The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the sour, Sure and Firm-St. pour
Feill River, Mass., Thursday, June 27, 1974 PRICE 15c Vol. 18, No. 26 © 1974 The Anchor $5.00 per year
New Official Sacramentary Available After July 1 WASHINGTON (NC) -- The U.S. Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy has set July 1 as the distribution date for the offidal English Sacramentary, the- official liturgical book containing the prayers of the priest. who presides at Mass, to be used as it is available after that date. It must be used throughout the United States beginning Dec. I, the First Sunday of Advent, according to a directive from the bishops' committee and Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB), The new Sacramentary does not change the Order of the Mass hut provides nearly 2,000 new prayer texts, including opening prayers (used at the end of the Communion rite), and a large number of new Prefaces to the Eucharistic Prayer. In 1969, Pope Paul VI approved the new Sacramentary as revised according to the directives of the Second Vatican Council. The English translation, prepared by an international group of specialists under 'the direction of the International Committee for English in the Liturgy (ICEL) was approved by , the NCCB last November and confirmed by the Vatican in January. In a letter to the U.S. bishops, Bishop Walter Curtis of Bridge· port, Conn., chairman of the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, urged them to encourage their priests to use the Sacramentary as soon as it is available. and to discourage use by celebrants of booklets and pamphlets in place of the complete and official liturgical book. The presidential prayers (opening prayer, prayer over the gifts, and prayer after Communion) will not appear in any of the popular participation aids (mis-
Summer Mass Schledule Pages EIGHT and NINE
salettes) until June I, 1975, but this delay is not expected to affect or limit' congregational participation.
Bishopsl Paper G·ives State of US Church WASHINGTON (NC)-" American Catholicism is changing, not collapsing," said the bishops of t:'e United States in a state-ofthe-Church paper prepared for the world Synod of Bishops meeting in Vatican City this fall. The synod theme is evangelization and the U. S. bishops agreed that "effective evangelization lies at the heart of what is needed now." But in order to evangelize effectively, the Church must first understand what that means now and, second, "determine which (means) can best reach and touch minds and hearts today." These evaluations are contained in "A Review of the P~in cipal Trends in the Life of the CathoHc Church in the United States," written by the National
Conference of Catholic Bishops and released June 24. Noting that Catholic life has "changed markedly in the last 15 years," the bis:'ops said that "the pertinent issue now is whether Catholics in the United States are more powerfully formed and influenced by the Church or by secular society," They admitted that for a lar,ge number of Catholic secular soci- . ety's good and bad elements are the most important influence, but,' they added, another segment of the Cat·holic community stiLl holds Ohurch beliefs in a "position of centrality." The bishops listed negat·ive -and positive elements of changes. in Church life in this country. On the negative side: -"Polarization and ferment are widespread in the Church,
:Somerset Couple's Theme - "They'll Know WeAre Christians By Our LOl'e" "We were 23 and 21 when we got married and at that time 1 thought I was the happiest guy in the world. I had a beautiful wife who is a nurse and I have a good job with an electric company. We had everything going for us. We moved to Somerset about a year ago to a nice apartment, then we thought about having children.
"Well we went through eight months and 28 days and then we had a son. Oh, were we proud, but something was wrong; the doctor wanted to ·talk to us. "The baby, he told us, is a Down's Syndrome baby. It hit us. like a ton of bricks, we cried our hearts out for almost one whole day, but then. we f'eally started
look'ing at him as our son, not forgetting he will be a mongoloid, but our son. "He is three days old and we are so exicted about taking him home with us. We just love him more than anybhing in the world. "That's why when I got marr;ied I thought I was the happiest guy in the world, but I was Turn to Page Two
A VERY SPECIAL BABY: Three-month-old David Sperling is object of loving attention of his parents Colleen and David, of St. Thomas More parish, Somerset. David, a mongoloid, is subject of memorable prose poem written by his father three days after his birth.
not least in the Religious Hfe." -"The shortage of vocations to the priesthood and Religious life remains a serious problem." -"Departures from the active ministry continue at a disturbingly high rate." -"There -is even evidence that weekly Mass attendance has begun to decline significantly." -"Many Cathol-ics are tolerant of abortion in at least some ciroumstances, reject of-ficial Church teaching on means of family limitation, have a divorce rate not markedly different from that of other Americans, and regard most social issues very much as their non-Catholic coun· trymen do," On the positive side: -"Centers and movements for the study and practice of spirituality are springing up in many places." -"There is a deep and gr:owing interest in prayer," induding frequent confession, charismatic groups and spirtually _oriented movements for married couples. -"The spread of parish and diocesan councils has involved more people than ever before in the exercise of shared responsiIbility." . -"There is a strong and healthy interest in the future of Turn to Page Two
Victim of Palsy Living Example Of Pro-Life SPRINGVILLE (NC)-Douglas C. Emering considers himself "one of the pro-abortionists' ... targets," A cerebral palsy victim since infancy, 32-year-old Emering predicts that "they might 'still get me-considering me a 'misfit' !because my body trembles." Despite his handicap, Emering says he thanks God that he was born. "Life is an experience and everyone .. has a right to life. This is one's most precious possession and nobody on earth has the right to take it away from you. "Where do people get off thinking they have a right to terminate a life because they don't think it wiH be worth living, or because they think that life will be too much of a burden to someone else," he continues. ,Emering was fortunate in having loving parents who accepted their fate and that of their son. They loved him and were wming to give him every possible advantage in Hfe. ALthough his life has not always been easy, neither has it 'been empty. Emering, who is also blind in one eye, paints, Turn to Page Three
Catholic' Collection For Latin Appeal Weekend of June 29-30
Hire University Students to' Serve ,As (Guides to Vatican Museums
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 27/ 1974
Somerset Couple's Theme' _Continued from Page One wrong. Now that I have my son, I'm the happiest that [ could be, he's a bundle from heaven. . "Anyone who has a son or daughter that they find out is a Down's Syndrome baby, remember, just look at him, he's the most lovable thing in the world. "We thank God for sending us our son and 'the love we have for him. Like I said before, he'·s our angel from .Heaven ..." Sat Alone Those are the reactions of David Sperling, father of threemonth-old David. They came to him as he sat alone a few days after his son was born, and he wrote them for his Wille Colleen, who shared them with her nurse friends alt the Union Hospital in Fall River. They were so moved they asked for a copy for the hospital newspaper. Young David's grandfather was a~so moved. He had the lines lettered and framed and today they hang on the wall of t,he Sperling home at 3087 Riverside Ave. in Somerset. A visitor to that' home senses immediately its atmosphere of joy, centering on small David, kicking and cooing on a blanket and guarded not only by his parents' care but by Sasha, an enirmous St. Bernard. "Sasha's all right now," said David's father, "but she was very jealous . at first. She
Deplores Bombing Of Parliament VATIOAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican City daily newspaper, reporting the bombing of the British House of Commons, lamented "the senseless devastation" of such an august and wOllbhy seat of the history of the EngHsh people." In a brief front-page editorial, L'Osservatore Romano said that "counter to every civil reasonableness and despite efforts for peace being undertaken by the government of Great Britain," terrorists save struck again "to, blook and further alienate efforts toward conciI.iation."
Necrology JULY 5 Rev. J.F. LaBonte, 1943, Pas· tor, Sacred Heart, New Bedford. JULY 6 Rev. Edmund Francis, SS.CC., 1963, Pastor, St. M:ary, Fairhaven. JULY 7 Rev. James E. Lynch, 1965, First ·Pastor, St. Joan of Are, Orleans. JULY 8 Rev. Edward J. Murphy, 1887, Pastor, St. Mary, FaH River. JULY 10 Rev. Pie Marie Ber,ard, D.P.! 1938,' Dominican Priory, Fall River. Rev. Maurlice E. Parent, 1972, Assistant, St. Michael, Swansea. THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 lly the Catholic Press 01 the Oiocese 01 Fall River, Subscription price by mail, postpai~ $5.00 per year. •
'Wouldn't eat or drink for a week w,hen David came home from the ho~pital, and she wouldn't even look at Colleen. 'How could you do this to me?' she seemed to be saying." Families Wonderful The household also inclu:les Hodgie, . a cat, and unnumbered tropical fish, not' to mention David's nursery, literally bulging at the seams with stuffe:l animals and other toys. "He's not the first grandchild, ,but he's going to be the most spoiled," chuckled Colleen, saying th~at both sides of the family "have been wonderful" in their acceptance of David. She commented gratefuJly on growing public understanding of retardation. "As little as 10 years ago, children like David might have been hidden away at home or doctors would advise tha't they be put into insti· tutions""';'but if you loved him, how could you plit ,him away?" The young couple said they hoped for other children. "Doctors tell us there's very little chance of having another mongoloid child." And Colleen said, of her own experience as a nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit at St. Anne's Hosp~tal, Fall River, "I took care of many children like· David. It seems as if I was 'prepared for him without knowing it. " She said her son's care IS fairly mild and that he, is checked monthly by a doctor specializing in genetic defects. "There is so much more help available now for' children,", added her, hushand. At. nine months, he 'explained, David will begin an "infant stimulation program" to sharpen his senses and at three he will be eligible to attend a special nursery school sponsored by the Corrigan Mental Health Center, going from there to integrated pU!~lic school classes under the state special education system. Looking far to the future, the Sperlings hope ,for eventual establishment of a "retarded village"in the Fall River area, where handicapped! adults may live with dignity. From Beginning after David's Immedia'teiy birth, recounted his parents, Union Hospital personnel asked other parents of mongoloid children to come to the hospital and ~iiscuss their situation. "This was very helpful .and I'd certainly want to do, it for others," commented Colleen, who has already spoken to a nurses' classon he", experiences thus far with Da\llid. Her husband added that he had visited a few fa'milies with older mongoloid children 'and ,they too had been very willing to share their experiences. The Sperlings bel9ng to St. Thomas More parish in Somerset, and before her rt:larriage Colleen was for several years a member of a guitar group that played for weekly folk Masses at Holy Name Church,' Fall River. The young couple are livling daily the words of a song Colleen played many times:, "They'll know we are Christians by our love."
NAMED: Sister Mary Hennessy, a member of the Religious of the Cenacle, has been appointed director of the Boston Theological Institute, ,a cluster of eight Catholic and Protestant theological faculties in the Boston area. NC Photo.
from Page Ont> religious education." -"lIhere are many new and successful programs for the con-, tinu'ing education of clergy and Religious, as well as lay persons." -"National organizations and dioceses manifest a heightened awareness of the social dimensions of the Church's mission 'to minority and ethnic groups and a greater sensiti\lllty to such issues as women's rights." -"Ethical llnd moral abuses, ,such as legally sanctioned permissiveness concerningahortion, have: helped create a renewed sense of. unity among concerned Catholics." The bishops said that "the role of parents is crucial" in passing on 't:he Church's value systems. They called for greater parental involvement in rel'igious and moral education in Catholic schools and other progFams. Although society at large seems to 'foster more individuaHsm, there is at the same time a growing concern for community, the bishops said. They· pointed to how the Ohurch can help all people find community by playing a role of reconciliation-one of the twin themes of the 1975 Holy Year, along with renewal. "To do this, however, it ,must become more of a loving communityand be perceived as such-than it is now."
,Knights of Malta Aid' UN Program UNITED NATIONS (NC) The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which earlier contributed $46,000 to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to provide drugs and vehicles for the agency's leprosy control program in the Philippines, has offered additional funds to help improve the treatment of children ~ith leprosy. The Knights of Malta, a Cath· olic o.l1ganization fO,unded in Jerusalem during the Crusades in the 11 th century, is dev()ted to service to the poor, principally, in hO~p'ital work. .
Persegati estimated that last VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican museums have taken oh summer the museums were visa volunteer staff of university ited by at least half a million students to help out as guides persons during' the summer and guards during the peak months alone. Over the course of a year: he said, "we had a months of summer visitors. -Walter Persegati, secretary monthly mean of 112,000 visiand business manager of the Vat· tors, but during the summer we ican Muse,ums, Monuments and had a flow of 140,000 visitors a Pontifical Galleries, said the deci- month and even sometimes as ' sion to take on part-time student many as 200,000." As for the new program envolunteers has been forced on the museum because the greatest rolling university students as number of tourists and visitors guides and guards, Persegati said arrive at the museums precisely about a dozen are already at during the summer months when work. "'The pay is little," he ad: the regular staff of guards want mitted. but he said they had volunteered to serve in the museto go on vacation. The problem has been aggra- ums' "as a s:>cial service" to vated illso by the fact that under visitors. One of the university volunthe guidance of Persegati, the museums are now open from 9 teers, Teresa Zambrotta, a first a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Fri- year student in art history at the day, instead of from 9 a,m. to 2 university of Rome, said she p.m. as in the past. They are also took the job to learn more about open, 'on Saturdays and the last , the great works of art in the Sunday of the month until 2 p.m. museums. She added, "moreover, Persegati, who began length- I am fascinated by thz idea of ening the viewing hours, last being able to learn to know people from various countries year, said he had to do 'so be· cause the museums open to the and of different ages." Another volunteer, Umberto public U',':~se days are so vast that the public could not take Bartoletti, a political science in everything on display in the graduate, who is on duty in the shorter hours of the past. He said new contemporary art museum a second reason for lengthening said that "I am now beginning the hours was that entire com- to appreciate works of art which plex of museums covers more are difficult to understand and than four miles of corridors and which I think require, because galle'ries and' it is necessary to they are modern, long observa· spread out: the summer visitors tion which my work permits me to indulge in." over a longer time period.
Asserts Participation, Plannil1lg Solu'tions to Apathy in Church WASHINGTON (NC) - One solution to apathy in the Church ·is broad participation in the planning process, an official of the U. S. bishops sa,id here.
The Second Vatican Council' and Church documents since the council have encouraged shared responsibility and collaboration, he said.
He cited in particular the "Di"Persons who have a part in somellhing are . naturally going rectory on the Pastoral Ministry -to be more in.terested in it," said of Bishops," which stresses co:Father Michael J. Sheehan, assis- operation by all segments of the tant general secretary of the Na- Church in carrying out the tional Conference· of Catholic Church's mission, pastoral counBi'shops and U. S. Catholic Con- cils in every diocese, and ference (NClCB·USCC). "The de- ' planning in full consultation with cis ion-making process-that is representallives of the diocese's priests and people. where the action is." He was speaking here to participants at a Catholic University of America summer workshop (June 10-17), "Planning Tomorrow's Church-People and Process." Cosponsored by the uni\'ersity and Felix M. Lopez Associates, a human resources firm that specializes in Church, planning, the workshop drew about 20 persons ,.vho are involved in diocesan planning across -the country.
Father Sheehan pointed out l!hat Church attendance statistics 'and other indicators show a loss of interest in the Church among many Catholics today. While participatory .planning ,is, not the tatal solution to the problem, he said, it plays a sigllIificant role in generating interest and involvement in the Church,
The process of decisionmaking, .Father Sheehan said, is more important than the final decision. He oited numerous efforts by the NCCB-USCC to broaden participation in that process-from its own operations at the nationa'i level to the encouragement and assistance of parish and diocesan' pastoral councils at the local level.
Michael C. Austin
Bragging' 1ihere is no subtle spiritual evil in the fact that people a'~ ways brag about their vices; it is wbzn they begin to brag about their virtues that they become insufferable. ,-G. K. Chesterton
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Bishop .,Chavez Says Church Has Isolated Itself SAN DIEGO (NC) - "We in the Church have somehow isolated ourselves from the news media," according to Auxiliary Bishop Gilbert Chavez of San Diego. "By doing this, we are not as effective an inspiration and light to the world as we should be." In an interview in thE: South· ern Cross, San Diego diocesan weekly, prior to his ordination liS auxiliary bishop ·on June 21. Bishop Chavez said that many people are isolated today because of a lack of communication with their family. or Church. This feeling of 'isolation, he said, also leads to feelings of in· security and sometimes to drugs. "We all seek moments of se· curity," Bishop Chavez pointed out. "This is one thing we all want, y<lUng or adult. "Many of these people on drugs are .looking for that secur· ity t'hey somehow have lost in their communication with their family or in their religion or in their life." Bishop Chavez worked for .four years at a drug reha'bilita· tion center near Corona. Although the Church is doing many good things, the bishop noted, "We don't know' how to communicate this to the world outside the parish." The son of a farrnworker, Bishop Chavez said that the best suggestion to end the strife in the fields has been offered by the nation's bishops, who recommened free, secret ballot elections to determine whether the farmworkers w!1nt a union to represent them and, if so, which union. Tlhe Teamsters Union and the United Farm Workers of Amer.jea (UFWA) have been waging . a sometimes violent contest in rural California to win the rJght to represent the farmworkers. "We are interested in protecting the rights and the dignity of the fannworkers," Bishop Chavez explained. "They toil out there in the sun but they don't have the means of selecting their own ull'ion." Bishop Chavez also defended the use of boycotting, a tactic currently employed by the UFWA against gra'pe and lettuce growers.
Religious Freedom Seen for PortU!lal GENEVA (NC) Methodist pastor Ireneu Cunha" general secretary of the' Portuguese Council of Churches, predkted on a visit here that the military coup that overthrew the government of Portuguese Premier Marcello Caetano wiH have an -impact on the whole life of the country, including complete religious freedom. The predominant religion in Portugal is Roman Cathol-ic. There is freedom of worship in the country except for creeds incompatible with the morals and the life and physical integrity of the people. The concordat and missionary agreement between the Vatican and Portugal, however, regulates much of the reo Iigious activity in the country and its overseas territories. Some Protestants have felt that their activities have been restricted in Portugal.
Man's Creativity Must Not Repla(~e God, French Theologian Tells Institu~e
THE ANCHORThurs., June 27, 1974
Austra Iia Urged To Ch~nge Policy On Immigration
Christian mystery. What is visST. PAUL (NC) - The Mass ible within the liturgy must lead and its liturgy must not spring us further to what is invisible," from man's creativity, but from ,the living word of Christ, Father he said SYDNEY (NC) - A Catholic Louis Bouyer, a noted French Besides day-long seminars, the bishop from the Pacific island theologian and author, tc1d the institute also included evening kingdom of Tonga has urged sessions for the public. the Australian government to Institute of Spirituality here. abandon the "historical anachroSpeaking to about 1,600 per· nism of the White Australia sons at the institute, held at the policy" and allow Tongan na· ,College of St. Thomas here, tives to migrate to Australia. Continued from Page One Father Bouyer said that the Sec· ond Vatican Council intended draws, plays the guitar with his "If you cannot be Christian, the liturgy to be tobe center and one useful hand and a foot, at least be human," Bishop PatHfe of the Church from which writes poetry and types. He has rick Finau of Tonga said here. everything else would proceed. written a 30-page book in which "Australia professes to be a he strongly protests current Christian country. Well, Tonga The theme of. the four-day institute was "Reconcililation ahortion laws and consideration is Christian also, and it is sufferof euthanasia. It is entitled "Sin- ing. Through Growth of Prayer." cerely yours, Doug," "The liturgy is often inter"Th!! people are poor, there is preted as a kind of instruction· Love, Not Pity over-population, lack of employ· and reduced to a show to be People don't fool Emering. He ment, a depressed rural economy watched and not participated knows -those who are frightened and a medieval social structure -in," he said. "The emphasis on when they see him, and those based on a caste system of king, spontaneity and self-expression who deliberately avoid him be- nobles and serfs, foisted on us (within the' liturgy) often gives cause he isn't quite like every- 150 years ago by Christian misFATHER LOUrS BOUYER only a particular kind of religious body else. He deplores being sionaries and British colonial interpretatoin of the liturgy." called "cripple," or having some- practices. He asked ,the audience to use one say, "Isn't that tragdc? I feel Father Bouyer, a former LuWork Permits theran minister, said he was the sacraments; especially the , so sorry for someone like him," not against "creative" ways of Eucharist, as a means to par"The only way to ease the "Love me, but don't pity me," celebrating the Mass. But Cath- Hcipate in the liturgy. he says. "Don't cry in my beer; problem of poverty among the He further emphasized that I can do that well enough my- serfs is to allow them to migrate olics must realize that the lit· urgy is not the creation of man, "tradition and change provide self. I don't need your pity. I to countr.ies that can well afford the continuous opening of the need your love and understand- to have them. he stressed. ing, and love is not free- it "Australia's immigration polcosts your heart," icies do not allow permanent He says he views his handicap migration to Tongans at all, and in the same light as did Helen work p.ermits are only allowed Keller. "Thank God for my for people who might have skills SYDNEY (NC) - "Too many uncertainty at which point the handicaps, for through them I which Australia lackS. If there healthy bearts have been buried donor is to .be judged dead. found myself, my work and my were such people among the in the ground over the years," . serfs on Tonga, they would be "I have thought about this God," contends Dr. Mark Shanahan, deeply, but I've never experi· well off and have no need to one of three surgeons from St. E:nced any moral turmoil," he come here. Prelate Appointed Vincent's Hospital here in Aus- says. "I am asking Australia to put tralia who led the operating team "I believe that a human being To NCEA Post aside what is no more than an in performing Australia's second has to be functional to stay alive. WASHINGTON (NC) - Msgr. historical anachronism, its White initially successful heart trans-. Where you have no conscious Francis X. Barrett, superintend- Australia policy," plant. thought or action, irreversible ent of education for the Allen"Why should such a heart go coma, then cerebral death has town, Pa., diocese has been tJ the grave when it could be occurred. To me, this is quite an named executive secretary of the used to support a brain-a brain acceptable concept." Department of Chief Adminiswhich is still capable of loving Dr. Shanahan admits that al- trators of Catholic Education another human. being and of though such a condition for death (CACE) of the National Catholic knowing and loving God?" the has been "extensively defined by . Educationall Association (NCEA). doctor asks. the American Medical Associa· The announcement was made Dr. Shanahan. a devout Cath- tion there still remains "a lot of here by Father John F. Meyers, "Serving the Community olic, says he experienced a emotion surrounding this issue." NCEA acting president, who is Since 1873" "strong sense of religion" during relinquishing his post as CACE the climactic point of the operaCities Service Petroleum executive secretary after two tion, when- the patient's heart Priest· Celebrates terms. Msgr. Barrett will take Products had been removed and not yet 70th Anniversary over the post in August. replaced hy the donor's heart. Msgr. B~lrrett has been AllenTENAFLY (NC)~Father AIGasolene & Diesel Fuels "It did feel strange to '!ook phonsus Barthlen claims to "just town diocesan superintendent of Fuel Oils down and See nothing where the . take one day at a time now," education since 1970. heart should be," he said. Liquified Petroleum Gas . But the 92-year-old priest, who .celebrated his 70th anniversary Stewart-Warner Winkler No Misgiving Remember liow Music Used to Sound as a priest on June I, still rises Heating & Cooling WINDSOR MUSIC 993-6263 '\But it wasn't frightening- . each day at 5 A.M., says his Installations rather, it made me marvel at the priestly office and makes a med6 ORCHESTRAS AVAILABLE capabilities that God has given itation before celehrating daily Put Live Music in Your Next us to cope with such a situation Mass for a regular congregation Ball Cocktail 24-Hour Burner Service Birthday PARTIES Showers so easily." of half a doz.en people. Dance Weddings 448 BROADWAY, TAUNTON Dr. Shanahan says that at no A member of the Society of Holiday Anniversaries stage has he felt any misgivings African Missions, Father Ba~thlen Whispering Trumpet of Art Perry Attleboro - No. Attleboro about the morality of transplant is a native of Alsace, a province Tony Rapp· Band of a 1,000 melodies Taunton Shop-Compare-Why Pay More operations stemming from the of France. He was born ,in the village of Lutterbach in 1881 the area was under GerNun Superintendent when man rule, but considers himself KALAMOZOO (NC) - Sister a Frenchman. Dolores Beste, principal of. St. He was ordained in Lyons, Joseph Elementary School here, France in 1904 and taught at • Savings Bank Life Insurance has been named Superintendent seminaries in Ireland, Holland of Schools for the Kalamozoo di· and Belgium 'before coming to • Real Estate Loans ocese which includes 23 elementhis country for assignment to • Christmas and Vacation Clubs tary and three secondary schools. the Negro missions in Georgia. • Savings Accounts Sister Beste, a teacher and prin"I went to Augusta and opened cipal for over 25 year,s, succeeds a church and school in a grocery • 5 Convenient Locations Sister Emeline Bash, who will store," he recalls with a stilljoin the staff of Madonna Col- strong voice. "We had 30 stuNEW' BEDFORD lege, Livonia, Mich. Sister Bash dents in two rooms on the first had held the post since January, floor, with the top floor being used as a chapel," 1972.
Doctor Experienc'ed Strong Sense Of Religion Transplanting Heart
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Repudiates Irish 'Republican Army
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 27, 1974
Yet To Be Tried
LONDON (NC)-The bishops of England and Wales have reo peatedly stated "their abhorrence of the activities of extremists" on both sides of the trouble in Northern Ireland, according to Cardinal John Heen:m of Westminster. Cardinal Heenan made his re"marks in response to questions about the Church's pos'ition on the Irish Republic Army (IRA) after a member of the, militant Provisional wing of the IRA was given a requiem Mass after his death caused by a 65-day hunger stdke while in prison. "Bishops are constantly asked -to make statements on Northern Ireland, but they have already made clear ·their abhorrence of the ac,tivities of extremists in all parties," the cardinal said. "It would be unprofitable to issue a fresh pronouncement at each tragic development in the Irish situation,"
At the end of World War II, one Irishman is supposed to have said to another: "I am glad the world is out of the war. Now we can fight in peace among ourselves." There is tragedy in the statement and in the reality. The savagery 'that is going on in Ireland surely calls to high heavens for one ounce of compassion or civility, let alone Christianity. Per~aps those involved try to justify' their actions by saying that war is going on and in war innocent people get hurt. But the warfare that they are waging is precisely against all too many innocent people, because nothing else can explain the planting of bombs in public places, the willingness to maim and kill any passerby, just to make the point that terror is indeed afoot in the streets. The thought that the whole business' is being 'carried' out by those who profess to be Christians is repugnant. It means, of course, that there is very little of Christianity involved, that people are really not prepared to pay the price of Christianity, that all too often Christianity is put aside when it interferes with what one wishes to do. Chesterton was once told that his beloyed Christianity had been tried and found wanting. And his reply was that it may have been found hard but it has yet to be really tried. The only answer to so many of the world's tragedies is that Christians have given themselves the name but have yet to try the life.
Archdiocese Honors Chicago JournQlist
Critical Issue Pope Paul has hailed the signs of peace in the Middle East and in the process of praising all those whose statesman-like actions have brought this hope to a troubled area has asked that the plight of the Palestinian refugees be considered seriously. The parties involved must come to a just deciSIon on these people and must be prepared to pledge the billions of . dollars necessary to re-establish them in' homes and in surroundings of dignity 'and with the opportunity of living lives of peace and moderate prosperity. One Jewish historian has said that the whole JewishPalestinian problem is a matter of absolute equity versus absolute eqJ,lity. He felt that both had impressive claims and' so the answer-iay in negotiation-in the massive work of establishing a homeland for the refugees so that hundreds of thousands of persons will not remain not only stateless but in degradation and neglect. The conscience of a world seeking peace with justice must respond to this critical issue. If an almost endless stream of money can be spent to. procure the weapons of war, then an equally impressive amount of mQney should be given-and willingly-to insure a means o( peace..
Fourth of July With the approach of the Fourth of July, there will undoubtedly be the patriotic speeches focusing upon all the nation has wrong with it. That there are faults among its citizens, in and out of public office, no one will deny. But this should not be the occasion of heaping invective upon the nation. . The United States still stands as the one nation- of the world deliberately founded upon belief in God and Godgiven rights. If there has been a weakening in moral values among its citizens, it could well be due to the recent trend in downplaying a'nd denying this spiritual foundation. Americans had better make up their minds what they want-if it is morality, then they must accept and foster the basis of all morality, belief in God.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by. The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-715'1 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.1.D.
Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A.
Re'l. John P. Driscoll
Rev. John R, Foister
Bishop of Oakland Urges Study Of Mass·At'tendance Prabl·em· OAKLAND (NC) - Clergy in "Not only chur::h, but also rethe diocese of Oakland have ligion classes and most serious Ibeen urged hy BishCi;:> Floyd L. pursuits," he noted, "demand efBegin to meet. with a cross- fort and attention, not sw'itch. se::tion of their parishioners to flicking." discuss ways of encoiJraging atThe students' reasons for gotendance at Sunday Mass. ing to MaS'S, he reported" were _ The parish level action is. in- an impressive list of pos,itives tended to assist the work of a such as prayer, c:>mmunity parcommittee of clergy formed to tidpation .and worship. ' examine reasons for the decline "Faith is there," he concluded. ,in Mass attendan::e in the dio· "The challenge is to afford gencese. uine faith experiences and per· . Since 1969, the dio- haps rethink our sacramental cese, which encompasses both language and symbolism." Alameda and Contra Costa counFather William J. Mullen, pasties, has recorded a decline of tor of St. Joh,n Vianney Church 20,000 person's attending Sunday an Walnut Creek, recommended Mass. !Jetter preaching, eucharistic inThe committee has received struction, and themed liturgies several reports thus far. that vary, and 'are adapted to Ohristian Brother. Norman' specific congregations. Cook, principal of St. Mary's He a'lso described his parish High School in Berkeley, re- progra!p in which parishioners ported that boredom, irrelevance prepare Masses celebrated in and length were some reasons their homes. Catholks who do given by young people for not not attend Sunday Mass but who attending Mass. live in the neighborhood of these But Brother Cook challenged Masses, he added, were often jnthe validity of these responses - vited to participate. and spoke ,instead of the need to convey to youth that a degree . Priests IBack Farm of personal involvement is necessary iJf they desire positive ex- Labor Legislation perie,:\ces for the Mass. . LOS ANGELES (NC) - The Los Angeles archddocesan priests' Archbishop Byrne senate unanimously backed a reso'lution supporting efforts of Receives Award the CaLifornia Cathol'ic ConferST. PAUL (NC) - Coadjutor ence (CCC) to secure state farm Archbishop Leo C. Byrne of St.' labor legislation. Paul and Minneapolis has been The resolution supported CCC awarded· the Archbishop John Ireland Distinguished Service efforts "for legislation which Award. would provid~ free secret ba,)\pt The award has been presented elections for union representaannually since 1969 hy the Ur- tion among farm' workers." It ban Affairs Commission of the called on all 'priests in the archarchdiocese to an individual wh:> . diocese to cooperate acbively in has distinguished himself in pro- working for the legilslation. moting .better human relations The pl'iest-senators adopted in the c!Jmmunity. the resolution .by a 26-0 vote At a dinner in his honor Arch- after a presentation of the issues bi:ohop Byrne was presented a by Msgr. Roger Mahony, chanplaque commending him for his cellor of the diocese of Fresno, pastoral concern for social jus- Calif., and executive secretary of tice and his effective, practical the U. S. bishops' Ad Hoc Com· mittee on Farm Labor. action in their support.
CHICAGO (NC) Cardinal John Cody, of Chicago presented a 'special award for excellence and significant contributions in journalism to veteran Chicago' newsman Maurice Fischer here. The award, which was the first of its 'kind given by the Chicago archdiocese, was presen'ted at a receptio,n for journalists celebrating the Church's World Communications Day. Fischer is former city editor and assistant to the editor of the Chicago Daily News, where· he \',orked for 41 years before his retirement in 1968. One of Chi· cago's best-known newsmen, he has .r,·zld top posts in several local newsmen's clubs and associations. Over 450 local journalists and communications personnel attended the Mass and reception, an annual event started by the Chicago archdiocese eight years ago when Pope Paul VI announced the first World Communications Day.
Conference Names Acting Dir~ctor -BOSTON (NC) - Humberto Cardinal Medeiros of Boston has named Father Michael F. Groden, an urban expert, as acting director of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference. Cardinal Medeiros is chairman of the hoard of directors for the conference, an agency of the Soston arcdiocese and the dioceses of Fall River, Springfield and Worcester. ,Father Groden, director of the Boston Archdiocesan Office Planning for Urban Affairs, will administer the conference's affairs while a search committee looks' for a replacement for, Joseph J. Reilly of Andover, Mass., who resigned (May 31). Reilly who served as executive director .since August, 1971, noted in a resignation statement that his initial acceptance of the post was for a two' year period but was extended "to solidify the organizational progress of the conference.
Suffering One ounce of patient suffering is worth far more than a pound of action.
Supreme Court Affirms Ruling On School Aid WASHINGTON (NC)--A U. S. District Court decision inv'alidat· ing a New Jersey law which reo imbursed parents for part of secular textbook costs and furnished auxiliary services to nonpUblic schools has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. Chief Justice Warren Burger along with Justices Byr(ln White and William Rehnquist' supported Supreme Court review of the three-judge court ruling. How· ever, four jusbices had to agree ,before the case could be heard in the Supreme Court. In April, 1973, the U.S. District Court in New Jersey ruled that the state's Auxiliary Services and Textbook Act had the primary eHect of advancing religion and led to excessive government entanglement with religion. cUnder the law' the state paid parents of non public sclloal children $10 ,in textbook, reimbursement for elementary schpol students and $20 for highschool students. The law permitted public school districts to lease equipment, such as audio-visual aids, to non public school'S, at state expense. Director Disappointed In addition the state eould furnish personnel through public !"chool districts to provide nonpublic schools with supportive, "anicilarry" services. such as remedial programs, physical therapy, speech and guidance counselling. Edward Leadem, executive director of the New Jersey Catholic Conference, said he was extremely disappointed in the decision, especia,lily in the light of a recent Supreme Court ruling upholding federal remedial aid to nonpuhlic schools serving the educationally deprived.
Connecticut Priest Gets Post in Rome ROME (NC)-Fathel~ Vincent J. O'Connor of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Conn., has been named pastor-in-residence at the Pontifical North American College in Rome for the 1!}74-75 academic year. Father O'Connor was ordained in 1945 in Hartford, Conn., and has served as an assistant pastor and pastor and in other diocesan offices for the past 29 years. ' In his year-long assignment at the North American College, Father O'Connor will bring practical pastoral experience and current thinking to about 200 seminarians studying in Rome from dioceses throughout the United States. An official of the college said that the pastor-in-residence teaches courses in parochial practice, is available for group discussions, advises students" participates in faculty meetings and in general adds a special dimension to the entire seminary.
Annual Award LOUISVILLE (NC)--The Religion Newswriters' Association (RNA) presented its top honor, the Supple Memorial Award, to Marjorie Hyer of the Washington Post. The RNA is an organization of more than 100 U. S. and Canadian reporters who cover religion in the secular press.
THE ANCHORThurs., June 27, 1974
.President of Francisan Sisters Discusses Changing Image of Nuns MILWAUKEE (NC) - There a time when the word "nun" connoted a single image of a reHgious woman. She lived in a convent. She had a definite soheduled communal life. She dressed like the others I· with her. She went all places with another nun. And' she did a certain apostolic work ibecause it ,was assigned to her. Today there are severa'l images. She can wear a nun's garb' with veil, or lay apparel with some identifying mark like a cross or pin, depending upon her own responsible choice. She can select from a varjety of living quarters options; a convent, apartment, or elsewhere. Her time of prayer may be varied. She can decide how she 'can best serve and' where. She may live in a sma,)) or' large group. She helps determine her own and the group's responsibilities and how to meet them. All the time, she continues to' be in dialogue with her larger Religious community. With some exceptions, the, nun
evolution she dcscr:·:Jed meets with her approval. Sister Francis Borgia is the pn~sident of the School Sisters of St. Francis, (whose international motherhouse is here. She is also president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, a group of. administrators of various communities of Sisters throughout the country. In an interview, Sister Rothluebber was asked her opinions on the status and future of nuns.
SISTER FRANCIS BORGIA has evolved from what was "an effective, 19th-century European Religious life, ,fHting for where the Church then was, to a Religious life that, as a result of Vatican II, calls for more personal choice, and fOl: more involvement in today's time and in the shaping of the future." So said Franciscan Sister Francis Borgia Rothluebber. The
'\1 believe tbere will always be a need within the Church and society for those persons who will move together in commitment, to concentrate on and emphasize the search for the meaning of the Church 'ill our time or in any Hme," she said.
Two Maryland Hospitals Sued BA·LHMORE (NC)-Two hostals, including a Catholic one, in the Maryland suburbs of Washington were sued in a U. S. court here for refusal to sterilize a woman at ,her request. The right of the Catholic hospital to ref.use abort.ions was also challenged. Mrs. Kathey Portmann of Bethesda, Md., said Holy Cross (Oatholic) Hospital in Silver Spring denied Iher a tubal ligation -the most common form of female sterilization - on the grounds that as a Catholic hospital it could not ethically perform sterilizatJions.
, Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, she said, 'demanded consent from her husband bef.ore it would perShe added, however, that Vat- form the operation, but her hus'ican II's call for a renewal of the band refused because "he conGospel in today'ls world and for siders me an adult over 21 years involvement in its life has had' and fully competent to make this implications for women in ,Reli- decision on my own." gious life. Mrs. Portmann, who has been Sister Rothluebber said she married four years, said she and feels "there has been a shift from her husband have decided not Religious people serving within to have children, but found that the Church to the Church's being several methods of contracepinvolved in the totality of soci- Han were unsat'isfactory. ety." As a result, living quarters for She pointed out that each hos"Non-pUblic s:hools, parents some nunl3 are deliberate depar- pital has received over $l-million and supporters, by prov,iding ed- tures f'rom the traditional con- in federal funds under the HilIucation to over 550,000 studenlts vent. Within her own commu- Burton Act. The provisions of re:luce school costs by over one. nity, some of the School Sisters the act, requiring states to debillion dollars each year. They of St. Francis continue to live liver comprehensive health care will welcome this help from the in parish st.ructures, while others to all their citizens, were viostate leadership." reside in typical residential hous- bted in the hospitals' refusals The bills :aU passed by large ing to be closer to the people. to sterilize her, she said. majorities dUI'ing the session and signed into I'aw by Gov. Wilson include: The reimbursement for serv>ices law provides reim::Jursement for funds spent hy schools to fulfill the requirements of the education law including regents (state) examinations, statewide evaluation plan, and pupH attendance reporting. It taltes effect next m<,mth in July and will provide reimbursement for funds ••• spent in the 1973-74 school year just completed.
Aid to Nonpublic Schools Bills Signed by New York Governor ALBANY (NC) - The 1974 New York ,Iegisl'ature "clearly came to the aid of the nonpublic school student," commented Oharles J. Tobin, Jr., secretary of the New York St8lte Catholic Committee, the organization of the state's bishops. The new la,ws, recently signed by Gov. Malcolm Wilson, are designed to provide state aid to nonpublic schocls in the areas of transportation, he:alth and welfare, textbooks, dual enrollment and reimbursement for required services. The drawn within the U.
bills, Tobin said, were up so that they would fall the boundaries set up by S. Supreme Court.
Tobin said that he congratulated the legislature and the governor for helping to maintain a freedom of choice in education. "these programs, now law by aation of the governor, will 'go a long way to help the' struggling parents and supporters of nonpublic education in our state {;ontinue to send their children to the school of their choice," Tobin said.
Extension Society Budget $3.5 Million SAN DIEGO (NC)-The Ca~h olic Church Extension Society has budgeted $3.5 million f.or assistance to impoverished 'dioceses in the United States during a fiscal year running from March 1974 to next March, the society's president announced here. During the society's board of governors meeting, the president, Father Joseph A. Cusack, said that almost $1 million of that sum has been allocated to the construction of parish mul!tipurpose buildings and $450,000 for subsidies to priests and Religious who serve the home missions in places in the United States where the local Church is not fully established:-
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Maintain Pressure On Catholic Church BRUSSELS (NC) - Riots two years ago in Kaunas, the capital of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic, after a 20-year-old Catholic factory worker set himself afire to protest repression of religion have led Communist authorities to grant some concessions, but pressure on the Catholic Church has continued, according to the Belgian Catholic news agency, CIP. . The authorities granted permission for' the publication of a Bible in Lithuanian, but the number of copies was sharply restricted. The authorities had thousands of the Bibles sent abroad for propaganda purposes. Only one Catholic seminary is permitted to operate here and is allowed to admit only five candidates a year. The number of deaths among the clergy is five times higher. Tbzre are nevertheless numerous candidates for the priesthood, and some of them are ordained clandestinely and exercise their ministry while holding secular jobs and passing as laymen.
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Nun Seeks Seat On School Boa'rd
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River....Thurs. June 27, 1974
M1editation o,n Crucifixiion Can B,e S!ource of Joy
ALBANY ~NC)-Sister Maryellen Harmon. a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart. has announced her candidacy for a seat on the Albany Board of Education. Regular readers of this column know that I am gen"I have decided to seek this erally optimistic. A theme that runs through much of my office because of my lifelong writing is that we should strive for joy, that God intends commitment to the field of edus to be happy both in this world and the next. Many ucation. I have concluded that I can best serve by being on the readers agree with, and cause they 19vethemselves mu'ch school board, where policy decifind these 0 p tim i s ti c more than they love others. _ slons all'e made...• said Sister Hal'" thoughts encouraging. But I remember being in the hospimoll'. there are others who write tal with a young mother who Sister Harmon is completing that it is impossible to be happy had delivered her baby two days her doctoral dissertation in edin a world filled with sin. To eanlier. S'he ate heartily, slept ucation at the University of prove their point, they tell me well. and got around the' halls Massachusetts. She has 23 years that a Chri:stian could not expe- with remarkable agility ... exexperience in teaching and adcept at visiting hours. ministration in priva,te schools in As soon as guests arrived, A~bany. Philadelphia. Providence. she'd wnithe on her bed and R. I. Rochester. N. Y.; Green· moan in pain. She' received a wich. Conn.; and New York City. great deal of pity. and all sorts Her most recent accomplish, of gifts to take her mind off her ment was the founding of the By suffering. She wallowed in the AJlbany Street Academy, an alattention lavished upon her. ternative sohoal for the ohildren MARY It was repulsive. in the Albany ghetto who cannot She was using her "suffering" adjust ,to traditional classroom -as a tool to force affecmon. a CARSON education. motive I find impossible in "I am convLnced that each VATICAN'S FEMALE DELEGATE: Dr. Miriam Rooney Chnist',s ... or any. : . love. There child has the ability to succeed, rienc'e any happiness or joy if he is no similarity between such of Milburn, N.J., addresses a meeting of the United Nations the community. I have just meditates on Christ's cruci- ".suffering" and Christ·s. Conference on the Law of the Sea in New York. Dr. Rooney too often seen children growing fiJcion. is now the only woman on the Vatican's delegation to the up without the skills they need." Never Pity Surely Ghrist's death was not Conference on the Law of the Sea at Caracas, Venezuela. she remarked. My husband makes great sacpleasant, in itself. it !loes not "I know that it wiU be a surrifices for me. I appreciate them. She,has had a distinguished legal career with the State Deconvey a concept of joy. prise to some that a member of However. I see a great sim- I have compassion for him when partment, Catholic Vniversity of America and Seton Hall the Society of the Sacred Heart. when he's he's tired. sympathy ,ilarity bebween Christ's suffering University. NC Photo. a Catholic Religious order, is frustrated, understand1ing when and our' lives: seeking a position on the public he's defeated. But pity ... never. If a father loves his family. school hoaret. My educational ,for' that would doubt his love. works and sacrifices for them. work to date has never been In Christ's passion, as welil as his "passion" may 'last for 50 limited to students of a single ofIfering etemity to us. I see a fected by the war in Vietnam, WASHINGTON (NC) Bishyears. His' actions parallel denomination. My view is that Christ's. He's, giving his life out. Isympathy on His part for us, ail op James Rausch. secretary gen- especially those young men service on the school board is a understanding of our lives. It eral of the National' Conference 'whose consciences led 'them to of fove. seems to me He was telling us of Cathol-ic Bishops. has 'urged res,ist military service and who logicall extension of my commitWants Love that the going may be rough. we ' that "the nation now ,give seri- now find themselves ostracized ment. training and experience." she concluded. - If the father truly loves his may be disappointed. we may be ous consideration to broad. un- and alienated from our society." family. he doesn't want pity. He in pain, life' may be difficult, .. conditional amnesty for those 'Bishop Hausch recalled that wants them to enjoy what he's but life is worth living ... people who, for reasons of conscience, the U.S. bishops in 1971 and ELECTRICAL done for them. He wants their are worth loving. resisted military service during 1972 urged pardon of convictions Contractors appreciation. He wants them to ,I see a joy in His passion. I the Vietnam war. incurred under the Selective Serbe happy with them. see His love ... and love. I find. vice Act "with the understanding In a statement released here, that sincere conscientious objecI think it would make him is delightful. Love can make miserable to have his family 'sacr~fice easy ... and perfect Bishop Rausch recalled that Pope tors should remain open in prinPaul VI had recently spoken of c,iple to some form of service to , dragging around wrivh long faces love can make it a joy. Ghrist's love was perfect.' Then amnesty in connection with a the community." moaning, "Poor old Dad ... he's suffering so. He's suf.fening be· His sacrifice would have to have 1975 Holy Year theme: r~concili Mind cause of us. We've caused all his ,been a joy. To offer Him pity ation. ,would reduce our estimaNon of agony." Evidence of the nee-d for recFor the mind to attain to God 944 County St. onciliation. the bishop said. "is in some degree is great beat. lf his children find no joy in His ability to love. New Bedford Yes. I find joy ... even in the most apparent in the Jives of itude:' their life with him, if all they 992·0560 Americans, who were directly a'f-St. Augustine can do is weep and wail, pitying crucifixion! him for his suffening, it would seem they were saying. "We, Today's Unwed Parents don't bike what' you did with your life:' Younger Than Ever Opposed· to this father's outPITTSBURGH (NC)"":"The unlook. there are those who do wed parent of today is younger want pity for their suffering be- thalJ ever before. More unwed mothers are keeping their ,babies and people are 'becoming more Plan Lourdes Hostel to'lerant of illegitimate pregnanFor Handicapped cies. Those were among the most LONDON (NC) - A group of British Catholics has bought a important changes in the "Look three·year·old ,hotel near the at the Unmarried Parent PopUlaMarian Shrine at Lourdes. tion Group in the Mid-Seventies", France, to convert, it into an -in- that Salvation Army- Brig. Mary ternational hostel for handi· E. Vetner presented at the 13th capped pilgrims. annual Institute on Services to The hotel, about two miles Unmarried Parents; held in the from the center of Lourdes. was, ' Hilton Hotel here. The' inst~tute. sponsored by purchased for $240,000 by the Hosanna House Trust, an Off- the Catholic Social Service of shoot of the Handicapped Chil- Allegheny County. the Commis· dren's Pilgrimage Trust. sian on Services to Unmarried When renovations are com· Parents and the National Conpleted by next February pilgrim- ference of Catholic Chariti~s, was ages are planned for the hostel held June 10-12. each week. It will be linked by More than 200 sodal workers mini-bus with the Lourdes shrine' dealing willi unmarried parents and will be staffed by nuns and attended. They included workers volunteers. from Catholic maternity instituThe trust also plans to build tions. Florence Crittenton and several Hosanna Houses -in the Salvation Army homes from 24 Lou'rdes area. states . . -: ... . and. Canada. -
Considering Unconditional Amnesty
'tHE ANCHORThurs., June 27, 1974
Lili,es, Stra,wberries Am,ong Lovely Signs of Summer
Health Agencies To Defend Life
By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick With the coming of late June and early July we look forward to the' blooming of the lilies. In the past these plants were thought of as difficult. This is no longer true if one is careful to select those varieties which are relatively disease-resistant. We have had a great deal of luck sugared mashed or sliced berries thick cream. Still other with Asiatic Hybrid- lilies. and churches served a full dinner These are for the most part topped wiht a dessert of straw-
upward faocing bloomers which berry shortcake, come into their own relatively At the Boston farmers' market early in the season. One of the in Faneuil Hall stands would feahest of these is Encbantment. ture beautiful strawberries in This lily, which reproduces very round boxes with green leaves rapidly, grows in our garrden in decorating them. Over this vast full sun to a height of between wealth of beauty will be a large :10 and 36 inches. Its color is sign proclaiming to, all comers nasturtium-red and it is long that these were "Dighton Berlasting. This particular lily has ries," a very high recommendahad a great deal of acclaim and tion indeed. [ highly recommend it. The land where Joe's grandHarmony Lilies .father planted acres and acres We have been very successful of Dighton strawberries has falwith another of the Asiatic Hy- len prey to progress and now brids, Harmony. This lily grows a housing development stands in the same fashion as Enchant- t~ere. No longer is the small ment, but is orange in color. The town of Dighton noted for its color is; fast and the plant re- luscious berries but their memproduces very rapidly so that ory I'ingers. .' from an original pureh.ase of This recipe is not an ·old three bul'bs we now have 20 or Dighton one but it's the best more good-sized plants in three shortcake recipe ever. I use a years. large i'ron spider pan to bake it These lilies really need no spe- in and it comes out perfect each cial preparation. The only thing time. they require is good! drainage Old Fashioned Shortcake so that they do not rot in rainy 2 cups ·f1our weather. Other than that one 1/3 cup sugar need only be careful not to de4 teaspoons baking powder stroy their tips as thE:y peek up Y2 teaspoon salt out of the ground in the Spring. Ys teaspoon nutmeg After 'blooming the stalk can be Y2 cup butter allowed to wilt and be cut back I egg well 'beatten after it fades. 1/3 cup milk Great advances have been I) Sift togebher the flour, made in lilies in the past few sugar, baking powder, salt and years and as with many of the nutmeg. other flowering plants the hy2) Cut in the butter. Add egg bridists have made tremendous and mblk and stir until just strides ,in developing varieties blended. that a're far more disease-resis3) Turn into a well buttered tant and hardy than in t'he past. spider and bake in a 450 oven So if you have tried lilies and for about 50 minutes. failed, now is the time to have 4) Split shortcake as soon as a fling at the newer and better removed from oven into· layers types. and butter each cut side. Place In The Kitchen layers together with crushed' Presently it is strawberry sea- berries sweetened with sugar to son and the garden is producing taste. enoug,h to furnish fresh fruit for breakfast and an occasional shortcake. [t is true that the Give Warning of Clash perfection of refrigeration and Over School Funds freezing has almost guaranteed NEW YORK (NC)-New York us some form of strawberries City faces an "imminent colliyear round, but the joy of having sion" between parents of'chila few in your garden is still dren attending public and nonhard to beat. public schoQols over funds for Joe's father was born and speech therapy services, a Jewraised in Dighton where his ish leader wal'lled. father ran a large truck farm. At a hearing before the city's One of the major crops was Board of Estimate, the leader. strawberries. There was someRabbi Morris Sherer, executive thing about the combination of president of Agudath Israel of soil and climate in Dighton that America, an Orthodox Jewish . created strawberries so plentiful organization, contended that the and delic10us that the churches city administration had made a featured strawberry festivals in "grievous error" in denying $2.6 June. million for 186 additional speech No More Berries therapists to serve children in At some of these annuall fesnon public schools. tivals the berries were served A recent decision by the city's pure with either regular or concorporation counsel held that the fectioners' sugar and rich cream. Board of EducatiOn is mandated Others served powder to provide tbis type of speech biscuits heaped high with correctional service to nonpublic school children on an equal basis Freedorn with public school students, RabWe have freedom to do good bi Sherer said, adding that '"the or ev,il; yet to mal<e choice of nOll'public school forces are de,evil, is not to use, but abuse termined to fight for this princifreedom. ple of equality in the courts until -St. Francis de Sales. justice is achieved." 0
PLEA FOR THE POOR: Mother Teresa of Calcutta tells a Vocations Day congregation at the Cathedral of 55. Peter and Paul'in Philadelphia, "Pray for us, that we may be able to continue bringing Jesus to the poor, and bringing the poor to the altar of God." Holding the microphone is Father Leo McKenzie, archdiocesan director of radio and television. NC Photo.
'Pilgrimage of .Hope' Mother Teresa Tells Interfaith Group . 'Poor Right in Our Hc)mes'
COLUMBUS (NC)-All Cath. olic health care agencies and institutions in Ohio have committcd themsclves to defend life by adopting a Commitment to Life !-:tatement prepared here by the Department on Health Affairs of the CathO'lic Conference of Ohio. The statement asserts that the fundamental principle of Ohio Catholk health care centers is Lo defend life, heal disease and injury and to alleviate suffering. The bishops of Ohio, meeting here as the board of directors of the conference, ~ailed the commitment. The commitment will bc used extensively throughout the state by every Catholic health care institution as part of a positive pUblic relations campaign undertaken by them calling attention to the unique character of the many health care services they provide to the citizens of Ohio. It wiH also call special aHention not only within their institutions, but to the entire public community, of their completc dedication to caring for life and helping, to maintain the dignity of all human life.
Arizona Conference Holds General Meeting SHOW LOW, (NC)-The f'irst annual meeting of the Arizona Catholic Conference held here recently, focused most of its attention on the aging and the handicapped. The conference, wbioh reprecents the dioceses of Tucson ancl Phoenix in Arizona and Gallup, N. M., part of which is in Arizona, also voted to support two of the five ·initiatives proposed by a citizen's action group known as Citizens Take the Initiative. The approved initiatives are d~signed to estahloish community treatment programs for juvenile offenders, and create an oHice to aid the handicapped and prohibit employment discrimination against them. Father Charles A. Bast, chairman of the social action and welfare department of the conference, requested that the conference become an advocate for the elderly and "to give the aged a high pr,iority."
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The we pass by , those we don't poor who need love and care are know." "right in our own homes," The pilgrimage was organized Mother Teresa of Calcutta told by an ecumenical committee of a group of pilgrims here. ministers in the area. It was in The wonld-famous nun, who response to Pope Paul's Holy founded the Missionaries of Year request for renewal and Oharity, was joined by Cardinal reconciliation between man and John Krol of Philadelphia and God, according to Father Charles about 5,000 people on a mile- W. Devlin, executive director long candlelight pilgrimage here of the cardinal's Commission on Human Relations. June 16. "It is an evening for joy and The interfaith "Pilgrimage of Hope," a major event in the . jubilee," Father Devlin told the Philadelphia archdiocesan ob- congregatiaon at the outset of servance of the Holy Year, fea- the piJ,grimage, "a night for tured readings and reflections by thought, for prayer, for reconcilProtestant, Jewish and Catholic iation." The . sounding of the Ram's c'1ergymen. Horn by Scott Ziskind, a young From its start at City Hall, the pilgrimmage stopped at a Meth- member of the Temple Beth BEFORE YOU odist church, a monument to Torah, opened the pilgrimage, BUY-TRY Jewish martyrs and the CathoHc and readings from the 25th chapter of Leviticus, a portion of Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, and then proceeded to the city's Wlhich is inscribed on the libart museum, where Mother Ter- erty Belli here, were recited at esa told the group that the the Arch Street Methodist OLDSMOBILE world's poor are the hope of Church, the Monument to Six Million Jewish Martyrs, and the mankind. 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven "We must love the poor," she archdiocesan cathedral. said "for if we' love them as Christ has loved us, if we feed them and give them the water of compassion, if we clothe them with understanding, we shall be Ifor all eternity th.e blessed of the Father in heaven. "Who are the poor? They are the sick, the hungry, .the dying, the homeless, the unwanted, the unloved, the helpless, the hopeless-ali those who are liabilities to their countries and to each Attention School Groups of us around them. "Where are the poor? Right in our own homes, maybe the Special Arrangements for School Groups child, the wife or the husband. In our places of work, of play, in . \ FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 our communities. They are thosc ••
• • • •
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. . THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June ·27, 1974
Canon Lawyers Study Rome's Church Courts ROME (NC)-Fourteen canon institution," the priest stated. "So .far these trips have proven lawyers from the United States, most of them diocesan legal offi- of great pr.actical use to the men cials, are here for an on-the·spot who have participated. The men study of tihe Church's central ad- . get an inside knowledge of the ministratfon and Jits tribunals. procedures of the Roman offkes, and are llble to expedite whatPaulist Father John E. Lynch ever matters have to be sent is leading this third annual study here." trip sponsored by the Catholic Universaty of America in WashAmateur ington, D. C., where he is acting It is exceedingly hard for an chairman of the canon law deamateur riot to over-act his part. p.artment. "We hope to make it a regular -R. H. Benson
The 14 canonists and Father Lynch arrived in Rome June II and are scheduled to return to the United States July 2. Among the questions they have discussed with officials at the Vatican are t.he Church's approach to teen· age marriages which are strong· ly divorce· prone, the use of grape juice at Mass by alcoholic pniests, administration of the sacrament of Confirmation by priests, and new regulations on 'annulments of marriages.
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Mass Schedule for Summer Season . BREWSTER
ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. (5:00 P.M. beginning June 30) Saturday Eve.-4:00 - 7:00 P.M. Daily-5:15 P.M. (Mon.·Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 2:30 . 3:30 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM:, and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. .. Daily-8:00 AM. except Wed. 7:30 P.M.
FALMOUTH ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.· Saturdays 8:00 AM.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M.
BUZZARDS BAY. ST. MARGARETS Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12 noon and 7:30 P.M. . Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
MRS. PERON VISITS POPE: Pope Paul greets Maria Estela Martinez de Peron, vice president of Argentina and wife of President Juan Peron. He met with her privately at the Vatican- in an unofficial visit. NC Photo.
Vic'e President of .Argentina Has Private Papal Audience VAT-ICAN CITY (NC)-Maria ,Estela Martinez de Peron, vice president of Argentina and wife of President Juan Peron, visited privately with Pope Paul VI reo cently for 40 minutes in an un· official call at the Vatican. Mrs. Peron's visit to the Pope had not been announced before it took place, although she had been in Rome for a two-day semi·offi'cial visit .to Italy. Her husband, General Peron last year, before returning to Argen. tina and his succession to the
Pittsburgh Diocese Ordains 26 Deacons P·ITTSBURGH (NC) - Bishop Vincent M. Leonard of Pittsburgh ordained 26 men as the diocese's first permanent deacons in ceremonies at St. Paul Cathedral here. The men's age~ varlY from 35 to retirees in their 60s. Their occupations range from chemist to truck' driver, and an but one is married. Their o"rdination culminates almost three years of evening scriptural and theo~ogi- ' cal study, and various retreats to local seminaries. Permanent deacons often have many. of the same responsibillties as priests, with the exception of saying Mass and the administration of certain sacraments. Among their duties, the men are empowered to read Scrip· tures at liturgical services, preach, assist the celebrant, dis· tribute Communion, administer Baptism, and officiate at funeral an~ burial services.
ONSET Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 AM.
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ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 AM. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Effective June 22-Subject to change
presidency, had not visited the Vatican, 'although' he did meet with high Vatican officials at his temporary Rome residence. Vl;ltican press officials said the visit of Mrs. Peron was un· official in character. However, she was accorded the usual honors which accompany high officials, including a red carpet in front of the elevators to the papall and'ience chamber, a fourman picket of Swiss guards and other Vatican state formal gesturs of recognition. The Vatican did not disclose the SUbject of conversation between the Pope and Mrs. Peron because the audience was considered strictly unofficial.
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. First Fridays-U1treya-8:00 P.M.
HYANNIS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00,. 8:00, 9:00. 10:00, 11 :00, 12:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 8:00 AM.
YARMOUTH PORT SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.--'-5:00 P.M.
ST. RITA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:15 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:30 AM. Friday-Benediction & Rosary 7:00 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-IO AM. and 4:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M.
CENTRAL VILLAGE ST. JOHN .THE BAPTIST Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, "11:00 AM. Saturday at 5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Sunday Masses Parish Hall: 9:30 and 10:30 AM.
MATTAPOlsm ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00 (Folk Mass), II AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday-8:00·~.M. - 4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Dai!'y-8:00 and 9:00 AM. (Mon.-Fri.)
HOLY REDEEMER Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. '
OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:30, 11:00 Ai.M. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M.
SOUTH CHATHAM OUR LADY OF GRACE Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30; 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Full schedule begins June 22-23
UNION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:45 AM. July and August
OAK BLUFFS SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.
EAST FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
OU~ LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-9:00, 11:00 AM. , Saturday Eve.~:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
ST. JOAN OF ARC Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 A.M.
Hear Dis4:ussion of Social Ethics at Seminar OAKLAND (NC)-Young people often do not learn from the experience of older generations but rely instead on the experience of their own peer groups, aocording to Jesuit Father Phil Schmitz.
He told thc 100 diocesan high sct·ool teachers at a seminar on social and sexual ethics that the best way to comrnunicat;) with youths is to relate onc's own ideals, not compromise by attempting to be "relevant" or by trying to imprcss the stuHe is a professor of moral the- , dents. ology at the University of Frankfurt, West Germany, and is curIt is the responsibility of parrently teaching at the Graduate ents and teachers to help young Theological Union in Berkeley, people evaluate and integrate Calif. their experiences, he said. Even
THE ANCHOR-·Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 27, 1974
a bad experience can be valuable if properly integrat~d, he added: To integrate a young person's experience with his faith Father Schmitz suggested that the teacher "identify the student's basic experience, then search the Scripture for a parallel which will help him understa~d how his faith relates to human life." Experience, he added, is the most important concept in moral theology.
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Mass Schedule for Summer Season NORTH EASTHAM CHURCH OF THE VISITATION Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:aO, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. OSTERVILLE OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 19:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-fi:OO and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00 - 5:00 P.M. SANlrUIT ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 A.M. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15· 5:00 P.M. MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL S~INTS Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M. POCASSET ST. JOHN THE. EVANGELIST Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30,10:30,11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday -- 4:00 - 4:45 P.M. and following 7:00 P.M. Mass PROVINCETOWN ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00 - 5:00 P.M. SANDWICH CORPUS CHRISTI Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00 A.M. and 12 :'I'oon Saturday Eve.--5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. SAGAMORE ST. THERESA Masses: ~nday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. SOUTH I>ARTMOUTH ST. MARY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.--5:15 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. Saturdays only-8:00 A.M. SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sundlly-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. BASS RIVER OUR LADY O:F THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. ' VINEYARD HAVEN ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions: Saturday·-·2:30 - 3:30 P.M.
CHILMARK COMMUNITY CENTER Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M. (Beginning June 30) WAREHAM ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-'-7:00, 8:00, 9:00,10:00,11:30 A.M.' and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Exposition of the .Blessed Sacrament follows the 7:00 A.M. Mass and continues until 7:00 P.M. Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses Tuesday: Mass of Peace and Justice: 7:00 P.M. Schedule for July and August WES·T WAREHAM ST. ANTHONY .Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday-7:00 P.M. Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses . Schedule for July and August WELLFLEET OUR LADY OF LOURDES Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:30, 9:00 A.M. TRURO SACRED HEART Masses: Saturday-7:00 P.M. NORTH TRURO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. WEST HARWICH HOLY TRINITY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. First Friday-Mass and Exposition 11:00 A.M. DENNISPORT
UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30" 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. . WESTPORT ST. GEORGE Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:45, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. WOODS HOLE ST. JOSEPH Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Sat. only) Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday Masses NORTH FALMOUTH (Megansett) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11 :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Sat. only) Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday Masses Schedule June 22 to Labor Day
.........-.....srrI BAT HER UP: Ann-Marie Sandquist of Denver is back at bat for the Precious Blood team in a formerly all-boy Catholic Baseball league. Officials had ordered her off the team, but she was reinstated by court order. NC Photo.
Diagnosis of 'Generation Gap' Given to French Bishops PARIS (NC)-A "new world" being born wants to welcome the Gospel message, but without the trappings of another age, Cardinal Francois Marty of Paris told the French bishops' .meeting here. The cardinal, president of the French Bishops' Conference, spoke at an extraordinary plenary assembly of the conference held to prepare for the Synod of Bishops in Rome in the fall, to which he is one of the four French delegates. The "generation gap," the cardinal said, has its source "in the crisis of Western civilization, in the cultural breakup whose most painful sign is the impossibility of communicating by a common lang~age."
Cardinal Marty said that the gcneration gap "is also expressed on the religious level. It creates among many parents, educators, priests-in the entire Church, an anxiety tha't would be harmful if it gave rise to di'sappointment, pessimism and passivity." He went on to say: "A thousand indicators seem to show that the young do not repect the Go!!pel truth. They are thirsty for an absolute whose counte· nance they seek to depict. They want authentic communities of faith in which sharing can be established, because they have the sense that everything in the world .is related in some way. They aspire to reunify dislocated man.
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THE ANCHOR-Di~cese of Fall River-Thurs. June 27, 1974
Time Limit Set For Pastors
Priest Clarifies Position On Grape, Lettuce Boycott
HARllFORD (NC)-Arohbishop John F. Whealon of Hartford has announced here t'hat a new time limit will be set on assignments of all new pastors and assistants in the Hartford archdiocese. Pastors will' be Iimi1ted to a six-year term, renewable once. Assistant pastors wi'1l not stay in one parish more than seven years. . The new limited tenure policy is in keeping with the Second Vatican Council's emp!1asis on the priest's mission "to serve . and not to be 'served," Archbishop Whealon said. He called it "a means towards a more effective priestly life and service to the people," pointing out that it should provide a regular input of "fresh insights and new approaches" in parishes. . .Team ministries, 'wrhich are currently undergoing a'research studY, and speciall non-parish assignments are not, subject· to the limited tenure policy.
In last week's column I said it would be presumptuous for any outsider, myself included, to pretend to be able to speak for the Sp~nish-speaking Catholics of this country on the issue of abortion. I added, however, that the one group of· Spanishpdests of the archdiocese were speaking Catholics I know encouraged ·.to support the best - the California farm United Farm Workers Organizaworkers - are, if anything, -tion. At the same time, the even mOre strongly opposed to aborbion than the majority of their fellow-Catholics of other national or ethnic origins. In this
United Farm Workers Organization supports 'the candidacy of So-and-so. In 1973 candidate So-and-so took a public p05ition favoring liberalized'. abortion, and to my knowledge, s'he has not changed her position. Aga,in, this is a good example of the Iy mistakes that can occur if we are not aware of the positions of MSGR. candida'tes on vital issues.'" PoJitically Naive GEORGE G: Given the UFW's record on HIGGINS the albortion issue, the priest who wrote that letter should have known that the local UFW Pope Paul Stresses connection, I reported that Cesar people were supporting candiChavez and his associates in the date So-and-iSO in spite of, and Christian Renewal leadersh~p of the United Farm not Ibecause of, her position on VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Workers Union have already that issue. They were supporting Paul VI has urged American paid a heavy price for refusing her because in every other major priests attending Rome's Instito authorize abortions, for any issue her record, in their judgTHAI-STYLED CATHOLIC CHURCH: Rev. Henry R. tute f{)r the Continuing Educareason whatsoever, •in UFW's ment - and from the point of Canuel, chaplain at Marian Manor, Taunton, will offer the _ tion of the Clergy, "to continue clinics. view of Christi·an social prin- Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in_ the Holy. Redeemer Church, 'on, united in and ideals, Some people on the fringes ciples-was far better than that Bangkok, the only Catho}ic Church built in the style of a toward the great goal of Chrisof the fann workers movement of her opponent. tian renewal." h.\lve ex;pressed surprise that The tpriest in question had Thai temple, during his 25-day circle tour of the Orient. Speaking to t}Jem May 22, he Chavez and his colleagues shouid every right, from. his own point said: "We hope that as you achave taken suoh a rigid !?tand of view, to disagree with the quire a 'fresh spiritual way of against a.bortion, even at the risk UFW's judgment on this matter, thinking' you will remain steadof losing some of their medical but the manner in which he fast in the joy and love of Christ personnel. These peophl had no. chose to do so marks him down WASHINGTON (NC)-An of- eligible students in nonpublic Jesus." ·reason, J1owever, to be surprised in my book as being politically The institute, sponsored by the ficial of the U. S. 'Catholic Con- schools sha're equitably in Title at this development. They should naive. ference (USCC) said that it is I funds of ESEA with econom- North American. College in 'have 'known that Chavez has It also confirms the impression consistently opposed any pro- held bya number of people that satisfied with prov,isions affect- .ically disadvantaged students in Rome, ofifers refresher courses fall in . con- in dleology and other subjects gram, induding abortion, which some local spokesmen for the ing nonpublic schools in a multi- publJc schools. Last . would l'imit' population growth right to lilfe movement (not' all, billion doIlar education blIl gressional testimony, officials of for American priests. . among his own people. by any means,. but roo many) passed by the House, but is "ex- the USCC backed the nQnpublic are one-issue people in the most tremely disappointed" with the school provisions and opposed Chavez Stand . any anti-busing language in the simplistic sense of the word. bill's anti-busing provisions. PRINTING In 1969, for example, Peter 'fhey seem to be unable or unDr. Edward D'Alessio, director bill. SINCE 1898 Matthiessen, who wrote one of willing to fit the a1bortion iSiSue of the USCC's Division of EleIn the past similar busing the first books about the farm into the larger framework of mentary and Secondary Educa- amendments have been pa~sed in workers movement, interviewed C'hristian social reform. To put tion, said that busing to achieve the House, but were defeated in SINCE 1941 Chavez on this subject and found it another way, they give the im- desegregation is "primarily a the Senate. A companion bill WEB OFFSET to his own ohagrin that Chavez pression, perhaps unwittingJIy, moral issue." He added that bus- expected to reach the. Senate SINCE 1967 had long since made up his mind that so long as a given candidate ing "must be readily available as floor in a few weeks does not about it and was not about to is , or at least pretends to be a tool for providing equal educa- contain busing provisions, but reverse himself just to please with them on the abortion issue, tional opportunity for all chil-' does contain nonpublic school provisions. President Nixon has· 'outside supporters and admirers. they don"t give a tinker's dam dren." The bill';""'an amended version said he will veto the bill unless Matthiessen's interview with how he· votes on any other Chavez is summarized on pages issue in the area of jUiStice and of the Elementary and Second- the busing amendments are reary Education Act (ESEA) of tained. 323-24 of Sal Si Puedes; "Cesar peace. 1965-would' ban busing in all Qhavez and the New American Supports UFW Revolution" (Random House).. I know from personal experi- but the most extreme cases and I recommend j.t to anyone who ence that tJhose in charge of the. would Iimi,t busing to the school has any doubt about where anti-abortion campaign at the next closest to the student's home. Chavez and the UFW stand on level of the U. S. CathOilk Con- Federal funds for busing would the abortion issue. ference take a much more so- . be prohibited. Districts now unSince 'it is a matter of public . phi&ticated approach to the po- der court order to bus could record that Chavez has never litical aspects of the campaign have the order revoked if it did budged from that position, I was and ,have no desire to be associ- not conform to the bill. The aid package also contains There's a lot to like about Fernandes Super Marlcets d,isa.ppointed to learn' recently ated with the kind of simplistic, that the priest-director of the one-issue tactics referred to new guarantees to insure that Serviced! ,Fish and Deli, Serviced In - store Bako Shops, respect ute movement of a major a.bove. archdiocese had sent a letter to For;tunately even the priest,' Luncheonettes, Convenient Customer Rest Rooms. Try illS ••• all the priests of that archdio- who wrote the letter ·from which that the priests of the ArchdioYou'll like us, tool cese apparently trying to per~ I have quoted, has clarified his' cese should let it be known that, suade them that they had made own position on this matter. even though we support the cona mistake in suppor.ting the When some of his fellow-priests sumeI' boycott, we do not supVFW and 'its 'boycott of lettuce questioned him about his letter, port candidates who will not and gra'pes. His letter, which he replied as follows: "I support take a stand against abortion." clearly left the impression that the UFW, especial1ly in the conThat's fair enough, but I think he was asking his fellow-priests sumer boycott they advocate. the should have added 'that to withdraw their support of the I did not support 1!he local chap- neither do the priests of the UFW, reads in part as follows: ter's support of hte candidacy Archdiocese support candiates "Urge your laity to realize the of So-andso, And this is the who, while opposed to abortion, 32 Stores in Southeastern Massachusetts importance of the abortion issue point· I wanted to make in my are dead wrong on a variety of in this year's electio~. A. good letter. I did not want you to obher issues whioh are of direct OPEN DAILY 8 'a.m.• 9 p.m. example of the need for this conclude 'tha all of us have concern ·to the poor and the dis-· kind of informa't'ion can be dem- made a mistake by supporting the advantaged. MONDAY. thru SATURDAY onstrated by the foldowing: The UFW.'·I just wanted to point out ( © 1974 NC News Service)
Has Mixed Reaction To House' Education Bill
Food is our .product ... Service is ,our pride!
.... . THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 27,1974
Pope Paul Calls Christian Life Happy
LIGHT OF THE WORLD: Cardinal Leo Suenens of Malines-Brussels, Belgium, reads offertory prayers during a Corpus Christi Mass at the 1974 'International Conference on Charismatic Renewal at the University of' Notre Dame. Holding the book for him is Auxiliary Bishop Joseph McKinney of Grand Rapids, Mich., an unofficial liaison between U.S. bishops and pentecostals. NC Photo.
Cardinal Suenens Asserts Charismatics Need Mary SOUTH BEND (NC)--Cardi- sion to hold next year's internanal Leo Suenens told a gathering tional conference in Rome on of Catho~ic charismatics here Pentecost weekend as "an invithat by uniting with the Mother tation from the Lord to celebrate of God and with the visible Pentecost in an ecumeno:cal way." Church the charismatic renewal The conference, he pointed out, will move far ahead in its mis- will coincide wiLh the close of sion of prayer and service. the Marian World Congress, also Cardinal Suenens of Malines- to be held in Rome. Brussels, Belgium. and highest Mary, Cardinal Suenens n:>ted ranking churchman identified is a model of prayer linked to with the charismatic (Pentecos- service. Peter, he said, was also tal) renewal, spoke during a Sun- 'called to a service of love and day afternoon service of prayer action for the Christian flock. and witness at the 1974 internaWdth 'Mary and Peter as tional Conference on Charismat- models, the cardinal urged his ic Renewal in the Catholic audience to "go fly and take any Church, held at Notre Dame plane you like." University here. In a meeting with the press .Comparing the charismatic re- 'during the conference, Cardinal newa'i to a plane, Cardinal Sue- Suenens said that the charismatnens told his audience of about .jc renewa-l is a "grace for the 25,000 that "if the charismatic whole Church." He said he ex· renewal is to fly over the world pects that the charismatic move· and I think it is-on the right ment will become incorporated hand it needs Mary, the mother anto the life of the enti,re Church of God, and on the other hand, just as the liturgical or the bibPeter the head of the Church," lical movements of past years The cardinal called Mary the have been, ",first charismatic Christian" and the "heart of the charismatic. Church." He said tha.t "no one First Sacrament has given an answer to God like Guidelines Issued she has." Peter, the card,inal said, BROOKLYN (NC) - Bi~op represents all bishops and "all Francis J. Mugavero of Brooklyn the guidance of the visible announced new first Penance and Church" which support the first Communion guideline's here spread of God's Spirit through- that say children may not be out the world. compelled to receive either sacThe cardinal praised the deci- ment first, and they may not reo ceive one until both they and Masses for Deaf their parents have been adequately instructed. Started in Camden Formulated by a 13-member CAMDEN (UC)-Two special "sign language" Masses for the committee established by Bishop deaf will be offered e:u:h month Mugavero last November. the in the Camden diocese, Bishop guidelines stress the pril11ary role George Guilfoyle of Camden an- of parents in preparing their children for the sacraments and denounced here. Bishop Guilfoyle said three ciding when their children are priests in the diocese have taken ready .to receive each sacrament. The norms call on priests and special courses in sign language to help them minister to the religious teach"ers .to impress on parents the seriousness of their deaf. For June, July and August the responsibilities and to establish Masses are scheduled for the programs that will help parents third Sunday of the month at fulfill their role, The guidelines have been made Sacred Heart, Camden, 'and the fourth Sunday at St, Joseph, ava-i1able in English, Spanish, Hammonton, _N. J. . ,talian, French and Creole, ,
VATICAN CITY (NC) - To live a Christian life is to live a happy life, but only if one knows what Christianity is all abo,ut, Pope Paul VI told a general audi- ' cnce. In talking to hJ..:; thousands of visitors at his weekly general audience, Pope Paul began by asking the question: "Is the Christian life happy or sad?" He described his own question as "elemental but fundamental." The Pope-who was 15 minutes late for the general audi('nce because his visit with Mrs. Maria Estela Martinez de Peron, voice president of Argentina and wife of General Juan Peron, ran longer than expected-centered his thoughts on the pro~lems of
living as a Christian. He asked his visitors: "Does being a Christian make us happy, or instead does it impose on limits, duties, burdens which make us sad and unhappy in life, or less happy, less fulfilled than those who do J}ot bear the name of Christian?" These questions are particularly important in the realm of the young, who ofoten conceive of happiness as a "soverign right," Pope Paul noted, since young people are anxious to discover themselves and the world." The Pope also pointed out that today "there is a tendency in certain areas of modern education which seek to justify
the most logical, and truly, ·the most happy approach, that is to abolish duties, brakes, and limits and to give reign ,to freeqom, expansion and enjoyment of, instincts and subjective interest as the liberating formula of modern man, as freedom from many taboos of tradition~ii. and puritanni'cal education of times which are long past." Challenging this approach, Pope Paul declared: "It is clear that the Christian conception ()f life is totally and profoundly opposed to such a fonn of happiness." lnstead, he continued, ".for the present we can sum it up by saying: The fulcrum of the Christian life is the cross."
• •
Our Lady of The Lake Day Camp For Girls Located on the Shores of Long Pond Sponsored by the Diocese of Fall River Camp Fee $40.00 for 2 wk. period and $5.00 Registration Fee FEE IINCLUDES: •
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Boys Camp 763-8874
From Fall River Tel. 644-5741 This Message Sponsored by the following In,dividuals and Business Concerns In The Diocese NEW BEDFORD
12 . THE ANCHOR-Diocese of F~II River-Thurs. June 27,1974
The Parish Parade ~ublicity chairmen of parish organizations - are asked to submit news items for th;s column to The Anchor, P, O. Box J, Fall River, 027n. Name of city or lown should be included, as well as full dates of all ~ctivities. I'lease send news of future rather, than past events,
Franz Joseph, Elisalbeth .Story Told by G. 'R. Mare'k
ST. HEDWIG, NEW BIEDFORD A bazaar sponsored by the parish entertainment committee w.ill ,be held tomorrow through Sunday on' the church grounds at Second and Division Streets. A fis'h fry wiil begin at 4 tomorrow afternoon and bazaar activities will take place from 6 to 10 P.M. both tomorrow and Saturday. Sunday's hours will be from 1 to 10 P.M. and th'e program wH:l feature a grand raffle. Poli~h and American foods will be available and a white elephant tahle will be a special attraction.
Present day Austria is a country of distinctive beauty and charm but small and of little consequence in European politics. Present day Vienna is one of the loveliest cities in the world but not one of its power centers. In historic buildings in the city and in the country one is the throne. He died by his own hand, in 1889, at a hunting lodge always encountering a ,pair in Mayerling. As so often with of portraits depicting a se- ruler and heir, there was cool0
vere looking' man in military ness and antipa;thy between uniform and an exquisite woman, father and son, and Rudolf was in a ball gown. The man is Em- sympathetic to those who would peror Franz Joseph, the woman modernize the government. Thereafter the heir was Franz Joseph's nephew, Franz Ferdinand, who, with his wife, was assa;ssinated at Sarajevo in June Iy 1914. The emperor charged Serbia with guilt for his death, isIT. REV. sued an ultimatum, and then declared war. Tlhe quaI:rel between MSGR. Vienna and a small neighbor set JOHN S. oU World War J. Presumably a commanding KENNEDY figure, he was in the midst of decisive political and cultural , . currents over which he exercised is his wife, t1he Empress ElIsa- no influence, and of whi<;h he beth. was almost' entirely unaware. ,Franz Joseph had an extreme· What he took to be changeless ly long reign. He came to the was washed away; what he conthrone at 18, in 1848, a year of 'sidered indispensahle was proved revolution throughout Europe. inessen tial. He died in 1916, in the midst of He was' Catholic, and the World War I, for which he was, was a power in his ohiefly responsihle, and which, in turn, was responsible for the empire. Mr. Marek seems to conreduction of Austria from a huge sider serious commitment to reand powerful empire to its pres- ligion to be bigotry, and he mistakenly regards Church investent status. ments as simony (simony is the l1he story of Franz Joseph and selling of the sacred). But one Elisabeth is told by George R. must agree that Hapsburg CaMarek in The Eagles Die (Harper tholicism was. far from pure or & Row, 49 East 33rd St., New enlightened, and' the favored York, N. Y. 10016. Illustrated. position ,of the Churoh in the $12.50). empire was far from favorable ·Franz Joseph belonged to the in terms -of the true interests and Hapsburg line, one of the oldest function of the Church. 'and most significant dynasties Modern Italy in European annals. He took im· mense pride in his ancestary and -No thanks to Aust,ria,' Italy put great store by the absolute has been a united nation for just rights of a Hapsburg monarch. over a century, and for one-fifth These he sought to safeguard of a century Peter Nichols has against the increasing demands been the Rome correspondent of for popular gover.nment.· Fate and the London Times. He sums up the times were against him. ,his impressions of the country l1he empire which he inherited and the people in Halia, Italia included parts of northtlrn .lta'ly . (Atlantk-Littlle, Brown,' 34 Beaand much of central Europe. con St., Boston, Mass. 02106. \ Among his subjects were Italians, $8.95). Germans, Hungarians, Czechs, He sees Italy as doubly drawn Ukrainians, Croatians, Slovaks,. in two diJ:ections at once: toward Serbs, Poles, Slovenes, Bosnians, ,the distinctive Mediterranean Rumanians, etc. These people a.s- world and toward the different pired to freedom from his rule wonld to the north; toward the and to national self-determina- past and toward the industrialtion. His determination was that ized future. In the process, much they should remain under the is being destroyed. It remains to Habsburg crown. be seen whether what is going His wife Elisabeth was a Ba- into the discard will not prove varian and his first cousin. The to have been more valuable than ma'rriage was a mis-match from what is being put in its place.
the start" and EJiosabeth spent as much time as possible out of the country. She was frantically concerned about the enhancement and preservation of her beauty. Among her countless extravagances were the transportation from place to pJace of specially chosen cows to supply her with milk, and the use of 20 bottles of the best brandy in each shampooing of her hair. She was'assassinated by an anarchist in 1898. Franz Ferdinand The royal couple had three daughters and one son. The son, RudQ'lf, was, of course, heir to
Italian politics are a puzzle to the outsider. Mil'. Nichols has studied them for years, and tries to explain them. The Ghristian Democratic party, for example, is no monolith, but is made up 'of a variety of elements. "Each different section of society votes for a different sort of Christiqn Democracy." The Communists are not at al1 anxious to take over the national government. The party is, far more' powenful out of, office' than it would be in ~ffice.
The ,Ohurch has a special place in Italian me, and t!his the author discusses at times perceptively,
FIRST: Franciscan Father Edwin Dean, Jr., 26, a 'convert to Catholicism, will be the first native black Tennessean to be ordained a priest. NC Photo.
Cathed ra I Saved F'rom Automobile
OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER The Holy Ghost feast will be celebrated'the weekend of July 13 and 14 at the club grounds on Flynn Street, with a crowning ceremony at 11 A.M. Mass Sunday and a procession from Plynn Street at 1 P.M, Activities for the two days wiH include band music, reJeshments and auctions. The Holy Name Society 'fill sponsor a baseball trip to Boston Sunday, JUly 28. . Preparations are under way for the patronal feast of the parish, to he celebrated Thursday, through Sunday, Aug. 8 to 11.
OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, NEW BEDFORD The annual parish picnic will take place from 1 to 8 P.M, Sunday, July 14, at Pine Hill Pavilion, Acushnet. Music will be by the Creole Sextet and admission will be free for children under 12. ST, JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO The annual summer festival of the parish will be held the weekend of July 26 under the chairmanship of John Ferns, and Normand Santos, aided by Boy Scouts Steven Archambault and Keith Brask, for whom the project will form part of the Eagle Scout rank. The monthly $100 raffle for the weekly 'beano game .will be held tonight, beginning at 7:20 with an early bird special. SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER The parish will observe its patronal feast this weekend, with a candlel,ight street procession at 7 Saturday night, followed by 'booths and raffles at the church grounds. A solemn Mass at noon will 'begin Sunday's activities. There will be a procession at 2:30 P.M. and a band concert at 5 P.M. Booths will also be open on Sunday and an auction is scheduled. American and Portuguese foods will be available throughout the festivities' on both days.
PARIS (NC) - An lIth, hour reprieve by French President Valery Giscard d'Esta,ing has saved Notre Dame Cathedral from plans to construct a super- ST. ANTHONY, highway around the famed EAST FALMOUTH A concelebrated Mass of ST. PATRICK, chur,ch. Thanksgiving will be offered by FALMOUTH The money that would have Rev. Thomas C. Lopes at 5 New officers of the Women's been used for the expressway, the president said, will go for o'clock 011 Thursday afternoon, guild are Mrs. Edward C. Weil "more urgent" projects such as July 4 and immed'iately following Jr., president; Mrs. Patrick McDonnell, vice-president; Mrs. nurseries for. babies of working the Mass a reception will be held for the former assistant pastor William J. Drew and Mrs. Wi!· mothers. ' The expressway would have ,who served in this .East Fal- Ii<'.m Holzman, secretaries; Miss Ann Viera, treasurer. . destroyed the streets that border mouth 'parish from 1968 until the 12th-century cathedral: For his new a!ssignment on June 12 ,Incoming oHicers and past years those streets have been to St. John the' Baptist parish, presidents wi'll meet at 8 tonight famous as a gathering place for New Bedford. at the home of Mrs. Wei!. ,lovers, tourists and guitar-strumThe public is invited. ming youths. _. ST. 'MARY, - Giscard d'Estaing's gesture SO. DARTMOUTH toward the cathedral' raised On Thursday evening June 27 hopes of many that he wouM at 8 P.M; there will be a meeting ONE STOP veto many other' projects begun in the Parish Center to formulate SHOPPING CENTER 'by the late President Georges plans for St. Mary's ,"Old Fash• Television • Grocery Pompidou calling for more sky- 'i<;>n Country Fair." The da~e for • Appliances • Furniture scrapers and expressways. the fair. is Saturday, August 17, Those plans have been crit'Mr. George St. Aubin, general 104 Allen St., New Bedford icized because many people say "chairman ,has urged those who, 997-9354 the projects will des'troy the have been active in the fair in ~" • • • ~####,• •, • • • ,~~,~~Paris skyline. the past along with all parishio· ners and their friends who are Library Programs ,interested to be present at this 'HAVERFORD (NC}-A com- meeting. Rev. William Blottman will be mittee to assist diocesan and parish religion education centers this year's treasurer with Mr. 102 Shawomet Avenue in the development of resource Raymond Boyce, financial secreSomerset, Mass. centers and library programs tary and Mrs. Joseph Singleton, was established here by the secretary. Tel. 674-488~ Parishioners are also reminded Catholic Library Association 3% room Apartment $155.00 per to start checking their homes for (CLA). month rummage and "Recyclable Junk" The specific goal of the new 4Vz room Apartment $1 S5.00 per , month group, the Religious Education for the always popular "TreaIncludes heat, hot water, stove, reand Library Services Committee, sures and Trash" booths. These frigerator and ,maintenance service. the CLA said, is to assist the items may be deposited in the Church in the United States in ch,urch basement at any time. its task' to educate Catholics through effective religious ed-.· ucation programs on parish, diocesan, and rt1gional levels by means of effective media programs and other library services.
Wit}ll, Safety" at
at times far off the mark. He is a . stuqi'ous, not unsymp~thetic observer of the Italian scene, and even when his judgments are questionable they are at least provocative. -' .
. THE A.,NCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 27, 1974
KNOW YOUR FAITH Realism and Compas'sion "I tried. 1 really did. Nothing worked. To this day 1 still don't know what 1 could have done differently."
··.' P ,
. _ .
Ann was telling me about her attempt to save her marriage to her alcoholic husband. Her efforts had failed, even ,though she had sought help from a counsellor, a psychiatrist and a priest. T.his was six years ago. Since Ihat time she has raised her five children and worked-sometimes two jobs at once-as a religious rducator in several par'ishes. 1 asked her about her feelings regarding her divorce. "I think the main feeling 1 had was apathy. I had grown to the point of apa.thy. 1 did not wish George any harm, There was no hate. I felt good, but not happy, that our destructive relationship was finally coming to an end. There was a kind of peace. I remember, just after the divorce, hearing a homily at Mass on love and marriage. The priest was speaking of something 1 had wanted, something 1 still wanted, but knew it couldn't be. I was not bitter. As the priset spoke, 1
knew within myself that 1 would ,love again. 1 wanted to remarry. 1 wanted George to be happy, too." Anne arid 1 talked abou.t her very painful experience of divorce. 1 knew that I was hearing only one side of a story that necessarily' had another side. I was aware that George might interpret the same facts from quite another persp'ective., Yet it was clear that what had begun with youthful idealism ended six years and five children later in the painful shattering of those idealistic hopes. As Anne talked, 1 could not help but think of the hundreds of thousands of others like her whose marriages end in divorce or separation. Today between one-fourth and one-third of all marriages break down. The percentage is high as well among Catholics, who believe that marriage is meant to be foreverindissoluble. Many of those Catholics, like Anne, have persevered through the pain of divorce, their ideal of marriage and their love of Christ and his Church. Realism Necessary 1 asked Ahne what her expe, rience and that of so many other Catholics like her and George' might suggest to religious educators. She pointed, out the need for good pre-marriage courses, . courses that clearly present the ideals of marriage but honestly face the realistic Turn to Page Fourteen
Diseased or DJvorced? By GERARD A. POTTEBAUM
Somehow certain issues generate a lot of press for the Church. Birth control. Abortion. And most recently, divorce .. _Italian sty.le. When such topks storm through the wire serviee, a climate of sensitivity surfaces in Church circles. 'Church-afofiliated publ'ications often enter into a kind of holding pattern and stay with restating the Church's teaching. It is a way of landing safely, of getting ,one's feet on the ground, evert' though it may mean landing at another airport until the storm clears. This article, as part of the week's theme on divorced Catholics, follows the holding pattern approach to the topic, As almost everyone knows, a storm has been 'brewing in' Italy over the passage of a divorce law. Pub· 'lishers need to take special care in avoiding a treatment of the top':c that might communicate to some readers that they are not sympathetic with the Pope in his confrontation with the Italian voting publi<:. This would not be the time to examine ways of reinterpreting the Church's position toward marriages in trouMe. Such an idea would be seen by some readers as a shift in the Church's
stand toward divorce, a. defi· nit softening of a solid position, perhaps even a subtle way of promoting divorce. It would not relieve the anxieties often gener.ated by what some people inter· pret to be the ongoing disintegration of Church teaching, and the indiscriminate drifting of the Church with, the shifting stands of society. So, this article will avoid heightening anxieties over the divorce discussion. It will take the occasion to observe how lonely divorced people must f~el. They feel every bit as lonely as the Pope feels as he confronts the outcome of the Italian vote. Surley the Pope knows of their loneliness which makes his own ,struggle all the .more painful. Need of Church Community The divorced live in alienation of their spouse, of their own chi'ldren, and' of the friends they have made as a "married couple. They do not enjoy the luxury of a holding pattern. They've already fallen from the sky. They are trying to make for themselves a new life. They need a Church community of caring people who will not look down upon them as defective, deformed, diseased. The time is always right for expressions of care. Turn to Page Fourteen
"Does the Church Know We Exist?"
By ANTOINETTE BOSCO Most of the 82 women and 12 men who arrived at the Long Island Cenacle Center for Spiritual Renewal on a {;ool Sunday in'lthe fall of 1971 were vocally suspicious of what this meeting was all about. But curiosity-and hope-had dragged them here, some from as far a distance as 70 miles. The announcement attracting them, put into the Long Island Catholic diocesan paper and the local "Pennysaver," an advertising circular, had read simply: "The first program of its kind, planned specifically for divorced and separated Catholic men and women will be held at the Cen,acle ... For reservations, or further information, call or write Sister Thelma Hall ... As people arrived to register, their motives incoming ranged from disbelief-"I didn't think the Church knew we existed" - to amazement: "Thank God the Churoh is finally recognizing,this problem." This "problem" is an anguishing one for Catholics who, for whatever reason, have had to confront the tragic fact that their marriage is a shambles, and ,that separation or divorce is inevita.ble. Status after Separations The pain of divorce is especial!ly deep for Catholics, precisely because we believe in the sanctity and indissolubility of Christian marriage. Divorce makes Catholics unsure of their position in the Church. To complicate this confusion, af,ter a separation ,or divorce, most Catholics feel isolated 'from their parishes-invaders in parish organizations where once they felt accepted. And in the parish itself, once such. a homeplace, they oftten feel like "strangers in a strange land." For CathoLiCs who want to continue living a life of faith within the Church, in spite of their new and terrifying life situatiop,' where is the Cathollic niche or group offening a welcome? No wonder the invitation from the Cenacle Sisters which reached 128 parishes was so welcomed. Sister Thelma Hall explained that the Sisters had planned the day to provide Catholics in disrupted marriage situations the opportunity to talk about their special problems and feelings, to discuss current considerations in the Church on this problem area, and to reflect and pray together. Need of Identity The success of the Cenacle 'program, still going strong and now having reached over 400 peopJe, emphasizes that many Cathalics want 01.0 remain in good Church standing after a divorce and thus are' searching to f.ind what avenues are available within tile Church to rebuild t~eir personal and spiritual life. Divorced Catholics also find them· selves in the strange situation of hearing someone say "broken family" and realizing the refer-
OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS PROBLEMS: The Cenacle Sisters .. , had planned the day to provide Catholics in disrupted marriage situations the opportunity to talk about their special problems, Two Long Island priests ·listen to' divorced Catholics discuss their problems at the Cenacle. NC Photo. ence was made to their family. Finally, they discover they usually know very little about the Church's current theological position on annulment and divorce. As one woman put it, "We need help in learning to live with our new and difif1icult life situation. We need an identity, not only to know who we are-but we need an identity within the Church." A young priest-doctor in Canon La'w, who is the volunteer chaplain for the Cenacle program, continually emphasizes the connection !jetween the legitimately human and the spiritual elements' in each life. "Divorced and separated Catholics are coping with a very difficult hum~n situation," says Father Tho'mas Candreva. "It is important to he~p them see that not giving up on ourselves and having confi· dence in life are fundamental religious attitudes." A divorced Catholic almost always experiences a trauma, a shredded self-image, a sense of failure, and uncertainties about what problems will erupt in the changed family. The divorced Catholic who takes over as the soltary parent left to raise the children must work incredibly
hard at building a whole family and challenging the' "broken famiily" image that plagues every family with a missing spouse. And what is a whole family? A place where there is a sense of unnty and peace; where all the family members feel comfortable; where they care for one anollher, would go to bat for one another, and .would never hurt one another. This kind of family can be achieved even where di\'orce has severed the marriage. New Minority Along with being whole, a family with a divorced parent can be a Christian family as truly as any two-parent family. Turn to Page Fourteen
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THE ANCHOR-Dioce$e of Fall River-Thurs. June 27,1974
"Does the Church Know We Exist ?" and personality impediments Continued from Page Thirteen Wi:th Christ as the Center, where that may have existed at the values of love, justice, goodness, time of their marriage. Divorced Catholics are the and' generosity prevail among the members and are willingly new minority in the Church, sufextended to others, a family fering the difficult life of being rightly should be seen as a isolated, different, lonely, and usually poor, thus needing the Christian family. While divorce does not cut strength and refreshment of the off Catholdcs from the Church, Church perhaps more than at remarl"iage severs them from the any other prio,r time in their sacraments unless they have ob- ,lives. Encouraging signs are that. tained a Church annulment the Church is beginning to scc which dec.1ares their previous divorced Catholics, not as an marriage invalid. In recent years, embarrassment, but as fellow progress have been made in Christians,. offering unders-tandgranting annulments on psycho- ing, not judgme~t. logical grounds, and divorced Catholics are urged to go to their diocesan marriage tribunals to diiscuss annulment possibilities, ,Continued from, Page Thirteen particularly because of psychic problems of marriage in today'g world. "It's important for the Church to be realistic. We need to face the fact that people make Continued from Page Thirteen mistakes." ' Substitute Parent It seems to me that Anne's The Church's position on di- insights are valid. They reflect vorce and remarriage need not the experience of many good change .for people to show the Catholic men and women like divorced that although their mar- her who sincerely tried to live as riage has failed, they are not man and ,wife, but in spite of failures as people. Other matters their efforts, found their relaAPPRECIATION EVENING: New Bedford's Holy Family High School held an eventhan the Church's position put tionship deteriorat'ing to the ing of Appreciation for the departing Sisters of Mercy, left to right, Sister M. Carola strain on any effort to be sup- point of being destructive to anne, RSM, principal Sister M. Charles Francis, RSM and Sister M. Mauricita, RSM. portive of the divorced person, each other and to their children. I ,for instance, divorced persons What doe~ their experience sugrepresent a threat to married gest to religious educators- parcouples. They are suspect of ents, teachers, priests? being on the prowl for a new MACKINAC ISLAND (NC)- gress of the United States in amendment must be returned to No Compromise spouse. Especially is this so of Catholics must become hignly 1974 on the human life amend- the individual states for ratificathe divorcee with young chilFirst, it seems to me that re- political this election year and ment." tion by the legislature, also makdren. 'ligious educators have the obli- strive to elect condidates who ing it important that state'legis· Know Candidates The emotional stabi1lity of chil- gation to teach clearly and hon- wm reflect the Church's views He said candidates must know lators have a pro-life posture, dren depends heavily ~>n a estly the Christian ideal of mar- on current key moral questions, in advance of- the election that "In essence, what I am stating healthy mothering and fathering riage as a Hfetime, indissoluble, Thomas M. Bergeson, executive their position on the proposed to you is that we must become experience. The divorcee with un'ion of man and woman. Chrisdirector of the Michigan Catholic constitutional amendment may highly political in this year of children has to go out of his or tian marriage is not a temporary Conference, told the, annual weIl determine whether they will 1974, highly cognizant of our her way to, provide for the miss- arrangement. It is meant "for betmeeting of the Michigan Knights be elected to Congress, candidates, highly cognizant of , ing parent. That can create prob- ter or for worse ... till death do 'Bergeson said a constitutional their positions on this important of Columbus here. lems if the substitute parent hap- us part." This is the teaching life issue and, yes, on other im·Bergeson said there are too p~s to b~ the husband of your Jesus; it is the teaching of the portant life issues, and we must many important issues affecting Cites Importance neighbor ,in the next apartment. Church. make our strong feelings ... em~ the lives and well-being of cit· It is often difficult fol' the diSecopdly, however, there inently clear to candidates for vorcee to discourage such are· needs to be honest reaHsm. Peo- izens in Michigan and across the Of Catholic Schools LOS ANGELES (NC) - Inner .public office in 1974," he delationship frolt.1 ,developing be- ple have a right to know that nation to see Catholics lull~d tween the children and another there is serious responsihle theo- into a passive role in the upcom- city parochial schools do suc- clared. cessfuIly convey values, impart "We cannot retreat from a dismarried person because the chil- logical rethinking of divorce and ing election. He cited capitai punishment, knowl,edge and provide a strong, cussion with the candidates of dren themselves seek out the remarriage 'within the Church. parental'needs they firid missing People have a right to know that pornography, welfare reform and positive se.Jf-image in their stu· moral questions or plead nonin their own .families. ,there are pastoral solutions pos- an anti-abortion constitutiona-l dents, according to Dr. Edette involvement when it comes to Under such conditions, the sible today that a decade ago, amendment as examples of ques- B. Price, Los Angeles City establishing a just social order by means of law and public time seems never right for ex·' were not poss'ible. Without com· tions that are decided through Schools psychologist. . Dr. Price, who is carrying out . policy," he added. pressions of care. They always promising the ideal of indIssolu- the legislative process. A pro-life constitutional amend- the elementary and Secondary The Michigan Catholic Conferseem suspect. And that only uble marriage, the Church today adds to the divorced person's is grappling' very realistically ment has been supported by the Education Act Title I program ence acts as a liaison between loneliness, and to the married wit,h .the thousands of men and National Conference of Catholic in 11 inner .city parochial schools. Church and state. Its board of tests IQ, scr.eens pupils and seeks directors includes all bishops of person's dilemma of trying to women who, for a variety of Bishops, "What must each one of us do strategies for helping each child Michigan. be supportive without being sus- reasons,have failed to achieve to achieve this objective?" Ber- to learn. She has four years expect. It's not a pretty picture ... the ideal. geson asked. "First of all, it is perience in this work outside from' up here in the holding Challenge to Educators absolutely i~perative that you ,Los Angeles parish schools. pattern. Plum~ing & There needs to be a genuine' and I, as voters, ascertain the I "Catholic schools play an imeffort to encourage both compas· position of each candidate for portant role in upgrading inner Teenage Marriage sion and understanding. Often election or reelection to the Con- city education," she said in an Over 35 Years ,interview. persons whose marriages have Policy Adopted of Satisfied Service , "Certainly no school is good SPOKANE (NC) - A teenage broken up are among the most ,Postal Rate Bill Reg. Master Plumber 7023 just because it is Catholic. Rathmarriage policy designed "to lonely, isolated guilt-ridden perJOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. I er, the school is good because of provide an opportunity for sons in the Christian community. Goes to President 806 NO. MAIN STREET ,WASHINGTON (NC) - Con- what it doe:; for the student and y.oung couples to look at their They not only feel they have Fall River , 675-7497 • • • • . 0" po • • " • • • failed personatly, but they feel gress has sent President Nixon the way in which it does it." own readiness for marriage" has been adopted by the Spokane excluded from the very sources legislation which would 'lessen of spil1itual strength they so des- the impact' of scheduled posta'l diocese. ' The policy will require that peratedly need. Understanding rates hikes for some mail 'users couples with either party 19 and compassion are not signs of by increasing the phase·in time years or younger obtain counsel- permissiveness, but signs of en- , to absorb the· increases. The House passed the postal ing from the Catholic Family courageme~t and hope, ' As Anne and I spoke I could biB bya 277 to 129 vote. The Service (CRS). The policy also requires that the priest perform- not help but think that within measure is identical to a bill ing the marriage interview the the Christian community, reli- passed last month by the Senate. Silaee 1913 couples's parents, and that he gious educators have the chal- Under the bill nonprofit secondemploy CFS interview evaluation, lenge and opportunity to help class mail users, including most information from the parents Catholias preserve high Chl1istiart Catholic newspapers and mag-. 699 Bellville Avenue and interviews with the couple ideals about marriage while en- azines, would have 16 years inNew Bedford themselves in determining 'their couraging - honest 'realism and stead of the current 10 years to adjust to the new rates. compassionate understanding. readiness for marriage.
Urges Catholics Become Highly
Montie Heating Cc.
THE ANCHOR--Di~cese of Fall River-Thurs. June 27, 197.4
Priests Entering Politics Must Learn Political Skills
"L'Osservatore Romano"-the Vatican's equivalent of "PravCla"-has r:ecently delivered itself of a violent, though opaque, attack on priests who become involved in politics psychology, and sociology. The problem with such involvement, "Osservatore" warns, is that priests become so en- had kept its mouth shut, the referendum would certainly have tangled in their secular oc- been close, but ecdesiastical cupation that commitment spokesmen blundered into the
to the· priesthood slips away. No one would deny that this sort of thing can and does happen. But to be fair the Vatican
REV. ANDREW M. GREELEY "viewers-with-alarm" OUg.,I' to have noted that involvement in ecclesiastical administration has been known to despiritualize priests as much as sociology or politics. Indeed, one might wonder of such admininistratorsand some wear the sacr€:d purple and even the sacred scarletwhether there is anything at all of the priesthood left in them. Certa,inly their reluctance to give up office at retirement age would suggest that· they might be something like the major in "Hogan's Goat": "If I'm not an ecclesiastical bureaucra.t, I am nothing." One could make the same observation about priests who teach , or who write theology books, or who engage in psychotherapeutic counseling, or who edit newspapers. T'he warning is well taken: ,it is easy to forget what the priesthood is really about. But it is curious that one kind of clergy are selected for a special warning when the problem seems universal in the priesthood--and can even be seen not too far from "L'Osservatore's" own office. Italy's Divorce :Law Those wilo are skilled in translating the oracular comments of "Osservatore" into language that ordinary people can understand tell us that the petson the Curial sheet had in mind was John McLaughlin, the hapless Jesuit who has been attempting to defend Mr. Nixon. A lot of things begin to make sense if this be the case. Father Cleary, the Jesuit Provincial who summoned :McLaughlin to a week of prayer, may well ,have been responding to Vatican pressure.. It could be that the "holy see" (whioh usually means someone somewhere in the Vatican who reads American news-. papers) got alarmed at what was t,hought to be very unfavorable publicity in' the American press. In any event, whether the attack was aimed at McLaughlin or n'Ot, it comes with singular il1 grace from the Curia, which has just escaped from one of the Church's most disastrous interventions in recent history. There was a lot of opposition to Italy's divorce. legislation, and there may well have been a majol'ity of the Italian public: who would have opposed it. If the Vatican
!battle and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Play the Game The proponents of the new legislation made the subject of the referendum not divorce but the Church's meddling into politics. They won in a walk. Most. commentators ,thought that a substant,ial proportion of th:) vote in favor of the legislation was actually a vote against insenfitive ,and crude Vatican intervention. "But it was a moral issue," say the defenders of ecclesiastical intervention. Doubtle~s it was, but the point is thjit It you are going to intervene in po'!it'ics at all, you must pl'ay the political game. Either you stay out of the arena or you enter it and follow a strategy that is designed to win. If you arc going to get involved in politics and ins:ist on a hard-line, insenEWve approach that guarantees victory to your opponents, it would have been better not to enter the game in the first place. Most churchmen seem quite incapa'bleof .grasping this simple .fact. Their political style concen· trates 'on harsh self-I'ighteous moralizing pos'itively guaranteed to ,award victory to the opposi. tion (this weakness is ecumenica:l, not limited to the Catholics). Enter to Win Most polaticians, therefore, are delighted to learn that the Ohurch has entered the lists on the other side. It gives them a new issue to detract f.rom the real ones, and it automatically provides them with a substantial bloc of votes from people who resent clerical dictation in politics. Indeed, a really smart pol· it'idan would try to induce the Church (any churoCh) to enter a . campa,ign on the other side. So "Osservatore" might some day write an editorial on priests who enter politics who have not bothered to Jearn .polit· ical skills. I don't think, however, that the editors would grasp. that in its own order such blunder:ing is as much of a corruption of a human professional commitment as is the behavior of a pl'iest who lets some other auxmary role define his identity. If priests are to be politicians (and I rather think they ought not to be), the least they can do is to he good ones, which is to say they should win elections, not lose them. © 1974, Universal Press Synd'c't
ARCHBISHOP APPLAUDED: Archbishop Helder Camara of Olinda and Recife, Brazil, is applauded by academicians after he is given an honorary doctor of laws degree from Harvard University. The 65 year old Nobel Peace Prize nominee was described as "a tireless opponent of poverty and injustice, a stalwart Christian leader offering life and hope to the downtrodden and defeated." NC Photo.
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tHE ANCHoRThurs., June 27, 1974
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PITTSBURGH (NC)·-Five Protestant famiLies from Beaver C<iunty have sued to enjoin the state of Pennsylvania and two local school districts from col-lecting ,school ,taxes from them until the funds for education are distributed equitably to all children without regard to religion. The suit, fHed 'in the U. S. District Court for Western Pennsyivania , contends that the public schools, which are forbidden to teach religion, have become teachers of secularism or secular humanism, 'which the U. S. Supreme Court, in the ,1961 Torcaso v Watkins case, said is itself a religion under the First Amendmenlt. . The suit argues that the state has established its own sc~ool religion, hostile to the Christian faith of the plaintiffs, which they are forced to support' and' which enjoys a monopoly on school taxes. This monopoly is discriminatory and violates their religious rights, the plaintiffs contend, asking that it be halted and that school funds be distributed on a per capita basis without regard to religion. Motion to Dismiss
Judge John L. Miller .is now considerJng a motion to dismiss the suit. The motion has been filed by, the three defendants, the state of Pennsylvania, and the Blackhawk and Big Beaver Falls school districts. The defendants argue that no constitutional issue is involved but only a 'tax issue, whJch is a state matter, not a :federal one. The plaintiffs' atlorney Rex Downie Jr. of Beaver Falls has responded that a constitutional issue is indeed involved, that" of religious freedom, and that the plaintiffs have raised the tax issue only secondarily. The plai·ntiffs are prepared to take the case to the Supreme Court, he said. Downie, 38, who -belongs to the Reformed Presbyterian Church· of North America, as do three of the pIainti~f eouples, said he has been preparjng this case for more than three years. He has three children in the . Beaver County Christian School in Beaver Falls, to whi~h the, three plaintiffs also send their children.
Refugees Benefit From Florida Law
TALLAHASSEE (NC)--Thousands of Cuban refugees in Florida will benefit from legislation\ approved by the state legislature here. The measure permits un!versities and junior colleges to inaugurate year-long training programs for Cubans, previously licensed as professionals in their native country. Those participat'ing will subsequently be permitted to take licensing examinations in Spanish. Many Cuban officials arc engaged in non-professional fields primarily because until now they have not been permitted to take professional examinations in their native language.
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