The Rule· of Celibacy Stays
Pope Cites Example
Of Christ
PO!!)e Paul VI has issued
lllew ertcyclical reaffirmhlg' the C h u r e h's traditional teaching, on the need for priesUy oeidbacy, describing it as, a "heavy and sweet burden" and M "a total gift" of the priest to God and His Church. 'll'he document, entitled 8a-
eerdIotaIis Caelibatus (the, Celrn bacy of the Priest), was made ~ublic June 23 but it waS dated , i,lIne 24, the feast of st 'John the Baptist and the name day of PoPe Paul. The encyclical" of approximately 12,000 words, clearly restates the Latin-rite insistence on priestly celibacy, The encyclical examines and. rejects modern' objections to the
discipline of an unmarried pries~ hood in the Western Church and carefully reviews the argtA mEmts from theology and the Bible supporting celibacy, A· key paragraph of the Pope'lJ view is stated in paragraph U, which declares: "In any case, the Church 0« the West cannot weakelll hel!' Turn to Page Ten
EmphaSizes 'Seminarian Screening
IRlillflttllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliOO~C61~CC~8CCIiCCGll814llflIllt81H,"IHIIIIIIIIII1III11It1I1I1I11I1Ullm88CCIIII8H1I11I18CUllIlIUIlIUUUIIIIIIHHHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmmU1I11UGU8I811811IlIUIIHt 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHU8811U1I1iIll«lCICIIOOICOIIIIUIII!1I1111111111U11I111I1I1IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICC.
Creation of ,New Cardinals
Shows. Church Universality
VATICAN CITY'(NC)-Twenty':four of the new princes of the Church received! official notification of their eledion to' the' college of cardinals in Rome in a ceremonY' that lacked the splendor and privacy of old. Instead of. gathering in the private roomfll of national colleges and residences in Rom e as in the pas-to the new cardinals shared a large stage in Pope Pius XU auditorium near St.' Peter's' ,Archbishop Antonio Ribe'd, nun-· ··which have' flared ,up in Viei . basilica to ,hear of their cio ,to' ,SpaiIi'; ·M:axiinilien de nam and the Holy Land, . .fieial· elevation from the lips Furstenberg, ,nuncio to Portugal, 'Speaking· in the Hall of tbe ...: ..... .; . of,: .Mril~'tO 'Cardinal Cicogn~ni and Carlo Grano, nun~io to Italy, - Consistories ·in the' Vatican, t~ Papal Secr~hi~y ot'State. The; Warm ~pplauBe greete~ the Pope also touched on the pro~ e . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. .111111!• •- - -. . ,:inet'while Pope Paul was 'hoid- ·~eW' ,Amer~c,a,J,l me~be~s of 1il Tum to Page Eleven .. th t . t 'tL. Sacred College, PatrIck Car mg. e secre conSIS ory WI.. d' al O',Q 1 . f W h' 't '35 'of the old~r Cardinals. ,. ' 'J:~1l. Cardio:a{ K~ol of a~hIi~:d:f~ ;'" phia, John Cardinal Cody of" $4.00 par If..... Chicllg'o and- Francis'Cardinal Vol. 11, 26,J 0 ll'hca Anchor '; 'P~'CIE 1Gl:' Brennan; dean of the Roman . .: Rota, both when they entered' the auditorium and when latel!' they were· presented with their biglietto (ticket or document) of nomination .. Pope Paul VI, at the secret consistory, in which he officially Cardinal Cardinal created new cardinals, . deplore~ Did you feel yOui' plriest(s) fumbled a bit'during O'Boyle 'Brennan "the flames of fratrici<;lal war" )lass this morning? Understandable. It _was this morning' Ca'rdinal ·Cardinall' that the newest direCtives on the Mass rites went into' " 'Krol ,Cod,. Mfect. Habi,t is a forceful teacher and priests may occasion ~Iy fumble for some time Three other' cardinals who ~t. The directives effective expression of the blessings, that had been chosen at the sarrie has changed. ' ,; \ time were absent from the day's ~ay concern most espe In the beginning, when an ob- cereillonies ;because by tradition, ~ally the priest himself as VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI, has publishe:dl 1Jle ritually offers the Mass, They' ject was blessed, there was not' ,they received notif~cation ftom regula,tiomi· ,which will guide the ree'stablishment of the ttave done away with many ~r- . necessariily the accompanying' the heads ,of the various states perm,anent diaconate with ~th celibate and married dea the Cross bu~ only a' to which they ,were 'papal diplo.:."' Sign of 'CilO\onies Which gathered more urn to Page Eigh~ejll. ,matic n~presentatives'.Tl1ey were cons, implementing the 'will of the Second Vatican Council. and more meaning' as time went' , '" , ' T h e regulations are COl1\ CN4 but which are now Iiore-' ehumbs in the simplification of ,~._~ - .-~' ,~ined in, a motu 'proprio, a. vites as willed by Vatican XlL document drawn up on the
Multiplication of good things personal authol'ity of the
does not always make those gOOd Pope, entitled Sacrum DiaconatUQ
Cbings more me.aningful or 'fruit Ordinem and issued June 27. The
ful. So, the prIest now geneflects document makes it clear from
l\ess frequently but at· times the outset that the reestablish
when his reverential gesture ment of the permanent dia
teaches something clearly., conate in the Western Church
You will also notice that many depends on the decision of the,
." the blessings have been drop competent national or territoriall.
~, As a matter of fact not one conference of bishops, along
~ been dropped. It is only tbe .. with'the .cOllsent of the Pope.
Permanent deacons have long
, been traditional in the Eastern
,Chur.ches., ,
, The r.egulations, which consist
or-' ,
Mass 'Ri'tes In 'Efifec~;
Simplification Stressed·
Pontiff Revives, Diaconate F,or Married, Single ,Men
Supreme Pontiff
Marks Fouith'
AnniY~r$a,ry VA'l'ICAN CITY (N\J~ '!lomorrow" June 30, ""liill llIark the folirth anniversall'y' . . the crowning of Giovallllni .ontini aB Pope Paul VI. ThougIP. ~ was elected on June 21 and \11'00 pope at that very instant, ftIIle al\niversary is traditionally eommemorated on 'the date eX JAis cOl·onation. The Holy Father has stated flaat there will be no specw eell."emonies to mark the event _cept a solemn Mass at St. lPaul-Outside-the-Walls. T ill. ~ <illy will find him busily (lJ\t -.ork at his desk and 'in sche<il lWIed audiences. ' Tum to Page '!'eft ~llltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:mmll;((C:::CJ
Summer Mas$<es
Page 4
of an introduction and 36 num
restore t~i~
bered' paragraphs,
.,:,j 'fullness a major sacred ordel!' ,. of the Church that has for cen CCD KEEPS IJ(ER YOUNG: Mrs. Mary McCormick of Our Lady' of the Cape parish, " ttllries ~ee~ only ,a pre;equi1ite " .
Brewster, probably ,qualifies as oldest COD teacher in Fall River Diocese. 'At 82 8~'8 fo~ ordlllatlon to ~he ~rIes~hood.
'ld te 'h' F' t Co ' H '" ,' , , WIth the new regulations It' be :J t Uu ac lUg, IrS, rnmulUcants. ere she IS ,w1th thiS year s crop. 'comes possible for' men' to be
ordained deacons without be
ing required to continue on t@
priestly ordination.
TOUCJI The order of· deacon for sem
inarians who intend to continue
on to the priesthood is not af
"fected by the new regulations'
because they only apply to the
They can her ,Mrs. Mac and al'e attached to her as to their. own grandmothers. For restored permanent diaconate.
three years Mary McCormick has been teaching Brewster children the love Jesus has' . As envisioned by the regula~ f th d h tions this restored permanent of or em an ow to return it. Recently less\>ns of her current crop of second gradelt"S' ifice will permit deacons' to of culminated with their First Holy Communion. Though she has never been blessed with ficiate at 'many various religio\Alj children of her own, the functions, including marriages, widow of' Radford J. Mc was called catechism then. But Who made the world?' and the Turn to Page Ten today's Christian Doctrine meth reply bY' rote was "God madIe Cormick has been close to, od is very much advanced, she the world', Now we go further 1~I!lIIl1ll11ltlllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrJ young ones all her'life. She feels. earlier, telling them God is Ratings
~ught religious classes in her ''Then it was a matter of mem everywhere and not to forget Page 16
Turn to Page Silf nati'lre Brookline rns a girl It orizing questions and answers.
Octogenarian Keeps' in ; with Tots Th"'ough r;hristian Doctrine Classes
," ,"
2,··:, I!-tEA'NCHbR'~pioceseofF~I.1 Riv·etf-'Jhu.~~).une29., J967 ., ,
,'! II
. . -. •
. .,
Bishop ,.Perry, ·F~'els· C.hurc'h: .
Is Failing to Re,a'~h Negro:
PEORIA (NC)-"The Church .is not getting through
to the Negro:' For this reason, said Auxiliary
Harold R. Perry, S.V.D., of New Orleans, the Church can
not stand on official statements alone. The Negro Bishop
said the Church, in the eyes mission collection" '
replaced the.
of the Negro, is too much "collection for Indian and Negro
limited to' such oareful pro- missions," a name that offended
nouncements as those issued the dignity of the Negro.
by a minister, rabbi, or the Bishop of a diocese. . . Cites Disagreement "Of course, this thing is be'fond reproach, but, the Negro feels the official pronouncements , ore. lacking in effectiveness, are .o.ot being backed up. ,.;
"It seemed rather odd to make
an appeal for the Negro mis sions," he opined, "when one third of the parishioners are'
Negro." Asked about riots in- urban
centers, ·the Bishop suggested
that there is a message here "we
do not seem to be getting. ,'The
For this, reason, the Louisiana' rioters are trying to say. some · "Auxiliary took .issue, ,with those thing. These acts of vandalism
who view. Project Equality 'as economic blackmail. are trying. to point to' some He rejected the charge of Ave neglect on our part."
Maria, Catholic weekly maga
zine, that Project Equality is an
attempt to accomplish through
"-....------""'---'--.....L.1..........L..........J j
force of money what churches FRIDAY-Commemoration of St. ' Paul, Apostles. III Class. Red. ,BLESSING OF .FLEET AT l?ROViNCETo.~N: Principals at the, annual ceremony · have. failed to do by preaching ., ,and teaching the Gospel. ,Mass Proper; Glory; 2nd Pr?y-, conducted at the Cape-tip town, were: ,Rev. ~ohn F.-Sullivan, 8S;OO.,' ad'ministratoIi' Concerns BishoPs er St. Peter? Apostle (Un(ler Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Wellfleet; Mo~t 'ltev. James J. Gerrard; V.G., Auxiliary Rather than unsavory coer one· conclusIon), 3rd Pr~:rer , Bishop of the Diocese who blessed the boats' Rev. Leo J. Duart pastor of St. Peter'reI ,eion,Bishop Perry said" "it is II (under separate conclUSIOn) . . ' ' . ' . for ~e Pope; no Creed,; Pre- ~arJsh; Prov~ncetown, sponsor of the annual ble~smg. ' : ,'. '
democratic program in·. a very practical way, ,a practice thor face o~ Apostles.,Amiiversary
oughly accepted in a .pluralistic of thl;! 'Coronation of POPe'
society." Paul VI.'
In fact, he found little differ SATURDAy - Most Precious
, ence between such practices and Blood of Our Lord Jesus
the policy of the federal govern Christ. I· Class. 'Red. Mass ment in refusing financial aid to ,Proper; Glory; Creed; Pre segregated institutions and comface of the Holy Cross.·Today WATERBURY (NC)-Present ~uspices 01. the 'Greater Waterof stalemate," Father Lyons sattJ, · munities. ' ·is the first Saturday of, the attempts .to build . "so-called-· bury Chapter of Young Ameri"anti shift the' baWeground tid! "The nation, too, has a collecmonth. bridges of friendship between eans for Freedom. He has visited eemmunist-inspired wars from ·tive guilt for fostering segrega SUNDAY - VII Sunday after the United States and the Soviet' Vietnam six times in the last- tree world territory to commo tion for decades. This is part of Pentcost., II Class. Green. Mass Union" are helping to prolong the several years and is co-outher 01- mist territory. the redemptive work it is obliged Proper; Glory; 2nd Prayer war in Vietnam, a Jesuit priest the book, "Vietnam Crisis." "We have to make communillQ to do," said the Bishop. '. Visitation of the Blessed Vir- said bere. "We have to change our Jl&llcy aggression risky for the aggresHe stressed that in his travels gin Mary; Creed; Preface of IIOr, we have to take every po& ·about the country he has stayed . Trinity. . Father Daniel Lyons, S..J., lllible step, not only to resist com in 20 Bishops' houses and found MONDAY-St. Irenaeus, Bishop president of the Free Pacific· Osplta aracfe. munist aggression, but to spreoo in them' men deeply concerned and Martyr.. III Class. Red. Association, told a large aooi- C . F ·1· freedom'wherever we can. If tbe Mass Proper; (Mass as on June ence that while the United ommunlty ael Ity free world does not get a hegem al>out the racial issue. 28 in,Missal) Glory; no. Cr~d; StateS has "enormously strengthI CINCINNATI (NC) - The· ony over mainland- China SOOJ'..l, ..... C.onversions Increase Common Preface. enedits Position in Asia by de"community fac'lity" character we can be sure that..the Soviet '. ,,~ishop Perry feels the Catholic , ",.Church's the;Negro if! TUESDAY-Mass of Previous fending South Vietnam against of the planned new Providence Union will." ."'Our system is. SO superior ill '" "Bot, one of proselytizing but' :of ." SUTic;lay.: 'IV 'Class.'': Green. Clommunist aggre~ion, "unfor-:, ,l;I~sPital,. in ,su.q\lrlt!m Mo~nt a concern· for justice:. Over 'and .... Ma'ss ' Proper;'" No Glory nor tunately we. hlWe .not yet adop~, Ai~)was ,~<Jerlip.~cl-J~y- t~e m- .' 1heirs that we are bOUnd to willl Creel:l; . Common Preface,','·: a policy of.. wipning because a ,we ,,~~~on.of th~ lo~.qusmess- :~.w~ a~esuf:ficlell~~\ detel' above this, the Church is a 'mis tnnstees... . mined," Father L;ybris declared. 'sion Church with a message. ·But, WEDNESDAY..- St~· AnthoD)t ,;lr~ .0:V~rly I,:on~~rnel,i . l:>out. "men .~mongl~ .. . ·Mary, Zaccaria; Confessor.·:IiI bUlI.dmg these, bpdges to th~.. "The'hospital'wSS"plallned'ud,;, justice should be the No. 1 con· eern, with freedom left to 'the" ' .. Class. ,White,. Mass ,PrOper; SeVIets "thro,\lg~ "trade ,. eu}ture. ':'will, be staffed"'by,"the FI:an-.'·. '." eiscaii Sisters of·,the Poor .whe. individual to join the Church of· '" Glor.y.;·, no·; Creed; Con1tnon \ and .other me!l~s. . ". . ,Preface, ,', Father Lyons.spokeundelltiJe" '.Iso·'bought the"site·,·Oh ~hich. · ,},lis, choice."" . . : '.. 'Despite the current 'drop' in ··THURSDAY-Mass of previous ,,'\ . i 'it'win be built,".'·, "': ·•• 'DOIIIe eonversions, Bishop Perry smiled Sunday.. Iv. Class. Green. Mass, IIl..I . Proper; ,No Glory nor ~reeq; ·I.... ew" It e s . The S~rs,po~eyer,are and. said: .. I~~·'S~ .Commo~ Preface, Votive Mass MADISON' (Ne) - Newly i&- deeding the property.~ Hamil "The rate of conversions FaD 1Uver, Mass. in ·honor of Jesus Christ.' the. stalled 'Bishop Cletus F. O'Don- .ton County for eotiStruction of II among Negroes is five times that 672-2391 Eternal High Priest, permitted. nell has inaugurated the title of eommunity bosPitai. The county before the. (ecumenical) eoun 'J.'omorrow is the first Friqay pastor emeritus in the 'MadisoJl will be responsible for $8.3 mi!I; eil." of.·the Monih. diocese for priests who retired lion of.the more than $'12 millhm He agreed there is still need Because of age or infirmity afieI' eost 8f building the hOspital un · to change some mannerisms. so serving in .pastorates. The -Wi8- der terms of a bond' iSsue ap that there is a clear respect for P'oulists to Direct oonsin prelate also directed that proved by voters some 18 monthll minorities: -. . ~ in keeping with Vatican Couneil ago. The SisterS 'must' provide Neglect Brings Riot, Newman Center Irs Decree 'on the'Ministry aDd tile balance 01. the funds. • · Inl,1~s ?wn ~rchdiocese ~~ New . 'BERKELEY (NC) _ Three .... ' Orleans, he saId, the term home,... Paulis~ Will, man recently ded . Lif~' of' Priests, a6Sistant pastoi'll' will have the title 01 associate icated Newman Center here in pastors. .. ' Ca~ornia in: an effort ~to build Reti're'ment at 1!Iit!t ~e $t,udentS a ~y'nainic cen NEWARK (NC)-The Newark· ter for though+: arid devel~ .FUNERAl HOME~: ·Archdiocesan Senate of Priests ment," according to the new .. O~RC;:URKE .. lltarcel IGJ - G; • .. 50.- Dartmouth • has recommended volun~ry re ... : head, Father Joseph P. Fly~n, ....·uFr_· " ti,rement for priests at 65' and C.S.P.,.: . '_. '..:. , ." ; Funeral Home . FUNERAL· DIRECTORS 1
mandiltory retirement at 75J Father Flynn, who has ~ .571 Street J5lmngfon' 'd,i.
named' pastor of Holy gpirit par-' " So. Dartmouth 997.9384 .~.#~;;~#, ••" ••••• #.,.~~ ish and religious superior of t8e .995·5166, , fall .lRiyer, Meiss. ' • Hyannis 2921 Pau'ists coor(linating the parish' · FORTY HOURS
New Bedford . 67.9..6072 and Newman Hall: will be joipee. ~""' ..l DEVOTION
MICHAEL J. McMAHON· by Fathers James F. COnway, July 2-51. Joan of Are, Or !licensed Funeral DirectOl1' C.S.P., and'Richard J. Callanan leans. ' C.s.P., this Summer. ' Registered Embalmer Our Lady of the Assump tion, Osterville. ., Necrology July 9-8t. . Hyacinth, New Bedford. JULY 7
St. Mary, South Dart :Rev. : James E., Lynch, .1985,
mouth. First Pastor, St. Joan of An; ·FUNERAL. HOME St. Elizabeth, Fall River.. O,rleans: JULY I 4869 LOCUST STREET _R~v. Edward J. Murphy, 188'1, FAll RI~ER, MASS. 111£ ARCllOI Pastor, St., Mary, Fall River.' lleClclnd Class '>ostage Palll at Fall Rl.r, . JULY 672~3381 .s~. Publishea every Thursday· at 410 Rev. Pie Marie BeraJ1d, O.P.,· .Jtlllhlano I\venue. Fall Rive, Mass.. 02722 W.ilfred: C. L by' tile r:afbotk Press 0 the Diocese offaH 1938, Dominican Priory, J!aB RI~r" SUllscrlptl. price ... ~1lIl ,o..iscCJJ '. Sullivan. ),;.
~rges "H,in' ,P;oliey in Vietnam Questions IJBridge of Friendshiptl With Reds:
. I Ch
,-.-"'!"'!'----------->l :JEFFREY':,L'SU1.llVAN
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f4,GO IMl'JIII'. .
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:BROOKLAWN .• LUMBER. ,··CO. • • • INC. • • • torni'"" . •
and .Hyannis
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_ ANCHORThurs., June 29, 1967
leligious Heads Favor Liaison With Bishops
Stresses Use Of Publ3C~ty
:. WINOOSKI PARK (NC) :A proposal for the "immed tate establishment" of a ~eaningful liaison'" be Ioween the heads of religious communities of men and the U.S. Bishops has been adopted unani mously at the 10th annual Con ference of Major Superiors of Men here in Vermont. ':!'he action was taken at the IBUggestion of Father James M. Darby, S.M., of Dayton, confer QDee president. It followed the presentation of the Paulist Fath ers' case in their dispute with Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of Dallas-Fort Worth. Father John ... Fitzgerald, C.S.P., superior general, outlined the Paulists' IIIde of the dispute. Father Fitzgerald interrupted Ids participation in the general tbapter meeting of the Paullsts fbl New York at the suggestion of chapter delegates to present lIItbe facts as we know them" be lore all the major religious supe nors in the ~untry. Cites Contract The dispute revolves around the Paulists' expulsion from St. Paul the Apostle parish in Rich llI'dson, Texas. Bishop Gorman bas stated that the reason he asked the Paullsts to leave the parish was because their services were no longer needed as New- . liDan Club chaplains in the dio oos~. They are to be ~eplaced by l!Uocesan priests in local parishes.. H'Owev<er, Father Fitzgerald !I!lid in a prepared statement: "The prime aim of the Paulist hthers, as contracted, was to the good and welfare of the parish ioners of the new parish at Rich ardson. Nowhere in the contract was it stated that the Paulist I'athers community was accept ing the parish contingent upon JJewman work or any other ·sin ..-Jar works.-
TORONTO (NC)-Greater use of promotion and publicity tech niques could attract larger audi ences to religious radio and tele vision programs, Charles Reilly, executive director of the Na tional Catholic Office for Radio and Televison, told the National Conference of Christian Broad casters. Reilly noted that "the drum beats loud and long" for com mercial presentations, but that in religious programming "our efforts seem to cease with the actual production of the broad cast." "I suspect," he continued, "that this is because the words 'pro motion' and 'press agentry' have a somewhat unsavory connota tion in the context of religious programming; but the larger reason, perhaps, is an over whelming lack of knowledge and interest. in this phase of broad cast operation." Reilly said that many religious programs are being produced! which are above the general level in terms of creative imagi nation and involvement in vital community interests but they are not adequately promoted. "Not to attempt to achieve a wider audience for what we do well is a kind of negligence we can ill afford," he added.
Set Operatm<OllIl F~IR.E In New HQlmlP$Irn~lJ'ce
DiGNITARIES ·AT iWEl)DING: Among those at .So. Dartmouth wedding of Miss Frances Gamble Aldrich of New York and So. Dartmouth ,and Jose Miguel Garrigues Walker, son of the Spanish ambassador to the Vatican, were, left to right, Rev. Arthur G. Considine, pastor of St. Mary's Church where the wedding took place; Ambassador Garrigues Diaz-Canabate, groom's father; Bishop Connolly; New York Governor Nelson Aldrich Rockerfeller; and the Very Rev. Reginald N. Barrette, diocesan chancellor.
Dawn of New Era in· Liturgical Music Congregation . App~auds 'Mass for ,Joy'
....... ~. . Ilaneous 'SEATTLE (NC) - The spon Ch r..·st·a I, ns. .~eeU applause which reverberated through St. James Cath Mo re Than" Un' .·t·y.···.:· drai may have marked the dawn . CHICAGO (HC)' - A growing 01. a new era in liturgical music. . eonviction that the search, for' Th~.Sunday 5:30 P.M,,·Mass at ehristian unity must· be closely 'st. James usually draws a con Rlated to other more far-reach-.· gregation of people in a ,hurry to iDg ·dialogues marked·the inaug-. get away, but no member of the 111'81 meeting here of the North congregation departed even after American Academy of Ecumen the recessional following the fIRs. presentation of composer C. Delegates 110 the meeting ex Alexander Peloquin's "Mass for plained that their. primary goal, ~.!' tile union of Christiafi communi Instead, they stayed for the ties, becomes less and less mean premiere performance of Pelo iIlgful as it Js isolated from dia quin's new sacred choral work,
"gues between Christians and "Love Is Everlasting," based on kws, believers and non-bellev the Book of Daniel. .-s and the world. Tambourines, six timpani, Counteracting this tendency to ceteste, triangle and brass helped tIolationism will be one of the convey' the contemporary at .;oals of the academy.. mosphere of the work' whic!l More than 140 delegates to the obtains its structure' 'from two
lIleeting gathered at Chicago The:" tradlitional sources - the hymn
.ogical Seminary to plot toe and the psalm-while combining eourse of the group. As a resUlt .. folk and pop tune elements. elf their discussi.on, the academy . PelO9,uin, fiom Providence, plans to give concrete expression ll. I., );»ersonally conducted the tit the belief that the, Christian Ui-piece brasS and percussion en Cheology of today and tomorrow semble and the 275-voice ehoir be 11 collaborative en- andcorigregation. _avor. In its' new constitution it dell"r:MlticaJ Help .eribes itself as a "SOciety of The solemn pontifical.. Mass, .ose who, in their teaching ooncelebrated by Archbishop and/or research, are engaged in. Thomas A. Connolly of Seattle .tudies related to the unity of and five priests of the newly ap the Christian Church; and the pointed Commission on Sacred ~alogue between Christians and Music, was the climax of a three _er communities of faith." day Church music. workshop Mirroring this concern, newly jointly sponsored by the Arch.;, elected academy president Fr. diocesan Music Commission and .alter Burghardt, S.J.; of Wood- Seattle University's Fine Arts stock College in Maryland, ·told Department. . J1eporters that modern Christians Designed to give practical help' must learn from other Christian 110 pastors and Church musicians, eonfesil)ns because "we are' con- ' the workshop provided an up-to Yinced that God speaks to and date approach to liturgy, choral ID. that other Christian confes-teChniques and repertoire, in line IiurL.. wiUl' .the nlcommepdeUeW· Qf
. Vatican II;. the same four hymns every Sun Singers irdhe workshop repre , day, else.w.e're little better off sented evel'y parish of the Seattle than we w,ere. before.· . archdiocese, which Includes' the "We must·not be afraid of the . western half of Washington state. contemporary simply because it . Other'. particip1,lnts came from is the: contemporary," he stated. . Idaho, '.. Montana, .Oregon , and , "We must not be afraid of- a new California. sound' by a knowledgeable com 'Old JEars" poser. It might first seem to In a homily at Mass, Father -lliS dissonant because it is new, but in the history of music the. Andrew Squier of the Commis sion on Sacred Music said that dissonance of yesterday has al implementation of Vatican II'1l 'lll'ays become the consonance of today. decrees on .liturgical music re "The trouble frequently is not quires "adaptation and flexibil ity." '
with a new sound; the trouble hi "We must allow for a healthy rather with old ears," Father and intelligent experimentation," Squier said. he said.· "We must not become structured . ~or allow ourselves to get, p~in~ed it:J,to a. corner by
MANCHESTER (NC)-Bishop Ernest J. Primeau of Manchester has launched a diocesan program called 'Operation FIRE,' which combines the Year of Faith pro claimed by Pope Paul VI for the universal Church and prepara tion for the second synod of the Manchester diocese. The program will continue for a full year starting June 29, 1967, the same as the Year of Faith. It derives its name from the 'aim-"Faith Intensified by Re newal and Education."
Where A
Georgia Catholies fav.or D.iac:onate 'ATLAN:rA .. (NC) - Some tIS per cent of., tho!1C responding to li poll said they would favor estab:' lishment of the permanent dia ,conate in the Atlanta archdio cese. . The Georgia, Bulletin, arch diocesan newspaper, polled some' 300 subscribers on the question of restoring the diaconate - a sl,lbject that has' been under dis-' cussion since Vatican Council II. Of 65 persons responding to the' question, ."Would you like to see the permanent diaconate intro 'duced in, the archdiocese of l\t lanta," 45 said yes, 17 said no, .and 3 said "maybe." .The. questionnai,re had ex 'plained that a deacon-married or ~rill1a.rded. - would baptize, preach, distribute' Holy Com munion and possibly anoint the 'sick, ;He, wou1d .nothear con
fessiu ,.,. ~ YaM.
CHEVROLET 1007 Kings Hwy.
'famous for
'. Open Evenings
24.Hour Wrecker' Service 653 Washington Street, Fair.haven 994-5()58
Open ,.and Honest
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 29, 1967
S<t:h®dlUl~efor SUJJmm~[J' ~®@~@D1l
BREWSTER OUR LADY OF THE CAPE M.asses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30. 9:30, 10:30, IJ:30 A.M., and 5:00 P.M, Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions: Sat. 4-5 and 7-8 P.M.
fAST BREWSTER IMMACULATE CONCEPTION . , I Masses: SUilday-7:00. 8:00,9:00; 10:00, 11:00 AM. . Confessions: 7-8 P.M. on Saturday , .
ST. MARY-STAR OF THE SEA . Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30. 9:30. 10:30. 11:30 Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:30 P.M. and 7:00-8:30 P.M.
OUR LADY on; VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12:00 noon , Daily-7:00 AM. . 'Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:30 and 7:30-8:30 PM;
81 THOMAS -CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-6:15, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:30 and 7:30-9:00 P.M.
HYANNIS ST FRAN(~IS XA"'ER Masses: Sunday- 6:00 7:00 8:00.9:00, 10:00, 11:00, . 12:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. Daily-7:00and8:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:30 <lnC! 7:30-9:00 P.M. Da.y Bcfore Holyday-Sarne as Saturday First Friday--7:00, 8:00 A.M. :,lnd 5:30 P.M.. Holyday-7:oo, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00; 12:10 noon and 5:30, 7:30 P.M. MELODY T,ENT Masses Sunday-9:15, 10:15, 11:15 A.M.
alIasses: SUlloay-8:uu, 9:uU A.M.
Hatfof.them-·.,e chfldren. others are allins, .... t1erflOttrished·aclUlts. Some are lepers, some deaf mutes, ,seme bAnd.
OPIl I,ADY OF GIt.'\.CE c. Masses: Sunday-7:30. 8:30,9:30. 10:30, 11:30 A.M•....
Cfmfessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 and'7:30-9:00 P.M.
4)fle mUllon refugees In the Near East ... QaYSht-IA that . . .'s awful crisis.
. ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11100 A ..M . COflfessi()J1s: Saturday 7:30-8:15 P,M.
HOLY ~EDEEMER <IIIasses: Sunday-6:30, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 A.M. Daily -7:3C A.M.
Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 an.d7:30-9:oo P.M.,
ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:00. 9:00, 10:00. 11:00, 12 nocn and 5:30 P.M. Daily: 7:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:30 and 7:.30-9:00 P.M. Devotions: Miraculous Medal Novena-Monday at 7:30 P.M.
ANI Dear Friend:
LETTER A true emerg!!ncy has arisen. We need $250,000 TO at once because our norma I budget is vanishing EVERY whHe demands for food, clothing and mectk:lne READER in -our ~rea, of responsibility are skyrocketina ... the face ~f· the Arab·lsraeli situation.
• OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION ··Masses: -Sunday-7:()0, 8:00,9:00, l():oo, 11:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. flaily-7:00: 8:00 A.M. COnfess~ns: Saturday 4:00-5:30.and,7:30-8:30 PJIB:.
Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 A.M. Dail)'-li:OO A.M. _ Confessions: Saturday 4:30-5:00 and 7:30-8:00 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M.
-... VATHEDRAIL":C.o\MP OlJR LADl:' (;1' TilE ASSUMPTiON CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00 A.M. Dmly-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Before every Mass Devotions: Benediction-Sunday 5:00 P.M.
CHURCH OF THE VISITATION ,.Masses:, SUI;lday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M.
ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:00. 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12 noon. 5:011 P.lI;{l. Daily 7:00. 8:00 A.M. Confessions Evcl'y Saturday:4-5~d 7-S·P.M. Devetiolls:.-c Novena to St. Anthony-Tuesday 'at , , 7:00 P.M., (~!~glish) .
IN·.. A.
ORLEANS ST. JOAN, OF ARC CHURCH Sommer Masses at Orleans Theater - Route 61\ - Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00 A.M. 'Daily-7:30 A.M. Confessions: 4:00-5:00 and 7:30-8:00 P.M. Satur days at St. Jo:n of Arc Church
ST. ELIZABETH Masses::"Sunday-6:45, 9:00 and 10:30 A.M. Confessions:· Saturday 4:00-5:00 and 7:00..:8:00 P.M.
OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses:' Sunday-9:30, 10:30
Me!J'fhJ~<dID$t .C@nfe[j'®lJ'il~® t1)®~e®l\iltes.
first Meeting' '
ST. MAaGARET'~ _ Masses: SUl1day~:30, '8:00; 9:00, 10:00, 11:00,. ~ , 12 ·noon and 7:30 P.:M. Daily-7:00 A.M. . Oonfessi(}l1s: Saturday 4:oo-~:30 P.M. and-7:OO-8:3G . ·P.M.
_ .."' (' n.F. f j JlfF. "-itT
ODKeefe.. Di$~Q1l$$®~ El!:Mmenism
than "the kind of unity the world DAVENPORT (NC)-The divi Masses: Sunday-6:00. 7:00, 8:00. 9:00. 10:00, l1~O, sions of Christianity "are a kind would have." "AM. ancj.5:00 P,M. "Protestants have a feilowship of scandal, a stumbling block to Daily-7:30 A,M. the unity of all men," Bis}H?p in belief and love," he said, "'a Confessions: Saturday 4:00'-5:00 and 7:00-8:00 ·P.M. Gerald F. O'Keefe of Davenport community which strengtheJW }<'irst Friday Masses: 7:00 and 9:00 AM. has told delegates to the N-orth love. This is perhaps, something IR01.TTE 6 we lack." Iowa Methodist Conference. DAMlIEN COUNCIL, K OF C 1lJ1\1L1L The "long and difficult" joUl' Bishop O'Keefe, the first Cath Masses: 'Sunday-9:30 and 10:30 A,M. ney to unity must include dia olic Bishop to address the Meth logue, appreciation of eadi odist group, acknowledged that NANTUCKET church's tradition and a study of the Catholic· Church is a OUR LADY OF THE nSLlE "JohnnY'-corne-lately" to el~u the Scriptures, Bishop O'Keefe .Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:00. 9:00•. 10:00, 11:00, A.M. menism while' Protestants· "have ·stressed. 5:00 P.M. "Unless we are complete17 been working and praying for it . Daily-7:00. 8:00 A~M. open and honest with each other, longer." Confessions: 3:00-5:00 and 7:'00-'9:~ P.M., Bishop O'Keefe told the $GO we can accomplish nothing." SIASCONSET, MASS. lay f;lnd ministerial-delegates that COMMUNITY CIIAPEL • the first step tow.ard Christian . ~s: 'Sunday~8:15 AM. unity- is discovering what the .' .. PROVIDENCE (NC~ ,-"The church is. He' explain~d that the.newly formed senate .. of 'pr.iestIJ . OAK BLUFFS ., SACRED HEART Catholic emphasis -on the .church of the Providence diocese held iU as .a "social body .and visible . first meeting here with electiGa Masses: Sunday-6:30, -8:00, "9:15, }():30 A.M. structure" may place too much of. oHicers and the elIeeuUve Daily-7:00 AM. ~n structure rather committee.' CoDfessi(}l1s: Saturday 10:00 A.M. .aRd 4lOO-5:oo importance , . and 7:00-8:00 P.M. Devot~ns: Benediction-Sunday .at 7:30 P.M.
ST. VRNClENT'S lIJ[OME Masses: Sunday-6:45 AM. Daily-7:00 AM.
ST. BlERN AR[)'E: Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:30 AM. First Fridays-Evening Mass 5:30 P.M. Confessi,ons before every Mass
~@W(!! ~g$h(!)!p>
COMMUNITY' CENTER Masses: Sunday-6:45, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30; , 11:30 A.M.. COnfess'iohs: 'Saturday 4:00-5:00 P.M.
They are innooeRt victims. They bear no arlll8.
Hlmgry, ill fed and clothed, miserably sheltered at llest in the .past. they are now passive,' ... ~ pawns in a frightening tug of war.· - :
PROVINCETOWN ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 8:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.
V-ou know the work of the Catholic Near Eaft Welfar.e Association and its Pontifical MissIOn for Palestine, Nonnally. through your help, we give basic sustenance to Near East refusees . .
. Is' Idl '-"'~~'~" 'f.hfS yea.r's budget· )ap y.veftt.....'QSWT.....'8I8' stoc1ts ~f food;'clothlng' and medlcine-arl'4leHlIllltuHid.·. demy. e)lhaustee.
Masses:Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 12:00 A.M. , -Daily-7:30 A.M,· First Friday Mass-'-7:30-A.M. Ceilf1lSSions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 and 7:30-'8:30 P.M. First Friday' Confession on 'J;hursday 7:30 8:30 P.M.
T.omeet tllis crisis situation, we ImmedJetely Reed an additional $250,000 at least for present effIer~ies. Ws call upon you-urgently-to provide a truly generous share, so we can IJahten the burden of. these, the least of Christ's' br-eth ren, in the~~cIarkest hour. Please respond ,III once. May God bless you. .
SAGAMORE. ST. TIIERESA'SCHURCVlI Masses: Sunflay-6:30, 8'30 9·:ro.· 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Also Masses at 9:30, 10:30,_ 11:30 in Lower Hall of Church. ~nfessfons: ~aturday 4:(111-5:00 a!.d 7:30-8:30 P.M. First Friday. Mass-7:30 A.M. Confession on . Thursday 7:30-8:30 P.M. .
We ask your. prayers for peace and the end of suffering. We ask It In God's name.
D~votedly in Christ, Monsign'l" Nolan
ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Masses:· Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Daily 7:30 A.M. Confession:;: :::.aturday 4:(10-5:00 and 7:30-8:30 P.M. Fil'St Friday-Mass at 7:30 A.M. Confession for First Friday.on Thursday 7:30-8:30 P.M.
-.~'----~----------~-ED CO.
Dear tWonslgnor Nolan:
SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00 8:00. 9:00, l():15, 11 :30 A.M. Night Mass [or July .and August' '7:30 P.M. Bally-7:00 A.M. _ Conf~ssions: Satm'days and Eves of First Fridays .- 4:00-5:30 and 7:30-8:30 P:M. Tllrn to Page Five
SOUTH DARTMOUTH ST: MARY Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:00. 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12 noon. 7 :30 P.M. Daily-7:00-A.M. 8:00 A.M. Saturday ONLY CA>nfessions: Saturday 4:00-.'i:00·and 7:00..:8:30 P.M.
return coupon with your offering
NAI\tE,_ _.......
8TR£ET_ _...,..~ CITY
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., I
FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, Praldenl; .'MSGR'. JOHN Q.NOLAN. National secretary . Write: C"THOLIC NEftR EAST WELFARE Asaoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 T.elephone: 212/YUkon 6,5840
Rabbis' Criticism of Church 'Blackmail Pure and Simplt"
Thurs., June 29, 1967
Plan to Continue Work of Church In Hong Kong
By Msgr. George G. Higgins (Director, Social Actiol1l Dept., NCWC) Two ",ery prominent American Rabbis-Balfour Brick !mer of New York City, who serves ag Director of the Commission on Interfaith Activities of American Refonn·· ed Judaism, and Arthur Hert,zberg of New Jersey, who <l!lOntributes a regular column inter-religious understanding ~ the National Catholic Be ]tml"ter on current trends of unless you agree, in advance, support "our "side in the Is thought in the Jewish com to raeli-Arab conflict and also
munity - have severely casti gated the Catholic Church in the Untted States tol"its failure to lJl)eak out more 'rigorously 0 n behalf of Israel during her re cent war with the United Arab Republic and .tiler· Arab na tions in the tur iMllent Middle East. In their widely publi eilled criticism of the Church, both Rabbi Brickner and Rabbi Hertzberg seemed-to me, at least-to be arguing from the premise that the Israel-Arab. war was 1Il religious, not to say • "holy" war, and that conse quently the American Catholic "establishment" (Le., the Amer !ean hierarchy) was under some oort of moral obligation to sup Jl)Ort the Israelis without any reservation and to do so not m.erely as individual American citizens, but collectively and of ficially in the name of Catho licism and on behalf of the entire Catholic community in the U.S. The JIierarchy's failure to do _, they imply, is prima facie e¥idence that the Church in tile U.S. is, ~t best, a fair-weather friend Gf Judaism and, in spite .t certain appearances to the eontrary since the end of Vati ean If, Ras only been givmg lip service to the cause of Catho lic-Jewish understanding in mat tlern of common interest and ClOncern in the field of religien and civic action. Reluctantly-but Frankly Rabbi Brickner is a personal friend of mine. I have known bim socially and professionally iOr many years, and I hold him in high esteem as a dedicated religious leader and a very ef fective champion of'social JUS- lice. And while I have never had the pleasure of meeting Rabbi Hertzberg, I feel that ][ l)[now him very well from his writings, and I hold him ·in equally high esteem. Reluctantly, however, and with II heavy heart, I am compelletll ~ say-as frankly and as point ooly as I know how-that, in my judgment, their "what-have you-done-for-us-Iately?" criti eism of the Catholic Church' illl ~e U,S., whether they realize it 01' not, is a form of ecumenical 01' inter-religious blackmail. What Rabbi Brickner and lRabbi Hertzberg are saying, in effect, is that if the Catholic <Church in the U.S. wants to enter into a meaningful dialogue with the American Jewish com munity on religious matters, i~ llIIluSt first of all present itll uedentials in the form, of a nnational statement by the hier orchy in an all-out support of c:hle Brickner-Hertzberg tllesis WlIllt Israel's tragic war against flllle Arabs was a religious, not b ~ 0 "holy" war. Agree fum .&Ill vmnnro o c~her words, whlll~ ~<Cll7 ~ saying to the American mishops runs somethinG nn~ C1lo: You are not oW' mends- Dtd we, I:lS American Jews, eall1l ent enter into a. genuine dia 1l:geue with you An the ca~ 4lt'!
HONG KONG (NC)-Hoog Kong's Catholic Religious superiors assured Arch bishop Joseph Caprio, apos tolic inter-nuncio to China, that they will do their utmost to con tinue the work of the Church in this British crown colony despite the problems created by the vio lence and tension here the past few months.
agree to do so our terms and without any ifs, ands, or buts. Let me repeat for the record -point-edly and very empha tically, but with all due respect fOi" the obvious sincerity of Rabbi Brickner and Rabbi Hertz berg-that I regard this as a foml. of blackmail pure and simple. On Gr<HIJodtl 01 .Justice
Lest there be any questioa about (liwn credentials' OIl PLANNING FOR ECUMENICAL CONFERENCE: this matter, let me hasten to add Rt. Rev'. Henri A. Hamel, seated, "f St. Jean Baptiste that I was solidly pro-Israel ill Parish, Fall River, confers with Rev. Edward Oliveira, Our the recent war, and Said' so loud and cleall' at two public Lad,y Oti. Lourdes, Taunoon;'Sr. St. Louis, S·.S.J., Sisters of meetings during the early days St. Joseph Provincial House, Fall River; Sr. Mary Albertus, of the war. , R.S.M., Mt. St. Mary's, Fall River; Rev. Albert F. Shovelton, ][ did not, however, regard St. Mary's Home, Ney Bedford concerning the New England it as a religious, much less a Ecumenical Conference scheduled for July. "holy" war, and would have felt no obligation to take the side of ISI'ael on "religious" gr~nds if I had not been per suaded, on the grounds of jus
tice and intemational law, that her cause was basically right. ~111 ][( Rabbi Brickner and Rabbi Hel'tzberg think that the war Six delegates from the Fan as Orthodox Churches and the was a religious or "holy" war River Diocese will attend the Armenian Apostolic Church. :md ii they think that Israel , New England Ecumenical Study Topics to be discussed win is a religion and not a secular Conference scheduled for July . include Baptism, the Eucharist, state, tltey are l)erfectly fr-ee to 3-7 at Geneva Point Camp, Lake and· Witness and the People of say so. God. Winnipesaukee, N.H.
OR the other hand, they have
The theme of the' Conference,. Also partici1()ating will be Dr. absolutely no right to expect -rhe Witness to Christ ill our Cynthia Wedel of the National all of their Catholic feliow Community". win be discussed citizens-or, for that matter, an by more than 250 delegates from Council of Churches, Rev. Geor of. their Jewish fellow-citizens all the Archdioceses and Dioceses ges Florovsky, professor of pa tristic theology at the Holy Cross -to agree with them. of New England, together with Theological Seminary and fel They know, of course, much representativeB <Jf the Councils -low in religion at Princeton, and beUer tbaa I do that many of Churches, National Council Rev. Godfrey Diekmann, editor American Jews do not agree with of Churches, State Councils, the of Worship magazine. Tunm to Page Six Evangelistic: Association, ail well
Ecumenical Conference
Diocesan Representatives To Participate
Discussions on Witnessing Christ
The communist-inspired riets of a few weeks ago and current government counteraction tc leftist agitation have disrupted the normal activities of the colony. Archbishop Caprio flew here from Taiwan to meet with the 14 men and 17 women Religious superiors in this colony and to review their work and exchangt' views. Inerease Activities At the conclusion of the 001\ ference Archbishop Caprio said that "the trusting confidence of all present in your ability to carry on your religious, equca tional and welfare work in Honf! Kong impresses me deeply and adds enormous vitality to your endevaors." "I am deeply grateful," he said, "that all present feel that the Catholic Church, in the light of present circumstance~ and diffi culties, should not curb but in stead actually step up its activi ties in the apostolic and social fields." The 31 Religious had had mis sions in China under the CQffi munists. One Chinese priest said. "I have been liberated thret' times, so I'll try for a fourth time."
Building Contractor
Schedule for Summer Season
Continued from Page FoUli'
BASS RIVER OUIlt LADY OF THE mGBWAY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30,10:30, 11::'10 A.M. Conlfessi(m!!,;,_Silturdays and Eves of lFill"8t Irridla1lD '"1::Jlj:'::8 :30 P oM.
VINlEYARD HAYEN ST. AUGUSTlNB Masses: Sunday~6:30, 8:00, 9:15, llO:30 A.M. Daily-7::i0 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 9:30-10:30 A.M. and 4:30 5:30 P.M. and 7:30-8:30 P.M. ][)evotions: Sunday Evening Rosary and Bened!o tion at 7:00 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M.
ConfessiOOl3: Before Mass at G:SO P.M..
Masses: SUlIllday- 7:00, 8:00, 9:06, llO:@O. llt:@lJl"
12:00 noon and '8:30 J!".M. DaiUy-7:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 and '1:00-3:00 P.oo. ][)eVOtioM: Monday evenings 11 Maaa for hao::> and ServicemeJil l1t 1:00 P.Illl
Maslrefr. Sunday- 8:30, 9:30, ll$:£@ A.No
Confessions: Before MaSSeD
S'll'. ntlI'll'&
Masses: Stmday-8:00,' 9:30. llO:OO A.R>lL.
!Confessions: Before MasseOl
<!IJ1IJJ:l 11.&lD>11' «J)JF W1IJmlD>~ 8:00, 1':00, llO:ijij, 1211.:@{) A.M. lllIasse.o.lm. ChUl"C1l! JEltillll r j 9:00, 10:00, ll1I.:Q:1) A..llir. ~--3:6tl A.M. and First Friday ~ cl 8:Gt1 A.l;)l, 5:~ lP.ll I ~eBIliOlIW: SCiltW'day ~;30-5~ ~ ~;.;ro-B~ lP'..m? M~: ~W1day-7:00,
TRURO SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:00 A,M. Daily-8:oo A.M. Confessions: Saturday evening 7:30-8:80 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30,9:30,10:30,11:30
Daily-8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday evening 7:30-8:30 P.M.
M ~ Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00,
12:00 noon and 5:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. eollllfessions: Saturday: 4:00-5:30, 7:30-9:00 PM.
DENNISPORJ UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THIE ANNUNCIATION Masses: Sunday~:30, 7:30, 8:45,10:00, 11:15 A.M., 1:00 P.M. Daily-8:oo A.M. ~fessions: Saturday 4:00-5:30 and 7:30-9:00 P.M. WESTPORT ST. GEORGE Maasea: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Jl)aily--6:30 and 7:00 A.M. ~essions: Saturday 3:30 and 7;~O P.M.
WYman 3-6592
WOODS HOILlE S'll'. JOSlEll"1l! Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:00, 11:00 A.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. ©omessions: Satu~day 4:00-5:00 and 7:30-8:30 P.l\I1. 1NJ©~'ii'I}jJ
IFAILAAOlU1J'1XI (MegcmseW) lIR1ffiII.&C01IJl1&'ll'lE ([)«J)NCOlEll"'ll'l!I(])N DlllllWea: .SWlday-7:00, 8:00, '9:00, 10:CO, 11:00, :1.2 noon ~esslonD: Saturdays 4:00-5:(10 and 7:30-8:30 P.M. Ej)aw<oollollw: Benediction Sunday evening lilt 7:3@
{JC;Jf (J@k& (Ij@fiJPxJllf)oJ .
[}{]~~uD~@ ©Ol ; 1Oz=============-1
THE ANCHOR"':"-Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs. June 29, 1967
Cape Cod CeD'
Continued h'om Page One bim." She went on to point out tJiaIIJ in teaching the "Our Fatber;1!l 'Jesus called on God as FathEl!! Well, ·at last it has come. At long last. of all of us, not merely His owL She reminds ber pupils to bQ And the waiting has' been sOmething of a strain on mindful of this paternal re}a;. -tionship each has with the AI]!,., Ifllose who took the Pope at his word and decided to let mighty. him restudy the whole matter of priestly celibacy and, There is much talk and str~ guided by the Holy Spirit, make a statement on. it. This on changes these days, but ME&, he has done in an encyclical reaffirming the traditional Mac emphasized that the ne1l7: pl'ace of celibacy in .the lives of priests of the Western ways merely mean more com:. plete preparation of children iii rites. . an earlier age. The patience of many people has been tried by the· Religion has not been her 0DI5: veritable mountain of articles and books written in the contact with the young. Botti she and her late husband were last couple of years on celibacy. Some articles were seriou~ physical education teachers, ana proposals that this maMer, like every other matter of dis,. when they came to Brewster ~ eipline, should be restudied. All well and good. ' . years ago taught many a· gene»-> taion of Summer people ~ . But long' suffering has indeed been tried· by other to swim. articles thatajred the subject-some the juvenile u1Jterings :P hot 0 gap h 8 and poeJDfJ of priests with personal problems projecting. their diffi attest the affectionalte bonds re:. eulties uPon everyone else of .the brothers in.the priesthood; suiting from a happy' teachblill Ilome the second thoughts 'of men looking to .human answers life. for questions' spiritual .and supernatural in' s~ope; ..other8 . Mary McCormJCklivesiD • rambling old CaPe Cod bo_ the probings .of' those' -to whom the priest,he~etof~re .~ . oil picturesque· TUbman. RoOd.. man of mystery, had suddenly become : grist for .their.: . Its orchards and barns enclOSed amateur psychoanalyzing. and dissecting;' others: t~e.foolis~ '. . by' a neat white' picket fenee. mouthings of those whose thesis is that any·uninarried male' Here she is surrounded by &bit models, waterfowl carved by he ever twenty-one is eith~r .a freak. or unnatural.· busband, and his marine· paint Some articl~s on the 8~bjeet did the church a great ings. The floors are .' covered or booked. Ilervice, showing celibacy; not as a negative' thing. but' Continued from Page Five with Rabbi Brickner and Rabbi . with rugs she braided 'I .the free and willing ·acceptance of mature ~en so that they them in this regard-but that. Hertzberg too pointedly and too· She still leads quite an en'" . d God' 1 ta t t of is another. matter. . . brusquely and/or that do not getic life, takes care .of _ JY}ight better serve God an s peop e, a cons. n ac. 'Hierarchy's' Competence understand the depth of Jewish house, preparing fo~ fr~en. faithfulness and. dedIcation. But all too many of the' articleS . One final point. Rabbi Brick-. feeling with regard to the State who will be guests in comi!'J! were merely expressions.ofPersonal pique or, sadly, personal· ner and Rabbi Hertzberg would of Israel. . ". weeks, and can be seen rakhij tragedy and failure. All 000 many of the articles put the appear to have a' distorted and I must reSPectfully disagree on the 'wide meadow around htS whole matter on a na£ural and human level. when it grossly' exaggerated notion of . both counts. I think I can llID ·home. tall.'i the competence and power of the derstand' why Rabbi' Brickner . . Just· one thing she' gave . . 1 only make comp ete s~n8e oil a superna ur e~e.,· Ameiicanhierarchy ili'the field and Rabbi Hertzberg-and tIM!. recently and that is driving .. Pope Paul has .placedceHb~y in' its ~iihtfu~ place in' of' public policy, . whether do-. majority. of their co-religionists . car. "At 82,' your 'reactions are around the' world-are so deeply no longer as qUick as they ouiJl¥l mestic or international.' The' Bishops' acting' as" a' col- . committed" to ·the cause Of' • . 10,~ on a ~ghway .'~ the life of the priest'a~~ iti the life of. the· Church. It is , an act of love of God aJ.ld lov.e of people,. love "drawn from· 1eCtivebody; ~an provide"a' cer- rae!.. · . . . the purest'.'sourc~, practice4 in the imitation' of, God.and min measure of, nioral' guid~u'lce I sincerely honorthein'{6r 1lhiIl . Devotion to Mary, Christ, and no'less'th~n aily other genuine' love; is·demaJid-:-Od·such·.matters,"but·they e~commitment and woUld·expect:'· Frl ci . dei"hbo diiWi . d' 'al" .. ' '-, . " ' . . . . . ., ... Dot·force the conscience oftheu· them to expect Die·to·join with·, . • er.t s an .."n, ~,. rs, .... mg an re . . . . . . .... . ' . . .her to church. Over her bet) .. •. : people, and, if they .were io ~. them 10 supportmg Israel's right h" . . '.' t· ~ 0 T.~ . repu to·· ·tho~ tIt ' angs pIC ure VoL ur..,..."Y/ . . 110 do so, would be widely eXlSt , ~l.. . e or b'.m d . ran«:c, . of' 'Pera etual Help'; "Slie biiI
. diated. as a free and mdependent JDa. P .,. _-..&
." . 'My "own" guess"jil," by" the . tlon. .. , . , ,.....". ..succored me .many atHne ... has bung. .over my .bed ev~ way, that the majority' of 'Ainer-' .00tSpoken ':Ro~~ . plaCe i have lived since.' I ... It remarkable and good that thirty-six AmerieankagCatholics were substantially On the other hand;. r do not·.mariied.': .' ,:". business ']eaders-of all religious faiths-:-have left for" ~ro-Israel i~ the r~centwar. It think that they bave any right . . ' " O n ' IS also my ImpreSSIOn, .bowever, CbmnastlCl Career.' Vatican City to discuss wi~h Pope Paul :his encyclical .that they did notl'egard it as to expect me or anybody 'else '" , the Development of Peoples." . a religious or a "l1oly" war and· to make a religion out of 18 At her last birthday, fIie . . would have bitterly resented any rael or ·to canonize ·i1s leaders ·friend who usually drives bel' The encyclical called for international programs to attempt on the' part of the or its past and present polic.i~. to Mass was detained unex~ eombat the "scandal of glaring inequalities" between rich American hierarchy to represent This I simply will not 00 edly. and poor countries. it. as such in their name. period. To her great surprise a neigh There is an old saying, often I say this very bluntly, not to· bor called just then and offered Apparently these business leaders have taken .the. quoted by Jewish leaders at disrupt, but hopefully .to ad a ride. "Our Lady of Perpetual Pope's words seriously and wish to ask him how they can inter-religious' gatherings, that vance th~ cause of Cathollc-Jew Help knew how much itnieauli initiate practical steps toward the goals he outlined. And wherever you have two Jews, ish r~latlons. In other words, 1 . to me to attend Mass on thai you have three opinions, espe am firmly. persuaded that re-'. particular day and once mOlle they are men whose personal prestige and. business influ cially on matters. Of . public ~pectful, but outspoke~, honesty bad come to my aid." ence can make 'an impact 'upon the entire world. .. , 15 by far the best pollcy in the . policy. '. . . . Ditto for Catholics--except, as field· of inter-religious affairs. DIVlne Providence has shel~ . .Moreover, I' have reason to ed her through her long life.. The Pope's words have done with them wha.t his words I'have' already indicated, in the think that RabbI' Brl·ckner ~~d When she graduated from higli ~u. should do in all hearts-waken people to their personal case of the recent war in the Middle East. On this matter, I Rabbi Hertzberg agree with me sch,OO~! :Win~ing the h~adma&responsibility for the welfare of the \;yhole human race in this regard, for God knows ters pnze 10 gy.mnastlCS, bes' t ld t ld b repeat, it is my impression that f th and their ability, within their own sphere, to do some American Catholics were pro a er was 0 they themselves have been just I wou e 8IIl thing about it. Under God, all men are one. In GQd, each' Israel-but on their own terms. about as outspokenly frank as investment to send her to the they could possibly be in their. /!'l0rmal Sch~ol of..Gymnasties must do what is in his power to bring brother closer to Strangeny !Inconsistent criticism of the Catholic Church m Boston. HIS sacnflce was :roe brother and ail closer to their rightful dignity as GOO's What more do Rabbi Brickner for its alleged failure to do and :war~ed, fo~ upon graduation she children and all closer to God. and Rabbi Hertzberg really·want? to say the right thing with re- ~as Im~~dlatelY offered a teach Do they want the American gard to the Israel-Arab war. . mg posltlon at the school. .Later she operated the Broo. Bishops to compel all American Cath'olics to be pro-Israel on line M u n i c i pal GymnasiUDi . Funeral where age ranges from seven to somebody else's terms, or'worse Plan than that, do they want the Bish RO E ° 70 came to exercise. The gyIIl\ ops to pretend that they can Ite xperlment burned' down a few years ap" PATERSON (NC)-The Pat but is now being rebuilt, sP,eak authoritatively for the en tire Catholic community on this erson diocese is one of the few Summers she taught at HaP and related' issues in. the field Sees in this country selected to vard University summer schooJ. experiment with the new funeral the only one in the country oe of foreign affairs? 'If this is what they are real-· -rite. Word of the selection came fering physical education at thafl OFFICRAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ly' asking for, they are being to Bishop Lawrence B. Casey of time. Paterson in a letter from Arcb Dancing and apparatus WeAl Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River strangely inconsistent, for, un less I am badly mistaken, they bishop John F. Dearden of De her fields of instruction. She 410 Highland Avenue
would be a'mong the first to ob troit, president of the Natioilal was, to marry a swimming ject if any individual Jewish Conference 0:1' Catholic Bishops. _coach. They moved to New York Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151
agency or combination of Jewish where slie taught gymnastics .. agencies were to pretend to be The new rite is designed to New York University on Wasil. PUBLISHER
able to speak officially and au'" emphasize the theme of hope and' ington Square. Most Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., PhD.
thoritatively for the entire Jew-' joy in Christian ,death. It per Does she still swim and dance$'. " ~sh community on any matter of mits a broader choice of psalJrnS Oh yes, she still goes to Robin .GENERAL MANAGER' ASST. GENERAL' MANAGER I ,would arid Bible readings; proves Neck Beach on Cape Cod Ba.,w IIii public policy-including, · It. Rev. 'Doniel .F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. J~hn P. Driscoll b ope, the'Israel-~ra~ war.
'Brewster where she taugh. • ebanges in ~s during praY4~. many youngsters to swim. Support IIsraeI
MANAGING ..Dancing?.' "Well, once. . . . . '. , ., EDITOR ... . -. .'. _ :It· inay appear: to· some that· . in funer&.. homes, in church Qoo. ". HU9h. J... Golden ;... " "": , I have· stated .... wsagreemeDt, at ......i... ,.. ··'·while at a cbW'ch event...·.·
Says Rabbis' .Critici'sm' Blackmail
B,usineS8 Leader.'
• ••0,
Catholic Schoolfl To'" Seek Fundi
KANSAS CITY (NC) Bishop Charles H. Helmsing lJf K'ansas City - St. Joseph bas approved formation of a llay committee to organize an an-
Vincentians in' Attleboro, Brownsville, loIn, to Organize Twinning Program
THE ANCHORThurs., June 29, 1967
Yet another link has been forged between the Diocese of Fall River and Brownsville, Texas with the inception of a "twinning program" between members of the Soeiety of St. Vincent de P.aul in both localities. Since the appointment of Fall River's former Chancellor, Bishop Humberto S. Medeiros, as Ordinary of Brownsville, much interest has developed here funds already accumulated for in his two ye8lr old see. Many the purpose. Some $1100 have organi~ations have sent fi already been sent. nancial aid to the. area, and
Board fUes Suit Ag(Qiolrn~t ~~§ l~w TEANECK (NC)-By the slim mest of mar~ins, the Teaneck board of education voted to ini tiate a law suit to upset school bus legislation signed into law n month ago by New Jersey Gov. Richard J. Hughes. The board voted for the action 5 to 4. Pressing for the move was Mrs. Dorothy Pollack. ele(:ted to the board in Febru
D.ual school fund-raising drive mnong area businesses. Additionally, members will Businessmen will be asked to last month it was announced' write to Brownsville Vincentians l':1elp pay costs in diocesan paro- that Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, as on spch topics as works of par <mial elementary and secondary sistant superintendent of Fall ish conferences, social services achools. River Diocesan schools, would utilized, and reports of confer The bishop's approval was an- work in Brownsville for five ences, councilS' 'and special" ary. l DOu~ced· at a meeting of the yeats, aiding in development of. The Teaneck, board .intro~ucedl works. Catholic school board by Msgr. ' its '!lchool system..
,the resolution without prior no. Michael F. McAuliffe, superinThe Vincentian twinning pro WThry' Tllnfis' ll"ll'ojeee ' tice and did' 'not provid,e 'for a Cendent,of C;ltholic schools. , iecfhas been organized by Rev. Why are the 'Attleboro Vin- hearing, even 'thou'gh the' board ., ' , ''Il'he idea of. the committee· had (Ed¥itbnd L. Dickinson, chaplain 'centians committing themselves. had been one of th~ plost vocal .. ,'been under· .consideration by the ·,;:oif..::, th~ . Attleboro . Particular
to this patricular 'project? Fathet' ' ,supporters' for' pl.lbl'ic hearings board for about a month. Board
. :' Co~ci.l of the Society, and now I'ickinsort gives the -artswer: . 'when the bus ''le'gisiation wa~ •. ,p;!,ell\~l'lrs .Ju~Ian Knop~e, Msg.r. , assistant at St. Mathieu's Church, THERE IS· POVERTY :and 'We., before the State Senate: .. ~~rt,n ,ff.QeIlC~l and John M~rtl- f WID:River. . must contirw e .to. fe~d the h~n- , : Mrs. Pollack. 'sald' no' advanoo . • : i. p.~,~. ~w~f~; .l:l:pppmted t~ s~1,l4y. the ;':Father Dickinson' explains that gry and clothe the naked. announcement was made because feaSibility of estabhshlng the.' for' "some time the Attleboro THERE IS :M:ISERYand we it would bring out "the people oom~!ttee. . . cou~cii had· consi!iered twinning must give inspirilitidn 'a'nd hope: with an axe to grind." During It ·was a~so in line With, a rec-. with a needy council in Latin
THERE IS HEAVENLY RE- her election campaign, she had ommendatIOn made to the Cath- :. An).ercia, with aid consisting 9f
WARD and we' must 'strive to ' argued for open lines of con\mu Qlic sc~ool board by. John J . .' spiritual and' financial assistance obtain· it· for· others and fOr nication between' the· board of Mc~on?ugh, state c.halrman of . as ,well as an interchange of Qurselve!\.. '.' .. , ' ,,' ,.. ,educatiol). and ,the ~ublic. , " , I Cit~zen,s" ~of Edu~ati.onal ~r:e- , frt'Emdly information. There were ,"" d~m, " ~n, . ~rganIzation . which .,no ava\lable councils in Latin lFA'Jl'HIER DICKllNSON THERE : J~:, ,~'f.RJ!;D . AND, I Both ·the. president and, vioo ,, SELFISHNESS and we must re": president of the board of educa , ",~~<1~.~a,x IUd. to parochll~l. and! !.America;: however, and when .' ,Qrp,af!?"educ;ltlOn. .. ':Bishop Med~iros was appointed ing him to organize the society . place this I :\~I'ith I l<!>Ve. 'and inter- . tion voted' against the 'resolution 0St,. ... \: ,.; .:' ~'"'' ·.to test's constitutionality. ,'''' . : '. ,Save In Taxes .,. ",00 the. Br,ownsville Diocese with 'in,every parish, WITH GQD.'~ :aEa.. J.>:WE ~II,..r. ... The law reql,lir¥s.di;;~r:ipts,:Which ".. "The' American business com':'" itsll~Fge :Mexican,.America? P?p.,. '. Father Dickinson and Father ... m ti't t ·d·t! 11' has sup-'" ,, ulahonj.,It was . felt that twmnmg Junius exchanged letten clari~ SU~C:;:~~p. ,~~d .l~li, :rwinnin~ transport. chi~dre~. :t~, ,~ubllc fit y . ra I ona y Progra~ ,is indeed a 'v:ery efschQols to prOVIde tlie same serv ..d'• • pok-ted' education . and . shows: ' ~ ~o~d be f~asl ble' the:e... ' fying, the program and the Attle • I· ,.. ti f' tl ~ ... , . , ",Socnety OrgaDllzed .boro :coundl"began sending con- fecUve' way' oi'''!lchitlVlng. this' ,ice to children attending private everY In.!hca on 0 wan n~ Permission for the pro]'ect was tn·butio. ns to Brownsville' .from- success. ,.': ".' .. 1'-. , . ,schools. p,reviously," such stu .:...."'\1' rnd ... McDonough ad'Vised , re, . ' . . ,obtained. .from the Vincentian : ~ "Let us neve:!" for.get,"adds,' qents could only.. be. ~cc9mmo tile bljaFd. . '1 G eneraI 'III p ' and " . .' II F~th~r Dicki.nsqn,,; ~~tha~ we are, ,dated ,alo,ng .ex!sti~, ,public f' t ste. in' " Councl·. ans .. K~~p~e sa~d the I~ P,,, "Eather Dickinson wrote to Bish~W1m' 3'_' iIloft ~ members of a very. simple ChJ;is- school routes. 1J..1l%I)f \fiiillil' II ~IJ IbII Uan ' org~mi'zaHori" dedicatE!<! to . . . . . -I, I,:, .:' . ()~~a'l.uZI,hg th,e fund-ralsl~g ~om,:,.;; op,JlI1edeiros explaining the. plan nuttee 'Was to secure BIShoJ,), '"and: program. His Excellency the ot the, elementary ·IU,o·.nOIl'S ~elmsin'?'s ~ermission. ''T.he next replied that he would be happy duty of every Christian ~ see ... trn"1I"' IIll !Jteps Will mvolve workmg· out: to "receive this. mark of. inter MQN1'J.l.E:AL, (NC) - A good Christ in all' our 'fellow illiman 0/1,' ~.lL '.'" " ' t hand " to help' him in help:" . eSlUh mlD)r<tllr~an. a method to s:t up a commltte.e, est," and added that he had jusfl Catholl'c must be concerned W Ibeings and .the workl?g out of certam". appointed Rev. Bernard C. Juni man,' wit~ hi.s problem!\,.anxi- ing them to ·the .best of our. HAVERF,ORD,(NC)_JUt an. I;troblems, .for mstance, whetht:r. . us.' O.M.I. as Diocesan spiritual etif,l!i a~~ .bereav~Illents, Mi~czys-. ,.!ndiyid.ual, and cqllectiye ability... nual $1,009 s<;hol.~~ship· fQt: ,grad the campaign will exten~ to : cnirector. of"the Vincentians, ask-' .law cle .:aabi~!t.t, ,!iu~~secret~ry of solely because he has' told us uate study toward a master's deKansas City, Kan., archdIocese, _. the, Va.tica,n's World Covncil Oil! to do oo-an.d he is God." • gree in library.'·sHence· a\\i~rded be stated. Laity',.t91d.. il JP,.ee.ting at the Uniby the Catholic Library AssociaHe said business firms contrib; .. '~Ur~ge~ fr.CIlnciscans versity of Montreal. tion wiU be named for the late .He addres~.ed delegates to the Davelnport Finances Father Andrew'I;., Bouwhuis, S.J'. u:ting to the drive would' save A..4.Jl , ' 'iilrg'e' amounts in taxeS'compared lIY\\Ouerl1llZe r.alnlng·, ':''i 00 the"c6ht"of sending parochial .CHATEAUdUA¥(NC)-Fran-, .. Stu4y.. . .' flChool pupils to public if··· ei'scan . educators frOm' North wee1,(;,lQllg crPllVe ntion . ".' '. DAVENPORT, (NC) - Bishop had ~en .lit~r.a.r:iaQ .at. Canisill3 oome ,. Catholic schools wel'i!'.' :America were . urged . here. in ,H~ Siiid· that.,all.laymen, are .Ge~ald 'F:'O'Ke~fe 'of D~venport. '. College, B!-1ffal~, ,for. 20 years; furced to close. I , QUebec '~ updat'e theIr academic ~1l~,.t9,l apQstolicf . has anhoUriced l iirtplementatioD was president of the CathoUc '.,' "" , ': progtam' to conform to modem .' v~atio~, no matter what their of a policy designed to encouD'- Libary Association irorit '1943 to missi9ll with·. respect to: the age priests to continue profes- 1945, a membeJ;' of its, .executive Father ... annual FraJiciscan Cb,urcb . PI' .tlJ,e nature of ..their sional 'cliucati6ri: ' board J.'ln ~- 10 years ." and received , . . In a, 'letter'. to ,an diocesan ; a citation from 'the' associatioll Computer Experts" Educational. Confere?ce meeting. oontrilwtion. ~'Laymen are not a , '. .' . here exammed toPICS such as people..~part.but an integral part priests, the Iowa Bishop said in 1958 for "distiTQruished and VATICAN. CITY (~<?)-Po~' 'reotgainzation of the- philosophy of the Church," he'said. parishes and institutes have been unselfish leadership in Catholic ,Pa.ul VI rec~lved ,partICipants 1il' and theology' programs; develop Ii, the isocial milieu, the role authorized to. pay 'costs, up to $100 letter.s in librarianship." 'of all Catholics, is to· exercise annually! for, institutes, study ~e Int:rnatlonal Co.nference on·' 'merit of the person in semi "fraternal charity" in helping weeks and'conventiQns attended M~~aqlzedInformati?n, ~torage, "oailes,' moral theology in the . . )let~l~yal.and Dissemmatlo~, or- light of the Second Vatican others ,and sharing with them the by priestS.'" Bishop O'Keefe also stipulated gamzed by the International Council and Scripture in a total burdens of life. In general, de 0/' II' SYSTfMAm
lTederatiop for Informa.tion Proc- progra~. Habicht said "those who lack the that time spent ~t· such profes • '10 year .SAVINGS
0Ssing and the International F e d - · . means to lead a truly human sional meetings should not be 96 mouUlCr dC90slb requlrell
m'ation of Documentation. Some 70 deleg~tes from Spt life should be sought out and counted as part of a priest's va 0/ 1I fNVESTMEU Among those at the audience U. S7 two Can~dIan and ~hree cared. for by. a truly Christian cation time. were professors from·the United MeXican FranCIscan prOVInces charity." . • '10 year SAVrNU lro !fa" (l~I;:e \'or II'lthllTllWll:l States, the Soviet Union and we~ told- by, Father Colman
llIungary M,a)chrzak, 01' .M., of St. Fran . '. Ci!l College, Burlington, Vt., that
Seek Opinions . The Pope ~~d: .seminarians should be exposea
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The . eoyQl,lr a~tI~Ities ~mploy the , to the, many contemporary phil
. most. sophisticated mstruments Osophical movements. He also new archdiocesan Council of solicit suggestions yet inyented by man but yoUl"' sJiid th,at the "future priest must Priests final results wi~ .d~pe?d upon .undep;tand and appreciate what for iinp~vingpastoral work . ~e ~f1:Ith of t~e mItlal mforma- others in our pluralistic society from all, the ,clergy of the Phila IIaIJ'lIle lay ¥ail
~onyou furnish to your, com- Blre thinking, saying and doing. delphia a.rchdiocese, announced J)utel"S Co >I> • ' . the chairman, Msgr. Frederick J. W0 lPillly 1T1he Postage
". ... b ti I ' 'f.hat means, m turn, that·he must Stevenson., here. A special com PRDNTIED AND MAILED Hence you ?'U... e re eso understand himself and his en mittee will receive the recom • SO!,ml W"RMOUVIli • HYANNIS and sc.rupulous. In the search f011' vironment profoundly." true mformatIon so that the Writs or I?lhone 672-1322 mendations, but priests can also • 'lrARPof!lU1r9 SHOPPING PLAZa fruits of your labon and the BP make suggestions to their coun 234 S~oll'l~ Street - Fall River , ~tions of your machines mat cil representative at any time, ~nsltdhde to Hear • iJlEL'«~8S I?9RT • OSTERVIW llPe useful, profitable and ad van Msgr. Stevenson said. [liSS(LIJgt~ of Survey flageous to mankind." NEW YORK (NC)-Results 01Il ~lflllllllllllfllllHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllimlllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllll1I11111111111lf'§ a survey on. attitudes ot' young Trinity rant people toward religious careers, § A. Hit § WASHINGTON (NC)-Trinlty a dialogue between Protestant eoUege here has received Ii deaconesses and Catholic Sisters, $24,000 institutional assistance lind a discussion of the inner city grant from the U. S. Office of will be among the topics cov Education, Sister Margaret ClaY""1, ered at, the 17th annual Institute cion, college president, an- on, Religious and Sacerdotal Vo ~73 CIENTRAL AVE. D.ounced: The grant is for support "cations at Fordham University, §=_= ~Caslh .and, Cqrry Only) ,iJf the prospective teacher fel;'; "'July 5 and 6. ,.:99.2-;6216 l.qwship 'program in American·" . Father George 'Malone,... S.J., I 'b'lsto~y. Under this plan, studenta, .. professor. of oriental theology at § ~ =: ~.prepar;in!: for teaching iD fn.:,,,. ~ '~~n)CXm .CeQ.ter .at ~ord &iEDF.ORD § UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN Tel. 997.935. § I1er city .schoo~ on the ilecol,\d- ham, will discuss~el~giou.s yoca-, = . . ". . . . , .tevAr~ ... ... ". ".11' tiooa amolll: Eastern ·CIfristiana. . !imtIlIllIIH!IIII11I11t1I1fUIIIIIHIlIIIIIIIIIHllllllllflllllllfllllutIlIUUWlmltl!llililllllllllllllllllllll!lIlllllllIllIlIllE
Il '
,@rt.. "'o,f:·'Church
Sd,o~tmlr~lL~rn J
f~~. ,.~ri~~ts
B:~:~~t d~~~ ~:l~~~: ~~t~~
A.d'y;~iSS·' :~~:- ~th
5 50
5 00
4.50% V:V
Bass River
Sav;n!j's Bank
! live Chicken
I= =
"" ;NEW·..
· a'c·'Le"an's· M " ,
,THE ANCHOR-Diocese of
Spend Vocations'
Fan River-Thurs. June 29,1967
Aiding Church
Herre Are Practical Rec~pe's f'orr Neighbor-Aiding -Foods
, NEWARK (He) - ThiJ1eer;( families from North Jersey wiD sPend their two-week Summer vacations, doing volunteer work: in parishes in the South under sponsorship of the CbristiOO Family Mission Vacations JliUI""
By Mary Tinley Daly Examplee of the "good neighbor policy" practiced, eponianeously and sans fanfare when our daughter Mary and her three-day-old baby returned from the hospital, mentioned in this column recently, have aroused interest .. readers, with requests for "'more specifics." Says one small throw-away jar and trot leader: "You recall that you the. whole business 10 your always used to 'send still an ne1t~~~ season f1f the year,
ether richly iced sticky cake.' il'hat was my idea, too, of send log something
Ion w hen a
Deighbor was in II bin d. Then I was in a bind, 1I0t with a new baby (I'm long past that stage) but with a hus band' who re qui red my ,conIltant attention lilfter a heart' attack. Well, did we ever get 'sticky cakes'.' and by the half-dozen! "Oh, I appreciated the well wishes behind those cakes, but honestly, Mrs., Daly, we just couldn't use them. Too rich .for my husband, and I was in DO eake-eating mood." From another reader:. "You dismissed in one brief para,.. graph what actually these youn'g 'good neighbors sent 'in to tide your daughter over while she was regaining her strength, the dinners 'not too spicy for a nurs ing mother, not too rich or exotic for children.' Also, you men tioned that that there was little in the way of dishes or pans to be returned, HOW, for inst.ance, do you bring in Italian spaghetti without bringing it in a pan, or an 'all-encompassing casserole' without the casserole?" Double IDinners Others asked about "d~uble dinner" recipes, food suitable for lunch left-overs 'the next day, other "good neighbor" examples in the food line. Guess I was vague, a fault the Head of the House has noted often, and I didn't mean' there were no pans, no casseroles to return, lljmply the returnables were not. fancy, easily break abies. As for the double dinners: . make the Italian spaghetti' in t;luantity enough for your own family plus the amount needed for your neighbor. Take the' give-way portion to your neigh- . bor's kitchen, put it in one of her pans for reheating. Send, or preferably take. the prep~red' easse.role, heat 10 your nelgh bor's oven and send one of your ehildren to pick up the empty Casserole later. Or, make two meat loves with brown roasted potatoes, one for your family, one for theirs. Wrap theirs in aluminum foil, ready for re-hel}ting in their own'oven. Salads? It's' almost as easy to fix a double portion of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, shredded' earrots, celery for two families as it is for' one. Put the gift salad in a plastic bag, dressing in II
chicken salad ean no longer be considered the solace of "one who 'knows not what else to order"; it's a honey, welcome anywhere. Recipe: steam chick~n, any amount of chicken, with sliced onions. When cool, cut meat in cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice or white vinegar (keeps meat firm and delicious), add an equal amount or less of diced celery. Mix with mayon naise diluted with a bit of vine gar or lemon juice. Season, toss and you have chicken salad worthy of anyone. Served on. a bed of lettuce with tomato slices and hard cooked eggs; with potato chips, it's 'a dinner, a luncheon,or,what ever, one that is both no~rishing and, eclat. Whatever's left over, .if any, can be spread' between two slices of bread, toasted or untoasted, for luncheon or a bed time snack. 'Salmon Q~ickie'
As to casseroles, anyone who
gram. The volunteers will leave d~ ing July and AuguS,t and serve in Paintsville and Corbin, ~ . ~orton, Ya.; Frenc:h Settleme",La.; and BUford, S.C. '!'hefr work' will involve home ~sits, eatechetical programs, ~ camps and manual labor. At Bu. ford they will do Cana Confer e,?ce work for personnel of tbe Parris Island Marine Corps Re cruit Training Depot.
"An volunteers will be accoJDoo »anied by their children, wiUl the families ranging in size from two to six children. They will also be accompanied by teeD agers who have volunteered tQ baby-sit. ON JAPANESE RAD][O: Momoko Kochi, 'a top tele-: vision' and radio star in' Japan, is narri;ltor for the Good Shepherd Movement's "Light of the Heart" and "Smile of the Sun" radio programs. Produced by Father Jan-ies·· i F.Hyatt," M.M., right, the' daily, fjve-minute shows are broadcast for a 'record total of 1,545 minutes each week over the Japanese n~tworks. NC Photo.
has ever worn an apron knows that they spring from the imagi ~ ~ By MARlILYN R O D E R I C K ~ nation, emerge from whatever is' available in refrigerator or pan try and are almost universally Per acceptable. Yearr Terry cloth has emerged from ·them into patterns for after-bath For a basic, we go back to our favorite cookbook, "A Little Bit ,the linen department and en- - sarongs, ~o and fro beach cover tered the clothing department. ups and even smartly chic host of Butter," that small but sophis Especially in the field of sports'ess gowns. In these patterns, two ticated tome and its "Salmon or more towels of the same de Quickie" submitted by Lynn wear, the shopper will find a large selection of garments made sign are cut and stitched accord Bureau Morrison: of .this absorbing- to instructions and 10 and 1 large cream of celery ooup ent textured behold the beauty that once C mayonnaise material, and graced a towel rack now graces ¥.i C milk no longer does you. Only on you it looks bet ¥.i C Parmesan cheese · it exist only in ter. I"large can salmon the " p r i s tin e This marvelous terry cloth is (ERTIF~CA 1 box frozen green beans white that we not limited in its use to· only I 4-ounce pack noodles • $1000 Multiples, held for are so used to, the' female adults of the liouse 'I, onion, 'Six Months or Longer" hOld. Its ·valuable properties of Combine the soup, mayonnaise, but. it can be warmth,'wa'shability and absorb milk and shredded cheese. Stir obtained in a • Dividends paid twice yearly, ency make it a favorite of the in the salmon, beans and noodles variety .of lush • No Notice Required -for , nursery set-especialiy the ptop- . (both of which have been . colors and vivid Withdrawal erty of absorbency. Many of'the cooked) and onion. ·Toss well. p~in~. .If you are a. home .tiny. jump suits that have become • 'Dividends not subject te' Pour into a' 1 quart casserole . Mass:"income Tax' ' and bake for 25 minutes at ,325 '. sewer, most pattern eompanies a favorite of mothers are made are 'carr)ling a wid~ vari~ty of 'of .thisniaterial and bathing suitS degrees. Flavor blend Of this is great; ·Summer patterns us10g thIS ma-. and terry hooded beach: jacketS . : .' k~p baby. warm and dry even you can substitute ~una or chick ·terial. One 'company ~as desJ~s for, .. w,hjle . he's ,'enjoying Summer en for salmon; add buttered ., breadcrumbs for fancy topping. beach cover-ups 10 terry 10 long surf and fun. or short lengths. Many of these Let imagination and friendli ·designs have an oriental influ ness come to your aid and your ence possibly because, this type: New Book Describes neighbor's! • , , of cloth lends itself to draping and large' loose sleeves. Obi Polish: Aid to Jews , sashes complete this particular Per design line of patterns 'and they BERLIN (NC)-A new book describing the aid many' Polish Veair appear as if, they would be the perfect thing to use over a chilly" people gave to Jews during. the Second World War has been' NORTH ARLINGTON (NC)- wet bathing suit, while at the , same tl'me the total effect ap-' issued by a Cracow Catholic Mrs. Claire Flaherty of Queen . h ouse, Znak. '. . pu bl',lshmg of Peace parish in this New peals to the eye. Jersey community .has been This revolution in the towel~ng . The principal aim of the book, You may save any amount. named "Woman of the Year." industry has entereq the fashions 'according to Jerzy Turowiez, any time when' you have Cl for the bath field; and' now as editor-in-chief of the Cracow Regular Savings Acc,ount. Old Mrs. Flaherty, 71, is awidow. never before your towel ward Catholic weekly, Tygodnik,Pow The mother of three children; robe can be colorful and smart szechny, is to dispel the idea in Fashioned Pass Book fle~ibi!ity. Mrs. Flaherty still is active in ly designed. The Spanish influ many, publications of the ~ West SAVE BY MAIL Dioces,an Nun~ Prepare Church and civic work, despite ence in home furnishings has in.:. that the nazis could not have ' Weprov,ide Postage-Paid envel her age. She is responsible for spired the l,inen designers to carried out their 'extermina,tion establishment of this state's first carry this over onto their 'draw'; of the Jews in 'Poland without opes .for convenience. Specity, !For Apostolote type of account. dental clinic for children here ing boards and the result. has active help 'from the Poles. , .ATLANTIC CITY '(NC)--The during· the depression era. ,,' - been compeiition among the In a front-page. article in the' muns, of the Camden diocese win " attend an' orientation program, Mrs~ ,Flaherty does voluqteer toweling ,companies to' see who Catholic'" .weekly, Turowicz . here Saturd~y to prepare for work with blind people for the could create a line of the most 'claims ,that the book gives their work in the Summeroocial MouiIt' Carmel Guild and is a 'elegant and beautiful towels. almost complete picture' of, the:
apostolate. member 'of the executive' board ,SaJl'ongs ' ' aid arid assistance given to Jews ' The riuns plan !l, coordinated of the Essex~Newark -District of . As the old saying gOes, ~one" 'by .individual Poles: It' eUec effort in the sl)cial work fieid. the Archdiocesan Council' Of . 'thing leads to- another," so the' tlvely qu1sh'es attempts to: make: They will work .with anti-pov Catholic Women. She is a former designers,of patterns, upon'view- Poles.:, co·responsible for ,the, erty groups on such' projects as president f1f three ': Catholic ',ing the lovely new designs in, 'tragic fate ,of, the Jews, Tu;owicz' ,pre-school education, remedial ~omen's organizations and spear..-towels, ,decided that they were said., ,The ·book claims' that in , Ioitb Main Street" " , 148B.A.fl. . . . . . .. .. work with deprived children and headed a town-wide clean liter-' : much too lo:vely for jU'st'dry-h'1g i942-43 , alone· ,20,000 Jews, were " "";!-'- ~ child-care ~,vices. ature camp p ' on~ off and they, incorporated· hidden by Poles ill Warsaw. Ii•••••••••••••
':Now Earn
Veterans Name Woman of Year
THE ANCHORThurs., June 29, 1967
Now's' Time. for GardE~ner
Nun to Direct
To Move Spr;ng Bulbs
Child Centers
, ,. By JosellBllt aQd Mall'nllyn Roderick From time to time it maY' happen that you find your i3pl'ing bulbs dwindling in performance and feel that they Mould be moved or replenished. Tulips and daffodils be gin to dwindle after several yeaK"S in the same place and lIOOletimes benefit from b0
mg moved.. I move tulips after three of four yeaR'S in I!)roer to make room for il
berry bushes show promise of
MIAMI (NC)-A nun who Yasi year was the center of a contro versy for wearing her religious habit while employed, by the federal government has been ap pointed to organize and direct new Child Opportunity Centers in Dade County. Sister Marie Infanta Gonzales, an Oblate Sister of' Providence of Baltimore, became the first member of a religious commu nity to se~ve as director of a fed eral anti-poverty project"' In Florida. tn June, '1966, she be came head of the Culmer Day Care Center, operated' in' the heart of this city's Negro district by the :E;coriomic Opporiunity Program, Inc. (EOPI). Later that month, members of the Dade County' anti-poverty
board and the Florida Chapter
of the American Civil Liberties Union charged that public funds were being used to "propagate m religious faith." But m court suit threatened by ACLU never ma terialized. The Office of Economic Op portunity in Washington, where Sister Marie Infanta organized and directed a Head Start schooJl in 1965, ruled last September that the nun could continue to weai." her religious hablt. Now the local EOPI office here has' announced that Sistei'" Marie Infanta has been assigned 16 plan and direct two new pre school child care centers in Na ranja and Homestead, about lIO miles south of here.
an abundant crop. AU seems
right with the world, at least the worlc' of good eating. Rhubarb is one of the most [jOOd. time for moving bulbs. versatile of the spring plants, lIf y<\u, know where your bulbs 'delicious when teamed with are and· if their foliage hllO·· 'raisins or strawberries in a pie I:ipened sufficently so that llt, fsl· but equally good 'when all you !ready to be removed, it hi a 'do to it is stew it. One of our oimple matter to dig them up. favorite ways of cooking the ten They will remain relatively dor- der pink stalks of this plant is rnant until next Spring, so mov- by baking it in the form of Q rng them will have no effect on pudding. All one needs to do to tfueir perionnance.· The pro- turn out an aromatic dessert 02dure for caring and storing.iD this way is to layer one inch fAlimple and is as follows: pieces of rhubarb, sugar, and After digging the bulbs oot 02 bread crumbs (generously dotted the ground, give them a good with butter) in a buttered bak hosing to remove loose soil. Thitl dish, place it in a 375· oven foil' will also hopefully remove any- 40 minutes, pass the whipped grubs or insects clinging to them. 'cream and wait for the compli Then set them out in the SWlI. ments.
~r two or three days to dry. Raspberries are another bless ][f you are very efficient, you lng of the garden, but very few might label them according to of them' manage to find their ~lor or if you are intending ~ way into: the house. ChildreIm !Jet out a mixed planting, ~ust and berry bushes seem to have lhy them out in flats as you 11 magnetic attraction for on~ wash them. When the bulbs are another and during the berC1' thoroughly dry they should be season small heads can just be IIPrinkled with a fungicide and glimpsed between the canes and. lin insecticide In preparation for before the berries have a chance IItorage. Check over the indi- to announce their arrival in the Yidual bulbs for insect damage- garden,' small hands haw . . rot before storing and the job ~lanned: their departure. lis completed. This year I would like to be 11 In OnloD Sacks '"mean mother" long enough 1n Jr usually store my bulbs ftl woo a' couple of small baskets ~ion sacks, which I hang from into the kitchen and into a berC1' the rafters in the cellar, and X pie. The very first pie I ever have never bad 11 problem with attempted after I was married drying; but you may find it m«ma was a raspberry cream and both eonvenient to pack bulbs in iIoe and I thought it fit for the lllamp excelsior or sand. Person- gods. llUy, I think the less watel'-1he,. I'm sorry to say that over the are subjected to the better be- years I have misplaced the . .use of the danger of fungM recipe and I have yet to find .feetion. one as good as that very first Tbe bulbs may be planted 10 one. Of course it may have been the Fall just as tulips are usually the fun of making a pie for a new planted. I don't bother to sepa- husband may have made this IIOte the bulbUs, the small bulba recipe seem better than it actu .hich grow at the base of the aily was; I'll just have to keep lat"ge central bulb, but these looking until I come across it May be planted individually and again' and this time I can judge will eventually produce large its worth with a more jaundiced. Iulip bulbs; The flowers which Gye. . ~ult from these transplants are Whatever the fruit may be that !lever equal in size to the originall you favor, the season when ilt blooms butJf planted in out ~ can be ,picked fresh or bought . e way places they are charm- iresh is the time to enjoy it an log and worth saving. you can. Frozen and canned In the Kitehen varieties. m,ay ~ell have to serve The feeling of well being per- during wintry months, but theJ' liIleates the kitchen at this time ~ will never replace the thrilil of ~3r. As the garden harvest beeating your first strawberC7 m. lfi,ns, the larder seems to over- ,.June or your first raspberry ']a flow. In my refrigerator at this .July. IIlOment there reposes a full basThis is truly 1m old-fashioned! lEet of the largest plumpest shortcake recipe and one I keep .rawberries imaginable, jl:lSt coming back to J1lCI) matt~~r how :waiting to be crushed with sugar many othe~ I try. _d wedded with cake and cream IiTRAWBERRY SHOR~A.Jl(lI
lID order to become the tastiest IIbortcake possible.
! cups flour '
Along with the berries, m,. ~ cup sugar "
.-oler contains a large water
4 teaspooN! ba'kmg powdel!' -.e!on llnd a smaller but equally ~ teaspoon salt tasty honeydew. The rhubarb ~ % teaspoon'nubneg ll&ill sending forth its red lh cup butter *eaked' shoots and the ra~ 1 egg,well beaten 1f.l cup milk 1) Sift together the ftOlJllI', BenediCtine Sisters sugar, baking powder, salt and Adopt New Habit nutmeg. 2) Cut in the butter, using 11 J:i:LIZABETH (NC)-The Ben pastry blender, until it is illl very ~ietine Sisters of Elizabeth have ltIdopted a new simplified habit. small particles. 3) Add, the beaten egg and According to Mother Cornelilll, t!i).S.B., the use. of the habit !s milk and· stir just until blended. 4) Turn batter into a well ~tional and it is being worn buttered· pie plate or iron skillet ~perimentally for the first yell!!' (if you have one) and bake in Q l§;y the New ;Jersey nuns. The new habit is easieli' 00 450° oven for 15 mintes. Ii) Split the shortcake as soon lIlUlintain and eliminates ple~ta as removed from the oven and iIIDd flowing sleeves. A turban .bich sits back off the forehead butter each layer. Place togethei!' Itas been substituted for the old with strawberriell crushed witlhi. Daead-piece and veil, and flbe 'sugar and· toppetU' with r.»M :whipped "eam., ~e.v hal beoA modWeQ,
Dew supply of bulbs. This b a
1 I I
SPECIAL FACULTY: Brother Louis Spinata of the Sons of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Verona Fathers) dis tributes Holy Communion, because there are not enough priests to serve the many Catholics ~n the diocese of Bujumbura, Burundi, Africa NC Photo.
Asks Best Teachers Prelate Says Most Personable E~ective In Religious ~nstrudion Classes
MILWAUKEE (NC)-A priest mvolved in youth work suggested here that' school principals reserve their most personable teachers for religion teaching. The reason for this, said Msgi'. Alexander O. Sigur, is that the person of the educator inspires faith in the young. "We communicate by signs, symbols, selves," Msgr. Sigur stated. "Youtbknows this: 'What you are shouts so loudly that I cannot hear what you are teaching or preaching.' Man iii man's only way to God." Msgr. Sigur told a study con-' ference of Catholic secondary school administrators at Mar..; queUe University here that he spoke from 15 years' experience as director of the Newman cen:" ter at the University of Southwestern Louisiana. The administrators came from 35 states and the District of Columbia. He said that a good religiQUS educator is one who is understanding, patient, inquiring, personally involved, evangeli cally simple, and who vibrates
with enthusiasm for Christ and
His message. Moreover, he is not afraid of the questions and uncertainties his students express, Msgr. Si gur said. Nor is he ll'fraid to ex Pi'ess his own uncertainties. As a community, classmates in religion open up to one another and search, with a "let's go to gether" technique, the priest stated. , Msgr. Sigur said religion is a "dirty word" to the "betrayed many" who criticize high school religion courses for their repeti tion, "particularly rote, without redeeming insight or relevance," and 'for conveying the notion of religion as rigor rather than of 'Christianity as' a liberating and .loving 'experience. "iJ:igh' school religi()fi needs aggiomamentofor the- yoUng who need their Christ incarnate where they are-not :In books, buildings or in bigness," Msgr. Sigur said. "If He Is a person, then they can love Him who is love."
Confirmation Numbers Suprise Czech Reds VIENNA (NC) - Communist authorities in Czechoslovaki11 have been amazed by the great numbers of young people who have taken advantage of a recent relaxation by the government pennitting Confirmation cere monies. News coming out of Czecho slovakia reports that childretl and young people by the thou s~nds have presented themseivel for Confirmation depite the su& tained efforts at atheistic instrue tion in the schools and youth organizations. It has also been learned thi:ti the seminary at Nitra has been given permission to accept new candidates for the priesthood. Forty .candidates, including some of older age, have applied for' entrance to the seminary but only three have been permit~ to enter.
• • • • • • • • • • • • u • • • •,
Cross Diocesan Lines 1l'G Give Sacraments
NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Bish @y;)s of the province of New Or leans, which besides Louisiana also includes parts of Arkansas,
,Alabama and Mississippi, have
given pennission for priests of
the New Orleans archdiocese to
preach and administer the sac
rament of Penance in their dio
Archbishop Philip M.' Hannan
oi New Orleans has gra'nted a
similar privHege" within the
boundaries of his see to diocesan.
and Religious 'priests from other
dioceses in the' province.
Included in the- province of
New Orleans are the ,dioceses of' Baton Rouge, La.; Lafayette, La.;
Alexandria, La.; Little Rock,
Ark.; Natchez~Jackson, Miss.;
and Mobile-Birmingham; Ala..
as well as the New Orleans arch diocese.
WYman 2-4862
DEBROSS OIL co. Heating Oils and Burners
• II
Anllmmversa ry
Thurs., June 29,
Continued from Page One. )peace, both for the world ~~d lIor {be Church, will contir:lue '. to ,be a major concern of the Pope. His .ellsential r6Ie;! reiigious leader has brought h~IJIl to' intervene countless times m - beseeching for and' proposinC : plans' for the .ceasing of con: ':flicts, which have divided' men and' mations in bitter combaw.,
Continued from Page One ' fu~erals and burial~, as, ~~il as to, distribute Communion and bx:ing ',~ ViaticUlll to.t4e, sick..,:- read the Scriptures, P.I:-e~~:' -: sist in ,the 'administratiOn~1-:" parish an'd w'ork with the lay 1 apasj;olate, In general, most 'of these func,.. tions ,are to be carried out when a fully ordained priest is not available and it is presumed " that deacons will be 'first' \1tj 'Jized .in missionary :,cti.Ubti:ies such as' Africa or in" COUll' , deserately sh'ort ot priests, ::SUc.~ , as those of Latin Amenca. ,
as a
Not conte~t with general ~ peals for peace-especially iI:l Southeast Asia-the Pope hlllll written directly to leaders OD both IIi des and has receiveell .em~isaries from the' U,S,S'.& 'iu~d'()ther leading nations of,·the world, Relief of the refugees 'and the deprived has also been a fatherly concern in all "wars".
Msgr, Mario Pio Gasprid," an 'official of the Vatican Secretariat • Within the Church, the Pope"D of State, who assisted 'in 'the 'activity has been especially: drafting of the regulations, told striking in the fields of ecumen a press conference in Rome 'that ism, liturgical reforms, lay aPOB it would be wrong to think of MISSIONS CARPENTER: John Wirth, 25-year-old carpenter and former U. S. tolate, international justice anell the-restoration of the permanent Navy petty officer of Belleville, N,J., receives godspeed from his archbishop as he peace, restoration of the dia diaconate o~ly in terms of an conate, renewal of religious ' life. attempt ·to compensate for a j,s about to leave as a lay volunteer .worker in· New Guinea. With him are, left to right, reform of pentiential discipline. shortage of priests. Father George Mader," director, Newark Liaison Placement Office for Volunteer Law Per- priestly life and ministry, the Instead, he said that is should sonnel; Archbishop Thomas A. Boland of Newark; anI:] BishopJ9hn J. Cohill, S.V,D.; re role of bishops in their dioceses be - remembered that' "without ,cently consecrated by Arch~ishop Boland f or th~ diocese of Goroka, New Guinea. . and in the central government oil the I permanent diaconate the. , the Church and in missionary L -' Church is not expressed in its I fieL . activity hierarchial fullness" because"" , • ~e~ ~acy It)~ 'Num~rous apostolic constit1lll this order and office,.;\Verc es-:" ' ,, ' ' 'tions, motu proprio and instrue ",!l~nt\al parts of,t,he,.Chu,rc~,.from "tionsbave pressed for the imple ~,its earliest tim~~., .:'"",.', ,: . " "mentationoftheVaticanCouncml Continued froin Page One sacraments, the institution whi~h 'inerits 'supporting "th~'. aril'lHmt, "'in' every. sector. , :,,;, . Although. the order, of deacon has continued to' be .. conferred faithful observance of her own must study the true roots of the sacred and providential present At the Elnd of the fourth yeu, " ,t1Jroughout the centuries" even tradition (priestly celibacy). problem," . law of priestly, celibacy." Msgr., ,Pqpe...Paul .s~ll has m,an~, ou~ ".to the present, the' office"of dea- And it is unthinkable that for, The encyclical next considers Garofalo noted that ,the Pope", standmg prOJects whIch' have , .eon gradually declined' 'J'ntH it ,centuries she' has followed a the charge that celibacy does cites the Bible 107 times in the " be~'l- awaited for a long time: ""became in effect'. the"n'ext to path, which, instead of ~avt;lring violence,to nature, course of the encyclical. '" th,e promised stat~ments on the "'last'step to ordination as 'priest. the, spi-ritual richness of indi "After what science has now In the second section of the' problems o~ family plan~ing .However, it· has carried in. the. vidual souls· and of, the people ascertained it is not just to' first, part, the encyclical ex a~dPOPulatlOn, the r~orgamzaWestern Church the obligation'of . of God" has in some ,way com continue ,repeating that celi amines the historical aspect of tlOn of the Roman Cuna, eelibacy. . ' ,. promised it, or that she .has . bacy I'S' agal'llst n'ature because J't celibacy, While noting that ceJi D' th fifth th , ' w i t h ' arbitrary juridical 'pre. . urmg e year, eft In this regard the new regu runs cOllnter to lawful physical, bacy is not required for priests looms the' September meeting , scriptioris stifled' the free. ex-, t b d" . d' f th ']ations make separate provisions psychological and affective needs' 0, e 'or ame or e Eastern . of the synod of Bishops, a new :lIor unmarried and mar'ried men, pansion of the most profound re-. or t'o clal'm ·that a' completely . rites,' the Pope al,so paused 10 . t .. "'- , alities "of nature arid of grace," expenmen sprJngmg from, ..Unmarritid men may be ordained matUl:e human personality de express "our esteem and our Vatican Council which will, seek ""'rmanent deacons at the age of cyclical. On .the insists .practical m'allds' fulf'I'llm'ent . JtI~ on level the the cen ar ef u l 'of these I)ee<]s respect for all the clergy of the to express colI egtality in a moJre 25 or older, depending on cir . . * '* *' The sexual instinct is' not Eastern' Churches," However; he concrete fashion than before. selection and' the development ' all that he (man) lia,s, Man is also noted that the Eastern' Fa In October, representatives cd , eumstal'lces, but cannot be mar 'Th"e, re '. g u of maturity as of candidates the also and preeml'nen'tly (a be'l'ng th,,ers of the Church ha,'e e'spe-" th e"wors ld' l ' gather ~ . ,',' ried , aft erod" , r m a t'Hm,., priesthood, well' as thef()rneed,' al'ytWIlt , '" lations also proyide that this age, , . of) understanding, choice,~ree:' . clally recommended'. celibacy Rome for the Third World Con . "J)'ml't may be ral"se'd b'y" ','a" "d'eC'I'" for and also an 3ware ' d 'th a t cel'b ' g'lven .' a ness'di,scipHne. of conscious choi'ce, It also dom, and, thanks to these pow an I acy IS gress of the Lay 'Apostolate U> Ilion of the appropriate episcopal" , ers he is and must remain su " special recognition in the Eastern 'map the future of the work ....., . calls fOJ: periods of'expedme'nta ' ., h .... "." ·ro!l,fe'rence.· ' ti. l'b b f 't be . perior to the rest of creation;' Churc , such as 'the fact that· the Jaity in carrying out its If4) on . m, ce,l acy e ore J -. they ive him mastery o.ver his o,nly celib.acy. priests can be . , , ' " Married men may be. or,d':;Iinecf' c,omes something·stable and· def 1 t d sponslbllity. ',' deacons at, the ,age, .0,f ,',<t5 .or' , 't· 'th th 'th' d 'physical, psychological, and af., e ec e bishops and that· 01' Inl Ive ,WI ' e '.prles 0 6 , y . '{ective appetites," dained priests cannot marry' after' older, However, "they cannot be' , ~'Once· a moral; certainty .. has ' d" t' ,admitted if, there i~' not, ,\>~fore,: been' obtained, 'that the, maturity,. The second part of the en or Ula IOn., ' , ' "':' ,:" hand not only the consent"of the', of a .. ,candidate, : is.sufficiently, cyClical' deals specifically with 'The encyclical also' takes into .... , wife but also (proof).'9f her" guarallteed, he, .will. , be,. in a, the' seminary trainIng and {or account that Popes have allowed' , 'PWMBING & HEATING; INC. IChri~tian updghtnes:;' ~nQ' ,th~t, po!!itio~ to ,take, on' ' b'i'mself" the~ation of future J.>riests,It be~in 'special cases the ordination' .:- ... ~ Sales ana Service ~ere is. pres~'nt 'in 'H,er 'riatuJ;a!., heavy and sweet burden or' 9a-, gills t!y noting that tlie' 'Second: I>f '1<m"ert ministers of'" other'· ~. fOI Jomestic :: .... ,qualities ~hich' would, j)·ht"be. ~11 .~ ~erdotal. ~h~stity.' as ,8 total 'gift Vatican Council h'iis 'already.. ,comITI\jnions, However, in" a very , --~ , and Industrial impedimen~ nor unworthy .~.; of himself to ''ttu; Lord' and i4i laid down guidelines for' the 're- ' strongpar-agraph ,folloWiI}'g' these 'Oil Burners ' . ~e ministry of her husband,':' .' . His C$uI:ch" 'the",P~pe declares, : formation of' semiria'ry training exceptions,. the Pope,' states: ,995.. 1631 . The new regulations ~rovide ' . : .j'1;t~ts",WaY?, ~~,e. '~n~ycii~al :. ilird' tliafinstructionsare 'already , "A]~, ,this, however, does not .2283 AClJ~HNET . AVENUE for a three-year course 'of studies' says, the,: obligatiop ~f c~!i~acy- being' drawn up to carry out signify a rel~xation of ,the- ex,.. ,NEW BEDfORI) before' permanent deacons can whic~ .. tl1.~ .. Sh.~r,cJ:1., ,::e,q,~r.~s o~: 'tllese'ideas,. " ' . 'isting law .. and must not"' be in-, ' l>e' ordained' to give them 'sul1i- :th!>se,.. tl.l.k~Il,g. H.oly 9!,d~!s,':'be7,' ',' Ho",ever, the encyclical .notes " ~erp~'~ted ,as a, prelu<le' ~its ' . 'cient religious and intellectual comes"~i c!1fidi,dat.e'.~, o",~ that the call to th'e vocation of abohtion,'T-here are better t,hings ' . ;" preparation 'for their flin"ction': If, ceI;lte«J .l>er~()r.ll,l~bli~atio~. \Jf,I::- the p~ie~thoodmustbe nurtured' to, do' b'esides prorlloting, this . 'r·--·-·~-·-.·~·~·'.heY are' not 'members of, Re~,. ~er ~~~~n~l.u,e.n~~_.. !»f, di~iil,~ :, ~r::rthi~ ~h~s.e'wh9:~ave,gb',en~ .' hyp~th~Si~, ·Which,. tea,r~ do~n, iigious ol'ders they ,must be at' ,,~,'ac~:,.~!Jd. ~ith, 1,ull' h!f}ection pers~nal response, ':At the sam~.. that vlg~r .and love }J} whICh ~ " '. . .. ; . 1a~?ed U!. .,3"rsp~ci.fic dio.ce/;e.,,~. 'aI1~ libet!~::'. " , ,':' .. ",.:,';'. ,.. time .thebiolo-gica.l~hd·psycho7 . . c~1iba~y finds'alld' hap ~ • : US·' '. '-, .. ~, :'::"":; .:, . ,Replymg ~ the 'argument, logical state'Of candidates should: plfiess ~nd' whlCh obsclll'es the ~ "".'.;, ' .: :,:Per~anent d~!lc,ons ,are to be'" that celibacy' lmdanger's'·the faHh','\}e carCiUlly take'n irtq a~count" tr~.e· d.qc~ri,ne, tha.t .·'justi:fie~ 'it,s' ,.]' '. ': .Abo':Jt " ,.:' ,under the .a.uU:\ority of the ,~ishop' ',in·.;\he ;where ;'th~te' are to be' S).1l'e 'th.a,t Jhey:~~~ receive., e"ls.tence,andexalt~its :splef!d~r. ' 1\ " ., , 2~dthe'. p~iest ie'r~" pries'C"shortil'ges; the elicY'clical' "the gift of chastity.'~ , . It VJould.bemuch ,bet~er to pr~-', 'j.. LOW OS, :I"O"(I,ng, : I ":" '~ltOl:y they ',~ork., ~Ilq J1lust be.. points" out' ,that Chiiist' 'started .~ Msgr',' Salvatore qarof.rlo, . a mot"e, serIOus studH~s Ifi' defense !. . ,"'. , . :' . , 'pro.vide~ .with .a. spiritual life':w'itti bhiY'theA.'posnes;'''a'hand-,bibli~al,' pt?fe!ls?r" at . Rome's ,l)f the. spifi~~a.l ri!ea,ni,ng :and, ~ .. Whl~h .should,,' 1fic.I!-1de : ifl,~eriO!". Il'II ot'men to; al1' 'apl)ea'Fan(:'es ,La{eran Ulllverslty and one of mor~l vallJes of vlrgllllty .and 0. ..., " . '" . ~edltahol~, d?lly Mass when pos- lackin'g'in number. and' qu'aHty," 'the specialists who helped pre- ,c,elii?acy,", ' ~he,,'encyclical ,recommends ..'. . '", . lllble, reCitatIOn of p,art of, the and-appeals loall to '"trust 'the "'pa,l:e the, text of the .encY.clica.I,. "". ,,]Divine' Office; spiritual retreatS providehce' of God, ·Then 'the said" that the' ,matenal for It· medltahon, prayer, the Mass.and Wareham Falmouth 'at least 'once every two~.ears Pope adds';' . was di'awil from studies of thl'ee devotion, to Our Lady w belp, . r;,v 5-3800· . KI 8-3000 and ·Bible reading. "It simply not possible ., seIJarate commissions composed' 'safeguard celibacJ'. '
._.~_._a_""_'_"_. believe' that the abolition of of experts from various parts
' . ecclesiastieal celibacy would con of the world and representing all , siderably increase' the n'umber viewpoints on the subject. Bish of pl:iestly vocations; churches 'rips wel'e also consulted and· Anniversary. and 'ecclesfal,communities which drafters of the documents also'
NEW YORK (NC) -,- Patrick allow' .their ministers to marry had athand numerous individual
F, Scanlan, managing editor 'of seem' to prove the coiltrary.~·' casesfl'om which to draw ideas.
,the Brooklyn Tablet, was, hon-' .'The'" reason for the drop' in Nevertheless" the Pope followed
ored at a dinner here celebratin'g Yf;)~I' Gull' Hill Route'Man ;s the ~uinber. of 'vocations, the the entil'e prOcess of the doc
,his !>Oth::-nniversary on the di encyclical continues; is to "be . ument and frequently added' ,eees~n 'newspaper with " .Arcp founa:: -,'elseWhere; ."EspeCially, his, own· touches, . Msgr, Garo~ . 'bishop, Bl'ian J. 'McEntegart ~f FOR HOME DELIVERY CALL 998-569'1 for example, in: the fact' that . falo saic:i, so that the docume'nt Bi'ooklyn and Auxiliilr,y .Bish individu'als imd families have 'is tni~y his. . op John' J, Boardman, were the lost their s~nse of' God and all' . The first ,section, of. the' first m . main speakers.. . ;:that )s., holy; their' esteem' for . p~rt of. the' encyclical, is' a .de.., , ," . : ' '~ '.: L:, Pope Pius' XII named him a the'9h urch as,the· institution of hiiled,'doctrinal examiilation 'of" . ' .' ,.. , ' soilvaiioJi ,th'rough faith' a~d' the the ,biblical and thep~o~i~aJ;u;gu-··J, .,_'.... S_O_......_D_A_R.. M __O...Ul _T_.~_.,_~_A_S..S_. ..11 ]{J~ight ofSt,GregoJ',)' in i944~
Encycl='co'l R'eo f i'l rms
e 'T ra det I "
Pope Details Po.sitive Valu'e tOPlI'iesthood
,.. '
.1 PI(li'n·. 'To ·Build?·
Co', t' Fe .. ' e
laud' Tablet Editor
UYou Can' Whip Oan Cream, but You Can't Beat Our Milk '!" Always ot:Vou, Sel'vice t
CULF H"I·l r_
AI RY. D'·
Serra President Asks Updating) ~n Programs·',
lHE ANCHOR Ih~ll's., June 29, '967
Vell"mofDtf' !L~ymen
TORONTO (NC) - Wh~e 60me Serra clubl3 are exCeI~
WINOOSKI (NC)':"-Fifty-three laymen, representing some 30 _.parishes 'tbroughout Vermont, . gBthe:red at St. Mi<;hael's College het~ t~discuss menns of bringing - the results· of the Second Vatican Council into their communities.
lent, others are "pl~ding along doing exactly the same
work for vocations as they did ]4) years 3tIO," the president m ~rra Intern'ational said here.' -rhese are the mime clubB: which continue to conduct es The immediate objecti ve of the fillY contests without ever having Conference 011 Laymen was to any dialogue or debate wit~ loring together representative ,1hese youngsters, without ever
laymen to advise the Burlington tlharing with the'm their k'nowl
djocesan council's educatiOlll edge and deep, esteem, ,o~"the
'commission on the best way to priesthood," stated Jan, I~. 3.
-_. ~.dUi:aJe the laity in the spirit Berbers of Montevideo, Ur'u/tltay.
happenings 'of the council. Berbers addressed· mOl'e 'than 2,500 Catholic laymen from' 20 Bishop Robert F. Joyce of( nations at the 25th annual con- • Burlington gave a brief talk a% vention of Serra International,' the conference, offering his en n group which fosters vocations couragement and guidance rOlf to the priesthood. Dut'ing the lay p8rticipation in the life of the past year, as head of the 12,000 Church. member organization, Berbers "I am most impressed by the visited 279 Serra Clubs in some zeal of the laity," the bishop said!. 32 countries throughout the "In the past we have lacked con world. He spoke on "The State fidence in you," he added, but of Serra." said that all must now "motivate "Soine Serrans are up-to-date
ourselves to understand tho Catholic laymen co co "'sensitive
AT TES'll'IMON]"AlL: Honoring Father John 1[. Cronin, 8.8., second from left, at a· Church." io fact that society is changiI1g,'"
testimoni'al dinner in Washington, D.C., as he prepared to resume teaching after 21 years ,Berbers declared. "They" par
ticipate in well conceiv~~ anel! as assistant direetor of the Social Action de partment, U.S.C.C., were, left, Bishop John , conducted formation pr,ograms J. Wright of Pittsburgh, episcopal chairman of the social action department; Bishop , , on the Church and iUi doc't~ine Paul F. Tanner, general secretary of the Na tionql Conference of Catholic Bishops (seat-.. Continued from Page One and thus keep'in step wlui::the ')em of renewal in the posf,.. and Msgr. GeOrge G. Higgins, director of the social action department (standing). conciliar Church and the op 00) jpOSt-conciliar Church. ,. ' Errors' , pression of the Church behjil~ . ,He took :note of "two 'major the Iron' Curtain; ,.errors" in thc Sena' opei'ation:' Pope Paul said he had 'foUl? "We are not updating our' ac-, , reasons for creating the 'new tivities sufficiently; 'we' arc' not cardinals, which raise the 'mem using our manpower, efficient-, " ,bership of the college of ~1I' ly.n dinals to a record 118. The firm He said it was "unbeliev'eable'" of these, he said, was to pay that in the United States, where public tribute to persons 'Woo in, creating "serious financial Serrans who are businessmen WASHINGTON (NC)-Father social action becom'e as profes have faithfully served the and personnel problems Ifor the bave the benefit of the newest John F. Cronin,· 8.S., assistant sional as Catholic activities illl Church both in the Roman Curi~ diocese concerned." ? machines and computers, "these director of the Social Action education and social work. the Church's central administra Ilame businessmen fail to use Department of, the U.S. Catho "Most of dedicated workers Yet, he said, "in most cases tive offices, in the various ,arch these modern tools and ap lic Conference for 21 years, was in the fields of race relations the Church is the only powerful dioceses, and in the diplomatie proaches in their quest for vo honored at a testimonial dinner and' poverty," he said, "have ac agency that can cross political corps of the Holy See. cations. here as he prepared to return quired their skills by learning boundaries and unite the city "It is required that we pro to teaching. The Sulpici;:ln So on the job. So far there has and suburbs in a community of Secondly, he said, he was fol duce new films, modern sound, ciety has assigned him to St. been little' intercommunication service and concern." lowing the example of Pope Pi\\B!l and color films, which present Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. between specialists who do this Perhaps, he said, "the Church, XII and wanted to expand con the relevance of the work priests Tributes were paid to Fat.her 'Work in different dioceses," and stantly the representativen~ in, the United States needs to and Religious are doing all ,Cronin by Msgr:-George G. Hig,.. asked there be opportunities "to develop a collective conscious of the college. around the world. gins, director Of the So<;ial Ac learn from the failures and suc , ness that it is largely irrelevant Thirdly, be said, he wantec\l "It is important that we uti tion Department, who served as' cesses of others" doing similar in the lives of 30 01' 40 miJJion to bring closer to the central! )i~e other audio-visual media t.oastmastel'; by Rabbi, Hichard' work~ government of the Church WOll' poor Americans' >l> * * * If we such as radio tapes, television Hirsch of the Union of American c,an develop a determination to thy and talented persons whf> Asks Coo)leration ,video tapes, and recordings to ,Hebrew ,Congregations; Clarence, have had a variety of experi be totally at the service of those His second suggestion was communicate to the world our Mitchell, Washington director ence. ,in most need, we' can develop that "var"ious agencies of the '. great concel'll anq esteem for th~ of the National Associatiort for the necessary- programs' and Lastly, Pope Paul saId, bJrJ , "priesthood," Berbers declared.
the Advancement of, Colored Church cooperate in a nation techinques." cboice of new ,cardinals W3II:l' wide study of the' 'implications ", ,\ Effective Program
People; James, Hamilton, Wash~ dete.rmined by his desil:e ttl He said that each Serra club, irigton dire,c,t.or' of the. Nalional ,of the decided shift of Catholics' ,make the unity ,and catholicity into the 'rriiddle' class." should abandon all "non, Council' 'of. 'Churches; Bishop ,of the Church' shine' ever"'mop He, pointed' out that Catholics '. rential activities" and organize John J; Wright ,()f ,Pittsburgh, ~fore the whole world.' "al'c moving to· the suburbs and an effecti ve program toget.her episcopai chairman, Of the' So building 'new . chUrches and "With their pl"iests, "to study with. cial Action' ,Department; and 'OKLAHOMA· CITY (NC) ':""" schools;" . 'leaving behind inner ihemtheir role in :the Church Bishop Paul Tanner" gereral Six: . Holy Ghost ,Fathers are city churches !I,nd schools largely of today. >l> l) >l>, and to Iii ve theril- . secretary, of tge,:National, Con~ leaving Oklahoma and eonclud-' unattended' l:iy those who move . .. ,!!elves completely w pa~toral -, ference of C~tbolic. Bish!>ps. ing' 42 yearsofservic~ by the 'Work and to help define the. Ancient Roots , , o r d e r .io' 0klahoma's Negro par-, ' Christian role' of. layman and 'vice President, Hubel't 'Hum Appoi~ts' 1 Alessj~~' ishes;" . , 'COMPANY " ' Bishop:' Francis C. ~elJe,.,;~ in'iests.;' ' '. phr~y, who was' ur1tlble to, attend, turned Negro' 'pari~hes' over w' , T'4) accomplish its goals, Bel'.,. , 'sent a telegram of congnltula.:. . ' bel'S recommended that' the, Ser. tioris, saying ".a'il fa'iths' have WA$HJNGTON (NC)- Ed- ,'the :,ord¢.r ~n. 1925, In.,H~66, the ra International Foundat.ion pro.. ' been enhanced by, Fa~/:Ier Cron;,;' ward, R, p:Ale'ss)o, assistalit dean ,provincial' of,Vi,e 'otd~r's wCl;ltern , ", eure a' capillil fund, within the in over'two de'cades as assistant' of the,,:schoo( of .education at, pr~viil(:e, ,ask:eq 'the "diocese ~ Buiilding next two years, of one million director of, the, Soci~l ,,Action Se~on ltall University, South cOl)sider', "Closing ,N:egrpparishes. I , :' ,'.dollars,He s~id. tbe capital fund" Department.': .. . . Orarige, N. J.; has been named bo~h to fa~ilit.a~e in,tegrati,on and -Il 5IffllNG ST;, FAIRHAVIN would be ,maintained by the'," ,Bishop Wr;ght. said. "it ,'is' to the newly crented' position of to. allow th~,Roly ;GhostFllthers . ' foundation, with only the interest fashionable to speak of. ,men coordinator of' ,govetnmental ' 'to filla riec;lq for pdellts in Latin' 993-26'1'1 paid out each, year for· ','new lfke Father 'Joh'r, Cronin !IS work prograrn.." for the department' of' A.merjca~ -'" ., . and exciting projects." ing in the s~,rit, of Pope John education, Uliit~d' States Cath· ,XXIII, and i ,would be, the last'; olic Conferenc~. The appoint to say a word, wQich, would di ment is effective July 1. minish appreci<ltion of Pope RESIDENtiAL D' Alessio, ;l5, has been at John. Seton Hall for the past nine • SCHOOLS. CHURCHES "However, the saintly Pope yeal's,
HOUSTON (NC) - A special would be the first to point out , \ In announcing the appoint
DNDUSTRIAL • BUNKER progl'am to seek. solutions to, that his own' essential witness, ment, Msgr. James, C. Donohue,
what was called a "glaring short as that of Father John Cronin, director' of the department of
age of vocations to the priesthood has roots much more ancient D ADSON 'OIL BURNERS educatiori, 'noted that "the ever among Mexican-,Amedcan Cath than his pontificate. Complete Heating Installations incrcasirig volume of fcderally
olics in Texas" has been under ·~4 Hour ·Oil Burner Service
Learn "'rom "'ailur~ suppol'ted educational programs
taken by the ,;ocat.ion directors emphasizes the need to have
"It 'has roots in the Hebrew in all Texas dioceses. ' someone in the mltional office As ;l result of this l;epoli, the prophets, in the Christian Gos ' who will' devote his fuJI atten Texas vocations directors voted pel." In his addrbs at thc dinner, tion to gat.hering and disseminat 1«1 undertake a special pl'ogram ing inforrnation both ~rom the Father Cronin' 'discussed the fu in cooperation with Mexican New Bedf~ '640 Pleas~nt Street governri1ent and the variow Amel"icnn 'Inymcn· 'to" study the ture of CathoTii: social action in dioceses.' JlKoblcm and find somes~ the United SiatE~s, and ,ur~ed that
d .
. .ana
New Cardinals
Interfaith Testimonial·' for Sulpician, F~ther' Cronmn,S.S. Returns
to Semina ry
Holy Gho$t Fathers To Leave 'Oklahoma
To .Education' Post
Complete line
Vocations Shortage Studied in Texas
:. i:,"
.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of lFan·River-Thurs. June 29, 1967
-Ideon@~y ~f Christa~~ H@!?e Is
N,~®ded ~n ;lati~\
.. IEdited by· .Jollm g. Considine, MoM. From "Social I1tevollotnon iiD th~ Ne~. Latin America"
Granti~g all difficuUies, ~rites Bishop Mark C. McGrath, C.S.C., we nonetheless· realize that the kind of social change we must hope for in Latin America will not merely happen. We must deliberately wor.!c for it. This 1!'equires, as we have pojn~. ~ard goals of progress within' <i)ut, a far more explICIt liberty, the task of helping the ideology of Christian hope passive masses to become respon ,for man on earth, in con- si~le indiv.idual citiz~~s. We face · 'th and tending to thls task In the relIgiOUS order, nec t lOn WI ' our C a th 0 l'ICS 'commit-h' t 1 reward and not fun- w h erem IS e ernla ment will be less. and less the " damenta ly op. h . t 't N result of structures whlc mamd Plose 0 ~. 0 taiD. the faith, and more and onger can we It f al "'h ' t' more . the . resu 0 person ap "" rlS lans th chdic~'-' We' face the same task in ar peh . as 1 suf°se the temporal' order. The two or w 0 slmp y , ' ' .. . t rt . d f h' t d ders are closely In e wme . e~ .~s an Thus' it is. that the intense de CURJ!:UCULM WO:!ROCSlHfOP: Seeking a unified curriculum for Catholic religious leh.lI ap~ents' sire for personal respo.nsibility 'IW 1 e marXIS d . t 'd' t t t 'pretend to unan· 10 erme Ia e. ~ ruc .u;es education programs throughout the U.S. Army are, left to right: John Shultz, direc.tor 4i e t d'ts flows from the Chnstlan ViSIon of Religious -~ducation, Fort Meade, Md.; Chaplain (Col.) Raymond Gough of Carhs!e ~ts of man. Thus it is that the Catti r, s adn laws an be l l ' h Id f· ' Barracks, Pa., Msgr. Russell Neighbor, associate director, National Center, Confratern 1 al f makers. Neither 0 IC S ~u avor .ev~~ oc'" e ity of Christian Doctrine, and Sister Mary Judith of the Mission Helpers of the SaCJred fort WhICh draws IndIVIduals mto th e mar X 1• s t , 1 t' f . th who pretends that history pro- ~mmun~. ,ac IOn) ormmg. :m . ,Heart, Baltimore NC· Photo. ceeeds accordingly to determined In a conSCI()~~SS of the dIgnIty and inexorable laws, nor the aId an~ respon~IbI~~ of each, ThlJ!l style economic liberal, wha pre- !t JS that we mSIst tha~ refarm rends ,to canonize selfishness by pra.~ams, whether national. ar aaying that each should work for Alli~"ce fo~ })rogress" 'sho~d himself and history would!. take aVOid the pItfall. of promotmg ~t <care of itself: neither of these' eve,r, m~re,o~mpotent .states. takes a responsible view of his- which may'arnve at the Imme FORT MEADE (NC) - The Confraternity of Christian DoC find the' Catholic religious 00. cation program a continuatiOll. wry-within which we progress di~te care of material needs. but adoption of a 'unified curriculum 'trine. of what' it had been a.t the last according to the measure of aur wlll never f?rm ~h.e responSible, for 'Catholic religtous education The conference also recom aincere and responsible effort for free and acti~e CItizens that de- programs throughout the U. S. mended the establishment at .. post. III better world and according to macracy reqUIres. Army will be recommended to single source- of supply for texts Also considered at the work our measure of man. Church's __ ltesponsibiBitlr the Army's Chief of, Cha~lains and audio-visual materials. Cath shop as a means of dealing witll No point is dearer to Ca~holie But how much is the Church in a comprehensive report pre- olic chaplains at post level have constant personnel turnover wu OOciaf teaching than the insist- supposed to promote in the social pared by a conference, of mili previously had to order these the possibility of initiating a sys ence on the human person, as the ar temporal order? Obviously, tary 'and civilian religious edu directly, from· the publishers. tem of referring servicemen WM ~ter and reason for the prog- we must distinguish. Christi~n cators' at the U. S. Army ,Chap Recommended is a central supply are also experienced catechistll ress of things and of society. No Catholics make up the bulk af lain Board here. service to serve as a liaison with to chaplains at their new post. amount of economic planning the population. of Latin America; In votes taken on the majar the publishers and the Depart ,whenever they aretra!"sferred. from above can achieve the de- and consequently bear the'maja£' issues discussed at the four-day mElfit of Defense.. velopment of the whole man nar responsibility for its' social de 'workshop the educators over Upon the approval of the Chief , The conference also recorD of the truly ~uman society. velopment. The· Church, as an whelmingly supported the con of Chaplains, Father (Col.) :Jo mended short, intensive traininc Father Vekemans has stressed institution, asmagisterium, or to cept of a central curriculum pre seph T. Kasel, deputy of the for catechists so that teachel'll the fact that the masses of our speak simply; the' hierarchy af scribing ·subject matter to be U. S. Army. Chaplain Board, will would not be lost because at people are now atomized, sepa- the Church; has the basic re- taught simultaneously in all af change of station while beinC ratE'<l, r-,."~rless, subicct to the sponsibility of preaching the the Army's Catholic reIigiaus ed supervise the actual compilatioit trained. and writing of the proposed ootian af the state, which tends ward' of God, not only in its ucatian programs. to act mOl'C and more for them individual but also in its social The curriculum would leave standard curriculum. ' , and directly upon them, beca~ dimension. This we have already the selection of catechetical texta Servicemen Cateehlsts Priests' Senate they are not formed for actiml stressed. Should the Church as from an approved list to the in According w Father Kasel the VANCOUVER (NC)--Theflne and lack the intermediate ar- an 'institution also directly pro stallation chaplain. Ute unified curriculum would l,U' meeting of the Vancouver an:b ganizations of family, commu- mote' programs of econamic and nity and specialized endeavor social ~tterment'! Central' Supply Service low a child to go with his parents diocesan priests" senate was • from, M.lC . post ... another 8Dli which should channel their aWll We often say that this should The conference participantll tended b,- ArchbishopMartia free and dynamic work for a bet- be dOi)e whenever other private selected texts to be included im M. :Johnson, Bishop':J. F. Carne7' oor existence. We must grasp the and public forces are lacking for the curriculum on II grade-by- and the 11 priest-senators. The fact that our masses were for the .task. This is a· common situ grade, basis from among the ma group elected' officers for two centuries tied into, a static aris- ation· in' ,Latin America. Givell terials of 19 pU.blishers. , GRE~T 'FALLS (NC)-~ year terms, 'and' were advised. tocratic structure, which held 'the lack 'of intermediate struc Each '. text~was discussed indi GreatFallEi diocesan senate of bf' tile archbishop to study suciIl them in place while it required tures' lnour midst, in many areas vidually to determine whether priests haa elected ita first liIet questions as the 'best use of del' little of them. It' gave them a the .~~JY· pther force at work; it met the needs of modern post of officers. Twelve priests were ical manpower and collegiate ap kind of security, particularly on apart .from the· Church, iii the Vatican Council II catechetics, ali chosen . to represent diocesaa proaches 10 division of work; the hacienda-type 'rural pattern, governinEfnt" 'often· too. distant, outlined by· the· worli:shap parti clergy,: religious communities guidelines on' the best age for but r~9uired. of them little re- too'bU!~1!uc~atic:01' too steepecI ill cipants by Msgr. Russell J. Neigh- and teaching priests ill the . . . priests' retirement; and erectio. t:Ponsd>le action. politic;ll complications. Often,' bor associate 'director of the· cooilcil"" Montana.; fill new parishes. Forming Millions too, tl~e ,programs ,of ,the: ' As this old structure disap- government fail 'because of the . pears the innumerable millions suspiciOIi:' or.· passivity ,of·' the' find themselves isolated on the people.. In 'many,)nany ~nstances land, or in the city slums or in uni~: hl~ :l:1,ishop. or the parislll the precarious existence of the priest or: local" Catholic groups, proletariat. Europe, also, grew give moral sUPP9" to a. program ' 3Ut of feudal structures inta de- it wiii not be done; often, toe, mocracy. This process took cen- if they do not directly pramote turies and is not yet complete. In it, it wHl not be done. Latin America we are trying to When the Church, as an insti cio it in one generation. Democtution, fills in for, the lack af racy, if it is to be government intermediate structures, it retires not only for the people but also from the area when these struc G)f and by them, requires respon- tures have been created. This is sible citizens. We do not create the ideal; and there are many democracy by merely giving the exampl'es where this has already right to vote to all citizens. Our been done. great passive masses, never used But besides filling in for otheDl to thinking or acting far them- the Church must· fill ,out to their selves, will often either sell their full human and spiritual dimen vote to the rich Cir cast it wah sion so many efforts in the socio the demagogue. Our great pas- economic sphere~ The insistence sive masses will \ too typically on the formation of the persians expect everything;to be done for involved for their social· respon them, either by the State or by sibility is a case in point. There the popular leade~ or by tlfIe are 'many" othe~A merely tech Church. We have before us a nical approach to the problem tremendous task not merely of" of'development, lacking 'in' 'the education' but ef formation, not idealogy, of human values, is a merely in scliools but In learning - dangerous, thing, convertible, to ,. work together conSciouslY' to:: .'. 'aiij-~totalitatian purpose.
.PrQPose Unified Religious Curriculum
Involves Education Programs
Army Posts
.'Elects Officers"
Holsum Bread Is tbatgood!
Scores Physicians" Change Of Abortion Policy Stand
WASHING1'ON (NC) - The direetoo' m the Fmnily Life Bureau of the United States Catbolie Oon:ference has charged thwt the American :Medieall Assooiation'l/l policy change on abortion urepreseDte a clepreci~ Gf the value of human life." According to JeSponsIbiDty fM the gOOd af Father James T. McHugh, eli llOciety is decidedly laek.iJJig I/Iil the &tatement eondoning :re the ,pan cd: IDe AMA.rtJ Jl.axed abortion 1a w 8 a l!I adopted by the association" J!)olicy-making House o.f Dele gates "presages a decided- change in the philosophy cxf medicine and II whole new era in .Amelio- .ican medical practice." "By providing for liberatiza tion when there is documented! medical evidence that the infant may be born with incapacitating physical deformity or mental de ficiency," Father McHugh stated, "the A.M.A. places the decision making power on life and death in the hands of doctor and pa tient without any safeguard m the right of the unborn child."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese ott fan River-Thurs. June 29, 'WW
Syrian Bnshops Take .Up Catholic Problems KOTTAYAM (MC) - A comDiittee of bishops bas been named by the Syrian Orthodox ,Church of India to take up "some local problems" with the country's Catholic Bishops' Conference. A synod 'announcement said the committee will contact the Catholic Bishops" Conference O!il
"some local problems which are in disagreement with the attitude of unity and statements of the Catholic Church since the Vati can Council." The announcement did, not specify the problems, but observers called a recent arlicle in the Orthodox Church's official organ \Older the title "An :In
stance of Ecumenism." The ..... ticle contained quotes from til letter to Bishop AthanasioS com plaining that Orthodox Ch~ tians in South Kanara (Mysoftl state) are being "lured" to jom the Catholic Malanltara rite witll offers of money, jobs, and scholJ,.. 8I'ships.
HUDman lLfili'ill Wmnnne
He also noted thlllt "one of the many reasons for the change in policy is to help provide greatei' legal safeguards to doctors who wish to perform therapeutie abortions, even though in the words of the statement, 'there ifl no consensus among physiciaJlfl on the medical indications for therapeutic abortion.''' "We are aware," Father Me Hugh said,' "of the human prob lems'that give rise to a consider ation of abottion. We are also aware of the concern of physi cians who find themselves threatened by the present laws. Unfortunately, the AMA shows itself willing to increase the reasons for granting abortion without any assurance that thiD will decrease the overall inci dence of abortion. Such a policy change represents a depreciatiolll\ of the value of human life. One Wmy WDew
:'In opting for liberalization. no specifi<! provisions were sug gested," he continued, "to insunl D continual analysis and evalua tion of the incidence of abortion. and the reasons-medical, social and psychological - f'ur which abortions are performed. NCl> great concern was shown for safeguards to assure that the sanctity and dignity of human life is not further denigrated m our society. "The lack of objectivity m. thinking, and the ambivalence toward the value of human life are awesome indications of the emerging decadence that threat';' ens our society. Despite the lack. of consensus over the medical! and psychiatric indiction for therapeutic abortions, the AMA has manifested these attitudes in its new policy stand. To this de gree, the freedom of the physi cian may ~e assured, but- a sense
Brrink Heads Prrciect htl Michigan Diocese LANSING (NC)-Anthony Jr. Brink, 47, professor of speech; debate and drama at St. Paull Seminary. Saginaw, for the last five years, takes over July 1, a:l the first full-time program direc tor for the Renewal Througb Vatican II Project in the Lan sing Diocese. Brink will supervise proposed apostolic formation centers iD the diocese; plan and organize apostolic institutes for the laity; supervise preparatio,n and distri bution of program materials ,and serve as liaison with parbill chairmen so diocesan prograJDll will more efJ:ectively ~ael:l tIiIl JNIrish level. He will work with Father Wil liam J. Ra()emacher, who served! as full-time director of the PI'P' eram jor the last year. '
Try liVing om one 3 ounce bowl of rice a dayo
, sometimes every other day.
Two hundred million people in India dol
Throw your weight around a little,
by making a gift to the starving of the world.
address:_ _-===..-=;==~
<> · _=_
,THE SOCIETY FOR'THE PRO'PAGATBONIOF IIiE FAITH, 3~ FIFTH AVE., N.'Y.;N.Y. 1~01 Il!llI FA.... IIIVER youa DIREctOR III aT. liiW......'iIllOHD cONe lOINI', 36e 1\1. MAIN ItT.'
Movel Covers·:'C·ruciaIY.ears·' In ··Laf~ of' S~0 .Augustine JBy Rt. Rev. Msgll."• .1fOllallll S. Kennedy Rex Warner is a writer -whose novels, although ne.'VeF' enjoying exceptional sales, .have 'won' high praise from discriminating' readers and.. rev~ewers, Speci~esteem is, accorded his historical novels, laid in Greece or Rome. His · l~tes~, The Converts (Atlan- some years, and they have a son, · bc-LIttle; Brown. $5.95; 8.. Adeodatus, a bright and amiable Arlington St. Boston, Mass. . youngster. 02116), deals with some cru- •.' AI;lgustine's' mother, ~onica ~al years in the life of St.' Au-. (which name Mr. Warner, for 'gUstine. The narrator is Alypius,;.:B~rp-~ reason spells ~'s) friend of Au'.: ~. 41stressed both by ~his Halson . ~; :gUl"tine's and a ..' :.~A.iigustine's a~d.bY ref~sal '. fellow African. ;,.~'l!ecome.a ChrIstian; A.~gustme, '''''''A!ypius is 2l~.·~pius,.ai1dtheir·fri~nds are settled . in ·;,;.tIt:o·re, amulied-t!i;m impressed by . the late fourth>~bii~~ity.' They, 1ind.i~ te?ets .. ". '~entury .as· his <~~.~~d'~d f~I.~~Q!contradictIons <" account begins.'..~~.~~~?OSSI~ilitles.Mor~ov~r, "" He. is complet_,,;Shrl.stlC~ns.seem sc~rcely ~~mlr. 'lng law studies "ableto:the~... ' . ' ' .' ~:~~: .' , Christians' JI1'liults . . and means soon ~ go into prac'. ,.•... .A.I¥Pitts, in. R0.r:ne,,:'~bServes .' tice. Since child'.' th~ -the' pope IS, rIch, . and that · bood he has .' ;··€,ltristi~ns are qUit~ as '~Jn~i~ious · known' Augustine, and his ad... ,~:Qt!'ers, extr~mely eO!llent~ous, ,., 'wration for this older 'friend":,..· aji!hin.tolerant'l>f. views differing CANADA: Archi>ishop
. ,; 'Is ' u n b o u n d e d : ' , )';':~iit' ttieir ovVn.> . . .'"
Emmanuele ", Clarizio .h a 8 .... ,'.. Along w~th t' another. friendr":L~~Jl,ey'are vin~~«~ve:·to·peo~le ,. ~ebri<;lius"f\ugustine and AJ~;J~~lf':sty~~her.etu:~; DUX religIOn been' named Apostolic:D.ele~. gate Canada, succeeQing ,.ius . decided some years' ~arlieti;),i~~."polibcs, and .applaud per"".(W devote themselves deliberately:,<.:!~erS on the' stage or in the to the post .left. vacant by. the .~~." to, th~ pursuit of wisdom... Thei-'·'I~#anotfor.t?eits.t~ill,but be transfer of Archbishop .Ser l. , .Jl!~ve kept at. this ta~k, b~t ~~ve.;j~·. of th~~r' bE;~~g fellow giov Pignedoli to the Roman ., Ili\Qt yet reac.hed theIr oPJechve.,.y ~nl,>ti~ns. ..:~,':', ;, Rome, Alypius finds, is chang-:,,::.~,:}~tJ.rPIUS<;an~a8,lIY see th~f~rce Curia. NC Photo. !Jlng rapidly, The empire is in; ~ ~e contentIOn.that ChrIShans
". decline. Chrlsitianitr is no,longer.1·i.a~·t~nemies o~.the· old Roman
persecuted; indeed, it is th~ stat~·t-~;;~l~ty. . : .. '. ,. .
;3;'tteligion. But there are divisions '-;J\.:.H,e is oveI1oyed';to learn that. ... ', mnong ChI'lstians. Arians" . and.:·; ':A~tine, alr~a~y ~ 'cel~~rated
';. '.' IDbnatists, :for example, reject teacher of. rhetOrIC, IS commg to ··'-'oome p'art of traditional doctrine.. ~ome. In .the Eternal City, Au . " ~. . Psychologiesl Touches'. : '." gustine' quickly makles his mark, • J ·old Roman r~ligioil,:'t~at .·.,the~·mov~s on to.~lan '(where 'SPRINGFIELD (Nt> ..... <If'the pagan gods, IS guttenng·.!..thetImpenalcourt.lI,l:now estab- " ., .'.". '. . lMlt. Still devoted to it is ·~.:ma~" ~~~~, to ;take up ~.. official : '.IJ.t,~~W~.Oll~, Suprem.e ~ourt .. ,. "who is a kind of patron to Alyp- . p(Wtion, . ', . pas decl~red unconstItutIonal· ,.. "·-.jUs, 'and a person of· iritegrity/" ... 'lIIllftuence 01 Ambrose a law directing school e' .. Prate'xtatus, who achie~es: the";' .- Aljpius joina 'him there,' and 'districts·to· periodically redraw <mlinence of the Praetorian 'pre- botla observes and shareS the atteIid'ance boundaries· to facili " .. :Ilectship.. He together !f!th hia steps which finally bring Augus- tate integration. . .:.:.-·...'~ife, Paulin~, are of nob~~,<;llar- tine into' the Christian Churcli. The decision was handed down .,,,,,. ~,ter, representative o~. :the.,be~t One 01. the~ is the infAllence of just. ·t~· days' after a federal In.pagan Roman virtue. ~uqhelr Ambrose, the remarkable bishop judge in, Washington declared . ,.: .,llteliefs are ill).possible for Alypius. of Milan, whose-preaching, with ~e fac~ school segregation un",: .'. ' An alternative is philosophy. itll e10seIT knit argume~tation, constitutional.
,.' ~e has looked widely and r~ther its eminen.t reasonableness, and 'N' i 'hbo hodS h Is
deeply into, this, but it cannot its explication of the Scriptures,' e I: r o c 00
, ~ffer the ultima'te wisdom, and it... il1u~nes many q~~stioDil and, The I,llinois 'decision voided a aupplies nothing to love and to"·solveS. 'many difficulties. state law-called the Armstrong .. worshJp. Because of a horrible' ," Augustine becomes convinced A~'Which directs local school early experience, Alypius is dis- . 'oftbe 'trUth of Christianity. Lu:'" boards to redraw school atte~d-· .;gusted by sex, but he takes plea-' 'cilla .is sent away, ~te~a strug-, ance ·boundar~es to pre~en.t de. '!Jure in the blood sports of the gle which almost prostrates Au- facto segregatIon and ehmmate 'arena. Here.. as elsewhere, Mr.·.gustine. separation 'of students of' differWarner introduces modempsy·The well-known episode in 'ent color, race.and natiomility. <thological touches. ' . which Augustine hears a child'i. In his, majority opinion, JusMother Distressed voice saying again and again, tice Byron .0. House said "while Augustine's search as Alypius . "Take and read" and thereupon the act does not use the terms reports it, has, in general, had· looks at a vers~ from the Epistle 'racial imbalance" or de facto· similar stages: He is now a dev- ·to the Romans that breaks upon' segregation' we feel that the pur otee of Manichaeism, the doc- him like a revelation, is featured' po~ o~ the act is to eliminate trine that whateve'r is good (in-, in the last page of the novel. It raCIal. Imb.~lance. . including man's soul) ·is created concludes with -both Augustine "ThIS raises a questIon of when by God, and whatever is evil (in- 'and Aly-pius preparing' for bap-' a school is ~aciallY imbalanced." , . <eluding man's body) is created tism. .The, qu~stIon :was not answered ::. by Satan. But the teachings of lFoBiows 'Confessions' In the act, he said, and it leaves the Manichees is beginning 10', ·..··A cOmparison of Mr. Warner'1I in 'doubt ,.the fate of the neigh llose its grip' on Augustine. ... novel with'The Confessions of 81: borh~ school concept - one Not so, however, Augustine's '.' 'Augustine showsthlllt he has' ~hi~h..,.Judge ~ouse, like many passion for his mistress, Lucilla~" . 'drawn heavily on thelatier, JU~~es before hIm, has been un Be has now lived with her for·."'·has·not, as far 'as I can judge, WI1li~g .~scrap. • . ' ,. departed radically from it. " lIlIil:h Court .Test . BUSiness LeClJders .. It·is 'true that the Confessiona House's" opinion reversed a ··t' p' suggest a developing attraction lower court ruling which ordered o .ISI ope aUB I to Christ which Mr. Warner d0e5· the Waukegan Board of Educa NEW YORK (NC)-Thirty-six not stress, but the novelist haa tion to 'redraw attendance lines American business' leaders' left' not done violence to Augustine'~ for Whittier elementary school, ~ennedy Internationat'-Airport· story as he himself record'ed it. .which is 85 per cent Negro, and here for an interfaith visit to the· I!e _~anages to, Work. tn much four all-white schools in the Vatican :where they wm discuss background material about the city. witli :pope Paul VI his encyclical.. times,' the politics,. the society, Judge HQuse said any law . on t~e plight of poor countries. the thought, the. varieties of reli- . which ~qntaihs a racial classifi ~The encyclical, issued March gion. against which Augustine's cation ~is arbitrary and unrea 28, was entitled "Populorum seareD. for ultimate reality woo S9nable and violates the equal ' fr0gress,io" - The Deve\opment carried on: . , ,protection Clause' of the 14th .;: Gil. Peoples.· It called for: ifi(e·r~. '.' Tilere' is som¢ rePetition in Amen~men~t ' lilati·onal.programs to combat the ..; Alypius'·. descriptiOn.. of these.. While other courts-until the ~: "'' of glaring inequaiitieS" elements and S9me tedium in the .. W~shingt;on decision-had .... ~tween: rich and poor natiOOsi' pacing "Of the booK, which is ' retu8ed to'deciare de facto segfe ~:: Each member o.f th~ deJ$.g~ti.~; ... reproduce (and giner':- ::ga..~~91( ~qC9\1stjtl,ltional,the 1&:-. .', .. ~i~l,g\ve.l.l~li views. on t~e :~li,~v~': . ·.a~ly.suc·ceed,s) th~ style of ·w.rit-., .• su.e Jll~S, ~~yer Peen decided be ",·"t*d '''have~not;''natio~'~'..' .." ·.. ······;··lIlC' Of'Uie'''aiie depicteQ.· '... ,,',. ~re'~"U~ S.··Supreme Court,
.$~,lr~~~~~iro '~~iJl,Ii~~r H~~~~ M~rm~~w,~: ~:lID~~·:~rd. .' CM@sed. AID Day
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..with .your .favorite saUCG
Thurs., June 29, 1967 THE ANCHOR-
Bishop Mede,iros Launches Brownsville Catholic Paper
Medeiros Pa~1i;1))[?@~ Urges Y e(Qw @{F ~C!la\?ii
BROWNSVILLE (NC)-The Vaney Catholic Witness, newspaper of the two-yea:r-old Brownsville diocese, made its debut Sunday in most amusual fashion-is was publish ed as a supplement and ci:rculated with the Brownsville Her a I d, local newspapell'. own purpose and .follow our pol Brownsville's Bishop Hum icy and are happy to acknowl berto S. Medeiros in launch edge that the Brownsvilll~ Her ing the paper said: "For the ald. enjoys the same right to present, due to our meager re sources,. The Valley Catholic Witness will be published only twice a month and In English only. We hope that your enthu siastic response will make llt possible for us to publish it once a week, with a section in Span ish, in all the Valley news papers." The bishop expressed his grat itude to E. Robert Segal, editOr, of the Freedom Newspaper, for eontracting to print the Catholie paper for six months as an' insert to the Brownsville Herald. Segal also agreed to supply .. ' sufficient number of copies to be distributed at the doorS ~. all Catholic church'es in the diocese without extra east, the bishop stated.
BROWNSVILLE (NC) => Bishop Humberto Medeiros of Brownsville has issued a pastoral letter urging Cath~
pursue freely its aims and pol icy as a newspaper. The Valley Catholic Witness and the Free dom Newspapers have no inten tion of directing or endorsing the policy and views of each other." the bishop said.
olics in his diocese'to respond to Pope Paul VI's' request for 11 Year of Faith. The year, beginning today, il!I an observance of the 19th cen tenary of the martyrdom of the Apostles Peter and Paul. Bishop Medeiros recommended "prayer ful study and meditation of the truths of our holy Faith," as one way of observing the anniver~ sary.
Relief lAid Goes To .Middle East NEW YORK (NC)-The head
The Texas See Shepherd warned that "some among us seem intent on destroying through the evils of confusion" the truths of the Catholic faith., He said there are many in the Church today "who may be and sometimes are men of great and recognized intellectual ability and scholarship, but who seem tel have lost the divine gift of faith." Bishop Medeiros, who was chancellor of the Fall River (Mass.) Diocese until he W88 elevated to the episcopacy, cited Pope Paul VI's remarks at Fatima when the Pontiff warned against those who would replace the sound doctrine of the past with new and "peculiar ideolo gies."
Of the HolY,See's Falestine reliei
agency has left, here for. the Middle East to take command of Cathol~c field operation~ to aid' refugees of the Arab-Israeli war. ,Msgr. J:ohn G. Nol;m, president· of the Pontifical Mission for Palestine, left for Rome and Bei rut. He said he was ~ncoU:raged by reports that both Arab and Presents Truth Israeli governments are coming "It shall be our policy not to grips with the 19-year-old to engage in fruitless polemiCs refugee problem. . and debates," the bishop wrote.' "These huge concentriltions of "We shall endeavor to - present poverty on both sides of the new the truth as revealed by God ' military lines are now imposing and explained by the teaching critical economic stresses'. that office of the Church, under, the cannot be ignored," Msgr. Nolan guidance of the Holy Spirit. We said. believe that the truth when He said he hoped to be 're simply and sincerely told h8s ceived by Pope Paul 'VI, whO has Bishop Medeiros urged CatIF its own power to win the min~~ dispatched emergency funds and , oHcs in the Brownsville Diocese and hearts of men. 'relief supplies to the Ixmtifical to listen to the "living voice of "We shall report .accurately' mission.· He said Americans'tOo the teaching office of the magis and objectively the work Of are responding to the emergency , ,"" God's people in the world, in the, appeal for relief ,funds. made ' . M;ID~LE EASt R.~tI,EF: To the Holy L;and, P()pe . terium (teaching authority). of nation, and especially in our di"7 .' ,through· the Caiholic·:NearEast Paul VI dispatched ,l\'isgr. Joh~ G. Nolan of .Catholic Near the Chul'ch," and not to the "al ocese; these works are t9 ~ ,Welfare Association. . East Welfare AssocialtiOn, New York,. with funds and iuring but confusing voices'· of our witness ~ Christ andwil~ Msgr. Nolan 'said he' hopes to plane-loads of relief supplies to aid displaced victims of th~se who set themselves up ., 'M~sters in Israel' with only their serve to inspire all of· us ~ .. : re-open suppiy lines broken by build up the IGngdom of Go<i," the fighting. . the' Middle East war.' TJ:te ,Albany, N.Y., priest said the scholarship, real or presumed. Bishop Medeiros continued. The pontifical DiissioJl,' he said, ,rontiff was deeply moved by many gifts from ADieric~s. .to back. the 'peculiar ideologies' ~ey preach." "We are free to earry out our ,. has ,emphasized· self-help' re- • Anting to aid refugees. NC Photo. training as a lasting s.~lution of The Bishop' suggested ~ the refugee problem, "but right Catholics study the ConstiutiODll · now, it's an urgent 'mailer 'of on the church and on Divine · bread, . blankets, medical help Revelation proclaimed by' the and, perhaps, the encouraging Second Vatican Council. He' alsO word thCllt somebody still cares." Holy FatheR' Sends Food, Clothing asked families to recite the LOS ANGELES (NC) - Tb~. Apostles Creed or the Nicene 1.5 million Catholics of the Los To MiddUe East War Victims Creed together daily during the> Angeles archdiocese will begin <::atholic Relief Unit the 'Year of Faith requested ~ BEIRUT (NC) - Two ship them. We are here at the request Year of Faith. Pope Paul VI with a solemn pro Helps ·War Voctmms. ftlents of medicines, food, cloth- of Qur Holy Father, Pope Paul fession of faith. NEW YORK (NC)-A spokes- ing and bedding arrived here VI, to convey to them the pro In a letter announcing prep man for Catholic Relief Services aboard an Alitalia Caravelle, found sympathy and love he has arations for the Year of Faith, has Sl;lid the overseas aid agency gifts of Pope Paul VI to the for them. James Francis Cardinal McIntyre of U. S. Catholics is sending victims of the Middle East War. ''This shipment comes from INSURANCE AGIENCY,INC. asked the profession be made on · more than $665,000 worth of food Planned as a pilot project to the Holy Father. A second will the year's opening day today, by, and other supplies to victims of be followed by several more arrive tomorrow. morning. Sev 96 WIIl.UAM STREET recitation of the Apostles Creed the Middle East conflict. emergency planeloads, they eral more will follow once we NEW BEDfORID. MASS. in unison in all churches. Donations which have already were to be trucked to Damascus, have assessed the exact needs In his letter announcing prep arrived include over 3,675 tons Syria, and Amman, Jordan, for and assured ourselves that the 998-5153 997 -9167 arations, the cardinal commented of food and clothing, $25,000 immediate assistance to refu PERSONAll. SERVICE aid will actually reach those who on the domination of contem worth of medicine and eating gees. need it most immediately. Much porary culture by a humanism and cooking utensils for 8,350 Aboard the. first plane' was of the future aid will come from that ignores God and attributes families. Msgr. John G. Nolan', president persons and agencies all oVer the all goodness and progress to ,The spokesman said that a of the Pontifical Mission for world who share the suffering of man's self-sufficiency. shipment of 2,625 tons of food- Palestine, who in a private audi those in pain. "There is an absence of aware stuffs, valued at $334,600' now on ence two days before had been ness of supernatural origin or the high seas lani! originalJ.r des- assigned by the Pope to assess "The Holy Father has urged ONE STOP destiny," the cardinal wrote. tined for several Mediterranean the immediate needs of refugees me to convey to the victims of SHOPPING CENTER "However, these elements must countries served by CRS, has and report back to him for fur the war his overwhelming sym be preserved or we perish. We been diverted and will be sent to . ther supplies. pathy and sorrow. He is asking • Television • Grocery have come into being through the Jordan. all men of good will to help him • Appliances • Furniture Msgr. Nolan planned to or creation of God. Our human na in this special project which he Remaining supplies scheduled ganize committees in both Da 104 Allen St., New Bedford ture is subservient to divine in- to be flown to' Jordan in the near is beginning in the Arab coun . spiration and grace. It is only future include antibiotics and mascus and Amman to expedite tries with this shipment." 997·9354 and to assure that it through this divine quality that vitamins valued at $5,300 and distribution reaGhes the most needy imme- .
we can define the progress made eating and cooking utensils for diately. -
by man through tqe centuries." 850 refugee families. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~i:X'X)o()ooIOO~ Supplies to be shipped from At the airport, where he was The cardinal asked all to .;,~~,~r-;-.-~~ pledge themselves to a g~eater Great Lakes ports soon include met by the Apos.tolic Nuncio to '. :'" FREE AOMISSION knowledge and practice of the 1 000 tons of dried beans valued Lebanon, Archblshop Gaetano at $160000' 50 tons of ~lothing . Alibrandi, and members of the faith. valued ~t $i42,500; $20,000 worth) Pontifical Mission fi.eld team 'y COmmlt.55.·0n of medit;ines and eating and . who ope~ate out of Be~rut: M~gr. Clerg cooking utensils for 7100 fam- Nolan sald that the dlstnbutIon SPRINGFIELD (NC)-Bishop' ilies. ' ' ' w i l l be on the basis of needChristopher J. Weldon of Spring- - Meanwhile, the first of several not creed." field has appointed 10 priests to ship.ments of emergency supplies 'Sympathy, Sorrow' serve on the Bishop's ·Cominis- for Syrian victims of the Middle Thanking civil, military and alon for the Clergy. All will serve East war has been turned over to religious authorities for their three-year terms on the' advisorY .Syrian government' officials· by' assistance, he said: "We are here body, the first ·such :group' in' repr.esentatives of a" special as priests to express to the ,vic AFTERNOON· AND, NIGHT 4licleesan 81stoJ;v. : , ,.,~. mission. . ",.. Ums of· the war· God's ':klve ,for
See to Observe Year of Faith
Papal ,Ai'd Arrives
THE ANCHO~-Diocese of Fail River-Thurs. June 29, 1967
~ =
Africa-Texas Style A Man For All Seasons Arizona ,Bushwacker -Bible, The Brighty of the Grand Canyoa Bullwhip Griffin Cat, The _ . Christmas That Almost Wasn't, The Cool Ones, The Countdown
Frankenstein Conquers tile Double Man, The World Double Trouble Frontier Hellcat Endless Summer, The Fanta'stic Voyage Gentle Giant, The Goal! Fastest Guitar Alive I Deal in Danger Finder's Keepers Is Paris Burning? Follow'Me, Boys Further Perils of laurel ", Jack Frost (Rus.l Monkeys Go Home Hardy, The The Gnome-Mobile Namu" The Killer Whale Plainsman, The ' 40 Guns to Apache Pass
Reluctant Astronaut, The Return of the Gunfighter Russian Adventure Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming, The Sound of Music, The . Sullivan's Empire Tammy and the Millionaire , Tarzan and the Valley of Gold Terrornauts, The That TeMessee Beat
They Came From Beyont?
Thoroughly Modern Millia
Thunderbirds Are Go
Tiko and the Shark
ATime for BUrRing
~I1HtIIlIllHII"IHIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIII"IIIII11"HlllllIIOOIllliIIl!Cllmllllll_ ~ItIIIlIIIIIlIHIllIIIII"ltllllllellllllllllllltllllllllfl~!«I'"
I MORALLY U::::NABlO ...- §
Brides of Fu MaacIl8, • Brown Eye-Evil Eye Chubasco Come Spy With Me Deadly Bees, Tile Defector, The IGrJ Doctor Zhivago Eight 0t1 The l.aII '
Faflrenheit 451 First to Fight The Flim-FliIIII ,M3II' ~ Fort Ut2h Gunfight in Abilene In like Flint Hostile Guns Jokers, Tete lOrJ
Accident 18rJ Barefoot if! the PIn Busy Body, The The Caper of ttle QoIdeiI Bulls Caprice Casino Royale Chuka ACountess Frem. _ .... Cmy Quilt, 1M Deadly Affair, "'" Devit's Owu, 1M
Diwrce American S'iyb Eldorado
La Y"U! de Chale.. (frJ
Man Who Finally Died, . . Mummy's Shroud Naked Among the Wolves (Ger.! O.S,S. 117, Mission for • Killer IFr.l . Perils of Pauliue
Poppy Is Also II
Rower, 1M
Projected Man, The led Tomahawk Shadow of Evil Shameless Old lady, The IFrJ Texican, ' The iobruk ... Sir, Wi"' Love
'" ftle Oewn Staircase War Wagon, Tile ' Warning Shot Way West, Tile The Wild, Wild Planet Yo-Yo Ifr.)
r-·'' ':::'":'"- =
§ §
lEt Greco
For 1I Few Dollars More Fortune Cookie, The F~ankenstein Created WOIMIl FIIflfIY Tiling Happe ned OIl ... Way to the Forllla, A ,Funeral jQ 8erlitl GraiMl Prill
tiail! Mafia tt8jlpeRiag, h
Haney Pot, The Hotel Hot lad to lfell Hunt, The lSp~ Island of Terrer King of Hearts Made ill Ital, A Man anll A-Womaa . . McGUire, Go Home Tile Naked Runner li&lIt of tile Generlk
Alfie I8rJ Darling , Easy Life, The IltaU The Family Way 18rJ Fliime and the Fiq Georgy Girl lBrJ
Girl with Gre" Eyes," Knack, The (~r J lord lO1fe a Duct MaratlSade Moment of Tru' • PersoOll (SwedJ
Red 0eseIt Servant, The Strangers ill t8Ie City Taboos of ttle Wcirld This Sporting life' (lId 100 'Ioulli W L1Ml
Rot Wi"' My Wife Tou Do., Pawnbroker, The Penelope Professionals, \T-he Ouiller Memorandunl, .... Rage Return of the Se¥llll Riot on Sunset Strip Rough Night in .!erie. Sand Pebbles, The Sandra (ltal.) s,irit Is Williltl. 1M
Shoot Loud, Louder • • • Don't Understand l1tiJIJ Spy With a Cold Nose Study in Terror, AlBrJ Sweet LO'te, Bitter Taming of the Shrew Triple Cross TfUnk to Cairo Two For The Road
Venetian Affair, The
TIle War Game
WlIefe The Bullets Fir lIfJ
Young lIlId' tile Willing, ....
Y"let. IBrJ Visit, The Who's Afratd of ¥lrginla '
IBrJ ZOfbI, 'Ale Greet
Woolf? '
"'Jle 1
Bi& &or Now
I ======'
Africa Addio ntatj Covenallt llrifli De8tlla, I American Dream, AI Oe~lier Thil The Male Devifs Angels Arrivederci, Bally! (formerly You Just • • IIklctcr, You've Got b ~ Banning otiddillg Beautiful Swindles, . . iNel M. Di&lt~ Biggest Bundle of 11IIe!I . . . IFistful ef DoIlm The Guoo Blue Max, The Guide FO( Tile M&frie@ ~ r:&ed !Wier, ~
Corrupt Ones,"
SIeepfng Car IRunhf, 1IIe Flight !C lBrJ Swinger, 'Rae 'UIlis Property is Conde/lUll!lill of Indiffereaee 0taU lonl CataiIII ''Dilree Bites u4 the ~ , . . "eking QueGllI 'fiR Maria
• Vis4:ouIIt
lied ' .... An&els, ThI
~ '~
Way • • • Way Out!
Welcome to Hard Times What A Way to Go What Did YOIl 00 ill the _ Daddy? Whafs New Pussycat Who Killed Teddy 8earT Who's Been Sleeping lit ..
~lnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlIlIIlIlIlmllilmmm~ " ;;;
Affair of the SVthl, tJj Bambole Utal.) Bell'Antonio IltaU Blow-Up IBrJ Circle of love Contempt IFrJ Cul-De-Sac Dear John (SwedJ Doll, The (SwedJ Empty Canvas Eric Soya's 17 lOa.m8 Game is, Over (FrJ High Infidelitll ~
Hurry Sundomi I love, You lOI1e ~ Image of love La Fuga OtalJ La Guerre Est Finie ~ La Mandragola UtaM Law, The IFrJ le Bonheur lFd lefs Tallt About Women ~ love and Marriage ~ love Game lFrJ love Goddesses, 1b Love In 4 Dimensi~ ~
~ ~ 0 Loves c1 11
fli9Gw Q"d
l~ Couples ~
Magddeoo (Ge;rJ ' Maid bl Pam ~ Marrf3d WllIIW, Th<l ~ PJlasciDIille-Femialiuta {!Xl:i? Miller's BelllJtire! t:rGt:3 ~ l'!lolesters, lIz2 ' LlIlomtll Pam ~ IYJy IS b LWa (fd) \ljy Sister, l'.'Jy LCl'Vll ~ L\ji&!:H~~~ ~' ,
~ (lbsessicm UQJ (1!3 ~llI'd I.AAAl ~
~~ I)fJW:r
Dvtl ~
f€ lJ
1kJ~~QD ~dk:T~
~~~ ~
Paris (Fd
iemptatioll lFr.-ltalJ 110:30 P.M. Summer l.rew~, The (Span.) 1b Love lSwedJ ' m Young, Too Immoral Oasted Lives Mtt llb ~ c1 Vut::3 Oee~ lDd 1:'Q!:111 t,~ 'UigcJ ~ r~ t'llices (ltdJ I:~ at tile Wort'] ~
PaJfi§h PaJrad~
iHE ANCHORThurs., June 29, 1967
B8~[}u@[,Q) C@O'$on
The Ladies Guild has on nounced its annual chicken bar becue for Saturday lavening, July 8. Serving will be from 5:30 to "I. Mrs. Alfred Azevedo is chairman and Mrs. Clarence Kirby is ticket chairman. Tickets may be ob-. tained by calling Mrs. Kirby, Mrs. Azevedo or any guild mem ber. The menu will include a half chicken, potato salad, cole slaw. cranberry sauce, mixed pickles, rolls, coffee and watermelQft. ST. MARGARET-MARY GUILD, BUZZARDS BAY AND ONSET. The' annual Penny Sale spon sored by the Guild lIor the bene fit of youth activities in St. Mar garet's, Bu:uards Bay . and St. Mary's, Onset will be held on Thursday evening, July 6 at St. Margaret's Church, Main St., Bu:uards Bay. The committee has annonuced that gifts suitable for all age groups will be ayailable. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE. Rev. John F. Hogan, adminis trator, installed the following officers for the Ladies Guild for the year 1967-68: Mrs. Antone' De Costa, president; Mrs. Alfred Azavedo, vice-president; Mrs. Thomas Morarty, secretary; Mrs. John Murley, treasurer. Directors appointed for the coming year are: Mrs. Clarence Kirby, Mrs. Alston Cotter and Mrs. Tobias Fleming.
Seeks Involvement DENVER' (NC) -Archbishop James V. Casey has called on all priests in the Denver archdiocese to submit the names of 15 priests or laymen to sel've on three new archdiocesan commissions. Five priests or laymen will be named to serve on each of the new ad visory building, ecumenical and liturgical commissions.
ROME (NQ) MethodisU Bishop Fred Pierce Corson tOO'! Philadelphia was part of the official "fam'ily" which accom panied John Cardinal Krol ~ Philadelphia to Rome for hiD elevation by Pope Paul VI W the College of Cardinals. At a press conference with the new Cardinal, the Protest ana :Bishop referred to the newly elevated U. S. prelate as "oW' cardinal."
CHICAGO AUXILIARY BISHOPS: Named to 00 auxiliary bishops to His Eminence John Cardinal Cody of Chicago are, left to right, Msgr. Thomas J. Grady, director of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C.; Msgr. William E. Mc Manus, superintendent of schools of the archdiocese of Chicago; and Msgr. JQhn L May, general secretary of the Catholic Chu r~h Extension Society. NC Photo.
Cardina~ Vagnozzi Praises America Apostolic Delegate Regrets leaving Friends WASHINGTON (NC) -Arch bishop Egidio Vagnozzi said here that he received word of his ele vation to the sacred college of cardinals "with mixed emotions." The Apostolic Delegate said he is "profoundly grateful to the Holy Father for his kindness and consideration in elevating me" to the sac·red college, and that his "gratification is deep in being called to serve the Church in some higher capacity." But, at the same time, he added, "I sincerely regret leaving this country and the many _ friends I have here. Thanks All "After 18 year I have really come to consider the United States as my own eountry and am saddened at the thought 6f leaving it permanently," the cardinal-designate stated. "There is so much to remem ber and to say. I want to thank the cardinals, archbishops and bishops, the clergy and the laity for'the cooperation which they have given me during the past eight years in my w{)rk'as Apos tolic Delegate. "I am sorry if in the discharge of my duties I might have disap pointed anyone; however, I. al
ways tried to carry out my work with an abiding concern for the Church in the United States, in accord with the mind of the Church and the dictates of my conscience." . Archbishop Vagnozzi has served two tours of duty in the Apos tolic Delegation here. He came here in 1932 on his first foreign assignment for the Holy See and served until 1942, when, at the age of 36, he was the youngest diplomat in the service of the Holy See to hold the yank of counselor. He returned here in 1959 as Apostolic Delegate. Rewarding YeaFS
"I have spent 18 busy and re warding years in the United States," the cardinal-elect £on tinued, ·"a!1d I have learned to love, respect and appreciate the American peopl~; I will keep them fondly in my heart for the rest of my life. I know, too, that
Study Joint Chapem In New, Mexico
in Rome I will look forward to seeing the friends who will come to the Eternal City. "I do not know yet just what my duties will be in Rome, but I can assure the American people that they will have no more loyal friend there than my humble person. "May God bless America and alwaYll keep her as tht~ bastion of liberty, justice and progress in a world of diversity striving teward unity; a world of conflict yearning for tranquility, a world of technological power that must uphold the true values of the human person."
See Names Laymon Business Manag·e·II';' MARQUETTE (NC) - Bishop Thomas L. Noa of Marquette has named John F. LaHaie, a Michi gan insurance agent, restauran teur and former State Deputy of the Knights of Columbus, as the dioceses's first lay business manager. " . ,
"I mean· it spiritually," he ex
plained. "We have a rapport to
gether. I never feel any differ
ent in his presence than I do
, "wiUt my colleagues in the JI.'Ieth
, tldist Church. He and I like eacl:l
. ether, and that's not always true ef people you work with, eVeIl among churchmen." "The late Pope John," Bish6)l) Corson continued, "said thaft brotherhood must precede doe .trine, and Cardinal Krol and Jl Rever do anything that woulcll embarrass one another in ecu menical work." In answer, the Philadelphia Cardinal stated, "From our first contact we had a charitable un derstanding. We always finfll o!-1rselves taking pretty nearly the same viewpoint on civic anell community affairs. And we don'a give the ecumenical movement ~ wan smile and pretend there 2R no' differences. We know there are differences, but we know that we are instruments in the .hands of God and we approacb these differences with honest;r and sincerity." Praises Pope
Speaking with Philadelphm seminarians at the North Amer ican College, Bishop Cors4>R dE scribed Pope Paul VI as "one elf the greatest strategists in any field in the world today." "Many times he appears to be "8leW," Bishop Corson explainoo; "He's not slow; he's wise. II:! ecumenical work, be thankfull Y,ou will have a ministry in II part of the world receptive tv this idea." Smiling, the Protestant prelate said, "You better pay attentiolll $e me. -l might be your nen bishop. But 1 don't think the would let me be a Catholif: bishop. He might think I'. doill£ more good where I am."
LaHaie is al110 former chair WHITE ROCK (NC)-C3tho 'man of the Michigan Catholic lies and Episcopalians here have eenference Lay OrganizatiOl'l De formed·a joint lay committee te partment. study the possibility of the two His apPointment, said Bishop faiths building a joint chapel Noa, will help free priests for for the tiny population of White mor~ ?astoral work. Rock. 3 Savings Plans The town, which numbers about 200 people, is part of the NEW YORK (NC)-Catechet Home Financing federally-owned Los Alamos ics" will be taken outdoors in a County development and cur new Summer religious education, 1:ently has no church facilities program, "Challenge," to be· con at all. Catholics and Episcopali ducted by the New York archdi Reg. Master Plumber 2930 ans attend church services at ocesan Confraternity of Christian GEORGE M. MONnE Pinon School. Doctrine. Over 35 Years Forty-three nuns fl'om 25 dif • The project is being cOl,lsider of Satisfied Service 261 Main St.. Wareham, Mass. ferent religious communities will ed by Trinity on the Hill Epis 806 NO. MAIN STREET Telephone 295-2400 be involved in the program in copal church and Immaculate FaRi River 675-74W Ilanll-fly·Mall ServIce AftllUle. catechetical work which will run Heart of Mary Catholic church, from .July 10 to Aug. 25 in both located in nearby Los Ala Lower Manhattan and East mos. Immaculate Heart bought a site here last July, the first Harlem. "The Sisters will not use sale of church property in White Rock.. classrooms," reported Father William Tobin, assistant CCD director, who will head the pl'O gram. "Rather they will teach outdoors, in the projects, in the MONROE (NC) - When the playgl'Ounds through activities local newspaper in Monroe that involve the l:hildren in a Michigan commlinity of 23,000 meaningful experiences. More dubbed the "Flol'al City" for its can be accomplished .in a dynam extensive nUJ;series-heard the == == ic, informal manner." , names of the four new American In additiop to teaching chil cardinals, its front page blos-· dren, he explained, the nuns will somed with a display. of pride work with adults in the area "on in one of its readers. Said the a more 'intel'-personal, pre headline: "AI Krol's Brother catechetical basis several eve Named Cardinal." Al Krol's ninp." r1uring the week and on brothel' :~ ,John Cardinal Krol wt:t:l,t::uds... Qf Philaue!Vilia. iJIIJIIlllllilllllllllllliII11I1111I11I1111111111I1III1II11II1I1I1I1I!1II11::;;iil/lIl1l1l1l11l1l1l111I1111111111I11I111111111111I11111111I5
Offering You
Schedule Religious Classes Outdooll's .
Montie 'Plumbing & Heating Co."lnt~
--------------, rlllll;II;I"';"';;;F~"·;~;;;~;:·ooml
Pride Blossoms
COADJUTOR: Auxiliary
Biilhop David F. Cunning ham of Syracllile has been named by Pope Paul 'VI to be Coadjutor with right of sllccession to Bishop Walter A. Foery of Syracuse. NC PhOLO.
! .
,Rabbi, Criticizes Church Silence
THE ANCHOR-:Oioces~,~.Faf4. River....,.Thur.s•. J.~ne 29, 1967,
-New Riti'es, Stress '-Simplification Continued from Page One silence, hymn to the Blessed ,rayer, expressing thapks or.a Sacrament,. or recitation ~f. a ~oking upwards as to heaven, psalm. It IS to be a defmlte ~ an outstretched hand. action and not something done Gradually; so as to show this while ~he' priest is cleaning and more emphatically, the priest arrangmg the Mass, vessels. would point to the objects being ,Vestments . blessed-especially during the No longer will the priest wear Mass. The late Middle Ages the now useless maniple - a 'Would press for an added teach- strip of cloth on his left arm, a Jlng-a signing with the Sign of . re~inder of the, handkerchief the Cross three times (the Trin- WhICh a leader would use to !ty) or,twice (natures of Christ). signal th~ congre?ation. Now with better understandThe pnest also IS able to wear ing by all present and increased the chasuble (oute~ Mass v~st participation, the blessing of the men~) for ceremomes that Im objects ~ clearly seen by all- medIately. prec~de o~ !~ll()w the may return to its original simple Ma~~. ThIS. w111 ~hmma:e the prayer of thanksgivin·g. wrotmg penod durmg WhICh the , Communion Rite priest would, change vestments. . ". The chasuble may be worn for ,There was ~ls~ a sII?phflcabon the Asperges, the reception of a ~ the Commumon RIte. Instead body during a funeral the con et two rites-the priest's and cluding absolution a'nd other Ole ,people's, each with its hi.- ceremonies throughout the year. tt-oduction-there is now only lEnd of Mass ',The Mass will be ended by the . ene. The con.gregation is cal~ed to the altar rIg~t after the thIrd priest's dismissal vvhich '\(ViII be "'Lamb o~ God.. preceded by and not followed by The pnest, after hIS short per~ the blessing. The .priest's bless oonal prayers, shows th~ conse- ing will be given at all Masses <erated Host to all and wIth them (Requiem also) that are not fol ll'eCites the immediate prepara- lowed, . by the absolution' or a tory prayers-"Lord, I am not procession. ~orthy." . ..' Greater use is also permitted . Af:er hl~se~ recel vH~g Co~~ of the use of varied scripture IlImmon, the ,ppest go~s ,lInmedl- readings (weekday readil}gs that atelY,to the people to give them follow through with the' Sun the 'Body of Christ. For 'this,' it day's selections), use of prayer~ would be better to follOW the for special intentions and a long-encouraged coi1sec'ratioq!,f more varied use of th'e'Prayer ihe people's hosts at the Mass for 0If the Faithful. filat people. It would then elimAll are now permitted to r~ mate the interruption .during ceive Holy Communion twice in which the priest would have to the same day on Holy Thursday leave the altar to get the Blessed (Mass of Chrism and Evening Sacrament from an adjacent tab- Mass of the Lord's Supper), as ernacle. is already permitted for ChristTh~ whole rite is then: c~o,,:nmas (Midnight and morning tad WIth a moment of meditabve Mass) and Easter (Vigil and Easter Mass). ' Attlbore Oblate Vernacular Use All the rites of Holy Orders Resume. Studies may now be, prayed fu the verFather Leo Gravel, OMI, 01'- nacular and all the reading of dained last December in Lowell, the Divine Office:-made short IIlas been assigned to do graduate er' for the greater feasts' lrOl'k in sociology at Boston Col~ which, clerics areexj>ected, to lege. Father Gravel will,begiiJ,' have more work 'to do. " ,The, entire Canon' 'in 'the ver working for' a' Master~s 'Degree iiextSepteinber; ..,' nacular is now perJnitted,. How ... Father' Gravel is, the sori ever; there is no' officililly ap _r:' and' Mrs. Raymond Gravel proved text yet, available. It is 'iii 41 Wesbninster Avenue, "So: expec~e4 that in·th~, U.S., tpe 'Attleboro: His 'early education', Can~n shall be recit~ ,in En was iri Our Lady of Consolation glish, beginning w~th', the, First EIemen'tary School"Pawtucket. /' ~unday ~f Advent m ,N:o'('ember, Be attended high school at st. 1967. " ' , ", ,, , ' ' . .JGseph's Prep S~mina.ry, in, Buckf.'port, Maine; and' junior H~igs "Orga,n izafion eollege at St. John the Evangel ist College and Seminary in Bar Priests' Senate,
Harbor, Maine. Both institutions '
are conducted by the Oblate NEW YORK (NC) - Francis
rathel'S and Brothers.. Cardinal Spellman hailed' the
He received the -Bachelor of organization of' a Priests' Sen Arts Degree from the Oblate" ate for the, archdiocese of New College and Seminary of Natick, York at a Mass op~ning the first ud recently completed his theo- '~~y't~ng of the. newly, elected logical studies there. Cardinal Spellman told the priestS that' he was" "thankful" that Vatican, Council II recom mended the establishment oi such senates'., '' : , , "Our,time," he said, "is one of great turbulence, bot!) within' the € h urch, and outside it, 'and while, -a bishop always needed the advice. and prudent judgment of his priests, he needs it riow ' more urgently. The senate, is' a ' providential instrument to make their counsel available in solving , the many problems' which con front him-and I rejoice that we now nave one in the archdio cese." - . ; .....
500 To
On Mid-East LOS ANGELES (oNC)-A Jewish leader in interfaith activity has criticized what he called the failure of the
GliRLS· CYO, CHAMPS:, Donna Mello, right, CYO Girls' League, director, presents th~ winner's. trophy to Sr. Timothy Michael, S.N..J.M., left, coach of .the victorious Immaculate Conception team, New Bedford, in the.presence of co-captains Janic~ Martins and Donna Menezes;' at the' amiual banquet held Sunday night at KennedY Center. •
for' 'Miss:ions',' .:.' fCMI1"
lBcsltcln PrieSitl's Among GII'~UP Ready lFbe~alJ1l
latin American Paroilll Work
, "The survival of the Jewish BOSTON (NC)-Richard 'Car will spend four months studying people," the Rabbi added, "is not at the society's language and cul dinal Cushing officiated at de a political issue." parture 'ceremonies for 18 priests· tural center in Peru before leav The American Jewish Commit of .the Missionary Society of St. ing for assign'ments in the Latin 'tee, he' said,' is not entitled to James the Apostle who will serve American countries, mostly in draw the kind of optimistic con in poor parishes in Latin Amer .impoverished areas. Each will clusions it did. ica.-:.:.the largest group to leave,· serve for five, years. , Rabbi Brickner' added,' how for duty, in, that are!!' since he eYer, that despite "these failures founded the society ;t;lin~ yean. ' behalf Of the Christian Vrges Church BClck. ':' OIl ago. ' cburch" there must' be "con , The organization now, nUm tinued' and expanded communi bers '100 ,priests from all ,parts of Progre~sive Forces' eations between these faiths....
the ,world. They, staff about 30' , MUNICH (NC) - The € h urch
.parishes in Bolivia, Peru mad,' in Latin America must'support' Ecuador. progressive forces there that. e u e e I.catlon The latest in~lu~es .four pries1s strive towar~ soci~l reforms 'and "Of Shrine Chapels from Boston" SIX n~bves of Ire- 'must sever'tles With reactionai'y' ', ... " '.', land and eight from seven other and conservative circles, Julius' ,WASHINGTON (NC) - Twe Sees .in the United' States. They_ Cardinal Doepfner' of .Munich' Claretian chapels in honor of , , sai~ here. " . th.e Imma~,~l1ate ~eart of. ~ary 'oIL'... The German' cardinal gave a 'Will. be dedIcated In the NatiOnal IstroWlllBtle 00 ' et press conference on his return Shn~e of the Immaculate ConOn ,Sex IEducation fro~n a visit to Latin America eepbon here. Sunday, July 16. where he attended th' t' '1' Completed in 1966, the chapels ,TRENTON (NC)-A' 50-page . ..'. ' e na IOna have been donated to the Na booklet on sex education is being . as Eucharlsbc Congress of EcuadOr ti pap'al legat H i ' ·t'ed' . ona'I Sh·· rme. 'by, US .. membe rs distributed to public school edu'. . ,e: ~ a so VISI, . of the Claretian congregation, cators by the New Jersey depart- Colombia and, MeXICO. which includes priests and broth ment of· education as a guide in ' ' The cardinal said there is no ers.The Claretians were former 'implementing an earlier recom- ,i~m,edia~e, communist danger in' ·ly known as the Sons of the 1m mendation that such'instruction Latin America, but added that maculate Heart of Mary. be offered, in the state's public co~tinued a"oidance of such, a' , Bishop Joseph M. Querexeta, schools. ' danger depends largely upon the ," C.M.F.,' bishop of the titular 'See . A" curriCulum., guide contained a~ility of Latin Ameri~an coun- .. , ,of ~resso!l~di>r;elate ~f IS8bela, iIi the booklet is partially the ,trIes to establish s~ble BOci~~: Ph~lippines, will preside at the work of 'Father Dentici," !:ln~, polit~<;al condltiops. '. ,dedication'~'~ereqloni~. pastor of St. Bartholomew's ..
Catholic Church,. East Bruns-' wick. The guide is, titled "Sex
Education-A Guide for Curricu
lum Development in Human'
'Sc'h 'dO, I
Minis Leave Parosh',
"organized Christian church" ~ speak out on behalf of Israel dwr ing the Middle East conflict. , Rabbi Balfour Brickner, direc tor of the Commission on Inter faith Activities of American Re formed Judaism, said that the "Christian I establishment" was silent "on' the suppOrt for the' integrity of the state of Israel." Catholic Support Rabbi Brickner also took sharp issue with a survey by the Amer ican Jewish Committee which concluded that "widespreaci Christian support for Israel's position is a reflection of the growth of Jewish-Christian un derstanding." The survey noted support for Israel expressed in statements by Richard Cardinal Cushing of . Boston, ,Archbishop Paul Halli nan of Atlanta, Lawrence Cardi nal Shehan' of Baltimore, the Catholic Association for Inter national Peace and the general board of the National Council of Churches. . Rabbi Brickner noted that large donations had ~rt made by non-Jews to the Israel Emer gency Fund. ,One' came ·from Father Leo McLaughl,.in, S.J., president of Fordham Uniyersity. Ex'pand CommunilcatftolllS ' But, he said, "they were ex ceptions and not the rule. The organized church seemed unable to take a strong stand on what it considered to be a political
DULUTH "(NC)-The Sisters of the' Holy Names of Jesus and Mary will leave Duluth in July,' , after'soine 47 years of service in. " St. Jean's 'pads'it here. The nu~s originally came to Minnesota in . i920-from Montreal to preserv:e, 944 County st. the French language',in ,tb~ .. 'New Beaford pariBh. •
B kl
D "'do "
The most friendly, cIe~ocratic BANK offering,
C«»mplete One-Stop B~n~;ng Club AccOunts ' Auto, Loans ' Checking Accounts :Business Loans ,Savings Accounts Real ~ Estate Loans 'At Somerset ~oppi";g Afl,o...,...Brightmaa St. Bri~. . ' Member F8deral, D~p'osit Insurance C«poration
··For.mer Boxing Champion, Movie
THE ANCHOR Thurs., June 29. 1967
,·Actress. at· ·Son's First Mass LOS ANGELES (NC)-There'5 • lot mote than sNdy, determi ~tion ond that right frame of mind ealled n vocation which gceB into the making of Il priest -a whale of Q lot more. Take, for !Instance, newly or dained Father Michael Anthony Callahan, S.J. When he offered his first Sol emn Mass of thanksgiving in Christ the King church here, the pew of honor was occupied by l!l man whose face looks as if it had been massaged by a steamroller, mld '8 woman endowed with the baauty of a faded movie star. After a look at the man with ~e flattened nose, scarred fa~ and gnarled bands, oldtime fight fl.ans would swear he was Mushy Callahan, onetime junior welter.' weight champ of the world. And they'd be' tight!
Back Pay , ,'Raise Fo~ PO§Bceemnen
scarred Mushy Callahan and the' former silent screen star proudly
watching their son offer his first
Solemn Mass in Christ the King ehurch. The ex-fighter and the ex actress saw to it that their son went to Blessed Sacrament grade School, Loyola' High and Gon zaga University Jin %>okane, Wash. They encouraged him when he spoke of studying for the priesthood, and went off to Alma College in Los Gatos for his studies. Mushy Callahan and his for mer actress wife must have done something right-,-because there
is a lot more than study, deter mination and that right frame of mind called a vocation which goes into the making of a priest -a whale of a lot more.
MILWAUKEE (NC)-A grou~ Milwaukee archdiocesaiil priests is supporting a' move which would make this city's ]pOlicemen among the highest paid in the country. The group, the Council of Urban Life, headed by Father John F. Rasmann, was formed a year ago to work on inner city problems, but now has expanded into wider problems of metro politan life.
The council is circulating peti tions backing a recommendation made by Raymond C.' Seitz, for mer dean of Marquette Univer sity law school, urging salary in creases for the policemen. The petitions will go to. Jpmes J. Mortier, city labor n~go~L~tor. The priests' council' com mended the work of Milwaukee policemen in handling interra, cial problems, especially a dis turbance which occurred a feW' weeks ago between groups <a:2 Negro and white youths. . 6f
!il~~ g~ndce o~~:i~ew~~rebe:~~ U[}u@QD;§@D'i)(clJ~ [}=[]@[{i)@[? i, t would swear she was Leonore Hill, star of the silent .screen. And they'd be right, too! Father Michael AnthoJ;ly Callahan, who was ordained June 7 by Auxiliary Bishop Timothy Manni,ng .of Los Angeles, is their llon. Ii's not quite clear how Father Callahan became Father . Callahan .. instead of" Father
0 0
lli5o;§[}u@[9) ~@[]'[Ji]1)@[jl')if
DALLAS (NC.)-Bishop 'FUI-!' "\';' S· f h N Y ton J. heen. 0 ~oc. ester, . ., \ called the triple Jubilee celebra- ;: tion of Bishop Thomas K. G<>r- il man of Dallas-Fort Worth a great tribute to a good man. . '~W~, a k~~1! ,of reward, on e~rth , that ,the. Lord gives a good man," NEW BEDFORD : Members of the H-oly .Family ,Sc~eer, b~t after all, what's in 11 Bishop" I Sheen said. "What CYO basketball team, New Bedford, Francis Contior; SIOUX FALLS (NC) -Thtl p~e. , greater' tribute could we give' &l executive committee of the Na othy Donahu~ and ,William SieY~~8 admire their'Champion .Borrowed NBDIe man? He, ,has been with Christ.... ship trop)ly being presented. by '.,Ad~lard Bastarache, left, tional Catholic Rural Life Con Back in the Roaring '20s, whelli. The pishop w~ paraphrasing the prize fighters were plentiful, . words ¢. 'I- maid servant to S~. CYO Boys' ~gue director, following the banquet, held 'at ference complains that the fam ily on the land and their pro~ g60d and tough, a youngster Peter, "Thou hast been with the Kennedy' Center' on Saturday. lems are largely ignored ~ fought his way up from Los An.. Galilean." other sectors of society. geles streets to the nation's top Bishop Sheen, a liormer class- • ' . "We view with deep. solicD boxing' arenas. His Dame was mate of Bishop Gorman, spoke tude," the group said, "the grow :Morris (Moishky) Scheer, SOI!l at the jubilee. Bishop Gorman ing, tendency of other segmenw of 11 produce merchant. The was ~lebrating his 75th birth ef society - educational, reli Moishky became Mushy and he day, 50 years as a priest and 15 gious, industrial, pQlitical and borrowed the Callahan from 1Il years in the diocese of Dallasgovernmental-to ignor~, almosfl leeal boxing promoter. Fort Worth. totally, the role, the status antll Family, friends, priests and the WASHINGTON (NC) - "The He suggested that ChristilUUl now even the plight of the map! :Mushy Callahan fought the best in his class-Ace Hudkins, people of his diocese, Catholic erisis in our culture and, in DO turn to the liturgy for help ill and the family engaged in agd Jackie Fields, Pinkey Mitchell, and non-Catholic, turned out by small degree; the crisis in the making Hvivid, real and alive, cultural production." Jackie Kid Berg. Those were the the thousands to honor the' Church, is not so much a crisis in ,. the .lessons of the Sacred Scrip days when mobsters muscled in. bishop. Others came from Cali- faith as it is a crisis' in hope," ture concerning tile 'nature and . on the· fight game and :a,t times fomia "and Canada, from New says Bishop' J~hn.J. 'Yright of.the c~ntral.ity ()f hop'c," " Sl dictated "tank,' jobs" ,for their England' and 'Puerto Rico. More Pittsburgh.'. ",,,, ' . 'B S h "11i. ., oWn)imlncial ~n.efi~Qut none than 8,000 were present for 'the' "The vi'rtue'Of hope, therefore, -"",.A.nothel'w~rkshop. speaker, a Im~)fe c 9,.~ , ~uld.. , forc~ Mushy, Ca~ljhan ~ ,celebration I Off ,the jlJbilee Ma'sS:" To' c mes' that 'virtue "wIiich most Father, Augustm, Leon'8~d, O.P.., BALTIMORE (NC) . .,...,: MSgJ? ..... ~.' Prelates ,~ .. J • e 0 I . ,l;llso, touched onl·the'! ' ._~ ~~e.i!l,,4Jve, no ,rna,tte J;. w h at .... NR: jOming in the observ- demands the al:tention: m the' . . . Virtue, ,of, '. William C. Newmanl 'Pf"mClp"", , .~re~t. " ,. ' ',,' ~tnC~ incl.u.d~d. '!\rcl1bishop Robu,l preacher of the word, Of God wlW,,: hope.which htoepsl.aci~ ~s' ,~n'under- of St. Paul's .Latin High.-Schooll, ~J:' ~~ lo~t llis .title.i,n Lon- ert ·E. Lucey of: 'San 'Antonio,' ll""ho-pes"to make"'his"contribution ", Qcyeloped m·· '~Catho)ie ,will become archdioces'an' super don in 1930 to Jackie Kid B~rg, , former classmate of' Bishop GOr--' , to a -revivah:if joy'il'l.· the(People; ,~~o1(>gy. ." "',' ... , intendent . of education the Callahan became a technical ,ad- ,man;,longtill1e' friend of James .' of God," ,:htiemphasized;. .. IFatller" I.~nard "declarecll end of this .month. visor for ,,';Warner Broth~~ Francill" Cardi8alMcI~tyre of Urgent Itbpo~ , ..; .' J>~eacht;rs should n?vet ~ake the Lawrence Cardinal Sh'ehan a» movi~. He supervi~ filf~t, ,Los Angeles,· and CardlDal-desB' hop' W'right' addressing Ii virtue @f hope' a~p'car to be '1M) announced that Brother AnIleeDes and his most recent work , ignate:J~hn·Ji'. Cody of Cbicago~ ;. wor~shoP" till: 'p;eacIliiig, spon:";" merely;\ prop f.or thEi .~atus que ' thony Jpsaro, present 'sUperh"" Js embodied in the present hit, .. , , . '.' sored by the: Catl10lic Uruversity -thereby ~rni~ h~~ almost . tendent, 'will return to the Cath "'SaJld Pebbles." ef America,' .descrlberlhope _ , into an illUSion. ChrIStian hope '0& University of Am'cricD te Proud Parents· "neglected except in times Gf" ~ust ..integrate h~expe~ eomplete work on his d6ctorate In 1933 Mushy Callahan and ,.' ," . , great ,crisis and when despair tiOJlll, he sta,tedo iii education. ibe beauteous Miss Leonore Hill, NQ':fRE DAME (NC) - The seems all but imminent"-as the II Catholic, were married. The Un'v.ersity. of Notre Dame has . "visceral" virtue.
Bolllywood wise guys winked- Btaf1e4 a course in the Dynamics "Whenever the personalities of
were 'willing to bet it 'woudn't oj' Contemporary Education the Old or New Testament speak last.. ai~ed at bringing its graduate of hope, they do sO in' terms ~ .~
But there they were, battle- students into.,contact with eu't- the living flE!sh," the Bishop ,. JO.A ....... OF P~RISH
rent problems in education. noted. ''Thus Job, .bewildered ,in " ,.~ The courSe~ 'taken by all ean- faith but strong in hope, JULY 11 1 didates'f~~ master's ,or doctor'i!!' Peter on the firSt Pentecost, eaB" ' , '7 '
d~wre,~,)~ a ,joint effort of ~,'. ingon thQse',w:~o ~ardhim ~,'.: "AUCTIONEER:'.·Dick Bourne ,
.dep'aJ;1m~nt ..C?f: education, membelieve, but 'to feel in their get'Y . REFRE.SH,.,M" . . E,NTS.' . ' $E, R.VEOALL,' DAY .. ::-.<,:
ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC) hers ,of .()ther academic depart- flesh the faith of which ho~.'i:l '. _. -~ new' salary' scale has ~ adopted by the Rockville Centre' ~~~t~;"'.1\~~outside experts·· hi> ·the very fO\indation~AT CHURCH ()F THE VISITATON GROU~DS education, " Huma'n..· E~~~4t.ODS "··N ' N 'TH EASTHAM . ,
di~se'bere' OIl Long Island. Topics 'for the six unit-weeks . I. .. OR .:.,,' The action, taken by the new will include "Catholics and Pu~ "In im existentialist culture, ,10 A.M.ta 3 P.M. ..' ., toH loute 6-Massasoit;- Rd.) diocesan Board of Catholic Edu lie Schools," "Church and SUite: 'II world 'frequently' 1emptoo' .. cation and approved by Bishop in An1e~can Education," "Edu- Believe in itS power, and the._ Walter P. Kellenberg, raises the cation Today in the Inner City," fore to develop IH:ohfidence en IJtarting salary to $6,000, with a and "Dimensions and Strategies' . tirely in itseU,.the virtue of hope " maximum' of $13,000 reached in in Teaching Religion." has acquired 'a relevance, 20 steps. The former starting urgent importance, such as it had". Mlary for secondary teachers Rt. 6 at Tlie Narrows ir.l North Westport in the days when St. John wrote was $4,800. . the great book of.the A~ lypse," Bishop Wright stated. . . The scale, which will go into Where Ttw,f:
effect this September, will m Entire Family
-.olve nearly 100 teachers in the CINCINNATI (NC) - Segre four DeW diocesan high schools gated churches contribute to the Can Dine'"
.mt three parish high schools. raee rioting in Negro areas TORONTO (NC)-The Angli Econom'icaUf
Fathe~ J)avid G. Farley, diocesan throughout the nation according can Church Women have askeCl ;! .uperiritendent of schools, said to the head ot1 the United Church the Canadian government t.l le . ."~ tile scale" approximates public of Christ.' galize "properly controlled" .... ' FOR IMp IId1ool. salaries ia Nassau 'Speaking at the opening of the pensing of birth control infOnDa-' . RBERVATIONS .w Suffolk Counties. He indl denomination's general ~od, tion and devices. A resolutiGll PHONE ea~ tbe board will consider a Rev. Dr. Bell 140hr Herbster of asking a change in tbe law 'Wall" . _1D~ increase for diocesan ele New York called 'on the churches adopted unanimouslyb)" the _ ' 67~115 , " mentary school teachen ill tbe to "search theill consciences" __ ~elegates. attending the ~ . -ear jutW'eo prdJng racial lIelations. afmual meeting here.
Asserts Rural Life Families Ignored
In Hope'
Pittsburgh Bishop John Wright Cites Church'. W Concern at Catholic University orkshop
Msgro Newman Hea ItO'
Notre.....).ame Sta'rts, Education Course
A', 'U", C T I 0 .....
,Diocesan Teachers' Get Salary Boost
ARC ft61 '
Segregated Churches Cause Race Rioting
Urge Legalization
Family Restaurant
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. June 29, 1967
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