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The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Fall River,


Vot 15, No. 24

Thursday, June ]7, 1911

漏 1971 The Anchor

PRICE 10垄 $4.00 per year

Cardinal Says U~ S. Bishops Well Prepared for 'Synod' PHILADELPHIA (NC) -, The Cooke of New York, Cardinal four American delegates to Sep- John Cody of Chicago, Archbishtember's Synod of Bishops in op Timothy Manning of Los An'a Rome{ will be in a position to geles and Archbishop Joseph Mcmake a unique contribution to Gucken of San Francisco. the international gathering, acRegarding the second major cording to Cardinal John Krol topic to be discussed' at the .- - of Philadelphia. Synod of Bishops, world peace He spoke in a television inter- and justice, Archbishop Mcview taped for broadcast here Gucken said the surveys of on Sunday. Other cities will tele- . American priests showed that cast the program later at vari- American bishops are ahead of ous times. Cardinal Krol said both the clergy and laity in their that ~he multi-faceted study of concern about domestic poverty, AmerIcan priests which was re- racial justice and justi,ce to the ported to the bishops at their nations of the Third World of April meeting in Detroit will developing nations. provide valuable source material Discussing the, question of for the synod's discussion of the priestly celibacy, Cardinal Cooke priesthood; one of the two main said that celibacy is a reminder that the priest is "not- his own topics of the meeting. Cardinal Krol, one of the four man," that he is "called by God." Cardinal Krol stated that the delegates selected by the American bishops to represent them at requirement of celibacy is evi, the Rome meeting, was chairman dently not an obstacle to vocaof the committee which super- tions since, in the Orthodox vised the sociological, psycho- churches which have married logical, historical, theological priests, the ratio of priests to and spiritual surveys under the people is one to 2,200, while in sponsorship pf the :American the Latin 'rite of the Catholic bishops. Church the ratio of priests to In the telecast. taped by' De- people is one to 700. troit's WXYZ-TV during the Discussing progress in th~ April meeting for Summer show- Church, Cardinal Cooke said: ing in cities throughout路 the "The more people are motiUnited States, Cardinal Krol was vated to take an active part, the joined by Cardinal Terence' Turn to Page Two

BISHOP AT COYLE GRADUATION: Bishop Cronin, with seniors William M. McCaffrey and Gold Medalist Peter. Masi, hear Brother Richard Kiniry, CS~, the 'school principal, right, describe the yearbook. .

Deepen Faith, Personal ity For Seminary Spirituality ST. MEINRAD (NC)-How do you.go about the spiritual formation of today's seminarianstomorrow's priests-at a time when notions about both "spirituality" and "formation" are changing drastically? The search for answers to that question brought 150 men from seminaries throughout the country together for the first national conference for seminary spiritual directors.

Sixty dioceses, 30 religious communities and 11 0 seminaries were represented to dialogue with several bishops, a number of seminarians and a sprinkling of lay and Religious observers. ,The week-long' meeting pro-, duced no one answer but there were plenty of ideas. , One' theme running throughout the conference was the relationship of contemporary behavioral sciences to spiritual for-

mation. "You'll never deepen a man's faith without deepening his spirituality," it emphasized.' Rev. Eugene Kennedy, 'M.M., psychologist at Loyola University in Chicago, hammered away at the idea of integral development of personality-particularly through relationships with others -as the ideal ~otmation. Rev. Edwardo Malatesta, S.J., Turn to Page Seventeen

Special Service Tom'orrow For Sacred Heart Feast In reparation for the路 sins of gregation of the Sacred Hearts the world and for a return to a of Fairhaven, Mass., will be sponpeaceful way of life, the "Men soring a special, religious' proof the Sacred Hearts:' a lay apos- ,gram at the Sacred' Hearts tolate group working with the Church, Fairhaven, on Thursday Fathers and Brothers of the Con- Evening June 17, at 7 o'clock. The program will consist of a procession of the "Men of the Sacred Hearts" with the Pilgrim Virgin (an exact replica of Our Lady) and the Sacred Hearts, as a family reparation. A Concelebrated Mass on this, the Vigil of the Feast of the Sather a religious and ecclesial cred Heart will foIlow with the reading of the Bible. Fortunately, foIlowing clergy participating: The Very Rev. Provincial of there is plenty of choice with three good and approved anno- the Eastern Province of the Contated Bibles. . gregation of the Sacred Hearts, The Jerusalem Bible and The Fintan D. Sheeran, SS.CC., prin, New American Bible are equip- cipal celebrant; . Rt, Rev. Msgr. John T. Cox, ped with notes prepared by pastor of St. Peters Church, WarCatholic !icholars. The Oxford 'Annotated Bible, which uses as Wick, R. I., homilist; Rev: Frederick C. LaBrecque, text the Revised Standard Version, was granted an imprimatur SS.CC. acting pastor of Sacred several years ago by the late Hearts Church, Fairhaven; Rev. Aurele Pepin, SS.CC. pasthen Cardinal Cushing. To gain tor of St. Francis Xavier Church, the imprimatur, extre'melY slight Acushnet; changes were made in a handful Rev. Matthew Sullivan, SS. . of notes, thus illustrating the CC. of. St. Joseph's Church Fairconsensus among biblical scholhaven; ars of all the Christian faiths. In Rev. Cosmas Chaloner, SS.CC., ,. effect, the Catholic, is free. to chaplain. of the Sacred Hearts read any of the modern transAcademy of Fairhaven. lations in their annotated or un'A Meditation Talk will then annotated forms. be given by Rev, Matthew SulLet us now review briefly the livan, SS.CC., formerly National various Bibles and see how they Director of the Enthronement Turn to Page Two Tum to Page Four

Modern Bible Translations Available to Americans I'

BY RICHARD J. CLIFFORD, S.J: Father Richard Clifford is a member of the Society of Jesus, and a professor of Old Testament at the Weston Col~ 'ege School of Theology, Cambridge. The publication last September of The New American Bible, the work of American Catholic Scholars under the sponsorship of the Bishops' Committtee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, brought 'to five the number of modern EngHsh translations of the entire Bible. Each of the Bibles comes in a variety of bindings and formats and some have notes and introductory articles included. The New American Bible is published by 12 different publishers. Before such profusion, the prospective Bible reader finds himself confused. How do the

Bibles differ from one another? What are the, special features of each translation? Which Bible maya Catholic read? ,What Bible is best for me? A Catholic may read any accurate translation of the Bible. He can choose therefore from any of the new translations. The Church recommends that the Catholic read his Bible with notes that are designed to fur-

Rev. J. Normand L. Vaillancourt

New Direcl10r 'AI Shrine Rev. J.- Normand L. Vaillancourt, M.S., has been appointed superior of the community and shrine director at' La Salette; 'Attleboro it has been announced by Rev. Armand, M. Proulx, M.S., Provincial Superior of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Province. Father Vaillancourt joins the Attleboro community after serving in the religious studies deTurn to Page Seventeen



THE ANCHOR....,.DioCElse of Fall River--,.Thurs. Jun,e 17, 1971

Bible ·Translations'

Continued from Page One better that is for the progress of , the Church." Cardinal Krol emphasized that the existence of the Church's , varled'educatiOJlal and charitable , services' is due not to any taxing , power· on the part of the Church, but to the continued free will offerings of Cathlics. . "The Church," Cardinal Cooke declared, "is relevant and is ,getting more rel~vant every day." . . Role of Women' , The New York prelate gave as examples of the relevance pf the Church the Catholic teaching on .' war and peace, racial justice and the distribution of resources. Cardinal Krol mentioned the Church's devotion to the concept . of the self-determination of peo- , pies and the forward-looking. social .pronoun'cements 'of the American bishops after' World War 1. . On the role of women' in the Church, Cardinal Krol said that there is no groiJp of. women, , which exercises as much power· and responsibility as Sisters in ' -the Catholic Church. "If I.think the wily 1 do," Car; dinal 'Cooke said, "I ca~ than'k ~, the Sisters for it." Asked why a young man growing up today might want-to be a priest, Cardinal K~ol referred to the spiritual and apostolic opportunities of the priesthood 'and stated: ' . "No other group ot" men in the world has exposed itselt" to such an . 'X-ray' examination. Arid priest's have come up as well or better than any other group."

' Distinguished' French Roml!-n Continued 'from Page One ·differ from one another. We . Catholics had produced a splenought, to start with ,the least did French translation with comknown and the oldest; The Com- prehensive, ~otes during t,he '50s. . plete Bibl~: An American Bible In 1966, this French versionap; (Chicago: 'University: of Chicago peared in, English dress under Press, 1939). It was produced the, title The Jerusalem Bible.' d~ring the' '20s. a~d '30s ,by The notes were translated from North . American scholars, and the' French but the text was was the first Bible to empl,oy de- translated afresh from the origjIiberately the' American idiom in hal languages by British biblical prefere~ce to t~e solemn biblical scholars. The translation is thor.style ~hich had pr~vailed :until oughly British - an expansive, then. . somEl-times wordy style anQ' set Of the New Testament: trans-"", in the' British idiom; , lator, E. J. Goodspeed, Joh.n L. Following the ex~mple of the McKenzie has written, ':He was French edition the British scholthe. first .t~ break, .out;· of . the ars included i~ their group dischams of BIble EnglIsh, and he .. tinguished literary figures such not only broke out" he shattered. as Edward Sackville-West and' the chai,ns." All later American . J.R:R. TOlkien to revise the translators .have made use of. the' translation. The Bible, despite its HISTORIC MASS OF ORDINATION: Rev. Romualdo "Chicago Bible.... · Before the ap- - awkward size' offers the text in Gonzales, center, Who grew up on the east side of ILos p:arance of The ~ew American '~' single col~mn on the page Angeles, celebrated, Mass with Bishop Juan Arzube, right, BIble, Good~peed s. New Testa- which makes a much more at-· ment was. probably. tile best tractive book. The notes of The who ordained him in the California,city. The ceremony was trahslation available. It is still an Jehisalem .. Bible ,·are without the first ordination in the United States conducted in SpandoiJbtthe 'best notes of any 'of ish ~nd in the Mass the ordaining Bishop asked all to pray excellent translapon. , The. most WIdely used and the English Bibles, especially in th~t more. Mexica~ American youths become priests. NC m?st ,:enerable ofI?~der.n ~n- the Ola Testament. Enlightened Phot.o. ' ' I ' ' ghsh BIbles, ?y reas?n of. Its a~- 'Catholic exegesis is presented cestry of. great E~ghsh Blbles~ IS clearly and concisely, withtpe the Rey!sed. ~tandar? -VersIOn aid' of an 'elaborate system .of (RSV). . Ameflcan Protestant cross-reference. , scholars produced it in 1952 and The New' English Bible,' the since that time has bec,ome the work of British Protestant scholPROVIDENCE (NC>iAuxiliary' will be taken into consideration' standard Bible for most Protestants. In its anotated forrn, the' ars, was published in 1970. Un- Bishop Bernard Kelly: of Provi- by them in the future," the RSV is ',known as' The Oxford like the RSV, it is a totally new dence said June' 14 ~e had re- spokesman said. "In partiCUlar, ,Anno.tated Bible and contains translation: yet the translators signed from the prie~thood be- the Detroit meeting marked only' have retained "thou" and "thee" cause he sees "no hop~" of the the first step in what v.:iIl be an articles: indices and maps. The Revised' Standard Version in prayers and render all the American .hierarchy: updating exhaustive investigatio~. by the bishops of the findings and ,recis not 'a 'completeiy ,new tr~ns­ books of the Bible with a stately their attitudes and policies. "The bishops," he! told NC ommendation of their own study lation from, ,the original' Hebrew, style which the original text Aramaic,':and Greek. Rathel:", as. doesnl}t always have. It is with- News in a telephoner interview, of the priesthood, including those its name suggests, i~, is a version, out dou~t the most beautifully "are more concerned about inter- sections based on the behavioral' or revision "of older English printed and designed 'of all 'the nal trivial affairs thad the great- sciences.) ,Bishop 'Kelly said.h~ .W.as unBibles. the King Ja~es Bible of Bibles, on the market. Unfortu- est moral issue facing our counsuccessful in attempts 'to urge 1611, the, Revised Version of the nately this Bible does not reflect try today-the Vietn~m war." Bishop Kelly, who has spoken the American bishops to discuss 1880s and, the American Revised the many advances of modern Version 'of 1901. The translators scholarship in establishing the out frequently again~t U. S. in- the Vietnam issue at their semivolvement in Vietnam, said he annual' session. attempt to bring' up-to-date the text and philology. submitted his .letter of resignagreat, literary tradition of the The New American, Bible. also _ He said; however, that VietRaimongreat English Bibles that' have, published in 1970, is the first tion to Archbishop Luigi I nam was not the major reason " entered sodeeplv into English translation of the entire' Bible di, apostolic delegate in the for his resignation, and he added literature. This Bible is marked into English from the original United State~, in Washington. that Bishop McVinney had not The 53-year-old bishop, who by simplic,ity and literalness and languages ever made by Roman criticized him for his anti-war by a dignified style' which' always Catholics. This Bible breaks with has served as auxiliary to Bishop. stand. He noted that he has conreads well aloud. the tradition of solemn and dig- Russell J. McVinney ~ince 1964, sidered resigning for the past - nified translation. It searches for said he did not have any "imTurn to Page Three the American idiom and tries to mediate plans" for the future, al'Necr~logy not rule out the "poshe would reflect exactly the tone and style : JUNE 18 of the original even if that style sibility" that he mig* marry. . Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, Rev. James M. Coffey, P.R., be colloquial. general secretary of the National ,1935, Pastor, St. ~ary,' Taunton. It is the only modern Bible Conference of Catholic Bishops JUNE 19 to make use of our greatiy ex- and ,a spokesman for; the ProviRev.:Hormisdas Deslauriers, panded knowledge of ancient dence diocese, both . said they 19r~, F9under, St. Anthony, New t~xtual traditions and of the verwere, . "saddened" by. Bishop 'Bedford. ' 'sions. Catholics have 'had a Kelly's decision. ., chance to test aurally this transBishop :Kelly notea that the ' JUNE 20 l~tion since it hl!-s been used for' Second Vatican Council called Rt. Rev.. James J.CoYle, P.R.~ some time in the new liturgy. for updating the (i;h~rch's forms LL.D., .i931; Pastor, St. Mary,' Like The Oxford Annotated Bible and institutions, especially the Tauntoit..~ ,. and The Jerusalem Bible; The priesthood. New American Bible is published He said, h-owever~. that the "~, 'JUNE 21· . in all" its editions with helpful' American hierarchy at their April Rev. Desiree V. Delemarre; notes. ' 1971 semiannual meeting in De-' 1926, " Blessed' Sa.crament, Fall Which Bible should you buy? troit"studied the priesthood for River.. ........ It depends of course on your three days and then re"affirmed the ~1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III~ Rev. Francis D. Callahan, tastes and what you are looking status quo, ignoring ;the serious 1948, Pastor, St. Patrick; Ware- for. If you want dignity and a recommendations of the 'National The Place to Names You Know consistent English style, try tl)e Federation of 'Priests Councils, ham. ED. COUGHLIN, Prop. ; Revised Standard Version, The , of their own . regional input, and . Rev. Clement~K'iIlgoar, SS.CC., New English Bible, or The Jeru- ·.of their own scientifiC report 1964, ,St. Anthony, Mattapoisett. salem Bible. Do you Want a good calling for serious, changes in the idiomatic American translation priestly ministry and lifestyle'." . . I , JUNE 24 which is not afraid to reproduce (An NCCB sppkesman in WashRev. Bernard 'F;, McCahill, CAPE COD'S LARGEST SHOE OUTLET the rough colloqilialism of the ington said, however,! that "Bish1907: Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Bible ? Read the "Chicago Bible;' FAMOUS NAME SHOES FOR ENTIRE FAMILY op Kelley is not correct 1n saying Fall River. , . or The New American Bible. But that the bishops ignored the for serious and' long-range Bible various 'sources of ~nput regardreading, notes are a necessity. ing the priesthood at their De-THE ANCHOR Open Daily 9·5:30. Friday until 9 Am'ple Parking For American. readers with this troit meeting." " second Class Posta~e Paid at Fall River. Mass., Published every Thursdav at 410 intent, The Jerusalem Bible and sources were ("All of these' I Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02722 ROUTE 28 ON THE CURVE-DENNISPORT The New Americari Bible are the seriously considered by, the bishby the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall. postpaid best. 1Ando~btedly ops in Detroit and $4.00 per nero '

Most Rev. Berna',d Kelly Resigns As AuxDl.iar~ Bishop and Priest " .

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THE ANCHOR- Thurs., June 17, 1971

TheParish Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor; P.


Bi<shop Kelly

chairmen of parish or· are asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7. ~all River ~.

ST. JOHN THE EVANGEILIST, POCASSET , "Ye Olde Tyme" Country Fair will be conducted from 10 to 4 o'n Monday, July 5 and will feature games and booths of handcrafts, food, collectables' and usables, books, flowers and many ,other items. A barbecued ribs, ham and bean supper will be served in the evening from 5 to 7. OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, FALL RIVER The first meeting of the committees planning the Feast of Our Lady of the Angels scheduled for Aug. 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be held on Sunday evening, June 27 at 7 o'clock. The Holy Rosary Sodality will conduct a penny sale at 7 on Thursday night" June 24. It is open-to the public. The Pre-Advent Social-Malasada Supper and Dance-is listed for Saturday night, Nov. 20. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO The Sisters of the Holy Cross wil1 be available during the Summer weeks for tutoring and music lessons. Interested parties are ur~ed to call the school at 222-1730 or the convent at 2261224. I The parochial school will hold graduation exercises on Sunday night at 7 in the church. GUILD OF THE VISITATION, NeRTH EASTHAM Plans are nearing comoletion fQr our Arts and Crafts Sale arid Show, to' be held on Wednesday, July 7, at the St. Joan of Arc Auditorium, Bridge Road, Orleans. Doors will open at 10 A.M. Coffee, cold drinks and snacks will be sold throughout the day. Lunch may be purchased until 3 P.M. and Dinner will be served from 5 P.~. There will be many interesting displays, a food table, and white elephants. For the children, there will be a Scooter Theatre Midway and Shows from 12 Noon until 5 P.M. Mrs. Ann Bowman, chairman is appealing for volunteers to assist in various phases of the affair and anyone wishing to help is asked to call 255-0131. Parishioners desiring to make offerings of toys, books, household items and small used electrical appliances for the white elephant table may contact Mrs. Penny Duffy at 255-2245. Mrs. Helen Creonte 'at 2552650 is accepting donations of food items. An added attraction will be a special booth for first edition bo·oks. SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER The parish feast will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 26 and 27. Saturday's processron will take place at 7 in the evening and the Sunday procession will be at 3 in the afternoon. Auctions, sales of Portuguese and American foods and a band concert. Rev, Henry Arruda of ·St. John of God Parish, Somerset will be the preacher at Solemn Mass at noon on Sunday. "



CAPE COD YOUTHS GREET BISHOP: Following the administration of Confirmation in St. Pius X Church, So. Yarmouth, Bishop Cronin was surrounded by the class members as he went outside, to meet the parishi,oners of the Cape Cod Parish.

Continued from Page Two seven months. Asked to elaborate on his resignation, Bishop Kelly, who has, been a priest for 27 years, said, "I think my views regarding the Church today are pretty well known." He said; however, that he plans to remain a Catholic. "I still believe in the Catholic Church," he said. "I think it· is the greatest moral force in the world." Church officials in Providence were surprised by Bishop Kel1y's announcement. Father David P. Reilly, chancel1or, said: "Sadly we learned this morning that the Most Rev. Bernard M. Kelly, auxiliary bishop of Providence, has resigned from active ministry of the priesthood. . "The diocese of Providence deeply regrets 'his decision. Certainly Bishop Kelly must have agonized and puzzled over this matter for a long,time. We realize that ultimately he must follow the dictates of his conscience and we earrestly pray that he finds peace and happiness in his decision."

Peer Groups Elect to Senate of Pries.ts The following priests have been elected to the Diocesan Senate of Priests by their peers for a two-year term, commencing in September, 1971. Serving the peer group classes of 1908·1934 will be Rev. Walter J. Buckley, 'Rev. Msgr. Bernard, J. Fenton and Rev. Edwin J. Loew. The 1935-1950 ordination classes will be represented by Rev. John J. Murphy, Rev. John F. Hogan, and Rev. Msgr. Reginald M. Barrette.

Gendreau, Rev. Peter' N. Graziano. , , Also Rev. James F. Lyons, Rev. Thomas Mayhew, Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Rev. Leo T. SulJivan and Rev. Thomas C. Lopes.

The religious who were named by Bishop Connolly, formerly Bishop of Fall River, will serve on the Senate for one more year; they are Rev. John J. Brennan, SS.CC. and Rev. Raymond M. Drouin, O.P. ...

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Acting for the 10-year group ordained between 1951-61 will be Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Rev. Francis L. Mahoney and Rev. John J. Steakem. Rev. George W. Coleman, Rev. Robert A. McGowan and Rev. Robert J. Carter have been named by their peer group of 1961-71. The following priests who were elected at-large in 1970 to serve two years will continue for the coming sessions in 1970·71: Rev. Henry Arruda, Rev. Msgr. John E. Boyd, Rev. Paul Canuel, Rev. John Cronin, Rev. Richard

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SANTIAGO (NC)-"Christians in Cuba can go to Church; that is no problem," said a Chilean bishop after a two-week trip to that ·island. "But there is no freedom to preach the Christian message," Auxiliary. Bishop Fernando Ariztia of Santiago added.

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Fall River


Pope Stresses S'tate of Grace F'or Communion

!HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 19?1'

Good, . Com,fortAre Sure For Those', o'f Fa1th' ,


A 'very distinguished French .. Nobel Prize-winner, Dr. Jacques'Monod,has just .writtena book in which he state~, i?n the basis of his profound. scientific knowledge, that .all natural systems--galaxies,' stars, planets, inanimate matter, all forms .of life--are simply the ·result of chance, may come and God's :perfect Random ··events, setting' in Will "which is our peace" may, precisely, be done upon earth. motion revolutionarychanges by the adaptation '. and survival, can explain the origins and de" velopment" of the entire cosmos. Science. says Dr.' Monpd, now knows that· there is. nothing beyond nature and has, with entire certainty. :banished al1 concept of Gt>d-ereator, Father•. ·First

Man's Task

In. other words. the almost unimaginable work of turning the' vast energies and potentialities of this planet-and we know ilO,t of how many more-is given to man. Man is not going to find a convenient Deity ·waiting "to convey .the hu.man species acrt>ss every rough 'spot on every conceivable occasion with the minimum of inconvenience to his or By . her ordinary self-concern and self-love. ,BARBARA In that sense, we do have to I . NEW BEDFORD PAROCHHAL HIGH: David Bealieu; live "as if there were no God" because God has chosen for us Daniel Gallagher and David Rochefort were among the 96 WARD the ultimate privilege-and Jlti- graduates of Holy! Family High School who received their mate anguish-which is to share diplomas on Sunday evening at ceremonies conducted in freely and ful1y in the unfinished works of His creation. It the parish Church lof St. Lawrence. ,I .- Cause, Prime Mover-'-Cal1 Him is. without any disrespect. a dowhat you Will but He is simply it-yourself" job. It is both our ,not there. .. . crowning glory and our crownThis sense of 'precise certainty . ing failure. about God's non~existence .:is. of We 'have to let' God grow, in Various De.,.,onstrations Leave Huge Bins coilrse. very. far from being us so that He can grow in .the In . Nation's Capital shared by"ali .scientists. Einstein world. If we do not feed the W!1S probably the greatest scien- h ng th '11 t b f dIf .' . tist of our :century 'and he said u ry. ey WI no e e. WASHINGTON (NC) - The take care. of with additional apwe do not conq.uer racial hatr.ed. demonstrations agains.t the Viet- propriations. both ,that ,awe ahd the sense no one eIse WI.II Iove our nelgh- nam war and other 'things held , City officials say the cost of of mystery are essential' to b f If d I science and also that al1 science's or or u~. . we. 0 not seek here in Apiil and May of 'this- the latest demonstrations cannot own certainties are based on the truth and Justl.ce With the energy year cost the city $3.9 million. be met by the District· itself. faith that "God does not play most of ~s give t? money a~d officials report in a tabulation without curtailing needed. city dice with the tiniverse"-iri other sex, God IS not gomg~ to step m just made public. This. it was programs. a.nd stop .wars and end revolu- said, is more than twice the cost words. things are not random t on It t Wh and law' governs al1.· I s. IS uP. 0 man. en of the other demonstrations held "the Son of m . W ' i th-e Ias t Christ calls Himself " . . . as h'mg t on d unng .. Fading God . Man;": He remmds us that the t~o years. " Continued from Page One h'l h tasks of human survival are inA d ' t i t thO . • . .• . n , some pom ou, IS IS Yet Dr. Mono d s' p I osop Y undoubtedly 'refleCts the somber escapable. m man s hands. only the part of the iceberg that of the Sacred Heart in the home and also of the Tarcisian Youth I view' of millions of educated men Does thiS mean. then. a picture appears above the water and women ,in this century. The almost as bleak 'as Dr. Monod's? Nothing has be~nsaid about th~ Movement both with headquarsense of, God 'has faded. The No help, ~o comfort, no support. cost of bringing s6me 10000 ters in Washington. ' " Fol1owing the Meditations will belief in the Divine Purpose has no certamty t 'Tno strength? ' . Of fed eraI' troops . mto.adjacent be Vespers fol1owed by refreshgrown 'weak. The old certainties, coburste t'hno 'Ch ?e. cenGtral fa~t areas in case ofem~rgency. Id . .. Iose th a ou e rlstian ospel IS e Th f d era I government ! .' t '"He' 0 mstitutIOns t 't'" d e spent ments which will be served in ,strength. A heroic figure like a I IS .goo n,ew.s." the news many hundreds of thousands of the small school hal1 for al1 in attendance and especialiy those Dietrich Bonhoeffer, martyred by ~?at .th~ fma.1 p~;n:IPle of c~ea- dol1ars to meet th~ situation lon e who have either had the privithe .Nazis. believed that, "Chris- th ISh °Cvh ~tste i andd th~t man, and no one has come, up with a~ . . . roug ns s estmed to . f ')' ,. lege of having had the Pilgrim bans must live ai! though there I Hi' f I G d d estimate 0 what osses busmesso. an : through men in the area suffe~ed through Virgin'in their home for a week' were no God." A vast with- .ove IS m~ It: learn to love hiS neighbor as vandalism d f and/or those who hav'e had the drawal. of fait.h. seems' a fact. himself. . . ' and sh a r props 0 Enthronement of the Sacred What are we to make of it?' . patronage. I, wonder whether 'this may Comfort Is Sure All of this takes on an addi- Hearts Ceremony in their home. Starting at 9 o'c1ock in the not be the context for which In one of the most' remark- tional significance, when it is reOur·Lord was preparing us when' able secular enquiries ever made membered that still other demon- evening tpere will be an all night .He referred to Himself so often into the ll)eaning of religion, Dr. strations here are pt-omised for Vigil for those who are interand so mysteriously as ."the Son WilIiam James's masterpiece later this year. And ;some think ested in making a sacrifice in of Man"? So often. in the Gos- "Tlle Varieties of R~ligiousEx- that demonstrations have become reparation to the Sacred Hearts pels.' He seems to be reminding. perience," the conclusion is far a way of life fo~ sbme people, of Jesus and Mary for all of the us' that God has, for reason's' indeed from Dr. Monod·s.· It is and, that there will; not be an Peoples of the world. The "Meri of the Sacred beyond our' comprehension, de- not of a chance universe, gov- end' to ,them if 'and 'when the " cided to act through men. He is ern~d by random events in which Vi~tnam war is' completely Hearts" and many others of the area who have made a Cursillo, not going to sail in on'the douds man's only dignity is Ilis illusion ended. I in glory' and conveniently con- of free choice. And, if demonstrations are to will watch and pray through. the night hours until Mass is said vert everyone. He is not going to ?~ the contrary. according to .continue. leaving hl.lge bills in be the big; convenient Fixer. He Wilham James, the record of al1 their wakes, who IS going to at 7 the fol1owing morning on is not going 'to intervene soob- cultures in al1 ages shows that pay for them? Not" :the demon- the Feast of the Sacred Heart. The public and those wishing to viously and continuouslY in the t~ose who turn with complete strators as far as one can see. natural, order that one 'would t~uth and self-forgetfulness to Officials of the Di~trict of Co- make, a little sacrifice of their have to be a halfwit ~ot to ac- the Source of Goodness ~nd seek lumbia say the local 'government very own. are cordially welcome. cept His presence. help can be sure to receive good can· aJ:>sorb only $2' million of On the contrary, if"' men do and comfort in return. ,th~· latest costs at i most. This not turn themselves.in the direc- . But notice ·that. Comfort leaves at least $1.9, million tion of heav.enly' things....:....justice. . means, in the original .Latin which, it is hoped. Congress will . compassion. truth and above al1, "with strength." The. good we INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. disinterested love;.....no external" receive is not a poultice or a ........."''''''''''''.''''''''...''''''..."..."...·...''''''''·'''''''i''''''''''''......"·""...""...,,...· 96 WILLIAM STREET Power is going .to do the trick ,drug. It is 'the strength to take cation, self-renewal I and away for them. Christ heals-y'es, but' up again the task of becoming from the cosy evasiohsand false NEW BEDFORD, MASS. by the sufferer's faith. There is"other Christs,", of following. the worshipping of a "religion which 998-5153' 997-9167 a Kingdom. of Heaven,-yes. but "firs.t borri~' of a new humaJ;lity. 'changes neither ou'rselves nor PERSONAL SERVICE it is within you. You must pray the Son of Man who~ leads us to the world for which, as men, we ~yes, but so that this Kingdom the reality of work, truth, dedi- are' responsible. , '

Sacred Heart


. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has reaffirmed the ancient law that persons who hare lost the state of grace must recover it through the sacrament of Penance before receiving Communion. "There are some today who attempt to exempt the faithful from this indispensable condition," he observed at a general audience June 9. the eve of Corpus Christi. ' ·"But are those who dispense themselves of it 'faithful'?" he asked. , Pope Paul quoted St. Paul's warning in his letter to the Corinthians: "Whoever eats this Bread or drinks the Cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty of the Body and Blood of the'Lord," The Pope 'commented: "It i~ necessary to have a pure soul; it is necessary to have recovered grace through Penance-the sacrament of rehabilitation-before approaching Christ's embrace." He also reaffirmed the validity of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament outside Mass. "Eucharistic piety has an extension greater than the brief moment of celebration of the Lord's Sacrificial SuPper." the Pope asserted. Corpus Christl, "The Lord .remains in the sacramental species.' and this permanence not only justifies but demands its own cult; especial1y adoration. Holy Communion outside Mass if it was not possible' . during Mass. and the solemn procession that will be the 'rite proper to tomorrow's feast. Referring to the institution in the 13th century of the Feast of Corpus Christi.'which focuses on the S'acrament of, the Eucharist without the sad overtones of Holy Thursday, the Pope said: "We must not be surprised at the belated institution of the feast and of the widespread worof the Eucharistic sacrament ... It testifies to the Church's progressive awareness of the treasures of truth and grace which it carries within itself, and the growing charity with which it responds to the great and myste' rious divine gift. The Church always had faith in the presence of Christ in the sacramental species even beyond and outside the celebration of Hie Eucharistic sacrifice."

BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R, Marcel Roy - G LOrl'6ine Roy Roger laFrance

FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. New Bedford ',995-5166 ' ·r##~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


992-6216 ,




'Yazoo' Revealing Report On School' Integrcition

Demand Release Of Soviet Jews CHICAGO (NC)-The National Coalition of American Nuns has issued a statement of sympathy and outrage regarding the Leningrad trials of Russian Jews.

Yazoo City, Mississippi, was among many communities in that state which until last year held out against the integration of public schools. A federal court set a deadline for the achieving of integration. Willie Morris was interested in seeing whether this will occur, and how and with precisely in the Deep South that what consequences. He was the most serious and effective for the achieving of a reaithen editor of Harper's mag- work ly jU,st interracial society is being azine, and lived for years in Texas, England, and New York City. But Yazoo City was his hometown, and he had deep family roots there and elsewhere in the South.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. June 17, 1971


'The Other' . Tom Tryon, the established movie star, becomes Thomas Tryon, the beginning novelist, with The Other (Knopf, 501 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022. $6.95), a Gothic tale set Denis Tetrault . in a sober Connecticut river By. town in 1934. The Perrys have long been a RT. REV. . leading family in Pequot Landing. MSGR. But their most prosperous days are past, although they still own JOHN,S. Denis Tetrault, . pianist . and : me big, rambling homestead, its music director of Immaculate outbuildings and acreage. KENNEDY • Central in this declining period Conception .Church, Fall River of their history are the 13-year- ..and St. Joseph's Church, New . old twin boys, Holland and Niles. Bedford, will join Al Borelli, forHe made seven visits to Yazoo Their father .has died suddenly . mer' TV personality, and present City during 1970, and he reports as the result of an accident an "Evening of Music" at 8 on on them in Yazoo (Harper's which may not have been an Wednesday evening, June 23 in Magazine Press, 49 East 33rd accident: Their mother grieves Thevenet Hall, St. Claire's High School, Woonsocket. St., New York, N. Y. 10003. and broods in her room. Mr. Tetrault made his.debut in $5.95). This is a rather short An uncle, his wife, and their book, but it is both uncommonly' pudgy son are now living in the January at the New England . house, which is run by the twir.s' Conservatory of Music. revealing and very moving. Russian grandmother. Without Violence The order to integrate meant .Too Many Evil Deeds that the high school "would be The more we are told about 42 per cent black, and the vari- the twins, the more different ous grade schools somewhere they seem, despite their looking between 55 and 70 per cent exactly alike. Niles strikes one ST. PAUL (N'C)-The upcomblack." There were those who as mild, open,. biddable; whereaS' ing World Synod Qf Bishops will thought that such a situation Holland appears to be sly, secre- be valuable but it will not solve would prove intolerable and that tive, and a touch ,malicious. ~ll the Chur~h's problems, acbitter trouble would result. A sequence of untoward cording to Archbishop Leo C. The abrupt integration of the events occurrs in or about the Byrne, one of four American public schools went off unex- household. delegates to next Fall's Rome pectedly well.' It was by no . Interest is aroused and sus- meeting. means total. Thus, although pense is sustained, but Mr. TryThe archbishop of St. Paulwhites and blacks were at last on has been prodigal with the Minneapolis, addressing about in the same school buildings, evil deeds. There are just too 200 priests of the archdiocese they were not in the same class- many of them; they begin t00 gathered for a day-long meeting, rooms. , soon; and there is little effect of said the synod would not And most extracurricular ac- climax. Their numl:!er and gravity "change everything." He later tivities were divorced from the weaken the plausibility of the engaged in a dialogue with the schools and kept segregated. But story. priests. there was no violence, and no Archbishop Byrne would not The reader is bound to feel raucous protest. that something decisive shrmld comment on what he thinks the New lOay Dawns have been done,' and certainly synod will specifically accomMost significant was the re-· would have been done, far earliC'r plish, although earlier he told action of the children. At first to get at the' cause and stop reporters at a mid-day press curious about one another, they the depradation. briefIng that he would not be found that, regardless of color, surprised to see the synod pro. they were more alike than disduce new world justice efforts Help Whit~ Priests similar. directed toward the local level. . Among the young a slow muThe synod will review two In Black Parishes tual awakening took place, and topics-the priesthood and world WASHINGTON (NC) White boys and girls questioned by Mr. justice and peace.' Morris said they recognized that priests serving black. parishes a new day had dawned which . will learn to shed their missionthey accepted and which they ary approach to the black com- Votes to Withdraw munity at a unique institute wanted to proceed. Federation The whole community, Mr. sponsored this Summer by the From National Office for Black CathPORTLAND (NC)-Portland's Morris found, was undergoing archdiocesan priests senate, which great change, and he came to the olics. "The missionary mind, not un. earlier repudiated the National startling conclusion that it is like the colonial mind, carries Federation of Priests Council for with it the implications of a su- its stand backing optional celiNo Ping-Pong. perior relating to an inferior," bacy, voted to withdraw from VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vati- said Marist Brother Joseph M. the NFPC. The senate action followed an can diplomats are not practicing Davis, NOBC executive director. up on their Ping-pong, despite "It is simply intolerable for the 86-to-57 advisory vote by priests press reports that Red China is Church to. function that way of the Oregon archdiocese favor'urging the Vatican to establish among black people any longer," ing disaffiliation. diplomatic relations. Federico he said of the need for the instiThe senate had referred the matter to the priests, with a recAlessandrini, head of the Vatican tute. White priests will be im- ommendation that it withdraw Press Office, emphasized that the People's Republic of China mersed in black theology, black from the NFPC. and the Itoly See are not at the liturgy and the dynamics of the Following the NFPC March stage of formal contacts and contemporary black American meeting in Baltimore, at which that what a London newspaper experience during the institute, it adopted a "Moment of Truth described as the "offer from Pe- July 5-16, at Moreau Seminary Statement" including the optionking" is more than likely the on the cainpus of the University al celibacy stand, the Portland private opinion of a Chinese of Notre Dame in South Bend, senate denounced the NFPC by priest, FatherLQl.lis Wei. ·Incl. ~n 1& to 2 vote.

The coalition, composed of 1,800 Sisters, called for immediate release of "Jews unjustly tried and sentenced by Soviet courts" for their part in a plot to hijack a plane, from the Soviet Union and flee to Israel. Sister Margaret Traxler, coalition founder and chairman, recently told an assembly at a synagogue here that "the road to Leningrad is the same road that lead to 200 or more Ger-

Duet Scheduies~. Night of Musi~::::.::

'Synod to Review Two Topics

man concentration camps during -the thirties and forties," Quoting a Talmudic saying, Sister Traxler said "if you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there," But Soviet officials know. where they are going, she charged, "and that road has been taken before by the Pharoahs of Eygpt, the kings of Babylon and the military officers of Nazi Germany." The coalition issued demands asking that Jews in the Soviet Union be assured the equality to which they are entitled under the Soviet constitution.




We shudder when we see them on TV, the families in India who have never lived indoors. They'live in the streets, painfully, sleep huddled together on matting on the sidewalks. The pen· $200 nies they earn buy scraps of food ·and rags.... GETS. In Calcutta alone they number 100,000. They A are not drunkards or tramps, these families. FAMILY All they need is a chance.... "For only $200 (for materials), we can give a family a home," OFF INDIA'S states Joseph Cardinal Parecattil from Erna·. STREETS kulam. "We'll provide the supervision, our men will do the work free-of-charge, and the family will own it outright once they prove they can take care of it themselves. We-'ll start the work , immediately. Can you imagine the happiness a 'home of their own' will bring?" .... Here's your chance to thank God for your family, your home. Cardinal Parecattil will write to say thanks.


"WHAT ELSE CAN I DO ABOUT INDIA?" The parishioners gather the stones and do the construction free·of-charge, under their parish priest's direction. That's how in India a church, school, rectory and convent can be built for only $10,000. . . . Name the parish for your favorite saint, we'll erecta permanent plaque asking prayers for your loved pnes, if you build a parish as your once·in·a lifetime mission gift. o Archbishop Mar Gregorios will write personally to say where he'll locate it if you enable him to buy ($975) two acres of land asa model farm for a parish- priest. Raising his own food, the priest can teach his parishioners how to increase their crop production. (A hoe costs only $1.25, a shovel $2.35.) o In the hands of a thrify native Sister your gift in any amount ($1,000, $750, $500, $250, $100, $75, $50, $25, $15, $10, $5, $2) will fill empty stomachs with _milk, rice, fish and Vegetables.... If you feel nobody needs you, help feed hungry boys and girls!



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Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ Monsignor Nolan: FOR -'Please return coupon with your offering THE CATHOLIC


NAME_ _-



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TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAI\I, National Secretaf}' Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840



',' Assert lChaplains Should Remain In Uniform

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 1971 I'


'Lest We Forget

God ,in Russia



Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is a Soviet writer who received last Fall a Nobel prize. He has somehow' managed to get out of. Russia and cause to be published in Paris what ,he _ , calls '.'the most important work of my life." The b<rok, "August .1914," was .. refused .acceptance by ,Soviet ·censorsand- the author himself gives the reason:, "This book cannot be published in our country . .. because :of censorship for reasons inconceivable to the normal human mind and,were it for no:other'reason,'because it would be necessary to write the word God in lower case, but I cannot lower myself to that." Solzhenitsyn is, a' ,decorated officer of World War II, spent eight years in a prison' camp for criticizing Stalin, .developed and recovered from cancer while there, and his works have been hailed ~s worthy of place alongside those 'of the great Russian literary ma~ters.. And like so many of these', masterpieces, there is· in this latest of his books a religious undertone that seems to be part of the Russian Christian temperament. When there are men, great men, who would risk pressure and prison and even worse in order to exercise their right simply to write about God and to call Him by 'name, then the spirit of "Holy Russia" is far from deai:l.

\1 "

INDIANAPOLis (NC) - If military chaplains become civilians and lose their rank, it will be impossible for them to serve the religious needs of servicemen, according to former chap, lains surveyed by the Indianapolis archdiocesan newspaper, the Criterion. A change to civilian chaplaincy was suggested in a letter to Cardinal Terence Cook of New York, armed forces military vicar, by the liberal National Association of Laymen. The grQup contends that military rank and pay makes chaplains subservient . to the military and servants of "Caesar and not of ~ Chris~," Most of the ch~plains surv~yed by the Criterion thought that uniform and rank made it easier to get the cooperation of other officers in providing religious services to the troops. A former infantry chaplain during World War II said he found his uniform a liability only when dealing with the enemy wounded or prisoners. "They felt the uniform meant Army, a,nd not priest," he added. Otherwise, "being part of the system'~ was necessary to get the job done, he said. '

Worthy Correction It is' a tribute to the sense of justice of Presid~nt Kingman Brewster Jr. of Yale University that he praised the judge who presided at the Bobby Seale trial for his patience, dignity, and immunity from public pressure; Mr. Brewster had added to that. .public pressure by saying last year that he was sceptical that reactionaries could achieve a fair trial anywhere .in, the' 'United States. .~ . His recent 'comment,, then, is a worthy correction of that previous inappropriate statement. . '" And the whQle incident might serve as a lesson to all men of good }Vill-to let the American system try to work without judging J( as 'a failure before it has even been put to the test: Sometimes much effort .and time are consumed setting ,up a situation and condemning it before:'the" event '






easy- to say


' . . --". '~""J'

what~ one thi~ks wiil happ~n

Wrong Implications




Rev. John F. Moore, B.A., M.A.; M.Ed•. SS~ Peter & Paul, Fall River ' .....

BhdBusiness ,',;


Another chaplain thought a priest could be handicapped in performing his ministerial functions because he would be conscious of belonging to the military system. A priest, he .said, might be freer to. serye ' the .troops if he w'ere n'ot bound by military regulations and subject to its orders.In a letter to' Cardinal Cooke the NAL charged that the moral voice of the priesthood has been silenced through its involv'ement in the military, structure. A former army chaplain responded that "the implication that a_ uniform ,_ muzzles a chaplain is wrong." There are some people; who, think it is wrong to use tax dollars to pay the salaries of chaplains or build military chapels, he said. As long as the draft exists, the priest said, the military must .offer the same I,;eligious services that are available in civilian life. All the ex-chaplains agreed that if chaplains' were demilitarized and the churches incurred the costs now paid for by the government, the shortage of chaplains would increase.




and then' criticize this. It is much harder and requires much In an ~ge 'of; ener~etic and dynamic foreign competimore patience to attribute go.oP will all around, to encour~ge , .tion the American busmess world seems to be ever falterthis .good will in others, and then to see what .actually does ing ~nd weakening. The golden calf. of capitalism is ~ging · happen. If the event works out with justice, then there into a sick cow. Unemployment and bankruptcy seemmgly should be praise: "if, on the other hand, justic~ goes awry, mark the depress~d spirit of . ' then there is plenty of time and plenty of ammunition to· a business market that sup- out managerial chaos. These fire off in protest,because the fact itself will cry out more posedly was the j backbone ~:~d ~~~~~~e:a~eywtyyp:a~~ g~~~ loudly than any comment about it. f h f t t . 0 t e ree en erpfl se sys em. ernmental intervention as outAs the policy of "guns and ?ut- right Socialism. Yet when the ter" has broug~t tg e Ame!lcan, shoe is on the· other foot, they As 'Father's Day approaches there is sometimes ,the . people to the brink <;>f moral de- come crying, even using the uneasy feeling that the whole' proposition is a commercial s~air, so. now .the iglu~tony of poor workman as an excuse to gambit by the business world to sell goods and make money. big business. Is~urmng the continue to build a plane, as is American dream in~o a ~ight- the case with Lockheed, that is Certainly the pitch is to show appreciation to father, by mare. i. not even using an American . · giving him things. In very typical fashIOn, the engine. ',. " To be sure, these goods are supposed to represent, wonder hoys ,of management· ,,!he spiral of, 'mflatlOn .and love and affection and appreciation. So let these sentiments ' are 'trying to find ab excuse for th' greed and Ii.. bondsman to' riSing labor costs has had little be the thrust of Father's Day. . ba~:r them out of their present help from American' industry. The family :and each of its members should show reverses. They. of dmrse would When the heat gets a little too gratitude and appreciation to the fath~r., And he; in turn, first normally attatk labor' as ~uch for them, t~ey do not hesshould reali'ze his role .and its importance in giving the 'ex- the great American evil. However, .Itate ~o le~ve thiS. co~ntry and ample of steadfastness, of doing' one's duty, of. serving it would be very ~rribarrassing set u~. their ~actorIes In Europe """""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'" others. These may be somewhat un'glamorous virtues, 'but to do this wnen Y9u have de- or A~la and In .most ca~es con- the robber barons to the halls of ,elared bankruptcy lind still are ~or~ll~g to the ,regulatIOns of 'Congress, where they will freethey are the foundation of strong family ~nd community collecting a six figure salary to socialist governments. load from the people of this 'life. ' For years no one m'entioned country. Since they have come the chagrin of all l-who might have f~lt sorry fof the Penn the for~ign involvement of Rolls . to the people, let them answer Central. In an ag~ when the, Royc~ and the Lockheed coop- to the people and the people American dollar is truly becom- eration until they went bank- should demand answers. irig the ~'paper tiger," of interna- rupt. Now they want the AmerPrivate industry as represented tionalcurrepcy, ,the! most com- ican people to foot the bill. Why by such companies as Penn Cenplete insult to th~ spirit of can't American aircraft engines tral has lost. all rights to privacy. . . . American labor anq, proguction be made for an American plane? They should stand exposed in OFFICIALNEWSPAPEIR OF iHE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER must be the preseI'lt plight of Why -does .the American. tax their totality to the careful Lockheed. This atterript to rescue payer have to be responsible ,for scrutiny and inspection of this./ Published weeklY by The C_atholic Press o{ the-Diocese of Fall River poor management artd ineptness the mistakes of industrial exec- .; nation's Congress. If this nation has to be one of, th~ most devi-' utives? 'What has happened to is to, rejuvenate its industrial 410' Highland Avenue ous assoults on thei entire con- the genius,-the ingenuity' and the, .leadership the national governFall River, Mass., 02722 675-7151 cept of a vibr~mt a9 d free spirit creativeness of American indus- ',inent must not subsidize bad PUBLISHER in American industrY. .try? . business. "No one should throw M~~t.· Rev. Daniel A.. Cronin;, p.D~, S.T.D.. i '. First,and foremost, it is almost . Before another cent of the good money after bad" might be . 'GENERAL MANAGER ASSt GENERAL MANAGER pitiful to see artd 'witness ,the taxpayers dollars is spent, these an old eliche but it certainly · ~ev. Msgr:'Oaniel F.. Shalloo,'M.A. ~ . Rev. John P. Driscoll hypocrisy of big business as it' questions should be answered, applies to the present, crisis of '~Leary Press-Fall River'. : ... ;;q.~}.' ':'J~lth,H.6;):j. .y~::,ui j ....: . H~.}It·i ,.seek~ governmentall-aid, "to,-bail We' must- :nof allow a··return"of'·~!AmeriClin:.fu'!lustry~IV .',,;,1.".:-... .-:;::. ::::::-








®the -' ANCHOR







THE ANCHORThurs .. June 17, 1971

Schools Du'e Last of State Funds; Supreme Court Appeal Considered I

DETROIT (NC)-While financially-pressed Michigan Catholic schools' prepared to receive a final allocation from an aborted state law, no.npublic school supporters said they may. appeal a state high court decision banning such assistance. Nonpublic school teachers will receive $3.4 million under provisions of the law, called parochiaid,' which voters rejected in , last November's general election. Michigan voters approved a constitutional' amendment, re-ferred to as Proposal C, outlaw'-, ing nonpublic s~hool' aid. The Michigan Supreme Court, which later reviewed an election challenge, upheld the vote but ruled that nonpublic schools were entitled to some aid 'appropriated by the state legislature last September. The' court said that the aid earmarked for teacher salaries was operative until last Dec. 18, the effective date of the amendment adopted in the general election. Two Dissent, Nonpublic school supporters . said, however, they are considering appealing the Michigan

Start Clergymen's Discoun,t Service ENCINO (NC)-United Clergyman's International, Inc., a nondenominational organization to provide clergymen with discounts from business, hotel, restaurants and other organizations, h.as been started here in California. James W. Smith, founder and president, said the organization also has established a headquarters in New York. Smith, the son of, a minister, said he founded the service to relieve clergymen of the embarrassment of requesting discounts in transactions. Membership is confined to bona-fide clergymen at a fee of $25 a year, with a charter introductory rate of $15 to prospective members who apply before July 31.

high court decision to the U. S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is already weighing three appeals related to state aid to nonpblic schools. Nonpublic school supporters maintain that the amendment should be voided because it was worded too vaguely on the ballot. They claim that according to its language, it fanned all forms of nonpublic school aid. The Michigan high court ruled, however, that the intent of Pro-' posal C was to ban parochiaid, not other forms of state aid, such as shared time and auxiliary services. Chief Justice Thomas'M. Kavanaugh and Justice Thomas Giles who dissented from the 5-2 majority decision commented, "The people have the right to change their constitution but must do, , it in a proper, legal way.. The rationale of the ~ajority fails to satisfy either logicdr ·law and we reject it. We vote to void the election." , Budgets Exhausted Cardinal John F. Dearden of Detroit called the decision "a step backward in harming the traditional pattern of education that has benefitted Mjchigan SInce its earliest days." Michigan's legislature adopted the parochiaid measure last July. It took effect last September and provided funds' for salaries for nonpublic teachers who taught secular subjects. Michigan nonpublic schools are not expected to receive the final parochiaid payment until' after this school year's term ends.' School officials said it would take as long .to process the payments. Meanwhile, Catholic schools that were depending on such aid to ease their financial, ills have reportedly exhausted their budglOts and are having difficulty meeting their payrolls. Some schools here are borrowing from the Detroit archdiocesee which in turn, having exhausted its ir.ter-parish loan fund, is now borrowing from local banks.

'Series Explores Church in Action " 'NEW YORK (NC) - How the U. S. bishops and Catholics generally are responding to modern problems is being told on "The American CatJlOlic Church in Action," the current series of 25 .radio broadc,asts being aired on Guideline, NBC network program through October. Father CyrilSchweinberg, C.P., host of Guideline, is featuring interviews with officials of the departments of the United States Catholic Conference and the secretariats of the National Conference of Catholic' Bishops. Both are Washington-based operations. The program covers the bishops' and Catholics' activities in the fields of education, internationil1 affairs, soC'ial development, communications, and health affairs.

TAUNTON GIRLS' SCHOOL: Among the 81 y01,mg ladies who will receive diplomas with only the name Bishop Cassidy High School across the top are: Kathy Le Brun, Susan Lindgren, Kathleen Reams and Jane Paulo.

It will also explore the particular 'areas of ecumenical affairs, the liturgy, priestly formation, and the diaconate.

Oppose 'Bish.ops' Grants

Three Week Tour of Europe

Catholic Group Threatens Sanctions Against Monterey Diocese SALINAS (NC) - Economic sanctions against the Monterey diocese have been threatened by a lay group opposed to grants from the U. S. Bishops Human Development Campaign to the United Farm Workers' Organizing Committee. The threat came at a public meeting attended in Soledad by almost 100 Catholics from the Salinas Valley. The' economic sanctions were proposed by Father Michael Cross, assistant at the biggest parish church in Salinas, and John E. Marcroft, an entomologist working for a Salinas grower. Marcroft had written to Bishop Harry A. Clinch of Monterey, protesting the American bishops'

Clergy 'Hopeful Abo~t ',Synod

CUB SCOUT AWARDS: Christopher Wartotte, Ronald Ouellet and Dennis Pawelczyk received the Pro Parvuli Awards on Sunday in,St. Joseph's Church, New Bedford.


QUITO (NC)-"It is amazingly comforting to see how priests' complaints that were considered scandalous a few years ago now have a place on the agenda of the forthcoming bishops' synod in Rome," said the chairman of the second national convention of Ecuadoria~ priests' councils. The chairman, Father Augustin Bravo, said priests' councils in Ecuador are profiting from the efforts begun a year ago at their first national convention, which dealt with priests' relations with their bishops and with the Vatican. Attending the meeting were 103 priests; Bishop Leonidas Proano of Riobamba and Cardinal Pablo Munz Vega at' Quito. Cardinal Munoz Vega said the meeting "could mean strength,ening the mission of the Church today." Discussions, dealt with "The Priest and Liberation," a theme including pastoral renewal and efforts to achi.eve social jUstice.

grant of $55,000 to UFWOC's Delano office and $31,000 to UFWOC at McAllen, Tex., to develop educational radio programs for American poor in the southern part of Texas. Marcroft said he was in complete sympathy with the bishops' aims of breaking "the hellish circle of poverty" through the development fund. "Catholics throughout the Salinas Valley," Marcroft said, "were distressed and shocked to learn that $86,000 of the money collected, intended for the poor, yvas in fact given as a first installment to strengthen the organizational efforts of UFWOC. "This move to aid and encourage this organizing committee with a clear history of violence and a lack of responsibility in the Salinas Valley is in direct violation of the conditions under which these funds were solicited as outlined in The Observer (diocesan newspaper) as of Oct. 14, 1970. $85 Contribution The bishop suggested that the protesters direct their complaints to the bishop who is chairman of the Campaign for Human Development. National chairman of the campaign is Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit, national director is, Auxiliary Bishop Michae R. Dempsey of Chicago, and chairman of the bishops committee is Bishop Francis J. Mugavero of Brooklyn. "Computing the amount sent in by this diocese to the Human Development Fund," said the Monterey bishop, "and considering the protested allocation from the entire national amount proportionately, we are talking about $85 from the entire diocese of Monterey and $12 from the Salinas area. Hence, I think you will join me as I suggested in making known to the committee our own personal feelings' and offer advice for the future allotment of these charitable' funds."

. SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR Rev• .I. Joseph Klerc8 Author' and Producer of The New England Passion Play ''THE CMISTUS"

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THE ANCHOR-Diocc~se of Fall River-Thurs. J.une17,J 97:1 ': . "'",


. .

Nuns D'issatisfied

........~" ~

With PI~'y S~~le

/'Reads Sta'rtl.ingRlevel.ations,~ 'Concernlng- Be,auty ~Indu,stry

sr. PAUL '(NC)-The archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis boosted nuns' minimum base salary to $1,900 a year by an outright raise of $100 and an additional $100, for education costs. However, the Sisters request for $300 per year retirement ben- _ efits was denied until a detailed report- of retirement expenses could be drawn up. The Sisters are i'very disappointed" with the settlement, SIster Rosemary' Rader,chairman of the archdiocesan Sisters' Council , told the . Catholic- BUiletin, the diocesan newspaper. "We're not. sneeiing at -the increas~s in pay and education money, but the retirement was the most important part of our proposal," she said.'. Currently, teaching 'Sisters have to pay . from their salaries the retirement expenses of nuns who are no longer able to teach, she noted.

One of my hang-ups is !eading-everything and anything. My mother insists thC!.~ I began this reading bing~ at an early age (all mothers want their offspring to be·precocious) and whUe I <;:an't be sure when the habit took hold I must admit, that it . One of her most starting revehas become an integral part of my life for ,more years'- lations comes when she' writes that "The beauty industry is than' I would careio record. derivative. One company's dis-

I'm so addicted'that when 'placed in a strange situation 'without any reading matter (such as· a strange hotel room) I have treen known to' re'sort to reading the yellow pages of the telephone book, or' even' rooom service menus.,



tinction is created by ·an advertisig image only; its prices are competitive, and its products. are essentially the same as those of ~ny other company within that price range." ' A similar revelation became public recently, when it was announced' that basically all suntan lotions are essentially the same (and no better than baby . oil) and that the' only difference they can attest to is the difference that comes about through fancy names and fancier claims.

. ;'-

Hypnotic Effect




One aspect of the book that DOMINICAN ACADEMY: The 76 year-old Fall River With Catholic Hospital,s I particularly enjoyed was the ~~~=m%*Mm TORONTO (NC) Ontario fact that Miss Perutz doesn't· Academy will be c6mbined with Mt. St. Mary's Academy To appease this appetite for gather a lot of facts and throw . Health Minister Bert Lawrence ~nd Jesus' Mary Academy in September 1971 to become the pririted, Word I have a pile them at the reader in an unreaddenied he is "running out of "Bishop Gerrard Higl.t School, thus Karen Mullaney, Joanne patience" with Catholic hospitals of books' on my bedside stand able package; she mixes hard (or even down by the side of my facts with interesting tidbit~ (a'1d Lizak, Marilyri Gadbois and Jeanne Clairmont will be four not providing therapeutic aborbed) that ,are my before-slumber we all, know how women love' of the last class graduating from DA. tions. I reading (a ~anquilkind of sleep- gossip) about her own experience "To hell with confrontation,"ing :pill). There. are generally a in the magical, mystical, cotton Lawrence said as Ontario's Cathmystery or two, a half-finished candy world of beauty. olic hospital administrators connovel, someone~s' biography and tinued to refuse to permit theraShe discusses her experience any book I ,can pick'up on beauty , at the hands of the experts, Kenpeutic abortions. Jesuit Writer Urges Naming St. Bridget and fashion, ,a ·suJ:>ject I find ir- neth, Lazlo (Jackie's facial man) Lawrence said neither he nor Doctor of Church resistible.". , etc. and gives a more critical, his department is considering I A .recent find and one that I tongue-in-cheek, peek at a busiSTOCKHOLM (NC)-+St. Brid-' King Magnus II, whose wife, removing financial assistance have been skimming for the past ness that fascinates w'omen from get, Sweden's patroness, should . Blanche, Bridget 'hao s'erved as from Catholic hospital!j, for, thei~ two weeks is 13~yond tI:te Look- eight to eigthy. be named a Doctor of the Church, a' lady-in-waiting', "endowed ' a day-to~day operations 'or pressIn' fact, the 'hypnoticeffect Of 'Jesuit Father H: W. Feussner monastery at 'Vadstena, where ing them'to do anything opposed ing Glass €A!l1erica's'Beauty Culture) by Kathrin Perutz is pub- the fashion and beauty business' said in an article in Katolsk Kyr- the saint established her Religi- to their code of ethics. blished -by the Willianj Morrow ca'n best be summed up by the kotidning "It would be very wrong to (Catholic~1 'Church ous community. and Co. This'lengthy ,tome is a final paragraph' in the chapter on News), the magazine'l of the St. Bridget went to Rome in try and shove this practice down deeply researched peak at a women in prison, when slfe de- Stockholm diocese., ' 1349, and remained ,there until the throats of any religious millioit doiIarindustry that is as scribed how the inmates acted group," he said. . , Making St. Bridget a !doctor of her death. much"~ part of the American during a prison fashion show. I t,he Church, he wrote, ~ould be woman as the' flag and,apple pie. "They walked down the aisle ~ worthy way of observing the . '.' . and out back to their cells; fOf a 600th anniversary of ner death, , \ ,Advertising Image - moment, they had been loved - in 1973.' I The picture she presents' is an an.d beautiful." No better senIf made a doctor oithe Church astounding Qne, and certainly not tence sUlns up what fashion and St. Bridget .would be¢ome the a very pretty" one especially beauty care do for women, eve~ third' woman to be given that wnen she describes the way the the downtrodden" and that is honor. ,St. Teresa of Avila and cosmetic firmsha~e coerced'mil- why the beauty industry is so S1. Catherine of Siena were made . lions 9f WOri1e~ to· p.art with mil- suc<;essful-,-it gives us a dream. doctors of the Church ~in 1970. lions" of dollars with the dfeam S1. Bridget, born abo\.lt 1303, - of "beauty" in· min'd. . died in 1373 and was canonized 'She reveals' how 'these com- Miami Catholic Paper in 1391. . :' 'panies are working on theper~ Wins 'More 'Awards Father Feussner callEid on the suasiye adyertising campaign for. MIAMI (NC)-The trophy case Order of Our Savior (Brigittine a product at the same time the at The Voice, Miami archdioce- ,Sisters), which St.; Bridget product is being developed and san newspaper,is bulging at 'the founded, t6 help promote the at a time when its effects are cause of her being' dckhired a seams. 'still in tl:te planning stage. (Here The paper was' voted four doctor, of the Churcl~. .1 we need Nader's Raiders). St. Bridget married at the age awards at the Florida, Press Association convention" in Win.ter of 14 and had eight lchildren. Approve;Publ,ic $chool H~ven, ,Fla;, to go' with two After her husband died in 1344 awards received at tHe' Catholic she spent her time as a'ipenitent. Desegreg¢IHon, - Plans And Pop's truly the man of the hour, man of the Pr'ess Associ~tion, c6nvention in She had frequent visiorls, which she kept a' record of a~d which SAVANNAH (NC)-Plans for Houston, Tex. _ , day, man of the year. Be a prince (or. princess) by across-the-board public school At the Winter Haven meeting, have become the subject of much desegregation have met with sup- The Voice received a' first place . theological examination iand crittreati!,g him like a king. Let him know ho'w much port of Catholic educators here plaque- .in the best use of color icism., ' .he's loved and needed! and strong segments of the black classification; third place for a and' white communities. best sports feature or column for ELEc;YRICAL , The propos'al, made by the Sa- an article' written by Jack . Contractors vam:Jah-Chatham: Co'unty~' Boar? Houghteling, plus honorable, I of public Education was approv-. mention awards' .in the general ed by' Bishop. Gerard. L. Frey .of excellence and the excellence iJ:1 Savannah. . ' typography dasses. At the CPA convention in Father Ralph' E. Seikel, diocesan superintendent of' schools, , Houston, The Voice received a ~'l2' i urged pastors and school admin- first prize ,for 'best special is~ istI'lltors to,be aware of the pas- 'sue;· 'section on supplement for , . , sibility that some parents qlight its "Right to Life," anti.-abortion '~ try to enroll their children in section published May I,. 19io, 944 County St. - , the Catholic' schools to avoid the, and an honors citation for the DOWNTOWN FALL RIVER. New Bedford 1 v best front page. . intesrated public schools.

Sweden's Patroness


King f,or 'a.,
















to Pray to Bl1e'ssed Mot'h,er

Oppose National

Statistics are very, pliable. They can be manipulated in all directions and prove anything. For example, I've spent"one quarter of the working hours of my married life in idleness. I've been married 17 years. I average about 20 loads of laundry a week. Some of the hours could even It takes about 15 minutes to fold one load. That means, be chalked up to "interior decoration." If I move the couch to since I've been married, I've the other wall, slide the chairs spent somewhere between 4 and 4Y2 thousands hours folding wash! That's six months-24 hours a day. '



where the couch was, crowd the end tables someplace in between, there's room for the playpen in a spot where the baby can't reach the lamps. Then I got a long cord for the kitchen phone, and could wash dishes while I was talking to a friend. But I never mastered holding the phone in the crook of my neck ,and wasn't too neat folding laundry that way. So I started talking to another friend. It didn't take any' big ,words, or elaborate phrases. I'd just think about the Blessed Mother as if she were standi~g right there, and I, was talking 'to her. I thought about her as another mother who went through many of the same problems I had. She would understand so many little things about being a wife and mother. About Little Things The whole idea grew. If I could talk about my problems, why couldn't I talk about the good little things-and even the in between? "See if you can keep that baby from waking up from her nap, till I get these dishe!\ finished? "No one was sick today-and everyone got out to school on time." "The boys had such a good time fishing with their grandfather." "Did you see the tulips? They're just beautiful this year." Maybe our religion hasn't changed so much. We used to recite, "Prayer is the ' lifting of the mind and heart to God." I'm just learning how to do it'-and that it is so much easier to do' it through Mary.

Expresses To Turkey,

Sympathy Sicily

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI sent messages of condolence to leaders' in two' areas rocked by natural disastersTurkey, devastated by an earthquake for the second time in 10 days, and Sicily, where an erupting Mt. Etna threatened villages below it. After a new river of lava gushed down the slopes of the nearly 11,000-foot famed volcano experts on the scene said nine Sicilian villages were imperiled. Pope Paul, in a telegram sent by his secretary of state, Cardinal Jean Villot, told Bishop Pasquale Bacile of Acireale that he shared the "suffering, hardships and anxiety" of the villagers threatened by the ruinous molten lava flow. Cardinal Villot also wired the president of Turkey, Cevdet Sunay, informing him of, the Pope's "personal grief and solidarity" with the Turkish people "in this tragic moment of disaster,"


THE A~CHORThurs., June 17, 1971

Much Easi'er Way

Pastora I Council


CINCINNATI (NC)-Formation of a national pastoral' council •ought to wait until there are more diocesan pastoral councils in the country. This is the consensus of a special committee of the Cincinnati archdiocesan pastoral council formed to study the feasibility of the establishment of a national representative counterpart for the Church in the United States. Dr. Russell Hannen,. pastoral council chairman, told a council session that the c~mmittee's report, not yet filed, will suggest that while a representative body for the American Church would be a good idea, "now is not the time for it. Only about 25 of the country's 165 dioceses have' pastoral councils now functioning, Dr. Hannen pointed out, 'adding that only two pastoral councils exist in the six 'Ohio dioceses. "We propose the continuing development of pastoral councils on the 'diocesan and regional level in the coming fi~e to 10' years,"- said Dr. Hannen.


COMPLETING FOUR YEARS WITH SISTERS OF MERCY: Margaret Gibbons, ReneeViveiros, Susan Marum and Susan Hinchcliffe received diplomas from Bishop Cronin on Sunday afternoon with 63 other young ladies completing their four year course at ,Mt. St. Mary's Academy, Fall River,

Mrs. Josephine Marino noted that the recent regional conferences of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, with lay, Religious and clerical representation, suggested a possible framework for regional pastoral councils.

Deplore Discrimination Nun Superiors. Back Suit Aimed at Dual Schools In Lafayette Diocese COVINGTON (NC)-The Louisiana Conference of Major Superiors, restating its support for school integration, has endorsed a suit seeking to prohibit the Lafayette diocese from operating dual school systems for blacks and whites. The case before' a federal court in Opelousas; La., "is an example of litigation by black Catholics who had exhausted all other possible ways known to them for securing social justice in the Catholic school system in the diocese of Lafayette," the conference said in a statement issued here. Twenty-six communities of Religious women, all members of the conference, signed the statement. The statement was sent to the state's bishops, school superin·';ncesan school board presidents. In January, '1970, the heads o,f the Sisters', orders went on record deploring racial discrimination in Catholic institutions, including their own religious communities. "Since that time," their recent statement said, "not much has ',een accomplished to bring about ~ocial justice within the Cathotic school systems of Louisiana." Black parents and school chil'ren are contesting two schools '1 Opelousas. They have alleged '1at the' Lafayette diocese dis'·'-;;"?,t.es 011 the baSIS of race and has refused to adopt' and .,lplement a plan for school de, segregation. Assisted by attorneys from the Washington, D.C.-based Com"Tlittee for Integrated Schools, their petition asks the court to order the diocese to dissolve the dual school system, and continue a, black faculty and adminis~ra-

tion of proper, proportion in racially balanced schools. "To those instances where Catholic diocesan and or local school boards will not voluntarily assure that their schools be nondiscriminatory, the only recourse open to a minority group seems to be legal means," the conference's statement said. "In these instances we feel that groups'"seeking court supervision, as an assistance to achieving the Christian principle of brotherhood should be encouraged and supported." Msgr. Richard Mouton, Lafayette diocesan schools superintendent, has flatly denied the race bias contentions. He said that since 1970 the diocese has taken steps to merge black and white schools· to attain a racial balance. Putting the plans into action takes time, he said. "We are definitely not segregationists," he added.

Buzzards Bay D of I Recollection Night Members of the Mother, Cabrini Circle, Daughters of Isabella, Buzzards Bay planning on attending an Evening of, Recollection at Miramar on Tuesday, June 29 are urged to contact Mrs. Dante Cremonini or Mrs. Frank Bowen before the 25th of the month. There will be no meetings during July and August.

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10 ' .-THE ANCHOR..... DiocElse ofFall Rive!.,:::rhurs. }~rie 17, 1971"

Bishop Deplores Blacks' ,Apathy

Association Report Rev,eals ,,"F'a芦:ts' ," On Catholic' Sc!hoo~lntegiratBon "

SALISBURY (NC) - A white ,bishop who has been outspoken in criticizing the white-supr~macist WASHINGTON (NC)- Only lenge to Catholic educators," the government of Rhodesia was just five per cent of U. S: Catholic report notes, urging that qualias blunt in scoring the country's - school students are black, ac- fied minority group teachers be blacks for their apparent politcording- to Ii report released by employed in, these all-,white ical apathy. . the National Catholic Education- schools. ,. Bishop Donal Lamont, O.Carm~, al Association here.... 'National Parishes' of Umtali said in an interview " One reason for this, the-report "the dynamics of Catholic here: "There is a fearful apathy 'says, is 'that Catholic schools evident among the African peotraditionally' educated ,school integration' are quite difhave ple in Rhodesia at present. They Catholic children - and only ferent from those of public seem to believe that it is suffiabout two' per cent C?f U, 'S" schools," NCEA.'s survey report says. "Public school integration cient for them to sit idly by and , Catholics are black. permit their lives to be planned The report notes that many of can be carried out by legal manthe ) 83,844 black' students, 'in date with government fundst!? '\", for them without their" having , any. say in the matter. Catholic elementary and second- provide the logistics (busing, etc.) Catholic schools operate as a While urging the blacks' to ary schools are non-,Catholics. - be more alert politically, the Facts on Catholic school inte- highly decentralized 'non-syste~' prelate cautioned them to foregration are included in NCEA's with 'free choice' at every turn." Local parishes provid'e funds go violent means of expressig "Report on U., S. Catholic schoois-l 970-71 ,". along with and d'ictate policies for parish their grievances. He said there information on enrollment, schools, the. report says, and parare legitimate means of protest , school 'closings, teacher, sala~ies ents can choose to send or not open to them that would be and lay~'Religiou~ staff propor- to send their children there. 'more effective in the long run.' In this "free choice" setting, tions. "You don't need arms to achieve several national parishes have proper representation in the , The data-gathering effort was funded by ,the U. S. Office of arisen "in which ,ethnic and culcouncils of the nation," he I Education,as part of its'five-year tural differences have been a declared. SHA's 84th GR!ADlUATlON: Katherine Stanton,' Patsurvey on nonpublicsch,c;lOls. source of unity and" pride 'and Bishop Lamont, who is from not social stigma." A"inong these ricia Hays, Susan Raposa, Louise Silva and Phyllis, Troia Northern Ireland, is chairman of Publication ,of the 50-page repo'rt' seniors receivi!lg, diplomas from the the Rhodesian Bishops' Confercame under a Carneigie' Founda- "national parisJ:1es" are.J?~edom" 路were among the tion grant. ' inantly black ones - some of Sacred Hearts Ac~d~my, Fall River on Monday afternoon. ence. He returned recently from which resist integration ef~orts, six months of sick leave: 'Challenge to Educators' it notes. i In words directed to the BritSpanish-surnamed , students ish government; Bishop Lamont 'Unfinished Business' make" up the largest minority said the British, if they are to "Catholic parishes have been group' Catholic schQols serve, acI retain world respect, must stand out territorially, following laid cording to the NCEA' report. Traditionalist" Says Planned Religious firm against accepting the presNearly f86,000students, or a lit- natural or political divisions, ent Rhodesian constitution, Segregatnon C~lI'holic Schools' Purpose tle over five per cent, fall in that , which has tended to make each which he said is designed to ethnic category, American, Indi~ parish somewhat homogeneous," WESTCHESTER (Nd - The speaker said there is a .lot more . an and Orientai Catholic school the report says. Children from purpose of Catholic sdhools is in the Bible about separating the keep the small minority of students each, equal ,less than Catholic minority group fami- to segregate children from so- "chosen people" from the rest whites in power in the country. one per cent of the 2,950,186 lies who live in a given parish ciety and protect th~m from of civilization than there is about ,totaL: ' will usually attend the parish "the hellish world of bvil and dialogue among all Christians. Sentence Kidn,a'pers Catholic school ~eacfiers in the school, it says, but "few of these corruption" according: to the The truth, according to Steb- Of Polish Bishop U. S. 'number nearly 166,000. families both live in the neigh- president of the traditionalist bins "is found in the very opSANDOMIERZ (NC)-A Polish ',. ,About 5,300 of these are from borhood and are Catholic."" Catholics United for tHe Faith. posite of today's fashions." The court here' sentenced 'three farm, minority 'groups-almost 2,000 While these factors sometimes Before Catholics can i go into answer to the problems ,facing ers from the village of Wierz'of them black. complicate Catholic school inte~ -the world and spread the wor.d ' Catholic schools is a greater em- ,bica to prison terms ranging from ,The enti,re New England l:e- gration, the report says, "no of God, H. Lyman Stebbins told phasis on God, the supernatural, six to eight months on the ungjon has only 19 black Catholic implication is made here that the the CUF chapter here, they must the importance of spiritual life, usual charge of kidaping a bish~ , school teache-rs; the report notes, Catholic Church, different from separate themselves 'froln unbe- an emphasis on the sinfulness, op. . and no minority group" teachers other churches in America, has lievers and concentrate I on dis- weakness and helplessness of a The accused were the ring serve in al1.-wh,ite. Catholic ele- somehow been aloof from or uncovering the truth .ab(;lUt God , man left to his own resources, ieaders of a delegation that callmentary ~schools - where most involved in the injustices of the . and a realization of the over:- ed on Bishop Piotr Golebiowski, alone. Catholic school students are en- racist society documented'"in the Stebbins contended that dis- whelming compassion and mercy administrator of the Sandomierz rolled. 1968 Kerner Report (on U. S. tinct and planned religio~s segre- of God. ' diocese,asking him to appoint This presents "a distinct chal- , racial' polarization)." Ration upholds the word of St. Until Catholic schools and Father Zdislav Cos as the new Paul who said "Bear not :the yolk teachers direct themselves in this pastor at Wierzbica. , with non-believers." i way, Stebbins said, they will lose " When the bishop refused, they "This certainly d~esn't mean ,all their "vitality, appeal and dragged him forcibly to a wait'Join the boys and girls a:t Wood- usefulness by making frantic ef- ing taxi and drove off to their stock!' does it?" he asked.. Th~: forts to 'be,indistinguishable from 'village. A police patrol gave , non-Catholic schools." chase and was able to rescue the Religious Leade~s' bish.op after a 40-mile drive.


IChosen People'

Condemn Terro~ism

BELFAST (NC)-Cath6lfc and Protestant church leaders in Ireland have joined in k state, ment condemning acts of terror Ov'er 35 Years, iJ:l Northern Ireland. . of Satisfied Service ,Cardinal William Conway of Reg. Master Plumber 7023 I' Atmagh, Catholic primate of all JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. Ireland; 'Anglican Ardhbishop 806 NO. MAIN STREET G.O: Simms~Armagh; the;PresbyFall River 675-7497 terian Church moderator, the Rev. L.M. Haire; the Rev. John Radcliffe~ treasurer of the Irish 1111I11I11111111111111I11I111I11I111I11I11I11I1111I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I1111I11I111111111111I11I11I11I111111I111I111I11I1111I111I11I111111111111 Council. of Churches; dnd the R~V. James Davison, ,pres,ident of the Methodist Church, in IIreland, , joined in declaring: i , /NATIONAL BANK' " "In the face of the reqmt acts , of BRISTOL ~OUNTY of terrortsm and violencei we call upon all Christian peopl~. to disJust because a bank offers you I sociate themselves completely from such acts, which we cona Savings Account SCHOOL'S SECOND GRADUATION: Paul Pieri, Paul demn withouf qualification as .Benoit, 'Mike McCarthy and Conrad Desrosiers 'received' utterly unjustifiable ~nd as doesn't' niean it can offer- you . h 86 'h . f B' h C 11 crimes against God's law," their diplomas WIt ot er, semors 0 ,IS op onno y '-Bombings and shootinb have a checking account High School'and, heard' Bishop 'Cronin encourage them to, already killed eight soldiers this', But Do apply the .beatitudes of Christ to their daily life inexer-' 'year and hundreds of civilians: cises conducted Sunday' night in the Fall River Boy's ,have been seriously woupded in NORTH ATTLEBORO (2) MANSFIELD (2) ATTLEBORO FALLS , School auditorium.. recent weeks. !'

Montie Plumbing & Heating Co.







THE ANCHORThurs., June 17, 1971

Council Emphasizes Responsibility To Avoid Teaching Anti.. Semitism LONDON (NC)-The Council of Christians and Jews emphasized the grave responsibility parents and teachers have to avoid teaching anti-Semitism when they explain the Passion of Christ. , A recent statement issued by the council said: "Both the World Council of Churches ~nd the Second Vatican Council have said that the historical events which led to, the Crucifixion should not be so presented as to _ ,fasten upon the Jewish people of today responsibilities which belong to our corporate human,ity and not to one race or com- munity." The statement went on to say that "Christians cannot understand Christianity without understanding Judaism and Jews. Perhaps Easter is the right time


Asserts' pr~ware Colleges Requir® Public Support

within the Church's calendar to start on the quest for such an understanding." Criticize Play The statement quoted Jules Isaac, a French Jew and student of Christian-Jewish relations, as saying that in Christian countries the roots of anti-Semitism are probably deeper than anywhere else and that "despite praiseworthy efforts to deal with them, they remain alive today." The council's statement also criticized anti-Semitism in the Oberammergau, Germany, Passion Play" which, it said, was seen in 1970 by some 530,000 visitors from 113 countries. The play, enacted every decade since 1634 by Oberammergau villagers, has often been criticized for being anti-Semitic. This criticism" by both Christians and Jews, increased sharply prior to last year's performance when it became known that the old version of the play, with only a few changes, would be used again.

NEW YORK (NC)-President James M. Hester of New York University, givi'ng the main address at Fordham University's annual commencement, called for acceptance of "the seemingly contradictory proposition that the only way to keep private (higher education) 'institutions private is to give them public support." Closing private colleges would put a greater burden on public colleges to educate even more students, he told an audience of 10,000 persons. Dr. Hester said that, even with the progressive leadership of New York State, "we have not been able to work out any effective coordination of the development of public and private Express 'Optimism MONSIGNOR PREVOST HIGH: With 47 other young higher education in this city and On School Survival men, Michael Andrade, Anthony R. Garand, Claude M. state." . EAU CLAIRE (NC)-Optimism The NYU president received Gelinas and Peter A. Dumais were given their diplomas was the key word of speakers an honorary doctorate from the from the Fall River Boys' High by Bishop Cronin at joint here viewing the future of the Jesuit University, along with ceremonies held in Notre Dame Church. survival of Catholic high schools Father Bernard J.F. Lonergan, Traditional Atttitudes throughout Wisconsin. Jesuit theologian who holds the The council's statement said l 1971-72 'Stillman Chair at HarAt the Spring conference of the play's producers had "too vard Divinity School; David Reisstate Catholic high school offi- easily" reached the conclusion man, noted social scientist. and cials, Bishop Justin Driscoll of that, because spectators showed President Explains Goals of Black Harvard University professor; Fargo, N. D., set the tone. He so little concern about the play's and Mrs. Cynthia Clark Wedel, compared the "great turmoil" anti-Semitic aspects, a vote had Sisters Conference I president of the National Counprevalent in Catholic high schools been "registered in favor of their PITTSBURGH (NC) - Under Afro hairdo and often wears long since 1965 to the unrest brought chosen but controversial version the leadership of Sister Martin earrings and bracelets, said that cil of Churches. on in the Church by Vatican of the play." de Porres Grey, a new kind of white Sisterhoods generally Council II. Close examination of so pow- black Sister is emerging ---:- one don't understand the black nun Named Liturgical "You may recall the unrest, erful a teaching tool as the Ober- concerned with her own dignity who thinks this way, who wants Center.lOirecto.rs restiveness and dismay evident in ammergau play is essential, the as a black woman, "soul" as well 'to serve her race and its cause. BOYNTON BEACH (NC) the first period of the council," statement said, particularly be- as souls and her race in strug- They want black Sisters, she exhe said. "But recall how the ,cause so many youngsters see it. gle fo'r equality. plained, to continue working for ,Three nationally known churchmen have been elected members spirit gradually changed, and As president of the National the Sisterhood's goals. What is at stake, the statehow a tremendous consensus ment said, 'is not the inten- Black Sisters Conference, Sister The National Black Sisters of the board of directors at the and understanding and unity de- tion of the people ot Ober- Grey has brought black Sisters Conference hopes to change this, World Center for Liturgical Studveloped as the council reached ammergau but the impact of together to ponder the meaning however, in part by holding ies here. They are Msgr. Frederick Mcits term in 1965." traditional attitildes and inter- of black revolution as Religious. workshops explaining the black Manus, executive director of the She conceded in an interview revolution to white Religious He expressed belief that the pretations of the Gospel story U.S; bishops committee on the same dynamics now are at work on youngsters "entirely unaware with the Pittsburgh Catholic superiors. These superiors must under- liturgy and professor of canon in Catholic schools. The bi~hop 'of the extent to which they that many black nuns do not beis former president of Loras Col- ,themselves are victims of what lieve in the conference or support stand what is happening among law at the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.; lege, Dubuque, Iowa, and former Jules Isaac described as 'the its interest in liberating, black black people today, otherwise the Rev. Eugene L. Brand, execupeople or being revolutionaries,. their orders aren't going to be superintendent of Dubuque arch- teaching (however unintentional) but, she said, conference mem- able to keep their black nuns tive director of the commission diocesan schools. of contempt.''' bers include about 350 black or gain new ones, Sister Grey on worship of the Lutheran nuns or' an estimated one third predicted. She added that her Church in America, and Episcoof all black Sisters in the United own Mercy order has been one pal Bishop William H. Folwell of States. ' Sisterhood that has shown Central Florida. The World Center for Litur"The National Black Sisters understanding. gical Studies was founded in Conference is a radical move1965 for the study of worship ment/' she wrote in an edition Senate Withdraws and the problems of the pastoral of the conference's newsletter. ministry in tiie varied, commuTerms like radical and revolu- From Federation nions and traditions of the Christion have made white persons SPRINGFIELD (NC) - The tian churches and Judaism. uneasy, she said, but she doesn't Springfield Priests' Senate has see why. disaffiliated from the National Change Essential Federation of Priests' Councils, "They don't seem to under- following a referendum in which stand that liberation is the kind priests of the Illinois diocese ••. Cleansers ••• of freedom that Jesus Christ voted 125 to 109 to dtop affiliacame to establish. He came to tion. After accepting the vote of free oppressed people." 94 TREMONT STREET Revolution is the work of the the priests, the senate voiced its Church by the Church's very na- unanimous regret, with two abTAUNTON, .MASS. ture, she continued, declaring stentions, over the Withdrawal, Tel. 822-0621 that the word "revolution" is not but said it felt compelled to folsynonymous with bloodshed. "It low the wishes of diocesan means bringing about change for priests. Before officially Withdrawing the welfare of people." Sister Grey said that change from the NFPC, the senate spon.''--' for black people in the Church- sored a general meeting of all where'she said they have never priests at which NFPC president, been accepted as equals-is es- Father Francis Bonnike, outlined J sential and must be the special the work and programs of the task of black Religious. federation. The NFPC has been the center Explain Revolution The work of liberating blacks 'of controversy among many of and other oppressed people from the nation's priests since it apSCHOOL'S LAST GRADUATION: Rachel Costa, Jean dehumanizing roles is what proved a policy statement in Thibault, Elaine Dion, Dianne Valiquette and Lucille Nadeau Christianity is all about today, March calling for optional celibacy for clergy and other sweepgather as members of the last graduating class from the she declared. Sister Grey, who sports an ing changes in the Church. 94-year-old Jesus Mary Academy of Fall River.

IRadical Movement

Casey-Sexton, Inc.

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IIi '


THE ANCHOR:""Oiclcese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, ,1971

, I


Lauds Pastoral Instruct'ion 00 M~dia , 'Urges. Imlplementatiol1l by Church Agenci:es I

been realized with the publica- in covering the Coun~il proceedtion on June 3, of a new Pas- ings. toral Instruction on'the Means of Even as recently as,1969, howSocial Communication prepared . ever, at the time of !the second by an international committee of synod of Bishops; tne Church's experts (including several Amer- communication policy, at the ican bishops, priests. and lay- Roman level, still left much to men) and issued under the aus· be desired. I pices of the Pontifical CO!Dmis~ Secrecy Restricted sion for the Means of- Social Be that as it may, the new Communication. , Pastoral Instruction! on the As a matter of fact, I suspect ' Media gives one reason to hope that Dr. Stuber will find that this that things will be b~tter in the Pastoral Instruction, if anything, future. The Instruction states far exceeds his fondest expecta-' very pointedly that -"When ecBy tions. For my own part, speaking clesiastical authorities are unas a concerned amateur in the willing to give information or MSGR.,' field of communications, I would are unable to do ~o, then rumor go so far 'as to say that the is unloosed and rumQr is not a GEORGE G. Instruction is, by all odds, one bearer of the truth but carries of the most important and most 'dangerous half-truth~. Secrecy forward-looking documents is- should therefore be rbstricted to HIGGINS sued by any Roman Congrega- matters that involve' the good tion or Commission since the end name of individuals 0li that touch • other key documents, ,notably of Vatican II. upon the rights of people whethI say this in spite of the fact er singly or collectively." the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modem World and' that several of the Decree's referIf this last sentence from the Declaration on Religious ences to the role of public au- paragraph 121 of th~ Decree is thorities in regulating the media, Freedom. taken seriously-by the Vatican The late Father, Gustave Wei- strike me as being rather fuzzy 'itself, by national conferel'\ces of 'gel, S.J., was 'being 'uncharacter- in the sense that they appear to bishops, by' individu~l dioceses, istically restrained in his choice leave the door open, perhaps un- and by local Ch~rch lagenciesof language when he told the wittingly, to a kind of govern- half the battle to' improve the U. S. 'Bishops' press panel in ment censorshp which even Vice- Church's internal comhlUnication Rome on Nov. 14, 1963-three President Agnew, for all of his policy will have be~n won at weeks before the final vote was dissatisfaction with the media, long last. I , taken-that "the Decree does 'not would probably abhor. Human nature being..what it is, strike me as' being very remark- , 'Coming of Age' however, one would tie naive to able. It is not going to produce Whatever of that, the USCC expect t~at thi~ will happen great changes.'1 Other commenCommunications Committee was automatically. The media (and tators ,have been much more 'the faithful in general) will have se~erE! . in their criticism of ~he not exaggerating when it pointed to help make it happen by insistin the opening paragraph out, document. ' of its advance commentary on ing that Church agencies and Ray of Hope the Decree, that "in a real sense .institutions, implement;. the spirit, Stanley I. Stuber,. an American this document can be viewed as as well as the letter, of the PasProtestant expert in the field of an expression of the Church's toral Instruction. We can' be communications, says; for exam- coming of age, at least conceptu- certain, I think, that :the media ple, 'in the A~~ott-Gallagher ally, in regard to the world of will not be found wanting in this regard. edition of the Council documents modern communications." that "Unfortunately, this, Decree This is particularly, true, I I falls far short of the high stand- 'think, with regard to those sec- ' Dr. Buchanan (Heads ard established by the other doc- tions of the Decree which' deal uments ... It ,also presents ,sev- ,specifically with the problem of Dumbarton C~lIege eral propositions which, if taken communications WASHINGTON (N<::::) - Dr. within the seriously, would disrupt, if not Church itself. Paul Gordon Buchana~;':44, forcurtail, the chief aspects of Pope What these sections of the mer vice-president of D'Youville John's ,aggiornamento: As a document say about the imp6r- ' College in Buffalo, ha~ been inCath01ic editor has put it, 'it is tance of public opinion in the stalled' as president ofI'Dumbar, . ' . not ollly pre-aggiornamento, but Church' and the consequent need toil Colleg~,liberal aIj1s','college definitely pre-Pius XII'." for free discussion (tempered by for women operated here by the Dr. Stuber was, gracious 'charity, of course) and the re- Holy Cross $isters.: enough to add, however, that lated need for the freest possible CongressmanWalte~ E. Faun"th'e ,Decree does offer a ra~r of flow of information on all mat- troy, ,a ,black clergyman recently hqpe, in reverse. It indicates that ters affecting ,the' life of the elected non-voting" delegate to new organizations will be' estab- Church is almost too good to be Congress from .the District of , "Columbia, gave the main address lished within the Church to fur- t r u e : ' ther. the cause of social commuat the inauguration ceremonies., , American Bishops Helped nication'. If the document, is to He challenged' university-trained To, be sure, Pope' Pius XII, as women to use their' 'edtication in 'be considered as a starting point rather, than an end in itself ..., if ' far back as 1950, had taken 'a "the drama of social redemption" it will' encourage freedom of positive stand in favor' of public, to help heal society's urban and speech and the mental, support opinion, .within the Church. Un- and national divisions.:' , of such causes as .world pe;1ce, fortunately, however; the record ' , Dr. Buchanan, a Bostonian, rac,ial justice, the war against r will show that his widely quoted ' t~ughi: at schools in :his home poverty, the rights of man in a, statement on this subject, while 'city and served at Bryant Colsecular, society, the championing conceptually very sound, . made lege; Providence, as de~n of adof questioning youth, and ,if it relatively little difference in the - missions and then as assistant to ~he president from 1960 until he will encourage the Catholic practical order., Church to cooperate with non. , That ~s to say, the Church as 'went ~o Buffalo in 1~66. Dum-, Catholic agencies iJ:l the devel-' an institution, starting with the barton College has an enrollment opmi!nt of a. modern approach Vatican itself, has, in recent of 400 women and a iO-l ratio to the instrurperits of social com- times at least, put a heavy pre-. of students to faculty. i . I ,munication, then this document ,mium on secrecy and" has tendmay serve as'il way, to something ed, by and large, to be overly far better and :greater 'than it suspicious of the media. The situation improved' somerepresents in ~nd by itself." , I , what (but not a great deal), durExceeds' Expectations ONE STOP: ing the course of Vatican II. This ' SHOPPING CENTER , I have quoted at suchconsid- ,'was due, in considerable meaerable length from Dr., Stuber's ':sure',. to the initiative of the • Television • 'Gr9cery commentary on the I:lecree to American bishops who, once they • Appliances • Furniture indicate that, most of his hopes got the feel of the 'Council, went 104 Allen St., New Bedford , with regard to ,the implemen.ta- to considerable lengths, to assist 997-9354 tion of the document have now the media, as best they could, The Second Vatican Council's Decree on Social Communications, promulgated Dec. -4, 1963, is' generally thought to be· the .least satisfactory and ,least important of all the Council documents. Most commentators have shrugged it off as a premature fizzle-premature in the sense that'it was adopted too early to benefit from the subsequent debate in the Council on, several






BISHOP FEEHAN LISTS 189 GRADUATES: The seventh graduating class of the Catholic Regional High School in Attleboro will include among its graduates: William Dunn, Pat Brouillette, Peg Gautieri and Brian McAlice.

Worse Than Biafra Holy Ghost Missionary Describes Plight Of East Pakistani Refugees ROME (NC)-"This is worse refugee problem developed slowthan Biafra!" , ly, and then there was some time From almost any other source to build up an infrastructure. I would have dismissed this as- This new situation just" burst sertion about the plight of some 'upon everybody. four million East Pakistani refu-, "At the moment they're just gees in India:. But Father Ray- scavenging. Most were undermond F. Kennedy's credentials nourished when they came. There were impeccable, as I had rea- is no fuel. Now cholera has son to know. We had flown to- broken out. The monsoons are gether into Biafra at night, in a arriving, and with those torrendarkened plane and into a tial rains the roads become blacked-out field. And I had last rivers of mud," seen' him in the encircled, How many of the four million doomed republic where he di- and more would survive? There rected relief work for the Irish was no answer. organization Africa Concern. Now this priest, born 45 years ago in San Francisco but a member of the Irish province of the 93'l066 Holy Ghost Congregation, had been in Bengal to see h0'Y Africa Concern could best help the refugees. How worse than Biafra? Were there not three times as' many refugees in the Wes~ African enclave when Nigerian troops were 365 NORTH FRONT STR~ET tightening the noose? NEW BEDFORD "Ah, but these refugees have 992-5534 been dumped in India suddenly, in huge numbers. The Biafran


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tHE ANCHORThurs., June 17, 1971

Enjoys Teaching Children,.. To Appreciate Gardens _


Indian Cardinal Raps Abortion

Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

We picked our first basket of strawberries June 9. Actually the strawberries were planted by my cousin and partially tended by my father, so I can take very little credit for their presence. But the experience of picking a basketful is stilI one which does the job better than the gives special joy. garden. Last week I took Jason This recipe for pierogi dough' into the strawberry bed and was given to me the evening I explained how he should pick berries, being sure not to step on the plants and destroy the incoming fruit and he was thrilled. Each berry he picked was more succulent than the last and each seemed to him to get redder and redder. He was so thrilled when Marilyn came out into the yard that he ran as fast as he could to get her a berry. Fun With Gardens Nothing is m.ore satisfying to the gardener than to have his garden enjoyed, either because of the beauty of his flowers or the vegetables and fruit which take on a special flavor because they are home grown. This year Melissa planted a smalI garden which is doing quite welI. She has several rows of peas which should be ready by the traditional ripening date of July 4, two smalI rows of corn, two rows 9f radishes, two rows of carrots, five or six tomato plants. six hills. of pole beans, two rows of stringbeans, 12 pepper plants, a few squash seeds, and a 'row of endive. This was done in a few sessions, with me providing the labor of turning over the soil' and raking the earth smooth. Now I am enough of a realist to know that I will end up doing the hoeing and watering, but she deserves some credit for the work she has done thus far. However, she will gain a great deal more from having done her planting than if she had been shooed out of the ,garden. , My point in alI of this is that we would have a great deal more fun with our gardens if we planted things that the children could enjoy and they would appreciate out gardens alI the more for deriving some value from them. I have often said that the way to a child's heart is' through appealing to the eye and to the stomach and nothing

Romans Hear' Plea For Jailed Prelate ROME, (NC) - At a vigil of prayer for persecuted Christians, a leading Italian layman urged Catholics to pray -for Archbishop Raymond Tchidimbo of Conakry, Guinea, imprisoned for life at hard labor by the government of President Sekou Toure. Prof.. Luigi Gedda,.a consultor of the Vatican Council of the Laity and president of Catholics United for the Faith, referred to Archbishop Tchidimbo's .firm 'stand against a campaign 'against the family. ' It is believed in some circles that this is what alienated Pres,ident Toure and broughL about , Archbishop Tchidimbo's arrest. He was one of more than 70 persons condemned to life imprisonment at mass triaJs in Guinea in January. Another 92 were condemned to death.

attended the pierogi class by Mrs. Julia Sowa of St. Stanslaus Parish. Pierogi Dough5 pounds, plus one cup of flour; 3 eggs; 2 teaspoons baking powder; 1 Yz teaspoons salt; 3% cans of evaporated milk (average size can). 1) ,Beat the eggs well in a large bowl, add the salt and milk and continue beating. 2) GradualIy add the flour and baking powder, stirring until alI flour is mixed in very welI. Mix very, very welI beating until dough is smooth and flexible. 3) Knead on a welI-floured surface. 4) RolI out on floured surface and cut circles with a large teacup. Fill with a good tablespoon of the filling. Bring edges together and lepic' (seal) them. 5) Cook ina large kettle of boiling salted water. Put them into water when it starts to boil, when boiling returns time them about 10 or 12 minutes or until they rise to the top of th~ pan. Remove them with a wooden sPQon and dra,\n in a路 colander that has, beeri ,placed momentarily'into a ~pan of cold water. This stops the. cooking process. 6) They may be served now with melted butter or fried slightly in butter and sprinkled with buttered bread crumbs.

COCHIN (NC) -=. Cardinal Joseph Parecattil of Ernakulam has criticized legalized abortion as ".violence against innocent life." Speaking here 'as chief guest at the semi-annual meeting of the AII-Indi~ Women's Conference, the cardinal said if Mahatma Gandhi were alive today, he would have raised his voice against "this yiol~mce carried out today in many parts of the world and in India." , The ca~dinal spoke shortly after the Indian parliament voted approval of a government bill that legalizes abortion for non-medical reasons, until now, a crime under the Indian Penal Code. . _ He said he wanted to speak on behalf of innocent lives that NORTH DARTMOUTH REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL: .are terminated eVEm before they Michael Hevey, senior class president; Paula Rousseau, are able to speak.. the president of Yearbook Editor; and Spencer McMurray, class treasurer; theMeanwhile, Women's Conference, Mrs. share congratulations as they are about to leave Bishop Lakshmi Raghuramayya, also Stang High School as members of ninth graduating class. criticized legalizing abOrtion as a method of birth control, but said her organization had no objection to abortiQ!) for health ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC)- tical suggestions which, it said. reasons. The Long Island Interfaith should be used whenever conEditor, Named Council has issued guidelines for fronting any controversial issue: BALTIMORE NC)-Robert J. cooling off emotionalIy charged acknowledge the sincerity of the arguments on such issues as opponent; listen with an open 'Sievers, a 16-year-veteran of the abortion or aid ,to, non-public mind; avoid emotionalism in Catholic press, has been named debate, schools. editor of The Catholic Review, The ,council is composed of Frank H. Brennan, one of the Baltimore archdiocesan . news28 members representing Jewish, council's three co-chairman said paper. He succeeds A.E.P..Wall, Catholic, . Protestant and Ortho- the guidelines "make a tremen- who resigned recently to become dox groups in Nassau and Suf- dous contribution toward ex- managing editor of The Hon()lulu folk counties. panding the arena in which con- Advertiser, Hawaii's only mornThe council list.ed three prac'- troversial issues can be raised." ing daily.

Interfaith Council Issues Guidelines

now' there's a bette'r woy to cook outdoors

Stresses Women's Christian Goal RICHMOND (NC) - Margaret Mealey, executive director of the National Council' of Catholic Women, said here she feels that liberated women should, not ..separate themselves from family, Church, community, career and country, but should deepen those concerns along the lines of Christian commitment. "As we become less rigid, less blindly conforming, less traditionally subservient, we will 'become more free to render the real service that determines how truly Christ-like we are," she said. ' Speaking at a diocesan Council of Catholic Women Convention here, Miss Mealey said "the liberation of Christian women, which will be included in the general changing lifestyle of American women, must b e guided by their Christian commitment." , Religion will "provide the necessary guidelines to keep ,liberation from becoming a' pprely agnostic or humanistic pursuit," Miss Mealey stated. She said she hoped that Christian women would not accept an extremist position at either end of the feminist debate, but would maintain more sensible middle ground.......;..a tenuous chore which continually includes avoiding polar positions."


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Advocates Stronger L~ity. Voic:e on Parish Matters

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 1971

Chaplain Leaves San Quentin BELVEDERE-TIBOURON (NC) -Ten years at San Quentin is a long time even if it is spent outside prison bars. Recently Father Thomas Ahern ended a decade of chaplaincy at the California prison and returned to parish life as associate pastor of Sacred Heart in Saratoga.

After my column last Spring on a Parish Voucher System in which I suggested individual Catholics be given the option of allocating their funds to the parochial school or the CCD school, I heard from readers the country over. . Apparently the col u m n Recently, there have been touched a few nerves bewell-publicized national meetings cause it was read from some of priests, bishops and nuns. pulpits, denounced from Each has wrestled with problems others and deposited in collection baskets along with weekly envelopes.


One of the saddest responses came from a reader who wrote: "Several of us who are unhappy with the CCD program appeared at our parish council meeting and formally" requested a parish vote on the budget. Our pastor became so upset at this that he tabled the idea and never allowed it to come up in subsequent meetings. Now, what do we do?" I couldn't possibly answer this man because I didn't have all the facts. Nor could I answer the group of ladies who, after developing a parent-education program for their parish, were told by their pastor, "I can't allow it because I can't be there all the evenings' to make sure' you' are teaching the correct doctrine." If these, and many of the other incidents reported to me, really' occurred, they are an indication of the real depth of our parish problem: our spiritual leaders aren't equipped to handle the growing liberation of Catholics. It's that simple. In instance after instance, parish councils which "find" to the displeasure of the pastor are dissolved without explanation. Complaining parents are written off as weak Catholics or trouble makers or both. Parishioners who go through the same democratic procedure they do to get action on a community problem are labeled militant or radical. Democracy in Church It's another of those cases where we laugh instead of cry only because it releases the same tension. Although Vatican II decided firmly in favor of a mature and involved laity, it seems that only the laity heard those hallowed words. Echoes may have reached the hierarchy but in too many cases, they were translated as, "A mature laity unless it interferes with my decisions." Orthodox Catholics are quick to point their fingers at democracy in the Church, charging that it is heretical. But we aren't voting on doctrine when we vote on whether or not to continue running a parochial school at the expense of religious. education for three-fourths of the parish kids. Mature Laity. We aren't voting on theology when we vote on the times of Masses; . the size of the parking lot, the subsidization of the diocesan paper and the alleviation of hunger in our area.

of collegiality and democratic voice within its own ranks. Unfortunately, none of these' groups has shown interest in the rights anq role of the laity. When I questioned one wellknown and. highly respected monsignor on this absence,. he replied, "But that's your problem. We have our own to work out." So, Mature Laity, a 'Voice in the running of our parishes, is our problem. It's up to us to discover how we can be heard if the pastor and/or his chosen representatives turn us off. It's 'up to us to get together ill rna.' ture and peaceful assembly to determine our alternatives to parish autocracy. Pastors tend to react to charges of heavy-handedness by saying, "My laity won't get· involVed so I have to make the decisions. I can't even get anyone to run for parish counciL" In such cases, I suggest the pastor look to his council. Is it really free to make decisions or is it a rubber stamp council? In 'parishes where the council really is a decision making body, there's no lack of candidates. Disinterest in. running is found most often in. parishes. where the . pastor has already decided on all major issues and either dares his members to vote another way or allows them to vote on such trivia they stop coming to meetings. Whether we bless or condemn it, Catholic Lib is on its way. People who are free to make decisions in all other bodies governing their lives aren't going to be "told" on non-doctrinal matters much longer. . If we are the Church-if we really are the Church - as we keep hearing we are, then where is our voice on parish matters? Locked up somewhere along with our responsibili~y and decision'making. power? We can't have the former without the latter.

Abortion Referral Agency Illegal NEW YORK (NC) - A commercial abortion referral agency was declared .illegal in a New York Supreme Court decision that could have widespread effects on the multimillion-dollar referral business here. Court Justice Sidney H. Asch barred the Abortion Information Agency, Inc., from continuing its business of referring pregnant women for a fee to physicians and hospitals for abortions. "The law which sought te) emancipate women from servitude as unwilling breeders did not intend to deliver them as helpless victims of commercial operators for the exploitation of their misery," the justice declared. He referred to the New York statute which permits medically approved abortions up to 24 weeks. from conception without residency requirements.


Soft-spoken and .middle-aged, he is somewhat reticent about his experiences. Like many other chaplains, he found his years at San Quentin tough-lots of frustration mingled with the occasional satis-

SPEAKER: Hon. Milton R. Silva, Presiding Judge of the Second District Court of Bristol, will be the principal speaker at the Knight of the Years Award dinner to be sponsored by the Fall River K of C Council No. 86 on Sunday evening, June 27 at White's Restaurant.

Governor Mandel Says U. S. Needs ~rivate Schools CINCINNATI' (NC)-Maryland Gov. Ma!,vin Mandel said here that the nation needs a private as well as a public school system and spoke' with pride .of his state's tuition 'voucher plan to aid nonpublic school students. Gov. Mandel, in Cincinnati to receive an honorary doctor of laws degree at Xavier University, told newsmen that he sees two valid reasons for aiding private' schools and colleges. "First of all, they serve a very essential purpose" in the nation's educational system, he said. "A student ought to have the right of selecting the school he wishes to attend. If you' had only ·one public system, the educational system would tend to become stereotyped." Moreover, the governor said, "the cost to the state of absorbing into the public school system students attending nonpublic schools would be fantastic-not only jn operating costs, but in capital expenditures." Tuition Vouchers

faction of helping rehabilitate a man. "There just isn't a lot of response,"he told The Monitor, San Francisco archdiocesan newspaper, .in an interview. "A person might do very well on the inside -as your clerk and then fall apart on the outside. "But every once in a while through the help of some person, something clicks inside one of those guys. They 'snap to,' as they put it. They decide 'they've got to get with it." Chaplains have served at San Quentin since 1858, just a few years after the prison opened.



Think about it ... is there a special "summer spirit?" Summer doesn't include any special· religious holis!ays that create a whole seasonal spirit of celebration as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. . But then, summer IS special because EVERY DAY is special. Every day celebrates our life in Christ; every day for a Christian is a new birth in Christ {Christmas); every day is an experience of God's love in others (Easter); every day is a "Eucharist" (Thanksgiving). ..We only need to pause and reflect on the most natural happenings of our everyday lives to discover that summer does offer us countless ways to grow in Christian love, especially in the many opportunities to enjoy our families and friends: be it a long-awaited vacation or a simple neighborhood cookout! Because summer is such a getherness, we would ask you your brothers amd sisters in the than at any other time of the during the summer months.

beautiful season for fa~ily toto remember in a special way missions. Special, because more year, the missions suffer most

The financial help missionaries so desperately depend on to continue serving the poor, and to help even more in these critical times, reaches its yearly low. Schools, hospital-clinics, pastoralrelief-and development programs are affected: slowed down, crippled, or forced to cease completely. . But even more than the missionaries. themselves, it is the mission-poor who suffer the most, especially when the only hope many have ever seen for their lives begins to fade away for reasons they don't ~nderstand, especially those who have just begun to grasp what it means to share in the life of Christ ••• to share in the Community of God's People . . . to know that life does have a meaning because others do care; especi,aUy those who have nothing of material worth but who have learned that every day is special whem live,d in the faith and love of God. Please make this summer a very special season to sha:re your love for God-your .c~lebration and appreciation for your faith- . your thanksgiving for the blessing of every day.

Gov. Mandel pointed out that he had appointed' a commission, Please send a slllcrifice today for the missions because it is including people on "both sides" not Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter in the hearts of all of the aid to nonpublic school men, and that makes your gift today so very special. pupils question, and that he had accepted and the-legislature had enacted the commission's recom- ,"""---------,-----~-----------~----------,~-SALVATION AND SERVICE are .the work of The Society· , mendation to provide tuition : for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column : and send your offering to Reverend Monsi.gnor Edward T. , vouchers to parents of nonpublic , O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New : : school pupils. : York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan Director. : He said the state has about 120,000 students in private : The Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine : schools. Tuition grants range : 368 North Main Street : from $200 per student down to : Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 : $50, according to the parents' net income, he' said. : NAME : Ho~ever, a coalition of groups opposing the 'fuition grants is .' : ADDRESS ; : collecting signatures to put the : CITY.................................................................... STATE.............................. ZIP............ : vouc~er plan to a referendum test on the ballot in the Fall of : 6-19-71 : 1972.



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,. THE ANCHOR,-Diocese of Fall River"-Thurs. J~ne 17, t971


/ ,.'

KNOW YOUR FAITH Meaning of Christianity In Chapter3 of St. Paul's Let· ter to the' Colossians we find. this remarkable sentence: "Everything you do or say, then, should be done in the name of. the Lord Jesus, as you giv~ thanks through him to ..God the Father" (3: 17). I call it remarkable be.. cause it is a sweeping statement, covering. all of life, things 'great and _small, an~, unlike many other verses of Scripture, it. was obviously meant to stand by itself as' well as in its context.


It is a statement for all seasons. Be fair _to yourself, however, ,realize that obviously it is an ideal, not a statement about the fact of every' Christian's life. The fact is, of course, that Christians often .fail to act or speak "in the n;ime of the Lord Jesus." They sin. Therefore'they spend at least some of their time doing penance and do not always "give thanks thro.ugh him to. the Father.:' .,The remarkable sentence does J; • haxe a. context, .and it shows Paul has not forgotten the prob--

The snow . was m~lting, leavlem he touched upon at the.beI ginning of the letter. Here you ing a patchwork of: puddles on see the two parts of the problem. our front lawn. I grasped my On the one >hand, Paul writes, . toddler's h'and and Iwe set out "Christ's message in all its rich- . across the way to deliver an item ness must live in your hearts" to my neighbor. Half,way across (3:16). But then,' as if to give I noticed our journey1wasn't prosome illustrations of what it ceeding 'very smoothly. Instead . means to .do and say. everytliing of walking together in a rhyt.hm, in the name of Jesus, he writes: we were straining, pll1ling away "Wives ',be obedient' to y,our from, one another. husbands, for that. it what you I looked down and discovered should do as' Christians. Hus- why.' As I caref~lly circh;;d bands, love your wives, and'do around each puddle, Steve just as not be harsh. with them. Chil·. carefully headed fat it. As I dren, it is .your Christian duty gently andsubconscibusly steerto obey your parents always, for ed him to the dry spots, he firmthat is what pleases God. Par- . Iy and deliberately [tugged me ents, do not irritate your chIl- . toward the more exciting wet dren, or they might become dis· ones, II couraged" (3:18-21). . I studied his shoes Iand specuForgive As Christ Forgives lated. Was the fun I worth the In the heart of the farnily, leather? Yes, I relaxed my pull even the Christian family, there and I.et him lead. What glorious are tensions, failures,even ag- freedom. He headed for the first gressive acts that are destructive slushy pile of snow artd splashed of love. In the' Christian family. through with great: zest: He all-husband and wife, parents shivered with excitement and and children - are members' of headed for the nexti wet chalof Christ. Yet this special shar- lenge. By the time we' reached ing in the life of Christ,' who is our neighbor's shores', this twoGod, does not eliminate the pos- year-old Columbus h~d a smile sibility of sin's dreadful entrance. on his face that told! the world . It is part of the mystery of he had conquered it. Ignoring my life, continued in the mystery of neighbor's quizzical I look at Christian life, that from an all- Steve's shoes. I c0nlpleted my business on . her front step and perfect God have come .creatures , '" . ~e began o~r return. I who can sin.. It is simply a fact that even Experience TeacheS Effects with the Christian family the' T)1is time I let Ste~e navigate Turn to Page Seventeen· on his own while I watched.





In Search of Silence .


There is "a time to be silent, t and a time to' speak" says' the Old Testament sage, Qoheleth (3:7). Summer is an ideal opportunity to do both. With the increased leisure of the Summer months there is often more time to be with friends, with the family, to talk. Summer rings with the sounds of happy conver· sation on picnics, at the beach, t • on trips, or just around the back yard. Summer is great time to talk. ..-

that :;cien~ists consider it a health hazard. So you have to really look' for silence. Surprisiogly, satisfying silence and quieting stillness is disQvered by many people who· may never find a break in the relentless noise of contemporary life. Perhaps for only brief moments at a time, they are able to find inner peace, and secure stillness. In'these-moments they are able to listen and hear sO\.llidsof hope, of peace, of life and of love. There is a level of hearing that is activated only in' inner silence, aided by precious moments of external quiet, but not By wholly dependent on them. . Learn to Listen FR. CARL J. Just as we need to learn to look at ordinary things in order PFEIFI:R,. S.J, to see 'how extraordinary. the ordinary really is, we also need to learn to listen and hear. We It is also a natural season to can gradually learn to notice, to be silent---'if. one can find any wonder, to see something of quiet in today's _technological God's presence and activity in world. It is necessary to 'search the visible world. We need .also out silence, to look for "moments to learn to hear his voice in the of stillness. The. din of city nois~ confused voices of our age, the rarely subsides, and even at the sounds of modern life, and the beach the rock beat p'ulses in(:es- sounds of silence. santly from transistor radios and Moses climbed the mountain portable TV set!! along the shore, and heard God's voice in the· drowning out the soothing 'ca-' midst of the, deafening roar of dence of the gentle waves. We a thundersto'rm (Ex. 19:16-25).· even have a new crisis with a 'Elijah heard God not in a storm new name, "noise. pollution." but in the gentle, whistling The environment is literally pol- breez~ (I Kings·19:12). The Old luted with noise to'.such a level Testament describes the sun and



Stepp.ing Around the Puddles

lLITTL~ GII\L JQYFULLY qREETS rHE SUNSH~~E: The joys of childhood are a fragile and proper part of growing up, but' the pain and discomfort experienced. are no less important as an_ ingredient for their free development fnto. adults. NC Photo.

Heediessly; he plunge~ into. puddles, leaped into snowbanks and. consequences of stepping' into generally exhausted himself in them. The more we draw them the cold muddy mess! He stum- aside, the more they are drawn bled on our front stept sat a few to the puddles. If we have our minutes and then cpmplained. way, they' will never experience the freedom of the puddle or the "I cold." I "Yes, I'll bet you are," I re- . discomfort of wet clothing. And it's' the wet clothing we must i plied. allow them to experience. "I wet, too. I wanna go in." So many of us today try to He went in. He waited awhile on the rug and loo~ed at me prevent our children from expeexpectantly. Then,' "i got wet riencing discomfort or pain that they actually grow. up without shoes," experiencing it. Sometime in life, "Uh-huh," I replied.j He tugged and tugged, finally they are going to run into the asking, "Help me take; my shoes puddles. Unless we intend to off." I did and then he wanted hang onto their hands forever, his wet 'slacksoff so ~e worked carefully avoiding. the learning together on those. I' ended up . experiences which lead to mature-dressing him from bottom out rity, they will learn the conse-a process every mother knows quences of their pleasure much too late for us to be of help in -but it was at his request. I tell the incident because it re-dressing them. How much IS a ll?icrocosm of child develop- better for us to let them taste ment. While we're· busily steer- puddles and the wet clothing at ing our children around the pud- a young age. Price of Experience ,dIes, they are lookin~ at them A boy wants a paper route. lohgingly, wondering about the . , I . His parents want to spare him IIlltllllllllll11111l"1II111111"'"I1IIlIII~I""Ulmlllllllllllllmmtrtl{IIII1I1"llmll1111"""llI.lIm the misery of those early mornmoon as speaking of God, pro- "jngs and snowy days so they t1aiming His glory (Psi 19). This steer him around that puddle and Judaeo-Christian tradition is con- raise his allowance instead. He tinued in our own tim~ as Vati- experiences no discomfort, no can Council II teaches that wet clothing. But what about "... all believers· of whatever re- later, when he gets his firs.t job ligion always hear His! revealing and has Iit.tle confidence in his voice in the discourse of crea- untried self? Wouldn't the early tures" (Church in the Modern puddle have been worth the wet ~ World, 36).. clothing? The Council urges to try . A girl wants to try door-toto acquire the inner silence that door seed selling as a money allows 'us~o hear' God! speaking raiser :but her parents want to to us of His love, His'presence, spare her the' humiliation of slammed doors so they steer her Turn to Page Sev~nteen


around the puddle and give her "make work" jobs instead. They both know it is meaniQgless activity for which sf:1e is earning money but ... A weak sori wants to' go out for football but his parents want to spare him the embarrassment of being cut from the team ...



A girl wants to wear an outlandish costume she has created but her parents are afraid the other kids will laugh ... A boy wants to discuss sex with his parents but they are embarrassed so they steer the con- . versation around the puddle .. , A teenager longs to tell his parents about a drug problem but they want to pretend it doesn't exist... . Puddles are there for a purpose. We 'don't have to plunge our children into everyone we see but we must allow them fre~ rein to explore them now and then. Each new.experience in a child's life has its joy and its price. If we give the joys only when 'they are young, they will pay double price later when they are older. .',·t·

Christianity Continued from Page Sixteen preacher must plead, as St. Paul kindness, humility, gentleness, does here, "Put on compassion, and patience. Be helpful to one another, and forgive one another, whenever any of you has a complaint against someone else. You must forgive each other in the , same way that the Lord has forgiv;en you" (3:12-14). We know from other parts of Paul's letters and from the Gospels that 'we do not 'and simply cannot do all this by ourselves. When we do these good things it is the result of a gift from God with which we cooperate. Paul says that God has called us together in the one body of the Church to the peace that Christ gives. That peace, he says, is to be "the judge" in our hearts (3: 15). It is not automatic however. Paul has to add, "Teach and instruct each other with all wisdom" (3:16). , Apparently it helps to sing. Twice Paul urges it (3:16). Apparently it helps to be fair first of all to the members of one's own family. In four different ways he says so (3:18-21). ,Be Alert at Prayer Apparently there was a considerable source of evil in relations between slaves and masters. Paul devotes five sentences (in the original Greek) to them (3:22-4:1). I am not just playing with numbers. It just happens that's the way Paul wrote. He doesn't keep it up. He moves on to something that applies to all, "Be persistent in prayer, and keep alert as' you pray, with thanks to God" (4:2). Apparently even in the moments of love given to us by God, when we have the grace to pray, we can droop and fail. We all know it is so. Even in this pure thing of loving prayer God has not so bound us to him that we cannot do otherwise. o

As i f it were not difficult enough to live the Christian life to our own and our family's .satisfaction, Paul reminds us of that paradoxical role to which each of us, even though weak, is called: "Be wise in the way you act toward those who are not believers, 'making good use of every opportunity' you have. Your speech should always be pleasant and interesting, and you should 'know how to give the right answer to every person" (4:5-6).

that does see it is all the more clearly a gift from God. Discussion Questions' 1. Why is it essential that the Christian life begin in a family setting? 2. What attitude does Paul have toward singing?


Thurs" June 17, 1971

'New Dill'ector

Sil'ence Continued from Page Sixteen His care, His call, in the varied voices of our time. In the confusing voices of our age, the voice of God can be, heard-but only if we learn 'to find within ourselves an inner silence. "Be still, and know that I am God" (Ps 46:10)., God Speaks Through Creatures To be silent enough to hear God speaking to you is not easy. For some it is not possible without professional assistance. No formula can be prescribed' in a brief newspaper column, but one or two suggestions may help during the Summer leisure hours. First, try occasionally to notice some particular sound and be ptesent to it, attentively listening to it. Perhaps you may notice the chirping of a bird, the steady patter of rain falling, the happy voice of your child at play, the sound of a car passing by, the notes of a musical instrument. Just listen, forgetting the care, worries, absorbing, appreciating the particular sound. Second, on Q.ccasion, stop mentarily what you are doing, take' notice of whatever sound is most apparent and in your own words speak to God about what you hear. You might thank him for the sound of music, the tone of voice of your husband or wife; praise Him for your ability to hear, for the wonderful variety of sounds that warn us of danger, make possible conversation, ~ntertain us, soothe our troubled spirits. You might ask Him to help you learn to listen, to learn to hear' His voice speaking through the sounds of life. You might ask forgiveness for not taking time to enioy and appreciate the sounds that arc part of His creation. , Learning to hear God speaking through the creatures that sur- \ round us or through our own inner desires requires an inner silence that must be searched for and created. "Be still, and know that I am God."



S!EAKER: Dr. Joseph Leo Driscoll, left, president of SoutJieastern Massachusetts University in North Dartmouth speaks with Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, S.T.D. Archbishop of Boston, former chancellor of the Fall River Diocese, who gave commencement address and received honorary degree.

De'epen: Faith, Personality Continued from Page One director of the Institute of Spirituality at the Gregorian University in 'Rome, agreed with the self-fulfillment idea but insisted that spiritual growth goes "deeper~' than that. "Self-fulfillment comes through self-denial in the New' Testament," he said, adding that to 'regard Christian self-fulfillment in "purely human terms" is not consistent with the Gospel message. The two points of view are not necessarily irreconcilable. Msgr. William F. Doyle, Director of the advanced course at the Naval Chaplains' School in Newport, pointed out that psychological insights can help "ready'; an individual for spiritual growth.

Priests' Problems Priest-participants, meanwhile, wrestled with another formidable problem - relating their own ideas about spirituality to the often quite different ideas of current ~eminarians. Auxiliary . Bishop Thomas Grady of Chicago, chairman of Seeks .Intervention the U. S. Bishops' committee on In Migrants' Case priestly formation called for GRAND RAPIDS (NC)-Mich- "language that will relate the igan's attorney general plans to 'old' spirituality with, the 'new'." Now, properly dazed by the intervene in a federal court case Msgr. John R. Gorman, presiscope of the painful and glorious challenging a farmer's alleged dent of St. Mary 'of the Lake thing it is to be a Christian, you refusal to permit U.S. represen- , Seminary, noted that seminarians are in a better position to make tatives to enter his migrant labor are "cut from the same cloth an act of faith in what it means. camps. ' as their peers"-they have the I draw your attention to a senThere are "substantial state same strengths. and weaknesses tence in Chapter 3 which I have interests to' be protected" in the as other young people today. , deliberately kept until now: U.S. government's suit against Among weaknesses he Iis,ted "You have put off the old self Joseph Hassle, a southwest an excessive dependency, a tenwith its habits, and have put on Michigan farm owner, said Atty. dency to "look for too much perthe new self. This is the new Gen. Frank J. Kelley. sonal definition' outside them'man which God, its creator, is The U.S. suit complains that selves. Their deepest question is: , constantly renewing in his own Hassle refused to allow persons 'Tell me thatI'm JTIeaningful'." image, to bring you to a full to explain federal assistance A series of sharp contrasts knowledge of himself. As a re- programs to migrant workers in between the approach to prayer sult, there are no Gentiles and, addition to barring state, local of priest faculty members and Jews, circumcized' and uncir- and private organizations, agen- contemporary seminarians was cumcized, barbarians, savages,' cies and individuals seeking to outlined. slaves, or free men, but Christ help those workers. The priests, Rev. Gerard T. is all, Christ is ,in am" (3:9-11). The board of directors of the Broccolo said, regard prayer as. This new creative and renew- Michigan Catholic Conference a kind of "intellectual dialogue" "jng activitityof. God may often unanimously- agreed to support with God; the seminarians de·be hard to discern, on account the right of collective bargaining scribe it more as a "poetic experience, a sense of an atmoQf Christians' failures. The faith I by mi&rant farm workers.

sphere." The priests tend to stress formal patterns and regular times of prayer; the seminarians prefer spontaneity and tend to resist regularly scheduled religious exercises. It was thought that at least on the graduate level, seminaries should not make religious exercises mandatory for their students-but should at the same time insist on a high degree of "accountability" on the seminarians' part with regard to the values which the practices express. The matter is not an "eitheror" proposition, Father Malatesta explained, since both freedom and obligation have a role to play in Christian life. Freedom, he said, does not contradict "knowing that there are certain things due to God" even though the best way to satisfy such obligations is through a free response. Father Broccolo also said the most helpful thing a spiritual director can do for the seminarians may be to expose his own spirituality to them, for example by praying with them. The students should be "allowed to share in the priest's relationship with Christ," he said. Directors are also "primarily change-agents" whose job it is to bring about growth and atti-' tudinal change in seminarians, said Msgr. Doyle. The director is the one who helps the stu,dent "articulate and evaluate" his religious experience, said Father Malatesta. Whatever the spiritual director does and is, there was agreement that he does not have an easy time. today being it and doing it. "These men catch it froin both directions ," one observer commented. "The students tell them 'You guys don't understand us.' Older priests tell them 'You aren't turning out the kind of priests we used to have.' You have to admire them for s.ticking with the job."

Continued from Page One partment of Assumption College, Worcester, for six years, including the past year as Department Chairman. He replaces ,Rev. Roland R. Bedard, M.S., who last week was appointed head of a new vocation apostolate aimed at attracting college students and graduates, as ,well as "delayed vocations" to the Missionaries· of Our Lady of La Salette. The 38-year old pr'iest is presently completing studies at Boston University on his doctorate in Old Testament and has com· pleted study at Harvard towards this degree. The son of Mrs. and the late Adelard Vaillancourt of Nashua, N. H.; he professed his 'vows in July 1953, in East Brewster and was ordained in Rome, Italy, in October 1959. He received his A.B. degree from the former LaSalette Seminary, Attleboro in 1955; the S.T.L. from ,the Angelicum, Rome, 1-960; the S.S.L. from Ecole Biblique, Jerusalem, 1962. He also received a diploma in French . studies from .Institute Catholique, Paris, in 1958. Ip. 1963, he was appointed instructor of sacred scriptures at the Attleboro Seminary -and was assigned to Assumption College as assistant professor of Hebrew Scriptures in 1965. He was a faculty member of the Ecumenical Institute, sponsored by Assumption College, and taught two Summers at Anna Maria College, Paxton. He was also lecturer· for the· Adult Education program; Diocese of Worcester. Father .Vaillancourt is a member of the Catholic Biblical Association of America, College Theology Society, Society of' Biblical Literature, and Knights of CQlumbus. In the Diocese of Worcester, he was a member of the Priests Senate and Cursillo Secretariat. Father Vaillancourt is a frequent contributor of book reviews to the Catholic Biblical Quarterly and has written articles dealing with Old Testament topics for the New. Catholic Encyclopedia.





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. THE -

CommunitySa,ves : "Catholic School

ANCHOR-Dj,ocese of Foil River::-Thurs: 17," ,197,J ., . . -.... June . ~

Critics' of' Social' Research . Resen't ,Qualified Language. .



I think I'r;n beginning to u'nderstand how Otto Ker,ner and William Scranton fuust feel. Response toany controversial. report is always 'unusual and those Who are respon: sible for the report have no reason to expect that they will be free'from attempts to un~ , demirie' the credibility of On the other hand, thez;e is a their efforts. The reaction;is whispering campaign among setting in over, the National 'journalists to suggest that both Opini'on Research, Center study on the American priesthood,.,

the'summary and my presehtation in Detroit., (which was a summary of the summary) were toned down to curry favor with the bishops,

First Of all, the client must have the report "evaluated" 'by , other' 'social scientfsts, Having According to the story, things purchased time by commission- are really much worse than we ing the report the client pur- were willing to tell the bishops chases even more.'time by com- . and the crisis much more serious than we admitted.' For such critics the balanced, qualified .language of social research is unacceptable. If one does nof By use the rhetorfc of apocalypse one is selling•.,. out. 'It is not not enough to ~ay that the REV., priesthood, has, both 'grave prob~ ANDREW M lems and strong assets. One must , see doom around the. corner. GREELEY Semi-Educated Enthusiasts

NEARLY TWO CIENTURIES OF SERVICE: Jubilarians in the Sisters of 81. Joseph for a total of 170 years join one another on the occasion of their anniversaries. Sr. St. Jean, SSJ, 50 years; Sr. LOl!ise Agnes; SSJ, 70 years; and Sr. Marie Lu~ie, 50 years, I

WINONA (NC) --'- The whole community got involved in saving Cotter Catholic High School here in Minnesota, ' Father Paul E. Nelson, principal of the 530-student ,school, spearheaded a fund drive which raised $47,200-enough to' keep the financially-sagging school open, and then some. The drive began when school opened last September, and Cotter's board of education estab. lished a committee to contact individual community leaders for donations of $1,000 each. About $35,000 was raised that way. Pastors and lay officials of the five Catholic - parishes here agreed to increase their subsidies' for the school. The Knights of' Columbus held a fund-raising dinner. 'Cotter students raised $4,000 through magazine sales, $500 at a white elephant sale, and donated materials and labor to paint the school gymnasium. Donations also came in' from .Cotter alumnae, solicited by mail. Father Nelson asked for and got free help from a local pub.1ic relations agency which promoted the drive. The Winona daily newspaper printed an_ editorial urging support of the school, and the Cotter principal was interviewed over local TV and radio stations.

Never mind that the report an evaluation: If the was read by a number of nonevaluators find something wrong Cath()lic scholars who thought -and of 'course the, client is the summary was an accurate ,hoping against hope that they do precis of the findings. Either one Holy Cross", Honors -then th,e client 'can wash pis . tries to browbeat the bishops States Without Nonpubl'ic ,School Aid hands completely of the project. into immediate policy change Socialist Chairman and' figure that 'the, mo~ey iI'- or one is a fink. WORCESTER (NC) ~ Michael Have C,onstitutional Problems ·vested was 'well worth the cost Harrington,. author. of "The' OthAnd of course if there is anysince' he was provided with an WASHINGTON (Ncb - Many' ton, S. C. Catholics make up er America" and national chairthing one learns in· the research excuse for not doirig anything business it is that the chances of the states which ektend little only 1.1 per cent of the popula- man of the Socialist party, was for. several years and now has of a report having long:range or no aid to nonpubtlic schools tion in that state. and the ratio honored at Holy Cross College's an6ther' such excuse. , . impact are in inverse proportion face constitutional: stumbling of public school students to annual commencement exercises a recent Catholic school students is 103 here for urging the affluent to to 'the purple tones of the rhe- 'blocks against such aid, I ,\:...... Dishonorable Behavior to one. study by the National Catholic try to solve the nation's poverty ... . toric in which it is written. I Educational Association here reproblems. the state of In contrast, in I'm not suggestirig that such i. The semi-educated clerical en- vealed. Harrington received a citation, New York, which has eight difreactions to research' r,eports praising him for conti,nuing "to thusiasts who insist on the rheferent aid programs for nonpub"State Aid to i Nonpublic ,hilppen only in the Church, On , torical style of grave crisis in a Schools"-NCEA's 46-page study lic schools, the highest number rouse a rich and powerful peothe' contrary, it is an inevitable research, report' do not know -reported 36 states I were ex- in the nation, Catholics are 35.7 ple to acknowledge their own event'in the 'research business" anything about research, arty- tending some form of aid to their per cent of the population. .'invisib1e poor.' " A client has every right to have thing about the inevitably gray non public schools as of May 15, "For a country grown accusFather Bond told NCN:ews the a report ,evaluated-whatever his nature of social reality, or any- 1971. Fourteen states: give non- establishment of non-church re- tomed to 'the full face of afflupurposes are, thing about the art of persuasion. public schools no assi~tance, the lated; private, educational acad- ence, you sketched the stark feaBut persuasion is not all that report said, though some private emies by parents and others try- tures of 'the other America,' What he does n'ot .have the do re- ,ing to escape public school inte- where tens of millions go huntight to do, it- seems to me, is to important to them. Much better schools in these states I that you beat the bishops over make the distribution of the ceive federal aid. gration is another factor block- gry, ill-housed and shamefully ' neglected," the citation read. , report to his. own colleagues de- ' the head. Among those states I which re- ing state aid to South Carolina~s pendent on evaluation. For such nonpublic schools. ported some constitutional reCurious Standards behavior is an insult to the restriCtions were NeW: Mexico, These private,academies would In fact, there are many serious Nebraska and Tenness!!e, A new be included in, the category search:, it 'suggests that the client has no confidence in the sci- problems in the American priest- state 'constitution fori Virginia, "nonpublic," he said, and some tist;s skill arid .integrity and that hood-as the NORC report made effective July I, contains a of them offer' "a very' poor ,he 'shouldn't hav,e been hired in clear -:... problems of authority, clause, which' savs state appro- quality of education," since they the 'first place.' sexuality, loneliness," vocation' priations are forbidden !to schools were hastily established for seg'd tn' t th recruitment. J:here is an espe- or institutions of learhing "not- regationist rather than educa, .. ' .. We, ~e.r~ assure,. ' a ~-, cially serious problem of the owned or exclusively 'controlled tional purposes. "The state finds ,evaluatIOn o! the~ORC rep~. polarization of attitudes between ~y 0e state or some spbdivision difficulty in relating to such was not ~, precondItIOn for: c11s~ bishops and priests a problem thereof." .' i schools," the priest said. tr'b f n of the 'report to the ' .•1 U 10, . ..,. certainly not eased by the recent ,An NC News :spot survey If I ' had ,biShops',·, ' ; not'receJ.Ved ',. , mee t"109 10 Det rOI·t·. out other rea~ons for a brought , , such' an assura'nce, I would not iack of nonpublic aid; in some have spoken' the bishops" But there is difference bestates; such as smallj Catholic meeting. I now, find that the .tween saying that the priesthood populations and; in at ,least two bishops were told the exact op- has serious problems and that it Southern states, the existence of posite: They would be permitt~d 'is in a state of collapse-even if White racist .private. ~cademies. I to read .the report ,only after it some of the radical clergy are was. ':"evaluated." It does seem not ,capable, of graspin'g the dif-' ,Father William Beck, Little Rock, Ark., school soperintento me,' that- such 'behavior 'is ference. ' . ' dent, told NC News' only 2.5 per someWhat ,di~hononible-though By thlHr curious 'stanoards of cent of the state's pophlafion isit, too, is to be expected in the YOUR truth, the fact that the psycho- Cathoiic. Arkansas 'h'as some ,research b'usiness. ' ' ,logical well-being of priests i3, constitutional barrier I to" non'FOR THE NEXT 3 YEARS higher'than that of comparable public, aid, he said and ithere are " " 'Must See Doom BANK·BY·MAIL (post-paid) WITH Am'erican males ought to have so few Catholics in the state then D~'le Francis ""7""' that b~en suppressed because' only by that they have never, pLshed for noted social researcher-is busy painting things in' the blackest changing the constitutibn to al, , , conducting a survey' of ,his own possible Jerms can any change low'such aid. ': 307 Main St., 'South Yarmouth, Ma. 02664 because he doesn't' believe our' be accomplished.. i . Escape Integrati~n *At Bas,S River, 2-3 yr. term deposit certificates yield findings. Good luck, Dale old They don't want a sober re6.18% per year when comp9,unded daily fl9m day-offellow; everyone else is conduct-, ' "Our ,political leverage h~re is deposit, $1,000 minimum deposit, , ing amateur research; there's no -searcl1er;, they want a patcn:t n'H,'; said, Father John BOnd, reason for you not to ~ it, .too. medicine man. school superintendent in Charlesmi~sioning

'N'CEA Report


~ ·1tendrles














Favors Improved U. S.. Relations With China DUBUQUE (NC) - A Catholic missionary who spent 10 years ' in China, four of them in communist prisons, said he approves recent U.S. attempts to improve relations with the Peking government., ' "We can't be forever ignoring China," Father Harold Rigney, a priest in the Society of Divine Word, said in an interview with The Witness, newspaper of the Dubuque archdiocese. Although he agrees there should be better relations with the People's Republic of China, he warne" that the United States ,must stay on guard. Recognition of Red China "would create much trouble for us," he said, while noting that "it will come.' It has to come." Father Rigney was rector of Fu Jen Catholic University in Peking in 1949 when Mao Tsetung's communist government took over. He was imprisoned' in 1951 and spent four years and two months in communist prisons on charges of spying. Communism 'Evil'

Dovorce Bill, The hit musical "Oliver" is coming to t,he stage of Fall River's Bishop Connolly High School auditorium Thursday through Saturday, June 24, 25 and 26. The live version of the widely acclaimed play based on a Dickens novel, will be a showcase for some of the outstanding talent of the Fall River diocesan school system. The ambit.ious production also represents one parish's efforts to keep its school in operation. The musical is being sponsored by the people of St. Mathieu's parish in Fall River. Fr. Thomas Morrissey ,assistant pastor at the North End church, explained how one small parish of 350 families decided to undertake such a project. "Like most parish schools, we are in the midst of a financial crisis. We have 288 children in our school. Only 88 are from our own parish. We're providing a· service for 14 other parishes. If we have to close our doors, the effects will be felt all over the city."


HOUSTON (N,C) - The first lay schools superintendent has been appointed in the GalvestonFIo).lston diocese. Leonard J. Quinlin, former assistan't superintendent, was elevated to the department's 'top position by Bishop John L. Morkovsky.


Veto'es Quickie

The account of his torture and deprivation while being held captive was narrated in a book, enHow Long? titled "Four Years in a Red Hell," which he wrote after his "How long can we hold on?" release in 1955., Last year he was Father Morrissey asked. "We appointed president of Divine cannot raise the money from our Word College in Epworth, Iowa. own budget. We thought that "I personally have suffered instead of the same old penny under the Reds," he said- in the sales,and whist parties, we'd atinterview, recallin'g his experi- tempt something to raise money ence at the hands of his com- that would also provide a culmunist captors. Nevertheless, "I tural service·.to the community,',' don't hate communists, because The little parish that was cut they're human beings." But he adijed, emphasizing the distinc- in half by expressway construction" between persons and idelol- tion may be limited in financial ogies, "I hate communism be- resources, but it has a gold mine in talent. The popular vocal team cause it is evil and atheistic." of Ronald and Terry Lee Nadeau " In dealing with Red China "we must be pragmatic," Father Rig- approached the parish council ney said. "The present Red gov- . with an idea for a musical pro,ernment has insulted us right duction and they responded and left. They've hated us," he enthusiastically. said. The Nadeaus directed a "Trib"They've stirred up hatred ute to Walt Disney" production against us. They've stolen our that the parish sponsored two property, imprisoned our na- years ago with great success. tionals, misrepresented us and The young couple, who have supported our enemies in Korea carved out a name for themand Vietnam." selves in opera, oratorio, musiIn Light of Past cal comedy and concerts in the United States and Europe. have Now, Father Rigney said, "China shows some indication of donated their considerable talents reconciliation. This must be, to the' parish. :' judged in light of the past. We Ronnie Nade!lu is a life long must remember who's making parishioner "of St. Mathieu's. After completing his studies at that offer," he warned. The current "ping pong" diplo- Boston University Conservatory matic efforts are "only an indi- of Music and Curtis Institute of cation of wanting to come to Music, ,he won a Fulbright terms" with the U.S. on the part schola'rship tq study music in ' of the Chinese, according to' Fa- Europe., ther Rigney. He said, "They're On the ship to Europe he met not going to change overnight." Terry Lee who had just graduAs for recognition of Red ated from Florida State UniverChina the United States would sity anc,l was also going to study have to weigh problems, includ- ,music', as a Fulbright scholar. ing the question of relations' Romance bloomed as the two with Nationalist China and the studied in Germany. While there East-West balance in the United the attractive couple were 'Nations, he said. chosen for leading roles in the televised premier of a German opera. I=irst Layman '

THE ANCHORThurs., June 17, 1971·'

Here in the United States they have sung with the Santa Barbara Opera, Philadelphia Opera and the State Opera of Florida. They have appeared under the batons of Eugene Ormandy, Gian Carlo MenoW and Pablo Casals.

SANTO DOMINGO (NC) President Joaquin Balaguer has yielded to pressure from the Catholic Church and vetoed' a bill that would have legalized quickie, divorces for foreigners here. The bill, Which, President Balaguer returned to tlie Chamber of Deputies unsigned, was passed by' both houses of the legislature" in May. It was designed, its sponsors admitted, to create new sources , of revenue for the Dominican Republic by attracting foreigners-primarily U. S. citizens-to come and dissolve their marriages within a week. Catholic opposition to the bill was headed' by Archbishop Octavio Beras Santo Domingo; his coadjutor, Archbishop Hugo E. Polanco Brito; Bishop Roque Adames of .Santiago de Los Caballeros, and an ad hoc committee composed of more than 30 Catholic organizations. The Santo' Domingo archbishops said that the bill, if it became ' DIRECTING REHEARSAL: Ronald ,Nadeau, director, law, would be disastrous for the supervising one of the many rehearsals being conducted for Dominican family, unit. Bishop Adames said' that "Oliver". Mr. Nadeau, left, James N. Durbar (Fagin); Elean- "when a country has to resort or Lindquist (Nancy) and Eddie Lambert (Oliver). to commercialization of divorce to bring in foreign currency it The Nadeaus' are directing a has appeared on the Ted Mack haS sold its dignity for a bowl iarge cast in the current produc.. Original Amateur Hour and was of soup," . tion that involves over 100 a grand championship winner The press was also overwhelmpeople and includes such pop- on, the Community Auditions ingly against the bill, as was ular musical numbers as "Con- television show. former President Juan Bosch, sider Yourself," "I'd Do AnyJames N. Dunbar who plays who remarked recently that Wall thing;" "As Long as he Needs Fagin, the villainous teacher of the country was interested in Me," the schoolboy pickpockets, is a was money, then legalizing herreporter for the Fall River oin, cocaine, and marijuana Old Pro Herald News. He has played would bring in more money than Eddie Lambert, an eighth leads, in Little Theatre produc- quickie divorces. grader from Notre Dame school, tions of "The King and I," and Fall River, who plays the title "My Fair Lady," among many Moral Outrage role of Oliver Twist, the work- others. DOUGLASTON (NC) - Conhouse boy who becomes a pickEleanor Lindquist, who is a pocket in London, is already an fonner music teacher in the Fall temporary radical students are , "old pro," River Middle School, and is well motivated by moral outrage, the president of the New York City He made his show business known for her roles in Little Council of Churches said here. debut at the age of three and Theater productions of "South "The radical student movement Piicific" and "West Side Story," at its b'est has been pleading plays the female lead, Nancy. with us .. . to do everything Among the 20 children in the in our power to promote life cast are members of Rev. Wiland not death," the Rev. Dr. M. liam G. Campbell's boys' choir L. Wilson said at the Cathedral . TAIPEI (NC)-Jesuit Superior of St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall College of the Implaculate ConRiver. ception graduation ceremonies. General Father Pedro Arrupe told The entrepreneurs at St. Jesuits here that their order is adapting to modern society by Mathieu's are hoping' for capacemphasizing 'educational im- ity crowds for all three evenings provement, social action and the at 8 o'clock and for the children's matinee at 2 o'clock Satuse of mass media. urday. Tickets may be reserved Father Arrupe was the first by calling the rectory. Jesuit superior general to visit If . this enterprising parish's Taiwan. He was welcomed at the daring plan for financial solvenTien Educational Center by ex- cy is successful, St. Mathieus ploding firecrackers and the may keep its doors open long chanting of "Alleluia" by univer- enough to enroll the Nadeaus' sity students., two-year-oidson in 1975. Jesuits staff the colleges of law and, business administration §lIIIIII III1I1111111111111111111111111111111mllllllIII III1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1I111111111~ = at Fu Jen University here. Some = = § § 30 Jesuits, 12 of them from the = Tien Educational Center, teach = == == in government universities here. == ~ == There are 265 Jesuits on Taiwan.


Jesuit Superior Visits Taiwan


Father Arrupe had met earlier in Tokyo with Jesuit provincials based in Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Australia, Korea, Oceania, South Vietnam and Japan. They discussed ways of making the 4,750 Jesuits in Asia more available to all the countries of the Far East in addition to the countries in which they specialize.


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, 20.~- 'rHE'ANCHOR~Di,ocese

of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 197,1


Culture of Span,ish


People Revolves .L4roundTheir Religi~n BY MARION UNSWORl1H CURRAN .

A • Mass for the SpanishI speakmg people of the Taunton ~rea was celebrated Sunday by Rev. James~urphYiat Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton. This was the fir~tgroup ~c· tivity scheduled by Father Mur.phy, ail. assistant at: St. Mary's Church, since he 'was placed in charge of the Taunt!:>n Spanish· speaking people justione month ago. . Pr:evious t6 his' as~ignment to St. Mary's, Father Murphy spent five ,years in Boliv~a, South America, as a member of The Society of 'St. James; a mission· ary group founded in 1958 by the then Archbishop I of Boston, Richard Cardinal Cushing. Before , starting his duties in Bolivia, the missioner spent three, months in , Peru learning the Spanish lan: guage: In the short month ~hat Father '; Murphy has had to settle back in the United States, ,he! has begun the long job of contacting the OFFERTORY PROCESSION: Two young members of Spanish"speaking people in the the Spanish-Speaking population in' Taunton present t~e area. So far he. has I visited. 32 chalice to Father MurPhy at Offertory Procession. families which are comprised· of about 180 persons out of the estimated 1000 around Taunton. leave their children, and Mrs. Spanish-speaking people was "These people 'are~ not only Ida Baptista, who is in charge started several years ago by Rev. from Puerto Rico,. although the of School Street School where Gerald Shovelton, formerly at St. . ,. I majority of them are," Father . both Portuguese and Spanish- Thomas More in Somerset but Murphy said. "We ialso have speaking children learn enough now at S,t. Patrick's Parish, Fall Spain English so that they may attend River. The prograin was both some families• from Cuba, ,I the regular schools of the city. active and successful, but be'and Venezuela." I "Their major problem, of Father Murphy hopes during came unoperative without a 'course, is the langua~e barrier," tile Summer to come in contact Spanish-speaking priest to lead he explained, "but their whole with as many of the families as it. culture revolves arourtd their re- possible. "They need some kind Father Murphy, who comes ligion, and that is where I can of unifying point,'" he added. from St. Lawrence Parish, New contribute somethingl If they They are so much more religious- Bedford, and was ordained there should. lose their religion, they ly oriented than we are." in 1962, spent some time as' ascould lose their culture since the sitant at St. Patrick's, Fall River, He hopes to start catechetical before joining the St. James Sostructure of American! society is classes for children, perhaps ciety. In Bolivia, he did parish so different." I even this Summer. "But the area work in La Guardia Parish and So ' far, ,Father Murphy has found the names and: addresses concerned in so far-flung a cen· was pastor at Fatima Parish in of the families from tither fami- tral meeting point and transpor- Santa Cruz. Now, at St. Mary's, lies pnd from other pe~ple work- tation will be a problem," Father he has his work cut out for him ing. in the foreign lang~age field. said. "Anyway, I' have already in reenergizing the interest and These sources include: the Wel- received film strips of the Life participation of hIS special !are office, Maria T9rres, who of Christ which I can use if the charges. runs a day care ce!lteJ;' in Taun- other problems are overcome." ton where working mothers can A program in Taunton for the I



FOCUS OF SUNDAY MORNING: Father Murphy offers the Mass in the Chapel of Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton.

• COMMUNION PROCESSION: Distribution of, Holy Communion on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Our Lord.


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MASTER BECOMES SERVANT: In the spirit of Christ, 'Father Murphy serves the collation toa group of youngsters spar~ling .with liappin~s~., " .' .


.. COLLATION AFTER MASS: Father Murphy discusses the morning's program with Cotto, a Spanish-speaking resident of Taunton for 14 y~ars and a coordinator with Father Murphy:"in-his apostolate. .' . .b.; '. _ .\'. ' . . :,.: ,: \ ~amon

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