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t eanc 0 VOL. 39, NO. 24

Friday, June 16, 1995



$11 Per Year

STUDIO 0 photo

Story, more pi.ctures, pages 10, 13

leading' Parishes As of June 12, 1995 ATILEBORO AREA SI. John the Evangelist, Attleboro O.L. of MI. Carmel, Seekonk SI. Mary, Mansfield SI. Mary, Seekonk .SI. Mark, Attleboro Falls

$53,730.00 46,342.00 35,426.00 34,341.00 31,581.00


Mansfield-SI. Mary North Attleboro Sacred Heart SI. Mary Norton-SI. Mary Seekonk MI. Carmel SI. Mary

12,304.99 15,329.00 18,119.00 46,342.00 34,341.00

Parish Totals

CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS AREA Brewster-O. L. of the Cape $32,320.00 Buzzards Bay-SI. Margaret 16.398.25 Centerville-O. L. of Victory 51,561.50 Chatham-Holy Redeemer 31,869.00 East Falmouth-SI. Anthony 31,990.00 41,741.00 East Sandwich-Corpus Christi Edgartown-SI. Elizabeth 5,010.00 Falmouth-SI. Patrick 38,334.00 Hyannis-SI. Francis Xavier 52,026.00 Mashpee-Christ the King 41,120.00 Nantucket-D. L. of the Isle 16.083.00 North FalmouthSI. Elizabeth Seton 33,575.00 Oak Blulls-Sacred Heart 6.355.00 Orleans-SI. Joan of Arc 28.859.00 Osterville-Assumption 24.096.00 PocassetSI. John the Evangelist 41,625.00 Provincetown-SI. Peter the Apostle 7,328.00 South Yarmouth-St. Pius X 98,913.00 Vineyard Haven-St. Augustine 5,570.00 WellfhletOur Lady of Lourdes 6,430.00 West HarwichHoly Trinity 52,558.00 Woods HoleSI. Joseph 28.354.99



CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS AREA $98,913.00 SI. Pius X, So. Yarmouth 52,558.00 Holy Trinity, W. Harwich 52,026.00 SI. Francis Xavier, Hyannis 51,561.50 Our Lady of Victory, Centerville 41,741.00 Corpus Christi, East Sandwich FALL RIVER AREA Holy Name, Fall River Holy Rosary, Fall River SI. Thomas More, Somerset SI. Stanislaus, Fall River SI. Jo~n of God, Somerset

$46,510.00 31,816.00 28,860.00 27,030.00 27,014.00

NEW BEDFORD AREA O. L. of MI. Carmel, New Bedford SI. Julie Billiart, No. Dartmouth SI. Mary, So. Oartmouth Immaculate Conception, New Bedford St. Mary, New Bedford

$47,235.00 32,115.00 31,378.00 29,112.00 26,773.00

TAUNTON ~REA . St. Ann, Raynham Immaculate Conception, N. Easton St. Joseph. Taunton St. Anthony, Taunton Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton

Attleboro Holy Ghost St. John SI. Joseph St. Mark St. Stephen St. Theresa

$25,463.00 23,945.00 22,228.00 20,009.00 18,779.00

$11,852.00 53,730.00 10,139.50 31,581.00 12,104.00 17,075.50

NATIONALS $1500 Province of St. Augustine of Capuchin Order

FAll RIVER $460 Sawejko Enterprises $200 Eduardo Leonardo, M.D. $100 Daughters of Isabella. St. Patrick's Circle #335, Somerset .

Fall River St. Mary's Cathedral Blessed Sacrament Espirito Santo Holy Cross Holy Name Holy Rosary

Roger Desvergnes, M/M Harold Downing, M/M Kevin Holley, Katherine Lancisi, Richard W. Nolin, M/M Paul Roque $60 M/M Joseph Graney, M/M Anthony Magina; $50 M/M John A. Bessette, M/M Robert Caruso, M/M Paul Cooper, Marie Coppola, M/M Eugene Cote, M/M Kevin Deschamps, Ann Dupee, M/M David Gibbs, M/M George Gosselin, M/M William Kafouse; $50 M/M Edward O'Brien, M/M Michael O'Hara, M/M Thaddeus W. Puchyr, Janina Towl, M/M Robert P. Turcotte, M/M Brad Wasserman St. Joseph M/M Harry White, St. Joseph's Bingo; $60 M/M Richard Sieber St. Mark $1200 M/M James Keiper; $650 M/M Paul Danesi; $400 MlM Albert Dumas; $300 M/M Keith King; $120 M/M Richard Gundlach; $100 M/M Edward J. BuCkley, Ms Eileen Rhyno, M/M Christopher Longee, M/M Patrick Sellner; $75 M/M Neil Dold

$12,138.50 5,128.00 15,833.00 4,632.00 46,510.00 31,816.00

Immaculate Conception Notre Dame Our Lady of the Angels Our Lady of Health Sacred Heart SI. Anne SI. Anthony of Padua SI. Elizabeth . SI. Jean Baptiste SI. Joseph SI. Louis SI. Michael SI. Patrick SS. Peter & Paul SI. Stanislaus SI. William Santo Christo Assonet-SI. Bernard Somerset SI. John of God SI. PatriCk SI. Thomas More Swansea Our Lady of Fatima St. Dominic SI. Louis de France SI. Michael Westport Our Lady of Grace SI. John the Baptist NEW BEDFORD AREA New Bedford Holy Name Assumption Immaculate Conception Mt. Carmel NU'estra Senora de Guadalupe Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sacred Heart SI. Anne St. Anthony of Padua St. Casimir

$50 Dominick LaFratta, M/M Alfred Hopkins, Mrs. Jacqueline Dyer, MlM Robert Flaherty, M/M Michael Kirby, M/M William Vandeventer, Judge & Mrs .Edward Lee, M/M Herbert DeCato, Arline & Donna Desilets, M/M Francis Nardi, Dr. & Mrs. Albert Fiorini, M/M Richard Steele, M/M Robert Toto, M/M Daniel Noreck, M/M Robert Raymond, M/M John C. Hunter, M/M John Mcintyre MANSFIELD St. Mary $200 M/M Robert Pietrafetta; $100 Anne & Laurence M. Jackson, M/M Richard N. Vita, M/M Barry D. Marston, Atty/M Charles Mulcahy; M/M Paul Sadowski, M/M Richard VanTassell; $50 M/M Kevin King, M/M Angelo Nardone, Gary & Janet Eagan, M/M Walter Calhoun, M/M Roberto E. Bolandrina, M/M Francis L. McGowan, M/M F.J. Ferney SOUTH ATTLEBORO St. Theresa $100 Irene O'Malley

6,215.00 12,023.00 18,130.00 4,985.00 13,173.00 14,288.00 12,242.00 4,253.00 8.539.00 9,715.00 4,998.00 12,603.00 9,911.00 10,036.00 27,030.00 12,809.00 23,156.00 1l,942.60 27,014.00 17,232.00 28.860.00 19,514.00 17,529.00 19,449.00 13,033.00 15,573.00 19,279.50

$16.855.00 4,043.00 29,112.00 47,235.00 2.636.00 9,092.00 8,328.00 7,214.50 4,582.00 7,109.20 5,328.00

SI. Francis of Assisi SI. Hedwig SI. James SI. John the Baptist SI. Joseph SI. Kilian SI. Lawrence SI. Mary SI. Theresa AcushnetSI. Francis Xavier East FreetownSI. John Neumann FairhavenSI. Joseph SI. Mary Marion-St. Rita MattapoisettSI. Anthony North DartmouthSI. Julie Billiart South Dartmouth-SI. Mary Wareham-SI. PatriCk Westport-SI. George TAUNTON AREA Taunton Holy Family Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart SI. Anthony St. Jacques St. Joseph St. Mary St. Paul Dighton-St. Peter North Dighton-SI. Joseph North EastonImmaculate Conception Raynham-St. Ann South Easton-HolY Cross

NORTH ATTLEBORO Sacred Heart $250 M/M Walter Landry; $100 M/M Russell' Kenney; $50 M/M Henry Achin,'Lois Nevers, M/M Maurice Roberts St. Mary $100 M/M Joseph W. Greer; $60 M/M Charles Fulton; $51 M/M Albert Theriault; $50 M/M Michael Vigorito, M/M Stanley J. Prokop NORTON St. Mary $100 M/M Ralph Foster; $70 M/M Joseph Jolly; $50 A Friend SEEKONK O.L. of Mt. Carmel $100 M/M Richard Laporte; $50 M/M Raymond Finizia, M/M Fred Guarino NEW BEDFORD St. Casimir $1000 Atty. Ferdinand B. Sowa; $500 Rev. Henry Kropiwnicki; $125 Mrs. Charles Arruda; $65 Walter Jarosik, Anonymous; $50 Mary~. Hebert,

CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS $500 Aluminum Products of Cape Cod, Dennisport $200 St. John the Evangelist Women's Guild. Pocasset $100 Captain Chase Interiors, Harwichport Reef Realty, Ltd., West Dennis



ATTLEBORO St. Stephen $125 M/M Ronald Andrews; $100 M/M Normand P. Beauregard; $50 St. Stephen's Womens' Club, Mrs. John Gagne, M/M William Cauley St. John the Evangelist $500 M/M John P. Lee; $250 M/M Robert M. Blais; $200 M/M Kevin Beagan, M/M Russell Morin, Jr; $175 M/M Leo Danilowicz; $150 M/M Stephen Fontneau; $125 M/M Robert Edwards; $100 M/M Victor Bonneville, M/M Walter Chicoine, M/M

1995 Charities路 Appeal ahead of 1994 Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, diocesan mouth; Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs; director of the annual Catho- St. Joan of Are, Orleans; Our lic Charities Appeal, has anLady of Assumption, Osterville; nounced that returns now total St. John the Evangelist, Pocasset; $2,339,937.28, an amount almost Corpus Christi, East Sandwich; $40,000 above last year's figure for St. Pius X, South Yarmouth; Holy the equivalent week of the cam- Trinity, West Harwich; St. Joseph, paign. . Woods Hole. To date, the following parishes Fall River Area: St. Mary's have surpassed their 1994 totals: Cathedral, Blessed Sacrarnent, Holy Cross, Holy Name, Holy Attleboro Area: Holy Ghost, Rosary, Immaculate Conception, St. John, St. Joseph, St. Mark, St. Our Lady of Angels, Notre Dame, Stephen, Attleboro; St. Mary, Mansfield; St. Mary, Norton; Mt. . St. Anne, St. Anthony of Padua, Carmel, Seekonk. St. Jean Baptiste, St. Stanislaus, St. William, Santo Christo, Fall Cape and Islands Area: Our River.. Lady of the Cape, Brewster; St. St. John of God, St. Patrick, St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay; Our Lady Thomas More, Somerset; Our of Victory, Centerville; Holy ReLady of Fatima, St. Dominic, St. deemer, Chatham; St. Anthony, Louis de France, St. Michael, E. Falmouth; St: Elizabeth, EdgarSwansea; Our Lady of Grace, St. town; St. Patrick, Falmouth; Christ John the Baptist, Westport. the King, Mashpee; St. Mary/Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket. New Bedford Area: Holy Name, St. Elizabeth Seton, N. Fal- O. L. of Assumption, O. L. of Mt.

Carmel, Nuestni Senora de Guadalupe, Our Lady of Fatima, O.L. of Perpetual Help, Sacred Heart, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Casimir, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Hedwig, St. James, St. Kilian, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. Theresa, New Bedford. St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet; St. John Neumann, East Freetown; St. Julie Billiart, No. Dartmouth; St. Mary, So. Dartmouth. Taunton Area: Holy Family, Holy Rosary, Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Lourdes, Sacred Heart, St. Jacques, St. Joseph, St. Mary, St. Paul, Taunton. St. Peter, Dighton; Immaculate Conception, No. Easton; St. Ann, Raynham. Father Freitas expressed his continuing gratitude to all who have contributed and worked for the outstanding success of this year's Appeal, in both its Special Gifts and Parish phases.

5,594.00 2,438.00 11,141.00 19,051.00 9,512.00 3,611.00 18,961.00 26,773.00 9,131.00 9,044.00 22,590.00 H,748.00 7,650.00 3,857.00 17,488.50 . 3:!,115.00 3l.378.00 2Ii,522.00 I:l,237.00

$lli,868.00 11,545.00 1:!,925.00 1Ii,188.00 H178.00 20,009.00 I:!,266.00 2:!,228.00

W,779.00 1:1.795.00 :',282.00 10,954.00 2;1,945.00 2!i,463.00 111,327.00


M/M John Gonet, Irene M. Nicholson, M/M Louis F. Peltz, M/M KHimierz Zatek, Anonymous; O.L. of Assumption $75 Antonio Livramento; $50 Joseph W. DePina, M/M Paul Baptista, Deacon & Mrs. Antonio M. daCruz, M/M Norman Turner, M/M Manuel Lobo Holy Name $200 In Memorl' of Fr. William F. O'Connell; $100 M/M Edward Welch St. Anthony $100 Anonymous; $50 M/M Harry Hathaway, Anonymous Sacred Heart $1500 M/M Gerald LaFrance; $50 Pierre & Jean Seguin St. Lawrence $100 M/M Albert L. Fisher, Gertrude Maxim, Frances A. Mel ntyre; $50 Patricia DeMilio, M/M Antone T. Pina, M/M Mark Pittman St. James $)000 Mrs. Joseph Hathaway; ~50 Argemiro Garcia St Hedwig $50 M/M Robert Olejarz, Anonymous Nuestra Senora De Guadalupl! $100 Concepcion Gomes, Sr./Sra. Euripides Casanas O.L of Mt. Carmel $50 M/M Victor C. Pinheiro St. Theresa $150 M/M John W. Cofer;路 $75 Mrs. Lillian B. Corre St. Francis Xavier $100 M/M Matthew Charbonneau; $50 M/M Gary F. Hathaway, M/M Jose Batista FAIRHAVEN St. Mary $50 M/M Jose Borge:; St. Joseph $50 M/M Richard Bordas NORTH DARTMOUTH St. Julie Billiart $150 M/M George Silvia; $100 Antonio M. Pachec:o, Sl. Julie's Ladies' Guild, St. Julie's St. Vincent de Paul Soc., St. Julie's Youth Group; $50 M/M Roberto Barbosa, M/M Brian Caravana, Stephen Carc.vana, Benilde F. Costa, M/M Douglas Go enski, Freddy Groves, M/M John J. McKnnon, M/M Michael D. Patnode, M/M Orren Robbins WAREHAM St. Patrick $600 M/M John C. Raymond; $225 Jeanne F. Neale; $200

Turn to Page Eight



Diocese of Fall River -- Fri., June 16, 1995


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Sister Grandfield




The Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated June 9 at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, for Sister Mary Philomena Grandfield, SUSC, 91, who died June 6 at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. Born Mary Grandfield in East Taunton, she was the daughter of the late George and Catherine (Williams) Grandfield. She entered the Holy Union Sisters in 1924 after graduating from St. Mary's High School and took final vows in 1932. She taught primary grades at Sacred Heart School, Fall River,


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for 33 years, at Sacred Heart School in Taunton for 13 years, and at St. Mary's School in Taunton for four years. In retirement she lived at 47 Prospect Place, Fall River. She is survived by a brother, William J. Grandfield, in West Germany.




For Individuals, Couples and Families Hugh C. Boyle, Jr., Ed.D. Psychologist (508) 823-6682

Member: The Association Qf Christian Therapists Bringing the gentle, healing love ofJesus to those in need.

D photo


FOOD MACHINE RENTALS COTTON CANDY, POPCORN, SNOW CONES, HOT DOGS, HELIUM TANKS, PONY RIDES & MORE Call for price list & reserve early to Insure availability




Wall and panel paintings Expert repair & repainting of cherished statues


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196 E. Main Street Norton, MA 02766 (508) 285 9565 Free estimates, Time payments Geoffrey P. Moran. Founding member, Association for Consultants for Liturgical Space

Singer & Composer of "We Are One Body" FROM TOP', Bishop Sean O'Malley stand~ with the five priests newly ordained for the Fall River diocese: from left, Fathers Joseph Blyskosz, Michael Racine, Michael O'Hearn, Mark Chmurski, Christopher Stanibula; Father Blyskosz' smile says it all; students of St. Stanislaus School, Fall River, line up to wave farewell to Father Blyskosz, his mother and his cousin, as they head for Poland.

General practitioner

Diocese of Fall River

OFFICIAL His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointments: ,

First Assignments Rev. Joseph Blyskosz, Parochial Vicar, Saint Pius X Parish, South Yarmouth. ' Rev. Mark Chmurski, Parochial Vicar, Corpus Christi Parish, East Sandwich. Rev. Michael O'Hearn, Parochial Vicar, Saint John ~e Evangelist Parish, Attleboro. Rev. Michael Racine, Parochial Vicar, Notre Dame Parish, Fall River. Rev. Christopher Stanibula, Parochial Vicar, Saint John the Baptist Parish, New Bedford. Effective July 5,'1995

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (CNS) - Dr. Juan Almendares fits the description general practitioner in a unique way. You can call the Honduran physician if you are sick. if you feel you are the victim of a human rights violation. or if you fear the environment is being destroyed. Almendares has been on the front line of numerous battles sinc(: he was first elected rector of the Honduran National Autonomous University in 1979. "I was rector during the difficult years, the years during which there were forced disappearances and other serious human rights violations." he said. His experience as university rector, during which time he received numerous death threats and was eventually forced from the position and had to live underground, prepared him for his work today. Almendares is the unofficial leader of the "grassroots" movement of Honduras.

L 1




Friday, June 23

7:00 P.M. ST. PIUS TENTH CHURCH STATION AVE. • SOUTH YARMOUTH Tickets: $12.00 (advance sales)

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Diocese of Fall River -



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Fri., Jun: 16, 1995

the mooril'l9--.,

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the living word


A Regional First What a joy to read that civic and business leaders of Fall River and New Bedford came together to endorse expansion of the New Bedford airport into a regional facility.

It is about time that the picky differences of the past be swept aside in order to face the very harsh realities of the present. Both cities and their surrounding sUburbs have suffered grave economic decline. The textile industry is a shadow of itself and the fishing fleet all but dissolved. For too long, civic and industrial leaders have sought to protect their own turf. When state or federal programs or funds were available to city and towns, it was each man for himself and God for us a.ll. This tunnel vision approach has wreaked havoc with its divisive mentality and selfish machinations. As a result, regional interests did not join to solve problems, initiate programs or take united political stances. But now that the grim reaper of economic hard times is occasioning unemployment lines and welfare rolls, some are beginning to look beyond their own backyard and see that the future of this area of the Commonwealth rests on a regional, united stance. The first step, of regionalizing the New Bedford Airport, is a move in the right direction. If achieved, it will bring tremen-: . eNS/Callaway photo dous economic benefits to the area, not only with regard to FATHER'S DAY jobs but also in the realm of new industrial development. Its' location makes it an ideal third airport to augment Green and "I fall on my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that Father flrom Logan, and there is no doubt that it will prove a better and whom all fatherhood in heaven and on Earth takes its title." Eph. 3:16 more durable investment than a gambling casino. . Among obstacles that will have to be overcome to achieve an enlarged airport is that presented by environmental concerns. Some feeJ that wetlands near the present airport will prevent its expansiot:l. However, many of those who are concerned have Her joyful communion with the gets her energy, and she inevitabiy By Marcie Hicke~ crowd did more than words to replies that it is from prayer. little knowledge of the area under considerat~on. In fa~t, an . Assigneq th,e inevi~abll: high That s\1~, is a wQmen' oJ p'~!ly~r u~de~scor~ her mes~~ge t!tat"God ,efficiently operated expan~~d.airp.~~~wOul~.;;p..t!qlll~r.~J_(Lthe school essay on "My ,Herp'" yea~s . was' certainly ~vide'ilt in' her 'br~ef created us' '·tP.H',C?;ve.".~rld be -violent -abuse these· wet1l1Il1ds~have·suffered·.-For~all· p£actical ago, 'I retnenlbe....•wrHing ii r'everent .tim'e,atl1<)'ng u~,' White' het a:irival .. has lo~~d.:'.~~e, ~H)liQ: tlt~\,~hi: ;laak piece on Mother; Teresa: of Calpurposes, these s~ndpits and swamps have been the d\lmping 'at· fViass ·In'St."'Lawr=eilce!thutCh of love is the greatest ofall'povergrounds for trash, breeding grounds for mosquitoes and a real', cutta, Her mission work seemed so was met .with enthusiastic 'applause . ties and it is a poverty that can be exotic and, remote; her devotiofl health hazard. Indeed,;the so-called endangered reptile~ flour- andsacrifice almost.super-hurrian. whic,h she graciously acknowl- just as prevalent in a western city edged, she spent the Mass with - on the streets of New Bedford ish in the. great Hockomock Swamp'which encompasses much While she has.·said she knew at age 12 that she wanted to be a mis- head bowed, hands folded. Doubt- - as in the slums of Calc~tt~l. It is of Bristol and Plymouth counties, Careful pl~nnirig and modless inured to the hubbub which so with love that she, as Bi.shop sionarY,I was not· emboldened ern conservation practices would lessen these objections, if' often surrounds her, she was at O'Malley put it, "follows the: trail with my youthful admiration to indeed they are valid.in ,the first place. , peace; following her lead, - the of blood" which flowed from the pledge that I would or even could church was hushed, ' heart of the crucified Christ, as she It should be admitted that the socioeconomic benefits of an follow in my heroine's footsteps. It was praY,er, too, that she immerses herself in the lot of the expanded regional airport far outweigh the objections ,to it. A That sense of remoteness dimin- asked of us in her remarks after rejected and unw·anted. Yet she ished this week when Mother Mass. "Pray for us," she said re- came not with a dour messa.ge of vast cross section of civic and industrial leaders realizes this Teresa - Nobel Prize winner, peatedly, "that we may continue the relentlessnes~ of suffering but and is committed to the project, not merely in the hope of world-famous personality, savior this oeautiful work...that we may to spread joy, the joy of leading economic gain for the region but also in the hope of a better life of the slums - came to our own continue God's work with' great souls to heaven. By her presence for its citizens. neighborhood, walked among us, love..." she reminded us that we cannot Nor have they been unconcerned about the environment. made personal and real her mes- . Many who saw her in New Bed- admire her work in distant missage of love. Responsible people act with accountability. Those attributes ford will retain the image of her sions while ignoring the mission go hand in hand, not just for developers but also for conservaHer presence insp"ired awe, rev- bowing, with her hands held to- fields of our own neighborhoods tionists. There is room for both to work together, not only to erence and excitement and kindled gether in the Indian custom of and our neighbors'· hearts. Her message is demanding, but the faith of thousands; so many "namaste," meaning "the God in maintain our fragile planet but also to sustain with dignity the it is also simple. Love comes first; were uplifted simply knowing that me greets the God in you." . human beings who have been given the task of protecting the she was coming to the city, believHer energy seemed only to in- prayer is our strength. She did not gifts given by the Creator. With such an attitude, development ing that where Mother Teresa is, crease at the opportunity to greet come to ask us to become Misof tile airport can and should be encouraged without the usual goodness and love are also. the exubenint crowd which had sionaries of Charity - thoui:h no doubt she would be pleased if we argumentativeness that accompanies such undertakings. This Considered by many the world waited for hours in hopes of catch- did, commenting that perhaps ing even a glimpse of the adored is an important first for our area and the opportunities and over to be the embodiment of Bishop O'Malley could send :iome . benefits it will provide should not be taken lightly.· holiness and altruism, Mother nun, the nearly relentless rain vocations her way. seeming only to solidify their The Editor Teresa became on her visit a focus determination. What Mother Teresa does chal-

Foots.teps of a, missionary'


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O, Box 7 or call telephone number above

EDITOR • Rev. John F. Moore

GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~ If'ar.,.p,p.s~- FaIIR, ....er

for reflection on the Christian obligation to what Mother Teresa called "the salvation and sanctification of the poorest of the poor." Bishop O'Malley saw the visit as an opportunity to recognize and showcase to a wider public· the important work of today's women religious, who, he suggested in anecodote, could make even hell livable with their ministrations. The bishop described Mother Teresa's schedule as something akin to the movie "If It's Tuesday, It Must Be Belgium." Yet there was no sign of weariness as she spoke at length after Mass and .later seemed to thrive on greeting the crowd. The 84-year-old globetrotter has often been asked where she

They were not disappointed. As . lenge us to do is be missionaries of she was escorted from the church, charity in its most basic definition, Mother Teresa took delight in Christian love. She is a heroine ,to s!J many. If a reaching out to her admirers amid shouts of "We love you, Mother city can be uplifted for a day by her Teresa...God bless you, Mother presence, perhaps it can be made a more holy place as her mel.sage Teresa." Groans of disappointment as . lingers with those who will cherish she entered the convent doors her memory. Perhaps we can, after quickly turned to cheers as she all, begin to follow in her footsteps. reappeared at various windows, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 waving and smiling. As she leaned THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second from an opened second-floor win- Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly e){ceptthe week of July 4 dow, someone below held up a rosary; she held up her own in and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02'.'20 by approval. Even later in the night, the Catholic Press of the Diocese (If Fall she emerged 'again to greet those River. S'ubscription price by mail. postpaid still gathered outside the convent, $11.00 per year." Postmasters send address including the police officers on changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 'r. Fall River. MA 02722. duty guarding her.

DCCW lists new district officers

Eucharist: celebration or· victory Genesis 14: 18-20 1 Corinthians III :23-26 Luke 9:11-17 In the transition between the Easter season and ordinary time, the Church celebratl:s the Feast of the Body of Christ. This Sunday's readings present us with the richness of the Eucharist as thanksgiving, as memorial of Jesus' sacrificial death for us. as anticipation of his return, and finally as pattern for our journey in following Jesus. The Old Testament reading from Genesis recounts Melchizedek's blessing of Abram after his victory over four kings and the rescue of his nephew Lot (see Genesis 14). Melchizedek is the king of Salem, or Jerusalem, and his meeting with Abram is a joyful meal in thanksgiving for the victory which has rid Canaanite territory of a foreign menace. Early Christian writers understood this story as an anticipation of the Christian Eucharist and the priest-king Melchizedek as a prototype for Christ (see Hebrews). In the course of sharing a meal of bread and wine. Melchizedek blesses both Abram and God Most High who brought him victory. "Blessed be Abram by God Most High, the creator of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your foes into your hand." _ Our Eucharist shares' this character of thanksgiving and blessing for God's victory over sin and death in Christ. The reading from Paul's first letter to the Corintlhians is the earliest record of Jesus' actions and words at his final meal with his disciples on the night before he died. "The Lord's supper" was celebrated both as a proclamation of Jesus' saving death and an anticipation of his r,eturn in glory. The cup is associated with the new covenant promised by Jeremiah: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." Paul concludes by reminding the Corinthians that thl: Eucharist both recalls Jesus' sacrificial death and

Daily Readings June 19: 2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98:1-4; Mt 5:38-42 June 20: 2 Cor 8: 1-9; Ps 146:2,5-9; Mt 5:43-48 June 21: 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1-4,9; Mt 6:1-6,16-18 June 22: 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111:1-4,7-8; Mt 6:7-15 June 23: Ez 34:11-16; Ps 23: 1-6; Rom 5:5b-ll; lk 15:3-7 June 24: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3,13-15; Acts 13:2226; lk 1:57-66,80 June25:Zec 12:10-11;13:1; Ps 63:2-6,8-9; Gal 3:26-29; lk 9:18-24

By DR. PATRICK V. REID anticipates his return in glory. "Every time, then, .you eat this bread and drink this cup. you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes!" The gospel is Luke's account of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. It comes at a crucial turning point in Luke's story and draws a sharp contrast between the power of JesuS and his disciples. Jesus is completing his Galilean ministry and is about to embark on his journey to Jerusalem where he will suffer, die, rise, and ascend to the Father. His disciples have just returned from a successful journey on which they proclaimed the good news and cured diseases (Lk 9: 1-10). Now Jesus challenges the Twelve to feed the crowds who have followed them to a "deserted place." They are powerless to satisfy the needs of the group that numbers five thousand men alone and are forced to say: "Five loaves and two fish are all we have, unless we ourselves go and buy food for all these people." Only Jesus, like the Lord who fed his people in the wilderness (Exodus 16), can satisfy the needs ofthe crowd. He does so in a superabundant way that points to his mission to reconstitute the twelve tribes of Israel. The account ends with the note: They all ate and were satisfied. And when the leftover fragments were picked up, they filled twelve wicker baskets. (Lk9:17) This meal both looks back to Jesus' actions in the Galilean ministry and forward to the events in Jerusalem. In the opening sentence we are told, "Jesus spoke to the crowds ofthe reign of God, and he healed all who were in need of healing." This is a summary of Jesus' work in the Galilean ministry (seeLk 4: 14-9:9). Jesus' actions in feeding the people also anticipate the Last Supper and the breaking of bread in the Emmaus story. In all three Jesus is said to have "blessed," "broke," and "gave." Luke is the only evangelist to link this feeding miracle to the confession of Jesus as the Messiah, his first prediction of the passion and resurrection, and the need for the disciples to follow him on this path (see Lk 9: 18-27). To celebrate the Eucharist in memory of Jesus the disciples must share in his mission to the poor and the sick (Lk 9: 1-6) and also must be willing to follow him to the cross. After announcing that he must go to Jerusalem to be rejected, killed, and be raised on the third day, Jesus says to the disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (9:23).

New officers of the five districts ofthe Diocesan Council of Catholic Women are listed as follows: Fall River District I, Vivian Cleary, president; Carol Simons, vice-president; Lynette Ouellette, treasurer; Linda Mello, recording secretary; Debbie Mello, corresponding secretary. New Bedford District II: Mary Mitchell, president; Ellen Calnan, vice-president; Shirley Magnet, treasurer; Janice Monte, secretary. Taunton District III: AnnaMae Schondeck, president; Lucille Couture, vice-president; Maureen Papineau, recording secretary; Theresa Rogers, corresponding secretary; Mary Jo Foley, treasurer. Attleboro District IV: Mary Martin, president; Dorothy Ratcliffe, vice-president; J ahanna Medeiros, recording secretary; Maureen O'Sullivan, treasurer.

MSGR.ALFREDJ. GENDREAU, in residence at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, marked his 60th anniversary of priestly ordination yesterday. Born Jan. 9, 1911, he graduated from St. Anne's School, Fall River, and thereafter attended high school and college in Montreal and prepared for the priesthood at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, from which he also holds a doctorate in theology. After his ordination in 1935 by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy, he served with tHe Sulpician Fathers until 1954, teaching in seminaries and serving from 1943 to 1946 as an Army chaplain in Europe. In the Fall River diocese, he was associate pastor at St. Mary's Cathedral from 1954 to 1959, then administrator of St. Peter's Church, Dighton, until 1961. Thereafter he was pastor of Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River, of St. Jacques, Taunton, and of Notre Dame, Fall River, remaining in the latter post until he retired in 1980. On the diocesan level, he was episcopal vicar in the Fall Riverand New Bedford deaneries of the diocese. vicar for religious. a pro-synodal judge. secretary of the clergy board of examiners and a member of the Divine Worship Commission. He was named a domestic prelate in 1964.

Cape & Islands District V: Pat Costa, president; Rosalie Ghelfi, vice-president; Jeanne Alves, treasurer; Kay Chase, recording secretary.. Newly named district moderators are Msgr. Henry T. Munroe for District V and Rev. Ralph D. Tetrault for District II.

Saint Anne's Hospital gratefully acknowledges· contributions received to the Remembrance Fund during May 1995. Through the remembrance and honor of these lives, Saint Anne's can continue "Caring for our community." "t\ I N I .\ N:\ I· " It ()" I' I 1.\1 I< 1·,\11:,\1 BI<,\N CI· I 1Il'\ ()


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tSt. .l"'\.Mary's Seminary in Kenya, East Africa, some 120 young men are answering the call of Christ to serve him and their people as priests. Most come from poor families. .:. With your support through the Propagation of the Faith/ St. Peter Apostle, they and more than 25,000 other seminarians are preparing for the priesthood in mission seminaries. Last year, with this help, 1,548 mission priests were ordained. .:. Won't you help ensure that vocations are possible among the poor? Send in your gift for a mission seminarian today! The Society for THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH The Society of St. Peter Apostle for mission vocations

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o $100


Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira, V.E. 344 Highland Avenue • Fall River, MA 02720 "Attention: Column." No. 101 ANCH 6/16195

$700 (full year's support for seminarian) 0 $50 0 $25 0 $10 0 $ (other)


Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City State . ~ip . Please remember The Societyfor the Propagation ofthe Faith when writing orchangingyour Will.

6 THE ANCHOR ..:.- Diocese <WFall Ri~et=--- Fri:;:hirte-16,'1995

. Indulge 'yoll'r'infant Dear Dr. Kenny: I would like to know' the resources used when you state in your recent column that "you cannot spoil a child under 2." Iowa



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J路ESUIT TRIBUTE: Father William A. Barry, SJ, New England provincial, was principal celebrant and homilist and Bishop Sean O'Malley presided at a Mass of Thanksgiving concluding the Jesuits' 29 years of seryice at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, where Father Robert J. Levens, SJ, (right) was rector of the Jesuit community. (Studio D photo)

Farewells, thank yous for Jesuits Bishop Sean P. O'Malley presided and Father William Barry, SJ, New England provincial for the Society of Jesus, was principal celebrant and homilistat last Sunday's Mass of Thanksgiving marking ,the conclusion of 29 years of service by members of the Society of Jesus at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River. The four Jesuits who served at the school through the school year just ended: rector Father RobertJ. Levens, principal Father John P. Murray, and FathersDonald MacMillan and James M. Krupa, were joined by other members of the Jesuit community and by diocesan priests at the farewell liturgy, held at the high school. Altogether 100 Jesuits have served at the school, giving it a total of 403 years of service. . The high school is named for Bishop James L. Connolly, the fourth bishop of Fall River, who brought to his 1945-1970 tenure a concern for providing Catholic secondary education in the four urban areas of the diocese. After the construction of Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth, Bishop Feehan in Attleboro and Bishop Cassidy (now Coyle-Cas~ , sidy) in Taunton, the bishop turned his attention to a school for Fall River, which he hoped would be staffed by the Society of Jesus. He announced this desire to Jesuit provincial Father John V. O'Connor at the 1963 centennial celebration of Boston College's founding; by September of that year arrangements had been made for the Jesuits to staff a school for boys to open in Fall River in 1966. It would be one of five college preparatory schools conducted by the Jesuits in New England. While the Jesuits would staff the Fall River school, it would be owned by the Diocese of Fall River and remain under supervision ofthe Diocesan Department of Education. Originally the school was to be called Catholic Memorial, and in fact there were signs already up on Rt: 24 bearing that name. How-

You cannot spoil a child under 2. Whether you agree with us or not depends upon what you understand by "spoiling" and what you perceive to be the long-range goal of child rearing. Psychologist Erik Erikson, famed for his "eight ages of man," specified infancy as a time when trust was - or was not - learned. The most important message parents must communicate to their infant during the first year of life is that the world is an "alI right" place, , one wher'e needs are regularly satisfied. Dr. Burton White ("The First Three Years of Life," PrenticeHall, 1975) comments on some "inadvisable practices" stemming from "existing' misinformation about child rearing." One practice he cautions about is "letting baby cry it out." Another he warns against is "neglecting to handle your infant." ' White, director of Harvard's preschool project for their education department, writes: "There is a great deal of evidence indicating that newborns are beautifully designed to be handled." Our own experience raising 12 children and more foster children'confirms this. Child development is a zigzag process, emphasizing first one growth aspect and then another, ' perhaps opposite aspect. The first and most basic task an infant has is the differentiation and valuation of self. '" . The infant needs unconditional love, near-total indulgence. Ideally,

ever, Father O'Connor and the Jesuits felt it more fitting that the school be named for Bishop Conriolly, and, as' time has told, the Jesuits prevailed. Construction began in 1965 with much input and advice from the Jesuits. Father Laurence Langguth, SJ, was indIspensable in the planning, providing such details as exact sizes of the science labs and the number of seats for the theaterstyle auditorium. On September 5,1966, principal Father John Cornellier, SJ, and sev'en other Jesuits greeted the first Did you ever have one of freshman class of 122 boys. those days when you felt kind The educational venture was beof put down, and your ego gun with the guiding vision of Jesuit founder St. Ignatius Loyola was at about rock bottom? in mind: that men and women I've encountered people feelcome to experience their own value ing that way so many times in in God's eyes and respond with an my work and the dasses I ever more generous service of God teach that I would tell them, and others. The goal of a Jesuit education is to provide a humane, "What you need at this moliberal education in the finest tra- ment is a little success, an ditions of the Church. Thus stu- unexpected heartlift."路 . dents learn not only the answers Well, riotIong ago I was having but how to ask the questions, how to think and understand, and how one of those ")-need-a-heartlift" to express themselves articulately; days when I received a book in the whether orally, in prose, through mail with the strange 'title, "The Logophile's Orgy- Favorite geometric proofs or the fine arts. . Words of Famous People." . Turning Points The book's blurb described the Major turning points in Con- work as "a collection of the favornolly's history came with its merger ite words of scientists, educators, with Msgr. Prevost High School writers, comedians and other faand its change to a coeducational mous celebrities." institution. . Suddenly a light clicked on. I Prevost was destroyed by a May was one of the contributors. I 28, 1968, fire and the following turned the pages and found my morning, Jesuit rector Father words big as life on Page 15. Had I Charles Dunn invited Prevost prin- . suddenly become "famous?" cipal Brother Roger Millette, FIC, Then I recalled that about a year to hold classes in the Connolly earlier author Lewis Burke Frumclassroom building. A merger was kes asked me to contribute a page ultimately made final through or so of my favorite words as negotiations between Brother Mil- . material for a book he was compillette and Father Thomas Gibbons, ing. I was doing a presentation at who became Connolly's principal his invitation for a writers' seininar in 1970. at Marymount College in New Informally, coeducation at ConYork where he teaches. I said yes, nolly was considered practically and I sent him my contribution the from the beginning, when Mr. next day. Robert Padarowski, SJ, taught When I started to read his book, chemistry to girls from Mount St. - I couldn't put it down. How had Turn to Page 16 Frumkes done it? Somehow he

the world conforms to the child, not the other way around. The family adjusts as well as it can to accommodate the infant's eating and sleeping rhythms. . Won't that "spoil" the baby? For a time, perhaps. But not for life. The fully developed human person will be far better able to cope with the adult world if he or she begins life in an indulgent setting. The first major limitation of self, the first significant expectation by society occurs around age 2: toilet training. The child is expected to conform to adult ways. Many other demands to conform soon follow.





but on how the family disciplines its demands on the toddler, whether the family remains loving, but firm and consistent in its expecta.tions. Certainly parents can train an infant not to cry, to sleep through the night in its own bed, to I~at on sched ule. They can even toilet train before age 2. That is all possible. It can be done with animals. Such early discipline, however, is unwise. The child is too young, The infant needs unand the lesson is misunder:;tood. In~tead of seeing the wisdom of conditional love, the limitations, the infant is more near-total indullikely to get the message that he or she is not an OK person: genc~. I deally,the Another response could be' rage. world conforms to' One explanation for the prevalence of temper tantr.ums is adult the child, not路 the failur~ to meet indulgence needs in infancy. other way around. Be firm in expectations with Thefully developed toddlers. But indulge infants.. This is the only time in life when wants human person will and needs are synonymous. Infant indulgence provides a base beJar better able to for self-acceptance, which will help cope with the adult the child later when he or she must cope with the increasing number world she or he of society's demands. begins life in an We have a list of 28 references on the importance of indu.lging indulgent setting. infants. For a free copy, se,nd a . business-size, self-addressed, stampConditional love now becomes ed envelope to the address bt:low. Reader questions on family liva factor. The child receives love not justJor !>eing, but for doing in~a.ndc~i1.~ c!'re to. beans~rered well. . in print are invited by The'Kellnys; Whether a child is spoiled de- 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaer" Ind. pends not on training the infant, 47978.


Words of wisdom had persuaded 220 people - like Norman Mailer, Phyllis Diller, Ray Bradbury, Ricardo Montalban, Gene Kelly, Hedy Lamarr, Gwen Verdon, Ann Landers and 'Lar'ry King to send him their favorite words.

Frumkes deserves praise for coming up with this inventive idea' and for helping us rediscov.er the wonder, the beauty~ the power, the fun, the necessity, the brilliance of words. Frumkes told me the book grew into a project "far beyond anything I had originally envisioned." I felt proud to be a part of this very original book, especially as I read what some others wrote. Not surprising, Bob Hope's favorite word is '''laughter,' and when I .am asked why ... I reply, why not?" he wrote. For scientist Linus Pauling, the choices are "peace and friendship." Actors Ricardo Montalban and Rossano Brazzi, humorist Joey Adams and psychologist/ author Leo Buscaglia chose "love." Actress Hedy J,.amarr and feminist Gloria Steinem both chose "empathy." Rose Kennedy, matriarch of the


Kennedy clan, didn't live to se,~ her entry in print, but her chosen word is there for us to see - "faith." She said that word had been "the sustairiing force" in her life. Len Deighton, author of spythriller novels, said his favl)rite wor'd 'is "grace" and noted that it has' "special religious significance too.... It's'a fine word." Close to a favorite of mille is writerflecturer Arianna Huffington's selection, '''trust.' TruH in life; trust in God; trust that the universe is a friendly place ... trust that life is a mystery to be Ii ved, not a'riddle to be solved." Novelist Erica J ong chose "now" as 'her word, explaining, "In the middle of my life, I am no long,:r in love with fancy words. 'Breath' is my favorite word today.... Like 'love,' it makes us rise .... All oflife is in this word." Frumkes deserves praise for coming up with this inventive idea for a book and fbr helping us rediscover the wonder, the bea uty, the power, the fun, the neces!:ity, the briIIiance of words.

Being a "good Cathollic" Q. Our oldest child just finished her first year of c:ollege, in a Catholic school. We were told it is one of the real Catholic colleges and universities in the country. She has become very confused, however, by the various groups or movements she is urged to joined to be a better and active Catholic. Frankly, we share hllr confusion. Some make us suspicious, especially one which is tied (they say) to appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Another scares her, and us, the way they (clergy and lay people) claim someone cannot be "good, loyal Catholics" except their way. Sometimes they sound awfully narrow. Can you give us any advice? (Ohio) A. Your concern is a healthy one and, if my mail is any criterion, one shared by a large number of good and obviously well-informed Catholics. Plain good common sense is always the first judge of such things: I might also suggest a few basic guidelines from our Catholic tradition. Before anything else, however, it is important to remember that ours is a big church. Throughout history, when it is at its best and most alive, there has always been room for a whole rainbow of ways for people to pray, to think, to live

The plumber • pipes u» I was thinking about the polarity in the Catholic Church the other day when I was on my back in the crawl space under a mobile home we rent out. There's something about lying on your back in mud in the pitch black in a 16-inch cra wi space cutting soaked insulation out of the belly ofa mobile home that inspires one. Know what I mean? For one thing, it's a great place , to pray. Quiet - the only sound is of mice breathing and spiders tap dancing and an occasional ringing in your ears when you crack your' skull against an I-beam. It's dark; downright dark, as a matter of fact, when your "magnetic" flashlight drowns after failing off the I-beam into the mud. There's a sense of mystery: Where is that broken pipe? Actually it was the broken water pipe that made me think of the conservative-liberal tumult in the church that always exists but recently seems to ha ve become a little more shrill. A case can be made that the plastic water pipe in the mobile home has a lot in common with the "progressive" thrust in the church, notably in the past three or so decades. The plastic pipe grew out of a need for eVI~ryday folks to repair their own plumbing with something they could understand, use and, of course, ultimately trust and depend upon. It eliminated the need to have special tools, the a.bility to cut and thread precise lengths of galvanized pipe, and the knowledge to flux and fit long-lasting copper tubing.



DIETZEN out their faith and grow in holiness. Just because something does not appeal to us doesn't mean there is anything bad about it. Without respect and room fpr these honest varieties withi'n the appropriate framework of faith, the church stagnates. One danger sign to look for is any position which rejects out-ofhand what the church is teaching today. For example, some refuse to accept any developments in the church since Vaticgn Council I!. I'ntheir opinion these teachings and practices conflict with what they see as the "golden age" of Pope Pius V and the Council of Trent in the 16th century. We believe on the contrary that the same Spirit who was with the church in the past is with it now. Another warning flag is the claim ofthis or that group to be the elite. They are the real, genuine Catholics. Anyone not with them, or who sees things differently, is somehow a second-level Catholic. These types of organizations (one might even call them cults) have been around since ~he beginning of Christianity. We read about them already in the New Testament. Such exaggerated claims seem to be a common temptation for any religious movement.



It created a heady environment in which do-it-yourselfers could tear up walls and floors, and actually participate in the rarefied world of plumbing.

At barbecues, for example, I could impress the dickens out of my brother-in-law (Mr. Goodwrench) by sayingin a calculatedly casual way, "Just plumbed in the kids' shower this morning." Plastic pipe also nurtures an atmosphere in which people like me think they know what they are doing, and before you know it you are on your belly crawling around De-Con boxes like a marine dodging land mines. Surely you see the parallel I'm attempting. The plastic pipe is an apt metaphor for the post-Vatican 1\ "with it" Catholic. Vatican II. it seems to me, invigorated and legitimated an already widespread movement by great numbers of everyday folks to become more theologically literate. And we have. And that's good. Still, in the process a lot of plastic-pipe theology has been created that seems a bit weak at the joints. Sometimes it just plain leaks. At the same time, I am sure God appreciates the effort to know him better. Plastic pipe needs improving. So does our appreciation for truth and tradition. So does our appreciation for a plumber who knows how to flux and fit copper pipe.

In my 41 years as a priest, I have led or participated in dozens of spiritua\ and apostolic movements. All have accomplished much good. But nearly everyone went through a stage when it was tempted to consider itself something like an eighth sacrament, to believe no one is a genuine, full Catholic until he or she has done their "thing" or sel:n things their way: Of course, groups and societies who pursue this course always have the highest motives - to "purify" the church and so on. But unchecked, such attitudes often lead to gross ,intolerance and arrogance. When sufficiently large, some such groups have caused enormous personal injuries, persecution and hurt to the body of Christ. But still they surface every generation or so. The Eucha.ristic liturgy, the sacraments, the Gospels and the basic prayer and spiritual efforts taught in continuous church tradition still suffice to make good. loyal and complete Catholic Christians. One archbishop noted this in connection with one of the several dozen alleged apparitions current today. H is remark is valid in other matters as well. . "One can become a saint," he wrote, "and fully participate in the life of the church, without giving credence to such apparitions; they are not part of the deposit offaith. "In fact, basing one's piety on them can often be narrow and illusory." The third and best criterion of all in evaluating the genuineness of these movements and societies is the old standby: What are their fruits, their results? Do they bring to the Catholic community (parish, diocese, universal church) greater hOptl, unity, charity, kindness, peace and other fruits of the Spirit listed by St. Paul? (Gal. 5:22) Or do they cause mistrust, secretiveness, elitism, hostility and bickering, division and oppression? You can guess which ones St. Paul and Christian tradition recommend. A free brochure on confession without serious sin and other questions about the sacrament of penance is available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.

Parish sets vigil fOI· June 16 In response to the req uest of Pope John Paul II, contained in his annual letter to the world's priests, that Catholics set aside a day on which to pray for the sanc-, tification of priests, St. Mary's parish, Mansfield. will conduct a vigil with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 7 tonight until 7:30 tomorrow morning, beginning and ending with Mass. All are welcome to attend any part of the observance:. Participants will pray especially for priests of the Fall River diocese. In his letter, the pope expressed his hope that the day of prayer would "help priests to live in ever greater conformity to the heart-of the Good Shepherd." "The aim," said a Vatican spokesman, "is to call everyone bishops, priests themselves, religious men and women and laity -to pray that priests may live in full conformity to the will of Christ."


Diocese of Fall River -


Fri., June 16, 1995

IWELCOME! Mother Teresa I SAINT ELIZABETH FEAST Tucker St. • Fall River JUNE t 6 • t 7 • t 8 (FRI.-SAT.-SUN.)

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Register ANYTIME During the Feast or call MADELINE at (508) 672-1983

Kitchen Open after Procession. Same Menu as saturday. Feast closes Sunday at 10 p.m. The names of 7 families will be drawn to host "Holy Ghost" crown in their homes for next year's feast.

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77>. Dominlam 5istm ofHawthorn.· Motb",bouJe, Rnsary HID H~ HawtborrII, NY 51. ROSll·,II01711. NtIJI Yor*, NY . Sacred Htarl H017II, Pblkuk/pbIa, PA . Ora lildy of Good Co<mse/ H~ 51. PaJl1, MN Holy Family Hom~ C1IIIIIand, OH • ROIl! Hawtboml H~ Fall RIvtr. MA • Our Lady ofPII'f1IIJII'I Htlp H~ Nlanla, GA



Diocese of Fall Ri'v'er·:...,-". Fri., June 16,:1995


II Letters are ,welcome but the editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be typed, signed and include a h'ome or business address (only the city name is used In print). Letters do not necessarily reflect the editorial views of the Anchor.

Likes St. Anne's

THE CATHOLIC CHARITIES Appeal in the Fall River area is under direction of Father Daniel L. Freitas (left) and Father John F. Andrews, working with Bishop Sean O'Malley. (Gaudette photo) $50 M/M David HamnQuist; Atty. & Mrs.

Dear Editor: We're very fortunate in the Greater Fall Riverarea to have the benefit of two excellent hospitals. I recently had a·very positive experience at one of them-St. Anne's Hospital. From my arrival by Somerset ambulance throughqut my hospital stay, I am indebted to all the fine people who cared for me: these include the Emergency Room staff, Dr. Majed Mouded, the nurses in charge and all the staff from St. Mary's wing. In addition, the ancillary services, especially the people working in the sonogram, nuclear 'scan, CTscan and echocardiogram areas, as well as the people in the transport, nutrition and dietary departments and those involved in pastoral care housekeeping, were caring and

VINEYARD HAVEN St. Augustine $500 M/M Robert A. Lunbeck; $100 Michael Figueiredo; Daniel F. Burgo; Jeanne M. Butterfield; Maureen Burns; $75 M/M Eugene J. Delorenzo; Helen A. Norton, M/M Melvin Prada; POCASSET $50 Gerard Frenzajo; Viola Lopes; Rose $150 M/M Frank Carlozzi, M/M Paul J. St. John the Evangelist $100 In Figueiredo; H.N. Hinckley & Sons; M/M Dever, M/M Christopher O'Toole; $120 Memory of Frederick J. Dunbury, Jr.; $50 M/M Myron F. Peabody III; $100 M/M Ms. Gloria 11.. Picarro; M/M Francis L. . John McCarthy; Barbara Flynn; Beatrice Phillips; Judy Shellhammer; Kathleen David A. Bruno, Patricia Edwards, In Flanagan; In Honor of St. John the Paiva; Fortunata Matell Memory of Ellen Harding, Mrs. David Evangelist White-Epstein MASHPEE SANDWICH $75 M/M Alan Collins; $60 Anna Christ the King $500 Sarah M. Ford· Corpus Christi $300 M/M Edward C. Balano; $50 Mrs. Robert M. Candee, Ste- Ducie; M/M Kenneth J. Figueiredo; M/M ham; M/M Stephen O'Connor; $300 The phen P. Gallos, M/M Thomas Guiney, Gary M. Dellaposta; M/M William J. Beckel Family; $250 Hanley Family; M/M Michael W. Murphy, Wilbur Mur- Lyons; $200 M/M David J. O'Connor; Donway Family; Karp Family; $100 Kelray, William G. Stevenson, Mrs. John M/M Thomas G. Judge Jr; Diane J. Willeher Family; M/M John Horgan; KenTexeira, M/M David R. Tremblay drick Family; Malone Family; M/M Robert lett; M/M Richard J. England; $150 M/M Sullivan; The Brum Family CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS Michael A. McNamara; $120 M/M Richard HYANNIS T. Mannion; $100 M/M Michael Amrich; ORLEANS St. Francis,xavier $150 Jim Reagan; M/M James P. Donnellan; M/M Charles St. Joan of Arc $100 lE. Bellavance; Diane Lee; M/M Arthur Bardelli; $50 A. Peterson; FrancisJ. Nagle; M/M George , $100 M/M Joseph Cabral Jr.; Charity Hilario; Sheila Montminy; $75 Eleanor H. Howard; Thomas J. Foley; Mary M. James Rosato; Maureen E. Corrigan Deveney; $50 M/M Thomas George; Ryan; M/M AlexanderSearle; M/M Robert SOUTH YARMOUTH M/M Thomas J. McCormick; Robert C. , E. Corradi; M/M Joseph A. Kudera; M/M St. Pius X$200 Kevin & Carole Depin; Thornton Herbert A. Hamlen; M/M Robert G. $100 Mrs. John O'Hara; M/M Brenton Ray; M/M Michael Fitzgerald; Dr1M. Wil· Quinn; M/M Gerard F. Goodwin; M/M FALL RIVER liam Gagnon; $50 M/M Dermont Fether· Richard D. Boudreau; M/M Fr,ederick A. Saint Joseph's $500 In Memory of Everett; M/M Samuel D. Walter; M/M ton; Corinne Ahern; M/M Joseph Maho· , Monsignor George Sullivan; $50 M/M James M. Flynn; Lillian Tully; c: ney; M/M Richard Rodricks Normand H. Menard; Arthur R. Machado $75 Mrs. Fred O. Earle Jr; $55 M/M CHATHAM Holy Cross $100 Holy Cross Men's Watson A. Mosher; $50 M/M Joseph T. Holy Redeemer $100 Richard Griffin , Marone; Dr/M Thomas E. Tobin; M/M Club . OSTERVILLE Neal J. O'Brien; George V. Cox; M/M Holy Rosary $100 Louis Goncalo; Our Lady of the Assumption $100 Frank J.Burns; M/M Carl E. Watters; DIM John Gagliardi; $50 Natalie Almeida; Mrs. Paul Mark Ryan; $50 M/M John MlM Richard A. Lizotte; M/M Paul HastM/M Clifford Baldai; M/M Edward Daw· Vieira . ings; M/M Eric T. Starck; M/M Robert E. son; M/M Rene Guimond; Lena McKenna; Durand; M/M Robert D. Tullis; Anna L: . NANTUCKET M/M Robert Plourde; Albert Ragonesi; St. Mary's $100 M/M John Topham; Caron; M/M William E. Clark; M/M WilMrs. Albert J. Roy; M/M Robert Worsley M/M Karsten Reinemo; Fred Coffin; $50 lam Darmon; M/M David Leo . Holy Name $400 M/M Daniel E. M/M Michael Roche; M/M Harold Boehm; BUZZARDS BAY Bogan; $100 M/M Matthew Sullivan;' 'M/M Ralph Hardy; St. Mary's Rosary St. Margaret $100 M/M William J. Pamela Lima; M/M Steven Pereira; Mrs. , Group, Mrs. R. Gonnella'; M/M Joseph Brady Robert Ravenscroft; Mary Ann Dillon; Lopes WEST HARWICH John F. & Ellenor Fanning; $75 Holy BREWSTER Holy Trinity $100 M/M Joseph' GalName Women's Guild; $70 M/M John Our Lady of the Cape $100 Helen lante; M/M Walter Giffee; M/M Paul Barry McDonald; $50 M/M' Kenneth -Brandon; Joseph O'Connor; Richard McKenna; $75 A. K. Scanlin; $50 Mary Fiola, Jr.; M/M Antero Monte; M/M Hassett Louise DaLuze; M/M Timothy J. Hall; Wayne Campos; M/M Donald Hicks; M/M James R. McGrath; Mary A. McLean; M/M Francis Burke; M/M Thomas Sousa; FALMOUTH Mary & George Luzitano; Deborah Gue· .' St. Patrick's $300 M/M John J. M/M Daniel Manning; M/M Walter Mason; rette Sheehan; $250 M/M William C. Dillon M(M Frank Matrango; D.E. Vegliante Sr.; $200 M/M Charles Bardelis; $100 WOODS HOLE Saint Anne $100 In Memory of Michael M/M F. Leo Fitzpatrick; $50 Ms. Rita St. Joseph's $2000 Jayne & Peter Lafleur Conlon; M/M Joseph Driscoll; Mrs. Ovide Romano; $400 Joseph & Kitty Dunn; Our Lady of Health $1,000 Rev. Jose Fortier; James T. McDonough; McMa- $300 Janet Buckingham; $250 Thomas A. dos Santos; $300 Our Lady of Health namon Family & Mary Ann Kenny; $100 Robert & Gloria Feast Committee; $200 Holy Ghost Adams; Vincent & Janet Fierro; Norman CENTERVI LLE Society; $100 Our Lady of Health Chao & Jayne Starosta; Emil TieTje; $75 John Our Lady of Victory $125 MlM Franrismatic Prayer Group; St. Vincent de & Theresa Clarkin; $50 Mary Walsh cis D. Murphy; $100 Richard M. Golden; Paul Conference , " Michael Princi; Sheriff & Mrs. John D Mello; M/M Lawrence Bennett; Bern· . adette Finley


.dedicated and made my stay a very positive and healing experience. It is amazing how many people were involved in my care - some I never met like lab technicians and office personnel plus those who do analyses and reports of tests. All these' fine dedicated people plus the outstanding facilities, including the bright and cheerful surroundings and patient lounge, helped to create a very special environment where people can get well. Should the need arise, based on this positive experience, I would not hesitate to choose St. Anne's again. Albert J. Couture Somerset

Close school, says Maryknoller Dear Editor: Daily we read about budget cuts to the poor, the elderly and schools. Shouldn't a school that trains Latin American soldiers for combat be included in these budget cuts? According to the Army.' this

year's operating budget for the School of the Americas (SOA) is $18,400,000 - all paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. The SOA, located at Fort Benning, Georgia, trains hundreds of Latin America:1 soldiers each year in such courses as Commando Operations, Sniper Training and Counterinsu::gency Techniques. The school's notable graduates include: Former Panamanian dictator and drug trafficker Manuel :~orie­ ga; Robert 0' Aubuisson, il Salvadoran death-squad leader n:sponsible for the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero; 19 Salvadoran soldiers named in the 1989 massacre of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her teenage daughter; and leaders of military coups in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Argentina. Rep. Joseph Kennedy (D.. MA), introduced an amendment to the House defense appropriations bill last year to close the school. He said, "This institution cost; millions of dollars a year and j,jentifies us with tyranny and oppression." He got 175 votes, but not enough to pass the amend ment. He plans to try'again this year. As a Maryknoll missionary in Latin America I worked to relieve the suffering of the poor. The School of the Americas is causing suffering and death and should be closed. ' Father Roy Bourgeois, M.M. Columbus, GA

Sacred Heart $200 Farrissey Catering, . Inc.; $120 Irene Price; M/M William Pitera; $100 William F. White, Jr.; DIM Edward J. Steinhof; $75 M/M James Cleary, Jr.; $50 M/M Carlos Correia; M/M Joseph Caouette; Charles and Mary Mitchell Santo Christo $60 Jeremias Carvalho & Family; $50 joseph Cabral & Family; Nelson Mateus; M/M James Travassos St. Stanislaus $1,000 Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski; $750 St. Stanislaus School; $200 M/M Russell Maynard; M/M Thomas Pasternak; Margaret Peart; John J. Polak; M/M Edward Ward; A Friend; $180 A Friend; $160 Alice Kret; $135 . DIM Joseph McGuill; $130 M/M John Polak; $125 M/M Paul L'Heureux; $120 M/M Adrien Perry $100 M/M S Trafka; Dr. David Stein· hof; Stanley Lach; A Friend; Yvette Murphy; John Menczywor; Lisa Faria;M/M Robert Wilbur; Caroline Dawicki; Paula J. King; A Friend; M/M Kenneth Medeiros; M/M Thomas Wrobel; M/M Gregory Rego; Maria Furtado; $78 A Friend; $75 St. Stanislaus Women's Guild; M/M Paul Murphy; $52 Susan Williamson $50 Helena & Frank Boyko; M/M John Coroa; M/M A Sousa; M/M JosephRaposa; M/M DaQiel Rocha, Jr.; Ann Rocha; M/M Phillip Pelletier; M/M Raymond Madore; A Friend; MlM Thomas Cour· noyer; M/M Afonso Macedo; M/M Kenneth Garant; Paula Gagnon; Daniel Gag: non; M/M Stanley Pencak; M/M Laurenio Couto; Catherine Cordeiro; M/M Leo Lavoie; Barbara O'Neil; MlM Arthur Viana; Richard Bernardo; Miroslaw Kula; Ann Louise Sousa; Christopher Haponik; M/M Gary Ivanson; Joanne Pankowski ASSONET St. Bernard $300 M/M' Gary Mar· condes; $50 M/M Victor Cabral; M/M Ronald Maccarone SOMERSET St. Patrick $100 Mildred Mills; M/M Richard Mullaney. St. John of God $1000 1996 Confir. mation Class Walk·a-thon; $200 St. John of God Holy Ghost Society; $150 St. John of God Rev. Daniel L.Freitas Scholarship Fund SWANSEA St. Louis de France $200 M/M Paul T. Cadieux; $100 M/M Lamont Beaudette; M/M Richard Brodeur; $50 M/M Henry L. Glode

-----------Special Gift & parish listings will continue to appear weekly in order received by the printer until all have been listed.




HealthWise I

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exercising properly can be very helpful, as can reducing everyday stress and staying active. Keeping a journal can often help the chronic pain sufferer identify any actions or circumstances that might be more likely to cause pain. These measures can help individuals understand their pain and accept it as part of a life that can still be healthy, happy and productive," said Boucher. The Pain Management Center of Saint Anne's Hospital is staffed by specially trained physicians, nurses, psychologists and physical therapists. For more information, the center can be contacted at (508) 6744625 or 674-4626.

Emergency medicine program held at St. Anne's Hospital

RENE B()UCHER, DO, chief otanesthe~ sia and pain management at Saint Anne?s Hospi~ tal, Fall River, is a board certified anes'thesiolo~ gist, with specialized training in pain mariagement.

Pain ma'nagement 'options offeree! at Saint Anne's HealthWise will appear semi-monthly as a public service to residents of the Fall River diocese. Columns will address heiillth care topics and seek to heighten awareness of hl~alth care issues and concerns. They will provide a vehicle expressing the concern of Saint Anne's Hospital for the community. Editor The comprehensive Pain, Management Center ofSaint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, provides a wide:' range of treatment options for the management of acute and chronic pain conditions which affects one of every three adults. Acute pain is usually the result ofan injury or surgery; it is sharp, sudden and temporary. Chronic pain is persistent, occuring regularly and continuously. Chronic pain can affect an individuaI's mood, appetite, work, relationships and immunity to illness. Its common sites include the ht~ad, neck, joints, stomach, muscles, nerves and most commonly, the back. It can also be caused by canCI~r, arthritis and shingles. "For most patients with back disorders, arthritis, headaches or post-shingles pain, it is the pain, not the

underlying pathology, which prevents them from leading a productive liftl. But rapid advances in medicine have made many treatments available for pain. Everybody is different; as a resuIt, treatment plans are tailored to the individual's needs," said Rene J3oucher, D.O., chief of anesthesia and pain management at Saint Anne's. Treatments offeredby the hospital's Pain Management Center include behavioral therapy, relaxation and meditation, biofeedback and physical therapy, medication, and electrical stimulation of the nerve endings or nerve blocks ,which temporarily block off the nerves at the source of pain. There are various nonmedical measures individuals can follow to reduce the occurrence of chronic acute pain. "Eating, sleeping and

In celebration of Emergency Medical Services Week, Saint Anne's Hospital in Fall River recently sponsored a program for the greater Fall River area emergency medical services system'. Hosted by John A. Acuri, M.D., the hospital's director of emergency medicine, the session reviewed the development and status of the trauma system in Massachusetts and the responsibilities of emergency medical service agencies. Keynote speaker Lawrence Mottley, M.D., discussed "The Impact of the Trauma System on EMS Agencies," highlighting changes in the statewide trauma system and in statewide emergency medical service protocols and their effect on daily operations of emergency medical service agencies. The 70 emergency medical technicians in attendance represented the Brewster, Swansea and Response ambulance companies, the Tiverton, Little Compton, Fall River and Westport fire departments and St. Luke's paramedics.


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., June 16, 1995


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10 'THE ANCHOR~Dioceseof Fall River-Fri.: June 16; 1995

Diocese has magical day with Mother Teresa By Pat McGowan June 14 was one of the biggest days in the history of the 91-yearold Fall路 River Diocese and the 148-year-old Whaling City of New Bedford. Met at the New Bedford Airport by Bishop Sean O'Malley and New Bedford Mayor Rosemary Tierney, Mother Teresa was in town and the day was touched with magic. No matter that pelting rain intermittently soaked the hundreds standing outside St. Lawrence Church on County Street, where Bishop O'Malley celebrated the Mass ofthe Sacred Heart in honor of the diminutive visitor; no matter that barricaded streets meant that cars had to be parked blocks away; no matter that the area was patrolled by vigilant police and plainclothesmen. Mother Teresa was in town. She was there to visit the sisters of her community, whose convent with its handmade sign, "Missionaries of Charity: Mother Teresa of Calcutta," is across the street from St. Lawrence. . "I've been here since six this morning," said a damp Maria Perry ofSt. James parish, New Bedford, whose vigil was eventually rewarded by a coveted spot inside the church. Not so fortunate was Sister Joanna Fernandes, OP, superior of the Dominican Sisters at Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, who stood outside throughout the Mass. But she didn't mind. "I was glad to be outside," she said. "The reactions of the people were wonderfuL"

Inside the church, which began filling at 2 p.m. for the 3:30 p.m. Mass were children representing the schools of the diocese, sisters, priests and permanent deacons, representatives of diocesan offices and other guests, the massed choirs of St. Lawrence, St. Francis of Assisi and St. John the Baptist parishes and Holy Family I Holy Name School, all of New Bedford. Father John J. Oliveira, pastor of St. John the Baptist parish, also New Bedford, led the congregation in a run-through of the refrains they would sing, while Father Joseph F. Viveiros, director of the Diocesan Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities, signed the proceedings for the hearing-impaired in attendance. John E. Kearns Jr., assistant in the Diocesan Office of Communications, came to the microphone to caution against use of flash cameras in the church, explaining that their light was uncomfortable for the fragile Mother Teresa, who will be 85 in August. Then the moment arrived: Father John F. Moore, diocesan director of communications, signaled the congregation to rise as Mother Teresa and her sisters entered the church, to be greeted by the first of many ovations. "Our joy is overwhelming," said .Bishop O'Malley, in extending a welcome to Mother Teresa and her community. He recounted a story of a Franciscan who had preached on hell throughout his.路 life on earth, thus inducing hundreds of his hearers to mend their ways. When the friar died, he asked St. Peter to let him view the

place frpm which he had saved so many, and was astonished to find that hell resembled a well-maintained suburban community. "How can this be," he asked. "Oh," said Satan, his guide, "It wasn't like this until the nuns got here." The story, said the bishop, was true in the sense that nuns "make the most hellish places heavenly," He noted that Mother Teresa had been in Belgium for the recent beatification of Father Damienof Molokai and pointed out that care of lepers is a major task of her sisters in India. Referring to the fact that the Mass chosen for the day was that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the bishop said "Today we have in our midst a woman who has followed the trail of blood from the Sacred Heart of Christ. Mother Teresa, you are one of the signposts on that path and we love you." Speaking at the end of the Mass, Mother Teresa again and again asked the prayers of her hearers as she explained that the aim of her. congregation was to work for "the sanctification and salvation of the poorest of the poor. "God has blessed us with many vocations," she continued, crediting Bishop O'Malley for sending several her way. Adding a homey note, she explained that her sisters' distinctive blue and white saris are of the type worn by.. most Indian women. However, while saris can be interwoven with gold threads and valued' at thousands of dollars, those of the sisters, made for them by lepers, are of inexpensive cotton, like those of the "poorest of the poor" they serve. Mother Teresa too had a St. Peter story, recounting that one night she dreamed she went to heaven and met St. Peter, who said "Why are you here? There are no slums in heaven." She said her reply was "We will send the slum people to you." She added that "so far we've given over 50,000 keys to heaven." Speaking on abortion, the subHicl:ey pholo ject on which last year she also addressed the annual prayer breakMISSIONARIES: Mother Teresa and the four nuns of the New Bedford convelilt are fast of the U.S. Congress, she joined by other members of their community for Mass. spoke almost incredulously of mothers "who can murder their moments later at an upstairs winown children" and said that her which she again greeted community has over the years dow from . the crowd. She was joined by placed some 3,500 children for adoption in foreign countries, many Bishop O'Malley, who blessed the .throng to the accompaniment of of them in the United States. One such child, 7-year-old Lucas cheers and waves from those below. Lights went out at the convent Dugan, a pupil at St. /Mary's at II p.m., reported the late-night School, New Bedford, was on hand after the Mass to present her with news. Thursday morning Mother a small gift, a flower he had made Teresa was off to Newton, where from construction paper. Adopted Boston Cardinal Bernard Law as a tot, he said he didn't remember celebrated Mass. his life in India. Mother Teresa Then tiny Mother Teresa, she presented him with a Miraculous who tells it like it is, who doesn't . Medal, as she did several disabled hesitate to speak of real values to youngsters near him, including 13- the movers and shakers of nations, year-old Gabriela Pardo, armless left the world of churches crowded and legless, and a 15-month-old with people eager for just the sight boy with cerebral palsy. of her, of microphones, public address sytems and TV cameras. As the tiny nun left St. LawOffering in her own person, as rence Church, she was greeted again by the throngs outside who author Eileen Egan wrote, "the had waited through the rain for hope that a world created out of love and redeemed by love, might another glimpse of her. ROOM WITH A VIEW: To the delight of the crowd Making her way across County also be purified by love," she reStreet ,to her sisters' convent, she turned to India, where the poorest gathered below, Mother Teresa appears at the convent windisappeared inside, to reappear of the poor awaited her. ' dow with Bishop O'Malley and her sisters.



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eNS/ Reuters photo


Cardinal Bernardin's tumor is found cancerous CHICAGO (CNS) - Chicago Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin, 67, who had cancer surgery June 12, has been found to have cancer of the pancreas as well as of the kidney. Dr. Gerard V. Aranlla, Loyola's chief of surgical oncology, told reporters that during seven hours of surgery doctors: - Removed the cardinal's cancerous right kidney. - Removed a small growth on the liver, found to be benign. - Removed a growth the size of a golf ball at the head of the pancreas. \t was not until 48 hours after the surgery that the pancreatic mass was determined to be malignant. The malignancy had also spread to a lymph node, doctors said. The cardinal is given a 20 to 25 percent chance of surviving for five years. Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest forms of the disease. Aranha said the cardinal, who is 67, took the operation well and did not need any blood transfusions. For the growth 0111 the pancreas, he said, surgeons performed what is called a Whipple procedure, removing 40 percent of the pancreas, 40 percent of the stomach, 25 percent of the small intestine, the gall bladder and part of the bile duct. He said the remaining portion of the pancreas is enough to carry on the gland's normal functions and the cardinal will not be a diabetic. The pancreas has two main functions: controlling blood sugar levels and providing digestive juices to the small intestine. Dr. Richard Fisher, director of the Loyola Cancer Center, said that in the case of a pancreatic malignancy, there is a 90 percent chance it will come back. Cardinal Bernardin will probably undergo chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Before entering :mrgery on June 12, Cardinal Bernardin celebrated

Mass in his hospital room with priest friends. Chicago Auxiliary Bishop Raymond E. Goedert, archdiocesan vicar general, said, that shortly after the operation Cardinal Bernardin met with his sister, Elaine Addison of Columbia, S.c., and two priests. Chicagoans who attended a Mass for the cardinal at Holy Name Cathedral said they felt touched and strengthened by his apparent serenity and faith when he learned he had cancer. "He's a terrific example," said Dan Costello, a seminarian who attended the Mass. "I'd be a basket case. He's free of anxiety. He's so cool-tempered. "I identify with him," said Linda Lawyer, who successfully battled cancer two years ago. "\t's a supreme opportunity for' him for getting closer to God." "He's such a stable force," said Pam Hayes. "In a kind of a crazy world, he's a stable force that's always there for everyone. At the hospital Marie Coglianese, director of pastoral care, said that she, like others, had been touched by the cardinal's faith and humanness. "I'm not surpris~d by how he's reacted," she said. "He's a man of faith. I'm in awe of him.... People have been comforted by him in the midst of us comforting him." Father Michael Place, research theologian for the 'archdiocesan curia, said in an interview that the way people in the a,rchdiocese were 'pulling together was an experience of the church in action. The bishop \S "a sign of unity in the church. When people experience fragility, they pull toward the center, they want to be united," he said. "It's a profpundly Catholic experience." Cardinal Bernardin,long one of the leading Catholic churchmen in the United States, has been archbishop of Chicago since 1982 and a cardinal since 1983. From 1972 to 1982 he was archbishop of Cincinnati.

He has been a national figure since the late 1960s, when he was general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference, the twin national agencies of the U.S. bishops. He was NCCB-USCC president from 1974-77 and chaired the writing committee that drafted the bishops' widely acclaimed 1983 pastoral letter on war and nuclear defense, "The Challenge of Peace." He is currently head of a committee working on a plan for the first major reorganization of the NCCB-USCC since its founding in the 1960s. He had been slated to present a report on the plan at a meeting of the bishops in Chicago June 15-17 and lead discussion on it. Msgr. Dennis M. Schnurr, NCCB general secretary, said that Boston Cardinal Bernard F. Law, a member of the committee, would take Cardinal Bernardin's place in delivering the report and leading the ,discussion. Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore, NCCB president, asked people to join the bishops in praying for Cardinal Bernardin. Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk, who succeeded Cardinal Bernardin as archbishop of Cincinnati, said he was at a meeting of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy when word of Cardinal Bernardin's cancer came. "Bishops from all over the English-speaking world expressed their concern and assured me of their prayers for this great servant of the church," he said.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 16, 1995


Norris H. Tripp



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Special Olympics COLORADOSPRINGS,Colo. (CNS)- Eunice Kennedy Shriver, one of America's best-known Catholic women, visited Colorado Springs to see the Special Olympics training facilities and promote sales of a commemorative coin bearing her Ii keness. Funds raised from the sale of the coin will underwrite the ninth summer World Games Special Olympics, to be held July 1-9 in New Haven, Conn. More than 7,000 mentally challenged athletes from 140 countries are exprected to attend the summer games. the largest ever held. Mrs. Shriver has made the welfare of the developmentally disabled her lifelong mission since founding the Special Olympics in 1968. Although known for her commitment to Catholicism,' she said she does not see her work as a religious ministry. "This is not a ministry. I do it as a citizen," she told The Catholic Herald, newspaper of the Colorado Springs diocese.


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Issues unresolved UNITED NATIONS (CNS)A final preparatory session for the upcoming U.N. Beijing conference on women concluded with several issues unresolved, ieaving a potential for more battles like those that swirled around last September's conference in Cairo, Egypt. Officials of the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women, which served as the preparatory body, said the draft of the Declaration and Plan of Action for Beijing would not be available in final form for several weeks. However, much of the document, including language referring to such topics as "reproductive rights" and "safe abortion," was to be printed in brackets, which is how the United Nations indicates consensus could not be reached.




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·to pray for aid in' overcoming his ,. "If a' person can fed wonder doubts. He stopped at Bolsena to when faced with the grandeur of Friday, June" 16, 1995 the created universe, then he's just celebrate Mass at the Basilica. Once the blood began gushing one step away from feeling reverfrom the host, he grabbed it and ence in the presence of t he sacred. the chalice and took them to the This is the beinning of conversacristy, spilling blood as he went. sion," he continued. "Make no mistake: The loss of He then reported the happening to Pope Urban I V, who sent an our reverence for the Eucharist investigating team to Bolsena. and the loss of our sense of sin are One hu~dreci superiors general Tradition says that it included St. intimately connected,"Archbishop and presidents of national federaThomas Aquinas and St. BonavStafford said. "Jesus said, 'This is tions of Dominican Sisters representure, both doctors of the church my body, which will be given up enting 35'.000 sisters in almost'every and the best-known theologians of for you.' But why? Why did Jesus country of the world met last month their day. give himself up to tortun:, ridicule in Rome to establish Dominican The team brought back a favor- and a humiliating death for us? Sisters International. Among them able report and showed the pope a "Why was his execution neceswas Sister Annette Roach. prioblood-stained linen cloth, called a sary if 'I'm OK and you're OK,' ress of the Dominican Sisters of corporal, and the blood-stained and sin is just an outdated word St. Catherine of Siena of Fall fragments of the host. The pope for neurosis or social maladjustRiver. declared a miracle and commis- ment? At the heart of the EuchaAs members of the Order of sioned St. Thomas to write the rist is the reality of Christ's rePreachers' said organizers of the prayers, songs and verses for the demptive sacrifice," he continued. new group, the sisters seek to . "Jesus had to die so that we could new Corpus Christi Mass. deepen their identity as preachers While Catholics have to believe be free from sin and death. Jesus, of compassion and hope in a world in ~he real presence, no one has to the innocent one without sin, is that divides people into useful and believe in the Bolsena miracle, said condemned so that the un~ ust ones, superfluous, with the jobless. the Jesuit Father John McDermott of the sinners, may be rightly justiilliterate, indigenous peoples, abanfied," Rome's Gregorian University. doned elderly, street children and Another keynote spea ker said "But it could have happened as undocumented foreigners considreported," he said. "Christ can do' the Eucharist was both the main ered among the superfluous. attraction and the main obstacle what he wants." Specific objectives of Dominito his conversion to Catholicism. can Sisters International include Peter Kreeft, professor of philofostering a more compassionate sophy at Boston College, explained world order; promoting justice, peace and the integrity of creation; FAYETTEVILLE, N.C.(CNS) his thinking as he considered conand encouraging advocacy of hu- The modern world's lost sense verting from the Dutch Reformed Church. man rights. Elected to a steering of sin is intimately connected to a Calvinist "If I was to become a Catholic, committee were Sisters Joan Carlost reverence for the, Eucharist, it would be out of love of Christ," ville, Australia; Rosario de Meer a Denver Archbishop J. Francis he said. "And if Christ was really Marie Vincent, France; Margaret Stafford told a North Carolina present in the Eucharist as the Ormond, United States; and eucharistic congress. church said he was, then my love Veronica Rafferty, Argentina. In his keynote speech during the for him would have to draw me congress of the Raleigh diocese, there like a magnet, away from a Archbishop Stafford said solutions church where Christ was present THE EUCHARIST is carried in a procession marking the to the problems of a violent society only subjectively, in the :louls of aC,cess Feast of Corpus Christi. Bishop Sean O'Malley will carry it must flow from a return to under- good Protestant Christia ns, into standing and appreciation of sin through the streets of New Bedford on Sunday in a procession and of the healing power of the the church where he wa,s more fully present, present also objecstarting at 2 p.m. from Our Lady's Chapel, 600 Pleasant Street. Eucharist. W ASHINOTON (CNS) - The tively, in the Eucharist," . , (CNS/Cailaway photo) The congress capped the dioThe center of Catholic worship National Catholic Office for Percese's Year of the Eucharist, called is "the Eucharist, not the B:ible; the. sons with Disabilities in Washingto refocus Catholics' attention to altar, not the pulpit; the consecraton has published a guide on prothe real presence of Christ in the tion of bread and wine, not the vidingaccess for disabled Catholics, Eucharist. preaching of the sermon," said estimated at 10 million in the UniThe Eucharist is Christ's "partKreeft. "Smack in the middle of ted States. ing prize to us - the always presTitled" A Loving Justice: The the thing Christ instituted was the ent sacrifice of our salvation, capMoral and Legal Responsibilities ~ _ Eucharist, and this was no mere turing the cosmic meaning and Sunday is the feast of Corpus Christi, the Body of Christ. ofthe U.S. Catholic Church Under symbol to pre-Reformation Chrisfocus of Calvary for all people of The two stories that follow highlight devotion to Christ in the the Americans with Disabilities tians. It was Christ himself." all time, including us," said Raleigh Eucharist. . Act," the guide provides practical Kreeft came to accept that the Bishop F. Joseph Gossman in a answers to questions of parishes Catholic Church's sacramentalism homily at the congress. "It is a and other church agencies. is a consequence and an extension Times-CBS poll last June found pledge of continuous real presence While not a substitute for legal of the Incarnation, the union of' that most U.S. Catholics consider and of future glory as well. BOLSENA, Italy (CNS) counsel, it notes areas where relithe divine and human in Jesus. the bread and wine merely symArchbishop Stafford said that Several crimson blood stains smear gious entities are not exempt from bolic. When asked to describe their in a world filled with computers, ·"As the matter - the vel')' molea glass-encased marble slab atop a ·some of the law's requirements. beliefs, most agreed that the bread CD players and 500-channel cable cules of Christ's body were sacred, side altar in the Basilica of Santa The book is scheduled for pubso the material appearance:. of the' 'and wine are "symbolic reminders. television, "our hearts want more Cristina. lication in large-print, audio and Eucharist are sacred .. ," of Christ" rather than that they are than this. They're hungry for Catholic tradition says the blood Braille versions. Further informaFrom there, Kreeft saw the and blood "changed into the body meaning." was spilled more than 730 years tion on it is available from the Eucharist differently. of Christ." "I believe the signs of the times and is divine. gushing from a ago National Catholic Office fol' PerBut despite centuries-worth of "Once you have swallowed the sons with Disabilities, P.O. Box Communion host as it was being such doubts, belief in the real pres- have some unique lessons to teach us about the relevance of the camel of the Incarnation, why strain consecrated by a priest who 29113, Washington, DC 20019, ence has been historically resilient, doubted Christ's real presence in surviving across a broad spectrum Eucharist; ·the real presence of at the gnat of the Euchari;;t?" he tel. (202) 529-2933. Christ among us; and the urgency the Eucharist. explained. "If the eternal C,:eatorof Christianity. of returning to this sacrament as a Spirit can become a flesh-andThe event became known as the Many Christian churches believe blood man, why can't that· man's .miracle of Bolsena, after the lake- in Christ's real presence, said the way of recovering the soul of the modern world," said Archbishop WASHINGTON (CNS) - So- side town in central Italy where it body take on the appearances' of Rev. Alan Falconer, director of Stafford. lutions to the current welfare crisis happened. It prompted Pope Urban bread and wine? The gap bf:tween the Faith and Order Commission "Our brains may reason God are in communities, !lot in governbread and human flesh i!i only IV in 1264 to establish a special of the World Council of Churches. out of existence, but our hearts ments, said Paulist Father Robert feast day for the universal church finite; the gap between man and He cited the 1982 "Baptism, Euchdon't listen," he said. "Our hearts A. Sirico. "Government is com- to highlight Catholic belief that God is infinite. If God can leap the intinctively know there's much more passion's least able practitioner," bread and wine become the body arist and Ministry" document infinite gap, he can certainly leap drafted by the WCC commission, to life .than things we can see and he said at a conference in Washing- and blood of Christ at Mass. the finite one." which received a "generally favortouch. The material world, the ton that brought together th{:oreIn the United States, the feast is ticians and practitioners of private called Corpus Christi, Latin for able response" from about 200 world we can observe, is only one churches. part of reality: We need to recharity to explore "Welfare That "body of Christ." In other coun"The eucharistic meal is It said: member that logic and science are Works." The conference was spon- tries it has slightly different names, VATICAN CITY (CNS) the sacrament of the body and important tools for understanding sored by the Acton Institute for all related to Christ's presence in Potentially more disturbing than blood of Christ, the sacrament of around us. But they are the world the Study of Religion & Liberty, a , the consecrated host. The feast is the fact that no'one may ever know not the only tools." nonprofit educational and literary celebrated on the Thursday or his real presence." how many people died in Rwanda About 3,000-4,000 pilgrims a center founded five years ago by Archbishop Stafford listed a half is the fact that no one seems able to Sunday after Trinity Sunday, this year visit Bolsena's Basilica of dozen recent books which he said Father Sirico in Grand Rapids, year on June 18. predict when the violence will end, Santa Cristina, said Father Giu- argue that reality is much more Mich. Stating that "a moral vision According to tradition, the mirsaid CardinalJozefTomko. Hatred seppe Virgili. Many are first com- subtle and complex than the scienfor private provision of welfare is acle happened in either 1263 or continues to poison the atmosphere municants wno want to see the tific world has recognized.' required," he said the principle of 1264, and the name of the doubtin the country, making re~oncilia­ altar where the miracle happened, subsidiarity - solving problems ing priest was Peter of Prague. He "And everyone of these books tion difficult, said Cardinal Tomko, at the most local level possible he added. would have been dismissed as fan- prefect of the Congregation for the was neither the first nor last is a critical element in reforming Catholic to question belief in Tradition says that Peter of tastic nonsense just 25 years ago," Evangel,ization of Peoples. Prague was on pilgrimage to Rome. said the archbishop. welfare. Christ's real presence. A New York


The Anchor

Dominican Sisters start international organization

Lost reverence

Legal guide to handicapped now available

Two stories for the feast of Corpus Chri~ti

Miracle of Bolsena

Charity solution?

No end in sight

The Anchor Friday, June 16, 1995

CHEERS greet Mother Teresa as she emerges from the Missionaries of Charity convent in New Bedford. Studio D photo

SIGN OF PEACE is shared by Bishop O'Malley and Mother Teresa.


June 18 1935, Rev. James M. Coffey, P.R., Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton 1984, Rev. Dec1an Daly, SS.Cc., Associate Pastor, St. Joseph, Fairhaven 1992, Rev. Henri Laporte, O.P., Former Pastor, St. Anne, Fall River June 19 1916, Rev. Hormisdas Deslauriers, Founder, St. Anthony, New Bedford June 20 1931, Rt. Rev. Msgr. James J. Coyle, P.R., LL.D., Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton June 21 1926, Rev. Desire V. Delemarre, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River 1948, Rev. Francis D. Callahan, Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham 1964, Rev. Clement Killgoar, SS.Cc., St. Anthony, Mattapoisett 1976, Rev. David O'Brien, Retired Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River June 22 1977, Rev. Alexander Zichello, Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi, New' Bedford June 23 1992, Rev. George Wichland, CSSR, St. Wenceslaus Church, Baltimore



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Bishop Connolly :High

SSe Peter and Paul

FALL·RIVER -:-.In addition to the top lO graduates (listed in the June 9' .Ancho.r), 53 graduating seniors' ·received :honors at the Senior Banquet: .:-. The President's Award for Edu·,cational Excellence was awarded to 55 stu'dents, and 22 Sail: of the . Earth awards were given. Frank- Hill, Luke Methot and Sheila Reilly were· named "Most AdllJired Students.... Other students recogni,:ed included: . .' Craig 'Bettencourt, Student .,' Trainer -A ward; 'Kevin Ct>meau, Drama Society.Senior Cast Mem" ber Awa~d; Jennifer Craft, North Ca~ol.ina Wesleyan College: Scholarship; Safah Df;sjardins, lJ nivers!ty of New. Hampshire Grant; HONO~ED at the SS. Peter and Paul H0rt0r ~oll Awards Ceremony were Valerie Costa, . .Elise. ~aboriau, Bryant College science award wiiioer; with principal Kathleen Burt, 'Father Stephen Fernandes and Sister.' AcadeJ11i~ Merit Scholarship; Timothy . Gastall~ bronze medal for All?ertus Clancy, (seated), for, whom the a waro is named; Andrea Guillot, school representative . ex~e,1lel1ce in 'art; ~rik Gent, Tandy at the regio~al science fair, with ,guest speaker Ann Tavares CO,llichio. Technology Scholar; Amy Goodrich, Student Trainer Award;. David Hawkes, Salve Other contestants were Matt " vicepresident.Jarrod Gingras, sec- ',sands of studen~s in the United retary Stephanie Bliss, treasurer 'States and Germany in a satellite Costa"Bryan Desmarais, Neil Oli~, . Regi.na Un,iversity Grant; ~Iessica Ann Buote; moderator is Diane 'conference marking the 50th anni- veira, Glen Homer and Jay. Hurta, Massachusetts Foreign Language(Spanish) Award, Spring Crane. versary qfthe victory in Europe. A Mendes. Hill College Academic Merit Scho"We'd like to thank everyone The Spanish Honor Society. had series of reports and live discuslarship and Loyola University 48 inductees; officers are president ,sions,"bver a three-day period for putting up with our antics," Academic Recognition ScholarATTLEBORO - 98 students Jason DeRosa, vice president Anne covered such topics as the Berlin said Homer. "We were awful at ship; Craig Ibbotson; Florida Infirst. We improved. I'm glad we set Casey, recording secretary Jessica were recently inducted into lan-' WalJ, Nazism, the Cold War and the standard for Mr. Stangs to . ,'stitute of Technology Academic Morrill, corresponding secretary the fall of communism. guage and art honor societies. Scholarship and. Eckerd College 'II students were inducted into Carrie Alves, and treasurer Stacy History teacher Edward Gag- come." Merit Scholarship; Erik Levesque, "We have united this year sev. the National Art Honor Society. Lamontagne. Joan Drobnis mod- non' received the Gideon Hawley Drama Society Senior Cast Memeral times for very serious and erates. Officers are presiderit Sean Riley, Award 'at Union College, SchenecMembers received third place 'tady, NY, during the Steinmetz grave reasons," said English teach- ber Award; Daniel Mello, Fall vice president Amie Plante, secreRiver Art Association Photo tary Kristen Yngve and treasurer for the Northeast Zone in a Na- Symposium on Student Creative er and contest judge Sandra , Seth Tibbetts. Brenda Loisenle is tional Spanish Honor Society pro- Scholarly Achievement: 1993 Fee- Charves. "It was so refreshing to Award;John Nasrah, bronze medal ject contest for their. work at an han graduate Katherine Goldman, get together for a good reason.. .It for excellence in U.S. history; faculty moderator. 31 students were inducted into Attleboro Habitat for Humanity , Lisa Raposa, music scholarships now studying at Union, nominated was a lot of fun, fun for the stuthe French Honor Society, for site. Several members of the Fee- Gagnon for the award, given to a dents, fun for the faculty, and fun from University of Rhode Island which Erin McHale and Heather han chapter have returned to vol- secondary school teacher in recog- for the parents." and University of New Hampshire; Wolf 'are co-presidents.' Taryn unteer on their own time and plan nition of continuing positive influ"Some day someone might won- Patricia Rego, UMass-Dartmouth Ciancarelli is secretary, Krfisten to continue during the next school. ence on the academic' life of Union der who was the first Mr. Stang," Chancellor's Scholarship; Timothy Yngve treasurer and Kristen Adams year. The chapter decided to donate students. Oliveira mused. "It's great being In Saccardo, bronze medal for excelliaison. Linda' Ausiello is faculty their contest prize to assist with the Stang history book as the lence in 'computers and Boston construction costs on the Attlemoderator. University Scholarship; Elizabeth first." . ,There were eight Latin Honor boro Habitat home. ' Santos, Drama Society Award; World history students of Bob Society inductees; their officers Andrea Silvia, Quinnipiac College NORTH' DARTMOUTH are president Timony Flanagan, L'Homrne participated with thou- The envelope please... Scholarship; Jeffery Wagner, Yearbook Photographer, Literary After a night, of laughter, cheers TAUNTON -lOl graduates of Magazine/ Journalism and Drama and applause, the field of contes- Taunton Catholic Middle School tants was narrowed· to one:. the received diplomas from Bishop Society Senior Cast Member Awards and Teamster Union Local new Mr. Stl!ng, Mark .Oliveira. Sean O'Malley, principal Kathleen The senior, headed to .Worcester Simpson and chaplain Father 'No. 59 Scholarship; Charles Walsh, ,Polytechnic Ins~itute in the 'fall, Michael Camara at the school's bronze medal for excellence in won two prom tickets and a free 24th commencement June 5 at St. law, Massachusetts Bar As!:ociatuxedo rental as wel~ as the coveted Jacques Church. A reception fol- tion Certificate, Drama Society Award and Fordham Univt:rsity title. . lowed. Loyola Scholarship. Stang's Habitat for Humanity chapter sponsored the event, raising $1221 that was supplemented by a parent's $500 contribution. Co-hosted by faculty members Doug Rodrigues and Keith Holbrook, the show began with a "Putting on the Ritz" song-anddance routine choreographed by Ms. Julie Niewola and senior Michelle Neves. Holbrook correctly predicted that the audience would "witness everything from the sublime to the hilarious" in the program's talent WEATHER'S ON THE AIR: Sixth-grader Derek Faria contest. Seth Correia's ballet replete with parasol and tutu, Scott prepares to go on the air at Espirito Santo School, Fall River, Lebrun's Tonya Harding-esque with his weather forecast. As Jay Vaillancourt's sixth grade spins on roller blades, and Nick . class studies the weather, a student is assigned each morning to Furtado's chord-pounding, key tickling piano concerto drew the take temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and loudest laughs. , barometric pressure readings; compose a weather forecast; An original guitar composition and type it into the computer program "Weather School," by Phil Pendergrass, Mark Oliveiobtained from WBZ-TV. At 10:20 a.m. daily the computer ra's Beethoven selection on piano, image is displayed on a large screen television and'transmitted and Bryan Lemieux's singing of "Stars" from Les Miserables of10 all classrooms via closed-circuit TV, w.ith the studentfered a touch Of class. .'.' meteorologist hosting the, forecast broadcast. FALL RIVER,...- At the annual Honor Roll Awards Ceremony May 9, pastor Father Stephen Fermindes and principai Kathleen Burt presented trophies, medals and certificates to 54 students. Eighth-graders receiving the Presidential Academic Award were Jennifer Amaral, "valerie Costa, Kelly Featherstone 'and Matthew L'Heureux. . Sister Albertus Clancy, RSM, presented the science award named in he'r honor to Valerie Costa. Miss Costa was also the eighth grade class winner' of the spelling bee; David Perreira was the seventh grade winner. Sixth grade winner Andrea Guillot represent~d St. Pete's at the regional spelling bee. ' . Guest' speaker '!it ihe ceremony was tile school's 1995 'Distiguished Graduate, Ann Tavares Collichio. She spoke 'about the importance of Catholic education and the sacrifices parents make to provide it for their children. She encouraged the students to set goals for their future and never lose sight of them.

Bishop Feehan High

Bishop Stang


- -.- , ··.r. . _.


.. ......


By Charlie Martin

CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU There's a time and a place For enrything For enryone We can push with all our might But nothing's gonna come Oh no, nothing's gonna change And if I asked you not to cry Oh could you let it be I wanna hold you and say We can't throw this all away Telll1'le you won't go You ,,~on't go Do you have to hear me say I can~l stop loving you And no matter what I say or do You know my heart is true Oh路 I 4:an't stop loving you You (:an change your friends Your place in life You can change the things We say and do anytime Oh no, but I think you'l find That when you look Insidll your heart Oh bilby, 111 be there Yeah Hold on I'm holding on, Baby Just l:ome on, come on, come on I just wanna hear you say Oh I'm so twisted and tied And all I remember Was how hard we tried Only to surrender And when it's over I know how it's gonna be And true love will never die No, not fade away And I know what I got to do Wha'l you said is true I can't stop loving you I can't stop loving you Written by Edward Van Halen/ Alex Van Halen/Sammy Hagar/ Michael Anthony. Sung by Van Halen (c) 1995 by Warner Bros. Records Inc'.

VAN HALEN is synonymous with hard-hitting, straightahead rock. The band went through a major change when David Lee Roth left the group and Sammy Hagar joined. They haven't been on the charts for awhile, but now they are back

with "Can't Stop Loving You" off their new "Balance" CD. The cassingle's opening lyrics caught my attention: "There's a time and a place for everything," and we "can push with all our might, but n'othing's gonna come."

The song's advice relates to efforts that try to force love to happen. However, the message applies to many areas in life. At times, we must wait for the right events or circumstances to evolve. Waiting cal[} be difficult. As the song unfolds, it appears to me that this couple has experienced some measure oflove, if they can just see it.. However, what if love is not blossoming for two people or is not likely to grow anytime soon? Is there more to do than wait for "a time and a place for everything"? Certainly, several positive steps can create a better opportunity for love to develop in a person's life. Consider these steps: I. Love happens to those who are loving individuals. Thus, become a better friend with your peers, (:are a little more about your brothers and sisters, be more appreciative of your parents' efforts to support your life. 2. Develop other areas of your life. We become more attractive and interesting to others as we fill our lives with passion and zest. Challenge your potential; try to see what achievements could add further satisfaction to your life. Pick out one area of .concern in our world and give it your time and effort. For example, find out from some of your former grade school teachers who is having difficulty learning to read. Reach out to ,this younger person, investing your time and concern in ways that will help him (or her) learn to read. . . Whatever Cause you choose, give generously so that your small corner of our world becomes a little brighter. 4. Don't think no one could ever love you. Sometimes individuals get hurt as they pursue the dream of love. If this should happen to you, don't think no one will l;ver love you, even if you must end a current specific relationship. Ask God to help you see the next step and the right time for turning the dream into reality. Your comments are welcomed by Charlie 'Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.


OUT OF JEOPARD Y: The fifth grade class of St. Anne's School, Fall River, displays the first place trophy won in a Jeopardy contest held June 3 at Heritage State Park. Seven schools participated in the game, which tested students' knowledge of science, English, social studies and fire safety. From left are Sister Janine Parent, Lisa Souza, Nolan Forcier; Nathan Lawlor, Danny Gamache, Timothy Morrissette, Alex Paiva, Renee Tessier and Matthew D' Andrea.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 16, 1995

By Mick Conway Teens often fihd themselves in situations where they must make adult decisions. This is certainly true when a teen experiences abuse from a dating partner. Teens are especially vulnerable to abusive relationships because of lack of experience. Few teenagers know how to handle the controlling behaviors that define relational violence, whether that violence is physical or emotional. Teenagers often are confused when it comes to an abusive boyfriend or girlfriend because some aspects of these relationships appear desirable to them. Jealous or possessive partners may seem like "the perfect date" because intense jealousy may come across as attentiveness. To a young person, this feels like "I'm special," or "This person really likes me and doesn't want to share me with anyone else." That, of course, is fantasy. When one person wants to isolate another from friends or family we're talking about control. What's behind that control? Many things. Try insecurity, desire for power or revenge. Control freaks are notoriously adept at arranging the lives of others for their own purposes. Those purposes arc inevitably associated with making these abusers feel bigger, better or more important than they really arc. It can be a real trip for controlling people to discover that intimidation and threats are useful tools in keeping dating partners right where they want them. It's the perfect setup for abuse. Here are some questions that teens (or adults) should ask themselves to determine whether they are in an abusive relationship.


- Are you frightened of your dating partner's temper? - Are you afraid to disagree \ with him or her? - Do you make excuses for your partner's behavior? - Have you ever been frightened by his or her violence toward you? - Have you been forced to have sex or have you been afraid to say no to having sex? - Have you been forced to justify everything you do, ~very place you go and every person you see in order to avoid your partner's temper? - Have you repeatedly been wrongly accused of ftirting? - Are you unable to go anywhere without your partner's permission? If you recognize yourself in any of these situations you are enmeshed in an abusive relationship. ' The fallout from an abusive relationship for a teen is the same as it is for an adult - loss of selfesteem. depression, a sense of hopelessness. For teens, abusive relationships-may also stifle psychological, social and academic development. Spiritual life is often neglected or abandoned by the abused teen because abusers will not tolerate God in the picture and will stop at nothing to exercise their sick control. The answer for teenagers who find themselves involved in abusive relationships is to get help before it's too late. If asking for help from parents is too frightening, talk to a priest or a counselor. The main thing to remember is that you cannot, in all probability, solve this problem alone. Getting out of an abusive relationship is no easy task. There are many things at stake - safety, emotional and physical health, and a future, to name a few. The goal should be emancipation from a dangerous lifestyle. Whatever it takes to accomplish this goal will be worth it. Your safety or your life may be on the line.

CY 0 basketball a wards presented Brian Baptiste, coach of the men's basketball team at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, was the speaker at the annual Fall River Area CYO Basketball Awards Banquet May 31 at McGovern's Restaurant. Accompanied by one of his team members, Steve Motta, Coach Baptiste used examples from the team to discuss how all players must work unselfishly for the good of the team. Motta, who is an alumnus of the CVO basketball program, spoke about achieving dreams through dedication, respect, enthusiasm, good attitude and mental toughness. A highlight of the evening was a presentation recognizing Abe White for his long service to young people. CVO director Father Jay Maddock was master of ceremonies and guests included associate CYO director Albert Vaillancourt; assistant directors Rick Lepage, Adam Burns, Pat Burke and John Medeiros; league referees; and Park Commissioner and Mrs. Gilbert Amaral. The following awards were given: Scholarships to basketball camp to Amanda Welch and Bill Trahan. Junior A Boys Sportsmanship

Award to Randall Burrows, St. Vincent's Junior A Girls Sportsmanship Award to Elizabeth Silvia, Holy Name. Girls PrepSportsmanship Award to Nichole Gendreau, St. Jean's I. Team awards were as follows: Senior A Boys champions (Tony Medeiros Memorial Trophy): Santo Christo I. Senior B Boys regular season champs: Holy Name. Senior B Boys Sam Priestly Tournament champs: St. Michael's, Swansea. Girls Prep regular season and playoff champs: Holy Name. Boys Prep diocesan champs: Santo Christo. Regular season and playoffchampions, Junior A Girls: Our Lady of Grace AI; Junior B Girls, St. Dominic's; Junior C Girls: St. Stanislaus. Junior A Boys regular season and playoff champs: St. William's. Junior B Boys regular season champs: Our Lady of the Angels. Junior B Boys playoff champs: Santo Christo. Junior C Boys regular season and playoff champs: St. Louis de France. More than 1,000 young people participate in the CYO program.

16 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 16, 1995

Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates 01 all activities, Please send news 01 lulure rather than past events. Due to limited space and also because , notices 01 strictly parish altalrs normally appear In a parish's own bulletin, we are lorced 10 limit Items to events 01 general Inlerest. Also, we do not normally carry notices ollundralslng activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable Irom The ,ltnchor business olflce, telephone (508) 675-7151. On Steering Points Items, FR Indicates Fall River; NB Indicates New Bedlord.

CATHEDRAL CENTER of RENEWAL, E. FREETOWN Emmaus 106 retreat June 16-18; DREConvocationJune 19-21; Massachusetts Department of Education retreat days June 20 and 21.

O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Anne-Maria Schmidt, a survivor of Auschwitz and a Russian prison camp in Siberia who has hosted her own TV series on EWTN, will speak about her retreat ministry 7 tonight. CATHOLIC ALUMNI CLUB Monthly social gathering of the Catholic singles group 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Ruby Tuesday restaurant, Silver City Galleria Mall, Taunton; meetings are held at the mall each third Sunday. Information: 824-8378. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Cenacle of the Marian movement of priests meets I p.m. Mondays with a holy hour of reparation; information: Rita, 761-4086. SECULAR FRANCISCANS, NB Our Lady Queen of the Angels Fraternity will hold monthly formation meeting 10 a.m. June 25, Our Lady's Chapel. No July meeting. ST. WILLIAM, FR Bible study with video and discussion 7 p.m. Tuesdays, parish center. Adults interested in receiving the sacraments of baptism, confirmation or first communion should contact pastor Father Jay Maddock; a class will be offered if there is enough interest. Seminarian Paul Fedak will spend two months ministering at the parish.


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ADVERTISE YOUR SUMMER ACTIVITIES Our 31,000 readers are looking for your weekend and vacation fun events

For Information Call .675-7151 or FAX 675-7048 This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY DURO FINISHING CORP. GLOBE MANUFACTURING CO. GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INS. AGENCY

CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN Open nouse noon to 4 p.m. Sunday; information: 763-8874. D. of I., NB Daughters of Isabella Hyacinth Circle 71 meeting 7:30 p.m. June 20, Holy Name parish center, NB; Tony Sousa will provide entertainment on topic "Old New Bedford." LaSALETTE CENTER for CHRISTIAN LIVING, ATTLEBORO "Can' a Woman Survive in the Catholic Church?" conference July 8-9 with speakers Dr. Greer Gordon, "Women and Catholicism"; Dr. Virginia Hoffman, "Survival for Women' in the Church"; Doris .Donnelly, "What· Good Fellow-ship Means." "Teach the Children Well" programs for catechists, DREs, youth ministers and, other adults seeking enrichment July 10-14, 17-21, and 24-28; Vacation Bible School for children is offered concurrently. Information: 222-8530. ST. JOAN of ARC, ORLEANS Food collection for Lower Cape Outreach pantries June 18. K. of C, ATTLEBORO Knights of Columbus St. John's Council social and dinner "In Solidarity With Our Priests" 6:45.p.m. June 27; information: Brother Robert L. Nichols, MS, 222-5410 ext. 219; David Petrie, 226-1367; or John Wilder, 226-1416, by June 23. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Robert Arthur Carroll of Boy Scout Troop 40 will receive the Eagle Scout Award at a Court of Honor service 7 p.m. tomorrow. PASTORAL MUSICIANS The diocesan. chapter of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians plans three evenings of prayer, song and instruction at St. Julie Billiart Church, N. Dartmouth. At 7 p.m. June 22, Father Mark Hession will preside at evening prayer. At 7 p.m. June 29, Elaine Nadeau will speak on "The Role of the Cantor" and Madeline Grace will speak on "The Cantor as Psalmist." A Cantor Clinic will be held 7 p.m. July 6; topics will include delivery, diction, intonation, animation and accuracy, ST. MARY, N, ATTLEBORO Feeding Our Future collection of nonperishable foods this weekend. ST. MARY, S. DARTMOUTH Father Arthur G. Considine Scholarships were awarded to graduating high school seniors Jeremy Costa, Jason Avila, Mark Costa, Brian Dupre, David Morias, TracyAnn Saulnier, Stacy J. Santos, Karen A. Melo, PatrickJ. Englishand Ann Marie Wilde. SANTO CHRISTO, FR Annual feast in honor of Santo Christo June 21-25. Mass will be celebrated 7 p.m. June 21,22,23 with homilist Father Jose Carlos Simplicio, pastor of Sao Mateus Church, Pico, Azores. Mass of anointing for disabled and sick 5:30 p.m. June 23, St. Anthony Chapel. Procession to transfer Santo Christo statue 7 p.m. June 24, followed by homily by Bishop Aurelio Granada Escudeiro, diocese of Angra, Azores. Bishop . Escudeiro will be principal celebrant of a concelebrated Mass 10 a.m. June 25. Procession will begin at 2 p.m. with accompaniment by several bands. Outdoor festivities and food will be offered Saturday and Sunday, with entertainment by Armanda (Duos Corazones) on Saturday and Marc Dennis and his orchestra on Sunday. FRANCISCAN SISTERS, FAIRHAVEN A Mass celebrated by Bishop Sean O'Malley to inaugurate daily Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be held 6:30 p.m. June 22, the eve of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, at Sacred Heart Church, 382 Main St., Fairhaven. ST. JOHNEV ANGELIST, POCASSET Ministry of Care ofSt. John Evangelist Church will sponsor Mass of anointing of the sick 2 p.m. June 25; information: 759-1131 or 759-6354.

K of C GOLF TOURNAMENT, WAREHAM Father Callahan Council 4139, Wareham Knights of Columbus, will sponsor its second annual Father Francis D. Callahan golf tournament beginning at 10 a.m. June 25 at Heritage Hill Country Club, Lakeville. Teams of four will play in a .best ball format for many prizes, including a 1995 automobile for a , hole-in-one on the 9th hole, and a dinner will be served. Proceeds will finance a Catholic high school scholarship for a student in the Wareham, Marion or Rochester area. Further information: (508) 947-7156 or (508) 946-7743.

Corpus, Christi procession The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate of Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford, will host a celebration of the feast of Corpus Christi' on Sunday, beginning with'an 8 a.m. Mass. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will follow until 1:40 p.m., when preparations will begin for a 2 p.m. procession to be led by Bishop Sean O'Malley. Parish groups and societies are invited to participate with banners. For information contact Friar Joseph Michael Mary, 996-8274.

SEPARATED/DIVORCED CA THOLICS, CAPE Support group meeting for June has been cancelled; next meeting will be July 16. Information: Judy, 3629873, or Paula, 385-2693. ST. ANNE, FR Pro-life holy hour 6:30 tonight. CORPUS CHRISTI, E. SANDWICH Mass with reception following for departing parochial vicar Father Greg Mathias 11:30 a.m. June' 2~i. Celebration of the feast of Corpus'Christi will include cookout 6 p.m. tomorrow at American Legion Pavilion, II :30 a.m. Mass Sunday follclwed by procession, open house at rectory 2 p.m. with ice cream to be served out~ side, Eucharistic Adoration from end of procession until 4 p. m. Benediction. MEN OFTHESACRED HEARTS In celebration of the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Mer., of the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven, will sponsor a vigil at St. Theresa's (lhurch, NB, on June 23 beginning with holy hour 6 p.m. followed by Ma:;s at 7. Vigil, with rosary, way of th,: cross and spiritual reflection will b-~gin at 8 p.m., ending with Mass at midnight. Information: Roger Nadeau, 763-4512.

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Farewells, thank yous Continued from Page Six Mary's Academy in 1967-68. However, it did not become officially coeducational until 1980, after the four Catholic girls' high schools in Fall River had closed. Father George Mahan, SJ, director of development, and Father James O'Brien, SJ, principal, directed Connolly's first capital fund drive in 1986. It had three g6als: to provide funds for the construction of athletic facilities; to support the addition of music to the curriculum; and to increase scholarship funds. An athletic complex resulted; however, the second goal has yet to be reached. A key element of the Connolly education, in keeping with the school motto "Be Not Only Hearers But Doers of the Word," has been the formal community service program initiated in i972 by Mr. Ron Perry, SJ. Since 1985 more than two-thirds of the senior class has participated in this voluntary program and many seniors have rated it their best experience of senior year.

and staff; and Paul A. Raymond, president of the Parents' and Friends' Club. "The Lord has truly blessc:d our diocese with the presence of these men of faith who have touched the intellectual and spiritual lives of so many young people," Bishop O'Malley wrote. "The example of the Jesuits has been woven into the fabric of Bishop Connolly High School. The Fall River diol:ese is extremely grateful for the ministry of the Jesuit community through the years. Because of their Christlike service... a hopeful and vibrant future for the school will be realized." L'Heureux wrote, "Your dedication, your example and your care over the years have led the way in providing a quality learning experience for thousands of young men and women. As they go forth to make their mark, your influence is felt by all whom they touch. It is what teaching is all about."

Lay teachers joined the original Jesuit staff after the 1967-68 school year. In 1970-71 additional lay faculty were added to serve the expanding student body, and Brothers of Christian Instruction from Prevost and religious sisters from Bishop Gerrard High School were also eventually added.

Raymond noted that, "There are many reasons why parents have sent their children to Bishop Connolly High School. They wanted them to be prepared for higher education and trials in life. They wanted their children to grow in their religion, just as they would grow in other facets of their knowledge. They wanted them to learn morality, decency and ca.ring for their fellow man. "We parents turned to the Jesuits of Bishop Connolly High School and entrusted them with our most valued loved one. The members of the Society of Jesus gave all that we wanted and more. The Je:;uits gave the students the education, the ethics. the religious and moral mission we desired for our children. "We, as parents, can now ,:>nly say thank you, but it is a thank you that means so' much."

Thank Yous In a memorial book, expressions of gratitude were offered to the Jesuits from BishopO'Malley; Jim L'Heureux, on behalf of faculty

School history is condensedfl'Om .. Bishop Connolly High SChool: The First Quarter Century. .. written by James J. Fasey and edfted by Paul M. Sullivan. SJ,

Administration and Faculty Bishop Connolly has had eight Jesuit' principals: Father John G. Cornellier, 1966-70; Father Thomas Gibbons, 1970-75; Father Richard J. Wolf, 1975-77; FatherJames C. O'Brien, 'l977-80 and 19841987; Father Frederick T. O'Brien, 1980-84; Father Stephen F, Dawber, 1987-89; Father George P. Winchester, 1989-90; and Father John P. Murray, 1990-95.

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