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fall. River, Mass., Thursday, June 16, 1966

Vot 10, No. 24 ©

$4.00 per Year PRICE lOe

1966 The Anchor

Priestly Training, M.yths


. '. GROUND BREAKING FOR NEW CAPE CONVENT: The new convent for tla Sisters ,of.Mer~Y· staffin~ }he }Ioly '-rrinitY,Church, West Harw~ch, is e~pected to be MARIN (NO)-.,.Altho'Ugh much of. the' mygtei-y sur­ complete l.n ~ept.~cc()rdmg.to, an annoul1cement, py thepastor~ ~~v. Fi.pbar;l' ~. M<1Aloon~ r9unC{ing semi~ary ·lif.~ .:priol' t~ Vatical! Collnc~l II lias SS.CC.;m.~~e las~:~unday following' ground-breaking ceremonies.," Left to right: Rev. been 'removed, many' myths have grQwn up in.. ·its place, a minor seminary ,presid.~~t·· c~~rged 'here i~' 'C~lifornia.. JohnShallley,' SS.CC. Rev. Ainbros~ Forgit;SS.CC.,· parish' assistant; Sister Margrett~ R.S.M.; Father McAloon; an<f Sister M. ,Margaret Ann, RS.M.·, ", ': ,,' .' . Speaking before the Serra . Club' of Marin, Father' AI- dating is preparation. for mar­ riage,. and celibacy is the way bert Giaquinto of St. Jo.:- of life for the clergy. seph's College hit out at thie Minor seminaries are suffer­ folloWing "myths": . ing a sp.vere dropout problem. The minor seminary suffers In answer to this, Father Cia-' from a built-in stagnation. There quinto said that 16.6 per cent of are no grounds for this charge students who enter seminaries in the light of present day re- in the first year of high school n'ewal, he said. become priests, while only 11 Minor seminarians lack voca- per cent of students choosing tional maturity. There is a de- other professions at that age ac­ gl'ee of vocational maturity in tuaiIy attain to the chosen pro­ many boys at the age of 14, fession. Father Ciaquinto said, and the minor seminary provides a cli­ mate in which it can be devel­ oped in full vocational maturity. Young seminarians are often psychologically deprived" be­ The new Discalced Carmelite cause of leaving their homes. Convent in North Dartmouth This is not true. Father Cia­ will hold an open house for all quinto said, because parental in­ the laity of the Diocese on Sat­ fluence ha::; already waned be­ . urday imd Sunday, June 18 and fore the teenage years.' . '" . Seminarians are socially im:·: 19, from 9 to 5. The clergy and sisters are in­ balanced. No more sO.. he claimed than other young boys vited for the 'follC!wing weekend, June 25 and 26. their age. , '. ' .. The former Sol-E-Mar hospi­ It is bad for minor semii1aria~s to be separated from girls. This . tal, which has been 'converted· is not true, he asserted, if it is into the first Carim!l iIi the Dio­ . , Turn to Page :Nineteen ' understood that the purpose Gf

Carmel Convent Invites Laity

Diocese Mourns Deaths •

Exercises at 53 Elementary Schools A total of 1793 boys and girls will graduate from the elementary schools of the Diocese next week. The largest class will be graduated from St. Mary's School, No. Attle­ bor?, with 48. boys and 40 girls, totaling 88 receiving their diplomas. The smallest grad­ uatmg class wIll be that of St. Mary's Home, New Bedford, where two girls and one boy will be granted their diplo' ­ mas. Throughout the DiG- nu!Ube r (If boys and girls in each and 961; eighth, 867 and 9~4. ., grade. Pre-primary, 1063 boys There are also enrolled 111 the cese the gIrls wIll outnumber and 986 girls; first grade; 1073 school system ~2 boys and' 55 the boys in graduating and 1067; second, 1132 and 1077; girls in ungraded classes. classes oy 55, a reverse from last year when the number of boys graduating surpassed the numbel' of girls by one; There will be 924 girls and 869 boys.

thi rd, 1076 and 1128; fourth, 1105: and 1090; fifth, 1023 and 1117; sixth, 930 and 1048; seventh, 917

Appreciation .

There . are' 61 elementary schools in the Diocese of Fall The Bishops, priests and laity River. During the past year, the' are deeply appreciative for the total enroilment amounted to numerous services rendered by 18,'881 - 9,328 'bOy'san d . 9,558 ,so many ,groups and individuals' girls." on the:occasion of .ihe ConsecraA breakdown of th~ grades for' . tion of' Bis~op Me'deiros.. the year now en~ing, shows the ~B;lm~MgiiW@Ef.1.i§Wj£tf.,,~.wi€*w.H~f.~

of. Two Distinguish'ed .

Rev. Arthur G. Dupuis, :pastor of St. Louis' of France Church, Swansea, eulogist for the late Rev. Joseph N. Larue, pastor for 19 years at the Sacred Heart Church, North At­ tleboro, portrayed the ven~r.able priest as one who "preached unceasingly by example." At ~ Solemn Pontifical Mass of­ fered .by the' Most Rev, James L; Connolly, ,Tuesday


'Diocese to Graduate ·1,793





Very Rev. Patrick H. Hurley, pastor of St. Josephs Parish, Taunton, applied the essence of the priestly, voca­ . tion to the life of Rev. Thomas H. Taylor, as' he eulogized the late pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish, Taunton, ata Solemn Pontifical Re-· . quiem Mass offered by the Most, Rev. James L. Con­ nolly,' D.D. at, 10 this morn­

.morning at 10 in the Sacred ingin the church. Heart Church, Nodh Attleboro, Emphasizing the fact that the .the eulogist stated: priest does not choose service in the vineyard of the Lord, "Father Larue dedicated him­ self 55 years ago on his ordina- . Father Hurley, Dean of the tion day" .to a life of ul'iselfish Taunton area, stressed the point service. in helping to save. souls. described b'y St. John the Evan­

He .heard the call in· his youth, gelist in the first chapter of the

he answered; he' prepared' him:" fourth gospel when the beloved

self by years of study and had disciple discussed Christ choos­

been working for the spread of ing his 8Posties. For the prlest­ the Kingdom of God evef sinlie "hood, the 'eulogist said," "God -humbl~', silep.tly, leading a choos~s the man; man does not . life of prayer, Of self-sacrifice do the ·choosing." and service to others.". "The man chosen by God to be a priest has a duty to .work in "He was a man of prayer, a order that the fruits of his labor mediator, 'one who stands be­ will last," Father Hurley said. tween God and man and recon­ ciles them".. Father Dupuis con­ Father Taylor was born Oct. 1, tinued, "Faithfully for 55. years 1888, in Fall River, the son of in the priesthood, 19 of which the late Frederick J., and the late were spent in this parish, Father Mary A. Hinch Taylor. He at­ Larue stood at·the altar a medi- tended St. Laurent College, :rurn to Page Nineteellll Turn to Page Ninetee.l1l.



Diocesan examinations start today and, will continue untn Wednesday of next week. Gram.. Turn to Page Eighteen

Pope .Postpones Effective Date Of 'D~~rees VATICAN CITY .(NC)­ Pope .Pa~f .VI has delayed indefinitely the date on which various higislation of' the Second Vatican Council goel! i1)to ef~ect. In a motu proprio dated June 10 and published, the fo~lowing' d~y he prolonged the "vacatiG legis" or the sU1>pension of the legislation's .effect beyond the originally established date of June 29. . The Pope, said that decrees putting into effect the remaining . conciliar documents will be pub­ lished soun, but gradually, rath­ er than on a single date. He recalled that with the Apostolic Letter "Finis Concilio" . of Jan, 3 he had ~et up postcon­ ciliar . commissions to draft norms for 'practfcal 'application of the conciliar Qocuments on bis~ops, on the .Religious, on missions, on Christian educntion, an!i on the.lay llpostolate. These norms 'have been drafted and submitted to him. PUblish Gradually He said that the central post­ conciliar commission told him that in its opinion-shared by the commissions 'drafting ,the norms -it would be opportune to pub­ lish the actuating decrees gl'ad­ ually. He said a more important con­ sideration in the opiRion of the Turn to Page Nineteen

" )

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of


Fall-River-Thur~.June l6, 1966

Gang Bludgeons.

'P!fuest to

Dep~~[ff;$ [P[j'@hsts A~@5fm$ff

U@ «:Mrr®


SAN JOSE (NG)-Police heril in California reported a teen­ age gang admitted bludgeoning to death a priest and a ware­ houseman with tire irons 1m separate crimes which".netted only $50 . Chief of Detectives Bart Col­ lins said gang members readily admitting the killings, .as weIll as 10 other strongarm robberies for small sums. Six of the youths were booke{jl for the tire iron slaying tid! Father John D. Cox, 31 assist-· ant pastor of st. ·Dunstan~ church, Millbrae ,who died In Mountain View Hospital of' a head wound. Pollce said 'the priest 6Hered one boy .a ride; five accomplices trailed' in othel' e3J'S, then beat and J'Obbed tbe priest of $45. Two of the six also were book­ ed for the tire iron sla¥ing of Eugene Silva, 40, Santa Clan warehouseman, who was robbed of $5. After Silva was beatel'.l until he fell, an automobile WIIIl run over his chest•. Collins said two youths, :It and 17, said they killed Silva, then went to a parking lot and boasted of the crime. The othen . in the gang joined the two and all went to a park "for more action," :::-.,Collins asserted, wheID Father Cox drove ~8t the Par.IL

[Q)U'Mg ~@]<d10<eU'$

STATEN ISLAND (NC)-/i. among those who took part in priest eng: ...;ed in the battle . a "rock throwing, abusive dem­ against drug addiction in the onstration last June at Daytop New York area characterized Village when its rehabilitation ~0 m u nit y demonstrations center opened." He also said against efforts as "scandalous there was "organized harass­ ment" against the Rev. W. L. and paranoidal mob violence." Father William ·B. O'Brien, 'Damian Pitcaithly; an Episcopal priest, and his Samaritan Half­ 'Who is president of Daytop Vil­ lage, a self-help rehabilitation way Society to treat narcotics program for nai-cotic addicts and victims. Fears New York's largest halfway Father O'Brien asserted the house, told. a Knights of, Colum­ protests stemmed from "misin­ bus meeting here the demon­ formation and fears." He added: strations "set rehabilitation ef­ "We reject" the fear syndrome forts back five years." He charged Catholics WeAl and in the spirit of Vatican II we acknowledge our commit­ ment to the community - our Christian responsibility to heal t~ festering wound of addiction affecting sOciety."" . He emphasized that in New Rev. John A. Rossley, who York there are. "100,000 souls amongst uS addicted to self­ . served as an, assistant in the Dio­ cese of Fall River for more than destruction by use of drugs." five years,. died on Thursday, This creates a grave responsibil.,. ity to offer "these legions' of the. June 9, after a short illness. Fun­ eral services· were conducted lost an avenue of .Christian con­ 79th GRADUATION: Leslie Bishop, Deborah Powers, Monday morning in his parish cern and compassion," he said. Perron, and Elizabeth Raposa were four of the' Claudette Father O'Brien declared: church in New Brunswick. 94 girls who received their diplomas from a former SuA . Father Rossley was born April ery banish them, ..incarcerate them, they're hopeless, has been chaplain, Fall River, Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeii,08. 11,' 1926, In St. John, New Bruns­ wick, Canada, the son of Victor the rallying cry for three dec­ ades and is not only unChristian Ilossley and the late .Mrs. Ross­ but has served only to compound If!y.', their alienation. from sOCiety and Ordained on Dec. '8, 1954, fol­ j , " lowing his courses in theology our guilt., , ' at ,the 'Grand Seminary, Mon­ <' ireal, the young priest came to the Diocese of Fall River and served here for more than jfive' FRIDAY-S~credHeart of Jesus. FAIRVIEW (NC) _ FO,r. the L awyer JRu bi'n was we'}] quan' . . years. On April 8, 19!JO, he re­ I Class. White. Mass Proper; past thr'ee years,' a 53-year-old "'ed 'for,sroea hi ' I t St . J on h ..... .... turned to work in. his home Glory; Creed; Preface' of Sa­ Jewish, laWyer from· Hoboken since 12 years of his own child­ diocese in New Brunswick. cnm Heart. has been spendl'ng' one hour b .. a" hood were spent a;1 th e H erew While in the Fall River Dio­ 279 Barnstable Rood week giving pupils in St. John's school·in Jersey City: In 1963, cese, he served three years as SATURDAY-St. Ephraem, Dea­ SP ~79 cori,Confessor, and DoCtor of Roman Catholic school here jes­ Father. McTague, a man who an assistant in St James Parish, The Church.: III Class. White. sons in Hebrew. .. _ appreciates diversity, enlisted )Jew Bedford, and more than two Mass Proper; Glory; 2nd The.effort has paid off in two Rubin's services in a program years at the Immaculate Concep­ Prayer SS. Mark and Mareel­ ways., Thirty-.three St. John's which provides. the New Jersey tion Church, North Easton, also lianus, Martyrs; no Creed;, ..pupils received certificates for youngsters' with training' Ja as an assistant. . Common Preface. proficiency in Hebrew. And their some 14 dilferent ·langua,les... teac'her, William E. Rubin, was 'For Father McTague,getting SUNDAY-III Sunday at1er informed by Father Charles Mc- people of diHerent nationalities ' Pentecost '.I1 Class. Green. Tague, principal of st. John's, and tongues together in a, con-, Mass Proper;. Glory Creed;' that he was one of the seven genial environment is as im­ JUNE %4 Preface of Trinity. Rev. Bernard F. McCahiD, persons nominated by the Edith portantas learning the language. 1907, Pastor SS. Peter & Paul, MONDAY - Mass of' previous Stein Guild for an international As if to emphasize the ~int, it Fall River. No Glory or Creed; 2nd award for promotion of better large,halldlettered si~n. i~ ~. Prayer St. Silverius; Common relations between Christians and of the classrooms' warns: JUNE 25 Jews. "1£ I speak with the' tOn~ Prefaee. . . Rev. Raymond J. Hamel, 1000, of men arid .angels and have ~ OR Chaplain, St. Joseph Orphanage, eharit~, I am' nothing. ,,' ." . St. Silveri ,PC)pe and Mar­ Fall River. . 'WINNIPEG '(NC) - A six­ tyr. Red. Glory; ~. Creed; Rt. Rev. Louis A. Marchand, man priests' committee is study­ CommonPrefaee. . 1941, Pastor, St. Anthony, New ~ ing the possibilities of' a senate Bedford. TUESDAY-St:' Aloysius Gonza­ of priests for the Winnipeg ga, Confessor. III Class. White. archdiocese here iil Manitoba" JUNE %6 TAUNTON, MASS. FUNERAL HOME Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Bev. Charles P. Gaboury, 1931, Common Preface. Pastor, St. Anne, New Bedford. 469 LOCUST STIER THE BANK ON


Bishop and .Confessor. IJI Rev. John Corry, 1863, Found­ ",....eral Bo_ OS 2-338'1 Class. White; Mass. : Proper; er, St. Mary, Taunton; Founder, .ember of Pec1eral Depoel8 .. 550'.Loeast Str·f Wilfred, C. J~. It Glory; no Creed; Common St. Mary, Fall River. . IDSuraDCle ~ratioll . !pall' River. Man. Prefaee.' l . Rev. Dario Reposo, '1933, Our Driscoll. SumvCjln. ..... Lady of Lourdes, Taunton. . OS 2~2391 . THURSDAY-Vigil of St. Jotm;, . the Baptist. I' Class. : w·bite. JUNE 28 Rose E. SulJivalll Rev. Thomas C. Gunning, 1947, Mass Proper; No Glor7 Cll!" YOURS .TO LOVE AND TO GIVE'· .'~'1're~ E. SollivaD Creed; Common Prefaee. Assistant, St. Lawrenee,' New the life of Il DAUGHTER OF ST. ,tAUL ~

lJedford. more .and ~ve to souls knowlellge and love of

God by serving Him III a Mission which uses the

JUNE 30 Funeral

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Father 'Rossley



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Granting of Teacher Certificate

Ends Long MD~souri Controversy

KANSAS CITY (NC)-Mis­ '(SOlIri's State Bo'ard of Education fssued a teacher's certificate t1ereto Brother Thomas McCar­ ~, F.S.C., ending a controversy ~ more than a year. Originally the board of edu­ tation had, denied the Christian Brother the certificate, because !'Ire is a member of a religious ~der.

The board has denied certifi­ iPtes to Religious since 1953 on fihe ground, such action might ~olate the constitutional prin­ illiple of separation of Church and State. But Missouri Atty. Gen. Norman Anderson in a re­ ~nt ruling held the board has $ill legal authority to iake' such 1jl position. wfhe law is ciear," Anderson said, "that once the statutory eonditions have been complied ;with, the board has no, discretion refuse the certificate."

TffE ANCHul(Thurs., June 16, 1966


fine, but we aren't satisfied that their policies are changed for everyone," said the commission's secretary, Peter C. Robertson. The rights commission entered the dispute last month with a charge of religious discrimina­ tion by the state education de­ partment in the denial of the certificate. Brother McCarver originally applied for the certificate last year to teach public school night classes for educationally disadvantaged chi 1 d r en. Al­ though he is being transferred to Memphis, Tenn., July I, he said he still wants the certificate. '


Prelates Agree On Unity Issue

DES MOINES (NC)-A Jewish rabbi, an Episcopal bishop and a Catholic bishop agreed that the Charge Bias ' most significant development The board's decision means in religion today is the various that Brother McCarver will get moves for understanding and the certificate, and so will all oooperation. Ci)ther Sisters and Brothers who The religious unity is being meet state' qualifications;" said advanced not to create a super­ Bubert Wheeler, state commis­ church, nor uniformity among lSioner of education. churches, but to create a needed The Missouri Commission on I!'elationship in admittirig and Human Rights, however, plan:I).ed Combatting present day evils, ~ press the ca~e. Catholic Bishop George J. Bisk­ "What tpey [the bQard] diq is ' up of Des, Moines, Episcopal Bishop, Gordon V. Smith of Iowa, and Rabbi Irving A. Weingart, president of the Iowa Board of Rabbis, agreed. Bishop Smith said: "Doctrinal, WASHINGTON (NC)-Three disciplinary, and liturgical mat­ ters separate us, but at the same ~gious and two civic leaders have been named to receive time w.e are brought together honorary doctor of laws degrees by oooperative efforts and con­ from the Catholic University of cerns." He added "the scandal of our division" had so shocked America. Honorary degree l'ecipients church people that there is "new hope of finding united methods ~be: U.S. Ambassador to the United to serve;" Nations Arthur .:T. Goldberg; Rabbi Weingart said discus­ :Archbishop Karl J. Alter of sions among the religions is "an ~incinnati; Archbishop Bryan admission for the first time that 'Y. McEntagart, Bishop of Brook­ no religion has cornered the iyn; Methodist Bishop' Fred P. market on truth." € o rson, president of the World Bishop Biskup said the Second Methodist Council; and Joseph Vatican 'Council 'had such an L. Alioto, Catholic layman and ecumenical character for clergy San Francisco anti-trust at­ and laity that "we were told we ,torney. ' mus( become involved" in pray­ Ambassador Goldberg, Arch­ ers and, work for religious co­ bishops Alter and McEntegart, operation. He said among the . and Alioto will be presented facets of ecumenism are mutual their degrees at commencement projects in charity and social exercises Sunday at which Am­ justice; the threat of, atheism; bassador Goldberg will speak. the threat of moral breakdown, Bishop Corson will receive his and loss of a responsibility to' t1egree and be the guest speaker God. at a special honors convocation $aturday.



to Receive

C" U. Degrees

HONORARY DEGREE FROM SMTI: Atty. William F. Long, Fall River chairman of ,the board of trustees of SMTI wishes Bishop Connolly well on his reception of an honorary degree from SMTI. '

Favor Change BeJitimoll'e Methodist Church Conferre~u::e

Ba(Cks A~ti-Miscegenation law Repeal

WASHINGTON (NC) -: The Baltimore 'conference of the Methodist Church has voted to support repeal of Maryland's anti-miscegenation law which out 1 it w s marriages between 'whites and members of' certain other races. A voice vote by the confer­ ence's annual meeting adopted the resolution presented by the Rev. L. Carroll Yingling, Jr.

Georgetown Makes

Top 'Stan Changes

WASHINGTON (NC)-Father Brian A. McGrath, S.J., has been named administrative vice presi­ dent of Georgetown University. He has been academic vice pres­ ident since 1955. Father Joseph S. Sebes, S.J., will become dean of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Ser­ vice. Father Sebes served as associate dean of the foreign service school from 1961 to 1964 and since then has been acting , dean of the school of business.

pastor of St. Mark's Methodist church in Baltimore. The conference also voted, '291 to 211, to end its support for Protestants and Other Ameri­ cans United For Separation of Church and State (POAU),' an organIzation which has long op­ posed such projects as govern­ ment aid to church-related schools. The conference took the action by deleting a $500 annual contribution by POAU from the conference's budget. Another resolution passed by the conference expressed sup­ port for Sen. Everett Dirksen's proposed constitutional amend­ ment which would allow prayers in public schools.

!Mg Step,


DAYTON (NC) - A Roman Catholic priest told the state convention of Scottish Rite Ma­ sons here in Ohio that the Sec­ ond Vatican Council was the most important step in more than fcur centuries toward Christian unity. Father John 1\. O'Brien, re­ search professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, told 600 Masons and their wives attending the meeting in the Shrine Temple that the counciU enlisted every segment of the Church in the "exciting enter­ prise" of discovering how mu~h Catholics hold in common with Protestants and in narrowing the gap between them. The priest-author said the council's adoption of the Consti­ tution on the Church made clear the important role which bish­ ops are to play "in the govern­ ment of the Church. It intro­ duced an element of repre­ sentative democracy into the Church, he said. An equally important step towards unity, he pointed out, was taken in the adoption of the Constitution 0lJ. the Liturgy, which brings an increased use of the vernacular into the Mass and into the general worship of the Church. After 400 years, Protes­ tants would now feel "quite at home at a Catholic service," he said.




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FELWWSHIP: Mis~ Pa­ trici·a E. Chadwick, a grad­ uate of Merrimack College and daughter of Mrs. Julia B.. Chadwick, Fairhaven, has been awarded a $2800 fellow­ lJhip to study for a master's degree in English at Lehigh UniveNiWo

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4 .

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv~r~rhurs. June 16, 1966

Dedicate Marquette Chape.E.


.HOLYTRlNq·y~ .


New officers of the W-omen's Guild are Mrs. Ann Mahan, president, Mrs...Carmina iElshant; 'rice-president; Miss Molly Sul­ nvan,secreiary; -Mrs. Barbara Dowdall. treasurer. Presiding at installation ceremonies was Mrs. Barbara Shepardson,past vice­ president. Past president Mrs. Lillian Reynolds received a gift kom .guild memb.ers.

'The .!Ladies oOf the Associati-on.

of the. parish will conduct


rummag2 and wbiteelephant sare -on Saturdaymthe Churcl1

,hall from 1:0 in the moMing un­ til 3 in tbe a,fternoon. 'The proceeds wiil ·benefit ·the· building fund of the new Holy Trinity Convent ·under construction.



A parish pienic is slate(!· 1:or Sunday, June 26 under thespon­ sorship of the Men's Club. A car full of food be raffled and proceeds will benefit thepaFo­ ehial school library.

MILAUKEE (NC)-A restored 15th-century French chapel, linked· by legend and history .to Joan of Arc and the' . Chevalier . de Sautereau, was dedicated on tlh.e Marcluette Uni­ versity campus here. Originally the Chappelle' de St.· Martin, it was located in Chasse, a town in 'lI\'eStem \ France, near the chateau &f. Chinon. In 192'1 it was purchased and brought to the United States_ by Mrs. Gertrude Hill Gavin, d"ughter of railroad executive James J. Hill. When she died the estate was sold to Marc B. Rojtman, a New York: financier and former Milwaukee indus­ trialist, who donated the chaPel WAREHAM GRADUATE: to Marquette. According to legend, St. Joan Gail A. Maloney, St. Patricks parish, Wareham. is first 001­ met the Dauphin of France,








A chicken barbeeue win·be served in the church parking ~-ot from 5 tc 7 saturday, June 25. William Bleau isgener.al -chair­ man, .assisted by Miss l\'IHdred ST. MARGARET,

lege graduate sponsored by Harrigan 'and a l~uge committee. BUZZARDS BA l'

Father Joseph P. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. HenrY Castonguay The :ar.lI1ual penny ,sale -of 55. of Middle Street. North Dighton, 'Scholarship established by Margaret-MaIY Gui~d will ,be mil'beir: cha.rg~ of (looking ar­ St. p'atrick's Circle, Ware­ hcld Thursday nigllt, lilly 7 in . rangements. ham. She received B.A. de­ the dlurch hail. Pr-oceeds will :benefit parish youth activities, . gree from Emmanuel College, ST. LOUIS, and special priz.e5 will include Boston, and, was· reCipient ·.3 vacuum cleaner, blender, balI FALL RIVER of scholarship in 1962 and :-dryer, P.o1.aE-oid c-.amer41 and 4ln A banquet and installatiOfl -of 1965. The grant is made an­ electric toothbrush set. New guild ,ofEcers ·Mrs. new Women's Gu:iJd officers '\lI'iU _ nnally-to a .parish college girl. ,Catherine Bowen, pl'e8ident; take plaee .at-6:30 'Tuesday i'litlht, , Miss - Ucsula Wing, vi-ce-presi­ .June 21 in the chlU'ch hall. M-rs. ,I dent; Mrs.Marior. Ellis and Mrs. William Lynch will be -instaJling i :Arlene Waters, secretaries; Mrs. officer. Reserv41tions maybe '.Pauline Sanna, treasurer. . made. with' Mrs. Thomas Stafld­ BALTIMORE (NC)-Lawreflce ish. Cardinal Shehan has announced ST., ELlZAB1i:TH, the formation of an Archdioc­ . FALL RIVER -esan Urban Commission to con­ ST. STANISLAUS, I The patronal feast of the p'ar­ duct programs to combat such , ish willuf: held thIS weekend.Fri­ FALL RIVER inner city problems .as poverty, day ni:gh.i;, aguildol;a; Sait'I:l'l'day inadequate education and racial A PoOli.sh food :sa~ will· be night at ;,-, a bane, concert; Sun­ injustice. held f.r.om -9 to '6 today and to­ day at .3, a "pl'DVesS'ion . starting An outgrowth of the work be­ 1!ll0rr-ow in the school hall -under en TUClker Street.. gun by an archdiocesan inner a:uspices of the Ho~y Rosary A ffigtl Mass will be cele­ city program, ~h~ new com mis­ brated Sunday moming,at 10:45. SQdality. sion win be headed by Father Henry J. Offer, 8.S.J., director, SACRED HEARTS,

VISITATION GUILD and Francies J. Bien, executive NORTH FAIRRA ViEN

·director. Four pa:r-ochia~ :sch-ool students NO. EASTHAM were wm:mers in tJhe Hthannual MTS. Helen Carron win serve' Safety. Poster Contest. sponsored SERVING

aschaidady -of· t'he foOOsale 'by the !Bass. Safety. Council. FINEITAt1~N FOOD

The stud{':nts, onl~' y-oUJ1,gSter-s in 'schedu.iled foOl' 'Sunday afteT aU the Masses at the Ghur-ch ·of, the , the New Bedfod area to place Visitatio:1. Mrs: Edmond Hebert in this y,eaT's 'contest, ':reeeived will head the committee for the honorable mention awards at RESTAURANT -and LOUNGE

buffet supper planned for Satur­ ceremonies in Boston. They are on lake' Sabb-atia'

. day night, June 25, at 6:30 at the third graders Donald Dejesus 1094 Say Street

Church. and Diane Bessette' and :sixth graders Aimee LeBlanc and Emil AU.NTON VA 4-8754

.July <,ctivities o~ the p-uild Bourbeau, will include a supper .and square



_ '

dance on Saturd:>y, july 16, and ,on Wednesday,

a penn,Y' sale .July '20.

The Holy Name Society will hold its annual Father's Day The .StlPper on the 16th will Communion brenk fast Sunday be ,served at ":30 :and the square morning following the 8 o'clock dance under the calling of Mass. Charles Tilley wm start at 8. Manuel A. Faria, preSident and chairman of the -e\'Cnt, has Co-chairmEm are Mrs.' Ken­ announc~d that John M. Arruda, neth White, Mc!:. .rohn Connors executive director of the !hous­ and Mrs. EdHKmd Hebert. ing authority, will be the .guest speaker. Members will meet at tile . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . parish h;1ll at 7:30 ilnd proceed to the c h u r c h ' U P , H O L S T £ R I N G SHOP




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Reg. Master Plumber 2930 !' GEORGE M ..MONTLE . Over' 35 'Years of Satisfied Servlce

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. 'Ecumenical' Camp WOODBURY (NC)-An ee... menical Summer camp prograa for Protestant, Catholic and Jew­ ish youngsters will be held' heft in Vermont to provide young­ slt:rs with a "joj.ntly plannefll ~rogram .of united understand­ ing which will prepare them fo!r a lifetime of better relatioa­ ships."

.IN INDIA THI! HOLY fATMi;A •• '. . . . .011 AtO YO THE




HE're's Way to beat the heat ttlis summer. Think of India...• Reports Grail member Eliza­ be~h Reid: "The heat is an incredible 114 d&­ grt.'es. Men in. ragged, dusty loin cloths are crowding into the city to-get near some source of water. They walk in slow motion, or they're stretched out in the thin shade with arms and legs widespread. There's hardly any life left III them." ." .. Think of the penniless Franciscan' nuns in Marakanthara. Air conditioning? Twe walls of their chapel have collapsed, still the7 keEp to their prayers. Only $1.800 will rebuild a decent place for God.••• Think of thehomele&So helpless unemployed now streaming into each;,. in l<erala State.' Many are Catholics and they have Mass in a shed, but they'll build a real church for themselves labor-free (in your loved ones' memory, named for your favorite saint) ;i YtJU can supply the materials ($3,700). ',' • Find it hard to sleep on hot nights? Sixteen hau'sted Sacred Heart Sisters sleEp on the floor in one cr.Jmped room in Anikad because people needed their bedroom as a chapel.' A perma- . nent chapel (a memorial to last) will' cost only $2.450, and the nuns will pray for you always. ., ....Any gift for sweltering, hungry India ($500. ,. $200, $100, $75, $50, $25,' ,$15, $10, $5.. $2) will maJ;e you feel better (and cooler) __ summer. Please send what you ean.


The Best LOVE


Fo,. Your Car

Married iclte in life, Mr. and Mrs. L K. w.re given a. son they named Paul for their fa verite saint. Right away, they began to set aside • fund for Paul~scQllege education, but when ... was eight years old. the lad was killed by alii auto. The K's then used the college fund to trail. nati\fle priests in the Near East (only $100 per year each): One priest, an orphan, chose tJrle name "Paul"-for his favorite parents.

­. . ..





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eathedral at Reims. Before leading the French m­ to battle, she is said to have prayed at the chapel. Within II year she had fulfilled bot1Il promises.




o ~ and.~Re .the.J)~ crowned king 01 Franee ill ~



8a,ltimore Organizes Urban Commission

later Charles VII, at Chinon ilIci 1429 and promised hill) .. she would lift the English siege of

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NEAR'EAST IVIISSIONS FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATH,Ol.lC NEAR EAST WELfARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New Yo'rk, N.Y. l00n7 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840 '


Fewer Tourists in Washington .But Shrine Retains Popularity WASHINGTON (N C) - A' ehurch built by Catholics of lllU · U1e United States is holding its own as a place to visi~ in the lIlational capital. This is the estimate of author­ ~ies, as the city' begins to show -ooncern over a decline in tour­ ists and persons visiting the non g e r. 'established national Giurines. The National Shrine of the Jrmmaculate Conception; dedi­ ·ated only something more than Bire years ago. already has be­ «:orne one of the great places' of - IlJilgrimage here. It has averaged well over a million visitors an­ !lUl,ally in recent years, or one' t:n every seven 01' eight persons who visit Washington. More than · Z5,OOO persons have visited the Shrine in a single day. Kennedy Gravesite Washington itself' is experi­ encing a decline in tourists, based on figures for the first three months of the year. Shrine officials say they notice some­ thing of this trend, but do not· believe the drop off is nearly as prronounced there. The year 1965 was a banner 6ne for visitors to this city, and there are two good explana­ tions why 1966 so far is not measuring up. One reason, it is said; is that the inauguration of President Johnson brought great ¢brongs here in January of last year.

Bra.zil Prelates Discuss Reforms SAO SALVADOR (NC)-More &han 40 bishops of northeast-Bra­ zil met for 10 days at Itapariea island to discus the implementa­ tion of the decrees of the ecu­ Menical council. The bishops also discussed Pope Paul VI's November ad­ dress ·to the Latin American bishops. In that address, Pope Paul en­ eouraged ~ bishops to be espe­ eially solicitous of their person­ ftel. He asked them to care for Mder priests, to help seminari­ ans, and to seek out vocations. He also praised bishops who gave land to the poor, and asked other bishops to investigate their diocesan holdings to see if the~' ~uld not make similar grants. At the close of the meeting. file bishops resolved to create on international training school for ~atholic leaders. They also re­ quested a special papal blessing OR the meeting and its work.

Catholic Educators To Attend Seminar WASHINGTON

(NC) -Four

~atholic . educators are among ~ 37 who have been awarded

·iJt"ants by the U. S. Office of Ed­ acation to attend Summer sem­ inars at the American Univer­ sity, C'airo, and the Educational Resources Center, New Delhi. Attending the Egypt seminars will be, Barbara M. Sullivan, Sacred Heart Junior College, Belmont, N. C., and Robert A. Bonnell, St. John College, Cleveland. Grants for the Indian sembtars went to Sister Mary Peter Mt.tr­ phy, Immaculate Heart. College, Los Angeles, and Sister George Agnes Fitzgerald, Hoban-De­ minican High School, Cleveland.

Home for Aged REGINA (N.C)-ConstructiolU will begin in August OR an $800,000 home for the aged being room here in Canada by the lOOcal Knights of Columbus. The. ~me will be ready for occUpalll­ ev in May, 196'1.

The other reason ~ that many persons who took in the New

York World's Fair throughout

much' of last year, included a

side trip here in their plans.

Both explanations would apply

to the Shrine as well as the city.

Of the patrioti<.' places, only

the gravesite of President Ken­

nedy in Arlington (the Kennedy

gl'ave is said to be the most pop­

ular memorial) and the Smith­

sonian Institution were visited

by more people in the first three

months of this year than in .the

same period in 1965.

About 1.1 million people, quite

close to last year, visited the

Kennedy grave, while 3.119,716

persons, another slight increase,

went to the various Smithsonia.n


THE ANCHORThurs., June 16, 1966

Wheeler Heads Aetors Guild




NEW YORK (NC)-Comeclian Bert Wheeler was elected presi­ dent at the annual Catholic Ac­ tors Guild of America meeting here, succeeding Horace IVlcl\ia­ hon. TV and m(wie star Merv Grif­ fin was reelected first vice presi­ dent and Lawrence Brooks, sec­ ond vice president. Florence Henderson became the third vice president, a new position. Others elected included Don Koll, executive board, chairman; Msgr. VincentJ. Brosnan, pastor, Annunciation church, Crestwood, N.Y.,. treasurer; Pegeon Fitz­ gerald, recording secretary; Marial1 Primont, his tor ian; Frank J. Hale ,advisory board chairman; Jean Blue and Lisa Di Julio, social secretaries.


Protestants Warn On Reunion

What About·You?

WHEATON (NC) - Delegates to one of the largest missionary gathel'ings in history see a dan­ ger in regarding the Roman Catholic Church as "our great sister Church." <> They also reaffirmed. the "abiding validity '0 • (0 of the Protestant reformers." Delegates to the First Con­ gress on the Church's Worldwide Mission - sponsored by the Evangelical Foreign Missions and Interdenominational For­ eign Missions Associations-rep­ resented 13,000 Overseas Mis­ sionaries, or nearly two-thirds of all the United States foreign mis·sionaries. The two associa­ tions represent most of the Fun­ damentalist, Evangelical Protes­ tant groups. At the windup of the Congress, the 1,000' delegates unanimously declared: "Whereas Rom a n Catholic practices may change, they Say' their dogmas are unchangeable. According to- the Roman Cath­ olic view, reunion of the Churches must be on papal

FIRST· SCHOLARSHIP WINNER: John Witkowski, eighth grader at St. ,Mary's Cathedral School, F~ll Riv~r, t.he first. winner of the Rev. Francis A. McCarthy Memonal Scholarship, receives the award from Mrs. Patrick Murphy, president. of the sponsoring {)rganiz~ti(m, the Cathedral Women's Guild.

Seek Delayed Vocations Serra Publication Explores Possibilities

Among Older Men


CHICAGO (NC)-The possi­

bilities of attracting more candi­

dates to- the priesthood from

aHlQl1g' oJder collegians, service­

men, and- business and profes­

sional men is explored in- the

tenus. June- issue of the Serran, publi­

"We- rejoice in the wider use cation· of Serra International.

of the Scriptures among Roman Featured in the' magazine's

Catholics. We' shall pray that all tllose who !>1udy the Scriptures lead- article on later vocations is

the Pope' John XXIII National

will be led by the Holy Spirit .Seminary in Weston. Mass. The.­ t~ the saving faith' in Christ. "We shall urge Evangelicals to seminary for delayed vocations, founded two yea,rg ago, special­ seize today's unique opportu­ nities for witness among Roman. izes in training men 30 years- and older who have had at least two Catholics. "We recognize the danger of years of college. The article reports that 73

looking upon the Roman Cath- . olie Church as 'our great sister men, with an average age of 37,

are currently studying at the

Church,' even as we reaffirm the seminary. Their fOl'JJ1er profes­

abiding validity of the Scrip­ sions include advertising, ac­ tural principles of the Reform­ ers, that salvation is through faith alone, and that the Bible is the only rule of faith and practice."

counting, engineering,' educa­ tion, geology, game manage­ ment, sales and supervisory positions. There are 43 dioceses repre­ sented among the students. In 1968 the first class of some 35 men will be ordained.

... A Franciscan Sister! GIVING YOURSElF to 3 fife com­ pletel'l dedicated +0' the salvation of ; souls· throug/1 prayer, work.. -sacrifice and joy .•. by using. your ,tal' enls as a NufSe-, laboratory and X-Ray

.Technician. Secretar.y. Aecountant. Di. etitian. Seamstress. Cook. as well: as in other hospital departments and' In 3J new extensiol1l of our work In, Cate. chetic~ D Social SeNice- Fields.,

, There Is No Greater Charity! (If you are oYer 16. write to Sister Mall Clarice. D.S.F. Sox Ill, Catholic Sisters' Colle(1:l!'. Washington. D; Co 2(l()17 fill' fOJ" ther details on this happy fife.)







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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. )une 16, 1'966

Blames Liberals For Drug Spread On Campus

Return From Exile

A Lutheran theologian, Rev. Dr. Carl E. Braaten, m: the Lutheran School of Theology in Maywood, Illinios, has compared Protestantism to a· government-in-exile. ~hat must now return to its "ecclesiastical homeland," the Ro­ . man Catholic Church. Dr. Braaten, in his, artide in Una . Sancta, .a .Lutheran qu'arterly, says that the ReformatiQn should be looked upon as an event in history that has ac-:­ eomplished its aims, the reform. of the church. His position :Js that the "franchise" of the Reformation was "liinited, provisional and terminal; and always related to the Roman Catholic ChurCh." The theologian writes that the last thing ··:Martin Luther intended was to make his reform. into . independent church that would permanently exist outside and il! competition with' the Roman Catholic Church.

. LORETTO (NC)-A ] 0 .

time fighter against traffie .ill . narcotics blamed '~ult!ll


. The Catholic Church has always held, of cOurse, that the Church is the extension of Christ throughout time and space and as such is divine and carries the means of Salvation to men. But the Church is also made up of men· with all the faults and weaknesses and sins of men and as such is in constant need of reform, or renewal, in itS human aspects. That is why there are Councils through-· out the history of the Church, that is why there is never a sermon preached in a Oatholic Church that does not seek to inspire to personal conversion, reform, renewal. That is why every document from the Pope, every en­ eyclical letter, every p~pal pronouncement, every sermon given, is always a plea for holiness of life so that· the goodness of the members might contribute greater holi­ ness and spiritual strength to the whole body.


It is to be hoped that Lutherans and all Protestants will listen to Dr. Braaten's suggestions with deep thought.

He expresses what has been the thinking ~f many scholars especially during the last decade. The Danish theologian Soren Kierkegard has said: "Lutheranism,' which start~ out to bea corrective movement within the Roman Cath­ ·olic Church, has become a fixed condition which itself is in sore need of /correction." Many Protestant :luis. ex­ pressed the idea that all throughout nistory there have been reforms, renewals, in the Catholic Church;' and 'only with the Protestant Reformation, because of the ·peculiar eultural and educational and politi~l and economic cir­ cumstances of the times, was there a splitting away, a splintering, a rendering in. the seamless garment of Christ.


Goldberg on Religion


United Nations Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg has said recently that religion was an "instrument 'with which to change the world, to seek justice and righteousness."

It should never be forgotten-amid the strife and wars . that ravage so many areas of the world, and the fears that overshadow the rest--tbat the sources of conflict are in the spirits, the minds and hearts of men. And these will be affected and changed, not by bullets or napalm or • nuclear devices,. but by ideas. . Religion, with its empha~is first on GOO. and then on man's'reaction to the creatorship, the fatherhood, the love of God, can change the minds and hearts and actions .of men. The work of religion is oot simply a work of tellectmii conviction and persuasion. It it! a work of the Holy Spirit, of confidence that GOO Can and will touch men's minds and wills to see the Truth ~nd to do the Good.


And as such it can indeed be an instrument with which

to change the world' SO that men will seek after justice and righteousness, will pursue the kingdom of God. \


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ,flO Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Re.v. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD;, GENERAL MANAGER

Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A.

ASST. GE,,!ERAL MANAGERI Rev. John P. Driscoll


liberal professors" for tbe widening abuse of drugs on ecIl­ lege campuses. . HatTy J. Anslbiger, chairmall and u.s, representative o f " 'United Nations Committee CIII -Narcotie Drugs,umderscored tIiIi horrlfying results of the ab...., " of drUgs among conege studen1ll . . The chief speaker at the 11911i' . 8iin~al St. Francis ~ollege ~ -mElDcement here in PennSJ60 vania exhorted eoIlege stude• . to help solve the ~ation's socite problems and assist in elimin;$o ingconditions which breed alii­ ger, frustration 'rmd blind . . bellion. . "The abuse of drugs on cam.­ puses once was unheard of, thea spurred by teachings of ultra liberal'professors, it sp'read ~ wi}dfire," Anslinger said. Wores Than Bomb "Drugs have killed more pe~ ~ ~IL sons than the hydrogen bomti lID ever will. The widespread use of hallucinogenic drugs is horrio­ Q ~Il. I!fi) [I Cl l€ ~ b~ 0 fying. The user winds up in au ~lf ~ewmSJ~ous ~U ~ons' asylum. in prison or the grave. Permanent damage to the mind By MsgJr. George G. Higgins. . comes with only one dose. Co&­ (lOirector, Socia} Action Dept., N.C.W.C.) 'siderable slaughter on the higli­ ways takes place because the The Internal Revenue Service is' said to be exploring driver is under the influence CIII the possibility of revoking tax-exempt status of the Chris- '8 drug," be continued. ­ tian Century .and .the Churchman, highly I'espected "These murderers are undeoo periodicals· reflec'ting a ·libe.ral Protestant point of' view•• tected. It is up to you youDl men and women to assist tbtl Presumably the IRS thinks nation in solving these probleme Potentia.1 Threld . and to find some way to des~ that they may have violated . . the present code, which: pro.. ~ TheP.ost's editorial emphasis . the intellectual sanctions whid hibits tax-exempt periodicals on the contribution that ,inde-:­ promote free drugs, free ImIIO froin .supporting political candi- pendent: religious journals of - and other dangerous freedoma. dates or from publishing state- . opinion make "to the deiriocratic . If not ~hecked, t.hese f~lse prop. . ments "excessivelypropagandiz- dialogue" is well talten; But _ ets WIll p~t t?i s n~tlOn on tbe 'ing" for particsomething more important than road ~o rum .Just ~ ~~ey. have vlar bills. It is the democratic dialogue is at . done. 10 pre~ous ClvJlizatlO~ common knowlstake in the current IRS investi­ Anslinger .sald. .He cautIOned that college stu­ edge, of course, gatioil of the Century and the that many taxChurchman dents "are facing a world wheJe exempt news. your mind must not be dulled blr. pap e r sa n d He v 0 kin ~ the tax-exempt· drugs. You must be alert; com­ magazines, in status of .these two publications pletely on guard at all. .timee. the conservative would, in my opinion, constitute not only in the competition Cllf as well as the a potentional threat to the free­ .the business world but in all liberal cam p , dom of religion, for the political ~ctivities," he said. _. regularly overjudgments of the periodicals in .'

step these requestion....,.. whether these judg­ strictivebounds. ments be right ·or wrong from See' Adopts First

Some, like the Century, for ex- _ anyone else's point of view­

ample have been known to 'op- stem presumably from :reiigious Grade Catechism ST. BONIFACE (NC)-".IlJJe po~ '(or support) a· particular convictions,' St. Boniface archdiocese will use Thi" t 'ell i ·t·ci· of' candidate for public office. . s lS.no sal n cn J sm a new first grade catechi8llll Many others, including an.of·- the IRS. For all I know iv re­ v·'" French and E-nglish 'editioD8 the better Catholic periodicals,' strictive. interpretation of the beginning this Fall, the archdi­ openly "propagandize" for' par- 1axeOde may be technically ocesan catechetical commisslGll ticullu bills. . . correct. announced here in Canada. Adoption. of the new cat&­ if "so,: ~owever, it. is. .be chism, the conuiJission said; __ AlB 1& BaDger . hoped that the Catholic Press volves a change In the prograa Obviously, then, the current. ..;.ssC?Ciation, in cooperatioJl ~th' and a change in the catechist.. IRS investigation of the Century ijs Protestant ~ncll Jewish eoun­ spirit and methOds of teachi»&. and the Churchman represents·. terparts; will. take -the lead ill First grade catechists· 'mud a potential, threat to the entire-:­ "propagandizing~ for ~, revi-' have adequate prepartory ..... religious press of the United sion of the code - a lrevision mation before or at the begiaoo States. If these two. periodicall! which will make it crystal dear }'\jng 0 fthe school year. Thej lose their, tax-exempt statu!" .~ll ~ha~ .tax-exempt religious pub-' should also attend periodical other religious newspapers. or lications are free' to support or. workshops during the year, tile magazines in the United States oppose particular' legislative' commission said. which are worth their' salt will proposals and equally lfree • be in danger of suffering the . support or oppose adminilltrative same fate in due time. decisions of government officials Priest's First Mass and agencies at every level up This means that they will for­ to and including the Presidency. Is Family Affair feit their right to solicit funds' with the assurance of a tax If religious publications inust CLOVIS (NC)-It virtuau" write-off to donors and would forfeit this right in order tel re­ was a family affair when Fathft' also forfeit their right to lower tain their tax-exempt status, Lorenzo Ruiz, O.F.M., offered postal rates. they might just as well go out of his first Mas~ as a newly ordain.­ business. Even now thE'Y' are ed priest of the Franciscamf The Washington Post finds'· often accused, whether rightly Cincinnati province, in Our Ladg, t his prospect' "somewhat dis­ 1 of Guadalupe church here •. New Mexico. . quieting." In a recent editorial . or wrong y'. of being irrelt~vant. throwing its weight behind the We can well imagine, then, Assisting at the Mass and ... right of tax':exempt religious what a fix they would be in if, ceiving the priest's bless.iBg publications to take political' in order to retain theil' tax- afterwards were his parents, sis stands and' to "serve as censors exempt status, the)' had UI keep brothers, seven sisters and 7eDa

of the government," the Post·ob­ quiet about. civil rights It~gisla-' . tiVt;lS by the dO'zens from Mexiecll"

served that "it would be a: sad . tion, the anti-poverty PTllgram, . The priest is the son of a ~

loss to the democratic dialogue the war in Vietnam, 'arid similar' road section foreman. Five of hill if these· v.oices, .often, devoted 10 . matters of public policy. They great-uncles were priests flUB eoriscientious protest, w ere' would hardly be worth the paper Spain "who served as missio.ner. eilenced, for whatever reaso,:lo" they are printed. on. . in Mexico. . .

nreat to

F..I . reegOm

IICa t

THE ANCHORThurs., June 16, 1966

·Five Washington .Universities ..Join in Educational' 'Marriage'



Slate Retreats At Stonehill

WASHINGTON (NC) - An facilities to the Washington area;

educational venture which seems maintain a graduate center or

as, promising as it is imaginative centers. to coordin~te g.raduate The Movement- for 'a Better is ge'tting under way here. academiC prog~ams In .thlS area. World begun in 1952 by Rev. The Consortium of UniversiThe consortium Will place Ricca;do Lombardi, an Italian fJies of the Washington Metrogreat emphasis on graduate Jesuit will conduct Retreats of politan Area has been incorpowork, and without in any ~a.y the Christian Community at -rated, inaugurating its life as an limiting the pr~gra~ o.f partlcl- ­ Stonehill College, North Easton, independent and continuing Iepating schools In thiS field, may from Saturday, July 16 through gal personality itself initi;lte courses for graduSunday, July 24, and from Mon­ Father Edwa~ B. Bunn, S.J., ate st~~entsi~ lite~ature, t!te day, July 25 through Tuesday, ebancellor of Georgetown Uni- humamtles, SOCial SCiences, -~10­ Aug. 2. wersity and -the one who did lo?ical sciences and phYSical The retreat aims at imple­ most to bring the - consortium sciences. , menting the documents of Vat­ -into ,existence has .been elected Except for hon~rary ~eg~s, ican II and is open to all Cath­ «OoJ. . ' which the consQrtlUm might It­ " olics, religious and lay. The team Ilalalnnan. " 1 1 "­ ."ParticiI5ating'in the consortiself bestow, degrees. WI ....... conducting- both s~ssions wil~ be 'urn are American University a awarded only through constltu-­ comI?osed of Rev. Rolland ~en­ .' Methodist":affiliated instituti~n; ent universities. nett, O.M.!., Sister Mary Rosaire, the Catholic University of AmerM.S.C. and Mr.. Richard Pratt.

The Retreat of the Christian ..tca, George Washington Univeraity" Howard University and Community, say organizers, serves to increase dialog among Georgetown, a Jesuit institution Plill~mfttil!'!ls mld the nation's oldest Catholic Il IW '1.1' 'ikii .Ii Christians and stresses that ser­ vice to neighbor is the essence ewllege. DAVENPORT (.NC)-The war

of Christianity.

The corporation will work to' on poverty is bringing unity and

improve the educational, scientid

Three Pcrio«lls fic and literary facilities at each a change in the minds an The progrmn is. divided into hearts of Americans, the director three periods, including God's participating institution; elimof the Office .>f Economic OP-' Plan for His Created Commu­ mate duplication so that each portunity said here. nity; Renewal of the I~ividual ,school may be free to strive Unity, particularly am 0 n g in the Light of Community; and for a higher degree of excellence church-related groups and be­ Action of the Christian Commu­ In its own' program, and encourtween the anti-poverty efforts . nity on All Levels. age each institution to initiate of the churches and the federal The Better World Movement, new programs. government, was the major 'it is noted, has spread to 20 na­ Offer Graduate Work theme stressed by R. Sargent NEW BEDFORD COMMENCEMENT: Michael Berger, tions since its beginning 14 years It will make available to stuShriver in an address to the 1966 dents at all five schools, at no Pacem in Terris Peace and Free­ Denise Duhamel, Russell Fournier, and Susan Bochichio ago in Italy. Over 1000 bishops and thousands of religious and additional cost, the works and dom Award banquet of the Dav­ were amortg the 70 graduates from St. Anthony's High laymen have participated. ~n the programs that are unique and enport Catholic Interracial Coun­ School, New Bedford. ' retreat exercises. specialized with a particular eil., Reservations may be made participant school; offer gradu-" 'Shriver received the' 1966 through the Stonehill 'Retreat ,ate, professional and specialized i" : award for his direction of the House, Wal!hingtoil Street, North -'" work with, a proficiency and .', war pn, poverty and the Peace Easton. , economy' a single school could Corps. Along with the award not achieve' alone; promote the, went a check for $1,000 which i'n€ ! i I"rnth Dilfector Notefi MewContacts8 joint use of -unusual researcl). he donated to the National "Your children are ooly loaned facilities among the institutions; Conference for Interracial Jus-' Erasing' of long. Misunderstanding to you -- eojoythem while you eooperate to bring major re- "tice's."Project Equality," ana'" can." search and advanced educational tioDlll ~rogram aimed at putting LOS ANGELES (NC)-Great ' tail should be' allowed to obscure the momenteus' fact :that the the economi,c power' of the progress has been made in eras­ Honored By College churches behind the drive for ing, centuries of misunderstand- declaration specifically dismiss­ racial justice. ing between Catholics and Jews, ed the cancerous root and dis­ NEW ROCHELLE, (NC) Shriver said the OEO has a prominent Jewish leader' has e8sed-ridden branches of the The Pope John XXIII Medal of funded some 2,000 projects spon- told an interfaith conference at evil tree, 'artti-Semitism." 'the College of New Rochelle . sored by church-related organ- Mount St. Mary's College here. But a great deal depends on was awarded here recently. to izations, despite earlier. warnings Dr. Joseph L. Lichten, national how the Christian and Jewish Dr. ~ose?h T. English, semor such. gr~nts w~uld Vlol~te the _ director of intercultural affairs communities put the statement ' ~sychlatrl<: consultant and Na-' 'constitutIOnals <'! par a t I o,n of . for the Anti-Defamation League to work, he, emphasized. tio~al Institute of Mental Health "C~~TCh and. State cl?use. . . ' of B'oai, ,B'rith said' Pope John liaison .for. the Peace Corps. The ,Extraordmary thmgs happen , 'XXIII had much to do with the award 1S gIVen to a layman who, 'when the chnrches came to- ch " ' , White'sF~rm Dairy in' the words of the late Pope' ': gether to fight poverty," he said.' ange. . . "creates a synthe\lis between He' 'cited a list of projects which "Both .t~e Cathoh~ and JeWish "S,PECIAL ' MILK scientific technical and profes- '. '''symbolize something that is commumtIes were ripe to estab­ From 'O~r Own sional eiements on one .hand,' happening because of the war on Ush contacts," he said. , and spiritual values On the poverty, something that could "Our everyday men and worn­ Tested .Herd" Dad's fI, lot. of wonderful tlllngs­ other."' 'DOt'be forced'by government." en, not,only ,our scholars ,and all rolled up into ooe! lie's Acushnet, Mass.. WY 34457 , our leaders, have, entered the certainly tile Man lIf the Hour­ -Special Milk interpersonal communication and Hero Number One! Just I!Jo - Homogenized Vito D Milk which is called dialog~e. The suro you let ,Dad know '(but ' mon! encounters 'we undertake, - Buttermilk EllIt eoougb to spoil biml! the greater 'tfieir intensity and • Tropicana Orange Juice 'warmth, the more deeply our - Coffee' and Choc. Milk communications appear' to pime­ ~ '=99S -, Butter ',' hate." Se~s Ne~'Er21 Dr. 'Lichten' cautioned, how­ , - ever, that the new ecumenical lJPirit- of 'renewal' and commtmi­ eatidn requires i- e c i pro c i't y. '" "While one speaks, the other' COMPANY must truly' listen and' then the' The .l' actions must' be ,reversed.'" @~dj m&i~ I~~ 'The Vatican· 'Council's state­ C@mpiefr@ UIj'i1(~

ment 'on the Jews could be the fall River Savings Bank foundation' of 'Ii new' era of ~1!BU~Bn91 Matel!'Bai$

~tQ\ll[L ~~VIE~ Christian-Jewish' c'ooperation for the commongooc:i of mankind, @ ~~~D~G ST., MmIHJDWIE~

$OM!E~Sn Dr; Litchen observed. "No particular disappointment wYm,an 3~26] 1

over one or another specific de­ •

W'air on Poverty


Great Pro9:ress·






, I

READY FOR FUTURE: Sniilingly facing the future '. are' four brand-new graduates 'of Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall River. From left, Linda.',Dugas, Janet Pouliot, Janet


Constance Gagne.'


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Rap,y, father's Day !



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THE ANCHOR.:.....Diocese of Fa"River~Thurs.~ne 16, l'96~


Woman Wins" Stensen , Award in Biology

Attic Cleaning Chore~ U,ncovers Long Lost Family' Treasures .,

WASHINGTON (NC) -Mary , J. Hoff of suburban West Hyatts­ ville, Md., is the first woman student to win the Niels Stensen Award in biology of the Catholic University of America.

By ,Mary Tinley Dab' Like everything else you ~'can do any time,'" eleaning the attic is a chore you put off-·a~ leaBt we dO-:-for the flimsiest of excuses, or for :gone at all. It was shame or pride O'I' whatever you want to call it that got 'us into the act recently, instigated by in the ."of, use at Some future

Markie's generous offer to time" category. At 'any rate,

help. Now, nobody expects there they are, boxed and label­

ed "Misc." against the time

an attic to look like a furni­

The award, named for the 17th-century' pioneer in anato­ my, geology," crystallography, imd paleontology, who became a Catholic bishop, was established in 1957.


Make Yours a



tufe store window, but our attic when styles may come full cir­ .,~ * ugh! Before anybody. even , cle :again, somebody becomes a diplomat, a soldier, or a football , ' our own daugh­ play,er or ,somebody else needs' ter would be al­ a 1945 maternity drestl. lowed to tackle that unholiest CJf' ,SurprisinlIly en 0 u g 'h, 'one' "

lInholys, there eould walk around ~he attie

simply had to rathl~r freely now, 'if you dodged

IN the :piles Of books; 'Things we'

be at least a had forgotten we ow'ned began'

.emblance • Electronics TV , 10 show up: Unde'r the 'eavel{ap.. , of order restored. '. Electranics Applied tG, So with grim pearl~~', or ll'eappeared,theiad. Industry , del' :10' the double-decker' beds. d,e t e r m i ­ • Air-ConditioningAnd all this time people at our • a t ion, hair Refrigeration ' hOU~l have belm' making,· flying' swathed, in a '. Automatic 'Oil Heating bandana' and a radio to keep leaps to "the top bunk, believing, • Essenticils of Electrical

eompany, the unwelcom'e assign­ that' somebody 1o0k the ladder TOP SCHOLARS: Four highest ,ranking graduates "oThe'ory & Maintenance

ment was tackled with 'the in­ and used it for a tree house. We at Dominican Academy, Fall 'River, are,'left, Jeanne' Frorie­ • Architectural. Electronic.' ward stipulation it must be two even found the' almost-,forgo{;;, Madeleine Souza,Paulette'MasSon, Patricia hours' a day 'oniY. ' ' . , ' Electrical, .Machine & '. .'" '. : . . . .. .... ,,'. '..' _. . Niedbala. ten earpet sweeper,' Uui one the "~k, , childJren used 10 stand on;-clutch , Tool, ~esign, Sheet

Fil'lri WOJ:st the 'handle to' pretend' they were Metal & Piping or

T'he first day was the wOI'st, masters-oi-ceremony. .. , Structural Drafting,

and the first hour CJf the first, , .. 1.01:15 0;' Mise! day the very worst, yielding' a ENROLL N,OW Opening box!ls-most of, then! Californi~ A¢adernY' Presents Two-Fold donation of two boxes of Cloth~ ing for charity: and four bo'xes l<lbelE~d "Misc."-from lhe last FOR DAY OR EVENING , , Attrcictionfor Students 'from Mexi~o of junk for the trashman. Why, attic-cleaning spree ,was' perhaps ,TERM STARTING more fun than anything. There the question is, would anybody SAN YSIDR0 (NC) - Inter- - dren are usually speaking flaw­ Was my mother's wedding dress, ' hang onto 'a shoo whose mate 'June national travel is part of the less English soon after they 00­ had long, since 'vanished" a folds ,of blue tissue preserving' daily routine for themajol'ity of. : gin 'attending' classes at the ,aca­ ,Effective Placement Service

Japanese lantern sims handle, its whiteness; the same' for, the the' 450 students' at San' Ysidro "demy.' . Halloween costumes limp, faded family christening robe, First Academy here in Califomia; CaM or Write

, and torn, broken Christmas tree Communion dresses" and' veils, for Full Information

, Most students at the academy Prelate to Fill 1~OOO

ornaments, a placard saying the, "Alpine suits" the ,Head Of the ,House' brought, from 'Ger­ "Gold Will WIN!", a poster,for a are residents of Tijmina, Mexico, Empty School Seats

467-7744 benefit bazaar held in 1959, a many for Johnny and Tommy, , and ev'ery day show their stu­ ,'HARTFORD (NC) ..:... More' eircus pennant, a headless statue, now probably, a perfect fit for dent visas to cross the border Johnny's twin boys, And the box into the southern California 'than a thousand empty seats in a Johnson-Humphrey auto stick­ various parish schools of the of ,dolls the girls had played 184 Early St. er, and like "keepsakes"? community. Hartford archdiocese will be Answer is, nobody except the with, grade school report cards" The attraction to the students made available to pupils from Providence, 02907 ' author of this column. Maybe old pictures, love letters. it; twofo}d. other parishes under a plan an­ there is some truth, to the family Enough CJf this two-hoilr-a­ Tuition 'at the Catholic ,school, nounced here by Archbishop joke that "Mom never throws day solo. 'Twas time' to take directed by Father Tullio An­ Henry J. O'Brien. anything away"! Marki,e up on her offer and let dreatta, is $13 a month, com­ The vacancies are principally BEFORE YOU Second day's take was not he~ in on some of the family pared with more than' $40 a· in city schools; due to shifting BUY- TRY quite so blatantly ludicrous: just mementos. month charged Mexican resi­ populations. a couple of chipped ten-cent­ "Well," she said, surveyin~ dents attending public schools Under the plan which will go store candlest'icks, 'an umbrella the upper region, "This isn't in San Diego' CO,l1nty. into operatiol' iii 'September, with broken ribs, elastic band­ as bad as I thought. Maybe you parents unable, to place their ages no longer elastic, kitchen actually don't hang 'onto every­ The more important attraction; children in their parish school scales without a spring, a 1926 ' thing', Mom, but how much according to parents of the tra­ because of lack of space may OLDSMOBILE street map of Council Bluffs, longer dl) you think you'll need veling students, is that their apply to place them in another Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault Iowa. thosc Jive 1961 calendars?» young. Spanish-speaJting chil­ parish school with space avail­ 67 Middle Street. Fairhaven , With these impediments sur­ able. S.WWiMWf' • reptitiously removed, stashed _--~-===-......,

away at the bottom of the trash can, our attic started to take on the look of a place' badly in need of reorganization, but not utterly hopeless. Matter of fact, it began to get interesting. Self­ respect as a keeper of treasures superseded the guilty feeling of a hoarder of junk, Not entirely, mind you; a reputation isn't built up that fast. ' There are still eve'ning gowns PER ANNUM of the post World 'W,ar U era, a striped-trouser, cutaway co at, suit, high silk hat and dove gr~y , PAID QUA,RTERly, PAID-UP ,'C~n9'Gtlllot;bns gl9ves belonging to ilnd fitting ': SHARE CERTIfICATES ' ;. .. the' Head of 'the House 'during :', his dapper days, a few' military 't~" ,Deposits WelcoMed ill Multipfes of , 'uniforms, Johnny's footbali hel­ $200.00 "P, to $30,000-011 Single ~"d' Joint Accoufth , met and shoulder pads, a mater­ :. , ftity"drestl (circa' i945):: ,These, ,'" ,', Up to $60.000-101' Corporations': ' ' ­ ,. , justifiably, ,might ,.~ c~assif~ed -







New England Tech



--..;.-_.. . . .








and, Best' Wishes ~


" ,



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Dream Houses Not Confined

TtfE ANCHORThurs.. June 16, 1966

To Pages of Magazines

'Clerical Four' Really SWings

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderiek Here come the roses. By the time this article appears IbOSl gardens will have Borne roses in bloom. Regular readers

CHICAO (NC) - They clap.

ef this column have guessed by now that roses are my tavorite flower, especially when they are healthy and insectfree. One feature that makes Ute rose a favorite among feet house is difficult to come ~rdeners i8 the ease with by, especially if your taste runs which it may be reproduced. to aomething a little different J'or those of you who have marweled at a neighbor's ability to leproduce a rose, I will outline • simple method which may be

ased by any amateur. The only Items oecessary are a blooming lOSe, a pair of sharp shears, a package of rooting honnone. and •

~U<'.1. ~




lJ .... ~u~



flat which may be covered by a

beavy plastic or glass. The method used with this equipment will not fail if cut-

tings are kept moist while handling and planted cuttings are left undisturbed until the following Spring.

select a stem about the diameter .of a, pencil bearing a Bingle )lOse,. , ,Ajter the rose has faded lind 1U9st of·th~,petals have fallen, cut the stem cleanly five sets ef leaves below the bud. This Ihould gfve you a cut stem about lleveo inches long; dependin~ .pon the variety


rose 10 be


Now cut off the two sets of leaves closest to the bud (do not tear theJr. off, since you may damage th~ stem) and the set of leaves at the bottom of the stem. This should leave you with a stern containing two sets of. leaves somewhere near the mid-

lIle, Next, cut off the bud. Now 4lip the stem in a rooting hor1I1:0ne up to the bottom set of leaves. Prepare a hole for the Aern by sticking a pencil in the lIOil selected, and then place the .tem carefully into the resulting Ilole as d.eep as the first set of leaves. This should mean that approximately three inches of aem are under the so-il. Next, covet the stem with a ~tle ar!d water lightly. The bottle acts as 'a miniature green!louse by conserving moisture. ... the past I have used gallon jugs over the rose stems, but they are so ugly sitting in the peden for a year that this year I plan to use a small eold frame 8ned wi th a mixture of peat .OSS, sand and good garden soil eovered with heavy plastic. I Iound that the perfect plastic for My cold frame is the kind used lor seat covers, selling for about ene doHaI'. The only requirement after eovering is to be sure that the *m is kept moist. There are IPCcial sprinklers on the market tor this, called misters, but I Itaven't gotten around to b\lying ene yet. so I water by hand two . . three times a day. One word eI. advice. Do not remove the eover or the stems will dry tJuickly. Keep the euttings roottid and covered .:for at least a rear, or they will not survive. ~ Everything I have ever read

Iibout cuttings always ends with

-.e advicesure t& the reader that :be ahould to label each cut... , be

tlng so that he will know what he has reprOduCed. I igIliore this advice for two reasons: ... one thing, I am tOo laq . . go to the trouble of metic-, .. ......Iy writing out la b e Is IIpd securing Ulem to the "ttings' 'and s.econdly, it is great oport" .ioaitil)ll fA»o .lhe ro'" to


...,.,.,; _ the



ilew cutthtfls to exactJi" what y~: have

.roduced. . ' . III ·t1IeJl[lteh~li • : "'ery good friends of outs are lllitending evel7 spare minute . .rching for a house, eKhaustIDg themselveS and real ~ _nto iale. the barpln. The· per-

ped and yelled for more as a Dixieland combo blared through "B,ll Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home" and a number ot other old favorites. The audience was composed of some 100 physically handicapped persons. The concert was in; the Chicago Rehabilitation Inst1ttite. And the DiXieland combo, known as "The Clerical Foitr" was organized especially for lfie.. occasion-two Protestant mini~­ ters, a Catholic. priest arid a

from the ordinary run of the mill development home. If the woman of the family

wants a lovely and workable kitchen iT, her dream house, theft the search is doubly difficult. The solution to this problem could possibly be solved by • .,............ '" .,j"'nt ..tAn ..... ..1 "'1 .........,"' ..

into the building of your own house. One needs nerves of steel, the patience of Job and the stamina of the Russian army to undertake this step, but it can end in very worthwhile results. No home illustrates better the successful realization of one's dream than the newly built abode of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ba,ptiste of St. Anthony of the De.sert Parjsh Fall River. BeautifUlly designed by George lJod-osh' in teamwork with Mrs. Baptiste (known to her million or so fr;ends as Tillie), it is truly a dream house that became a reality. Seeing that kitchens are the mil in theme of thiS column. we'll start our tour of Tillie's house in this room. "Elegant" is the word that comes to mind when you view this cooking area, but I must add "practical", also, as another adjective that could be used to describe it. The chicness and pristine pureness of white formica cabinets and white vynU tile floor are highlighted by Florentine gold hardware and faucets. Mrs. Baptiste has uniquely placed her sink, containing that housewife's helper, the grabage disposal, in a comer position, thereby giving herself more workable counter space. 'Her color scheme of this room shifts to dramatic black as we turn to the kitchen's third wall, that hOUSes, along with storage shelves, a marvelous ita n din g refrigerator-freezer combination that is an invaluable aid to Tillie, who is known as the Pearl Mesta of the Lebanese sd. Lighting. always a problem in a kitchen, is taken care of beautifully by a stunning gold and white chandelier of Spanish origin. The Spanish influence is carried over into a paneled family room that adjoins the kitchen by the use of a heavily fringed red rug of Mediterranean design. Separated from the cooking area by a marbleized formica serving counter, this room provides a comfortable at m 0 s ph ere in. which the woman of the family can entertain her guests or family and participate in beforedinner conversation. Floor to ceiling glass doors lead. frona this room to a backyard patio that I'm sure will be used con:"

_tly this Summer by Tillie, Iter husband AI. anti \heir twit boys, Michael and David.. I could go OIl endles.J7 desCribing thi. beautiful and easy t;e eare for home. Mention of.

I ••

Father JOseph Dustin, C.SS.a.., onetime professional band ,member,before he became a Redeml''' torist, was on the banjo; Rabbi r""niel Friedman of nearby Deerfield, trumpet; the Rev. - Samuel Patterson, Negro minia:ter of the Church of God in Chri:;t. electric guitar, and the Rev. Robert Owen, an Episcopal clergyman, at the piano.

I,AST MINUTE AID: LalIt min,ute adjustment to cap is made for Sheila Hayes, senior class secretary at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, by' Nancy Braley, el..." " vice-president. Terrance Hamilton, president, give~ approval, as all prepare for graduation exercises. such things as a crystal chandelier in the main bathroom, wall to wall emerald green carpeting in the sunken Jiving room and raised dining room, and a stunning foyer lantern light give the reade" only a limited idea of the beauty of a home that needs to be seen to be believed. However, perhaps my description will convey my feeling that dream homes are not always confined. to the pages of the shelter magazines. This is one of Tillie's favorite recipes. one that she serves frequently to guests. It is also, I am. told. a favorite of Rev. Kenneth Michael, curate 3t St. Anthony of the Desert! Grahana Cracker Cake 1'z cup shortening 1 cup sugar 3 beaten egg yolks. :If.!: teaspoon vanilla Y1 cup flour 2 tea,spoons double acting baking powder 1,4 teaspoon aalt 1% cups graham cracker crumbs'% cup milk 1Y2 cups chopped walnuts 3 stiffly beaten egg yolks 1) Cream together sugar and. shortening until fluffy 2) Add the beaten egg yolks to the creamed mixture along with the vanilla. Beat well 3) Add the sifted dry ingred~

Casey-Sexton, ••• Cleansers •••

ents, the fiour, baking poWder, and aU to' the above mixture. 4, Blend in' the graham

crumbs. 5) Fold in the e-gg whites and

nuts, carefully. 6) Bake in two greased


inch layer cake pans for 25 to 3() minutes in a 350 oven. Or 0

in an angel food, tube pan, for 35 to 40 minutes. T) Top with whipped eream and crushed pineapple.


Cardinal Spellman Gets Women's College Honor WHITE PLAINS (NC)-Francis Cardin'at Spellman of New York received the highest 8war4 of Good Counsel College, the Mater Boni Consilii M~dal, at the 40th annual commencement exercises here.

Mother Mary Dolores. president of Good Counsel, a liberal arts college for women, presented the award in recognition of the Cardinal's "long and meritorious service to the college a..nd Catholic education:' It marked the fifth time the medal was awarded in the college'. 43-year history.



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THE ANCHOR-Dioce'e of Fo" River'"'-Thu.... June 16, 1966'

.. "

THEANCHOR.,..Diocete of fall Riv"r- 7 Thurs. June 16. 1-9.66

Highlights of Consecration of Bishop Humberto S. Medeiros



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. June 16, 1966


"Catholic - but"

God Love You

Says Stamp of Greatness On Archbishop Alemany

By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.O. "Every anti-Christian is a half Christian gone mad, If 'lftftea Helmut Thielicke. There is some historical background for this, for Judas proved that the greatest enemies of the Church are often those who have been cradled in her sacred associations. He alone knew where to find Our Lord after dark. And because the Body of Christ is so sacred, its betrayal must always be prefaced by some mark of affection: "'Hail Rabbi, and he kiBBed Him." Similarly. those who attack the Church always begin their articles "I am a Catholic, but" "I am a Catholic. mother, but'" "I am. a priest, but.. WI am a DUn, but."

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy

He often called himself "the little Bishop," but he was actually one of the giants in the history of the Catholic Church in the United States during the ninteenth century. His name was Joseph Sadoe Alemany; he was a member .r the Dominican order; he from his jurisdiction as he became the first Archbishop wished, he still had a vast terrief San Francisco. His story tory. And be covered it by is told in California's First stagecoach, generally riding up Archbishop by Father Jobr B.

McGloin, S.J., (Herder



der. $~O.), a volume in the "'Makers of American Catholi.e1.sm" sf'ries of .

front with the driver. His journeying was endless and arouoUIJ; his ministrations were in the true pastoral spirit; and he showed himself an administral.U1.

IJUUl !,;(:IH;:'lLUL cUIU lInaglnetuve.

gUQr John Tracy

First Archbishop

Ellis is general

In 1853, only three years after he began his episcopate, San



McGloin's work

has more bite and color than did the biography



Lancaster Spalding which



series. Even so, :it is still considerably short of "':eing a first-rat~ biography. The style is· serviceable. 4Ui.te clumsy. The aut h 0 r has marshalled quantitiN of


ar.d these are set out

lIluch ·as bricks are laid. Oc<:a... sionally there is a touch of vitality, but the intervals between such flashes are all too long and dull. The answer to complaints of this sort may wen be that available sources simply do not supply m;;\lerials for the portrait of .. peI'!'onality. But that is not entirdy true. {or, sometimes in the text and sometimes in the footnotes. there are illuminating bits which could have been more $uCCCHsfully worked together int9 a more forceful likeness of the subject.

Missioner 10 U. S. Moreover, there is a failure. or ~fusal, to develop the setting .ufficiently. Certainly. San Fn'tneisco in the 1850's deserves to be dppicted vividly and in some d.etail as the background of Alemany'f:, first labors in California. And there is plenty of information to be had. But no graphic composition of place is supplied here. -Spanisll in origin, he was born In Vich, Catalonia, in 1814. In 1830, at the age of 16, he joined the Dominicans. When. in 1835. the friars were expelled from Spain. he went to Italy. He completed his studies for the priesthood in Viterbo. where he was wdained in 1837. He had wanted to be a missionary in the Philippines. but instead was assigned to the United States, specifically Ten~ ReSl:lee. After 50 days at sea, he reached this country, only to find that he was DO longer needed in Te.messee. So he went to • Dominican house in Ohio. Named Bishop In 1846 he was named priOl' provincial of the Dominicans in the United States, and in that eapacity attended the Seventh. Provincial Council of Baltimore, in 1849, where the American 'bishops got a highly favorable impression of him. The following year he went to Italy for • aeneral chapter of his order. The chapter did not take place, but during his stay in Rome he was infOJ med that Pius IX had named h,m Bishop of Monterre7, with all of California, ~ well as aU of Nevada, most of Utah, and aouthem Arizona, as his diocese. His attempts to refuse the appointment were turned aside. In rather short order, he was accomplishing wonders. Al~Qugh Lower California, beIoogini to Mexicol was removed




became an archdiocese, anti he its first archbishop. In the following year he dedicated hi,:; new cathedral (now old St. Mary's Church, on the edge of Chinatown). Other new churches were rapidly coming into being, and for their construetion the archbishop had to borrow money at extremely high rates of interest (e.g., 18 per cent). But he kept pushing ahead with schools. ~haritable institutions, and other endeavon. needed in a diocese growing fast.. It is clear that Alemany was a ):'rominent and beloved figure inn San Francisco. This was because of his splendid human qualities. his resolute leadership, and tbe simplicity of his manner and his life. He was approachClble and affable, and it was readHy seen that his whole purpose was to spend himself in service.

Throughout his episcopate, Alemany regarded himself as utterly unworthy of the office, and frequently offered to resign. In 1868 he began asking Rome to give him a coadjutor with right of succession. This plea, repeated again and again, was again and again turned down. Builds Churches, Cbapels During Alemany's years in CalifornIa, "more than 150 churches and chapels" were erected. The clerical ranks swelled to the number of 200. and the flock grew "from a few hundred to 200,000." Notable, too, was the founding of a seminary, six colleges. 18 academies, five asylums, and four hospitals. He was happy to lay down his burden and return to Spain. There he hoped to establish a Dominican college to prepare men for the mission but the project came to nothing. He died in Valencia in 1888, and more than 75 years later, in 1965, his remains were transferred to San Francisco for bur~l in the bishops' crypt. The stump of greatness was on Alemany and one is grateful for the' opportunity to read his full s.tory, de~pite the fact that the man himself, with his distinctive auI'.. and juices, seldom ~reathes in these pages.

Schools of Religion .For Dropped Grades LOUISVILLE (NC)--Catholic

first. graders attending publie schools here this Fall may have a chance to attend "schoolB el. religion" in their parisheB. The schools, designed to 01fer religious training to Catholie youngsters in public schools, would be in session one hour each week. Another two~hour ~ssion each mont'Q would help prepare parents to teach religio.a in the home. The project was planned after eight lint grades were tkoppetI ill Catholic ochoola.

Father .Peyton Marks Jubilee ALBANY (NC)-:More than a quarter of a century ago a young semjnari~Hl lay in an infirm,l,lcy bed, ravaged l,:Jy tuberculosis and discouraged by the thought that his ordination would be postponed, perhaps prevented ano~f"ther, by his illness. The onetime semin'arian is n·ow celebrating his 25th anniversary as a priest-25 years in which :he has traveled the world spreading devotion to the family Rosary in thanksgiving for his own cure and in the conviction that the Blessed Virgin will h€'lp others who seek. her aid. The priest is Father Patrick Peyton. C.S.C., internationally known fcunder of the Family Rosary Crusade. His 25th anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving here last Sunday and a reception afterward at the College of St. Rose, where he began his prayer' crusade 24 years ago, recalled the s'tory that led to his worldwide apostolate. The scene was the Holy Crosl Fathers' infinnary at Notre Dame, Ind., where YOWlg Patriek Peyton had been forced to lie idle for a year and a half suffering from TB. Prays .. MaI"7 One night he had a visitor, a priest who had been his profesSQr at the University of Notre Dame. His advice: "Mary is a woman, she likes to be talked to. Tell her to cure you." That night he began praying to Mary as he had never done before. And in an amazingly short time the doctors' verdict came: he was well and could resume his studies for the priest... hood.

His experience persuaded him that what had worked for him

could work for others. Soon after ordination he began his missioll to spread devotion to Mary and to family ·prayer. In the years since then Father Peyton has traveled the globe .. promote the Family Ro8a"fJ" Crusade. The slogaft be "The Family That Pra,.. T ... gether Stays Togethe:r---hal ~ eome known in many Jarida. ,.,.. meritl of family prayer were specifically died in two _ mentll adopted bJ' the _ Vatican CounciL


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la the parable of tile soil aDd the seed, nr deat Lord Ukeaflfd some miDd. &0 the seed that feU amoD« thorns. Ther received the crace, but there was a parallel I"rowth of seed and thorns, 01 faith and underbrush. of intelJutualit7 and superficiality, o' lIIacramental reM feneration and "PeDsi-e-eneration." D1IaJ!". .·.uac .neology anm pYOleslo Danner. 'tne City of God and the Secular City. Then. ·when the ·first, catastrophe comes, tbe first chaHeoge 10 their ego, the first splinter from the Cross. they lea ve. The Christians who give Christ their !inger. but refuse to give their hand are often far worse than the downright Marxist"If My enemy had done this ...... "hen one day, they slam the door on the Face of Crowned Compassion While boasting that tbey seek and knock. At this moment in the histor:r of the Church, many 01 the torUs of disruption are ol'l"anized. dveD banner and pr.nt; while the . vast· army with a Cross on their heart. are withDut a voice. The 0"" .'·the wolf . ' hf!'ard above tile bleatinr 01 the sheep with.. oat a shepherd. ' What must we do? Begin to make reparation. No noise, ftO circulars, no crowds to hear singing nuns _but .• deep participation in the loneliness of Christ 01\ the Cross whel,l He cried, "Why hast Thou abandoned Me?" The atonement for the "But culture" of our time will be: first. a steeping of ourselves in Sacred Scripture, and second, the realization that we cannot be Christian without offering ourselves for others. Scripture teaches us this leSSOn a8 its Lord, in the language of William Blake, say. to us: "Wouldst thou love Qne who never died for thee. or ever die for one who had not died for thee? And if God dieth not for man and giveth not Himself eternally for man, man could not exist; for man is Love, as God is Love:' Third. to concretize our reparation for many failings among us~priests, bl'others, .isters and lajtY.....I...by aiding missionaries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, where the average amount we spend on tin cans alone (not the contents) is equal to twice- the annual income of the people of those lands. We are rich; they are too poor. Remember Our Lord said that the four men who let down the palsied man through the roof, were responsible for his healing, not the faith of the nian himself. We are at a point wher:e as Hamlet said, "By indirections find directions out." Save the faith in this country, by building it up elsewhere. Grace is not cheap. Meditate on the Scriptures daily, and then help the Holy Father help all the mission aocietie. and the· poor of the whole world. How many will write to me among the laity, priesta and religious and offer to do these things to sweep the butts and garbage off the floor of the church and to propagate the Faith? God Love Yout

Go4 Leve Yo B.1.. "£...1 _ .. """ lo.elT $10 bm 10GDd sometime ua aloce I eau.Dot return it I. think. 7ft eoa.ld let It jabl ,"oa nd 1'0 to work where it on do ..me Cood/" . . . . . Mrs. BX for $4:,000 attaehed to a eolumn"' .•. to thaD.k God for bei.... 80 ,.004 ... me aud .,. faBIU,.. Ma.7 ibis help a »We bit ill HIo wor",," The GOD LOVE YOU medal, a lovely cameo medal of the Ma:dOlUla 01. the World ia one "OU would be proud to give Ol" delighted to receive. Designed by the world-renowned. jeweler, Harry Winston, and blessed by Bishop Sheen, the GOD LOVi: YOU medal is available in classic Florentine gold finish or pure sterline silver and may be obtained bT sending your request and. corresponding oHer to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fiftb Avenue. New York. N.Y. 10001. $2 small sterlinc silver; $3 small 10k IOld filled; $a large sterling .ilver; $10 Jarce 10k ...... filled. Oat eat _ 001.._ .... " .........rlflee .. It alld man K _ _ Falloa :I. 8 - ' N_Da1 Dlreeter el Tbe Soclet" "... Pro.....,_. el ... FoJth, ... Fiftll Avenlle, Ne,.. York, " - York 1_1, ,,_ _ • • _ Mop. ~ T. III N_ _ IItre"- FaD a I _

Ms_c.... I1.....





Students at Diocesan High Schools Reaching Academic Home Stretch With One', Week, One Day to Go


Thurs., June 16, 1966

Students at Diocesan high schools are coming into home stretch, with but one week and one day left of elasses and graduation already a, happy memory for this year's seniors. At Prevost High in Fall River the National :iIonor_~ Society sponsored Teachers' Recognition Day Robert Bedard and Susanne yesterday. The Boston Pops Davignon. students were cited Orchestra was heard by as Eighteen National Honor Society mem­

faculty members, with expenses met by proceeds from the recent Prevost Glee Club concert. Also in connection with the Glee Club, aspirants for next year's programs should sign up before the end of school with Brother Celeste. Outstanding Coyle students named at the Taunton school's annual Honors Night were, for freshmen, Steven Slavic; soph­ omores, ~mil Davif'aukj junioi's, Michael Felong. The senior Mim of, the Year was James Murphy and the outstanding athlete was Kevin Creedon. And at Fall River's Mt. st. Mary Academy, valedictorian susan Jenkineon, highest rank­ ing senior, took as her speech subject '''rhe' Woman's Role ,in Life." Also at the Mount, the seniors have contributed' towards an organ as their class gift; and new National Honor Society officers inc 1 u d e Catherine Flanagan, president; Diahe Vieira, vice. president; Veronica Plaziak, sec­ retary; Carol Bednarz, treasurer. Parents' Night Mother and, Dad, those all­ importam people standing be­ hind every gl'8duating senior, were honored at Bishop Feehan High School's Parents' Night last week Awards made at the Attleboro school's program in­ cluded the Balfour Awal\- lor General Scholastic Excellence to


bers and a total of 29 scholar­ ships were announced' as going to 22 seniors. Awards were pre­ sented tl) outst.anding students in' the business. English, lan­ guage, mat h, religion, social studies and science departments; and co-curricular, leadership and spirit awards were also' made. At Bishop Stang High in North Dartmouth, honors were' announced at a class day pro~ gram, with, 30, students an­ nounced as NHS, members; five as National Busir,ess Honor So­ ciety members; and 16 an­ nounced as meriting member­ ship in the, Natiomil Spanish Honor Society. AT LAST: "Can it be true '!DiploJl?,a.'l ,at last!" exult Latin, Spanish, French, busi­ graduates Leonette Bourbeau, Janet Forti," and Louise ness proficiency ,and special , Bish()pa~ Sacred Hearts Academy, Fair4aven. ' scholastic awards were also made. Thirty-five students re­ ceived a total of 42, scholarships a full program of, pleasant were admitted to full member­ and grants and leadership and events to end their high school ship. And junior' members ~of service awards were highlighted days. A day of re'collection was the Future Secretaries of Amer­ ica held a farewell party for by a' "Special Commendation for climaxed by _the annual junior­ a Job Superbly Done" to Patrick senior reception in the school senior dittoes at which a club Carney, student· council presi­ hall and cafeteria, highlighted library was initiated. dent. Outstanding student ath­ by the planting of a white dog­ School Officers letes were James Kavanaugh wood tree on, the school grounds, Student Council officers ~t Mt. , "starting a tl'8dition that will be and Maureen Harding. carried on in years ahead." The St. Mary Academy for the com­ At Jesus-Mary Academy in tree was the .junior class gift to ing year will be Geraldine Mar­ Fall River highest honors went the seniors. tins, president; Nancy Medeiros, to Anne-Marie Grillo and Rita vice-president; Joan Perry, sec­ Laflammf, while nine seniors Also on the Cassidy senior' retary; Rose Marie Morin, treas­ received a total of 21 awards, agenda were a boat trip to Mar­ urer. honors and scholarships. . At Feehan High freshman tha's -Vineyard and a tea prof­ Seniors at Bishop Cassidy fered by the alumnae association baseball players cinched the High .in Taunton have enjoyed at which the newest alumnae Greater Attleboro League cham-



HVMBERTO S MEDEIROS Bishop of the Diocese, of, Br.ownsvilie, Texas l

Cor. 'of Rod'man and, Hartwell, Streef$


lOUIS GoRODINSKY, Treasurer JOSEPH A. "De NARDO, .President



Form Semina ria..

Student:: CQ,uncil

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. June 16, 1966 ~ '':. .


Schools Completing Studies·

ST. MARY (NC) - InstaUed with a new' stl,1dent council for Continued from Page Thirteen class' banquet at New. Bedford

St. Mary's College for semina­ from the Polish War Veterans. Hotel this week; and also at the

. rians' here' .in Kentucky are 1 She will attend Fitchburg State 'New Bedford school the new

hopes. for three major benefits• College. staff for Hy Fy Spy, the school

Father James Thompson, C.R.. . Recipients of Coyle Alumni paper, includes Joanne Porler

rector, enulllerated the hopes: .Scholraships at Coyle High were . and .Margaret Medeiros.

(1) greater' "communication" Thomas Kalaher and James' 'At· Coyle the school publica'-"

betw~en studen~ and faculty; Fitzpatrick. Winnex" of the Lt.' ·tions Viking and The Warrior,

(2) some adniinistrative partici­ William M iJ.' r Ii hy Memorial have received letters of merit

pation by stlidents;'and (3) an Scholarship to Stonehill College" from the St. Bonaventure Jour­

opportuuity for studertts to exer­ was John Badwey. ' , , ' nalism Contest. Also cited Cise and learn responsibility. Three more scholarships, in.' journalistic merit was' James addition to those previously" Andrews. .' Idea for' the council; which noted, have been 'awarded to i' At Bishop· Cassidy, students Father Th~~l:ison,a Resurrec­ Cassidy High School girls. i..il~ heard a lecture by' Rabbi H. tionist prles~'; cS'timate'd to· be ., nan Mack is recipient of' the Bruce Ehrmann of'Brockton on among .the fj~i; fo'r': s~IDinaHes, · :'·Msgr.. McKeon scholarship, a Judaism; and also at the Taun­ was discussed fof' a 'y'ear~ "Stu­ · $250 annual grant; Union Hospi-.;·' ton scho()l an arts festival high­ dents will begin 'council opera­ , tal has awarded Cheryl Caron ligh~ the ·closiJ)gdays. of the tion in the Fall,: but .. hav.e al­ a $125 scholarship and Joan.' acadE!nii~ year,' With .art, lan­ read:' elected:members: of the : 'Baron a $75 grant; while the: guage,history and music ,depart­ council executive ,oommittee.. " 'Bristol County' American Legion ments collaborating on murals, Among matters that will con­ Auxiliary presented their $100, posters,' skits, music and folk cern' the council is·' a .spiritual . annual gift to Cornelia' Duffy" dancing. committee that will direct mis­ al-' of Cassidy.' New. Chel'orleaders sion activities, apostolic work, Mt. St. Mary Academy cer­ And senior Mary Forrest of and contributions to various · Mt. St. Mary has been awarded tainly has its ducks in a row charities, Father Thompson said. a $200 scholarship,from the Tiv:" for 'next year. All organizations erton Knights of Columbus.' seem to have heid ele'ctions and . She'll enter R. I. Hospital School there's nothing to do but wait of Nursing. for' September. New cheerlead­ ers are juniors Judy .Raposa, Latin Laurens Jeannine Beaudry, Terry Bell; SHEET METAL JOYOUS MOMENT: Happiness graduation cere­ Also at the Mount, three sen­ sophs Elaine Chaves,' Becky· J. TESER; Prop. lors, "having labored through Tarabolski and Sheila Camara; mony n~ars is shared by seniors at Mt. St.. Mary Academy, INDUSTRIAL four years of·Latin, have scored . and £rosh Carol Sayward and F.all River. From left, Susan Jenkinson, vall'ldictorian; RESIDENTIAL Summa cum Laude in the na-· Donna Castanho. . SIster Therese Joseph; Carolyn Walas, Latin honor student; ,COMMERCIAL tionwide APSL Latin exam.". ThiS wiD 'be the final School ~nd Sister: .Clara Maria. Sisters are Doin:inicall.ll of the \ The girls, comprising the entire .... column for the academic year. 253 Cedar ~ •., New Bedford Presentation, stationed at St. Annes Hospital. ~ Latin 4 class, are Carolyn Walas, 'The feature will resume in the Wy ~''')~22 ., Susan Jenkinson and Ann Sulli-. FlI.lL ·van. Carolyn netted. a perfect " . · 'score of 120 . points, and her .. . JaZZ ·". m~al, being her third award,. PITTSBURGH (NC)'-A ~ . ".' : ",. . , entitles her'to a personal trophy. ,......., . . . laD.:

'In dd·t· ·t th t th 29 . festIval featunng new arrange­ , 11 1 Ion 0 e op r!'le,' ." 'me ts . d ' . ".' . . · .underclassmen..,received certifi- . n an COI?posltIons by. top

. eatesof merit for their prowess performers WIll .be l:leld here

· in the language of Cicero and' J~ly 2 to 4 under the joint aus- ,

Caesar. ", PlC~.S o~ ,the Catholic .Youth Or~ An Oriental theme dominated g~~lZl:ltlOn and the Ameri,can. junior-senior day at Jesus-Mary Wmd Symphony. Academy in Fall River, with juniO,rs ~erving a ?hin~se-Am~r~ _: ..



N@rris H. TQ'ipp




,.,St. Francis :': '-Residence

~C;:ts,dl~~:r pr:~:::::- a'~~;:- .. ~ ....

"Chin~~own." Decor ca]rled·our.'.: ~ ',FPR:YQONGY/OMEN the Chmese theme. . ..' , . .. ..... .'. . ". . • New debate club 'officers at .. 196 Yhlpple St.,~nRlver Mt. ~t. Mary are Julie Morgan, . 'Con~u~ed ~,y FranciscOlll presi.dent; Maure¢n Austin,vice- . MI~StOnCllrles . of Mary p~sideQct; Mary Crossan, secre­ ". ·R.OOMS~MEALS . tary;~ .. Aim Hetko,. treasurer; ~ERNIGHT H,OSPITALm f Kathleen, . McCann, -librarian; InqlrireOS: 30,2892 Christine Talbot, parliamentar­ ian. Orchestra president is Jean Martineau and Claudeete De­ mers' will head next year's glee dub.


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~--~ ---~----...-----------



rrn:: Serran to Spend Taunton Girl First Bishop Cassidy Graduate Thurs., 15 June 16, 1966 Personal Funds '-·T0 Win Fulbrig~t Award tor Foreign Study Onto rio Theology For Vocations Schools Merge By Dorothy Eastman MILWAUKEE . (NO) AT'l~ nVl\-

"Ich bin Fraulein :Mary O'Hearne, und ich aus Taunton, Massachusetts." Translated Coming from Uruguay to the United States by way Of from the German that is: "My name is Miss Mary O'Hearne and I come from Taunton, Massachuset~.' This is what some p~ople in the Republic of· West Germany may be the Netherlands, Jan Ber­ bers might be slightly puzzled if hearing' this Fall from a lovely blonde girl with a charming Irish smile and an Irish name he beard himself Yeferredto as to match. This month, Miss -a man who puts. his money O'Hearne, the daughter' of where his mouth is.".

Mr. and Mrs. ·John O'Hearne . But there are few better des­ of 46 Prospect Street became' criptions for someone who is willing to spend, within the next year, between $15,000 and $20,­ 000 of bis own money foi' a eause be feels deeply about. . J.aek Native Priests Berbers' is II eandidate for· president of Serra International at its convention in St. Lo~s June 20 to 22. His chances are eonsidered excellent, since he is the nominating committee's choice for the post, and it is rare that the committee's recom­ mendation is defeated, although any delegate can nominate a can­ didate. Since Serra provides no sal­ ary or expense account for its president, the textile manufac­ turer would bear all" the costs of being a full-time executive. Berbers, a member of Serra's 15-man board of trustees, is a resident of Montevideo and foun­ der of that city's Serra club, the second active chapter in South America. His interest in spurring priest­ ly vocations stems largely from. the shortage of priests in Latin America, he said-only 38,000 priests for 210 million Catholics. And some 13,000 of these priests are imported from other eoun­ tr,ies, including the U.S. Vocations 8carcity Many vocations are lost, he said, because of the objections of parents who do not know what a priest's life is really like. "You cannot love what you do not know," he said. "Most people in South America don't know what a priest is. Part of our job is to explain what priests do and how they live. We have to change the image of priests that people have in their minds." Some of the blame for the scarcity of native vocations can also be traced to the influence of. Spanish missionaries, he said. "Little effort was made to re­ eruit natives. Spanish and Port­ uguese priests came with con­ quering armies and were inter­ ested mainly in baptizing the people with whom they came in­ to contact. As a result the faith was not deeply rooted." . " Retreat Cenier The Serra clubs should not enly encourage vocations and inform the laity, he said, but also assist those who have been 01'­ dained. For that reason the Mon­ tevidee chapter has established II rest house where diocesan elergy can come for vacations. "During three months of the year the house is filled. For $1 a day a priest can have all the food he needs, including wine at the meals," Berbers said. I'0l' the rest of the year, the home serves as a location for vocation­ al. retreats.

Three Agencies Get #Head Start' ,Funds WASHINGTON (NC)~Three Cltholic agencies are among additional sponsoring groupS named to receive "Head Start" program funds by the U.S. Of­ fice of Economie Opportuni9,. They


Department of Education, .ATchdiocese o!l Baltimore, $3~ 003; Holy. Fa~ly Parish, Rat­ ehe2, ~S8., ~,~; st. ~ X High School" J!sankliDColmtJE, ••Y .. ~

the first Taunton resident to re­ ceive the coveted Fulbright scholarship. The Fulbright is an all ex­ pense grant from the United States government to outstand­ ing scholars for graduate studies abroad. Its purpose is promotion of better understanding between the peoples of the United States and of other countries. . Mis s O'Hearne graduated magna cum laude this month from Regis College in Weston. Her A.B. is in German language and literature. She will spend her year of graduate study at the University of Cologne in West Germany, where she will major in German history· and philosophy. "Philos­ ophy and history have had so much influence on German lit­ erature," she explains, "and liv­ ing with the German people will help me to understand their cul­ tural background." lLikes Language One stipulation of the Ful­ bright award is that the winner must have a· good speaking knowledge of· another language. Mary studied bon. -German and Spanish at Regis, but her ·pref­ erence is obviousiy for· German. "I found it much easier than Spanish" she says, The study of languages seems to come naturally in the O'Hearne family, Another sister, Valerie Jane--now Mrs. Edward Leger of Ledyard, Conn. was a ; Fulbright alterna:te and'. studied _ at the Sorbonne in Paris. Miss O'Hearne haa a· splendid· assortment of graduate awards . from which to choose. ·She was . awarded among others, the Bald- . win prize for $3,500 for graduate . study at Harvard University, and a University Fellowship and Faculty of Philosophy Fellow­ ship totaling $3,300 for graduate study at Johns Hopkins Univer­ sity. Aetive illl Parish She was president 'of her freshman class at Regis and sec­ retary-treasurer' of the Student Council in her sophomore year. She was secretary-treasurer of the German club and alsO active in· the Internation'al Relations and Arts clubs, the Tower Soci­ ety, the Sodality .and the Ath­ letic Association. While at Regis Irbe. taught a elasS of high school girls iii· Con­ fraternity of Christian Doctrine. .A 196~ graduate of· BishoP Cassidy High School in Taunton - then called St.· Mary~s - she was elass president in b9th her sophomore and senior years and co-editor of the year boOk. She is the first Bishop Cassidy grad­ uate to receive the FUlbright

award. Mr. and Mrs. O'Hearne are ob­ ?iously and naturally as proud

Atfr~[)'\\tcll$ ~rthodox

ChM[j'«:~ [I)®dcC!lfi'ocn

GERMANY BECKONS: With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. O'Hearne, Tauntonian Mary O'Hearne reads letter notifying her of selection as Fulbright scholar. The Bishop Cassidy High School and Regis College graduate will study for a year in West Germany, then plans to com­ plete work for master's degree at Harvard University.·

September 17 will be the sail- . ing date for the S,S.' Europa, that will take Mary along with many other students, to Ger­ many. After that wonderful year of study and travel abroad­ what next? "I'd like to finish the work for my Master's degree at Harvard and then go on for my doctoral degree so I can teach German literature on' a college level," Miss O'Hearne says. If it is true that "all our past aeclaims our future," then the future looks very bright indeed for Mar,. O'Hearne. .






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BURLINGTON (NC)-Bishop Robert F. Joyce of Burlington was one of several religious leaders present here when Arch­ bishop Iakovos, head of the Greek Orthodox Church in North and South America, consecrated the church of the Assump,tioD of the Virgin Mary as the prin­ cipal church in the Vermont­ wide OrthodoX15arish. Also present were Rabbi Max B Wall of Burlington's Ohaw Zedek Synagogue and the Re.v. Roger Albright, executive minis­ ter of the Vermont Church Coun­ elI.

of their. daughter .as any parents would be: Mrs. O'Hearne is an active member of· the Queen's. Daughters in Taunton as well as the Altar Guild and. Women's Guild of St. Mary's parish, An­ other daughter, Joan, is a stu­ dent at;Catherine Laboure School of Nursing. The O'Hearnes also hav~ a son, John, 10.

= =

~ 5'

TORONTO (NC) - St. Mi­ chael's College School of tthe­ ology has joined the Toronte Graduate School of Theo]ogical Studies as "a major stlep for­ ward in ecumeniclll re]ations:" . It means that for the first time in Canada, Roman Catholics and Protestant theology students wiD sit through the same lectures and be examined by the !ame professors. Father John Kelly, C.S.B., St. Michael's presiden\ said the affiliation is in response to the Pope's directive for closer . Ghristian collaboration. . "Christian unity cannot be built on ignorance, complacency and hostility," Father Kelly said. . "The days of isolation are over." , For the past 24 years the Grad-, uate School of Theological Stud­ ies has consisted of Emmanuel College (United Church), Knox College (Presbyterian), and Trinity alld Wycliffe Colleges (Anglican) ,


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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., June 16, 196.6

Parish Councils

Spread Rapidly

Declares Clh~rch May Lift 1B~!Hl1 On - Ma~@)nry

_ CALGARY (NC) ~ Some 25

par i s b councils have been

formed in the Calgary diocese

. here in Canada and m~re ate on

the way. The councils are to meet the temporal needs of the Church, foster a dialogue within the par­ ish and keep open Hnes of com­ munication.

FRENCH LICK (NC)-A lltrofessor at the University @f Notre Dame feels the day is approaching "when offi­

eials of the Catholic Church The rapid spread of the coun­ will reexamine the causes and . cils is largely attributed to Re­ circumstances of its ban against newal '66, a program of givj~g Catholics joining a Masonic recently begun in the diocese!" llodge." ·M a n~' parishes,· answering Father John A. O'Brien, re­ questionn·aires sent them before search professor of theology, Renewal '66 began,' said parish told the Indiana state conven­ councils would help in m;:lin­ tion of Scottish Rite Masons taining lines of corp.Inunication here in Indiana, that Pope John within the parish and on the XXIII's pontificate and Vatican deJinery and diocesan levels. Council II has opened a "new . era" in Catholic-Protestant re­ Par ish representatives en­ dorsed the idea when electing ll'ations. He expressed belief Christian deanery representatives to form unity will be achieved neither the Renewal '66 committee. The committee approved their for­ bv a Protestant "return" nor a ECUMENISM: IN EVIDENCE AT CONSECRATION: Clergymen of the various mation and the councils were C~tholic "surrender" but in the Gospel spirit of "a brotherly ap­ denominations and rabbis representing the .r"wish faith march in procession to the well on . their way. . proach from both sides." Cathedral for consecration of Bishop Medeiros. Some parishes which had ad­ . Ally of Religion visory boards simply expanded Father O'Brien stressed he . the representation to form their was expressing a personal opin-. -m~ng councils. In others, they were non and not ·speaking for the _ A ~jj elected, either by the parish as' Ch~rch, as he attributed the. a whole or by the various soci­ ban on Freemasonry for Catho,eties. Uics "to conditions prevailin.g ilt The 25 council!l so far formed lEurope at the time." NEW ORLEANS· (NC)- . the dental facility. It is antici­ of the LSU ·system. range from three members to "In some countries, eSp"eciaUy pated that .matching federal They said the Loyola dental 15•. tm. France and Italy, Masonic Loyola University of New funds can be obtained. school will continue to function Uodges had become centers of Orleans and Louisiana State The school, which would be until a smooth transition of the atheism and il'religion and deep­ University have announced under Loyola dental student body and the jurisdiction of LSU, involved in politics," he~· ~ .. cooperative pro g 11' a m for would handle about 100 students, faculty into the LSU medical called. stl'engthening and expanaing. compared to the present capac­ center can be effected. It waa On the other hand, Father 0'- dental education in Louisiana. announced at a preS.lI conference . ity of 56 at Loyola, a Jesuit ni­ Brien said, Freemasonry in North The proposed program calls .stitution. that Loyola has worked for a Est. 1897 America and ·Britain "requires for establishment of a $10 mil­ number of years OJ!! plans for The plans were announced belief in God as a condition of lion dental· school to replace such a facilitJr. Supplie~ membership." The Masonic 01'­ Loyola's present facilities· at jointly by Father Homer R. Jol­ ley, S.J., Loyola president, and 2343 Purchase Street

ganization in the United States, Loyola. Dr. John A. Hunter, president New BedfOrd

fte noted "far from being the The new plant would be 10­ Enjoy Dil'ling

WY 6-5661

.enemy of religion, is a mighty cated here in the gigantic med,.. and powerful ally of religion. ieal complex adjacent to the. IN THE

LOuisiana State and Tulane Uni­ Encourage Dialogue NEWARK (NC) - A radio "ft would ·seem that the versity medical schools' and station poll chose Sister Fran­ JOLLY WHALER iEhurch's ·attitude toward Free­ Charity Hospital. cis Eugenie, principal of Sacred masonry here should be cor­ -AND-respondingly different than in It will be located on a .tract Heart School here, as ''parochial SPOlJIiER INN

some of the countries of the.· of land purchased by Loyola last school principal of the year" fot­ Old World," he asserted. . ~ear for $970,000, .an~ financed New York, New .Jersey, Con-' RESTAURAI.TS

Father O'Brien termed it "un.;. . In part through a bill mtroduced necticut and Pennsylvania. The . fortunate, unnatural and patho-:" May 29 if! th~ Louisi~a· Legis- . balloting was conducted by Sta­ Always Free F'arking

WYman tiOR WABC. logical that Catholics,members, latu~e. The bIll a~tho~lzes bor­ 3-6592 It{ the largest religious body in r6wmg :unds .a~d Issumg bonds the United Sta~es,Il1ay not be up to $:>.5 millIon by LSU for CHARLES F. VARGAS . ATTLEBORO'S

active members of the nation's ~ading Garden Center

largest fraternal organization," 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE He said the Church is encour­ NEW BEDFORD, MASS. aging dialogue with members of CEDAR RAPIDS (NC)-Aux­ IIIG DIVIDEND NEWS I other faiths to promote mutual iliary Bishop James P. Shannon understanding and has even of St. Paul, Minn., recently re­ a· SYSTEMATIC South Main & Wall Sts. formed a commission to elC­ SAVINGS signed president of the Col­ ~ mange views with atheists. lege of St. Thomas there, will be INVESTMEIQ a Clear Misunderstanding the chief speaker Sunday here JIllIf SAYINGS "Surely," . he declared, "the at Coe College commencement· CA 2-0234 time has 'come for the Chur~h exercises. The bishop will re­ R£GUUI in the U.S.A. to establish a com­ ceive an honorary doctorate of year SAYlJISS mission for. dialogue with the literature from the Presbyterian leaders. of Masonry with a view. affiliated college here in Iowa. toward removing any obstacles to Catholic membership therein." Father O'Brien ·expressed con,.. fidence· that a series of meetings between Masonic·' and Catholic - SOUTIV~I officials "would clear away aU misunderstandings concerning • IYAIIIIS Masonry in .this country." ROUTE 6, HUTTlESON AVE. c


Dental .Education ·Progr1om

'Universmties Plan Jc»int Venture in Louisia"la

Sturtevant 6'





Poll Honors Nun



New Bedforci Hotel

College Honoll'sBishop







Announce Catholic V:outh Week Theme WASHINGTON (NC) - The l:966 National Catholic Week will be observed from Oct. to3 Nov. 6 and geared te the theme, "Peace Through Brother­ Jaood." Msgr. Frederick J. StevensoR, director, Youth Department, Na­ tional Catholic Welfare CGnfell'­ ence, which' sponsors the obser­ vance, said in keeping with tra­ dition the week will open OIl the feast of Christ the King. The day has been designated as National Youth CommuniOR Sunday, which millions of young persons throughout the ·nati_· will be asked to observe.



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f1fE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. June 16, 1966


Modern Student Is Facing Dilemma sT. PAUL (NC) - Modern youth faces a choice between the immediacy of being and the po­ tential of becoming, the dean of students at the University of : Minnesota told the graduating class of the College of St. Cath­ erine here. There may be too much free-

dom for young people today, . ways to induce the student to said Edmund G. Wil,liamson, be­ give thought to thoughtfulness cause the current concept of "the as one of the highest virtues of good life" stresses immediate the academic style of livi-ng," he satisfaction, "rather than pur­ said. suing long-delayed satisfactions The student's dilemma, he that come with maturity." added, is to choose in a thought­ Higher learning must work ful, rational manner, "to' be or harder "to invent more effective not to be in the quest of imme­

diate satisfaction" and "'to strl~ to become or not to become on~ highest and best potentiality." "To travel hopefully in search of the good life is better than .. arrive," he said. ''To try M become one's potentiality .. growth-producing."


Holy Union Sister Gains Doctorate At commencement ceremonies held this month at St. Louis University, Sister Helen Lucy Sampson, S.U.S.C.· received a doctoral degree in English. Her thesis subject was "A Critical Edition of Samuel Daniel's 'The . Tllagedie of Cleopatra.''' Her minor field 'was higher educa­ tion. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melzar P. Sampson, 18 Hillside Street, Fall River, Sister Helen ·Lucy received her bachelor and master's degrees at Villanova. She is currently on the faculty of the College of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River.

Where A








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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 16, 1966

SOCDQI ~~@s~esFound Rmgid~~

€ o ntinued

from Page One

nations will be conducted at a time and place designated by the pastors and Thursday, June 23, is the earliest day on which these exercises may be held..

StruHtfM[f@cdJ ~n l~tinHondl~

JFrom "SOcial Revolution m. the New Latin America" Edited by John .J. Considine, M.M. ' We have semi nOw how the economic, social, political Ill.nd cultural power was shared in Latin America., But what was the social situation? Great geographical as well as cultural distances separated the various ethnic groups. The hierarchy of classes had feudal and economic dwellers. The Indian had no normal access to the new social .. bases. As concerned the feu­ or cultural order. 'dal, ,the conquerors, privi­ However, it is important to

Facilities for the students to continue their Catholic educa­ tion are better than at any pre­ vious time in the Fall River Diocese, Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Ph.D., Diocesan Superintendent of Schools, noted. TwelVe high schools are in operation in the area now and' in September the new Bishop 'Connolly High School for Boys in 'Fall River, will welcome the first freshmen, to' be taught by the, Society of Jesus in the tem­ porary quarters of the new st. William's Catechetical Center, Fall River until the new build­ ing now under construction' at . the junction of President Ave. and Route 24 is completed. '

leged 'by the Crown, became note that if the structuring of encomenderos or lords. The society followed strongly marked landed propri­ ,lines of ethnic and cultural sep­ etors assumed aration; neither the Spaniard nor power at the the Portuguese disdained racial same 'time as mixtures'- Quite geinerally ille­ the government gitimate, ,unions between ,per­ fun c t ion ­ . sons of different races were fre- ' a ri e s and the quent at all levels of society. wealthy busi­ On the sides of the population nessmen. The pyramid we' should find the s t rat i f i .:. middle classes. For pract~cal cat ion sprang purposes we can say that they less from a con- ' did not exist. NO JOB TOQ BIG cern f05 a feud­ Groups of. mestizos" who by NONE TOO SMAlll. al system than' c: their geographic' location ,(in lHIOLY JF AMILY GRADS: Robert Gaudreau", Donna from a desire to conserve ac­ towns)· and their occupations quired economic privileges. By (small artisans or .business men) , Place, Mary Cote and Ba~ry Harrington become me~nbers of the' seventeenth century the should have been separate from the New Bedford's school alumni and alumnae association. erystallization of society into --the lower level; remained linked PRINTIERS <eolonial .castes. waR an accom­ to it because of their poverty' Main Office and ~~ant plished fact. and their illiteracy. II Population growth and the in­ This intermediate group did 95 Bridge St., Lowen,Mass~ crease of" intermarriage between not evolve toward the .middle , , , Tel. 458-6333 8 the Spanish-born, the creole; the class until the very end of the ImClldge 16444 of New s!FmnElst Indian and the Negro proved' to colonial period. Its rise had been Auxiliary' Plants , be factors of social mobility impeded. by, the social system be Ordai,ned' Suli'tlc:llalf ' BOSTON' :Which overthrew the principle and by a whole series of eco­ ef separation on which the colo- nomic restraints. This class ESOPUS (N-'~)""":For five years swung bis night stick. CAMDEN, N. J. Dial system originally rested. ,'found it impossible to acquire', Peter J.' McGowan wore the , Among those on hand for the OCEANPORT,N. 'J. Pyramid Explains "a small property, ,they were re.- blue uniform of New York's former 'polic;:eman's ordination MIAMI The figure of the pyramid' stricted in the purchase of man- finest among the tenements and will be. his l?rother, James, a shows this, social ,hierarchy ufactured goods. They were lost trouble spots of Brooklyn's detective with the New York PAWTUCKET, It •. elearly. At the top: the Span­ in the lower strata of society and Brownsville· section. Soon he police force, who re,~ently re­ PHILADELPHIA iards. At the base: the Negroes could not rise. ' w i l l bewearing a religious habit' ceived ail award for bravery. and the Indians. Between the Parallel to this rigid structur.. in one of the Church's mission top and the base, and' going up ing, geographic and cultural territories. from bottom to top, the mulat­ barriers separated the ethnic He will be ordained Sunday

tos, the Indian half-breeds, and groups. Parts of the aboriginal finally the "mestizos" of Spanish populations, for instance the at Mount St. Alphonsus Semi­

eultur'e. , jungle Indians, lived "outside" nary 'here along with 14 fellow

Redemptorists. .The ceremony

At the very top of the, pyra­ colonial society. Their remote­ will 'climax the unusual storY

mid stood the Whites, the Spari-' ness was not always due to the of- a patrolman who became' a

iards of Spain> They monopo'::' fact of distance. priest: .

!ized the higher posts in admin­ It often resulted from a with­ istration and in, the Church.· The,' drawal in the' case ....of several The priest-to-be,' native of ereoles were ousted. Aside from' groups of Guaranis in Paraguay Brooklyn who was graduated the higher officials and the up­ after the destruction of their from. the New York Police Aca­ per' clergy, birth and family villages'. Also some populations, . demy and St. John's University, of'BRISTOL (;OUNTY

position based on the ownership, , such as the Indians of the reduc­ wore badge 16444 for five years


of lands and mines determined tions and the communities, were' while attached to the 73rd pre­

rank. The prestige attached to. and 'still are living in relative cinct in Brownsville.


birth. and to property and,the cultural and social independence, ATTLEBORO FALLS Although he' insists that' he

disdain for commercial enter- I though by their acceptance of waS' "never a hero-just an or;" ,-' prises' however lucrative placed' Christianity they have experi­ business men and those' engaged enced an acculturation, at least dinary cop,'" he has enlivened

many a seminary talk seSsion ~---,----------~---in industry in an inferior social in the religious domain. . with stories of his beat, the j'unk­ rank in spite 'of their economic. Precarious Independence ies, vagrants and toughs he en­ power. As to the independence of the , countered. ' At the base' of the pyramid Indian, it has always been of came the slave or paid laborer, very precarious nature. Their Some' of his classmates, too,

excluded from the political and reductions were in effect but recall the thrill they, had as

eUltural life of \the nation. In­ refuges for a very poor popula­ ,children when they were treated "uded in' this lowest stratum tion, victims of land speculation to a ride in Officer McGowan's, were the Indians enrolled in the -< and subject to the servitude of pat.rol car, wore bis hat or,' encomiendas, then subject to the 'the mita. " forced labor of the mita and The Christian republic estab­ later linked with the haciendas. lished by the Jesuits in the ~he Indians formed the urban Paraguay reductions, sometimes and rural proletariat. The change characterized as Communist ,PaOl11llt <allI'lld 'Wallpaper from one system to another (en­ Christian, attempted an econom­ lOlupont ,Paint oom'ienda, hacienda or mita) did ie, social, cultural and religious cor., Middle St. not improve the social condition integration. Mter the suppres­ 422 Acush. Ave. of the Indians, each of the sys­ sion of the Society the. reduc­ serving only to reduce tions came to a tragic end, due Q.ilW New Bedford them to a still lower level. in part to the inability of its di­ PARKING At the beginning of coloniza­ rectors to make progress beyond . ' Rear of Store fion, a few :noble Indians re­ the paternalistic character of Offocnal 1P~lotographer to Bishop Med~iros' tained rank and prestige when the experiment. they were hispanicized. There Sergio Bagu in his study of were also a few attempts at in­ social' structures of colonial direct administration, through Latin America notes the exist­ the intermediary of the cacique, ence' of a considerable popula,. ~r head man. , ti~n of non-producers, of per­ 623 1l01BlIESON FALL RIVER, MASS. Phone 673-8361 Under the authority of the en­ 'sons who had lost social position, ~mendero, the caciques served more or le.ss permanently 'unem-, as recruiting agents and, col- ployed, living by their wits and :. SO. Dartmouth : Jected taxes. Caciques who ,were occasional favors.' Pidvr'es of: Bishop Medeiros' ConsecrotioRp toO solicitous for the iriterests lhis group included the great : and Hyannis : ()t' the Indians were removed mass of mestizos, of Negroes and Recep.tion and Testimonial Now Available and replaced by men less friend­ 'fugitive Indians~ Turned out of ' 7-.9384. 1¥ toward their own. their communities or desirous of • ~. li)arimoutl!t WY The Indian population as a escaping forced labor; these men Hyannis 2921 • whole was cut off from the new constituted the marginal groups • IIOciety who were mostly city of _the cities. ... III• •111111111111111 • • • • • • •., --,----------~----'


AnOrdi,nary COpll Yor!k







, IJ




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• .........



wrreach!!d Unceasingiy by' Example'

Contbmed from Page One ator between God arid man, Gf­ fering thE'; Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, lrendingt!lp to God tile tribute of adoration, gratitude, reparation and love which sl! men owe to God, but which many neglect or refuse to offer." The eulogist continued, "He preached by his faith and piety in this parish; in public by his humility and modestr; in the rectory by the simplicity of his life; in his relations with the parishioners by his kindness and affability; everywhere by biB self-denial and devotion". "One of the great lessons he preached by example to the peo­ pIe· entrusted to his spiritual care during his entire priestly life was devotion to the Holy Eucharist, both at Mass and in his daily visits to the Blessed Sacrament. And, was it coinci­ dental, or an act of Divine Prov­ idence, that he offered his last Mass em the feast of Corpus Christi and went to his etemaI reward on that very same night". In the Solemn Pontifical ,Requiem Mass hr Father Larue, the Most Reverend Bishop was assisted by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Al­ fred E. Bonneau, Archpriest; Rev. Edmond L; Dickenson, Dea­ eon and Rev. Gerard V. Chabot, Sub-deacon. The Deacons of Honor were Rt. Rev. M:sgr. John A. Silvia and Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis E.

Prevost. Also serving were Rev. Ber­ trand R. Chabot and Rev. Ar­ mando Annunziato, Acolytes; Rev. Roger L. Gagne, Thurifer; Rev. Rene Levesque, Book Bear­ er; Rev. Edward A. Rausch, Candle Bearer; Rev. Edward V. Sharpe, Gremiale Bearer and Rev. Mr. Roland Deschesne, Mitre Bearer. The Masters of Ceremony were Rev. John P. Driscoll and Rev. Robert Kirby. The Office of the Dead Wall celebrated the previous day, Monday, during which Rev. William E. Collard and Rev. Ed­ ward B. Booth sang the First and Second Lessons, The Third Lesson was sung by Bishop James J. Gerrard. Rev. Joseph S. Larue, son of the late Isadore and Elmire Brassard Larue, w.as born May 6, 1886, in CoacticOok, P.Q., Can­ ada. Be attended a ,paro­ cbial school .in New Bedford, Levis College, Levis, P.Q., Can­ ada, and the Seminary of Phil­ ClIlophy and Grand Seminary, Montreal. He was ordained in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, by the late Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, second Ordinary of the Diocese of Fall River.

Council Decrees Continued from Page One eentral commlSl>lon was 1he harmonious and well-ordered application of the council's di­ rectives. He pointed out that some of the norms and postcon­ eiliar agencies deriving from the council's prescriptions are close­ ly linked with the proposed­ and ·already begun - reform of the Rbman Curia.

Marks Jubilee A reception'attended by 600 parishioners and friends was llmong observances of the 25th anniversary. of the ord1nation of Rev. LuCien' Jusseaume, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, New Bedford. Among those sharing in anniversary celebrations were a eousin, 'very ;Rev. 'Roger M. Charest, provincial superior o~ the Montfort Fathers; and two sisters in religious life, Sister ~ Claire, principal of Blessed Sacrament School, Fall Ri.ver; and Mother St. Lucie of Ho17 Family ScbOQ1, Woonsocket.

Father Larue recei ved a Laur­ reate in Belle Lettres in June. 1905 from the Seminary of Phil­ osophy and a Bachelor Degree in Canon Law from the Grand Seminary, 'Montreal, in Jun.e, 1910. Following ordination, Father Larue was assigned to St. Jacques, Taunton, where he served as assistant 'for 14 years. On Oct. 1, 1925, he was named pastor of St. Theresa's Church, So. Attleboro and remained there until his present. assignment on Jan. 9, 1947. Since he started his pastorate

at the No. Attleboro Parish, Father Larue was responsible for the establishment of Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Explorer, Girl Scouts and Brownies. . He also consolidated the var­ ious women's organizations of the parish under the N.C.C.W. In September of 1953, Father Larue inaugurated a drive for a new convent. This new parochial structure was built on Richards Ave. and dedicated in Nov. 1956. On Nov. 13, .1960, all the par­ ishioners of the Sacred Heart Church, No. Attleboro, joined with Father Larue in celebra­ ting his fifty years in the priest­ hood. At " o'clock on the 13th the beloved pastor offered a Solemn high Mass of Thanks':' giving in commemoration of his Sacerdotal Golden Jubilee. Bish­ op Connolly was present within the sanctuary. on this memorable oeeasjon. '. .

A testimonial banquet followed the Jubilee Mass. The staff' at The ANCHOR .eemsider Father Lante a person­ al friend .because ,from the first issue of the Diocesan paper in 1957, the No. Attleboro pastor not only surpassed his quota but was a leader in seeking complete parish coverage. Ad mult06 an­ nos, Father.

Carmel Convent Continued from Page One Crucified and Our Lady Media­ trix Monastery. The building was blessed and the first Mass offered by Bishop Connolly on Sunday, May 29. The 400 years old order num­ bers 'nearly 15,000 members throughout"the world. The most famous Carmelite of modern times was the Little Flower, St. Therese of the Child Jesus. . Sister Therese of the Cbild Jesu!l, O.C.D., the first superior, explains that "discalced" means' that they wear 'sandals without .tockings instead of shoes. Tile word comes from the Latin "cal­ eeuli", meaning shoe.

THE ANCHORThurs., June 16, 1966


H«l1l7M)!f [lj~SJFt'@eS '.


Two sisters from the staff of[ St. Anne's Hospital, Fail River, were awarded B.S. degrees in Nursing at Monday's Commence­ ment at Boston College. Sr. M. Thomas More Morton, O.P., received her degree from the Nursing School magna cum' laude, while Sr. Angela Francis . Souza, O.P. 'was awarded her degree cnm laude. In addition, Sr. Thomas More was awarded a gold medal for, Theology and thc Ruocco-Ryan memorial award for general excellence. While at B.C., Sister was the ,first religious to be inductee} into the Mater Spci Society. Sr. Angela Francis, the former Sandra Jean Souza, is a gradu­ ate of Taunton High School and St. Anne's School of Nursing. She attended Salve Regina Col­ lege, Newport, before matricu­ lating at Boston Coll~ge. She is now assistant super­ visor in the operating room of St. Anne's Hospital. Sr. Thomas More was born in MEN OF PREVOST: Among graduates from Fali River's Prevost High School are, from left, Georges Des­ Scotland but was brought up and educated in London where marais, Henry Yokel, Paul' Garant, George Campeau. she lived through the blitz of World W~ar II. Following the war, she served as British represen­ tative for the American Experi­ Continued from Page One (Florence) Carroll of Fall River.. . ment in International Living. A convert in 1935, she spent, Assisting Bishop Connolly in Montreal and pursued his philo­ sophical and theological studies the solemn Pontifical Requiem,· her pre-convent years as a for Father Taylor were Rev. teacher and after entering the at St. Mary's Seminary, Balti­ Maurice Souza, Assistant Priest,. , Sisterhood was assigned to Sf... more, and the Sulpician Semi­ Rev. Daniel A. Gamache, Dea.-, Anne's Hospital, Fall River. . nary, Catholic University, 'Wash­ After visiting the motherhouse ' con and Rev. Bernard H. Uns­ ington. Following ordination to the worth, Sub-deason. The Deacons this' Summer, she will return ~ priesthood on May 25, 1920, by of Honor were Rt. Rev. Msgr. Boston College for further study. James 'Cardinal Gibbons in the Francis McKeon and Rt. Rev.. Cathedral of the Assumption of Msgr. Thomas Walsh: the Biessed Virgin Mary, Balti­ Also serving were Rev. Thom­ . more, the late Taunton .pastor as E. O'Dea and Rev. Edward A. served as an assistant at Our Rausch, Acolytes; Rev. Andre Lady of the Isle Church, Nan­ P. Jusseaunie,' Thurifer; Rev. tucket, during his first Summer Gerald T. Shov~ltoQ, Book Bear­ and in Sept. was 'named an' as­ er; Rev. Edward A. Oliveira, sistan~ at St. Patrick's Church, Candle Bearer; Rev. Francis B. Fall River, where he remained Connors, Gremiale Bearer and for 14 years. Rev. Sebastian Slesinski, O.F.M. In Nov. 1934, he was appointed Conv., Mitre Bearer. pastor of St. Mary's Church, The Masters of Ceremonies New Bedford, where he served were Rev. John P. Driscoll and . until' his assignment as pastor Rev. Cornelius O'Neill. in 1939 to St. Paul's Church, On Wednesday afternoon ae When false teeth gel; on your ne.... JDanY dentists give epecllli FASTEETB Taunton. Office of the Dead was sung in POWder. It helps hold teeth In plllce­ He 'was assigned to his pres­ the . Immaculate .Conception helps keep them from slipping or drop­ ping-makes you feel more secure. ent position as pastor of the Im­ Church, Taunton. Rt. Rev. Msgr: FASTEETH cushions tender gums so maculate Conr.eption 'Church, Joseph C. Canty sang the First· you can bite baTder; eat faster with ' Taunton, on April 7, 1948, and Lesson while. Rev. CallistU8 ~~~~~~e~~·~f:~\d';~· Dentures that fit are essen tIel tCl has served until his death 00 Szpara, O.F.M. Conv.,- sang the health. See your dentist regularly. Get Sunday night. '. . . . Second., l'ASTEETH now at all drUg oounteA. In addition to his parochial work, Father Tayior was for many years chaplain of the St. Vincent de Paul SoCiety of 'the' Taunton area. " ., Father Taylor 'is survived' by three brothers and one sister: Walter of Wilamantic, Conn.; Joseph of Fall River, Charles of Portsmouth, and Mrs. Johll:l

'Essence 'of Priestly Vocation'

The First· National Bank of Attleboro

Father John P. Cronin Granted

M. S. S. W. Degree on Monday Rev. John P. Cronin, director of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, and St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Adamsville, received an M.S.S.W. degree Monday at Boston College. Father Cronin was born April "I, Uj31, in Fall River, the son of John and Mary Moriarty Cro­ nin. He is a graduate of Coyle High, Taunton, and attended Providence College. His philo­ sophical and theoiogical studies were made at St. John's Semi­ nary, Brighton. Ordained on Feb. 2, 1957, in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, by Bishop Comiolly,' served as an assistant at St. Patrick's Church, Fall' River,' 'Until his present appointment in Dec., 1962 to St. Vincent's and admin­ istrator of St. Bernard's, Assonet. He also serves as Juvenile Court Chaplain in Fall River.



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Diocesan Superintendent Receives· Doctor~te, . Prelate Deplores

Slum: Conditions

.. jesuit. AdvDses . ALBANY (NC) - The apos­ Is Board Member of New 'Education Center tolic administrator of Albany 20


Thurs., june 1~,' 1,966',

Kn'ight$ to Drop Ritual, Regalia '

; WINNIPEG (NC) - The Knights of Columbus should drop their ~'obsolescent" rit­ 1II31s and regalia to make the

organization app~al to modern man Father J. C. Hanley, S.J., GJOld the annual. Manitoba K. of ~. convention here. "The day_ of the secret society, gone," the acting K. of C. dtaplain asserted. "T,he K. of C. initiates, passwords, rituals, re­ galia' offend the intelligence and iJensibility of man.", Father Hanley quoted a recent study made by William J. Whe­ iau: , "The initiation ceremonial re­ l1Iects'the 19th-century, America. The Masonic rit4al (composed early in the 18th c~ntury), con­ sidered strictly as a literary and, <i('amatic composition, far sur-, p8sses that of the Knights. 'Elements of Sadism' "Tile first two degrees in the ~ights initiation are,.quite, un";"' <iistillg'uished; ',the'.elemepts o~ ftdism and', bw;foonery in the fhirdfind','no ,pa,rallel in the ' MaSonic rites. What purpose' can" Ute seCret,K. of C.,rittiai possibly. " , lieI've in 1966?" , Father Hanley said the rituals aOt o'nly do not serve any good' purpose but often act as "im­ pediments to the action of God." He said the Knights must ooange their structures and pro­ <!edures and renew their organi­ zation or it will die. "The most important work of this convention," he said, should be to define precisely the objec­ tives of the order and to specify the means by which it proposes to attain these objectives, ob­ jecti ves based on the council's decree on the Apostolate of the ']Laity and the Constitution on the Church in the, Modern World."



Catholics Aid India Drought Victims NEW YORK (NC)'-A,Catholic Relief Services-National Catho­ Dic Welfare Conference task Ifol'ce, working aroun,d the clock, Ilt.as distributed .1;360 tons of 'food to 100,000 victims in one of 'the hardest hit areas of drought­ 8t~icken India. :,' " .' Frank' 'Senz of Babylon, t.I., eRS program director in India, lind his assistant, Pierce Gerety i~., of Southport, Conn., guided , ttte transportation of 545 tons of bulger wheat, powdered milk, and, vegetable oil some 2,000 miles over dusty 'roads, using primitive transportation' in 110 liegrees heat,' froin' 'New', Delhi fie the State of Orissa, to be dis­ tributed to over 42,000 children. Also transported'were 550 tons @f wheat to be used for self-help proj ects in\rolving 17,850 persons in four villages of ihe state, ac­ ..ordirtg to Elizabeth Reid, CRS special India projects officer. Catholic Relief Services-NCWC the' U.S. Bishops' overseas aid agency;- is currently' conducting ,joint fund-raising campaign. ~ith 'its Protestant: counterpart, Church Woi'ld Service, on behalf ef the millions of'suffering men, Women and, children in India. 'The funds will be used to sap.. Port, various agricultural devel­ opinent and, other self-help projects in, I';Idia. '


Treatment ,Success BALTIMORE (N C) - The a diu m emanation treatment which Lawrence Cardinal She­ han of Baltimore underwent for a- small, non-malignant growth in the mouth was "completely satisfactory and successfuL"


diocese visited homes of poverty­ stricken Negro families in the state capital here and deplored living conditions in the slum area. . "It's pitiful," Bishop Edward J. Maginn asserted, "I a$sure you that everything that's pos­ sible wiU be done." , Taking a trip through the slums was the bishop's own idea. say' center officials, "more effec-, At his invitati{)n, several priests, tive, use of data gathered in nuns and seminarians ,plus a few testing programs will be pos-:' social workers. also went along. sible.;' Members of two, neighborhood improvement groups served as Aiso planned by the center are curriculum 'research studies and' guides. Summer institutes 101' elemen­ The Rev. William Roland, pas­ fary and secondory school ad­ tor of Pilgrim' Baptist church, ministrators. introduced Bishop Maginn to the Father O'Neill was born in Negro families as "our .Catholic Fall River in 1931 and ordained bishop." The bishop· was well in 1957. A brother, Rev. Cor': received, but visibly depressed nelius O'Neill, is a curate at St. by'many of the sights he saw. Paul'sp~rish, Taunton. Bishop 'Maginn 'visited' an apartment occupied by eight

people, saw one room with, trash

Mlis~ions and broken plastE'r spilling out

LOS ANGELES (NC):"-James . of a doorway.' He entered 'the'

FranCis Cardinal Mdntyre wa~ living quarters of Mrs.,Ethel Mc­

celebrant of Mass l'It ,departure' Neil, . a, ~ini-jnval~d ..whose,

'ceremonies ni~re for 36 men and , ~partinent, :has' been without 'Women 'who hav~l!ccepted l'IS-~ water'since late last year. W~en sjgnil).ents iii tl,ie 1'oreign and: she ."js, "able, Mrs., ¥cNeil ,g~ta' 'home missions. Ceremonies 'were' , water from a nearby gl\s station, ,~el«(ar St; Paul's chu:r;ch. ., ' she told Bishop Magihli. . -.

Education is oil everyone's mind 'during' this month of graduations, but on n<J one's ~ore forcibly than that of Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Dioces~n,: sUp'e~int~nd.ent ( I f ~chO?ls. But his concern of course" is with far more than the detaIls of graduation cl~remO~les; He's 'responsibl~ for the quality of education received by'Diocesan youth from pre-pri­ mary'days right up to' ,the descriptive information' to ad-' moment of departure fronl ministrators about their own 'high sch<,>ol. In January; 1961 schools in relation to other New . . t d England' schools: "Through' the Father O'NeIll was appOII1 e ' establishment oi: loeal norms/' acting sup\lrintendent of. schools and in April of 1962 the appoint­ ment was made permanent. In the yeaTS sinc,e, the young priest has hardly paused for breath. This week he received his doc­ torate in education from Boston 'College, sandwichin'ghis "own' ceremony in between appear­ ances and speeches at many Di­ ocesan high school graduations and participation in investiture ceremonies for Dr. Joseph ,Dris':' coIl, president of Southeastem ~ass. Technologi.:'al Insti!ute. 'As Father O'Neill-prepared a 650 page study of' element,aQ' school prinCipals in New, En­ gland as part of his, doctoral work, he was also. superviSIng the FaIt" River Diocesan.sc~o()t. system wit~ itsbe~ter than ,5,000' high; ,school 'students and ',more ,than iil;OOOelemeritary. pupil~. " .. :Not ~n

, "



Leave f,er


, ,::aEV"PATR~CK J.

'Nor was this all. PoSliibiy one oi 'the most' important projects in which Father O'Neill has had part was formation' of the' New England Cat hoI i c Education, Center, of which he is a charter member, and on whose board of directors he serves. ' ', The center, formally inaugu­ rated last July" is, say orga­ nizers; coordinated attempt to provide service and 'research to the Catholic schools of New England through inter-diocesan cooperation, by utilization of the resources of higher education , a'nd by coordination with exist­ ing public school service agen­ cies." Seven New England Dioceses, 'including Fall River, and .the Boston College School of Edu­ cation are sponsoring the center financially. Aims inctude ..the' fostering o,f research in adminis-' tration and teaching methods; study of the developm,ent' of Catholic education in New En~ gland; study. of specificinstruc= tional and culrlculum, problems; evaluation' of· educational inoo-' vations; 'expedition of the use 'Of , new techniques; and disseinina..' tioo' of educational,infor1riati~.



Research topics currently be­ ing worked on oy center mem­ bers include studies of elemen­ tary and, secondary school prin­ cipals in New, EGgland. Father O'Neill's doctoral thesis will be, used in' this connection and is, expected to supply recommenda­ tions for improving the compe­ tency' Qf pr.incipals and sug­ gested means for implementing the recommendations. Data Bank The center's Illost ambitious project is the organization of a ,Idata bankjl' which will supply



SPring 5-0700








Scores Compromise'

With Communists"

. WASHINGTON (NC)-Apas'- ~

tor, speaking at the third annual':' , memorial Mass for Presideilt • Kennedy het:e, said' "there .. ~an ' , be no' compromise with the com­ munists." . , "They-are' at war ,with' ;the ' entire cause' of freedom, and the sooner every American' ~ace$ . this' fact, the stronger our posi-: tion will be,"· ~sgr;W. Joyce. Russell, pastor of St. Catherine Labourne' parish in suburban Wheaton, Md., stated. "America ' has no place for those timid souls ..vh{) ufg«; "Appeasement"at 'any ­ price' nor 'those wpo «hant 'Better red, than dead.''' The ,Mass, 'sponsored by· the area Knights 'of ColumbuS, . was ' , offetedin the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception'.


. Win Study Awards NEW YORK (NC)­

Forty scholarships and awards

'for graduate study were won by 22 of the graduating class of the College of -New Rochelle,' conducted by the Ursuline nuns. One graduate, Mary Katherine McKeon, of Albany, won five awards.


.. :While Dad is sometimes honored by' being call~d Head of the Farmly.

King of, the Roost and Top Man of the Orga~iza~ion,he's certainly, the

, greatest! Too often, ttiOO~;,his preSenCE!, steadfastness, depeOdable sup­ port are taken forgr~nted. Tollis, bel(lved,family,.Da~ not ,only giv~s. his ,name (and his meager money); but his time, energy, love, attention and advice-in exchange for lot of' nriping,complaining, teasing lip, liJoise, problems and what sometimes seems to be a woefully sad lack of thoughtful appreciation."


Dad-he's sau·e the 9reatest I B.ifl.C.

Durfee Trust ]FqgUll Bl4vt&1I"



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