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The Anchor Diocese of Fall River

F riday , June 17, 2011

‘Bathroom Bill’ debated at the State House By Christine M. Williams Anchor Correspondent

spreading the word — Bishop George W. Coleman, center, presided at a recent ceremony at St. Mary’s Church in New Bedford, where diocesan diaconate candidates were installed to Ministry of Reader. To the bishops’ left is Msgr. John J. Oliveira, director of the diocesan Permanent Diaconate Office. At right is Father Karl C. Bissinger, secretary to the bishop.

Diocesan pilgrims preparing for World Youth Day in Spain

By Kenneth J. Souza Anchor Staff

FALL RIVER — Dozens of diocesan youth along with adult chaperones and parish priests will be traveling to Madrid, Spain for World Youth Day 2011 from August 16-21. Inaugurated by Blessed Pope John Paul II in 1985, this inter-

national gathering of Catholic youth from all over the world has taken place every few years since, with the last convocation held in Sydney, Australia in 2008. The theme for this year’s World Youth Day, which will be attended by Pope Benedict XVI, is “Rooted and built up in

Altar servers living the faith

By Becky Aubut Anchor Staff

FAIRHAVEN — “It helped me understand God better,” said eighteen-year-old Timothy Rabbit of Notre dame de Lourdes Parish in Fall River. The recent Pope St. Pius X award recipient has been an altar server there since the third grade and said that although he is leaving this year to attend college, he will continue to help out at his parish thanks in large part to his years as an altar server. Serving has helped him to take his relationship with Christ to heart, and he will take that dedication to the ministry and apply it to helping guide the next generation of servers.

Jesus Christ, firm in the faith” (Col 2:7). “World Youth Day is a remarkable experience of the universality of our Catholic faith for young adults throughout the world,” said CrystalLynn Medeiros, assistant director of Youth and Young Adult Turn to page 18

BOSTON — Debate over the Transgender Rights Bill and three Pro-Life bills lasted for nine hours on June 8. Nonetheless, many who came were not able to testify before the Judiciary Committee hearing came to a close at 10 p.m. The Transgender Equal Rights Bill, dubbed the “Bathroom Bill” by its opponents, would add “gender identity or expression” to the state ban on sex discrimination. It would also open up all public facilities to both genders, which would include school, hospital and church rest rooms. Opponents say that those who stand up for designated facilities could be charged with a civil rights violation. The three Pro-Life bills were: HB482, which would provide more information to women seeking an abortion; HB484, which would

prohibit sex selection in pregnancy; and HB2239, which would eliminate the buffer zone around abortion clinics. Last to speak out against the Transgender Rights Bill and for the Pro-Life bills was Kristian Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute. In an interview with The Anchor, he called the day “long and discouraging.” “Bills of this magnitude should have their own hearing,” he said. Mineau said that no one who supported the Transgender Rights Bill was able to address the concerns of opponents about its affront to privacy and modesty. This is the third time the bill has been submitted as legislation. The past two years it remained in committee. Opponents hope the same will happen this legislative session. They say one good sign is that fewTurn to page 18

FALL RIVER — A veteran Catholic school educator who has held top administrative posts in Catholic high schools in western Massachusetts and Connecticut has been selected to lead schools in the Fall River Diocese.

Michael S. Griffin, Ph.D., currently principal of Holyoke Catholic High School in Chicopee, Mass., will become diocesan superintendent of schools in July, Bishop George W. Coleman has announced. Turn to page 14

Diocese hires new superintendent of schools

“It’s a real sign to the community that the young people are very much a part of the Liturgy itself,” said Deacon Bruce Bonneau of St. Mary’s Parish in Fairhaven. “I think it speaks to the outside world and the younger ones want to be a part of that. I think that’s a really good thing.” “It really makes a statement that the Liturgy — and the word liturgy comes from ‘the work of the people’ — involves a lot more than the presider or the deacon,” said Deacon Bonneau. “Parts of the whole celebration are the lectors, servers, and the extraordinary ministers of Holy ready to serve — At Christ the King Parish in Mashpee, there is a fairly even mix of boys and Communion, and to invite par- girls among the 61 altar servers of the parish. Here pastor, Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye and Deacon Robert Turn to page 11 D. Lemay, to his left, install new altar servers for the parish.


News From the Vatican

June 17, 2011

Pentecost shows universality of the Church, pope declares

Vatican City (CNA/ EWTN News) — Pentecost shows the Holy Spirit created the Catholic Church for all people, Pope Benedict said in his homily to mark Pentecost, June 12. “From the first moment, in fact, the Holy Spirit created (the Church) as the Church of all people. It embraces the entire world, transcending the boundaries of race, class, nation — it breaks down all barriers and unites people in the profession of the Triune God. From the beginning, the Church is one, catholic and apostolic,” said the pope to a packed St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Pentecost is the one of the most prominent feast days in the Christian calendar. It is often referred to as the “birthday of the Church.” It marks the day, nearly 2,000 years ago, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, who had been living in fear for 50 days following the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. The Holy Spirit emboldened them and the Apostles set forth to tell all people in Jerusalem of the Resurrection. As they spoke in tongues given to them by the Holy Spirit, all nationalities present could understand them in their own mother tongue. “With this we are told something very important: that from the outset the universality of the Catholic Church is not the result of the inclusion of subsequent communities,” explained the pope. He added that the Catholic Church refers to itself as holy “not because of the merits of its members, but because God Himself, with His Spirit, is always creating and sanctifying.” The pope explained it is the same Holy Spirit — as the third person of the Holy Trinity —

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who also reveals God to humanity first through creation, then through the incarnation of Christ and then through the founding of the Church. “The Church does not derive from human will, from reflection, from man’s ability and organizational capacity, and if that were so it would have become extinct a long time ago, like all human things,” he said. Pope Benedict also used his homily to reflect on the nature of creation and revelation. “For us Christians, the world is the result of an act of love of God, who made all things and who is pleased with all things because they are ‘good,’ ‘very good,’ as we remember the story of creation. “God therefore is not totally ‘Other,’ unnamed and obscured. God reveals Himself, has a face, God is right, God is will, God is love, God is beauty. “Faith in the Creator Spirit and faith in the Spirit that the Risen Christ gave to the Apostles and gives to each of us, then, is inseparably joined,” Pope Benedict said. The pope finished his Pentecost Sunday liturgy by singing the Regina Coeli — or Queen of Heaven — the traditional Easter season anthem to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In his address to accompany the Regina Coeli, he drew upon the words of the 19th-century Italian priest, Blessed Antonio Rosmini, who explained, “in the day of Pentecost, the Christian God ... promulgated His law of love, writing with the Holy Spirit not on tablets of stone but in the hearts of the Apostles, and through the Apostles, then communicating it to the whole Church.” The pope concluded by entrusting the Church to “the Virgin Mary, temple of the Holy Spirit” and imparting his apostolic blessing on the departing pilgrims. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Vol. 55, No. 24

Member: Catholic Press Association, Catholic News Service

Published weekly except for two weeks in the summer and the week after Christmas by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River, 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, MA 02720, Telephone 508-675-7151 — FAX 508-675-7048, email: theanchor@anchornews.org. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $20.00 per year, for U.S. addresses. Send address changes to P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA, call or use email address

PUBLISHER - Most Reverend George W. Coleman EXECUTIVE EDITOR Father Roger J. Landry fatherrogerlandry@anchornews.org EDITOR David B. Jolivet davejolivet@anchornews.org OFFICE MANAGER Mary Chase marychase@anchornews.org ADVERTISING Wayne R. Powers waynepowers@anchornews.org REPORTER Kenneth J. Souza k ensouza@anchornews.org REPORTER Rebecca Aubut beckyaubut@anchornews.org Send Letters to the Editor to: fatherrogerlandry@anchornews.org

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a gift from god — People pray in the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Square during a recent demonstration against the privatization of water. Church leaders have argued that water is the archetypal “gift from God” that should not be polluted by the profit motive. (CNS photo/Max Rossi, Reuters)

Vatican hopes postponed event marks end to illicit ordinations in China

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Vatican said it hoped the postponement of an illicit episcopal ordination in the diocese of Hankou would mark the end to all ordinations without papal approval in China. The Vatican confirmed the planned illicit ordination of Father Joseph Shen Guoan was postponed indefinitely; he was to have been ordained bishop of Hankou, or Wuhan, June 9. Passionist Father Ciro Benedettini, vice director of the Vatican press office, told Catholic News Service June 10 that the Vatican hopes “this kind of ordination without the permission of the pope doesn’t ever happen again.” There was no new date set for the ordination or explanation for the postponement. The postponement came after the Hong Kong-born secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples urged priests and bishops in China to show “some backbone” and resist government pressure to disobey the pope. In an interview with the Rome-based AsiaNews, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai said he had been aware of the planned illicit ordination in Hankou and that he knew the faithful there had been urging the government and the Chinese Patriotic Association not to go through with

the ordination. He said he would want to tell Father Shen: “I trust you to act the right way. The only thing to do is to refuse.” Archbishop Hon said even though the government still puts pressure on priests and bishops to follow government orders concerning illicit ordinations, he said the consequences of not obeying are not as harsh as in the past. “Today, for instance, there is no risk of forced labor, prison or death,” he said. Clergy may still be punished, however, he said. For example, he said, they may lose public funding for their diocese, face difficulties in performing pastoral tasks, be isolated from other clergy or the faithful, be forbidden to travel abroad or within China, or they may be forced into a “re-education” program. “In any case, the punishment that might be meted out is no reason not to resist. Submission is a public act that causes scandal, sending the wrong message to the faithful,” he said. He added that those who have succumbed to government pressure and acted against papal mandate should “make public amends” to show the faithful their actions were wrong.

Standing up to the government and not agreeing to participate in an illicit ordination also sends a powerful message to the government, the archbishop said. “If you show some weakness or a propensity toward compromise, the government will take advantage of you,” the archbishop said. On the other hand, “the government could do nothing” when people stood firm and refused to be ordained by excommunicated bishops, he said. He said Blessed Pope John Paul II and his words “Be not afraid” are an inspiration to Chinese Catholics — clergy and laity. Those bishops and priests who are fearful of government retribution or pressure for not following orders should get support from others or else “they should simply ask to be released from their pastoral duties and have the courage to suspend their ministry.” Archbishop Hon said the government’s strategy in setting up a church that is independent of the Vatican and the pope is a way to maintain government control over religion and yet create the impression that having Catholic priests and bishops administering the sacraments means there is religious freedom in the country.

3 The International Church Rain leads to spike in cholera in Port-au-Prince, Haitian rural areas

June 17, 2011

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Three weeks of intermittent heavy rain have led to a spike in the number of cholera cases in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince and in several rural areas where health care workers are struggling to handle the surge. The rain also caused flooding in low-lying areas and mudslides in the hills around the capital, causing more than two dozen deaths as of June 9, the Haitian government reported. Several people have been reported missing. The floods displaced hundreds of people from hillside communities as well as from some of the hundreds of makeshift tent camps that sprouted after the country’s devastating January 2010 earthquake. One hard-hit area, the Delmas 33 neighborhood in Port-au-Prince, saw houses flooded and debris strewn along roadways, reported Sister Mary Finnick, a Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart who runs Matthew 25 House, which hosts shortterm volunteers as part of the Nashville, Tenn.-based Parish Twinning Program of the Americas. “In our neighborhood houses were inundated, and one can see household items, furniture, clothing caught in bushes along the road as roadways turned into swift rivers,” Sister Mary wrote in an email. “So many ravines are depositories of garbage that when the rains come the ability of the water to flow is

hampered, backs up and invades homes.” Aid agencies have boosted efforts to head off the water-borne disease through renewed emphasis on hygiene and prevention techniques, Carl C. Stecker, senior technical adviser for health and HIV/AIDS for Catholic Relief Services in Haiti, told Catholic News Service. “The flooding has been recent, in the past week, and mudslides,”

Through early June, the Haitian Ministry of Health and Population reported 331,454 cholera cases with 5,386 deaths since the outbreak began in mid-October. Stecker reported up to a fourfold increase of cholera cases in some rural communities where the diarrheal disease spread by contaminated food and water had been held in check for several months. In the capital, the increase in cholera was reported primarily out-

yet more troubles — Homeowners try to empty their house of several inches of mud caused by recent severe rainstorms in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The rain led to flooding in low-lying areas and mudslides in the hills around the capital, causing more than two dozen deaths as of June 9 and displacing hundreds of people from makeshift tent camps that sprouted after the country’s January 2010 earthquake. (CNS photo/Swoan Parker, Reuters)

Knights of Columbus donate and volunteer in record numbers in 2010 New Haven, Conn. (CNA) — The Knights of Columbus has announced that charitable donations and volunteer service hours by its members set new all-time records in 2010, with more than $154.6 million and 70 million volunteer hours dedicated to serving the Church and communities in need. “The Knights of Columbus significantly expanded its outreach to those in need last year, and will continue to do because of the economic problems facing so many people in our communities,” Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said. “Despite the fact that the economy has also created hardship for many of our own members, Knights have stepped up as never before to meet the needs of their neighbors. We have taken very seriously the fact that we are our brother’s keeper.” Anderson announced the results of the Knights’ Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity for 2010. The $154.6 million given exceeds the previous year’s total by more than $3 million. It includes over $29 million donated by the Supreme Council and $125.5 million in contributions from the organization’s state and local affiliates.

Stecker said. “Those are the things that are going to facilitate the spread of cholera.” The rural Southeast, GrandAnse, South and West departments as well as Port-au-Prince reported significant increases in cholera cases after the rain began, according to a Health Cluster Bulletin from the international agencies coordinating health care response in the wake of the earthquake.

Sixty percent of the contributions went to community-level projects, including youth activities. Large donations included a $1 million distribution to Food for Families program and $1 million for a relief effort in cooperation with Project Medishare to give prosthetics to Haitian children who lost limbs in the devastating January 2010 earthquake. Volunteer hours increased by almost 800,000 over the 2009 total. Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics, and the Global Wheelchair mission particularly benefited from Knights of Columbus volunteers. Members of the fraternal order also made 428,000 blood donations during 2010. Over the past decade, the Knights of Columbus has donated $1.406 billion to charity and has provided more than 653 million hours of volunteer service. The organization was founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Conn. in 1882. It is now the world’s largest lay Catholic organization, with 1.8 million members throughout North and Central America, the Philippines, the Caribbean and Poland.

side of the tent camps, he said. “At the internally displaced persons camp they may have portable toilets or one toilet for X number of people, but they’re getting cleaned out every day,” Stecker explained. The most serious flooding occurred June 7 after an overnight storm dumped nearly five inches of rain on parts of metropolitan Port-au-Prince. Flooding and mudslides were reported in the suburb of Petionville, neighboring Carrefour, Tabarre, Cite Soleil and in the Delmas 62 neighborhood of the capital. The storm led CRS to send teams of workers into areas where the agency had built temporary shelters for earthquake victims. Niek de Goeij, head of programming central for CRS in Port-auPrince, told CNS that workers visited several locales both in the city and in outlying areas to assess how well the temporary shelters held up and if any were in danger of being overrun by mudslides. “We’re offering retraining this morning for people to exercise extreme caution so their shelters are not washing away off the hillsides,” de Goeij said. “We’re making sure people are building homes in safe areas.” Torrential rain also fell in the Dominican Republic and Jamaica, forcing emergency workers to evacuate thousands of people from flood-prone areas. No injuries or deaths were reported.

The Church in the U.S.


June 17, 2011

Illinois dioceses file suit over risk of losing foster care services

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (CNS) — The Catholic Charities agencies in the Illinois dioceses of Peoria, Springfield and Joliet have filed suit seeking legal clarification of whether they can continue to place foster children with only married couples and single non-cohabiting individuals now that the state’s civil unions law has taken effect. Signed by Gov. Pat Quinn, who is Catholic, the Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act authorizes the state to recognize civil unions for samesex couples, giving those couples all the rights spouses have, such as parental and adoption rights. The law took effect June 1. It includes a clause saying the law does not interfere or regulate religious practice, meaning institutions would not be required to sanction a samesex union. The Catholic Church upholds the sanctity of traditional marriage as being only between one man and one woman. The Church also teaches that any sexual activity outside of marriage is sinful. The three dioceses filed the suit in Sangamon County Circuit Court June 7 to ask for a legal declaration confirming “that current Illinois law protects the right of a Catholic agency not to place children with unmarried cohabitating individuals,” Peoria Bishop Daniel R. Jenky said in a letter to the priests, religious and lay people of his diocese. “Given that there are 57 other agencies in the state, a religious exemption for us would inconvenience no one,” he said. The Catholic Church’s “right of conscience and religious freedom to hold to our own religious beliefs regarding the sanctity of marriage, while still being able DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS Decree of Citation Since her present domicile is unknown, in accord with the provision of Canon 1509.1, we hereby cite Maria J. Gilpatrick to appear in person before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River (887 Highland Avenue in Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts) on June 30, 2011 at 2:30 PM to give his testimony regarding the question: IS THE MCLEAN-PICONE MARRIAGE NULL ACCORDING TO CHURCH LAW? Anyone who has knowledge of the domicile of Maria J. Gilpatrick is hereby required to inform her of this citation. Given at the offices of the Diocesan Tribunal in Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts on June 9, 2011. (Rev.) Paul F. Robinson, O. Carm., J.C.D. Judicial Vicar (Mrs.) Denise D. Berube Ecclesiastical Notary

to provide critical services for the poor, the abused, and neglected, is now being undermined by our own state government,” Bishop Jenky said. “We have to stand up against the secular attack on our mission,” he added. The Peoria, Springfield and Joliet dioceses have suspended their adoption and foster care services until they receive a ruling. On May 26, the Diocese of Rockford announced that its Catholic Charities offices would no longer offer state-funded adoptions and foster-care services once the civil unions law took effect. According to the Catholic Conference of Illinois, the state’s six Catholic dioceses, which include the Chicago Archdiocese and the Belleville Diocese, provide about 20 percent of the adoption and fostercare services in Illinois and had facilitated the placement of about 3,700 abused and neglected children with loving families over the past 10 years. According to Bob Gilligan, executive director of the Catholic conference, the public policy arm of the state’s bishops, the six dioceses were working together to create a joint response to the law. He told the Catholic New World, Chicago’s archdiocesan newspaper, that a recent conference call involving five of the six yielded what appeared to be a consensus to have their employment policies ensure that people who work for them understand they are working for the Church, and are expected to conform to Church teaching. The Illinois Catholic Health Association, which includes Catholic hospitals and other health-care institutions, sent a memo to its members May 9 suggesting that they offer “employee plus one” benefit packages instead of “employee and spouse” benefit packages starting June 1. Such a package would “provide any employee the opportunity to buy into a benefits package that would provide health coverage for themselves and one other person living with them. This person could be a sibling, relative, etc., the exact relationship would not need to be disclosed,” the memo said. The association said the memo was only a recommendation that would apply only to health-care institutions, not to dioceses, Catholic Charities agencies or educational institutions.

total destruction — People walk through an area June 2 damaged by a tornado the previous day in Brimfield, Mass. At least two tornadoes struck central and western Massachusetts, killing four and leaving widespread damage. (CNS photo/Adam Hunger, Reuters)

Massachusetts diocese seeks prayers, assistance during tornado recovery

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (CNS) — The powerful tornado that ripped through cities and towns in western Massachusetts “left debilitating aftereffects,” Springfield Bishop Timothy A. McDonnell said in a letter to all in the diocese. “We mourn those who were killed or injured even as we thank God that the toll in human life was not greater,” he said. “The images of homes damaged or destroyed, of businesses wiped out, of institutions crippled, of mighty trees reduced to kindling, will long be seared in our memories.” The death toll from the storm numbered four, and about 200 others suffered injuries. The bishop said the devastation to the diocesan buildings was “especially heartbreaking to the diocese.” Diocesan ministries were especially hard-hit in one section of Springfield. Cathedral High School, St. Michael’s Academy pre-school and middle school campuses and St. Michael’s Residence for retired priests suffered significant damage. The tornado ripped apart homes, businesses, wooded areas and many, many lives. The chapel at St. Michael’s Residence is now a pile of rubble. Windows were blown out of the residence and Cathedral High School’s science wing. A large portion of the back wall of Cathedral’s gymnasium collapsed and a portion of the roof of the school was torn off. A wall also was blown away at the rear of the pre-school. Diocesan spokesperson Mark Dupont said, “These facilities were hit very hard, nonetheless we are grateful that the injuries

were minimal.” Cathedral students ended their academic year with a final day of classes June 7 at Our Lady of the Elms College. Students from St. Michael’s Academy Middle School division were to conclude their academic year at Western New England University in Springfield. St. Michael’s Academy Preschool has been moved to the elementary school campus. The diocese is currently investigating options to relocate all three schools in September. In his letter, Bishop McDonnell asked for “prayers for those who died in the storm, for those injured, for those who lost homes or businesses, for those whose lives were upended by the tornadoes.” “I ask prayers of thanksgiving as well for those who rushed to help: police, firefighters, emergency workers, medical personnel, National Guard, and all those volunteers who gave of themselves so unstintingly and continue to do so in the storm’s aftermath. God bless them,” he added. He also said that Catholic Charities is in “immediate and ongoing need of household items, toiletries, clothing, baby needs, and non-perishable food supplies for the tornado’s victims.” Bishop McDonnell asked parishes to publicize the needs and to accept monetary donations to help alleviate the effects of the tornadoes. He said the funds collected would be used to meet the needs of the 19 communities in the diocese who were hit by the June 1 tornado.

On the day of the violent storm, some students and school personnel were still present in each school as the twister touched down, but none were hurt. Father John Sullivan from St. Michael’s Residence, suffered a separated shoulder and broken leg and had surgery. He will be spending time in a rehabilitation facility. The other seven retired diocesan priests at the residence have been moved to other locations. Bishop McDonnell was onsite shortly after the devastation. Cathedral Principal John Miller was in the building during the storm. He had alerted faculty and students about the impending bad weather. One of the first things Miller did after the storm was to visit the school chapel and check on the Holy Eucharist. Especially hard hit was the Holy Cross Parish area in Springfield. At a weekend Mass, Franciscan Father Dan Lanahan preached comfort to all. He stressed that “God love us all equally and did not punish anyone or spare or harm anyone.” Franciscan Sister Cindy Matthews, pastoral minister, has walked the streets of the parish with Father Lanahan to provide a presence and ascertain needs. The parish has hosted civic meetings and meal programs for those who were suffering the effects of the tornado. “There is nothing so bad that God can’t bring a greater good out of it — if we let Him,” said Bishop McDonnell, quoting Mother Teresa. He urged “the Catholic people of western Massachusetts to help bring good out of this tragedy.”

The Church in the U.S. Boston Archdiocese opens canonization cause of Opus Dei priest

June 17, 2011

BRAINTREE, Mass. (CNS) — The Archdiocese of Boston has opened the canonization cause of an Opus Dei priest, Father Joseph Muzquiz, who established the organization in the United States and worked for many years in the greater Boston area. About 150 people, many of whom are local members of Opus Dei, attended the ceremony held June 2 at the archdiocesan pastoral center in Braintree. “All Christians are called to be saints and we are deeply grateful that the Archdiocese of Boston is undertaking this effort to see whether Father Joseph Muzquiz indeed truly lived a holy life,” said Opus Dei spokesman Brian Finnerty. Father Muzquiz was born in Spain in 1912. He served for a time in the nationalist army toward the end of the Spanish Civil War. He worked as a civil engineer, building bridges and railroad stations, and according to his biography, he sought to bring friends and colleagues closer to God in his daily work. In 1940, he asked to join Opus Dei. He was ordained to the priesthood June 25, 1944. Upon coming to the United States in 1949, Father Muzquiz helped establish Opus Dei centers in Chicago and Washington. He also laid the foundations for Opus Dei’s work in Canada and Japan. The organization, a personal prelature of the pope, today has about 87,000 members around the world, including about 1,900 priests. The core idea of Opus Dei, Latin for “God’s work,” is to bring the Gospel into the secular world and to sanctify daily life as an act of service to God. During the 1960s and 1970s, Father Muzquiz worked in Europe and pressed for the canonization of the organization’s founder, Msgr. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, who died in 1975. Pope John Paul II canonized him in 2002. Father Muzquiz returned to the U.S. in 1976, as the U.S. head of Opus Dei. After a bout with cancer, he moved to Boston in 1981 to do pastoral work at the Arnold Hall Conference Center, an Opus Dei apostolate in Pembroke. On June 20, 1983, he suffered a heart attack while teaching a class there, and died the following day at Jordan Hospital in Plymouth. His funeral was at the former St.

Aidan’s Church in Brookline and he is buried at St. Joseph’s Cemetery in West Roxbury. The June 2 event marked the beginning of the process that could lead to his canonization. There will be an inquiry into his life and ministry, and those who knew Father Muzquiz will give testimony about the holiness of his life. The findings will be sent to

praised the late priest, saying he “may be one of those persons who has persevered to the end living a life of heroic virtue on the path to sanctity.” “Is the Servant of God Joseph Muzquiz one of those persons who has lived the virtues to a heroic degree?” Father Cavanagh also said. “Today marks the first official step in this long process which will, without

Father Joseph Muzquiz

the Vatican Congregation for Saints’ Causes. If there is a declaration of the priest’s heroic virtues, the Church will give him the title “venerable,” the first step in the canonization process. The second step is beatification, after which he is called “blessed.” The third step is sainthood. At various steps in the canonization process, evidence of alleged miracles is presented to Church authorities. In general, two miracles need to be accepted by the Church as having occurred through the intercession of the prospective saint. Father Bryan Parrish, the Boston Archdiocese’s assistant vicar for administration, opened the gathering with a prayer. Father Parrish represented Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley of Boston, who was traveling and unable to attend. Following the opening prayer, Father David Cavanagh, an Opus Dei priest who is the postulator for Father Muzquiz’s cause,

the beginning — Father Daniel Hennessey, ecclesiastical notary for the cause of the canonization of Opus Dei Father Joseph Muzquiz, affixes the seal of the Archdiocese of Boston to a document at a ceremony to officially open the cause June 2 in Boston. Father Muzquiz was an Opus Dei priest who established the community in the United States and worked for many years in the greater Boston area. (CNS photo/Gregory L. Tracy, The Pilot)

doubt, give the response to this question.” With the opening of the archdiocesan inquiry, Father Muzquiz receives the title “Servant of God.” Father Mark O’Connell, the archdiocese’s judicial vicar and vice chancellor, then read the decree written by Cardinal


O’Malley announcing the opening session of the inquiry and naming the officials who will conduct it. Those taking an oath and promising to perform their roles and maintain appropriate confidentiality included: Boston Auxiliary Bishop Emilio Allue, episcopal delegate; Fathers Cavanagh and Parrish; Father Rodney Copp, the promoter of justice; and Fathers Dan Hennessey and Michael Medas, who are serving as notaries for the inquiry process. The documents relating to the cause’s opening were signed and notarized. The meeting concluded with a singing of “Salve Regina.” Several local members of Opus Dei who were in attendance had known Father Muzquiz, and reacted positively to the opening of his cause. “He was a very cheerful person, an extraordinarily dedicated person who clearly grasped God was calling him to do something. That was the focal point of his life,” said John Coverdale, a member of Opus Dei for more than 50 years and author of “Putting Down Roots: Father Joseph Muzquiz and the Growth of Opus Dei,” a 2009 biography. Father Muzquiz was “intelligent and hardworking,” Coverdale told The Pilot, Boston’s archdiocesan newspaper. Alan MacKay had been to confession with Father Muzquiz, and the two men were acquaintances. “Everybody who knew him well thought he was a saint,” MacKay said. “I’m very happy the Church is taking cognizance of his sanctity.”


The Anchor Responding to the crisis of fatherhood

On Sunday, Catholic Americans will mark two celebrations: Holy Trinity Sunday and Father’s Day. The feast of the Holy Trinity is an occasion on which not only Catholics seek to deepen their appreciation of the mystery, and enter into the reality, of the communion of persons who is our Triune God. In particular, it’s a day on which special attention is given to God the Father, since on Pentecost we focus specifically on the Holy Spirit and throughout the year we normally concentrate on the life, words and works of Jesus. The Gospel reading the Church gives us this Sunday facilitates this focus on God the Father, because it shows how God the Father “so loved the world that He gave His only Son” (Jn 3:16). This attention to the fatherhood of the first Person of the Blessed Trinity — especially on Father’s Day — is particularly timely and important. The future Pope Benedict, not one ordinarily prone to hyperbole, once said that this failure to see, appreciate and grasp the link between human paternity and the fatherhood of God is one of the greatest threats to the modern world. “The crisis of fatherhood we are living today is an element, perhaps the most important, threatening man in his humanity,” Cardinal Ratzinger said in a remarkable March 15, 2000 speech at the Cathedral of Palermo, Sicily. The crisis of fatherhood facing modern society — a true “dissolution of fatherhood” — comes, he continued, from reducing paternity to a merely biological phenomenon, as an act of generation, sometimes even carried out in a laboratory, without its human and spiritual dimensions. That reduction not only leads to the “dissolution of what it means to be a son or a daughter,” but, on a spiritual plane, impedes our relationship to relate to God as He is and revealed Himself. God, Cardinal Ratzinger stressed, “willed to manifest and describe Himself as Father.” Human fatherhood provides us an analogy to understand the fatherhood of God, but “when human fatherhood has dissolved, all statements about God the Father are empty.” The crisis of fatherhood, therefore, leaves the human person confused about God and himself. That’s why, he argued, the crisis of paternity is perhaps the most important element threatening the human person and society. David Blankenhorn in his acclaimed 1995 book “Fatherless in America” provided the sociological premises to the Cardinal Ratzinger’s theological conclusion. Blankenhorn argued that fathers are indispensable for the good of society and that unless we, as a society, recapture the idea and value of fatherhood, our society will continue to disintegrate with devastating consequences. There is a contemporary notion, he noted, that fathers are no longer necessary. Fatherhood has been reduced to a biological act, with the expression “to father a child” today basically referring just to procreation. The basic belief is that a dad is basically superfluous; a good dad in a child’s life may be advantageous but it isn’t necessary. While our culture’s failure to appreciate the role of fathers has often been experienced in law and court decisions with great sadness by many dads who are impelled inwardly to care for their children, it has also led to fathers who might need external help to fulfill their paternal responsibilities to become even more irresponsible. Blankenhorn’s intercultural and historical analysis showed that in most cultures men do not volunteer for the paternal responsibilities of raising children; they need, rather, to be conscripted into it by cultural support and pressure. The supreme test of any civilization, he said, is whether it can socialize men by teaching them to be fathers — creating a culture in which men acknowledge their paternity and willingly nurture their offspring. That cultural support has been fading away. Our society’s conspicuous failure to sustain or create clear expectations or norms for fatherhood amounts to a disaster at a personal and social level, Blankenhorn underlined. It has undermined families, left children neglected, caused or aggravated some of our worst social problems, and made individual adult happiness harder to achieve for men and women. He argues that the two major culprits for the decline of fatherhood are divorce and out of wedlock birth, leading to much higher rates of American kids going to bed without a committed father in the home. This has in turn been shown to lead to massive increases in youth violence, suspensions, child sexual abuse, domestic violence, child poverty and economic insecurity, and teen-age pregnancy rates. The Church has a particular role in responding to this crisis of fatherhood. The Church’s fidelity to teaching and living what God has revealed about marriage and the family, about true love and sexual morality, is an indispensable starting point. The Church provides remote, proximate, immediate and ongoing formation for marriage and family life that is meant to help Catholic couples live up to the full greatness of marriage and family in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, in poverty and plenty, and helps them give a compelling example to others. The Church also has a super-rich understanding of the identity and vocation of fatherhood, which, in the midst of the present crisis, will be a light to the nations to the extent that it is lived. St. Paul wrote to the Ephesians, “For this reason, I bow my knees before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.” Human fatherhood, in other words, comes from God the Father. To know what it means to be a good father, we need to look at God the Father and see how He relates to His only begotten Son and all His adopted children. We do this primarily by looking to see what Jesus has revealed about the Father, because Jesus is the image of the Father and whoever has seen Him has seen the Father (Jn 14:9). We can summarize the qualities of fatherhood that Jesus reveals to us from God the Father in the following 10 points: First, the Father takes delight in His children. “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am wellpleased,” God the Father thunders at Jesus’ Baptism (Mt 3:17). Fathers must express their love for and joy in their children. This is the basic underpinning for all paternal interactions. Second, the Father loves unconditionally. Jesus says He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust (Mt 5:45). So fathers must love children who are easy or difficult to love. Third, the Father cares about every one of His children, not wanting one to perish (Mt 18:14). Fourth, the Father is generous. Even more than parents know how to give good gifts to their children, He will give of Himself to all His children who ask (Mt 6:26; 7:11). Fifth, He is observant. He sees what is done in secret and rewards. He pays such good attention that He knows what is needed even before it is asked (Mt 6:4, 8). Sixth, He teaches those who are docile (Mt 11:25-26; Mt 16-17; Jn 6:44-46). Seventh, He is merciful. Human fathers are explicitly called to be as merciful as He is (Lk 6:36). Eighth, He disciplines out of love. We see this throughout the Old Testament. “What son is there whom his father does not discipline?” the Letter to the Hebrews queries (12:5-11). There can be no disciples without loving discipline. Ninth, the Father works. “My Father is working still,” Jesus says (Jn 5:17). It’s key for fathers to be hard workers and to help their kids become hard workers, in the image of Christ who imitated His Father’s and foster father’s hard work. Lastly, He wants to share life to the full with His children (Jn 6:40). Human fathers should likewise make it their will and desire to share their earthly life with their children and strive with their children to share eternal life together. The Chinese character for “crisis” is a union of the symbols for danger and opportunity. While there are evident dangers from the crisis of paternity, there is also an opportunity for us, to begin to repair the damage and to restore a notion of what it means to be a good father, by helping not just Catholics but all of society see in human fatherhood and in the spiritual fatherhood of the priesthood a glimpse of the Fatherhood of God.

June 17, 2011

The world is coming to an end


es, the world will one day come his or her soul. Another consequence to to an end, but Our Lord tells us that way of thinking is that if we all go that we do not know the time or the day to heaven, we lose sight of the imporwhen this will happen (Mk 13:31-32). tance of living a holy life. After all, if In recent weeks there has been much we all go to heaven, what is the point talk about the end of the world, based of the Church, or having faith or even mainly upon the claims of some indineeding a Savior? viduals who purport to have some sort Our Lord Himself spent a lot of His of “special knowledge” as to when this public life preaching about the heavwill occur. In recent years, a number of enly kingdom that He has prepared for films have also been produced about the each of us. He certainly desires that end times, where some sort of cosmic each of us will accept His invitation to event threatens the continuance of the be His disciples and inherit the kingearth’s existence. dom prepared for us from the foundaIn light of all of this, a great numtion of the world, but this invitation is ber of my former students asked me one in which we have the freedom to questions in the days leading up to and accept or reject. immediately following the supposed Certainly, it is a nice thought to time when the world was coming to an think that we all go to heaven. And this end (which obviously didn’t happen, should certainly be our prayer and our unless I missed something). In each hope, but it isn’t necessarily a given. case, I told them the same thing: “It will Because we have free will, we make happen someday, I don’t know when, choices each and every day that have an no one does, but just be ready in case it impact on where we will one day be for does happen soon — go to confession!” all of eternity. All of this In sevtalk about the eral places end of the in the Bible, Putting Into world, even Jesus Himself the Deep though those makes this who claimed very clear. it was imFor example, By Father minent didn’t Jesus speaks Jay Mello know what about the end they were of time when talking about, the “Son of has provided us a great opportunity to Man will send His angels to gather all reflect upon what the Church refers to evil doers and those who cause othas the “last things” — death, judgment, ers to sin and cast them into the fiery heaven and hell.” furnace where there will be wailing and I am fully aware that these are not gnashing of teeth” (Mt 13:41-42). Hell topics that are easy to think about or does exist! talk about. I assure you, they are no The simple truth that we can draw less difficult to write about. But they from this passage is that there are some are certainly ones in which there is a who might not end up in heaven if the lot of confusion and misunderstanding lives they live here on earth do not and a variety of questions. And so, in resemble the life that Christ has called the following weeks I will attempt to us to live. treat each of these realities that are very It’s important to remember that this much a part of our Catholic faith and is all subject to God’s divine justice at the center of so much discussion and and mercy, not us. We are not the one’s debate. who judge whether someone goes to Allow me from the outset to explain heaven or hell. God’s mercy and justice that this series is not meant to be moris perfect, unlike ours. This is one of bid or discouraging, but an opportunity the reasons that the Church has never to reflect upon the unavoidable reality declared that anyone is in hell in a that awaits each of us. It is above all an manner similar to the way the Church opportunity to call to mind our hope in declares a person in heaven through a Jesus Christ and in the eternal life that canonization. He has promised to those who remain Perhaps we may live to see the faithful to Him. day when Our Lord Jesus Christ will One of the immediate challenges in return in all of His glory to judge the this area arises when someone dies and living and the dead as He promised. our immediate reaction is to attempt But we can be sure that there will to console his or her loved ones who be a day when each of us will stand are mourning. There is a tendency to before Almighty God. At that time, say such things as “they are in a better we will have to account for our lives place now,” or “they aren’t suffering and the decisions that we made in any more.” this life. When we say these or similar things, The best way to prepare for that we obviously do so with the best of moment in which we will stand before intentions. But we have to be careful Almighty God is by keeping ourselves because unless the Church officially in the state of grace. Going quickly to canonizes the deceased, we do not confession when we know that we have know where their immortal soul is, and committed a mortal sin, making sure thus, we shouldn’t say it. we maintain a serious prayer life and This may seem harmless, but one frequently receiving Our Lord in Holy of the consequences to assuming that Communion are some of the best ways all are in heaven is that we can forget to prepare for that day. about how important it is to pray for Father Mello is a parochial vicar at that person and to have Masses said for St. Patrick’s Parish in Falmouth.

June 17, 2011

Q: Is it ever permissible to reserve the Precious Blood, for example, on Holy Thursday for distribution of Communion on Good Friday? If so, under what circumstances; if not, why not? — J.K., Wilmington, Del. A: Pope John Paul II’s 1980 letter “Inestimabile Donum” makes the prohibition of the Precious Blood clear in No. 14: “The consecrated wine is to be consumed immediately after Communion and may not be kept. Care must be taken to consecrate only the amount of wine needed for Communion.” There are also many other documents that state this point indirectly when they remind the priest to consume the Precious Blood after Communion. For example, “Redemptionis Sacramentum,” No. 107, says: “Whatever may remain of the Blood of Christ must be entirely and immediately consumed by the priest or by another minister, according to the norms, while the consecrated hosts that are left are to be consumed by the priest at the altar or carried to the place for the reservation of the Eucharist.” A brief exception to this norm is, as indicated in Canon 925 and the Rites of Anointing and Viaticum, when Communion must be brought to the sick who are medically unable to consume under the form of bread. In the


he whole world,” writes our friend G.K. Chesterton, “is at war about whether one thing is a devouring superstition or a divine hope.” This is the question that drives Chesterton’s masterpiece “The Everlasting Man.” His goal: to get those living inside Christianity to see it with the same equanimity that we would give it if we were living outside of it. Chesterton’s gift was the artist’s talent for perspective — he knows that familiarity breeds blindness as surely as contempt, so “The Everlasting Man” was yet another exercise in making the familiar strange. He maps out his book in two parts: the history of the human race before Christ, and then, the difference in the world since His arrival. Biographer and friend Maisie Ward wrote of the book: “He must have needed superhuman strength to give birth to this mighty book.” Indeed, he does some remarkably heavy lifting, for that was what the times called for. After the Henrican revolution, and after his daughter Elizabeth sealed England’s fate as a Protestant nation, Eng-


The Anchor

Reserving the Precious Blood

Precious Blood clearly imply a 1960s the Holy Office even specific and concrete personal granted permission to take the need. Precious Blood through a stomThus, I do not believe that ach tube. the present norms permit the haIn such cases it is preferbitual reservation of the Precious able that the priest celebrate the Eucharist in the home or hospital Blood in order to be ready for an emergency situation. of the sick person and bring the A very different situation Precious Blood immediately. But if this is not possible he may bring it in a sealed vessel and pour it into a chalice for administration. The 1967 instruction By Father “Eucaristicum MysteEdward McNamara rium,” indicated that in those cases in which it is impractical to celebrate was brought to light by several Mass in the home or hospital readers who reported that several room of a sick person, “the Blood of the Lord should be kept parishes reserve the Precious Blood on Holy Thursday. in a properly covered chalice One wrote: “I have been in and placed in the tabernacle after several churches which do disMass. It should be taken to the play the Precious Blood on Holy sick person only if contained in Thursday evening for adoraa vessel that is closed in such a tion along with the consecrated way as to eliminate all danger hosts. Is it sinful for me to thus of spilling. When Communion adore the Precious Blood that is has been given, should some of displayed in this way?” the Precious Blood still remain, As we mentioned, except for it should be consumed by the medical emergencies, it is not minister; he will also carry out permitted to reserve the Precious the usual ablutions.” Blood — and Holy Thursday is While some chaplains might no exception. seek to reserve the Precious In line with long-standing Blood in order to facilitate tradition, when Communion is Communion to as many sick given (and until about 50 years and dying people as possible, I ago it was not given) on Good think that the norms permitting Friday, it is distributed under a temporary reservation of the

Liturgical Q&A

the species of bread alone. Besides, the manner of reservation described by our correspondent compounds the error because, for all practical purposes, we have an exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, which is expressly forbidden on Holy Thursday and Good Friday. While one could hardly be described as sinning by adoring the Lord, it would be worthwhile for our correspondent to express his doubts to the parish priest and if necessary to the bishop. Finally, a New York reader wrote describing a rather unusual occurrence: “Last Sunday the celebrant consecrated the wine in the glass pitcher. Not all of the Precious Blood was consumed during the Mass and so needed to be consumed during the purification of the vessels in the sacristy following Mass. Our associate told me that if we just added more unconsecrated wine to the Precious Blood existing in the pitcher, then the Precious Blood would now be more wine than Blood and we could use it at the next Mass. I told him I had never heard that. He assured me that it was taught at the seminary. I consumed Jesus anyway and told the associate I would write you. Please advise. I certainly

The everlasting man

land joined the rest of Europe in riage between the two. its enlightenment project, a hyIn any event, rebellions are per-rationalistic age that turned funny. Today’s freedom fighter is reason into a god and placed it tomorrow’s tyrant and the logic in the tabernacle where the host of this particular rebellion brings once sat; there, so ensconced, on an inevitable undoing. Christ it had no choice but to become left two things behind: His teachunreasonable, for, funny enough, according to its own precepts anything that dwells there does. A Twitch Still, the enlightenment Upon a Thread imagined itself as the light of reason burning By Jennifer PIerce through our primitive, superstitious past in the name of progress. The Protestant rebellion ings and His Church. The first against the Church flourished in houses His words; the second this environment, as the Church His Body and His Blood. Why became a stand-in for our more should we doubt His Body and superstitious past. That our Blood but continue to honor His Church was the single most words? It was only a matter of important factor in the recovery time, therefore, before the words of the classical philosophers, were under attack, as well. And those true champions of reathat is where we find ourselves in son, was simply forgotten. Still Chesterton’s England. today, Catholicism is the only Scientism — the nonsensical entity that proclaims fides et belief that science refutes superratio, faith and reason. While stition by becoming a superstithe world still persists in placing tion of its own — had found its one in dominion over the other, first saint in Charles Darwin. the Church persists in the notion Darwin himself, it must be said, that she represents a divine mar- was not really the problem. Nor

was his theory, which isn’t necessarily completely false. The problem was that natural science had ceased being understood as a description of reality and was rapidly becoming understood as an explanation of it. Here we may be reminded of our own times. Chesterton called attention to the “mixture of popular science and journalistic jargon” that pretends to expand science but succeeds in only reducing both science and theology. One only has to turn to the science section of the New York Times to learn that this battle still wages on and appears for all intents and purposes to have been won. It is now taken for granted that science and religion are opposed to each other, as we see breezy articles on the myth of free will or a theory that Giotto painted the Shroud of Turin. Chesterton starts by asking us to consider the ironic example of the cave man. He is ironic because while ostensibly we turn to science to protect us from the delusion of

do not want to challenge a priest but do not want to promulgate error.” Apart from the fact that the norms issued by both the Holy See and the U.S. bishops no longer allow wine to be consecrated in a flagon or pitcher, but in several chalices, I would say the following: The priest is theologically correct in saying that the addition of excess unconsecrated wine would remove the Lord’s real presence. To do so, however, is at the very least a grave lack of respect and, if done with full awareness of its gravity, more than likely an act of sacrilege. The norms we quoted above are very clear: All of the Precious Blood must be consumed as soon as Communion is over and before the end of Mass, and thus not left until the purification of the vessels after Mass. Great care should be taken regarding the quantity so that no Precious Blood should be left over after Mass. Father Edward McNamara is a Legionary of Christ and professor of Liturgy at Regina Apostolorum University in Rome. His column appears weekly at zenit.org. Send questions to liturgy@zenit.org. Put the word “Liturgy” in the subject field. Text should include initials, city and state.

religion and myth, we find in this scientific concept the most mythic character of all: the man who obtains his wife by knocking her down with a club and dragging her by the hair. He reminds us that this “fact” of his animal nature is a fact that has no supportable evidence whatsoever. Despite our lack of knowledge about his courting rituals, we do know one thing he did for certain: he painted animals on the walls of his cave. What animal does that? “Art,” then, writes our Chesterton, “is the signature of man.” Man, once considered the measure of all things by Protagoras, was in Chesterton’s time being posited as just one of many things for which there was no measure. In his artistic instinct, however, we see the folly of that notion. If man is an animal, he is certainly a freak among animals — which means that if we are to call him an animal at all, we must call him a miraculous one. Jennifer Pierce is a parishioner of Corpus Christi in East Sandwich, where she lives with her husband Jim and three children.



June 17, 2011

The Anchor

The Trinity is best encountered in community

rom time immemorial human beings have been curious about God, how to define God, what name to call God. This is certainly reflected in Sunday’s reading from the Book of Exodus. God reveals to Moses that He is to be called Lord, and that He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, rich in kindness and ever faithful. These divine attributes reveal that, to whatever limited extent we can fathom the mystery of God, He will be understood by the quality of His relationship with His creatures and especially with ourselves as the human race. In light of how God has revealed Himself on Mount Sinai, then in Jesus Christ, and finally in the power of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, it should not surprise us that the early Church quickly recognized God to be three distinct persons in one God. This is evidenced by St. Paul when he greets the Christians in Corinth saying: “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship

of the Holy Spirit be with saying things like, “Why all of you.” go to church — I can pray The Church celebrates to God anywhere!” “Why Trinity Sunday not to enbelong to a parish — those courage us to think that we church goers are all hypohave somehow exhausted crites anyway!” “I prefer to all that there is to know be spiritual but not reliabout God but rather to call gious!” Indeed, this is the us to contemplate this mystery of three Divine PerHomily of the Week sons in one God, and to call us to Trinity continue to probe Sunday the implications it By Father has for us as a comEdward J. Healey munity of believers. As we name our Trinitarian God, and are reminded that we are new creed of no creed and created in God’s image and no commitment that is fast likeness, we are summoned taking root in the fertile soil to deepen our conviction of individualism so prevathat, as the persons of the lent in our culture today. Trinity are in relationship Individualism deludes many with one another and in into thinking that they can relationship with us, so stand completely on their must we be in relationship own, that they need no affilwith one another as fellow iations, no authority, divine believers. or human, to tell them what While this truth is not to do or not to do. Ultimatenew, it certainly seems ly individualism influences that it is at risk of being many into thinking that they lost in our day. Evidence do not need the Church to of this risk is found in that be in relationship with God. we frequently hear those Today the feast of the who should be among us Holy Trinity should pres-

ent a challenge to us as the Church to make every effort be a sign of the essential value of community, indeed a countercultural sign of the absolute necessity of being in relationship with one another because we are believers in God who reveals Himself to be three Persons united as One. We might begin to meet this challenge by committing ourselves, if we haven’t already, to taking one more step beyond mere presence toward greater participation — both in the worship and in the life of our faith communities. We should be on guard not to let the individualism so prevalent in the culture of today creep into our life of faith. We should not fall into thinking that it is somehow OK to slip in and out of Mass anonymously each weekend. Rather, our firm conviction that knowing others and being known by them ought to be a most basic element of building and sustaining parishes that

reflect the life of the Trinity. As we accept this challenge to create the unity, harmony, and interdependence in our communities of faith that would reflect the essence of the Trinity’s life, St. Paul’s words are as relevant now as when he first said them: “Mend your ways, encourage one another, live in peace.” May we accept this advice, confident as we do that God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit will be with us and we in turn can be a clearer sign to the world around us of the divine presence living and active in the Church. Thus, as we do our part to strengthen and sustain our parishes, may we embrace with even greater enthusiasm our mission of revealing God to a world that may still be seeking Him but — because they fail to appreciate that He is Three in One — may be losing sight of the truth that He is best encountered and most fully experienced in the context of community. Father Healey is pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in West Harwich.

Upcoming Daily Readings: June 18, 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Mt 6:24-34. Sun. June 19, Most Holy Trinity, Ex 34:4b-6,8-9; (Ps) Dn 3:52-56; 2 Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18. Mon. June 20, Gn 12:1-9; Ps 33:12-13,18-20,22; Mt 7:1-5. Tues. June 21, Gn 13:2,5-18; Ps 15:2-5; Mt 7:6,12-14. Wed. June 22, Gn 15:1-12,17-18; Ps 105:14,6-9; Mt 7:15-20. Thur. June 23, Gn 16:1-12,15-16 or 16:6b-12,15-16; Ps 106:1-5; Mt 7:21-29. Fri. June 24, Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3,13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66,80.


ive years ago, I made the argument for “Hoosiers” as the greatest sports movie ever and lamented the absence of great baseball films. “Hoosiers” is still the gold standard, but a confession is in order: there is a great baseball movie; it ranks right up there in the cinematic sports pantheon; and on this golden anniversary of the Mantle-Maris chase for Babe Ruth’s single-season home run record, attention must be paid. I speak of “61*”, Billy Crystal’s made-for-TV tale of Mickey, Roger, Yogi, Whitey, Ellie, Moose, Ralph, and the rest of one of the great Yankee teams, bashing their way toward the World Series a year after they lost the October Classic to Bill Mazeroski and the Pittsburgh Pirates (as astonishing as that feat, and the fact that it occurred in early October, might seem to younger readers). “61*” is not flawless. It’s crude at one or two points (but so was the Commerce Comet, Mantle). The computer imaging

Roger Maris and the summer of ’61

of old Yankee Stadium (not the story of male friendship without a hint of homoeroticism. redesigned one just torn down Maris, the North Dakota but the original House That homebody who has just won Ruth Built) is a little shaky, as is the re-creation of Memorial Stadium in Baltimore, site of most of my sacred baseball memories. A few bits of casting are off: neither Whitey Ford By George Weigel nor Ralph Houk looks quite right. Nonetheless, it’s a terrific film. Thomas Jane and the 1960 Most Valuable Player Barry Pepper (Mantle and award, sees that Mantle, the Maris) look their parts, not only physically but because both men Oklahoma hellion who might have been the greatest player seem to have played some ball ever had he not blown out his somewhere along the line. The script catches the sheer physical knee in the 1951 Series, is risking both his own and the endurance required by major team’s success by his compulleague baseball’s daily grind, sive boozing and wenching. So and the life-on-the-edge, postMaris and his apartment-mate, game extra-curricular activities outfielder Bob Cerv, invite of that pre-iPhone era. New Mantle to move in with them, York’s sportswriters are skewcut out the nocturnal craziness, ered as the assassins that they and get himself back together. largely were. Above all — and That act of solidarity, matched here is where Crystal’s film and by the way manager Houk and “Hoosiers” share a common moral quality — “61*” is a great Maris’s teammates rally around

The Catholic Difference

him when both fans and sportswriters choose Mickey over Roger in the Great Bambino Record Chase, exemplifies the distinctive way men can be friends. One hopes that such fraternity is possible in professional sports these days, although it’s hard to imagine LeBron, D-Wade, and Chris Bosh as this century’s Mantle, Maris, and Cerv. I remember the summer of 1961 very well: my crush on my recent fourth-grade teacher, Miss Donohoe, was unabated; I had my tonsils out; Robert Twynham, my great choirmaster, came to Baltimore; and the Orioles, as usual, finished behind the Yankees, whom I hated with a biblical passion. My brother and I even put Mantle and Maris baseball cards into the spokes of our bikes, an imprudent gesture of boyish contempt that has likely cost both of us considerable retirement income from vintage

card sales. My anti-Yankee passions remain, but thanks to Billy Crystal’s film-making, I have now placed brackets around — or perhaps an asterisk after — the 1961 Yankees. Mickey Mantle, a tortured spirit, died in 1995 after telling a press conference, “This is a role model: don’t be like me.” Maris died in 1985 of Hodgkin’s lymphoma and is buried in his hometown, Fargo. This unassuming family man, who never took advantage of the lifestyle libertinism that Gotham (and the journalistic conventions of the era) made possible, was a good husband and father who endured hate mail and death threats, fan idiocies and press barbs. Roger Maris, a Catholic whom some would argue is the real single-season home run king, is one of the quiet heroes of the American Catholic experience. George Weigel is Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.

June 17, 2011

Top this, Oprah Winfrey!

Friday 17 June 2011 — on the road — Bunker Hill Day (Bunker Hill Monument is actually on Breed’s Hill, where most of the battle took place). he Oprah Winfrey Show recently ended its 25-year run, much to the regret of 10,000 “ultimate fans,” as Oprah calls them. I wasn’t counted among them, but I did hear about some episodes. In 2004, Oprah awarded a brand new automobile to all 276 audience members that day. The lucky recipients had only to pay the government




The Anchor upwards of $7,000 on their winnings. Next, to kick-off her final season, Oprah gave each of the

The Ship’s Log Reflections of a Parish Priest By Father Tim Goldrick

300 audience members that day a vacation in Australia. I saw an Internet clip. The nose of a jet

plane poked through the stage curtain and out stepped John Travolta in a pilot’s uniform. I hear he actually has a pilot’s license and owns several planes. I guess he has the right to wear the uniform. As for me, I was never eligible to receive a new Pontiac or a vacation in Australia. In lieu of a flashy new 2011 Pontiac G-Six (actually, there’s no such thing; the 2011 model was discon-

Live, learn, love

do not just arrive at our doorthink I was really the step. The bundles of joy that most ideal parent before are placed in our arms need a I had any children. Back then lot of devoted nurturing, and I was very clear headed. I we parents are the ones that would witness some parent’s God has chiefly entrusted feeble attempts at saying with that duty. “no” in the checkout lane When I first became a at the grocery store, shake my head, and think, “For Pete’s sake! Get a backbone and tell your child to just stop the whining already.” You know, that totally insensitive attitude that comes from By Heidi Bratton having no experience whatsoever in what another person mom I took this duty seriousis attempting to do, and yet ly and read incessantly about thinking you could do it so “how-to” raise Catholic much better? Yeah, that one. children as well as “how-to” Having walked in motherrun a household efficiently. ing moccasins for more than Now, as a Catholic family95 parenting years since life author, I am often asked then (add up your pregnan“how-to” questions, but, as cies and the ages of each of my readers know, I more your children to figure out often emphasize the “whyyour parenting years), and to” than the “how-to” when having been humbled in the sharing ideas about nurturing checkout lane myself with the Catholic faith at home. multiple screaming children Why do I do this? many times over, I now It is not for lack of ideas know that so-called “ideal” to share, but because what parenting is not usually as I’ve figured out from 95 straightforward as it appears. parenting years and entire I’ve learned that sometimes libraries of “how-to” books winning the battle means losis that ability follows belief, ing the war so that, as it turns not the other way around. out, the parent who picks We learn this lesson from St. her battles purposefully and Peter whose faith in Jesus with more attention given to enabled him to step out of the actual children than to a boat and walk on water. how the children appear is And then, conversely, when often the parent with the real St. Peter’s belief wavered, backbone. he began to sink (Mt 15:5). The truth is that every parThe firm belief that raising ent hopes for well-behaved a faith-filled Catholic child and enjoyable children. No is possible has got to preone hopes for unruly brats. cede the implementation of Catholic parents also hope any means of achieving that to have faith-filled children goal. who obey their parents, who That being understood, love Jesus and their siblings, I’ve also seen that there are and who don’t complain many child-raising methods about going to Mass. The that can have the same good problem is that such children

Homegrown Faith

result (heaven), so long as that same good result is held in common. In fact it inspires me to watch my diverse Catholic friends all engaging their children in the faith by emphasizing different feast days, particular devotions, or distinct types of Christian service. The one common thread running through all of these families, however, is love. When we look at the Bible to see how to be truly Catholic, there is no doubt that love is the only sincerely successful motivational tool out there and that everything we do should be organized around learning to give and receive love. Jesus tells us that even a list as imposing as the Ten Commandments can be kept perfectly if we will but learn to love the Lord our God and our neighbor as ourselves (Mk 12:29-31). Having walked so many miles in mothering moccasins, I am much less ideal, but much more empathetic, especially in checkout lanes. I still enjoy learning new child-rearing and house-keeping methods, but I now try to focus more on loving than on managing my children and home. By handing our ego over to God and asking in return for an authentic love and the self-giving desire to apply that love compassionately to definite situations and people, I believe we Catholic parents will be empowered to raise well-formed, Christ-centered children no matter what actual methods we choose to implement. Heidi is an author, photographer, and full-time mother of six. To contact her, email homegrownfaith@gmail.com

tinued). I’ll have to make do with my leased truck. Maybe I’ll splurge and get it washed and vacuumed. And instead of traveling halfway around the world, I’ll just plan to spend a summer’s day now and again driving to near-by destinations. I’m armed with a copy of a traveler’s guide to sacred sites and peaceful places. I decide to begin my explorations with the sacred sites and peaceful places closest to my home. I look in the travel guide’s index to find the listings for the Greater Taunton area. Oh dear. There are none. Well, I’m aware of a couple. For a sacred site, I name the chapel of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, on Elm Street here in Dighton. There are places in the world where you immediately sense the sacredness. This is one of them. You feel the aura of the constant prayers of the Sisters who worship here. It’s a small, humble chapel, but well-informed by local architecture, and it uses only indigenous materials. It’s modeled after a New England barn. You approach through a corridor reminiscent of a covered bridge, with rivers of water flowing in the stained glass on either side. Up ahead, off-axis, is a mysterious stone silo. It seems to have no door (the huge convex door is actually on the side of the silo). The appointments are of wood and iron. Don’t miss the Chapel of Reservation, with its free-floating tabernacle. Just over the Dighton/Berkley Bridge, and down Freetown’s Bay Street, is Dighton Rock State Park, located on the banks of the Taunton River. It’s a peaceful place. There are picnic tables available. Before you go, check out the museum hours so that you get to see Dighton Rock itself and read about its history. The view across the river is fantastic. There, on the opposite bank, you can see a quaint riverside village, with a fleet of ships at anchor. It’s a scene from a picture postcard. I frequently admired the view during the

years I lived in Freetown. I now live in a house directly across from Dighton Rock State Park, in that riverside village. God has a sense of humor. Let’s go on to Greater Fall River. That’s not listed in my travel guide, either. But if I was looking for a breathtaking sacred site, that would be St. Anne’s Church and Shrine on Middle Street. It’s such a huge and impressive sanctuary. Notice especially the modern faceted stained glass windows. Downstairs is the shrine itself, with hundreds upon hundreds of flickering vigil lights, silently lifting up unspoken prayer in the shrines of patron saints. For a quiet place, I would recommend Horseneck Beach in Westport (off season, of course). Now it’s on to Greater New Bedford. This too is unlisted in my guidebook. I suspect the author of this travel guide lives in Boston, where everything outside of Route 24 is considered a foreign country. As a sacred site in New Bedford, St. Anthony’s Church wins, hands down. It’s as if a fine European-style cathedral was somehow transplanted to Acushnet Avenue — or so it seems. Plan to attend one of the concerts held here. The organ is classic, the architecture is grand, the acoustics are perfect — and all the lights will be aglow to dazzle your senses even more. For a peaceful place, I would recommend Fort Phoenix in Fairhaven, a national landmark, and adjacent Fort Phoenix State Beach and Reservation. It overlooks the working fishing port of New Bedford (my home town). Walk the old ramparts themselves, with their iron canons. While in Fairhaven, check out the Unitarian Memorial Church on Green Street, an example of Gothic revival. Take special note of the four-ton bronze doors. I haven’t even visited any of the sites in my guidebook. There are so many roads to travel and places to go. Well, some other day. Father Goldrick is pastor of St. Nicholas of Myra Parish in North Dighton.


The Anchor B y Becky Aubut A nchor Staff

NEW BEDFORD — Growing up, Theodore Machado had the benefit of having his childhood shaped by the Catholic school system. For the last few years the New Bedford native has come full circle by helping shape the religious path of the children at Holy NameSacred Heart of Jesus Parish of New Bedford. A member of St. Therese Parish of New Bedford as a child, one of Machado’s earliest memories of Church was of the choir and seeing some of his family members sing during Mass. The oldest of five children and the only boy, Machado attended St. Therese’s Catholic School until the fifth grade and then began to attend public school, which took some adjusting, said Machado. “There was something missing,” he said. He continued to grow in his faith by attending Faith Formation classes but it wasn’t the same as when he was attending Catholic school on a daily basis; he credits his time at the Catholic school as helping “provide the foundation of my faith.” Made firm by his parents,

Teaching what he was taught

Mass was a weekly com- said Machado. “That the est, it helps you live with mitment, that has continued Liturgy and the Eucharist integrity,” he said. “There into his marriage. were so vital for us. It just are times when you have to While Mass may have made sense.” leave your judgments becontinued to be a hind and do your job; weekly obligation, know your limits and Machado said it who has the authority wasn’t until a few and who doesn’t. So years ago that he often we forget it’s a began to seriously lifelong journey, that study the Bible. For what we do outside of two years, Machado Church is almost as immersed himself important as what we until “the catechism do inside of Church.” finally came out” In 2001, heeding and he began to apthe call for the need preciate his faith in a for Faith Formation whole new way. teachers, Machado “I think that I saw decided to take on in society that our what he called “a faith was seen to be growing experience” the right path,” he and began teaching said, adding that by eighth-grade classes having his parents at his parish. He soon lay a strong foundaadded the annual tion in faith, it helped Confirmation class plant the seed while to his curriculum and he was still young. when the Religious “Their example, the Education director witness of living the left, Machado was Anchor Person of the Week — faith even if they Theodore Machado. (Photo by Becky asked to take over the couldn’t explain it in Aubut) whole program. that sense.” “I enjoy it, workThe message was ing with the kids. It’s driven home while attendMachado applies that funny. I don’t think about ing a play at a different ideal to his public servant what it entails now,” he said church, and Machado and job of 29 years. Machado of taking over the finite dehis son noticed a certain said it helps that he has a tails of the program that lack of reverence within its boss who leads by example include the running of the walls. of how to live your faith in office, training catechists “I knew that Church is your daily life. and creating the yearly calwhere we needed to be,” “By being good and hon- endar. “I call it the nuts and bolts but without any one of them, things would fall through the cracks. I think it’s transitioned really well. We’ve got some awesome catechists. We’ve been very fortunate.” Machado put his own stamp on the program by reevaluating the required community service hours

June 17, 2011

for eighth- and ninth-graders and changing the requirement to parish service hours. The children now volunteer during parishheld events, including parish bazaars, hospitality Sundays, bussing tables during a raffle dinner or working in the kitchen. “It helps because so many kids don’t have that experience,” said Machado. “It’s been successful. It’s open; they have their schedule and they know they can get their hours in. I think the kids see the fundamentals; they see how the parish is run, that the communion isn’t just receiving the Eucharist but the participation of the whole parish. They see who does the work and the importance of that work.” For the past four years Machado has been a member of the Knights of Columbus, and for the past three years he was been an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. Even with a growing volunteer commitment, Machado hopes that his time as Religious Education director will have the most farreaching effects. “I hope that when they need their faith the most, that it’s there for them,” he said. “My hope is that it’s not just in those sad times. The old saying is, ‘There are no atheists in foxholes.’ Maybe there should be some religion, even at a party.” To submit a Person of the Week nominee, send an email with information to fatherrogerlandry@ anchornews.org

To advertise in The Anchor, contact Wayne Powers at 508-675-7151 or Email waynepowers@ anchornews.org

Altar servers living the faith continued from page one

ticipation of the rest of the congregation into that Liturgy. Most visibly, of course, are the young people; they’re the future of the Church and are very much part of the Church right now. There are many reasons why they’re important. It really demonstrates their faith and commitment to the Church.” At Christ the King Parish in Mashpee, there used to be a slight divide between the 61 altar servers that currently serve at weekly Mass, explained Deacon Robert Lemay. Up until a few years ago, the girls were called the “Daughters of Mary” and though still permitted to serve during Mass, the young ladies would wear a distinctive green alb to signify her position. When the women who were overseeing the program took their leave, the decision was made to combine the genders but still maintain the overall duties during the Liturgy. “Act with dignity and help one another out,” said Deacon Lemay, of the message he teaches to servers. “We don’t try to outdo one another; we assist one another. That’s very important in the teaching process.” And that teaching process is a constant learning curve as altar servers progress throughout the liturgical year. At Christ the King Parish, there are three phases of altar servers: junior servers, who wear simple albs and consist of fourth- to eighth-graders; senior servers, who add a cross to their robes and consist of those who are in high school; and Masters of Ceremony, who are at least seniors in high school and wear a scapular with their crosses. “I think it’s important to stress to them how the people in the church believe in what they see and hear, and pass it on to them,” said Deacon Lemay. “Those people are in church because of a belief system.” He added, “The stress is that this is a sacred place and you act with dignity. You don’t want to rush at the altar; we’re not going anywhere.” The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest, and is done by learning the specific actions and the symbolism behind each action. Being an altar server adds more than the traditional lessons learned through Faith Formation classes, said Msgr. Gerard O’Connor of St. Francis Xavier Parish in Acushnet; it creates a deeper connection to their faith and the Mass. When a priest holds his hands above the gifts to invoke the Holy Spirit during the Epiclesis, “That’s when the bells are rung for the first time in Mass,” said Msgr. O’Connor. “I could say to


The Anchor

June 17, 2011

them, when I put my hands like this, ring the bells. Or you can explain to them that what the priest is doing here is invoking the Holy Spirit on these gifts, that these gifts will become the Body and Blood of Christ.” At the monsignor’s parish, only boys are allowed to be altar servers while the girls serve as sacristans and are given the duties of setting up everything prior to Mass, including laying out vestments to making sure there are the appropriate amount of hosts for Mass. The parish also differentiates the ages of the boys by assigning the older boys the title of Master of Ceremony. It is important, said Msgr. O’Connor, that the boys be given the responsibility and kept close to the altar because the service could plant the seed of pursuing a vocation into the priesthood. “That’s why we only have altar boys,” he said. “The whole point of having boys as servers was so that they could see what it’s like and be comfortable doing priestly things.” Msgr. O’Connor is also gearing up this summer for the third annual “Altar Boy Boot Camp,” which will see 18 boys partake in a mixture of listening to talks given by guest speakers that focus on the honors of serving at the altar to building connections by competing in sport activities. “The boys love it. There’s work but there’s a lot of fun as well,” said Msgr. O’Connor. “It’s not a recruitment at all, it’s just setting them apart and showing them that serving at the altar is a great privilege.” Msgr. O’Connor added a new dimension of learning by having trained six boys to serve Mass in Latin. “That’s very complicated and took us a while to train them,” he said. “I think it adds something. They’ve gone to a higher level and had to learn a lot more.” A common thread seen among those who serve is the willingness to give back to their parish other than just serving at the altar. Of-

ten servers can be found as youth leaders or teachers in Faith Formation classes; and when they begin families of their own, said Deacon Lemay, former servers often be-

come ushers or extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. “I think that’s fantastic,” said Deacon Lemay. “I think it’s reflective of what they did, and it

continues to grow. They’re doing it. They’re acknowledging that something happened and they’re now progressing in their relationship with Christ.”


The Anchor

June 17, 2011

Maryland Episcopal parish to join Catholic Church through ordinariate

Bladensburg, Md. (CNA/ EWTN News) — The small congregation of St. Luke’s Episcopal parish in Bladensburg, Md. will join the Catholic Church through the Anglican ordinariate structure created by Pope Benedict XVI. “We welcome the St. Luke community warmly into our family of faith,” Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington said recently. “The proposed ordinariate provides a path to unity, one that recognizes our shared beliefs on matters of faith while also recognizing and respecting the liturgical heritage of the Anglican Church.” He said the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington recognizes “the openness of the community to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in their faith journey.” The community will begin to prepare for reception into the Catholic Church later this year. Its married rector, Rev. Mark Lewis, hopes to begin the process to be ordained a Catholic priest. Cardinal Wuerl is supporting the parish’s transition, as is Episcopal Bishop John Bryson Chane of Washington. “I am deeply grateful to Cardinal Wuerl and to Bishop Chane for their support throughout this discernment,” Rev. Lewis said. “We look forward to continuing to worship in the Anglican tradition, while at the same time being in full communion with the Holy See of Peter.” The parish has about 100 members, the majority of whom are from Africa and the Caribbean. Under an agreement with the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, the parish will continue to worship in its current church building under a lease with a purchase option. Bishop Chane said the transition was achieved “in a spirit of pastoral sensitivity and mutual respect.” “Christians move from one church to another with far greater frequency than in the past, sometimes as individuals, sometimes as groups. I was glad to be able to meet the spiritual needs of the people and priest of St. Luke’s in a way that respects the tradition and polity of both of our Churches,” Bishop Chane said in a statement issued by the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington. St. Luke’s annual parish meeting in January 2010 featured significant conversation about how its “traditional beliefs” were “incongruent” with the present state of the Episcopal Church. This prompted parishioners to ask its leadership to explore available

options. In January 2011 the parish vestry unanimously affirmed the parish’s desire to enter the Anglican Ordinariate. Pope Benedict established the special church jurisdiction for members of the Anglican Communion who desire to enter full communion with the Catholic Church while retaining many of their customs and traditions. Theological and moral issues have split the Anglican Communion on issues such as the authority of Scripture, the ordination of women as priests and bishops, and sexual morality. Rev. Lewis, in a letter to friends published on the parish website, explained that his decision to join the ordinariate was not so much a desire to leave Anglicanism as it was to enter into full communion with the Holy See. The debates within the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion “illumined” Anglicanism’s lack of “the apostolic authority to defend the faith, guard unity, and settle disputes,” Rev. Lewis said. He and his wife, Vickey, prayed and studied on these issues and “our hearts began to move toward Rome.” Patrick Delaney, a lay parish leader from Mitchellville, also cited issues of Church authority. “In the Episcopal Church, bishops in one place say one thing and in another say another,” he told the Washington Post. “That’s the crux of it. Each bishop has its own kingdom.” He and others at St. Luke’s said they were thrilled to help rejoin the Catholic Church, from which Anglicanism broke in the 1500s. “It feels fantastic,” Delaney said. “It’s like correcting 500 years of history.” Rev. Lewis said the parish had already embraced various Catholic practices but it has now ordered a larger statue of Mary. It plans more teachings on praying the Rosary and going to confession. The pastor asked for prayers and support as he and the people of St. Luke’s “seek to live out our Anglican heritage with integrity in a Personal Ordinariate of the Roman Catholic Church.” Cardinal Wuerl will announce next month at a bishops’ meeting how much interest in a U.S. ordinariate he has found. Officials think interest is high enough that they are creating a U.S. ordinariate for Anglican converts, the Washington Post reports. Until an ordinariate is officially established for the U.S., St. Luke’s will come under the care of the Archdiocese of Washington.

summer adventure — Jackson Odell and Jordana Beatty star in a scene from the movie “Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer.” For a brief review of this film see CNS Movie Capsules below. (CNS photo/Relativity)

CNS Movie Capsules NEW YORK (CNS) — The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by Catholic News Service. “Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer” (Relativity) A fun-loving grade schooler’s (Jordana Beatty) plans for a super summer go awry when her two best friends (Garrett Ryan and Taylar Hender) take off on adventures of their own, leaving her in the company of a timid third pal (Preston Bailey), her Bigfoot-obsessed little brother (Parris Mosteller) and the aunt (Heather Graham) who comes to baby sit when her parents are suddenly called out of town. While it conveys a worthwhile lesson about adapting to circumstances, director John Schultz’s screen version of Megan McDonald’s best-selling series of children’s books feels as meandering and ultimately pointless as the search for Sasquatch to which too much of its screen time is devoted. And, though really objectionable material is absent, a childish potty gag does get carried to briefly queasy extremes. Some scatological humor, a few mildly crass terms. The Catholic News Service classification is A-II — adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG — parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children. “Midnight in Paris” (Sony Classics) Writer-director Woody Allen’s valentine to the City of Lights — an extended travelogue filled with sumptuous scenery and pretty people — asks the question: Would you be happier liv-

ing a different life in a long-ago, mythically remembered past? A frustrated Hollywood screenwriter and would-be novelist (Owen Wilson) gets to find out during a visit to the French capital, escaping his indifferent fiancee (Rachel McAdams) and her obnoxious parents (Mimi Kennedy and Kurt Fuller), with whom he’s unhappily traveling, and gaining mysterious entree to a fantasy world of 1920s Paris. There he mixes with his literary idols, including Ernest Hemingway (Corey Stoll), F. Scott Fitzgerald (Tom Hiddleston) and Gertrude Stein (Kathy Bates), while falling for Pablo Picasso’s mistress (Marion Cotillard). Eventually the past offers a new perspective on the present, and he seeks a way back to the future, on his own terms. At least three uses of profanity, some sexual and drug-use references, frequent alcohol consumption The Catholic News Service classification is A-III — adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 — parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for

children under 13. “X-Men: First Class” (Fox) In this Camelot-era prequel to the “X-Men” franchise of comicbook adaptations, young mutants with assorted superpowers — most prominently Charles, aka Professor X (James McAvoy), and Erik, alias Magneto (Michael Fassbender) — team up to avert nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. Director and co-writer Matthew Vaughn keeps the pace brisk. But some provocative costuming, along with the titular warriors’ unfortunate propensity for coarse talk, makes this an inappropriate offering for youngsters. Considerable, though nongraphic, gun violence, a couple of uses of profanity, a few instances of rough language, fleeting sexual references, some mild sexual banter. The Catholic News Service classification is A-III — adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 — parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

Diocese of Fall River TV Mass on WLNE Channel 6 Sunday, June 19, 11:00 a.m.

Celebrant is Father John M. Sullivan, pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish in Wareham

June 17, 2011


rinity Sunday comes into the liturgical year to help wrap up into a neat theological package all that was delivered to us throughout the Easter season. This special feast melds together the drama of the Cross, the hope of the Resurrection, the wonder of the Ascension, and the promise of Pentecost into an “entity” called Trinity. At the risk of applying a well-worn cliché, understanding the Trinity requires a giant leap of faith. One of the 20th century’s great theologians described faith as “the ability to transcend one’s own personal ‘truth,’ merely human and of this world.” If we can keep our own personal truth in check, the concept of the Trinity can be embraced with more than just the assent of faith. Our belief in the Trinity is a profound challenge to the world’s belief in a God who is out there, somewhere in the distance, available only when we call. Our Catholic anthropology tells us that the God to whom we pray is the Triune God who has been imprinted within our human consciousness. The purpose of our human existence is to access the God who dwells within. This involves more than the recitation of our treasury of prayers; it requires a response to the call from the God who has no voice. Thomas Merton called this response “contemplation.”


The Anchor

Our belief in the Trinity

This God who has no voice God are one and the same. “speaks in everything that is, The Word entered the world and who, most of all, speaks to gather us up into the Trinity. in the depth of our own being” (New Seeds of Contemplation). Contemplative prayer is the “Rosetta Stone” for deciphering the mystery By Claire McManus of the Trinity. Von Balthasar’s treatise on prayer explained why it is necessary for the human being to experiContemplation is the means ence God through contemplaby which humanity takes in tive prayer. Prayer is not just the Word. Mary was first to a means of communication hear the Word and is thus the with God who is “Other,” a model of contemplation, who call that is answered from the “kept all these words and great beyond. The initiative for pondered them in her heart.” the communication comes first Jesus opened the way to God from God, who sent Himself through human means so to the world through the Word. that we are not reduced to a God did not just drop this on vacuous mysticism that apus without warning, for the proaches God as wholly other world was prepared through and not within the world. Von the ages for the entrance of Balthasar explained that God God into history by the utallowed the Divine Wisdom to terances of the prophets. If “take flesh in the movement this was so, then it begs the of history.” God did not come question, “Why do many not into history just to be, but to heed the Word?” Von Balthasar save. Von Balthasar stressed explained that the Word is not that this could not have been imposed on humanity, for God accomplished if Christ did not gives to men and women the ascend back to the Father. Our freedom to allow the Word salvation was achieved when within them. God did, howevJesus brought His human form er, give to humanity the ability back into the Triune God. to hear His Word. God has also We take part in our own given us the faith needed to salvation by entering into the believe what is heard. BelievTrinity. If the Holy Spirit is the ing and hearing the Word of means by which it is possible

The Great Commission

for us to be one with God, then contemplation is the vehicle we ride into the Trinity. Great theologians throughout the history of Christianity have struggled to find a symbol that embraces the dynamics of the Trinity. No earthly object can adequately capture the perpetual motion of the communication of God to humanity, through Christ and back to God again, only to come back again to humanity through the Holy Spirit. Perhaps a better symbol would be a perpetual motion machine that allows us to step inside and enjoy the ride as we commune with the Divine. Contemplation, then, is not gazing at, but meeting, the Divine. The way to the Father is open, and that way is prayer. We can be assured that this is true by observing the holy men and women who have been given glimpses of the “inner things of God” throughout history. The more that we let go

of ourselves and our personal truth, the more we can allow the Holy Spirit to take us into the Trinity to reveal the mystery of God. God has prepared us to be contemplatives, not in isolation, but within the community of faith. As we enter into the grace-filled beauty of summer in New England, let us look for new ways in our Tradition and in our world to hear the echo of the voiceless God. Claire McManus is the director of the Diocesan Office of Faith Formation.

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Polish Fest



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Our Famous “POLISH KITCHEN” hawaii east — The St. Vincent de Paul Society and the Knights of Columbus from St. Mary’s Church in Norton recently hosted a senior luncheon luau, an annual event to acknowledge the seniors in the town of Norton. From left: Allen Falconer, Jeannie Freddette, and Joe Daley.

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The Anchor

Allergic to spring


ummer begins next Tues- town group, The Temptations, day, and instead of bidmaybe it was “just my imaginading spring a fond farewell, I’d tion once again, running away like to throw out a hearty good riddance instead. We’ve endured cold stretches. We’ve survived the dog days of August in June. We’ve weathered thunderstorms and torrential rains. And By Dave Jolivet we’ve tip-toed through early morning fog banks. Through the many faces of spring ’11, there has with me,” but I feel there was an been only one constant in south- overabundance of microgametoeastern Massachusetts. Pollen. phytes of seed plants wafting in Pollen. Pollen. Pollen. And of the breeze 24/7 this year. course pollen. I stowed away my snow In the words of the great Mo- brushes for the car back in April,

My View From the Stands


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but had to pull them out again just to clear off the dense green film on my windshield every morning. It’s bad enough having to scrape one’s windshield in June, but when the disturbed particles make a beeline for my nose, that’s adding insult to injury. Having been poked with an annual flu shot earlier, I escaped the sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, and runny nose that accompanies influenza, but they all caught up with me à la the green stuff. To make matters even worse, my eight-year-old puppy, Igor, is suffering the same fate ... even worse. Because of the daily green snowfall, Iggy’s been to the vet three times this season. She’s endured an infected ear, a bout of fur loss, tender paws, red puffy eyes, and occasional sneezing fits. My poor pooch has been prescribed pills, that, as far as I can tell, either have no taste, or are a far cry from meat loaf. Did you ever try to administer a pill to a stubborn canine? They don’t realize we’re only trying to help them. My dad once gave me a cartoon depicting “a canine pill ejector.” It was the dog’s tongue. I’ve had to bury the tablet in a soft treat to bypass the ejector. Did you ever try to shoot medicine down a dog’s ear with a syringe? They don’t realize we’re trying to help them. A dog’s ear, like a horse’s tail, is super sensitive, easily triggered by a pesky fly, or a klutzy owner. I can’t count the times I’ve had a loaded syringe in hand and once close enough, Iggy, with a flick of her ear, sends the weapon half way across the room. I’ve flirted with super-gluing the instrument to my hand, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to dislodge it and I’ll look like a drug addict when riding to work on the bus. Poor Iggy. Poor me. Things should start getting better as summer rolls around. I mean how long can grass, bushes, trees, shrubs, and flowers keep spewing forth the evil green powder? It will be nice when Iggy and I, and thousands of other humans and canines, can make it through the day without even one of a series of allergy symptoms. I look forward to those days. It will take a while to recuperate from this past spring. Probably until fall, when it will all start again. Where’s the crazy glue?

June 17, 2011

Diocese hires new school superintendent continued from page one

He will succeed current superintendent George A. Milot, Ph.D., who will retire at the end of this school year. Griffin has held positions in Catholic school administration for the past 24 years, in his current post at Holyoke Catholic since 2009, as president of Northwest Catholic High School in West Hartford, Conn., from 1996 to 2005, and as its principal prior to that beginning in 1987. He began his career at that school as a teacher and coach in 1979.

Dr. Michael S. Griffin

He was also the director of planning and development and part-time theology teacher at Sacred Heart Academy in Hamden, Conn., from 20052009. In his announcement, Bishop Coleman said he wanted to welcome Griffin to the Fall River Diocese and that he is “looking forward to his service.” The bishop continued, “With Dr. Griffin’s background, his years of experience in Catholic schools, particularly in administration, and his deep understanding of the importance of Catholic education in the mission of the Church, I am confident he will be an effective leader of our schools.” At the same time, Bishop Coleman said he wanted “to express again my gratitude to Dr. Milot for the many years he spent in Catholic education in the diocese, as teacher and coach and then principal at Bishop Stang High School, as principal at Bishop Feehan High School, and as superintendent over the past nine-anda-half years.” Griffin’s appointment as superintendent becomes effective July 18 and follows an extensive search process conducted by Alliance for Catholic Education Consulting of the University of Notre Dame and a

diocesan search committee. As he sought the position, Griffin said he knew the diocese “has had a long and proud tradition of excellence in Catholic education and that Bishop Coleman has been a exceptional proponent of Catholic schools.” He believes he can bring to his new job the experience, skills and commitment necessary to build on past success and to work effectively with principals, pastors, staff and others to strengthen the schools even in difficult times. “It is a challenging time for Catholic schools, but working together, I know we can meet the challenges we face and use the opportunities before us to build a vibrant future for Catholic education in the Fall River Diocese.” The diocesan school system comprises five high schools and 21 elementary and middle schools which had a combined enrollment of 7,464 in the 2010-11 academic year. While at Holyoke Catholic High School, Griffin focused on enhancing the school’s marketing efforts implementing new initiatives such as “Constant Contact” e-communications to prospective students, regional student recruitment receptions, enrollment of international students, creative radio advertising and website revision. He also worked with its School Board to boost fundraising income, maintain balanced yearly budgets, and increase the availability and use of interactive technologies in the classroom. At Northwest Catholic High, as president he gave priority to marketing — particularly to students in neighboring Hartford — and strategic planning. Results included a 50 percent increase in enrollment, the development of $1 million annual financial assistance program to support a more diverse student body, a successful $5 million capital campaign for repairs and improvements, and the establishment of budget planning procedures and controls that yielded annual surpluses. Griffin was born and raised in Pawtucket, R.I., and earned his bachelor’s degree in English from Providence College, a master’s in Religious Studies from St. Joseph College, and a doctorate in Educational Administration from the University of Connecticut in 1993. He is married and is the father and grandfather of two.

June 17, 2011


The Anchor

School principal receives inspiration from ‘tuition angel’ By Kenneth J. Souza Anchor Staff

FALL RIVER — Although she’s been principal of SS. Peter and Paul’s School in Fall River for more than three decades, Kathleen Burt appreciates that there’s someone above administering the master plan. Burt was reminded of this important lesson firsthand recently while attending a daylong workshop about the new changes to the Roman Missal in Taunton. “Because there was a funeral here that morning, I was a little late,” Burt said. “They had saved me a place at a table where everyone sitting there was either a parishioner or a staff member except for this one stranger. As the day progressed, anytime we had a break we ended up chatting about what we do and how things are going.” After confessing some of her worries and concerns about families that were struggling to keep their children in SS. Peter and Paul’s School while tuition costs were forcing others to send them to public schools, Burt said she must have made an impression on her new friend. At the end of the conference the woman put a check in her hand for $1,700 to cover the cost of a half-year’s tuition for one student. What’s more amazing is this generous benefactor — who Burt dubbed her “tuition angel” — lived in New Jersey and was visiting her parents on Cape Cod at the time, so she didn’t know anything about Burt or SS. Peter and Paul’s School prior to that meeting. “She told me she thought

there was a reason she was called to sit at that table with me that day,” Burt said. “She said it was my passion and my belief in my mission here at the school that made her want to help.” Burt’s newfound friend and tuition angel — a woman named Anne Camille Talley — provided more than just financial support. She also encouraged Burt to share her story with others and seek out similar tuition angels. “She told me there has to be other people like herself who believe in Catholic education and want to help out,” Burt said. “Even more than what she gave me financially, she gave me the confidence to go out and share my story with other potential donors.” “We both felt that answering God’s call in our lives means listening for the subtle ways that He speaks to us, as in the serendipity of sitting together that day,” said Talley, who herself is the product of 21 years of Catholic education, culminating with a master’s degree from Boston College. “I felt in meeting Kathleen Burt that day, that the Good Lord was offering me a chance to have some positive and more direct impact on kids whose parents want them to have the gift of a Catholic education,” she added. “Thus, it seemed only right, when she told me she had lots of kids whose parents could not afford the whole tuition, to write her a check on the spot for half of one child’s tuition and ask her to use it as she would to help a family.” Having previously been a longtime donor to the Catholic Schools Foundation in the

This week in 50 years ago — Msgr. Louis E. Prevost, pastor of St. Joseph’s Parish, New Bedford, observed the Golden Jubilee of his ordination and First Solemn Mass by celebrating a Solemn High Mass in the church. He was assisted by Father Louis R. Boivin and Father Roland Bousquet. 25 years ago — Anchor Editor Father John F. Moore took first place for best editorial in the annual Catholic Press Association competition. The winning editorial appeared in the March 22, 1985 issue of The Anchor and was titled “Oh, No, Not Mainstream!”

Boston area, Talley was already an ardent supporter; so it made sense that she would be empathetic with Burt’s own passion and commitment to her mission. “Kathy is so smart and engaging and feels so deeply her own call to lead her school through these troubled economic times,” Talley said. “You know all that about her if you’ve only spoken to her for a few minutes.” After receiving the unexpected donation from TalKathy Burt ley, Burt said she kept thinking about the generosity of her friend while driving home that night from the workshop. “I don’t know if she knew it, but she was the answer to my prayers,” she said. “It was like she was heavensent. But then, most angels usually are.” This bit of divine inspiration spawned the idea that other “tuition angels” just might be waiting in the wings, if you’ll pardon the pun. “I want to get the word out about how I was touched by an angel and hopefully get others to consider becoming a tuition angel,” Burt said. “I am looking for people who want to reach out to a specific family and assist them — whether it’s through a partial scholarship, a full scholarship, or whatever they can afford.” While Burt said there are already many great financial aid programs in place, like

Diocesan history 10 years ago — Bishop Sean P. O’Malley, OFM, Cap., issued a decree that Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and Sacred Heart Parish, both in Taunton, be merged into the new parish of the Annunciation of the Lord. One year ago — Students, faculty and staff members of Espirito Santo School in Fall River gathered in the school auditorium with local politicians and representatives of Portuguese-American organizations to celebrate the ongoing mission of the nation’s oldest Portuguese Catholic elementary school, kicking off its centennial year.

the diocesan St. Mary’s Education Fund, she feels people may want to have a more direct connection to a specific student or family they are helping through the tuition angels initiative. “The tuition angel will be given information about the child and family they are helping,” Burt said. “I have a list of families waiting for an angel. I tell them if I find them one, they’re more confident about sending their child here. And it can be just for a one-year commitment … we’re taking this one year at a time.” Playing off the angel theme, Burt said she’s ordering small shells known as “Angel Wings” to give to the donors as a symbol of their commitment to sponsor a student. “It’s kind of like that ‘Pay It Forward’ concept,” she said. “I’m looking for the heavenly host of folks who walk among us to play that role. Donors can remain anonymous if they choose to. But I’ve had some who want to encourage others by sharing their story. “In return, the only thing I ask of our students is that they pray for their tuition angels. I think prayer is the most powerful thing we can give to each other.” Talley said she knows she

wouldn’t have been as successful if it weren’t for the values and knowledge she acquired through her Catholic education, and she’s proud to be able to give a little of that back. “My career in global pharmaceutical market research allows me to live in harmony with my Catholic values,” Talley said. “Still, I feel a longing to have a more direct impact in doing God’s work, using the gifts I have.” Burt said she hopes the tuition angel idea might catch on in other Catholic schools as a means of providing additional aid to students. “But I can’t take the credit, it’s divine inspiration,” Burt said. “I have been so moved by Anne’s generosity.” “I guess the real message here is about faith,” Burt added. “We don’t often tell our story well enough in Catholic schools. We’re a tool of evangelization and it’s here that we plant the seeds of faith. God has given me the gift of seeing parents return with their children to the same place where they were nurtured in the faith. It’s been a wonderful gift … and I’m trying to let people know we need to continue the legacy of 80-plus years of Catholic education here for those who want it.”

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Youth Pages


strong roots — The graduates of Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro recently carried out the tradition of planting and dedicating a tree on campus in honor of its class. Feehan chaplain, Father David Costa, said a blessing and senior Kaitlin Hill gave a touching speech to her fellow graduates. “I don’t just see a tree, I see so much more than that,” she said as she continued to list off the mental images she had of so many moments she shared with so many classmates during her four years at Feehan. Pictured is the class of 2011 during the tree dedication ceremony.

June 17, 2011

going in circles — Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth recently held its 49th commencement for 188 members of the Class of 2011. Class officers lead the Circle of Friends cap toss, from left: Mackenzie Roderick, vice president; Charles Cai, secretary; Corey Krajewski, president; and Daniel Vaccaro, treasurer.

SPACE INVADERS — The grade-six students at Holy Name School in Fall River recently completed their study of the solar system. Pictured are students and the projects they created.

The Anchor is always pleased to run news and photos about our diocesan youth. If schools or parish Religious Education programs, have newsworthy stories and photos they would like to share with our readers, send them to: schools@anchornews.org

answering the bell — Students from St. Mary’s School in Mansfield raised more than $2,200 to benefit the School Bell Project. Funds raised will be sent to Honduras to provide school supplies for children. With the students is Mgsr. Stephen J. Avila, pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Mansfield.

June 17, 2011


e take so many things for granted that we accept them as second nature. No thought or reason is required. It just is and then we move on. Sometimes, however, this complacent way of thinking can keep us out of touch with reality. I think our biggest fault in taking things for granted lies with our not being grateful. G.K. Chesterton said it best, “When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.” Are you in awe of a new day when you wake up and see the sun shining, birds chirping and nature revealing its simple beauty? You should be, because you have been blessed with another day of life. Live it to the fullest. Don’t just expect something to be available all the time and forget that you are blessed, or lucky, to have it. Be grateful to the Lord for all that is — all of it comes from Him.

Youth Pages Get used to it

When we fail to appreciate the cause He wants what’s best for value of something, like clean us and to love us. Maybe we just water, or something as true need to accept the reality that without questioning or testing it, the Lord will never abandon us or taking it for granted that your and will guide us along the right parents want you better off than paths. I can get used to that! they are, then we become out of touch with reality. If you allow the Lord to be involved in every aspect of your life, complacency becomes minimal. It all By Ozzie Pacheco starts with the knowing that the Lord is there and to be grateful for His companionship. The Lord does not hide from A few weeks ago I received us in our time of need. But an email from a friend. It made neither does the Lord close His my day, if only to remind me eyes when we do wrong or take that the Lord is always near. things for granted. We may not A mother was concerned think twice about our sinful acts about her kindergarten son because our minds may have walking to school. He didn’t accepted that no one is watching want his mother to walk with and no one will know, so it’s OK him. She wanted to give him to do it. First of all, there’s noth- the feeling that he had some ing OK about sinning. The Lord independence but yet know that is always watching, but only be- he was safe. She had an idea

Be Not Afraid

17 of how to handle it. She asked a neighbor if she would please follow him to school in the mornings, staying at a distance, so he probably wouldn’t notice her. The neighbor said that since she was up early with her toddler anyway, it would be a good way for them to get some exercise as well, so she agreed. The next school day, the neighbor and her little girl set out following behind Timmy as he walked to school with another neighbor girl he knew. She did this for the whole week. As the two walked and chatted, kicking stones and twigs, Timmy’s little friend noticed the same lady was following them as she seemed to do every day all week. Finally she said to Timmy, “Have you noticed that lady following us to school all week? Do you know her?’” Timmy nonchalantly replied, “Yeah, I know who she is.” The little girl said, “Well,

who is she?” “That’s just Shirley Goodnest,” Timmy replied, “and her daughter Marcy.” “Shirley Goodnest? Who the heck is she and why is she following us?” “Well,” Timmy explained, “every night my mum makes me say Psalm 23 with my prayers, ’cuz she worries about me so much. And in the Psalm, it says, ‘Shirley Goodnest and Marcy shall follow me all the days of my life,’ so I guess I’ll just have to get used to it!” Ah! The beautiful mind of a child. I know you smiled! I sure did. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; may the Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace. May Shirley Goodnest and Marcy be with you today and always. Ozzie Pacheco is Faith Formation director at Santo Christo Parish, Fall River.

Musical about Blessed JP II kicks off

HATS OFF TO US — The first-ever graduating class of Pope John Paul II High School in Hyannis celebrates in front of a statue of its patron. (Photo by Kathleen Szmit/Barnstable Patriot)

milestone class — The Coyle and Cassidy High School Class of 2011 recently received diplomas at the 100th graduation of Coyle and Cassidy High School. Bishop George W. Coleman, diocesan Superintendent of Schools, Dr. George Milot and numerous area dignitaries were in attendance. From left: Milot, Valedictorian James Anderson, Bishop Coleman, Salutatorian Connor Sullivan, President Dr. Mary Patricia Tranter, and Principal Robert Gay.

WASHINGTON (CNS) — “Fear Not,” the musical prepared for World Youth Day about the life of Blessed Pope John Paul II, is touring Spanish dioceses in the days leading up to event. The musical covers the early years of Karol Wojtyla, the young boy growing up in Poland who became the first Polish pope. It discusses his love for theater, college years, love for his family and friends, experience during World War II and career as a college professor. The show culminates with his election as pope in 1978. Through music, dance and spoken word the musical is designed to attract young audiences and teach them about Blessed John Paul’s rise to the priesthood and inauguration as pope. It also shares messages of

hope, faith and love. The original script was written by Spanish journalist Agueda Lucas, and several musicians collaborated on the musical score. Father Jose Antonio Fernandez, a retired priest from the Diocese of Bridgeport, Conn., is the project manager. The cast includes more than 70 actors, actresses, musicians and dancers who perform 13 songs during the musical as well as the official World Youth Day song, “Strong in Faith.” The trailer for the show has already received more than 2,000 hits on Gloria.tv, the Catholic video website, and hundreds of views on YouTube. The final performance will be in the Madrid Arena August 17, during World Youth Day.


The Anchor

June 17, 2011

Diocesan pilgrims prepare for WYD

‘Bathroom Bill’ debated at the State House

Ministry for the Fall River Diocese. “Having attended my first World Youth Day in Sydney three years ago, I was awestruck at the instant community felt among so many cultures that can only be represented by the richness of our Catholic faith and tradition.” Medeiros will be joining Claire McManus, director of the diocesan Office of Faith Formation, along with a small group from St. Mary’s Parish in Mansfield and Sacred Heart Parish in Fall River on the pilgrimage to Madrid. “We’re very excited,” said Cynthia Gamache, who will be chaperoning two young people from Sacred Heart Parish. “I think it’s going to be a lifechanging experience for all of us. I’m very excited to be in the pope’s presence and I look forward to sharing this experience with our parish and our Faith Formation students when I get back.” Gamache, who also serves as the parish’s Faith Formation director, explained how her pastor, Father Raymond Cambra, watched televised coverage of the last World Youth Day in Australia and asked parishioners to pledge to support at least two youths to attend the next gathering. “Father Cambra told everyone that it would be a fantastic experience for some of our youths to participate in,” Gamache said. “Since then, whenever there wasn’t a second collection during the month, we’d have a collection to support the World Youth Day effort.” Although there were initially six parish youths who applied to go on the pilgrimage, Gamache said the group was pared down to three due to financial constraints and then one backed out so only two will be attending WYD 2011. “The parishioners really just rallied around this cause and were determined to follow through with the pledge Father Cambra had made to send two from our parish,” Gamache said. Gamache added that she and the two college freshmen — Marissa Matton and David Rak — will each be carrying books of intentions with them in their backpacks on the pilgrimage to World Youth Day and she encouraged people to stop by Sacred Heart Church in Fall River to write in their own personal intentions. Thirty-one members of the Youth Group at St. Anthony of Padua Parish in New Bedford

er legislators support the bill this year. The number dropped from 104 to 68. This month, the Connecticut Congress approved a transgender rights bill that the governor has promised to sign into law. That would make Massachusetts and New Hampshire the only New England states without such a provision. A total of 15 states have passed similar legislation. Attorney General Martha Coakley testified at the most recent Massachusetts hearing, saying that opponents of the bill “have attempted to stoke fears.” She called the bill the “next important step in our civil rights laws.” “Today, you are presented with yet another opportunity to affirm the basic rights of our residents,” Coakley told the committee. “Each month, our office receives complaints from people who have been discriminated against or who have been subjected to violence because

continued from page one

and their chaperones will also be embarking on the WYD 2011 pilgrimage to Madrid in August. They will visiting Fatima, Santiago de Compostela and other Christian shrines along the way. Among them will be parishioner Darius Haghighat. “I’m very excited to be attending World Youth Day,” Haghighat said. “There’s a lot to take in but I’m mostly looking forward to seeing another country and deepening my faith with a lot of close friends.” Haghighat said the members of the parish Youth Group had all been talking about attending World Youth Day for some time and began fund-raising efforts more than a year ago. “There are so many things on the itinerary that I’m excited about attending,” Haghighat said. “There’s the Papal Mass and I’m excited just to see so many of the beautiful churches over there.” Haghighat said that he and other members of his group plan to take plenty of photos during the trip and will also be updating their progress via their Youth Group blog online at www.saintanthonyyouthgroup.blogspot.com. There is also a contingent of 21 pilgrims and chaperones from St. Patrick’s Parish in Wareham who will be accompanied by Father Ron Floyd. “The members of the youth group are so excited to go. We’ve been preparing for three years and they can’t wait to get to Madrid.” Father Floyd mentioned that they will also visit Fatima and Lisbon on the pilgrimage. “I really hope that the pilgrimage will deepen their faith as they see a universal Catholic culture as it could be, as hundreds of thousands of their peers from around the world allow their faith to shine publicly with joy.” Crystal Medeiros said her hope is likewise that the young pilgrims of the diocese grow as disciples and apostles. “It is my fervent hope and prayer that the participants of this year’s World Youth Day come to know Jesus more intimately — or in some cases come to meet Him for the first time,” Medeiros added. “But we must all remember that our World Youth Day experience doesn’t end when we board the plane home from Madrid; rather we all need to come back and share our experiences with others in the hopes of bringing others into a closer relationship with Christ.”

continued from page one

they are transgender. The harm to these victims is clear, but the remedy hasn’t been.” An editorial in Bay Windows, a GLBT newspaper based in Boston, the day before the hearing said the bill would help 33,000 transgender Massachusetts residents and “save lives.” The editorial’s author, Sue O’Connell, cited a survey of 6,500 transgender people by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task force that found that 41 percent of respondents reported attempting suicide. The rate for the general population is 1.6 percent. Sarah Allis Yang, who spent 19 years living as a man, said in her submitted testimony that the suicide rate, however, flows from things inside a person that need to change, not things outside. “I became suicidal, not because of societal pressures or lack of understanding or acceptance from others, but because I personally didn’t want to live this way because it was

Around the Diocese 6/21

Our Lady of the Cape Parish will be hosting a six-week series, “Reading the Land — Digging the Bible — Jesus and His Geographical and Historical Jewish Context,” presented by Father Flavio Gillio, S.J. from June 21-28 at the parish center 468 Stony Brook Road, Brewster. Father Flavio is a biblical scholar residing in Jerusalem. He holds degrees in Bible languages and archeology and he speaks six languages, including Hebrew. The six presentations will be held Tuesday mornings at 9:30 and repeated at 7 p.m. The first session on June 21 is “Introducing Jesus — A Jew of His times: Jewish trends and movements in first-century Israel.” On Thursday evenings, Father Flavio will present a series of five award-winning films dealing with contemporary life in Israel. Discussions will follow. All are invited. for information on either series, email: ourladyofthecape@yahoo.com or call 508-385-3252.


The fourth annual Summer Catholic Reflections Series sponsored by St. Anthony’s Parish, East Falmouth; Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville; and hosting parish Christ The King in Mashpee will begin June 21 at 7 p.m with Father Robin Ryan speaking on “Prayer in Times of Suffering.” Father Ryan is the vice-provincial of the Passionist Congregation in the eastern United States and has taught systematic theology at St. John’s Seminary in Boston and at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. For directions and more information visit www.christthekingparish.com.


The Pro-Life Prayer Groups of Holy Trinity and Holy Redeemer parishes will host a Holy Hour June 22 following the 9 a.m. Mass at Holy Trinity Church, Route 28, West Harwich. The Rosary and Pro-Life prayers will be recited followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.


St. Vincent’s Home’s third annual Kick-Off To Summer Celebration will take place June 24 from 6 to 11 p.m. on the deck of the Battleship Massachusetts in Fall River. The event includes complimentary beer and wine, cash bar, gourmet food stations, silent and live auctions as well as music and dancing to the World Premier Band. The celebration benefits the youth in St. Vincent’s Life Skills Program who are transitioning to independent living and young adulthood. For information contact Melissa Dick at 508-235-3228.


On June 25 Sacred Heart Parish in Fall River will be sponsoring a World Youth Day fund-raiser to Foxwoods Casino. The money raised will help support three pilgrims who will be attending World Youth Day in August. The group will meet in the church parking at 1:30 p.m. and the bus will leave at 2 p.m. and return at 10 p.m. For tickets or more information, contact Cyndi Gamache at 508-725-1110.


SS. Peter and Paul Parish at Holy Cross Church, 47 Pulaski Street, Fall River will be celebrating a Healing and Anointing Mass at the 4 p.m. Liturgy on June 25. The church will also host exposition of the Blessed Sacrament immediately following the 10:30 a.m. Mass on June 26 in observance of the Feast of Corpus Christi and in honor of its patron saints. Benediction will be offered at 2 p.m. For more information call the parish office at 508-676-8463.


Mount Saint Mary Academy, Fall River, will be holding a 50th reunion for the Class of 1961 on June 26. If you would like to attend or have any information on the following classmates: Barbara Arruda, Louise Perry, Judith Gorman, Nancy Souza, or Nancy Turner, contact Cornelia Harrington Burgmyer at 508-674-4382 or Mary Doucet at 508-674-6573.


The Feast of Corpus Christi will be celebrated June 26 with a Solemn Procession beginning at 2 p.m. from Our Lady’s Chapel, 600 Pleasant Street, New Bedford. The Blessed Sacrament will be processed to three church stations for Benediction: Our Lady of Purgatory, St. Lawrence Martyr and St. John the Baptist. During the procession, the Rosary will be recited and songs will be sung. Vans will be available during the procession for handicap use and all are invited to a buffet reception following the final Benediction at Our Lady’s Chapel. For more information call 508-9968274.

a detrimental and painful lifestyle and no one offered me any other choice or option but to be this way.” Yang said she felt helpless and depressed until God came into her life. Now she accepts herself “for who I really am, a woman.” Transgender rights bills, she said, “promote gender confusion.” Yang is from California where she recently testified on another transgender rights bill. A psychologist who testified against the bill, David Stormberg, noted that the American Psychological Association lists transgenderism as a mental disorder. Gender Identity Disorder is a condition that those who suffer from it do not deserve. “We treat such persons if they come to us, validating that they suffer and that there is hope. This bill suggests that there is no disorder and therefore undercuts any hope for healing that someone with this trouble might have,” he said. The bill would abolish any legal recognition of objective gender and make it purely subjective, he added. The testimony of the four bishops of Massachusetts was submitted by James F. Driscoll, executive director of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference. “Given the destabilizing objective of the campaign for ‘gender self-determination,’ it is not surprising that the bill now before this committee was intentionally drafted broadly,” the testimony said. “An individual would be legally empowered to pose as both a man and a woman at different times or at the same time, and for any length of time, however short in duration.” Opponents of the bill worry that it could be used as an excuse by predators because it would make it legal for men to enter women’s rest rooms. Rep. Lombardo testified, “The assumption that, as a father, when you send your daughter into a public rest room with the expectation that she will not encounter men while she is at her most vulnerable state, would be gone.” An additional concern about the bill is that one effect may be schools teaching transgenderism. Mineau of MFI called that a “frightening and confusing subject” for young children. In May, a representative from a group called Gender Spectrum, taught students at an Oakland, Calif. grade school that, “People can be girls, feel like girls. They can feel like boys. They can feel like both, and they can even feel, like I said, kinda like neither.” Opponents of the Bathroom Bill urge citizens to call their legislators to voice their opposition and sign a petition against the bill at www. nobathroombill.com

June 17, 2011

Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese

Acushnet — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Francis Xavier Parish on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Saturdays 8 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays end with Evening Prayer and Benediction at 6:30 p.m.; Saturdays end with Benediction at 2:45 p.m. ATTLEBORO — St. Joseph Church holds eucharistic adoration in the Adoration Chapel located at the (south) side entrance at 208 South Main Street, Sunday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Brewster — Eucharistic adoration takes place in the La Salette Chapel in the lower level of Our Lady of the Cape Church, 468 Stony Brook Road, on First Fridays following the 11 a.m. Mass until 7:45 a.m. on the First Saturday, concluding with Benediction and Mass. buzzards Bay — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Margaret Church, 141 Main Street, every first Friday after the 8 a.m. Mass and ending the following day before the 8 a.m. Mass. East Freetown — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. John Neumann Church every Monday (excluding legal holidays) 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Our Lady, Mother of All Nations Chapel. (The base of the bell tower). East Sandwich — Eucharistic adoration takes place at the Corpus Christi Parish Adoration Chapel, 324 Quaker Meeting House Road, Monday through Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday, 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. Also, 24-hour eucharistic adoration takes place on the First Friday of every month with Benediction at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning. EAST TAUNTON — Eucharistic adoration takes place in the chapel at Holy Family Parish Center, 438 Middleboro Avenue, Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. On First Fridays, eucharistic adoration takes place at Holy Family Church, 370 Middleboro Avenue, following the 8 a.m. Mass until Benediction at 8 p.m. FAIRHAVEN — St. Mary’s Church, Main St., has eucharistic adoration every Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to noon in the Chapel of Reconciliation, with Benediction at noon. Also, there is a First Friday Mass each month at 7 p.m., followed by a Holy Hour with eucharistic adoration. Refreshments follow. Fall River — Espirito Santo Parish, 311 Alden Street, Fall River. Eucharistic adoration on Mondays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass until Rosary and Benediction at 6:30 p.m.

FALL RIVER — Notre Dame Church, 529 Eastern Ave., has eucharistic adoration on Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the chapel. FALL RIVER — St. Anthony of the Desert Church, 300 North Eastern Avenue, has eucharistic adoration Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. FALL RIVER — Holy Name Church, 709 Hanover Street, has eucharistic adoration Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Our Lady of Grace Chapel. FALL RIVER — Good Shepherd Parish has eucharistic adoration every Friday following the 8 a.m. Mass until 6 p.m. in the Daily Mass Chapel. There is a bilingual Holy Hour in English and Portuguese from 5-6 p.m. Park behind the church and enter the back door of the connector between the church and the rectory. Falmouth — St. Patrick’s Church has eucharistic adoration each First Friday, following the 9 a.m. Mass until Benediction at 4:30 p.m. The Rosary is recited Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. HYANNIS — A Holy Hour with eucharistic adoration will take place each First Friday at St. Francis Xavier Church, 347 South Street, beginning immediately after the 12:10 p.m. Mass and ending with adoration at 4 p.m. MASHPEE — Christ the King Parish, Route 151 and Job’s Fishing Road has 8:30 a.m. Mass every First Friday with special intentions for Respect Life, followed by 24 hours of eucharistic adoration in the Chapel, concluding with Benediction Saturday morning followed immediately by an 8:30 Mass. NEW BEDFORD — Eucharistic adoration takes place 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 233 County Street, with night prayer and Benediction at 8:45 p.m., and Confessions offered during the evening. NEW BEDFORD — There is a daily holy hour from 5:15-6:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday at St. Anthony of Padua Church, 1359 Acushnet Avenue. It includes adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Liturgy of the Hours, recitation of the Rosary, and the opportunity for Confession. NORTH DARTMOUTH — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Julie Billiart Church, 494 Slocum Road, every Tuesday from 7 to 8 p.m., ending with Benediction. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available at this time.

NORTH DIGHTON — Eucharistic adoration takes place every First Friday at St. Nicholas of Myra Church, 499 Spring Street following the 8 a.m. Mass, ending with Benediction at 6 p.m. The Rosary is recited Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 8 a.m. OSTERVILLE — Eucharistic adoration takes place at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, 76 Wianno Avenue on First Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and every Friday from noon to 5 p.m., with Benediction at 5 p.m. SEEKONK ­— Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish has eucharistic adoration seven days a week, 24 hours a day in the chapel at 984 Taunton Avenue. For information call 508-336-5549. Taunton — Eucharistic adoration takes place every Tuesday at St. Anthony Church, 126 School Street, following the 8 a.m. Mass with prayers including the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for vocations, concluding at 6 p.m. with Chaplet of St. Anthony and Benediction. Recitation of the Rosary for peace is prayed Monday through Saturday at 7:30 a.m. prior to the 8 a.m. Mass. WAREHAM — Adoration with opportunities for private and formal prayer is offered on the First Friday of each month from 8:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Church, High Street. The Prayer Schedule is as follows: 7:30 a.m. the Rosary; 8 a.m. Mass; 8:30 a.m. exposition and Morning Prayer; 12 p.m. the Angelus; 3 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet; 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer; 7 p.m. Sacrament of Confession; 8 p.m. Benediction. WEST HARWICH — Our Lady of Life Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Holy Trinity Parish, 246 Main Street (Rte. 28), holds perpetual eucharistic adoration. We are a regional chapel serving all of the surrounding parishes. All from other parishes are invited to sign up to cover open hours. For open hours, or to sign up call 508-430-4716. WOODS HOLE — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Joseph’s Church, 33 Millfield Street, year-round on weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. No adoration on Sundays, Wednesdays, and holidays. For information call 508-274-5435.


The Anchor Brother Raymond Berube, FIC

ALFRED, Maine — Brother Raymond A. Berube, 76, died June 8 at Varney Crossing where he had been a resident since 2008 after developing Alzheimer’s disease. Brother Raymond was born in Fall River, Aug. 5, 1934, a son of Albert and Yvonne (Carigan) Berube. He entered the juniorate of the Brothers of Christian Instruction at Alfred on June 22, 1949, and the novitiate of the Brothers at Oka, Quebec, Canada on Aug. 15, 1952. He made his perpetual profession on Aug. 15, 1958 and spent 58 years in religious life. In 1961, he graduated from LaMennais College with a BA in science

and math. Brother Raymond taught in several schools including St. Peter’s Elementary School in Plattsburgh, N.Y.; St. Louis High School in Biddeford, Maine; Mount Assumption Institute in Plattsburgh, Maine; Msgr. Prevost Brother High School in Raymond Fall River; DeBerube, FIC troit Cathedral High School in Detroit, Mich.; Seychelles College in the Seychelles Islands and Bukumi Secondary School

in Uganda. He also had a varied maintenance career which he enjoyed, mostly in the orchards at Notre Dame Institute in Alfred; Nome, Alaska; and as assistant campus manager at Walsh College in Canton, Ohio. Later in life he devoted time in pastoral work as a Pastoral Associate. In his retirement, he pursued with great enthusiasm his family’s genealogy which resulted in more than 4,500 entries. Survivors include a brother, George Berube of Leominster, Mass., and many nieces and nephews. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated June 11 at the chapel in Alfred.

Joseph Oliveira, father of Father John J. Oliveira

TAUNTON — Joseph Oliveira, 87, of Taunton, died on June 9, 2011 at Marian Manor. He was the husband of the late

In Your Prayers Please pray for these priests during the coming weeks June 18 Most Rev. William B. Tyler, First Bishop of Hartford, Founder of the Sandwich Mission, 1849 Rev. James M. Coffey, P.R., Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton, 1935 Rev. Declan Daly, SS.CC., Associate Pastor, St. Joseph, Fairhaven, 1984 Rev. Henri Laporte, O.P., Former Pastor, St. Anne, Fall River, 1992 June 19 Rev. Hormisdas Deslauriers, Founder, St. Anthony, New Bedford, 1916 June 20 Rt. Rev. Msgr. James Coyle, P.R., LL.D., Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton, 1931 June 21 Rev. Owen F. Clarke, Former Assistant, St. Mary, Fall River, 1918 Rev. Desire V. Delemarre, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River, 1926 Rev. George A. Meade, Chaplain, St. Mary’s Home, New Bedford, 1949 Rev. Francis D. Callahan, Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham, 1948 Rev. Clement Killgoar, SS.CC., Pastor, St. Anthony, Mattapoisett, 1964 Rev. David A. O’Brien, Retired Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River, 1976 June 22 Rev. Alexander Zichello, Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford, 1977 June 23 Rev. Finbarr B. McAloon, SS.CC., Retired Pastor, Holy Trinity, West Harwich, 1980 Rev. George Wichland, CSSR, St. Wenceslaus Church, Baltimore, Md., 1992 June 24 Rev. Bernard F. McCahill, Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River, 1907

Alice P. (Simmons) Oliveira, and son of the late John and Antonia (Martins) Oliveira. He was born in Fall River, and lived in Taunton since 1948. He is survived by his two sons, Father John J. Oliveira, pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. John the Baptist parishes in New Bedford, and James P. Oliveira of North Dighton. He was predeceased by his brother, Frank Oliveira and his sisters, Helen Oliveira, Alice Oliveira and Cecilia (Oliveira) O’Leary. A veteran of World War II, he served in the Marine Corps and was a retired patrolman of the Taunton Police Department.

He was a communicant of St. Andrew the Apostle Parish and a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. He was also a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Italian Social Club and the Tahanto Associates. His funeral was held June 14 at St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Taunton. Donations may be made to the Chapel Fund of Marian Manor, 33 Summer Street, Taunton or the St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Andrew the Apostle Church, 19 Kilmer Avenue, Taunton. Arrangements were handled by Silva Funeral Home in Taunton.


The Anchor

June 17, 2011

Cape summer gala to benefit St. Mary’s Education Fund

MASHPEE — The annual St. Mary’s Education Fund Summer Gala on Cape Cod is set this year for July 15, at the Willowbend Country Club in Mashpee. Proceeds from this evening of food, music and merriment benefit the St. Mary’s Education Fund, which provides need-based scholarships to children attending Catholic elementary and middle schools on Cape Cod and throughout southeastern Massachusetts. The Summer Gala will feature

a delicious multi-course dinner, silent and live auctions with fantastic prizes, and music and dancing by the Frank Zarba Orchestra. A 6 p.m. cocktail reception will begin the festivities. In his letter of invitation to supporters, Fall River Bishop George W. Coleman noted how during these challenging economic times it is important “to strive even more to assist our schools in meeting the continually rising costs in order for them to remain financially

self-sufficient.” He pointed out that each year the need becomes even greater to be able to provide for an increase in the number and amount of scholarships available to help keep a Catholic education within the financial reach of area students and families. In the 2010-2011 academic year alone, the St. Mary’s Education Fund provided $610,000 in partial tuition aid to more than 740 students in Catholic schools throughout the Fall River Diocese

including those on Cape Cod. The St. Mary’s Education Fund Summer Gala was first held in 1998 and has become an anticipated seasonal event on Cape Cod and an important source of financial support for the fund. The 2011 Gala is being chaired

by Chatham resident Roy Jarrett, who will serve as the evening’s master of ceremonies. For ticket information and further details please contact Jane Robin at 508-759-3566 or by email at jrondelli@comcast. net

To advertise in The Anchor, contact Wayne Powers at 508-675-7151 or Email waynepowers@anchornews.org

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