherson. TAUNTON Ann Marie Tschirch, Paul & Ellen Holy Family: $1 ,OOO-Holy FamGoulet, MlM Richard McNally, MIM Fred Siemon, M/M Timothy ily St. Vincent de Paul Society; Leonard, MIM Michael Tamburro, $500-Holy Family Women's Guild; Henry Arundale, Clifford & Louise $300-M/M David Cardoza; $250-M/ Wallace, Donald & Elaine Berube. M Mark Murphy; $200-MIM Vincent A. Mamone; $150-Mrs. Anne SOMERSET St. John of God: $300-ln Bettencourt; $1 OO-M/M Alan Grady, Memory of James Ventura; $175- Mrs. Charles Woodward, Stanley Ms. Agnes M. Costa; $100-Ms. Slavick. Immaculate Conception: $500Janice Partridge, MIM Paul Grillo, In Memory of Rev. Thomas O'Dea MIM Ronald Miranda. St. Patrick: $400-M/M from Mary O'Dea; $225-M/M WilliamCourville; $125-MlM James Ronald Legere; $200-MlM Norman Bradbury; $100-M/M Allen Fisher, Belanger, Immaculate Conception
, Women's Guild; $100-M/M Paul Eno, MIM Normand Marotte, MIM Paul Leclair, MIM Robert Sullivan, Sr., Patricia Glenn. Sacred Heart: $600 Sacred Heart St. Vincent de Paul Society; $250-~nne L. Sauerbier; $150Frances Rose; $100-M/M James Lynch: St. Anthony: $1,030-Deceased . of Ferreira & Santos Families, In Thanksgiving; $500-ln Loving Memory of John C. Correia, The Correia & Nystrom Families; $120Paul Rico; $100-John Barros, MIM Antonio Leite. , St. Jacques: $250-M/M George Caras; $200-Mrs. Jean Conway; $100-Mrs. Joseph Gwozdz, MIM Robert Nunes, Claire Urbanus. St. Joseph: $150-MIM Angelo Pinheiro; $125-M/M J. Thomas Coulombe; $100-M/M Alfred Baptista, Ann Levesque, MIM Robert Martin, MIM James O'Donnell, Mrs. Gertrude Taylor. . St. Mary: $250-Joseph & Alice Quinn, Charles & Carolyn Hoye; $150-Carlton & Shirley Caron; $100-Philip J. Aulson II, James & Patricia Moran; Joseph & Anne Medeiros, Catherine McCarthy, , Cheryl Silva. St. Paul: $500-Susanne E. , McGlynn; $400-MIM Bruce Young; $250-M/M William Buebendorf, M/ M John Dubena; $200-John Ferreira, MjM Timothy Mosher; $100-M/M Frank Almeida, M/M Thomas Boiros, M/M Brian Friary, M/M Robert Jose, M/M Stephen. Machado, M/M John Rioux, Trevor & Amy Starvish, Edwige Tyson. WAREHAM St. Patrick: $550-Mr. Raymond Fava; $250-Kenneth & Elizabeth Ferreira; $100-Emile & Deborah Rose, M/M Will Outhouse, Anna Cross, M/M Henry Goncalves, In Memory of M/M Caitano Barros, M/ M Dennis Mattos. WELLFLEET Our Lady of Lourdes: $1,000M/M George T. Ryan; $200-John & Catherine Mulcahy, Caroline J. Parlante; $100-Maureene E. Corrigan, John Gauthier, Mary R. Manning, MIM Robert P. Reilly, M/ M Donald D. Walwer. ' WEST HARWICH Holy Trinity: $3,OOO-M/M Robert W. Udell; $1,200-M/M Lewis H. Milkey; $400-MlM James Brennan, MIM Robert A. LeBlanc, MIM Harold McKenna; $250-MlM James Davenport; $200-EileenRyan; $150-M/ M John J. Lynch, MIM Normand V. Methe; $125-James R. Cavanaugh, M/M James R. McGrath, Grace Waystack, $100-M/M Louis A. Chadik, Patricia A. Concannon, MI M John J. Gay, MlM Frederick E. Giannelli, Jr., MIM Joseph Harding, M/M Richard Hoyer, Lorraine & Robert E. Maguire, Mts. Frank Matrango, M/M James Murphy, Constance Porter, M/M John D. Post, MlM Wallace L. Somers, MlM Ernest Tesconi. WESTPORT Our Lady of Grace: $100-0ur Lady of Grace Council of Catholic Women, M/M Richard Bussiere, William Munroe. St. George: $600-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $1 OO-M/M Lawrence Medeiros, MIM Alan Teixeira. . St. John the Baptist: $2,000M/M John Fennelly; $800-Atty/M Frederick Torphy; $350-St. John the Baptist Women's Guild; $300-M1M Walter Grundy, Jr.; $150-Atty/M Brian Sullivan; $100-MlM Joao F. Gouveia, MlM Charles Kinnane. M/ M Richard Manchester, Margaret Panos. WOODS HOLE St. Joseph: $100-Dr. Peter & Lindsay Hopewood.
THEANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 15,2001 .
Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar St., New Bedford 508-993-3222
FUNERALHOl\1E ef_~ ~8
RICHARD MACHNOWSKI Owner & Director 508-995-5005
472 ~h1ey Blvd.· New Bedford, MA 02745 La Salette Retreat Center 947 Park Street Attleboro, MA 02703-5115 508-222-8530 June 25-July 1
Preached/Directed (6-Day) Retreat
June 25-July 3
Directed (8-Day) Retreat
July 27-29
Spa Weekend for Women
August 20-27
Guided Retreat (7-day)
For more information, please call or write Retreat Secretary
MEDJUEiORJE Fr. Bill Campbell, St. Rita's Parish, Marion, MA
Sept.7Sept. 16, 2001 $
Shrines of Italy
Rome, San Giovanni Rotondo, Loreto, Lanciano, Assisi Sept. 24 • Oct. 2, 2001 - 9 days $2,099. pIp Travel with
Fr. Peter Andrews
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St. Theresa's Parish, Tiverton, R.I.
The Great Shrines of France With Sr. Eugenia Brady, SJC and l\ , Father Thomas EX. Hoar, SSE . . . ". St. Edmund's Retreat • Mystic~ CT .
Lourdes, Pans
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. ," ..
Lisieux, Nevers, Normandy, Mt. St. Michel, Pontigny, Shrine of the Miraculous Medal
October 7-18, 2001 • $2,295.
1-800-649-3390 or 508-336-3090 www.allstartours.com
Diocese of Fall River - Fri., June 15, 2001
Young people embrace role of eucharistic ministers. FALL RIVER - Over the past few months 95 teen-agers and young adults, representing 35 parishes in the diocese, have participated in training to become euchari.stic ministers in their parishes. They range in age from 16 years to 24 and·are taking advantage of the lowered age limits implemented by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley OFM Cap., several years ago. Bishop O'Malley lowered the age for being an extraordinary mi,nister of the Eucharist from 25 years of age to one who is 16 and confirmed. Since then, more .than 250 teens and young adults have participated in the Eu-
charist training sessions sponsored by the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office. The training sessions were broken into three parts. The first was a discussion and reflection on Catholic discipleship and the responsibilities of being a public figure: in the parish community. The second was a presentation on the theology of the Eucharist and the Church's teaching regarding the real presence of the Eucharist while the third dealt with the "How To's and What If's" of eucharistic ministry. Youth and Young Adult Ministry Director Bud Millerfacilitated the sessions.
, IN SEARCH OF - First-grader Kevin Correira and sixth-grader Christopher Fagundes of St. Anthony's School, New Bedford, look for fossils in a chocolate chip cookie as they . practice paleontology in a recent class project.
JONATHAN RAYMOND, right, W~s named valedictorian and Jocelyn Lally salutatorian forthe 2001 graduating class at Bishop Stang High School,' North Dartmouth. Raymond is a Fall River -resident and will attend the University of New Hampshire this fall. Lally lives in Acushnet and will study at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
NELSON DEBARROS, left, and Eric Robens were co-valedictorians for the class of 2001 at Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton. DeBarros is from Taunton and a member of the school's National Honor ciety as well as the winter and spring track teams. He will attend Providence College this fall. Robens is an EastTaunton resident and a member of the school's NHS and both the soccer and track teams. He will attend Brown University in the fall. This is the first time in the school's history that two students tied for top academic . honors.
PATRICK SHEA and Helen Poholek were named valedictorian.and salutatorian respectively for the class of 2001 at Bish'op Feehan High School, Attleboro. Shea is a resident of Seekonk and president of the school's French Honor Society. He wa~ captain of this year's cross country and spring track teams and plans to pursue a career in biochemistry at Dartmouth College. Poholek is from Mansfield.and is president of the Honor Society. She was also managing editor of the yearbook arid will attend the University of Notre Dame to study biology th~s fall.
.National Honor Society inducts new members FALL RIVER - Bishop Jaqueline Rosa, Angela St.. Connolly High School's Na- Pierre, Leslie Viveiros, Stacey tional Honor Society recently . Viveiros'and Jonathan Wood. inducted .new members for the ~tudents are selected for the 2000-2001· school year. They NHS based on their record of are: Christo'pher Aubin, Carolyn scholarship, character, leadership Bloomfield, Bianca Caetano, and service. Superintendent of Melany Fanfa; Jessica Frank, Schools James McNamee was Alison Guillot, Lauren Hale, keynote speaker at the ceremony. Jeremy Mat,l,lTi, Gerald Roland Lacroix is advisor for the Normandin Jr., Kerin Perez, NHS.
Rhode Island Catholic school won't put up with put-downs
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., June 15, 2001
Cvntinuedfrom page one
fellow priests in the sacristy many discuss it;' Jannetta said. of whom asked for the newly orFollowing achain of command dained -to bestow a blessing upon WARWICK, R.I. - St. Peter is key to the success of positive dis- them. cipline, she added. Joan Frederici was all smiles School in Warwick has a new "zonIf one student criticizes or says at her son's ordination. She said, ing" ordinance in effect Since the something mean about another or if "David has worked very hard for beginning ofthe school year, no puta student commits an infraction of this and I think it's wonderful. He downs are allowed there. school rules, it is raised at a meeting was headed this way his whole life As a true "Jesus school" - a term or, in the case of the middle-school and I couldn't be prouder of him." coined by Father Roger C. Gagne, students, brought to the attenLouis and Rosemary Cook pastor Qf St. Peter Parish, to _ tion of an adviser. were also very proud of their son. describe the parish school- it "Positive discipline" works by If a resulting conference, "This is something you dream means that being mean-spirited, rude, unjustifiably critical making the students responsible for sometimes. involv~ng parents, about as a parent," said Rosemary. - and certainly violent- have their own actions. It allows them to does not yIeld satisfactory re- ci~J."a tremendous grace from no place- in the school or have inJ:?ut into suggesting areas for ~~~~~~~rto~~~~:~~~Fat.her Cook was thankf~l schoolyard. school Improvement and someJannetta said there is no' that hIS parents encouraged hIS Beginning last fall, the times even allows them to decide gnashing of teeth, screaming, . vocation and he urged those conschool adopted the faculty's suggestion to utilize the tenets of a their own punishment for breaking yelling or other violence used sidering a vocation to "pray in disciplining. "We work it about it, frequent the sacraments text titled "Positive Discipline the rules. and be open to God's will." out," she said. in the Classroom" by Jane At the begInning of the When asked what he is looking Nelson, Lynn Lott and H. Stephen Glenn. After almost a year, new goals for the school. They meet 2000-01 school year, posters made forward to as a priest he reschool principal Maureen Jannetta weekly with a team ofseven faculty by sixth-grade students were hung sponded "administering the sacsaid, it's working like a charm. members who act as advisers. Stu- throughout the school withthemes- raments and leading people "Positive discipline" works by dents can talk about what's on their sage: Putting down another person making the students responsible for minds, whether they're concerned is not tolerated at St. Peter's. They their own actions. It allows them to about the school, the community or . remained on the walls for a couple have input into suggesting areas for the world. of months to remind students and school improvement - and someThere is no doubt that adminis- faculty of the message. times even allows them to decide trators and teachers are in control of Jannetta said the program has retheir own punishment for breaking the school, but¡ students can speak sulted in a kinder, gentler and more the rules. their piece and "their opinions are effective way of defusing potential Students in grades K-5 have class considered," Jannetta said. problems before they escalate to viomeetings, known as "circle times," "When students have a sugges- lence. on an as-needed basis. There, they tion on a policy change, or a major Enrollment is up for next year can discuss anything that is worry- fund-raiser, for example, they must and phone calls from parents and ing them - whether it be an un- put their suggestion in writing, make others in the community are "very kind remark by a classmate, or an appointment to see me and we positive," she noted. By E.
something that happened at home or on the school bus. For younger students, anything that is upsetting them and interfering with their ability to study merits the "circle time." For students in grades 6-8, meetings are focused on giving them a chance to affect school policy or set
closer to Christ." Father Frederici said "the priesthood is a great gift that God has given us" and is anxious to serve in the diocese. "I'm looking forward to making a difference for others." Master of ceremonies was Father Richard D. Wilson, secretary to the bishop. The readers were Christopher Cook and John R. Buckley, III. The Fall River Diocesan choir, led by director and organist Madeleine Grace, sang the Mass and litanies. Michele Figlock served as cantor. Accompanying the choir was the Concordia Brass Ensemble. Father Cook will serve as parochial vicar at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, New Bedford. Father Frederici will be parochial vicar at Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville.
Graduation Season, 2001, has come and gone, and my streak is intact. Once again, nobody asked me to be their commencement speaker. Had someone invited me, here is what I would have said. Congratulations, Class of 2001. You've reached one of life's true transition points. That's why they make you dress up in funny outfits and march into the auditorium while the orchestra plays. Something important is happening, and graduation is designed to make you notice. Today, it's official. You're not a kid anymore. For years, you've demanded that your parents stop treating you like a child. Today, it's a done deal. Walk out of this room with a diploma, and the little kid part of your life is over. All the grownups in this room agree - in fact, all the grownups in town agree - that we're not in charge of your lives any more. That's not the same as saying you're own your own. As much as we can we'll help with tuition for college or whatever train-ing you decide on in the next few years. You can keep your bedroom for a while. Some parents may even help out with the gas and insurance for a few more years. So what does it mean that you aren't kids anymore? It isn't that you can take over the world right away. Our gen-
eration still runs the schools and businesses and government agencies. You won't see this ad in any newspaper: "Wanted, company president. High school diploma
. -.~~ Coming
required." What it means is that we can't go around anymore trying to set things up so that you don't make mistakes. It makes you mad when we do that anyway. Today we promise to quit. We won't remind you to wear a jacket when it's cold outside. We won't be calling your professors or your bosses, telling them that you need a little extra time getting things done. We won't make sure you carry money for lunch. If you forget, and go hungry, so be it. You're not a little kid. Starting today, we promise to show you the respect of letting you make your own mistakes and then being responsible to clean up your own messes. If you don't show up at work, they'll fire you. If you don't learn new skills, you'll be stuck in entry-level jobs
forever. If you start a business and haven't learned enough about how the market works, your business will go broke. We will trust you enough to let you fail - by yourself - because that's the only way you'll be able to succeed - for yourself. Success in any endeavor is rarely a matter of succeeding the first time you try. Far more often, it goes this way: Try, _and fail. Try something else, and succeed, based on what you learned from your first failure. Because life' changes so quickly, hardly ever is any success permanent or final. The job you love and thrive in may disappear. The project you launch may do well for a while, fall apart completely, then tum into something terrific you hadn't even imagined. You'll go through this cycle of failure and accomplishment again and again. Really successful people learn something new each time. Achievement'in life depends on making your own decisions, making your own mistakes and then figuring out how to start all over again. For a while we'll still be around to help, but we're getting out of your way. Your comments are welcome. Please address: Dr. Christopher Carstens, c/o Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017.
FATHER DAVID C. Frederici, left, and Father Kevin A. Cook pose for a picture with Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., at St. Mary's Cathedral following their ordination. (AnchodGordon photo)
Typo creates 243 extra private Catholic schools By CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE The mistake was carried over WASHINGTON What into the statistical tables in the looked like a sudden, inexplicable back of the directory, giving building boom in private Catholic Agana 243 more private Catholic schools turned out to be just an high schools than it has, and addold-fashioned typographical error. ing the same 243 extra to the naAccording to the 2001. Offi- tional total. Hanline said the error somecia! Catholic Directory, the nl,lmber of private Catholic high how slipped through despite nuschools in the United States and merous cross-checks that are con- its possessions jumped from 557 ducted to assure accuracy. last year to 795 this year. The directory, often referred Jeanne Hanline, the directory's to in church circles as the managing editor, said the actual "Kenedy directory" after its figure for 2001 should have been - publisher's imprint, is a yearly 552. She traced the error to a publication of about 2,400 pages mistake in keying in the figures listing every Catholic diocese, for the Archdiocese of Agana in parish, religious order, school, Guam, a U.S. possession. It has hospital and other institution in two archdiocesan high schools and the United States and its possesone private one. sions. The private school, Notre Dame It also reports the total numHigh School in Talofofo, run by ber of priests, deacons, religious, the School Sisters of Notre Dame, baptisms, first Communions, conlists 244 students. In the directory, . firmations, marriages and deaths the typist put the 244 on the line in each diocese and various other for the number of private high figures. providing a yearly snapschools instead of on the line for shot that can be used to measure students immediately below. U.S. Church trends.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River- Fri., June 15,2001
Christian clowns convey Jesus' message without words By JOSEPH YOUNG
of St. Mary Parish in Alexandria, Being able to slip into clown character is a part of it, she said, BELLE PRAIRIE, Minn. - A but the main prerequisite is "a willdozen Minnesotans have received ingness to convey the message of diplomaS proclaiming them fools Christ and ability to touch people," - fools for Christ, that is. she said. "I wanted to be a certiThe Stoners and other fied fool, not just a self-proteam members showed the claimed one," Colleen c1owns-in-training how to Ruther told the Sf. Cloud communicate God's word Vislior, newspaper ofthe St. wordlessly as well as the imCloud Diocese. portance of making eye conShe and II others comtact with and providing "a pleted intense training this positive, gentle touch to esspring at a Christian clown pecially the very old, the weekend retreat sponsored very young and those with by the Central Minnesota special needs," Barb Stoner Christian Clowns organizasaid. tion. It was held at a retreat "Christian clowns look center at Holy Family Parfor ways to build people up, ish in Belle Prairie. not to ridicule or tear them The diplomas were a , down," she said. "We seek first for the retreat. Ruther, I ~" to be a humble servant, not a member of Community : to overwhelm but to Alliance Church in underwhelm people." .Perham, had suggested the , The retreat ended with a idea to retreat coordinators i Sunday afternoon visit by Barb and Ken Stoner, who I the clowns to. a long-term are members of St. Augtis- < care center. Barb Stoner tine Catholic Pari~.h inS.~. ~1 called it "taking the plunge, Cloud.· , --'--.....::::'---'--_........ going forth to minister." , The Stoners an9 a tearri Barb Stoner is aware that of veteran Christian clowns .NANCY BRANDBORG, or "Pansy" the instructed the 12 in how to clown, entertains Mary Lockard at the St. some people think clowning pick a costume; how to ap- Otto's Care Center in Little Falls, Minn. (CNS for Christ is somehow sacply whiteface makeup to photo by Dianne.Towalski,· St. Cloud Visitor) rilegious. But those critics, she said, likely have not withighlight facial expressions nessed Christian clowns and the ofjoy, sadness or mischievousness; for more mundane objects. and how to develop a clown perThe essence ofChristian clown- positive effect their ministry can ing, however, transcends the skits, have. sona. "Christian clowning is one of Participants also chose down floppy shOf;S, rubber noses and names - Pansy, Starshine, Pinkie, grease-p~irited faces, said team many ways - a visual way - to Daisy, Jimbo and Li'l Bumpkin. . member Edna Goracke, a member experience the Gospel," she said. CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
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Each had its own special significance. The clown candidates were intrOduced to tools of the fool's trade, such as balloons, pinwheels, ropes and the creativity to envision uses
CHILDREN AT St. Helen's Catholic School wait to get a glimpse .of Pprtuguese President Jorge Sarrypaio, who was visiting the scnool in Toronto, Canada, recently. Sampaiowas . on a five-day tour of Canada. (CNS photo from Reuters)·
Nicaraguan ChUrch leaders··vow to ·Bght.· .abortion despite ihftats .
. " MANAGUA;, ~Nicaragua Catholic leade~~n!1Nicaragua will. continue their·opposition to abortion despite threats allegedly made againsf Cardinal Miguel Opando Bravo of Managua. . "We will maintain our defense of lIfe, despite; what some fanat.ics may do," 'said Father Eddy Montenegro, viCar general of the Managua Archdiocese. Father Montenegro reported that the cardinal" was going about his pastoral work without altering his schedule and had refused a government o'ffer to provide bodyguards. . . "The ·cardinal is in the hands of the Lord. This isn't the first time his life has been threatened," 'Father M~riten~gro said. Not everyone agrees that Car:qil1~1 O,bando Bravo was threat:~ne'd.
.' .
".: The controversy began April ' ,:29 when' the cardfnal revealed .during his Sunday homiiythat he had learned of a plan to assassinate him and other bishops: .,andpriests for thf<ir:.Ero-Life . 'sta.nce.· .. ' " , .' ;;"~:The threats' a!legedly were ,:made during an April forum on sexual and reproductive rights. , The controversy began when an Argentine abortion advocate allegedly commented on the need '. to' "eliminate" Pro-Life leaders. The· aborti.on supporter later is'.' sued a statement saying she was' speaking ''figuratively'' about the
need to eliminate priests and cardinals., Others, however, said her remarks were riot misinterpreted. The controversy comes in the middle of a presidential campaign pitting former President Daniel C:oBigli~s ,3111 C:Ol1lgreso Ortega against candidates from the Liberal and Conservative parCQlJltbt&llltam de ·Con9re~s 0111 . 'CoJd!ineJlt!a11 ~ ties. Ortega, a member of the Sandinista party, leads in early Vocatj0~;::: campaign polls. For years, Cardinal Obando Bravo and Ortega have been political adversaries, and soine have suggested that the cardinal played up the threats to damage Ortega's campaign. . Nicaraguan,President Arnoldo WASHINGTON (CNS) - The logo for the 2002 who represents the Canadian Conference of CathoAleman also claimed that his:1ife had been threatened, and' he Continental Congress on Vocations uses the theme lic Bishops. . Planners said the logo also represents how Chrisblamed Ortega's followers for the of a sower planting seeds for vocations within the ,Church. . tians by their baptismal call are "all sowers - God's threats. The international meeting, which will focus on messengers carrying hope." Abortion advocates have , The 2002 congress was called by Pope John Paul charged that the alleged plot to vocations to the priesthood, diaconate: consecrated kill Church leaders is political life and secular institutions iJl North America, win II." It is the third such regional gathering and follobbying. . lows congresses in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1994, and take place April 18-21, 2002,'ii1 Montreal. In the logo, a single figure releases "seeds," or Rome in 1997. More than 1,000 delegates from The National'Police have been investigating the controversy, ac- crosses. Organizers chose sha~es of green to sym- : Cal)ada and the United States are expected to atcording to several participants in bome the congress' focus on new life; growth an.d .. tend. . . " . . • _ -... c Theconfererice objectives are to build a positive the, forum who said police con- hope. , ''The figure symbolizes God giving the gift of environment in North America for promoting votacted them. The assistant director of the Natioha)'Po}ice, vocations. God is the sower, who always tries to cations, and to unify and guide the Church in North Eduardo Cuadra, said the inves- reach eac;h one of us," said Auxiliary Bishop Andre America in its commitment to identify, nurture and tigation was difficult because the Rivest of Montreal, episcopal adviser to the con- discern vocations The .Canadian and U.S. bishops' conferences police had not had direct access gress. The logo, released in Washington, captures the have the main responsibility for the event. They are to the source who informed the energy going into the planning and also expresses 'planning it with input from the Pontifical Work for cardinal. Cardinal Obando Bravo has openness and invites participation, added the co- Ecclesiastical Vocations and from leaders of reli.said that the information was pro- chairmen of the congress in a statement. .gious orders and associations of diocesan and reliThe co-ch8irs are Father Edward Bums, direCtor gious vocations directors in both countries. vided to him in confidence and The Montreal ~eeting's closing date, April 21, that he was unwilling to reveal the ,of the U.S. ,bishops' Office for Priestly Formation source. and Vocations, and Father Raymond Lafontaine," is·the 39th World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
Image of sower selected as logo for 2002 congress on .vocations