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teanc VOL. 38, NO. 24

Friday, June 17, 1994



Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly

SII Per Year

Appelt;' is best ever! Statement of Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. This week's Anchor details the results of the 1994 Catholic Charities Appeal in the Diocese of Fall River. • , I am pleased to r.eporttJlllltiLn e~c.ess; of $2,300,000.00 wa5coll in this year~s Appeal, the largest a . nt ever reached in the diocese, d)t is the . result of the dedicate~ ',~~of many priests, religious, and ,ity; Thou"sands of individuals have given of their time, hard work, aitl<,! reso'iJrces to make the 1994 Appeal so s· ssful. I ress to them mYi prof grati-



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IN A TOUCHING moment at last Saturday's ordination ceremony at St. Mary's Cathedral, the new Father Pawel A. Swiercz imparts his priestly blessing to Bishop Sean O'Malley. (Kearns photo)


Papal honor for Msgr. Mendonca Last Sumlay was already one of the biggest days ever at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, New Bedford. Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, a parish native, who was baptized, made his first communion, and was confirmed and ordained within Mt. Carmel's majestic walls, was offering his golden jubilee Mass, which also marked his retirement from active ministry. Following the homily, Bishop Sean O'Malley, saying "I want mine to be the first present you open," gave the completely surprised monsignor a gift-wrapped box. It contained a ferraiolone, a floorlength purple cape denoting that its wearer is a protonotary apostolic, and a papal certificate attesting to Msgr. Mendonca's new rank. Expressing their delight at the honor paid their pastor, parishioners responded with a standing ovation. Protonotaries, who may use the letters

PA after their names, are address€:d as "Reverend Monsignor." They may wear a purple cassock and sash for choir dress and Ii red-trimmed black cassock with purple sash and the ferraiolone for nonliturgical occasions. Following Mass, parishioners honored the new Rev. Msgr. Mendonca at a reception. It was followed on Sunday evening by a testimonial banquet attended by 520 relatives, fellow priests, parishioners and friends. With James Mendonca, the honoree's brother, as master of ceremonies, the program included presentations by church organizations and many speakers, including Bishop O'Malley, Azorean Bishop Aurelio Granada Escudeiro, parish representatives, New Bedford Acting Mayor David Gerwatowski, Portuguese Consul Dr. Jorge Serpa Neves, Catholic , Turn to Page 12

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Mary Jane Owen builds bridges for d~sabled By Marcie Hickey

AT A RI~TIREMENT testimonial last Sunday, Rev. Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, PA, wearing the vestments indicative of his new rank, is flanked by Azorean Bishop Aurelio Granada Escudeiro and Bishop Sean O'Malley. (H ickey photo)

Diocesan Director 'of the Appeal, and Mr. John P. Urban, this year's La}'~' Chairperson, have, done an outstand· .' .. ingjob. . . , The Diocese 'Of Fall Rivermes 0&' the Charities Ap~eal to provide tb~' resources to allowl us to continue the many pastoral andisQcial welfare actw..' ities of.the DiocesJ. The success of tiM,', 1994 Appeal allows us to continue atid' even expan<,! those: activities. Many have sael'ificed to make Appeal so succe~sful, and J ilPP(¢cillte t !l1~foIilSr'(X

Mary Jane Owen builds bridges. Blind, partially deaf and a wheelchair user, she spans gulfs of ignorance, prejudice, misunderstanding and indifference in promoting the rights and dignity of the disabled. For Ms. Owen the mission is entwined with life issues in the Catholic church: protecting society's most vulnerable and "valuing each individual." As executive director since 1991 of the National Catholic Office for Persons with Disabilities, she coordinates resources and support services for diocesan and parish personnel, writes articles, speaks at conferencesand flies in the face of what others might consider limitations. (She once told a Catholic News Service reporter during a Vatican meeting on disabilities, "I will bounce up stairs on my behind to get where I need to go.") Ms. Owen points to the U.S. bishops' 1978 pastoral statement on the handicapped as the definitive call for ful1 inclusion of persons with disabilities in the life of the church. "It's my job to keep reminding every~ne" what that document says, said Ms. Owen. The disabled and their advocates "need to share our stories, our wealth of experience," for stories make human connections and connections build bridges, said Ms. Owen, who was in Fall River last week for the annual conference of Spiritual Connections, cosponsored by the Diocesan Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities. Spiritual Connections, an interdenominational organization serving Greater Fall River, assists persons in institutions or group homes in becoming active in the religious denomination of their choice, providing transportation and supportive friendships.

Last week's conference, themed "I nclusion through Bridge .Building," also i;lcluded a presentation by Robin Friedlander of Project R EC (Recreation in Education and the Community) at Children's Hospital in Boston and a panel discussion with clergy and Spiritual Connections volunteers. Building bridges of understanding must begin with a solid foundation, Ms. Owen said; hers is a phrase ingrained in her since childhood: "Jesus loves me. this I know." That does not mean, she amended, that persons from different faiths or perspectives cannot find common ground. "You study the terrain," she said. "Where is the best place for me to m~et you?" Ms. Owen suggests that place is "a sense of mutual vulnerability," a place where God can act and heal, empowering the powerless. Turn to Page 12

~\drbti;'()r 'tJllbotfl; .'. dedi~ation set' Ii:; ~ast()n Knights of Columbus iovi••;, !lill to a Mass ~nddedicationofa Tomb, of the lJn~o~l~ Child Sunday, JU.,~.£ , ihe noon tvIa:\S at Immaculate'Q

ce~tioll Chur~h, North Easton,

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t~t'¥ onQl1tl>n Street, North E bY'dcedicatio~ ora Tomb of the U .,' ~Id, memOliializingchildren who ha ~9st their livef through abortion. '. i'Fhecerempny, the first of its kind i~ the Fal1 River diocese, is encouraged' l:tythenatio1al office of the Knighl'.$ of

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r-o--_1n This Issue-_----------l"......-......- ......- ..............................- ............- -........................- - - . - - , I Appeal final figures Page 2

Social Services director named. Page 3

Invitation to Visit MJlry Garden I rage 11

Leading Parishes .ATILEBORO AREA SI. John, Attleboro O.L. of MI. Carmel, Seekonk SI. Mary, Seekonk SI. Mary, Mansfield SI. Mark, Attleboro Falls

$53,645.00 42,833.00 37,434.00 33,762.00 30,802.00

CAPE COD AND THE ISLANDS AREA $91,273.50 SI. Pius X, So. Yarmouth 74,220.00 SI. Francis Xavier, Hyannis 50,784.00 Our Lady of Victory, Centerville 50,553.00 Holy Trinity, W. Harwich 38,725.00 Corpus Christi, Sandwich

Mansfield-SI. Mary North Attleboro Sacred Heart SI. Mary Norton-SI. Mary' Seekonk MI. Carmel SI. Mary

33,762.00 12,684.00 20,101.00 17,778.50 42,833.00 37,434.00

Parish Totals

CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS AREA Brewster-O. L. of the Cape $28,216.00 Buzzards Bay-SI. Margaret 14,844.00. Centerville-O. L. of Victory 50,784.00 Chatham-Holy Redeemer 31,341.12 East Falmouth-SI. Anthony 31,175.00 Edgartown-SI. Elizabeth 4,285.00 Falmouth-SI. Patrick 37,319.00 Hyannis-SI. Francis Xavier 74,220.00 Mashpee-Christ the King 38.167.00 Nantucket-O. L. of the Isle 13,711.00 North Falm'outhSI. Elizabeth Seton 30,423.00 Oak' Bluffs~Sacred Heart 5,777.00 Orleans-SI. Joan of Arc 27,082.00 Osterville-Assumption 21,060.00 PocassetSI. John the Evangelist 35,415.00 Provincetown-SI. Peter the Apostle 7,462.00 Sandwich-Corpus Christi 38,725.00 South Yarmouth-SI. Pius X 91,273.50 Vineyard HavenSI. Augustine 8,405.00 WellfleetOur Lady of Lourdes 7,040.00 West HarwichHoly Trinity 50,553.00 Woods Hole-SI. Joseph . 23,270.00



FALL RIVER AREA Holy Name, Fall River Holy Rosary, Fall River SI. Thomas More, Somerset SI. John of God, Somerset SI. Stanislaus, Fall River

.$46,065.00 28,716.00 28,393.00 26,826.00 26,548.00

NEW BEDFORD AREA MI. Carmel, New Bedford Immaculate Conception, New Bedford SI. Mary, So. Dartmouth SI. Julie Billiart, No. Dartmouth SI. Patrick, Wareham

$43,791.00 31,002.00 29,937.00 28,258.00 26,982.00

TAUNTON AREA SI. Ann, Raynham SI. Joseph, Taunton Immaculate Conception, N. Easton SI. Anthony, Taunton Holy Cross, So. Easton

$25,198.50 21,821.00 21,798.00 20,026.00 18,830.00

Attleboro Holy Ghost SI. John SI. Joseph SI. Mark SI. Stephen SI. Theresa

$11,813.00 53,645.00 9,543.00 30,802.00 11,742.00 23.011.00

Fall River SI. Mary's Cathedral Blessed Sacrament Espirito Santo Holy Cross Holy Name Holy Rosary

$12,045.30. 5.104.00 16,635.00 4,582.00 46,065.00 28,716.00

Immaculate Conception Notre Dame Our Lady of the Angels Our Lady of Health Sacred Heart SI. Anne SI. Anthony of Pad ua SI. Elizabeth SI. Jean Baptiste SI. Joseph SI. Louis SI. Michael SI. Patrick SS. Peter & Paul SI. Stanislaus SI. William Santo Christo Assonet-SI. Bernard Somerset SI. John of God SI. Patrick SI. Thomas More / Swansea Our Lady of Fatima SI. Dominic SI. Louis de France SI. Michael WestportOur Lady of Grace SI. John the Baptist NEW BEDFORD AREA New Bedford Holy Name Assumption Im.maculate Conception MI. Carmel Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sacred Heart SI. Anne SI. Anthony of Padua SI. Casimir

6,115.00 10,930.00 18.108.00 6,776.00 16,493.00 14,139.00 10,949.00 6,424.00 7,968.00 11,335.00 5,394.00 13,598.00 14,904.00 10,912.00 26,548.00 12,676.00 20,120.00 12,177.00 26,826.00 151729.00 28,393.00 19,272.00 16,026.70 16,122.00 12,787.00 15,416.00 17,269.00

$16,350.50 4,025.00 31,0~2.00

43,7 1.00 2,222.00 8,451.00 8.153.00 7,039.00 4,645.00 7,086.00 5,169.00

SI. Francis of Assisi SI. Hedwig SI. James SI. John the Baptist SI. Joseph SI. Kilian SI. Lawrence SI. Mary SI. Theresa AcushnetSI. Francis Xavier East FreetownSI. John Neumann FairhavenSI. Joseph SI. Mary Marion-SI. Rita MattapoisettSI. Anthony ~orth DartmouthSI. Julie Billiart South Dartmouth-SI. Mary Wareham-SI. Patrick Westport-SI. George TAUNTON AREA Taunton Holy Family Holy Rosary .Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart SI. Anthony SI. Jacques SI. Joseph SI. Mary SI. Paul Dighton-SI. Peter North Dighton-SI. JosephNorth EastonImmaculate Conception Raynham-SI. Ann South Easton-Holy Cross

4,987.00 ::,245.00 1(,644.00 20,250.00 12,048.00 3,606.00 17,613.00 25,470.00 9,006.00 7887.00 22,277.00 15,028.00 7,886.00 4,241.00 18,1554.00 28,:!58.00 29,!137.00 26,!l82.00 13,095.00


7,483.00 12,735.00 15,375.00 13,645.00 20,0.26.00 11,9·t6.00 21,8:11.00 18,409.00 12,406.00 6,6114.00 11,8~i1.00

21,1£18.00 25,158.50 18,830.00


Special Gifts FAll RIVER $600 Southeastern Medical Services Group

$360 Sawejko Enterprises

$100 Bank of Fall River-A-Co-Operative Way $75 , Rainbow Paint &Wallpaper Co., Somerset


Warehouse Imported Auto Parts, Inc., . Seekonk


St. Francis Xavier Holy Name Society, Hyannis $50 Thomas H. Peterson Realtors, West Harwich

Parishes FALL RIVER ESPIRITO SANTO $50 A parishioner Holy Name M/M Wilfred A. Morrissette, K.P. Manning Auto Parts; $50 M/M Car· los Frias Notre Dame de Lourdes $100 Broth· ers of Christian Instruction Holy Rosary $250 Holy Rosary St. Vincent dePaul Conference; $50 Chief & Mrs. Edward Dawson,M/M Gabriel An· drade St. Stanislaus $950 -Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski St. Joseph's $100 M/M Leonard Alves ASSONET S1. Bernarlt $50 John Dougherty, M/M Michael Cloutier

SOMERSET S1. Thomas More $50 M/MGeorge Ferreira

S1. Anthony $100 Sisters of Holy Cross, Anonymous; $53 St. Anthony Youth Group; $50 Dorothy Despres, M/M Harry Hathaway, M/M Robert Levesque, Patri· cia Powell

WAREHAM S1. Patrick $100 M/M George Averill, Anne & Mildred Caldwell; $60 M/M Allan Collins; $50 Mrs. Isabelle Andrews, M/M James Bretto, M/M Donald Heselton

POCASSET S1. John The Evangelist $50 Barbara A. Sanuth, M/M John F. Henderson, M/M Joseph P. Andrea, M/M Victor Huard NDWICH Corpus Chr~~i $300 M/M WiliialTl J.

SWANSEA Our Lady of Fatima $50 M/M Donald H. Ferron S1. Francis of Assisi $80 M/M Patrick CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS Wilkinson; $50 M/M Joseph'Neves Jr., In CENTERVILLE WESTPORT Lyons; $200 Francis J. Sylvia; $100 Our Lady of Grace $75M/M John Memory of Sarah O'Malley Our Lady of Victory $150 M/M Fran- Diane J. Willett:M/M Michael M. Amril:h, Duclos S1. Lawrence $75 M/M Darryl R. Gif· cis D. Murphy; $100 r~lie Doll; $75 M/M Francis J. Nagle, Ray P. Nelson; $75 NORTH ATILEBORO ford, M/M John R. Whalen; $50 Mary Pasquale J. Russo; $50 Phyllis O. Forster, M/M Henry J. Roux; $60 M/M Steven Sacred Heart $60 M/M David Graveline Ann Farrell M/M Owen F. Needham Cook, M/M Joseph V. Ashmankas NORTON . EAST FREETOWN CHATHAM $50 M/M Mark W. Jewell, M/M Carl E. S1. Mary's $300 M/M Daniel Dono· S1. John Neumann $75 Mrs. John Holy Redeemer $50 M/M John Connell Watters, M/M Daniel C. Ryan, M/M Joiln van; $150 M/M Shawn Murphy; ·$100 Wrobel; $50 M/M Jose Gonsalves HYANNIS F. Mcisaac, M/M CraigJ. McGowan, Mrs. M/M William Kendall, Normand M a s s i - S 1 . Francis Xailier $150 M/M J. Craig Stephen Swinamer, M/M Ernest A. Plante, cotte, Mary Pinksen; $75 M/M Robert MANSFIELD Medeiros; $50 M/M Edna Hogan, Mor· M/M Richard L. Currier, M/M James M. Keirn; $50 M/M Mark Bernier, M/M S1. Mary's $200 M/M Frank Fisher; gan Clark . Melia, M/M William E. Clark Eugene Cecere, Mrs. John Dunn, M/M $100 MiM R. Vantassell; $50 M/M Wil· MASHPEE WEST HARWICH Joseph Jolly, M/M Edward Welch liam Mahoney Christ The King $200 The Don M'ills Holy Trinity $100 Mrs. Vincent FlernSEEKONK MATTAPOISETT Family; $100 The Forest Family, Electra ing, Atty/Mrs. Richard Meaney, M/M S1. Mary's $50 James & Frances S1. Anthony $100 Dr/M Jon A. Ruel; L. Tolchinsky, The Donovan Family, The Francis Woelfel; $50 M/M Robert J. Cunha, M/M Stephen E. Sylvia $50 Sandra Dawson Beckel Family, M/M Robert Franey; $60 Knott, M/M Thomas Ogborne, In Memory NEW BEDFORD The Spallone Family; $50 The Bacon of Theresa J. Fennell, M/M Joseph UZi:O Our Lady of Assumption $50 M/M SOUTH DARTMOUTH Family, The Odell Family, The Horgan TAUNTON Jose Martins S1. Mary $500 M/M G. Albert Roy Family, The Hubbell Family Sacred Heart $50 Corline Cronan S1. Mary's $50 Catherine Hansen, James W. Killiher Family, Elizabeth Long; $75 William & Joan Clifford . S1. Joseph $50 M/M William T. Hur· ley, Jr., Dorothea M. Fortes EAST TAUNTON Holy Family $200 M/M Ja'mes Cohn; $105 M/M Martin Sullivan; $100 M/M Final reports from the parishes resulted in donations and pledges passed their final total for the 1993 Raymond Prunier, Mrs. Enis Deniz; $51 and Special' Gifts, brough't the totalling $2,307,272.10., our- best Appeal: Holy Ghost, St. John the M/M Brian Silvia; $50 M/M Scott Benoit, total of the 1994 Appeal to Appeal ever. Evangelist, St. Mark, St. Theresa Theodore Lippold, Margaret Betti, Kat$2,307,272.10 at the closing of the "On behalf of all who will receive of the Child Jesus, Attleboro; St. hleen Curley, John Moses books, the best record ever. help and services from the diocese Mary, Mansfield; Sacred Heart, SOUTH EASTON "We are very grateful to all colas a result of your gifts, may I St. Mary, N. Attleboro; St. Mary, Holy Cross $100 M/M John Hurley, lectors in the Special Gift and Parextend their gratitude and thanks. Norton; Our lady of'Mt. Carmel, Kenneth Stuart; $75 M/M James Mc· ish phases of the Appeal. Their May God abundantly bless you Seekonk. Donneil, M/M William Powers; $50 M/M hard work and generosity contrib- and your loved ones." Our Lady of the Cape, Brews- Stephen Bliss, M/M Bruce Breef·Pilz, uted to the great success of the Father Freitas also wishes to ter; Our Lady of Victory, Center- M/M Glen lIacqua, M/M Richard LaWler, 1994 Appeal," said Father Daniel thank Bishop O'Malley, the priest ville; Holy Redeemer, Chatham; M/M David Mekler, M/M Jerry McCarty, L. Freitas, diocesan director ofthe area directors, all other priests, St. Anthony, E. Falmouth; St. M/M Thomas Murray Appeal. and religious, lay chairpersons and Patrick, Falmouth; St. Francis NORTH EASTON The following is a statement collectors of Special Gifts and parXavier, Hyannis; Christ the King, Immaculate Conception $100 Paula from John P. Urban, lay chairper- ish donations for their generosity, Mashpee. Kane, M/M David Silva, M/M Lewis son of the 1994 Appeal: 'time, effort and' support that made Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; Chapman, M/M Martyn Lincoln, M/M "It is with great humility and this Appeal the best one ever. All St. Elizabeth Seton, No. Falmouth; Robert O'Leary,' Jr.; $75 M/M James pleasure that I thank everyone can be assured of the gratitude of St. Joan of Are, Orleans, O.L. of Coughlin; $60 M/M Joseph Cady; $50 wh(),heJped make our 1994 c:atho- 'all who will benefit from your Assumption, Osterville; St. John M/M Jim Kent, M/M Daniel Dowd, M/M lie Charities Appeal a success. work. the Evangelist. Pocasset; St. Peter, . Alfred Gomes, Dr/M Eduardo Talusan, Many' hands maoe the effort eas88 parishes top 1993 total ProvincetoWn; Corpus Christi, SandDoris Downey, Charles ·Felice, M/M ier. Your generosity and sacrifice The following parishes have sur"Anthony'loconte, M/M Walter Gallagher Turn to Page 12

Final report brings Appeal total to alltime high of $2,307,272.10

"Bishopftsmes' " Social Services director Bishop Sean O'Malley has announced the ap'pointment, effective the week of July 4, of Arlene A. McNamee, LCSW, as director of the Diocesan Department of Catholic Social Services. In commenting on the appointment, the bishop noted that over 70 persons had applied for the director's post and that a search committee had evaluated all candidates. He said he was "confident that Mrs. McNamee's wealth of experience and dedication to the Church will be invaluable as we assess and address the needs of the poor and disenfranchised in our diocese." Mrs. McNamee is currently Southeast Region administrator for the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Previously she was executive director of New Bedford Child and Family Service, which she joined in 1974. Earlier she was II founder and director of shelters for troubled adolescents and was involved in various other capacities in the area of child welfare. Mrs. McNamee is active on many boards, including the statewide advisory board ofthe Department of Social Sl:rvices and the boards of Baybanks, New Bedford Immigrants' Assistance Center, New Bedford United Way and St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, where she is vice chairperson. She serves on the finance committee of St. Julie Billiar! parish, North Dartmouth, of which she is a member. A graduate of Bishop Stllng High School, North Dartmouth, and Stonehill College, North Easton, she is married to James McNamee, an associate superintendent of schools in the Fall River Diocesan Department of Education. Their son, Aaron, is a student at Bishop Stang., and their daughter, Julie, who graduated this month from St. Mary's school, New Bedford, will enter the high school in September.

The Price "What people don't realize is how much religion costs. They think faith is a big electric blanket. when of course it is the cross." -Flannery O'Connor 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Pre:.s of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.


portedly .slain by rebel soldiers . Meanwhils., th\?. U S bishonS , (.l.~~~(l.r,lll~l¥ .Ill>e,c:!,ep. .b JI mil Qitaria It "' ...•.... '. ,. '\\fho"losffii't11lly' titdil15ef(t"(f R'U'tiJ· . , cfi'lled 'f()~ "ltJ'hir~l,*aiI6n~,!J~I- 'mission,' 'thi: Hc'a'd'M {he bisndps' . death squads., itary force to safeguard civilian Committee on International Pol. . The troops, who were supposed lives. icy, Bishop Daniel P. Reilly of to be safeguarding the bishops, "We urge the U.S. government Norwich, Conn., said in a June 9 thought the clergy had taken part to do all it can to equip, transport statement. in the murder of their relatives. and sustain U.N. forces in this

-- ----- - - - -~ \ You're invited to Openin I




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We've saved you,.



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Collection asked for African relief WASHINGTON (CNS) - The president of the U.S. Catholic Conference has asked his fellow bishops, to take up a special collection for relief efforts in Central and Eastern Africa, including Rwanda. Baltimore Archbishop William H. Keeler req uested the bishops to consider a voluntary collection to help Catholic Relief Services meet the needs of 16.3 million people whose lives are threatened by drought, civil war and ethnic strife. Even before hundreds of thousands of Rwandans fled massacres in their homeland this spring, millions of people in Sudan, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Eritrea, Kenya and Somalia were endangered by famine. With the flood of Rwandan refugees into neighboring countries, relief agencies already attempting to cope with the food shortages have been even more strapped. Catholic Relief Services, the bishops' overseas relief and development agency, is in a good position to help meet the needs of Central and Eastern Africa, Archbishop Keeler said, but will need significantly increased resources. The murders of three Rwandan bishops briefly refocused world attention on the massive bloodshed in the East Central African country. The bishops, including the country's top churchman, were re-

Diocese of Fall River


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fastballs, courtesy of a speed gun, opera\ ed by the Seekonk Police Department. \ Every kiq, who participates will get to \ keep that ball and ~ get a Speeding -o'~ . I Certificate. Even better, DA.~~ I

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Opening Days June 20 -25 Baker's Corner, Route 152, Seekonk • 761-5890

I His Excellency the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., announces the following first assignment. Parochial Vicar Rev. Pawel A. SwiercI, St. Ann Parish, Raynham. Effective July 15, 1994


Say hello to the new team in town, the helpful bankers of FIRSTFED. ~;, During Opening Days, June 20 ~\ - 25, there will be free hot dogs . - .-- -in the parking lot, popcorn popping in the lobby and practically nonstop prize drawings - more than 30 drawings in all. In fact, just for walking in, you can grab other great giveaways. And hey, while you're at it, how fast is your fastball? Pile the kids in the car Saturday, June 25, from 9 a.m. to noon, and find out. That's when we'll be clocking




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I TUTSI REFUGEES huddle against cold and damp at a camp in Rwanda. The U.S. bishops have been asked to take up a special collection for relief efforts in Central and Eastern Africa, including Rwanda. '(CNS/ Reuters photo)



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'Ooilydmrina entry fDlmlwil be avoiloblto1 our newSeekaok oflke during regufm banking hoon June 20 -2S,l99Ullyant_ the oge of 1rmay enlll.1ber. will be 3D ~(S~ day) from JIlI1I 20 thiouah June 2S. You do IIOIIlMlIIll be pmlIllll win. _ . Eri1ries nol drOwn ttilI oulOfl1OlKaI!y belome .. Iw Itie next dr ' .In adaition,lIlI 01 four IltIIII1I odnislicin Iilkelllll LENDER FllSIHD !fight 01 Mdoy SIoM July 14, 1994 be liftn III "" lim2sW IJeopIe ~ aRISTfEb HOW Chelkilg Alleunt.liniI ~/ 0III1II per 1oIlIiIy. RISlFID~, c5ridan and their imlllll!io1e IumiIies not eligible fer daiIr drftinll,


4 THE Ar\U='HOlf'~- Di6ce~~ ,


'Of Fall 'River'l:Fri,;.Ju¡n'e"'l'7,:'19'9'4



. the living


May We Remain Firm


There are few politicians who do not adamantly declare that they seek office only for the benefit of those who placed their confidence in them at the polls. But this goal too often becomes tarnished when those who proclaim it enter the political arena. The paraded ideal all too frequently sinks in the quicksands of ambivalence. Manya politician goes to Washington or Beacon Hill with the best of intentions, only to fall victim to the system. Special interest groups and their lobbyists have played the game of politics so long that a novice is quickly outwitted and his or her original purity of intention becomes sullied. First and foremost, novices are inexperienced, while the rules of political life are jealously guarded by the old hands. As a result, many newcomers, finding their efforts ineffective, become disillusioned and their integrity and visionsuffer in the process. This is especially true with regard to the present discussion of a national health insurapce plan. Few Americans would deny that the country must be concerned for the health care of every citizen and that a comprehensive program is needed which will meet the basic requirements of charity and justice. Top many Americans are denied health care because they cannot afford to pay for it. Indeed, our ever-advancing and ever more costly medical procedures and practices are rapidly becoming too expensive for the average working person. What it adds up to is that those who can pay will be healed; those who cannot will continue to suffer. In a social order where even death comes with a very high price tag, the least of our brothers and sisters are becoming the first victims. In short, healing and health maintenance ate pig business. This is the nub of the matter. Who will pay the nation's health bill? What will be the tax implications? Who will supervise the health care system and how'will the, Church play its part? As we continue to observe the self-serving maneuvers 1 and ploys of the power elite, may we not forget the needy. All eNS pllo'o of us must be aware of our legal rights and our responsibility FATHER'S DAY for accountability. "Thy father honor', in deed and in word." Ecclus. 3:9 As we prepare to develop our national health policy, let us not be blinded by greed or duplicity. Rather, let us hold our Congress to the task of providing a just and fair policy that will provide ethical and moral health care for all. In this light, we should oppose all proposals that would treat "Franz Kline Talking," a dramatic phrase for "please." They say "pl~r By Father Kevin J. Harrington pregnancy as a disease and abortion as a right. Unborn chilmonologue, "Hell! Half the world cortesia." Actually, "courtesy" If there is one virtue whose lack wants to be like Thoreau at Walden originally meant the kind of bedren must be treated as human beings with a soul and not as is universally lamented it is that of "things." If we fail to guarantee the right to life, ,we will have a courtesy. Our cities have become worrying about the noise of traffic havior you'd expect from those health care package that will be exclusive, not inclusive. The places where courtesy is the virtue on the way to Boston; the other connected with a royal court. The half use up their lives being part of British use the words "common 'mentally handicapped, the elderly and the undocumented may least likely to be enco1lntered. It is that noise." courtesy," meaning that a minironic to consider that the very \ well be subjected to "selective disposal." ' imum degree of courteous behavThe Irish say that when God Health care must be for all the living. If Congress refuses to . word "urbanity" was coined to dis- made time, he made plenty of it. ior is something one should expect tinguish the refined manners of guarantee this right and gives in to lobbyists of death, such a city folk from the supposed crudi- How startling and refreshing it is from everyone. But I think thl: health program will be unhealthy from the outset. It is impera- ties of country folk. Yet nowadays to meet someone who still believes Italians are more precise becausl: courtesy at times will be common tive that we move beyond the limited vision that sees only costs city life seems to be spawning surly that! Unfortunately, if O'Hara a"nd at other times uncommon. dispositions en masse. By contrast, wrote his words today the division and it will always be a royal qual: and increased taxes. small towns are much inore likely between those who worry about ity. Indeed, these days it often True, they are important considerations, but far more to demonstrate plain old friend- noise and those who make the seems as rare as royalty. important is the principle that health care is for all the living, liness. noise would be in favor of the Mother Teresa of Calcutta was noisemakers! As Carl Jung inregardless -of their circumstances or condition. once asked what an ordinary persisted: For instance, in any large city, "Hurry is not merely of the , As the health insurance debate continues, may we remain son could do to make this world , parking meters and public trans- devil. It is the devil." firm in these convictions. ,this "little threshing flo.or which portation fares require exact

Abo'ut random acts of kindness

The Editor

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly-by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Av'enue P.Q. BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02720 . Fall River. MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes'to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above

EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore

GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~ Leary Press-Fall Rive,"


A billboard sign on the Southchange; however, try to obtain east Expressway, "Commit a R"anchange from any merchant. On a dom Act of Kindness," inspired trip to Boston, when I requested these reflections. Our 'headlines this~favor of a store clerk she tell us all too clearly how people paused ceremoniously to t~ke a suffer from random acts of viocandy and unwrap it with remark- lence but they rarely extoll ranable deliberation, meanwhile say- dom acts of kindness. I think of ing, "Can't you read the sign: the. countless volunteers at hospi'Sorry, No Change'?" Was she tals and public service organizareally sorry, or rather, did she take tions, of blood donors, soup kitundue delight in bei'1g a bearer of . chen and food pantry workers, bad news? Judging from the look religious educators, church and on her face, the candy must hilVe youth group leaders, just to name been a sourball! a few. The nature of kind people is not In fairness, both our cities and our rural areas have courteous and to toot their own horns and this disco~rteous people, but the faster often makes beneficiaries of their pace of cities does not lend itself to acts of kindness, random or oththe kind of empathy that engen- erwise, oblivious to what is being ders courtesy. The late poet Frank done for them. The Italians have a disarming O'Hara had a painter cry out in

makes us so fierce," as Dante put it - a little better. She had an amazing, almost revolutionary reply: "Just smile at one another." It is hard to be mean or indifferent to someone while you're smiling. Sure, people may think you're deranged, drunk or drugged, but little by little they will begin to indulge you when your smile is accompanied by those little acts of kindness that present themselves to us while driving in traffic, being served by a waitress or complimenting a supermarket cashier for her efficiency. To believe that kindness is as or more contagious than cruelty is to believe that Mother Teresa's advice is worth trying. Besides, ~ smile uses fewer facial muscles than a frown.

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.""'Pope'n'a'mes"40" to life academy

at the Lord's table Q. My husband was a Southern Baptist, but we were married in the Catholic Church and have remained active in our Catholic parish ever since. Why doesn't the church welcome people from other faiths to receive communion'! We both feel as if the church divides us by not allowinl: us to receive the sacrament tOl:ether. I've pursued this with several priests but have never received a thorough answer. (Missouri) A. I'm not at all sure I can respond in a way that will be satisfactory. Nearly all Catholics (and ma ny other Christians) believe our ~eparation at the very table which our I.ord meant 1.0 be the chief source of unity is a terrible tragedy and a particular scandal to those who do not share our faith. It is much easier to lament the fact. however. than to know exactly what to do about it. The Eucharist is not only the way by which God forms us into "the one bodv of Christ," as the second Eucha;istic Prayer says. but it is a sign of that unity. How much unity of faith must there be to make it a valid and honest sign? Your question actually involves one of five conditions for Protestants to receive communion in the Catholic Church: They must"have a faith in the sacrament in conformity with that of the church." There are. of course. many different degrees in a unity of faith. I'm sure. for example. that you disagree on some substantial religous positio.ns (try capital punishment. for example) with Catholics who join you at the communion table each Sunday. Yet you would probably say you agree on the "basics." What' are those basics? Certainly the most fundamental are a belief in God the Creator and in his redeeming love for our human family; in Jesus, the incarnate Son of God, who by his death, resurrection and glorification with the Father has united us with himself and with each other in a way that transcends all hope and power without him. Also a belief that we are reborn into eternal life with him through baptism; that we celebrate and

DAILY READINGS June 20: 2 Kgs 17:5-8,1315,18; Ps 60:3-5,12-13; Mt 7:1-5 June 21: 2 Kgs 19:9-11,1421,31-35,36; Ps .48:2-4,1011; Mt 7:6,12-14 June22: 2Kgs22:8-13;23:13; Ps 119:33-37,40; Mt 7:1520 . June 23: 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1-5,8-9; Mt 7:21-29 June 24: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3,13-15; Acts 13:2226; lk 1:57-66,80 June 25: lam 2:2,10-14,1819; Ps 74:1-7,20-21; Mt 8:5-17 June 2'6: Wis 1: 13-15;2:2324; Ps 30:2,4-6,11-13; 2 Cor 8:7,9,13.. 15; Mk 5:21-43

VATICAN CITY (CNS) Three months after establishing the Pontifical Academy for Life, Pope John Paul II has appointed its first 40 members, who will study issues related to human life. Dr. Juan de Dios Vial Correa. a physician, biologist and rector of the Catholic University of Santiago, Chile, was named president of the academy and MotherTeresa of Calcutta named an honorary member.

By FATHER JOHN DIETZEN keep alive this redemptive act of Jesus by offering and eating the Eucharist as he commanded; that in the Eucharist it is truly his body and blood that become our offering and our food; and that we are destined through faith. hope and mutual love to be together with Christ our brother in eternal life. Protestants hold most of these truths as sacredly as we do. Many non-Catholic Christians believe all of them as sincerely as we do. It's quite an array of doctrines to be united around." The problem is that other considerable beliefs divide us. Mainly these involve church structure, the nature of the ordained ministerial order. the role of the bishop of Rome as the visible head of the church and the other sacraments. It's true that the Catholic Church considers these last differences of such significance that they preclude eucharistic sharing. at least as a regular practice. As I hinted above. however. even those who decry our practice are not sure how to correct it without seriously undermining the sacramental significance the Eucharist has held in the church from the beginning. This response is not, I imagine. the kind you wished. As one who feels that this separation at the table of the Lord is a disgrace before God for all of us. it's not the kind I would like to be able to give. It's why we need to pray and work earnestly. each of us the best we can. to heal these spiritually costly divisiOns in the body of Christ.

Q. I am Catholic and my husband is Methodist. We were married 20 years ago by ajustice of the peace. I understood at the time that I could not receive communion lIntii he takes instructions to become Catholic and we remarry in the church. Is this still true? (Iowa) A. You were apparently misinformed. It was not true 20 years ago and is not true today. From your letter I assume that neither of you were married before. If that is the case. you would simply need to see a priest and prepare for a ceremony validating your marriage in the Catholic Church. You would tlien be free to receive the other, Sacraments. Your husband's taking instructions and entering the Catholic faith are in no way conditions for this to happen. If there was a previous marriage on either of your parts. that would need to be dealt with first. Your priest will assist you with whatever is necessary.



Diocese of Fall River -

academy was announced, Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini, president of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers, said its members would be chosen from among physicians, scientists. academics and legal experts who support church teach-


Fri., June 17, 1994

ing on the sacredness of all human life. Five women are among the 40 academy members, including Australian Dr. Evelyn Billings, who with her husband developed the Billings method of natual family planning.

J-La Salette Center for


Four members work in the U nited States: Mercedes Arzu-Wilson, founder and director of the World Organization for the Family; Christian Vollmer, a Venezuelan who is president of the Washington-based organization; Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, director of the Center for the Advanced Study of Ethics at Georgetown University, Washington; and Dr. Thomas Hilgers, an obstetrician-gynecologist and director of the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction in Omaha, Neb.

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Diocese of Fan River -

Fri., June 17, 1994



. .

HOPE CHAPEL: Cardinal James A. Hickey of Washington consecrates a new chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Hope of Pontmain, France, in the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. Comedian Bob Hope and his wife Dolores donated funds for the project, commenting that they liked the chapel's name. (CNS photo)

Masculine is good too women. "Misandry" is the hatred By Mitch Finley of men. Women's issues in the church I learned this word from "Wil~­ have been prominent of late, and rightly so, and many are far from men, Warriors and Kings: Mascuresolved. But it's time for some line Spirituality and the Bible," by balance. It's time to insist that it is Patrick Arnold, SJ (Crossroad), a. creative and captivating book. OK to be a man. Occasionally I sense an underI want to dissociate myselffrom a couple of extremes. First, those current in discussions of or apwho long for a male-dominant' proaches to women's issues in the model of family life are one slice of church, and what I think I sense is bread short of a sandwich, theo- misandry - if not in the form of over hatred of men, at least in the' logically speaking. form of a not-so-subtle despising I believe with Pope John Paull! of men and-or things masculine. that husbands and wives are called I sense this from women and 'to be submissive to each other men: women despising the mascuequally, and both are to be sub- line, men despising themselves for missive to Christ~- I have little being men. . patience with this "wives be subHere is one example. A parish I missive to your husbands" talk know of wanted to use an inclusive when the subject is marriage among language lectionary, so the parish Catholics. liturgy committee bought one, Second, I think it is nutso to sight unseen, that goes way beyond insist that to cultivate an apprecia- inclusive language into what I call tion for your masculinity you must outright misandry. behave in ways that would make When the original biblical text your dad think you're weird. Guys refers to male figures (Jesus, John who go for this stuff get together the Baptist, etc.) as "he" or "him," out in the woods at night, build a this half-baked lectionary substicampfire, paint their, faces and tutes their names. No masculine chests and pound on drums. pronouns allowed. God, of course, I suppose such exercises are , may never be referred to in the harmless enough, but personally I· masculine. This lectionary retains avoid any situation likely to attract all feminine pronouns, however, mosquitoes, and I prefer strings and all feminine metaphors and and brass to percussion. images. Since God created male and Feminine is good, masculine is female, you should like being the bad: That's the message of this one you happen to be, and the.two attempt at an inclusive language should appreciate each other. I lectionary. should enjoy the fact that my Please. I don't have all the spouse is a woman, and she should answers to the inclusive language enjoy the fact that I am a man. . issue in liturgical contexts. But it is No one should despise the femiunfair to act out of misandry,just nine because it is feminine or 'the as it is unfair to act out of misogyny. masculine because it is masculine. Both the masculine and the femI learned a new word recently, inine are good, and together they "misandry," the opposite of "mis- constitute the image of God. So ogyny," which means the hatred of let's start acting like we believe it.

''- ':..,'Jo,•.~, •••,'</';J.'

Me'mories of my dad This year I am giving Father's Day presents to my brothers and sisters and to my children. That's because I have a special gift to give them, a book with a title that seems on the surface to be sad, but isn't: "The Day My Father Died." More than a year ago I was one of 25 women asked to write a chapter for this book about their memories of their deceased fathers. Tears came to my eyes at the thought of writing about my father in,such a book. He died in Decem'ber 1985, and not a day goes by that I don't remember him. He certainly was the most important man in my life, probably the best, most positive teacher I ever had. Funny, but I was being interviewed on a television program' not long ago, introduced as the author of a new book, "The Pummeled Heart, Finding Peace Through Pain," 'when I realized again just how much of an influence my father was. The interviewer asked, "Where did you get' your strength?" I answered spontaneously, "From my father." My father gave me self-esteem. I never doubted his love: He had confidence in me, and that was



'catching. Such qualities have always come to my assistance when life got tough. Added to the faith which he also helped me sustain, I found the strength to get through my hard days. "The Day My Father Died," was conceived by the editors to show the unique bond shared only by fathers and daughters. ,Since fathers are the first important man in a girl's life, they profoundly influence her growth as an individual - for gqod or ill. Many of these stories tell of troubled relationships, of women who felt their fathers abandoned them emotionally or were too immature when parenting commenced to be able to take on that awesome responsibility. Some were fortunate to have loving fathers who were an inspiration. But there is a bottom line in all the stories: Every writer somehow, affirms the necessity of coming to terms with her relationship with her father in order to move forward in her life. Remarkably, as I have come to know, all of us remember what our fathers taught us. I loved so many testimonies in this book, like one written by Mary Martin Niepold:

Just using you? Dear Dr. Kenny: I am in my late 50s, and I live alone. I have several fair-weather friends who like to call me when they need favors but are never there at other times. Yeliterday 'one o(them called to ask if she could live with me for a few months until she could find a new home. She is selling her present house and wants a place to stay while she keeps it neat and clean. She has money to afford a rental if she wants. I know she is just using me. Yet I said yes, and now I'm angry with myself. Please help. (Indiana) Saying yes to the needs ofanother is an admirable quality. Howev~r, letting others walk all over you for their own convenience or to avoid spending their own money is a differe,nt matter. .. Most of us enjoy helpirig our neighbor. Even something so simple as providing directions for someone give~ me pleasure. If a person asks me how to get someplace and I can help, I feel good all day. ' Being a Christian adds two more dimensions in service to those in need. Christians will try to go even further. First, we help even when it costs us, even when we don't have the time or energy. Second, we are willing to help those we dislike, loving even our enemies. The key factor in helping someone else, either at the ordinary

praye~BOX ""' Prayer for Fathers Lord, bless all fathers with wisdom to know what to do - and the strength to do it with understanding to know what to say - and the courage to_say it with sensitivity to know how to love - and the gentleness to express it. A men.

level or at the Christian level, is the phrase "in need." We h~lp those who need us. There is no reason to help those who don't need it. Consequently, whether we are dealing with a panhandler on a busy city street or wi~h your fair.weather friend, the first step is to assess the need. Does this person need you in a significant way? Is your help a good solution to the problem? Are they unable to help themselves? Is what they are asking important to their happiness or life-effectiveness? From your letter, I don't believe that your friend truly needs you. She apparently has other resources. Her need appears relatively minor (keeping her house neat and tidy) compared to what she is asking of you. You could have, perhaps should have, said no. How does one who has no experience say no? You simply say it, with no specific reasons given and no excuses. Start with the vertical pronoun "I" and say something like: "I'm not able to put someone

•"· ..



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"By the time of his death at the age of70, my father had taught me not only the necessity of living a life based,on honesty, but a life'in which faith was the cohesion and the liberation - from thl: pain of unexpected turns. "N 0 matter what hardships :might come to my own life - the heartbreak of first love, the wren,:hing of divorce or the terr,or of almost dying - . he would always say, 'You must have faith. It is the: way it is supposed to be. You can't understand it right now, but ~;ome day you will be able to look back and see how it was for the be:'t.... This Father's Day is special for me because of the memorial I have written of my father in this book, introduced with a photo of the two of us when I was 18 and he wa:>44. It is a privileged way of telling him in his fine place in heaven, "Happy Fathl~r's Day, Dad."

By Dr. JAMES &

MARY KENNY up at this time." Or, "I simply can't." If your friend is discourteous enough to ask why, you need sim~lly reply, "It's just not possible at this time." Or, "My reasons are personal." If you give reasons you mB.y only be asking for an argument. If you use the second-person pronoun and suggest other ways she may meet her need, again you ale asking for a discussion. Keep I:t simple. "I can't do that. Sorry." If you still think you will have trouble saying no, imagine th,~ situation and practice in front of a mirror or on a tape recorder. It gets easier. Remember, Christians some·· times say no.

Older-than-average dads By Dan Morris A 61-year-old Italian woman is pregnant, and a 59-year-old English woman reportedly has given birth to twins. But have you heard anything about the husbands or fathers? The whole thing scares me. If this is going to continue, I figure we face interesting social changes. For .beginners, 70-year-old men are going to have to brush up on shooting hoops and get in shape for piggy-back rides. But maybe some guys are cut out for fatherhood at an age we normally associate with Social Security and feeding pigeons. They could use seniors' and children's discounts together at the movies. They could also take synchronized naps. Still. I have reservations about offspring naming my liver spots as states, and using my bifocals to start fires. What if he asks ques-

tions about the Great War and he means Desert Storm? I'd fed guilty about fighting with my toddler over the animal crackers and the Gerber's applesauce. How easy is it to find good day care near retirement homes? What if I'm supposed to pick her up after school and forget where it is? S'hoot, I do that now. What if he or she wants to talk to me about sex education and alii can say is, "Me, too." You can understand why Zechariah was struck mute by the Angel Gabriel when the angel told this older man that he and Elizabeth were due for a visit from the stork. No use putting that kind of language in the Bible. There is no scriptural evidence that angels suggested that in years to come organizations would be formed for older-than-average dads called Zechariah clubs. But it could happen.


Diocese of FaIl River -

Consent Required "Purity of soul "",nnot be lust

Paths That Crossed Dear Editor; I am commenting on your May 27 editorial (Paihs That Crossed). It is a case of praising and condemning beyond reason. When one looks at the real Camelot and the 20th-century ver-sian, the roles are reversed: "king was saint, queen was not; king was not, queen was.- That Jackie Onassis was a dignified person with an abundance of charm and grace no one can dispute. That Richard ~---------Nixmrwas-of questionable Integ rity can also be regarded as truth. LBJ also has his detractors. Now we see the current administration under scrutiny. , When we pass judgment on oth· ers, we should proceed with caution. History will judge Nixon as president. Mrs. Onassis will not be judged in the same way; her lifestyle will determit)e her place in the American scene. In the end, only God determines who is center stage and who lingers in the shadows. As a priest, thank God you did not have to hear the confessions of Mrs. Onassis or Nixon. Determining who to absolve might not have been an easy task. William White Fall River Dear Editor: I do not understand why, in your recent editorial eulogizing Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, you deemed it necessary to demean former President Richard Nixon. In defense of Nixon, I remind you that the Kennedy-Nixon election results were so close and so ~rife with reports of voter fraud, especially in Chicago, that Nixon would have been justified in de~ manding a recount. He chose not to do so because he did not wish the nation to be without a president. This patriotic decision did not indicate the "pettiness" and "rage" you claimed in your editorial. Richard Nixon was an extremely capable president; admired both here and abroad for his foreign policy expertise. In the years after Watergate, he continued to serve this nation. Succeeding presidents sought his counsel. When Nixon died, throngs of Americans paid their respects to a man whom they recognized and loved as one of them. He rose from humble beginnings to the highest office of the land on his own merits. Even his detractors should have been touched by the dignity, simplicity, and obvious love and respect for their father which the Nixon daughters showed. With stoic calm and self-assurance, Mrs. Kennedy planned her husband's majestic funeral and arranged for the "eternal flame" which she now shares with him in Arlington National Cemetery. It was she who adroitly suggested that the title "Camelot" be used to describe the brief Kennedy reign in the Whife House. In so doing, she created a legend. How future historians will regard this legend and who will eventually be at "center stage," only God knows. Mrs. Eileen M. Burton Osterville

Dear Editor: The editorial criticism of Richard Nixon's life is most unfair. In the totality of his life, there is much to admire and emulate. He was faithful to his family and he was loyal to his friends. He spent his entire adult life in the service of his country and its citizens. While he stumbled along the way, he did not despair but became a global teacher whose judgment was respected by all the living presidents. His funeral was testimony to the


POPE JOHN PAUL II addresses 114 ofthe world's cardinals at extraordinary meeting. (eNS/ Reuters photo)


ed by his fellow citizens. His life was spent not in the stands but in the arena. He was not from Camelot; he _was from America. ·May God bless him. Dr. William J. Watson Taunton

Right to protest Dear Editor: On May 26 a smiling almost laughing President Clinton signed into law the Abortion Clinic Access Bill recently passed by an uncaring Congress. He said, "No person seeking medical care -- no physician providing that care - should have to endure the harassments etc.... including murder." He left out, in a sneaky manner, the word abortion. It is true that an unbalanced person did kiH an abortion doctor and all you hear now from abor~ tionists is that an the thousands of sincere, thoughtful and dedicated right to lifers are potential murderers. Now if one of them even kneels to pray near an abortion clinic, they can be arrested. What hurt me most was seeing the television reports and the carnival atmosphere that existed. The jovial applause as Clinton signed the bill was distressing to watch. Amongst those surrounding the president were the likes of Congresswoman Schroeder, the most militant and vicious pro-choicer in Congress. It was distressing, this lot of people amongst them Ted Kennedy, now not caring for the value of new life as he has been taught. He is running for re-election in this state which has a predominantly Roman Catholic, Christian and caring populace. What's wrong with the voters in this state? I urge everyone to vote this thoughtless person out of office. John Francis Waygan East Falmouth

Stang Class of '69 reunion planned The Bishop Stang High S<:hool. North Dartmouth. Class of 1969 plans a 25-year reunion for July 22-24. Events begin with an 8 p.m. Informal Reunion Eve Gathering at the Eagte Restaurant, FaU River, on Friday. On Saturday, a golf outing beginning at noon at the New Bedford Municipal Golf course will be followed by a reunion social and dinner at 6:30 p.m. Mass will be celebrated I J a.m. Sunday in the Stang chapel. For reservations caB the Bishop Stang Alumni Office at 993-8959.

Cardinals meet, ma]{e-suggestionsfor year 2000 v ATICAN

CITY (CNS) Concluding a special assembly at the Vatican, the world's cardinals condemned abortion and contraceptive birth control programs and handed Pope John Paul II a long list of suggestions for celebrating 2000 years of Christianity. Pro-llfe and family issues took - center stage June 14 as the 114 cardinals in attendance unanimously approved the text of a statement proposed by New York . Cardinal John J. O'Connor. It chaHenged the international community to defend the traditional family and to reject coercive poli~ cies on procreation. It also expressed regret that many agencies promote programs of artificial contraception while refusing to investigate natural family ·planning methods. Church teaching allows for limiting families through natural methods relying on periodic sexual abstinence. The cardinals' appeal gave solid backing to the pope, who hasled a verbal crusade against a U.N. document drafted for the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt, this September. The pope has repeatedly criticized the document for promoting abortion and birth control programs. The cardinals' assembly, convened by the pope, opened June 13 with discussion of ideas for the celebration of the y-ear 2000. The suggestions were presented to the pope for further action. The main points of consensus were: - Church-sponsored activities Should last about three years, culminating in major ceremonies and meetings to mark the _2000th anniversary of Christ's birth. Most felt that two years would be needed to prepare the program, which would include a Marian year -in 1999. - The church"s celebration should have an ecumenical dimension, with particular sensitivity toward Orthodox Christians. The cardinals aJsoendorsed Vatican ideas for a pan-Christian metting in Jerusa)em and Bethlehem and an encounter of Christians, Muslims and Jews on Mount Sinai in Egypt. ~ While the pope and others have called forself':criticism by the church during the second miUennium celebrations, historical analysis should concentrate on the present. As one English-language group of cardinals pilt it: "It is easier to deplore the mistakes of the church in earlier centuries than it is to face present mistakes."

Fri.. June 17, 1994


without consent." -- St. Augustine of Hippo

BIBLE STUDY CLASSES Wed,. June 22 - 10:00 AM & 7:00 PM Thurs., June 23 - 10:00 AM Classroom above Gift Shop" DIACONATE ORDINATION OF BRO. MANUEL PEREIRA, M.S. Friday, June 24 r-------RBIhIS.......omp 5ean{)'Malley CHRISTIAN YOUTH RALLY Saturday, June 25

Call for your copy of the

Summer-Fall Calendar of Events

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THE ANCHOR- DioceseofF"JI River ::::Frf., Jinier7, 1994'






~ Walsh














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sex report flawed

I Ways to spread the pro-life message

-_._"- - -

Build your own home now with a Construction Loan from Citizens-Union Savings Bank.


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W ASHINGTQN (CNS) - A new report on teen"age sexual activity is as important for what it doesn't say as for what it does say, according to a U.S~ biShops' prolife official. "They avoided what I think is the primary fact, that more adolescents are having more sex earlier," said Helen Alvare, director of planning and information for the bishops' Secretariat for ProLife Activities. She was referring to an Alan Guttmacher Institute study, "Sex and America's Teeoagers," recently released. The study by the Planned Par-




Home Telephone

__I would like to make a reservation to visit during your vocation week. _ JULY 24 - 31 __I cannot visit during your Vocation Weeks, but would like additional Information about your community.


-= -- --. ---.-

Pro-lifer says feen




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pregnancy rate among sexually active teens has gradually declined since i972. But "since proportionately more adolescents are having intercourse, the pregnancy rate among all women has increased:' "They talk about the physical consequences" of sex in the study, Ms. Alvare said in an interview with Catholic News Service. "But they don't talk about the psychological consequences." She said the only mention in the report of psychological problems was that teen girls don't like to give up their babies for adoption because it upsets them. "Psychological outcomes have become important to us as a society," Ms. Alvare said. "But there's no discussion [in the report] of how [teen sex] affects their attitude toward their body, or their ability to commit in a future marriage." She added that the study also failed to note a possible connection between increa.ed sexual activitx and more explicit sex education programs that include contraceptive advice. The report's ·"fundamental philosophy," Ms. Alvare said, is that ""teen-agers are incapable of disci· pline. It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy." The report said that regardless of race, religion, economic status or location, about half of teen girls ages 15-19 have had intercourse. When separated by religion, Catholic teens were lowest, with a 48 percent intercourse rate..Protestant teens. had a 60 percent rate, fundamentalist Protestants a 55 percent rate, and other religions a 54 percent rate. However, the Catholic abortion rate is cut in half when only practicing Catholics are counted. The report indicated that only 18 percent of adolescents do not have intercourse during their teen years; that clear majorities of teens use birth cont-rol; that adolescents from better-off families are more, likely to have abortions; and that about one-third of adults and adolescents alike believe that sex outside marriage is morally wrong. But teens, the report concluded, are more lik~ly to refrain from sexual activity because of the fear of AIDS or pregnancy than for moral considerations.


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Hons. Full-size single sheets are

I'm a technicaljwriter who goes from company to qompany to work on relatively short projects, usu· ally of a few rnonths duration. When I started alnew assignment in downtown Ch~cago recently, I watched the cro'fYds on the train platforms and o~ the trains and began to wonder,what I might do to make them c~nsider, however momentarily, an: issue which has tormented me fo~ the last 21 years-legalized Ilibortion and its _r~.

----1- .•_- '--'"'--'.


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By Mh::haiel Peters

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nity of man wh01 God has created in his own image and likeness. If you get inidignant enough over the abortio~ situation in our country, you will feel a fire begin to light under yo~. You can, with a little imaginatio~, find a multitude of ways within iyour own daily sphere to make your voice heard. As St. Paul says jin I Corinthians, 12:5-6," There a~e different ministries but the same Lord; there are different works ~ut the same God who accomplishFs all of them in I everyone." I realized that! I wasn't likely to have the opportunity to discuss and debate this issue with more tban a handful qf persons at best. It occurred to mC! that my only way to get unconcern~d people to think about the evils of abortion would be through easy-to-read pamphlets and flyers. When 1 visite~ the Illinois Right to Life office, thi'Y happily loaded me down with bjundreds of pieces of professionall~ prepared pro-life literature to pas. out to the public. With them in ~and, my route to and from work.llOok on a Whole new dimensionl I soon became aware of a lot 9f good places to drop off literatlJre for people to find and read, fuch as the doorways to stores. benches along the street, telephon~ kiosks, the front porches of hom~s, the windshields on cars as well as the empty seats of the trains. i 1place Iiterathre for passerby to pick up, rather lhan handling it to them personally, for a number of reasons: in my rtush to get to work, along with eve~yone else. I'really do not have til!I1e to intelligently discuss and d~bate the evils of abortion. In t~e time it takes to talk to someone\1 can pass through a number oftra,n cars, placing flyers on dozens :of empty seats. If people want more information they can call the phone numbers on the literature. In the downtown area there are quite a few s~reet~corner boxes oIfering free newspapers and magazines for cOnlputer enthusiasts, real estate bu~ers, lonely hearts, etc. It only take~ me a short time to insert handout~ inside a few dozen such publications. A very successful handout has been pro-life ¢heck order forms put out by a! Chicago printer. These are sample checks with Influence poignant pro·life messages and car"A saloon won't harm a good' toons on them. Because of their man; a synagogue won't help a bad small size they are ideal to pass out. I find that people snap them up in one."- Hebrew proverb a reflex actioni thinking that they might be negotiable. I have a lot of fun watching people react to them, especially on escalator landings. By the time tHey realize what the checks really are, they have already read the pro-~ife message. I also surreptitiouslr insert them into


diplomatic relations

THE ANCHOR ~ Diocese of FailRM:r -Fri., Jurie 17,1994


Norris H. Tripp



VATICAN CITY (CNS) ~ The Vatican and Israe) have announced ~~!~~!!~hlllent of full diplomatic reilitions lind the eKchllDge of am-

S50 Locust Street


bassadors, cro;......n.ina a

long process of delicate negotiations.

Margaret M. Sullivan

The Vatican, announcing the step June 15, said the move will


UII\;- Ull

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whom I pass on my mission give me complete anonymity. As I gleefully go right and left placing my flyers on empty train seats, people dare no more than a look at me out of the corners of their eyes. No one says a word to me. My height 6'4" might be a contributing factor there. However, two contrasting incidents confirmed to me that my message has hit home. One afternoon as I was placing flyers in a few phone booths a very shy man stopped me and asked me if I were the guy who left pro-life literature there every day. When I said yes, he told me '"God bless you for what you're doing," A tenser situation came one day as I was proceeding through my train, placing my flyers. I heard someone coming behind me, grabbing them, wadding them up and tossing them on the floor. When I half turned around to see who it was, a 30ish man looked daggers at me and defiantly hurried past. I guess he didn't want to play the pro-abortio rt David to my Goliath. My greatest joy comes when I look up from my book and see half a dozen people in my train car reading my handouts. If people don't hinder me in this ministry they generally don't help me either. Otherwise pious souls squirm when I discuss these unpopular activities with them. They don't want to -do anything for which modern society might point B disapproving finger at them. But remember that faint heart never won either fair lady or abortion battles. With persistence.. though, I've found a couple of unusually generous souls whom I can count on to distribute pro-life materials in their parishes and along their daily pathways. Actually, opportunities abound to spread the pro·life. message, limited only by one's imagination.' To quote Tammany Hall politician George Washington Plunkett, 1 seen my opportunities and I took 'em." My advice is that if you want to do something for the prolife cause, just stand up and do it. Don't worry about other people. Don't wait for someone else to o(ganize it for you or help you or give you permission. Just do it. Ultimately, I can't really know what effect pro-Hfe flyers have on people's hearts and minds, but I do know that I am communicating to my readers what God wants them to think about. I help plant the mustard seed. As I distribute thousands and thousands of pieces of literature I wonder how many babies' lives I help save. I'll never know, but even one spared infant is worth it. I just do my best and leave the· rest to the providence of God, who will reveal all things to us at the Jastjudgment.

tvvo_yea .._


253 C8dBr St., New Bedford


ister Benedict remembers the first child of her long"Cilrw": anewborn balTy Weighing only two pounds.


Since then, as she cares for "h"ndoned children in her homeland, Bangladesh, Sister Benedict has been able to watch so very many other children grow up to crawl, to walk. • Living in Indonesia, not so far from Sister Benedict, is Adriano. As a young boy, he used to be a "helper" for his parish priest, carrying Father's bag as he traveled from village to village. Later, he heard Christ's call to follow Him, as a priest.

a unique historic, cultural and religious patrimony, the Vatican


Named as Vatican nuncio to Israel was Arch bishop Andrea

Cordero Lanza de Montezemolo, a longtime apostolic delegate to Jerusalem and a special representative to Israel since January. The Vatican's nunciature, orembassy, will be located in the Tel Aviv suburb of Jaffa. Israel's ambassador to the Vatican is Samuel Hadas, who was named a personal envoy to the Vatican earlier this year. Pope John Paul II, speaking to the world's cardinals June 13, cited normalization of relations with Israel as one ofthe most important recent accomplishments of Vatican diplomacy. The Vatican and Israel still have major differences over the status of Jerusalem, which Israel claims as its capital. The Vatican has insisted that the city, sacred to Christians, Muslims, and Jews, should have an internationally guaranteed status. The question of Jerusalem is considered one of the most difficult is~ues remaining to he resolved in Middle East peace talks. It has not been on the agenda of VaticanIsraeli negotiations. Israeli and Vatican representatives are also at work on the thorny bilateral issues of taxation and the status of church institutions in Israel and the territories it occupies.


WHUam J. BUlUvan

provide "8 privileged channel of dialogue between the Holy See and the state of Israel for the promotion of the great values of peace, freedom and justice." The move will also aid defense ofJerusalem and the Holy Land as ~


Rille Ii SullivAII

very sus<ceptibl." to the _ind but


J. TESER, Prop.

RiY~r, ~!~~,

are good for train seats and insert· ing inside of newspapers and on car windshields where they can't blow around. Newsletters and other thick handouts of multiple pages folded and stapled are easy to flip onto front porches and into the open beds of pickUp trucks as I walk down the sidewalk. They sail through the air to their destinations almost as accurately as frisbees. I find it enormously amusing UIQ.~

Reinhard/eNS pholl»

Vatitan, Istael announce full

• Throughout the Missions, young men hear the Lord's call to serve as priest; young women, to enter Religious life. You can help them say "Yes!" with your own generous response through the Propagation of the Faith/St. Peter Apostle.



Peter Apostle

Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira, V.E. 410 Highland Avenue, • Post Office Box 2577, • Fall River, MA 02722 "Attention: Colun:m." No. 101 ANCH. 6/17{94

$700, seminarian/year 0 $300, Sister/Brot/rer ncrvice/year 0 $50 0 $25 0 $10 0 $ (other) Name _




Address --~--------~ City State Zip _ Please remember The Society for the Propagation of the Faith when writing or changing your Will.

THE PROGRAM IS IN THREE PARTS: 1. Theological Education: Awareness of God/Church Study of the Church. the Sacramental life and the fole of Christians.

2. The Person as Minister to the Sick: Awareness of Self/ Human Life -

Nine-week unil, including a prayer weekend, on

SUffering, loss and grief; creation, s1n and conversion.

3. Experience of Pastoral Care to the Sick: Awareness of Others - Listening and pastoral skills needed in visiting patients in parishes, nursing homes and hospitals.


magazines at grocery checkouts as well as in the racks of free pamphlets in the public library. I quickly found that literature anonymously left for passersby to pick up must have a catchy title or visual. Something drab and bor· ing will not be picked up. One of my favorite flyers that follows this principle and is put . out by the Illinois Right to Life has a Nazi swastika boldly printed on it. Very few people can resist exa· mining a flyer with that galvanizing symboL When they read il they learn that the word "person" has been legally redefined three times in modern history. facilitating the destruction of Jews, black slaves and now the unborn. I know I have done something right when I see many people fold these sheets

in half and slip them into brief· cases or purses. Is it unreasonable to think thai they might reach copiers and be further distributed? My success with the above items prompted me to compose a flyer of my own with the hopefully catchy title or "30 Million Inconvenient Americans Slaughtered:' In it I discus's the greatest carnage that this country has ever perpetrated and try to tap into Americans' innate sense of decency as well as patriotism. I give the reader the names and addresses of four Chicago area pro~life groups, to any one of which he can send a donation or from which literature can be requested for distribution. I try to carry a variety of materials, according to their aerodynamic qualities and wind condi-

The preceptors for the program will be qualified instructors

as well as profeSSionals trained in the ministry of the care of the sick.













Ass't. Dir./Program Coordinator

For an application and further information please detach this form and mail to:

Sr. Shirley Aenn, ISM, 829 Shore Rd., P.O, Box 600, Poeuset, MA 02559 Name

Tel. 564-4771

Telephone Number



Address _ _-------------~-------------------City/Town Parish




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 17, 1994

The danger of keeping secrets By Monica and BOI Dodds It's a bad idea to keep secrets from immediate family members when an aging parent is facing a terminal illness. Not telling the whole tmtb is a mistake . Sooner or later that secret, the whole truth. is going to be revealed. When that happens, a loving relationship based on trust is damaged. People are hurt more than they would have been if everyone had simply been honest from the beginning. But i~'s so ~empt~ng. Da~ IS ternbly fnghtened by the w ord" d " rna rIgnan t" s cancer"an , so why not ~l~ss over ~hat the doc~or has ~~Id. W.~y not Just refer ~o hl~, condition as . sto~~ch proble~$ a~d ke~p hiS SPirits up by t~lhng him he II soon be back on hiS feet and good as new? Why not'! Because your parent is not a child. Because an adult has the right to hear the truth, evenjf it is a harsh truth. Unless there are extenuating circumstances - significant dementia, for example your parent has the right to make his or her own decisions, and in order to make the best ones possible, he or she needs to know all the facts. While it's not unusual and certainly understandable that an adult child would want to shield a parent fr.om worry, to do so is also to· sell your parent short. Noone reaches old age without going through hard times or facing difficuIties. Often a parent, even one who is frail, is much tougher - and wiser - than an adult child r~alizes. Thereflre also times when a parent says to an adult child "don't tell your mother" or "don't tell your father:' But a spouse knows when there is a serious problem,

and hearing "everything's fine" can make him or her worry even more because it is obvious that it is not. And so spouses ushare" the secret. but neither says a word ~bout it. The same t~ing can lialfpen~-::tw~en generatlons. Your parent IS ~rYlOg to protect you; you ar~ trymg to protect your parent. Neither of you talks ab~ut ~h~ illness. •• No one says, ':hl~ IS v~ry hard;. No one says, I Will miss you. N 0 ~:>ne t.akes advantage of the

~e:~~~~, :~~~ays ~h~h~e~r:~ft~he

There are times when a parent wants to keep the secret with only one child. "'Oh, don't tell them. They have enough to worry about." Of course it will upset them! Some things in life are very upsetting, but worse still is being exeluded from an "inner" family circle. Why wasn't I told? Did Dad like my sibling more than he liked me? Did Mom have such a low opinion of my ability to cope? Was it my sibling who shut me out'! Keeping such a serious secreta life-and-death secret-alsorobs a person of the time to prepare for what is going to happen: time to begin to come to terms mentally, emotionally and spiritually with the idea that a parent is going to die, with the idea that I, an aging parent, am going to die. But an adult child needs to keep in mind that getting the secret out into the open means more than simply stating it out loud, It means being there for your parents, for your siblings, as they too acknowledge the harsh reality that must be faced. It means supporting, encouraging, consoling and loving one another. It means coming together, one final time, as a family.

Mother says faith sustain.ed her after daugbter.was murdered l.OUlSVIl.l.E. Ky. (CNS) Jacqueline Vaught has lived out a parenfsworstnightmareeversince four southern Indiana teenage girls tortured and murdered her 12year-old daughter, Shanda Sharer, in 1992. Shanda is just one victim of a world that has reached "a very sad state," Ms. Vaught recently told Louisvf)le Catholics. She unflinch~ ingly discussed details of the violent act at Most Blessed Sacrameot Church as she and psychologist Sandra Graves introduced a public awareness program, "'No Silence About the Violence," which she and Ms. Graves have organized for schools. More than 350 parents, grandparents, teenagers and others J.UrncdDuUor M"..S.augbf~-p~- _ . entation. Many cried softly as she described the loss of her child. In an interview with The Record, LouisvilIearchdiocesanpaper, Ms. Vaught said faith has sustained and comforted her since Shanda's death. "I know that Shanda is with God. and she's safe, and nobody's ever going'to hurt her again. And

by knowing that, I can go on with my life," she said. "She was God's before she was mlne," Ms. Vaught added. "God just let me have her for 12 years." Ms. Vaught said that Ms. Graves. the psychologist, helped her come to grips with Shanda's death. Through "N 0 SiJeoce About the Violence," the two women want to encourage young people to make good decisions instead of giving in to "something that someone else wants you to do that you know isn't right" and feel uncomfortable about. ··Peer pressure is the biggest ill of our children right now," said Ms. Vaught. "And it's no longer wanting them to smoke a cigarette; it's wanting them to do drugs or J.ak.• .a.gun.<!ut .<>f the hQu!e so tit.!'.! somebody else can use it, "Kids need to know how to say no," she added. In the program, Ms. Vaught talks about Shanda's life and death. She and Ms. Graves also discuss conflict resolution, helping others, accountability, friendships, peer pressure and the difficulties of parenting.

"When your children talk, listen," Ms. Vaught said. "They want ·to, know that you love them." Yet parents must be firm, acting as "more of a parent" than a friend and teaching their children right from wrong, Ms. Vaught stressed. "They need parent" who know ... how to say no and mean it." On the night of her murder, an unsuspecting Shanda was tricked. into walking out of the house to a car. then was forced into it. Shanda thought she was walking out of her father's house "to that car to talk to a girl who was herfriend," M •• Vaught said. Instead, a girl with a knife was hiding inside. The girls, 'lI!es IS to 17, who had come for Shanda had plans to kill her. Children must be taught there are people in the world who want to harm them, she said. "And we as parents need to protect them. So when our .l<fds say, 'I'm going to spend the night at so·and·so's; or 'I'm going to the show with so-and-so,' we as par- _ eots need to make sure we know what car they're in, who is in that car, where they're at and that they're reaIly there," she said.

Front porch living is bygone era By Father Eucene Hemrick A front porch adds a certain symmetry to a home. But perhaps front porches aren't what they used to be: open-air, wrap-around frontages adorned with hanging flowers, swings or rOCking chairs. Or perhaps the old front porches that still exist are no longer used the way they used to be. One of the charms of a front porch is that you can sit out on it and enjoy the peace and smells of a gentle rain without getting wet. In the-evening there is nothing more serene than swaying on a swing or rocking in a chair to the sound of crickets and busy squirrels after the sun has retired for the day. Nothing adorns a house more than a front porch decked with nower boxes and hanging baskets of plants. If constructed artisticalIY, the porch creates a distinctiveness. nobility and identity forits house. Interestingly, however, the

greatest value of a front porch is not so much to serve as a place to get better in touch with nature or to be a work of beauty. Rather. its real value lies in its ability to bring people closer together. How many young couplerr sat on its steps and shared their dreams? How many grandchildren sat there at the feet of their grandparents and listened to stories about their heritage? In inner-city neighborhoods people used to porch-hop after dinner, taking a walk down the block to talk to friends sitting on their porches. Sometimes the porch was a place when stories and laughter were exchanged. Other times it was a place tc discuss important concerns; at times the sounds emanating from a front porch were on a par with those of a congressional debate. If people weren't on their porch, neighbors would check to see if anyone was sick and needed help.

The front porch is symbolic ofa lifestyle that we see muc'h less of today - a time when leisure was taken more easily. Today people may not eat dinner until late in the evening. Or, when they get home from work, they are i'n no condition to sit on the porch for an hour or so. Life has changed from a time when people felt "at home" in'their neighborhood to a time when people frequently enough fear it. In some neighborhoods people run the risk of' witnessing violence if they sit on their front porches. Many people have succumbed to spending their evenings with television. They prefer its stimul~­ tion over that which a front porch offers. Even though porches are..-staging a comeback on many new homes, front-porch living is almost a thing of the past, of a time when the porch was a place where nature and our neighbors could be enjoyed much more fully.

Childhood seen as survival test WASHINGTON (CNS) - "To me, childhood is a survival test. That's what being a kid' is all about. If you can survive childhood you can survive anything, especially with so much stuff that kids have to put up with today," That grim assessment comes from Scarlett Arias, 14, a reporter with Children"s Express News Service in New York. Her interviews with her feHow teens are part of Kids' Voices Count: Illuminating the Statistics, a companion to the 1994 Kids Count Data Book. a statistical survey published by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The study looked at 10 key indicators of children's well-being: percentage of low birth-weight babies, infant mortality rate, child death rate, percentage of births to single teens, juvenile violent crime arrest rate, high-school graduation rate, percentage of idle teens (those neither working nor in school),

teen violent death rate, percentage of children in poverty and percentage of children in single-family homes. Six indicators showed a wprsening of conditions nationwide. Only the infant mortality rate, child death rate, percentage of idle teens and percentage of children in poverty improved nationwide. But no statistics illustrate the problems facing America's children so graphically as their own words. As 15-year-old Darryl of l.os Angeles told a Children's Express interviewer: ' "Every morning when I get up, I be thinking, 'Who's going to say something to me today?' or 'What's goingto happenr because, I mean, some people, they just shoot you for nothing. Can't really trust nobody. Sometimes I happen to be thinking, 'Could 1 trust my own sel!'?'"

HAITIAN CLASSROOM: Children at a private school in the Cite Solei! slums of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, barely have a board to sit on. The total embargo now in effect keeps all equipment a?d building materials out of the country: (C~S/ Reuters photo)



Health care change concerns doctors PHILADELPHIA (CNS) Physicians have many fears about possible upcoming health care reforms, but most organizations representing them "believe now is the time for change," according to an official of the American Academy of Family Physicians. "Most of all they fear government control of medicine," said Dr. Robert Graham. executive vice president of the family physicians' group, in a talk earlier this month to the Catholic Health Association's annual assembly in Philadelphia. "That's been the mantra for 40 years and it will continue to be." Doctors also worry about "whether what we've learned will still be applicable" in a reformed health care system, and about increased competition among specialists likely to result from reforms. But he also said most doctors are ready for change, after "a frustrating and irritating decade" characterized by increasing constraints on the practice of medicine by insurers and other outside forces. Another problem has arisen from the fact that "physicians are trained to think only about what is good for the patient, not for the community as a whole," Graham said. He admitted that the current system has great discrepancies that can harm certain groups of patients. "You're more likely to get state-ofthe-art medical treatment for a head injury than if you're pregnant," he said. He outlined three possible health care reform scenarios: - "The happiest for our organization and yours would be meaningful, significant health care reform with universal entitlement to basic health care services," Graham said. -- The second possibility would be passage ofa "bad bill, passed in the heat of pre-adjournment pressure" before the November elections, he said. An <:xample of such bad legislation would be a bill that gave all uninsured persons coverage under Medicaid but failed to provide financing. -- The third prospect would be a continuation of "deadlock and gridlock," with no bill passed and the health care issue "put on hold with a huge amount of acrimony." That option would doom any health care reform at least until after the 1996 elections, he said~ "If the 103rd congress does not pass health care legislation, it is very difficult for me to picture a scenario in which the 104th Congress would even consider it," Graham said. Inst<:ad the new Congress would probably say, "'fClinton is re-elected in 1996, we'll look at it again," he added.

Entry refused WAS HINGTON (CNS) - The Clinton administration is being criticized for refusing a Chinese woman's application to enter the United States before her visa is available, thus forcing her to submit to an abortion because her pregnancy violated family planning policies in her country. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., said the decision to refuse humanitarian entry for Jihong Liu "defies explanation." She had been approved to enter the United States, but because of backlogs was about two years away from receiving a visa, the INS confirmed.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 17, 1994




Every Thursday • 9:30 A.M. ST. LOUIS CHURCH 420 Bradford Avenue • Fall River

July 1- 8

THE BELL TOWER at St. Joseph's parish, Woods Hole, seen from across nearby Eel Pond.

St. Joseph, Woods Hole, invites Mary Garden visits A spring newsletter from S1. Joseph's parish, Woods Hole, invites Cape Cod visitors to its beautiful Mary Garden and bell tower, made possible through the generosity of several parishioners, notably Mrs. Frank R. Lillie, whose husband was president and director of the: Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory. The couple spent summers in the town from 1894 until the time of their deaths, his in 1947 and hers in 1958. Mrs. Lillie left a trust fund to help maintain the garden and it is also cared for by parish volunteers. The newsletter notes, for instance, that nowadays the garden flourishes with the aid of an underground watering system inc stalled in the past two years by pastor Father William W. Norton. Thousands of travelers have visited the bell tower and Mary Garden, representing all continents except Antarctica, over 20 nations, and most of the United States, traveling by car, bicycle, on foot and by water. Signing the guest book, they have expressed gratitude for the sound of the bells, the beauty and peace of the garden and the chance to peruse the books in the bell tower oratory.

A visitor from a schooner wrote: "Thank you for recharging my battery...," from someone staying nearby: "Each day I have come by and read a passage from Maritain's 'Crea.tive Intuition in Art and Poetry' ", and from a young person: "It's like a little prayer." Numerous letters-request information about the Mary Garden. One receAt inquiry also reported that a recent issue of the Michigan Herb Journal described the Mary G.!irden. And two visiting scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory 'offered to send seeds of plants from Italy and Russia that have Marian names. Recently introduced along the sea wall fence were a number of rambler roses cultivated by parishioner Fre:d Lux from cuttings of Michael Walsh ramblers. Walsh was internationally recognized for roses he de:veloped at the turn of the century and was on'e of S1. Joseph's first parishioners. Volunteer Peg Mcinnis opens the Bell Tower daily from late spring to late fall. She is one of many cooperating to make possible continued enjoyment of one of Cape Cod's most outstanding treasures.

Rwanda plight called genocide VATlCAN CITY (CNS) - The not reach their destination after Vatican newspaper said the Uni- being surprised by military forces ted States in particular has failed from the opposing ethnic group," by refusing to formally define the it said. "Many, in a gesture of extreme situation in Rwanda as genocide. With the continuing bloodshed desperation, have even paid their in Rwanda, "the world remains execution<:rs to assassinate them immobile in the face of genocide," without atrocious torture," the said a front-page headline in last paper said. In the face of what is happening Sunday's L'Osservatore Romano. The newspaper had especially to people in Rwanda, L'Osservasharp words for Clinton adminis- tore said, it is disturbing to hear tration officials who refuse to define that Clinton administration offiwhat is occurring in Rwanda as cials do not want to use the word "genocide," as well as the United "genocide" to describe the situaStates' refusal "to send its own tion, which could oblige action on troops" as part of a United Nations' the part of the United States and other nations which signed a 1948 mission. "The international community international treaty. The treaty, signed by the Uniled has yet to react to the genocide in ' Rwanda, where some 500,000 peo- States in 1989, requires action to ple have been slaughtered in the prevent or punish violent acts civil war which has bloodied the "committed with the intent to descountry for two months," the news- troy, in whole or part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." paper said. . "Millions of refugees flee toward . "Half a million deaths in two camps prepared on the other side months perhaps is not enough," of the borders, but frequently do the Vatican newspaper replied.

Twelve Steps - Guided Retreat with Richard Fleck, OP, and Michael Stock, OP July 1- 28 SUMMER RENEWAL PROGRAM for men and women religious , Renewal Week for Teachers July 8 - 15 (Relaxation, Spiritual Enrichment) Directed Retreat July 15 - 22 July 22 - 28 Guided Retreat with Paul Feeney, CFX and Dorothy Welch, CSJ "Rooted In Our Biblical History" July 30 - August 5 Directed Retreat Guided Retreat with Maureen Casey, S~T]) and Charles Cavalconte, OP, on the lives of the great Mystics July 31 - August 5 ..... Guided Retreat on the Parables of Jesus, with John Kerr, CFX, and Carol Fitzsimmons, CSJ August 6 - 12 ..... Guided Retreat, "Come Touch Holy Ground," with Maureen Casey, SND, and Charles Cavalconte, OP Enneagram Guided Retreat with Virginia Sampson, SUSC August 14 - 20 Retreat with Fr. John Shea Gospel Spirituality for Everyday Life August 15 • 23 Directed Retreat August 21 - 26 Preached Retreat with Hugh Bums, OP

St. Stephen Priory Spiritual Life Center 20 Glen Street Box 370 Dover, MA 02030 Tel: 508-785-0124


OPEN HOUSE All campers, their families and friends are invited to attend the

Cathedral Camp Annual Open House on Sunday, June 19, 1994 from 1-4 P.M. Tours of the camp will be available and staff members will answer any questions.




Mary,Jane Owen 'builds bridges Continued from Page One The idea that '''the container of the human soul" is naturally vulnerable and that we are all ablebodied only temporarily "normalizes disability" rather than labeling it an aberration, she said. "Disability is a normal outcome of the risks and stresses of living," Ms. Owen asserted. "God, did not encase us in high-impact plastic" but in "fragile earthen vessels ... :He did not create us to be'separate I entities" but to collectively form the body of Christ. Ms. Owen recalls learning these lessons the hard way with a twist of humor: "I worked hard to accumulate all of these disabilities!" If she were to "unzip her mind and soul," she said, laid bare would be the fe.ar and depression, which encroached when she began losing her sight in 1972. She has a degree in fine arts and was at the time a college professor in California. "I was an intellectual snob," she declared. "I thought 1 was very important, very independent." To her way of thinking, handicaps were "abnormal." , A turning point came when she was involved in 1978 in a 28-day sit-in and hunger strike of 100 disability rights advocates at a federal building in San Francisco. She termed the participants, most with physical or mental disabilities, "heroic; they taught me more than I could ever have taught them." There were many attempts during that demonstration to articulati! what ~hey were fighting for, said Ms. Owen. "Full inclusion? Civil rights? We didn't realize all the further steps that lay down the road. We got so knotted up in rhetoric"-until one man said simply, "We want other people to treat us with dignity." A developmentally disabled woman said confidently that "a couple of weeks ago I would have said I wanted, to be beautiful. I know-now I am beautiful." Ms. Owen, who lost h_earing in

one ear and her sense of balance eight years ago as a result of surgery and a complication of injuries, expresses her own experience and that ofother disabled persons in terms of Easter. "1 went to theologians and asked, 'What is the theology of disability'?' And they said it is theology of the wounded Christ." Ms. Owen, noting that disabled persons don't identify themselves with their impairments but with their strengths, takes this idea a ' step further. "The crucifix, the sign of Christ's suffering, is important forme because of what happened afterward: Easter! The tomb enclosed Christ, but only for a few short hours" before he returned in glory. The theology of disability can be expanded, she said, to include the power of the human spirit' to prevail over physical fragility. "Every rehabilitation is a minor recapitulation ofthe resurrection," she said. Accessing tile Good News In her more than two decades of advocacy and her work for passage of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, Ms. Owen has, witnessed society's changing attitudes toward disability. Handic;apped persons "used to be called 'patients,' " she said. But with the disability rights movement emerged an awareness that the environment itself ca!) be a handicapping factor. '~I am crippled by lack of opportunity, I am handicapped by lack of accessibility," she said. "It has moved from'a medical problem to a social-political problem." It is also, she said, a spiritual problem. ~ l! '-> Public televisi(;lI1 and the local" restaurant or movie theater may be far ahead of some churches in providing an environment welcoming to the disabled. "The local bar is more accessible than some altars, the local movie theater ,appears more welcoming than some churches," Ms. Owen said, ,citing the lac~ of ramps, spac~ for wheelchairs, captioning

.......:. :. . ,'>':}_:d~';>:;,;,; "" MAKIN~ ~ONNECTIONS: Sister Kathy Murphy, OP, moderates Spmtual Connections panel discussion. (Hickey , photo)

and audio description in many facilities of all denominations. "If it's in theaters, why not churches? Isn't the Good News more import7 ant?" "We need to open our churches, open up our view of God to these people," Ms. Owen asserted, declaring that "God did not give me special permission to not fulfill my obligations as a Catholic," not only to attend services but to (Yarticipate fully in ~ommunity-even if it means having her wheelchair carried downstairs into a parish hall. Furthermore, she said, "what's a necessity for rne," be it a ramp or audio amplification, "is a'convenience for everyone. So many older , people are not identified' as disabledbut need assistive devices. There's not much difference between them and persons with disabilities." Accessibiiity modifications, added diocesan disabilities apostolate director Father Joseph Viveiros, enhance "the righ,t of the baptized person to grow in faith." And accessibility need not take physical form- "sometimes a relationship can be the ultimate bridge," said Sister Kathy Murphy, OR, of Spiritual Connections, which facilitates such relationships to help developmentally disabled persons become part ofthe community. The program has shown, said panelist Colin Thornton oC Fall River's Union United Methodist Church; that "it isn't and shouldn't b_e 'difficult to love and accept a person with a disability in the community." His Spiritual Connections'client Bob"has "'grown in self-confidence, met 'many new people and is fully a part of the congregation," said Thornton. "If one person is missing from the feast," said Ms. Owen, "we

Appeal total Continue" from Page On~ wich; St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth; St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven. Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet; Holy Trinity, W. Harwich;'路St. Joseph, Woods Hole. St. Mary's Cathedral, Blessed Sacrament, Espirito Santo, Holy Cross; Holy Name, Holy Rosary, Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Angels, Sacred Heart, St. Anne, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Jean Baptiste, St. Joseph, St. Louis, St. Michael, St. Patrick, SS. Peter & Paul, St. Stanislaus, St. William, Banto Christo, Fall River. St. Bernard, Assonet; St. John of God, St. Patrick, St. Thomas More, Somerset; St. Dominic, St. Michael, Swansea; Our Lady of .Grace, St. John the Baptist, Westport. ' ' Holy Name, Assumption, O.L. of Mt. Carmel, O.L. of Fatima, O.L. of Perpetual Help, Sacred Heart, St. Anne, St. Casimir, St. John the Baptist, St. Joseph, St. Kilian, St. Mary, New Bedford. St. John Neumann, E. Freetown; St. Joseph, St. Mary, Fairhaven;' St. Anthony, Mattapoisett; St. Julie Billiart, No. Dartmouth; St. Mary, So. Dartmouth; St. Patrick, Wareham, St. George, Westport. Holy Family, E. Taunton; Holy Rosary, Immacul~te Conception, O. L. of Lourd,es, Sacred Heart, St. Anthony, St. Jacques, St. Joseph, St. Paul, Taunton. . 1mm'aculate Conception, N. Easton; St. Ann, Raynam; Holy Cross, So. Easton.

INTERPRETATIONS: Father Joseph Viveiros interprets in sign language as Mary Jane Owen speaks at Spiritual Connections conference in Fall River. (Hickey photo) have failed to build the body of iated at first, she was gratified that Christ on earth." "several people came running to Bridges Crossed help me" and her plight "be(:ame Ms. Owen, Father Viveiros said, an excuse for everybody to start has had many bridges of her own talking to one another-i~ created to cross, "from artist to creative a mini-community right there in blind person, from dancer to waltzthe bus station!" er in a wheelc'hair." For Ms. Owen the incident led She has found, she said, that to a powerful insight: that disabili"human v~lnerability is a gift. We ties, by evoking awareness of shared don't Jhink to thank God for the vulnerability, reinforce "our need power of the human spirit to prefor each other and our Lord." vail over frailties." "Human vulnerability is th: caIt ~as years before she appre- I talys~ that builds the strongest ciated the words a friend spoke to church, community, society," she her when she was losing her sight: said. The threads of interdepend"You'll be a better community ence weave "the strongest social organizer because you'll have to . fabric." , ask 'for help all the time!" When human frailties are viewed Ms. Owen was insulted-until as normal, acceptance and coopone day the words came to life foi- eration replace 'rejection and isolaher in, of all places, a bus station in tion, building the body of Christ, building bridges. Oakland. "They made an announcement "Look for toe place where God on the loudspeaker that a blind dwells iri our lives,'.' said Ms. Owen. woman needed help getting to Sac- "That is ,Where we must build the ramento!" she said. Though humil- bridge."

-----------------Msgr. Mendonca

Continued from Page One University of Portugal representative Rev. Dr. Manuel Izidro Araujo Alves and :Father Antonino Costa Tavares. It was announced that Rev. Msgr. John J. Oliveira, also a native of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, had made a donation towards endowment 'of a scholarship to Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, for a parish eighthgrader. Speaking at the end of the program, the guest of honor expressed gratitude to 'all present for a "glorious day," saying self-effacingly that "the tribute is really from the people of God to the priesthood of Jesus Christ." 'Rev. Msgr. Mendonca thanked especially all who had worked to make the testimonial possible. They included chairpersons Fathers Daniel Reis, John Raposo and A,ndre Faria, cochairperson Gilberto Tavares, secretary Henrique Rouxinol and Mrs. Nelia M. Soares', secretary for both the event and for Mt. Carmel parish. She modestly summed up the

occasion as "a tiny token of our appreciation of[Msgr. Mendonca] having given his very best to the people of Mt. Carmel for the past 20 years." .

---------Heart-Healthy Eating topic at Saint A.nne's Hospital

"Heart-Healthy Eating" will be the topic for a support group meeting for people with pacemakers to be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 20 at Sa,int Anne's Hospital, South Main and Middle Streets, Fall River. To be presented by registhed dietitian Karen Corey in the hospital's second-floor education chssroom,' the meeting will focus on use offres.h fruits and vegetables'at summer cookouts and at other seasons. There is no charge and all are welcome. Further information is available from Vicki Saint-Paine the hospital's cardiac rehabilita~ tion coordinator. tel. 674-5600. ext. 2392.




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CharUe's Oil CO., Inc. AT DEDICATION of parish center of St. Mary's Church, Mansfield, from left, Father Peter N. Graziano, pastor; Amalio Annunziato and Father Michael Annunziato; SS.CC., Elaine Oldfield, holding Angela L. Schondek, Father Amalio E. Greco, S.A.C..

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Parish center memorializes late pastor On Pentecost Sunday, May 22, relatives, friends and parishioners gathered at St. Mary's Church, Mansfield, to dedicate its parish center to the late Msgr. Armando A. Annunziato, who was St. Mary's pastor from 1981 to 1993, during those years overseeing construction of the center. Msgr. Annunziato, who died Aug. 31, 1993, at age 63, was a native of Taunton. Ordained in Rome in 1956, he sl:rved as parochial vicar, administrator and pastor at various diocesan parishes before his appointment to the Mansfield post in 198 I. . In March 1993, iri a surprise announcement during a pastoral visit to St. Mary's, Bishop Sean O'Malley announced then-Father Annunziato's appointment as a

prelate of honor of Pope John Paul II with t he title of monsignor. Among guests of honor at the Pentecost Sunday dedication were Amalio Annunziato and Rev. Michael Annunziato, SS.Cc., both brothers of the monsignor; Mrs. Elaine Oldfield, his sister, who cared for him in the last months of his lifeand who unveiled a memorial plaque at the parish center; little Angela Schondek, Mrs. Oldfield's granddaughter and the monsignor's grandniece; and Father Amalio E. Greco, SAC, Msgr. Annunziato's uncle. ' Father Michael Annunziato is pastor of Sacred 'Heart Church, Edinburg, Tex., and Father Greco is stationed at St. Jude's Shrine, Baltimore. The dedication ceremony was

June 18 1935, Rev. James M. Coffey, P.R., Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton 1984, Rev. Declan Daly, SS.Cc., Associate Pastor, St. Joseph, Fairhaven 1992, Rev. Henri Laporte, O.P., Former Pastor, St. Anne, Fall River June 19 1916, Rev. Hormisdas Deslauriers, Founder, St. Anthony, New Bedford June 20 1931, Rt. Rev. Msgr. James J. Coyle, P.R .. LL.D., Pastor, St. Mary. Taunton

of the executive committee of Motorola, William D. Ford, president of Amoco Oil, and William Lehr Jr., vice president of Hershey Foods. Father Byron said the business people at the conference reflected a "growing concern for directly applying" principles of ethical behavior. Throughout the conference, business people spoke confidently and optimistically of their ability to be economically successful while being ethical in internal matters such as labor relations and in external affairs such as environmental safety. June 21 1926, Rev. Desire V. Delemarre. Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River 1948, Re·v. Francis D. Callahan. Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham 1964, Rev. Clement KiIlgoar, SS.Cc., St. Anthony. Mattapoisett 1976, Rev. David O'Brien, Retired Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River June 22 1977. Rev. Alexander Zichello, Pastor, St, Francis of Assisi, New Bedford June 23 1992, Rev. George Wichland, CSSR, St. Wenceslaus Church, Baltimore June 24 1907, Rev. Bernard F. McCahill, Pastor, SS. Pete'r and Paul, Fall River

oreall . ..

preceded by a concelebrated Mass and followed by a reception in the 'new parish center.


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Executives discuss business lethics NOTRE DAME,lnd.(CNS)Top executives from a host of large, influential corporations and many of the best !;cholars of business and ethics recently came together to educate one another in the theories and practices of the "good corporation." A University of Notre Dame conference titled "Corporate Social Responsibility: The Challenge" attracted a "nice mix of academics and business practitioners," said conference participant Jesuit Father William J. Byron, former president of Catholic University. Other speakers and participants' included Robert Galvin, chairman

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Through CFCA you can sponsor a child with the amount you can afford. Ordinarily it takes $20 per month to provide one of our children with the life changing benefits of sponsorship. But if this is not possible for you, we invite you to do what you can. CFCA will see to it from other donations and the tireless efforts of our missionaries that your child receives the same benefits as other sponsored children. And you can be assured your donations are being magnified and are having their greatest impact because our programs are directed by dedicated Catholic missionaries with a long standing commitment to the people they serve. Little Conchita lives in a small village in the mountains of Guatemala. Her house is made of , cornstalks, with a tin roof and dirt floor. Her father struggles to support the family as a day laborer. Your concern can make the difference in the lives of children like Conchita.

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FAR 6/94

Member: U.S. Catholic Mission Association· Nal'l Catholic Development Conference - Catholic Press Association Catholic Network of Volunteer Service· Nafl Catholic Stewardship Council· Nat'l Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry





In our schools around the diocese


'Bishop Connolly High ,FALL RIVER - The top 10 students in the Class of 1994 are: I, Kathryn Marino of Warren~ RL class valedictorian, recipient Of gold medals for excellence iii biology, AP English. U.S. history and mathematics and voted by peers and faculty as an Outstanding Senior and All Around Student. She was a finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Program, a semifinalist in the Presidential! Scholar Program. and received the ~ausch and Lomb and the Tandy Technology ScI:rolar Academic Top Two Percent awards. . She was president of the National Honor Society a,nd a participant in the drama society, volleyball, basketball and tennis. Named a'Teenager of the Year by the Fall River Elks.she received a scholarship from the club and will attend Wellesley College, '2. Matthew Tracy of Fall River. recipient of a bronze medal in AP' English and the Holy Cross Book Award and voted: an Outstanding Senior and All' Around Stu~ dent. He received a Tandy Technology Scholar Aca-' demic Top Two Percent Award and was named a Tandy Outstanding Student in mathematics, science imd com" puter science. He was a National Merit Program Commended Scholar. ' He was a member'of the National Honor S~ciety, ski club. winter and spring' track teams and the drama society, for which he received the Overall Best Acting Performance Award. He was a violist for the All-State Orchestra and is a member of the Greater Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra. Receiving a scholarship as a Fall River Elks'Teenager of the Year, he will attend Vassar College. Poughkeepsie. NY. 3. Robert Javonillo of Fall River, recipie~t of a bronze medal in'physics and scholarships from Boston Univer~ sity, the College of Charleston and the Newport Naval Officers Wives Club. He was a school winner of the Century III Leaders competition. A transfer student, he was a member of the National Honor Roll, a Presbyterian College Junior Fellow and a Governor's Scholar in South Carolina. He received an Academic Citation from the South Carolina House of Representatives and a National Beta Club certificate for outstanding character and achievement. He will attend' , Boston University. 4. Laurie Leal of Swansea, recipient of the Catholic School Couselors Association Commendation; the Salt of the Earth, yearbook and literary magazinefjournalism awards; and the Xerox Award in humanities and social 路sciences. Voted one of the Most Admired Students, she also received the Harvard Book Award and the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth Chancellor's Merit Scholarship. She was editor of ,the yearbook, school newspaper and literary magazine and a member of the National Honor Society, choir; drama society and softball team. She will attend UMass-Dartmouth. 5. Lauren Mack of Fall Rivcr,recipient of a bronze medal and the Massachusetts Foreign Language Awar.d for French. 'She earned scholarships from Bentley College, DePaul University, Nichols College and the Francophone Association. She was a member of the National Honor Society, drama society, ski team, ski club and spring track team. She will attend. the University of Notre Dame. 6. Kimberly Atwood of Little Compton, RI, recipienf of a bronze medal and the Massachusetts Foreign Language Award in Spa'nish and the Connolly Alcohol and Drug Awareness Team (CAAT) senior certificate. She 'was a participant in the National Honor Society, CAAT, cross country and winter and spring track. She will attend the University of New Hampshire.

veira, Colleen Shields, Michelle Walker. $1.000 Mattapoisett Women's Club Award and $500 Women's Guild of SI. Anthol)Y's Church, Mattapoisett scholarship to Sara Garde. TeamstersU nion Local 59 $1,000 scholarship to Shelli Pereira. BOSh?n Globe Paper Route to College $5,000 scholarship to Jason Roderiques. Wareham School department Secretaries Association $1.000 scholarship to Kimherly Schulze, $300 Milliken Scholarship to Erik Medeiros. Young Woman of the Year Pagaent $50 award to Melanie MeSally. Leroy L. Wood School PT A $300 scholarship in memory of Vicky Aguiar to Joseph Manzone.

Bishop Stang High

FANCY FOOTWORK: St. Anthony's School' lot doubles as a dance floor on Student Appreciation Day.


NORTH DARTMOUTH - Senior awards were presented to members of the Class of 1994 at their baccalaureate Mass. The Principal's Award for Excellence wenUo valedictorian Anabela Vasconcelos. She has been a member of the National Honor Society, SADD, Amnesty International, Habitat for Humanity, the math , team, yearbook staff, campus ministry and retreat teams. She was a four-year member ofthe volleyball team, serving as captain senior year. ' Recognized as Tandy Technology Scholars were Miss Vasconcelos, Rosemary Fernandes and Selena Bates. Scholarship awards follow: Appointments to the United ~tates Military Academy at West "Point, valued at $203,000 each, to John Cooney and Matthew Johnson. Providence College Multicultural Committee Textron Scholarship, valued at $80.000. to Rosemary Fernandes, also the recipient of scholarships from Delta Kappa Gamma ($500), the Massachusetts Oil Heat Council, and the Portuguese American Social Club ($400). Miss Fernandes and Miss Vasconcelos each received $500 scholarships from the College Club of New Bedford and $300 Frank C. and Helen M, Taylor scholarships, The tlllO, along with Jessica Byron. also received $500 scholarships from the Prince Henry Society, $750 Betsy W, Taber ScI:lOlarships went to Andrea Perkins, Madeline Boucher, Peter Kelly, Kara Roth. Miss Boucher and Joanne Shea received $800 scholarships from the St. John's Women's Guild of Poca'sset. Kelly received the Friendly Sons of Patrick $400 scholarship, Miss Roth received scholarships from the United Portuguese Women's Club of N,ew Bedford ($400). St. Mary's parish. South Dartmouth ($200) and the Paskamansett Engine Company of Dartmouth Fire District 3 ($1.000), Also: $400 Wareham Educatio~ Association and $500 John T, Galligan scholarships to Christopher White. $150 L' Association Francophone de Fall River and $500 Trina, Incorporated scholarships to Nicole Boudria. Lee's Supermarket $100 scholarships to employees Jessica Oli-

;;,./' ;~/ ...






ART.I~TS AT WORK: P~?jects of students in Sister Gertrude Gaudette's Creativity Center will be on exhibit, open to the pubhc, I to 5 p.m. S~nday inthe Dominican Academy auditorium, 37 Park

St., Fall.River. (Gaudette photo)


7. Sarah Thiboutot of Tiverton, RI, rectptent of a bronze medal in world, literature, the CAAT senior certificate, and the University of Hartford Regent's Scholarship. She was a National Merit Scholarship Commended Scholar and a Presidential Scholar Program semifinalist. She participated in the National Honor Society, drama society, CAAT and 'winter and spring track. She will' attend Vassar College. ' 8. Colleen Nolan of Barrington, RL recipient of the Jesuit Secondary Education Association lngnation Award, the Salt of the Earth Award and voted one of the Most Admired Students. She was a member of the National Honor Society. cross country team. the winter and spring track teams, of which she was captain. She will attend Boston College. 9. Christina Erwin of Portsmouth, R I, recipient of the Massachusetts Bar Association Certificate and a scholarship from the University of ,Notre Dame Club of Southeastern Massachusetts and 'R hode Island. She was a participant in the, National Honor Society, drama society, law team, basketball and winter and spring track. She will attend Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania. 10. Teresa Carreiro of Fall River. recipient of the Massachusetts Bar Association and CAAT senior certificates; Boston College, federal Pell and federal work/ study . grant~; and a federal S EOG. She also received scholarships from Massachusetts State. National Elks. St. Anne's Credit Unio'n and the Paul Golden Citizenship Scholarship. ' She was the Carousel Lions Club Youth Speech Competition winner and participated in the National Honor Society, yearb,ook. law team, Peer Trainer Corps and 'CAAT. She will attend Boston College,





St. A nthony's NEW BEDFORD - A busy month of May culminated at St. Anthony's School with Student Appreciation Day, Student, faculty, families and volunteers gathered in the morning for the school's annual walk-a-thon. Sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders sported customized T-shirts they made with school art director Jennifer Murphy. Volunteers prepared refreshments while in the school yard the children enjoyed a carnival that included pony rides, face painting, bubbles, hula-hoops and music by a OJ. Sports contests were held indoors. Other events last month included a field trip by grades I and 2 to a performance of "The Ugly Duck" at the Zeiterion Theatre. while older students attended the Bishop Stang drama club presentation of "Anything Goes" at theN orth Dartmouth high school. On a thank-you day for mothers, kind'ergarten :;tudents invited their moms and grandmoth~rs to school, where the guests were served breakfast and entertained with songs, Also visiting the school were firefighters. who spok,~ to third-graders about safety. Michael Bosi, sports writer for the Boston Herald, spoke to fifth-graders about his job and offered tips for their current events newsletter, the Falcon Flyer. A fundraiser spaghetti dinner was also held last month, prepared and served by the faculty and pastor Father Edmond Levesque.

Taunton Catholic Middle TAUNTON -,The 107 members of the Class of 1994 graduated June 6 in ceremonies at St. Jacques Church, Student council president Timothy Barney welcomed the congregation, Classmates participating in the litu rgy included crossbearer Brian 'Galvin and readers Kristen Folcik and Pa'trick Kelly. The homily was given by Father Richard Beaulieu, director of the Diocesan Department of Education, and diplomas were conferred by principal Kathleen A. Simpson and eighth grade teacher Brenda Cannon. Awards given were: ' _. Presidential Outstanding Academic Achievemc:nt Award to Emily Bowen, Talia Correira, Jodi Harrington, Lauren Malo, Karen Read and Timothy Barney, also receiving the Elks Scholarship. Presidential Academic Effort Award to Michael Balletto, Brian Blackwell, Kelley Crownover, Megan DeSousa, Megan'Dineen, Brian Driscoll; Jennifer Ferreira, Kristen Folcik; Patrick Kelly, Ihianna LaChance, Brent McCarty, Shiana Zamaitis. William M. Hllipin, Jr., Memorial Scho\arship to Karen Cannata and Elizabeth Coyne. .36 members of the class were designated Horilor Graduates. .




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By Charlie Martin

Baby, I Love Your Way Baby, I love your way, everyday Baby, I love your way, everyday Shadows grow so long before my eyes And they're moving across the haze Suddenly the day turns into night Far away from the city But don't hesitate 'Cause your love just won't wait Baby, I love your way, everyday I want to tell you I love your way I want to be with you night and day The moon appears and lights the sky With the help of some fireflies I wonder how they have the power To shine, shine, shine I see them under the vine But don't hesitate 'Cause your love just won't wait Oh baby, oh baby, please Everyday I love you, I love you I love your way I can see the sunset in your eyes Brown and gray and blue besides Clouds are stocking islands in the sun I wish I could buy one But don't hesitate . 'Cause your love just won't wait Written by Peter Frampton, Sung by Big Mountain(c) 1994 by Giant Records HOW'S THIS for a musical combination: Peter Frampton and reggae? Not something i would have considered, but Big Mountain has done it. 'Off the soundtrack disc of "Reality Bites" and into the top 40 comes this group's Jamaican

version of the Frampton classic "I Love Your Way." The song still celebrates romantic fantasy and the thrill of falling in love. Yet this cassingle also made me think about what we say to those who add to the happiness in our lives. Do we

readily tell these people how they uplift us? Think for a moment. How do you feel when someone speaks about the good that you bring into his or her life? What effect does such positive affirmation have on your view of yourself! Most times sue" affirmations not only help us feel better about who we are, but inspire us to discover more of the best in ourselves. Everyone likes to be appreciated. Yet more than this, affirmation expands our power for good. The guy in the song talks in a general way about his girl. Even more effective is naming in a specific way what you appreciate about a person's style, actions or choices. Here, I speak not just about romance or about someone you are dating. Rather, you can affirm anypne who adds to the quality of your life.. For example, what have you told your parents lately about the ways that they provide for your life? Do you take their efforts for granted? Do you notice how the household responsibilities get done, the bills get paid, or the special ways your one parent or another cares for your needs? Or how about your friends, especially those who support you through life's difficulties and challenges? Do you tell them what it is like to know that you can count on their understanding? " I am sure you could come up with a list of people who make your life more enjoyable and meaningful. Tell them you love the way they touch your life. Do this to affirm their gifts of caring and to remind them of the power they possess to make a difference in your world and theirs. Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.

Happy Retirel1zent 1994


THE ANCffCHf-':Diocese of Fall l{iver-Fri., 'Ju'ne' 1'1, 'f9~4

By Linda L. Rome Have you ever wondered what your mother and father were like when they were your age? Or what your grandfather's first job was? Surprisingly, your mom and dad and your relatives are real people with genuine, often fascinating lives. If you take time to get to know them, you might be surprised. Not only will you have fun, but you may gain some insight into what makes these people of your life tick. You can approach such a project in a number of ways. One way is to tell your relatives you are working on a family history and ask them to answer a few questions. You can ask your questions by listening carefully and taking notes to write the stories later. Or you can tape-record their answers and later transcribe what's on tape into a written account. You might also use videotape for your interview. But be aware that some people are intimidated by a tape recorder or video camera. And if you decide to use either method, be sure to practice with the equipment ahead of time. Some questions are better suited for your parents, others for your grandparents or other relatives. Take time to prepare the questions you want to ask each relative. To get you start,ed, here are some suggested questions. Where were they born? If they immigrated to America or migrated from another part of the country, do they have any stories about their adventures? Where were they living and what did their homes look like when they were children, teens and newlyweds?


How many times did they move? Ask them to describe their rooms in each place they lived. Ask them to show photographs of what they looked like when they were young. How did they get along with their brothers and sisters? Did they have a special pet when they were growing up? What were the clothes fashions when they were teens? As teens, what were some of their most embarrassing moments? What were their greatest disappointments? What did they learn from their mistakes? Do they remember the first car they had? How old were they? How did they meet the person they eventually married? What did your grandparents' first telephone look like? What did their first radio look like? Was anyone - male or female - involved in a war like World War II, Korea or Vietnam? What did they do and how did it affect their lives? What were their favorite movies and TV shows, and who were their favorite stars when they were teens, in their 20s and now? What historic event have they lived through that they remember best? For example, what are their recollections of a particular person like a U.S. president? What was the first election they voted in? Some questions may be easier to answer than others. Just remember you're asking your relatives to share a part of their life with you. So be courteous and discreet. Always remember there are no right or wrong answers. If one question doesn't spark a response, try another. Have fun getting to know the stories of those special people in your life.

DELUXE TOURS Rev. J. Joseph Kierce Author and Producer of The New England Passion Play





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.. ~. .4l.bi:,'.1 SCHOOLCHILDREN at·Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford, honored retiring pastor Msgr. I:.uiz G. Mendonca at a special ceremony during First Friday Mass June 3. Students presented gifts including flowers, balloons, banners, a scrapbook and a h~mq.made cross featuring students' pictures. Msgr'. Mendonca expressed his thanks with a pizza party for the school on June 8. Pictured with students. and the monsignor are Deacon Paul J. Macedo and Father Andre Faria. '

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... '·~,I\,"OFFicEOFFAMiLYMINISTIiY~·~·ST>MAkY"{s~ DARTM'OUTH " " ' f ' ALtAR 'BOY 'DAy Dorothy J. Levesque will present Ladies Guild has awarded Rev. The annual diocesan Altar Boy summer seminar series "Healing Pain- Arthur G. Considine Scholarships Day will be held 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ful Memories" 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays to Kathryn Hitchcock, Brandon June 28 at Cathed'ral Camp, East Aug. 2-23 at the Family Life Center, English; Chad Cabral, Adrienne Freetown, including athletic compeN. Dartmouth.. Session topics will Silva, Kara Roth, Robin Rheaume, tition and swimming. Pa~ticipants be: "Recognizing the Problem, Rec- Derek Silveira, Andrew Fernandes, are asked to bring lunch, swimsuit, ognizing the 'Pain"; "Wanting to Melissa Faria, Franca Massi, Kentowel and baseball glove. Adult adHeal, Wanting to Move Forward"; neth Wheeler, Wendy Anuszczyk, visors should accompany altar boy PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN Karen Vargas. groups and should contact Sacred "Able to Give, Able to Forgive"; are asked to submit news items for this column to "Choosing to Laugh, Choosing to ST. MARY FAIRHAVEN Heart rectory, FR, 673-0852, With TheAnchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of Live.'" To register.contact J~rry a~d Boys age I (or entering 6th grade number attending by.June 2:). ~cottle Foley, Offtce of FamIly MInin September) to 18 are eligible to city or town should be included, as well as full dates ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, Istry, 500 Slocum Rd., N. Dartmot,Jth join Boy Scout Troop 52; informaPOCASSET of all activities. Please send news of futur~ rather . 02747-~9~0, tel.. 999-~42q. DeadlIne tion: Bob Dorgan, 990-3789; Ed Mass with anointing of th,: sick 2 than past events; and send items to Steering Points, for mall-In registratIOn IS July 22; Jackson 991-6656' or John Sinko p.m. June.26. Families, friends and walk-in registration will be accepted 999-2723. Commu~ity garden need~ NOT to individual staff members. caregivers welcome along with those if space allows. vegetable and flower seeds and eligible to receive the sacrament. Due to limited space anq also because notices of plants; information: Don Fredette, Information: 548-1698 or 563-6076. strictly parish affairs normally appear in a parish's 992-8969. SACRED HEART, NB MARINE BIOLOGICAL own bulleti"n, we are forced to limi,t items to events of Mass for feast of St. John the LABORATORY, WOODS HOLE general interest. Also, we do riot normally carry James German, MD, member of Baptist, part ofthe Maple Leaffeast, Santo Christo parish, Fall notices of fundraising activities, which may be 10 a.m. June 26. City hall ceremony the New York Blood Center and River, will celebrate its annual director of the Laboratory of Human 9 a.m. and ceremony at Francoadvertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The feast June 22 through 26. Genetics, will speak on Human Cyto- American veterans' center at noon, Anchor business office, telephone (508) 675-7151. Mass· will be celebrated at 7 genetics, discussing developments in followed by dinner. Information: p.m. each evening with ho.milist On 'Steering Points items, FRindicates Fall River; 35 years of research on human-chro- Roger and M uri~1 QenauH, 99~-_ Rev. Jose M. Constancia, pasNB indicates New Bedford. mosomes, at the Conklin-Scott-Lillie 0316. tor of San Pedro Church in Marine Biological Laboratory Foun- D. OF I., NB Ponta' Delgada, St. Michael, ders Lectureship 4 p.m. July 6 in the Daughters of Isabella Hyacinth ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Azores. MB.L Lillie Auditorium. Bishop Wil- CirCle 17 meets 7:30 p.m: June 21, Jason Chace of Boy Scout Troop Testimonial for Father William liam Friend, chair of the NCCB, Holy Name Church hall, NB. EnterA Mass for the disabled and· Campbell will follow 5 p.m. Mass 40 will advance to the rank of Eagle committee on Science and Human tainment by Daniel Faria and the the sick including the sacrament Scout at 7 p.m. ceremony tomorJune 26. Values, will be a respondent. "Highland Squares." of anointing will be offered 5:30 row. Calix meeting for persons reJune 24 in St. Anthony p.m. covering from addictive diseases 6: 30 Chapel, downstairs in Santo p.m. Sunday, parish center. Montie Plumbing Christo Church. At 7.p.m. Saturday the prq& Heating Co. cession transferring the Santo, Over 35 Years Christo statue will be ,accomLADY'S of Satisfied Service panied by the Acoreana and Reg. Master Plumber 7023 Agnes Jerome Kenney, Mary PhiloAt a recent celebration for memMosteirence.bands of Fall River JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. bers of the Fali'River province of mena Grandfield and Marie Berand the Banda Lira Portuguesa Mon. . Sat. m·oo . 5:30 P.M. the Holy Union Sisters marking trande St. Jean are 70-year jubilarof Brampton, Canada. A Bene432 JEFFERSON STREET significant,anniversaries of religious ians, with Sisters James Agnes, GIFTS diction service will follow with Fall River 675-7496 Agnes Jerome and Mary Philolife, six religious were honored for homilist Rev.Jose Eduardo MeCARDS 50,60 or 70 years of service.. mena in residence at the provincial deiros. The church will remain Sister Kathleen Gibney, direcretirement home on Prospect Place, open until 10:30 p.m. Fall River, and Sister Marie Bertor of the Academic Resource CenA concelebrated Mass wilLbe ter at Stone hill College, North trande at Carholic Memorial held at 10 a.m. Sunday, fol673-4262 Home, .also Fall River. Easton, and also a provincial counlowed by the traditional pro- ' 936 So. Main St., Fall River Sister James Agnes taught at cilor, marked 50 years in the comcession at 2:30 p.m. with acSacred Heart and Holy Name munity. The daughter of Alice companiment by several bands.. schools in Fall River, at ImmacuOutdoor festivities during the . :(Cote) Gibney Shea and the late John Gibney, she taught at St. late Conception School in 'Taunweekend will include games, Portuguese and Ameri~nfoods, . Mary's School, Taunton, and the ton, and also ,at schools in BaltiNEED A GOOD PLUMBER? former Sacred Hearts Academy, more and Havre de Grace, MD. .and concerts by the Banda ·Lira Fall River, as well as at elementary At various times, Sister Agnes Portuguesa on Saturday and and high schools in Rhode Island, Jerome taught all elementary Marc Dennis and his orchestra For your ~ome or business. .: ••I New York and New Jersey, at Rol- grades at Sacred Heart and St. on·Sunday. Mary's schools in Taunton and at lins College, Winter Park, Fla., I and in Ireland. schools in Maryland, Alabama, CATHOLIC ALUMNI CLUB Sister Elizabeth Magdalen Clay- New York and Rhode Island. Catholic singles club will hold Sister Mary Philomena !erved Plumbing & Heating • monthly social gathering 6:30 p.m. ton, a Baltimore native, now living in retirement at Coyle and Cassidy at Sacred Heart School, Fall River, Est. 1920 , Lie. 10786 • 'Sunday, 'Ruby Tuesday's restaurant, Convent, Taunton, celebrated her and Sacred Heart and St. Mary's 'Silver City Galleria Mall, Taunton. Meetings are held each third Sunday ·60th anniversary. She taught in' schools, Taunton. at various' restaurants at the mall. elementary and high schools in Sister Marie Bertrande taught "The Experienced Upcoming events are a singles dance and Taunton and in Fall River primary and middle grades in Taun.Plumbing People" :I at ,the Sheraton Tara .in Braintree New York, New Jersey and Mary- ton schools and in New York, Providing a Full Line of 8:30 tonight; an outing to the July 4 land. Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Plumbing & Healing Services. ,Boston Pops Esplariade concert and Sisters James Agnes Whalen, Jersey. FALL RIVER 'SWANSEA SOMERSET. 10. a day at 'Horseneck Beach July L,. 'Information: 824-8378. -


Santo Christo feast

Six Holy Union Sisters celebrate jubilees




John C. • • • LINDO & SON •








675-7151 OR FAX 675-7048 This Message Sponsored by the following Business Concerns .in the Diocese of Fall River FALL RIVER TRAVEL BUREAU GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INS. AGENCY



Ii.J AMONG HOLY Union Sisters celebrating jubilees: front, from left, Sisters Agnes Jerome Kenney and Elizabeth Magdalen Clayton, back, Sisters James Agnes Whalen and Kathleen ·Gibney.

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