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t eanc 0 VOL. 24, NO. 26


20c, $6 Per Year '


Reaching out:

Dioce'san ministry to separated, divorced, The Diocesan Office of Family, Ministry, directed by Father Ronald A. Tosti, has among its activities a support program for separated and divorced Catholics. Regular meetings are held throughout the diocese. Descriptions of groups in the New Bedford, Taunton and Attleboro areas follow:

NEW BEDFORD AREA By Rev. Edward Holleran:, OFM The National Conference of Catholic Bishops in a 1976 pastoral letter stated, "It remains . a tragic fact that some marri~ ages fail. We must approach those who suffer this agonizing experience with the compassion of Jesus Himself." What are the facts today? 1. Approximately 40 percent

of all marriages (Catholic included) in America end in divorce. 2. It is estimated that there are 8 million divorced Catholics in the United States and about half of them have remarried. 3. The divorce rate .has doubled in, the last 10 years. 4. Two out of every five children bo~ in this decade will live in a single-parent home for at least part of their youth. 5. The number of households , headed by women has increased by more than a third in'this decade, and more than doubled in one generation. 6. More than half of all mothers with school-age children· now work outside the home, as do more than a third of mothers

with children under' the' age of three. 7. One out of every three school children lives in a home headed by only one parent or relative, What are we to make of the above facts? No one is so know- , ledgeable as to be able to interpret them correctly or to, have all the answers. But of one thing we are certain, the chur~h must at least try to interpret them and seek the answers. And this is the reason for the Ministry to' Divorced Catholics. ' The time of divorce is painful, . an experience of failure, an end to dreams, a struggle against ,loneliness, ,an effort to build' a new life. It is a time for the healing

presence of JeSus; a time for the church to give witness to the mercy of the Lord as well as to the indissolubility of marriage. And so MDC addresses the realities of divorce, separation and practical and emotional aspects within the Catholic tradition. The ministry has been functioning with quite some success for more than three years at Our Lady's Chapel in New Bedford, more recently under the lay leadership of Norman Landre\lille and Sophie Sylvia of New Bedford and Rachel Buzniak 'of Asushnet; but from the beginning the .meetings have been coordinated by Father Marc Bergeron and myself. Until last November meetings were monthly but at the sug-

gestion of Father William Murphy S.A, who addre&sed the group in October, the meetings .changed to a weekly basis and have proved a boon in many ways. (Father Murphy has, a most successful MDC apostolate operating out of Our Savior Chapel in the Westgllte Mall, Brockton.) Broadly, the goals of the New Bedford MDC are: 1. To acquaint participants with the contemporary stand of the church concerning annulments, remarriage and the sacraments. 2. To provide education in areas of special need for the group. Guest' speakers in the field of psychology, law and Turn to Page Two

Study' urged of new life


WASHINGTON (NC) - Promising examination by the religious community. of the religious and eth,ical aspects of creation of new life in the laboratory, Catholic, Protl}stant and JeWish leaders have urged re·examina~ tion of public policies regarding such creation.

OF the large num-

Specifically, the leaders urged reconsideration of whether patent protection should be granted the inventors of such new life and asked that criteria broader than simple profits be applied to its use and distribution.

ber of special' ministers of Holy -Communion commissioned last Friday night. . (Torchia Photo)

188 special ministers commis,sioned' One hundred and eighty-eight special ministers of Holy Communion were commiSSioned last Friday night at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, at a Mass at which Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was principal celebrant. They will serve in parishes, the hospital apostolate and the diocesan program of bringing Holy CQmmunion to the sick in their homes or in nursing facilities,

Their names aqd parish or hospital affiliations follow: Fall River Area Blessed Sacrament: Mrs. Paula Gagliardi, Miss Yvonne Lafontaine. Notre Dame: Sister Florence Marie Benoit, RSM. Mr. Charles Lavoie, Mrs. Pauline Parent. Our Lady of Grace: Manuel Cordeiro, Miss Marie Cordeiro, Joseph Goslin, -David Pragana, Miss Kathleen Quinn.

Sacred Heart: Mrs. Nancy Cote, Sister Jane Andrea, SUSC, Steven Lopes. Saint Anne: Leo Beaulieu, Raymond Clement, Mrs. Claudette Desrosiers, Ulric Desrosiers, Mrs. Jane Lambert. Roland E. Lambert, Mrs. Juliette 'Lapointe, Mrs. Claudette Leduc, Robert O. Leduc, Mrs. Juliette Lessard, Mrs. Rachel Toole, Mrs. Pauline Valiquette.

S1. Dominie: Albert Vincent DiNapoli. Saint William: John Bacon, Mrs. Muriel ,Bates, Mrs. Jane Benevides, Mrs. Vivian Burke, Mrs. Kathleen Campeau. Mrs. Ann Connell, Mrs. Mary Kilby, Mrs. Margaret Laurianno, Steven St. ,Pierre, Mrs. Margaret Vieira. Holy Name: Raymond Beausoleil, Miss Nancy Carroll, Dennis Turn to Page Six

The three - Bishop Thomas Kelly, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference; Dr. Claire Randall, general secretary of the National Council of Churches, and Rabbi Bernard Mandelbaum, general secretary of the Synagogue Council of America - issued a joint statement on genetic engineering June 20, four days after the Supreme Court ruled that the results of such genetic engineering are patentable. "With the Supreme Court, decision allowing patents on new forms of life - a purpose that could not have been imagined when present patent law9 were written it is obvious that. these laws must be re-examined," said the three in their statement. They said they intend to ask Congress to begin developing new patent laws to deal with Turn to Page Eleven


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June 26, 1980

Ministry to separated, divorced Continued from page one social work have for instance, been featured at meetings.

Christians is an inspearable bond which cannot be broken except by death.

3. To provide supportive experience by giving participants the opportunity of meeting and sharing with others who know' the trauma of separation and divorce.

Based on this sacred teaching, the church cannot and does not validate the civil institution known as divorce. Yet with regret we must admit that divorce is a civil reality that is becoming more and more common and is drastically altering the shape of our society.

4. To facilitate referrals to the diocesan marriage tribunal and/or counseling services offered by Catholic Charities. 5. To provide spiritual enrichment and support. 6. To provide on-going socialization experiences for participants and their families. MDC reali%es the need of those in broken marriages to mix socially with supportive friends.

TAUNTON AREA By Rev. Herbert NnchoIs

WSa. . God



JUSTIN CRAISTO, top picture, identifies himself at an anti-ab(>rtion rally in Raleigh, N.C. Bottom, Nossa Senhora Apareclda near Sao Paulo, Brazil, the largest church in South America, is expected to be the site of a papal Mass next month. (NC Photo)

The Church, as the abiding presence of Christ, shares the conviction that any marriage tllat has 路been disrupted deserves the loving, caring and generous attention that Christ himself would accord to those involved, irrespective of innocence or guilt. That is why the Office of Family Ministry has established its ministry to divorced and separated Catholics. The greater Taunton area began monthly meetings in April at St. Joseph's church hall, 19 Kilmer AYe. Suspended for the summer, they will resume in September. The ministry is primarily of a self-help nature, with small problems, successes arid frustrations and striving to build confidence and self-esteem in each member. Additionally, if needed or desired, professional counseling is available through Catholic Social Services offices in Fall River, Attleboro. Annulment, Divorce The Roman Catholic Church, in keeping with the authoritative teaching of Jesus Christ, has an official process known as declaration of nullity or annulment, by which the church declares that a marriage was invalid from the beginning. It is not a divorce nor a rupture of the sacred bond, because, for some reason, there was no bond, but rather a defect of some kind. Though admittedly not possible in every situation, there are circumstances of various kinds that invalidate a marriage and permit a declaration of nullity. Some of these causes are of the "external forum," that is to say, they involve legalistic requirements. Remember that Christ gave to Peter and the apostles and their successors the authority to make laws and to dispense from them. (Matt 16.19). Because such laws are external and readily documentable, marriages affected by them are relatively easy to rectify. But the Catholic church, bound by the tea~ings of Christ, teaches in faith that a valid consummated sacramental marriage between two baptized

Those in a broken marriage should not, however, feel that they are cut off from the church or abandoned by Christ. We recall his words: "It is not the healthy who are in need of the physician." The whole message of the Lord Jesus is one of healing love. A hIroken marriage is anolagous to a terminal :illness. Though there may be no cure, there is care to ease the hurt. On the other hand, there may be factors affecting a marriage which were internal and unknown at the time of the wedding. .Since documentation is more difficult and sometimes impossible, the process of annulment in these cases is more difficult. There arE! both physical and psychological defects which can render a marriage null and void. No two cases are exactly alike, and each must be handled individually. Ministry directors and parish priests will give every assistance possible in such cases. Unfortunately, there are nevertheless cases in which the process cannot reach the desjred goal. Valid sacramental marriages exist which cannot be broken in the eyes of God or the church, yet :in the reality of human condition they are indeed ruptured. There are those involved in subsequent m.arriages which cannot be regularized and therefore, acording to church discipline, cannot share in the full communion 4)f the church in the Eucharist. But precisely because of their irregular situation such persons are all the more in need of the grac,e of God and the support of their fellow Christians. This we offer through the ministry to divorced and separated Catholics. ATTLEBORO AREA By Rev. (George Bellenoit Living in a world in which during the past 20 years married life has undergone taxing turmoil, hardships and frequent divorce has led the church community to awareness of a need for ministry to .members who are separated or divorced. Thus groups have emerged with such a ministry as their goal. As with melny new movements, these groups have at times moved in an atmosphere of question, caution, and skepticism. To be accepted liS valid, this ministry, like all others, must be seen in relationship to the life of the Lord Jesus.

Reading the gospel story of Jesus in conversation with the divorced woman at Jacob's well can lead us to an appreciation of Jesus' care for all. In this scene we see Jesus calling powerfully for permanent and lasting marriages yet revealing himself gently and compassionately to a woman who had been divorced by five different men. The strength of his position did not distance him from this woman who had been unable to achieve his ideal. Rather, we see him striking a balance between the service of permanence and the service of the foiled. This balance cries out for imitation in our marriage ministry and was the reason for formation of the Attleboro area ministry to the separated and divorced. In the three years of its existence, the group, which meets at St. Mark's Church, Attleboro Falls, has ministered to many in need of healing, acceptance and support. It has gone through m~ny growing pains in coming to an understanding of how the needs of the people coming for support might best be met. It has now evolved into a self-help group in which the members minister to one another. Through rap sessions participated in by various people in various stages of needing to be ministered to, feelings, emotions, questions, fears, and frustrations are discussed and the foundation for healing is gradually laid. Many times misunderstandings of relationships with the church are laid to rest. For some, the knowledge that the church truly cares for them and is concerned about their hurt is most importtanto

The Attleboro group, which monthly, has also heard many speakers. Those who have shared their insights include: me~ts

-A school psychologist addressing the adjustments facing children in separation and di路 vorce;

-A psychologist addressing emotional difficulties and adjustments faced by the separated or divorced man or woman; _ ---:-Lawyers speaking of the legal aspects of divorce, rights of parents toward children, wills, and so forth; -A priest speaking about annulments and the process of applying for them;

-People whose marriages have been annulled, discussing the process from the spiritual and emotional viewpoint. It is evident from the selfperpetuation of the group that such a ministry is necessary and important to many people who are in the process of accepting and living with separation and divorce.

The group has not attempted to duplicate services offered by other area organizations but has emphasized offering within a Christian context a s~atement of the fact that the church truly cares for all its members.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June 26, 1980

Pontiff sees Carter, plans Brazil trip


'Mohawl(. Lily' heatified

VATICAN CITY (NC) - In a busy schedule prior to his departure for ,Brazil to begin the longest journey of his pontificate, Pope John Paul II met with President Jimmy Carter and planned to hold a working meeting with members of the college of cardinals, the Roman Curia and the vicariate of Rome. The pope and Carter discussed human rights, peace and the Middle East during a four-hour presidential visit to the Vatican last Saturday. The pontiff gave Carter a reproduction of a 15th-century Bible. He presented Amy Carter with a small statue and Mrs. Carter with a rosary. Following their private meeting the pope and president met a large group of American pilgrims in Rome for the beatification of Kateri Tekakwitha. The papal meeting with cardinals, the curia and the Rome vicariate is expected to deal with the central administration of the church. No major policy changes are expected. When he reaches Brazil on June 30 the pope will be in the nation with the world's largest nominal Catholic population. And he is expected to face problems in keeping with the huge dimensions of the Brazilian church. They involve church-state tensions over socio-economic and political issues and the strong adherence to Afro-Brazilian animist cults by many Catholics. The church-state situation will also give the pope another opportunity to discuss the issue of priests' involvement in political activity. Many of the tensions result from the involvement of cardinals, bishops and priests in social issues. Pope John ·Paul will visit 13 Brazilian cities before returning to Rome July 12. Interwoven with ceremonial activities will he key papal speeches by a pontiff who has a reputation for confronting controversial issues in his travels. He will open the National Eucharist Congress, address the nation's bishops and address the 25th anniversary celebrations of the Latin American Bishops' Council.

VATICAN CITY (NC) - An international air permeated St. Peter's Basilica as Pope John Paul II beatified the "Lily of the Mohawks," Kateri Tekakwitha, and four European missionaries to North and South America. The tribal regalia of more than 100 North American Indians added a festive note to the ceremony, and U.S. Catholics had key roles in every aspect of the liturgy.


\ I .1

A SMILE IS SHARED by Father Marc Tremblay and Bishop Daniel A. Cronin following the fonner's ordination last Saturday to the diocesan priesthood. Father Tremblay will serve as associate pastor at St. John the Evangelist parish, Attleboro, where he was assigned for his diaconal year. (Torchia Photo)

Sex teaching guidelines MILWAUKEE (NC) In guidelines soon to be published by the U.S. Catholic Conference (USCC), Catholics will "finally have an officially approved resource to give solid direction in the area of sex education," said a usec staff member involved in developing them. The guidelines are "a comprehensive approach to all areas of sexuality and appropriate to particular age levels, all within the bounds of basic Catholic teaching," said Daniel Dolesh, specialist in elementary catechesis and family education in the usec Department of Education. They are, he added, "very creative and very positive, based on solid Catholic theology." A 25-member committee of bishops, physicians, theologians, educators and specialists in sexuality has spent two and a half years in developing the· guidelines, Dolesh said. They are being reviewed for final approval and will probably be published in July. ' The guidelines, he said, will state principles for sex education programs in homes, schools and parishes. Althougb. no one is obliged to use them, Dolesh said the committee hopes they will be used in all Catholic schools and religious education programs and in other youth groups.

He said the bishops were responding to "a tremendous need expressed around the country." There is "nothing of this sort available at the present time," he said, adding that he believes the guidelines provide "great motivation -and impetus to educators for teaching human sexuality."

A-two-and-a-half-hour ceremony featured nine languages including that of the Mohawk Indian tribe. It was the first time that the Indian tongue had been used in a liturgical rite at the Vatican. Pope John Paul used five languages - Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French and English in his homily at the Mass. Besides Kateri Tekakwitha, a 17th-century American Indian-, those beatified were Francois de Montmorency-Laval, first bishop of Quebec; Sister Marie of the Incarnation, foundress of the Ursuline Sisters of Canada; Jesuit Father Jose de Anchieta, who worked in Brazil; and Pedro de San Jose Betancur, a layman who worked in Guatemala. Thirty-one cardinals, 60 archbishops and about 20,000 lay people, Reli~ious and priests

participated in the beatification ceremony. The 14 concelebrants' included three representatives of the U.S. Catholic Church Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia, president of the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions; Bishop Howard Hubbard of Albany, N.Y.; and Msgr. Paul A. Lenz, executive director of the bureau. Bishop Hubbard read the formal petition asking Pope John Paul to beatify Tekakwitha. The Indian maiden was born in 1656 in what is now Auriesville, N.Y., part of the Albany Diocese. A colorful and moving part of the ceremony occurred when representatives of various North American Indian tribes, dressed in traditional costumes, ascen· ded the altar to present their Offertory gifts to the pope.








August 24 - September 2, .1980 PRICE

Diocese of Fall River




B.y Brother G. Brassard, A.A.

As ,the nuniber Of pilgrims Is .lImlted, an ••rly ....",.Uon I. suggesteet.

For complete Information and re..rvatlonl contact:


FIRST IPRIESn.Y ASSIGNMENT Rev. Marc Tremblay, Assistant, St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro, effective Saturday, June 21, 1980.

e/o 'George Olborn, MantJRf!r

~' II

44 Br."'. St., C.mbrldge, M•••. 02138 .M






Tel: 817-884-7800 Hh



THE ANCHOR-Diooese of Fall River-Thur., June 26, 1980


the living word

The Need Is Ours It's difficult and somewhat inconsistent to play the so-called numbers game when it comes to vocations. However, hard reality has a way of intruding into our lives, making the practical obvious and the unavoidable necessary. This is the situation that now exists in ou.r. own diocese. . Last Saturday, one young man was ordained to the ': priesthood for service in this diocese. During the past month five priests retired from active parish ministry, either due to age or for reasons of health. At the same time, two very active pastors became seriously ill. Thus we are batting minus six in the area of those actively involved in priestly ministry. When one considers the additional fact that the overall diocesan vocation shortage has affected almost every one of our parishes, one has little doubt that the future will demand new adaptations, adjustments and accommodations. .


People who grew up in the "good old days" with four and five priests serving a parish must understand that times have changed. Difficult though it may be to accept, parishioners will have to realize that if ministry is to be effected, it must be with the aid of permanent deacons and special ministers of holy communion.



What is past will not return in our lifetime and all of us will eventually be forced not only to recognize this .. fact but also to come to terms with it in our parish life. This does not mean we should throw up our hands in and stop our efforts to promote vocations. The reverse should be true. The religious climate of the times -i . should be a motive for all of us in the church to renew PALESTINIAN MOTHER AND CHILDREN FLEE ArrACK > our energies and increase our zeal in the face of the objec- . ~: tive seriousness of the vocation crisis. IJhey that are in Judea, let them flee to the mountains .•. and woe to them that are with child that give suck in t hose days •.• for there shall be then In order to do this. however, we as a church must take a long hard look at the reasons for this crisis. Beyond· great tribulation.' Matt. 24; 16, 19, 21 the obvious, s.uch as the moral climate of our society and the crass materialism of life in general, there lurks the fact that the church itself has fallen into a pattern of reaction rather than action. .





~.~'?' .~

Church and society

The cry of vocational sJtortages and the corresponding reaction have to date been much like the proverbial shouting and closing of the bam door after the horse's departure. New approaches to the work of fostering vocations must be formulated. A searching look must be taken at the diluted and somewhat limp formation programs that are labeled "seminary." The power of prayer should again be recognized, with every parish including in the prayer of the faithful at every Mass a petition for priestly and religious vocations. Parents should be remotivated to encourage such vocations at the kitchen table, the traditional fostering place for the call of Christ. In other words, as each is affected by the shortage of vocations, each should be energized and quickened to see that the nourishing of vocations is everyone's business. All in today's church must be part of this effort to revive and rekindle vocational interest. The need is not that of someone else. The need is ours.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D.



Rev. John F. Moore ~

Leary Pre$s-fall RIver

By Father Kevin J. Harrington

The church has always had difficulty in relating its mission to the political realities of the day, often finding itself in and out of favor with the powers that be. Yet, aware of the great disparity between rich and poor, between free and oppressed, the church would betray its mission if it tried to preach the gospel devoid of its economic, social, cultural and political consequences. Such a stance would only affirm a status quo usually very far from ideal. It is interesting to note three trends that developed in the church's long history of relating to the civil order. Persecution, incorporation and accommodation are three postures prevalent at one or another period of church history. Living the gospel yields many different forms of sanctity. During persecution the gospel is witnessed through actual martyrdom. During periods of incorporation such as the Middle Ages, great sacrifices were made through the living of evangelical poverty, chastity and obedience. Our present time is one of accommodation, resulting in secularism. Sanctity in this era is equally challenging.

Since the 18th century Western man's ideals have focused upon achieving liberty, equality and solidarity. The church's support of social justice has never been stronger than during this period. The Vatican Council's Constitution on the Church in the Modern World states: "The joys and the hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the people of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these, too, are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ." Saints of our age are those who dedicate their lives to the service of bringing God to man and man to God through a balance of contemplation and action. Mother Teresa shows us an excellent way of witnessing Christ in the midst of man's love and hopes as well as his griefs and anxieties. But the church aims at more than humanizing man. To remain true to its mission, it must try to diviniz,e him. It must make Christ present to every age. If we are to assess the success or failure of Christianity, we cannot measure it by the achievement of the ideals of liberty, equalit37 and solidarity. Rather, we must judge it by

how it has shown forth the Father's love and has united us with God. The purpose of Christianity is to enable man not only to see God but to be with him. It is essential that we work for a more just and humane society because the Incarnation implies engagement with the world, not denunciation or reo nunciation. It is within this context that Pope John Paul warned in Puebla of succumbing to the temptation of thinking that a particular political party can be indispensable to the fulfillment of the church's mission. We can never subordinate the gospel to any political platform or philosophy. St. John Chrysotom shared an insight with his people in Constantinople that is applicable today when he warned them not to overdress Christ in the symbolic form of the altar when he is going around in personal form so badly clothed. n""""III"IIIUI'tll""""'.IIII11II1III"IllIIIIll....lllIIlIlOlIIIIIIlItUIIIUIfIIllIIll'III'IIIIl'_


Second Class postale Pal~ at Fall RIver, Mass. Published every Thjlrsday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall. postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send addresa ;hlnges to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, FlU River, MA 02722

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June 26, 1980

I'm Yours wasn't On a beautiful late even~ng in June, our doorbell rang. My teenage son answered and there was nobody there. When he stepped outside to check on this phenomenon, he found a little black kitten struggling out of an Easter basket to which this note was attached: "Dear Currans. I'm yours. I need a good home and I know you will take good care of me. Love, Your Kitty." "Okay," I said to my three, ages 18, 15, and 11, who were exclaiming with delight at this furry bonanza. "whose is it?" "I have no idea." "Never saw it before." "What makes you think we know anything about it?" I scanned their faces and wondered how any parent could question such beatific innocence. Just then I'm Yours started up the draperies, claw by claw, and my innocence took flight. As remarkable as this attempted addition's appearance was in our family, even more astounding was the similarity in response from the three when I explained why we weren't adopting a cat. One would have thought they rehearsed their responses, if one wasn't convinced, that is, of their beatific innocence. "We're not having a cat when two of the three of you already

get allergy shots," said my spouse. "But Steve doesn't have allergies and he shouldn't suffer because of ours," said Honor Graduate. Jim,let it pass as too trivial to discuss but I heard the same response from Steve the next day. "Why should I suffer:' he sniffed plaintively, "when I don't have allergies?" "Maybe you'll luck out and get them," I consoled him, feeling none too friendly over the fact that he had just fed the kitten half a package of wafer thin corned beef which sells for 89 cents for three ounces. (Later, nobody would finish the package because it was cat food.) I explained patiently, "I've finally got .my family launched. I'm not going to be tied down by a kitten." All three responded with the same .side-splitting answer, "it will keep you company while we're gone." "Keep me company" I screeched as I peeled I'm Yours off the screen door. "Ive spent years waiting for the day when nobody keeps me company." I ignored their stricken faces. "I don't want company. I don't want noise, cat fur, spots, or animals slipping into the refrig-

Priests and women The American church's most serious problem is the alienation of many of its women. About half the women under 50 and two-thirds of those in their 20s perceive church leadership as determined to keep them in inferior gender roles. There is another side of the coin, however, that offers hope. Individual parish priests, my data show, can have a positive effect on the personal lives of women, which, to some extent, mitigates their alienation from the church. To put the matter precisely: Had some women not found that their parish priests make excellent spiritual confidants, the alienation would be even more serious than it is. My research reveals those married women who have a personal religious relationship with a priest are happier personnally and have happier marriages. Independent interviews with their husbands indicate that the husbands think that the marriageS are more satisfying too. Correlation analysis was used so that neither spouse linked the happier marriage to the relationship of the wife with a priest. Celibacy thus does not seem to stand in the way of priests influencing the quality of a woman's personal and familial life. This does not seem to be an effect that just any religious functionary can have. Indirectly, I searched for a similar effect of Protestant clergymen on married women in their congrega-

tions and could not find it. It is an important but undiscussed effect of celibacy that ought to be considered very carefully before celibacy is abolished. This intricate analysis merely confirms what many have known from years of parish experience. If a woman trusts a priest, she places enormous confidence in him. Such priests ar.e few and probably getting fewer, but they still play an important part in the family lives of many American Catholics and mitigate somewhat the alienation of women from the church. Most priests, however, are not very good confidants. Like the majority of men, they really don't like women. It is a melancholy truth that men can live with women, parent with them, release passion with them and stilI fear and dislike them. Even priests who support radical feminism often don't seem to like women as individuals. Watch your typical feministist theologian and see if he does not patronize women instead of enjoying them. I suspect a healthy woman would rather be a sex object (or, even better, a sexed person) than a patronized minority token. In fact, I would argue that the rise of knee-jerk ideological feminism among the younger clergy will lead to a decliine of their confidant role. Still, while it lasts, the trust between some married women and some celibate priests is an important asset for the church.



erator when I'm getting a carrot stick. I want my home all to myself from 8 to 3." . Stunned silence. Then an agonized whisper. "You don't like having us here?" It was phase two: pity for the unwanted. "Not between 8 and 3:' I repeated firmly. A quick shrug of defeat passed between them. The kitten whined all day as I was trying to write. In late afternoon I found evidence of its activity in my newly planted garden. As I left to get groceries, I also left a note. "See that the cat is gone by bedtime." Resigned, they called I'm Yours daddy, a classmate, who came to retrieve it. I suspect he had a list of others who were going to get late evening surprises. In the days that followed, our three went into mourning. We heard plaintive references to "our kitty," parental hardness of heart, and the unfair distribution of voting power in the family. Whatever happened to, "It followed me home."?


Maybe we should listen Ramsey Clark's capacity for raising the hackles of his countrymen is phenomenal. Perhaps it goes back to 1968, when Richard Nixon ended every campaign speech with a promise to replace him as attorney general, because he was, in Nixon's eyes, soft on law and order. Now, of course, by making his trip to a "Crimes of America" seance in Tehran, Clark has become a scofflaw. Clark's previous peak in provoking national fury occurred in 1972, when, in the company of Jane Fonda and other peace activists, he went to Hanoi and apologized for the U.S. bombing of Vietnam. A letter to the editor of the Washington Star at the time probably could be reprinted verbatim, as a currently accurate reflection of the rage of those whose minds are blown by the sight of a former attorney general and a son of a Supreme Court justice allowing that the other side has a point in a dispute with the USA.


"Sir: It is difficult to find words to express my disgust and GREELEY , contempt over the unconscionable behavior of Americans . . . like Ramsey Clark, whose broadcasts • . . have provided imLike most of our other assets, measurable aid and comfort to we'll probably let it slip away an enemy ... A self-deprecating, unnoticed, replaced by feminist self-denigrating American, whose ideologues and Roman bureau- warped sense of guilt constantly crats who hate and fear real compels him to flagellate himself and his country for being women. No. I."


Those feelings probably have only intensified since doubts about being No.1 have set in particularly in the case of the continued defiance of a rabid, inchoate little country which has held 53 of our citizens since last Nov. 4.

July 14 Rev. Nicholas Fett, SS.CC., 1938, Pastor, St. Boniface, New Bedford Rev. Edmund J. Neenan, 1949, Former Secretary of State Assistant, Sacred Heart, Oak Henry Kissinger called Clark's Bluffs . conduct "contemptible absolutely disgraceful . .'. from a July 16 former Cabinet member." . Rev. Bernard Pereot, O.P., Kissinger is notoriously averse 1937, Founder, St. Dominic, to diplomatic intervention from Swansea private citizens, since during the Vietnam war he was conJuly 17 stantly beating back individual Rev. William J. Smith, 1960, initiatives which somehow, acPastor, St. James, Taunton cording to him, endangered "the secret negotiations" he conducted for almost four years to end A New Song "The Word was from the be~ the war. But when you think about it, ginning, and therefore was and is the divine beginning of all what harm did Clark do in Tehthings; but now that he has ran - except to certain Americans' notions of patriotism? taken the name, which of old The hostages are no worse off, was sanctified, the Christ, he is as far as we know, than when called by me a New Song." he got there. The Iranian offiSt. Clement



cials hate us no more or no less. What he said was that we are not blameless in the wretched situation. He said that one American, at least, understands how the Iranians felt about the shah and his reprehensible behavior toward his own people during the 35 years that we supported him. dark defended himself in these terms on "Issues and Answers:" We haven't done right by them. They know that holding the hostages is wrong, but they think we don't care about 70,000 of their people who were killed. They think all we care about is 53 of our people. Unless we show them we recognize their humanity, too .. . they're going to continue this wrong." It is apt to ask what good Clark accomplished, although the uproar is not on that point. The answer is not much. A local broadcast called him a CIA agent, he never got to see the hostages, he never got to· see the ayatollah. His failure to bring back anything more than testimony about the emotional response to him in the streets of Tehran leaves his critics free to thunder at him as a mushy-headed liberal in Hush Puppies who licks the feet of any Third World country that has differences with us. The talk shows ring with charges of treason; on the Senate floor, Robert Dole and Howard Baker have called for prosecution. The mild response of Secretary of State Muskie, who explained the ban on travel to Iran was meant to "protect" Americans not "punish" them, occasioned speculation that the administration may even have been using him - as it did many months ago, when he was dispatched by the president to Iran, and refused admission. Clark has said that if he had the approval of· the White House, it was conveyed to him only by a threat, as he set off, of 10 years in jan and a $50,000 fine. Clark's crime, it seems, is that he criticizes the United States ., when he is abroad. It is doubtful that people who disagree with .': his view that we acted badly toward Iran and should apologize would accept his remarks on any tun. But the idea of "my country right or wrong" when you are out of it is a deeply held convention, and Clark calmly trampled on it. What's too bad is that the discussion he hoped to generate about getting the hostages out in return for an e1f:pression of regret has less chance than ever of surfacing: People are too busy beating up on Clark to consider the merits of what he is saying.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June 26, 1980

Special ministers Continued from page one

With 27,000 Subscribers, It Pays To Advertise In The Anchor

D. Griffin, Miss Marcella Warrener, John C. Kirkman. New Bedford Area Our Lady of the Assumption:




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Attleboro Area Holy Ghost: Mrs. Eloise Kelly, Mrs. Josephine Driscoll, Mrs. Annette' Duclos.

SaInt Anthony, Mattapoisett: Donald Fleming, Mrs. Nathalie Fleming.

Sacred Heart: Sister Aline Dupuis, S.U.S.C.

Saint George, Westport: Donald H. Sylvain. J

Saint Joseph: John Costova.

Miss Dorothy Lopes, Mrs. Maria Alfama, Miss Millicent Silva.·

Saint Francis Xavier, Acushnet: Mrs. Irene Bouchard, William 'Boucher, Mrs. Emily Gleason, Roland Laboissiere, Mrs. Annette Leblanc. Miss Bella ·Lepage, Mrs. Vivian Lapre, Mrs. Anne Medeiros, Mrs. Jeanne Pepin, Mr. Edward Vieira, Mrs. Sheila Washburn:


Saint Jacques: Sister Lillian Ouellette.

Saint Joseph, Fairhaven: Brother William Keane, SS.CC. Saint Theresa: Edward D. Correia, Mrs. Elaine Correia, Bernard G. Poyant, Mrs. Claire L. Poyant, Mrs. .Ayako Rooney, John A. Savoie.

Saint Mary, Att1eboroIS~ konk: John Blake, Mrs. Carol Carignan, Mrs. 'Eleanor L. Hayes, Mrs. Germaine ,E. Jasper, Mrs. Annette Lefebvre. Mrs. Pauline M. L'Heureux, Kenneth Marcotrigiano, Robert Silva, James Souza. Saint MlU)', Mansfield: John Howey, Robert Ledger, William Lawrence Sr., Mrs. Christine Marie Salachi.


Saint Stephen: Russell April, Fra!11t Cruz m.


Cape Area Corpus Christl: Joseph Chiasson, William Chisholm, Alexander Consoni, Joseph Grazulis, Leo Kelly. 'Frank Miller, Paul O'Brien, Paul O'Connell. Holy Redeemer: Charles K. Bladen, Domenick Carrona, William Cotter, Thomas Desmond, Joseph Dinand. Leonard Fougere, Charles Gritis, Jack Hay, Raymond Kane, Michael Onnembo. Freeman Phillips, Roland Rou;;seau, Richard Saracusa, Richard Soffey. Thomas Sparkes, Larry Stevens, Richard Weiler. Holy Trinity: Howard E. Clark, Dr. David P. Doherty, John J. Donohue, Stanley D. Gonsalves, John F. McGrath. Mrs. Anne Moynihan, Richard P. Mulcahy, Carlota F. Pena, Edward A. Perpall, Mary E. Pina, Rufus D. Pina.


Our Lady of the Assumption: Frederick C. Lough.


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Saint Theresa: Sister Lorraine Choiniere, C.S.C., Larry W. Davidson.

Taunton Area ·Holy Rosary: Francis Ferreira, Charles Pine.

Our Lady of Victory: Mrs. Susan Anderson, James M. Barrett, Miss Rosemary Donelan, Mrs. Mary Dumas, Miss Margaret MacPherson. Saint Anthony: Julio Barrows Jr., Kenneth E. O'Connell. Saint Joan of Arc: Domiric Creonte, Anthony J. Guerra.


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THANKSGIVING Novena r 0 St. Jude


lei's Play It Safe! This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River DURO FINISHING CORP. THE EXTERMINATOR CO.



Holy St. Jude, Apostle, and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of arl who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known, and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our ~athers, three Hail Marys and Glorias. Publication must be promised. St. Jude pray for us all who invoke your aid, Amen. This Novena has never been known to fail. I have had my request granted. Publication promised. A reader. lAdvt.l G.A.M.L.

Saint John the Evangelist: Mrs. Marie Mosher, Mrs. Lorraine LeBrun, EQward Shay, David Lawrence. Saint Margaret: Mrs. Patricia Cleary, Sister Rita C. Kiernan, R.S.M., iDonald R. Palker, Mrs. Gloria M. Sherman. Saint Pius Tenth: Mrs. Vivian Coppus, Mrs. Marilyn O'NeiU, Harry J. St. Cyr. Our Lady of the Cape: Douglas Brunell, Benjamin Fragano, Norman McEnaney, Mrs. Susan Pierce, Edward F. Shimkus. Virginia Whitman, Dorothy Wynott, Nicholas Zaffino. Hospitai Apostolate Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River: Mrs. Margaret T. Goslin, Mrs. Anne Marie Kelly, :\1r~. Elizabeth Novacek. Chariton Memorial Hospital, Fall River: Sr. Gertrude Goulet, RJ.M., Sr. Belmira Oliveira, SUSC, Sr. Eugenia Margaret Ready, SUSC. Sturdy Memorial Hospital, Attleboro: Sr. Olive Coupe, R.S.M., Sr. Ricarda Wobby, RS.M. Morton Hospital, Taunton: Mrs. Donna Contreras, Mrs. Barbara Gauthier, Mrs. Kathleen Mastin, Mrs. Maria Nunes, James O'Gara. Mrs. Judith O'Gara, Sister Florence Richard. Cape Cod Hospital, Hyannis: Dr. David Doherty, Dr. Richard Lejava, Mrs. Marylee Meehan, Sister Honora McHl,lgh, R.S.M., Dr. ·Leonard Smith. . Mrs. Dorothy O'Toole, Dr, William O'Toole.


THE ANCHORThurs., June 26, 1980

long years of continued blessings. Joe Sylvia Chairman, Parish Council Sacred Heart Parish, New Bedford

the moil packet Letters are welcomed. but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit. If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and include a home or business address.

Thank you

Archbishop Raya and his land skis.

Church a joyous wedding says .lively archbishop EAST AURORA, N.Y. (NC) "We've got away from the thinking of the past. We're intelIectual, which means we carry junk," said Melkite-rite Archbishop Joseph M. Raya. The native of Lebanon, a professor at Christ the King Seminary in East Aurora, said he is disturbed by the modern Western church which tries too hard to be a teaching church. The Melkite-rite archbishop, 63, retired from the see of Acre, Israel, teaches a course on the fathers of the church at the Latin-rite seminary. Students, who calI him "Papa Joe," have grown used to seeing him tooling around campus on land skis, which he hopes will prepare him for snow skiing next winter. "The fathers of the church exposed life. They showed us truth is life. You cannot possess the truth, rather you are possessed by it. Truth is a measure of God within you," he said. "We have to celebrate our religion. We have been too busy teaching and writing books. We don't celebrate. Moslem, Buddhism, Confucianism are alI teaching religions. Ours is not; ours is more like a wedding. "A wedding is to be enjoyed, both before and after. Now there is no more enjoyment because we don't have the feast," the archbishop said. "A wedding needs to be prolonged. There must be a feast that can be enjoyed and tasted. We are cluttering the wedding with a heap of junk." Archbishop Raya said there is an Arabic word, "almaze," which means a heap of junk which must be rubbed and polished to become a heap of diamonds. He compared that to CCD and doctrine, which he said are good only if they are an introduction to life. "If we stop with them and haven't helped our people to live Gospel-centered lives, it is alI

a heap of junk. If CCD and doctrine are preparation, they are gold, they are almaze. But CCD by itself is no good." Archbishop Raya warned, "The church will go to nothing if it continues this way. We have more celebration in the church. Our parishes are dying because our people are not being fed. "People should be alive in God. If that doesn't happen when they go to church, then they should stay away. We go to church because we want to be more alive. I want to feel Christ saving me. Jesus Christ said, 'I came that they may have more life.' " Archbishop Raya said he misses the culture of Lebanon. "A simple culture is better. Here I am enslaved. I must worry about tomorrow. People here are not free. They cannot enter into the presence of Christ freely. "In simpler cultures, the people sing their religion, dance it, and enjoy it. You do not enjoy your religion. Other cultures are able to enter into the song or the presence of Christ. In the West, people have more knowledge, so they aren't free to enter into the feast."

New Editor WINONA', Minn. (NC) Helen L. Plasse, executive editor of The Catholic Observer, newspaper of the Diocese of Springfield, Mass., for the past five years, has been named editor of The Courier,. Winona diocesan paper, effective July 1. She succeeds Sister Paula Young of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, who is resigning to do public relations work for her religious community. Under Miss Plasse's editorship, The Catholic Observer won an award for general excelIence in 1979 from the Catholic Press Association.

Dear Editor: Among other transfers you reported recently was the assignment of Rev. Raymond Monty to assistant pastor at Notre Dame parish, FalI River. He went to that post after serving several years in the Marriage Tribunal of our Diocese. We, the undersigned priests, would like to express our thanks for the dedicated and efficient service that marked his work at the Tribunal. He helped priests in their pastoral concern for separated and divorced Catholics, and assisted many people who initiated the process of petitioning for an annulment. We are grateful for what he has done and wish him welI in his new pastoral assignment. Rev. John A. Gomes Rev. Joseph M. Costa Rev. Normand Grenier Rev. Edward Correira Rev. Marcel H. Bouchard Rev. Bruce M. Neylon Rev. Robert J. Carter Rev. Michael R. Nagle Rev. Michel G. Methot

A true pastor Dear Editor: When Father Ernest E. Blais was officially named PASTOR, instead of administrator, The A'nchor carried the announcement of that change of title. It was thus an error for you to publish in The Anchor on 5 June 1980, in your article "changes affect 14 parishes" that "Father Ernest E. Blais, ADMINSTRATOR of Sacred Heart parish . . . is to be PASTOR of Notre Dame ... "

Besides calling attention to this error, I use the occasion to let your readers know that Father Blais was a true PASTOR .in every sense of the word from the very first day he was assigned to Sacred Heart parish family. He has been PASTOR to every one, a good shepherd, a wise administrator, and a beloved priest/friend. We will always remember him as a ~ASTOR. We are grateful to Almtghty God and to Our Most Reverend Bishop for Father 'Blais' presence and guidance in our midst. And we express our prayerful best wishes that his new assignment will bring him

'Greatest cross' PARIS (NC) - The activities of suspended French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre were Pope Paul VI's "greatest cross," according to a biographer who was the late pope's close friend for 27 years. Jean Guitton, author of the recently published book, "The Secret Paul VI," said the late pope considered Archbishop Lefebvre to be "insincere" and "not too coherent" in his opposition to Vatican II norms, especialIy liturgical reforms. Guitton denied that Pope Paul considered authorizing the Tridentine Mass as a way of solving the dispute with Archbishop Lefebvre. Pope Paul suspended Archbishop Lefebvre from priestly functions in July 1976 after the archbishop ordained 13 priests in opposition to Vatican orders.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese oHall' River-Thur., June 26, 1980

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A retrospect of 55 years The 55th anniversary: of the organization of St. Patrick's. Circle, Somerset Daughters of Isabella, was recently marked with a Mass and banquet, at which speake'rs included Father James Lanergan, Massachusetts state chaplain for the D of I, and Mrs. Robert Whitney, state regent. A congratulator} letter from Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was read by Father Stephen Salvador, St. Patrick's' Circle chaplain. "This venerable organization has. served in a marvelous way to unite Catholic women in the interests of the church and society, as well as their own religious, intellectual and social needs," wrote the 'bishop. . Circle History In connection with the anniversary, Mrs. Arthur F. Sullivan prepared a history of the circle, of which a condensation follows: The circle was organized May 25, 1925 at the Legion Hall, Somerset, by Mrs. Mary Dillon, then regent of the Massachusetts state circle. There were 35 charter members and the 'first regent was Miss Mary Lynch, followed by 21 others until the term of .the present regent, Miss Bertha Hayden. The office was held twice by Mrs. Stanley Fugiel, who served from 1945 to 1947 and again from 1951 to 1953. The circle· took its name from St. Patrick's parish in, Somerset, then the only Catholic church in . the town. Its motto, the same as that of the national organization, is Unity, Friendship and. Charity. Unity was demonstrated in the circle's early years when its regent, then Mrs. Charles Mawn, joined with other Massachusetts regents in sponsoring a bill for establishment . of what became the Pondville cancer hospital. Later the regents supported the opening of a second hospital in Westfield. . Friendship prompted circle members to befriend Somerset

soldiers serving in World War bers, a joint communion breakII. A scrapbook of letters of ap- fast with Bishop Cassidy Counpreciation for food parcels sent cil of the Knights of Columbus to servicemlm nas been pre- and annual days of recollection. served and was recently donaSocial life offers a Secret Pal ted to the Somerset Historical Club, an annual potluck supper Society. and various money-making Charity has been practiced in undertakings. many ways. In the early years The Daughters of Is~bella is various proj<ects' benefited St. an international charitable and Patrick's parish and today a benevolent organization named main beneficiary is the Rose for Queen Isabella of Spain in Hawthorne :Lathrop Home in recognition of her outstanding Fall River. Semiannual dona- charity. It is composed of na- . tions are made to the home and tional, state and local circles and for the past 23 years a group is open to women aged 16 has met weekly to make dress- ' through 60, with those over 60 ings to be used in the care of eligible to become social mempatients. bers. O,ther projects have included In 1933 the national circle, esas~istance in the education of tablished the $100,000 Queen Isseminarians, donations of Cath- abella Foundation Scholarship olic books to the Somerset pUb- at the National Catholic School lic library, provision of first of Social Service of the Cathcommunion <:lothing for child- olic University of America: As ten, distribution of holiday food far as is known, this sum is the baskets and contributions to a largest single contribution by variety of campaigns, notably any Catholic women's group to the' annual Catholic Charities the cause of Catholic education. Appeal. St. Patrick's Circle continues to . Religious al:tivities include an make monthly contributions to annual Mass for deceased mem- the fund.

Jewish aid eff9rts told VATICAN CITY (NC) -- A supplement by L'Osservatore new documentary volume on Romano, the Vatican newspaper. World War H published by the In the commentary Father Vatican recounts numerous ef- Graham listed efforts by the f9rts by the Holy See to save Holy See to save .Jewish lives, Jewish lives in the final 18 prevent interment in concentramonths of World War II. tion camps and seek knowledge The book, "Le Saint-Seige et about the fate of those in camps les Victimes de la Guerre: Jan- or deported. vier 1944-Juillet 1945" ("The Father Graham also attacked Holy' See and the Victims of the a new book by an American, War: January 1944--July 1945") John F. Morley, "Vatican Diplois the fifth volume of documents . macy and the Jews During the on the Holy See's humanitarian Holocaust 1939-1943." efforts during the war and the He said the book claims that -10th volume of the collection the Holy See intervened only to documenting Vatican involvesave Catholic Jews. ment in the war. A commentary on the docu"This interpretation certainly ments in the new book by one is not historical and is contraof its editors, American Jesuit dicted not only by the new 10th Father Robert Graham, was pub- volume but by all the preceding lished as a special eight-page ones," the Jesuit historian said.




55 YEARS OF EXISTENCE deserve a big cake, so members and guests of St. Patrick Circle, Daughters of Isabella, celebrated with this one. From left, Mary Whitney, state regent; Father Stephen Salvador, S 1. Patrick chaplain; Dorothy Pires, St. Patrick vice-regent; Father James F. Lanergan, state chaplain; Bertha Hayden, St. Patrick regent. (Photo courtesy o:~ The Spectator)


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June 26, 1980






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548-4842 BREWSTER, Our Lady of the Cape, Stoney Brook Road: (Schedule effective June thru Labor Day): Sat. 5, 6:30 p.m.; Sun: 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.;' daily, 8, 11 a.m., no 11 a.m. on Saturdays; confessions, Sat. 4:15-5 and 6 to 6:30 p.m.

'MARION, St. Rita, 113 Front St. (schedule effective: June 28-29, Aug. 30-31): Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily, 8:30 a.m.; confessions, Saturday, 4:305:00 p.m.

SANDWICH, Corpus Christi, 8 I Jarves St.: ·Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., 12 noon; daily 9 a.m.


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SAGAMORE, St. Theresa, Rte. '6: Sat. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m.

MATTAPOISETT, St. Anthony, EAST BREWSTER, IDunaeulate 22 Barstow. St.: Sat. 4:39, 7 p.m.; Conception, Route 6A: (Sched- Sun. 8, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. daily 8 SOU11l YARMOU11l, St. Pius X, ule effective July and Aug.): Sat. a.m.; Confessions 3:30-4:20 p.m. '. 5 Barbara St.: Sat. 4, 7 p.m.; 4:30 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30 and Sun. 7, .9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m., IANTUCKET, Our Lady of the :> p.m.; daily, 7, 9 a.m. 11 a.m. :sle,6 Orange St.: Sat 5, 7 p.m.; BUZZARDS BAY, St. Margaret, Sun. 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m., 7 141 Main St.; Sat. 5, 6:30 p.m.;' p.m.; daily, 7:30 a.m., 12 noon; BASS RIVER, Our Lady ,of the Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., 12 noon; rosary before daily Masses; con- Highway, Rte. 28: Sun. 8, 9:30, 11 a.m.; daily (Mon.-Fri.), 8 a.m. 7:30 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confes- fessions, Sat. 4-4:45 p.m. sions, Sat. 4-5, 7-8 p.m. VINEYARD 'HAVEN, St. AugusONSET, St. Mary Star of the sea, SIASCONSET, Union Chapel: tine, Church and Fi'ankIin Sts.: Sun. 8:45 a.m. during July and Onset Ave.: Sat. 6:30 p.lli.; SUD. Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 11 a.m.; 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 a.m.; daily, 9 .'\ugust. daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30-4:30 4-4:30 p.m., 6-6:30 p.m. NORm FALMOU11l, St. Elizp.m., after '6:30 p.m. Mass. abeth Seton, 6 Shaume Rd.: Sat. CENTERVILLE, Our Lady of 4, 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:45, 9, 10:15, WAREHAM, St. Patrick, 82 High Victory, 122 Park Ave.: Schedule 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 9 a.m.; St.: Sat. 4, 6 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, June 28-29 - thru Labor Day cdhfessions, Sat. 3:15-3:45, 4:45- 10, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45, weekend, Sat. '5, 7:30 p.m. Sun. 5:15 p.m. 7-7:30 p.m. 7, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon; OAK BLUFFS, Sacred Heart, daily, 7, 9 a.m., First Fridays, Masses 7, 9 a.m., Ultreya, 8 p.m.; ,Circuit Ave.: Sat. 6 p.m.; Sun. WEST WARE~, St. Anthony, confessions, Sat. 4-5, 7-7:30 p.m. 8, 9:H~, 10:30 a.m.; daily (Mon.- off Rte. 28 (schedule effective Fri.) 7 a.m.; confes&ions, Sat. July and August): Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10 a.m.; confessions WEST BARNSTABLE, Our Lady 5:15-5:45 p.m. before each Mass. of Hope, Rte. 6A: Sat. 4 p.m.; Sun., 8:45, 10 a.m.; confessions ORLEANS, St. Joan of Are, before each Mass. Bridge St. (schedule effective WELLFLEET, Our Lady of CHATHAM, Holy Redeemer, 72 June 21-22 through' Labor Day): Lourdes, 56-58 Main St.: Sat. 4 Highland Ave: Schedule June 28, Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 5 p.m.; Sun: 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, daily, 9 a.m. confessions, before Sat. 4-4:50 p.m.; Our Lady of all Masses; Tues. 7:30 p.m.; chara.m.; daily, 8 a.m. Perpetual Help novena, at 8 ismatic prayer meeting; Holy day Aug. 14, 4:00 arid 5:00 p.m.; SOUTH CHATHAM, Our Lady a.m. Mass. Wed. Aug. 15,8,9, 10,.11 a.m. of Grace, Rte. 137, off Rte. 28: Schedule June 28, Sat. 7 p.m.; NORTH EASmAM, \ Church of Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 the Visitation (schedule' effective TRURO, Sacred Heart,' Rte. 6A: a.m.; daily, 9 a.m. June 21-22 through Labor Day): Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 9:30 a.m.; conEAST FALMOUTH, St. Anthony, Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, fessions before Masses; Holy 167 East Falmouth Highway: 10:30, 11:30 a.m.; confessions, day, Aug. 14, 7 p.m.; Aug. 15, 9:30 a.m. Sat. 4:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9, Sat. 6:30-6:50 p.m. 10:15, 11:30 a.m; daily, 8 a.m.; OSTERVILLE" Our Lady of the confessions, Sat. 3:30-4:15 p.m., Assumption, 76 Wianno Ave. NORTH TRURO, Our Lady of weekdays, any time by request. (schedule effective June 28-29 Perpetual Help, Pond Road: Sat. 4, 5 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10, 11 a.m.; EDGARTOWN, St. Elizabeth, through Aug. 30-31): Sat. 4:00 confessions before Masses; Holy and 5:30 p.m.; ~un. 7, 8:30, 10, Main Street: Sat. 4, 5:30 p.m.; day, Aug. 14, 4, 5 p.m.; Aug. 15, Sun. 7, 9, 11 a.m.; daily, Mon.- 11:30 a.m.; daily, 7, 9 a.m.; con- 9, 10, 11 a.m.; Air Foree Base fessions, Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. Fri., 8:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. Mass Sat. and Vigil of Holy Day, 11 a.m.-12 noon, 3-3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. SANTUIT, St. Jude Chapel, Rte. 28: Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. FALMOUTH, St. Patrick, 511 Eo Main St.: Schedule June 28-29, 9, 10:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. .WEST HARWICH, Holy Trinity, Rte. 28 (schedule effective June Sat. 5:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:45, 3:30-4:00 p.m. 28-29): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 10, 11:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. MASHPEE, Queen of All Saints, 9, 10:30, 12 noon; daily 9 a.m.; New Seabury: Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 confessions, Sat. 3, 4:30 and 7:45 FALMOU11l HEIGHTS, St. p.m.; Sun. 8:00, 10, 11:30 a.m.; p.m.; 1st Friday - Additional Thomas Chapel, Falmouth confessions, Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 Mass at 11:00 a.m. and BenedicHeights Rd.: Schedule June 28- p.m. tion at 2:00 p.m. 29, Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, POCASSET, St. John the Evan11:15 a.m.; daily 8 a.m. DENNISPORT, Our Lady of the gelist, 15 Virginia Road: Sat. 4, Annunciation, Upper County HYANNIS, St. Francis Xavier, 5, 7 p.m; Sun. 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 347 South St.: Sat. 5, 7:30 p.m.; 10:30, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, Rd. (schedule effective June 28Sun. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., 12 noon, 7:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45 29): Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m. Daily 8 a.m. Con5 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m., 12:10 p.m.; p.m. fessions, Sat. 3-4 p.m. confessions, Sat. 4-5 p.m. and PROVINCETOWN, St. Peter the following 7:30 p.m. Mass. Apostle, 11 Prince St.: Sat. 7 WOODS HOLE, St. Joseph: YARMOU11lPORT, Sacred Heart, p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 11 a.m., 5:30 Schedule June 22 Sat. 5:30 p.m.; off Rte. 6A: Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. p.m.; daily, 7 a.m., confessions, Sun. 7, 9:30, 11 a.m.; daily 8 g a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-5 p.m., Sat. 6:30-7:00 p.m. and by ap- a.m.; Confessions y:! hour beSun. before 9 a.m. Mass. pointment. fore Sunday Masses.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June 26, 1980

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The importance of fathers By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Motherhood 1s sometimes given low status in this society. "Just a mother" has become the too common answer to the question, "What do you do?" Fatherhood receives an equally bad press. On the one hand, Dagwood Bumstead is spotlighted as the bumbling buffoon; on the other, the macho male is portrayed as strong, silent, unfeeling, ,domineering and unsupportive of his wife, while overly strict and demanding with his children. Neither image is attractive. Are fathers really this bad? Ross Parke, a professor in child development at the University of Illinois, has observed and studied fathers for a long time. His research discredits the cultural stereotype that fathers are uninterested, incompetent and unimportant. It shows just the opposite. Fathers are very interested, have innate ability as parents and have important roles with the children. An important task for fathers is supporting and loving the mothers of their children, especially while they care for infants or are trying to handle teens. Mothers often h~ve 24-

The pause that By Marilyn Roderick

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hour-a-day responsibility. They need relief and support. Another important task is playing with the children. Fathers play differently from mothers. Mothers smile more, kiss more and vocalize more. They even speak a different language to infants, one filled with short endearing phrases and lots of repetition. Fathers' play, according to Parke's observations, is much more physical. There is more bouncing ~lDd lifting. Father is less smooth and rhythmic than mother. "They belong to me when they're two," one father told me. "Before that, they are Mama's. But once they get walking well, they'r.e mine." Fathers are very good when children -begin to move around, explore and try out all their energies. Fathers also make good storytellers. From time immemorial, males have enjoyed the telling or reading of stories. Fathers can put this talent to use at bedtime with their children. Fathers may have some talent at organization. Perhaps they have . become accustomed to scheduling time and activities on the job. They can help by supervising household chores,

Summer's the time to pause and smell the flowers. It's amazI ing how life hurries by and most of us, myself especially, join the rush without stopping to look at the beauty around us. This past Sunday Joe's rhododendron society had a tour to North Tisbury on Martha's Vineyard to visit Barnard's Inn Farm the home of pony Hill and her famous azaleas. I'm not a group member, therefore I didn't have to bend down and examine every leaf and blossom or write down the names of the plants I wanted for my own garden. All I had to do was enjoy. - While everyone else was being very authoritative and informative, I wandered through the , beautiful meadows, picked daisies, sat on a marvelous old wooden swing and just had a great time doing absolutely nothing. That is one of the loveliest things about summer - finding oneseU with an hour or two to do nothing and not feeling guilty about it. On the Polly Hill farm I wasn't in charge, I didn't have to worry about entertaining any-, one and I could literally smell the flowers. Summer is also a time to catch up on reading, all those books we had no time to read with the duties of winter. It's the time to visit your library and browse leisurely for that special volume to while away a sunny afternoon. My grandmother once said, when she was in her early eighties, that she couldn't remember

balancing the checkbook, scheduling limits on television viewing and planning family outings. Finally, fathers can be good disciplinarians for teens who need a firm but steady hand. The teen years are erratic and irrational. It is no time for parents to be emotional and punitive in response. What is needed are consistent policies gently but firmly applied. Fathers can be very good at following through to see that chores are completed and curfews are honored. Fathers have allowed themselves to be regarded as unimportant and incapable for too long. Many have both the ability and the desire to be good fathers. They need to realize that fathers grow and develop just as mothers do. Father, trust yourself. Support and love the mother of your children. Enjoy your children at all ages. You have a unique and important role in the family. Fatherhood does not substitute for motherhood, but compliments it. Questions on family living and child care are invited. Address to The Kennys c/o The An.cllor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.


growing old. At the time I couldn't imagine what she meant. Today I know just what she meant, and that's why I feel that it's so important to smell the flowers. Summer may also give you the chance to try all those recipes that you haven't had time for. This delicious pie recipe is from The Country Innkeepers' Cookbook by Wilf and Lois Copping and is a new twist On an old favorite. It's great to make in the cool morning hours and serve in the cool of the evening. French Silk Pie with Meringue Pie Shell Y2 cup butter % cup sugar 1 square unsweetened chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs 1 cup hea.vy cream, whipped 1 tablespoon creme de cacao 1 9-inch meringue pie shell 1) Beat softened butter in the electric mixer until fluffy. 2) Add sugar gradually and beat until smooth. 3) Melt the chocolate over hot water and add with vanilla to the creamed mixture. Beat in. 4) Add eggs, one at a time, beating 4 minutes each time. 5) Pour this mixture into meringue pie shell and top with whipped c:-eam flavored with the creme de cacao. Meringue Pie Shell 3 egg whites pinch salt % teaspoon cream of tartar Y2 teaspoon vanilla % cup sugar YJ cup finely chopped walnuts

1) Combine egg whites, salt and cream of tartar and beat to a stiff foam. 2) Beat in the vanilla. Add sugar gradually, beating until peaks are formed and the sugar is dissolved. 3) Spread in a well-greased 9 inch pie tin. Build up the sides, sprinkle the bottom with the chopped nuts. Bake in a 275 degree oven for 1 hour. Cool and fill.

Nurses refuse to aid abortions INDIO, Calif. (NC) - Fiftytwo nurses and aides at Indio Community Hospital, a third of the nursing staff, have informed the hospital administration that they will not participate in any way in abortions. The nurses said their stand was based on moral, ethical and religious convictions. Dr. Claudia Eads, the chief anesthesiologist, and her staff of three have also refused to assist in any abortions requiring anesthesia. The hospital administrator said the nurses' action has called a halt to "so-called late abortions," those performed after the 16th week of pregnancy. Father James Fallon, communications director for the San Bernardino Diocese, in which Indio is located, said various pro-life activists had described the Indio nurses' action as the largest group action of that kind in the country.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., June 26, 1980

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.•...............•..•... /+' I""""!~ .


Ire asked to submit newa Items for this column to TIle Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Nlme of city or town should lie Included IS well I I full dates of all 'ctlvltles. please send news of future rether than past events. Note: We do not Clrry news of fundrelsln, activities such IS IIln,os, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to Clrry notices of spiritual pro,rems, club meetln,s, youth projects and slmll., nonprofit activities. Fundrelsln, proJects may be advertised It our re,ular retes obtainable from The Anchor business Office, telephone 675-7151.

ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Field day activities closed St. Joseph's school for the summer, followed by an awards ceremony for field day winners and those outstanding in scholarship, good citizenship, effort and attendance. A Rotary Club Citizenship Award went to Cathy Morin and a Special Effort Award to Do Chi Quoc, a Vietnamese student. ST.ANNE, FALL RIVER

The parish ultreya group will meet Sunday, July 20 and will revert to the usual first Sunday meeting on Aug. 3. Meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. in the church basement. New officers of the board of education are Denise Kochanski president; Jacqueline Brodeur, vice-president and secretary; Steve Marciszyn, treasurer. Parish Committee leaders are Donald Valcourt, president; Joseph Toole, Vice-president; Cecile Michno and Lucille Gauthier, secretaries; Albert Vezina Jr., treasurer. A position is open as school custodian. Anyone interested may contact Father John Foister, pastor. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER July 1 through Aug. 13, a

'daily Mass will be offered at 8:30 a.m., except on Tuesday and Wednesday, when an additional Mass will be offered at 7 p.m. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER

The Holy Ghost Portuguese Club will observe its fealit days on July 26 and 27, with a crowning ceremony at 11 a.m. Mass July 27. Parishioners wishing to donate flowers for the August parish feast may contact Mary Velozo, 672-9737. ALHAMBRA ORPER, REGION ONE

Members will meet at 8 p.m. Friday, July 11 at the ItalianAmerican Citizens' Club in Peabody.

BLUE ARMY, FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Blue Army will sponsor a pilgrimage to the Blue Army Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Washington, N.J. on the Columbus Day weekend. Information is available from Ann Levasseur, 822-6866. ST. JOHN EVANGEUST, POCASSET

Anyone interested in becoming a lector is asked to contact the rectory.




New Women's Guild officers are Ann Doyle, president; Kathy Tennien, vice-president; Hope Walsh and Ruth Hanlon, secretaries; Bette Smith, treasurer.

" •


The Pilgrim Virgin statue will be in the church the week of June 28 through July 4. Services each evening will highlight an apparition of Mary. Lourdes, La Salette, Guadalupe, Fatima, Knock and Banneux will be included. Volunteers are needed for a Sunday babysitting service. Those interested may contact the rectory.

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BISHOP James A. Hickey, 59, of Cleveland, has been named the new archbishop of Washington. The choice has been applauded by blacks, 'Hispanics and intellectuals in the nation's capital. Bishop Hickey speaks Spanish and has been distinguished for his leadership in matters of racial justice. He holds doctorates in the·ology and canon law from Roman universities. (NC Photo)

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New life Continued from page one the "new questions" raised by the creation of new life. "But the issue goes far beyond patents," they added. "For unlike DDT or DES both of which were in wide use before their tragic side effects were discovered - life forms reproduce and grow on their own and thus would be infinitely harder to contain." The statement by the three religious leaders also questioned whether private corporations would consider more than the profit motive in dispersing new life forms. Contending that government currently does not exercise adequate control in the creation and distribution of new life forms, the statement called on Presi-' dent Carter to "provide a way for representatives of a broad spectrum of our society to consider these matters and advise the government on its necessary role." In addition, the statement wondered about "those who would play God" by using genetic manipulation in an attempt to make society fit their vision of humanity. "Finally, we pledge our own efforts to examine the religious and ethical issues involved in genetic engineering," the three said. "The religious community must and will address these fundamental questions in a more urgent and organized way."


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FALL RIVER Boys interested in becoming acolytes should contact Father Bruce Neylon at the rectory. Father William Campbell, newly 'appointed administrator of St. Dominic's parish, Swansea, and Holy Name associate pastor for the past seven years, will offer 11:15 a.m. Mass at Holy Name on Sunday. A reception in his honor will follow ,at 2 p.m.

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SISTER EMMANUEL Alexandrinha Cabral of Fall River' was among 29 Daughters of the Holy Spirit recently marking anniversaries in religious life at Holy Spirit provincial house, Putnam, Conn. She observed her silver jubilee, while Sister Louise Antoine Belanger of New Bedford marked 50 years in the community. Others honored, who had served as visiting nurses or at the former Bishop Stang Day Nursery in Fall River, were Sister Mechtilde Barrette, Sister Jeannette Bourque and Sister Marie Hermine Gauvin, all 50 years, and Sister Blanche Blanchette, 60 years.

Uncovered iNEW ORLEANS (NC) - A Louisiana appeals court has ruled that employees of church-operated schools are not covered by the employment security law and that their employers do not have to pay unemployment tax.

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THE ANCHORThurs., June 26, 1980


II For children I

By Father John J. Castelot

By Janaan Manternaeh

A beautiful young Jewish girl Esther lived in the great kingdom of Persia. Esther, in Persian, means "star." ,Esther stood out like a star among the other young girls in Susa, her home town. Everyone loved her, especially her parents and her uncle, Mordecai. Esther's parents died while she was still young and Mordecai decided to adopt her. Because Esther was so beautiful, the king of Persia invited her to live at the royal palace. Mordecai missed Esther very much. Each day he walked back and forth in front of the palace hoping to hear how she was. One day he heard that the king had named her queen of Persia. About the same time the king gave a man named Haman a high position of honor in the kingdom. This meant everyone had to kneel and bow down before Haman wherever he went. Mordecai refused. As a devout Jew, he would bow down only before God. When Haman learned of this, he plotted to have Mordecai and every Jew in the kingdom killed. Haman's servants rolled dice to set the day on which this would happen. The dice pointed to the 13th day of the month. Haman then told the king lies about the Jews. He said they refused to obey the King's laws and should all be put to death. The king told Haman to do whate~er he pleased. So Haman sent out a decree ordering the Jews to be killed on the 13th day of the month of Adar. The King did not know that Esther was Jewish. Mordecai sent a message to Esther begging . her to save the Jews from death. Mordecai told Esther that he and all the Jews would fast and pray for her. Esther was terribly afraid. She begged God to help her change the king's mind. Then she prepared two great banquets for the king. During each banquet he promised to give her anything she asked because he loved her very much. Calling up all her courage, Esther asked the king to spare her life and the lives of all the Jews in his kingdom. She told the king' she was a Jew, the adopted daughter of Mordecai. She said Hlmlan decreed the death of the Jews because he was angry at Mordecai. Because of his love for Esther, the king immediately punished Haman. He then invited Mordecai to the palace and gave him Haman's job. The king told Mordecai to write up a. new decree .about the Jews, ordering them treated with honor. Morecai and Esther then ordered the Jewish people to celebrate this great day every year on the 14th and 15th days of the month of Adar. They called the feast Purim, because the dice thrown to set the date of the Jews' death here called "purim."



A happy single adoptive father

Single people adopt childre][l By Monika K. Hellwig Some single people today, I among them, are making the momentous decision to adopt and raise children. This raises many questions in people's minds. Is it fair to the children? Why don't adopting parents marry? Are they taking on more than they can cope with? 'Others question whether ,even more single persons should be encouraged to adopt, given the number of homeless children in need of parents. Some married people, with bitterness and pain in their voices, have asked me,

"What are you trying to prove?" With the terrible pressures that society places on the family, many married people find children a weary burden and are hard put to manage their time, energy and finances. In a time of changing roles and social expectations, many marriages are tense and quite brittle. Spouses suffer nervous exhaustion dealing with the gap between their expectations and their actual lives. Children become part of this pattern of tension. Thus the single person who adopts children for the joy of it becomes a sign of contradiction.

Successfully managing to earn a living and run a household in addition to raising children, the single adoptive parent becomes the living symbol for others of the very great expectations bebefore them. What would move a single person to adopt? Why don't such persons marry? They are usually unmarried for the commonest of all reasons, namely that they have not found the right partners or for some reason were not able to marry the partners they found. At this point a single person Tum to Page Thirteen

How the church can help By Fr. Francis M. O'Connor, S.J. Within the past few yea~s the single adoptive parent has become more common. This single parent is usually a woman, but occasionally a single male appears at the agency to add his name to the inevitable waiting list. The reasons why a single person wants to adopt vary. The person who does not marry may still experience a very strong desire to be a parent: Religious and moral principles often preclude the physical parenting of a child out Of wedlock. Adoption offers an ~cceptable alternative.

At other times, a single man or woman may be drawn by love and compassion to offer a permanent home to a child who has known only a string of temporary foster homes. Each move from home to home is interpreted by the child as another rejection. A permanent home can save the child from life that is both transient and sad. Another reason is that some children are difficult to place. Adoption by a single parent may be a solution for the adoption agency. Whatever the reason, adoption is a major decision which change into the life of the new

single parent. A parish community which includes others who are single, parents can help in many ways. During t:!le sometimes long and trying period of waiting for agency approval, the prospective single parent needs patience and hope. Without a partner to share t1".is time, the single person appreciates the support of parish friends. Once the child arrives, other needs surface. If the parent's life has belln independent and free, that inl~vitably changes. He or she may find life much more confining. IJ: the new child is Turn to Page Thirteen

know your faith

We are informed 'by writers of the first Christian centuries that the consistent reaction of pagans to the Christian communities was one of amazement. They expressed it this way: "Look at those Christians how they love one another!" In a world of cold indifference, hostility and violence, here were groups of all kinds of people from all strata of society living together in mutual acceptance and peace. And the acceptance was not just grudging toleration; they loved one another to such an extent that as communities they projected this dominant image of love. Today, almost 20 centuries later, what picture does the Christian community project to our world? When the church is mentioned, how often is its love the first thing to come to mind? Still, love is supposed to be our overriding concern. Jesus wanted it to be the identification badge of his true followers. Paul was only echoing Jesus when he wrote about the absolute primacy of love, especially in that classic hymn to love in 1 Corinthians 13. This magnificent passage ends with the ringing pronouncement: "There are in the end three things that last: faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love." This love is not some mythical abstrl\ct virtue. It is the love we are supposed to have for each other as human beings created in God's image and likeness. This means we are given a share in his creative love for everyone and everything. Bemoaning our unforunate contemporary corporate image does not imply that individual Christians are not loving people. Their love is constantly manifesting itself in new ways. More and more, we hear of single people adopting children who would otherwise not know love. Such people display a special kind of unselfishness in voluntarily restricting their freedom. Such a relationship calls for the support of the whole parish family, the community of love. It is a model of that selfless love by which Jesus wants his followers to be recognized.

II How it's donell By Mary Coyne

People often assume that a single person is' either too busy for husband and children or never had a chance for them. But this is not always true. Many singles lead full, rich lives, but some may feel a void. Today some singles are making the important decision to adopt. Betty, 39, decided to adopt a child several years ago. All her life she had loved children and for that reason had chosen a teaching career. At age 33 she began to contact adoption agencies. She found the going rough. Agencies Turn, to page thirteen


A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego

A Hurnildade

o tema da hurnildade e urn tema eminentemente humane e evangelico. 0 homem realmente hurnilde e semere servi~al e poe-se efectivamente a disposi~ao de todos. A Rev~la~ao apresenta-nos varios aspectos do que pode entender-se por hurnildade na BIblia. Hurnildade por oposi~ao a vaidade chama-se tambem modestia. 0 Modesto e o homem que nao tem preten~oes irracionais e nao se fia no seu proprio juizo. ! urna hurnildade de pouca profundidade, periferica: reconhece com simplicidade que 0 que nele brilha e quase tudo emprestado, recebido. Hurnildade por op'osi~ao a soberba: e urn grau mais profundo e radical de hurnildade. ! a atitude da criatura limitada e pecadora diante do Deus perfeito e santo. 0 hurnilde reconhece sinceramente que tudo quanta tem recebeu-o de Outrem; que e urn servo inutil, que por si mesmo nao vale nada nem e nada. A este homem hurnilde, sempre aberto a gra~a, Deus ha-de glo rifica-lo. Hurnildade de Cristo: e urn grau mais profundo e supremo de hurnildade. Cristo, sendo Deus, "esvaziou-Se" de Si mesmo, "despojou-Se da Sua gloria" rebaixou-Se a condi~ao de escravo, salvando-nos onde estamos: na nossa condi~a6 de servos. EsteCristo e q~em convida os Seus a servir os irmaos por amor. No Antigo Testamento 0 Servo de Jave e 0 prototipo do humilde, do pobre vazio de si mesmo perante Deus. ! 0 servidor em quem Deus se compraz. Jesus nao e so 0 Messias anunciado pelo ultimo dos profetas, mas tambem 0 Messias dos hurnildes e pobres, a quem desde 0 primeiro momento proclama "bem-aventurados". Ensina a necessidage de aprender a hurnildade. d'Ele, que e "manso e hurnilde". Rebaixa-Se ate tomar a carne do pecado. Hurnilha-Se ate morrer pregado nurna cruz como um servo. E servo como e, nao tem inconveniente em servir realmente e lavar os pes aos discipulos. Deus inclina-Se e olha complacente os hurnildes. Perdoa sempre ao homem humilde. Deus escolhe os humildes para confundir os soberbos; a Maria, urna donzela pobre que se proclama sua serva, eleva-a a categoria de Mae do Seu Filho. E aos que participam das hurnilha~oes de Cristo exalta-los~a, como exaltou Jesus. Os hurnlldes cantarao e~ernamente a santidade e 0 amor de Deus, que neles fez maravilhas. Isto e, brevemente, 0 que a Biblia nos diz sobre a hurnildade. Vejamos agora as rela~oes intimas que existem entre hurnildade e servi~o. Todo 0 cristao esta chamado a participar activamente no misterio de Cristo, quer dizer: na Sua Morte e Ressurrei~ao, na Sua hurnilha~ao e exalta~ao. Por isso, impoe-se-lhe a pratica da humildade a exemplo do Mestre. Ninguem que nao 'seja verdadeiramente hurnilde, pode ser bem-aventurado no Reino de Deus.

Single people Continued from page twelve may think, "Well, it seems as though I will not get married, but at least I can make sure that I have a family, so I will not be left alone." If they do, the outlook for adoption is bleak. Children are not there primarily to fill the needs of parents (though indirectly they indeed do that). Rather, children are there with their great needs and their helplessness and vulnerability, and adults are called in the order of creation and salvation to be parents. Human beings live in a history of sin and tragedy. If we lived instead in the pure order of creation, where sin and evil did not exist, then surely every child ' would be a wanted child born within a mature, stable and harmonious marriage. Two devoted parents would love, cherish and raise every child to full adulthood. But since we live in a broken history, we have the vocation in Christ to become part of his work healing and redemption in the world. It is the story and the challenge of the Good Samaritan over and over again: "Who is my neighbor?" But we do not really need to ask this question because the wounded and the abandoned are lying right across our path. Anyone in need is my neighbor.


Thurs., June 26, 1980

"Who is my child?" Whoever crosses my path needing a parent is my child, and the measure is need, not race, nor talents, nor biological parentage, nor endowments. Parenthood is a vocation that comes to an adult when the needs of children intersect with that adult's ability to meet them. The most important question is when and whether a given single person has the ability to meet children's needs. But this question is as important for couples as for single persons. In fact, the single person is not defined by being unmarried but by the way he or she relates to others in love and service: When a person is happy and absorbed in doing things for others, that person has a life and home that may be good to shar~ with children. Finally, there is the vocation to join with the healing and hospitable Christ in extending his welcome to all and particularly to small children because of their utter and all-embracing need.

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Continued from page twelve very young, the absence of a husband or wife usually means extensive - and expensive use of baby sitters. An alert parish community can offer to help out single parents occasionally. In our parish - Holy Cross in Durham, N.C. -: members, including myself, the pastor, will take a couple of adopted children. Continued from page twelve do not make it easy for a single overnight on a weekend to give to adopt but they no longer' the single parent a night off. (When the pastor takes his tum, make it impossible. Betty found that the agency the rectory is never quite the had questions she herself had same). not considered. But she also felt If adoption spells a new life that she had the kind of life that for the parent, it also has a deep was suited to raising a child. effect on the child. When the She thought she and her friends child is the product of a series had enough love to make a child of foster homes, he or she may feel cared for and wanted. well ask: "Is this just another Finally, after two years the foster home for me? When will agency gave Betty permission to I have to leave here too?" It can adopt Laura, 14. take many months or even years Betty's faith helped her for the child to answer that through the entire process. "My question. A loving parish comfaith was always important to munity, especially its younger me," she said. "I wouldn't have members, can provide a sense of thought of adopting if I didn't belonging to replace, or at least have God to help me:' decrease the child's insecurity.

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THE ANCHOR-Diooese of Fall River-Thur., June 26, 1980


The pope speaks to youth


A-l Approved for Children and Adults All Things Bright and Beautiful The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again Arabian Adventure Battlestar Galactica The Black Stallion Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown Bugs Bunny Road Runner

Danny The Further Adventures of the Wilderness Family The Glacier Fox In Search of the Historic Jesus Jesus The Last Flight of Noah's Ark

Mountain Family Robinson The Muppet Movie My Brilliant Career North Avenue Irregulars Star Trek The Motion Picture Touched by Love Unidentified Flying Oddball

During his recent trip to France, Pope John Paul n spoke at length to French youth on topics of interest to teenagers everywhere. In the coming weeks, The Anchor will present excerpts from his talks.

A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents


The American Game Avalanche Express Beyond the Poseidon Adventure The Black Hole Breaking Away Buck Rogers The Champ The China Syndrome C.H.O.M.P.S. Coal Miner's Daughter The Empire Strikes Back

The Europeans The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh A Force of One Hero at Large Hide in Plain Sight Just You and Me, Kid The In-Laws Little Miss Marker A Little Romance Midnight Madness

The Prisoner of Zenda Scavenger Hunt Sunburn Superman Take Down The 39 Steps Tree of Wooden Clogs Uncle Joe Shannon Watcher in the Woods When Time Ran Out The Wiz

A-3 Approved for Adults Only Agatha Alien The Amityville Horror AngiVera Being There Boardwalk The Black Marble Brass Target Bronco Billy Brubaker Butch and Sundance: The Early Days California Suite The Change ling Chapter Two Christ Stopped at Eboli City on Fire Crimebusters Cuba Defiance Die Laughing Dreamer The Electric Horseman Escape from Alcatraz Escape to Athena Fast Break Fast Charlie Fatso Fedora ffolkas The Fifth Musketeer The Fog Foolin' Around

Force 10 from Navarone Olivers Story Foxes On the Yard The Frisco Kid The Outsider Gilda Live Patrick The Godsend A Perfect Couple Going in Style Picnic at Hanging Rock Good Guys Wear Black The Promise The Great Hoax Prophecy The Great Train' Robbery Real Life Harper Valley PTA Remember My Name Head over Heels Rich Kids The Hearse Roadie Hot Stuff Rocky II The Human Factor Roller Boogie The Kids Are Alright The Runner Stumbles The Last Wave Running The Late Great Planet Earth The Seduction of Joe Tynan Lost and Found Sextette The Main Event Simon A Man, A Woman and Skatetown, U.S.A. a Bank Something Short Meatballs of Paradise Meteor Starting Over Moonraker Time After Time More American Graffiti Tom Horn Murder by Decree The Villain Newsfront Voices Nightwing Walk Proud Norma Rae Wanda Nevada Nosferatu, the Vampire When A Stranger Calls Nothing Personal Where the Buffalo Roam The Nude Bomb Yanks Old Boyfriends Wise Blood

B - Obiectionable In Part for Everyone Americathon The Gong Show Movie An Almost Perfect Affair Guyana: Cult of And Justice for All the Damned Avalanche Halloween Baltimore Bullet Hanover Street The Bell Jar Happy Birthday, Gemini The Blue Lagoon Heart Beat Carney Humanoids from the Deep Circle of Iron Hurricane The Class of Miss Ice Castles MacMichael Invasion of the The Concorde Body Snatchers Airport '79 The Island Death Ship The Jerk The Deer Hunter Just Tell Me What Dracula You Want Every Which Way But Loose The Last Married Couple Fame in America The Fifth Floor Legacy Final Chapter. Walking Tall Leo and Lorrie Firepower Love at First Bite French Postcards The Magician of Lublin Goldengirl

Max Havelaar Natural Enemies Nest of Vipers 1941 Night of the Juggler Penitentiary Players Quintet Saint Jack Saturn 3 The Serial Sitting Ducks The Shining A Small Circle of Friends Soldier of Orange Sunnyside 10 The Tin Drum Tracks Urban Cowboy The Wanderers Windows

A-4 Separate Classification (A Separate Classification is given to certain films which while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) Apocalypse Now Hair Kramer vs. Kramer The Long Riders

Manhattan Nijinsky The Ninth Configuration

The Onion Field Promises in the Dark The Rose

C - Condemned All That Jazz American Gigolo Bloodline The Broocj Cruising Dawn of the Dead A Different Story Down and Dirty Friday the 13th

Hardcore The Hollywood Knights In Praise of Older Women Life of Brian Little Darlings Luna Moment by Moment" Night Games The Passage

Phantasm Secrets The Silent Partner The Stud The Warriors When You Comin' Back Red Ryder? The Wicker Man Winter Kills

J THOSE ARE VICTORY SMILES 011 the faces of the coaches and members of SS. Peter and Paul girls' basketball team, Fall River CYO champs for the '79-'80 season. Top, assistant coach Mary Ann Slater and coaeh Margaret Rioux with Father Stephen Fernandes, CYO director; bottom, the whole gang with Fall River city councillor Cathy Ann Viveiros, middle right, speaker at the annual parish CYO awards banquet.

Churches must dream By Cecilia Belanger Churches should not take their congregations for granted. The church should always be in the ascendency. It should have dreams, something to be excited about. What churches need are men and women of vision, with less concern for comfort and more concern for action. Some churches lose contact with reality. They are run by the same people with the same opinions, clutching buildings, pastors and rectories as their personal possessions. Clutching becomes an end in itself.. Why do people drift away from church, I am asked. They see a "down side" in the churches and their leadership. They see large beautiful buildings, but little change with the times. There are no visions, no dreams, just business as usual. Just hanging on seems to consume so much energy that there is no time to ask where one is going. The system, the church, has become an end in itself. Nobody asks what mission it fulfills. And when this happens it is death, the kind Jesus talked about, even though the building remains open for many years. Where do people go when they drift from a church? Recently I met a couple, both graduates of Catholic colleges. They and their four children had stopped going to Mass. They believed in God and lived according to high stan-

dards - but they had been turned off from organized religion. "I was treated like a child," said the wifl~. "My opinions were not to be expressed. When I did express them, I was insulted." There are those who do not question certain aspects of our faith. But for those who do question, I feel sympathy. There is only one God and humll;n beings make mistakes, misinterpret and close doors. Let those who wish turn their backs on fellow Catholics. I cannot. Those who announce the Gospel in its true spirit close the door on no one. They go out and seek the lost sheep. That's the witness that impresses me. Not these cozy little gatherings, the same people day after day, while the ostracized see no one. 1 think we need to believe that God rejoices when we give time to those to whom no one else gives time. When Christ announced the coming kingdom he called everyone to be a part of it and I cannot believe that he would approve of some of the things that have happened to his sheep. If we remember, Jesus was called out of step with his times because he did not believe in maintaining things as they were. Then and now, the kingdom breaks into our lives, into our reach, and it's up to us to grab

Young people, keep or rediscover a healthy view of physical values. Contemplate more than ever Christ the redeemer of man. He is the word made flesh, which so many artists painted with realism in order to convey clearly that he assumed the entire human nature, including sexuality, and enobled -it by his chastity. The human spirit is a given fact, which basically distinguishes man from the animal world and bestows upon him the power of mastering the universe. In speaking thus of the spirit, I mean the mind which is capable of understanding, willing and loving. This is what makes man truly a man. Maintain at all cost the sacredness of the mind within yourself and around you. The mass media can undermine a healthy spirit, a soundness of judgment of the heart. They can deform man by leading him astray in his capacity to discern between what is sound and what is unsound. What good are social and political reforms, even the most generous, if the mind, which at the same time institutes conscience, loses its righteousness and its vigor? PracticalIy speaking, in this world in which you are living, and world from which you must not run away, you have to learn daily more and more to reflect and to think. The. studies that you have undertaken should be moments of privileged apprenticeship for the life of the spirit. Learn to see through every slogan, alI false values, mirages and dead ends. I wish for you the possession of a spirit of recolIection and interiorization. Each .one of you, in his own field, should give primacy to the spirit. Also each one of you has to hold up in reverence what has eternal value rather than what has value in an immediate future. You are worth what your heart is worth. The entire history of humanity is one of the need of loving and of being loved. To love is essentialIy to give oneself to others. Far from being an instinctive inclination, love is a conscious decision of the will, a going out toward others. It means to give freely, to love right up to the end. This dispossessing of oneself is the work of a lifetime, is exhausting but also exalting. It is th~ source of a sound balance. It is the secret of happiness. it.

THE ANCHORThurs., June 26, 1980

By Bill Morrissette

~ ...ports


Cougar Athletes Honored Bishop Connolly High School's top athletes were honored at the school's annual sports awards dinner sponsored by the Connolly Alumni Association in cooperation with the Connolly Varsity Club. Major awards went to Tim Gallant, named athlete of the year and Dave Audet, recipient of the Brother Daniel Caron Award for academic and athletic excellence. Audet also received the most valuable player award in soccer. Another major recognition, the Sportsmanship Award, went to Paul deCoste, who also received a $100 scholarship. Also receiving MVP awards were Brian Bouchard, hockey; Mike Shea, basketball; John Sheridan, tennis; Brooks Hawkins, track; Mike Alnarello, cross-country; Chip Reuther, cycling; Jeff Palmer, baseball; and Dave Bernier, golf. The Peter Machado Memorial Award, to an underclassman in basketball, went to Brian Shea. Mike Cantwell was presented an award as most improved in track and Andy Reilly was given one as meaning most to the track team. In recognition of the support given by the cheerleaders, Jo-

anne Pinsonneault was given the MVF for that group, which finished third in the recent CYO diocesan competition. Ted Pettine, tennis and soccer coach, was the reicpient of the Alumni Award as coach-of-the-year. The Fall River CYO was well represented in the Olympic boxing trials last week by 19-yearold Chris McDonald, of Tiverton. Unfortunately, Chris, a member of Ron Comeau's CYO boxing team, lost a close decision Saturday night in the heavyweight final, a decision greeted with much booing from the crowd. Last month Chris was a finalist in the National AAU competition. A young man determined to -achieve success in this sport, Chris has reason to be proud of his progress. Gaining the finals in a national competition in any sport is in itself an achievement. That, plus his many successes in New England Golden Gloves and AAU competitions attest to his ability in the squared arena. Few in this part of New England can match his record, almost surely tops for any CYO athlete hereabouts.

More All Stars The Hockomock League has announced its all-Hockomock girls tennis and track teams. Named as first singles on the tennis team are juniors Jane Simoni, Mansfield; Mary Ann Roche, Franklin; and senior Vicki Govatsos, Canton. Juniors Heidi Arnao and Ann Clausen, Canton, make up the first doubles, seniors Patti Cole and Beth Cosentino, King Philip, the second doubles. Also named to the singles are seniors Gretchen Loew, No. Attleboro, and Liz Lynch, Foxboro, along with Wendy Slade, King Philip. The all-star track team lists junior Mary Osborne, Foxboro, 100 and 200 meter dashes; junior Rachel Jackson, Oliver Ames, 400 meter run and high jump; sophomore Leslie Cooper, Sharon, mile run; senior Sheila Condon, Sharon, 800 meters; junior Susie Shurmur, King Philip, twomile; junior Terri Hanna, Stoughton, 100 meter low hurdles' sophomore Lisa Rush, No. Attle~ boro, discus. Senior Cheryl Bullough, Oliver Ames, javelin; senior Robin Russell, King Philip, shot put; senior Kathi Chiavorali, Canton, long jump; 1600 meter relay, Mansfield (Joanne Petrillo Kim Miller, Beth Bruno, Nancy'Harsch); 400 meter relay, No. AWeboro (Lynn Billinghoff, Jennifer Copley, Sue Lake, Jackie Reece). Interested runners are reminded that next week is the last

for pre-entry in the Mt. Carmel Festival Road Race, 4.6 miles, to be run Saturday, July 12, from the Mt. Carmel Church rectory grounds in Seekonk. Until July 5 the entry fee is $2, thereafter, $3. All runners must be registered with the New England AAU. Further details are available from race director Frank Mooney, 60 Cynthia Road, Seekonk 02771.

Vatican coins VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican's numismatic office has announced a series of six commemorative coins marking the first full year of Pope John Paul II's pontificate. The series, with a total face value of 880 lire (about one dollar), will cost 18,000 lire (about $21.50). The design of the 10-lire, 20lire, 50-lire, 100-lire and 200lire coins is by sculptor Guido Veroi. Celestino Giampaoli designed the silver 500-lire coin. One side of the coins bears the profile of Pope John Paul with the Latin inscription "Ioannes Paulus II p.m. An. I MCMLXXIX" (John Paul II, supreme pontiff, first year, 1979). On the 50-lire coin, the reverse shows the pope's coat-ofarms; on 'the others it shows allegorical figures of peace, prudence, justice, strength and temperance.

tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for ~hildren and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; ~bjectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); C-condemned.

"Brubaker" (Fox) stars Robert Redford in an expose of brutal victimization of prisoners by corrupt officials. It amounts to a strong plea for penal reform. Based on the real life experiences of a former Arkansas prison warden, the film depicts Brubaker (Redford) as an idealist who begins his assignment as a prison farm warden by becoming a "convict" in order to see conditions for himself. He is able to. make some improvements in the regime but finds that his real adversaries are the prison board members, all of whom have a vested interest in keeping conditions as they are. Although the film is a power. ful plea for improved prison conditions, it has a weak and confusing ending. Profanity, violence and some nudity make it unsuitable for young persons. R, A3 "The Hearse" (Crown International): This inferior supernatural thriller has to do with a woman (Trish Van Devere) recovering from a nervous breakdown who is haunted by visions of a hearse. Violence and devil worship make it mature viewing fare. PG, A3 "Humanoids From the Deep" (New World): Scientists tampering with genetic laws turn prehistoric sea creatures into sexmaniacs. A totally dreadful movie, featuring nudity and violence. R,B "Roadie" (United Artists): This failed comedy about the rock music scene follows the misadventures of a country bumpkin (Meat Loaf) cajoled by a wacky apprentice groupie (Kaki Hunter) into traveling with a rock group. A few sight gags, some silly jokes about drugs and sex, and a lot of ear-numbing music. PG, A3 "Urban Cowboy" (Paramount): This slick vehicle for John Travolta is an old-fashioned melo-' drama updated to the trendy amorality of today's society. Set principally in a huge Houston bar, the film celebrates the macho values of harddrinking, hardfighting and hardloving. It includes nudity, sexually suggestive scenes, violence and profanity. PG, B "The Island" (Universal): This adventure thriller about a writer (Michael Caine) and his young son captured by pirates who have been hiding out in the Bahamas since the 16th century veers between the ridiculous and the nasty with excessive vio-


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lence, profanity and brief nudity. R, B ."The Blue Lagoon" (Columbia): The story of two marooned children growing through puberty and having a baby on a deserted island paradise is told with coy, peek-a-boo nudity, and gorgeous nature photography. The only innocence here is in the acting and the 'romantic nonsense about the idyllic life of the South Seas. R,B Films on TV Tuesday, July 1, 9 p.m. (CBS) - "Bound for Glory" (1977) David Carradine gives a fine performance as a folk singercomposer Woody Guthrie in this flawed but entertaining film biography. The hero's promiscuity and his desertion of his wife, though neither is excused, make this mature viewing fare. PG,A3 Friday, July 4, 8 p.m. (NBC) "The Music Man" (1961) - Robert Preston stars as Professor Harold Hill in this rousing movie version of the Meredith Willson musical. Fine family entertainment. Al

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