VOL. 37, NO. 25
Friday, June 25,1993
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
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Action-packed parley for U .8. bishops NEW ORLEANS(CNS)- The National Conference of Catholi,~ Bishops announced a new effort June 17 to end the scandal of priests sexually abusing minors. The decision was the news highlight of their spring meeting. Other issues' occupying the bishops ranged from nationa I health care reform to the new Catholic catechism, from U.S. religious life to World Youth Day funding, from their national TV network to the age of confirmation in their dioceses. Archbishop William H. Keeler of Baltimore, NCCB presiden':, named Bishop John F. Kinney of Bismarck. N.D., to head an ad hoc committee on sexual abuse with a wide mandate to recommend NCCB actions and policies to stern sex abuse in the church and eventually to draw on the church's experience to help American society as a whole confront the issue. Bishop Kinney immediately invited representatives of abuse survivor groups to meet with him in Washington as soon as possible after the bishops' meeting.
Committee members are Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahony; St. Paul··M inneapolis Archbishop John R. Roach; and Bishops John C. Favalora. St. Petersburg. Fla .. David E. Fellhauer, Victoria, Tex., Harry J. Flynn, Lafayette, L.a .. and J. Terry Steib, Memphis, Tenn. One of the first tasks of the committee will be to study the recommendations for local and national church a<:tion produced by a think tank of experts that met in St. Louis last February to discuss all aspects of- child sexual abuse by priests. The bishops received additional impetus for decisive action on the sex abuse problem from Pope John Paul II. A papal letter to the bishops released June 21 expressed deep pain that priests could abuse children and quoted J<:sus' words condemning those who scandalize children. The pope noted of Vatican; NCCB efforts to deal appropriately with 'such priests under church law Turn to Page II
High court ()Ks inter]preter for Catholic school student
MEMBEU.S OF St. Julie Billiart parish, North Dartmouth, will celebrate completion of their parish building project and honor their pastor, Msgr. Patrick J. O'Neill, this weekend. Story, more pictures page 9. (Hickey photo)
ONE FOR THE RECORD BOOKS: Coyle-Cassidy High School Warrior Howie Orloff steals the team's I I3th base. breaking the national stolen-base record for a 20-game high school baseball season. The Taunton team averaged six stolen bases per game, finishing with a total 120 for the season. See story page 15. (Breen photo)
WAS H INGTON (CNS) -Public school districts may provide a sign-language interpreter for a deaf student attending a Catholic school without violating constitutional separation of church and state, the Supreme Court ruled June 18. In a 5-4 opinion, the court said the fact that James Zobrest enrolled in a sectarian school does not prevent the Catalina Foothills School District in Arizona from providing him benefits guaranteed under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The district had refused to p2'.y for his sign-language interpreter. arguing that it would constitute stat~ funding of a religious institution. . Zobrest's lawyer was Atty. W:Iliam Bentley Ball of Harrisburg, Pa., who has made a career ;)1' defending religious rights. Formerly Pennsylvania resident. youllg Zobrest and his family now live in Arizona. Writing for the court, Chief J ustice William Rehnquist said government funds do not benefit a sectarian school in such a case. "Handicapped children. not sectarian schools. are the primary beneficiaries of the Disabilities Education Act; to the extent sectarian schools benefit at all from [the act] they are only incidental beneficiaries," Rehnquist wr01 e. He was joined in the majority by justices Byron White. Antonin
Scalia. Anthony Kennedy and Clarence Thomas. Justices Harry Blackmun. John Paul Stevens. and David Souter dissented. Justice Sand fa Day O'Connor agreed with part oftheir dissent. In his dissent, Blackmun said the court should have simply sent the case back to the lower court with instruction to review the federal statutes and regulations governing the Disabilities Education Act. By instead using the case to apply the Establishment clause of the Constitution, the majority failed to resolve questions about the sta.tutes, he wrote. On a second point. which Mrs. O'Connor did not join in, Blackmun took issue with the fact that by working at a Catholic school, every gesture of the sign interpreter in the state's employ "would be infused with religious significance." In previous rulings the court has established fine distinctions between what the state mayor may not do to assist parochial schools, Blackmun noted. .. And our cases make clear that government crosses the boundary when it furnishes the medium for communication ofa religious message.... It is beyond question that a state-employed sign-language interpreter would serve as a conduit (or petitioner's religious education; thereby assisting Salpointe [CathTurn to Page 11
Diocese of Fall River -
St. James-St. John principal named
Fri., June 25, 1993
A million more Catholics; fewer priests and nuns WASHINGTON (CNS) - The U.S. Catholic population grew by nearly a million last year, but the number of priests and nuns dropped several thousand, according to the 1993 Official Catholic Directory. Issued in April, the directory recorded official data reported by all U.S. dioceses as of Jan. I, 1993. Enrollments in Catholic schools and religious education programs again showed slight increases, giving further evidence of a slow reversal of the significant declines registered in the 1970s and 1980s. The new figures, compared with the previous year's data, showed: - The total number of Catholics increased by more than 950,000, from 58,267,424 last year to 59,220,723 this year. - There were nearly 1,400 fewer priests, down from 52,277 last year to 50,907 this year. - The number of women religious dropped more than 5,300, from 99,337 to 94,022. - The number of priestly ordinations dropped from 864 to 605, and the number of students reported in diocesan and religious seminaries combined dropped from 6,454 to 5,891. - The total number of Catholic educational institutions dropped, but the number of students enrolled increased slightly. Catholic college enrollment for 1993 was 660,787, up 1,632 from last year.
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There were about 636,000 students in Catholic high schools, a slight decrease from each of the past two years, but still above the 630,000 recorded in 1990. For the fourth straight year Catholic elementary school enrollment showed slight gains, going above 2 million again for the first time since 1987. Although the yearly elementary school increases have been small - they add up to a growth of 28,500 students or 1.4 percent over four years - the consistency suggests a significant reversal from. the substantial drops in enrollment over the previous quarter-century. The total number of students in all Catholic educational institutions, including colleges, was 3,312,591, an increase of 0.2 percent over the 3,305,831 reported in 1992. The number of high school students enrolled in parish religious education programs was just over 772,000, an increase of about 18,000 over last year and 36,000 over the low point of 736,000 that was hit in 1990. Religious education enrollment of 3.34 million at the elementary level was virtually identical with last year's figure. The Official Catholic Directory, which was first published 176 years ago, lists the names, addresses and phone numbers of the diocesan offices and agencies and of every Catholic parish, mission, school, hospital, chaplaincy, religious order or other institution in every diocese in the United States. This year's directory, a volume of more than 1,900 pages, was the first published by the Reed Reference Publishing Co. of New Providence, N.J. Last year Reed acquired P.J. Kenedy & Sons, which had published the directory since 1912. Reed kept the Kenedy imprint on the directory but made a number of changes. It added telephone numbers to the alphabetical index of U.S. priests at the end of the directory. In its listings of dioceses and archdioceses and the various institutions in each, it placed the summary statistics of each diocese at the beginning, right below the name of the bishop. It also added separate geographical sections listing colleges, hospitals and special care facilities, to assist users unfamiliar with diocesan boundaries. The 1993 edition was published on newsprint. a departure from past practice of publishing on a higher quality book stock.
AT SAN DIEGO meeting where he was appointed a member-at-large of the executive board of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting is Father Stephen Salvador, Fall River diocesan chaplain of the Catholic Scouting Program, third from left. Others, from left, Frank Rossomondo, National Committee chairman; Edmund Niedzielski, also a member-atlarge; Father Leo LeBlanc, national Scouting chaplain.
Seeks to form Cabrini troops
Father Salvador named to national Scout board At a recent meeting of the executive board and standing committee of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting, held in San Diego, Calif., Father Stephen Salvador, Fall River diocesan chaplain of the Catholic Scouting Program, was appointed a memberat-large of the executive board. He also serves on the chaplains' and Eastern Rite committees of the national organization and has been appointed liaison to the Mother Cabrini Project, a special program seeking to develop Boy Scouting under Catholic auspices for needy youths. Mother Cabrini troops, said Father Salvador, are totally funded by special grants administered by the National Catholic Committee. They are supplied with uniforms, troop flags and insignia, and camping trips and other such Scouting experiences are also financed for members. Typically, he said, such troops are sponsored by a parish, a Knights of Columbus councilor similar organization. Those interested in further information may· contact him at Holy Ghost Rectory, 71 Linden St., Attleboro 02703, tel. 222-3266, or at St. John the Baptist Rectory, 344 County St., New Bedford 02740, tel. 992-7727. Other National Catholic Committee programs for Cub, Boy and Explorer Scouts include retreats, vocational programs, preparation for religious Scout awards. train-
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We cite HENRY S. GONCALVES to appear personally before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on Tuesday, July 6,1993 at 10:30 a.m. at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts, to give testimony to establish: Whether the nullity of the marriage exists in the BARROS-GONCALVES case? Ordinaries of the place or other pastors having the knowledge of the residence of the above person, HENRY S. GONCALVES, must see to it that he is properly advised in regard to this edictal citation. Jay 1. Maddock Judicial Vicar Given at the Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts, on this 21st day of June, 1993.
ing for adult leadership in Catholic Scouting and Hispanic outreach. The committee serves Scouting throughout the United States and in outlying U.S. areas such as Puerto Rico. Guam. the Virgin Islands, American Samoa and Caribbean and Pacific islands. From July 30 through Aug. 12. Father Salvador will be Northeast Region chaplain at a national Scout Jamboree to be held at Fort A.P. H ill in Virginia. He will be the first priest from the Fall River diocese to serve in the capacity of a regional chaplain. He said some 30.000 Boy Scouts and leaders are expected at the Jamboree. 17,000 of them from New England.
Ecumenism priority VATICAN CITY (CNS) Ecumenism is a priority of the church, not just an area ofspecial-' ization for interested individuals. said Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy. "How can we be at rest when we see that church we love wounded in its catholicity. unable to be the church that our Lord wants it to beT' asked the cardinal, who is president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Conversion and education are needed within the Catholic Church for all its members to recognize the importance of Christian unity. he said.
Rev. Henry S. Arruda, pastor of St. John the Baptist parish. New Bedford, has announced appointment of Edmund Borges as principal at St. James-St. John School. also in New Bedford, effective in September. He will succeed Miss Mary Mello. who was recently honored at a retirement party marking her 50 years of service as an educator. 21 of those years at St. James-St. John. Borges holds a bachelor's degree from Southeastern Massachusetts University, now U Mass-Dartmouth, and has done graduate study in elementary education. Early in his career. he taught at St. Joseph's and St. Anthony's schools in New Bedford and in 1981 was named principal of St. Mary's School, Taunton. where he served for nine years. Most recently, he was for three years principal of Acushnet Elementary School. Sister Michaelinda Plante, RS M. associate superintendent of schools for the Fall River diocese, said she was pleased at Borges' appointment and that she anticipated that his administrative skills and his faith experiences would greatly benefit the St. James-St. John school community.
New separated/ divorced group to start on Cape The Diocesan Office of Family Ministry has announced formation of a new support group for divorced and separated Catholics to serve upper Cape Cod. Spiritual Director Rev. Gregory Mathias will conduct its first meeting Sunday, July II., at Corpus Christi parish center. Sandwich. Newly divorced/ separated persons are invited to come at 2:30 p.m. and a general program for all interested will begin at 3 p.m. Subsequent summer meetings will be held Aug. I and Sept. 12 at the same time and place. A fall/ winter sched ule will be established after consultation with members. The already established lower Cape divorced/ separated support group will meet with Rev. Richard Roy as spiritual director at St. Pius Tenth parish life center. South Yarmouth. on July 25. Aug. 22 and Sept. 19-new participants 6:30 p.m .. regular program at 7 p.m .. The fall/ winter sched ule will be announced.
Theologian knighted PARIS (CNS) Peruvian Father GustavoGutierrez. known as the "father of liberation theology." was made a knight of the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterand. In a recent ceremony in Elysee Palace. Mitterand commended Father Gutierrez for his success in "linking faith with the struggle against exploitation. domination. poverty and misery." 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscription price by mail. postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.
Our Lady of Bistrica Immaculate Mother of Jesus, we honor you as God's chosen one, beautiful, beloved and free from all sin. Keep watch over us, pray that we rise above our sins and failings and come to share the fullness of grace. Be a mother to us in the order of grace by assisting us to live in your obedience, 'your faith, your hope and your love. Amen. -National Shrine c'hapel prayer.
New York panel tells it like it is ALBANY, N.Y. (CNS) - Saying that Catholic schools are an asset, a panel appointed by New York state's commissioner of education has recommended that income tax credits be enacted to help ensure continuation of the state's Catholic s'ehools. "The Catholic schools are an asset to New York state, both in relieving the fiscal burden of 280,000 students that may otherwise be the responsibility of public schools, and in their ability to educate poor, minority and at-risk students," said tbe 78-page report prepared by the nine-member Blue Ribbon Panel on Catholic Schools. "U nless these schools are assisted in meeting their financial crisis, the state risks losing this asset," it added. The panel; chaired by former New York Gov. Hugh Carey, also recommended' that legislation be passed to allow non public schools to participate in state-funded initiatives in learning tt;.chnology. Appointed last October by Thomas Sobol, state education commissioner, the panel was charged with examining "the current condition of Catholic school education in New York State" and asked to formulate recommendations "on creative ways to help stabilize enrollment or reverse the current pattern of Catholic school closings while ensuring that the quality of the education ... is maintained." During the past 20 years, enrollment in Catholic schools has declined statewide by more than 57 percent, almost twice the rate of the decrease in public school enrollment. . ,.... While the panel was asked to find solutions, it was specifically excluded from studying public funding of nonpublic schools. Nevertheless, in its main recommendation, it said that "legislation should b~ enacted which would provide state income tax credits (I) for tuition and education-related expenses for one's own children and (2) for donations to schools, programs and scholarship funds for the benefit of other children." As proposed, the credits would apply to children in public as well as nonpublic schools and would have a maximum amount of$1 ,000 on ajoint or individual tax return. The credit would apply only on joint returns with adjusted gross income not exceeding $55.000 and individual returns of no more than $30,000. "To encourage the support of business and industry," the panl:J added that the legislation should also "provide for a tax credit for contributions" made by corporations toward non public education. The panel also recommended new initiatives in school-based technologies such as interactive media. CD-ROM computer technology, educational TV and telecommunications. Any such efforts should be shared equally by public and nonpublic schools, the panel said. The report included statistical information refuting the myth that Catholic school students often perform better on standardized tests and are more likely to attend college because they are handselected. In fact. the panel found, children with multiple risk factors such as poverty, single-parent households and siblings who have dropped out of school make up
THE MASSACHUSETTS Hospital Association has elected Robert E. Flynn, MD? Dedham, who·is president of Caritas Christ~, the health care system ofthe Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, as chairman of its board of trustees. St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, is a member of Caritas Christi. All other member institutions are within the Boston archdiocese. Flynn was instrumental in organizing Caritas Christi, one of New England's largest health care providers, in 1985. He has been its president ever since. He has been part of the Boston health care scene for nearly four decades, dedicating himself to patient care, medical education and the. deyel'opment of Catholic health care in-New England. Founded in 1936, the Massachusetts Hospital Association is a not-for-profit organization that represents the collective interests of acute and specialty hospitals in Massachusetts. The 28-membel' board -sets policies and priorities for the association. During his career, Flynn has been most associated with St. Elizabeth's Medical Center in Boston. He was a staff physician there for more than 30 years and served in numerous other administrative and
teaching positions. He was also for nine years clinical director of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, a center fof research and training in mental retardation. ' He is an eight-time recipient of the Tufts University School of Medicine Faculty Teaching Award and in 1981 was named a knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. The Caritas Christi system comprises 1,400 beds, 1,600 physicians and 4,500 employ.ees. It includes acute, chronic care and rehabilitation hospitals, hospice and residential treatment programs for pregnant and parenting women, .offers community health care services and specialty medicine, provides medical education and pursues medical research. It was founded in 1985 by Boston Cardinal Bernard Law. (Vintoniv photo)
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., June 25, 1993
Cape resident graduates Erin D. McCarthy of Harwich Port was among 41 students receiving bachelor of arts degrees June 12 at Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, CA. It was the largest class to have yet graduated from the college, founded in 1971. As part of her graduation requin:-
ments, Miss McCarthy presented as her senior thesis "Whether Perfect Friendship Cam Exist Between Unequals through Christ."
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"Courage" to meet NEW YORK (CNS) - Courage, a spiritual support group for Catholic homosexuals and lesbians wanting to live in accord with .church teaching, will hold its fifth annual conference Aug. 19-22 at Cardinal Spellma!l.Retreat House in the Bronx. N.Y. Speakers will include Father Benedict Groeschel, director of spiritual development for the Archdiocese-of New York, on "Dealing with Misunderstanding: Spiritual and Psychological Ways of Developing a Thick Skin," and Paulist Father James Lloyd, a counselor at lona College in New Rochelle, N.Y., on "Brokenness: Steps to Holiness."
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approximately the same proportion of Catholic as of public school students. The panel declared that Catholic schools are "an educational asset for New York state, especially in urban areas a.nd for minority populations." The average per-pupil cost for students in New York state public elementary and high schools is $7,845. The average cost for students in Catholic schools in the New York archdiocese is $1,364 for elementary schools and $2,925 for high schools.
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Notice The canonization of Religious of Jesus and Mary foundress Claudine Thevenet, recorded March 21 in Rome, will be shown on EWTN cable at 10 p.m. July 3 and noon July 4.
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Diocese ~TFaii River- ~ Fri., June 25, 1993
the living word
One Day at a Time Whatever happened to the concept of living in the present? There was a time when people felt they should take their lives on a day-to-day basis. Somehow we are losing this mind-set. More and more people live in a nebulous future, -ignoring problems and situations at hand. As a result, real life is passing them by; indeed, many find that their concern for the morrow is ruining their today. There are many reasons for this state of affairs. Take education, for example. Seemingly every town has a "kids' col1ege" for pre-schoolers, playing into the concerns of parents obsessed with obtaining the very best for their children. I nsurance companies capitalize on this by citing the dire need of planning for col1ege education practical1y from the moment of conception. Banks offer saving plans assuring coverage of future tuition costs-if M om and Dad begin making payments as soon as the baby is delivered. Because of all this, parents plan their families carefully. Many feel it's better to have just one child so he or she can enjoy every advantage. But parental dreams can come to a shattering halt if the adolescent boy or girl decides to embrace some disapproved-of lifestyle. In many ways, parental plans place unreasonable pressures on children. Research has indicated that such pressures are among causes of increased teenage suicides. Noone denies that care and concern are parental obligations; but when such concern translates into undue emphasis on future expectations, life can become a nightmare for parents and youngsters alike. Another area centered on tomorrow, not today, is that embodied in the capitalistic concept of dissatisfaction with what one possesses. Save for the future; buy something bigger and better; be prepared for tomorrow; al1 are profitable commercial axioms. We have not yet celebrated the Glorious Fourth but department stores are stocked with the latest winter fashions; by Labor Day, Halloween items have crept into view; Thanksgiving begins in October; and Christmas is prepared for all year long. We are always getting ready for something without a thought of how we are handling today. In a word, we have become escapists and as a result our families, communities and world are suffering. It should be obvious that we can't stop the world and get off. We must live in the now if we are truly to be alive and well in the future. Too many people are letting life pass them by, then, as the song says, they query "Is that all there is?" But we cannot run from today into some Disneyland daydream. It is imperative, not simply for our own wel1-being but for that of our entire social order, that we face the reality of the day and time in which we live. Problems must be faced if we are to arrive at answers that will guide us in the art of living each day as a gift of God. The Scriptures wisely tell us that we should not worry about what will happen to us. We should believe that there is a God who cares for, loves and protects us. Are we not more than the sparrow or the lily? With a firm belief that God loves us, let us live one day at a time. The Editor'
the OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rive~ 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7路 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above
PUBLISHER Most Rev. Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap" PhD.
Rev. John F. Moore
Rosemary Dussa,ult . . . .5
C'IS pho'o
"How lovely are thy tabernacles, 0 Lord of hosts!" Ps. 83:2
Ways to remedy the "social deficit" WASHINGTON(CNSj- Now that the United States' foremost religious bodies are joining forces to fight what they call a "social deficit." how were the issues chosen that constitute such a deficit. and how will the churches get this deficit out of the red and into the black? The last time the U.S. Catholic Conference. the National Council of Churches and the Synagogue Council of America got together to press a common agenda. it was more than a quarter-century ago. The cause then was civil rights. Unlike civil rights. "there's no one piece of legislation that's going to address everything." said Msgr. Robert N. Lynch. USCC secretary general. Msgr. Lynch said. "We have seen the safety nets that are in danger of collapse." noting how he watched the line at one feeding program near his Washington residence "stretch around the block." from 100 in the 1980s to between 800 and 900 today. Nor can Catholic hospitals provide the health care their historic mission mandates due, to soaring health care costs. "There are institutional interests, yes; We can't deny that." Msgr. Lynch said. "But faith interests as well." Missing from the agend'a are two topics that generate lots of Catholic attention: abortion and ed ucational choice. "We had to agree to disagree." said the Rev. Joan B. Campbell. National Coun.cil ()of Churches general secretary. Rabbi David Saperstein. director of the Religious Action Center of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. said churches are most effective in the legislative area when three things happen at the same time: .
- A consensus within the religious community demands staff and resources. - The churches' focus is "not scattershot. Single-issue lobbies are generally more effective." -- Those outside the religious community are also "particularly concerned" about the issue. Rabbi Saperstein cited three instances when tpe religious community had major impact: 1974. when "we 'discovered' the world hunger crisis": 1978. when h~man rights became a condition for foreign aid: the early 1980s. when the nuclear freeze became an issue. John Carr. USCC director of social development and world peace. said churches can "put a face on" an issue. humanize it. He acknowledged that he represents "an organization that is committed to humitnisrh. but in practice tends to be isolationist ....This kind of collaboration is easier to talk about than to do." Nor. he observed. are priests and bishops waking up each morning asking. "How can I help the USCC do its work today?" Skills training for congregation leaders, empowering the people who would benefit from the issue - "the poor. the disenfranchised in this country [who] do not have PACs" - finding a cohesive image of the moral message and new ways to sell it. and spenking "directly to the people with power in America." from the White House to the local cham ber of commerce. are musts to get a broad program through. Rabbi Saperstein said. Ruth Flower. legislative secretary for the Friends Committee on National Legislation. said that since "Congress docs a pretty good job of representing the people." the goal should be to change the atti-
tudes of the people Congress represents. The technique o( Washington religious lobbies telling members across America what to do based on the latest developments doesn't work, she said. "There's a crisis. I send out an action alert. I think you're going to write a letter. You're not!" Ms. Flower said. "Unless you already know in your heart it's wrong. and you already know the story to tell when you write to your congressman." Get local. she urged. "Working together on a joint campaign for joint esteem." Ms. Flower said. will help get the churches "to where the solutions lie." She pointed to the sanctuary movement as an example. "We were able t.o meet on a peer basis" with those who needed help. Ms. Flower said. Close contact with constituents. Carr said, is key to getting the agenda across. In today's more sophisticated generation. his example wouldn't work, but he recalled a classic confrontation on the civil rights issue at a Senate hearing in the 1960s. Sen. James Eastland. D-Miss .. after hearing each witness' statement. immediately asked. "Who do you represent and when was the last time you spoke with them'!" Each witness. Carr said. dutifully answered Eastland's interrogation. But when Father John McCarthy. now bishop of Austin. Texas. finished with his witness statement. he beat Eastland to the punch. "Refore ~'ou ask me. senator." he said. ''I'm going to tell you who I represent and the last time I talked to him. "I represent (jod. and the last time I talked to him was this morning."
G'lobaJF ,",thinkillg~':
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local acting II Kings 4:8-1l,14~16 Romans 6:3-4,s~11 Matthew lO:~.7-42 ~.;'i' Spotted a thougltv.:provoking By FATHER ROGER bumper sticker the ~l,ter day.l,t said, "Think globally.'act locally!;". KARBAN Understood the right way, it could Jesus works from the same be the theme for todafs. readings. principle. "Whoever receives you," Paul presents the "$Iobal view" he vows, "receives me, and whoever of following Jesus in our Romans receives me receives th~ one who passage. "If we have. died with sent me." Then, foreseeing a situaChrist," he writes, "we believe that tion paralleling today's II Kings we are also to live with him." Givnarrative, he adds, "Whoever reing ourself over to the Lord, we ceives a prophet because he is a join in his death and resurrection. prophet will receive a prophet's Baptism perfectly symbolizes our reward." surrender to and union with Jesus. The implications of this last Presuming the ritual takes place statement can only be appreciated by immersion, Paul reminds the by those who appreciate the impliChristian community at Rome, cations of biblical prophecy. Unlike "Through baptism into his death today, prophets were not regarded we were buried with him, so that, as predictors of the future. Though just as Christ was raised from the at times they dealt with future dead by the glory of the Father, we events, their main role was sumtoo might live a new life." Going marized very succinctly by the late under the water symbolizes death Bruce Vawter. They were the and burial; coming up out of it "conscience of Israel." represents life. Prophets reminded the people Though descipleship means conof Yahweh's will for them. In spite stant dying and rising, those inof opposition, they continualIy volved in it are justified in God's hammered away at traditions and eyes. As Paul puts it, "H is [J esus') beliefs which ran counter to God's death was death to sin, once for most essential commands ... even all; his life is life for God. In the when such customs were "legally" same way, you must consider yourensconced in the religious strucselves dead to sin but alive for God tures and regulations of their day in Christ Jesus.'" and age. Not a very "respectable" This pericope conveys the essence . ministry. of Christianity in global terms, If we understand what Jesus applying equally to everyone, no means by "prophet," we also know matter how or when we live:' Very why he begins this teaching by quotable. But b,ecause it's so uniwarning his followers, "Whoever versal, few of us see how it fits into loves father or mother more than our "local" lives. That's why we me... whoever loves son or da ughalso need to reflect on the other ter more than me... whoever does two readings. Each shows us how not take up his cross and follow to follow the Lord in everyday after me .. ." circumstances. No matter what reward we and The woman of Shunem sets the. the prophet eventually receive, it's pattern. Yahweh didn't give her a not much fun identifying with such prophetic ministry. But what she unacceptable people. Receiving has, she uses to help Elisha in his them and their message usually work. "Since he [Elisha) visits us creates rifts in our relationships often," she tells her husband, "let and tensions in our daily living. us arrange a littk room on the roof and furnish it for him with a bed, table, chair, and lamp, so that when he comes to Us he can stay there." June 26 Given the belief at the time that 1931, Rev. Charles P. Gaboury, all good actions must be rewarded Pastor, Sacred Heart, New Bedford in this life (there was no concept 1973, Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube, yet of a heaven or hell), Elisha Pastor Emeritus, 5t. Anthony, New promises that her most fervent Bedford wish will be granted. "This time June 27 next year," he swears, "you will be 1863, Rev. John Corry, Founder, fondling a baby son." St. Mary, Taunton; Founder, St. Mary, Fall River. 1933, Rev. Dario Raposo, PasJune 28: Gn 18':16-33; Ps tor, Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton 1980, Rev. Msgr. Thomas F. 103:1-4,8-11: Mt 8:18-22 Walsh, Pastor Emeritus, St. John June 29: Acts ~2:1-11; Ps the Evangelist, Attleboro 34:2-9; 21m 4:6-8,17-18;Mt 1984, Rev. Bernard J. Fenton, 16:13-19 Retired Pastor, St. .I oseph, North June 30: Gn 21:5,8-20; Ps Dighton 34:7-8,10-13: Mt 8:28-34 June 28 1947, Rev. Thomas C. Gunning, July 1: Gn 22:1-19; Ps Assistant, St. Lawrence, New 115:1-6,8-9; Mt 9:1-8 Bedford July 2: Gn :Z3:1-4,19:24:1June 30 8,62-67; Ps 106: 1-5; Mt 1952, Rev. Simon Pease. 5S.Ce., 9:9-13 Administrator, Sacred Hearts, FairJuly 3: Eph 2:19-22; Ps haven 1961, Rev. Alphonse M. Renierc. 117:1-2; In 20:24-29 O.P .. Dominican Priory. Fall River July4: lee ~1:9-1O; Ps 145:1July 2 2,8-11,13-14; Rom 8:9,111967, Rev. Gerard A. Boisvert. 13; Mt 11:25..30 Assistant. Notre Dame, Fall River
peo.ple resent being. THE ANCHOR --c- Diocese of Fall River told that they're really not fulfilling God's will. Yet we can never offer a more refreshing ~'cup of cold water" to the Lord's "liUle ones," than our effort to view them as the Lord views them-always a Life CE~nter prophetic action. 20 Glen Street. Box 370 It's nice to think globally, but our faith only kicks in when we act Dover. MA 02030 locally.. .in a prophetic way. Tel: ~785-0124
Fri., June 25, 1993
.St. Stephen Priory Spiritual
Diocesan CY 0 golf / tourney set The 34th Diocesan CYO Golf Tournament will be held I p.m. Aug. 16 at Pocasset Golf course. Participants may enter in one of four divisions: seniors, born on or after Jan. I, 1967; intermediates, born on or after Jan. I, 1974; juniors, born on or after Jan. I, 1977; and cadets, born on or after Jan. I, 1979. The areas of Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton, Attleboro and the Cape will each be allowed two entrants in each division. Trophies will be awarded to the champion and runner-up in each division and the Bill Doyle Trophy will be awarded to the outstanding golfer in the tourney. Young mcn interested in entering may contact area tournament chairmen: Father Jay Maddock, Fall River; .Jack Crompton, New Bedford; Larry Masterson, Taunton; Neil T. Loew. Attleboro; or Father Paul F. McCarrick. diocesan CYO director, at 673-1123.
SUMMER PROGRA~ Directed Retreats July 9-16, July 17-23. June 29-July 6
Enneagram Guided Retreat with Virgi.nia Sampson, SUSC
July 9-July 15
Gospel of John with John Burke, OP
July 23-July 29 Love Is Where Our Heart Is with Michael Crosby,OFM . July 31-Aug, 7
Come Play Before the Lord Retreat on nature
August 8-13
Body Praise Retreat
SUMMER RENEWAL PROGRAM For Women Religious, July 2 - 22, 1993. Beautiful wooded setting, pool. Please call or write for our special Summer Brochure.
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uther Ave., Som~rset, MA • • merset High School UNDER 1rHE BIG TENT Friday, June :25th 6 PM to 10 PM CHOWDER & CLAM CAKES 6to 10 PM ENTERTAINMENT by OJ DAVID BERUBE, 7-11 PM
Saturday, June 26th 10 AM to 10 PM FLEA MAFIKET 9 AM to 3 PM CHOWDER & CLAM CAKES 6to 10 PM ENTERTAINMENT by GEORGE ALLEN 6:30 to 10:30 PM (From "Dialing for Dollars" with Dining & Dance Music)
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Rates Effective 6/93
The Anchor Friday, June 25, 1993
By Dr. JAMES & MARY KENNY Dear Dr. Kenny: Our teenage son (16) has refused to go on vacation with us. He's always gone before, and I think we had a good time. Now he has a multitude of excuses: He has a job; he wants to be with his friends; it's boring with
When a teenager begs out of the family vacation, his parents; etc. He clearly does not want to go. I want to have a nice family vacation. Should we force him to come? (Pennsylvania) If you want to have a nice family vacation. don't force him. Teens have many ways to make a vacation miserable if they are so inclined. One approach is to tempt rather than force him. Make the vacation more attractive for him. A good way to do this is to allow him to bring a friend. He will not feel "forced" to endure the company of his parents. He can be together with his friend while you and your spouse
do something of interest to you. Another possible way to get him interested would be to encourage him to participate in the planning. What would he like to do? Where would he like to go? You might compromise. Do some things you would like and some things he likes. Would you be willing to go on vacation to the place of "his" choice? If not. that might give you some pause for reflection about his willingness to go with you. If he still does not wish to come along, I would not force him. Rather. I would find him a family
(preferably with one of his friends) to stay with while you are gone. Or you .might have another adult or family live in your house. He is surely too young to leave home alone. Perhaps you can reciprocate with the family that keeps your son while you are gone. They may be having the same problem' getting their teen(s) to go with them on vacation. Each of you can watch the other's teens so the adults can enjoy some time away. I can already hear a reader asking: "Why are you letting a 16year-old have his own way? Children should obey their parents." I agree. but I know lots of things
that "should be." that don't turn out that way. Teens should go along and enjoy vacations. but the reality is that often they don't. and they can spoil things. Further. I don't think this is a matter for obedience. A vacation is a nice thing. and we need not force our teens. If we can get them to come willingly. fine. If not. I see it as a beginning and reasonable way for young people to make adult choices. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited by The K(~nnys; 219 West Harrison St.; Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
--------------------------------------------------------------------By FATHER
Q. In preparing to become a eucharistic minister in my parish, I understood we should not minister communion to someone who is not a practicing Catholic. A member of my family, who is no longer Catholic, accepts holy communion at weddings, funerals, baptisms or another special Mass. I feel honored to be a eucharistic minister. I am also torn between minding' my own business and
Ministering the Eucharist appropriately
honoring the sacredness of this sacrament. What do you suggest? (Missouri) A. Except for rare and extremely ser'ious situations, the moment when people approach for communion is not the time to discuss and decide about such matters. For one thing, unless you enjoy a close and continuing contact with this relative. there is no way you can know for sure his state of soul or his spiritual relationship to the church at that specific time. H ow can you be sure that he has not returned to the practice of his faith, at least minimally? You are right that we need to respect and reverence our Lord's presence in the Eucharist, and we need to use reasonable care that
others have an appropriate attitude about that presence. On the other hand, we need to watch ourselves that we don't get into feeling that we need to "defend" God in matters like this. If on occasion someone receives communion whom we feel should not. God is the one to judge that person. and God can do it very well. In no way do I imply that we should ignore a problem when it occurs. Normally, it is more appropriate to address it later. Whenever something out of the ordinary occurs while you are ministering the Eucharist, talk to your priest after Mass and explain the situation. He will either deal' with it himself or suggest an appropriate way for you to handle it.
Q. I was very interested in your column about Anglicans receiving communion in our church. Our daughter was married by a Catholic priest in New Zealand to an Anglican. They were comfortable with the ceremony and felt we have so much in common. Another daughter is married to a Jewish boy, a great man, husband and father. Another daughter is married to an Indian Hindu. Another daughter married an Episcopalian whose grandfather was an Episcopal minister. Another daughter married a Catholic. One son married a girl who has converted to our faith; the other son's wife is Lutheran. What doyou think of that? Our
children and 18 grandchildren make up a great family. (Illinois) A. I couldn't resist passing your story along. You're a whole ecumenical movement all by yourselves! I don't know how all this works out. Your 18 grandchildren must have a lot of wondering to work thro'ugh. But your family sounds whole and happy, and that is a blessing. Your family gatherings must be enthralling experiences. A free brochure on annulments is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to the same address.
She advocates a new .kind· of reality TV By
I watched a quilting program on television with fascination. How could this woman put three beautiful blocks together in 30 minutes? It takes me an evening to finish two. A little voice inside me began to chant: "Inadequate. In. capable. Incompetent." It got worse. As I continued to iron. the. channel continl.!ed to a cooking show where a flamboyant man tossed ingredients here and there and served up a'wholedinner in half an hour. The voice became I~uder: ".lneffident. Slo\y.. Boring." The next. program:. on home . .
repairs. touted a woman building husband repaired a sink pipe breezy comment, "See what a snap The phone rings. Her mother asks her what she's preparing for dinner. recently, the hardware cierk said and replacing atotal storm door in this meal is? You can produce creative, colorful and tasty meals There's a disapproving silence as 30 minutes. I turned the set off nonchalantly, "This is about a she says. "Grilled cheese sandlike this in a mere hour and have before I was reduced to a complete three-trip job." It was. Jim made wiches." Of course. she's slicing fun doing it." S-u-r-e I can. failure. two more trips to the store before cheese and dodging spousc~and (Aside from the interesting fact he had all the proper fittings to In the interest of truth and realchildren as the phone snakes along that a man cooked and a woman complete the task .. ity, I have a cooking show to sugbehind her and gets snagged in the sawed and planed, there was The cook, who portrays a lightgest which, I wager, would draw handle of yesterday's unwashed something unreal about these pro- hearted buffoon stopping off in an enthusiastic following. It would stew pot. grams. Then. click. it came to me. the kitchen enroOte to a bluegrass begin with the cook dumping her No kids! No spouses! No interrup- festival. reaches for little dishes "Somebody's at the door for purse and papers on the dining tions! In short. no life. you, Mom." her teen shouts. She containing carefully pre-measured room table, eyeing the clock anxI've watched a few similar pro- ingredients and spices. Reaches buys two huge candy bars from the iously, opening the refrigerator grams since my semiannual iron- for? All these people seem to have . door and staring helplessly at what neighborhood child who's selling ing day and now understand the . three hands because one or more them and breathes a thankful isn't there. miracles. prayer to God for coming up with appear mysteriously onthe screen Finally, she grabs a hunk of Thequilter has everythingme~ to hand them a pot. a saw. or a dessert. ·The clock reminds her cheese and while wondering how sured and cut before the opening ruler. . she can turn' it into a' creative. tQat the family has to be at church credits appear: All her tools are in a half hour. so she tosses the Forget the food' chopper for colorful. tasty meal, she hears,· linedupas if ona surgeon's tray: cheese, some lettuce. and bn:ad on Christmas. I want a pair of those "Hey. Mom, I need a ride right Even her scissors are there. the. table and shouts. ~'Dinner." hands; O"'Qv." . Nobody's scissors are ever there. And nobody ever has to clean . Now there's a show I'd watch. I A half hour later, she's back in . The repairwoman has everything at hand she needs. That never up.. That kitchen is.a mess when' the. kitchen, resigned to serving could even serve as consultant. happens around here. When my' the program ends with the cook's . grilled cheese s~ndwichesagain. . because I'm qualified .
'W ouldparents choose to do it all again?' By ANTOINETTE
I never thought I'd hear myself say what tumbled out of my mouth the other day. I had too many phone calls in the space of a few hours from my grown kids. all expressing various problems. All of a sudden I just wanted to say "enough!" I'd had it-with too many problems. too many kids. too little time for myself. After the third or fourth call. I
collapsed in a chair and m!Jrnbled to the walls. ·'In.my next lifetime. I'm coming back smart . enough not to have children." That day I began reading Mitch Finley's newbook. "Your Family in Focus." (Ave Maria Press). I wanted to see what this practical and spiritual man might have to say that could challenge my vicious mood. In Chapter 6. Fi nley recalled when syndicated advice columnist· Ann Landers asked her readers whether they would still have children if they had it to do over. The responses were remarkable and sad. They shocked even Ms. Landers. The majority wrote back
saying they would not have chB-children "glad they were born,' dren again. '. and are they"eager for life?" I ~miied. I knew the answer: It Finley concludedaboutthe sur~ vey."lfAnn Landers'surveyreveais was positive and affirmative. anxthing." he wrote, "it's that par~ Would I h~ve kids again if I had enthood is no picnic. Parents put 'my life to live over? You bet! tip with a lot of inconvenience and . In .his opening chapter. Finley irritation and often get little thanks' writes:"What makes a family holy for their trouble." is not to' be totally free from· con"Right on," I said. again talking flict or to become a group of peoto the .walls around me. I con- pie who never hurt. one another. tinued to read. stopping when I' Rather. holiness in families comes reached wise words. from learning to forgive an<;l be "There comes a time," Finley reconciled. and learning to face up wrote. "when we must stop feeling to our problems and do something responsible for the decisions and about them." choices offspring make. the good Finley also showed sensitivity by recognizing single parents who as well as the not-so-good." Finley asked the real questions a are working extraordinarily hard parent should focus on: Are your to keep their families intact.
. His advice to all families is that they should be waryofhow,~asy it is to dwell on "weak spots. the things we don't like. and pass by the strong points." He suggests we write down the good things that happen in the course of a couple of weeks because we might be surprised. Finley dedicates his book to his wife and three sons. saying "You are God's greatest gift to mf:;" . His willingness to make his persona'l devotion pu blic touched me. as did his book.
"We must constantly build dikes of courage to hold back the flood offear."~MartinLuther King,Jr.
The Anchor Friday, June 25, 1993
"Nell' England Iw.I/'lIaill)' Wllh a European Fla""
Those interested in the event may contact Barbara Kavanagh Crowley at tel. (415) 362-0562 or fax (415) 331-1932 or write her at RPCV '93 Conference, Suite 705, 391 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA 94108-4324. Thank you, Barbara Crowley
that the irony~the hidden God is no longer supposed to be hiddenbut visible in each of us-in the' humans He came to teach to be fully human. We pass by flowers and rarely enjoy their beauty or lovely scent. We observe sunsets. but glance at them briefly only to dismiss them quickly in order to get back to the frantic life we choose that sometimes leads precious human beings to their own mental extinetionan extinction of themselves, their loved ones and the people that surround their day and their liveswho are there to help enrich it and help pull it from the violence of everyday hardships. After all, we are all here to help, stop the maddening violence of unhealthy relationships toward all humans-to stop and risk feeling what others are feeling and the struggles they are trying to cope with. It only takes a moment. Arlene Paiva SA V moderator
A bout compassion
Restore EWTNJ
Calling RPCVs Dear Editor: Returned Peace Corps Volunteers are seeking some 80,000 volunteers whose records were destroyed in a 1970s fire to inform them of a conference to be held at the University of California at Berkeley July I to 5. The meeting will celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the Peace Corps and the continued leadership role of many volunteers. With a theme of Ecological Harmony, seminars and workshops will examine ways of changing human interaction with the environment.
Dear Editor: Enclosed is a newsletter sent to local papers in conjunction with Project SA V (Students Against Violence) at St. Joseph's School, Fairhaven. SA V is an ongoing effort to help s'top violence and change attudes of abuse and disrespect of the hu man person. COMPASSION WIPES OUT VIOLENCE Each of us is a human beingeach of us is an entity that deserves respect. justice, and the rights handed down to us by spilled blood on battlefields and spilled blood from the ,:ross of Christ. Each of us wars daily with the struggles of how to cope with life's difricult challenges-its costs, its pain, its disappointments, its personal tragedies and losses, worry and anxiety, sickness and stress. Each of us sets goals and objectives that we wish to meet or accomplish-but sometimes in achieving those goals, we forget the lessons learned in the story of "Hope for the Flowers"-we trample on and infringe upon the rights of other human beings who are struggling to reach the top. And the top? What does it have in store for us? More struggle? More stepping on the rights of ot hers? M ore stress? M ore insensitivity to those who are bleeding to reach the top? In our everyday combats with life. with self-identity, with survivaL we get so caught up with all the trappings of a pseudo-societyentanglements that seem to increase the more we get entrapped by its values and lack of compassion. Compassion: a word and its meaning we are getting out of touch with because we are each so wrapped up in our own survival, our ow.n superior climb to the top, our own strive-energy to the peak. 1n a world of violence, have we forgotten to take a few moments of each day to 1ruly look into the eyes of another and see there the sorrow. the frustration, the pain, the desperation, the inner screaming cry they make to no one except to their hidden God? But is not
Bed C5J' Brealiftlsr
495 Wesr f"I"wucit /Jlg!lInl)' (Houre 28A) /'0 B,ll 8<)5 Wese Fa/mollrlt., Ma ()257~
PRO-LIFE MEETIN(;: Bishop Sean O'Malley met wi~h representatives of the diocesan Pro-Life Apostolate this month to discuss committee concerns. Topics included proposed expansion of the apostolate, evaluation of recent deanery pro-life Masses, and plans for Respect Life Month in October and diocesan participation in next January's Prayer Vigil and March for Life in Washington. From left are pro-life representatives Jim Wasel, Fall River deanery; Madeleine Lavoie, DCCW; Janet Barbelle, Birthright; Gayle Riley, religious education; Bishop O'Malley; Jason Kenney, youth; Marian Desrosiers, Cape Cod deanery; Mary-Lou Mancini, Catholic Social Services; Doreen Bissonnette, Taunton deanery Attleboro; and Peter Zajac, New Bedford deanery. Father Stephen A. Fernandes heads the apostolate.
Alice Beaulieu New Bedford
OUR LADY'S REliGIOUS STORE Mon, " Sat, 10.'00 . 5:30 P.M,
BOOKS 673-4262 936 So. Main St..
Fall River
Now we can show you a side ofyourselfyou've never seen before. The image you see here may look like a regular X-ray. But it was actually produced at Saint
Dear Editor: I have sent the following letter to Whaling City Cable TV. We hope they will reconsider and give us EWIN, at least from 8 p.m. To Whom It May Concern; We think Whaling City Cable TV has been very unfair to their customers. The re-scheduling of路 EWTN broadcasts was in poor taste. Therefore. we are indignant with the way Whaling City Cable TV is treating us! Our viewing of channel 31 (Catholic Cable) was from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. (already not prime time). But to be informed that channel31 would be changed to channel 16 (which is not a problem) and aired from II p.m. to 7 a.m. on weekdays is simply not acceptable. We have been cheated of five hours of viewing channel31 and that is taking away the few hours of prime time we had before. Another insult was to read that the channel would be aired only when the broadcast stations are off the air at the end of the broadcast day! Since we subscribed to Whaling City Cable TV primarily to be able to view EWTN Catholic Cable, we are disappointed with the way you have handled this situation! You may recieve cancellations of Whaling Cable TV. Thank you for your time.
Open year round (5081 540路 7232
Anne's Hospital using an extraordinary piece of equipment ':alled a SPECT camera - that stands lor Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography. And it can provide our doctors with images ofthe human body that were undreamed of not long ago. Robert Courc\', M.D. ClJiel' of Ri,d"io)ogy
When a conventional X-ray is taken, it creates a pictur~ that contains everything in the area being
X-rayed. So a chest X-ray will show your b~eastbone,your spine and everything in betWeen. Il'your doctor wants to look at a specific area ol'your chest, he or she must find that precise spot among the layers ofoverlapping images that an X-ray creates. The beauty of the SPECT process is that it can create extremely clear images of exactly what your doctor wants to look at- and nothing else. If your doctor has to see what's going on ten centimeters below your breastbone, the. SPECT camera will create a pichlre of precisely that region ofyour chest. Ifan image ofyour heart is needed, our camera will produce a crystal-clear view of the heart without your lungs or ribs obscuring the view. And while the results are incrc'<!ible, the principle behind this process is actually quite simple. Certain substan :es are attracted to diflerent parts of the body. When we need an image ofa particular organ, we inject a patient with the chenical that is attracted to that organ. Then tht路se chemicals give oil'signals that the SPECT
Usage questioned Dear Editor: In reference to the picture and caption on the front page of the Anchor on May 21, 1993 showing those persons involved with the Catholic Charities Appeal, Claire McMahon was refered to as a chairman. In a move away from sexism, it would be appropriate that the word chairman be changed to chairperson, especially in reference to a wo~an. Please keep this in mind in any future articles. Marie Avelar-Fredette New Bedford
camera picks up and assembles on a computer screen. So. lor example, to produce the images of the skeleton in these photographs,
we injected the patient with a material that "sticks" to bones. Because it works so well. SPE,cT has a great variety of uses. Our doctors are finding it especially helpful in diagnosing cancer and heart disease. At Saint A'me's Hospital, this is just one of the amazing pieces of equipment that we use to diagnose illness and injuries. In the years ahead, our goal is to continue to stay on top ofthe latest technological
developments as they become available. All ofwhich serves an even more noble goal: caring loryou.
PI Saint Annes BlHospital 795 Middle Street. Fall River. MA 02721
Diocese of Fall River -
DENMARK'S Pharmacy
Fri., June 25, 1993
Invalid Equipment For Rent or Sale Surgical Garments - Bird - IPPB Machines - Jobst
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LEFT, SISTER Imelda; right, with Candy, a predecessor of the Duchess of Hawthorne, who is a Japanese akita.
Diocese says goodbye to Sister Imelda Friday, June 25 -7:15 P.M. PRAYER VIGIL FOR VOCATIONS FR. PAT & TEAM
Sunday, June 27 - 2:00 PM HEALING SERVICE
Outdoor Mass Ham & Bean Supper Outdoor Concert
All are welcome to attend.
There wasn't time for many good byes. So this is one from the grateful diocese of Fall River. Sacred Heart Home in Philadelphia needed a superior, and Sister Imelda O'Brien, OP, who had served in Fall River for over 13 years, was called upon to fill the position within a week. The rescheduling of her departure, originally set for September, meant hasty packing and a quicklyc arranged May farewell party for the former superior of the Dominicans of St. Rose of Lima at Fall River's Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home. Founded in 1932, the home is named for the daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne, the foundress of the community that cares for persons suffering from incurable cancer. The Fall River home is one of seven in the United States. As she has always done, Sister Imelda trusted in God to send her where he most needed her. In Fall River, there were heavyhearted parting for the merry sister who was a beloved part of the Rose Hawthorne staff for 13 years; good byes to good friends and to her doted-upon dog, the Duchess of Hawthorne,' whom she could not bring with her to her new environs. But Sacred Heart Home was a homecoming for the nun, a Philadelphia native who as a girl helped serve breakfasts with the sisters
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before hurrying to classes at Little Flower Catholic School across the street. A Dominican of St. Rose of Lima for 43 years, Sister Imelda embodies the spirit of the community which overlays the trials of terminal illness with thejoys of life and good humor. Maintaining a cheerfUl and loving atmosphere for the dying is her highest priority: it was Sister Imelda who took charge of the Rose Hawthorne H orne's seasonal and often fanciful decor: elaborate Christmas decorations she spent weeks putting up, the "families" of stuffed animals she assembled to the delight of patients and their visitors alike, the thicket of paper shamrocks hanging from the ceiling to honor St. Patrick for the entire month of March. Holiday trimmings extended to her habit, as well: for St. Patrick's Day a green veil and shamrock socks; a green coat for the dog. She established an annual Christmas party for employees and volunteers and continued friendships with the families of deceased patients. Her friends and fellow sisters well remember, too, Sister Imelda wallpapering the home's walls and knitting beautiful Irish sweaters she couldn't possibly make enough of to meet the demand. She loved to frequent the Fall River mill outlets and to browse at craft fairs, added Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home worker Janice Furtado. "She also made a lot of handmade baby things" including a christening outfit for a relative. In short. Ms. Furtado summed up, "She's a lot of fun, happygo-lucky." But serious about her work: Sister Imelda rises most mornings shortly after three o'clock to fit three hours of prayer into her sched ule, energizing her for a day's work others could find draining. In her seven years of nursing and six as superior at Rose Hawthorne, it was "working with the patients" Sister Imelda loved most, that one-on-one care of the nursing sisters for their designated patients, said Ms, Furtado. As superior she missed that measure of closeness to the patients of the 35-bed home. but she still made rounds each night with the Duchess. "She's a regular person," said Ms. Furtado. But Sister Imelda is a regular person committed to the
extraordinary mission that her pre-' decessor as Fall River suilerior, Sister Marie Cordis, called "the contelTlplative life... with action." The Dominicans of Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, Sacred Heart and the community's other homes in New York, Atlanta, Cleveland and St. Paul work daily shifts of 12 hours or more, assisted by a volunteer staff. They have one day off a month and a IO-day vacation each year. They are there to comfort, console, counsel; to uphold the dignity of life even in its waning moments. They accept no payment from patients, their families, or insurers. Theirs is truly a ministry to the sick poor, one which Sister Imelda embraces because "she was poor growing up-she kno'ws what it's like," Ms. Furtado recalled. Born Margaret O'Brien, Sister Imelda was one of seven children her mother raised alone to be "independent and strong," said Ms. Furtado. Young Margaret's association with Sacred Heart H orne led to a vocation with the Dominican community, and her first assignment as a professed sister was at the Fall River home she would later return to as superior. After serving in Fall River in the early 1950s, she had assignments at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home in Atlanta, Our Lady of Good Counsel Home in St. Paul and Rosary Hill Home in Hawthorne, NY. Returning now to Philadelphia. Sister Imelda is reunited with several siblings who remain in the city, though her twin brother died over a year ago. Left behind are the Duchess, whom she hopes will join her someday in Philadelphia, and scores of friends that she has acquired over the years. "My first assignment was in Fall River, and I have come to love the city and its people. I'm very sorry to be leaving, but I have memories that will last forever," she said before her departure last month. She also had a prediction to fulfill in the City of Brotherly Love. Long agQwhen you ng Margaret spent so much time volunteering for the sisters, her mother commented, "Someday you'l! bring your bed over there!" 43 years and countless words and works of comfort later, Sister Imelda has.
i' ::::.'~\: 131-'5/ C>,FSt.· Julie BilliarlXp~~~ .. 'ti~iw..~ii~~, willg<ith.~ . this .weekend to celebra.te .eouip,;(.ii .' 't··.tlt,eparish' build'ingproject which "egan one year agoa~which has seen expansi{)n of the church to double its former capacity and addition of a neiv wing accommodating a kitchen, parish offices and two meeting rooms. The undertaking was made necessat'y by expansion of the parish from a few hundred families at the time of its founda.. tion by the late Bishop James L. Connolly in 1969 to its present figure of over 2,000 families.
-Each weekend Mass (4:30 p.m. Saturday; 8,10:15 and 11:30 a.m. Sunday) will be offered in thanksgiving far the blessings God has given St. Julie's; and after each Mass Msgt'.J>atrickJ. O'Neill, pastor'i ttilJ greet parishioners and refreshment~ will be served in th~palJt all•.There will also be tours aftJle~i'Y,rch's new wing. ,~~:,:..i'r~s,left to right from top, depict ~. st~~~~(f~:lass wincl~J, quoting';tJt;e favorit~ saying of St. Julie Billiart;.. a1991 photoaf Msgr~~'NeillandFather StephenJ. Avila, pat'ochial vicar, with the archite<;t's concept of the expanded church; S,ister Theresa Spar.. row, RSM', religious education coot'dinator; Mrs. Blaine Kaner, parishsecietary.
Funding Catholic schooling is win-win si1tuation for executives, he says CHICAGO (CNS) - The head of an insurance company that funds an educational choice program to help needy students attend Catholic schools says such a program is a 'win-win situation, He urged other business executives to follow his lead, Poor children receive a quality education and companies benefit both from good public relations and by contribut'ing to a more capable labor pool, J. Patrick Rooney, chairman of Golden Rule Insurance Co. in Indianapolis, recently told the Corporate Responsibility Group of Greater Chicago, a nonprofit organization that tries to raise corporate awareness of economic and social public policy issues. Added Rooney,.a Catholic: ''I'm a practical man. I want to get to heaven someday. What we have done 'for the least of my brothers' may look pretty good on my resume when I die," Begun in 1991, the Golden Rule choice program was the first of its kind. The first year the company paid half the tuition of 500 poor students' whose parents chose a private schooL This year 907 children in kindergarten through eighth grade participated, and next year 1,500 are expected to be involved. Theprogram is open to children eligi-
ble for federally subsidized lunches, Other companies besides Golden Rule now contribute to the Choice Charitable Trust. Drawingjob seekers from innercity neighborhoods, Golden Rule found that many applicants could barely read and write, Schools in poor areas of Indianapolis are plagued by gun-toting youths, and a primary concern is safety, rather than discipline and education, said Rooney, Rooney said he and other company executives spent less than two hours deciding upon the choice program after the Indiana General Assembly voted down state funding for school choice. "It's not just the right thing to do - it's good business," he said, "We've gotten wonderful publicity." Ed ucational choice does not hurt public schools, said Rooney, but forces them to become better. Rooney, 64, is the son of the founder of Golden Rule, the nation's largest writer of individual major medical insurance policies, In the 1980s Golden Rule was a plaintiff in a landmark lawsuit settled out of court that accused the Illinois Insurance Department of discrimination against minorities in its exams for licenses. Rooney, one of the few white
members of a black church in Indianapolis, said private schools satisfy parents' chief concern for their children. "You might think they're interested in a better education, It's not that. They're interested in values," he said, "They want their children to grow up to be responsible people. "That's the reason they're interested in private schools, They know about the moral deterioration of the public schools." Public schools have deteriorated as school systems have been consolidated over the past few decades, he explained, saying that larger school systems improved facilities but at the cost of discipline, "It's not a matter of individual people or failure," said Rooney, "It's not that bad people teach in public schools and good people in Catholic schools. It's a matter of size."
Mantle Plumbing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 JEFFERSON STREET Fall River 675-7496
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MUSIC BY MIKE'S POLKA KJNG (Friday 6-10 PM) JOEY SMOLA'S VELVETONES (From Ludlow, MA.) (Saturday 6-10) DRAW POLKA V\/ITH BOBBY PALO (From Pawtucket, RI) (Sunday 2-6 PM) Also Featuring Famous Polish Kitchen American Fare Games of Skill & Chance Expanded Kiddie Land Polish Heritage Artifacts and Religious Articles Exclusive Festival Cookbook
Help for families coping with Alzheimer's By Monica and Bill Dodds Although the term" Alzheimer's diesease" has become a part of society's vocabulary. it seems safe to say the general public has only a basic definition of the illness and a rudimentary understanding of what is involved for both the patient and the caregiver. "The 36-Hour Day." by Nancy L. Mace and Peter V. Rabine (J ohns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore. 329 pages. $11.95). is considered the classic guide on caring for someone with Alzheimer's. It's an excellent first step for an adult child who has received the news that M om or Dad has been diagnosed with some form of dementia. First published in 1981, the book has been recently revised to incorporate information provided by families who have a member with Alzheimer's. "Dedicated to everyone who gives a '36-hour day' to the care of a person with a dementing illness." this book clearly presents the nuts and bolts of the disease and the stages it typically travels. Of equal importance for family members. it is written for caregivers from a family perspective. not for professionals. This is not. a medical textbook but a family guide. And it includes helpful guidance on how caring for an impaired person affects you (emotional reactions. fatigue and illness. when the person dies).
This section of the book can be especially helpful, even comforting. Caring for an aging parent takes a heavy emotional as well as a physical toll. The authors explain how a wide range of feelings and overwhelming exhausting would strike anyone in that situation. You're not on this emotional roller coaster beca use you a re a bad son or daughter: you are going through what family caregivers typically experience. In fact. given the situation you and your parent are in. your fears. feelings and frustrations are probably normal. You may find yourself concerned about what impact the illness could make on your marriage, your job. your child reno Among topics the book addresses are: - Getting medical help. - Characteristic problems of dementia (memory problems. combativeness. loss of sense of time). - Problems in independent livingfgiving up one'sjob, managing money. driving. living alone). Problems in daily care (hazards in the home and in public. nutrition, personal hygiene. incontinence). - Problems of behavior (behavior management. wandering. sleep disturbance and night wandering, hoarding and hiding, rummaging through drawers and closets, inappropriate sexual behavior, stubbornness. the use of medication to manage behavior).
- Mood problems (depression, complaints about health, suicide. alcohol and drug abuse. apathy. anger. anxiety and nervousness, suspiciousness and paranoia. hallucinations, failure to recognize people or things). - Getting outside help (friends and neighbors, community services. in-home help and adult day care, day hospitals and shortstay residency care. determining quality of service). - Caring for yourself (taking time out, finding additional help, joining with other families). - Financial and legal issues. - Nursing home and other living arrangements. - Brain disorders and the causes dementia. The authors also have five appendixes featuring a bibliography, organizations, where to obtain supplies. locating the state office on aging and state nursing home ombudsman. and the rights of nursing home residents. That's a long list. but we've included it because it drives home the point that Alzheimer's is a complex and often baffling --disease. "The 36-Hour Day" can help not only primary caregivers and immediate family members. but is recommended reading for the extended family. for neighbors and friends who want to help but don't know what the patient and the caregiver arc experiencing or what their needs may be.
Fighting sandwich generation burnout By Monica and Bill Dodds Welcome to the "sandwich generation." The middle-aged woman wasn't sure what to expect next. She didn't know where to turn for help. She didn't realize there are others facing the same squeeze. Others who feel as inadequate. Others who feel as tired. Others who feel as guilty. as angry, as pushed and pulled between children who still need care and a parent whose health and independence are failing. Others who. like her. find themselves members of the "sandwich generation." That's the term being used to describe people caught in the middle this way. People taking care of an aging parent while continuing to take care of their own children and often holding down a fulltime job. There are a lot of books and experts and theories on raising children. but practical information for the sandwich generation is still evolving. There is no Dr. Spock to turn to. Sandwich generation members can find themselves suddenly thrust into that situation. A parent's health may have been relatively good. He or she may have been' active and independent. But the unexpected onset of a debilitating
disease. the worsening of a mediyou can and cannot do. Sometimes you have to say no. cal condition or a fall can mean an 2. Get as much practical inforad ult child must assume the role of' primary caregiver, the parent's mation as you can. This would advocate through the medical and include material about aging in social service maze. the one who . general and about your parent's provides comfort, support and enproblem in particular. couragement. 3. Take care of yourself. When For some, it's a matter of many so much has to be done and the trips across town to M om's or stress is so tremendous. a proper Dad's place. For others. it means diet. enough sleep and some exerdozens of phone calls and arrangcise are often the first casualties. ing time to fly or drive to where a You won't be able to help anyone parent lives. It's trying to get so if you don't take care of yourself. 4. Pray. For courage. for much done. trying to make so many arrangements. during those strength, for patience. For good doctors and nurses: for caring social visits. At the same time. it's hard to service providers: for family members. neighbors and parishioners watch a parent's health slip away. who want to help you and your It's hard to come to grips with the fact that Mom or Dad will not be ag;ng parent. Pray that you and your aging around forever. It's hard to begin to say goodbye. To hear that goodparent can grow closer during this difficult time. Pray that through bye. It's a time packed with emotions all the ups and downs. you can recognii'e and appreciate each and with fears. A time that can be other's love. physically draining. A time that a Monica Dodds is a social worker spouse and children may not underwith Catholic Community Sen'istand. Here arejust a few basic sugges- ces in Seattle. Her husband Bill is a writer whose latest book is "My tions for making that time a littk Sister Annie," a children's noyel. easier: I. Remember that you're not going to be able to do all that you want. Remember you are a human being, and you cannot be the perVATICAN CITY (CNS) - The fect adult child. the perfect spouse world finds common ground in its or the perfect parent. Decide what unbelief and its quest for material g~ods, but it needs a united witness of faith in Christ, said Bishop Basil Meeking. The ecumenist and bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand, said secularism, materialism and unbelief have become "a kind of caricature of ecumenism" by bringing a certain unity to the world, Bishop Meeking recently addressed a Vatican meeting of representatives of ecumenical commissions of national bishops' conferences and Eastern-rite bisops' synods.
Witness needed
DOES EACH of your children seem to be marching to the sound of a different drummer? Dan Morris knows why. (eNS photo)
Why each child is different By Dan Morris I get a kick out of the question. "How can children from the same parents raised in the same home environment end up so different?" We parents know. And we're not telling. But here's a hint. Your firstborn at age 8 says of her younger brother. "You always let Joey do what he wants and you never let me take gum to school or play diving board off the oven door." You feel guilty. Maybe you are inadvertently favoring the younger. You say, "Oh no, precious firstborn, we love you as much as Joseph. We'll take the gum from him. and please, take a leap off the oven door as a token of our love and affirmation." Joseph is no dummy. When he reaches age 8. he says of his new younger brother Michael and older sister Marie. "You always let them do what they want, and you never let me take gum to school or make kites out of Dad's work shirts." The mystery of the strange knots and grass stains is solved. You make a mental note to prosecute Marie and Michael to the full degree.
Yet you want to be sure Joseph knows you love him as much as M ich'ael - or his older sister (M iss Manipulation). for that matter. You say, "Be assured. Joseph, our affection for you equals that for Michael and Marie. Note, however. that if you touch Daddy's shirt, you're dead meat. A nd spit your gum in the garbage." Michael has reached 8. He plays the card. "You always let Baby Jon and Marie and Joey do what they want and you never let me take gum to school or use your socket set for Monopoly pieces." You are older, wiser. you tire more easily. You ha ve spare sockets hidden in your closet. You say, "That's because we only had you so we could have someone to take out the garbage, pull weeds and take care of us in our old age. As a token of appreciation. though, take all the gum you want to school. Starting tomorrow. we'll pack you a bag of gum instead of a bag lunch." Baby Jon turns 8. "How come I never get to do what they get to do and I always have to use their old stuff?" "Want a stick of gum, son. and we'll talk about it'?" you ask.
Couples with strong faith less likely to cohabit Making a lasting marriage commitment and avoiding the pitfalls of cohabitation is strongly associated with the degree of a person's religious commitment. a recent study by sociologists found. Since cohabiting couples have a greater tendency to divorce if they do eventually marry. researchers at the University of Michigan. the University of Chicago. and the University of Toledo investigated what factors help predict who is more likely to cohabit. They found the cohabitation rate is seven times higher among persons who seldom or never attend religious services compared to persons who frequently attend. Religious commitment reduces cohabitation among both young men and young women. but the effect was found to be stronger among young women. The level of religious commitment was also key. Women who attended religious services once a week were only
one-third as likely to cohabit as those who attended church services less than once a month. The religious commitment of parents was also found to be significant in determining whether an adult child will cohabit. If the mother frequently attended reli路gious services, both sons and daughters were only 50 percent as likely to cohabit as adult children whose mothers were not actively religious. The researchers noted that the tendency to cohabit increased in the early '70s, just at the time that religious commitment in young people began to decline. The higher divorce rate of the last 20 years is also' consistent' with the increased tendency of married couples who initially cohabited to divorce.
From the NationallnstitUle/or Health Care Research. WashinKIon. /J.e. and Austin. Texas
j eNS photo
High Court Continued from Page One olic High School] in its mission of religious indoctrination. But the Establishment Clause is violated when a sectarian school enlists 'the machinery of the state to enforce a religious orthodoxy.''' Blackmun said that under the principle followed by the majority, a public employee working as an interpreter might be forced to adhere to religiously based rules of conduct at a parochial school, such as a Hindu Irequirement to dress in a certain manner. "To require public employees to obey such rules would impermissibly threaten indi,vidual liberty, but to fail to do so might endanger religious autonomy," he wrote. "For such reasons, it long has been feared that 'a union of government and religion tends to destroy government and degrade religion.,,, Atty. lIall Ten times in his 76 years, William Bentley Ball, the lawyer for young James Zobn~st, has stood at the Supreme Cou.rt's mahogany lectern to face the nine most powerful jurists in the Iland. Ten times he has lived the scene all attorneys both wish for and dread - taking just 30 minutes to plead a case whose outcome could establish a principlle of law affecting generations to come. His cases have spanned the range of religious rights issues, from whether church schools or their students can get state financial assistance to whether teachers may be held to a standard of behavior dictated by religious beliefs. By now Ball has gotten the mechanics of facing the Supreme Court down to a science: spend months studying every possible angle; winno:w the,arguments onto a single sheet of a legal pad; summarize them again to fit on an index card; then stand up without notes and argue from memory and gut feelings. Ball tells of feeling so crushed by the justices' grueli,ng questioning, during his first Supreme Court case that he wrote his partner a note saying he w,as sure all was
lost. The court ultimately ruled in ,his client's favor. The secret of Ball's success as a religious rights attorney is simply "he's a good lawyer," says Mark Chopko, general counsel for the U. S. Catholic Conference. For example, in a case involving prolife counseling clinics, Ball insisted on good "trial records," showing proof of what the counselors accomplish. Others wanted to plead the case on strictly moral arguments, which would have accomplished little in settling the legal questions, he said. The drive to defend religious principles that has led Ball to the high court again and again keeps him from, retiring, despite his impending 77th birthday and the lure of a family retreat in the mountains. "There are just so many problems out there," he said, citing a recent plea for help from a woman whose 15-year-old was threatened with failing school,unless he read "The Catcher in the Rye," a classic but obscenity-filled novel to which his parents objected. Ball counts victories in half of his Supreme Court cases. One in his "win" column that has had lastingsignificance was 1972's Wisconsin vs. Yoder, which' upheld the right of Amish parents to limit their children's education to fewer years than the state requires. The Zobrest case came to Ball through his daughter, who worked with young James in Pennsylvania before his family moved to Arizona. A native of Rochester, N.Y., Ball has been in, Harrisburg for 33 years, going there as executive director and general counsel ofthe state's fledgling Catholic Welfare Committee, precursor to today's Pennsylvania Catholic Conference. After representing the conference for eight years, Ball went into private practice in 1968, quickly making his name as a defender of religious principles. But most important to his success and continued efforts, he said, is that "I've never taken a case I didn't believe in."
Continued from Page On'e and said the use of canonical penalties against priests who molest children "arc fully justified." Pope John Paul also sharply criticized U.S. media for what he described as "treating moral evil as an occasion for sensationalism." He said" America needs much prayer-lest it lose its soul." Other major actions by the bishops included: - Unanimous adoption of a resolution endorsing comprehensive health care reform in the United States. The statement includes insistence on universal access to adequate health care and rejection of abortion coverage. - Ncar-unanimous approval of a resolution urging Rome to end delays in approving the English translation of the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" and asking for a final English text by Aug. I if possible. _ ' - A decision to make the ordinary age for confirmation in the United States range between the age of discretion, about 7, and 18. If approved by Rome, the rule would allow virtually all dioceses to continue current policies or to experiment within the age range in an effort to improve on current practice. - Approval of a plan to revamp the Catholic l' clecommunications Network of America, making it directly accessible by parishes. Founded 12 years ago, CTNA until now has had diocesan centers as its sole or main customers. The new plan involves a major shift in programming, with emphasis on providing direct resources for parish ministries. , The bishops also discussed the International Commission on English Liturgy, which is currently revising the English translation of the Sacramentary, the book of Mass prayers; and considered issues affecting men and women religious and their relations with bishops. The bishops overwhelmingly approved a request for an additional $2 million line of credit from conference reserves to assure adequate funding for World Youth
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa] River-Fri., June 25, 1993
Day in Denver this August. The budget was increased from $4.5 million to $6.5 'million because organizers now expect about 150,000 people to attend, more than double the number originally anticipated. They voted on asking Rome's permission to write two new eucharistic prayers for U.S. use, but the 172-27 tally at the meeting was inconclusive because Vatican rules require a two-thirds majority of all bishops eligible to vote on the matter, currently 262. Only three votes short of passage, the proposal is
almost certain to pass when more than 60 bishops not present for the vote are polled by mail. Some 120 bishops remained in New Orleans June 20 for a daylong seminar on the new Catechism of the Catholic Church. They werejoined by diocesan religious education officials from all over the country.
Bad Example "Sin would only be an evil for him who commits it, were it not a crime towards the weak brethren, whom it corrupts."--Henri Amiel
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SATURDAY, ,SEPfEMBER 18, 1993 - - Keynote Speakers ALFONSO CARDiNAl LOPEZ TRUJillO ARCHBISHOP AGOSTINO (A(CtlVlUAN President, Pont~ical Council for the Fami~
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 25, 1993
POPE JOHN PAUL II'S countenance soars above the crowd on a souvenir balloon at the June 13 closing Mass of the International Eucharistic Congress in Seville, Spain. Trial balloons are also going up as pope-watchers speculate on the identity of John Paul's successor. (CNS/ Reuters photo)
'Trial balloons ascend as pope-watchers wonder who'll follow John Paul II VATICAN CITY (CNS) When Cardinal Bernardin Gantin, a longtime Vatican official from Benin, was elected dean of the College of Cardinals, pieces in the "Name the Next Pope" board game started to shift. In the predictions of some, the early June election moved Cardinal Gantin, head of the Congregation for Bishops, higher up the list of possibles, called "papa bile" or "pope-able." But because Cardinal Gantin is already 71 years old, many experienced players took the announcement as a general opening for other Africans and non-Europeans to advance. The black cardinal's nomination to the post, which carries important duties during the election of a new pope, "is another sign of the universality of the church and is a consequence of the internationalization of the Roman Curia," said the newspaper II Messaggero. "The presence of Gantin at the head of the 'Senate of the Church' seems to prefigure the election of a black pope," the article said. But Cardinal Gantin's election cannot be read as a preliminary papal ballot because the dean is elected by and from among the six cardinals holding the honorary rank of titular of a "suburbicarian church," which are dioceses on the outskirts of Rome. The Name the Next Pope game is ongoing in Rome, although the conventional wisdom is that there will not be a conclave before the year 2000. hence the handicap of cardinals over 70. Waiting for press conferences t-o start, journalists ask each other,
"So, who's the next pope?" When the summer news doldrums start, they go through their flies updating the biographies of those they think are in the running. And that's the normal, the-popeis-healthy activity. Piles of paper were shuffled and hundreds of words about the "papabile" were written - but generally not published - last summer when Pope John Paul II was hospitalized for removal of a noncancerous colon tumor. Citizens of Rome, who claim the pope as their bishop, also play the game, usually agreeing that it's time for another Italian. They like the tradition of the Italian pope, but waning are the d,ays when more than half the church's cardinals were European and most of those were Italian. , On Jan. I, 1963, the College of Cardinals had 85 members, 57 Europeans. 29 of whom Italians. Fifteen years later, the college had expanded to 132 members, doubling the number of North Americans, Latin Americans and Asians. The number of Africans had jumped from one to 12. Today the College of Cardinals has 151 members, 79 of them Europeans. 35 of whom are Italians. Butofthe 108 cardinals who are under 80 and therefore eligible to vote in a papal conclave, only 52 are European and only 20 of those are Italian. Eighteen of the eligible voters come from Latin America. 14 from Africa. II from Asia. nine from North America and four from Oceania. Yet the Italians seem to come out ahead in the Name the Next
Pope game. Topping almost every list is Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, 66, a Jesuit scholar and archbishop of Milan. He is cited for pastoral and administrative.skills, active involvement in ecumenical and interreligious dialogue and his longtime presidency of the council of European bishops' conferences. Another Italian often mentioned is Cardinal Pio Laghi, prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education and former pro-nuncio to the V nited States. But his age, 71, and lack of pastoral ex perience count against him-at least in the board game. Along with Cardinal Gantin's advancement following his election as dean of College of Cardinals, Cardinal Francis Arinze. 62. a Nigerian who heads the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, seems to have gotten a push. The two Africans are seen as quintessential curial team players. Cardinal Gantin's influence over the ch~rch throughout tht: world is huge because most bishops' appointments go through his office, but he keeps a low profile. Cardinal Arinze gets around more, giving speeches at a variety of events, not only about his work with Muslims and Buddhists, but also about imbuing faith with elements of one's culture. And what are the chances for a V.S. cardinal? Nil, said one of them. "There will never be a V .S. pope because the Vnited States is too preeminent politically and economically," said Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahony in 1991.
Archdiocese alters building policies at union urging BALTIMORE (CNS)- The archdiocese of Baltimore has revised its building policies to require contractors to show how much health care. sick leave. vacation and other benefits they provide to workers. The archdiocesan building policy had been under scrutiny since 1991. when union leaders claimed the policy was not in line with Catholic social teaching. They contended that the archdiocese was
hiring less expensive nonunion contractors who did not treat their workers as fairly as unions did. The new policy involves the awarding of contracts for construction projects of archdiocesan schools. parishes and other archdiocesan-owned buildings. To qualify for bidding under the revised policy. contractors must fill out a questionnaire showing how much health care. sick leave. short-term disability. retirement
and vacation benefits they offer. .The questionnaire also asks for information on drug and alcohol treatment, workplace conditions and the number and positions of minorities. In the past. contractors simply had to show they were bonded for financial reasons. Before the new policy was drawn up. the archdiocesan Division of Facilities Management surveyed union and nonunion contractors.
They found that while unions provided reasonable benefits, about a quarter of the nonunion contractors who responded did not. The revised policy. made public in June. attempts to ensure that contractors hired for archdiocesan projects treat their workers fairly. in line with Catholic social teaching on workers' right to a decent and just wage. "Our concern as church is just compensation and fair treatment
forworkers."said Msgr. G. Michael Schleupner. secretary for the archdiocesan Department of Management Services. "We think this policy responds to that." The policy applies to projects under control of the archbishop and costing more than $300.000. It is not expected to affect the construction practices of nonarchdiocesan entities. such as Catholic colleges and hospitals and Catholic Charities programs.
Spies who came in wearing cassocks didn't learn much VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Call it "The Spies who Came in Wearing Cassocks." But the latest spies-in-the-Vatican story isn't in the same genre as a John Le Carre noveL "It was a very modest way of spying," Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said with a laugh . . The alleged spies were three Orthodox students studying theology at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in the early 1980s. They were given access to lectures, the library and liturgies. The Orthodox espionage tale and other reports of clandestine snooping behind Vatican walls show how hard it is to infiltrate the little city-state and how meager were the gains of those who have succeeded. The latest splash of spy stories hit the Italian papers after Jesuit Father Jakov Kulic. secretary general of the Pontifical Oriental Institute. told reporters that the
three were sent by. their governments to Rome in the early 1980s. Father Kulic and Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, head of the Congregation for Eastern Churches, declined to provide details because "it's a very delicate question." . But professors and former students of the Oriental point out it was standard practice in the Soviet V nion and other Soviet-bloc countries to require citizens to write reports on any contacts they had with foreigners. It was assumed the requirement was more strictly enforced with citizens allowed to study abroad. V sing the reporting requirement "to say they were agents is to make a lyric leap," one professor told Catholic News Service. A common story among Oriental Institute students is that the East Europeans would fill their monthly reports with summaries of information they gleaned from the newspapers.
"One student told me he was instructed by his bishop not to put anything in his report that was not seen first in the newspapers," the professor said. "The poor Soviets believed secret sources more than public information, but that was an illusion," said V.S. Jesuit Father Robert Graham, a historian and longtime Vatican observer. "They had to employ very complicated means to get the same information that was in the newspapers," he said. Father Graham, who is amused by his reputation as the Vatican's "counterespionage expert." said in the last 50 years there has been hard information on only one "bona fide spy" with a Vatican beat. Alexander Kurtna. who was born in Estonia in 1914. spicd first for the Nazis, then for the Soviets in Rome in the 1940s. Navarro-Valls said the Vatican uses "standard security measures"
to prevent spying, but he would not provide details. The most obvious precaution is that it is difficult to get into any part of the Vatican except St. Peter's Basilica.and the museums. Father Graham thinks it would be easy to bug a Vatican confessional, but the information wouldn't be worth much. "All the penitent does is list sins by number and species - it's not a gossip session," he said. As cardinals participating in the 1978 conclave that elected Pope John Paul II were being sworn in, security agents checked the areaincluding the Sistine Chapel, apartments. offices and part of the Vatican museums - for unauthorized personneL They also "swept" for electronic listening and recording devices. When asked if he thought the Vatican conducted similar sweeps of its offices on a regular basis. Father Graham said. "I hope they do. You don't want to be naive."
One longtime Vatican reporter claims two Hungarian agents. in the 1960s went directly to him instead of to his tidied and edited reports, as the Orthodox students did. He said the outrageous stories he made up for them were exceeded only by the outrageously bad vod ka they gave him each Christmas. The Vatican's basic self-defense. Father Graham said, is the rule: Watch what you say and to whom you say it. Also, he said in a telephone interview, "You have to watch what you say on the phone; it's child's play to tap a phone:"
Sisters of Charity mark jubilees
SOCIAL MINISTERS: Among diocesan participants in the NECCS M annual convention at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, were, from left, Connie Pereira, Jane Price, Sister Mary Ann McIntyre, Father Peter N. Graziano, executive director of the diocesan department of Catholic Social Services; Bishop O'Malley, Clara Weeks-Boutilier, Patricia Cashmore, Elaine Abdow, Patricia Staebler. The little girl is Joanna Shurtleff, niece of RosaLopes of Fall River Catholic Social Services. Joanna was a bearer of gifts at the convention Mass.
Social llvork challenges discuss'ed by New England social ministers The New England Catholic Conference of Social Ministries (NECCSM) convened June 10 and II at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. with the theme "Putting Children and Families First: A Challenge to the Church of New England." Keynote speaker Mary Jane England, M 0, president of the Washington Business Group on Health, addressed the topic of health care reform. A child psychologist, Dr. England stressed that reform should not be limited to physical health care but should also include universal access to mental health services. With 37 million medically uninsured citizens-II million of them children-the United States has the poorest record in the world in child and family health care, said Dr. England. She added that lack of basic service such as health care can have social repercussions: children trapped in deprivation see little hope for a successful future. and such an outlook can be
a precipitating factor in violent behavior. Social workers also heard from Thomas Murphy of the Campaign for Human Development; Gerald Noel, New England Catholic Charities convenor, who discussed a policy paper on drugs and alcohol; and Richard Shannon of New Hampshire Catholic Charities, who discussed parish-based ministries. Workshops were offered on such topics as domestic violence, adolescent suicide, parenting skills, sexual abuse, AIDS, cultural diversity and child care. Also, a market place session offered outlines of innovative social programs in various dioceses. Bishop Sean O'Malley celebrated the conference Mass, in which he described the Good Samaritan as an exemplary model for ministry. N ECCSM is a voluntary organization which convenes social ministry groups from II dioceses to facilitate planning and coordination of the church's social mission.
Sacred H.~art Home honors employees Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, awarded employee scholarships and recognized longtime employees at the recent 12th annual Recognition Awards Reception. Scholarships went to Gayle Boulanger, Yolanda Hernandez, Erin-Bridget Lynch, Beth-Ann Kershaw, Michael Turner and Dionne Seeley. Employees recognized for years of service were: 30 years: Sister Denisa LeBlanc. 25 years: Lucille Tremblay. Donna Sieminski. Ann Medeiros. 20 years: Therese Silva. Jacqueline Medeiros. 15 years: Anita Dextraze. Elizabeth 0' Malley'. Rita Young. Pauline Paradis: Christine Gallop. Lorraine Michaud. Pearl Thatcher. Patricia Berard. 10 years: Arthur Suprenant. Robin Amaral. Elaine Y. Medeiros. Paula Costa. Lisa Dussault. Susan Greenwood. Five years: Ronald Brie. Mona Saadi. Kathleen Miner. Stella Gentilli. Blanca Guzman. Sandra Burns: Joan Ferreira. Mary Ann Cook. Susan M. Henshaw. Eva 'Gomes. Donna T. Barney. Maria Andrade: Doreen D. Roy. Ana S. Felix. Marcia
A. ¡Sylvia. Lucia Amaral. Katherine Vezina; Rachel Cornell. Virginia Bromley. Graciela Macedo, Janice Silvia, Liberalina Amaral; Judy Trahan. Raquel M. Amaral. Diane Blanchette. Fatima B. Correia. Mary Ann Parda.
Also recently recognized was Roy M. Geggatt, data processing manager at Sacred Heart H orne for 13 years, who retired in May.
Abortion law scrapped KARLSRUHE, Germany(CNS) - Germany's supreme court declared the country's abortion reform law unconstitutional, saying the right to life begins at conception. But the same law ruled unconstitutional will go into effect on a temporary basis, until the parliament can enact a new law. This will eliminate abortion on demand in eastern Germany. "The true winner is mankind," said a statement issued by Bishop Karl Lehmann, head of the German bishops' conference.
Three Sisters of Charity of Quebec with connections to Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, recently observed jubilees in religious life. Sister Lisette Cliche, SCQ, local superior, celebrated her golden jubilee with a recent Mass of Thanksgiving offered in the home chapel. A native of the province of Quebec, Sister Cliche is the twelfth of 13 children ofJoseph and Valeda (Poulin) Cliche. She entered the congregation in 1941 and pronounced vows July IS, 1943. She studied nursing at Laval University and S1. Sacrement Hospital in Quebec City, graduating in \946, and later completed studies in medical records and hospital administration. She served at S1. Joseph Hospital, Rimouski, Quebec, for 27 years as director of nurses, general" administrator and then superior. She spent six years organizing a health service center for the French Canadian/ Acadian population at Mont Louis in the Gaspe area at the S1. Lawrence River, then was provincial superior in Quebec before becoming local superior in New Bedford in 1988. In May, jubilarians were recognized at the community's mother house in Quebec City. Among those honored were Sister Gemma Drouin, also celebrating 50 years in religious life, who served at Sacred Heart H orne for 42 years. Sister Marie Marguerite Beaulieu, observing 60 years in religious life, served at the home for 33 years.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River~Fri., June 25,
Diocese gets aid with debt SANT A CLARA, Calif. (CNS) - At Bishop R. Pierre DuMaine's request, the Vatican has approved a team of three California bishops and two finance experts to help the San Jose Diocese restructure a $20 million debt that comes due this December. Father Michael J. Mitchell, diocesan vicar general and finance director, told Catholic News Service that the diocese has assets to
pay the debt eventually but is in a cash flow crisis because of "a run of bad luck." The ill fortune induded a 1989 earthquake that ruined the seminary owned by the diocese; unanticipated structural repair costs that raised the price of cathedral renovations from $7 million to $17 million; and political and economic changes that undermined a major property sale.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 25,1993
By Tom Lennon In the garage, i gave him general Let's talk about tough guys. orders to "clean it up and get all Who are they and what are they the leaves out." He not only did like? that but also, on his own initiative, First, let's get rid of some cliches. organized the place, putting nails Bullying littler kids does not make in the wall to hang my tools on. a guy tough. Nor do telling crude My garage. has seldom been in jokes and using crude language. neater shape. Getting intoxicated every At lunch his first day, the conweekend does not spell t-o-ucg-h, . versation took a serious turn at nor does. bragging about real or one point.' Rick is somewhat fearimagined sexual conquests. ful of marriage and wonders why For a contrast to these cliches, so many end in divorce. When I I'd like you to meet a genuine suggested that young married tough guy. He came to my house couples need to put the word "selflast week to do some interior sacrifice" in their vocabularies, he painting and clean out my garage. agreed. Rick usually pumps iron five In that day and a half, Rick used times a week at a health club. He one or two mild cuss words. He seems like a quiet easygoing guy. was considerate, gentle and polite, He graduated from college with without ever being insincere, and degrees in psychology and busiat the same time I sensed an inner ness, and he was interesting to talk strength. to. He knows what grueling hours Rick is one example ofa genuine of study are like. F or several years he had a good tough guy. And this portrait of him leads to all sorts of intriguing job, but now he is unemployed and has been for more than a year. He 路questions. Might toughness involve much hunts for a job with solid determination, fighting the inevitable dis- more than biceps? Might it somecounigetnent and taking whatever times take inner muscle to be considerate and gentle? small temporary jobs he can find to keep some cash coming in. Do tough guys'experience fears? In the summer, Rick plays footWhat kind of strength does selfball at least one evening a week, discipline involve? What does a and in the autumn when he's not tough guy do when he's depressed? watching the Chicago Bears on Do you have.to be hard nosed to television he can often be 'found be tough? How, really, do you playing football. define "masculine." Rick drove down to my house And last, what might Jesus say his year-old red pickup truck. He spent about a day and a half doing abollt toughness? He remaintXI true thejobs, work ing steadily and care- to his ideals even though it led him fully, taking pains to sec that no to one of the most brutal deaths paint got on the new carpet. He imaginable. didn't goof off and didn't waste Could it be that .Jesus is the time in needless conversation. ultimate tough guy?
Survey explores youths' concerns CHICAGO (CNS) - Sexuality, drug and alcohol abuse and fear of AIDS are the three greatest concerns of teenagers, according to a survey published by Extension magazine. Forty-five percent of respondents listed sexuality among their top three concerns in a survey printed in the April issue of Extension. Next came drug and alcohol abuse, listed by 33 percent of respondents, and fear of AIDS, named by 17 percent. The magazine, distributed by the Chicago-based Catholic Church Extension Society, published the survey in anticipation of Pope John Paul II's World Youth Day in Denver this August. Forty-two young people aged 13-28 answered the magazine's questionnaire. Through the survey. teens also responded to the pope's messages to youth on the issues of chastity, racism, volunteer work, faith and the Gospel. Many teens expressed doubts about the pope's call fOf) young people to "esteem the ideals of chastity, marital fidelity and selfcontrol," said Extension magazine.
One 19-year-old told Extension that chastity is not important, but what is important "is using a condom for safer sex." Other participants, however, said just the opposite. "Once you lose your virginity, you can't get it back," said Anitra McGee, a high school sophomore from Chicago. "Some people go through a lot. of pain after they realize this gift is gone." . Though nearly every respondent agreed with the pope's call to eliminate racist thoughts, 38 percent admitted to having such attitudes. On the flip side, Reuben Picotte, a 21-year-old Native American from Oglala, S.D., told Extension that after prejudices were directed toward him, he became prejudiced himself. believing all white people were racist. "My people have suffered much," Picotte said. "It will take a lot of time and prayers for [racism] to be truly gone. However, things are a lot better than they wer'e 20 years ago, so there is hope." Some teens said they have an-
ines his world and decides that only his faith in a relationship merits assurance and credibility. He tells this person: "If I ever lose my faith in you, there'd be nothing left for me to do." While it helps to know that there are people we can count on, even more important is maintaining belief in oneself. Unfortunately, this is one belief that can be difficult to sustain, Our mistakes, disappointments By Charlie Martin and others' critical comments chip away at this faith. Further, IF I EVER LOSE MY FAITH IN YOU how we were treated as children significantly determines whether You could say we hold on to faith and respect That I lost my faith for ourselves. In science and progress . Part of healing shaky faith in You could say ourselves is to realize and accept That路 I lost my belief that no matter what happens, we In the holy church are loved. God our creator sees You could say I lost through all of life's circumstanMy sense of direction ces and validates the good in You could say all of this each of us - even when we have And worse, but lost our faith in God. If I ever lose my faith in you And when we make a mistake, There'd be nothing ~. God works within our circumLeft for me to do . stances so we can discover new Some could say . ways tb experience our goodness. I was a lost man , Finding the courage to try In a lost world something new also restores belief You could say I lost my faith in oneself. Life offers a stream of In the people on TV opportunities. We choose whether You could say we will be open to these new That I lost my belief opportunities. In our politicians Sometimes we can only take They all seemed small steps. Still, doing this is a Like game-show hosts to me way to begin anew. Look into I could be lost inside their lies your heart and acknowledge your Without a trace dreams. But every time I close my eyes Pick one dream today, and I see your face carry out some specific action, I never saw no miracle of science no matter how small, that affirms That didn't go that this goal holds promise for From a blessing to a curse your life. I never saw no military solution, . Perhaps the deeper message in That didn't end up Sting's' song is how we can As something worse' em路p.o,wer each other to keep faith But let me say this first alive. Love, given and receive'd (Repeat refrain) between two people, mirrors the Written and sting by Sting.(c) 1993 by A & M Records Inc. eternal, God-given goodness in STING'S new cassingle, "If I Feeling shaky about belief is each person's soul. With such knowledge, we can Ever Lose My Faith路 In You," something that naturally occurs describes how very rundown one's to most of us'. We think we look beyond science, politicians, faith can become. believe in certain individ uals. or whatever, and recognize how The release is off his new disc Then something happens that truly valuable each of us is; '''Ten Summoner's Tales" and causes doubt to erupt in' our .Y our comments are weIc"()med feattires his distinctive, now minds. by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box almost vintage, vocal style. The person in the song exam- 182, Rockport, IN 47635. swered the'pope's call to ':proclaim the Gospel" by providing others with a good example. Lance Christensen,who serves as a lector a:nd lay leader in his parish on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, said his religion is a
"major factor in my achievements and perspectives in life. God is the .source of all my answers and abilities." Nearly 50 percent of the ,teens acknowledged the pope as a powerful role model.
"His messages are simple and full of wisdom," said Pilar Tomas of Fayetteville, Ark. The Catholic Church Extension Society raises funds to support home missionary efforts' in the United States.
SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED: The Women's Guild and Men's Club of St. Elizabeth Seton parish, North Falmouth, awarded $1,000 scholarships to Christopher Schruckmayr (left) and Christina Champani, respectively. The scholarships were given on the basis of parish service during high school. Awarding the scholarship to Miss Champani are, from left, Herbert Sullivan, Arthur Pauline and George O'Brien.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 25,1993
in our schools
THE RECORD-SETTING 1993 Coyle-Cassidy Warriors advertise the number of stolen bases they accumulated. (Breen photo)
Coyle-Cassidy High School The baseball team of CoyleCassidy High S<:hool, Taunton, has eclipsed the national high school stolen basf: record for a 20game season. The Warriors broke the mark May 28 in the fourth inning in a non-conference game against Lakeville's Apponequet Regional when junior Howie Orloff of Brockton stole second with two outs. That gave the Warriors 113 steals for 1993 season, one better than the record set last year by Miami's Westminister High School.
Coyle-Cassidy finished the sea- varsity team had at least one stolen son with 120 stolen bases. The base, <;Ind eight Warriors had 10 or Warriors finished the '93 season at more steals. Furtado even stole Apponequet on Memorial Day, home in an April game. stealing seven more bases, including four by senior Brendan Devlin . The credit for the speedy Warof East' Taunton. The Warriors riors goes to first-year coach Brian topped the Lakers 7-1 as junior Nichols, who instituted the team's Bill Frazier of Norton recorded his new style of aggressive baseball. second straight win on the mound. "We don't have a whole lot of Devlin was the team leader in team speed," said Nichols. "But I stolen bases with 26. Teammate c~me into this position with the Steve Furtado of East Taunton, philosophy to run. It was nice for also a senior, was second with 22. the Coyle kids to get their 15 minAll but two of the players on the utes of fame."
Bishop Connolly At the recent Bishop Connolly High School Spring Sports Awards Banquet, the following athletes were recipients of Most Valuable Player awards: Baseball: Todd Arnold; softball: Kristen Rogers; spring track: Mike Donnelly, Pedro Fernandes, Jen Osborne.
also athletes of the month for May. A Tiverton, RI, resident. Miss Osborne was captain of the girls' spring track team, an Eastern Athletic conference all-stary and EAC champ in the two-mile. Ruel, a Mattapoisett resident, was two-year cocaptain of the boys' tennis team, which earned an EAC co-championship. He finished the regular season with 14 wins and three losses.
Stephanie A. Schuller, Elizabeth A. Sission and Daniel P. St'Laurent.
St. Anne's School
At the St. Anne's School, Fall River, eighth grade graduation, the following awards were given: St. Anne Home and School Association Awards: Katie MeGolf: Tom PSlvao, Jim Daminard, Adrienne Bacon, Robin ano; tennis: Kate Marino, John Nunes, Jeffrey Melia, Kristopher Reul, Tex Buxbaum, Jarod Pieper. Medeiros, Scott Cabral. Five 1993 graduates of the Fall Special awards were given for Home and School Association River high school who reside in $200 scholarships: Jeffrey Figueisportsmanship to Mike McLaughRhode Island were named Rhode redo, Jean-Paul Picard. lin and Jen Azevl:do. Dan St. Laurent and Catherine Torphy were. Island Scholars, receiving certifiSt. Anne Credit Union Outstandnamed scholar-athletes, and ath- cates from the Rhode Island ing Citizenship Awards: Katie Higher Education Assistance Menard, Nelson Carreiro. letes of the year were Mike DonAuthority. They are Michael F. nelly, Jon Ruel and Jen Osborne. Ernest J, Lavoie/ Roger Mercier Ruel and Miss Osborne were Cancilliere, Ulysses W. Sallum, $250 Memorial Scholarship: Beth: any Morrissette. Christian Living Awards: Katne Menard, Adam Chapdelaine. Principal's Award: Lori-Beth Pacheco. Presidential Academic Fitne:,s Awards: Jeffrey Figueiredo, Jeffrey Melia. Albert H. and Irene L. St. Martin $250 Scholarship: Adam Chapdelaine. Honor Awards: class office rs Katie Menard, Andrea Case, JefI ,,_ frey Figuei~edo, Stephanie Pa,., I ,\oJ ~~"ill : 7'1';1 poula, Lori-Beth Pacheco. Service Awards: Jeffrey Fig,,'. If ," ·['.x .t . . .4 LoI'!C!!'i. • '.' __ •. ~,' >= ueiredo, Michael Bergeron THEY'RE PREPARED: Fall River Catholic school stuAltar Boy Awards: Adam Chapdents had the top entries in the kindergarten through third delaine, Michael Bergeron, Jeal1lgrade division of Eastern Edison Company's annual energy' ,Paul Picard. Recognized for special achieveposter contest, this year themed "Preparing for Storm Emerments were: Cheryl Arruda for gencies." From left are winners Anthony Pacheco, SS. Peter poetry published in the 1993 Childand Paul School, third place, and Holy Name School students ren's Anthology; Adam ChapdeJanel Lavoie, honorable mention, Jenn Perreira, first place, laine as a Pop Warner Academic and Kristen Botelho, second place. Also receiving honorable Scholar and ,Jeffrey Figueiredo as one of the top 10 scorers on the mention was Steven Goulet of Notre Dame School. Proud of Bishop Stang High School. North the children's accomplishments are, from left, SS Peter and Dartmouth. entrance exam. Paul teacher Christine Faria, Patricia Auerbach of Eastern Ms. Jeanne St. Yves was recogEdison, and Holy Name teacher Susan Frank and principal nized for 25 years in Catholic Dennis Poyant. education.
,~~ ,:,~7 ,
Bishop Stang Serina Gunderson of Fairhaven, a member of the Class of 1993 at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, received a certificate of commendation from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America/ New England Chapter for her entry in the organization's scholarship essay contest. The prograrl recognizes graduating seniors who have achieved their personal best in spite of significant asthma or allergies. Miss Gunderson was among 22 finalists selected from more tha'1 250 applicants. At Stang she received awards in French and religion and letters for volleyball and drama. She was a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, the Bradford-Russell Re~;t Home and the Kennedy-Donovan Center. Linda Tolley, a member of tI":e language department, has received the Mary Louise Walsh Schola;ship from U Mass-Dartmouth for international study. She will spend a month in Cuernavaca, Mexico, living with a Mexican family and studying at Cemanauhuac Institute. Bishop Stang is conducting a curriculum review with emphasis on skills and critical thinking, strategies for reinforcing testing techniques including PSATs ard SATs. and establishment of committees to evaluate future educational needs. As part of the process, a new freshman course has been designed integrating religion and English. "The Theology of Narration" will be a double period course taught . by Jean Revil and Sister Judith Doloff. focusing on the art of storytelling and its place in history and contemporary society. Almost 50 percent of Stang students who took the SAT exam in March earned total scores over 1000. Also. juniors were administered SATs as part of an experimental program assessing use of calculators on the math section of the exam. Stang is undergoing major re1l1ovations to expand its sports programs. Work on the new Hugh J. Carney stadium for football. socc~r
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and field hockey will commence on or about July I. The Stanley Stankiewicz baseball field will be moved slightly closer to the front of the school. Dedication of the fields and a refurbished John C. O'Brien gymnasium is expected in the fall of 1994.
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Church committed VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The Catholic Church remains "irrevocably committed" to restoring full unity with other Christians, Pope John Paul II toldagroupofLutheran visitors from Sweden. The best ways to accomplish unity are prayer, dialogue and common defense of the Gospel's message, said the pope. Those who first heard the news of Jesus' resurrection were a single community of Christians - a communion that has "sadly been fractured" over the centuries he said adding, "I wish to reassure you that that Catholic Church remains irrevocably committed to restoring that full visible unity." Christian churches should "pursue that ecumenical journey together," he said.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 25,1993
Iteering pOintl ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Baby gifts will be collected in containers at the church and parish center through Sunday; donations will go to Birthright. S1. Margaret's Home for unwed mothers in Dorchester and Children-at-Risk Organization. ST. JAMES, NB Vincentian food drive this weekend.
LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Healing service with Brother Armand Binette. MS. 2 p.m. Sunday. ST.STEPHEN,ATTLEBORO Sister Mary Ann Mcintyre of Attleboro Catholic Social Services will present a program on adoption 7:30 p.m. June 30. parish hall; all welcome.
An Excellent alternative
ST. JULIE BILLIART, N. DARTMOUTH Seminarian Anthony Cerreta will serve at the parish during the summer. . ST. MARY, NORTON Food collection for St. Joseph's Food Cellar this weekend. Seminarian Michael Racine is serving at the parish June 15 to Aug. 15. Breast cancer support group meeting, open to patients, family members and friends. 7:30 p.m. June 30. parish center meeting room; information: 285-3253. Separated I Divorced meeting 7 p.m. June 27. parish center meeting room; topic: "Healing Memories and Forgiveness." Single parents welcome. SEPARATED/DIVORCED, ATTLEBORO Support group meeting 7to 9 p.m. June 27. St. Mary's parish center, 14 Park St.. N. Attleboro. Information: 695-6161. CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN St. Mary's Children of the Light healing retreat with Father William Babbitt today through Sunday. Office of Youth Ministry Christian Leadership Institute June 27 to July 2. .
COME AND SEE The group for Catholic adult singles ages 20 to 40 will meet July II at St. James Convent, Nanaquaket. Tiverton, RI. for II a.m. Mass and 1:30 p. m., Prese~tation by Sister Carole Mello. OP. Participants should bring picnic lunch. Car pooling will take place from St. John the Evangelist Church, Attleboro. parking lot leaving 9 a.m. and from Siades Ferry Bank park and ride. Rt. 6. Somerset, leaving 10 a.m. Information: Diocesan Office of Education. 678-2828. WALK FOR FOOD AND SHELTER A planning m("eting for the Oct. 17 walk will be held 7 p.m. June 28 at the Church of the Ascension. 160 Rock St.. FR. ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FR A Safe Sitter class for boys and girls ages II to 13 will be held June 28 and 29. Information: 674-5741 ext. 2480. 0.1.,. CAPE, BREWSTER Healing Mass with Father Dick Lavoie, MS,7:30 p.m. July 7.
Bishop maintains clinic bill WASHINGTON (CNS) - A bill intended to protect abortion clinics from blockades unfairly singles out pro-lifers for harsh penalties based on their beliefs, a U.S. bishops' conference representative told a congressional committee earlier this month.
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Bishop James T. McHugh of Camden, N.J., told the House judiciary Committee that the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances bill is not about maintaining public order or protecting patients or employees of abortion clinics from violence.
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"This bill is about advancing abortion," he said. "It is an expression and validation of a pro-abortion mentality that increasingly attempts to dignify itself with the protection and support of politicians and laws, so as to expand the incidence of abortion and encourage its use."
Greater Fall River, New Bedford Taunton and Attleboro Areas
Sponsored by the Catholic Charities Appeal of The Diocese of Fall River. .... ._~
BISHOP STANG CLASS REUNION The Bishop Stang High School Class of 1963 will hold its 30-year reunion at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow at the Hawthorne Country Club. 970 Tucker Rd .. N. Dartmouth. Information: alumni office. 993-8959. ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO No healing service or Thursday prayer meetings in July. The next healing service with Father William Babbitt will be 2:30 p.m. Aug. I. CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE I nquiry session for persons interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith 7 t08 p.m. June28. Volunteers needed as friendly visitors to senior citizens; information: Lynn Waterman. 4777766. ' SEPARATED/DIVORCED, CAPE Group will meet 6 to 9 p. m. Sunday. King's Way Recreation Center. Rt. 6A. Yarmouthport, for Mass and cookout. New participants welcome. Information: 362-9873 or Father Richard Roy, 255-0170.
By addressing itself only to "reproductive health" offices, the bill is "a particular danger to the rights of public assembly and free speech guaranteed under the First Amendment," said Bishop McHugh, a member of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The hearing was an unusual late addition to the Judiciary Committee's calendar. Rep. F. James Sensen brenner, R- Wis., exercised a little-used House rules provision to request additional testimony from what he described as "mainstream pro-lifers."
Sensenbrenner had said earlier that little effort was made to balance the viewpoints presented when the committee took testimony on the bill. To make up for that. he said. seven of the eight witnesses at the hearing opposed the bill. "I fear this bill tramples on the rights of pro-lifers." Sensen brenner said in explaining his request for the hearing. "The First Amendment was not written to protect only 'politically correct' spl~ech."¡ Despite assurances that he was "pleased" to accommodat.e Sensen brenner's request, committee chairman Rep. Charles E. Schumer. D-N.Y .. was unusually argumentative with the wit.nesses, frequently interrupting their allocated five minutes to disagree with them. The session cont.rasted sharply with most congressional hearings. which are well-mannered in the extreme, with committee members politely waiting their turns to make even the harshest criticisms. Bishop McHugh said that although the U.S. Catholic bishops do not endorse blockades or other law-breaking actions. they fear the clinic protection bill infringes on free speech rights and that existing laws are sufficient to prosecute offenders for trespassing. "Abortion has never been a 'civil right' like the right to vote - a right and duty of citizenship that government should favor and encourage," Bisho~ McHugh said. "N or has it been an entitlement that government has a dut" t~ provide or facilitate." .
675-7151 Or
FAX 675-7048
This Message Sponsored By the Followin9 Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River FEITELBERG INS. AGENCY GILBERT C. OUVEIRA INS. AGENCY
THE NEW BEDFORD District St. Vincent de Paul Society presented four Top Hat awards for service at their recent quarterly meeting at St. Mary's Church, South Dartmouth. Recipients are, from left: Antone Quintal, district treasurer; Dr. David Costa, district past president; Vito Gerardi, president ofSt. John's parish Vincentian conference; and (far right) Raymond Boyce, district secretary. Presenting the awards are Victor Rebello, district president, and Father Henry Arruda, spiritual advisor.