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Maryknoll Missionaries· Observe 50th Anniversary of Founding

The ANCHOR An Anchor"f the Soul,

au,.. ~nd Pirm-ST. PAm.

FaU R,iv@r, Mass., Thursday, Ju~e 29, 1961

Vo!.5, No. 27 . ©

Most Rev. Frederick A. Donaghy, M.M. of New Bedford and 15 priests, all natives of the Fall River Diocese now serving in the mission fields of 12 countries on four contio nents, are today observing, along with some 2,000 fellow members of their society, the golden jubilee of the founding of Maryknoll more formally, the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America. ' priests, which grew into the realo A product of, 20th century ity of a worldwide society of America, Maryknoll is this priests, Brothers and seminar~ nation's first foreign mis- ians. On June 29, 1911 at the reo sion society. It was established to' meet special problems of quest of the American Hier~ the present-day world. And 'arcl)y, Pope St. Pius X gave the while 50 years is comparable two priests permission to eso to only a moment in the long tablish a seminary for the trainc> history of the Catholic Church, ing of young American men fof' Maryknoll in· its half-century mission work in foreign lands. has attained a remarkable record On that day in Rome MaryknoIA of growth and achievement. . ' was born. . It' was the· dream of Fathers The 'fi,rst Maryknoll departJames A. Walsh of Boston and ure group of priests steamed Thomas F. Price of North Cal'o- out of San Francisco for the lina, two American diocesan Turn to Page Twenty

Catho.lic, Age~cy Is Leader In 1960 Relief Activities

PRICE IOc $4.00 por Year Second Clau Mail. Privileges Authorized at Fall Rivor. Mass.

1961 The Anchor

Congregation Head I:s· Diocesan Native

, ' WASHINGTON (NC) The U.S. Catholic foreign relief agency topped all other U.S. voluntary agencies in the total value of its relief activities during 1960, according BISHOP 'DONAGHY, M.M. to a government report. Money and supplies devoted to relief by Catholic Relief shipment~ to cour.tries particISeryice-Na tional Catholic pating in the leA overseas : A 1924 graduate of Notre Dame School, Fall River, Welfare Conference totaled freight subsidy program, placed! lh~s just been named Superior 'General of the Congregation more than twice as much as the value of the agency's pro-> ~f the Blessed Sacrament, represented on six continents by the next largest agency program grams at $60,792,353.47-more :D.,~OO priests and brothers, ,of which some 200 are in' the CALDWELL (NG)~"I'm -$115,890,326, compared with than half of the total for alii. United States. He is Rev. voluntary agencies of $109,8950'" grateful." That's. how Car"; $48,229,1'71 ~or CARE. 301.72. Roland' A. Huot, S.S.S., 49, These figures are contained in men Maldonado describes The tc.talvalue of calendaIt' native of Fall River. A a report on 1960 issued by the 1960 relit>! ·activWes by 56 vOlo why she plan·s to spend a Adv.isory, Committee on Volun~lassmate at Notre Dame year teaching il1 Catholic schools tary Foreign.' A.id 'of the Inter- untary agencies registered with School is now Rev. J. Omer the ICA unit walo $291,899,393,p in Alabama. national Cooperation Adminis- according to the new report. lLussier, pastor of St. Stephen's There the Manhattan-born tration. Church, Dodgeville. Besides Catholic Relief Ser.'girl, recently graduated from The new Superior General has A report issued early in June vices and CARE, the other agen.Caldwell College for Women, l!Il\any cousins still in the Fall will receive $150 per month and by the Committee showed CRS- cies in the top five, by expendilRiver al'ea, but his immediate an apartment which she will NCWC leading other voluntary tures, were: Church World Serfamily, including is sister, Miss share with two other girls she agencies :n the value of its relief vice. $35.065,244; the Americam Bertha Huot, now resides in has yet to meet, They will pay program:. in the fiscal year Jewish Joint Distribution Com.. lPmvidence. He last visited the mlttee, $28,628,270; and Luth.. for their own transportation to , which encled on June 30, 1960. area in 1958, immediately prior Alabama and w1ll supply their That '~port, limited to relief eran' World Relief, $15,239,572., to his departure for Europe. As own food. Superior General, he will make Like the others, Miss Maldonthis headquarters in Rome, said ado has been· recruited for her :Miss Huot. job by Father Paul Mullaney, who annually tours nort~ern He w ill make official visitCatholic women's colleges lookCl1tlons to houses of the order in ing for apostolic collegians to Africa and South. America,she Most Reverend James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of the volunteer for the teacher proaaid, following which he will Fall River Diocese, celebrated Mass in Minneapolis today gram in the Mobile-Birmingham probably visit the United States. diocese. '. . to open the annual convention of Serra International, a.n His term of office will be 12 organization of laymen who work to promote vocations to .v>eal's. He is the first America'll FR. ROLAND HUOT, S.S.S~' Turn to Page' Twentv . ~ head the Blessed Sacrament the priesthood. The Fall lrathers. Fall Riverite Joins Secular Institute River Diocese is represented Ordained in Cleveland in 1939, at the convention by Rev.. Father Huot has taught in both Daniel F. Shalloo, Fall River major and minor seminaries of area chaplain, and lay delegateal Illis congregation. While serving froin New Bedford,. Attlebom QS professor of canon law an~ and Fall River areas. spil'itual theology, he became Speaking at the opening M~ I!'eCtor of the major seminary in Rev. William O. Brady, D.D.. Cleveland in 1943. By Patricia McGowan Archbishop of St. Paul and a The new Superior General was Riv~r native. stressed thaf> A photograph and three lines of print in a diocesan newspaper-they changed the Fall ~l'ovincial of the American tprovince for nine years: For the life of pretty Jean Brocklehurst, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brocklehur,st, 483 'Read- the clergy must work among layo men "not as pals, but as priests.'" past three years he has been a He told the delegates: "Your member of the general council in'g Street, Fall River. A graduate of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, and Pembroke Colle'ge, Jean. was .working as women's editor of a company'magazine issued '~by Bell friendship is precious to us, Your II)f the congregation in Rome. way of life could be a distra'c. T~ congregation, founded 1ft Telephone Laboratories in ··':E'~;i.;lt'i?':::;i~' ! :~~7-~~c-:;;:f~\;:;~::J tion '.' . Weare priests among i ]paris in 1856 by Blessed Peter New Jersey. Her life was a men, but our priesthood is of ,Julian Eymard, is devoted to career girl's dream come God." ' perpetual adoration of the BlesThe Archbishop said the 'Sac.. truE!-'-work she loved" a sed Sacral11ent, and the increase rament of Holy Orders "takes a etri devotion to the Holy Euchar- $7200 a year salary-but someman from among men and sends how she wasn't Satisfied. hit. him back among men in a new "I was lo~king' for something," and sacred role." she said. Clue as to what it might He continued: "AU men be came when she spied the tiny born for worship . • • All mea. item about Miss Mary Long, suare called to share the Chri~ perior of the Daughters of Our life, through baptism which is Brother Albertus Smith, C.S.C., Lady of Fatima attending a an anointing for life in the Taunton native and graduate of course at the University 'of world. Coyle High :{: ,.-' Notre Dame, .She wrote for in"But there is a special anoint-.. School, who ,. formation about the Daughters. ing of the priesthood' and a speill as just That was in Spring of 1959. cial choice and laying on oil lllOmpleted a By October of that year, she apostolic hands that divides the Geven year had fouild what she was looking 'called' from· other men and ooaching asfor. She joined the Daughters· commissions him with authority i3ignment at as a candidate. Now,'nearly two and with power to preach, to ~yle, will years later, $7200 a year days put teach, to baptize and to offe!? mark his silbehind her, she is. vowed to the Sacred Mysteries." ~r jubilee poverty, chastity and obedience, Ar~hbishop Brady emphasiz~ ll)f profession a member of a secular institute that by ordination a priest's 'ae<> Cl»f vows in process of formation. , tions are given new authority. lWednesday, "A priest's absolution is wI> The Daughters of Fatima are Aug, 16. casual. advice, though it ma1 a group of women banded toWhile a' come from lips without experiJD gether to form a secular insti&oyle stu-' ence," he said. "It is the direc:o tute. Rev. A. Paul Lambert, spirdent, Brot- Bll"other Alber&~ tion of God even if spoken by b itual director of the Daughters, ll!el' Albertus Smith, C.S.C. . , tongue that stutters. was highest-ranking member crl affirms that just as Sisters, when JEAN BROCKLEHURST = DAUGHTERS OF FATIMA ~l\IR'JIl to lPagGl JEnghteen ~Ulrn to lPage Twelve Turn t@ Page Two

Shows Gratitude By Offering' Up Year for God


Bishop' Connolly Celebrates Serra· Convention .Mass

Gives Up $7,200-a-Year Position To' Devote Life to God/·s .Work

Coyle Instructolf To Note Jubilee



.2 ..,

\ .


tP:E ANCHOR-DTot~seofF:aIFRiVer~Th"o,.s; JI.i!ie'·z'l' 196'r'

R~d,s· t:'amp,~.Ie•. <

Wel'come' Glven Ec"mm'eni~'al Council'Encou:rages Pope':

Shows Hatred. -. For Church . . ;.,' . '.. i:tPME·

v ATICAN CITY (NO) .::.- The welcome given the coming ecumenical council by both. Catholic,s .aiid' Catholics augurs well for its fruitfulness, Pope John -t~ld the opening meeting of the council's Central Preparatory Commission. Purpose of the greater hope for the best'out'n-day meeting which ends co~e (of the coming counci~)! " '. c seemg gathered here together In today, 18 to diSCUSS pr9b- such great number.' and from lems of calling: the council every part of the world the dis-


pecially 0 f the Catholio Churc}1 ,is clearly shown" itt

and answer questions of proce- tinguished representatives of the dure during the council itself. Sacred College of Cardinals, 'of The meeting opened in ,the the episcopate and of the reliConsistorial Hall of the Vatican gilolls families. ' with 31 cardinals, two patriarchs, "Many. people are looking for-' 12.archbishops and. bishops, four' ward to the couI).cil and it, has generals of .religious orders and been serenely and courteously re23' counselors of the commission. ceived not only by Our. beloved Among theJTI were Archbishop sons but also by those outside-the Karl J. Alter of ·Cincinnati· imd Church.,.All ,this is .. reason 'for Archbishop Martin· J. ,O'Connor, .trapquilli~Y. !1nd encot!-rllgE;lI1.ent rector of the North American .in' continuing' with .·the 'good College in Rome.· " " ' , . ~or~.". ~''' .. , ' .. ':',,":.<"'" . Addressing the group in Latin, .,After. rey'~ewiilg br~eflf"'the the Pope' said:~ork. 'alr~a:dy:, . :'acc6,mp1i~e<i,' "Our heart· is 'filled,with-still Pope John' said: '''Wenow mu~t bi~Sl? the Lqrd'that He' bringsu~ toa:.'he~"st'age . 'the-iirduous road.' The' Central' C~mmissi'on;' the highest and most'important, .'.. now comes into action. Every .,JERUSALEM (NC)AnItalian assembly-' is all the more fruitful archaeologist has reported when its work is conducted with stone with the name of Pontius order. Pilate carV:e<I on ,it has bl;len "Thus ~t is your duty, venerfound on 'the' Mediterranean' able brothers and beloved sOns, coast of israe~... ' . ' .•.. to' continue 'with' your'work and The announcement, made by attend· to' the' study of the probPr'of. Antonio Frova; said that a lems regarding the convocation, .l!niversity of Milan expeditiop the conductipg and·, the'li~e i~self found. the stone. near Caesarea, of'the future council meeting·s..." about 10 miles from Haifa in the ruins of a Roman amphitheater. Scholars said it :was. the first archaeological evidencl;l found of the Roman procurator of. Judea VANCOUVER (NC) -.:.. Two who ordered Christ's crucifixion. Caesarea was the Roman capital blind boys have been trained' to in Palestine for about 500 years. serve Mass at Our Lady of PerIn addition to Pilate's name, petual Help church here.' .' The boys, Lloyd Testawitch, the name of Roman emperor Tiberius was also on the stone, 11, and Gary Stolz, 13, are adept Tiberius was emperor at the time at serving high as well as low Jesus Christ started his. public Masses. They are boarders· at the prolife. Part 'of the stone' appears to vincial government's Jericho ~ill have been chipped off, while School for blind and deaf childanother line of carvings ha's not ren and were trained as altar boys by three' members of the yet been deciphered. L~gion of Mary-Jacolyn Brown, Donamae . McCargar and Mary ST. PAUL (NC)-:'Sister Mill'y Clohosey. Edward Healy' has' been' ap- . The boys 'learnedtheLatin pointed president of St:' .cather- responses 'by listening arid mem.:. ine's' College. and' superior of '.its ·orizing. Regular altar boysguidSisters for a 'six-year term. She ed them' through the . sacristy, is" now" dean . of \vomen',- and showed them how to fill Wine ch'airman of the' so~iology de~ and water cruets, ,led them par.tment· I at the college, con- 'around the altar to familarize ducted .bY Sisters' of· St>CJoseph 'them . with 'the .possible . obsta";' ~aroiIdelet. . ... "f..' . cles.. E~ch; of: the )blinch}>OYS 11.:.1' • 'erves Mass with a ·sig~ted,.·hoy;


'b8s(:ove'," ·pacit~~s Name on Stone


. Heads College

. '. ~'e~ro~ogy


OD'do ' .'.

THE ANCHOR'lists the death Mass , anniversary: 'dates .'of 'ptiestS FRIDA Y-Com~emoratiori'of St. who served the. Fall Riveii' Paul; Apostle. III ·Class.. ··Red. Diocese since its formation in Mass Proper; Gloria;' Second n904wit~ the: in:tention that Collect (under one conclusion) the faithful will give them a St. Peter, Apostle; No Creed; '; prayerful remembrance. ,.' Preface of Apostles. Tomorrow , JULY' 3 . " . is the First Saturday of July. Rev. Thoma.s P, 'Doherty, 1942, SATURDAY - Most PreCious Blood of Our Lord Jesus 'J'i\stor, St;~~il~an, New!'ledford. :,I JULY ,4< " . Red..'i' Magi;. ""'. , Christ. I _ Clast;. '. Rev. James A: ,Coyle, S,T.L., Proper';' "Gloria; 'Creed} ;:Pre~ 11955, Pastor, Holy, Name, Fall· ,fare'of the Holy Cross.~· '. .Riyer, ... '. ·:SUNDAY ~ ,YI.· .Sundat ,i'Alter. . . ..: ·-':JULy"5·· :.". '.C . ' • Pentecost. II Class: ,Green. ~.I Rev. J. F. LaBonte, 1943, Pa~ Mass Proper; Gioria.{ Second :tor, Sacred:Heai-t; N~w Bedford. Collect Visiuitioit of the' Bles'.,' , . ' ", sed Virgin Ma'ry;'CrEied; Pre":' face of. Trinity..' , , "," . .MONDAy-:si.. Irenaeus, Bishop ~~~.,HOU~$ and Martyr, III Class, : Red. Mass Proper; (Mass as on 'June 28 in .. Missal.) Gloria; De DEVOTION Creed; Common Preface.' , July 2-Our Lady of PurgaTUESDAY':-:'Mass of previous tory, New Bedford.' Sunday. IV 'Class.· Green. !Mass St. Francis' Xavier, HyProper; No Gloria or C~eed;· . amlis.'. . . Common Preface. ' Holy Trinity, West .H8'r~· ,WEDNESDAY - st. Anthony wich. . . Mary Zaccaria.. Confessor. III JuJy"9;-,;St: .J~an~ of ~c;' '.' Class. Wh~~,:'M~sS,Proper; ,, Orleans. . Gloria; no.'{C~~;,.>~mmoll Our Lady ot. the'AssumpPreface. . :., \' '.....: ':.:;,. :: THURSDAY:Ma~::·.of/pi-evious ti n >., 9 , psteryille. i·\' '. Sunday. ,IV . .Cla·.s·s:·.·'.G··-'r:.·ee.'n. Mass' July l~St. Hyacinth, New . . Beciford.-"; ':;~. .(: ,,~ proper;-.J;'lo:'~G~~~~,'.\·9.r Creeq; , St... Mary, South DartCommon Preface~., .,'., , '. ' . mouth. _.... "". ., . ".: . "JF;<'j .' July 23-St., Pius' X,'SOuth • Yarmouth." " ) ." ~~ ..S~phl:m D,?dge~ille. ..

New' ViGe-CIiancelior

B 0 S T <?'N::/(.NC)· ::;7~' MsgI'. George A.' Schhchte;· . who has been serving ail vice rector of I .-... ..,;",_~;..J' the North American College in' THE ANCHOR . Rome, has. ~n nanied, Vice Second Class Postage Paid at FaD River Chancellor. ~of, the Boston arch:' M!"'s. PuJ>lished ~very Thursday. at, diocese, Ri~hard Cardinal'CushH.ghland Avenue. Fall River, Mass.• by the CatholiC Press. of the Diocese 01 ing, Archbishop 'of Boston, has Fall River. Subscripiton price 11)' mall, announced, ' postpaid $4.00 per' )'Car.- - . -, -:



a $panish-langu-age pamphlet prepared in Red China for cirallation in Cuba and throughout Latin America. L'Osservatore Romano saM the pamphlet, "The 'Catllolie Church and Cuba," was printed . in Peking in 1959 for the exclusive and confidential use ef Communist party leadel'8 i. Latin America. . In April; the Mexican City daily Excelsier stated that the pamphlet by Li Wei-han was the basfs for the letter by the Chief o( quba's secret police, R. :q.~a2 .J\rg4elles, in which he tOld his a;ents to persecute the' Church ~~9.try to replace. it ~it~ !l's~~\;, matlc church that' woUld 's\JP'r P9rt' the ·Castro. rev'ohition: ,..,. .. The pamphlet war)ls' Commun.:ists not to misjudge the "poWer and attraction of-the <::hurch and ,proPQses communist China's:'eStablishment of a schis'matic netlonal. Catholic Church "as id,eal way' of destroying religion." It also warns against "making martyrs of the leaders . of the counterrevolutionary acti".. 1~f 'of the Church." . , :,: .,,"The line of action to folloW;~ ·t~, R~ pamphlet s~ys, "~s.,~ instruct, educate, persuade, ~ yipce and little by little to awaken. the political conscience ..0« Catholics, making, them takcl 'in stUdy 1P,'0upe and pOli~' ical activities. By these means we must place the dialectic COIF filct in the bosom of religion."



Train Blind Boys To' Serve Mass·


b~tred of religion and ~

. ~ 'BLESSES ~OLIO, GROUP: Po~eJohn pauses during a general audience in the Vatican to give his' special bls~sing to a group of American polio victims who came to Rome as part of' the Jeanne Valois Guild -. Wheels for Our Lady pilgr,image from Brooklyn, N:Y. NC P~oto. I

Two Bish,ops Urge Greater Use Of 'Radio, TV in Education MINI\, EAPOLIS (NC)Greater and-more effective use of radio and ·television in the teaching mission of the Church was 'advocated' by two bishops at the' 13th annual Catholic Broadcasters Association convention .here '. The· ·:.orela-les . 'were Bishop James A: McNulty of Paterson, N.J. chairman of the Episcopal Committee for Radio; Television aDd Mot~on"Pictures of the U.S. Hierarchv, and' Auxiliary Bishop John . A. Donovan'· 'of Detroit, CBA epiec0p.al moderator. . CaihoiiCEiducators 'throughout the U.s-,'inust take an active part in educational TY' now cir face the 'pi·o·.~iJe'ct of having an .in·effe-::tive·'· share in it some 20 years from now, Bishop McNulty told the convention. He said that iIi Dade County; Fla" pUblic schools have estimated they have saved mnre than three million dollars a year in instruction costs thr()ugh educational TV. '

ers. He said that educat'ional TV can oring the best of teachers to all' schools. He emphasized :tha-t .this is a "gift from God" .and the "only expense usually involved ~re the purchase of receiving sets and a rather small per capita charge." Bishop McNulty stressed'that educational TV' can be an aid not only to Catholic 'schols but ca~ assiln programs of. the .Confraternity of Christian' DOctrine, the Cana Confere~ce, the Chri~­ tian Family Movement andsim;;' iJar organizations. .

Urges Active .Rol~ . . "In a very real sense, it is nOW· . or never," Bishop McNulty: said. "We must realize· that we are investing' in 1981' as well as 1961. The issue is too important to be lost by default." : Bishop Donovan also expressed aiarm that more effective use of the potentials of ·radioand: TV are_ 1'1Ot beillg realized by the Chur<:h in this ,country•. "Since souls will be affected , .. )'eacher Shortage ,bY.the productions of radio and .:' ~;Ii \V01;ld':~' ~ainfullY i{~ni~. TV, since the minds of,men will '-if we were to surrender grades ,be,,influenceci. !or goo.d or :e~q., 'or levels. of ,Catholic' ed1,lcation; the Church ,mus~ take an active only to have'~the- pul?lic· schoolS- .~nd effeCtiver91e,'!.~he ~i~Op . ,, ' absorb the increase by adopting asserted. .' 'the· very. policies and .. modern ,;aids which we should be con:sidering today. for our own needs,":' Bishop McNulty ,said• He'stressed that a most serious' ·problem'·facing Catholic education today is a shortage of teach-


C.oyle Teacher' . , Continued from Page One his graduating class. He entered the Congregation of Holy CroeI!l in 1935 and received a bachelor ef science degree "from the Uni=versity of Notre Dame. in 1946, and master of science degree • 1949. He has taught at four Hoii' CrOss high schools in additlOO to 'Coyle. He is n'ow assigned -. Notre Dame High School, Wetlio'haven, Conn.



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Need biscipline To'Defeat Reds


of Fall River-Thurs. June 29, 1961


Rules Belief in God Requirement For Public Office "Unconstitutional

HARTFORD (NC) - A U.S. Senator told Catholic youths meeting here that they will have to discipline themselves phys'!eally, mentally and morally to \l!'ift ,the battle against world oommunism. "it will be your fate either to meet and throw" back the ad;' wriCing tide' of' communist tyr(lony or to be sUbfugated and enslaved by it," said Sen. Thomas I. Dodd of Coimecticut at the ninth annual congress of the €atholic Youth Organization and the Catholic Young Adult €l:lubs. "You are opposed," the Senlltor asserted, "by millions and millions of youths who are ruthlessly disciplined and purposefully directed, not to serve their ~n well-being but to advance the well-being of the regime which has sworn to bury us. ,"our opponents'.,. will win unyou become willing volun':', 6eers in the struggle' to preserve' 8lIIlCi extend fre~dom.';

WASHINGTON (NC-'-The U.S. and including the State Court of Supreme Court" has ruled that a Appeals, which ruled on the isstate may not require a declar- 'sue in June, 1960. ation of belief in the existence Reasonable Safeguard of God as a condition for holding The State appeals court held public office. then that Ureligious toleration, The court, in a unanimous in which this State has taken action, held that a provision of pride, was never thought to enthe Maryland constitution re- compass the ungodly." quiring such a declaration is an During oral argument before unconstitutional "religious test the Supreme Court last April, for public office." Maryland Attorney General The court's opinion, written by Thomas B. Finan defended the Justice Hugo L. Black, stated: declaration of belief as a "rea"We repeat and again reaffirm sonable sefeguard" for a state to that neither a state nor the Fed- take. , et'al government can constituHe said Maryland required the tionally force a person "to pro- declaration in an effort to make fess a belief or disbelief in any sure that public officials would 1'!eligion." have a sense of "moral accountability;' for their, actions. Upheld in Maryland 'Put On One Side' "Neither can constit!1tionally' But Mr. Torcaso's counsel atpass laws nor ~mposerequire-' t~cked the declaration of belief PATRONAL FEAST: Officers of Fall River unit of menta which aid all religious as as a violatil?n of religious liberty aga"ins,t ,non-believers, ltnd neiSt. Jean Baptiste Society celebrate patron~l feast of organi- ther can aid thoSe religions based , and ,the constitutional ban on an zat,ion at special Mass at St. Roch's Church; Left to ,right. on a belief in the existence Of. establishmeilt of religion. He was 'Prepare Now' Bernard G. Theroux, vice president;' Bishop Connolly; God'as against those religious defended before the high court ,by ~eQ ~feffer, director of the founded on different beHef9.'~ "'U the average American is Phitias M. Garant, president; Horace C. Leduc,. director. American Jewish' Congress 'Com.ong, ' physically I mentally The case centered on the re- .mission on' Law and Social Acfusal of Roy A. TOl-casco of ead morally, then Qur country tion" and Lawrence Speiser, ~l'be strong," the Senator conWhaton, Md" to take~ an oath Washington director of: the Gr~sp tinued. "If the' average AmericaR' affirming belief in God when he American Civil Liberties Union. .. dedic;ated to, preserving, his applied for a commission as a , Justice Black, agreeing that notary public. ~iI rigl)ts and freedoms and the Maryland requirement is unthat as members of the Mystical 'POMPTON LAKES (NC)'lIlose of his neighbor, then 'our Mr. Torasco was denied the constitutional, held that by this 8cKuitry will be e'ffective in ex- Laymen 'aren't just in the Church Body of Christ they are the commission, and 'ihe denial was ' provision "the power and authorChurch, in their capacity as -in a very real sense, they are tending those rights and freeupheld in'Maryland courts up to ity of the State of Maryland thus laymen." the Church. doms." is put on the side of one particThis is so, he said, so that "all It is that belief which has '"You can seJ;ve yourself and ular sort of believers-those who helped motivate a Pompton things may be restored in Christ Pope flbe nation," Sen. Dodd told the are willing to say they believe and that His Church may conrouths, by resolving now to pre- Lakes lawyer in activities which in 'the existence of God.' " tinue to grow and her influence have brought him to the presipare yourselves for a lifetime of COLOGNE (NC)-Pope Jobn He added in a footnote that rebe felt in' all aspects of world dency of a federation of Catholic independence and self-reliance, sent his personal greetings to ligions which do not contain affairs." flo be producer as well as con,- , groups numbering nine million He added a word of caution: the International Congress of "what would generally be consumer ... to take care of your- members... "This call for growth in the lay Sacred music which was opened sidered a belief in the existence William F. Johnson of this self rather than to be taken care New Jersey community was apostolate should never be con- here by Joseph Cardinal Frings, of God" include Buddhism, Taog:f, to support your government ism, ethical cuUure and seouLaI' fused with a movement of so- Archbish,op of Cologne. !l.'3ther than be supported by your elected president of the National The Pope said: humanism. called laicism. The roles of the Council of Catholic Men during [llOvernment." "May this important event in the organization's biennial con- clergy and the laity, although founded in the same spiritual accordance .with endeavors We vention in Pittsburgh. In his two years as head of the purpose, are nevertheless dis- and Our predecessors made to NGCM he hopes to be able to' tinct. The advancement of lay promote the liturgy lead to a NEW YORK (NC) - The Cen- bring about "an increase in the participation (in the work of the more profound. appreciation of tll:al Conference of American personal participation of indi- Church) is not to be confused sacred music and therewith con'Rabbis has announced its opposi- vidual men in various aspects of with any attempt at interference tribute ,to the spreading of ROUTE 6, HUTTLESON Ave. in the functions of the priest- Christ's message and to strengthtion to any use of Federal funds the lay apostolate," Near Fairhaven Drive-In ening the love of God." hood." fa aid private and parochial Italian Dinners Our Specialty Importance of Laity . Congress organizers said they ~ools or their upils. Church Honors Service On Patio "Laymen," he said in an interThe conference, representing Mr. Johnson, 49, the father 'of we're especially pleased that 800 reform rabbis, said in a view, "must recognize the fact five and a practicing attorney for countries from behind the Iron . Curtain were represented. A- '- • _ atatemeht of policy from its 72nd 25 years, has l! long history of English' civic mong the participants from 30 ~nual convention that it favors and apostolic activity. oonfining Federal aid "to those He has been active in the lay countries \iVere represen'tatives from Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poinstitutions responsible directly MIAMI SHORES (NC)-More apostolate since 1948, when the land and East' Germany. . flo public supervision." National Council of Catholic 1lt also said that freedom' of than 100 Cuban refugee physic- Men was established in the PatI;letigion "is best maihtained ians, lawyers and dentists are erson diocese. He was the unit's through the sE':paration of enrolled in English classes being third president and 'has also been conducted free 'of charge here at ehurch and State." president of the, Catholic LawINSURANCE AGENCY Barry College.' The college fOl' women con- yers Guild and of the Fourth CHARLES F. VARGAS All Kinds Of Insurance , Degree Knights of Colqmbus. , ducted by the Dominican Sisters 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE A daily communicant and ,a' 96 WILLIAM STREET, of Adrian,' Mich., also reported NEW BEDFORD, MASS. AUSTIN (NC) - Second-time a record enrollment at its Sum- member of the Nocturnal AdoraNEW, REDFORD. MASS. ~ tion Society, he has won Church -"seenity offenders in Texas mer sessions. Sister Mary Alice, DIAL WY 8-5153 tlace fines up to $10,000 and jail vice president, said' more than honors, being 'awarded knightPersonal Service sentences up to five years' under 900 students are enrolled in in- hood of St. Gregory and the Pontifical Cross ,of. the Holy • new state law. tegrated cla'sses. Land. The measure, signed into law bv Gov. Price DarJiel applies to R. A. WILCOX CO. gers9ns who enga'ge in the proPORTAGE DES SIOUX (NC) "ctlon of obscene'material. ' OFFICE FURNITURE -A St. 'Louis, Public Service , Penalty for a first offense is Company fleet of, 30 buses .. StOek ' f .... Immediate Dellvel'J' " fine up to $1,000 Of' a year in brought some 1,000 sightseers • DESKS • CHAIRS jail, or both. When obscene ma- here to view the statue of Our ' FILING CABINETS 4Jerial is' sold or shown to' 'a Lady of '~heRivers, overlooking, • 'F1RE FILES • SAFES minor;,the penalty increases to the confluence of the Missouri ~,~ and two years in jail.' . ,and, Mississippi Riv'ers. A, comFOLDING TABLES ' 273 CENTRAL AVE. 'pany sp'okesman s<lid the tour to AND CHAIRS the statue of the Blessed Virgin NEW BEDFORD R. --one of, a' s'eries of tours 'to. 22 BEDFORD ST. scenic attractions in the St. Louis NORTH CONWAY (NC) WY 2-6216 area - was one of the: most fAll RIVER 5-7838 Sc)(;ial drinking often becomes a popular ev~r conducted br the· ' ,danger and leads to excesses, a company. , priest-theologian told the sevenftt annual North Conway Insti-' ~ tute on Alcoholism. Father .John C. Ford, S.J., moral theology professor at the' SHARON, MASSACHUSETTS t!'1atholic University of America, ,.. Washington, D,C., said clergy- -...... Spaciou~ Fireproof Sleeping Quarten ~ men 'should educate their parish.:. For Boys 7' to 14 years old " ~ loners against ex{:essive drink- , ".


of Layman,'s Duty Motivates New President of Men's Council

Sends Greetings To Music Congress .,

RabbisOpp@se Aad To Private Schools



College Has Classes For Refugees






Mew Law Increases Penalties On Smut


, 1,000 Visit Statue '


,,, "I/ic~tiel/VI".,'

,'riest Cites banger Of Social Drinking



, ~.' , A 'number of Protestant min- ".. &;C:e....s took part in the week- ..... long' discussion of the natlon's ,.. _nking problems. '


Go To Angola /:loren




LISBON (NC) - MOf'e than a priests flom dioceses throughout the nation have volunteered to serve in Angola ,as chaplains to Portuguese troops, fighting nationalist rebels in that Portuguese' African tenitory.



CAMP, SACRED HEART Six week-season:, 'July 2 to August 13 Register for. 2, or 4, or 6 weeks ,Free' Tutoring if desired ' ' THE BROTHERS OF THE SACRED- HEART














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TEE PYC'-:"),\-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 29.1961,路






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Eaton Lane, West Dennis EX. 8-8271

Says Long-Term Program Of Foreign Aid Necessary

THE ANCHOR-Thurs., June 29, 1961

Refuses to Rule On Sunday Laws

By Msgr. George G. Higgins ,

Director, NCWC Social Action Department

Miss Ayn Rand, a philosopher of sorts who is being Rionized these days on the ultra-conservative lecture circuit, , contends in her late!,It book that America is intellectually · bankrupt. We have come to the end of our resources, she says, 'in philosophy, psychol- a just and lasting peace, we · @gy, literature, and politics. shall have to pay the price, , In the latter field, the field which includes a long-term pro. of politics, she complains, gnim of foreign aid. , "we al'e told .•. that our wealth · should be given away to the so'vages of Asia and Africa, : with apologies , for the fact that · we have pro· duced it and they haven't." : «(JI'OI' the New Intellectual The Philosophy · of Ayn Rand, - Hanover House, ~New York). Shortly after : miss Rand's book was published, • III representative spokesman for the "savages" of Africa came to this country in the person of · JI.aurian Cardinal RugambwlII of · Tanganyika. The Cardinal, in his many ser· mons and lectures throughout ,the United States, scrupulously ,I!'efrained from getting involved · tn politics. He was frank to say, . lhowev.er, that Africa needs our prayers, our sympathy, our un,derslanding - and our financial · l18Sistance, both public and pri· vale. , Everyone knows, he told the ~ National Press Club in Washington, that Africa is in need of · monetal'y aid and technical assistance. 'Spirit of Understanding' "However," he cautioned, "this ,lllelp must be offered in a spirit : of brotherly love and under· /itanding, in a spirit of coopera: &ion and not of domination. · Recognition of his basic dignity nod of the values in his own culture and tradition is what the African expects most from : the Western powers.". In other WOl'ds. the African doesn't want to be regarded as • "savage." · X have no way of knowing bow many of our intellectual 'J.eadel·s agree with Miss Rand · and how many agree with Card'mal Rugambwa. There is little 'dOUbt, however, that unless the ~DlajorHy of the American peolltle are willing to support a 'massive program of foreign aid 'DOt only to Africa, but to Asi~ "and Latin America as well, and are also willing to recognize the _sic dignity of the people of these continents, we are in a ~ bad way indeed. First Installment Several times since his return hID Vienna the President of · the United States has solemnly · warned us that if we really want the cau..o;e of freedom to prevail in the world-wide struggle "agaillst communist tyranny and :U we really want to establish

·Commends Editorial ·As Guide to Safety ·

LITTLE ROCK (NC) - The Arkansas Press Association has eArcularized publishers and editors of the state's 70 daily and · weekly newspapers with an editorial from the Guardian, Little 'Back diocesan weekly, proposing 11 new journalistic approach to 'the problem of highway safety. · The APA quoted the editorial m full, devoting more than half , of its weekly bulletin to the text which proposed that editors of · the secular' press give their ll'eaders "a shock-producing diet '~ details about highway accidents." The editorial urged that th.~ secular press be consci·entious in reporting the gory . details of highway mishaps as they are in reporting the sordid details of more heinous crimes. The Guardian said secular editors have come to believe that the blood and gore of a highway · accident would shock the sensitivities of readers if described in 'Word and photograph. But "these asme men will gl~fully publish t'he foulest details of the most shocking rapes and murders." the editorial said-


The President up to this point has been somewhat apologetic about asking the American people to support an expanded fOl·· eign aid program. He keeps telling us that he knows that foreign aid is a financial burden, that taxes are already very high, and so forth and so on. Politically speaking, this approach is understandable. Walter Lippmann says, however, that the time. has come for the President to tell us, with no apologies or qualifications, that, by com· parison with any other peoples "in the world, we are not really' carrying a very heavy burden. In any event, he continue-~, what we have done thus far is only a first installment of the bill that we shall have to pay if we are sincerely interested in establishing peace and order in a world hovering on the brink of destruction: I am inclined to agree with him. Expects People's Support If the President puts the prob· lem to us bluntly, if he tells us in unmistakably clear terms that a massive, long-term pl'ogram of foreign aid would be required · even if communism were to disappear from the face of the · earth, he will be speaking, as columnist William White has suggested, "not for a man and a pal'ty and not for some big or little doctrinaire pressure group, but for the United States' of America and for its vital interests." He might be ridiculed by the followers of Miss Rand and by the members of the John Birch Society and similar organiza_ tions. He might. even be criticized by a handful of colum'nists and ·commentators. in the secular as well as the religious press. But I think that the American : people, by and large, will rally to ·his support. Heaven help 1M if they don't.

ALL ABOARD: Vacationing students prepare to leave for Fall River area CYO recreation day at Rocky Point Park. Some 500 youngsters attended event on each 'of tV'ro days. At top, Jean McGrady, Sacred Heart parish; bottom, left to right, Donna Risk, St. Anthony of Desert; Elsie Pelton, Sacred Heart.



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Catholic Deaf Group Schedules Meeting



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Some 2,500 delegates are expected for the sessions. Mr. Boduch will be featured speaked at the convention banquet on July 6, at which Auxiliary Bishop Aloysius J. Wycislo of Chicago will represent Albert Cardinal Meyer, Archbishop of Chicago, host to the convention. F.phphcta Mission for the Deaf is the local sponsor of the meeting.











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CHICAGO (NC) - Raym<md Boduch, 26, deaf and blind eleckonic technician of Lackawana N.Y., will be guest of honor at the 12th annual convention of the International Catholic Deaf Association convention here at the Sherman Hotel from July 2

to 8.

WASHINGTON (NC)-In line with its May 29 ruling in favor of laws banning unnecessal'y Sunday business, the U. S. Supreme Court has dismissed five more challenges to such measures. The court dismissed appeals involving Sunday laws in Ohio, South Carolina and Pennsylvania, The South Carolina law was challenged by several drive-in theaters and movie houses in - Greenville and Spartanburg Counties. The law had ·been interpreted by lower courts as applying to movie theaters. The Pennsylvania case involved Bargaintown, U.S.A., near Lebanon, and the Collinsville Discount Center, near Brogueville. Justice 'William O. Douglas said he favored granting hearings in all five cases. Justice William Brennan, Jr., said he favored hearing the South Carolina case. The court held on May 29 that· states may ban busines£l activity on Sunday, if they do so for social, not religious, reasons.





~ '-k 1A ~ ~J;f.

,: Asks,GcwemnieRt Aid fM'For~i9'" Private Agenciel

PreGious Blood Month,

of Maryknoll This'is a', significant date in the story of American Catholicism.' On June 29, 1911, approval came from Rome for Father, James Anthony Walsh and Father Thomas Frederick Price to establish the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America-Maryknoll. ' The blessing given the following' day by Pope St. Pius on the work and on the cp-fo'unders has not beeri without fulfillment. " More than any other fact, Maryknoll has made American Catholics, mission-minded, mindful' not only of the missions of the Church in other lands but of the mission of the Church in all lands ~ to go forth and bring the good\ news of salvation to all 'men. " This has been the work of Maryknoller's during the past fifty years, years marked for them 'by struggle and labor, and sacrifice and martyrdom. " So well has the work been 'done -~ith faith and piety - that to the minds, of most, Americans "mission work" is synonymous with Maryknoll. The Fall River Diocese has had many close ties with Maryknoll. From the beginning of the Society, Bishops of the Diocese have been generous in encouraging men to give themselves to this great work. It is also an interesting fact that while Archbishop Pietro Fumasoni-Biondi was Apostolic D€legate to the United States, he consecrated only two American Bishops - Bishop James E. Cassidy, third Bishop of Fall River, in 1930, and Bishop James A. Walsh of Maryknoll in 1933. , Bishop Walsh consecrated only one Bishop, Bishop Francis Ford, Maryknoll's, Bishop who died in a' Red ,prison in Canton in 1952. And Bishop Cassidy consecrated only, one Bish 9P, Bishop Frederick Donaghy of Maryknoll, a native of New Bedford now working in Forf'nosa after having labored in China, been impriso'ned and expelled. ' ' So it is with joy that the Fall River Diocese joins in this Golden Jubilee of Maryknoll's founding and hails not only the many who 'have joined the Society from the Diocese but all men of Maryknoll - past and present and those to come - who are wr.iting, such a brilliant 'story throughout the world to' the glory of God and the praise of American Cathoiicism.

WASHINGTON (NC) The United States would ~ ster its prestig~ abroad if it channeled ,aid directly to pB. , vate' groups in other countries, 1\ Catholic' Bishop said, in a s~ read at a conference here.' ' Auxiliary Bishop Edward :m. Swanstrom of New York made this point 'in a speech deliverEiil for him at the National COAoo ference on International ECODmic and Social Development. The speech of the Bishop, executive director of Catholic Relief SeAlices-National Catholic WelfaM Conference, was' read by M!Jt!lIl, Joseph J, Harnett, Far East . . rector of CRS-NCWC. Bishop Swanstrom said in ~ prepared text that he "heartilylt endorses, the foreign aid, concept. presented to Congress by the President. He' stated' that "with.out the aid thar came to,thea. from the United States of Am~ ica many countries would ha... ' already buckled undec to com,munism," Cites Weakness But the Bishop said he is "e~ vinced that on~ of the weaa.. nesses of our foreign aid Pilegrams in the past has been failure to make full and adequate use of those institutioDII that derive' their origin from tba free' associations of private' citizens in emerging countries." The Bishop explained that lie was referring to the "hundreds <ILt Jlrivate groups that are strivi~ to develop programs of rUl'al education, vill,age level publie works, housing, slum Clearance, farm programs , .. cooperativGJ and credit unions." :


~ \





'Th.n.O'u.q.h th£ CWu:k With the ChWlch


By REV. ROBERT W. IflOADA, Catholic University'

TODAY - SS. ,PETER & MONDAY-St. Irenaeus,BisPAUL,' APOSTlLES, Besides the hop, Martyr. That this initiation sacramental bond of community, so elevates man that the very: iii the Eucharist and in the other hairs of his head are numbered sacraments which surround it, in God's sight is no cause for our'Lord gave us a personal pride or complacency, It 'is, 'after' bond of community in Peter all, His gift and no accompJishand the apostolic college. The ment of ours. But it 'is , "cause' M i s s Great Opporiunitt ' two bonds are interwoven, can- for thanksgiving and for joy and , ' not be disassociated, for the sac- for courage, The Christian, formHe said these groups "find • raments require celebrants and ,ed, by the ,public worship' of the' practically impossible to obia. ' ministers. ' Church: and by such introduc- the pitifully small bits of assi" 'b' '1" b' t d to th d" , tioris as that' of today's Gospel, ance they' S9 'urgently need lr~ 1 "Mora responsl I Ity, IS to e Impu e ~ rIver , Today and tomorrow we cele-is not dependent in any' absoiute, the, resources that flow to ~ if he failed'to act with 'reasonable care, if he had foreseen 'brate the two greatest niemb~rs : ~nseupon human fashion orhu- ,ernnie~~ through, foreign' • 'in some..way'that 'an'acCident was a pos~ible effect of hit!:" of"tthh:atth',cPlle.ge't'l'inwDd·om wehe~t':.' manc}J;iini.on, J,Ip(,ln the, "WBy prQgrams." ",;, ,", ' , b kind of driving;' ahd 'if the 'element of risk in his' drivini' ' , a~pec,' ts ~t~:s 6,h~.?ch ~:~aie~~ ,the"wind ill blowing." hall "Ii I, ' , ""It'.See~s· tome," 'UleBi",- " · .. " , ,deeper and' invisible rock of' co~tinued, "that" by negleCti~ wa~ n<;lt ,necessary, a t th,e t Ime:, ' ' , " . " . Peter, the guardiag of its iristi:.. .. stability and 'assurance' in ~ the private sector 'overseas ... Thfs 'is from rec:ent statement, by the Bishops, of 'tution, keeper of the key~ promises of God. , , ' , missing dne I>f our' greaie8a Australia on the q~estion of safe, ariving. I~ may ,come ' :opportunities ,to portray the trUe as somethirtg ofa shock'to people that the way they drive TOMORROW ~Commemo- ,TUESDAy......:.Mass~' onSUD-' : image 'of, 0l;lr country' ~ ' . . . tt f '. t" 'f' '", d f' ration t'he of, st. Paul, Apostle. And day. As the' Epl'stle l'nstructs 'o'n ' ,p~pl,e of the countrie,s that . . 18 a ma er or examma lOn, 0 COnSCIence an "con eSSlon. p'a'u'l,' :c'harl'sma't' l"C' and:, pro" For, any',one behind', th'e .,wh,eelof ,~'" feV( "tons, ~f 'st~el,' is, p'h'etl'c'vol'ce, P'reaches tha't Word Baptism, so tl~e ~ospeli~;'a 'par:': ,assDlst· l" .', "th"t th' : t 'th' ~ .. 'able of the Eucharist that meal' " ec armg' a e -$ reng _ directing .a dangerous weap<>n and may not take any chances' of: God which the. institution which 'by Jesus', comp~ssioi1 feeds ,the U. S, !'res~s ,in ?ot~ i~1l g.~~' with his Qwn, lif~, or th~,'Hves ,of others. , ' '1>ot~prot~cts and serves. Any the multitude and unites them in . e~~I1l~nt and I~ prlVate,lnst~ , . un f or'tuna ' 't'e' 'th a t th"d . t ' bl ed'· 'pretensions which the human the ' Bls~op ask,ed:, It IS IS I ea 18 no ,em azon'ln element l'n tothe instl'tution is a common covenant,' 'So on bons, h ~ ' . d f ' ' , h' t '\,,;"h" d th h 1 f America's' national holiday her ~ e~e any reason for ,us' then -, th e mm 0, 'every, 'one wo ges" lit: m ,e wee, ,,0 a g:l've'n f'l'nd' the'l'r co'rrectl'on l'n Catholic people are' reminded be,1lev~ th a t th e s t rength Of, newcar during the ne,xt, 'w"eek. A,meric,.an,s'e,stablished, ' a" his and 'in every truly pro- that, whatever thEi' virtue of ,pa-' er nabon' f th ,', s o , e wor"ld 'WI'II ""_ , disgraceful' 'record .over, the Memorial Day, ,weekend for phetic voice.' For the truly triotism, the broader loyalty to ,otherw~se ,constituted? accidents arid deaths on the road. It is, getting so that prophetic voice, is, not the voice ,humankind can never be forgotof 'cynicism or human discon, 'All C~i'istian' Reds ,. each holiday becomes the last :one for all too many - and ' tent., It is a voice awesomely ten. This must, always be the , h' " 1 consciousness of a group whoSe Rap Catholic Chur~ the sadness is 'that so'inan'y deat 'S are Just care essness, conscious that its message is ,worship aspires to be a uni\r~rsal BERLIN (NC)-The ,,~ tragedies that. could have been prevented with a little not of man, but of God." communion. ' Christian Peace Meeting;' • conscience and care. Prague came to a cloSe wJtia In 1959, for example, 37,600 traffic deaths took place'MC:T~r~~~:: Bio::~~s~n~dt~: WEDNE~DAY - St. Anthony both' a call for "co-existence"" and more than a third of these were the direct result of' the ancient sign ot'life, of ulti.:. Mary Zaccaria, Confessor. The and a strong attack on the Cat. . excessive speed. Haste, carelessness, impatience, drinkirig, mate giving, ultimate sharing. counsel of Our Lord in the Gos- olic Church and the Vatican. pel 'of the'Mass is appropriate all particular. showing off, .using a 'car as if it were a toy - these are The uniqueness of the sacrifice a follow-up to Independence The meeting brought ,to ~' the trademarks of the immature driver, the one who should of Christ is at the ,heart of , Day: To ,him who had kept the munist Czechoslovakia's capit&ll " Christianity, of God's new' covnot be trusted with' the kiddy-car, let alone the family enant with man. The Baptism ';l'en Commandments, Jesus ad- close to 700 Protestant and ~ car, be 'he the father or son, mpther or daughter, young or which makes us members of the dresses a word ,of exhortation: thodox churchmen, the bulk CIt old. " community thus' formed is in- share whatever ,you have with, , them from the Soviet bloe. kthe poor. It should be difficult closing m,essage to Christieldll It is too late to be 'filled with regret when carelessn~ss deed a Baptis'm in His blood, for for an '.l\merican Catholic to as- throughout the world stated _ , , it is His divine Life which makes sist at the celebration of the 'part that "leading Church m.. has brought tragedy into human'lives. His too late to be "the waters fruitful. mysteries of the Christian ,cov- 'thorities and Vatician circles coD,sorry when the sobbing of remorse eanno't be heard over' 'enant today witho~t a great, tribute toward keeping the spid , th'e cries ,of accident victims. " " SIXTH' SUNDAY, AFTER , senSe of guilt, corPorate and in- of the cold war ,alive." . This idea does n9t tak,e. the enjoy'mEmt O!1t of driviilg " PENTECOST"-Public worship or dividual. For he iives in a world' "Neither the Catholic. ChuPel., ""- it puts driving where it belongs, as 'a skill of the rtIature~, liturgy is not only ,an expression of revolution and rising expecta- the Church of ~l1g1and, nor . . 'the well-adjusted, 'the' adult who is willing to pay for' the of the Christian life-it is alsO tions and greater sense of man- '{Jnited' Evangelical LuthE.r_ right of driving by u'sing consCience 'arid care. its normal source It is in and ' k:ind's ,oneness. And he, is rich, ,Church of Germa"ny was re~ " ," ',,", through'the 'sacramental liturgy corporately if not individually. sented: ,Most westernpar~ that our Lord Jesus Christ acts "One thing is ,lacking." pants atteniied merely as inc&. upon us, forms us, communividuals. But the World CoUndl cates His life to us, So today's American Airmen Aid! of Churches, the Lutheran WorM Epistle teaches about our initiFederation and several other ation into Christ through Bap:' , Orphanage in Korea ' Protestant ecumenical' bodi4!. tism, as a vicarious and sacra" " OSAN AIR B:ASE (NC)-Over sent observers, mental experience of His Death a half ton of used clothing col'Botq Soviet Premier Ni~ and. Resurrection. lected by the members of the Khrushchev and Czechoslovak , Holy, Name ,; Society at Sewart President Antonin Novotny sent The sacraments and the liturOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL R~VER gy which is their form are per- Air Force Base, Smyrna, Tenn., messages of greeting t9,,~ " Published w'e~i<ly by' The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Riv~r sonal acts of Jeslls, This is the was flown to Holy Ghost orphan- , meeting. , " 410 Highland Avenue way He wills to operate, in time. age near here. Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 . So when we enter into any act The project was undertaken •,:" . Rntei'~aith Day ',~ WASHIN,GTON (NC) .....:, sea. whether. it a year ago by Father (1st Lt.) of public worship, PUBLISHER is the celebration of Mass or any Edmund Muir Detroit priest who Kenneth Keating of New Yom Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. other of the sacraments, it is is Catholic chaplain at Osan. The, has introduced a resolution i:::'J, GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER important to be conscious that it me~bers of the Holy Name So- the Senate to ma,ke the fourth ' is not only we who act but ciety at both air bases sponsored , Sunday of September each yeai' Rev, Daniel F. Shelloo, M,A. Rev. John P. Driscoll Christ who acts through and the project designed to enable "Interfaith Day." Other resolUia MANAGING ',EDITOR with us, in the way He Himself Air Force men to help needy tions for this purpose are ak3 Hugh J. Golden pending in Congress. has instituted. Korans. '.J.J' ...;~ "1=o(.,t .'" ••• ~,. ', ~:. ~'. , .•...

Conscleen,ce and' Care





®rheANCHOR .~

. '




. • • .,.;






- ~-

"Dep!'ores'Parents Attitude T ~w(QJrrdJ k \! '



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"Why don't more parents tell their teenage children about the facts. of life? rll be 16 next week and my folk!!l ratill haven't told me a thing. All I know is what I found out for myself - that isn't 'much. I think if parents explained the facts, there wouldn't be never faced these facts squarely so much filth being sent in themselves and in their own !through the mail, and so lives. many bad magazines bought Owing partly to faulty training


G!asft'onbury PlgnnDrlg To, Expand . Facilities .. HINGHAM (NCr-The Glastonbury ,Latin School, wWch specializes in 'pre-seminary training for men with' delayed vocations, has announced plaoo to expand its facilities. The schOO~ established fa 1954 by the Benedictine Fathers, will build a new chapel and a dormitory with aeoommodations for 28 students, raising -to 58 the number £or whom iJt has accommOdati~.

"SAN'fIAC'..o (NC)-The dlrec'tors Cif Chili's Young Conservative' organization have asked. Chili 'to intervene in behalf of Cuban Catholic youth leader Alberto Muller, whose arreSt by the Cuban secret pollee was confirmed in mid-May. ,The' group called. em the ClUJean foreign minister ,to, ask ChIle's ambassador to Cuba to intercede. Mr. Muller, who watI expelled from the University of Havana last year, reportedly organized a secret group to f1gbi GlIOmmunlsm. Santiago's Radio Mineria, in iropOrting the consel'Vllltive youtil appeal, said "it i3 'believed that Muller will be given the death sentenoo." ......



LAST OF THE SIGNERS: Next Tuesday marks the 185th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Charles Carroll of Carrollton, loyal friend of George Washington and richest' man in all the 13 colonies. was the only Catholic to sign immortal declaration of rights. Carroll, who died at the age of 95 in 1832, was the last surviving signer~ outliving by six years Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. NC Photo. .

Urges BuOilding ,Parish: M'usie 'Program ,Around Men's Choir

ST. LOUIS (NC). - The St. ,. & for mixed choirs, they are Louis Archdiocesan Commission acceptable in parishes' where for Sacred Music has urged all "enough good ,men are not to be pastors here to build their mus- found," it adds. leal programs around an adult Wants 'All Trained male choir. The document recommends "It is impossible to achieve that all parishioners be' trained any success witho,ut.a motivat- to sing the 'Mass. It'suggests'that ing group, one aroU,rid ,whicQ th~ the ,training be given through parish, can rally, an<;l ,support it- th,e par,ish organization,s, or ,else self," a 40cument I;listrfbuted by invited groups at sp~ial eventhe commission says. ing sessions. "For. the .people ,o~ the parish to participate in song, it is nec_' Tiie 'cfocu'ment was written by Mario 'Salvador, organist and' chol'r ' lead e ssarY th a t . • . , the"'" .. them:" '"." choir director at St. Louis cathA choir' of ,~our ,,~Iimen edral" with, the. .collaboration of would 'be sufficiEin't to be'gin with the late Charles A. CorCoran, in a smail parish;' the document c,lV1':;rriusi~ director' at Kenrick . ,," Seminary, and' Father; Gerald J. says.' Sommer of the archdiocesan~usic, commission.



In Grcditude " Has SerioUs Consequences , UTRECHT (NG) - ' Bernard 'The fact of the matter is that most parents refuse, to think Cardinal Alfrink, Archbiljhop of about or face up to the meaning Utrecht, ,consecrate..d Ch,rist the and implication of sex in their King church, built QY the Cathown lives. Such refusal has ser- ,olic citizens of this city in the ious consequences for their own Netherlands as a "token of grat':' marriage, as well as parenthood, itud~ that the city was not dessince sexuality that is not sub- troyed during. World War IL ject to reason readily becomes exploitation in marriage and, a A. D. McMULLEN source Of em1:iarrassment in, inInc. structing children. MOVERS , If readers feel that I have exaggerated the extent of this re\ SERVING fusal to think rationally about fall, River, New Bedford sex, let them explain how parents Cape Co4 ~fea can tolerate and even' promote , Agen':. current dating patterns among AERO MAYFLOWER their teenage or pre-teenage' children. " '. 'TRANSIT CO. INC. Surely, only parents who preNation-wide· Movers tend that sex does not exist could WYman 3.:.0904 accept ~uch 'pattei'n~. 304 Kempton St. New Bedford

Chilians Ask Cuban Prisoner Release


WASHINGTON (NC) Secretary of State Deaa Rqsk said here U.S. officials have been unable to work

Ie youth, and partly to failure to think through the meaning and implications of human sexuality as adults, most people maintain completely negative at.titudes towards sex. Sex is not regarded lIB a positive value, a normal impulse 01' drive toward the fulfillment of the highest'creative act of which man is capable in the natural order. Rather, through· a carefully elaborated' social fiction, it is looked upon as a. kind of skeleton in the closet-everybody knows it's, there-yet pretends that it does not exist. . Offer Excuse Why is this fiction maintained? St. Thomas Aquinas' suggested that because sex is a powerful human drive, it' frequently challenges the control of right reason \,nd consequently humiliates us. 'Hence people like to act as if sex did not exist, at least, not among "good" people, and since such pretense generates anxietY-, tension is released through jokes and humor-man's way of dealing with facts. and feelings he does not wish to face rationally. Parents frequently try to exCuse their neglect in giving adeq"ate insUu,ction by saying that they do not know the appropri~ ate terms. In reality, they are so inhibited by their negative feelings that theY do not even make the attempt. 'Adequate 'instruction does not require' a course in physiology or 'anatomy~ "It' deals primarily with the development of balanced E:hristian attitudes, the' application of pertinent moral prin:" ciples, and some knowledge of the ,sources of sexual excitation and, the means ,of self-control. , Parents have experienced pu. b,erty, adolescence, and marriage. What further knowledge do they rt'qulre?



Fan tro OlhtaQ@ Safe CondlMl~tf For 'rela\i'e

By Fathell' Jollull\l L. TlllOm~ S.J. Ass't SocftoRcg~ Il"rof.-St. Louis University

by teenage kids." You're so right, Phyllis! Many religious leaders and teachers have expressed !!limilar views, but I feel your lletter is especnally impor~nt beca use you l3peak for the victims ouparental neglectthe many boys ond girls who need to know, ond ,have a basic right to know, ~e Christian view of sex, yet must try to find out for themselves. , As you say, they don't find out very much; and I might add, what they do learri is either false, pitifully inadequate, or distorted because not gresented within a larger framework of cliristian values. 'Parental Taboo' I used to think that modern parents were starting to do a better job in this regard. There bas been so much writing on this subject, and popular opinion has become so pagan that one would think Catholic parents, in particular, simply could not continue their neglect. Wide experience in deating \Ytth family problems has taught me that this is not the case. Why do parents, who work so ,hard to provide for their children's needs, fail 't.hem here? In his excellent book, And GCid Made Man and Woman,' Father Lucius Cervantes, S,J., calls it ~arental taboo," that' is, par'cnts seem to regard discussi.Pn °01' ,the facts 6f life with their ehlldren as something for,bidden or" under sacred interdiction:'" :People, or at least, good peO':" ,P,le, just don't discuss sUl;hthings with' their children, and this attltu'de is maintained in spite of ,the 'fact that the normal development of boys and girls, as well lb practically every thing they, see' or 'hear on TV and radio, ,or ~ magazines and newspapers raises questions that demand an: lJWers. Soelety DropS Inhibitions Many writers call this attitude of parents "puritanical," concluding that it is a cultural residue or carry-over from the last century when custom dictated an exaggerated avoidance of all reference to sex in polite conver:'" sation This is an over-simplified conelusion, for in societies never 'offected by the Puritan reaction, parents are equally neglectful, while'American society has dropped: all inhibitions about discussing' sex, certainly since' the "lroaring twenties". , " 'Have Negative Attitude - , The' real reaSQn that many fathers, mothers-and others-eannot teach the facts of life to YO"lI~g people, is that they have


Thurs., June 29, 1961

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04t safe oonduct out of Hungary for Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty. The Archbishop of Esztergom has been livIng in the American legation· in Budapest since 1956He fled there when Soviet troops crushed the Hungarian Revolution. Secretary Rusk made his com..: ment on Cardinal MindszentY' during an appearance before n Senate appropriations subcommittee. Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana commented that if the Cardinal were to leavo his refuge in the American legation, "he would be subject to the whims of the Hungarian government under Mr. Kadar" (Hun.garian Red boss Janos Kadar).

Dioces~ of Yokc~@ma To Maook Centenary YOKOHAMA (NC)-The Yokohama diocese announced it will observe the centenary· next year of the first Catholic church to be built in Japan after the 300-year ban excluding foreigners from the country was lifted. in 1859. The church, completed in 1862 and later moved to the present site of the Cathedral of St. Fran_ cis Xavier, was destrYed by an earthquake in 1923 and re6uilt in 1933. Part of the program will include the oonsecration of a minor seminary for the Yokohama diocese.

Alumni to Meet ANAHEIM (NC) - Some 300 delegates are expected to attend "Holiday in the West, 1961," the seCond annual convention of the National Association of Catholic Alumni Clubs from Aug. 21 to 25 at Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton Na~ional P~rk, Wyo.




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THE ANCHOR:'-'Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 29, 196'1

Canada Women

Help Refugees

'Hints for Take-It-Easy Living, Workfree. FriUs in Homes By Alice Bouglt Cahill It's become rather commonplace to· hear people bidding others farewell with the words, "take it easy."- Take it easy is the trend today; it seems to have become a part of some people's lives, and yet I wonder if these same people live in a home that gives hours,of relaxing time. Leisure time has become a part of our way of life; it's a mbod, and it's a decorating mood, for surely there are fewer unlived-in living roo ni's today and more family r{)oms. The r e , are more places where a' man

Mother lots oimental and physical strain. It will mean ,fewer "don'ts" and "watch out for the walls." Do you worry about your floors? If wall-to-wall carpet is Your preference, select' an allover pattern and a texture which hides spots and wear. Maybe you like, the smooth, bare look 'of wood or linoleum or cork floors, ' but if you' use scatter rugs on



on the furniture skid pads under them so they and the children will stay in place. • can eat a hamThere are many solutions for burger, and all windows-some of the sheer fabthis is made less rics that are processed to stay of a hazard for crisp (they also say "even resist the housewife dirt"), or you might like to use through careful choice of ,fu... blinds. Blinds are now made in nishings. such pretty colors and textures One no, longer worries about that they can be used' alone and :ieet on the sofa and snacks in the , still dress up windows. living room, for tweedlike upFor families with young chilbolstery fabrics helA hide spots. . dreh we like to suggest light Just think' how much bett,er w~d~~ems dust an'd scratches looking plastic -materials have show least on them. Tables come become; some woven, others with embossed designs, which; look with burnproof and spillproof HONOR BISHOP: Bishop Connolly' receives gift from, like fabric. tops. Avoid fussy carving and In fact, some of these rn ate - elaborate details, for they 'are Edward Jorge, 6, and Lillian Lopez, 6, representing Angels rials are so painstakingly copied often dust, catchers and requjJ:e during reception given in honor of the Bishop by New Bed'from 18th. century dama~ks or 'a lot of care. ,ford PuertoRicans~ brocades,that you ,can use them Workfree Frills Olll period. furniture. ' Recently there was' a display' Take~It-Eas)' Home' of a' beautiful, fluffy, feminine • If 'you've a yen to' have a home bedroom-a room with lots "of' Ulat' lets you take it· easy, here frills and little work. You'd love _ are some suggestions. Fewer and this' room and, you'd love the J:ERSEY CITY (NC) - Mrs. grimages are due to leave here bigger is the trend in accessories. "take' it, easy" upkeep.' At the William Varick of this city is July 15, July 29, the pilgrimage Gone (or you should make it windows were beautiful ruffled going, blind' but is determined' for invalids, and ,Aug. 19. your busfness that they do go.) nylon curtains. These curtains to continue her work of· conare those meaningless little sou- will dry seven minutes after you ducting pilgrimages for invalids ' Mission Group's Head! venirs that consume and· waste wash them-no ironing needed. to the Shrine of Ste; Anne de .. 'hours' of dusting -time. You'll be There was a white chair with Beaupre and other Canadian Peace. Corps Recruiter WASHINGTON (NC) - The pleasantly ,surprised, at how upholstery that looked like taf- shrines. much m()re quickly, you can get , feta, but was plastic. With a She has been leading -the pit- Wom~n Volunteers Association. cleaning done by, eliminating damp sponge or cloth the dirtiest grimages for 10 years - ever announced .here that .its director, dutter. spot was removable. ' since she' was cured of a disease Betty L. Behrend, has been lent . ,You'll be wise to' choose a big Bedmaking·is, ,easier. with which doctors said' would end to ,tlui Peace, Corps as a recruitash tray. When it 'gets full, einp-, fitted sheets-and' be' sure to' her life. Currently she's busy er., , The association of Catholic ty it into a silent butler, A taU 'have casters or glides on ,beds: so ',arranging three bus pilgrimages large lamp will' probably take you can slide them easily when of well person's 'arid a trip which lay missioners, which 'recently up more space than a fat squatty bedmaking; " will take some 40 invalidS by sent six of its own medical volu"nteers to Ghana. Uganda and one,' but it will be far more imUp-to-date materials blend' plane to the shrines. portant looking and give you far right in with a traditional room. The cost for the invalid pil- Nyasaland, hailed' the Peace better light. If you are buying 'storage furnigrimages during the last three Corps for, "its nationwide imSpeaking of lamps, elaborate ture, like a desk or buffet, make trips were borne by Mrs. Varick pact which will result in more and fussy lamp shades with 40-, sure it has the type of space you and her husband, and with funds generous offers from volunteers watt bulbs are passe. And next need. It's easier to keep things 'raised by the First Saturday in the future and will broaden time you are in the neighbor- picked up and neat when furni- Club, a group of invalids who the outlook and opportunities to 'hood of a well-supplied hard- ture is divided for convenient meet on the first Saturday of young individuah wishing to , ware store, look for some of the storage. ' ." each month for Mass and Com- offer their talents and skills to newly developing areas of the inexpensive devices 'for shortenIf you ,are tired of plumping munion.' ' world." , ing cords and keeping them in cushions on your traditional Contributes Salary place, ,-' 'sofa, you might replace them The home that has painted . with foam rubber styles that '1 Mr. Vadck, a 'bus driver, walls or wall coverings that are spring back to their original neat drives a bus for the well pilreally scrubbable wiil' save look. grims and contributes his sal, ary for the pilgrimage by .invalids. One year the Varicks took a second mortgage on their home to finance a piigrimage for PATERSON (NC)-Steve Le,s- his wire and the Blessed Mother.' " the invalids and last- year they obtained a $2,000; 90-day loan mick is devoted to' two womenThat explains why the 34- to meet the p,ilgrimage cost. ~ ,year-old bricklayer put in 1,200 hours over' the past year conThis year each of the 'pH':' ' structing a shrine to Our Lady of grimages planned will be ae-.' Grace at St. Agnes parish here companied by a priest. Th~ pi1in New Jer,sey. That's where his wife, the former Lois Shan,non, went to school. grew up and where they were married. '''For three months," Mr. Lesnick recalled, "I worked every nigl!t."He worked' from a plan BOYS WANTED for the drawn by architect Arthur Priesthood and Brotherhood. Rigolo. Another helper was RobLock of fund$ ~O impediert Gow, a former parishioneEg ment. who diq the electrical work. Write toe Besides the, statue itself, the shrine consists Of an imposing P. O. Box 5742 curved walk surrounded by Baltimore 8, Md. shrubs and':flowers and a five.. .. i')' ~twall ,that s,eparates.,the, • shrine from 'the rector-y garden.

W oman. G· diDeerm t ··d ." aIng,B,.Ins Ine "Ta --,'C on t·Inue Leq . d·Ing P·I· ' I 9 n mages'


New Jersey, Bricklayer Constructs Marian Shrine as Labor of Love,

NEW YORK (NC)-The Cat'hm olie Women's League of Canada has sent $15,QOO to the U. S. Catholic relief agency to launch a Trieste, !tilly, hos,tel and schoOl! for young refugee women. The donation was received here by Auxiliary Bishop Edward E. Swarnstrom' of New York, executive director of the Catholic.Relief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference. The Canadian gift represents a portion of the money collected by the league in its World Refugee Year Fund. It was forwarded by Dr. Grace L., Caugho lin, one of the organization's conveners, an immediate past league president and adminiStrator of the fund. Bishop Swanstrom said the $15,000 gift "will do much not only to expand the worthwhile project, but to provide, through the hostel, the spiritual guidance so vital to these young, women. most of whom have been educated in communist Yugoslavia." Msgr. Alfredo Bottizer, CRS. NCWC Trieste director, in a com,.. munique to Dr.' Caughlin state<k "Your contribution ... will ell>o able us to start the projects we have been cherishing for so many years. YOur organization will, in this way, actually collaborate with us in the rehabilitation of hundr~s of victims of commun,.. ism.",

COI)"tmissioner Causes Stir Hugging Sister-,-His MINNEAPOLIS (NC) - Robert E. Lee of the Federal Com." m;"nications Commission 'cre~'tm ed'quite a stir among new:srifen at the - Catholic Broadcaste'ra Association convention h e 'Ji' e. A1; the conclusion of a 'preSll conference" Commissioner', Lee went up to a nun and gave her, , a WlU"lll embrace. . The nun is Sister ,Mary St. Cecilia, principal of Our Ladw of Peace High School in neighboring St. Paul. Commissioner Lee, explained,.to goggle-eyed; open-mouthed newsmen: "Sh~ my" sister.'~ .

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" 'Honor Archbishc;>p VICE PRESIDENT: Carol Duarte,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Duarte," TauntOn, has been named vice president of the New, Eng~~. land CYO couricil. A 'grad..": uate of St. Mary~s, Higp School, she is now a student at Bridgewater Teachers'· College~

CHA'rHAM (NC) - ' Some, 5,000' persons of ~Czechoslovak' . birth. or ancestryt09k pari' ina' pilgrimage' here Ontllrio to horfor Archbishop, :Josef Beran of Prague, who ill held a prisoner by the commiimsts. The an- , nual :pilgrimage to ,St. Anthony'B church marked the' golden jubilee of Archbishop 'Beran's ord- . ination ~o the priesthood. Prayers were' offered for his well being.


; I, .'







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, .. ,


Make Fourth Truly Glorious With Gay Family Traditions

Advises Widowed 'Be Yourselves'

By Mary Tinley Daly Dear Ml'S. Daly: Some years ago, you wrote about kow your family spent the Fourth of July. At the time, my own children were just babies and couldn't have cared less. Mow, I .wish I had saved that column. As I recall, you mentioned having a redletic, simply swapping of stories w:hit8-and-blue dessert? Per- and a few political arguments eonally, I don't care for blue for the tongue-athletes. Natural Blue :food, but would you repeat As for the dessert. you mention, it? Other readers, I believe, also Mrs. McM., I agree with you as would be interested. to the lack of appetite appeal of Mrs. M. J. McM. blue foods. Blue-tinted mayonFly.FIac naise on a salad, blue frosting Dear Mrs. McM.: That long-ago column halt yel- on a cake-ugh! Our dessertlowed and crumpled with age, an unshakable July 4 traditionbut the Fourth-of-July family has its "blue" dyed by nature: traditions are still vivid. Cus- pastry shells filled with fresh blueberries, topped with whiptoms vary, of course, from year ped cream and garnished with a to year dependcherry. ing on the ages At sunset, there could well of the children, be a flag-lowering ceremony. their interests-Then wai.ting for dusk to lowand the weather into darkness. Comes the clean er! Some of up simplified by the use of paper file traditions plates and cups and the tablehave been carcloth, all bundled into a big ried into the burning preceding the fireworks. new homes esStarting with sparklers for tablished by our the youngest, when they can children, a nd make "fairy rings," write their very much imnames in the sparkling glow. proved upon. they are then ready to become Essentially, the idea is to celebrate this as a very special onlookers at a neighborhood, claY, the birthday of our country, community or municipal display. First the babies fall asleep, when those intrepid patriots of the Continental Congress on then the toddlers, and even the 19 and 12-year olders find it luly 4, 1776 adopted the Declad·ifficult to be alert until the Ation of Independence. last glorious blut comes with 'l'his is a wonderful ciay to "fly a picture of George Washington the flag," even more. significant against the night sky, and the ftian flying it on pther holidays. red-white-and-blue flag. Even small children can grasp Sunburned, tired and satiated, Ute fact that the red and white it is goodnight to another GlorItripes signify the 13 original ious Fourth. eolonies and the 50 stars repIIeIeIlt the 50 sovereign .states, varying in climate, population and customs all the way from Alaska to Hawaii- all joined together as the Uni'ted States of CINCINNATI (NC) -One of America. the youngest amateur radio opA copy of the Declaration, comerators in the country is 10-yearp1elle with the interesting sigold Barbara Combs. The fifth_tures, can be found in almost grade pupil at St. Agnes' School American history book. It here is tall, fair, and equipped lltirs children's imaginations, we with a warm, shy smile.. And she b.8ve found. taps out Morse code messages to We learned, too, that children other "hams" throughout the Ihould simply be exposed to country with professional skill. this, Mrs. McM., rather than have Recently she received her It crammed down their throats novice license and her call let811 a history lesSon. If they like eral Communications Commisthe idea. they will ask questions. sion. If not, wait a while. There will After a year as a novice she will be eligible for a regular ~ other "Fourths." Main thing .ill to enC'Jurage a subconscious license-just like her father. Earl Combs. whose amateur station is appreciation of the freedom this si'gnifies, a realization of what K8NWV. Her father interested Barbara ft:eedom means and how precin radio and set up the equipious it is in this day of worldment for her. Barbara admits wide shrinking freedom. As to family customs: it is a she's on the air "every chance I fun-day, with the red-white-and get" in the basement of their blue motif woven through. It may home. Acknowledgements of her mesbe the wearing of white Bermuda shorts, red shirt and a blue sages have come from Florida, California, Arkansas, Pennsylhair ribbon. There may be a picnic in the park; a day of vania, New Jersey and other states. Many of them include ewimming followed by a picnic C9mpliments for the youngster. on the beach; or just supper in Does Dishes, Too thE' backyard awaiting darkness From a Michigan novice came for the fireworks send-off. the word: "Babs, you are the The picnic table may be cov- youngest and the only girl I've ered with white shelf pape!" or contacted so far." An Orlando paper toweling, lighte4 with red (Fla.) veteran told her, "You eandles in hurricane lamps with are doing just fine. Babs." • blue stripe painted on them. Barbara also finds· time for Main menu at our house con- ters----KN8-ZUG--from the FedIIistIJ of plenty of cold fried·chic- ' ken, potato salad, sliced tomatoes .Moster of Science rolls, gallons of iced tea, lelllQn- . Receiving a master of science ade, beer. and milk for the badegree from St. Rose College, bies. All family members and Albany, N. Y., this month was friends have an open invitation. Sister Mary Lucretia, RS.M., a TItere is usually an' informal teacher at SS. Peter and Pawl bMeball game for the more athSchool. Fall River. Her field of. specia'lization was biology. Her Council Representatives undergraduate work was completed at Salve Regina College AI Leadership Institute and. Catholic Teachers' College Officers of the Diocesan Counof Pf'ovcidenoe. ... of Catholic Women attended tile leadership i~tute con4Ilacted by the.· national council lit Cardinal Cushing C~llege, Brookline. 'ftle Fall River' organizatioa was represented by'Mi-s. Gilbert I. Noonan, Falmouth, president; . . . John J. Mullaney, Attleboro, past president; Mrs. Aristides Andrade" Taunton, firjft ftee-president; _ Mis s Cecile Braise, North Attleboro, corJ.le8POnding secretary, and Miu JlarlJaret M. Lahey,- Fall iRVel', past president, diocesan ehail'IB8Cl 01. Catholie. CharHies.

SOMERSET OUTING: Enjoying the outing conducted by the Somerset Catholic Woman's Club at Cathedral Camp were, left to right, Mrs. William H. Sherry, Gregory Sisson, Holly Kineavy, Barbara Connors and Christopher Hague.

ST. LOUIS (NC)-A St. Loui'S University sociologist u r g e d widows and widowers with young children not to· stick too closely to home, but to go out occasionally. Speaking at the organizational meeting of a new Catholic group formed for widows and widowers with young children, Father John T. Thomas, S.J., whose weekly column appears in The Anchor, told them: "Don't try to be a father and a mother to your children, just be yourself." "The most important thing about being a widowed parent is your attitude and. acceptance of yourself and your situation," the Jesuit declared. Father Thomas said many widows had a fear of being alone. "Don't simply sit at home," he urged. "Try to be a realist and occasionally go out. You shouldn't feel trapped by your children, afraid to leave them at home with someone else."

High School Girls 'Goretti Group' Combats Immodesty In Fashions CINCINNATI (NC) - One of the smallest organizations of Catholic high school girls in Cincinnati has undertaken one of the toughest assignments of any group-to roll back the tide of immodesty. Like their patron, St. Maria Goretti the memoors of the Goretti Gr~up of Seton High School aren't preaching a crusade; they are giving a good example. Chief promise of the members -there are about 25 or 30 girls

'10-Year-Old Fifth Grade Gi rI Gets License as 'Ham' Radio Operator




Thurs., June 29, 1961

piano lessons but doesn't watch television very mUCh. She's the oldest of five children. Her mother seems a little surprised at Barbara's technical know-how but she makes it clear she's proud of the fact that her daughter is a licensed radio operator. She also sees that Barbara takes her turn at doing the dishes,

in the group-is that they will wear skirts on the street instead of shorts in reparation for immodest fashions. They go to all the usual recreation spots and they have a good time. "Word got around the very' firm year that they weren't complete squares after all," reported an observer. . Make Other Promises That was four years ago. This Summer the group is active again, not because school officials insisted but because the girls came to the moderator and asked .if it could be revived again. There are other promises besides the one about wearing skirts instead 04' shorts. One of them is that each girl is to Bpend one afternoon or evening a week enjoying her family and getting better acquainted with them. They also promise: to go to Mass faithfully even when on vacation, and to go to Confession at least once a month.

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THE," '':HORThurs., June 29, 1961

Fa II River Native Marks Jubilee ThE! Rev John W. Whitty, a Fall River native, pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Ogden, and St. Joseph's Church, McDowell Creek, Kansas, celebrated the Silver Jubilee of his ordination in the presence of Bishop F. W. Freking, D.D., with a solemn high Mass of thanksgiving in St. Patrick's Church. A large number of priests, associated with Father Whitty in his 25 sacerdotal years in the Salina Diocese as well as more than 300 parishioners from St. Patrick's and St. Joseph's and military personal from Fort Riley, at which post Father Whitty is an auxiliary army Chaplain, attended the Mass and were present at the banquet foll()wing the ceremonies. Father. Whitty was ordained on May 24, 1936 by Bishop Francis J. Tief, D.D. in the Chapel of St. Bonaventure Seminary, Alleghany. N.Y. Father, Sister Attend The jubilarian's first assignment in the Salina Diocese was as chaplain of the St. John Hospital, Salina. He served in pastorates at Lincoln, Oberlin, Aurora, with care of the missions at Meredith and Miltonvale. He has served the Odgen ana McDowell parishes since November, 1946. Father Whitty is the son of MiQb.ael F. Whitty and the late Anne A. (Connolly) Whitty of Fall River. Among those attending the Silver Jubilee celebration were his father and Mrs. Anthony R. Ruggiero, sister of the jubilarian.

Graduates Volunteer For Mission Work MEMPHIS (NC)-Two 1961 graduates of the Christian Brothers High School here have left for Nicamgua to begin a mission program designed to assist childr~n here. T. Michael O'Ryan and Frank A. Grisanti will launch the Missionteens program, which conlists of volunteer teenagers who devote one Summer as aides to the missions after they have graduated from high school. The two youths will help with the recreational activities of children' at the Cristobal Colon school in. Bluefields, Nicaragua. Although the school is a government institution, it is taught and managed by Christian Brothers.

PRACTICING SIGN LANGUAGE: Auxiliary Bishop Raymond P. Hillinger of Chicago, left, rehearses the sign for "bishop" with Father James F. Egan, S.J., chaplain of the Chicago Deaf Association and honorary chairman of the International Catholic Deaf Association Convention to be held in Chicago, starting Sunday. NC Photo. Convention to be held in Chicago, starting Sunday. NC Photo.

Father of Yea r Title Ca ps Blinded Veteran's Career INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - In January, 1944, a young Marine lieutenant named Thomas C. Hasbrook was blinded for life when a land mine exploded accidentally at a training site at Camp LeJeune, N. C. For most men that would have been the end of a career. But for Tom Hasbrook it was only the beginning. Armed with the Catholic Faith he had embraced only a few months before the accident, a deeply understanding wife and the promise of a job from his former employer, the Eli Lilly Company, Tom Hasbrook returned to Indianapolis to face the challenges that lay ahead'. How he met those challenges is evident from the litany of his achievements in his 17 years of blindness. -He has progressed in his company until he now holds a top executive position as head of . the employee communications division. ..,....He and his wife, the former

Mary Jane Thompson, are the :parents of six children ranging in age from one to 16 years. -In 1948 he was named by the U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce as one of the nation's 10 'outstanding young men. -From 1951 until 1954 he served as Marion County Repub-

Interrupts Schedule Of Private Audiences VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John will hold no special or private audiences from July 21 to Aug. 17, although Wednesday and Saturday general audiences will. be continued. General audiences will be held on Wednesday and Saturday at 10:30 A.M. beginning July 5 and will continue until the end of September. These audiences will be held 'either in Rome or Castelgandolfo depending upon where the Pope is, b1,lt no. announcement of when the Pope plans to go to Castelgandoifo has been made.

lican representative in the Indiana General Assembly and from 1955 to 1958 as Republican senator from Marion County. -He is past national president of the Blinded Veterans Association. On President's Committee -In 1958 he was named a member of the President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicaped. -He is vice president and foundation chairman of the Indiana Chapter of the National Society fQr the Prevention of Blindness. -He is a member of the visiting committee of the Indiana School for the Blind and the Indiana Agency for the Biind. -He is currently serving as a member of the Indianapolis City Council. His latest honor-and one he describes as "just a little premature"-was being named "Blind Father of the Year" for 1961 by the National Father's Day Committee.

Bnl Liberafizes

Catho'fic Heritage Clai'ms Religious Freedom for All

Charitabe Gifts Tax Benefits

OTTAWA (NC) - The Catholic "heritage" demands religious freedom for all, a theologian said here today.

WASHINGTON (NC) The House of Representatives has passed and sent to the Senate a bill liberalizing

Father William F. Cahill told the Catholic Theological Society of America convention that persuasion and God's grace-not force-are the proper means for bringing the Catholic faith to others. "The Catholic faith comes ta the unbeliever with rational arguments and the story of God's miraculous intervention in human history," said Father Cahill, adminstrator of St. Joan of Arc church, Menands, N. Y., and former acting dean of the StJohn's University law school, Brooklyn. "We believe that truth, goodness and the grace of God have their own powers to engage men's minds and hearts," he added. "We are not true to this heritage if we countenance attempts to force men's consciences by legal sanction or other social pressures," he declared. He said Catholic theologians have taught "for centuries" that in a pluralistic society religious freedom is needed "to keep peace and order." Father Cahill said the late Pope Pius XII taught that guarantees of religious freedom "are a real necessity to achieve the great needs of our time, world peace and a world-wide community of law."

the tax deduction allowed for contributions to charitable organizations. Present law permits taxpayers to deduct up to 30 per cent of adjusted gross income for direct gifts to 'churches, operating schools, hospitals or related medical research institutions. However, a tax deduction of only 20 per cent is allowed for gifts to foundations established' to support such organizations. The bill passed by the House would raise to 30 per cent the amount of the deduction allowed for gifts to foundations, all of whose earnings go to organizations for which the present 30 per cent deduction is allowed.

Priest's Birthday Gift Is Model of Church BLOOMFIELD (NC) - Father Thomas J. Henry of Sacred Heart parish here was given an unusual gift on his birthday anniversary, an intricate model of the twin-towered parish church. John Krupinskas, recently graduated from the parish school, worked on the model for six months. He used 25 two-foot lengths of balsa wood, small, razor-sharp tools and furnished the interior with tiny pews, altars apd lighting fixtures.

Leads Academy Elizabeth M.DonnellY, senior at Dominican Academy, Fall River, will lead her school as president for the comingscholastie year. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Donnelly, she is ·an honor· student and active ill many school organizations.

THE ANCH~~ Thurs., June 29, 1961

Catholic Hospital Employees form Spiritual Team DETROIT (NC) - All employees of a Catholic hospital from the janitor on up should be considered part of

Ohio Governor Asks Sunday Law Change COLUMBUS (NC) Gov. Michael V. DiSalle of Ohio said here he plans to send a special message to the State Legislature recommending changes in Ohio's Sunday sales law. . The Governor said he would recommend that the law be changed to list items which cannot be sold on Sunday, instead of those which may be sold, as is now the case. Gov. DiSalle said he has received many requests to recommend changes in the law, in the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court action dismissing a challenge to the measure.

Cuban Refugee Joins University Program ST. LOUIS (NC) - A refugee Cuban tax judge is the first participant in St. Louis University's "Visiting Cuban Scholar Program." Armando Ignacio Castellanos, Havana lawyer and tax authority, will teach and lecture at the university while continuing his research work on tax structures and incentives for underdeveloped countries. The 47-year old Cuban came from Miami with his wife and two daughters. Before leaving Cuba, Mr. Castellanos . held the position of judge of the tax court with the title of commissioner on the Com_ ission administrative Tributaria. He was a delegate in the 1955 to 1959 negotiations for a tax treaty with the U.S.


PONTIFF PRESIDES AT ASSEMBLY: Pope John presides over history-making assembly of the Central Preparatory Comm ission of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. Present at the session were 31 Cardinals, two patriarchs, 12 archbishops and bi~hops, four generals of religious orders and 23 consultors. NC Photo.

HQly Father Says Latin Official Language of Council VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John·said that Latin must be the official language, of the coming ecumenical council. But he said that if need be, participants may use their own language in addressing the meeting. His Holiness made the staternent in solemnly closing the first session of the council's Central Preparatory Commission. Present were all the available members and consultants of the other 11 preparatory commissions and the three secretariats. The Pope in his Latin discourse set in relief still more the character of the Second Vatican Council. Among the points he touched on, in addition to the language of the council, were the press coverage of the council. stresses Cautions His talk indicated certain new e.ements not hitherto clarified, gave certain new counsels and reemphasized a number of cautian" which he had made previol,lsly. On the. question of Latin, the I'ope said: , ·~lt is clear that this must be the

official language of the council. But should the occasion or the need arise,- it will be- possible for one to express himself and have his opinions recorded in his own language." On the question of non-Catholics, Pope John said: "What can We do for our everbeloved but separated brothers? What for the many who do not bear the sign of Christ on their foreheads, yet who are also the children of God? You must believe how much Our soul is sensible to their voices and to their courtesies. "Also from this point of view, one must say that this council is not a speculative assembly, but a living and vibrant organism, which, in the light and love of

Fall River Serra New officers of the Fall River Serra Club a.re Bernard F. Sullivan, president; Dr. Eugene F. Sullivan, first vice president; Cyril J. Marcille, secorid vice president; Lewis R. Morley, secretary; Francis J. Devine, treas-


Christ, sees and embraces the whole world. "The house which is decorated for the feast, which refurbishes itself in the fresh splendor of its precious ornaments, is the Church which iavites all men to its bosom." Then came a word of gratitude and a word of advice for the press, which "has always shown such correctness if also at the same time a bit of impatience and a lively desire to be informed on the activities of the council." The Pope thanked the journalists for their solicitous attention. But he asked them to remember that "an ecumenical council is not an academy or a parliament but rather a solemn assembly of the whole ecclesiastical hierarchy for the purpose of considering the ordinary life of the Church and the welfare of souls." Although the work concerning the general council is worthy of the attention of the communic&tions media, the Pontiff said, it also requires special respect and reserve.

a team inspired by spiritual motivation, a priest said here at the cornrention of the Catholic Hospital Association of the U. S. and Canada. Warning that "the modern hospital is in danger of losing its heart and its soul," Father Lucius F. Cervantes, S.J., of StLouis said: "Hospital work is Christ's apostolate" but how many of the nonprofessional help •.. are allowed to or are asked to participate in this great crusade?" The Jesuit priest pointed out that "depersonalization of re_ lationships between men is not peculiar to the hospital world," but he added that this problem "is nowhere more harmful thaD. in the field of health." Have Common Goaf "It is now being found" he continued, "that if the pers~nnel are treated harshly and in a dic_ tatorial manner ... , if their opinions are neither asked for nor respected, the probability i. quite high that they will use the identical approach in dealing with the patient." Father Cervantes stressed that "each employee should be able to see how his work is a direct contribution toward the common goal of helping the sick get well." And this should hold true, he added, whether the employee is a "doctor, nurse, maid, laundry worker, dietitian, research specialist, office worker or maintenance man." Need Orientation He said the nonprofessional worker outnumbers the professional by a margin of three to two, and "it is not because of the lack of contact with the patient" that he "is not being invited t. participate in the apostolic work of the hospital." "This majority portion of the hospital team," Father Cervantes explained, "needs careful orientation to be incorporated into the apostolic team as well a. the. health team; Through employment in Catholic hospitallJ they can find a mooring anchor in their spiritual development ... They .should be encouraged by various means to incorporate themselves into the dedicated purpose of the hospital."

Need Lay Volunteers In Uganda Diocese

I -I


SYRACUSE (NC)-A newl,. cC'nsecrated bishop emphasized the need for more lay volunteel'8 to work in his East African diocese. Bishop Vincent J. McCauley, C.S.C., of Fort Portal, Uganda, during a visit here said he is particularly seeking an editor and publisher for a newspaper in his diocese. "We have the presses and mechanical help but we need someone with newspaper experience to put out the paper," Bishop McCauley said. The paper would be published in an African language but the job of translation from English would not be difficult, the Bishop said, adding that there also is an especial need for volunteers to serve as nurses, doctors, builders and teachers in his diocese.

Newspaperman Wins Second Labor Award PITTSBURGH (NC)-The Diocese of Pittsburgh's second an. nual Labor Award will be presented Sept. 4 to Edwin A. Lahey, Washington bureau chief for the Chicago Daily News. Mr. Lahey is being cited for his contributions to labor by his reporting of the labor ~cene dating back to the mid-1930s. He will receive the award at a special Labor Day Mass in st. Paul's Cathed~al here. Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburg. will make the presentation. Last year the award went to Thorn. Kennedy, president of the Uolted Mine Workers.





of Fall River-Thurs. June 29, 1961

Works for God

Foundation For Heavenly Home

Continued from Page One religious communities fir s t started, represented a new state of life in the Church, so today secular institutes are a new deBy Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. velopment in the Lfe of the MysBmLDING MATERIALS tical Body. What It Is Not enough thought is given to the way we build our heavenly The Daughters like members home. The foundation is laid for us. That is our faith in Christ. of other institutes. wear ordinary As St. Paul writes: "The foundation which has been laid is clothes. Various groups are dedithe only one which anyone can lay; I mean Jesus Christ." cated to different purposes: the Daughters' special concern is in But what kind of material is used to add to this foundation! the field of the parish apostolate. Here we find differences, for the builders are many alld the maW()rking under parish priests, terials are various. St. Paul continues: "But members may take censuses, on this foundation different men will build." teach catechism or regular subSome will use "gold", others "silver", others jects in parochial schools, visit "precious stones", still others "grass" or fallen-away Catholics, instruct "straw." We see examples all around us. converts, or offer assistance in Some Catholics give their entire lives to family problems. Christ and His Church, and others make Jean, for instance, is at presgreat sacrifices of their time, their talents ent working in a parish where and their possessions; some offer only a her job is twofold: to visit fallenfew minutes a day in prayer and thirty minaways and homes where one parutes on Sunday, while still others give Christ ent is non-Catholic. She says but a fleeting thought. that the Daughters learn to "play by ear." No two families or ·How will the different materials be testproblems are alike and the ed? St. Paul adds: "Fire will test the Daughters must learn a flexibilquality of each man's workmanship; He ity dictated by circumstance. will receive a reward if the building he has stands firm; if it Daily Life burned up he will be the loser." The day of reckoning when our Jean, who has just returned motives and our accomplishments will be judged is even now to Fatima House, the Daughapproaching. Let us remember that God is not as interested ia ters' headquarters in Lansdowne. quantity as He is in quality. Gold, silver and precious stones Pa., after a week's vacation in may be small in bulk compared to grass ,or straw, but how sad Fall River, says that her aposit would be to meet the Saviour with nothing but ashes in oar tolate began with a six month hands. training period at the group's country house in Bucks County, Some of you readers have an abundance of the world's goods, Pa. The house is' used for days be it money in the bank, stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. Are you of recollection as well as a trainbuilding on the foundation of Christ with it? You say you need ing center, thu/> giving the it ti) live on. Right! But while you are living on the income y()U Daughters another field of acPAUL BUNYAN'S TOOTHBRUSH, MAYBE?: Two tion as they contact retreatants. . can be building with golden or silver merits. Here is how. Take out an annuity with the Holy Father's Society for the Propagation newly-capped and graduated University of Detroit dental Daily life begins for the memof the Faith. During your life the income on the capital is yours. hygienists begin their professional careers by explaining bers at 5:40 when they arise. At your death it gQes to the Vicar of Christ through our Society. the use of the toothbrush to Mary Lalond of St. Claire, They attend two daily Masses It will then be used by the Holy Father not for one missionaI'J' in their parish church, although :Mich. Judith Cohen, left, and Diane Goldfarb built the five- they have a chapel in their heme -society but for all, not for one area in the mission landa but for Believe me, this kind of building will withstand any kind of foot toothbrush and presented it to the school as their and also have Mass there once a all. fire. You will never l~ your ltOUl if you use your blessings to week. "graduation gift." NC Photo. propag>ate the Faith. Write The Society for the Propagation af the Four to five hours daily are Faith for our manual on annuities, ineluding the date of your spent in parish work and membirth. bers aim for four bours of prayIsland Bazaar er each day, including the MassGOD LOVE YOU 60 Mrs. J.W.B. for $5 "Pleue accept this es, meditation, spiritual reading donation as a first iustallment paymellt for happiness, in thanks. and recitation of the Divine Ofcivinc for all ., God's bleMin&"s." . • . to Mrs. P.B for $25 "M,. fice in English. !lister has just entered the Carmelite Order. As there seems te ST. JAMES. ft. AUGUSTINE, Our Lady of Fatima be nothinc useful I Call give her, accept this, in her name, ~ NEW BEDFORD VINEYARD HAVEN The Daughters of Our Lady aid the Missions." . . . te Anonymous for $1 "This is offered ia Msgr. Noon Circle will hold a The annual bazaar will be held of Fatima pay special tribute to tbanksgivinc for s_ess ill my end-term exam.illatioJUl." Thursday through Saturday, Aug. style show Tuesday, Sept. 19 at Mary under that title for several Kennedy Center. • to 5. on the church grounds. reasons. One is that Father LamHave you a WORLDMISSION ROSARY to take away on vaConstruction is progressing on OUR LADY OF bert, as a young priest, was cation with you? You should! For it is especially important to the new church building. which PERPETUAL HELP, granted a cure at Lourdes. remember the suffering of tho!le in mission lands while you are is expected to be completed by NEW BEDFORD When he was instrilmental in experiencing every comfort. Send· your request and an offering of December. The new officers of Our Lady the founding of the Daughters, $2 and you will receive this multicolored rosary blessed by BishST. MARY'S, of Perpetual Help Society are he felt that Our Lady's emphasis op Sheen. FAIRHAVEN Mrs. John S. Izdebski, president; at Fatima upon the importance Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the New officers of the Couples Mrs. Mary Szlegia, vice presiof doing God's will in the world Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for elub include Mr. and Mrs. John dent; Mrs. Josephine Murach, made her an appropriate patron the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, NY.. Gouveia, president; Mr. and Mrs. recording secretary; Mrs. Jeanfor this group that would be or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, Gene Duval, vice-president; Mr. nette Tobojka, treasurer; Mrs. working in and through the 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass. and Mrs. Albert Platt, recording Adele Ponichtera, financial sec- things of the world. secretary; Mr. and Mrs. Albert retary; Mrs. Jane Pietraszek, Fatima House is located in Fr. Ouimet, corresponding secretary; corresponding secretary. Lambert's parish, which is exWANTED: OTHER SHEPHERDESSES Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferro. treastremely active, says Jean. PerST. JOHN BAPTIST. Might not Christ. the Good Shcpherd. be calling you to urer. They wiil be installed in petual adoration of the Blessed Hie service? CENTRAL VILLAGE Septen,ber. The Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sacrament is carried on 24 hours The Ladies' Guild will hold a sen'e th.e divine Shepherd of souls in the following fields: Future plans of the group inevery day, with some 400 parishTeacbing, Social Work, Nursing, Foreitra Missions. Domestie Chinese auction at its July meetelude a family picnic in July and Work. For details write: ing. Members are requested to ioners participating in the deReveread MothK Provincial, Pc••incial Roa.. ef tIM a weekend trip to New York in votion, and block rosaries are Goed Shepherd. Bay Vie... 8a<0. Maille. bring articles. A meatloaf supOctober. nightly· occurrences. per is scheduled to start at 5:30 ST. MARY'S, The Daughters however, are Saturday night, July 8 at the MEW BEDFORD not a parish organization in the parish hall. New CYO officers are Paul sense that they are supported by The unit's annual banquet fea'I'oolin, president; Virginia Bak.... the parishioners. The group is tured presentation of gifts to _, vice president; Carol Pisarself-supporting, existing on a ozyk. secretary; Sylvester Ma- outgoing officers. modest salary paid each member • hvings lank life Iftsuronce ST. STANISLAUS. lOney, treasurer. Adult advisors by the parish where she is work_ FALL RIVER • Real Estate loans are Mrs. Edward Sylvia and ing. The Alumni and PTA have Norman Leach. Outward Sic_ • Christmas lind VacatiOft Qu" rescheduled a fair, originally Only outward signs &I. the planned for this month, to SatDaughters' dedication are a • Savings Accouftts urday, Sept. 9, according to ancameo pin of Our Lady at Fatnouncement made by Mrs. Alice ima and a ring worn by prG• 5 Convenient Locaftotu Gromada, -chairrp,an. fessed members. The cameos, OIJR LADY OF VICTORT. hand-made in Italy, are beautiCENTERVILLE ful, says Jean. Each _ .. The Women's Guild plans a slightly different becaulle of iu Summer bazaar fl'om 3 to g Satindividual craftsmanship. urday, July 29 in the parish ball. The Daughters accept candi,",.,",.,"~ ,',.~~", dates from ages 18 to 33, alST. ANNE, "Mac" saysthough older women may be FALL RIVEit Be Thrifty - Be Wise accepted in special cases. FIHMrs. Mariette St. Pierre heads Ask your Meatman for CI ther information may be had the Social GrQup aided by Mrs. frCUD Miss Mary Long, Fatinul DAViDSON'S Pauline Gauthier. senior vice House, 25 N Highland Avenue, president; Mrs. Jacqueline Law!:$ (MacGregor Brand) Lansdowne, Pa. ier, junior vice president; Mrs. Jean adds that shewoold be Simonne DeSl"osiers, secretary; glad to make 'arrangements _ Mrs. Jeannette Laliberte, treaslcIke in the Bag-No 8cJstint address women's· groups in ttIe urer. Real Scotch Ham Flavor" Meetings have adjourned ,",til Diocese on the work at the in"WINNING FAVOR stitute. There i8 alllO lit.eratl.U'e . BISHOP· DESIGNATE: September. WITH ITS FLAVOr available giving detailed eKP~ American-born Father Dom- ST. JOSEPH, nations of the vocation.. inic (B en e die t) Coscia,- FALL RIVEit The CYO will Sj)Onsor a series O.F.M., has been named of whist parties to benefit its Bishop of Jatai, Brazil, by youth program. The first will be CHICAGO (NC)-Gift. from Moc Gregor Pope John. A native of held at 8 tonight in the parish alumni to Loyola University here ~ ~ .. "'-lD Brooklyn, the Franciscan hall on Brightman Street. Mrs. during the 1960-61 school year James A. Bradshaw, chairman totaled $327,000. Father Jamec JUST at All Leadi"9 Bishop-designate was orand Mrs. Thomas P. Considine, F. Maguire, S.J., university prellASk FOtt Food Stores clained in WMhington in vice chairman, will be aided by ident, said the gifts were conSWEETNICS in Massachusetts 1950. NC Phow tributed by 3,600 alumni. . a large committee.

God Love You


The Parish Parade



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Praises Protestant Writer For Charity, Understanding


JEw Most Rev. Robert JJ. IDlwy.eJl'>p D.n.

Force for Aiding Agilmg Peopl®

Bishop 61l ReM

TIle debate on the place of the independent schooi iFil the American educational system til likely to hold the spotlight fOll' n long time to come, perhaps beyond the life-span of many of its contemporary protagonists. It has already clarified a great deal tional effort iIa almost everv of our thinking, both in pol- oommunity of any size. arizing the extreme posi. If it were only a question of tions and in forcing the Catholic students benefitting,. i<t

would-be indifferent to recon- "might be handled without undue sider their stand. There has been difficulty, but who could put a limit to the demand of the some shifting of splinter groups 'whQ wo..uld imfronts; man y mediately become vocal? Catholics, f. 0 r Admittedly he has put his example, who a finger on a sore spot. ,The expefew years, ago rience of other nations, such as would have Great Britain, .The Netherlands pronounced and of many Canadian provinces, against Federal is ,only of partial benefit here, aid in any form because through historical cirare now percumstances they have been able suaded that to adjust the educational desome measure mands of their people withfn of it is inevthe framework of general cateitable; s 0 m e Protestants who even lately gories. His fear that this might not 00 would have decried it 'as an attack on separation of church and ' possible in America is not altostate are no longer quite sure gether fanciful. Proposes Re-Thinking of the validity of their stand. If On the positive side, he prothe debate can be maintained on a reasonably high level of intel- poses a re-thinking of the Amerligence and mutual respect, it ican educational program to inmay in time be fruitful of greater clude in the public service many benefits than are presently forebenefits now denied to the independent school pupils. seen. Needs Calm Discussion For example, with an eye to All those who advocate Fed- the current insistence upon scieral aid for the independent entific excellence. he sees no schools, private and church- reason why parochial school related, are not fanatics who are children should not be taught willing to jettison the Constitu- the more technical and obviously tion for an immediate financial expensive courses in the neighrelief. All wbo oppose it are not boring public schools, while maintaining separation for relibigots. Granted that the philosophy of gious instruction and those secularism has made heavy in- branches where eulture is necesroads into Am~rican thinking, sarIly informed by religioWl particularly in this extremely principles. sensitive area of public educaThis is not a new proposal, and tion, there are still those who it has been objected to it that are willing to discuss the ques- the difficulties are almost insution in terms of justice, equity, perable, even on the supposition and fundamental constitutional that on the local level it would law. be approached with good will. Radical Catholic fears of. a calm Appraisal massive national intolerance are Perhaps the most signifieant as unjustified as radical Prot. . estant or secularist fears of III note in Dr. Bennet's discussion Catholic plot to take over the is his can'did approval of the government and revive the In- trend toward recognizing . the quisition. What is needed is time right of the individual child to for the calm discussion of the educational justice an!i 'educational opportunity, Coupied with case on its merits. this is his willingness to discuss Lauds Attitude Writing in Christianity and the total problem in an irenic Crisis, organ of a, group of spirit. He does not believe that the Protestant thinker and scholars stand of the Administrative largely centered at the Union Theological Seminary, New Board of the National Catholic York, Dr. John C. Bennett, a Welfare Conference has added distinguished theologian himself, to the current tension and has approaches 'the problem in a "greatly strengthened the fears spirit which is far removed from of Catholic power among nonthe bitter antagonism manifested Catholics", but even at this point· by certain Protestant editors of he is calm in his appraisal. !esseo stature. Seek Clearer Light It Is not that he accepts the We do not agree with Dr. thesis that constitutional law Bennett that the "trend" of the would permit direct aid to the Supreme Court decisions points independent and parochial inevitably to a prohibition of schools. He holds that the tl'end direct Federal aid (loans ar of the Supreme Court decisions 'grants) to' the independent touching the issue indicates schools. clearly that such direct aid is Nor are we quite so pessimistic outlawed. as he is, in the matter ofa reaHe still believes that it would sonable' adjus~ent of the mulseriously impair the principle of tiple conflicting claims which separation by forcing the tax- could arise out of the widepayer "to support a form of re- spread recognition of direct aid ligious education in which he to the 'pupil rather than' to the does not believe." school. Sore Spot But he·has written with underBut Dr. Bennett is also fully standing and charity, and for thi!'l aware that the question involves we have r~aso,n to be grateful. the welfare of more than five This is the kind of debate where million American children; and principles, not personalities and be is of no mind to dismiss this prejudices, can be discussed with enormous minority as the vic- the hope that trutp. may emerge tims of parental shortsightedness.' in a clearer light. He points out, very reasonably, that even were the constitutional' R~ceive issue resolved in favor of aid to' thechildr~n directiy, rath~r than to the religious or private 'school LIBREVILLE (NC)-Ttie Lit. administration, the problem tle Sisters of Sainte-Mari~ here would at once arise of an uncon- in Africa have received an autotrolled reduplication, of educa- rtiobile front" t~e government in appreciation for their devotion t(, teaching." CONVENT STATION (lil'c)President Leon M'Ba of Gabon Five girls from the College of saId the gift "m~r~s the solici5t Elizabeth here are giving up tude of my government" for the six weeks of their Summer va- devotion "with which the Sisters. cation to help the Church in the apply themselves to the educaOklahoma City-Tulsa diocese. tion of our sisters and daughThey will do parish census work ters." The president said he and teach in religious vacation hoped the automobile would aid schools. the nuns in their work. .

SAN FRANCISCO (NC) "-Religion can take the lead in meeting the needs of the aging, a Catholic social Rer-

CARDINAL VISITS WASHINGTON: After offering Mass in Washington's National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Laurean Cardinal Rugambwa, Bishop of Bukoba, Tanganyika, chats with Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, nat-' ional director of the Society' for the Propagation of the Faith, who preached at 'the Mass. NC Photo.

China 'Largest Prison CampD NILES (NC)-A priest who caw. the communists take over llis homeland said China now is "the largest prison camp 0l1l earth." ' F'ather John P. Lee in a lecture at Notre Dame High School here in Illinois said.: "The communists say they have the welf fare of children and old people ait heart. In my own province they used child labor to build a bridge. Many children froze 1lo death." 'Elderly Chinese, once proteeted and venerated at home, are placed in institutions for the aged now, he said. "They are underfed and abused and their dead bodies are used for fertilizer." Father Lee added.

Delegate to Dedicate Publishing Plant HUNTINGTON .(NC) "- Archbishop' Egidio Vagnoz'zi, Apostolic Delegate in the' United States,- will offidate M: ceremonies dedicating the riew Our Sunday Visitor publishing plant' here in Indiana on Sept. 20. This was announced here by Bishop Leo A. Pursley of Fort Wayne-South Bend, president of the OSV's board of trustees.

BOWEN'S fu~nifure

Communist agents were sen~ into China in 1919, he said, and made major strides during the eight-year Chinese-Japanese war by ignoring the war and strengthening tb;emst;lves. "The Chinese communists realized that if they were to conquer all of China they would have to block total United States support to ; Natiorialist China," Father Lee said, "To do this, they spread propaganda throughout the Western world that the Natiomilist government was corrupt." ,

Priests Help Re~over Bodies of Victims KYOTO (NC) - Father Thomas Pren~rgast, M.M" diving with aqua h.ll1gs in Lake Biwa, was. one of four U,S. priests who helped Japanese', police recover four. bodies from a plane crash m. the lake' near the Maryknoll rest home at Kawasaki. Three of the fuut" victims were !'ecovered soon irfter the crash, while Father Prendergast, from Utica, N.Y., recovered the fourth body the following day.



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vice specialist !laid here. Msgr. Raymond J. Gallagher of Cleveland told an interfaith conference that "with its motiveD above suspicion and its pursuit of superior goals, religion provides a natural common platform which can be the basis of concerted community action" Cl.'l behalf of the aging. Msgr. Gallagher, assistant director of Cleveland diocesan Catholic Charities, was coordinator of Catholic participation in the White House Conference on Aging held in Washingtolh D.C., last January. Desirable Developme~ H.e gave the keynote addrCS!J lilt a conference on Religion and the Aging Process attended by some 350 persons from all over California. The two-day'meeting, which studied the part religious groups can play in helping the aging, was sponsored by the Catholic Committee for the Aging, the Jewish Welfare Federation, the Protesta-nt Episcopal Diocese of California, the' San FranciscO Council o:'i Churches and the San Francisco United Community Fund. Msgr. Gallagher said agencie~ and institutions designed to perform specific functions are l'l desirable development "provided they do not convey to the citizen-fouilder the notion that they complete his responsibilities." \\


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THE ANCHORThurs., June 29, 1961





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r .



CARLETON HALlL Masses: Sunday-7:30;"l8:30, 9:30 A.M. ,M



ST. MARGARET'S Masses: Sunday-6:30, 8, 9, 10, il, 12 Noo.u , Daily-7:30 A.M.

COMMUNiTY CENTER Masses: Sunday-9:15 A.M. Confessions heard befOre Mass .


$<mll'lhllotl' ST. Jmn:

, ST. MARY-8TAR OF 'I'JmlE SJEA . Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:3lt. 11:30 AJllt Daily-8:00 A.M.

~ Sunday-8:00 A.M.'



ST. lPETER' TlHIJE A.POSTlLEl: , llflasses: Sunday-7: 8,.,0, 10, 11:00 A.M.. 8:00 P& , Daily-7 and 8:00 A.M. Devotions: Sunday-7:00 P.M. l'lirst Friday: Masses-6:30 and 7:30 AJla.


Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A.M. '.. Daily-7:00, 8:00 A.M.

Wed ~Q1Il'll'ilSifr(lJIh>H®

S)@Mfrlhl [Q)~ll'frmoatJfl'1lu


M~sses: Sun'day-9:30, 10:30 A.M

ST. MARY'S' IIllasses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11:00 A.M. . and 10:05 in lower ChurchDl;liIy-7:00 A.M:, Saturday9-8:00 A.M.

Celiiljfll'~~ VB~~~~~ .. sir. JOHN TlBIE ,BAPT:nST Masses: Sunday-7.:30 A.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. First Friday-7:30 AM., 5:30 P.M. ST. .JOHN TEE BAPTIST 'HALL Masses:'Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 AM


S<OlIrn'<diwnch CORlPUS CHR:nS'J,'I CHUJ&cmr . ~ Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10:00 A.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. ...





HOLY REDEEMER Masses: Sunday~:3o, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00. ~, 12.Noon . , Daily-7:30 A.M. Devotions: Sunday-7:30 P.M.

ST. THERESA'S CHURCH "Mer. Sunday-6:30, 8:00, 9:10, 11:00 AJlI.

PAPAL LEGATE TO .IRISH FETE: Gregory Peter Papal Legate to the Dublin Congress . of the Patrician Year, inspects a military guard of honor after:alighting' from an Irisll International Airlines plane .j,~. which flew him from Rome to Dublin. The PatriCian Year commemorates the 1500th anniversarY of the death of 'Ireland's national' apostle; St. Patrick: NC Photo. . C~inal Agagianian,

Pocasset ST. JOHN'S CHURCII' lIfIasges: Sunday-6:30, 7;30, 8:ao. 9:30, 10:31 11:30 A.M. Dall,y-7:30 A.M.

East Falmouth '



OUR, LADY OF TEE ASSUMPTIlOm MaSses: Sunday.,---7, 8, 10, 11:00 A.M.

Buzzards BaW


..· .,




ST. BERNARD'S Masses: Sunday-7, 8:30, 10:30',A.M. ,: First Fridays-Evening Mass 5:30 P.lVl. , Holydays-8:30 A.M., 7:30 P.M. Confessions before every Mass and Saturd.a7-3:0Q, P.M., 7:30 P.M.

r \'


, ST. ANTHONY Masses: SundilY- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11" 12 Nooa : Daily-8:00 A.M. Benediction: Sunday 7:00 PM. .

South Yarmouth·" . -ST. PIUS TENTH , Ma8ser..Suriday-7;·ll, 9,-10; 11:00 ·A.M. . ' Dail7-7:00 A:M.. : : ."

East Freetow" .

Irish Greet. "Cardinal Agagianian


DUBLIN(NC)~Abearded Armeriian garbed 'in brilliant red: ~as taken. the Emerald Isle by . storm.. , . ' ~ Gregorio Pietro Cardinal AgaA& I g!ahian . received .tli~', warmest' welcome' of the Irish'as 'legate of" ,i" '. < ,,:: \ , .' Pope ,John at Dublin's 'main eel.,. . ST. lPATRICK' "" .. ' " .. '·ST. PATR:RCK '.. ebration of the 15th centenary Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Nooa . Masses: Sunday-7; 8,9, 10, 11, 13 NoQs1 of the death of St. Patrick. . . 'Daily-7:00 .A.M. 'J . • paily_7, 8:00 A.M. , ' The Cardinal responded by Benediction: Sunday-7:30 P.M. . ' .. Devotions: 'Sunday~7:30 P.M. ~xclaiming: "How magnificently NoVena: Monday-Miraculous MedaI, '1:30 P&,~culous Medal NoveIl.a-Mon~-'f:3GpJlt Catlwlic , ' and, Irish to look f"I,:: \. . . ,'.' ':'towards eternal 'ROme hi times li~>·· ~:.' "Marioln .,', , " " .~f ,special rejoicin,g!'~ a:~,said the .} ~" . '. . ST. THOMAS ';:'01 :r "" -1:" . :·JST~·:RITA" :t·~··.·;~. , attachment of the Irish to the Ma'sses: Sunda"y-6':15, 8, 9,10,'11:00 A.M. ".", ...~,:,~uf);day-:+r, 8,;l0:00A.M•. ·:.;,,·,· , : Holy' See' is' an 'example to the' . Daily-7:30 A.M~ . .,',;;, , ': Chu,rch: everxwhete. . , ' , . ~. , Opens Exhibition:" ./.,' ,. i." '~::;.,: ;"~~;l\' ' ... ,' " ·ST.ANTHONi'· '. , ': ~ardil}al Agagianian formally .. ' ,,:, ~,::: Sunqay:.-.a;30, 9:30, 10;30 A.M. .,,' ST. FRANC.IS XAV1IE~ ", opened the missionary exhibition Masses: Sunday-6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 NOOIl which is the' highlight of the ~,: c, , '., Daily~7, 8:00 A.M. , weeklong celebration. The Pre", ...... " OUR LADY OF LOURDES Beuedlction after Last Mass onSundaJ". feet of the .Sacred, Congregation (. :,JIasse8: Sunday.,---7,' 8, 9:00' A.M. up~ta"· for ~he Propagation of the Faith . .,. , " . , 10, 11:00 A.M. DoWnstaiq --and thus superv.isor of Catholic . '. DailY_,7:30 A M . . ,,' Qlissionary work throughout." the SACRED HEART OIQfessions: Saturday.4 to 5:00 PllI. world-salu'ted t~ exhibit lUI JIIIa.es: Sunday--9, 10:00, A.M. . 7:30 to 8:30 P.M..

CATHEDRAL CAMP OUR LADY:' OF THE ASSUMPTION ~ Masses: Sunday-7:30r 9:10, 11:00 A.M... OUR LADY OF :ruE WGBWAY, :'" Daily-7:30 A.M. . ~: Sunday-?:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 Benediction: Sunday-5:00 P.M., ".,0 • 'r ,

, . " Bass River'






'·Falmouth Heights'





. , .....-'

,We.S·t ·Ware'h'am'·.·

Hyannis "

. '".';




. Yarmouthport ,.' "



ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-6,. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:00 A.M. , Daily~7:30 A.M. 'k;" Tuesday: Novena-7:30 P.M. ff' ROUTE 6 .. DAMIEN COUNCIL, K OF C HALL ~asses: Sunday-9:30, 10:.;ro A.M. , . ":~

..... k ......antuc .et





THE,,'61 FORDS "'The WorIcf. MCMt Beautifully Proportioned


Oak Bluffs'


~ . OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA '-itasses: Sunday-6:30, 8:00, 9, '10:30 A.M;. ,.. Daily-7:30 A.M.' ~ .' ~nediction: Sunday-7:30·P.M., tl '.


Edg~rtow~." .




. fot:merly Motor Sales. ComPany

HOLY TRINITY' . , :"~' sun~aY-6:30: ll, 9, '10, i1. 1:& NOQQ Daily-7.00 A.M., .'



ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunooy-6:45, 9:00 A.M, Daily-7:30 A.M. Benediction: Sunday-7:30• .P.M. ' q


ST. JOAN' OF ARC ,~asses:, Sunday-:"7, 8, 9; 10~ 11 :00 A.~ :1 Daily.,....7:30 A.M. - . 'Confessions: Saturday-4,. 7:30 P.M: ;i

,ii_ ;!

North Eastham

CHURCH OF THE VISITATION ~asses: Sunday-8, 9. '10, 11:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-7:00 PM..

East. Brfiws.ter . . IMMACULATE CONCEPTION MasSies: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10, 11:00 A.M, Daily-7:00 A.M. First Friday MasSes: 7:00 A.M., 5:30 P.M.


. '1.~44-86 Purchase St.

. New Bedford,


WeSlt Harwich.






:: OUR· LADY OF THE ISLE : ' . :I'~ Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 11:00 A.M. . ~asses: ~und'ay-7, 8, 9,10,11 i\.l\t ~ 5:00 P&, .''-::. ," ..': . ' Saturday-8:00 A.M,. ' ',' Daily-7:00 ·A.M. ' . . . . .Ions: Saturday,from 4:00 to 5:00 P ... · ~enediction:':Sunday-7:30 PM.·H~.' " ,:<,' ' sund~y~f~reMass' .' '


him. -


SACRED- HEART JIIaeses: Sunday-8;. 10:00 A.M. ,-:. Friday-8:00 A.M. " eoDfessions: Saturday-7 to 8:00,Pl\f;; ., Sunday, before Mass ':

. ,,'. ".'" ..... orth Truro" ',.',>,,:.;;, '~'i~l!R-LADy,'OF PERPETUAL

Striking testimony to Ireland's awareness of the Christian mission to the entire world, and a confirmation" of the 'continuity of the apostolate of St. Patrick 1l1mself. " : Before' opening the exhibition, Cardinal Agagianian ordained '50 men to the priesthood-some of them .destined for the missions-:" at"the national seminary at nearby Maynooth.. . :ret Eseort The' Cardinal was' given' III spectacular wekome' when he' arrived here from Rome. He and the two Roman cardinals accompanying :Paolo Cardinal Marella and Paolo Cardinal Giobbe-had been seen off at· Rome's Fiumicino airport by Leo McCauley, Irish' Ambassador to the 'Holy See, and Mrs. McCauley. When their I speeioal plane neared ··the Irish coast, four Irish Army jet planes rendez'voused and escorted it to Dublin airport.

'. ,






out ,in



UPlPER COUNTY ROAD • OUR LADY OF ANNUNCIATION ~ Sunctay-'-7, 8, 9, 10, il:oo AX »aily"'-8:00 A.M. .

Woods .



H~le':.~· .

. ,

, S T . JOSEPH . Masses: Sunday-7:00,8:15, 9:30, 11:00 ,A.M,. , :: ,Daily-7:00 A.M. BenE:diction: Sunday~7:30 P.M.


North Falmouth

Reise'S D.airy

IMMACULATE CONCEP.TION :Masses: Sunday-7, 8, 9, 10; 11, 12 Noon Daily-8:00 .A.M.

. Vineyard Haven . ST. AUGUSTINE ~ Sunday-6:30, 8:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. Benediction: Sunday-7:30 P.M.



swANSEA-os 4·4601


TAUNTON-VA 4-9751. JiaWftilJ

._ANCHOR-:-Diocese of


River-Thurs. June 29,1961

TOT TIME: CCD teenagers at Notre Dame parish,. Fan River, are conducting a flourishing baby sitting service each Sunday during 9 :30 Mass. Left, Paulin~ Gagnon, project· chairman, en~~rtains young customers.

Plan to Enlarge Press. Faci·lities For Council VATICAN CITY (NC) The world's newsmen will. get help from the Vatican in covering the. coming Second Vatican Council. . This ·was assured . by Archbishop Periele Felici, secr.etary general of the Central Preparatory Commission for the coun;'; eil, at a news conference attended by more than 60 Italian and for~ign journalists. Archbishop Felici said that his office already has two ecele!!iastical assis~ants who are assigned to answer questions and furnish information to working journalists. .He emphasized however that since the council :is in the preparatory stage there is not a great deal of immediate news available. . , Target Date The Arcnbishop said there are plans for enlarging press facilities to provide for coverag~ of the council when it is closer to being held. He said :plans at present are still in the' formative stage, .but that when the ecumenical council is';,'It hand the world's. newsmen' will be furnished with whatever information is av·ailable.· .. ' In the course of hi's meeting with newsmen, the Archbishop said that it is,stiH too early to estimate the date the general council will begin. But he repeated his statement of the earlier news conference ihat the target date ~or the opening is the Fall of 1962.

Elect DoplomCllfl' . -

TOKYO . (NC)-Japan's Catholic Action Society has elected Seijiro Yoshizawa, furmer Ambassador to India, as its new president. He succeeds Kotaro Tanaka, former Chief Justice of Japan, who has been appointed to the International Court of J'.l!stice at The Hague.

The guide is published heft) by the Department of EducatioXl of the National Catholic Welfare Conference whose main office ill in Washington, D.C.

Are they grateful? Proof is found in the growing registration rate for the service and in the fact that baby sitting headquarters are due to 'move from a room in Jesus Mary Academy to space in the church· basement itself, thus making. it even more convenient for" parents to bring the babies. Highlight of Week

BOYS! Something New in Summer Camping There are' .seven nurses on call and 12 CCD girls. The girls be)ong to the Helpers'; division of the organizational'd in addition . k to baby sittmg, they eep at- 'n tendance records for catechism ela'sses and' participate in a discussion group. Most are grad. uatEis of Jesus Mary Academy and were active as CCD teachers whiie in high schooL

The youngsters come to Notre' Name stiffly star~hed, obviously in Sunday best. Their. parents' Mass hQur is a weekly party for them, and the girls .in charge do their best to make it so. There are toys and. 'gay balloons for' playthirigs and any number of laps available if lonesomeness should strike a small guest. They hope the baby sitting Directing the service is 19 project will sp~ead to other paryear ola Pauline' Gagnon, a tlyn-' amo' of efficiency and obviously an old han9- at· dealin,g with






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THE AI,,!r:H""-rFocese of fall River-Thurs. June 29, 1961

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Jesuit Edits New Volume Of M~~rCl Knox S~[{momJ~

THE ANCHORl'hurs., June 29, 1961

~e~t1!l@®® C~D~cdJ[f~l1l J@M G=O@rru~ 1J{@[]1)@:

By IRt. !Rev. Msgll'. J'illifrnm S. Kemntacll, A feast of the writings of the late Monsignor Knox is set before the amateur in a large volume entitled 'The Occasional Sermons of Ronald A. Knox' (Sneed and Ward. $8. New York, N.Y.). This work completes the publication of hitherto unpublished or time of the Reformation to our now out of print Knox ser- day. is sketched in these dismons, .and is a companion courses, and there are concise, piece to his 'Pastoral Ser- well nigb definite cameos of pe-

mons.' Father Philip Caraman, S.J., has edited the presen~ book, as he did its predecessor. He' supplies useful notes identifying the occasion of ea c h discourse and explaining references w hie h might be obscure or meaningless to the ordinary reader. The notes are lDll'ief, meaty, and relative~y few. ?specially toward the end of his life Monsignor Knox enjoyed a uDiq~e position among Catholic preachers in England. Not onl~ was bis quality recognized as peerless, but it became almost automatic that he would grace any great occasion as preacher. What he said on such occasions and others is presented here. The sermons, as Father Caraman points out, fall into three groups -saints, occasions, and panegyrics. And by a sermon is understood "a spoken address on a religious subject to a general Catholk: congregation." Bead Sermons Monsignor Knox never appeared in a pulpit withQUt a manuscript. Indeed, even in giving his celebrated Ifetreats to priests, he always n!ad what he had to say. . It is often contended that reading ruins eontact with one's audience. But this, apparently. is not so when the Nading is done as expertly as Momsign01' Knox did it. People who beard some of the sermons reproduced in tlJbis book have told me that they were not awal'e of the manuscript as a barrier between preacher and congregation, that Monsignor Knox managed his script so UBobtrusively aAd delivered its contents so beautifully that one did not even advert to the fact that he was reading. Refined Expression Why did he read? It may have been that he could not memorize. Certainly it would be difficult to master, to the klst syllable, the addresses gathered in the present. volume. Every word counts and is ingeniously fmecl in. Father Caraman tells us tllcl Monsignor Knox wOll'ked more . intensively in the plI'eparation O'!l a sermon than in the writing ~ a book. One can believe it. Ideas are closely marshalled, and their expression is refined. honed. Church in England The Church in England was a frequent topic with Monsignor Knox. and it is most interesting to get his view of its hist~y, present condition, and prospects. Its history. particularly from the

Protestant Magazine HitsAnti-Catholicism, NEW YORK (NC)-A Pratestant publication has protested. against the anti-Catholicism of Protestnnts and Other Americans United for Se]p3lrstion of. Chuwb and State. Christianit;v and Crisis, a weekly edited by Protestant theologians, said POAU ''insists Oft judging Catholicism by its worst examples," employs "inflamatory language" and repeatedly identifhis its own position 8fI "the American position." The editorial said: "We ask the leaders of PeAU to eoose and desist from their blatant anti-Caiholicism ancl to· move beyond flhe en,1rend1ecl poailliClll of holy war from which thel' impugn the patriotism of them adversities and attack any un.derstanding of. the Amell'ican tradttlon and Pootestant Christ.ianity that ciiffe!:'S !rom their


CG\fCi)@~OC $~[}u©@~~: HONG KONG (NC) ~ The number of Catholiv Schools has m 0 r ethan doubled in the past five ye~

to care for children of refugees streaming into this already overcrowded British Crown ~ riods, types, personalities. ony. Tbus, of the 18th .century Cath"'there are now 156 Catholm olics he says, ''Theirs was tM schools with an enrollment o:I task. neither eas;y nor glorious, 92,437 children," Father Jamen of preserving what was left of F. Smith, M.M., of East Norwall>,' English Catholicism, in times said. "This compares to some 'ro when persecution was dead, but :rehools in 1956." freedom still tarried, and the Twenty-two Maryknoll mislove of many had grown cold. siCilcers staff four refugee reset.. "A day when it was neither .tIement parishes here. They con.WIN SCHOLARSHIPS: Very Rev. Thomas F. Walsh, duct seven grammar and o~ daylight nor dark; and as the agitation for Catholic rights pureenter, pastor of St. John th~ Evangelist, Attleboro, awards high school with a total enrol)" sued its weary, dispirited course, one-year scholarships to :Bishop Feehan Memorial High t4) ment of 9,000 students, tho they must have said to themmajority of whom are non-Catn.:.. Mary Galligan, left, and Kevin Martin, right, members of selves, "None but the Lord olic. Currently two more Ma~ the first class to graduate from the parish school. Rev. Imoll schools are under constru~ knows the length of it.''' TheE'e James F. McCarlhy, se~4)llld left, ·and Rev. Edward A. tion, with three still at the bluo is no improving on that. So, too, with the personalities. print stage. Rausch, second right, are ~ish assistants. , In a few pages Monsignor Knox But despite the efforts of too tells us as much of the character British government and volun.:and strange genius of Father· tary organizations, the schoaJ Faber as a recent bioglfapher bas situation in Hong Kong is critRe~igQc~$ done in some hundreds of pages. ical. One-third of the three millWASHINGTON (NC) - The because police confiscation pro- lion Chinese in Hong Kong are Of Newman, Campion, Ches-' terton, Belloc, and many another B.S. Supreme Court, in one of its cedures lacked safeguards for under 15 years of age and onehe gives us an incisive likeness, busiest sessions in recent years, nonobscene material. h:llf million children are n~' Declined to rule on laws ban- yet of school age. catching the sovereign charac- took action in more than a dozen . cases of specific interest to 1'e- ning artificial birth control. . Officials estimate that becauso teristics of each. Refused to review a lower of a lack of schools more thart Monsignor Knox preached a ligililus groups during its 1960court ruling which held it unhalf of the eligible children will! great. many times. before bishops, '61 term. The court's actions covered a constitutional to use public funds be deprived of an education ne~ and it is manifest, given the to pay private school tuition. semester. occasion. that this was often by a wide range of controversial isInstructed a lower court to re- ~ bishop's own invitation. The sues. Among other tblngs· it: ~ preacher nevI*' descended to Upheld laws banning unnee- consider its ruling against Bible A FAMILY TltEAT essaJrY Sunday sales.. . reading in public schools. flattery. For example, at a cathedral Upheld: tax-paid bus Fides fm Red Aetivity BAR-B-Q .CHICKENS ceremony, he said, "How well we private school childiem.. In addition,. there were at know what it is to go round and Upheld prior crenseIlrsbip c:d least two major decisions aimed see a friend, to JTeeOgnize that he melli:on pictures. at CUl'bing activities. of the U.S. is at home because his hat and S1mul:k down the ~tliremeat Communist par~. • FARMS stick are in the han, and then of a declaration of belief in GOEYs Quantity-wise, iil was an im145 Washington St.," FairlHiven go in to find him. sitting in his eJtistenee as a condition fOT pu~ pressive achievement on which .rust off Route '6 favorite chail"- the mitre, the Ire effiee-. the nine justices of the nation's WY 7-9336 pastoral staff, the throne, the BeveJl'SeS Ralinp highest court could look back as bishop is at home in his catheWatch for Signs Reversed. an obscenity ~oavre- they closed up shop for the dral, he is in his element there." tion based on illegaIbr elDtainee Summer. They had handed doWil While out fOl' a Drive True Masterpieces evidence.. 110 written decisions and taken Stop III this Delightful Spot· FVCIlm edifying bishops Mon:Revelled an obscenity l1tt~ action in hundreds of other eaSCll. signolT Knox cClUld turn easily to mstruetimg . pa1'isbion~ as to bow to Joe g~, helpful, constructive membel'8 of the parish family. His, otJservation·s in this respect are ho~ely and practical. ~ he- was frank to those in aU:thority, he was equally so to those under authority. Some of the l!inest thought " and /ilNse in the volume is to be found in the sermons. devoted to the saints. A few, such as that on St. Thomas Aquinas, deserve the rank of mastel'}jlieee. None is without an insight which interprets the saint to us afresh and ·1 makes him more attractive than before. No preacher can hope to dup!J.cate the style and accomplishment of Monsignor Knox. But any preacher can learn from him the importance of thoughtllul, painstaking preparation, and especially the necessity of exact expression and economy of

Recent Supreme Court Ru!ings Of Interest to Groups




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Heads Newmqn' Honor Society

The Particular Co~nc:iI'of'St, Vincent' de PauISo~ie~y , of th.e Attl~boro ,A~easpon'$ors Legion of Decency .List as a. public servlce·to readers'of The Anchor. .'

.WASHINGTON Father Edward' J. director o~ the Foundation and

Legion of Decency' ,.

A-I -


for General Patronage

at»sent Minded ProfessOJ' "C?uns of, Navarone .Mama . 'Invasion Quartet B~yond the Time Barrier 'Left, Right and Centre lIig, Gamble, ·The libel, IMg Night' _ Little' Savage llroth of a Boy Mighty Crusaders ~rnadette of Lourdes Misty David and Goliath Modern TImes ~ys of Thrills and Ole. Rex . Laughter Passport to China li)esert Attack Pepe 6obulous World of Power Among Men Jules Verne Question 7 hce of Fire Romanoff and Juliet tFidelio Serengeti Shall Not Die fRaming Star Story of Mankind fhoancis of Assisi Swon Lake ~';"iier Uprising Ten Who Dored Clallant Hours The LOlt World ' ~90 The last Dow..

. A':'2 -

Unobjectionable for :A:dults and Adolescents

.tuIantis, the Lost· , ciontinent, . ."'~ of the S~x'e" Iridal Path , . . . . of ,Evil' hEY for Love ....s. of theUndeod Itliivif's [lisciple .....y to Hong KOAg _roD Man , "'eral' Della Rove're liiomicidol " Iitoiiday For Love,s lIIOme il the Hero,


Tammy Te'! Me True The Magic Boy .The Police Dog Story The Amazing Transparent Man The Sand Castle The Sword andth· Dragon There Was a Crooked Man Thirty niree Came to Kill Tomboy and the Champ Town like Alice Trouble in the Sky Twelve Hours to Kill Twelv~ to the Moon Warrior, Slave Girl Watch Your Stern .Voyoge to .tlie Bottom of the Sea' .

'1. A,im ~t the Star.' . '. s\"render Hell ,Illegal'.. Ten' SeConds !~ . Hell, "Journey' to the' lo'K .City, . The' Cailadia'ns " . :.' . '.. Magnificent -Sev_': ". The : Fiercest~!!~!t MClfie.. Octob;. , th'e'~akecl Edge Miracle ' The ~ret Ways' ." Mountain -ROoclI . . The Torm'ente,d .' Mummy Time Machine _ Operatio" Bottlen..... .Trapped in Ta.ngie!•. ' Prisoner of the Volg<l Village of the pam"ed Scho;" for SCoundrel. Walking Target . .' Secret of the Purple R...f . Walk like a Dragati Seven W'ays 'from SundownWild .and 'the Inno~ent She Demon, White Warrior

students' chaplain at the University of Illinois, has been named national chaplain of the John Henry Newman Honorary Society. .

BOOSTS ROSARY CRUSADE: A letter from, Pope. John directed to, Father Patrick Peyton, left, 'world or-, ganizer of "Family Rosary" riow underway' in 'Caracas, ,Venezuela, ,is read by Humbetto Cardinal, Q1iin'tero of .Caracas. At· right. is :the ApostQlic Nup.~i:i.:I;.uigi·D·adaglio,~ -wltopresented the,' letter praising. Father Peyton's work.. : NCBhoto:<.. . . . ._ ,

"'Dioc:esQ,n Serra"s:. at' C_onvention' Co~tin~ed from Page One -'''You will live in the 'world. "i\. prie~t's absolution is" no

brushitt'g "oyer of evil, or disg'race~ :It: is'a true remission of sin by a power that belongs to Unobjeet~onable for Adults' God alone: A pr:iest's words work miracles with common elements . . , in A Night's Work He Who Must Die. Spartacus ~ngry Hills Home From. the Hill. Savage' Innocents and afford the Food of the soul. Anna's Sin House of Intrigue That Kind of Woman A priest',s place is among men, lItg Deal on Madonna . Hypnotic Eye The Angel Wore Red for he is a man with a mission." . 'Street Magician The Big Bank Roll . Stressing the necessity for <hlleg" Confidential Make Mine Mink The Captain'S Table priests to remain apart from th~ (jover Girl Killer' Man Who Could Cheat The Unfaithfuls everyday life of the laity, the li!:ranes Are Flying' . ' Death,' The Young One ll!t-imson Kimono Murder, Inc. Third Voice Archbishop recalled a seminary I!nd of Innocence Music Box Kid Three on a Spree rector's explanation to the semihodus Odds Against Tomorrow Tiger, Bay . narians of the high wall surIliach of Life One Foot in Hell Tunes of 910ry •• roundi'ng the institution: ~st and Sexy Once More With Feeling Touch of Larceny "That wall is/there not to hold li'ever in the Blood Ikiru Upstairs and Downstair. you gentlemen in the seminary. fi,lve Golden Hours Operation Eichmann Why Must I Die The door opens outwards and ~our fast Guns • Our Man In Havana Virgin "slands 400 Blows Possessors Virgin Spring (prints shoWllll' you may go oack among men PoJur Skulls of Jonathon Ring of Fire in the .. United States)' when you wish. Those walls are Drake Rocco' and His Broth.... Wild' Strawberries, there to keep people out, and, ....ch Mistress Rue de Paris, Wonderful Country should you live to be ordained, Separate Classification whel). you walk as priests among men, they will remind you of the_ Never Take Candy fro"'l a Stranger (deal, wi'" molestation of small children and, although tre ated without' s~nsationalism, could have harmful' .. barrier that the lay people may effects upon young and uninformed unless accompanied by parent. Advernot climb." .




tising carries warning: "Notice to parents: No child unless accompanied by you." , .

will .




,B - Objectionable in Part for All

CCD Has Installation At Acushnet Parish

/«ld Quiet Flows the Don' Head of a Tyrant Road Racen The 340 elementary public 'Beat Generation Hercules Unchained Rookie '1Jeloved Infidel ' Home Before Dark Room 43' '. school children ~f Acushnet and jietween ,Time and Eternity Horrors the Black MUleum Room at the Top. the 115- students who attend House on the Waterfront Sanctuary 'l)imbo the Great schools were received, into St. 'Biue Angel ,Hiroshima, .Mon Amour September Storm . Francis Xavier Parish Unit of ;Blood and ~Rose. I, Mobster Sex Kittens Go To College the Confraternity of Christian, Born' Reckless 'Intent to Kill Sign of the Gladiator Doctrine following installation,of lkamble Bush Inside the Mafia Solomon and Sheba officers by Rev. Joseph Powers, :.eath of Scandal It 'Started With <I Ki.. . Some Came Run~ing i IIucket of Blood It Takes a Thief Sonie like It Hot diocesan director, ,'!Sutterfield 8 Jack the Ripper Sons and Lovers.' Also received were 35 adult 6an Can' Jan' Boat Squad Car teachers, fishers and heipers, The ,.rry on, Nurse, ' Last Mile Studs Lanigan ceremony was concluded' with ~rcus of Horrors let's Make Lave Subway i,. the Sky , Solemn BenediCtion of the BlesLil' Abner Summer Place . Elrack in the MirrOf' sed Sacrament.. ~ for Happy Macumba Love Surprise ·Package· iltoddy.O '. Mania' . The Curse of the ·litelire in ·the"Dust , M i d d l e of the.Night ' . Werewolf i isghth Day of the W.ek Missile to the MoOR 1he Entertain·er. :tEfectronic Monster Millionaires, The Marriage Go Round . ROME (NC)-A 64-page cenIB/mer Gantry Naughty Girl The~Minotaur. : hmale Never So Few The Right ApproaCh tennial . edition recording the ':hmale ond the flesh ' of ,Love and Lu,t' The World by Night hi~tory , of '. L'Osservatore Ro: .listher and The King ~arly Girl Thre.e Murderess'es . mano, Vatica:p. City 'daily, was i :!Five Bra,;" :' ... ·'men ,P.~tinum High School Thunder in,Carolin,a . . issued "here in seven languages. i 'forbidden Fruit Perfect Furlough Two Faces of ,Dr. Jek'yI . The special". editioncarried' a' :llTanken ,.Iught., Pharaoh's WOn)an Tunnel· ,of Love' ',' . full--:page ~ color" portrait. of Pope , i lJrom Hell, To Eternity' Portrai,t .of A Sinner. ,Two lovei John on page 'one, and Contained ! J~m the Terr~co Pretty Boy Flo,yd - Virgin Sacrifice :$angster Story . 'Prime Time What Price Murder articles written, in ·Italian, En:S,ene, Krupa Story . Private: Lives of' Adam ·Where the' Boys Are'.' glish, French, Spanish; .German :SI Blues . . and Eve . ·Where,the Hot·Wind Blow. and Portuguese. j~irl in Room 13 Psycho . Who Was THat Lady? 'Girll Town Pusher,., Wicked Go to Hell ,• •ot, St. 'louis Bank " . Que~n of Oute~ Spooe , Wife for a Night NEW ENGLAND Robbery' Rat Race' Wild River .' :Soddess of love Rally Round the Flag, Boys Wind Across th'e Evergladet " ris.. Naked in the World Rebel Breed .' World of Suiy Wong '. !::G\Jnl, Girls and Gangsters Riot In Juvenile Prison Young Captives·' , .• :~ Man Rise and Fal.1 of .YoungJesse Jame. :, IItcippy Anniversary Legs Diamond .


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Adorable. Creatures .Mademoiselle Gobette Raven ;' And God Created WomOfl Magdalena Ro,~nna • IJaby Doll . ·Mating Urge Savage' Eye :·Iled of Grass Miller's Beautiful' WIM 'So':vage lria.ngle 'i lied, 'The' 'Miss Julia . Seve'n' Deadly 'Sins Mlsou Scclfred· r·(Jiome Dance with ·Me (Desperate- Women, The . Mom and Dod. ~nsualita"(Barefo~t ::'iSJ<preuo Bongo Moon, Is .. Blu~, Savoge) " ,. I' ~Ih k Weak. .N.aked Night·,.. , , . She ,Shoulda. Said No :i (,Tench Line, The Nona, Sins of' the Borgias . . ,J' Ikuits of Summer Nev",,' on Sunday Smiles of'c1.:S;.romer Night i!' Game of Love, Night' 'Hecive~ Fen. .Stella I' , ' "Sarden of Eden . No Orchid~ for Mi,o . . Strollers;' The' " . 1: I Am a Cam'era Biandish';: "':.' Tllird Sex',' . i: l:IIIicit Inte'rlude ' One Summer of' Happiness Three Forbidden Stories !' ~ Ronde Oscar Wilde:.. :.. - . Thrill That' Kills>Tlie i:.La Plaisi. Paris Night.. Trials of Oscar. Wilde .t Latters from My Windmin Pdssionate 'Summer ' , ' . Violated , L4ane, JUllgle Goddess Pleasel Mr. Btilzac " . , .. ' Wasted Lives and The ....ve Game Pot Bouille (Lovers of Paris>. Birth of Twins Lave Is My Profession Private Lives of _" ...Ways of Love Lady Chatterley's Lover Adam and Eve Women Without Namel laver's, Return Private Property Young and the Damned, TiHi !:overs, The Question of Adulterlf

(NC) Duncan, Newman Catholic

includi"'9 . -

A live Lobster THE ~ .


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ROUTE 6 near , Fairhaven Auto Theatre FAIRHAVEN, MASS.

Father Duncan succeeds the late Msgr. John W. Keogh of Philadelphia, founder of the society and first chaplain of the National Newman Club Federation: The John Henry Newman Honorary Society- is made up of Newman Club members whc have been outstanding in furthering Newman work. Membership.in the soCiety is the highest national Newman award. Father :qunc'an. was appointed to his new post .by· Archbishop . John F .. Dearden. of. Detroit; ' .chairman of the. Youth Depart~ ment, 'National Catholic Welfare : Conference. .. ,

YQU cannot be of the world. You' will walka!l1.ong mim. ',But you . can never be an' 'ordinary' man again, You 'are differerit from those you will ser:v e . " "

~e~~~nu~~:~~~~o~o;s ~l~~no~ the largest Catholic foundations onts kind in'the world. It serves a Catholic student body of 4,400 and includes a chapel, offices, a library, lounges, recreation hall and, music room, and' student residence for 325 men studentS•


HOUSEWARMING - FOR ACHURCH You'd be surprised at the number of lette,rs in the man each morning from Priests, Brothers and Sisters in the missions. They need almost everything you can think of-quite frequently, statues, vestments, etc. • • • the furnishings 'for a church. Whenever a new church is lpuUt,' of course, it must have the sacred articles used for Mass. And as churches get old, these sacred aI"'+ ticles must be replaced. We can tell 'you, from the mail we receive, where the articles are needed-and we'll see to it that the sacred article is sent. Tht Holy FathtrJ Mission Air! You may want the article designated tht Orimta/ Churrb in honor ~ of .your father, mother, or for " loved on,e. You may want us to send one of our GIFT CARDS, in your name, to the person whom you designate. Just tell us. These are the sacred articles our missionaries need: VESTMENTS ($50), a MONSTRANCE ($40), . CHALICE ($40), CIBORIUM ($40), TABERNACLE ($25); CRU, CIFIX ($25),STATIONS OF THE CROSS ($25), CENSER ($20), SANCT'UARY.LAMP ($15), ALTAR ,LINENS ($15), SANCTUilRY BELL' ($5). Some Poor .·missio!1ary win wc:come your gift • •• and thank ,God for 'a mission~minded,. Cathol,ic like you. Dear Monsignor: Mother 'read to me about. the Sisters in Lebanon who 'heed Ilew ~hoes. I want them to have:my money. I am 7. , Helen Davis

IS QANNY 'THOMAS A CATHOLIC? We' were asked this _q~estion not 1011g ago. "Yes'," we answered, '~the television: comedian is a Cath6lic, it Catholic who' , belongs to one of the.~astern Rites." Did you kno'w there are "about 8-million Eastei'D·. Rite' Catholics in the world? That in the'United States Massis'·off.ered '600 times each day in languages other than Latin? H"you'd like to know more aliout our fellow Catliolicsof the :Eas~ern·.Ri,tes, tell us when you 'serid iia your donation' for this, work. 'We'll send' YOU at our expense an iDterestiJig, ii1forniativ~ ))~ki~t:. .,' ', , .









'. )f .s~e ~er~ .'."ork~ng J,?r ~riloney" a Sister's services-at $10 a ~ay-;-would brmg$3,65~.a ye~f. i\t$20 a day. her income would . be $~,3?0. And'. who ,wo.uld' ;~~ a Sisterisn'~. worth It?· . . '. But Sisters' don't work for money. Their services, ·-for '3 lifetime, are free' ,' .. The worth· of···li· Sister, . e~pecially, .in pagan . countries,' is .. incalculable.. Yet, to .a Sister,. costs, only $150·a- year, $300 'for the entire: two-year' course', .. ~. '; ,Here are some Sisters Who needfinancialbelp in Order to "~.Q.~..iiII_ complete their training: SIST:ER ANSE'LME and SISTER MARIE-LAURENT, of th~ANTONIAN SISTERS; 'ST. DOUMITH, L~BANON; SISTER: CONSTANCE and SISTER ROSE GABRI~L o{ the' SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEARTS' OF. JESUS AND MARY, BEIRUT, LEBA~ON; and SISTER MARY PHIL" OMENE and SIS,TER. FR~N,CIS BO~GIA of the CL-ARIST SISTERS, CHANGANACHERRY, INDIA.' We mention these Sisters by name because we:t~ink you· ought to'know they need your help. Can you~fford $3"oo'a w!!Ck? That's aU it costs· week . b)'week, to tra~n a ·Sister.You'lI want to 'help, we know: Drop us a line, and we'll. assign' you a·SiSter. What better investment' "':'fo( this world ~n~:~e neiCt"':-can .you find fO!' four ~one>::T' '


,. ~.'


,Dear MC)nsillnor: ,... " ' . I gave'up' ,sm.okill&' ,yesterda,.. Therefore.. I Dow h~vf) '$2.25 ;. week tospare.~ ":". :,: ,... , ~', 'J. a.-,··New Have~, ~o-. .

.. ,', .... ... . . .. <Mrs;

~~ttSstO)issio~~ -

", FRANCIS CARDINAL SPEL~MAN. Presid.... MIfF· Jo•.,. .T. R~ 'N'" Sec'Y ,

~d oU

_UIlICatI_ to:



CATHOLIC NE~R EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION 480 L~xington-Ave.at-46th St. Ne~ York 17;'N. Y.


Diocesan '·CY:O.:,·Team Meet·,'.r,~···,~_··~·,-n=:"·"-'·~·:r~~\1'-~·~':· Set For Somerset" Sunday': By Jack Kineavy

··· ....·1



lrhurs., June 29, 1961


,Refugee Asserts' Cuba Exp®Uing': ;. Native Proests



fourth annual Diocesan CYO track meet will be staged Sunday at Hanson Memorial Field, Somerset. The MIAMI (NC) - Cuba'e competition,' sponsored by Bish~p Cassidy Council Knights native Catholic priests are of Columbus, will be a triangular affair between teaB16 now being expelled from the' representing the Greater earned run average to lead aH .Island, according to a prie~ Taunton, New Bedford and A.L. pitchers in this vital derefugee 'recently arrived here.' Fall River areas. Boys 13 partment. He' is 5-2 on the He said a list of Cuban clergy season. The amazing reversal of through 16 years of age will to be ousted has been prepar~ form which has seen the Sox compete in the junior division; by the regime of Fidel Castro. entrants 16-20 will comprise the catapult from 10th to 5th place, The source declined use of hiv one half game out of the first sen i 0 r group. . name. In the meantime, the re:.division, carried with it a 10 Trophies will gime continues to implement itfJ game winning streak and totalled be awarded to May 1 order that all foreign-o 18 victories in theh last 20 games e a c h division born priests must leave. going into the crucial Detroit winner. In d iMore than 100 Spanish priestv series on Tuesday of this week. vidual awards and some 600 Sisters were sem Pilot Swiiehes will go to the back 'to Spain from Havana on The esteem in which manager outstanding perJune'14, he said. Most of Cuba'a Lopez is held was reflected· in formers and · 700 priests are Spanish. . the attitude of the Sox' frpnt medals will be " 'All foreign-born priests' and office, the sports writing geritry presented to ! .' 'superiors of religIOUs orders m and fandom in general, none' 'Of the first three _ · CuQa were. given u~til Jun.e.;ro whom was guilty of screamingj, finishers in the_. to. depart, the refugee priest for the genial Senor's portfolio~._·k~!-;""'."".r finals of each.. ", · sald.'.· . .' .... J event. Greater New Bedford has This in contrast to Trade.r Lane'll Propaganda Barrage' ,- .',' terse i'You've' got a year arid' Ii . monopolized 'the meet since· its -" The ,forced departure of ·tll~ inception in 1958. There was,no half vacation, Joe" when calling ". ~leI:gy is taki'1g. place, he r~, junior competition in -1959 when .to advise Gordon that he had porte.d,. against a powerful prop-, torrential rains forced the can- been fired as manager of the. · aganda barrage in the Cuban cellation of that phase of the Kansas City Athletics. ·press alleging that they alil9 Then there's the case' of Cookie meet'at Hopewell Park. The de, J~EARNING HOW: Counselors. for Diocesan camps' leaving of their own choice, fending champiom have another Lavagetto whose only m'isfuke strong nucleus returning. Fair- was bringing home the 1960 learn fine points of water safety at refresher course. It does In the meantime, he said RUBhaven, Class D outdoor cham- Senators in a first division berth. look refreshing. Instructing.,is Tom Lopes, seminarian from sian .and Chinese com~unist Harry compounded the error by' 'e~perts' arrive in increasing pions, New' Bedford, . a state track power, and Dartmouth will moving out front strong this St. Augustine's. parish, Vineyard Haven, who will be' at . 'numbers in Cuba, Spring. Unfortunately, the C,athedral Ca!l:lp. Left to tight in the water, . John Craig; '. He also said the island is shoFt provide the bulk of the squad. weather warmed eventually" St. Patrick's, Wareham; 'Paul Hamel, St. Joseph's, New . of food. Meat ,is permitted twice Sox Rolling even out in MinnesClta, and the Bedford, t6be at Catholic Boys' Day Camp; William Foley weekly ,in Havana and it can .~ The "Go-Go" Chicago White Twins were unable to compenmonthid Sox are on their way after Q sate for -.the loss of the benumb- St. Mary's, Seekonk, seminarian assigned to' St. Vincent bewildering . start that found ing breezes. The Twins' new de Paul Camp. . . More than 200,000 'informerf!' them holding up the rest of the skipper, Sam Mele, just three now report to the regime froJlGl American League just two and years ago was desperately trying 81~ sections of Cuba, he said. a half weeks ago. The experts to hang on in' the game. adduced all sorts of theories to . To paraphrase the incompar. Give To Fund explain the collapse of the . able Red Smith, baseball is a UTRECHT (NC)-Members 'of NAGASAKI (NC) - PreparaAmong the martyrs were six the Dutch Catholic Trade Uni~D Windy City crew but manager great sport but a shabby busitions are already being made ·to Franciscan missionaries, three have contributed approximatell'7' AI Lopez refused to push the ness. Brockton High, Eastern Mass. receive 500 pilgrims who will Japanese Jesuits and 17 Japan- $35,000 for the support of Catb"; . panic button and at the nadir of the season El Senor was Class A champion, was defeated travel 8,000 miles or more a year ese laymen. Four of the Fran- olic trade unions in the undero quoted as saying that the Sox for the State title, 7-3, by Chico- from now to visit this shrine of ciscans were Spanish. St. Philip developed countries. The conpee, Westerri standard bearer, in Japanese Catholicism. was another. "could take it all yet." tribution is to be administerecll In June, 1962, the pilgrims will The sixth, St. Gonsalo Garcia, by the Interna tional Christia Those not closely associated a rain interrupted game at Newwith· the baseball scene' this ton High field, Sat u r day. c?me to Jap~n's mo~t Cath.olic was born in B'assein, India. Ac- Workers' movement. cIty from Latm America, mamly cording to some authorities, he Spring have no conception of the Through technical difficulties abominable playing conditions radio station WBET which wa~' . Mexico, to commemorate .the was of Portuguese parentage. The KEYSTONE under which early season games to have carried the ~lay by play, ~OOt.h anniversary of the canon- Others say his parents were Inwere played. As a matter of fact, was unable to do so. Announcer Izat!on of the 26 Martyrs of dian converts who had taken Warehouse Salesroom the Sox had to postpone their' . Don Valentino, unaware that he Nagas.aki who. were crucifie,d Portuguese names. If the latter New and Used . . had a dead mike worked the here m 1597. One of them, St. are right, he was the first 'Inopener because of 8 blizzard. The , OFFICE EQUIPMENT inclusion of two new clubs com- 'three hour-twenty' minute "con- Philip de las Casas, was' a dian to be canonized. We show a large assortmcnt 01 used native of MexiCo City and the Proclaimed .Saints pelled theA.L. to get underway 'test anyway. lind new dcsks, chairs, filing cab. If Jimmy' Dykes, Cleveland . fir~t North American to be canone week earlier than usual and inets. tables, etc,. in wood and steeL Indians' skipper has as much huomzed.. . The 26 martyrs were beatified' this helped matters not one bit. Also metal storage cabinets. safes, man insight as centerfielder,Jim . Father Jose' .EScalada of Mex.~ by Pope Urban VII in 1627,just shelving lockers, etc. ,. It's axiomatic that cold weath- Piersall credited him with a ieo has arrived' in Japan to make 30 years after their deaths', 'and 108J(\mee. er has' an adverse affect on old month or so ago, he'll give.. the arrllngements for the foreign canonized on July 10, 1862, by 'near Unioll bones. In the twilight of his volatile Jim a short rest after pilgrims, still a' rarity here al- Pope .J>ius IX, only three years, - . : WY 3·2788 ' career Ted Williams we'll wager the latter's Sunday outburst. The though Nagasaki is a pilgrimage' .after the arrival in Japan of the missed as much as orie third of Indians can. ill afford to lose center for. ~apanese Cathollcs, first priest in modern times. Five . -: Now',d!.ft. the April-May schedule. Since Piersall as they struggle to nar- "'fho now num~eF about 280,000. years after they were proclaimed Chicago has pretty much a . , s a i n t s , 205 other Nagasaki Catheran lineup, particularly on tlie .row ,the gap between thein'selves .' ;Early this year Archbishop olics who died 'for the Faith behill, we feel that climatic con- and Detroit 'and New York 'but Pa~l Yam,~gu,chi '. of . Naga~ld tween' 1617 and 1632 were canditions were a major factor iil the fact of the matter is that a blessed and laid the cornerstone - onized. unstable Pler- of a memorial to the 26 martyrs. the club's terrible early $eason temperamentally saIl could prove an even· greater Leading architects and artists. are Nagasaki, Japan's. southern," . showing. detriment to the club. _now' at work on the memorial, most city which was virtually The big three of the Sox' . whose site on the Mount of destroyed by an atom bomb in l'ltaff-Wynn, Pierce .and McPastor, Parishioners Martyrs on the city's' outskirts World War II, is 'also the home Lish - have .come on strong 'f f M of most of the "hunare," dewith the advent of balmy breezes HomeRe'ss F· am.·ly was a gl rom ayor. Tsutomu scen d an ts 0 f J apan ' s. early Cath.NEW BEDFORD I Tagawa' oft Nagasaki. and it is anticipated that Nellie RIDGEW.OOD (NC) M d olics who clung to,. their religion . - Co - dr.than. "The execution of the Nagasaki during ~entur.ieI1Qf persecution.. Fox and Sherm Lollai' will begin Mrs Joseph , . rcoran ap ell' martyrs was the first step ·in the 'INDUSTRIAl OilS' to move upaveragewise. The·' tobacco-chewing' pivotman; .a '11 children :are .literally. Jhe .50-year campaign of persecution HEAliNG OilS lifetime .3OO h~tter;, is hovering gu,ests of t~eir, .pastQr, MSgr. 'that virtually" wiped out the , , around the .260 ma'rk at· pres- :James F. l{elley of Our Lady of 'Church 'in Japan; which had won , 300,000 converts (. as a result· of . -' TU'AKEN ent. TurkLOwri 'Villoni. the" Sox Mt. Carmel church. The Corcorans. are livIng· in the niission -efforts' begun by' St. received ~om: .their crosstown 'lOll BURNERS N.L. confl'ereS has been Ii 'life~ a building ·that formerly· served Francis Xavier m '1549.. . SCHOOL as the· rectory. Msgr;· Kelley savei'. . The veteran righthander, now turned it 'over to them when Sales & Service SUMMER SESSIONS strictly a "reliever, boasts a 1.47 ,their own' home was destroyed by f i r e . ' . S~THAND - TYPING Members of societies pitched 501 COUNTY ST. Sees Race Incidents blGUSH - NOlE HAND in too. Before the Corcorans Plumbing - Heating NEW BEDFORD moved into the old rectory, Harmful to U.S. Over 35 Years QUINCY (NC)~A ;fJ;ancisean which had been uninbabited for HYANNIS Sp. 5-137~ of Satisfied Service Third Order leader warned here months, members of the Holy WY 3-1751 in Illinois that it woul!! be tragic Name, Cana,' Rosary and PTA 806 NO. MAIN STREET for the United States to present groups saw t,hat it was sc~bbed, Fall River OS 5..7497 its worst face to the world in painted, repaired and .furnished. race relations. Waldemar A. Roebuck", ·na- . tional diTector of the Third Rt:6 at· The Narrows .'North Westport Order's' interracial apostolate p'fpy i~smart~se~e~ke':: "Action for..,Il\t~r~acial. Under,. ... .. , \ standing," declared that' incidents of rac.e, inju~tice in, ~his. Where 'The , country dishearten our friends and epcourage our enemies. ' Entire FamUi "JuSt as we look- at the'RusCan Dine sian tanks rolling into Hungary Economtcally to crush the rising desire of men for their God-given rights, so are others paying close attention to the happenings in Montgomery,' Ala., Anniston, Ala., Jackson, oonLQO uxooa AUTHOQn, 0' 'HI! COCA· COlA COMPANY ..... Miss., ond other parts elI thio natioo," he said.


Latin American Pilgrims to Visit Shr.-ne of Japa nese Catholicism








Family Restaurant











;9, 1961\:':, ':

+'- I ' ~ ••

:,Gold···· .



Di'~ce.san ; )M~rykn.o,ll~rs

Labor in·: .All' ,Parts of- World' . ... .


. '


" Contin~' . !age One China mal, In September, 1918. Each .:u~c:~ding year, more Mar'" . 31'S carried the ~ Gospel to' t" ~ Orient until the I . villages and cities. throughout ,South' China promised a rich missionary harvest. Expe 'bd by Reds This era in Church history ended 11 years ago when Chi. nese commur.;sts rattled down th'e Bamboo Curtain. American ·.missioners working in China210 Maryknollers among· them- were either jailed or expelled. Only one American missioner remains in China-Bishop James E. Walsh, M.M., of Cum'. berland, Md., serving a 20-year term in. a Red prison ce~l in : Shangl1ai'. Since. that 'first departure to China 43 'years ago, ,Maryknol:,lers nave taken the Gospel: to various' parts of the worid. In the l'920's they went into Korea, ' cManchuria and Hawaiian '; Is. lands; in the 1930's' to Japan: In the 19,40's, when World War ,lII temporarily 'interrupted mis_sion activity in the Orient, FATHER LIMA FATHER MELANCON FATHER MORRIS FATHER ,MAILHOT FATHER J. J. TOOMEY Maryknollers turned to Latin New Bedford Fall River New Bedford . Fall River New Bedford - America to begin work in Guatemala, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru ',and Chile. . The latter half of that' decade 'saw them return' to' their misr sions in Asia, even as a vast new area ,was assignea to them in 'Ta'nganyika, East' Africa. ' In the '1950's after the communists ,halted mission work in 'China, . 'Maryknollers expanded. ,their activities in Hong' Kon~ . and assumed new responsibilities in Formosa and the Philippines.· -: Pope John's Tribute,' . ': .. MarKing the occasio'n of Mary- . , 'knoll'; 50th annNersary, Pope - john wrote to Bishop John W. FATHER E. A. TOOMEY FATHER KELLEY FATHER BREEN FATHER MURRAY FATHER REGAN · Comber, M.M. Maryknoll SuNew Bedford Mansfield Fall. River New Bedford ' Fairhaven · perior General. "Your grain of mustard seed 'bas indeed grown into a lofty tree and gives great promise of WASHINGTON (NC) - The Relief Services had more than tions and drawbacks of hunger; Asia and the Middle East. Pri~ch growth in the future. . . head of the New National Cath- ·100 U. S. citizens administering poverty and ignorance," Bishop ority programs are a road-plan"The members of your society, olic Welfare Conference Peace distribution of relief supplies and Swanstrom' added. . " ning project in Tanganyika and Mr. Melina noted that any U. S. .a community development projbecause of their number and Corps Desk has issued an "all- assistance programs in more than 'spirit, occupy a highly honored out call" for Catholics interested 60 countries. citizen is eligible to volunteer . ect in Colombia. · place in the Church of God .in becoming Peace Corps volunHe said' the experience of his .for' ,the Peace Corps who has . Volunteers will receive two-' whose missionary undertakings teers. ' . organizatio'n "leads him to be- :passed,his 18th birthday. 'There year assignments, including two and pastoral cares are thus inF. Robert Melina, executive lieve that the Peace Corps is no prescribed upper age limit, to six months of' training. Comcreased and extended. They are secretary of the NCWC unit 'es- "marks another step forward in ·he said. . pensation allowances will cover fighting as first-line troops tablished May '1, appealed for people-to-people assistance and' _. He added that married couplE?s all 'necessary expense's, and volwhere the ·.danger is 'greatest; Catholics 18 and over to volun,- self-help atpiinments." without ·dependent childreil' are . unteers will also receive a sep· they are laboring where the teer for the proje~t under .which He said the "person-to.;person eligible, provided both husband 'aration allotment based 031 b a I' des t wQrk tries their American civiliaru: will be selit aid, educational and self-help . and .wife possess needed skills . period of service overseas. lIltrength." . 'overseas to help in develop- 'phases" of development pro- :for .Peace' Corps'.p.rojeets. Peace . ment programs in foreign Coun- . 'grams in emerging nations are Corps volunteevs' do not require tries. . "of. greatest importance in help- college edu~atioi1s, 'and persons The NCWC Peace Corps Desk ':ing mankind to live in dignity as skilled or semi-'skilled in trades Continued from Page One 'd ' t . indlvl'duals and' as natl'ons. and crafts are particularly en. c<>ur8:ged to apply, he said. . Explaining her' own deCision, was set up t 0 provl e .assls~ance, -advice, information and services "Assuredly, our own freedom ,Miss Maldonado said: "I've had ·to Catholics interefoted in. serving and world freedom depend in Volunteers Needed 00 many blessings-health, parents who hav~ spoiled me, all my . with the Peace Corps. It also . great measure on the' ability of .. Volunteers are needed with offers -services to dioceses, 01'- the 'United States 'and private ,skills in such 'fields as education, life, just life itself, I guess. I ganizatioIis and institutions . organizations and institutions to', health, agriculture, techl1ical owe Ood so much. which wish to assist in Peace· nelp those .in foreign countries to work, social work, nutrition and INVESTED IN "And there;s something else-a Corps recruiting. free themselves from the priva- a!im~nistration, he said. CATHOLIC CHURCH, very personal thing. When I was Those Interested Present plans ·indicate· that AND HOSPITAL BONDS • baby I had a serious fall. My projects will be In Units'of $500 Or More ICla au S Peace inCorPs Latin 'America, Africa, mother promised that if I recov- . Mr. Melina said Cathoiics inter- . In U ered I would somehow give six ested in applying should wr~te to :Ca'tholDc Missioners months of my life to God. Well, the' Peace Corps Desk, National , BOMBAY (NC)-The HindU when Father ~ullaney spoke to Ca tholic Welfare Conference, Governor, of Bombay ,praised the MInneapolis, Minnesota us, and he said he needed tea~h­ 1312 Massachusetts ·Avenue, work of. Catholic missioneI:s, ~ 4etailed informatioD h he te ed ba b" .a ers so badly and that if we vol- N. W., Washington 5;D. C. . _ write to Episcopal chairman :of -the' w om . I'm I' mgers U'L, unteered we would be giving a CHARLES A. MURPHY 'NCWC unit is Auxiliary' Bishop . knowledge and apOstles Of chai'a veal' . to God - I thought this Bell'istered Representative '. " " . would be the ,best way to thank Edward· E. Swanstrom' of New ity. . "COMPANY 145 Pond Street . York, executive director of Cath'$od." Winchester, Mass. So on August 21,' the daughter olie Relief Services--'-National PA 9-2696 Complete Line 0f Puerto Rican parents will re- Catholic Welfare Conference, the i>ort to, Father Mullaney at St. ~g:~Cy~athOliC 'overseas relief Buildi~g Materials" Name IBede's School, Montgomery. Bishop Swanstrom·commented BUSINESS AND 8 SPRING ST., PAIRHAVEN A~dress _ _ .."._ _"., DUP,L1C~tING.MACHINS . Senate Extends Milk in a statement that establishment WYman 3-2611 of the Peace' Corps "complements ,Second and' Morgan Sts. !Program for Children the overseas assist~nce and ~.:. WASHINGTON (NC) - The lief effort of American voluntary , FALL -RIVER, Senate has passed a bill to ex- agencies which have be'en-func: ."WV :2:06~2 OS 9-67U tend and increasE' the Federal tioning abroad for severafyears'!' .' -E. J, McGINN, Prop. Government's spedal milk proHe pointed out that Catholie ts::::l::::l::l:i::::S::::i::::C:s::::::C:::::ll::=t3. . : . . \ gram for cl).ildren in public and' private schools; Summer camps end child care centers. The -measure extends 'uie' \ .......... . program until Jur.e 30, 1962. It Home Fu~nisllings?'New Car?' Scivi"ngs . Account?' A~e you authorizes the Commodity Credwishin!,! for th~ !"~ney to make thEiSt! thing~ possible? Now -it Corporation to f:-end $105 is the ,time to co something about it. AVON .wiU show yo~ lion to carx:y ou( the prograI1l next year. howl For appointment Phone. The seven-Y::lr-old Federal FAU RIVER ARM NEW BEDFORD ARtA program reiIDburzes institutions OS 8-5265 WY 7-7089 for milk served children. It is AnLEBORO AREA CAPE COD AREA popularly known as the "recess CA 2-3651 , SP 5-9306 time milk progra ,n.~' The cost BROCKTON-STOUGHTOIIQ AREA TAUNTON AREA JU 3-3434 VA 2-411'1 in fiscal year 1~'31 is estimated, at about $85,200,000.

Encourages Catholics to' Volunte~r, ·for Peace Corps Service

.'5 3,4%

Year for God



H · dOff· . I L


'set up




- "---'






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