t eanc 0 VOL. 29, NO. 25
$8 Per Year
Campus ministry I'etter rewrite asked
Bishops OK economy pastoral thrust
By Jerry FUteau COLLEGEVILLE, Minn. (NC) - The U.S. bishops, meeting in Collegeville June 14-18, strongly supported the direction their economy pastoral is taking, but asked for a major rewriting of a pastoral letter on campus min istry. They spent half a day listening to men and women religious and discussing issues -involved in dialogue with religious in their own dioceses. In closed-door sessions during the second half of the five-day meeting, this fall's world Synod of Bishops to review the work of the Second Vatican Council was discussed.
The pastoral letter on Cath olic social teaching and the U.S. economy, considered one of the most significant and controver sial of the current undertakings of the American hierarchy, was the major topic of sessions open to the press June 14 and IS. "It's clear that there's still much work to be done (on the economy pastoral), but it was clear to me that the bishops as a group are strongly supportive of the project," Bishop James Malone of Youngstown, Ohio, president of the National Con ference of Catholic Bishops, said to reporters afterwards. Archbishop Rembert Weak land of Milwaukee, head of the
economy pastoral's drafting committee, opened' a series of structured sm!lill-group discus sions on the pastoral with a re port updating the bishops. One major chang~ he an nounced was a decision to cut the pastoral froma-bout 60,000 to 40,000 words. Another, sub ject to the approval of the bish ops, was to try writing a shorter, less technical separate pastoral message to Catholics. Comments from the bishops indicated near-unanimous sup port for both moves. The pastoral is expected to be approved by the bishops sOme time in 1986. While some bishops criticized
if for taking what they thought was too negative an attitude to ward capitalism and the Ameri can economic system, others said that the major failing of the first draft was the absence of any real critique of capitalism itself. Many bishops strongly sup ported use of the "preferential option for the poor" concept as a basic framework for the docu ment. Others argued 'that the phrase lends itself to divisive ness and is less applicable in the United States, where most peo ple are middle-class, than in many basically two-class coun· tries, the rich and the poor. Comments on middle-class
America showed similar mixed feHlings, Bishops praised the hard work and generositY' of the mid dle class on the one hand, and on the other suggested that. everyoM must eXllmine his or her conscience about consumer ism and materialism. While the specific criticisms of the pastoral on the economy came within a framework of strong overall support, the draft pastoral on campu~ ministry did not enjc1y the Sam(l reception. The drafting committee for the campus miniHtry pastoral, headed by Bishop William Friend of Ale,candria-Shreveport, La., had engaged in ext,~nsive consul Tum to Page Nine
Church prays, agonizes with hiJack victims
By NC News As The Anchor went to press, two Illinois priests, a permanent deacon and several other Cath olic pilgrims from Ulinois con tinued to :be held hostage in the Middle East hijack drama in: volving a TWA jetliner com mandeered by Shiite Moslem ex tremists. Their whereabou..ts were un known amid reports that the 40 Americans . still believed to be held hostage had been removed from the plane at the airport in Beirut, Lebanon, and held in scattered Shiite neighborhoods in the city. A third HI'inois priest, who had been leading the group on a Holy Land pilgrimage, and about two dozen parishioners were among those released by the hijackers in the initial days of the crisis. The two priests still being held were Father Thomas Dempsey, pastor at St. Patrick Church in St. Charles, Ill., and Father James McLoughlin, pastor at St. Peter Church in Geneva, Ill. The dea con was Raymond Johnson, of A:nnunciation Church, Aurora,
Back home, members of Father McDonnell's parish as well as members of St. Peter Church in Geneva, IlL, St. Patrick Church in St. Charles, IlL, and Annun ciation Church in Aurora, III., held round-the-clock vigils for
pastors, family and friends. 'Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill of Rockford, back in his diocese after attending the U.S. bishops' general meeting in Collegeville, Minn., visited the parishes af fectedby the hijacking.
"The tragedy has brought the parishes much closer together in the spirit of united prayer," the bishop said June 18. "It is an in spiration to see people of all ages coming to their parish churches to pray for all the hostages and
Father William McDonnell, 45, pastor at St. Margaret Mary Church in Algonquin, III., who had led the two-week pilgrim age, was among passengers re leased June 15 in Algiers, Al geria. A few hours later, in an Al gerian hotel, he led, the group 'n prayer for those stHl held cap ive.
FATHER WILUAM McDONNELL, left, shakes the hand of U.S. Ambassador to Al geria Michael Newlin, after being released from TWA Flight 847 in Algiers. Jose Delgado, center, was also among freed hostages. (NC/UPI-Reuter Photo)
their families." He said one parishioner told him "we always knew that we cared for one another but this has brought it 'into sharper focus." About 200 people attended a special Mass June 15 at the Al gonquin parish, where Father Robert GarritY,associate pastor, said, "Let's try to .put ourselves in the situation of the hostages. What would we be thinking? What would we be feeling? I am sure they are very frightened. Maybe by this point they are numb with 'fear, but there is no doubt they know weare pray ing for them. "This was the trip of a life time for some of our parish ioners," Father Garrity said of the two-week pilgrimage to the Holy Land that ,the hostages had been returning from. "It's sad this had to happen." Parishioner Regina Schultz said; "These are just such 'loving, .kind people. They don't belong in BeinIt with guerrillas." In Geneva, m.embers of St. Peter Church prayed for Father McLoughlin and four of his par ishioners originally held hostage. "He's a wonderful man," said Elaine Hurley, a par·ishioner. "This is .a horrible shock. It's hard to believe it's happening. This is something you read about in the newspapers but it doesn't happen to you." Lois ·Bushman, who works at the parish, said she had talked Tum to Page Seven
Holy Family High School to close
tHE ANCHOR Friday, June 21, 1985
'Open church' progralD set St. Joseph's Church, Fairhaven, at the corner of Spring and Adams Streets, will hold an "open church" program Sunday. Catholics who have not been attending Mass and persons with no church affiliation are invited to 9:30 a.m. Mass "to share an hour of praise and worship with us," say parish spokespersons. During the Mass a commenta tor will explain the ceremonies and the service will be followed by. an explanatory tour of St. Joseph's Church and a display of vestments. and altar vessels. Refreshments will dose the pro gram. The event was planned as the result of a seminar conducted last January at Sacred Hearts Seminary, Wareham, by Father Alvin Illig, esp, director of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Evangelization.
'Tips for lectors DENVER(NC) -- Only about half the 'lectors in Catholic churches throughout :the nation are getting the congregation "to sit up ,and listen," according to an author and lecturer on liturgy. "If you don't have :the talent to be a good reader you should not be reading" but serving the church in some other capacity, Msgr. Joseph Champlin told 300 lectors attending the Denver Alfchdiocese's eighth annual readers' convention. "Good intentions are not enough," he said. "Some kind of ability and talent to proclaim the word is important." Msgr. Champlin is vicar for parish life and worship for ~e Diocese of SyriaCUS€', N.Y. He is also a lecturer on Uturgy and pastoral theology' and often writes about the subjects In a syndicated column which ap pears in,20 Catholic newspapers.. The reader must be a person . of prayer and faith, he said. "If readers are aware of Christ's presence, it. affects the way they read, cany the Bible, prepare for the liturgy and the way they look on the altar," he added.
BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN bids· farewell to Sister Mary Laurita Hand, PBVM, associate superintendent of diocesan schools for the past eigh~ yea~s, at a reception honoring her and Father George W. Coleman (left), outgomg dlOc~san director of education (top picture); below, Sister Doreen Donegan, SUSC, dlOce san director of religious education, makes a presentation' to Father Coleman as Father Richard W.BeauHeu, incoming diocesan director, applauds. Sister Laurita will become an administrator to the Proviclence diocesan school system and Father Coleman will devote himself to the pastorate of Corpus Christi Church, ~andwich. (Gaudette Photos)
usee queries Nicaragua t'actics
WASHINGTON (NC) - The Hgence Agency or Defense De U.S. Catholic Conference, shortly partment in handling the aid,' before a decisive House of Repl:e which' could be used for such sentatives vote to aid Nicara things as food, medical supplies guan rebels, urged a diplomatic and blankets. solution to the crisis and ques The Senate had earlier voted tioned the wisdom of so-caUed' to approve $38 million in humani humanitarian aid. tarian aid, which,. it said, could In a letter to members of the be provided through the CIA. House, ,Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, USCC general secretary, also . A House-Senate conference questioned President Reagan's committee must resolve differ declaration of a trade embargo ences. "Efforts to provide genuinely· against Nicaragua. The Mass of Christian Burial Msgr. Hoye wrote that the humanitarian 'assistance both to was offered in Quebec, Canada, USCC "has consistently urged Nicaraguan refugees outside for Sister Claire O'Brien; seQ, expanded diplomatic and poli their country as well as to needy .90, who died in Quebec May 14.. tical 'measures as the morally and suffering people within Nic Born in Canada, March 24, ,acceptable and politically real aragua without' regard, to their , 1895, she' was the daughter of .istic way of addressing the seri~ political views are worthy of the' :Iate Mr. and Mrs. John ous problems facing U.S.-Nic" .serious consikleration, Msgr. ,O'Brien. She entered the Sisters aragua relations." . Hoye stated. However, he add: of Charity of Quebec in 1913, '''We seriously question pro . ed, "while we must, in principle, "pronounced her first vows in posals which provide equiva be in favor of such aid, we are 1915, and .c~me to the Sacred lent '!lssistanceeven though not conscious o( the enormous prac tical difficulties, in providing 1 Heart. Nursmg Home: Ne~ Bed-. '< under the title of military a~d," . . ford, 10 1925. She retIred 101~80' he added. truly humanitarian aid at' the The House voted 248-184 June levels needed." ,after 55 years .of devoted service. . She is survived 'by a sister, 12 to provide $27 millio~ in what He added that the bishops '.Miss Emma O'Brien of Black was described as humanitarian "must also question such actions 'LaI<e, Canada. aid to the "contras," guerrillas as the recent unilateral economic opposing the Marxist-leaning embargo." He noted that Car A Wish Sandinista government of Nic- dinal Miguel Obando Bravo 'of "May you Hve all the days' of aragua. The House barred in Managua has described the em your Iif~." -::- Jo.~at.h~'l.S\Vif~ . , ... y.ol.v~ment !>y ,the Central I~tek. 'b~rgo a!'! .aggra,va~.i.l'!g,_a~ ..~Jr:e.a~y
Sister O'llrien
difficult economic situation for Nicaraguans. Th,e USCC official added that it was the bishops' "firm con viction" that U.S. policy should . be committed to the pursuit of dialogue and that resumption of bilateral talks between the United States and Nicaragua should be ."a first step."
H~ly Family High School, heir to a century of secondary educa tion in St. Lawrence parish, New Bedford, is closing its doors. The news came in a June 15 letter to parents from Very Rev. John P. Driscoll, pastor of St. Lawrence and director of Holy Family. "It is with great sadness," he wrote, "that we announce that Holy .Family High School will not open in September of 1985. Rising costs and a limited stu dent enrollment make it im possi:ble for St. Lawrence parish to provide the financial support needed to sustain the school. "We know the good that Holy Family High School has done for the Church and the greater New . Bedford community over the last century. We are aware of the dedication of our faculty and staff. We feel for the students who have received much from Holy Family and who will be so saddened by this turn of events. "We pray for the understand ing of the community and their acceptance of ·this pain,ful de cision. We will make every effort to aid your child in making the transition to another school." Holy Fami'ly marked its cen tennial at a banquet ,last Sept. 22. The date was declared Holy Family High School Centennial Day by both Governor Michael S. Dukakis and the City of New Bedford and citations of the school were also issued by both houses of the state legislature. Holy Family was preceded in St. Lawrence parish by St. Joseph High School. A highlight of last year's centennial celebra tion came in July when an 1882 cornerstone of what had been the St. Joseph High School build ing was opened to yield 1882 coins, a Catholic almanac and an 1882 issue of The 'Pilot, Boston's archdiocesan newspaper. All, plus 1984 additions, in c1uding' newspapers, school rings and emblems, photographs, tape recordings and' computer printouts, were reinterred Oct. 26 in a corner of the present school building.
Vinc.entians support Taunton DistriCt Council of St. Vincent de Paul Society has an nounced strong support of plans to expand the facilities of Mar ian Manor in Taunton. Members call for approval of the nursing home's application to :increase its number of beds from 83 to 116. Pointing out that it has been almost two years since 'Marian Manor submitted a Determination of Need 'applicatio l1 to the state Public Health Council, Vin centian district president Horace Costa urged that action be taken 'in the matter.
elderly of the Taunton area. Mentioning several recent cases in which persons in need of nursing home care had to be placed outside their home area due to lack of beds, h~ said that ,the situation is not only detri mental to patie!it niorale but places an added burden on fam ily members.
Correction In 'iast week's Anchor story on
clergy changes, Father Thomas C. Lopes was incorrectly listed as a past Catholic Charities Appeal codirector for the Cape Cod He said that the Vincentians' 'area. Actually, he was' a CCD ~l!i!.'.s~n.c~~n !~.f~~, ~!t~.po~r a~~ .. c~:~jr.e~t9.r:JOJ: the. Cape in 1968.
13 priests affected
THE ANCHOR Friday, June 21, 1985
Transfers, summer assignments Bishop Daniel A. Cronin has announced transfers of 11 dioce san priests and summer assign ments for two priests who are graduate students at Catholic University in Washington. All the changes are effective July 3. Transfers Father Manuel Andrade, paro chial vicar at St. Michael's par ish, Fall River, since 1976, will become parochial vicar 'at St. John the Baptist parish, New Bedford. Previously Father Andrade was on the facu'lty of the Seminary of Merida in Yucatan, Mexico, and was pastor of Our Lady of Health parish, Fall River. He also served at Immaculate Con ception and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parishes, New Bedford, and at Our ]jady of the Angels and Espirito Santo parishes in Fall River. Father William Baker, paro chial vicar at Our Lady of Grace, Westport, will go to St. Mary's parish, Seekonk. He was pre viously stationed at St. Patrick, Falmouth. Father Robert Donovan, paro chial vicar at St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis, will serve at St. Pat rick's, Wareham. He was previously at St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro, where
he was moderator of the area Lady of Lourdes, Taunton, and Council of Catholic Nurses and was active in the pre-Cana pro of pre-Cana activities. In Hy gram of the Attleboro area. annis he was liaison to the Cape Father James McLellan; paro Cod Council of Churches. chial vicar at Our Lady of Vic Rev. Manuel Faria, parochial tory parish, Centerville, will go vicar at St. Michael's parish, to St. Pius X parish, South Yar Fall River, will go to St. An mouth. thony's parish, Taunton. Previously he served at St. Ordained ,in the Azores in Mary, Taunton; St. James, New 1938, he came to the United Bedford; and Our Lady of the States ,in 1975 and has served at Assumption, Ostervillle. Wllile in Taunton he was chaplain for St. MiChael's since that time. a CCO program for exceptional Rev. Timothy Goldrick, paro chial vicar at St. Pius X parish, children. Father Michael Nagle, chaplain South Yarmouth, will go to St. Elizabeth Seton, North Falmouth. at Morton Hospital, Taun'ton, Father Goldrick coordinated wiU become chaplain at Cape the diocesan-wide We Care/We Cod Hospital with residence at Share evangelization campaign in St. Francis Xavier rectory, Hy annis. j 980 and .is ,regional coordinator 'Previously he was parochial of vocations for the upper Cape Cod area. In 1982 he was named vicar at 51. John the Baptist, a defender of the bond for the New Bedford; St. Mary's, Taun diocesan marriage tribunal. He ton; 51. Peter's, Provincetown; previously served at St. Ann's and 51. Margaret's, Buzzards ' parish, Raynham; Immaculate Bay. Father John J. Oliveira, paro Conception, Taunton; 51. Mar garet, Buzzards Bay; and St. chial vicar at Espirito Santo , parish, Fall River will go to St. Lawrence, New Bedford. Michael's parish, also in Fall Father Paul -Lagoa will move River. from parochial vicar at St. John 'Previously he was at Our the -Baptist parish, New Bedford, Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bed to chaplain at Morton Hospital, ford. He is a chaplain at Bristol Taunton, with residence at 51. Community College,- Fall River, Mary's rectory, Taunton. and active in aiding Portuguese He has been parochial vicar immigrants to adjust to Ameri at 51. Mary's, Norton, 'and Our can life. Father John Ozug, parochial vicar at St. Patrick's parish, Somerset, will go to 51. Francis Xavier parish, Hyannis. Previously he was at St. An thony's parish, East Falmouth, where he was chaplain to upper Cape Cod Girl Scout and Camp Fire groups. Father Horace Travassos, paro chial vicar at Corpus Christi, Sandwich, will go to St. Patrick's parish, Somerset. TRANSFERS Previously he served at St. Rev. Manuel Andrade from 51. Michael's Parish in FaU James parish, New Bedford. He River to Parochial Vicar at St. J{)hn the Baptist Parish in New Bedford. ' Rev. William Baker from Our Lady of Grace Parish in Westport to Parochial Vicar at St. Mary!s Parish in' Seekonk. Rev. Robert Donovan from 51. Francis Xavier Parish in Hyannis to Parochial Vicar at '51. Patrick's Parish in Wareham. Rev. Manuel Faria from St. Michael's Parish in Fall River to Parochial Vica~ at St. Anthony's Parish in Taunton. Rev. Timothy Goldrick from St. Pius the Tenth Parish in South Yarmouth 11:0 Parochial Vicar at St. Elizabeth Seton Parish in N{)rth Falmouth. ' Rev. Raul Lagoa from 51. John the Baptist Parish in New Bedfod to Chaplain at M{)rton Hospital in Taunton with residence at St. Mary's Rectory in Taunton. iRev. James McLeIlan from Our Lady of Victory Parish in CenterviHe to Parochial Vicar at 51. Pius the Tenth Parish in South Yarmouth. Rev. Michael Nagle from Chaplain at Morton Hospital in Taunt{)n to Chaplain at Cape Cod Hospital with residence at St. Francis Xavier Rectory in Hyannis. Rev. John Oliveira from Espirito Santo Parish in Fall River to ~arochia.J Vicar at St. Michael's Parish in Fall River. iRev. John Ozug from 1St. Patrick's Parish in Somerset to Parochial Vicar at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Hyannis. Rev. Horace Travassos from Corpus Christi }>arish lin Sandwich to Parochial Vicar at 51. ,Patrick's Parish in Somer set.
,Diocese of Fall River
~~, ".:" tij t~:- -
Second' term • ,.for SUperlOr Mother Mary Bernadette Mee han has been' elected to a second four-year term as Mother Gener al of the 'Dominican Sisters ~f the Congregation of St. Rose of Lima, the Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer. In the Fall River diocese, the sisters, affectionaUy known as the Rose Hawthorne Dominicans, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
was an assistant diocesan chan cellor and is now chairman of the diocesan Ecumenical Com mission, liaison to the Commit tee on Evangelization and secre tary of the Priests' Council. 'Summer Assignments Father Mark Hession, a stu dent of canon law at Catholic University, will serve for the summer at Holy Name parish, Fall River. Last summer he was at St. Joan of Arc, Orleans. Father Thomas McGlynn, also a canon law student at Catholic University, will be at St. Jo seph's, Fall River. Last summer, like Father Hession, he was at St. Joan of Arc.
staff the Rose Hawthorne La throp Home at Woodman and Bay Streets,Fall River. Addressing her community following the election, Mother Bernadette said her first priority would be development of new vocations. "So much depends on new vocations," she said. "As our numbers increase, we will be able to care for more cancer· afflicted poor and implement our plans to open additional free homes in other areas of the country." Mother Bernadette, a native of Philadelphia, entered religion in ] 930. She was superior of cancer care homes at Hawthorne, N.Y., Cleveland and Philadelphia be· fore being named a councilor, , mother assistant and then mother gel'\era1 of her community. Others elected with her were councilors Sister Mary Joan Kellenberger, Sister Mary Luke Varshany, Sister Ma,ry Andrew Gannon and Sister Mary David Wojcik. The Hawthorne Dominicans were founded in 1895, ~n New York by Rose Hawthorne, daugh ter of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Members nurse the cancer-afflic ted poor, providing them with a free home where they can spend their final days in dignity. They seek vocations among _ Catholic women whose compas sion and love of the Lord can find expression in a life dedica ted to caring for God's suffer ing poor. Those interested are invited to visit any of the com munity's homes to learn more about their work. More information is available in Fall River at 673-2322 or from Sister Anne Marie, the com· munity's director of vocations, at 914-769-0114. Collect calls will be accepted.
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Caring People
You Are Needed!
As a foster parent you can share in a person's growth, work in your own home and earn money. For - information on becoming involved in our Specialized Home Care program... Call Pat Dion
SUMMER ASSIGNMENTS Rev.1Mark Hession, Parochial Vicar at Holy Name Parish in Fall River. Rev, Thomas McGlynn, -Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph Parish in Fall River.
The, Kennedy - Donovan
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River..:....:.Fri:. June 21. 1985
the living wo'"rd-
Endin'g Fanatic Blackmail At this writing the ultimate resolution of the American hostage disgrac~ is yet to come. But no matter how it ends, o~e thing is certain, that this country should no longer be a pawn In world factionalism. This current hnjacking must' be the catalyst which makes meaningless and fruitless the holding of innocent citizens. The zeal and cunning of a dedicated fanatic can never be totally outwitted. Yet this should not deter this nation, even if it must act alone, from outlawing such depravity as aninstru ment of national, political or religious policy. It is interesting to note that one never hears of a Russian plane or embassy being held hostage. Russia has made it quite clear that it will not tolerate any attempt to interfere with its aidine or embassy procedures. . The United States must do t}Ie same, going beyond media bluster to action. Some of the options' can be implemented immediately to . reduce the possibility of future hijackings.· First, there should be a global aviation boycott of interna tional terminals vvhere security measures are even question able. Governments should not allow their. national airlines to use airports of countries known as havens for criminals and fanatics. The anti-American propaganda in Beirut.and Athens, for example, cenainly has encouraged those governments determined to rule by terror. Implementation of security measures at international air ports should not be ca~ch-as-catch-can process. Nations must act in concert to Maft and enforce the strictest standards possible for airline passengers and personnel. If a country refuses to adopt such standards, it must be boycotted. The time for leniency has passed. The United States should also act to ensure the security of its nationals. For too long have we played the game of saving face; . for too long have we piaced international acceptance above domestic concerns,for too long have we allowed Qurselves to become the dupes of our so-called allies. ." Ultimately; the question of meaningful retaliation must be faced as a result of this hijacking. Its 'extent and. involvement might be open to question,' but not the fac! that something should be d.ane. Some, would say that we should turn theot,her cheek others would advocate extreme violence. Again, the risky ~n,swer lies somewhere in between. ,., . One example ofcJvilized retaliatory behavior:wouldbe to expel' all extremists of a.given nationality from this'country. We do not hesitate to' eject offending diplomats. Why not deport those who uphold'fanaticism such as has been exhibited ~y Jhe Shiite Mpslems? Many of th~ir sympathizers are known .. on our university duilp'uses. . '" If diplomacy and deportation are unable to.stopthe int~rna tional zealot, then the option of covert or overt military action 'should indeed be considered. If such a cOilrse is decided upon, . 'i,t should be'itpplemented t~solutely, iinpellinglyand effeCtively. . This 'government should no longer be' vie~ep as feeble, impotent and vulnerable.,Americans should not merely be tying yellow ribbons around tree trunks. They should exhibit determination and firmne~s in word and deed. When a ,house becomes infested with vermin, one attempts to cleanse it and make it livable once again. We fight bodily infection and disease with every medical advancement at hand in order to regain health and well being. The analogy may limp but a similar course of action should be undertaken to comba.t the evil of h i j a c k i n g . ' " ' . Aswe pray for the safety of those at the me.rcy of the mad; may we also put into action plans' and strategies that will prevent future'attempts to~ule by force ,and terror. The Editor
• !
Publis'hed weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River .. ,' ,410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER , Mosl R(~v. Daniel A, Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John f.. ,Moore ' ...
R,ev. ·Msgr.. )~hn, J.Regafi
NC/ UPI Photo
'The Lord... hath 'not forgotten the cry of the poor. ' Ps. 9: 12, 13
Quinlan· case f~r-reachiIlg
by NC News Service
Ten years ago Karen Ann Quin lan tugged at America's heart strings and made the nation rethink basic ethical'questions of life and death being raised by modern tech nology.. The country and, much of the world shared in the pain of Miss. Quinlan's parents. Joseph and Julia. as they fought through the New Jersey courts for permission to remove the artificial respirator from their comatose daughter and 'let her die. Her case became the topic of books. a 19,77 network televi sion movie, and innumerable radio and TV discussions and newspaper and magazine articles. "She symbolized a great issue of our time." said Msgr. Thomas Trapasso. the Quinlans'friend and former pastor, when Miss. Quin lan died ·of pneumonia June II after living more than 10 years in a coma. ' "Her tragic accident and ·her parents' persistence in doing what was morally correct has resulted in a clear perception as to how we should treat those in the same situation that Karen was in." said Bishop Frank J. Rodimer of Pat erson, 'the diocese in which the Quinlan family Uves. As diocesan chancellor in the 1970s Bishop Rodimer had been a spokesman for the church's p~sition on the moral issues involved in the Quin lan case., . Miss Quinlan, then 21. lapsed into a coma on April 15, 1975, apparently because of the interac tiol1 of alcohol with aspirin and a tranquilizer. Six months later. when
., . it was clear that the coma was irre versible and signs of brain activity had ceased, her father sought to be declared legal guardian in order to terminate use of the respirator that was. maintaining her breathing. After a lower court ruled against . him, the state supreme court took up an appeal and decided in favor of Quinlan on March 31, '1976. In May Miss QJ.linlan was rel110ved from the respirator. In June she was transferred frqm St, Clare Hospital in Denville., N.J., to the Morris View Nursing Home,in Morris Plains. There she lived , another nine years with the help of intravenous feeding and ordinary care, although she never regained consciousness before her dea~h. After the first trial in the case, Quinian expressed amazement at the publicity generated by his request for legal guardianship of his daughter. Msgr. Trapasso said that from the start he advised the Quinlans that they were well within traditional Catholic moral teach ing. which s~ys that one need not use extraordinary measures to pre serve human life. . The celebrated case brought con siderable publicity to that Catholi~ teaching. surprising some who -thought the church would auto matically opt for preserving life. whatever the circumstances. In fact a' priest-editorialist on the 'Vatican newspaper; L'Osser vatoreRomano. took a stance very close to that and criticize5i the Quinlans for seeking to end use of the respirator. Noted moral theol ogians rejected that view. saying it did not reflect church teaching.
When an Italian doctor'interviewed on Vatican Radio warned that the Quinlan case provoked dangers of mercykilling, Bishop (then Msgr.) Rodimer called a press conference to express the "approval, sympathy and understanding"'of the Pater son diocese for the Quinlims. From the start of the Quinlan case most moral theologians and ethicists considered it "an open and-shut case" which "should never have gone to the courts." said 'Jesuit Father Richard McCormick, , a'moral theologian at the Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and Bioethics at Georgetown University in Washing ton. The importance of the"case was that "it created a public awareness that had not been there." the priest • commented. It was that case, he said. that really started the Ameri 'can public asking questions about the uses of medical technology. "It was the first in a series (of cases) which helped us achieve both moral and legal clarity" about such issues, he added. "She had a purpose in life far beyond what we could have sus p~cted," Bishop Rodimer said in commenting on Miss Quinlan's death. "There is a time for care in the hospital, but then there is a time to say·I·mdying.... said Mrs. Quinlan in an interview just days before her daughter died. "Karen."she added. "has become a symbol of life. Precious. And we should care for that life, but also recognize that there i~ a time to go h011J~. "
.' ...
Pastoral tensions
Is your pastor looking pale these days? Does he lack ener gy? If so, perhaps he is exper iencing some special tensions. At the annual meeting of the asso ciation known as Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activ ities, Father Thomas Ventura, vi car for priests in the Archdiocese of Chicago, discussed the most dominant tensions in a pastor's life. He indicated that these ten sions revolve around: -trying to be a good shepherd while also attempting to be a com petent administrator; -being caught in the middle between conservatives and liberals; -attending to present needs of the parish while trying to plan for the future. Father Ventura went on to say that pastors are expected to coor dinate directors of religious and adult education, youth ministers, liturgists, lectors, extraordinary ministers and a host of other min isters. While acting as coordina tors, pastors also must maintain buildings, manage books and meet collection quotas. In his role as shepherd, the pas tor must participate in parish meet ings, weddings, baptisms, funer als. He also is expected to stand outside the church and greet peo ple after each Sunday Mass. The pastor is often caught be tween one generation that wants
old-time devotions and another that advocates liturgies that move far beyond Vatican II. Daily he is faced by develop 'ments which demand an imme diate 'response: a need to provide counseling; a personnel problem; a serious illness in the parish. This role often dominates the pastor's life, leaving no time for him to plan for the future of the parish. As I listened to Father Ventura enumerate the tensions of pastors, I asked myself: "Is there a flip side of the coin for a pastor besieged by tensions? Isn't there a ray of hope so'mewhere?" With increased frequency we hear of parishes that are hiring full-or part-time parish adminis- . trators. These individuals are res ponsible for keeping books, main taining buildings and seeing to it that a pastor can concentrate more on his role of shepherd. Granted, a parish needs a budget to hire such a person; and finding a good administrator is often diffi cult. The fact remains that pastors have this option,. which was not as available or was not utilized in the past. The introduction of parish coun cils gives pastors breathing room when they get squeezed between rival groups. Although the pastor has the last word, a council can' give that word the sound of many voices, rather than one lone voice.
Women's fea,rs Like thousands of other fam ilies, violent crime struck us this year. Fortunately our fam ily member fought off the as sault but it was a frightening expe rience for all of us. And the after math has made me more cautious, more frightened and more angry. Shortly after the attack I was giving a talk at· a parish renewal evening. When the evening ended, the two leaders - both women -and I closed up the church hall and went out into the parking lot. It was very dark and our three cars were parked a distance from one another. So we all got into one car and drove the others to theirs. We waited until each was safely in her car and then drove separate roads home to more darkened parking lots. They live in apart ment buildings where they regu larly risk the interval between leav ing their car and getting safely into their apartments. I was spending the night at a retreat center which is mugger's delight, so I was equally apprehen sive. It was only 10 p.m. and we were in "nice" neighborhoods, but I'm sure we all prayed to get home unharmed. In reflecting upon that evening, I realized how much we ask of women 'in our church who are faced with this situation two or three evenings weekly as they spon sor and conduct parish activities. I am thinking particularly of reli gious education directors, adult educators and scripture leaders but the situation affects volunteer women and attendees as well. These leadership women are usu ally the last ones to leave the church premises and often have to drive some distance alone after planning and directing the evening activity. It isn't fair that they have to worry about getting to their homes safely. Many are single.
Many are sisters getting back to their convent or apartment. I suspect many single and mar ried women in the parish do not attend evening activities because of the safety factor. They may very much want to take part, but the fear isn't worth it. I know I have turned down invitations to present programs in distant parishes at night because of the risk involved and I don't feel I should ask my husband to come and listen to me just because I feel anxious (espe cially if he has listened to me all day). I wonder, too, how many men and youth are aware of our fears. Do they scoff at them as meaning less overreaction to news stories about women who disappear and whose' bodies are found months later? Or do they empathize? Can a man truly understand our fears of personal violation? I have a suggestion to offset this evening meeting fear. I envision parishes asking men and youth to escort women home safely after meetings. This can be their minis.: try; presence can be their gift to the church. Youth groups could take this on as their service dimension. Kids drive around in the evening for fun, why not for a purpose: follow ing women home and watching them safely to their doors. Or, if it's a bus or subway situation, they could ride with them to their destin ation. THE ANCHOR (USPS·S4S·020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Pub lished weekly except the week of July 4 and. the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River . Subscription price by mail, postpaid $8.00 per' year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
tHE ANCHOR:':":Oiocese' of Fall River-Fri.; June 21, 1985
Thanks to an increase in dioce san pastoral planning offices, pas tors now have the assistance of research and planning personnel to help in thinking and planning for the future. There is no doubt pastors are under heavy pressure. As in every advancing'age, however, new op tions can be found to meet the challenge. Whether pastors will find them selves under increasing tension will depend on how well the church sees the need to search out parish administrators, encourage dioce san and parish councils and plan ning offices, and provide an ongo ing opportunity for both to improve their skills so that they are more of a service than a headache for the parish. A c;;hallenge equal to the first will be getting pastors who are accustomed to being a "Lone Ranger" to utilize the team ap proach when a good one is avail able.
It's an area of ministry to be considered in a changing culture where needs differ from those of a time when people strolled comfor tably and unfearfully home from church after an evening ~ervice. At the very least, let's be aware of the reality and be sensitive to women's fears. Let's' make sure there are men who stay to the end and see women safely to their cars. A darkened church with a darker parking lot to anticipate is no way to end a good evening.
Change noted ALLENTOWN, pa (NC)- The Catholic Church is on the brink of becoming global, its greatest turn ing point since the first century, Bishop Kenneth E. Untener of Saginaw, Mich., told a recent national convention of the Slovak Catholic Federation. The bishop said that in its first 30 or 40 years the church was a Jewish sect and that members had to adopt Judaism before becom ing Christian. The opening of the church to non-Jews was "a terrible trauma," he said, calling it "the most significant turning point in the 2,000-year history of the church." The present transition of the church from a Western European to a global institution is another such turning point, he said.
What will
heaven be like? Q. Our family dog, which was loved by all of us, died recently. Now the children are asking whe ther dogs go to heaven and whether they will have him there. I want them to have peace of mind and know God loves them. Any sug gestions? (Florida) A. Isn't it amazing how children often go to the heart of a theologi cal question more quickly than adults? . Of course, when we get down to it, we don't really know. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see dogs (and trees and flowers) in heaven. Anyway, my fav.orite answer to a question like that is: Heaven is a place where we will all be perfectly happy. When we get there, if we really think we will need a dog to be perfectly happy, I'm sure God will see that we have one. I don't believe anyone could argue with that. . Q. I read somewhere that the U.S. bishops have permitted (but only reluctantly) the celebration of Mass using the pre-Vatican II (Tridentine) form. Why have they been so reluctant? I attend the Tridentine Mass, not in defiance of our Holy Father but as a preference. With Pope John Paul's indult I feel even more comfortable. Those who attend my church are devout, sincere, courteous and love God with all their hearts. (Ohio) A. The real Tridentine Mass, approved by Pope Pius V after the Council of Trent, hasn't been used for nearly 400 years. It was changed numerous times, the final time before Vatican II being the changes approved by Pope John XXIII in 1962. It was this 1962 missal - and only this one - which was ap proved by Pope John Paul last year for use under clear and limited conditions. One' of those conditions, incid entally, which must be prese.nt before a bishop may grant permis sion for a Mass with the 1962 mis sal, is that the priest ~nd people who make the petition have no ties with groups which call into doubt the lawful force and doctrinal soundness of the form ofthe Mass approved by Pope Paul VI in 1969. ' This latter form is the one in general use today. As for your final remarks about the people involved, some things need saying. The church has a rich history of tradition and practice which has developed through the. centuries. . But it is not a 'cadaver or a museum. It.is the living body of Christ. Like any living person it has essential elements that remain al ways the same and others that. change from one time to another. To "canonize" anyone period of . the church's history to the rejec tion of another, or to claim the Holy Spirit was with the church and guiding it in critical aspects of its life at one time but not another, is to deny the church itself. We're not discussing, therefore, whether people are devout, sin
cere, courteous and loving. They can be all these, whatever church or religion they espouse. We're discussing whether they are knowledgeable and committed members of the Catholic faith. Honoring the church's regulations and intentions concerning the cele bration of the Eucliarist is unques tionably a necessary part of that commitment. Q. I have two questions con cerning annulments. Does a peti tion for annulment need to be filed in the state where the marriage took place? Would the other spouse be contacted or notified ofthe rea sons for the annunment? (Louisiana) A. Normally the petition for any marriage case, including an an nulment, should be initiated with the priest in the parish where the petitioner lives at that time. It makes no difference where the marriage took place. ' Unless it is clearly impossible to locale the other partner in an annulment process, he or she is always contacted during the inves tigations and is notified of the tribunal's action if an annulment is granted. Q. On Holy Thursday night why cannot women be among· those chosen to represent the apostles in the ceremony o[ the washing of the feet? (Illinois) There is no church rule forbid ding what you suggest. Many churches, in fact, which observe the ceremony 0 f the washing of the feet include both men and women who are served in this symbolic way by the celebrant or one of the other ministers. A free brochure giving the basic prayers, beliefs and guideposts of the Catholic faith is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Fsther Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, TIll. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.
Food plan asked WASHINGTON (NC)-Con gress should devise a comprehen sive food-agriculture plan and not settle for the "easy way out" or a legislative package oftradeoffs for "competing speci~l interests,." ac cording to Archbishop IgnatiUs J. Stre.cker of Kansas City, Kan. The plan should consider th~ world's poor, the disadvantaged In Amer ica, U.S,.' consumers, farmers and the environment, he said in pre pared testimony to the Senate ~~m mittee on Agriculture, NutntlOn and Forestry. His testimony rep resented the views of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference, of which he is president, and t~e U.S. Catholic Conference, pubhc action agency ofthe National Con ference of Catholic Bishops.
-a.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 21, 1985
Pope to travel
down under
!! ~
Guad~Iupanas Sisters , to' mal~e final vows
CANBERRA, Australia (NC) - 'Pope John Paul II will visit Australia in November 1986, Deputy Prime Minister Lionel Mexico, will return to the Fall "We want to share with every Bowen has announced. one the happiness of being call River diocese. The pope also will visit New ed by God." The' Guadalupanas community Zealand, said Archbishop Fran has been in the diocese since With those words two Guada cis ,Rush of Brisbane, president lupanas Sisters are inviting 1975, working with Hispanics in , of the Australian bishops' con· friends to attend a. Mass of Attleboro. Taunton and New ference. thanksgiving at 7 p.m. July 1 at Bedford. Their activities :include Archbishop Luigi Barbarito, St. James Church, New 'Bedford. organizing CCD programs and apostolic pronuncio to Australia, The liturgy will mark the sisters' summer Bible schools and'Legion. said he hoped the event would of Mary and Children of Mary departure for Miami. where at ,include beatification ceremonies the end of July they will make groups. They visit homes and for Sister Mary MacKiHop, a co hospitals and aid new arrivals final profession as religious. founder of the nation's first reli· the complexities of welfare' with Sister Marta Tobon and Sister gious congregation. Francisca Aldama have been and social security systems. Sister MacKillop, born Jan. They look forward to greeting serving the diocesan Hispanic 15, 1842, in Melbourne, capital Apostolate, Sister Marta for four old and new friends on July .1. of the state of Victoria, started years and Sister Francisca for Father Peter N. Graziano, direc· her congregation to help the poor AMONG EMPLOYEES honored for long service at the and educate needy children in tor of the ~ispanic Apostolate. three; annual banquet of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, were, AustraHa's towns and remote After their profession. which will be principal celebrant at their Mass, to be concelebrated from left with hospital president Alan D. Knight; Anne "outback" areas. will come during a Miami meet· by oth~r priests active in the The order' style of life created ing of all members of their Mexi Marie Kelly,. continuing care coordinator, 25 years; Ella such tension with Australian can community who lire working apostolate. Whelan, oncology/radiation therapy transcriptionist, 30 bishops that Sister MacKiIlop in the United States, Sister years; and Jeanne Menard, senior admitting clerk, 25 years. was briefly excommunicated. It Isn't Faith Marta, originally from Colom Not pictured: Mariette Eaton, RN, of the hospital's educa "To believe only possibiHties is The bishop who took that action bia, wiH go to Mexico for two tion department, 30 years: In all, 96 employees were rec,og not faith but mere philosophy." . ·Iater apologized and said he had years of spiritual studies. while .acted on bad advice. ' nized at the banquet. Sister Francisca. a nativ.e of - Thomas Browne Sister McKillop saw the prob lems of the poor and "by sending sisters out to the bush to edu cate them she helped prepare generations of good Australian . CINCINNATI (NC) - More music together in one place at citizens who have given to this country the prestige, dignity and than 20 top artists in ,liturgical the same time," sa,id the pro it enjoys today,'" A'rch wealth music are following the lead of ject's producer, Paul Quinlan, bishop Barbarito said. Personal, auto. mortgage, student -loans who plans to lead off the record American pop sin'gers by record The sisters Jived' in tiny, iso· from Citizens-Union Savings Banlt. ing an album to raise. money ing session singing his own com 1ated communities, often only position, "Sing to God a Brand for African famine relief. two in a hut, working with the While the secular vocalists New Canticle.'" call their fund-raising record, All net profts from ·the album. poor and frequently cut off from "We are the World," the a-iturgi ,will go to Catholic agencies and Mass and . ,the sacraments for cal musicians have titled their missions in Afric!1. Quinlan said months. Archbishop Barbarito said that pr~ject, "The Cry 'of the Poor," he expects the project to gross whether Sister McKillop is beati after a 1978 song by, Jesuit $10 million. fied during the papal visit will Father John Foley. Fifty-five percent of the profits depend' on completion' of the The artists will record the will go to Catholic Relief Ser benefit album' at a .live concert vices' African Emergency Fund.., work for her cause. If everything is ready "it will June 26 at the Eighth Annual Each receiving 15 percent of the be a magnificent climax to the National Pastoral Musicians Con proceeds will be Mother Teresa's pope's visit to Australia," he X-RAY aUALITY PIPE FABRICATION vention in Cincinnati. . Missionaries of Oharity in East silid: "Never before has there been Africa, the Jesuit Refugee Ser SPRINI<LERS • PROCESS PIPING a gathering' of so many impor PLUMBING. GAS FITTING. HEATING vice for Africa, and the Congre tant people ·in post-Vatican II gation of the Holy Ghost. 32 MiD Street (Route 79) North .American, Liturgical Re The Providence College Cor Assonet. MA 02702 sources, the liturgical music poration has elected Rev. Ter 644-2221 publisher serving all participants ence O'Shaughnessy, O.P., prior in the project, initiated it ~fter pastor of St. Pius Priory in hearing one of its composers, Providence, as, executive vice Father Lucien Deiss, a Congre president of the col.lege, and Dr. gation of the Holy Ghost priest. Francis P. MacKay, associate ST. PAUL, Minn. (NC) - The ~escribe the devastation he saw professor of chemistry, as vice in Africa. U.S. economic system is "cruci president for academic adminis fying" family fanners,. Arch Artists expected to participate tration. Both appointments' are bishop John R Roach of St. Paul in the project are: Grayson War effective July 1. Minneapolis wrote ·in his arch ren Brown; Tom Conry; Daniel Designers and Manufacturers of . Father O'Shaughnessy will be diocesan newspaper, the Cath Consiglio; Rory Cooney; the the second ranking administra World's Finest Religious Master olic. Bulletin. "Our nation seems Dameans; Father Deiss; Jesuit tor at the college, while Dr. pieces, Jewelry. and Gifts. content to assume that our Father Robert Fabing; Tom Kend MacKay wiU be principal acad economy :is' very healthy, yet z-ia; Carol Jean Kinghorn; Tim emic officer, responsible for Ash for Creed at your favorite Jeweler's. many of our rural sisters' and Manion; Jack Miffleton; and hiring, promoting and tenure of Religious Shopor Gift Store. brothers are being choked by a Miller, Smith and Valentine. faculty. depression almost· as grim as In' addition to the songs by. that of the 1930s...· he said. Quinlan. and Father Foley, the re "They aren"t guilty ... They cording will include Michael rare victims." An estimated Joncas' "On Eagle's Wings,': Father Leo J. Shea, SJ, ~ ,.. ,..,.,... . -~ 100,000 family. farms are ex Jesuit Father Robert Dufford's. :brother of Margaret Geagan .of c::. ---........----. ~,.) .
pected ,togo under this year," he "Be Not Afraid" and Carey Hyannis, will mark his golden wrote,. calling the danger to fam . Landry's "I Will Not Forget jubilee of ordination June 23. '~f YOl~." . ily farms "not just a fann prob Father Shea, 82, a native of lem" but "a national problem The recording will be available Lawrence, directs a Catholic that affects aU of us~ ... To the at religious bookstores sometime family planning educational CLOSED SUNDAYS extent that we allow a concen in August. To order, send checks center in Cairo, Egypt. From Daily Deliveries to Otis. Barnstable County Hospital. tration of 'land ownership in payable to The Cry of the Poor 1938 to 1969 he served in Bagh Tobey Hospital, Falmouth Hospital fewer hands, and lose the rich Fund Inc., P.O. Box 26929, dad. Iraq. When Jesuits were 12 McARTHUR BLVD.• BOURNE SO. ROTARY; BOURNE tradition of the family fa'nn; we Phoenix, Ariz., 85068. Master expelled from the area in 1969. ,lose a treasured national heri Card and' Visa are accepted. ·he went to Egypt, where he has Tel. "59-4211 and 759-2669 tage." . . ... ,. Minimum donation is $10. since served: . '.".
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Continued from page one with Father MoLoughlin's mother, Loretta McLoughlin, by_ telephone from Cyprus, Syria, where she was taken with other hostages who had been released . June 14. "She wanted to know if we were all praying and I told her we were," she said. "I told her we were starting a vigil. We told her that we loved her and were glad she was safe, and that we loved him (her son) and would keep on praying for him." In St. Charles, members of St. Patrick Church prayed for Father Dempsey, who ihas been pastor for seven years. No mem bers of the parish had been on the hijacked plane. "He's a very good leader and speaker, a prayerful, compas sionate man," -said Father Step hen St. Jules, associate pastor. Freed hostage Frank Scibetta of Geneva, who returned to the Chicago area June 17 with other members of the Rockford Dio cese, quoted Father McLoughlin as saying to him when he left the hijacked plane, "Well, good ,bye, we'll be right behind you." Bishop O'Rourke The presence of the two priests should be a comfort to the victims, 'Bishop Edward W. O'Rourke of Peoria, once a hi jack hostage himself, said June
Weath erman mIXes Je ob an.d com.mitment
By Joseph Motta Johri Ghiorse !is working at a 17. "The hostages are under a hobby, and he's thankful for that. great deal of duress," Bishop The Seekonk resident a mem O'Rourke told the Catholic Post, bel" of that town's Ou~ Lady of Mount' Carmel parish, is chief newspaper of the Peoria mo cese. "Two priests could do meteorologist at WLNE-TV, New Bedford-Providence. wonders in the situation, especi Ghiorse, 46, a 1961 Harvard 'aHy to their parishioners." . In September 1976, -BIshop graduate-1hought he was·headed O'Rou~ke's flight from New York for law'sohool, but his mother to ChIcago was commandeered spotted a newspaper advertise f?r 32 hours by hija£kers who ment stating that the United dlspl;~yed fake bombs a~d"h~nded States Air Force was ~ooking for out freedom for CroatIa litera meteorologists always fascinated by the weather, Ghiorse signed turTe· . . h e bIshop saId tihat death is up and was sent to Penn State ~he most prevalent ~f the feel for training. After four and a mgs a~ thoughts gomg through half years of foreoasting for the the mmds of the people being. Air Force, he began his career he~~. . as a television weatherman in .That thIS .may be the hour of Hartford. He has been with therr death ~s probably always WLNE since 1983 on their minds. A priest can be of . enormous help to them." "I'm not reaUy the type that enjoys dimelight, but over the Bishop O'Rourke helped dur ing his ordea'1 by praying with years I've come to real'ize that the ihostages, giving general ab recognition is part of my job," solution to the Catholics in Ghiorse noted. However, "early on I found it a IittIe disconcerting volved, and hearing several pri beoause I wanted to be~a private vate confessions. "With the proper preparation, person." there was a great peace. We For instance, on a trip to were thoroughly conv.inced we London, while touring St. Paul's would die, and were ready to Cathedral, he was surprised to hear his name caned: "It was die." He noted that the victims of .really odd," he chuckled. ."It this hijacking were in a worse 11appened to be two school teachers from Fall River." situation than he bad been. "The Croatians were cruel but Viewers phone WLNE with not like the characters in this hT many questions, he said. Fear of jacking. lightning prompts a lot of caBs, "The :basic ev.i:I of hijacking ·and one older lady' dials in for is to abuse innocent persons with reassurance whenever there is regard to something they have such a storm. Many young peo nothing to do with," Bishop pie contact Ghiorse for career O'Rourke said. advice, but he cautions them to keep ,their options open, since opportunities in the field are Not Useless "So 'long as we love, we serve; quite limited and not many so long as we are loved by schools offer the required pro others, 'I would almost say we gram. are indispensable, and no man Money for weather research is useless while he has a friend." and development, to make fore castinga more exact science, is - Robert Louis Stevenson
supplied by the government, but the need for those,dollars is not cla~sified .as "~i~h priority," Ghlorse saId, pomtmg out that advances will come at the same rate as funds. He tries to deliver his on camera forecastS with a meas ured amount of creativity. One of his ideas, showcasing slides sent !in by viewers as a background to daily weather statistics, has been very well received. Family And Religious Life Ghiorseand his wife Connie are the parents of four: John, 18; Alicia, 16; Phillip, 11; and David, 6. "I think that children mirror what happens in the home," Ghiorse said. "Affection in both a verbal and physical sense goes a long way." He and Mrs. Ghiorse do their best to achieve a high level of communication with
their children and try to impart their own values to them through that action. "If a parent does not Jive by his own words, he is not teaching," Mrs. Ghiorse add ed. She stressed that when she sees families that have few or no religious values, she often sees families faUing apart.
Friday, June 21, 1985
The forecaster is not currently as involved in parish activities as he once was, "because I didn't want to mjss my kids growing up." He has served as a parish CCD teacher and eucharistic minister, and, with his wife, was involved in Cursillo and Echo programs at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro. He llikes to vary in volvements and may teachCCD agllin this fall. The meteorologist holds a special place in his heart for the Cursillo retreat program, which uses a three-day weekend of prayer, community experience and presentations to examine the history and doctrine of the Cath olic Church. It 'attempts to give one the means to carry convic tions into everyday life.
Direction of
Rev. J. Joseph Kierce
Author and Producer of
The New England Passion Play
"Living the Cursillo weekend was one of the outstanding ex periences of my me," Ghiorse declared. "It was tremendously revealing 'and eye-opening." As a result of the Cursillo, he tries . to be more introspective about aHaspects of his :life. "Lay people shoul<i be vocal," he said. "They should express their opinions on issues that they feel strongly about," He thinks that the church's chal 'Ienge, for the most part, is to be a leader !in world situations, not a reactor to them. A concerned, caring lay per son, Ghiorse proves that weather men needn't have their heads up in the clouds.
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ANNUAL SUMMER FEST8VAL ST. JEAN BAPTISTE CHURCH GROUNDS corner of Tucker Street & Stafford Road, Fall River Friday, June 21 - 6 to 11 p.m. - Saturday, June 22 - Sunday, June 23 noon to 11 p.m. • LIVE BANDS • Saturday night: ZIP & ZAP Sunday. night: Cour,ltry & Western , (Both Nights 6 to 11 p.m.) • 'HOT MEALS • FRENCH CUISINE •
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 21, 1985
Time passes so quickly By Hilda Younjt
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She, said it at least a million times while I was growing up: "Wait until you're my age. Time passes so fast. You won't believe it. " My mother, as usual, was right. Sometimes those little yet po~er- , ful truths have a way of wedging themselves into your mind between trying to remember which child you are'supposed to be taking to the dentist and which one has soccer practice. The way time has of picking up -speed in geometric fashion as you get older really hit home today after a long-distance conversation with a young cousin about her eight-month-old. It's her firstborn and she was exhausted because he, has bee!,!, keeping her up all night with his crying. Trying to convince a young mo th\er that once you've fed, burped
preparation sessions. This service nesses of the program, collection of resources and education. is made possible through the gener osity of 10 priests and 96.married . As a result of this effort, 27 new couples who volunteer their time couples have committed themselves and experience t9 help the engaged to a year of service on the diocesan marriage preparation team. Their For months before a wedding reflect on their vocation to matri names and areas follow: the engaged couple and often both, mony. Since last September, leaders of ATTLEBORO AREA: Michael their families spend incredible time ana effort (to say nothing of money)' area programs in Attleboro, Cape and Patricia Pomerleau, Our Lady in preparation for the big day. The Cod, Fall River, New Bedford and ofMt. Carmel; Michael and Patri focus is short term: the ceremony, Taunton have been working with cia Murphy, St. Mark. the reception, the honeymoon. Jerry and Scottie Foley of the CAPE COD: Richard and Mau But as the statistics on failed Office of Family Ministry under reen Brenner, St. Pius X; Paul and marriages and stress and abuse in the guidance of Rev. Ronald A. Mary Becker and Dwight and Jean the family become ever more discour- . Tosti, director. Gi~dings, Christ the King; Jim and JoAnne Marzelli, St. John; aging, the church is trying to help Together they began a renova couples avoid becoming part of tion process which has included Jack and Evelyn' Jenerico, Otis Air those statistics by looking beyond recruitment of new team members, Force Chapel; Paul and Diane the wedding day to the total life Nielsen, Our Lady of Victory. analysis of strengths and weak 'time together. ' FALL RIVER AREA: John and A few hours spent in a marriage Connie Barbosa, William and preparation program can open new JoAnne Meehan, Joseph and Patri levels of communication, help in cia Silva and Carlos and Maria establishing priorities and fortify Tavares, St. John of God; Jack couples to deal with the inevitable and Joan McHugh, Tom and Eileen . adjustments to married life. Kenny, Vic and Judy Lopes, Harry In the Diocese of Fall River this and Irene Silva, Dave and Joan year, over 1700 engaged couples Souza, Don and Lenny Souza and will attend one of 60 marriage Dennis and Betty Velozo, Our
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I looked over at our youngest, playing checkers on the floor with his sister. Playing checkers. And in the first grade. And reading. My baby! Somehow your baby remains your baby even though his body and his mind don't respect that fantasy.
I went in the bathroom and , looked in the mirror. The bags had subsi'ded. But wrinkles are sure fil ling in the vacancy. I went back to the front room. "Hey, youngest child," I said, "come here and sit on your moth er's lap' for a minute." "Aw, Mom, howcome?"he said, moving a checker to block his sister. "Because my mother said there'd be days like this," I told him. "And besides, just wait until you're my age. You'll understand."
The following article, prepared by the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry, provides an update on the ministry's marriage prepara tion program. Editor.
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I remember well how our oldest cried on at night. It seems like yes~ terdayJ was looking in the mirror wondering if the bags under my eyes qualified me as a martyr.
As I talked with my cousin, I think I was probably ladling out advice as if "my baby" was still eight-months-old too. But there he was on the floor talking about playing soccer, and laughing at his sister's knock-knock jokes and wear ing the pajamas his two brothers had outgrown before him.
Marriage prepar'ation concerns church
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and cozied up a little guy (and ,you've been to the pediatrician three times in the past 10 days) you can pretty well be sure he's OK, only reinforced my impression of how time flies. With the advantage that perspective brings, I tried to tell her: Give yourself and him a break; sh,ut the door and let him cry.
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,Lady of Grac~; Mitch and Claire Machado, SS Peter and Paul. NEW BEDFORD AREA: Gary and Rebecca Fealy, St. Joseph, Fairhaven; Dennis and Caro'le Lawrence, St. John the Baptist; , Robert and Betsy Peckham, Ber nie and .Rita Audette, and Marty and Betty King, St. Julie Billiart; Ed and Ellen Kelly, St. James. TAUNTON AREA: Michael and Sandra Sousa, St. Joseph, No. Dighton. These new couples, as well as 24 veteran team couples, three priests and one transitional deacon, par _ticipated in one of three marriage preparation workshops designed to develop adult education skills and to improve program content. Among topics addressed were the sacramentality of marriage, sexuality, communication, back grounds, natural family planning. finances and parenting. Annual workshops. requested by the team members. will be pro vided by the Office of Family Min istry to meet the needs of both teams and engaged couples. For other information regard ing. the Diocesan Marriage Prepa . ratIOn program. please contact the Office of Family Ministry., 500 Slocum Rd. No. Dartmouth. tel. 999-:6420..
Looking back with the Class of '80
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 21, 1985
by Joseph Motta respondents in that he made the their Catholic educations prepared Last month marked the fifth decision himself to attend a Cath , them well for both work and per anniversary of my graduation from olic high school. Like every other sonal/ moral situations. Goffwrote Bishop Feehan High School, respondent, he would consider send "My Catholic education is the pri Attleboro. I became quite inter ing his own child to one someday. mary reason for my success in ested, as my milestone approached, All but a few of those who wrote higher education and the Catholic in seeing if my classmates at the in are practicing Catholics, but teaching philosophy facilitated my' five Catholic high schools in the Episcopalian Mark A. Sunderland growth as a human being." An Fall River diocese were as happy was impressed enough with the anonymous Bishop Stang High with their educations as I was with education he received at Bishop School graduate agrees, stating mine. I believe that my Catholic Connolly High School, Fall River, that in a Catholic high school a education has helped to develop student is treated "more like an my values and morals, shaping me to comment that its discipline ~nd individual and not asjust another atmosphere of healthy competition into the person I've become (some number in the classroom. " made it his ongoing choice over a one I can usually bear to live with). Overwhelmingly positive re The Anchor provided some of public school. One anonymous Con sponses were received in this small my contemporaries with a chance . nolly student, however, in looking scale survey. There was only one back, would have chosen to attend to vocalize their opinions on Cath criticism; a graduate expressed con olic education through the medium public school, since it was co-ed cern over the quality of teachers at while Connolly, at the time, was of a suryey sent out to randomly his school. selected members of the diocesan not. This man points out, though, I was not surprised at what my class of 1980. Respondents had the that he attended a (co-ed) Catholic classmates had to say. Bound to ootion to remain anonymous. college. gether by Jesus Christ and a dedi Based on the responses, here's cated group of Christian educa Coyle and Cassidy High School, who the Class of '80 is, and what it tors, we know a good thing when Taunton, and Bishop Feehan grad thinks: uate§ Roland N. Goff and Kirk we've experienced it. We are, among other things, , Felici are representative of most of Your comments and questions counselors, nursing students, res their classmates in thinking that are most welcome. taurant managers and salesmen. We are an educated group; most of us have gone on to college or have received training in some special ized area after high school. On the whole, we are still single and child less; we're just turning 23, and school has kept us quite busy. We live at home or close to it, but a few of us have flown the nest for places like Minneapolis, Ft. Lauderdale and Los Angeles. Our comments imply that we are increas ingly unhappy with being called members of the "yuppie" genera tion (Young Urban Professionals); we do not subscribe to the selfish values associated with that label.
Michael J. Murray, a graduate of Holy Family High School, .New Bedford, now a law student in Boston, wrote that "My Catholic education has had a large impact on all aspects of my life." Murray is typical of the majority of the
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Bishops OK economypastoral'thrust
Member F.D.t.C.
continued from page one tation with administrators of U.S. colleges and universities in prepar ing the first draft. The pastoral was in two sections: the first set ting a context for campus ministry today by discussing the concerns and ideals of leaders in U.S. higher . education; the second treating cam pus ministry itself. Many bishops complained that, the draft was not about campus ministry, as mandated, but about higher education. Some suggested eliminating the whole first section, others suggested turning it into a short introduction, and still others suggested drastic restructuring of that part. Despite criticisms, bishops also found many positive aspects in the draft and many points worthy of development. Bishop Friend said his committee expects to complete a final draft for the bishops to debate and vote on in November. In a session devoted to relations of U.S. bishops with men and women religious in their dioceses, Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco said that listening ses sions of bishops with religious over the past 18 months have brought "a renewed sense of belong ing by religious in the local chur ch...and, on the part of the bishops, a new, deeper'appreciation of reli gious life."
In 1983 Archbishop Quinn was declined to say what other topics named head of a papal commis were up for discussion. sion assigned to help U.S. bishops develop closer relations with and be of greater pastoral service to religious. The listening sessions were the first phase of the project. The next phase, he told the bishops, should be a "real dia logue" in which bishops and reli gious share views and seek to resolve tensions. Archbishop Quinn turned most of his session over to six religious who led discussions on topics of wide concern to their co·lleagues. P,A.C.C. Grounds - 175 School St. - Taunton, Mass. The discussion leaders explained PORTUGUESE AMERICAN how U.S. religious understand , church teaching and practice since Vatican II in such areas as com munity life, religious obedience" FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY exercise of authority, the relation APPEARING ship that different religious orders see between apostolate or ministry FRIDAY - "SCORPIOS" and the witness of consecrated life, PORTUGUESE AMERICAN FAVO~nES and the meaning and importance of the gifts of the Spirit. SATURDAY - The Fabulous . Last Sunday was devoted by the "ED MELLO ORCHESTRA" bishops to rest, prayer and spirit ual reflection and Monday and Swinging Musicians Tuesday were given over to c1osed door "executive sessions." SUNDAY - ZIP & ZAP - Honky Tonk Music
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At the press conference after the last open session June 15, Bishop Malone acknowledged that this fall's Synod of Bishops in Rome would be among chief items on the Monday-Tuesday agenda, but he ~'j.
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Remedies for insomnia By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: I cannot" get to sleep at night. Nothing I do seems to help. In fact;the harder I try, the more awake I am. Going to bed has become something I dread. Although lam tired to the point of exhaustion, my mind starts racing as soon as I hit the pillow. My friends urge me to take sleeping pUis, bilt I'm afraid 111 get hooked. Please help me get to sleep. Insomnia is a common prob lem, especially among people who lead stressful lives. The task is to get your physiology to switch gears and slow down. Ordering yourself to relax usually has the opposite effect. Here ate some suggestions. How about a light snack,one hour before bedtjme. A small helping of cheese and crackers with a glass of milk may get your stomach working in a soothing rhythm. However, avoid caffeine drinks and sugar after .6:00 p.m. A warm drink at bedtime can also be helpful. Warm milk, tea or lemonade are popular nightcaps. A glass of wine or beer may warm your soul and slow down your rac ing mind in another way.
Speaking of warmth, a warm of your daily troubles, keep bring bath may be pleasant and relax ing it back to the particulars of ing. Take a few minutes to soak in your fantasy. the tub before climbing into bed. Listen to music. Put on 9ne of Another possibility that has been your favorite tapes, adjust the ear known to put the brakes on a run phones and settle back for a bed away mind and body is mild exer time concert. cise.Try taking a brisk 20-minute Pray. Try wordless prayers. Let walk around the neighborhood your mind reach out in contact about one hour before bedtime. with God. Make simple acts of trust and love. Escapist reading m.ay also cap ture your mind and help your Don't rule out medication. Once body rhythms to decelerate. I enjoy in a while, when nothing else has reading National Geographic and worked, you may wish to medicate science fiction in bed for a half yourself to a good night's. sleep. hour before I get sleepy. Do not do You might limit yourself to no problems or homework or any more than two sleeping pills per reading that taxes your mind. This week, so as not to become drug is the time for fun and pleasure . dependent. I would agree with you reading. in using drugs as a last resort after Speaking of fun and pleasure, two or three sleepless nights, sex can be a good relaxer. A snug Finally, if nothing works, don't gle beats three. sleeping pills and lie there in bed suffering. Bake a can give your body a much-needed cake. Clean house. Do something release from tension and your soul mindless that you would not waste the feeling of being loved. your time on during the day. " Yet another possibility is guided Sleep tight! fantasy and imagery. SeleCt ascene Reader questions on family liv from your earlier life that you found pleasant andpeacefuLRelive ing and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address the that scene, using all five senses to Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's recall it. No matter how your mind College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978. races to grab the worrisome details
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Gelb suggested th~t such "blind By Antoinette Bosco studied data gathe·red over 30 years. Lately I've come across a number . He found that rates of suicide, spots" are inherent in the legacy of psychiatry. "Freud, in all his works, of research studies that come to a homicide, fatal car accidents attrib similar conclusion. Sirpply stated, utable to alcohol, infant, fetal and rarely went beyond the horizon of the family," Gelb explained. it is that the harsh reality of.living maternal mortality, mental hospi in an imperfect world may be the talization and alcohol abuse all. . cause 0f t he pro bl ems t hat I'ncreased wI'thl'n two years ·after I think it is extremely major " . important natl'onal economl'c conditions had that people who bring many patients into therapy. d expe.nence b st.ress, This contradicts the more general deteriorated. " anxiety and epresslOn egm to approach that therapists seem to His study suggeststhat_a_p~ry~:._._!?_~k_".10~e at the "reality factors" prefer: If you're in'trouble or have sive-condition "like' the recession 10 their hves. Christians should have,an advan a problem it stems from your par-' caused more health problems than ents, your childhood experience or . having a poor relationship with tage here. We know we were made some inborn weakness. one's parents ever did. in the image and likeness of God I've known perfectly nice, wellDr. Lester Gelb is a psychiatrist and we have the lessons of Jesus to balanced people experience subtle at Maimoriides "Medical Center in help us know how valuable and to extreme changes in personality Brooklyn, N.Y. He said recently. important we are. Every hair on after going through setbacks such that the fear and isolation expressed our heads is important to the Crea , as divorce, losing a job, of being a by many patients these days may tor who made us. victim ofa fire or a theft. Their be directly related to threats of Armed with that assurance of problems in no way had anything. street cr-ime·and nuclear war. Yet to do with how they were treated these sources are rarely touched our value and destiny, it should be full speed ahead to health. . by their parents. on ·in therapy. I don't think a catastropnip event unlocks previous unresolved inner conflicts either. That's what one therapist told a friend of mine who was falling apart after her yo.ung- \ est son left a suicide note. Another case I know of involved a 70-year-old woman who became agoraphobic - abnormally afraid of open spaces - after an older woman in the same building was robbed and bludgeoned to death. My friend didn;t withdraw into the confines of her apartment im mediately. It came upon her rather suddenly a week later when another older woman was mugged on a street near her apartment. ! Therapists tried to help her get over her fear by persuadingher to go out only during "safe" times of the day. But I think she needed a differ I ent kind of therapeutic approach FRANCISCAN Fathers John McVean, left, and John because her fear was based on a tragic reality of the times. Felice have until mid-August to spend $2 million for housing -It seems to me that she needed a. for the poor. The money came fr.om 'an out-of-court settlement different environment in a safer with a real estate firm that demolished four rooming houses in . setting, perhaps where she'd be liv ing with others rather than all midtown Manhattan. The Catch-22 aspect of the windfall is alone. That didn't happen and the that "replacement housing should be in the same area, where therapists labeled her as having suitable buildings start at about $3 million. If the priests can't ) "borderline paranoia." find a bargain, the money reverts to New York City for other Dr. M. Harvey Brenner, a Johns Hopkins University sociologist, social service uses. (NC/Wide World photo)
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'New face of racism' discussed
JANE MOODY is backed by both the U.S. Capitol and thousands of T-shirts for Ethiopia. NCIUPI Photo
T-shirts flood CRS By NC News Service Catholic Relief Services has nearly reached its goal in its drive to coiled more than a half million T-shirts for Ethiopia. According to Beth Griffin, CRS information officer, parishes, dio ceses and other Catholic groups around the country have over whelmingly responded to its request for 560,000 T-shirts and sweatshirts for children in Ethiopia. A Connecticut priest, Father Edmund Nadolny, got 75,000 by contacting manufacturers and by making other appeals, she said.
From the Fall River diocese, T-shirt dona tions may be sent to CRS Warehouse, 24 Melrich Rd., Cran bury, NJ, 08512
of MTV, a national cable network that plays music videos and has a large youth audience. The Network started promoting the T-shirt drive May 13. MTV veejays (counterpart of radio deejays) Nina Blackwood and Alan Hunter, musician Tom Chapin and other entertainment and political figures participated in a CRS "shirt-sharing day" at the outdoor bandshell in New York's Lincoln Center on June 8. Morning rain kept attendance down, but the effort netted about 5,000 shirts, Miss Giffin said. Thousands of shirts were col lected before a Milwaukee Brewers Cleveland Indians game at County Stadium in Milwaukee.
. High school seminarians from the archdiocese's Call to Ministry program volunteered their assist ance at the baseball park. Thomas More High School in Milwaukee donated hundreds of brand new shirts left over from its track and basketball teams. Child A drive sponsored by The Evan ren at St. Mary Elementary gelist, newpaper of the Albany School in Waulesha, Wis., in one Diocese, in conjunction with CRS, day collected six boxes of shirts. brought in over 3,000 T-shirts. "It's heartening to see the re In Milwaukee, 19,000' shirts sponse from people who are mail were collected in less than three ing one or two T-shirts or have days in a campaign sponsored by carried in several," said Jon Har CRS-Milwaukee, The Milwaukee rington, business manager of the Brewers and the office of Rep. Jim Albany diocesan paper and coor~ Moody (D-Wis.). dinator of its drive. In Washington, over 25,000 T At Pius X School in Loudon shirts were donated by members of ville, N.Y., a campaign promoted Congress, their staffs and constit by first-grade teacher Roseanna uents. Piled in front of the Capitol, Biondo brought in 515 shirts. The they formed an impressive mound school itself has only about 400 for picture-taking purposes. students. CRS, seeking to encourge gifts Students at St. Nicholas School from young people, also appealed in Freedom, Wis., designed and to USA for Africa, the organiza sold their own "Nicks for Africa" tion of musicians who produced T-shirts. Their efforts netted more the hit song, "We are the World," than $240. and targeting its profits to aid , The initial request for the T Ethiopian famine victims. shirts came from CRS staff in The group enlisted the support .. Ethiopia, said Mis's' Gdffiri-;'
CHICAGO(NC)-Callingindif ference the new face of racism, the National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice said it was time the church took concrete steps to eradicate racism. .:rhe official, Jerome Ernst, speak ing at the group's national plan ning conference in Chicago, declared that "the church needs to com municate to people w~o believe that the racial problems have been solved a conviction that the prob , lems have not been solved," Ernst .said, "so that concrete steps can be (taken) to eradicate racism as it now exists in all its complexity and subtleness. " Representatives for more than 45 U.S. dioceses met in Chicago to mark the 25th anniversary of the NCCIJ, which was founded in Chicago in 1960, and to assess the state of interracial j ustice programs in their respective dioceses. , They also heard a plea from keynote speaker Coretta Scott King, who asked for their active involvement in next January's first federal holiday honoring her late husband, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. The holiday w!1I be observed on Jan.20. James Farmer, founder of the Congress of Racial Equality, called for long-term planning and an attack on racism itself. While the problems in the 1960s were "simple, clear cases of right and wrong," Farmer said, the prob lems of the 1980s - such as affir mative action - deal with "right vs. right" and require compromise and dialogue. ' Mrs. King said that' Martin Luther King Day will be "a day to put aside differences and pay trib ute to a man who awakened the best that is in us." She asked that houses of wor ship ring their bells at noon on the holiday, that special Masses be offered on the preceding Sunday and that the pope declare next Jan. 20 a world day of peace. "Many people don't realize that the nighttime temperatures in some areas of Ethiopia can drop below 40 (degrees Fahrenheit)," she explained. "Yet weather dur ing the day is usually hot and sunny, so T-shirts and sweatshirts seemed the logical type of clothing to send." , People often sleep on the bare ground in relief camps or during their search for food. Victims of famine and drought, whose level of resistance is already low, are readily susceptible to illness,' she said. T-shirts are also durable, unisex and easy to size. CRS said that because of laundering problems, . colored shirts are preferred, but white will be accepted. A look at the contents of a CRS T-shirt bin at Lincoln Center pro duced some speculation about what reaction some shirts might produce in a foreign culture. For example, one featured Miss Piggy of the Muppets cheering for Dartmouth College.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of !Fall River-Fri. June 2TI, 1985
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The power of eminent domain
& ATTY. , I'
Several years ago, John and Clara Dukes purchased their first home in Edgewood ,Es tates, a new suburban devel
'The real estate deyeloper had neglected to leave vacant plots for scnools. So the town used its power of eminent domain to take private property for the new school site. The Duke parcel was selected because it was in such a great location. Stunned that they were going to lose their dream house, the Dukes called their congressman to com plain that the government was stealing their property. To their dismay, they learned that the town had not acted illegally but was using its power of eminent domain. Eminent domain is the proce dure by which a federal, state, county or local government takes private property for a public pur pose such as building a school or road. However, the 5th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Consti tution require the government, to pay fair compensation for prop erty,taken. In Massachusetts the taking of property is done by a formal proce dure. For example, the board empowered, by the town to take , real ~state by eminent domain first decides what hin<:l it n~eds, Itdeter mines what land the town, already owns and then what it will take by, eminent domain. '
opment just outside of Boston. Like many other young couples in Edgewood Estates, they moved to the suburbs with the idea of start ing a family. The residential development was very successful. The new commun ity started to boom. Soon many In this case, the board decided it children were reaching school age needs the Duke parcel. To obtain and it became obvious that the existing school system would be the land, it must pass an order of unable to handle tht:m. The town taking, describing the land, the concluded that a new school had ' amount to be taken and the public purpose to be served. The board to be built and the citizens, includ has wide discretion in determining ing the Dukes, voted for an unspec Ified location within. the housing what land' is essential for public development. improvement.
After the board adopts the order oftaking, it has 30 days to record a signed or certified copy of the order at the Registry of Deeds. As long as there is a legitimate governmental need for the land, a hearing in advance of the taking is not constitutionally required. When the order is filed, ownership of the land automatically transfers to the town. There is little you can do to protest the taking at this time. However, after your property has been claimed by the govern ment, you have the right to claim the taking was unfair. The govern ment must also give you adequate notice before they take your prop ertyand pay damages to compen sate for your loss. The Board cannot take your land unless it gives you written notice, including the purpose and extent of the taking, the amount ' of damages awarded and the time' and place where you can receive payment. If the Board has not yet awarded damages, the notice will tell you how much tim~ you have to ask the court to determine damages. The Board can give you notice by: -physically serving you a copy of the written notice. -sending you a copy by regis tered mail. -leaving a copy of the notice at your last known residence. Damages are equal to the fair market value of your land at the time of the taking, Under Massa chusetts law, fair market value is the highest price which a hypothet-
ical willing buyer would pay to a they can introduce evidence of the hypothetical willing seller if the sale price of a comparable house, property were voluntarily put on and testimony by expert witnesses the market for sale. such as real estate dealers or apprai If all of your land is taken or if' sers as to its true value. so much is taken that you can no You may be worried that if you longer live there, you must be wait for the courts to settle the given' four months to move, start ing from the date when you receive dispute, you may not be compen notice of the taking. The city or sated for years. However, the board town involved will also pay you will offer you what is called pay for any reasonable and necessary ment pro tanto (Latin for "to a moving expenses if you move to certain extent") to provide you another location in Massachusets. with funds pending the court's If only part of your land is taken decision. They will offer you what and you can still live on your , they consider fair payment for the remai,ning land, you are entitled to taking, without barring you from collect the value' of the part of later claiming their offer was inade property taken by the government. quate. ,Damages are usually awarded If the court decides the original after the board has a filed apprai appraisal was too low, they will sal of the property's value. The order the t,own or city to pay you ,government inust issue payment additional funds. If, however, it to you within 60 days after you ,finds that you have been overpaid, demand payment, providing that you must refund the difference. an appraisal has been made !ind , You have two years after your filed. The board is legally bound to do everything in its power to ensure 'right to damages first arose to file that you are promptly paid for the a petition in court. Unless you never received proper notice, after taken land. If you feel thafyou are not being 'two years the, original award of adequately reimbursed for your damages becomes final. property, there, are several steps yoU can take: To John and Clara Dukes, the Under Massachusetts law, you above procedures may seem small have the right to trial by jury in the comfort for the loss oftheir home. Superior Court if you feel the Although they probably won't be appraisal was unfair. You are able to stop the town from claim entitled to a judicial determination ing their property, at' least they of the fair market value of your have the means to insure that they are adequately reimbursed for their property. , , For example, if the Dukes only moving expenses. received $50,000 for their home and they think it is worth , . $75,000, The Murphys practice law in Braintree ' .
Cardinal Ratzinger says c-hurch self-destructing
ROME (NC) - In the 20 years since the Second Vatican council, the Catholic Church has passed from "self-criticism to self destruction," said Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the' Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. "We hoped for a leap forward and instead we find, ourselves faced with a progressive process of 'decadence which has. been developed in large measure under the slogan of a' so-called 'spirit of the council;...· he said! in a book titled "Report on the !Faith." The past two decades have been "de,cidedly, unfavorable for the Catholic Church" because they have not produced the unity expected, he said. " The cardinal also criticized U.S. Catholics- :saying some U.S. moralists, a.re" blurring the dis tinction between gOQd' and evil, and some U.S. nuns have adopted a "feminist mentality" causing identity crises in religious life. , The cardinal said he: preferred the term "Body of ChrisC' to that of "People of God" to describe the Catholic Church: He also called the Bible "Catholic book." "Report on the Fai'th," written by an Italianjournalist from a ser ies of interviews with the cardinal, was published in Italian by Edizi oni Proline, a Catholic publishing house in Milan. . At a press cOQference in Rome, Cardinal Ratzinger said his views' are "completely persona.I" and "in no way implicate the institutions of the Holy See."
In the book, the cardinal defined the "Spirit of the Council" as the belief that "everything which is new will always, and no matter what, be better than that which was or that which is." This'is a "pernicious anti-spirit" which dis credits the council. he added. The church must now seek "a new equilibrium after the exag-. gerations of an indiscriminate opening to the world and after too ~ many positive interpretations, of, an agnostic and atheistic world," , he said.' , ' " . ' "Christians are not opposed to the world~ It is tne world which opposes them when they proclaim the truth about God, about Christ, about man," he added. Regarding U.S. "moralists," whom he did n!>t identify, Cardi nal Ratzinger,said their blurring of good and evil results from "conse quentialism" and "proportional ism." In consequentialism "nothing is good or bad in itself," he said. 'The goodness of'an act depends 'only on its end and on its foreseeable and calctilab'le consequences." : Thai view is prevalent '~in the United States where it is elabor ated a'nd diffused more than any~ where else," the cardinal said. "Some moralists have tried to so'ften 'consequentialism' by 'pro portionalism,''' the cardinal said. In that view "the morality of an act depends on the evaluation and ,comparison made by man among , 'the goods which are' at stake," he said. The book'does not include one of the strong direct criticisms of
U.S. Catholics that was contained in magazine articles based on the interviews. • , In the articles, Cardinal Ratzin ger said many U.S. Catholics dis sent from the church's teaching authority rather than from the secular values of their wealthy nation. In his criticism of U.S. nuns, the cardinal says that "a certain femi nist mentality has entered even women's religious communities. "This entrance is particularly conspicuous, even in its most extreme forms, in the North American'continent," he said. ' "All this has brought lacerating problems of identity and the loss of sufficient motivation in many women for continuing in religious life," he said. The problem is confined to non cloistered 'religious women, he added. "Cloistered women and contem plative orders have resisted rather well';and continue dedicating them selves "to praise of God, prayer, virginity and separation from the world," said the..J:~!~inal. Non-cloistered religious women, however, ,are "in,grave crisis," he said, whichfeminism has promoted· by encouraging: - "The discovery of profession alism. -:- "The concept of 'social assis tance' which has subsitituted for that of 'charity.' - "The entrance, sometimes without any filtering, of psychol ogy and psychoanalysis in every convent school.
- "The devotion of time to praeticing the techniques of yoga and zen." . Commenting on the definition of church, Cardinal Ratzinger said that the term '''People of God', according to Scripture, is Israel in ,its relationship of prayer and fidel ity with the Lord. To limit the definition of the church to this expression signifies not incorpor ating aU the 'connotations of the New Testament," he said. ."The church receives more clearly its New Testament connotations in the concept of ,Body of Christ,''' he added. "The church does not fulfilLitself in the 'collectivity' of the believers: being the 'Body of Christ' it is more than the simple' sum of its members," the cardinal said. Cardinal Ratzinger also calleq the Bible a Catholic book. "We should have the courage to say clearly ()nceagain that, taken in its totality, the Bible is Catholic. Accepting ifas it is, in the unity of all its parts, meansaccepti~g the great fathers' of th,e church and their teachings. Thus it signifies entering into C~tholicism. Milan Interview During an interview with Cor riere della Sera,a Milan news paper, which preceded his Rome press conference but was published following it, the cardinal made other wide-ranging comments Qn church affairs. , National bishops' conferences should be 'limited structures, he opined, "withoutajuridical dimen
sion, orders of the day and the creation of offices. " The cardinal also said that women cannot be ordained because "Christ was a man"and the body is an integral symbol of Christ's 'priesthood; that balance must be found between the -authority of national bishops' conferences and the responsibility of the bishop in his local diocese; and that there is a "nucleus of truth" in communism and it attracts many people because. it tries to provide a synthesis between science and morality.
Cardinal Ratzinger praised for mation of national bishop's con ferences but said it is necessary "to defend the flexibility and the weight of the personal responsibility of the local bishop. On the matter of ordination, Cardinal Ratzinger said exclusion Of ~omen from the priesthood is' not discriminatory. , "Christ was a man. Being a man or a woman is not a neutral aspect in the symbolism of the priest hood. It seems important that the body enter into this symbolism," he added. "Paradoxically, it is the church which is defending the sexual iden tity of women, which in the world of today is being oppressed by the male model," the cardinal said,. On communism, Cardinal Rat zinger said there is a "nucleus of truth" in the Marxist view, other wise it would not have lasted so 'long nor have "the power of com~ic tion."
"That scene· had to do with· drugs, but also with the kid's honor and trusting children," Markus said. If members of the Cosby cast have a credo, it's that "honesty, not talking down to an audience and respecting their inteUigence is more important than entertain ment."
Hunger film gets award NEW YORK (NC) - "The Business of Hunger," a documen tary film produced by Mary knoll World Productions, won a blue-ribbon award at the an nual American Film Festival. The film, produced in Senegal, the Philippines, Brazil and the Dominican Republic, shows how peasant 1ands in underdeveloped countries are taken over to grow cash crops for export while the landless peasants go hungry. It also shows Americans work ing for a more just distribution of the world's resources. The .documentary's producer
is Robert Richter, who also pro duced for Maryknoll an Academy Award nominee, "The Gods of Metal," on the arms race.
The American Film Festival is sponsored by the Educational Him Library Association to showcase outstanding 16-mm and video releases of the year. This year 1,088 films and video productions were submitted.
CTNA gets $2 million grant WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic Communication Cam paign has committed $2 million over three years to the Catholic Telecommunications Network of . America, the U.S. bishops' satel lite communications network. The grant, needed because at taining self-sufficiency for the network has taken longer than expected, was announced in Washington by the U.S. Catholic Conference. The USCC established the Catholic Communication Cam paign in 1979 to help the 'church use the ma'ss media more effec tively. The campaign raises funds through 'an annual collection in
U.S. parishes, half of which reo ' mains in the local diocese. The $2 million com!l1itment will enable CTNA to continue its operations 'and expansion, ac cording . to Richard Hirsch, USCC communication secretary.
Nun' administrators BROOKLYN, N.Y. (NC) Employing nuns as pastoral ad ministrators for parishes with out resident priests "has had and will continue to have a very positive effect on the leadership role of women," says Bishop Raymond Lucker of New Ulm, Minn. "We can no longer take it for granted that 'leadership in the church is only for men:' he said. Bishop 'Lucker, in Brooklyn to participate in a lecture series sponsored by St. James Cathe dral, said the seven nuns serving as pastoraI administrators in his diocese are "received with joy" because their presence means that the parish' can continue to operate as a community. Such parishes, he said, are Hnked with 'one which has a resident priest who provides sacramental ministries.
THE ANCHOR ~ Friday, June 21, 1985
• CIf£N: lion • Sat; •• 5:30
428 M4" 51 : HYlnn,s
n5-4180 June 22 Rev. Alexander Z.ichello, Pas tor, 1977, St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford
John & Mory lees. Props.
June 24
Rev. Bernard F. McCahill, Pas tor, 1907, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River
BILL COSBY, with Cosby Show costars Keshia Knight-Pulliam, left, and Tempestt Bledsoe. (NC Photo)
Cosby Show' mirrors truths of family life By Deborah McCarty DAYTON, Ohio (NC) - Part of the phenomenal success of NBC's "The Cosby Show," the season's third most popular tele vision program, is 'Bill Cosby him self, said the show's writer and supervising producer, John Mark
us. "Bill has ,an extremely sensi tive ear and eye for human be havior:' said Markus in an inter view with the Catholic Tele graph, newspaper of the Arch diocese of Cincinnati. "His sense of reality is a guarantee that the show will not be artificial." . Markus deliyered the keynot,e address at a recent conference on media and' family dynamics hosted by the Marianist~run Uni versity of Dayton. "The Cosby Show" mirrors the truths of family me, Markus said. The· behavior of ~'different
human beings of different ages forced to be together under one
roof has endless possibilities." "Events that· might sound trivial - a goldfish dying, a' son's first shave, a fight over a hairbrush - there's poetry if you :look closely." "Another truth about family life is that perfect,ly good, intelli gent children that you love can be very annoying:' he said. . :rhe show centers on Heathcliff Huxtable, his wife and five chil dren. The two-career marriage between Cliff, our obstetrician, and Claire, an attorney, is por
trayed as an equal 'and loving
partnership, "very much Bill's vision of marriage:' according to Markus. "As a writer, what I've found so hopeful about working on 'The Cosby Show.' and what I think has caused America to open up to us is to see a famBy who, week after week, not only tolerates each other but rejocie dn their' differences:' Markus said.
To help keep the' show on target, Harvard psychiatrist Al vin Pouissant reviews each script for realism. Cosby, who has a doctorate in education, believes it is imporfant to consult experts on psychological issues involving the characters, he said. Markus, who began his career writing jokes for columnist Earl Wilson and Bob Hope, later wrote scripts for the TV show
"Taxi." He said televison's intense production schedules make it difficult to maintain quality
week after week. To guarantee success and marke~ability, many shows .resort to formula. ap proaches. "I think there's too much vio lence and ,too much sex on tele vision:' Markus said. "Badness in people is supposed to be good nowadays in a character. The more evil they are, the better a character they're supposed to make. All that is unreaL" '
But when television is good, "it's the most real. It reflects humanity and the dilemmas fac ing all of us in our day-to-day life. If it's comedy it's funny and real, human, intelligent and com· passionate." The humor in Cosby's show is not achieved through standard one-line gags or ,by belittling the characters, according to Markus. "We like to think of our show 'as a nob-joke show: Bill ,iikes to really savor a moment and ex
amine the irony or foolishness of a situation." The show also sends serious but subtle messages' without sounding too "preachy." Several levels of meaning can be communicated within one scene, Markus said. For exam ple, in one episode the Huxtable parents 'accidentally discovered a marijuana cigarette in son Theo's geography textbook.
June 25 Rev. Raymond J. Hamel, Chap lain, 1960, St. ,Joseph Orphan-' , age, Fall River Rt. Rev. Louis A. Marchand, Pastor, 1941, St. Anthony, New Bedford June 26 Rev. Charles P. Gaboury, Pas· tor, 1931, Sacred Heart, New Bedford Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube, Pas tor Emeritus, 1973, St. Anthony, New Bedford June 27 Rev. John Corry, Founder, 1863, St. Mary, Taunton, Found· er, St. Mary, Fall River Rev. Dario Raposo, Pastor, 1933, O.L.O. Lourdes, Taunton Rev. Msgr. Thomas F. Walsh, Pastor Emeritus, 1980, St. John the Evangelist, A:tt1eboro Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton, Re
tired Pastor, 1984, St. Joseph, North Dighton
Religious GHts & Books for every occasion . .. ' Baptisms First Communions, Birthdays Confirmations Weddings Anniversaries Ordinations OPEN DAILY
10:00 A,M, to 7:30 P.M.
La Salette Shrine Park Street - Route 118 Attleboro, MassaChusetts
June 28 Rev. Thomas C. Gunning, Assistant, 1947, St. Lawrence, New Bedford
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., J,,!.ne
2~\;. 1985
CIS·· By' Charlie Martin
'RHYTHM OF THE NIGHT When it feels like the wOt'Id is 011 your shoUlders And all of the madness has got you going crazy It's dme to. gel: out , Step out into the street Where all the scdon is right there at your feet Well I knOw a place where you can dance the whole night away Underneath. elettric stars Just come with me and we can shake your blues right away You'll be doing fine once the music starts. Oh feel the bent of the rhythm of the night Dance until the moming light . Forget .about the worries on your mind You can leave them all behind F~1 the beat of, the rhythm of the night Oh the rhythm of the night oh yeah. Look out on the street now The party's jus1t beginning The music's playing A celebration's !rtarting Under the street lights The scene is being set A night fOt' romance A night you won't' forget , So come join the fim.· This ain't no time to' be staying' home Ooh there's too much going on Tonight is gonna be a night like you've never known We're goma have a good dme the whole' night long.
. Recorded by DeBarge, Written by Diane Warren © 1984 by Edition Sunset Publishing, Inc. .
DeBARGE'S "Rhythm of the Night" invites readers to take a break 'from their problems. When
What's on your
dancing and partying: "Feel the beat of the rhythm of the night . . . forget about the worries on your mind." . An evening out might provide the space needed to see through difficulties more clearly. But even if no new insight emerges, people can discover that prob lems do not control their lives, Everyone needs t<;> find ways to get away sometimes. Dancing may not be everyone's choice. Some. may prefer more solitary acivities such as jogging, hiking or just 'listening to' music. Whatever one's personal styl~, find out what restores balance to life when problems begin to feel Gverwhelming. '. Seeking balance is different· ,than trying to escape one's prob· lems.· Running away from prob· lems ;is an attempt to deny their existence. Seeking balance is an. E:ffortat placing problems in perspective. . For example, ,a person may be down over the breakup of ro mance. Such feelings are natural. Yet it's important to go on ~ith me. Sometimes taking a break can help. Undoubtedly, the feel ings of sadness and pain will return but it is OK not to face· them all the time. Engaging in an activity that restores balance shows' that we can control problems rather than let problem control us. What's important is how we respond to them and how they 'affect the rest of our lives"
, Your comments are always problems weigh people down, welcome. Address Charlie Mar tin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Ave., they need some time away. The song suggests a night' of Evansville, Ind. 4~714.
mind?' From time to time this column is given over entire---' ,in ~ay he. became involved in ly to some good news about a. ~peCI~ proJ~ct that made hea.d :hnes lIke thIS one: "AlcoholIc, 17, seeks safe prom." a n.otable young' person. This week the good news per Chris announced in advance son is Chris K8Jpe of Fremont, . that he would stay away from ,Ohio, a 17-year-old recovering the prom so he could send volun- . alcoholic. teer drivers to take his class The past fouryeal's of Chris'. mates safely home ,after .the . life, however,' were mostly bad dance.. news. "I was drinking 1:lefore ,He wanted ,to help drunken school and after school," Chris says. "I was so preocc:upied with students who' might be afrad to when II was going to get drunk call their, parents for a ride. They could call him instead, and they ,again ~y grades starting slip would be given a free ride home ping." from anywhere in Sandusky "I'd been carrying on for about County in northeastern Ohio, four years. I never thought much with no questions asked or lec of it ,Until my dire beame un tures given. manageaple. I :had llnegative Chris' stepfather, Mike Kings
attitude about my family, school borough, sponsored the project
and myself. Everything." and provided its headquarters.
'In April, Chris spent 20 days Chris spent the night answering
in a treatment center a"nd his Jife the phone and dispathing drivers,
took a sharp turn for the better. all of whom were adults.
"Now," he' says, "I'm working "That's mostly for legal pur
on staying sober and being my· self." poses and insurance," explained
Chris, who worked in the office and contacted drivers ona CB radio.. Before the prom Chris said why he was engaged in the pro ject. "I'm· doing' it because I want to help others. But being an alcoholic, recovering, I'm help ing myself, too." ., . He 'also plans to keep ,talking about the years of drinking that drained his energy' and ruined his grades. "If talking about it can help one person, it's worth it," Chris said. "There's a :Iot of .people out there who have a problem."
, There are indeed, Chris. Here's hoping many of ,them hear the good news you can give them. Send quesdons to Tom Len non, 1312 Mass. Ave.N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
covered then ·followed silently in the rear, sometimes even to the grave. There ,is something appealing in words from the heart, in flowers gathered from nature, that can't be found in the most costly of monuments. When the And other flowers lay upon
heart tis warm and loving, when The altar of our love, .thy
the hand touches the grave gent stone.
,ly as it strews the flowers, and Herrick
while the tear falls with such A young girl and I were ,dis- ' affection, what chisel can work cussing flowers for her mother's such pathos from the heart? grave, and we wondered how the An 89-year-old man told me laying of flowers upon graves this:. "r am ready to join all those started. ' who have gone before me, but Washington Irving tells us that does not mean I do not miss that there is a beautiful and deli- . every single one of them today. cate rite observed in. some re There 'are times I imagine my mote villages: if a gir,l dies young self at my mother's' knee in the arid unmarried "a chaplet of kitchen: When she died I was white flowers is borne before young and felt, the whole world the corpse by a young girl, near had collapsed about me." est in size, ge and resemblance, . As we visit the graves of our and the chaplet is hung up after loved ones, it is. fitting that we ward in the church over theac customed seat of the deceased." take time for meditation. Though These chaplets are . intended as they are gone, their love re emblems of the purity of the mains. Let us tell those we ~ove deceased and the crown of glory who are still aiving how much which she has received in heaven. we care. Many have made com Irving goes on. to say. that in mitments at the site of a grave rural. England in olden times to appreciate' the Jiving, to voice solemn respect was paid by the that appreciation and to thank traveler a passing funeral. those who, have gone ahead for teaching an invaluable lesson in As the mourning train approach love. ed, the traveller paused and un Thus, thus, and thus, we
compass round
Thy harmless and unhaunted
And as we sing thy dirge,
we will
The Daffodil
Bishop Feehan.. Congressional Robert Petit, a top ranking 1I0minated as student at 'Bishop Feehan High Scholars in the Massachusetts Schodl, Attleboro, has volun~ delegation to the 1985 National teered over 110 hours as a com· Youth Leaders Conference to be puter instructor at the Provi held November lOth through dence, RI, public ,library. He has . 15th In Washington, .ne. Sponsored by the Congres taught children how to 'Use the Commodore 64 coriiputer and h'is sional Youth Leadership' Council, the goal of the conference is to responsibilities also include com , allow participants to witness his puter maintenance. 'Petit, who will be a senior in tory in the making by meedng the faU is a member of the Fee the leaders who fundamentally han Math League. affect the workIngs of the execu III ... '" ... tive legislature and judicial Students MlchaelR. Hoagand branches of the federal govern Albert J. Walgreen have been ment.
Bishop Connolly Dr. Omer E. Boivin, a 95-year old retired physician, 'will be prin .cipal honoree 'at a Connolly Century Club testimonial, to be held Sunday at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River. Dr. Boivin, a urologist who is fluent in French and Portuguese, has served the Fall R'iver com· munity for over 70 years. He will receive a plaque recognizing him as a charter Century Club member.
Sharing honors with him will be two Connolly alumni: Atty. John P. Long, Colass of 1970, also a Century Club member, and Rosa Campos, Class of 1981, valedictorian of the Class of 1985 at Salve Regina College, New port. Presentations will be made by Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, cha,ir man of the Centur-y Club board of directors.
President named for Weston School CAMBRIDGE, Mass; (NC) Father Edward M: O'Flaherty, superior of the New England Province of Jesuits, has' been named president of the Weston, School of Theology in Cam bridge. He succeeds Jesuit Father John W. 'Padberg, who wUl be come director of the Institute of Jesuit Sources and chairman of the Seminar on Jesuit Spiritual ity, both in St. Louis.
Father O'P.laherty studied phil osophy-at Louvain Univers~ty, Belgium, and theology at Wes ton. He holds a doctorate in an thropology from the University, of Pennsylvania.
The Only Flower "Love is the only flower that grows and blossoms without the 'aid of seasons." - Kahlil Gib· ran
By Bill Morrissette
portswQtch Leahey, ~ogers Connolly's Athletes Of Year Neil Leahey and Beth Rogers were chosen Athletes of the Year at Bishop Connolly High School and received their awards at the institution's annual awards dinner. Leahey, a Swansea resident, shared the most valuable player honors in cross-country :with Matt Rucando. Miss Rogers of Somerset, also received an award as girls baseball team most valuable player. Marty Carroll and Susan Stack received the 1984-85 Student Athletes of the Year awards, while Sue Baer and Tim McCoy were honored with Sportsmanship awards. Steve Vincellette received the Peter Machado Memorial basketball trophy given each year to a member of the junior class in Machado's memory. The Bishop' Stang Spartans shared another in Southeastern Massachusetts Conference action. They won the "Division Three softball crown and the Division Two girls track' title.
They shared the Division Two baseball championship with the Bishop Feehan' High· School Shamrocks. Feehan also took third place in Division Three softball, and finished as runnerup in Division Two boys track. . The Bishop Connolly High School Cougars finished fourth in Division Three softball, Div ision One boys tennis and Div ision Three girls track while the Warriors of Coyle and Cassidy High School finished as runners up to Diman Voke in Division Three baseball. Champions in the various con ference sports were: Durfe.e, Division One baseball; Case, Division One softball; Seekonk and Attleboro, co·champions in Division Two softball; Barn stable, Division One boys tennis; Somerset, Division Two' boys tennis; Attleboro, Division One boys track; Dartmouth, Division Two boys track; Falmouth, Div ision One girls track; Fairhaven, Division Three girls track.
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tv, movie news
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing: PG-I3-parental guidance strongly suggested, for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only: A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation): Q-morally offensive.
NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list ings, which may differ from the New York network sched· ules supplied to The Anchor.
settlement of Guatemalan refu gees in Me~ico. Religious Radio Sunday, June 23 (NBC) "Guide line" - Frida Scheps Weinstein is interviewed about her book, "A Hidden Childhood," the story of ·a Jemish girl hidden in a French convent during World War II.
Church leaders warn networks of boycott TUI>.ELO, Miss - Nearly 600 Christian leaders, including heads of 54 denominations. have is sued a Statement of Concern Re garding Network Television to the networks, program sponsors and production companies. re questing more moral programs and an end to the networks" anti Christian bias.
New Films "The Goonies" (Warsers) A gang of kids hunts pirate treas ure to save their homes from foreclosure. A scaled-down ver· sion of Indiana Jones aimed at . Should their request be ig children, but many parents will nored, the group says it is pre have reservations about expos pared to boycott the products of ing pre-teens to the vulgarities offending sponsors. of dialogue and action supposed Statement signers include to be part of the fund. A2, PG , some 100 bishops as well as "Perfect" (Columbia) A Roll other clergy and professional ing Stone reporter becomes in· persons. volved with an aerobics instruc The satement, while express tor while researching a story on Baseball ing appreciation for positive con· health clubs. Because of its fa After last Monday's games Notre Dame' 1-1, St:' Michael 'vorable view of promiscuity and tribution of the networks, ex North End was ,setting the pace Club 1-2, Our Lady of Health one ,distastful and offensive presses concern with the amount 1-3, Our Lady of Grace and scene involving a 'male stripper of immiral sex, gratuitous vio in the Bristol County CYO Base lence and profanity, and the ,anti ball League with a 4-1 record, rounding out the Fall River Area it is rated 0, R. . Christian bias in many programs. League, Immaculate Conception followed by Somerset 4-3, Ken Film on TV The group asks the ne'tworks, nedy 3-2, Anawans 3-3, Maple 0-1, St. Patrick 0-3. Sunday, June 23, 9-11 p.m. sponsors and production com wood 2-3 and South End 1-4. Twin bills are on ·tap at Lafa· The league has a twin bill yette and Maplewood Parks for EDT '(NBC- _. "Going' Ape" panies to change the moral con· listed for Sunday at Thomas Sunday. At Lafayette Park it will (1981- - A witless slapstick tent of programs, to reflect the Chew Memorial Park, Fall River. be Immaculate Conception vs. comedy about a young man pluralistic nature of society, in· Maplewood and South End will St. Michael's Club at 5:30 p.m., (Tony Danza) compelled by the cluding an accurate portrayal of meet at 6 p.m., North End and and Swansea vs. Notre Dame at terms of a wHi to care for three the Judeo·Christian moral value system, beginning with this fall's Somerset at 8. 7:30, while at Maplewood Pa.rk 'orangutans. Unremitting vugar Including last Monday's game, the schedule has St. Michael's ity and frequent profanity in the schedule. St. WilHam was undefeated in Parish vs. Sainte Anne at 5:30 theatrical version. A3, PG Signers declare: "We are pre three outings, Sainte Anne had and St.' Patrick vs. Our Lady of pared, should our request be ig TV Program Grace at 7:30. a 2-0 record. St. Michael's Par "The Ston~ Carvers," a 1985 nored, to usl!' our collective, and ish team was 3-1, Swansea 2-1, Academy Award-winner airing individual influence to promote Thursday, July 4, 9:30-10 p.m. a well-organized economic boy cott of advertisers' products sup Hockomock Notes EDT on PBS. porting the offending programs. John O'Hare of Stoughton is 6.324 points, was the winner of . Though there is little demand Should a boycott become nec for their skill today, certain the Hockomock League's all the new executive secretary essary, an appeal will be made treasurer of the Hockomock sports trophy for 1984-85. structures still employ stone arti sans. One such place is the to other Christian leaders to Stoughton, 6.000, was the run League, succeeding Mary R. Cin he'lp promote that boycott. We Cathedr~1 in the na· Washington elli of Mansfield, who has held nerup, followed by North Attle plan to reassess this situation the post for several years. boro 5.944; Oliver Ames 5.576; tion's capital, a Gothic-style early in 1986 an take whatever structure begun in 1907 and still O'Hare will assume his new Canton 5.500; Sharon 5.265;' ation we deem appropriate." Franklin 5.176; King- Philip under construction by immigrant post on July 1. stone carvers. According to Donald E. Wild Foxboro, with an average of 3.944; and Mansfield 3.233. Narrated by master carver mon, a United Methodist minis ter who spent three years de Vincent Palumbo,' this film pro files an exacting craft and the veloping the group, "The signers carvers who have spent much of represent probably the most di their lives on the Washington verse p,articipation. on any sim.i· on' peace by Pope John XXIII. WASHINGTON (NC) --- Bene ',Iar social issue in the histOry of Cathedral. dictine .Sister Mary Lou Kow , . For· the past three years. Sis our country," Palu~bo ta,lks about the , nacki, national coordinator 'of ter . Kownackihas been .chair Among 33 Catholic archbishops Pax Christi. USA,' has won woman of Pax Christi's national strength and durability of stone Georgetown University's 1985 council.· She recently was' chosen. and the pleasure he derives of and bishops who signed the working on something that has statement are Archbishop J~hn as Pax Christi's national. coor Pacem in Terris Award. P. Whealon of Hartford; Bishop The ~ward, cosponsored by dinator. The group is ·the U.S. permanence. It's the human dimension of W. Thomas Larkin"St. P~ters Georgetown's Cl;lnter for Peace branch of an ,international Catho· this film that is special and one burg, Fla.; Bishop Joseph L. Studies, its' Jesuit community Iic 'peace ,organization. of the reasons for its Oscar in Howze, Biloxi, Miss.; Archbishop and the office of campus minis Sister Kownacki is founder of the short documentary category. John R. Roach, St. Paul; Arch try, goes to an individual whose Benedictines for Peace, and the 'bishop John L. May, St. Louis; Religious TV me exemplifies the ideals' of author of "Peace Our Calling: Sunday, June 23 (OBS) "For and Bishop John J. Fitzpatrick, peacemaking set forth in "Pacem Contemporary Monasticism in. Our Times" - A report on reo Brownsville, Tex. in Terris," the 1963 encyclical the Peace Movement."
Peace award goes to nun
THE ANCHOR Friday, June 21, 1985
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan.. River-Fri."June 21; 19~5
ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL,.FR . A 30-week Portuguese language skills program is now in progress for hospital personnel. Designed to lessen communication problems with non-English speaking immigrants, it is conducted by Dr. Jerome Marques, modern language department chair- , man at B.M.C. Durfee HighSchool, Fall River, . Redesign of the hospitaI:s pedia- , PUBLlCln ' CCUIRIIEN ST.ANNE,FR tric department was. marked at a ere esked' to submit nows Items for· this Nursery needs toys for .children celebration yesterday including tours . ,column to The Anchor, P.O. BOl 7.' Fall ages 3-5. Donations: call 678-2152. , of the children's ward and talks by River, 0272~ "Name' of 1:lty' or town should be Included as well e9 full dates of all Recent grade 8 graduates of St. pediatricians and Alan Knight, hos activities. please .send nllWS of future rather Anne's school were recognized for pital president. A Child Life pro 'than 'past events. Note: We ,do not carry news ,of tundraising tlctlvlties such, IS outstanding achievement by the gram designed to minimize the stress , bingos, whlsts, dances,suppers. end bazaars. 'We ,are happy to carry, notices of spiritual 'Home and School Association, the of hospitalization and promote post-' "rogram~, club meetin!!s. youth profects and St. Anne's Credit Union, and the hospital well being ~as explained. , limllar nonprofit activities. Fundraising pro Parish Committee. lects maY',be advertised ,at our regular rates. CATHEDRALCAMPS, obtainable from The Ancbor .business office. telephone 675-7151. ST. PATRICK, F R . E. FREETOWN On Steerlnll Points Items FR Indicates The parish thanks Mr. and Mrs. Day camps registration now being Fall River. NB indicates New, Bedford. ThomasE:Shea for the donation of accepted. Information: 763-8874. ST. JOHN OF GOD, a,processional'cross in memory of Staff orientation day begins 9 a. m. SOMERSET their parents. June 25. Five scholarships to be awarded A Women's Guild scholarship has Annual altar boy day: 10 a.m.to 6 tomorrow at annual dinner-dance. been awarded to Julie Murray. . p.m. 'June 26, including athletic and 7:30 p.m., parish center. waterfront events. Boys should bring FAMILY LIFE CENTER,
lunch, swim trunks and baseball ST. MARY, SEEKONK NO. DARTMOUTH
Lectors needed. Information: Fa Monthly rosary and Benediction: gloves. ther Francis L.. Mahoney. '
7 p.m. J~ne 23. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE SECOND-GRADER BEN FREY, accompanied by his Altar boys' trip to Pawtucket Red LaSALETTE SHRINE, Whitehall Nursing Home Mass: 2 Sox game: June 24. Meet at 6:15 p.m. today. . . grandfather, sings his "Seat l)elt Song" at a student assembly ATTLEBORO· p.m. in parking lot. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Healing service: 2 p.m. June 30, at St. Vincent de Paul School in Peoria, Ill. (NC photo) New Women's Guild officers: CCD registration: grade 2, 8:30 to ,Karen Bergeron, president; Marilyn People's chapel. All welcome. Fisk, vice-president; Theresa ,Ring, ADORERS OF THE ,BLESSED II a.m: Sunday, school. recording secretary; Betty Froment, SACRAMENT, FR , Holy Hour: 7 p.m. June 25, Sacred corresponding secretary; Ann Costa, treasurer. The guile:! welcomes new Hearts Church, Fairhaven. Exposi tion of the Blessed Sacrament:. Fri members. In keeping with' our 50 week days, church chapel. publishing schedule, The An-· CHRIST TH'E KING, PEORIA, Ill. (NC)- By cocom . By van, by plane, by auto, as I COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS, chor will not appear on Friday, COTUIT/MASHPEE posing a bouncy ballad supporting travel high and low Parish council meeting: 7:30 p.m. SOMERSET ~uly 5. Therefore, notices of, the wearing of auto safety belts, So everybody promise when you Greater Fall River chapter meet June 26. events through ,July It mustbe 7-year-old Ben Frey of Peoria has go out for a spin ing: 7:30 p.m. June 24, St. Louis de Welcome packets available at both received by June 24 for publica become the youngest spokesman You 'II wear your seat and shoul France schoof, Swansea. Informa chapels for summer parishioners. tion in next week's issue. in the 73-year history ofthe national der belt support group for tion on this ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT Safety Council. . . And keep them buckled in." New Women's Guild officers: bereaved parents: Georgette Le Ben, a second-grader at St. Vin Ben said he began thinking about 676-8458. Comte, Shirley Haley, president; Dorothy cent de Paul School, wrote his , writing the. song when he learned ,Lewis, vice-president; Dolores Jones, DEAF APOSTOLA n~, FR "Safety Belt Song"with his grand that the Illinois Legislature was Signed Mass: 7 p.m. June 30, secretary; Florence Heutteman, trea father, Wesley Amar of Lisle, a considering a law requiring motor 'Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. surer. professor emeritus at Northern Illi vehicle front-seat passengers to CCD teachers needed at all levels ICDA meeti ng I'?llows at the .rectory. ,forfalLlnformation: Peggy Cooper, nois University. buckle up. He thought it sounded ST. STANISLAUS,FR 758-3735. "It's one of my best songs," said like a good idea, he said. Six parishioners .have ·been ap Vincentians'food drive: emergency Be'n. . "I heard that I5,000 people might food supply for the POOl' is depleted. proved as special eucharistic minis The National Safety Council be killed because they didn't wear Please leave cans and nonperishable ters by Bishop 'Daniel A. Cronin. liked it, too, and decided to' use it their seat 'belt," he said. "I didn't New ministry schedules available packages in church hall. as part of its 1985 safety belt cam want any more people, especially in sacristy. HOLY NAME,FR paign. A tape ofthe song, with Ben my friends, to be killed." Appreciation day party: after I0:30 Youth group retreat renewal: 7 singing and his grandfather on the Ben and his grandfather have a.m. Mass June 30. p.m. June 23. piano, was to be distributed nation donated the song to the National wideJoruse in radio public service Safety Council and do not plan to seek copyright or payment. spots. , Some of the song's lyrics are~ "They just wanted to save some 'I travel with my seat belt almost lives," said Robert O'Brien, coun everywhere I go cil director of public relations. Let People K~ow
Iteering pOintl
Just wanting to
save some lives
Make Your Festivals A Success! .! !
First Lady'hailed
CALL 675-7151
SILVER SPRING, Md. (NC) -First Lady Nancy Reagan has , received the annual award of the Catholic Youth Organization of ' the Washington Archdiocese for her efforts against drug abuse. In introducing her, Archbishop James A. Hickey praised her leadership in the issue. Past winners of the award include football'coach Don Shula and special Olympics pro motel' Eunice Kennedy Shriver.
AT THE RECENT 4th anniversary banquet of the Attleboro Area Widowed Support Group are from left, seated, Evelyn Schultz; Marielle Martineau, coordina tor; George Gray;'standing, Mary Wright, Yvette Robert, Shirley Bonneau, Madeleine Paradis, Cecile Mandeville, ' Edgar Cote. Meeting each first Friday at St. Theresa's CCD hall, S. Attleboro, following 7 p.m. Mass, membe~ ship is open to all widowed persons. The next activity will be a chowder and c1amcake party at 5:30 p.m. June 29 (rain date Jpne 30). Information: Cecile Jette, 695-1186.