VOL. 47, NO.24
• Friday, June 20, 2003
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Scenes from our mission in Guaimaca
FATHER PAUL E. Canuel, right, presents Cacique (Chief) Julio, chief of the Tolupanes Indians in La Ceiba, Montana de la Flor, with a statue of Our Lady of Suyapa, patroness of Honduras. At left is Sub-Cacique Thomas. Montana de la flor is the mountain nation of the Indigenous Tolupanes Indians and is located in the Orica Parish, three hours from Guaimaca.
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AUXILIARY BISHOP of Tegucigalpa Roberto Camilieri, OFM, second from left, meets with some Tolupanes Indians in La Ceiba, Montana de la Flor. From left: Son of Cacique Julio, the bishop, Cacique Julio, Sub-Cacique Thomas, Father Canuel, and Son of Cacique Julio. (Photos courtesy of Father Paul E. Canuel.) To help support the mission, call 508-995-6168.
Catholic Charities exceeds $3.4M mark, continues to rise FALL RIVER - Contributions from its many friends in business and industry across southeastern Massachusetts - as well as from the 101 parishes - continue to swell the tally of this spring's annual Catholic Charities Appeal currently on the final leg of its campaign. Even as the recent round of returns were being tallied by staff workers at diocesan headquarters of the Appeal this week, Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, director of the Appeal, reported, "We're moving past $3.4 million as of this time," and added, "this is pretty much in accord with our expectations." While the' efforts of large urban parishes is to
Taunton parish marks centennial on Sunday TAUNTON - St. Anthony's Parish will celebrate its 1OOth anniversary of founding on Sunday with a bilingual Mass and a banquet. Bishop-Elect George W. Coleman will celebrate the special bilingual Mass at 10 a.m., in St. Anthony's. Bishop
Aurelio Granada Escudeiro, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Angra and the Azores Island will concelebrate. Other concelebrants will include Pastor Father Henry S. Arruda and Father Jeffrey Cabral, the parochial vicar. Tum to page 13 - St. Anthony
be praised, so too are the outstanding reports from many inner city parishes. "If this year's Appeal is the success that it seems to be," Msgr. Harrington explained, "special note must be taken of the efforts made in some of our urban parishes." Large, affluent parishes in the suburbs and on Cape Cod generally report very substantial sums and this year is no exception, it was pointed out. The appended report of the leading parishes in the various deaneries clearly indicates that this annual trend is very much alive. Tum to page 13 - Appeal
Diverse committee planning bishop-elect's ordination FALL RIVER - A talented and hardworking committee of clergy, religious and laity is at the center of planning for the July 22 ordination/installation of Bishop-Elect George W. Coleman as bishop of Fall River. Those ceremonies will be held at 11 a.m., in St. Mary's Cathedral. Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, Nuncio to the United States, will be the principal consecrator at the ceremonies of Holy Orders. He will be assisted by Archbishop Daniel A. Cronin, archbishop of Hartford, who is a former bishop of Fall River; and by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., ofPalm Beach, Fla., also a former bishop ofFall River. Members of the planning committee and their ar-
eas of responsibility include: Invitations and Accommodations, Father Michael K. McManus; Liturgy, Father Richard D. Wilson, Msgr. Stephen J. Avila, Father Edward J. Healey, and Madeleine Grace, organist at the Cathedral; Hospitality, Father Barry W. Wall; Receptions, Msgr. Edmund J. Fitzgerald and Father John J. Oliveira. Publicity, Radio and TV, Msgr. John F. Moore, John E. Kearns Jr. and David B. Jolivet; Flowers and Decoration, Father Edward J. Healey; Ushers, Father Craig A. Pregana; Traffic and Security, Father John 1. Perry; Ecumenical, Father Marc H. Bergeron; Ecumenical and Religious, Mercy Sister Elaine Heffernan.
Jesuit sees parallels in Church .abuse scandal, New York Times crisis abuses that strikes at the very heart Church can also leam from The of its mission." Times, which devoted thousands of Although he said the numerous hours to investigating the Jayson accusations of sexual abuse of mi- Blair incident, and from the recent nors by priests are "certainly far resignations of executive editor greater crimes than plagiarism or Howell Raines and managing edimaking up quotes," Father Martin tor Gerald Boyd. The Times "showed that it underadded that "it is instructive to note This brief syllopsis of political While Reps. Neal and Lynch that despite the noblest of histories, stood the need to come clean immegoillgs Oil ill Bostoll and Washillg- should be thanked for their votes, Dallas Morning News. the tightest of controls, the most tal- diately - and publicly - about its ton is provided by the Massachu- it is a sad day when such a large Jesuit Father James Martin, as- ented of employees and the best of wrongdoings," Father Martin wrote. setts Catholic COllferellce (MCC), majority of the Massachusetts sociate editor of America magazine intentions any institution is capable "Top management also showed a the public policy voice of the congressional delegation, espe- in New York, said that as the Jayson of being used by a manipulative per- willingness to accept responsibility Catholic Church ill this state and cially those who are Catholic, Blair saga unfolded "the parallels to son for his or her own ends." for the institution's failures." governed by the bishops ill each fails to find any reason to say the Catholic Church's recent scan-· "Moreover, the immorality of By contrast, many Catholic dioof the dioceses ill the Common- enough is enough. some does not mean that the institu- ceses in the United States failed to daIs were unavoidable." wealth. Response to bishops' call to "In both cases, a revered and tion is fundamentally flawed, that all respond swiftly and openly to clergy action on marriage gratifyilJg Only two Massachusetts trusted institution, knit into the fab- its employees are conupt or that it sex abuse charges, "and the Church congressmen support ban State legislators and their staff ric of the country, reels from a shock- cannot continue in its mission of still pays the price for their tragic report that many constituents are on partial-birth abortion ing case of professional abuse," he public service," he said. "It might be slowness," he said. BOSTON - On June 4, the contacting them to register their wrote. "Despite a long and distin- useful for the media to reflect on this "Galling as it might be for some U.S. House of Representatives in support for the Marriage Affirmaguished history, the organization's the next time they cast a critical eye leaders to hear, they may have more Washington approved a ban on tion & Protection Amendment. .impressive set of intemal controls on the Catholic Church." to learn from The Times than simpanial-binh abortion by a margin The statement of the bishops on But Father Martin said the ply the nt\.ws," Father Martin added. fails utterly, allowing a string of of 282 to 139. Rep. Richard Neal marriage has touched a cord. Sto(D-2nd) and Rep. Steve Lynch ries from across the Common(D-9th) voted in favor of the bill. wealth reveal the courageous and President Bush says he will sign compassionate response of many . the bill into law. pastors who used the opportunity The other nine Congressmen to teach about marriage and the OSSINING, N.Y. - James before beginning Maryknoll's last August, Burke spent seven from Massachusetts voted against importance of legislative action the ban: Olver. McGovern, Frank, during their homilies the past Lawlor Burke of Harwich Port, overseas training program. years teaching at various English Meehan. Tierney, Markey, couple of weekends. The state- Mass., was among four candiBurke, 36, a native of Syra- Schools in Tokyo, Japan. He Capuano and Delahunt. They ment has inspired many people to dates for the priesthood recently cuse, N.Y., attended St. Joseph's hopes to serve there after his orsided with the extreme view that action, and for that the Massachu- taking their first temporary oaths Elementary School in Liverpool, dination. every abortion method, even one . setts Catholic Conference is very to the Maryknoll Fathers and N.Y., and graduated from Dallas "I believe there is a great need Brothers at ceremonies in Our Jesuit High School, Dallas, Texas, of Christ in Japan," Burke said. inches from criminal infanticide grateful. and no malleI' how gruesome, deMCC staff has e~gaged in Lady Queen of Apostles Chapel, in 1985. He earned a bachelor's "I have a strong desire to speak mands federal protection. many productive conversations Maryknoll Society Center here. degree in history from the Uni- of the love and mercy of Jesus The first oath marked the versity of San Francisco, Calif., Christ to the weakest and most Congress heard evidence that with people upset by the Church's thousands of partial birth abor- teaching. Some of them have completion of Burke's spiritual in 1990. impoverished members of society tions are performed each year. never heard this teaching before. formation year. He will enter the Prior to entering Maryknol.1 throughout that country." The procedure involves pulling To those who complain that such Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, Ill., this September to the infant. in the tifth month of a step by the bishops is "divisive," pregnancy and beyond, halfway the many opportunities for dia- pursue a master of divinity degree out of the womb and stabbing it logue experienced by the MCC in the neck. Most of these abor- staff would not have occurred if Daily Readings tions are performed on healthy the Church was silent. If you have June 23 Gn 12:1-9; Ps 'babies. Congress found that no not already contacted your state 33:12-13,18medical purpose is served by this senator and state representative, 20,22; Mt 7:1-5 procedure and concluded it lacks please do so. If you have, enJune 24 Is 49:1-6; Ps June 23 any health benetit. courage your friends to do the 139:1-3,13-15; B. McAloon, SS.Cc., Pastor, Holy Trinity, 1980, Rev. Finbarr same. On the Internet go to Acts 13:22-26; Lk West Harwich . www.macathconf.org.orcaIl6171:57-66,80 ·OUR LADY'S 1992, Rev. George Wichland, CSSR, St. Wenceslaus Church, June 25 Gn 15:1-12,17367-6060, for more information. Baltimore, Md. RELIGIOUS STORE 18; Ps 105:14,6,9; Mt 7:15-20 Mon. - Sat. 10:00 - 5:30 June 24 Montie Plumbing June 26 Gn 16:1-12,15PM 1907, Rev. Bernard F. McCahill, Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall 16 or 16:6bGIFTS & Heating Co. River 12,15-16; Ps Over 35 Years CARDS 106:1-5; Mt 7:21June 25 of Satisfied Services 29 1941, Rl. Rev. Msgr. Louis A. Marchand; Pastor, Sl. Anthony, BOOKS Reg. Master Plumber 7023 June 27 Hos 11:1 ,3-4,8cNew Bedford JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 9; (Ps) Is 12:2-6; 1960, Rev. Raymond 1. Hamel, Chaplain, St. Joseph OrphanEph 3:8-12,14age, Fall River 432 JEFFERSON STREET 19; Jn 19:31-37 936 So. Main St., Fall River FALL R!VER 508-675-7496 June 26 June 28 Gn 18:1-15; (Ps) 1931, Rev. Charles P. Gaboury, Pastor, Sacred Heart, New Lk 1:46-50,53Bedford 55; Mt 8:5-17; Is 1973, Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube, Pastor Emeritus, Sl. Anthony, 61 :9-11; Lk2:41New Bedford 51 June 29 Acts12:1-11;Ps June 27 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6• Prompt 24 Hour Service • Automatic Deliveries 1863, Rev. John Corry, Founder, St. Mary, Taunton; Founder, 8,17-18; Mt • Call In Deliveries • Budget Terms Available St. Mary, Fall River . 16:13-19 • Free Estimates 1933, Rev. Dario Raposo, Pastor, Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton You Never Had Service 1111111111111111111111111111111 1980, Rev. Msgr. Thomas F. Walsh, Pastor Emeritus, Sl. John Until You Tried Charlie's THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-{)20) Periodical the Evangelist, Attleboro Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published We're located at '" 1984, Rev. Msgr. Berna(d 1. Fenton, Retired Pastor, St. Joseph, weekly except for the first two weeks in July 46 Oak Grove Ave., Fall River North Dighton am the week after Christmas at 887 Highland DALLAS (CNS) - Although they differ in some fundamental ways, the scandals in the Catholic Church over sexual abuse of children and at The New York Times over fictitious stories by former reporter Jayson Blair have some lessons to offer one another, a Jesuit priest said in a guest column published in The
Notes From the Hill
Harwich Port resident among Maryknollers taking first oath
In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week
Charlie's Oil Co., Inc.
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Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $14.00 per year. POSrMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA rJ2722.
508-675-7426 • 508-674-0709
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June 28 1947, Rev. Thomas C. Gunning, Assistant, St. Lawrence, New Bedford
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Friday, June 20, 2003
the ancholY
Father Richard D. Wilson featured in documentary' fillll ~
Film showcases his work with migrant workers on Nantucket and in Fall River
'We would listen to them and their juvenates people and reminds them struggles and be there for them," said of how we can have a positive imFather Wilson. "It's tough for non- pact and how religious communities English speaking people to find re- offer that to people. It helped me lise sources in the community. You need above life's difficulties." someone to give them guidance," Those difficulties included two By MIKE GORDON Father Wilson added. cancer surgeries in six months, beANCHOR STAFF When Galvin set out to do a new ing laid off from herjob and the sudFALL RIVER - Father Rich- film, she spoke with Sister Charlotte den death of her friend the late Brian ard D. Wilson of the diocesan Of- Hobelman of the U.S. Conference Honan, Boston City Councilor from fice for the Pa~toral Care of Migrants of Catholic Bishops in Washington, Allston. and Refugees, will be using up some D.C., who coordinates the mission When asked if he ever expected of his 15 minutes of fame next week "People on the Move." Sister to be in a movie, FatherWilsongave when 'he appears in the documen- Hobelman recommended that she a confident no, but he was very glad tary film "High, Fast and Wonder- talk to FatherWilson and Galvin was that he had the oppOItunity. "It took ful." immediately drawn to his ministry. a little gelling used to the camera, But that's all right with him be"Here was someone who was but I enjoyed the experience," said cause it's for a good cause. secretary to the bishop and had a rig- Father Wilson. "IL was humbling in Father Wilson is featured in the orous position, but extended himself a way." 45-minute film by filmmaker to welcome these people," said Father Wilson described one miMaryanne Galvin because ofhis min- Galvin. "At the time I was going grant worker, Noe, who has faced istering to migrant workers ':~~~liiiiiiii~~;g many challenges, but aion Nantucket Island and in l' ways maintained a posiFall River. tive outlook. "Their faith He ,md Galvin recenLly sustains them," said Father sat down with The Anchor Wilson. "I found he was to discuss the film, migrant uplifting me through his workers and how it came faith." together. That fits with the theme "It sounded like a good of the film according to thing to do," said Father Galvin. She stated it's an Wilson of the chance to be examination of how a perin Galvin's film. He son can maintain their stressed that people need faith in the face of hardto make a special effort at ships. Nantucket is a place times to remind others of with much natural beauty, such situations and this but at the same time it's a was "a great opportunity place where "pleasure and to promote the migrant peril intersect," said FATHER RICHARD D. Wilson and his car- Galvin. worker's cause." Migrant workers on toon image from a promotion of the documenFather Wilson deNantucket and in Fall tary film "High, Fast and Wonderful." scribed four m~n who were River arc people from forliving in a Nantucket baseeign countries who have left their through my own personal crisis so I ment, but each paying $500 a month homes for various reasons and seek turned to my faith." She added that to live there. In addition to their jobs, a better life here in the United States. Father Wilson and the other film they also had to maintain the house They hail from countries such as personalities are wonderful ex- and one can see it is not an easy life Puelto Rico, Honduras, Ecuador and amples of what she loves about the for the migrant workers. EI Salvador and Lake what work they Catholic Church. "They have posiIt is getting better though, as more can in order to send money back tive, hopeful and caring attitudes." and more Islanders volunteer to help home to families left behind. Galvin is a psychologist who spe- teach English classes and accept Father Wilson said that most of cializes in forensic evaluations for them into the community. Even so, those working on Nantucket are the Massachusetts courts and pris- Father Wilson said that the future from the town of Agua Caliente in ons. Her previous films include of this special ministry will continue the province of Chalatenango, El 'Thanatos Rx: The Death Penalty to grow until these countries have Salvador. Debate in America," and "Amuse economies and g('vemments that are "1L's not easy to leave yourcoun- Bouche: A Chef's Tale." more helpful. try," said Father Wilson. "Many of The workers on Nantucket do a Currently there are five these people flee for their safety and variety of jobs in construction, gar- Guadalupan Sisters working in the are looking to help families back dening, hotels and restaurants and communities with these migrant home. They are constantly moving in schools with some working 60 to workers. There are also seven priests and there is great pressure on them 80 hours a week. "It is a challenge ministering in seven sites for the Hisand they pay a lot to live there. It's for them to be so far from home, but panic community and Father Wilimportant for the Church to give they are motivated to work hard," son said that a pastoral plan is being formulated to continue that work them hope." Father Wilson said. The migrant workers had started A press release described the film when the nuns leave. their own prayer group prior to dioc- as depicting clergy in action living Galvin was pleased with the way esan involvement and Father Wilson out the mission of social justice even the film turned out and Father Wilbccmne aware of them when he was when it Lakes them into unconven- son said he is looking forward to stationed in Hyannis. Some had ap- tional circumstances. It begins with seeing the finished project when it pmached former Fall River Bishop SisterHobelman and then introduces premieres June 23 at Jimmy TIngle's Sean P. O'Malley OFM Cap., and Father Gerry Hogan, the National Off Broadway Theater, 255 Elm asked when a Spanish-speaking Circus Chaplain. Father Hogan Street in Davis Square, Somerville priest would be sent to the Cape. works with a variety of circus per- at 7 p.m. The evening will benefit That's when Father Wilson began do- formers including dare devils and cir- the Boys and Girls Club and will ining weekly Masses for them on Sat- cus clowns and is based in Andover.. clude a discussion with the film's urdays having leamed Spanish in sev- After FatherWilson, the lilm focuses subjects. It will also be shown July enth gmde and continued those stud- on Father Phil DeRea of Champion 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hounan-Allston ies through college. Although he Auto Racing Team Ministries in our Branch ofthe Boston Public Library, 300 North Harvard Street. For more grew up in Quincy, his family always nation's capitol. "It's 45 minutes of a spiritual information about the film visit: vacationed on the Cape so he was faodyssey," said Galvin. "I hope it re- www.MGProductions.biz. miliar with the area.
Pray for a safe summer respite for all our students
Fall River parish readies for annual feast celebration FALL RIVER Santo Christo Parish is finalizing plans for the annual feast honoring its patron saint on June 28 and 29. The Santo Christo Feast on Columbia Street here is the first summer feast in the city which is presently celebrating its bicentennial. Known as the "Mother Church" of all the Portuguese parishes in the Fall River area, Santo Christo Parish is an integral part of the city's history. An outside Mass will take place on June 28 with Pastor Emeritus Msgr. Antonino da Costa Tavares as principal celebrant. Father Jose Paulo Machado, pastor in Santa ClaraPonta Delgada, Sao Miguel, Azores, will preach. Also taking place that day is the transfer of the Image of Santo Christo from the church to St. Anthony Plaza where celebration of the Eucharist will take place, followed by a procession over Canal, Ferry, Mulberry, William and
Grant streets. From 8 p.m. to midnight there will be various feast activities including a presentations by the. group Jack Sebastiao and the folklore group Associa<;:ao Lusitanea of Fall River. On June 29 clergy, civic authorities, business leaders, cultural, civic and sporting organizations will participate in a solemn procession on Broadway, Columbia, Washington, William, Mulberry, Division streets to the church. A presentation by Nelia and her group will be part of the feast activities that day. POl1uguese and Amcrican foods will be available, and therc will bc booths and games for all ages. There will also be an auction. The Santo Christo feast is the largest gathering of Portuguese parishes in New England and attracts thousands from the area and beyond. For more information, contact the parish office at 508-676-1184.
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Frid~y, June 20, '2003:
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the moorins.-,
the living word
E.U. on the move Within the next couple ofyears more nations from Eastern and Middle Europe will be partners in the European Union. Within the past two weeks Poland and the Czech Republic voted for a positive affiliation of membership. Current members are in the process offorming a constitution for the EU If this c~:mstitution receives favorable consent, it will affect membership in some unique ways. First, it will block individual members from using the veto in crucial areas; it will form a collective European minis_try; and it will strengthen its own councils and courts. It is interesting to note that within the draft there is no reference to God or a European Christian heritage. Whatever the voting results, the E.U. is indeed coming of age amid a very secular culture. The E.U. has produced some very dramatic changes in various nations. Germany, Italy, Ireland and Spain have witnessed some unbelievable economic successes. The need of constitutional guidelines is an obvious one, given the factor that the thrust of the E.U. has been in the realm of physical and social improvement of peoples in a materialistic atmosphere devoid of value systems. For this reason so many E. U. members are losing their soul. Striving to build a crassly materialistic society has some serious fallout. People with no soul soon lose ethical and moral standards. As the dolIar is the driving force in American life, so will the Euro become the false god ofthe E.U. Such an atmosphere breeds some very disturbing realities. No one denies that the development of a nation depends on human and financial resources. In the document Church in the Modem World, the Fathers of Vatican II clearly affirm this goal by stating "Citizens of every nation must be prepared by education and professional training to undertake the various tasks ofeconomic and social life." The document goes on to reflect that 'The establishment of an authentic economic order on a worldwide scale can come about by abolishing profiteering, national istic ambitions, greed for political domination, schemes of military strategy and intrigues for spreading and imposing ideologies." This sentence sums up the real difficulties the E.U. must come to grips with in their constitution dialogues. For alI of Europe this has been a great failure, given the history of the past century. It also is an American problem, given our current social and military interventions throughout the world. . When economic greed becomes the purpose of national success, then other grave internal difficulties surface. There is a dramatic polarization between the have's and the have- not's; between rich and poor nations; and between commercialism and exploitation. We see this taking place in many areas of Africa, a continent that lingers in constant turmoil. . Given these realities, one must once again affirm that one of the most important tasks of affluent nations is to help poor developing nations. They should look to the welfare of weak nations in business dealings with them, realizing that the revenues the latter make from the sale of home-produced goods are needed for their own support and stabilization. Powerful nations should not exploit poorer nations that have tremendous natural resources. The history of Europe in Africa has been one ofabsolute abuse. It would be welI for alI of us to remind ourselves By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK that business should be conducted according to the norms ofjustice. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE As the E.U. continues to develop and expand, it wilI not truly sucWhen I went to the Capital ceed in accomplishing the goals and tasks awaiting it unless everyone devotes themselves to the cause oftrue peace. In this regard the achieve- Open golf tournament in Washment of peace requires a constant effort to control excesses and increas- ington, a lot of memories stirred inside me. As I watched the pros ing vigilance by the international family. hitting balls on the practice tee, I remembered the days when I The Executive Editor worked at- a country club. I, too, would hit for hours, and every now and then approximate one of their shots. Many times a golf-pro friend and I would go out in the late af. ,.. . ternoon and playa round of golf OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER on the lush fairways as the sun Published we.eklyby the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River slowly set. A more heavenly ex. . . perience is hard to imagine! . 887 Highland Avenue " "', P.O. BOX 7 , Fall River, MA 02720,' Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Watching the Capital Open, I began to wonder what would Te,lephone 508-675-7151 FAX 508-675-7048 E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornews.org have happened had I chosen the Send address changes to P.O. Box, call oruse E-mail address' .life of a professional golfer. What if the kind of encouragement and EXECUTIVE EDITOR support I received throughout my Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore priesthood had been directed to EDITOR NEWS EDITOR OFFICE MANAGER me as a golfer? I had some great David B. Jolivet James N. Dunbar Barbara M. Reis teachers in the seminary. What if
Second-guessing the -I ife we choose
'tA~~hdic>~ . '
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I'd had great teachers who tal Open, but as I watched the pros coached and inspired me to grow play I still yearned a bit to be in into an exceptional golfer, so ex- their shoes. What if? I suppose almost evceptional that I'd gone on to play the golf tour? eryone asks "What if?" someIsn't the imagination a won- times: "What if I'd married that other person I was fond of?" derfuHhing?! Returning to reality, I recalled "What if I'd studied something the pain that comes from hitting different in school?" "What if I'd golf balls for hours on end. My had better coaches?" "What if I'd callused hands would hurt to the moved to another town or stayed point I'd have to soak them at in my hometown?" length in hot water. I also rememWhen I got home after the tourbered tournaments I played in nament, I must admit I was enerwhere I felt like I was in a desert. gized by going back 'in time and The ~ind on the hot, dry courses wondering "What if?" What made left my face beet-red. And - as it more energizing was to realize all the blessings I have received by happened at the Capital Open . there were times we just sat in the going the direction I did. That final "reality check" put clubhouse waiting for the rain to stop or tried to play in soaking, an end to my second-guessing of cold rain. There was even a time my life. It also made me realize lightning struck so close to us that the awesome wonders with which God has graced me. it knocked us to the ground! Maybe asking "What if?" is 11 You'd think these "reality checks" would have cured my good way of remembering to ap"what-if syndrome" at the Capi- preciate "what is."
Friday, June 20,:2003
, 1
Anchors aweigh He was the best of persons, he throughout his 14-year NBA career. was the worst ofpersons.... Borrow- When he was drafted by San Anto, ing from the great Charles Dickens nio in 1988, Robinson waited one classic "A Tale of Two Cities," I year to join his new club in order to present a tale of two athletes.. fulfill his militaIy commitment to the When the National Basketball Naval Academy of which he was a Association crowned a new cham- graduate - discipline and dedicapion last week, it marked the end of a brilliant career for San Antonio Spur David Robinson. The Admiral was a fine athlete, but will remain the best of persons. Also grabbing a chunk of the spotlight last week By Dave Jolivet was the 300th career win for New York Yankee Roger Clemens. The Rocket is ....- - - - - - - - - also a fine athlete, and also seem- tion to self and others. ingly remains one of the worst of Clemens grew up in Texas and persons. has since hung his hat in whatever There are some obvious differ- city pays him the most money ences between Messrs. Robinson throughout his 19-year Major and Clemens. David Robinson grew League Baseball career - having up in Virginia and settled in Texas, hopped from Boston to Toronto to where he remained loyal to the Spurs New York.
r-----------My View From the Stands
Car smashes into Dighton church NORTH DIGHTON - The front entranceway to St. Joseph's Church on Spring Street was extensively damaged when a car crashed into the house of worship early Monday morning. The driver of the car, Scott Bianchi, 24, ofTaunton, and his passenger, Timothy Cole, 21, had to be hospitalized after the 1: 15 a.m., crash in which Bianchi's car caught fire and was demolished. Bianchi, who Father James R. Mclellan, pastor of St. Joseph's, said was a parishioner, was listed in fair condition at Rhode Island Hospital. Cole. who suffered a broken leg, was listed in stable condition at MOlton Hospital and Medical Center. "We're concerned for the health of the two young men and especially for Scott (Bianchi) who is one ofour parishioners." Father Mclellan told The Anchor. Damage to the church included
the overturning of some of the granite steps leading to the entranceway; tearing away of the wrought iron railings; and heavy damage to the metal framework of the door which also sustained broken glass. No estimates ofdamage were yet available. "We can't use the front door until all this is repaired and in the meanwhile we'll be using the two side entrances," Father Mclellan said. "Unfortunately we have a wedding coming up and I guess they'll also be rerouted away from the front door as well," he added. According to police, the car was heading southbound on Warner Boulevard when the driver lost control at the intersection of Spring and Pearl streets. After crossing the median the vehicle mounted the curb, crossed the church lawn and plowed up onto the steps. Police initially blamed speed for the cause of the accident, which remains under investigation.
Never in Robinson's career did he compromise his good name. In 1999 Robinson received the Sporting News Good Guys in Pro Sports Award. In fact, the Admiral, a devout Christian, maintained a Christlike demeanor on and off the court. And how refreshing is that for an athlete in this day and age? Clemens seems to make a pointofbeing nasty. From throwing balls (and bats) at opponents, to packing his bags (but not carrying them) for a new home in a moments' notice, the Rocket continually cements his legacy ofone of baseball's bad boys. Even in the afterglow of his great achievement, Clemens spouted off about not attending his Hall of Fame induction ceremonies if he's shown wearing a Red Sox cap. In a recent sports poll, Clemens was named the most disliked wellknown athlete in the country. He makes Ty Cobb look like a saint. David Robinson retired last week when the NBA season ended, and the entire sports world has lost a great athlete, and a greater gentleman. Roger Clemens continues to play, and continues to be Roger Clemens, and the entire sports world will have to tolerate it. But in fairness to the Rocket, there are some not-so-obvious similarities with Mr. Robinson. Years ago, Robinson and his wife Valerie began the David Robinson Foundation, whose mission is to support programs that address the physical and spiritual needs of the family. And Cle'mens and his wife Debbie are very involved in the Roger Clemens Foundation that supports the well being of children. During his stay in Boston, Clemens was very active with the Jimmy Fund fighting cancer in children. And both Robinson and Clemens are intensely loyal to their children and families. David Robinson wiII forever be known as a gentleman and an athlete. Roger Clemens will most likely
Letters to the Editor Editor: You have published on May 23 a second misguided and misinformed column ("The Mooring") about the Steamship Authority and your belief in a potential value of service between New Bedford and Martha's Vineyard andlor NanlLlcket. You apparently do not kr.ow or do not care to know that the Steamship Authority is the lifeline for the Islands and not for New Bedford. You and your fellow well-fed clerics can shop all over your city whenever you want; Nantucketers must rely on the Steamship Authority to bring our food. If the weather is bad, we can't go anywhere else. And we already pay plenty for food and necessities. A money-losing service to New Bedford (paid for by us and not by New Bedford citizens) would only exacerbate the already high cost of living on the Islands.
You say, "...priorities should be evaluated on the principle of public service." Absolutely. But public service for those who need it; or for those who want to cash in on service to those who need it? New Bedford is trying to cash in, and if that service operates at a loss, we will be paying, not you. H. Flint Ranney Nantucket Editor: This open letter is to express my urgings of support for the upcoming Marriage Affirmation and Protection Amendment in the Massachusetts Legislature to protect the original definition of a marriage as being between one man and one woman. The many problems we face are the result of our failing to follow God's natural laws of humanity between what is right and wrong. God's wisdom has been increasingly
replaced by man's wisdom. The result is our constant attempt to place financial band-aids to correct immoral choices. The State Legislature's responsibility is to establish public policy that promotes the betterment oflife in the Commonwealth. It does not promote growth in society, nor healthy relationships nor proper child development. Having the Commonwealth recognize marriage as something other than a union between one man and one woman will send a tragically wrong message. Why does the Catholic Church - and me as a member - care so much about this? Simply because we are the Body of Christ. When one part is allowed to be hurt, we all suffer greatly (I Cor. 12: 12-26; 2526). Attorney Joseph M. SoUecito Taunton
be known as an athlete arid a villain. I don't think the Rocket is nearly as nasty a person as he portrays. Why he takes that route, I don't know. Deep down inside, he's like you and me. But on the surface, he brings about his notoriety. Maybe someday we'll find out that Clemens is the way he is in order to make those around him look good. Could be. He's so dam good at it. And to the Admiral, I say anchors aweigh, and thanks not only
for some great basketball over the years, but for being a gentleman in an environment where there are far too few. Dave Jolivet, editor of The Anchor, is a former sports editor/ writer, andregularly gives onefan's perspective on the unique world of sports. Comments are welcome at davejolivet@anchornews.org.
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Friday, June 20, 2003
Forgetting our veterans I was touched this spring by a another in the long string of letter from a reader in Massachuhardships thrown at men and setts, a man who served in World women who have served in the War n.-He is suffering from hairy military, and this included those who ~ veterans of the first Gulf War. cell leukemia and had requested Only a short time before this, the some financial help from the Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Administration, but announced a plan to seek sharply, without getting much encourageincreased funding for research into ment from them. He wrote to me because he remembered a column of mine some time back about my brother, Joe Oppedisano, a veteran who also has hairy cellieukemia. I'd mentioned how my brother persisted in pursuing his claim with the By Antoinette Bosco VA, convinced his illness was service related; eventually he won his case. The letter writer wondered if I could Gulf War iIlnesses. As Steve help him. Robinson, a spokesman for the National Gulf War Resource Center, I immediately called my brother, who got in touch with this man - a said, "We've had to fight tooth and person who had suffered with this nail to convince people that Gulf illness much as he had. My brother War illness was more than stress." gave him good advice, and I Yet, just this past May, the U.S. received a subsequent letter from Supreme Court threw out an appeal by ,veterans of the first Gulf War this good man thanking us both for advic,e that had paid off for him. who said they were made ill by This is just another story that biological agents supplied to Iraq by makes me wonder why so many a U.S. research company. veterans are given so little help when For more than three decades I they return from service with have followed the unbelievable maladies they never had before. The treatment of veterans who became iII House of Representatives recently . .because of their service experiences voted to slash veterans' benefits, just and who were shunted aside by the
The Bottom Line
ARTIST AT WORK Dominican Sister Gertrude Gaudette is hard at work creating a coat of arms for BishopElect George W. Coleman. It will be installed at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, when he is ordained the seventH bishop of the diocese July 22. (AnchotiGordon photo)
Sister Gaudette creating heralds for bishops By MIKE GORDON
is trying to finish the one for Bishop-Elect Coleman's installaFALL RIVER - Dominican tion July 22 at St. Mary's Cathe. Sister Gertrude Gaudette has been dral. "If I have to stay up all night to keeping very busy in recent weeks at The Landmark and it's not just finish it, it'll be completed," asbecause she's teaching art classes. serted Sister Gaudette. She said that She's taken on the task of carving Bishop-Elect Coleman came to a coat of arms for Bishop-Elect visit recently and was pleased with George W. Coleman and a new coat how it is shaping up. She was a little of arms for Bishop Sean P. wonied with the task of completO'Malley OFM Cap., now that he's ing two, but the Diocese of Palm in the Diocese of Palm Beach, Fla. Beach has said it can wait. "The Sister Gaudette is carving the person I talked to said Bishop Seari two coats of arms from pieces of would agree with the idea that basswood from the linden tree Bishop-Elect Coleman's should be which she said is "very good for completed for his ordination," said carving." The pieces, bought for Sister Gaudette. "I was a little wor. around $120 each from ried about time." Mattapoisett Woodworks, are made The coats of arms have similar up of about seven pieces of wood outer designs, but the shields in the glued together to form one large middle do not. The left side of each sl~b from which Sister Gaudette is reflects the diocese a bishop is asworking. signeq to. The right side is the per"It takes a lot of hours to carve sonal design of the bishop. and there is a lot to do after it's Bishop Sean's diocesan side has carved with painting and doing gold a palm for Palm Beach as well as leaf, but it's nice to make a gift of an ocean scene. The right side has . this to the new bishop." said Sister a picture reflecting his Franciscan background and a ship as he was a Gaudette. ''1' m glad to help out." Whenever a new bishop is missionary for many "years. named or one is assigned to a new Bishop-elect Coleman's coat of dioccse he gets a new coat of arms. arms has the Fall River diocese coat The one for Bishop O'Malley on the left and a blue and yellow has becn put on hold for the mo- design on the light. A large cross ment only because Sister Gaudette Tum to page seven - Heralds ANCHOR STAFF
U.S. government. That's because of my younger brother Joe's situation. An Army man from 1954 to 1962, he was a victim of the U.S.. Army's experimentation with chemical herbicides when' he was on active duty in路Panama. When my brother went to the VA to seek some financial assistance, they rejected his claim and those of his similarly afflicted buddies. Not giving up, Joe finally won his appeals in 1994 after 22 years of severe illness. The files I have kept in these three-plus decades tell a sad story, indeed, of how our government first gives rah, rah praise to our people in uniform and then throws them aside when they become veterans in civilian clothes. Here are some of the headlines: "Sailors Were Sprayed With Nerve Gas in Cold War Test, Pentagon Says;" "Agent Orange and Cancer Are Linked, Study Shows;" "Veterans Health Care SysteJtl at Breaking Point, Officials Say;" and recently, "U.S. Reports Disease Link to Gulf War." We should honor the troops who ' have died in war, but equally important we should honor our veterans who are still with us by demanding that our government give them.the financial and medical care they need and deserve.
Married, formerly Anglican priests Q. My wife and I, both now retired, have been Catholic all our lives. I had 12 years of Catholic education. She worked in a seminary and taught grammar school for 26 years. We were taught that a Roman Catholic priest cannot marry and remain a priest. Recently, however, we attended Mass near Washington. The celebrant was a former Episcopal priest, now an ordained Catholic priest. He stiD has his wife and family. How is this possible? If this is being done, why the shortage of priests in the United States and other places? (Delaware) A. I'm surprised at the number of Catholics who are still unaware that we have married priests in the Latin Rite. Eastern churches, of course, even those united to Rome, have had married clergy for many centuries. Catholic policies permitting married converts to become candidates for the priesthood are more recent, and a lot of Catholics around the country are surprised by the same experience you had. I hope you know that, while celibacy has been the rule for priests in the Roman Rite for a long time, that requirement is a Church law, one that could be changed or adjusted any time. Interestingly, some bishops at the Council of Trent (16th century) wanted the council to declare celibacy an unchangeable law of God. The large majority of bishops did not agree, however. Thus, proper
Church authorities, primarily the pope of course, are free to modify the law of celibacy in ways considered good for the Church. The possibility of ordaining married converts was seriously raised in the last few decades. The first Roman Catholic ordination of a manied former Episcopal priest took plac~ just 20 years ago, June 29, 1983. A considerable number
in union with the pope. Some even accepted the primacy of the bishop of Rome. Apparently, the Roman congregations and Pope John Paul II accepted their good faith and line of reasoning, and eventually allowed their ordination as married men. They were, in other words, dispensed from the promise and commitment of celibacy when they were ordained. On the other hand, it seems assumed that people raised Roman :r r.... ; '1;1"'.: ,路.路 . . Catholic know the ';""" ' . Catholic discipline of a . ', "" j celibate priesthood. i They may therefore .~tf '~ choose to marry or be By Father ordained, but not both. John J. Dietzen Would these same arguments apply to formerly ordained of others, including Episcopal and Lutherans ~nd Methodists, or Lutheran, have followed since clergy of other faiths who join the then. Catholic Church? At least one The largest group of married prominent Lutheran clergyman, Catholic priests in the United now a Catholic priest, thinks the States are former Episcopal clergy. answer could be yes, at least in Their situation is unique. As with some circumstances. the Oxford Movement in England Many Lutherans, he said. during the 19th century, Episcopal grounding their beliefs on the priests who leaned toward the Lutheran Augsburg Confessions of Roman tradition felt they should 1530, see themselves as temporemain within the Anglican rarily separated from Rome and tradition and work toward corpo.working for reunion. They might rate union with Rome. be received on the same basis as Later, many of these decided to Episcopalians, with married men apply individually for acceptance having the same possibility of into the Roman Catholic Church as priesthood. married candidates for ordination. The Roman Catholic policy for They were formed within the ordaining married converts is still Catholic "system," they argued, developing. Many factors, embraced Catholic tradition and . probably including the one you doctrine, and thought they were mention, inevitably will enter the Catholic, except that they were not discussion.
Questions and Answers
. Friday, June 20, 2003
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Marriage =:(man+woman) = injustice? When Dr. Johnson famous.1y amending the state constitution, suggested that patriotism was the H.3190 would pre-empt any last refuge of scoundrels, he decision by the Supreme Judicial wasn't demeaning patriotism. Court of Massachusetts that could Rather, he was criticizing clever require the state to issue maniage rhetoJicians who, to advance their licenses to homosexual couples. own political agendas, fired off patriotic chaff while undercutting the . sovereign's legitimate authoJity. What scoundrels called "patriotism" was in .fact sophistry word games to confuse . By George Weigel the gullible. The same unsavory tactic is at work when The Massachusetts Catholic activists appeal to the complexity of Catholicism to distott Catholic Conference, speaking for the state's bishops, publicly supported teachings that are in fact quite the bill. clear. Here's the most recent, and Father James F. Keenan, S.1., brazen, example. professor of moral theology at the This past May, the MassachuWeston School of Theology and setts Legislature's Judiciary next year's Gasson professor at Committee was considering H.3190, the "Maniage AffirmaBoston College, publicly opposed tion and Protection Amendment," H.3190. Stressing that he appeared which states that the Commonbefore the lawmakers as both priest and moral theologian, Father wealth of Massachusetts understands "maniage" to be a union of Keenan offered the Judiciary one man and one woman. By Committee members copies of an
The Catholic Difference
article he had recently published in Theological Studies. which, he suggested, would help the lawmakers "appreciate" the ways in which contemporary Catholic theologians "differentiate" in complex moral and political situations. You are now imagining, perhaps, that Father Keenan intended to "differentiate" between the regnant media stereotypes of a homophobic Catholic Church and the truth of the matter? Think again. What Father Keenan wished to "differentiate" for the legislators was "the Church's theology of chastity" and "its theology ofjustice" - by which move, Keenan concluded that the Maniage Affirmation and Protection Amendment "is contrary to Catholic teaching on social justice." Why? Because defining maniage as the union of one man and one woman is, in Father Keenan's precise words, "active and unjust discrimination against the basic social rights of
The fine points of Theomechan.ics Theomechanics, as you recall, is the theology recycle. And their uplifting, spiritual content of divining the divine in things mechanical and could not hurt the project. (I hope Catholic editors how this relates to the spiritual life as well as will also send me duct tape for mentioning their prices at Ace Hardware (which I hope will send papers.) me a life supply of duct tape for this mention of The penetrating oil gambit was followed by the store). locating and removing individual pieces of metal I am to mechanics what a kite is to a fighter jet, known as compressor parts. I know this because or a burp is to Mt. St. they came off the Helen's eruption, or a compressor. I was paper cut is to abdomidelighted to learn that nal surgery. what I thought was one You get the picture. compressor part was That said, I have often two or three discovered an area compressor parts. You know how Kentucky . related to mechanics By Dan Morris and thus, theomechanics Fried Chicken pieces -! in which I am making cling to one another some strides. Oh, it does '------------~~ with those seven secret not rate anywhere t)ear herbs and spices? the theomechogians, who can tell you if a nut is That's the general sense of what I mean - and metric or standard just by looking at it. about the same shape and color, too. Yes, I did I have entered the basic grind-and-paint period. wonder if one of the colonel's secret ingredients I was naturally drawn to this area of is rust. I tightly gripped the metal parts with pliers and theomechanics because I am naturally cheap. I was faced with buying a new air compressor gently offered them to the flying "metal wire cup for my dive boat or rebuilding the old one. About thingy" on the bench grinder. I cleverly began $500 separates the options. Easy choice. using the pliers after discovering the grinding wheel could not distinguish between my knuckles The old compressor rest:mbled an angry fist of pulleys and pushies bound together with a frayed and the part I was trying to de-rust. Bandages, by fan belt and rust. Loads of rust. Encased in rust. I the way, are an important consideration in serious would have sent it to the Rust Hall of Fame or theomechanics. submitted it to the Guinness Book of Rust Next came the "rattle-can spray painting Records, but neither would send me $500. The phase." This was fun and had the added bonus of plan: Take it apart, clean it up, put it back toprotecting myoId chest freezer from future rust gether, buy a lottery ticket. . since it was the painting bench. I have entered the final phase: letting the paint "So, cheapo," I said to myself, "let's dig out dry and praying I will find someone who knows that garage-sale bench grinder and see if we can de-rust this air pusher." how all these parts go back together - unless my Initially the plan involved spraying "penetratlottery ticket hits and I can buy a new one. ing oil" all over the compressor. Think of shaking Miracles are always possible in theomechanics, salt on a rusty slug. Oily rust puddles formed in you know. no time. Not to worry. I had placed old Catholic Comments are welcome. E-mail Uncle Dan at cnsuncleOl@yahoo.com. newspapers on the shop floor. These I will
The offbeat world of Uncle Dan
gay and lesbian persons." Which is, at the very least, disingenuous. A few months before Father Keenan's testimony, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican office charged with promoting sound theology and defending orthodoxy, issued a "Doctrinal Note on Some Questions Involving the Participation of Catholics in Political Life." The "Note" was personally approved by Pope John Paul II. It is inconceivable that Father Keenan was unaware of this statement, which was widely discussed in Catholic circles. This is what the "Note" says on the question addressed by H.3190: "When political activity comes up against moral principles that do not admit of exception, compromise, or derogation, the Catholic commitment becomes more evident and laden with responsibility. In the face of fundamental and inalienable ethical demands, Christians must recognize that what is at stake is the essence of the moral law, which concerns the integral good of the human person... [Thus] the family needs to be safeguarded and promoted, .based on monogamous maniage between a man and a woman, and protected in its unity and stability
in the face of modem laws on divorce: in no way can other forms of cohabitation be placed on the same level as maniage, nor can they receive legal recognition as such." Father Keenan failed to inform the Judiciary Committee of the most recent, authoritative Catholic statement on the matter at hand. As the "DoctJinal Note" makes clear, Father Keenan's judgment on H.3190 is not congruent with the Church's teaching. Defining man;age as the stable union of one man and one woman is not an invidious act of disct;mination; it is sheer sophistry to suggest that the Catholic Church would regard a law defining man;age in those terms as unjust. The legislators of Massachusetts presumably understand what caveat emptor means in this case: don't buy a theological pig in a poke. What remains to be seen is what Father Keenan's religious superiors, and the administration, alumni, and donors of the Weston School of Theology and Boston College, do about this breathtakingly bold misrepresentation of the Catholic Church's position on maniage law. George Weigel is a senior fellow oftire Ethics and Publk: Polk:y Center in Washington, D.C.
Continued from page six
represents the Coleman family while the Shea family of his late mother is represented by fleur de lis. Shamrocks symbolize St. Patrick's Church where BishopElect Coleman was baptized. Gold and blue are the colors of the Blessed Mother and Pope John Paul II. Sister Gaudette said this is prob-
ably her last hun'ah for a while because she doesn't want to start something this big anytime soon, but right after she said that she started talking about a wood carving seminar she will be attending next week in Canada. If her car comes back filled with large slabs of wood one will know she changed her mind.
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Friday, June 20, 2003 ~.~...
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SEVENTH-GRADE Teacher Michael Clappi from Notre Dame School, Fall River, and Teacher Assistant Jennifer Barboza work with young people at the annual Fall River Week of the Young Child. Many schools and child care centers participated in the event, designed to give children an opportunity to learn more about area schools. .
TOP HONORS - Fourth-graders Kellie Freitas and Cameron Durocher of Our Lady of Lourdes School, Taunton, captured First Place in the school's science fair with a project entitled "What Happens to Food in Your Mouth:' Below are fifth-grade First-Place winners Tahra LaCroix and Marcus Perry. Their project was "Building an Electromagnet."
SIXTH-GRADERS from Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford, present athank you card to Junior Achievement representative Patty Sands after completing the five-week program. It involved students learning about the concepts of exporting, importing and foreign currency.
KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS from St. Anthony's School and their mothers enjoy Mother's Day at the New Bedford School. It was an opportunity for mothers to visit with their children and enjoy activities and lunch with them.
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Friday, June 20, 2003
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Youth Ministry group raises $2,500 to fight cancer SOUTH YARMOUTH - The Youth Ministry Group from St. John the Evangelist Church, Pocasset, raised $2,500 to help in the fight against cancer in the 2003 American Cancer Society's Relay for Life held recently at the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School. Themed "Imagine a Cancer Free World at Peace," the nation-wide event involves teams of eight or more people walking a track around the clock for a 24-hour period to raise funds for cancer research through sponsorship and donations. ANNE BARRY, of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, right, and The St. John group fielded a team of 18 Amber Platt, a sophomore at Dartmouth High School, stand with some of young people and five adults who each the baskets of toys, games and candy they created for patients at the took turns in the walk-a-thon and camped Children's Hospital in Boston. The pair collected donations and put together out at the school with 63 other teams. This 120 baskets for each of the young patients. The hospital staff was thrilled at marked the fifth year in a row that the Pocasset Parish participated. the teen's generosity. "This was a true experience of faith in action for all participants," declared Youth Minister Marilyn Lariviere of Pocasset. She and parent Debbie Shutkufski participated in the opening lap for cancer survivors and were among some 400 survivors and caregivers to walk the track as the Highland Light Bagpipers played. The St. John team, named "Wing and a Prayer," was awarded Second Place for best camp site. Each team decorated an area with posters and decorations focusing on prayers for peace and a cure for cancer.Their site featured 1,000 origami paper cranes which were later given out to other participants. A poster explaining the story of Saddako, a Japanese girl who contracted radiation sickness following the bombing of Hiroshima, was central to the Pocasset parish's camp site. Saddako had folded 644 paper cranes following the ancient Japanese legend that if you fold 1,000 you would have a wish granted. Her wish had BISHOP STANG High School Seniors Henri Valoiss III and Paige Hogan been for peace in the world so that no childisplay citations they received for participating in the annual Student Gov- dren would have to die from this disease, ernment Day in Boston. They are joined by Timothy McCarthy, chairman of but she herself died after making it to 644. Her classmates finished her project for her the social studies department. and today a statue of Saddoko stands in
MARGEAUX FINAN, a sixth-grader at Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro, is hard at work as Cinderella in a recent play. The production of Vera Morris' "Cinderella's Glass Slipper" was put on by students in grades four through eight who are members of the school's Actors' Workshop. Third-grade teacher Susan O'Korn and parent volunteer Kerri Murphy are advisors for the group.
Peace Square in Japan as a symbol to all of her courage. "Folding 1,000 cranes took a long time," said Lariviere, "but youth group members realized that much can be accomplished when you work together." At 9 p.m. the lights of the track were turned out and the Luminaria Ceremony was held. Nearly 9,000 candles were lit around the track in memory of cancer victims and survivors and one could see that it was a powerful experience as participants walked the track in silence and read names on decorated bags holding candles. "The children really got a lot out of it," said Lariviere. "They were exceptionaL" Youth Ministry member Justin Runyon wrote an essay for the Relay For Life and won third place for his effort. His work follows: I am 13. Before I came to this Relay For Life, I had never seen one before or even knew much about it. When I was given my bags to decorate at home, I thought it was going to befun. I wrote to myfamily to ask for donations and was shockedfor two reasons: I learned the amount ofpeople who had cancer and the number ofpeople who cared that I was doing this walk. When I decorated the bags at home it gave me time to learn more about the person I was decorating it for. My mom told me stories about what that person was like and I was sad. I never got to know them because of cancer. The bags became special and when my mom and I sent them out, I really cared about the bag as if the bag was the person. Then I realized the most important thing. All these bags, thousands of them like people shining in the night and all these people around, walking, who loved these bags like I loved my bags. I see a more truthful way of looking at cancer, about how serious it is and the number ofpeople it affects. I love the bags, but I hate the bags. I only want the bags that celebrate the cure, happiness and life.
MEMBERS OF the Youth Ministry Group from St. John the Evangelist Church, Pocasset, get ready to participate in the 2003 American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. The group raised $2,500 to help in the fight against cancer.
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IC~. ~'II),ville ICallJ)~UII(e~ NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
"BonhoetTer" (First Run)
the school's crooked principal (Eugene LevY),to abscond with thou~ sands in grant money. Directed by Troy Miller and full of flat jokes and vulgar humor, this unfunny stinker fails on every level and plummets lowest-common-denominator laughs to new depths. Some profanity, much crude bathroom humor, an instance of samesex kissing, exaggerated violence played for laughs and sexual innuendo. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is AIII - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
Compelling documentary about "The Hulk" (Universal) the conflicted life of Dietrich Sci-fi adventure based on the Bonhocffer. the courageous Lutheran theologian executed by Marvel Comics character which the Nazis for his involvement in follows a mild-mannered scientist plots to assassinate Adolf Hitler. (Eric Bana) who, after being pelted Interlacing archival footage and with gamma rays, finds his anger personal photos with interviews of transforms him into a giant green surviving family and former stu- monster soothed only by his ex-girldents, filmmaker Martin friend (Jennifer Connelly). Initially Doblmeier's textured portrait of the captivating, director Ang Lee's mm1yred churchman speaks elo- well-crafted film boasts grand spequently of one man's heroic wit- cial effects as the digitally created ness in standing up to unspeakable green-skinned being bounds across evil. Some emotionally disturbing the screen, but the film's indulgent content. The USCCB Office for length cannot maintain momentum Film & Broadcasting classification as the last half sloppily unravels, is A-II - adults and adolescents. 'leading to an anti-climactic ending. Not rated by the Motion Picture As- Sporadic mayhem, violence and destruction, some disturbing imsociation of America. ages, minimal crass language and "Dumb and Dumberer: When profanity and a flash of rear nudity. Harry Met Lloyd" (New Line) Mindless prequel to the 1994 The USCCB Office for Film & no-brainer "Dumb and Dumber," Broadcasting classificatiol} is A-III in which the idiot clock is rewound - adults. The Motion Picture Asto find the title halfwits (played this sociation of America rating is PGtime around by Eric Christian Olsen 13 - parents are strongly cauand Harry Richardson) in high tioned. Some material may be inschool and involved in a scam by appropriate for children under 13.
MAKE SOME WAVES!!! Advertise yoor sommer event. or locate one for the family.
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theancho~ .Call 508-675-7151 or FAX 508-675-7048 or E-mail TheAnchor@finchornews.org This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concern in the Diocese of Fall River GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY
L1L DEVILLE,Nigel Thornberry, Angelica Pickles, Oil Pickles, Chuckie Finster and Tommy Pickles take an underwater adventure in the animated feature "Rugrats Go Wild." (CNS photo from Paramount Pictures)
'Rugrats' is fun enough for kids; clever enough for parents NEW YORK (CNS) - Just after the start of ard (voiced by Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders). In true "Rugrats" fashion, the mischievous mites interleague baseball, here's interleague cartoons: "Rugrats Go Wild" (Paratnount), the third 'film in and their "Wild" playmates get themselves lost and the franchise, is a fun-filled animated adventure in hot water in the island's treacherous jungle intebringing together for the first time two of rior. Back on the beach, the grown-ups are worried Nickelodeon's most popular kids TV series, sick and ripe for epiphanies about the importance "Rugrats" and "The Wild Thornberrys." of family and parenting mea culpas. Directed by Norton Virgien and John Eng, and proBut in order for the castaways to find their way moting a positive family-values message, this delight- back home, they must learn to work together - and ful cross-pollinating romp should prove satisfying for quick, before the prowling leopard makes these TV young fans of both shows, while written smartly favorites into TV dinners. enough to keep parental snoring to a minimum. While obviously targeted at younger audiences, Despite the larger forthe film moves along at a mat, the film retains much good pace and packs of series' small-screen of a satirical punch Besides the obvious allusion to enough charm, keeping the focus on to allow parents to leave the the zany tykes, including "Gilligan's Island," the film subtly No-Doz pills at home. And bossy Angelica (voiced by spoofs "Titanic," "Cast Away," whereas fan~ of the highly . Cheryl Chase), timid "The Perfect Storm," "The successful TV shows will Chuckie (voiced by Nancy Poseidon Adventure" and "Planet have fun watching their faCartwright) and Tommy of the Apes," not to mention pay- vorite little rascals on the (voiced by E.G. Daily), an big screen, older viewers adventurous toddler with "a ing clever homage to a famous "I along for the ride should get diaper full of dreams." Love Lucy" skit. a kick out of the many cinBruce Willis lends his ematic references peppered gravel-toned pipes to Spike, throughout. Besides the obtheir faithful dog, transforming the Milquetoast mutt vious allusion to "Gilligan's Island," the film subinto a pooch with pizzazz. tly spoofs "Titanic," "Cast Away," "The Perfect As expected, the Rugrats find themselves in quite Storm," "The Poseidon Adventure" and "Planet of a pickle when Tommy's dad - appropriately named the Apes," not to mention paying clever homage to Stu Pickles (voiced by Jack Riley) - books the gang a famous' "I Love Lucy" skit. And while the animaaboard a rickety vessel called the S.S. Nancy. Faced tion is not in the same sandbox as Disney, the quirky, with walking the plank, Stu explains that their origi- less polished artwork lends itself well to the charnally planned cruise aboard an ocean liner would acters' edgy, oddball personalities. have offered far too many distractions from the As an extra, albeit gimmicky, bonus, "Rugrats vacation's intended purpose: to spend quality time Go Wild" features interactive "odorama" cards, together. . which are passed out to young audience members. Barely out of port, they hit the mother of all When a number flashes on the screen during the storms and find themselves marooned on a deserted, movie, viewers can scratch the corresponding patch "dogforsaken" island. However, the Swiss family on the card and sniff smells ranging from strawberPickles soon discover that they are not alone. Fur- ries to stinky feet. . ther up the beach, the famous nature-documentarIn addition to imparting a strong message about ian family, the Thornberrys, has set up camp. the importance of families spending time together, The Thornberry clan, including intrepid explorer the film also promotes a healthy respect for nature. Sir Nigel (voiced by Tim Curry), his angst-ridden The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting teen-age daughter Debbie (voiced by Danielle Har- classification is A-I - general patronage. The Moris) and wild boy Donnie (voiced by Flea), are cur- tion I:'icture Association of Am.erica rating is G rently tracking down a rare and elusive white leop- general audiences.
Friday, June 20, 2003
11 I
Catholic Cha:rities Appeal ret.urns The five leading parishes, in the five deaneries have been identified: Attleboro: Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk Sl. John the Evangelist, Attleboro Sl. Mary, Mansfield Sl. Mark, Attleboro Falls Sl. Mary, Seekonk
$ 140,814.00 63,541.00 54,721.00 42,898.00 37,135.00
Nolan, MIM Robert Oliver, Dr/M M.J. Soares, Rosemary Farley, M/M Horace McDonell; $120-M/M James Andrews; $100-M/M Frederick J. Coons, MlM James E. Cullen, M/M L. Robert Ledoux, MI M Paul Ralston, Edwin & Stella Robinson, M/M James R. Deignan, M/M James Drew, M/M William J. Dunn, Jr., Kathleen A. Juan, Deacon/M Gabriel Liegay, M/M William F. Tuxbury.
Christiano Victoria; $1 OO-Anna Mae Crossman, Denise Shea, Theresa Gomes, Joseph Castro, Theodore Lippold, MlM Matthew SI. Germain, M/M Gary Silvia.
St. Joseph: $250-M/M Gary Fealy; $1 OO-Mrs. John Byrne, M/M Edward Borges, M/M Jose Cabral, In Memory of Rev. Matthew Sullivan, SS.CC., M/M Kevin McLaughlin, Brian Rose.
$168-A Parishioner; $125-M/M Stephen Kulpa; $120-M/M Paul Gibson; $100-Claire PonteGoncalves, Paula Gagnon, Sophie Kocon, Heidi Robinson, Cheryl Mello, Rose Forczyk, Mary Timberlake. Santo Christo: $400-Santo Christo Feast Committee; $300-81. Vincent de Paul Society; $250-MI M Joseph Mello; $150-Carlos & Helena BotelhO; $120-M/M Octavio Amaral, Manuel & Maria Silva; $105路M/M Nelson Mateus; $100Judite Medeiros, M/M John Moniz, M/M Ireneu Trindade, M/M Manuel Silva.
St. Mary Cathedral: $900-For Souls in Purgatory; $400-M/M Richard Grace; $100-Theresa Ryan, EAST FALMOUTH St. Anthony: $l,OOO-Margaret M/M Maurice Sirois, Thomas FAIRHAVEN Foley, Ruth Shaughnessy; $600-MI Wallbank, Carol Cioe, Kathleen St. Joseph: $100-M/M Edward M C. Robert Schroeder, M/M Brad- Lynch. Good Shepherd: $500-St. Dugan, M/M David Santos, Ms. Cape Cod: ley Smith; $500-M/M Vincent E. Amanti, Ronald & Cynthia . Vincent de Paul Society; $1 OO-Rob- Alberta Silveira. Sl. Pius Tenth, South Yarmouth $ 162,193.25 St. Mary: $200-M/M John Ferro; MacDougall, M/M John P. Vidal, MI . ert Aubin, Jr., Alfred Almeida & Wife Chri,stthe King, Mashpee 99,550.00 $100-M/M Richard Manzone. M Manuel S. White, Jr.; $400-M/M & Sons. Our Lady of Victory, Centerville 98,921.00 Holy Name: $500-Atty/M WillFALMOUTH John Collins; $300-M/M Anthony Holy Trinity, West Harwich 86,572.00 St. Patrick: $1 ,OOO-Rev. James Spagone; $250-Donald L. Hoffer, MI iam F. Patten, M/M Philip Pelletier; 79,850.75 Corpus Christi, East Sandwich M Jeffrey Dillon, In Memory of the $300-M/M Alex Cabrales, Michael A. McCarthy, M/M Keith D. Robert Bombaugh; $500-M/M Joseph Reis Family, Elizabeth Grozier, MI Sullivan; $200-M/M M Robert Donovan, M/M Michael Margetta; $150-Atty/M Roger Mor- Costa, Nancy & Donald G. Craig; Fall River: Touhey; $200-MlM George Botelho, gan, M/M Nicholas Christ; $135-MI $400-M/M Joseph V. Charyk; $300Sl. Michael, Swansea $ 41,912.00 M/M Walter D. Albaugh, MlM John M Michael Coughlin; $120-Marc In Memory ofTeresa Nyberg; $20037,943.00 Sl. Thomas More, Somerset M/M W. Leo Stanford; $150-M/M A. Reine, Frances Barry, M/M Ri- Landry; $100-Corcoran Family, Sl. John the Baptist, Westport 37,740.00 chard Podgorshi; $150-M/M Rutilio John Medeiros, Mrs. Louis Shea, MI James McDevitt, M/M John Holy Name, Fall River 36,579.00 Corvo, M/M Richard W. Cenedella, M John McDonald, Richard Wood, Simonis; $100-Dr/M Joseph L. Sl. Stanislaus, Fall River 33,297.00 M/M Francis P. Losi, Kevin & M/M Ronald Gagne, M. Viveiros/J. Cafarella, Patricia M. Dwyer, M/M Francis W. Lipp, T.J. Norton, Leo Joanne Nee; $125-M/M William Nunes, M/M William Mello, In Bonito, Ralph Chasse; $120-MlM Memory of Edward Ponte, Sr. & Ed- Sullivan, Mrs. Thomas J. Walker, MI New Bedford: Peter J. Hoefler; $100-Lorraine ward Ponte, Jr., Alphonse M Robert Wechterman, M/M ThoSl. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth $ 64,650.00 mas E. Coburn, Ms. Agnes Reardon, M/M Raymond Frias, Weglowski. 58,833.00 Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford Holy Rosary: $150-M/M Paul McGrath, M/M Frank Medeiros, MI David & Jane Silva, Frank M. 49,239.00 Sl. Mary, South Dartmouth M William J. O'Brien, M/M James Teixeira, M/M Anthony Richard Miniacci. Our Lady of Health: $1,500- R. Sawyer. 47,869.00 Sl. John Neumann, East Freetown Solimine, MIM Ernest R. Keating, R. HYANNIS 46,792.00 Annette Burke, Mary Dutra, Sisters Lucy & Adelino Pereira; $1,200Sl. Patrick, Wareham St. Francis Xavier: $l,OOO-MI of the Holy Ghost Society, George Rev. Jose A.F. dos Santos; $450& Claire DeMello, Ronald J. Souza, Holy Name Society; $400-Holy M Bertrand Fournier; $500-Dr/M Taunton: Robert Lynch; $300-Lois Murphy; M/M James McClutchy, Marilyn Spirit Society Feast Committee, Sl. Ann, Raynham $ 60,614.41 Cadogan, MIM Lawrence DePonte, Charismatic Prayer Group, Our $150-M/M Ralph LoVuolo; $10037,320.00 Sl. Anthony, Taunton Peter Bennett, M/M John Campbell, Mary Flanagan, M/M Richard Lady of Health Feast Committee; M/M David Dalton, M/M Robert $225-Anonymous; $200-Anony31,271.00 Holy Family, East Taunton Halstead. mous; $150-St. Vincent de Paul Greene, M/M Gerald Harvey, M/M 26,432.00 EAST FREETOWN Sl. Paul, Taunton St. John Neumann: $l,500-MI Society; $100-Holy Rosary Society Donald Johnson, Tim Lovelette, MI 25,563.00 Annunciation of the Lord, Taunton M Charles Millington; $500-Atty/M & Ladies Guild; $100-First Com- M Joseph Murphy, The Paddock Restaurant, James Robertson, MI munion Class, Anonymous. Paul G. Hamel, M/M Paul W. PARISHES Sacred Heart: $200-Mrs. M. M John Rosario, Eleanore Rathbun; $350-M/M Richard Swanson. Irene Price; $100-Michael Trainor. Lizotte, M/M Stephen McGraw; Atty/M Paul A. Gargano; $1,200- $300-Mrs. Daniel Ferree; $250ASSONET MANSFIELD SI. Anne: $200-Honore & St. Bernard: $200-Dennis & Patricia & Robert Morris; $1,1 OO-MI Ernest & Mary Lou Frias; $200- Catherine Gauthier; $150-Andre & St. Mary: $325-M/M Robert Margaret Read; $100-Donald & M David Johnson; $1 ,OOO-M/M Wil- Suzanne & Jeffrey Storms, Jeremie Yvonne Carrier; $125-ln Memory of Pietrafetta; $300-M/M Raymond A. Paulette Howarth, Warren & Linda liam Zimmer; $500-Atty/M Robert & Danielle Jones; $150-Carol Beatrice Tremblay. i;>itocchelli; $250-Mrs. Paul Ethier; MacDougall, John Demetrius, EGH Donahue, M/M Patrick Lee; $360- Wethington; $110-M/M Eric St. Anthony of Padua: $500- $200-M/M James Hindman; $110M/M William Glover, M/M Thomas Johnson; $100-MlM Neal McCabe, Colonial Wholesale Beverage M/M Richard M. Palanza; $100-MI Mechanical. Otto; $350-M/M Edmund L. Bower; M/M Louis Gauthier, MlM Douglas Corp.; $100-Portugalia Imports. ATTLEBORO M George J. Barlow, M/M John Y. Holy Ghost: $350-S1. Vincent $250-M/M Maurice Bresnahan, MI Desjardins, MIM Richard Martin, MI St. Joseph: $100-Mrs. Shryle MacKinnon, Jean Lee & Ray MarM Francis D. McShea, M/M John J. M Robert Dupre. de Paul Society; $300-John A. Borges, Conrad Richard, MIM Timo- tin, M/M Arthur M. O'Neill, In Caponigro; $250-Wallace Gordon; O'Malley; $200-M/M John T. Me~ory ofTimothy & Helen Barrett, thy Bennett, Robert Accettullo. EAST SANDWICH $200-Robert Hoag; $100-Gaetan Carney, Dr/M Leonard J. Cullen, MI St. Michael: $300-SI. Vincent Nancy Titus, M/M Paul Viens, M/M Corpus Christi: $800-Frances M Robert Fellows, M/M Ernest J. M. Silva, M/M Gregroy Yaroch; de Paul Society; $100-M/M Joao Thomas Fitzgerald, M/M Daniel Collette, Rudolph Pierce. St. Stephen: $310-MlM Joseph Jaxtimer, Charles A. Wry, M/M $600-M/M Robert BUCkley, M/M Dias. Kennedy, MlM Henry Lemieux. MI M. Hodge; $300-M/M Charles Alfred Zervis; $150-M/M John F. Albert DiNapoli; $300-M/M Mark SS. Peter and Paul: $200-M/M M J. McCormack, M/M Joseph A. Messier, M/M Bruce Till; $250-M/M Cosby, M/M Timothy J. Davis, M/M Arthur Pregana; $150-MlM Joseph Pignato. Bergeron, M/M Michael A. Eric Massier; $200-M/M Normand Raymond Garafano, M/M John R. MARION $125-Lydia McNamara, MIM Robert Mattey, Drl Stankiewicz; Harlin, Mrs. Barbara MacLean, MI M David A. McQueen, Domina H. Sotomayor; $100-M/M Alfredo Beauregard, M/M Theodore A. St. Rita: $125-Mary Robblee; Charron; $150-MlM Gerard Dalesio; M Dennis Metrick, M/M William Surprenant; $240-M/M Paul H. Sousa. $120-Mrs. Jeanne Hickey; $100$125-M/M Theodore H. Charron, MI Miner, M/M John H. Murphy; $100- Garrity; $200-M/M Thomas E. St. Stanislaus: $1,500-A Pa- Pauline & Albert Costa, David & Kendra SI. Aubin, Vincent & MarM Thomas Conlan; $1 OO-M/M John M/M William Bagley, Mrs. McKinlay, M/M John Hackett, MIM rishioner; $1,200-Rev. Bruce M. Anthony, Sr., M/M Jody Blais, M/M Constance Bowler, M/M Joseph L. William F. O'Connell; $150-MlM Jo- Neylon; $1 ,OOO-MIM David Carlos; garet Malkoski. Cairns, M/M Keith Caldwell, Alice seph T. _Marone, M/M John A. $500-MIM Desire Leguyader; $450MARTHA'S VINEYARD Alfred P. Mack, M/M Robert T. Roman Catholic Parishes: Soares, M/MThomas Ferreira, Mrs. Casey, M/M Robert T. Chase, M/M Wegman, M/M Joseph A. Kudera, M/M Scott Issacson; $400-M/M Michele Desmond, M/M Neal John F. Connell, Mrs. Francis J. Donna Taylor; $125-Dr. Bernadette Raymond Girard; $300-MlM Robert $250-M/M Robert W. Ogden; $130Messier, M/M Anthony F. Vieira, III. Connors, Joan Day, Dr/M Donald MacPherson; $120-M/M William Eagles; $250-A Parishioner; $200Deschenes, M/M John J. Driscoll, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus: Caroline Dawicki, M/M Adrien Perry; Continued on p.age /2 Pansire; $110-M/M Robert C. $2,500-lrene Garrigus; $500-S1. Mrs. Millicent Earls, Francis Dilorio; $100-MlM Thomas E. Fair, Fleming, Ms. Maureen Flynn, Mrs. M/M Leo D. Diotalevi, Suzanne Theresa's Youth Group; $200-M/M PRACTICE THE DEVOTION OF THE FIRST SATURDAYS, Richard Bisbee; $125-M/M Gilbert Lois Gamble, MIM Daniel Guiod, MI Sivco, Mary Doherty, MIM Thomas Lapointe: $1 OO-Dorothy Stafford, MI M Paul Halloran, Mrs. William AS REQUESTED BY OUR LADY OF FATIMA Falkowski, MlM John F. McHugh, Kenney, Dr/M Robert W. Lamastro, M Lambert Kloeppner. Lena Aleksandrowicz, M/M MatOn December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia Dr/M Richard LeJava, Mrs. Mary thew Gagnon, M/M Richard F. BREWSTER Our Lady of the Cape: $100- Ellen McKenna, Erin Moore, (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "AnllOllllce ill my Doolin, M/M Thomas Casey, M/M Eleanor Murphy, M/M James E. Joseph F. Keenan, M/M Frederick Diane Quayal. name that / promise to assist at the hOllr ofdeath with the graces Murphy, M/M Carl Nedeau, M/M A. Twomey, Catherine Breen, MlM BUZZARDS BAY necessary for the salvation oftheir sOIlIs, all those who 01/ the first St. Margaret: $500-Gerard J. & Gordon L. Norton, MlM Richard E. John F. McCarthy, M/M Patrick Saturday of five consecutive months shall: M/M Cornelius Lynch, M/M Richard Hayes, M/M Kathleen M. Coyle; $250-Buttermilk O'Connor, 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Commllnioll; 3. Recite the Bay Inn, Carol Mazzarelli; $130- O'Sullivan, M/M Donald Rogers, James Connolly, Dr/M Kenneth P. Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minlltes while Zoel & Jean Roy, Sr.; $110-George Mrs. Lucienne Roy, M/M R.J. Scalera, M/M Victor M. Devine, MI meditating on the /5 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intel/tion of & Jeannine Reid; $100-Bay Motor Russo, Dr/M Kenneth Scalera, MI M John F. Crowley, Sr., Rita A. making reparation to me." Inn, Richard & Ann Coyne, Dorothy M George Sommers, Thomas F. Behrle, M/M Michael J. McTygue. In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be Williams. DiSabatino. EAST TAUNTON preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses CHATHAM BREWSTER Holy Family: $1 ,600-SI. Vincent Holy Redeemer: $500-M/M Jo- de Paul Society; $900-Knights of Our Lady of the Cape: $100committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary," M/M Kenneth Murray, M/M Robert seph McCarthy, M/M Steven F. Columbus; $275-Terralynn Sullivan; Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the Minninger; $300-M/M Robert P. $200-M/M Mario Bettencourt, M/M Lombardi. first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at Cooney; $250-John Bush; $200-MI Paul A. Lamou reux; $105-M/M CENTERVILLE either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday. Our Lady of Victory: $2,000- M Edward Brown, M/M Donald St. Peter: $100-Emile & Pauline Lamontagne.
r' .J
Continued/rom page JJ Constance K. Martin, Dr. Elisabeth Otis Rogers, Jr. A. Pennington. MASHPEE NANTUCKET Christ the King: $2,SOO-Dr/M S1. Mary/Our Lady of the Isle: RobertWilkinson;$2,000-MlM Rob- $1,200-Tyrone Featherly, St. ert M. Tischler; $1 ,OSO-M/M John P. Vincent de Paul Society; $SOO-M/ Urban; $1,000-M/M Ignatius G. M Richard A. Calacci; $200-Linda Reed, M/M Patrick Murray; $700-M/ Bellevue, Mrs. Marsha Kotalac; M Carleton F. Meredith; $6S0-Arthur $100-M/M Nelson Woodward, A. Brennan; $625-Rita Behnke; Paula Klingelfuss Williams, M/M $600-M/M Robert Costello, M/M Peter E. Sylvia, John'Perkinson, M/ Walter Kennedy; $SOO-Eileen M William O'Keefe, M/M William Halligan. M/M Gregory J. Beckel, Ellis, M/M Charles Dragon. NEW BEDFORD Marcia Hackett, Ann Chisholm, James Souza, M/M Martin Henry, Holy Name of the Sacred Heart Ellen Hooley, M/M Dante of Jesus: '$2,000-ln Memory of Lancellotti, Elizabeth Tyminski, M/ Gerald R. LaFrance; $200-M/M M Peter J. Bartek, Mary Sullivan, Donald Houle, Mrs. Mary Sevigney; Christ the King Women's Guild, Wil- $12S-M/M Arnold Avellar; $100liam Ricci, M/M Daniel B. Goggin, Dennis Avellar, In Memory of Henri M/M William J. Sullivan, Jr., M/M Daigle, Eileen Landry, M/M John P. Frank Angelis; $440-M/M John Donovan-In Memory of the Nasuti; $400-M/M George Balch; Jeremiah Donovan Family & the $3S0-M/M Michael J. Howley, M/M John Pedro Family. Samuel W. Patellos; $300-Marie Immaculate Conception: Garvin, M/M John J. Daly, M/M $1,000-lmmaculate Conception Philip R. Elia, M/M John Fox; $250- Prayer Group; $800-S1. Vincent de Mary Moran, M/M James Pender, Paul Society; $400-Holy Ghost SoRose A. Cavanaugh. M/M George ciety; $300-M/M OliverM. Cabral; Wezniak. Mary Burns. Clarence E. $1 SO-Mrs. Cecilia Camara; $100Jenkins, M/M James Laughlin, M/ Theresa Fidalgo, In Memory of M Leonard Cipullo, M/M Dennis Mary & Manuel J. Bettencourt, M/ Helm, M/M Jack F. Gurkin; $240-M/ M Jeremias Camara, Laura ConM Albert Manzi; $200-M/M John D. stant, Kathy Amaral, M/M Antonio Sorcenelli, M/M Donald G. Chabot, Andrade, M/M Michael Correia, M/ MlM Walter Carlson, Jr., M/M Daniel M Arlindo Pereira, M/M Manuel M. D. Lindberg, M/M Robert V. Macedo. Crowley, June Stagliano, Agnes A. Our Lady of the Assumption: McGuire, M/M Anthony Agostinelli, $100-M/M Francisco Santos. Jean M. Blevins, M/M Stephen Our Lady of Fatima: $200-M/ Cannavo, Mary Fanous, M/M Rich- M Robert Berche. ard H. Stearns, MlM George Munro, Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Mary Burridge, Joe & John Crowe, $SOO-O.L.M.C. Youth Group; $100M/M C. Farrell Galloway, Dr/M Jo- A Friend, M/M John Mare. Our Lady of Perpetual Help: seph F. Viglione; $1S0-M/M Angelo Tomasini, M/M Edwin M. Karp, M/ $1,200-ln Honor of a SpeciallntenM Marcel N. Lizotte, M/M William tion; $2S0-M/M Frederick Kalisz, Jr.; Gately, M/M Robert W. Hubbell, $200-M/M Lionel Dubois, Frederyk Joan Pitochelli, M/M Joseph M. Gorczyca; $150-M/M Robert A. Cyr, Slattery; $125-M/M Paul Simonetti; M/M Mitchell Gacek, M/M Steven R. $120-Felicia Barney, M/M Joseph Hunt & Family, M/M Robert Koczera C. Joyce, M/M Cortland Naegelin, & Family, Special Intention of DoM/M Peter 1. McEntee, Sr.; $100- nor; $125-Anonymous; $110-JoMarion Raffetto, M/M Carmine seph A. Sobolewski, Jr.; $100Marchillo, M/M Philip J. Weber, M/ Anonymous, M/M Boleslaus M John H. Reilly, Dr/M Bernard E. Arabasz, M/M Rodney Cejka, M/M Maney, M/M Harrison Cota, M/M Ronald Correia, Special Intention of John S. Richardson, M/M Robert Donor, Stanley Grabiec, In Memory Hoster, M/M Aldo A. Bartlett, M/M of Frank & Rosalie Jeglinski, M/M Stephen Pitre, M/M Joseph Lynch" Edward Jarosik, M/M Mitchell Therese Murtagh, M/M Robert Koczera, M/M Richard Everett, Adele Labute, Mary Machnowski, Frank Michalski, Mrs. Abreau, M/M Howard D. Lane, M/M Walter M. Palys, OLPH Ladies SoMichael Burke, Dorothy Bottos, ciety, Special Intention of Donor, M/ Angelo Massa, M/M James M Felix Witkowicz, Dr/M John Andrews, M/M Robert Tuohy, M/M Wolkowicz & Family. John C. Ostrom, Kevin Freeman, St. Francis of Assisi: $500-ln Trase R. Rourke, M/M Timothy Memory of Frank Garcia; $3S0-S1. Doble. Anne M. Lane, Ann M. Vincent de Paul Society; $300-ln Baum, 'Paul M. & Huldah M. Tracy, Memory of Marty Crovello; $250-M/ Edith A. Hurley, M/M Donald ,L. M William N. Whelan III; $200-ln Silvia, Kenmark Office System, Inc., Memory of David Gerrior, M/M Electra Tolchinsky, M/M Donald J: Waldo Peckham: $150-S1. Francis MacMillan, Patricia Dunne, M/Mof Assisi Men's League; $100Frank J. Monroe, M/M Ronald N. Judith Ann Belli. St. James: $1 ,500-Rev. Herbert DaSilva, M/M Ralph Wall, A. Louise Snyder, M/M Alfred E. McCoole. M/ ' T. Nichols; $200-lrene Schall; $1S0M George W. Baker, M/M Timothy M/M Jaime Pereira, M/M Alvaro Doble, Dorothy M. O'Brien, Anna M. Lima; $125-M/M 'Timothy Valente, M/M James J. Livingston, Rezendes, M/M George Silva; Heather Monteiro. Sadie Cappello, $100-Joyce Brocklehurst, Dolores M/M Robert A. Forte, Sr., David DaCunha, M/M Enos Lopes, M/M Laird, M/M Daniel H. Coon, William Ronald Benedetti. Johnston, M/M Larry F. Wheatley, S1. Joseph-St. Therese: $250M/M C. Joseph Day, M/M James E. M/M Liberio DaSilva; $100-AnonyMcNeill, Roberta C. Sibley, M/M mous, M/M Mark Belanger, M/M Arthur Mulrain, M/M Anthony Francois Cormier. Camerota, Janet Cincotta, Janet S1. Lawrence Martyr: $1,000- ' Broderick. M/M Richard Saunders; $350-WilIMATIAPOISETT iam F. O'Donnell III. St. Anthony: $700-Rev. S1. Mary: $1 ,OOO-in Memory of Leonard M. Mullaney; $200-M/M John J. Oliveira; $600-SI. Vincent RObertTeixeira; $1S0-M/M Matthew de Paul Society; $200-M/M Antonio Downey; $12S-M/M Edward Lyons; Moura; $1 05-M/M Edward Santos; $100-M/M Bertrand Allain. Jr., Dr/ $100-M/M Emanuel Aurelio, Mary M Dennis Barley, Mrs. Marie S. Brown, M/M Paul Costa, Nancy Cole, M/M Paul Downey, M/M Ed- Martin, Rose Harris, M/M Michael ward Hartnett, M/M Charles Kelly, K. Leblanc, M/M Mario Amaral, M/ Peter M. O'Donnell, M/M Bernard M Stephen p. Vargas, Deacon/M Talty, Timothy Watterson & Michael Guy, Henry G. Fortin & Cathleen Dupont, M/M Kenneth Jane Martin-Fortin. Clarke, M/M Burton Corkum, Mrs. NORTH ATTLEBORO
Sacred Heart: $500-M/M Roland Tondreault, M/M Charles Meunier; $3S0-M/M Walter Landry; $300-MIM Gregory Pion; $2S0-Kenneth Giacoppo; $200-M/M David Mello, MlM Frank Coelho, M/M Paul Pinsonnault; $1S0-M/M Daniel Lampron, M/M Ronald G. Achin; $100-M/M John MacDonald, M/M Tobias Vasconcellos, Mrs. Elaire DeSChenes, M/M William Tansey, M/M Paul Guimond, M/M Brian Coyle, M/M John Clark, Jr., M/M Frank Viscusi, l'Union S1. Jean Baptiste Catholic Family Life Duvernay Council #42 USJBMCFL. St. Mark: $100-Richard & Regina BOffi, John & Veronica Murray, Frank & Ann Marie Ward. St. Mary: $250-S1. Mary's Parish Women's Guild, Edward & Paula Bedard; $141-M/M Alan Waugh; $100-M/M Michael Conway, Gertrude M. Dagosta, Gertrude Dalton, M/M Donald Gault, Jennine Knobel, Paul & Karen Viles. NORTH DARTMOUTH St. Julie Billiart: $2,OOO-ln Thanksgiving; $200-M/M Martin E. Kawa, M/M Joseph Medeiros; $1 SOM/M Thomas Kenny, M/M Michael P. Gula, M/M William J. Andrews; $100-M/M L. Peter Pereira, M/M John J. Harland, M/M Robert Gauthier, M/M Paul Rioux. NORTH DIGHTON S1. Joseph: $1,200-ln Memory of Alfred & Mary Costa; $100-Mrs. Joseph Murray. NORTH EASTON Immaculate Conception: $100-M/M Scott A. Faust, M/M Walter Chojnacki. ORLEANS S1. Joan of Arc: $SOO-M/M John 1. Corcoran; $300-M/M W. Anthony Shay, Frank Ulyan; $2S0-M/ M Antonio Boutot, David Light, M/ M Richard J. Waystack; $200-Mrs. Elisabeth Dugan, M/M Dennis O'Neill, Joseph J. Tunney; $1 OO-M/ M Joseph Bonin, Mrs. Marion Bassett, M/M Charles Callahan, M/ M Thomas Creavy, M/M Richard Danne, M/M Ronald DeCamp, Mrs. Warren G. Hartmann, M/M Adam Hipp, M/M Edward Jamieson, M/M William R. Lane, M/M James P. Moran, Diane M. Morin, M/M John O'Brien, M/M James O'Connor, M/ M Valmore Plantier, M/M John Prendergast, M/M George Seaver, M/M Alfred Schubert, Mrs. Doris Toohill, M/M Fred G. Carey, Dr/M Frederic Flach, M/M Samuel S. Hoiland, Jr., M/M Michael Shidlovsky, M/M James Stewart, M/M James Szucs. OSTERVILLE Our Lady of the Assumption: $500-MlM Vincent P. Birbiglia, M/M Celestino Digiovanni; $300-Patricia Finn; $250-M/M Peter Marks, Mrs. Richard Gralton, M/M Francis Luca, Ms. Mary A. Callahan; $240-M/M John J. Clotherty, Jr.; $200-Mary E. Donald; $12S-M/M Vincent Byrne; $10S-M/M Donald M. Sullivan, M/ M Paul Beaudreau; $100-M/M Edward C. Conrad, M/M David Bradford, Mrs. William Mareneck, M/M Edward Machado, Mrs. Ruth Cunnion, M/M John Maffei, Jr., Sheila Thomas, Catherine Hayward, M/M John E. Ingraham. POCASSET S1. John the Evangelist: $2S0Willard E. Mondea; $1S0-M/M Frank Rogers; $130-M/M John Knutila; $100-Jim & Carol Anderson. PROVINCETOWN S1. Peter the Apostle: $2S0Yvonne Edwards, Provincetown Trolley; $100-Gordon Ferreira, Richard Cappotto. ' RAYNHAM St. Ann: $200-M/M William Reynolds, M/M Roland Rondeau; $1S0-M/M George GOUld; $13S-M/ M Richara Labonte; $12S-M/M Joaquim Craveiro, Josephine
Friday, June 20, 2003 Kapala, M/M William McCaffrey, M/ M Leonard Wood; $120-M/M Thomas Zaks; $10S-M/M Robert Perkins; $100-M/M Michael Callahan, MIM Dennis Carvalho, M/ M Antenor DaSilva, Valerie Ferreira, .M/M Bradford Gomes, M/M John Lanagan, M/M Jeffrey Lortie, M/M Gordon Luciano, M/M William Morton, Craig Roque, M/M Robert Sarafian. SEEKONK Our Lady ,of Mount Carmel: $1,OOO-M/M Gary Heaslip; $2S0-M/ M Michael Caswell; $22S-M/M Anthony Andrews; $200-M/M Robert Brawley, M/M Edward frey, M/M George McCaUley, M/M Michael Means; $1S0-M/M David Agostini, Julie Coccia, M/M John Pacheco; $12S-Violet Wilkinson; $100-M/M Paul Archambault, M/M Patrick Baker, M/M Robert Dias, M/M Mark Hayward, M/M John Lukin, M/M ' Michael Maynard, M/M Thomas Michaluk, M/M Thomas Miller, M/M Michael Nunes, M/M Dennis O'Grady, Edite Rodriques, M/M Thomas Rose, M/M Irwin Setzer, Nancy Shackett, M/M Peter Tortolano, M/M Bryan Tremblay, Mrs. Constantine Vavolotis, Marlene Zollo. St. Mary: $1,240-Joseph & Eileen Hodge; $SOO-Matthew & Joanne Quirk; $200-Edgar Janelle; $1S0-Clifford & Louise Wallace; $100-Henry Arundale, Robert & Alice Bessette, Keith & Kathleen Boivin, Henry Cutler, Kathryn Donahue, Michael & Patricia Halliday, Alfred Karol, John McDermott, Stephen & Nancy Tracey, Alfred & Diane Tremblay. SOMERSET St. John of God: $2,SOO-For Deceased Souls of Ferreira & Santos Families; $125-M/M David M. Destefano; $120-Ms. Janice Partridge; $100-M/M Albert Medeiros, M/M Joseph Lawrence, M/M Stephen Hilario, MlM Michael Mello, M/M Gregory F. O'Donnell, M/M Jose Amaral. St. Patrick: $100-M/M Frank Jennings, M/M Edward Mendes, M/ M Michael Bienvenue, M/M Edward Rausch. SOUTH DARTMOUTH S1. Mary: $SOO-M/M Thomas Meggison; $150-M/M Michael A. Kehoe; $1 OO-M/M Robert A. Cabral, Bishop Stang Council #4532Knights of Columbus. SOUTH EASTON Holy Cross: $2S0-M/M Robert Landry, Dr/M Edward O'Brien, M/M George Tyrrell; $200-M/M Timothy Connor, M/M Joseph Ingargiola, M/ M Thomas J. Murray & Family; $1 SO-Robert J. Kane, M/M George Zarella; $100-Dr. Peter Levesque, Dr/M Kevin J. Murphy, Mrs. Maureen Murphy, Mrs. Patricia Brophy, M/M Philip Gilbride, M/M Jeffrey R. Gilson, Ms. Margaret M. Lance, M/M Sean O'Leary. SOUTH YARMOUTH St. Pius Tenth: $200-Mrs. Edward Kinchla, Gene & Lora Mahoney, M/M John E. Marq'ues, MI M Emerson Snow, Mrs. James Williams, MIMThomas Dowler;$175-MI M Robert Routhier; $100-Enrico DeMaio, Mrs. Chester Savery, Margaret Cortes, Paul Sullivan, M/M Steven Sozanski, Mrs. Evad Shannon, M/M Martin Quayat, M/M John Cormier, Mrs. Joseph Tierney, M/M James Fallon, MlM Edward Curley. SWANSEA : S1. Dominic: $1,000-ln Honor of the upcoming Ordination & Installation of Bishop-elect George W. Coleman from SI. Dominic'S Parish; $2S0-Andreozzi Construction, Inc.; $100-Leo & Deborah Desmarais, Paul Nadeau, Barbie Lomas, Walter & Natalie Bean. St. Louis de France: $100-M/M Rand Kershaw, MlM Joseph Morro. St. Michael: $500-Edward
Hodkinson; $15S-ln Loving Memory of James P. & Catherine G. Fox; $100-M/M George Borges, M/M Richard Araujo. ' TAUNTON Annunciation of the Lord: $200-M/M Brian Carr; $1 OO-Cecilia Reams, MlM Albert Mendonca, Usa ' r Ferreira. Holy Rosary: $150-M/M John Zak; $100-M/M Jeffrey Hathaway. Immaculate Conception: $200-M/M Gary Enos, Immaculate Conception Women's Guild; $1S0M/M Daniel LeBrun; $120-M/M Charles Mendes. S1. Anthony: $3,000-A Friend; $501-S1. Anthony Prayer Group; $300-Anonymous; $2S0-A Friend; $240-Zelia Pedro; $200-Anonymous, M/M Gary Enos, A Friend; $12S-Maria Medina; $100-M/M Joseph Pimentel, M/M Anthony Burges, M/M Duarte' Pedro, Anonymous, Rose Marie Proulx. S1. Joseph: $500-M/M Vincent Barros, M/M Robert P. Hartung, In Memory of Bella Vaz MedeirosJames Medeiros-Raymond J. Ducharme-Donna Lynn Palazzip; $2S0-Albert & Kathleen Farinha, Betty Tigano; $200-David Bisio, Manuel Garcia; $120-M/M Joseph 'Connors; $100-M/M Charles A. Pirozzi. \ S1. Mary: $300-Timothy Downs; $250-Michael & Lucy Powers, Joseph & Alice Quinn; $200-Robert & Nancy Lee; $1 SO-Carlton & Shirley Caron; $12S-Joseph & Anne Medeiros; $1 OO-Alice Dooley, Rene Levesque, Sr., Edward & Barbara Laughlin, Jean Farrell. St. Paul: $150-Christine M. Coryer; $100-MlM Robert Boucher, Robert T. Burns. WAREHAM St. Patrick: $150-Marilyn Wilbur, Anonymous; $10S-Dennis Filkins, M/M Richard Zopatti; $100Joseph Cafarella, M/M Paul Cayer, John McPhie. WELLFLEET Our Lady of Lourdes: $400-M/ M Ernest F. Rose; $300-Caroline J. Parlante;' $100-M/M Lewis C. Affelder, M/M John P. Ferro, Lorraine I. Kmiec, Mary D. Peters, Helen Q. Rollins, Barbara C. Stevens. WEST HARWICH Holy Trinity: $1,SOO-Anonymous; $300-Joan M. Frederici; $250-M/M Philip Cacciatore, William M. Cousins, Jr.; $1S0-D. Agnes GorSUCh, Mrs. William Lacy; $100John R. Blackburn, Arley Makurat Cline, M/M Donald L. Devine, M/M Lloyd McDonald, Jean Pellerin, M/ M T. Robert Reynolds, Rosemary Schreiner. WESTPORT Our Lady of Grace: $100-M/M John Cabral, M/M John Duclos. WOODS HOLE St. Joseph: $1 OO-In Memory of Maria H. Augusto. BUSINESS & COMMUNITY ATILEBORO AREA: $300-LaSalette Fathers and Brothers. .' FALL RIVER AREA: $1,300-Venus de Milo Restaurant, Swansea; $1,200-Egan's Church Supply, Somerset; $1,100Roderick & Son Plumbing & Heating Corporation; $950-Sawejko Enterprises, Somerset; $1 OO-Briere & Paquette, Inc. NEW BEDFORD AREA: $2,OOO-S1. Vincent de Paul Society-New Bedford District Council; $500-Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus-SI. Vincent de Paul Society; $200-S1. Joseph-St. Vincent de Paul Society, Fairhaven. TAUNTON AREA: $200-Reed & Barton Foundation; Knights of Columbus-SI. Paul Council #12252; $100-SI. Mary's Women's Guild, Taunton.
Friday, June 20, 2003
___LL.t .. _.9(. '\
Church works across Africa to Appeal spotlight conflict, relieve war, hunger By JOHN THAVIS
bloodshed in a rebel uprising against Liberia's president. The Rome-based Sant'Egidio Catholic lay group ROME - Far from the media spotlight, the Catho- succeeded in getting one rebel leader to agree to a threelic Church was working across Africa this spring to day cease-fire. help draw altention to the continent's conflicts and But Liberian President Charles Taylor's continubring relief to the victims of hunger, war and poverty. ing refusal to step down seemed sure to set the stage The situations ranged from a deadly outbreak of for a bloody showdown over Monrovia, the country's civil war in Congo to chronic drought in Ethiopia and capital. Most foreigners, including Americans, hastily Eritrea and involved Church agencies from the Vatican evacuated the country in French military helicopters. to local charities. The chairman of the U.S. bishops' international In Congo, Church leaders expressed cautious opti- policy committee released a statement in late May supmism over the planned arrival of 1,400 European porting calls for an immediate cease-fire in Liberia and peacekeeping troops in the eastern part of the country, negotiations to create a government of national unity. where an estimated 1,000 people have been kilIed in In the statement, Bishop John H. Ricard of Pensacola-TalIahassee, Fla., said that although rebels recent months of violence. "It's a positive thing," Archbishop Faustin Ngabu and government forces had pillaged and destroyed of Goma, Congo, said of the peacekeepers' mission, Catholic churches, hospitals and other buildings the "but we cannot forget that the international commu- Church offered "the last remaining structures capable nity did nothing two months ago when the civilian of providing essential social services, particularly health and education, in the population was massacred." absence of a viable state." After serving as a Belgian Missionary of Vatican ambassador in the Africa Father Joe Hom of Africa for seven Deneckere said that during years, U.S. Archbishop the vicious battle for Silvano Tomasi was Bunia, the capital of named in June to represent Congo's northeastern Ituri the Holy See to U.N. agenregion, the local Catholic cies in Geneva. The 62Church was caught up in year-old Scalabrini priest the tide of killing. said he would try to bring Two local priests were his first-hand knowledge murdered by Lendu miliof African problems to ortiamen along with 20 other ganizations that deal with people in a mass kilIing migration, human rights near the parish church of and economics. Nyakasanza. Now their Archbishop Tomasi bodies arc buried in freshly said he was approaching turned graves in front of his new assignment with the church, near a mass the conviction that Africa grave for II other victims. is generalIy ignored except The strain has taken its in times of disaster. That toll on the local Missionmeans short-term crises aries ofAfrica, commonly often generate a generous known as the White Faresponse, but long-term thers. Of the 14 missionaries working in Ituri two A WOUNDED man rests in a hospital in solutions draw less attenmonths ago, just five re- Bunia, Congo. Rival militias in the area have tion, he said. main. killed hundreds in the last month. with Euro"If you look at the last Meanwhile, in the Con- pean Union peacekeepers unable to stop eth- meeting of the G-8 (in early June), Africa was golese Diocese of nic bloodshed. (CNS photo from Reuters) supposed to be a major Butembo-Beni, Bishop Melchisedec Sikuli Paluka urgently appealed for as- piece of the action there. But it didn't work out that sistance in the face of a "deadly and destabilizing ad- way. Africa was completely put aside," he said. Archbishop Tomasi's assignment covered Ethiovance" of rebel forces. He said panic was spreading throughout urban cen- pia, Eritrea and Djibouti, an area plagued by eivil strife ters, and there was growing concern for the fate of and chronic drought. At present, he said, several million people in the more than 300.000 displaced people taking shelter in the area. He said that on Pentecost Sunday services in region are faced with severe food and drinking water his diocese were "either disturbed or canceled because shortages. If humanitarian aid keeps up, the region will avoid of altacks" by rebels. According to estimates, up to four million people an immediate disaster, the archbishop said. "But we need to address the roots of the problem" have died as a result of the Congolese war; many died from malnutrition or disease. In Ituri, at least 50,000 by reforming agricultural practices, creating markets have died and at least 500,000 have been displaced and creating roads that alIow farmers to take their produce to be sold, he said. from their homes. In the United States, Catholics worked to make sure Across the borde.r in the northern region of Uganda, rebels were consolidating their control of rural areas Africa is not forgotten. At Lumen Christi :(-ligh School in Jackson, Mich., student Dan Vainner Jr. and teacher and laying siege to towns and cities. "The situation is desperate," Italian Father Giulio Paulette Burgess went to Mali in West Africa for BuildAlbanese, director of the Rome-based MISNA mis- ing with Books, a national. organization dedicated to sionary news service, told Vatican Radio from a Catho- building schools in Third World countries. Students at Lumen Christi, in the Lansing diocese, lic mission in Kitgum, Uganda. He said about 10,000 civilians were homeless and people were "literalIy raised money for the building program by earning a dollar per hour of community service by working at a dying of hunger." Rebels recently began attacking Catholic churches soup kitchen and nursing hOmes. They participated in and missions, "commilting true acts of sacrilege," he city and cemetery cleanup efforts, and some students said. Whal pm1icularly worried Church leaders was worked a hot line that takes calls from women who the fate of hundreds of Ugandan children - ages 10 are thinking about abortion; the students refer calIers to 15 - who were taking shelter in Church missions to counselors. Burgess said most students go beyond their required to avoid being forced to join the rebels. Across the continent on Africa's western coast, 20 hours of community service per year and instead Church leaders were working to prevent massive double that amount per month. CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
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Nonetheless, results in some of the city parishes have also impressed diocesan officials. "Our Lady of Fatima Parish in New Bedford is registering a 25 percent increase over last year," Msgr. Harrington reported. "And Notre . Dame Parish in FalI River, Saint James Parish in New Bedford ... these parish communities are reporting increases in excess of 10 percent." Father John SulIivan, pastor of Saint Lawrence Martyr Parish in New Bedford, one of the oldest parishes in the diocese, erected a gigantic bulIetin board near the main entrance of that church depicting the traditional "Catholic Charities Heart" next to the outline of a large "heart" that was filIed in gradualIy over the course of the campaign as returns were registered. Father SulIivan proudly noted that the "thermometer-heart" was completely filIed in as the Saint Lawrence's totals exceeded $30,000. That not only surpassed last year's returns but continued on
past the "goal" which had been proposed as a challenge to the generosity of parishioners. Michael 1. Donly, diocesan director of Development, speculated that several novel initiatives in promoting the Appeal may have contributed to the response which is being shown in the v31ious geographic areas of the diocese. "We introduced much more extensive promotional material on cable television this year," he explained. "Many responding contributors have mentioned that the great return on their donation - 94 cents out ofevery doll31' given - goes directly to service providers. Perhaps our advertising effOlts helped to encourage contributions." Although the 2003 campaign is winding down, there is still time for prospective donors to participate. They may contact any of the parishes in the diocese or communicate directly with Diocesan Headquarters at 508-675-1311. CUlTent Catholic Chalities Appeal returns begin on page II.
St. Anthony The Centennial Choir, comprised of members ofthe St. Anthony's and Annunciation of the Lord Parish choirs, under the direction of Mariano Pimental Jr., wilIlead the faith community in song. Christopher Oliveira and Shirley Guerreiro will be the organists and Carolina Macedo will be the cantor. Immediately after the Mass, Bishop Escudeiro will dedicate the new St. Anthony Garden on the former Noia Estate, where a time capsule, to be opened in 50 years, will be buried. FolIowing that, a grand banquet will be held at the Venus de Milo Restaurant in Swansea. Plans for the jubilee celebration day as welI as other special events during the past year. were carried out under the direction of the St. Anthony's Parish Centennial Committee.
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Hundreds of former and CUlTcnt parishioners as well as religious will be in altendance at this weekend's events. St. Anthony's was founded in 1903 to meet the needs of thousands of deeply religious Portuguese immigrants who found their way to Taunton and were welcomed to the farms and the brickyards. Father Alexander Louro was named the first pastor by Bishop Matthew Harkins of Providence, R.1. This region would not become the. Fall River diocese until 1904. A basement church for the parish was dedicated in 1906. On July 29,1951, a whole new church had been completed and was dedicated. A parish center was blessed on Oct. 13,1996. A complete parish history will run in the diocesan centennial series in the July II edition of The Atlchor.
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vicar is Father William M. Rodrigues, whose responsibilities also include the Spanish Ministry. The deacons are Richard Murphy and Richard Dresser. There is a large Brazilian Community led by路 Father Jose Afonso Lima. ClaudiaMoniz is the administrative assistant and Miuy Offiler is the secretary at St Francis Xavier Preparatory School, as well as director of religious
education. LolraineCabral is president oftheSt Vincent de Paul Society. Robert H. Deburro is headmaster of St Francis Xavier Preparatory School. St Francis Xavier Church is at 21 Cross Street, Hyannis, MA 02601. It can be reached by telephone at 508775-0818; by FAX at 508-771-594fr, and by E-Mail at stfumcis@stfumcishyannis.org.
Film retreat to be held on two coasts WASHINGTON (CNS) - July I is the registration deadline to attend one of two National Film Retreat weekends in August. The retreats will be conducted August 1-3 at St. Thecla's Retreat House in the Boston suburb of Billerica, and August 8-10 at the Center for Spilitual Development in Orange, Calif. The retreat's theme is ''TheThree Faces of Love: Eros, Philia, Agape."
Films to be screened dUling the retreat include "In the Bedroom," "Men With Guns," "Steel Magnolias" and "Chocolat." The retreat, sponsored by the Catholic Academy forCommunication Arts Professionals, is for anyone - clergy, religious or laity interested in spilituality and film. More details are available by phone at: 617-522-8911; or at: www.nationalfilmretreat.org.
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Publicity Chairmen are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anc1wr, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates of alI activities. DEADLINE IS NOON ON FRIDAYS.
Events published must be of interest and open to our general readership. We do not carry notices of fund-raising activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from our business office at 508-675-7151. FALL RIVER -A healing service will be held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at St. Anne's Shrine. The rosary will be recited and there will be Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. For more information call 508-6745651. FALL RIVER - Mass will be celebrated at Holy Name Church .June 24 at 7 p.m. A healing service will foilow. The rosary will be recited prior to Mass'. For more information call 508-674-9877 . FALL RIVER- The Hudner Oncology Center at Saint Anne's Hospital invites area cancer patients to participate in an education and support program to be held Wednesdays from 5-6 p.m. in Room 220 of Clemence Hall. For more information call Mark Theodore at 508-674-5600 ext. 2279. NEW BEDFORO - The Corpus Christi Procession will beheld Sunday at 2 p.m. begin-
ning at Our Lady's Chapel, 600 Pleasant Street. For more information call 508-996-8274. NORTH DARTMOUTH - A Separated-Divorced Support Group will meet June 25' from 7-9 p:m. at the Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Road. For more information call the Office of Family Ministry at 508-999. 6420. NORTH EASTON - Public adoration ofthe Eucharist in observance of the Feast of the Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Perpetual Help will be held June 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Father Peyton Center, 518 Washington Street. Mass will be celebrated at noon. For more information call 1-800-299PRAY. ORLEANS -A SeparatedDivorced Catholics Support Group will meet June 29 at 7 p.m. at the St. Joan of Arc Parish Center. For more information call Father Richard Roy at 508-255-0170. POCASSET - The 10th annual Mass of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated June 29 at 2 p.m. at St. John the Evangelist Church, 841 Shore Road. For more information call Betty Kazimer at 508-563-9020. SEEKONK - A Life in the Spirit Weekend will be held at St. Mary's Parish Center July 18-20. The weekend concludes with the celebration of Mass at 3:30 p.m. followed lJy dinner. For more information call Rita Beaudet at 508-399-7519.
Opus Dei's founder's feast set for first time in Church
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Friday, June 20, 2003
BOSTON - For the first lime in the Catholic Church the feast day of St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of the Opus Dei Prelature, will be celebrated on June 26 .. Father Richard Rieman, the firsl member of Opus Dei in the United States. will be the celebrant of a special Mass in Boston honoring the new saint. Other special Masses are slated to be celebrated in many U.S. cities on the feast day. St. Josemaria Escriva died on June 26, 1975 and was canonized by Pope John Paul II on Oct. 6, 2002 in St. Peter's Square before an estimated audience of more than 300,000.
"The feast of St. Josemaria reminds us that God calls all of us to live holy lives," said Father Thomas G. Bohlin, the U.S. vicar of Opus Dei. "Saint Josemaria constantly taught us that we can find God not just in church but in our work, social and family activities." About 85,000 men and women are in the Prelature of Opus Dei worldwide, with approximately 3,000 in the United States. The chief activity of the prelature is to offer spiritual formation encouraging lay people and secular priests to seek holiness in daily life and to give Christian witness.
POPE JOHN Paul II arrives in his popemobile for Mass in the eastern town of Osijek, Croatia, recently. (CNS photo from Reuters)"
In 25th year, pope takes a seat to continue pastoral duties By
fortlessly. In 'trips last year, he had trouble maneuvering the stairs of the glass-walled vehicle. At the Vatican, the pope used to greet visiting dignitaries at the door of his private library and escort them to a desk inside. Then, once their talks were over, they would move to ceremonial chairs at the other end of the room for official photographs. Nowadays, recent guests like Secretary of State Colin Powell arrived to find the pope already seated at the far end of the room, where the two held their talks, posed for photographs and exchanged gifts. Despite some obvious moments of frustration, the pope appears to have accepted his physicallimitations and welcomed the new gizmos that allow him to keep celebrating Mass, giving speeches and kissing babies.
VATICAN CITY - When Pope John Paul II visited Croatia in June, he celebrated Mass on a hydraulic throne, rode mini-elevators instead of climbing stairs, waved to crowds from his seat in a popemobile and, when it was time to go home, was pushed to his plane on a rolling chair. On the few occasions he was required to take a few steps, aides supported and lifted him on both sides. . What was once unthinkable to some - a pope in a wheelchair - has virtually come ~o pass. But instead of a classic wheelchair, the pope now moves on a variety of devices that blend in with ceremonial or liturgical decor. The transition has been so subtle that most people haven't noticed that the pope no,longer walks. "The mechanisms that have been devised are . fairly discreet. They allow him to carry out liturgies and other functions with no problems," said one close papal aide. METZ, France (CNS) - A French bishop has defended a parish priest in northern France who re"The problem was, he just couldn't stay on his feet any more. He has other infirmities, but the big fused to officiate at a maniage because the couple one is mobility. We've resolved it in this way," the planned not to have children. aide said. Bishop Pierre Raffin of Metz said the priest was The 83-year-old pontiff suffers from Parkinson's correct in denying the maniage because the Church disease and a severely arthritic knee. His mobility requires the "personal adherence to the Catholic has steadily declined in recent years, to the point Church's vision of maniage - that maniage is enthat in 2000 he began riding into major liturgies on tered into freely, for life, and for the procreation of a wheeled platform instead of walking. children." Until this spring, the pope would stand on the Bishop Raffin said the Church regularly granted rolling platform. But even that has become diffimaniage to people unable to conceive children "for cult, and in Croatia the platform had a chair. reasons of age or physical impediment," but required A few months ago, the Vatican devised a special healthy couples to express their willingness to prothrone that could be wheeled around the altar and create "in writing and publicly" at the moment of hydraulically raised and lowered, allowing the pope maniage. to celebrate Mass without ever leaving his seat. "The absence or explicit refusal, hard and conIn St. Peter's Basilica; meanwhile, a small lift firmed, ofone ofthese dispositions prevents the priest was unobtrusively constructed at one end of the' from solemnizing a religious maniage," he said. main altar. "I fully agree with this priest, who has had the Until this year, the pope frequently entered aucourage not to agree to do any old thing, and I pledge diences and liturgies on foot. He would lean on his my support. Respect for couples who engage in cane and, in lighter moments, twirl it as a prop. But Christian maniage loyally and in full aw~ness rethe cane is gone these days, and it's been months quires the Chu~h to hold firmly to what it proclaims," since anyone saw him walk. he said. Msgr. Jean-Marie Stock, vicar general ofthe Metz His limousine has been fitted with a type of "ejection seat" that lifts the pontiff to a standing position diocese, told France's Journal du Dimanche weekly once the convertible top has been removed. that the priest had rejected claims by the couple that Even so, during the Croatia trip, it took him the they feared passing on a genetic disorder to their children.. better part of a minute to shift his body sideways out the side of the caT. When his valet offered him a "The priest had no choice but to refuse," Msgr. helping hand, the pope slapped it away. Stock said. The popemobile that he rode in Croatia had a "If this maniage was ever disputed in a Church court, it would be declared void," he said. built-in lift that allowed him to get in and out ef-
French couple, not wanting children, denied marriage
Friday, June 20, 2003
Cardinal raps Keating's 'Cosa Nostra' comment on bishops nications director of the state Catholic conference, told Catholic News Service that the changes were not in the questionnaires themselves dioceses have been asked to fill out a separate information form on each By JERRY FILTEAU accused cleric and each alleged vicCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE tim as well as a questionnaire on data WASHINGTON - Just a week for the whole diocese - but rather before the U.S. bishops' spring in the protocols the researchers meeting in St. Louis, a new controwould use to assure full protection versy over the Church's sex ofthe confidentiality of the inabuse scandal arose. formation provided. National Review Board A CNS source who asked In an interview reported in the Los not to be identified said that chairman Frank Keating sharply criticized a lack of re- Angeles Times, Keating, a formergov- as of early June about 135, or sponse to board requests by ernor of Oklahoma, said some bish- two-thirds, of the nation's diosome bishops and Cardinal ops, including the cardinal, had dis- ceses and eparchies - EastRoger M. Mahony of Los An- played ''stunning, startling" resistance ern-rite dioceses - had turned geles responded by calling in their responses. Keating's remarks "irrespon- to board efforts to develop detailed inCardinal Mahoney wrote formation on the extentofclergysexual to Bishop Gregory again in sible and uninformed." ]n an interview reported in abuse of minors across the country. April, after receiving the questionnaires for the John Jay the Los Angeles Times, Keating, a fOlmer governor of study. He criticized "obvious and numerous flaws" in the quesOklahoma, said some bishops, in- meeting. cluding the cardinal, had displayed ]n his five-page public statement tionnaires and said the bishops "stunning, startling" resistance to Cardinal Mahony explained that he should demand a more comprehenboard efTolts to develop detailed in- and the other bishops of the state sive study than the one under way. formation on the extent of clergy refused to answer the John Jay surOther documents obtained by sexual abuse of minors across the vey as originally structured because CNS were also critical of the John they believed if they did so they Jay study. country. A lengthy "white paper" by Keating, long known for his could face criminal and civil penalbluntness, was quoted saying that ties under California's strict privacy Archbishop Alex J. Brunett of Sesome unnamed bishops had behaved laws protecting the confidentiality of attle said the study "does not meet "like Ul Cosa Nostra" - a crimi- information about both the accused the generally accepted criteria for adequate research." . nal organization noted for its secre- and the alleged victims. Father Lawrence J. O'Keefe of Bishop Sylvester D. Ryan of tiveness - in elTOIts to "hide and suppress" information. "I have seen Monterey, president ofthe Califor- Gallup, N.M., president of the an underside that I never knew ex- nia Catholic Conference, said while Canon Law Society of America, the state's bishops "had concerns wrote in April that the society's isted." he said. Responding to the mticle, Cardi- about confidentiality in some of the board of govemors suppOlted the nal Mahony said, "Just yesterday the details of the John Jay study, we al- bishops' plan to study the extent of John Jay group (John Jay College ways intended to fully participate in the clergy sex abuse problem but had researchers contracted to gather data the study and repeatedly stated so to "grave concerns" about some aspects of the John Jay study's methon the extent of clergy sex abuse for the National Review Board." Carol Hogan, associate commu- odology. the review board) acknowledged
News bulletin: As The Anchor went to press on Thesday, it was announced that National Review Board Chairman Frank Keating. had resigned.
flaws in their proposed protocols and finally agreed to conform with California and canon law." The Times reported that Cardinal Mahony in a follow-up interview called Keating's comparison of some bishops with La Cosa Nostra "off the wall." It reported that the cardinal said he planned to raise questions about Keating's job'performance at the bishops' upcoming
THOUSANDS OF Russian Orthodox believers walk from the Christ the Saviour Cathedral with the relics of St. Andrew to another church in Moscow recently. The relics were brought to Moscow from the Belarussian capital, Minsk, and will visit several other Russian cities before being returned to the Holy Mount Athos in Greece at the end of the month. The apostle is patron of Russia and Greece. (CNS photo from Reuters)
POPE JOHN Paull! greets a child at the Vatican celebration for the Holy Childhood Association. The pontiff thanked some 8,000 young children for responding to the cry of the poor with prayers and their own savings. (CNS photo from Reuters)
Newsweek poll assesses opinions on fetal rights NEW YORK (CNS) - Nearly half of Americans believe human life starts at fertilization, while only II percent think it does not begin until birth, according to a poll by Princeton Survey Research Associates for Newsweek magazine. The survey, published in the last week's issue of Newsweek, also assessed Americans' views on the fate of embryos created for in-vitro fertilization and whether the killing of a pregnant woman should involve two murder charges or one. Most respondents (56 percent) said prosecutors should be able in all cases to bring separate murder charges against someone who kills a fetus still in the womb, while another 28 percent said it should be done only in cases where the fetus is able to survive outside the womb. Only nine percent said a second murder charge should never be brought in such cases, while seven percent said they did not know. The margin of error for the May survey of 1,009 adults was plus or minus three percentage points. The responses also were categOlized by political party, religion, gender and whether respondents considered themselves "pro-choice" or "ProLife"; the margin of error for those subgroups ranged from five to I I percentage points. The survey was commissioned' as part of Newsweek's cover story headlined "Should a Fetus Have Rights?" Among the topics covered in the article were the murders of Laci Peterson and her unbom son, Conner; the Unborn Victims of Violence Act pending in Congress; the thousands of frozen embryos stored at in-vitro feltilization clinics around the country; and the advances in fetal medicine, including surgery in-utero. In response to the question about murder charges in the death of an unbom child, those who described themselves as Catholics tied with evangelical Protestants as the most strongly supportive of a double murder charge, at 64 percent. Only five percent of Catholics said those
who kill a pregnant woman should never be charged with two murders. But only 49 percent of Catholic respondents characterized themselves as "Pro-Life," while 47 percent said they were "pro-choice" and four percent said they didn't know. Those figures were roughly equal to the national responses 47 percent of Amelicans said they were "pro-choice," 48 percent "Pro-Life" and five percent said they didn't know. Asked whether human life begins "when a man's sperm fertilizes a woman's egg, when an embryo is implanted in a woman's utelUs, when a fetus is viable, that is, able to survive outside the womb, or at birth," 46 percent of Amelicans said at fertilization, 12 percent said at implantation, 24 percent said when the fetus was viable and II percent said at bilth. Seven percent said they did not know. The Catholic response was even stronger: 55 percent said life began at feltilization, 14 percent said at implantation, 17 percent said at viability and nine percent said at bilth. Five percent said they did not know. The survey also asked about the "extra" human embryos created by in-vitro feltilization clinics and not used by patients: "Do you consider these extra human embI)'os more as a potential source of human organs that can be donated or children that can be adopted?" As a follow-up, the survey then asked if it was OK "for clinics to destroy these extra human embryos if their patients approve." Forty-nine percent ofAmeIicans said yes, 37 percent said no and 14 percent were undecided. Among Catholics, 45 percent said yes, 44 percent said no and 1I percent said they did not know. Asked if they or anyone in their immediate family had had an abortion for any reason, 16 percent of all respondents and 14 percent of Catholics said yes.
Fall River diocese marks its centennial The following are the next in a series of historical sketches'of the parishes comprising the Diocese of Fall River, founded in 1904. The series will run in chronological order from oldest to newest parish, according to diocesan archives, concluding in March, 2004, the centennial anniversary of the diocese. Please note that AU parish histories will run in the order they were founded - including parishes that have been suppressed or merged. Histories ofmerged parishes will run according to the time-line.
Holy Family Parish, East Taunton EAST TAUNTON - Spiritual ministry to Catholics in East Taunton began in 1858 when a small chapel was built on Liberty Street, served by priests from St. Mary's Parish in Taunton. By 1873, St. Mary's Parish had been divided by the establishment of Sacred Heart Parish and East Tauntonians belonged to the new parish until 1900. At that time Bishop Matthew Harkins of Providence established Holy Family as it parish appointing Father Charles W. Cullen as first pastor. Father Cullen took up residence in an apartment at 20 Liberty Street and worked to pay off the debt on the old chapel. He then purchased land and two houses between Liberty and Caswell streets on the west side of Middleboro Avenue. One house was sold and the other was remodeled for use as a rectory. By 1908 plans were completed for Holy Family Church and construction began. The first Mass was celebrated in the new church in July 1908, four years after the founding of the Diocese of Fall River. But the church was not used until March 1909, when all construction was completed. On March 27, 1909, Alfred Sylvia became the first person to be baptized in the new parish. First
to be wed were Georgianna Poitras and Adjutor Sylvain on April 19, 1909. The 1909 first Communion class included 10 boys and seven girls. On April 10, 1910, Fall River Bishop Daniel Feehan administered confirmation to the first class in the parish. Upon the death of Father Cullen in 1926 he was succeeded by Msgr. James J. Dolan, who served until 1935. He was noted for his aiding the poor through the St. Vincent de Paul Society during the dark years of the Depression. Father Timothy J. Calnen was pastor until 1938, succeeded by Father Edward T. Killigrew until 1934 and then by Msgr. William H. Dolan until 1969 during which the parish celebrated its 60th anniversary. Father James McCarthy assumed administration of the parish in 1969 and the city and the parish were enriched by his outgoing personality and his many talents. He was followed by Father Robert F. Kirby and in 1988 he was succeeded by Father George F. Almeida. Under Father Almeida's leadership the parish grew as more and more homes were built in the East Taunton area. He established a parish Council of the Knights ofColum-
bus, a Bell Choir and an outstanding corps of altar servers. It was during the tenure of Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity Sister Anita Marie da Costa, coordinator of Religious Education, that the number of students expanded from 200 to 550. In May, 1993, John Fitzpatrick, a longtime parishioner, was ordained a permanent deacon.
Currently with 1,500 families, the parish has purchased approximately 10 acres of adjacent land and a feasibility study is intended to show areas offuture parish expansion. Father Jay T. Maddock is the current pastor. John J. Fitzpatrick is the deacon, Sister Anita Marie da Costa is pastoral assistant, Peg Ormond is coordinator of religious education,· Douglas
Medeiros is the cantor, Vivian Burke is parish secretary, Maria Bettencourt is rectory assistant, and Richard Marzilli is the maintenance engineer. The rectory is at 370 Middleboro Avenue, P.O. Box 619, East Taunton, MA 02718. It can be reached by telephone at 508-824-5707; by FAX at 508824-5665; and its Website is h!!n;l Iwelcome.tolholyfamily.
51. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis - HYANNIS - The first Catholic church in Hyannis was built in 1874 on Barnstable Road, almost four blocks from the current house
ofworship and was originally called St. Patrick's. As the population grew, Father Daniel E. Doran constructed a new
and larger church on its present site at 347 South Street in 1904. It was extensively remodeled and enlarged by Father Mortimer Downing, who added four Ionic columns to the structure giving it a facade of simple beauty. Because of the growing number of diverse ethnic groups in the area and the desire to avoid the impression that it was an "Irish only" parish, the church's name was changed to St. Francis Xavier in honor of the . great Jesuit missionary to India and the Far East. To enlarge the property a large comer lot adjacent to the church was purchased in 1932. A marble statue ofSt. Francis Xavier was dedicated. St. Patrick's Cemetery, established with the original church, was doubled in size in 1904. When its space was exhausted, 16 acres of land was purchased in 1929 on then Centerville-Harris Road and St. Francis Xavier Cemetery in Centerville was established. In 1943, property at 404 South Street was purchased Jor use as a convent for the Missionary Servants of the Blessed Trinity who assisted in teaching religious education. The main altar was given in memory of Navy Lt. Joseph P.
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Kennedy, the son of the late Am- ing at 21 Cross Street. Property adbassador Joseph P., and Rose F. jacent to and west of the church at Kennedy. The flier was killed when 357 South Street was recently purhis plane 'crashed Aug. 12, 1944 chased. during World War II. The parish provides religious The existing altar and the added education instruction through its east wing of the church were dedi- extensive CCD program and its accated in .June 1946 by Father Tho- tive RCIA process. mas McLean. The west wing was St. Francis Xavier Preparatory added in 1953. School was established by Father The second pew from the front Byington in 1996 and is the only in the east wing is where the late Parish Catholic Middle School on President John F. Kennedy and Mrs. Cape Cod. The parish supports a St. Kennedy sat when they attended Vmcent de Paul Society, Holy Name Mass while staying at the Kennedy Society, Women's Guild and St. Compound in Hyannisport. Francis Xavier Missionary Cenacle, In the late 1960s liturgical reno- among others. vations as well as the Parish Center St. Francis Xavier also maintains were built by Msgr. William Sacred Heart _ Chapel in Thomson. To meet the needs of Yarmouthport, built in 1899. It is more than 5,000 who worshipped now open year-round with four, there during the summers, the sometimes five Masses celebrated church was widened when it was during the summer months with apmoved. proximately 1,000 attending those More major renovations were services. done in 1998-1999 under the pasAmong other pastors serving the torate ofFather Edward 1. Byington, St. Francis Xavier faith community and the seating capacity was in- were Father Matthias McCabe, creased to 1,200. Three shrines were Cornelius McSwiney, John added.. McKeon, Msgr. Leonard Daly, and During Father Stephen A. Father Edward Duffy. . Fernandes' two-year-tenure as pasThe current pastor is Father Thotor, the parish office was moved mas A. Frechette. The parochial from the rectory into its own build-.Tum to page J3 - Hyannis