. .
Twenty-five Years of Caring
First. Charity Appeal in 1937 ~Initiated Care for. Aged .
~utittr 'uf !!Ubt Catholic Memorial Home
Silver. Jubilee Monday For 25 years the golden cros,s of the Catholic Memorial Home has been a landmark for travelers approaching Fall River. In that time it has served hundreds of men and women nearing life's close. Marking the silver jubilee, Bish op Connolly will celebrate Mass at 10 Monday morning, June 29 for the Home's residents. The date marks the eve of the blessing of the institution by the late Bishop Cassidy. A jubilee dinner for residents will follow Mass and at 4 Monday afternoon Auxiliary Bishop Gerrard will offer a Pontifical Mass in the Home's chapel, with Bishop Connolly presiding. Employees of the Home will celebrate the jubilee Tuesday night, June 30 at a dance. The orchestra will be led by Ed Margarida, whose musicians have been visiting the Home on a voluntary basis monthly for the past year to play for residents. In charge of jubilee arrangements, as he was of the original fund-raising drive for the Home, is Msgr. Raymond T. Considine, who has been in general charge of the institu-' tion since i·ts beginning. Sullivan Memorial Although the 25th anniversary of the Home will be marked on Monday, its history goes back much further. It was in 1917 tha,t the Misses Ellen and Julia Sullivan made a bequest to the Bishop of Fall River "for the erection of a home for the aged, to be erected in the city of Fall River and to be in the memory of Michael and Julia Sullivan."
As good a measure of any of the changes 27 years have brought to American life and to Catholic life in the Diocese. of F'all River in particular is a comparison of the first fund-raising drive ever held in the Diocese to that which is now a yearly event-the Catholic Charities Appeal. The first drive was held in June, 1937 to raise funds for the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River, now marking its silver Jubilee. In 10 days $228,751.30 was collected in an effort regarded at the time as "without equal in the history of southern New England." Last month's appeal brought the record-breaking . amQ..unt of $680,111.91. Instead of aiding construction of one institution, it will go to 29 agencies of Catholic Charities and will also assist in building a new home for the aged in North Attleboro and opening of a new school for mentally retarded children. These institutions will be in addition to the four homes for the aged and two schools for the retarded already in operation. Turn to Page Eighteea
The ANCHOR Vol. 8, No. 26 ©
1964 The Anchor
Fall River, Mass., Thursday; June 25, 1964
Ready Thirteen Subjects .For Council's Voting By Rev. John R. Folster st. Anthony Church - New Bedford
The Vatican has disclosed that some thirteen objects of business have been readied for the bishops' return to the council. Of these, one is a simple declaration of the council . fathers' mind on Marriage; six are propositions for' which the Fathers will vote a sim. tion; (2) the Ohurch-with the pIe "yes or no"; six are fun chapter on Our Lady's privileged scale drafts of legislation position; (3) the Bishops-<X>l needing debate. Thedecla lectively and individually; (4) ration is a simple eXDOSition Olf the mind of the Council concern mg the Sacmment of Marriage. The six propositions requiring either a "yes" or "no" vote-but no preliminary debate-will con. eern:, (1) the Eastern Churches; (2) the Missions; (3) Religious; (4) Priests; (5) Seminaries; (6) Catholic Schools. The remaining six pieces on the agenda are full-scale sche mata which-if already debated --will be reviewed, approved, cllanged, or dropped. If these are new schemata they will be treat ed as above but for the first time The schemata already debated but re-arranged according to the eX1>ressed directions of the F'a tlhers are: (1) Divine Revel..
Ohristian Unity. '11he two completely new pieces Turn to Page Sixteen
Turn to Page Fifteen
Pope 'Paul VI 'Promises Birth Control Edict Qtat40Jit .tmn~ial ~nmt Jrall ~ittt~
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI revealed that the Church is in the process of a major reevaluation of the question of birth control and said that for the present, at least, the pronouncements on the question by Pope Piua XII must be considered valid the ."pill." But he said that the and binding for all Catho Church is being aided by "many lics, Pope Paul spoke out eminent scholars" in an in Tuesday with the apparent tensive study of the questio~ intention of ending the current controversy over the possible legitimacy for using certain re cently discovered hormone pills which can prevent conception. He did not refer explicitly to
Bish'ops .Join InCMH25th Anniversary Eulogist Accentuates Zeal ,Most Reverend James L. Connolly, D.D.; Bishop of the Diocese, and Most Reverend Of Father Killgoar, SS.CC. James J. Gerrard, D.D., Aux iliary Bishop, will join in com memorating the Silver Jubilee of the Oatholic MemorIal Home in Fall River next Monday. Bishop Connolly will offer Mass at 10 Monday morning for residents and preside and preach at a Solemn Pontifical Mass to Turn to Page Fifteen
"He had only twenty-tWo years in the apostolate as a priest of God but hQw can we measure the depth or v'alue of the work of a priest in the terms of time and human judgement?" With these words, Rev. William B. Davis, SS.CC., Professor of Theology and Canon Law at the ~hurch, Mattapoisett, this morn- . ~- F th 'S mg for the late pastor of the S . acre.d H eanll5 a ers em: Church, Rev. Clement Killgoar, mary m Jaffrey, N.H., began SS.CC.,· who died suddenly the eulogy
in St.
Deadline Today Recipients of invitations to Monday's celebration of the Catholic Memorial Home .Ju bilee, who have not already answered, please call 672-7'781 today aod state 70111' iu.tentloa.
and that its findings will be re vealed as soon as possible. Pen ding a further pronouncement, he said, nobody is to "take it upon himself to speak in te~ Turn to Page Twelve
Sunday morning after he had celebrated two Masses for his people. After the Pontifical Requiem Mass sung by the Most Reverend James J. Gerrard, D.D., Auxil iary Bishop of the Diocese, the eulogist cited Father Kill goar for his zeal and dedication as a religious and in several assignments he held in the Con gregation of the Sacred Hearts as a pastor, seminary professor, retreat master and religious su. perior. In every task assigned to him, Father Killgoar lived up to the highest expectations of his suTurn to Page Eighteen
Summer Schedule
The Anchor publishes todaY flhe Summer schedule of Masses and other devotions in churches in the Cape Cod area, Marthyr's Vineyard and Nantucket islands. See page 4.
tHE ANCHOR-Dioc~se of Fall River-Thurs. JUl'le 25, 1964
Professor Favors More Academic Freedom in Catholic Colleges
Kev. Antonino C. Tavares, assistant at Santo ChristA> Church, F'all River, to St. Elizabeth Church, Fall River, as administrator, pro temprooe. Assignment effective Monday, July 29, 1964.
~.... ~t£<!!f" Bishop of Fall River '
Composer' Arpad Hegedus Recalls 'Very Heavy' Years in Hungary CINCINNATI (NC) - One of 'no instruments were allowed to Europe's ,foremost composers, him. now living in the U. S., summed It took nearly two years for up his postwar,years in commu-, the, Hungarian government' ,to !list Hungary ,as·"very heavy." prQcess his application for a Arpad Hegedus, author of four '"visa, ~l;labling him. and his wife operas, half,a dQzen Ma$SE!S and to emigrate to the U. S. eountlesS hymns and other litur-: But the veteran musician, who Bical' compositions is 1J0w a ~ , also is an accomplished tenor eompOser and consultant with ,~nd a music history scholar, h!ld the ,World Librai-y o~Sacred ',become accUstomed to hardship Music here~ " ,and to patience. He'gedus' saw his, works sUp- , Deprived of Job pressed by the Redregim'e and" Before the war he was music had.~o write :rn1,lS~C for the past, supervisor for Hungarian Radio: 20 years "in my bead" because, ,When tJie 'Germans oCcupied Budapest'they made bim a pris oner, and when the Germans re:' ' ,treated he became a prisoner of the American AJrmy. Before the war was over he also had NEW YORK (NC)-American been imprisoned by the RuSsian ~de school students offered' army and, eventually, by the 284,600 Masses and 238,700 Holy Hungarian ''police.'' Communions in a spiritual bouTO'cap it an. he was deprived quet to be given to Pope Paul ,of his job with Hungarian Radio VI Monday, the 'feast of SS. after the war because be wasn't Peter and Paul. 'a member Of the Communist The' sPiritu,algift' is given an-, party. " , Dually to the Pope by members ;.'
of the Eucharistic Crusade,' an
elementary school brancb of the Apostleship of Prayer. Fall River CouneU No. 86, Knights of Columbus is plan ning a Mystery Ride for Sat., J'uly.25 ' The following films are to be , added to the lists in their re spective classifications: Unobjectionable for General FRIDAY-SS. John and Paul, Patronage - The Patsy;. eircUi Apostles. III Class. Red. Mass World. " Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Unobjectionable for Adults Commo~ Prefaoo. and Adolescents-633 Squadron; SATURDAY-Mass of the Bles Evil· Eye; The Horror of It All; sed Virgin for Saturday. IV Secret Invasion. . Class. White. Mass Proper; Unobjectionable for Adult& Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Mafioso. Blessed Virgin. SUNDAY - VI Sunday After Pentecost. n Class. Green. Mass Proper; GlorIa; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY-SS Peter and Paul, Apostles. I Class. Red. Mass June 28-St. Mary, New Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface Bedford. ' of Apostles. St. Francis Xavier, Hy TUESDAY-OOmmemoration of annis. st. Paul, Apostle. III Class. . Holy Trinity, West Har Red. Mass 'Proper; Gloria; wich. Second Collect St. ~Peter. July ~St. Joan' of Are; Apostle (under one eonelus Orleans. ion); Third Collect (under Our Lady of 'Assumption, separate conclusion) of the Osterville. Pope; no Creed; Preface of .July 12-St. Hyacinth, New .l\PQstles. Anniversary of tlhe ,~edford. ' Coronation of Pope Paul VI. St. Mary,' South Dart WEDNESDAY ,- Most Precious mouth. Blood of Our Lord Jesus July 12-5t., Hyacinth, New Ohrist., I "ClaSs. Red. Mass B~ford. Proper; Gloria; Creed; Prefuce St. Mary; So. Dartmouth. of the Holy Cross.
July 19-:-St. Pius X, South
THURSDAY...., Visitation of the Yarmouth. .. Blessed Virgin Mary. II Class. St. Stephen, Dodgeville ' White. Mass Proper; Gloria;
Second Collect SS Processus
tHE altCHOI and Martinianus, Martyrs;
seeOlld Class postage PaM at Fall R,",.! Creed; Preface of Blessed Vir
Mass.: Publishecl every llturidal, at 41v gin. Votive Mass In honor of Hlghlallll Avenue Fall alver ,Masa. 0) tile CathGnc Press D# the DIocese 01 I'lIII RIver. ' Jesus Christ; the Eternal Hilb SUbscrl,t• • •~ III 1111'" ............. ' Priest, DOt permitted.
Offer'Spiri,tual 'Gifts To ' Holy Father
, Mystery Ride'
Legion of Decency
Mass Ordo
..' .....
PRO TEMPORE: Rever end Antonino C. Tavares of Santo Christo Parish, Fall River:, will serve as tempor ary administrator of St. Elizabeth Parish, Fall River, while Rev. Joao de Medeiros, pastor, is away.
Bartker Receives "'La F~(Jrge Awa.~d NEW, YOIUC (NC)-AlbertM. GreenJield, a Philadelphia bank er active in civic affairs, was awardl~ a John LaFarge Inter racial Award here by New York Mayor Robert F. Wagner. The mayor presented the award named for the late Jesuit who was a leader in Catholic . interr~,eial movements at a cere-' mony Monday in City Hall. The 'award is sponsored by the New York' Catholic Interracial Coun cil of which Father LaFarge was a f<mIlder and chaplain for 25 years. Fr~mcis V. Madigan, president of the local CIC, said Greenfield was' blling cited for his "distin guished contribution to the bet , terment of interfaith, interracial relations and for his consuming belief in the dignity 'of man." Prevl«lus Awards Gree:nfield, a'member of the board of directors of a host of Philadelphia businesses, is, a former chairman of the Phila 'delphia Planning Commission. Earlier the CIC presented ,Father LaFarge awards to three 'laymen, a Methodist, a Catholic, and a Jew, at an awards dinner.
DUBUQUE (NC)' - Catholic worth his salt if he hasn't beeta colleges and universities allow issued some kind of ecclesiastical their professors and students warning. Similiarly, every pro "too precious little academic fessor and student must expect freedom," a professor at one of to live dangerously at time." them charged here. Kreyehe said the "open min-cl' Gerald F. Kreyche, chairman' of the intellectual has' long beea of the philosophy department at viewed with ,suspici<>n in the DePaul University, Chicago, American Church. He traced the made the statement in an 00- lack of academic freedom i. dress to the Newman Institute of Catholic colleges to their on Catholic Thought on the opening gins as seminaries. day of a week-long seminar on ''Many, if not mast, of 0111' religious freedom at st. Rose Catholic colleges have evolved Priory. from seminaries. It is" commOB "Why must (Catholics) always knowledge that a rather stronc look to Europe, and generally to authoritarianism and even arbi. northern Europe, for the Chris- trariness have long marked the tian thinkers of the day?" be seminaries. When the Catholie asked. eollege evolved from these, the "In part, it is because we have, same traits often carried over," unnecessarily restricted the ac- he said. ademic freedom of our Ameri can intellectuals." 'Kreyche called for "a max imum of freedom and a: minimum of restraint" in Cathtolic intellectual affairs and for aboWASHINGTON, (NC) - The lition of the Index, the list of "Confraternity of Christian Doc books that Catholics -are forbidtrine's translation of the Bible den to read without ecclesiastireceived ,here an award for "ex.. cal' permissIon. ' cellence in Bible oommunica- "Academic freed~m runs the 't!on" from the Educational Com risk' of promulgating' error; it ' munication Association. can aJso scandalize "and shock," A spokesman for thenon-profJI he said. "But we 1'nust not forget' organization devoted to promO"" , that error is more an impetus tG tion , of BiblereacUl;lg' ,said the truth than ignoranoo, for at least aW~d, made a,t the association'. we are forced to reexamine our annual conference, is, the firet", position. ' to btl given to a Biblical transla-" 18tion. 'lAve DaDge~usl:r' F a ther'LoUIS . Hartm an,. C SS .~., ... ' , ''The saying in France haa It Scripture scholar who, is chaiJI-' that 'no FrenclJ theologian Is .. c man of the editorial board' making, the translation from the original' languages under CCD auspices, accepted the honor at ,~he ~ciation banquet. The editorial board is drawn frODl Barnstable High SChool grad memben the Catholic BibJl-, uates representing the parishes eal AssoCiation of America. of Our Lady of the Assumption, , Most of the books of the ObI Osterville; Our Lady of Victory, Testani~ni have been pUblishecJ, Centerville; and St. Francis in the !=CD's new translation. , Xavier, Hyannis were guests at The New Testament translatiOll " a communion ,breakfast spon is larg~ly completed.:,' . sored annually by the guilds of the "three parishes. Following attendance at Mass and reception of corporate com munion a,t st. Francis Xavier FUNERAL HOME Church, the graduates heard 469 lOCUST STREET John Rinsa,assistant professor FAll RIVER, Moss. of chemistry and physics and Newman Club advisor at Cape OS 2-3381 Cod Community College. His Wilfred C. James I. topic was 'Education after Higb School." ' Driscoll Sullivan, Jr.
CCD Translation Recelves • A wa rd
Barnstable Graduate Attend Breakfast
D. D. Sullivan &Sons
Necrology JUNE 26 Rev. Charles P. Gaboury, 1931, Pastor, St. Anne, New Bedford. JUNE 27 Rev. Dario A. Raposo, 1&33, Pastor, Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunt<ln. .JUNE ZI Rev. Thomas C. Gunning, 194'1 Assistant, St. Lawrence, New Bedford. JUNE 3D _ Rev. Alphonse M. Reniere, a.p., 1961, Dominican. Priory, Fall R:lver.
JEFI:REY E. SULLIVAN JFuneral Dome 150 Loc~st street Fall River, Mass.
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46 Taunton """"'lOur Heating Green ~m~ 0" M'a Iee Taunton, Mass.. AMERICAN's VA 2"2282
~I", Warm Friends'
THE ANCHORThurs., June 25, 1964
Bishop Urges Seven-Point Plan Against Pornography
Church Assists Flood Victims In Montana
STEUBENVILLE (NC)~Bishop· J6hn King. Mussio outlined here a seven-point program to guarantee that por llography does not "survive to bury us all." Speaking at the annual Diocesan Council of Catholic Women's conven tion, the Bishop proposed: 1. - Insulate the home literature," Bishop Mussio said. Demand Action against the foulness of this "If a garbage dump were right pornographic stench, princi pally through religious princi ples. . 2.-Discipline children strict ly, regardless of how lenient the neighbors are with theirs. 3.-Supervise closely every thing the children do. "If any of it shocks your sense of modesty or good order, don't let them ohange your mind on the ground that this is a new age • • • If you sense a corrupting influence in the things affecting their lives, 110 do they." 4.-Keep children busy: Don't think you are helping them by ew:cusing them form home ehores." " Famn,. Prayer S.-Have family prayer, de yetop good reading habits in Ute ;oUng ones, have religious art Iwound the home, frequently talk with enthusi~ abQut spirtual Cbings. '.--'-Encourage those young ones who wish to give their lives ~tbe service of God and bhe Church. Let them participate in Church activities, understanding ht you are happy when they
_ the things that lead them the
riCht way. ' ,'.-Let them know th8t, while lOU trust them in whatever tIley ean be trusted in, you are still their protector and guard; th'llt "'you are ready, to give them lJUidance when they come to you ill trust and love." !'When you have your family .ately set against the filtll of _pornography, then begin ~ ex press your indignation publicly a1Ginst all this traffic in rotten
in the middle of your town, if gas were escaping in front of your home, if rats were infesting an open sewer nearby and as a result running through your house, I am sure you and your neighbors would put up a ter rible howl. Has it come to the point where we have no con cern for the things that threaten us with spiritual death?" he asked. "Start being a pest to your local officials by continually de manding action. Talk to other people, and stir up their indig nation,. too. Let your town fathers know what you think about anything whatsoever that gives immorality a head start in your community. Let the' world know by what you say and do that you are a decent people, and-what is more pertinent to this question of 'Pornography that you are not a dirty people," the Bishop said.
HELENA (NC) - Cath olic charitable groups arid churches in this diocese hurried to give assistance
OZANAM QRADUATION: Bishop Connolly congratu lates graduate ofOzanam School of Charity sponsored by Attleboro Particular Council, Society of St. ViIicent de Paul, as Rev. Edmund L. Dickinson, s}>iritual director, presides at microphone. '
Mission Seminar Priest Urges Passage of Federal For Laymen Law to Curb Illegal Adoptions
.CINC.INNA,'J;'I (NC)-One of the'newest ideas inthe Church's missions will be· explored here under the auspices of one of the pewest missionary organiza.tions ift ilhe Church. As part of their silver jubilee year observapee, GJenma·ry Home Missioners will sponsor a three-day "mission seminar" on the role of. laymen in the mis sions of the U.S. ·starting Sun day at their seminary here.' ''The Glenmary FatherS, who themselves have organized· a group known as "Span Mission Volunteers," have invited'rep resentatives . of more than 20 other organizations ~at "have made some significant contrl1;lu SAN FRANCISCO (NC) tions .to this new phase in the Zeroes T. McDonald, president of missionary activ,ity~.. <tf the the Catholic Interracial Council, Church." says the council fully supports Am<>ng the ol'g,anizations that Archbishop Joseph T. McGuc ken's opposition to the proposed will take part in tihe seminar are initiative to repeal California's' the Grail, Internati<>nal Auxil iaries, Extension Volunteers, fair housing legislation. Christian Family Movement.Va "If full religious witness were cations program, Catholic Lay brought to bear upon those peo ple who express religious belief, Mission Corps, Pax Christi, 'and but still harbor prejudice in several religious communities.• Father Joseph W. Dean of their hearts, the whole charac ter of the civil rights movement Glenmary, secretary of the sem eould proceed to orderly and inar cOmmittee, said the disciJs sions would include a survey of early success," McDonald said. In so doing, he stated, "we U.S. missions and their use of cannot wait for ·the prejudices of lay volunteers, future needs possibil~ people to die with them. We' training programs, must act prudenUy, .but we must ioties of mutual assistance among theV'arious org·anizations. aet now."
Back Prelates' Housing Stand
Recoll1'llC 01 Aetion
Layman on Board
He agreed witli Archbishop McGucken that the Rumford
'rqCSON (NC) - The Tucson Fair Housing Law is not a per dioce9an school board now has fect piece of, legislation, but, its first two members from the MeDonaid said, ''The present laity-'-John F. Prince of Phoenix lair housing law is in no way executive director· of the Ari~ eontrary to our American demo zona State Board of Directors eratic tradition, and provides a for Junior Colleges, and Mrs. IleaSOnable recourse of action Riehard R. Frailey, who is active against unjust denial of equal in Catholic educational activi opportunity in housing based ties here. IIOlely on condition of race, reli
gion or nation'll1 origin. The law
was carefully an-alyzed by the
state legislature and by the gov
ernor and protects equally the rights of all parties involved." 'l'·he anti-fair housing initia BUSINESS AND tive not only would repeal the DUPLICATING MACHINES Rumford Act, but. would place a Second and Morgan Sts. permanent barrier in the way of future anti-discriminatory legis FALL RIVER lation in the housing area by WY 2-0681 OS 9-6712 either state or local goverwnent, E. J. McGINN, Prop. he aaid.
WASHINGTON (NC) A - agencies. It was estim'ated that Catholic priest; testifying before black market dealers in the sale the ~enate subcommittee on of infants may earn $50,000 to juvenile delinquency, declared $60,000 a year. tha t the selling of· babies on the Protect Religioa black market is no different . from the sale of hilman beings Father' Reese said a Federal' under slavery. law was needed to control theSe Father Thomas J. Reese, di ab~ses because state laws are in rector of the Catholic Welfare consistent. He said Delaware has Guild of the WUmington, Del.; stiff adoption regulations, but diocese, urged passage of a Fed that unmarried mothers have eral law that would standardize been induced to go to other' state laws and lay down stiff states to dispose of their chil penalties for persons involved in dren at a profit. illegal adoption practices. A Federal law on ·adoptions
Appearing on the second and would also protect the" child's
final day of the hearings Father religion, said Father Reese. De Reese observed that the 13th claring that "most religious amendment abolished slavery, groups in this country have which involved the selling of strong feelings in this matter," human ,beings. "It seems· incon . he said the proposed law "will sistent that our country should eliminate one of the major continue to permit the selling of sources of abuse in the matter babies which, essentially, is no of neglecting the child's reli different from slavery," he said. gious heritage and leave the' states and licensed agencies free He added that the proposed to offer a service providing pro legislation "would help elimi tection of the child's religious nate this inconsistency and pro heritage, which is often a fer vide equal protection of ou(' vent wish of the child's natural Constitution to all Americans, parents. including the defenseless chil dren who have no one to act in their behalf." A report of the subcommittee I stated that 36 per cent of ali • children adopted in the U. S. in I 1962 went to parents who had I not been investigated by official
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when streams and rivers fed by late-melting snows swept over their banks on both sides of the continental divide taking nearly 30 lives. The floods were centered around Great Falls, a city of about 55,000 pop.J.llation at the juncture of the Missouri and Sun Rivers. The total damage in the state has been estimated at $30 million. Eight of the nine Montana counties declared disaster areas by President Johnson are in the Helena Diocese. Most of the dead ·are Blackfeet Indians - many Catholics-who fled from their reservation in the northcentral part of the state. Father William Morley, pastor of St. Joseph's parish in the community of Choteau, 'said the floodwaters rose to within five reet of the church. Most Refugees Indians In the town of Browning, Father Anthony Gillen spent six hours stranded on an island of high ground after his horse floundered as he was trying tAt rescue cattle on some church owned land. Picked up by a heli copter, he spent the night in the hospital. ' St. Francis parish in Valier, Mont., became a refuge for nearly 50 persons escaping from floods in the surrounding 'area. Most of the refugees were Indi ans who had lost their homes and nearly all Uteir possession. Father Benedict Demerath, O. Praem., pastor of Valier, said the homeless were lodged in the church hall and were fed at the parish until the Red Cross ar rived with a mobile kitchen.
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New &edfo....
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fafl River-Thurs. June 25, 1964
for Summer :5eason
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:30 A.M. First Fridays-5:30 P.M. Holydays-8:30 A.M.-7:30 P.M. Daily-St. Vincent's Home--7:00 A.M. Confessions before every Mass.
CHURCH OF THE VISITATION Masses: Sun«kly-8:30, 9:30. 10:30, 11:30
Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 A.M. 5 P.M.
Daily--8:00 A.M. Confessions: 5,aturday 4-5 P.M. -7-8 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-6:30, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Noon Daily-7:00 A.M. Rosary and Benediction Sunday-7:00 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30,9:30,10:30,11:30, A.M.
Daily-8:00 . A.M.
Fall River Missioner Marks Ordination Golden Jubilee MARYKNOLL-Father John E. Morris, Maryknol Missioner from Fall River, celebrated his Golden Jubilee, the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, 0Jl June 13. Now serving at the Maryknoll promotional oouee in Buffalo, N.Y. Father Mor- ~ ris was ordained for the Fan 1~ years after its founding, .. become a foreign missioner. River diocese in 1914. He Two years later he received biB entered Maryknoll in 1921, first mission assignment to Kor
DI1\IACULA1rE CONCEPTION Masses: Sund~ly-7, 8, 9; 10, 11 A.M.
OS;rERVILLE OUR Umy OF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday--6, 7. ·8, 9, 10, 11:00 A.M. Daily-'7:00 A.M. C<>nfessions: Saturday-4-5:30 - 7:30-8:30 P.M.
POPIJONESSET COMl\IUNIT1l CENTER, RECREATION BALL ~.iasses: S:u:liay-7:00, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45 A.M. Confessio!ls: Saturday -4:00-5:00.
CENTERVillE OUR LADY OF VICTORY Masses Sunday- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 AM. Daily-7:00, 8:00 A.M.
8T. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sun<lcly-8, 10, 11 A.M. Confessions: Sabrday·-7:30-8:15 P.M.
WEST BARNSTABLE OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunday-9:30, 10:30 A.M.
ST. PETER THE APOSTLE ::'.fasses: Smw<.y-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. 8 P.M. Daily-'7:00 A.M. Devotions: S'i.J:'1day-700 P.M.
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 Daily-8:00 A.M. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST HALL Masses Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 A.M.
CHATHAM HOLY REDEEMER Masses: Sunday-6:30, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Noon Daily 7:30 Devotions: Sunday-,Rosary and Benediction,
!.fasses: Sundc,y-7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Noon, 5 P.M.
Daily-7:00 A.M., Saturday-8:00 AM.
Rt. 137 off Rt. 28
M~es:Sunday-7, 8, 9,10,11 Daily-7:30
EAST FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7, 8:30, 9:30, 11, 12 Noon Daily-7:00 A.M.
Ma5fleS: Sunday-7:30, 9, H), 11 A.M. D&ily-7:30 A.M.
FALMOUTH ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunda,y-7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ~ Daily-7:00 A.M. Benediction: Sunday-7:30 P.M. Novena: Monday-Miraculous Medal, '1:30 P.M.
FALMOUTHHEIGHTS . ST. THOMAS Masses: Sunday-6:15, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Benediction: Sunday-8:00 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Noon, 5 P.M.
Daily-7:00, 8:00 ·A.M. Benediction after Last Mass on Sunday
YARMOUTHPORT SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00 A.M.
Masses: Sunday--6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:00 A.M., 5 P.M. Daily-7:30 DAMIEN COUNCIL, K OF C HALL RT. 6 Masses: Sunday-9:30-10:30 A.M.
CORP1JS CHRISTI Masses: Sund'<ly-7, 8, 9, 10 A.M. DaUy-'7:30 AM.
Masses: Sunday-6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30
Daily-'7:30 A.M.-June 22 to Sept. 1.
SAC;AMORE ST. THERlE:SA'S CHURCH Masses: Sundcly-6:30, 8:30 9:30, 10:30, 11:30
SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sund<ly-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. Daily-'1:00 A.M. .
Masses: Sund~y-7:30, 8:30,9:30,10:30,11:30 A.M.
Wj,REHAM ST. :PATRICK Masses: Su!14kly-7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Noon DailY-'1:00 A.M:. Devotion: Sunday-7::30 P. M. Miraculous M.edaI No,rena: Monday-7:30 P.M.
WEST WAREHAM ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunc:kly-7, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 A.M.
MARION S1r. RITA Masses: Sund:ly-7, 830, 10, 11:30 A.M.
Masses: Sunday-7, 11, 9, 10, 11 A.M. DaiIy-7:30 A.M. First F:riday-5:3O P.M.
1rRURO SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8, 1 a A.M. Daily-8:00 AM.-July and August
NORfH TRURO OUR lLADY OF' PERPETUAL HELP Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Daily-8:00 A.M.
Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 AM. and 5:00 P.M.
Daily-7:00, 8:00 A.M. COMMUNITY CHAPEL . SIASCONSET, MASS. Masses: Sunday-8:15 AM.
Masses: Sunday-8, 9 10, 11, 12 (starting in July)
OAK BLUFFS SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-6:30, 8, 9, 10:30 A.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Benediction: Sunday Evening-7:30 P.M.
EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday--6:45, 9:00 AM. Daily-7:30 A.M. Benediction: Sunday Evenings-7:30 P.M.
ORLEANS ST. JOAN OF ARC Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. Daily-7:30 A.M.
OUR LA])Y OF THE ANNUNOIATION Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Daily-7:00 A.M.
Give Medicines To Aid Lepers MONTREAL (NC)-Druggists donated $250,000 worth of medi cines for leprosariums which Paul Emile Cardinal Leger, Archbishop of Montreal, is help_ ing in Africa. The cardinal appealed to the College of Pharmacy here last April to aid the leper colonies he is supporting. The' college set up a commit tee which presen,ted 1,000 ca~ of medicines and a $1,000 dona tion to the Cardinal. The medi cines were selected with atten tion to those which would be of most value in the treatment of leprosy. The cases were turned over to the White Fathers of Africa here Ul be distributed in ~frica.
Prelate Presides At Dep.rture Rite MARYKNOLL (NC)-Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York presided as 47 Maryknoll. mis sioners were honored at the 47th annual Maryknoll departure cer emony here. Bishop John W. Comber, M.M., Maryknoll Superior General, presented mission crosses at the departure rite. The missioners have been assigned to posts in Africa, Japan, Formosa, the Philippines, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Hawaii.
ea, where he was named Prefect Apostolic in 1930. After 13 years of work in Korea, he was tran!~ ferred to Kyoto, Jll.pan, to work among the lll.rge Korean popula tion in that city. Interred by Japanese With the outbreak of World War II, Father Morris ·was in terned by the Japanese and was repatriated aboard the S.S. Grip sholm in 1942. Prevented by the war from returning to mission work in Asia, he served as a chaplain to Japanese-Americans interned in relocation camps in Arizona. In 1944, the Fall River priest was assigned to the missions of Hawaii where he worked for 12 years until his parish, bordering Honolulu's International Air port, was engulfed by runways lengthened to accommodate new jet aircraft. Returning to the United States, Father Morris was appointed Re gional Director of Maryknoll ac tivities in the Northwest, with his residence in Seattle, Wash.. In 1959, he received his second assignment to Korea, where he worked until his appointment te his present post in Buffalo ia 1962.
Committee of Laity To Advise Ordinar, AUGSBURG (NC)-A c0m mittee of laymen to advise the Ordinary on diocesan activitiee has been established here ill Germany by Bishop Joseplt Stimpfle of Augsburg. The com mittee is to make proposals .. the bishop on all. the issues re lated to public life. Bishop Stimpfle declared at the diocesan conference of CaUl elic Action that closecooperatiOll between priests and laymen wiD be increasingly necessary in tbe future.
Mercy Mission SYRACUSE (NC)-Three Le Moyne College graduates left here by auto on a 3,000 mile er rond of mercy in the remote province of Morelia, Mexico. Stephen Wade of Ithaca, N. Y., Daniel Hogan of Binghampton, N.Y., and Antone Eppolito of Canastota, N. Y., all 1964 gradu ates of the Jesuit college, are hauling a trailer load with med ical supplies for ·the Mexican natives.
SERVICE for Bristol County
Bristol County Trust Company TAUNTON, MASS. THE BANK ON TAUNTON GREEN Member of Federal Deposi& Insurance Corporation
WOl)DS HOLE. ST. JOSEPH Masses: SundHy-7, 8:15, 9:30, 11 A.M.· Daily-7:00 A.M. Benediction: Sunday--7:30 P.M.
Masses:. Sunday-7, II, 9, 10, 11, 12 Noon
Daily-·8:00 A:\I.
Masses: Sun(lay-6:30, 8:00, 9:15, 10:30 A.M.
Daily-·7:30 AM.
Rosary and Benedictil>n: Sunday-7:30 P.M.
TflE ~-DtoeIee
of1ItdI.. "".....
June 25, 'tH4
LEGION OF MARY MEETS: Enthusiasm was high at the third Diocesan Legion of Mary congress, held at Bishop Stang High School. Left, Rev. Edward A. Oliveira, Diocesan moderator, checks program with Miss Mary Correira, New Bedford; Miss Clotilde Nason, Taunton; Mrs.
Barbara Cardoz'a, TauntoiJ.. Right, Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, Taunton Legion moderator, with Arthur Macedo and Thomas Allen, New Bedford and James Lamb, Taunton, Comitium president. A Mass at 10:30 by Bishop Connolly opened the day's proceedings.
United Support of All Churches Felt on Rights Log-Jam WASHINGTON (NC)-United lIUpport by Churches of all de Dominations was a powerful factor in breaking the log-jam on civil rights legislation. The churches kept the moral aspects of the question con stantly before the nation, and in the end these considerations weighed heavily in bringing the bill to a Senate vote. Imposition of cloture, limita tion of debate, on June II) was hailed as a historic event. lt was aIled the first time the Senate
ever shut off a Southern filibus ter an a rights measure. For a long time-the bill was under consideraUon for 75 days and actually filibustered for 56 days-it was not possible to limit talk. Cloture requires support from two-thirds of the senators present and voting, and these votes were not available until about the first of June. Opposition to the rights. bill was not limited to Southerners and Democrats. A Republican champion of the measure said
Catholic Prelate Is Copresident Of Christians, Jews Council· LONDON (NC)-,-Archbishop J'ohn C. Heenan of Westminster, head of the English CathoUc hierarchy, has agreed to become a copresident of Britain's Coun eil of Christians and Jews, thus restoring full Catholic particip~ tion in that Qody after a la~ of 10 years. The Congregation of the Holy Office in Rome in 1954 orderea Archbishop Heenan's predeces -.,r, Bernard Cardinal Griffin, to resign as copresident and re Quired all other Catholics to withdraw from the council. Archbishop Heenan, a member of the Vatican Secretariat far Promoting Christian Unity sinee its inception in 1960, has sougM reversal of the order by the Holy Office for several years. He said in 1961 that the order requiring to resign from the council was "founded on a mis take" and was "a very, very great pity indeed." Archbishop Heenan went be fore the annual eonference ()f the Council of Christians and J'ews last March 5 to explain the background of the Catholic withdrawal in 1954. He said that the Holy Office action was de signed to offset the threat of religious "indifferentism," i.n asmuch as the Holy See was apparently "alarmed by reparts whiCL'1, though not accurate, bad sufficient basis to make them hard to refute... The archbishop indicated !:h~t the main basia for feanJ litem
med from certain proposals that
had been made' for the forma tion of an international coundl of Christians and Jews. Ban Now Lifted
He ~id th~ as recently as 1961 the Holy Office had turned down "the unanimous request of the English and Welsh bish ops that Catholics be allowed to rejoin the council." But he said that a year or so ago he and another English bishop had gone to Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, secretary of the Holy Office, and' that the cardinal had "agreed that the ban might now be lifted." In accepting the council's in vitation to become a president, Archbishop Heenan joins the four current joint presidents Archbishop Ramsey, Rabbi Bro die and Rev. Duncan Fraser, moderator of the general assem bly of the (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland, and the Rev. Ithel Jones, moderator of the Free Church Federal Council.
he had been abused by colleagues of his party in meetings held on the bill. Senators who op posed the bill did so for a va riety of reasons. Apart from opposition to the bill itself, there was senatorial opposition to invoking cloture. The Senate, which has been called. the greatest deliberative body in the world, can be jeal-
Urge Smut Fight
Ilarely Effective
political consideration. The only way to stop the ml buster and bring the civil rights bill to a vote and Senate pa9 sage, was to· apply Senate Rule XXII. The history of this rule, adopted in 1917 avowedly to. "terminate successful filibus tering," shows that it is not too popular. It has failed to achieve iots purpose in 23 out of 29 times it has been resorted to .. The laL est instance was only the sixth time in 47 years that the Sen ate has supported a petition for the limitation of debate.
During the long days of the filibuster, the bi-partisan lead ers emphasized the moral side of the situation. Sen. Hubert Humphrey (Dem.) of Minnesota repeatedly told his colleagues that religious leaders of all faiths urged passage of the bill. Sen. Everett Dirksen (Rep.) of Illinois, co-leader in the fight \ for the bill, said the moral issue STAMFORD (NC) - "Peace of interracial justice is more important than any personal or and Understanding Thro~gh Ed ucation" will be the theme for the National Catholic Education al Association's 62nd annual con First Federal of Fall River invites all diocesan savers to share vention in New York City next with us an anticipated special dividend which has been de April. clared for the period July 1 thru Dec. 31, 1964, at the per Speaking for the association's annum rate of executive board and planning committee which conducted their annual Summer meetings here for two days, Msgr. Hooh walt, said he expected a regis tration of 35,000, "which will exceed this year's record enroll ment of 17,000 at Atlantic City."
Educators Planning Biggest Convention
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ST. JOHNSBURY (NC)-The 66th annual convention of the Vermont State Council, Knights of Columbus, adopted a resolu tion calling upon Gov. Philip Hoff to appoint a prosecutor to fight sales of indecent literature in this state. Reports from the State House in Montpelier stated the Governor was con8ldering the proposal.
ous when it wants to of its repu'tation for free and unlim ited debate.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fat! River-Thurs. June 25, 1964
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Silver Jubilee
The. last several years have seen an emphasis on the care and comfort of the aged. The establishment of con valescent and rest homes and various other institutions for the care of the aged and infirm might be said to be a characteristic of the last decade. In these matters, how ever, all was anticipated by the Diocese of Fall River and the fact is brought" home strikingly as the Catholic Me morial Home in Fall River celebrates its silver jubilee. The building of the Memorial Home for the aged and infirm twenty-five years ago was a remarkable piece of f'Oresight and charity by the late Bishop Cassidy. He achiev ed what he set out to do-to bring about in this, and other similar facilities that followed, places of dignity and com fort for the older citizens. The present age is one that caters to the young, with the emphasis placed so often on their well-being as the hope of the future. No one would deny the value of this approach, but older people need and deserve attention and care and consideration no less. These have borne the burden of the heat and the day. They have lived IOtlg years and deserve dignity and love with which they are surrounded at the Memorial Home. The Carmelite Sisters who staff the Memorial Home have created just such an atmosphere. A remarkable aspect of the Home is that while it has all modern advantages it still is not an institution so much as a home, a place where the family atmosphere prevails. The Memorial Home in Fall River has been followed by the other homes for the aged and infirm throughout the Diocese. They make the Diocese of Fall River among- the leaders in the country in the care of its older citizens.
PAVLA REV. JAMES A. CLARK Assistant Director Lat.in American Bureau, NCWC
Riding the Rails of Peru I climbed over the posses sions of my fellow passenger into the train compartment. His belongings were wrapped
Church in World
It has been unfortunate that the world has been brought
to a state of confusion by the writings of Catholics about "the pill"-the use of it chemical to interfere with a woman's eycle of ovulation. What started out as the thinking-out by theologians of the process and the investigation by them of the moral principles involved has become, in too, many instances, front-page news. The Holy Father has assured all that the problem is under the most serious consideration. It is a- complex mat ter of investigating the medical facts and then of applyiilg moral principles to the medical situation. Thi,g is not al ways an· easy or self-evident process. But the Pope's words show that the Church is awar~ of herself in the modern world and is quite' prepared to answer the question,s' the modern world proposes' to her.
Patroness of Carmelite Order
, 'fhnO'U.9h.
Wt:t:k With
By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University
TonAY-St. William, Abbot. ship' exists to fit "us into' that The proclamation of the. mes pattern, to conform our flesh to sage of Je·sus is not subject to the Trinity-life of the Son 'who automation. A machine may be ,became' irrevocably man. It is "loyal" ,(First Reading), at least the bread that feeds its in 'the desert (Gospel). Sunday after' in a sense, but never gentle." Sungay we break the bread of Today both lessons point to the God's Word and the bread of human person as the chief agent, . Statistics show that there will be about one million, the ,~ssential instrument, of the sacrificial meal in order to Christ in His continuing work of identify ourselves with Him, eight hundred thousand marriages :n the United. States salvation. with His Resurrection-existence. ' this year and that two hundred and ,twenty thousand of MONDAY - SS. Peter and TOMORROW - SS. John and them will take place in this month of' June. Paul, Apostles. With Mary and Paul, Martyrs. The Gospel ad That is a, happy statistic if it were not for the all va-nee:; radicaIly. beyond the . John the Baptist, Peter and Paul too real fear that the divorce rate will keep rising' ana Covenant, the Law, in specifying are our supreme models a~d the end of man and the reward elder brothers in Christian faith that the happiness of the June bride and groom might turn of his trust in God. A ,celebra- . and life. And as our teachers to something far different in the matter of months and tion' in honor of martyrs is a they stand first, under the Mas'; ter Himself. years. natural occasion for this" teach Today's Mass celebrates not The tendency among those who deal with marriage and ing, and the First Rea'ding teachE's (truly) the rewards of only Peter as leader and "rock," its problems is to urge the young not to entertain the idea the but also the whole apostolic col just in terms of his renown of marriage until they are ready-economically and edu and his descendants. Jesus' words lege which finds its center of catiomllly~for the momentous step. (Gospel) apply emphatically to unity in him (G<>spel, Commun , For this reason sociologists, and others are advising the person' himself, l;Iis well ion Hymn). - Commemoration parents to talk college to their children. If the young people, . being and his fulfillment. "Do of ,TUESDAY St. Paul, Apostle. Yesterday's not b~ afraid of those who can_ from their earliest days, are infused with the desire to kill feast is 'followed respectfully. by the body" (Gospel). Be go to college, with a sense of values that includes college, cause, in addition to virtue's this commemoration, as the they will not be so inclined to rush into marriage into fame and the health it commun . honor we pay to the great preacher and writer, Paul con icates to society, God offers a vacuum, that graduation from high school creates. cedes primacy to Peter's confes heaven. And it has been further shown that any deserving MARY ON SATURDAY. sion of faith. young man or woman who really wants to go to college even WeST.pl'aise The First Reading teaches her as the ark of the with the minimum of college intellectual ability could do Word of God. And in so doing Paul's consciousness of being sent and commissioned by Jesus 80. There are all sorts of grants and scholarships and col we praise Him whose Word she bore.. Again we see in her the Christ Himself and the fact that lege help waiting for the student who is desirous of further - wlHed dependence of nevertheless he consulted with mg his education and is willing to work hard in the process. freely Christ's salvation on the consent Peter. and cooperation of men. We, too, . . WEDNESDAY ~The Precious are part of that picture-all of Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. us. And, as we honor her, we For Jew and ~ven pagan, blood pray for the grace to imitate her was a symbol of life. Out of the rich background of temple sac example of purity and faithful rifices and the offering of ani-' ness in hearing the Word of God, mals, the First Reading teaches and of love in keeping it. ' that in Jesus', blood we have SIXTH SUNDAY AFT E R "We have to be finally a perfect and life-giving OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE' DIOCESE OF FAll liVER PENTECOST. closely ,fitted into the pattern token of, the yielding of life to Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River of hi!: resurrection, as we have God. , Blood is also a symbol of spir-' been into the pattern of his 410 Highland Avenue
death" (First Reading). The Res it, in man's attempt to under Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151
urrec';ion is the center of our stand his own nature - "flesh PUBLISHER . faith and of our hope. In Christ's blood," 'body and blood." So Most Rev. James L ~onnolly, D.O., PhD. glorifed humanity we see all the He gave us' two elements in the prom ',se, all the meaning,' which central and great sacrament~ GENERAL MANAGER 'ASST. GENERAL MANAGER makes ;hristianity appealing tel bread and wine. And the Coun Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo,M.A. Rev. John P. DriscoU those who would solve the rid cil has made the first step in re-' MANAGING EDITOR
dle the human condition. storing the cup to the commun" Hugh J. Golden
0Ul~ Bacramental public worioIl of the faithful in the West.
Into a Vacuum
in a hugh net and I judged that he was an Indian. It was to be an all night train ride over one of the humps of the Andean moun tians. The ex 'i citement of the \i same route took ',j onlya half hour i but it would take us some 12 hours to chug through the mountains. The excitement of talking through the nitetime hours with an Indian co-travel lor filled my mind as I swung myself into the upper bunk and awaited his arrival with anxiety. Some twenty minutes later the door opened and there stood II well-dressed, polished, ob viously successful businessman. My judgement has been wrong. Possibly it was all for the best for ,we talked long and seri ously about Peru and its prob-: ,lems. As the train went through mOll'nta-in tunnels and overmoun tain tops it gave us a continual but comforting sway. Both bunks rocked in unison and we could hear the engine strain ing to reach the summits Of several of the peaks, just as a roller-coaster does for the few feet of its ascent. The man was Juan Pierola. He was a hacienda owner-one of those supposedly notorious persons upon whom many heap the blame for most of Latin America's problems. After hear ing me say a few sentences in Spanish, he switched to perfect English-no doubt to save me embarrassment. 'He had studied agriculture at the University of Iowa and at the same time had learned English. He had def illlite views on many subjects. Rambling across many aven ues 'of conversation, he reported that he wrote for the local Puno paper, and as a reporter he has a sharp eye for problems and their causes. He said his grand" father once owned the hacienda and he had died without ever, doing a full days work. He said' some wealthy people of today still refuse to work-they wish to live like gentlemen with the peons providing their income. These are the wealthy that must be retrained or abolished be..; cause ,they are leeches on an economy. He told of what I have seen several times--many of Latin America's wealthy people now aware of the great needs of their countries. Some are seeking ways to adju,St the obvious disproportion of wealth by methods which will not lead to Communicm or to a realign ment of wealth with neauve riche or dishonest politicianS grasping the funds that they are willing to release. He revealed his opinion that the proud Spanish blood flow ing through the veins of most Latin Americans is the root of many problems. Pride preventa an honest day's work; pride prevents a willingness to ac Cept legitimate outside help; pride prevents. an honest recogTurn to Pale Seven
Sees Civil Rights Prelude to Peace On Earth
Asserts Priests Sorely, Needed In South
STANFORD (NC)-Arch bishop Joseph T. McGucken of San Francisco told the Stanford University gradu
DETROIT (NC) - Non Catholic Southerners are less hostile to the Church than they used to be, Father
ating class "the struggle for civil rights may well be the training ground for greater conquests." "Victory for brotherhood in our little neighborhoods may be the necessary prelude to mutual helpfulness between manage ment and labor, for the primacy of public interest between polit ical parties' and for peace on earth," the Archbishop said at baccalaureate services. The first Catholic clergyman
to address Stanford commence ment exercises in 30 years told the students: "As long as. we exercise reason and choice, 'we shall discriminate. But when our discrimination involves the de nial of God-given rights to others, we have cominiUed the an of injustice. "Yet merely to abstain from unjust discrimination is but a minimal witness to brotherhoOd. When we have taken the max imum means to provide for every minority the fullness of opportunity, advantage and abundance, will we deserve to Pe called brothers under God," he said. Form Common Front "Your generation must be the the one to disassociate itself from the proposals that pr'opel us into wasteful and unending rivalry, and' to free the world from the dilemma attached to materialistic goals," he told the students; ..-rhe moral and spiritual de terioration of our times clearly teaches us that believers- must unite and form a common front against the wildfire of evil spreading in the world." Citing the current ecumepical lIPread among Christians, he said "If anyone key will open the door to this reunion, if anyone virtue win give us ·the qualities that are needed for this fruitful dialogue, that key and that 'vir tue can be none other than the spirit of love of which St. Paul IIPQke so eloquently."
Continued from Page Six mUon of the dire living con ditions. He expressed the view that missionaries and doctors are gravely needed. The univeral aid of medicine and religion are the two prongs that can attack Latin America's problems. Their needs of both soul and body must be immediately met or the continent will be lost to an en slavement by foreign powers. He has given land to both from which they can operate to help the spiritual and physical well being of the natives. He spoke of Latin America resentment to what they believe 410 be the practices of the ma jority of North American bus inessmen; of the continuing and serious threat of Communism; of the wonderful work of North American and European mis sionaries; of the great future that faces Latin America if the necessary social and economic structural changes can be made. We finally fell asleep and awoke in a place called Juliarca. My friend left the train thez:e ~nd I had the rest of the ri~~ to ponder on his statements. We need people, I. thought, to help that great possible. fqture come true. Possibly we Aee4 l'ouI
Thurs., June 25, 1964
DEDICATE SHRINE: Participating in dedication of John F. Kennedy Memorial Shrine of Ou·r Lady of Lebanon at St. Anthony of the De~ert Church,. Fall River, are fro~ left, Edward A. Peters, lay program chairman and SOlOIst for occaSIon; Rev. John F. FItzger ald , cousin of late president, who preached a t Pontifical Maronite Mass; and Chor-Bishop Joseph Eid, pastor. ,
Clement Borchers, superior gen eral of the Glenmary Home Mis sioners, said here. Addressing the 25th na,tional convention of Theta Phi Alpha, national sorority for Catholic vvomen, he cited three reaS006 for the change. -The "great stir and blend ing" of people brought about by World War II. -The "loving personality and warm understanding" of Pope John XXIII. -"The goodness of our late President John F. Kennedy." . At. the same time, Father Borchers pointed out that some 43 million people in the South have "fewer priests per thou sands of people than any of the most unblessed countries of South America." Need 10,000
Says Sex Education Problem for Youth
OTTAWA (NC) -A 19-year old scion of a tenement district made some pertin,ent observa tions about modern sex educa tion and asked 'some reievant questions about other matters' when he spoke before 350 dele gates at the Canadian Confer ence on the Family here. Gilles Desmarais of Montreal observed: "Today sex education is like telling a man to build a bridge without telling him how to do it. Youth wonders why we have to pass an intelligence test or have a diploma to become II garbage collector, while a teen ager can get married without a test, diploma or qualifications." He and five other young peo ple told the conierence that sex education today is one of the major problems confrontfug youth. Desmarai$ left high school to go to work for a Montreal wholesale firm to help support his family. The youth organized other young workers into Ii
Hungary Reds Hold Hearings on Prelate COLOGNE (NC)- A special Inquiry commission set up at the order of Hungaria·n Premier Janos Kadar is examining wit nesses to determine whether jozser Cardinal Mindszerny was convicted by false testimony, ac cording to the daily Koelnische Rundschau. The paper said the commis sion, headed bY communist ruled Hungary's chief publie prosecutor, Ga2la Szenasi, may recommend an amnesty on the basis of its hearings. It said a decision should be reached by September. Cardinal Mindszenty was con victed by a communist court in 1949 of treason and currency violations and sentenced to life imprisonment. Freed for a few days in 1956 by the anti-Red uprising, he has since been liv ing in asylum at the U.s. lega tion in Budapest.
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500,000 Jobless Among the questions asked of the delegates by Desmarais were: "How is. it that a hockey player earns four- or five times as much as a teacher?" "Why must young people be brought up under the shadow of
Lord Beaverbrook Fair to Catholics LONDON (NC) - The late Lord Beaverbrook, Britain's Canadian-born newspaper mil lionaire, gave a statue of St. Thomas Aquinas to the univer sity he built in New Brunswick, Canada. Though a Presbyterian, he did ~is- on the suggestion of a Catholic friend to match an other of his own hero Calvin. Lord Beaverbrook, a religious man fond of quoting ~e Bible, earned much respect for bar ring the deliberate exploitation of sex and some other modem eroticisms from the pages of his newspapers-the Daily Express, .one of the most widely read in the country, the Sunday Expr~ss and the LOndon Evening Stan dard.
First Negro Priest. DETROIT (NC)-Father Don ald M. Clark, a convert, is the first Negro priest of the Detroit archdiocese. He was ordained by Archbishop John F. Dearden of Detroit with 33 others in the largest class in the history of the archdiocese. The son of a Baptist deacon, Father Clark became a convert to the Catholic Faith while a student at Cass Tech nical High School here.
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Sturtevant 6-
study group they called Le$ Copains (Chums) de St. Henri. Clergy and laity of various faiths meet with the group. Occasion ally the speakers are agnostics and communists.
atonBlc vvarfare?" "How is it that after 12 years of education, we are not sure of having jobs in the future?" "Why are there 500,000 jobless in Canada?" ''Why is two-thirds of the world starving?" "Is it better to wo.rk for $30 a week or to collect $20 a week in unemployment insurance?"
New Yorkers March For Rights Bill
"'If a planet in space should be discovered with 40 million humans on it without any knowl edge of the true Faith, Catholic leaders would become excited about the situation," he said, "and steps would be taken at once to try to plant the Faith in he newly discovered missi9n land." "But right in our own back 'yard U.S.A.," he added, "we have 40 milli()n people in needs of the sacraments of life!" Father Borchers estimated that 10,000 priests are "soreiy needed below the Mason-Dixon line aa . soon as possible." .,
Heads Stein Guild
WASHINGTON (NC)-About . 1,200 New Yorkers, led by three . NEW YORK (NC)-The Ed-i.th clergymen, marched in 99 de.,. Stein Guild, an organization gree heat in downtown Wash ington to demonstrate support founded to promote better un derstanding between Catholic. for the civil rights bill. and Jews, has elected writer At a rally near the Washing- and educator Leon Paul as ·its ton .Monument, they congratu lated congressional backers of new president. The group was the bill and asked enforcement named for Edith Stein, a con of the legislation immediately . vert and Carmelite nun killed by the nazis in 1942. after its passage. They then fanned out to visit the offices of leading menBbers of Congress. The three chairmen of the demonstration were Father Ed Convafesceat HOnBe. Inc. ward T. Dugan, assistant pastor, lOP GREEN STREET FAIRttAVEM ResurrectiOn Catholic church, New York; Rabbi Alfred L. WY "-76"3
_nounce. additional accommo
Friedman of the Union temple, dation. for men and womell
Brooklyn, and the Rev. Eugene 2" Hour Care Special Die..
Houston of Rendall Memorial Open for inspection always
Presbyterian church, New York. PrOp. Lena M. Pilling
About 200 clergymen .were ill and Joan Larrivee
the group.
Order from your Route Salesman or call
GULF HILL DAIRY Serving Room Hours
9 a.m. Ie. 10 p.m.
South Dartmouth, Masi.
Dial WY 8-5691
SPring 5-0700
fHE ~NCHOR-:-;Dioce.se of Fa» RDver~Thurs. June '25, 1964
Plan Pi Igri mage'
'Shades" Worn by Everyone
Forlnva Iids SPRINGFIELD NC) The 42nd annual Ahearn Memc,Tial Pilgrimage specializing in ser vice to invalids and the sick will take place this year to C~mri(Ja'!l shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre, July 16-27. ' The pilgrimage group wiD spend 10 days at the shrine and will be there for the solemn , novena preceding the fe::st of St. Anne on Ju.lY 26. The first Ahearn pilgl'im.,g~ was org'anized in 1923 by An drew J. Ahearn of Springfieid, ' who had recovered from a crip pli~g spinal injury during a vi5it to, the' shrine of St, Anne the previous year. Last year's pilgrimage group numbered:233, including 165 af flicted persons. Over 'the years, many invalids have been assisted in 'mak,ing the pilgrimage' by the 'Ahearn Afflicted Fuhc; etl tablished for this. pu~'pose.
For' Everything These' Days By Mary Tinley Daly , Time was when no lady worthy of the name left her hom~ without being properly hatted and gloved; Nowadays, she IS gloved and glazed-with sun glasses of varying hues, always. Seldom is she hatted, even for church thanks to those blessedly cool; almost , ' , , . . Even in. the daytime, with universally' becom'ing man . tnias to carry out the .in glasses gettmg ?roa~er,. longer, ,. t' (tt 'b t d S more encompassmg, lt IS some· Junc IOn . a rl, u e W ~. times difficult to recognize even
Paul; I belIeve) that ~ woma~ s head ~u~.be cov~red 111 churcn. 'I'he sIgmflca n ce IS not so flat tering, perhaps, as is the man till b t l t' t . t tih 11 a, u e s no. go 111 0 - a Specs Anytim'e Today, spectacles have become de rigueur for every woman with even 1Jhe slightest inclination to keep up with' fashion, regard less of time of day", season of year, condition of weather. Purely functional a few years ago, worn to screen out the gla:re of summer sun an d win tel' ,snows and to retard onset of 'wrinkles accas ion e d there from, sun glasses' weI' e, I ike umbrel las, ' used only' as we needed them, abandon ed completely w.hen, , indoors. Fashion arbiters, however, m their all-encompassing wisdom, have decreed' that anybody wbo i:;; anybody adopt the "elegance" of sunglasses during every wak ing moment: at the supermarket, walking the dog, ·taking the kids 10 the park, attending a fashion show, shopping,playing bridge, speaking at the PTA, as guest at • dinner party, ev~n attending the theatre. This means, &f course, that a woman should have at least ;""1' · pairs &f dark specs to mateh' or eontra'st with her costumes. , Last year, American 'women · bought 122 million pairs of silJ) · glasses, and the Sunglass'institu 'tute, which has,m9re'thari a pall sing interest in the trend, hope fully estimates' that this year women may buy at least 40 mil lion more, 'in varY,ing shades, 8bapes and prices.' , For the quixotieal are the "Ben Franklins," elong,ated oblongs to give the wearer an intellectual, if somewhat squint-eyed appear ance; the' large bonerimmed that rest on the cheek~bOnes (feat-' ured' in a popular modern movie) ; the almost:" tri~ngular, and "The Welder"-like eye protectors used by welders and sculptors, covering half the face with only a tiny triangular arc 'over the nose. FO'1' those who have a ward robe of sunglasses, there are the octagonals, for whatever reason they might choose th~m. And the "wrap-arounds," froni ear-tip to ear-tip. Nobody is going to look into the eyes of wearers of these! As for colors, the g;imut, blue, amber, .twilight, mid:night. And when a lady, wearing midnight Bun gIass~ at'midnight in a dim Iy lit restaurant turris her head toward you, you beg'in won der if she is blind, didn't have time to put on her eye m"ke-up, is half-asleep,' is cross-eyed, or perhaps has a black eye.
your best friend, with only a mouth and chinline to guide you. As pe t f' t ' f "h a' rmanen IX ure 0 "e face, as, natural for the eyes a.; lipstick is for the mouth-morn.. ing, afternoon, evening, aren't we going a bit overboard to the ,enrichment of "shade" manu·· f-acturers? ' On the other side, getting into the glamour act, ,8 certain teen·· agel' we know who hates to weal' Eucharistic Congress her glasses to a dance (and wUh.. ST. AUGUSTINE (NC) - The' out them can't recognize friends;' St. Augustine diocese- will soo-n finds that prescription sunglass-. SOl' a round-the-world pilg~im es are the A-OK answer. "They age to the 38th Internatioual think ]I'm wearing them for ef·, Eucharistic Congress in Eom feet," she confesses. "1' am. For bay, India, under the spiritual' the effect of seeing!" direction of Archbishop Joseph ' Reading Eyes P. Hurley, Bishop of St.Augus As for their effect on the Head, tine. The group'will depart from INTERMISSION: The annual dance_ sponsored by the New York Orl. Nov. 17, and F€ of the House '. . . We were sit·, turn to Los ;\ ~ ~eles Dec. 17. ting on the side porch,' discuss Daughters of Isabella~ Hyacinth CirCle No. 71, New Bed . ing a family problem-:f.inance6.. fore, brought an evening of happiness to, left to right: New if the truth be told-both of Bedfordites John Finni, Mary Lou Morra, Rosemary' KIng wearing our "shades." , and Westporter Malcolm Lopes.' " .. Where A Tantalizingly through my mind came the tlhaught, "Does he real. Iy believe this is a worthwhile, GOOD NAME investment? Wish I could see his eyes-those eyes alway,s show Means A what he is thinking." Brazilian Missi9nar,y Sisters Have .Complete' "Oh~ for heaven's sake," 1ihe DEAL Head of' the House exploded. " Control; Pries! Makes Weekly Visit "Take those-glasses off. I can 'NATA;L (NC)-For the past , The experiment S() far apJ;lears see only half of your face. I've to have been a great· succeSs. learned to read your m-ind year a ,group of four Brazilian The Vatican City dailyL'Osser through your eyes. They' say nuns .has been in charge of a Romano ,commented more than your tongue dOes. It parisb at Nisia' Floresta, a re . vatore m{}te farming, parish in the in favorably on the projlict,· aiui " , clacks." , . somewhat similar ~pera'tion8 Reminds U6 of the oldie: "The terior of Brazil. ',In a rare experiment in parish 'have been started ,in Na~al. ... , light' that lies in woman's eyes, organization, the four Brazilian . . ,. and lies and lies and lies . . ." Do we'perhaps hide too much Sistels, "of the Missionaries of of that light, for fashion's sake, , JeSUE Crucified hav.e,been given blocking communication, corl. ,complete control of the, parish. Theil', mother superior has the MILL ~
'cealing' those GOd-given "w4n title. of a parish vicar ,will all ,dows of the soul"? llEGRQE M. MONTlE • ,> the pow,~r l\ccorded that position Ie,. 'Master, Plumber 2&31
Maybe 'so! by canon law. NEW BEDFORD . Over 35 :ears
While barred from perfo'rming of Satisfied Service
strictly' priestly duties such as Fair Housing Proposal Open Evenings saying' Mass or administering 106 NO. MAtN S:rREET
the sacraments, the nuns run the Fails in New Jersey Fall River OS 5-7497
parish, hold two daily prayer T~~:rON (NC) - An inter faith rally on the steps of the serviceS in the church, teach 'State House here failed to pry catechism, r~ite prayers for the dying and in emergencies an amendment to the state's fair ad,minister Baptism. housing. law out of an ASsembly committee prior to adjournment. ,Great SucceS8 The. rally was sponsored by The parish was long without the State Committee Against 8 rHsident parish priest, so Discrimination and saw priests, Bishop Eugenio de Araujo Sales, ministers and rabbis among the apostolic administrator of the speakers. Archdiocese of Natal, entrusted It was designed to get the it to the nuns last year. A priest Assembly to vote on an amend from Natal visits the parish ment which, would bring all once a week to administer the .housing under the' eta,te's anti sacraments. Savings Acco~nts welcomed in discrimination laws. At present, , o.,y, ,'amounts from discrimination on the basis of color, religion or race is barred $1. to $30,000 in the sale of housing except in fe"during developmentS of 10 hQmes or AU Saving~' Insured in Full less. Discrimination in rentals is 'I'fhe Gaslight Room" barred except in owner-occupied Id,tell for Communion ' ...akfa... Dividends compo,urided and paid one and two-family homes. Organization Banque,. ,
Nuns Run, Parish
Montie .Plu,ni~in9 . &
Heating Co.,', Inc.
New higher 'rate of interest
MI-K Restaurant
:186 Acushnet Avenue
New Bedford
Call WYman 2-1703
Catholic Nurses Fall River Catholic Nur~ Guild will hold an outing Wed nesday, Aug. 12 at the home of Mrs. Margaret Quinn, Lakeville. Transportation will be available from St. Anne's and Immaculate Conception Churches, with Mrs. Kathleen $herryin charge of reservations
famous for·
• TELEVISION • ~URNITURE • APPl.IANCES • GROCERY 104 Allen St., New Bedford 'VYman 7-9354
four times a year.
Current Dividen~Rate 4%% per annum on all types of Savings
Taunton co-operative
opposit4!"'PostElffice on Winthrop'St: . ;_. :0',," ~-.'-~.
. ' . M' ANCHOR~
Thurs., . June"2"5;tf6~.:}#{!c . -Ii
....,.... ~.,
. .;
Honor CanQ~/si?(\·~i First Lady OTTAWA (He) - ~ I'irst Lad7 observed here "* while progress effedB ...... .
ebaDges owr the ,ears, the faDe-
or tbe.famiJ7 ~ CC*- .
'1In, Georges Vanier. WUe of
CaDada'. Govemor ~ lUI It .... the famJ17, '"tale. firIIt aI
h1lllUlD. communities,· that the01. the spirit, of tI'UtJI. futiee and religion are... __ planted. It is the dut)' of I*ents to plant "the first seeds aI loft, generosit)' and selfleB"""'Mo to fashion and guide yoUth GIl the W87to beeomiDC good ciU-
Mrs. Vanier spoke at the lJlIlvenit)' of Ottawa, where she . awarded an hOD0r&r7 doctorate 0& lIOeialllCience.as .a tribute ... her pUbJie works and her devotion as a wife, mother .... grandmother.
.;"·. 1.7/2'/0 -4 01
pay""" .a:....,-.. Inlerest ConI.............. . . . . Savings " -
Bass River Savings Bank
........... ... ..
• . . .1111 Iliff. . . .
..... .......... PharmaCy ~,
10; oft the first haH-calloD of famous Hood Vauilla lee en.m, HoodV_~ormfreshb .. Hood Peech JOII buy, plus a COUpOD worth 1l¥ fDwaftI your III!Id
.half....... ...,. 8avoI'.
...",.. .
a-oo. Hood ."'...... &mD •••
,;<t:t,l'O }THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. June 25, 1964
.. ~ ~£~ "..
• '
I ' -. '
fHE ANCHOR-DIocese of Fall Rlver'-Thurs. June 2S,1964 (
, $
, - 7
' 'I
f"',r ~"
River's Catholic Memorial Home Celebrates Twenty-five years· of Love and Care for the
_~. ~
1- •
:~~I-~ ~
;'" ,
ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June'25,·1964 -:-
. tft Repalla.iOn ,b·...
'~~e Poul·,:oI.J; {@i.r~ . ContJ'ol " ~<~m Page One: ". ~ ·e.enttimS have had new and from the norms" ku.d very e#enSive study' amI' docuby PiUs XII. , .' vrs Statement came itt, .\ ~ Of a 5 OOO-word di.;;.;. . . . . . before a of ~.:. . :<JJ.ts on the eve of the feuteif ".John Baptist, his bap~·.
. -~ . ;. '!'be bomb8beU of hU dis'.,~ wu tile reference tID the control eontroveU) aDd ~ promi8e .~ ,~ the f!nd!lQrs of the eurrent Jnves&iCaUcm as qu,ickly 88 PQSIIible. FO#: tile time being, at least, 1le4eaianded adherence to the find.... of Pius" XII. wI10Jn lae had '-*":v.ed 811 a coUaboratol" Lor
God Love You
'--.~ .•.."~.
'"7li·;~~~h·.' • ''t
President Cleveland ooce received a Jetter from • tIdrteeD.,eer-old ctilld which read: "Dew' Pre.iden.t. I am in. • dreadful stete of mind and I 1bou,tbt I woaJd write aDd tell About It. two ,-ear. ago, I used two ~ stIamps tbat had alrea~' beeR 1Ued. Enclosed Plea8e flnd three ~ Now. Da7 cleM' PreIldeat,
wm .,oa
ftIII .,.... ..... p . . . . . . . . .' .. ~'OIIr I..ed lie ,... hili WIiat lie ta:E ..ueetor. B1d rep_aU_d_ ' 1JQ'" .... ." tIaeft.. BebtctOQiV_ .• sID. tile .-e .. -.kfIlc'1I)I tor. It. II I F.... waWa F" wI'n fWPye _ , bill 7 •• will .... -7: • (Hve" me . haek ~ watcIL" 'WheaF" ecmfes.~, ~ e .... side tile CIa_eli, ~ 1JIc wetJdIap ... aothbaa' fer tile poor, nWJac eonaeios ...hubless,. . . 70ll thl.Dk . . .wdIif8l ., Ball 1IIar7. whispered . . a miDate _tisties tile DivIDe wUniD'c: "'IleDeat • ~. . ·....n all likewise periali.", Yew ... woald help 7'0ll IDOI'e if Iae toItl .,.. ~ c1ve $H. to tile Bol7' Path..- tbroa&'Ja lUll 80cIetT '-tile Propqoatloa·., the ~tIL B iIIIpresB UIIOD :rea tile pavitT of 7 ' ' ' oIfe. . . . . ~ ,... tile ...., . , IaeIpbtc . . . . . tile I'aitIa after eD4aIIPriIII' zaeIau'iu,
... It is under study, we repeat. aDd we·hope ~ . , conclude (1hia ,stud1') with the help of ~ emJnent-dolarS. We sball qwcklyissae ita conclusioDs ~ 7e&rS. the fot.m wblch III Judged most adequ8te to the subject ueatecl . DInM!i 8terIllIDtlGB .,. and to the goal to be achieved. !if Pope Pius XII's detailed PtO-. "But meanithl1e we sa., frank.ouncementB on birth control 1"1 that 88 of DOW we &» 'DOl l8affbmed the .Church's condeQi- ; have sltffIcleDt reason to regard N~n' nation of adive Interferenee the DOr1DS given by POpe Pius with the procreative pprpose of·.· xn as surpaaed, and therefore ilk! marital ad. He also retter- not binding. Tbet JDust therefore i. .ted the illegality of direct Iter- be eonsidered valid. at leut Sister Marie Allee of tbe. SaiUzation---8D7 deliberate attem- until we feel bound in con- creel Heart, daughter of the late pt. either 81 an end or a:meaDll, IlCience to JDOdify them. In a Mr. and Mrs. Adelard Boutin, to make procreation impoesl.~ ~ject of such' gravIty, it cer- will observe the sn~ .Jubilee :PiUB xn did not. howetel', taial"I .• 88ebI8 that cathOlics oi. her Profession In . tiM! Conireeoodemn eve1'7 act that would should want to follow a single ,ation of the Sisters of Ste. bring about sterilization .. an law, such as the Ch~ author- .Jeanne d'Arc at a reception from undesired effect, such . . the ., itativeIy pioposes. And it there- I to 5 Sunday 8fternoon In St. lIUl'gieal removal of dUeued. fore seems opportw1e to recom- Louis de France parish ball, ..-aries. Jnend that nobody for the time SwaJisea. , Shortly~. he di~ in 1.958" being take it upon hbnseJf to ," She wlll be accompanied bJ' ~ PiUB, dealt Wlth,JDoral speak in terms different bom 'her two Religious Sisters, Sister ~blems connected with pille the norma in force." Marie Bernard of the 8acred prev~nt cw.ulation. He,,~ Heart and Slater Victor of. the ~bed this e(f.~ .. "teJDporarJ'. sacred Heart. ..-ermty." Tbis i8 a j~ent" "The jubilarian entered the which JDedieal and ~ specconvent April 11, It38 and WIllI I81.iIU have· been cIoeeb", ,ftPJ'Ofessed May 30 1930 at the . ..,Ining aDd cUsputin&, , :' " . motherbouse in ~. abe has Pius stated that the woman COPENHAGEN (NC) lel'Ved at Cathedral rectoIT who takes such a pill • •"nee-,. An Irish priest visiting St. Poriland, Me.; St. Michael'. .-ry remedy for an lID11M1tb"1.,. Theresa'S parish here waa tor"I,PrOvfdence; BishOp's"'1derus or ~,.ra.;:..:: astonished'recently when the deDee, Burlington, Vt: St. .John'. wblch is',' Dei1isb ..})astor toki him to drOp , Coocord, N.H.. and st. I'nDCis pennitted according to thepn':' by in 1ihe afternoon becaue ...,. . ~vier•..NashQa, N.B., wbere . . .-al priDcip1es ~ ,,lids, ~te'. wife ~ going ~ be.od-- ' Is ~~ au::or~, abe wUI with a double effect." This. tn-. ',~ at a Baptism. . be the guest of her aiste Mrs. tliiional 4istiDdlon of.. ~ ~doL:., ,: But there "'-J,lO ~ for bY.ua 2m ~ur .itle effect" reters to ads. u,tII.n« ~ ~ather, O~ Bord8na Aftnue, Somerset. . Jeaitimate means and ba~ a. BOoDevie, 5'1, a. ~ 1IdJ.JiIter ... ", . ' . Melt .ael. bat wtUdt cou14'have lit 'tile' ~. ~ Cbureb, " a 88COIldar)' result whleb. 'would . been CI8I'1'7in8 OIl' PMtoral . . itself be U1icit. ,dIitieiI here tliDee IP60 wIleD. be ' Chatlet!g~~ Pa~~" .PlUB xn had said III Its1'" . . . ordaJnecl a Ca1lhoHe prie8t. ." ~ Italian micIwiYelI)' ·~H~:.·'~. 8Dd fatberlll a' ~ONT (NC)-Whife_ aD4l ibat the .o-caJW rb7tbm meth- . , !1~-olcr daughter.. N~ parenta aJ!ke .ust·~ eel of birth c:oDtrol--use aM! of. ll'etller BoImerie'. rDarrled •. 101ve, ~ nw;eprObl-. .01 risk. tile natural iJdeeimdperiod---"'/ lItatUi dOe. DOt I8eID UD1JtRIaI 110 uDdermlning their chiJd1'ep'. be• allowed "for a lOng time, per- DUe., no are used 110 manied .' ~p~~tJ', a NeII'Ct haps even lor the whole dura- "cIer~ in 1beIr 0WIl Qwrcb. "'Can we continue to ten tbeIII~ tion of the marriage," pro¥ided 'Be lives ill. modem aparImeDt tbe love ofnelgbbor"' .. Ioq . . ~ ~~boIIt. block from tile """1 pl'ejudiee atstsr'ukecl --... .... IKQoO" IIrs.. Mabel lIJgp.. "PenonaIIT I .... . . Visitors 1bere feel tbe7 are don't tIIlnk we can." At that time Pope Pius also' iItepping inllo'. famil.... !'rote.lin. IIigp and. her hUlbaDcl, .-ieed the hope that the lIdence' taut redo17 where the ~ . lID electr.lc:al engineer, gave keyweuId find ...,. to make the 1rifeis usua1I"I busy orpnizinl DOte talb at • South". redQrthJD method more aeeurate. c1allses, earing for perlshiooen gloDa1. meet!q of tile CIuUUaa Po,": Paul continued: aDd 1endiD« suppori to her hv.- ~Famn., Movement 0nl"I bJ' be"It 18 an extreme1"l serious baftd. . eo.aQ.nlinvolved in the flIh* problem. It touches the '!'here are DOW about a dozeD' a«am.t prejudfee "in evert ... of hUpm life. It touchea8eDti... foftner Lu1benin miniaten Who- peet of eammunit"l life," said menta and coneema wbJ.ch are are married Caibolic priest8 ill lin. Bins, caD Nepo and wIdte eIosest. to the experience of man Gemian'y. Father Bonnerie is.", pUent. rai8e tbeJr. ebI1drea end woman. n is an extI'eJDel"I the on1"I one ill Denmark. .~ this kind of. fear .... eom~x ~ de1ieare::.=I~(" ~ here 11M a salutary ef~ tbis klDd of bate." manifold aspects, that Is to • ., .&ct, OIl CMbolic-P1'otestaDt lethe multiple ~ spheres of. eaal~ lations., --' petence. Among thae, that of the 1IP01I8eB is eertaJn1"I preeminent --4heit liberty, their COII8clenee, iI:leir love and their duty. -IOBut· the Church must also PHILADBLPHIA (NC)-Arcb.:. affirm her part, that 11, God's biabop .John .J. Krol at Pbl,IadeI-' Jaw, which abe interprets. teeeh- .pbia .'told the cra4uatinc class_, promotes and defelKk. And of Temple U:Divenlty tbq 1Ile Church will have to pronot b!' idol wonhIpers," eIaim this law of God III the Co~ 0D1"I With technoloD', light of Iclentifie, 80Cial ~ statua.aDd eeonomic seeurit"I. paJ'chologieal truths whleb. in te-'" 'The Catholie prelate spoke at 3 Savings the school's ~ fterdses. was the' fJnt time an ....... . . , archbishop of PhJ1adelphia bact WASHING...vJlil' (JIiI'C) -ANIl- .' addrB.ed.the studieutlI of the ltiBbop ~dio Vapozzi, Ape»-., ilaptilt-founded sehooL . tolie Delegate In, the UDited . "~ 8IOalt' .. all&: . tile $tates. will offer a Potltl&al : decis1ve 'factor in Inunan Iife," Mus here Sunda., ..JUDe ZI ill at. 'An;hbbhop' E20l "'KDow:I~ Matthew's eatheckaI to _ _ edCe JbioaoIIated IICtIoII jar -.emorate- tbe first anmverM17 . tile· beaeftt· Of tile iDcItvIdU.J .... 'I'eJep"boae • ,. fit the C8I'OiIatioa of PGpe.... ~ety .. ,_ declilIlft ..
to Observe Silyer Jubilee.
M,arfle' • d CatOle· h"· Priest' Popular
Get into. tile of helping t1be poor Ia repemtioll toreMIh IIer10uI sin 1'OU commit. '!'be road to alcoholism could be stopped b., a tesJ. dollariu. on Wf!!11:"I aeaond cockflail--aDd Wt.t it would do ~ the lepe:raf Or pgt a reparatioa box liD toom, and at the eQCI of,the ·moo" II8Dd }"9Ur ~ . to 1he Hoi., Father through hili SocietJ' for the Propaeation of the ~th. 'Dleft when the tune comes to make out your will. live DOt to tIlOlIe a1reed7 have JDuch, but 110 1hoIe Who have tIoiUiing. If )'OU -.at more Information· oClIl how' to leue "IOUl' 1il0l'e7 to the Hol"I, Fa1lheJ:' for the poor of file 1V'Odd write to _ _: 388 J'iftb o
Aveaue, New York, New York ~
'''~' .
G()D LOn,YQ11 neeIY_" ..... ree.:
By MOst Rev. Fulton J.. Sheen. D.D.
1'i!,entation.. '''It will be DeeessIn'T to look carefullY. aDd squarely' at. this theoretical as well upractical develcpment of theq,uestion. ~ Ws is what the, Church ill in .fact doing. The que8tioD is UDdei- stUdy, a stu~·. broad and deep as possible. that Is, .in the 8erious, and honest JDaDJIer. a questioa of IUCh imporiaDce'
~.., ~~.,._'"
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. . . . . 18ft' ~
1' ...... '"
.....r '.....
AssertS Pre.- ueliCe '
D &'D SAlES AND SERVla,:. INC. ,
Prelate, Addresses Temple Graduates
Papal Anniversaty ..
.•. .................
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...................... ..,,,...... ..... ...... lAllI'
,'.... 'SI.ADE'S _Y. TRUST -C.,. ,
. -.c a"AtIiONG,
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. . . Ovw··. . . . itt I.·Y .. .....tno.t frtencIy, ,etemoa,atfc ~* off
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SavJ.... AllDuMa
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fan Ri';~r-Thurs. June 25, '96,,(
Change Prevost High School Head.·' To New St. Aquinasi Canton, Ohio; Many Sisters Plan, Summer Work End of school year news at Prevost High in Fall River finds Brother Roland, principal, transferred to St. Aquinas High in Canton, 0., where he'll also serve as principal. St. Aquinas is a new school and Brother Roland will be there to open it. Also at P r e v o s t ' .' . of 62 graduates, 50 plan to other athletic award,s presented enter college, three will enter atl; DA included trophies and rib . to t I f bons to ohampion intramural th e semmary s u( y or· volleyball aild basketball teams,
priesthood and one will enter
the brotherhood.
.. And at Dominic-an Academy,
Fall' River, Suzanne Ratte is.
busy l'aying plans for next year.
She's· the newly elected presi dent. Jeannine Baraby received
the academy's Sister Maxy Igna,.
. : tius Memorial Award for. out standing sportsmanship . and she'll be new president of t!be Athletic ,AssociatIon.
Urges People Aid Catholic Schools MANCHESTER (NC)-Bishop Ernest J. Primeau of Manchester appealed .here to New Hamp shire's 145,000 Catholic adults tc get actively involved in Catholic educatiOn. 1n a letter read in all parishes, the Bishop asked lay people to offer their professional services, 10 assist as teachers' ai9-es, to teach in the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and join. pa.rish home-school association. All adul,t Catholics at Masses were given'a 12-page pamphlet in which the condition ofCat~o lie schools here was outlined. The biggest challenge facing the system, which' educates 20· per cent of the state's children, was described as the. demand f~r more and better schools. The viewpoint of diocesan au':' thoritie,; on various proposakl was outlined. Federal aid 'to ed ucation was held not to be al cure-all, but a form of 'assistance which should include all school ehildren. Shared-,time education was regarded with "interest," but also awareness of complex practic.al problems. Proposals to eliminate some grades or to phase·out Catholic schools entirely were dismissed 88 impractical and extreme.
$50,000 Gift PITTSBURGH (NC) - The Alcoa Foundation has made a '$50,000 grant to tlhe development fund of Duquesne University. Father Henry J. McAnulty, C.S. Sp., university president said tile g1'8nt wOuld. be a.pplied to Du quesne's proposed $6 milliOD .cience centel'.
Summer Courses W1hile some high school stu dents relax for the vacation and give the books a rest, others catQh up on all good reading. they didn't do; stilI others keep right on going,digging a little deeper to enrich their' krrow ledge and be that much better i-nformed. In thios latter group we fhid not only several students at Cassidy. High In Taunton have enrolled in various Summer courses, 'but also their teachers.' By the latter part of June the Cassidy faculty will have dis persed as' follows: Sister Mary Oharles will be at Regis College enI'oiled in special courses for librarians; Sister John Mathilda, at Catholic University; will be completing work for a master's degree in science; Sister Paule Agnes will continue graduate
: MATH CLU~: Young mathematicians at St. Anthony's High, New Bedford, induige in their ho\;lby. Math club members are, from left, Henry Lamontagne, Bernie Savoie, Adrian Rock, Henri :Pelletier' work in .English at Boston Col lege; Sister ,Paul Elimbeth will be . pursuing higher studies' at Bridgewater State'· College. Sister Stephen' Helen will 8't .tend a workshop for choral con-
london Church liturgy Center LONDON (NC)-Westminister cathedml's new administrator ho.pes to make that great down town London Church a center of litli,rgical renewal in England. "The l!iturgy in Westminster cathedral will not' be a ritual dance with the laity a mere spec tator at a respectful distance," Msgr. George A. Tomlinson said. "It will be· real worship, in whiC'h clergy' and laity play real roles." This oomplements the original conception of Westminster cath ed1'81 as a center where English Jlfien of every persuasion COUld see the beauty of the Catholic liturgy in a splendid setting. Now the liturgy will not only be seen but shared. Msgr. Tomlinson alSo plans to make the cathedral a center of l1heowgical study and ecumeni cal conversation. He said: "We contemplate a regularly sched uled series of theolog,ical lec tures given by priests and lay men. The cathedral will become a' !IOuree of real theological knowledge and appreciation among the laity."
ducting Itt Boston. University mer at a Frenc.h institute on art and will follow advanced courses NDEA grant; the latter !() 00 in orchestral and choral ,work; graduate work in art.~ister Sister Eugenia Marie and Sister . Margaret Eugene will attend the Mary Teresita will b:oth be at. School of Theology at Provi Notre Dame University; 'thefor dence College.
• Church' Pope Paul' Discusses St. Peter's Role In :VATICAN, CITY. (NC) ;.... . make us understand what this t~s to signify a fullness of fQ(:. Pope ,Pau). VI, discussIng the . chosen 'one af His was to be and . ulties which are exercised not role of .St. 'Peter in the 10 become." '.' only' on earth but even in hea Church at his weekly general The Pope contrast~. the n~ ven," he said:
audience,' declared that "where . ~Of arock, to ~hlCh Chnst As for the net, the activity. lIkened St. Peter, WIth 1Jhe char- of fishing "assumes the immense " d _ i. h' w · 1m e ter o f e P t h" If "Wh jlndmajestic significance ot'the' . P e t er IS, an , Ohurch,. there is Chiist. . . adoc ;t ~; h Imske d' '" at Pope Paul told thousands of' eS.I. m-ean, ," e.,as .e, wmen histOrical and universal mission 'lg' . d ... ~~ " St applIed to a man SImple and· entrust~ tio that simpie fisher~.· pI rnns an VIBlL..,rs· In • . 't' . ,. f th Lak 'f G ' ->h .. Peter's basilica that "the ques . sensl r~e, ,,:,e mIght. ~y voluble . man 0 e ~ o. enesar... ~, tion comes easily. to the mind of .' ~nd weak., A smne. IS, herd? ,it .. he declared. . everyone: who is Peter.?'" ~s ~trong an~. stable. It J'~ ~6Stjng, ,..-_ _- _ - - -_ _-~ "'l'he answer seems, easy-he . ~ IS the basIc. of the, ~f\~ce .and
ELECTRICAL., was a Disci-pIe; flEst' called it ~p~rts ~ll/o:f it , .. a-nd the
Contractors . , ~ Apostle, with t!)e ~er 11," . ~flce IS called·the.Ch.u:oo:'On
...._ P 'd "Th',' . be tins rock I Sib-all budd M.'Y • one ope sal. . .. e "nswer Ohurch.'" ", comes complIcated wh,en one re P' p, I . I .d ' ' ope au. 5.ln~ e 01.lt ~4> , members the im-ages and meta pbors which the' Lord used to ot~er symbols chosen by ChrIst to 111ustrate the role of St. Peter, , the keys and tn.e fisherman's . net. He sa-id these symbols cohos.. E$say . CHICAGO, (NC)- Thirteen . en by Christ are "fuU of pro ~~ . year-old ' Richard ,Yo~druska, found significance." 944 County St. , "The keys, for instance, 1Ilat gr,aduating. from' St. Agnes ,Elementary School, won top is to Slay power, were given .it> New Bedford Peter alone among all the Apos priz~ in an essay .contest spon sored by the ~hic;igo Alliance of ' Czech Catholics on the life of Blessed John 'N; Neumann, fourth Bisho~ of' .Phi1~d.elphia.
"Save With Safety" \
1..5 Washington St., FalrhaY811 Just off Route 6
WY 7-93311
. Watch for 'Signs While out for a Drive' Stop· at this dellghtlul Spot
Family Restaurant Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport
) Heating Oils ~ '" and Burners ~
PREP SCHOOL GRADUATES: High school graduates 365 NORTH FRONT" 5TREET) at St. Joseph's Preparatory School, ~a11 River, are from ., NEW BEDFORD· ~ left .Claire Paquette, MicheJ'le 'Parent, Pauline Bedard, Pat ricia, $t,., :eierre. Schwl prepar,es girls for entrance into no '" , ' )llfYm.at:t.. 2-$5J4. , Y!.~!ate of Sisters of St! Jose!!», .. -. . ,. ' ~
Where The Can Dine Economically Entire Family
- 14
f."_,5n__ m"'lIl11l
The Parish Pa.radc: THE ANCHOR-Dioeeseof Fall River~irhurs. Ju~e 25, 1964
OUR LADY OF VICTORY, CENTERVILLE On Sunday afternoon, July 12, from 3 to 5, the parishioners will hold open house and a reception in the parish hall in honor of Rev. Howard A. Waldron, pastor since th-e foundation of the par ish in 1957. After s-even years serving the people of Centerville and the num"!rous summer vis itors, Father Waldron has be eome the pastor of St; Thomas More Parish, Somerset. The Women's Guild will hold a roast beef dinner from 5 to 7:30 Saturday night in the church J,all and its annual Summer ba zaar Saturday, July 18, also in the hall. The annual Summer fashion show will take place in August at the Officers Club, Otis Air Force Base. A rose tea and garden .Party are planned fQr September. NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER At a joint communion break fast of the Holy Name Society and Prevost High School Alumni Association, each unit presented two scholarships. Robert Rheaum and Paul Fiola received scholar ships to Prevost High from the Holy Name Society; while Jean Poisson received a scholarship to Prevost and Robert Potvin a· college grant, both from the alumni. ISS. PETER AND PAUL.
ST. KILIAN, NEW BEDFORD The new slate of officers of the Couples' Club for the coming year is M:~. and Mrs. Clyde Voter, presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Doyon, vice-president; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kamionek, secretaries; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levasseur, treasurers. Rev. William J. Farland is club moder;ltor. ST. JOAN OF ARC. ORLEANS The Guild. will sponsor a food sale after an the Masses on Sun day. The Guild will conduct its annual Sum.mer Fair on Wed nesday, July 8, on the Church grounds, co.mer of Rte. 6 and Bridge Road.. A luncheon will be served from noon to 2 in the afternoon. Mrs. Jackie Peno, Mrs. Donn2L Kelley and Mrs. Bertha Needs are in charge of the luncheon. A variety of articles will be on sale at the Children's Cor ner, the White Elephant Table, Aprons, Gin Table and a wide s-election of stuffed animals. Anyone wi~hing to donate arti_ cles must h21ve them in the PQS session of a guild member be fore July 1. If a donation of a stamp book is to be made, please call Mrs. Nancy Ferreira at 255-3569.
Los An!,eles Helpers Missions Leave
First Nation,al's Oet.dous Fine Quality, Thriftily Priced, Too I
TOP CPA AWARD: Fr. Patrick O'Connor, roving F'ar East correspondent for N.C.W.C. News Service, has been awarded' the Catholic Press A:~sociation's top hon 'or for "the most distin guished contribution.. to Catholic journalism" during 1!~63. NC ·Photo.
Review ElrandsCampaign F·ublic Scandal EASTON
..Pre I,ate., Says,', R rog reS5:
Ireslallranl 1'loung8
St. Francis
BONe-IN - Choice Heavy
Western Steer Beef, Extra Tender. Juicy and Full of Flavor
U 47Cl
(NC)-Th~ lead
FALL RIVER f.n elr of a campaign to annul Mrs. James Walmsley win LOS ANGELES (NC)-James Maryland's new public. :ac head the Women's Club for the Cardinal .Mdntyre of Los An-' . coming year, aided by Mrs. G:er- geles told 30 lay mission helpers ' 'ec>mmodations law disagreed aId Dion, vice-president;. Mrs. ,on their way' ro Aftica and' Latin hc~re wit!:. editorial criticism of Rocco Postiglione, secretarY~··. America thE'Y. are '''demoristrat- . hi:m by fr..e Catholic Review'. Samuel J ... Setta had been Mrs. William Sunderlari(i Jr. ',ing extraor~inary faith 'in 'putt treasur.er. '. ,log yours-elves ·in the' hands Of w'ged ; by th~ Review, news Mrs. Francis' C.'' Taylor' wiIi ,Almighty Gt:ld to bring 1lh.e Faith paper of the' Baltimore' arch diocese, t() quit the Knights of handle Anchor 'publicity and you possess '~ others you do not Columbus. beCause his campaign Mrs. Thomas CabiIl and, Mrs; know." Postliliorie will be in charge "You will influ~nce' them by . was "a p\l.blic scandal of serious of the spiritUal program o~ the· the example of y(nn"'own lives, : proportion." The paper said Setta's drive to unit. Mrs.' John Pacheco will be by the faet that you are sacrific ger:i€ral chairman' and' Rev. ing these yellrspf your lives £91' force a referendum' on a new ec:lual public accommodatioIUI Daviq. A. O'Brien will be mQde them," tihe Oar<Unel said. law meant 'he was "working for rator. "The call of God's love ex presses itself in your concern fol' ,the very oppQsite of what the OUR LADY OF GRAC~, .ether peopl,~, all made in the CathQlic bishops of AmeriCll have NORTH WESTPORT . image and likeness of God. Have e]~plicitly called for." , .Committee chairmen for the confidence ;in God .. you ICJ Setta, operator of a motel here, Council of Catholic Women in forth. YQU have the protection leads a (Qmmittee which filed elude . Mrs. Yvette RQuss-eau," of Almighty God and t1Ile affiU enough si,~natures to prevent the spiritual; Mrs. Lorraine Emond, .tion of the wtwle archdiocese law from going into .effect. His program; Mrs. James Walsh, whose people know and love group said it will have the re sewing; Mrs. Rose Borden, pub mainder needed by June 30 to you." licity; Mrs. Florence Fernandes, put the question on the ballot. Christmas bazaar. Setta told newsmen: "It • a .~~e sad state 4;f affairs when Church
Officers of the parish Teen agers Club are David Ciarlone, leaders strive to control the
T00 51 OW . thinking of their members with president; Madeline Barboza.. ·· P OMAHA (NC) - Archbishop' .punitive :lction and by sowing ·",vice-president; Cathleen But-' the seeds of animosity among ler, secretary; Pamela J~ Gerald T. BE~gan of Omaha said . here in Nebraska one dissapfellow ml~mbers." tr-easurer; . . PQintment of his years priest and archbishop has been OUR LADY OF ANGELS, that Catholic:s have failed to do FALL RIVER better in thl~ field of race rela": Officers of the newly organ .t10DS. ' Ized Ladies Auxiliary of Bo,. But he told the Catholk Inter Scout Troop 76 are Mrs. Alfred . racial CQuncil he is confident Almeida, president; Mrs. Eva that "th-e time when we .can Abreu, vice-president; Mrs. Hil exult over ~he achievement of da Neves and Miss Mary Car our gQals is coming." He called reiro, secretaries; Mrs. Gloria upon Catholics to "assume lead Benevides, treasurer. ership and he a principal caus-e July plans include a troop of full' freedom" for negroes. --We're Famous For outing to Camp Noquochoke and 'It is a contradiction that those •. Ct'IARCOAL STEAKS a parents' night. w h os forebears underwent • SEAI:OOD • CHICKEN such ridicuk and suffering. when • PRIME RIBS OF BEEF' they first came to this country ST. JOSEPH, should not be anxious to provide FALL RIVER DINNER DANCING Members of CCD-sponsored others the equality th-ey now Everl' Saturday Night
discussion groups will meet at enjoy," he added. featuring
'1 tQnight in t.he school hall. A gift from grad~ating eighth HI:NRY COTRELL graders in the parochial school an tI his orchestra
will purchase a record player Reservcltions accepted fon and records tQ be used in con FOR YOUNG' WOMEN junction with a physical edu • Weddings • Banquets 196 Whipple St., Fall':l'.ivet cation program to be introduced Conducted by Franciscan • Stag and Showen in September. Missiol'1laries,·, of Mary 91 Crclndall Rd., Tiverton A parish picnic be held 'this 10C)MS - MEALS oft Rte. 177 Sunday at St. Vincent de Paul OYEINI(~ HOSPITAU1Y Camp will feature, the award 01. Tet MA 4-988~ &. 4-9979
Inquire OS 3-2192 a car filled with food.
Plump and Juicy:- Refreshing Warm-Weather Treat
Blueberries :: 3g Plums .2 L~s3 ge
Juicy and Rip~ - Full of Fresh Picked Flavor
NABISCO - Crispy Fresh
Rilz Crackers Sliced Peache$ 4 Juice Drinks Mg:n
RICHMOND - Y.llow Cling
Pine-Apricot, Pine·Pear, Pin.Orang8
I QTI4 0&
idy,MCF;;~,O S,lcks 3 Sardines, ~:g 4
NORWEGIAN - Brisling in Otlve Od
33c $1-00 39c , $1-00 ' $1-00
MUSHROOM - Delicious with Steak
Steak Sauce ::: 4 5'''' 4 Mushroo.s STEMS& PIECES Finast Ketchup 21l~:sO& 49c 0&
A Gourmet'. Delight
;c 0& CANS
Dettcate Blend of Spices & Tomatoe.
Finast Salad Oil Sugar,
old Fashioned, Oatmeal, fudge.(uau
Cookies, FIRST
. . . . LQw ...'·. . . . '-'1_ III;Q III JhIa V1~iI
rN.lteI_ tIie light to LImit QuMtlt!eIJ
Silver J'Jbilee Observance Monday
Co~Ued from Page One By 1933, when the bequest became available,,' the amount of money turned over to Bishop Cassidy was insufficient to build an adequate institution. He therefore initiated a fund drive in 1937, first in the history of the Diocese, to add to the be quest. Within 10 days over $225, 000 was collected and erection of the Home could begin. October 20, 1937 marked groundbreaking for the Home and Bishop Cassidy turned the first spadeful of earth. Construc tion was completed and guests were welcomed to an open house on July 2 and 3, 1939, following blessing of the Home on June 30. Also at the time of the bles sing, the first Mass was cele brated in the Home's chapel. A newspaper account of the cere mony reports: "Stressing the spirit of thankfulness and chari ty, Bishop Cassidy said he made every effort to build the haven for the old folks such as anyone might care to live in." Many Gifts 'In addition to the initial gift of the Misses Sullivan, many
other donations were made to
the Home. The chapel was the gift of the late Cornelius F. Kelly, president and publisher of the Fall River Herald News, and was presented in memory of his parents. Installed in the altar frontal is a priceless ivory carving, the largest in the world. Given by the widow of Cornelius Kelly, it depicts the Last Supper. The Priests' Hostel, a separate building south of the main Home was the gift of the wife and
Bishops Continued from Page One , be celebrated by Bishop Gerrard at 4 Monday afternoon. Both servIces will be held in the Home C1hapel. Officers of the Pontifical Mass will be Rt. Rev. Msgr. Arthur W. Toansey, assistant priest; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Alfred l. Gendreau, dea-, con; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, sub-deacon.
Rev. Donald E. Belanger and
Rev. Joao C. Martins, acolytes;
Rev. William A. Galvin, thuri
fer; Rev. James E. Murphy, book
bearer; Rev. Norman J. Ferris~ gremiale bearer; Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio, mitre bearer. Masters of ceremonies will be
Rev. John H. Hackett and Rev.
Paul F. McCarrick.
Religion ~Too Polite'
On Race Matters
COLUMBUS (NC) -Religio!1
has been "too polite" when
dealing with racial injustices
and must now' "shift gears" and
help move the country toward
positive integration, an official
of the National CathoUc Confer
ence for Interracial Justice said
John Butler, assistant to Matthew Ahman, executive di rector of the Chicago-based con
ference, was the main speaker
at the Ohio Catholic Conference
for Interrial Justice's third an
nual convention.
He said that the Negro civil
rights movement "is so wide
spre and diverse that it deeply
affects nearly every area of our
religious community."
67 Middle Street, Fairhave..
children of the late James H. Mahoney, a former executive of R. A. McWhirr Company in Fall River and the Star Store in New Bedford. Among its adornments is a 15th century stained glass window, made before Columbus discovered America. It was ac quired by .Bishop Cassidy in New York. That the Home filled a great need in Fall River was obvious from its growth and the conse quent need for expansion of its facilities. In 1940 land was pur chased with a view to this ex pansion and in 1949, on the feast of St. Patrick, a north wing was dedicated by Bishop Cassidy. The following year construc tion began on a south wing and in May of 1951 it too was dedi cated. In May of 1958 yet another addition was made, when the Bishop James E. Cassidy Mem orial Wing for the Chronically III was opened, named in honor of the prelate who had done so much for the aged of the Dio cese. This 74-bed facility pro vides long-term nursing care for chronically ill patients of 65 and over.
Few Rules
There are few"rules at the Home. Guests must be 65 or over and the Home is open to Catholics and non-Catholics equally. Most guests occupy single rooms although some doubles are available for mar ried couples. Residents can plan their days as they wish, with no set rising· or retiring hours There is, however, a full pro gram of activities in which each may participate as fully or as little as he wishes. Movies and "live" entertainment appear reg ularly on the Home schedule and television nooks and snack kitchens are on each floor. Daily Mass, a yearly retreat and frequent Benediction are on the religious' agenda, with Rev. William A. Galvin, resident chaplain, in charge of guests' spiritual welfare. Mot~er 'Mary Anthony, O. Carm. is the present superior and 18 Carmelite Sisters staff the Home and nursing wing. The two facilities accommodate 250 guests.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of F~" River-Thurs. June 25, 19~4
BISHOP CASSIDY WING FOR CHRONIC INVALIDS: The most recent addition to the Catholic Memorial Home was opened in 'the Spring of 1958. A large, professionally staffed physio-therapy department is in constant use for the rehabilitation of guests.
Supreme Court Refuses to Rule on Dispute WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Supreme Court' has refused to rule on a challenge to a hos pital's action in administering a blood transfusion to a patient over her religious objections. '.I1he high court did not com ment on its refusal to consider the case, brought by Mrs. Jessie E. Jones against Georgetown University Hospital here. Mrs. Jones, 25, was admitted to the hospUal last Sept. 17 suf fering f·rom internal bleeding.
Doctors concluded that an im mediate blood transfusion was necessary to save her life. However, Mrs. Jones and her husband refused the transfusion because, as Jehovah's Witnesses, they believe blood transfusions to "abstain from blood" in the 15th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. When persuasion failed, at torneys for the Catholic hospital sought a court order to author-
ize a transfusion. The order wae . ~ granted by Judge J. Skelly
Wright of the U. S. Court of Ap
peals and was' later confirmed
by the full court.
Mrs. Jones argued in her ap
pe-al to the Supreme Court that her religious liberty rights under the First Amendment were vio lated. She called the .action ()f the hospital and Judge Wrigh* ~'an arbitrary and insupportable jnvasi()n of her right. to make a private decision."
Norris H. Tripp , SHEET METAL J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar St., New Bedford WY 3-3222
Iw fl/iclt tI""-I7M
Oven Fresh Daily
At You Neighborhood Store
-:-ulocese ot fan Rlver-rhurs. June 25, 1964
Council to Vote on 13 Subjectt Continued from Page O:te of proposed legislation are (1) the Lay Apostolate; (2; the Church in the World. This last schema is explained as "the IO:lg awaited schema no. 17 which is to define the pastoral and ec:l. menical position of the ChUl."c:'1 in respect to a half-dozer. prac tical problems that face the h:I man family in our times." The 'population explosion' is tho:.:gn.t to be a subject of this sche:na and it is even rumored tha~ the Birth Control Pill wEn here be mentioned. At present, the draft res::l::l tions of the above schema are being readied and it is eX:Je:: ted that the world's bishops \\'i:1 receive copies of the proposed: dt'afts by the first week of Ju:y. This gives them two months to scrutinize the proposals and make their observations. COLLEGIALITY There is a subject facing the bishops which in its solution .. will not only be practica: o!." pastoral but truly theological. It is dogma in the true se!13e o~ the word. What is the e.ll.."'llct p0. sition and responsibility of eac:: bishop in the Church as a who:e? Father John Donnelly of the NCWC examined the COtH"-c~: Fathers' feeling. In general, it is pointed out that the bishops together with the Pope make up the college. The Pope is its head. The Cal lege rules the Church. Neither the Pope nor individual- bislwps can be absolutely independent in their activity. Contradiction In the face of the First Vati can Council's definition of Papal Infallibility, what does this mean? First, it is not an attempt to repudiate or change dogma. That would be impossible. It must be remembered that it was that council's intention to take up the Bishops' position in the Church too and thus present a unified doctrine on the hier archy. This it could IlQt·do be cause the Italian Revolution had the bishops scurry home. Collegiality would then authOi" itively present the other side of the coin, Le., the authority of the bishops along with (and sub ject to) the primacy of the Pope. It would slww that "Christian tradition has taught consistently that the college of the bishops are the successors of the College of the Apostles" (K. Rahner).
The college is "not only a com bination of individual bishops •.. but a college as a collegial unity. in its true meaning of a moral person." .,~ Thus Vatican II would perfect and complete Vatican I. Problems AU the bishops will admit. that there is a true union betw-een individual bishops. Some might easily accept the idea of a "col lege" or "senate" under the Pope. But many will hold this arrange ment to be purely human Church established. They would not hold that Christ instituted it that way or that it is adequat ely reflected in Scriptures or T·radition. Some are afraid to· give the impression of contradicting Vatican I. ·Others ask them selves: "If it is the bishop3 as a "collegial body" that rule the Church, what happens to the su premacy of the Pope?" Others wonder if the Pope will become what the Orthodox have tra ditionally always said - "first among equals." Solutions The question is not what is the more practical today but what exactly did Christ intend. Speaking of the hi~hOl)s' role, Pope Leo XIII had said:. " He
Who established Peter as the fountain of the Church chose also 12 disciples, to whom He gave the name Apostles. The Bishops as their successors ar~ heirs to the ordinary power of the Apostles, over and above that delegated by the pontiff. So the ordE,r of bishop necessar illy becom1~s part of the divine constitution. of the Church. We must not regard the bishop as the simple vicar of the Roman Pontiff. Tb~ Bishop posses~ ac: authority proper to himself and he .carries ';he title 'Ordinary of the people he governs'." This see::::lS to be exactly what the majority of the Council Fathers think also. On a test vote, on October 30 last yea!', 1808 of the Fathers stated they believed the college of the bish ops is the successor of the col lege of the apostles. Like it, they (bishops and Pope) hold the ap ostles' offio:e of teaching, sanc tifying and ruling the entire Church and possesses-together -full and supreme power over the whole Church. Furthermore, 1717 Bishops thought this was not a man-made arrangement but existed by d: vine right (408 thought it was of human institution only.) 'POpe Paul In a quiet directive, Pope Paul, on September 17, 1963, granted the Fathen: the ceremonial honor of wearing their traditional moz zetas (shc,rt capes). However, since this cape is symbolic of the jurisdiction a bishop holds (worn only within the bishop's own di ocese) it ~howed that the Pope thought tbe bishops had juris diction even outside their dio ceses, eV'E~ in His presence, while in council. The gesture was interpreted as a sensible sign of thl! Pope's belief in col legiality. On November 20, 1963, in an audience 1lhe Pope again men tio.ned the subject Qf collegiality without officially urging his view on the council fathers. The Church, h,~ told his hearers, "is a living society . . . a union of brotherhood with an organiza tion and· a hierarchy led by the Apostles-that is, the bishops and the first place by Peter-that is, the Pope." How to put it into clear, def inite, unquestionable decrees? That's the reason f{)r Vaticlth n, Session III.
Super-Right Quality MEE'rING: Rev. Emman uel Lapierre, O.P., chaplain at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall B.iver, is attending the chap lains' meetings at the Catho lic Hm,pital Convention in New York.
(Can4Jda Christian FamilyMovement Marks Progress OTTAWA (NC) - The Christian Family Movement, which i'pread to Canada from the United States 15 years
ago, now is organized in nine of Canada':; 10 provinces, with some 3,500 families participating. Mrs. Charles Connolly of To ronto, in a report to the Cana dian Conference on the Family bere, said membership is com posed 0.1 married couples. Each meeting of six couples is held in the home of a member-a room, a flat or a large house and las1s an hour and a half. A halE hour is spent discussing a Gosp'~l passage and litut;'gy. '{'he next 45 minutes are spent on actual situations affecting family life and on what tQ do about them, the re.port said. 3'7 Nationalities Mrs. Connolly said "topics cover a wide range including re sponsibility of parents in edu cation, communications, sex ed ucation, discipline, children's at titudes toward work and money, our res::>onsibiIity for neighbor liness, new Canadians, foreign student:;, orphans, the problems of poverty, the responsibility of citizens for government." CFM also sponsors marriage prepara tion courses, Cana nights ATLANTIC CITY (NC)-Gov. and retreat for married couples. the rep)rt added. A membership Richard J. Hughes and the New Jersey Legislature have been survey showed - 37 nationalities asked by a labor group to de represe nted. vise some method of restoring prayers to the public schools. The action was taken by the New Jersey Building and' Con struction Trade Council, AFL CIO, at its convention. Some 500 delegates gave unanimous approval to the resolution. I "We cll.nnot understand why our children cannot say a prayer to God it! public schools/' the resolution. said, noting that the prayers have been outlawed by both the U.S. and New Jersey Supreme Courts. Prayer, the resolutior:. said, "is an inherent CY 5-3800 KI 8-3000 I American right, and the elimi nation oj: prayer to Almighty God * * ~'smacks of a leaning toward atheistic communism and
$uper-Righl Quality
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Fresh, YOVItg, Tender, Meaty
Lobor Union Favors Prayers in School
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Apple-Rhubarb Pie 1~~~% , PI au, LI Pineapple or lemon " Wheat Bread ::::::::. 2 'L~ Snowflak. Rolli P~~:R 2 ':K: Pecan Ring ~:~I:=~~~: ~;
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['ontO tI'ue ,,'\lIth
Liturgist Lauds Bishops' Plan For Mass LONDON ( N C) - The AmerieaJl Bishops' plan for English in the Mass is "con sistent throughout" even if it might appear to provide for "peculiar" intTusions of Latin, according toe top English litur gical scholar. Fatiher Clifford Howell S.J., wrote in the Tablet, Catholic weekly published here, that the American Hierarchy's decisions do raise some questions. "That the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanotus and Agnus Dei should ClOIDe into English was to be ex pected, and presumably the re sponses are to do likewise," he said. "But in that case why are the prayers at the foot of the altar to remain in Latin? And why tile Suscipi'at? And if everything from the Kyrie to the Creed is in English, will nt not be pe culiar to intrude a Latin Collect into the middle of all this En glish? If the preface responses and the Sanctus are in English, why have a Latin preface be tween them? If the first Gospel is in EngliSh why does· the last ~spel remain in Latin?" But Father Howell went on to say: "'I'he answer is that, the Amer :lean plan has not been drawn up according to any merely su perficial conventi(}n based, sole lyon the orjier of occurrence of 1Ihe various items in the Mass suCh as 'Mass of the Catechu mens in English, Mass of t!he Faithful in Latin.'
Combinaiwn at Mount For '"Coming Academic Year
Pat, Paula
Pat and Paula-that's tne winning combination at Mt. St. Mary Academy in Fall River for the coming academic year. Brown-eyed Paula will be student council president and vice president of the National Honor Society, while Pat will head· the NHS. She's her home room president this year, but senior, elections won't be held until September. Pat is Pat ricia Gunning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gunn ing a member of St. Barna bas parish, Portsmouth. She
has one brother, currently serv ing in the Army at Fort Polk, La. She's active in her ·parish eyO and likes sports, especially swimming, reading, sewing and knitting. At school she's a sodalist and' a member of the French club. She plays piano in th'! orchestra and is als() a member of a string ensemble that's an orchestra sub-group. For it she plays the string bass.She's played in bas ketball intramurals at the Mount and names chemistry as her fa 'l70rite subject. Blue-eyed and possessing a :ready smile, Pat hopes to major in medical technology at cnllege after graduating from the Hount. She is thinking (}f attending Trinity College in Vermont, an institution staffed by the Sisters oi Mercy. Bi-Lingual Family Paula is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Thibault, St. Louis de France parish, Swan sea. She has an older sister, Madeleine, who graduated from the Mount in June as one of the top 10 seniors. Madeleine will attend Duquesne University in Pittsburgh where she will major Patricia Gunning in pharmacy. Paula, too, expects to attend So_a KeaBODS college. Her choice of major is rived In the area in 1873 and in 1874 laid the foundation for "Such an ar·rangement, though French, a natural leaning, since what is now a school accom the Thibaults are bi-Lingual. It might seem tidy, would in There Me two younger brothers modating some 580 girls. They :fact be inferior as judged by 1Jhe began with a parochial school nnons of liturgical science, for in the family, in addition t4J and opened "St. Catherine's Paula and her sister. The boys it ignores 1lhe specific purpose Academy" in 1879. This high and the hierarchy of importance attend St. Louis de France and school was closed, however, in ()f 1!he different items in the St. Mathieu's parochial schools. 1890 because of the urgent need Paula is a CYO member and, Mass. These are pr(}perly respec for Sisters in other parts of 1he ted in the American plan, and like Pat, enjoys swimming, sew Diocese. there azoe sound reasons for ing and reading. She's hoping Not until 1946 did the Sisters 10 spend the Summer working. everything in it." Both girls unite in praising of Merey again undertake the The Jesuit noted tbat 1Jhe the school spirit at Mt. St. Mary education of girls on the high American plan is based on Arti Academy. "The girls have 'lots school liveL Then they opened cle 54 of the ecumenical coun Mt. St. Mary Academy in the ()f spirit and loyalty," comment cil's liturgical constitution, which ed Paula, noting also the excel community Motherhouse at Mid alh>ws for the use of tihe ver dle and Second Streets. Enroll lent academic curriculum. ment increased until in 1960 a nacular in "thOSe parts (of the Lovely Surroundings Mass) which pertain to the pe0 Not only is there good scbool new building was made avail ple." He said that if the current spirit at the Mount, but there able .to the student body. It interpretation of the phrase are lovely surroundings in which houses classrooms, offices, cafe_ "parts which pertain to the pe0 til exercise it. The Sisters of teria, gym, auditorium and lab ple" is accepted, "the plan is Mercy staffing the academy are oratories. consistent throughout... members of the first religious Irish Community order 10 come to the Fall River The Sisters of Mercy, so ·out Diocese,or what was to become Plan Social Action standing in the Fall River Dio the Fall River Diocese. They ar cese, aTe a community of Irish Convention origin, being founded in 1831 NEW YORK (NC)-Assistant 100 Italian Priests in the Emerald Isle by Mother Secretary of Labor Daniel P. M. Catherine McAuley. In Latin America Moynihan will be keynote Their work includes the oper speaker at the eighth annual VERONA (NC) - About 100 ation of schools, colleges, homes four-day National Catholic So Italian diocesan priests will have cial Acti(}n convention at Boston left this country to serve as Latin College starting Thursday, Aug, America missioners by the end OFFICIAL
13. of the year. In addition, more than 100 WORLD'S FAIR
Convention theme will be students from 40 dioceses are "'The American Social Revolu TRAVEL CENTER
pursuing studies at Our Lady of tion: For Whom?" At the ses Guadalupe Seminary here, a siems an attempt will be made special institution dedicated to to explore the key problem of poverty in tl}e United States as training priests for service in related to race, unemployment, Latin America. One Church Green
The project is being carried and automation. Workshops and Taunton Tel. 824-7518
out by the Italian Episcopal panels will deal with job re-. Committee for Latin America, training, urban renewal, migrant l'<l.bor, the war on poverty arid a two-year-old group headed by Archbishop Giuseppe Carraro of Enjoy Dining urban ghettos in northern cities. Verona. Speakers will include Leon 'IN THE Keyserling, president of the Oonference for Economic Prog JOLLYWHALER ress, Washington; Michael No _ . ANDvak, author of "The Open Church": Msgr. George G. Hig SPOlfrERINN gins, director, Social Action De partment, National Catholic RESTAURANTS
Welfare Conference; Father Ed Always Free Parking
ward Duff, S.J., of Holy Cross FALL RIVER-NEW BEDFORD
College, W(}rcester, and Russell "Where Service
W. Barta of Mundelein College, Isa Matter of Pride Chicago. -,
at Be
New Bedford Hotel
THE ANCHOR Thurs., June 25, 1964
Humphrey Lauds Church Activity In Latin America NEW YORK (NC)-Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota has urged that the United States, in shaping policy toward Latin America, take note of the "renaissance" (}f the Catholic Church in that re gion. Humphrey, writing in the quarterly magazine Foreign Af fairs, called the "awakening" of Church leaders to Latin Amer ica's s(}Cial and economic prob lems and their determination to solve them "one of the most en couraging trends of the past dec ade." Today "in Chile, Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Colombia," he said, members of the hierarchy are "activeiy push... ing" the reforms stipulated un der the charter of the Alliance fo:r Progress. Unifying Force
and Paula Thibault for the poor and aged, hospitals, nursing schools and hostels f(}r working girls. They are also ac tive in mission .assignments.
Visit Tension Areas NEWARK (NC)-Field trips to "tension" areas will feature the first Eastern regional sum mer session of the Young Christian Students at Mary mount College, Tarrytown, N.Y., Aug. 24 to 2'7. Some 400 young sters from the New England and Middle Atlantic states will at tend the session.
Humphrey, Senate m'1jority whip and a member of the Sen at.e Foreign Relations Committee who, has given major attention to Latin America, outline!l s€'v eral ways in which the Church can play a constructive role in thal region in addition to pro moting ec(}nomic and soc1al re form. One, he said, is by serving as a "brake" on tendencies toward totalitarian government. "During the· next decade, when revolutionary change wiD be the order of the day in many countries, there may be times when a brake is needed on the action of the state if social pluralism and individual politi cal libertY are to be preserved," he said. NO JOB TOO BIG NONE TOO SMAll
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nu: ANCHQ'LDiocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 25, 1964
• First Charities Appeal In 1937
Continuecl from Page One Appeal Chairmen Remains Unchanged The follow,lng have served as chairmen for the Catholic Char But one factor remains un changed in the story of charity ities Appeal Over the course of ' over th'e past quarter century. years: That is the spirit of generosity 1942 and sacrifice in Diocesan Cath Atty. Harol.d E. Clarkin olics. Today's contributions, Fall River, Mass. numerically far larger, stem 1943 from the same charitable im Atty. William S. Downev pulse that moved men and New Bed:Eord, Mass. . women, barely recovered from (deceased) the effects of the depression, to 1944 give whatever they could to the . Mr. Joseph H. Martin building of the Catholic Mem Taunton, Mass. orial Home. 1945
The pioneer fund-raising drive
Atty. J: Edward Lajoie began with a note from the late . Fall River, Mass. f Bishop Cassidy to his pastors, 1946 sumJlloning them to the Bishop's Mr. Thoma'll McCaffrey Chapel of the Cathedral 'to dis Attleboro, Mass. cuss a matter of the greatest (deceased) importance." 1947 He explained to the assembled Mr. Joseph P. Duchaine FATHER KILLGOAR clergy that a bequest had beeR New BedJord, Mass. made to the Diocese for the pur (deceased) pose 'of building a home for the 1948 aged, but that additional funds Continu!!d from Page One Anniversary Yea,r would be needed and a drive periors and brought to those All former chairmen was to be undertaken. This drive with whom he worked his 1949 • was handled entireiy by' the own sense of happiness in his Atty. Fl"ancis J. C-arreiro clergy and laity of the Diocese, wOI'k and trust in the goodness Elall River, Mass. with no professional fund-rais of Almight:f' God. 1950 ing organization, involved. . Father' Killgoar died SUddenly Mr. Frilnk :Daylor It ,was placed under patronage m I;he rectory of St. Anthony's Little Compton, 'R.I. • t the Little Flower ,arid prayers parish, Mattopoisett, Sunday 1951 were said in all the churches mOI'ning after havlng offered the Allty. Willil3m R. Freitas er the Diocese for its success first two parish Masses. New Bed:Eord, Mags. 4Jhrol1gh her intercession. ".Ask Father Killgoar was born in (deceased) 4Ite Little Flower to ,shower her Dorchester Aug. 18, 1912, the 1952 roses on this movement," said son of James A. and Mary (Free Mr. Edward Kelly
Bishop Cassidy.· land) Killgoar. He entered the Hyannis, Mass.'
The· prelate asked Msgr. Ray Novitiate the Sacred Hearts in (deceased)
mond T. Considine, then Father Fail-haven in 1936 and after 1953 Considine, to head the drive and making hill philosophical imd Mit: Raymond R. Brennan James A. Burke, active in many theological ..tudies in Sacred Attleboro, Mass. F,all 'River textile complln,ies, Hea.rts Seminary, Washington, 1954 was lay chairman. D.C; was ordained on May 26 Judgi;'Joseph L. Hurley 194:!. ' , Great, Small ()ontribute 'Fall River, Mass. Father K illgoar was stationed Public response· to the drive (deceased) at Sacred Hearts Seminary was overwhelmi~. Noted the 1955 Wal'eham until 1946 when he be~ Fall River Herald News for Honorable J"obn E. Welch came Superior of the Fairhaven June 19, 1937, "No appeal so 'J.1aunton, Mags. community and pastor of St. • tirred the people of the Diocese (deceased) Joseph's Church. He was named ef Fall River in general and 1956 Provincial Procurator' in 1947. Greater Fall Riv.er in particular. Mr. Eugene F. Phelan Provirlcial Councillor "Catholic, Protestant and ,Jew, New Bedford, Mass. He was c,)mmissioned to open 4Itey donated their'dollars to a 1957 a h,)use of the Congregation in eau~e that was recognized as Robert V. McGowan Ireland and remained there until moSt worthy. Many who have No. Attleboro, Mass. 1951. He then attended the been fortunate in the world of Scho)Ol of Canon Law at the 1958 business gave lavishly. Those to Catholic University of America Mr. James :~. Bullock whom the years have not been rece,iving the licentiate in 1954: Fall RiveI', Mass. IlIO kind did what they could. He was then appointed to the 1959 And even those who have suf faclllity of Queen of Peace Mis Atty. Daniel, F. Sul:1ivan fered great grief in the recent sion Semin ll'Y. HY'annis, M'ass. ecO(lomic depression gave a Father Killgoar was named 1960 little that they might have a pastor of St. Anthony's Church Mr. George Vigeant, Sr. part in the construction of the in June 1961. He was appointed New Bedford, MaiJs. old . folks' home." ProvincIal Councillor in Sept. 1961 Contributions from $2 up were 196~:. ' , Mr. Joseph E. Fernandes published and page after page Father Killgoar is survived by Norton, M'ass.. of the newspapers of the time two brothel'S, the Rev. Charles were filled with names of donors. 1962 1\.. Killgoal', O.M.I., pastor of Other thousands gave amounts Mr~ J. Harr:f' Condon Immaculate Heart of Mary Attleboro, Mass. • f less than $2 and at the end Church in Grand Rapids, Mich. 8l" 10 days all contributions to 1963 and George Killgoar, Deputy talled more than twice the Mr. James ]~. Mooney Treasurer OJ: the Commonwealth $100,000 goal Bishop Cassidy had Fall River, Mass. of Massachusetts. llet for the drive. 1964 He expressed his gratitude to Mr. Larry G. Newman his flock in a letter read at all Hyannis Port, Mass. '" Masses Sunday, July 4, 1937. "'To' priests, to religious and to people, in the name o} those whom we shall later shield and Paint and Wallpaper shelter and assist, I give grate , Dupe'nt Paint ful, prayerful thanks. I know CITIES SERVICE that your Bishop is justly and DI!iTRIBUTORS cor. M.iddle St. rightly proud of you and prays 422 Acush Ave, for you and blesses you and Q.e" New Bedford <:;asoline'
hopes by the grace of God tlo ever be your grateful and faith PARKING Fuel and Range
ful servant in Christ." Rear of StOl'el
Missionary Sister at World's Fair Sits In With African Drummers
NEW YORK (NC) - A nun Where had she learned to pl~ who spent the last 25 years in the drums so skillfully she was Africa had to come to the New asked. "I used to teach'muSic in York World's Fair to beat some New Jersey," she said. "I picked African drums. it up then. It's easy. But it's the Not only that, but she learned first time I've played in 25 years. that knack in New Jersey be I I}ever had the opportunity in fore she ever saw Africa. Africa." Sister Peter Mary of the Later she fed a giraffe at the Franciscan Missionary Sisters pavilion. That was a first too has been stationed in a leper "It's the first Giraffe I've' see~ colony at Buluba, Uganda, for since I left America," she said. the. last 25 years. She's home for
~ flve-:month leave and is stay
mg WIth a relative in nearby Nutley, N. J. Very Rev. Armand H. Desau Sees First Giraffe tels, A.A., a Fall River native . When she took in the fair, her will be honored at a receptio~ ~lI'st stop was the African pavil from 2 00- 5 Sunday afternoon Ion where a group of Watusi June 28 at Assumption Colleg~ tribesmen from the Ivory Coast auditorium, Worcester. Former were about to start a d'ance president of the college he is ' When Sister Peter Mary ex~ now Provincial Superior' of the pressed an interest in the drums Assumptionist Fathers for Nol"Ul they let her take her turn, ' America.
To Honor Native
Plrieses Requiem
Labor Study VATICAN CITY (NC) - A monumental study on labor problems, entitled '11 Lavoro," was presented to Pope Paul VI by two of its authors, Bishop Luigi Civardi, former ecclesias tical adviser to the Association, of Italian Catholic Workers and Msgr. Pietro Pavan, professor of sociology at Rome's Lateran University. The Pope congratu lated the two men on the book which is the joint effort of scholars. .
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White's IFarm Dairy
For prompt delivery
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Special Mills Homogenized Vito D Milk Buttermilk TropicanCJ Orange Juice Coffee and Choc. Milk Eggs - BlJtter
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Attlebore, - No. Attleboro
India: Cashew Nuts and Churches PRJ:ME MINISTER NEHRU, lor whom India weeps, once said ., Indl.'. problem'l "~We want to plaD lor ihe' luture, bUi our ,Iirsi requirement is to pl.n lor the' present," • .. ,; Indi.'. problems, u evel')'on. know., are pOveri)',' mite Dey, diseaSe. Our n.tlv. priest. and' .Sisten (lIODIe 01 them trained b)' re.den ., this eolumn) ean help .olve these problems II the)' ha.,. the too" . • • III MANANTODDY, oJi &be Mal.bar Coasi, FATHER KAZHIKACCHALIL .. tr)'lne to bulld • church. The ehurch wiD be a vlllace-eenter where he .,.. leetl TIH Hoi, '",h-', Mill~,Aitl ibe poor (Clhildren H~I.l1J'), Clur. . ,lor 1M tm,nIIJ Chll'th their rickets, .nd, te.eII them to ...ad' and write. As sucb, Ii win be" a power-hoUle ~I Grac. • •. The men In ihe vOlage (they e.m u little u 140 a daJ' , b.rvestlne cashew nuts and eOOoDuts) have promised.' to do the work Iree-ol-charee.The m.terlals, however, will eosi '4,301 • • • Please God, one 01 our readen will build &hi. churcb p.ri of it) u • memorial to .. loved one. . Please God, eUI')' ....der wlll rIve sometliinr .' •• FATHER KAZHIKACCHALIL .. elvine his IlIe, e~eryt"lnebe I;tu. Won't you help UI "v• blm .Iome&hinr!, . '•• Mark your ell& "MANANTODDY" an4 m.i1 .. to UI. FATHE~ KAZHIKACCHALIL will remembel' JOII prayerfully u lODe u be lIvn, and " will we.
L~AL,COLOR A TRAVELER TELLS US that, in India, a Hindu priest begs lor the poor with much ceremony . . . Wearing • ,saffron yellow robe, he is followed by attendants-one carrying • trumpet, on. • "blind man's cup," one a bowl &I rice, the fourth a lamp ••• Catholics in India (they make up only 1.3% of the overall popu;' lation) help the poor quIetly . . . So do we . . . Why not join a "quiet" MISSION CLUB? The dues are only $1-a-month, a little prayer each day. No one need know what you're doing. [].DAMIEN LEPER CLUB ,medical care for lepers EI ORPHANS' BREAD food, clothIng for orphans o PALACE OF GOLD Sisters' care for the aging o MONICA GUILD .....•... chalices, etc., for churches o CHRYSOSTOMS ' ' trains future priests o MARY'S BANK trains Sisters-to-be YACATIONING NEXT WEEK! - A MISSIONARY PRIEST WILL BE PLEA&ED TO OFFER MASS FOR YOUR FAMILY. FRIENDS, OR THE SOULS IN PURGATORY.
"SOS"-FOR SISTERS SISTER MARY SIMON and SISTER MARY FLORENCE, ia training to be Sisters of the Carmelite Congregation, In INDIA, each need about $3 a week for the next two year. to defray the cost-of-trainlng ; •• Would you like to "adopt" one of them? • •• Make your payments to suit your own convenience ($12.50 • month, $150 • year, or $300 .ll at once~. Just write let 1M now. Dear Monsignor Ryane
Enclosed pleaae finel .••••••••. for .••••••••••••••••• Name Street
Oit)' .•••••••••• ; •••••••••. Zone .••••. Stat•.•••••••••
lil'l2earSstOlissioosa FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, Pr••id.nt
Mit" JowpIt T••, . . Hat" Sec'J
....... ......-_.. __--.---_..._-_..
SeIHI an c._.aleotl.a. toe
MadllOa Avi:. at 4~tl4 St.
H*:v Y..... H. Y. 10017
THE ANCHOR Thurs., June 25, 1964
Chi'cag'o Should'S'hare Spoils In Event Yankees Repeat
Pontiff Receives Catholic Cadets At Audience
By Jack Kineavy
The most perplexed, most frustrated sports figure in America today has to be-no, not Palmer or Snead-but Chicago's Al Lopez whose White Sox have now dropped all nine encounters to the Yankees this season. And when statistics of the games are where he will join a couple of analyzed, the, genial senor erstwhile neighbors in the per may be excused for beoom- sons of Bill Madden, former St. ing a tiger in the lockerroom John's Prep - Boston College -if such he has. catcher and Jim Hegan, Jr. who The average length in- was 'plucked off the Holy Cross volving the defending champ- campus some three years ago. ions and their Windy City Under the terms of the bonus eousins has consumed 10.2 contract, DelRossi will have to innings. During the course of ,be given a shot with the Yan these 91 innings, the hapless, kees next season, for unless he Hose have pushed a total of 11 is brought up, he will automati runs across the plate. Shades of cally go into the player draft the Boston Braves of the '30s pool. Another recent signing, vintage for whom this would be also involving a pttcher, was a week's output. Anyway, pit- that -of Holy Cross righthander Cher-coach Whitey Ford is lookPaul Symcon who inked a Chi ing very good and the proud cago Cubs contract last week. Yankees looking down at the Still no word on the status of rest of the league presently. the Crusaders' Jack Joyce who The Red Sox are certain to be turned down a $100,000 offer by represented, in the annual All- the Red Sox to attend the Cross. Star game in the person of Dick Rather disappointing has been Radatz and there is, good reason the attendance at the South to believe that /'t,Lskipper AI eastern Mass. Amateur League Lopez will' also select Frank , games thus far this season. Malzone tQ spell Brooke Roblri~ . Golf, tetevision, the automobile, son at third. Malzone was run- all have taken a proportionate nerup for the SPOt in the, player tol~ I' Suppose, but I'm afraid poll just concluded. His selection we lruist reluctantly conclude is by no means' as~ed, howthat baseball on this level is
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI received 47 cadets 01 st. John's College High School, a Christian Brothers military school in Washington, and told them in English that he hoped that their visit to Rome "m37 make you more ardent and ac tive." The group, led by Brothers Peter, Philip, John and Justin, was received in the Hall of Tap.. estries. The Pope told the cadets: "We are happy to see you here today and we welcome you 110 our home. You are visiting ma,ny countries and seeing many ma!l" vels' on this journey to Europe. But here, you are in the very heart of the Church, at the cen ter of Ohristianity, near the 1>uJI- ; ial places of the Apostles. ,
Confirm Beliefs
EUROPEAN FOOD SERVICE STUDY: Brother Her "We pray that your stay and man E. Zaccarelli C.S.C., Stonehill College, is oongratulated the monuments you see here ma,by Mr. Paul V. Shank, president of the National Association, confirm in your heart y()Ur Cath on receiving a grant of $1,000 to visit and inspect the train-, olic beliefs and inspire you to increase the gift of faith in your ' ing SCh90ls of Europe. bearts, and strive to' infuse •
Perm.·t ,M·ult.·ple ' Sclerosis.. Victim : ; n~:~eeb~~rle~a~~~:::e::~ou~~~:n;::; To Receive Under· Form of Wine and he hasn't stopped hitting against the .Yankees yet!
StUart Islnie
The controversial' Stuart finished well down the llstthis year which prompted Someone, to'remark that he apparently wasn't popular with his fellow players. I rather doubt this is the caSe. Ballplayers, on'the whole, are a particularly realistic bunch whO' are prone to acknowledge superiority despite personal short-. comings. In Stuart's ease, he just isn't a complete operative; he'. a hitter, period. ' The Yankees signing of Harvard's Paul DelRossi to a bono contract estimated between $20,000 - $30,000 came as a bit of. surprise to this agent. And if the terms involved are accurate. the bidding could not have been very competitive. Yet, the .New York front office has a well-' earned reputation for assessing talent effectively. Could be the young man is a sleeper. DelRossi is the second Harvarcl graduate within memory to be ·:gned by New York. U1..... T_ ..... middle '30s righthander Charlie Devens made the jump from Soldiers Field to Yankee Stadium, where he found another illustrious Ivy Leaguer, Coban.. bia's Lou Gehrig, hard at work. After three successful SeasoM with the Bombers, Devens suddenly chucked it all to enter the investment banking field in which he has dQne right well, thanks. Fonner Neighbo... DelRossi wiU repQrt to the, Yankees' Columbus, Georgia affiliate in the Southern League
Three All-Americans In One Iowa Parish'DUBUQUE( NC)-st. Columb kille's parish here boasts three members who aehieved AIl
American ratings in sports dur ing the last five months. They are: Mike Reilly, 235 pound guard and linebacker of the University of Iowa football team, now headed for a pro eareer with the Ohicago Bears; Pete Spoden, 6-tf basketball cen ter at State College of' Iowa, who gained Little College All-Amer lean distinction, and Jim Jadt oniski, 8-6 basketball center of Wahlert High, named on several All-American prep dool teamL AD. started their athletic ea !'eel'll playing with teame al tile )NU'iIb trade .ebooI. ~,
are involved are' for the mostl
iB the hearts of others. ·''In pledge ot such copioUl divine assistance we lovingl,., bestow upon you all, teaching Brothers and students, upon your - ' families a·nd cl,assmates at home . , our paternal apostolic blessing." The Pope gave commemora-·" tive ' medals to all present and spoke ' briefly with the fOUl' Brothers llnd several of the stu dents.
MIAMI (NC)-A young Re- ',examinations in 1953, she religious now physically helpless sumed some of her duties, which ble of ,put~~~g ~n ~ good per'7,', in Mi~mi's Mercy Hospital as included instruction in piano and :fOrmance..But noth~g, coul.d be the reSult of multiple sclerosis, organ, b1,1~,was. admitted ,to" 80 deaddenmfgthaseePlaYasmgwabef~~e has been granted a special disMercy Hospital as a pati~t a crow 0 r, s WI , t· b th H I S to years ago sItuation at one game last week- pens.a IOn y e o -r ~ .
end. receIve Holy CommUnIon m an Until the dispensation was
Plenty of sports aclion coming unusual manner. granted, Sister Anna Marie had up on the early summer agenda. Following the petition of not received Communion in The 'All-Star Game in New Miami's Bishop Coleman F. Car- four years. York on July 7 and the Olympic roll to the Vatican, Sister Anna rowing trials, July 7-11 also in Grace, a member of the Con-' l'<{ew York. The latter 'should' gregation of the Sisters of St. : Excavating • produce a titanic struggle be- Joseph' of st. Augustine, who tWeen 'Harvard and California staff the diocesan hospital, has Catholi~ : Contractors for the right to represent the been, granted a dispensation to CHERRY HILL (NC)-Arch U.S. in Tokyo. Incidentally, ,the receive Holy Communion under bishop Celestine J. Damiano em : 9 'CROSS ST., FAIRHAVEN . . . first All-Star game in Cq,icago the form of wine instead of the phasized before a JewiSh group • WYman 2-4862 • ' ill 1933 'was in conjunction with form of bread. 'here: "We have a common heri the World'e Fair. Ditto New Sister Anna Grace has not tage. The God of Abraham, ~.; ~ ~ York ill 1939. Same story, third,' been able to swallow solid foods Isaac and Jacob is the God that chapter, New York 1964. for past four years. She we adore too." , , was 'only in her early 20s when 'I1he Bishop of Camden was the first symptoms appeared of honored with the B'nai B'rith , what was later diagonized as the Award for bis "personal eeu nerve paralyzing disease for TUCSON (Ne) Tucson's which medical science has not menWal efforts" at a dinner here. The presentation Wl8S made' Bishop FraIleis 3. Green called found' cure. by Milton J. Lesnik, president upon bis people to support pro.
Following extensive medical New Jel"Sey region board, Anti
posed publlc aecommoda tione
Defamation League of B'nai
ordinances being proposed ill B'rith, who said: "Archbishop
Tucson and Phoenix. Damiano has utilized the writ.;
"Discrimination by reason of South • Sea Streets
race, creed or color is morally .DETROIT (NC)-For the first ten and spoken word as a posi
tive bridge to establish brother
Indefensible and ought to be re time in Detroit, solemn ordina- , Hyannis Tel. HY 81
jected by ~ery Christian arid tion ceremonies will be televised ' hood between men."
American who truly believes m' by commercial TV station. democracy," the Bishop said. ' station WWJ - TV here will In a letter to the mayor and video-tape the solemn rites ~Qnk;n9 city council of Phoenix, Mgr. Saturday when Archbishop JOhn RObert J. Donohoe, pastor of St. 1'. Dearden .of Detroit confers Agnes' church there, urged fa Savings Bank life Inlurance holy, orders upon 31 new priests vorableaetion: on 'the prOposed at Blessed Sacrament Cathredal. Real Estate Loans ordinance. He' said: "Discrimin The· program will be telecast etloii based on the accidental Ch'is~'s and Va~ation Club. Sund'lly. fact Of race or color and as SUch, iiljuriOUs to human l"lg1hts, re.', SavinglAccol,lntl gardless of personal qualities or ~• 5 Convenient Locations achievements, cannot be recol\ eiled with the truth that God HS .': -,-NEW BEDFORD ereated all men with equal rights and eqU1i1 dignity."
part talented ball players, eapa-
i .' . '
B'nai B'rith Honors Prelate
Arizona Clergymen Ba'ck Anti-B,·as Law
Or,dinations on TV
Check These
•• •
Seton Hall Forms
Summer Theatre SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-8e ton Hall University has formed a Summer repertoire theater to help mark New Jersey's SOOth anniversary this year. ' The 32-member company opened & American Heritage , program with a productioft of Walter Kerr's musical pageant "Sing Out Sweet Land" at the New Jersey pavilion at the New York World's Fair. Regular per :Iormanees are' eontinuing lilt tbe '
..mool'. arena lltage here.
OSborne 5-7856
Boats are coming
with LARGE ••••••
While they Last
Maclean's Sea Foods
1 20
THE ANCHOR Thurs., June ,25, 1964
Builds Fatima Shrine As Gift to Parish
Pope Appoints New Vietnam Delegate VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has appointed Msgr. Angelo Palmas, a veteran Vati can diplomat, as the new Apos tolic Delegate in Vietnam and Cambodia. The 39-year-old Sardinian born prelate succeeds Arch bishop Salvatore Asta in the Saigon post. Msgr. Palmas is an alumnus of the Gregorian University in Rome who entered the service of the Papal Secretariat of State in 1946. He served successively in nunciatures in Belgium, Switzerland and Lebanon, and had been assigned in Rome.
~. , j"'~
...,.......; .'. ..
SCHOOL TRAGEDY: In this devastated classroom of the Cologne-Volkhoven Cath olic e:tementary school in Germany, an insane man sprayed the children with a homemade flame thrower and stabbed their teacher with a crude spear. Still in the hospital are 28 children, age 9 to 11, many in critical condition. NC Photo.
RUSSELLS POINT (NC)-An. Ohio telephone company execu tive is building a 42-foot-high shrine of Our Lady of Fatima on lakeside property in this small, central-Ohio resort town where he lives. George B. Quatman said the shrine will b'e given to St. Mary's of the Woods parish when it is completed in about two weeks. The outdoor shrine, being built at a cost of $50,000, fea tures a stainless steel canopy sheltering a statue of Our Lc.dy of Fatima 19% feet high. The fiberglass statue will be painted in Fluorescent white, blue and gold. It is said to be the largest statue of Our Lady of Fatima ill the world.
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