The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul. Sure and Firm-St. Paul
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, June 22, 1972 PRICE 10¢ Vo I• 16, No. 25 © 1972 The Anchor $4.00 per year
Latin America Asks If Catholics Care On the last weekend of June. the faithful of the Fall· River Diocese are asked to contribute to' the immense pastoral work of caring for the millions in Latin America who are in such great need of programs of social _. and religious endeavor. More and more concern is being evidenced for this area of the Third World but in the power struggle between the great nations of the world the peoples of Latin America could feel that they have been forgotten. The President of Mexico just a week ago reminded the United States Congress that the United States Government would do well to treat its friends with as much consideration as it gives its stated enemies.
Fire Chaplains Lead Mourning At Boston Rites Two Fire Department Chaplains in -the Fall River Diocese accompanied large delegations of firefighters to Boston today to participate in memorial services for nine Boston firemen killed during a fire at the Vendome Hotel on Saturday, June 17. Rev. John R. FoIster, Chaplain of the Fall River Fire Department. and Rev. Thomas O'Dea, Chaplain of the New Bedford Fire Department, joined more than 10,000 chaplains, officials and firefighters at the ·funeral Mass at Holy Cross Cathedral in Boston. Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, Archbishop of Boston, presided at the concelebrated funeral Mass and preached the homily. The tragic loss, suffered on the eve of Father's Day. only emphasized the tremendous pressure and risk of firefighters who daily and in less spectacular scenes risk their lives for the protection and safety of citizens in desperate and critical need. Nine firefighters lost their lives when a section of the unoccupied Vendome Hotel gave way after a fire in the structure was out and the firemen were cleaning up and extinguishing smaller blazes within the 101 year-old building.
The Latin America Collection is an opportunity for the people of the Diocese to show their concern for their Latin American brothers in the Faith. It is an action that is strictly religious in character and without the political overtones that so often are suspected - justifiably or not-when a government aid program is introduced. Vast numbers of the people of Latin America are in need of a deeper understanding of the Catholic Faith and need to see the Fruit of the Faith in othersconcern for those in need. It has been pointed out again and again that unless there is a bloodless revolution in Latin America resulting in social and economic programs to upgrade the lives of people there, then there will be a bloody revolution that will tear apart the fabric of the continent and set back the cause of Christianity for untold decades. Christianity promises that people care: It must redeem that promise or suffer the terrible chasm between what is preached and what is seen to be done.
Congratulate Pope Paul On Ninth Anniversary John Cardinal Krol, Archbish- of the ninth anniversary of Your op of Philadelphia and President Holiness' coronation. The farsighted and courageous of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, in the name leadership given the Church by of the devoted Catholics of the United States extended heartfelt congratulations to Pope Paul VI on the occasion of his ninth Anniversary as Sovereign Pontiff. The American. Cardinal highly praised the farsighted and courageous leadership the Holy Father has exercised in the Second Vatican Council, the Episcopal Synods and in the cause of world peace. It was on June 21, 1963 that Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini, then Archbishop of Milan, Italy, was elected Pope, succes~ sor to the beloved John XXIII. On June 30, he was crowned Pope in the piazza of the Basilica of- St. Peter. Born in Concesio, Italy, on Sept. 26, 1897, Pope Paul VI was. ordained a priest on May 29, 1920. He worked at the Papal Secretariat of State until 1954, reaching the position of ProSecretary of State for Ordinary Affairs. On Nov. 1, 1954, he was appointed Archbishop of Milan by Pope Pius XII and was created and proclaimed a Cardinal by Pope John XXIII on Dec. 15. 1958. POPE PAUL VI The text of the American Cardinal's letter follows: Most Holy Father, May I, as President of the National Conference of Bishops, extend on behalf of the devoted Catholics of the United States cordial felicitations and prayerSacred Heart Parish in Fall ful congratulations on the occa- River will open the events of its One Hundred Years Anniversary Celebration with a Mass Sunday, June 25, at which Most Summer Mass Schedule Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D" Bishop of Fall River, \ViiI' be principal concelebrant. Pages FOUR and FIVE Most Rev. Thomas F. Hendricksen, Bishop of Providence
Sacred Heart. Parish Opens Centennial
..................... ..
Los Angeles Honors Dighton Native Mrs. Elaine Perry Liming, wife of Frank X. Liming and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perry, 2031 Smith Street, Dighton and members of St. Peter's Parish, has been awarded the Pope Pius X Award for her eight years of service in the work of the Confraternity of Christian· Doctrine in California. Mrs. Liming, a graduate of Dighton High School, received her B.S. in Education from Bridgewater State College in . 1962. She has taught elementary education for several years in the public schools in California. Much of her free time, however, 'has been given to C.C.D. She has worked for St. John's C.C.D. in Baldwin Park; St. Joseph's C.C.D., Placentia; and most recently St. Martin de Porres' C.C.D. and Yorba Linda, all in California. During her eight years of C.C.D. work, Mrs. Liming has held various positions and for the past two years has been President and .Founder of the Confrater'nity of Christian Doctrine at St. Martin's, a new parish in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Your Holiness has been most heartening. Among the many achievements recorded during your pontificate are the successful completion of the historic Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and the amazing dimensions of the implementation of the conciliar decisions and recommendations. Noteworthy especially is the progress made through Episcopal Synods to actualize the collegial responsibility of the Bishops for the universal Church. Through the Synods Your Holiness has di-' rect access to the pastoral experience, the problems, the needs and the views of the Bishops of the world. Your Holiness' inspiring leadership in the cause of world peace, reflected in the World Day of Prayer for Peace with its ever increasing impact, your personal pleas for peace in particlar areas and in the world to bring Christ's message of peace and reconciliation to all men bear eloquent witness to your unceasing concern as Shepherd of the Universal Church. There are reasons to hope and to be'lieve that these efforts in behalf of peace are directing the attention and efforts of world leaders towards the pursuit of peace. Turn to Page Two
This past year, with Rev. William McLean, she' taught an Elementary Teacher Training Course for the C.C.D. Office of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. She gave workshops throughout the Archdiocese on the importance of the use of the media in Christian education.
She was one of several local speakers to give workshops in Audio Visual Helps for the C.C.D. Teachers in the area at the 'Archdiocesan C.C.D. Congress held in Anaheim this Spring. When asked about her commitment to C.C.D. Mrs. Liming responded by thankjng her parents for a good Catholic home and for the good foundation in the Faith from her first C.C.D. instructor, Rev. Msgr. William Dolan of Taunton. Monsignor Dolan, retired pastor of Holy Family Parish, East Taunton and now residing in St. Mary's Rectory, Taunton. was pastor at St. Peter's, Dighton from 1939 to 1948. She also stated that the art of teaching is a gift from God and to thank Him for this gift, she chose to use it to spread the Good News of Salvation in Him.
Her husband Frank, also taught C.C.D. classes. He is from Brookline. Mass. and a graduate of Boston College High School and attended Boston College.
(to which Fall River belonged until the creation of the separate Fall River Diocese in 1904), appointed Rev. Francis A. Quinn in 1872 to shepherd the first parish cut off from old St. Mary's Parish, and thus began the famed Sacred H-eart Parish. The Centp.nnial observance will include Mass for deceased priests who served the Parish, Mass for all deceased Sisters, and a reception for Sisters, Mass for deceased :;Jarishioners, and special services and reception for senior citizens. There will also be special events for young adults. The Parish Banquet is sched-" uled for Oct. 15 at Venus de Milo Restaurant.
Veterans Post Honors Name
Of Chap~ain At an organization meeting, the newly formed Catholic War Veterans Post elected Walter White as commander; George T. Bolger, adjutant; and Dennis Hurley, treasurer. This newly established post is the only Catholic War Veterans Post in the New England area. The name select-ed for the organization is the Rev. Arthur C. Lenaghan, a Fall River native and former assistant at Holy Name' Church, New Bedford, who lost his life in the battle of Anzio while serving as a member of the U. S. ATmy Chaplain Corps.
:.. Missionalr~, in Vietnam Says War' To End Because of Weariness
THE AN~_HOR·-:Dioc~seoHall ~iver- Thurs:'June 22-,1972
Pope Asks Conventu,al f'rancisccins Stay Close to Cross of; Christ ..
MADRID (NC) -- A Spanish Father Labayan said he spent missionary in Vietna~, a veteran 17 years in the North a?d then of 32 years in both Nor:th and migrated to the ~outh .m 19~5 VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope much the external bonds of South said the war there "will after, the commumsts raided hiS Paul ,VI has urged the almost canon la~ but ratl1er a. proend ~ut of weariness." mission on the Red River. "Three 3,000 members of the ConvEm- found l~ve and. a sincere intenDominican Father Tomas of my co-workers were killed, tual Franciscans to mel~t today's tion of obeying the ~ill of Christ, , Labayan, 62, also said ~Cthere is and we were imprisoned for six challenges by staying close to who ha~ entrusted to St. Peter no question that communists months," he added. . the cross of Christ and living a and his successors His Church." impose their rule by: terror." His opiriion that the ~ar Will life of true austeri,ty and pov- He concluded: In comments on his arrival end because of wearmess, he crty. "We hope that all of you, sons here Father Labayan gave this said, comes from the heavy" In welcoming officials and of S't. Francis, will always be picture of the war: losses of the Northerners-some the participants in the order's close to us a,~d will ~now how Western propaganda has 700,000 casualties. "Now they 187th general chapter, recently to sustain us, with your help" given "a mistaken idea of the are sending.14 and 15-year-old concluded .in Assisi, the Pope suffering with us, persevering' , true strength and viill to fight" kids to the front." stressed that they were the heirs with us in the generous service of the North Vietnalnese and the' The South has also suffered of St. Francis in a world in which to God and souls, firmly believViet Congo , greatly and its generals and there is a "strong temptation' to irig with us that no adversity The wave of drug addiction politicians "are really tired of tear the page of the cross from can ever prevail upon the sol· among American soldiers "was 'the war. They would end it at the Gospel." ' , idarity of the enduring .edifice of planned and pushed by commu- any price." The more than 100 Conven- Christ, the. one, holy, catholic nist agents, including women." tual Franciscans taking part in and apostolic Church." Blames French Charges of abuse 'by American the audience were led by their JUBILEE: Sr. Lucille Me- soldiers against civilians have The missionary, who came newly elected minister general, deiros, esc, a New Bedford been exaggerated. here to open an Oriental art exFather Vitale Bommarco, former native and presently senior There'is no reclsOirl, "in truth, hibit and raise funds for Viet· minister of the Conventuals' to speak of p'ersecution ofCath-, nam relief, said South Viet5 class advisor at St. Anthony Padus, .Italy, province. To vis. High, New Bedford was hon- oiiCs in., 'North' Vietnam. The namese President Nguyen Van itors the Pope recommended the proof lies in the' fact that there Thieu, "who happens' to be a CLEVELAND' (NC)-The "equal, way of the cross, love of evan- rights fO,r' women" amendment ored on Sunday by her rel- ' are missionaries active in that good Catholic, has blocked peace gelical poverty and loyalty to the to the Constitution, as well as atives and friends on the ocarea ... But, Catholics have a efforts by his refu,sal to deal 'Vatican. women's lib groups in general, casion of her 25th ·year in difficult time because they must with the communists and his op-"The way of the crOBS 'is the were opposed at the convention religious life. Her parents, get special permits for every reli- . position to any coalition govern· genuine meaning of, religious gious service." . ment.'" life," Pope Paul said. "St. Fran- of the Cleveland diocesan coun- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Medeiros Co-Workers Killed cii of the National Council of reside at 136 Hathaway St., The Viet Cong se~ks repr.esencis, mirror of Christ, is the livi~g ' Catholic Women. . Vi'etnamization "was the,· right tation in the South Vietnamese witness of it. And you who 'are The basis for the' disapproval New Bedford. policy and at th,e start it pro·' government as a condition of called to follow in his footsteps ~oiced in a convention resolution duced results. , . The (South Viet~ stopping its military activities, have always the ever n:aw; ever ' was results of a survey of 1,000' namese) army is well equipped." Asked what he thought of the urgent duty to offer authentic officers and members of the GeneraUy the North has a divided nation after 32 years of witness to this ideal, a!; an ex- council's, 223 affiliate organizamore industrious and better sharing its histo'ry, Father La-' aniple to and a support of the tions. trained population. Southerners Church at a time in which there NEW YORK (NC)-West Ger- are less active at:Jd more given to bayan blamed the French for According to the survey, ,90 . what has happened there. ~ is ,such a strong temptation to percent' of the respondents did man Chancellor Willy Brandt tear the page of ·the cross from not feel that woman's lib groups and Father Theodore Hesburgh, leisure than hard ~vork. "France made a: mistake in the Gospel." withdrawing. Dien - bien - phu spoke for them and 77 per cent Notre Dame University president Turning to the !iUbje~t of felt that women, are not "dis- and U. S.Civil Rigl1ts Commis- Agen~y Inclret:lses should not have happened and evangelical poverty. Pope Paul the French should have set up criminated against in this dio- sion chairman, have been chosen Aid to VietlnclI~eSe said it "must be manifested in cese." a national government in the the first recipients of a new NEW YORK (N'C) Over your austerity of life. Can it ever' hands of the Vietnamese, all of Reinhold Niebuhr Award. Ordination of women to the 110,000 Vietname:;e refugees in be thought that a true Religious The award, whose recipients the Danang area are being cared them." prie!ithood was opposed by 85 can indulge in unpecessary or The 1954 fal! of Dien-bien-phu, per cent and 75 per cent opposed each receive $5,000, was estab- for by Catholic Relief Services. worldly comfort?" lished as a memorial to the The stepped' up aid program, a French fortress, led to the divitheir ordination as deacons. DisLoyalty to Vatican approval of women as ushers ran . famed Lutheran theologian and caused by the increa!;ed warfare sion between North and South By carrying the visible sign Vietnam. social philosopher .who _ died of poverty "your works will be 56 per cent; as ,readers, 50 per last year. Announcement of its in the area, is being conducted in cent; as commentators, 52 per conjunction with Caritas,' the blessed by God and you will win creation was made June 21, the esteem and trust of "those cent; and as s'ervers, 75 per cent. which would have been Nie- Vietnamese nationall Catholic Council of Nurses According to the council's resoCharities agency. very persons who c'o', n~t lution, the equal rights amend- buhr's 80th birthday. Officials estimate 'there are Offers Schol~rship know how to imitate you," the Scholarship applications for Brandt and Father Hesbur:gh ment to th~, Constitution is "a some 260,000 refugees, and posPope said. " students entering nursing schools were chosen by the organizers threat to the nature of women· sibly a million displaced persons , Lastly the Pope recommended are now available from the folof the award fund because they which individuates her from man as a result· of the intensified loyalty of the order to 'the Vat, ican. This is "a loyalty,". he said, in the plan of creation." The "admirably, ,r-eflect the wide hostilities. Caritas and CRS, 'the lowing members of' the Fall River Diocesan Council of Cath"which has as 'its basis not so resolution also claimed the, range of Dr. Niebuhr's interests U. S. Catholic o,verseas aid agen'amendment "would aboiish the and influence, as well as the cy, 'are baking 12,000 loaves of olic Nurses: Mrs. Anne Fleming, many legal safeguards now pos- depth of his' belief in' what he bread a day to feed rE!fugee fam- , 228 Oak Grove Ave., Fall River; Necrology called 'Christian realism'." Mrs. Collotta Robinson, 7 Perry sessed 'by women." ilies. James I. Loeb, former Am<!riAve., Attleboro; Miss Anna Don. The council voiced its opposiJUNE 24 ovan, 474 Rockdale Ave., New Rev. Bernard F. McCahill, tion "while reiterating our posi- can ambassador 'to Peru and Church Involv,ed ,Bedford; Mrs. Mary, M~Cabe., 1907, Pastor,' SS. Peter. imd Paul, . tion of equal opportunities for Guinea, ispreside'nt of the or110 Broadway, Taunton. employment and equal pay for ganizing group. The date for pre- In Housing IPrlograin Fall River~ , The annual summer, party for equal work; and emphasizing the senting the, awards has not yet ,JUNE 25 LONDON (NC)-·The Catholic , been determined. ' the SCholarship Fund will be Rev. Raymond J: Hamer,' 1960, concept of women's co-equal, but Church in England ~md Wales held in Marshfield, July 22nd. Chaplain, St. Joseph Orphanage, individual and unique,dignity lias now become involved offi- Everyone is welcome. with men," Fall River. cially, it' indirectly" in housing. Drug Office' Gets Rt. 'Rev. Louis A. Marchand, The bishops' Social Welfare, Foundation Grants Commissio~ has set up a work• 1941, Pastor, St. Anth9ny, New . Pau~ WASHINGTON (NC) - The ing partnership' with, the ,CathBedford. '. Catholic Office of Drug Educa- olic Housing Aid Society, which JUNE 26 Continued from Page One Inc. Rev. Charles P. Gaboury, 1931, The Catholic: people of the tion-a unit of the U.S. Cath- helps to find homes especially for Pastor, St. Anne, New ,Bedford. United States hci:ve always mani- olic Conference health affairs de- newlyweds and ov,ercrowded Funeral, Service JUNE 27 'fested a special affect.ion and partment here -- has received families who canMt afford to Edward F. C;:arney Rev. Dario Raposo, 193:1, Pas- esteem, for the Succes,sor of three foundation grants to help buy homes of their own. 549 Coun!y Street fund its fight against drug abuse. Oblate Father Paul Byrn~, ditor, Our Lady of Lourdes, Taun- Peter and do so today. Thus it is New Bedford 999-6222 Father Roland Melody, coorhousing society, rector of the ton. not I alone but the bishops and Serving the area since 1921 Rev. John CorrY,:1863"Found- priests, religious and laity of the dinator, described CODE's drug was appointed technical consulteducation projects to' 23 differant. to the commission. , er, St. Mary, Taunton; Founder, United States 'who join in pledg/ The society will :now be able St. Mary, Fall River. ing you their prayers on this ent foundations, most of which had previously shown an interest to formulate its policies within JUNE 28 solemn -yet joyous anniversary. the general strategy of the DOLAN-SAXON Rev. Thomas C. Gunning, With sentiments of filial es- in church-sponsored program8. As a result, .tne CODE office Church's voluntary sodal wel1947, Assistant, St. Lawrence, teem" and humbly begging a received a $25,000 conditional fare agencies. On the other hand, New Bedford. blessing, I am grant from the Frank J. Lewis the Social ,Welfare Commission In Christ, Foundation, headquartered in will now have at its disposal ex• . THE ANCHOR .. 123 Broadway ffi JOHN CARDINAL KROL Chicago; and an $8,000 concU- pert knowledge in the complex Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Archbishop, of Philadelphia tional grant from the Raskob area of housing and will be in • Highland Avenue, -Fall River, Mass, 02722 President, -National Confer- Foundation for Catholic Activi- a better pisition to advise the by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall VA 4-5000' River. Subscription price, by mail, postpaid ence of ¢atholic Bishops ties, Inc., of Wilmington, Del. bishops. $4.00 per Yell. '
· 0 W. omen ppose 'Women' Lib'
Niebuhr Award Winners Named
Michael C. 'Austin
Funeral Home
:;~b-l"'hl~ir:,,:,';Y.:*:iS;:-.....,..,y;;;~~~·~ •• ·~ ~....:';'~:1.1.:'11-!1~!..r.~.~."~~ ..I{:~.l:+ . .'\.·'.[I1.""'''~SS~>
THE ANCHORThurs., June 22, 1972
To Install New Bronze Door At Basilica VATICAN CITY (NC)-A new bronze door, called the "Door of Prayer", is being installed at one of the entrances of St. Peter's Basilica. The door. the first to be added since the "Door of Death" sculptured by the famous Itr;lian art· ist Giacomo Manzu was hung in 1965, is the work of another Italian sculptol', Lello Scorselli. The two-panel bronze door will replace a wooden door at the far left end of the basilica, which used to be known as the Door of St. Martha. This entrance is used during major ceremonies by cardinals, members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Vatican and other important visitors to reach reserved seats near the main altar. Pope Paul will preside at the installation June 28. during the annual ceremonies in St. Peter's on the vigil of the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul. The door is a gift of the Office of the Basilica of St. Peter's-the organization charged with the housekeeping and maintenance of the immense church. The gift marks Pope Paul's 50th anniversary in the priesthood. He was ordained May 26, 1920. The door is decorated with ~odern representations illustrating four of the Church's prayers: the Our Father, the Benedictus (the Canticle of Zachary), the Magnificat (the prayer of Our Lady), and the Nunc Dimittis (the prayer of Simeon)-all of which appear in St. J,.uke's Gospel. On the, center of the door are three lines of a prayer written by Pope Paul and a reproduction of his coat-of-arms.
Ethnic Studies Bill Passes Congress WASHINGTON (NC) - The House of Representatives has given final approval to a bill to further the culture and tradition of various ethnic and minority groups in America. ,. The new Ethnic Heritage Studies Programs Act authorizes the Commissioner of Education to make grants for programs and development of curriculum materials. Sen. Richard S. Schweiker (R. Pa.) is author of the bill which, he said, "is designed to encourage the maximum coordination, cooperation and participation" among the various ethnic groups. "Hopefully," he said, ~"the resulting ethnic identity and mutual understanding can lead to great communication and cooperation in all our communities."
Magazine Names Managing Editor ST. PAUL (NC)-Henry Lexau, on the staff of the Catholic Digest for 23 years, has been named managing editor of the magazine. Lexau joined the Catholic Digest editorial staff in 1949 after he was graduated from the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, which now owns the monthly magazine. Catholic Digest has .a paid circulation of more than 530,000 and an estimated readership of more than 1.5 million.
Tomb Festival Honors Dead VANCOUVER (NC)-Chinese Catholics of the Vancouver area observed their annual spring Tomb Festival June 4 at the Gardens of Gethsemani cemetery of the Vancouver archdiocese. The Mass, 'Sermon, hymns, and prayers were in Chinese. The Tomb Festival is a Christian modification of an ancient and sacred Chinese observance that pays homage to the memory of ancestors, as the participants remeniber the departed spirits of their loved ones and offer sacrifices to' their memories. In their tomb festivals, the Chinese go to the graveyards of their ancestors, clean the graves, and, following prayers and a ceremony of dedication, have their meal, picnic style, in the presence of their ancestors and the dead. 'Ibe ceremony demonstrates the beilef that the souls of the dead" still live. Catholic Chinese include traditional Catholic prayers for the dead, spiritual offerings, the celebration of Mass for the souls of ancestors and friends, and the rededication of the individual to his Christian commitment. Flowers, specially baked cakes and barbecued pigs were among the gifts presented in the Offertory procession at the Mass here, and these were later shared at a community meal.
'I.... BISHOP AT ATTLEBORO SERRA: PrinCipals at the annual Bishop's Night conducted by the Attleboro Serra Club were right to left: Bishop Cronin, the honored guest; outgoing Serra president Edward' G. Lambert and Mrs. Lambert; Very Rev. Thomas J. Harington, Diocesan Chancellor.
PJan to Reorganize Catholic Conference WASHINGTON (NC)-Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin has announced steps implementing the decision of the country's Catholic bishops to reorganize and streamline the United States Catholic Conference. The steps were included in the USCC reorganization plan approved by the bishops at their April 11-13 general meeting in Atlanta. Bishop Bernardin, USCC general secretary, said the steps include: Appointment of four new secretaries - for education, social development and world peace, planning, and research-as staff members of the office of the general secretary. Appointment of a new director of the Division for Religious Education - Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Appointment of an acting director of the Division of Health Affairs. Transfers, Mergers Merger of the Departments of Social Development, International Affairs, and Health Affairs into a new Department of Social Development and World Peace. Transfer of the Department of Communications to the level of a staff office to the general secretary, with the name Office of Communications. . Transfer of the Family Life Division from the former Department of Social Development to the Education Department. Merger of \ the Division of Adult Education into the Division for Religoius EducationConfraternity. of Christian Doctrine. . Final phasing out of the Division for United Nations Affairs, in accordance with a decision made in 1971.
diocesan allocations. This will be nearly $1 million less than in 1972. Bishop Bernardin also outlined the following personnel changes involved in the reorganization:
Holy Land Center Opened in England LONDON (NC)-A Franciscanrun center devoted to study of the Holy Land was dedicated here by Cardinal John Heenan of Westminster. The Franciscans have had a close relationship with the Holy Land ever since St. Francis of Assisi first went there nearly seven centuries ago. As official guardians'of Catholic interests in the shrines of Christendom there, the Franciscans have preserved, restored and beautified many of the Holy Places. The London center, headed by Franciscan Father Andrew Cloonan, has been set up to spread knowledge of the country where Christ lived and ministered on earth and where the Christian religion began. "The center will enable as many as possible to be acquaint- ' ed with the Holy Land without actually visiting it," said Father Cloonan, "though one hastens to add that for those contemplating a trip, the center should prove an invaluable aid."
Happiness To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of hilPpiness. -Russell
Father Olin Murdick has been named secretary of education. He had been director of the USCC Department of Education since March. Msgr. George G. Higgins has been named secretary for research. He had been director of the Division for Urban Affairs since 1968. Msgr. Harold Murray has been seretary for social development and world peace. He had served as director of the Department of Health Affairs since 1964. John J. O'Neill has 'been named secretary for planning. He had held posts in private industry and as a Peace Corps official before joining USCC in 1970 as director of its Office of Research, Plans and Programs.
1.1 2 So. Main St., Fall River Tel.· 4-3210
The reorganization, along with budget cuts and reallocations, envisions a 1973 budget of approximately $2.8 million for USCC activities funded from
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River;-Thurs"June 22, '197.2.
Schedule for Summer Season BREWSTER
OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30, A.M., " , and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.~5:00l:ind 7:30 P.M.. Daily-8:00 AM.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-8:30, 1000 AM. Saturday Eve.~5:00 and 7:30 P.M.
ST. MARGARETS . Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00; 12 hoon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00, AM.
SACRED HEART Masses:Sunday-9:00, 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.
MARION ST. RITA Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturctay Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
ONSET ST. MARY-STAR OF rHE SEA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:30 A.M. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 AM.
CENTERVILLE OUR LADY OF VICTORY ,MasSes: Sunday-'7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday 4-5 and 7-7:30 P.M.. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M.
ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00' AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday' Eve.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 and 9:00 AM.
NANTUCI(ET OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00,10:00, 11:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. and 5:15 P.M. SIASCONSET, MASS., COMMUNITY CHAPEL· Masses: Sunday-8:15 AM. Starting July 2nd
Masses: Sunday-9:30, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-5:00 P. M. Confessions: Before every Mass
CENTRAL VILLAGE ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Masses Slinday-8:00, 9:00 9:30; 10:00, 10:30 and 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.
CHATHAM HOLY REDEEMER Masses: Sunday-8:00" 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 ,AM. Saturday Evening--5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions: Saturdays-,lO:OO-11 :00 A.M. and 7:00-8:00 P.M. Schedule in effect from ,June 24-25 thru Labilr Day weekend
SOUTH CHA,THAM' OUR LADY OF GRACE Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30,11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday~:00·5:00 P.M. Schedule in' effect .from June' 24-25' thru ~abor Day weekend '
,, EAST' FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:3U P.M. l Daily"'::"'8:00 A.lYI.
SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. . Daily-7:00 AM.
ORLEAN,S ST. JOAN OF ARC Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 .and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass. at 8:00.AM.
NORTH EASTHAM , CHURCH OF THE VISITATION Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 ~.M.
OSTERVILLE OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 12 Noon Confessions: Saturday-4:30-5:00 P.M.
SANTUIT ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9;00 and 10:30 Masses: Saturday-5:00' P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:30-5:00 P.M. '
MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday~:30-5:00 P. M.
EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZABETH l\;1asses~ Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. SatiJrday Eve.-7:00 P.M. , Daily-7:00 AM. . Schedule in effect from .Memorial Day thru Uibol' Day' weekends.. ,
FALMOUTH ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, ·10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. ' Saturday Eve-5:30 'and 6:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. \
ST. THOMAS CHAPEL 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 AM. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00; 11:00, 12:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30P.M. D~i1y-7:00 and 8:00 AM.
.MISSION SCENE: Father De Cleippeleir, Belgian missionary, the Congo, Leopoldville visits with the mother of Bishop Joseph Busimba, of Goma nearby. NC Photo.
Nun Says Westernization Causes T'rClluble for Asians SYDNEY (NC)-Western civilization is bringing more troubles with it than Asian countries bargained for, according to an Indonesian nun-dentist. "Our dietary patterns .are changing as we become more Westernized, and Clur public health 'systems are not ready," Sister' Kien Be said here. "If .we don't improve our dental facilities and education, Indonesia will be in as bad a position as Australia, where ·the decay rate is reaching an aU-time high." The 'problem is magnified in Indonesia-where there is only one dentist,.to every 12:0,000 people" cOJ11pared to Australia's ratio of ?ne to 2,500. Sister Kien, a qualified dentist, has received an additional diploma in public health dentistry, with an emphasi:;; on preventive dentistry. She will return to Indonesia in April and will teach at the University of Padjadjaran at Bandung. She said she hopes to inspire
the dental students to a concern in public health. "I am going to teach them dental health education in the hope they implement it at the chairside and also at the public health 'level." She is now planning a dental clinic that has experiented .some growing' pains because of a lack of finances. The 'clinic will be concerned primarily with preventive care in ohildren, although it will also be open to adults. Australian Catholic Relief will give $3,000 for equipment, about a quarter of the estimated cost. '''1 might be able to make ends meet by using simple equipment," Sister Kien said. "Modern dentistry involves elaborate equipment but I think we can do a very adequate job with simplified versions."
Courage Courage is a virtue only so far as' it 'is directed by prudence. -Fenelon
Check TI1,e;se Banking Services
ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Masses: Sunday.-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:$0 AM.
• Savings Bank Life Insurance • Real Estate Loans • Christmas and Vacation Clubs • Savings Accounts . 5 Convenient Locations
PROVINCETOWN ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve;-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 5:30 P.M. (Except Saturdays),
Seek Workable -Pastoral PI~n
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 22, 1972
Pope Stresses Call to Sanctity
WASHINGTON (NC)-A fourday meeting here June 19-22 is being viewed as the first step toward developing a workable pastoral plan for the Spanish, speaking apostolate. The long and short range goals' of the Catholic Church in regard to the Spanish-speaking community will be discussed at "Encuentro Hispano de Pastoral," planned by the Division for the Spanish-speaking of the U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC). Cardinal John Krol, president of the USCC and the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, USCC general secretary, will ad'~..~ dress the meeting. Two other addresses will be made by Bishop Raul Sembrano of Facatativa, Colombia, and Auxiliary Bishop Patrick Flores . of San Antonio, Tex. . 1 Members of the hierarchy, diocesan representatives, and leaders of Spanish-speaking com. munities in the United States have been invited to participate. The Division for the SpanishI speaking has prepared statistical SPECIAL BLESSING AT NEW BEDFORD CHAPEL: breakdowns of the number and Rev. Regis Galvin, OFM., and Rev. Cornelius Kelly, OFM, percentages of Spanish-speaking people in the various dioceses rector of Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford exemplify the and states throughout the coun- traditional blessing of lilies on the Feast of St. Anthony try to help visualize the needs of to commemorate in symbolism the purity of the saint that community. . whose feast is celebrated on June 13.
VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Christian surrendering his own freedom to answer God's call to sainthood is the "Christian paradox," Pope Paul VI told thousands of visitors at a general audience here. Stating that the Christian is cailed by God to heroism and sacrifice in suppressing his own freedom, the Pope added: "Behold, here is the Christian paradox: Our freedom is called to perfection and to love. "The encounter of loving and saving will of God with the obedient and happy will of Oui hJman heart is perfection, is sanctity."
lI.~ ·
SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M.
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M.
ORPHANS BREAD is. the' club (dues:, $1 a month) that comes to the rescue when orphans need milk, medicines, underwear. Like to join? Send $1 every month.
HOLY TRINITY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 noon and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM.
OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 Saturday Eve.-4:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Devotions: Sunday Eve.-Benediction at 7:00 P.M. CHilMARK
COMMUNITY CENTER Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M.
UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. WESTPORT
ST. GEORGE' Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.
",. ..~
It's never too late to remember children in your will. The Holy Father knows where children are the neediest. Simply tell your lawyer our legal' title: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCI~TION.
Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE Monsignor Nolan: Fa Rr Please return coupon with your offering
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_ _
ST. JOSEPH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.
ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. Monday-A Mass for Peace 7:00 P.M.
f!:t_- )~ep~._3 _, .... ~ _"
ST. PIUS TENTH . Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM.
You are needed ••• to act as a Mom or Dad to an orphan in the Holy Land, Ethiopia, or India. The cost is very little. The satisfac.tion is great. More than half of the 1,400,000 refugees in the Holy Land are boys and. girls. A great many are orphans. Some barely exist by begging for milk, food, clothing. Others are in the Holy Father's care - supported by the generous friends of Near East Missions ••• You can 'adopt' one of these children and guarantee'him (or her) three meals' a day, a warm bed, love and companionship and preparation to earn his own living. An orphan's support costs only $14 a month ••• $168 a year. Send us the first month's support and we will send your 'adopted' child's photo. You can write to him or her. The Sister who' cares for your child will write to you; if the child cannot write yet. A close bond of love will develop. Please send the coupon with your of· fering today.
ST. MARY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00,7:30 PM Saturday Eve.-5:15 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. Saturdays only-8:00 AM.
. • , .. < . . . .
ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M. Schedule Runs June 24 - Sept 3
OUR LADY OF LOURDES Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30, 9:00 AM.
The Pope insisted that "we cannot involve ourselves with sanctity, and vice versa, sanctity makes no sense unless it is grqunded ire religion."
ST. THERESA'S CHURCH Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve. 6:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-4:45 P.M. and after Evening Masses
"There are many mediocre Christians," the Pope said. "Not because they are weak or lacking information, but because they wish to' be mediocre."
Sch'edule for Summer Season CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-'-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-4:45 P.M. and after' Evening Masses
Sainthood the Pope said, is gained by both the grace given by Gcd and our active acceptance of that grace. To accept the grace but to do nothing with it, the Pope continued, can only lead to moral indifference.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, lq:OO, 11:00, 12 noon Saturday Eve-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. .DClily-8:00 AM.
TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. ~ 330 Madison Avenue.' New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/986· 5840
THE ANCHOR-Dio~ese .of Fall River--Thurs. J1;J~ 22;.19.7...2. ,
Fall River ·Nuns Vote in' Order's 30th Chapter
Never The -Same No one is happy-or should be-when any person go~s . to jail. Human compassion' demands that' the culprit, be viewed kindly an.d with every aid fQr rehabilitation. There are sometimes lessons to be learned from this misfortune that happeJ:').5 to another. The present instance , of the Irvings-:-of Howard Hughes book hoax notorietyis a case in question. hving and his wife have both been sentenced to jailmercifully on a staggered basis, so that one parent could be with their young sons. But the reaction of Mrs. Irving is a sad one, since she has deplored -the jail sentence, understandably, and has asked that the whole family be allowed to go home "and everything will be all right again." . This is the sad lesson to be gained from the case-that things are never "all ,right again" when there has been any 'deviation from the standards of right. Actions have 'conse. quences, and when thelre has been a tangled web of deceit and fraud and money.taken under false pretenses and per: jured statements then these act~ do affect not only the lives of the people involved but the credibility of the pub-lic. The fabric of confidence is severly weakened. One cannot 'merely say "I am sorry" when caught and then business as usual. The individuals involved in the fraud are twisted in their lives and values, and this affects them and those close to them since innocent youngsters also become .victims. Society is .pushed one bit further down the 'road of cynicism.-The printed word is made a tool of deceit rather than of trutn. AnQ even when there is full sorrow and remorse there must be a turn-about by the culprits and a rebuilding of lost reputations and veracity. No, things are never the same again.
When 'GoodlJ.fen Die
The deaths of nine firefighters in Boston and the in, Rev.•John F. Moore, B.A., M.A., M.Eclc jury to others· should to the attention of every citizen these men who daily place their very lives in the forefront of danger for the protection and well-being of their fellow citizens. . . A recent featured article in the national news ~eekly Every time a policeman or fireman leaves for work "Time" focused much attention on'the revival of the occult both he and his family face the prospect that this shift in this country. The article paid special notice to !he unique may be the critical one, may·be the one one that demands aspect of the renewal interest in the very mystenous world not only the' heroic....:......that is almost commonplace in the of Satan as' exemplified by . . lives of these men-bUlt may demand the ultimate, his the . San Francisco' based his existence and influence on the course of events.,' . ' very life itself. ' Church of Satan. The special Modern man's pre..occupation These are the men\' who do their work quietly and interest of 'this 'cover story with every' species of· the abefficiently, men who' are all too often taken for granted, was that it centered its study normal and the sensational, his men. who are given consideratiQn only when they, are , of the occult with the very hard·· driving need for ever more vioneeded, always in. a crisis, ,and even then. they are, the hitting message that this revival lent stimuli and. his restless of the occult should be viewed curiosity regarding· almost any object of harsh criticism if not irrational abuse; . as a substitute faith. Multitudes aspect of the,occult are but mere '. How utterly irrational that fireme~ are .sometimes have become so disenchanted examples of his' ,disint,~grating so called .organized and religiosity. As a result of these stoned Vihen they try 1.0 go about the· business of theIr with' traditional religions of this coun· attitudes, the' devil has staged , calling, the saving 'and prqtection of -human life and' prop- try that they have fleq to the a dazzling come-baclc. erty! How completely deranged' that 8L policeman who very of the crystal Even among those who profess tries to do his duty is at -times attacked verbally' or phy- ball, . tarot card and, ultim~tely the leadership of the Gospel to a renewal of the very. real message there is to be j[ound a sically by an otherwise complacent ei~izenry! died in the performance of their duty, that decent people pause and ever so briefly pay respects to those who serve them so silently and so well.
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River . 410 Highland Avenu'e " . Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151
world of Satanic worship. It should' be' observed and' understood by the religious' le~ders of this country that this renewal of the occult is not just a mere fad of the eccentric or the sensationalist. Few, it is' true, are formally members of Satanic Churches b'ut millions are invoJved in witchcraft, prophecy, spiritualism, and magic. From the world of Rosemary's Baby to the recent best seller The Exorcists, millions more have been exposed to revival of the occult.
There can be little doubt that the rather phony, intellectual world of today confronted by the - problem' of Satan is qivided PUBLISHER against itself by a two:fold reo \..·Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.~.; S.T.D: action. On the one hand it is ,GENERAL MANAGEH ASST. GENERAL MANAGER fascinated by this mysterious personage and on the other hand Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shallo(), M.A. Re'f.- John P. Driscoll ~lelry Press-·Fall'Rlver is almost totally skeptical as to
111II1II1Il1l1ll1I1I1l1ll1I1II1IIIIIII""lIIl1l11l1lll\\I1i1ll11ll11l11ll1l1l1ll 1ll1l Illn"UIllIIIIIIIlUIIIll1l
'. Though one may not question the actual existence of the devil, there .are many even in the Church who fail to put into practice the conclusions to be drawn from .such an attitude and belief. Seemingly for all practical purposes modern man has be: come very well adep~ at workingout his own damnation and in many instances" rationalism together with f!J.'ldamentalism only seems to have hastened the process. We should arrive at some basic principles basic' to the question of. Satanism. A Christian should realize that just as much danger lies in our over intense' belief in the devil as Iio belief whatsoever. We must also remember' from the sources of Scripture that it ,would be dangerous not to believe enough in the devil. for to imagine that he negation :tbout Satan; he' is does not exist is to do his own work for him. bundled away into the dusty This.·lapse into a rationalistic attic of discarded myth:;. As a bptimism entails a blindness to direct reactiioh to the, never .the ceaseless war between the ceasing cry of hell, fire and dam- Church and the forces of evil nation" many churchmen ,have and, a total disregard of texts swept as'ide the question of from Scripture. Christians today Satan in direct reaction to a in a very real way seem only depressing theology. 01' 'complete too prone to this, sort of. forJansenism. getfulness. The . cry of damnation, the Today's' child might teach us shouts of extreme censure and a lesson that we have only too the fury of Victorian rl~probation readily forgotten namely, "the have become the total source of devil who as a roaring lion goes fundamental preaching that they about seeking those whom he have m~de life a joke, God a may devour." laughingstock and the '·devil. a life-symbol. As a result either Counsel the theology of fear has replaced that of Christian love or the Counsel your friend on all entire question of Satan will be things, especially on those which ignored by Churchmen who be- respect yourself.· His counsel lieve that Satan can be replaced ,may then be useful where your by mere words of ridicule and own self-love might impair your derision. jud~e~t. -:Seneca
It is only at times of tragedy; When good men have
Four Sisters of Providence from S1. Raphael's Motherhouse, 147 Madison Street, Fall River were among the 36 members of the 30th General Chapter of the ,Sisters of Providence currently in session at St. Mary-of-theWoods, Ind. who reelected .a Superior General of the Congregation, a secretary general and a director of finance.. All were elected for four years. New office holders elected were directors of Christian development and apostolic works. - There were: Mother Mary Pius Regnier, SP, Superior General; .Sr. Ann Kathleen Brawley, SP, secretary general;' Sr. Margaret Kern, SP, director of fiance. Also, Sr. Alexa Suelzer, SP, director of Christian development and Sister Edwardine McNulty, SP, director of Apostolic· works. Sisters from the Fall River motherhouse who were among 36 casting ballots were: Sr. Anna Rose Harrington, SP, provincial of the Eastern Province; Sr. Thomasine Griffin, SP, first councilor of the Eastern province; Sr. Eileen Ann Kelley, SP, second councilor of the Eastern province and Sister Francis Michael Driscoll, SP, instructor in English at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. The congregation has 1300 sisters located throughout the ,United States as well as in Peru and Taiwan.
Relief Services Stress Plight Of Burundi NEW YORK (NC)-The plight of the African nation of Burun~i is even worse than that of Biafra where a 30-month civil war left thousands homeless or dead of starvation, according to Catholic Relief Services here. . "Biafra, Bangladesh, now Burundil" said a June 13 full-page ad in the New York Times. . "Help us help those who flee!" CRS, overseas aid agency of U. S. Catholics, said it would soon be sending to Burundi critically needed supplies," including clothing, medicine, 10,000 blankets and 54,000 pounds of baby food. "Frankly, our problem is that we are' running out of the money w~ need to be able to qontinue to help," the ad said. Noting that it conducts aid programs in 70 countries around the world, CRS said it is "perhaps best known for our work during times of emergencies 'and disasters, particularly wars." VVave of Bloodshed "We aided innocent victims on both sides of the Nigerian civil war; we have been actively involved in Bangladesh helping . millions to rebuild their homes and villages .. )' the ad noted. Now in Burundi, the ad continued, "more than 100,000 men, women and children have been cruelly killed' during the past months because of ancient conflicts and rivalries, and thousands more have fled for their lives into the bush to escape the same fate." The recent wave of bloodshed in Burundi began in April after a revolt among the majority Hutu tribe against the traditional ruling tribe, the Tutsis. Tne CRS ad quoted an eyewitness in Burundi, who described the situation there as "worse than even the darkest days of Biafra." "We ask a helping hard," the ad said, "so that we can extend one in your name, to th se who need it so much."
Attack Plan to ive 'Safe Sex' Advic ,I I
LONDON (NC)-Cathol cs here have attacked a project of the Family Planning Associ ion to give widespread "safe s x" advice to English teen-agers. Under the FPA plan, trained volunteers will visit teen hang-. outs to encourage youngsters to use contraceptives. The volunteers will go to pubs, coffee bars, clubs and young peoples' neighborhOOd centers to talk about birth control. Scheduled to start in July, the FPA project aitnsto offer sex education to sexually active but unaware teen-agers. "I't's monstrous," said Father George Leonard of the Clltholic Information Office. It's another example of encouraging promiscuity, of separating love and sex. This thing could also promote VD." Catholics in Islington, the London borough where the FPA project will be launched initially, , view the scheme with the "utmost dismay." according to a statement from the Catholic Deanery Council of Islington. "It would be teaching the young to lust rather than to love,"
Thurs., June 22, 1972
Hits Subv'ersion Of Church
LAITY TO; THE MISSIONS: Archbishop TiJ;nothy Manning' of Los Angeles is surrounded by 15 lay people, including two married couples,路 who participated in a departure ceremony for Los Angeles Lay Mission-Helpers. They pledged themselves to spend three years working in missions at their occupational skills and thus raised to 472 the number of persons who have or are' serving overseas in the past 16 years from the California Archdiocese. NC Photo.
Criticizes ,Pacifistsii Praises War Dead ST. PETERSBURG (NC)"This is not Catholic teaching. Bishop Charles B. McLaughlin of Catholic teaching says we have St. Petersburg criticized Catholic a right to defend ourselves, and pacifists and issued a challenge defend ourselves we should," for Catholics to rise to the level Bishop McLaughlin said. of sacrifice exemplified by the He said, that some persons war dead of the United States. who oppose the military are not " what patriotism is all being realistic. "It is nice to about," he said at a memorial think of the ideal that there never mass at Calvary Cemetery in St. shall be war," he said, "and Petersburg. "Patriotism is still while the President's trip to Russomething good, it is still a vir- sia gives us great hope, it does tue. The love of country does not yet say that communism has amount to something." . revoked its primary intention of The bishop decried the activity revolutionizing the world.' of young pacifists who claim that their refusal to serve in the "I do not think we should bemilitary is based on Catholic come confused in the sense that, teaching. abhorring all wars, we simply
Six Den minations Want Religion Major S bje~t. in Public Schools TORONTO (NC An ecumenical comm'ission r presenting six major Christian denominations in Ontario provinc called for the recognition of r ligion as "a major academic ubject in its own right" in the rovince's public school system. The commission,' said it wants a course in the study of religion to ."be taught by professional teachers who have majored in religion at university levels." The Ecumenical Study Commission on Religion in Public Schools, composed of Protestant, Anglican and Catholic educators, made these comments in a reaction to the Keiller Mackay Report on religion in public schools. The ecumenical commission has been studying the Mackay Report for several months. The Ontario provincial government has not yet implemented the report. This report does not deal with separate (Catholic) schools, which receive Ontario government grants up to grade 10. The Mackay Report, completed in 1969, generally placed its seal of approval on the elimination of religion from public schools. It urged Ontario "not to continue to be one of the few non-
sectarian school systems in North America which provides for religious instruction within school hours by the classroom teachers; we have an obligation to join the mainstream." 'Rightful Place' Even in its positive recommendations, the Mackay Report relegated religion to the realm of "incidental teaching and study," or optional courses, in senior high school grades taught by members of the history department. The Ecumenical Study Commission said its "feels strongly that religion has a rightful place in school, as it does in the home and in the church, recognizing at the same time the care with whieh the necessary safeguards have to be made." , . Although the ESC did not pretend to have' any ready-made programs for religion in schools, it asserted that "religion is a subject worthy of academic study in its own right, and should not be treated as just an adjunct of the departments of history and English literature." It expressed confidence in the ability of the Deparment of Education to devise such a program.
open ourselves to all types of aggression." He reminded the crowd of worshippers that Catholics have a special interest in supporting President Nixon's Vietnam war policy. "We should not forget the fact that 100,000 peoplemost of them Catholics - were massacred, slaughtered in North Vietnam," he 路said. "We Catholics certainly have a stake with the hundreds of thousands of our fellow Catholics in South Vietnam today."
.Archbishop Gives Ecumenical Retreat PRINCETON (NC)-Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was the principal speaker at Princeton 'I1heological Seminary's first joint retreat for Catholic priests and Protestant ministers. 1 The former national dirdctor of the Society for the Propkgation of the Faith, noted s a colorful radio and televi ion preacher during the 195Qs, aid he spoke at the ecumenical service "on the subject of Chr st." A spokesman for tlJe Theo ogkal Seminary here described the recent three-day retreat as "mutual discussion and dialogue" and the "first time" the predominantly Presbyterian seminary had gathered area priests and ministers for a retreat. Archbishop Sheen, 77, told NC News he has been giving "two to three retreats per month," since retiring in 1969 as Bishop of Rochester, N. Y. The prelet? also noted he had lectured "at 40 secular universities in the last year."
DRY CLEANING AND FUR STORAGE 34-44 Cohannet St., Taunton Whittenton Branch Store 334 Bay Street, across from Fire Station Tel. 822-6161
ROME (NC)-Love and obey yoiIr Church. and your Pope, the cardinal vicar of the diocese of Rome urged Romans in a pastoral letter containing a lengthy litany condemning subversion of the Church. Cardinal Angelo Dell'Acqua, who administers the Rome diocese in the name of the, Pope, issued his letter for the feast of SS. Peter and Paul, June 29, and the ninth anniversary of the cor路 onation of Paul VI, on June' 30. The cardinal asked Romans to "pray for calmer days for Pope Paul" and to display the recognition they, have always extended to the Pope, "but above all in times of sorrow ~nd agita,tion" which afflict the. Church. The Church is passing through a "difficult period" in its history, the cardinal said. Among the many reasons for. this, he continued, is "the harmful attitude of some priests and religious who have forgotten the freely taken and demanding promises they made on their day of ordination or profession." These attitudes, the cardinal asserted scandalize the faithful because they "subvert the structures of the Church."
Shortage in Church Personn'el Expected TAIPEI (NC) Decreasing Church personnel in the years ahead was one of the problems discussed at a two-day meeting of bishops, Religious superiors and laymen here. Actually, the number of priests in Taiwan has continued to increase slightly each year, though that of Sisters has diminished. Bishops and Religious superiors, however, are worried that signs point to an all-round reduction in the next 10 years that could seriously affect their ability to fulfill commitments. The projection is b sed on the expectation that fe er foreign missionaries will arri e because of the general fall-off in priestly vocations and the robability that vocations in 1 cal seminarieswill not be s ficient to make up the deficit. Priests listed in the olic Directory here n mber 917, of whom 376 are C inese and 441 foreign. In the 1970 directory there were 364 Chinese and 445 foreign priests listed for a total of 809. SHAME
It is a poor and disgraceful thing not to be able to reply, with some degree of certainty, to the simple questions, What will .you be? What will you do? -Foster
~ ~
944 County St. New Becfford
~ -
Cburch Critics Risk Heresy
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River--Thurs. June(22, 1972
On1e Fas,hi,on Co,I()'lr as ,Base' Aid in Beating Inflatilo,n With the price of clothes still soaring higher and , higher each fashion season that rolls around means another expenditure. Thil' isn't too bad if the only member of. the family that has to get outfitted is you but when two, three or more offsprings Sales-Minded . need new coats, school jackFor this reason, it is foolish ets, shoes etc. then clothing to spend a ·great deal of mOl).ey takes a big chunk out (If the on warm 'weather fashions. This weekly and monthly budget. Add this to the staggering food costs there's very little money left for even existing,
One way to beat the clothing diiemma is to shop the saler; and presently many of the storeB will be marking down their early summer merchandise, espec:ially the better stores.' Many or the expensive clothes are the first to hit the mark-down rackB because stores cannot afford to keep them around from season to season. My problem is, that by .the time all the stores have sales; my charges look like a barometer in the middle of a topica( hurricane. , This year, though, I'm determined to :waituntil the bathing suits go on sale before I even try one ~:m.' Invariably, when I buy a bathing suit, we run into a spell of New England summer mizzles" and I don't end up wearing it until all of its s!ster suits have hit the· sale rack. Basic Item Another way to make your fashion dollar stretch as farr' as it can is to center your wardrrobe around one fashion color. If red is your color favorite then ~Itart · off with a good basic item, such as a blazer in this color then buy the other pieces of your summer fashion plan around it. This way your accessory buying can be keptdown'to a minimum. 'flien, a,fter your basic needs are covered, you can keep your eye open for the aforementioned bargains that can add variety to your closet. While winter clothes can be carried weli from season to Beason, nothing is more disappointing in the early spring than taking a look at last year's summer fashions that you tucked away so carefully. In most cases, they look as if they should have bleen · given to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, rather than take up needed storage space. ,
year, because of the change in jobs and the fact that all my previous :;ummers have been spent lolling on th(~ beach for 10 weeks, I have had to spend a considerable amount on work clothes (most offices frown on , beach robes and scooter skirts,) an expense that I am not too happy aboUlt, since most of them will look quite unappetizing if past experiences prove anything. However" I'll keep my \. eyes open for some great sales, try to BAKING CONTEST WINNER: Sister M. Barbara Sabel, pick up some knits that I can O.S.F., cafeteria supervisor at 8t Mary Academy, Indianwear into the balmy fall days apolis, won $650 as her second place prize in the Indiariapand maybe--just maybe, I'll be olis Power and Light Company Baking Contest {mtered by able to get back. to my sewing machine and augment my clothes 450 other contestants. Her prize~winning entry, which she profile . with a few handmade ,calls "Rich Silver Cake," is a white cake with Bavarian extras. cream filling and topping. \Vhen asked what she intends to
Bis,hops Asked to Aid Flood Stl-icken Area WASHINGTON (NC)-Catholic bishops throughout the country, have been asked by the National Catholic Dister Relief Committee for' financial assistance for the flood stricken Rapid City area of South Dakota. The Red Cross established headquarter:; in the cathedral school of Our Lady' of Perpetual Help and set up sub-stations at St. John's and' Blessed' Sacrament parishes in the Rapid City diocese. The latter sub-station is situated in the heart of the afflicted area.. Though Blessed Blessed Sacrament parish suffered little damage to the buildings, . fatalities in, the surrounding neighb'orhood were high. Jesuit Father Francis J. Collins was killed when flood waters struck his rectory at the Mother Butler Centelr, an Indian mission in a hard hit area. According to Bishop Harold Dimmerling of Rapid City, there is no shortage of food or clothing in the disastllr area. The diocese is coordinating its efforts with the Pennington County Civil Defense and ha,s adequate personnel, he told officials here.
Nuns, La)fmen Give Communic)n in Brazil
do with the prize money, Sister Barbara replied that she will use it to improve the cafeteria facilities, so she can serve better meals to the students. NC Photo.
California Parish Gets a Lot of Mileaue Out of Rolls Royce SAN FERNANDO (NC)-When Father' Luis Valbuena. pastor, Chad Everett, star of TV's Med.. holds that education is the key progress for anybody; ,ical Center, donated his 1950 to Rolls Royce to Santa Rosa par.. Mexican - Americans especially. ish here last year, he could not: He started the Santa Rosa Parish have had any idea of the mileage Scholarship Associatitm and got that the Mexican-American pa· his parishioners to provide scholrishioners would get out of it. arship funds,- through ,-fiestas, So far, the car had helped 74 breakfasts, taco, tamale and buryoung people get off to a good' rito sales, dances and raffles. educational ride that may proThat's' 'where Chad Everett's vide momentum for the rest of Rolls Royce rolled into the pictheir lives. ture.
Hits 'Double Standard' Of Professionalism SEATTLE (NC)-Lack of professionalism is the major. weakness of religious education programs, according to Len ,Leritz, the newly elected national chairman of the Community of Religious Education Directors. "The quality of any education; al program can be equated with the teacher or personnel," Leritz said. "We have been operating for years with a double standard in regard to professionalism. We have rightly 'recognized that professionalism is essential for q~ality parochial schools, but have continued to operate religious education programs outside the schools on a . 'volunteer basis."
RIO DE JANEIRO (NC) Month-long ,Eucharistic celebrations here Wllre climaxed by the "ordination" of 280 Religious and laymen, ~luthorizing them to distribute ·Communion. Cardinal Eugenio Sales of Rio Anti-Abortion Groups de Janeiro presided at the "ordination" ceremony at the' National "As important as good will Help Rape Victims Shrine of' Perpetual Ador~tion is," he added, "it does not miracPITTSBURGH' (NC) - Three here. . '. anti-abortion groups have serit. . For four' weeks parishpilgrim=- ulously make som~one a good $1,000 to the Mother Therclsa' ages had filed morning, after- religious educator. We have, not Shelter in Bangladesh to help' noon and night through the provided equal educational opportunities for all of our chilrkpe victims with their pregnan- ,shrine'for Eucharistic services. dies. , ' Those now authorized to. dis- dren, let alone all of our adults." I Women Concerned for the lIn- tribute Communion will make The solution, said the CORED ,born Child, Pennsylvanians for periodic visits: to the sick. Rio leader from Vancouver; Wash., /Human Life, Birthright collect ed de Janeiro - and other Brazilian is .for the Church to "get serithe money in May at their sec- 'dioceses have a shortage of ous" about providing profession· and annual "Celebfate Life" " . priests, with the national aver- al religious education services to ': interfaith ,service here" attended 'age of about Ei,500 Catholics per 'all the people, "not just a seI by 400 persons. priest. ,. lect few."
Last year, the car was the prize in the parish raffle. The raffle and related fund-raising efforts netted $14.500 for the scholarship fund. Early in June $200 scholarship awards were presented after noon Mass in Santa, Rosa to 74 seniors from eight high schools in the area. The recipients may apply their grant to any school of their choice, either academic or vocational. A total of 150 students have received $200 awards in the past three. years. Many of the students go to trade schools and many to public colleges where a $200 grant may mean the difference between going to school or settling for an unskilled job somewhere.
VATICAN CITY (NC) A Vatican Radio commentator warned that critics and reformers of the Church who go so far as to spurn its hierarchical authority run the risk of heresy. The commentary was a followup to Pope Paul's remarks at his general audience the day before, in which he said some Catholic publications seem to be absorbed ' in searching out the Church's defects and publicizing them, forgetting that the Church was founded by Christ to save men. The Vatican Radio commentator warmly endorsed the fact that Catholics are looking more closely than ever at their Church, saying: "Today the people of God are ever more aware that love of the Church; attachment and loyalty to' it, cannot and must not, be blind love, or an unaware attachment, or irresponsible loyalty. One does not truly love the Church if he willingly closes his eyes to its defects, if he is not concerned with what needs to be reformed in the Church or with what is a cause for scandal." ' The commentator warned, however, that the critical approach can become distorted when it centers only on itself, "when it identifies loyalty solely with criticism, when it expresses love solely by denunciations and 'when attachment comes to mean only protest and defamation. "Then there is no longer room for understanding, patience, trust and hope. And above all there is no longer room for a higher authority to which by di~ine mandate there has been res~ed final judgment."
Hold Vatican Meeting On Discrimination WASHINGTON (NC) - Five Americans participated in a consultation on racial discrimination and ,justice to be held by the Vatican's Commission on Justice and Peace May :24-27. Attending the conference at Nemi, Italy, were Sister Martin de Porres Grey, head of the National Black Sisters' Confer· ence; Brother Joseph M. Davis, executive director of the National Office for Black Catholics; Auxiliary' Bishop Patrick F. Flores of San Antonio; Bishop Peter L. Gerety of Portland, Maine and Msgr. Marvin Bordelon, director of the U. S. Catholic Conference's Department of International Affairs.
MOTORS OLDSMOBILE 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven
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Cooperation Between. Nonpublic; , Public School Cited WASHINGTON (NC) - Large numbers of nonpublic school children are being deprived ·of some of the educational services provided for them in a federal education law, a government publication said here. Title' (section) One of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA provides $1.6 billion for programs for educationally disadvantaged children, says the June issue of American Education, published by theU. S. Office of Education (USOE). Although some nonpublic school children are legally entitled to participate in these and other programs included in the law, the magazine noted, "more often than not certain roadblocks appear." "The that substantial numbers of nonpublic school children who could and should be receiving Title One assistance are being deprived of it," it continues. The magazine theorizes why nonpublic students have been excluded in some cases. But the bulk of the article in a case oonpublic schools has workedthe city of Pittsburgh. Bridges Gap The .chief barrier toward including nonpublic school students in the federally-funded programs "seems to consist" of an absence of simple cooperation, coordination, and even conversation between the public and nonpublic school systems,:' the magazine says. But not everywhere," it con-, tinues, noting that educational policies in Pittsburgh "would seem to carry a significant message to public and nonpublic educators everywhere." About a third of the 101,000 school-age children in Pittsburgh attend Catholic schools. "On the basis of sheer size alone the parochial school system would seem of necessity to loom large in the consciousness of the city'~ public school administrators,." the magazine notes. "But of equal impact is a spirit of cooperation that by now has taken on the stability of a tradition and in the process has bridged the gap between the two systems." This spirit of cooperation, the magazine says, began in 1917 when a home economics teacher in the Pittsburgh public school system asked the Pittsburgh diocese whether Catholic school students would like to participale in her program. Based on Trust Today, according to the magazine, "public and parochial schools are engaged in some 28 shared-time programs and activities."
Sisfiers ('Cunei I
Major assistance for the programs comes from ESEA, especially Title One funds, the magazine says. "Of the 32,000 youngsters eligible for Title One assistance in the two systems, about 30,500 are in fact being served." ,. . Other instances of cooperation - range from "modest acts of kindness and consideration to actions requiring significant administrative rearrangements," the magazine notes. It quotes a member of the Pittsburgh Board of Public Education to describe' why public-. nonpupblic cooperation has become a reality there. Relationships between the parochial and public schools 'are as good as they are."said Dr. LeRoy Patrick, "primarily because they are based on mutual trust." Louis J. Kishkunas, public school superintendent added that "if anything happens to the parochial school system, we're in trouble."
(,ails for Action
The Parish Parade ·55. PETER AND PAUL; FALL RIVER Members of the parish CYO baseball team will conduct a car wash on Saturday in the school yard on Benton Street. Admission is one dollar per car and refreshments will be available. Proceeds will be used to purchase,equipment for the team.
THE ANCHORThurs., June 22, 1972
Made Homeless by Flood in Rapid City •
Benedictine Si~ters Playing Major Role In Aiding Rapid City Flood Victims
RAPID CITY (NC)-Church- efforts with Indian volunteers in men and laymen have banded to- 'cleaning and salvaging what is gether here in an effort to re- left of the 'Mother Butler Center, OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL . construct the wreckage left after an Indian mission situated in a this area's devastating flood. In particularly hard hit area. TernHELP, NEW BEDFORD addition to Red Cross and Salva- porary homes for displaced famMembers of Our Lady of Per- tion Army relief crews, the Cath- ilies have been made in the St. petual Help Society will receive, olic, Lutheran, Mennonite, and Martin's Academy dormitory. Holy Communion in a body at According to Father William the 8:30 Mass on Sunday morn- Seventh Day Adventist Churches have joined in counciling the O'Connell of Rapid City, an ecuing, June 25 and installation of in cleanmenical Church Disaster Rehomeless and assisting officers will take place later the sponse Committee has been same date at the annual society ing up operations. The· Benedictine Sisters of St. formed to coordinate relief ef, dinner. The Rosary Society will con- Martin's Priory of the Black Hills forts and distribute reconstrucduct a perogi sale from 1 to 5 of No. Dakota have assumed a tion funds. "We realize when the today and tomorrow in the major role in the operation. Aid- impact of this really hits, when ed by VISTA workers, the Sis- the volunteers leave, there is church hall. tel's have established a day care going to be great trauma" center in St. Martin's Academy. among the survivors, he said. Study Suggestions The center, which was not dam- He explained that the committee ged, supervises children of vOl- is designed to meet the emotionOn' Pieta Restoration unteer workers in the area. al and spiritual needs of those. VATICAN CITY (NC) - ExAcademy Dorm left to carry on. perts at the Vatican Museums Benedictine Sisters are also are receiving and carefully con- aiding in burials, hospital work, sidering the 'many suggestions and interviews of people in need $5,000 Or More being volunteered on how to re- . of relief. "We've done volunteer On EquIty In Your Home store the damaged Pieta of work in sorting clothes and now You May Use The Money Michelangelo. we have Sisters working in docHowever You Wish. Vatican Radio reported that tot's offices cleaning off recthe repairing of. the statue, ords," said Sister M. Magdalene AVCO FINANCIAL smashed by a hammer-wielding Callahan, Benedictine prioress. SERVICES assailant in St. Peter's Basilica The Sisters are also combining 71 William St., New Bedford in May, is still in the study 994-9636 stage. The restoration laboraCatholic Daughters tories of the Vatican Museums are now conducting a number of Appoint Official experiments connected with the Priest· Institute N~W YORK (NC)-Miss MarNEW ORLEANS (NC)-The planned restoration of the mar- garet McKearney, of Rego Park, second national institute for ble statue. N.Y., has been appointed secreBut Vatican Radio said that tary-treasurer of .the Catholic white priests working in black. parishes, sponsored by the Na- none of the experiments now Daughters of America. tional Office for Black Catholics, under study will be actually apA former national CDA direcwill be held July 10-22 at the plied to the masterpiece until tor, Miss McKearney heads the Ave Marie Retreat Center here. Vatican experts are absolutely National. Junior CDA CommisThe two-week program, limited , sure of the materials to be used sion and has 1:erved as state reto 30 participants, is designed to and the means and procedures g~nt of New York. offer white priests working in to be followed. Replacing Miss McK~arney as rhe experts, according to Vat- one of the nine national' direcblack parish~s an opportunity to explore the historical, cultural, ican Radio, "are patiently study- tors is Mrs. Vincent A. Pezzella theological, and socio-economic ing and experimenting with all of Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Pezzella foundations of the black commu- existing and available materials is state regent of the Virginia • . nity. for restoring the missing pieces." CDA. ~ ~~
CHICAGO (NC)-The leaders of six national organizations of Sisters called for a variety of social and political actions by nuns in the United States. At a meeting here of the Council of Sisters Uniting, the Sisters recommended that nuns: Support passage of the constitutional amendment designed to give, equal ri~hts to w"",en. Cooperate with a boycott of non"union lettuce begun. by Cesar Chavez' United Farm Workers. Question political candidates ab()ut their stands on issues involving justice and peace. Encourage their orders to examine their investments in view of the renewed fighting in Vietnam. Cooperate with "Network," an organization that educates nuns about social justice and the need for social legislation. Sisters Uniting describes itself as a group that works "to facilitate cooperation and coordination" of six national groups: the Association of Contemplative Sisters, the National Sister Foundation Conference, the National Sister Vocation Conference, the National Coalition of American Nuns, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the -National Association of Women Religious.
Catholics Seek Aid From Public Schools NEWARK (NC) - Catholic school officials in the Newark archdiocese are meeting with public school boards to seek aid for Catholic schools in urban areas. A series of meetings in Elizabeth has led to the inclusion of $500,000 in the education budget for services for students at Catholic schools. Cooperation is being sought in three areas: In dispersing funds under federal programs for which nonpublic schools are eligible. The funds are channeled through public education sources; Providing services permitted under the state's 1971 education aid law; Sharing public school services and personnel where possible.
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Agents Raid Pa rish Picnic
THE ANCHOR.Thurs., June 22, 1972
Asks. De~ocrats Back Nonpublic Education Aid
EPWORTH (Nt) - For the second time in two years, Iowa agents raided a parish picnic in 'the Dubuque archdiocese. Three agents of the state Bureau of Criminal Investigation seized bingo equipment and pad-' dies from: two "wheels of fortune" in the niid at 5t. Pati'ick's parish here. A spokesman said the agents acted on a request by Iowa Attorney General Richard Turner, who has waged a one-man crusade for strict enforcement of the state's ban' on gambling
, WASHINGTON (NC)-,Stating that, "the need is real and is urgent,"- the National' Catholic Educational Association, has urged the Democratic party' to endorse "meaningful gOVE!rnmental assistance to nonpublic education." Father C. Albert Koob, NCEA president, said in a sta\tement , submitted to the party's platform - committee here that the 'endorsement should be made "in the forceful language unencumbered by reservations." The NCEA president's written testimony is part of the data being collected by the committee which will draft the Democratic party's platform-policies it will stand for in the NovembE'r election. Others who have urged a nonpublic school aid plank in the platform include Auxiliary Bishop William E. McManus of Chicago chairman of the U. S. Catholic Conference education committee. Equitable Solution "The right of private educational institutions to exi:;t and the right of their students to benefit from certain public assistance has been constitutionally recognized and are constitutionally protected;" Father Koob said. ' , A state aid program with "a seCUlar legislative purpose and a primary effect that neither advances nor inhibits religion" is open to qualified students in both public and" non public schools, he noted. The NCEA president said proponents of church-related schools "confidently anticipate public recognition of the contril1>ution of those schools; a sympSlthetic hearing for their problem:;, and uninhibited cooperation in developing an equitable solution to the fiscal difficulties of aU education."
Vete1ran 'Babysitters 'Prepare to' Turn ()ver La .Salette Center Chores to Success:ors BY ]JAT McGOWAN
"We made a' family' retreat at La Salette when the Center for' Christian Living first opened, and we got so much out of it, we kept wishing that other couples could have the same ~xperience:' That's how Claire and Phil Lockwood of St. Mary's parish, Seekonk, got into what has become a super-kingsize job of babysitting. They, together with Brother Maurice of the center staff, are responsible for care of up to 60 children during each of Edght family retreats held yearly at La Salette, AttleGreatest Loss I boro. Citing an "alarmjng diminish~ "At the first retreats, care of ing of Catholic education in the United States," the Norbeitine youngsters was haphazard, and priest noted that a presidential the center was about to decide panel on nonpublic education- it couldn't handle families. We "predicted sheer chaos for the kept saying 'what a shame,' and public school systems in the finally someone said to us, 'If seven most populous states" if you feel that way about it, then Catholic schools there close do something.' So we volunteered to help,') said Phil. down. . Over the past eight years the "The greater loss to the naLockwoods and Brother "Moe" the dis~ tion, however, would be appearance of 'an alternative in have built up a corps of some 50 elementary and secondary edu- college-age boys and girls who cation," Father Koob said. ,aid in child care on the family "Millions of citizens wouXd be weekends. Recruits often come' robbed of the freedom of choice from youngsters who make high guaranteed them by the COl'ltitu- school retreats at the center, and volunteers frequently sign up tion." their friends for service. 'Noting that the present Republican, administration has shown . Not a Larlt a "very real interest" in nonBabysitting for a retrJat week'public education, the priest said end is not 11 lark,' potential canthe "best interests of the nation didates soon discover. A prelimand perhaps of the DemO(:rati~ inary interview screens out party," would be served by supyoungsters who do not take the porting those seeking realistic project seriously. sol4tions to the financial prob"This is a. retreat for the chillems of ndnpublic education. , dren as well as their' parents," explains Brother Moe, who is Egotist respo,nsible for discussions, films and music suitable for all chilTake away the self-concElited and there, will be elbowroom i~ . dren old enough to benefit from the w路orld. -Whichcote ,the experience.. Theme for this
year's junior retreats is taken end, and that a very small from the song "Day by Day" charge is made for children, you from the rock opera "Godspe[," realize that it's a losing propo-' and centers on the words "To sition financially. We, can be see Thee more clearly, love Thee grateful that the center feels the more dearly, follow Thee more retreats are sufficiently worthwhile that they want to make this nearly." contribution to the people of the All is not serious, however. The children's weekend includes diocese.'" The program is Bpiritually much outdoor activity, several craft sessions, and a rousing profitable for the counselors as well. The aspect of loving serhootenanny. Careful. planning goes into vice to others is much stressed scbeduling that embraces chil- in their training (parents are dren from infant to teenage told, for instance, that they're years, and counselors are chosen not to tip counselors: "'The loan according to their affinity for of your children for the weekend is their reward."). Training seseach age group. . "We believe a married couple sions are combined with spir-should take time to be lovers itual activities and there are anand for this they must be free nual parties and a wee:ltend trip from the normal responsibilities to the La Salette Seminary at of mothers and fathers," said Enfield, N. H. on the recreational Phil. The family retreats <10 just side of the ledger. There have that, with parents seeing their been' eight marriages from the children only briefly in the . group, noted Brothel' Moe. morning and ,evening. For the Lockwoods, however, Planning, of course, begins this is the last retreat: season. long before the retreat itself. They are moving to HJllsJde, N. J. "We're on the phone or over at and their sup'ervisory roles will the center almost daily. before a, be taken over by' Henri and retreat," said Claire Lockwood. Pauline Paradis, anothe:r couple . The couple's seven children, ages long associated with the c.enter. 8 to 16, are much involved in "The retreat program is the the program, and come on every thing, we find it hardest to retreat, now, being veterans of leave," admitted Phil and Claire. 29 weekends. But they are open to new proj"When we: started with the ects in the service of others. retreats, we realized a choice "We're going to wait and see would have to be made," said where the Lord leads us next" Phil. "We're active in Boy Scout- said Phil. "Something will come:" .lng and parish organizations, and we knew we couldn't do Layman Eclil~or everything. So we asked the chilI GREEN BAY (NC)-Reinhart dren how they felt about it. They all wanted to go with the J. Wessing, director of communications for the Green Bay dioretreats." Family retreats are not profit- cese, has been named general able for the La Sallette center, manager-editor of ThEl Spirit, the noted Phil. "When you consider diocesan newspaper. Wessing that about 30.counselors have to had been the paper's managing be fed and housed for the week.. editor for the past yeal路.
In subsequent developments Dubuque County Attorney John Goen refused to file charges In connection with the raid, but referred the case to the county grand jury. Iowa Public Safety Commis-, sioner Michael Sellers said he would no longer allow BCI agents to participate in gambling raids ordered by the state attorney general. Sellers said his agents h a v e higher priorities than "seizing gambling equipment from church picnics and firemen's balls." Father John W. Dalton, vicechancellor of the archdiocese, told 'newsmen: "We feel an archdiocesan statute adopted 'in 1957 covers the situation. The statute says pastors shall not authorize or permit any parish activity that violates civil law or offends local customs or traditions." Last September agents raided a parish picnic fn North Buena Vista. The pastor pleaded guilty to.c/1arges ,o~ ke~ping a gamblin~ house and was fined $100. ..
Associate Editor WASHINGTON (NC)-Father Thomas C. Donlan, director of special publications for the U. S. Catholic Conference, has been named associate editor of the Catholic Digest. Father Donlan, former director of the Division of Research and Development in Religious Education and author of several theology texts, was the first Catholic priest to receive a Fulbright research grant in the field of theology.
The Vargas ou Co. protects your famUy's heating comfort a~ year round. TRY US FIRST
I Tax Proposals Expected to Hurt British Churches LONDON (NC)-The Catholic Church of Britain faces extra taxation estimated at' about $800,000 annually under new fiscal proposals now going through Parliament for introduction next year. This is expected to cost the average parish an additional $350 a year. A new "Value Added Tax" (VAT) would put a 10 per cent additional charge on the building of churches, rectories, and parish halls as well as on their repair and new furniture and architects' and surveyors' fees. The Anglican Church s~ys VAT will cost it at least $2.6 million annually. In all, the British treasury is likely to take in some $4 million extra a year in 'taxes from the major British churches. All other charities-for many fiscal and other legal purposes the churches are listed as charities-will be similarly" hit. The churches have appealed jointly to the government, though so far without success. 100,000 Charities
Minimum Wage Bill Favored
........•.. . '.~ "
~." ,<,,;
BLIND PRIEST OFFERS FIRST MASS: Father Lawrence Gillick, S.J., who has been blind since sight years old, said his first Mass recently with the aid of Braille volumes of scriptures and his own skill at memorizing the Mass. Right: Offering the Eucharist with a hope that his own spirit of happiness would radiate through the congregation, the new priest stated in his homily, It is a terrific time to be a priest. NC Photos.
Blind Jesuit Priest Offers First Mass As Example for 'All to Live in Hope'
An effort to secure relief by some members of Parliament in a House of Commons financial MILWAUKEE (NC) - As the' in a bindery in the afternoons. committee was opposed by the newly ordained Jesuit offered Later, he dug ditches, served as chief Treasury spokesman both his first Mass at St. Rose church porter and janitor. "It was terin principle and on' the grounds here extra thick volumes of rific." of practability: An amendment to pref~ces, canons and scripture After he took vows in 1963, exempt all charities from VAT lay on the altar. though "everything was just was rejected 16 to 14. But Father Lawrence Willick fine," people began to urge The Treasury spokesman said ,didn't really need them. He has Brother Larry to get more eduthere are over 100,000 registered the Mass memorized. cation. charities in England and Wales "I got Braille books and took The volumes were thick bethat vary considerably, in their . cause they are in Braille. Father Spanish, Latin, education, Shakeactivities and purposes and that Gillick has been blind since a speare, American literature and to give blanket relief to them childhood accident. speech. The teachers were very all would be inappropriate. As· he moved delibera~ely encouraging. An older priest, a Schools and hospitals that are around the altar, intensely mmd- missioner who knew Latin and . f h h r · · registered charities would get ful of the 10ChatI0hn 0 d t h~ c a .1C.e Spanish very well, studied With more favorable treatment than and paten, e ope IS SPirit me. Father Anthony Corey. He those that are not, he pointed was radiating to the congrega- died last year. _ out. tion. For the 32-year-old priest In 1965 Brother Larry went to was 'surgingly happy, not so St. Louis' university. much because of accomplishment in the face of handicap, but beNun's Prayers While studying there, Larry cause, "It is a terrific time to be a ptiest!" was told by the nun superior WASHINGTON (NC)-Bishop It's "terrific" because being a that he should be ordained. Joseph L. Bernardin, general sec- priest gives him a chance t.o when the Jesuit superior general, retary of the National Confer- "l~ve out" the belief ~ha~ God IS Father Pedro Arrupe, came to ence of Catholic Bishops, sug- faithful. He wants hiS hfe as a St. Louis, the nun wanted to gests that National Indian Day priest to testify that one must talk to him about the young of Prayer be celebrated with a live in hope, must be complete- Brother who she was convinced special invocation in the Prayer ly committed to a trust that God had such priestly potential. of the Faithful at Mass on Sun- is present. Larry held her back again. "If day, June 18. "God's incarnation is His com- you think it's right, pray for it," The National Indian Day of mitment to be with the world. he 'told her. . h ou Prayer was originated by the There comes .a tlIJ~e w en y After graduation, Brother Larthree-year-old Indian Ecumenical either take thiS seriously or y~u ry was assigned to teach at high Conference of Toronto in an ef- don't . You can't say you .trust m school in Prairie d u Ch'len, W·ISC. fort to promote unity among Him but at the same time try He learned to play the guitar, tribes of North America and to to be in control yourself. You found he could sing. He memserve Indian youth by focusing can't wear both suspenders and orized liturgical recordings. attention on the values of Indian a belt. "Then suddenly within the culture and family life. "Sure I've been afraid lots of space of a week, they attacked "Indians are a deeply religious times. But it comes to me that me all at once. That nun wrote • people," Bishop Bernardin said I must vomit out the lukewarm. that she was still praying for in his letter urging all bishops I must accept God's promise my ordination and she enclosed to participate in the observance, totally." a clipping about another blind "but profound differences in be. It's especially "terrific" now, man in Kentucky studying to be lief and tradition have given because "Vatican II was so beau- a priest. About four or five other rise to a special need for' ecu- tiful. It rocked the boat to the people started talking about it point that you have to really de- too." menical endeavor. "It is felt that participation in cide if you're trusting or not." Two Refusals the Day of Prayer may stir our Blind at Eight people to a new awareness of the He decided to ask his superior The son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawneeds of Indians whose history about ordination. Letters went rence Gillick, was blind from a has recently been emphasized in fall while playing on the front to the superior general in ..Rome literature and the press." -Bishop Bernardin has also sug- porch. He was eight years old. Emptiness gested that special ecumenical In 1960 he entered the Society If you find a path with no service be considered in areas of Jesus as a Brother and was where Indians live in significant sent to a novitiate. He was jan- obstacles, . it probably doesn't -Clark itor in the mornings and worked lead anywhere. numbers.
Suggests Indian Day of Pray'er
THE ANCHOR.... Thurs., June 22, 1972
but twice Larry was refused. Then his superior here asked for permission for Larry to study theology. He went to Regis College studied theology, organized liturgies and gave retreats. More support from Jesuit col'leagues strengthened the possibility of ordination. In 1970 his superiors talked. to Father Arrupe again. This time the Society itself saw no problem. But ordination would be predicated upon a Vatican dispensation. Th d' 't' d e Ispensa Ion came an this June he was ordained. As a priest now, what will he be doing? Father Gillick gives a two-way answer. First his disposition is that it doesn't matter-he is that trusting. Second, he'll probably be in the retreat movement and in Jesuit formation. "What's important is that· I take the Spirit seriously. I get ordained purely in hope. I couldn't possibly get ordained thinking I'm going to do it alone. Once you preach the word of God wow! You're already over you; head." Wh t' . t t . a s a1so Impor an IS prayer. "By prayer I mean shutting up encountering your own . ' . nothmgness, De qUiet, respond to G d" 0 .
WASHINGTON (NC) - The chairman of the U. S. bishops' committee on farm labor has asked members of the Senate to support a bill designed to improve the wages of farm workers. In a letter to all senators, Bishop Joseph F. Donnelly asked that a Senate version of the bill, rather than a House version, be approved. The House of Representatives, Bishop Donnelly said, had re: placed the original bill with one which "failed to broaden the minimum wage coverage of farm workers' and continued the present discriminatory treatment in 'respect to the wage level." The bishop said his committee supported Senate bill 1861 because it would "extend and improve the minimum wage" of farm workers. The bill would: Increase the number of farm workers covered by the minimum wage from the current 425,000 to an estimated 500,000 to 575,000. Raise farm workers minimum wage fro'm the current $1.30 an hour to $2.20 an hour over the next four years. The bill would also raise the minimum wage for non-farm workers from the current $1.60 and by 1975 the minimum for both groups would be $2.20. The House version of the bill simply raises the farm minimum wage to $1.70 an hour and the • minimum for other workers to $2 an hour. In addition to keeping farm workers' wages lower than others; the House version would limit the number of persons eligible for the minimum wage. The Senate version extended eligibility for the minimum wage to workers on smaller farms. The House version maintains the eligiblity requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1968.
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THEANCHOR..,.-Dioceseof Fall River-Thurs. June 22, 1972,
Why Can't D~fferent People "Have Differen't Masses?
A reader sent me an article from a Cleveland paper 'on "Why Catholics Boycott Mass." In it, one of the cpm, ments reporteclwas, "Mass and Communion used to be a ;:. 'tranquilizer for me. Now I have' to take a tranqu~lizer :', .. before I go ,to Mass." The article went on to been a. dra~atic dropout among ~ " . ,CatholIcs In genera!, from 71 ':bare complal~ts about !he per 'cent attending in '1964 to ,new Mass. HIgh on the hst, , 57 ,per cent in 1971. 'of course, was the handshake of p~ace. After taking courage in typewriter last· year, I wrote a· column on that and the hostile .
What. is ~Il this telling us? That we won t accept we are no longer one Church, but many different Catholics under one ~I:I!I::[[]IiIEj]llij IEIII umbrella. We're' every bit as .' much high Catholic and Low Catholic as the Episcopalians By. ,.' whom we've scorned for generations because of their division. DOLORES Instead of facing that reality, though; because it is very painful CURRAN to admit we're not "one in worship" any longer, we pretend OPEN MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER IN TEXAS: Gathered at the we can continue to meet the formal ceremonies opening the Mexican American Cultural Center at Assumption - St. needs of all ages, all ideologies, all intellE~cts and all cuitures in John's Seminary in San Antonio, are, left to light: Most Rev. Patri~k F. Flores, auxiliary to the Archbishop of San Antonio; Most Rev. Robert E. Lucey, retired Archbishop of San one Mass. mail was surpassed only by two 'Antonio; Rev. Virgil Elizondo, executive direetor of the center; Most Rev. Manuel Perex earlier columns .I wrote on a If we're honest, we'·ll 'admit Gil of Mexacali, Mexico and Most Rev. Francis J~ Furey, Archbishop of San Antonio. dose female relative of Jesus. we now have the orthodox Other complaints on the new Catholics, renewal Catholics, Mass encompassed music, En- Pentecostal Catholics, Humanisglish, noi~e and lay readers. Hot tic Catholics, Obligation Cathoon the heels of that article came . lics, Celebration Catliolics, and ALBANY (NC) - A survey of moral convictions. I do not feel abortion-on-demand and feels Msgr. George A. Kelly's poll of a whole mass"of Catholics who Catholic 'high school' seniors don't carEl enough' to know -the . presidential hopefuls shows one that I have the right. to impose the Supreme Court will ultimatewhich revealed that only 30 per difference. Each group needs its major candidate-President Nix- this view on the people of any ly decide the controversy. on-explicitly opposing abortion state, and therefore' I would opcent of the boys and 38 p:er cent own liturgy and liturgists. A spokesman for Senator Edand several others saying it is pose any federal statute on abor- mund Muskie of Maine said that of the girls attended Mas~1 every tion," not a nati,onal issue. Choose Our Church Sunday. This was a switch from he had "commitments" which The senator went on, to note made it "impossible for him to Senator George McGovern of the. 1967 study when 65 p~r cent If we can have an official South Dakota told the Evangeli· that he opposes abortion "as a respond" to queries from the of the boys and 80 per cent of I Pentecostal parish, which we ist, the diocesan newspaper here, means of population control," the girls attended every Sunday. '" I; Evangelist. now do in Illinois, there's no And, more revealing was Msgr. reason why '!Ie can't have offi- that he believes "that legislation McG6;vern· . is endorsed by' the Governor George Wallace of National Association for the Re- Alabama told NC News' that Kelly's finding that 70 per cent cial Latin parishes, ,renewal par- should be left to the states," In a letter to The Evangelist, peal of Abortion Laws. of'the seniors considered helping ishes,. and ethnic parishes. Like abortion "is not a quesitionPresident Nixon, un.doubtedly nationality." , the poor. and, working for inter- the Jews, we can join the church McGovern said: "My personal view is that' the Republican nominee for anracial harmony as' more impor- of our choice, not tl)e 'one that He noted that "frankly; I am tant indices of a good Catholic happens to lie in our perimeter~ abortion isa private matter to other term, has repeatedly as- against just legalizing abortion life than attending Mass'on Sun- The main reason for the ,geo- be faced by a pregnant woman serted his personal opposition to across the board." and her physician, within the .abortion. day. graphical parish is disappearing context of her own religious and The Governor did not say During the debate in New what he meant by "across the with the Catholic school, !l0 the Echoes of Isaiah York State legislature on repeal board," way is being paved for a more of the current abortion law, he Echoes of Isaiah when he realistic grouping of worshippers.. Among minor candidates' who wrote to congratulate Cardinal may be considered for the vicescolded his listeners for taking "Unity 'in diversity"-a phrase Terence Cooke of New York presidency, both Mayor: John part in meaningless liturgies. " 'I City, for his opposition to abor- Lindsay of New York Ci.ty and cannot endure festival and so- we've mouthed'since Vatican II, PHOENIX (NC) - Some 6,0:>0 tion. Nixon also r.ejected the lemnity,' says Yahweh. 'Your but haven't risked. By not riskShirley Chisholm, congresswomNew Moons and your ''pilgrim- ing, we're 'wrecking the Mass 'ex- supporters of the United Farm aboition-on-demand prc)posals of an from New York, favor abor'ages I hate with all my soul. perience for practically everyone. Workers' Union attended a sj:e- the Presidential Commission on tion law repeal. Both have b~en They lie heavy on me, I am tired Those who want quiet get songs. cial concelebrated Mass here and Population Growth a'nd the endorsed by the National Assoof bearing them. When you those, who want spirit get· re- heard Cesar' Chavez announce American Future. ciation for the Repeal of AborWhile the' president: ordered tion Laws. stretch out your hands I turn my jected by disapproving orthodox the end of his fast for justice after 24 days. military hospitals to conform to eyes away. You may multiply' Catholics; and those who want a Chavez, who had entered a the laws of 'the stElte they are your prayers, I shall not listen fast Mass get a dialog homily. hospital the. week before when in regarding abortions, he has ... Cease to do evil. Lea rn to The tranquilizer comment do good, search for justice, help holds true for most of us. Last doctors became alarmed not banned abortion in these the oppressed, be just. to the summer, we attended a: family deterioration 'of his -health, said hospitals. orphan, plead' for the widow,''' Mass and had the misfortune to he was "weak in body but strong Opposes National Law OIL COMPANY in spirit," He sat in the front (1, 14-17). ' : sit behind a pair of obligationers. row at the Mass in a hotel audiSenator Hubert HU~lphrey of Then there's the recent Gallup' They were fifty-ish ~m9 obviousMinnesota has stated, that "my poll proving that it's not: just ly irritated by, the second verse torium while his statement wils . position on this issue is simply read for him in English ar.d youth abandoning Mass. There's -of any hymn. Sitting around this: "Legislation must be deSpanish. them were families whose chilcided by the individual states. I A dozen priests concelebrated Name Albany Priest dren were openly enjoying the the Mass as a memorial to Pres- do not favor national legislation . South • Se,a Streets music an~ the liturgy. ident John F. Kennedy, his on abortion," T . 0, Rome p'ost _ Hyannis Tel. 49·81 A spokesman for the Senator' brother Robert, and Dr. Martin VATICAN CITY (NC)-=-Father When the, guitars went, juto a Luther King. Joseph Kennedy III, said that he does 'Mt support Matthew H. Clark, 44, chai'rman. second ·Communion song', the one of Robert's sons, attended of the priests' personnel. board of . couple could stand it 'no longer. . and told the crowd later that he the Albany, N.Y., diocese, was .With great show of impatience was honored to be there with named assistant spiritual direc-, and anger, they got- up and left. 'Chavez. WE SELL M.OUEY, BUT OUR BUSINESS IS PEOPLE " , the beJ(thing' ihat happened Cape Cod tor of the North American Col- Obligationers want no' music, . The farm work~rs leaders said lege in Rome, the residence and short homilies, and an instant in his statement that he had rehouse of formation for U.S. semi- assurance of duty-done. .ceived letters and telegrams narians and priests 'studying :' Celebrationer~ want music, from across the nation and over' s p i r i t , and interesting homilies. seas pledging support of the there. . Father Clark, born at Troy, Orthodox want silence" Latin, UFW boycott on iceberg lettuce, s1~~tt ROUTE '28 HYANNIS , N.Y., July 15, 1937, was ordain- and no' acknowledgment of fel- one of Arizona's main crops, OANI( BRANCH OFFICE ROUTE 28 5'0. YARMOUTH ed in ~ome in 1962, whel'e he }9w' worshippers. Who is right? and the union's resistance to a 775-4500 . ohtained 'a degree in theology' No .one. We're different, that's new state 'law limiting. strike acwhile attending the North Amer- . all. Only n.obody is willing' to tivity and outlawing secondary . ican.College. admit that yet. boycotts.
Survey Reveals Posi1tions, on Abortion
Farm Workers Press Boycott
~",ap.~ Tlrust Companyof Cape Cod.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 22,1972
Catholic Association Discontinues Support of Education Week
but, as he frankly admitted, really didn't know what to make of him. At the end of our conversation , unwittingly anticipating what the Washington Post would say the following morning in its obituary notice, we concluded that Saul was such a complicated human being that it would probably be impossible for even his closest friends and associates to say with any degree of certainty what really made him tick. As a matter of fact, the Washington Post went us one better in this regard, pointing out that Alinsky himself "frankly admitted to a split personality. A vociferous and demanding radical in public, he was a quiet and charming conversationalist in private. He also confessed to sometimes being less sure of his righteousness than he sounded." Split Personality That rings a bell with the present writer and brings back many happy memories of the Alinsky whom I knew fairly well, but saw much too infrequently, over a period of some 20 years. To say that he was a combination of Jekyll and Hyde would be grossly unfair to his memory, for that would seem to suggest that he was consciously and deliberately playing contradictory roles. But to say, in his own words, as quoted by the Post, that he had a kind of split personality strikes me as being a fair assessment of the man. Saul's friends and admirersand their name is legion-knew how to interpret his contradictory moods and learned to make allowances for his tough-guy, radical rhetoric and his almost adolescent taste for profanity which, as the years went on, unfortunately became one of his better known trademarks. They knew that underneath it all he was a compassionate and rather sentimental human being whose bark was much worse than his bite and when the chips were down, wasn't nearly as cocky nor as self-assured as he frequently pretended to be. On the other hand, Alinsky's enemies-and their name is also legion-almost invariably failed to take the true measure of the man. They interpreted his radical rhetoric much too simplistically and, as a result, persuaded themselves (or simply pretended, for
Alinsky himself put it this way: "Today revolution has become synonymous with communism while capitalism is synonymous with status quo ... We have permitted a suicidal situation to unfold wherein revolution and communism have become one. These pages are committed to splitting this political atom, separating this exclusive identification of communism with revolution. If it were possible for the Have-Nots of the world to recognize and accept the idea that revolution did not inevitably mean hate and war, cold or hot. from the United States, that alone. would be a great revolution in world politics and the future of man. This is a major reason for my attempt to provide a revolutionary handbook not cast in a communist or capitalist mold ..." Pragmatist As indicated above, Alinsky was the least ideological 9f men, He was a foelf-styled pragmatigt -but a pragmatist with a heart and with a m)lch deeper commitment to the Judaeo-Christian ethic, and a much deeper yearning for spiritual values than some of his more brassy and more \ aggressive rhetoric might have suggested. His particular form of pragma-. tism had much to recommend it, but, by the same token, it left much to be desired as a philosophical rationale for radical social reform It is this writer's impression that some of Alinsky's disciples are too ,readily inclined to wink at this aberration and to say that Saul was basically an activist and that his writings were never meant to be taken all that seriously. I think they are making a wrong路headed mistake in. this regard and are not being fair to Alinsky. In my book, he was a great human 'being and an effective social reformer: but, while he never took himself too seriously in life and managed, most of the time, to retain his sense of humor, he did take his writings seriously and, unless I am badly mistaken, wouldn't want them to be lightly dismissed, even by his friends, now that he has gone to his reward.
MILESTONE: Rev. Cornelius J. Warren, CSSR., a native of Roxbury celebrated his 99th birthday this month and has been a professed Redemptorist for 77 years. The author of seven books and nation-wide noted preacher, he gives this recipe for longevity, "Exercise every day and 'lIon't hurry or worry". NC Photo.
WASHINGTON (NC) - After five years of participation, the National Catholic Educational Association has announced it will not support American Education Week this Fall.
about 50 "supporting organizations" promote the observance by notifying their constituents about it. NCEA had been a supporting organization for the past five years.
"For several years now, I have questioned whether we could in conscience endorse the program for American Education Week," Father C. Albert Koob, NCEA presideot, said in a letter to the National Education Association, one sponsor of Lll::. Oct. 22-28 observance. "We at NCEA desperately want good education as much as our public school colleagues do," Father Koob continued. "What gets terribly frustrating, however, is to find private education completely overlooked in the lit路 erature you produce." Co-sponsored by NEA, the American Legion, the U. S. Office of Education and the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, American Education Week has been held annually since 1921. Its purpose, according to NEA officials, is "to focus public attention on the nation's schools in order to gain arid maintain citizen support." School-related materials and suggestions for programs spotlighting education are sent out by the co-sponsors each year in preparation for the event.
"The institutions which cosponsor the project start with the basic assumption, presumably, that publie schools are the only American way to educate," Father Koob said in his letter to Richard F. Nielsean, assistant director of the NEA's publishing division.
'Basic Assumption' In addition to
Responding to the NCEA 'president's charges, Nielsen told NC News that materials produced for American Education Week do not distinguish between public and private education. "Materials might be something like 'Answers to Questions About Guidance,' 'Cigarettes and Youth,' or 'Get Involved in YOl:r Child's School,''' he said reading a' sampling of the h~adings this year. "All of these materials are usual equally as well in a public or a private school," Nielsen continued. "The important thing that we'a dealing with here is the child. Private school groups still listed as "supporting organizations" for this Fall's American Educati.onWeek include the U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC) elementary and secondary education division and' the National . Society for Hebrew Day Schools.
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Fall River
1\'0 Charge for Ddil'ery and Imllallation
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall-River-Thurs. June 22, 1972
The Parish Parade
Procedure ion Mo,ving Bulbs Simple~ .But Profitable By Joseph and
From time to time I find it necessary to move bulbs, tulips and daffodHs, especially when they become too crowded or are poorly positioned in the garden. This process is a simple one but one' which many people fail to put. into operation. First. of all, no bulbs should be lifted be- area. Invariably the night before that mem6er of the clan fore the foilage is given an who is traveling the next mornopportunity to ripen, that is, ing informs tired parents that
10 wither.
Basically, the bulb he or she just has to have-I, A grows jn size and stmngth and new outfit (this generally conas a result of the process of 'si~ts in this day and age of photosynthesis which l:annot oc- running very quickly to purchase cur if the bulbs are lifted while a new pair of jeans) 2, the one the leaves of the bulbs are still and only baseball in the house green.. Once the foliage withers can't be found and he promised -it is a simple matter to dig up he would be: the one to bring it the bulbs with a spade using· the to the picnic"(mother can't figure existent foliage as a guide and this ·loss out since she's been as a lever to pull tHe bulbs out tripping over, and picking up a of the ground. dozen or so bas.eballs, since she These bulbs then are carefully can't remember when, or that brqken apart from the' dump and · Jane's mother can't drive so I placed in the sun to dry. If there said you would (this comes as a are any diseased bulbs in the quiet shock and requires much clumps, they should be discarded juggling of schedules). as should any split or broken Ah well! Next stop for many bulbs. In two or three days they parents - Summer Camp and can be dusted with a fungicide there is where the stories really and stored until the Fall when get interesting. they can again be replanted. I Joe likes sea food in any shape usually store them in the baseform or fashion therefore he.just ment in onion sacks or in dry adored this Fisherman's Stew flats until I need them. In the· Fall I take the larger that I got my Portuguese sizes and plant them as speci- cook book A Taste of Portugal. men plants and the smaller bulbs Calreirada I naturalize by tossing them on (Fis.herman's Stew) the ground under a tree and then planting them wherever they 3 pounds clams in shell happen to fall. In this way the olive oil . small bulbs develop at their own 8 Tablespoons butter pace and yet make a pleasing 3 medium onions, finely chopdisplay in the following Spring. ped If you have never bothered to 1 green bell pepper finely move bulbs, it is riot a had prac- chopped (the recipe calls for two tice to start. Nothing is easier but everyone agreed that the and it gives you a source of pepper taste was a little overnew bulbs to be used in any. powering, so try one) way you choose to do !IO. 6 ripE! tomatoes, peeled, seedIn the Kitchen ed and chopped (or two large Questions one shouldn't :ask: - cans) 3 large cloves garlic, minced "Did you have a. nice time on or mashed the field trip t()day?" _ salt and freshly grollnd black Answers you dOI;l't especially pepper' want to hear (these from Jason): 3 pounds tnixed fillet, (bass, "Yes, we found a\dead gopher (mother wonders ifi it was dis- cod, swordfjsh, halibut, etc. ~oned and cut into 2 inch pieces) eased) . , 3 pounds s~uid (cl~aned)-this "We went to a idumb lightis optional .1 house and sang songs. (how did 1 Y2 cups dp> white wine they .get out to a lighthouse?) 8 slice:s bread, cut in two diag~ '''One kid fell off the pier" (I onally, fried in olive oil until never did ·find out if they fished · crisp and brown . him out) .. choPPE!dfresh parsley , "T:wo kids lost their lunches." 1) Scrub clllms well, soak in (This is par for the cQurse) "I left my baseball there" cold water for one hour, drain (This means another baseball ,and rinse. 2) Pour into' a large has to be bought by next week) kettle enough olive oil just to cover bottom. Add two TableAfter 10 years or so of deal- spoons of the b¥ttep- and melt. ing with field trips, either- as the 3) Spread clams over kettle mother at home or the teacher in charge, I have learned to take bottom and top with one third most of them with that prover- of the onions, peppers, tomatoes, bial grain of salt. I believe 10 per · and garlic, season generously cent of what I hear and I put the with salt and pepper. 4) Top with a layer of half other 90 per cent very quickly the fish ano.ther third of onions out of my mind. . etc. Top with remaining fish, onLast Minute ions peppers, tomatoes and garSome problems do arise, lic and season. .I though, just before' gne of these 5) Add wine. Cover, bring to forays to a near or (ar recreation a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. Add remaining butterand · simmer 10 minutes more. Causes Ambition, confidence, pnthusi- · 6) Plaee two bread triangles asm and success are produced in bottom of each shallow soup by courage, faith, pride aild hard plate. Ladle stew over. Sprinkle work. . --Banks. generously with parsley. _.
.' ..
. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS The Women's Guild will 'conduct their annual Summer Fair 02722. from 10 in the morning until 7 in the evening on Saturday, July ST. ROCH, FALL RIVER '15. Supper will be served from The annual installation ban- 5 to 7 in the Parish Center. Mrs. Yvette Gregoire is servI quet of the Council of Catholic ing as chairman for the affair. Women featured. the introduction of the new officers for the com- ST. MARY, ing year. for 1972-73 SO. DARTMOUTH will be, Mrs. Robert Bernier, The "Family Fun Fair" with president; Mrs. Valmont Lalibattractions for all ages is schederte, vice-president; Mrs. Irvin Dwyer, treasurer; Mrs. Donat uied for Aug. 12 under the sponsorship of the Women's Guild. Francoeur, secretary. Entertainment will feature a OUR LADY OF' THE ANGELS, band concert, a barber shop quarFALL RIVER, tet and square dancing. -An ItalThe first planning meeting for ian kitchen will serve lunch and . the celebration of Our Lady of dinner. The high spot of the evening the Angels' Feast will be held a~ 7 on Sunday evening, June 25. will be the presentation of a 1972 Cadillac Coupe de Ville to ,ST. PATRICK, the lucky ticket holder. !WAREHAM Among the many features for ! ; Parishioners of St. Patrick's the children will be a clown ;and townspeople of the sur- magic show, pony rides, a toy rounding communities will honor town to which only children will '"Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney from be admitted, a doll carriage 2 to 4 on Sunday afternoon, parade and a bicycle rodeo.· June 25 with a testimonial for Among the attractions for his 10 years of service in the adults will be a Farmer's Market, Wareham Marion :parishes. a Waterm'elon Patch, Flea' MarNow director of Cathedral ket, Auction, Rummage Sale and Camp and assistant pastor at Bake Off. Our Lady of Fatima. parish, New Parishioners desiring to serve Bedford,' he will have among his on the committee are asked to guests Rev. Msgl'. John A. Chip- contact Mrs.. Richard Parsons at pendale, retired pastor of St. 6-9059. . Patrick's and Hon. Beatrice H. Mullaney, the honored guest's ST. JOSEPH, mother and members of the local . ATILEBORO The following members conministerium. . stitute the executive board of ST. MARGARET:. the parish school religion: Rev. BUZZARDS BAY Normand Boulet, director; Sr. The following ;,Iate of officers Claire Coli, CSC, co-ordinatos; has been installed to direct the Sr. Gertrude Bourcier, CSC, adactivities of the SS. Margaret- visor; Robert Dubeau, represenMary Guild for the ,:oming year: tative to parish council. Mrs. Margaret Pentieton, presiMrs. Rose Turcotte, secretary dent; Miss Faith FiJinerty, vice- will be assisted by the following president; Mrs. Constance Souza, secretaries: Mrs. Evelyn Bourecording secretary; Mrs. Mari- cher, pre-school; Mrs. Gloria lyn Lakin, corresponding secre- Turcotte, elementary; Mrs. Renee :tary; and Mrs. Ca.therine Bowen, Soulard, junior high; Mrs. Anita 1 treasurer. Maigret, high school and ladult education. ST. ANN, RAYNHAM HOLY NAME, The following slat,e of officers NEW BEDFORD as been installed for the 1972The newly formed Couples 3 Women's Guild year. They Club will have the following ofre: Anna Keough,. re-elected ficers for its il1itial year: Mr. resid~nt; Eleanor deMello, vice- and Mrs. Charle$·· Cabral, presiresident; Nancy Willette, sec- dents; Mr. and Mrs. Emile Caretary; Bernice Fountain, revondona, vice-presidents; Mr. lected treasurer. and Mrs" Malcolm Holland, : Rev. Timothy J. Goldrick, the treasurer; Mr. and Mrs. Edward . ew aSl)istant, was welcomed to Wheelden, secretaries. the parish' during the evening's affair. . Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.
chairmen of parish or· are aslted to submit for this column to The O. Box 7" fall River
Wall to Direct' News Service I
WASHINGTON (NC)-R~chard M. Guilderson Jr. has resigned after nearly three years as director of the National Catholic (NC) News Ser:vice here. A. E. P. Wall, managing editor of the Honolulu Advertiser and former editor of The Catholic Review in Baltimore, will succeed Guilderson. Guilderson, a former editor of The Long Island Catholic, will develop a private publishing en. terprise and consultation service when he leaves NC after his contract expires Aug. 31. In anno'uncing the changes Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, gen-. eral secretary of the U. S.Catholic Conference, praised both men. Guildersori "brought the (news) service to a high level· of eredibility," ,Bishop Bernardin said, "and, while doing so, deve:oped innovative editorial projects which helped generate substantial new income to maintain the vitality of the service." Bishop Bernardin said that Wall was one of the editors recommended by the Catholic Press Association to fill the director's post iIiI 1969. Guilderson and sev- ' '. era! other editors were on the list. \ "W~ are pleased that Ed Wall is join ng the conference as the new, C News director," the bishop said. '.'His distinguished career as. an editor is highly regard d in both the religious and se ular press.'
Apo.tleship of Sea Secretary Retires NEW ORLEANS (NC)-"The' . lives of ships and men are short indeed-weathering, erosion, loss of propulsion power, and other factors make replacements in the maritime industry routihe... I have for some time desired and felt the need to be replaced. My' personal medical advisors and superiors approve." That is the way Father Thomas A. McDonough explains why he has chosen to retire after more than 25 years as national secretary of the Apostleship of the Sea. "I will stay in New Orleans," -Father McDonough says. "I plan to serve as field secretary and consultant for the apostleship." Succeeding Father McDopough as national secretary will be the Father James P.. Keating, port chaplain of Chicago and director of the Chicago International Seamen's center.
Freedom. A man 'who is wiIling' to accept restriction and barriers and is not afraid of them is free. A m~n who does nothing but fight restrictions and barriers will usually be trapped. ' -Hubbard
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."Sav'e Witll Safety" at
Arms Race· 'Seen Suicidal, Not Just Tactic of War One of the perceptions which should flow from our new scientific knowledge of the planet's biosphere is a deepening of our reaction against man's oldest and most terrible institution-the institution of war. In the Synodal Document on Justice in the World, the bishops singled Only a billionaire would want a submachine gun in his back out the destructiveness of garden. But if his pljlnt's conthe new weapons of modern tract is for submachine guns, he nuclear science as a special force of disruption. In their words: Ancient divisions between nations and empires, between races
and classes, today possess new technological instruments of destruction. The arms race is a threat to man's highest good, which is life; it makes poor peoples and individuals yet more miserable, while making richer those already powerful; it creates a continuous danger of conflagration, and in the case of nuclear arms; it threatens to destroy alI life from the face of the earth. Moreover, Cardinal Krol, in a particularly effective intervention at the Synod, pointed out that it was not only the developed nations that were spending ruinous sums on armamentsof the $204 billion spent on arms in 1970, the United States and Russia between them account for at least $150 billion. But, in Cardinal Krol's words: The tragedy of military expenditure is that developing nations are suffering most from the, arms race. While military spending during the past six years increased 50 per cent in the world, the percentage of increase in developing nations was 145 per cent. From 1964 to 1968, the percentage ,of military spendirig increased 36.6 per cent in the world, 57 per cent in the United States, but in a number of developing countries the increase ranged from 100 to as high as 333.3 per cent. This level {)f expenditure represents an extreme of insanity .from a wide variety' of standpoints. In the first place; it is in direct conflict with the need to satisfy' baSic human requirements - protein for children, shelter for families, work for parents. • No Consumer Goods Secondly, it is the most inflationary of alI spending because the materials that go into arms production' produce no consumer goods to soak up the wagesand profits-of the arms makers.
College P'resident SIOUX CITY (NC)-Kasper C. Marking, Ed. D. has been named the new president of Briar Cliff ColIege here in Iowa. Dr. Marking, the first layman ever elected to the Catholic college executive post, is now serving as dean of Minot State College in Minot, N. D.
is not producing what people in his factory want to buy. Their money goes off to increase the competition for other goods and push up the price as a result. . Thirdly, as Cardinal Krol underlined in his speech, the sheer scale of the arms effort defeats any rationality in defense. Today strategic arsenals are loaded with nuclear power cap- . able of destroying alI life with the over-kill equivalent of 15 tons of dynamite for every person ... The irony of all is that even today we read arguments why it is necessary to increase military expenditure to maintain a balance of power. The fact is. that the destructive power in the arsenals of the world cannot prevent mass destruction of life. It can at best .retaliate causing a greater loss of life. Even after such a destructive exchange, the problem of negotiating a just and lasting peace by removing the injustices which led to war would be as urgent as ever. But perhaps the most serious aspect of mankind's collective folly in so-caIled defense is rooted in our steadily deepening knowledge of the planetary system which alI mankind have to share. Science has been so busy for the last four hundred years studying the basic elements of matter and power by isolating and measuring them that it has only recently begun to realize that, in nature, everything hangs toget~er and you c~nnot make interventions in any direction without stirring up reactions elsewhere. Like a stone thrown into a pond, the bigger the stone, the larger the ripples over the water.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 22, 1972
Italian Cardinal Doubts Election Rules GENOA (NC)-An Italian cardinal has expressed theological and juridical doubts about reports that Pope Paul VI is planning to alter the rules of the elections of Popes in the future to make them more democratic and less tied to theD:-0ce;;e of Rome. Cardinal Giuseppe Siri of Genoa, in an article in the Italian religious magazine Renovatio, discussed a series of rumors and reports that have been appearing in the press for almost a year concerning a draft' document said to be on Pope Paul's desk that would modernize the rules. governinp, conclaves to elect future Popes. Press reports h~ve suggested that in the future Popes might be elected by delegated Bishops from the various national bishops' conferences or other delegates, including the possiblity of laymen· taking part. The reports also have' suggested that the rules of secrecy surrounding a
conclave in the past might be altered. Matter of Time (In Albany, N.Y., in a recent interview in the Evangelist, the diocesan weekly, the head of the Pontifical Commission on Social Communications said that it is "taken for granted" in Rome that a new procedure for elect~ ing Popes will be announced soon. (The communications official, American Archbishop Edward L Heston, said that the election methods are being chan!,::: and it is "only a matter of time" until they are announced. He saia that the college of cardinals may be supplemented by representatives of the world's bishops, of lay organizations and of Religious orders.)
Knowledge When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know it, to admit that you do not - this is true knowledge. -Confucius
The Genoa cardinal said he saw no way in which it would be possible to separate the election of a Pope from its historic connection with the Diocese of Rome, which was the See of St. Peter. Technically all cardinals are considered part of the clergy of Rome and thus are the electors of the Pope. Roman Church. Elects In his article, Cardinal Siri said: "One cannot see how theologically one can entertain a separation of the primacy in the Church from the episcopal See of Rome or deny with any foundation that the Roman diocese must be the juridical title of the succession of St. Peter." The cardinal said also that "no idea of democratic or federalist elections can appear when one considers theologicallv or Juridically the question of the election of a Roman pontiff. It is the Roman Church (the Diocese of,Po' which must elect its bishop,"
HANSEN'S DISEASE: LEPROSY HANSEN'S DISEASE (leprosy) is a chronic c'ommunicable disease resulting in lesions of the skin, the upper respiratory and ocular mucous membranes, and the peripheral nerves. Some 15 million people are afflicted with Hansen's Disease in mission countrieswhere, unattended, the effects are most tragic. Treatment is inexpensive, yet missionaries can only help as many as their resources provide, and for this THEY DEPEND ENTIRELY ON YOU!
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Arms' Race Suicidal Today, an all-out nuclear attack could kill 120 miliion people in America. Even with a full defense of anti-ballistic missiles, 40 to 60 million could be killed. Meanwhile, scientists on each side are working to defeat the ABMs with saturation bombing made possible ·by fixing multiple warheads to each missile-the so-calIed MIRVS. A 60 million holocaust of deaths appears a minimum. Nor does' it include the uncounted numbers of those who would die of hunger and plague as farms and sewage systems break down. But even this immediate horror fades .before the certainty that to expose humanity to the radiations emitted by megatons of fusion bombs would damage for all time a large part of mankind's genetic stock. We could begin to breed not men, but .monsters. We cannot escape this risk. The living airs and waters carry Strontium 90 and Cesium 137 all round the planetary . biosphere. .The arms race, set in our new understanding of our physical interdependence, is suicide, not war.
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THE ANCHOfl-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 22, 1972
• IS
a Stage·
IIlf the Sitars Should T'ulmble from the Skyll By MARJORIE MILLER
the fifteenth time may. be met by her husband saying, .:',1 know what she is going to say again even before she says it.~~ Or because our emotions tend to repeat. themselves, a tense husband may find his wife saying,u'1sympathetically, "What's· 'wrong now?" And though these are just variations of what may· have been. said during courtship~ they .
MISSIONARY SISTER HELPS LEPROSY. PATIENT IN AFRICA: "All the world is a stage and all its people the· actors ..." The role we choose to enact is determined by the "how" and "how much" we give of the talents we have received. Our t ask is to perform in such a way that those who watch us will be led to Jesus through our performance.· NC Photo. "All the world is a stage and portant. What is significant is all its people the actors." The that 'each has a role and perfact that this line of Shake- forms it. This is the only way a spear's works has stood the test production can be staged. of time and become a famous This is also the only .way iine could tell us something of our life-production of leading its importance to life. · others through life can .be ac, complished. It does not really 'matter who has which talents. What matters is that each offers By the talents he has. The variety. · is needed to make the process qf · life possible. JOAN i Parable .~ HEIDER I The parable of the talents in , the 'gospel tells us how Christ intended our talents to be used. The one who had one talent and "All the world;" not just the hid it out of fear of losing it cities, the rural' areas, the ghet- was reprimanded. Those who tos, or the foreign lands, is' our used theirs experienced the working stage. We are respon- pleasant,joyful reward of having sible for setting it. We assemlJle their talents multiplied. the props in whatever way we The .easiest method for most indiv:idually feel we can work of us is to hide what we have. the best. In keeping with our tal- We hide it out of fear of its not ents, occupations, age, environ- being worthwhile. We hide it in ment, and those we are leading, fear of being asked for some rewe choose suitable props. It is peated service at some· other not necessary that every prop time. We hide it in fear of being be exactly the same in every recognized for what we have inplace and in all situations. stead of for who we are. In the After we have prepaJred the whole process we are holding , stage, we come to it as we are. back in helping others live life . Not all actors have th~ same more 'meaningfully. . outward appearance or the same . The "how" and the "much" in role to play. Some' may wear the "how much" we give is what regal clothes and have the role counts. If we give in accord with. of kings and queens. Othl~rs may what we have received, we are be wearing print cotton _clothes doing the expected" We are at and have the role of servants. least doing our fail' share. If we Who has which. role is not im- give less than we have received,
II ,
are miles apart in the quality of communication.
What is different the Communication couple who have just faLen in love? What do you notice right What was so effortless-comaway about them? What gives municating-during engagement you a clue that there's something might really require a great deal 'very special going on between of effort during marriage. This is them? not meant to be a depressing The French have a word for it thought. It is saying that what (the French always do!) They Turn to Page Nineteen call it egoism~ a, deux (egoism of the p~ir). And it shows itself' in a variety of ways. A song of some years back demopstrates one way, as the singer, choked with emotion, warbled: On Monday everting of Holy permits penitents to confess "If the stars should tumble from the sky, If the sea should Week we used for the first time either kneeling or sitting in suddenly run dry, If you love me in our parish a new confessional secrecy behind a screen and yet -really love me Let it happen, I room or room of reconciliation. offers the option of a "face to ' Although not completely finished face" confession. don't car~." or furnished, it wa:; operational Fortunately for us we had near That's one way egoisrne a deux works. Another way is for enough for us to administer the one of the building entrances a the song ~o have been written: sacrament of penance in that little used office quite ideal for "The stars wouldn't dare tumble area during those traditionally our purpose. The next step (and a wise one) was to engage the from the sky, the sea wouldn't ~ ~ I services of a liturgical artist. Mr. dare run dry, because you love Robert Rambusch and, Mr. Willy me, etc., etc. etc." By Malarcher from the well-known . Egoisme a deux 'means total New York firm visited Fulton, concentration on each other-to listened to our ideas, checked FR. JOSEPH M.. the exclusion of almost every;, the potential room and prepared body else. Of course, it doesn't CHAMPLIN, ·1 drawing~ for implementation by always stay that way-it can't: local suppliers or craftsmen. Eventually as love grows and .' Construction matures, it reaches out from the . Conceiving, planning and. decouple. to include others - chilsigning took the time; actual busy days before Easter. The redren, relatives, neighbors. But there are some very valuable les- actions of several hundred per- construction proved relatively sons to learn about this stage sons over the ne'xt month who swift, simple and inexpensive. of love called egoisme a deux. closed and opened its decorated We painted the walls, carpeted And when a couple ceases to re- door immediately confirmed my the floor, built a handsome member what it was like at this belief that proper atmosphere screen, ordered furniture. pur,time, how they were to each does make a difference, that the chase' an oriental rug, .and preother, then something very p~e- kind of place in which one con- pared parishioners. A large 5' x 5' wooden grate fesses can il).fluence the way we cious is lost. juts about halfway across the confess. Awareness The idea is relatively simple: room and divides it into two It is not only a communication take a suitable, free area of the areas. Strategic use of floor of words that is important dur- 'church and convert. it into a lamps creates a bright and light ing this marvelous stage of ~ove. warm, attractive room which Turn to Page Seventeen It is also a communication of gestures. There is such a perfect reading of the face-a reading of the emotions. How'many times have lovers said: "I know what she is going leap if you' don't like it. And the By JAMES BJREIG to say even before she says it." Grand Canvon will be just the Then there is an almost uncanny (Summertime is vacation time, place for you to jump. awareness of each other's emo- a time for families to relax toCarol: Alright, calm down. tions, and an awareness of shifts, gether. But getti:rtg the whole What's the next one? • however subtle, in these emo- family to agree how" when and Mike: Williams'burg, Virginia. tions. So the person who may where to spend summer vacation Carol: That's a good ·one. be tense, or anxious,: or bcred, can be another thing, as· "The Mike: Carol, you must be kjd· does not· have to say it ire so Brady Bunch" point out in this ding. All that old stuff. It'll make many words for his lov.ed one to dialogue. They eonclude that me feel like I'm looking in··a ask, "what's wrong?" whatever it is, the important mirror. Did you see the gray hair Rarely does a marriage con- thing is that the family be toI found over here? tinue at this stage of communi- gether.) Peter: Dad's right, Mom. It's cation. There may be the same Carol: Now let's get together out. What's next? reading of the fa~e and of the and decide where we are going. Mike: New York City. This is emotions, but the responses may Vacation comes once a year and perfect. All kinds of sights and be a little bit different. A wife we ought to plan for it. shows. about to tell the same story fo~ Carol: Not me. I know all the Mike: Good idea. Listen, everybody put their suggestion rumors about that town. Marcia: Yeah, you could get for where to visit in this box and we are spongers. If we give we'll pick them on.e by one and bugged. nothing, we are thieves. We all discuss them. Peter: That's mugged. pick were given something to give in Peter: Sounds ,good to me, another. return for what we receive. Mike: Disneyland. I wonder Dad. The world is our stage-any Mike: O.K. Here's the first who put that one in? part of the world we wish to one-Yellowstone National Park. Marcia: Gee, I don't know. choose. We are the performersMarcia: Are you kidding? They , Peter: Forget it. I'm not going no matter who we are and how have bears there and I'm not anywhere you have to wear an· we perform. Our task is to per- going. other set of ears. form in such.a way_ that those Carol: This is great. So ;ar Peter: Oh yeah, well I like it. who watch us will .be led to Camping, seeing the natural we've had four choices and no Jesus through our performance. wonders. You can take a flying Turn to Page Eighteen
Face to Face
Tlhe Brady Bunch
Hasl.ip's Crown of Mexico Tells Maximilian's Story
THE ANCHOR-路 Thurs., June 22, 1972 11\M(
Lauds Statement On Oppression
Would you believe that a son of the proud and I Gv.t.1o 1~1t> Ht\".i 11\ MA~0 C:\ndent imperial house of Habsburg once came to this continent and reigned as an emperor? A Habsburg did fHt\~~..~ev ~p' "V\~1~\\"~ t do that. His name was Maximilian, and he was Emperor ; 'Wi. \)b of Mexico, from 1864 to In April, 1864, this pair set ' 1867. His story is told in for Mexico. They had a large Joan Haslip's The Crown of sail entourage, but it did not include Mexico (Holt, Rinehart and one person capable of giving , Winston, 383 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017. $10). This is a very long but always interesting book: long, because
~-~-"'~ of complicated events
it has to set forth; interesting, because the drama is unflagging. Mexico was part of the Spanish empire until 1820, when independence was achieved. Then Mexico was declared an empire in itself, but no stable government obtained, and no one form of governmennt. In a period of 30 years, for example, there were no fewer than 30 presidents. By the time t!le 1860s came around, control of Mexico was contested by two parties, the Conservatives and the Liberals, the latter being bitterly opposed to the Church. The leader of the Liberals was Benito Juarez, a full-blooded Indian. Maximilian Chosen Various European countries had stakes in Mexico. Sizable loans had been made, bond' issues had been floated, and the mineral' riches of the country were eyed greedily. Napoleon III of France, itching for gain and glory, sent troops to Mexico to pacify it and to protect the French investment there. He did this when the outbreak of the Civil War in the United States prevented Mexico's neighbor from effectively resisting European influence on this continent. Napoleon later decided that a complete take-over was feasible. The Mexican Empire would be revived with a prince of his choosing, and therefore amenable to him, at its head. His nod went to Archduke Maximilian of Habsburg, then 32. Maximilian was married to Charlotte of Belgium, daughter of the King of the Belgians. In his generation, Maximilian: was a second son. His slightly older brother, Franz Josef, had' succeeded to the Austrian crown. Mexico Battleground This meant that Maximilian was doomed to gilded idleness, with ambition thwarted and with his brother regarding him, next in line, with suspicion and some hostility. The archduke welcomed the opportunity to be a sovereign in his own right, and Franz Josef was glad to be rid of him. Maximilian's wife Charlotte was even more eager than he for the crown of Mexico. She spurred him on whenev,er he had doubts about the course on which Napoleon was luring him.
them sensible advice. They were appalled by their first view of Mexico, at the port of Vera Cruz. What had they expected? Probably something somehow comparable to the Europe where they had lived so sumptuously. Dependent on Napoleon All their illusians were soon to be shattered. Mexico was still a battleground. The French had not established order. The government affairs were in chaos. 'There was no money, nei effiCient personnel. Maximilian found that he was humiliatingly dependent on Napoleon, and that Napoleon's word was worth nothing. Juarez and his Liberals hact not given up. They were still carrying on guerrilla warfare. And in the United States, the Civil War was drawing to a close, which meant that material assistance would soon be poured into Juarez's hands and that Washington's influence would be . brought heavily to bear against Maxmilian. In Europe, meanwhile, Napoleon's days of peacocking were numbered. His largely pasteboard empire was falling apart, and the might of Prussia was beginning to loom ominously over it. Napoleon became anxious to salvage what he could from the Mexican misadventure and then to quit it utterly. Good Intentions Maximilian was personally attractive and agreeable, but not qualified to rule. He had good intentions and wa~ honorable, but he lacked both the qualities and the means to deal with the difficult Mexican' situation, as alien to him as he was to it. He did try to fulfill his impossible role, but !lever was there any prospect of success. When he finally grasped the fact, he could have abdicated. But his wife pressed him to stay on. By this time she was showing signs of mental imbalance, and shortly 'she was to plunge into madness. This occurred in 1866, during a trip she made to Europe to enlist' the support of Napoleon and of Pope Pius IX. She raged uncontrollably at Napoleon, but her final breakdown occurred in Rome. She never returned to Mexico. Fate of Millions . The end for Maximilian came when, with the French army evacuated and Juarez's forces taking over more and more of the country, the emperor assumed command of his raggletaggle troops, led them in the field, was quickly beaten, and was taken prisoner. He was court martialed, and a firing squad ended his life on June 19,1867, a little more than three years after his ill-starred arrival in Mexico. Charlotte lived on for 60 years, never recovering sanity; she died in Belgium in 1927. This is a minor episode in his-
PHILADELPHIA (NC)-A Lithuanian-American 1e a d e r has praised a Church statement on Soviet oppression in that country as a "viable first" in dramatizing the plight of the three million Lithuanians." Vytautas Volertas, president of a group called the LithuanianAmerican Community in the U.S.A., praised a joint statement issued earlier in June by Cardinal John Krol, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Bishop John J. Dougherty, chairman of the Com- . mittee for International Affairs of the U.S. Catholic Conference. The statement spoke of the grave violation of justice.. and human rights in Lithuania" and urged that "corrective measures in that troubled country . . . .. be undertaken.
POIGNANT POEM ON LIFE: This poignant poem written by 9-year-old Tami Hogan was found the day after she died of lel;lkemia. For two years her family and teacher kept the illness a se"Cret from Tami, but as her teacher, Sr. Mary Carton stated "she knew something was wrong but Tami was a little girl who loved life". NC Photo.
Face to .Face Our room, however, offers a Continued from Page Sixteen section on the priest's side of the third alternative. The oriental screen and a darker, protected rug, a chair and floor lamps space on the penitent's portion. beckon those so disposed to The sinned (we all are, but in walk past the screen and sit路 confession one' openly and spe- across a small table from the cifically acknowledges the fact) priest. Since its inception, a surthen .may kneel rather comfort- prisingly large number of people ably and speak to the priest have chosen this "face to face" through the partition or sit down method for their confession (jf in the chair provided' next to the sins. Ii' kneeler. . I heard confessions - on that This arrangement provides the penitent with privacy and yet Monday evening in the room of enables him or .her to see the . reconciliation uninterruptedly for priest through the screen's one over an hour following the cominch square openings. Confes- mon penance service. Those who sion, in this situation, means came were almost entirely high telling our failures not' to a voice school students and all but one or a wall but to ;l person whose opted for this last possibility. On later occasions we found every featur~s are clearly visible. -Nevertheless, the sinner knows an- type of parishioner making use onymity is preserved both be- of the innovative room - the cause of the darkness surround- young and the old, men and ing the penitent's section and the women, married and single. obvious fact that the confessor Once agaiQ, the wish of so many sits facing the wall with his back in that mixed group (perhaps 50 per cent over a month period) to to the partition. Those unable to kneel with sit down directly across from the ease (e.g., pregnant women, per- priest and confess in this manner sons advanced in age, individuals was an unexpected, even if with lengthy confessions) who happy development. wish to confess in' the more cusWe have not scientifically tomary manner have a chair for sought feedback or carefully antheir convenience on the peni- alyzed comments at this moment, tent's side. but scattered impressions a!>pear universally positive. I hi::aCd a tory, even in the history of Mex- . teenage girl exclaim how open ico. But it highlights many of the the room made her want to be; elements which have determined an individual in the late forties the fate of millions over the cen- rema~ked that he came because turies. Among these elements is there was an opportunity to sit the folly of people bent on power.' down and talk with the priest for Miss Haslip provides a flowing confession; a grateful middle-age narrative which keeps the reader woman admitted that, if it 'were absorbed. Not so absorbed, how- not for this room of reconciliaever, that he overlooks her oc- tion, she would never have sumcasional stylistic awkwardness moned sufficient courage to and her rather crudely prejudi- make her peace with God after cial comments on the Church many years away from the sacrament of penance. and especially on the Jesuits.
Terming the statement a "dramatic brc;;.kthrough," Volertas said he hoped it would help "in drawing public sympathy to the oppression which has existed since the Soviet Union annexed Lithuania in 1940." In May, riots broke out in Lithuania's second largest city, Kaunas, after a 23-year-old Lithuanian publicly burned himself to death in protest of Soviet religious and political domination in that country. Two hundred youths were arrested. In June, a 20-year-old man also burned himself to death in protest of the Soviet oppression.
Named Director NEW YORK (NC)-Sister M. Carolyn Hermann, president of Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pa., has been appointed director of education for the Catholic Near East Welfare Association.
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THE ANCHOR -Diocese ofFal! River-Thurs.. June 22, 19~~
Concerned Catholic Radicals 'Cer,ain' About E~Yerything Richard Neuhaus is a Lutheran minister who has been extremely active· in the radical political movements of the past years. In a recent arti.cle in Worldview, of which he is an associate editor, Neuhaus raises a very
serious question ,!bout the activities that he and others have engaged in. He says, "Christian· critics of social activism claim, with too much justice, that those of us who engage in the struggle for change have simp:y appro-
priated' a Christian veneer to disguise what is a prior and essentially political decision." Neuhaus continues, "It is not enough to say that one has simply decided to 'strengthen the forces of goodness in the world,' for it is rare to find any Christian ... who would not make the same claim for himself. H is perhaps the chief problem of Christian ethics today that "those most engaged in the struggle for change have failed to articulate . persuasively the connection between th~ir engagement and the particularities of Christian be-· lief; indeed, there is frequently a note of disdain for the orthodox Christian belief system." .. Worst Danger
to disagree with your decision, then I am "religiously evil"; but if I am evil, no political compromise between you and me is possible, and it may very well become necessary for you to destroy me· eventually. 'Only' Solution I doubt that there is a single major political decision made in the United States today about which men of good will, sincerity, and integrity and intelligence cannot: disagree in good faith. When '·'concerned Christians" pretend that their solution is the only solution that is permitted for Christians, they become the . worst kind of doctrinaire bigots. Of course, they are quite incapable . of dialoging with others who may also insist that their decision is the only possible moral approach to a social problem. Far better that we limit our Christianity to motivating us to political commitment and be properly cautious and modest about the wisdom of our solutions to political problems. I 'am personally convinced, for example, that subsidized quota integration of metropoliitan regions can play an important part in solving the race problem in the United States. I have been led to this position by' the ex;tremely forceful and intelligent arguments of Dr. Anthony Downs; but I freely concede that· there are difficulties' and weaknesses in such political program, and I am sure Dr. Downs would agree. . 'Christian Position'
One fellow traveller of the Catholic radicals dismisslld Neuhaus as being envious because he was not getting the kind of publicity that the Berrigans and Anybody who claims to have " other Catholic radicals are get- a certain answer, much less the ting. I have no way of knowing, only religiously acceptable anof course, whether Mr. Neuhaus - swer, _to the concrete problems would like to· be commut.ed into of racial integration in Ameria mythological folk hero or not, can society is either a charlatan but it seems to me that his' or a lunatic, and quite possibly points are made very s(!riously both. and ought to be listened' to Similarly, as Msgr. George seriously. Higgins recently pointed out at The most dangerous Itind of a symposium at St. Mary of the political involvement ii, that Lake Seminary, it may be relawhich takes place in the TAame of tively easy at this point jn time absolute goodness. Morality may to. take a "Christian position" on very well tell us what Itind of the Vietnamese war; but what politics' are to be avoid(ld, but about "the Arab-Israeli conflict? it can hardly be expected to There was a time not so long .spell out for us positive political ago when most Catholic radicals programs. The worst danger of would have sided with the rellgious people becoming deep- Israelis. At this point it is suply . involved in politics is that. posed that. most of· them now' they equate their own political would be on the side of the judgments with religious good- Arabs, but considerable numness. If your political decision is o bers of Catholics would still support Israel, not. having yet "reli~iously good" and I happen learned that it is unfashionable
'~~r~h~s::~~oved circles to sup-
Leaves NC News
What is the moral, the reliWASHINGTON (NC)-Joseph D. McClellan, who directed gious, solution to the Middle special projects at NC News Ser- Eastern crisis? What stand must vice since 1970, has resigned to a "concerned -Christian" take? become assistant editor of a new.I am not, sure that I·know, and book review - section -at. the I am not sure that anybody else Washington Post. McClellan, 43, does either. I will confess that was managing editor of AD there are some times I wish I 1970, r'ormerly Ave Maria maga-coula be as' certain about zine, before he came to NC News anything as the "concerned almost two years ago from Notre Catholic' :radicals"· are about Da~e, Ind~' everything. (
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YOUTHFUL DIALOGUE: Hundreds of young Americans, like those shown above will gather at the monastery in Taiza, France instt:lad of heading for the beaches. The organization will be the organization of Council of Youth-a council in the sense of Vatican II -to be held in 1974. NC Photo. " f
The Brady BLlnch••Bunchinlg Up or Branching Out? Continued from Page Sixteen one likes them except the person who made the suggestion in the first place. Mike: Let's ask Alice to cast the deciding vote. Alice: Someone mention my name? Carol: Alice, of the following which, would -you visit? - New York, Williamsburg, Disneyland or Yellowstone. Alice: Aspen. Mike: What? Carol: Aspen wasn't on the list. Alice: I know, but that's where I want to go. I love skiing. Peter: Well, now what do we do? Five people and five places. Marcia: We'll never go any where at this rate.. Peter: I know. Why don't we each go where we want to go. We'll all split up. I can go ca:nping to Yellowstone. Dad· can go to New Yor.k, Mom to Williamsburg and Alice to ,Aspen. Marcia: And me? Peter: Under armed guard you can go to Disneyland. Carol: Sounds good, Peter. Mike. Sure. Think of all the fun you'll have. Peter: Sure. We can-I mean, I can follow the trails and see the sights. And take pictures to show all of you. Alice: NO, I'm showing my slides first. Marcia: .What about my movies? Carol: Don't forget the photos Dad and me take. , Peter: ,Sure, I'd love to look at pictures. Marcia: You do not. You always leave the room. Mike: TeU me, Peter, exactly how will this work? Peter, we'll-I mean, I'll arrive and ... Carol: Yes. Mike: O.K., -so I don't know how to arrange things. But you can do that. Marcia: -I don't think I want to go alone. Who gets any fun out of going on a ride alone? There's no one to hold onto. And whose candy could I steal? Alice: Me too. What fun is it to ski alone. Who gets any fun
to ski alone? What if I fall? I never do, but it':> a possibility. Peter: Maybe my idea wasn't so hot. A vacation should be
Farm Workers Plan Sugar Boyc()U WASHINGTON (NC)-A boycott of sugar from the Philippines, similar to the U. S. farmer workers' grape boycott, is. being planned by the 100,OOO-member Federation of Free Farmers in the Philippines. "We would like to, see fransport workers refuse to unload Philippine sugar flS well as receive support from various groups in the United States-especially Catholic groups," Jeremias Montemayor, federation president, told NC News following a meeting here with AFLCIO officials. "We would student groups to help. They could help in research, like finding out exactly what happens to Philippine sugar when it reaches the United ~tates - where it goes," said Montemayor, a consultor to the Vatican Counci:t of the Laity, The 'purpose 'of the -boycott, Montemayor said, is to force sugar planters to pay higher wages. The 400,000 Filipino field workers receive an average of 40-45 cents per eight-hour day, he said.
taken with others. Pictures are no good. Being someplace with someone-that's the best part. Fighting over who will sit by the window in thl! car and. who will go for ice at the motel. Carol: Then we're going SOJ;l1ewh'ere together? Peter: I guess so. . 'Marcia: But where? Mike: Le.t's put all our ballots in the box and select one. That's where we'll go. Carol: O.K. I'll pick it out ... Oh, look, everybody. This' is where we're going.
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rHE ANCHORThurs., June 22. 1972
Stress Pastoral Councils' Value At Workshop
The Stars
WASHINGTON (NC)-Participants in a workshop on diocesan pastoral councils were told that the councils are the principal agel}cies which "put into practice the mandates to shared responsibility" of Vatican II. "If the Church as a unity of participation among all elements of the People of God is really to succeed, it will do so largely through you," Father Robert G. Howes told council members. Father Howes, a staff member of the Center for applied Research in the Apostolate, was director of the eight-day workshop at Catholic University here. "The experience to date with pastoral councils is at least ambiguous," Father Howes said. "Their role is often unsure. Their methodology is rather more individual than common. Called to be giants, they seem sometimes trivial and inconsequential. Their operational relationships with other diocesan bodies and departments remain uncertain." New Patterns While Father Howes found some virtue in the fact that councils c~were launched in a free-fall dimension with little specific direction," he said that the operation of the councils should now be evaluated. "This workshop was set up precisely to suggest that new patterns of assistance to and communication among all Church and particularly councillors, those who function at the dioc- . esan level, are essential." Father Bernard Quinn of CARA reminded participants that while planning and participation are important elements in the work of councils, "prayer is essential here, both to invoke the Spirit's guidance and to prepare the decision-makers to accept it with fidelity. At least at such times in the decision-making process, prayer must have a formal place.
Votes More Funds For Family Planning.
COLORFUL PAST, UNCERTAIN FUTURE: Set upon a plateau high in the New Mexican Hills, the National Pontifical Seminary of Our Lady of Guadalupe of Montezuma looks much like an elegant Swiss chalet. The seminary faces an uncertain future, but has a colorful history. NC P4o~o.
Montezuma Seminary Moves to Mexico MONTEZUMA (NC)-The In- side overlooking the park below, dians came first to the warm a massive, spacious, handsome mineral springs of the Gallinas building built of brown, elegantCanyon here. ly furnished, and entirely modern Then came the Spanish ex- in all details." It also. pictures the more than plorers who found healing power in the mineral-saturated mud. 40 springs, some of which reach In the 19th century tycoons . a temperature of 140 degrees. and royalty came to stay in a The article suggested the waters luxurious resort built by the were good for a variety of ills. Began in 1930 Santa Fe railroad and soothe their aches and pains in the Presidents Rutherford B. warm waters. Hayes, Ulysses S. Grant, and Fina:Ily, beginning in 1937, ~ Theodore Roosevelt visited the stream of seminarians came from Swiss chalet style resort, as well Mexico to the resort, now owned as foreign royalty. by the bishops of the United That stage of the Montezuma States and renamed Montezuma story ended in the early part of SemiQary. this century. The resort closed That stage in' the life of Mon- and the building was used by a tezuma is now coming to an end. YMCA and a Baptist college.. The story of the National PonThe religious persecutic.n that led to the creation of the sem- tifical Seminary of Our Lady of inary has ended and new semi- Guadalupe began' in the 1930's narians now travel here for their when Bishop Ruizy Flores, paeducation. pal delegates to Mexico, pleaded In 1890 Harper's Weekly de- in the midst of that nation's rescribed Montzuma as "standing ligious persecution for help in 6800 feet above sea level, upon establishing and supporting a a plateau or shelf of. the hill- national Mexican seminary in
WASHINGTON' (NC) - A House of Representatives committee has recommended that the federal government sharply increase spending for family planing but continue a requirement that none <;>f the money can be used for abortions. The House appropriations committee based its recommenNEW YORK (NC)-Members dations on' an estimate that 20 of the general board of the Naper cent of all births in the tional Council of Churches were United States "are unwanted by asked to "take the initiative" as either the husband or wife or individuals in. e~plaini?g the both." NCC to Catholics In theIr home The committee approved $137 c~mmunities. .' million for family planning Possible Catholic. membership in fiscal 1973, an increase in the 33-commumon NCC IS of $42 million over the current currently under study by Cathoyear. The appropriations were Iics. part of a $28.2 billion appropri- . "The decision on membership ation for the Labor Department, to be made by the National Conthe Health, Education and Wel- ference of Catholic Bishops... fare Department and related will largely depend on the initiaagencies. tives taken by local and regional In its report, the committee denominational and ecumenical said that the number of "un- people," the Rev. R.H. Edwin wanted births is significantly Espy, general secretary of the higher among the poor for whom NCC told the general board at contraceptive information and its meeting here. services are less available than Dr.. Espy indicated that the for others." The result according NCC hopes that extensive disto the committee, is that individ- cussion of the Catholic memberuals are denied "the right to ship proposal will take place in control their own fertility." the bishops' regional meetings
the safety of the United States. The U.S. bishops bought the resort for $19,500. Initial refurbishing and repair of the 172 rooms in the main building was $200,000. For the past 35 years Mexican youths have studied theology or philosophy under the Jesuits here, occupying 900 acres of "old" Mexico, set in the wildly beautiful northern New Mexico countryside. Thousands of men from old Mexico have come to New Mexico to train for the priesthood, and 1,500 have been ordained. Change came quickly, however, and within the last few years enrollment dropped as new seminaries began to open in Mexico, according to Father Gonzalo Garcia, the seminary administrator. The Jesuit community offered the Mexican bishops two suggestions. Either they send more students, or the seminary would move, lock, stock, and library, to Mexico. The second alternative was chosen, and this summer packing will begin for the move to Tula, Hidalgo, in Mexico. "Montezuma will not end, it next Spring, so that a final vote will move," emphasized Father can be taken at the November, Garcia. "The staff, library, teach1973, NCCB meeting. ers, and students will come toThe "heroic Christian leader- . gether in Tula." He expects the ship" given by Cesar Chavez enrollment soon to double. and others in opposition to AriThe U.S. bishops will continue zona's restrictive farm labor to fund the seminary. However, legislation was praised in a res- no decision has been made for olution which also authorized a the disposition of the property boycott by all NCC units of head and buildings. lettuce from California or Arizona not bearing the black eagle label of the Chavez-led United Farm Workers.
Board M'embers Asked to Explain Council of Churches to Catholics
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An NCC Task Force on Abortion, named a year ago, reported extensive study but asked for more time to prepare a statement that might make "some fresh contribution to this' subject." Task force members are mostly women from a variety of religious and ethnic backgrounds. Catholics are included in. the group.
Continued from Page Sixteen might have been selfish, idealistic, and limited in egoisme· a deux has to be stripped away for love to grow and mature. But what was so valuable in commuand rapport during nications egoisme a deux needs to be remembered, resurrected, and nurtured. A person doesn't make himself known to another just once -and then nothing needs to be said anymore. A person doesn't need to deeply listen to another just once-and then think that he or she has heard everything that's necessary to know. A relationship is what you make it every day of your life. It may be too simple to even mention but the first step in communications for married couples is to want to continue understanding .each other. And that is not as simple as it sounds. The second point also sounds deceivingly simple. This is to . recognize differences - differences in temperaments, in values, in personaEties, in handling conflict, in rearing children; natural differences between people; psychological differences between sexes. The third point can often get overlooked. This is to try to understand the importance of the past - before the two of you ever met. This goes back to childhood, to adolescence, to relations with parents and brothers and sisters. to all the hurts and laughs and good times and bruises along the way. Your marriage-mate was not a person sprung from nowhere the day you met him or her. We all have our histories-and they take a lifetime to tell. The fourth point is to realize how a living religious faith can transform marital life and elevate communications to a new level. The celebrated Swiss physician-psychotherapist, Dr. Paul Tournier, addresses this point when he writes that a' couple "may discuss philosophical and religious questions, theological and ecclesiastical. But express their innermost convictions, their own experiences, their own doubts, their own feelings, their own relationship to God- this is quite another matter! It is the highest tie binding a couple together and yet it is rare." "Happy are the couples," Tournier continues, " who do recognize and understand that their happiness is ~ gift of God, who can kneel together to express their thanks not only for the love which he has put in their hearts, the children he has given them, or all of life's joys, but also for the progress in their marriage which he brings about through -that hard school of mutual understanding."
'Our Heating
Oils Make
Warm Friends'
-Christian Liberation Demands Christian Commitme~11t
Willing to Sharel'he Cost? Y'our I-Ielp is Needed in The Struggle For Christian .Lil)eration This Message Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Busilrless Concerns In The Diocese of Fall River