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t eanc 0 FALL R~VER, MASS., FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1982

VOL. 26, NO. 24

20c, $6 Per Year

Argentina, Lebanon., Switzerland

'Pilgrim of difficult moments'

By NC News Service Less than 24 hours after Ar­ gentina revealed it had sent a message to Pope John Paul II urging a cease-fire in the Anglo­ Argentine war in the South At­ lantic, Britain announced an Argentine surrender in the dis­ puted Falkland Islands..

Britain said June 15 that Ar­ gentine troops had surrendered. Argentina said an agreement had been reached for withdrawing its troops from the islands it had seized April 2. The British re­ ported that the Argentines had surrendered about 9 p.m. (Falk­ lands time) June 14 and that

some 14,800 prisoners had been taken and Would be returned to Argentina. According to Archbishop Ubal­ do Calabresi, apostolic nuncio to Argentina, the cease-fire message from Argentine Presi­ dent Leopoldo GaItieri to Pope John Paul was a response to the -


pontiff's calIs for peace during his June 11-12 visit to Argentina. In London, however, a Brit­ ish Foreign Office spokesman said GaItieri's message apparent­ ly presented no cpange" in the Argentine position on conditions for a cease-fire already rejected by Great Britain.

Galtieri's message was de­

livered to the Vatican just one

day after the pope's return from


It ·was given to the Vatican's

deputy secretary or state, Arch­

bishop Eduardo Martinez Som­

alo, by Jose Maria Alvarez de

Turn to Page Seven


God gets





. By Pat McGowan with NC News reports A monster antinuclear rally held in conjunction with the United Nations Special Session on Disarmament: it was an idea whose time had come. Unfortunately, that time was 3:30 a.m. last Saturday, the bleak hour at which Fall River participants scrambled out of bed to catch one of the 2,000 buses traveling from all parts of the country to what turned out to be the biggest protest demonstration in the nation's history. An estimated 750,000 persons participated. Diocesan marchers included members of Holy Name and Sa­ cred Heart parishes, Fall River, and S1. Bernard's, Assonet. Arriv­ ing at a Queen's parking lot about 10 a.m. they found a mass­ ive organization in place, with everything preplanned, down to provision of subway tokens for the short ride from Queens into Manhattan. .Once at the parade route, the New England marchers joined a river of humanity that walked over 50 blocks from the United Nations complex to the peace rally site that sprawled over the Great Lawn of Central Park. A small counterdemonstration at the UN mustered some 50 per­ sons shouting pronuclear senti­ ments, while alo.ng the march route a few banners echoed the theme. One man hung a large yellow streamer from his Central Park West luxury apartment. "Dupes" was its one-word message. But the mood of the day was overwhelmingly in the other diTurn to Page Ten

• God IS SACRAMENTO, Calif. (NC-­ "The best way Jesus Christ could describe the indescribable God was to call him 'Abba,' Father, or better 'Daddy,'" said Bishop Francis A. Quinn of Sac­ ramento. "Jesus could think of no more loving relationship," Bishop Quinn said in a Father's Day column in the 'Catholic Herald, Sacramento diocesan newspaper. "I am a celibate:" the bishop wrote. "I do not know what it means to have children of my own." On the other hand," he noted, '~few people on earth know the experience of a priest with an entire parish community looking


up to him as sons and daughters." Among the bishop's observa­ tions about fathers: - "The greatest gift a father can give to his children is' the love he shows to their mother - the love he clearly shows." - "The most accurate predic­ tor of religious and moral con­ duct on the part of children is the religious and moral behavior .of their father." - "A father provides an ex­ ample of strength, fairness, sta­ bility, discipline, 'but the strong­ est thing a man can do is to be gentle.' Strength is not· to be confused with machismo or ag­ gressiveness. Sons and daugh­ ters will best be served by their

father if they see in him com­ passion as well as justice and courage." - "Fatherhood should be open to failure. Weakness and human failures, honestly dealt with, are often the most effect­ ive sources of love and learning in the children." - "The deepest regret of fathers is that they did not spend more quality time with their children when they were young." - "A father must hear, not simply listen to, what his child is saying." - "Children will be what their fathers are, not how their fathers lecture them. Turn to Page Six

WASHINGTON o(NC) - More people in the United States and Ireland - 95 percent - believe in God than do people in 14 other" countries questioned in a major international survey. And Americans more than any other nationality rated God as of the highest importance in their lives, the survey found. The survey "is one of the most comprehensive and ambitious !;tudies ever undertaken of hu­ man values," said Edward M. Sullivan, director of research of the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, a Catholic re­ search organization based in Washington. The center conducted the sur­ vey in the United States and Canada in cooperation with the Gallup Organization. European countries studied were Great Britain, France, West Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, " Belgium, Italy, the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Den­ mark, Sweden and Finland. Non­ . Eur9pean countries were Japan, South Africa and South Korea, although the Korean study was so recent that data are not yet available. Plans are underway to extend the project to Latin­ America. The" Gallup Organization con­ ducted the fieldwork, which in­ cluded hour-long face-to-face in­ terviews with a scientifically selected sample of at least 1,200 persons in each country. Among study findings: - The Americans and Irish believe in God - 95 percent ­ more than any of the Qther coun­ tries. Belief in God was 75 per­ cent overall in Europe, dropping tum to Page Six

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 18, 1982

newl brlef/.

people/placel/ event I

NEW YORK (NC)--Catholic Relief Services, overseas aid agency

of U.S. Catholics, has allocated $200,000 to Jniotiate relief work in

Lebanon following beavyfighting there between Israeli and Pales­

tinian troops. 'CRS reported ,that transportation and power supplies

lin Lebanon were Hmited by heavy shelling and that food, medicine,

shelter and drinking water were needed immediately.

BISHOP DANIEL' A.. CRONIN with five of his favorite people: this year's gradu~ ates of Nazareth Hall Vocational Center, Fall River. Front, from' left, Jennifer Demers, Melanie O'Connell, Ann Marie Golen; rear, Madeleine Duhon, Karen Muldoon.

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (NC) - In a joint letter 123 Dutch Reformed ministers have called' for an end to apartheid in South Africa, declaring ithat a social order built on race separation "is unacceptable" and "cannot be defended scripturaly." Afrikaners, aimost all of 'whom are members of the iDutch Reformed Church, make up 60 percent of the white minority population in Soutp Africa and _dominate the country's ruling National ·Party. Signers of the . letter called for abolition ofa number of ~aws, including the ban on interracial mantiage and the Group Areas Act, which bar people of different races from Hving in the same neighborhood. The 'Catholic Church has long opposed apartheid in South Africa.

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala (NC)--The convic!:'ion of three

Indian men for the 1981 murder of an American missionary, Father

Stanley Rother, has been 'overturned by an appeals cour.t Un Antigua,

Guatemala, which said there was "insufficient evidence" to find

them guilty. Last January, when the three were convicted by a court

,in Solola, Guatemala, Archbishop Charles A. Salatka of Oklahoma

City, who sponsored the mission assignment of the priest, said it

was "a miscarriage of justice." Each of the men had been sentenced

to eight y.ears in pr.ison and flined$2,OOO.

WASHINGTON (NC)--A repol"t on five years of dialogue between

the Disciples of Christ and the Catholic Church concluded that the

two churches already have a "unity of grace" which is "bearing fruit,

and which lis disposing us for visible unity and urging us to move

ahead to it." However, both churches dJiffer lin t,heir vliew of the

relationship between the New Testament and later chul'Ch teaching

embodied in liturgical texts, creeds, conciliar and papal statements.

The report was released in Indianapolis by the Disciples of Christ

and in Washington by the National Conference of Catholic Bisrops.

THESE COUPLES, working in their' parishes through the diocesan Office of Fam­ ily Ministry, help prepare engaged couples for marriage. Front, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Robichaud, Mt. Carmel parish, Seekonk;· Mr. and Mrs. David Olson, St. George, West­ port; rear, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Larocque, St.Mark, Attleboro Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tracy, St. Mary, New Bedford; Mr. and Mrs. William Langilotti, St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford.


WASHINGTON (NC)--PubIication by the-Senate Judiciary Com­ mittee of its repol"t on the Hatch amendment on abortion has been hailled hy the director of the U.S. bishop's Committee for Pro-Life Activities. The director, Father Edward 'Bryce, said that the report "marks another significant step toward reversal of the Supreme Court's tragic abortion rulings of 1973." The report provides a rationale for the committee's decision to send the measure to the fuU Senate for consideration. The tHatch amendment, !introduced ~ast year by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), denies that ,there is aright to abortion in the Constitu,tion and allows federal and state govern­ ments to reimpose abortion restrictions.


WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Abortion Rights Action League has announced' ;that its political actton committee will spend -between $750,000 and $1 million for "pro-choice" state and federal' candidates and ,incumbents. At a press conference B'efore the 13th annua:( NARiAL meeting, its executive director, Nanette Faikenburg, said, "Abortion is not the cutting Ussue in 1982 elections. Nor do we want candidates to run on abortion as "their issue." But a pro-choice stance brings pro-choice support."

SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH marking jubilees in religious . life at Blessed Sacrctment Convept, Fall River, are, seated, Sister Francois de Sales, 60 years; standing Sisters Claire Louise, Margaret Lemay, Madeleine Paquette, Emma Guenette, all 50 years.

WASHINGTON. (NC)--Sentencing criminals to death is a sim­ plistic solution to crime, Msgr. Francis J. Lally, U.S. Catholic Con­ ference secretary for social development and world peace, told' a House subcommittee. lM!lgr. Lally urged instead a "comprehensive approach" to the problems of violence, including elimination of social inequities, implementation of effective rehabilitation pro­ grams, greater assistance to the viotims of violent crime and gun control. "While ,the prevalence of violent crime in our society under­ scores the need for effective measures to prevent crtim~ . . . we be­ lieve that effective and humane alternatives can be developed with­ out resorving to such practices as capital punishment," he said.

Charismatics seek renewal NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) ­ Charismatic Catholics from 10 nations who recently met for the National Conference on the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church discussed ways the earth can be renewed through them and the works of the Holy Spirit. "I really believe God is re­ newing the renewal," said Jack Brombach to the gathering of some 13,000 persons at the Uni­ versity of Notre Dame. Brombach, a member of the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renew­ al, said that "God wants to let us know he's alive. God wants to renew the face of the earth." Bishop William McManus of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Ind., who read greetings from Pope John Paul II, told conference participants that prayer is what charismatics do best. No matter what stresses or problems develop, charismatics keep on praying, the bishop said.

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Andorra Spain Portugal

.Two Glorious Weeks You'll Never Forget! under the spiritual direction of

Father Manuel


st. Michael Parish. Fall River

$1699 J~~mi~~ Sept. 17th FATHER GERALJ[) T. SHOVELTON, pastor of St. MSGR.COURNOYER Ann's parish, Raynham, has been named to head the Taunton Deanery by the A funeral Mass was celebrated 1922, by the 'Iate. Bishop 'Daniel Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, . yesterday Sacred Heart F. Feehan. Bishop of Fall River. The Church, Newat Bedford, for the He served briefly at Our Lady appointment was effective repose of the soul of Msgr. of ·Lourdes parish, Wellfleet, and Wednesday and carries with Joseph A. Cournoyer, 87, who Sacred Heart, North Attleboro, it the title of Very Reverend. died on Monday after a brief ill­ but the greater part of his active ministry was at Notre Dame, Fall .. , A dean assembles priests ness.. . In the absence of Bishop Dan­ River, where he spent a total of in his area of the diocese for iel A. Cronin, at Collegevme, 21 .years, seven of them as ad­ meetings at the direction of Minn., for a meeting of the na­ ministrator, and' St. Michael's. the bishop and is empow­ tion's bishops, Msgr: Luiz G. Swansea, where he was pastor ered to make a yearly pas­ Mendonca, vicar-general, was 24 years, retiring in 1969 as pas­ toral visitation to parishes principal celebrant of the funeral tor emeritus. On March 12, 1964, he was in his deanery in the name liturgy. Many priests of the dio­ cese were concelebrants. named a domestie prelate. of the bishop. Msgr. Henri Hamel, a longtime Since his retirement, Msgr.

Veteran pastor dead at 87


friend of Msgr. Cournoyer, was Cournoyer had made his home in the homitist. New Bedford with Mrs. Emma Wilson, a sister. He is also sur­ Msgr. Cournoyer was the sub­ ject of an extensive interview in vived by another sister, Mrs. last week's Anchor, occasioned Diana Tarpey of New Bedford, . by his celebration last month of two nieces and a nephew. his 60th anniversary of ordina­ tion. IBorn in 1894 in Webster, he SISTER REGINA came to New Bedford at age COUGHLIN, RSM, guidance three. He graduated from the. director at Bishop Feehan former St. Hyacinth parochial school and prepared. for the High School, Attleboro, has priesthood at the Assumption been elected president of the Fathers preparatory school and Catholic SChool Counselors' college'in Worcester and at St. Association of Massachu­ Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, and setts. Sulpician Seminary, Washington, D.C. He was ordained May 25,

1/ Diocese of Fall River





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APPOINTMENT Fa,ther Gerald T. Shovelton has been named dean of the Taunton Deanery with the title of Very Reverend, effective Wedn~s~ay, June 16, 1982. .

"THE EXPLORES with Sammy"




~~NCHOR-Dioces~' of Fait" River-':'Fri., J~n~ "1'8, . ' . . 1982

th.e living word


Lebanon, A Matter of Survival Once again the people of Lebanon fall victim to the madness of warfare. Once again, the soil of Lebanon is . soaked by the blood of its people. Once again the cedars . of Lebanon are stripped of their brancHes. Consider the cumulation of horrors that has been the recent history of that supposedly sovereign and independent nation. In the mid-s'eventies Lebanon was devastated by ~ivil war, that most agonizing form of strife. From that time to the present, the Lebanese have endured constant invasion and harassment. The dispersed . Palestinians, themselves forced to flee from their land and homes, moved into Lebanon. Then, to protect the country from other intrusions and keep the so-called peace, Syria introduced a self-styled Arab security force. Now the Israeli invasion has visited upon the innocent .an anguish and terror yet to be realized in all its dimensions. The action of Israel was anticipated by the interna­ tional community, yet not a voice nor, in some cases, even an Arab cry was heard as ve~geance played out its tragic · role. The pleas of the few who dared criticize Israel went unheard amid the thunaer of shells and bombs. Indeed, those declaring that Israel should abide by the provisions of the United Nations Charter concerning inde­ pendent states were immediately labeled anti-Semitic. It is heartbreaking. to note that Israel, a nation that has been a place of refuge for s6 many, has been the major factor in creating, new refugees and displaced persons in the Middle East. ' It is now more than imperative that the world com­ munity should hear Lebanon's pleas for true· nationhood.. All' are aware that Leban9n, since gaining independence from the old Ottoman/Turkish Empire in ·1920, has been

caught up il1 its unique internal problems. Ye~ this is no

exc4se for "'reduCirig' it ~o a' pro~ing 'kround'. modeni

· warfare. The' iand is parched and' exhausted. Lebanon

. needs peace. But peace cannot be a reality until all invaders, be they PLO, Syrian or Israeli, leave the land. Their withdrawal of all belligerents 'should· be monitored by the United Nations, with the United States an.d Russia maintaining a hands-off policy. Both superpowers have already meddled enough in Mideast concerns. . It should also be obvious that the Palestinian refugees must have a land they can call their own. The Arab and Jewish nations of the area should come to some reasonable and just settlement of this issue. Israel has been recognized, as an independent state by the world community. The · Palestinians should be accorded the same status. Israel's tactics of the past few.... d~ys will not eliminate the PLO. At 'best, they are but delaying tactics. Let no one be so ·naive as to think 'that the PLO will not regroup. Because the Israeli invasion is not the end of a conflict but only another development of hostilities, the future of Lebanon is indeed uncertain. If the status' quo is tolerated by the international community, then her very existence as a nation is in doubt. If, however, the world community is as appalled by the suffering of the Lebanese as it was by the horrors of Dachau and Auschwitz, then perhaps man will ~e spared yet another holocaust; perhaps the Lebanese will survive 'this attempted genocide; perhaps Lebanon, de facto, will not cease to exist.



410 Highland Avenue

Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151


EDITOR :lev.


F. Moore,

Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.



. . . . I.eary Press-Fall River


'm fall on my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that Fatherfr~m whom :1 ' • _.~'J,.,

•• ~ ','

'. > •

all fatherhood in heaven and on earth' takes'its title/ Eph. 3:14-15 ' " ' • '.

~~ .. ,.





- •

The .pope: ·Polish,popular

By Father Kevin J. Harrington

splrlng the conclave to choose His Holiness John Paul II is' him as pope? enjoying one of the most popular Undoubtedly, John Paul's Po­ reigns in the history of the lish background has influenced niany of his decisions. His de­

church. The extent of his popu­ larity became evident in May of sire for unity has led to the

last year when an attempt was . resignation from office of Con~

made upon his life. The outrage gressman Robert Driilan, SJ, the

was universal and so was the rescinding of the right of Swiss

relief shared by all upon his',re­ theologian, Hans" Kung to teach

markable recovery. His recent as a Catholic and the reaffirma­

trip to Britain showed that he tion of papal authority as a

is still capable of working in­ means of enforcing papal teach­ credibly long hours. lngs. His .popularity is the more The night before Jesus died, remarkable because of' his will­ he prayed that all might be one. ingness to take unpopular stands. This pope has gone a long way His firm rejection of any reap­ toward making that dream a praisal of Catholic teachings on reality. His experience in com­ the indissolubility of marriage, bating the evils of communism his staunch opposition to arti­ has taught him the importance ficial methods of birth control, of unity among Catholics. The his insistence upon the continua­ desire for unity permeates him, tion of the. law of celibacy and motivating him to work grueling his refusal to allow women into . hours without rest. orders, have not endeared him Nowhere is this desire for to the liberal elements of the unity more evident than in his church. The liberal press has often efforts to reunite the Roman Catholic Church with the Eastern made the _pope's 'Polish nation­ Orthodox a.nd Anglican churches. ality a synonym for riarrow­ His Polish perspective has given mindness and has tried to psy­ choanalyze his position on every him a different geopolitical view­ issue. This is a rather ·self-serv- . point from that of his predecess­ ing and futile task. Even if his ors. He views Europe as a con­ Po,lish upbringing does account tinent stretching from the Atlan­ for his conservatism on doctrinal tic. to the Urals and possessing issues and his insistence upon a common Christian foundation. unity of belief, how does one The pope is for more than a account for the Holy Spirit in­ popular personality. His role as'

Vicar of Christ puts him at odds with the two prominant economic systems of our day: communisl\ arid capitalism. Human rights are violated by both systems. This is only too obvious in the ugly confrontation between Solidarity and the Com­ munist Party in Poland. How­ ever, more subtle violations oc­ cur under capitalism, which does not always provide the basic hu­ man right to a meaningful job. Capitalism also all too often en­ courages a tragic obsession wit6 the mindless consumption of . material goods. Simply 'but profoundly, the pope is calling us back.to the basic 'teachings of Jesus. His popularity may rise and fall bu't the attraction of his message will remain for those who believe him to be Christ's vicar on earth.

Leave the Rest "Beg our Lord to grant you perfect love for your neighbor and leave the rest to him. He will give you more than you know how to desire if you con­ strain yourselves and strive with all your power to gain it; forcing your will as far as possible to comply in all things' with your sisters' wishes, although you may sometimes forfeit your own rights by so doing." - St. Teresa of Avila

Daddy Fix-it

"Fix it, Daddy," she lisps at two, showing this god in her life her scraped knee. "Fix it, Daddy," she says at four, tearfully producing her burst. balloon. "Fix it, Daddy," she says at six, struggling with her jacket zipper. "Fix it, Daddy," ~,he says at eight, confidently wheeling her dented and lopsided bike toward him. "Fix it, Daddy," she intpnes righteously at 10 after coming out loser in a knock-down drag­ out battle with her stupid, tyran­ nical and absolutely impossible brother. "Fix it, Daddy;" she pleads at 12 in the first of many struggles with her mother over whether she's old enough to wear eye shadow.

"Fix it, Dad," she sobs at 14, when her image hits rock bottom because she didn't make the cheerleading squad. "Fix it, Dad," she asks at 16, exposing her first broken heart qver a lost love. "Fix it, Dad," she says at 18, when the college she wants doesn't want her. "Fix it, Dad," she implores at 22, sending along her mangled checkbook stubs and a 1040 form. "Fix it, Dad," she begs at 24, when she witnesses a rare con­ flict between, him and her mother. "Fix it, Dad," she writes at 26, explaining that she wants a quiet wedding officiated at by a priest and a rabbi. "Fix it, Dad," she prays at 30, when her baby is in the hospital

Father's Day

The other day at the pub­ lic library I was surprised to see how many young men were there with their child­ dren, browsing in the children's reading room. Over the past several years, I have noticed far more young men actively involved in taking care of their children, especially men under the age of 30. It has become a common experience, in fact, at the university where I worked until a few months ago, to see young fathers with babies or toddlers in the lunch room or walking about on cam­ pus. This increasingly common phenomenon leads me to think there ,is a real change taking place in the role of men in the United States. Due at least in part to the women's movement, men today are more willing to re-examine their role as fathers and nurturers. And more men today are able to be tender with their children. The experience of my son, John, 30, may be typical of many men of his generation. His first baby was born in January. My son was in the labor and delivery rooms. John 'intends to keep on being intimately involved in the care of his child. He is a furniture maker and has gone to consider­ able expense to install 'air puri­ 'fying equipment in his work­ shop. He wanted to make sure the air was as clean as possible so he can care for his child, at least part time, in the workshop when his wife goes back to work. . Another indication of the revo­ lution that is taking place among men can be seen by looking at divorce records. In many com­ munities, it is no longer taken for granted that the mother will receive custody of the children after a divorce. Today, in a surprising number of cases, the father is asking for custody and even fighting in

court for the privilege of caring for J:tis children. A new name, "Kramerism," has been coined to cover these' cases. The name is a direct outgrowth of the pop­ ular book and movie, '~Kramer vs. Kramer," which dealt so beautifully with the theme of a father learning to know and love his son when he was forced to take over the role of a single fuIltime parent. Not long 'ago, I happened across some research on the "empty nest" syndrome which shows what sometimes happens when fathers have not been so personally involved in the day­


JIune 19 Rev. Hormisdas Deslauriers, 1916, Founder, St. Anthony, New Bedford JIune 20 Rt. Rev. James J. Coyle, P.R., LL.D., 1931, Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton June 21 Rev. Desiree V. Delemarre, 1926, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River Rev. Francis D. Ca1'lahan. 1948, Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham Rev. Clement Killgoar, 5S.CC., 1964, St. Anthony, Mattapoisett Rev. David O'Brien, 1976, Re­ tired Pastor, 5S. Peter & Paul, FaU River June 22,

'Rev., Alexander Zichello, 1977, Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford' June 24

Rev. Bernard F. McCahill, 1907, 'Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River June 25 Rev. Raymond J. Hamel, 1960, Chaplain, St. Joseph Orphanage, Fall River Rt. Rev. LCl'Uis A. Marchand, 1941, Pastor, St. Anthony, New Bedford


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June ,18, 1982






bo,ffo and' her husband is overseas. "Fix it, Dad," she insists at 40 as sh.e turns her contrary 12­ year-old son over to him for the weekend. "Fix it, Dad," she begs at 45 when he tells her his heart is faltering and needs repair. "Fix it, Father," she prays at

55 as she kneels at her dad's fun­ eral, praying that he will find peace and realizing that from now on he will be fixing things for her in a way he never could before.


to-day care of their children. The research stated that more men than women today are ex­ periencing the "empty nest" syn­ drome but that they are affected in a way different from women when their children grow up and leave home. The women feel a sort of emptiness when their fulltime parenting is over; but the fathers are looking back with regret, wishing they had spent more time with their children while they were growing up. The report indicated that many fathers seemed to have a vague sense they had missed out on something important and wished they had done things differently when they had the chance. Perhaps in years to come, as men interact more closely with their children, they won't feel so devastated when the youngsters leave. , This Father's, Day, we might spend some time reflecting on the c~anging rol~ of fathers in our so~iety., ',' .




Woods Hole

Celebrating a Century

THE ANCHOR (USPS-545·020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven. ue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· olic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall !lIver, MA 02722.

At the Vatican, Ronald Reagan met a fellow a'ctor who preceded him to Eng­ land. The president and Pope John Paul II are old fashioned men who expound creeds much of the world finds outworn. Both have evidence that people who find their views unworkable or im­ possible nonetheless entirely ap. prove of them as human beings. Another trait they have in com­ mon is their belief that they can personally beguile vast numbers of people. as well as a faith in themselves that armors them in confrontation with hostile opin­ ion. Both have exceptional gifts of projection, timing and deliv­ ery. The pontiff gave a perform­ ance on his tour of Britain that suggest,s that his gifts border on the supernatural. His conquest of the English seemed to be as definitive as the Roman invasion in Caesar's time. He set an example to Reagan of how tact, flair and charm can melt distrust and disdain. The auguries for the first papal visit were so unpromising that the pope considered cancellation. Many stories about the commer. ,cial exploitation .of the visit seemed destined to raise British hackles, never entirely level since the time of Henry VIII. More i~mediately, the bitter fighting in the Falkland Islands was reaching a climax and the British press, not to mention the British people, were in the grip of a vvar fever that threatened to burn up the Thames.

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"As I go away," he began, <lnd the crowd roared, "No, no," He paused and fell back, then eyed them and said, with laughter ill his voice, "As I go away," and there was another tumult of protest and laughter.

The demonstrations were of no consequence. The pope's ser· mons to his own flock repeat. ing his strictures against con· traceptives, divorce and abortion were received without comment. His plea for prayers for all who were suffering and dying in the South Atlantic was met with cheers. He showed Ronald Reagan how it can be done. ,Like Ronald Reagan, the pope can look at the numbers and see that in the world's esteem he fares better than his cause. The Catholic Church is in decline in almost every country except his native Poland. According to the New York Times, the shortage of priests in the United States is about to reach "crisis proportions." The number of seminarians has de· clined by half. In Italy, despite the pope's ve­ hement ,opposition, the citizens of an overwhelmingly Catholic country voted 2-to-l in favor of retaining a law permitting abor· tion.

The Roman Catholic clergy have moved steadily to the left since Vatican II. In many coun· tries, particularly in Latin Am· erica, they have been in the van· guard of protest and reform. The John Paul's announcement that pope speaks for social justice he would balance the visit with , and human rights, but is adam· antly against clerical involve· a trip to Argentina did not in­ crease the prospects of welcome. ment in politi~s. Opposition to Vast demonstrations were Reagan policies in EI Salvador threatened under the leadership has been led by churchmen; the of virulent anti-Catholics of the pope is said to be more receptive stripe of Ian Paisley of Belfast, to the anti·communist line push· ed by the Whte House. who ~egularly refers to the insti­ tution that John Paul II leads as Where he and the new breed "the scarlet whore of Rome." are in unity is on the subject of The pope decided to go, and nuclear war. Archbishop James the strange thing was that the V. Hickey of Washington is the first papal visit to this Protestant latest prelate to speak out on country had about it the flavor what he calls, to the dintrens of of a homecoming. The British Reagan, "a moral issue." The seemed to need spmething they archbishop favors a nuclear didn't even know they wanted. freeze. The television coverage was stun­ The pope sent a delegation to ning: The pope in his white caU on the president last Decem­ robes, kneeling beside the arch­ ber to express his concern about bishop of Canterbury in Can­ "the breathtaking spiral in arma· terbury Cathedral; meeting with ments." Scottish religious leaders in Glas­ The reviews of the visit of the gow, under a portrait of John self-proclaimed "herald of peace" Knox; holding a crowd in the were rapturous. Said the arch· palm of his hand in Cardiff, in bishop of Canterbury, "He has the heart of Welsh Methodism. chang'ed the map of Christian Probably his greatest stroke was to venture a few words in Welsh, a language so difficult the Welsh themselves can scarcely speak it. By the time of his last appear· ance, it was all over.

unity." It was a hard act for Ronald Reagan to follow. But at least he now knows that it is'possible to win hearts - if not minds ­ and have a cosmic smash on your hands if you play it right.



Friday, June 18, 1982

Letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reservea the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a h.OIne or buslneis eddress.


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REUGIOUS MINISTRY VOL~NTEERS at St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford; are recognized at eighth annual Festival of Appreciation. From left, Dennis Marotte, a eucharistic minister who visits patients preparing for surgery; Father Kevin F. Tripp, coordinator of religious ministry; Mrs. AIda ~ayward, the volunteer with long~st service. The ministry has 75 volunteers engaged in office work and visiting patients. Many are eu­ charistic ministers. Speakers at the festival, held 'at the diocesan Family ,Life Center, Were hospital administrators and ministry chaplains.

.Continued from Page One to 62 percent in France anc,t 58 percent in Denmark. - Seventy-one percent of Americans believe in life after, death, compared to 43 percent in Europe and ,40 percent in Jap­ an: In contrast,' only 67 percent of Americans believe in hell, but this was much more than the 23 percent in Eurppe or the 15 per­ cent in Japan. . - Respondents were asked to rate, on a scale of 1-10, how important God is in their lives. More Americans than any other nationality rated the importance of God as 10 - 48.percent, with 70 percent of U.S. blacks and 64 percent of U.S. 'Hispanics giving the 10 rating. Americans were the highest of all countries (av­ erage rating, 8.21), followed by South African whites (8.55), South African blacks (8.45), the Republic of Ireland (8.02), North­


of voie

ern· Ireland (7.49) and Italy no absolute guidelines. In Eu~ rope, only 26 percent agreed (6.96). ,The lowest were Den­ mark (4.47) and Sweden (3.99). that there were· absolute stan­ - Respondents 'were asked dards. Ireland was the highest with 34 percent' agreement. for each of the Ten Command­ ments whether they ~tiP, applied - Given a choice, 72 percent fully to them today.. Responses of Americans would opt for per­ in the Unite.d, States .were clos-. ' sonal freedom rather than equalest to those in Irel&nd, and the ity, which was' chosen by only greatest contrast was with 20 percent. Equality was defined France. as "nobody is underprivileged - More than half, 51' percent, and social class differences are of Americans believe that moral not so strong." Great Britain was rules should guide sexual acti­ almost identical to' the United vity. Europe was less emphatic States, with 69 percent choosing about sexual guidelines, ranging personal freedom, compared to from a low of 32 percent in 49 percent in Europe overall. In France to a high of 61 percent both Spain and Italy, more peo­ in 'West Germ~ny of people Who ple favored equality over free­ favor moral rules. ' dom. - Only 34 percent in the - Eighty percent of those in United States agreed'that there the United States said they were are absolutely clear guidelines proud to be American, in con­ about good and evil applying to trast to only 38 percent of Euro­ everyone in all circumstances, peans who expressed pride in while 59 percent said there are their nationality. Funding for the study, which cost more than $1 million, came from church organizations, foundations, industry and govern­ ment.


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Continued from page one , - "A father is a husband al­ so. He must always nourish a 'private and personal relationship with his wife." . , Bishop Quinn quoted a, young father writing in the Christo­ pher News Notes: "All evidence of love is important, but there is no substitute for the direct express.ion of love in cuddling and embracing a child. "I never fully understood what James Joyce meant when he wrote, 'I desire to press in my arms the loveliness which has not yet come into the world,' ur­ til I sat cradling my newborn son in my arms:"

Dear Editor: I would publicly like to ex­ press my thanks and gratitude to Father McCarrick, administrator of St. John's Cemetery, Fall River, for the work he has ac­ complished in the cemetery in the short time since he assumed this responsibility. For those of us who have fam­ ily interred at this cemetery, to see it in such an orderly and dignified condition at Memorial Day is gra~ifying. He is a man of his word, and my 'family join me in expressing 'this gratitude. Mrs. Anthony J. Geary Fall River "II01II11II11I1II1"''''"III11:I1II11II11I1I1I1II1'UIIIIIIIIIIIIII'"I11''''IIII'''',,'."'., •• '.11I·11,' ......

FATHER ROBERT Mc­ DONNELL, CSC, pastor of ,Holy Cross Church; South Easton, marked his silver jubilee of ordination on June 6. Born in Monongah, W. Va., he served in the. U.S. Navy during' World War II, then earned a bach­ elor's degree in engineerjng at. the University of West Virginia. He entered the Holy ,Cross community in 1951 'and was ordained in . 1~57 in Bndgeport, CT: '. He taught on the high school level, was a member and .then superior of the. Holy Cross Eastern Province Mission Band and was named assistant provincial of his community before his appointment to Holy Cross parish in 1980. Father McDonnell offered a Mass of thanksgiving last Sunday at Holy Cross. On Tuesday some 150 priests and brothers of the Eastern Province of the community met at the parish for a joint celebration with him and 11 other members of his ordi­ nation class.

Pilgrim Continued from page one Toledo, Argentina's ambassador to the Holy See, and released by the Argentinian embassy to the Vatican. Galtieri, recalling Pope John Paul's urgent pleas for peace during his Argentinian visit, said, "The Argentine government wel­ comes with respect, gratitude and approval the hopes expressed by the head of the church and, agreeing with him, declares its most frank willingness to seek and to consider any initiative that can bring about a satisfactory and definitive solution to the conflict provoked." "In that framework," the mess­ age continued, "Argentina con­ firms its support of the efforts carried out by the United Na­ tions to arrive at a fair settle­ ment of the question and con­ tinues to be willing to accept an

immediate cease-fire, followed

by a quick and mutual with­ drawal of the forces. "This would be an indispen­ sable move for the establishment of an 'honorable and just peace' and one that 'goes beyond the silence of arms,' as the message of Your Holiness longed for," Galtieri added. The phrase quoted by Galtieri referred to a definition of peace given by the pope during an ad­ dress in Argentina. The pope's Argentine trip, however, was more than a call to end the Anglo-Argentine con­ flict.' It was a' plea to world leaders to avoid all wars and go to the negotiating table, where victories are not measured in •human lives. "I am coming here as the pil­ grim of difficult moments," the pope said at the Marian Shrine of Our Lady of Lujan, the na­ tion's most popular religious site, located about 35 miles from Buenos Aires. He told people to turn to Mary for comfort and as an intercessor for peace. The pope returned from his 30­ hour visit to Argentina with re­ newed calls for peace' in an­ other world trouble spot, Leb­ anon. He said he was ready to go there if it would bring peace. "People are not called' to fight and destroy each other, but to understand each other and agree to live peacefully," the pope said Sunday in an Angelus talk before some 30,000 people in St. Peter's Square. Then, on Tuesday, only 45 hours after his return from Ar­ gentina, the pope flew to Swit­ zerland for a 12-hour visit and a plea for the right of workers to join unions. Telling 1,800 delegates. at the International Labor Organiza­ tion's annual conference that the freedom of workers to organize is a fundamental human right, the .pontiff said that "it is severe­ ly threatened, often fl.outed." To his address to the ILO, con­ demning unemployment and de­ fending establishment of such free trade unions as the now-re­ pressed S'olidarity union in Po­ land, the pope used the word "solidarity" 51 times. "Transcending systems, re­ gimes and ideologies trying to regulate social relations I have proposed a way, a way of solid-

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-FrL, June 18, '1982


O'ROURKE Funeral Home


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~ ~

PARTIeIPANTS IN Parish Renewal training program

conducted by Father Chuck Gallagher at,La Salette Center, Attleboro, meet with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. From left, Father Richard R. Gendreau, the bishop, Father John A. Gomes, Father James W. Clark. (Baptista Photo)

Hispanic festival The diocesan Hispanic com­ munity will join in a festival in honor of St. John the Baptist from Friday, June 25, through Sunday, June 27, at Regina Pacis Center, 171 Rivet St., New Bed­ ford. Representatives of' the His­ panic apostolate in Taunton and the Attleboros are expected to join New Bedford members in spiritual, cultural and social ac­ tivities. They will include Masses, blessing ceremonies for children and the sick, block dances, dra­ matic, music and dance presen­ tations, a parade, crowning of a festival queen and children's games. Hispanic foods will be available throughout the three­ day event. Bishop Lawrence Graciano, OFM, a former missionary bishop , in EI Salvador now working with the Hispanic community in New York City, will preside and preach at the feast and will con­ duct the blessing ceremonies. Mass will be offered at 6 p.m. the first night of the festival and at 10 a.m. on Saturday and Sun­ day. The -Saturday Mass will be follo~ed by the blessing of the sick and the Sunday Mass by the blessing of children and a noon parade. . Friday's ~ramatic presenta­ tion, at 7 p.m., will be titled "1982: 800 Year~ .after St. Fran-

cis and 450 Years after Guada­

lupe." Saturday's program, also at 7 p.m." will be titled "Ana Maria." Sunday's offering, at 2 p.m., will feature Hispanic music and dance. Organizers say the festival will be "an expression of a typi­ cal Latin American feast." All are welcome to attend.",·"

81. Anne

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Outstanding parochial school graduates at· St. Anne's parish, Fall River, were recognized at graduation ceremonies. Home and School Association achieve­ ment, citizenship and scholar­ OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS : ship awards went to Jennifer : Franco, Paula Sampson, Michelle Gagnon and Philip Michaud. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I Home and S'chool scholarships , " were awarded to Denise Trem­ blay and Christine Arruda. St. Anne's Credit Union Citi­ zenship Awards went to Pauline. ~ Benevides and Christiaan Con­ forti. Miss Conforti also merited to the J. Roger Mercier Creative Writing Award, as did Kristine Rocha. The St. Anne's Parish Commit­ The KEY Program Says Thank You tee Ernest J. Lavoie Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Dar­ To An Its Foster Parents lene Pereira. Altar Boy Service Awards went If Others Would Care To Share to Marc' Bileau, Chris Charette and Omer Demers.. lhemse~ves And Their Homes

• •• •

. . . . .

• •• •


On Father's Day



arity . . . the solidarity of the world of labor," he said at one point. "The right to free associa­ tion is a fundamental one for all those who make up the working community." He praised the ILO, which had been denounced as capitalistic by the official Polish press only three days earlier. A year before the pope's ad­ dress, detained Solidarity leader Lech Walesa had used the same podium at the ILO to address the labor group. Communist delegations were

• •.;,

··• ., i• SUMMER SCHOOL i• :

observed noting with cold re­

serve the applause given the

pope by other delegations when

John Paul arrived. One member of the Polish delegation was seen

clapping, however.

Vatican sources later said the

pope's address was intended as

a strong reference to government actions against Solidarity. The remainder of the pope's

day in Switzerland, which ended

with an evening Mass, was de­

voted to meetings with various international organizations head­ quartered in Geneva.

With Needy Adolescents, We Would


To Hear From You.






The KEY Prog'ram, Inc. . · FALL RIVER, MASS. · (617) 675·0686



. .

· .· ~.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 18, 1982


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For Reservations



Elderly religious studied

But only five percent of reli­ WASH!NGTON (NC) A survey of religious orders in the gious .orders said' they are cur­ United States has found that 8'1.7 rently in a crisis situation with percent of orders taking part regard to their ability to provide must use current operating re\:,­ for their elderly' and incapacita­ enues to take care of their aged ted. An additional 3.8 percent anticipated a crisis within three and infirm members. . years, while more than 30 per­ . Women's religious orders re­ port that 27 percent of operating cent. said they did not see the revenuesl are used for the care problem as a crisis now or in . of older members and that this the future. The survey was made through . pays for 68 percent of their care. Among religious orders for men, a questionnaire sent last October the comparable percentages are to 914 congregations, provinces, monasteries and abbeys on the 13 and 58. The "S\Jrvey of' Retirement Offjcial Catholic Directory mail­ Concerns of Religious Institutes ing list. Immaculate Heart of in-the United States" was con· . Mary Sister Frances Mlocek of ducted under the joint auspices the Leadership ~onference of of / the National Conference of Women Religious developed the Catholic Bishops-U.S. Catholic questionnaire. Conference, the Leadership Con­ A total of 504 questionnaires, ference of Women Religious and r~presenting 55.1 percent of the the Conference of Major Super­ religious orders,. were returned iors of Men. in time for processing. These 504 The purpose of the survey 'was general and provincial superiors to develop a picture 'of retir~-' are associated with 75 percent of ment concerns in religious otders the total number· of men and and to' identify those orders women Religious in the country. which are in a financial crisis re­ Of the respondents 31.5 per­ . lated to such costs.. cent are men Religious and 68.5 The survey found that the me· percent are women. The major-{ dian age of active Religious is ity, 64.9 percent, are engaged in rapidly rising, that many of these the ministry of education. Religious will themselves. be re­ A significant part of the ques­ tired in relatively few ye.ars and tionnaire pertained to the en· that they are not being replaced rollment of Religious in the by new recruits. This means that Social Security system. Until 10 the number of Religious in the years ago, Religious with the active income-producing category .. vow of poverty were excluded is going down at the same time by law from Social Security. But that· .retirement costs are going in 1972 the law changed to al­ up. low religious orders to enter tlie system as orders; individual re­ Iigioushave no option. . Since then, the stipend earned by a religious has belonged di­ rectly. to the order, which is con­ sidered by _the Social Security WASHI1'lGTON (NC) The U.S. CathOlic: Mission Association has released a statement saying in part: "in Central America there seems to be no end to a situation of oppression, poverty, unjust distribution of wealth and of land;. no. end ·toforeign inter-' vention which' supports the sta­ tus quo.

Latin l~nds examined

Administration to be the "em­ ployer" of all its members. The order pays both employer's and employee's halves of the con­ tribution to Social· Security. Jfhe contribution is based not on the size of the stipend, but on the average cost of room, board and other personal expenses. on be­ half of the members of the order. The study found that a larger percentage of women's orders than men's orders are enrolled in the Social Security system and th~t they have been' enrolled longer. It attributed this. to the greater average longevity of women and said women may have perceived the need for re­ tirement income as more immin­ e~t because of the median age of women Religious is higher than that of men Religious. The survey found that 27.3 percent of orders have entered' into a trust, annuity or insurance plan to provide retirement bene­ fits to their members. The study found also that as of 1981 less than five percent of. religious in ttl-is country are un· der 30 (8.4 percent of the men are under 30, but only 3.1 per­ cent of the women). Almost 52 percent of religious over. 60 are still active. The study noted that "55 per. cent of the religious who are over 60 and still active are still re­ ceiving a salary and that this group represent!? 29 percent of all salaried religious." The study .pointed out that "it will not' be too many years before these religious retire and that 65.5. percent of the funding for retire­ ment comes from current opera­ ting revenues." It called, the fig­ ures "sobering."

"The killing of people goes on, torture is still inflicted, human rights' are violated, fear is ram-. pant, .missionaries are constantly watched and apostolic work (by laity) is curtailed, and in some areas totally stopped," the as­ sociation said after its first gen­ eral assembly. "We. reject the notion that growing stockpiles of arms can procure security for people and for countries," the statement said. . The association represents 700 congregations of the Leadership Conference of Major Superiors of Men. Together they sponsor the work of 6.324 mission~ries abroad, half of them in Latin America. The association commended' U.S. insistence on having mod­ erates in the government of EI Salvador' and on respect for hu­ man 'rights in Guatemala but objected "to sending arms and military equipment to any gov­ ernment in that area, and to support for the aristocracif!s and multi-national corporations."

SOME RELIGIOUS communities anticipate problems in caring f<,>r aged or infirm members, such as &5-year-old Sister Rose Dominica, a retired science teacher who enjoys feeding squirrels at Ohio Dominican College,' Columbus, O. (NC Photo)



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 18~ 1982


One of the most far-reaching experiences the first pains of would go unassisted in the cur­ departments of the FaIl River or loneliness, as the symptoms of rent period of ft!deral, state and any diocese is that of Social Ser­ shock disappear and the feelings 10cal cuts in human services vices and Special A'postolates. of grief begin to emerge," point­ budgets. In this diocese its alphabetical ed out Kirwin. The support of diocesan Cath­ scope extends from adoption as­ "Bridge to Other Widowed olics, he said, "truly reflects sistance to urban apostolates. meets the widowed person at this Christ's' command to tove thy Coordinated by Father Peter critical turning point," he said. neig~bor." N. Graziano, executive director, the department is headquartered Durfee !Falmouth in FaIl River and has satellite Attleboro~ offices in New' Bedford, Attle­ National~ boro and Centerville. Because of distances involved, Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. outreach activities are probably more of a problem on Cape Cod than in any other area, says personable 'Peter D. Kirwin, di­ rector for the "narrow land!' ex­ tending to Provincetown and in­ cluding the islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. A member of St. Elizabeth Se­ ton parish, North Falmouth, he has been in charge of the Center­ ROUTE 6-between fait River and New Bedford ville office since last July. His off-duty involvements include the vice-presidency of the Cape One.of Southern New E~gICJnd/s Fill1est Facilities Cod Association for Retarded Citizens. Now Available fOl ' Listing human services offered by the Cape Cod Catholic Social BANQUETS, FASHION SHOWS, ETC. Services and its four fulltime and CAPE COlI) Social Services worker Sheila Barry (left) two parttime workers, Kirwin

FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER 636-2744 or 999-6984 expresses appreciation for the and Barbara O'Donnell, secretary, arrange details of adop­

tion placement.

funding supplied by "the faith­ ful of the diocese through the

The group members, varying in Catholic Charities Appeal."· age, background and outlook, He said the Cape office cur­ rently offers adoption services, share the common bond of ex­ counseling, supportive services periencing tJte fear, confusion or unwed parents and the and emptiness that accompany the death of a spouse. widowed, information and re­ Some 40 widowed individuals ferral information, refugee re­ s,ettlement assistance, and com~ were served by the program last year, he reported. . munity and individual advocacy Counseling Program services. Four foster homes are In 1981 the Cape office's pro-' available for temporary place­ fessional counseling program ment of newborns. scheduled over 800 sessions with Explaining the programs fur­ ther, he said that Sheila Barry 165 p!'!rsons. Marital stress, home-leaving, school adjustment, is in charge of the adoption ser­ separation and divorce; death, vice, which last year saw the in­ ception of home studies for 29 substance abuse and retirement couples or individuals and the were among issues presented by placement of 14 children, both the families, individuals' and American, and foreign-born, in couples served. Ma·ureen KeLly-Gantz, former adoptive homes. Devoting half her time to the Cape director James Carson and adoption program, Mrs. Barry's KirwiI'!' all with master's degrees remaining time goes to the 'in counseling or social work, agency's Unmarried Parents Sup­ , wer~ responsible for delivery of The most important work of a missionary is sharing the love' . portive Services. The program, this program. of Jesus Christ, the joy and hope He brings, and His promise of More than 250 requests for in­ serving over 35 women last year, eternal life. has grown to the extent that a formation about other social ser­ This is just what thousands of missionaries on every continent second halftime worker, Jane vices available on the. Cape such Price, was added to the staff in as housing, public assistance, do every day, for the neediest of our brothers and sisters. day care and elderly services December. Both women are par­ Please help Cprist's storytellers by praying and sacrificing for ents and hold' master's degrees were' handled by Catholic Social the Missions. in counseling and certificates in Services, many by secretary re­ ceptionist Barbara O'Donnell, family therapy. ANCH 6/18/82 They afford unwed mothers who prior to joining the office last year was director of Birth­ "the chance to come to an in­ YES, I want to help tell the story of Jesus. Enclosed Is my sacrifice of: dividual decision in a supportive right of Cape Cod. 0$2,400 0 $1,200 0 $600 0 $300 0 $150 0 $50 0 $25 0 $10 OOfth€lr context," said Kirwin. In addi­ The Cape office hopes even­ o I will send a monthly donation when possible. . . tion to providing counseling dur­ tual'ly to provide more direct ser­ ing pregnancy they help with vices to Martha's Vineyard and Name -.:.. _ medical, financial, legal and liv­ Nantucket as well as to establish ing problems. satellite offices on the upper and Also an important Cape Cod 'lower Cape. The present office City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _ _ Zip office service is Bridge to Other is located in CenterviJ:Ie to per­ Ple&se ask the missionaries to remember the following intentions at Mass_ Widowed, a two-year-old out­ mit as equal access as possible reach program directed by social. to all Cape and Islands residents. Photo by leon v, Kolod 682 worker C. Corrigan, herself a Office hours are from Monday widow. ' through FrJday from 9 a.m. to 5 Send your gift to your Diocesan office of: Using the like-to-like approach, p.m. At other hours messages THE SOCI~TY FOR Bridge offers emotional support are recorded and handled as to the widowed at monthly dis­ promptly as possible. THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH cussion meetings usually attend­ Kirwi~ emphasized the grati­ ed by 15 to 20 persons. Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira tude of the Cape staff for dioce­ 3GB'North Main Street "When friends and relatives san aid though the Catholic Cha­ Fall River. MassachuseUs 02720 return to their own responsibili­ rities Appeat Without CCA 1 ­ ---' ties, the widowed person often funding, he said,' many in need









I I I I I I I· I I I I

I I I I I I I I I I !


,, •




'THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June .18, 1982

Coping with workaholics

By Dr. James and Mary Kenny

ONE HUNDRED YEARS to the day after the death of Bl. Paula Frassinetti, foundress of the Sisters of St. Dorothy, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin celebrated a Mass commemorating the event at Villa Fatima, Taunton, American provincial house of the community. With him are Sister Elizabeth Hayes, provincial superior, standing, and Sister Eduarda Oliveira, 95: who will mark 75 years in religious life on September 8. In the Fall River diocese the .Dorotheans staff Our ,Lady of Mt. Carmel School, New Bedford.


' ...~ - ."



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serious, they come" to feel that ters around the realization that Dear Dr. Kenny: ~y husband ,their job "can't get along" wit~­ most personal goals have already doesn't have time for his family out them. been ,achieved. S'ome men still A major problem with an ad­ respond by frantically trying to anymore. He eats and sleeps his job, especially since his promo­ diction to work is that, :unlike control the world through' over­ other addictions, excessive work work. The best solution is to ac­ tion to supervisor. ~ cept one's life situation and He brings work home with him is praised. Employers and cor­ evenings. He goes into the office porations encourage and love learn to enjoy what one has. If and when your husband is on weekends. He appears to be the workaholic, and they may reward him handsomely for his ready to change his total focus, preoccupied all the time. We have two high school-age addiction. Working day and appeal to his organizational children. I thought our married night may even be viewed as ability. He must be skilled in ,planning and arranging or he life would settle down and }Ne holy. The workaholic forgets that wouldn't have become a worka­ would develop some common in­ terests and grow closer together. "God himself rested on the holic. Now is the time to take' Instead, we are' drifting further seventh day, and in so doing, advantage of those talents. apart. made rest holy. In fact, li'fe must Let him plan leisure activities At first, n thought he must be a mixture of labor and leisure. for the family. He can work at not love me or maybe he was Uninterrupted labor destroys it. It is better to schedule breaks ha·ving an affair. Now n think other important life factors like than to submit to breakdowns. He may be able to transfer some it is just his job. It takes all his health and happiness and fam­ of his energy and enthusiasm time and drains all. his energy. ily. Uninterrupted labor' event­ from the job into organizing I worry about him. - D1inois. ually leads to burnout. Help your husband 'deal with weekends and vacations for him· Your husband sounds like a workaholic. Work, like alcohol; his addiction by being aware of self and his family. . Whatever his interests, the can become an addiction and the strengths present in the sit­ make a slave or prisoner of the uation. First of all, sooner or worka!!Qlic is an active person. person. A workaholic is a person later there will be a crisis. His You will never change him by whose need for work is so ex­ health will break Gown. He will suggesting that he "relax'" or cessive that it interferes'with his become unhappy and frustrated "stop working." You may be health, his happiness and his on the job. His marriage may be able to help him redirect his threatened. ' personal relationships. energy toward family, recreation You describe the symptoms of , Use the crisis to wake him up. or play. workaholism well. No time for A collapse in any of these areas Reader questions on family family and friends. Bringing may provide the impetus for him living and child care to be an· work home. Working a seven­ to rethink his overcommitment swered in print are invited. Ad· day week. to work. ~s The Kennys, Box 872, St. In addition, workaholics lose The crisis may be more subtle. Joseph's College, Rensselaer,lnd. the ability to play. Even more Midlife crisis for men often cen· 47978



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Continued from p~ge one rection. Weather contributed to a festive atmosphere as did the rare sight of Manhattan streets devoid of all traffic but marchers. Bands, dancing groups and many banners that qualified as works of art lifted the scene to beauty as did thousands of young marchers such as an ex­ uberant gro).lp of Quebecois who brought their message in French, chanting again' and again: "Nu- ' cleaire, n011 mercH" There were poignant signs: "My babies sent me," one man's read. And cheerful ones like a scrawled message taped to a drugstore wall: "We have to work, but we are with you." . Catholic participants in the march included Sisters' of Mercy, members of Pax Christi, an inter- ,. national Catholic peace movement, Benedictines· and Domini­ cans as weiI as many priests and i sisters not identified by organization or diocese. Some 30 Holy Union Sisters, eight of them from Fall River - and Taunton, marched. They car­ ried a spectacular banner sent by community"members in France and Belgium "who wanted to share the day with us," said Sister Ann Marie Philips of St. James Convent,' Nanaquakett, R.!. She said the banner, read· ing '''Oui a lil vie" (Yes to life), attracted wide attention along the march route. New York City assigned 5,000 police to the rally, the largest contingent ever to cover a single city event, but most had little to do except give directions to out of towners. The day was friendly and joy­







ous. As well as showing the" world what grassroots America thinks about the nuclear arms race, people had a plain good time. For Catholics, however, the day did not end with the Cen­ tral Park program that included speakers Coretta Scott King, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Father Robert Drinan, SJ, Barry Commoner and William Sloan Coffin; and enter­ 'tainers Jackson Browne, Bruce Springsteen, Linda Ronstadt, James Taylor, Joan Baez and Pete Seeger. Some 2,000 gathered on Satur­ day night at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle for Mass and a disarmament assembly, described as magnificent' by Sister Ann Marie. With a standing 'ovation the group, which included three Catholic. bishops, approved a statement endorsing the use of civil,disobedience in the strug­ gle for peace and justice. "Catholics should be clear that hon-violent' actions ~ndertaken outside the boundaries of civil law have a uniqu!,! place in U.S. history," the statement said. While such acts might disturb some notions of law and order, they were appropriate "when prayerfully discerned and re­ sponsibly undertaken," the state­ ment added. The assembly was organized by the New York chapter of Pax Christi. It began with testimonies from 12 sectors of the Catholic community. Then, following adoption of the assembly statement endors­ ing civil disobedience, Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of

Detroit, with Bishop Walter Sul­ livan of Richmond, Va., and Auxiliary Bishop P. Francis Murphy of Baltimore, celebrated the Eucharist for the feast of Corpus Christi. Bishop Gumbleton, national president of Pax Christi, said in concluding remarks that the ser­ vice brought participants the "something more" they would n~ed in taking up the disarma­ ment cause. The occasion came two days later, when more than 1,300 demonstrators, many represent­ ing church groups, were arrested for blockading entrances to the UN missions of five nuclear powers. . The demonstrators said their purpose was to "stop business as usual" at the missions, which house the various nations' repre­ sentatives to the United Nations. Jeff Smith.. a spokesman for the "June 14 Civil Disobedience Campaign," told a news confer­ ence following the blockades that people from religious groups were among the first arrested. Most were quickly released, to appear in court at a later date. Papal Message Last week, a day before the Manhattan rally, Pope John Paul II had told the UN Special Sess­ ion members that "peace is pos­ sible" but requires resolution of a pervasive world "ethical crisis." "And because peace is possible, peac~ is our duty, our grave duty, our supreme responsi­ bility," the pope said in a mess­ age read to the assembiy for him on June 11 by Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, his secretary of state.

St. Anne executives at CHA parley Sister Mary Patricia Sullivan, OP, president of St. Anne's Hos­ pital ,Corporation, Fall River, Sister Madeleine Clemence Vail­ lot, corporation clerk, and Alan D. Knight, the hospital's execu­ tive director, were among 1,200' hospital and nursing home ad­ ministrators at the 11 th annual Catholic Health Assembly, held last week in Boston. They heard Father Wa'lter Burghardt, SJ, theologian in resi­ dence at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., declare that Catholic health care ministry means treating the whole person, not just the body or just the soul. He said that Catholic hospitals must "retain a sense of under­ standing and wonder" in their ministry. John E. Curley Jr., Catholic Health Association president, an­ nounced the beginning of a CHA study aimed at developing an ethical code governing with­ drawal or withholding of medi­ cal treatment at all stages of life from conception to old age. In his address Father Burg­ hardt said health care workers must learn to listen, understand­ ing each individual's history and accepting their own brokenness. "Jesus understood not because he was the Son of God but be­ cause he was exquisitely human," he said. "Like Christ, you are a wounded healer." Curley told Catholic hospital administrators that "ours is a challenging future but hope-fill­ ed ... We have seen wonderful creative developments occuring in our membership and a new spirit of understanding that Cath­ olic health care is so unique, so valuable, it cannot be allowed to . falter.

Better than gold UTILE ROCK, Ark. (NC) ­ Mother Teresa of Calcutta, foundress of the Missionaries of Charity, visited a home for preg­ nant unmarried women here after receivi,ng a letter from the own­ ers requesting aid, and announced she would send four nuns to help staff the facility. During an early June visit to Little Rock, Mother Teresa spent two and a half hours inspecting Abba House, a year-old shelter founded by Jim and Pat Grabher ,in a personal effort to provide medical care and financial assis­ tance 'to young unmarried wo­

men considering abortion. From the second-floor balcony of the IS-room, three-story white frame building, Mother Teresa announced to a crowd of about 500 who stood outside the house

and prayed the rosary, "I have no gold or silver to give you, but I give you my sisters." The house has been without residents since January for lack of proper staffing.' Arkansas state laws require that an adult be with the girls at all times, a' requirement which the Grabhers say is more than they alone can handle. Their attempt to obtain a housemother was unsuccessful. The Grabhers', who live next door to' Abba House, have a 10­ year-old son and two daughters, 4, and 11 months.

"You, more than any other ministry, are most like Christ. You care not for mostly Cath­ olics but for all who are wound­ ed and hurting. You are abso. lutely essential to the church. You are absolutely essential to the people you care for and to the millions more who will never see you or enter your institutions but whose health care has been shaped by your presence." To be truly "Catholic" the Catholic hospital must promote holiness for patients and staff, according to Auxiliary Bishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk of Cincin. nati. ' The hospital's message, he said, should be: "We reach out to your pain and your suffering. We want to help make it go away but at the same time we want to help you understand its meaning and relate it to the Lord. We want to make this critical juncture in your life an experi~ ence of learning and growing in the Lord. "You don't have to hand out catechisms to all your patients but you are called to teach them about themselves and by impli­ cation at least about God through the manner in which you deal with their illness," added the bishop.

AUXILIARY B ISH 0 P James H. MacDonald, CSC, of Hamilton, Ontario, will ordain Rev. Mr. George Mul­ ligan and Rev. Mr. Eric Ruggiano as priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross VATICAN CITY (NC)-In an at 11 a.m. tomorrow at Holy effort to improve spiritua~ serv­ Cross Church, South Easton. ices in a rapidly moving world, Rev. Mr. Mulligan (top the Pontifical Commission for picture) is the son of Mrs. Migration and Tourism an­ nounced an expansion of special Dolores .Mulligan and the sacramental privileges for trav­ late Thomas Mulligan of elers. Bronx, N.Y. A graduate of The categories of travelers Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, liste<I in the new, decree include N.Y., he was a teacher be­ migrants, seamen and naviga­ ,tors, nomads, circus troupes, fore entering the Holy Cross traveling business people, airport community. He holds a mas­ employees and in-flight person­ ter of divinity degree from nel, air and ship passengers, the University of Toronto. tourists and pilgrims. At noon Sunday he will The decree alIso grants special faculties to chaplains working offer a Mass of thanksgiving with people in these categories. at St. Mary's Chapel of It grants the listed travelers a Stonehill College, North dispensation from the law on Easton, and on July 4 at fast and abstinence but urges them to perform "an adequate Most Holy Trinity Church, work of piety" and adhere to the Saco, Maine, where he was assigned for his deacon year. law at least on Good Friday. It also provides for plenary in­ In September he will be­ du1gences on cel'ltain feast days gin teaching at Immaculate for those involved in sea or air

High School, Danbury, CT. travel. To receive the indulgence, Rev. ,Mr. Ruggiano, (bot­ the traveler must recite the Our Father and the Creed for the tom picture), the son of Glo­ pope's intentions in the ship, ora­ ria and Andrew Ruggiano of tory or airport chapel on the Jamaica, N.Y., is a graduate designated feast days.

of Fordham University imd The faculties granted to chap­

of, divinity holds a master 'lains aHow them to hear confes­ sions "in any docation," to use degree from the University electric lamps instead of cand~es of Notre Dame. during Masses on board ships or He will offer his Mass of planes, ,to administer confirma­ at 10 a.m. Sun­ thanksgiving tion in certain cases and to cel­ ebrate Mass twice on weekdays day at St. Mary's Chapel. and three times on' Sundays or He will return to St. Ste­ holy days of obligation "if pas­ phen'S parish, South Bend, toral necessity requires it." Ind., where he served as a It a'lso al10ws the Eucharist to deacon, working primarily be kept in ships or trailers, "in with the Hispanic commu­ a place nevertheless secure and nity of the area. decorous."

Travelers get spiritual aid


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 18, 1982

'The church should be one' By Father Kenneth J. Boyle VATICAN CITY (NC) _ "The average Catholic senses that the church of Christ should be one and is upset that it is not," said a U.S. Scripture scholar. Msgr. Jerome Quinn, a participant in the International Theafogical Congress on Pneumatology (the study of the Holy Spirit), said the man in the pew has a sta,ke in the congress' discussions, despite its formidable title. "-Every week Roman Catholics say in the Creed that they beHeve in Ithe Holy Spiri,t 'who proceeds from the Father and the Son,' " said the 55-year-old Msgr. Quinn, who teaches, at St. Paul's Seminary in St. Paul, Minn. "But there are' hundreds of thousands of Christians," he continued, referring to the Ortho- c.,. dox, "for whom such an express- , ion of faith has been troublesome for centuries." The Orthodox refer, instead, to the Holy Spirit as proceeding from the Father alone. This historical difference, said Msgr. Quinn, is one reason the theological congress was called 'last month at the express wish of Pope John Paul II. . Explaining the difference in theological outlook and termin­ ology, Msgr. Quinn said: "His­ torically the' Orthodox have been concerned with preserving what is called the 'divine monarchy' within the Trinity, that is the absolute 'underived' role of the Father!" , "The Western church, on the other hand,'" he continued, re­ ferring to the Catholic Church, "has continually emphasized that the Holy Spirit comes as a result of the actions of Christ." The unfortunate thing, said the Ameri~an scholar, is that this difference in theological em­ phasis has been one of the things 'which has separated these tWQ ~ranches of Christendom for centuries.

"So theologians have now come together to discuss these perspectives," said Msgr. Quinn, "and, to tell you the truth, I'm surprised and pleased at the growing convergence of theological thought on the persons of the Trinity." Msgr. Quinn said the congress marks a "real step on the road to reunion" between the East and West. He foresees now an increased enthusiasm for con­ tinued theological discussion. "The pope told the partici. pants when he spoke to us that he wants us to go home and to continue to talk with each other and especially to involve our people in the discussions," said Msgr. Quinn. Pope John 'Paul, Msgr. Quinn believes, has shown a lively in­ terest in East-West reunion and is in a unique position to con­ tribute to it because of his East­ ern European origins. When Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox theologians meet at the level of the Rome congress, said Msgr. Quinn, "that's a rna­ jor step forward in terms of re- , union." And the av~rage Catholic, he continued, is pleased by such steps. !'For some reason," Msgr. Quinn said, "most Catholic lay people I meet are more interest­ ed in ecumenism than most priests. And most bishops are more interested than most priests. I don't really know why that is - maybe because priests deal with a lot of controversy in their daily routine, and, they don't want to take on any more." "But whatever .the reason, I think we're back to the old doc­ trine of trusting the 'sensus fid· elium' (consensus of the faith­ ful)." "The average 'Catholic," said the priest-scholar, "has the deep feeling that Christians should all be one family and that he'd be a lot more credible to the rest of the world if we were."

Church has the answer ~URIN, Italy (NC)-If a child is not medically capable of di­ gesting the wheat-flour host, how should he receive first Com­ munion? That was if:he question posed recently to Cardinal Anastasio BaHestrero of Turin by the ital­ ian Association for Celiac Chilo dren, an organiza;tion deaHng with the problems of youngsters who cannot digest glutens, the plant proteins found in many cereal grains, especially wheat. The answer, said the cardinal through an archdiocesan spokes­ man, lies not in hosts made from corn or rice, but in a sip of con­ secrated wine. "Our children cannot tolerate

glutens," said Mario Taddei,

president of the association, in

a 'letter to Cardinal Ballestrero. "This iHness requires the abso­ :lute suspension of all foods with glutens (pasta, bread, etc.), in-, eluding the hosts normally used in churches," the letter added. The archdiocesan reply came

through Fll;ther Aldo Marengo, "director of the liturgy office. "In such cases, instead of ,the host a UttIe consecrated wine can be offered to the communi­ cants while pronouncing the words, 'body and blood of Christ,'" Father Marengo said. "Bread of corn or rice, however, is not permitted." Celiac disease, which can cause severe intestinal problems and nutritional disorders, is not unusual among children one to two years old. Usually it dis­ appears within a few months to a year, but in some cases persists up to and past the age for first Communion.

Chairperson Assistant Professor Edward S. Vaughn Jr., has been named chairperson of the business ad­ ministration department of Stonehill College. He will serve for three years. ..




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 18, 1982

When skies are gray By Katherine Bird

Gradually she began to lose her usual zest for life. Her teen-age children paid at­ tention to her only when she de. manded it. At age 39 she had moved to a new city' when her husband was transferred. He had interest­ ing work with congenial associ­ ates' but she felt uprooted and a little resentful at being forced to find new friends. She registered at the local par­ ish but here too she was vague· Iy disappointed. She felt God was far away and not very in­ terested in her. . After' a while, her husband. noticed she was putting on


weight and had given up garden­ ing, something she had loved. He also noticed she was reacting strongly to problems she former­ ly had handled with ease. Once when he turned to her for sympathy alter an upsetting day at work, sfie responded by scolding him for leaving his cof· fee cup it) the sink unrinsed. He was stunned. On another occasion, while up­ braiding their son fo~ a trivial offense, she launched into a long litany of his wrongdoings, reach­ ing back to his early childhood. This too was unlike her. According to Father pouglas Morrison, director of the Pastor­ al Center at The Catholic Uni· . Turn to page thirteen

Feasting and fasting

'People worry about making ~ronglChoic:es .. ': They can feel pulled in every direction.'

When By Neil Parent

Our family knows a widowed mother of two teen-agers who moved several years ago from a large city to rural New England, saying she was tired of the fast pace and pressures of urban liv­ ing. She wanted a lifestyle allowing her and her children to spend more time together and to enjoy such pleasures as a walk in the woods. She also felt that urban living posed problems for the" Christian upbringing of, her children. She wanted a less matrialistic, com­ petitive and violent environment for them. Many of us' can identify with her. Perhaps we too have thought about leaving opr pres­ ent haried life behind and start­ ing afresh somewhere 'else, where things are simple~, quieter. Modern life is filled with pres­ sures: - The variety of options open to us. We are faced with a host of decisions that can have major consequences for' us' and for our children. For example, it used to be that after finishing school, one took the first .available job. Today, one can choose from a multitude of, career: possibilities .,... each having radically, differ­ ent' implications for· the future. . - The pace' ,.of . modern life: The rate at which technological and scientific develppmeptsoc; cur is steadily rising. For in­ stance, few . par~nts. feel· com­ fortable helping "their, children with modern math. ye.t the use of computers in Aeducation· is pound to expand and "will pose even more questions for parents. , ~. The growing complexity of society. Each activity demands a commitment of time 'and en­ ergy. The amount of telephon­ ing, car pooling and meetings invoived in arranging children's educational, recreational and social activities is overWhelming: Pressures can provoke con·' siderable anxiety.' People worry

By Father John Castelot

to them in verses 18 and 19 seem to have been added to the original story to bring it into of Mark begins with a contro­ line with the whole series of in­ versy about fasting. cidents involving Jesus and the Mark says some' people came , religious establishment. to Jesus and asked why his dis- . pres~ure At any rate, some people were ciples did not fast. John the Bap­ scandalized. To their way .of about making wrong' choices For the Christian, facing up to tizer's disciples fasted and so thinking, the conduct of John that may eventually prove decisions or other pressures can did the Pharisees, the people and his followers at least was noted. harmful to those they love. be a way of exercising faith. consistent with their preaching. They can feel pulled in everY Faith is lived and celebrated This is the first of many in­ But if Jesus was God's agent, direction by. persons ,and prob- each time a decision is made in dications that John the Baptizer why didn't he and his disciples had a recognizable group of de­ lems vying for attention. light of it. perform the expected acts of Like most o.ther things in life, But too many decisions can voted followers. religious observance? In fact, John's followers re­ pressures can be harmful; but in overload us and push us to the Jesus answ~rs with the help moderate amounts, they might point of anxiety. Indeed, we may mained recognizable long after of a common illustration - the be benefidal.They can be cata- even create additional pressures he was executed; later coming wedding feast that usually lasted into confiict with. the followers lysts for decision and action a!1d for ourselves by worryi~g . can be a"source''"o! personal test;;'-:- I whether or not we have acted 1ft of' Jesus.'~ They "practiced'~' a a full week. Jesus is alluded to as the' groom at the feast. ing and growth.' , a Christian way. . ' , rather rigorous asceticism. The feast V:'as a time of great Devout Pharisees fasted several In "The Road Less Travelled," Here, I think, is where Jesus psychiatrist M. Scott Peck instructions not to worry are times a week. But the,references Turn to page thirteen writes: "J>roblems call forth our pertinent. He asks us not to be courage and our wisdom; indeed, so absorbed in the pressures of they create our courage and our daily living that we neglect what wisdom. It is only because of is really important - our rela­ our problems that we grow men- tionship with God. tally and spiritually." We grow anxious under pres­ By Lawrence Cumiingham papacy. , sure because we -begin to feel Her life reflects the energy While still children, St. Teresa and daring of the 16th century, a as though success in life depends so much on our making all the of Avila and a brother, spurred time of vast discoveries ahd tum­ right choices. We feel somehow on by the lives of the saints, ultuous change. Both the explora­ that we must have complete tried to run away to seek martyr­ tion of the New World and the control of life if everything is dom at the hands of the Moors Protestant Reformation had a By Janaan Mant~ach in North Africa.. But, unhappily to work out. ' significant impact on her. for their plans, as,' they were There was a man named Jai­ Teresa entered the convent at 'But faith tells us that life is hurrying' through the streets of rus whose 12-year,0Id daughter not fully ours to control. Our life age 21. Throughout her life she Avila, they were caught and un­ was vt1ry sick. He was afraid she is. God's gift. ,We are always and was plagued by ill health, which ceremoniously returned home by was dying. at one 'point forced her to leave everywhere touched by his an uncle.' . Jairus' was a 'devout Jew. He boundless love for us. '. the convent for two years to reo 'That story gives an' early in­ had prayed that his daughter cupera(E: at the home of a sibling. Thus, Christians. might 'view diCation'of the future 'reformer's would get well, but she beca.m~ In her writings,' she calls her sicker. The best doctors could pressures' as '~opport'unities ,for det'erminationto 'seek God. Te­ ill health a "cross," and con­ rather tliai(as problems reS8WaS bofu in '-iSIS; 13 ye~rs no!, help' her.:,' , '" ,'. ' growth fesses 'how .discouraged she be­ ' , ' . '. to be masterea. 'after Columbus sailed' for the came 'at times. -"Maybe 'Jesus of' Nazare~p . 'God simpiy asks that, we do Americas under' 'the flag of her c;ould cure her," he thought., , Teresa described prayer as a 1alrus 'found: Jesus near the what we tan and rely upon him native Spainand'six years before for the res~.' , Turn to'. Page Martin Luther broke with the lake. lie tell on his knees before ,. Thirteen hini: '''Please''come and lay,your hands on my daughter," heb.eg­ ged. "She is' so ill."., ,' Jesus sensed the pain of Jai­ rus·. "Take me to your daughter," he said. , Jairus' heart began to beat faster. He stood up and led Jesus towards .his home. . Just . as 'they' 'turned the corner . \. onto his street,- some. relatives and close friends ran up to Jai~ rus. "Your daughter is dead!" they told him. Revealing their hopelessness, the'y added, "Why bother the teacher further?" Turn to Page Thirteen A story in the second chapter

gets' to you


.Teresa of Avila


II For. children

." I


know Y9urfaith

When' 'skies are gray

Continued from page twelve versity of America, this wOman could be responding to pressure during a transition time in her life. Father Morrison explained that pressure surrounds people throughout their' lives, some­ times marking the transition from one age to another, some­ times caused by transitions from one school to another, from school to work, from one state of life to another. In addition, Father Morrison thinks people experience a gen­ eralized pressure from society. In some countries, the' pressure is to join in a competitive and achievement-oriented way of life. Such overrideing stress affects people from childhood on, begin­ ning at home and spilling over in school and at work, he added. People can't avoid all pressure, of course, and Father Morrison notes that it is "essential for growth. We need the force of pressure to drag us up from point A to point B." For .instance, he continued, the woman described above might muddle for a time, vaguely dis­ satisfied. Then something quite specific may happen - possibly the ill­ ness or death of a parent or close friend - shaking her into the recognition that "her present is not very satisfying - and the future looks worse." The woman may then seek to change her life, reaching out to others for help. At this point, according to Father Morrison, it is critical for people to gain perspective on what is happening. Normally, he said, people do this by talk-

For children

ing over how they are feeling with other persons - with their spouse, a neighbor, a relative. Therefore, iildividuals need some kind of support system. Father Morrison said par.ishes have had a lot of success in pro­ viding support by putting to­ gether people who are going through similar crises. In a group where members "have as much likeness as possi­ ble," trust can be built more easily, he concluded.



THE ANCHOR .... Friday, June 18, 1982




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Teresa Continued from page twelve "conversation between friends." After 20 years in the convent, she experienced what she calls a "second conversion" which led her to seek a more perfect life of prayer and contemplation. Thereafter, 'her rapid advance in the spiritual life as well as her forceful personality made her a natural reformer of religious life. Beginning in 1562, she worked untiringly against strenuous ob­ jections to found reformed Car­ melite convents all over Spain. By the time of her death in 1582, Teresa had founded more than 16 convents where Carmelite sisters pursued lives of mystical prayer in simplicity and poverty. Contemporary Carmelite mon­ asteries are direct spiritual des­ cendents of those reformed con­ vents founded by Teresa. Historians and writers have been intrigued by the pithy and forthright character of Teresa. Despite the seriousness of her life and the intensity of her work, she was humorous and down-to-earth. Once, when bucked from a mule she was riding, she cried out, "Lord, if this .is how you treat your servants, it is no won­ der you have so few!" She once. wrote about self~ styled saints who frightened her "more than all of the sinners I have ever met." Despite lack of formal educa­ tion, Teresa was an energetic and original writer. In addition to her autobiography, she wrote such masterpieces as "The Way of Perfection" in 1565 and "The Interior Castle" in 1577. Next year the 400th anniver­ sary of Teresa of Avila's death will be celebrated. She is a wo­ man whose intense interior life and whose writings led Pope Paul vi to name her a doctor of the church. This elite list contains only one other woman, St. Catherine of Siena. .

Continued from page twelve But Jesus touched Jairus on the shoulder. "Fear is useless," said Jesus. "What is needed is trust." In a few moments they reach­ ed the house of Jairus. Jesus heard cries from the mourners inside. He went in and said "Why do you make this noise? The child is not dead. She is asleep." The mourners scoffed. They were quite sure the girl was dead. But Jairus and his .wife then took Jesus into their daugh­ ter's room. Jairus began to cry loudly when he saw the still body of his daughter. His wife wept softly. Jesus went over to the bed. He bent down and took the girl's hand in his. "Talitha, kouml" he said gently but firmly. In Ara­ maic, the language they all spoke, Jesus' words meant WASHINGTON (NC) - Dale "Little girl, get up!" Francis, 65, Catholic journalist The girl immediately sat up. and author and recipient of the

She climbed out of bed and first St. Francis de Sales Award

walked around the room. Jairus , from the Catholic Press Associa­

and his wife looked at her with tion, has resigned as editor of amazement and rushed to hug the Catholic Standard, news­ her. . paper of the Archdiocese of "She looks hungry," Jesus Washington. Francis, who had said. "You might give her some­ edited the paper since 1978, said' thing to eat." He told them not that he is not retiring. but resign­ to tell anyone what had hap­ ing from the paper to devote pt;!ned. time to other activities, such as "God be praised," Jairus pray­ writing books and whatever else ed out loud. "providence has in mind,"

Francis resigns



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Display of TVs


1. Human tissue (Matth"" 16,17) 6. Wssksr, (Genesis 30 .42) 8. Know (Luks 12,15)

9. Printer' B measure 11. Writing strumsnt () John 1.1) 12. PrOlll1ss or pledge (Acts 18,18)

13. Vsrbalizs (Mark 11'31) 15. Progsncy (Matthsv 13.24) 16. Hal! or an em 17. City in Asher (Osnssis 49,13) 19. Supply hoosS (Luko 12,24) 20. Dnvid' s brother (1 SOlllusl 16,8) 23. Light brown 24. City in Judoh (1 Ghroniolos 4,12) 27. Father or Shuppin (1 Chronicleo 7.12) 28. Noutsr pronoun (_lotions 8.12) 30. Plural pronoun (Matthsv 6,12) 31. Pitch 33. Notes and ohatchee

)4. Son at the morning (Ioaiah 14,12) )7. Dollkoy (John 12,14) )9. Svap (Re""lotiollB 18.17) 40. Son at Shobal (Geneoio )6,2) 42. An article 4). Son at Korah (Bxoduo 6,24) 47. Tho ond (Z) (_lotions 1,8) 49. A gull or tsrn SO. Broad (Matthew 7,1) . 51. Son at Johdai (1 Chronioloo 2.47) S2. Liko (Matthov 21.6) . 5). One at Dnvid'o priost (1 Chronioleo 24.18) 56. Toro apart (Matthov 9.16)

17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 2S. 26. 29. )2. )).

)5. )6. )8.

41. 42.

44. 45. 46. 48. 54.


A Returnae with Zerubbnbel (Ezra 2,4) A oity in Oalileo (Luke 7.11) A poet or pillar To wash Centor or the mind Female oheep (Lavit1cuo 22,28) liax (Grook) Johu's captain (2 Kingo 9.2S) Returnoe with Zerubbabol (Nohemiah 7'7) Like (Matthew 2116) To lobol (Matthov 1'2) Droadsd (Aota 5.26) Toboggans To bend to P....... (PhiUppians 2'10) Alcoholics anonymous . Simeon's surname (Aote 13 ,1) To anoint • Son at Zerah (l Kings 4.)1) Oreek goddooo at oarth noutsr pronoun (RevolotiOllB 8.12) Like (Matthew 21.6)





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1. Not many (Mark 6.S) 2. Depart (Hark 10.7) ). l)th IsraeUts ststicm (Numbers )).)4) 4. !tilled (1 John ).12) , S. HasculillB pronoun '(Matthew 1,21) 6. Hud guard 7. sap at pine tree 8. IeraoUts ststion (Numbero 21,16) 10. Son at Japheth (Gensoio 10,2) 11. A camnon laborer 14. Tenth Hebrew month 15. Sizo (Luke 2,52)

Feasting .and· Continued from page .twelve joy. Fasting would be out of place. But there is more to Jesus' an­ swer. It points to his identity. The wedding feast was a fami­ liar image for the reign of God. It would suggest to those with ears to hear that the reign had dawned with Jesus. Even more, the allusion to him­ self as the groom would have re­ called the Old Testament pass­ ages in which Yahweh (God) himself was portrayed as the groom who wanted to be re­ united with his faithless bride, Israel. Certainly, Mark's Christ­ ian readers would have under­ stood the words that way. However, in verse 20, the an­ alogy is broken. Jesus and his apostles might, not have fasted, but the early Christians did. Why? Mark seems to tell us something about that now. . When a wedding feast was fin­ ished, the groom was not "taken away" from his guests. But the early Christians felt as though that had happened. For them. the real wedding feast would take place at the time of the


second coming of Jesus. In the meantime, they fasted in antici­ pation of his return. For the reader, this part of the account brings the cross into focus once more - a recurrent theme for Mark. Finally, two little parables are told - - one about a patch on an old cloak, the other about new wine in old wineskins. The secorid'is very familiar: "No man pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does so, the wine will burst the skins and both wine and skins will be lost. No, new wine is poured into new skins." The parables were added to bring out the general principle implicit in the fasting contro­ versy. They do not deny the contin­ uity of the new order of things with the old. Concern is express­ ed for the old cloak and the old .wineskins. But they indicate that Jesus' spirit of religion calls not just for' a patch-up job, but for complete renovation. So powerful is this spirit that the old forms cannot contain it. New wine. must be poured into new skins.








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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 18, 1982

./teering pOintl

PUBLICITY CHAIRIIIEfJ are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02n2. Name of city or town should be 'included as well as full dates ·of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: .We do' not carry

news 'of fundralslng activities such as .bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy· to carry notices of spiritual

programs, club meetings youth proJects and

similar nonprofit actiVities. Fundrafslnll pra­ jects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office. tele8hone 675-7151. . n Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River. NB indicates New Bedford.


PETER CHARRON is congratulated by Bishop Stang High School Principal George Milot as highest senior div­ ision scorer in a science fair held recently at Bishop Con­ nolly High. His project demonstrated the effct of reside,ntial heating oil on microscopic marine plants. A June,graduate, he plans to study industrial pharmacy at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo)

Caring is what counts

Work isprog·ressing on the parish Mary Garden with its first .two 'Phases targeted' for completion this fall. The parish Is prepar~ng to renovate a house neaI the rec­ tory for use as a religious cen­ te;r, making it possible to expand the adult education program. Cub Scout Parvuli Dei Awards will be presented at 5:15 'P.m. Mass ,tomorIow. ST. ANNE, FR

Honoring the feast of 'the Sa­ cred Heart, the Blessed Sacra­ ment will be exposed after 11:30 a.m. Mass today and an hour of adoration will take place from

2 to 3 p.m. A bloodmobile will be held ,in the school cafeteria' from ~ a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. New Home arid School Asso­ ciation officers are Denise Ko­ chanski,' president; Donald Val­

court, ,vice-presideilt; Dolores Lyne, treasurer; 'Lola Valcourt

and Diane Diogo, secretaries. A Weloome Home Mass will be offered at 6:30 p.m. Sunday for retreatants and team mem­

bers on retreat this weekend; .


Lectors and eucharistic minis­ ters will meet at 7:30 p.m. Mon­ day, June 28, at the rectory. BL. SACRAMENT, FR

Bishop Frederick Hall will speak at Masses the weekend of June 26 and 27 on behalf of the African missions.

Parishioner JacOb Strunk is ST. STANISLAUS, FR leaving today ona bikeathon A Mass for·the closing of the that will take him to Prince school year ,is scheduled at 8:30 Edward Island, N~va Scotia, in this morning, followed by distri­ support of the Father Rene Ap­ bution of report cards. preciation Fund Drive for the

parish school; Parishioners will . SS. PETER & PAUL, FR follow his route, which will go.

The annual parish festival will through New Hampshire, Maine' take and Vermont en route to Canada, day~ place tomorrow 'and Sun­ on maps at the church entrance. The spiritual life committee Strunk, 66, began cycling in 1978 for 'his health and has .will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in logged as much as 10,000 miles the ·rectory. Parishioners are invited to a annually since that time. -prayer service and reading of a SECULAR FRANCISCANS, NB school "·prophecy" at 10 a.m. . Our Lady Q1Jeen of Angels' Wednesday. Fraternity wUl meet for forma­ A newly organized Rosary tion and business meetings fol­ Makers' Guild is headed by Wil­ lowed by Mass at 10:30 a.m. Sun­ liam O'Neil, moderator; John day at Our Lady's Chapel, 600 Dolan, president; Colleen Hy­ Pleasant St. Prospective mem­ land, vice-president; Joan MI­ bers are welcome. chaud, secretary; Muriel Berry­ man, treasurer. . DOmNICAN LAIT)", FR St. Rose of Lima Chapter'will meet at 7:30 tonight at Domini­ can Convent, 37 Park St. The gathering will begin with Mass. ST. JOSEPH, NB

. The .pal1ish prayer group will hold healing Masses' at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 23 and. 30. Prayer meetings will follow.. A week of devotion to the Sacred Heart closes at 7 o'clock Mass tonight. LEGION OF MARY, NB


An intercessory prayer group is being formed under the lead­ ership of Marina Orosz. A peti­ tion box for prayer requests will be at the church entrance, and will be placed at the altar dur­ ~ng each Mass. Additionally, group members will pray daily for the ·requests to be granted. ST•. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FR

T·he alumnae association of the hospital's former school of nursing, which disbanded in .1980, is being reactivated and former members are being ·sought. Alumnae are asked to send names (including maiden name, if married), addresses and year of graduation to Sister Irene Therese Brodeur, OP, 795 Middle St., F'all River 02722.

A holy hour will be held at 5:30 tonight at· St. Joseph's more than that which they seek. By Cecilia Bellmgel' Church, New Bedford.. All wel­ "Everybody likes to.know that There is a song, "Lost in the '.

come. somebody. cares." Stars," that describes the human REGIONAL ULTREYA, NB

predicament. The fear it ex­ "But that's not enough." New editors of the Oasis news­ "That',s all there· is." pres.ses is that God may have ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT . letter are J.P. and Terry Tet­ gone away and left· us. on a The.abov~ bits of cgnversation . Cast members of the recent reault. Ultreya meetings will parish musical, plus their fam­ spinning planet, lost in the stars, were from a program I was half­ not be held .during July and are -invited t9 ajpizzaparty ,-August.' ; ~A SALETTE SHJ;tINE, ..

. listening to. ·But; they made me with only flickering lights in ilie!! tonight in the parish center.'


dark of n~ght and the wind the sit up and take notice. I thought Slides from the performance will ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN

A summer scripture course be shown. .

about them and I feel they are howling. All are welcome to a 'SHOP entitled "Paul and the Church of . "I would There is a hymn: An appreciation night for ceo profound. In them is expressed appreciation night to be' held Corinth" will be held at 10 a.m. be true; for there are those who teachers, helpers and their guests from 8 to 10 p.m. tomorrow at each Thursday, beginning June much of Christian theology. will take place Saturday, June 24, in the shrine cafeteria. It will the school. A youth once said to me, trust me, I would be pure, for 26, in the center, follow,ing 6:30 be conducted by Brother Philip Congratulations are extended there are those who care . . . " p.m. Mass. ' . Saloils, MS. Information: 222­ "People who are too busy on re­ to Mrs. Charlotte Silv,ia who Young people have written me 5410. ceived a Bronze Pelican award the outside of their homes care that they have often restrained SACRED HEART, FB, at recent diocesan ceremonies very little about those on the in­ Today is the parish's patronal for. adult leaders of youth organ­ themselves from unworth'y acts side. Sure, they keep' telliJig you feast.. A eucharistic holy hour 'izations. will be held at 6:30 p.m., fol­

'I'm doing it all for you' but they by the 'knowledge that their par­ lowed at 7:30' p.m. by a special ST. THOMAS MORE,

never ask you if that's what you ents or someone else· cared. ~NOXVILLE, Tenn. (NC) ­ Mass. A coffee hour will then SOMERSET

warit. Sometimes parents are too , "When nobody cares," as one take place in the rectory.

. The 8 a.m. daily Mass 'has been The parish council of Immacu­ all sorts of things said, "you do busy with other people's' con­ The CCD program is in need discontinued for the'summer. On late Conception Church, which you wouldn't do otherwise." of teachers and teachers" aides. days calling for air condi tioning, cerns and not their own." overlooks the site of the 1982 " I heard a mother say, "The Information: 678-0873. Masses will ·be held in tl)e parEverybody 'likes to know that world is too much, with me and World's Fair, has 'decried evic­ isI:1 center. . FAMILY LiFE CENTER, . somebody cares and they like I'm' not enough with my family." tions of regular tenants by land­ Volunteers are needed for the N.DARTMOUTllI to be told n~w. ·and then. We talk She said she was so depleted' and lords eager to make quIck profits CCD progr:am. Those interested . An Emmaus day of recollec­ a great deal about justice and frazzled when she got home Hon will take place from' 2 to ,9 "ar·e asked to contact the rectory.. by renting to tourists. The coun­ rights and privacy and if one from worK that her first words p.m: tomo~row. cil called the practice a "great ST. MARY, SEEKONK injustice," citing serious hard­ were to take' our rhetoric at were. "I want to' be 'alone fOf Old bed linens aild tabl~cloths K OF C, FR face 'value he or she would con­ Knights of Columbus Co.u.ncil are needed for making bandages ships caused tenants. The pro­ a few minutes." It did not ex­ test was one of many by civic clude that. we thought of our­ 86 wHl hold an awards night to­ ,for the Rose Hawthorne Home. actly welcome the children to a morrow, namin'g a Knight of the Contributions, may be left in ,the and church groups. Many land­ selves as atoms which approach recounting of· their day's activi­ sacI"isty., . " Year' and Family of th~ Year.' but never touch. But the result ties. lords in the fair area have either '

Confirmation -pictures, of 'this of the month for May Family is often a lot of l~.nely pe~ple. . Are Americans becoming too was that of Mr. and Mrs. Charles year's class are available in the evicted tenants or raised rents, forcing occupants to' seek other . So' many are 'saddledwith o v e r w <> r ked, overcommitted, Cullen and for June that of Mr. sacristy. housing. and Mrs. Joseph Souza. . mortgages, more' family than overextended.? ST. JULm, N.DARTMOUTH Officers and directors will they can ·support.. or· pay atten­ The second annual parish fam­ Our culture recognizes achieve­ meet at 7:30 -p.m. Monday, June ,:tion to, jobsfro~ Vihich' they ment in the work place but gives 28. A social meeting will follow ily 'picnic is set for Sunday, July , 18, at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, .never ,lift' their. eyes: For others, , few strokes for the good people at 8 p.m. Westport.

there are worlds to conquer, so do in other areas. Obscured is Recent Class Night exercises 13-HOUR VIGIL l

ST.J!>ATRICK, WAREHAM who wants to talk to kids? They the insiduous but .substantial at Holy Name School, Fall River, - Organizers ~fthe monthly A Family Day Retreat will honored parochial school gradu­ want to see their names on pub­ price paid by children. The .tesult 5-hour vigil held in diocesan lic buildings, on basic accounts may be an' acute sense of loneli-' churches have announced the take p~ace from 10: a.in. to 8 p.m. . ates. Yearbooks were distributed annual 13-hour vigil honor·ing tomorrow at Sacred Hea·rts Sem­ with six or seven figures or on ness, the dilution of intimacy, in­ the Sacred 'Heart of Jesus and inary,Wareham.. The program and a slide presentation shown. . accessibility· to those one . sh~uld the pages of history. the Immaculate Heart of Mary. will end with a candlelight pro­ Faculty awards went to Cath­ Is earning money, having our love the most. To begin .at 7 tonight at St. cession. Reservations: St. Pat­ erine Sullivan and Edoarda Nag­ rick's r~tory, 295-2411. Mary's Church, Fairhaven, it

name in lights, enough to justify giar as exemplifying Christian Few tragedies are deeper ·than include a concelebrated

our existence? Enough to light the withholding of love from will values. Naggiar also shared the opening Mass and. a closing ST. MICHAEL, SWANSEA our way through the midnight of ' those starving for it. Students Mass .at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow. Masses at 6:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. Highest Scholastic Achievement will honor today's feast of ;bhe this world? Award with Angelique Davi. She have told me that no matter how There will alsoi:Je expos,ition of Sacred -' Heart and the Blessed the Blessed Sacrament, holy Some triumphs which people well or how badly they do in hours, a procession and recita­ and Douglas Edmonds were also Sacrament will be exposed be­ pursue, are veri limited and· school it doesn't seem ·to matter tion of the scriptural. rosary. tween the Masses. Sacred Heart named Best All-Around Students. Several coffee breaks have been badges and booklets will .be limiting. Indeed, those who want in their household.

Most Improved Student .cita­ and attendance ,is weI.,. available. ~oo much are often lost. They· As tine said, "If my parents scheduled tions went to Daniel Harrington comed at 'all or any pa.rtof the Coffee and daughnuts will be may abandon a ·treasure worth don't care, is there anyone left?" vigil. and Michael Bolger. served following 9 a.m. Mass.

Evictions rapped

Holy Name



Friday, June 18, 1982

By Bill Morrissette

tv, movie news


portsWQtch Stone, Gauvin Among Honored Athletes

NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list­ ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules supplied to The Anchor.

Films on TV Saturday, June 26, 9 p.m. (CBS) - "The Duellists" (1978) Harvey Keitel and Keith Carra­ dine are rival duellists in the Napoleonic era in this historical drama based on a Joseph Con­ rad story. Both are dreadfully midcast, spoiling the mood be­ yond repair. Much violence. A3, PG

.Mike Stone of Bishop Stang matches this year. High School has been named for David Gauvin, who was named the second consecutive year to athqete of the year at Bishop Symbols following film reviews indicate the ,Bo~ton Globe's 1982 aU- Connolly High School, has once both general and Catholic Film Office Religious Broadcasting scholastic golf team. He is a again been named to the United ratings, which do not always coincide. Sunday, June 20, WLNE, General ratings: G-suitable for gen­ member of the Allendale Country States national boxing team. Channel 6, 10:30 a.m., Diocesan eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug­ Club where he is Ii 2-handicap Gauvin, who missed Connol­ gestedj R-restricted, unsuitable for Television Mass. golfer. He is a state junior open :ly's graduation night because he children or younger teens. . ''Confluence,'' 8 a.m. each tit1i~t, finished seventh in the was at a training camp in Colo­ . Catholic ratings: AI-approved for Sunday, repeated at 6 a.m. children and adults; A2-approved for Natlonaq Insurance Youth Classic rado, returned home Iast Sunday. each Tuesday on .Channe!l 6, is adults and adolescents; A3--approved for and 16th in the PGA National He will be· a member of the na­ adults only; A4-separate classification a panel program moderated by Junior Championships. tional team in international com(given to films not morally offensive Truman .Taylor and having as The other golfers from within petition in which six nations in­ which, however, require some analysis and explanation!; a-morally offensive. pemianent participants Father the diocegan area were also cluding defending champion'Cu­ Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di­ named to the :Boston paper's all- ba, will participate. David will New Films rector. of social services; Right scholastic team. They are Brian leave Fall River on July 6 for Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal "E. T., The Extraterrestrial" Stewart of Plymouth..(;arver Re- Venezuela where he· will com­ Bishop of Rhode Islanti; and gional High School and Debbie pete in the 119-pound· class (Universal): A lonely boy (Henry Rabbi Baruch Korff. This week's Thomas, finds a friend in a be­ Davis of 'Dennis·Yarmouth. Brian against boxers from Russia and topic: Constitutional Amelid­ ing from outer space. Good fam­ holds several titles and is a 2· other nations. ment: Whom Do You Trust? ily entertainment from director handicap golfer at Cummaquid Pitcher Jeff Palmer of Connol­ Steven Spielberg. The principal Golf Club and ,Plymouth Country ·'Iy, infielder Paul Silvia of Case "The Glory. of God," with Club. High School and Jeff Perry of attraction is the marvelous E. T. Father John Bertolucci, 7:30 p.m. himself, .a squash-faced but lov­ Miss Davis, a sophomore; is Fairhaven have been named to each Sunday on Channel 25. the year's youngest selection to the Globe's Division Two aU-star able little fellow with blue eyes Sunday, June 20, (ABC) "Di­ created by special effects whiz the team and was 6-1 in dual team. rections" - A rebroadcast of an Carlo Rambaldi. The story is a award-winning portrait of Car· bit thin, but the happy ending dinal Paulo Arns of Sao Paulo, Durfee Softball Champs should please everyone. AI, PG Brazil. The Durfee High School soft· game highlighted by Nancy Stan­ "Poltergeist" (MGM-United Sunday, June 20, (CBS) "For baH team won the Eastern Mas· ton's one-hitter. The Durfee girls Our Times" - Religious involve· sachusetts Division One cham- finished the season with an 18-4 Artist~): A suburban couple (Jo­ pionship. record. Miss Stanton ended her beth Williams and Craig T. Nel· ment in the anti-nuclear rally at U.N. headquarters in New York The Topperettes clinched their high school career with a 17-4 son) find their cozy existence dis­ .tirte with a 4-0 victory over record, and was named to the turbed when a gnarled tree .City is the topic of this program. neighbor Somerset at Taunton Globe's Division One all-star reaches through a bedroom win· . Sunday, Juqe 20, (NBC Re· dow and snatches away their High School 1ast Saturday in a team. young son. When they rush out ligious Special - 1-2 p.m.) ­ to cope with this unprovoked "Toward Reconciliation, Part II" DDocesan Golf Upcoming dendro-aggression, certain spirits, - A report and analysis of Pope The 23rd CYO Diocesan Golf in the tourney should contact John Paul II's historic trip to released somehow from the tele­ Tournament will be held this year their Jocal CYO directors. Area vision set by their five-year-old ~ritain with Cardinal George at the Pocasset Golf Course in tournament chaIrmen are Bill daughter, take the girl unto Basil Hume of Westminister and Pocasset, Mass., on Cape Cod on Doyle, New Bedford; Neil Lowe, themselves. The distraught par­ other religious leaders in Britain. Mon~ay, ~uly 26, with I p.m. the Attleboro; Rev. Bruce Neylon, ents call in . On Radio a· bumbling team of starting time. Fall River; Rev. William Boffa, Charismatic programs are parapsychologists, led by Bea­ As usual there will be four Taunton; and Dick Maxwell divisions: seniors, who were born Cape Cod. ' , trice Straight, who has the grace heard from Monday through Fri­ to seem embarrassed by her in­ day on station WICE, 1290 A.M. Trophies wHi be awarded to on or after January I, 1956; inane dialogue. There are a few Father John Randall is heard termediates, born on or after the champion and the runnerup genuine thrills and chills at the from 7 to 8 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. January I, 1963; juniors, born on in each division. The two final­ beginning, but soon the film's and Father Real.Bourque is heard or after January I, 1966; and, ists in each division will also rep­ iack of intelligence and consis­ from 8:45 to 9 a.m. cadets, born on or after Jan. I, resent the dior.ese of FA.ll River Sunday, June 20, (NBC) tency becomes apparent. The 1968. in the New England CYO tourney "Guideline" - Interview with violence, though too strong for Each area of the diocese will in August. Again ·th·is year the Anthony Padavono, author of a young children, is relatively re­ be aqlowed two entries in each Marty HIggins Trophy will be new book about Thomas Mer­ strained but a gruesome se­ division. Golfers are expected awarded to the outstanding from the five divisions: Fall golfer of the tournament. The quence involving the graphic, ton. River, New Bedford, Taunton, trophy honors the memory of the bloody obliteration of a human Attleboro and the Cape. late pro at the Fall River Coun· face is inexcusable. We're also given a benign look at Mom and Boys and young men interested try Club. Dad smoking marijuana and two WASHINGTON (NC) - 1m· gratuitous bits involving the 15 maculate Heart of Mary Sister or 16-year-old daughter. In one , Nancy Sylvester, lobbyist for she makes obscene gestures at a Network, a Catholic social justice workman while her amused lobby, has been promoted to co­ mother watches. In another she ordinator of the organization. lets slip that she's spent some She repiaces Dominican Sister nights at a nearby motel. Rated Carol Coston, who will study O. . horticulture and agronomy at the University of Maryland. "Hanky Panky" (Columbia): A limp and tedious comedy-adven­ ture directed by Sidney Poitier in which a mild-mannered Chic­ ago architect, Gene Wilder, finds HEATING, RNC.

himself suspected of murder and pursued by hostile people. Gilda Sales and Service ~ for Domestic Radner appears, ineffectively, as and Industrial l§:; a mystery woman. Because one Oil Burners scene involving the beating and 995·1631 murder of a woman and because 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE kids in of strong la.nguage, this film is '.'London NEW BEDFORD rated A3, PG. .





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It adds up to 25 gallons for every person in Massachusetts. Every year. It's poisoned ~ells and water supplies in 29 communities. And it threatens every city and town. It's hazardous waste. Where does it aU come mun?' From just about every business , ' large and small. BecauSe hazardous waste is part of making the products most ofus use every day. Industry , in Plymouth and Bristol counties alone generates over 5 million gal­ lons ofhazardous waste every year. Hazardous waste doesn't mean nuclear waste. It means subst~ces that are potentially dangerous be­ cause they're toxic, corrosive or flammable. ' Where does it sll go? Right now, Massachusetts has a few treatment plants. And some companies have their own facilities to safely dispose oftheir hazardous waste. Some hazardous waste is shipped out ofstate. But the cost involved is high. The rest is dumped illegally. By the side ofa road. DoWn a sewer. mtoaprookora~r~. ' _ But that doesn't make it go away. Hazardous waste can travel ' for miles. Contaminate the earth. And poison the water w~ drink. In Rehoboth, Dighton, West~ port and Dartmouth water supplies have already been poisoned by the illegal or improper disposal oftoxic chemicals. Dighton and Dartmouth have had to purchase water from other communities and fmd new sources. And they've also had to pay the high cost ofclean up and laboratory testing. On top ofall this, PCB's (known to ~use cancer in laboratory


, animals) have been dumped into the Acushnet River for years. What's the solution? , Part ofthe solution is to create 'less hazardous waste to begin with. And to recycle as much as we can. But the big problem is how to dis­ pose ofthe rest. Right now the best alternative is to build safe hazardous waste ,treatment plants. The idea may make you ner­ vous at first. But the technology is well established, and plants have been operating for years in Den­ mark, Germany and other parts of the U.S. , Natura11~ any hazardous waSte treatment plant has to be properly built and maintained. And that's why Massachusetts passed the Haz­ ardous Waste Management Act in 1979 and the Hazardous Waste Facilities Siting Act in 1980. Both are tough on developers. And the Siting Act gives communiti~ strict control over plant development and operation. And complete involve­ ~ent in the siting proceSs. Hazardous waste treatment plants are a reasonable alternative to the illegal dumping going on now. That's why businesses are for them. Government is for them. Environ­ mentalists are for them. And the best thing you can do is to learn all you can.








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