Barbara Ward: Birdlike, Brillian.t, ,Witty, Devout the arms race are two of inflation's prime sources. Developed and oil-rich nations must continue the Rome Food Conference pledge of $5 bi:llion a year to Third World agriculture, because th~ world no longer has vast cheap food supplies. Give developing human settlements in the world clean water and san. itation, so children will live, and their populations will stabilize ... "Tpe great mass of Christians in Western society simply have no clue that they are lords of creation," Lady Jackson said in an NC News interview at her hotel midway during the Habitat Conference. They expect their Turn to Page Two
By Jo-ann Price When Mother Teresa spoke to VANCOUVER (NC)-One of a hushed crowd in a drafty airthe most awesome personalities plan hangar at the Habitat at the United Nations Confer- Forum, she sat quietly on a ence on Human Settlements bench at the Calcutta nun's feet. (Habitat), Barbara Ward (Lady At press conferences, debates Jackson), is birdlike, frail, witty, on nuclear energy, action-like brilliant and devout. radio programs, the platform of The British economist is the Water Day celebration, Lady everywhere. They ca:ll her "Lady' . Jackson is in there fighting for Habitat." When the 12-day con- the world's 'precarious future. ference opened in this city's . What is to became of "The Queen . Elizabeth Theater, she Home of Man"-the title of her drew three minutes of applause book, commissioned by the UN for her vigorous global appeal -as the world's population douto governments, UN specialists . bles by the year 2000? and observers to save mankind At machine-gun rate she can from disaster through a new enumerate the issues. Clean awareness of what the future water should be provided to all holds if present resource, energy people in all settlements by, and urban policies continue. say, 1990. Energy, waste and
The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and Farm-St. Paul
PRICE 15c Vol. 20, No. 25 Š 1"976 The Anchor $5.00 p,r yur Fall River, Mass., Thursday, June 17, 1976
Fr. LeMay World La Salette Head Very Rev. Lionel R. LeMay, MS, who was ordained by Bishop James L. Connolly in Fall River on June IS, 1946, has been elected to a six-year term as Superior General of the Congre-
gation of the Missionaries of La Salette. He will direct activities of the worldwide community from its general motherhouse in Rome. Father LeMay, whose main task is seen as promoting unity in the entire La Salette congregation, was born Aug. 17, 1919 in Manchester, N. H. After graduating from parochial school he entered La Salette Seminary High SchOOl and College, Enfield, N. H. and completed his . studies for the priesthood at the community's major seminary in Attleboro. From 1948 to 1951 he did graduate wOrk at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, where he earned a doctorate in Sacred Theology. From 1958 to 1964 the new superior general was rector of the La Salette Seminary in Attleboro, and from 1964 to 1970 he was secretary general of the VY. REV. UONEL R. LeMAY Turn to Page Four
Center Diocesan Life Around Eucharist Noting that the Feast of Corpus Christi will be celebrated this weekend, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has called on all parishes of the diocese to observe Saturday and Sunday as a Eucharistic Weekend of Prayer. "This year," said the Ordinary, "we have a unique opportunity to grow in the love of the Lord as we prepare as a nation for the 41st International Eucharistic Congress. I would ask therefore, that, where possible, Saturday, June 19th and Sunday, June 20th be days of prayer focusing on the sacrament of the Eucharist. "Let us utilize these days throughout the entire diocese to
to emphasize the primacy of the Blessed Sacrament: "The mystery of the Eucharist is the true center of the sacred -liturgy and indeed of the whole Christian life,"
prepare ourselves spiritually for the Eucharistic Congress, to ponder the meaning of the Eucharist in our lives, and to reflect on our response to the Eucharist." -The prelate quoted from the "Instruction on the Eucharist"
Install Lay Ministers Nearly 100 Sisters and laypersons, the largest group yet named in the Fall River diocese, will be commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist at a Mass to be celebrated at 7 tonight in St. Mary's Cathedral by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. Representing 27 parishes, the Turn to Page Two
Slate Saturday Ordination For Sacred Hearts Deacon Bible Grou'p Rev.. Mr. Robert J. Powell, uate work toward a master's deSS.CC., who has been serVing as gree in counseling psychology a deacon at St. Joseph Church, at the Catholic University of On Women Fairhaven, will be ordained there at 1 p,m. Saturday by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. The ordinand is the son of Arthur and Viblette Powell of St.' Anne's parish, New Bedford. He attended St. Joseph's and St. Anne's elementary schools in that city and Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, then entering the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Rev. Mr. Powell received a bachelor's degree in philosophy at St. Mary's College, Winona, Minn. and a master's degree in divinity at the Washington Theological Coalition, Silver Spring, Md. He has also completed grad-
America and has worked in Turn to Page Five
There has just been released a French-language document of the Pontifical BiblicaI Commission which met in plenary session in April on the general research topic of Scripture and the place of women in Church and society. Of special interest was a biblical inquiry whether or not women can be ordained to the priestly ministry. The conclusion arrived at states: "It does not seem that the New Testament by itself alone will permit us to settle in a clear way and once and for all the problem of the possible accession of women to the presbyterate." Turn to Page Three
r----1n This Issue'--------------....,;"".-----------
Cardinal Discusses TV Influence
Tribute To Vineyard Pastor
Space-Age Kids Go Back In Time
Star-Spangled Week
Page 3
Page 5
Page 6
Page 15
.. _ ..
They're In Phi Beta Kappa P~ge
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17,1976
Barbara Ward: Birdlike Continued from Page One children to live. They expect to live to be 70. Oh, they may occasionally get dysentery on a. trip abroad. "But, they are Hke the rich . man in the Bible, to whom the Lord said, 'thou fool, this night, thy soul is required of thee." It is impossible to read the New Testament without seeing how much Jesus cared about feeding the hungry and caring for the poor, she observed. The Lord in Person "Mother Teresa had more impact on people's convictions than anyone here at Habitat," she continued. "In her, they saw. . the Lord in person." Lady Jackson, who is 62, is'
Install Ministers Continued from Page One , new ministers were prepared for their assignment of assisting priests in administering the . Eucharist at a training course directed by Rev. Daniel F. Hoye. The parishes are St. Anne, SS. Peter and Paul and St. Stanislaus, Fall River; St. Louis de France, Swansea; St. George, Westport; St. Mark, Attleboro Falls; St. Theresa, South Attleboro; St. Mary, North Seekonk; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Seekonk. St. James and St. Lawrence, New Bedford; St. Joseph, Fairhaven; St. Julie Billiart,.. North Dartmouth; Immaculate Conception, Sacred Heart and St. Paul, Taunton; St. Ann, Raynham. Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster; St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay; Our Lady of Victory, Centerville; St. Anthony, Eas~ Falmouth; St. Patrick, Falmouth; St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis; Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville; St. Pius' X, South Yarmouth; St. Patrick, Wareham; Holy' Trinity, West Harwich.
Necrology JUNE 25
Rev. Raymond J. Hamel, 1960, Chaplain, St. Joseph Orphanage, FaU River Rev. Msgr. Louis A. Marchand, 1941, Pastor, St. Anthony, New Bedford JUNE 26
Charles P. Gaboury, 1931, Pastor, St. Anne, New Bedford Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube, 1973, 路Pastor Emeritus: St. Anthony, New Bedfford JUNE 27 Rev. John Corry, 1863, Founder, ,St. Mary, Taunton; Founder, St. :Mary Fall River JUNE 28 Rev. Thomas C. Gunning, 1947, Assistant, St. Lawrence, New Be~ford JUNE; 30, Rev. Alphonse M. Reniere, D.P., 1961,' Dominican Priory, Fall River 11111111"1111111'111111111111111111111111111111'1111111111111111111111111111'1'11111111111111111)'11111111111",II
THE ANCHOR . Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass.. Publ!shed e Jery Thursday at 410 Hiihland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 )y the Catholic Pr~ss of the Diocese of Fall ;Jlver. Subscription price by mail, postpaid '~5.110 per year.
so frail she has to ration her energy in order to rest half of each day. The rest of the time she is active as a sparrow, rushing from outdoor platforms, to radio studios, to splendid receptions and dinners with priests in local Catholic rectories. "Oh, my dear archbishop," she exclaimed, bussing the shy Arch~ bishop James F. Carney of Vancouver when she met him at a Water Day celebration. "Sock it to them:' she advised a cub reporter bewildered by UN politics and the cliches of dull speeches. And to an audience jammed into a 10cal ballroom for a nuclear debate, she said: "We industrialized nations are 'arrogant bastards in many ways. , We sho~.1ldsay ~o underdeveloped countries, 'Don't follow. our' example."" , Asked. bow she. is路 feeling, she tosses back her head and .laughs, "Oh, I'm half dead." But if she has to clasp a helping armoften that of a young bluejeaned environmentalist-to get ,up a platform, her eyes are bright, her retort is quick and she punches her points. home when she gets to the microphone. Her views on population control are not always popular. One response she frequently. hears from people in the developed world about population growth in poor countries is, she paraphrased, "If they keep on reproducing, why give them more food." That attitude, she said, is "almost obscene," because wherever people have clean water and food, their children live and "the population levels off." Roman Vomitorium Whenever she hears patronizing talks about the developing world, she said, "I feel as though I was in a hot bath or a vomitorium of ancient Rome, hearing people talk about 'those awkward .chaps, the Visigoths,' "You know who won? The Visigoths," Habitat's unusually moral tone, she said, has stemmed'from the fact that "we should be running scared" because when it comes to food supplie's and 路energy, "we are a most fragile society." , , "That's what God is telling us. And if Christians don't pick up the message, who will?" Christian churches, she suggested, ' should form citizens' groups to nag politicians on, say, a target date for clean water for every settlement of the worl~. "A really good ecumenical body could do so much here." "The role of the Church is to ' make its members into responsible citizens as well as saints. You know, I think the ecumenical approach is the one we must' pray for and. hope forand maybe remind the Holy Spirit of this. The scandal of a divided Christendom is one thing we can do something about." At the close of the interview, Lady .Jackson, appearing suddenly fatigued, made a request. "Say a prayer for me--in fact, say several."
OBSERVE FEAST: A Mass' celebrated in French by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at St. Anne's Church, Fall River, was a highlight of area Franco-American observance of the feast of St. Jean Baptiste. Event, which closed with a banquet, was sponsored by French Cultural Society of Fall River. From left, Rev. Thomas Landry, O.P., homilist for the Mass; Bishop Cronin; Bernard G. Theroux, Cultural Society president; Rev. Arthur Robert, O.P., among Mass concelebrant:.
SERRANS MEET: Incoming, outgoing officers of Serra Clubs of diocese meet with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Rev. John J. Smith, diocesan director of vocations, for Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral. From left, Edward Lambert, Richard Murray, Dennis Hurley, Michael J. McMahon, Serra District Governor E. Russell Gray, Bishop Cronin, Father Smith, Richard, Roderick, Abel Fidalgo, Richard Sa unders. Organization fosters vocations to priesthood.
GRADUATE GERIATRIC AIDES: Bishop James J. Gerrard was guest speaker at graduation ceremonies for 22 geriatric aides .at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. From left, Denise Saucier and Donna Machado, graduates; Mrs. Evelyn Oliveira, inservice' assistant; Mother M. Anthony, O. Carm., administrator; Mrs. B. Garvey, in-service director; twins Doris and Maria Pereira, graduates.
Cqrdinal Says Television Single "Greatest Influence
INSTALLATION CEREMONY: New Knights of Altar unit is erected in St. Ann's parish, Raynham. From left, at installation ceremony, Rev. Herbert Nichols, St. Ann's chaplain; Al Ribeiro, Supreme Grand Knight of new unit; David Bowlin, Supreme Grand Knight of St. Joseph's parish unit, Attleboro; Rev. Normand J. Boulet, St. Joseph's chaplain and East Coast advisor for Knights of Altar. Attleboro officers installed heads of Raynham group. .
Install Knights of Altar At St. Ann's, Raynham Thirty-five boys were initiated into the Knights of the Altar (K of A) organization recently at St. Ann's Church, Raynham. Installing officers were Rev. Normand J. Boulet and David Bowlin, chaplain and supreme grand knight, respectively, of the K of A unit at St. Joseph's Church, Attleboro. Also in attendance were some 20 additional K of A members from St. Joseph's. The ceremony included recitation of the K of A pledge, scripture readings and a homily by Father Boulet. The new Knights were then invested with cords of various colors, denoting rank in the organization, albs" and wooden crosses. Several candidates also received honor
crests for special attainments, including a Crest of St. George for life 'saving, awarded to Albert Ribeiro; and a Crest of St. Paul for encouraging a conversion to Catholicism, awarded to Michael and David Sale.
CHICAGO (NC) - Cardinal John Cody of Chicago called for a strengthening of the ideal of freedom in the communications media in a message marking World Communications Day. That freedom which took root in America 200 years ago might never have flourished had Americans not made good use of "the power and potential of communicatiqns," the cardinal said. But he warned of the 'danger of a developing passivity in the recipient - the kind of passive response that, had it existed 200 years ago, might never led to a declaration of freedom and basic rights." He pointed to the awesome power of television especially, and urged "that the development in human values keep pace with technical professional know-how." The young, in particular, are vulnerable to becoming dependent upon television, Cardinal Cody warned. He cited figures to underline the point. "By age 18, a child is expected to have logged 20,000 hours of television watching - almost double what he would have spent in a classroom," the cardinal noted.
That child will "have seen a quarter million commercials and memorized a few thousand of them. Between the ages of five and 15, a child would have seen 13,400 human beings destroyed on TV shows, not to mention lesser mayhem and violence," according to a survey, Cardinal Cody said. Better Than Daddy Television is the single greatest influence on the child today, he continued. "In fact, 44 percent of small children in one rerearch project, when asked, 'Which do you like better, TV or Daddy?' quickly chose television." Communicators must recognize the impact they have on the community, the cardinal suggested. Quoting the Vatican's Pastoral 'Instruction on the Media, Public Opinion and Hu-
Meaning of Evangelism "There is nothing so contagious as holiness, nothing more pervasive than Prayer. This is precisely What the traditional Church means by evangelism and what distinguishes it from recruitment."-Martin Thornton, "Pastoral Theology: a Reorientation," 1956.
a place.
li~tftjs? Confronted with situations where there are no hospitals, no churches, no schools, no Christian meeting places ... Missionary Sisters like this one spread the seeds of Christianity through their . dedicated and devoted service.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE to the 41 st International Eucharistic. Congress
One Week $289.00 Four Days 122.00 Three Days 109.00 Aug. 61h CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE.
Continued from Page One The document speaks at length on the place of women in the family in biblical times, women's social condition according to the Bible, and women in the Church according to the Bible. It is expected that groups involved with the question of whether or not women can be ordained to the priesthood will use excerpts from the Commismission document in support of various positions. But the document makes it clear that the Commission members do not regard the New Testament as providing in their view-a clear settlement of the problem.
Rev. Herbert Nichols is director of the new K of A unit. Internationally, the organization has 24,000 groups, of which 18,000 are in the United States.
Aug. lsi
Bible Group
Solemn Benediction concluded the ceremony, which was followed by refreshments, provided by St. Ann's Women's Guild."
Aug. 3rd
man Progress, he warned: "Those who do not understand and appreciate this phenomenon ... 'may find their own liberty diminished.' " . . He caned for "further training-for communicators," "and for 'recipients, that they learn more about media so that they are indeed 'free and adequately prepared' people." The cardinal's advice was .contained in a pastoral message included in the missalette pre-' pared for a special Mass marking World Communications Day.
CWhats a llice girlli~ her
Officers for the St. Ann's unit a"re Albert Ribeiro, supreme grand knight; Michael Sale, vicesupreme grand knight; Mark Wrllette, knight scribe; Michael Meehan, knight treasurer.
THE ANCHORThurs., June 17, 1976
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 1976
The Rescuing of ,Father Father's Day would probably have a greater"power to touch the hearts of people if it were not so obvious that its origin seems as much commercial as sentimental. Having' said that, however, one must still rejoice that father is not forgotten and hope that the designated Father's Day will be not merely a "one day" remembering but a promise and a pledge of full-time respect for the fathers of the nation. All too often plays and television and radio shows have depicted the Dagwood type of father-hilarious, to be sure, but actually quite devastating in the image perpetrated upon the so-called head of the family. There are all too many "humorists" who are getting their reputations enhanced (along with their bank accounts) from tearing down values and principles, treading heavily on once-hallowed ground, and ridiculing what should be accorded some measure of decent respect. The laughs are quick to come at such sallies and quips that demolish the once sacred, but the lingering effect is damaging to the fabric of civilization. Let us hope that father might be on the way to rescue from such attacks.
"Abide in Me" Preaching in the fourth century, St. John Chrysostom once said to his people: "The Lord says, I feed you with My own' flesh and make Myself one with you, desiring you all to be of noble blood even in this life; and giving you good hope of the life to come. For if I have given Myself to you here, much more shall I do so in the world to come. I have willed to become your brother. For your sakes I have shared with you flesh and blood. To you I give again this flesh and blood by means of which I became your fellow man." As the faithful of the Diocese of Fall River observe this weekend a Eucharistic time of prayer, they can never forget their dignity as children of the Father and brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. In the Eucharist the Lord Jesus communicates Himself in a real way. Through the giving of His Body and Blood he renews within His brothers and sisters the Christ-Ufe by which the words of the Lord are fulfilled: "Abide in Me and I in you." There must be response to the offering by the Lord of His Body and Blood. There must be the renewing of determination to let Christ live fUlly within oneself and this must be worked out in the thinking and speaking and acting of every day's living. All too often people expect Christ to do all the work within themselves. 'In this regard St. Augustine has said, "God, Who created you without your consent, will not redeem you without your cooperation." Cooperation with Christ in the work of 'salvation means the way of salvation and this in turn means the way of Calvary. There cannot be renewal without effort and sacrifice, without some measure of the pain of self-denial. The words of the Baptist still are the standard for men. "I must decrease while He must increase." Adoration of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, the reception of His Body and Blood in Holy Communion, the participation in the Sacrifice of the Mass-the active involvement in the spirit of love and sacrifice in the saving actions of Christ doe~ bring about the work of salvation within oneself. It is hoped that this coming Eucharistic Day of Prayer will inflame into still more fervent fires the light of the love of God within the hearts of His children. The Eucharist ac- complishes this through Christ and with Christ and in Christ.
@rhe ANCHOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151
PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., ACTING EDITOR Rev. John R. Foister, SJ.l.
FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John Regan ~leary
Press-Fall River
Life's Paradox A driftwood crucifix . . . on a sandy shore stands out against the dark shadows firmly rooted in bright sunlight . . . a sign of death become a symbol of life ... an instrument of darkness become a source of light. Two wire butterflies . . . symbolize new life . . . creativity ... beauty ... born of death's drab cocoon... The wire figure of the Crucified . . . speaks of life's victory over death . . . of light transforming darkness. Every death contains seeds of life ... and no life is born but through dying. . . Darkness is needed to see the light ... which illumines life's shadows-... without removing them. A life without daily dying is deadly... Light without shade blinds. The mystery of the cross ... is the deepest mystery of life.
liberated nun in beautiful gown was admired by all. , In proper form the lines were read by the class president, none • the worse for the wear and tear of years gone by. With solemn remembrance the past hesitatingly reappeared. Scene after scene unfolded with falter and pause. There were a few balding heads and many silver streaks in the curly heads of times past. Some had difficulties keeping their jackets buttoned as the settling of time began to show its toll. Despite the makeup and the trip to the beauty parlor wrinkles could be seen and frosting more pronounced. The reality of time cannot be completely ¡covered up. The truth of 25 years is bound to show no matter how much we try to recall and in some cases relive the past. Of course, the dust was swept off the year book and the mirror was quite clear. With a laugh and a jolt we saw ourselves in the reflection of time. Renew Past Hopes Everyone who had the opportunity' to attend such a drama should make every effort to do so. Not in fear of what our peers might think but to take advantage of the truth and life of man. Memories are but renewals of past hopes. They can help us to see the present as it truly exists or remove us from its reality. Each of us who was a member of the class of 1951 has lived ~n exciting and challenging 25 years. They have not been without their tears as well as their smiles. We have a better idea how to !Jive the next 25 years. True, for one brief moment we Iived a memory, the memory of a youth that has not faded but hopefully matured to cope with the reality of the future.
Fr. leMay
St. William's Church
The 25th Reunion This past week I traveled back 25 years to face the harsh reality of the present. Seemingly, it takes moments like this to make us realize that time waits for no man or woman. Last Friday evening I faced the truth of time in an old but ever new drama called the 25th reunion. The est, the play was indeed worth the price of admission. Twentysetting was one of the more five Years had an enjoyable one comfortable clubs of the night stand. area, certainly a far cry from the I lunch counters and drug stores that served us so well in the past. The script for the show was written by the actors themselves, as is the case in all situation comedies of this type. The actors in thts very longrun production were the students of the class of 1951 from Holy Family High School, New Bedford. Being curious of mind and ready of wit, I made sure that I had bought my ticket well in advance for this grand production. Well, tq be quite hon-
Be-decked and be-gowned, the show we,nt on. The Ileading lady of the class made her very appropriate grand entrance. The male lead shuffled on stage with a step far removed- from his basketball days. With ohs and ahs and rehearsed greetings the cast assembled, not quite sure of their lines or the faces they met. The ritual played on according to script. The token clergyman of the class (guess who?) was afforded due reverence with reserve and restraint, unsure if he had changed. The
. Continued from Page One community. From 1970 to his present appointment he was vicar general, since 1972 also serving as La Salette general treasurer. Father LeMay has three brothers, Paul and Guy, residents of New Hampshire, and Bernard, who lives in California. Serving with him in Rome "will be a general council of four members, repres.enting four of the 14 nations in which the congregation is active. Among them is Rev. Eugene Barrette of the Hartford, Conn. La Salette province, who at 36, is the youngest member ever elected to council membership. Others are Rev. Jean Raffin, Madagascar; Rev. Paul Viricel, France; and Rev. Sergio Abbate, Italy. .
New P'rovincial Rev. Charles V. Finnegan, OFM has been elected Minister Provincial of Holy Name Province of the Franciscan Order. The province, one of six in the United States, numbers 900 members and is the largest unit in the 768-year-old Order. In this diocese its memhers staff Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford. The new provincial, 44, was pastor of Holy Cross Church, Bronx, N. Y. and previously spent most of his priestly life as a missionary in Brazil.
IN NEW BEDFORD, FALL RIVER; Approving "Maria," their yearbook, are graduates of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, from left, Joseph Gaudreau, Margaret O'Neil, Jane Gonsalves. Below, top ranking graduates of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, left, Edwin M. Lambert Jr., valedictorian; right, Daniel Lachance, class president and salutatorian. such problems' ourselves, with the advocacy of National Health Insurance. I am afraid we may simply be substituting one set of problems fol' another, should Congress call for this insurance. Pamela A. Smith Swansea
Wants Books
II Letters to the editor Letters are welcomed but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and include a home or business address.
National Health Plan Dear Editor: The (fateful?) coincidence of speaking with two members of the British National Health Service and reading Msgr. Higgins' column on health care costs in the same week prompts this letter. I wonder if Msgr. Higgins was warning us of the impending "sweeping reorganization of the health delivery system." Reca)ling that Social Security was originally intended as a "bank" into which one contributed money and from which one withdrew money when he could no longer work, I am prompted
to note that a basic premise of the system has changed. Now workers contribute Social Security for those who are already retired...The "bank" idea has become inoperative. I must question what will happen as the birthrate declines when more people are retiring and fewer are putting money into the' "bank." In the meantime, in Britain, after World War II the British people created the National Health Service. Along with other welfare measures this semi-socia!Jistic swing contributed to the inflation of the British pound. To offset inflation, taxes were raised, to increase services taxes were raised, etc. Now British labor has lost its incentive to work. Britain is in an economic pickle and we in the U.S. seem to be welcoming
Ph. 775·8883
Dear Editor: You and your readers have the answer-please don't throw it away! Most of us have books which have been read and are no longer of interest to us crowding shelves or closets. Many people do not realize that we at the Consolata Mission could sell these books and transform them into a ray of hope for the needy of the world. Ten pounds of books cost only $1 to send us "Special Fourth Class, Book," but can provide the means to feed an orphan in Kenya for a week. Please send them to me! Rev. Larry Zorza, IMC Consolata Missionaries PO Box C, Hwy. #27 Somerset, N. J. 08873
Pastor of Both Dear Editor: We would like a correction made in the write-up concerning Rev. Paul G. Connolly as stated in The Anchor of May 27 on page 2, stating "his parish assignments have included Immaculate Conception, Fall River, etc." ending with "and administrator of St. Elizabeth, Edgartown." We should be made clear that Father Connolly, has been Pastor of both St. Augustine's and St. Elizabeth's for the past three years with the exception of an 8-month period when he was Pastor of St. Elizabeth's only. The write-up implies that he is Pastor of St.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 1976
Bishops Suggest Festival July 4 Parish Liturgies The National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception here will observe the Independence Day bell ringing and a liturgical celebration of the "American ex· periencef' Various clergy, religious communities, lay organizations, ethnic communities, and people of various nationalities and backgrounds will attend Mass and offer devotions to Our Lady in prayer and song. . A Festival of Thanksgiving will follow. In its introduction, the Bicentennial Liturgical Handbook notes that "Liberty and Justice for All" theme of the U. S. Catholic bicentenniaI observanceare not only "natural rights of all persons" but are also "biblical realities." A five year social action program to achieve the theme will be formulated during an Oct. 2123 meeting in Detroit of some 1,200 Catholics bishops, priests, Religious and laity.
WASHINGTON (NC-Efforts to "create a special physical environment" with an "unmistakably festive character" for July 4 liturgies in Catholic parishes across the nation are being encouraged by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Suggestions for achieving this "special physical and visual environment" are contained in a Bicentennial Liturgical Handbook published by the NCCB committee for the bicentennial. Meanwhile, the administrator of the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration, John W. Warner, urge churches to join schools, fire departments, universities, and individuals on July 4 in a simultaneous, nationwide bell ringing to symbolize the ringing of the Liberty Bell in 1776. Warner said the bell-ringing ceremony will be in conjunction with the ringing of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia at 2 p.m.
Augustine's and his assignment at St. Elizabeth's is in the past. We believe that credit should be given where credit is due and Father Connolly has run two parishes in as excellent a fashion as one "could possibly wish for three years. His dedication to both parishes and his dedication to hard work has been an inspiration to all of us, as well as the townspeople, and the spirit of the parishes and the physical improvements to both churches "speak Ilouder" than any words:' we could write. We all wish to thank him for his spiritual leadership during . the past three years and for sharing his talents with us to make St. Elizabeth's church such a vital and attractive spot. St. Elizabeth Parish Council Marion B. Higgins, Secretary
,Ordination Continued from Page One group counseling at the Washington Psychiatric Institute Foundation. Campus Minister Last year Rev. Mr. Powell taught at Damien High School, LaVerne, Calif., returning to Washington to complete his theological studies. He was ordained a deacon April 12 of this year by the Most Rev. Jean Jadot, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, and has been serving in the Fairhaven parish since that time. He will celebrate his first Mass at 2 p.m. Sunday at St. Joseph's Church, New Bedford. In September he will return to California as campus minister at Damien High School.
One-Third acre lots in exclusive area of Swansea. Choose your"own 'home site now and build at a future time - or let us help you in planning your home to be built by our carefully selected builders now. Builders welcome - all reasonable offers considered. Easy access to Routes 6, 136 and 195. located near Swansea Country Club., FOR INFORMATION AND DETAILS CALL 401-463·6100
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.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-·Thurs. June 17, 1976
P:ro-Lif1e Parley To H,ear Prelate
Pa·rents' S,essions Offer O~n-Job, Tra·ining In the past, about the only way to learn how to be a parent was on-the-job training. You observed how your parents did it, how other people did it, then got married and started raising children of your own. With the training so formal, it's 'amazing that parents do as well as covers a separate topic: Memories, Listening, Replays, and they do in raising children. Life-Giving. The evening starts It's even more amazing that with a brief talk by the leaderthe Church, which stresses the importance of family life so much, has done so little to raise the standards for parenthood.
MARY CARSON We have standards tpat must be met before a child can receive First Communion, and Confirmation. There is lengthy training for Holy Orders. But if you are over 21, you can marry and start a family with the Church'§ blessing, as long as no • one complains when your banns are announced. Our government demands testing . and licensing for innumerable professions, but entrusts the raising of the next generation-this nation's most valuable resource - to any couple who can pass a blood test. If being a parent is so easy, why are so many families troubled? Being a parent is one of the toughest and most important jobs in the worid. Parents need all the help and encouragement they.can get. Someone has finally recognized that ... and. something is being ,done! . To Build Joy Father Chuck Gallagher, S.J. and Father Tom Morrow of Marriage Encounter, plus Lyman Coleman of Serendipity have put together "Evenings for Parents." These are flour sessions designed to help parents become aware of the positive aspects' of their parenthood, to build a joy in being parents. Meeting on the local level with other parents, each session
couple. Each person then fills out a short questionnaire. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers to these questions. They are designed to make parents think about what they do and why. Couples share these answers with each other and then with a small group. The .evening is summarized by the leadercouple. Typical of the thought-provoking questions raised in the sessions are: "What kind of parent do you want to be?" "What happens when the children are center stage?" "How do your memories affect your relationship with your children?" "What would .make you a success as a parent?" There are many such questions, probing deeply into areas we seldom explore. I found them eye-opening, heartening, understanding, and encouraging. . . and I've been a practicing parent for 21 years, with 133 childyears experience. They are discussed in an attractive and readable paperback, Parents Are Lovers, which follows the order of the Evenings for Parents and is available for $2:95 from Marriage Encounter Resource Community, 295 Northern Blvd., Great Neck, NY 11021. If there are no Evenings for Parents in your area, you may want to start them. The book is excellent reading ... but I'm sure you'll get much more by participating in the sessions, getting involved in the discussions. And besides ... involved in the sessions, you will be less likely to skip over questions you don't want to think about. And those questions usually are the ones that offer the most opportunity to learn. Try it! You may change an "Us against Them" attitude into recognizing that your children are the expression of your love ... for your whole lifetime.
NOBODY LOSES MONEY Selling You A Brand New '76 Car But We Sure Do Come Close Which Means You Can Buy A New Ford For Far Less Than You Ever Thought Possible. In FaCt You'll Save Hundreds of Dollars.
TIME FOR SCHOOL: Mrs. Annita Rimmer rings school· bell for members of her class of kindergarteners from St. James-St. John School, New Bedford. Thirty children in colonial attire spent day at One-Room Schoolhouse, Mattapoisett, following old-time school routines.
Spa,ce-Age~ C:hildr,en Enioy
One-ROlom Schoolhouse Going back over 100 years in dress and school routines, 30 kindergarteners from St. JamesSt. John School, New Bedford, with their teacher, Mrs. Annita Rimmer, and several adult helpers, spent a day at the OneRoom Schoolhouse of Tinkhamtown in Mattapoisett, maintained to give space-age children a taste of Old-style education. Garbed in colonial attire, the New Bedford youngsters followed a typical school day of yesteryear, beginning with prayer and going on to reading from a "hornbook," a sheet of words and letters protected by transparent horn. Oldtime lessons were mostly learned by rote, known as the "blab" method, the kindergarteners discovered. They had no arithmetic to worry about, since' children in early-day Massachusetts didn't begin its study until age 11. However, a dunce stool and dunce hat were used in primary classes and these were on display in a corner of the schoolroom. Lunch ,didn't include bakery goods, potato chips or candy. The day's menu was cornbread, a slice of cheese, an apple and AnLEBORO'S leading Garden Center
CONLON & DONNELLY South Main & Wall Sts.
ATTLEBORO 222-0234
SHAWOMET GARDENS 102 Shawomet Avenue Somerset, Mass. Tel. 674-4881
395 Mt. Pleasant St., New Bedford, Mass.
3V2 room Apartment 4V2 room Apartment
Includes, hot water, stove, refrigerator and maintenance service.
water in a tin cup, with girls carrying their meal in a basket covered by a cloth napkin and boys favoring a colorful bandana. Sanitation arrangements included use of outhouses and open-air handwashing in a tin basin. Other experiences taken for granted by children of yesterday but a special· treat for city youngsters included smelling new-mown hay, seeing cows in the meadow, a young Iamb by the roadside and a horseback rider; and being invited into a newly built log cabin.
Among speakers scheduled to address a National Right to Life convention to take place at the Sherton Hotel, Boston, Wednesday through Sunday, June 23 throug}:l 27, will be Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, who will be introduced by Dr. Mildred F. Jefferson, National Right to Life Committee president. The prelate's topic will be God's love and the value of human life. Also to be heard in the course of the four-day meeting are Sir Albert Liley of Auckland, N. Z., knighted for his achievements in the field of intra-uterine transfusions; Sen. James Buckley, po'litical activist and supporter of a human life amendment to the Constitution; Dr. and Mrs. J.e. Willke, internationally known author, lectures and experts in the field of human sexuality. Also Mrs. Louise Summerhill, founder of Birthright, and Mrs. Ellen McCormack, pro-life Democratic presidential candidate.
Taunton Nurses Award Gr-ants The Taunton Chapter of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses has awarded a $250 scholarship to Robin Burrus, 6 Thrasher Ave., Taunton, and a $50 scholarship to Jo Ann Ferreira, 399 S. Main St., Raynham. Miss Burrus, a June graduate of Taunton High School, will enter Southeastern Massachusetts University School of Nursing this fall. Mrs. Ferreira, a graduate of the fIormer St. Mary's High School, Taunton, will enter the practical nursing program of Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School.
. N,W BEDFORD MASS 01740 . (617)
No matter where you live in . the Fall River Diocese, there. is a Fernandes near you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *ATTLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAlRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, Southway Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAlRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.
THE ANCHOIJThurs., June 17, 1976
Wind10w B,oxes Neled Extra
Diocesan Heads. At NCCW Parley
Water, Weeding, Fe1eding By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick We have just set out our window boxes for the year. These are fairly easy if a few simple rules are followed. First boxes should have drainage holes drilled in the bottom to drain excess water, or the plants will have wet feet, which can cause problems. I usually place an inch or so of to eat them as the fruits of your own labor makes them extra stone in the bottom of my delightful. This year my fatherwindow boxes to facilitate in-ilaw has planted peas, tomathis drainage; this does little harm because most window box plants are shallow rooted. Because of the drainage, how-
toes and green peppers as well as lettuce to brighten up our summer .table and what he doesn't raise I enjoy buying at
ro~::~~: a~:~d:~mer
Iy MARILYN RODERICK ever, one must he sure that the boxes have enough water. In an elevated and exposed position, they tend to dry out rapidly, so one shou'ld water them almost every day. The extra watering also means that leaching will occur, so liquid fertilizer should be added to the boxes at least once a month. This year I used geraniums, white cascade petunias and rock cress in two boxes facing east, and in one which faces north and gets very little sun, I set out two fuschias, white cascares and a purple petunia, called Malibu. This should give sufficient color in all three boxes, although at this juncture they look rather sparse. Simple Maintenance Maintenance of the boxes is fairly simple. They should be weeded about once every two weeks and old blooms should be cut off in order to keep the plants producing. This is especially true of petunias, which tend to go to seed if faded flowers are allowed to stay on the plants. With reasonable watering, feeding and weeding there is no reason why boxes cannot last in full bloom untH close to the first frost in the late fall. I have tried a number of variations in my window boxes, but Marilyn prefers geraniums to anything else. However, you can use any short and spreading plant as the basis for the window garden. Obviously, whatever is used must be placed where it receives the sun it requires, but other than that the choice is unlimited. I have used dwarf marigolds and zinnias with petunias; hanging begonias are lovely; nothing is nicer than fuchsia. I have to admit that I have seen few combinations of plants in window boxes that I have not enjoyed, and the busier the better. In the Kitchen Last evening we enjoyed strawberries from the garden for dessert and tonight we tasted the first lettuce of the season. A small vegetable garden is a lot of work, but a great joy when you can pick and eat in the same day. As I have often mentioned in this column, many veg~tables are well worth waiting for and
are a time of good eating and we are very foolish if we don't take advantage of the many fruits and vegetables that wiH arrive fresh on the stands in our area. New England is a lovely place to live but never as marveous as in the warm months when the beauty of her landscape is equaled only by the beauty of her bounty. While prices of this bounty, clams, lobsters, swordfish, vegetables and fruit have skyrocketed, just the fact that we can buy them fresh is a real plus, despite rising costs. Just think of the inland areas that have to pay the price whHe not really getting the fresh item. I adore seasonal books, especially seasonal cookbooks and if I ever do discipline myself enougH to sit down and write my dreamed-of cookbook, that is the format I plan to use. Ho\yever, I do think that there will be a dearth of summer recipes because our seasonal vegetables are so good by themselves that they need very little in the way of dressing up, just correct cooking methods, a very small amount of seasoning and food fit for royalty is in your table. Tired of the same old menu, steak, hamburg, chicken, a roast now and then? If you're fortunate enough to come across some nice veal cutlets, this recipe is perfect for the hot days ahead. First of all,' it's easy, secondly, it's quick and most important of all, it's delicious. Veal in Lemon and Wine Sauce 1 ¥:! pounds veal cutlets, or rounds about Ys inch thick. ¥:! cup flour 6 Tablespoons unsalted butter 1 teaspoon salt ¥:! cup dry white wine juice of ¥:! lemon sprigs of parsley 1) Pound veal slices with a meat pounder (or something similar) Flour by pressing in the flour and gently patting to get as much as possible to stick.
l WITH ROSES: Holding traditional red roses, graduates of Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, prepare to receive their diplomas. From left, Julie Berube, Joann Barboza, Donna Cabral, Sandra Madore.
Na,tural F.a,mily Pla,n.ning Brea,kthroug,h Rep,orted By Dan Mothersill TORONTO (NC)-Medical researchers at St. Michael's Hospital here say they are on the verge of a major breakthrough which could produce a safe, effective and Church-endorsed method of fertility control. The device-tentatively called the electronic speculum-is now being tested on women after successful animal experiments. "It showed consistent results on sheep," said Dr. AI Woolever, the inventor. It has been tested po~t-menopousal women on treated with estrogen, "and we . are very optimistic. it will work on young, cycling females," he added. Dr. Woolever, chief of obstetrics and gynecology at St. Michael's, says the device's effectiveness could he determined in as little as two months. The electronic speculum is based on the principle tliat prior to ovulation, the body produces estrogen which causes increased blood flow in the reproductive organs. The developers hope that by precisely pinpointing ovulation the device will permit couples using fertility control to abstain from sexual relations for only about a four-day period instead of the eight or 10 days required by methods already in use. Biomedical engineer Henry
D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll FUNERAL HOME 20~,
2) Melt the butter in a big
frying pan over medium heat and add the veall slices. Tum them .the minute their, edges whiten, and salt lightly.
3) When both sides are done pour in the wine and let bubble untH its vapors cease to tingle the nose. Add the juice of ¥:! lemon and stir gently.
936 South Main St. Fall River
4) Serve with the sprigs of parsley.
Tel. 673-4262
(Corner Osborn St.)
BRIDE'S BIBLE And Religious Articles
Benoit, designer of the experimental model, said that once the device is proved effective, . "the next challenge will arise in miniaturization to a size readily acceptable to women for home use." A rash of recent reports about side effects from oral contraceptives has prompted an increase in public demand for reliable natural birth control methods. But Dr. Woolever cautioned that his electronic speculum would not be the final answer in itself. Instead, he termed it a "useful adjunct" to natural family planning methods buHt around selfobservable bodily changes at ovulation.
Mrs. Richard M. Paulson, Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton, director of the Boston Province of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW), an~ Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, St. Mary's Cathedral parish, Fal1 River, national chairman of the iNCCW Organization Services Commission, were among NCCW Executive Committee members attending a meeting in ,Bethesda, Md. earlier this month. The women endorsed the sentiments of the H8!bitat~UN Conference on Human Settlements held this month in Vancouv~r, British Columbia, sending a statement to that effect to the U. S. delegation at the conference. They added the reminder that "in the daily practice of our lives, one of the real ways of assuring the humaneness of our settlements is by the action and daily monitoring of legislation." Listed as current issues of concern to Catholic women were the U. S. food stamp' program, the Full Employment Act, national hell'1th insurance, abortion legislation, foreign aid nutrition programs, tax and Social Security reform, revenue sharing, child and family services, problems with illegal aliens and possible establishment of a federal Department of Women's Affairs. Committee members also discussed plans for the general N.CCW assembly to be held in August in Philadelphia concurrently with the International Eucharistic Congress. NCCW will- participate in a congress program on Women and the Eucharist.
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CATHEDRAL CAMPS P.o. Box 428 East Freetown, Mass. 02717 Tel. 763-8874 - 763-5550
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 1976
- Handicapped Share Congress Among groups participating in the Philadelphia Eucharistic Congress will be representatives of the International Apostolate of the Suffering. Msgr. Luigi Novarese and Sister Elvira Miriam Psorulla, founders of the organization in Italy 25 years ago wiN speak at explanatory conferences and workshops at the congress and the apostolate will also have a booth at the'congress convention hall.
We Buy & Sell Anything Old or Used Rte. 28 - FALMOUTH, MA. 02540
(617) 540-1738
A pilgrimage group of American sick and handicapped members will travel to Philadelphia for the occasion. The Apostolate of the Suffering serves spiritual, educational and psychooogical needs of the sick and handicapped. Its American branch was organized five years ago with the establishment of a retreat house in the diocese of Albany, N. Y.
~ Ampex • Sony • Panasonlc
The Merchants on Th This Cape Cod Director, Mass Schedule for Summer Season BREWSTER
OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Schedule effective June 27 - Oct. 10 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. except Wed. 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 P.M. and 6:006:30 P.M. First Friday-7:00-7:30 P.M.
ST. PArmCK Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M._ Daily-7:00 A.M. - Saturdays 8:00 A.M.
FALMOUTH HEIGHTS EAST BREWSTER IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Schedule effective June 27· Labor Day_ Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 and 6:00 P.M.
Joseph Costa
PHONE 548-6339
Auto Body
Div. of Manomet Auction Gallery Jack Dabrowski, Manager
ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 A.M. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.
II I '
JOSEPH J. COSTA JR. Painting Contractor
"Home of Distinctive Furnishings" At Ridiculously LOW, LOW Prices
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Pocasset, Mass. 564-4617 Family Crested Ilems Irish Imporls Waterford Belleek Aynsley Porcelain Connemara Marble Musical Cottages Jewelry Records
Leprechaun Gift Shop TOM & FRAN DALLAS
975 ROUTE 28
SO.' YARMOUTH, MA. 617·398·9175
540-1837 Open Year Around
YARMOUTHPORT . ONSET ST. MARY-8TAR OF THE SEA Masses: Sunday-8:30, -9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:30 P.M. and after 6:30 P.M. Mass'
CENTERVILLE OUR L~Y OF VICTORY _ Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M. First Friday Masses at 7:00 and 9:00 A.M.
INCO.po .... nD
FUNERAL SERVICE S.rving All Faiths Since1926
Robert L. Studley. Treas, Howard C. Doane Sr. Gordon L. Homer Howard C. Doane Jr. Robert L. studley HYANNIS 775.0814 South Yarmouth 398.2201 HarwtCh Port 432.0593
BOOKSTORE & RESTAURANT MAYO BEACH - KENDRICK AVENUE WELLFLEET, MASS. Tel. 349-3154 Dine Overlooking Cape Cod Bay COCKTAILS Be Sure to Visit Our Famous Bookstore in the Back of the Restaurant Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner
Delicious Pizzas And Hot Oven Grinders "Call your orders before you leave home-They will . be re~dy on arrival"
ST. MARGARET'S Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00,10:00, 11:00, 12 Noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:00 P.M.
FOREIGN & DOMESTIC RETAIL· WHOLESALE· PARTS Full Line of Accessories & Tires 2360 CRAM. HWY. W. WAREHAM, MASS. CHARLES WOODWARD, Owner-Mgr. (617) 295·2577
HYANNIS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 12:10 P.M.
WEST BARNSTABLE OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunuday~:45 and 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M.
HOLY REDEEMER Sch~dule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.
SOUTH CHATHAM OUR LADY OF GRACE Schedule effective JUly 3 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30. 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.
EAST FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.
EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-5:00 P.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 P.M.
SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.
MARION ST. RITA Schedule effective July 3 - Sept. 5 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:15 A.M. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:30 A.M.
MATTAPOISETT ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday-8 A.M.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. DaiIy-8:00 A.M.
NANTUCKET OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Schedule starts weekend May 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:30, 11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. SatUrday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. (Saturdays 9:00 A.M.) Rosary before 7:30 A.M. Mass daily
SIASCONSET UNION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:45 A.M. July and August
OAK BLUFFS SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M.
ORLEANS ST. JOAN OF ARC Schedule effective June 19~20 - Labor Day MaMes: Sunday-8:00,.9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. . Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A,M. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 A.M.
Page Gladly Sponsor
of Churches and Masses .. Mass Schedule for Summer Season .
Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M.
Masses: Sunciay-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-9:00 and 10:30 A.M. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15· 5:00 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday--4:15· 5:00 P.M.
POCASSET ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Schedule begins June 20 - Aug 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30,10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday - 4:00 - 4:45 P.M. and following 7:00 P.M. Mass for half-hour
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. S'aturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (except Saturday) Confessions: Saturday-4:00 - 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M.
Schedule for July and August Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows the 7:00 A.M. Mass and continues until 5:00 P.M. on 1st Fridays Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses & Sat. 3:00 P.M. .
Schedule July and August Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Confessions: Y2 hour before Mass
Schedule effective June 12 ,Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. Confessions: Sat: 4:30 - 5:00 P.M.
Schedule effective ,June 12 Masses: Sunday.......9:30 A.M. Saturday-7:00 P.M.
SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENm Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Mass Mon.-Fri. only)
Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.)
Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-9:00; 10:00 & 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M.
Schedule effective May 16 - June 27 Masses: Sunday-8:00,9:30 & 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00 and 7:45 P.M.
Schedule effective May 16 - June 27 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.--4:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:45 P.M.
Tel. 540·2020
HALLETT Funeral Home Inc.
Furniture Stripping And Refini'lhing 10% DISCOUNT With This Coupon
283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass. Tel. EXeter 8·2285 Director-Norman A. Hallett
Gifford Street· falmouth, Mass. 548·5370
894 Main Street
Colonial Shopping Center Falmouth, Mass. 02540
118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN 993·2611
Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Trees lawn Fertilizer • loam • Annuals . . landscape Design 442 MAIN ST., EAST fALMOUTH
The Falmouth National Bank 8v
FALMOUTH. MASS IIII/alle Gree~ Since 1821
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LUNCH - Tues. To Sat.
Cornwell Memorial Chapel
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Dignified Funeral Service
5:00 • 10:00
WAREHAM 295·1810
Schedule effective June 19-20 thru Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Sat. only) Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday Masses
Fresh Seafood House Featuring
LOBSTER LUNCH & DINNER Served From 11 A.M. to 10 P.M.
Schedule effective June 19-20 thru Labor Day Masses: Sundav-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. . Saturday Eve.-4:15 and 5:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday Masses
Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions: Saturday-2:30 - 3:30 P.M.
Falmouth Florist
Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M.
sistant Attorney General under Attorneys General Brooke, Richardson and Quinn. He was nominated to the office of U. S. At· torney in 1972 and was confirmed by the Senate in April, 1973. His topic on Sunday will be "The Arabic Speaking Community in Bicentennial America." He will discuss geography and early history of Leba'non and will trace the migration of Arabic peoples to the United States and their subsequent influence on the nation. Those attending are asked to use SMU Parking Lot 13.
Complete line Building Materials
Impact on American Culture United States Attorney James N. Gabriel of Cambridge will be the last speaker in a series of free public Ilectures sponsored by the parish Bicentennial Committee of Our Lady of Purgatory Church, New Bedford. It will take place at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, June 20 in the Amphitheater (Room 11-227, Group II Building) at Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth. Atty. Gabriel, a graduate of Boston College, Boston College School of Law and New York University Scho!>l of Law, has been in practice since 1949, serving as Commonwealth' As-
SANDWICH Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 1976
Tel. 394-0331
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 1976
The Parish Parade
Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town shOUld be Included, as well as full dates of all Ictlvltles. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an announcement several times.
ST. STEPHEN, ATTLEBORO The Council of Catholic Women and the St. Vincent de Paul Society will co-sponsor a New England ham and bean supper, with servings from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 19 in the church hall. Decorations will feature a bicentennial theme. Chairpersons of the arrangements committee are Mrs. Esther AUssant and Mrs. Therese Richard of the Council and Frank Pariseau and Ray Aussant of the Vincentians. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Holy Name Society members will attend a communion breakfast following 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, June 20. Holy Rosary Sodalists will hold a meeting following 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, July 11. A cake sale is planned for. Saturday, July ~7. ST. ANN, RAYNHAM A yard sale will take place on the church grounds on Route 104 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, June 18. The rain date will be Saturday, June 26. Refreshments will be available.
ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The annual Corpus Christi procession will take place at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, June 20. A reception wiN follow honoring six parishioners to be commissioned tonight as Extra,ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.
ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO • A movie, "Snoopy Come Home," will be shown in the parish haH at 7 tomorrow night under sponsorship of Knights of the Altar. The organization will also handle a mailing for the parish summer festival. Boy Scouts of Troop 37 will have an overnight camping trip this weekend. Also on Saturday the parish will hold its annual bike-a-thon. The feast of Corpus Christi wiH be celebrated at 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 21 with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the church, followed by an outdoor procession and Benediction. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The annual family picnic is scheduled for Sunday, June 27 at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. The 1923 Club will hold a buffet-dance this Saturday and will resume activities in September.
LOOKING FOR something worth'while
ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON The parish council is planning a family day picnic Sunday, June 27 at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. Swimming, games and other activities w~1l be on the agenda. OUR LADY OF HEALTH, FALL RIVER The seoond annual observance of the feast of St. John will take place this weekend at the church grounds on Cambridge Street. The "Imports" will play Saturday night and at 9 p.m. ·there will be a bonfire. Portuguese and American foods will be available. The orchestra for Sunday will be "Os Internationals," playing for dancing throughout the afternoon. Square dance demonstrations by Danny Faria and his group are scheduled f·or 4 and 7 p.m. Other events, including a lawn party, a bazaar and raffre, will begin at 1 p.m., at which time food service will also be available. ST. MARGARET, BUZZARDS BAY SS. Margaret-Mary Guild will hold its annual luncheon at noon today at the Pocasset Country Club. The meal will be preceded by a Mass and instaHation of new officers, with Rev. John . Carroll officiating. To be -seated are Rita Lopes, re-elected president; Anna McCarthy, re-elected vice-president; Ursula Wing, reelected recording secretary; Karen Baker, corresponding secretary; Ida Monteiro, treasurer.
:-- The ANCHOR
and other public places. As one who goes in and out of airports all over the United States, I am fed up with these money-grubbing racketeeers. . Racketeers is a strong word, but in my opinion, that's exactly what these 'people are. Their technique is simple-but also tricky. They walk up to an unsuspecting passenger, deftly pin a pink carnation to his lapel, and then practically demand a "donation" for the support of their religiou!, movement. . The Washington Star, in a recent roundup on their shenanigans, quotes one experienced observer as saying that they score about 90 percent of the time. That squares with my own experience. Recently, during one
O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall Riv~r, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON
Con Game The Washington Star reports that airport officials are almost unanimously of the opinion that what these well-scrubbed Hare Krishnas are doing is a con game and that it ought to be prohibited. However, according to the Star, lawyers for the group have argued successfully all the way to the Supreme Court that its aggressive fund-raising activities in airports and other public places are protected by the Constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and religion. Although, the courts, for the time being, don't see' it this way, airport authorities still have the power to curtail, if not to eliminate the Hare Krishna racket. They can do this by perfectly legal means. For example, they can inform the public, by announcements over the airport loud-speaker system, that the flowers being forced on travelers by the Hare Krishnas do not require a donation. Some aidports have begun to do this unoffiCially. I hope they will keep it up and that, sooner or later, even more effective means can be found, within the limits now permitted by the courts, to curtail, if not to eliminate what can only be described as a bloody nuisance and a clear abuse of religious freedom.
Foreign $7.00
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From Street Parish to receive credit
Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director
rass me into contributing a dollar "to help people in distress and teach them of God." , Anyone wearing a distinctive uniform (clergymen, n~ns, and members of the military is at a special disadvantage in coping , with this highly organized "religious" racket. For obvious reasons, he would rather cough up a donation that attract attention to himself by getting into an argument I felt that way the first 20 or 30 times I was accosted by the Hare Krishnas, but I got over my embarrassment. At the present time, I wouldn't give them a dime, much less a dollar, under any circumstances.
1 yr. subscription $5.00
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exercise of this duty, to blow the whistle on the Hare Krishna zealots who make an awful ,nuisance of themselves in airports
550 Locust Street
The Second Vatican Council's Declaration on Religious Freedom says that ~'society has the right to defend itself against possible abuses committed on the pretex. of religious freedom. It is the special duty of government to provide this protection." I hesitate to say so, but I think the time three-minute stroll through the Washington National Airport. I has come for the appropriate was accosted by five zealots, government authority, in the each of whom tried to embar-
Funeral Home
For A'
-- o ---
Declares Hare Krishnas Annoy Traveling Public
\\7.76* Bicentennial· '127 b ~ekend Special Celebrate the Bicentennial with a return to ·old fashioned value" you" have to experience to believe l You,. 3 2 N'sht Meekend Include. EIle"JIth'ngl Room. D1nne,... Breok/,.g. Taxe•• npa. Excellent Accommodations.TV" phones 2 full breakfasts in our Heri.tageRoom 2full course dinners in our new Granada Restaurant. featuring char broiled lib. stt'aks. baked stuffed shrimp. Comphmentary carafe of wine for 2.. Umque B.YD.B. 100.l.'1ge - complimenlary set·u"s. Bea.ulIfulllldoor pool. . saunas Ideal location - sad to Martha s Vanevard. golf. tenms, shops. all nearby.• Per person, per night. dble. OCCup. (pool bldg. higher) until June 19th (Exc. HoI. Penods.1 D P D' Mgr For btochu~. oaervations call 6J7·54().3lXX). or wnle . . meen, .
SHOREWAV ACRES MOTEL ' - _ - - - -__ F.I_lh. Ill.... 02540
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 1976
Jesuit Theologian Attacks Christian 'Maximalists'
Urge Irish Ecumenism DUBLIN (NC}-Ireland's bishops encouraged Irish Catholics to play a fuB part in ecumenical efforts in the Directory on Ecumenism they issued here last week. . The directory is marked by an awareness of the' implications of ecumenism for Northern Ireland, where Prote-stants and Catholics have long been battling each other, and by an emphasis on the foundation of ecumenism in individual spiritual development. Quoting the statement in the Vatican Council II Decree on
The distinguished Jesuit theologian John Navone .has launched a devastating attack on the style of social commitment practiced by many American Catholics in the current issue of "The Homiletic and Pastoral Review." They include particularly the ever assumes that he and his felpresent eager beavers of the he low ideologues have no need for Center for Concern-though self-transformation; that world Navone himself discreetly problems have not been solved mentions no one. He contrasts "Christian minimalism" with "ideological maximlll1ism." The "Christian Min-
imalist" demands that the good which can and should be done must be done in the name of charity and justice. The "Christian Maximalist" is concerned with panaceas for world problems. Navone notes tartly, "Inasmuch as no one is capable of resolving world problems, (the Maximalist) is not really bound by any pressing moral obligation." Hence (and Father Navone is too gentle to say it explicitly) the MaximaJIist discharges his obligations by going to meetings and issuing statements. Undemanding Compassion
The Maximalist is filled with compassion for suffering and oppressed people. But I his. com· passion is proportionate to the remoteness of the beneficiary and therefore comfortably un· demanding. He is preoccupied with remote problems beyond his experience though not beyond his rhetoric. He knows what is good for India, for example, even if he can't work out anything for his own high school. He knows what is good for Latin America even if he has nothing to offer his own neighborhood. He constructs blueprints for the new interna· tional economic order but he is hell to live with. And then, in what can only be interpreted as an attack not only on the Center for Concern but on much of the wolildwide social action style of the Jesuits and many other Catholics, Navone describes the Maximalist at work: "The Maximalist, basically an ideologue, tends to fasten on an ideology, a master-plan, as a panacea. Like most ideologues,
because of aM the people in the world who do not share his ideology. "Maximalists, .consequently, tend to approach world-transformation by publishing endless documents consisting of their ideology's basic commonplaces, platitudes, and banalities. They assume that the volume of such documentation and the repetition of their ideological commonplaces are the best means for transforming the world. In fact, new documents consist largely of quotations from previous documents, so that there is seldom any genuinely new thought in the new document." The Christian Minimalist is not unaware of the big pictures, but "he does not allow such awareness to blind him to the concrete needs· of his -local community, needs which may seem trivial to the MaximaJist ..." Like the Good Samaritan, the Minimalist actually does something of value for the desperate individual right in front of him. But since his approach is geared to action and not statement-issuing, his concern is about the here and now - the family, the neighborhoods, the ordinary people. .Structures doubtless must be reformed, though this will not usuaJIly happen by drawing up a great master plan, but people must also be served. Major Assault The MaximaIists often exude contempt and hostility toward working-class Catholic families, accusing them of indifference to world solutions for world problems, of indifference to the poverty of the Third World, of ignorance with regard to the Big Picture, the "world crisis." (He might have added that such charges are not only unfounded but fly in the face of contrary empirical evidence about the attitudes of ordinary. Catholics.) The brief four-page article is a major assault from within the Jesuit community by one of its leading lights. Navone confronts the tum away from both professiona'l competence and from direct service to the ordinary laity that Jesuit and other Catholic social action has taken during the last decade.
IT IS OUR PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE THAT 'LEONARD PHARMACY' IS YOUR AUTHORIZED PHARMACY FOR PRES· CRIPTIONS FOR: . 1. Textile Workers Union of America (Paid Pescriptions) 2. A & P, Stop & Shop, Bradlees (PCS Prescriptions) 3. B~ue Cross Medication Card Holders 4. Firestone and aU Medimet Prescription Card Holders 5. Teamsters 6. Medicare (Hospital Beds, Wheel Chairs, Walkers, Etc.!
HOT AIR: Huge hot air balloon floats over New York State with 60-squarefoot birthday card attached. [t will appear all over country gathering signatures for card, expected to grow to length of 200 feet.
Ecumenism· that "the closer their union with the Father, the word and the Spirit, the more deeply and easily will Christians be able to grow in mutual brotherly 'love," the bishops said that "for Irish Christians, afflicted by the bitter political and social problems which have led to hatred and. violence in some parts of our country, and which are often associated with denominational labels and slogans, these words bear a message which cannot be pondered too deeply.
Graduates of St. Mary's Cathedral School who may be planning to hold class reunions in conjunction with the Cathedral's seventy-fifth anniversary banquef in September are asked to attend a meeting at the School on June 21,.1976 at 7:30 p.m.
THE FAMILY THAT SWIMS TOGETHER SLIMS TOGETHER One of the joys of summer Is the feeling of physical wellbeing produced by fresh air and exercise. An Invigorating morning swim gets you In physical and mental gear for the day. Your evening swim leaves you refreshed and relaxed. And the regular use of your pool Is better than calorle-countlng for keeping you trim. A pool enClosure means the year-round benefit of heightened mental and physical wellbeing for the entire family. Feeling fit, and feeling good about one another, are worth a Mercedes Investmentand these are only part of the substantial returns from an enclosed pool.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. june 17, 1976
t II
K~OW YOUR FAITH Evangelists as Theologians
BY FATHER JOHN J. CASTELOT The Evangelists did more than simply record the already existing traditions of the Christian communities. They did this, of course, but each brought his own viewpoint, his own theology. Even the Gospel of Mark, whIch seems like such a simple telling of the story, turns out, upon analysis, to be profoundly theological. Mark set out to present the earthly career of Jesus as a revelation: a revelation of the mystery of the Messiah and a revelation of the mystery of the Son of Man. These form the two big divisions of his Gospel. Three sections are discernible in the first division, each of them ending with a remark about the reactions of different groups to Jesus' self-revelation. In 3,6 the Pharisees decide He should he put to death; in 6,1-6 we see how His own relatives misunderstood Him; and in 8, 27-30 Peter acknowledges that He is the Messiah. This. confession of Peter's marks the climax and conclusion of the first upart of the Gospel. It is presented as a turning point in Jesus' ministry, which now takes a new turn: in the direction of Jerusalem.
In the second part of the Gospel Jesus reveals an even more profound mystery, that of the Son of Man. It is a sort of counterbalance to the revelation of the Messiah, for the Apostles shared to a great extent their compatriots' erroneous views about the Person and work of the Messiah. Jesus had to correct these notions. This He did by revealing Himself as the Son of Man, a mysterious title which had certain messianic connotations in the Jewish literature of the day, but which, of its very nature, stressed the humility of the Messiah. . " He is indeed the glorious Messiah, but His path to glory wiN be the way of the cross. This was not an easy concept for the disciples to grasp, and Mark calls attention over and over again to their lack ,of understanding. It may well be that the community for which Mark wrote needed the reminder of the real nature of the Christian life. Basking now in the light of the resurrection, they may have overemphasized a sort of theology of glory. This could have been really dangerous, for persecutions were sure to come, had already come, and they Turn to Page Thirt.een
EPluribus Unum "Whatever happened to the Church we knew back in the 50s?" an old friend asked me recently. "I remember going to Quebec one summer. Even though I didn't know much French, the Mass was in Latin and everything was just like back in St. Louis."
By FR. CARL J. PFEIFER, S.J. His' question and our shared recollections recalled a Catholic Church that was very much the same everywhere. I, too, studied in French Canada and in Austria. There were a few small differences-the French Canadian priests wore long coats and broad-brimmed hats. But the Mass was the same. The theological language heard in sermons or found in the catechisms was the same. The one reality about the Roman Catholic Church that stood out when we grew up was its uniformity. There was a uniformity of doctrine, moral convictions, liturgical worship, and life-style. Every Catholic knew what it meant to be Catholic. Any moderately interested nonCatholic could quite easily learn the basic characteristics of CathI
olic doctrine, morality, worship and life-style. That is no longer true. For better or worse, the uniform pattern of Catholic teaching and living has disappeared. A visit to any two parishes in any town or city dramatically confirms the lack of uniformity. The Roman Catholic Church today is marked ,by wide differences. In place of uniformity there exists a pluralism. Even present catechetical efforts to clarify the Church's "basic teachings" highlight the pluralism rather than reveal uniformity. Four or five "catechisms" for adults have appeared in the United States within the past few years. Each presents a summary of Catholic teaching. Each is presumably orthodox. But each is different. Not in the sense of heresy. The affirmations of the Creed are present in them all. They all teach Jesus' law of love and Moses' 10 commandments. They all teach seven sacraments. But they contain differences -of emphasis, of approach, of language, and at times of practical conclusions. There are differing theologies underlying them. These attempts at putting together for adults definitive explanations of Catholic teaching and practice reveal the same kinds of differences found for a decade in religion textbooks for chiIdren a·nd youth. They give evidence that the time is not ripe for one catechism for aM Turn to Page Thirteen
Parenting BY FATHER JOSEPH M. CHAMPLIN "Father, we are just a group of lonely people who get together for support." Those words came from the lips of a woman in her 40s, divorced, mother of several and member of the One-Parent Family Council in .a neighboring city. I spoke to some 50 persons of that group gathered for their monthly meeting in the' dining room of a local hotel. In operation since 1974, the Council One-Parent Family seeks to provide "a gathering for area parents who, because of death, divorce, separation or desertion, are forced to depend solely on their own resources to maintain a good life for themselves and their children. The council hopes to aid in this endeavor by helping the parent to successfully adjust to his new situation, and exploring the needs of child and parent in the ~>ne-parent household." This is not a Catholic group, although many present were in practice or allegiance Roman Catholic. But the organization, or one simiIar to it, certainly deserves the Church's stllong encouragement. Monthly meetings include' a brief business session, a speaker or special program, followed by an "After-Glow" of dancing/socializing. Additionally, the officers attempt to plan one social activity each weekend. Sundays seem to present one of the most painful periods for the woman in a one-parent situation. The ex-husband and father normally enjoys visitation rights on that day leaving her home-alone and lonely. Going to movies, concerts, plays, lectures and other events for entertainment is another difficult time. Instead of renewing the one-parent's spirits, those occasions often depress them. "Do you realize how hard it is to go out alone?" The hurt in my questioner's voice and eyes was all too obvious. The council's activities ease both situations. Sunday gettogethets help fill that day's
emptiness; attending entertainments as a group eliminates the unpleasant awkwardness of "going alone." A discouraged single woman whose marriage has been annulled by a Church matrimonial court process wrote the o.ther day in deep distress: "Isn't there some group I can join to help me' meet others? Some place besides a bar, in which I can become acquainted with others in my situation?" More One-Parent Councils with heavy Church support and active involvement by Catholic parishes might well provide an answer to her search. Parenting Programs Those who are still happily together could nevertheless benefit from programs on parenting. ,Providing such informational
BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy C. Lorraine Roy ROler laFrance Claudette Roy Morrissey
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and inspirational sessions should be high on the Church's priority list for the next decade. At Holy Family we used for that purpose one of our "Come to the Cabaret" evenings. These twice a year events provide 55 couples (capacity of our renovated church hall) with an inexpensive ($6 per couple) Saturday night out. Turn to Page Thirteen
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ONE PARENT Family Council visited by Father Joseph Champlin seeks to provide "a gathering point for single parents who are forced to depend solely on their own resources to maintain a good life for themselves and the~r children." (NC Photo)
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Furniture bJ:
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 1976
Evangelists as Theologians Continued from Page Twelve would have been doubly difficult to bear for Christians who f:argot that their way to glory, like that of the risen Lord, had to be the way of the cross. This is the key idea in the second part of Mark's Gospel; the revelation of the Son of Man. Very cleverly Jesus fuses with this messianic title elements borrowed from the Suffering Servant prophecies of Isaiah, and the first section of this part of the Gospel contains three predictions of the passion and also of the fate of the disciples. To underscore their lack of comprehension, Mark - shows Peter recoiling from the very
Parenting Continued from Page Twelve Seated at round tables, they sip wine, beer or soft drinks, munch on cheese and crackem, converse by candlelight and Usten to two approximately halfhour presentations. . This year our committee invited a local pediatrician as featured speaker. His topic was broad: "The development of children at various age levels and their parents' expectations during those periods." After. a lecture on overall ooncerns involving youngsters from six months to 16 years, the audience submitted written questions. His response to those inquiries formed the second presentation. A series of TELESPOTS concluded the 8:30-11:30 evening. As a sheltered celibate, I certainly learned much from the doctors's remarks about what it means to be a father or mother. Those couples, judging from the positive response, more importantly, felt better prepared for future parenting and very much reassured about the job they have already done.
Father Tolczyk Father Marion Tolczyk, OFM. Conv. has been named minister provincial of St. Anthony of Padua Province of the Conventual Franciscans. He will lead the 340-member province, largest of the four Conventual Franciscan provinces in the United States for the next three years. Members of the community staff Holy Cross parish, Fall River, Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Hedwig parishes iIi New Bedford atnd Queen of the Most Holy Rosary parish, Taunton. The province was established in this country in 1906 to meet the religious needs of Polish immigrants but now also serves in other areas.
Corpus Christi A solemn service and procession at 3 p.m. Sunday will mark observance of the Feast of Corpus Christ at La Salette Shrine Attleboro. '
COUGHLIN Funeral Home Inc. 308 Locust Street Fall'River, Mass. John J. Coughlin Michael
idea that Jesus should sufferPeter, who had just professed that Jesus was the Messiah. The second section (11,1·13,37) contains Jesus" judgment in Jerusalem, ending with the prediction of its destruction, and the third is the account of the passion, death, and resurrection. Majestic Drama Matthew'S approach is quite different. From one point of view, his Gospel could be described as a majestic drama in two acts, complete with prologue and epilogue. The plot would be as follows. Emmanuel (God with us), the Messiah promised by the prophets, came to earth to fulfill the expectations of His people. He asked them to accept Him and His teachings, to give themse~ves to Him completely. But He announced, too, that He was taking the Gentiles into His Kingdom. Thus the role of the official Judaism of that time as the instrument of universal salvation would be' magnificently accomplis. But they would have noth· ing to do with either Him or the Gentiles. The two acts in which this drama of salvation is played out comprise chapters 3-13 and 14-28. Chapters 1-2, the Infancy Gospel, and 28-1-20, the resurrection account, function as prologue and epilogue. It would require a detailed commentary to do justice to the consummate artistry with which the author develops the plot. Especi!ll1ly effective is his use of the number five. Just by way of example, his Infancy Gospel is structured around five Old Testament citations. And the body of the Gospel is made up of five 'booklets, each -consisting of a narrative and a long synthetic sermon which develop some aspect of the central theme of the kingdom. This five-fold arrangement was a 'deliberate imitation of the five books of the Law of Moses. Here, now, that Law finds its perfect realization in the Gospel. It seems quite clear that Matthew was written for Jewish Christians, accused by their compatriots of having abandoned the true religion of their fathers. Matthew reassures them that far from having abandoned it they have embraced it in its perfection. Borrowing the terminology of Father David Stanley, we may describe the five booklets as follows: The first (3,1-7,29) describes the foundation of the Kingdom. The second (8, 1-11, 1) depicts the dynamic of the Kingdom. The third (11,2-13,53) has as theme the Kingdom as a mystery. The fourth (13,54-19, 1) deals with the structure arid conduct of the Christian community, which, however, is not to be identified purely and simply with the Kingdom. The fifth (19,2-26,2) comes to a climax in Jesus' prophecy of the fall of Jerusalem, an event which will mark a clear recognition, of the Church as a vital organism unmistakably independent of Judaism. Obviously this ordering of material is more logical and theological than chronological and geographical, but it has a majesty all its own.
STUDY VOCATIONS: Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena meet at Fall River motherhouse to study.vocation recruiting program of community. From left, Sister Noella Letourneau, Gertrude Lauzon, Elizabeth Menard, Estelle of St. Dominic, Mary Martin Landry, Gilles Marie, Jeanne d'Arc, Mary of the Trinity, Joseph Marie.
E Pluribus Unum Continued from Page Twelve 'ent. Even something we would like the old Baltimore Cate- consider as important as the words of Jesus in instituting the chism. Such is the fact of the matter. Eucharist are recorded differentThe Roman Catholic Church in ly in Mark, Matthew, Luke and 1976 in the United States' and Paul. John does not even record around the world reveals differ- them. The, date and circumences and diversity. Pluralism stances of the last Supper differ has replaced the uniformity we in John's account from the other three Gospels. The Church is grew up with. defined in a rich variety of symUniforimty Was Recent bols rather than a standard uniHow one interprets that fact ' form definition. Perhaps most differs radically. Some rejoice in disconcerting at first are the the richness of differences. differing accounts of Jesus' Others lament the lost security resurrection. of uniformity. Whatever one's Jesus prayed that His followpersonal reaction to the fact, it ers be one. There is no evidence is good to reflect on some facts that He prayed for uniformity. of the Church's history. It was The traditional Creeds of the only in quite recent times that Church profess one Church, but Church unity tended to become that one Church tolerated rich identified with uniformity. A differences. St. Paul, who is most close reading of the New Testa- eloquent on the unity of the ment reveals a unity iliat toler- Church, fought for the legitimate ated striking differences-of the- differences between Jewish ological understanding, of moral Christians and Greek Christians. convictions, of worship and life- The identification of "unity" style. The four Gospels which provide us with the early Church's understanding of Jesus present four differing views of Jesus. The four do not contradict each other, but they are quite differ-
with "uniformity" gradually grew, reaching its culmination in the centuries immediately following the Council of Trent in the 16th century, and ending in the early 1960s. Today the Church faces the challenging task of forging a deeper unity while respecting legitimate differences. The largely "cultural" uniformity can be replaced by a more profoundly spiritual unity. To achieve such creative unity, respecting the gifts of each within the community, Jesus and His Father give us the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of unity. Moments of nostalgic recollection with friends are good. The good old days of uniformity had their good points. But they exist no more. Whether with tears or shouts of joy at their passing, we are all called to work together toward a new unity, deeper and richer because of our legitimate differences.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 17, 1976
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IT'S ALL OVER NOW: Top picture, seniors at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartm.outh, go over lastminute details with faculty member Jacqueline Bertrand, right. They are, from left, Thomas Gaughan, Louis Kenyon, Doreen SaViera, Joanne Dykas. Bottom, happy farewell is waved by graduates of Taunton's Coyle and Cassidy High School, from left, Ed Brown, Don Rose, Michael Lamb.
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By The Dameans
Come: On Over
If my life gets like a jigsaw with the pieces out of place, Come on over, put a smile back on my face. Q. I am at that stage where I And if all my bad days come at once, no longer know the difference you would know just what to do between law, morals, ethics and Come on over, baby, you would see me through. authority. At J9 I am so confused, so out .touch with myself And if you think I need you, come on over and others it's as if I were Bring your love around, you can dry away my tears. alone on this planet, like a oneAnd if you think I need you, come on over. of-a-kind species. I would like to Lay your body down, you know I will be here, recover something of value if So bring your love around. there's anything of that kind '-left. I don't want to sound like When I cannot see in front of me, and I know my darkest day an old cynic but I can't seem to Come on over, you can take it all away. find answers anywhere. LK. And if you thInk I need you, come on over A. It is you young people for Bring your love around, you can wipe away my tears, whom I feel sorry. So many of And if you think I need you, come on over. you tell me that the problems in your body down, you know I will be here, Lay your lives are so immense and So bring your love around. so cosmic that you feel there is If you think, if you think I need you, come on over. nothing you can do about it. I admit there are a lot of bad by B. Gibb and R. Gibb, Casserole Music Corp. things going on. But there, are Flamm Music Inc. B.M.I., sung by Olivia Newton-John still ble~sings to count, believe it or not. Each day we must gird Olivia Newton-John's latest single reminds me of Lucy at up our strength and with courage her Psychiatric Help 5-cent office waiting for Charlie Brown to face another onslaught. Why come by. Both say -a lot about the importance of asking for don't you try not listening to the news for awhile? Forget help in times of trouble. about systems that aren't work"Come On Over" is different from the Peanuts cartoon ing, religions that don't fill your characters. It is more like real life. Charlie Brown seeks help particular needs. You are still directly while Olivia sings as ·one who knows she needs help very young and I hope and pray at times but can't bring herself to ask for it directly. Instead, that later you will find someshe approaches it shyly - "if you think I need you come thing-eall it religion or whaton over." ever":""that will turn your life Asking for help is not always easy. We'd rather struggle around. Spend a great deal of a~one than to let someone else know that sometimes we hurt time with nature, let the free inside. Such an attitude is common today because our culture air and the ocean breeze's circuplaces such a big value on strength and makes fun of weakness. late, -let, if you will, heaven's We know deep down that it's O.K. not to be perfect or light shine in all those dark strong always, but because we're pressured to be the prettiest, places of your mind. the strongest, the best dressed, the winner, we tend to forget Don't live in the ruins of false at times our worth as persons, imperfect though we are. opinions. Don't let them take Look at the response to movies like "Brian's Song" and over your life. Look for the "The Other Side of the Mountain." These true stories touched marks of God around you, for many people because they showed how physical infirmity or they are there. I know that many even the closeness of death could not conquer the spirit. of the young have fled into a But it wasn't personal strength alone that brought these kind of privatized, subjective people through their crises nor is it that way with us. It is world of self-fulfillment or even only because people love us and accept us with our weaknesses self-indulgence, closing their 'as well as with our strengths that we can make it through life. eyes to horrors; the complexities of dealing with our common If "Come On Over" tells us something about ourselves public life. But I also know that that it's not too bad to admit we need help even though we are many have now left that kind of hesitant - it also tells us something about others. We must life and come back. Where's the . be sensitive to the shy cries for help from people who live answer? You'll have to find it around us, people who are afraid they will be rejected if they for yourself. admit weakness to us. I'm not saying that 'one shouldn't flee or retreat occasionally. The difficulties of the world sometimes become so reer, to concentrate only on self- for the discouragement of so great that one must retreat in realization or whatever name as many around us. Why the sadorder to retain some sanity or some kind· of ultimate V'Ocation ness and melancholy? Why this health, to retain a perspective is in principle perhaps no differ- crisis of spirit? Why is it that on life. However, as a life ca- ent than the avaric!'! and greed people can no longer believe, expressed materialistically in and no longer trust, can no our society. longer jook to the future with Asks Reasons any great hope? "BUCKY" You ask for ·reasons-reasons There are so many reasons, The Tele~ision King Len. Modern man has invested too much of his hope and his confidence in the capacity of. Plum~ing & human organizations to solve hunian problems. This is the Over 35 Years year we should all take 'a good 1196 Bedford Street of that faith. appropriateness of Satisfied Service Fall River, Mass. hard look at the worthiness, the Reg. Master Plumber 7023 Dial 673-9721 Trust in leadership and governJOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. SALES AND SERVICE , ment erode daily, so that we 432 JEFFERSON STREET Servlnl the .rl. for oVlr 25 yurl Fall River 675·7496 Turn to Page Sixteen
Montie Heating Co.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. June 17, 197.6
Star-Spangled Week , It was a star-spangled week at St. Stanislaus School,
Fall River, as students in colonial attire held a huge birthday party for the nation, beginning with a Mass at which early settlers of differing ethnic backgrounds were memorialized. Daily assemblies included folksinging and special presentations on Indians, the First Americans; Founders and Builders of Our Nation; Election of a President; The Meaning of 路America; and Historical Monuments. Early American cooking was explored, with children making johnnycakes, cornbread, taffy and applesauce; while craft projects utilized materials available to colonists and produced plaques, cut-outs, quilts and a Bicentennial flag.
THE ANCHORThurs., June 17, 1976
c " C Graduates Make Phi Bete
By Karen Deep School Correspondent Four members of the class of 1972, first graduating class of the .merged Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, have been elected to Phi Beta Kappa, oldest and most prestigious col. lege honor society. They are Rosemary Kelly, Norton, an' American Studies major at Connecticut College, who plans to study for a master's degree in library science foHowing a year of volunteer work at Jesuit missions in Montana. Also Sara-Ann Hoye, Taunton, a graduate of Holy Cross College, who will enter Tufts University School of Medicine in September; James Thomas, Taunton, a Boston C'Ollege graduate, who will attend the University of Massachusetts Medical School; and Peter Stoddard, North Easton, who graduated from Marquette University, where he will remain as a teaching fellow and candidate for a degree of master of arts in mathematics.
focus on youth ... Continued from Page Fourteen have becom~ suspicious to the point of paranoia. What to do? A great deal. First, we can stop being accom- I plices of absurdity and stupidity. If you want to find 'yourself, do ' something humane and be mor· ally responsible. In a world that is becoming increasingly bureaucratized, increasingly anonymous, let us put a face and a name on whatever and whom- , ever we encounter. Despite all I see around me I remain optimistic and hopeful. I think it's because the great mass of American people is beginning to see what government and what political salvation really are. I am reminded of an old adage that it is only at dusk that Minerva's owl flies, and hopefully it is at the point of our disillusion with the past that we are able to look to a brighter future. I
God Is Obliged "When God calls anyone to Christianity he obliges himself to furnish him with all that is required for being a good Christian."-St. Francis de Sales
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