A n Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm -
Fall River, Mass.
Bishop to Bless Fleet Sunday Provincetown is preparing for the J Oth annual Blessing of the Fishing Fleet on Sunday, when Most Rev.,Bishop James L ';onnolly, D.D., will bless the boats, their captains and their crews. ' The colorful ceremony, which f uracts thousands to the town on the tip of the Cape, will begin at 10 o'clock when the fishermen will 'as semble at Town Hall and, a" c com pan i e d. by three
Thursday, .June 27, 1957
bands, the Provincetown Band, the Portuguese-American Band of New Bedford and the CYO Band of Roslindale, will march Second Class Mail Priveleues AUlhoriztd PRICE,10. Vol. 1, No. 12 at rail River, Mass. $4.00 per Yr. to St. Peter the Apostle Church to assist at the High Mass of , Thanksgiving at 11 o'clock. Bish op Connolly will preside and preach the sermon. Men and bands will assemble again at 2 in the afternoon and march to the rectory where the Bishop. priests and altar boys will join the procession to the end of the Town Wharf. Here against the setting of sea and sky and sand, the Bishop will Im part the Church's ancient bless ing' to the ships and fishermen. Individual Blessing When the general biessing is over the captains will start their boats and form a marine proces - sion around the harbor, each re ceiving the Bishop's blessing as it passes the reviewing stand. The ceremony is a public dis play of faith ~in a town known for Its nanow streets. its old wharves. its Summer theatre anti its artists' colony, when men engaged in a hazardous occupa tion seek God's blessing on their work. The colorful costumes of the fishermen. the freshly painted 'HOLY TI E SABBATH D 't Sh S d boats decorated with fl.ags and K EEP , .. : on op un ay bunting" and with figures of the drive gets underway as Charles J. Malloy displays auto- Saints hand-painted on the sails, mobile sticker (top), and poster in shape of a stop-sign, provide an atmosphere reminls and pamphlet urging halt to buying on Sunday. He is cent of the Old World. chairman of the social action committee of the St. Louis' But primarlly it Is a religious festival, reoolling that many of, Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Men. Similar campaig'ns the Disciples were fishermen who are underway in other par<ts of the country. NC Photo. had faith In the Divine Mastel'.
Sunday Now
Bargain Day
Historical Resume
Bishop Connolly Receives High Portuguese Honor In a colorful setting and before a capacity assemblage of almost 1000 persons at Lincoln Park last Sunday eve ning, the Most Reverend Bishop received the insignia of a Grand Official of the Order of Christ from Dr. Luis . __' -. Esteves Fernandes, Portu guese Ambassador to the United States. Rt. Rev. Msgr. John A.
{;ode' of (;anon Law
Silvia, pastor of St. John the
Baptist ChW'ch, New Bedford. WASHINGTON (NC) mother chW'ch of all Portuguese "Sunday has been degrad parishes In New England, served ed to a bargain day," Arch By Rev. John H. Hackett, S.T.L. as toastmaster of the banquet bishop Patrick A. O'Boyle and singled out the new schoola This Spring the Church mark~d a significant anniversary in her legal history. in Portuguese of Washington said in de parishes and many Sunday~ May 27, 1917, Pope Benedict XV promUlgated seminarians of Portuguese des Forty years ago, on Pentecost nouncing the practice of un as a sign of the Bishop's In necessary Sunday shopping. the Code of Canon Law. It became effective as the general law of the Church on the cent terest In the Portuguese people following, Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 1918. In a pastoral letter which church fathers. Since many of of his Diocese. ,Monslgn,or Silvia This was the first such was read in all churches of introduced the Rt. Rev. Msgr. these laws were in apparent con Antonio P. Vieira, pastor of Mt. the archdiocese, the Arch official collection of law to flict with one another, Gratian Carmel Church, New Bedford. bishop urged Catholics to be made in seven hundred added a commentary in which ha and dean of the clergy of thl) "rigidly safeguard the sa years. Its pub Ii cat ion tried to reconcile their differ , Diocese, who extended the felici cred character Of Sunday." brought to completion the gigan ences. His book became a refer tations of the' priests of the "When the Lor.d's day is tic task that had occupied can ence work and a text used by Diocese on this happy occasion. - students and lawyers throughout forg'otten," he said, "the onists continuously since 1904. Governor Attends Europe. Gratlan's Decree, as it the direction of the Sov obedience and respect owed Under Francis J. Carreiro. a Somerset was called, was an unofficial ereign Pontiff these jurists had to Him is doomed. Those 'gathered into a single volume work in the sense that it was not selectman, represented the laity who fail to keep holy the the general laws regulating all of the Diocese and spoke of tha published with ecclesiastical ap probation. Yet It enjoyed such history of Portugal, and its rola Sabbath day, both seller and phases of ecclesiastical life. popularity that it became the In exploration and in the spread The Church received from ,God shopper, may well be con of the faith. His Excellency. best-known book of canon law. the right to make law. He en tributing to the ultimate trusted to her all the means Later collections, made with Governor Foster Furcolo. ex destruction of our beloved necessary to lead the faithful to ecclesiastical approval. used' this tended _the best wishes of the country." Commonwealth on this honor eternal life. She does this by these canons and decrees In an book as a starting point in gath
Mass Tomorrow In New Bedford For Legionnaires Bishop Connolly will preside and preach the sermon at the Memorial Mass fOt· deceased Massachusetts Legionnaires at St. Lawrence Church. New Bed ford. tomorrow morning at 9 o·clock. Celebrant will be Rev. Aurelian L. MOI·cau. pastor of St. Hy acinth's Church and chaplain of New Bedford Post No.1. Amer ican Legion. Delegat('s to the Turn to
exercising the powers given her ol'derly and useful way. The first ering subsequent papal decrees to teach, to rule, and to sanctify and counciliar legislation as well great scientific collectio~ was as laws which Gratian had her members. made at Bolog'na, Italy, In the 'omitted. From the first century the popes exercised their supreme ,twelfth century. The University Collections Increase jurisdiction by meails of papal of Bologna had become the cen The first of these official col letters to the churches in various ter for the stUdy of civil and lections was made in 1234 by St. parts of the world. They' settled ecclesiastical law. It was here Raymond of Pennafort. Pope disputed points of law and de cided cases of special'importance that Gratian. an Italian monk, Gregory IX approved It and or that had been submitted to their made his famous compilation of dered that It be published. In 1298 Pope Boniface VIII issued , canon law. judgment. another collection of laws that At the general councils the Gratian'!;' Decree were not Included in the Decre bishops of the whole world met Gratian tried to gather and tals of Gregory IX. Then Pope under the leadership of the pope put in order the mass of legisla or his legate to make laws for tion that had accumulated over John XXII, in 1317, promulgated a third official collection. the universal Church. the centuries. He collected papal In 1500 John Chappuis edited First Compilation decrees, canons of general and Grattan's Decree and these three As the centuries passed it be provincial councils. and excerpts came a vast problem to collect from the writings of the early Turn to Pa~e Nine
.",~ ,
coming to one of its Bishops. In his presentation talk. the Portuguese Ambassador praised Bishop Connolly as a "benevo lent father" to the many Portu guese who have come to thla Diocese and to their descendants. He said that the decision of the President of Portugal to pre sent this decoration to the :Bi shop was prompted by the deep interest that the Bishop has shown for the Portuguese people who make up so large a segment of his Diocese. Bishop Speaks The Ambassador then invested tho Bishop with the Insignia ot
Theology for laymen
Key to Divine Relat'ionship
found in FOUF1t'h
Diocese of Fall River
The heavenly Father has a Son, the Gospels are full of their relation. We must now look ,at it more closely. A son is a' distinct person from his father, there is no way in which a father can be his own son. But though they are distinct persons, ' they are like in nature-the wholly Himself, conscious of son of man is a man, of 'a Himself as Himself,'of the Other lion a lioil. In this solitary as otherEternity Is Now
June 28, FridaY-9:00 A.M.-St. Lawrence, New Bedford. Me morial Mass, State Convention of American Legion. June 29, Saturday-9:30 A.M.-St. Anne's,Hospital, Fall Rjver, Blessing Chapel. June 30, Sunday-ll:OO A.M.-St. Peter's, Provincetown, Mass. 3: 00 P.M.-Provincetown, Blessing of the Fleet.
case, the Father's nature Is in'One immediate difficulty pre finite; so the Son too must have 'sents itself. We can hardly help an Infinite na. thinking of sons as younger than ture. But there their fathers. Is -the Second Per cannot be two son younger than the First. If 'nfinite natures not, how can He be His Son?, -one would be Bl.I t this is another of those limited by not points where we must not argue being the other from the Image to the original. and by not havAmong men, fathers are always AFTER 16 YEARS: Fath Jngpower over older than sons simply because er Joseph J. Mate, S. J., was the 0 the r. a human.being cannot start genTherefore, since erating the moment he exists; he ordained to the. priesthood the Son has an must wait till he develops to the at New York's Fordham infinite nature, It Is the same as point whp,re he can generate. But University' yesterday, after the Father's. God has not to wait for a cerThis 'truth, that Father an!! tain amount of eternity to roll . what seemed to, be an elu sive hope for 16 years. He Son possess the one same nature, by before He Is sufficiently de might remain 'wholly dark to us veloped; Eternity does not roll entered the Society of Jesus if st. John had not given us by, It is an abiding Now; and in 1941. His' first obstacle another term for their relation- God is Infinite In all perfections, came when the Russians the Second Person is the WORD not. needing to develop. Merely closed his seminary. There of the First. In the first eighteen 'by being God, He knows Him followed a 'series of arrests, verses'of his Gospel (to be found self with inrinite knowing power, at the end of Mass) we learn and' utters His infinite self questionings and 'concentra that God has uttered a Word. a knowledge" in the totally ade tion camps. He escaped Red Word who Is God, who is hi the quate Idea of Himself whi,ch Is terror in Hungary last No bosom of the Father, by whom His co-eternal Son. vember, coming to the Unit all things are made, who became flesh and dwelt among us. Asserts Magazines ed States via Austria.' NC Word Became Flesh Photo. ' God then utters a Word: not Ar~ Not Fit to Read framed by the mouth, of course, TORONTO (NC)-The' real for God has no mouth, He Is problem in indecent literature ;Message of Christ
pure spirit. So it is a word In centers in magazines, Msgr. Tho Basis of Unity
the mind of God, an Idea, the mas J. Fitzgerald, executive sec VATICAN CITY (NC) --':-The Idea He produces of, Himself. retary of the National Office for rilessage of Christ. Eilrop,e's most The link between having a son Decent Literature, Chicago, told precious gift. should be the basis and having an idea of oneself is League convention here. of its nnity, Pope Pius XII told that both are ways of producing , The Monsignor explained that the European' Congress here. likeness; your son is like in na The continent's'unity, the Holy publishers themselves, who have ture to yourself; your' idea of set up a policy committee, say Father continued. milst also be yourself bears some resemblance that there are 50, magazines now' based on a, thorough knowledge, to you too-though it may be Im being sold that are not fit to be of its common economic, cul perfect, for we seldom see our Tead. He said this salacious liter . ttii'al and spiritual interests. selves very clearly, too many ele "Your aim," he said. "is to ature ranges from "sensational ments are seen wrong, too many romance" to "slick men's maga procure for Europe, so often torn not, seen at all. zines." and drenched with blood • • • 'a But the Idea that God has of A NODL survey in some girls' lasting cohesion which will en Himself cannot be imperfect. high schools in the United States able her to proceed with her Whatever is in the Father must disclosed that 5 percent of all historic mission." be in His Idea of ,Himself, and students were reading salacious "The Christian message." the must be exactly the same as it Is litel'llture magazines, not neces Holy Father declarect', "can pre in Himself. Otherwise God would sarily at home, but in other serve the fundamental libel:ties have an inadequate Idea of Him places, as baby sitters and the of human beings and guarantee, self, which would be nonsense. like, he ,said. within the framework of a super Thus because God is infinite, "Our aim' should .be to bring national community and col • eternal, all-powerful. His Idea of worthwhile literature to young , laboration, as well as an accept- , Himself Is infinite, .eternal, all ance of the resulting obligations sters and to help them use li powerful. Because God is Ocd, braries and get the fUllest bene and sacrifices." His Idea is Goo. "In the begin fit from literature c1assesi" Msgr. ning was the Word, an,d the Fitzgerald said. Word was with God. And the Word was Goa." ' Prevost Cl'ass Has
Idea Is a Person 80 far, the ,reader may feel Reunion" Banquet
that all this is still rather rem'ote A donation to the Prevost -full of significance, no doubt, to' theologians but' not saying Scholarship Fund has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ouellet much to the rest of us. With the in memory of their son, Walter, next step we take, that feeling 314 Church St. New Bedford a member of the Class of 1947 at must vanish. The Father knows WY 4·0421 WY, 3·7342 the Fall River school. and loves; so His Idea knows and Mr. and Mrs. Ouellet were loves. In other words the Idea guests of the class' at its lOth is a person. Men have ideas, and reunion banquet, the first ever any given idea is something: held 'by a Prevost class. Prayers God's Idea of' Himself Is not for the deceased were led by a something only, it is Someone: classmate, Rey. Edmond Le ONE STOP for it can know and lov·e. vesque. SHOPPING CENTER The Thinker and the Idea are Rev. Gerard' Boisvert of Notre (listinct, the one is not the other, Dame Parish gave the invocation. •. Television • Furniture J[ather and Son are two persons. Brother Alban, F.I.C.; Prevost • Appliances • Grocery But t,hey are not separate. An principal, ,was guest speaker. 104 Allen St., New Bedford Idea can only exist in the mind 'Class President Roland Larivee WYman 7-9354 of the thinker; it. cannot, as it gave the address ~f welcome. were, go off and set up in busi ness on its ow-no The Idea is in the same idel\ nature; we could equally well say that the nature' is in the Idea, for there is nothing that the Father has which His Word, His Son, has not. "Whatsoever. the Father has, 'that the Son has in like manner' (John xvI. 15). Each possesses the divine nature, but each is
Sllcond-e1ass mall privileges au tllodzed ... t 1"1\11 Rivet', lI-lass. Pub IIsh,)d every Thursday lit 21 Bed fOftl SI.l'eet, }'all River. :Mass., by the Catholic PrcsH or tlH1 .oiof~e~c of li'nU lUv~r., SuhN4~rlption priee by .."til, jlostvaid $4.00 1>"j' year.
.~ ~.
By F. J. Sheed
; \
ReSliusferred Phcllrmaf:usts
,~jIlC IK ,:8;0:0 iM ~s IU;P :P.LI'E S:, 'I ': .. ,
' "
.. ·W.~~EL. C':'A!RS,
' :CA~~S,.; )~VN.l,'~ !~Al:K.~R~ :
CLERGY APPOINTMENT The Reverend Howard A. Waldron from assistant at St. Mary'S Parish, North Attleboro, to be'in charge of 'Our Lady of Victory Church, Centerville, for the summer.
Mass Ordo FRIDAY-Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Double of I Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; J;'re face of the Sacred Heart. SATURDAY - SS. Peter and PaUl, Apostles. Double of I Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Apostles. SUNDAY - III Sunday After Pentecost. Double. Green. Mass. Proper; Gloria; Second Collect St. Paul, Apostle; Third Collect St. Peter, Apostle; Creed, Pre face of Trinity. ,MONDAY Most Precious' Blood, of Our'Lord Jesus Christ. Double of i Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of the Holy Cross. ' TUESDAY - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin. Double of II ClasS. White. Mass ,Proper; Gloria; Sec ond Collect SS. Processus and Martinlan, Martyrs;, Third Col lect for Peace; Creed; Preface of Blessed Virgin. WEDNESDAY - St. Leo, II, Pope and Confessor. Simple. White. Mass Prop~r; Gloria; Sec,:,,' ond for Peace; No Creed; Com mon Preface. ; THURSDAY-Mass of Previous Sunday. Simple. Greim.' Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; 'Sec ond Collect for Peace; Common Preface. .
New Shelter ' FISKDALE, Mass. INC)-New England's popular St. Anne's shrine here has a 'new shelter, built to resist hurricane winds and protect outdoor worshippers who flock to the shrine every summer.
FORTY HOURS DEVOTION June 30-0ur Lady of Perpet ual, Help, New Bedford Sacred Heart, North At tleboro July 7-St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Holy Trinity, West Har wich July 14-St. Joan of Arc, Or leans Our Lady of the Assump tion, Osterville
William Reilly Wins Oratory Contest William K. Reilly, a member of Sacred Heart Parish, Fall River, was adjudged winner of the annual Junior Public Speak. Ing Contest conducted at B. M. C. Durfee High School. One of six finalists who spoke about "Refugees," Reilly dis. cussed the subject from the view· point of whether America's res· ponsiblllty to those who seek haven here has ended. "The refugee,'" he said, "should not be regarded as a problem but as an opportunity to follow up the lip service we Americans pay to brotherhood and' the Golden Rule, lest we become refugees ourselves - refugees from care, concern and conscience."
363 Main Street ' Webster, Mass.
Telephone Webster 410-480
Branch OHic81' Providence -
GA 7870
JOHN! .II. lONERGAN, Gen. Mgr.
~ -"\
3 DAYS ONly-,ihursday, Friday & Saturday JlllJJNE 27, 28 & 29 THE Sll:AIIl1 SiORE IS COMPLETELY
llbe fi'lme $fi'ctIllI" Sto're's 'own 2 big
. At Our Houss
Birthday Party Outshines Much Publicized Event By Mary Tinley Daly It would never be reported in the society column of a newspaper.
There were no important guests. . startling entertainment was conspi,CUQllS by its absence. There was no lavish out the kind you blow up and they let out an unearthly whe-ee-eee lay of food or drink, as the ail' is expelled. Music! Repartee was completely The party was in high geal' by \
Sounds dull? Fa I' from it!
In short, it
was the party in celebration of Lu Anne's fourth birthday. "We'll jus t atop by and leave the pres ent," the Head of the House and I agreed, never thinking that we'd stay. as 'onlookers, for' the whole show. Somehow, though, the freshness and downright joy at that party of 12 youngsters from two to five years of age made pale by comparison many a sophisticated party. As a matter of fact, it caused us to be an hour late for a suavely "smart" party, elaborately reported next day In the newspapers, but not half so much fun. Squeals of DeUg·ltt Brown eyes dancing' with 'ex citement. the hostess - honoree was relishing every second of "her day," PackaRe opening was accompanied 'by squeals of de light, mostly by th~ donors. . "It's what I wanted my' mom my to get me" fluffy pink pettl coated Sharon said as Lu Anne unwrapped the toy dog', "I's a piay med'cine thest," lisped 3 year old Bobby before the ribbon was even untied. "And I's got bandaids and thoap a\ld every thing!" , No ice breakers needed at that party. TroubleS? And tears? A few. because for every gift there were several takers. But Lu, in her calm and assured way ""Ith little children, son'lehow managed to see that everybody had a chance to t'ry out each of Lu Anne's gifts, yet subtly convey the idea that the party itself would soon get underway. It did, with giVing' each small ·boy and girl a funny little multi colored straw hat with rubber band under the chin. Then paper bags for everybody a.nd the mar ble hunt started. FOl'ced Indool's
Originally planned for a gar den party, the weatherman had other plans. A bunch of big pink balloons was taped ill mid-ceiling and long streamers of twisted crepe paper carried the color scheme to the foul' comel'S of the I'oom-decoratlons up high. Th~ marble hunt kept every body busy. the older children making time while 21 month old Sean deliberately picked up one marble. put it in his bag and shut the top, content with-his take. . Rivals Esquire
Wise in the ways of children, Lu let the party set its own pace and didn't pile one game on top of another. Part of the thrlll for the neighborhood children, used to seeing their friends In play clothes, was observing' the fancy party dresses, nylon socks and patent leather slippers. sailor suits and Sunday bests for the boys. "MI'. O'Brien" as we dubbed him, was in an outfit to rival Esquire, Three years old, "Mr. O'Brien's" mot-her had - really done him up: long buff trousers, a plaid vest that would make Bing' Crosby jealous. sllort jacket. white shirt and bow tie. "Mr. O'Brien," dude of the party. and his babyish unconcem over his own gTandem' was a delight to behold. Next concerted effort. pinning th.. tail on the donkey. Then screech balloons .fo\' ~~verybody-
now, corresponding roughly to midnight at an adult party. And then the "party"-eats .. , Rather than use chairs, John ny had broug·ht in the picnic benches from the' backyard. ac commodating many small bodies on each side of the dining room table. In no time, everybody 'was digging into Ice cream. "I'll be foul' after I eat niy WOMEN WORK FOR NEEby CHILDREN:· First Communion dresses for needy cake," Lu Anne told us seriously. children throughout the world made by members of the Holy Rosary Society of Sacred "I'm three till I eat it," Hearts Church, New York, are inspected by Father John Sorrento, moderator of the Make a Wish Society. Making of the dresses and veils, Which will be shipped· to the Vatican, is II. The foul' candles on the decor ated bh·.thday cake were lighted. project of the National Council of Catholic Women In co-operation with Catholic Re Lu Anne. leaned over to blow lief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference. NC Photo. them out and somebody-several somebodies-beat her to It. Lu Nuns Escape Iniury lighted them again. FARGO (NC) )- About 60 "Shall we let Lu Anne do it Sisters huddled in the basement alone this time?" she asked, "1t'3 of theil' convent as the building her birthday," was totally destroyed by a torna Young' as they are, the guests SEATTLE (NC) - Sister Mary Richland, ·Wash., and Sister do which ground through this got the sense of fair play. Mean- . city of 45,000, .kllling 10 persons while, daddy- photographer Catherine Baxter, of the Congre .M a r y Veronica of Spokane. arid Injuring about 100. Johnny - had his lens trained gation o~ the Sisters of the Divine Wash., both Slstel's of .the Holy The violent; stol'm virtually on the blond honoree. swept the convent away over the Names of Jesus 'sometimes presents a and Mal'y, Hel' Spirit, "Make a wish, Lu Anne," we problem of propel' address to her son, Emmett: the father of th~ nuns' heads, instead of forcing all said, "and then blow." It to collapse upon them, Th8 children, is a certified Confra "But, Daddy," Lu Anne said family. worst injuries to the Religious recent family reunion At a ternity of Christian 'Doctrine seriously, evidently getting his were minor bruises and cuts suf voice above the others, "I don·t here, Jor example, there was teachel' in San Antonio, Texas., fered when they scrambled frea to whether some question as For the Sister-daughters. the through the debris. know how to 'make a wish,' I those who had previously refer use of a propel' title for Sister just know how to blow!" red to her as "grandma," "moth Well. that's fine, just fine. Lu er," or "auntie" remembered to' 'Mary Catherine Is relatively simple. She is just "Mother" to Anne will undoubtedly learn them. and we nope not too soon-what call her "Sister." Sister Mary Catherine. at the it mean!! to "make a wish." reunion, met with members of Right now, she has eve'rything, CECILIA NEWTON·· her family, including· her two daughters. now also nuns, and her son, for the first tinle since entering' the religious life two For Complete
years ago. .The former Mrs. Mary Baxter, Laundry Service
of Portland, she answered the ST. LOUIS me) Keep call to a delayed vocation after 1668 Pleasant St. smiling - if you want to real' her family was grown and .she wholesome children. had been working in the office of Fall River OS' 9-6497 7 No. Maj'n St. Fall River, Mass. The advice was given here by the U. S. Department of A!I'ri culture in Portland for 11 years. Mrs. Robert O'Brien of Chicago. The congregation, which 'has its president of th!lt city's Family motherhouse in Erie, Pa" waived Life Conference, and mother of its ag'e limit for postulants in three children. her case. "Even jf the baby doesn't sleep Sister Mary Catherine's two RICH IN FAME as long as he is supposed to, daughters also' are nUlis. They RICH IN NAME smile at him;" she said. "This are Sister Mary Emmetria of l Keep your Gold Bond handy for relief l' will give him a sense of being wanted," from the discomforts of SUNBURN, ,. Mrs. O'Brien said the mother's PRICKLY HEAT, POISON IVY, CHAFING, F smile should be maintained as and ATHLETE'S FOOT, GOLD BOND is the ; the child grows up, and the smile ideal medicated powder for the entire !; should be accompanied by a family. Take Gold Bond to the beach-on !' profound understanding. you11r v~cation-on wheek.end visits. You One way to make the smile wi enloy its soot ing the year come easier".she 'stated, is for round. the mother to forget any pre conceived ideas of pushing a 4 OZ. SIZI 12 OZ. ECONOMY SIZE .' ;~. child Into a certain field of activity. . Cosme~~ Tax i "A mother should not try to f 586 Pleasant St: make a baseball player into a panio player," Mrs, O'Brien New Bedford added. x~:sm~~m~>:~':,~::~~1JL'
Nun in Divine Spirit. Con1n1unity
Has Two Daughters in Convent
Advises Mothers Keep Siniling.
. IT'S
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THI ANCHOIl Thurs., June 27, 1957
The Family Clinic
Age Only. Relative Factor In Successful Marriages,
Former Utah Mayor Returns as Priest
By Rev. 'John L. Thomas, S. J. St. Louis University
Is it very important for marriage partners to be about the same age? I'm 20 and Joe is. 28. I think the world of hini and I guess he feels pretty mqch the same about me. We've never thought much about our diff~rence .in age, but recently the girls at the you on the things that are office brought it up. They with worth-while in life?' . say the happiest couples are Make Own Decision If Joe scores well' on these those about the sam~ age. counts, grab him I He's probably
Is that true? , your man. The girls at the office The first point to remember, may have youi' best interests at Mabel, is that age is.a relative healt, but they ·are nustaken it · factor. It is not they beli'eve that age difference how old you are, in itself is an important factor but what you in marital happiness. are that makes for success In marriage. 'A
goo d deal of
I~ nons ens e has CHICAGO (NC) - There is an b'e e n written
urgent need for creative Catholic about the advis
writers according to His Eml-. ability of mar nence Samuel Cardinal Stritch; rying someone Archbishop of Chicago. youi; own age. The Cardinal expressed his This advice is opinion in an article publlsi}ed in based on the be lief that adjustment win be more the 15th 'anniversary issue of difficult If the spouses differ Books on Trial. a review maga zine issued by the Thomas More cOnsiderably In age. The assump tion ,seems to' be that biological Association of Chicago. The arti age and adaptability in marriage cle is entitled "Some Questions are closely related. We have no and Answers on Literatw'e and . good reason to assume that this the Other Arts." . The greatest,.need in Catholic is true. literature today is more creative Cultural Hel'itage minds. the Cardinal stated, What is the over-all picture "minds capable of presenting the for age differences at marriage Wholeness' of Catholic "thought' In this-country? A reliable esti and~·living."_ , mate would be that in about 10 Modern~ Art ;
pel' cent of the cases the bride Defining Catholic literature as
Is older; In somewhere between ,"tne expression of genuine Cath 10 Rnd 15 pel' cent of, marriage olic thought and living," the the couples are the same age, an~ Cardinal said: "Sometimes I read In the remainder the groom is Catholic authors who are trying older. In the majority of cases . to be only copyists of a literary where age differences exist, "the idiom of their times. But we have spread Is between one and five many good ones. We need more years. The cultural heritage of a of" them. I think we have the group. more than anything else talent. 'Om' effort must be to get determines what its marital it to express itself, The oppor standards regarding age. will be. tunity is before us and we, must In general, the groom tends to be not let it pass by .... older because he must be' able to. Regarding modern religious liUpport a family before he can art, the Cardinal denied that pr.udently marry. "the Church is, against modern art." Life Expectancy He said: "She is against what In your case, Mabel, the age difference Is somewhat greater in her "churches utterly falls to than is usually found In our be helpful to the faithful. She country. Does this mean that you holds that Sacred Art" must be and Joe will encounter special tQe artist's offering to God. It problems in marital adjustment? may not be just a confused, Let's'look at the situation. Mar-. vague, obscure personal offering riage means companionship and of the artist without ~ny ~eanpartnership in parenthood. In t,he ing in the House of God. We" normal course of events, you will encourage the use of new tech-, niques and' skills and we are move from the intimate'two-in oness of early marriage through hoping that in the use of them the turbulelit, busy years of; ·our artists will find a place in childbeal:ing and child rearing, sacred art '.. to the serene companions'hip of old age. How will difference in age affect you!: relationships throughout this family cycle? Strictly speaking, age difference in itself will not be noticeable un , til the last stage in the cycle. Be cause women in our society tend · to live longer than men and' you are considerably younger than Joe,'you can expect to outlive him by some years. Of course, this is no more than a statistical ave rage. You have no way.of know ing whether it will be verified in your case so that you would be °foolish to worry about it at this time. I The Real Test Your real problem is not dif · ference in' age but difference in character. Here you must ask the flame questions about Joe at 28 as you would about Joe at 18. Is he c responsible and capable of sup porting a family? Is he domineer ing, stubborn, self-centered, and "set in his 'ways," or is he a good companion showing respect for your likes and dislikes and) will-J ing to cooperate in making' ad justments? Is he emotionally mature to the extent that he' fRANCBS .D. DEVINE displays reasonable self-control and balance in meeting trying 363 SECOND ST.. situations? Does he share your standards of val\le and agree'
Creative Writer 'Need Noted
2000 AT CONVENTION: •. New officers of the Na-: tional Catholic Theatre Conference elected at t~e biennial convention in Kansas City, MO.,-are, left, Robert· Smett, Rochester, 'vice-president; Sister Mary Angelita, RV.M., Davenport, past president and Father Gabl'iel Stapleton, SDS., Blackwood, N. J . , new president. NC Photo. ,
. .
Stresses Church: Role Consdence Prompts Return of Statues
. VATICAN CITY (NCl-In itlt appi'oach to social_problems; the Church not only does not remain in the background, but qas been and always will' be in the van" guard," Pope Pius XII qeclared.The Pope told a group, of young priests from Barcelona that progress in the field pf so cial action does 110t come about through any <'anxious search for but rather new principles," through "a tn1er application of those ancient and eternal ones formulated mainly in the Gos pel" . He said that both submission and violenCE; are to be avoided. and that the best course is one of moderation counseled "by the material spirit of the Church." Thus the solution of I social problems must not involve an ex aspera ted atruggIe, he said, but rather R harmony sought· for according to eternal principles. When solutfons which are just are not enough, one must then 'turn to "the greater dominion of charity," Pope Pius declared:
I L..
Modernize with Glass
E!iRWALD, Austria (Nc> Catholic 'pastor in this Tyrolean vlllage received rathel; large packages from
- A little two Oer
many. . When he opened them, he was astonished to find that they contained statues of two angels that had been missing from his . . . Pansh chmch ever SInce 1944. The statues had been stolen 9ur ing ,World War II. The guilty person's conscience had bothered " him so much th~t he had re turned them 13 years after the robbery.. .. . Father Hauels-refused. to say ~vhet~~r or, not· the t~lef had IdentifIed hll~sell. He did reyeal that the thIef had asked. for P_;;ra;;y;;e;;r;;s;;.;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;j
NORWICH (NC)-Bishop Ber nard J. Flanagan of Norwich has announced that Fishers Island. located In the Long Island Sound. is now included within the terri torial boundaries of the Norwtch diocese. The island, which is in New York state, was formerly un der the jurisdiction of the Brook lyn diocese. Fishers Island has one Catholic church, attended by 'about 65 families in permanent residence. f
Residential Commercial
Fishers Island Now
In Norwich Diocese.
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'I~ Social Problems
PARK CITY (NC) - A one time mayor of this Utah com . munity of 3,000 persons has offered his first Solemn Mas~ here. Father Harry DeJollghe was Park City's mayor during 1948 and 1949."When elected he was , only 28 years old and is thought to have been the youngest mayor in the State at the time. The day before he offered Mass here, Father DeJonghe was- or dained by Bishop Duane G. Hunt of Salt Lake City in the Cathe dral of the Madeleine. ' Always popular here, Father DeJonghe was named president of his class in both junior and senior years of high school. He also was selected for all-state high school football and basket ball teams. He joined the Air Force in 1942. He became ,mayor two years after his discharge from the serv ice in 1946. Father DeJonghe entered Eit. Mary's College, St. Mary's, Kan sas in 1950 and in 1953 he trans ferred to complete ~hls studies for the pl'iesthood at St. Thomas' Seminary, De)lVer.
Total Assets_ .over $26,000,000 . Every Deposit Account Is Insui'ed' Up To $10,000 By The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
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Superior General Visiting At St. Anne's Hospital Dedication of the new chapel at st. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, would of itself fill the cup of joy for the Sisters assigned to its staff, but the cup is filled to overflowing for their beloved Superior General, Mother 'rherese. Augusta, and her assistant, Mother St. Jean de Dieu, Augusta and Mother St. Jean de who have come from the Dieu were able to obtain ,plane Motherhouse, a t To u r s Il'Ccommodations thereby galn
Ing five ~ddltlonal days for their stay at St, Anne·s. The' work ot the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Pre sentatlon ot the Blessed Virgin' Is widespread. They may be found conducting schools, or phanages and other charitable . ~un. Institutions In Italy. Belgium, Always with a deep affection Iraq, Switzerland, Colombia: South America, North Africa and for St. Anne's and an intense In terest In' Its development, she Morocco. as well as In France speaks with obvious pleasure of and the United States. the great strides the hospital has Commenting on the visit of the made In 'providing for the care Superior General and her assis and comfort of the sick. On hel' tant, one of the Sisters at St. TO ATTEND DEDICATION OF CHAPEL: Reve,rend Mother Theresa-Augusta, present visit she is seeing for Anne's 'said: " ' (center) Superior General of the DominIcan Sisters of the Presentation of the'Blessed the first time the new maternity "We are as happy to have wing ahd recovery room In daily them with us as we know they Virgin, has come from .th~ Motherhouse at Tours, France with her assIsta,nt, Motber St. Jean de Dius '(left) to be present at the dedication of the new chapel at St: Anne's use, and she has been pleased to are to be here. Mother Theresa observe the remodeled children's Augusta was formerly Mistress Hospital, Fall River. At right is Reverend Mother Pierre Marie, Superior at St. Anne's. ward and freshly painted corri of Novices and Mother St. Jean dol'S. de Dieu succeeded her when she R. A. WILCOX CO•.
The trip to Fall Rivei' wes al became Superior General. Most OFFICE FURNITURE
most thwarted by a dock strike of the Sisters at st. Anne's made In' Stock For Immediate Deli.ery In France, The' consequent nec their novitiate under the dlrec esslty of changing travel plans tion of one or the other. So their WASHINGTON (NC) - The be "Current Gains In Latin • DESKS • CHAIRS proved a blessing In disguise. visit with us Is like a family re Catholic Association for Inter America. FILING CABINETS however, for Mother Therese- union." national Peace will' hold its 30th The program committee Is • . FIRE FILES • SAFES annual conference here from headed by Father James A. Mag November 8 to 10. FOLDING TABLES ner, procurator of the Catholic Theme of the conference will University of America, chairman; AND CHAIRS Father John J. Considine, M.M., ~ILCOX a native of New Bedford, and Dr. Charity of Americans Charles Q. FenWick, director ot 22 BEDFORD 51. Bishop Connolly will bless the new chapel at St. Anne's the department ot International FALL RIVER '-7838 Hospital F'all River, at 9:30 Saturday morning and cele Laude~ by Pontiff law, Pan-American Union. . VATICAN CITY (NC) His brate a low Mass following.the dedication ceremony. Father Considine Is a brother Holiness Pope Plus XII had high The beautiful chapel has been constructed with the praise for the zeal anddevotio11 of two priests In: the Diocese of comfort and convenience of ot the Hierarchy and faithful Fall River. They ate Rev. Ray of the United States during an mond T. Considine, pastor of The dedication wlll give real the patients, as well as the For the DISCRIMINATlNQ St.. W1lllam's Church. Fall River, with the Apostolic Dele fRAV£LER ••• Sisters, in mind. Besides a Ization to "a very old dream" and audience , who 18 also Director of Propaga gate to the United states. provide the answer to the prayers '. " 11 C"nl""", W••b.AII • ..-..... seating capacity of 200, the of the Dominican Sisters of the Faith, and Rev. tion of His Excellency Archbishop '0,1, •• 11 Sallln,. . chapel provides space for wheel Charity of the Presentation of Amleto Gicognani said after Arthur G. Considine. pastor of •, QUelN ILlZAlnH ••• Sept. 11 St. Mary's Church, South Dart ~halr patients In the rear and a the Blessed Virgin who care for being received by the Pope that mouth. _IMrlISS O. SCOtLAND • .0... I ~ balcony with accommodations for the 111 at the 6 year old Institu the Holy Father had commented second floor patients. 'moglnotl.oWno,o,lol. ""utlfutl, particularly on the readiness of tion: ,lonnod( Ipoclol 'OO'U'", In'o, Facilities for All the American Catholics to give no,iono I, known ho'. I. 'n ",oog Walt There are also facilities for MUI·l·aY~8 lu,opo 11", cia.. 1 all Ih. aid and to make sacrifices In a wo,. lIml'od momb."hI, _ ~ convalescent priests to say Mass, Three French Sistei's have spirit of Christian charity. porion" ROI~'.' .0,1,. CURTAINS With an office for the chaplain served at the hospital since Its adjoining. DRAPES beginning. and two who first Como 'n ., 'Of Stained glass windows to be joined the Order In this country. , " " D...,ip,I.. Pol, I,oclt.,. RUGS, Installed . will depict Important are stlll stationed at st. Anne's, P.,agon T,...I Aglncy. Inc. LINOLEUM ~. . ' 678 Plemnt Sf. events In' the life of the Blessed Through the years they have 'p.,' New Bedford, Mass.
Mothel' In chronological ol'der; seen the necessity of pOstponing WYman 6·82'17
1636 Acushnet A.enue St. Anne and the Blessed Vlrglh. the construction of a' permanent New Bedford. Mall. 915 Acushnet Ave. the Presentation. the Annuncia WY 4-3861 chapel because of the constantly tion, the Visitation. the Nativity, Increasing need of added faclll At Weld' Square the Crucifixion, the Assumption. tlell fIJI' ~aring tor the m. New Bedford The present chapel, In con For them In particular It has New Bedford's Leading "EW (NGUND'S WONDERLAND unction with the cafeteria which been a long time to wait; to all at Plumber 8 seP<ll'ated from It by 'foldlng St, ,,I\nne's the dedication Is »11 ....._II_+-~I-f-lFiIIiiiiji::::,,=---DrrUI( ~oors. will fill the need of a con tlclpated as another highlight in ference room for the student the half-century of the hospital's body or the medical staff., history of service. COX France. to be present at the cere mony Saturday morning, Mother Therese-Augusta has visited the hospital seveml times previously. first In 1934 and most 'l'ecently to attend the ground breaking ceremony when work on the new maternity wing was be
Father Considine of Maryknoll Arranging Peace Conference
Dedicate Hospital Chapel" At F(lil River Saturday
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Week]y Calendar Of Feast Days
TODAY~St. Crescens, Bishop. Martyr. He lived in the firsti century, was a disciple of st., Paul, and was mentioned by St., Paul In his writings. Tradition l'~lates that he founded the Sell> of Metz in Germany. The Roman Martyrology holds that he was:
PlIblished Weekly by The Catholic Preu of "he Diocese- of hll River
21 Bedford Street
Fall River. Mass; OSbo~ne 5-7151
PUBLISHER Most Rev. lames L. Connolly, D.O.• Ph.D. 'ASST•. CENERAL MANACER CENERAL MANACER Rev. Daniel F.Shalloo. M.A. Rev. lohn ,Po Dri~(:oll MANACINC EDITOR Attor'ney Hugh I; Colden
Our Democracy is rooted in -the belief in' God and God's moral law> It is good to realize this .In a day when men are giving far, different definitions of democracy. Democracy was founded in this country on a spiritual basis. It must ., continue on that basis or risk failure. Dr. Clar~nce Manion, former dean of Notre Dame's College cif ~aw, in a commencement talk a few years ago at Pennsylvania Sta'te College made'some significant re , marks along these lines. , ('The United states," he said. '':is not a mere matter' of population and geography. It is the inca'rnation of political convictions. It is the one political structure in 't~e world's history that was built consciously and delib erately from precise, mathematically -calculated spe'cifi cations o~ a vacant lot cleared for that purpose in 1775. The mathematical, certainties are d~scribed in .the specifi cations as self-evident truths. They describe the certainty of an Almighty God, the certainty of ,human equality be fore God and therefore before the law of the land, the cer tainty of the' divine origin of human rights and duties, and last b.ut not least the certainty that' civil government Is merely m/ln's appointed agent for the protection of God's gifts." We must never forget that democracy is, before all else, a spiritual thing, an ideal. We must insist on Its re lationship .to God, or we will betray it.
Sage ClJlI1IdI Sand.
TOMORROW-Feast of the, Sacred Heart of Jesus. This feast occurs eight days aftel' the feast' of Corpus Christi. It commem·, orates the love of Christ for men and His sacrifice for the redemp tion of mankind. An act of rep aration Is recited' in all churches On this feast. Generally this date is the feast of S~. Irenaeus. Bishop-Martyr. He was born in Asia Minor about 130, was edu cated, by St. Polycarp and. ",ali sent as a missionary into Gaul. where he was ordained by st. Pothinus, Bishop of Lyons. He became Billhop of Lyons in 177 and by his preaching converted much of France to the Faith. With a number of his flock, st. Irenaeus went to a mary!n"s death under Septimus Severus in 202.
SATURDAY-SS. Peter and Paul, Apostles-Martyrs. This feast commemorates the martyr. , dom of the great Apostles. St.
Peter, the first Pope, was cruci
fied with his head downward
By Most Rev'- Robert,. J. Dwyer, D.D.
near .the Triumphal Way at the
Bishop of' Reno
order of Emperor Nero. He was
but'ied in the Vatican. On the
Church and State is the, perennial f)roblem. It was ,same day, alsQ tinder order of
so in-the begil1ning, is now, and in all likelihood' will con Nero, St. Paul, wheY earlier was
tinue to pose its question as long as the world lasts. This one of the greatest persecutors of'
side of paradise it is ',a littl~ unrealistic to'look'for any final c::hristians only to be miraculous
ly converted, was put to death by
or perfect solution for it. the swoi'o on the Ostian way.
Even under conditions verg fine its terms. The modern world SUNDA Y - Feast of the Com. ing on the, ideal it will re is as much involved in it e.s the memoration of St. Paul, Apostle. MON'DAY - Feast of the Most: main a problem calling for, medieval or the Roman. The rise of state secularism has by no . Precious Blood. This feast was the utmost tact and understand means disposed of the problem' established by Pope Pius' IX in ing to keep it in reasonable bal it has merely 'provided a differ: honor of the Blood of Our ance. ent frame of reference for the at Saviour which was shed for the " This is not to say or suggest The Church is the continuation of Christ in the world. that it is in any way a hopeless te~pts at its solution redemption of mankind. Separation 'of Cburch and TUESDAY - Feast of the Vis It is the, Mystical 01" ~ocial Body ~hrJst - made up' of case. It is only to point out its State is by no means a 'maglc ltation of the Blessed Virgin. essential difficul~y, rooted in the all who are baptised into Christ and not separated from profound ma.Iadjustment of man formula; it is only a means of This Feast was established by ~im by heresy or apostasy or e:xcluded' by legitimate ):limself, torn between matter attaining and presei'ving a bal-' Pope Urban VI and extended to and spirit, and for which the only ance of rights and powel's. It· Is the Universal Chw'chln the '14th .authority. century by J;'ope Boniface IX adequate explanation is the plain impossible to divorce'its theoreti All the members of the Church have a role in the fact of original sin. Under the cal meaning' from its actual in memory of the visit of the Church. They have the life-long vocat~on to "build up conditions now obtaining over the ' meaning in the minds of the Blessed Virgin to her cousin, St., . greater part of the civilized world men who undertake'to reduce it Elizabeth'. the body of Christ.!' That means that they should be not it WEDNESDAY - St. Leo II. to practice. And this is colored is very far indeed from attain only,good Catholics living 'holy lives both personal and ing any sort of equilibrium. There by a whole spectrum of inherited: Pope-Confessor. He was a Sicil no phase Of human' relations prejudices and remembered in -ian, eminent for poetry and skill public. It means that they are called upon to c.ontribute is ed In la.nguages, who succeeded
more delicate, more .e a s i I Y juries, real or fancied. Attempt Fails Pope St. Agatho in 682. He,
their time and interest and abilities to the cause of Christ. strained, than that which con Theoretically it ml!,y be con-: reformed the Gregorian chant
the relations of the King cerns I It is obvious, that the Church In' this' comple:x age dom of God and the Kingdom of . strued as an effort at achieving, and composed several liturgical
needs more and more help. The churchmen can do only Man. a oolance between the cardinal hymns. He was known as "the
'l~yalties of man. Practlcp,lly it, Father of the Poor." He died
Unceasing Conflict so much. There is need of laymen and women who will . th' .. t 0 helping Christ in the tends For - the problem constantlY lias demonstrated the extreme in 683..
glve ell' t a1en t s and t.rammg to polarize. Either the difficulty of ,attaining that bal-, - - - - ' - - : - - - - - - - - -
world. No longer can the priests and brothers and sisters Church will absorb the Stater or ance. ~ In perhaps most of the metamorphosed the Idea of Sep
modern secular states, nombly aration as a reasonable balance
do all the work that they are called upo,n to do, no longer the State will obsorb the Church. in into a fetish known as the "waU
France, Separation has actu In the long experience of man can they answer all- the calls and social work kind· this has been the unceasing ally meant a deliberate a~tempt of separation". It Is the'" same
type of prejudice which would so
and edllcational needs, noJonger is the 'role of the Good conflict. The areas of balance to throttle the Church by con hamper the educationeJ activity
are far outnumbered' 'and out-, fining her to the sacristy. The Samaritan restricted to those with a vocation to the priest weighed in importance by those Comes' Law of 1905 was adroitly of the Church as to deprive her
of imbalance. And, actually, the conceived to deprive the Church - effectively of a right which can . ' hood or religious state.. aenied .in ,theory. The Popes havesaid it repeatedly - this is the age of very concept of balance, as a not only of her traditional sup notIn beupsetting a balance, parti port but of all effective voice in the Catholic laity, working under the direction of their' thing desirable or attainable, is the education of her children. It cularly one as delicate as this. . ' , -relatively new in human tpink spiritual fathers in Christ to ca.rry on the work of the j ng. , . failed to work, as its author him- ' there are commonly enough Church. Societies,confraternities, youth and women's It was totally foreign to the self was quick to realize, but It faults on both sides. In simple groups, Holy Name Societies, Knights of Columbus...:.... Rome_ of" the Emperors ,under has left that un):lappy country fairness. however, it Is clearly that in our contempor all these and many more Ilke them have a commission w,hos.e sway the ChristianChurch torn and divided. The qu~rrel, 'evident ary America the responsibility specifically, is not centered> to do the Church's work. . emerged with her-commission to - " teach all nations. It was equally around Separation as a theory. for the attempt now b~lng made The 'difficulty, of course, is that all too many of us foreign to the Byzantines who ac but around its misuse as an In to destroy the balance rests with a small group of secularists who do not have a social mentality when it comes to religion. cepted the Church, but with the strument of destruction. have learned nothing and for In America,' by pleasant con We are concerned with our own souls - we fail to see that very positive proviso that she ]1 t t '. become a ,department of the trast, Separntion of Church and gotten- nothing, They drag the we are a. uni ed toge h~r in the Body of Christ for the State, Nor, for that matter, was 'State has undoubtedly worked rea herring of Church control good of each and all. We must all contribute to the whole. it any more palatable to those under conditions nearest to the across the path of those' Ameri Where to begin acquiring this religious social men- medieval Popes, from Hildebrand ideal the modern world has seen. cans who are not sufficiently in tality? A good place is with the Mass - realize that it is to Boniface VIII, who were sub The basic idea as envisioned by structed to identify the deceit. They, create a fresh area of mis the public worship of the whole ChurCh, it is a social ac- stantially convinced that the the Founding Fathers was a de ,understanding which may well State, propertly, should be only termination to d~al with the en tion that we are offering together with all those a'round a department of the Church. It tire problem de novo, without take generations to cure. us and with the priest and with Christ. It is ih~ worship must ,be said, however, on the reference to the prejudices and . The hilthest patriotism of Am of the Church of which we are members. It is something basis of the historical record, , quarrels of the past. But again, ericans today is to maitltain and that we do togethel' with others. that the imbalance has been it is much less impo!'tant' as 'a promote this balance. It is not weighted' far more heavily and theory. not to say 'a J:)l'inclple, as perfect, and under the conditions A secon'd way -to achieve this social mentality in far ,mere frequently on the side it is as a practical "rule of ·reas of our humanity it never will be, things religious is, to contribute your abilities to your of the state, , ,but it is as near the summit.'of
on." Wall of Separation workable relations of Church and
parish when the need or call comes. And give your talentl? ' \ Maintain Balance .And 'here the inevitable weili"lit State as the race has coine. There
not in the spirit of doing favor or not as a release of It has taken centuries of bit-, tel' struggle simply to clarify the of human prejudices is thrown is a pointed question: Who are
Pent-up natural ene,i'gy but as deliberately and consciously issue. into· the scales. ,It, is 'prejudice the ·real patriots of America In
It has taken whole li doing your share to "build up the body of Christ." braries of controversy just to de against the Church which has 1957?
Build Up the, Body of Christ
THE AN'CHOR lune 27,1957
U'rges Co,ntiriued' Sa'iance Be~'wee" Church and State
Modern Edifice to Replace
Old ~ew Bedford Church
A modern brick edifice of contemponiry design Is moving toward completion for .the members and ~lergy of Our Lady of Assumption Church in New Bedford. The Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., ~ishop of Fall River, blessed the corner~ stone of the new church last New Bedford; general chairman. Frank C. Monteiro; co-chairmen, Sunday. Very Rev. William Miss Judith Fonseca and Miss Condon, S.S. C.C., provin Irene Fortes: secretary, Alvaro
cial of the Fathers of the Sacred Heart. attended the. blessIng ceremony. Designed to seat 414. the new
structure wlII have an auditorIum
in the basement for use as a
lower church and parochIal en
ParishIoners. and frIends have
donated nearly all appoIntments,
including a new organ, altars,
pews, statues, vestments. stained
glass windows· picturing the ap
parition of the Sacred Heart to
St. Margaret Mary, the apparI
tions at Fatima and the sufferIng
of Christ.
Established in 1905 Our Lady of the Assumption
has been under the direction of
the Sacred Hearts Fathers since
its establishment. Father Stan
islaus Bernard, first pastor, gives
this graphIc account of Its begin
"The Church of the Assump
tion. situated on South Water
Street. New Bedford. was bought
on the 15th of August. 1905 by
Msgr. (Bishop) Stang, Father
Smyth of St. Lawrence Church,
vicar general of tile diocese, and
Father Raepsart, Provincial of
the Fathers of the Sacred Hearts,
to supply the spiritual needs of
the Cape Verdeans of tiew Bed
"As it was acquired the 15th of
August, It was decided to call it
Our Lady of the Assumption.
"It was an old building (in 1957 much older) which had Ilerved in the forties as a chapel for the seamen, then under the chaplain, 'Father' Dennison, as a supply store for the needy. "The Jewish people acquired it and held their services there; then it served as a kindergarten and finally was sold to a man who intended to make of It a storehouse. It was purchased for about $2700. The Bishop bor I'owed from the Five Cents Sav ing·s Bank in New Bedford the sUln of $3000. Dedicated by Bishop StanG' "When everything was ready, I went~fol' a few days through the shops on Water Street to invite the people to come to church the Sunday following for the dedication, November 26. 1905. ·"Rt. Rev. Bishop Stang, ac companied by the Vicar General, Father Smyth. and his chancel lor, Father CassidY,and also by Father Marie Bernard, superiol' of FaIrhaven. and Father Umin ski. Pastor of the Polish fmm the North End, came to make the dedication of the new church. "When the Bishop came In at 10: 15 there were about five per sons present. 'Is that all-?' asked the Bishop. I answered, 'That Is all. but I am g'olng to rIng the ., bell once more.' "At 10 :45 we started the cere mony of the dedication, havIng perhaps 20 persons Inside. I saId Mass, the Bishop saId a few words in English at the Gospel and left at the last Gospel to keep an engagement. I gave a little sermon In Portuguese at the end of Mass, and so was started the work amongst the Cape Verdeans of New Bedford." .'aithful Parishioners Following Father ~anislalls as pastor there came Fathers Ar nold, Stephen, Egbert, Hubert and John, the present pastor. Father Edmund FrancIs was ap pointed as the first assistant in the history of the parish in 1948 and the second assistant, Father :Raphael FlammIa, arrived In :A95G.
A very active cOllunittea has llJ~el! worldng to raise money for the construction of this new church. The general advisor in George R9.dcllffe, ot
Duarte; treasurer, Joseph N. Fortes. Auditor. Mrs. Valentina Al meIda; assistant auditor, Mrs. Teresa Almeida; legal advisor. Atty. Alfred Gomes; entertaIn ment chaIrman, Frank Lopes assisted by many hard-worklnr and faithful parIshioners.
Workers Say Rosary Daily at Factory SCHENECTADY (NC) - Noon hour Rosary groups at the Gen eral Electric Company here. ar& becoming increasingly popular. Inaugurated by a handful of workers at, the tIme of thl Korean conflict, the devotion has spread throughout the buildings of the huge plant. Some groups meet dally; others meet weekly. There are over a hundred In at tendance at each session. In 1956, the GE management. granted permissIon for all groups to say the Rosary dally during the month of May on the plant lawn. Schenectady priests often were on hand to lead the reci tatIon.
Far Too Many NOTRE DAME (NC) - "Ap proximately one-third of all bap tIzed Cathollcs" become fallen aways. a priest-authority onthl Cathollc parish asserted. The estlmate was made by JesuIt Father Joseph H. Fichter, head of the department of so cIology at Loyola University of the South, New Orleans; He classified fallen-aways. or dor mant Cathollcs. as those who do not become affiliated with any other church. He said hIs con clusion about them "Is subject to a lot more research and clari fication."
-:._~-.-.--~'-------liiii~ TREAT YOURSELF 'TO
NEW CHURCH IN NEW BEDFORD: Most Rev. Bishop James L. Connolly, D. D., blesses the cornerstone of the new edifice for the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption.
Plan Little Flower Ceremony in Chicago CHICAGO me) - TIle 60th anniversary of the death of St. Therese. the Little Flower, will be observed here and in Lisle~x. France. F'rom September 29 to October 7. Preparations for the observ ances were disclosed at the head quarters of the Society of tha Little }o'lower. directed by the Carmelite Fathers.. St. Therese. a Carmelite nun, died on September 30, 1897, at the age of 24. after completing nine years in the cloister at LI sieux. She was canonIzed by Pope Pius XI on May 17, 1925.
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Ato."ic· Research RIVERDALE (NC) - Manha~ tan College will send Its first faculty member to the nuclear energy institute of the Atomio Ene r g Y Commission at .Oak Rid g e, Tenn., thIs SlJmmer. Brother Austla Bernabei, instruc tor of physics at the college con ducted by the ChrIstian Brothers,
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Moscow Acknowledges Widespread Influence of Catholic P'ress
The Yardstick
Must Gear Social Action Movement with Liturgy
WASHINGTON (NC)-An unintended tribute to the initiative and Widespread influence of the Catholic press i~ contained in a report received here. . The report is an account of a program on a clandestme communist ra~io station claimed to have a "noble that broadcasts regularly in It message" and to be "devoted to Spanish to Spain. This par the service of truth." Immedi ticula'r broadcast dealt with ately it launched into a vicious
By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director NCWC Social Action Dept.
As a general rule, to avoid -.competition with our feI-. low-columnist, Father Bernard Theall, p.S.B. (caI?able writer of the NC Feature, Books of the Hour) we do not review current books in The. Yardstick, much as we are' tempted to do' so~ There is justification, ho~ever, f~r the grasp of economics .that was' making an exceptIOn to thIS the pioneering Ryan's, without specialized work there rule in the case of a new whose would hardly have been It social book by Father Paul Marx,
of St. John's Abbey, Collegeville,
arid intemperate attack on "the the extraordinary interview Franco clique." wh,ich ,Generall;;simo Francisco Extensive Public PerhG,ps the most significant F:ninco gave to the N,C.W.C. News Service and which was feature of this development is that it called attention to the widely printed in Catholic news very wide dissemination the papers served by that agency. Franco' interview received, and movement in. the 1930s and The Red program quoted a Cath- ' the very extensive reader public 1940s. olic newspaper in the United reached by the Catholic press. This is typical of Father 'Not only does the N.C.W.C. States In ,referring to the inter Marx's scholarly objectivity. 'News Service serve more than view. · FACULTYMEMBER: While he agrees, in general, with Answering a series of eleven 100 Catholic newspapers in the Michel's rather severe criticism Dam Ludovic Baron, a.S.B.,· questions for the Catholic press, United States, but its dispatches of the Catholic social action author and internationally Franco, dealt with the com go also to more than 500 news 'movement, he leans oyer back ward to see the problem in its known expert on Gregoria~ munist threat today and at one papers in some 50 separate na tions and areas round the world. point spoke of "clandestine ra full perspective and to be per Chant, has been appointed dio programs, calling themselves Noticias ,Catolicas, its Spanish fectly fail' to everybody con cerned. He is not interested in to the faCUlty of the Sum: independent, that broadcast false and Portuguese editions, go to and defamatory news from the some 200 papers in every country winning an argument at the ex mer session to be conducted studios of Moscow and other in Latin America, including some pense of any individual or organ-· ization. ' at Mallhattariville College countries expressly to foment re of the largest journals in that belllon,' spread discontent and area. Primary Apostolate of the Sacred Heart, Pur undermine society." It would seem a conserVative Like his lamented' confrere, The clandestine radio station estimate that N.C.W.C. News Father Virgil Michel, Father chase, N. Y. Service dispatches are seen by 40 (the report 'identified it as Ra Marx is ,intel7ested solely in to 50 mllIion persons. Where dio Es'pagna Independiente) . demonstrating that the liturgical Natives Build Three Q story is of outstanding im rolled attention 'to this rare in , movement is' "the primary apos terview given by Franco, and, by portance it is likely to be 'print tolate-," or, to put it another way, , Churches for Padre attempting to answer it, admit- ed by the vast majority, if not WASHINGTON (NC) - BUil,d that the social action movement Is doomed to failure or, at best, ing oratorios 01' small, churches . ted that it was at least one of all, of the agency's subscribers. to only' partial success if'it ne-, in a poverty-stricken section of the stations he referred to. The The description of conditiOns in Red station, blandly and at some ,contemporary Spain reached 8. glects or is separated from the. Guatemala is difficult but satis large number of readers. length, 'denied that it was en .liturgical.movement. "To medi gag!d in fomenting discontent. ate God's life to man," he writes, ' fying work, according ,to a mis " "so as to make Possible a truly sionary who sees it done. Catholic social liVing-that is In a letter sent to confreres V~nezuela Workers~ the essential function of the here, Immaculate Heart of Mary liturgy in a social movement Father Fernando Leyns of La Urged to Organize which calls itself· Catholic. In' Democracia, Guatemala, told CARACAS, Venezuela (NC)
DOm Virgil's opinion, te separate how much the natives appreciate Venezuela's workers will get a
the social from the liturgical the chance to attend c,hurch. fair share of this country's grow
apostolate is to have not aposto ing wealth only if they organize
~'When I first went to-one of late at all." these 'communities there was free ·labor unions and if employ
Neglect Liturgy nothing," he wrote. "I tried to ers assume their responsibilities.
While there can be no argu This statement was made by
have some 50 'peoplefor Mass ment about the validity of this but I could not find any build Archbishop Rafael Arias Blanco
principle, there can be and un ing 'to 'accommod\lte them. S~ of Caracas in a pastoral letter
'doubtedly will be a continuing I' offered Mass under. the sky. against which the ~enezuelan
debate in Catholic circles as to pl'otected by a baldacchino (can government protested.' At the
whether 01' not the social action Opy) of white sheets,'" same time the government con
movement in' the United States Father Leyns said this was fiscated two issues of this city's
has neglected the liturgy or has "an event" because the 'people Catholic daily, La Religion.
under-emphasized the superna 'Whlle Church-state relations
in the community had not seen tural to the extent that Father a priest in many years. When he here are normally good, the gov
Michel' and his competent bio ernment apparently thinks the
told them he would come regu grapher maintain: Archbishop's letter will intensify
larly to offer Mass, "they de Our own impresSion _is that cided to build something for the widespread worker ... discontent.
Father Michel and Father Marx Padre." The government is' 8. military
have to some extent 'exaggerated, By the time the children were junta headed by General Marcos
the weakness of the' social ac ready for first Communion, the Perez Jiminez' which seized power
tion movement in this regard , people had built a rancho Oltthi in 1948.
and have under-emphasized the hut) made of long grass. When failure of too many liturgists to the spiritual community started relate the liturgy in a meaning growing because of the regular ful way to contemporary social visits of Father Leyns, the par and economic problems. ish heads decided' to erect 8 A Good Omen frame building. To some extent, of course, The missionary said that three comparisons of this' sort ~a:re oratorios have already been con rather meaningless, if not odious, structed in this way, and "they for in this country a large num are frequently' visited by thfi ber of Catholic social actionists Catholics, even when the priest • BANQUETS. WEDDINGS. PARTIES , have been active liturgists and is not present." vice versa. Moreover, the an • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS nual meetings of the Liturgical Conference which bring the two groups together in such" great numbers are a .good omen' ·for IISPECIAL MILK 1343 PLEASANT ST. FALL RIVER the future. The familiar slogan, . From Our Own "keeping things together," is now PHONE OSborne 3-7780 the joint slogan of both move Tested Herd" ments, Acushnet, Mass. WY 3-4457 Surely this is a great step for • Special Milk ward and one which would have • Homogenized Vito D Milk gladdened the heart of Virgil Michel, that great pioneer who, • Buttermilk well in advance of· his time, con • Tropicana Orange Juice 'sistently emphasized the rela-, . ' Coffee and Choc. Milk tionship between the liturgy and • Eggs - Butter social action and so perfectly ex emplified this relationship in his own remarkably diversified and ONLY AT MO,RRIS PLAN IS YOUR INTERextraordinarily fruitful aposto EST ON COMPOUNDED ""'ICE late.
Minn. The ' book is entitl ed, "Virgil Mi ehel and the Lit u r g ical M 0 v ement" (The Liturgi cal Press, Col legev.ille, Minn. $5> This is a 8 u b s t antial and scholarly work and one which.will interest not only students of ~e litw'gy but Catholic social' actionists as well. We enthusiastically rec ommend it in its entirety, but, ior the 'limited purposes of this Column, we specifically call at tention to chaptel's 7 and 10 on the relationship between the lit urgy and Catholic social action. Ellamlnatlon of Consclencll These two chapters are not pleasant reading for those of us who are working full-time in the field of Catholic social action, but, so far, as the present writ~r is concerned, they are worth the price of the entire book. They are the equivalent of a good ex amination of conscience. They explicitly and bluntly raise the question as to whether or not the Catholic social action movement in the United States has 'been sufficiently interested in the lit urgy and sufficiently conscious of the importance of moral and spiritual reform as opposed to the reform of social and economic in stitutions. The lare Father Virgil Michel -surely one of the most original and most influential Catholic writers this country has ever pro duced-was inclined to answer this question In the negative. He thought that, In general, the Catholic social action movement in the United States overem-' phasized purely natural measures of social reform, to the neglect of the supernatural. More speci fically, he was' of the opinion that the social action movement (up to the time of his death in 1938) paid far too little attention to 'the liturgy, which, he con stantly insisted, Is the indispens able basis of Christian social re construction. , Complete Program . Father Marx is 'scrupulously fair and objective in' summariz ing Michel's criticism of 'the so cial action movement. To his 'credit as aschola'r, he'is no re specter of persons. He reports, for example that Michel was crit ical even' of the greatest of American Catholic social action ists, his personal friend and col league, the late Msgr. John A. Ryan. , "Despite his admiration of the pioneer work of the great John A. Ryan," Father, Marx states, "Michel confided to intimates his belief that Ryan relied too much on legislation and the state, and tended to be too purely 'econo mic' and 'statist' in his approach to the social problem, that there was nothing cultural about his program, and too little insistence on the absolute need of the spir. Nam~d M~nlsignor itual revival for a complete pro NOTRE DAME (NC) - Father gram of Christian social regen Philip Hughes, noted English eration," Church historian who is author Fair Comments of the Image book, "A Popular 'I'hiS is honest reporting, but History of the Catholic Church," Father Marx hastens to add, in , has been named by His Holiness his own name, that Father Mi Pope Pius XII as a domestic pre chel and some other critics of the late with the title of Right Rev Catholic s06lal action movement erend Monsignor. Msgr. Hughes "would have been more effective is a visiting professor of histoI'Y. as social reformers had they had at the University of Notre Dame.
,White's Farm Dairy
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OF DEPOSnTl 206 Union' St. New Bedfor
d1:11 I
THE ANCHOR Thurs., June 27, 1957
Continued From Page One • Grand Official of the Order. He placed on the Bishop's breast a sold llUnburst with • circle of white enamel trimmed with gold In the center, which Is In turn eharged with the Cross of Christ. Around the Bishop's neck the Ambassador placed the Cross of the Order which Is made of red enamel, trimmed with gold and charged with a. smaller cross of white enamel. The cross Is sus· pended from the neck by a red ribbon with a golden buckle. In his talk the Bishop related the pleasant memories he has of Fortugal from his visit there a few years ago. He spoke of the history of the Order of Christ· and the role the Order played 1n .the golden age of. Portuguese expansion, an exploration that earrled the faith of Christ with it. The Bishop praised the record ()f Portuguese expansion as fairer and more glorious in Its treat ment of persons than that of any ()ther nation. The Bishop quoted Dr. Morri lion of Harvard to the effect that ()nly a really Christian common wealth can preserve freedom. He extolled Portugal as a model of the Ideals of freedom along with respect for the individual and for authority. The Bishop said that the nations of the' world which seek peace so desperately eould well take Portugal as a model of a nation that Is recon mtructlng Itself along the lines t)f true Christian principles and ideals. The sPiritual values rep· resented by the Cross of Christ have always influenced and still auide Portugal's development., Dignitaries Present
The head table was set up be
fore a huge cut-out of a Cross of
Christ. This In tum was flanked
by the coat of arms of Portugal
and the Bishop's own coat of
Seated at the head table, in
addition to the Bishop' and the
Ambassador, were the following
invited guests: Most Rev. Manuel
Afonso Carvalho, Bishop of An·
ff1'a, Azores; Governor and Ml·s.
Poster Furcolo, Rt. Rev. Msgr.
James J. Gerrard, V. G., Rt. Rev.
Msgr. Antonio P. Vieira, Rt. Rev.
Msgr. John A. Silvia, Rt. Rev.
Msgr. Albert Berube, Rt. Rev.
Msgr. James Dolan, Rt. Rev.
Msgr. Edmund J. Ward, Very
!Rev. Leonard J. Daley, Very Rev.
Bugh A. Gallagher, Very Rev.
Edward F. Dowling, Very Rev.
Humberto S. Medeiros, Very Rev.
J. Joseph Sullivan, Rev:E. Sousa deMello, Rev. Augusto L. Furta do, Hon. and Mrs. Francis J. Lawler, Dr. Antonio C. Matias, Dr. and Mrs. Manuel C. Perreira, Hon. and Mrs. Vasco A. Villela. :Mr. Basil Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewin, Mr. and Mrs.. John E. Connolly, Mr. and Mrs. Frimcls J. Carreiro.
Legion Continued From Page One Legion's State Convention being held this weekend In New' Bed ford will attend the Mass. Bishop Connolly wlll be met at the city line by Mayor Francis J. Lawler, State Senator Arthur J. Mullen, Commander Arthur Mallle of New Bedford Post, State and local police and escorted to the church. Church callw1J] be sounded from the steps of New Bedford High SChool and at the beginning ()f Mass from the church steps. Taps will be sounded at the end ()f Mass.
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Episcopalian Favors Return of Murray WASHINGTON <NC) A prominent Episcopalian clergy man has \\Titten to a committee of Congress to praise the work of a noted Catholic laymen and to -join in a petition for his reap pointment to public ·office. Dean Francis B. Sayre Jr., 01' the Washington Episc'opal Cathe· dral has written to Rep. Carl T. Durham of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy to say that Thomas E. Murray, a member of the Atomic Energy Commission•. "has brought a sense of moral responsibility and religious sen sitivity to the exercise of his du ties in a remarkable way. Al though he Is not a member of the church I have the honor to rep resent I have come to have the highest respect for his publia utterances and his service to the American people." Eleven of 18 Senators and Rep resentatives who make up the Joint Committee on At 0 m i c Energy recently joined In a peti tion to President Eisenhower that he reappoint Mr. Murray to the commission. The Commissioner's term is about to 'expire.
Prominent Lawyer Returns to Spain
GUESTS AT BESTOWAL OF INSIGNIAM: Bishop Connolly is shown with Dr. Luis Esteves Fernandes, Portuguese Ambassador to the United States; Most Rev. Manuel Afonso Cavalho (right), Bishop of Angra, the Azor~s; and Rt. .Rev. Msgr. An· tonio P. Vieira, (left) pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel ChurCh, New Bedford. .
Historical Resume of Code of Canon Law Continued From Page One compilations. He added two smail unofficial collections of . laws which had been promulgated later. The whole work was pub lished under the name Corpus Iurls Canonici. It became the basic text fpr the study and prac tice of canon law. Papal Promulll'ation Yet the number of laws con tinued to grow. and at the end of the nlnteenth' century It was clear that a new and comprehen-' give collection was necessary. In 1904 Pope St. Pius X inaugurated the work of preparing the text. The task was completed during the pontificate of Benedict XV. He promulgated the Code of Canon Law on Pentecost Sunday, May 27, 1917. PUblication of the Code was the fruit of monumental labor. The canonlsts had succeeded In reducing the mass of general leg Islation to a single book. Each canon Is a cal:efully-worded statement of .law. These canons determine the organization and administration of the various ter ritorial subdivisions within the Church. They define the compe tence of her officials. They gov ern the administration of the sacraments and . sacramentals and regulate the con d u c t of clergy and faithful In all things spiritual. When one compares this hand-book of canon law with the lengthy volumes that preceded it, tlje usefulness of this latest compilation is apparent. At the same time, one must admire the scholarship and industi'y of the canonist.,> who prepared the text. Catholic University Codification of law does not mean that Its growth has come to an end. The law continues to develop as the Church adapts
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herself to contemporary needs. Just as in the past, scholars to day continue their studies and research in the field of canon la~w at the great universities throughout the world. One such center of study is to be found at The School of Canon Law. The Catholic Uni versity of America, In Washing ton, D.C. The recently established Institute of Research and study In Medieval Canon Law is located on the campus. Under the direc tion of Professor Stephan Kutt ner of The School of Canon Law. the Institute is to produce new editions of the Corpus Iuris Canonici and other medieval texts, as well as critcial texts of manuscripts never printed before. The ambitious program outlined by Professor Kuttner will be car ried out with the cooperation of scholars from all parts of the world. It promises to be a great contribution to the studY of law a,nd medieval history as well. Creigh Library New England also finds a place , in modern cimonical study. The Creigh Library of St. John's Sem inary, Brighton, Is exclusively devoted to canon law. It contains one of the finest collections of canonical literature in the United States. Many of our own students prepare for the priesthood at St. John's Seminary. The facilities of the Creigh Library are at their
disposal. It is to be hoped that
as time goes on the Library w111 become a center of advanced study and research as well. This anniversary reminds us of the important role which the ,Code of Canon Law plays in the life of the Church. While a de tailed knowledge of the law is mostly the concern of the canon Ist, the law itself is important to every Christian. For It is God's will made known to us through the agency of His Church. One
effort to know the law and to
fulfill it is the measure of our
love for the Church and for
Christ, her Founder.
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MADRID (NC) - The return 1 from Brazil of a prominent Span•. ish Catholic lawyer and Catholic Action leader has scotched rumors of his exile by the Span. ish regime. . Earlier this month, when sev eral prominent Spaniards were arrested by the national govern" ment for political reasons, It was rumored that Jose Marla Gil Ro" bles. who was In Brazll on business trip, had been exiled from Spain. There was no at.' tempt to prevent his re-entrance into Spain.
1320 No. Main SI., Fall River - OS 2·2000
Risks Makers' Cei1sure
Favors Abolition 'of Hats
To Gain Universal Peace
We hlig-ht take a long- step' toward universal peace simply by abolishing: hats. Bellig-erence seems to begin with them, or at least'be irresistibly aroused by them. , The moment one is snatched from a small boy'S head, he g'oes automatically into order to be in complete rapport battle, no matter how pains with the hero. takingly he has been civi He was watching a cowboy lized by his parents, his niovie and wearing the new cow teachers and' the policeman on the corner. Then the tradition that ~e must be ready "to fight at the drop of" takes hold of' him as he grows older. Hats are no toriously neces sary for almost every form of conflict. Burglars ,and holdup men pull them down over their eyes before venturing out of their laIrs on their nefari,. .:. f.lUS missions. The policeman who curbs over - exuberant citizens with his "Here now. what's all this?" wears a cap specially de signed to give perpetual notice that he will stand for no non sense. Styles 101' All When a lawyer waits upon an olher lawyer with the news that he is filing SUit, he wears a hom burg. Gangste1's have worked out a style which identifies them at a glance. and aside from the storied Sherlock Holmes, a detec tive without a snap-brim is un thinkable. Not even a bill col lector wiII make his ominous rounds unaccompanied by his bowler. On drillfield and battlefield, In camp or on guard, a soldier must be appropriately covered. Not even a' general of the armies would feel clothed without some thing on his brow to be touched smartly in saluting, And nobodY would dream of getting' up any kind of military parade consist ing of people wearing nothing above their· necks but their heads. ?'lr everything even remotelv connected With 'war. a helmet, a tam, a shako, a plumed head:' gear, ,an overseas cap, 01' some thing of the sort is hldispensable. When a man goes' bareheaded, yoU can be almost certain that his errand is one of sympathy, conciliation and friendship. Only In church-the. place which is &ynonymous with love and peace -are hats invariably doffed. Repulsively Disl'eputable "On the domestic scene, hats are profoundly disturbing., Those designed for' women stir wives _,' .,~,.to ecstasierl, and husbands to helpless and infuriating laughter. c.onversely, the ayerage wife lives much of .hel' life. in a state of _despair over the hopelessness of persuading her husband to buy a new fedora after the old one has become repulsil'ely disrepu table. , Very Becoming' Yes, I do suspect that if hats were unobtainable, the human race might become more 'tract ).hle. There would he fewer occa sions, it seems to me, for strife. Not long ago, somebody humor ously handed,my wife a cowboy type straw hat. She \;\'ore it for a while in order to go along with the gag,. and I must say I thought it t·~r,ollling'. Then she took it home when the party was oyer, and presented it to our 11 year-old Jim. Jim received it with, enthu siasm. From early childhood, he has been' a 'man of many head pieces, and of much reverence for them. When playing cowbo)'s and Indians; he invariably removed his hat and laid it carefully aside before falling dead, lest he crush it. Often, as he watches televi 8~on. he che.ngcs headgear in harmon~ the program. in
27. 1957
Warns Against
Chinese Reds
By -Joseph A. Brieg ,Cleveland Universe Bulletin
Navy Chaplains PUan SpiriituaS Discussion
A towering Italian-born pre late, who lived literally with rats in his Red dungeon
WASHINGTON (NC) -Msgr. (Rear Adm.> George A. Rosso. assistant director of the U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps, has an nounced plans of the Navy to be host next October to a meeting of naval" chaplains of member nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, at Quantico' (VaJ Marines' Base. Msgr Rosso has just completed a two-month tour of NATO na tilins to consult chaplains about ,the upcoming conference. It Is aimed. he said, at mobilizing the spiritual resources of the naval forces of NATO members.
pri~on. has warned Americans to be on guard ag'ainst Chinese communist -treachery. d Tb~ 'Chillese Re'ds are "con firmed communists -, out to conquer the world," Archbishop Gaetano Poll i 0 of Kaiieng, Over Crowded China, declared. "Do not be lulled FESTINA, Iowa (NC) - The by their tactics," he warned. "Do annual Mass at St. Anthony's not be fooled by their propa chapel, described as the Smallest ganda, And be watchful of their church in the world" drew more than 200 descendants of ths agents." family of Frank and Mary Huber. An Archbishop, at the age of who founded the chapel. 35, the member of the Missional:y The Mass was offered by Fath 'Institute of SS. Peter and Paul er Ralph Lassance, a grandson. was expelled from his See by the now stationed at Marquette Uni Reds. Yet he ,harbors hope for • versity, Milwaukee. The chapel accommodates eight people. a speedy return to his mission labors.
boy hat when his brother came into the house. Peace promptly went out. Joe conceived a sudden passion for the hat, and at tempted' to misappropriate It. This touched off a scuffle, to ,which I called a stern halt be cause I do not like ,people frac turing their skulls on the furni ture in,our house. Flexible Kind Joe then offered a fabulous sum for the hat, and Jim said no. I realized that something' must be done lest our home be Phoney Charge , come the scene of constant war fare. At the first opportunity. 'I The man who left his natiye bought an Ivy League cap fOl: Sorrento, Italy, for the China Jim. and negotiated him into missions in ir,37 - and who be giving the cowboy hat to Joe in came the world's youngest arch exchang'e. Hat!>, I realize. are bishop 10 years later - speaks not going to be abolished, but I - authoritatively of communist ,am the flexible kind of chap methods. Mao Tse-tung's men who, when blocked in one direc moved in on Kaifeng a little tion, goes around, the other way.. more than a year after 'the Arch bishop a c c e pte d the mitre Charged with being an "imperial 1st spy:'the missionary' prelate underwent the imprisonment and interrog'ation so routine with LONDON (NC) - The Catho lic Bishops of England have so communist persecution. The story of his incar'ceration far'refused to join in the battle of words between some Catholics plays like a funeral symphony: and Anglica,ns Which was spear-, abrupt arrest, filthy jail, loni' tortuous hours - ' crammed headed by the Anglican Arch bishop of Canterbury, ,the Most gether with fellow prisol1ers in Rev. Geoffrey Fisher. Archbishop box-like compartments, smug'gled Fisher recently charged the hosts and wine, secret Masses. Catholic Church in Great Britain sickness and disease. converts. 'is waging "opelf war" on the public trial, mockery 'and con viction. Finally, expelled froin Church of England. Catholic observeJ;.s feel that one China. Is there hope for freedom in cause of the anti-Catholic dis Asia? quiet is the success of the Cllth Archbishop PolliQ said yes ..• ,olic Inquiry Bureau. The bureau, "as long as the free world stays working through periodic adver tisements in national secular strong and united." Be Alert newspapers, has so far drawil 'requests for information, about One bit of, advice t.he one-tinw the Church from over 67.000 prisoner of the communists would leave with Americans: . ' people. Of the 36,643 people who have "You people have t1'ue lib"erty. ' enrolled in the bureau's corres Guard 1t and save it - and be pondence course since its'initia very caref.ul about communist tion four years ago, more than infiltration.'" 3,000 were eventually put -into contact with a priest, and 1,513 are known to have entered the I Church.
. LEO H. BERUBE, Mgr. 951 Slade St. Tel. OS 5-7836
DETROIT (NC) - A man who came to the United States six years' ago with no knowledge of English has j'eceived a master's degree from the University of' Detroit. To 'do' this, he "worked his way through college" by establishing an ecclesiastical art and church furnishing business. John Horvath. 38, left his birthplace in Czechoslovakia in 1948. After traveling through . Switzerland, Germany, Italy and France, he arrived in the U. S. in 1951. "When I first arrived in De- ' troit," Mr. Horvarth relates, ,"I knew how to deal In Euro,qeall business, but I lacked knowledg'e . of affairs here. I decided I had better get an American view of business and art so I enrolled at Detroit University." .After attending classes in til\) graduate school at night for the past three years. Mr. Horvarth was one of the 1,020 students graduated 'from the university this Spring.
P!robe llitera1tl1lllre
BALTIMORE (NC)~'rhe Bal t1mGre City Council has ij,ppoint ed a,commJ.ttee to investigate the sale and diloltribut1on of obscene i;ll"lnted'matter and to repol·t on the dimcuBloml of Ule prolJlem and the best ways of solving it.
New Bedford's Only Authorized Chevrolet Dealer 545 Mill St., New Bedford WY 7-9486
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Inquiry Bureau
Wins -Converts
Praise Plroglram ST. LOUIS (NC)-The Sacred! Heart pmgram. a 15-minut8 daily broadcast. has been praised by Vatican Radio. Vatican RatHo has broadcast the program for 11 years, they said. The program is ca1Tied by 1,000 stations around the world. while, its television counterpart is broadcast by nearly 100 sta. tions in the United and Canada.
«)$ 7mlj'n.e ~
Anti·Cotholic Attoclcs
Suggests National Office
To Answer Ac~usations'
By Donald McDonald
Davenport Catholic l\I'essenger
One of the persistent dilemmas confronting the Catho lic Church in America is the question of what to do when the Church is publicly attacked by both the professional. and amateur anti-Catholics in our midst. vie have just gone through - - - . - - - - - - - the usual Spring season of silence in the face 01 attack. It is righteous anti-Catholicism. an argument for perspective and It seems to have become against the hasty. ill-considered
Asserts Charge'
Is Unwarranted
Protestant grit d u ate of the
,Georgetown University school of
foreign service here has taken
issue with critical remarks made
by Methodist Bishop G. Bromley
Robert W. Berg, of Washing-:
ton, contradif;ted Bishop Ox
nam's views in a letter to the
editor of "the Wafihington Post.
In it Mr. Berg said, in part:
"Since the founding of this
school some 38 years ago, the
student body has reflected every
shade of religious philosophy.
The faculty in turn reflects a
most Iiberlll composition of re-'
ligiOl,IS belief.
"The charge that an unhamp
ered pursuit of truth Is impos
sible and indeed contrary to
principle is unwarrented and un-'
THEIR SON OUT OF RED JAIL: Mr. and Mrs. John mannered. His \Bishop Oxnam's)
statement,that students' trained
Houle hold a picture of their son, Father John A: Houle, by Jesuits are conditioned, there
in their GleIldale, Calif., home after receiving news that by raising serious questions from
he has been released by the Chinese Communist regime. the standpoint of the mainte
Father Houle, a Jesuit missionary, was sent~nced to prison nance of democracy. is singularly
unbecoming a learned man."
in 1954 on alleged charges of espionage. NC Photo. Bishop Oxnam's remarks were
made in commenting on plans
.Mary.knoU Sisters Purpose Is to Instill of American University, a Pro Continue to, Expand Careful Driving Duty . testant institution in Washington MARYKNOLL (NC) - The WORCESTER (NC> - The supported mainly by Methodists, I' to establish a new school of in- , Maryknoll'Sisters have opened 37 Archconfraternity of St. Christo new mission stations since 1952, pher will-be introduced into the ternational service. It was announced at their United States when a chapter is Expect Six Million
motherhouse here. There are now . organized here June 30.. 94 Maryknoll convents through Purpose of the confraternity is To Visit Shrine ".
to instill a keen awareness of the out the world. ROME (NC)-The Interna1 To compensate for the closing obligation to drive carefully on of missions in China. the Sisters the highway under ,the guidance tional committee for the Lourdes centenary celebrations expects have started work on Formosa, of st. Christopher. The Worcester chapter will be six million pilgrims to come to
establishing four new centers. And, in addition, three convepts founded after the dedication by the celebrated Marian shrine in
are engaged in relief and educa Bishop John J. Wright of Wor southwestenl France during the
tion work In Hong Kong. ' cester of a roadside shrine to st. jubilee year which begins next
The number of African houses Christopher, patron of trav~lers. February 11.
has grown from one in 1952 to The Bishop will also bless auto Pope Pius XlI has alread,y
fi've in 1957. The newest Is sit mobiles assembled the center. composed a prayer to be recited
uated at Morogoro where the B· h C N d by Lourdes pllgrlms during the
.Sistei·s have opened the first ' ~5 Op asey ame centennial observance and has
Catholic secondary school for of Lincoln att!Lched to It II three-year In
girls in Tanganyika. WASHINGTON (NC) _ His dulgence for each time it is re
The Sisters have now estab Holiness Pope Pius XII has cited near the Lourdes grotto.
lished convents In seven Latin named the Most Rev. James V. American countries. Six new Casey to be Bishop of Lincoln, schools were operled in Chile Nebr. When it's time during the last five years. Bishop Casey WRS named TituJar Bishop of Citium lind Auxil to retire' e . . . Buy Sisters T'ake Charge iary to Bishop Louis B. Kucera . Illf Lincoln on April of this year. In Sudan Hospital
He was consecrated. by Arch OMDURMAN, 'Sudan (NC> ~ bishop Cicognani in St. Raph Four Catholic Staters took over, a~l's Cathedral•.Dubuque. Iowa, the maternity section of the gov on April 24. Bishop Kucera died ernment hospital here, marking May 9. the first time that nuns have taken charge of a government· hospital in predominantly Mos lem northern Sudan. The Sisters of the Verona Order (Piou~ Mother of Nigrizia) have a 10 hour work day. . .In southern Sudan, where the majority is pagan with a small Christian minority, the Verona. Sisters operate three hospitals and dispensaries.
~talldard operatirl'g procedure for and over-excited reaction. .. The second truth Is another each Protestant convention to recognition: that, in Father Hen jnclude at least 1"i de Lubac's words, "the Catho lic Church is seen, with ever-In one anti-Catholic lecture on creasing clarity, to be the one the agenda and effective guarantee of spiritual this year, from liberty . . . ,The Church always ~oast to coast. was and always will be the source we have been of human liberty and the mother Imbjected to the of freedom. Liberty of thought usual oratory and of the individual, Libel'ty of Il.bout the "anconscience in the family and the ti DemoState-these always stem from ~ratic" sPirit of the limitation of the temporal the Catholic power." Butr-and this' .reminds Church, the "threat" she poses us again of the first truth-"In to the "American way of life," sofn"r as she persists in remind etc.• etc. ing the world of (this) Iact, the' Despite the stale samen~ss of Church can never count on the anti-Catholic. accusations. peace." the American newspapers never Best Reply ,;tem to tire of giving liberal The third truth, I believe, is ,;pace and prominence to this . kind of material. Indeed, the the fact that each new public at likelihood of capturing national tack on the Church ]JlUSt be headlines may be one of the real evaluated individually; the dam reasons for including a dose of age of each blow must, so far as anti-Catholicism at most Pro- it is possible. be measured ac testant conventions. curately so that serious damage Two Methods on the one hand will not go unThe dilemma confronting the repaired and only trivial damage Church is simply this. Catholic on the other hand will not be Ilpokesmen may de<;lde that, un- exaggerated or inflated by a dis (ler attack. silence Is the best proportionately massive reply. preservative of the Church's digThe fourth truth is that, no nity. But silence may be inter- matter what the provocation, the best reply 'to an attack on the preted by the public at large not Church'is one that embodies and IlO much an indication of dignity exemplifies all the natural and itS a sign of guilt. supernatural virtues Including Catholic spokesmen may deh eide accordingly that each new c arity, pruaence, courage, wls attack on the Chtu'ch should be dom and patience. Proper Balance promptly and vigorously answered. But they then risk the loss of Concerning the.. practical that dignity that has always been mechanics of defending the the hallmark of Catholicity. Church with a maximum of adLurking Danger "antage and a minimum of d.isArgument alwa.ys has the ten- aovantage, we might well ex (lency to' drag the best-Inten-.· amine the 1"~ent sllggestlon of tloned' participants down to the some American Catholics- both lowest leve), and some Catholic lay a·nd clerical-who are con Il.pologists In this country have vineed religious tensions are ris not been entirely successful in ing in this country. countering the anti-Catholic deTheir I:ontention is that the magogues without getting down Church should ha~e.a national to their level. When one has been office, staffed by knowledgeable eta'bbed with the charge of anti- men who can, in fact. answer Americanism, the temptation to anti-Catholic accusations in to inflict a similar wound Is some- day's headli!;les and who can do times almost ·overwhelming. so in tomorrow's headlines. Such A second disadvantage of the an _office would be similar In pouncing-rebuttal approach to some respects to the JeWish A~: Il.nti-Catholic attacks Is that the tl-Defamation'League which Is public mity Infer the Church has commendably' al6ft and sensitive not 'much more to offer thana to anti-Semitic dangers in their Jllegative, defensive mechanism. most Incipient forms. As a matter of fact, If ChurchCurrent Appra.isal men are going to be pre~c~uPied . As I say. I .think such a sugges: with and chronically dIstracted tion merits careful consideration . . by the inflammations of e v e r y . professional anti-Catholic, they Cer!am~y It would seem to reheve will not have either the energy a great part of the apo~Og~tic or reflective opportunity to pre- burden. from the back~ of· mdlvi sent in Its fullness the positive, dual bishops a';"d theIr c~ancel sPiritually 'fertile content of lors who are concerned With the Catholicity. positive mission of the Church. Pond~rs Course I would make only one further Although c~lumnlsts seem, by s,!~gestion in this .,,:hole mat~er. nature, to be cocksure about H IS that o~r tradItIOnal COUIs~S everything that occupies their of apologetics .in . ~u.r cath~~lc sttentiQn, this columnist frankly colleges and uDlversltles be. acknowledges uncertainty about ically ~xamine~ t.o ~e~elmme the exit to' this dilemma. whether they ale leahstlc. that I do think, however, that if Is, whether .they .are geared t~ cetraln truths are kept in mind. the ap010getl~s problems of ~he some of the harsh features of the Church in mld-20t.h ceD:tury or dilemma can be. softened and the whether they are stIli deSigned .to horns of it blunted somewhat so answer textbook argumen~s that that we can live with It a bit were curren~ about the time of more comfortably. Luther, Calvm and Wesley.. From Awa.y Back Summer Sessions The first truth is the simple WASHINGTON (NC) - The recognition that, since the first days'of the Church there has 'Catholic University of America been hostlli.ty on the part of the here has opened Its summer ses Bions which will run through State and. the present accusa tions of "anti-democracy'" are August 9. There will be 472 class es in 37 departments offered on .. merely the most recent manifes I1he graduate and undergraduate t.l'oUf'lVl of that hostility. This j.~ not an aj'gument for alltomatlc levels by a staff off 266 teachers.
276 Central St, Fall River OSborne 6-8279 APPRAISER REAL ESTATE
WY 3-5762
, MART Michael ami Edward Nasser Proprietors
OSborne 4-2047-3-9381
Third Order Regular of St. Francis Offer to young Men and Boys-special opportunities to study for the Priesthood. Lack of funds no obstacle.' Candidates for the religious Lay· Brotherhood also accepted. for further information, write to
looks of the Hour
Work of Fall-Away Author Shows M·isundersta.nding· By.
THI ANCHOIt Thu ..... lu,,; 27, 1957
;·Mlssionaries· Really Earn Their Salt ~EW ROCHElLE (NC)-Mls. slonaries ,working among the JI· varos of Ecuador, noted fOI' their skill 1n shrinking human heads. really earn their salt. That's what Salesian Father A. ,Joseph Louis reported altel' re turning here from a visit to Salesian missions 1n South America. He said that some JI varo parents demand a payment of salt from the missioners. for allowing them the privilege of teaching their children. Helping the Jivaros Is well worth the expense and effort. Father Louis stated. The board Ing schools have produced many Cbrlstlan marriages and a num ber of new' Christian villages ara being established near the mis sions. From among the sons and daughters of these Christian par ents will come a nucleus of JI varo priests and Sisters.
D. Bern~rd Theall, O.S.B.
One wonders if -Mary McCarthy, in her Memories of a Catholic Girlhood (Harcourt BraGe, $3.95) has cposen her title as one more way of striking a 'blow at the reli gion that .was once hers, and that she. no~ so thoroughly misunderstands and detests. For it is probable that not gestion of error. in the remem brance of the sermon-to. those' a few uninformed potential who object that no priest could' readers ,will· pick up the possibly say such a thing,the au
book, taking It for what It Is thor replies arily: "I agree that not-the story of a girlhood that it could not be pl'eached here (1n was l' e a II y,
the U. SJ tOday-not since the rather .t han
Father Feeney case brought mat simply extern
SOUTH KOREA :LOOgS BETTE'R: Meeting for the ters to a head" (whatever that e.lly, Catholic.
means).. But, she goes on, "An first time since the sad days of 1950 when they experienced It Is an al American priest would still be' one year's imprisonment together by the North Korean most classically' free to believe privately. that sad story of or Protestants are' damned, good Reds, are Father Philip J. Crosbie, Columban: missionary phaned child in Korea, and Sgt. James D. Cofer of Oklahoma. They are and oo'd alike." , hood that be -I suppose it I all depends on looking at a map.showing the spot on the Yalu River where gins the book-' :, means· by being "free" they were captives. An account of their prison ordeal has the sudden to believe this. Physically, one been"published, u,nder the title, March Till They Die, b~ dea th of young would be free s8 to believe. With and brilliant, If Newman Press. NC Photo. in the'limits of orthodox Cath financially ir olic theology, no priest could so responsible, parents, then the - believe or preach. And it Is hard Ba'ndmaster. Dies Bakery and Delicatessen rearing of the ~uthor and her to see how Miss McCarthy can, AN~APOLIS (~C) A Re
three brothers, first by their in good' faith, be ignorant of this. Fairhaven quiem Mass ·was offered In St. 364 Main St. McCarthy relatives, later by their Lacks Understanding Mary's Church here for Pasqual
VATICAN CITY (~C) - Mer maternal relations. the Prestons, (Pop) De Santis, 95. former • Fish and Chips Fridays LIke the Amel'1can philosopher -chant seamen make a great con a Protestant family living In Santayana; Miss' McCarthy tribution to uniting 'natlons In .. chief bandmaster at the U. S. • 'Baked Beans and Brown Minneapolis. Bread .Saturdays The portrait of grandmother thinks highly of the Intellectual peaceful collaboration, Pope Plus ~aval Academy; Mr. De Santis re.tlred In 1923 • Pizza on order Lizzie McCarthy Is frighteninglY and artistic contributions of XII said in a broadcast. Alluding to his own "arduous after 20 years as bandmaster. He recognizable as· representing one Catholicism to the world and to the enrichment of the individual task. as helmsma'n of the mystic Joined 'the ~avy in 1893, A native type of Pharlsalcai. purely ex WY 2-0946 ternal Catholicism, with, which life. But it Is, she ,says, damier::" . ship of Petel·..·and to the gi'ateful of 'Italy, he served six years in the Argentine army before Im-' Mohammedan ous morally (like devotion with· which the seamen all of us have at one time or an welcomed a few years ago the migrating to the united States other come In contact. And, Ism) because of, Its claim to unique validity. The Perfect Gift . apostolic letter. COllfirming St. In 1892. though Miss McCltrthy Is surely ~othing In the preface to the Francis of Paula as thelr.patron. intelligent enough to realize the .for Your Loved Ones dangers of ,generalizing from (\ book (where these statements he held· up the saint as their _ appear) Indicates more than a model. type. It would seem highly pos superficial understanding of the The Pope said that mercha-nt Sible that this early contact In FUNERAL HOM'E fluenced a latel' feeling toward . faith she Is so proud to have left seamen. fishermen and crews of because it posits a God Who ex AIII' Conditioned commercial liners would. ,profit
the Church. acts obedience 'In return for, In-' spiritually In their professional
Manuel C. Faria
Too Dickesian finite lov~the kind of love that. Director After a brief period with the' may yet make a ,mockery of her lives by exercising their' tasks
Perpetual Remembrance Lady Attendant
elder McCarthys, there followed own defiant words, "I shall never for the common good of the '
• In Dally Mas. several years with a McCarthy - send for a' priest nor recite -an nation. 589 South Main Street , He urged that· men 'of the
.grand-aunt and her incredible Act of Contrition in my last mo Fall River OS 9.6~62
The Living and Deceased "peaceful navies" be guided by
~usband, Uncle Myers, who is ments," Christian spirit and' love of
a Be Enrolled. May almost too Dickensian to be true. theil' country. Both. would help
Again, Miss McCarthy adnilts Illuminated Certificate them to become, he said, techni
·the incredulity with which she for Each Member cally expert In their respective
herself has set down the story of positions, watchful In their worle, Enrolled his planting under the cloth- at Funeral Home and ready to make sacrifices
her place at the dining table a HOT SPRlliGS, Ark. (NC) , Enrollment $5.00 Courtesies tin butterfly supposedly stoien The largely lackadaisical attitude', which duty might demand of
0 i"'*':~.
from a smaller brother. Uncle. of the -American public toward them. Write To:
571 Second St.
Myers then "discovered" the toy," labor rackeetering was criticized Rev. Father Rector, O.F.M.
and a most sevei'e whipping for Fall· River
here "bY U.S. Senator John F. little Mary followed, OUR LADY'S CHAPEL
Kennedy of Massachusetts. From this sort of menage the Franciscan Fathe,.
Speaking before the Arkansas little McCarthys were rescued by 572 Pleasant St. New o Bedfo,d
Bar Association he said: . ~ FUNERAL HOME their maternal, Protest:lnt rel , "It is the public that tolerates atives (their maternal grand 986 Plymouth Ave. mother was Jewish), though with corrupt, frightened 01' simply the understlmding that they apathetic public officials • • • It Fall River would be raised as Catholics. The Is the pu\1l1c that pays higher . OS 3-2272 . decision to leave the Church was taxes as the result of this labor ..F.UNE~AL HOME made.. Miss McCarthy makes rackeetetlng. but' does little or nothing about. It···· • It Is the plain, by her a-lone, without any 550 Locust St. Fall River. Man. ATTLEBORO, MASS. sister influences being prought ,public that shrugs off these sor did tales as .Inevitable develop .05' 2-2391 to bear. ' Dally Masses: 6:30,'.7,
In a way that· one would think ments about which nothing can Rose E. Sullivan ' 8 A.M.
be done," impossible for so gifted a writer Jeffrev E. Sullivan_ Confessions Dally:
The general public has the Mary McCarthy has. In this boOk' 6:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. greatest responsibility of all, he made Ii caricature of every Cath~ Funeral Devotions ori SUNDAYS olie figure in her early life (with stated. Admitting that the problems the exception of Grandmother begin year round at Dir.,ectors. McCarthy who Is all too real.) are "seemingly Impossible. to r 3:00 P.M. Nuns and priests are all of a kind overcome," he - asserted, "What 469 Locust st.,' Fall River we' need is not despair. but ac~ . P.erpetual Novena to Our -fatuous, stupid (though at 'TEL. OS 2-3381 Lady of LaSalette every tempting, in their Ignomnce, to tlon: an approach' not of resig R~g. nation, but of illumination." evening at 7:30 P.M. be cunning) and dishonest. $30.00 In reviewing disclosures made Disparages Clergy Organizers of against high-ranking officials of With 2 prs. Pants $26.00 In describing a childish epi Pi~grimages sode in the Confessional,' Mary the Teamstel:- Union -before the. McCarthy intimates that the Senate Rackets. Committee, of Please Contact, which Ife Is a member SenatOl' inc. confessor was thor.oughly disap the lawyers to Kennedy urged pointed when a sin of impurity 55 William St. N. Bedford which she had confessed turned supPort Federal .legislation that would protect union members TEL. Attleboro 1-0008 ··Open AU Day Wednesd!'1 out to center only about Q mat from the manipulations of cor ter of loolting up wordS In a dic . 549 COUNTY Sf. tionary. As the episode is here' rupt . officials. presented, the. priest Is' pictured NIEW BleDFORD, MASS. YOUR . DOLLAR· BUYS New Editor as being desperately de.terminel1. by sly questioning;' to bring, out . LOS A~GELES (~C) ~ Msgr. a taie of picturesque depravity. Patrick Roche, assistant superin NOCIJ(IEIlSON, tendent of archdiocesan "schools, . But, though Miss McCarthy at THAN EVER BEFORI tempts, 1n relating other stories has . been named editor of the FlUNlElRAIL of childhood, to point out how Tldings newspaper of the Los See u. foil" the BfSlOfAL 1111' CI
I exaggerated her small Imaglna", Angeles archdiocese. He succeeds Ford Calf Olf Truck
and tlon may have made them. thera' Msgr, William E. North, editor is no such qualification for ,this since JuIY,1949. . M~lI'IllUlll'lrMtll1lit Services tale. Msgr. ~orth, 9.. member of the Again, . another priest L<i pic archdiocesan board of consultors. S~rvlng thlt Cape and FORD DEAURS IFOR OYlER ... YEAllli ; tured as sermonizing ahoRt the served the longest tenure among Surrounding CommunitleQ inevitability of damnation for aU the editors 1n the 62-year h1story tCAPIi COD, MASS. 1344-86 Purchase St. New ledford, M€l5I. Pt·otestants. There is no sug of the newspaper.
Merchant Sai,lor Effort Praised
Public Apathy
Michael E. O'Rourke
D. D. Sullivan' & Sons
MEN'S Summer Silits
.Mithael-(. Auslin
Rev. Father Director
MORE FORD in 1957
THE ANCHOR Thlllf~., Jllne 27, 1957
Hollywood In Focus
'Current Trend Cultivates Ridicule and Resentment'
Polish Religious Spilr'it Stronger ROME (NC) - The di~ mate for religious freedom has greatly improved in Po~ lando and religious spirit
By William H. Mooring
Several thousand young Catholics of America vote
the following 10 their film favorites of the year. '
Tab Hunter (who in my recent Extension survey
polled double the 'Votes given any other)' Rock Hudson
Natalie Wood, Tony Perkins, ' ,
Sal Mineo, Debbie Reynolds, Jayne Mansfield and Marilyn
James Dean, Robert Wag- Monroe among those whose re
ner, John Saxon and Marlon cent movie efforts have "been
Brando. Elvis Presley ran 14th, with Yule Brynner and his new Oscar tumbling, lifter.' AIm 0 stall' these Catholic youngsters coldshoulde\' "love stuff" In which movie stars of middle age 01' '.over, rep e a t J with younger pal·tners the 1'0mantles in which they became famous 20 or 30 years ago. They dislike "down-beat" films. . According to statistics by EI'lc Johnston, czar (or should one now say commissar?) of the film industry. the number of 10- to, 19-year-olds in the U.S.A. hit 25,137,000 In 1956. He says there also is a rapidly increasing numbel' of people over 65 who have leisure time Ilnd money tor movie _ going. Does' Hollywood offer them any Incentive to spend it'l Recent studio previews leave me in doubt. • I have seen our well-seasoned Gary Cooper, as a rich, American roue In Paris, making dlshonorable passes at several women, Ineluding the youthful Audrey Hepburn- one of the top 20 In my Exte~slon poll. "Love in the Afternoon", a sophisticated comedy, purports to end up happily. but how is a nice, young gfrl to expect happiness with a lecher? Is not a sophisticated comedy to take any account of probabl1ltles? "SQur Stench:' ]; have seen Burt Lancaster as a vicious, tyrannical American news columnist in "Sweet Smell of Success", which Clifford Od ets and Ernest Lehman might more appropriately title "SOUl' Stench of Failure." This colum nist bribes the police to "frame" or' beat up those who get in his way. He bullies and blackmail~ an indiscreet Senator, pushes around a boot-licking press agent (Tony Curtis) and lJJ. conceals a 61ck emotional interest in his own sister. Apart from the fact that, p a l' tic u 1 a r 1 y If this film shows abroad, American law en forcement, government; "free"
press and family life stand false ly "smeared" what good purpose can such a movie serve? Does human degradation and deprav!t.y, high-lighted in many of Hollywood's ambitious new pictures, take sensible account of the healthly recreational de mands of American youth? Can such unrelieved evil hold any real Interest for those whose tastes In drama are aged by some wisdom and discernment? Aside from the old and young, are the rest of America's 170,000,000 60uls and more likely to respond to movies as a reliable source of pleasure, once the sampling pa tron runs into horrors of the kind mentioned? Where In fact is the public for such. unqualified dra matic concentrates of human baseness and misery?
enough to drive a pers~n of an:y:
taste away from movies for a
Where the trouble begins insofar as emphasiS on'human misery
Is, concerned. Is evident to the
~onest observer. Some of the
fmer Hollywood talents go to
waste ,because those endowed one thmks here of Clifford Odets.
Ernest Lehman, Tennessee WIl lia,ms, Budd Schulberg, Billy
Wilder and a few others-seem
unable. to catch in their work,
the fa.mtest sign of. human re
demptlOn. Unhappy people who
see drama only in the Jives of the
spiritually lost, blind themselves
with their own brilliance.. They
ca~mot "see" the people they
vamly hope to entertain.
Welk and Teen-arers
Lawrence Welk who's ott with
his ta~ilY this week, on a Euro
pean Jaunt that will take In the
Vatican, is planning another TV
Show for the Fall. Music for
teen-agel's will be the theme and
although Lawrence wql not do
the whole thing himself, he WILL cater to youths who like good, pop ~USlc:. a timely and con structlve bid to compete with the zulu influence and jungle beat of some so-called "popular bands". And he's going to. give the youngsters music they'll like. too. Lov~joy as McGraw When we shared a table with' Frank Lovejoy at Hollywood's movie-TV annual Communion Breakfast last February, I thought what a fine series he might do as a priest: a kind of friend and counsellor helping to solve different situations. TV couldn't see anything like that, although opportunities for comedy and pathos abound. In stead NBC-TV saw Lovejoy as McGraw, "the guy who'll go any where; do anything inside the law, for a buck!" Theil' quotes, not mine. So we begin Frank's new series, "Meet McGraw" on NBC-TV, Tuesday, July 2nd, at 9 p.m. PDT. I couldn't get much out of Lovejoy who Is as press shy as Garbo, but I hope his tine talent Isn't going to be wasted.
Bill Exempts Private
Schools From Tax .
. APOSTOLIC DELEGATES IN ROME: Pictured in Vatica.n City is Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani 4Posto~lc De.legate. to the U. S., who was granted an aUdi~ enc~ WIth ~I~ Holmess P~pe Pius XII. Archbishop Cicog nam also VISIted the offIce of the Secretaries of State. ,Ne Photo. '
Prayers and. Funds, Needed by Missions
Spirituality Is Key To Happy Marriages
ROME (NC)-The ~wo things FAIRLEE (NC) - Lack of which the Church's missions are spirituality in marriage is' the most In need of are prayer - of h' f thanksgiVing for success,' and c Ie cause of divorce, a priest petition for greater achievement expert on family life told a Cath -and funds- that missioners . olic women's meeting here In may have the material aid to Vermont. ' , take advantage of opportunities Msgr. 'Irving A. DeBlanc, dlpresented by God. rectot of the Family Life Bureau This statement was made by National Catholic Welfare Con~ His Eminence Pietro Cardinal ference, declared love is "fIve Fumasoni-Biondi, !'Eefect of the dimensional." The five aspects Sacred Congregation for the are the spiritual, the intellectual, Propagation of the Faith. The the physical, will power and Cardinal spoke at the annual warmth. plenary meeting of the Pontlfi"Spirituality is the cause of cal Mission Aid Societies meet- more slJccessful marriages, and ing here. the lack ~f it the cause of more The prelate pointed out that divorces than any other single although the Church's mission- factor," he stated, adding a great ers are having' extraordinary many marriages fall today be success in some areas, such as cause "families do not know what Formosa and Southern Afi'ica, love is or how to love." "Only in there are other areas of the proportion as a couple love each world r.- Sudan, for Instance _ other can they really love God," where the Church's mission work is being· thwarted.' The twofold [ splution to these problems is prayer and financial aid, he said.
among tbe :polish people is . stronger than it has been in many years. This appraisal has been made by Father John Mix, American born Superior General of the Resul'l'ectionists, who has just 'i-eturned from a tour of his con gregation's 18 parishes in Po~ land. Everywhere, he reported, the churcbes are full and religious devotions many. One 'parish, he said, distributes approximatelY 5,000 Communions weekly, Priests are free to pi:each In churches and religion Is taught freely in the schools, he contin ued. , . But no Church orgal11zatlons are permitted, he said, and there is no really free Catholic press. Some Catholic publications ex ist, he noted, but they are closely watched by the communist gov ernment. , Many priests work under diffi cult circumstances, Fathel' Mix observed. A numbel' have to travel long distances in open wagons in severe Winter weather to celebrate 'Mass in some areas. Others must teach more than 3~ hours of religious classes a week in addition to their many other duties.
SOUTH END ELECTRIC CO. Electrica.l Con'tractors 464 Second ·st•. FALL RIVER
OSborne 2-2143
The New Oral Tablet For
Jhe Treatment of Dtobetes
Truck Body Builders
Aluminum or Steel
944 County St.
House has passed by voice vote WY 2-6618
8: blll which includes a provision to exempt private and parochial non-profit schools and 'colleges, from Federal excise taxes. However, Rep. Aime Forand of Rhode Island, whoSe Ways and Means subcommittee drew up the Qlll, said the Senate is not ex pected to complete action on it ' until next year. Private schools pay levies on many Items they purchase, such as school buses, typewriters, cabi nets I\nd desks, as well as on the :' cost of long-distance telephone I calls and the cost· of transporting ~ school groups or school officials, even when they travel in behaJt ~ of the institution. Warning Bell The exemption for private non ;Even secular critics of the em-' profit schools was approved by Falmouth to Chatham. Inence and liberality of the "New the committee on the grounds York Times" Bosley Crowther that It was unfair to tax private ;.1. Sagamore Orleans I'.' and PointstoBetween begin to sound a warning bell. schools, while on th~ other hand, 1..1 ' Some point out that movies of public schools do not have to pay d l\ Scudder Ave.. ' ,i the "realistic school" are off on the levies. They are exempt be an entirely unrealistic binge. cause of their status as units of Hyannis, Others that the Hollywood trend local government. Opponents to the exemption in towards feminine exhibitionism Tel. Hyannis 665 Is cultivating public ridicUle as public hearings were, the Treas ury DepaTtment, which is oppos well as resentment. w You won"t be 10,.I'Y Crowther refers to' '''11evitable ing all revenue cuts, and a h'.'·.,.i., tomorrow If yOfjjl COU\. spokesman for an organization cffence to people who expect en us today , tertainment to rise a little above known as Protestants and Other DO IT NOWU ,1 the level of the bust". He names Americans United For Separation ~~1 Sophia Lol'en, Melina Mercourl, of Chw'ch and State (POAU).
Sold Only on Prescription
Surgical Appliance' Co. Pharmacy Hearing Aid Co. 0
Arthur J. Sltea; Prop.
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-COMPARE,' ,••• then ioin the
Sunbeam BREAD
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With Eyes of faith
Social Activities
God Love You
By Most Rev., Fulton J. Sheen, D.n. We are much more apt to:judge persons by the eyes of the flesh than by the eyes of faith, To the eyes of the flesh; lepers are the most pitiable of creatures: to the eyes of faith and to those who work with them, they are the most ·loveable. The following letters from a Bishop is typical of the attitude of,the Church: , "Far in the interior of our mission at an altitude of froan' six to nine thousand feet we have one hundred and fifty thou sand souls. They can be reached only bi plane. Thet'e is a veritable plague of leprosy. ,No one knows for sure but there are probably as many as three thousand lepers. We built a leper compound com posed of grass huts, and wards with fa cilities for some three hundred lepers. Now there are four 'hundred in residence there. The grass buildings show sign of collapse. Moreover', they are very dan gerous in case of fire. We, would like to build a permanent colony with cement floors, cut timber walls and gaJvanized -iron roofs. A ward for twenty patienb will cost two thousand dollars or a hun dred dollars per 'bed. I feel that the conversion of the whole pop, ulati'ln will be only a matter of time If we clln take proper car,e 0'£ the lepers." . ,
Whatever aid you send for these and other lepers of tile world, will be dispensed by the Holy, Father as the head of, the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Whatever you give to the Propag.a tion of the :Faith-1s distributed by the Vicar of Christ. GOD LOVE YOU to Anon: "Enclosed please find $5, a token of charity for the foreigl\ mIssions. The $5 Is from my disabled daugh ter,who is paralyzed and has been confined to a Wheelchair, without voice, for all the 27 years of her life." . . . to F.A.N. "Two dollars that was going to buy fwo pairs of stockings but I'll let myoId ones do." .. , to M:B. "I have a puppy bank. his face is very sad so I pass him around to beg for pennies for 'the Missions when company, comes. I am in the second grade and I collected 200 pennies so here's the' $2." . . . to V.C,J. "My mother. age 'seventy-eight, earned this $10 at the polls last election day and put It aside to send to you, she promises to do the same next time if she Is able to work." "If you seek Jesus vylthout Mary you seek Him in vain." In our beautiful st'atue of Our Lady of Television you will find Jesus being 'held up befoi'e the whole world in the' outstretched arms of His e Mother. We will send the white statue to you upon your request ac companied with a $3 offering for the poor l\nd· suffering of the wOrld whom the Divine Child and His Dear Mother love so very much! Ad dress: Society for the Propagation or the Faith. 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y.. 01' your own Diocesan Director.
Receives Degree H 0 NOR INDUSTRIAL IST: Recipient of an hon- . orary doctor of laws degree.. from St. Benedict's College, Atchison, Kans., is James'E. Dyer, of' Bronxville, No Y., President, Sinclair Refining Co." and leader of Catholic Charities work in New Yor~.
CatholiC! Actors Pick lKiernan as leader NEW YORK (NC) - Walter Kiernan. radio and, tel.evlsiol1 personality., has been named president of the Catholic Actors Guild. He succeeds Edward Eu gene (G,ene) Buck. song wrltel' and producer, who died last Feb ruary. Pat O'Bden, fi1m star, was named vice president.' He suc ceeds the late Gene Lockhart. Charles J. Maguire. motion pic ture executive, was named chair man of the executive board.,
ST. PATRICK'S FALL RIVER Officers and members of the! board ,of directors of the Wom en's Guild wl11 conduct a cak<t sale in the church basement after masses on Sunday, Mrs. Thoma/) Bagley, preSident, announces.
For what does it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, but ruin or lose himself? Luke. 9:25 ,
)eweled,.,' (ross NORTH ATTLEBORO
~e!l. thUi far ,t'r. '\,;uihoerl. Capuchin missIon. ar,. at Blessed VIr(in MIssIon at NaHila. India, hall only a rented shop for Ma!lll for hIs' par-isla, of 189 conver\!!. He has man)' more Jacobhefl under hliltruction and must soon have a proper chapel; for. even now most of the faUhful stand outside. The HoI)' Father approves hill pIe.!l· for $2,500 to build the chapel. Can )'ou heJp him a bit?
PENDING PIETY The liturgical and devotional life among the 18 Catholic famlliell in Kuruvai, India, i, pending. These simple peopllt recently reo settled here and soon began their small chapel. The materials and means are exhausted, but not their muscles. We need only $500 to bUY' materials to complete thll job.
No matter how yoU spell it or say it, it atU adds up to the same. Just as the crIpple at tlla temple ,begged help from St. Peter, so POOl!' missionaries everywhere, when dIsasters crip. - pIe essential mission activities, send An SOS to the Holy Father. Qften there's no time to ap peal. Your STRINGLESS GIFTS 'give hinn means to meet these needs at once. Won'~ you? Nothing.Is t~o small. •
Complete "
One friend wrote recently: 'Today Is our wedding anniversary my husband and' I decided to send our check for $10 to the Holy Father for ,the poor. It's oU,r gift to one another." Perhaps, there'll a sacrifice-something similar to this-you'd like tq make for him. Won't you do It regularly. He', always getting SOS's.
To be sure, only the Good Lord Himseli" will know how happy these six g'Irls will be SISTER PETER In Lebanon, SISTER' MARIE MARC in Egypt, and four In IndIa (SISTERS SIBIA, SHANTAL, WII,LlAl\'l and VARG. HESEl-when we can send each the 'good new~that a frIend will assure $150 she 'needil' yearly during her two in training.
NATIONAL BANK of New Bedford Mass: Ma;n. Office ~ Union andJ»leasant Sts. North End Branch 120.0 Acushnet Ave.
Two la'ds named PAUL lin Iraq and India), like St. Paul, wll1 ontt day travel far and wide In their native' missions, If a kind heart helps us keep them during six years training by sending $100 eacIA needs each year. 'ALBERT in Egypt also needs a· fl'iend, MAKE YOUR WILL GOD'S WILL BY INCLUDING HIS MIS· SIONS. '
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cor,poratioD '
YOU'LL NEVER KNOW How grateful FATHER KING is for eac1J. almll to help his, refugees. But for every $10 gift for his work among 920,000 Arab re£ugeefJ, separated from their lands and homes In Israel. he sends a lovely HOLY LAND ROSARY or OLiVEWOOD. In the name of Ule Holy Father he gives charity to homeless .Chrlslians ami Moslems alike.
Supe.r ,Markets • • -I .~ I •• I~ I• ••••• ••••• •
New Bedford
We Specialhe
WY 6·8867
Mildred Silva was chairman the ·luncheon committee.
.' . . '. • • • • • • ••
WASHINGTON CNC) - Prime Minister Nobosuke Kishi of Ja pan, who is, in the United States for talks With President Eisen hower, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and other high government officials, has been awa,rded an honorary doctorate of laws from Georgetown Uni versity.
Be'rthiaume Studio
Pennsylvanaa Congressman Scores Urnited States Aid to Red Tito
• ,e •~ friendly •. • • • •• -I
ST. PAUL'S, 'TAUNTON Mrs. Thomas Unsworth has. been elected president of St. Paul's Catholic Women's Guild, Taunton. Other officers are Miss Eileen Henchy, vice-president: Mrs. 'Oscar Hedberg, secretary. and Miss Mildred O'Connor, treas urer They will be installed Oct. 10, Mrs. Leo Conroy, retiring president, a11l10unces. , Miss Henchy entertained with colored slides of her travels. Mrs. ,
Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice-to it and mail it to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of. The 1;lociety for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth, Avenue. New York 1,_N~' Y., 01' your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. C.ONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street. Fall River,Mass. .",
WASHINGTON mc) - The McCormack. of Massachusetts, decision of the State Department House Majority Leader, asserted to reinstate military assistance that .the invitation to Marshal . to communist dictator Marshal Tito to visit the United States Tito of Yugoslavia is a "retreat from morality;' Rep. John P. was made originally without Sec Saylor of Pennsylvania said here. retary of State Dulles' approva1. In a statement pre'pared c for "I'm, satisfied," he said, "that delivery on the floor of the the invitation was made while he House, Rep'. Saylor asserted that '(Dulles), was in the hospita1." ·'this diabolical dear' is unfair That was last fall. Tito declined to the American taxpayers, to the invitation last spring, after the patdotic people of Yugo a large number of legislators, slavia who ;'could never achieve including Rep. McCormack, vig _ ~ peace of soul under the domina orously opposed the visit. tion of communism's Godless Rep. McCormack cited the Tlto doctrine," and to 0 "all Chris invitation as an, "undercutting" tianity." of Secretary' Dulles by "some Incidents Recalled persons and' elements in the The Congressman drew atten present Administration." He said tion to Tito's execution of Mik the "undercu'tting" could resuit hailovich, his persecution of His from the fact that some people Eminence Aloysius Cardil~al Ste "honestly disagree wit h the pinac, Archbishol> of Zagreb, and Secretary." . the shooting down of U. S. planes
which cost the lives of American' airmen. He said Tlto had boasted
of having witnessed the last
named incident in 1946.
"This,1s the man that the State
Department would now' present
with some 200 jet planes and
other lethal weapons," Rep.
Saylor said. He' asserted \that such a commitment would serve to build" up Tito's arsenal and
thereby add to the difficQlties of
the people of Yugoslavia "when their burning' desire for freedom ,can no longer be contained."
Brutal Setback
The Congressman called the
RANDOLPH decision a brutal setback to the millions of others in the world
who are at the mercy 'of com
munist brutality - regardless of
NORTON .- what brand of communism it e-, lllay be." Meanwhile, Rep. J 0 h n W.
~'l1eatFast ffiissions~
Msgr. Peter P. Tuohv, Nat'l Sec'y
Send all communications to:
Lexingto~ Ave. at 46th St. 'New York 17; N. ~.
Sports ChCllffer
AmericaWinning Favor of Iraq
Congress Againl Considers Sta"us of Pro Sports
WORCESTER. INC) - "The United States ·should be vigilant that It doelS not impose itself too stronglY upon the Iraqi nation," a Jesuit educotor, who has been there for 10 yel\rs, has cautioned. F.ather Thomas F. Hussey, S.J., is presiden~ of Al-Hikma Univer sity and Baghdad College, both staffed by ,Jesuits of the New England Province. He is residing at Holy Cross Colle~e here before returning to Irll'Q. The Jesuit explained he was giving· the advice despite the fact that American aid and influence have been gratefully appreciated in Iraq. He said that the Iraqi people, like people of other na tions, are sensitive to the pOs sibility of being Imposed upon. He declared tha t only through mutual understanding and edu cation can the West win their complete confidence and friend ship.
By Jack Kineavy
Professional sports, ba.seball in particular, are very much in the foreground today 5n the nation's ca~itol as a result of the opening of hearings by the CelIeI' Antl-Tl:ust Sub-committee. The object of the inquiry is to determme, on the .basis of evidence gathered, the advisability of slants had the Durfee hitters of! recomrpending to CongTess stride and the vaunted Hilltopper just never matrialized. the enactment of special leg offensive Third baseman McCormick of
1slatlon which would place pro fessional sports under the pur view of the anti-trust laws. This Is not the first time that baseball has been threatened by Fed era 1 control. But down through the years, Supreme Court decisions Involving the validity of the reserve clause and the exemption of baseball from anti-trust jurisdiction have fol lowed precedent and upheld the decision of 1922. In that historic case, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes expressing the majority opinion held that "Personal effort not related to production 1s not a subject of commerce. That which in its consummation 1s not commerce does not become commerce among the states be cause the transportation (of players across state lines) that we have mentioned takes place." Up to Congress Then in 1955 the Court decided that the legitimate stage and boxing were businesses subject to the anti-trust laws. Profes sional football was added to the list. The Court contended that the volume of Interstate business in organized football placed It within the provisions of the law. An Immediate reaction followed. The Court was charged with being inconsistent and illogical 1n subjecting football and boxing to but exempting baseball from the tenets of federal anti-tl'Ust. Bert Bell, Commissioner of the National Football League and a l'egistered lobbyist in the halls of Congress, subsequently began buttonholing Congressmen on the issue and the Celler hearings became reality. For Chief Justice Warren in handing down the majority decision in the football case had observed that any re course that was to be had should come from Congress Itself. Time Limit That Congress will eliminate the obviou~ Inequity by appro priate legislation is almost a certainty. Representative Hillings IR-Californla) has intI'oduced a bill which would place a five year limit on the reserve clause. All other phases of the game would be exempt. Colleague Keating R. N.YJ Introduced a second bill Which would put the business aspects of team sports under the anti-trust laws but would exempt playing rules and contracts. . Rep. Torbert MacDonald, (D.- MassJ, in a letter to the nation's sportswriters went along with Hillings' proposal to limit the life of the reserve clause. The former Harvard football captain and minor leaguer would legalize the clause for four years after which if the player has not made the roster of the malor league club he would be declared a free agent eligible to negotiate him self. . Plaudits are in order for the undefeated Durfee nine which annexed the State title at Hope well Park, Taunton, last Satur day. The game featured a pitch ing duel between Durfee's Tom Arruda and Paul Barbineau of Springfield Tech. Arl'Uda llmited the Western Mass. champions to four hits, while his oppon~nt gave \lp five. Tom registered 17 strike outs en route to his ninth win of the season. He made only one bad pitch and that to right field er Ken Rainey in the fourth. There were two on at the time and Rainey lined a 3-2 serve into right center field for four bases IRnd three runs. It was the only well hit ball off AlTuda nIl after noon. Meanwhile. En.1.'bin€uu'l! ilOt:t
Tech electrified the gathering again and again with the finest defensive exhibition of third base play this side of the majors. Shades of George Kell, that boy had an aftenloon! The 11th in ning 4-3 victory gave Durfee its first State baseball crown and it also marked the first time that the title was annexed by an undefeated team. The Hilltoppers closed out with an 18-0 slate. Once again it's All-Scholastic time. This area generally is over looked on first team selections out of Boston, but this year proved an exception. Durfee's Tom Arruda was a first team choice on both the Traveler and the Globe. Batterymate Russ Gibsori and Somerset'lS Jack.Fur tado joined Tom in the select Traveler group. The· Raider first baseman, Narry League batting champion, was the only Class B pnayer honored. Gibson, second baseman Luke Urban and center fielder Doug Baxendale wera named to the Globe bench which comprised players who were fin alists in choosing the All-SGho llllstic team. Furtado, Charley Parent of Prevost, and Dighton'S Al Tolley were named to the Class B All Star team. Two boys who made both the Traveler· and Globe teams have already inked professional con tracts. Tippy Johnson, the most heralded athlete to come out of Lynn since the late Harry Agga nis, passed UP a football scholar ship to Michigan State to sign with Milwaukee. Outfielder John Silvonic of st. Mary's of Lynn previously had signed with the Red Sox. Both boys will compete in the all rookie Nebraska League. The epidemic of . wholesale brawls that have plagued base hall this year reached a climax last week with mass fights in De troit. Chicago, and Brooklyn. Two incidents involved the Yan Itees; all three were prompted by alleged dusters. Significantly. the settos involved pennant con tending teams. Brush-back tactics have been tolerated, even anticipated after a long hit, for years. Players to day. however, are more conscious of personal safety than ever be fore and they are reluctant to go along with the established clay pigeon routine. The two-fold hazard that attends the duster the danger of injury to the hitter and the danger of injury as a result of retaliation-pla~es a heavy bmden on baseball offi cials. But it's a problem that has to be straightened out before baseball is reduced to mere l'OW dyism, or worse still, some one is killed.
.PRINTER.S , Main Office and Plant
. 'FIRST FACTORY' IN U. S. :-Festivities at James town, Va., commemorating the 350th anniversary of the founding of the first permanent English settlement there 'in 1607 recalrthe fact that artisans from Catholic Poland operated a glass works there in 1608, the first factory in America. During the Celebration, American Flint Glass Workers Union members dressed in 17th century crafts men costumes to demonstrate how the glass was made. NC Photo.
Auxiliary Plants
At New Car Dealers
and Service Stations Everywhere
Storage Warehouse Co.
Widow of Slain Policeman Earns Degree Hard, Way 'at Loyola . CHICAGO (NC) - Clutching her "sheepskin" to her bosom, a widowed mother of nine children said her brand new B.S. from Loyola University here "has been well worth the effort." Mrs. Bernice C. Brady, widow of a Chicago policeman slain on duty in 1945. admitted that nve years of night school at the uni versity have been "hard work," and said she couldn't begin to list the problems she's overcome to keep her family· together. After her husband was killed, Mrs. Brady went to work as a secretary. Her mother, Mrs. Katherine Crawley, who lives with her, cared for the children.
But Mrs: Brady was determined to become a teacher. After a few· years at Loyola, she started teaching at Queen of All Saints NO. 1 SPECIALIST IN
School here in Chicago. Now that LONG DISTANCE MOVING
she has received her degree she's a "real" teacher. .~/tn Mrs. Brady's oldest child, JlLUED Charles, is a law student at Loy YAIl LIIIU, ..... ola. Her youngest is Delia, 12. "We're getting along," said Mrs. ~I~U.S. ~~..... J ioSolYU· •• 1 i1r.~ Brady proudly to photographers FURNoITUR( DEPT:
as she posed with seven of her "19 JEAN ST. . NEW BEDFORD
nine children.
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.A OwJw; Af;1k fAlLl, ROVER, MASS.
,Cathedral Camp Provides Recreation, Education
Dreaming has played its constant part in the life of our youth from the very beginning. Like the children of every past age, today's children dream of their future. When such dreams of a brighter future fade, the world of today may well look with apprehension toward 'to balanced meals, and'varied ac morrow. And yet these tivities. also provides a well in dreams, to be fruitful, must tegrated religious program which
be rooted in the soil of solid we feel is so necessary for the Christian principles. complete camping experience. You see, children need educa Yet religion is not drummed into tion more than cliticisill. Wjth the camper at the expense of the this thought in mind it would be recreation and, sport which we hard to overenlphasize the 'all re,cognize as beIng so neces powerful recreational-education sary for the whole man. On the al opportunities offered a boy at contrary. in the natural setting Camp. Bishop-Spaulding, one of of Cathedral Camp, the camper the great bishops of our country. 'has the opportunity to live his pointed out, the pedagogical value r'eliglon in his sports. his song, of a summer camp when he said his crafts, his stories and his stu that camping is educational of a dies of nature as well as in his higher and more real kind than religious devotions. it is possible to receive in any By constant contact with Fr. schoolroom. , McMahon. the Camp Director, Camping at Cathedral is truly and the seminarian-counselors. educational-and educational in the campers are taught more by a very practical sense, for this example, by deed and by assolearning is' an experience that leads the camper not only to an understanding of ,the created worid but also to a greater ~ knowledge and 'love of the Archi tect of this universe. The counselor is the camp to the camper. The influence of counselor on camper is' inestima ble. It is quite natural that the counselor will have a hand in the spiritual development of the boys under his care. At camp, a boy lives with his counselor many hours a day and the COun selor becomes mother":"-and dad. brothel', pal. and hero to the camper. Boys have an omniver ous a'ppetite fOl' hero-worship and things that the counselor says and does bum long years in the memory of the camper. Thus, a camp must employ men, I who can. be models for the camper to copy.
, HONOR BROOKLYN BISHOP: Bishop Bryan J:. Mc , Entegart. at, left, is pictured as he was honored at a special luncheon on t~e day of his installation as Bishop of Brook lyn. He was the guest of approximately 1,000 ,priests and Bishops. Pictured at center is His Eminence Francis Car dimH Spellman of New York and at right, Bishop P. 'Kellenberg. newly installed Bishop of the new, See of Rockville Centre, N. y. NC Photo.
Seminarian Counselors Cathedral Camp is justifiably proud of its staff or counselors. Every department is under the direction of leaders chosen for their ability in the field they supervise. Ever,y counselor is a seminarian whose ,life'is dedi cated to the service of others and during the summer he is dedi cated in a special way to Christ's "little one's"-your sons and our campers. The example, leader ship and dedication of these seminarian-cowlselors is un equaled in afly other camp in the area and is a precious heri tage left us by OUI' predecessors the priests of the diocese. ' On JlU1e 29 Cathedral Camp ,will begin its 38th season. Open ing Day at' C,athedl'al is a time never to be forgotten. It is a time of shinin~ faces and hope ful hearts. of gap - toothed grins that hide a touch of child ish trepidation. It is a happy, yet -4,;;:> half-fearful,time ,to a child's trembling and anticipating spirit and what it means could be told on~y by a boy who has' had the thrill of being present at Open ing Day. But whether it tie Opening ~ay or not, the first dlliy he ar l'lves· at Cathedral Camp is a' time when a dOQr swings open in a boy's small world. revealing wondrous vistas; sailboats. bows and arrows, speedboats,baseball, horses, swimming, canoes. hikes. barbeques, crafts, campfires and overnights in the wilderness: It is a time of .comradeship in fun and laughter and in tests and trials; an experience which brings the boy just that much closer to the 'man. His stay at Cathedml Camp is a time.when the son whom your parents have rightly held so close takes his first step alone into a world which henceforth will be real to him: the worid of nature and the world of men, both be speaking the wonders of their common Creator. Religious Program Cathedral Camp. besides mak ing adequate provision for exer
wholesome living conditions. ciation than by books and serm ons. At Cathedral Camp religion is nC!t a separate and.distinct function in itself, but rather it is woven n~turallY into the com
plete fabric of the overall camp ing program. : At Cathedral Camp the camper is also acquainted with social values, based on an understand ing of American life and the workings to make those sacrifices
of self-interest that are neces~ sary if he is to live 'later with his feliow men in peace and unity. By rubbing shoulders with boys of every conceivable per sonality. the camper learns the give and take of life. Special em phasis is given to working and playing well with others. being 2'ood leaders and, followers. playing fair. and practicing Christian social courtesy. We ask you Catholic parents to consider seriously the possibi lity of giving your boy the ad vantage of the innumerwble so cial and spiritual benefits gained by a stay at Cathedral Camp. It is our fervent prayer tha' many more boys will have the opportunity to benefit from our wonderful diocesa(l. camp. We b~ lieve that Cathedral" Camp rates with the finest in the country from the standpoint of facilities. equipment. personnel, and pro gram necessary for healthy rec reation; moreover we offer that "something else" that Catholic parents must seek - dedication to the Catholic philosophy of fashioning youth in the image of Christ.
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