t eanc 0 VOL. 24, NO.25
20c, $6 Per Year
Family ministers! celebrate The Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption was the scene last Friday evening of a concelebrated Mass for those involved in the diocesan Family Ministry Program. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was the principal celebrant and homilist for this first diocesan gathering of family ministers. He was joined in the concelebration by Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, Diocesan Director of Family Ministry, and Rev. Maurice Jeffrey, Rev. Arnold Medeiros, Rev. Robert Donovan, Rev. Jose dos Santos, and Rev. Marc Bergeron, area directors of the Marriage Preparation Program. Other marriage preparation coordinators concelebrating were Rev. Thomas Grinnell, SS.CC., Rev. Bruce Neylon, Rev. Stephen Fernandes and Rev. Thomas Morrissey. Representative of coordinators of support groups for divorced and separated Catholics were Rev. John Cronin, F&Y. Edward Halloran, OFM, Rev. John Ozug and Rev. Herbert Nichols. Deacon Leo Racine and Deacon John
Schondek were deacons for the liturgy. In his homily Bishop Cronin noted that the new Office of Family Ministry was a milestone in diocesan history but clearly traced family ministry itself as being nothing new in the history of salvation. He stated: "From the very beginnings of salvation history, family has been the prime concern of the Almighty . . . the Holy Family in Nazareth . . . the concern of Mary and Joseph of their child ... Jesus for His parents." He spoke eloquently of the Church's constant care for families to this very day when the bishops of the United States have presented a Pastoral Plan of A'ction for the decade of the eighties as a time of renewed interest and care for all families, not only model families, but hurting families. The bishop said: "We must reach out to all, enriching family life at all levels and especially to hurting families, to those
for whom marriage is a constant joy as well as to those for whom marriage has become a time of discouragement and pain . . . to that end we have established the new Office of Family Ministry with Father Tosti as its first directbr .. . we look forward not only to enriched programs of marriage preparation but to deeper concern and care on the part of our diocese for all families, for the divorced and separated, for the widowed and singles." The bishop thanked all who have worked in the new ministry and asked God's blessing that they might continue to give of themselves to one another. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, directors of the diocesan Engaged Encounter Program, were lectors for the Mass and representatives of marriage preparation programs and support groups of the divorced and separated were in the offertory procession. After the liturgy, Bishop CroTurn to Page Six
UMBRELLAS APPEAR to hover miraculously over heads of Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Rev. Edmond Rego at groundbreaking for new Espirito Santo rectory on Alden Street in Fall River. Not so favored are Father Luiz A. Ca~doso, pastor, left, or Msgr. John J. Oliveira, rear. The new rectory will replace a building over a century old.
SISTER JANET BARBER, IHM, a writer-producer, and Father John Mulhall, CSP, founder and director of Paulist Communications, work on programming.
Radio apostolate With 100 percent cooperation from radio stations, the Fall River diocese has one of the best records in the nation for utilization of public service air time, according to Paulist Communications, a non-profit radio production organzation that provides religious programming to stations throughout the country. Representatives of the Los Angeles-based project of the Paulist Fathers work with Father John F. Moore, Anchor editor and diocesan director of communications, in supplying all radio stations in the diocese with news, youth programming, spiritual reflections and special seasonal material. The programming began at the invitation of Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and continues to operate under his auspices. Currently, said Marcia Stanley of Paulist Communications, "all 16 stations in the Fall River diocese donate air time for broadcasting Catholic programs and spots. Since 1975 programming has been broadcast in every city and town in the diocese that has a radio station. Both rural and urban stations have been very cooperative. As a result, Fall River has consistently had one of the best records of participation in the nation." "Programming is designed to make God better known and loved by the listening audience," explained. Rev. John Mulhall, CSP, founder and director of the radio service. "We're trying to show that there's a close relationship between our attitudes toward people and our attitudes
toward God. You can't separate them," he said. Paulist liaison staff members regularly visit and telephone diTurn to Page Six
Ordination set Rev. Mr. Marc Tremblay will be ordained a priest for the Fall River diocese at ceremonies set for 11 a.m. Saturday at St. Mary's Cathedral. Rev. Mr. Tremblay is a native of St. Anne's parish, Fall River, and the son of Roger and Pauline (Ouellette) Tremblay. One of seven children, he has four brothers and two sisters. After completing studies at St. Anne grammar school and Turn to Page Six
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. June 19, 1980
BI'ITERSWEET, THE MOMENT of graduation arrives for 742 stu-
Machado, Dave LeBlanc and Yvonne Robichaud of Holy Family High,
dents at high schools of the diocese. Top, Helen Valiquette, Cheryl Med-
New Bedford, while it's help thy neighbor time at Stang High, North
eiros, Catherine Rezendes help Catherine Marques prepare for the last
Dartmouth, for Michael Joachim and Lisa Coucci. Bottom, seniors at
graduation at Gerrard High, Fall River, which closed its doors this month.
Feehan High, Attleboro, enjoy their prom and Daniel Hubert, Pauline
At Connolly High, Fall River, joy is unconfined for Tim Gallant, Mike Shea and Robert Levesque. Center, a last blackboard message is left by Debra
Gracia, Lisa Conlon and Patrick Longton are four happy graduates of Taunton's Coyle-Cassidy High.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. June 19, 1980
Pontiff raps bishops. VATICAN CITY (NC) - In a message to Indonesian bish路 ops, Pope John Paul II strongly defended the church's teachings on birth control in what Vatican observers said was criticism of a statement by the bishops allowing artificial birth control in some circumstances. "In the question of the church's teaching on the regulation of birth, we are called to profess in union with the whole church the exigent but uplifting teaching recorded in the encyclical 'Humanae Vitae,''' the pope told the Indonesian bishops last week. At the end of 1972 the Indonesian bishops' conference issued a statement saying that parents who feel obligated to regulate births but cannot maintain temporary or absolute sexual abstinence "decide responsibly and do not need to feel that they have sinned, if they employ other methods." The bishops ruled out sterilization and abortion, but not artificial contraception, as a means of family planning. They said parents should "always give proper and full consideration to the position of the Holy Father," but added: "However, it is also understood and agreed upon that parents . . . in special situations perhaps will arrive at a conclusion contrary to the teachings of the encyclical precisely in respect to the teaching regarding the methods forbidden to use other than sexual abstinence in planned parenthood." In his address to the bishops, Pope John Paul did not explicitly mention the 1972 statement, but said that the papal teaching in "Humanae Vitae" was put forth "by virtue of the mandate entrusted us by Christ." His words were considered his strongest yet reaffirming church teaching against artificial birth control.
Most successful WASHINGTON (NC) - Contributions to the November 1979 appeal for the Campaign for Human Development (CHD), the Catholic Church's major domestic anti-poverty program, are expected to reach $8,772,274. That makes it the most successful effort in the Campaign's 10-year history, said the CHD's executive director, Father Marvin Mottet. Twenty-five percent of the funds collected in parish appeals in a diocese is retained by the diocese for local distribution; the rest is sent to the CHD office for allocation nationally. The national share of the 1979 collection will be $6,579,206. """""llnl"llllllllllllllIlIlITllIIlllll'lllllllIllI'Ullllllllllltlllllll'l1I11nl'Klllln'lllll'"I'''''
THE ANCHOR (U5PS路545-1120)
Second Class PostaIe Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 HIllhland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall. postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send addreSi .:hanllea to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River. MA 02722
Brazil itinerary 路outlined
Msgr.. Sullivan Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was principal celebrant at yesterday's funeral Mass at St. Joseph's Church, Fall River, for Msgr. George E. Sullivan, 80 who died last Saturday after years of poor health. Rev. Edward C. Duffy, pastoI: of St. Mary's Church, Mansfield, was homilist for the service, attended by many diocesan priests, religious and laity.
Known to thousands of Fall Riverites for his "Main Street apostolate," carried on in drugstores and other downtown gathering places during his years as associate pastor at St. Mary's Cathedral, and to the city's boys as the moving spirit路 of the St. John Berchmans Society, an athletic and social group, the jovial monsignor was widely popular. He was famous for his homilies and speeches, often notable for brevity as well as wit. No one in his congregation at St. Joseph's Church, Fall River, of which he was pastor from 1961 to 1974, has forgotten a 13~word homily, delivered on a blistering July Sunday: "This is a hot place, but there's a hotter one. Don't go there." Msgr. Sullivan was born Feb. 8, 1900 in Fall River, son of the late John P. and Mary (Kenney) Sullivan. He graduated from Durfee High School, where the 1917 yearbook saluted him as "our handsomest boy," and Holy Cross College. He then entered St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, N.Y. Ordained June 6, 1925 by Bishop Daniel Feehan, the future monsignor was associate pastor at St. Mary of the Isle, Nantucket; St. Joseph, Fall River; St. Thomas, Falmouth Heights; Holy Name, Fall River; and St. Mary's Cathedral. In 1946 he was named to his first pastorate, that of Corpus Christi Church, Sandwich. Msgr. Sullivan served in the Cape parish for 10 years, then was transferred to St. Dominic's
Swansea, where he remained until 1961, then returning to St. Joseph's as pastor. He retired in 1974 to take up residence at the Catholic Memorial Home. On July 20, 1967, while at St. Joseph's, he was named a domestic prelate. During World War II, Msgr. Sullivan, who had been in a military unit at Holy Cross during World War I, interrupted his diocesan ministry for three years to serve as an Army chaplain in the European and Pacific theatres.
VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul Irs trip to Brazil this summer will be the longest and perhaps most arduous yet in his globe-trotting pontificate. An outline of the trip released by the Vatican Press Office June 14 confirmed that the trip will be the longest, 13 days from his departure from Rome June 30 until his return July 12. The Vatican itinerary has the pope traveling through the southern part of Brazil on the first half of the trip and then to the major cities in the north. The pope will visit 13 cities in his 12 days in Brazil. Brazil has the world's largest Catholic population. About 90 percent of the 120 million inhabitants profess Catholicism. The Vatican issued no details on the pope's activities in Brazil, but he is expected to address the 25th anniversay celebration of the Latin American Bishops' Council in Rio de Janeiro and the National Eucharistic Congress in Fortaleza. So far the pontiff's longest voyage was his ll-day six-country visit to Africa May 2-12 this year. His first trip as pope was to the Dominican Republic, Mexico and the Bahamas in January 1979. It lasted eight days from Rome departure to return.
VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope John Paul II has named three new members to the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education. They are Cardinals Tomas O'Fiaich of Armagh, Northern Ireland; Roger Etchegaray of Marseilles, France; and James D. Freeman of Sydney, Australia.
HOLynLAND with the Bible as your guidebook, under the direction of
Father John C.
Pastor, Our Lady of Health, Fall River
$1899 ~~~~~~k Sept.29th Holy Scripture comes alive for you as you walk the Way of the Cross. Your faith takes deeper meaning as you pray where stood the stable in Bethlehem or kneel in the Garden of Gethsemane. You will gaze out over the Jordan Valley from atop the Mount of Jericho, visit Nazareth, Cana Mount of Beatitudes, many other holy places.
Msgr. Sullivan was also a past chairman of the diocesan board of education.
PAPAL AUDIENCE Come to the Holy Land! On your way
Lumen Christi Sister Mary Ida Brasseur, SSA, who has spent more than 30 years on the Alaskan frontier, has been named the third annual recipient of the Lumen Christi Award of the Catholic Church Extension Society. Her work in the northern wilderness has ranged from butchering and cooking caribou to serving as administrator for a huge parish encompassing thousands of square miles. She was also for several years coordinator of urban ministry to minority groups in Anchorage.
New teachers
Travel Two Thousand Years
While a chaplain in Japan, he presented an altar candelabra and monstrance hammered from 90 millimeter shells by American soldiers to a chapel built by Army engineers in atomic bomb devastated Hiroshima. In 1946 he said the first Mass in the new chapel. In the Fall River diocese, Msgr. Sullivan was regional and diocesan director of the Catholic Guild for the Blind and a chaplain for Fall River American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts, as well as state VFW chaplain. While in Sandwich, he was chaplain for the Knights of Columbus and Faithful Friar for the Fourth Degree of that organization.
The trip to Poland in June 1979 was nine days and that to Ireland and the United States last September-October was 10 days. The pope made two shorter trips abroad: to Turkey (three days) last November and to France (four days) this MayJune.
you'll stop for a pilgrim's audience with the Holy Father and a thorough tour of the Vatican and Rome. On your return you'll trace the steps of St. Paul at Athens and Corinth in Greece.
The first step IS to send in this coupon today. By return mail you will receive a fact-packed folder which tells you what you can expect every moment of an unforgettable experience. - - -:=l
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. June 19, 1980
the living word
Saccharine Salvationists There is a developing tendency among certain segments of professed Christians to "throw out the baby with the bath water." In an attempt to seek fundamental purity of worship and simplistic forms of intercommunication, these varied segments share a common element that in the final analysis will drive them from the very source of inspiration that now claims their adherence. Like their predecessors down the centuries, they have rushed headlong into worship forms that are not only dictatorial but also inhuman. However, their greatest failing is that they have joined the ranks of those history has rightfully termed heretics. They have accomplished this especially in the milieu of American religious diversity and duplicity by being holier than the holy, more truthful than the truth and more wise than wisdom itself. Those who are rushing headlong in this manner within the framework of the Catholic Church are now offering their adherents a system that might in fact force them to remove themselves from the family of the Church. In their zeal to reform, redeem and restore they have proceeded to remodel, reconstruct and reestablish a rigid and in some instances rude system of rules and regulations that are indeed remote if not altogether removed from the reality of the Catholic Church. As a general rule, this neutrality would have those who seek truth reject the reality of that same truth, whichthey claim to seek in. the revelation of the Gospel message. 'The Lord will do iustice to the needy a nd will revenge the poor.' Ps. 139: 13 All is subjective, all is self, all is feelings. Like a soupy Kantism, the frame of refe'rence would have all religious motivation on the sole level of the sentimental. Thus, in the case of ceremonies, rubrics and what such persons would consider church paraphernalia, the focal point of Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. flourishes when truth is I)ot leQce according to the Gospel opposition would be tradition. . .". If Jesus did not reject vio" Gumbleton of Detroit said, that, faced. Let the true teaching of the _church on the subject lence, then ;we know, nothing The bishop noted that in a the United States will, use nu-' of tradition be clearly understood by those who perchance clear weapons first in a major New Year's Day homily, the pope about him. have the fuzzies. The Con~titution on Revelation promu~颅 war within two decades unless had spoken of the "unimaginable . "This is the way of Jesus '--gated by the Second Vatican Council states with no qualifi- 'the nation explores non-violent destruction" of a nuclear war. rejecting any, attempt to use cation that in order to keep the gospel forever whole and - ways of resisting aggression. The bishop recalled too the re~ violence to defend himself, to alive in the church, the apostles left bishops as their sucBishop Gumbleton, who visit- cent statement by a Bos1;pn defend his teaching. It isn't logied the U.S. hostages in Iran at group called. Physicians for So- cal, -it isn't rational, but it is the cessors, handing over their own teaching role to them. cial Responsibility which said way of Jesus," Thus tradition pasically is neither more nor less than Christmas, also held out hope one 20-megaton bomb dropped for their release provided the Bishop Gumbleton said that the handing down of Christ's mandate. This tradition United States is willing to look on Boston would destroy everyafter -its first 300 years as which comes from the apostles develops, stated the Coun- at both sides of the Iranian thing within. a four-mile radius only it became accepted as part of cil, "with the help of the Holy Spirit." question, "admit our complicity" and kill instantly more than the Roman Empire, did the The Council Fathers continue to teach all those who in Iran's internal affairs since two-thirds of the people.. church attempt to justify war. "We are now being told there The "wars of the empire be'. say they are members of the church that "it is not from 1953 and agree not to prevent Sacred Scripture alone that the church draws her certainty Iranian efforts to have the shah will be a' winner" in a nuclear came the wars of the church," war, "and we will be the win- he said. about everything which has been revealed." Both sacred returned to Iran. In the Past century, he sug"Then," the bishop said, ner," he said. "But it is absurd tradition (the handing down of the Word in time), and "through genuine negotiations, to be told we must get ready gested the "lust war" theory has scripture (the Word itself) are to be accepted and vener- it would be over very quickly." to win a nuclear war when it been adequately taught because comes. What we need to reflect "we ha~en't faced up to its ated with the same sense of, devotion and reverence. Bishop Gumbleton spoke at on is what will really happen, theology" that from the outset Once more let it be made clear to those who would St. James Cathedral in Brookand the danger of letting our- all war 'is evil. The theory has lyn. vent their anger and frustration on the tradition of the selves think we will be the win- been interpreted so that "you Discussing the "reality" of nu- ner." .. church that both tradition and scripture flow from the have to presume your governone deposit of the Word of God which is committed to- clear warfare, Bishop GumbleBishop Gumbleton said it was ment is right," he added,路 Beton appealed for th~ application not until 1H76 that any world cause of the indiscriminate nathe church. of non-violence by Christians. religious leader spoke the truth ture of modern warfare, "I think _ In their search for a self-satisfying religious trip, let He sa'id Christ and the early about -the atomic bomb dropped the just war theory is gone," he not only the spiritually confused but all in the church- church had rejected violence as by the United States on Hiro- said. understand that sacred tradition as well as sacred scrip- a road to peace. shima in Japan on Aug. 6, 1945. Asked whether there is an alHe quoted statements by for- That was when Pope Paul VI ternative to "accepting anniliature are like mirrors in which the true pilgrim church on mer Secretary of Defense James said in a World Day of Peace tion," Bishop Gumbleton replied: earth can see God.
Nuclear warning issued
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 410 Highland Avenue 675-7151 Fall River, Mass. 02722 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John F. Moore Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan . . . . leary Press-Fall River
Schlesinger in 1975 and a recent newspaper interview with George Bush, former candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, saying that the United States "intends" to use . nuclear weapons in a war and that, such a war, despite very small survival rates, would be "winnable." Bishop Gumbleton said Americans have numbed their minds to the meaning of war, ,its destructiveness and how violence
message that Hiroshima was a "butchery of untold magnitude," The bomb dropped on Hiroshima killed 80,000 innocent victims within nine seconds, the bishop said, "and no one could describe it as anything except a crime against God," "Yet, if we face the truth of what we do," Bishop Gumbleton said, "we can be a force for peace. The most clear teaching about the way to peace that we can find is the way of non-vio-
"We should first think of our (responsibility to do what is right, regardless of what others think about it. If it's murder to use a nuclear weapon, then we've got to say it's murder. We've got to decide whether to follow the moral path. That's the hardest part." Urging "taking risks for peace," the bishop suggested exploring new ways to resist aggression, such as massive noncooperation with aggressors.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. June 19, 19c.
Going it alone Let's take a couple of hypothetical parishes: St. Gertrude's and St. Rose's and put them in the Archdiocese of Anywhere. Each has three Masses on Sunday, a director of religious education, a struggling parish council and about 15 programs vying for the same 10% of active parishioners. Each organization, from the youth group to the Sunset Years Club, spends most of its time trying to get more money, more members, and more life. Then along comes the Year of the Family and the parishes are told they should have support groups for singles, divorced, interfaiths, etc. The pastors throw up their hands in despair, then call the parish regulars who reluctantly agree to spearhead yet another committee. Six months later, each of the parishes is trying to offer a parenting education workshop, a group for the formerly married, a family day of spirituality, a youth retreat, and a grief seminar. Neither is happy with attendance. They are a mile apart. Finally, one overcommitted parishioner who hasn't seen her family for weeks is struck by the Holy Spirit, "I heard St. Rose's has a good parent course. Why don't we get in touch with them and see if we can share it?" Silence. Heresy has reared its
ugly head. Go outside the parish boundaries? What's the matter, you don't like ou~ parish? If you don't like it, you can leave it, you know. But our parish is OUR parish and we don't have to ask for help from outsiders. None of this is spoken, of course, but it's felt. The woman hastily withdraws her suggestion and each parish continues to struggle along trying to offer duplicate services to half classes with an overcrowded staff. I run into this not-so-hypothetical situation frequently. Recently I turned down an invitation to do a weekend retreat in a parish. I had barely hung up when I got a call from the same diocese, nearby parish, with a similar request. I suggested the two parishes co-sponsor a family retreat, sharing costs and staff and attracting a much wider group. There was silence on the other end. Then the pastor said, "Well, we kind of wanted something for our own parishioners . . . we don't do much of that sort of thing here ... "And that was that. Where in the holy words is it written that parishes are supposed to compete? Is one pastor's success another's threat? I'm convinced that in most cases it's the pastors who are competing, not the flock. This may be less true in large indus-
Changing family I recently attended sessions of the National Federation of Priests Councils Convention in Tucson. It was worse than my fondest expectations. The keynote speakers were a priest engaged in ministering to divorced Catholics and a columnist. Both were attractive, good speakers and charming question-answerers. Unfortunately, they did not know what they were talking about. The columnist blithely iRformed the priest leaders that the family had yielded its religious function to the church. In fact, the family is the most powerful religious force in human life. Far from the church replacing the family, the church can have influence for the most part only when it works through the family. Empirical evidence supporting this truth is so massive that one can scarcely believe the speaker had missed it. Both speakers claimed that there was a dramatic change taking place in which the "old," "traditional" or "stable" family was being replaced by something new. The "old" family in fact sounded pretty much like the upper-middle-class family from 1945 to 1965. It was certainly not the Depression family or the immigrant family or the family of the European rural proletarians from which most of our ancestors came. The speakers seemed innocent
of any knowledge of demographic history. The Western family has had the same broad contours since the 14th century: marriage in the early or middle 20s, husband and wife of roughly comparable age, nuclear family living by i,tself, a small number of children, companionship and relative equality between husband and wife (as compared to other cultures). However, age of marriage, proportion unmarried, number of children, sexual permissiveness and freedom of young people to make their own decisions have been highly volatile, with no clear long-range direction or trends. The point is that the family is always in transition, always changing, always in crisis, always dynamic. Two of the most important contemporary changes (in addition to declining infant and maternal death rates and increased life expectancy) are blurring of gender roles and greater tolerance of sexual relations before marriage, but neither of these entered the human condition in 1970; both have occurred several times before since the 14th century. The family is indeed changing, but no service is rendered to the cause of intelligent response to such change by comparing the present situation to some imaginary golden age of family life which, to the extent it existed at all, was a segment of an endlessly changing continuum and not a fixed point at which
trial cities where one is identified more by parish than suburb and where parish loyalty is intense. In those parishes, one may not consider stepping across the line for a prayer meeting or sexuality workshop for fear of being disloyal. But in other areas, I sense that parishioners themselves would like more cooperation (and less wearying volunteerism) with other- parishes but sense that their pastors aren't interested. Their pastors don't want to know about good programs across the parish lines, much less share them. They become very quiet when parish sharing is suggested and parishione:r:s take their cue. Meanwhile, St. Gertrude's will struggle on with a young mother's group that draws eight and St. Rose's with a young mother's group that draws 10. They will both want the same speaker on the same evening. One will be disappointed, the other apologetic because there are so few attendees. Blessed be parish autonomy.
the family remained for a long time. Curiously enough, sex was not mentioned by either speaker, as though a new prudery had rescended on the NFPC. Sexual differentiation is the "matter" of the sacrament of matrimony. If we were not highly sexed primates there would not be a family. Unless NFPC priests are able to provide spouses with the illumination and motivation necssary to grow in their intimate love, all the clinics, day care centers, energy programs, counseling services and other "structural changes" enthusiastically voted by their house of delegates are a waste of time. Yet sex was not mentioned at the meeting. There are Catholics (most with familiES) who are well informed and professionally competent on the subjects of family history, religious socialization and sexual growth in marriage. Characteristically, the NFPC wanted no part of such people. It preferred to hear the cliches of the well-meaning amateurs in place of the, understanding of the skilled professionals.
Miami's me,s,s,age is clear The recent violence in Miami had its special horrors. The race riots of a de-' cade ago, familiarized us with the basics - arson, looting, sniping and killing. But Miami had atrocities, the kind of savagery that occurred in the Congo when the blacks fell on their colonial oppressors. The immediate cause of the violence was the acquittal of four white Miami police officers who were accused, last December, of beating an unarmed black man, named Arthur McDuffie to death. The officers claimed he was resisting arrest and reported his death as a traffic accident. The televised trial lasted 19 days. An all-white, all-male jury deliberated for three hours and returned a verdict of not guilty. The proceedings had been moved from Miami to Tampa. But the result was what it has been for centuries in the South when whites pass judgment on other whites accused of crimes against black men. The other roots of black Miami's murderous rage are deeper. They suffer high unemployment. Their main contact with the white community is through the police. The racial harmony achieved in other Southern cities - Atlanta is the prime example has not been pursued in Miami. A black man was brutally beaten when drug enforcement officers mistakenly raided his house. A young black girl was molested by a police officer in a patrol car. He was given six months' probation. And the blacks have been watching the arrival of Cuban refugees. Cubans make it in Miami. They own shops, homes, businesses. They help one another up the ladder. And, when they first land, they take the mean jobs that are the only ones an unskilled black can expect to get. The' blacks saw the Cubans made welcome. In the ups and downs of the Carter policy from "open arms" to raised fist and back to conditional. "open arms" - the blacks could see one constant. The Cubans were important to the government. The authorities cared. But the people in "Liberty City" had no reason to think they were wanted. For them the verdict in the McDuffie case reaffirmed what they had been told all along: You are black, you don't matter. Justice is for white men. For them it was revisiting the conclusion reached .by the Kerner Commission 12 years ago. "Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white - separate and unequal." The verdict does not justify
the violence any more' than the verdict can be justified - although it seems that prosecution haplessness rather than jury racism was the trouble. The attorney general rushed to Miami to say that justice may yet be done. He will bring civil rights charges against the officers to a federal grand jury. Black leaders, Andrew Young, Vernon Jordan, Benjamin Hooks, rushed to Miami to talk to the infuriated inhabitants among the Qlazing buildings. They were shouted down. The blacks in Liberty City don't want to be talked to right now, they want to be listened to. The riot may have the effect on the country of a sharp blow on the head. Because there has been peace for 12 years, we thought the time of rioting was over. Everyone knows the black unemployment rate, especially among teen-agers, is a danger and a scandal. Everyone -knows that summer is coming and idleness, drugs and discontent make a highly inflammatory mix in the ghettos. But because nothing has happened for so long - Detroit, which blew up in 1967, is now so respectable it will be the site of the Republican convention the government and the people have chosen to ignore the danger signs. We have affirmative action, do we not? What happens in Tehran is of more consequence to Jimmy Carter. He is preoccupied with Afghanistan. We must spend more for defense. We must defend ourselves against the Soviets at the cost of saving' our cities. The budget committee of both houses of Congress are meeting in conference. The House wants to cut 200,000 minority summer jobs. The Senate, only 50,000. The budget must be balanced, you see. Miami has reminded us that inflation may not be our worst domestic problem. The restoration of minority jobs may have to be entered as a civil defense expenditure, which it certainly is in Miami, in order to pass. There are calculations being made. Is Miami, with its abysmal history of police-community relations, a unique case? Or will the spark of rage jump to other ghettos, just as crowded, deprived and aggrieved? The blacks of Miami made a collective, savage judgment. Pistols, knives, rocks, pillage and murder are the only way to get attention - the McDuffie verdict told them that justice is out of the question. The country has been warned. Riots can still happen. The message of Miami is bloodcurdingly clear: This time, it's going to be much worse.
I{ of C fund
Thurs., June 19, 1980
Ordination Continued from page one B.M.C. Durfee High School, he graduated from Southeastern Massachusetts University in 1974 with a bachelor of arts degree. In the same year he entered St. John's Seminary, Brighton, where he earned a master of divinity degree. During his seminary training, the ordinand was a counselor at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, and was involved in liturgical music ministry and apostolates to nursing home residents and troubled youth. He served his diaconal year at St. John the Evangelist parish, Attleboro. Rev. Mr. Tremblay will offer his first Mass at 2 p.m. SunCIay at St. Anne's Church. His homilist will be Father Thomas A. Sievel of the Hartford archdiocese and concelebrants will be Father John FoIster, pastor of St. Anne's; Father John J. Smith, diocesan director of vocations; and Father Albert L. Capone of the Boston archdiocese. A reception in St. Anne's school hall will follow the Mass. Clergy, religious and laity are invited to Saturday's ordination. Priests wishing to concelebrate are asked to bring amice, alb, cincture and stole and those wishing to participate in the laying on of hands are asked to wear cassock and surplice.
AT RECOGNITION NIGHT for youth leaders at St. Joseph Church, Taunton, from left, Rev. Alphonsus McHugh, SS.CC., Rev. Raymond Graham, SMM, Rev. Will~am Farland, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, unidentified Boy Scouts, Rev. Martin Buote. (TorchIa Photo)
are honore路d The 21st annual Recognition Night for Boy Scout, Girl Scout and Fire Girl leaders was held at St. Joseph Church, Taunton. The program consisted of Mass, with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as principal concelebrant, followed by presentation of national and di-' ocesan awards. At the offertory procession of
the Mass, representatives of various branches of the Boy and Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls presented symbolic gifts, including Girl Scout cookies and a Boy Scout license plate. Recipients of national awards were Pauline Duclos, Gertrude Taylor and Penelope Staples, St. Anne medals; and Shirley Fra-
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zer, Marcel Hudon and William Richardson, St. George medals. Diocesan Pelican awards went to Gerald Sylvester, Richard Araujo, Daniel Bertiaume, Donald Levesque, Al LeBlanc, Everett Greviel. Leo Bergeron, Diane Crimineni, John Hamer, Ruth Kelley, Kenneth Wood, MaryAnn DeTrolio, Charles Darrah. Diocesan awards of Our. Lady of Good Counsel were presented to Anne LeBreux, Dorothy Chretien, Angela Stankiewicz, Lillian Barresi, Patricia Bissonette, Barbara Harney. Madeline Lynch, Linda Romanyszyn, Nancy Thompson, Adeline Botelho. ' Rev. Mar:in Buote is diocesan chaplain for the Catholic Committee on Scoutin. Diocesan chairpersons are Raymond McConnell, Boy Scouts, and Mrs. Kenneth Leger, Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls.
Continw~d from page one ocesan radio stations to make sure their needs and desires for religious programming are being met. The AM stations using the service are WALE and WSAR, Fall River; WARA, Attleboro; WBSM' and WNBH, New Bedford; WVLC, Orleans; WPEP, Taunton; and WOCB, West Yarmouth. The FM users are WCIB, Falmouth; WQRC and WCOD, Hyannis; WMYS, New Bedford; WUSM, North Dartmouth; WLOM, Orleans; WRLM, Taunton; and WSOX, West Yarmouth.
Detroit to Rome DETROIT (NC) - , Father John C. Nienstedt, 33, secretary to Cardinal. John Dearden of Detroit, has been appointed to the Vatican Secretariat of State. The appointment is for five years.
ST. LOUIS - The Knights of Columbus has made a grant to the Pope John XXIII MedicalMoral Research and Education Center, St. Louis, to conduct a workshop on "Human Sexuality and Personhood" for the bishops of the United States and Canada. It will be conducted by the Pope John Center in Dallas, Tex., in February, 1981. The workshop follows a similar one held last January on "The New Technologies of Birth and Death" attended by over 120 prelates, including Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. The Pope John Center was established in 1973 to identify issues raised by the rapid increase in scientific and technological knowledge. It has published major works on fetal experimentation, genetic counseling, artificial insemination, contraception and sterilization; it presents lectures and workshops to diocesan clergy and hospital groups throughout the nation; and it publishes a monthly newsletter on developments in medical-moral matters.
Family Continued from page one nin met the more than 150 participants personally, thanking each for his or her dedication to the family ministry apostolate. A collation followed at the Cathedral hall. Future plans of the family ministry apostolate include celebration of silver and golden wedding anniversaries at a special Mass and reception Sunday, Oct. 5 at St. Mary's Cathedral. Each parish has been asked to appoint a married couple as family ministry coordinator. These couples will participate in a training program and will lead family centered parish activities. Also envisioned is a pilot program aimed at maintaining contact with couples married in the diocese in 1980.
(necrolo9Y) July 4
Rev. James A. Coyle, S.T.L., 1955, Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River July 5 Rev. J. F. LaBonte, 1943, Pastor, Sacred Heart, New Bedford July 6 Rev. Edmund Francis, SS.CC., 1963, Pastor, St. Mary, Fairhaven
July 7 Rev. James E. Lynch, 1965, First Pastor, St. Joan of Are, Orleans July 8
Rev. Edward J. Murphy, 1887, Pastor, St. Mary, Fall River July 10
Rev. Pie Marie Berard, O.P., 1938, Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. Maurice E. Parent, 1972, Pastor, St. Michael, Swansea
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. June 19, 1980
Six month wait to wed
the moil pocket Letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and include a home or business address.
Personal witness Dear Editor: I am appalled at the lack of understanding for those of us in the Charismatic Renewal and patrons of retreats' as depicted in your editorial (May 22). There may be a minimal percentage ot people in these groups that act out your scenario, but in five years as a participant, I see your article as blatant ignorance. It incited my emotions and it concerns me that other readers will be influenced by the force of words like modem-day heretics, private judgment over the communal wisdom of the church, seek solace among evangelical Protestants, and so on. As a personal witness, please know that my commitment to the doctrines of the church is growing in strength and understanding. This is entirely due to the prayer group and the Charismatic Renewal. It opened the doors to knowledge and religious experience I could never find in the institution. I am tempted to point out that perhaps you were so busy watching the papacy that you left us unattended, Father Harrington. As in your closing statement, I wish to be counted as one who values the teaching of Peter's successor and I am pleased that we have the blessing of Pope John Paul II. Let us not create narrow coafines of prejudice between ourselves and thereby create the worst possible offense-suspicion and disrespect for each other. Dee Familette Hyannis
Petition Dear Editor: Father Keller, organizer of The Christophers told us "You Can Change the World!" Working on that theory for 45 years, please readers of The Anchor, if you all ask Rep. Gerry Studds to sign Petition No. 7 to get vocal prayer back in our public schools, you will be helping fulfill Father Keller's idealism. The signature of Rep. Studds on this Petition No. 7 is the only way people in this district can help! You have seen that your State legislature failed - but the Congress in Washington can. The United States Senate has already passed the Senate bill. Don't delay - it must be passed before Congress recesses - probably sometime in July. Write: Rep. Gerry Studds, House Office Building, Wash. 20515 or make your wishes known at his New Bedford office, 247 Post Office Bldg. 02740, or phone 999-1257. Organizations supporting prayer in schools include Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion
posts and auxiliaries, Daughters of Isabella, Council of Catholic Women, General Federation of Women's Clubs, Lions Club, Kiwanis Clubs, Daughters of the American Revolution, as well as others too numerous to mention. Kathryn Nowak, Marion
Poem for priests Dear Editor: The following poem is for newly ordained priests. Soldiers Called Priests I Never Thought I'd See The Day At This Altar I Would Pray For Those Who Mean So Much To Me Poor Souls Whose Comfort I Must Be In Spreading Priestly Help And Share God's Love And Mercy Everywhere. For Him To Pick Me I've Wondered Why As Over The Years I Try, Doing My Best In My Small Way ... Helping Souls Day By Day. If Over The Years, I've Saved Souls And Wiped A'way Tears I'll Count My Blessings, One By One Until On This Earth My Work Is Done For The Priestly Road Is Paved With Love Intensely iBurning For The Lord Above While In His Service . . . This At Least With A Gallant A'rmy of Soldiers Soldiers Called Priests." II
Ann Sutherland Doyle New Bedford
True Education "There can be no true education which is not wholly directed to man's last end." - Pope Pius XI
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio (NC) The Steubenville Diocese has introduced a marriage preparation policy calling for a sixmonth preparation period, during which the engaged couple must attend a marriage preparation program approved by the diocesan Family Life Office. The six-month period spares the couple "the unfair situation of trying to seriously prepare for marriage amid the rush of the final weeks before the wedding day," the policy states. To assist the priest in determining the "faith readiness" of the couple and the level and quality of their present relationship, the priest adminsters a marriage readiness instrument, such as a premarital inventory, the policy states. It also recommends use of the Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis or a similar instrument as a counseling tool. "If the priest is doubtful regarding the couple's readiness for marriage, he is encouraged to refer them to a Catholic social service agency or its equivalent for further evaluation," the policy states. If the woman is pregnant, or if one or both parties is under 18, the priest is required to make such a referral.
CHA~LIE'S OILeO•• INC. "!tOME 101116 COUIKI MfMlfl
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NE.P convention The Couple to Couple League for natural family planning is holding its second national teachers' convention through Saturday at St. Thom~s College, St. Paul, Minn. Delegates from 26 states are participating in four days of training workshops which have included presentations on the physical effects of various methods of birth control and instructions on public relations techniques. The league's goal is to have a volunteer teaching couple in every U.S. county. Last year natural family planning techniques were taught to over 7000 couples and at present 300 teaching couples are active in 43 states with an additional 150 couples in training.
In Lebanon a deaf-mute boy becomes a tailor and learns to talk! In Gaza a girl who is blind learns to "see" the world and people through her fingers and Braille. In Jordan a Sister from India cleans out a woman's mouth which is full of canc~r. Youngsters and old people have blankets and books, medicines ,and sewing machines in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, because you care. In Bethlehem, after seven years of prepsration, our Sisters of St. Dorothy are conducting a new school for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, called "Ephphatha" (the word Our Lord u.sed). Who are we? We are the Pontifical Mission for Palestine, the Holy Father's aides for the 1.8 million refugees from Palestine-in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Gaza. We do our work in Jesus' name, on the basis of need, not creed. We like what we're doing, and it works. It works because you pray with us, write to us, and share with the refugees what you can do without. The check-list makes it easy for you to help. Please help all you can. We're profoundly grateful. ::
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For refugees, where it's needed most Equips a clinic in a refugee camp Buys equipment to train deaf-mutes Expands facilities at the Pontifical Mission Center for the Blind in Gaza Endows a hospital bed with full medical and nursing care at St. Joseph's Hospital in Jerusalem Builds four classrooms for refugees In Jordan and Syria Enables a refugee teen-ager to learn a trade Feeds a refugee family for a full year Provides one year's full-care for an orphan Buys a sewing machine and accessories Furnishes a bicycle for a visiting nurse Supplies one year's medical needs for a refugee family Buys Braille books for a blind child Gives an orphan girl two dresses Buys a blanket for a baby
Dear Monsignor Nolan: Please return coupon with your offering THE
-= THIS 1980 Ford Bronco, dubbed the Papal Bronco, was used by Pope John Paul during his U.S. visit. It's awaiting shipment to Rome, where the pontiff will use it during his outdoor audiences in St. Peter's Square. Specially modified, it bears the papal seal on the roof and doors . The carpeted body is fitted with grab bars and an upholstered bench.
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NEAR EAST MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826-1480
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. June 19, 1980
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By Pat McGowan
In 1957 a young patient told optometrist Irving A. Fradkin of Fall River that she'd like to go to college but couldn't afford higher education and didn't expect to. get a scholarship. Her plight stuck in the doctor's mind. There should, he thought, be help for the nonflashy Band C student as well as for the dazzling straight A. He thought about it some more and came up with the simple idea of "Dollars for Scholars" that if each Fall Riverite threw a dollar in the pot, many youngsters would be able to continue their education. It wouldn't be a handout, he stressed - just a hand up. Aid recipients would have to agree to repay grants once their earning days began. The returned money, plus continuing contributions from interested citizens, would finance a new crop of students. It seemed almost too simple to work, but it has, most elegantly. Today the Citizens' Scholarship Foundation reaches into 50 states and has helped almost 100,000 students with some $25 million in grants. It has drawn praise from persons ranging from the late President Eisenhower to comedian Sam Levenson, .who described Dr. Fradkin as an optometrist with vision. In Fall River, now known almost as well as the Scholarship City as it is as the home base of Lizzie Borden, CSF has granted almost 2000 scholarships with a valL,e of nearly half a million dollars and was the first area public organization to aid Catholic school students. James E. Rogers is the present local chapter president. How was it all done? "Organization" is Dr. Fradkin's one-word answer. In its early days CSF was almost a one-man undertaking and Dr.
DR. FRADKIN Fradkin traveled thousands of miles giving speeches and appearing on te,levision and radio programs. Today, although CSF has national headquarters in Concord, NH and there's a regional office in St. Peter, Minn., he remains totally involved with his brainchild.. A typical day sees him making CSF phone calls from 8:30 a.m. until his office hours begin at 10 o'cloc;:<:. Again after 4 p.m. he's in action, with evening hours often bringing speeches or other appearances in behalf of the foundation. But why was it all done? Mostly, out of gratitude. Dr. Fradkin relates that his father, a Russian immigrant, called America "a golden country" and instilled gratitude for democracy and freedom into his seven children. Dr. Fradkir.., the youngest of the seven, attended the New England College of Optometry with no scolarship aid. Then he started practice with $700 borrowed from his father.
"When I· was first married we couldn't even afford a little luxury like a bottle of olives," he said. ,But now, he says, life in a democracy has rewarded him with "the American dream to be self-sufficient, to be happy, to have your own home," and he describes his marriage as a "33year honeymoon blessed by three lovely children." Throughout his life, he said, he has felt a responsibility to help others. This is evidenced by his presidency of the Greater Fall River Interfaith Counsil, his chairmanship of a Holocaust Committee that sponsors Holocaust teaching sessions in area schools and his membership in the Jewish Community Council. The Citizens' Scholarship Foundation is an outgrowth of that same concern for individuals and for the nation. If those who receive CSF scholarships, he said, can eventually say "'I have been helped, let me help somebody else,' we will eventually build a better community. If we build a better community, it is a better country."
Parents should guide TV VATICAN CITY (NC) - Parents and teachers must work to "neutralize any harmful aspects" of the mass media and to help children benefit from its "many valuable aspects," Pope John Paul II said in his 1980 World Communications Day message. The message centered on the relationship betwee::1 the family and mass media. World Communications Day will be celebrated on Sunday. "It is the duty of parents to educate themselves, and to educate their children, to appreciate the value of communication, to make an intelligent choice between the programs available to
them, and then, having made that choice, to make a reasonable and conscious judgment as to whether the message coming from the program merits to be accepted or rejected," Pope John Paul said. In families where this kind of control is exercised, the media will be less a danger to the well-being and proper functioning of the home, but will, on the contrary, be a valuable aid in preparing the gradually maturing young members to take their place in society," he added. The pope also urged media professionals "to deepen their consciousness of the tremendous
opportunity which is theirs to serve mankind and shape the world towards good." He had high praise for the "talented and highly trained people" in the print and broadcast media. "There are few vocations which make such demands on the energy, the dedication, the integrity and the conscience of a man or woman as are made by a profession in the media," he said. "At the same time, and let this not be forgotten, the truly dedicated professional communicator of today can be a force for good in the world which has few parallels," the pope added.
Dear Editor: "For the people who never heard of this man Arthur Buck· ley, let me give you some back· ground information. He is not an ordinary man, he has a special gift, one he has shared in the last four years. He is a teacher at Holy Family High School in New Bedford. "His gift I talk about is the ability to take all different people, mostly strangers, get them together and with a little practice turn them into a glee club that has touched the hearts of many people. "It's been hard to express our feelings on his decision of departure. People who have never met him could never know what he's given us. He gave us the feelings of loving people and gave us pride in ourselves. ''When you talk about Mr. Buckley the first thing that would come to mind is he is pro. fessional. No one could have put up with 100 young men and women the way he did. Because he loves us. ''Mr. Buckley, our. school just won't be the same next year without you. You have taught a great number of people to sing on a hard day. He was always there to help us. It will be hard for us at Holy Family to say goodbye to you at the close of this school year. He made our high school years the best. ''When a freshman, he made it so easy to become close to him. He was always there to talk to. As sophomores, finding our· selves in a new school,', but the love he showed for us never ~ stopped. "Now as a junior Pm looking back at my high school years and find I will soon be a senior and off to college. The thought of you not being there to help us will make our senior year the hardest of all. "The glee club wishes you the best of luck in the future and hopes all your dreams will
love, hard worl{
always be in our memories, tears and laughter. Someday, when you've found your RaInbow COn· nection, you will be able to look back and remember your years of singing in New Bedford. "Please remember us with a smile because you are the one that taught us how to smile. James Silva New Bedford When The Anchor received the letter above, curiosity was stirred. In an age of couldn't-careless youth, completely unnoted for devotion to teachers, what was Arthur Buckley's secret? It turned out to be quite oldfashioned: love and hard work. The 28-year-old Buckley has directed the music program at Holy Family High for the past two years, coming there from the former St. Anthony's High. Now he is leaving New Bedford for a position as music director and theology teacher at St. Agnes Academy, Houston; Tex. "I love teenagers," he said. "There's so much unformed talent and so much surprise when they find out they've got it." An all-around musician, he mounted outstanding productions at both St. Anthony's and Holy Family, the most recent being "Rhapsody in Blue." About one-third of Holy Family's student body was involved in the May presentation, he said, cheerfully devoting their spring vacation to rehearsals stretching from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. "Some of the kids even slept at school," he admitted. He does much counseling with students. "That's what the life of a high school teacher is about," he said. "You don't really teach subjects, you teach kids. My big thing with them is that they should learn to be creative and not settle for something like getting married at age 18. Too often a youngster has real talent but the parents don't know how to look for it - and
of course it costs a lot to develop it. "I try to be more of a friend than a director or teacher. If kids trust you, you can do anything with them." Buckley says he has had no real discipline problems as a teacher. He attributes it to the fact that Catholic schools, being smaller than their public counter parts, and usually blessed by dedicated teachers, can give individual attention to students. "I'm a firm believer. in Catholic education," he said, giving much credit to Father John P. Driscoll, pastor of St. Lawence parish and director of Holy Family, the only parochial high school in the diocese. "He's always been a great support," he declared. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Buckley of St. Joseph parish, Fall River, Buckley graduated from St. Joseph School, Stang High School, where he was drum major and glee club president, and Boston University School of Music. Now a candidate for a master's degree in religious education at Boston College, he has been active in campus ministry at Boston State ~ollege and in the Emmaus retreat program for high schoolers. He is also involved in dance and choreography and has directed a liturgical dance group for the past three years. He hopes that he will be able to expand his work in those areas in Houston, a thriving arts center. But he will leave part of his heart in New Bedford. Of his Holy Family fans he said simply, "I'd like to pack them all in a bus and take them with me."
Strasbourg visit Pope John Paul II plans to visit Strasbourg, France, in 1981 to address the European Parliament, Bishop Leon-Arthur EIchinger of Strasbourg announced.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. June 19, 1980
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For further information ·or initial payment FR. JOHN PORTER or Salesian Mission OHice Don Bosco College 148 Main St. - Box 30 Box 2303 . New Rochelle - N.Y. 10802 Quito· Ecuador, S.A. U.S.A. GIVE A PRIEST TO GOD IN MEMORY OF YOUR DEAR ONES
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. June 19, 1980
I ..
AT A "JOY IN PARENTING" workshop at St. Francis of Assisi parish, New Bedford, Jean Whelan and Bill Langellotti (seated) and Nancy Thompson and Edith Ventura (standing) examine material presented by. William Campbell of Mattapoisett, a guidance counselor. The event was sponsored by the diocesan Office of Family Ministry~ (Rosa Photo)
It pays to advertise in The Anchor, the largest weekly newspaper in Southeastern Massachusetts, reaching 27,000 subscribers and an estimated 100,000 actual readers.
Pare'nts should he told By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: My daughter had an abortion early this year. I found out about this afterward. She and her boyfriend made the decision. The laws read that our children do not have to consult us at all for abortion. Have a~ law"" makers gone through this heartbreak with their children? Unless you go through what my daughter and I have gone through since this happened, you will have no idea how tragic it really is. My daughter is not the same, physically or mentally; no day goes by without some emotional upset, even one suicide attempt by the boyfriend.. I did go to the abortive clinic - I was sick at what I saw. Frightened young ladies - some with their male friends, some alone. I did talk to a young man who was waiting for his girlfriend who was inside having an abortion. These yOWlg men involved also suffer, as my daughter's boyfriend does. I'm asking doctors who refer young people to these clinics if they would refer their daughters? Have they ever followed up on any of their patients who, like my daughter, have physical and psycologieal problems even months later. I have to live with my daughter who still becomes hysterical at times. A broken-hearted mother
land gives physicians a right in the matter of abortion that belongs to the family. That is wrong! It deprives the family of a basic right and responsibility, to prepare for adult life the young entrusted to its care. No one will deny that parents make mistakes or even that some parents will abuse their parental role and harm their children. When this happens regularly, society has the means to remove the children from the offending parents. To presume physicians will, overall, do a better job than the family in making serious, personal decisions is a premise that defies belief. the physician Frequently knows little of the family values or the child's developmental and educational history. The physician may spend half an hour "helping" a minor child make a life-or-death decision. In addition, the physician has a monetary interest in the outcome. This solution, supported by the Supreme Court, weakens families, robbing them of their vital responsibilities. I am grateful that you have shared your parental tears. May your cry be heard.
and her daughter. 1\. Thank you for your letter. You raise two very unpleasant issues: the fact of abortion and the fact that the Supreme Court has ruled that physicians can perform abortions on minor children without the consent of the parents. Abortion is disturbing and very serious. but at least it receives coverage elsewhere. Let's look instead at the matter of parental consent. The Supreme Court ruled that a woman and her doctor may decide about an abortion, even when that woman is a minor. The court did not' say physic:ans were excused from informing parents. Usual medical practice and good common sense would indicate that however opposed they might be, parents have a right and a need to be aware of a radical medical _procedure that affects their daughter. Parents need to be able to deal with any physical or psychological aftermath." If your minor daughter's physician failed to inform you about what he was doing, then I believe you may have a case against him both with the medical ethics committee and in a court of law - and you may wish to consult local legal authorities about this. An important matter for our society is that the law of the
Questions on family living and child care are invited. Address to The Kennys c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.
Yard offers house By Joseph Roderick One of the joys of the garden should be its provision of flowers for house use. Although I am not particularly good at floral arrangement, Marilyn - picks flowers almost daily for the house, where they look quite different from in the garden. As a result. I cultivate a number of things I would ordinarily discard, which Marilyn likes for floral arrangements. Yarrow, for instance, is an unsightly perennial but it sends up stalks of white fluffy flowers which make an excellent filler in a vase. We have one bush of baby's breath reserved for Marilyn as well as a number of coral bells. She has even suggested growing Queen
Anne's Lace ( a weed, not welcome in my garden) because she likes it in floral arrangements. Some of the simplest flowers are excellent in arrangements or by themselves in a vase. Nothing beats a big bouquet of lilac or peony for appearance and fragrance. Evening primrose an oldfashioned flower is beautiful with purple betony. Daisies are excellent cut flowers and the large poppies. when cut and seared, are a sight to behold. My favorite cut flowers are the lilies, which open in the vase and give a lovely aroma, while offering modern horticulture's best in quality of bloom. The upfacing Asiatic lilies are also very well suited to arrangements and
can create magnificent displays. The point is that the garden has many uses. one of which is to supply flowers for the house. Too often .we grow beautiful flowers and never bring them inside. At the same time, futting must be done with discretion. When Marilyn first began her forays into the garden, she too often cut at random without giving much thought to the plant left behind. But she soon learned to cut flowers from the back of a plant where they would not be missed rather than leaving it bare. She has also learned not to cut flowers that are more beautiful in the garden than in the house. .
M.S.Aâ&#x20AC;˘. Landscape M.S.
SISTER CAMILLE, supervisor of Junior Aides, and Patricia Selleck of the radiology department of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, present service awards to Kathleen Kelly and Denise Ann Jasmin at a ceremony reeognizing 39 teens for service totaling over 5000 hours. Kathleen and Denise were the top volunteers, Kathleen with over 300 hours and Denise with 400. (Torchia Photo)
Catholic TV network?
uestlon corner By Father John Dietzen Q. Is it true that in an interfaith marriage the non-Catholic party is not required to sign a promise to raise the children Catholic? I know this was reo quired about 20 years ago when I was considering marrying a person of another faith. My nephew now tells me his fiance, a Baptist, is not asked to sign. Could you explain the way it is handled today? (Florida) A'. The practice was changed by Pope Paul VI in a document on interfaith marriages ("Matrimonia Mixta," in 1970. The Catholic partner alone promises to "do all in his or her power" to have the children of that marriage baptized and raised as Catholics. This of course adds nothing to what an informed and committed Catholic already believes and intends. The non~Catholic partner signs nothing; he or she is simply informed of his commitment on the part of the Catholic but is not required to make a similar promise in any way. The church assumes that if the bride and groom are mature and thoughtful people, they will openly discuss their differences in faith and be sure that they have settled these differences before their marriage so that neither will be obliged to betray his or her conscience later. While the procedure is different, the intent -of the church in the policy is the same as always: to prevent, at least as much as possible, any serious harm to the marriage because of religious differences between the husband and wife. Q. At early weekday Masses in oW' parish when there is no deacon present, a laywoman holds the chalice for those who wish to receive Communion under both fOnDS. Is this per. missable? Legal? (Massachusetts) A. It sounds as if you have some fine liturgical practices in your parish. You are lucky.
It is entirely proper that a .laywoman minister the chalice to people receiving Communion, provided of course that she is a properly commissioned special minister of the Eucharist. Lay eucharistic ministers distribute Communion either under the form of bread or wine, and it is completely legal.
Q. I am 33 years old and have been married 16 years. We have foW' children who are practicing Catholics, but I cannot be. I was 16 when we were mar· ried and had been raised a Catholic up to that time. My husband was a Baptist and had been divorced, so we were married by a justice of the peace. For years now I have been taking our children to church bqt have been unable to receive the sacraments of confession or Communion, which I would like very much to do. Is there any way that I can become a practicing Catholic again? If my husband were will· ing to become a Catholic could we be remarried in the chW'ch? Please answer this letter as soon as possible because my present situation bothers me very much. (DIinois) A. There is some possibility that you could return to the sacraments and that your marriage could be validated in the Catholic Church. However, to explore the possibility of any marriage case, or other solution to the problem, you would have to talk to a priest either in your own parish or one nearby. I seriously urge you to do that right away. Much as I would be willing to help you more specifically if I could, all such matters must be dealt with in your own diocese. Please pray hard that something can be done, and talk with a priest as soon as possible.
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"Lily of the Mohawks," an American Indian born in Auriesville, N.Y., will be beatified in Rome on Sunday.. Her cause was introduced in 1884 by an Albany priest, Father Clarence Walworth, and was continued by Bishop Edmund Gibbons of Albany, who had been one of Father Walworth's altar boys. Father Walworth's interest in Indians had begun at age 6 when an Indian man had presented him with a bow and arrow. In later life he attempted to locate the string df Iroquois villages that had once stretched across New York state. In so doing, he visited the site of the village where Kateri had been baptized and be. came interested in her life of sanctity. The priest influenced a niece to write a biography of Kateri and commissioned several paintings of her. He was the first signer of the petition for her beatification.
Spelling champ WASHINGTON (NC) - Jacques Bailly, 14, an eighth grade at St. Vincent de Paul School, Denver, Colo., has won the an· nual National Spelling Bee in Washington. It was the second time in two years a student from a Denver Catholic school won the bee.
Questions for this column should be sent to Father Diet· zen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass.. 02722.
State regulates abortions BOSTON (NC) - Gov. Edward J. King of Massachusetts has signed into law a bill requiring parental consultation and informed consent prior to abortions performed on minors. "The constitutionality of this law is indisputable," King said at a signing ceremony attended by officials of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, which had lobbied for passage of the bill. "Each section of the informed consent provision has been upheld by federal courts from the district court level on up to the . U.S. Supreme Court," the governor said. "The parental guidance section was drafted in strict conformity with the United States Supreme Court's decision in Baird v. Bellotti last summer. It provides for parental guidance and consultation in a minor's decision and it assures judicial
protection of minors who do not choose the option of parental guidance." The governor said the law was "designed to nurture closer family life." It provides that informed cQIlsent for the abortion ~ust be given 24 hours in advance. Ex-State Rep. Raymond L. Flynn (D-South Boston), cne of the bill's sponsors, said its passage "will set an important precedent for states across the country seeking to uphold the role of parents in the care, custody and protection of their children."
Destination "My interest is in the future. I am going to spend the rest of my life there." - C. F. Kettering
WOODBURY, N.Y. (NC)-.A: Long Island car leasing company owner, Michael Pascucci, 43, is spearheading construction of a Catholic-sponsored nonprofit UHF television station, Channel 55, in Riverhead, N.Y. He envisions it as the first outlet in a national Life Broadcasting Network featuring Christian programs as an alternative to TV sex and violence. "We applied for and got from the FCC a TV license for a station that would reach three million people," said Pascucci, who has put thousands of dollars into the project. "I decided that the church needs a delivery system for TV programs. We are never going to get prime time on the existing big networks." According to Father Thoma!; J. Hartman, Rockville Centre diocesan director of radio and television, construction of the facility is expected to start this summer. It would be the first exclusively Catholic station among some 25 Christian TV stations and programs in the United States. "Catholics are almost last in the media at present," Father Hartman said. Channel 55 will highlight evangelization, counseling, a prayer line, scriptural discussions, daily religious news programs, Christian documentaries, and programs of different denominations. Pascucci, a parishioner of St. Dominic's Church, Oyster Bay, N.Y., said that as much as 40 per cent of fun~s which go to existing Christian prdgrams and evangelists come from Catholics. Since commercial· stations are cutting back on free time for religion, he commented, "the church will be forced to have its own network."
THE ANCHORThurs., June 19, 1980
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the seventh annual diocesan Theology Institute, in progress this week at La Salette Center, Attleboro. The theme for the two-day program, given twice to accommodate all diocesan clergy, is "Preaching as Jesus Did." Father Doyle is professor of homiletics at Pope John XXIII Seminary, Weston.
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Thurs., June 19, 1980
Special gifts By David Gibson
II Single ladies I By Barbara Kuhn Where is the focus of the church's ministry today? Does it reach the total Christian population? If not, can it stretch to include ministry to the single woman? . To date most efforts in the church, especially at the parish level, have been directed toward families. Even the common term - the parish family - reflects this trend. Because of this, the church often has not spent much time or money ministering to other parish groups. This article focuses on one such group, the single woman. The church has not expended much effort on this ministry. Formerly the single career woman was an _exception, but today more women are establishing a career, delaying marriage for a number of years or remaining single. Single women need to be invited wholeheartedly into the parish community. Backing' up a bit: What is ministry? Specifically, how can the church minister to the single woman? It seems that the church often confines itself to crisis ministry. It reaches out to those who are sick, who have lost a relative in death, or who have trouble raising children.
The church can also be present to the single woman when she is in a time of crisis. For her, this could include dealing with corruption and dishonesty on the job or with prevalent moral problems. Very often the church celebrates with families in connection with sacramental celebrations. The single woman too has strengths and successes which can be celebrated humanly and liturgically. These could include promotions, publication of a book, a smooth real estate transaction, a pea~eful home. The church should define ministry to touch the lives of all parishioners. It cannot limit ministry to family and sacramental life and to crises. Ministry means fostering growth and facilitating the expression of each person's talents. It is encouraging all to become their best possible selves. It calls forth the talents and gifts of people and requires that they be used for others. The church's role as a minister to the single woman is to support, encourage, and demand that she take on this challenge to grow. Furthermore, the church calls on her to share the results of her growth with the total community. Professionally, many career women have achieved great growth potential. It becomes the duty of the church to help them take this same potential and use it for the Christian community. ..h
know your faith Unity in diversity By Father John J. Castelot "There does not exist among you Jew or Greek, slave or freeman, male or female. All are one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3,28). Paul probably did not envision the disappearance of all ethnic, social and sexual differences among Christians. At the same time, differences are a far cry from divisions, hostilities. The wonder of our oneness in Christ is precisely that it exists in spite of our differences. Unity with diversity is truly remarkable. Unity is not identity. If there were only one note in the musical scale, music' would be impossible. The magnificently coordinated human body furnished a favorite Pauline figure for the organic unity which should characterize the Christian community. The author of Ephesians developed it to the full, emphasizing not only the interaction of the memo
bers but the directive, vital influence of its head, Christ. As Paul himself writes elsewhere: "There are different gifts but the same Spirit; there are different ministries but the same Lord; there are different works but the same God who accomplishes all of them in everyone . . . Now the body is not one member, it is many . . . There are, indeed, many different members, but one body." (1 Cor. 12; 4-6, 12, 14). He then goes on to speak at length about the greatest gift: love, the secret oJ unity amid diversity. It is this love which enables us to accept people who make choices which do not match our established patterns. The unusual may make us uncomfortable but how can we insist that God direct people only in those ways to which we are accus-
tomed? Today, more and more young men and women are choosing the single life. No one should presume they are simply selfish or egocentric. They are, in general, very loving, generous and lovable. They need to love and to be loved. In many wa.ys singles are freer than others t:> lavish their love, their generosity and their considerable talents on family, friends and the parish community. Yet all too often we deny them that opportunity. They are often left out of parish activities, leaving them hurt and resentful. The parish suffers, simply because there is no room in the organization ::or singles. "The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I do not need you,' any more than the head can say to the feet, 'I do not need you.''' (1 Cor. 12; 21).
Everybody. needs others to care By Barbara Beckwith When the entire WJM news team with the lone exception of bumbling anchorman Ted Baxter, is fired, Mary Richards, Lou Grant, Murray Slaughter, Sue Ann Nivens - and even Ted try to comfort each other. Tearfully, they end up in a gigantic hug. When someone suggests they should see the fittingly gorgeous sunset that evening, they move to a window en masse - rather like a football huddle scuttling sideways. That classic last episode of the old "Mary Tyler Moore Show" is an example of the kind
of quasi-families we all need. TV producer Mary Richards exemplifies the single who works to create a "family" for herself. She cares about those with whom she works and they care about her. They interrelate as a family on more than a 9-to-5 basis. Careers offer a certain kind of fulfillment. For Mary Richards it is knowing that she facilitated getting the news on the air, or organized a documentary, or won a Teddy Award. For others it's seeing their ads sell or their businesses prosper. It includes raises and promotions
A quasi-family
outside confirmation of achievement and worth. But what of those whose job is just a job, a way to earn one's living? Pinning your ego and efforts to a job alone is asking for trouble because there always comes a time when the job ends; when the other 80 hours of the weekdays, to say nothing of weekends, seem empty. The single state can provide the time, energy and mental space needed for a career. But being single 'carries'the danger of preoccupation with oneself. Selfish desires, the 20th pair of Turn to Page Thirteen
What can the church do for singles? Many such people feel the church needs to keep them in mind and serve them, but many ask another question: What can single people offer the church? Single Catholics make up at least 30 percent of the church's population. They include adults who have never married, youth and a significant percentage of young adults who, for various reasons, choose to delay marriage. They also include priests, religious brothers and nuns. Widows and widowers, divorced persons and single parents , are also among the church's single members. Recently Pope John Paul said they should be a concern of the world synod of bishops which will meet in Rome this fall to discuss the family. Singles often feel they are defined negatively, as the unmar路 ried or as not being a part of the traditional family group of husband, wife and children. But the unmarried can definitely have families: parents, brothers, sisters, nephews, neices or other relatives. And many singles have their own homes, which may be centers of warmth and hospitality, where friends and neighbors gain a very real sense of sharing and family. Often single people carry special burdens. They work and care for children, alone, without the support of another adult. But they are not the only singles who can help others grow and develop. Each single has his or her own special insights and gifts. Others who come in contact with those gifts and insights can be enriched by them. Single Christians are like all other Christians - people of a community in which each special gift is important. Right now, many singles would like their .. personal gifts to be recognized more fully. They want to feel at home in the church.
For children By Janaan Manternach Much of Jesus' early preaching and healing took place along the shore of the Sea of Galilee. He walked with his disciples from one town to another, telling people about God and God's way of love. He healed all kinds of illnesses. Many women accompanied Jesus during those happy days in Galilee. Some were women Jesus had healed or helped find forgiveness and peace. They helped Jesus and his disciples and shared in Jesus' efforljs to help people know and love God. These women and many like them stayed with Jesus during all his successes and difficulties. It was most unusual for women in Jesus' time to have a public role. Many learned men believed women could hardly learn God's law or understand Turn to Page Thirteen
THE ANCHORThurs., June 19, 1980
A Verdade E 'A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego
Nova Visao Do Pecado Precisamos duma nova visao do pecado. Os velhos Catecismos e livros de Teologia Moral definiram 0 pecado como uma "transgressao" da lei de Deus. Esta visao despersonaliza 0 pecado, como se ele nao fosse mais do ~ue uma mera viola~ao dum artigo durn codigo. E nao e assim; nao se peca contra uma lei impessoal, mas contra umas pessoas: a de Deus e a do Proximo. Isto nao 0 compreendem os cristaos que tiverem urn conceito meramente penal do pecado. o pecado nao e so urn acto, e antes uma atitude. 0 pecado, mais do que uma ac~ao ou urn acto isolado na vida do homem ou da mulher, e encarado hoje pela Teologia e Sociologia Pastoral como uma atitude pessoal e responsavel o pecado radica numa op~ao pessoal con tra Deus e contra os irmaos; enquanto se nao der esta op~ao, nao ha pecado. Op~ao fundamental do pecado. 0 mais actual problema teologico sobre 0 pecado grave baseia-se na chamada op~ao fundamental. Ha na vida humana compromissos tao radicais'que abrangem a pessoa na sua totalidade e que podemos chamar op~oes fundamentais. Tambem corn respeito a Deus, ern determindados momentos mais decisivos da existencia crista, na consciencia de cada urn da-se uma op~ao fundamental. Esta op~ao persiste enquanto.. nao for retractada por outro acto ou atitude tao radical que equivalha:a ass~ir uma po~i~ao totalmente contraditoria, isto e, uma contra -op~a'o . Urn exemplo podera esclarecer qualquer pessoa, por rude que seja. Dois jovens que se casam, no momenta do seu casamento dao um sim decisive e pronunciado diante do altar corn toda a solenidade; prometem-se, e fazem-no diante de Deus e dos outros, urn amor eterno, fiel e indivislvel. Esta decisao e uma op~ao fundamental que decidiu para sempre das suas vidas e que iraQ vivendo dia a dia na sua vida matrimonial e familiar. Enquanto per~istir essa op~ao fundamental dtirara 0 amor. ~ verdade que uma infidelidade ocasional vai contra esse amo~, mas, se nao se repetir corn frequencia e intensidade, nao destroi essa op~ao fundamental, nao anula 0 sim do casamento, 0 amor que se prometeram; embora seja certo que ja se colocaram em terreno resvaladi~o. Deus perdoa facilmente 0 pecado, quando de facto persist~ou se renova essa atitude positiva, essa op~ao fundamental por Cristo. A Sagrada Escristura nao aponta mais do que urn pecado imperdoavel: resistir ao proprio Deus, a apostasia, renegar do Seu Esplrito, recusar a Sua gra~a e amor que nos salvam. o que podemos garantir e que urna condena~ao eterna e a ultima consequencia da totalidade duma atitude negativa, durn_processo de op~oes contra Deus. Mas nao esque~amos que 0 plano inclinado deste processo pode iniciarse ern cada ac~ao pecaminosa.
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STILL ON THE JOB in her third grade classroom at St. Anthony School, New Bedford, is Sister Lauretta Lapointe, who is celebrating 50 years as a Holy Cross Sister.
Others to care Continued from page twelve new shoes, for instance, can be indulged without a witness or critic. Living alone, singles may be tempted to withdraw withIn themselves. "I touch no one and no one touches me," sing Simon and Garfunkle' in "j Am a Rock." We all need people who care about us, who bring us out of ourselves, who let us inside them. Because single people often live alone, they need to go out of their way to find caring people - at their offices and factories, apartment buildings and tennis courts. They often have to take the first step and admit· their need of others. The local parish is a natural place to build caring quasi-families. Singles groups can take various forms: social clubs, dropin centers, Bible study or prayer this Year of the'Famgroups. ily many parish activities are being planned which should include single people. Another source of support for singles might be the Catholic Alumni Clubs in about 45 major cities across the country. The only requirements for membership are that a person be single, Catholic and a graduate of an accredited (not necessarily Catholic) college or nursing school. The clubs provide the opportunity to meet people of similar backgrounds, to organize activities as dances and volleyball and to participate in community service projects. Unattached Catholics are an under utilized resource, in a singular position (pun intended) to aid the church. They can get involved in ceD or youth work, visit the elderly or join networks to do corporal works of mercy.
Singles who want caring fami· lies cannot wait for the world to come knocking on their doors; they can start by caring themselves.
For children Continued from page twelve the Bible. Jesus stood out among them in his respect for the dig. nityof women. Mary Magdalen was one of the women who worked with Jesus. She had been very sick and Jesus healed her of her illness. Mary loved Jesus so much she worked with him all over Galilee and followed him even to the foot of the cross. She watched where Jesus was buried and early the next Sunday morning she went to his tomb. It was empty. Outside the tomb she met Jesus, who gave her the important task of announcing his resurrection to the rest of his followers. Another woman who helped Jesus was Joanna, the wife of Chuza, who was in charge of the palace of Herod, the governor. Joanna also stayed with Jesus to the end. She was with Mary Magdalen at the empty tomb. We know the names of at least three other women who helped Jesus and his disciples. Susanna was one. Mary, the mother of the disciple James, was another. The third was Salome, the mother of Jesus' earliest disciples, James and John. These dedicated women shared in the earliest experience of Jesus' resurrection. They were with Jesus' closest disciples when the Holy Spirit came upon them at Pentecost.
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• 14
THE ANCHORThurs., June 19, 1980
Graduation By Cecilia Belanger
The pope speaks to youth During his recent trip to France, Pope John Paul n spoke at length to French youth on topics of interest to teenagers everywhere. In the coming weeks, The Anchor will present excerpts from his talks.
Young people of France, true Christians or those sympathetic toward Christianity, I would .like to climb with you toward the summits which are at the same time difficult and invigorating. I want to share with you as a friend my own convictions as a man and as a servant of the faith. I know your problems and your sufferings, at least in general. There is a certain instability at your age which is due to the rapid mutation of history, a certain lack' of trust in certitudes, sharpened by the knowledge acquired at school. There is the uncertainty of the future and the difficulties of finding a profession. The excess of unsatisfied desires in this consumer society have made pleasure the goal of life. There is painful powerlessness to overcome the erroneous or threatening consequences of progress. There are also the temptations of revolt, evasion or resignation. You know all this to the point of saturation. I would much rather climb with you to the heights. I am convinced that you .are longing to get out of this unhealthy atmosphere and to deepen or rediscover the meaning of a truly human existence because it opens toward God, in a word, your vocation as men and women in Christ. I sincerely hope that you take up the challenge of the present times and become, all of you, champions in mastering your bodies in a Christian manner. Sports, even for those who are not professionals, can be a great stimulant. In the integrity of sexuality in our life as adolescents, sports can play an outstanding role. It is difficult to speak about sexuality in contemporary circumstances, which foster, unfortunately, the exploitation of sexual instincts. The union of bodies has always been the strongest expression through which two beings communicate with each other. This is why this act, related to the sacred mystery of a man and a woman, should never be carried out without previously assuming the total and final commitment of marriage.
Faith Needed . "We obtain everything from God according to the measures of our confidence." St. Therese
I am always deeply moved at graduations. I look at young people' and wonder' what road they will take. Many youth, as Yeats wrote, "long to tread a way none trod before." It's an exciting time in their lives. They are full of energy and hope. Some tell me that the world is too complex for them. But I would refer them to the words of Thoreau: "A brave man always knows the way, no matter how jntricate the roads." Certainly our world is much more complicated than that of former generations, but our youth are better prepared than ~he youth of yesterday to meet its challenges. Never have we had a more educated group of young people, never a more liberated group, allowed to pursue their dreams, to make choices, whether to continue education, to establish a home, or to take a year to travel. Youth, the world is before you! Don't get sidetracked. You have shown you care for other people, for God's green earth, for honesty and values. Choose growth, choose integrity. Don't let disappointments defeat you. Many youth have shown concern for the national and international scene, but who can fault GRADUATES OF NAZARETH HALL School and Vocational School stand proudly them for being confused? "I'd like to go into politics," with Bishop Cronin at ceremonies at Holy Name Church, Fall River. From left, Linda Carreiro, Steve Gracia, Michael Watzel, the bishop, Carmel Rosa, Paula Chace, Joseph Moore. said a college youth, "but I can't find myself doing some of (Torchia Photo) the things politics demands of one." I would still say, however, to THIS SONG asks Are you those young men and women, that if the political arena is happy with your life? The happiness meant is the where their hearts lie, they overall senSEl of satisfaction should not turn their backs on gained from living in a meaning- it, for they are needed - badly. ful way. "There's ·so much war talk The song tells of someone that I don't feel it's any use to whose life changed. He no longer continue with my education," chooses the party life. Now he said one youth. "I figure I'll be can pause and listen to the song drafted anyway." Many students, however, are of life around him, a song that By Charlie Martin is quiet, gentle and easily miss- conducting sit-ins against a ' peacetime draft. They know that ed. The "song of each friend" is young men do not always die SONG FOR THE LIFE unique and full of surprises. But for their country; they die for I don't drink as much as I used to if we are too busy to share an- the whims of leaders. And that's other's experiences, the rich- what hurts! We thought we had Lately it just ain't my style ness each person can bring into advanced from the time when our lives will be lost. the only law was the sword, And the hard times don't hurt like they ought to A person may choose high but it seems we are back to They pass quicker like when I's a child goals in life. But every goal square one as the earth continneeds to be measured by its ues to convulse. Somehow I've learned how to listen The country is split. Look at cost. The stress placed by soFor a sound like the sun goin' down ciety on self· reliance and self- the hordes of primary voters direction has a positive side, who are not for the incumbent. In the magic the morning' is bringing teaching people to be responsible Add all who are for other candifor the direction of their lives. dates and .you find a majority There's a song for the life I have found Still, achievement goals need to who are dissatisfied. It keeps my feet on the ground be balanced by quiet, by listenThere is too much governing, by being present to others. ment. This is not as it is supDon't the midsummer days sit so heavy The song of life includes all of posed to be. Our liberty was not· But don't they flow like a breeze through your mind these factors. the gift of a few leaders; its From time to time, we need to seeds were sown in the minds And nothin' occurs in a hurry check out where our lives are of the whole people. Today the heading. If we have long-range "whole people" are no longer To make up for someone's lost time goals have we allowed ourselves' involved in that way. Too many Somehow I've learned how to listen space to reach these goals? Have are subservient to and dependent we' built quiet 'time into our life- _ on government. For a sound like the sun goin' down styles? We must stop this idolatry In the magic the morning is bringing What is the song our friends and recognize our own greatare sharing with us? Have we ness. We must not lose our selfThere's a song for a friend I have found taken the time to hear both the respect. She keeps my feet on the ground joy and the pain in others' I would remind youth that lives? Most important have we conscience is the voice of God taken the time to listen for in our hearts. It must be listened Sung by John Denver, written by Rodney Crowell, (c) 1976 God's presence within the song to above all other voices. This by Tessa Publishing Co. of life? is the sovereign that guides us, not earthly kings and presidents!
By Bill Morrissette
.tv, movie news
portsWQtch Diocesan Stellars Several players from diocesan high schools have been named to Southeastern Mass. High School Conference all-star teams. In baseball Bishop Stang High's catcher, senior Raymond Desormier, was named to the Division One tearn, while Holy Family's Carlton Cathcart, an outfielder, was selected for Division Three. Bishop Connolly High placed four and Bishop Feehan High three on the Division Two allstar roster. Cougar selectees are senior catcher Paul DeCoste; infielder senior Robert Levesque; junior outfielder Rick Orton; and sophomore pitcher Jeff Palmer. Coyle-Cassidy's senior pitcher, Timothy Leary, is also on the team. The Feehan Shamrocks on the stellar aggragation are junior infielder Mark Schmidt, senior outfielder Brian Cannata; and junior utility Richard Farinacci. Feehan also placed Pat Cunningham on the Division Two golf all-star team. Connolly's John Sheridan (singles), Mike Pettine and AI Tawa (doubles) and Stang's Tim Ikela (singles) were named to the Central Division tennis ,all-star team. Others named to the various all-star teams are: Baseball - Division One Infielders: senior Jim Bunce, Dennis-Yarmouth, senior Chris Hanewich and junior Peter LaPorte, Attleboro, senior Andy Joakim, Barnstable. Outfielders: seniors Steve Harrington, Durfee, Thomas Sullivan, Dennis-
Yarmouth, and junior Peter Higginbotham, Barnstable. Pitchers: seniors Matt Dacey, Barnstable, Alan Martel, Durfee, Anthony Williams, New Bedford. Utility: junior Michael Moreira, Somerset. Baseball - Division Two _ infielder; senior John Iavarone, Case. Outfielder: senior Rick Souza, Seekonk. Pitcher: junior Roy Fonseca, Case. Baseball _ Division Three _ Catcher: senior Thomas McKenna, Greater New Bedford VokeTech; Pitchers: senior Steven Villeneuava, Wareham, senior Robert Baldwin, Fairhaven, junior Jeffrey Hoff, Old Rochester. Infielders: senior Michael Quinn, Falmouth, senior Marc Beaulieu, Old Rochester, junior Andrew Olsen, Yoke-Tech. Outfielders: senior John Sacramento, Dartmouth, Junior Ronald Ryan, Yoke-Tech. Utility: junior Paul Tinkham, Old Rochester. Golf - Division Two - Rich Shea, Attleboro, Tom Borah, Seekonk, Dan Salmon, Somerset, Pat Shaw, Durfee, and Mark Weeks, Dighton-Rehoboth. AIternates: Paul Saunders, Durfee, Greg Barrett, Attleboro. Tennis - Central Division Singles: Bob Brabant, Somerset, Carroll Lown, Durfee, Peter Shuman and Marc Fuller, Dartmouth; alternates are Justin McCarthy, Durfee and Jim Heskett, New Bedford. Doubles: Joe Fournier and Skip Simmons, New Bedford, Henry Medeiros and Mike Demers, New Bedford High.
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation!: C-condemned.
New Films "The Outsider"
is the story of Michael (Craig Wasson), an Irish-American Detroiter brought up on tales of the Irish struggle for independence. He comes to Belfast to fight with the IRA, not knowing that they want to arrange his death and present him as an IRA martyr in' order to win U.S. sympathy and contributions. With equal cynicism, the British want to kill him and place the blame on the IRA. Michael remains unaware of his peril until confronted by an English rifle in the hands of an IRA gunman. Although burdened by a devious plot and an underdeveloped central character, this film successfully depicts the atmosphere of daily life in a war zone and is evenhanded in its condemnation of both IRA terrorism and British mistreatment of war prisoners. R, A3
and play will be in four divisions. The senior division is for those born on or after Jan. 1, 1954; intermediate for those born on or after Jan. 1, 1961; junior for those born on or after Jan. 1, 1964; cadet, for those born on or after Jan. 1, 1966. Play in the Bristol County CYO Baseball League has gotten off to a slow start, some games, being postponed because of players being involved in schoolboy playoffs in this state and in Rhode Island. A twin bill starts at six, tonight at Chew Park, Fall River, where it will be Central vs. Maplewood, South vs. Somerset. Sunday's twin bill lists Kennedy vs. Central, North vs. South while on Monday Somerset goes against South and Kennedy against Maplewood. Somerset is host to Central at Hanson Memorial Field, Somerset, Wednesday evening, when the Chew Park action lists Maplewood vs. South, Kennedy vs. North. All doubleheaders are at Chew field with the first game start· ing at six p.m. Singles games at Hanson Memorial Field also start at six.
AnLEBORO'S Leading Garden Center
"Bronco Billy" (Warners) A rather genial and intermittently amusing comedy from Clint South Main ~ Wall Sts. Eastwood about a travelling Wild West show of ex-convicts 222-0234 trying to go straight. Unfortun- • ately, it is marred by graphic '-
violence and premarital hankypanky. PG, A3 "Carny" (United Artists) Jodie Foster gets into heavy traffic as a runaway with a travelling carnival of freak shows, hustlers, strippers and con-artists in this aimless film about the seamy side of show business, punctuated by sex, violence and profanity. R,B
Films on TV Sunday, June 22, 9-11:50 p.m. (ABC) - "Romeo and Juliet" (1968) - Franco Zeffirelli's interpretation of Shakespeare's tragedy of young love offers energetic action in a stylish production with teen-agers Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting in the title roles. But parents are advised that because of a brief nude scene in the theatrical version, the film was rated A4. Wednesday, June 25, 8-9 p.m. (CBS) "Charlotte's Web" (1973) - The first half of E. B. White's animated musical about the upbringing of a little pig named Wilbur who develops from a runt to full-grown county fair champ. A charming entertainment for family audiences that concludes Thursday, June 26. Al
Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar St., New Bedford 993-3222
SULLIVAN'S Largest Religious Store On Cape Cod .:omplete Line of ReligIous ArtIcles for Religious Communities and Organizations as well as Retail
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for every occasion . .. Baptisms Birthdays Weddings Anniversaries Ordinations Conti rmations First Communions
Upcoming Events The Mt. Carmel Parish Festival Committee of Seekonk is the sponsor and the Seekonk Track Club will be the host for the first annual Mt. Carmel Festival 4.6 mile road race to be held from the parish rectory grounds at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 12. Pre-entry fee is $2, post en-, try (after July 5) $3. Participants must be registered with the New England Amateur Athletic Union. More on this event later. Meanwhile, information may be obtained from Frank Mooney, 60 Cynthia Road, Seekonk, Mass. 02771, to whom entries should be mailed. The 21st CYO Diocesan Tournament will be held at the Pocasset Golf Course, Pocasset Mass. at 1 p.m. Monday, July 28, it is announced by Rev. Paul F. McCarrick, CYO diocesan director. He urges all interested to get in touch with their area CYO directors as soon as possible to ascertain the dates of qualifying play in their respective areas: Fall River, Taunton, the Attleboros, New Bedford and the Cape. Each area will be allowed two entries in the diocesan tourney
THE ANCHORThurs., June 19, 1980
OPEN DAILY 10:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M.
-JHI r
La Shrine
Park Street - Route 118 Attleboro. Massachusetts
THRIFT STORES IT'S A BIRD, it's a plane - it's Julie Andrews, floating from the sky in her Academy award-winning role of Mary Poppins in the 1964 Walt Disney film of the same name. Re-released, it will be shown in theatres this summer.
IS S,d· Airport bit)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. June 19, 1980
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• .......-------------------------~ PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN ue asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included as well es full dates of all ,ctlvltles. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetlnlls, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtalnabla from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151.
SACRED HEART, NEW BEDFORD A testimonial wilJ be held
Sunday evening, June 29, at White's restaurant, North Westport, in honor of Father Ernest E. Blais, pastor of Sacred Heart for the past eight years, who will assume the pastorate of Notre Dame parish, Fall River, on Wednesday. Reservations may be made with representatives of parish organizations or with Edward Metivier, 993-6528, testimonial chairperson. Metivier has announced that Msgr. Henri Hamel, Sacred Heart associate pastor, will be the speaker for the occasion. SACRED HEART, NORTH AITLEBORO The parish choir is seeking new members, in particular for participation in the 75th jubilee Mass planned for Sunday, Sept. 14. The jubilee celebration will also include a banquet and guest speakers. Prayer meetings will be held ai 8 p.m. Friday June 20 and June 27. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER
New schedules are available in the sacristy for special eucharistic ministers, lectors and altar boys. Couples celebrating 25th and 50th wedding anniversaries this year who would like to attend a special Year of the Family Mass and reception at the cathedral on Oct. 5 are asked to contact the rectory. Miss Angela Stankiewicz of the school faculty has received the Our Lady of Good Counsel Award from the c..amp Fire Girls for outstanding service. SECULAR FRANCISCANS, NEW BEDFORD A day of recollection for members of Our Lady Queen of Angels Fraternity will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at St. Theresa parish hall, Acushnet Ave., New Bedford. Invited guests are welcome and refreshments will be provided. ST. LOUIS, FALL RIVER "To Teach as Jesus Taught" will be the theme of a workshop to be conducted for parish CCD teachers by Brother Michael Nappo, OFM, from 7 to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday at the parish hall. Brother Michael is a faculty member of All Hallows High Sc~ool Bronx, N.Y. Registrations for the parish CCD program will be accepted following all Masses this weekend and the weekend of June 28 and 29.
LA SALETTE SHRINE, AITLEBORO A Mass for invalids will be celebrated at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Shrine, followed by a blessing of the sick ceremony. Both will be conducted by Bishop Kenneth Angell of Providence and will be open to the public. Special guests will be residents of area convalescent homes. A Youth Day of Praise is planned for 1 p.m. Sunday, July 13 at the shrine. Leaders will include Father Joseph Maguire, St. Patrick parish, Somerset, and Father Robert Kaszynski, St. Stanislaus parish, Fall River. Music will be by John Polce and the Upper Room Music Ministry. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The Men's Club will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in the school. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD A holy hour will be sponsored by the Legion of Mary from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. The public is invited. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Registration forms are available for a three day summer program, limited to 35 children, to be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 30 through Aug. 1. Parish children in grades 1 through 8 are eligible. If further places are open, nonparishioners attending St. Anne's School will be accepted. Parishioners are invited to attend the first Mass and following reception of Rev. Mr. Marc Tremblay at 2 p.m. Sunday. FIRST FRIDAY CLUB, FALL RIVER William F. Lynch has been elected to his second term as president. Other officers are: Clement Dowling, vice-president; Robert Carr, secretary; and Cyril Amarelo, treasurer. The next meeting will be in October. BLESSED SACRAMENT, ADORERS, FAIRHAVEN The Adorers will hold a holy hour from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven. Father Thomas Landry, OP, of St. Theresa's Church, New Bedford, will conduct the service. First Friday exposition of the Blessed Sacrament normally held at Sacred Hearts Church will not take place Friday, July 4. DIVORCED & SEPARATED, TAUNTON The Taunton area ministry to divorced, separated and remarried Catholics will meet at 7 p.m. Sundays, June 22 at St. Joseph church hall, 19 Kilmer Ave., Taunton. Father Edward Halloran OFM of Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford, will speak on the place of the divorced in church life. The next group meeting will be held in September.
STANG ASSMBLY, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Bishop Stang Assembly of the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, Fall River, will hold an awards night at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Fall River Council Home. The program will include dinner and a speech by Dominic Restaino, former master of Bishop James A. Healy Province of the Massachusetts Fourth Degree. A 60-year commendation certificate will be presented posthumously to Msgr. George E. Sullivan and honorary life membership cards will go to Msgr. John J. Oliveira and Rev. John C. Martins. Certificates of merit and the Supreme Master Award of Merit will also go to members and the recipient of the annual Dominick J. Maxwell Sr. memorial award will be announced.
SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Public school children are asked to register in the parish CCD program. Forms are available in the rear of the church. Volunteers are needed for the program. Those interested may call the parish center, 678-0873. The summer altar boy schedule will be available this weekend at the church. REGINA PACIS CENTER, NEW BEDFORD A festival honoring St. John the Baptist, patron of Puerto Rico, will be held from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, June 29 in the center parking lot. Puerto Rican foods, dances and folk music will be featured and a procession will follow 11 a.m. Mass on the day of the feast. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON Next Thursday the parish St. Vincent de Paul conference will hold its 2500th consecutive meeting. Members have not missed a meeting since Nov. 29, 1932, when the conference was founded. Among those to attend _ the meeting, which will be a dinner, will be Walter Gorey, a still active charter member. The present officers are Richard M. Paulson Sr., president; Joseph Martin, vice-president; Francis Boivin, secretary; A:ldrew Isaacsen, treasurer.
ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN The sacrament of baptism will be administered at noon Mass Sunday. A parish picnic is planned for noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, July 13. The parish has been cited by the Red Cross for conducting the most successful blood drive in the state on the Memorial Day weekend.
OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE 936 So. Main St., Fall River IComer Osborn St.I Full Selection Of COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION GIFTS 11:00 To 5:30
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Gift Villa WASHINGTON (NC) - Marquesa Margaret Rockefeller de Larrain of ·Palm Beach, Fla., the sole surviving granddaughter of oil tycoon, John D. Rockefeller, has given a three-acre estate in Fiesole, Italy, estimated to be worth $1.8 million, to Georgetown University. The gift is the third largest given to Georgetown by an individual. Situated eight miles from Florence, the estate, Villa Ie ,Baize (Cliff House) will be used as a univers::ty conference center and for study abroad programs for students in the fine arts, classics, Italian and history.
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