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Fall River, Mass., Friday, June 25, 1982

20c, $6 Per Year

Aid for Lebanon

By NC News Service Catholic Relief Services, the Catholic Near East Welfare Association and Caritas Interna­ tional have announced plans to increase aid to war-torn Leban­ on. An estimated several hund­ red thousand Lebanese have been made homeless by the Israeli in­ vasion which began June 6.

to a $200,000 recovery program announced by CRS executive di­ rector, Bishop Edwin B. Broder­ ick, in New York and a $300,000 grant from the U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance.

Meanwhile, Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York, president of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, authorized immedi­ ate disbursement of $100,000 to CRS, overseas aid agency of assist in relief work in Lebanon. U.S. Catholics, increased its emergency program for Lebanon The decision was announced June 21 by beginning a massive in Rome by Msgr. John G. Nolan, food distribution effort focused president of the Pontifical Miss­ on children and the elderly. ion for Palestine and national . The food program, valued ini- . -secretary for the near East asso­ tially at $3 million, is in addition ciation, also known as CNEWA.

Msgr. Nolan also announced the start of .an CNEWA intensive campaign in the United States and Canada for funds for food, clothing, medical supplies and blood plasma f()r Lebanon casual­ ties. Meanwhile, Msgr. John Mean­ ey, regional director in Lebanon for the Pontifical Mission for Palestine, told NC News Service in a June 17 interview, that he would "not be surprised if the tally shows that 10,000 Lebanese have been killed up till now." Describing Lebanon as a country ravaged for decades by outside forces, Msgr. Meaney Turn to Page Eight






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One hundred years

Numbers tell story

There are 784,660,000 Gath· olics in the world, 17.9 percent of the population of the plan­ et, according to the latest Vatican Statistical' Yearbook, which gives figures through 1980. Of those, 340,000 were in the Fall River diocese as of Jan. 1 of this year. The nose-counts are some­ what skewed, since world fig­ ures are as of 1980 andl U.S. figures, compiled by the Offi-



cial Catholic Directory, are­ basically as of Ig81. But they are ballpark num· bers and they are interesting. To continue: although .the number of Catholics in the world increased by nearly three percent during 1980, totals for priests and Religious registered slight drops. However, the total number of Catholics engaged in apos­ tolic activity increased be· cause of rises in totals of per-'

manent deacons, catechists and lay missionaries. Most of the increase in the permanent diaconate program was in North America. The total rose by 978 to 7,654 worldwide. In North America at the end of 1980 there were 5,023 p~rmanent deacons, an increase of 704. The number of priests 'worldwide dropped by 0.6 per­ cent to 413,600 at the end of Turn to Page Six



AMONG THE BEST-LOOKING diocesan statistics are these youngsters from Holy Redeemer parish, Chatham, St. Pius X, South Yarmouth, and Holy Trinity, Harwich, confirmed in recent ceremonies at Holy Redeemer. (Kelsey Photo)

Tomorrow S1. Joseph's parish, Woods Hole, will mark its hun· dredth year. At the same time its unique Mary Garden will reach the half-century mark. The occasion will be observed with an 11 a.m. Mass to be cele­ brated by Bishop Daniel A. Cro­ nin, followed by a luncheon at the Cape Codder Hotel. Another observance is also planned: the restoration of the Mary Garden to its original beauty. Adjacent to a bell tower .which rings the Angelus thrice daily, both it and the tower were given to the parish by the late Mrs. Frank R. Lillie, together with a trust fund for their main­ tenance.

She added an interesting note about the Angelus bells. Recent· Iy a Nova program on public television featured th'e Marine Biological Laboratory. Filming was done at noon and the bells were clearly audible as back­ ground to the scientific discuss­ ion going on. One scientist re­ ported that he had seen the program while in Europe and recognized St. Joseph's bells. What the glory of the Mary Garden was is described by John S. Stokes, Jr., a retired engineer, who, inspired by a 1950 visit to the garden, which he thinks is the first of its kind in the world, founded a nonprofit organization to spread the idea among gar­ deners everywhere.

Her husband was director and

In April he spoke at S1. Jo­ president of Woods Hole famed

Marine Biological Laboratory and seph's about Mary Gardens and it was' Mrs. -Lillie's hope that . previously he had published an the shrine, so close to the labor· 'article about the parish's pion­ atory, would heighten "the pray· eer project. Excerpts from that erful sense of the biological article follow: work, seen as a collaboration "As visitorS to Woods Hole, with God's providence in sus­ we first learn of the shrine when taining life." ,we hear the ringing of the An­ The bell tower was erected in gelus, or see its bell tower ... a 1929 and the garden was planted prominent landmark clearly visi­ in 1932. Until 1937 it flourished, ble across the inlet from the but was then heavily, damaged town center.

by successive hurricanes. Up un­

"With a sense of adventure, til the present it had not been we put our hand to the wooden restored to its original design, gate in the hedge. Opening it, we 'b':lt work is now in progress. step through to find ourselves before a door in the tower. base. Miss Jane A. McLaughlin, a To the left of the door is a parishioner involved in the cen­ tennial celebration, said that bronze placque bearing the in­ weather conditions this spring scription: have prevented extensive plant­ SAINT JOSEPH'S BELLS ing but that the garden should The large bell is named regain its former glory by "mid Turn to Page Six to late summer."

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VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John Paul 11 canonized his first salint aast Sunday before more than 20,000 people in St. Peter's Basilica. ' The canonzation of 'St. Crispin of Viterbo, an Italian Capuchin ·Brother who died in 1750, was the highlight of a quiet weekend at the Vatican as Pope John Paul began a lighter 'summer schedule. St. CI1ispin is best ,remembered for his nearly 40 years as questor (alms collector), for his order in Orvieto, Italy. He collected not only enough to provide for ,the order's needs, but enough to help aU the poor in the town as well. "',


i t 36 NURSES' AIDES receive certificates and pins after completing geriatrics train­ ing at Catholic Memorial Home; Fall Riv~r. From left, Sister Paul Anthony,' OP, director of nursing; Aide Clotilde Oliveira; Father Lucio B. Phillipino, assistant coordinator of diocesan nursing homes and guest speaker. «Torchia Photo) ~:

WASHINGTON (NC)-The U.S. CathoJoic Conference supports the immigratlion reform bill but has "serious reservations" about some of its provisions. In a June 17 letter to senators, Msgr. 'Daniel Hoye, usec general secretary, said the major factor leading to support of the bill is a provision establishing legaHzaNon for illegal aliens who entered the United States prior to Jan. 1. He said ;the rela­ tively late date for lega:lization "makes possi1:?.le relief for a larger proportion of a subclass which has been forced to Hve in fear, even while contlributing to our society." However, parts of the ibill con­ trary'to a' fa'ir legalization program, according to Msgr.' Hoye, an­ c1ude those relating to employer sanctions, family unity, 'temporary workers and the review of application for asylum.

WASHINGTON (NC)-The Supreme Cour:t, asked to rule again -on the issue of religious schools and unemploYlllent taxes, avoided the matter June 18 by dediding on procedura1 grounds to send the question back to the lower courts for further proceedings. Ruling an a case from Caiifornia, the high court said that a U.S. dlistrict court judge overstepped legal authority last year after stdking down the state's requirement that iindependent reliigious schools pay unem· ployment taxes. A Los Angeles judge had ruled that requiring the tax payments was a violation of the separation of church and state. The Supreme Court said the lower court's inj'uncNon preventing the state from collecting the taxes was a violation of the Tax Injunction Act prohibiting federal courts from intervening lin state tax dlisputes.

(iUATEMALA CITY (NC)-Guatema:la's Catholic Justice and Peace Committee has demanded that the new miHtary government "end the massacres and repression" of Indian peasants. It said that 450 Indians lin 20 villages had been sla1in sirice the new 'government came to power an March. Supporting the committee was the 1,700­ member Guatemalan Conference of Religious <Men and Women. The conference, wh'ich includes 180 U.S. missionaries, salid that "the fact that some guerrilla activity goes on does not justify genocide, nor does the fact that people clamor for a' change in unjust social structures justify slaying~."

JACOB STRUNK of St. Geprge parish, Westport, has embarked on a 2,200 mile bikeathon to help reduce the parochial school debt. His rOllte will take him through New Hampshire and Maine to Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia. He will return via Vermont. . (Rosa Photo) .

WARSAW, Poland (NC)-The top Vatican diplomat for Eastern Europe has met with Poland's leading churchmen to begin talks designed to smooth ;the way for 'a papal visit to Poland in August. Archbishop Luigi Poggi went dJirectly to a meeting with Poland's primate, Archbishop Jozef Glemp of Warsaw and Gniezno, ,and other Catholfic leaders after his arrival in Warsaw last week for a two­ week visit. Pope John ,Paul II has often expressed his desire and "duty" to visit his homeland for celebrations mark'ing the 600th anniversary Aug. 26 of the image of the Black Madonna of Jasna Gora ~in Czestochowa. But he has also said that certain "conditions," which he has not publiciy defined, must be met before the trip can take place. '

CHICAGO (NC)-The National Catholic Rural Life Conference board of directors has approved a resolutlion stating, "We oppose ex­ tension of military alid to El Sa1vador until a genuine land reform program is reinstat~d." The board also backed the nuclear weapons freeze campa'ign and called for the United States and the Soviiet Union to use a substanNal portion of money saved to establish a world food bank.


NEW OR REELECTED members of the Priests' Council meet with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, third from left. From left, Fathers John P. Cronin, John J. Steakem, Gerald T. Shovelton, John A. Perry, Francis/L. Mahoney. (Torchia Photo)' .

ROME (NC)-IFather Flavio Carraro, a 50~year-old native of , San Dona, Italy, lis the new minister genera:! of the world's Capuchin Frandiscans. He was a seminary professor in Venice at the time of his election.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 25, 1982

Girl Scout leaders' Eight Plymouth Bay Girl Scout Council volunteers were honored at the 23rd annual Adult Recognition Night held re­ cently at St. Michael's Church, Swansea. Recipients of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal were Barbara Ann Sliva and Janice Lynch, New Bedford; Judy Galligan, Brewster; Charlotte Thomas and Claudette Richard, of Fall River; and Margaret Courcy, Taunton.


Lorraine Nader, New Bedford, and Alice Zylinski, East Fal­ mouth, received the St. Anne Medal. They were recognized during Girl Scouting's 70th anniversary year, during which 20,000 girls and 4,000 adults in Southeastern Massachusetts are members of Girl Scouts, one of the largest organizations for women in the world.




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A. PIZZA PARTY beats an installation banquet any time, say Teen Club member~ at Our Lady of Grace parish, Westport. The lively group recently installed officers at a Mass of thanksgiving, followed by pizza and dancing. Kelly Cosgrove, club president, and William Almeida, vice-president, approve the menu. (Rosa Photo)

Church supports Voting Rights Act WASHINGTON (NC) - Cap­ ping a year-long'debate in 'Which the Catholic Church was an ac­ tive participant, the Senate has voted overwhelmingly to extend key provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. "This victory is a heartening sign that Congress will not end­ lessly turn its back on the needy in our society and the minority who are not white," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), a floor manager of the voting rights extension. The Voting Rights Act, called one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation from

Tax WASHINGTON (NC) - Cath­ olic educators and officials ap­ plauded President Reagan's tui­ tion tax credit bill, announced June 22 at the White House. Msgr. Daniel Hoye, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference, said the result of the president's bill would be that "thousands of students, including many. who are deserving but un­ able to meet the growing costs of parochial or private education, will benefit from this legislation because of the increased educa­ tional choices it helps make pos­ sible. ~'At the same time parents who are making heroic sacrifices on behalf of their children's edu­ cation will receive some measure of much needed relief. Such re­ lief is long overdue." Tuition tax credits would pro­ vide parents of children in non­ public schools with tax relief, in

the 1960s, bans 'discriminatory . ing effort for the voting, rights voting prac.ti<;es, such, as 'requ,ir­ . extension. ing newly registered voters to They included the' National pass a literacy test. Office of Black Catholics, the Na­ The measure passed by the tional Catholic Conference for Senate - along with a smilar Interracial Justice, the National bill approved by the House last Council of Catholic Women, year - also extends the act's Catholic Charities and Network, bilingual provisions requiring a social justice lobby primarily localities with many non-English made up of nuns. speaking voters to provide regis­ Several U.S. bishops also trationand election materials in spoke out individuaily in favor both English and minority lang­ of the voting rights extension, uages. and the USCC submitted testi­ Led by the U.S. Catholic Con­ mony on the issue to both the ference, public policy arm of th~ House and Senate judiciary com­ mittees. U.S. bishops, a number of Cath­ olic groups joined in the lobby-


bill applauded

the form of credits subtr.acted The Packwood-Moynihan bill directly from the amount of would allow a refundable credit taxes owned, for half of the tui­ to low income families, while the tion they-pay, up to a maximum Reagan proposal does not. The amount. Reagan proposal phases out tax The president's bill, the "Edu­ credits if parents have an ad­

cational Opportunity and Equity justed gross income exceeding Act of 1982," is similar. to a $50,000; the Packwood-Moyni" tuition 'tax credit bill proposed .han bill does not have a cap. last year by Sen. Daniel Patrick Both the president's and Pack­ Moynihan (D-N.Y.) and Sen. wood.Moynihan's bills allow for Robert Packwood (R-Ore.). , a phase-in period for tax credits. Both bills, contain language to Packwood-Moynihan would have prohibit tuition tax credit money begun with a credit of up to $250 going to students who attend in August 1982 and would have racially discriminatory institu­ increased that to up to $500 in tions. However, the Reagan pro­ August, 1983. Reagan's bill posal spells out in much greater would begin with $100 Jan. I, detail how to determine if a 1983 and reach the $500 maxi­ school has a racially discrimina­ mum by Jan. I, 1985. tory policy. Reagan had announced at the

Msgr. Hoye said the USCC, annual National Catholic Edu­ cational Association meeting in which has supported the Pack­ wood-Moynihan bill, supports April that the administration "the basic thrust': of the Reagan planned to draft tuition tax credit legislation. proposal.



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JOHN NOLAN. N"'o",' Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue ~ New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826·1480











THE' ANCHOR-Dioc~~ of F~II. River"';'Fri.,June 25, 1982

the living -word

themoorin~ Temporary Relief .


As the tall ships sail into th~ waters of Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, it should be a comfort to know that the Coast Guard will be on hand in its usual capacity. Due to efforts from many quarters, including that of this newspaper, some temporary relief from proposed sharp cutbacks in services has been given the .Coast Guard in the shape of increased monetary support from the Congress and the Administration. Evidence of this stopgap measure came to this news­ paper. by way. of response to a Jetter from this editor to President Reagan. The reply stated that Secretary of Transp9rtation Drew 'Lewis had reexamined the proposed curtailment measures and had "determined .that alternative savings elsewhere in the Coast Guard are possible. These savings, coupled with enactment of supplemental appropriations for. 1982 which the Administration has requested, should avoid any significant changes in the Coast Guard's rescue and law enforcement activities." , .From this letter, one might think that all is now well with the Coast Guard's budget and operational capacities. But this is simply not the case. . One is led to suppose that the intervention by Wash­ .ington has assured the Coast Guard of adequate funding and support of its capabilities. In fact, what has been re­ 'Come, children, hearken to me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord< Ps. 33: 12 ceived is a mere summer stay of execution. The Coast Guard has received only Bandaid .treatment. The help that . supposedly will keep its services at their customary effici­ ency level is only temporary, transitory and for the tourist season. Even under the so-called reexamined plans of Drew Lewis, the Coast Guard will find it' most difficult to fulfill Iigious beliefs, one community carefully studied both the scien­ By Jerome D. Gorman, M.D.

its motto, "Always Prepared." . under God), and that the good tific and medical aspects of nu­ Pax Christi, USA

From all indications, this area, will enjoy a banner of all the different people in this clear war conclude that it is in­ summer; even with adverse weather predictlons. There will The popular television pro­ world community depends on the appropriate to plan for mobiliza­ gram MASH portrays ~n army tion of health-care facilities and prevention of nuclear war. be more small craft plying' the .Bay waters. Law enforce­ ment agencies also know that drug traffickers have taken field hospital unit at work and personnel under an assumption to the waterways. Additionally, increasing pressures for play in a combat zone. Unit per~ that nuclear war will occur, be­ sonnel are not particularly fond this nation to become energy efficient in the face of Middle of war, but they do their job, cause the d~aths, injuries and destruction of medical facilities East uncertainties will send more oil rigs into the waters of patching up arid comforting the would be so widespread and im­ Georges Bank. All these factors will make more work for wounded and dying, losing some mense that no effective response June 26 to death. We do not see the could be made by the medical the Coast Guard. Rev. Charles P. Gaboury, 1931, It is estimated that about 50 percent of shore area . corpses on the battlefield. Other community. Pastor, Sacred Heart, New Bed­ popular programs over the years search and rescue operations will be conducted by'Auxili­ Dr. Tom Dooley, on being ford have shown health-care workers Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube, ary members. Wi~ all due respect to their dedication, it in offices, hospital warl;ls, emer­ citicized for his primitive health­ should be remembered that these people are amateurs and gency rooms, helping those who care work in' Laos, responde~ 1973, Pastor Emeritus, St. An­ volunteers, not professionals. . suffer from trauma and disease, that 18th century medicine in a thony, New Bedford 15th century country was not June 27 Yet even with Auxiliary assistance, the Coast Guard conveying concern _for the sick all that bad. However, after' a and wounded. Rev. John Corry, 1863, Foun­ will not be able to meet the challenges of its motto effec­ nuclear war, we would probably der, St.. Mary, Taunton, Founder, Medical workers in a nuclear tively and efficiently. It has·fewer vessels to patrol the 200­ have third century medicine in a lV,Iary, Fall River . St. i~ a war would not be engaged 20th century world. mile limit. What cutters it has must cover unreasonably drama of. helpful concern like Rev. Dario Raposo, 1933, Pas­ large a~eas, allowing the Atlantic to become a drug smug­ Concerned physicians are in­ those shown in' these programs. . tor, O.L.O. Lourdes, Taunton creasingly viewing nuclear war gler's paradise. The oil industry will be able to cut corners The question of how to care for Rev. Msgr. Thomas F. Walsh, in its' deep sea drilling operations with less rigid Coast the sick and wounded in a nu­ as a kind of "final epidemic" 1980,. Pastor Emeritus, St. John comparable to, but· far worse Guard surveillance to be expected. ~lear war is at last·- being the Evangelist, Attleboro than, the great killers and crip­ The Coast Guard is indispensable, its needs many: more examined by health-care workers plers of history such as plague, June 28 men, more ships and of .course more money. Our tesponse in a systematic way. smallpox, yellow fever, malaria" Rev. Thomas C. Gunning, 1947, Scientists, physicians and typhoid and· polio. Though speci­ to these needs should be proportionate'to their urgency. Assistant, St. Lawrence, New We continue to encourage area citizens to be aware . others have begun to study the fic therapeutic measures, as they Bedford problem and to develop a realis- . became available, were no doubt of the difficulties the Coast Guard faces as it discharges tic and constructive therapy for helpful to people afflicted. with June 30 its heavy responsibilities. the threat of nuclear war. Around those diseases, the only signi­ Rev:' Alphonse M. Reniere, Maintenance of. Coast Guard capability, to save life, the world, they are organizing ficant success came when public O.P., 1961, Dominican Priory, to patrol, to police must never bec<?me a Bandaid matter. within the various limits to free­ health workers organized to pre­ Fall River I

.Medicine, anld nuclear war



410 Highland Avenue

Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151

. . PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD.


EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore, ~

I.eary Press-Fall River

dom in their countries, including Russia and the east bloc nations. Two of their organizations are International Physicians. for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPN) and Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR). PSR has several thousand members and is growing and organizing in the United States. (It can be con­ tacted. at P.O. Box 144, Water­ town, MA 02.172.) ­ Health-care workers who have

vent such diseases altogether: by isolation, quarantine, sanitation and immunization. In a similar fashion, scientists and physicians are now realizing that the most appropriate, re­ sponse to nuclear war is to pre­ vent one from occurring. The threat of nuclear war is realign­ ing the peoples of the world. It is bringing a growing understand­ ing that the world is, in fact, one community (fl;)r people with re-

July 2

Rev. Gerard A. Boisvert, 1967, Assistant, Notre Dame, Fall River

THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S.()20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of JUly 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven. ue. Fall. River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall RIver. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6,00 er year. Postmasters send address change. o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 25, 1982

Nucle'ar warfare

I sat in the hushed audi­ ence in the packed cathedral and listened to Archbishop Hunthausen talk of his re­ action to nuClear buildup and I had a feeling of deja vu. My mind went back 15 years to sit­ ting in churches listening to talk of Viet Nam and becoming un­ comfortable with having to face the reality of being morally re­ sponsible for what was going on there. It's so much easier if we can just pass that morality off onto leadership consciences. What did I know, after all, of what was going on in Viet Nam? I was bUSy with babies and family. What do I know today of what's going on in the nuclear arena or in EI Salvador? Should I not "worry my pretty little head" over such issues, as the TV evangelist inveigled, or must I once again take the time, effort, and prayer to learn and decide what my Christian re­ sponse as an ipdividual and as a parent should be? This time I have more personal stakes, with three draftable young people jn my family. I don't have the luxury of debat­ ing dispassionately the issue of sending other people's children off to fight in jungles or learn ever more sophisticated techni­ ques for using nuclear weaponry. How do I counsel them in their patriotic duty if I'm not clear in my own mind of the moral conse­ quences?

I am angered at the outrageous deaths of the many nuns and priests in EI Salvador, Guate­ mala and Nicaragua, committed Christians who were serving in a non-war capacity because of their devotion to the peace and justice Jesus demands of us as his followers. But anger at atrocity is an easier response. Everyone knows those deaths are wrong. But is it wrong to be­ come as strong as we can'to de­ ter a nuclear holocaust? I am running into Catholics everywhere who are examining the Christian role in encouraging or discouraging the nuclear buildup. The large crowd gather­ ed to hear Archbishop Hunt­ hausen, a courageous leader, tell of the pain involved in coming to his own decision to speak out for reason, testifies to this. He called neither for followers nor for Christian obstruction. He merely shared his own convic­ tion, that if he is to take the gos­ pels seriously, he must do every­ thing he can to stop a nuclear exchange. I sense a frightening note to­ day among Americans, a fear that we probably will face a nu­ clear "incident" in our lifetime, a sense of helplessness to stop whatseems inevitable. While fac­ ing and promoting more weapon­ ry, we refuse to prepare for the consequences, as if it's too hor­ rible to ponder. We've been entertained" by movies of evry conceivable dis­ aster - earthquakes, infernos,

Electr.o1nic idols, I was talking to a friend and' fellow critic the other day. He told me about a' conversation with a 16-year­ old Catholic boy, whom he ask­ ed if he would decide not to at­ tend a morally offensive movie. The boy merely smirked at the naivete of the question. What are we, who know bet­ ter, to say to teen-agers who think that moral values have no bearing on their choice in enter­ tainment? We should tell them quite candidly that they're wrong. We should tell them that movies and television really do affect ,the way they think and feel and act, and we should illustrate how this is done: But something else must precede this. I think the first thing is to make sure our children have a tttorough grounding in Christ­ ian morality, a moral education appealing to their minds as well as their sensibilities. Otherwise if you talk to a teen-ager about the relation of moral values to films and movies, you might as well be carrying on in Sanskrit. And here, I believe, lies the danger of the if-you-can't-Iick­ them-join-them school of "val­ ues" education, especially as it incorporates the media into its method. In the most extreme cases, this approach seems willing to offer the poison itself as the best anti­ dote, Since your seventh and

eighth graders are regularly watching "General Hospital," you, the teacher, instead of de­ ploring this in the time-honored futile fashion, simply have the kids discuss it and similar fare in class and see what conclusions they can reach. Now I'm not against doing this as a first step in certain desperate situations, but I don't see it as a general method. You can't pour water out of a pit· 'cher you haven't taken the trouble to fill. One presumption of this "value-free" approach is that there is no such thing as original sin. The let's-talk-about-it method worked well in the groves of Academe, but Socrates 'was cap­ able of asking some dandy ques­ tions, and he was also presuming not only maturity in his discipl~s but a rich and profound culture. Jesuit Father John K. Kava­ naugh of St. Louis University, in an article titled ,"Culture, Value­ formation and Advertising," warns against acquiescing in the value system conveyed by the media, quoting Pope John Paul II: "Indeed there is already a real, perceptible danger that while our dominion over the world of things is making enor~ mous advances, we· could . . . ourselves become subject to manipulation in niany ways ­ even if the manipulation is often not perceptible directly , through the whole of the organ-

Haig is cast. in new role'



even invasion of killer rats ­ but not of nuclear annihilation. Why not? If we're willing to pro­ duce nuclear weapons, shouldn't we be preparing for Armaged­ don? Praying at Mass, for exam­ ple, 'that when it comes, we will be ready to accept human exter­ mination as God's wi.Jl? Archbishop Hunthausen referr­ ed to the Trident submarine with its 500 warheads, each five times as powerful as the bombs drop­ ped at Hiroshima, as our modern Auschwitz. He believes that more weaponry will not lead us to peace but to war and when ques­ tioned about our need for deter­ 'rence, he said that as Christians we may have to choose being crucified over being crucifiers. I guess that's the tough ques­ tion in the long run. Would I rather my children be on the shooting or receiving end of a nuclear holocaust? I haven't ar~ rived at an honest answer to that, even in the hidden recesses of my heart. Either way, we all lose. And God created all of us. Nobody said taking Christianity seriously was going to be ·easy.




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t:~:'i-'it ': ,'''4;:1. ization of community life, through the production system and through pressure from the means of social communication." The church in this country once went too far, perhaps, in deploring, in viewing with alarm all the products of the media. But let's not go to the other ex­ treme and forget that part of Christian witness must always be a heartfelt "no" to much in the world about us" It is, that '~no," based upon love, that makes us free to choose what is good. And that's why I don't think it's wise to compromise that "no" by' uncritical appreciation of the media. The' idols of the gentiles were once silver and gold. Now they are electronic, but that gives them no greater validity. '


ps Love

"What did He, in loving us, love, but God in us, not who was in us, but so that He might be. Wherefore let each of us so love the other, as that by this work­ ing of love, we make each other the habitations of God." - St. Augustine \

Image change was what several members of Rea­ gan's party had in mind as they set out on their Euro­ pean safari. The president wanted to be re­ seen as a peacemaker, but trip­ ped over his sword in a Cold War speech in London. The first lady wished to be noticed for her good works at drug centers, but upstaged herself by wearing black knickers at Versailles. Only Secretary of State Alex­ ander Haig, who went along ex· pecting nothing, found a new role abroad. It was thrust upon him. The president's people had seen the journey as one long "photo opportunity:" the pres i­ d~nt with the Swiss Guards at the Vatican; the president horse­ back riding on the velvet lawns of Windsor Castle with the queen of England. But when they ar~ rived in France, they found that European leaders are dismay­ ingly into words, and, more as­ tonishingly, their own. After the economic summit, Margaret Thatcher, Helmut Schmidt and their ilk hurried around to tell the reporters of their countries about what had happened. It was unthinkable to' throw Reagan into such a situa­ tion and equally unthinkable to field the everyday presidential f1acks against such heavy hitters. .So Alexander Haig became the official mouthpiece. He was either an exalted press secretary or a surrogate president. The one sure thing was that he was having a wonderful time, and so was the press. Haig obviously didn't tell everything he knew, but at least he was in a position to know, and he revealed an antic side to his nature hitherto well con­ cealed. He had to open each session with' a tribute to the president and how well he had performed on that particular day. Once that was out of the way, he went on to give his own views. His Maggie-and-Jiggs with U.N. 'Ambassador Jeane Kirkpat­ rick 'followed him' across ~e ocean. The muddle over the U.N. vote on the Falklands - she re­ ceived his instructions too late - greatly embarrassed the presi. dent, but entertained Haig no end. The press hammered away at him at the briefing center at Grosvenor House in London. Had he spoken with Mrs. Kirkpatrick the night of the vote? The secretary's blue eyes gleamed. ,"I talked with her not once, but twice," he said. He held up two fingers and wag­ gled the~ playfully. "Twice," he whispered. He has always been lucky in his enemies. Before Mrs. Kirk·




patrick, there was Richard V. Allen of the watches and the guerrilla warfare. Mrs. Kirkpat­ rick is, if anything, even better. Her Argentine sympathies are well known and her attacks made Haig a hero in London. He was absolutely delighted when Mrs. Kirkpatrick stirred the pot again by making provocative remarks about American diplo­ mats - "s bunch of amateurs," and American diplomacy - "in­ ept." When asked about American diplomacy, Haig said happily, "At times it is even brilliant, and at times it is even stupid." By the time he got to Bonn, all traces of his former self ­ the heavy-breathing, polysylla­ bic, syntax-mangling martinet - had pretty well disappeared. One afternoon, as he was grind­ ing through his paily report about the president, he used the word "criticality." There were groans and hoots from the scribblers. . Haig stopped, raised his eye­ brows, and said, "You didn't like that?" Amid the continuing up­ roar, he murmured defensively, "Eisenhouwer used that word. I am sure." He began the sentence over again: "The president em­ phasized the importance of achieving the zero option." At journey's end, the Middle East crisis had invaded the trip. Haig was a central figure. Would he go to Israel? Why did we have so little control over an ally? Another instance of the presi· dent's limited power was being vividly demonstrated just across the Rhine. Out of his sight and hearing, one of the largest crowds in postwar Germany had assembled to protest the arms race. Two hundred fifty thou­ sand peaceable people carpeted a hillside, watched over by amaz­ ingly benign German police who helped them lift their bicycles over police barricades. Haig had nothing to say about the demonstrators. He does not approve of them. He shares the president's feeling that the Ger­ man peace movement is excess­ ive. When he complained to Chancellor Helmut Schmidt about it, Schmidt rejoined dryly th~t the world should be glad that the Germans are now pas­ sionate for peace instead of war. Haig plainly made himself in­ dispensable on the European trip. He might make himself even more so if he could explain to the president that, in Ger· maJlY, he is dealing with a de­ programmed nation.

image Changes "An adult's understanding of God is not the same all a child's. As we grow up, and as our ex­ perience of life widens, our im­ age of God also changes." - Tad Guzie

100 .. years

THE ANCHOR­ Friday, June 25, 1982






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j 't~ .~ +' DIRECTED BY Joseph Scammons, the choir of Sacred He~rt Church, Newl Bedford, was heard in concert earlier this month for the benefit of No~re ~ame parish, Fall River, destroyed by fire May 11. Singing before a packed church, the choristers raised over $1300 for the-Notre Dame fund; (Andrews Photo) ~ ~


Numbers tell story.

Continued from page one Order priests: a decrease of 119. 746 .Permanent Deacons were 1980, and the number ()f Reli­ gious went down slightly less. added during the past year to the 4,725 'recorded last year to than one percent to 73,900.' There were 960,991 nuns in bring the current total to 5,471, the world at the close of 1980v for a total of 63,556 clergy. Pro­ fessed religious personnel include a decrease 'of 13,691. During' 1980 there were 7,880 .Brothers, a decrease of 86, and 121,370 Sisters,. repres~nt­ 17,541,164 Catholic bapt~sms per­ formed, 93.6 percent'of them on ing a· decrease of 1;283; Other- ·U.S.· statistics show a' children up to' seven years ·old.· record total of 18,903 parishes in 'There were 4,156,264 Catholic marriage ceremonies, with .8.1 the 50 states, infant baptisms the highest in 10 years and converts. percent of them inclu4ing a non­ the highest in 13 years. Marri­ Catholic partner. ages increased by 2,630, to 353, U.S. Figures 375, as did deaths, up 8,194 with U.S" 'Catholics' numbered a total of 425,241 recorded. 51,207,579, 22.17 percent of the Fulltime' students in Catholic total population, during 1981, the schools numbered 3,712,102, up .Catholic Directory reports. This for the first time in 17 years. was an increase of 757,737 over' There are 5,596 more lay teachers' 1980. than a year ago among fulltime There are 33 U.S. archdioceses staff numberng 173,230. In 1944, and 141 dioceses, 'with Chicago when first recorded, lay teachers the largest archdiocese, number~ . numbered 8.25 percent of Cath~ ing 2,374,138 Catholics, fol­ olic school personnel. Now they lowed by Los Angeles; with represent 74.5 percent, while 2,303,560. Over one'million Cath­ olics . are reported by Boston, 1,913,827; New York, 1,839,000; Philadelphia, 1,386,247; Newark, 1,374,484, and Detroit, 1,259,807. . . ' Brooklyn continues as the largest .......----,.--~---=----:..~

COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS diocese, with a Catholic popula­ This support' group for b'e­ tion of 1,372,402. rea.ved parents will meet af 7:30 Eleven dioceses reported no p.m. Monday at St. Louis de .change in Catholic populations, France youth ·center, Swansea. N d f . . while 44 reflected decreases. Ad­ ee s 0 gnevmg parents will be discUissed all.d a tape by vances were reported by ·118: Nancy Hogan, ~N will be play­ sees, the largest in Corpus Chris­ ed. Information: Leo and Georg­ ti, 130,750; Brownsville, 76,792; . ette Le Comte, 676-8458. Los Angeles, 72,380; Miami, BL. SACRAMENT, FR 59,902, and Detroit, 57,676. New Vision, the parish news­ The largest decreases were paper will. be on sale at all this weekend. It will be noted in Boston, 103,123; San Masses assembled at 10 a.m. tomorrow Diego,. 22,957; Lansing, 20,268; in the church hall. Volunteer Fargo, 14,662; Chicago, 12,184; . help wanted. New Orleans, '11,126, and Austin, Young people will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in the chapel. 10,566. . The parish prayer group The 1982' Directory lists 357 meets at 7:30 p.m. each Monday at the parish center. members of the hierarchy, a de­ crease of three from a year ago. CATHEDRAL CAMPS A decrease of 313, brings the Counselors will meet from 7 'total of ordained U.S. priests to to 9 p.m. Simdayand Wednesday 58,085; there are now 35,513 or and from 9 to noon Saturday, July 3, for training sessions in 114 fewer Diocesan or Secular . preparation for the camp sea'­ priests and 22,572 Religious son, to open Monday, July 5.

[ , 0' ntl ) Iteer ng p

there are 65.5 percent fewer classroom sisters than in 1964, the peak year for sister-teachers. CCD classes reported 977,098 hig~ school and 3,323,398 gram­ mar school students enrolled,' for a total of 4;300,496, down 90,009 from 1980 figures. With 19 fewer Catholic hospi­ tals, bed 'capacity decreased by 255 in 1981; nevertheless,' pa­ tients treated increased by 175,471 to a record high of 37,168,573. . Diocesan Figures What about the Fall River diocese? We .have 188 active dio­ cesanpriests, up one from 1980,· plus 172 priests belonging to re': ligious communities, total un­ changed. There are 738 sisters, down two from 1980. Conv.erts number 166, up from 98, ~hile total baptisms are 5,835, up 11. Increases· are posted in both marriages and deaths: marriages up from 2,329 to 2,362; and deaths f~om 3,382 to 3,639. Also at Cathedral Camp, 10­

~ated in East Freetown, the an­

nual altar boy day will take place Wednesday from 10 a..m. to 3 p.m. . ,Parishes are invited to send servers fora day of fun and competition in athletic and waterfront events. Swim suits, baseball gloves and lunches should be brought. Soft drinks will be provided. Trophies will be awarded to winning parishes or groups of parishes. Last year's champions were the boys from St. George, Westport. Parishes -intending to send boys should notify the camp at 763-8874 or Father Leonard Mullaney, 644-5585. .ADORERS The Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament 'will hold their monthly 'hour from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday 'at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven, under direc­ tion of Father Henry Creighton, SS.CC., pastor. Refreshments. All welcome. Exposition will take' place Friday, July 2, follOWing 8:30 a.m. Mass until 8:45.p.m., also at Sacred Hearts Church. . (See also page 16.)

Continued from page one MENDEL its inscription reads I Will Teach You of Life And of Life Eternal The smaller bell is named PASTEUR its inscription reads Thanks Be To God . "Mrs. Frank R. Lillie, a c'on­ vert, who gave the shrine as ad­ junct to St. Joseph's. parish church, named the Angelus bells for Mendel and Pasteur - two Catholic pioneers in the' study of life - with a special view to the scientists working at the re­ nowned Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratories across the inlet. . .. "The bells have rung out each morning, noo'n and ev~ning since they were blessed in 1930 by the Bishop of Fall River, during a special dedication procession and Mass. "On the metal facing of the tower door, dedicated to St. Joseph, are six scenes from the life of the saint, telling the' joy­ ous message of, the Eternal Word become man. ... . "Inside the door is a small oratory. Around the walls are miniature Stations of the Cross, calling us to meditate upon H.im Who by His death has given life to the WOfld. On a table and 'some shelves are the ,Bible and Christian books of many centur­ ies.... "Stepping out again from the .oratory, we behold a garden, at the other end of the hedged tower enclosure. But this is no ordinary pleasure' garden: 'it is a Mary Garden dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, around whose statue God's riches and artistry - the plants and blooms - are ordered in garden beds. "Plant markers, and a notice posted to one side tell more: that the garden is composed of plants which centuries ago, in the popu­ lar tradition of pre-reformation, Catholic England were ,seen and named to rec~ll Our Lady and her mysteries. Ordered here about her statue, they join the Angelus bells in singing a litany of her praises: Virgin Flower, Assump­ tion Lily, Mystical Rose . . . . "The plants and blooms also bring us testimony of the deep piety of a former age when Chris­ tian love and devotion were mir­ rored in even the little things of daily life, such as the flowers of the - field. With penetrating clarity and impact we are struck by the imprint of intimate de­ votion as out of the silence of the centuries the pendant bloom clusters ·of primrose once again come into focus as "Our Lady's Keys;" the. pointed seed pods of wild geranium as "Madonna's 'Pins;" the stout, erect stalk and blossom clusters of mullein as "Mary's Candle;" the dainty blue blossoms of harebell as "Our Lady's Thimble;' the slender buds of honeysuckle as "Ouf Lady's Fingers" . . . and many others. The faithful have no need of books in order to react. Is there here, perhaps, a glimpse of a vast forgotten' heritage from the ages of the Faith - Ii sacra­ mental view of nature which !lwaits only the vision of faith to be restored to life?"

THE ANCHOR­ Friday, June 25, 1982



Child on trial

Dear Editor: Recently on television there was the rather shocking story of a seven-year-old arrested and brought to trial on a number of charges. EventuaIly he was con­ victed on three counts. Someone expressed horror that such a thing would be televised. PersonaIly, I had mixed emo­ tions. Truly, I was saddened to see such a child in a court of law but I was not shocked. Most of the teenagers and adults whom I have talked with in Walpole and Norfolk state prisons began their journey to these institutions when they were 8, 10, 12 years old.... It is long overdue for more and more television news cover­ age of the children and teenagers who are stealing cars, money, breaking and entering, dealing in drugs, drinking,\ raping, and prostituting themselves. If we are going to reduce crime and the need for more prison expansion then the police, mental health facilities, churches, synagogues, family counseling agencies, and everyone will have to bring their healing gifts to bear with children, teenagers, and their parents. When a 31­ year-old murderer says that his trip to Walpole State Prison be­ gan at 8 years of age in a foster home, it sounds like a broken record.... Please God that more will be put in our newsmedia about children, teenagers, and females who are getting into trouble through illegal behavior. Rev. Joseph P. McDermott Catholic Chaplain Norfolk State Prison

Appeal Dear Eiditor: I am a Jesuit missionary in the mission station of Malligapu­ ram. The people here are very poor, too poor to afford to have decent clothes. Therefore I will be very grateful to you if you could please ask the readers. of The Anchor to send me used light clothes in parcels of 4 to 6 pounds and religious articles such as rosaries. Fr. Alexis Fernando, SJ 51. Antony's - Malligapuram Uttiramerur PO 603406 Chingleput Dt. Tamil Nadu, India

Rosaries Dear Editor: Thank you for publishing my recent letter concerning the need for more rosaries for distribution to those in need. The responses are still coming in which shOws the reading power of your paper and also a healthy grassroots in­ terest in the rosary. You will also be pleased to know that over 500,000 new mission rosaries were made and distributed during the first two months of 1982, a substantial in­ crease over the same period in 1981. Lawrence B. Severson Albany, N.Y.



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SURROUNDED BY present and former directors of St. Mary's Home, New Bedford, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rivard celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. Rivard, who lived at the home as a child, has been in charge of its maintenance since 1956. From left, Father Armando A. Annunziato, and F ather William W. Norton, past directors, Father Thomas L. Rita, present director. (Rosa Photo)'

'St. Mary's really helped me out' June 17 was a big day for Lor­ "a lot of theatres with the sis­ raine and Raymond Rivard, one ters. We had to walk down the on which they renewed their street in single file, 110 of us wedding vows after 25 years of with two sisters who took care marriage. The celebration took of us. We must have looked like place at 51. Mary's Children's a bunch of ants going down the Home, New Bedford, a place that road." has seen much of Rivard's life. The youngsters washed their .He t1)ought about, that Iifp the own clothes and did ,other chores; . other day, recaIling that he came' "I did the basement 'flboruntil to 51. Mary's as a l3-year-old, they found out that the boys when his parents separated, did a !>etter job on the dishes leaving their ten children without than the girls," said Rivard. "So then I did dishes for four years. a family home. I didn't mind because we got to "The older ones went to live on their own and my' ·mother eat the leftover food." After five years at the home, moved to California to live with one of my sisters," said Rivard. he said, he resumed living with He and a youriger brother and his mother, who had returned sister went to 51. Mary's, which from California. He held several had 110 children, compared to its jobs before he was offered his present 35. Most were from present position at St. Mary's, broken families, said Rivard, where he has worked since Labor who feels, however, that the Day, 1956. youngsters now at St. Mary's The following June, at age 20, have more difficult problems he married the former Lorraine than did those of the past. Vieira. The couple has two sons Nowadays, with fewer young- . and a daughter. sters, a different regime pre­ One son is a carpenter, the vails, but in those days life at . other a steam engineer, develop­ the home was quite programmed. ing the interest as a youngster "They had to have the discip­ observing the workings of St. line," explained' Rivard. "There Mary's furnace. . were too many kids to let them "I think life is great, to have roam· around doing what they kids is fantastic," declared Riv­ pleased... · ard. "I think that helped make So the boys and girls arose at my marriage beautiful and it's 6 a.m., attended Mass and did good to see them grown up. chores before breakfast. School They were all brought to began at 8:30 a.m" continuing S1. Mary's after their baptism. until 10:30 a.m.,· when chores They always' had a Mass for the were resumed. After lunch it kids and· Sister Dativa, who's was back to the classroom from still here, put my kids on the 1 to 3 p.m., recreation until 6 altar in the chapel so they would p.m., then back again to the be blessed by the priest. They books from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. were good to my kids and I Recreation was limited, said think it was great. Rivard,because of the .large "You have to work to keep number of youngsters, but base­ your family going' and some baIl and soccer were played and people can't cope with that ­ the, boys belonged to a Scout· it's tough. Family life is very troop. "Mostly we built models," important to me. I taught my he added," since there were so kids what Father (William D.) many kids here." Thomson used to say to me. He He also recollected going to said 'You're here, we're doin&

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everything we can for you. But when you get beyond the two front doors, what you make of yourself, you do it.' "St. Mary's really helped me out. What they taught me, I went out and did it. St. Mary's means a lot to me because if it was not there, I would p~ve been living on the street."




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 25, 1982

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·A By Pat McGowan



at a Catholic Evidence Guild rummage sale. Maisie, the poten­ tial buyer, asked Frank, the salesman, "Have you no better sCissors?" Frank replied .solemnly and with perfect truth, "Madame, there are no' better scissors." The "deuterocanon," said ·Wil­ frid, was that Frank, a" new speaker, took over a Catholic Evidence Guild platform from

Wilfrid Sheed, the famous son of famous parents, recently visit-· ed Fall River on what amounted to a sentimental journey. Him­ 'self an outstanding novelist,. bio­ grapher and essayist, whose most recent book is a biography of Clare Boothe Luce, he was in the area to lecture on his peri: patetic parents, the late Frank Sheed and Maisie Ward Sheed. For decades the "dynamic duo" of Catholic book publishing . in the United States, England and Australia, the Sheeds wrote scores of books themselves and crisscrossed the world lecturing on Catholicism, literature and. education. Equally at home before sophis­ ticated audiences or pickup crowds in LondOlt's Hyde Park or New York's Union Square, they proclaimed the Good News with humor, clarity and persis­ . tence until Maisie's death in 1975 and Frank's last November. As their son told his audience at a Bridgewater State' College library literary festival, "My father is famous for givingCath­ olics permission to think without Thomas Pasternak Reg. Ph.

benefit of clergy." Bauer Photo CONSULTING PHARMACIST


given in a lecture hall where his AND OTHER

father had spoken several years Maisie, who .had drawn a large RESIDENT CARE FACIUTIES

before, was ,~ased on the first crowd. As soon as Frank began speaking, ,the crowd drifted few' chapters of his work-in-pro­ gress,. a biography of his parents.' away. Maisie returned and pulled' .! back .the audience, which Frank 202 ROCK STREET ~ FALL RIVER They were hard parents to ex­ promptly lost again. "So it went plain, said. ~heir son.. As dedi­ 679-1300 through the aft~rnoon/' said their cated members of the Catholic -, "" -(\ ­ .: . . \ ... ,,,' "son.• ' ~ .; l 'v Evidence' Guild; Ii. weU:'trained ., ."'A··t-S·O .:,:::,,,"":.~ .. " " ..,,.r-~". ; r.", . ' , ' , __ ~, corps of street-corner speakers, . "All the legends are true," he concluded.· they trudged 'off faithfully; Sun­ 1224 'Pleasan~ Street, Cor. H~r;ison Street Soon, of course, both Sheeds day after Sunday, "to explain - Fall River, ~ass. the faith to' people - my father developed their platform styles. : , moanirigand praying for rain.' ·"Maisie struck a deeper chord 676- 8.:9 3 9 than Frank- ever could reach or For a kid, no amount of respect­ NOS FALA'MOS.PORTUGUES ability 'irl other sectors 'could wanted to," said Wilfrid. "While make up for the oddness in this." Frank 'was a revolutionary call­ the barricades, Maisie . .- - - - - - -...- - - -. .- -. .- - - - -. .---.~-. Wilfrie!is older sister, Rose~ ing ,you wasa mother calling. her child­ mary, followed' 'their'parents on· ren home." to the. outdoor platform, but The effect, his·mother had on Wilfrid: .i·suffers· from incurable an audience, he added was to stage' .fright." He did, however, make them feel, "If it means so to be one of several ei-· .agree much to her, we'd better listen." ••• c perts on 'British life interviewed . the Sheeds met, he said, When . 'Jjy' William 'Buckley in connec­ tion with the 'American telecasts it gave Maisie an' escape hatch of the critically acclaimed from her <hothouse upper-class world. "It was as if a stranger "Brideshead Revisited." turned up with the other half of Parenthetically he said that a code. The code was to be the the commentaries were somewhat strange·world.of Sheed and Ward generalized because all were - a Siamese twin of a voc'ation taped at one sitting, a procedure which neither. ~ould have pur­ made more bearable .by a large sued solo," and, excellent cheese provided by During its time, said Wilfrid, Buckley for the sustenance of Sheed and Ward was a revolu­ participants. tion, introducing European Cath­ Any new court looks good on the sur· Sherry Driveways are especially Of 'Brideshead itself he said "I olic thought to the United States face but the asphalt underneath engineered io endure heavy useage. felt I was walking in on my and American Catholics to each makes a difference on your feet, In After years of experience paving mother's family when I watched." other, . even your playIng, and in how the court everything from Interstate highways turning "the wears. Sherry All Weather Courts to airstrips, Sherry knows the best Maisie Ward had the most bril­ church's mind away from foot­ stand up to hard use and hard New technique and materlals'to use II) your liant mind in her intensely Cath­ ball and fundraising for a few England weather. driveway. olic English gentry family, he precious minutes." explained, "and nowhere to go Those who followed the de· A well constructed driveway or tennis court is a wise investment. with it" in a post-Victorian age velopment of Catholic tho~ght Either will increase the value of your property. that' regarded young ladies as through Sheed and Ward books, household. ornaments. A trusted name in the Construction Industry Since 1933. . he said, were able to comprehend "It was commonly understood the upheaval of church life in . the 'family that Frank had brought about by Vatican II. Also: rescued Maisie," said Wilfrid. Of ,sheed family life, Wilfrid Excavating "There was a brilliancy to their. said that while Maisie bossed no Equipment Rental love; they didn't hang on to each one, no one fought near ·Frank. Utilities Construction CONSTRUCTION CORP. other like marathon dancers.' "Family. fights simply fizzled at Seal Coating FALL RIVER. MA. He said there were two stories .his feet." of how his parents had met. One Frank was born in Australia had the initial contact taking' in· 1897, the son of a Marxist place over a pair of rusty s.cissors father and a Catholic mother.











....~ ".


The paternal grandparents, how­ ever, were strongly Scotch Pres­ byterian and possibly in a reac­ tion against both that and Cath­ olicism, the father insisted that Frank attend Methodist services three times every Sunday. There the little boy learned hymns and read the Bible through and through, while at the same time conducting a sub­ terranean Catholic life and reo maining utterly faithful to Cath­ olic teaching. . Catholicism had "a rare whiff of adventure" for young Frank, said Wilfrid, since he was going against his father's wishes in pursuing it. In other ways, howev~r, Frank had an unusually free boyhood. HisfatheJ: did not believe in school attendance or even in. learning to read until age eight. As a result he ran the streets, probably acquiring his feeling for crowds, speculated Wilfrid. . Frank studied law but never practiced, a lasting disappoint­ ment to his family, who had hoped "he would become the Al Smith or John F. Kennedy of Australia," noted Wilfrid. .The argumentive side of law appealed strongly to the young man,. however - until he began wondering. why he was arguing. He did some teaching, for which he had a great natural gift; but again .the question: What was worth teaching? In that mood he took a year off from studies to' visit Eng­ land. There he discovered the Evidence Guild, Maisie Ward:and -direction for the remainder of· his life. At that life's end,said Wilfrid, .Frank Sheed summed it up sim­ ply: "I did what I wanted to do and I had fun doing it." ,f.

~Lebanon .Continued from Page One called it "a nlltion quite capable of governing itself if given the opportunity." , The critical need in the coun­ try, he said, is for food, for the 200,000. families. made homeless by the recent' attacks. In west Beirut alone, said Msgr. Meaney, 2,000 children under age four are in desperate daily need of milk and diapers. Another urgent need, he said,· is for blankets and mattresses. For the situation in. Lebanon to improve, Msgr. Meaney said, all foreign element~ must with­ draw, especially Israeli and, Sy­ rian forces, and the Palestine Liberation Organization must be .dissolved. But the dissolution of the PLO will never come, he said, until a Palestinian homeland is estab­ lished. And a homeland, in turn, is inconceivable without a guar­ antee by Palestinians of the in­ tegrity of Israel's borders. The withdrawal of foreign ele­ ments would allow Lebanon to create, its own future, which would be full of promise, said Msgr. Meaney. "They are a resilient people," he said. "There is ~eadership there, and they are well-educa­ ted. Left to govern themselves, they will do very welL"

r •. _

Aid for celibate gourmets

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 25, ] 982

By Marianne Strawn ARLINGTON, Va. (NC) - For much of her life Jane Mengen­ hauser seems to have had one hand stirring the sauce pan, one in church and one punching-a typewriter. This is more hands than usuall but Mrs. Mengenhauser has been busy. Yet this combination of active ingredients was the yeast that gave rise to a cookbook for re­ ligious, "The Celibate Gourmet." The slight volume 'has a gray cover that mimics the old Balti­ more Catechism. "I wanted it to look respectable on a priest's desk," said Mrs. Mengenhauser, explaining why she ruled out pink or bright yelIow. The recipes are' so easy, the book claims, "that even a bishop can use them." Mrs. Mengenhauser has "FoIL th-iA I .6pent 60Wl /jew bt the .6emlmvL/j!" brought more than a casual in­ ,terest in cuisine to the concoc­ EASY BARBECUED 'BEEF tion of her first cookbook. She is food editor of the daily Journal Use 1 lb. lean hamburger for'each 4 newspapers that c i r cui ate servings. Brown meat in a skillet and throughout the suburbs of Wash­ pour off fat. Add 1 cup catsup and 1 ington. tbsp. EACH. vinegar. sugar. prepared The idea for the cookbook be­ mustard and Worcestershire sauce. * Simmer gan simmering around 1968, she to 15 min. Spoon over warm or toasted 10 said, but because she had a small hamburger 'buns. Recipe may be doubled or child and little spare time, the tripled. Serve with cole slaw anQ/or project went on the back burner. french fries. Not writing the cookbook *for each pound hambur~er bothered her. But suddenly a whole new breed of religious ap­ peared in the working world alld the undertaking seemed more urgent. ".; ,,' Before the second Vatican recipes,are easy, although a few Council, Mrs. Mengenhaus,er by specific people Mrs. Mengen­ said, a priest or sister at the end hauser and her husband have edge t,oward the fancy. "Some­ times priests enjoy entertaining," of a long day could always de­ ,known, including a, Texas New­ pend on a hot meal whipped up man Club chaplain who seldom she said. "Soq1e, are even gour­ ate. "We'd. stop by' and ask, met cooks." by the cook at the rectory, con­ 'Have you eaten today, Father?' Next on the menu, Mrs. Men­ vent or monastery. No more. genhauser is considering a' natu­ Often, he hadn't." The food editor feIt cal1ed upon The artist for the publication ral food cookbook emphasizing to explain the business end of a was George Marino, who, with nutrition. "While many are filI­ can opener to the sisters, broth­ ers and priests who were also Mrs. Mengenhauser, is a member­ ing their stomachs; the nutrition government workers, teachers, of Good Shepherd' Parish in Mt. is often deploraole," she said. ' ~Ubate gourmetS of the Fall chaplains and social workers Vernon, Va. In the main dish section of the 'River diocese: if you have recipes who had to fend for themselves both in ,the world and in the book, ,one cartoon depicts an you'd Uke to share with y~r aproned priest standing over a colleagues, ,send' them to our kitchen. "Everything'is quick, easy and steaming colander, lamenting, just-appointed Gourmet Editor cheap," she said. "But it's good, "For this I spent four years in (he doesn't yet know he's ac­ quired a new job) at The Anchor. the seminaryl" too." The book was also prompted , Directions are explicit and the P.O. Bo~ 7, Fall Rlv~r 02722.


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,MRS to aid Haitians

By NC News Service The Migration and Refugee Services of the U.S. Catholic Conference has offered to re­ settle Haitians paroled by an experimental program announced by the U.S. J~stice Department. Attorney General William French Smith said the parole plan will affect Haitians held in 11 U.S. detention centers after entering the country illegal1y. It will permit those who have law­ yers and sponsors to be released while authorities decide if they . can remain in this country. It will permit only temporary re­ lease into the custody of spon­ soring agencies or individuals, not indefinite resettlement. John McCarthy, executive 'di­

settled there and that everything rector of MRS, said, "We're rolI­ possible would be ,done to mini­ ing on it - we will have person­ mize the impact on Miami, nel in camps to provide orienta­ which is suffering a housing and tion and job counseling to detain­ ees. We'l1 resettle them, as we'~e employment shortage. done hundreds of ,thousands of Pressure on the government others, through the church struc­ from Archbishop Edward A. ture. McCarthy of Miami and Auxili­ "My bottom line is getting ary Bishop Anthony Bevilacqua them out," McCarthy said. "They of Brooklyn, N.Y., chain'nan of should never have been detained the bishops' Migration and Tour­ in the first place. They've been ism Committee, helped bring in prison for over a year." about the parole opportunity, McCarthy said. As of June 14, 1,910 undocu­ mented Haitians were in deten- ' tion, including 483 at Miami's Obligation Krome Avenue Center and 725 "AI1 men and women have the at Fort Al1en, Puerto Rico. obligation to proclaim the word McCarthy said only Haitians of God by the powerful example with immediate family members of their lives." - Bishop Mat­ in the Miami area would be reo thew Clark


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THE ANCHOR:-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 25, 1982


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The workaholic replies Make room in your life for your family. Analyze your job. Dear Dr. Kenny: My wife wrote What are the absolute essentials? you recently about my overwork , What must be done? Then simpli­ (Anchor, June 18). She's right. I fy your job. Throw all the extras work too long and too hard, and overboard. ' 1 don't enjoy it anymore. :I f I' Use. your talent' to plan and elied t 0 handl e schedule et; COO1Ptht activities. Begin with a everythmg a goes wrong... a t few se If'Ish ones. You wII. I need l the office, as if no one ese' 'h h could do it right. I am tired all - t ese to c~mpensate for t e I.oss the time, yet, I feel I have to you experIence when you wlth­ keep on working. I wouldn't ' draw part of yourself from work. Plant a garden. Take up jog­ know what to do If n weren't ging. Get yourself a pet.' Are working. I can't, play anymore. I don't there any arts and crafts you know how to have fun. I truly would like to learn? Check a few want to be with my family, but books out ?f th.e library. Don't I don't know how to make the try everythlOg, Just one or two switch. Help me before I lose all' hobbies you might enjoy. that I hold dear. - mlnois . Develop some personal skills. y. ou have already taken the Learn deep relaxation. Practice first and biggest step toward contemplation. Rediscover your overcomnig any addiction. You innate sense of awe and wonder. have admitted that you are a Let go again, as you did when workaholic. I am optimistic that you were young. Find room for you can continue to move in the laughter in your life. Plan new experiences, perhaps direction of good sense. The next step is to do a little something you have not done meditating. Rest is important for since you were a teen. Ideally, try renewal. You will be' a better something that involves some worker if you learn to mix lei­ risk O'r danger. Taking a chance sure with your labors. Follow or two adds spice. God's example. With all his omni­ Schedule family' activities. Sit potence and eternal energies, he down with your wife and plan saw fit to program a day of rest. family milestones. Celebrate all BY,Dr. James and Mary K _

birthdays and anniversaries. And don't forget the more ordinary family events. Celebrate meals and bedtimes. 'Food and sleep can be enhanced with a song or a story. Live your days in the family with a bit of flair; Schedule your time free from work. Stop bringing work home.' Stop going to the office on week­ ends. Plan your evenings and weekends for personal or family activities. Plan now for a sum· mer vacation. Schedule breaks in, your day. The coffee break is a sound idea~ Phone your wife for fun. Have lunch with her. Make "day breaks" sacred. Taking this positive approach is the best way to overcome an addiction to work. Use your pen­ chant for programming and your ' energy to reinvest in personal and family living. A warning, however. Don't program your leisure time as if it were an extension of work. Take time simply to be! Reader questions on family, living and child care to be aJ1Io swered in print are Invited. Ad­ dress The Kennys, Box 872, St. , Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.

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.Another problem is that "there tentionally," Gutmann said, and WASHINGTON (NC) - Elder­ ly people encounter some unique later,' the roles simply reverse. are six times as many widows difficulties,along with the probe In a research study in which as there are widowers," Gutt. lems they remember from their Gutmann was the principal in­ man· said. He advised women to teen 'years; when !they ,return: tor­ vestigator, 'lie found there is a' find other supports :by building dating situations, according 't6 a great deal of ambi~aiEmce about networ~s of friends. professor who studies aging. whose needs should come 'first However, he said dating for David Guttmann, director of -the elderly parent's or the adult the elderly is not all problems child's. ' - Guttmann said e.I.derly people the Catholic University of Am­ He said sometimes the child are a little less concerned with erica's Center for the Study of Pre-retirement, and Aging, said will show disapproval of an' the material and worldly poss­ the problems elderly may face in elderly parent's friends, lifestyle essions and professional and social prestige. dating after the death of a or decision to remarry. The dis­ approval may stem form the Courtships tend to be shorter spouse include prejudice and ig­ child's selfishness or from jeal., before ,a marriage results and norance about their needs, in­ 'terference from their children, ously t~at he might have to the wisdom of experience can share his inheritance, Guttmann enhance the relationships, he denial that they can make de­ said. cisions, a disproportionate ratio suggested. their Parents should discuss "If someone has valuable ex­ of women to men and less mo­ arrangements with their' child­ perience in life, he will be open bility. There is a "wholesale denial ren but the most important and honest in relationships," of elderly people's needs for thing about any decision the Guttmann said. With the end of meaningful relationships," said ~Iderly parent makes, Guttmann life near at hand, "he would be Guttmann, when in fact, "the added, is that if it makes the more apr to see thal nothing need ,for companionship 'and parent happy, the child should 'could be gained from lack of communication." sharing is as great or greater in respect it. old age," , ' Some cultures encourage mOTe :1 physical and sexual aspects in '-f~i elderly relationships than others, ff Guttmann said. He added, how­ ever, that "if people are healthy, \I they can engage in satisfying (I sexual relationships until they 1,\ are very old," , He said most American elderly have acquired a sense of re­ I sponsibility for their own 'lives; however, it is often their child­ ren "who have ideas about what 1,,\ is appropriate social behavior for their parents", in all aspects of their relationships ,with \' others. \ I Guttmann said children of the elderly sometimes feel they have the right to approve and disap­ prove of how parents lead their MRS. MARY GROCHMAL TARDf, a secretary in the lives. He said that often depends New Bedford office of the Diocesan' Department of Social on howchildrep were raised: "Parents sometimes teach their Services, is one of the scores of behind-the-scenes people children 'lack of respect' unin­ who keep diocesan programs functioning efficiently.


uestion corner By Father John Dietzen Q. When someone dies and has received all the rites of the church. and we know that he or she has led a good ChrIstian life. what do you think of having Masses offered for the deceased? If we' believe In Goers mercy and love, do you think that year after year we shouldl continue to offer. and have Masses said, for them? (Dlinois) 1\. There are many reasons

why Masses may be offered for a deceased person. First, as all prayer, the intention may be to ask God's blessing and grace on that person during his or her life. Strange as it sounds, we know that God is not bound by the limits of time. Past, present and future are all now to him. And we can put ourselves in that sphere of reference of eternity in our prayers.

context of the end of the world. The words seem to have been used by Christians of the very .early church as a support for. their belief that the end of time was near, and perhaps would ar· rive before the death of many persons still alive. See, for ex­ ample, Mark 13:30-31. Because of the volume of mall, it usually is impossible for .Father Dietzen to respond to letters personally. Questions for this column shoulcll be sent to Father Dietzeo, St. Mark's Par­ ish, 1113 W. Bradley. Peoria, m. 61606.

eHD collection .hits new high'

WASHINGTON (NC) - Con­ tributions to the U.S. bishops' Campaign for Human Develop­ The church in fact does this ment, reaching a 12-year high in all the time; in the funeral lit·, 1981, broke the $9 million level, urgy, for example, and in some said Father Marvin A. Mottet,. anniversary liturgies years after executive director of the cam· paign. the individual is deceased, the Based on returns and estimates prayers ask God to give that in­ from individual Catholic dioceses dividu~ the blessing of a holy up to June 16, the mo~t recent and peaceful death. collection will exceed $9.3 mil­ Another reason is that, as long lion, surpassing the previous Christian tradition teaches, our year's total of $8.7 million, prayers and other good works Father Mottet said. can truly help those who have "That this level of response died in any satisfaction for sin should occur in the existingdiffi­ that may be due. Exactly how cult recessionary climate, with this works out in God's provi­ its high level, of unemployment dence we naturally do not know. and underemployment," he said, But it is still valid and solid "is a further manifestation of Catholic belief. the tremendous good will of so Finally and this is far many men and women. Truly, more common than we might hard times do not make hard think ..... our Masses and prayers hearts." can simply express thanks and Begun by the bishops in 1970, praise to God for the life of a the Campaign for Human De­ person we have loved and still velopment is the national pro­ love. I know many men and gram of education and action women who firmly believe their sponsored by the U.S. Catholic loved ones are in heaven, and Church to combat poverty. who may even pray. to them as among the saints of God, but Think about This they still have Masses offered "Almost anything you do will for them. Obviously these Masses are simply expressions of their be insignificant but, it is very faith and hope - a part of their important that you do it." - Ma­ remembering, and of their joy hatma Gandhi over the happiness' of someone they love.

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AUGUST 15·30

Q. I was asked some time ago what was meant by the words. "Heaven and earth will pass away." I couldn't answer it. Can you tell me what Jesus might have meant by this? (Massachu­ setts) A. In this context, heaven does not mean the eternal home of the blessed, but rather the ma­ terial universe outside of this ear-tho It is the meaning of the Genesis statement that God created "the heavens and the earth." In other words, it refers to all material creation which will pass away, at least as we are ac­ quainted with it now. God's word, however, his will and his truth are eternal.

THE ANCHOR - . Friday, June 25, 1982

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 25, 1982

Jesus and the Sabbath


they challenged Jesus to justify the disciples' actions. Mark dramatized the growing He answered in true rabbinic tension between Jesus and the fashion by asking a question. religious leaders by telling a How come even King David and

story about the Sabbath laws in his men broke the law to satisfy his Gospel. their hunger, eating the dedica­ Jesus and his disciples had ted loaves reserved' by the law passed tl)rough a field of grain to the priests. on the Sabbath. As they walked, In David's case it was not the they ate some grain. Sabbath rules that were broken Some Pharisees objected. They but the principle was the same: had listed 39 activities forbidden Positive law must give way to on the Sabbath, and reaping a higher law, in this case human ,crops was one of them. The fact need.

that they' interpreted random At this point the Pharisees' plucking of 'a few heads of grain objection had been answered. as ,reaping is an indication of But Mark added two final say­

'how far the h;galistic mindset ings.

can go - in any age. ' The first. is a statement of the Had it not been the Sabbath, principle embodied in, the an­ swer: "The' Sabbath was made there would have been no prob­ lem. The law permitted casual for man, not man for the Sab­ 'sampling of a neighbor's grain. bath." The' original intent of the In' fact, reapers were expected Sabbath resf had been quite to leave enough standing for the humanitarian: to ensure that workers had one' day of relaxa­ 'poor who would collect the left­ tion a week. overs. The legalists had forgotten' But this was 'the Sabbath and By Father John





this, even though the rabbis

recognized the validity of Jesus'

principle and actually used it

themselves in this form: "The

Sabbath is' delivered unto you and you are not delivered to the


, The final saying is much more

to Mark's immediate point, and

that is the superiority of Jesus

to the law." That is why the Son . of Man is Lord even of the Sab­ bath." It is no longer a question of a specific law yielding to' human: need, but of the Sabbath itself

.yielding to the aut~rity of

Jesus. This is what in~uriated his


, Who was he to place himself

above Moses? Here is, where the

conflict really lay.

This lesson seems to have been

of some importance to the early

Christians. By' what had they

changed the Sabbath from Satur­

day to Sunday? Here was the

answer. It was by the authority

of the risen Lord.

Touching a saint


assignments as surgical nurse, course, when Sister Thomas had

anesthesiologist, 0 b s t t ric a I to relinquish her pastoral work

As I d~ove Sister Thomas back nurse, classroom instructor, pas­ as well. But :her faith and love to the convent, I was struck by toral servant. Recallirig names burned as strong as ever. Some of the 750,000 participants in the World

the matter-of-fact manner in from 30 years before, her memo She made 'the transition to re­ which she. described the way she ory belied her 51 years as 'a Sis­ March for Peace held June 12 in Manhattan.

tirement g'racefullY., It wasn't had· saved the' life of a infant ter of Mercy. just what ',she said or did that during birth.

We first,~et ·.when=she' was a made, SUfh,. a.'"I1''''?, 'o"lbo,"" , I wondered how many others who knew her. She possessed a " she had saved physically over a hospital sacristan. Her nursing presence, a certain holiness. days were over but her devotion lifetime in hospital work, and We did not get ,to see Sister how many bruised souls had to the spiritual wellbeing of By Delores Leckey destructive forces in the world. Thomas as often as we wanted, others continued. She visited the come to this gentle woman for They may be people who do healing? . sick daily, lighting each room , but we kept in touch. Christians have always sought We brought her flowers - and ways to make Jesus' teachings little things: eat less meat, own My wife and I ,relished our with her lilting Irish brogue arid one car, live with fewer luxuries. she would put them in the chapel visits with Sister Thomas during broad Gaelic grin. alive' and dynamic for their own They ,may be people whose Turn to page thirteen The day finally came, of which she modestly recalls her, time. Jesus challenges every age. hope in Jesus does not allow St. Catherine of Siena, a wo­ them to be numbed by the lone­ man of the Middle Ages, lived a Turn to Page Thirteen life of intense political and re­ ligious '~ctivity. St. Thomas More struggled ette, the former Pope Gregory the Baptist were' to appear be­ By Katherine Bird with the delicate balance of fam­ .XLII, explains, "I understood fore a largely disbelieving audi­ ily and public responsibilities "I was alone, on a high, bar­ that I must announce this event, ence. against a complex international ren peak. All about me were prepare the world for, it. I was By Jaoaan Manternach In the novel, the Soviet Union jagged mountains, black against called to proclaim that the last is confronted by a famine; her background in the court of King She'stood in the doorway. Peo­ a lurid sky. The place was still Days were very ,near and that troops are ready for war if Henry VIII. In the late 19th century St. ple were shouting "Jesus is com­ and silent as the grave. I felt no mankind should prepare',' for the better-off nations do not sell her Therese of Lisieux was a young ing." fear, only' a terri1?le, bleak emp­ second coming of the Lord Jesus. grain. Frenchwoman who developed She knew "a lot about Jesus. tiness,as if the .,kernel of me The nations are dividing into contemplation the gift of active She had listened to him speak character Barette is the central had been 'scooped out and only armed camps. and leaders of the .in the midst of daily 'living. She of God's love. She had heard he the husk remained. I knew what in "The Clowns of God," a cur­ left us the "little way" of Chris- had cured people. I was' seeing, the aftermath of rent best seller by Morris West, ,major powers, are. secretly pre­ tian discipleship. . ' Crowds began to 'pour into ,man's ultimate folly - a dead also author of "The Shoes of.the paring for ,nucle!lr, strikes. Fisherman." of. terrorism carry fear Acts We call Catherine, Thomas and her street. She knew Jesus was planet." His new novel focuses on what everywhere.: In sevE;..ral appalling Theresa saints, not because they getting close. She thought of ~ll Then, "in a moment of ex­ the years she had been sick. She were micracle workers but be­ : quisite agony," Jean Marie Bar- might happen if a modern John 'Turn to Page Thirteen had spent most of her savings ~n cause they understood the Gos­ doctor bills but her bleeding con- ' pel as a serious inimediate mat­ ter, arid made it effective in the tinued.. "I wonder if Jesus will help context of the details of their me," she thought. "It's worth personal lives~ trying." . What about our own time? She' could see' Jesus now, ex­ Where are today's' saints?, SOllle, of course, come readily: to cited people pressed against him. "If I just touch his clothing," mind: Mother Teresa of Calcutta she thought, "I shall get well:' or the late Dorothy May - wo­ men who have worked hard to She shoved her way toward make sure that destitute :people Jesus, reached out and touched in this world receive care. But his cloak. Immediately she felt different. there are 'others, less well known. , They are the people who" in The feeling that she was cured ran through her whole body. families, neighborhoods and par­ Jesus was aware that healing ishes, express concern and take Turn to page thirteen action to .do something about By Mike Muzzy



Saints for our time


What 1f a prophet should' appear?

II For children II


know yourfallh



Continued from page twelve instances, individual heroism is rewarded with violence. Against that background, Bar­ rette - a~ a pope - takes his revelation to his colleagues who think he has gone mad. Ulti­ mately he is forced to resign from the papacy. The bulk of the novel then fol­ lows Barette who goes into the world as a retired priest. He is confident the Lord will give him a way to reveal his message. Along the way he enlists an· intriguing assortment of helpers: a sculptor, a despairing politician, an old friend and his family. Like Christians in other times, Barette and his friends discover that the discipleship includes anxiety, pain and sometimes un­ expected rewards. That brief summary of West's novel may make it sound fright­ ening. But it is thought provok­ ing and it reflects the stress society experiences today be­ cause of what a nuclear war could mean. While not all church leaders agree on specifics - the moral­ ity of maintaining nuclear weapons as a possible deterrent to war - they do agree that nuclear weapons pressure so­ ciety as a whole and challenge Christians to become peace­ makers. The U.s. Catholic bishops. have appointed a committee to 'study the issues· of war, peace and nuclear weapons. In an interium report its chairman, Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of Cincinnati, said: "We who believe that we are stewards of life and creation, not its masters, must use all the religious and moral vision we have to prevent a threat to what God has created, what we could destroy but never recreate."

For children Continued from page twelve power had gone from him. He wheeled around. "Who touched my clothing?" he asked. . His disciples were puzzled. "With this crowd, 'how can you ask, who touched you?" they said. But Jesus kept askiQg, "Who touched my clothing?" She began to tremble. "Maybe he knows that I'm a sinful wo­ man," she thought. But then another thought came. "He has made me well. Why should I fear him?" She fell on the ground in front of Jesus. "I am the one," she admitted. She told Jesus how many years she had suffered. She told about the doctors and her wasted sav­ ings. She said she believed Jesus acted in God's name. So she trusted he would help her. Jesus was moved by her deep faith. "Daughter," he said warmly, "it is your faith that has cured you. Go in peace and be free of this illness."

The Key Kindness is the surest key to unlock hearts.



Aeross 1. 6. 8. 9. 11. 12. 1,1:1. 16. 17. 19. 20. 22. 24. 25. 28. 29. 30. )2. )).

34. )5.

)6. )8. 40. 42. 4). 44. 45. 46. 49. 54.


Land or bondage (Exodue 1,1) City in Ephraim (Joshua ).16) Door (I'atthew 7,1) King or Judah (2 langs 15,)1l) City in lIaphtali (Joshua 19.)5) HumiliAted (llomans 5,» Cushle son ('}enesis 10:7) Tovard (John 1) ,)) Jeroboam'e rather (1 King. 15.1) Mu.ical note (P.olms ),2) aehold (Hatthew 2,9) Son or Ulla (1 Chroniolee 7.)9) Philippine volcano Ruth'e mother-in-low (Ruth 1,8) Luminous circle Typo or tree (I.aiah 44.14)

To take charge (Luke 8.)1)

Judah'. old••t (Oono.is )8,6)

Toward (John I),))

Body limb (John 12,)8)

An interjection

Ajar (Revelations ),18)

Advereary (Romane 12,20)

YeUov rood dye Tellurium . Stroneman (Judgoe 1) ,24) Like (Hatthew 21,6) Small child Chisr Phoenician Dod (liumbere 22,41) lIudene•• (ROllIOI\. 8.)) Simoonian city (Joohua 1)1)2) Ho_d'. uncl0


18. 19. 21. 23. 25. 26. 27. )0. )1.


37. ),.

hD. hI.

44. 47. 48.


lIeasur. or money (Hatthew 1 q ,24) Condition (Philippians 2,19) ':tty in lIebreska (Indian tribe) Stead (!levelations 6.2) lIame To exist. '!1thin (L"ke 4'27)

':lA8r (RAvelatlons 21111)

Period or speck

Lot's son (Genesis 19,)8)

Post orfico .

To consume rood (2 Thessalonians 3,10)

An article

Country LhAsa 1s the co.pltal of

Albert Large tree (Isaiah 44,14) Like (Matthew 21,6) . A NoW' Zealand parrot

51. To recede 52. A pock or pat 53. Opposite or tobu



2. ). b.


6. 7.

8. 10.

11. 1). 11•• 15.

Continued from page twelve for all the sisters. We would ask her out for ice cream - but she would ask us to take her to visit a sick friend. So it went. When we met, she always had a gift, a rosary, a book, some­ thing for our daughter. Hers was a life of self-giving, no strings attached. Eventually, we had to say goodbye for the last time. I step­ ped into her room and she re­ marked that she was praying for all who had been praying for her. I thought to myself, '''Yes, you would, wouldn't you - despite the pain, despite the cancer?" She explained to a friend that I was a "lay missionary." Then, when we were alone, she asked me to hold her hands. Her 'strength astonished me. As she held on, she said, "Mike, we need more good men like you!" The words did not surprise me, coming from Sister Thomas. She could only see the goodness in those who passed her way. But her 'wor~s were spoken with an urgency I had never heard be­ fore. Later, as I walked to my car, I thought to myself, "If she only knew the real me, all the fears and weaknesses. I'm not good enough." It was as though she had be­ queathed some sort of spiritual trust to my care for which I felt inadequate. Yet, how could I refuse her? I had touched a saint.



Friday, June 25, 1982

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China link

To consUMe rooJ (2 Thessalonians J 110) Hugo (Katthov 4,2»

You (old Engli.h)(Matthew 18'12)

Chief nod ot ancient Memphis Son or Ephraim ( T.....,.' • •on (1 Chronicle. 2,4) T1 tlo (Katthew 1,21) City in Edom (P.olms 8)17) King or ~Iidian (Judg•• 815) \'Ihor. saul WOO buriod (2 Samuel 21,14)

King or I.r••l (1 nng. 1,1,6)

Son or Zerah (1 Chronicles 2,6)

Divisions or tho year (Matthew 21,10)

Saints for our. time

Continued from page twelve liness that can become part of life or by the damage that can be inflicted on individuals by drugs. . Hope is reborn when men and women join to do something for the world. I think of Father Bruce Ritter and his Covenant House in New York City. There he and others work to· save the lives of young people whose lives have deteriorated almost to the point of hopelessness, often because of drugs. At Co­ venant House, young people can rediscover hope. We're living in a time of short­ ages. Th~y- point to the precari­ ousness of life in a world where the future availability of nearly everything is questioned: energy, clean water and air, economic stability, food. And as shortages have develop­ ed, the world's potential for de­ struction has' expanded. Against this backdrop, Chris­ tians try t<;l discern what it means to follow Jesus here and now. I took notice recently when some people concerned about peace joined in what they called


the new Abolitionist Covenant. Its purpose is to take action for peace in the world. Those who join don't have to sign a state­ ment or petition. Rather, they pray and try to communicate, in their own environment, the need for peace and the danger of nu­ clear weapons. Basically, the covenant takes the message of peace into the marketplace, to community and civic organizations, to the media and to the government. The New Abolitionist Coven­ ant is just one example of faith-. ful and hopeful Christian life in the face of darkness and despair. There are many other examples of people moving from selfcen­ teredness to the selfless love which is at the heart of Christian­ ity. As long as there are such co­ venants, the human spirit can . grow and flourish.

Understanding' All Things "Leave all and you shall find all; leave your .desires and you shall find rest. Give your mind to this and when you have put it into practice you shall under­ stand all things." - Thomas a Kempis

LONDON (NC) - A delegation from the China Christian Coun­ cil plans to visit Britain and Ire­ land in the fall at the invitation of the British Council of Churches. The Chinese church leaders ac­ cepted an invitation by the Brit­ ish council. The British invita­ tion followed a visit to China by three representatives of the Brit­ ish Council of churches. A seven-member Chinese dele­ gation is scheduled to visit Eng­ land, Scotland and Ireland start­ ing Sept. 29. Their itinerary in­ cludes a meeting with Arch­ bishop Robert ·Runcie of Canter­ bury, Anglican leader and presi­ dent of the British Council of churches, and Britain Prime Min­ ister Margaret Thatcher.

The Secret

t:Em .





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The Anchor will not ap­ pear on Friday, July 9, due to our new 50-week pub­ lishing schedule. Steering Point notices that would have been published on that date should reach us for the issue of July 2. Adver­ tisers wishing to readjust their schedules should con­ tact Rosemary DussauRt, business manager, at their earliest convenience. The Anchor telephone number is .617-675-7151.

24-Hcur Burner Service 448 BROADWAY, TAUNTON Attleboro"':' No. Attleboro ( Taunton


·f4 .

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of 'Fall River-Fri., June 25, 1982 .. finalists in this y~~r's final, spon­ sored by Scripps-Howard news­ papers, beat out an. estimated 8.5 million contestants in local bees sponsored by 123 news­ papers.

Counselors tell you that youth frequently question their intel­ lectual' ability. Often a student has grown up as "the gifted child" or "the achiever" in his .or her family, usually saiiing through grade' and high school, scoring high on appitude tests and often not needing to study for exams. Such a youngster, who has never had to put conscious effort By Cecilia Belanger . into learning, may find in col­ lege for the first time that Many people, especially in an achievement does not come academic environment preoccu­ easily, that he or she is sur­ pied with how intelligent they rounded by people as bright or are 'relative to their' peers and brighter than he or she. Such students feel overwhelm­ whether they are intelligent enough. . ed and panicky. Their self-defini­ Judging frbm our attitudes and, tion crumbles in the face of their behavior, we appear· to think changed perception of where they that 'intelligence and academic come in the intelligence lineup. There are' also the. "over­ achievement are among our high­ est· moral values; Are they? achievers" ·who in' high school I have talked with many stu­ learned' everything in sight and dents who have told me of their went into 'every test with every experiences on entering college. fact memorized. Many had ranked first in their In college no one cari possibly high school class . and been memorize every fact, read every­ awarded many prizes. One girl, thing, turn every stone. Such who had received a history priie, students, who have always said; '''Five weeks into college I worked to the top of their abil­ got back my first prelim in medi­ 'ity, now realize that they will eval history with a grade of 68 have to work even harder' or percent. I was incredulous, shat-. have their worst fears realized: tered." that they don't qualify, don'~ 'Another student said, "My belong with the truly ·brilliant. roommate high school valedic­ Then there are those from a­ torian, the oldest of six children typical backgrounds, inner cities, and the first to get. to, college. rural areas, different cultures. She had extremely high expecta­ They struggle when they go into tions of her self. At the end of a homogeneous atmosphere in ~he sixth week, she was 'whisked which everyone is expected to away and hospitalized for four ~hare a common body o'f know­ months, ,suicidal over her anxiety ledge. about academic performance." Such students suffer at the


Molly and her trophy

.Ho:w to spell success By John Rosales



ability to think on her feet." ,Preparing for local competi­ WASHINGTON (NC) - When tion as a preliminary for the na. Molly Dieveney saw her neigh­ tional bee meant foregoing re­ borhood friend. on ,television cess during school and. television after winning the '1980 National after, Molly said: The' pressure Spelling Bee she :was inspired. intensified as the national con­ Two years later, 'after learning , t~st approached., 10,000 new wordii' herself, the "This has b~en our life for the 12-year-old sixth grader from last two months," she said. But ,Notre Dame Elementary in, Den­ having realized her dream, she ver beat out 125 other contest­ ants to win the 55th National' says she's ready to retire. "I'm going home and bum my Spelling"Bee. ~, books." After runnner-upUma Rao, 'The new champion said, she 13, of, Pittsburgh misspelled practiced WI midnight in -'her, ,"contretemps," Molly spelled it hotel room in preparation for the correctly, then clinched the con" finals of the two-day event. test with the final word, "psori~ "I was nervous; some of the asis." words the others got I didn't She won, $1,000, a trophy and know," she liaid. '~But, I didn't $ev~ral other ,prizes:: ' ' get any that I, didn'~ know." Last year's runner-up, Jason Molly, who is· acti~e in sports Johnson, 13, 'of, Stevensville, and drama and is learning to Mich., finished third', after mis~ play the piano, 'said' she will 'spelling' "gauieiter," just before

bank about halfber prize money '''contret~mps. "

and go shopping for record al-, , Molly, representing the state~ bums and clothes with the rest.' of Colorado and Wyoming, at­

'With her victorY,' Molly be­ tributes her success to long comes the fifth Catholic school hours. of study, family support student to win the competitio,n and the coaching of Florence in the last six years. Of the five;' Bailly, mother of 1980 bee champ three are from Denver. Mrs. Bail­ Jacques Bailly.

ly attributes the Denver winning "Molly was in fourth' grade streak to a spelling bee sonsored when 'she camped put on my by the Denver, Archdiocese. doorstep pleading With me to "Before competing at the re- , work with her," said Mrs. Bailly. gional level, students from Cath­ "I'm not a coach or a teacher olic schools must compete in the, but I agreed to help if she was Archdiocesan Spelling Bee," said willing to put in the necessary, Mrs. Bailly. "And in that bee study time." the words are harder." :Under the guidance of Mrs. ."The spelling bee, the archdio­ 'Bailly, Molly studied the diction-, cese'puts on is hard, but the na­ ary, the encyclopedia and word tional is scarier," adds Molly. lists from old spelling bees. Among the words she spelled "The coach is a catalyst," Mrs. to win the national bee were Bailly said. "It's the child and .saunter, umlaut, regicide, caco­ the parents who have to do all phony, beriberi, piebald, nisei, - the work." triduum, , osteomyelitis,. arid la-' Mrs. Bailly credits Molly with cuna. "a fantastic memory, and ,the The 81 female and 45 male

By Charlie Martin ,


Hey Lady, you lady cursin' at your life You're a discontented mother And a 'regimented wife .I've no doubt you dream about the things you'li never do But I wish someone had 0' talked to me . Like I wanna talk to you Ooh I've been to Georgia' and California and, anyWhere' I could run T()()k the hand of Ii preacher man and we made love in the sun But I ran out of places anelf friendly faces BecauSe I had to be free I've been to paradise But I've never been to me. Please lady~ please'don't jusf walk away 'Cause I have this need to tell you Why I'm all alone today I can see so much of me still livin' in your eyes Won't you share a part of a weary heart That has lived a million lies Oh I've be4m to Nice and the isles of Greece while I sipped champagne on a yacht I moved like' Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed 'em what I've got I've been undressed by, kings and I've seen soine. things that a woman aln't ,s'posed, to. see . I've been 'to paradise But,I've never been to me . Sung by Charlene, Written by,Ron MiUerand Ken Hirsch (c), 1975 .by, Stone Diamond Music Corp.

hands of a milieu which Judges people by their IQs. People are usually much, more than they appear to be. ·1 think we do not realize the enormity of the as­ sumptions lying behind a state­ ment such as "Smith is brighter than Jones." We are seduced by the wrong yardstick. Too many systems take away self-esteem; making one feel that unless one fits a certain category, one is not so good or valuable as those who do. . A student whose work had been severely hampered by "per­ formance anxiety" said to his college president one day, "I'm no longer seeing my work as a· reflection of myself, but as a statement of where I' am in the process of learning what I need to know." . That really says it! That is the attitude I think 'We need. Let us not ,push young people to over­ stre!ls academic achiev~ment at the expense of, a balanced life. The suicide rate is high. Students are not worthier to the degree they are brighter.. Peo­ pIe are more than the curve on which t!Jey are graded. Let us t~ink about the implications and the consequences of the tradi­ tional ways of assessing' the in­ telligence or worth of our fellow human beings.

The Barrier "Being to ourselves what God ought to be to us, He is no more to us than we are to ourselves. This secret identification of our­ selves with God carrie~ with it , our isolation from Him." :..... K,arl Barth

, nus SONG ralsmg a pertin­ entquestion; what really counts in life? The woman in the song has seen far-away places, had a variety of close relationships and moved with, in(luential groups. Nonetheless, she now feels like "I've never been to me" - never discovered what it means to be herself. , Choosing how .to live takes time, particularly trying to an­ swer this question: What do I want out of lfe? It's easy to run ft:om that ques­ tion. But unless we think serious­ ly 'about it, one day 'we may discover that the way we are liv­ ing is not what we want after aU. Like the woman in the song, we may feel bitter. , ~But w~ ought, to remember that we are never trapped. Hon­ est, self-evaluation may lead us to change our lifestyle. Each person has a concept of the paradise the song speaks of, Perhaps the secret is - not to dream too narrowly. Caring for others is an important way to find meaning. As we learn to balance our needs with those of others, we may see where mean­ ing and purpose really reside.. Finally, we cannot be com­ plete without recognizing God's presence:' Our life journey takes us through time into God's mys­ tery. Address comments and ques­ tions to Charlie Martin, 3863 Bellemeade Ave., Evansville, Ind. 47715.


I .

'. \'

By Bill Morrissette

portswQtch Dave Gauvin's Goal: The Olympics About one month ago a mo­ ment of decision arrived in the as yet young life of 19-year-old David Gauvin, the 119-pound boxer who fights out of the Fall River CYO. The decision could have a strong impact on his future. The options: attend his grad­ uation from Bishop Connolly High in FalI River and miss an opportunity to again be named to a United States national box­ ing team or miss the graduation and go to the Olympic Training Center in Colorado to compete for a berth on the national team. David talked over the situa­ tion with his family and with school officials. All agreed that he might not get another oppor­ tunity like the one offered him in Colorado. About missing his graduation Gauvin said: "It's a sacrifice but it's worth it in the long run." The sacrifice was rewarded by Dave being named to the nation­ al team that will 'participate in a six-nation tournament next month in Venezuela, including Russia and defending champion Cuba. He was also designated athlete of the year at Connolly where he had maintained a grade point average of, 3.4, graduating with distinction. He plans to enter Southeastern Massachu­ setts University in the falI and major in biology, aiming for a career in physical therapy. For the present, Dave's con­ tinuing intensive training in the FalI River CYO gym under Ron Comeau, CYO boxing' director, and trainer Manny Almeida. David would have preferred being named to the national team in the tournament at Las Ve'gas. He was one of 36 amateur boxers invited to the Colorado camp and one of five 119­ pounders vying for berth on the national team. Lupe Gutierrez, 19, of California was the other fighter chosen. He will compete in that class in the North Am­ erican Championships in Las Vegas. Although disappointed' at 'not being named for the Las Vegas competition, Gauvin said he was told by Pat Nappi,Olympic box­ ing coach, that he was picked for Venezuela because it was better suited for him. David also said that Nappi told him he was a leading contender for a spot on the Pan American team and that the Venezuela competition would be a good test. . Jim Fox, executive director of the United States Olympic box­ ing team, ranks Gauvin among the top five amateurs nationally in the 119-pound class and rates him a definite Olympic prospect. David has a perfect record in

international competition, having won alI. his four starts. Last December, as the first Massachu­ .setts boxer ever named to a na­ tional team, he was on the U.S. team that 'competed in Krajeke­ vac, Yugoslavia, and in Budapest, Hungary. In Yugoslavia he earn­ ed a unanimous decision over Gregorio Isonavitch, while his victory over Vladimir Tury in Hungary earned him an Out­ standing Boxer Aw.ard from Hungarian officials. Last March he was again named to the nationaL team for a tournment gainst Yugoslavian boxers in Louisiana, posting two more triumphs. ' Earlier this year he suffered a controversial loss to Bruce Em­ bry on a split decision in the United States Amateur Boxing Championships in Charlotte, No. Carolina, because a scoring error on a judge's card seemingly gave the decision to Embry. The judge was later dismissed from the competition. Gauvin's invitations to the training camp came because of his success in New England Golden Gloves and AAU com­ petitions. He is the only amateur in the state to win three New England AAU championships be­ fore the age'of 18 and has four such titles to his credit; and is also a three-time New England Golden Gloves titlist. David has made several ap­ pearances in Canada and has de­ feated Tommy Young, a Cana­ dian champion. As for Comeau and Almeida, they're understandably elated, regarding David as probably Fa 11 River's most promising fighter ever.

tv, mOVIe news NOTE Please cheek dates and times of television and radio programs against ~Boca1 list­ ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules supplied to The Anchor.

Sunday, June 27, (ABC) "Di­ rections" - A look at Gospel music with entertainer Pat Boone. (Please check local list­ ings for exact time in your area.) Sunday, June 27, (CBS) "For Our Times" - The influence of I"eligion on ca~pus is this week's topic. (Please check local listings for exact time in your area.)..

Symbols following film reviews indicate On. Radio both general and Catholic Film Office ,Charismatic programs are ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· heard from Monday through Fri­ eral viewing; PG-parental,guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for rayon station WICE, 1290 A.M. Father John Randall i!' heard children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for from 7 to 8 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. children and adults; A2-approved· for and Father Real Bourque is heard adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification from 8:45 to 9 a.m. (given to films not morally offensive . Sunday, June 27, (NBC) which,. however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive. "Guideline" - Msgr. John F'oley,

New Film

"Star Trek II". (Paramount): This sequel. attempts to be droll and lively but it's only slightly more entertaining than its dulI and ponderous predecessor. Capt. Kirk (William Shatner) takes over the helm of the Enterprise once more to cope with a flam­ boyant villain named Khan (Ricardo Montalban). If you're a Trekkie, by all means see it, but if you're not one, this won't work the trick. A sequence in­ volving insertion of parasites into the ears of victims is too strong for very young children, but otherwise "Star Trek II" is relatively inocuous and classi­ fied A2, PG. On TV The 60s civil rights movement changed laws' but not hearts, ac­ cording to ,iI Heard It Through the Grapevine," a~ng Wednes­ day, June 30, 9-10:30 p.m. on PBS. This documentary follows au­ thor James Baldwin on a recent journey through the South to places where 25 years ago he had marched in the vanguard of what became a national move­ ment for equal rights. Baldwin believes that the Free­ dom Road has led nowhere and that blacks will have to go it alone in a racist America; a bit­ ter assessment' denigr!iting the significance pf the .civil rights movement. The program is a reminder both of how much re­ mains to be done, and that it can only be accomplished together. Religious Broadcasting Sunday, June 27, WLNE, Channel 6, 10:30 a;m., Diocesan Television Mass. "Confluence," 8 a.in. each Sunday, repeated, at 6 a.m. each Tuesday on Channel 6, is a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan' di­ rector of social services; Right Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. This week's topic: The Church and Politics.




"The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 7:30 p.m. each Sunday on Channel 25.

professor of philosophy, talks with Father Joseph Fenton about today's morality. (Please check local listings for exact time in your area.)

Friday, June 25, 1982


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It THE ANCHOR...;.Dioce~e of Fall River-Fri., Ju'ne 25, 1982

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PRmSTS' ,PRAYER Priests of the diocese will meet at 11 a.m. Monday at St. Julie's Church, North Dart­ mouth, for a 'holy hour and lunch. The program ds 'held the fourth Monday of each month. All priests are welcome. WOMEN AGLOW, FR Mary Movsesian will speak at a fellowship meeting -to be held at 7 tonight at Highland Heights, 1197 Robeson St. All welcome. SOMERSET /SWANSEA CLERGY The· Clergy Association sponsor a Fourt!h of July menical Serv·ice at 7 p.m. day, July 4, at the Bluff's ter.

ST. JULIE, N. DARTMOUTH The annual choir members' dinner will beheld at Moby Dick Restaurant: Westport, this Sunday. Cars will leave the Church parking lot at 7 p.m. Rosary and benediction ser­ vices will take place at 7 p.m. Sunday for the intentions of family and parish needs and an increase of religious vocations.

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will Ecu­ Sun­ Cen­

SACRED HEART, FR A parish picnic will be held from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. Swimming and court games will be on the program. In case of rain, the event will be cancelled.

HOLY NAME, FR Sister Lina Nadealll, SUSC, will be at the school from 9 a.m. to ·noon weekdays through June 30 for the convenience of parents. New school board offi­ cers ,are Richard Charland, president; Ludia Correira, vice­ president; Francis Nasser, secre­ tary.



CALVARY TEMPLE, FR Calvary Temple Choristers will give a concert at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the auditorium of St. Anne's School, Fall River, \J for the benefit of Notre Dame .parish a.nd victims of its recent fire.

ST.ANNE,FR The fourth annual parish summer program will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 21 through 23 at St. Anne's Scho,ol. Open to parish children.: in ~rades one through eight, ~t will mclude yard games, c;rafts, swimming, a field trip and a closing Mass. Registration forms a're available at the rectory; en­ rollment will be lirriited to 35 children.. New officers of the parish board of education are Raymond Brodeur. president; Rita Ray­ mond, vice-president; Sister Lu_ cille Gauvin, OP, secretary; Ce­ cile Michno, treasurer. A Marriage Encounter meet­ 'ing will be. 'held in the school cafeteria Sunday~ Our Lady's Grotto in the low­ er church has been redecorated through the' generosity of a par­ isQioner. A family picnic is planned be­ ginning at noon Sunday, Aug. 15, at Our Lady of the Lake Camp, East Freetown.

ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET New CCD students may regis­ ter f,rom 10 a.m. to noon Sunday at the CCD center." Baptismal certificates should be presented. CCD teallhers are needed for the coming year. Information; Mrs. Agnes Barboza, coordinator, or the rectory." . ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS Sister Katharine Burns,· SND and Lillian Doolin, SND, an­ nounce a CCD workshop to be held from 9 a.m. ,to noon on weekdays from June 28 through July 9 in St. Joan of Arc . School. Children entering grades 3 through 5 this fall are eligible. Snacks will be served. The program, attempting to encourage community feeling within the parish, will empha­ size liturgy as love, prayer and sacrifice. Children will develop the .theme through art work, ml;lsic, games and sport~. ST. mOMAS MORE, SOMERSET , The youth group is planning to set up an activities room. Donations of equipment, such as a ping pong table, would be ap­ preciated. Information:. Roland Marcoux, 678-5380 or Robert Correira, 678-6298.

ST. RITA, 'MARION 'A reunion will be held from 1 to 6 'p.m. Sunday at Sacred Hearts Seminary, Wareham, for the parish confirmation retreat group. Lectors, eucharistic ministers, musicians and ushers will meet at the rectory at 7:30 'p.m. Mon­ day. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR The parish will close its cen-. tennial celebration at a special Mass at 7 p.m. Tuesday, the feast of SS. Peter and Paul. School children will give a dra­ matic ,presentation 'and an ice cream birthgay party will follow , in the parish center. The missions of West Africa will benefit from collections this . weekend. Father Matthew Far­ relly will speak of work accom­ plished by area missioners. Boys participating in the Ca­ thedral Camp altar 'boy program Wednesday must submit ,per­ . mission slips to the rectory by Tuesday.

.<b •



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