t eanc 0 VOL. 21, NO. 24
lSc, $S Per Year
First A'merican Male Saint Canoni'zation on Sunday Representing the Fall River diocese at the canonization in Rome Sunday of Blessed John Neumann, first American male to be raised to the altar, will be Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Rev. John J. Oliveira, vice-chancellor and episcopal secretary. Bishops of the dioceses where the new saint lived and the superior general of his religious order, the Redemptorists, are
expected to join Pope Paul VI in the 9:30 a.m. Rome time June 19 canonization Mass in St. Peter's Square for Philadelphia's fourth bishop. They are Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia, Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York, Archbishop Wililam D. Borders of Baltimore, Bishop Vincent Leonard of Pittsburgh. Cardinal Frantisek Tomasek of Prague
Three Installations For Lay Ministers St. John Neumann, C.SS.R.
Neumann: Redemptorist Seminarian I want to have a few words with you, John Neumann: I never did pray to you before, but lately you've received such a lot of publicity, From seminarian to saintHow djd you do it? I suppose you didn't plan it or even want it that way. And to think, you were here once, a seminarian like me thinking it insane to rise so early in the morning (did you ever have trouble staYing awake during morning prayers?), trudging through the tedious schedule, working to keep Holy Mass holy. You made it through all of those trials, and with your help I can too. It helps me to know that you, a saint, started just where I am now: you spent hours before the Eucharist asking for perseverance, and you prayed to God that he would make you a priest, . just as I do. You know, I don't want to be made a saint when I die either. Like you, I desire only to be strong in faith, buoyant in hope. Just as you were vibrant in divine life, so may I be, that my life will be as yours, a sign of the Father's love to all I meet.
By Thomas Brinkmann, seminarian who hopes to join three uncles and a cousin as a Redemptorist priest following in the footsteps of St. John Neumann.
Extraordinary lay ministers of the Eucharist to serve in parishes of the diocese will be commissioned tonight in three simultaneous ceremonies, to be held at 7:30 p.m. Masses at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, St. Pius X. Church, South Yarmouth, and St. John the Evangelist Church, Attleboro. Msgr. Luiz G. Mendoca, V.G., will install new ministers from the Fall River and New Bedford areas at the Cathedral. Msgr. Henry T. Munroe, V.E., will officiate at St. Pius X for candidates from Cape Cod and the Islands. Very Rev. John J. Smith, V.E. will be the celebrant at St. John the Evangelist for those from the Attleboro and Taunton areas. Clergy are invited to concele-
Prayer Service Begins Festival Breaking the cultural barrier and communicating with one another will be the. underlying theme of the first annual EthnicHeritage Festival, sponsored by the City of Fall River, which will be held at Government Center this coming weekend, June 18th and 19th. The Heritage Festival will Turn to Page Five
brate at the Masses and are asked to bring vestments. The new lay ministers attended orientation sessions held Monday and Tuesday of this week in South Yarmouth and at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth.
The ABC and CBS television networks will carry taped high. lights of the ceremony via di· rect satellite connection with the Vatican. A one-hour CBS program beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday will be narrated by CBS News cor· respondent Charles Osgood and Redemptorist Father Francis X. Murphy and will include a dram. atized life of Bishop Neumann. ABC will cover the canoniza. tion with a half·hour program at 12:30 p.m. Sunday, "St. John Neumann: American.' Turn to Page Five
Bay ·State Ninth To Ask Congress For Convention The Massachusetts senate has given final approval by a vote of 24 to 14 to a resolution calling on Congress to summon a constitutional convention to consider a Human Life amendment to the Constitution. The resolution previously passed in the house 148 to 70. Massachusetts is the ninth state to adopt such a resolution. If 25 other states take simIlar action, the convention must be called. Commenting on the action, Rev. Thomas L. Rita, diocesan Pro-Life Coordinator stated: "In what can be termed _a monumental accomplishment, the legislators of Massachusetts by lopsided margins have asked the United States Congress to call a constitutional convention Turn to Page Five
Appoint Three Associate Pastors The Most Reverend Bishop has announced assignments of three associate pastors: Rev. Francis X. Wallace, who has served with the Military Ordinariate as a U.S. Army chaplain since 1951, will be associate pastor at St. Patrick's Church, Falmouth, effective today. Rev. Arthur T. de Mello will be associate pastor pro tern at St. Mary's Church, Taunton, effective Wednesday, June 29.
and Father Joseph Pfah, Redemptorist superior general.
Rev. Gerald P. Barnwell, associate pastor at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, since his or· dination in January of this year, will be associate pastor at Immaculate Conception Church, North Easton, effective Wednesday, June 29.. Born in Beverly, Mass, Father Wallace graduated from Holy Family High School, New Bedford. After attending St. Anselm Tum to Page Four
NOT OUTDATED: Los Angeles statue backed by gleaming skyscraper illustrates declaration of Pope 'Paul VI that devotion to Heart of Jesus is not outdated. In observance of tomorrow's feast of Sacred. Heart, an all-night vigil will begin at 8 o'clock at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven, including opening and closing Masses, holy hours and recitation of the rosary. All are welcome to attend all or part of the 12-hour service of reparation.
ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River Thurs., June 16, 1971
d) People. Places·Events-NC News Briefs ID Want Food Debate NEW YORK - Representatives of 35 religious organizations held an all-day consultation on hunger concerns with media, community and government experts to explore ways to tell the story of the world food crisis and how the United States can help eliminate it. Leading the proposals at the meeting, held at the Lincdln Center campus of Fordham University, was a call for "a massive, ongoing national debate" on the food question.
Still Feuding
NAPLES, Italy -Spanish Father Ignacio Vizcarguenaga has been elected to a second six-year term as superior general of the Trinitarians at the order's general charter in Naples.
ROME - Carrying his traditionalist revolution to Rome, rebel Archbishop Mllrcel Lefebwe told Italian traditionalists. June 6 that it was "impossible" for him ,in conscience to end his feud with the Vatican. Speaking in the throne room of the 17th century Respigliosi~ Pallavicini Palace on Rome's Quirinale Hill, the traditionalist leader said, '~I have made my choice before God and I do not want to die a Protestant."
No Human Rights
For Irish P'eace
Heads Trinitarians
ASUNCION, Paraguay - In a sharp rebuttal of President Alfredo Stroessner, Archbishop Ismael Rolon of Asuncion said democracy and human rights are an illusion in Paraguay. "Officials proclaim one thing in the public rostrum," he said, "but the truth is diametrically different."
First in Century BILOXI, Miss. - More than 2,000 people, including 40 bishops and 200 priests,- gathered in this historic city for the creation of the new Diocese of Biloxi and the installation of Bishop Joseph Lawson Howze as its Ordinary. Bishop Howze becomes the first black Ordinary to head a U.S. diocese in this century.
Liberian Support VATICAN CITY - Pope Paul VI received in audience President William R. , Tolbert, Jr., of Liberia, and thanked him "for the support you have repeatedly given the international activities of the Holy See; especiaJly on behalf of world -. peace." t
"We were treated like animals," they later told Rosalynn Carter, who saw them during her tour of Latin America and afterwards said, "I have listened to their experiences and I sympath·ize with them. I have a personal message to take to Jimmy."
'Like Aniim'als'
, ,'REOIFE, Brazil :- Two US mission.-at;ies' wbrking 'among ihe, poor weJ;'e im. prisoned incommunicado and naked for 'three 'days: ' charged. with ' stealing., the car they, ,used' to carry: ,food. In jail, . c~owdecl., io.:~ !iniall, r90ql with 30, other , prisoners,the~, ~erebeaten by police. ....... l.
NEW YORK - A high level delegation from the National Council of Churches met with the Irish Council of Churches in Belfast to discuss ways in which American Christians can contribute to peace in Northern Ireland. Though staff members of the two councils have been working cooperatively for some time, the meeting brought council-to-council relationships to a new level.
Bishops Are Mediators NEW YORK - 'The J.P. Stevens Com'pany has asked seven Southern Catholic bishops 'to help break the 33-month deadlock in contract negotiations between it ' and the Amalgamated Clothing and Tex- !' tile Workers Union. The request came in response to an unsolicited offer by the bishops of the region to mediate the 14year dispute between the textile workers and Stevens, the nation~s second largest textile manufacturer, trailing Burlington Industries.
Can't Vote, Communist
TOLEDO, ~pain' A :few priests show-ing ;a cJenche4';fist ~'the CQmmun~ ist salute - , does, not'm,ean thilt Catholics c~n vote C-o~unist, said' Cardinal. Marcelo, Gonzales of Toledo as Spanish, , ,parlimentary elections 'neared.' In 'his warning prior to tbe June elections, Cardinal Gonzales was :following the Church policy stressed 'by,the Spanish Bishops' ,ConfeJ:'en<:e in' two recent 'statements.
His reference to the clenched fist stemmed from a recent statement by a Communist party leader, that there are 12 priests and 400 practicing Catholics who are active members of the party.
He Wins Primary NEWARK, N.J. - Father James A. Pindar, former communications director for the Newark archdiocese, became one of two Republican candidates for the state Senate from Essex County as a result of a primary election June 7. In a light turnout, Father Pindar defeated Joan L. Mazauskas by a vote of 1,464 to 1,262.
$71 Per Minute BOSTON - A Catholic lawmaker is trying to oust a priest from his $8,397a-year job as chaplain of the state House of Representatives, arguing that the position costs taxpayers $71 a minute. Rep. H. Thomas' Colp said he wants Msgr. George Kerr either replaced as chaplain, rotated with clergymen of other faiths, or simply paid less for his services.
Won't Go LONDON - The British Council of Churches has withdrawn Jts delegation to a peace conference in Moscow because Soviet authorities refused to issue a visa to one of its two delegates.
Relig'ious Life Liquidated (Undated) - Religious lif~in (;zechoslavakia is being liquidated, according to superiors of religious communities there, who have asked their country's bishops to aid in this "grave situation." The appeal was contained in a ,letter and an accompanying "Memorandum on the Situation ,of Religious Communities in CSSR (S~ialist Republic of Czechoslavakia)" sent to t?e bishops.
Double Ordination Scotland - 'Two
men were ordained .as , bislloljsiit ' the, same cere'inon~"'in Glasgow;'-th~ fir~( time in 99 years there 'has been a double ordination in Scotland. ',Bishop Charles' Renfrew'47,' and Bishop Joseph De~ine,39, became auxiliary b'ishogs for Glasgow :Archdiocese.' '. ':. " 'GLASGOW,
, ,.';
. :
.; ~ .'
Non-Persons SAN FRANCISCO - A fetus is not a person until it is born alive, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously. The ruling was made in the court's dismissal of portions of two cases in Santa Barbara County, .filed under California's wrongful death law. The cases went to the state Supreme ' Court. Us opinion said: "It is our view that a fetus is not a person within the meaning of our' wrongful death statute until there has been a live birth."
Less Violence? WASHINGTON - A leading opponent of violence in the media says there is less of it on television. "My impression (is) that the level of violence is being reduced," said Arnold Grisman, executive vice president of the J. WaIter Thompson Company. "U seems to me that the general expression of public concern is having a considerable effect" on the networks.
One and Holy BOISE, Idaho - Respondents to a survey conducted by the Boise diocese, which covers the whole of Idaho, do not want a second diocese in' the state. More than 1,000 of the 1,165 survey respondents favored keeping the entire state in one diocese and 162 favored two or more dioceses.
Hosp'itals Busy ST. LOUIS - More than 5.5 million patients were admitted to the nation's 661 Catholic hospitals last year, according to the Catholic Hospital Association (CHA).
Should Swallow Pride RIOHMOND, Va. Bishop WaIter Sullivan of Richmond urged a state conference of Baptists and Catholics to swallow their denominational pride and stop seeing themselves as "rivals in competition," , ,The bishop was a keynote speaker at statewide dialogue between Baptists and Catholics. ,The 44 participants repr(lsen,ted th~ Catholic. dioceses of ,Arlington and Richmop.d and "the Baptist General , Association, of Virginia.
,,Necrology , June 24 Rev; Bernard' F. M<;Cabill, 1901, Pastor, SS. Petel'" & Vaul, Fall River 'June 21) .,."
Rev. Raymond J. Hamel, 1960, Chaplain, St. Joseph Orphanage,.' Fall River ~ . ' -Rev. IV.1sgr. Louis A. Marchand,'1941, Pastor,' St. Anthony, New Bedford ,,' June ,26 Rev. Charles P. Gaboury, 1931, Pastor, St. Anne, New Bedford June 27 Rev. John Corry, 1863, Founder, St. Mary, Taunton, Founder, St. Mary, Fall River Rev. Dario Raposo, 1933, Pastor, Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton Rev. Thomas C. Gunning, 1947, Assistant, St. Lawrence, New Bedford
BISHOP CRONIN meets with diocesan Serra Club leaders and Rev. John J. Smith, diocesan director of vocations. Serra is vocation-sponsoring organization. From left, Wilfred B. Rousseau, New Bedford; Edward D. Duffy, Taunton; Richard Roderick, Fall River; Tom Cuddy, At-
tleboro. Right, Bishop is principal celebrant at first Mass offered in 'new St. Elizabeth Seton parish, North Falmouth. At his left is Rev. Joseph L. Powers, pastor; right, Rev. Joseph S. Wiseman, associate pastor. Dedication ceremonies are set for Sunday, July 17.
tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Thurs:i June 16, 1977
NAZARETH GRADUATES: Young adults of Nazareth Hall Vocational Department, Fall River, prepare to attend graduation Mass at Holy Name Church. From left, Michael Cadieux, John Bradshaw, Paul
Sullivan, Deborah Davis, Eileen Dillon, Jessica Pozzi,Kenneth Stanko, Stephen Malone. Right, students participate in overnight retreat at Cape Cod camp, a~tending liturgy celebrated by Rev. Herbert T. Nichols.
Leads Meeting Of Boston Unit
They've Graduated, Now Where Do Nazareth Students Go .?'
Letters to the Editor Letters are welcomed, but should be no ;nore than 200 words. The editor reserves lIle right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address.
By Pat McGowan
"A Mongoloid child of 5 tugs at your heartstrings, but a Mongoloid adult is apt to be overlooked." Thus Sister Maureen Mitchell, Dear Editor: RSM. principal of 'Nazareth Hall. I was' very much surprised at Fall River, and the just-closed the item on page 2 of the June Nazareth HaIl of Attleboro. sum2nd Anchor in which Fr. Heri- marized the need she sees for besto Camarillo stated that Chirstian home facilities for rePope Paul VI should retire. and tarded adults. whose appeal·may then continued to say that "loy- be less than that of babies and alty to God should prompt a children. but whose need is even Pope to retire after having serv- greater. ed the Church to his fullest abThe problem was made visible ility." last Wednesday when eight stuMy response is. "who can say dents aged 22 or older graduajust when a person has given ted from the vocational departhis all?" In my opinion, Our ment of the Fall River NazaHoly Father, Pope Paul VI, is reth. Dissatisfied with state still very capable, and has much programs available for th~ to give for the good of souls. th~ir parents are seeking a conJudging from the articles in the tinuation, in some form, of the Anchor, "News From Rome," Christian community they enI would say Our Hol.y Father is joyed at Nazareth. very much aware of the present Beyond the immediate future day needs and capable of ad- of these retarded younl adults. Yisfnc the flock be shepherds u looms for their parents the specGod's ftPiesentative on earthf tre of bow they win be cared for My advice is to pray for Our in yean to come. Holy Father. and for fidelity to A Christian answer to the him by all the reJiafous and Jay Problem. said Sister Maureen. is people. God· and Our Lady Bless found in the worlel-famous you! . L'An:be communities for retardAlice aeaulieu ed adults orpnized by Candan New Bedford Jean Vanier, wbich offer ute-
Still Capable
said, "and our boys and girls learned a lot about meeting the public." At the Attleboro Nazareth. closing because many area cities and towns are operating their own special education programs. students took a large part in planning their end-of-school ceremony. acting as lectors and making vestments for a Mass celebrated by Rev. Richard Chretien, their chaplain. In all the Nazareths. including the Cape Cod facility in Hyannis. students are challenged to the limit of their capabilities, with programs including dancing, swimming and crafts ·in addition to all the academic work possible. Additionally the vocational program in Fall River teaches The students also made and food service, aardeniog. woodsold various gift items at a workinc, housekeeping and Christmas bazaar at Truesdale maintenance skills. A mini-catClinic in Fall River. The project erin, service is offend, with wu a learning experience for ~ able to supply caJl:es, both sellen and buyers. said Siscookies. squares, brownies and ter Roaer of the Nazareth staff. other pastries for parisb IfGUPi "PeOple were amazed at what and other orpnizations. Also. our students could do," abe some students are empJoyed for cJeaninI and maiDtenInc:e work 1ft offices and homes. But problems remain. u ap.... e... ,.... ....... F....... pealing children become acluJts ............. ....,....., .. 41. with needs less easily met; and H........ A F.n Ihv....... 02122 Sister Maureen sees it u her ., . . CItIleIt DI_ .. F.1l 1hIr "a ., ........... IOft,-ranee responsibility to belp 15.11 .., ,.,. . 1ft their solution.
long care in loving surroundings. But there are not many such havens. she pointed out, and she shares the concern of the Nazareth parents. Last Wednesday's graduates. however. have at least had the advantage of training which has utilized their abilities to the utmost. Recently. for instance. Nazaeth sponsored its first overnight retteat for students. directed by Rev. Herbert T. Nichols. During two days at a Cape Cod YMCA camp. 19 young people enjoyed a spiritual experience, together with cooking out, campfire sesions and sports. For many it was the first time they had spent a night away from home.
Mrs. Richard M. Paulson. Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton. director of the Boston Province of the National Council.of Catholic Women (NCCW), presided at a spring province meeting held in Concord. N.H. It was attended by diocesan council representatives from Manchester. N.H., Portland. Me. and Fall River. with Fall River Diocesan President Mrs. James W. Leith accompanied by Adrienne Lemieux and Angela Medeiros. vice-presidents. Mrs. Michael J. McMahon. Fall River. nationaI chairman of the NCCW Organization Ser· vice Commission, outlined plans for a national convention to be held in San Antonio in November. Representatives of each diocese in the New England province will be among delegates.
Brother. Will Meet In Providence
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (NC) The National Assembly of Religious Brothers will bold its sixth nationU conference from June 23 to 28 in Providenc:e. Its theme win be NSauality: The Celibate's Response." .JIrotber CbarJes Henry, former provinc:iaJ and superlor,eneral of the Cbriatian Brotben. wiD be the keynote speaker. Father Jolm Malecki . . Mercy Sister SUsanne Breckal, co-directon for the Consultation Services center for the Diocese of Albany. wili also speak.
Diocese of Fall River
OFFICIAL ASSIGNMENTS Rev. Francis X. Wallace from the Military Ordinariate to Associate Pastor. St. Patrick Church, Falmouth, effective Thursday. June 16. 1977. Rev, Arthur T. de Mello. Associate Pastor pro tem. St. Mary's Church. Taunton. effective Wednesday,- June 29. 1977. Rev. Gerald P. Barnwell. from Associate Pastor. Sacred Heart Church. Fall River. to Associate Pastor. Immaculate Conception Church. North Easton, effective Wednesday. June 29, 1977.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Ri'!'er Thurs., June 16, 1977
themoori~ Supporting Social Justice The cities and some of the towns of our diocese are basically "mill towns." Until recent times, many people of Southeastern Massachusetts have been subject to industrial slavery typical of the "robber barons" of cotton. Only in recent times and with the support of concerned unions have mill workers been liberated from the chains of unconcerned profiteers. Through such efforts, many of our people have a better life. To be sure, there are still the "sweatshops" that continue to drain the vitality of their workers through the frenzy of "piecework" competition. However, in general, the hardworking men and women employed in local factories have made progress in improving their working conditions. Ever aware of the strife and hardship that has scarred so many of our brothers and sisters as a result of mill owners who ignored or divested them of their human rights, it is imperative that the Church ceaselessly pro-' claim its message of social justice. , In this light, full support should be given to the seven southern Catholic bisops who have offered to mediate the 14-year-old dispute between the J.P. Stevens Company, the nation's second largest路 textile manufacturer, and the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Union. In a June 6 statement, the bishops said they could no longer remain silent on the controversy: "We feel compelled to make public our growing anxiety concerning the rights of workers in the plants of the J. P. Stevens Company and our firm conviction that the differences that now separate labor and management should be brought to swift resolution," they said. , The action of the bishops comes after nine months of fact finding, during which prelates met personally with company executives and union officials and consulted third party sources on the dispute. As of the present J. P. Stevens has neither accepted nor rejected the bishops' offer of mediation. It might be noted that this particular company has been found guilty by the National Labor Relations Board in 15 cases of illegally discharging or intimidating workers as well as refusing to negotiate in good faith. The concern and interest that the bishops have shown in this dispute is to be commended. It once again demonstrates that the Catholic Church supports the rights of workers ~o organize, to form unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively. Every Catholic should call to mind that this aspect of social justice springs from the gospel itself, which emphasizes human dignity and the right to an environment which protects and ~nhances both physical and spiritual development. \ In the light of this tradition it is essential that we realize that when the working man or woman is threatened by forces, economic or social, it is the responsibility of all to redirect those forces in a positive and effective manner.
The Church in South Africa It is certainly imperative that we keep well aware of
the news of the Church in Africa. Many commentators feel that the Church of the future is fast approaching the now on the continent. As evidence of this dramatic happening one has only to look to the changes in the Church of South Africa. In the 40 year period, 1920 - 1960, the Catholic Church in this troubled land has undergone a tremendous alteration; from three-quarter White and onequarter Black, it has become just the opposite; 70% Black and 18% White. In those 40 years the Catholic Church has grown more rapidly than any other denomination and it is projected that by t.he year 2000 it will be 95% Black, Coloured and Asian, simply by natural increase. On the basis of this projection alone, there can be little doubt where the Church's sympathy rests. As the rains of racial strife continue to pour down upon this tortured land, we must be "ever aware of the problems and even the persecutions that our brothers and sisters in the .faith now face in their daily living.
A small child sits in seeeming wonder . . . wideeyed at some captivating sight . . . his toy trumpet momentarily forgotten at his lips . . . He is totally absorbed. This child images something ... of what it means to be a child ... A child can lose himself in wonder ... at what most fail even to notice . . . For a child . . . life is full of surprises . . . with each moment bringing new discoveries . . . Each new thing discovered . . . is received as a gift. A child senses the marvel of life . . . To a child the most ordinary things ... appear extraordinary ... . For all its activity . . . childhood is a contemplative time ... open and responsive to life's mystery ... in all that is seen, touched and heard. "To see God ... in all things" ... is a traditional 路 . . childlike . . . ideal of prayerful contemplation . . . in the midst of daily activities. Seeing . . . finding . . . God . . . in everything . . . as one goes about work and relaxation . . . s possible for all . . . who allows themselves to be open . . . to the mystery of life . . . in everyday things . . . and familiar people . . . for all who become Jike children 路 .. in their capacity to wonder. As Jesus once said . . . pointing to the children gathered close to Him . . . "It is to just such as these 路 .. that the kingdom of God belongs" (Mark 10, 14).
Continued from Page One College, Manchester, N.H. and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, he was ordained in 1947 by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy. After serving four years as assistant at Corpus Christi Church, Sandwich, he entered the Chaplain Corps, serving in various posts and being promoted to the rank of colonel in 1969. Father DeMello Father DeMello, a graduate of New Bedford High School, attended StonehiII College, St. Thomas Seminary, Hartford, and Our Lady of the Angels Seminary, Albany, before ordination in 1962 by Bishop James L. Connolly. He has served at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Taunton, Our Lady of Health, Fall River, and St. John of God, Somerset, also acting as a Boy Scout chaplain in the Fall River area and a member of the Diocesan Commission for Divine Worship. Father Barnwell A Fall River native, Father Barnwell graduated from Somerset High School and Southeastern Massachusetts University. He was for five years a teacher in the public and diocesan school systems of Fall River before entering St. Mary's SemiQary, Baltimore.
Abortion Bill Dead in Italy ROME (NC) - [n an astonishing vote, anti-abortion forces in the Italian Senate have overcome what appeared to be a clear pro-abortion majority by killing a liberalized abortion bill already passed in the lower house of parliament. The surprise vote-won by a two-vote margin-was made possible only through defections .in the ranks of five major parties which had come out in favor of abortion liberalization. Italy now must face the pros-
pect of a convulsive referendum. called by the vocal radical party to abrogate all Italian antiabortion laws. Since the final vote was revealed only in the late afternoon, the Vatican daily newspaper. -L'Osservatore Romano, issued its first (and usually only) addition at 3 p.m. When news of the vote reached the Vatican, however, the paper took the rare step of issuing a second edition which celebrated the victory across the front page.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. John F. Moore, M.A.
Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ".~
Leary Presl--Fall River
Continued from Page One Lectors for the canonization liturgy will include Dr. William Zintl of Philadelphia, one of two physicians who supervised the exhumation of Bishop Neumann's body prior to the investigation preceding his beatification in 1963, and a German representative of the Bishop's ethnic heritage. Cantor for the ceremony will be Peter Manna, director of the Collegiate Choir of the Cathedral Basilica, SS. Peter and Paul in .Philadelphia, which will join the Sistine Choir in leading the singing for the Mass. A triduum of Masses in the major basilicas of Rome will follow the canonization and will adhere to the pattern of an 1854 pilgimage to Rome made by Bishop Neumann on the 9Ccasion of the declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. A Mass Monday, June 20, will be at St. Mary Major, on Tuesday, June 21, at St. John Lateran and on Wednesday, June 22, at St. Paul-Outside-the-Walls. In Philadelphia In Philadelphia, more than 50,000 are expected to attend a concelebrated outdoor Mass Sunday, June 26, marking the canonization.
The 5 p.m. Mass on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, at which Cardinal Krol will be principal celebrant and homilist, will be preceded by a concert of sacred music by a 400-voice choir and a 100-piece orchestra and brass ensemble. A procession will begin at 4 p.m. from the Philadelphia Museum of Art at the end of the parkway. The 50 concelebrants will include the cardinal, the bishops of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and priest-promoters of Bishop Neumann's cause. On the canonization day itself, Mass will be offered at
Fr. Tosti to Speak At Support Group A Support Group for Separated, Divorced and Remarried Catholics will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 21 at Father Coady Center, SS. Peter and Paul Church, Fall River. Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, associate pastor at SS., Peter and Paul, will speak on "The ChurcH Today." A question period will follow. Those attending are asked to use the Benton Street entrance to the center.
three ,Philadelphia sites sacred to the new Saint's memory. At 9 a.m., Archbishop Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate in the United States, will offer Mass at the Convent of Our Lady of the Angels, Glen Riddle, motherhouse of the Franciscan comunity established by Bishop Neumann. At 12:15 p.m., Bishop George Leach, retired bishop of Harrisburg, Pa., will offer Mass at St. Peter's Church, where the Saint's tomb is located. At 5 p.m., Coadjutor Archbishop Edward McCarthy of Miami will be joined by Auxiliary Bishop Martin N. Lohmuller of Philadelphia in concelebrating Mass at the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul whose construction Bishop Neumann supervised.
Bay State Continued from Page One and ultimately amend the United States Constitution by passing a Human Life amendment. "Pro-lifers across the state of Massachusetts are justly proud. Their persistent and now successful efforts are to be commended. Within our diocese and outside of it the Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities of the American Bishops will go on. It is our contribution to the whole pro-life movement. "May God, the author of life, continue to bless and strengthen us and the hundreds of thousands of men and women in the pro-life cause across America."
Prayer Service Continued from Page One commence with an Ecumenical Service of Scripture Readings and Prayer on the steps of Government Center at 11:15 a.m. Saturday. Participants will include Msgr. John J. Regan, Rector of Saint Mary's Cathedral, Dr. Kenneth Claus, Rector of Central Congregational Church, and Rev. Peter Leventis, pastor of St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church. General Intercessions, recited in a variety of languages, will be offered by men and women dressed in costumes of their national origin. The Holy Name Parish Choir, under direction of Rev. William B. Campbell, will provide musical selections for the service, . which is being coordinated by Rev. Horace J. Travassos, Diocesan liaison to the festival. Clergy and laity are encouraged to participate in the service and the programs to follow.
CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES 368 North Main Street Fall River. Mass. 02720
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River Thurs., June 16, 1977
Canonization on Sunday
$uper $ave $pecials Cards, Gifts, Candy, C~smetics
RAYNHAM PRESCRIPTION CENTER Raynham Shopping Center Rte. 44 Between Mammoth Mart & BPM
• FOUNDER, FIRST DEAN: After setting the College of Nursing of Southeastern Massachusetts University of North Dartmouth well on its way to becoming one of the nation's outstanding centers of nursing education, Sister Madeleine Clemence Vaillot, a.p., has retired as its founder and first dean. Previously she headed St. Anne's Hospital School of Nursing in Fall River. SMU colleagues honored her last week at a testimonial dinner.
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.wrote a missionary Sister from Korea recently...
because she sees such crying need ... need f,or spiritual comfort... for vocational training ... for medical care ... ...and because her resources are so limited!
We who have been blessed with the gift of Faith ... with a good job ...
with health care ...
into one.•."
can help extend Sister's role-and the role of many other missionaries- through our sacrifices to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
Photo C.I.R.I.C.
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---'----- ----------~ Full l<ivcr, MussuchuseLls 02720
, 6
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River Thurs., June 16, 1977
Attention, Priests and Nu ns: Andrew Hates You All By
kids about the editorials their father wrote.
My sister happens to be a theologian. She took one class a quarter for nine years - while raising seven children- to get a do~torate from the University of Chicago. She has published a book and a number of articles.
One of the worst things about the. Catholic church is that its clergy路 and religious, like Nazis and Communists, go after the families of people they don't like. I know of one Catholic editor who had to withdraw his children from parochial school because the priest and nuns at the parish hassled the
She taught until recently at a Chicago Catholic university on a "part time" basis.' Recently the all-male department of that university refused to give her a full-time appointment (even though her publication record is already more extensive than that of many departmental members.)
Okay. That's between her and them-though I wonder in passing how such famous liberals as John McKenzie, Bruce Vawter, John Dominic Crossan, and Edmund Fitzpatrick justify in this day and age the 'locker room culture of an all-male theology department. I only came into the fight when I found that members of the department made her life miserable by harassing her about me. 'If John McKenzie has something against me, he should take me on. When he tries to humiliate my sister instead of fighting me, he is a vile coward. One of the priests of the department, a major figure in the
university, in the presence of witnesses linked the refusal of an appointment to her relationship to me. Heavens, yes, fellows, punish her for something over which she has no control. that's the Christian, the manly, the priestly thing to do. I'm happy she got out of such a nest of sexist hypocrites, but I'm sorry that she has to pay such a price for an accident of birth. It's not the first job she's 'lost because her brother is a writer and a columnist. (It is the fact of my writing rather than any specific content that seems to infuriate the clergy.) One "sympathetic" priest ob-
served. "She's got to expect that sort of thing; she shouldn't have let them know that you were her brother." I am too hard on the clergy and religious, you say? Most wouldn't do such things; they wouldn't punish a' sibling and other relatives because they don't like you. It is surely the case that most priests and nuns have not hassled my family, but only because they haven't had the opportunity. Those that have the opportunity are for the most part eager to take advantage of it. lit's easy to hate priests and nuns.
G'od's Will Cain B路e Found in Sincere Effort ~to Love By
Have you had to make a big decision? Not a day to day "what shall I cook for dinner?" choice, but a major problem? You argue all the pros and cons, sometimes with yourself, sometimes with confidants. Some place along the line, deep inside, you ask, "What does God want me to do?" And most times when I've
Susan Jacoby, a specialist on immigrtion problems, reported in the Washirigton Post 路recently that the Zero Population Growth (ZPG) foundation is launching a nationwide campaign for sharp curbs on both legal and illegal immigration to the United States. This group was originally formed to bring organizations favoring "no growth" economics together with people who felt
earnestly sought God's will, it was a question that wasn't covered by canon law. "Should I join a religious order, or should I marry?" "Should I change my job?" "Should I sell the house?" Quesions such as these challenge every one of us in our lifetimes, and the decisions would be simple if God just sent a little angel with a straight answer. I often think I'd. like Him to work that way. Life would he so much easier. I wouldn't have to make decisions. But if God did send answers, He'd reduce me to a puppet. If God just told me what to do I'd .miss the mind expansion that comes from having to solve problems. It seems that God is not send-
ing us simple answers because He respects us .and wants us to grow. We don't get direct messages from God: "This is a tree. I've created it for you, be moved by its tender young leaves sprouting in the warmth of spring. Take refuge from the heat of the summer sun, shelter yourself under its leaves. Admire its brilliant foliage in the crisp autumn; nourish yourself with its fruit. Be grateful for the warmth its wood will provide in. the winter. And do not curse it when a hurricane uproots it and it falls on your car. For I have willed all these things . . . " That's just not how God works. He's given us the Spirit within ourselves to observe, to
learn the beauty of His creation. I find it better for me if I II cannot imagine God as a feel confident of Christ's intyrant. I don't believe God de- struction . . . love one another. rails trains, crashes planes . . . If I start there, and make my or pus.hes a little girl in the path decision based on a sincere efof a moving van. I don't believe fort to love . . . to make my dewe should blame every calamity cision not on what's best for me, or where I will get a fair on "God's will." return - but by evaluating my It seems to me that God is relationship to those around me, still creating the earth, re-de- to those whose lives I. touch. If signing, changing, and improv- I then make my decision on how ing. Some things work out bet- it seems I can best show my ter than others. And in giving love for others, I find love of us intelligence, I believe He ex- God growing. pects us to help Him in that constant renewal. It's not easy, but for myself When I am faced with a de- . I find it a more exciting way to cision I can seek God's will, but live than sitting around hoping it's much less frustrating if I God will send a messenger . . . don't pray, "God . . . tell me then blaming Him if things go what to do." wrong.
ZPG Opposition to Legal and Illegal Immigration that traditional family planning Service had paid Social Securmethods are inadequate to deal ity taxes and 73 percent had with what they consider a paid federal income taxes world population crisis. Prof. through withholding. Less than Paul R. Ehrlich, author of "The half of one percent had been on Population Bomb," was one of welfare. PG'S founders and is now its honorary president. Ehrlich also stated that illegProf. Ehrlich is quoted by Ms. als are holding at least one milJacoby as saying that illegal lion jobs that pay more than imigration is a "human tidal the minimum wage. Where did wave" that is "depressing our he and his associates in ZPG economy and costing American get those statistics? Presumataxpayers an estimated $10 mil- bly from Leonard Chapman, forlion to $13 billion a year in lost mer Commissioner of the Immiearnings and taxes, in welfare _ gration and Naturalization Serbenefits and public service." vice {INS) and, before that, That's an irresponsible state- Commandant of the U.S. Marine ment, flatly contradicted by a Corps. General Chapman, who major study commissioned by has been replaced in INS by the U.S. Department of Labor, Leonel Castillo, an up-and-comwhich found that 77 percent of ing Chicago leader from Housillegals apprehended by the Im- ton, Tex., has been tossing out migration and Naturalization figures like that for some time,
with little if any scientific research to back them up. And the press, by and large, has been buying the figures without bothering to check them out for accuracy. Some papers have handled the immigration story more responsibly than others. The Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, for exampe, have pointed out that we know little about the extent or impact of the illegal alien problem, therefore, they have urged the Carter Administration ~nd Congress to make haste slowly in efforts to solve the problem. But let's go back to Professor Ehrlich. While he and his ZPG associates are calling for legal and illegal immigration curbs, their recent fund-raising appeal
mentions only illegal immigration. Their Washington lobbyist, Melanie Wirken, says that the organization favors a "drastic reduction in legal immigration as well." "Americans," Ms. Wirken says, "have traditionally thought that immigration was good and that speaking against immigration was just like speaking out against motherhood and apple pie. Over. and over at congressional hearings ZPG is the only group that raises a voice questioning the wisdom of letting in so many i~migrants." Thank God for that! Prof. Ehrlich and his associates are welcome to this dubious honor, which the majority of enlightened Americans would consider a badge of dishonor" or, worse, of shame.
Guidewords for Summer: Bright, Flowery,' 路Feminin.e By
If you haven't already bought your summer wardrobe, then the time is certainly here because summer
is no sooner upon us than the stores are urging us to buy back-to-school. With more and more woman leading a more and more active life, our clothes have to be geared for this tempo and I have found nothing better for this than separates. There are some great tops on the market this year, some with slightly scooped necklines, others with a T shirt look and cut-in shoulders. A few in each color will add a great deal of
zest to your summer fashion, especially if you choose bright hues. If you love colors, then indulge yourself ,freely at summer sun time, for nothing brings out a tan more than vivid clothing. The aforementioned T shirts come in different lengths and if this fashion looks good on you, try wearing an ankle-'Iength evening style, perhaps in a silky material. (This is one fashion, though, that demands a very
flat tummy so diet and exercise quick, or avoid the look!) 'I'm sure there will be one very dressy affair on your summer calendar, so keep your eyes open for that feminine, soft and flattering dress or gown for such a special evening. When shopping for this type of dress, don't overlook the lounge and sleepwear department because many top designers are doing a line of this type of clothing, selling much cheaper than regu-
lar gowns yet often not looking at all as if they have to stay at home. Clothes are terribly expensive this season so shop carefully and wisely, try to pick up tht: extras on early summer sales and remember the guidewords for the season are bright, flowery and feminine. "When good befalls a man he calls it Providence, when evil, Fate." - Knut Hamsun
. . 路Congratulations to l
A LOT HAPPENS to seniors before they can run with the roses, like Cynthia AmarelJo, Elizabeth BeShara, Pauline Canuel, 10 Ann Bentley of Bishop 'Gerrard. 11ley have to wait it out before the ceremony like Walter Wood, Chris Rodrigues, Steve Cabrill, Kevin Scanlon, Don Chace of Bishop Connolly. There's a grad~ation Mass, as at Coyle and Cassidy, for which Lisa ~erry and Robert Braga carried the .,gifts. And caps and gowns must be unpacked and checked out At.B~hop Stang, Annette Leduc, Leo Racine, Mark Folco, Tom Motta did the honors. And everyone wonders who the top students Will ~: at Bishop 'Feehan they were Lynne Stack, Lisa Donnelly, Theresa DiTullio, Lisa Farinacci. Yearbooks~ at Holy Family Mary. Iou Place,路 Raul DeMello, lames路 Kramer check theirS; at 81. Anthonfs it's Raymond Rosario, Richard Vieira, Wendy Jardin. .
IndiSpensable .
',i - . . ' 0l1Il·'~1.• 'DIE CAPE ·Masses:· S. . .~~, .10:00; '1'1':10 A.IL " : 1 "
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. , Sandy's . ·699-4321 . -'"Restaurant u. Route Moss. 1, Plainville;
Big Fishermen . Restaurant I~c.1 Box 28, East Falmouth, Mass. 02536
475, Route.
PAUL GOULET, Prop; ~....,.--
6allery II Furniture
Masses: Sunday~:OO, 9:00,10:00, 11:00, 12 NOQn and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00arrd 6:30 P.M. DaiJy--8:00 A.M.' Confessions: Saturday~:OO~5:OO aad 7:00·8:00 ··'P;M. ' ;"""e
~-. 0
:: I i sou,,:.
rJIasses: Sl,1nday--8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. . Sa~urd~y~:30 P.M. . ; . C d)ai!y;'~:oo$·M·;··:.: .. ' . " Confessions: Silttarday.-3:~0-4:30 P.M. and after 6:3Oc~P~M>Mass
ST. fRANaS xAVIER Masses: s'uOdaY-:7:00;'",,:oo. 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, .A.M.ancl5:00 P.J\f. .--' Satunlay Ev.e..-5:00 ami 7:30 ,P.M.. DaUy-1iOO A.l4. apd 12:10, J'.M. Confessions: Saturday-:, 4:08-5:00 P.M. and after 1:30 P.M. Mass
S~CREJ) HE~t Masses: Sunday-9:00 A.M. Saturday: E\fttJJ.J0.5:00 P.M. ,C,o.nfIMif?m: a~Ytiroi e~ Mass
': ,0:;.
. OUR L4J)Y.OFVICTOlt.Y Masses: Sunday-7:od.· 8:'15. 9:30,10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. . DI1Uy-7:00 aM 9:00 A.M. First Fridays-Ultreya.l.B:oo" P.M. First Friday I<1asses at. 7:0,O'and 9:00 A.M.
MARION ST. RITA Schedule effective July 2 - Sept. 4 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00. 11:15 A.M.. Satu'rday-5:oo P.M. Dally--8:30 A.M.
WEST BARNSTABLE. OUR LADY OF HOp! Masses: Sunda'y~:45 an4.l0:00 A.M. Saturday Eve;-4:30 P.M.
. .!. ~'. '-DaJly-8:OO A.M-
SChedule ~ffective July 2 Masses: Sunday--8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evening--5:00 P.M. DaUy-8:O(): A.M.'
' Pocasset, MQ"
Masses: Suoday--7:oo, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday--8 A.M.--4:30 and 7:0() P.M. Dal1y--8:00 A.M;. N~NTUCKET
OUR·LADY OF THE ISLE Masses: Sunday-7:30; 9:30, 11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.~:oo and 7:00 P.M. Paily-1:30 .A.M. and 12:00 Noon Rosary before Daily Masses . . Confessions: ' SaturdaY--4:oo-4:4S'P.M.
Schedule effective July 2 Masses: Sunday--'8:30, 9:30. '10:30. 11:30 A.M. Satui-day Eve.-4:OO>& 7:00P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M., .
SI~NSEf .':
,,~ .,fALMOUTH
.. ~~.AN1'HONY
~ lreif,~r,ic'8 ..~ '~ floWers lQI CLOSED SUNDAYS
, Dally Deliveries to Otis, Barnstc:ible Cou~ty Hospital,
. ~~e~~~..~ '
Masses: Sunday-9:00, 11:00 A.M.. , " Saturday Eve.-4.:oo arid' 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:()O A,M. (Mon.-Fri.) CoOfesSio~aturc:tay U:OO A.M.-Noon
Tobey Hospital, falmouth Hospital' " ~ 12,."cARTHUR BLVD. - BOURNE SO.' ROTARY, "OURNE -. Tel. 759-4211 and 759';'2669
Masses:5QncIfl,~:_. l~,~A."'.,
" .;". Saturdar'..IY.e•..",..siQ9 AA¢.7;OO P.M. :'
DailYrl:9'G.'AM~· ~
Confesaions: saturday-;4~:30'.p,.M. and
.' v" ;Confeisions-Satul'daY 4:00 - 4:58 P.M. ,OUr LadY of Perpetual Help Novena~WednUday · ~I Ma.. 8:00 A.M•
' . ~~.;. ,
6:00-6:30 P.M.
", whllWl
sr. ·l'ATItIeIt
e:atJaCII OF'!HE VISll'ATION Schedule- effective June '18 - 19 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday--8:30. 9:30; 10:30, 11:30 A.M. · Saturday Eve...-5:00 and 1:00. P.M. Confessions-Saturday-6:30-6:50 P.M.
I,.ADV ~F THE ASSUMPTION SChedule effective June 25 thru Sept. 4 Masses: Sunday-7:00, ,8:30. 10:00, 11:30 A.M. saturday Eve.-5:00and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and. 9:00 A.M. Confessienr. Saturday--4:15· 5:00 P.M.
Mules,': ~..... ifi....;';;;'1.:M
MASHPEE QUEEN-OF AU. SAINTS Masses: Sunday--8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday--4:15 - 5:00 P.M.
. )flLl.FLEET
POCASSET ST. IOHN THE EVANGELIST Masses: Sunday-7:30. 8:30, 9:30, 10;30.. 11:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--4:00. 5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:00-3:45 P.M. and 6:156:45 P.M.
Irish 'Iinports
Waterford Belleell
Connelliara Marble • Musical Jewelry Records '• Tea
Schedule effective Juoe. 18 Masses: Sw,tday....;..g:OO;. ~:O(), to:oo, 11:00 A.M. .~ ; Saturday; Jve~~~';--aud 1:00 P.M.. Daily-9;OO, A.M., ,: . Confessions: Sat: 4:30-5:00 P.M. and before all
Leici • Nikon • Bolex • Hasselbfld
Tuesday 1)y Charismatic
Amp,ex. • S~n, . ,P_oRIc 267 MAIN STREET " FALMOUTH - 548-1918 . ARMAND ORTINS. Pre,.
J?.M. Mass followed' Meeting
Schedule effuctive June 18 Masses: Sunday-9:30 A.M. ' . Saturday.....-:7:oo P,M. Confessions: tlefore Masses
Masses: SWlday"':'1;~9:00,c'i~;15, 11130 and' . 5:00P.M. '_ . SaturdayEve.--4:00 and' 5:30 P~.· Confes~ioll: 3:15-3:45 and7:30-8:()O P.M.
Masses: SUnday~:OO. 9:15, 10:30 A.M. ~attlfdayEve.-6:00 P.M. Daily-7~OO A.M•
,". "
' st..1'IIIItESA
GOLF CLUB Tennis Courts Available Now
M-.s: Sunday-7:QO, 0:00, 10:15, 11:30 A.M. . ,5:00P.M. . Saturday Eve.-4:00 anel 7:00 P.M. · DaJ1y-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. (9:00 A,M. MassJ.{0n.-Fri.only)
Masses: Sunday--8:00, 9:30. 11:00 A.M. Da1ly4:00 A.M~ (NI0n.-Fft.)
. County bad, Pocauet The Falmouth National Bank 'ALMOUTH. MASS.
By ttle lIlIIa"
S~ule etfectiveMay .14 - July I Masses: SundaY-$:OO, 9:30, and 11:00 A.M. SatUrday Eve.-5:00 &: 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:OO and 9:00 A.M. , .Confessions: Saturday 3:00 and' 7:45 P.M~ First Friday..:.. AddiUonaiMalls at 11:00 A.M. and BenedicUonat 2:00 P.M.
......." .. .." ...
Private Function Room
Or.." Since 1821
Cape Cod'.
Route 28 Dennliport Telephone 398-6000
La...... Shoe Store
FflmousMalce ,Shoes Fot Entire Fami', .', ~ At'Discount Puces . OPEN I)AILY 9 -5:30 - FIII)AYS 9 - 9 Own4k'l·AnCI' Operated By The George Crav.nho Family '.
Masses: $unday.-8:30,9:30, 18:30.11:30 A.M. Saturd*¥. Eve.-6:00 PoM.
OUR LADY OF PERJlETUAL HELP • Schedule, ~ff~ve June 18 Masses: SUllday-'9:00. 10:00 " 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:OO and 7:00 P.M. Confessions: Before Masses
lunches • Sandwiches - Cocktails
CORPVS.,qnum,10:00, 11:00 A.M. and 12 Noon Saturdaf • .---0:00 and 7:()O P.M. " Daily4:00' Ail.;; . ,>
SO. Yarmouth. MA.
875 Route 28,
-After Man Sunday Brunch,
, ST.' PETEIt THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:()(),' 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. 'Satttrday Ev~.-7:00P.M. DaUy.....7:OO A.M. and , ' 5:30 P..M. (except Saturday)' ~~ions: Saturday-4:00'- 5:00, P.M. apd 6:45 P.M.
Be SIIreto Visit, Our· FemOllt B~ store in the Back of the Restauraflf
.·i.~"., Eve.~ 7:30
Bf'llkfast - Lunch - DIn.
-Elt.FL£ET, Mass. Ttl. 34f.lt54
SChedule July arid AUgust Masses: Sunday.-9:00, 10:30 A.M. ·Saturday Eve.-7:00· P.M. Confessions: % hour before Mass
Dine Overlooking Clpe' Cod Bay
·COf,.well ,MMlor'a" ; ... Cltopel
ST. WDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sund4y-9:00 and 10:30 A.M. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Satlirday...;..",f:15 - 5:00 P.M.
Dignified. ·funeral Service
.V., _Ii·.:....
,.g~'C _ f
10:00 -, , .. 11~30' A.M. arid' 5:00 P.M. Saturday ·Eve.--4:OO:~ 8:00 'P.M. Daily.;...g:OO A.M. 'Confessions: Satunlay-3:00-3:45 P.M. and 7:00· 7:30 P.M. ~
MaSses: Sunday~.5 A.M." July an~ AUJUst
,Masselr. SUnday-7i30.,,9:oo, .10:15, ,11:30 A.M. .. . 'Saturoay Eve.--4:30 and 7:00 P.M. :l)aU1"--8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:304:15 Weekdajs Anytime by Appointment
. Route 28 • MacArthur Blvd.
,.Sdledule etf~e June 18 • 19 • Labor Day "Ma~; ~-S:OO. ,9;00•. 10:00. 11:00 4;M. . .>. ~y ·Eve.~:OO and 7:00 P~M:
:ScheCiule,elfective weekend 01 June 2$0-26 Masses! S~y~":OO. 9:00,- ·lh:oo, ;(1:15 A.M. . 'satutday';':':30 P1a. ' ..... , . riaily--8:00 . A.M::' ,
• I
"Home,o' Distinctive fu;m.hings" - AT' DISCOUNTPlICES ,'. '!'~
'VlNlYAMa HAVIN ". \" ,,,',ST. Al1GttSTINB ,,1:
"fANNIS 175-0114 Soutllfarmoutll 3..·2201 "arwlcll Port 432-05.3
584 ·Mam Street
. _1
,Si30P:M;' Saturday.EYe-5:30 and, 7:00·P.N. . Daily..,;.;7:OO'''A.M.• ~turdays fI:()C) A.M..
OII.IANS sr.;~ or ARC
.Jenkins Funeral' HQme,Jnc~ .
, Stheduleeff_ive)Nee1c~ otlfme 2$-26
T". )<fO.2020
ttoward C. Doane Sr. Howard C. Doane Jr.
A.M. Saturday Eve.--4:30 P.M.
Ce'n", .
;Mas_: Suriday-7QOO.9:00.$'.. aftd
'94 Mciin ·SIrHt· CoIonk.} Shopping Falmouth, Mass. ~540
., . . .... ~'AIIII"• • • •,
",,;sr...A ~
. DaiJy--8:08·'A»:'dlt·:OOA.M. .'{Except" "Wed. at> A.M. add 7:30 'PJwl)" '.f '. (' . ,"., ' Confessions:'satUrday.......:30-5:Go P.M. FiMFridq'!l':"1,-7:30 P.M. .'
'. s:·'·
" "
, "So long .a$ we love w.e s~}Ve; sO long' as we ·are 'loved by otb~rs, { would say we are indis~n~able; and no JllaQ is ~e I~~ whn~ he' 'bas it :frl~d:" .....:·RobertLouis Stevenson ~ .
. ,""'",.
T;E' ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River Thurs·,t~ne 16, 1'971 .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River: ThufSI, Jun, '16, 1'977
UPPEIiCOUNTY ROAD OUR tJ\Dy oFnm ANNUNOAllON ~'$chedwe effective May 14.- July 1 Masses: Sunday-8:30; 10:00 A.M. SaMday Eve.-4:30 P.M. ..r
Mas~s: Sooday--8:oo, io:oo A.M. . Saturday Eve.-7:OO P.M. D~ly-S:OO A.M. (9:00 A.M. Sat. only)' Confessions: % hour before Sunday Masses
THE ANCHOR- , Thurs., june 16, 1977
Love fraD$figured! , i..
"What lewe. does in tntnsfiguring Iii.. .that' religiOn does in transfiguring Iov~.'~ :=«Qyegtn' Patmore . <:
, By
MIebael No,vak'.
Sometit'Dfs people speak. of
pecially stimulated to think. subject) is of a higller moral valabour the meaning of work. For ue tban transirjveacoon (action the tradition.,,9t Ca~ phil. , Which cluti1g~.~~rnal arran~-
';:~ri:~ ~=~~= :=~:::?~r'~~~:;=~' i~:~i~~~~~;,Oi~~~~, know. how' to work. In, Japan, cultures and many different olics' have until recently favored
there are flw,rotestants but, a areas. strong work: ethic, and also ~ Work: was not to the -Greeks Polall<l. in"Hungary.,jn Greec~ what it was to the-Hebrews; nor PLUMBING &HEATiNG~ 'INC. and' in many other countries; to the RomanS' or the G"Qis or ,There' is n6t just one work eth- the Germans. Work in' anCient Sales and serv,iet . . . . . , for Domestic Ie. B~n 'among Americilli Pro- societies, .was not the same 'as and Industri~ '" = testants there are several -dif- in feudal s.ocie~s,~rin; bOut: . Oil Burners ferent in Venf1()nt. in Appala- geois ~cieties'-nor in 9.95-1631, chia, in MisSissippi, in Minne- dustrial, societies. Work, as a 2283 A-cUSHNET AVE,t':IUE Sota:~ for'eillml>1e; " '~, concept, is exceedingly, ricli _in , NEW BEDfORD' Perhaps the phrase i'Protes:" analogies and differerices. tant work ethic", is intended as 'It is sometimes forgotten that • contrast to ··th~. C~th01ic play more than one out of every four OUR: ethic," as 'if to'diftereuuatethe Americans is Catholic in culture. 'serious 'style of Nolthern BUro- Most of thes~ catholics entered JlELIGIOUS STORE pe811S from the hedonism and Americ~n experience within the ,936 SQ. ¥ain St., Fall Rive!' 'passion of the Mediterraneans.' last 100 'years, many of' them '(C_r St.) Indeed, saVvy· political consul- coming from feudal societies and FUU UNE OF CONFIRMATION tants. in the United States recog- ,without any experience of bourAND COMMUNION GIFtS nize that Sf!n~s of play appeai gems values. COMMUNiON ARM RIBBON$ to Catholics ...:. in Catholic In the state of Pennsylvania And ReHeious Arlicle. neighborhOQds" the candidate 90 years ago, for example, gendances, eats, drinks,takes part eral opinion about the Slavic Tel. 673-4262 in sports. The .candidate saves and Italian miners (and of the' his serious, ,,,"moral" side for Irish before them) was that they groups like, Common Cause. 'wouid never 1eam _American Locked somewhere in the con- ways. This imp!'Elssion soon. cepts of work and play, there- turned to panic, 'because these 'e. are profound cultural se- miners worked so hard, saved rets. In<ieed, the heart of a the- so much, and either inVested so Complete Line: ology... o( c<ult1Jre is hidden in .much in land or sent so much them. ' ~ capital back to Europe, that the Building Mal.riQs Consider "four different -ap- native' Americans s~n began 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN proaches to work:: speaking of unfair competition. 993·2611 (1) Work is our punishment The newcomers were suddens········" ·t'··,'1,. for sin, to be endu~, got ly too good at capitalistic skills' through, and escaped from as - at work, at saving, and ,at inoften as possible. vesting. The' state banking laws COUGHLIN (2) Work is our duty, idleness had to be,change«t, towermit FU,neral Home Inc. the devil's wwkshop. One works ' women to hold acoeunts."!for in to allay guilt, -feels guilty fo~ many Catholic cultures the: WOOl308 Locust Street not working, is driven to keep an supervised the family budget. Fall River, Mass. busy. 'The first women's banks in AmJohn J. Coughlin (3) Work is a form of stew- erica, now a century old, were ardship, through which we opened by Slavic women. Michael J. Coughlin change the' "world and make it Still; the internal spirit, of 675·7055 better, . progress ("meaningful work, which many Catholics carwork") bebtg our most impottant ried in their hearts, was not Sucproduct. ,, , " cess-oriented or focused on up(4) Work is part of 'our'nat- ward mobility. Mi)lions were ure, the vocation of incarnate content to earn a solid living, be~, ,the .creativity of "homo and build a secure, stable life. FU~RAL !fOME," Many interpretations of the Amfaber.;' Work is as native to .. Marcel R., C. LlIrJ1Ilne-JlIf as play, necessary and difficulterican experience miss the.signi...., t.Fn.. ClallClwttl I., ........, and satisfying, as habitual as ficance oCsuch lives. The modFUNERAL DIRECTORS Ibreathing.From it flows our esty and decency of millions J~ Irvingto" Ct. dignity. ,goes overlooked - as does the New Bedford There are other approaches to _ explicit ancient ethos that nour99$·5166 work beyond these. Even these ishes them. Hard work is hOt four suggest. however, that there . necessarily motivated bY-Dlateriis much room for self-examina- alism or a drive for success. lion., How' each individual apThere is much to be learned ,proaches work is an important abo~t the actual conceptions of index to the culture that truly work that motivat~ the many nourishes that individual.' branches of. the Ariierican I Ca~!Perhaps no two, philosophers bolic people - ' LatiJls. East~m have 'written. more profoundly of 'Europeans, Italians", Iri~ GerContractors & Industrial w6rk tharr Yuras Simon mans, French and,others. - . RichatdSousa, fnc. wlios,e work wilf ~1Y.' experi'Similarly, there is much to. be ence a great revival one d l l Y ' Lotations in $(0)1 aiW Jacques Matitain.,~ learned coneeniibg ~e DOQons FAll RIVE' &, SOMERSET' It is, not sUrprising' tlJat Cath. of play -that animate the Ameri. can Catholic peoples. The most , 679:-8991 faD River olic philosophers would be es- penetrating books "about plliY 672.,q5J"S~~en.'~ ,, ,,'.' ",,' ,have been written by Catholics , Win Veto Deqth Bill ,(or those who speeialtze in , ~BAN:Y; N.Y. ~C) New studyirig''Cat'h()Jic 'cUltUres):JoYork Gov. fhtgb' Carey told reo hann Huizina's '~Homo Lu"8UCKY'~ porters at an Albany press con- dens," Josef Piaper!s "Leisure The Television King ference that he will veto any the Basis of Culture," and-Hugo "Man at Play.'" There death penalty bill.til!it comes to Rebne-'s 1 I, EASTERN TV him and that "I will not send are, I think, three reasons why aily person in this state'"to the play is so bask to Catholic undeath chamber." ~y is the derstlPdings of reality: , APPLIANCE fourfh governor in recent (1) The contemplative virtues. 1 I" Bedford Street moaths to. say he would veto Catholic c\l1turesnourish the idea Fall RIver, Mass. a .dt!ath penalty bill. The others that being p~es doing, that Dial 673-9721 ate Jerry Brown of California, contemplation ,is the weHspring SALa AIUI SElYICE Jerry Apodaca of New Mexico of action, and that imminent """,,, ,.."~ ..... . . .~.J-" and Ray Bllb1ton of Tennessee; action (action which changes the
philosophy, literature, history, classies, rather than ~iology and the sciences. There are wealmesses in sucl1 distribution. But the preference' for the more speculative, contemplative, and ,wisdom-oriented fields has a strong theological, even familial 'base. , (2) The liturgical .tradition. CathOlic prayer at meals is usually less activist' than Protestant grace; Catholics thank God, while Plotestans often' remember the hungry. So, too, the Catholic liturgy is not practical in its orientation, but playfuk It establishes the stage 'and sets the scene, within whieh to contemplate the divine com~y ~ a comedy full of suffering, vio. 1ence and bloodshed as' the cross on .each steeple and the purple vestments suggest. The liturgy maintains traditions now thousands of years 61d, since Abraham, in whose context all the excitements of the current cultural scene seem's a little frantic. The ·root of civili. zation, according to the liturgy, is immanent, contemplative/ selftransforming. The life of work comes second. and is expressive of the life of play. One does not play in order to be refreshed for work. One works in order to be prepared for play, Play is the basic rea}ity.. ~, ,(3) The moral 'Priorities. The Catholic moral sense includes a pl'C1found respect for the limits of nature and for the restrained realism of Christian hope. The new word of recent years, "ecololgy," represents a conversion from attitudes dveloped in the (Michael 'Novak is a profes8Ol' aggressive, masculine, Protes- of religion at Syraeuse Univ~· tant phase of bourgeois culture ty and executive director of _ which Henry Adams referred EMPAc. a national eivil rights to as "the Age of the Dynamo:" organization.)
the wo.rld of ,sports • • • great mysteries
of death and rebirth are reenacted."
, , , , , , , •
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River Thurs., June 16, 1977
Question (orner , , , , •
By Father John Dietzen Q. My teenage children think I'm wrong In forCing them to go
to Mass on Swidays. They are 14 and 16, but they say they "don't get anything out of it." We battle every Sunday. Can you help me put the record straight? (Fla.) A. What record? It's all in your question, and it sounds awfully frustrating and unhappy for both you and your children. Looking at it only from your direction right now, its critically important for parents, and any others responsibel for growing children, to keep clearly in mind what they are aiming at, long range, in their religious training. I'm sure your primary goal is (or should be) to help your children toward a mature, living faith and trust in God, and a feeling of reverence for the place of the Eucharist in the community of Catholics, that will be with them in their adult lives. Clearly, the whole understanding of the Mass, and the community of faith that should ideally exist between parents and children has broken down seriously in your home. If, when your children are in their midand upper-teens, you are still forcing and battling over something as central to Catholic life and worship as the Mass, I think you'd have to agree there isnt much likelihood that they are building a faith they will love and be proud of later on. There is still time for you to reconsider seriously what you want to achieve in your children in the matter of religion. This may involve asking yourself some pretty brutal questions such as: what does your own faith mean to you, and why are you so concerned that your children share it? Why do you go to Mass yourself? If you're to be any support and guide to your children, make yourself be very specific in your answers. Perhaps a conversation with apriest or a teacher who deals regularly with teenage children would help you. Reader response to the above quesdon and answer, which appeared In sopte diocesan papers early last month, was Instan· taneous. Some reaedons reeeived by Father Dietzen fol· lows: From Texas: You are wrong in saying something has seriously broken down in a home when teenage children have to be battled and forced to go to Mass. Catholic education must share in the fact that of our eight children only one still practices her religion, you're as frustrated as we are. From mlnois: Your answer is typical of the parish administrator who can't be bothered
628 Pleasant St. New Bedford, MA 02740 997·7337 or 997·8201
From Florida: I don't know what ivory tower you've been living in. Children who went to church with enthusiasm in thei!: earlier years seem to undergo a personality change in adolescence. "As the twig is bent by the peer group, so the tree shall grow."
NOW IT'S LEGAL: Bishop Joseph L. Howze signs document officially establishing new diocese of Biloxi, Miss. He Will be first black to head U.S. diocese since Bishop James Healy of Portland, Me., who held office from 1875 to 1900. (NC Photo)
From OhIo: 'In a good Catholic high school my daughter was taught she did not have to go to Church every Sunday. Where have you been? Don't you know what they are teaching these days?
Cite Persecution In EI Salvador
My only further response to these and others who wrote is that it is useless to assign blame for the religious floundering of young people today. The parent asked what she could do about the problem, not what churches or schools could do. I tried to answer her. Finally, I'd like to pass on what one reader claims would .have been the "correct answer" to the question. I disagree with some of it, especially the first sentence (which he himself contradicts at the end). But it makes many good points. Here it is:
PANAMA CITY(NC) - Deported Jesuit Father Jorge Sarsanedas has charged that the government of El Salvador has launched a large-scale persecution campaign against the Catholic Church. Shortly after his arrival in Panama - following a week in jail arid deportation from El Salvador-the 30-year-old Panamanian native. told NC News that the persecution began last August when Church leaders and Jesuits supported a land reform law favoring thousands of landless peasant families.
"Until large numbers of our priests learn to make their liturgies the meaningful and beautiful services they can and should be, there is nothing you can do. Your best efforts are nullified by the lifeless, sterile and cold liturgical services conducted by so many of our priests..
Interviewed the day before kidnaped Foreign Minister Mauricio Borgonovo was found murdered, Father Sarsanedas said he feared that rightwing extremists would begin killing Jesuits if Borgonovo died. After the murder was known Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador, who had sought to obtain Borgonovo's release, called a meeting of his vicars and parish priests to consider ultrarightist threats of retaliation against Church personnel if Borgonovo were kill'ed by his captors.
"CCD classes are devoted to catechism-like teaching by rote with no attempt to understand what students need and want. They are satisfied with reports to the bishop Which say that they do, in fact, have a Mass ~nd CCD schedule. After that, In the words of one priest in our diocese: If they don't come, the hell with them.
"These comments do not apply to all; they do apply very often. Keep trying. In the mean· dont b lame yourself. Do t Ime, your best to inculcate Christian values in your children, continue to love them encourage them, and pray. "Because of God's gift of free will, they cannot be forced to be practicing Catholics. Continue to give good example, but let them know that you yourself are aware of their problem, but are trying, though the Mass and sacraments, to stay close to God and His Church."
OHers professional and confidential counseling when you want help with penonal, family, marital and other rela· tionship problems. For information or an appointment call or write:
with pastoring, who doesn't inquire into the possibility that the "turned-off" teenager may be his fault.
"So many priests make no effort to turn the child on. Although they are celebrants, they refuse to treat the Mass as a celebration. They resent and often refuse to offer the sign of peace.
In mid-April leftist guerrillas kidnaped Borgovono, demanding that the government release 37 political prisoners and reveal the whereabouts of some 800 others detained in the last two years. Despite a personal plea May 8 by Pope Paul VI for Borgovono's release, the foreign minister was found shot to death May 10. Rightists have charged that the Jesuits were behind the kidnaping. EI Salvador has been under a government - declared state of siege since February, when widespread charges of fraud in the February national elections culminated in violent clashes between police and demonstrators.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River Thurs., June 16, 1977
To Baptize Or Not?
We Are Moral Beings By William E. May We should we be moral? In many ways this is a strange question inasmuch as to be moral is an inescapable attribute of a human being. Still it is a question that troubles people, particularly in our post- Watergate world, when cynicism at times seems to take hold and the temptation to "do unto others before they do unto you" can arise. In a way, Mark Twain says the best answer to this question when he quipped: "Man is the only animal who blushes, or needs to." We do things that other animals would never dream of doing. A lion in killing an antelope for food, goes about the work in
By Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin One of today's more difficult and painful decisions for a parish priest involves the baptism of children whose parents practice the Catholic faith only marginalIy. ~ What has intensified the difficulty for contemporary pastoral ministers is the emphasis in the manual ritual of Baptism on the faith required whenever we celebrate this sacrament. It discourages any magical view of the rite, any pra.ctice in which the infant receives the saving waters automatically. The ideal, of course, sees parents as model Catholics, constant in daily prayer, exemplary in virtue, regular at Sunday Mass, frequent recipients of the Eucharist and anxious for instruction on the meaning of Baptism. Working with such .people is a joy and comfort for the priest. But what of those whose the wedding of religious and civil Christian lives are not so specauthority brought about a restoration of the former order. It tacular, who rarely participate wasn't until the disestablishment in Sunday Mass, who have not of religion in the last two cen- received the Eucharist over turies that churches, both -Cath- many months or several years? The Introduction to the rite olic and Protestant, became free of patronage and interference for the Baptism of infants touches on this circumstance: from civil authority. "When the p~rents ar~not Those among us to whom the yet prepared to profess the faith Second World War is a vivid or to undertake the duty of memory and not a section in our bringing up their children as history book, can remember Christians, it is for the parish when this nation's civil laws priest . . . to determine the generally reflected a Protestant, time for the baptism of infants." sometimes Puritanical, Christian (Article 8:4). morality. It was a time when The local clergy, then, postabortion was heinous and homo- pone the Baptism, if they judge .sexual acts were an outrage the parents are that negligent. against society and the law. AlI am a little anxious, however, though the same recognition about what seems a growing was never extended by civil law' tendency among some priests to to moral crimes against justice take a hard line in this regard. and human rights, nevertheless They appear to identify the posthe incorporation of Puritan session of personal faith \with morality into civil law provided fidelity to Sunday 'Mass. not only a favorable environ"You are not really a Cathment but the pressure of society olic. We hardly ever see you at upon individuals to lead a moral Sunday Mass. I'm sorry, but life within society's definition of until you make a decision, make morality. a stronger faith commitment, All that is gone now ... or at then we must put off the bapleast nearly so. The civil law is tism." Fathers and mothers negno longer moral, at least not lectful of their religious practices in a religious sense. It is amOJ al might welI hear those exact or inasmuch as it is lacking in re- equivalent words when they apligious sensibilities. One of the proach such priests with redangers of such a change is that quests for the sacrament. As much as I share their dechanging civil law to make sire for a change in the parents' something legal was understood attitude and observances. I am by many as somehow changing not sure these statements Turn to Page Thirteen square with the Lord's approach to the weak and sinful or with the Church's precisely drawn requirements for Baptism. . SHAWOMET a business-like way; he would never think of nailing his prey to the w.alI by its ears and then deliciously torturing it to death, as we do on occasions. A mother wolf never aborts her child, nor does a father rabbit ever crush a lighted cigarette into the flesh of his mate or baby. Yet we do these things, and our capacity to do, them telIs us something about ourselves and gives us a clue to the answer to our question. Christians believe that every human being, just by being human and being made in the image of God, is precious, priceless, irreplaceable. We are moral, in other words, because we Turn to Page Thirteen
.Post Watergate: Why Be Moral? By Deacon Steve Landregan
Why be moral? Why should any person voluntarily conform to a behavior system that in the eyes of many limits individual freedom and compromises human dignity? Why should anyone exercise self-discipline and self-restraint, particularly in areas where the dignity and freedom of others cannot be trampled upon. Which came first? Fear or love. Both are powerful motivators. Greed and the need for community brought mankind a step closer to civilization. Tribal codes and primitive laws gradually touched every significant event in an individual's. life and often even determined circumstances and time of these events. Such codes were usually more than civil in nature. They carried the force of religious obligations and taboos in a pagan world where the line between men and gods was blurred. Non-conformity was handled with dispatch - death or expulsion. The separation of a religious moral code from civil authority probably first occured five centuries before Christ during the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. For us Christians such a separation was much longer coming. After a few centuries during which the infant Church was an island in an unfriendly world, the world became Christian and
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EMPHASIS ON FAITH required of parents in the case of infant baptism "discourages any magical view of the rite," writes Msgr. Joseph Champlin. (NC Photo) Challenge in a loving, gentle way these careless persons, yes. Insist on their presence for the explanatory baptismal classes, yes. Urge good example and bet-
ter, more faithful participation in the Eucharist, yes. ,But refuse Baptism because of poor Mass attendance? I am not comfortable with that.
Jesus' Moral Teaching
By Father John J. Castelot Many old Testament sections, if read uncritically and apart from their general context, could give the impression that personal morality is s' rigid, legalistic affair. They contain laws dealing with nearly every conceivable detail of human conduct. But as its complex legal passages are concerned, we must remember that the Old Testament contains not only moral but civil law. Not that there is no conn~ction between legality and personal morality, but the two concepts are distinct. A civil judge is not concerned with a defendant's moral guilt or innocence; he is 路concerned about his guilt or innocence before the law. For an insight into fundamental Old Testament view of personal morality, not as mechanical conformity to a suffocating legalism, but as loving response to a God who has first loved His people, the Book of Deuteronomy is most enlightening. The name of the book means "a copy of the law" and the book refers to itself as "the law" and "this Book of the Law" an extensive law code is spelIed out in ch. 12-26. However, as Father Raymond Brown has written: "Deuteronomy is not a dry jurisdicial book, for law in Deuteronomy is set in the pers-
pective of a larger message of salvation. According to the description in Dt. 30, 11-14, law is a sign of God's presence in the hearts of his people; its observance is the spiritual life. We may describe the book as a dynamic proclamation of God's spontaneous choice of Israel and His love for His people. Deuteronomy, then, saw personal morality is something more than perfunctory keeping of a set of rules and regulations. It probed beyond individual acts to the very heart of the matter, to basic attitudes and motivation. This book, exerted a strong influence on subsequent Old Testament thought and on the New Testament as well, which quotes it some 83 times. .However, there were other forces at work, other schools of thought, and they moved in the direction of a rather narrow legalism. In Jesus' day certain groups of Pharisees had multiplied regulations to such a point that the Law had become an intolerable burden. The Gospel of Matthew especially presents Jesus as reacting vehemently to the perversion. For Jesus, personal morality was basically a question of attitude. As he said in Mt. 3, 17: "Do not think that I have come Tum to Page Thirteen
A Verdade E A' Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego o
Senhor fez em cada urn de nos uma eleiGao de Amor. Todo 0 cristao urn escolhido: liNao fostes vas que Me recolhestes, fui Eu que vos escolhi e vos nomeei." Para darmos fruto, havemos de ser sal e luz, ter vida e doutrina. Para darmos fruto, havemos de ser sal e luz, vida e doutrina. o sal da gosto a comida. Sem ele, 0 melhor manjar intragavel. A missao do fiel ajudar os seus irmaos, principalmente os pobres, a encontrar gosto sobrenatural nos acontecimentos da sua vida. 0 viver de muitos ins!pido e leva-os ate ao desespero, porque, lhes falta 0 sal da f~, a visao sobrenatural da sua existencia. "Que bela e a nossa Catolica! Da solu~ao a todas as ansiedade, e aquieta 0 entendimento, e enche de esperan~a 0 cora~ao." (Escriva) E tao ins!pila a vlda sem Deus! o sal "corrompe-se", banaliza-se, deixa de.o ser quando perde a for~a, a eficacia, a sua caracter!stica principai que e dar gosto. o cristao conserva-se autentico sal na medida em que se esforGa por viver no dia a vida de Jesus Cristo, p~r ter vida interior. E pela autenticidade das nossas vidas, mais do que pelas nossas palavras, que os homens hao-de vir ao encontro do Senhor. Se faltasse 0 sal, os cristaos autenticos, 0 mundo voltaria a barbarie. Deus nao o permite, muito embora em tempos de crise pare~a que os nao ha. Quantas vezes temos veriticado que os cristaos nao se esfor~am por viver a s~rio I I as exigencias da sua fe s~o desprezados por todos!'''Se 0 sal perder 0 sabor ..• so presta para se deitar fora e ser pisado pelos homens." 0 gesto furioso de que quem foi ludibriado e nao encontrou 0 que procurava. o sal tern urn estilo proprio de cumprir a sua missao'. Morre, desaparece para dar gosto. Serve sem espectaculo, com naturalidade. Serve porque s6 quando esta ausente notamos a sua falta. Tudo isto nos fala da naturalidade crista. Nao pode ser demasiado, nem a menos. 0 cristao n~o tern por que aparecer cont{nuamente iluminado pelas luzes da ribalta. Nao interessa que esteja cont!nuamente a proclamar a sua condiyao de catolico, as vezes precise faze-Io, mas que 0 seja verdade. Uma vida autentica ilumina. A nossa tern de ser candeia que vai a frente, a rasgar as trevas no caminho dos homens. Mas nao 0 seremos se nao procurarmos a forma~ao doutrinal, conhecer as respostas da fe para as interrogacoes dos homens de hoje.
THE ANCHORThurs., June 16, 1977
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''WE DO THINGS that other animals would never dream of doing," writes William May. Picture is from film on child abuse. (NC Photo)
We Are Moral Beings Continued from Page Twelve are the kind of beings that we are gifted with intelligence and fre~dom. Because of our freedom we can accept God's love or we can refuse it and becbme possessed by the power of sin. What is most poignant perhaps, about our existence is our ability to wound the ones we love and, in doing so, to wound ourselves. But through love, the love that God wills to give us, we can heal our wounds and become, like Jesus, truly faithful images of our loving Father. When a dog is kicked in the groin, he can either fight or flee. When we are kicked in the groin, literally or figuratively, these can be our reactions too. But because we are moral beings we are capable of a quite different and free response, the kind of response that God gave us when we betrayed Him. We
Moral Teaching Continued from Page Twelve to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them." Jesus' "fulfilling" of the law consisted in His perfecting it, in cutting tl)rough the maze of prescriptions and getting back to the essentials. Above all, He asserted the primacy of love as the ruling principle of personal morality. St. Paul was only echoing the Master when he wrote: "The whole -law has found its fulfillment in this one saying: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself," (Gal. 5, 14). Indeed, Paul is famous as the champion of Christian freedom from the law as a system if observances leading to salvation. For him one thing was necssary: "Only faith, which expresses it· self through love" (Gal. 5,6; see 1 Cor. 13).
can reach -out to the other in a healing, redemptive act of love. So why be moral? Really we can't help but be moral, fur this is the nature of our existence. But we can be either morally good or bad; we can choose to utter words of love - or of indifference or apathy or hatred. In doing so, we make or break our lives as moral beings.
.Why Be Moral Continued from Page Twelve the moral law to make moral what had been immoral. The moral person finds .it much easier to be immoral in a society that not only condones immorality but goes to great length to provide opportunities for it. Conversely that same person finds it increasingly diffi· cult to be moral in a world that not only offers no support for moral actions but frequently ridicules them. Adding to the confusion' is the cry of many for a return to "morality," which to them means a return to the Puritanism that equates morality with sexual behavior alone and conveniently does not include the immorality' of social injustice, which acording to their reasoning is not immoral because it was not illegal under the old order. What is the key to the survival of Christian moral values in . the midst of a no longer friend'Iy world, whose neutrality is rapidly changing to hostility: .The answer is so simple that it often escapes us. We turn to Christ. Christian moral values don't owe their existence to the favor of any society. They are rooted in Jesus' call for repentance, faith and an imitation of His own unselfish and unconditional love. Why be moral· Because to live morally is to imitate Christ. Any other reason is unworthy of one created by the Father, redeemed by the Son and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.
Nao temos 0 direito de esconder a luz do Evangelho. "Nao se acende uma lampada para se par debaixo do alqueire." E 0 Senhor acendeu em nbs uma luz. Daf que 0 dever de estudar, de procurar formasao uma obrigaliao grave. "Para urn a~ I 0 moderno, uma hora de estudo e~ uma hoposto ra de ora~ao." (Escriva) . Deus nao nos quer substituir naquild que podemos fazer por nos. Requere-se uma actualiza~ao doutrinal constante. Ofato. que levamos a primeira com~ I un h ao, emb ora, posslvelmente, fosse muito born, n~o nos serve presentemente; as respostas da fe aos / nossos problemas da infancia, certamente optimas para essa idade, necessitam ser actualizadas. " s vezes cedemos a tenta~ao de esconder A a luz, par de parte a doutrina do Evangelho e do Magisterio da Igreja: por comodismo, por timidez, ou por cobardia.
Rev. J. Joseph Klerce, Spiritual Director
Author and Producer of' The New England Passion Play
''THE CHRlsTUs" TOUR 3 Have you ever been to Czechoslavla, Austria, Hungary, France, Ger· many, Holland, England?
V I SIT East and West Berlin, Prague, Budapest, London, Paris, Vienna, Dresden, Amster· dam, Hannover, Haarlem, The Hague, Bra· tislava & Brno, Sopron & Gyor, Eisenstadt & Burgenland, Harwich & The Hook of Holland. CRUJSE the North Sea, see Checkpoint Charlie & The Wall, and travel through the geographical heart of Europe, through Bohemian, Moravian and Slova· kian landscapes of incredible beauty!
$1029 AUGUST' 13 • 28 ALL EXPENSES PAID FOR RESERVATIONS CONTACT: REV. JOSEPH KIERCE" St. Kevin Rectory 35 Virginia St., Dorchester, Ma. 02125 Telephone (617) 436·2771 OR GEORGE OSBORN UNIVERSAL TRAVEL CO. 44 Brattle St., Cambridge, Ma 02138 Telephone 1617l 864-7800
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of ·Fall River Thurs., June 16, 1977 '.
basic youth page 'Hard Message' Given Youth j'
THEY TOOK THE CHANCE: Among "people's choice" winners in painting division of Fine Arts Festival at Stang High School, North. Dartmouth, are Annette Leduc, Marc Bergeron, Mark Folco, three teens who ~ook the chance advocated by Cecilia Belanger of showing their work and facing possible rejection.
focus on youth • • • By Cecilia Belanger
Q. I am 17 and I think I can paint but I don't dare show any of my paintings. In one of your columns you said something that Inspired me to write this l~tter. It sort of gave me courage to dare to try sometbin& - to dare to stick my neck out. rna okay except that I need a push - _ _ 10 a loDe way with _ - the debt wOl'dl. I need ft. SI.. Paul Co A. Paul, whenever we stick our necks out we've decided to live! Every time a writer, sculptor, CUIIijICliSet or painter shows his work to one c:ritic or a number
or Critics or a JudIe, ....... a
. . . . . He exposes his wlner_mty. His work mipl be rejected.
Alex Haley spent 12 years on
-.toots" without any' guarantee
or its success. "Jonathan Living· ston Seagull" was rejected by 18 publishers before the 19th took a chance on it. We take chances all the· time, Paul. When we speak before a dass, before groups, when we SUbmit papers, columns, write letters to the editor, when we offer opinions, when we volunteer for assignments - we expose ourselves and we take chances. This is the only way we can grow. W-e say, in effect, test me: I'm up to it. And if I don't succeed this time,' I will try again bei:ause I know I can do better. However, we should know what we want before we reach into the dark, because it is possible to run out of chances. Taking a chance can be a
DUBLIN (AIF) - Speaking to students at St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, Dr. Sheila Cassidy, who was held and tortured by Chilean police for two months, declared: "I believe that the importance of the missionary Church lies not only in the taking of the Good News from the 'developed' nations to the countries of the Third World, but also in the message that is brought back by the messenger to the Church which sent him. "This is a hard message that all men are created equal in God's sight but that they are not receiving an equal share in the earth's riches, It is hard to recognize as Good News the message that we must eat less and live in smaller houses and work longer hours so that men and women who eat too little and have no houses may survive. "This sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ should open men's hearts to the needs of their brothers and be the basis for the building of the Kingdom of God 'On earth; but our hearts are hard, and it is easier to call the messengers liars or eccentrics or fools than to heed them."
lonely enterprise. I do not deny that. And sometimes people seek to lessen their risks by banding together. But groups do not write WASHINGTON (NC) - When poems. John Paola was eliminated from Groups do not compose lyrics the National Spelling Bee last and music. year for missing the word Groups do not paint. "svengali," he went home de. There is a time for "groups" termined to win this year. He and a time for being "one." We did. must strive to know which time The 14-year-old eighth gnder it is, and to protect the possiJ). from St. Bonaventure Sc:hool in Uities for individual initiative and Glenshaw, Pa.. correctly spelled respouibility• . "cambist," a wont he had never ,But what of failure, yoU ask? heard before, to win the 50th N. What if our attempts to leave tional SpelUna Bee in Wasbin,an imprint on society laD abort ton, D.C. Last year, he had or our loals? What if we 'do placed 22nd nationaHy. 5econd not let tenure as professors. or and thlrcI place winners were am honors as· seniors, or let also hom catholic schools. John credited his parents, his jobs we want or bave our paiJiI. in,. accepted, or the poem pu&o sister and his teacher, Divine lished we thought was "just Providence Sister Mary Gnce Carlisano, with helping him preript?" If your aim is off, or some- pare for the competition. Sister Carlisano, a teacher of one moves the target, regroup and plan your next move. Re- English and spelling, had been garding your painting, not to working with J'Ohn for the past two years, every day before try again if once rejected, is to settle your account too soon. school and many times after And there is nothing against school also. Together they went asking for help when taking a through four dictionaries, word chance. But alI is lost if we with- by word. Among the words he spelled draw, or give up, and someone else does the job for us. Self to win the national bee were reliance is not just the title of gulosity, motley, caseous, ikean essay or the province of bana, appaloosa, calsius, dactylethnic self~help groups. It be- ogogy, bioganasis, machismo, and marasite. longs to all of us. What is your vision, Paul, and Even the Devil how do you express it? Through your painting. Hang in and dare "God is too good not to forto take a chance! Decide to live give. He forgives everything the and do it at once. Courage. For moment the heart repents. If it is the quality of the process the devil repented he would imand not the prize tl1at makes the mediately be forgiven." -Jacdifference. Good luck! ques Maritain
Catholic Youth
Is Top Speller
In Music By The Dameans
SIR DUKE _Music is a world within itself With a language we all understand With an equal opportunity For all to sing, dance and clap their hands But just because a record has a groove Don't make it in the groove. But you can tell right away at letter A When the people start to move. They can feel it allover They can feel it all over people Music knows it is and always will be one of the things that life just won't quit But here are some of music's pioneers that time will not allow us to forget. For there's Basie, MiJler, Satchmo and the king of all Sir Duke. And with a voice like Ella's ringing out there's no way the band can lose. (Written and performed by Stevie Wonder (c) Jobete Music Co. Inc. and Black Music Inc. 1976) This song is probably misnamed. It's obvious from the flavor of the horns in the introduction and the litany of musicians recited in the second stanza that "Sit Duke" -is Duke Ellington. The swing music of the big bands, which Sir Duke helped to create in the 1940s and 1950s, is what Stevie Wonder seems to want to acknowledge and praise. But as it turns out, "Sir Duke" is just a sample of the real idol in this song, namely music itself. The song could well be entitled "Lady Music." The quality of music depends on its ability to uncover hidden feelings, yet, in order to find those emotions in us, the music must first be born from those same feelings in the composer. For that reason Stevie Wonder can praise "Sir Duke" as one who shared his wholeness in his music in order to give others the chance to find themselves. We could give the same credit to Stevie Wonder. His music obviously comes from a deep part of himself. Perhaps . hiS blindness even helps here, since he writes about what he feels nther than what he sees. Appeannces are often deceiving and may become obstacles to our seeing what is real. Perhaps those who are in closer touch with what they feel, are the ones who sense what is real. And in the case of "Sir Duke" and Stevie Wonder, they can allow us to discover the real throup their music so that we can "feel it an over."
Catheclral Camp Altar Ioys· Doy Altar Boys' Day will take place at cathednl Camp, East Freetown, beIinninI at 10 LID. w..s. nesday, June 29, ·it hu been an· nouneed by Rev. Leonard MuJ. laney,
camp director.
Activities will include athletic and waterfront contests for an "outstanding parish" trophy and events will be supervised by seminarians and camp counselors. iPriests interested in bringing
SAH Boosters New officers of the Boost'r Club of St. Anthony High School New Bedford, are Mrs. Marie LaPointe, president; J. Charles Gomez, vice-president; Mrs. Claire Davignon, secretary; Mrs. Beatrice Tracey, treasurer. Club aims are to support the high school sports programs and to award two $100 scholarships annually. This year's .recipients are Pierre LaPerreira and Elaine LeBlanc.
altar boy. to the prapam may relister by Wednesday, June' 22 with Father Mullaney at 1m. maculate Conception rectory, Taunton, telephone 824-8794, or at the camp, 783-8874.
Camp Weekend Draws Twelve Twelve young men of high school and college age attended a weekend of reflection held last Friday and Saturday at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. The program, arranged by Rev. John J. Smith, diocesan director of vocations, and area vocation coordinators, was intended to provide information and encouragement for youths who might be considering study for the priesthood. The program included sessions on personal identity and clarification 'Of personal and religious values. It closed with a Mass.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River Thurs., June 16, 1977
Interscholastic Sports
With 27,000 Suhscribers, it Pays to Advertise in The ANCHOR.
Connolly High Wins Tennis Crown The Bishop Connolly High School tennis team is the new Eastern Mass. Class B tennis champion, and, as this column is being written Ted Pettine's Cougar netmen are slated for action in the state finals. Connolly clinched the title with a 4-1 victory over Sharon a week ago today at Silver Lake Regional High in Kingston. In earlier rounds the Cougars had eliminated MaIden Catholic, 4-1, Dover Sherborn, 5-0 and Duxbury, 3-2. Connolly and Sharon represent Eastern Mass. against the champion and runnerup from the Western part of the state. The Cougars were to have met Hudson, at West Springfield High School last Friday in the state semi-finals but rain forced post-
ponement of that match, which w,as rescheduled for last Monday. In the match against Sharon Dave Bedard defeated Jeff Charcoff, 7-6, 6-0, 6-1; Joe McGuill was the winner over Brian White in straight sets, 6-4, 6-3, and, Larry Straton was an easy winner, 6-0, 6-3, over Stan Fitzhugh, in the singles. In the doubles, Dave Kalif and Mike McGuill posted an easy, 6-3, 6-2, victory. ConnolIy's only 'loss was the 6-4, 6-2, setback suffered by Bob Correllas and Mike Sheridan.. It has been 21 years since a Fall River school has won the sectional championship and gained the state finals. Durfee turned the trick in 1956 and went on to the Class A state crown.
Thornhill Is New England Champ Mark Thornhill of New Bedford High School is the New England 440-yard schoolboy champion. Mark captured the championship when he ran the distance in 49 and seven tenths seconds in the New England Schoolboy Track Championships at Kittery, Maine, last Saturday. Robert Rivet has been selected as senior athlete of the year and David Frenette as the athletescholar of the year at Holy Family High School. They received their awards at the school's annual all-sports ban-
quet in St. Julie's Hall, North Dartmouth. Senior Steven Tasho and junior Paul Schmidt, first flight, have been named to the 1977 All-Hockomock Golf Team. Tasha is from Oliver Ames High School, Schmidt from North Attleboro High. Others on the stellar combine are senior Ed· Trunfio, Canton, and freshman Derek Johnson, King Philip, second flight; Jeff Brastow, Foxboro, and Paul Richard, Oliver Ames, third flight. Brastow is a senior,' Richard a freshman.
Miscellaneous Notes
Plagued by the weekend final game listed Plymouth-Car-' rains, the Eastern Mass. State ver against Dighton-Rehoboth. Girls' Softball Tournament got The final was set for Tuesday bogged down, as did many other but because of deadline requireoutdoor activities,.· and was, ments the winner is not known scheduled to resume last Mon- at this writing. day witl:t the playi,ng o! sell:li-· ,- ~t's tile ~~.eason for picking final games. the "best" in scholastic circles Apponequet .Region,al.and Sil- "and;' 'at· ¥iddleboro· ~jgJt. Step~' ver Lake were scheduled to meet. .hanie' Fagerberg was 'sel~ted as at Hartshorn Field, Taunton, in the ,girl athelete of the year and the first game of the semis ,Richard Ekstrom got the, nod doubleheader., The other' semi- among the "bo3[s. ,"
Late News· Connolly In: State Final At press -time, Bishop Connolly High was scheduled to meet Sharon last Tuesday ,afternoon at Taunton High in the final of the Massachusetts Schoolboy Tennis championships. Connolly advanced to the final via a 5-0 victory over Hudson Monday at West Springfield. David Bedard, the Cougars' No. 1 player, defeated Alan Cullen, 6-0, 6-2. Joe McGuill, the No. 2
player, pinned a' 6-3, 6:3, setback on Greg Ourand, 'and, Larry Straton had it easy in his 6-1, 6-0, triumph over John Spear. All three Connolly netmen are juniors. The sophomore doubles team of Dave Kalif and Mike McGuill "whitewashed" Mike Durand and Mike Gill, 6-0, 6-0, and seniors Bob Correllas and Mike Sheraton topped Ken Smith and Ed Wright, 5-7, 6-4, 6-2.
The Fall Ri\€rTrust brings you THE BISHOP'S A HAM: Sacred Heart Bishop Alfred Stemper of the Kavieng diocese in New Guinea must use short wave radio to communicate with his parishes, scattered on a dozen groups of islands. (NC Photo)
Paper for Kenya NAIROBI (AlF)- The Bishops of Kenya have approved launching of a national Catholic newspaper, which is to spring from an already existing diocesan newspaper, it has been announced by Bishop John Njenga, chairman of the Kenya Bishops' Communications Commission. -Bishop Njenga said that the Bishops had decided to develop the newspaper of Nakuru Diocese, 'Mwananchi' ('Citizen'), into a national newspaper. The English-language 'Catholic Mirror' of Nairobi had a limited national circulation until it ceased publication a couple of years ago.
leading Garden Centet'
."CONLON &. -,DONNELLY 'So~t,li ,M.ain. ~ .Wall Sts.. .ATTLEBORO 222-0~34 ",
Set Natural Family
Planning Conference
WASHINGTON (NC) - The first of three regional conferences on natural family planning will be held at Marymount College, Arlington, Va., Aug. 1-4. Sponsored by the Human Life Foundation, the Natural Family
Planning Federation, the U.S. Catholic Conference family life bureau and the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' office for pro-life activities, it is intended for Catholic diocesan personnel involved in promoting natural family planning.
(Rt. 15 Soutll· Airport Elltl
Saturday ~[fi)~[fi)@ WITH A DIFFERENCE All lEN banks will be open from gam. to 4p.m.
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.No· matter where you live in the,Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes near'you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *AITLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, Southway Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.
Thurs., June 16, 1977
Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor. P. O. Box 7. Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather lban past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an announcement several times.
HOLY NAME, FALL·RIVER The 1923 Club will hold a buffet dance in the school hall at 7 p.m. Saturday, June 18. The annual family picnic is scheduled for Sunday, June 26 at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, North ·Westport. Reservations will close tomorrow for an overnight bus trip to an Arthur Fiedler concert at Tanglewood Tuesday, Aug. 9. The program will include a cocktail party, buffet, the concert, followed by entertainment· and dancing, and breakfast Wednesday morning. Futher information is available at the rectory. OUR LADY OF HEALTH, FALL lUVER The second annual St. John Festival wiH be celebrated the weekend of June 24 through 26 on the church grounds, beginning at 6 p.m. Friday with music and a bonfire. Saturday's. activities will begin at 2 p.m. and Sunday's program will open at 1 p.m. Portuguese-American foods will be available throughout the weekend and there will be band music and raffles.
SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER New officers of the Ladies' Guild are Marcelle Soares, president; Brenda Lopes, vice president; Louise Steinhof, secretary; Mary-Lou Viveros, treasurer. A Linden Club banquet will be held Saturday, June 18 in the school cafeteria. A reception for Sisters on the school faculty will take place following 10 a.m. Mass Sunday, June 26, in the school. SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER A Portuguese Night including a smorgasbord supper and dancing to be held at 6 p.m. Saturday, June 18, will benefit the Santo Christo Feast fund. Music will be by Al Rioux and the event will take place in the church hall. SS. PETER & PAUL, FALL RIVER A family outing will take place Sunday, June 26. Reservations may be made with Joyce Dalton or Lucille Pavao. Items for a forthcoming auction and penny sale may be left at the- rectory at any time. ,Plans have been made by Margaret O'Neil for parish trips to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and Submarine Base at Groton, Conn. in July and to the Warwick Musical Theatre in August and September. Further information is available from her. A class in line dancing taught by James Donnelly will follow a meeting of the parish Retirees Club at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 28 in Father Coady Center.
ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER A June dance sponsored by the Parish Com.mittee and preceded by a roast beef dinner will be held Saturday night, June 25 at the school hall, with music by the New Buddies. 'Seven parishioners have been elected to membership on the Home-School Association board. HOLY CROSS, FALL RIVER The parish will sponsor a flea market and bake sale from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. June 18 and from 9 a.m. to noon Sunday, June 19 in the parish hall. The Men's Club announces a bus trip to a Bobby Vinton show at Warwick Musical Theatre Monday, July 18. Reservations may be made at the rectory, telephone 672-2093.
,: : .; : ,:
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Please Print Your New Address Below
,,; :, ,
Women interested in organizing a Women's Guild in this new parish are asked to meet in the church hall at 7:30 tonight. ,Patricia Stone heads an ad hoc committee to form the new group.
Impossibility "Where is the foolish person who would think it in his power to commit more than God could forgive?"-St. Francis of Sales
, •
,, ,,, .,: : ,,
Drive slowly, carefully and keep an eye out for children at play because they're not looking for you!
STREET ADDRESS...................................................................... : Apt. #, CITY, STATE........
NEW PARiSH............................................................................. DATE OF MOVING
: And please attach your OLD ANCHOR AD- : ; DRESS LABEL below so we can update your ; ,: record immediately. ,:
Cub Scouts will sponsor their annual festival from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, June 26 on the church grounds or at the same hours Sunday, July 3 in case of rain. Attractions Will include clowns, games, pony rides, homemade crafts and a white elephant table. "Bird Bird" will be a guest of honor and other surprise features are planned. Admission is free and the public is invited.
The Post Office has increased from 13 to 25 cents its charge to THE ANCHOR for notification of a subscriber's change of address. Please help us reduce this expense by notifying us immediately when you plan to move.
A Sacred Hearts novena will end with a Mass of the Sacred Hearts at 8 tomorrow night. A rummage sale is planned from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. this Saturday and Sunday in the church basement. A cake sale sponsored by the Ladies of St. Anne wiH follow all Masses the weekend of June 25 and 26.
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Don't drive carelessly, especially through residential areas. Use caution and common sense. Children chasing a ball or a pet usually forget to look for approaching automobiles. Watch out for them and other children riding bikes or skateboards or playing baseball in the streets! This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River DURO FINISHING CORP. THE EXTERMINATOR CO. FALL RIVER TRAVEL BUREAU