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State Catholics Pay

Heavy School Costs

"Any fair-minded person should ponder deeply before he states that there is nothing wrong with the educational set-up of this Commonwealth in which Catholic parents. pay almost one-fourth of the State's educational bill.»

' .

Schoo'l Bus Case In Maine Before Supreme' Court,

An Anchor of th:e SoW" Sure and Firm-ST. PAUL


faJI River, Mass., Thursday, June 19, 1958" PIlICE lOe "; W.I I 2 N 25 Authorized Second Clasa Mail PriYilece, ' YO. , O. at Fall ,RiYe~. Ma.... $4.00 per Year

Blessing of Fishing Fleet ,.'· :At Provincetown June 29

., .


PORTLAND (NC) - The Maine Supreme Court has under consideration today the arguments on the consti­ tutionality of the Augusta plan 'to provide publicly financed schoolbus transportation for children attending non-public schools. Six justices of the state's high­ est court heard the plan hailed as the proper exercise by' the Augusta city government of its

right to provide for the safety,

health and welfare Of all chil­ dren, Turn to Page Sixteen

This statement was made by Jesuit Father Robert F. Drinan, Dean' of the Boston College Law School, in a Father's Day address to the Watertown Police and Fire De­ partments. Father Drinan said; "Last year there were 218,931 children in the Catholic schools of the four dioceses of Massa­ chu'setts, This was almost one­ fourth of the 999,824 children in all the schools of less than colle-

: The 11th annual blessing of the Provincetown Fishing Fleet will take place on Sunday, June 29, at the Town Wharf. Rev. Leo J. Duarte, pastor of St. Peter the Apostle Church 't in the Cap-tip town, will bless the boats, their captains and crews. The blessing will take place after the 11 o'clock Mass.

On Saturday evening there will be a buffet supper in St. Peter's Hall followed by a i' dence for the crews of the boats I" and their guests. On Sunday, the 29th - the

'NEW YORK (NC~ - Al­ Peast of SS. Peter and Paul ­

the, captains and crews, led by most half of the $312,188,540 the local town band, will march distributed in overseas relief' in a body to ,St. Peter's Church during J957 by 53 American to attend the 11 o'clock Mass. agenCies registered with the In­ After Mass, all will march to ternational Cooperation Admin­ the Town Wharf where the fish­ istration was accounted fot by ing boats will be tied up. Catholic Relief Services-NaWorking Dress' , tiOlial Catholic Welfare COl\fer­ lit past years the captail)s and ence. trews spent several days remov- , CBS-NCWC, international ra­ ing 'gear from the boats and GRAND KNIGHT: A negro 'lief agency of the U.S. Bishops, ,ainting and decorating th~m Catholic convert, James L. distributed $146,939,128 in aid ',' , Turn:o Page Seven Pierce, has ,been chosen i', more than 50 countries last . Turn to Page' Fourteen Grand Knight of St. Colum­ ..I' ba's Council, Knights of Co- '



Newark Decency Di'rector Attacks Paa~ TV Show NEWARK, (NC)' The Newark archdiocese decency office has said some material presented on the Jack Paar television show is I "blatantly vulgar, morally offensive and totally unacceptable." Father Paul J. Hayes, assist­ ant ,director of the Archdioces­ an office for Decent Literature and Decent Motion pictures, said that the Paar night-time variety sho\V "often" contaillfl

material which is "a crass ef­ frontery to the moral ideals of , Turn to Page Nineteen

'Murray Stresses ,-Need fo'r Sound Military Policy

Bishops' Agency Leads in World Needy Relief

PURCHASE (NC)-Fol'o mer- Atomic Energy Com­ missioner' Thomas E. Mur­ ray charged ·here that "a technologicalrunaway has taken. hold of our. armament program.­ , Mr. Murray, made the state­ ment .at Mal)hattanville College REV.. R. F. DRlI'iAN, sj. of ,the Sacred Heart. He de. giate rank in the Common­ clal,"ed: "For too long a time' the wealth., ' . emphasis' has beel\. ,on larger and Basic Justice larger weapons * * * instead ul '''l'he fact that Catholic par­ constructing a rationally balo­ ents from their own resources anced stockpile" of the Soat pay for almost one-fourth of the needed to wage limited war. entire educational bill of this Control Destiny state shOUld theoretically bring " ~r. Murray, now a consulta• joy to the thrifty taxpayer but Turn to Page Nineteen more and more one finds un­

-R~quires lu~bus, of BroQklyn. Mr. The Ar. .hor amlourices' today easiness on 'the .part of non­

Pierce is believed to be the .(~ 'first negro, to hold the' office the, schedule of Masses in 'the Catholics about the financial resort areas of th~ Diocese. If, status of Catholic sch,ools. · ,'f ROME (NC)-Efforts of ' of Grand'Knight in the 76­ '''In the' not too distant past you are planning to vacation in ' the middle classes to main- year K of C history. (NC anyone of these locales, cut out' we' used to hear voices like that ~in their position and get Photo) , Turn to Page Five and save page 17, PORTLAND (NC) - The government support are in Papal Nuncio to Chile ha=s the interest of the general wel­ said the best ambassadors ci Jere. This was stated in a letter sent American goodwill in LatL'll by Pope Pius XII through the America, are U: S. Sisters a..p. Vatican Secretariate of State priests.

to the International Institute of By Patricia M,.Gowan , During a visit to this Oreg&o.

Political and Social Science of city, Archbishop Sebastiar.,

Is he gett.ing 'enough to 'eat? I'ribourg on the occasion of the 'Baggio spoke on CommuniSl& Who's darning his socks and ironing his 'sh,irts? institute's Fifth Congress in as it existS in Latin AmericlWl IProbably every mother of a seminarian has' asked .herself .those questions. But the Madrid'. " countries and anti-Americ¥ "In the first piace, it is the famflies of the young men the La Salette seminaries in~ttl~boro and East Brewster feeling.. futy of the representatives of He stressed communism is • have nothing to worry about ,needs ,of priests and religious. process the mountains of sheets, great danger because of ex­ the various social groups, busi­ Efficiently mothering· their Seven Sisters are stationed' shirts, and socks that accumu­ nessmen, craftsmen, small and 'treme poverty, lack of hOl\sing. large industries, to take part sons are the Sisters of St. at the Attleboro seminary, where late in a week. In addition, there and social differences amona , ',lIbjectively and courageously in Martha, a congregation dedithere are' 38 seminarians 16 .. are altar linens, albs, and sur- ,the' people.

cated to the care of the material priests, and four, lay brotllers; Turn to Page Eleven

Turn to Page Eleven _ Turn to PaA"e Eleven and fewer at the East Br.ewster. house, which has',a smaller en-, Salett~ rollment. They are busy ev.ery minute of the ,day, ministering to the needs of their "family." " Very Rev. Alphonse J. Dutil, M.S., the new Superior By Patricia McGowan Hearty Welcome '. - , 8eneral of the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, is no When we stepped into .the. . "They didn't know what to do with me, so they sent large immaculate' kit,ch,im, at ,~a ' me to school." ~ranger to this Diocese. . Salette, it was only an hour or . Father Dutil, the first American to be named to this ~ Thus modestly did Father Henri A. Hamel, Colonel U.S. so before supper,. but there was: emin~nt position as head of A.F., discount the distinction of being "chaplain of the year" no hurry or flurry: The Sisters the Congregation, is a mem­ at the Air War ·College. were .serenely glad to see' us, ber of the Franco-American not in the least bothered by The top training center Province of the immaculate our interruption of their work. for the United States Air '!It's easy to tell I'm the cook," Heart ot' Mary, which has its Force, the College, with no , smiled plump, 'jolly Sister Ste. Provjncial HOU/le in East student below the rank of Eleanore. She looked as if she'd Brewster. colonel, yearly gives advanced , F.ather Dutil has been a Pro­ be sympathetic to the odd-hour training to the cream of the hunger pangs of 'seminarians; so lesSor- and De~n of Studies at force. The political, economic: we asked her' about the snack the: La Salette Semina!-"y in and psychosocial factoPs in­ situation at La Salette. AttJeboro, Superior of the La volved in assuring the security Salette Seminary in Enfield, Plenty of Work 'of America' and the free world New Hampshire; Master of Nov-' The boys do very well, we dis­ are intensively studied. Top men ices and Superior at the La covered. An afternoon lunch is from all branches of government Salette Seminary at East Brew­ served at 3:15 daiiy and for those and the ser..vices lecture and con­ ,wr. who find the time between sup­ duct courses at the College Since 1952 Father Dutil has per and breakfast'too long, the headquarters, Maxwell Air heen pastor of the Church of Sisters leave plates of cake and Force Base, Montgomery. Ala. Our Lady of La Salette in Mont­ fruit in' an accessible spot for One chaplain per class is se­ Ileal, a church built under his 'late-ho,ur nibbling. "They man­ lected from that entire corps able supervision. age to get by till ltl,orning," con­ serving the Air Force. This year Father Dutil was born in St. cluded Sister Eleanore, Father Hamel w.as that man. Johnsbury, Vermont, the son of Cooking, however, is only part

New Bedford Post Achilles Dutil and Georgianna

of the Sisters' ,!\,ork, They are

Lemire. He received his pri­

Just graduated, he has been' -:- also responsible for the selilin~ mary education at Notre Dame' assigned to Norton, Air Force ary laundry. As in most homes, ,Sehool in St. Johnsbury. He at­ Base, California, where he wiH :, Monday is washday and every­ ~rD to Pace Sixteen VERY REV. A. J. DUTIL, M.~ene, is plltssed into se'rvu:e to ·FATHER ,HENRI A. HAMEL Turn to Pue Eichteea

', I W e Ifare Genera, Middle ,'" S Class upport., '

$umme'r Masses

,Says Missiona rie' A,re ,Best Envoys In So. America

Sisters '01· St. Mortho, Provide

Fo.. Needs of ,Religious


New Superior. of La Society We'll Known in Fall River Diocese

.Father l:ienri A. Hamel Receives Air War College Chaplain Honor


P.ope Tells Doctors.,:tb>:C90'rdi!l~~e' Co~ne~1 Chaplaiil

progresswith'Christian·Mor~ls.;< E x p l a i n s Revolt

-VATICAN CITY (NC)-Poperiot only Qut of.ciuty,b.~tmainly Pius XII. has told' a group' of out of love * * * wh'tch re'minds . . Spanish doctors that their pro- . you that you can do' something fessional lives have proven "the . only inasmuch' as you ar.e:the '''necessity of coordinating: the .:instruments o( Him, the' .only · 'progress of you'" science with :on~ capable' of curin~ ~b()(jies · the unchangeable prinCiples. and souls." · of' € h ristian morals..,'" . ,.' b'I ,',' . Ab . · "Speaking in S~lDish, thePo(;e' . . ~~o em~.. ,ea... " .' .' "recillied his previous' statements Dlscussmg the ro~~' .o~ faith 'on; ·the . relationship '. beween in ~he doc~rs' lives,. ~he!~pe , ""Cllristianmorals ·and.·modern praISed the ~lessed faith ~hlCh medical progress. He asked the now enaples you to. present 'do'ctors I'f I·t were not ·true . that, .yourselves before your ,Father "without these moralS your 'mis- wit~ u~troubled.loq~kS * *. * · sion could' not possibly pr'eserve . which gives x ou the Just prIze · 'that· dignity;' that c' honor' and . of peace of \ mind ' *.~:*... *whlch that esteem which is needed to 'enables you to be' w,l~h your' . k recelvmg. .. th win' the trust of :rour patients." SIC, . em !n y our . -?.. .. . • - ~ hospitals and offices with. your Dlvldmg l,me

'heads held high * * *. which per­ " The Pope then spoke' of the mits you to. go into the presence 'faith from which these Chris­ .of God .without fear and to pray' tian morals flow. He noted that to Him without embarrassment." . in the light of Christian teach­ . The Pope told the do~tors . "d ing there is established a "divi .. . ~_ that their 25 years of practice ing' liI1e between the licit and . was only prepar~tion ' for many illicit." , . more years ah.ead, "~ull o,f un­ The light of Christian teaching known quantities and 'problems, ,"iDakes you see in the sick a , . not only from purely human body. which houses, a soul *. *. * . , . aspectsbu(7 alSo because· pro­ · makes' you look upon your ,fel­ "iow.man * ..*". ,.; as sons of .the fessional sentiment in your. field has. not always counterbalanced . ~ame ' Heave~ly. If.ather· and o the enOrmous progress of therefore as your I\)J:Others:'~ modern science alidtechnology The Pope said the same Chrish ' with e,qual .development in t e tian'light "lights. in .your hear~ religious and moral fields." "the holy fire' of charity ~ cure

'Recently at Cornell UniverSIty '. several hundred screaming 'stu­ ': dents protested violently against new regulations 'regarding Stu­ " dent parties: Speaking; at; the' graduation . eJtercises at Seton Hill College, Greensburg, Pa~, Monsignor , 'Donald M. Cle8ry, chaplail\ to the Catholic students at' Corriell,

analyzed the baci' conduct oftbe

collegians atlthac~.

TOday's young people make up " neither a "beat" nor a "silent generation, but rather are the

"articulate" and "aggressive"

victims of a false philosophy of



• • • •'

discipline, he asserted.

Students like those who took

part in the demonstrations at

Cornell, he said, are the f~ll­ blown products of an educational

theory which has as its fUllda­ mental premise a glaring error." .The error, he stated, is the be­ lief "that liberty and freedo.m are unconditioned and unre­ . stricted commodi.ties--that phi­ . losophy which' teaches ihat order , ' can be established without' "dis­ . ORDAINS HIS 2,OOOth PRIEST: A.··record iln.·equaJl.ed cipline' and that morality in its

" , ' ., . b d t . th od' . t 01. by' any 'other ll'ving member of.'the. A.merican hieratchy was IS throa des sense dd t e' pr uc .. " e a ore achieved in Washington whelJ.,Auxiliary Bishop ,James,M. emocra IS process. . This point of view, Monsignor

McNamara ordained his 2,OOOth priest. The prelate is shown Cleary sal'd, IS' "th'e only pO'ssl'ble

SS f N S t' 'as he, ordained Father John CapstIck" . ., o. ova co Ja, explanation" of students" "vio­ at ceremonies at the National 'Shrine of, the Immaculate lent reaction to anything which


,:~,J:,QU,~,t"·,.Qeg·r,ee¢",:" ·"Mrs.R'O~ert~ope. Cqpcelltion. NC P~oto. . \.11.." ' . .... ., '>~~i~bl~~::~~:~~~rt~~~~iP~~~e~ ·Pl r QUI",Z ,'., Say~. C". OUr. . 't ,RUrIngs" ", Ma k.e·", Pro bl em " tude seems ,to' be: "Wewillill~iept _,<:__"$ ..EI' e.c.tlon':. ".':0 ....".C~ th,9.~~., ,iandlive'by·bnl)t.those'rullisand e




Of D -Ie

,eth R'


'Deffe "It'"

~ N:ominati<!!1;. anli, eJ~~t~on. lof ST..LOUIS '(NC)-.-A,.Hope '...J ·,,·'that'·code;'whiCh We' consider' to o.fficen! wi'll' 'be"'\::oriducted by ~as 'ori·telt;V'is.iortbere,\h~t in-,'. eo Ing WI eu$" IC:,U r :,'" ""'be"just andifair.""He contiriued: · McMahon Assembly, Fourth De- . Stead' (j{'thefaine<L:come<fi~n.it RENSSELLAER '(NC) ....:.. Re- ,fayette-in+-Indiana.. He explained" ',., '''To a: gre~tsegIh'eht"i>"f' ·~ur l :g~e~'" ~~igti!s Qf ·C.oh,lmb~s. ,of,was~h~s-:Wi~~" ~?l':l,re~. . , v,' ":cent decisions 6£ the U. S: Su-' .that every ,Am~rican,: w,ithout college men' arid "woinen today ; :NewiB~dforq.iat/a .diriner';meet-~ :.. 'The. television. program.' ~as preme Court, "have. ·mOl:e th,an.qM.est!o,:,-ing the, )oyalty,. ~f. the "freedom' is a:situatioh Hi'which ~ i;;¥'~n ~!of '9Ho~,~ at,6:3~ n~2ct :~'ih.~:3(H~~ntit~"i~~,t\li:e;~·9ui~-:;a- once made it harder and harder )l:lst~~s•.. ~s ,~, right. to;, ask ,.l! the individual' cal do orsaY·t/hy­ h W~1~~si!ay, IJ~l'bh~lty,,~,~h~~rman ; ~.~t,h.oljf,;', p'rod~<:'~ bY.X~mer'to cope'with the undergcolJ,nd .;"wheth.er, thf'!•. U. "~' S,\!P~me. ~ thing which M~warits io'siW'or ~ WrIght'·P. Walker; P.F;N., anFrancis J. Mattl).ews for, the ( 'adi'vitiesi'of the Communist ,,<;:;p'¥'t:s ,interpret;Ibons. ,aQ,ji ...de- ';'do;, without"regard' 'to the 'rights (1 nou,nces."" ' ". " T .' 'i" .,AIclldi.~~e~e.o¥,sf);~ou,.~:'C~,~h­ ,.; party ir'ifneUnite'd S~tes. -;; ··,.r ;c,sion~.are inacco~d ~i;thtra!li- ""or'privilegesof"ariyoiie e~se'::;'To [1 !l,( ~ii,,-:: ~s~,r:,F:[uih:'~\ G~l- ~. olic'Ra:qio~n<!-, ~el~y~s'Qll ~p'ps­ 'this (h>iliion was expressed 'by ."tioI;l.~I" J\rn~ic~n, .~nstitJ1t~opal ;,' them the exalted'idea of the' d'ig, .. lagl'1er,Falthful Friar of the ··As- ,.tolqte,~. ;,'" " , , , •. >. Bishop Joh,l}.~ Cllrbf'!rry of La- .,I>r'ncipl~s. \ ' . : .. '" ,,', '; nity of man has been' corrupted senibiy;~wil1--presebt a'Ciborium Mrs. Hope was a guest on the "Av'owed communists nave into the idea "of the' supremacy to Rev:. Geor~e Saad, a,dminis- weekly quiz which pits four 'lay ·been freed, the powers of <::on- of the individual's-judgment.''' trat-or of Our Lady'of Purgatory panelists against -each other in FRIDAY-Mass of Pr~vious Sun- gress to investigate cominunism The' prelate,' in condu'sion,' Church, who will accept i~ on idetltifying various .facts about day.' ·Simple.. Green. Mass have been limited, the Federal 'pointed out that uorder cannot behalf of th'e. 'Most Rev. Antoine' the Church, the faithful, or Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Bureau.of Investigation'has been exist ,withbut authority, virtUe i Kharaiche, . Archbishop' of the· dogma~ . Second Collect St. Silverius, forced to abandon prose~ution cannot 'ITourish without· disci­ Diocese 'of Sidon in' Lebanon. . One of the questions - you Pope and Martyr; Third Col- of many cases, the law passed pline.· Any -philosophy . which . ~ishop Kharaiche will present guessed it-had to do with the lect for Peace; Common Pre- to. deal with .the· communistic teaches the contrary must of It to one of t~e 86 churches de- .virtue of Hope. . face; -', conspiracy has be~n rendered necessity 'inculcate chaoS and stroyed during the 1955 earthM Ii 'h f do ted S~TURDAY.:.-st. Aloysius Gt?n-, harmless," he declared.' anarchy."· '., .. quake in Leba·non. . ' rs.. ope, w ose oU,r a p . zaga, Confessor. Dougle. White. ' .,', H"" ':'h .... d f.h" t '·.t ', .. ,', t '. ' , , .., ,,' ' f'I'I". oWing S·lr "'chIldren attend CatholIc·schools ,Mass Proper', Glorl'a', Second' . ff" "e .emp "I ,IS.. ':IO t .... . N ames 0 f th ei:'O '.. . , . t ... aSlze,\".a I t b' If . ht h h . d ·.. ·m the Los ,Angeles' area" first me fPC su IClent mere y 0 e ,agauIS .. K Ol~, ~., Y" o. a~e passe. away h h b'd 25 "g 'Collect· or·' eace;.. ommo n . CO~ini1l1is~.' "We 'must hlive' du\-iil~' the past. year \V.ill be iner us an some. .~ears a ~ . Preface. r , ' " .,' scribed on. the ciborium: !~h~n.he,YW~ p~a~~g Ro~er~t SUNDAY-Fourth Sunday After. ,", so~et~hi~.tcl ?ffer ~ll .its .~l~~,~.".: ... ~"'::·".c~ D J b J G'b" W·ll'·.... ,.,l~. ,ew .. ·or ." 0 IS now m.. Pentecost: Doubie: Green. Mass~"ThankGod we Catholics have i"T. Rogers,' r. 0 ..1].'. I bons, I lam . ~ouis for the St. Louis Municipal '. ,. 'Proper," ,Gloria; Second Col-the; infailible. truth of God ,~e­ Charles" F. Varg~s, "Opera. version of the ',same· play. f Frederick M. Salles, Gilbert G. . " . . ". .,lect ·.St; Paulinus, Bishop and vealed to us by" our Lord ,and Southworth'. 'and Edward' G. . ·:Whlle' ~~b,IS not.'a CatholIc, . Confessor;,Th1rd' ·Collect,for '.~,viouI:,.w.hic~ is protected and Couture P.G,K. P:F'.N,·· .... ":Mrs. 'Hope!san,"achve .member . Peace; Creed; Preface.of,Trin- pI:eserved . in . the, infallible, Fattl1ful Na~igato:r GeOrg~ M. of the LeglOn'of Mary in.?ur ity., ~ . Church of God. '" *.. '" We must :, ,Thomas' heads thecommitt~e. ~adY of the Valley Praesldlllm MONDAY~Vigilof St-Johnthe. do 'all to bring abouta· balwced Adrien Jette is ticket ·chairman. m North Hollywood. ..' Baptist. Simple.: Violet. ¥ass harmony based upon the. im-' Recite Rosa&'Y Daily Proper; ,No Gloria;· ·Second mutable justice of God 'ap~lied, , lEE, T,H,'E'S E

.Mrs..Hope; ':whose "oldest child Collect for Peace;' .Common to the problem of mankind." be " .' , " .."

'is a daughter of 19, has a rule Preface. . ·:declared.· " .. '~'. of .thumb for guiding young' . TUESDAY-Nativity of St. John .' OTTAWA (NC)-,Nine years the Baptist. Double of I Class. '. ag~ he was one of a group of 10 peciple: • White. MasS Proper', Gloria', KITe HE N . UStay as dose' to the Sacra­ young Slovaks who eluded Cze­ Creed; Common Preface. of friendly wood choslovakia's .communists· and ments as you' can," she says. WEDNESDAY.:-' St. William,

UFrequent Communion is prob­ Abbot. Double. White.' Mass

escaped into Austria. Today he Warm and companionable, with ablythe. theyoung." only means' of salvation is newly ordained Father Ernest . for , Proper; Glor ia \ Cecond Collect· , . mauy work-saving conveniences' Bujdos of the Oblates of Mary . . for .. Peace; Common' Preface. . .., .

"•• in DeW NAT.,URAL· 'FINIS~' Immac61ate. Father Bujdos'said As for. Mr:" Hope, Dolores and THURSDAY~Ss.'John ana Paul, or·choice·of lovely colon. that several in the ,little band of the four. children-Linda, An­ 'MaJ,"tyrs. Double... Red.' -Mass , NEW BEDfORD

Proper; Gloria; Second Col­ escaJ;lees. had expJ:essed a desire thony, William Kelly. and Hon­ . . ~d coupon for colOlful booiI-!" to study for the priesthood, but ora--combine" in their feeiings., lect for Peace; Common Pre­ ~t'lbowing DeW mod~l Ir.ilcbe~:~ "His ..humor ,is' .God-given, face. '

found that. seminaries in Austria INDUSTRIAL OILS

could' not .support. them~.. Thei'r spontaneous 'and we have it all Mail Caupon Toda.,l. the tirp.e.. : .The:r:e .is' no: gloom plight was brought. to the atten­ HEATING OILS

~eace when he's in the house.. He ap.' tion of Father Leo Deschatelets, PARIS (NC)-'-The natIOnwide Superior General of the Oblates proaches all our problems in a . week of prayers for peace which TIMKEN

. , serious, but light manner that in Rome, who invited them to began in France on the feast of makes them seem small and in­ OIL BURNERS

joiq the Oblates, the newly. or­ the Sacred Heart has no political dained priest related. Several significant." significance, says Maurice Car­ The Hope f~ily life isa DUSY dinal Feltin, Archbishop of Paris. Middleboro Road, Route 18

accepted and were sent to Can­ one, with an endless succession

ada by the Oblates. . EAST FREETOWN


There are about 150 Slovak . of phone calls, telegrams and.':

I pion to b'uild 0 remodel O. Ple~s. send".. " visitors disrupting the schedule· 'Second,class mail privileges authorized

, boo~let with pictures 501 COUNTy·:$T.­ new modol kitchens. refugees in the Ottawa area and . .. at Fall River, MMs. ,Publisbed every oil almost every day. 'But one Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall about 5,000 in Canada. NEW' BEDFORD ~ event is held every day, regardRiver. Mass., by the'Catholic Press of the No_ < Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price <; less--recitation of the Rosary. by mail. postpa.id $4.00 per year. 0


Mass. Ordo


Escapes Red $Iovaks To Become PlI'iest





;' Pray for


Lumber COe Inc.


$ales& Service




June 22-l?t. Elizabeth, Fall R i v e r . . , .. St. Mary, 'Norton . June 29--our LadY.of Purga­ . tory, New 'Bedford . St. Mary, North Attleboro July 6--8t.· Francis Xavier, Hyannis , . lJoly Trinity, West Har­ wich July 13-St. Joan of Arc, Or-. ,leans. " Our Lady.of.. the·Assump-· t~n, Osterville.




Daughters of St. Paul" :'

~ ~


~ -~ : ~ ':



.: ~




-is a ·new, unique Congregalion dedi- ~ cated to to Ihe Mission of using Ihe ~ most' modern .means' of Communica. ~ lion: Press. Radio. Motion Pictures : and Television, to bring God's Word ~ to everyone. ~, .. Generous young girls-(l4,23) desir,: inglo follow the Pauline Way of life ~ are invited to write 10: : Rev. Mother Superior' Daughters of St. Paul : " . 50 St. PiliI's Ave. : .. ' ,." .~slon· 30,. Mass.. . '. . ­



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Appeals·Court Ruling Permitting Daughter to Remain in Convent HILLSBORO (NC)-A nonCatholic father has taken preliminary steps for an appeal to the Oregon Supreme Court from a Circuit Court decision whicho allowed his. 19-year-old daug~-: tel' to rem.am as a postulant In a .c~mm,umty of nuns. . . . . .,Clrcu~t Court. Judg.e ,G en HI~ber ruled that thedaught~r AlI,ce, a ~onvert t~ t~e Cathohc' Faith, might r~mam m the. convent of the Sisters of St. MarT


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., June 19, 1958

Delegate Praises Sem'inary Faculty

of Oregon in Beaverton, Ore. Ivan·R. Miller has 35 days in which to complete his appeal to the Oregon Supreme Court against the Circuit Court ruling.. Mr. Miller clai~shis daughter ." entered the co";vent as a result of .undue influence aI!'d coersion, and that she' is being restrained. from leaving,. Judge ~ieber ruled that the'girI had entered the convent- freely and was free to leave a any time. \

·Says Commun'ism Greatest· Danger Now In India GLENDALE (NO~-Com­ placency about communism is India's "greatest danger." Archbishop Eugene D'Sou­ za of Nagpur, in central India. who visiting the Glenmary Home Missioners, said he is "ex­ tremely anxious" about communism's growing strength in his native country. Cannot Compromise · '"By and large," he said, "Mr; - Nehru has been trying to obllerve a sort of neutrality twards


WORTHINGTON (NC)-The Apostolic Delegate to the United .States says the Chuch is "a building being built incessantly." ArchbishQp Amleto Giovanni Cicognani. made the statement at the dedication of a new:$900.­ 000 residence and classroom building and a $700,000 recrea­ tion center at the Josephinum Seminary here in Ohio.. . The Josephinum Seminary. is the only papal seminary on the North American continent. Im­ mediately subject to the Holy See, its graduates are given their assignments by the Apostolic Delegate. The Archbishop told the sem­ inary faculty members that "you have built on a rock, a solid rock which has been the base of sufficient operation for 70 years, a sacred rock, upon which priests are formed." He a'dded that those who have . contributed to the growth of the seminary in effect contributed "to perfection,to priestly per­ fection which is love in action, love of God and neighbor."

Judge 'Hieber also declared that Alice had been emancipated fr6m . parental control as a re­ sult of arepeated ultimatums" by Mr, Miller, demanding that she either give up her Catholic Faith or leave her home. Such ultimatuma, the judge said, "were' tantamount to forcing her to go' elsewhere to live,"


Drive for Closer Church Relations

DEPARTURE CEREMONY: .Rev~ Raymond H .Kelley, M.M., of Mansfield is shown with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Kelley, at the c.onclusion of the ceremonies at Maryknoll when- ~e received his Mission Crucifix.

LONDON (NC)-An intense. drive' for' closer relations between the Anglican, Communion and. Ortho~ox churches wi! be made in July at an 'international meeting of .nbn-C,atholic

'PI anne.. '. "d IP aren. "t'h00d League. . . Get s :~;;.un~~h:~:.I~~~k ;:n~:~ Ch~~:~a~~:a:;;'~ni;it~~:::~ave Competitio'n frol11 Ohio Catholi~s


DUBLIN (NC) --'- The entire fleet of :Aer Lingus, the Irish Air , Lines whose'. planes all bear names of saints; has received its annual blessing.

eompromise with communism." .been sent to Anglican-affiUa.ted .T.OL,EDO.' (N,.C.' ),..,-,'.Parents. of new.born children in, the · The youthful prelaie-:-at'.40 and Orthodox leaders"to, attend he has been an archbishop .for" the convention. Known lis the' ,Toledo area ,w.ill. f,ind twol~afl~ts in thei,r mailbox~~ from' five years, a bishop fo~ neafly Lambeth Conference,'." which' now on, instead ·.of· just one" «;ight-emphasized' the words' ta~esplace every 10yelirs, it. .. ,·,For some'·time·,tliePlanned~Pareiithood ·League has '!sort. of" and went on to depore will be held 'at .Lambeth Palace, ' ... ~ I " ' · ·new" ,Th 1 fl t d '. t . . Lo" nd'o'n. " head'qua'rters . of t·...e·· distributed eaflet-,'to e ea, e cover epic s a Nehru's "partlallty towards q '. " " donna d h'ld H . ,- t'h Russia and the comrruinist bloc." Anglican'Archbishop' of Canterp~re.nts,.·1\.}e~ weeks.. aft~t:' ::t: anc I . ere... e

Wishful Thinking . bury, starting.July 3. . blrttts :are .a;n1):ounced:.m th,e "What a privilege is: Y'Qurs in

· This has somehow 'made !com- . . l.'houg!l ·the Orthodox dele':' ·daily newspapers.... ' cooperating with the' Good 'God

Ihunism·a. respectable .creedlR ::gates 'will take'no'actual part·: ','N' '.. th l' g' e·'·s l'e'aflef in' His 19ving act of .creating ~ WYm_ . ' te· . th j ' . ' . . th' .h ' . ow e ea u , . ~~ .. ",wI' .. 3-6592

India," ·the Archbishop sta d. lR e ISCUSSlElns,. .eY a~e"be 'joined by a l~afIet publislleaanother member of' the' human "Many 'seem quite complacent bee,n' asked 'd' 'D'locesan ." ". C' ounCb.

. '.,_:' ·f8mil~. Because . through your

. . ' to ," come .to . ' England. . ...···...:···th·· uy: e 'T'l 0 e 0 about the menace of. communism, a.'. week before the meetm.g. ~pen.· 'df:Cil'tt\ofic Meii'.andW·omen. '>' lov..e and trust in' each other, God

CHAltL~~.F. VARGAS 'and that is our greatest danger . for. exploratory talks. Witt) .An-· . ",' ,.... , . . . t ' . . . •. ' ··has :blessedyou' by entrusting 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE at the moment." glican theologians; .the. ·long.,.· • 'But Since" . "this tiny soul to' your care and NEW .IEDfORD, MASS• .. Archbishop D'SouZa said he term· aim of which will be full.······ .' . ' . . .uidarice: • , One,.o.f the p', lanned pl!-.J;'enthood .. btmself has no illusions about' " ~ommunion . between ,··Anglican· 'b'l' b·.... tl t d..·· th'e"" "This tiny in,fanL is 'at your . h th'ere h as- an, dO'th d ox Ch'urc h urne 'f' . d's; a,n dGod , · communism, 1', 0 eso'·' . · .., .....ur "l'bsrecen ., f'M y" ,'d' W'll' " . " ...ercy or a"ll'h'IS nee ·.alth oug· M ..upm . hf'l thl k' mal ox 0 r. an rs. 1 lam . l ' 'g F th '11 . er bee n some ".WIS U n mg' • '. Kunisch' in' Richfield : center' ., 'it 'asa ovma er;. WI nev that the brand of communism in . ~" let you want for' HIS help and · .. ht t t to be "1 . Toledo suburb, Mr. and Mrs. 'd" " thO . .' I n d IS mig urn ou ess' .. ";····K .,; ·h.'het·' t h d'th' 10th" .gul ance In rearmg IS precIous · rabid than that of Russia or .' ~ms~ a .Jus. ",a ",' elr.... " child..' " China." ROCK HILL (NC)-St. Phil- Child,. Theolde~.t,.of the. Kum~~~ ....,. ".. ,'.. . h t youngsters is 11, . ' . It .IS our earnest prayer t ~ · An~ther advantage the com- ip's here will admit its last pa-·. ..,. , .. .; . . Tour hopes and dreams·for thiS

munists possess 'in India, ,Arch- .' tient ,Aug. 15, the 23rd anniver- ,. "The cover of ·the·Planned Par-' 'cliild' mllybe' realized' and thai

bishop. P'Souza continued, 'is sary of its openi~g under. the. enthood -League's .leaflet read:" this 'infant wilibe reared not

that "they have come to· power' . direction of .the Sisters of the. "Congratulations on your' baby, on'ly as )rQurs, btit as a chiid of

by constitutional means, thus Third O~der of St. Francis.' ' . but since . . ." Inside, parents. God.' ' .

101 If lulling some people into the be-. , Lack of funds to. erect a new were told:' . '''May you .who ·h·ad .the tre­ l,ief .that they will always. use building to replace the hospital's" Bishop Appro~es m'eridous'p~ivilegeof assisting 'in

constitutional means." present antiquated' and unSafe, ,. H" f'

. "B t " u n,t,'th'·s baby IS' act 0 creation" never deEye on Asia plant has made' closing neces-· . .u SInce yo. w a , l , l'b t 1 f t · t 'G d' 1" to h ve 'all the time and care I era e y . ru~ ra e . os .p an In the· latest elections, Uley sary. St. Philip's is the. onlY . a '".... . for the peopling of earth and, ,

gained control of Kerala, one of Catholic hospital in this com- .' ~ou, are able to .gJve, .. y~u ..prob-:. 'still' more, for.. the peopling of

India's i4 states. The irony of munity of'30,000;and one of only· . a.bly prefer rot,t~ haveanot~er His heavenly world:'. . C a th OIC l' h OSPI "ta 1s· In . S ou. th too soon, ·lfadvlce for. spacmg· . this,' Archbishop D'Souza .note-d•. ' SIX , s' . is C aro I In . '.' •the' births of, you, I' children. . ia 't hat Kerala. has been . t.he' not available' to~ you tJ:1rough

cradle of'Christianity in India. Y9U~ physician, ·~ome.to ,!lB. Our.

The Archbishop is concerned - . doctors. at Planned. :pan~nthoP4

about elections to come in the" Morally Objectionable- 'in Part League ca~ help you.. They give

next two and a . half years . for AII-HI'gh Schoo'l Confl·den':'·· medical aQvice ,l;0 t,hat you call "They will be cruelcal," he tial, Baby Face Nelson; Female have your. child.ren ~hen you

predicted. "Communists openly Animal, God's Little Acre, Kiss wa'nt them .and when you, are

boast that they will gain control'Them for Me, Lafayette 'Es-' best abl~'to take care of and

of two more states," cadrille, My Gun is Quick, Teen": enjo'y them. We, charge no more..

Moreover, they are "staking age Wolf Pack~ Thre'e Faces·...o f than you can .afford to pay." .

everything for mastery of India," Eve.. he said."This will mean mastery Bishop George. J. Rehring of Condemned-And God. Cred th e 1ea fl e t of Asia, and of one-,third to one- ated Toledo conven~en~ Woman. " . has app,rove half of the Jotal population of 'which will be mailed to parents the world. Unobjectionable for Adults·- . of new bllbies as ·reported iJ;! the. on~ Vikings. .daily newspaper listings.





CatholiC Hospital Forced to Clos'e


...... ' '. ' .. ' ......,;..




'Legion of"Decenc;y




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MORE FORD in 1958 NEW PRIEST: A negro veteran of World War II was among the priests ordain~ at ceremonies in theNation- . al Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in Washington, D. C. I!e is Father Emilian Muschette, O.S.R

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Sage-and SCllrtd

Ozanam, Move~entMay, Be"

Pope Co utions ,Against Loss Of Freedoms

Proph~tic 1of Better' Hope By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. .


T!lurs., June 19, 1958


Bishop of Reno

, On Sept.- 8, 1953, a' young ~rench university professor.' by the name of Frederic 'Ozan~m finished 'his brief career and died with a replitation for sanctity which time has ()nly heightened. He had acquired the respect of European­ scholars as an authority on . ' .' and achieved permanence. t he hIstory of the ·Middle Certainly' he had a clear unAges, and his publications derstanding of w~at was actu­ on Dante'and the early' fol- ally, afoot, . the gradual de­


Pope Pius XII has .warned

Italian workers that a rna­

terial,istic attempt to create

social peace without 'Christ ,.,ill

ultimately 'lead to suppression

of their freedoms.

The Pontiff pOinted out that

lowers of 81. Franeis gave prom- Christia~izati~n of the poor, the Catholic social' doctrine is in

ise-of even richer fulfillment in workings of that tragic process great part responsible for the

his milfurity. " w h i c h Pope Pius XI a century progress achieved in Italy during

His students_ later was to call "the scandal the past ~ntury, and hailed the

at the 80rbonne of the 19th century." present-day world of labor as

were unanimous Humble as were, the begin­ the fulfillment of the dream of

in ,testifying to nings of his movement, cit'is in-. Pope Leo XIII,' "the immortal

the magic of his . teresting to note that it caught pioneer o~ social order."

lectures, though ,the imagination of no less a' Pope Pius XII noted that what· physically he genius than Honore Balzac, who has' been accomplished for the was any thingrecognized with a kind of c1air­ but impressive. voyance the enormous potential' working ,man could never have been hoped for 100 years ago, Pale and ne,!:-of a Christian reaction based on and that the Christian feast of vous, he had a

charity. grating yo ice

The great novelist ,actually \ labor on May 1 has now become a day of victory. . and a' madden­ planned a. study' which would ing quirk of

have projected the story into its "Who would ever. ,have dared -DEDICATE JOSEPHINUM'S 'BUII~DINGS:' Archbishop to im~gine 100 years ago," he gesticulation which l:Jaq nothing' ,conceptual future, but only frag­ to d'o with the point he was mak­ ments were ever written-to the Amleto G. Cicognani, Apostolic I>elegate to the United States said, ."that there would be 80 ing..· impairment of his ·monumental (center) blesses two new college buildings at Josephinum " many nations in the world where ,One of them, 8aracey, later Comedie Humaine. .. Seminary, Worthington; Ohio, only papal seminary on the the working class would be rec­ lutninaary of French rationalism, There was an ,Idyllic quality ognized • • • and enjoy a jut North American. continent. Msgr. Edward Link of. Louis­ said of him, "He has the sacred to Ozanam's life during the dec­ equality of rights and equal dig­ -yille is at left. NC Photo. I fire. There is such an inner con­ ade of the "40s. His marriage nity with other classes? , viction in this.man, that, without' was sillgularly happy, his pro­ "Who would ever have dared

art, in spite, of all his shortcom­ . fessional eminently satis­ to think, 70 years or 'more ago,

ings, he moves you, His imagery fying,his· apostolate seemed' to when Labor Day on May 1 :wal

is both, tender and dr.eaiTlY, and be"gaining adherents constantly, first instituted * * * that it' would

he stumbles upon wonderful ex­ and he dared hope that it might 1"'IIlII so. soon have assumed the sig­

and influences within you from pressions full of poetry. and be the germ fructifying iii the . pAXTON '(NC~~"It is in the nificance of a feast,and a victory

tJ;Iedifferent backgrounds that melancholy. Hearing· him, the . Christian regeneration of homes of America that the great 1I\'hose cele~ration would be as­

' tears come unbidden to the France.' struggle for_ survival in the are yours," he continued. ( ~iated with .the (Italian) na­ , eyes." , Never did this hope mount modern' world) can be won oro Reealls Purp~ . tion, and that the" Church, for " Even Ernest Renan, the great higher than / during the ~nse lost." having contributed to the prepa-, '"These heritages from your and tragic ,apgstate, was con­ days of the July Revolution.... -. VI. Congres~man Philip' J. Philbin

ration of that victory with con­ family,· your town, your nation­ str.ained to offer his tribute:' "I 1848; when Ozanam emerged as - of Massachusetts said a1 gradu­

stant and enlightene~ works, never come from his lectures a tribune·of the people, pleading . ation exercises at Anna Maria' ality" your preparatory school would have been declared that ,are assuredly good, but, they ,without, feeling stronger, more for a clean; fresh spirit' in- the . College. "It you' women apply (the Church) of the Christian . are also limiting and narrowing. positively bent toward what -is affairs of the nation. the ideals you have learned here workers?" <> good." But poor Renan was al­ The ideali,st, of co~rSe-, wa's no ,to bring up your children, they "The funbtion of a liberal arts ready seeking after the blind match for· the' cold calculators. . will grow up with a spiritual college is so' often the sharp dif­ gods that were to nis Not only' did the '50s see the ,zeal that will keep the country . wreaot

, ferences, ,the particularisms by downfall.

adventurer Napoleon '111 safely , strong, . not only spiritually but which you would stand out awk­ But it is not ·as. a scholar or on his· throne, they witnessed as militarily and economically all wardly and in angular fashiOli as a poet that Ozanam is rem'em­ well the calvary tif Ozanam. No well." in the human community. bered. His medieval researches less than his hopes 'was, his SUMMER. COTTAGES Cites Test . "Its purpose is to' tone down' ·,have been' superceded and his health sh.attered, and 'his rlecline Rep. Philbin reminded the ·the 'localisms 'and develop.' in FOR RENT 'OR FOR SALE studies on Dante, while still val­ was rapid. graduates they have been fortu­ you the broad, universal under­ r'tieek1y, Monthly or by the

uable, yield to fuller cohtempo­ :'1£ you call me, Lord, ( have nate to spend formative years standing that will make you at Season

rary knowledge. no right to compl<iin; I come." , in' a lofty spiritua( atmosphere, home with the most refined of The thousands of men through­ It was agonizing to leave' his .NANUMETT HEIGHTS where people are' judged by human beings and human hearts out the world who hold his little family' and his work un­ GOOD BEACHES what they are-not by Uieir race, wlierever -they may be in history' name in veneration and 'who finished, but he ,was fir~ in his their creed, or their national wherever they may be in th~ Call Wareham 1422 or write have beel1ehcourag~~d to hope .acceptance. When he died in, background." world," Bishop' Wright COil­ and pray for his eventual canon:" Marseilles th~ poet Mistral ex­ R.F.D.3. Buzzards ,Bay, Mass. cludd. . , Bishop John J., Wright of ization know little or nothing claimed, "A .soul' that springs'up Worcester told the graduates about his' u.~jve!"sity career.. , to ,God-ilOthing, I think, could that the essential item their four They revere nlm rather as the be more beautiful." outstanding modern apostle of By all normal standards of ex­ , years <;>f c'ollege should' have, ~estaurant given them is, a "certain Chris­ charity. perience 'Ozanam's, movement · Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport tian cosmopolitanism; you could This was his true and endur':' should have ,died with him'. not have 'been expected to pos­ i,ng vocation. In his chosen pro­ Today, instead, it numbers well sess at the age you came here." fessional field pf comparative over 200,000 active members and ,"You came, here four years Where The lfterature many othel's followed is the largest organization de­ ago with obvious marks' on you; Entire Family and surpassed him. Thei; names voted to charity i~ the' entire are forgotten. But because he world., Can Dine succeeded in finding a formula Jt has not yet fulfilled its EconomICally NO JOB TOO' ~IG to express a love gl'eater than founder's. dream; it has' not ,life, his name is imp'~rishahle. cleansed the leprosy of the ­ NONE TOO SMALL , .Ozanam was born in Milan, in world's injustice, nor has' it 1~13~"during the French.occupa':' won back to Christ the poci'r'who tlOn of that city. under the Napo­ are His heritage. . . 'leonic ascendancy, but his par­ But it has not ceased.to strive For Reservations ents were from Lyon; Alphonse nor has it wearied in its zeal. Phone OS 5-7185 o. Daudet's "city of 'industry al)d <, After a century it 'may be mystery." , Here he was reared' prophetic of a better hope. , In the con'tfortable atnuence of LOWELL, .MASS.

the haute bourgeoisie. ' Tel_hone Lowell

A legal career was ~utlined for him, and ,he was sent' as a youih GL U333 and GL 7-7500


to enroll at ·the 80rbonne in the v Auxiliary P~.nt. faculty of law, but his bent for CONTRACTORS

YOllr nearest mail box is a First literature was not to be deflected Resi~entia1 - Commercial Federal "branch office" that's BOSTON andh'e had his own way in the , Industri~1 end open 24 hours a day to make OCEANPORT, N. J. 'It was while he was a student e c633 Broadway, Fall River Saving easy for rOll. No' traffic no .PAWT·UCKET, R.I. • in Paris, young and impression­ ~ parki";g. no weather pr'obie·ms. able, that.the frightful misery of' ~ ~ O S ~ Withdrawals are juSt' as silllpie the l?oor fan:'ed his dormant ~ religious zeal into :a flame of "a.s savings payments. charity. As early lIS 1834 he' 'began the formation of "cells," •• • • • •• ••• f FREE save.by-. charitable conferences which he • thi> <a"pan 0 ' . an. : ' INC. ' .' placed' under' the patronage of EE/KIT Send" d details an sta.t,nq , • FR _ Mail fo.",·,on . ' • 81. Vincent de Paul. . Insured • o«o"nt • • In them l)e enrolled young by' U. S. laymen like 'himself, inspiring Gov't : S,GNfP: them 'and training them in the Savinn systematic ~ visitation of those • : ST. & NO.Ageney blighted a~eas of the' great city where poverty was bearing its CIT\' bitter fruit of crime and the t fall River • total abandonm~ni of religion, And loan AS~O(\O"Ol' OS 4-4&&1 ; , It may be true that. Ozanam ,No. rfio'" e•••••••••• was by no means <I'll original • •••••. FRANC'S; J. DEVINE ARTHUR J. DOUCET No. ••••••••• WE PAY POSTAGE! spirit, either in diaUr'losis or 363 SECOND RIVER, therapy, but the-important thing ,'fr•• PDst·paid. addr.ueden~elop.•• ready to mail J,s ,that his 'movement took hold ~•••• ~ ••••••• ~ •••••••i ••••••••••••••••••••••



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Lebanon's Fate at· This Time

Is Concern of 'All Christians

. By REV. JOSEPH EID This picture is a reproduction of a hand paintin'g in St. An­ thony of the Desert Church, Fall River, executed by a local artist, Miss Irene Michaud, under the wpervision of the Pastor, Rev. .Joseph Eid. The panoramic scene repre­ lents, upon a pyramidal ·form pedestal, a huge statue pf the Virgin Mary, imported from France. The religious monument erected by 'the Catholics of Lebanon on the summit of their Mountains,ll.few miles from the capital, Beyrouth, dominates the blue sky with the white back­ ground of snowy apices. The Blessed Mother, eternal Queen of the Country of the legendary Cedars extends her pro1;ectin~ hands 'on both mountains and Mediterranean Sea, uniting Ull­ der her banner her faithful chil­ dren of the Lebanese Family in homeland and overseas. It is known that Lebanon has about half of its population in foreign countries, especially in South and North Americas. National Shrine The sanctuary of "Our Laoy of Lebanon" is a prominent na­ tional Shrine' visited yearly by thousands of people including many tourists. I t ' had been erected in 1908 in commemora­ tion then of the fiftieth anni-:­ versary of the proclamation of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. It stands as an elo­ quent monument of the pro­ found and' perpetual 'devotion and dedication of the Catholics of the country to the Mother of God. This Marian devotion goe~ - back to' the first centuries in the hearts of 'the people oi 'the Orient, especially the MarC!nites'. History confirms that, despi~ multiple persecutions and diffi,;, eulties, throughout centuries, wrrounded by hostile enemies, the LebaneSe successfully fought for the preservation of their religious and national integrity. They attribute their miraculous survivance to the special protec:­ tion of the Blessed Virgin, to whom they apply the, Biblical .,-mbolism: "I was exalted like the Cedar in Lebanon." In their approved Litanies they invoke o her, "Cedar of Lebanon, pray for us." Actually, a new battle and a 8evere one is raging in the coun­ try of Mary,' Lebanon, with un­ · precedented implications and the combined, forces of hostile elements of Moslems and com'~ .lIlunists and pressure from inside· and outside. It is a question of life or death for Christian Leballbn. It is true that after · the World War II, Lebanon was made "Great-Lebanon'" and sub­ lequently the Independent Re­ public with its capital in Beyrouth, and wi~h the rf,!stitu­ tion of historica1 and geograph­ ical boundaries. This addition contributed much to the great­ ness of the country, but also to · more trouble, because of the increase of the Mohammedan element augmented by Arab · refugees. The danger became imminent



THE ANCHOR, Thurs., Jun~ 19, 1958'

Dominican Urges United Action On Migration .

with the formation of Ule United Arab Republic with Nasser as first president. In the Middle East the decistve struggle is under. way for the Western and pro,;American powers as well as GENEVA (NC) - Intel'­ for the Catholic Church. The real dream, of the Islam world national cooperation on mi­ is to subrtlerge and absorb in the gration policy is the most vast sea of t~e Oriental Me~lite~­ hopeful solution to European ranean sphere all other mmorl­ overpo·pulation. ties extending from Gibraltar up A representative of the Holy to India. 'In fact, in this immense See, Dominican Father Henry kingdom of the Crescent Mos­ de Riedmatten, made the state':' lem, the only country with a ment in an address to the excu­ Christian majority is Leban?n. tive council of the Intergovern­ It is the last stronghold ~n~ s~le ' mental Committee for European refuge of persecuted ChrlstIamty Migration (ICEM). . in that part of the globe. In the "ICEM is to be commended,· othe& Oriental countries, the Father de Riedmatten declared, Christian' percentage is insignifi­ "for considering the proble.m of cant. Tiny as·it is in size, Leba­ surp.1us populations not merely non presents a paramount "point as·a matter of concern for econ­ of resistance" for the Christian OUR LADY OF LEBANON PRAY FOR US omistsand statisticians, but as world and Western and ~er­ being an important factor of ican policy and ideals. The universal human progress." friendship and solidarity of the He added that the organization Lebanese here'and abroad is not Continued from Page One vances over the Declaration of must, "encourage the younger a matter of political agreement of Professor Childs of Columbia Hliman Rights and affirms the generations and those who found or pact; it is a deep, unshakable University suggesting that the obHgation of the l;tate to respect new families to give birth to working for the right and jus­ ,public school is an indispensable the rights of parents to provide new lives. They will consider tice, in harmony with religious part of every American child's for their children an education the future with confidence and and national principles. 'No education. But today we hear 'conformable to their religious optimism, trusting that inter­ wonder that the anti-Christian ever more frequently men like and philosophical convictions.' national cooperation will help forces of Islam and communism the Jewish sociologist Professor America does not seem prepared those who b.elieve that Europe's are fiercely engaged in fighting Will Herberg declaring that to adopt this provision for par­ greatest opportunity depends this Citadel of Lebanon. If it Catholic parents are being de­ ental rights ratified by all the upon strong and numerous gene­ falls, the loss will be a great prived of basic justice in being leading democracies of the ration~ to come." one for all of us. required to pay for public world.' Father de Riedmatten said the schools to which they do not ICEM should not be merely a High Court Ruling . desire in·' consc.ience to send transport agency. He suggested "There are many groups in it give attention to such projects their children. "Any fair - minded .. person this country working for consti­ as increasing migration to Latin 'should ponder deeply before he tutional liberties and civil rights. America and the establiShment states there is nothing wrong I respectfully request these or­ of an international center. for the' educational set-up of ganizations and especially the vocational training of migrants WORCESTER (NC)-Col. with this Commonwealth" in' which largest of them, the American and the training of immigration lege graduates. were called Catholic parents pay almost one­ Civil Liberties Union, to come and placement workers. upon here to consider careers fourth of the state's educational forward with a satisfactory dec­ I laration on the meaning and in the p'uhlie service field by bill. place of the parental right to Paying Heavily Gov. F«;lster Furcolo of Massa­ educate. The parent's right to - "The fact is that there is a chusetts. obtain the type of education he deep feeling of injustice in the "The wide world opens to the desires for his children is a right hearts of Catholic parents and seniors today. May I suggest that Third Order Regular of which has been tragically over­ this resentment on the part of a some of them consider a voca­ St. Francis ' looked iri American life. We significant group is a very bad tion in public service," the Gov­ have forgotten that a unanimous thing for the well-being of so­ Offer to Young Men and Boys 'ernor said at commencement ex­ speCial opportunities to ciety. Many but not all Catholic United States Supreme COllrt ercises of Holy Cross College. wrote that parents have a right study for the Priesthood. Lack parents feel that their right to · "Plato's ideal republic re­ ()f funds no obstacle. to choose the type of educatioJl' have the education they desire 'quired philosophers for rulers, they desire for their children. For further information, write for their children is being dis­ knowing that good government to "The parental right to educate needed trained minds as well, regarded and by-passed. Further­ FATHER STEPHEN, T.O.R.

more, 218,931 or only 43% of all has become the Cinderella of all as good intentions. basic' American liberties in an Catholic children are able to at­ FRANCISCAN

"Nations have often suffered tend Catholic schools. Many of era dedicated' as never before to PREPARATORYSENUNARY

through 'the mistaken idea that the implementation of all hu­ the parents of the 288,708 Cath­ P O. BOX 289

success in business or on the olic children in public schools­ man rights." HOLLIDA YSBURG lZ,' FA.

battlefield is all that is needed 57% of all Catholic children in ••• __ to make l good ruler in dem­ Massachusetts-feel deeply that oc'r~cy," he continued. "Our the state is not being entirely system urg~ntly needs men mo­ fair to them. . tivated by ideals of the nobility Parental Right and grandeur' of service rather "Furthermore; the 57% of than of salaries; who seek how best to serve the state, rather Catholic parents whose children than how the state can best are not now in Catholic schools will probably increase in num­ So.. Dartmouth serve them." 273 ,CENTRAL AVE. · Gov. Furcolo added that "the ber since the C'ommonwealth and Hyan~is has the astounding total of 177,­ nee(' is for more than intellec­ '961 children between the ages' NEW BEDFORD tual co.:npetence. ·It is for con­ So. DartmoUth .of five and seven although there science, t06,-cbnscience guided WY 7·9384 WY 2-6216 by morality and by principle." are only 740,932 children. be­ tween the ages of seven and six­ He said that dedicated me~ Hyannis 2921 • in public service were needed teen. .:"~_I'_l'_"_"_"_C'_--" •• "America has developed a · particularly at this time when blind spot on the parental.right self-professed critics were criti­ to educate. A just z,eal on the 'cising the American system of part of many high-minded citi­ education and hailing the Rus­ CHEVR~LET sian attempt to obtain the 'scien~ ' zens to preserve our cherished separation of Church and State tific mastery of o\lter space. has produced a vast de-emphasis l on an institution just as precious -the right of parents to select for their c'J.ildren a type of edu­ cation conformable to their con­ sciences. .NEW BEDFORD, MASS. 545 MILL ST. "The United' States is a signa-, tory to the 1948 Universal Decla­ WY 7-9486' ration of Human Rights, Article 26 of which states: 'parents shall have a prior right to choose. the kind of education that shall be given to their children.' The NDlRUI European Convention on Hu­ man Rights completed by the III ' "!II Council of Europe in 1952 and ratified by' all . but one of the original 15 signatory nations ad­

Heavy School Costs to Catholics

Urges Graduates Consider 'Public' Service Career

The Franciscan








New Bedford s Only Authorized



'B .

...................................... .


HONOR PRISON CHAPLAIN: At the Eastern Regional Conference of the Catholic 'Prison Chaplains AssQCiation in New York, Msgr. John P. McCaffrey (center) receives the St. Dismas Award for his 15 years ~ervice as Sing Sing Prison chaplain. He is shown with Father William F. McKin­ ney, (left) newly appointed Sing Sing chaplain and F~ther · William F.. Wilkins, chaplain at Woodbourne Correctional lutitute, N.Y. NC Photo. . '"


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.Plan your dates NOW For complete information 'contact ROLAND GAMACHE - WYman 9-6984



,lfhoCanPlay, GQa?


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6 Thurs.,-THE ANCHOR June 19, 1958

"For the first time in, the, history' of 'living things;r' . r:.; Bays Jules Rerie Dubos,' a'modern pioneer in' microbiology, "we the aliow:ing the survival of large numbers of biological misfitS, many of whom will become burden for society ••• All kinds of hereditary defects that used to be rapidly . (J'/)(JNT TODAY- st. Juliana Fa]~' . ' " 'eliminated by t~volutiOJiary selection are now being repro­ 'nieri, Virgrn~ She was born in duced in our co~n,munities. In other words, we are allowing F.lorencei'n' 1270 and at the age Of 16 renounced her wealth and the accumulation 'of defective genes in the human stock , ~n~ered' a convent.. 'She receiv,t:d by' p'rovidiIl'g 3, type of medical care that permits, those' the religious habit from Sl lIuffering" from hereditary disease to live' longer 'and to Philip 'Benizk'and, aided him in have children., This. policy may constitute a step toward building' up' the Third Order of ,theServites. ,She 'was noted f()l(" " racial suicide, however noble it .may 'appear in theHght of her life of' prayer' and penance; ,oli'r religious cojnii'ctions 'and present-day ethics." , , , and her service to the sick and Thes,e words," reported in nati,orial news magazine, , Poor. She died in 1340 and wa,' question ,the basic function of medicine-to cure the' ills canonized' nearly 400 years later by Pope Clement XII.., of mankind. The first part of the quotation brings uii the • TOMORROW - St: Silverius, ,prQblems that modern medicine, QY its very success gives .Pope,-Martyr. He became Pope , ri'se to. The lastsentence"casts a somewhat sinister shadC?/w in 536 and ruled two years. Dur';' over the matter. ' , iog his, reign, Emperor Justinian , The researeher is evidently intrigued by the new recovered Rome and the greater part of Italy. ,The Pope firmly :problems that medicine has' created. And that is all 'withstood interference by Em­ the good. Longer life because of modern medical techniques press Theodora in religious mat­ and discoveriesd'oes mean more old persons, life for those ters and di'ed in exile on an who ~ decade agowopld die, the PQssIQility of marriage island off 'Italy. forthos.e who once could never attain that. All this does SATURDAY - St. Aloysius m~an a whole series of new' problems for the' medical man, Gonzaga; Confessor. Th'e 'Patron of Youth 'was born to the noble the sociologist, the economist. The und,ertaker's work has' Italian family of Gonzaga, the been postponed in many. cases· and the ,other' specialists Dukes, of 'Mantua, in 1568. He ,must step in to meet the problems that success 'in medicine Served as a page in the cour~ gives rise t o . , " , at Tuscany, Mantua, and Spain and entered,1.he Society of Jesus When it comes to: philosophizing about the 'problems, at the ageo~ 1'8 after ov,ercorri':' 'dangers can cn!ep, in. There, can come' the temptation to 'ing objections of his family. He questIon why certain individuals should live if they will received Min'or Orders but died ereate only problems for the community. And, when a at the ,age of 23 Of an illnesa contracted while he was minis­ man, dedicated to curing the ills nien, begins to ask tering to the sick during a 'himself "why" he must come up with the right answer. ' Assistant ProfesSor of Sociology plague. He was beatified ill Dr. Holland T. Jackson, President of the American S( Louis, University' " 1605, canoriized in 1726; declared , 'Academy of GEmeral, ,Practice, answers . Dubos in these , b' k d h special protector of young stuPutting it bluntly, should, children, e span e w en dents by Pope Benedict XllI, words: "Who' are we as, ,doctors ·to' say' who shall survive and who shall be left by the wayside? We should not try they, have proved themselves naughty enough to deserv~and proclaimed by Pope Pius XI the "old fashioned treatment"? Until approximately what 'as patron of Christian youth. oW play God, ever.." .. " ' , age should, parents fe~l it their duty to "p3.-ddle ~ary or SUNDAY,- St. Paulinus of It is a temptation when dealing with life to decid~ from the rear"? Our Nola, Bishop. H~ was ,Pontius who deserves it and who does~not. There is a temptation fo , Johnny 'II ld ' .. It's silly to let' a child learn Meropl'us Anl',cus Paull'nus, 'and . ' "play God" with others. It is a temptation that men of f rlends te us Q,ur , chi ren- from experience when that ex­ was born in 354 at Bordeaux, me ages 10, 12, and 14-are too perience may seriously harm son of a Roman who was prefect medicine and researchers must resist. There is only one vf, Rome. In 390, after the death answer to thei~ question of who deserves life-all those' old to be spanked. We don't him or o,thers. agree with tpem. Our spankings Other Means Available of his only child, he ,retired from to whom God has given it; It is then the province of special­ ~re mild-a ·few little hand taps Second, ,since spankings are the world and went to Barcelona, ists to preserve life and safeguard it and help it'no matt~r while turned meant to help the child, they Spain, where the people urged over our knee. should be used intelligently. him, to join the priesthood. He what the other difficulties that may arise. This is to say, a .child should became a hermit near Nola in Take any,other position and there arises the spectacle Are we' wrong?' As you probclearly understand why he IS CamPllnia and in 410 the people of a doctor or scientist passing the judgement of life' or a b 1 y k now, being punished. He' obVIOusly chose him as their Bishop. He death on other human beings: And the basis is health or Alice, ide a s should not be punished, for an ' became one of the outstanding about how to 'accident, or 'for something he prelates of his time. He suffered hereditary disease or becoming a burden to a co'mmunity could not reasonably be- ex­ greatly during the invasion of or some other arbitrary rule of thumb. Such an action is raise children shift· from one pected to foresee. Campania by the Goths under absurd' as well as immoral. '' , . extreme to an- Punishment should be consist- Alaric. Many of his poems and other every few ent. If you'spank him for being writings still are extant. He' An:.~ ,years. ' In ""the '. "sassy," spank him every time died in 431. 1 ate twenties, it ,happens. Don't carelessly The Holy' Father .has ~rged a 'group of visiting Ameri­ the psycholo- ,threaten him with punishment, MONDAY - St. John, Priest­ , spank~~im o,nly when Martyr. He was a Roman priest ean newsmen to, "approach everY situation with an open gist Watson told land then mind." , '. " , parents to treat children like you're eX;Jsperatea. ' . who was dragged before an idol )n this part-kular iJlstance the Pope is speaking to adults. "If you must, kiss them " Further, if you, feel he de-' -in the reign of Julian the Apos-:­ men·who are visiting the North ,Atlantic'Treaty countries once on thefqrehead whe'n theY.'serves a spanking, give' him his tate and, on his refusal to bur,n . say goodnight. Shake hands with' due and 'then "hit' him remain incense, was beheaded about 362. to see for themselves the economic and, political situations them in themor:ning." ' f o r a' while' so he can think it TUESDAY-Nativity of St. -'that exist. . , 'Contemporary parents took over. Don't· ~poil.ihe lesson by John the Baptist. Th@ son of Sl But the advice is valid from 'ma~y other standpoints. 'him literally, thou'gh the next getting sentimental about it. ZacHary and St. Elizabeth, a Until what age sho1,lld children kinswoman of the Blessed Vir­ It is especially pleasing to hear these words fro~ the 'gerieration shifted. to the opposite extreme of utter permissive- be spanked? I fee! that depends gin, he was commissioned to , octogenarian Pontiff. " I ' ness. Today parents turn to the ,very much up'on the child. prepare the way for the Re­ So Often people accociate' advanced age with a closed "more balanced writing of Spock " In reality; spankings are nec­ deemer, Whom he baptized. He mind-with one who is S9 restricted by years of conclusions and Gesell to learn about their, essary because at some stages of, suffered martyrdom under King ,their development, children can­ Herod for rebuking the, mon­ and 'tastes and prejudices that anything new cannot J}lake growing children. not be reasoned with and their arch about his adulterous mar­ much of an impression----:.indeed, cannot even get consider­ In spite of numerous theories disobedienc'e must be associated riage. and some research, we still have , ~oo. " little scientifically' verified . they with can pain ora some' g r s p . 'discomfort WEDNESDAY-St. William of ,There are, of course, many.areas ",here an open mind knowledge about the long range Montevergine, Abbot,. Founder. would amount to stupidity. No one has an open mind on effects of early training experi' As they develop, reason ane' He was born in Vercelli in 1085. the multiplication tables or the,.facts of chemistry. No one ence upon chiidren. Hence, pru- self-disCipline gradually become After a pilgrimage ·to Compot 1 h e se ttl e d b e t ween N0 1a operative, and other means 01 sea, ean take' a similar attitude toward the revealed truths of dence prompts. us to offer no general theory' of the merits or securing conformity to rules and Benevento. He was joined God,,' _ demerits of spanking;, rather we' , becom'e available: by a group of hermit-mQnks to )But there are many areas ofarl and architeCture 'shall raise 'a few questions and Same Goal for All whom he gave a rule based on and, politics ~nd music 'and economics and other fields. suggest a few norms. ' O f course,the final objective that of St. Ben,edict. The rule where' one should enter with a' mind clear and free from 'Experience May'Hlirm':', .. ofthe' whole ~r~ining process is was adopted by the, commu!1ity to enable children to master 'the under his successor. He died ill prejudice. Then whatever these have to say for them­ What is the purpose of sp'ank'1 , norms, ru es, and contro1s. re-' 1142 near Nus,co. selves can get a fair hearing. , , lng? Obviously it is ,not-an out- quired for mature Christian liv- , , The. Holy Father has, given wonder-ful example of let for the anger or exasperation ing. Some mature more quickly, SI-. Mary''s Seminary a brilliant man with a mind always open' to truth and the of the parent.' Children' are than others, b~t the goa) is the.' , , , Has New Rector merit of any situati~n. . , . spanked with the hope o{'im- same for all. proving, th'eir behavior-as " we Perhaps the method is not as', BAI:.TIMORE (NC) - Fat.her com11'Jonly say, to teach 'them a ' important as the correct o'bjec-', Eugene I. Van Antwerp, S.S.. ~~. " I ' ' tive: to ,teach children to 'stand' vice rector, has' bee'1 'named to :It follows, first,'ihat some, op their' own feet, and make' succeed Father James A. Lau­ childreil may never, need." a their own decisions ,in terms of, bacher, S.S., as rector of St. spanking. They have'a naturaily correct Christian principles. This " Mary's Seminary. docile, happy disposi'tion which 'requires the,habit oCreflection,' Father Laubacher, who has requires little more t~an a look': self-control, and responsibility. been 'rector since 1944, will OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER TH'E,DIOCE'SE OF FALL RIVER, 'or,a word for discipline. Should-'you continue to spank, become superior of the Sulpician 'The' ,~ajority, how€!vet, ,have ' Alice? I rather think there are' Fathers' novitate in Rola'nd Pa,rk P~blished Weekly by The Catholic Pr'ess'ot the Diocese ot,fall Riv~r other "means, of ' achi~ving -the' .' here. He succeeds Father John: '410 Highland 'Avenue' ., " , ' their, moments of rebellion; sl'ilf.. ishness,' c: meanness:: to otperssame,'objectiv~ withY,Qu,l' chil-,' '. Linn S,S. ' f~1I Ri,'(er" Mass. ',,~ ,OSborne 5-7 l5r,; when they 'can;tbe,':"rea~oned 'drenat':,their age:'<'" '" ',:,'.' 'Father Linn has been na~~ PUBLISHER·",·' ",' ,with,andneed to be disciplined. '.: Of course" the 'main ,point is president of.'St. Charles'College, . Most Re'v. James L. Connl;)lIy, 0.0.. Ph.D. ,Likewise, in situations invol\r- ,that you keep, clearly. in mind Catonsville, 'succeeding Father big serious dan,ger for the child what you, are trying ,to do ,as J. Cyril Dukehart who will be,­ GENERAL MANAGE~ " ASST. GENERAL 'MANAGER ~r others, disobedience, must be ,pare'1ts; ,.that is, to 'help ,yo~r come '-~ssoc'iate secretary for Rev. Daniel f. Shellao, M.A. ': : Rev. John p,. :Dn~coll associated with physical pain, ,children develop toward the in- majorJand minor seminaries of ;,.,MAt'lAGING EDITOR '\ " , .since reasoning with him, dependence and responsibility of' ,the; National, CathQ.lic Educ~',,\Attorri~y"Hugh J."GPlden' " ' failed.' ,Christian maturity, tiynal Association, WashingtoD:

,HIJW e-,Afl TIllY'


liKE US,

We:ekly ,Calendar l)f Feast Days






Open Mind







,: :








!l THE ANClfOR-,.


\ ' Thurs., June 19, 1958 .



Elect FatherPurtili 'Edmundite' S'uperio;: WINooSKI PARK (NC) -:';'," vi., ahCi PaulA. Morin:Dunkirk:.

Father Jeremiah' T~ Purtill bas N: Y., 'members of the general been, ,reelected' to a six-year council; 'Father' John M.'Her':'· term as Superior General Qfthe,rouet, ~t. Michael's College, prQ-, Society of ~t. Edmund. curatqr gene.ral; Father Sbeehey. the first American to head the secretary general, and Father' sOdety, ',Father Purtill has Ralph F. Linnehan,St. Michael'.' served as Superior General for College, econome general. . ' Fatber,Rurtill is a native, of, tP~1l;lst 12 ,years. Others elected were Fathers Westerly, R. I. He wa;;; ordained viricent B. Maloney imd Gerald May 27, 1933, and is a former E. 'Dupont 'of St. Michael's Col­ academic dean 'at St. Michael's lege, Robert' J.' Sheehey of St. College and :fonner novice mu-:, Edmund's ,Seminary, Burlington, ter of the. society.

Ital'ian· 'Christian Democrats Lack' "R~QI,'Majority ',.'

ROME (N.C)-:-The resuI~ of Italy's recent national, 'elections 'indicate that the' C.atholic - ()riented Cllristian


Democrats, 'who maintained position as the coun'­ try's" 'argest party, will. find It difficult to form a stable govern";'




While the Christian Democrats increased their number of votes and seats in Parliament more t, than was expected, they did not i win an absolute majority in the L._.__.._.~ Chamber of Beputies and SO cannot govern alone. TOKEN OF GRATITUDE: Theresa ,Fqrtes (iight) " They cannot form a coalition ~ith th,e '}larties of either the ex-' representing the children of St.l\:1arY'sHome,:New Bedford, treme left, or right, a'nd even presents Mrs: William Berthold "(left) outgoing president the"possible supporfof the other of. the lrif~tnt of 'Prague Gu'i1d of the hQme, with a bouquet deino'c~atic part'ies of the center' of .roses ,as· Miss T. B~rns, new president, smiles.ap­ seems very shaky. '. provaL Seventy two guild members attell(~ed' installation 'The Christian Democrats won .' . ';' " 273'of' the Chamber's 596 seats' and,dinli'er at'the home. and more than 12.5 million votes, over 42 per cent of all ballots' cast compared with 40 per cent of the total in the 1953 elections. But at Lhe same ti!Tle, show-' TIFIN (NC)-Even if Catholics should become a ing that such Soviet actions as· majoritY.. in the United States, they would "stanp by the ~he brutal suppression -of the Constitution" and "never undertake to change its guarantee Hungarian uprising of 1956 have made little difference' to Italian of r~ligious freedom," Aichbishop Karl J. A,lterof Cincinnati SU!lpbrters of the Reds, the Com­ has said. ' , an ancient prejudice which munist party also scored slight "We would like t() persuade makes it possible for the opposi­ gains: It polled more than 6.7 tion to envision ......... a threat to million votes and won 140 seatS' others to believe as we do," the Archbishop said, "but religious liberty." in ~ the Chamber. In addition 'it is' "not likely" that Cath­ close to 4.2 million Italians voted' , w,e, have 1'\0 desire to implement fM the )/'nmunists' allies,' the' our convictions with any kind of olics will beCome a'majority in Socialist party, which won 84', force: Such procedure would be Amer-ica' in the foreseeable fu:.. contrary to all our principles." tine; the ,Archbishqp said, and seats: Archbishop Alter dismissed even if they did, "there would ,be non-Catholics' fear of Catholic no grounds to fear our influ­ influence as "nothing more-than eoce." ,", Continued from Page One for tile blessing. This year the R. A. WILCOX CO. ceremonies have been simplified and the boats will be in their OFFICE FURNITURE "working dress." Since they are .. Stoe" for Immediate Delivery working boats, it was felt that • DESKS, • CHAIRS they should be blessed just as JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY FILING CABINETS they are. Then the boats will be owner/mgr,. ready to' go to sea on Monday, • FIRE FILES • SAFES 142 Campbell 51. the 30th. FOLDING TABLES New Bedford. MaSs.. Father Duarte will bless the AND CHAIRS boats 'and their 'captains and WYman 9-6792 crews at the wharf. HEADQUARTERS FOR It fitting that the blessing 22 BEDFORD ST. COLONIAL AND take 'place on the Feast of SS. FAll RIVER 5-7838 TRADITIONAL FURNITURE Peter and Paul. The fishermen in the Cape Cod town have al­ ways placed themselves under th protection of St. Peter, the fishennan whom Our Lord called' to be a Fisher of Men al)d Do You Work a Factory, ,

the head of His Churc~. , 'Blessin~ 01 God Gara~, Machine, Shop or

'Many visitors to Province­ Gasoline Station? '

town' ,look upo~ this annual We pick up and deHver, clean' blessing as a rather quaint cus­ and repair' overafls. Also. we have tom. To the captains and crews a complete line of Coveralls. Pantl of the boats, it is much more and Shirts for sale. than that. These men face the sea for their livelihood almost We reclaim and wash any oily, daily, in go~d weather and bad. dirty or greas": rags. They know the sea when it is Why Buy When We Supply calm and generous with a catch, and they know the sea when it is disturbed and dangerous and miserly. 'This Annual Blessing is their asking the blessing of G~ and His'Church upon their work and 2" Howard Ave.. New Bedford their lives. It is a placing of hcme WY 9-6424 or WY 9-6425 ' themselves under the protection of God that the hazards of their r-----;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;9 daily' lives might be eased by • His help and that they might ·FE~TURES receive the strength to sail their 'I~ R ,' boats in peace and make a good eatch and return home safely to their families. Spirit of Faith For a fuU week. In their only we.:kda:rs ,- $%.5e per person Provincetown on the 29th will 1951 New) Encland appearane~. on SaturdaYs. have an Old World dress-coior­ ful fishermen's costumes, stock­ OUF Lombardo andbls Royal Not for F~ bu an,. b" 'j'n,g caps, bunting and flags on C~nadlaDS will be a' 'he Kine name band plaFed a I..n week the boats, sails with hanlli­ , Philip Ballro~m In Wrentham, In • New Enelandballroom 'painted figures o'f the Saints. Mass. -, Jub 1-t!. TheF, will and never, a' neb. low week­ But the most important part of be followed July 14-19 bJ' the da,. prlee. 'the atmosphere will be the spirit erea' Glenn Miller Band ..nder Jesse S~ltb and' bll eyer. of faith in these "men who go Ka,. MeKlnley. 10viDl' dance musle will be down' to the seas in ships." I , , Adyance tickets for week­ playiii, ever,. vr,ida,. and 8at· "dayS, Mondays thru Thursdays. urda,. nlgM beloreand alter "will be sold at the Kine Philip these lpeelalll at 'he usual 5S.00 " ., , Chosen "Best Buy" lor either sUraeUon' for 90a per couple ratea. The King Pblllp Is beautiful•. per person. Mall' orders. when ,Picked No. 1 Import Buy aeco'mpanled by check or. Iy. convenlentlj located over· Backed by Reputable Service inouey order. will be accepted. looking Lake Pearl 'In Wren· Send atamped aelf"addressed tham. Mass.. at 'he Junction 01 Pa~k envelope. Reltular admission Routes f-A and 140. Ample 67 ,Middle Street, Fairhaven parking · wiif be (Irieludlnlf ta~) on , .' . , " .12:00 '. WYman 9':'6479 ,;


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;)0 ..

At,<Our ,Hous.e,:", ,- .'" .... '


. Phil~S~phyofI2:'Y;~~

,"::,,\.: " , t


,Impresses, Older Generation ,

'By Mary Tinley Daly "Pet Show" ..• We watched the sign being printed by

lJteady-handedJimmy as he and a group of children leaned

Over the dining room table, ,

..At 10 A.M. in the mornfng-next Satur.day" (the sign

W. ent on) "in JimmyO'Brien's ' ' Blue ribbons were pinned-or


backyard. Printed Ribbon scotch taped-on and everybody

Prizes. Refreshments for had refreshments. TtJ,e people'

people. Refreshments 'for enjoyed lemonade and cookies

Pets, Sc' Per Person Each. No Charge for Pets. Come 'One _ C, 0 m, e A I V'

and had a friendly get-together,

the animals had their goodies

too. "How.'d you manage to, have

(And in larger "everybody's pet win, ,Jimm, y~"

ie'tters) "Be Proud of: Your one of .the fathers asked. ' Pet!U ':Well,u Jimmy took 'anothe,r , JEANNE CRAIG LUCILLE POTHIER' , All this for sip 'of lemonade and',' that

freckled faced grin reappeare~,

'"5c per person eachU?: Here's "We just drew up the line-up of prizes and figured that the' , ,On Friday', morning at aspe.,. '" le~aFerro received 'a, 'pin for, ,,chapel on Sunday evening, at anoUier one un- ' J'udges would do the 'rest;,' After,' derwritten 'by , cial assembly, awards were made attaining' a speed of, 70 ~ords: a' '1:30. Rev. Stanisiaus Ber'nard, .. all .'. ,i' Jimmy shrugged his minute in' typewriting;, and SS.CC., chaplain, will preside: pa r e n ts, we shoulders, "The 'way animals ar~ , to ,the graduates as follows:' Silver ,medals for High Honors. ,Patricia' 'Rebello, for 55 wOJ;'ds A special group from the Glee thought,-but a -'-and, p'eople too-everybOci,y' is lot of 1lIn for to Catherine Blaise, Joanne a minute. , " club will provide the singing for best a.t something!" Glee ,club pins w~re awarded Benediction of the Blessed Sac­ the kids. • • We don't know whether Craig, and Lucille Pothier. Bronze medals -for Honors ~ to Louise Charbonneau, Jeanne rament. The'sign was 'Jim~y will end up as zoe tacked on a tree in the neighbor- , Margaret Duggan, JeanneGou~ ,Goulet, Janet Pauline,. ,and, The graduation Mass will be hood piayground and the entre- keeper, as financier or diplomat, let, Joan Martel, Catherine NorJO,anne Viera. ~elebrated on Monday morning as philosopher or priest"':"'but, at The Commencement Exercises at 7:30. It wil1 be followed by iN'eneurs got busy with registra~' age 12, he shows the makings of ris, Janet Pauline,and Joanne tions. A day or so later Jimm~', ' Viera. ' Will be' held in the Academy a Communion breakfast. eame around to make final any ,o~ these. A gold medal for French to And, for five cents, we'of the IN'eparations. Joanne Craig; a silver medal for

older generation had, reimCookie Chu.irman pressetl on us the sometime!l- French to Louise Charbonneau.'

"Think Ginny could' be chair- forgotten fact that "Everybody A silver medal for English' te

• Margaret Duggan. ' man of cookies?" he asked, lean- 'is best at something!'" ; &be successors of Ule Apostles have gODe "to preach Ule Gospel .. :: \' , , ' . ing against'. the kitchen sink, A gold medal for singing to ' e"er:r creature • • . and wheD tbe seed 01 our bol:r laith has take. brown eyes alert. "We got 12 Relief Agency in Role Joanne Craig. ' root •.• meD bave built cburches wortb7 py~h, some of 'em are girls Of C' ·d· of housing Ule Incarnate Son 01 GOd. Silver medal for music: Louise -signed up to bring pets a n d ' Upl In' Korea \ Charbonneau, and ,Marcella' churcbes wherein the:r could worship everybody'l1 have somebody else, , NEW YORK (~C)~The U. S. ' Flemming. Special awards i~­ their Maker devoutl:r. FIVE HUNDRED ltis mother or somebody. That Bishops' worldwide relief and faithful Catholics in BAGHDAD have DO cluded a medal for service' to makes 24. Could Ginny bring rehabilitation agency in Korea church 01 any kind! They have the will to Catherine Norris; a medal for that many cookies-and for 40 finds:it has been, cast in anew audio-visual equipment opera­ build a suitable dwelling' for their GOd, eents? That's our cookie budget." and unusual role-that of Cupid. tion to Marcella Flemming;, one but their poverty is so great that they do Dot have the means 'to secure the nece8­ We thought that Ginny could It seems Korean girls are ex­ for achievement to Joanne Viera" sar:r materiais. They could worship God furnish cookies for 24.£or the 40 peeted to provide a cotton quilt and one for special effort to

more devoutly. their priest could eele­ cents. Jimmy showed us his en- and mattress as part of their Ann Farley.

br:ate Mass in fitting surroundings - II tire budget: cookies 40 cents, dowry when it cornell time for

In the commercial' department, 'the:r had' a Church. The cost would be lemoniiile 40 cents, dog-and-cat .them to marry. 'inattaning 100 words a minute $4.090. Could :rou, by some financial aid. biscuits 25 cents, fish food five Some girls of' marriageable in' shorthand, Jeanne Goulet, lIelpUlese poor people erect a place 01 worship? Any contribution. eents, "We'll dig up a coupla age were faced with spinster­ Catherine Blaise,' and Lucille DO matter how small, would at least be a 'start toward realizing the earrots out of the garden if a, hood 'because their families could Pothier were awarded gold pins.,' ' lOoney Deeded to begiD buildinl'. Their' I'ratitude would be :rOUl'll bunny shows-they're for free", not prbvide' the' ali-imPortant Joan Martel w:ls awarded a pill lorever. .' and, one yard of blue 'ribbon to cotton quilt and mattress. be cut int() three lnch pieces for CR~S-NCWC'came to the res- for 80 ,words a ,minute. Magda­ THE MONICA'S GUILD IS, A FUND USED TO, F,URNISR the awards. cue. : Quilts were made from CHURCHES AND CHAPELS IN THE NEAR EAST. A DOLLAR Pasteur's Great-Niece surplUs' material and shipped Total: $1.20, equalling the 12, "'MONTH WILL HELP TO BE'AUTIFY THESE HOUSES OF GOD. entries and the ,12 guests at five to Korea. To date five girls are Heads Student Nurses' cents each. Well, we've been on preparing for, their weadings. , GOD'S' INVITATION ATLANTIC CITY (NC)- A God does not force His children to accept the vocation that be many a project but never' saw Cupid's arrows are really vav:' great-niece of the' famed French ielects for them .•• God only invites. BENIGNO and ANGELO,ha". higher mathematics like this!' eling these days! biologist Louis Pasteur has been 'aecepted God's in'vitation to be priests. They elected president of the National Miniature :11':00 are now preparing for the Holy Priesthood at F,irst Grade Student Student Nurses' Association. She "Why' a yard of blue ribiJon, a seminary in ERITREA. Would you like to help

Wins Valuable Prizes is Miss Lynda Goodier of New in a very special way' in the "Redemption 01 the

Jimmy?" we 'asked. "Shouldn't Orieans" a student in, the train­

SEATTLE (NC) Ruthie world? Since in the New Testament the work

you get a: third of a yard each Wood, six years old, 'who just ing school . of Mercy Hospital 01 continuous' redemption must be carried on

of blue, red and white,--,~or the as long as men shall live, priests will' be need­ first,. second and' third prizes?", has completed the first grade' there. ',eduntil the end of time. By giving financial at St. Mark's parochial school" "This's O.K." Jimmy gave us assistanee to one or both of these boys, or to started off her summer vacation one of his ingratiating grins, any boy preparing for the priesthood, yOU are truly diding in a par­ w~th a bang. The youngster was even the freckles seeming to ticular way the work of redemption. BENIGNO and ANGELO wiD nameq the winner, of $10,000 smile. be in the seminary for six years. The total cost 01 their education Came "Saturday ,at 10 A. lV{. in in cash and a number of other 'will be $600 .•. $100 a year. If you wish to help one of 'them, yoa prizes ina nationwide contest. the morning" • . • ' Ginny,- the Joseph A. Charpentier an pay the necessary, tuition money In any way convenient to you. All that contestantS had to do bunny (her entry) and, I went Reg,Pharm, ' , to Jimmy's back yard,- paid our to enter.-th~ contest, sponsored' 1902 ACUSHNET AVE. PRIESTS BRING TO THE POOR PEOPLE OF THE NEAR EAST' by a :hational products company, ' ,nickles and viewed thl! show', At NEW BEDFORD FOOD FOR THEIR SOULS. BY YOUR 'CHARITY YOU BRING first, it looked 'like a miniature' ,was to, write three names on a TEl. WY 6-0772 THEM FOOD FOR 'THEIR, BODIES. ' <: aoo: dogs (five out of the 12 postal card. PRESCRIPTIONS Ruthie is one of seven children entries) the three cats, being GOD'S VOLUNTEERS An invitation Irom 'Almighty God to ,volunteer lor _ certalD ,_... in tl1e James H. Wood family. smoothed and soothed by their Her ,,",other ,had sent 25: postal' • '•• 101' whlcb God ba'il I'lven ,:roa speclarll'aces and talents ... thai proud owners; the turtle getting , , is' a Yocatlon; SISTER HENRIETTE and SIS­ a finaV'polish on his shell; the card!i on which she had written TER JULIE:NNE leeltbatlbey bave loldfish in" sparkling', QOWls ,,'the names: of all'seven. children.• , ,In'adaiti~n ,to thein6ney; I'iven' the speclalll'aces and talents to 8Wimming, around, 'unconcerned' .trust God lIS Franclsean Sisters 01 lbe Cr,oss. Tliq that they were fadril~ judgment. , which:, will be. kept- in are now iD a Dovitiate in LebanoD. The pre..-' , , Jimmy rose to hi.s full five until ,she' is 21,' Ruthie's other

~ Ova" ..A~'Ac:a..Tu"Y. aratioD lor their, life's work will cost $300 'I.' _L\~''''w..~ _ ' ,'feet, 'and "announced: "Thank' 'prizes- include a ,16':'foot' cabin

each one' 01 lbem dUrinl' the two years ill you, ladies and gentlemen; ,for cruiser; ~ .year's ,supply,of: ten­ their novitiate. If yoa' would like to bave' SIS­ lUI being 'with us.' This 'show is put , derlo!n steaks, a year's sUpply of ' TER HENRIETTE or SISTER JUUENNE _, , on to encourage ( everybody ·breakfast, food, a bicyclEi, golf' your' ~danghter in Christ," tbe eom lor thfilr everywhere to have a pet. Now, clubs,: an a fishing. rod. and reel. .aininl' Is $150,_ year,lor two :rearS. payable at yoar,eonvenlenee. we'll have the judging." (Two fathers and' one mother were the SORRY! No BerriDg 'BE A MiSSIONARY IN SPIRIT IF NOT IN FACT-BY PRAYER

judges.)' ' ,or .Lobster Stew ­ AND ALMS. '

First out, a pedigreed cocker, BUT you're sure to AUTO & FURNITURE Fall in Love,witb presented by blond Sheila in a HA VE I A TRULY CATHOLIC HEART? pink pl~ysuit; next a what-is-it­ The Wholly Catholic heart burns with zeal to convert the whole UPHOlSTERING .' .' dog, proudly displayed by 10­ world. :"his does not mean that all ol"bs have to go out and actuallY ,All kinds, upholstering year-Old Ted. The pets went on work bodily in the Mission fields. But ii does mean this: that we , f,ABRICS and on-all 12 of them-eacn should give every b1t of help that it is in our power to give. to brine receiving applause. all the world to the lect of Christ. First we should give the help 0: ~. I NERBONNE. Prop. of our unceasing prayers that the whole world may be converted 1863 Purchase St.. New Bedford The Winners! Rte. ,6 ' Mattapoisett. Mass. 43 renter St.,;' Bunni. to Christ . . . after that. we should aid materially, as much as pos­ "You, have, seen the entries," aible. the missionaries who are out, doing the actual preaching. . \ .. M.C. Jimmy announced. Believe . teaching and baptizing. it or not, each one received a first 'prize. He then read out tJ:i~ , naines and, categories: Best big I and little dog-same for cats; All Kinds Of Insur~nce ' FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President biggest and littlest"goidfish; most Plumbing - Heating Msgr. Peter,P. :ruohy,' Nat'I,Sec', unusual animal (turtl.~); friend­ WILLIAM ,STREET· Over 35 Years liest animal, brownest dog' and. Send all communicationi to:' , N~W ~EDFORD. MA~& Of S~tisfied ,service , best vickster (that took care of " CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION, , three, ,more dogs);, Whitest cat; ,'" DIAL, wy, 1-5153; ',106, NO;· MAIN, STREET ,480,Le)(~n9tonAv ••. oat~46thSd "'New York 17, c: • • • " . 1 • • fastest "ru~ning. animal for, it. "

Fairhave'l Academy, Gives Awards at Ass~mbly



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THE A"~~HOR-' Thurs., June 19, 1958

Todays Fashions

Advises Self-Analysis as First: i Step on Road to Loveliness.

Sucordium Club' Party Tonight The Sucprdium Club of Sacred Hearts Academy, of, Fall, River ,will hold an informal' get-ac­ quainted coffee hour for mothers of 'prospective freshmen and pre­ 'primary students tonight from 7.30 to 9:00 in the convent hall

on Prospect Street. The group

will be addressecl by Sister John

Elizabeth, SUSC, principal of the

high. school.

The new high school students will be entertained at the same time by members of next year's, senior class at a party in the school cafeteria. Mrs. Thomas F. DiNucci I is

general chairman of the com­

mittee in charge, of;, arrange­

menis for the~ affair., Refresh­

ments will'be ser~ed under, i~e

direction' of Mrs., Stanley, "~

Bochenek. ' '::

By Ellen Kelley Today, let's consider briefly, but adequately, "How. To Make A Lovely You-Lovelier!" To begin. Analyze yourself. Study your face for its special assets. Learn to make up your good points, make down your bad. Find out how to look ' like nobody but, youFself- imperfect. Yes, there's a hair but your very best self, style to flatter differQJ1t shapes: your individual self. Polish the square jaw, the lofty fore­ yourself from shining head head, the shallow forehead, the to shined toe.

'narrow forehead, too much nose, 'Coordinate yourself - keep outstanding ears,' the ,long, your body in such poise and per­ pointed chin, jutting chin, feet alignment that it takes you turned-up nose, round face. beautifully through this world, How can you secure the most Keep your mind proud and high flattering c6iffure for Y0.\11 Sim­ too. Each day, re-examine your' ply hie yourself to your favorite precious spiritual ideals and beauty salon and have your face KREISLER HOME-LOURDES SHRIN,E: A new Shrine values, build uP' inlier' resources" contours analyzed' by one of ~ainst "the day of awareness." 'thei'r experts; then have your Of Our Lady of Lourdes is blessed at 'Memorare' in Danbury ,PIan .rour life; plan yo~ t~e; special' beauty 'operator shape by Bishop Lawrence,.t Shehan of Bridgeport. It is built on plan your budget; your Pleas­ your coiffure, accordingly. the grounds of ,the summer home which was donated by "res, and-above' aU--your du­ If you're beauty:'wise, you'll Mrs. Fritz Krei~ler;' Mother M, Angeline, Mother General ~ister of St. Joseph, ties 1M) that in a' senSe, you' cali let' her suggest,' and' carry' out, ,,', and Foundress Qf the Carmelite Sisters 'for the Aged and 60-Year Jubilarian help to' make: t1U rig s 'hapP,en 'al[i her plans for a lovelier you!, Let ST. PAUL (NC) - The 6&Ua

pOu want them'to." ,' , her decide which hair-.tint; for Infirm, is' at left and M()Uier M. Bernadette de Lourdes, instance, perfectly, complements anniversary of her 'profeSsIon

Administrator of the Carmelite's Mary Manning Walsh as your individual skin ,tones and Complexion Care a Sister of 81. Joseph has

' Home, New York is at right. NC Photo. have her finish tlte job with a been observed by 86-year-old

About body care-:-if you have lustrous cream-rinse. aft oily complexion, you can Seek her advice also for the look lovely, 'achieve a fine skin, shades of rouge and lipstick best if you scrub your complexion with soap and water, three times suited to you and match your nail polish io both! The result' a day. (If it's .impossible to scrub however necessary help might Catholic Welfare Conference. LONDON (NC)~Social work­ will be startlingly beautiful, be your face at noon--use a good beat times, the preJate ~mpha~ In, Los Angele~ another Sis­ ers and experts are no substitute ' terM. Constance, a niece of the astringent.) After you've lath­ 'assured! for the love of parents in caring sized. j~biiarian, Qbserved her, 25th ered and rinsed, 'go over 'your Dress 'SuggesHons for children. Well-trained social workers a'nniversary as' a, 8,is~er 'of St. skin witli 'a' clean 'cotton astrin:'" The, tall gal comes into her Archbishop William Godfrey would never make' this mistake, Joseph. ' gent pad. ~:f your' skin is dry,' own this bright, wonderful new of Westminster ,told the annual h e continued. "They know that ,Sister, Constan<;e was the first cream-it-clean, ,then lotion-dean' season! When she selects dresses, meeting of the National Society the wise' method of approach is, woman, wearing the 'garb of, a for soil test.' , .. she chooses broken-line chemises for the, Prevention of Cruelty to wherever possible to train par­ nun, who became ,a student at Do eat wit\l sense. Follow a (witti bands; belts, etc.) dividing Children: ents and help .them to discharge the University of Wisconsin; 8pe good d.iet. Asid.e from fruits and the' figure at waist, hips. She a duty which belongs naturally studied pharmacy. After COlTl­ "It'should be our earnest en­ vegetables, lean meats and dairy looks' well in the' new trapeze deaVOr to see that no policy or to them." pleting the course, she went to products, remember to, get silhouettes. Blouson-suits' are "The Christian state, is not Fargo, where she organized the legislatipn on our part should enough roughage into your sys:'" her ticket. 'favor or make easier the neglect a, supplanter, trampling on the ,pharmacy" department of St. tem. Count your, calories and In ,swimsuits, she prefers, for rights of parents," continued the John's Hospital and became the of, ·children." drink six to nine glasses' of beauty's sake,' knitted maillots, Archbishop, "but a helper in time first nun-pharmacist in North "With ,all respect to the social water daily between meals, but to dramatize her tallness. As to Da1l:0ta. no more. (Water weighs in the accessories, she wears big, pins workers," he emphasized',"it of need recognizing always that the parents are by divine right Sister Constance in Los An­ would be a great error to give diet!) at hips, masses of beads, chunky the possessors and guardians of geles is a sister of Redemptorist the impression' to parents that jewelry, wide hip belts, big hats Hand Lotion' Important their offspring" for whose" care Father William Fitzgerald of only the 'experts know how to 'Keep you; haIids layed in oils filled ,with flowers, and two-inch they, and not the state, will be Oakland,and of Sisters Cather­ handle children." , , and lotions: 'K'eep a bottle of . heels! responsible to the Creator, ine Anita of Los Angeles, and Speaking of the rights of in­ 'The woman with a top-heavy hand cream or lotion in your whose instruments they are." Ann Gertrude ~f San Fernando. dividuals, Archbishop Godfrey bathroom, on '·your kitchen sink figure ,prefers one or. two-piece trapeze dresses, stiffly sloped said that "many d!sasters, of ~""', ,""""""'~,~~~~"~~"~"~"~""'~"'~~"~~ shelf, at your desk, or special recent years have resulted from fr,om underneath the arms to de­ compartment in :your place' "of. the over-exaltation of the im­ emphasize the full bosom. The business. After carefully wash­ portance of the state." ' ,two-piece chemise with back ing and drying hands, use lotion. fullness for balance is her ticket. No activitYQf a welfare officer ~O to ,1958

At night, stroke on'a rich oil and Straight~acrol3s "or slightly could ever, be an ad(;!quate sub­ wear thin cotton gloves (par­ scooped necklines enhance her stitute for the love of parents, ticularly if you're ,older!) You'd do well to oil your elbows, too, individual beauty. Accredited by the New England Association of She selects swimsuits with Ban Beauty Contest to keep them as lovely and Colleges and Secondary Schools

'as smooth as your hands. Thus, good, firm bUilt-in bra, little boy . At'Air Force Base shorts to balance' fullness on top, 755 SECOND STREET

'you'll be, a.ble to wear shoft PLATTS:eURGH (NC) ,;,.... A (CORNER OF MIDDLE STREET)

sleeves, or sleeveless fashions,' a patterned fabric to make pro­ bathing beauty contest at Platts­ file less sharply defined. FALL RIVER, MASS.

well! For the right accessories, she burgh Air Force Base has been For a sweet breath at all times, CO-EDUCATIONAL shooses. big flowers pla,ced low called off. tndulge in proper tooth-brush­ Conducted by the Bishop James J. Navagh of ing. Keep a mouth wash' at on the waistline, soft scarves at RELIGIOUS' SISTERS OF MERCY the neckline, a minimum of Ogdensburg voiced objection, work wit'h you. Watch elimina­ beads, soft, rounded cloches and , for / . terming such contests "immoral" tion habits; see a dentist regu­ turbans for hats. and said that any Catholic of' larly. During business hours, ELEMENTARY - JUNIOR HIGH - HIGH SCHOOL the Ogdensburg diocese who en­ don't indulge in high-smelling STUDENTS foods! ' Daug~ters of Isabella

tered would b,e denied the sacra-' Elementary Grades: Arithmetic, Reading, English

Do use a good deodorimt daily, Plan- Neighbor's Night . ments' until a "sufficient repar­ ation" was made. The ,Bishop's after bathing, a liquid or a cream Pre-High School: Intensive Arithmetic ana English Review .

deodorant. (Some people use . Mrs. Doris Kawa and, Miss , instructions ,were read at Masses High School: Introductory Courses and Refresher Courses'

both-if they perspire exces.., Natalie Ferreira head 'a large throughout the ,diocese. . . iQ all ,High School $ubjects, including 'Commercial Course.',. . c .. .. . '.' . ' '1 I) ,, " ," ""committee planning ,the Neigh­ The contest had been sched­ s~~e y ' , ', ' """, :" 'oor's Night social ' to be held uled for June 27 and 28. After q~ ~~lIl's~,::a ,gix,ld :depiJatory , !sa must. There' ,are plentY, Of next Tuesday night_ at, Moose Bishop Navagh made knowri his . Additional information May lie obtained by writing' or '

wonderful' wax," cr'eaIn o~')otio~ 'Hall by Hyacintp.' Circle; No.' 71 obje<:tiqn, Air~Force offidalsis:" ,~Ie~honing" to Mount Saint Mary, Academy-OSbor.ne ,3-319t,

depilatQbes'op';ui~"inar.ltet, .aisO Daughters of Isabella' of 'New sued' the following statement: " ~~,~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~,~,~~~" ~,~~~ ~~,~~~~~~

a razor! Time 'was,when a fuZz 'Bedford'.... ,,' " ," ,1 "In the best interest of comuni­ over ,the lip's ,was' considered a 'Mrs. Julia Morris.is chairman ty relationsj' it"is' 'felt 'that" the pa'~t of be,~ptY.· However, to'day:s:. 01 the committee .making pl~ns, bathing' beau'ty" contest' should women' and, giris know' th~t ' for the' annual mystery, ride, be eliminated~" " " nothing c'ould be more unbecomscheduled for July 15. . ; ' .... _ - - -,"'~- , ' , ,,,;.. ....~.. ~ ........ _jlI

ing and there i$ no earthly rea-, The junior, circle will hold son for any woman or, girl to its annual formal dance tomor­ have that H)urking shad.ow!" row night at Cornell Hali. The '~,\ :s: group, under the direction'; of .11' 1 "' 5 \~\.te' ""1"';0"'­ , PI' ~mature Wrinkle$ Miss Martha Douglas, will aiso ~.,. pon't mistreat your precious hold an outing in July. ," • ~ I)" '7, reet with bad shoes, too-small or <' too~short stockings.' A too-high No School Next Fall­ ~\ . ,1~:. heel can throw too much weight © -I \ ..'?\.,:mmfll , ',',":..'..:1f; on the ball of the foot. Tight Can't Get Sisters ~f.:5.:.-c_. -1---_,,!' .._ -=-....:....=_~.:=:: --:::::.:Jl __liWIJ u ­ Leave N. Y. Aug. 22 :' stockings can cramp your toes, LITTLE ROCK (NC)-One of : Called For and Delivered cause corns or bunions, just as the fastest-growing parishes in , Return N. Y. Oct. 16 : wrong.shoes can. Both can stop LittleRock has struck head-on eirculation and make feet swell. against the stone wall of voca- : ENGLAND, HOLLAND : Once-A-Day in Somerset and Swansea at 4:30 P.M. Get your shoes properly fitted tion shortages. , BELGIUM, GERMANY , by experienced shoemen. If you St. Theresa's parish has com­ \ need arch supports, metartar~l pIeted a $60,000 project to house : ITALY, FRANCE : I>;lds 01: heel lifts, get tile kind the first four primary grades of , ToE mergency Prescriptions that switch from shoe·to shoe. a new school it planned' to open , SWITZERLAND ,: Wear heels. you ,can ,walk in. in September. , . , ~ r A' Surgical 'Appliance Co. , : Information and reservations, Nowadays, any' heel height is But ~e. pastor, Father Wil­ ~ W Pharmacy smart if 'it's styled to its,l!peciaJ, liam J. llurke, says there will be , , Rev. A. Fredette, m.s ', function. ~emember, bad ,pas- ito ,school.. in .S,eptember. "We . • , " ! Hearing Aid C~. ,: La 8illeite 'Semina'i'y i :

ture" wrong ',.shoes, too-short need just two Sisters," he says, :,,' ,',:, .Arthur J.~ Shea•. ~rop. " "::~ttlebor)"Mass. ';, ~':

stockings cause' pain,' and, often- .. :"in'order:'tcf iha:tigtirate ,the first times, premature.-W!'-inkles!.- .., .. ·,four grades,' But theNi""jUst '.~. 2M;dhtf 206--R'OCK 'ST. .", .". "'TEL.' aS .S:-7a'?~f".: .;. ~ .-,.,.. . -;;.~,".'-"""'~.'- .' -,,'.... -~.'-. . _. Hair stylea to~ay, perfect the aren't~wo av~ilable." •• +~~•.:~+ .....~+++++< ..:~""'+Ci( ••:..:..;-:->~<.... ~ :..:~

Archbishop Say? Social Workers Are No Substitute for Parents'~

~~:te~a:'~=r~ta;~~;/';iS~;a:; ~~~a~~~:~~~r o~fthet~;cia~~~:~oa~



JUNE AUGUST 2, Mount S'aint Mary Academy




r,' .

... ..




t :. PI,LGRIMAGE : f :, TOEUROPE , f , , ,: 56 days - $1150.00:,

, , , , , : , , , " ,


\'\~\ /\~i' -




6 TIMES DAILY IN FALL RIVER Special Attention Given





~!L;~'. ~.:~~:,,,~ . . "~~~'~ ~~'~ij . ,
















$ch~ol.End Activitie's

SpOtlighting-. Our Schools~. ST. MARY'S HIIGH, TAUNTON Baccalaureate services were held at Saint Mary of the As­ sumption Church for 'the 1958' graduates of Saint Mary's School and CoyIe High. The boys and girls were addressed ''by Rev. Brendan McNally, S.J., who gave the graduates a glimpse of their life in the ·world. Later, an assembly was held in the school audito.riulJl and Catholic University. diplomas 'were granted to the 26 seniors who had taken examinations in the seven required fields. 'Business department awards given were: Typing: Coreena. Vargas, Arlene Whalen, Deirdre Bresnahan, -Shiney Custer, Dor-. othea Sullivan, Patrici~ Morri­ son, 'Cynthia Lepage, Constance LePlante and Sheila McGarry. 'Stenography: Constance LaPlante, Shirley Custer, Cynthia Lepage and Sheila McGarry. The freshman class held a "Sack Contest" in. competition with the growing rage .pf the sack or cl1emise. With the as­ sistance of Mary Morris, chair­ man for the group, several fresh­ men ,designed and made sacks for dolls of various sizes and


The complete staff compris~ , the following: Assistant Editor­ in-Chief, Louise Banks; Make-up edit0r, Pauline Galland, assisted by Paulette Dion and Gladys O'Connell; Potography editor, . Lucretia' Carreiro, assisted by Gayle Miller and Patricia Dris:­ Ian. Assistant literary editors, Nan.,. cy Hall and Evelyn Levesque; Fashion editors, Susan Roy and Nancy McNerny; Exchange edi-' tor; Aim Daudelin; Business manager, Mary Carol Floyd; Cir­ culation manager, Nan Shea. Writers -of individual columns will be Whiskers S.H..A.-Pa­ tricia Correa and Janice De­ Mello; With Our Grads-Mar­ garet' Hogan and Mary Lou K'night; and Sez Who-Joanne Da Rocha and Patricia Gagnon. The l . Anchori·te staff will be headed by Joan Seguin with Barbara Goulet,. Barbara No­ brega,[ Mary Boland and Janice Faria· as her assistants; . Undbr the leadership of Ag­ 'nes d'Neil, as editor':in-chief ·of JanJa, the' yearbook staff com~ 'prises:l Judith Johnson, Janice Wojcik: and Mary I;,ou· Simcoe, the lit4rary staff; Elizabeth Mar- . .tin, Barbara D'Arruda, Louisa'

'HEAD OF THE HOUSE' TELEVISED: How to consecrate the family to the Sacred Heart, real head of the home, was the subject of a playlet aired over 'WBZ-TV, Boston by students of Notre Dame Academy, Tyngsboro, Mass. The play, entitled "The Head of the House," by Sister Marguerite' Mary;S.N.D., was part of the spiritual celebration of the archdiocesan sesquicentennial. NC Photo. : '

e:iees~x~i~~te~ni~~et~eP~~~tUC~~ ~~~~~ '\:yno~t~~~IA~o:~~~~'D:~~ ~~~~:h:;tl~~:~:~~~ing in~itutesBenefit

~ius Se,~inary

S u n d a y for S t•. the'school while the commenta-' Desrosiers,· Colleen., Sullivan, . New Bedford Institute ..of ..A., Country-Fair, sponsored by. .for the young~ters. .tor,~'tlizabet~· CarbOnneau; ;~x.:.·'MatiiYn.' Platt' and' Geraldine 'TedinbI6gy: Peter Abraham, the AssOciate Families. of· the . A "Country 'Stbre," set up like plained the different garments.· Tobmey business s t a f f . ' 'J'o'se'ph.' Callag'han, John 'Cha'se, 'H''o'l'y C''r"o's's 'F'athers of Ne'w B' ed~ Girls taking part were Carole Heading . the debaters' next Stephen, Donovan" Marcel ,Du- ford; Greater Brockton and Bos-. an old-time general store, will .Velon, Mary. Ellen 'Parkerj"Shir- Fall will be Nancy Lafleur, pres­ mont, John Hoyle, John Ma.., 'ton, will be held on the grounds feature home made jams, jellies, ley Gorczyca, Gladys Alves,. identof the debating. team; Mary guire, Thoma.~ Muldoon, .Filbert, of St. ;Pius X Seminary, ~orth cakes, aprops,.. fancy work and Jeal1ile'Auclair,DJoyce Harnoiil,' Lou Sifuc'oe,"vice-"presiden't;arlC:l Piscarino, John Regan; Anne'. Easton, June.22 from 2 to 7 P.·rd. ,knitted goods; " . Mary' Flaherty, 'Sandra' Christa, ';LouiseBanks, secretary-treas-""Marie' Splaine; Henry 'Tavares Proceeds from the event wili go The Hoiy Cross Fathers have Norma Barl>er, M:lr61yn Lim'a;' . 'urer., , , .:: . ' . and Thomas Zych. ' . . to the/Holy' Cross Fathers' sem:' under construction . on the and·:Maric'Memoli, who exhibit-' '.' The officers ·of· the' orchestra . 'C~rnegie" Institute:' Raymond . inary Duilding' fund. ., . grounds a seminary wpich when ed a' large sack uniquely 'cui:' are'a's!ollows: Janice. Fariai pres:" Gaudreau and John Pavao. " ori~:, of 't~e f~atures .wilJ be,,'" completed will house 200 priests, Mock". sacks were displayed by ident; Joan Seguin,.' secretaryUniversity 'of Massachusetts: .brothers and sem,inarians. It is NaJine M~Kenney,·Miriam Sul-: .,treasurer; and ElizabePt Cetola,"'Judith Giblin'and Patricia Oli.; more·. than 500 dol~s from all the .first. seminary, constructed ;, .librarian.' veira. . parts of the world dressed. in . livllA and Veronica SHvia. . L .native., costumes. A "Kicidies. by ,the order in· the East. The Mary Elizabeth. Bola'nd was Worcester Polytech: aUJ'ent 'order conducts the Mission JESUS:'MARY ACADEMY, 'elected' president of:' the 'Glee Beauregard.' Korner" wql haye rides, grab House',. North Dartmouth, St. FALL RIVER Club, while. Pauline Galland Stonehill: Roger Normand. Brian Harrington and Richard Joseph's Hall,' North Dartmouth, Senior Catherine Goulet' was and Phoebe Champoux were Boston Colle~e: Margaret A. Tobojka have been a~cepted as the' seminary in North Easton, awarded a $50 prize scholarship cho~n vice-president and ~c­ Durant.. . candidates. for the Seminary Stonehill College, North Easton, by Citizen Scholarship Founda­ retary-treasurer, respectively. Salve Regma: Catherme Fo.y~, where they will begin. their Kings College, Pa., and Notre tion· of Greater Fall River. Miss ,Eighteen Latin students re­ . Susan A. McGowan, - Ceclha studies for the priesthood in Dame University. Rev. George Goulet ranks first in the gradu­ eeived awards for outstanding Pocza~ek, Mary E. Silva. the Fall River. Diocese. S. DePrizio, formerly of Mans­ ating class of '58. . scores . on the 1958· National RegIS: Roseanne E. Thomas,. bags, 'and other entertainment field, Mass., is Eastern provincial. .. Latin Examination sponsored by JeOanneLttedM. fBtehnOEitl' . P l' e . ~~"''''~~''''''~",'''''' .prGeseeonrtgeedttea nCaatml'oPnbaelllm' e'5d8al~bay's the Auxilium Latinum. Mar­ ur a yo ems. au m. • CpJ;nmander Mary Lennon 'on garet Lahey a sophomore Bosario.. . '-..11·. '-..I 1~I D Bridgewater Teachers: Anne"; gr<iduation day. The medal was 'ceived a 'Superlative ", Merit doria ted by Frank Allen Wilcox Achievement Certificate.' . Blouin,' SuSan Craig, Alfred 'Ser'ye your' 'fa' m' .... VIOS'ON'S .Arr1etican Legion, I~ost J26 -'Of Honorable M 't A h' t Foisy, Carole Kelly, Ela'ine F 11 R · '" "ded CertifiCates were enawarded c levemen k C yn thOla" K"mg, J oan.. L e-: alVeI'. Th e pnze IS awar to the' K"IJ.a, '" a.c. .' reg'or ra n .'C'O' . ' LO' . " ,CUTS '. to Miss. Campbell as a recog-· following seniors: Mli'ryDunn'" claIr, Mary OU1me~, Ronald Panition of efforts in an oratorical \ Hele'i'l' Gannon, CatherineHow~;che~o; N~ncy, X~vH:r. '.. .:. ~Hickory' - contest on the Constitution in ard," and MaryLou O'Neil' . Massachusetts School of Phar­ whi~h she p"articipated. '. , .. Rid P f t -: ' . ..,. juniors: 'Jeim Callahan Eliza- macy:. 0 an.. o~ z:e.. '. . traditional Junior-Senior beth Cef61a, JimiceFari~, Caroi Ma,ilie' ~unior . C~llege: .1;,oi,s e(Everybodys Changing'~to .MacGregor Brand) DaY, 'the junior!?' pla'yed host to Regan; and Juliette Silva. Soph- Mahon., . . . ' .. ' .' . the .senior class with a telecast omores: Jo-Ann Caspar:Joanne Sf.. Luke's :Hospital School f()R BARBECUES..:. . of the past, 'present and future. DaRoc~ii, Gayle Miller, Eileen Nurs1l1g: Jar;t.e.Doran and Mar­ "Queen of a Day" was the theme th . R g . !,errault, Susan - Roy Barbara . amane 0 ers. With Luscious Chunks of Pork . . of ,the program. !J'he afternoon Tavares, Winifred W~lch. St;;Vincent's Hospital: Marilyn ) entertainment was taken over . Young..' . . . . .IIJII.....IIIIII.. by the graduates with a skit en­ HOLY FAMILY HIGH, Massachusetts General HospiJUST at Food Stores in titled ".... And Away We Go". NEW BEDFORD' - tal: N'ancy Barney: . PICK South. Eastern The musical fantasy revolved .Officers of the Monsignor McFatima Hospital: Gail Malo• 1 about the departure of the '58 Keon Debating Society have ney. 'A NAME Massac~usetts graduates to another world in a been elected for the 1958-59. Cape Cod Hospital: Rose A. space ship, G58, which rocket­ academic year.. They ar~: Presi- Hillow. ed towards the .. various planets dent George Thomas; Vice-Pr'esEnrolled as laboratory tech­ ~ and their satellites. ident and Parliamentarian, Robnician students' at St. Luke's Garbed in an original costume ,ert LaWler, Secretary~Treasurer,. Hospital .are Kathleen Maguire of space man, the Gradniks' be~. Katherine Kelleher; Librarian, ~nd Susan.,Van Cleft. . <? mo~n their departure from the ,Mary Jane Walker; Committee ~ : : ,', I . ,Extra Lge. K1NG Sertior World which ~as filled Chairman, Mary Jane Rimmer. ..,;.. . with pleasallt memo'des of school . -~- :KJ:ithleen Morrissey has b~en' King Size .:,SI~E days "Hotch~-do" "Now elected Prefect' of the Sodaiity Command' your They've Grown Accu~tomed to of Our Lady of Good.... Counsel .• ",LOBSTERS LOBSTERS children that our Faces:', ""The Flying Purple for the coming year; Serving ,., they do justice.· People Eat~r";" "Catch a Faliing ; with. her will be Janet Dufficy clb . c lb. Star", "We'll' ,: Be Together as vice-prefect; Elizabeth Mur­ Tob.14:11 Again", were socie 'of the musi­ phy, SecretarY'; Kathrlrte ,K~l­ " cal selections' rendered by the leher, Treasurer. The Chairman senior group. The pro'gram ended' of the Sodality Activities will' with the reading of the class be Sandra Leclair. The new slate· ,• " UNION WHARF fAJRHAVEN, MA~S. , JEW.HE,D CROSSi will and "Away\They Went", in of officers plan to meet every ~ COMPANY MO. ATTLEBORO, MASS• • their space ship ·G58. . two weeks during the summer . MANUfACrI,),uU OF • months .in ord'er~. contin\le CRUCIFIXES ..... ARTICLES Of DEVOTION SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, the Sodality activities. .~ FALL RIVER ' At .the meeting of the Soda'lity • Election 'results are as follows: Union in Fall, River last week: ~ New. officers of the fl'8dality Stanley Piwow~i'czyk was ehos..; . of Our Lady of the Annunciation en Prefect. The C~puchin Brothers are ~orking for a!'e i Prefect, .Catol Regan;. Vice:'" Top-rankinginember of the; "a hundr.edfold and life everlasting". Pr~feCt, Mary. Boland; Secretary, graduating class was Miss Rose- . '":"'Find happiness serving God here and !p foreigl) lTIissions as sacristan, ca te­ Margaret Dillon, anl1 Treasurer, ' anne E. Thomas, daughter of Mr... ch,ist, infirmarian, office worker. gar­ LoJise Banks. 'Representing the. and 'Mrs. George J. Thomas 'of' del)er, chef,' tailor, doorkeeper, carpen­ jun)or sodalists are Margaret 416 Rivet Street. Next in the-' ter; 'electricUm, maintenance man, etc, La~~y, Pref~ct;, Judith Hunt, standing 'were Richard Tobojka: , Young men Between 18 and 35 inter­ Vice-Prefect; Eileen. Perreault, ~. Tobojk.a" son. of the late Mr.' ested in joinin'g the Capuchin Brothers 'SeJretary; and' Ann Marie",Yor-' Richard ,B. and Mrs. Tobojka of: to work for Chi-is~ ~rite to: tin, Treasurer. '. 149 Princeton Street, and Miss: . ". I REV. FR. EYMARD, O.F.M. Cap. Because of' her proven journ­ Martl'iamarie Roger~, dl!ughter "',.. . . . alistic abilities,':Rlta Faria· ha~' of Mr. 'and'Mrs, George D.Rog­ ' St. Lawrence Friar:r, 175 Milton St. peen 'Cho~,'l 11) h~';.d Sha,:ady,Uie . ers of 210 ¢h'ancery Street. '.' ~~~~~~£::;;;;;:~~ . Milton 86, 'Massachusetts' . .schOO~ newsllaper. . The graduates have, ,been ac-i i,'';' .........: U ,·

PI6"1.TI6"1 TI,.,.D '.



I·.ly" 0'A' B' "d


.Cold Siiced

: Smok,ed Sho'ulders





.: y'ES WE" HAVE. ••







......•............•..•....... What Are You Working For? W·EALTH? • HONOR? •• SECU.RITY?





~ "


··········.9 I ' (


WITH "HANDS FOR WORK AND HEARTS FOR GOD"-From day­ break until early evening the Sisters of St. Martha perform their labor of love for the large family of priests, seminarians and brothers at La Salette seminaries. At left photo: Sister St; Alfred 'prepares. dessert for evening meal. .In second left. photo' Sjster . . .. . St. ,ViCtor sews . . while Sister St.. -




Martin, superior of the community is 'arranging, garment for -pressing: Leaving the seminary, their day's toil finished, the seven sisters at the AttleborQ seminary are shown en route to their convent in second right photo: At right i~ Sister ,Ste. Eleanore, whopr@siqesat the'range in the seminary kitchen. " '


Work ",'of" Sis.ters, of St. Ma rtha Welfare Continued from Page One Page On~ T~~ ANC,HOR'11 for various virtues. And' natur­ ' J' 19 1958 ally, being' sU<;h good cooks,

Continued from requiring special care. lice,s, P

Theatre Guild The last radio drama of ,the season for the Catholic Theater Guild of New Bedford will be" broadcast next Sunday, June ~ pver WNBH at 7 P. M.


Th" lJrs., , u n e ,

contemporary economic life.' ~ _ "Reference has often been made to the new ,and, at times, threatened place of these middle classes in, ,l'elation to the in-' creasing stl'ength of ,big indus· ,trial capitalism. Their necessary ,fun~tion ,in the economic and social fields for a just balance of. society has also been stressed. "If, therefore, the relation is newly come about *. * * no time should be lost on useless regrets .o r on vieing for influence. In­ ,stead, the spirit of initiative and ,freely given cooperation must .work on all professional levels" so as to "permit these living forc,es' o.f ,the ecol}omy ,of ~ coull trY, , toc.arrr out their task .:for . the best service of the gen'7' era 1 welfare. o"The 'interest of the general .welfare' is 'such 'that it legiti­ mately supports the present ef­ forts of the middle classes to ,maintain th,eir position in the nation and it also justifies the ,unde'rstanding support they ex­ [pect}ro~governmentaloffices."


their talents are sometimes At'the e'nd of the bu'sy da'y, turned to the making of candy After washing comes mending, ' "however, there's' still time and .and other special treats. and in a family of 38 ?OYS, socks' :energy';'for recreation. Some­ Themotherho,use of, the Sis­ to be darned come literally by , times in winter the Sisters skate !ers of $t. Martha .is at St. Jo­ the' bushel. We saw a bushel';' on "La' Salette's pond, or they ,',seph de Hyacinthe, Quebec, Can­ basket full of repaired socks in ' ,may' join in a whist-like card adl!_, There they, were founded the Sisters' sewing room and game in which the cards stand in 1883 by Canon Jean-Remi we weren't surprised to be told Ouelette, a seminary rector, and that darning is a project conEleanore Charron, a young wo­ suming hours of time weekly. man active in hospital works of Sister S1. Martin, the superior Continued from Page One charity_ of the community, and Sister However, commuism is unnatSte. Marie are in charge of ural to the Latin American char­ Obscure as Martha The Sisterhood chose the mime mending, while Sister Ste. Hy- acter, because the people "have acinth is responsible for the a strong sense of family life. and patronage of St. Martha be­ making of vestments and altar liberty and democracY," he cause they serve Christ, in His priests and religious in the same linens. With Sister Ste: Eleanore noted. ;obscurity as, Martha. .Girls, in- , in the kitchen are Sister, St. ' Nixon Affair tere~ted in this work should ,be :. Victor and Sister St. Praxede. ,"There is generally a kindly The Sisters' day begins at 4:50, 'feeling toward American' mis­ behy~en ,the ages of 16 and 30 when the rising bell rings, in sions of assistance and culture," and present a medical certificate, their frame cot.tage on the sem- he, said.; It was his opinion that 'pastor, or 'confei?sor'srecommen- , inary grounds. They hear Mass the tr~atmet:lt of Vice President dation, and a formal application" in their own chapel and are in '. Nixon' is notindicalive' of the for admission. A smal~ dowry. is: the seminary building by" 6:30 ,~way the majority",of persons desirable, but not essential; how­ ever, ,the know~edge,or .desiJ:e to .. to man the giant 36-slice tOtlster, 'f~ei aoout the United States. the: battery of stoves and friers, '" ,11he Archbishop said that the learn French is needed. Further and: all the rest of the. equip- Holy See has been exertin~ infQrmationmay i)e had from ment needed for quantity cook-' considerable effort' to aid the Reverend Nother, General at St. ing.: ' Church in Latin America.' One .Joseph de Hyacinthe. ,of the, most important actions Tl)e spirit of the smiling Sis­ taken is the recent formation ters .of St. Martha is summed up of the Episcopal Committee of in a motto on their wall, the Latin America, which is seeking to establish more Catholic first thing that caught our eye. schools and eoucate more priests. as we entered the kitchen of La 'Salette: "La main au travail, Ie St~ James' Guild coeur a Dieu"-"The hand for Aids Cancer Home work, the' heart for. God." The 1958 Spring Charity Drive ',', " of St.' James' 'Pharmacists' Guild . ,"----~-------~-----~. "has' been classified as the most : ALUMINUM : , successful ever conducted. Dur­ ing the Spring of eachyea~, the : ,HALF-SCR'EENS : Guild solidis donations from its , :Measured, , V<l,~io~s'me!nbers in order that ~ . and. ~ some 'charitable institution may , Installed , , ',re':~tock 'its pharmacy and med­ : tip to 32,,32 : ", ical supply room. The Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Free Home' for Cancer in Fall River was this year's beneficiary. : Aluminum Window Co. : .,.' , Virginia C. Maceoo, president, , 328 Durf~e Street, Fall River' made the Pl'esentat~on to Mother , OS 8-8022' .Portsmouth 84 , Superior of 'the Home. ,' The booklet, "Pharmacy - a Noble ~rofession," is, <\vailable . f.or those who wish it. The au­ thor, a 'priest of the Archdiocese CONTRACTORS

of Boston, explains the ethical' and

principles of the many questions that arise in the life of <I phar­ ·BUILDERS

macist. , :Copies may be obtained 1,)y 'CLOSER ',['0 HEAVEN': to Timothy P. Keating,' When Jet crews from: Paine wi'itin.g John B. secretary of the Guild, 415 Air Force Base, who attend County Street, New Bedford. Holy 'Rosary Church, Ed­ Tile pric,e i8;25c per copy. monds, Wash., urged; their HONOR IN ABSENTIA PHILIPELPHIA (NC)-Jozsef pastor to, get "closer' to and Sons, Inc. heaven,"-via jet,Father Cardinal Mindszenty, Primate of Hungary, has been honored by OS.TERVILLE Leonard Rafalowski (ilbove) St. Joseph's College which GArden .8~6509 took them up on theit turn­ awarded " him an ,honorary about coaxing. NC Photo. ~~ ~ law. degree. ., Up at 4:50 A. M.


, ,













Miss Florence Mello will pro­ vide organ music accompaniment and Christopher Best will direct the production.

Trinitarian " Fathers . BOYS . WANTED' for the Priesthood and Brotherhood. lack, of funds NO impedi­ ment. Write to: , P. O.. Box 5742

Baltimore 8', Md.


MarylsCampl Bayv~ew, Resident ~amp for Girls- Ages 5-15

JUNE 29'- AUGUST 10 Operated and supervised by experierlced Sisters and Coun­ selors. Superb living conditions. Enjoy our beautifUl. large, • new Crystal Blue 1958 Swimming Pool in its first season. Weekly Fee $35.00 Regist~ation $5.00 Phone GE 4-2079 or GE 4-0143

or write to':


3070 Pawtucket Avenue, Riverside, R. I.



The Guild's last radio play will be "The Extra Heart,", a ~rama from the life of St. Philip Neri, written by Guild member Manuel Almada.




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419 Boylston Street



Goston, Mass. .......-.- .



~ar' Unhealthy in ':'D~motracy

. _f"··


,~rges Catholics to. Dis.pel

:~gnoralr1ce About, Chu.rch


.; "

When. One Member SuHers

God Love 'You By Most Rev. Fult.on J. Sheen, D.D.

By Donald McDonald

Davenport Catholic

, If you had a speck in your eye would not your hand try to take it out? If you were suffering from a loss of blood, would you not eXPl:ct another member of society to give y~u a trans­ fusion of his bJood? If you burned your face would you not submit to skin grafting from another part of your body to restore your beauty? Then why is it ~hat we who are blessed with the faith do not feel a debt and a responsibility to other members of the Church in other parts of the world? Scripture tells us that' we are members one of another; that when one member of the body suffers.any pain the whole body feels it.


. I wOlJder if those who saw "The Big Issue" television program, a couple of Sundays ago were as mystified as I was' by the weak case presented against the idea of a Catholic serving as President of this co~ntry. "Religion and the Presiden­ t~ring k motion picture house, ey" was the subject on that that is coercipn, but it is some­ program and representing thing deplored. by responsible Catholic churchmen'. as well as those who fear the conse­

Well, the Church in' the rest of the world is sUffE;ring and 4uences of a Oatholic President by ·the American Civil Liberties you should feel the agony as your own. Christ were Dr: Glenn Archer, director Union people. Coercion is not. feels it as He felt the persecution' of Paul part of the authentic Catholic .of the POAU

and asked "Why do you' persecute Me?" tradition in this country. (Protestant and

'Causes of Fear "., '" Other Ameri­

Take for example the lepers of the

I said that the we'~kness of the cans United for

'world-there are 'more of them than' vic­

the Separation,

Archer-Mackay case was "mys­ . tims 'of 'eancer' and tubereulosis;' their of Church and

tifying." Perhaps .that 'is ,not number being between' te~ lUld' fo~rteen S\:ate) , and' Dr.

quite the word for, it. "Illumin­ million. We ean keep a lep~' for five Joh!) Mackay

ating" it was in one important dollars a month in India and we can. do of the Prince­

respect ar;d I rather think that much, to .cure them with the aid 01' new VISITING CHAPLAIN: t6n theological

fair-minded neutral onlookers drugs. Now, 'hiit~' of 'how little five dol­ , must have seen the thing il- . Father J.P. De Vasconcellos, faculty.

luminated. .' . lars is in'the life of the average Am~ican" ::' Prodded by

chaplain to 'the ships Nuno' newsmen on the

It is wha.t when you reduce the Tristao and Diogo Gomes .of , And 110w. consider that last year the Cath­ olic -per' capita donatiC?D to the Holy p~nel, both Dr.

Archer-Mackay case to its essen­ the Portuguese Navy, was ii' Archer and Dr.

Father for all' the Missions and mission­ tials, when you eliminate from of a package of tendered receptions in' Fall Mackay admitted:.

aries of the' world was '~)l1ly 30c-tbe' price

their position all the irrelevent (1) That American Catholics and inaccurate data, you have ~iver and New Bedford cigarettes.

beve served their country loy-. left'simply an enWtional situ­ when the frigates docked. . . ' ally'and well in the century and ation in which the Archers and We lie awake nights trying to think of ways and means to three-quarters of its existence: the Mackays merely repeat their stir up your faith and your desire to be one with the cross of . (2) That no ,Catholic Chief fears of the Catholi~ .C'ttlireh. Christ through sacrifice. Will you not, in the name of Christ, and in MACKINAC ISLAND (NC)­ justice, Senator, R.epresentati~ve, reparation, for ,any mortal 'sins, pledge r<>urself to make a sa<;:ri-: 'Now, fear can spring frpm: A resolution urging all-oilt sup­ , Governor or Mayor has ever either ignorance or knowledge. port of the Catholic press has fice of five dollars a month to the ,Holy Father. We do not keep '~en tainted with the slightest your money; we do not even distribut.e it. The Vicar of Christ In the first instance, it is un­ been unanimously adopted by SUspicion of disloyalty in either healthy; in the latter, healthy.' delegates at the annual statewide, does that and he knows better than anyone the needs of the their words or their actions. world and he helps all equitably. When you sacrifice to the So­ Since neither Dr. Archer nor convention of Michigan Knights . '.; What then, asked one' of' the ·pr. Mackay offered any know­ ciety for the Propagation of the Faith you give to him for that of Columbus. n~wsmen are ,the Archers and. 'ledgeable basis for their fears' is .his collecting agency for, tqe' Missio,:,s. ~e Mackays afraid of so far as , arid since it would be unchristian: ibly the frontiers ,of ignorance the idea of a, Catholic President to' question their' sincerity, we between Catholics and others; . GOD LOVE YOU to B.C.S. "Our nutrition class held a ~ concerned? ' must conclude that their emo­ foreig'u foods exhibit and buffet lunch. We raised $22 and decided and Fathers Weigel and Murray Fear Pressure' tional approach -to Catholics de­ that since the theme of the exhibit was foreign food customs will be the first to admit that '.; Dr. Archer said he is afraid rives from lack of knowledge. the proceeds should go toward the foreign missions.". • to M.G.' their own knowledge of Protest­ of the "pressure" to which 'a I realize that we cannot be re:" ant positions ai-id viewpoints has "Please find enclosed $50.00 as;a sacrifice instead of taking a 'Catholic President woud be sub­ sponsible for everyone's lack 'of increased by the exchange. vaca.tion" ••• to Mrs. E.A. "Enclosed find three dollars. one for : jected to by the bishops and knowledge about the Church or While few of us are equipped eac~ year since my baptism." priests of the Catholic Church. her members, but I wonder to engage in high-level theolog­ Dr; Archer conceded that the! whether we Catholics' cannot -ical discussions with those not Pray for the suffering missionaries of the "Church of Silence" 8ame fear _could be expressed make greater effort to' dispel' of our Faith, yet all.of us should on the yellow beads of a' WORLDMISSION ROSARY. The five about the Protestant churchmen at least some of that ignorance. have the ability and the infor­ decades are colored to represent the fiv,e continents ·of the world. exerting pressures on Protestant That seems to be the convic:' maHon,necessary to 'carry on,the For a Sacpifice--offering of $2 and your request we will send you iegislators or Presidents, but he tion of such men as Father Gus­ diologue according to our .station tIt' ' feebly added that there would ~s WORLD~USSION RO~ARY.. tave Weigel, S.J., and Father in life, to carry it on with our ~ndoubtedly be "more" pressures John Courtney Murray,' S.J.,. social and intelle"ctual and cul­ I' originating among Catholic who have been actively engaged tural peers. Cut 'out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the erhurhmen.. in conferences - seminars' and All who expres~ fear of Catho-, ' . . . "Dr. Mackay declared that he meetings with those who a~e.not . lics in politics are not rascals:' M<,Ist Rev. Fulton J; Sheen, Nlitional-cDirector of The Socie.ty forO has' detected, "sin<:e the early or scoundrels. But the fear is the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth A,,:enue, New 'York I, N. Y., Catholics. 1930's," a growing "clericalism" or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV; RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, The effect of such meetin'gs 'nonetheless an unhealthy, ele­ ~ this country which he defined has been to push !;lack, percept- 'ment in our democracy. 368 NQrth Main, Street, Fall River, MaSs. as political influence exercised by the Catholic bishops. But 'he did not offer any example of IUch "clericalism"; , Evidence Leaking Indeed, it seemed to me that , . this constituted one of the weak-' est aspects of the' weak case pre­ sented by the Ar<:her-Mackay side of the debate. At each criti­ cal point, where evidence was ~lainly n,eeded to support 'fears, "charges and accusations, the evi­ 'dence was either not forthcom­ 'ing or indecisive. /. ) ,, Dr. Archer did cite cas~s of "local pressures" in which such "i!lsues as the 'providing .of ,city ,. 'bus transportation for parochial :~hool children were at stake. ::; But for every instance 'that."" ,:' 'e~)Uld be cited of Catholic "pres:" '~re on local Issues, one can be 'cited of Protestant pressure. And I· iI,lam not at all sure that. the ex­ " ·~tion of pressure is as demon­ 'strably "undemocratic" as Dr. '.Archer and !'Dr. Mackay infer' dthat it is. ; . Legislators in a democracy are

subject to all" manner of pres­ ,~sures: as a glance at the list of

'registered lobbyists in Washing­ ton .and in ,the State capitols

.will readily prove. Exertion of

pressure is one of the ways. in '

'which indiviual groups can give ,effective voice to their opinion on everything from foreign pol­ icy and the United Nations to bingo and liquor-by,·the-drink. Whether you remodel your kitchen, buy a new home, or iust -Dr. l\~ackay., did disting~ish purchase a new rcing~- ' ' b.etwecn pressure and coercion. Tha t is a good distinction. When y.ou get into the area of coerci~n ·you are getting farther away

from U{e democratic processes.

:But, a~ain, not a shred of evi­

Women W~o 'know ... C~ok Electrically C061:~Clean-Fast--Thrifty-Modern <fence to prove a single instance

. I'~ coercion by Catholics. :': ,I am IWt saying that Catholi~s .'have nev'er been guilty of'coer- ' . ;c~ve action, of muscular Chris­ ;1J~nity. Wh~n they try to forcibly ~.. ,prevent fcJ..4olV citizens from en­ ~! r'~:'1',,~, ".;':~f .,.~:: ~: ....-?;. ~....: ;:;::./. ·,...~,;••5:!;;:~·:~.:''''''.~'f~·;:r.. . ,1:. -:.:~"" ..;;";-", ...~:: :{··;;."':.:-.. . '<;:':t~"!.·: . ;,:....'-.;,;.,.j ..:::., ... " ~-{. '.c..... ', ~.:,'t: ,.). ....... 'i.t: -\1', .-.':. ,'j, ',' '. " 'c'

Good' Example








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.iLeads· ·to Great Holiness' ~",'::':"


Rt. Rev.:~gr. John.S.'K~nIiedY

·1'';~~:.!'1J\j.I'.- ..

Bishop:.tlf' :,&.van~aih.. b"· been released from 81. Anthony's hos­ '·'·.""·L· pif~l, .. Chearn',a:her recove'ring .. , " 0'"N"D'O'N"'('NC)'~k'hb'''h~' , . . . . . ,c IS. !tom I, • a 'bi'O'nchlitl '. pneUihoma 6P ·'(tera1d:P.. O'Hara, ApostoH~ il'tta:ck:"" ~ .) ,,' ,., ".,.', .'t· ·c·"..·.....:;·...·,·~.;,.. D~leg~te' to"Great' Britain' artd"


,. "1,,· I W I St.. T h·ereS'~5$:::·~ ~~'tt e '.,'Cly·::" 1 •


,.', "iPre·late 'Recover.s '\"f'

;:' .~:.,

It-is 60 years sinceithe first' public~tion of The' Story

:of'a:Soul, iIi 'which St. Therese 'of :LisitlUX gave an account·

~{~~r'life ml~ of' h~r' i'llttl~ 'way" jn "t~e s~lr,itua~' iff.e. T~~

;saint.hadbeen dead a littl~ :more than.a yea:r wp,eJi..the bOQk

appeared: Only 2;000. copies Wti~'n' the' mbthe~ dYirtg;·.'

were· prmted, and It w~ . Therese, although but four, was

feared that many of these b~(lught to ki-teel with .. the rest'

'would'never ·be'disposedof. at her' bedside a:~ the sacram~nt

'•• '1 ..


But be'twee'n then and nowinil- o.f ;Extreme UnctIOn was adnun­

'lions of ·c'opies,. in dozens of Iin- ~tei'ed.

guages, .h a v e ' ,. f '. Way Is Open..··

'been' soIa .. The ' The' widowed father 'saw his

'work won and~aughtersgo, one by one, into

retained the ·the·convent.·He did not object

status of a clasQuite' the ·.contrary, he ·.said,.

'sic. '''What an honor God is doing

The r e was 'me; in asking me like this 'for:

soihething of a t I i ' e ' gift. of one daughter after

'sensation t w o a r i o t h e r l ' " .. HEADS SISTERS: Mother years ago'when, . It is not surprising, in view 'of

" for the first such 'a'n atmosphere, to have Mary Benedict Young of

time; : the CarTherese. .tell us'that; as child,' Philadelphia, head of the

mel of Lisieux she was convinced "I must de-' American Province of the'

'plibiished the vote myself to becoming a great Medical Mission Si~ters, will

.tibok exactly as saint." " And' the book Shows'

THOUSANDS MORE PRIZES as it had been written. !twas' how, with the grace of GOd,s!le' be among the speakers at the 43rd annual convention of · then disclosed that .The Story of carried out this determination. STILL TO BE WON! ,.a'- Soul had been extensiyely Of course, . unlike us, she en- th~ Catholic'Hospital'Assoei­ edited.., . tered Carmel, taking up a strictly ation.of the United States

. Come in for your FREE card today ­ .. Mother, Agnes, the. sa~nt's sis.." cloistered tife. It WI;lS thus, we and Canada June 22. (NC

Nothing to buy!

.ter, had. made, some 7,0.QO· ~y, that she. became a great' .. . changei:l in the manuscript, and saint, and. that way is not open' Photo)

.. . Indeed had actually rewritten it. to US," But her distinctive. way . ,R,was concluded that the,origi$ope/l. to us, whether we be .lnaL. ·and the published .work: n':J,c1earphysicists or coalheav-, , '1' , . . · C .ontinued from Page One .' "" were substantially, if. not a11o-,. ers, :rp.aJor re IglOUS superiors 01', . «ether, different. 8YlIl~ily:..educ~ted hoUsewives.. , ye~i according to a report. re­ · Now an 'English translation DifficuItto Pray leas~d by the' ICA's.: Advisory

,from a facsimile of the text in ,.C:~lI)sider.· her' practices . of Corrimitt~e on Voluntary Foreign

~:e' ':~il!t;s own handwriting.is pP/-yer-: ~he' often experien~ed, Aid~' . ' .

available'. It was made bY"Mon:"'drYI;IegS, inpray~r;~lmost ev.er;y. ,. Christ-Like Concern

Signor Ronaid Knox, and is r~t,I;eat.she,ever) made was a time" Leaders. imong the" other' ·52

eall'ed Autobiography of' St. (If. d.ryn.ess, without any emo-, voluntary'· agencies covered in

T~er~se of Lisieux (P. J., ~en-. tional response. .' the report were:' Church World

eay' and' Sons, 12 ~arclay Street,: She found it ,hard to say the Service, "$44;9'64,294;'CARE, loc-;,

l!~w. York 7, N. Y. $4.50). . rosary: "Saying the rosary .takes: $34,614,963;' American Jewish

it out of me more than any Joint Distribution Committee,

,': . Doctrine Pertinent .Today· hair'-shirt would . .' : Try as I $28,460,577, and Lutheran Vf orld

But .the reader who expects. to put force. on myself, Relief, $16,558,784.. ­ 80mething altogether new is due I can't meditate on the m'ysteries Msgr.. Edward E. Swanstrom,

to be disappointed, The alteraof the rosary'; I just can't fix executive director of CRS,.

tions by Mother' Agnes, though my. ml'nd on them." It was the .NCW.c,said t h a t . "th e accom-

\ Yery numerous in view of the same with other forms ofmedi- plishment behind these. figures

relative' brevity of the wQrk, ~tion; she was beset by distrac- ,is a great tribute to the gener­ were not, it proves, substantive. tions an!! would doze. osity and Christ-like concern

In. es~ence, both versions are At 17 or 18 , "I found that all . 0 f the A ' fd t' 1 if t· mencan peop1e for the

en,Ica, a odds ill small spiritual books,left me as dryas poor, hungry, needy and sick in

lIetails. <.:.everand I'm still like that. I've less fortunate areas of the

.~owever,. the p~blication of o,nly'to open one-even the fin- world."

the, tr~nsl!!tIon. from the, ma~u- est, even the most 'affecting of

Most for Ital)" ..r~pt IS not WI~tOUt major sIg,. them-to find ,my heart shut up sdme assistance also has been. mflCance. For. one thing, trans-. tigh~ against it . . . 1 can only. provided by U. S. agencies to Jator~ of MonSIgnor Knox's gen';' e~cape this inhibition ot mine by countries behind the Iron Cur­ Ius are ~ b~eed extremely. r~r~. reacting .Hol,y Scripture and the tain" including Poland and YuB~ e~ghshIng the book fIllS It Imitation .of .Christ." gosia,via. . . WIth'lrght. 'She had no pentltential prac.. seventeen Eur;opean countries .. ,Moreove~, the new translation' tlces of the usual sort.."That's a rec~ived a total of $113,737,271 recalls~ohce to a work .which ~ing" l'mafraid, l'v~. never: by now IS pretty much taken for done' I've heard so much about dud'ng 1957. IWy received the largest amount, $34,481,579, granted, a~d to a l~fe. the content samt1fpeople who tookoni~~; while"Gei'mariy'was benditM'by' . ,.{.". '. '" .... " ," ..".. "", .. "'" , and meanIng of WhICh, one as.- most rigorous mortifications: " . armes, . were long. since e.x- from' their childhood upwards, 'largest number agencies, ", llausted. We feel that the doebut I've' never tried to imitate

A total of $8,693,857' wis dis-" ... I. You -get a Free Cross·Out 'c.rd ...ery ti~e .,.;.. ..&it yow trine of St. Therese, simple'to them." . . First National Store. No purchase i. required• .tributed among 20 African c o u n - · . · begin with, has been thoroughi'y' ._ Possible for Us . . J.': Match the 25numb"-rs on your Croll·Out Card with the 30. ". game numbers appearing in the First National 'advertisement lJ'asped by us, and, anyhow, does 'She Q often felt temptations tries. South America ,x" that is in your local newspaper eech week. (Thi. week's ~o~ me:et the 'ne:ds of. ~eople against faith, and was harassed In' the Near East and south . ll?I': game numbers are listed el.ewhere in this adverti.ement.) livmg. m .a work prodigIOusly by the persistent suggestion that Acia $64,767,138 y.;as distributed I'~;:~' J. If any 5 of the numbers' appearing in the newspaper gam. changed SInce her day. hE',,,,nn .;- '_ .. - ~" ~ " ... - , to 13 countries. Israel received .), also appear on your card - and if they ere arranged in We .could hardly be farther . -Isn't all of this much like what the largest amount, $2'3',164,786, 7= a straight row - down, acroll; or diagonally - you heve from the_ truth. Profound depths we nave expenenceu! And we b. a winning card. Turn card over to .ee what' you have won llllderlie the simplicity of this' have sadly .told ourselves, in wh~le Greec~ got aid from the ~-';and mail card a. diritcted. You will receive your prixe· largest number of agencies,la. ~;-:: ·th· 15 d ~Qk, . and they are not sounded consequence, that great holiness 'fu one reading. The doctrine. is .~' even progress in the spiritual' ~g~ly pertinent to us and our' life is not for us. But St. The.,.. contemporaries. In fact. it is the i-eSe. demonstrates their. practi­ 'key' to perfection for people in. '\\ «:ability in our case. ·,·tj,.'.,,.I[i,t.: . ' oiJr c~rcumstances.. ' " She had difficulties in prayer, ,. - to get a winning card. '. western hemisphere received . Splendid Example but this does not mean that she. *lS .. All card. are p1ayabl. ill an 12 weekly gam... Sa.......,.,

$11,257,827.' ~if" ~ard and every adl A copy of each week's .ad..ertisemenf · .The first thing which strikes di,d not pray. "For me, prayer will be pO.ted in all stores. the re3'der is the lesson which mea.ns launching out of the neart focuses .' on .' God. and. a.ims :.at. . .L. "'.- . ~CrOIl'Out" is limited to adults only. First National Store this book teaches as to. the .t~wa~ds God; it means lifting up pleasing Him in everything.Mo:. ., ili _.'. empl~Y.e......<1 th.ir inimedi41t. families are ineligible'to unique importance of the Chrisone's eyes, quite simply, to Uva:t~ -by' such love, "you may. " .play;·· . \.

~an family. ThereSe's parents ·heav~n, a cry of grateful love; stuiltble '. . : ,., you may fail to 1·U.s. P...... p...dlftg _ U.$.I'J7. 1954. 1955. 1956. 1957 &.1958. e.-Ia I _

werec~rtainly.exceptional' it is fr: om the crest .of joy or the correspond wIth grace given, b!1t ~!. 1157 a.i951 by -e:.-o.t" ,..". c.... __ Boo 551, St. Lolli;' Mo.. U.5A. .

'!lot unlikely that. both o(them tplugh of"despair." That is' pos­ love.always knows how 'to.make ", . '. 3 ·.ill be canonized. But they sible for any of us. were far from inimitable. Chris,)ihe .did not .practice rigorous GET A FREE' CARD

. HERE SOME, tian parents of our time can take mortification, but this does pot them as models. mean that she was unmortified. LIKE THIS 'EVERY TIME

its fire, and· nothing'js left but .·,~OF' ~E PRIZES";' .'For 'them their religion was "Wha~ I did try.to do by way ahuinble, 'absorbing ~~e.deep _ w.,.r.>, . YOU "MAY WIN-. YOU VISIT YOUR

down in' the heart." ''} " .

all-important. This does. not of mprtification. was to' l 'thwart n:te.an that they Qed the world. IllY. self-will, whlch alwaYII FIRST NATIONAL

,The·<,;little·way" . ..' .• . t.'" ~> -... __ . __.­ TtIh' were very much in it lived Seemed !!etermined" to get its r.ifice;. riot ,spectacular sacrifice, comfortably, took holidaY~ had own' 'way; to repreSli' there":. but'3 series.·Of' small sacrif\ses, .stI.......~ '1' Di-v!" *-,~. VM "HiP.......... " ~~ means to travel; .etC. Their joinder which sometimes came' especially in our dealings ~ith 42 34 6, ~98 SO' others:' By revealing what this' m~.,":,.:W.stIaghoDel,.sistor :..,. h~me was fairly expensive 'and to 'my ·H.ps; to do little actS of .• . fKl VMf.,. I_,den 94 58 2 weil furnished. The children kindness without attaching imy, mean~ tn her own life, the saint gh~"'~._s~,'"Caffee ...... ~ell dres~ed. And' they. . i~portance to them; to sh, up­ teaches :and' encourages< us·.to do r:::~ :Smlth-Co'!,. IyJN/writan , 38 . Westlagh!»u": ElectrIcfa_'" ::. , were tenderly treated. tight inStead of leaning back in likewise. ..... .... a' 'f . ',." f S1T.H . ......,... . - ~;;%h ...~.,-,-,. Woring.,EJectrlc Mi"...· ,',"B!lt, from the first, they w~re my 'chair." ThIs, too, isposslhle .. . ,TIC ..e,· oc nne, 0.' , '. er~se,~s ..·. . ,c~.'¥W.f':"~ ·····m.'ct~'lt..ife Sharpenen 78 .10 22 J4 66

· tOld:'of God and the absolute 'for any of us. . . ne'cessity of' aiming at heaven.' .. Simple 'and lractical' . . ' . 'S; ~~;~~!"~i::' ,

. They got· thorough religious iiiSuch, in brief, is the "little be carefully read by anyone' who "'" other.. pr.za . ­ ...~~U:ction, in and out of school. way."··1t is within everyone's has pe,r~uaded, himself that,.' in ~F' '" · 'Th~y were g~v~n' splendid exiimreac~~"1t is simple'and. practfcal. his situation,' llDytWng . "oth'er. :' ·f'1lrL.ilIII~"iaa· 'Ii'fira~"~~_.·III"IIiI!~_-~ ~~IIiIIII~lla_. pie.' '.l:hey .. al}d, their par~rits .'And if leads to g'reat holiness. than spiritual medioqi~y,)s..oll!. . ' .ii'··· _,.., ".

of tp,e question., . ........

'liV'e<l:the 'Cliristian life io¢e~~t¥.". ,,}~.$ecret ·is~,~oi~.·.~f, . C?~.h




Bishops'" geney'




'r.x:::',.:.",.'lr,·,.[.:', .. ·.

"C. 0 5 S~O u1".ui. U










If;". lit


.~,t:~.;~.', :~~~IY·~~ . .W.·,·.H·:~~~~we~-::~.~



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University. .Jesuit Father Carl .' Mitchell, Chicago attorney and M. Reinert, university president, former chairman of the Demo­ said the cl'edit for this second cratic National Committee, who phase of the 10-year building headed the fund raising, eam­ program belongs' to Stephen 1'-. paign.

Alumni , Library OMAHA (NC)-A new one million dollar Alumni Library will be constructed at Creighton





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New Officers Installed

The' Parish Parade' .




lows: Charles Croteau, president;


Dennis Gurn, vice-president;

KnightS of the Altar awards Diane Miller, secretary; Lorraine

have been bestowed upon 46 Lafontaine, treasurer; Suzanne

altar boys of the parish, The Nolan, spiritual advisor; Richard

,purpose of the organization is Fontneau, delegate; Denise Gi­

to inspire in altar boys an aware­ rouard, social activities; Eugem~

ness of their dignity,. a realiza­ Lallier, cultural,and Robert

~tion .of their responsibilities as Pariseau, 'recreation.

servers,' and to establisjl a close­ i:MMA.t:ULATE CONCEPTION, ness between altar boys and FALL RIVER .pries~s "in, the sanctuary, sacristy,

The Holy Name Society held

and in their dailY.lives.

jts third annual Corporate Com­

Father' Dickinson, )ocal direc­ Sunday followed by •

tor of the .Sacred Heart Unit,o munion breakfast in the church. hall

presented, .the 'certificates 'and .John J. Long, president· of the

rank pins, in addition to 14 'l'JOciety, introduced the main

apprentiCe' . certificates and 22 speaker, Thomas Newbury, as:.

Page pins" the following boys sistant superintendent of mail.

received awards. Grand Knight of Fall River,' who spoke _

pil1S were received by Arthur ."Pope Pius X." Cloutier, Gerard Deschesnes, Rev. Robert L. Stanton, chap­

and Dennis Fournier; Knight lain, presented a gift to outgoina

Commander Pins:' Donald Car­ president, James Gillet. .

din, Raymond Collard, Edmond New officers, in addition ..

Couturier, ROmeo Lallier, Rob:' Mr. Long, are Norman Metras,

ert Lambert and Robert Poirier. first 'vice-president; Edward

Knight 'pins: Alfred Bleau, Rob­ , (iaz?-aro,. s~c;ond vice-president; ert Fregault, 'Donald Oueliette, Ambrose Hindle, treasurer, and and Richard Pinsonnault. Maurice Turgeon, secretary. ST. MICHAEL'S

The Women's Guild seated SWANSEA

new officers at an installation The Women's Club will con­ banquet. Newly-elected officers, duct a penny sale at its meet­ C" who were installed by Mra. ing 'next Wednesday. Membenl' Emmet P. Almond, president of .are asked, to bring a gift. Re­ the Diocesan Council of Cath­ freshments, will be served by olic Women, are Mrs. William Mrs. Alice Lizotte, assisted by F. Bennett, president; Mrs.

Mrs. Edward Ry'lIlls, Mrs. .Jean­ .James Daley, vice-president;

'nette Chenard, Mrs, Paul Tobin, Mrs. Dolores Cangello, secre­

Mrs. ·James Johnson, and Mrs. tary, and Mrs. Norman Demers,

RObert LaFlamme. treasurer. .

The first of the Summer whist Standing 'committee chairmeil

parties: will be held at 2 P.M. are Miss Mary Mitchell, spir­

.Wednesday' in the new school. itual development; Mrs. .John

Mrs; Bernard H. Dion and Mrs. Ten;:eira, Catholic Charities;

Charles,.L. Viens will be hoBt­ Mrs. William Robertson, organi'­

'esses. zation and hospitality; Mrs. Aim'e


Turgeon, study club.


Mrs. Joseph Dawson, Rose

. Rev. Adrian T, English, O,P.. Horthorne Lathrop sewing

professor of Theology at Aquin­ group; Miss Mary Pierce, library;

as College, Grand Rapids, Mich­ Miss Mildred Curry and Mrs.

igan, an!;l former professor of Wright Turner, ways and meana.

European History at Providence Mrs. Anarew W. Cook and

College, was the speaker at the Miss Claire Delahanty, public:

second. annual Communion relations; Mrs. Anthony Pascoal

Breakfast of St. Patrick's Wo­ and Mrs. Henry Gillet, pro­

men's Guild., grams; Mrs. George Charbon­

Mrs.. J. Arthur Powers and neau, Catholic Youth; MrS.

Mrs. Raymond Knispel. were .James S. Bently, Mrs. Normand

ticket chairmen. Rapoza and Mrs. Thomas Har­

kins, registrars.



Marshal for the' installatiOn

. Officers elected for the coming was Mrs. Thomas J. Fleming,

year of St. Bernard's Women's and pianist was Mrs. Jennie


Guild are President, Mrs. Ray­ 'mond Doherty; Vice.:President, Guest speaker was a former

Miss Gertrude Gould; Secretary, parishioner, Mrs. Rose E. Sulli­

Mrs. Henry Nadeau; Assistant van, who spoke on the leader­

Secretary, Mrs. Paul Couture; 'ship of Catholic Women. and Treasurer, 'Mrs Pierre' La , Bonte Jr. Executive Committee ST. ~LlZABETH,

.. officers, Mrs. Mariano Rezendes FALL RIVER .

Parishioners of St., Elizabeth

'and Mrs, Benoit Charland. will observe the annual Cel~

, Members of ·the Nominating bration in' honor of their patron

committee . were Mrs. Albert Michaud, chairman, Mrs. Charles saint on Saturday and Sunday

.July 5-6, 1958.

Sullivan and Miss Ma,ry Lowe. Festivities will commence at ST. JOSEPH'S,

4:00 o'clock P.M. on Saturday.


On Sunday morning at 10:30

The Ladies of Ste. Anne So­ a solemn high Mass will be

dality and the women of the par­ ish held their annual pilgrimage celebrated. Monsignor Humberto

S, Medeiros will preach the ser­

to La Salette Shrine.' The Rev. Sauve, M,S., director of 'the mon.

On Sunday afternoon at J

shrine, recited the Rosary and o'clock a procession will take

special prayers. He also gave place. All Societies of the Church

. the sermon on the lOOth anniver­ sary of Our Lady of Lourdes and , have been invited to participate.

An Auction and Band Concert

her apparition. . The Rev. Ubalde Deneault, .. will conclude the 2-day Fetstiv­


pastor of St. Joseph Church, of­ ,ficiated at,' the, Office' of, the In charge of the program ar~

Blessed Sacrament. Brothers' Rev. Joao Medeiros, pastor; Du­

Wilfred and Ephrai~ served as rate Machado, chairman; Julius

'his assistants. Father Sauve led Parker, co-chairman; Antone

the group in singing during the 'Mello, secretary; and Manuel

office: ·:Aguiar, publicity, assisted by

Mrs. Juliette Walsh, Mrs, Flor­ George Ga13par.

.ence Forget, Mrs, Suzanne Char­ lebois, Mrs. Antoinette Pinault ~Ianning and Mrs 'Thelma Gagnon were in charge of the pilgrimage; . The Catholic 'Youth Council of LONDON (NC) - Britain'.

the parish held' its election of Prime Minister Harold MacMil­

officers in the church hall. lan' is among the sponsors of a

The Rev. Ubalde Deneault, plan to establish a permanent

pastor, greeted the new council. memorial at Trinity College,

,The ,statue of the Blessed Virgin Oxford. University, to the 'late

was crowned by Maureen Nolan, Msgr. Ronald Knox, It will prob­

assisted ,by Michael Nolan and ably be a Knox Prize or Schol­

Lawrence Piette, altar' boys, arship for biblical or classica'l

Miss Suzanne Nolan, spiritual studies. It would enable a mem-'

directol', was in' charge. ber of the college, 'of which Msgr.

The Rev. Henri Canuel; mod­ Knox was chaplain and for many

erator, explained the different years a fellow, to travel and

activities of the club, its spiritual study abroad. Msgr. Knox be:­

'as well as social functions; : ' came:. convert to the' Catholi~

Officerll were' elected as ·101­ Church in 1917.

Msgr. Knox Memor.ial at Oxford


-'. Hollywood in' Focus

~,aster ,P·lan to ,I~prove' /;filmProd'uction 'forTY'

-TlfE ANCHOR Thurs., June 19, 1958

Saints In Crosswords ....- - - - - - - By Henry Michael ~~--~-"" 9'

I' • 'By William H. Mooring " ~~ Only last November, 20th Century-:Fox .pulled Robert '~~~ner out of ,a "Playhouse 90" show. A few' weelfs a~ t~~y allowc' Oscar-whmer,- Joanne Wopdward, ,to appear with,her huttJand, Paul Newman, on "Wide, Wide World~' because this was an ,inter-' " , " . . t '._, 'ld" Then the sharks come and he Vlew- ype uUl -Up pr()- must fight them. . 'gram that wO,uld help her 'Finally he lands with a mam~ ',movies at the theaters: Until moth. skeleton' and the biggest


16 .

St. Barbara




. 14




- 21

School Bus Case Continaed from Pare One They also heard' the plan op­ posed as a'violation of the Maine : constitution on the grounds that ,it involves use of public funds to aid a church organization. Opposition attorneys charged schoolbus transportation did not grow out of a desire by, public officials to provide safety for children attending. school, but "rather came about as a result of the consolidation of public 'schools to provide better educa­ tional facilities. Test Case The plan itself involves a tok­ en appropriation of $250 by the Augusta city government for schoolbus transportation for children attending non-public schools. Principally involved are cpildren attending the city's two Catholic grade schools. The- order appropriating the funds for the bus rides provides that the money be taken from the city's g~neral fund and not from funds specifically set aside for public school use. The order appropriates a minimal amount of money 'since it was. intended primarily as a basis for the court test of the, question. For Pupils Sidney W. Wernick, a Port...! land Municipal Court' Judge act­ ing as chief council for propo­ ,nEmts of the transportation, maintained the expense is • proper exerci!1e of the city's pow­ er and obligation to protect all citizens. ' He told the cour't the money used to provide the bus rides would be 'for the benefit of the children and not for the benefit of the schools. Mr. Wernick argued that there are no statutory nor constitu­ tional provisions against the ex­ penditure !Jf pu!>lic moneys for use "in conjunction with priv­ ate schools."

'last week, in fact, 20th Century- .fish story a ,man ever tQld, HiS " 'I'ox, now indisputably the larg- little friend, "the boy," (Felipe II est and, most ~azos), wishes'he'd been along. s u c c e s sful of Together they might have ,51, 'H 0 11 y wood's brought it in. . movie studios, Here is a great story about bad its better how men sometimes set their .stars fir m 1 y worldly hopes too' high, know­ barred from the ing how to, take failure only if TV screens. they've kept faith alive in· their 7l N~w its p~o- hearts. It is an e?C~iting, susductIOn chIef, pens~ful tale, vividly told; a 77 Buddy Adler, announc.es the masterpiece of cinematography studio will cook up its films for far off the beaten, Hollywood theaters and TV, in the same track. kit'chen, so to speak, using the Reportedly it .cost Warners same cooks and recipes for each. over $3,000,000: Can- they get '86 ~Iau'. name 38 l<'rencb 8'7 Jetting sprin.. province And Martin Manulis, the pro- their mon~y back? Has the movie 1 M..1~ru~~~y. 50 ~~:~e 88 CarbDn 89 Stupid lellow. ducer 'who developed TV's suc- going public any heart for a film 15 SHE WAS 51 nreek letter powder 40 I'ursllit , JlOWN 4L Stripe .eessful "Playhouse 90," leaves "that has nothing to do with sex? .,' U :U"E'lV'AS 62 .~~i"~i~:~l 1 SHE WAS 42, Satisfy ,CBS to take charge of 20th Cen- It is certain' that those of us who, . KII.l.lm BY 53 net up IMPRISONED 13 Kind of dol' HI4;U 54 (~on8UD1e IN A ......"..~ 45 JII·bred tury, telefilm ,activities. He will . complain because movies' lack 11 IWillti'~'~i"'~ 55 Sweet fluid. I Sheepllke peroon. work right alongside Jerry Wald,. higher' inspiration, . should buy 13 C..nceive ~~ ~~::;;'::~e 3 (:raze 46 Hackuey.d & ,Sleigbrlden 48 Swap Leo McCarey. and other top this one. We shall see. 19 ;rl'~':f~:'blrd 59 l<'ears 5 Pro de. ' ,&9 Unit. of I movIe mell, now making picCh ' t .. 10 :Icoh..lla 60 Aphori.m • ,I SHY. RI!'.weill"ht }'USED TO 53 Toulc tr..... 'lUres primarily for the theaters. flS opher 10 Action , , Zl R~v:::gl _ ~~ ~~~:~u~rkft WORSHIP 56 Domesticate4 eep About the time ,Father James, , 83 ~~~':..~un . ,. 'I H'j~ves' 17 WomaD'i I ~ "dh Both Feet Keller. of The Christophers' - O~r";~~ma &l luj.;'re 8 Kind 01 f1.b 58 ~:::::r/ This "integration" move started urging young Catholics' 1M Kur..pean 65 SH~; IS 9 P"ssosslY. buffalo. " ' mountain INVOKED . pronoun 60 Shootinl' that all 20th Century's ': to get into films,' radio and TV,' Z5 Obstruction. "GAINST 10 Sl\wlnjt 61 Ulub .•tars and players, writers and a St.' Louis youth, Nicholas ~ ~1~~~~I!:~.tt" 88 S'~u'rce. of lustrumentl 63 Marbie I f _ 11 Sbape. 6& SHE IS directors, as well" as the com-' ,Jarone Bakewell, tried .his luck 'SO Shaded wAlk. rul ... ­ 12 Greek w'r I'od ' HONORBD ,pany.'s stock of books and plays, .in,; Hollywood. He. found no red ~~k" Munter. ~: ~~~~III.b lS Incline AS A ,.." .. ,,,~ !! WTruomanacnJ. ,ill Central I. ,will be available for TV shows ,carpet laid· out for him.. pnrt 01 Aurora 7& To the' ... attention , . . . . Sol Oem . bottom , nleku...... 66 W ratbful -. ai\d. series which Mariuliswill ~or 10 years h~ bas.struggied Sll TantalulIl 75 ConJundloll 18 Graaae. 67 I.ets IIUpervise beginning in August. along cheerfully on an occa":' Ie knowledlfl,' Acqnlr" 76 Clreek lette. Z6 ]<;yery j 66 Stupid ad , " SHE IS Period I. 'Im. 89 Proj".t.inl' On the surface this is simply 'sional "oitpart" in films or TV," 18 Musical PATRONESS Z9 SO Allots part 01 a 'l h . " In8&rument Olr~IEN '1· Inspire. J)Nle~tul • business idea. To you, the meanw h,I e s owmgsuch pi~' (pl.) WHO Ol'EBwonder 'fO ~le!l1b .. of .... · public, it should mean more and. tures Vincent" &0 Forms Illte, ATE THIS biack . ­ , d ash "Monsieur C curl. 'J9 Small Inverte- 3Z Platlorm M' AdmiuistraUnlf 71 Italian ,better TV programs. aroun t e atholic schools. " Buildinl' brate animal committee (comb. lorm) . .' N' k B k 11 addition IS Culture N ow 35 Vamill' 7Z .Io.ect mark . Other big Hollywood studios IC ~ _ a ewe , already &II Skeletal parts medium 86 HER STORY 74 Accompll.bed will follow 20th Century's ,lead. the father of five lovely chil&6 Prickly plant as Bring Inte IS TOI,D IN 75 Seine.

THE "GOI.B- 78 Tree fruU

To_dig a little deeper,' the new dren u'n,der six, has produced, ~~ ~~~~t:~:' lIuid&l ~~~\i~nl' }~N " 80 Born move means that instead of direc\ed ·and starred in his own, &9 I.a<:king 86 Heraldll n Kind 01 auap 81 U&tu fighting TV, the movie studios one-hour, color film, "Our Lady sparkl. bearl,ul' ~Complete ,will join it. Instead of having and the Clown," intended. for So!ution 8D Page E~ghteen

just one foot in TV they jump in grade school youngsters. It cost

with both' feet,just as foreless than $2,000, has in it some

.lIhadowed in this column at least excellent circus stuff and a good,' Continued frpm Page. One _ ' Assistant to the Superior Gen­ IICven yean; ago. ' little 'story. ­ tended the La Salette Minor eral; Rev. Edouard Isabelle "Bacl~ of the 20th Century-Fox However, th~ bank gave out' Seminary in Hartford, and in M.S.,. Treasurer General of th~ decision lies Hollywood's latest before he could give it the kind" 1921 "'fas sent to Tournai, Bel~ongregation, and Rev. Francis "'master plan.'.' Hollywood's of polish and musical soundtrack' gium, to study at the SauJchoir X. Allard. movie leaders now admit they , he wouJd have liked. He plans where he 'completed his studies ,made a mistake in selling pre- other inspirational films for chil­ and obtained Doctorates in both .­ ,1948 movies to TV. They had dren - and later adults - if the' Tuninr, Kepairinl' Philosophy and Theology. He: figured that, these old films Knights, the Catholic, Womens' .. Rebuildinr was ordained to the priesthood tI 'would not stack up with the ,clubs and school directors will' " J' in Tournaf July 24,"1927. puolic,'in competition with wide get behind him. As Superior General FaUier ~ompany screen' and' stereophonic sound Nicky' 'haS">' now formed \ St' Dutil will have charge, of the , in the theaters. ' G<mesius Films Inc., 2200 Bene~' numerous Provinces, Vice-' TAl:JNTON, MASS. ,They are unlikely to repeat ,diet, Canyon, Beverly, Hills. ProyJnces and Houses of. the Designers & 'Builders · that mistaKe:' ,Instead they plan ~sgr. John J, Devlin, Jlollywood Congregation in 'the United of to hold on to their post-1948 ~lfector o~ the Legion of De- States, Canada, Brazil, Argen­ THE.BA~K ON

· movies and step up production cency, is his spiritual' advisor , PIPE OR~ANS tina, Spain,?..France, Switzerl~nd, TAUNTON GREEN

of (iJms :01' TV, ready for the and his Advisory Bo~rd includes Poland, Germany and Italy, as coming of toll television.. Mrs. Bob 'Hope, Mrs. Josephine P. O. Box 347 New Bedford well as of the various LaSalette Memb,er, of Federal Deposit

Wayne, Polly Ann Young Sally Foreign Missions in Madagascar, WYman Insurance Corporation

, 3-8683 Convincing Fish Story Blaine and Mae Clarke.; , Burma, the Philippines and An- . Will the public buy a good The angels must be on his side ,gola (Africa). . , movie with absolutely no sex but ·he still needs' a few of the Assisting Father Dutil will "interest in it?' Warner Brothers kind theatricals mean when they be Rev. Joseph Higgins, M.S., are asking' themselves this que's..- speak-of "backers." If he had Provindal. Superior of the t~on. They are almost afraid to made- "on a shoe-string," ~ome, Province of Our Lady of the find o u t ! ' angry; little social drama he' Seven Dolors, Bloomfield Con­ , The Only Catholtc College in the Dwcese of Fall River Within the 'ne~t few months, might have looked to HollY~OOd necticut, who has been ~amed · the public release of their re- for a bigger chance. And to \he ,markable filffi version' of Hemsecular press for a "build-up." · ingway's '"The Old Man and t~ ~o make, inspIrational, religious Sea," will give them-and' other films, he IT\ust find help else­ Hollywood producers _ the anwhere. The Christopher way is .wer. Is it to be good or bad! '~not the easy one, especially in · , . " Hollywood. The cn bcs and film, salesmen - . · are not sure. "Artistic" films are · having a good run, just" now. ,This one certainly is artistic. Most of the "art" successes are FUNERAL HOME, INC. angry" violent,' suggestive or R. Marcel Roy - C. /Arraine'1toF

,downright dirty: ­ Rog~r LaFranee

" '''The Old Man and the Sea" is FUNERAL - DIRECTORS'· none of these things. It has 'in 15 IRVINGTON, CT 'it only, tQree identified players; - N'EW BEDFORD • ·most of the time only one. . Cafeteria - soon t9 be opened WY-S-7830 , . ~, Spencer' Tracy is marvelous as ·the old' Gulf Stream fisherman. GET ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR COLLEGE Having caught nothing for 84' Vtsitors Are Always Welcome days,- he ventures' alone, far out ·to sea; hooks a whopping marlin. HELP Y'OUR COLLEGE TO GROW He fights it. It tows him. For 'long, wearying hours he doesn't 'know whether he has caught Helen Aubertine Brough

,the fish or the fish 'has caught Rev. THOMAS C. DUFFY, C.S.C. Owner anel Direewr

'him. ' .Dlrector 01 Buildml1' Fund StO'llelt.i:U ColU". Spacioys Pat:kingA~ , He hopes, fears, .struggles and' ; South, • Sea Sts.

'. PHONE CEdar ,8-2221 ·prays. '. Then he wins. Lashing WY ,2-2957 ., Hyannis, Tel. HY81

~RTH EASTON. MASSACHUSmS 'the steei~rgiant to -the side of , 'l!9~Hen St., Ne',V Bedford ., , ..Ilia boat, ,he sets: back' for ;shore,' ..

g r.:




La Sa lette Superior Genera,1



for Bristol CountY



, Bristol. County Trust



I t







Funeral Home




- - - -> _. - - - - - - - -

Schedule "for Summer Season

Assonet ST. BERNARD'S o Masses: Sunday-7;a;8:30, 10 A.M. First Friday-Evening Mass 7:30 P.M. Holydays-Evening Mass 7:30 P.M.

Buzzards Boy ST. MARGARET Masses: Sunday-6:30, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M., 12 Noon. Daily-7:00,7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday--4-5:30, 7-8':30. . , ST. MARY'S ONSET Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:~0 A.M, Daily-8 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-'-4-5:15, 7-8 P.M.

Centerville OUR LADY OF VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7, 9, 10; 11 AM., Daily-7.00 AM. Confessions: Saturdays, eve of Holy DaYS, eve of First Fridays-4-5:30, 7:30-8:30 P ..M. _ .


Central Village ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30 AM. Daily-7:30 A.M. Devotions: First Frid~y-7:30P.M. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST HALL Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 AM.

Chatham HOLY REDEEMER Masses: Sunday-6:15, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1t'A.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Devotions: Sunday-7:30 P.M., Confessions: Saturdays, eve of Holy Days and' Thursday before First Fridays--4:30-6, 7:30 -9 P.M. ' Triduum Blessed Virgin Mary, Aug. 13, 14, 15.

East Falmouth ST. ANTHONY Massett: Sunday-7, 8, 9,10,11 A.M.. Daily-8 A.M. (Others unscheduled) Rosary and Benediction: Sunday-7 P.M.

East. Freeto~n CATHEDRAL CAMP OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10. Benediction: Sunda'y-":5 P.M. Confessions: Saturdays-7:00 o'clock.

Falmouth ST. PATR!CK " Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. Daily-7 A.M. Novena: Monday-Miraculous Medal, 7:30 P.M. Benediction: Sunday-7:30 P.M. ST. THOMAS-FALMOUTH HEIGHTS Masses: Sunday-6:15, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Benediction: Sunday-8:00 P.M.

Hyannis' ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M., 12 Noon Daily-7, 8 AM. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:30, 7:30-8:30 P.M. SACRED HEART-YARMOUTHPORT Masses: Sunday-8, 9 A.M.

Mattapoisett ST. ANTHONY'S Masses: Sunday-6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. Daily-7:00 First Friday':-6:30, 8:00. Tuesday-St Anthony Nove~a-7:30P.M.

Nantucket OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Masses: Sunday-6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11 A.M. Daily-7, 7:30 AM. Services: Sunday and First Friday"':';'7:30 P.M. SCONSET Mass: Sunday-8 A.M.

'Oak Bluffs SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-6:30, 8, 9, 10:30 AM. Daily-7:30 A.M. . Benediction: Sunday-7:30 P.M. IJ ST. ELIZABETH-EDGARTOWN Masses: Sunday-6:45, 9:00 A.M.

Orleans ST. JOAN OF ARC· Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday--4:00-7:30

Rosary and Benediction: Sunday~7:30P.M.


Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. \

Confessions: Saturday-7:30 P.M. CHURCH OF THE VISITATION NORTH EASTHAM Masses: Sunday-8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. Conf~ion.i: Saturday-7;30 P.


'. OUR LADY 9F THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 AM. Daily-7, 8 A.M. . Benedi,ction: Sunday-After last Mass. ConfeSsions: SaturdaY-4-5:30, 7:30-8:30 P.M. ST. JUDE-SANTUIT Massett: Sunday-8, 10 A.M. . Confessions: SaturdaY-7:30-8:15 P.M. OUR LADY O~ HOPE-":WEST BARNSTABLS Masses: Sunday-9:30, 10:30 A.M. Confessions--Before Sunday Masses.


Provincetown ST. PETER THE APOSTLE M'asses: Sunday-6, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. . Daily-7 AM. ' Devotions: Sunday-7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday, eve of Holy Days and e". , of First Friday-4:30~6; 7:30-8:30 P.M.

South Dartmouth ST MARY'S Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10 11 A.M. Daily-7 A.M., except Saturday 8:00 AM. ,

Sandwich CORPUS CHRISTI Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 10 A.M. Daily-8 A.M. Confessions: Here and in the missions-4-5, 7:30 P.M. ST. THERESA'S-SAGAMORE Mal!Ses: Sunday-8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. ST. JOHN'S-POCASSET Masses: Sunday~7, 8,9,10, Jl A.M. COMMUNITY CENTRE-POPPONESSET Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9 A.M. .

South Yarmouth SAINT PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7, 8,9,10,11 A.M. . DaiIy-7 A.M. OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWA:Y-BASS .IVE. Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.II. Daily-Unscheduled. WORDEN HALL STATION-EAST DENNU Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:30 AM..

Vineyard· Haven ST.. AUGUSTINE'S Masses: Sunday-6:30, 8, 9:30, 11 A.M. Daily-7:30 AM. Benediction: Sundays' & First Fridays""":7:30 P.M. Confessions: Children-10:30 A.M. Adults: 4-5, . 7:30-8:30 P.M.


Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9,10,11 A.M.

Daily-7 A.M.

Sacred'Heart Devotions: Sunday-7:30 P.M.

Miraculous Med?l Novena: Monday...."...7:30 P.M. '


Masses: SundaY-7, 8:30,10 AM.



Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 A.M.



Wellfleet OUR LADY OF LOURDES Masses: Slmday-7, 8, 9,10,11 A.M. DaiIy-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday and eve of First Friday­ 4-5,7:30-8:30 P. M. SACR"ED HEART-TRURO

Masses: Sunday..:.-s, 10 A.M.

Friday-8 AM.

Confessions: Saturday-7-8 P.M.



Masses: Sunday-7, 9, 11 A.M.

Saturday.,.-8 A.M.

Confessions: Saturday-4-5 PM.

ON KOREAN MOUNTAIN TOP: American soldiers assist at the first Mass ever celebrated on 3,200-foot summit of the highest mountain peak in Southern Korea, Mount Salem, where the men are stationed at a Radio Repeater Micro Wave Station. Celebrant is FatJier Charles L. Meeus, Belgian missioner expelled by the Communists from China. NC Photo.

, Urges Graduates Avoid ,Cynicism MILWAUKEE (N'C) - Mar­ ous. But it will make you a rna• quette University graduates ,and that spould be enough f~, were cautioned to avoid "the you and your poserity." contagion of cheap cynicism' which pervades so much of our time." The advice came from Jesuit ONE STOP

Father Gustave Weigel, theolo­ gy professor at Woodstock (Md.) SHOPPING C:NTER

College. He said that in today's • ~elevision • Furniture world "the words of Pilate are • Appliances • Grocery being repeated over and over again: 'what is truth?' " 104 A.lIen St.. New Bedford "The question is posed' to be WYman ., -9354 dismissed with' a complacent shrug;" he said. But he urged graduates "to dare to face the condecending. smile that will greet your ,affirmation that truth is knowable' and that. you have resolved ~o find more and more o! it every day." "Be bold enough to arrange your life to make it accord with ..it'. a w,",ale ~I a drink" the truth you already know, and with the truth you have yet to i7 DEliCIOUS FLAVORS discover. It may. not mflke you BEST SINCE' 1853 rich; it may not make you pow­ erful; it may not make you fam-












234 Second St. Fall River

WY 9-6264 and 9-6265

Hiram Wheaton and Sons, Inc. 45· SCHOOL 51. At Sa. First St. NEW BEDFORD


West Harwich "

Penny For Penny 'Your Best Food Buy

HOLY TRINITY Masses: Sunday-;-6:30, 8, 9, 10, 11, A.M., 12 Noon Daily-7 AM. ' Confessions: Saturday- 4-5:30; 7:30-9 P.M. OUR LADY OF ANNUNCIATION


Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M.

DaiIy-8 A.M.

Confessions: Saturday-4-5:30; 7:30-9.

Woods Hole ST JOSEPH

Masses: Sunday-7, 9:30,11 A.M.

Daily-7 'A.M. . .

Rosary and Benediction: SundaY-7:30 P.M.

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION-MEGANSE'IT Masses: Sunday-8, 9, 10, 11 A.M., 12 Noon . (July and August). Daily-8 A.M. Novena Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal: I'ri­ day-7:45 P.M.


..A- QunIitr;.A1dk

Ice Cream and DairY.Products FALL RIVER OS~, 8-5286



















M~. ~ECR£lf'RY.

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,the Yardstick . ' .





rhurs~~ .~une


noise and


'tthl'oe'n ,MaOnudntmaOfn'ythoethTerrapnlsfaciguesral'n­

'price that .

~end~tern~l City and the HolT California Next

_h.i:=lr~:~~ 't~at a~qu:cc~~~=:

' wodd, surveying: imd'~reporting , : F 'thO .. H . ':1' : . tl..' . '.. . .. ' . . ' . ,. ,', ' . .. · · h . 1 " • , ,. f 11 f 'th '. a er· ame Si mo uer: accom~ . c~untry, Father Hamel saId tbat . , .. ' " By. Msgr.,G~r~e Higfiris .': ::" '.' on,C _ap ~l.n~les.oa a~ s. ' . : panied. him qn ~is' Air College :.. he points out to SerVice.men the " ., " • Director NCWC.Soelal.Ac&ion DepartJ,lfent ".,:, . ', .. :.,,' The son. of Mr.s; Anna Hame~<. asSignment,.. ,living. in . qtiarter~~ 'many' militatY'~spectS of - the, , i., ':From time' to time t receive 'criticisms "from various' 1~59 North ~alp.. Street, Fall- on the air f9rce base: "She . life of the Holy Family. "A miU­ .. ' . , . '. . . . . . , , " RIVl7. r , .a,Qd~, !'O,ember. of~t. '. 'spoil~: me," .he gi-jimed. Now:. tai-y decr.ee. was responsible for , .' ~rce,s ..that. .I ~oo .,frequently. an.alyze. c.urren~ ,~~~ ,apd : Matt~~w~. pa.n~?, F;ither Hame.! '. back. i~ '~all·Riv·er,. Mi'.s. l!amel .. Christ's biI% in a stable at Beth­ .,;arlIcles ll). the fIeld ofec<momlcs. and sQClal PhllosophY, and.' . ~1l5 .. l;m~alI~ed .. l~. 1935 by. the. . mayre)om·her son III the.future; l~hem 'and' soldiers ended ,hi. this column -is therefore. in: danger' of being turned into· }at~ Bis,ho.\l Ca~ll~dy.·H~: ~tve!i' .. 'LO~kiJlg bac\t over. a crowded.life.' Throughou't his public ~in-' . ···.·OOOkreviewco}umn;·These . . : . ; " """,~',',, a!.,S~. An!~o?y's Church,.. New.. 15 years,ofmilitaryservilfe and. istr;- he aided mem~~rsC?f tbe­ ..-'. 'ad':"mom , .' · tIOns · · · ·are we . l'l"t' .' ..at' the.' expensem when;.. h~..... contact of serv-" army·· ' , a k en '.. . '. the . .sPiritual ' . . . '.B~dford,. '. d th unt,ll A '1942, f' f ' . ' '.....w.ith:thousands ' . . , and ' .. ' ·'Domine , non:'sum', . . -'" ;' '.' '" . '. ,', _..... . an({' c.ult,~ral 'sldeof,J~~e.. ..'.; JO,lne. . ~,r~y, ~~ our yea~s.·. iceme~; ,·Father.,'Hamel· opined" 'dignus,' said daily af.Mass; wa." IlI , 1>~ ,:b.?~~ i.I! Jll~nd, . ! ~9 .'.Y ~ Professor GalbJ;'aith i !kems ; to, .From, 1946 to 1!!,47. he was again . that ", .youngsters . entering the. originally ll' sOldier's profess~oa . ' i . . Obviously.,· however; there be' an unusually ··good.,.natured at St, An.th~ny s, : ~hen he· re-. armed' forCes· 'are no bette'r and" . of faith." . .. an Occasional;book in Uiefield' man' py; 'temperamEmt.. ~>ut· he " t~r!,~ toa~tI,ve ":llh~ry duty.as no' ;wofse ,thill" the rest of the ,Next·week. Father', Hamel' :"'iJf'economics or social philosophy' ",comesc'lose to·losing·his Plltience .. anJ\~r f~~ce c~IlPla~n... ··._"~ountry.·inth~ir religious prac:" .leaves for California and his which for one' ... ,;: with those .Of his fellow ·.econo,.' '.,.Price ,We Pay '.' ·tice.· , ' , ;..... e" . -',. ; " new assignment. 'Meantime' he ill· reaso~ or an-, ,mists' who have· developed a'· ·Since· :hen;: 'his 8lishininents' .. ·" .'1'he ·service ·can 'accelerate visiting' those of his six ·brother.' other, ought to' ..high-powered econo~ic .. t~~ory' have taken him uncounted thou" '. delinquency. in • young man," and sisters still in- the .Fall River be -given '. hon.;; to 'defend' .or rationalize this Sands 'of .miles to aU parts of the be·.said,,: ·!'but .' it.. can also Diocese. They' include Dr. Al­ orable mention over-riding emphllsis on produc­ :world. He wa-l! in.Germany fo'r strengthen sterling qualities: The. bert Hamel, New Bedford; !'lor­ ; ~1'Il'eeyears and .while there .as- recruit·, is onhIso~ri·..His good man and Dr. Feriland' Hamel, ill the diocesan' tio~. press:' , -- .':, . ..Iitcreased output ·tOday; ,:he. aiSted. ·in":organizing a NATO --characteristics ·tend to· be inten'­ Taunton,. and' Mrs, George Le­ ., ··AU of-·this is: . .says, ·!'satisfies· the ·crav:ing. for' .c~aplains'. ,conference for air .sified; but. the Services. are· a ."doux, Fall Riv.er. .by way', of dis­ more elegant automobiles,.' more force. chaplains., ,The . session,.' .,place for' men, not. spoiled ·chil- . tracting and exotic food, more erotic' cloth­ held yearly, aims'to discuss.and dren,"

disarming my ing, more elaborate""entertaining' exchange ,religious' programs, Oubtandin~. J~b .

. 'critics .while I -indeed for the entire range of -'coverage and facilities. In the '. Noting the vali1E;·.ofth~ serv­ fUrtively put in sensuous •... and lethal desires," services,',' explained Father' ices of the 'Chaplains' Corps ana • little plug for 'Worse than that· itd'eliber- Hamel, close I:ooperation is .nes- "speaking from his opportunity • new book by .atelystimulates ihe~edesiresbY essary, betwe~n denomi~ations in· to observe chaplainsinaetion . Professor John ~, Gal!>ralth. of means of high powered' adv:ertis:" purely . practical matter~ such as '. throughout .the world, ..Father· } .Harvar/LUniversIty enhtl~ .The '.' ing 'iu'ld other' devices....:The.. · _. a~locahonof ...chapel schedu~es, Hamel. said ·that' the priests of. l· Affluent Society. I . widelyacceptedecononiic 'theory sll1ce' tfsually' ~>ne chapel is ··the military are doi1!g an .out;' . '\ 1. Professor· Galbraith is one of "which' defends' these desires .. shared by all. falthl!. ' . standing job: in the religious 'j Our:· most versatile economists and hence the 'production' that' Asked. whether· servicemen as .service of the United.States, i '.rid, by all odds, the wittiest and supplies' .tliem ~ .:'. is," Dr. Gal-" a grou'p are more impressed by In' !tis ·travels the Fal~ River j!. the one with the most engaging bralth insists, "il16gical·.... a'nd Russia's ·threat to world peace priest':has .been privileged to say ·literary'style., Everything he in degree;evend~ngerous;" . ·than civilians, the chaplain em- Mass' at such shrines as St. ...' writes is eminently wo'rth read­ R' 'ht Q t.· phasized that servicemen are no Peter's inlRome,.Mount~Calvary, lng, but there is a special reason . 19 . ues IOns more on the front Ji,nes than. '.~-~.~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : for,,'recommending:liis latest I·'am not·at-all sure that' I civilians, ."We :can no Ionger-..:. III I. ' '~~i' book to Catholic readers in par"'. fully,'agree with Professor Gal­ have the luxury of easy secur- .. ..'. J . , ' Ucular. . braith's' alterna'tive' to' this . ity," he said, "Our security is General Agreement ~'illogical and even dangerous" often n()isy and costly;. but. the In The Affluent Society Pro­ ~conomic. theory.. But, fo.r the, .lessor Galbraith forcefully raises purposes' ~f', thIS' par~lCular a question of moral and spir­ col~mn, tha~ s .pretty ~uch WASHINGTON '(NC)-Pope . : itual values to which Catholics . beSide the pomt-· Pius XII has sent. an autographed. j: in general and Catholic econ­ The important point is that letter of· felicitation' to Boston-' ; . omists in particuI~r ought to be he has brought to the fore the born Father Francis J. Connell per pnnum : :. giving speciai attention,..-· but subject of spiritual and cultural C.SS.R., who retires 'this month : which to the best of my kno.vl­ values which too many econo­ after 18 years of teaching during : edge, they have rather generally mists are inclined to disregard which he became one of Amer­ If. ignored, " o r , even worse" to dtsmiss' ra ther ica's_best known thologians. He' asks whether we are mor- summarily as being' of little or _ally justified, at the stage in our no importance, A, Delicious national history, in making pro,. If for ·no other reason than' Latest dividend ,on Savings .Accounts Treat duction the be-all and end-all of t!Iat, his book is a land-mark -in economic life. the history of, kmericaneco- . . There is no' doubt in his m,ind . nomic thought: I recommend it ) "F'fI,ll River's School Saving's Bank" ? that we have universally done very highly, not because I nec~s­ s.o. "On the ,importance of IJro- sarily agree with all its answers, . ductiori," he says, "there is no . but because it asks so many of . difference betWeen Republica.nthe right questions, which, by' and . Democrat.. right or left, any set of standards, is no mean 'white or colored, Catholic 'or' feat. , ;Pr.otestarit;" '~.;, This universal' preoccupation :With production might have :made 'sense, he says, at a ·time ;r 0 If 5 V I R G I 1'1 F A T R E R o V A L I D E A T E o R I Oli E Iwhen greater production was C o A R S E W I If E :, D A L P D A Ri ,~SE r: 1'1 "sOrely needed" to provide' the A II E R S If A L R 'maSses of our people with .the F­ 05 J E WE L T Ali Member Federal Member Federal DePosit r, E A R H L 11 T E S C I 5 5 ,sheer necessities of life. B 0 N E 5 S il L L S Reserve Sys~em Insurance Corp. D A GA T 011 Today, on. the other harid, he R 0 T A A R I E T A Il!! E A ' 1 insis.ts, it is dangero.us to place A C T A R 5 80 North Main Street, Fall River, Ma~sachusetts CA~ ~, so much stress on production as R E A D S G 0 A~ an end in itself: It'tends, he says, B A If E S F 1 R E 5 A T A E DO W N If R 0 .:to.,createa fa:lsesense of .values A GAR '0 .','1 ih' Afn·erican. s(kiE!ty~t6 'pyt ~ ; ~ o RL E 11 II E N E 'A T L'l Ask For Th'e",' Today. .... 0 :.:",'. premium on 'creature comfol·ta '. _ S o


. .'

'18,/" ... ~THE AN.CHOR . 19, 1958


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sports Chatter

THE ANCHORThurs., June 19, 1958 '

Durfee and Wareham', B9W., In Eastern Mass. Finals

Poor TV

Turn to Page Fifteen a.'-Iarge segment of the viewing By Jack Kineavy .. audience." ! The 1958 ~igh school baseball season hecame history f Stockton Helffrich,: 'direcl:or last Saturday' "'.th. the playing of the finals of the E~stem of continuity . accept~ce for Masachusetts Tournament: Defending state champion' DUr.­ NBC-TV, said: "We can.not and do not evade' acknowledgment fee, playing its third game in four days,.lost to Newton, iO-3 ~ that ad lib material on' '8 pro­ at yictory Field,Watert~~, a~s, 3-0. The tourney ~m~n~. ," ~am of this type' sporadically while Wareham, the ·area 8 elude this week. di'spleases some segments of our Class B representative, went We trust that the injury to audience." But. he added that down before South Boston, Frank Thomas' han~ sustained these portions get "the endorse­ 10-6, at Hopewell Park, Taun­ when hit by Dodger reliever, mimt of other members of the ton. Stan Williams, will" not prove audience." It was 8 fabulous year for serious. The big fellowJ who is Mr. Helffrich said U...t the Southie in all sports. Tne school enjoying a banner season-he network aims at "pleasing the ATT~ND RETREAT: Shown at the retreat for fresh­ annexed four major titles in has 20 home runs to date-at widest possible majority and 01 man and sophomore high school girls at Cathedral Camp are. engendering the ill will of 88 Boston' District one time was seriously consid­ (left to right) Bren.<!a Sullivan, Taunton; Kathryn Goode, few as possible." p I a y. He a d . ' ering the seminary. Thomas. is coach of foot­ hitting at a .324 clip and leads the Fall River; Mary Bendergast, New Bedford and Carol Sara­ Father Hayes said he aise ball and base­ National League in runs batted registered the' decency office's zin, North Attleboro. ball at South in as well as homers. protest with the six sponsors of the Paar show and with the Boston is Joe Manag~r Harry Craft can­ Crowley, .for­ celled pre-game batting prec­ I I ry ICy Television Code Review Board mer L a tin tice for the A's Sunday, and Continued from Page 'One all circumstances· • • an un-' of the National Association of Broadcasters. . School - Dart­ judging from the results-26 real pacifism, ari empty moral­ mouth lumin­ runs 29 hits-the move was a to the joint congregational com­ None disagreed with his pre­ ism at variance with the Christ­ ' success. cra f t reasone d mittee on Atomic Energy, po,int-, ian tradition." ary who played mise that the Paar, sHow Wall howling end a couple that the A's ought to save a few ed .out that "the 'nuciear ·.revo­ 'The true task of wisdom" he cutting moral corners; he said, of years for the of those one o'clock hits for the . 'ludon has subjected the wisdom. ' said, is to prevent war, or· .to but "nothing has really been long gone Boston Yanks of the game itself.' Oddly enough none of the United States to the se~ limit it if it b,ecomes necessary. done-everybody is trying to put National Professional Football.' of the'" 29 official blows ~trli:ck verest test that it has ever under­ the responsibility off on some­ "In the past," Mr. Murray con­ League. . thechum~y .left field barrier. 'rri'iracle. tinued, "public opinion has done body else." We were most Impressed. by What price 15atting practice?' The naion is faced with a The sponsors, in their Iettera • very badly in this respect. The the all-round hustle of the ,BOli­ Silveira Adds (jrow~ dilemma, he stated: "On the one were unanimous in· stating that fact has been that 'in wartime, ton squad.. The boys. rap ,the of they had no control over the or even as war seems imminent, bases with abandon and· with On the. track scene, New hand, the destructive power content of the show, since De public opinion grows savage." the Wareham inner'defense hav­ "Bedford's John' Silveira add~d 'nuclear weapons seems to have one sponsor carries, it, Fa,the!' " , ,,- "Ii'~s made war unthinkable. On the' 880' c~o~n,'" . False Opinion : mg' an off day there ,wasn't much' the .N. E:,'. Hayes said. ", .' ., pitcher Tom. Eccleston'. or· f his steadily., growmg 'list of 58 trl­ 'other, the more insidiously:des­ , He ~id: "We muSt '. • ·re...:.· '.successor' Ken Borsari could,do. !u:nphs ,m th~ ~rown Il'ltel:scltol­ ~tructive intentionsof,l'commun­ fuse to I hearken to those who ·; ..Move Church 'Eccleston' looked .'very ,good· ..at ':istics. 18$t,; Saturday.· ~ilv.ei.r.a ist imp'erialism 'may make war tell .us that it is imI>o~sible "to'" the plate. He slammed a. two­ tOllre~ the distance in .1:5,6.!},.I,)~e ·necessary.'~·,' "­ ! NQRTHWO,OD. (NC) - A limit warfare rin ·the "nuclear' tun homer·to the far 'reaches: ,of "and one-tenth seconds .pffthe ,:;, "It· is '~he part of wiscic>~," , age. 'rhisJI!.a false opinion...'l'he Catholic church was cut in half, left center and then .lined. ,out ,r;ecord set by Carl JQyc,e" High "Mr.M:urr~Y d~clared,"to reiilr~e · limitation .of nuclear warfare and'the·two sections were trans­ to center on ,the··hardest hit 'ball ·.S!=l}Qol.r~f Commerce" B9st,Qn, .: t,hat there 'is rio quick ''3rid '~kl I i$" technically possible, 'if is ported 18 miles 'along 8 main . of the day:,' . ! ..."H'·" .,' ,I!}~7.L.ee Ilaptist;l's ~1:5';, p~~,in ; ~bluti'on, to. 9Ur probien(. [politically 'and" morally' Mcess­ · ltighw~y ,.from Nor.thwQod . ,,~to · ~3f.rS!~ad here, in. New ~~~Trade Benelits:Yatlk'ees'~' ,th~shot, w,as, go.od ~llOugh;: for not'i:>~·suc<;e~sful'.hi"'the !'afY."~~··;'~·~I!'j.: , ,\ "':' :'!'. "." '.','....' , , ' , "',' ,..third pla<;e". and. Meeha,n" Ohy~r ··confli!:t." Howeyer, he addlid, ~h~J:'e. ~~;e ~ ~i'lly~s .will, .be, ~-' Mr. Murray warn~d th~.t "an · Jomed for" use as a sumJlier .. On ~he ,~aJ~r, lea,g~efro.n*, Ames', out,stan<!,ihg miler•.. £~n- . "We resp<)llsibhi"for' our,'own "'tincontroiled 'technl>16gy" ''.\vhi~h , ..the Yan,kee,s would;s~em ,t~,h~ve ,,ishep second in his speci;;ilty.. .,.. ,', " -I' "church, starting in JUI~,.f, '-' -~ produceS larger and larger nu­ 'strengthened themselves w i t h ' . . , . "destiny:' We .,do not move' in,to , th e acquisl . 't'"Ion , 0 f" D u'ke .M' s great ·the'.,fu·tur,e blindly' . a'~d without ""clear' weapons "may 'prove to a a s .Ron Delaney, Villanova ' , and Virgil Trucks. Milas won mller ~nd OI~mplC 1500 meter will." be our undoing" by making lim­ Te·rri.fic . .. . . , champIOn registered a, double ited war impossible. '. I hiS fourth game of, the season . . t ry . th N CA· A M t Cites, Illusions He also said that "our arm­ Sunday against Boston. Trucks, VtlC °B klnl e S·' t' 'd' . '''Beteh Traffic er e ey, ab ur Mr. Murray cited three ·'il. 'formed 0 f·th'e trad amen~ program ought not to be m e, 'JOcu Ia!Iy . a f h' ay. d' ff 0 ts remarked that' he must have .were come-. rom- : 10 ,e o~. Iusions" the nation should 'avoid: · governed by budgetary consid­ Problems , made a friend of Casey Stengel The ramblmg, Inshman, fl~st . The illusion that the only soerations, when their dictates Solved the other day in New Yi>,rk when lowered th~ mlle record With Iution to our present dilemma is contradict sound considerations 4:03.5 clockmg, then came back to abolish war," which, he said, he walked in the Yimks' win­ of military policy. .. ' ,an hour later to capture the is tantamount to expecting a "The fact that large nuclear nmAgddr~n. to th f' 880 in ,1:48.6. Villano,va, defend­ miracle. weapons give the 'biggest bang 109 e con, uSlon was . g h . d f' t C th l' .''''. the trade which sent Vic "Pow- : m .'C ampIOn an Irs a, 0 IC ',' "A related illusion' th~t' Ii .iii>­ "for,a buck' .:. • is no' reason why .. ., d V·IC te por . t e dly school thet N~AA. l'ut"I'o'n" to' '0'ur dl'lem'm''a"w'ou"l' Q',' "be · we shouid regard them as the . er to C i eve Ian. d' de ever f'l.to.captut:e d' t be' g la m, al e was the man, who has been car­ 0 repea " I~ . reached' if' somehow could major bulwark of our security." " ,~'( .ryirig .the club 01' late.. He had ed~e~ ,by Southern Cahforma 'achieve a ban on the 'of " a hit streak of --22 ~'games going \an, . ~nsas.. ,~,t' .:.' " '~u~iear weaporis Ol~e , after Sund~y's dpuble-hEmder. ',. Ccith~lic" L.·.o·ses :.,:noi turn back the, clOCk.of his­ Accompanying Power to Cleve­ 't' "" . land was Woody Held, former ?~;;:h~ illusio~ of ~ false. ideal­ N. Y. Yankee farmhand.·1t wall ," TOKVO (N.C·).....:.' The' .p'!11y '.' ism;. ip~t would condemn the use in all a busy 'dBy:'f~r. the A's ,Catholic candidate .running for a \ of military force as a wrong .in Sunday. They' made' two trades ,'seat i~ Japan'l! Hpu!*!' C;(~epr:e' . .. REALLY'. FRESH" • . sentatives failed to win re.,-elec­ - - - - - - - - -....- ............

Bnd swept' a doubleheac,ler. That"Pllychology play!! a big tion.'Michael 'Jinkichi Shir;tha­ role in baseball is evident from '~a, a. Lit>erai-Democrat '.from ,. Inc." .'" the rejuvenation of .the now Nagasaki, lost despite the fact For I~ng wearing r:ugs Tighe-less Tigers, Since Bill that his party was returned to M 0 V, E R 5 .

FARMS Norman's appointment, the Ben­ power with a clear majority. The SERVING

~145 Washington St. ·Fairhaven or wall to gals have run· rampant. You can Communist party lost one of its Fall River, New Bedford .' Just off Route 6 bet Detroit had the red carpet two seats in the lower house. Cape Cod Area ' MORENCY'S PRICES out to welcome their conquer:' ing heroes who swept four Rebuild. Fort Agent: Lowest of I straight from' the Yankees over GRAND ISLE (NC )-A drive AERO MAYFLOWER· "the weekend. Wonder why it's TRANSIT CO. INC. always the field manager and has been' launched to rebuild not the general manager who Fort St. Anne, which was er~cted Nation-wide Movers . gets the ax when a club ~s go­ 'in 1666 on a site near the pres­ WYman 3-0904' .. "For Your ProtectiOn

ing poorly? 'Must be the GM has ent St. Anne's Shrine here" in 304 Kempton St. New Bedfoi'c1 Buy From

the ear of the board of directors. Vermont.. 1440 PURCHASE ST. Crusaders Win PERfECTION~ NEW BEDFORD Birdie Tebbetts about whpm 132 Rockdale Ave. little is heard now that he's no CARPET WITH EASE New Bedtord longer "on" Lou Burdette, suc­ c;essfully violated baseball tra­ at MORENCY'S WY 5-7947 dition Sunday by playing a left­ hander at second base, The move lasted for just one play, the Reds coming up with an inning-end­ ing twin kiiling. Birdie switched second baseman Johnny Temple over to' first, moving big George Crowe to second with an obvi­ ous bunting situlltion coining up. Temple :)romptly snagged the pop bunt, threw to Crowe cov­ ering first and Birdie's ingen­ uity had paid off again. They threw Holy Cross to the wolves in the opening round of the N.C.A.A. tourney at. Omaha Satuurday. The' Crusaders drew at pre-tourney favorite, Southern California, whose starting Tro­ jan trio had yielded only one run in their last 42 innings. Evi­ dently they don't get ·Coast IliAD. 'Papers in Worcester, however, for the Crusaders, behind the NEW BEDFORD,. MASS. 115 WILLIAM ST. seven hit pitching of Hal Dietz, ebut out the vaunted Californi­

Sou n d M-I-ta . Pol­ ,

... ~












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MOMENTS TO BE REMEMBERED: First row (left to right) Mar­ eeTIa Harrington, Patricia Golden and, Carolyn Soares at Sacred Hearts i\.cademy, Fall River, Class Day. Roger Coulombe, "Valedictorian of St.A.n­ thony Itigh School, New Bedford, receives his diploma from Rt. Rev. Albert Berube, pastor of St, Anthony's Parish. Holy Family HighSchool, New Bed- . f-ord, graduates Roseanne Th6mas and Richard Tobjka. Second row, left to right, pictured in the traditional white caps and gowns of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven are Catherine Blaise and Joanne Craig, salutatorians, Lucill~ Pothier, valedictorian, and Catherine Norris, class president. Rev. John H. Hackett, vice-chancellor of the-Diocese,addresses the Coyle High , / Sc·· ··i.'<}' uates. Enj()ying .their last moments as s,eniors at Jesus Mary AcaqeI11Y, F:;l.U River, are graduates Doris Mathieu', J:.<)rraine St. Georges,,'

and Claire Roy. Third row (left.to right) three of the 36 members of the 1958 class at St. Mary's High School, Taunton, are I<athleen Corrigan, Fran­ ces Corcoran and Patricia Goggin. Class, Day speakers at Prevo~t ~igh School, Fall River, are shown perusing their year book. Marion Garant, Mary Burgess and Janice Blake, of Mt. St. Mary's Academy, Fall River, pause for the Anchor photographer outside the Cathedral following gradua­ tion exercises. Fourth row (left to right) Rt. Rev. Edmund J. Ward, pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Fall River, congratulates Dominican Academy grad­ uates Madeline K Michaud, Hannah E. Sullivan and Janet Thibault. Taun­ ton's Coyle High School scholarship winners assemble before the awarding of their honors at"commencementexercises this wee~ I

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