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Supreme· Court Ruling Implies Divisiveness People of Religious Conviction

The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, June 28, 197-3 $4.00 per year VoI. 17, No. 26 © 1973 The Anchor PRICE 10¢

Court Ruling Allows States To Crack Down on Smut WASHINGTON (NC) - In a wide-ranging series of decisions the U. S. Supreme Court reversed its earlier trend towards permissiveness and opened the door for states to crack down on the sale and distribution of obscene or pornographic materials. In a 5-4 decision June 21, the court rejected a controversial standard for determining obscenity that had been in use since a 1966 Supreme Court decision: Under that standard, only material "utterly without redeeming social value" could be judged to fall outside the First Amendment protection of free expression. While rejecting that concept as "unworkable," the court set a new standard to be used in judging the' constitutionality of obscenity laws. The court said that the laws

be limited to works which "taken as a whole, appeal to the prurient interest in sex, which portray sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and which, taken as a whole, do not have serious Iitera,ry, artistic, political, or scientific' value." The court also stated that there is no need for a "national standard" or for "expert testimony" to determine what offends community standards. A jury trying an obscenity case may determine whether the material appea'ls to prurient interest or patently offends community standards, the court said. Turn to Page Four

Summer Mass Schedule Pages FOUR and FIVE

Deeds, Not Words Says Pope VATICAN CITY (NC)-"More deeds and fewer words" are needed at all levals of the Church, Pope Paul told a group of cardinals living in Rome in a talk given the day after the 10th anniversary of his election to the papacy. The cardinals had assembled in the Vatican to wish the Pope a happy anniversary. The Pope, as he has in the past, took the occasion to deliver a' rather long and detailed view and report on the hopes, aspirations and facts of life of the Church as he sees them from his unique position. He began by saying that he would have preferred that the "'occasion be passed over in silence," ,but then announced that he wanted to talk about the Church "at this particular moment in time." Pope Paul's reign began in the midst of the Second Vatican Council and has been conditioned by tha event. He touched first on his intention to carry out the programs of the council. "The teaching of the council is far from having become a living reality for many, however much they may refer to it," he said. "Hence the full acceptance

of the council's teaching continues to be the program which we Turn to Page Three

Will Resent and Reject Comments The U. S. Supreme Court's decisions outlawing state aid to nonpublic schools or tuition-paying parents of nonpublic school children brought great disappointment to school leaders and the reasons for the ruling have been labeled "alarming."

association "is extremely disappointed." 'We cannot believe that the doctrine of separation of Church and State was ever intended by our forefathers to be interpreted in this manner," he said. On June 25, the Supreme Court ruled that four forms of state aid to nonpublic schools in New York were unconstitutional because they involved the state in serving the advancement of religion - an action prohibited by the First Amendment's prohibition against the state establishment of religion. The court also ruled that a Pennsylvan'ia tuition reimbursement law on the same grounds and affirmed a lower court decision that an Ohio tax credit law is unconstitutional. The court majority found "a primary effect that advances religion" to be the chief constitutional bar to the laws in question by Justice Powell, writing for the majority, declared that "assistance of the sort here involved carries grave potential

The especially alarming asStriking' out at the court's pect of this decision is the language, Bishop Rausch' called court's use of the argument that it a "gag rule for religion." the involvement of religious Terence. Cardinal Cooke of groups and religiously affiliated New York found the court's individuDls in public issues conaction "most distressing:" "The tributes to divisiveness and must essential right of parents to a be opposed. free choice in the education of their children is a keystone in Speaking for the U.S. Cathothe American system," the carlic Conference, Bishop James S. dinal said. He called on parents Rausch said that the court deciof nonpublic school children to sions barring aid to religious "work 'as never before" to schols are "a denial of the civil preserve the strength and quality rights of millions of citizens." of nonpublic schools. 'To conclude, as the court Cardinal Cooke also scored does," the Bishop stated, "that the language of the decision. religious sponsorship of elemen'IPeople of religious conviction tary and secondary' schools cuts will resent and reject the comoff their patrons from benefits ments of some members of the which other citizens enjoy is to Supreme Court on divisiveness," penalize many Americans on he said. religious grounds - something contrary to the constitutional traditions of this nation." Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr., writing for the majority, wrote that "one factor of recurring significance" in the court's conSiderations was "the potentially MILWAUKEE {NC)-The Sec- spoke at the first midwest Madivisive political effect of an aid ond Vatican Council has given rian Regional congress here. program." "This goes beyond aid to ed- .all Christians greater appreciaThe theologian said that "other ucation or any other specific tion of the Blessed Virgin Mary Christians"-a term he. prefers question . and threatens all and her role in the salvation. of to "non-Catholic"-have taken churches and churc!). groups by man, a Lutheran theologian fold hope from references to Mary in teIling them," Bishop Rausch res- a Catholic gathering here. Vatican II. He said, however, The Rev. Arthur Carl Piepkorn that the closeness of the vote to ponded, "in effect, to hold their tongues in the face of the major pointed out that the Blessed include the chapter on the issues of our times. It must be Mother not only is accepted but Blessed Mother in the dogmatic rejected promptly and firmly by also venerated by many Church Constitution on the Church all Americans concerned that groups including the Orthodox, rather than making it a separate moral and spiritual values con- Lutherans, Anglicans, Presby- document disturbed' some of tinue to play a meaningful role tarians, Congregationalists and them. Baptists. in the me of this country." "It may yet happen in our Mr. Piepkorn, a professor at time," the clergyman said, "that Father C. Albert Koob, president of the NCEA said that the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, there' will come about a happy balance between excess ardor in the veneration of the Mother of God and in excessive coldness to the role that God Himself has given her in the drama of human salvation. "If it does, as I pray it will, we shall see in our time what the "Magnificat" placed on the lips curled, furled of the Mother of God meanshurled on a trash heap Turn to Page Eleven marketed for cas~

Lutheran Th'eologian Lauds Vatican II View of Mary

used to mend things torn borne to the farthest extend worn on the rear end much abused Betsy Ross tapestry signaling the loss of a certain nobility God-like in man a certain way of looking at fatherland a way of holding heritage in the hand that has more to do with' make than break or take let us think on these things for our own and the future's sake

Photo-poem by Sister 'o.n


for entanglement in the broader sense of continuing political strife over aid to religion." Powell further said that "one factor of recurring significance" in tl:te court's considerations was "the potentially divisive political effect of an aid program."



Celebrate Feast Of Sacred Heart This Weekend Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven, will be the site of special observances marking the 300th Anniversary of the appearance of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. A special Mass will be concelebrated on Friday, June 29, at 8 o'clock in the evening followed by the Rosary, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a vigil that will extend throughout the night, ending with Mass in Turn to Page Two


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 28, 1973

Four Diocesan Priests Attend Stonehill Theological Institute

Archbishop .Casey Urges Priests Show Compasstion DENVER (NC) - The priest of today and tomorrow brings a secret to hiS ministry inherited from Christ, according to Archhishop James V. Casey of Denver. In a speech at the annual meeting of the Presbyterium of the Archdiocese of Denver, Archbishop Casey said, ..!tis the secret of being able to see, to realize, to articulate his own wounds and then to bring'hope of healing to wounded men and women." .He warned priests against seeking to find the answers to' men's,.needs only thro'ugh specialization and professionalism. If they rely completely on this approach, he said, priests will lose most certainly the one quality of compassion which best identifies us as brothers of Christ...... " "For too long, most of us as priests have been afraid to let our wounds show out of fear that either we would seem to reveal a weakness or add burdens to an already overburdened people," he said. "But in our effort to hide our own wounds, we robbed ourselves of the appearance of 'being compassionate men." . Mexican-Americans In reviewing the conflicts in his archdiocese during the past few years, Archbishop Casey warned' that the price for compassion can sometimes be suffering. In commenting on conflict· bet.ween Mexican-Americans and his archdiocese, Archbishop Casey says, "they feel that the Church has neglected them for the Anglos. Certainly some of their charges are historically true but some arc charges raised in anger." -~nd conflicts have occured on other fronts. The archbishop was

subpoened by two .priests whom he had freed f!"Om regular pastorduties to work with the poor. Three priests, along' with six other anti-war activists, W'ere found guilty of trespassing on the groynds of the U.S. Air Force Academy, near Colorado Springs. The group had conducted religious services at the academy to pray' for peace, protest the war in .Indochina and question the relationship between the military. and religious establishments on the base. They had been pre~iously banned from the Installatibn. "They wanted me to testify that they were priests in good standing and that their protest was consist~nt with the teaching and ideals of the Church," the archbishop said. "And this I did." More Conflict T.he D.enver archdiocese has also had its own variation of the' married priest when a man who left· the lJriesthood to marry, later returned to concelebrate a Mass. "Of course I had to do something about that," the arcl1bishqp said, "and again more conflict." "I have always been sensitive to the fact that angry and unfair remarks toward me and my office as head of the Church in our archdiocese reflect in a painful way on all of you and our' people," Archbishop Casey told the assembly of bishops and priests We could .have managed to have a "quiet" diocese, but I submit that ,it would have been the' quiet of a cemetery from which our more creative priests would have sought to leave." . He feels that the Church in Denver is "live and growing" . and "we rejoice that so many zealous priests have chosen to join us in our pastoral ministry... a~d more are coming,"


Study Training Diocesan Priests In Religious Order Seminaries WASHINGTON (NC) - "Open communication" ·between bishops and rectors of religious order seminaries training diocesan priests "is essential," said' a study sent to bishops and seminary rectors around the country. The new study of the relationship between local bishops and seminaries owned and operated


by religious orders was done by a joint subcommittee of the U. S. Bishops' Committee on Priestly Formation and the formation committee of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men. The document urged "regularly established meetings" between bishop and rector as well as reports to ,the bishop and consultation on major' changes and programs. Necrology "Matters which relate directly to the bishop's jurisdiction, e.g. July 6 Rev. Edmund Francis, SS.CC., ',certain liturgical practices, mat1963, Pastor, St. Mary, Fair- ters which affect diocesan policy, haven. certainly ought to be part of regular communication and diaJuly 7 the document said. logue," ~ Rev. James E. Lynch, 1965, There should be opportunities Pastor, St. Joan of Arc, Orleans for meeting and dialogue heJuly 8 tween the bishop and the semRev. Edward J. Murphy, 1887, inary's board of ,trustees, faculty Pastor, St. Mary, Fall River and seminarians, it said.. The problem to which the doc- ' July 10 Rev. Pie Marie Berard, O.P., ument is addressed, said Msgr. 1938, Dominican Priory, . Fall Robert E. Bacher, executive director of the Bishop's Committee River on Priestly Formation," is that there is an overlapping of auTHE ANCHOR thority" in seminaries owned and Second Class Postage Paid at Fall Rivp·. Mass. Published every Thursday at 41" operated by religious orders that _Hlahland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02722 train candidates for the diocesan bv the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid priesthood. . M.llll per y e a r . ' .


Nqnr1es Ordinary For Columbus WASHINGTON (NC) - Auxiliary Bishop Edward J. Herr.. mann of Washington was named bishop of Columbus, Ohio, by Pope Paul VI, it was announced by Msgr. Francesc!) Denittis, charge d'affaires at the apostolic delegation here. ' Bishop Herrmann was named ,auxiliary of Washington March 4, 1966, and consecrated April 26, 1966. Ordained in June, 1947, Bishop Herrmann was born in Baltimore Nov. 6, 1913.

Bishctps SUJ)port Farm! Workers

Four priests of the Diocese of Fall River are attending the ~ew England Summer Institute for Priests at Stonehill College this week. They are: Rev. Benedict F. Folger, Our Lady of the Assumption Church, New Bedford, Rev. Msgr. Henri A. Hamel St. Joseph Church, New Bedford, Rev. Clarence Murphy Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville, Rev. John J. Steakem S1. Julie Billiart, North - Dartmouth. In all: 150 priests from throughout the northeastern' United States' and Canada are participating in the six-day conference. The Institute, which opened Sunday (June 24) and runs through Friday (June 29), is designed to provide the priests with an opportunity to keep abreast of developments in theology which directly condition their apostolic effectiveness. The theme of this year's Institute is "Man Created and ReCreated". The Institute's faculty has taken an interdisciplinary approach to the topic. The lectures represent four fields: Old Testament. New Testament; Ethics and Psychology. Faculty The Rev. Phillip J. King, the Institute's director, is a professor

Meeting Stresses Theology of Hope TOLEDO (NC)-An international meeting h~re in Spain on the merits of t.he "theology of liberation" ended by stressing "theology of hope." In countries stirred by social injustice,.a statement from the meeting said, "the accent of Churchmen is on Hberation from the consequences of sin, like poverty, illiteracy, illness' and other inequities, but the root of these evils, sin itself, is treated slightly." Among those attending were Cardinal Raul Silva of Santiago, Chile; Cardinal Marcelo Gonzalez of Toledo; Professor Wilhelm Weber of Munster Universit~ in Germany; and Auxiliary Bishop Alfonso Lopez Trujillo of Bogota, Colombia, secretary general of the Latin American Bishops Council (C~LAM). As discussions progressed,and the' political implications of liberation unfolded, Europeans' and some Latin Americans' focused on "theology of hope" as the result of redemption from sin.

PORTLAND (NC)'-·AII Catholic ·bishops of New Englan::l have urged boycotting table grapes and iceberg lettuce unless they are identified with the United Farm Workers 'Union label of the Black eagle. Bishop Peter L. Gerety of Portland chairman of The New England region of the National Catholic Conference of Bishops, said that the 26 bishops issued their statement in support of the UFWU's struggle "against an alliance between the strong Teamsters Union and the powerful' Califor.n.ia Growers." Cesar Chavez' United Farm Workers Union is battling the teamsterS over. the representation of the farm worken; in California and other wester'n and southwestern, states. The focal point of the conflict has been the Coachella Valley in California, where some growers .who previously had contracts with the UFWU signed labor contracts with the Teamsters, alDOLAN-SAXON legedly against the wishes of the workers. . The UFWU declared a strike and called ·for a boycott of let123 Broad~ay tuce and grapes. The confrontation has been characterized by picketing of the fields by the 'VA 4-5000 UFWU and occasional violence by the Teamsters guards. The New England bishops statement declared that they "have watched with interest and Funeral Home .approval the efforts in recent 571 Second Street years" of the WFWU "to organize the farm workers into an ef-Fall River, Mass. fective union in order to improve 679-6072 the deplorable economic condiMICHAEL J. ·McMAHON tions in which they have lived Registered Embalmer and worked for many genera. . , Licensed Funeral Director ·tions."



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·of the Old Testament and Hebrew at St. John Seminary in Brighton, Mass. Other faculty members arethe Rev. Joseph A. Fitzmyer, professor of New Testament and Biblical Language at Fordham University; the Rev. James A. O'Donohoe (cq) Professor of Theological Ethics at 51. John Seminary, Brighton, Mass.; and the Rev. Henry P. Quellete, chairman of the Psychology Department at Emmanuel College, Boston. Coming Conferences Other 'religious conferences scheduled at Stonehill College this summer include-the Religious Education Institute (Aug. 510), which has its theme, "Current Developments in 'Religious Education," and the Institute on Religious Life (Aug. 12-17), which aims at the "renewal of Christ's religious in precisely those areas where they need support and direction."

Sacred Heart Continued from Page One honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary .at 8:30 Sa~urday morning. The Mass beginning the Night of Reparation will have Rev. Msgr. Henri A. Hamel, pastor of St. Joseph Parish in New Bedford, as the principal celebrant and J1Qmilist, Rev.. jeremiah Casey, SS.CC., pastor of Sacred Hearts Parish, will be the celebrant and homilist of the Saturday Mass. ' During the vigil, individual holy hours will be conducted throughout the night. In preparation for this Feast of Love, a triduum to the Sacred Heart is. being conducted in the Sacred Hearts Parish each evening, beginnin~ Wednesday, June 27, at 6:30 in the evening. This is the 300th Anniversary of Our Lord's appearance to St. Margareet Mary Alacoque when, in revealing His Sacred Heart to her, He said: "Behold this Heart which has so loved men and been so little loved in return."

BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy '- G. Lorraine Roy Roger LaFrance - James E. Barton FUNERAL DIRECTORS

15 Irvington .. Ct. New Bedford 995-5166


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JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Home 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass.

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Pope Says Continued from Page One desire to follow with humble firmness." • The Pope noted that the first major reform of the council was the whole subject of liturgy, the way Catholics collectively and individually give worship to God. He said that the many reforms already accomplished in this field are "only an introduction," he added: "What we pastors of the Church must seek, without ever declaring ourselves satisfied, is that our efforts in the liturgical field must help modern man really to pray." Pastoral Methods The 76-year-old Pope, who has occupied the "throne of Peter" for 10 'of the most turbulent years 'in the life of the modern Church, kept pointing to the future of the Church, rather than the past. Speaking of the pastoral means by which priests and laymen are trying to talk to modern man, the Pope said: "Our pastoral methods are perhaps not always adapted to the needs of modern mall, who also has a hunger for God and a homesickness for his home, without knowing it or daring to realize it. Our words perhaps leave him indifferent." Even though the council aimed at an updating of the Church's pastoral approach to men today, Pope Paul said, "If we make a sincere and serene examination of conscience, we cannot say that this updating has yet fully attained the objectives" that bishops, priests and laity were called on by the council to attain. Seeks Synthesis Pope Paul said that the Church' today is trying to find a "happy synthesis of 'new and old: of tradition and reform, of conserving and updating the patrimony of faith, so that its unalterable riches may be presented convincingly to the men of our time." With the end of the council, he said, there has been a flowering of teaching about the Church. But, he added, "this process has not always been combined with a healthy critical sense, with a pastoral criterion, disinterested research and with the scientific probity necessary in moments of great toil. Hence there arises the double duty of reaffirming the eternal and unalterable truths ... while adapting it to modern language anrl to new sensitivity."

House Committee Passes Postal Bill WASHINGTON (NC)-A bill which would provide significant relief for non-profit publications, 'including religio'us newspapers and magazines, was passed by the Post Office and Civil Service Committee of the House of Representatives. The legislation would lessen the effect of postal rates increases which were imposed last year by the Postal Rates Commission and scheduled to take effect over the next eight years. The new bill, HR 7554, was passed by the committee June 21 by a vote of 13 to 10. It now goes to the House rules committee, which must approve it before it goes to the full House for a vote.



,Thurs., June 28, 1973

Study Pastoral Council Problems

QUACK, QUACK!: Sisters Marian and Anicetus of the Assisi Heights Convent, Rochester, Minn., prod a family of ducks along their half-hour trek to Silver Lake. The ducks had been nesting at the convent and the Sisters thought an escort to th~ lake would be in order. NC Photo. .

Issue Catechism For Pre-School Children VATICAN CITY (NC) -Italy's bishops, meeting in their 10th annual general assembly, presented Catholic parents with an experimental catechism for preschool children. The catechism, which must be explained by adults, seeks to introduce little children to Christ by means of the prophets and Christ's own words. The emphasis is on prayer. Gestures to accompany the prayers are also suggested. The general assembly of the Italian Bishops' Conference was held June 12-16 inside the Vatican for the first time. They used the small hall used for the sess-

. Endorses Human Rights Amendment WASHINGTON (NC) - 'The administrative Committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) unanimously voted to endorse in principle a constitutional amendment to protect unborn human life. Although several such amendments have already been proposed in Congress, the committee did not give support to one of those amendments or to specific wording of such an amendment. The committee indicated, however, that it intends to state its position on this question following consultat'ion with legal and constitutional specialists and persons concerned with protecting the rights of the unborn. Attorneys William Ball of Harrisburg, Pa., and Charles Tobin of Albany, N.Y., representing the Committee on Law and Public Policy (CLPP) of the U.S. Catholic Conference, said specialists on the CLPP favor a "human rights" amendment. They expressed willingness of their committee to work with the bishops and other interested parties in developing the best wording for such an amendment.

ions of the world Synod of Bishops. An introductory speech by the conference president, Cardinal Antonio Poma of Bologna, was immediately contested by Bishop Luigi Bettazzi of Ivrea, who is regarded as a spokesman for Italy's less conservative bishops. Cardinal Poma had tied the assembly's principal theme of evangelization to the frequent reception of the sacraments, but Bishop Bettazzi replied: "What must be primary is evangelization itself. The sacraments come later." He asked: "What meaning have the sacraments for people of our time. What do these rites and these ceremonies mean? Who understands them?

Cardinal Poma's answer came immediately but went unreported in the Vatican's media, or by the Vatican press office. However, a frequent contributor on theological matters to the Vatican daily, L'Osservatore Romano, Father Gino Concetti, observed in its columns: Evangelization and sacraments are reall~ two moments of a single act, cif asingle mission. The Church must not only announce the Gospel. It must so act that message, announced, may penetrate into the awareness of people and transform 'itself into life, into life in Christ. "Evangelization tends of itself to generate faith, through docile attention to the Holy SpiriC But faith must be nourished by grace, by life in Christ. And this' conFrustration dition is offered and guaranteed While I beat the bush, other by the sacraments. The relation men catch the birds. between the two is more than -John Heywood - indivisible, it is dynamic."

WASHlNGTON (NC) - Communication, organization, purpose, identity and the role of the layman were among the key problems discussed by pastoral council leaders and representatives at a workshop here. The 'workshop, sponsored by the Catholic University of Americll' and the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), drew about 30 representatives from 17 dioceses around the country. In a resolutions session closing the workshop, the participants reached a consensus that a national newsletter for pastoral council members should be developed. They also agreed that some form of deanery or area pastoral councils could serve as a valuable intermediate structure between the parish level and the diocesan level, especially in large-area dioceses. . Father Robert G. Howes, coordinator of CARA's department of church management and organization and director of the workshop, stressed that such area councils must have adequate staff and budget to bE: effective. "They're useful, but there are also problems of possible conflict," he said. "They should be complementary, to parish councils), not competitive."

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of

Fall River-Thurs. June 28, 1973

Crack Down Continued from Page One While it upheld the right to possess obscene materials in the privacy of one's own home-a right established earlier by the high court-the court said in its new decision that the right to privacy did not extend to the right to import obscene material, even for private use, qr to a right to receive, tra!'!.sport or distribute -such materials. Nor does the right to privacy extend to consenting adults in movie theaters or bookstores, said the court. Responding to several claims that obscenity laws should be aimed only at protecting juveniles and unwilling adults, the court said it has never declared these concerns "to be the only legitimate state interests _permiting regulation of obscene mate-

Sch'edule for Summer Season BREWSTER



ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15' A.M. Saturday--4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.

Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M., and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eye.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. except Wed. at' 7:30 PM



ST. Fl{ANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00, 12:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 8:00 A.M.

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M.



ST. MARGARETS Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 1'2 noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 ana 6:30 P.M. . Daily-8:00 A.M.

SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.


ST. RITA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 1I:15 A.M.. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:30 A.M.

ST. MARY-STAR OF THE SEA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 1I:30 A.M. , Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 A.M.

MATTAPOISETT ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 and 9:00 A.M.

CENTERVILLE OUR LADY OF' VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M.

NANTUCKET OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:30 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M.

WEST BARNST~BLE OUR LADY OF ,HOPE Masses: Sunday-l0:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-9:30 A.M.

SIASCONSET, MASS. COMMUNITY CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:45 A.M. Starting July 8th




ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Masses Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00 A.M. ' Sunday Masses Parish Hall: 9:30 and' 10:~0 A.M. Saturday at 5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.



Mass~s: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M.

Daily-7:00 A.M.



ST. JOAN OF ARC Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. . Daily-8:00 A.M. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 A.M..

HOLY REDEEMER Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturdays-I 1:00 to noon 7:00-8:00 P.M. Holyday Masses-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 & 5:00 P.M. First Friday Masses-8:00 A.M. & 5:00 P.M.

NORTH EAS1'HAM . CHURCH OF THE. VISITATION Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M.

SOUTH CHATHAM OUR LADY OF GRACE Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. First Friday Mass""':'9:00 A.M.

OSTERVILI,E OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30~ 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. and 12 Noon Confessions :Saturday--4:00--5:00 P.M.

EAST FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.

EAST FREETOWN OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHAPEL Masses: SundaY-9:00, 11 :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.

EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 A.M. & 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.--4:00 - 7:00 P.M. Daily-5:15 P.M. Confessions-Saturday 2:30 . 3:30 P.M.

FALMOUTH ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 ancI 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. Except Saturdays & Holidays - 8:00 A.M. '


SANTl:UT ST. JUDE'S CHlAPEL Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 A.M. Masses: Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday--4:0o--5:00 P.M.


MASHPEE. QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. 'Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday--4:00 - 5:00 P.M.

POCASSEr ST. JOHN THE EVANGEILIST Masses: Sunday-1:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M.

PROVINCETOWN ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday--7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 7:30 P.M. . Saturday Eve.-7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 .A.M. ancI 5:30 P.M. (Except Saturdays)


NAMED: Father Albert Grendler is the new editor:in-chief of The Globe, news:paper of the Sioux City, Iowa, diocese, effective June 29. Assistant editot-in-chief since 1968, he will continue as pastor of St. Francis par::sh also. NC Photo.

(Criticize Changes In ·Penal Code BONN (NC) - Catholic family life organizations of West Germany expressed "shock and indignation" over the changes in the penal code concerning sexual offenses by the Bundestag (Parliament). The changes, they. said in a joint statement, amount to a "destruction of the family" and will make effective protec,tion of youths impossible. The penal code was revised recently to abolish criminal penalties for the publication and sale of pornographic materials, except where youngsters are ex}:osed to it or where the public is offended by open displays. The changes also lessen the penalties for prostitution and .make homosexual activity no longer a' criminal offense except in the cases of relations between adults and minors of less than 18 years of age. Publication and sale of pornographic material of a' sadistic nature is still subject to prosecution, and the law imposes penalties of up to a year in prison for glorifying violence or ·inciting racial hatred in literature or films. Connivance in adultery, such as wife-swapping , is no longer a crime, but rape of the marriage partner becomes one.

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According to the court's opinion, which was delivered by Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, states must limi.t their legislation to "works which depict or describe sexual conduct" T"'e court also said that "that . conduct must be specifically defined by the applicable state law, as written or authoritatively construed." Five cases were decided by the court, but the broad issues were defined in two ba.sic cases, Miller v. California and Paris Adult Theater v. Slaton a district attorney in Georgia. In Miller v. California the basic issues of what can be called obscene and what c6nstitutes community standards were decided. In Paris Adult Theater v. Slaton the objection that obscenity laws invade the constitutional 'privacy for consenting adults was rejected. The high court returned all five cases to the original courts for retrial in the light of the guidelines issued by the court. In all five cases Chief Justice Burger, an appointee of President Richard M. Nixon, was jo-ined in .the majority opinion by tHe other three Nixon appointees to the court, Justices Harry A.' Blackmun, Lewis F. Powell, Jr., and William H. Rehnquist, and by veteran court member Byron R. White. Justices William. O. Douglas and William J. Brennan Jr. filed Idissenting opinions in' each case and Justices Thurgood Marshali and Potter Steward joined Brennan in his dissents.





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 28, 1973

Says Free Elections Dominant Issue WASHINGTON (NC) - The U. S. bishops' Committee on Social Development and World Peace called June 20 for a national boycott of table· grapes and iceberg lettuce "until and unless justice and peace can be restored in the fields of Oalifornia." In a similar move on the same day, the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) meeting in Chicago called for free elections among the farm workers and called on the members of religious orders to continue supporting the lettuce and grape boycotts.

GROUNDBREAKING: Very Rev. Luiz Mendonca, Vicar General, performs the blessing during the groundbreaking ceremonies for the new St. Elizabeth's Parish Hall. being built to replace the one destroyed by the fire of August 20, 1972. Assisting the prelate are, left to right: Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill, pastor of St. John Baptist Parish, Central Village; Rev. James F. Kenney, pastor .of St. Louis Parish, Fall Riyer, and Secretary of the Diocesan Office for Administration and Finance; Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, pastor of St. Elizabeth Parish, Fall River.



ST. THERESA'S CHURCH Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM: Saturday Eve. 6:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-4:45 P.M. and aftcr Evening Masses


ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M. Schedule Runs June 30 - Sept. 2 WELLFLEET

lOUR LADY OF LOURDES Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:30, 9:00 AM. Confessions-Sat. 4:30- 6:00 & 7:00 7:30 P.M. TRURO


ST. MARY Masses: Sunday-7::lO, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. & 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:15 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. Saturdays only~8:00 AM. SOUTH


ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. BASS RIVER

OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 Saturday Eve.-4:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. VINEYARD HAVEN

ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: 5unday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. Dcvotions: Sunday Eve.-Benediction at 7:00 P.M. CHILMARK


ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday-7:00 and 9:00 AM. First Friday Masses-7:00 & 9:00 AM. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows the 9:00 A.M. Mass and continues until 7:00 P.M. Mass Schedule runs June 30 - Sept. 2

SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M. NORTH TRURO

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 AM. Saturday, Eve.-6:00 P.M. WEST HARWICH

HOLY TRINITY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 noon and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 & 9:00 AM. & 7:00 P.M. Confessions: 4:00 - 5:00 P.M. and after 7:00 P.M. Mass on Saturdays DENNISPORT

UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:30 AM. WESTPORT

ST. GEORGE Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-5:00 P.M. - Saturday 8:00 A.M. WOODS


Schedule for Summer Season CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, '11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confcssions: Saturday 4:00-4:45 P.M. and after Evening Masses

The bishops' committee - a 21-member unit of the U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC)said that the "dominant moral issue" in the United Farm Workers Union (UFWU) strike against Coachella, Calif., grape growers is the right of farm laborers to have free, impartially supervised elections to determine which union will represent them. The committee, which includes 11 bishops and is headed by Auxiliary Bishop John J. Dougherty of Newark, N. J., urged "men of good will to support" the boycott "in the name of social justice."

Have you ever wished your family had a nun? . Now you can have a 'nun of your own'-ai'ld share forever in all the good she does.••• Wh~ is she? A healthy Wholesome, penniless girl in her teens or early twenties, she dreams of the day she can bring.. God's love to lepers, orphans, the -aging.••• Help her become a YOU Sister? To pay all her expenses this year and CAN'T next she needs only $12.50 a month ($150 a GO year, $300 altogether). She'll write you to exYOURSELF, press her thanks, and she'll pray for you at daily SO TRAIN Mass. In just two years you'll have a 'Sister of A your own'•••• We'll send you her name on SISTER receipt of your first gift. As long as she lives you'll knoW you are helping the pitiable people she cares for•••• Please write us today so she can begin her training. She prays someone will help.

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. ST. JOSEPH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM. " Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. NORTH FALMOUTH (Megansett)

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12 noon Saturday 'Eve-5:30 & 7:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. - Schedule in effect July & August




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NEAR EAST MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary 'Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/986· 5840




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur.s. June 28, 1973

Christianity is eminently an objective religion. For the most ,part it tells us of persons' and facts is simple words, and leaves that announcement to proluce its effect on such hearts as are prepared to receive it. . -Cardinal Newman

Let the Governor Act . The legislative branch of Massachusetts government . has passed and sent to the Governor for his signature a bill allowing hospitals to decide whether abortions will be performed within their facilities. The bill is an important one. Its signing by the Gove'rnor is a critical step in the protection of hospitals and their professional staffs from being forced to participate in what they believe to be humanly repugnant, medically unsound, and ethically and morally inadmissable. The bill distinguishes between the recent United States Supreme Court's decision that a woman has a legal right to have an abortion ,-and the right of a' person to force a particular hospital or professional staff to perform the abortion. It is unthinkable that a person who wishes to exercise this legal right of abortion should be in the position of forcing others to violate their conscieQces and the right they hav~ to refuse to participate in what they know to be an outrage against developing life and a contradiction of all that medicine stands for - the fostering and safe. guarding and advancement of life. When the Governor signs this bill he will bring Massachusetts law into conformity with the Supreme Court decision which let stand that part of the Georgia law stating that no hospital had to admit a person for an abortion~ .. It will be good to know that Massachusetts - the "cradle of liberty" - will not be in the position of violating the rights of hospitals and professional staffs, ~ill not be forcing persons to go against their consciences and beliefs, will not penalize those who seek to protect life and refuse to participate in its extinguishing. The legislature has expressed the will of the people and has supported the right to life and the right not to be forced to take life. Now let the Governor act in the same spirit and for the same reasons.

Decision on Aid "We are confident that the inventive genius of the American democracy will ultimately find proper constitu'tional means for the children of the poor and middle class to have the same options and choices that are open to the children of the rich." This is the remark :of Rabbi Bernard Goldberg of Torah Umesorah - The National Society for Hebrew Day Schools - in lamenting the Supreme Court decision outlawing four New York State programs to pro-, vide financial assistance to private schools. ' The argument used in the majority 6-3 decision, as expressed by Mr. Justice Powell, is that the New York program. "advances' religion in that it subsidizes directly the religious activities of sectarian elementary and secondary schools." On the other hand, Chief Justice Burger,in a dissenting opinion maintained that the constitutional ,ban on legislation affecting religion "does not forbid governments, state or Federal, from enacting a program of general welfare under which benefits are distributed to private individuals, even though -many of those individuals may elect to use those benefits in ways that 'aid' religious instruction or worship." The decision strikes a serious blow at, those who maintain that parents have the right -to choose the type of education they desire for their children as long as this education achieves the public purpose of educating the child. It strikes a blow at those who insist that a monolithic system of education - public school education - should not have a monopoly in the c.ountry. It strikes a blow at those who maintain that parental choice for a private or . parochial system of education should not result in financial penalty to the parents or should not result in their being l,!beled as. divisive. It strikes a blow at those who wish a private or parochial school education for their children but are unable to pay for it with the result that the rich can put their choice into action while the middie class and poor can not. It also raises the question as to other' services granted to private and parochial schools - fire and police protection, ,for example. Certainly it benefits religion if the fire department puts out a fire in a paroc;hial school. Perhaps the answer will be that the department will prevent the fire from spreading to buildings that are not Church-related but will ,~ no~ .,rotect religious edifices.



St. William's Church

The Exanrlple of Birthright· So often we hear. people ex- the determination to act, he or claim, wel1, I'm only one person, .. she still has the means and the what can I do? In many situa- tools to effect our lives either tions this is but, a mere excuse for good or bad as the case may to do nothing. It is easy to dis- . be. Unfortunately it is the exmiss p~rsonal involvement by centric, the radical or in some either blaming the system, vari- cases" the complete nut who 04S institutions, or power organ·' finds the motivation to splash ized structures. Certainly this their views across the headlines feeling of being a mere serf in .. and today even into the hal1s our society is not without real of our legislative assemblies. It founaation in fact. In an age is indeed most fortunate that too when large corporatiom:, power- many honest, sincere and posiful unions and wealthy loobyists tive thinking people just do not seemingly control the destiny of find the spirit, the persuasion ani our society, there does exist a the encouragement to act to certain discouragement on the remedy the many ills that plague part of individuals who do wish our social structures. to be heard. Yet it is not imposHowever, every now and then, sible for an individual who real1y we do find wonderful inspiring desires to act, reform or renew examples of an, individual who from being relegated to oblivion. determines to build up our society rather than tear down and If a person has the will and


Published weekly by Thl3 Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rive• 410 Highland Avenue . Fall River, Mass. 0:27:22 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. [1aniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shl:llloo, M.A: llev. John P. Driscoll ~Leary

PrE'ss-Fall River


But as Rabbi Goldberg says, "I was born in the shadow of Ebbets Field, the old Brooklyn Dodgers stadium. You know, Wait until n~xt year." . It is to be hoped that such optimism over the non-public -picture will be justified - and soon. But this Supreme Court decision on aid does little to paint a bright picture.

destroy our social fabric. Louise Summerhill is such a· person. She is the founder of a move· ment called Birthright. In her heart and mind she truly believes that there had to be an alterna· tive to abortion. It had to be something practical that could be of real service to those who found themselves in this most agonizing situation. The proponents of abortion certainly have had their way. But what about the poor souls with~ a conscience and with moral beliefs concern· ing life and death? Where could they turn? ' What alternatives were being offered to counteract the highly publicized efforts of the legal death machines? True, there were statements of bishops and clergy, there were efforts on the part of many to counteract legal proceedings. But really what about the girl on the street who had to turn to someone for help? Statements and admonitions are far removed from the ordinary person unless they are put into practical . application, Louise Summerhill did something about ,it: With the help of Clergy of various denominations, her own physician and a group of devoted women friends, she founded Birthright, an organiza· tion that works on the grass roots level offering a girl an alternative to abortion-assisting . with medical care, personal counseling, legal aid, financial planning, employment and clothing. Birthright centers are staffed by self sacrificing volunteers who help to transform lives, helping women and girls face their decision with courage and dignity, changing faces that are confused and lonely into faces that smile with peace and tranquility. In four years since its foundation, Birthright has grown from a little work of love in Toronto to become an international work of love. With over four hundred centers and expanding every day into new cities and towns, Birthright has proved that people do care and are willing to become active in seeking an alternative to abortion. Thousands of volunteers give service, time, money and effort because one woman did not sit back and throw up her arms in despair. Thousands of children now live because one person believed in the right of life to such an extent that she was willing to light. a candle rather that curse the darkness. The work of Louise Summerhill is an example to the many who feel that as an individual they cannot affect the tide that sweeps around them. There can be little doubt that the future holds many challenges for the existence' of society itself. A mere example of this would be the efforts now underway in some circles to legalize mercy killing. Our world, our nation, our church needs more Louise Summerhills to emerge from their own cocoons to show us the way to the source of practical ideas to response to these human tragedies.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 28, 1973







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100 YEARS YOUNG: It was a big weekend for Sacred Heart parish, Taunton, as parishioners continued centennial celebration with 'Saturday road race and Sunday picnic and field day. Msgr. McKeon Centennial Race was 10 miles around boundaries of parish, had as senior division winner Steve Olson, with time of 49.34.2. Junior winner was 16 year old Glen Wilson, with time of '64 minutes. Runners-up were George Conefrey, sen-

Peru Villagers

Honor Eucharist cuzco (NC)-This Inca imperial city witnessed the colorful display of pilgrims, saints, bands and jewelry in the traditional Corpus Christi procession honoring Eucharist. By the thousands, Indian villagers descended upon Cuzco to gather in ancient brotherhoods. Each group displayed its patron saint, a bejeweled sculpture adorned with vestments half Spanish, half Indian. ' After a high Mass at the Cathedral to commemorate the institution of the Eucharist, the people paraded St. Anne and St. Barbara, St. SebasHan, St. Jerome, St. Joseph and St. Chris· topher (still in their worship after a 1969 Vatican directive dropping him from the universal liturgical calendar), St. James. the terror of the pagan Moors in Spain's Middle ages, and othE1 saints. Leading themall was Mama· cha - Inca for Little Mother. Mary is the patron saint of Cuzco. The huge procession centered around the main plaza in front of the cathedr·al, the old Inca "wajaypata" or funeral square. As the saints made their way through the crowds, the Corpus Christi was brought out, inside an impressive monstrance, by the bishop and a picturesque escort of tribal chiefs and church· men. At that time hells r,ang and fireworks exploded from several sites around the Plaza. -

iors; Raymond Leroux, juniors. Youngest finishers were 10-year-olds Jimmy Martin and David Leine, both Sacred Heart altar Doys. Winner of Most Valuable Player award for talent and sportsmanship at Sunday's field day, held at Our Lady of Lake camp, Freetown, was 12-year-old Sue Johnson. Left, families enjoy picnic; right, foul shooting contest in progress.

Proposes"Strategy for Church in England

LONDON (NC)-"The Church 2000," a report suggesting Church strategy for the' next quarter century in England and Wales, proposes greater consultation on episcopal appointments, more highly trained priests, smaller dioceses and greater use of communications media. The report-drawn up by a joint working group from the English and Welsh bishops and the National Conference of Priests, a .body elected by the diocesan clergy - proposes a streamlined "outward - going" Church whose members are inspired by ecumenism and are conscious of the Church's purpose and mission in a country in which few are active in any church. The report suggests more concentration on the care of Catholics in non-Catholic schools, more adult religious education and possibility of developing ecumenical rather than Catholic schools. The report will be discussed by the bishops and the National Conference of Priests at their separate meetings this year. It is intended also to stimulate public discussion 'in preparation for a more wide-ranging report. The report says that society is no longer hostile to the Catholic Church in England and Wales. It is indifferent. The chief aim of the Church, the report says, must be "to go out to the changing world with Well Adjusted the message of Christ" with new To be well adjusted to an end attitudes-out-going rather than we must know and desire it; the defensive, showing different virdesire demands that we are in tues and using a different stratlove with this end and are con- egy than in the past. This strategy; it says. must be fident we can obtain it. The theological virtues are, therefore, ecumenical, constantly renewing three - faith, which makes us the understanding that the know God; hope, which makes Surfaces us look forward to joining Him; The surfaces of the soul are a charity, which makes us His little raw on Monday mornings. friends. -R.H. Benson -St. Thomas Aquinas

Church and every member exists IQwing the bishop to visit each to make Christ present in the one for some time at least once world. "The Church must cuI· in two years. These small ditivate this sense of being not oceses, it says, should be closely simply outward-looking but out- linked in provinces to avoid ward-going to the whole world.", ' wasted effort and manpower, but The report suggests that di- each should be autonomous with oceses should consist of not its own bishop and internal ormore than 60 to 70 parishes, al· ganization.

Farms to Indians QUITO (NC)-The Quito archdiocese donated 2,600 acres of prairie and farm land to the Pas· choa cooperative, an Indian farming group near here in Ecuador. It 'also parceled out small farms to 21 families. The new owners, however, will pay a monthly quota towards a nominal price, and the fund will serve for further land distributions.



Camp Director




5 to 14


REGISTRATION-Registration will be for the period of Monday through Friday only. Boys must register at least one week in advance. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION-A written statement from the camoer's doctor indicating camper is physically able to attend. FEE-$15.00 a week, 4 weeks for $50.00, 8 weeks for $90.00 (must be paid in advance). TRANSPORTATION-Campers are transported by bus which will pick them up at designated stops. All campers are insured from the time they board the bus until they return at 4 P.M. PURPOSE-For the spiritual, educational, and recreational well being of boys in this age bracket. To keep boys occupied in wholesome outdoor activities during the summer months. EQUIPMENT-All types of athletic equipment is available along with boats with our water safety program. Also a fine arts and crafts program is offered. MEALS-Campers carry their own noontime lunch. They are provided with milk. In mid·afternoon they are provided with milk and cookies at no extra cost. PROGRAM-Campers engage in all types of athletic events and water safety instruction at our new pool. A field trip is arranged once a week which is included in the $15.00 fee.

JULY 2 TO AUGUST 25, 1973

BUS ROUTE NO. 1 Somerset, Swansea & Southern Part of Fall Rivet 8:00 County Buffington-8:03 St. Louis de France 8:05 Bar~ & Buffington-8:l0 St. John of God-8:l2 Brayton Avenue & Hillside-8:15 I(aufman & Lepes-8:20 Venus de Milo-8:25 St. Dominic's-8.30 Wilbur Avenue 8:35 Our Lady of Fatima-8:40 Ken~edy Park & St. Anne's-8:42 East & South Main-8:45 St. Patrick's & Our Lady of Ange 1s-8:50 Blessed Sacrament-8:52 Shove Street-8:55 Zayre's-8:58 Stafford Rd. & Tiverton BUS ROUTE NO. 2 Somerset & Fall River (North, Center & Maplewood) 8:00 Foley Avenue--8:05 Riverside & Luther-8:08 St. Patrick· South Street-8:l0 Americana Terrace & County Street-8:11 Bourne & County-8:l3 Pottersville School 8:15 Somerset High School-8:l7 Stop & ShoH:20 Brightman Street (St. Michael's & St. Mathiewl-8:25 President Avenue & North Main-8:27 Durfee Street8:30 St. Mary's-8:32 Second & Middle-8:35 Flat Iron & Niagara Fire Station-8:37 Warren & Rodman-8:40 Rodman & Brayton Avenue-8:45 St. William's-8:48 St. Jean de Baptiste-Stafford Road to Camp BUS ROUTE NO. 3 Fall River (North, Highland, Ruggles, Columbus & Lafayette Areas) 8:05 President & Highland Avenues-8:07 Morton Jr. High 8:10 St. Joseph's-8:l3 North Main - Tnt Value-8:l6 North Main & Herman-8:l8 Highland Avenue & Robeson 8:20 Nazareth Hall-8:25 Robeson & President-8:28 Ruggles Park-8:3l Small School - Columbus Park-8:35 Immaculate Conception (County Streetl-8:37 Eastern Avenue (Former Site of Prevostl--8:39 Eastern Ave. & Pleasant-8:4l Kerr Mills-8:46 Our Lady of Grace8:50 Westport High School-8:55 Westport Town Hall

For Information for Nazareth Day Camp for Excepti,onal Children Call 636-4375

Cathol:ic, Russian

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-T urs. June 28, 1973


Delegotes' Meet

D,e'sign,ers at Last 'Discover Secr1e1t of COlordination Women have known a secret way of dressing for a long time that has only recently filtered' down to the designers. The key to being well dressed (even on a stringe~t budget) is to buy each season and try each season to coordinate your outfits. Smart life. Beige and white were the women have been doing this hues she has picked and with a for some time. They found minimum of fuss she had many out that it is financially more differ,ent looks. feasible to buy a few outfits that you can mix and match. This way accessories are kept to a minimum, a few piece~ can



With ready-to-wear designers realizing the value of a whole coordinated look, rather than isolated pieces, the consumer will find it much easier to pick a whole season's wardrObe in one shopping trip and at one stop. Shoppers will find that a sportwear department may have one section given over to either a designer or a design house. There one will find slacks, jackets, tops, skirts, and even dresses ,that can be mixed and matched.

SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT: The 300 children who' live at Sacred Heart orp:hanage in Da Nang, South Vietnam, have had very little to smile about in their' short lives. If their parents were not ~dlled in the war, they abandoned the youngsters or brought them to the orphanage saying they were too poor to support children. But at the institution, ,the· children can find something to smile about-thE! love of the seven Sisters and 15 laywomen who take care of them. NC Photo.

Dollar Stretches give many looks' and you don't end up with a good looking outfit with nothing to wear with it. Coordinated Woman Now designers are suddenly recognizing the wisdom of creating a seasonal line that can be coordinated women also has to jackets, dresses, even headgear will all go together even though bought separately. Blll Blass" who designs a sportswear line under the Blassport label, has been one of the first to appeal to--the coordinated woman. (bf course, with Blassport prices the coordinated women also has to be fairly rich.) However, if the more exclusive designers recognize the value of designing coordinated outfits, those 'who cater to us average Mrs. Americas should soon also see its worth. Each season seems to feature • certain color combinations: blue and green, red, white and blue and even pink and orange. A neutral and white is always a good combination on which to build a basic" wardrobe. One recent magazine feat!1re focused on a new, young, black Congresswoman and the clothes she had' chosen for her busy

Budgetwise, sticking with one color scheme for a season is a boon. As I mentioned previously, accessories can be kept to a minimum (this is great too if you're traveling., and your dollar seems to stretch a little bit further because you get a number of interchangeable outfits from a selected few pieces. Here too, with less to buy you can afford better quality. Watch for sales and even if you didn't buy the blouse that went with the skirt and jacket, keep going back to the store and checking on it. If you're lucky, when they go on sale (and most i.tems do) you can add another piece to your planned wardrobe. In these days of unbelievable .inflation every dollar counts, therefore shop as carefully for food and look for the same type your clothes as you do for your of values.

Notre Dame First Group of Women Undergrads Ou~d() Menls Grades NOTRE DAME (NC) - The Urtiversity of Notre Dame's first group of undergraduate women obtained ~n overall grade poipt average of 3.p for the first term, compared with the overall university' average of 2.94.

l'elped the dating situation all that much, but it's a dead issue anyway," commented one woman student. A total female undergraduate enrollment of 775 (out of 6,700) is planned for next fall.

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Delegates of the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches met -June 5-12 near Moscow t6 continue conversations dating back to 1967 on the Christian Church and problems of the modern world. Father Pierre Duprey, undersecretary of the Vatican Secre-' tariat for Promoting Christian Unity, described the visit of the Catholic delegation as "normal and ordinary." The Catholic delegation is headed by Archbishop Angelo Fernandes of New Delhi, a member of th,e Vatican Secretariat for Non-Believers. Representatives of the two Churches met in Leningrad in December 1967, Father Duprey recalled, adding that a Russian Orthodox Delegation came to Bari, Italy, in December 1970 to continue the "conversation." In addition to Archbishop Fernandes, the Catholic delegation included French Oratorian Father Louis Bouyer, a consultor to the unity Secretariat and a member of the Vatican's' international. Theological Commission; American Jesuit Father John Long, head of the department for Eastern-rite Churches at the unity secretariat; and Italian Jesuit Father Roberto Tucci, editor of the Rome Jesuit review Civil!:a Cattolica.

Farm Workers Occupy. Cathedral in Peru

LIMA (NC) -- The 37 farmwor.kers staging a sit-in at the cathedral here said they would not leave u'ntil authorities' invesIn responding to a survey, the tigate. conditions at the dairy Theorogical Schools 365 women indicated a stronger farms employing them, which satisfaction with academic life- Elect New Chairman they claim pay them $1.45 for'a than with ~ocial life on a campus CHICAGO (NC) -.Dr. Wa't~r 12-hour workday. ' " where they are outnumbered by F. Wolbrecht, president of Jhe Priests at the cathedral could men students 17 to 1. Lutheran School of Theology, not say Sunday Masses nor perComments about the· Ilredom- was elected chairman of the form other services, but said they iniltely m~le faculty were gener- Chicago Cluster of Theological .w0l:lld not call in police. ally favorable, 'put the tendency Schools at its annual board In the group were 10 women of some 'to single out women meeting. and four young children. The He succeeds Father Robert E. farm workers walked some 1:2 for a "feminine viewpoint" during class discussion drew criti- Murray, who has resigned as miles from dairies' at Lurin, president of the Jesuit Bellar- Rimac and Chillon on the outcism as patronizing. Bangladesh Vocations skirts of Lima after direct apThe presence of so few w.omen mine School of Theo10gy. As cha'irman, Dr. Wolbrecht peals to the farm owners failee!. on campus led to complaintsOutlook Promising Juan Arahunaca, spokesm~n ROME (NC)-The outlook for about a less-than-true coeduca- assumes overall responsibility priestly vocations in Bangladesh, tional atmosphere, but the im- for directing the cooperative .ef- for the group, said that ·'~·e which became independent from. portance of the dating game has. 'forts of the eight' institutions want the people to' know' of our which make uP. the Chicago plight; on our wages we cannot Pakistan after a bitter civil war waned. "I'm afraid our presence hasn't. Cluster - five Protestant and support our families." in 1971, is promising and the three Roman Catholic seminaries . Catholic Traditionalists Inumber of seminarians is in--in sharing their resources' for .creasing. Nonpublic School Aid Converge on Rome more effective training. of J1linis,BALLROOM That report was made here by tel's and priests. . . ROME (NC)-The same week-o Reinstated in NewJersey Father Paulinp Costa, who has DANCING I, A native of St. Louis, the new end that Pope Paul's Holy Year TRENTON (NC) - The New c:lairman is a graduate of that EVERY 'SAT. NIGHT observances were launched on a been charged by bishops of June 30 -- The Big Sound of theme of spiritual renewal and Bangladesh with the task of or- Jersey Department of Education city's Concordia Seminary where Jimmy Brock and His Orch. reconciliation, Catholic tradition: ganizing a 'national major sem- has resuined full operation of the h~ also received his doctorate of inary. state's nonpubilic school aid plan d.ivinity degree. He also earned a Your Host-AI Tremblay alists from 18 nations converged Up to now there has been no until further notice from the master's degree in educational on Rome to reassert their deadministration at the University mand for orthodoxy in Church major seminary in Bangladesh. U. S. Supreme Court. Rte. 6, N. Dartmouth A temporary order of the Su- of Nebraska. teaching and the return of the The 24 major seminarians from • the country are studying in Calpreme Court will permit New Latin Mass. For the third time' in four cutta and Poona; in India, and Jersey to expend a total of $14.8 years, several thousand tradition- the Urban College in Rome. Of million appropriated by the state alists staged an orderly march the 24, 12 belong to the Dacca legislature for nonpublic school through Rome to St. Peter's archdiocese, 8 to the Dinajpur aid which had been held up by a diocese and 4 to the Khulna dio- federal distrIct court judgment Basilica on Pentecost Sunday: . Leaders of the march called it cese. Formerly, most of the ma- on April 5. The three-judge federal panel a pilgrimage of "prayer and pen- jor seminarians studied at the ance" in petition for the Latin major seminary of Karachi in said at that time that because Mass phased out by Pope Paul Pakistan. the nonpublic school aid law During the 1972-73 academic limits assistance to parents of' in November 1971, for a return to the traditional catechism and year there are three minor sem- school children "attending prefor a loyal interpretation, of the inaries functioning in. Bangla- dominantly religiously affiliated Scriptures. desh: that of ,~.andura (Archdio- affiliated schools and not to parOn June 9, a few hundred cese of Dacca), With 80 students ents of all school children, .we (70 for Dacca' and 10 for Chit- are satisfied that its primary efentered St. Peter's Square, which they called the "center and heart tagong); that of Dinajpur, with fect is to 'advance religion and of Christianity" to stage an all- 37 students; and that of. Khulna, that it is thereby unconstitutionwith 26 students. al.'" night vigil.


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THE ANCHO~Thurs., June 28, 1973

C,elebrat.e· Start of Vacation With This T,e'st for Moms

Franciscan Film Gets Top Award

Having just suffered through watching my kids cram for exams, I thought I'd prepare a test for mothers. Choose the answer that corresponds closest with your family. One of the girls has cleaned the living room without being asked. A She's just naturally a C He's sick of eating ham"good kid." B Her grandmother offered burgers. The school guidance counselor her a $2 "reward" (better wants to see BOTH of you. known as "bribe") if she'd do the job ... 'because grandmother is tired of hearing mother complain that "these kids never do anything without being nagged."



C She dropped her math book, and the new boy in school picked it up, and it has her address in it, and he might return it ...and she might ask him in: The kids are up for school before the alarm goes off. A They are always .pj.Jnctual regarding their responsibilities. B The principal told them if they were late once more they'd be shot. C Summer vacation has started ... they just never got around to telling you. Your son's teacher wants to see you regarding his going to summer school. A He's shown such aptituje, they want him to go for advanced studies. U He knows you want to paint the house, and you want him to help. He volunteered for summer school. C The dummy has bc;en goofing off all year. Your husband offers to take you 'Out to dinner. , A He knows you work hard, and appreciate a night out.' B He unde.rstands you have been trying to beat the rising costs of food, and have been very imaginative in the many ways you have prepared economical meals.

Billboard Message Seeks Vocations OAKLAND (NC)--A message on billboards in the Oakland dio~ cese is attracting unusual attention. The message is brief and to the point: "For People's Sake ... Help Christ. Become a PriestBrother-Sister. Diocese of Oakland. Phone 893-4711." The idea is that of a young priest, Father Jerrold F. Kennedy. He told a meeting of Oakland's Serra Club, which promoted vocations, "perhaps modern and effective , but dignified, advertising is the answer to attracting more men to the priesthood. "We're discovering that many young people today are interested in careers in Church service, but we have not reached them effectively" he said. "Our involvement in media is an attempt to reach out to these young men and women."

A He's never met such a welladjusted, diligent, logical, pc'rfectly delightful youngster. He just wants to meet the parents who did such a terrific job raising such a child. B He has discovered two "weaknesscs" in your child ... which you already knew about; three other "weaknesses" ... that. sound so unlike your kid, you wonder if he's got the right child; and five other "weaknesses" that you never heard of. C The guidance counselor needs help ... and thought you could recommend a good psychiatrist. Your daughter's term paper is all done, and typed, a week lIhead of time. A She did it right away, months ago, when it was first assigned. B The last time she came to you at 10 P.M. and asked, "Hey, Mom, could you please do a bit of typing for me ... just six or eight pages ... and I need it tomorrow?" You said, if she did it again ... you'd murder her! C She found a kid from last year's _class who never turned in his term paper, and she bought it for a song. Your son offers to repair his sister's bike. A 'He knows how. The bike needs fixing. B He doesn't feel like studying. C Sabotagc. If you got mostly "A's" for your answers, you're unreal. If you got mostly "B's", your family is probably normal. And if you got mostly "C's" ... relax! Your family is just like mine!

NEW YORK (NC)-The Franciscan Communications Center of Los Angeles, California was awarded a blue ribbon at the ~merican Film Fesival here for its film "After the First." The film received its award in the Guidance Category for its handling of the relationship of a father and son in the fact of personal controversy. It was the first time the Franciscan Center won an award at the festival in a non-religious category. I The Blue Ribbon, the American Film Festival's most coveted award for short film productions, is the third major award for "After the First." The Franciscan Communications Center is best known for its production of public service broadcast materials: TeleSPOTS and AudioSPOTS but it also produces educational films and curriculum programs which are distributed in both religious and secular fields.

Clark Advocates Study Of Religion in Schools

POPE IN NEW MUSEUM: Pope Paul VI stops to look at a large statue at the Vatican's new museum of modern art. The Pope opened the museum Saturday, when the 10th anniversary of his papacy was observed two days after the actual date, June 21. June 23 is the feast of the pope's patron, St. John the Baptist. NC Photo

Seek Aiid ,for Drought Victims ROME (NC) - Give a little bread to millions who are starving because of the drought in Africa, Asia. and Latin America, the Catholics of Rome were told. Cardinal Ugo Poletti, Pope Paul's Vicar for the Rome Diocese, said that a collection for drought victims would be taken up in all the churches of Rome

Pope Paul Receives Four New Bishops VATICAN CITY (NC) - All four of _ Czechoslovakia's new bishops were received. in audience by Pope Paul VI June 18. Each of the four conferred privately with the Pope. Three of the new bishops are from the region of Slovakia: Bishop Josef Eeranec of Banska Bystrica, Bishop Jan Pasztor of Nitra and Bishop Julius Gabris, administrator of the Apostolic Administration of Trnava. The fourth is from the region of Moravia: Bishop Josef Vrana, apostolic administrator of 010mouc. All four were named Feb. 27 and ordained within a week. Bishop Vrana was authoritatively reported to have been the choice of Czechoslovakia's Communist regime, and his titles of bishop and of apostolic administrator of a See that is an archdiocese are regarded as signs of the Vatican's serious reservations about his appointment. (Bishop Gabris also has the title of apostolic administrator, but his See is what the Vatican calls an apostolic administration and is not a diocese).


on Corpus Christi, June 21, a holyday of obligation and a national holiday in Italy. Romans were also invited by the cardinal to attend a parish Mass that Pope Paul was scheduled to offer in the Church of Saint Silvia on the evening of June 21, his 10th anniversary of election to the papacy.

DAYTON (NC)-Retired Supreme Court Justice Thomas C. Clark, who wrote the landmark 1963 decision banning school . sponsored religious exercises, advocatel here that religion be included in the school's curriculum. Clark explained that the 1963 decision in Abington vs. Schempp banned religious exercises, not the 'Study about religion.• While prayers and the dogmas of narticular religion were prescribed, the court did not outlaw the study of the impact of religion on civilization, literature and other aspects of man's life: he said. Clark, an active member of the Presbyterian Church, said that the decision was one of the most misundel1stood during his Supreme Court tenure. The decision has been slowly ·implemented and often circumvented, he said, and in fact" in many areas of the United States they still have prayers in the schools."

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Cardinal Urges Common Crusade

THE ANCHORThurs., June 28; 1973

Card.nal Heenan Cites Leadership Of Pope Pa'ul LONDON ~NC)-lf the whole Church had followed the lead of Pope Paul Vl after the second Vatican Council it would not have been t6rn by' the subse· quent liturgitiiland "theological disputes, Carginal John Heenan of Westminster said in a pastoral letter issued June 17. In the letter Cardinal' Heenan thanked the Pope for launching another Holy Year. The cardinal said that people today are showing a hearty distaste for controversy. They want to stop arguing and listen to God's voice in prayer, he said. . "There are two extreme views about changes in the Church," the cardinal said in his letter. "One is that everything new is good; the other that nothing new is good. Both are wrong. "The only true Catholic atti-. tude is to accept joyfully both the new and the old treasures offered by the Church. The golden rule is to give loyal obedience Lo the Pope. . . _ "No modern Pope has been more criticized by his own children than Pope Paul. But many thoughtful people, both Catholic and non-Catholic, regard Pope Paul as one of the greatest men of the twentieth century." The. Cardinal said that after the second Vatican Council Pope Paul saw that it was in danger of becoming an excuse fgr denying some of the truths of faith... 'Turn to God' "Unhappily his Credo of the People' of God was greeted in some circles with mockery. It is unlikely that anyone will mock Pope Paul's Holy Year. It is the, same call made by Pope John through the council. It is a call to turn to God in the simpi.icity · of our hearts asking him to renew the face of the earth." Cardinal Heenan said that in the autumn he hopes to open a new pastoral center to which priests and people will be able to go for retreats, courses and parish outings.' Seventy acres of · land and a church at present owned by Anglican nuns is being purchased for this purpose at ,London Colney; about 20 miles north Qf central London. The Anglican nuns, he said, were so anxiou's for the property to come into Catholic hands that they did not offer it on the commercial market: Non-Catholics, the cardinal added, will always be welcome to enjoy the benefits · of the centers.

Holy Cross Fathers Elect Superior PORTLAND (NC)-A law professor at the University of Notre Dame has been elected provincial superior of the Indiana Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross. Father William M. Lewers, 46, was elected for a six-year term at a meeting of province delegates here in Oregon at the University of Por.tland. A specialist in international law, he received both his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Illinois and did advance work in law at Yale University. He entered the Holy Cross community 'in 1960 and was ordained in 1965.

POP~ ON 'HIS ANNIVERSARY: Pope Paul \vaves to a cheering' crowd Thursday as he' arrives, at a working class parisll outside Rome to celebrate a Corpus Christi Mass on the 10th anniversary of his. election. The Pontiff only mentioned the event in passing. A full obServance of .the event isscl:1eduled for Saturday when the Pope was to open. a I new contemporary art museum and a~tend a concert conducted by Leonard Bernstein.

Priest Says Sex Edufcation Inevitable COLLEqEVILLE (NC)-Every child in the country will ,get some kind of sex education by the time he's 12 or 13 years old -no matter what .parents, school . or Church1do, according to a21year veteran in the field of family life education. F~ther Walter Imbiorski, a priest who directs that phase of education in the Chicago archdiocese, said "the question is whether you get the positive elements in a society-the home, the school and the Churchteaching it, or whether you leave· it to the pious pornographers." Father Imbiorski, who was a participant in the workshop for Marriage and Family Life Educa- . tion' at St. John's University here in Mirmesota, said "you will be hard pressed to find anybody, religious or secular, who is against family life education." "Previously we lived in a static society," he said. "Everybody, did what their parents did, and this was all the family life education you'd need. They modeled it for you; they showed you what to do in various circumstances." Minor Aspect ,Father Imbiorski said that sex education in schools is a "very minor aspect - only one twentieth - of family life education which is a broader and richer concept." And he believes that the controversy about sex education in the Catholic schools is "highly qver-rated." There is almost no

controversy, according to Father Imbiorski, except that wh'ich is engendered by one of two organized g~oups-groups which are against~ any form of change. "TM program of sex education, When it is presented well with adequate teacher training and deep invotvement by parents, goes in smoothly and ,easily with no negative feedback of any kind," he said. Father Imbiorski thinks there are "still a lot of people who feel the best proteetion their child can have is ignorance, in terms of sex education. This isn't trUe."

Preldte Honor.~d For Leadershi~t NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Arch· bishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans was honored at the ceremonies marking the start of the fifth annual Institute for Religious Communications (IRC) at Loyola, University here. The citation was given "in tribute; to his years of courageous leadership in the commuications· apostolate of the Catholic Church ..." ,The IRe is a national institute for multimedia training of priests, religious and laity. It is a part of the Communications department of Loyola University and has held annual training sessions since 1969. Archbishop Hannan was the founder of the program.

"'We are living in a society which needs not only for children to have 1m integrated view of how sex fits into the higher spiritual values in life," he said, "but we need children who will become teenagers and adults who can contribute a Christian vision towards sexuality, and hopefUlly reverse the trend of some kinds of" things that we see in the -X-rated movies and all of the things that are trivial· izing and cheapening sex.in our society. "You can't do that by hiding and saying it isn't there. You do that by saying we have enough faith in the Christian view of life to know that God also cre· ated sexuality, and' that we can integrate it into our religious system, our spiritual values, and say something to American society about it."

BOGOTA (NC)-Cardinal Ani· baJ Munoz Duque of Bogota warned against spiraling inflation and said "no one can 'tell what a people spurred by hunger will do." "We are talking about 80 per cent .of the population, for which inflation has made almost impossible to tend to _their own daily needs, including the min· imum of calories for survival," the prelate said... He also spoke on the politiCal situation in an interview with the national radio network here. Ten months before presidential elections in Colombia the two main. leading parties, Conservatives and Liberals, appear diviqed by internal strife. . "Citizens should put - aside political bickering and instead devote their efforts to social re~ form and domestic peace," the cardinal said. "The present situation de· mands a common crusade," he added, 'blaming the leaders of both parties for the high cost of living. Conservatives and Liberals reached a pact in 1957 to equally distribute top government posts a'S a means to end rivalries marked by a decade of violence which cost 200,000 lives. Relations among party leaders of the National Front, as the pact is known are again tense because of mounting pressure from the people and discontent with economic and social policies.

Fr. Koob Reelected NCEA President WASHINGTON (NC)-Father C. Albert .Koob was reelected president of the National Catholic Educational Association by NCEA's board of directors. The board also voted to have . Father John F. Meyers continue as NCEA acting president. He has held that post since shortly after Father Koob was severely . injured in a fa)l last Oct. 28. Father Koob joined the NCEA staff in 1961 as associate secretary of its Secondary School Department. He was named interim executive secretary of NCEA in 1966 and executive secretary in 1967. He held that title until 1969, when it was changed to president, and he has served in that capacity since then.

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Urges Education On Communion In the Hand

THE ANCHORThurs., June 28, 1973


Explains' Purpose Of Holy Year

WASHINGTON (NC) - In a new booklet issued here the U. S. VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Bishops' Committee on the LitPaul VI said that the Holy Year urgy· urged that American Cathhe has proclaimed will not be a olics be instructed on the triumphal show of Catholic force Church's reasons for allowing "with the blare of trumpets." the reception of Communion in He told a general audience the hand in some countries. June 20: "It may well be that by The practice is approved in the will of God the Holy Year 15 countries around the world, will have the support of the peoincluding Canada, but in the ple, the gathering of crowds, the United States the ll-century traspectacular show of the multidition of receiving Communion tude. It is meant to be a univeron the tongue is the only apsal act of the Church, and to reproved practice. flect in some way the universal The recommendation for edu· character of the vocation, to the cation about Communion in the GospeL" hand came in a study text on But he immediately warned Holy Communion published by that such a "spectacular and perthe committee. haps tourist result is not the real The study text-the first in a purpose of the Holy Year." series planned by the liturgy He described the "prior purcommittee-is devoted to an exAPPRECIATES PORTRAITS: Two portraits of himself are viewed by Pope Paul Fri- pose" of the Holy Year as "the planation of the Vatican's Jan. day during a private audience at the Vatican with artist Reynolds Thomas (background, conversion of hearts, the inner 29, 1973, instruction on Holy bearded) of Wilmington, Del. "Beautiful," said the pope when' he first saw the paintings. renewal of souls, the personal Communion, "Immensae Caritaassent of consciences," Thomas worked on them for about six months. NC Photo. tis" (Unmeasured Love). The Pope summed it up this It discusses in detail what "the way: "First, the individual man Vatican instruction says about and his awareness. Then the new rules on -the reception of crowd," Communion twice in the s,amc The Holy Year preparatory obday, and guidelines for special VATICAN CITY (NC) - The ered illiberal, tyrannical. The categorically denied a statement servance began on a diocesan ministers of the Eucharist. Vatican's press officer, in an propaganda seeks to haul in the by a Vietnamese priest in Milan The booklet also includes the article in the Vatican weekly, local Church in support of its that the archbishop had author- level Pentecost Sunday, June 10. lt will be celebrated in Rome in English texts of rites for com- complained about one-sided condemnation. This has forced ized or encouraged his work for missioning extraordinary minis- propaganda against the Saigon Archbishop Binh to make denials political prisoners in South Viet- 1975. ters of the Eucharist and rites government of Pres'ident Nguyen and clarifications, such as that of nam. The archbishop also defor the distribution of Commun- van Thieti. April 25, which, .however, not nied the priest's assertion that Plan Discussion ion to the sick. Alessandrini's article in the even those with the duty to do the archbishop had been threatAware of Practice ened because of his opposition On Clergy Support June 24 L'Osservatore della Do- so have printed." In discussing the Vatican's VATICAN CITY (NC)-The (On Apru 25 -Archbishop Paul to the formation of a Catholic menica continued: document's instructions on the "The Saigon reg'ime is consid- Nguyen van Binh of Saigon party in South Vietnam. The Pontifical Commission for Latin practice of Communion in the archbishop denied also the America, at its meeting here, hand, the liturgy committee priest's ass,ertion that South heard a report on the Church's cited the need for catechesis or Vietnamese President Thieu had responsibility for the support education on the issue because made known any plan to form a of the clergy. of Vatican II and Pope John." so many Catholics are aware of Continued from Page One Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio, Catholic party.) the practice. Father Most quoted Vatican II "all generations wfll count me president of the commission, Has Public Support documents extensively on spe"Although at the present time blessed." focused in his report on prepAlessandrini further comthis usage 'is not authorized for "Other Christians," feel that cific references to the Blessed arations for the seventh session Catholics in the United States, "the more we esteem Mary the Mother to refute what was dis- plained that, despite authorita- of the commission's general most of the faithful have become more we honor her Son," Mr. torted by news media. He said a tive denials, a false report "is council, which meets in Madrid aware of it," the committee said. , Piepkorn said. ','When men refuse logical conolusion reaffirmed by still in circulation" that the in October to tackle the prob"Larg!l numbers have experienced to honor Mary they really do not the council is that the "Father bishop of South Vietnam had re- lem of support for priests and , has put Mary in every pervading ported to the Vatican on politi- Religious, especially in old age the practice in Canada and else- believe in the Incarnation." where. Questions have ,been He cited the 'Book of Concord, place-that she is everywhere." cal prisoners in South Vietnam. and illness. "The Saigon regime," Alessanraised, explanations sought, jus- the official doctrine of Lutheran "This is what we believe and Immediately after the comtifkation desired." theology and worship, which "be- what we should try hard to sell," drini said, "like all authoritarian missions meeting, June 15 the political regimes, certainly has (NC News sources indicated lieves, teaches and confesses" he told the Marianists. "But council's secretariat there is some likelihood that the that Mary is really the Mother don't jam it down the throats of its limits, even serious ones. It general launched into a three-day seshas been conditioned by a pitiquestion of Communion in the of God. others ~ho. find it difficult to sion. Among the participants was ,less war without fronts and with hand in the United States will bel'ieve." He said Lutherans do not afFather Frederick McGuire, direcfronts. again he brought up at the No- firm the Immaculate Conception tor of the U. S. Catholic Confervember meeting of bishops in or Mar~'s bodily Assumption but "But whoever heeds honest ence's Division for Latin AmerUSO Unit Names Washington. In past polls the do believe Christ was born of the information knows well that in ica. majority of U. S. bishops have Virgin Mother without violation Program Director this moment the Saigon regime favored allowing the practice, of her virgin state. Practical eviWASHINGTON (NC) - Mary has the support of public opinbut not the two-thirds majority dence of his Church's acceptance Helen Madden has been named ion, even of political opponents required before the bishops can of the Blessed Virgin is found, program director for National in the Democratic camp. They ask Rome to approve the prac- he said, in the Lutheran hymnal Catholic Community Service, one are convinced that a collapse tice in this country.) which contains at least 15 ref- of the six-member agencies of ' would signal a Communist takeUnited Service Organizations, over of the country, which noerences to the Mother of God in Complete Line Marks 80 Years Ir.c. (USO). Miss Madden was the body wants." the first 100 passages. first usa Directo!" in Keflavik, Father WHliam G. Most, of Alessandrini has been writing Building Materials In Religious Life CINCINNATI (NC) - Sister Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa, Iceland. She also served with for L'Osservatore della Domenica 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN Aloysia Moorman, 96, who be- and a widely-known Mariologist, usa in San Francisco, U-Tapao, 'for many years in a personal 993-2611 capacity. longs to the Congregation of the told participants that Vatican n Thailand, Malta and Naples. In her new position with NCCS Sisters of Charity, celebrated the should be called the "Marian 80th Anniversary of her Reli- Council" because no other coun- here, Miss Madden will represent cil voiced a stronger position on NCS on the' inter-agency comgious life. Sister Aloysia, who lives in re- the role of Mary in the' me of mittees of USO. Miss Madden, who comes from tirement at Mt. St. Joseph moth· the Church. EI Cajon, CaL, served in a rural erhol.Jse here, is a native of INC. 'She Is Everywhere' cO!!1munity pevelopment program BloomfIied, Ind., and entered the Vatican II reaffirmed what all of the Peace Corps in Turkey. novitiate at Cincinnati June 21, 1893, when she was 16 years old. other councils had recommended, She attended Springer Insti- mainly consecration to Mary ijnd tute, which was then the school . recitation of the rosary, Father of St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Most said. Pope John was a ONE STOP here and taught in Cincinnati, strong advocate of the rosary, SHOPPING CENTER he said. New Mexico, Colorado and • Television • Grocery "If anyone wants to quit the Michigan in the early 1900's. • Appliances • Furniture For the 17 years prior to her rosary," Father Most said, "it retirement in 1963, she taught is not because of Vatican II or 104 Allen St., New Bedford 363 SECOND ,ST. FALL RIVER, MASS. English and religion at Seton Pope John XXIII. But let them 997-9354 say they're giving it up 'in spite High School here.

Criticizes Propaganda Against Saigon

Lutheran Theologian on Mary







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thuts. June 28,1973

Asks If' There's Separate Morality for Dog Owners The' sun lovers. A veil 'of darkness descends upon suburbia and. the night noises begin. Doors open, jingling collars resound. The neighborhood dogs are out-Out to soil the lawns, fertilize the bushes, intimidate the strollers, and jar the peace of the evening with barks and . Yet, if our child is sick and crying, we close the路 windows so counter-barks. Somewhere it he won't disturb the neighbors. is written that the man who And if we're having a noisy


has a dog is a better citizen than group in, we move in off the the one who hasn't. He is mor;) patio so we won't disturb your gentle, loving, and righteous sleep. Where is it written that than his dogless neighbor. If . the etiquette: of living together that is true ... applies to people and not to pets?





... then, tell me, dog owners, why do you wait until dark to let the dogs out in violation of leash laws? Is it that you don't want your neighbors .to know you permit your pet to litter their lawns with unsavory piles that their children step into and carry into the house? Or tha,t the neighbor you play golf with cusses under his breath Saturdays as he picks up your dog's leavings on his own lawn?


And tell me, dog owners, what arc we to do about your distraught pet when you go off on vacation, leaving him alone in your back yard for two weeks, to whine and pine? Yes, you send in a relative once a day to put out a bowl of food and water. Five minutes later,' he leaves. .. This bit of human contact only stirs within your pet the longing for you. His ;loneliness and his mournful wail:s are renewed. What would you think of neighbors who left their children alone for a week or two? Do the simple rules of humaneness apply only to offspring, not to pets; when vacation is at stake?

WAIT)[NG AT WELL IN UPPER VOLTA: People wait to fill their jugs with water at one of the few operating wells in their district in Upper Volta. The West African country and its Qeighbors have been plagued by drought and famine, causing world relief agenCies including Catholic Relief Services to focus attention on their plight. NC Photo.

Honor Priest Who Died in Red China

TAIPEI -- The red ves.tments that honor martyrs were worn And tell me, dog owners, how by t~e concelebrants at a Mass do we instruct our children offered in the cathedral here Jor when they're afraid to walk past Divine Word Father Alexander your home because your pet ter- Chang Ko-teng, who died in I rifies them? It isn't considered Communist China April 12. Separate Etiquette Fa,ther Chang, from Honan, neighborly of I me to call it to province, had spent 10 years in is a reyour attention because it We wouldn't dream of allowing our children to wander into flection or criticism of you and prison and labor camps following your yard to soil it. Where is it you will get miffed, but some- the Communist takeover. After written . that the etiquette of how it is considered neighborly his release, and suffering from a living together applies to of.(- of you to allow your pet to heart condition, he worked as a scare my childden. How does tailor to support himself. spring but not to pets? He was ordained a priest 25 And, tell me, dog owners, that reasoning work?, years. what are we to do about your And it <loesn't help to tell me "We received word of his dog's barking on summer nights to teach my children not to fear when all the windows are open? dogs by walking past yours. Last death in Niav," said Father Er[s it our job to seek out the month's news: story spelled out nest Bohm,' superior of the offender before he starts a neigh- the tragic tale of a' child at- Divine W,ord Fathers here. 路borhood canine chorus and pet tacked by a gentle dog. The <Ie- "However, it is so difficult to him or ..feed him? It isn't neigh- sparing owners pleaded. "We\ obtain definite news from 路beborly to call the authorities on had no idea this could happen: hind the Bamboo Curtain that we waited until we got further him, is it? He's never been anything but confirmaiiqn before definitely gentle and loving." Now a child deciaring.Qlm dead." is minus half his face and is Start Archdiocesan The chief celebrant at the scarred for life. Mass was Bishop Peter P.:Z:. Tou Pastoral Council Scarred, too, are all the chilof Hsinchu. Bishop TOll is reOMAHA (NC) - Archbishop dren in that school, 600 of them, lated to Father Chang on his Daniel E. Sheehan of Omaha who will now fear every gentle mother's side. has signed a constitution estab- dog they meet. Where is it writAll the bishops of Taiwan lishing an Archdiocesan Pastoral ten that you have a right to Council. risk frightening my children for were present at the Mass. In creating an APC Omaha life by allowing' your always- , They included three prelates joins a growing number of U. S. gentle pet to roam the neighbor- ~xiled from mainland China: .dioceses and archdioceses with hood? Rather, let me risk allow- Cardinal Paul Yu Pin, archbishbroad-based consultative bodies ing my children to climb into op-in-exile of Nanking; Bishop who assist their bishops in pas- your back yard' to play with your Frederick Donaghy, a Marytoral planning and decision- dog. That way the risk is on my knoller from New Bedford, making. AI! but a few dioceses . shoulders and ~y ~hildren and I Mass., bishop-in-exile of Wuchow, South China, and Msgr. either have pastoral councils or can control it. are planning them.' Dog owners, if you are more Eugene Fahy, a Jesuit from San The Omaha APC will have a gentle, loving and righteous, is Francis~o,. apostolic-prefect-inyearly general 'assembly of it to your pet only and not to exile of Yingchow,' c:eOntral China. about 400 representatives from the people living around you? Father Qhang was born in parishes, high schools, colleges, Honan in 1918. He entered the special apostolates, priests, ReliPapal Appointments Society of the Divine Word in , gious, and diocesan offices. It will also have a 28-member exVATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope 1942 and was ordained in 1948. ecutive committee that will meet Paul - VI named two cardinals During the .few years of freedom throughout the year. and 11 bishops, including Arch- left to carryon the apostolate In announcing the formation bishop William W. Baum of he was active in the Wuhan area of the AP,C Archbishop Sheehan Washington, members of the and in Honan province. said it was a response to the Vatican, Secretariat for NonHow many of the Chinese clerSecond Vatican Council's call Christians. The' Pope also named gy are still living in Communist "to get the entire People of God 25 consultors, including 20 China is a ,moot question. It is involved in the activities of the' priests, three laymen and two seldom that news of their deaths Church." . laywomen, to the secretariat. can be reasonably verified, as

What AboutChUdren?路

ir.. the case of Father Alexander Chang.,

Separate Catholics

purposes and the benefit of foreigners in Peking and Cantonand the Church as a visible organization has disappeared. Whether, considering the closely controlled communist society, there are any underground religious activities is impossible to know.

In 1'948, shortly before the G)mmunists came to power, tl1 ere were more than 2,600 Chinese priests and 25 Chinese bishops. After the expulsion of foreign missioners the regime set It is presumed that with the. about undermining the Catholic exception of certain priests who community-as it did with all celebrate Mass on occasion for religions-by expropriating all Catholic members of foreign Church property, launching a delegations, priests and bishops movement aimed at separating still alive are either in l(j.bor the Catholics in China from the camps or work in factories or in U~'1iversal Church, and in 1957' agricultural communities. ' establishing the Chinese Catholic PatriotiC Association with the cc,nsecration of "elected" bishops without the approval of the Holy See. Today the Catholic community is so crushed and broken that it is ignored. Churches are closed' -with the exception of a couple recently opened for propaganda



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Scores Karp's Simplistic Criticism of Labor Unions

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 28, 1973

Labor leaders-like bishops, college presidents, cor~ poration executives, and other Establishment figures tend to be hyper-sensitive to criticism. That's regrettable, but from their point of view partially understandable-or so it seems to me. In their more honest moments, most and to put the brakes on social labor leaders would probably and economic reform. admit that some of the criti'Wards of Government'

cism directed at them is fully deserved, but they feel that much of it is either unwarranted or grossly oversimplified. They



are particularly sensitive to the steady flow of criticism being directed at them these days by self-styled "liberal'" or "radical" intellectuals. They have my sympathy in this regard. While some of this criticism is reasonably fair and o!?jective and is intended to be helpful to the labor movement, much of it is ivorytower hokum. Academic Theorizing It is little wonder that labor leaders object to the latter kin~ of criticism. As ,Bok and Dunlop point out in their recent study, Labor and the Community,. "in the eyes of the labor leaders, intellectuals seem content to impose their romantic visions on issues and events without taking care to investigate ,the facts. Intellectuals, to labor, seem willing to applaud every· effort of young activists and radical groups without bothering to ask whether these activities have any lasting effect in alleviating pov-' erty or eradicating injustice.' They overlook the difficult efforts of the AFL-CIO to elect the candidates and enlist the support that are necessary to bring about enduring legislative reforms and the taxes to support new programs." Walter Karp's new book, Indispensable Enemies: The Politics of Misrule in America (Saturday Review Press, New York, $8.95), fits this description to a T. It's a classic example of the kind of academic theorizing which drives pragmatic labor leaders right up the wall and understandably tends to make them rather paranoid. The overall thesis of Karp's iconoclastic study of American politics is simplicity itself. He argues very agressively that collusion, not competition, characterizes the relationship between the Republican and Democratic parties and that winning and losing elections are equally effective mean~ by which the conservative leaders of both parties gain power to control the elected representatives of the citizenry

Shadow No vice is found but in the shadow of some virtue. -John Scotus

In developing this basic argument, Mr. Karp goes so far as to say rather bitterly that Senator McGovern was a willing front for the Democratic· party bosses in 1972. I find that rather mindboggling , but it's a' veritable model of intellectual sophistication and self-restraint compared to some of the things that the incredibly self-assured Mr. Karp says about the labor movement and its alleged subservi.ence to the Democratic party bosses. He says, in summary, that American unions have always been the wards of government, that whatever issues the Democratic syndicate cares to raise, the unions obligingly propound, that whatever political collusion leads, the union chiefs faithfully follow, and that their "secret opposition" to social and economic reform parallels that of machine liberals in the Democratic party. Don't go away. Mr. Karp is just getting started, and the worst is yet to come. 'Degrade Free Citizens' Karp alleges that American unions have always been and presumably always will be opposed to general welfare legislation. They are determined, he says, "to control and downgrade free citizens' to render them politically inert, divided and ignorant, to disguise from them in every way the relevance of politics to their lives, to cripple their capacity and willingness to act on their own behalf, to see them-and all citizens-bereft of protective and beneficial laws and of the very hope of winning· them." In a word, "As children of public darkness, the trade unions," says Mr. Karp, "are absolutely corrupt. (They) did not become corrupt. They did not betray their early promise. They were born dead, and the only tragedy of trade unionism is the waste of brave men who mistakenly believe in it." What is it about, certain ivorytower intellectuals that leads them to think they can get away with that kind of undisciplined and outrageously supercilious rhetoric? And how do they manage to get their hokum published under responsible auspices and favorably reviewed by their peers in respectable journals? I don't know the answers to these questions, but I do know that Mr. Karp's simplistic cniticism of the labor movement in his new book is more offensive and more out of touch with reality than anything I have ever before encountered during the 30-odd years that I have been following the literature in this f.ield. (!IT 1973 NC features)

. . "',. y



THANKS TO BERNSTEIN: Pope Paul thanks Leonard Bernstein Saturday after the American musician conducted a special concert to honor the Pope's tenth anniversary. Performers were the Italian radio and television network symphony orchestra, the Men's Chorus of Boston (formerly the Harvard Glee Club) and the Newark Boys' Choir.

Plan Catholic Program for Bicen·tennial WASHINGTON (NC)-A bish- ties will be on a local, regional op's committee has been estab- and nat.ional scale." "Cardinal Dearden made it lished to coordinate planning of national Catholic participation in the U. S. Bicentennial in 1976. Brazil Has Largest "The purpose of the program Catholic Population is to bring into focus the contriRIO DE JANEIRO (NC)-Brabution of the Church in the dezil, considered the country with velopment of this country," said Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin the largest Catholic population, of 'Cincinnati, committee' vice- has 278 bishops in 32 Church provinces, and 84.3 million Cathchairman. olics served by 13,300 priests,' "It will not be exclusively a according to new statistics. recital of happenings of past . There was an increase of 20 events,but will bring moral million Catholics in the last'iO teachings to bear on present years, or 30 per cent. The mimrealities and future issues we'll ber of priests went up in the have to cope with." same proportion. The ratio, how~ At its first meeting here re- ever, remains at 6,750 Catholics cently, Cardinal John Dearden, per priest. The figures were pubcommittee chairman, said an ad- lished in the Catholic Directory visory group of laity, priests and for Brazil by the Church Center religious is needed to assist the of Statistics and Research committee of six bishops. He (CERIS) of the Brazilian Bishops asked committee members to be- Conference. gin recommending candidates for The number of dioceses and this adv,isory group so they could prelatures is 128. The hishops begin work as soon as possible. have the added help of 115 reli"We've entered the planning gious orders of men and 329 of of this program with no precon- . women. There is 'an undeterceived notions on the content or . mined number of deacons doing manner of presentation for the parish work in remote areas,. program," said Bishop James The United States has 163 diRausch, general secretary of the -oceses, 48.4 million Catholics United States Catholic ,Confer- and 57,421 priests, a' ratio of ence, "but I anticipate the activ,i- one to 843.

clear that the bishops' committee shouldn't impose anything on the people. We're searching, through broad consultation, for how we might proceed," B-ishop Rausch continued. Examine Policies Under consideration are suggestions to include in the program: The· National Conference on Justice in the World, The International Eucharistic Congress, and some activities relating to the 1975 Holy Year. Plans for relating the history of the Church with the history of the country are also being considered. "The national conference on justice in the world will examine the Church's policies and the nation's policies toward justice to the people in the' nation and people in other parts of the world, especially in the Third World," Bishop Rausch· said.' . . : The .ultimate decision on t~e location of the Eucharistic Congress belongs to t~e Holy See, but a possible location un.der study is Philadelphia. "But there is some concern about whether an.,international congress can fit into the framework of a national celebration," Bishop Rausch said.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 28, 1973

The ,Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as' full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.

When V'acatio,nin9, Seek Taste Adventures' Too By Joe and Marilyn Roderick


The June garden is at its peak now and it is quite beautiful and satisfying; it is not perfect and there is .still a great deal to do but it is a joy to work in at this time of year. The primary tasks now are to keep the weeds -in check and to watch the Trying foods is easier to acrequirements of individual complish when you're in a forplants for water and fertil- eign country because the food izer so that they are aUorded you're, familiar with is much the opportunity to grow at a normal rate rather than be set back by neglect.

harder to come by. However, even in this country various states have, particular favorites.

Watering becomes a nightly chore at this time of year. We have suggested at times in the past that watering is not sprinkling. One good soaking can last a week, but sprinkling does more harm than good in the long run. There are no general water requirements for the garden, since individual plants need varying amounts of water, but all plants must be watched so that whatever water they need is provided for them.

If you're' aware of this, and are searching for different taste treats, you ,will find them.

Still Needed Fertilizing is often overlooked in the flowering garden because most people assume 'that it's done early in the Spring and then is to be forgotten. Of course, this is not true, because many plants make their greatest growth in late June and early July and definitely benefit from added nutrition' about this time of year. Right now, for instance, I give our mums a second dose' of fertilizer in the form of pelletlike granules that are relatively slow-acting. A water· soluble fertilizer is excellent on a period, ic" basis for annuals, windowboxes and potted plants as they show signs of wilting or slowing down production. '


Don't be distracted by the luxurious growth you observe in the' garden now. It may be lovely to look at and admiration of your roses may keep you from tending plants in need, of nourfshment and water. By the time you get around to them, they may have been set back to the point where they will require a great deal of time to refurbish themselvees to the point where they are healthy and thriving again. In the Kitchen Vacation -time is almost here and despite the gas shortage, families will be traveling. One of the joys' of journeying even within our own country is that of sampling regional foods. (Of course, our kids don't want to stop any place but Hamburger Heaven.) This youthful emphasis on ground.. . beef does curtail our gourmet leanings but on at least one night during a trip with the children we try to eat at a nice restaurant that features the , cuisine of the area. '

Modern Man ,


Half the trouble about modern man is that he is educated to understand ,foreign languages and misunderstand foreigners. . The traveller sees what he sees; the tripper sees what he' has come to see. -Chesterton

Food for Gods Our children still talk about the crepes of Montreal as if they were food for the gods, the apples and maple syrup of Ver~ mont remain in their conversation and Jason still remembers eating in that restaurant built over the fal,ls of a rushing river. Be adventurous in your eating and you will have memories, of your trip that can be continued into your own kitchen. I made this cheesecake for Father's Day, but I ended up eating most of it. My sweet tooth is too much to resist. Strawberry Glazed Cheese Cake Crust 16 slices zwieback 1-3 cup confectioners' sugar ' I teaspoop grated lemon peel 1-3 cup butter or margarine, softened. , Filling 2 pounds (32 ounces) cream cheese, soft~ned I teaspoo~ grated lemon peel Y2 teaspoon vanilla extract I cup plus 6 Tablespoons sugar 2 Tablespoons pius 1 teaspoon flour 4 eggs I egg yoke 3Y2 Tablespoons heavy cream Topping I quart fr:esh strawberries 'Y2 cup sugar '1 Tablespoon cornstarch 1,4 cup water 2, Teaspoons butter or margarine 8 drops red food coloring I) In a blender' whirl the zwieback until you have 1 3-4 cups crumbs. Turn into a bowl and stir in the confectioners' sugar and grated lemon peel. Using~a fork or pastry blender blend in the 1-3. cup ~utter or margarine. With fingers, or back of spoon, press crumbs very firmly into an - even layer and ,up sides of a 7 inch spring form pan. (I didn't have a spriJ;lg form pan so I used a regular cake dish. 2) For filling beat together the cream cheese, lemon peel, vanilla extract until smooth, gradually add, beating until smooth the sugar and flour. Beat together and add gradually the eggs and egg yolk. Blend in the heavy cream. 3) Turn into pan and bake in a 250· oven 70 minutes. Shut oven off and let cake stand in oven one more hour. Remove to cooling rack and _cool. Chill several hours or overnight.




RETIRES: Dr. Mabel "Katie" Powers, who calls herself the oldest living member of the University' of Minnesota Newman Club, is retiring after working for the university -for 16 years. A friend calls her " a problem solve,r and a people saver." NC Photo.

Brazill Governor Scores Bishc)p CAMPO GRANDE (NC)-Governor Jose Fragelli of Mato Gros.. so state has charged that Bishop Pedro Casadaliga of Sao Felix has heightened tensions between rural settlers and the large lumbercompa.ny operating in the ar~a.

-"He is instigating trouble instead of- calming down the peo· pie," the governor state.d Mean~hile, Father Francois Jentel, a French mis!)ionary in Santa Terezinha, began serv,ing a 10-year jail sentence at a garrison here, after being tried at a military court on charges of inciting townsfolk to rebelliion. Bishop Casaldaliga called the trial "a farce," and -said the pr,iest was, not involved in a shootout between the settlers and company gua"ds in March of last year (The shootout was over land rights). "Jentel is out of circulation, but -another agitator will show up for slire," the govemor said. The bishop charged that the governor has financial 'interests in the lumber company and other businesses the region. Fragelli has adyocated the establishing of a joint Church-state committ,ee to deal with social and economic problems in Mato Grosso. Some bishops agreed to the plan and he blamed Casaldaliga for stalling the plan.


Church of Futulre More EcumenicCll1 VILLANOVA (NC) -- Dutch Cardinal Bernard Alfrink foreoasts that the' Church of the future will be more open, collegial and ecumenical, with a wider variety of' ministries. In a talk here the cardinal scored the' Vatican alld the world's bishops for looking too 'much to the past and called for a new understanding of authority. Cardinal Alfrink cited studies indicating that the Church's influence has declined. "The .most 'important cause of apathy is the way in which authority is exercised," he said.

ST ELIZABETH, FALL RIVER St. Elizabeth Parish, Fail River, will conduct its annual feast Saturday-Sunday, June 30-July L The feast will open with a conST. ANTHONY, celebrated Mass at 5 o'clock MATIAPOISETI Saturday evening with' the serA public whist will be held in mon -Preached by Rev. John Olithe new church hall at 1:30 Sun- . veira. day afternoon, July 8. Also on Following the Mass, there will July 8 doughnuts and coffee will be an auction on the church will be sold after each Mass and grounds and the sale of Portua buffet' lunch will, be ,served guese and American foods and from 11:30 A. M. to 1 P.M. In refreshments. The auction and addition to whist prizes, a "trea- sale of foods will continue on sure chest raffle" will include a Sunday until 7 in the evening. handmade quilt, antiques, a The 9:30 Mass on Sunday will grass trimmer and cash awards, bE a Folk Mass and the Holy in 'addition to many other items. Ghost crowning will take place The event will be the first to' at the 10:45 morning Mass. be held in the church hall and The feast will conclude with proceeds will benefit the parish the presentation of Jesus Christ, buil<Jing fund. Superstar at 8 o'clock Sunday evening, July 1. Tickets are availST. JOSEPH, able at the rectory and on the ATILEBORO grounds, D the days of the feast. A summer festival is planned for the weekend of July' 27 through 29. Volunteers are needed for hooths and games and 'are requested to give their names at the rectory or to HecWASHINGTON (NC) - "The tor Dubuc. question no longer is whether OUR LADY OF ANGELS, the government should aid nonFALL RIVER public schools, but how," the diThe feast of Our Lady of rector of the U. S. Catholic ConAngels will be celebrated Thurs- ference's Division of Elementary day through Sunday, Aug. 9 ,and Secondary Educ;1tion said " ' " through 12.. . here. The Holy Name Society willi - The director, Dr. Edward R. hold a breakfast meeting follow- D'Alessio, spoke at the concluing 8 o'clock Mass Sunday, Sept. sion of a five-day workshop on federal assistance to nonpu-blic 16. elementary and secondary education. Held at the Catholic University's school of education and the USCC Division of Elementary and Secondary Educ'ation, CINCINNATI (NC)-The Arch- drew 32 Catholic school princidiocesan Pastoral Council here pals, school sU;Jerintendents and attacked President Nixon's re- coordinators of government aid. cent cutbacks in 'federal SOCial It was the fifth annual workshop welfare programs, saying that dn a series that has had 250 parhis action will penalize the coun- ticipants. try's disadvantaged. In his talk on the future of In a resolution, the council federal assistance to nonpublic said that the Nixqn administra- education, D'Alessio gav~ a numtion's "hudgetary cutbacks and ber of reasons .for' optimism impounding of federal monies about government aid: designated for social welfare "There is a general movement projects continue to threaten in our society toward educavitally needed programs." tional alternatives." ' According to the reSOlution, "Legislators have devised conthe cutba'Cks have caused serious problems for public and private stitutionally acceptable ways to children in nonpublic agencies in their efforts to aid aid schools." ",the poor and disadvantaged "The nonpublic school commumembers of our society." Moreover, funds have been nity is just beginning. to get its discontinued "without evaluation collective head together." At the of programs and without provid- state level, he said, nonpublic ing for altern,ate or temporary school organizations are forming. "The rightful role of parental financing," the resolution stated. The resolution also noted that rights in education is being pub'the U. S. Catholic bishops, to-, iicized." D'Alessio quoted Jesuit Father gether with Protestant and Jew, i,sh groups, have stated that pro- Charles Whelan, a professor at posed reductions in federal the Fordham University law spending next year for social school, as saying, "Anyone who programs will break .faith with wants to give up at this stage the nation's commitment to the I of the game is calling the fight poor. over before it's over."

Pr'edicts Federal Aid to Schools

Pastoral Council Scores Cutbacks


TauntonMass. 822-2282


'Our Heating


Oils Make

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Warm Friends'

Mother Theresa Teaches

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 28, 1973


-..- .... ~

'r~ ~ ~.""








.' I ..

By Sharing' Suffering In the effort, to create a Christian conscience open to the whole issue of justice, the Bishops' Synodal Document, underlines the need for practical education in justice. This means that the idea of sharing and generosity cannot be given only out of books and accepted only in theory. The took her out of the school into the streets of the slums. child, the adolescent, indeed, She began her work at the adults all through their lives point where so many good and

must know about justice by experiencing it and living it in a direct, concrete and inescapable way.


Perhaps the most vivid and moving example of this kind of education comes to us from the life of Mother Theresa. Her first period of work as a missionary nun in India was concerned with educating the daughters of Indian Catholic families. In gen-, eral, it must be said that families which could afford convent education for their children were not among the poorest and, in the Indian scene were often drawn from the higher castes of society.

charitable efforts end theirs. Her fir?t concern was not with the living who could be helped. It was with Ule dying who, in material and realistic terms, were beyond help. She rented a place to which people lying at the point of death' in the dirty gutters could be carried to simple pallets and cared for with all gentleness and respect to the moment of their death. She ended the stupefying indignity of feeling life drain away to the sounds of traffic, indifferent voices, street cries and market clamor. She substituted the quiet, peace and love of companionship and prayer.

.... -



Ultimate Dignity

In secular terms could any thing have been more useless? They were all but dead bodies anyway. But in the profoundest terms of human need and justice, she restored man's ultimate dignity, the affirmation of the sa. \-,,:,,./ credness of life and death. .... Since those' first days, the LONG WALK FOR NOTHING: Herdsmen who walked with their goats for several world has seen the incredible expansion of her works of compas- days find only an empty well where they thought there would be water in Niger. Cathsion and justice to every part of olic Relief Services has been airlifting food into the drought stricken country aboard NiEven the Shadow the planet where human misery We know all about class dis- cries out for redress and remedy ger government planes. NC Photo. tinctions in the Atla1)tic world. -the shanty towns of Latin But caste in India carries a far America, Palestinian refugee stricter note of segregation since camps, ghettoes and slums in afto move out of the stratum of fluent countries. one's birth and move into anShe has had, too, under the other has overtones of impiety an) of disrupting the natural prompting of desperate need, to order which are far stronger add other cares; dying mothers than any divisions known in the bequeath her thE:;ir children with West. To touch an路"untouchable" total confidence, hungry families is to become unclean oneself. For give her their starving babies, even the shadow of a lower caste the handicapped turn to her, the to fall across a Brahmin's food old, the exiled. The list of the means that the food must be world's miseries is without limit. She shoulders all she' can, helped thrown away. by a gathering band of sisters Every effort is being made by and brothers and lay assistants Indian society to remove these which grows and grows with tragic rigidities. But they linger the need. and only a few decades ago were And at this point we confront still dominant. Mother Theresa with the utmost clarity what and her fellow missionary teach- practical education for justice ers faced problems of preaching can mean. Among the first to justice in practical terms - by join her work were Indian girls knowledge, by confrontation, by of the highest caste whom no practical experience-which may amount of good theoretical trainwell have been greater than ing would ever have persuaded natural anywhere else in the world. to bathe the dying body of an But she abandoned the normal untouchable or let such men or methods of teaching in the class- women die comforted with a comfort room. She saw Calcutta. She saw compassionate hand in theirs, the thousands living on the pave- holding them with love and ments in ultimate squalor. She strength. saw the hunger, the destitution. There would have been no Her passion of love ~nd justice way of transposing the ,Christian doctrine of the equality of souls A "Natural Gas Comfort Home" utilizes Natural Gas Opposes Closing and the duty of sharing into WORCESTER (NC),.-St. Vin- action and self giving simply by 路for the jobs it does the best - at the lowest - prices - such as' cent Hospital refused to recon- words alone. Mother Theresa had sider a decision to close its ma- to go out and plunge herself heating, water, heating, cooking, clothes drying and incineration, ternity section in a move criti- into the realities of injustice and cized by Bishop Bernard J. Flan- destitution before, as a teacher, agan. The prelate, a member of she could take the students with the board of trustees, voted her into the heart of the mystery Gas, clean energy against the closing. He said that of injustice in the world. he believed it was inconsistent And so it is with all our edu+01' today and tomorrow. at a time "when the Church is cation. If it does not confront us speaking so forcefully on life, with the terrible reality of the particularly infant life" for a world'~ misery, we shall not Catholic hospital to exist without learn the terrible reality of God's a maternity department. justice and its claim on us. -.








GAS comfort


Fall River




GAS Carnpan'y



THE ANCHOR-Diocese ofFal! River.-Thurs. June, 28, 1973

KNOW YOUR FAITH The Jewi~h Religion

The Joy of the Jews "From my favorite spot on the floor I look up at the blue sky and the bare chestnut tree, on whose bran'ches little raindrops shine, appearing like silver, and at the seagulls, and the other birds as they glide on the wind ... As long as this exists, and I may live to see dt, this sunshine, the cloudless skies, while this lasts, I cannot be unhappy."

From one small nomadic tribe have come three major religions whi~h claim the allegiance of al路 most naif the world's population, This people's God name is YahoO weha!ld their moral code called the Ten Commandments have 'also become the God and code of Christianity and Islam. The descendants of this Middle Eastern tribe are known as Jews and their religion is Judaism.

I By





Men and women of Jewish heritage have contributed so enormously to Western civilization that we can hardly imagine what life would be like without them. An itinerant preacher known as Jesus founded a religious faith which more than 900 . miHion people profess. A Viennese physician, Sigmund Freud, revolutionized man's understanding of bimself. . Karl Marx gave birth to the political philosophy which now _ rules Soviet Russia, China, and a dozen other nations. Albert Einstein, a mathemati~l;ll genius, developed the theories which led to the dawn of. the atomJc age. Out of all proportion to their MENORAH: "From one small' nomadic tribe have come numbers Jews have become scientists, musicians, scholars, writ- three major religions which claim the allegiance of half the world's population. This people's God . . . and their ers, financiers, and teachers. Despite centuries of persecu- . moral code ... have become, the God and Code of Christion cl!lminating in the massacre tianity and Islam. The descen~nts of this Middle Eastern of 6 milbion Jews by the Nazis, tribe are ,known as Jews." A memor~h or candle holder is an estimated 14 million people identify themselves ~s Jews. Al- symbolic ,of Jewish, faith; NC Photo., most half of these now live in Abraham called ,Abraham 'as the patriarch the United States but for the , Jew, Christians, and Moslems of the Jewish people along with first time in 2,000 years the Jews control their own state, Israel. . honor aft ancient tnibal figure Isaac and Ja'cob. What: set Abraham apart from the otner tribal leaders' some 4,000 years ago was his belief that there was only one God. Eventually the tribe of, AbraThe modern city of Hebron, in stele or stone discovered by ham was enslaved by the Egypthe hill country of Judah about archeologists at the site of Zoan tians but they were led to free20 miles south of Jerusalem, is indicates that city was founded dom :by another remarkable leadthe location of two sites associ- about 1720-1710 B.C. Thus the er, Moses. On behalf of his peoated with the Patriarch Abraham. city of Hebron was probably not ple Mose:s entered into a cov-, enant with Yahweh. They would To the north of the city is in existence at the time of Abra- worship only him and observe ham, who: settled .in the area the 'location of the Terebinth his commandments and he would or Oak of Mamre (Gen. 13:18), about two centuries earlier. protect 'them as his speoial peoThe name Hebron lis Hebrew, and in the city itself is the ple. Ar6und the year 1200 B.C. but its origin and meaning are mosque of Abraham, built over these people settled in the fertile The Arabic name for unknown. the traditrlonal site of the Cave the city, EI Khalil, means "the .Jand of Canaan As a relatively of Machpelah (Gen. 23). friend," a name that is tradition- small tribe they were ,usually ally thought to refer to Abraham. threatened by their stronger neighbors. In 721 B.C. the northOak of Mamre The e~act site of the Terebinth ern kingdom of Israel went into By or Oak of' Mamre is uncertain. e?,ile in Assyria and in 487 B.C. There is a popular shrine in the the southern kingdom of Judah courtyard of the Russian Con- fell to the Babylonians. STEVE Dispersal vent" but the location is doubtLANDREGAN ful and Father Eugene Hoade, When the Persians conquered OFM, in his Guide to the Holy the Babylonians in 53!} they alLand expresses t,he opinion that lowed a remnant of Jews to re'''the Oak of Mamre journeyed turn to their homeland. Still they Scripture (Nm. 13:22) tells us to another 'spot down the valley would live under the rule of that Hebron was fo.unded seven to suit the convenience of a Rus- others: Persians, Greeks, Syrians. years before jZoan in Egypt.. A Turn to Page Seventeen Turn to Page Seventeen

In, the ,Lands of th'e Bible



So wrote 14-year-old Anne Frank from her hiding place in Amsterdam in February 1944. A year later, in March 1945, she died in the Belsen concentration , camp.' : Anne was a Jew. She shared the pain and persecution so many of her fellow Jews have endured for some 30 centuries. She exemplified the quite joy that seems to characterize the faith of the Jews in times of peace and 'pain from the days of Abraham, Moses' and David, to the present. Joy and a sense of humor seem to typify' Jewish faith eyen dur~ ing the ;blackest hours.


The joy of Jews is typically rooted in the earth, in the good things ofbife, because their God creates all that is and -takes an active part in their experience. A famous Jewish writer, Elie Weisel, wrote: "To be a Jew is to opt for God and creation alike -it is a refusal to oppose' one to the other." From Babylon to Belsen faith'ful Jews have preserved their faith in the goodness of man and the world as they kept faith with God. They appear to -have done so with a smile.. reflecting an enduring inner peace arid joy. Joy. in Festivals Jews believe that while God utterly transcends this world" he is intimately invoived in each phenomenon of nature' and every human experience. Although Jews respect God's awes6me holiness to such an extent that they do not even utter his name, they know that he delights in the company of people. They praise him for "producing bread from the earth and wine to gladden men's hearts" (Psalm 104:15). ' The major Jewish f,estivals to this day combine the enjoyment of life's good things with the joy of knowing God's presence. The festival of' Passover (Pesach) celebrates the freeing presence of God today as in the days' of Moses, and at. the Seder mears Turn to Page Eig~~een

The Sunday Observance

Bishop ,G. Emmet Carter and his diocesan worship commission in London, Ontario, Canada have given good leadership through these past years of liturgical renewal. A recent publication' on ' "The Sunday Observance" illustrates the kind of high qua!ity work we have come to expect from them.

Paraphrase "Why does the Church make so much of the Eucharist?" The Church believes that both in Old and New Testament days, it 'is God who has taken 'the lead. The Sunday Eucharis't; stands not merely as mati's invention but as a God-given and privileged place of e,ncounter between Lord and 'man. Here God "calls man together into his spe, cial presence, to hear his word, to respond in faith, and, to seal By a :telationshipof love with him in the Body and Blood of Chdst." FR. JOSEPH M. "Do Catholics still have an CHAMPLIN obligation to go to Mass on Sunday?" "Yes. Nothing has changedhf this regard at all. Yo'u see, the obligations come from the very.;. This colorful leaflet-flier, in nature of the Church." The Bishop Carter's words, "is, in- Church is fundamentally an Eutended as an aid to a deeper un- charistic' Community with heart derstanding' by everyone of the and center revolving around the Sunday Eucharist, as an invitl1~ Mass. If we belong to that tion to those who sometimes ab- Church, we do so primarily. to sent 'themselves from the Lord's celebrate the Eucharist with Supper to 'be more faithful, and. other Christians who believe as as an invitation to those who we do. "Why can't we fulfill this have left the family of the obligation during the week?" Church to return." Sunday Mass has quite a difIt follows a question and answer format, posing 15 of to- ferent dimension. Jesus rose on day's more commonly expressed a Sunday and on that same day inquiries, then responding to , each week the whole community, each with a readable, punchy, a single family under God is paragraph, or two. In this article ( called, together to ,',celebrate I am selecting several sections Christ and to be one with him and either quoting or paraphras- in his <leath' and resurrection. ing tpe responses. ,Turn to Page Eighteen

tHE ANCHORThurs., June 28, 1973

Landslide Majorities Lead Presidents Into Trouble

Jewish Religion

The Watergate affair is one more example of a fascinating phenomenon of American history: presidents with landslide majorities usually get into trouble. Franklin Roosevent was reelected in 1936 with an overwhelming vote. Shortly thereafter he. began his disastro~:~ attempt to ceived by overwhelming mandates - and most presidents pack the United States Su- seem incapable of resisting the preme Court., -and While he temptation-is going to neglect

was elected twice more, his political power was never the same. Dwight Eisenhower ~as reelected by a landslide in 1956,


and the steam promptly went out of his never very dynamic administration-complete ",ith such disasters as the U2 and t he abortive Paris summit with Krushchev. Lyndon Johnson had a mam~ moth victory in 1964, and scarcely was the campaign finished be, fore he was presiding over a disastrous escalation in Vietnam. Within a few months of his second inaugural, Richard Nixon is well on his way toward becoming the most unpopular president since Harry Truman, and perhaps the most unpopular sinc3 A'1drew Johnson. , Same Power Sructures Is it just a coincidence, or does this phenomenon say something important about American politics? A president with a large popular mandate usually forgets that for all practical purposes a win by 60 per cent of the' popular vote does ,not significantly alter patterns of power. Since Congressional voting patterns are relatively stable, presidential landslides rarely change the patterns of Congressional representation decisively. The alignment in Congress may be slightly different, but still the 'power structures, the veto groups, the alliances in the Congress are substantially the same. The federal bureaucracy is unchanged, and the social political, and econo.nic structure of the country is urichanged. The president may have a mandate (though it may equally be only a no-confidence registration against his opponent) but, as we say in Chicago, his mandate and 45c will get him a ride on the Chicago Transit Authority. It carries with it no extra political power (as a landslide would in a parliamentary system) and only a transitory amount of politioal prestige. Unpolitical Technicians Mr. James Madison and his colleagues designed a constitutional system for this country in which the leadership could govern only if it was capable of building coalitions. Whether you have 52 per cent, of the popular vote or 60 per cent, the system is still such that you need to have a coalition to be able to govern effectively. But a man who permits himself to be de-

the difficult, tiresome, thoroughly unsatisfyi,ng task of tending to and maintaining his coalition. Franklin Roosevelt thought that he could dispense with the Supreme Court; Dwight Eisenhower seemed to think he could dispense with government altogether; Lyndon Johnson thought he could govern without bothering to inform Congress or the American people what he was up to; and Richard Nixon apparently thought he could dispense with the courts, the Congress, the bureaucracy, the cabinet, and even the Republican party. He imagined that he could control the country with the aid of a ruthlessly loyal clique of unpolitical technicians with whom he surrounded himself in the White House. In each case the mandate led to a disaster, and how great the disaster was depended in substantial part on how resilient the president was. Franklin Roosevelt, at least, had a way of bouncing back. System Survives There is considerable question in the present mess as to whether the American system has stopped working. My own guess is that if James Madison were around to be interviewed (off the record, of course) by the Washington Post, he would be delighted with the way the system had worked. He huilt in two checks and halances to restrict presidential power: The Congress and the courts in the persons of Sam Ervin and John Sirica did exactly what Madison would have expected them to do. The informal check, the press, legitimated not so much by the Con,stitution as by"the Bill of Rights, also functioned as Madison would have hoped-though even he might have been embarrassed by the unholy glee with which the press is demolishing Mr. Nixon and his cronies. Did we "luck out" then, or did the system work the way it was supposed to? I much prefer the latter explanation, but it still ought to be clear that a heavy price has been paid and will continue to be exacted in the years ahead. The checks and balances system may be the only way that a country the size of ours can be governed, but when the brakes have to be slammed to the floorboards, the machine grinds to a halt for a time. The system survives, indeed, but the trauma is severe. .Even a system as resiIient' as the one Mr. Madison designed cannot absorb too many such traumas. Hopefuly, future presi~ents will learn that no matter what their plurality is, they govern a country that was designed for something like 55-45 per cent elections in which the goveriing president has only a very thin edge over the opposition. The' man who thinks he has more than that is headed for trouble. © 1973, Inter/Syndicate


MOSQUE OF ABRAHAM: "In the city itself (Hebron) is the Mosque of Abraham built over the traditional site of the Cave of Machpelah." The mosque of Abraham contains his body along with those of Isaac and Jacob and their wives. The coffins beneath the ancient building have not been opened since the Crusades. NC Photo. .

In the Lands of t'he Bible Continued from Page Sixteen sian monastery and pilgrim hospice." A more likely locat,jon of the site of Abraham's tents appears to he at the site of ruins known as Haram Ramet et Khalil, which means The Enclosure of the High Place of the Friend. The ruins were excavated by Gennan archeologists who found that the buildings contained in the vast enclosure belong to five different periods ranging from before Christ to the time of Mohammed in the 7th century. Two towers within the enclosure date to the Israelite period (1200-600 B.C.) and deeper excavations have yielded a series of terra-cotta objects which date from the time of· Abraham. It seems possible that Haram Ramet et Khalil is indeed the site of Abraham's tents, although it is certainly not "opposite" the Cave of Machpelah as "the Bible claims. So the question has yet to be determined definitively. Cave of Machpelah There 'is greater certainty concerning the site of the Cave of Machpelah. The. cave was purchased hy Abraham on the death of Sarah to be used as a burial cave. Tradition holds that in the cave are ,buried, Sarah, Abraham, Isaac, his wives Rebecca and Leah, and Jacob whose body was brought back from Egypt (Gen. 50:13). In recording the purchase, of the cave and the surrounding land, Gen. 23 provides an interesting ,example of Oriental bargaining. The significance of the purchase is that it was the first recorded ownership of land in the promised land by the ancestors of Israel. By the transaction, the semi-nomadic Abraham became a landholder. The location of the cave is not absolutely certain but long time

tradition has ,held that the cave beneath the Mosque of Abraham in Hebron is the burial place of Patriarchs and their wives. The Mosque was built as a church by the crusaders, who opened the cave in 1119 and then closed it up again after examining the coffins and bones. No examination has been permitted since th'at time and entrance to the cave itself 1s forbidden, although there is an opening in the floor of the Mosque through which the cave may be viewed. Hebron as Capital In the absence of examination of . the burial cave by modern archeological techniques, biblical scholars are unable to state with certainty whether the cave heneath the Mosque ~s indeed the Cave of Machpelah, or merely another cave around which has grown up the pious legend. In any event, ,unlike the site of the Terebinth or Oak, there is no other site in the area that is claimed to be the burial cave. There are many other references to Hebron in the Bible, including 1ts important role as the first capital and site of the coronation of King David (2 Sam. 5:1ff). It was probably destroyed by the RO{l1ans during the Jewish Wars (68 A.D.) ,and was abandoned for several centuries.

New P'hone Numbers 679-5262 679-5263 679-5264

Continued from Page Sixteen In 63 B.C. the Romans assumed' control and in 70 A.D. Roman armies put down a rebellion, de~ stroyed the temple, killed, enslaved and dispersed the Jews. Without a homeland of their own the Jews would settle <in Russia, Poland, Germany, Engl-and, France, Latin America, the U. S., Canada and even in India and China. They carried ' with them their Scriptures, the, , collecHon of sacred writings be- . gun during the reign, of Kdng David and continued for 1,000 years. They called the first five books of the Bible, the Torah, or law; the numerous latercommen. I, taries were known as the Tal-' mud. The Jews of the diaspora were sustained through history , by their ethical standards, their, dietary laws and ritual. their simple creed: "Hear, 0 Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One." Deplores Anti-Semitism The Jews had looked forward to one who would came to re-' dress all wrongs and restore Is: rael's former glory. He would be the Messiah sent to the chosen people by Yahweh. Those who accepted Jesus as the promised Messiah were originally all Jews but the message of the gospel was to be proclaimed to the Gentiles as well as the Jews. Until the destruction of the temple dn 70 A.D. the chief form of Jewish worship was sacrifice. Now it is prayer and meditation and reading of the Scriptures. Rahbis (teachers) furnish spiritual leadership to the congrega1:Iions. Stressing Christianity's .ties with Judaism, the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council declared: "The Church repudiates all _persecutions against any man. Moreover, mindful of their common patrimony with the Jews, and motivated by the gospel's spiritual love and by no political considerations, she deplores the hatred, persecutions, and displays of anti-Semitism directed against the Jews at any tJime and from any sources."

Man Man is but a reed, the weakest thing in nature; but a thinkjng reed. -Pascal "

••••••••••w ••••



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 28, 1973


Jo.y of the Jews


Continued from Page Sixteen father reminds his family, "He brought us from slavery to freedam ... Let us then sing a new song in his presence Hallelujahl" The Feast of Weeks (ShaYuoth), fifty days after Passover, celebrates the enduring covenant between God and his people. This bond is as enduring as the sun and the moon, as unshakable , as the mountains, as intimate . and tender as marital love.

Cogley's 'Catholic America' Provides Useful Summary In Catholic America (Dial, 750 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 $9.95), John Cogley sets out to do two things. One is to give a brief outline of the history. of ,Catholics in the area which is now the United States. The other is to interpret the life of the Catholic community here. His began to decrease. Some meaof dem:ocratic process was book, therefore, -falls into sure introduced with the laity given a' two parts. In the first, he greater voice than before. The touches on what he takes to be thepigh points of Catholic development since colonial times. Here, as he admits, he is borrow-





ing from the professional historians, such as Monsignor John , Tracy Ellis. Thus, he traces the phenomenal increase in Catho~ic numbers from 1790, when John Carroll was consecrated as the first Catholic bishop with an American see. At that time there were fewer than 30 priests in the whole country. When Carroll died in 1815, there were 100 priests. By 1860 there were 43 dioceses, 45 bishops, some 2,000 priests. And the growth continued, mostly by immigration. He points out that Carroll, belonging to a long-established and prominent family, was at home and at ease in the American scene and system and had some acute ideas as to what the character of the Church in America should be. Immigrant Catholics' But the acoidents of history were to bring it about thilt, as Catholic numbers grew spectacularly, this would be because of arrivals from Europe, and the Church would become, for a long period, more immigrant than native. ' - He discusses the various types of -immigrant Catholics, their qualilJies and the problems which they both posed and faced. The Church, as he says, was a force for the Americanization of millions, but the process was not , easy or without lasting side effects He rightly remarks that the Catholic community was never a monolith, but that it -did, to a considerable extent, remaiin in the ghetto, in' the sense of being separatist, partly by choice, part.' Iy because of exclusion. . New Status But this, he contends, was drastically changed in the 1,960s, because of two events. The first was the election of the first Catholic to the presidency, John F. Kennedy. The second was VaticalJ II, with its accent on ecu· menism. These factors he consid· ers at some length, with much more stress on the second, while granting the first its unique impact. In the 1960s everything changed. Thus, Catholic schools, instead of increasing in numbers,

Faith of Jews Autumn brings the joyful 'festival of Booths (Sukkot). Amidst temporary shelters made of branches and leaves Jewish commUIllities eat and drink in happy remembrance of the days when their fathers knew God's presence as they wandered in the desert. Believing God is· with them today as then, they thankfully enjoy the good things of earth which in so many ways reveal his presence. The Sabbath provides a weekly opportun'ity for the Jewish family to enjoy life's bless~ngs and deepen their faith in the creator of all. As the Sabbath draws to a close the Jewish family prays: "Sovereign of the universe, Father of mercy and fqr· giveness ... cause us to hear in the coming week tidings of joy and gladness ... Bless and prosper the work of our hands." The faith of Jews, mar~ed even lin the midst of persecution and suffering by joy and appreciation of the good things of life, can be a stimulus for us Christians to look at our own faith. How closely is our faith in God related to the ordinary realities of dadly living? How genuinely do we appreciate the world in which we Iive,seeing it as a sign of God's presence and love? How truly does our faith in God overflow into that joy Jesus came to deepen in us? (In 15:11).

liturgy was put into English. And so on. ' The change was not simply within the Church, but extended to relations' between the Church and the general community and the several elements in the general community. A whole new status, in a whole new situation, achieved. has now .been , Thoughtful Opinion Mr. Cogley is not certain that all which has happened recently is to the good. Adap.tation is good, but complete conformity to modernity may be a betrayal of mission. He quotes Philip Gleason's observation that "to strive with ,blinkered singlemind" edness for relevance to the con. temporary world runs the risk SEZ WHO?: Referee Tony Backhoff finds that kickball of forgetting that, while the players' disagree with one of his calls during a Saturday Church must be engaged in the world, it cannot be completely session of an ecumenical day camp in Norwood, Ohio. Back,assimilated to the world." hoff is one of seven seminarians from Mt. St. Mary who Mr. Cogley's book ,is not for, work with members of Salem United Church of Christ in the specialist. It offers no new staffing the camp. NC Photo. information, nor is it original or profound analysis. But it provides useful summary and thoughtful opinion. -Continued from Page Sixteen more like God ... If we fail to There are some errors as to Missing Mass . see the direct connection befact (it was Cardinal' Gibbons, Is it then, a mortal sin to miss tween liturgy and. life, then we hot Archbi~hop Ireland, who Mass on Sunday?" have missed' the point completeplayed the decisive role in per"It most certainly can be ... If ly." suading Rome not to condemn our departure from the Sunday' "I'm a Catholic. but I d0n't the Knights of Labor),' and in Eucharist is taken at its face bother with Mass anymore. '" the spelling of names (the Carvalue, it :means that weare set· "It won't work ... It is just dinal Archbishop of Chicago was ' Test ting our friend!?hip with God not possible to remain a living Meyer, not Mayer; the Bishop of aside, that we choose to keep Catholic and at the same time Fact and argument are the Peoria was Spalding, not Spauldhim out of our lives. We are cut yourself off from the com- tests of truth and error. ing; the mother of the Buckley talking about the complete munity and what the community -Cardinal Newman family is Alqise, not Alois, Steinfriendship breakdown of our is all about, the Eucharist." er Buckley). with God which, as we say, is Need of Social Worship , Chilling Mystery called mortal sin. "Why can't I just pray to God Ross Macdonald is justly cel"Often enough, of course, we . ebrated as practically peerless don't think clearly about what alone?" "It's ,fine, but not quite among writers of mystery thtil- we are doing. We miss Mass , lers:-- His latest work, Sleeping without careful thought--through enough ..." "Those who do go to Mass' are Beauty (Knopf, 501 Madison weakness, carelessness, laziness, Ave., New 'York, N.Y. 10022. habit, or for some f1imssy excuse hypocrites: That's why I don't $5.95), is superior to the general ... What is the degree of our go." "A rather sweeping statement run of such productions but not guilt? We must consider before l ... But let's not stand outside up to his best. , 'God and the Church, and in our He begin,S intriguingly. His own hearts, the extent of our and thank God that we are betveteran private detective, Lew realization 'and neglect. and in ter than those sinners inside. After all, we are a Church for )\rcher, observes two phenomena short, the total picture.'" sinners." on a Southern California beach. "Am I a good Catholic jf I go One is the: evidence of an oil to Mass all' Sunday?" spin from 'an offshore drilling "It's it good start _.. Those station. The other is the desolate who celebrate the Eucharist have wande'ring of a beautiful you'ng an obligation to live more and girl who is cradling a seabird fouled by the oil. The girl comes with hum to But that is only the bp.ginning. his apartment so that she may Murders in the past amI in tne telephone her husband. She then present ;are disclosed. Menace leaves. After she has gone, and false pretenses abound. When Savings and Dividends left on deposit Archer discovers that she has There is exciting action, elab2 and 3 yr. Term Deposit Certificate . 6% taken with her his sleeping pills. orate explanation. " Now Yields 6.27% As she seemed suicidal,' he sets The need of elaborate explana5%% 1 to 2 yr. Term Deposit Certificate out in search for her. tion probably accounts for the Now Yields 6.00% Exciting ,Action sense of letdown which the read5~% 90-day Notice The search brings him in touch er experiences as the book Now Yields 5.73% with various members of her draws to H close. Mystification 5~% Regular Savings f'amily. Her father, uncle and is all very well; it is the name' of Now Yields 5~47%' grandfather are owners of tIlE' the game which Mr. Macdonald Compounded Continuously and payab~e monthly firm responsible, for the oil spill; usually plays so skillfully. But Bank by mail - it costs you nothing they are people of vast means. muddle is something. else again, ,Her husband, in contrast, is a and there is muddle in the abunpharmacist, and their home is in dance of: events which have to 307 MAIN sr.. SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASS. 02664 a rundown sec;tion of the dty. ,be crediibly accounted for here.

The Slllnday Observance

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Warns Religious Of Charismatic Renewal Program

THE ANCHOR•Thurs., June 28, 1973

Episcopal Bishop Decries Abortion

CHICAGO (NC)-"The charismatic renewal is going to cause religious orders problems," a leader of the charismatic movement told religious superiors ' here. Some immature Religious will use the charismatic renewal as a tool, Ralph M,artin, director of the International Communications Office for Catholic Charismatic Renewal, told the Assembly of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men at St. Xavier College here. Many times, Martin said, the problems will be psychological, and superiors should not blame the charismatic movement. They should realize instead that some independent members of the movement "will use it for their own purposes." . Martin told the superiors that they could aid the movement by dealing strongly and effectively with the problem. "Just tell them they're not being Christian," he suggested as a first step.

COAXING SMILES FROM MOTHERS: Cardfnal John Krol of Philadelphia coaxes smiles from a group of parishioners, outside the Church of the Redeemer in Dundalk, a border town in the Irish Republic. During a Mass in St. Patrick's Cathedral in Armagh, Northern Ireland, the cardinal told the congregation, "I want you to know that you have our understanding, our sympathy and our compassion. You also have the pledge of our continuing prayers." NC Photo.

'Saved Vocations' "At base," he said, "the charismatic renewal is ... supportive of what religious orders are all about.'. . . The one thing it will do is strengthen . . . the desire for community," Martin said. In this respect, he said, the charismatic renewal "has saved many vocations." Malltin outlined the growth of the charismatic renewal from 1900 when a non-Catholic woman felt God in her and asked her, friends to pray over her. The incident led to the laying on of hands and speaking in tongues. It became the bases for the founding of the Pentecostal Church. "About 200,000 Catholics around the world are now involved in the charismatic movement," Martin said.

Cardinal Krol Praises Irish Faith ARMAGH (NC) - Cardinal John Krol, president of the U. S.. National Conference of Catholic Bishops offered Mass here following a tour of strife-ridden Belfast with Irish Cardinal William Conway., In a voice choked with emotion, Cardinal Krol departed momentarily from the prepared text of his sermon at St. Patrick's Cathedral to tell the congregation of almost 1,000 that he had visited the devastated areas of Belfast. "I want you to know," he said, "that you have our understanding, our sympathy and our compassion. You also, have the

HUARMEY (NC)-The Church World Service is providing slum dwellers here with low-cost housing units of prefabricated parts, for about $800 a home. The first block has 50 units. Church World Service, a unit of the Council of Churches of Christ, is working in cooperation with Peru's housing 'authorities to ease the lot of fishermen on the Pacific coast. ,-


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'Never Abandoned' In a Mass offered for peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland Cardinal Krol said: "We are persecuted but never abandoned. We are struck down, but never destroyed. Continually we carry about in our bodies the dying of Jesus, so that in our hodies the life of Jesus also may be revealed." "Certainly," the cardinal said, "no people have endured greater hardships than the Irish-and no people have sustained greater faith."


VATICAN CITY (NC)-On the museum at the Vatican and at10th anniversary of his election, tended a concert conducted by June 21, Pope Paul VI mentioned the American Jewish composer~ the event only in passing as he conductor Leonard Bernstein. marked the Feast of Corpus On the anniversary of his elecChristi. tion, Pope Paul stressed that Speaking fro.m the window of people should not center their his study in the Vatican Palace thoughts and interest on "our at noon, Pope Paul blessed thou- humble person" but rather sands gathered in St. Peter's should look "to that Christ who Square below and spoke of the has chosen us as His vicar and ee11ltral place that "the Eucharis- to that Church which he has' astic Mystery" holds for Catholics. signed us as the servant of the Later the same day the Pope servants. of God. . ::: . . went to a working class parish . Refe~rmg ~o ,the responslbilto celebraJte Mass' for thousands Ity whIch weIghs down upon our of Romans who were enjoying weak sh~ulders," Pop~ P~~! canthe day both as a public and feli- cluded hIS talk.by saymg.. Deargious holiday. est sons, be mdulgent WIth us · b' f t: t lk who recommend ourself to your In h IS' rIe noon Ime a, ff . . d P P i t d ~h t th 10th a echon, YO';1r cooperatIOn an ope au no e . a e a r prayers" anniversary "of our election as y u . bishop of thi's very Church of Rome" was being observed on Bishop No Hijacker the same day. He noted that as BRASILIA (NC)-Bishops will bishop of Rome he was "the suc- never hijack an airplane or cessor, last in time and merit, of smuggle contraband, at least in the Apostle Peter, and thereby the judgement of the Aviation the unworthy but authentic shep- Ministry here in Brazil. The herd of the Catholic Church Ministry issued an order excludspread throughout the world." ing bishops and others from seAlthough the actual anniver- curity checks on hoarding a sary of his election in 1963 fell plane. All they h'ave to do ison June 21, full observance of show a passport or other valid' the occasion was delayed until identifcation. DiPlomats, cabinet June 23, when the Pope was' to mini'sters and congressmen are open a new contemporary art also excluded ,in the order.

Protestants Help Peruvian Fishermen


Pope On Ann'iversary Tells World To Center Thoughts on Christ

People entering 'the charismais movement, he explained, react in different ways. Some show a new, real "desire for prayer." Others want to tell people about Christ. But some, he admitted, "appear to get worse ... with less control over avoiding temptation.'" Charismatic renewal could be embraced by the Church under the "pluralism un1brella" which, he explained, "really is the wisdom from God for now." Martin 'also noted that the Church often takes the "political approach" of taking in all groups to "keep the body together." "We shouldn't be a.fraid to change," a religious order when an order wants to change, he concluded.


pledge of prayers."

"Neither famine nor persecution nor oppression has been able to smother the flame of faith in the Irish breast," Cardinal Krol said. This faith, the cardinal said, has been carried throughout the world by the Irish. Cardinal Krol said that four million Irish Catholic immigrants came to the United States, and that seven of his predecessors as head of the Philadelphia See were Irish-born or of Irish descent. He also praised "the spiritual service" of priests of Irish descent. Holiness of Life

Desire for Prayer

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Concluding his sermon in the high vaulted gray stone cathedral which stands on a hill overlooking this ancient town of 10,000, Cardinal Krol said. "There'ds no greater contribution you can make to the world than holiness of life, meekness of heart, gentleness of spirit and quiet courage in your religious conviction. As I witness the ferv-or of your faith I am convinced that the world needs the example of your life and witness of your love-an exampie and a witness which no earthly hardship can overcome because they are an example and a witness sustained by God." Cardinal Krol was guest of honor at a dinner-at the residence of Cardinal Conway attended by the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Arma,gh, ·Dr. George Simms.

WINTER PARK (NC) - The, Episcopal bishop of Central Florida has called on his people to respond to the U. S. Supreme Court abortion ruling by giving "witness to the sacredness of human lift:." "We can do all in our power bYe God's grace' and guidance to provide the finest alternatives to abortion, adoption being one of the finest," Bishop William H. Folwell said in a pastoral letter. "To the young girls and other women whose pregnancies 'are unwanted," Bishop Folwell said, "we can offer hope, guidance, and compassion. More than anything else, we can offer the love of acceptance and understanding, for this, too is an important part of our witness to the sa-credness of life." "Whatever may be designated by the law to he human life, there are present at conception all the elements which create' a human being." The prelate said, "At that moment life begins. From that moment on any further formation of the person is purely a matter of development, growth and maturation." Bishop Folwell acknowledged that an unborn child is not as fully developed as a newborn child but, he said, "We value each life not only for what it is but also for what it is capable of becoming." "As Christians," he said, "we know that what we can become depends not on our own potential but on our capability to receive the grace of almighty God

" The grace of God and its power can be limited. The difference between the human embryo and an adult is small compared to the difference between an adult and a risen saint." The bishop said that Christians believe that a person "is perfected by God's grace, not 'by technology or education. This grace was made manifest in Jesus Christ and is available now to all hecause of His resurrection."





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June 28, 1973




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