t eanc 0 VOL. 44, . NO. 26 • Friday, June 30, 2000
·usan ,stic Cd: By JAMES N. PJJ~~
n 5,000 people including clergy, re
S~crainent in a massive, inspi..ing p
River diocese concluded its first Euc Tum tQ, pac.e IJ -ltf<_
~AlL ~IV~p( O~OC~SAN NlGW5bUA~j)lf::~
FOR 50UlHltA51 MASSACHU§lGu{8 CA[P~ COO ~ n-£t: ISLANlDS Southeastern
Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
lHEANd-IOR ~HioceSe ofFall River~ Fri:, June 30, 2000
Catholic Charities hits record $3.4M ~
Final tally of $3,395,459 is'highest return ever. .
parish committees of lay men and women has been a positive factor in the growth as well as the promotion on a year-round FALL RIVER - Catholic basis of the goals and purposes CharitiesAppeal officials have of the campaign in diocesan reported that a record-shatter- parishes." ing sum, just under $3.4 !TIilDonly added that "We are lion, was realized for the spring grateful to our friends and 2000 campaign that ended June benefactors in business and in14. dustry, in' the ,professions and The record Appeal was real- in the civic organizations. But ized "Thanks to the generosi.ty the greatest p~rt of our success of the residents ·of our diocese is located directly in the parand area," said Msgr. Thomas ishes." .,' ·J. Harrington, etirector of the For .the "first tim@ in the 59:' Appeal., year history of the fund-raiser "Bishop O'Malley and the the fotal returns from the parCa'tholic coriununity in south- ishes aloneexceeded'$3 million. · eastern Massachusetts will be The perennial leader, Saint Pius able to provide the'n.eeded ser- X Parish in South Yarmouth, vice and oufreach to the count- topped $160,000. The. second less individuals and families highest was recorded. by Our who approach Du'r agencies arid Lady of Victory ~arish in institutions," Msgr. Harrington Centerville, exceeding las't added. He expressed gratitude year's achievement when it was · to all, especially the pastors and the second parish in the diocese priests and parish committee to surpass the $100,000 mark. members who provided the Diocesa!l .officials were leadership and' e'nthusiasm " pleased 'to note a third parish which resulted in the unprec- this year moving beyond the · edented figure. $100,000 plateau: Our Lady of Michael J. Donly, diocesan Mof;int Carmel iri Seekonk, Director of Development, which raised more than pointe.d out that this increase $103,000. Father George E. over last yea(s Appeal of Harrison, pastor of this first nearly $220,000 or seven per- off-Cape Cod parish to have cent, was the third consecutive such success, attributed the resignificant improvement. suits to a very simple formula: "Over the past three years "We just took all the steps in our Appeal has grown by more the process and our people rethan $814,000," Donly re- sponded very gen·erously." ported. "While economic cirMsgr. Harrington pointed cumstances have 'been favor- with considerable satisfaction able, a factor which undoubt- to the returns registered in some edly has helped, it also appears of the urban parishes in the that the establishment of stable older cities of Bristol County, . especially in New Bedford and Hll River. JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Meanwhile Donly identified FUNERAL HOME the significant increases regis550 Locust Street' tered in every single parish unit Fall River, Mass. in the Attleboro Deanery, which includes, along with the Rose E. Sullivan William J. Sullivan City of Attleboro, the Towns of Margaret M. Sullivan North Attleboro, Mansfield, 672·2391 Norton, and Seekonk.
"We expected some growth in the burgeoning sub.urban parishes," Msgr. Harrington stated, "but it was especially heartening to see how well some of the inner-city parishes did this year." Donly could only marvel, and gratefully, at the returns registered along' the northern tier of the diocese. "We feel that the pledge option, based on a IO-month payment plan, has hylped," said Donly, "The use of the. credit card option, which was intro-
duced a couple of years ago, has increased. No doubt that helps to account for the increase." Although all returns for the campaign have been made, the staff at Diocesan Headquarters will be collating and analyzing the data in the coming weeks. ':YVe ha"e been hoping to expand the nlimber of contributors a~d to encourage increased giving on the part of all Who do participate," explained DonlY, who added that it will
In Your Prayers' Please pray for the following, priests during the coming w~ek
July 3
1942, Rev. Thomas P. Doherty, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford .
. .
" ~~ . 1:
~, ' 1955, Rev. James A. Coyle, S.T.L., Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River \\ . . " . \ \ July 5 • . ., :, .. , \ . 1943, Rev. 1.E LaBonte,"Pastor, Sacred Heart, New Bedford 1985, Rev: Edward P. VerSailles; M.S:, La Salette Shrine, North Attleboro. ' \ \
July 4.
\ \
' ." \ JulY6~"'';'-'<' , . 1963, Rev. Edmond Francis;\~S.CG.-;J:lastor;St. Mary, Fairhaven .
1965,,~ev~!ll,jjlesE:"Lynch, Firs~Pastor,St.
J<;>an ofAre, Orleans Jhl' 8 ,y,. . 1887, Rev. Edward 1. Murphy; Pastor, St. Mary, Fall River 1995, Msgr. Patrick 1. O'Neill, Retired Pastor, St Julie Billiart, North Dartmouili \ f~',
July 10, "
1938, Rev. Pie Marie Berard, O.P., DoriVDjcan Priory, Fall River 1972, Rev. Maurice E. Parent, Pastor, St.\Michael,Swansea 1987, Rev. John E. Morris, M.M., Retit~d,Maryknoll Missioner; Rev. Theodore M. Morin, M.S., La Salette Shrine, NcirthAttleboro \
1979, Rev. Arthur P. Deneault, M.S., La Salette Failier July 14
1938, Rev. Nicholas Fett, SS.CC., Pastor, St. Boniface, New Bedford 1949, Rev. Edmund 1. Neenan, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs 1998, Rev. Vincent E Diaferio, Pastor, Holy Rosary, Fall River July 16
. 19~7, Rev. Bernard Percot, O.P., Founder, St. Dominic, Swansea July 17
1960, Rev. William 1. Smith, Pastor, St.Jacques, Taunton 1981, Rev. Edmond Rego, Associate Pastor,Espirito Santo, Fall River 1997, Rev. Ernest N. Bessette, Retired Pastor, St. Joseph; Attleboro
~ Walsh
1111 NIIIlonII CIaaIl PlwIIII:lD GIMIl Clfllll ~ ....
Pharmacy THOMAS PAII1INA.IC I'ttannacIfI
202 Rock St.
, Fall RIver
July 18
1968, Rev. Adalbert Szklanny, St. Patrick, Fall River 1984, Rev. Lionel G. Doraisi, SSS., Native ofSouth Attleboro July 19
1934, Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, D.D., Second Bishop of Fall River, 1907-34 , 1975, Rev. Francis M. Coady, Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River 1992, Msgr. Joseph R. Pannoni, Pastor Emeritus, Holy Rosary, Taunton July 20
1983, Rev. Joao Medeiros, Retired Pastor, St. Elizabeili, Fall River July 23
1893, Rev. Patrick E Doyle, Founder, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River 1938, Rev. George B. McNamee, Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River
be several weeks before full scrutiny of returns will be completed. Turn to page six - Appeal
Daily Readings I
'July 3
Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1-2; In I
July 4
Am 3:1-8;4:1112; Ps 5:4-8; Mt 8:23-27 . July 5 Am 5:14-15,2124; Ps 50:713,16-17; Mt 8:28-34 July 6. Am 7:1,0-17; Ps 19:8-11 ; Mt 9: 1-8 <July: 7 . Am 8:4-6,9-12; .' Ps 119:2',10.20, ' 30,40,131; Mt . 9:9-13· 'July 8 I Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9,.11-14; MJ· , 9:14-17 ,July 9 Ez 2:2-5' Ps . 123:1 -4;2 Cor' 12:7-10; Mk6:1-6 'July 10 Hos2:1~,17b-' . 18,21-22; Ps " 145:2-9;, ' Mt 9:18-26 July 11 Hos8:4-7,11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt , 9:32-38 .' )uly.1.2... Hos.1O:1-3,7-· '8,12;'ps 165:2-7;: Mt 10:1-7 July 13' Has 11 :1-4,8c~9; Ps 80:2-3,15-16; Mt10:7-15 July 14 Has 14:2-10; Ps 51 :3-7,8-9,1214,17; Mt 10:16-23 July 15 Is 6:1-8; Ps 93: 1-2,5; Mt 10:24-33 July 16 Am 7:12-15; Ps 85:9-14; Eph 1:3-14 o"r 1:3-10; Mk 6:7-13 July 17 Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9,1617,21,23; Mt 10:34-11 :1 July 18 Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11 :2024 July 19 Is 10:5-7,13-16; Ps 94:5-10,1415; Mt 11 :25-27 July 20 Is26:7-9,12.1619; Ps 102:1321; Mt 11 :28-30 July 21 Is 38:1-6,2122,7-8; (Ps) Is 38:10712,16; Mt 12:1-8 July 22 Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4,78,14;Jn20:12,11-18 July 23 Jar 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34 1I11I11111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-{)20) Periqdical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after Christmas at 887 Highland AvelUJe, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSfMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA rJ2722.
Bishop O'Malley's homily keys on the gift of Eucharist FALL RIVER - The following is the homily given by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley at Sunday's outdoor Mass completing the weeklong Eucharistic Congress: "Introducing Christians into the Third Millennium of their history as it does, the Jubilee of the Year 2000 inspires us to contemplate with ever-new eyes the mystery of the Incarnation of God. In Jesus of Nazareth, God became a human being in order to reveal the Trinitarian mystery of the divine love and to save humanity. The mystery extends through history, and human beings in every age have asked themselves how it is possible for God to love so intensely as to give over the divinity in the supreme act of death on the cross. This .event does not regard only a fact .o f the past; but, through the mediation of the Eucharist, is activated every day to the end of time. Indeed, it attests that Jesus is with us forever and loves us offering the forgiveness of reconciliation and communion of life with God. It is, therefore, quite meaningful that Pope John Paul II has called for the celebration of a Eucharistic Congress this week in Rome. And so we are celebrating our congress in union with the international Eucharistic Congress in Rome. Today, Fall River is Rome. St. Anne's Shrine is St. Peter's Basilica; and Kennedy Park is Piazza San Pietro of Vatican City. Actually, the chalice we are using for this Mass was a gift from John Paul II and bears his coat of arms. The Russian Nobel Prize winner, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, says he recalls three episodes from his boyhood that are seared into his memory. One was being taunted by other boys as he walked with his mother to the town's only remaining church. Another was having someone tear away the cross hanging from his neck. The third was hearing old people say: 'Men have forgotten God, that's why all this has happened. All of the oppression, the hopelessness, the Gulag, the torture chamber, the despair.'
Forgetting God is very dangerous. We are here today because 2000 years ago God said to us, 'Do this in memory of Me. Never forget my love - I am with you always if only you will recognize me in the breaking of the bread.' Our spiritual amnesia leads to so much heartbreak. Cervantes, in 'Don Quixote,' gave the world a striking metaphor. Don Quixote is insane but he is more sane than all the sane people because he sees the really real, what is good, noble, what is important. If you come to the Catholic Memorial Home, and visit the Considine Unit, you will see the Alzheimer's patients wandering about. On each of their doors is a glass box with photos of their families to remind the staff that these people are persons just like us. How important it is to remember that in giving care to them with love, with concern, to know they are in God's hands. Sometimes I think the Alzheimer patients are a new metaphor. The world is being run by people with a spiritual amnesia - they have forgotten about God. And when we forget about God, we forget who we are, who people are. 'Do this in memory of Me!' There are many less people in church than when I was a child. Many go to church looking for entertainment. We are like sick people who do not know enough to go to the doctor. Why go to the doctor - it is probably boring. The hell that Solzhenitsyn experienced in the horrors of the concentration camps of Siberia and the crisis in modem society is because people have forgotten God. People do not come to church because of spiritual amnesia - either they have forgotten about God or they have forgotten what the Mass is. We are here today to say that God has not forgotten about us. He still loves us: 'Even though a mother might be capable of forgetting her child, I shall never forget you. Your face is carved in the palms of my hands.' We are here to say to the world God has not forgotten us. His cry
Diocese of Fall River
OFFICIAL His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has accepted the nomination of the Reverend Patrick F. Fanning, SSCC, Provincial of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts, and has made the following appointment: Rev. Richard Lifrak, SSCC, Administrator, Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, New Bedford. Effective July 2,2000
is like the stirring lyrics of the song that says: 'The only thing I ask is that you remember me as loving you.' 'Do this in memory of Me.' Do what? Take bread and say: 'This is my body... .' His love is present to feed us. Happy are we if, like those first Christians, we too can say that we recognize Him in the breaking of the bread, that we do this in memory of Him and of His love. If Mass is a chore, a burden, a boring exercise, the problem is perhaps that we have forgotten how to pray. If we have first closed our chamber door to pray to our Father in secret, if we have knelt next to our child's crib and taught that child to call God our Father, if each day of the week is punctuated by time and space for God in prayer; .then, and only then, will we truly be able to enter into the mystery, to be absorbed in the Eucharist. Then it will all make sense. We can admire the ingenuity of many human inventions. When I visit the classrooms today and see our little children in front of a computer keyboard and remember that when I was that age we were learning the 'Palmer Method,' carefully dipping our pens into an ink pot, I am amazed. So many marvels of science and technology! The Eucharist is God's invention. It manifests the ingenuity of a wisdom that at the same time is the foolishness of love. The entire revelation of the work of salvation is astonishing, and the Eucharist constitutes a pinnacle of that mystery where in the simplest possible way the fulfillment of the divine design has far surpassed any possible expectation. Where we can see only bread and wine, we stand before the assertion of the presence of God. How can we fail to be astonished at the fact that the One who is God offers Himself as food and drink to his very creatures. The One who is Lord places Himself entirely at our disposition, at our service. He has died for us on the cross and risen. Why does He will that this offering be repeated through all time in the Eucharist? Why must God invent a new presence in the Christian assembly? To all our. astonishment and questions, there is but one response: Everything in the Eucharist derives from love carried to extremes. All emerges from a limitless will to give. God's love is so inventive that He has devised a way to be close to us and to allow us to be united with Him and with our fellow disciples who share the same loaf and the same cup. For two thousand years we have experienced how the Church has developed, sprung up around the breaking of the bread, the Eucharist. Turn to page 12 - Eucharist
1HEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River-Fri., June 30,2000
In keeping with Our bags are••• our 49-issue schedule, The Anchor will not print on July 7 and 14. The business office will be open, however, during the break. ••• all packed! NEED A GOOD PLUMBER?
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THEANCHOR---,. Diocese ofFall River-.. :fri., June 30; 2000' _.~.
" the living word
The legacy of freedom As we prepare to celebrate the glorious Fourth of July, we should . be resolved to continue the work of independence that is the lasting heritage and our legacy as a nation. That gift is freedom. Sad to say, many Americans simply do not appreciate the national sacrifice to ensure that we are a free people. In an age that is dedicated to personal and individualistic license, people have the tendency to live for the "now." Like Romans of old, "eat, drink and be merry" is the motto of their living. Caught up in an instant self-gratification aDd rejecting all notions of aCl;:ountability and responsibility, heroic ideals have no place in ·their lives. For many of this persuasion our July 4 holiday is simple a binge timefor ,eating and drinking. We often choose to forget the sacrifices that, have been made to allow us to cQme together' and celebrate' our national independence. Tbispast week Wf; :marked .the 50th anniversary of the Korean War: .More than 33;000 Americans died in. that conflict. Today, ,thous~ds ,pf oUr'militarY still remain on Korean soil to maintairi a fragile peace. The' forgotten war is but one example of the legacy ofAmerica's 'war' dead. We rightly honor all who' have died for this country by reminding ourselves that this inheriumce should be reflected in the lives of !-Is all. '. :' , This is accomplished as we nourish and foster the concept that only in freedom can people direct themselves toward goodness. Only when we work toward the good can we say we are free;, only when we free ourselves from the captivities of our passions can we achieve the good. From the Catholic viewpoint we remember that man's freedom has been damaged by sin. Only by the help of God's 'grace can we live in true freedom because God is the supreme goodness. Too many churchgoers have left this goodness to pursue their own demons. As a result, they have found out the hard way that they have lost their freedom . . The fathers of Vatican Council II nurtured this concept of freedom when they declared'that we must; form people who are true lovers of freedom, people who will cQme to decisions on their own judgment and in the light of truth. To do'this they must govern their activities with a sense of responsibility and strive after what is true and right. Over the years, our American' independence, the soul of the nation, is to be found in people and social groups who are bound to the moral law respecting the rights of others as·well as their own acknowledgment of the common· good. In this way, individuals can deal with all· people in justice. Genuine peace develops when people live together in good order and true justice. Americans have given their lives for these principles on battlefields ranging from Valley Forge to the Persian Gulf; from the Civil War to Vietnam; from Flanders Fields to Iwo Jima. This i~ what we' all should .remember as we come together to"celebrate the Fourth. In our age when so many young people have little or no sense of American history, the urgency to tell the story of our freedom becomes imperative. If children do not have this knowledge, then future generations will be adding more names to the list of American war dead. We should be doing everything we can here at home .to make sure this never happens again. Each and every one of us has the responsibility to nourish the legacy of freedom and instill its gift in the hearts, minds and souls of all our children. This should not be viewed as merely a social option; it should be seen as our national legacy.
'.codes.tocombat congestion.. ,What the priesthood needs are Overloaded Mass schedules, similar codes and "zoning laws." long office hours, unexpected But what do I mean by this? problems and .the sheer number Some time ago a pastor in a of people in many parishes will large parish told me that he aldrain the few priests we have dry . lows only one wedding on any .. unless they adopt some new sys- Saturday, and that he follows this terns and discover some new mod-"building code" to the letter of els for their ministry." the law. ' During a drive through faAlthough this irritates parishvorite suburb, it occurred to me ioner~, he adamantly holds to it that the priesthood could profit because he lives alone and has a The Editor from studying the ways suburbs Saturday morning Mass along, cope with new pressures. with a Saturday evening vigil Driving through·these'suburbs Mass, On Sunday, he celebrates was delightful years ago. Traffic two more Masses, and then starts was light, and the open space his Monday with Mass. If he has a wedding on Saturday, he celyielded 11 sense of liberation. Today, the roads I once trav- ebrates six Masses within 48 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER eled are clogged, the open space . hours: To avoid reducing Mass to a has disappeared and·I return irri.. Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River tated and gasping for air. mechanical operation, this pastor P.O. BOX 7 .887 Highland Avenue I am not the only one who feels established a Mass "code"; Masses Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 this way. People living in suburbs are to be spaced so as to provide Telephone 508·675·7151 everywhere complain about an time for preparing homilies and FAX (508) 675-7048 environment oversaturated with for mustering enough energy to Send address changes \0 'P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above cars, people and buildings. People celebrate Mass meaningfully. running for government office Another pastor I know will EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER NEWS EDITOR sense this and promote moratori- have nothing to do with the overRev. Msgr. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault James N. Dunbar urns on construction, along with sight of the parish's physical fa~ LlARY PRESS - FALl. R,IVER new zoning laws and building cilities other than to review their
status with the parish council. He has "re-zoned" his activities in such a way that the oversight of the building facilities is out of bounds for him. Another pastor informed me that on Mondays he strictly follows the rule of no Mass. Instead, he substitutes a paraliturgy led by a lay minister. He learned that if he doesn't get away on Monday, the rest of the week usually fills up, giving him no opportunity for a break. When he goes for weeks without a break, the parishioners . suffer because he can't give his all to them, and he suffers because he knows this. Do the kinds of"codes" and "rezoning" laws I'm talking about sound cold and forbidding? It might seem that a priest is trying to distance himself from the very people he is supposed to serve and to make himself less accessible to them. But the steps many priests are taking to control their lives make their lives more livable and sane. In parishes, these steps serve to protect priests from the insanity of a merry-go-round existence that can leave them spinning.
Many reasons brought faithful to Jubilee Mass By MIKE GORDON ANCHOR STAFF
R.I., read from a small prayerbook. "My mother, Lena De Costa, died a few weeks ago," he said. "When she was alive we used to come to St. Anne's Church once a month to attend Mass because we liked it so much," he told· The
FALL RIVER - For each one of the more than 5,000 people who attended the Jubilee Mass Sunday marking the end of the Eucharistic Congress, there was a special reason for coming. Some came to gain something. Others wanted to give something back. Many came to be part of their commitment to a ministry and some came to witness the first Anchor. "So I' Eucharistic Congress the Fall decided to River diocese has had. Among the visitors who came make a senby bus and car were those who timental said they journey wanted to here today... PAUL GRILLO this experience on something wonderful feast day and attend the wonderful Mass with the bishops that 1 read in their about in myp.arish bulletin," he lives so as said. "People shouldn't miss an to mark the eXJX:rience ofcorning close to God solemnity like this." Julie'Dunn from Holy Name of Corpus Christi. Parish, Fall River, was one of And gain- those people who thought it was VERA CORREIA ing the ple- an "momentous day" for the dio-, nary indul- cese and the Church. She said atgence offered was mentioned by tending the Eucharistic Congress was very important because she many families. But all of those who gathered felt like she was fulfilling an obat Kennedy Park for the congress' ligation to God by attending. "I outdoor Mass and eucharistic pro- attend Eucharistic Adoration evcessions to downtown churches ery Tuesday at my church and its where they could sing and be very gratifying. But this is a very blessed at Benediction shared a spiritual day." Others were happy to help out common joy in being able to participate.· ., . . . ·anyway-they could to make the Sitting on the grass outside the day a success and whether it was roped enclosure where 3,500 seats helping people find seating or were waiting, William De Costa handing out programs like Vera of St. Mark's Parish in Warren, Correia from St. Julie Billiart
Church, North Dartmouth. "Today is a special day," said Correia. "I'm happy I can help out and be a part of it." During his homily Bishop Sean P. O'Malley OFM Cap., led eucharistic ministers in a renewal of their service to the altar and Eucharist. Peggy Carlson was one of them. She said she enjoyed serving as a eucharistic minister for a number of years in Connecticut before moving to Corpus Christi Parish in East Sandwich where she continues to serve that community. Joseph Minior, a eucharistic minister from St. Stanislaus Parish, Fall River, spoke with enthusiasm when relating about how he· became involved. He recalled that his parish priest added his name. to a list of people to be special ministers of the Eucharist and although he was at first hesitant, it has become "a wonderful thing" for him. "I feel very good about today, " Min i 0 r added. "And here today is a great day for Bishop O'Malley and all the JOSEPH MINIOR Church." Paul and Paula Grillo of St. John of God Parish Somerset, brought their own chairs for the afternoon. "We came because we knew it
lHEANaIOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., June 30,2000 would be a wonderful break in our hectic day; to come here for a beautiful Mass on the feast of Corpus Christi as well as the diocesan celebrations," Paul said.
"We wanted to share in the experience of the Eucharist."
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AGELESS EVENT - Mrs. Barbara Williams of St. Christopher's Parish, Tiverton, R.L kneels next to Celinda Binda, age one-and-a-half, of Fall River, during Benediction near Santo Christo Church.The processions after the Eucharistic Congress Mass included children in strollers and the elderly with canes.
120 G.A.R. Highway • Somerset, MA (508) 679-8400
THEANCHOR - Diocese ofFall River- Fri., June 30, 2000
Continued from page two
The final tally contained the following parish totals: PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE ATTLEBORO AREA路 Attleboro Holy Ghost Saint John the Evangelist Saint Joseph Saint Mark Saint Stephen Saint Theresa Mansfield Saint Mary Norih Attleboro Sacred Heart Saint Mary Norton Saint Mary Seekonk Our Lady of Mount Carmel Saint Mary
14,752 69,789 19,486 46,077 22,441 28,637 65,331 18,462 26,180 26,738 103,292 47,703
CAPE COD & ISLANDS AREA Brewster Our Lady of the Cape Buzzards Bay Saint Margaret Centerville Our Lady ofYictory Chatham Holy Redeemer East Falmouth Saint Anthony East Sandwich Corpus Christi Falmouth Saint Patrick Hyannis Saint Francis Xavier Martha's Vineyard Parishes Mashpee Christ the King Nantucket Saint Mary's/Our Lady of the Isle North Falmouth Saint Elizabeth Seton Orleans Saint Joan of Arc OsterviUe Our Lady of the Assumption Pocasset Saint John the Evangelist Provincetown Saint Peter the Apostle South Yarmouth Saint Pius X Wellfleet Our Lady of Lourdes West Harwich Holy Trinity Woods Hole Saint Joseph
66,011 22,457 114,958 44,885 47,715 84,361 48,588 56,139 20,613
25,007 59,005 路54,328 87,549 60,715 7,182 161,592 23,395 72,525 24,195
11,374 7,507 26,549 55,909 20,611 6,519 12,415 .9,728 9,481 12,749 18,476 17,007 3,052 13,027 18,772 5,993 15,218 7,258 13,937 37,833 8,137 26,439 22,773 24,639 22,056 37,530 21,260 19,231 23,512 20,707
Turn to page J 0 - Appeal
Mass Times website reports jump in usage
FALL RIVER AREA Fall River St. Mary's Cathedral Blessed Sacrament Espirito Santo Holy Name Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Notre Dame Our Lady of the Angels Our Lady of Health Sacred Heart Saint Anne Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Elizabeth Saint Jean Baptiste Saint Joseph Saint Louis Saint Michael Saint Patrick Saints Peter and Paul Saint Stanislaus Saint William Santo Christo Assonet Saint Bernard Somerset Saint John of God Saint Patrick Saint Thomas More Swansea Our Lady of Fatima Saint Dominic Saint Louis de France Saint Michael
CLAUDETTE ARMSTRONG and Lynette Ouellette of the Fall River District Council of Catholic Women visit with the Superior of the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth, Sister Theresa May and her dog, Peppe, after donating food items for the food bank of St. Anthony of Padua Parish, New Bedford, which the sisters run.
. WASHINGTON (CNS) - A toll-free number and a website giving information on Sunday Mass times at churches across the United States reported a jump in usage from 1998 to 1999. The toll-free number, (800) 627-7846, received 100,000 phone calls, up from 66,000 in 1998. In addition, 120,000 "hits" were recorded on the www.masstimes.org website. And usage in 2000 is reportedly ahead of 1999 levels. Close to 22,500 U.S. parishes, missions and other Mass sites are included in the Mass Times database, an increase over the past year from 80 percent of the coun. try to 99 percent. An announcement Jrom the U.S. Catholic Conference Department of Communications credited
a Catholic News Service article and promotion of the toll-free number to diocesan directors of information with the upsurge in phone calls. The phone number and the website are a joint effort of the Catholic Communication Campaign and the 1-800 Mass Times Trust. The recorded information on the toll-free number, which began in.1994, is now supplemented by a live-operator option reachable by calling (305) 382-5758. Callers who have difficulty with touch-tol)e phone options or are not hooked up to the Internet can talk to an operator in either English or Spanish. The website now includes informatiori about Masses by e,j'ty, Mass in languages other than En-
glish, various religious devotions and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, as well as wheelchair accessibility. It also highlights Masses in or near places such as campgrounds, national and state parks, retreat houses, and air, bus or train terminals. "Our whole objective is helping people get to Mass," said a statement by Mass Times founder Robert Hummel of Key Largo, Fla., who began the service when he found it hard to find Masses during business travel. "In a society as mobile as ours, media tools that help Catholics find a place to worship when away from home are vital," said a statement by Bishop Robert N. Lynch of St. Petersburg, Fla.,chairman of the U.S. bishops' Communications Committee路.
BREAKING GROUND for the new Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich, last week are, from left: FatherThomas Rita, new pastor of Holy Trinity Parish; Msgr. Gerald Shovelton, retired pastor of Holy Trinity Parish; Leon Jodice, builder of the chapel; and Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap.
TIIEANCHOR-DioceseofFallRiver-Fri., June 30, 2()00
Cape Verdean Independence Mass is July 5 at Cathedral FALL RIVER - A Mass will be the prirncipal celebrant, inmarking the 25th anniversary of vites all Cape Verdeans to celthe Independence of Cape Verde ebrate their independence day by and to honor the memory of Pa- joining at the Mass. dre Pia will be celebrated July 5 at 7 p.m. at St. Mary's Cathedral. OUR LADY'S Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, who
Mon. - Sat. 10:00 - 5:30 PM
Sales and Service
for Domestic and Industrial Oil Burners OFFICERS OF the Bourne Council on Aging congratulate Father James W. Clark who received the Bourne Senior Citizen of the Year Award. From left are: Pat Hood, assistant director; Sandy Vickery, director; and Lois Carr, outreach coordinator.
936 So. Main St., Fall River
Father James W. Clark named Bourne Senior Citizen of the Year By DAVE JOUVET ANcHoR STAFF
. the Bourne community and the diocesan community as well. "I've been part of this community for, so long DOW," said Father Clark. "Before I retired,
ing homes; Cape Cod Nursing and Rehabilitation Home in Buzzards Bay and Bourne POCASSET - When one Manor. He also helps out Faon Cape Cod thinks of the word retirement, one doesn't ther Robert Donovan, pastor think of Father James W. of St. John the Evangelist Clark. Since he retired in Church. "I'm grateful to have 1996, Father Clark has this part-time' minis\ry," been as busy as ever, and recently was recog"I was very hpnoredto he said. "I like being able ni;zed for路 his still active .to mcive into areas where .role in the Diocese of learn of the award," said Fa- I'm able to be busy with Fall River, and in the ther Clark in an interview pastoral work without beBourne community. The with The Anchor. "It's a trib- ing in charge. Elder Services ,)f Cape "I love working in the Cod and the Islands an- ute to the priesthood and community and in the nounced Father Clark as the Catholic Church." diocese, being able to the Town of Bourne Secontinue priestly work." Winning the Town of nior Citizen of the Year Bourne Senior Citizen of for 2000. "I was very honored to I worked with seniors when I the Year Award is a great learn of the award," said Fa- was at St. John the Evangelist honor, and a one-time thing. ther Clark in an interview with Parish in Pocasset from 1977 Otherwise, its possible that the The Anchor. "It's a tribute to to 1991. After I retired, I be- title would be Father Clark's the priesthood and the Catho- gan working with the Bourne for years to come. COA. I left here with a leaderlic Church." Father Clark was recog- ship role, and I came back as nizedfor the award at two a leader as well. I'm defined I separate celebrations. First, the with senior action in this comI Elder Services of Cape Cod munity, and it's with delight I and the Island~ held an awards that I take an active leadership I ceremony at the Coonamessett role with them." I Father Clark served the Fall Inn in Falmouth, for Father Clark and the 23 other Cape River diocese on the Cape I residents selected by their re- from 1977 until 1996 when he I spective communities. At the retired. After his pastorship at I affair, Father Clark received S1. John the Evangelist, he beI his award as well as citations came pastor of 81. Joan of Arc I from the"Massachusetts House in Orleans. He was also chaplain of the Bourne Council of and Senate. I Shortly after, the Town of the Knights of Columbus. He I Boume held its own celebra- retired in April of 1996; I tion for Father Clark at an af- shortly after the 40th anniverI sary of his ordination. to the fair attended by 125 people. I The director of the Bourne priesthood. But his retirement has been Council on Aging, Sandy I Vickery, nominated Father anything but slow. In addition I Clark for the award. Vickery to his work with the seniors in I and several council officers the community, he still mainnominated Father Clark be- tains a vital pastoral role. He cause of his leadership skills assists Father Bill Campbell, in the senior community, his pastor of S1. Rita's Parish in desire to assist others and his Marion, with daily Masses, dedication to the people in and he is chaplain to two nurs-
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nmANCHoR--DioceoeofPollRive.-~Pri.. JWle30,2000
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FF,iiiR~S~T!;C~ljO;M~MiOu;;;N';;C~~·~· ~:---J~~"
RICS adorning the BILI...OWING t';t~trong wind during the give wItness to e
.• charisticCo'fi'JiiiiW ANTS from this ear' of the Imm' ,l/f~ss . Mass are led by R Y h s classes inVited to the E _ i\~acutl:li~.,onCePtion Parish, ~~:k~~7 CampOli of Our laJy ",,1-,1, ord. DURING CONSECRATION at the outdoor Mass, Bishop O'Malley is flanked by Bishop Robert E. Mulvee of the Diocese of Providence, R.I., Deacon Paul J. Macedo, Msgr. Stephen J. Avila and Bishop Aurelio Granada Escudeiro of Angra, the Azores.
' 1lW:ll:;'i(,I"
PAGE ONE photo shows Bishop O'Malley raising the host during the consecration at the Jubilee Year Mass at Kennedy Park.
HAPPINESS glowS' on the face of Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap as he looks out at the thousand's of people who came to ~he Mass on Corpus Chris!i markmg the end of the diocese's first Eucharistic Congress.
REPRESENTATIVES from parish ministries kneel during Benediction on Columbia Street near Santo Christo Church.
BLESSING the marchers outside Santa Christo Church on Columbia Street is Bishop Granada, who is bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Angra in the Azores.
JUBILEE CHOIR comprised of 70 members of choirs from parishes throughout the Fall River diocese sing during the Mass that completed the eight-day Eucharistic Congress.
CURB-TO-CURB marchers jam Fountain'Street during Eucharistic procession from St. Anne's Church to Santo Christo Church on Columbia Street. A!I photos of the Eucharistic Congress events Sunday were taken by Mike Gordon/The Anchor.
~nder a baldacehino carried ~~~;~edf~ BiShop ~'Ma/ley
Ish as he processes to St A ' 0 anto Christo Partion service after the Mas~. nne s Church for a Benedic-
• SPECIAL GUEST at the Eucharistic Congress Mass was Bishop Robert E. Mulvee of the Diocese of Providence, R.I. Here he blesses the marchers at the final Benediction outside St. Mary's Cathedral on Second Street follOWing a long procession from Kennedy Park.
Ground breaking launches new Corpus Christi Church
TIffiANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Fri., June 30, 2000
Continued from page six
Westport OUf Lady of Grace Saint John the Baptist
22,465 33,284
pastor Father Marcel H. Bouchard,
NEW BEDFORD AREA New Bedford Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Immaculate Conception Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady ofMount Carmel Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saint Anne Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Casimir Saint Francis of Assisi Saint Hedwig Saint James Saint John the Baptist Saint Joseph-Saint Therese Saint Kilian
SANDWICH -Led by Bishop
Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., and
SaiHt LaMence Saint Mary
33,353 43,409 2,460 9,017 12,975 58,745 10,060 6,305 8,229 6,155 8,355 1,916 20,820 29,886 19,152 2.130 _ . 28,252 39,299
Acushnet 22,445
Saint Francis Xavier
East Freetown 28,957
Saint John Neumann Fairhaven Saint Joseph Saint Mary
19,635 13,382
Marion Saint Rita
Mattapoisett Saint Anthony
North Dartmouth Saint Julie Billiart
South Dartmouth Saint Mary Wareham Saint Patrick Westport
several hundred members of Corpus Christi Parish took a prayerfu walk in the woods on June 24 to where their new $7 million church will be built. The ceremonial ground breakingfortheRomanesquechurchfollowed the blessing of the sile and a 4 p.m. Mass on the vigil of the feast of Corpus Christi celebrated by the bishop in the nearby Parish Cenler. The Mass and ground breaking were attended by diocesan officials. representatives of the arcbitect,. Keefe Associates of Boston; municipal officials from the towns of Sandwich and Bourne; Knights of Columbus, Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, and delegates
from other religious denominations in Sandwich and the Community of Jesus in Orleans. Construction is set to begin in
the fall and be completed in 2002. Among those attending were Msgr. George Coleman, vicargeneral of the diocese and former pastor of COIpUS Christi Parish. . The assembly encircled at the site extended for several hundred yards along a wood-chip-covered path. Loudspeakers placed among the trees carried the bishop's voice and the voices of the choir. Parishioners joined hands for the "Our Father." Many children made the trek through the woods with parents and grandparents and later enthusiastically turned a shovelful of earth at the place where the bishop had led the service. The day concluded with a supper for an estimated 700 served under a lent on a grassy area near the site of the new brick church, which will have 23,000 squarefeet of space and seating for 1,500. The projected cost is $7 million.
From a congregation of 20 in 1825, the year Catholics arrived from the Boston area to work at the Sandwich Glass Factory, the parish has grown to number 8,000 adults and children. The new church will be the fifth building in which members ofCape Cod's first Catholic parish have given wituess to their faith_ Bishop O'Malley commented in his homily at the site that the planning for a new church was a stalement of the people's faith in the power of God, and hope for the future. lIe expressed gratitude that members of the parish had main!ained their level of giving to the Catholic Charities Appeal, even while having pledged $3.4 million dollars toward the new building. The needs of the poor had not been forgotten, and parishioners would be rewarded for their goodness and Iheir efforts, Bishop O'Malley said.
51,679 44,14t
Saint George
TAUNTON AREA Taunton \Ioly Family Holy Rosary
Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Lourdes Sacred Heart Saint Anthony Saint Jacques Saint Joseph Saint Mary Saint Paul
29,341 13,635 12,086 20,010 20,180 28,013 13,762 22,751 18,513 27,208
Dighton Saint Peter North Dighton
Saint Joseph
North Easton 28,978
Immaculate Conception Raynham SaiulAnn South Easton Holy Cross BUSINESS I< COMMuNITY Attleboro Area $821 SI. Theresa SI. Vincent de Paul Society, Soulh Attleboro Cape Cod and the Islands Area $300 Nickerson·Bourne Funeral Home, Bourne; $100 Robert A. Spidle Plumbing & Heating, Harwich. Fall River .Area $100 SI. John of God Holy Name Society, Somersel. New Bedford Area $100 Your Office Unlimited. Taunton Area $200 SI. Joseph Women's Guild; $100 SI. Joseph Council Knights of Columbus PARISHES ACUSHNET St. Francis Xavier: $120 M-M Robert DeTerra; $100 Sandra Holmes, M-M James WMe, Dorothy Jo Feldman, M-M Vincent LeFeure. ASSONET St. Bernard: $1,200 M-M Gary Marcondes; $500 M-M Michael Patrick; $200 M-M Dennis Read; $110 M-M Joseph Connolly; $100 Dennis & Mary Oliveira (Case Universal, Inc.). ATTLEBORO Holy Ghost: $350 Holy Ghost Conference; $200 M-M Richard O.
39,766 25,277 Castro; $100 M-M RobertW. Haag, M-M Lawrence McNally, M-M AHrad Vaz,Sr. St. John the Evangelist: $500 M-M Thomas DeMarco; $200 Ralph Stefanelli; $120 Lori Wasserman; $100 M-M Richard A. Connors, MM Daniel Doorley, M·M Frank Luongo, M-M Mario Oliveira, M-M Garry Wheelock. St. Joseph: $300 M-M Joe Brannon; $100 M-M George Brousseau. Sl Stephen: $750 Joseph Arduino; $280 M-M Joseph M. Hodge; $200 M-M Michael Maguire; $150 M-M William Dunn, M-M Donald Brown, Jr.,; $100 M-M Paul Gaughlln, 51. Stephen's Seniors. St. Theresa: $1,000 Reverend James W. Fahey; $100 M-M Eugene
. BREWSTER Our Lady ofthe Cape: $350 MM Charles X. Sampson; $100 Beverly A. Boudreau; Kathleen Byron; Kathleen Mayersky; M-M Charles McParland. BUZZARDS BAY St. Margaret: $500 Port O'Call, Inc.; $300 51. Margaret/St. Mary's Guild; $250 Lindsey's, Inc.$2oo Vincent & Elizabeth DiMilla, Buttermilk Bay Inn, St. Margaret WOIkshop, M-M Gerald Hough; $125 Bay Mo-
GROUND BREAKING ceremonies for the new Corpus Christi Church in East Sandwich were held.on June 24. From left are: Father HenryJ. Dahl, parochial vicar; Msgr. George W. Coleman, Vicar General of the Fall River diocese; Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap.; Father Richard D. Wilson, pastor Father Marcel H. Bouchard, Mrs. Dolores O'Brien, and Dennis Keefe, architect. (Star Photo by Bruce McDaniel) tor Inn; $100 M-M Donald Butter, Debra Connors, M-M John H. Gray, Mrs. Judith M. Plummer. M-M Richard H. White, M-M Richard W. Post, Jr., Mary Crowtev. Mrs. Eileen Sheck. CENl'ERVILLE Our Lady of Victory: $1,2ooMM J. David Crawford; $1,000 Ms. Donna E. Hume; $600 Rev. Richard Wilson; $500 Mrs. Julie Fagin, M-M Bruce Gilmore, M-M Robert M. O'Shaughnessy; M-M BarTY StufQis; M-M David Wroe; $400 M-M Bnan Kozaki~; $300 Mrs. Roland J. Morin, Mrs. D. T. Dunning; ; $250 MMAlan Donheiser, M-M Sean P. O'NeR, M-M David A. Sauro, M-M Robert G. Bourque;; $200 John P. Barrera, M-MJoseph P. Hayes, M-M Ernest J. Jaxtimer, M-M Andrew McEachem: M-MW~r.am Waechter, $160 M-M FrankJ. DeLeo; $150 MM Jack G. Calter; Balbara A. O'Nein; $125 M-M Joseph Higginbotham; $120 M-M Dennis Metrick. M-M Richard B. McNamara; Edith G. Scaramuzzo;; $110 M-M James L. Childs; $100 Dr-M Richard J. Angelo, M-M James Clancy, M-M Richard F. Clillord, Ms. Maureen Flynn, Dr-M Raymond J. Hill, M-M John J. Leone, thomas P. Moriarty, M-M Jack O'Meara, M-M Paul Plifl<a,
M-M Pasquale J. Russo, Dr-M Loren C, Burger, Mrs. J. Robelt Cannon; M-M James J. Connors; M-M Leo J. Coveney; M-M Timothy J. Davis; DrM Louis DeRosa; Dr-M Donald D~chenes; M-M John S. Du.gger, Sr., Ms. Mary Catherine Eagan;M-M Glenn F. Gavin; M-M Thomas L. Hennigan; M-M Richard Jurkowski; Mrs. Thomas Vandervoort; Atty-M Don Weber, M-M Harold McShane. CHATHAM Holy Redeemer: $150 M-M William Brennan; $100 Charlotte Forgeron. EAST FALMOUTH SL Anthony: $500 M-M Bradley Smith, M-M Ronald J. MacDou9all; $250 M-M Richard Podgorski; $200 Franklin W. Perry; $125 M-M Robert Donovan; $100 KniQhts of Columbus, M-M Philip Fun,n, M-M Richard Petersen, M·M Robert Pimental, M-M Manuel R.
Lopes. EAST FREETOWN St. John Neumann: $100 In Memol)' of Missy Duarte 7-13-799-6-96. EAST SANDWICH Corpus Christi: $1,000 Miriam A. Crowley, Rev. A. J. Tamulis; $500 M-M James Synk, M-M Thomas
Kenny, M-M Gary M. Dellaposta; $350 M·M IRobert L BuckleY; $300 M-M William J. Lyoos, M-M Richard D. Roberts" Edward C. Larldn; Mrs, Veronica Mooney; $250 Cheryl A. Cushing, M-M Patrick D. McLa'!!!"lin; $200 Katherine Ilillby, Dr-M Richard R. Brodeur, JoIv1 W. Smith; Mrs. June H. MiNer, MoM John F. Delaney; Dr-M Ge'orge C. Willenborg; $150 M-M JOtVl Hackett, M-M Joseph F. Desrosiers, M-M Christopher Richardson. M-M John Bauer, Joan M. Donovan; $125 M-M John F. Cro,wley, Sr., M-M Ronald Ayotte; $120 M-M Frederick Q. Watt; $100 M-M Robert Bevilacqua, M-M Steven L. Chalke, MoM Frederick A. Twomey, M-M JamesW. Doherty, MM Len; J. Palazesi. James F. Cosgrove, Jr., M·M William E. Murphy, Dr-M Gerald N. Meloney, MMEdwin F. White, M-M Edward F. McCann, M-M John A. McArdle, MM Bemard C. DiPietro, M-M Richard E. Nycz, M-M Robert G. Rtzpatrick, M-M Joseph A KUdera. M-M Russell A. Carpentier, M-M Paul R. Feeley, M-M Daniel J. McDoROU9h, Martin Mulry, M-M John A Wegman, Mrs. Yvonne A Kirshaw,
Turn to p'age 16 - Appeal
THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River - Fri., June 30, 2000
La Salette Missionaries elect new vicar general
SISTERS OF Saint Joan of Arc bid a fond farewell to Notre Dame de Lourdes Church, Fall River, where they have served for the past 70 years. From left are Sister Rita Teasdale, Sister Antoinette Lord, and Sister Therese Poirier, the mother superior. Their departure was met with tears and heartfelt thanks from the parish.
St. Joan of Arc Sisters finish service at Notre Dame Parish By MIKE GORDON ANCHOR STAFF
FALL RIVER - When the Sisters of Saint Joan ofArc ended their tenure at Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish Monday an era came to close. The Sisters have served in the Fall River diocese for 70 years and have spent many productive years in the city. Due to illness and retirements of the Sisters it is no longer feasible for them to maintain their post at the parish and all but three will return to the order's mother house in Sillery, Quebec, Canada. The Anchor recently sat down with Sister Rita Teasdale who remains in the diocese assisting at the residence of Bishop Sean P. O'Malley OFM Cap. with two other Sisters and looked back on their history and ahead to the future. "Our time in Fall River has been very good," said Sister Rita, a native of the city. "Our superior general tried and tried to keep our ministry going at Notre Dame but it has become impossible to continue our work." Sister Rita said that because of illness and several Sisters retiring and the fact that they have not had new vocations were all factors in the tough decision to leave. Sister Antoinette Lord, who was a temporary replacement for Sister Laura Boutin who left in April due to illness, and Sister Therese Poirier, the mother superior, have finalized closing procedures over the last few months. "It is very sad to be leaving Notre Dame after so many years," said Sister Rita. The Sisters of Saint Joan ofArc were founded in Worcester on Christmas Day, 1914 by the late Assumptionist Father MarieClement Staub. He saw various needs in the rectory and brought religious sisters to help priests and answer those needs. The special goal of the community is collaborating with priests and offering their prayers and work days for
priests said Sister Rita. Mother Jeanne of the Sacred Heart is credited as a co-foundress of the order in the congregation's history. The Sisters of Saint Joan ofArc dedicate each day of the week to special prayers. Sunday prayers are said for the pope; Monday for cardinals, archbishops and bishops; Tuesday for missionary priests; Wednesday for deceased priests; Thursday for diocesan priests; Friday for priests of religious orders and Saturday is dedicated to future priests and permanent deacons. The prayer life of the Sisters "still flourishes today," commented Sister Rita. "Our founder began that tradition and we have continued that faithfully through the years. I think it's great that our community does that," said Sister Rita adding that even though they are leaving Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish they are continuing their mission. The Sisters arrived at Notre Dame Parish in, 1930' and were welcomed by pastor Msgr. Peter L.D. Robert who had requested the Sisters come to. Fall River to staff the rectory. Duties have included staffing the houses, cooking meals and helping with the day-to-day maintenance like laundry and sewing. But the Sisters have not limited themselves to just that. They have also made an impact with many pastoral ministries including working with troubled youths, visiting the sick and aged and teaching religious education classes, to name a few. "We're going into'more areas now," said Sister Rita, adding that founder Father Staub said whatever concerns the priest should concern the Sisters of Saint Joan of Arc. The Sisters came to the bishop's residence in 1945 and have been staffing it ever since. Sister Rita and two other members of her order, Sisters Jeannette Mercier and Clotilde Fortin, will continue to do so in the future.
"When a priest knows someone is at hom~ it's reassuring," said Sister Rita. "When there is a community there praying for him he feels he's got a place to come home to. Every Sister who ever worked at Notre Dame liked it. It's such a nice place." Father Thomas Frechette, then the Parochial Administrator of Notre Dame de Lourdes, wrote about the Sisters in the parish bulletin the week before they officially left and thanked them for their many years of dedicated service. He wrote that in their time here the sisters have "tirelessly and faithfully served our priests and the parish. One of the most profound gifts that the Sisters have offered to us is witness to the reality that we serve Christ by serving others ... the parish of Notre Dame owes a debt it can never repay to the Sisters of Saint Joan of Arc . . . and as they leave us there is deep sadness at what we are losing, but there also needs to be a grateful praise given to God that they were able to be with us." Father Frechette also left the parish at the same time as the Sisters to become Parochial Administrator at St. Peter's Church, Dighton. During Mass on Sunday the parish gave a fond farewell to the Sisters. Father Frechette said during his homily that the Sisters were "the foundation of the parish. They say a building is only as good as its foundation and the foundation here at Notre Dame has been very solid." There were many tears and heartfelt rounds of applause following the Mass. Even though the Sisters will riot be at Notre Dame, Sister Rita said "There is certainly still a lot to do. Our apostolate endures even after retirement because the prayer aspect of it is still alive. We never forget the bishops and priests from over the years and continue to pray for them. We always have prayer to keep us vibrant."
ENFlELD,N.H.-LaSaletteFaFather Nadeau has served the ther Roland S. Nadeau of La Salette Diocese of Manchester in his role as Shrine, N.H., was elected vicar gen- chaplain at the Dartmoutheral of the Congregation of the Mis- Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebasionaries of Our Lady of La Salette non, N.H., since 1986. In the past, during its 29th General Chapter held he has ministered at the Center for recently in Rome. Christian Living in Attleboro. Father Albert A. Fredette, MS , NORTH ATTLEBORO - The Fredette of Plainfield and La Salette funeral of La Salette Father Albert Brother Armand Fredette, in the A. Fredette, 74, was held Thursday Philippines; three sisters, Charity at the La Salette Shrine Chapel. Sister Florida of Lexington, and Burial was in La Salette Missionar- Bertha Seguin and Rose Jordan of ies Cemetery, Enfield, N.H. Fitchburg; and nieces and nephews. Father Fredette, 74, a native of Fitchburg, died Monday in Madonna Manor Nursing Home. He Montie Plumbing entered the La Salettes in 1947, was & Heati ng Co. ordained a priest June 9, 1952 and Over 35 Years served in many assignments in of Satisfied Services North Attleboro, across the U.S., the Reg. Master Plumber 7023 Philippines and Canada. JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. He leaves four brothers, Pa~l' Fredette of Fitchburg, Edmund 432 JEFFERSON STREET Fredette of Westfield, Joseph FALL RIVER 675-7496
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THEANCHOR--Diocese ofFall River-Fri., June 30,2000
HAPPY FACES - F.lanked by Bishop Granada of the Azores and Bishop Mulvee of ProvidelJce, R.I., Bishop O'Malley joins in the final Benediction after the succes~ful Eucharistic Congress that ended with a Jubilee Mass last Sunday.
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Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the immensity of Your' Light, that Your eternal goodness 'may open to me the doors and make me enter into It to forin my life all in You, Divine Will. Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before' Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little group of the sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. Prostrate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it clothe me and eclipse all that does not pertain to You, Divine Will. It will be my Life, the center of my intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. I do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus form the ne~ Eden of Peace, of happiness and of love. , With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a singu)ar strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and conducts them to God. Here prostrate, 1 invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature was c r e a t e d . ' ' Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, take my hand and' introduce me into the Light of the Divine Will. You will be my guide, my most tender, Mother, and will ,te,ac.h, me to'live,in, and to maintain myself in the, order,and the boiJ.nc!~ ~f the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother; I consecrate my whole ,being to Your Irninaculate Heart. You will, teach me the 'doctrine of the Divine Will and I will listen most attentively to , Your lessons., You will cover me, with Your maritle so that the infe,mal serPelJt dare not penetrate, into this sacred Eden to enticemeand make me fall into the maze'of.the human will. , , ,~eartof greatest Good,Jesus, You will give ,me Your flames that they !TIlly bum me, consume 'me, ai!d feed me t() " fQrm in me'the Life.of the Divine Will.,' ,, "Saint Joseph, yOIl will' be my protector, the guardian of my __ , heart, and ,will keep the keys of my will 'in your hands. You' will, keep my heart jealously andshall Iiever give itto me again/' that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Amen.
( In Honor of Luisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 Child of the Divine Will)
Continued/rom page three
The first generations of Chris- terwards, I went to the Post Of- a word that goes beyond all hutians were celebrating the Lord's fice to pick up the mail. To my man self-giving and, makes the Supper even before the Scriptures great surprise there was a letter impossible possible. were written down. In other from Father Fox waiting for me. This word says I love you and words, the Mass is older than the I was stunned. My friend, 'who proves it. Our human love is Books of the New Testament, and never wrote except at Christmas, bound to come up against the when it came time for the Church was now sending me a letter from boundaries that will always sepato determine which Scriptures the grave. I trembled as I opened rate us in this world: in spite of were inspired and should be in- the letter. I could see his smile, all means of communication, each eluded in the Canon of the Bible hear his laugh. man remains an island. Each soul one of the criteria was readings Suddenly, he was alive and has its own consciousness and canthat were read at the celebration present once again. not fuse with another; bodies can 'of the Eucharist. Upon reflection on this strange only touch externally. That is how My message to the thousands 'incident, it occurred to me that we are: we are finite. We are not of young people,whom it was my the Eucharist is like that letter: a gods. Only God's Word Who bejoy and privilege to confirm, was sign, of love and friendship, a de- came'Flesh and dwelt among us, 'Look at the Eucharist - God is sire to communicate, to be only the infinite and limitless making Himself a gift to us!' present-But in Jesus' case, it was Word, cim transcend these boundThe'only way our life will find planned.Jt was intentional andJhe, aries: 'Take, eat; this is my Body. meaning' and fulfillment is if w~ '路lett~r.He sent was Himself. The Drink, this is my Blood.' make ourselves a'gift to God and Word made Flesh - made Eu; ",' 'Take and eat' - it means to others. Th'at is our mission. We charist. " ",". '~' ~Take into yourself what seems are a Eucharistic people: We find The, Old Testament "story of only to exist side by side with you our true identity when -we are Naamari tiie Syriari Leper has al- and just as I can transcend the gathered around the altar. On the, ,ways, fascinated m~. -In it I find a. boundaries, so le.t your poun~aries altar our God becomes a gift - a pa(able about modern man's Qisintegrate by taking m~ into yourselves. In Me, God's Wordlife-giving. The Gospel from search for the trariscendence. today's Mass describes the first In the story Naaman the Syr- made-Flesh, you are destined to Mass:St. Mark says that Jesus and ian General is suffering from lep- be freed from your narrow conthe disciples sang songs of praise, rosy and comes to the Prophet (2 fines to lead a new life, together We gather. in this Eucharist to Kings 5: 14) seeking a cl:lre, with o~hers and shared with them, sing songs of praise. For Catho- Elisha stayed in his house and sent a life of communion, a life as lics it is an effort. Remember a servant to' tell the General to befits members,of my body, nourMark's words, Jesus sang at the wash himself seven times in the ished by the circulating blood of first Eucharist, we, too, must sing Jordan River. Naaman, left in'a my all-embracing life.' ~ongs of praise to a God who is rage - he had expected a better ' This is God's gift to us in the so good and so loving' that He show - that the prophet would Eucharist. Thus Augustine can say makes a gift of Himself to us. come and make'an incantation, a that God is more interior to us Eucharist means Thanksgiv- dance, go into a trance, impose than we are to ourselves. And; as ing. We should riever think of the hands, etc. - the Rivers of St. Paul says: 'In Him we live and Mass'without sentiments of grati- Albana and Pharpar back in Dam- move and have our being.' tude. For us, being a Eucharistic ascus were better. On this great feast of Corpus 'people must also mean that we are Then a servant said, 'But sir, Christi,.we recall the two instruprofoundly thankful to our God. if the prophet had told you to do mentalists that God has chosen as This spirit of thanksgiving points something difficult you would the means of giving us this great to the social aspect of the Eucha- have done it!' gift of the Eucharist. The first is 'fist. In Book IV of the 'Imitation Mary the Mother:of our ReOne of the ways we show our of Christ,' 'Many run to, various deemer. She said 'Yes' to God, gratitude to God is by sharing our places to visit the relics of de- allowing the Word to become gift with others. As St. Paul parted saints and are full of won- Flesh. She is the wheat and flour writes: 'God has made you rich der at hearing their deeds. They from which the bread of the Euso that you might be generous.' look with awe on the spacious charist is made. In the wonderful Jesus shows us at the First Eu- church buildings, great architec- hymn 'Ave Verum' we pray, Hail charist that the Mass is to be a ture; they kiss the relics encased True Body of Christ, born of the font of charity. He begins the cel- in silk and gold.' Virgin Mary. Mary's body has ebration by washing the feet of But as Thomas a Kempis given us Christ's Body. Her selfthe disciples and giving them the writes: 'If this holy Sacrament giving prepares us to be a Euchacommand of mutual love. And in were to be celebrated in one place 'ristic people. At the Great Marian another place in the Gospel, Jesus only, and consecrated by only one Shrines, Mary gathers the disciples , warns us not to bring our sacri- priest in the world, with what who persevere in prayer in her fice to the altar if we are not rec- great desire do you think men cOlppany and they gather around onciled'to our brothers and sis- would be drawn to that place, and the altar. Mary brings'us Christ ters. to such a priest of God, that they and leads us to Christ. , As a sacrificial meal, the Eu- might (at least once) be witnesses The other instrument by which charist communicates the love of the celebration of the divine the Eucharist comes to us is the that has inspired the sacrifice, a mysteries. ministerial priesthood. Without love that spared nothing in order We seek the, grandiose, the priests there is rio Mass. All of us to secure the happiness of others. spectacular, the 'gong show.' Our need to be promoters of priestly In the Eucharist, Jesus willed to God comes in humility an9 sim- ,vocations in our families, our pargive His disciples the strength'to plicity. ' ," ';' ishes', our, sctiools and our comlove one another as he had loved As Ghandi once said: 'There' munities. them. He gave His disciples with is SO' much hunger in the world A number of parishes have inithe gift of His Body and Blood, a' that.God Gould appear'only in the: .'tiated, Eucharistic Adoration in ,power of love that knows no lim- form' of bread.? connection with the Jubilee Celits." , , When' pe,ople celebrate, the 'ebration. I would encourage all lance had, a dear friend and Lord's Supper arid, receive the, 'of our people to join our love and ,outstanding priest, Father Marty . Eucharist" it is too easy, JUSt to devotion to the Eucharist with a , Fox;, tie was, a, talented, zealous . thinl<. no further than flesh and 'profound love for the priesthood pri~st' ,with a magic personality' blood and Jorget that the WORD, and pray for vocation,S. , that mesmerized everyone, even . became Flesh. They forget thai Jesus Himself enjoins us to, the worst enemies of religion. they are receiving a word ad- pray to the Lord of the Harvest 'When Father Fox entered a room, dressed to them from' God. It is to send laborers. the lights went up and the bells the most profound word possible, Let me close these reflections rang. He was a joy to be with. a word so all-embracing, so full with that appeal One day, a remarkable thing of meaning that it transcends our Love the Eucharist - God happened. I was at my desk when comprehension. It is a word that present on our altars. Love the the call came in saying that Fa- resembles expressions of genuine priesthood that allows the miracle ther Fox had died suddenly. Af- human self-giving, But it is also to continue."
THEANCHOR - Diocese ofFall River - Fri., June 30,2000
UPHILL TREK from Santo Christo Church on Columbia Street to St. Mary's Cathedral challenged even the hardy after the long procession with the Eucharist from Kennedy Park.
Continued/rom page one
The Mass at 3 p.m., at an altar set in upper Kennedy Park ended the June 18 through 25 celebrations in the diocese that centered on the Eucharist and most fittingly ended on the feast of Corpus Christi, the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. Thousands reverently went to communion under both species at 40 stations throughout the park where priests and deacons distributed the sacred host and precious blood. Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., who hosted the Eucharistic Congress and was principal celebrant at the outdoor Mass under sunny skies, noted that the event was being held in union with the international Eucharistic Congress underway in Rome. "Today, Fall River is Rome. St. Anne's Shrine is St. Peter's Basilica; and Kennedy Park is Pi-路
azza San Pietro of Vatican City," Bishop O'Malley said in his homily. "Actually the chalice we are using for this Mass was a gift from John Paul II and bears his coat of arms." The theme for the congress was "Jesus Christ: The Only Savior of the World, Bread for New Life." It was the same theme being used for the congress in Rome. Bishop O'Malley, his voice echoing distinctly over a loudspeaker system, told the assembly: "The Eucharist is God's invention. It manifests the ingenuity of a wisdom that at the same time is the foolishness of love. Where we can see only bread and wine, we stand before the assertion ofthe presence of God. How can we fail to be astonished at the fact that the one who is God offers Himself as food and drink to his very creatures." He said that while humanity
seeks the grandiose, the spectacular, the "gong show" ... "our God comes in humility and simplicity. As Ghandi once said: 'There is so much hunger in the world that God could appear only in the form of bread.'" The stiffening afternoon wind gusting at times to more than 25 miles per hours, tore lose the fabric from the metal framework serving as an altar covering just minutes before the Mass was to began, and was quickly removed. But clergy seated on the altar platform had to brave the glaring sunlight for the hour-long Mass. However, the backdrop, of gold and cream cloth,containing a quilt fashioned by the Women's Guild of St. Bernard's Parish, Assonet, held firm. Designed by Deacon Thomas J. Palanza and erected by Folan Waterproofing of South Easton and C & D Souza Carpenters of
Somerset, the towering metal framework was fitted with a huge crucifix from St. Jean Baptiste Church. An oak altar from St. Mary's Cathedral, and the large oak chair from St. Patrick's Church that was commissioned by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy were part ofthe furnishings, that included colorful potted plants and small trees. The designated concelebrants included Bishop Robert E. Mulvee of the Diocese of Providence, R.I., and Bishop Aurelio Granada Escudeiro, bishop emeritus of Angra, Azores; and officials of the curia and the presbyterate of the Fall River diocese. Deacons of the Mass were Paul 1: Macedo, Thomas J. Palanza and Thomas J. Souza. Lectors at the Mass were Jean Willis and Dorothy Lopes. The general intercessions, said in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish, were led by Arthur Caetano, Dominican Sister Lorraine Beauchesne, Sister Aida Sansor of the Guadalupan Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, and Manuel Vasconcellos. During the Mass, hundreds of eucharistic ministers from across the diocese as well as many new ones, made a renewal of service and, or, accepted installation. Dozens of volunteers, including laity and permanent deacons, brought up the offertory gifts of bread and wine. Altar servers were from various parishes an'd diocesan seminarians. A 70-member Jubilee Choir comprised of choir members from 13 diocesan parishes and led by Denise Gannon, sang the 路Mass. George Campeau was the organist. The Jubilee Brass 2000, let by Tobias Monte, provided accompaniment. Cantors included Joanne G. Mercier, Patrick Gannon, Shirley Guireiro, Robert Horta and Patrice Tiedmann. Masters of Ceremonies included Msgr. Stephen 1. Avila, who was chairman of the Eucharist
Congress; and Fathers Edward 1. Healey and Maurice O. Gauvin and Deacon Bruce J. Bonneau. Isabel Medeiros coordinated the hospitality ministry. Following Mass, at which an apostolic blessing was given, Bishop O'Malley carried the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance under a baldacchino or canopy carried by male members of the Santo Christo Parish Feast Committee, in procession to an altar set on the stairs of St. Anne's Church at the top of the park where the bishop presided at Benediction. A small choir sang in French and then led traditional songs of the service. Under the direction of Father Henry S. Arruda of Our Lady of Mount Cannel Church, New Bedford, the procession reformed and with thousands joining in, proceeding north on South Main Street, west on Bradford Avenue, and north down Fountain Street. Along Fountain Street, residents hung colorful tapestries from windows and porches in honor of the Blessed Sacrament. Air along the route, people joined in the songs, went to their knees or genuflected and made the Sign of the Cross as the Blessed Sacrament passed by. Priests, included those newly ordained on June 3, took turns carrying the monstrance. The long procession came up Columbia Street to Santo Christo Parish where an altar had been set up in the nearby plaza. A choir offered hymns in Portuguese. There, Bishop Granada led the Benediction Service. The marchers, continuing in song and prayer, then proceeded up the steep hill of Columbia Street to Second-Street and to an altar set on the east side of St. Mary's Cathedral lawn. There, Bishop Mulveeconducted the Benediction and a hymn was sung in Spanish. The e'vents climaxed eight days of events that included evening reflections and talks on the Eucharist by featured speakers at designated parishes.
Music Director Needed with Liturgy experience
COMING TOGETHER as one faith community at the Eucharistic Congress Mass last Sunday, worshippers from the across the Fall River diocese stand in the shadow of St. Anne's Church to answer the opening prayers.
Skills required: plays either keyboard or pipe organ, vocal skills to lead singing at two Sunday Liturgies, available for special/ seasonal celebrations, could create and conduct a children's/adult choir for Christmas/Easter. ST. STEPHEN'S PARISH ATTLEBORO, MASS. (A small but spirited parish) For information: (508) 222-0641 Rev. William L. Boffa, Pastor
TIIEANOIQR.. .:-.. Diocese ofFall River-Fri., June 30, 2000
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FOURTH-GRADERS of Holy Trinity Sc~ool, West HarWich, display their 11 soft sculpture whales', sailor'~ vale'ntin'es, games and puzzles. After a field trip to the Whaling Museum in, New Bedford, the'students began an intensive study of whales and whaling days. Each student made a whale book. The children then worked together to turn their classroom 'in~o a "Whale World," where they could share their new knowledge with parents and schoolmates.
Bis"op ,Connolly stUdent recognizedfor humanit~rian efforts FALL RIVER - Michael Bishop Connolly, "and he's Gilles Canuel; a junior at planning to expand it when the 'Bishop Connolly High School, presidential election happens was recently named an Enrich~ this fall." Canuel was one of two ing American Award recipient high school students chosen for his comfrom the munity serstate ofMasvice and sachusetts com m it:and received ment to a $2,000 helping oth- . U.S. Sav~ ers. ings Bond One of for his efthe things forts. which made The 'En: Canuel ric h' i n' stand out A meric,a was his orAwards proganization gram is of a food sponsored drive in the by . the city during Horatio last year's Alger Assopolitical ciation and' elections. is one of He remany comMICHAEL CANUEL quested that ponents of voters visittheir mising the polls bring a non-per- sion which aims to inspire young ishable food item with them people. President of the associaand through his planning and tion Richard L. Knowlton said work more than 10,000 food that these civic minded young items were collected for the people are the leaders of tomorneedy. row and "their dedication to "It was quite an accomplish- people less fortunate is somement," said Jim L'Heureux, at thing we can all be proud of."
~ THE WALSWORTH Publishing Company chose the Bishop Feehan High School Yearbook as its awardwinning yearbook this year and recently inducted it into its Gallery of Excellence. The yearbook staff of the Attleboro school are, from left: Patsy Ann O'Boy, moderator and guidance counselor; Matt Pfeil; Jessica DeMarco; Darcy . Walsh; Paulina Czerwonka; Katheleen Crounse; Erin Thomas; Ken Williamson; and James Sandford, teacher and moderator. '
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~ KIRBY FORTIN, Kathryn Quintin and Lea Noonan present Msgr. John J. Oliveira with a certificate of appreciation following a Mass at St. Mary's School, New Bedford, on Pastor Appreciation Day. Msgr. Oliveira was recognized for his leadership and commitment to the school and parish.
• THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., June 30,2000' .
Iteering pOintl
NORTH ATTLEBORO - A First Friday celebration will be held July 7 beginning with Intercessory prayer at Sacred Heart Church, 58 Church Street. It will include Mass at 7 p.m. and gu.est speaker Ernie Collamati at 8 p.m. and is themed ''A God of Unlikely Places." Adoration will follow the program and continue through the night until 3 p.m. July 8. For more information call 699-8383.
FALL RIVER -:- English as a SecATTLEBO~O - Singer-guitarist John Polce will minister at the ond Language and civics volunteer La Salette Shrine tonight and lead a teachers and tutors are needed for the Bethany Nights Program at 7:30 p.m. clties of Fall River and New Bedford The evening will include song, wit- . for one:on-oile and group teaching. ness and prayer. Members of the La Prior'teaching experience is 'not reSalette prayer community will be on quired and training will be provided. hand to pray over anyone at the end For more information call Eva dos of the evening. Santos·at 674-4681 or Rosa Sousa at 997~7337. . NORTH DARTMOUTH- The BREWSTER - A Mass and St. Julie Billiart Parish Family and MANSFIELD - An all-night the Lay Carmelites of Our Lady S~ar healing service will be held July 5;1t . 7 p.m. at'Our Lady of the Cape. vigil for the Sacred Hearts ofJesus and of the Sea Lay Carmelite CommuChurch, 468 Stony Brook Road. : Mary begins today with 7 p.m. Mass. itity invite all to a triduum of prayer at St Mary's Parish. It will be follo~ed and reflection in honor of Our Lady FALL RIVER- The annual Fall· by Exposition of the Blessed. Sacr~- of Mount Carmel on July 14, 15 and RiverCYO GolfTournament will be . ment and the vigil will end on SaM- ".16 at 7:30 p.m. at the church, 494 held July 10 at the Fall River Coun- . day with a 7:30 a.m. Mass. Slocum Road, .Each evening there try Club. To register, golfers must be will be an opportunitY .to be invested'· at the club between 6:30-6:50 a.m. NEW BEDFORD. - A Jubilee with the scapular. . . and all participants must wear shirts Mass will be celebrated July 2 at 10 with·collars. It is open to golfers born a.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel ONSET - A young ~dult Cape . on or after Jan. J, 1974 who live in ·Church. For more' information call CodCanal-Blues Cruise will· be held '" :: Ju~y 14fi;om8-11 p.m. It will feature Fall River, Assonet, Somerset,' 993-4704.' .' Swansea-or We.stport. . . . . . . ~ live blues music and is sponsored·by . . . . ' . . NEW BEDFORri.:....:.The C~ur~ the young adult ministry office. For FALL RIVER - Bishop Con- ageGroup Will meet July 8 at the rec- more information call Dave Marshall . at 398-1594. nolly High School is sPonsoring the.": tory9fHolyN~~oflheS~~Heart . " 10th annual Th~masJ>. Keyes" '84 .. of)esu~ Parish"be'~nl1ing at-7 p.m, . ' , ,'. . ' Memorial Golf TOJlmamenloQ July'" Coiirageisa'suppQrtgroupforCatho-' SWANSEA-AFirstFiidaycel- .' 17 at the Fall River Country Ch.iQ. '. lie men and Women who arecorifrQnt- ,'. ebration will 'be held )uly. 7 'at St. : For more infol'tn.ation coiltact the de- . .lng ~e seX: attr~tion:iss\lesand who; .Dominic's Church. It will begin with:··, velopment office 'at Bishop.C<;>n- :'are striving to lead chaste'lives. For' Massat8 a.ni.. indud~Benediction' nolly High School at 676-1476. more information call Msgr. Thomas of the Blessoo Sacrament. Devotions Deadline for r~gistration is July 7.. 1. Harrington at 992~3184. to Our Blessed Mother will follow . .the 8 a.ni. M~s on July 8, . "NEW BEDFORD -Calix, a FALL RIVER - Bishop Sean O'Malley"will celebratea MasS ofCape group which -enlists Catholic, men WEST HARWICH -=---- The CelVerdean identity and independence at . and 'women who are gratefully cel- ebrate Life Committee holy hour will the Cathedral July 5 at7 p.m. All Cape, ebrating recovery. from alcoholism!, .-·be held Sunday.at 3 p.m. at Holy Verdean Catholics are invited. For more drug addiction or other dependen- Trinity Church. For more informainformation call 994-7602. ci.e~ will m~et July 9 ~t 6:30 p.m. at· tion call 432AOOO. T
the parish center of Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of 'Jesus Church. New members welcome.
Let me state, they're . the best· in the state· It's almost here. 1. can feel it. game against Northbridge High VACATION!!! School, who had been in the slate The beaches and sea breezes of finals the year before. one of my favorite places in the After 25 games, the whole seaworld, Nantucket, beckon. But be- son boiled down to one run. The fore Ijump aboard the "Eagle" and Warriors didn't even put a crooked make the two-hour excursiontovisitmyfavoriterela- r tives in the whole world, I would be remiss if I didn't toot the horn of a scrappy group of young ladies from Coyle and Cassidy High . S School in Taunton. The C-C softball team By Dave Jolivet recently finished a remarkable run, ultimately capturing the Massachusetts Division II number-on the scoreboard, but gritty State Championship. Not a bad way senio.rpitcher, Meghan Condon, shut to start a new millennium! .. down Northbridge and tlW Wm:riors "This was a great season," said . toc;>k' home the title witha' 1-0 win. Bill Tranter, theC-C athletic direc-' Condon,., who is heading off to tor. "The girls just did things we Merrimack College in thefall, is one didn't expect they'd do." of only two senior regulars the WarThe Warriors, led by their man- riors.williose this season, so it looks ager Russ Hunt, made it through the likeC-C is the team to beat in 2001. regular season with a very robust "We're a young team, and we 18-2 record, but they entered the have two great offensive leaders second season knowing they would 'coming'back for us next year; outface the best of the best for the rest .' fielders Nikki Ribeiro, who'll be a of the way - and one loss meant junior and Megan Cullen, who'll be the disappointing end of an exciting a senio~:' said Tranter. season. But let's forget about next year, That loss never came. The War- and let the girls savor the moment. riors completed the playoffs with six Last weekend, the Boston Globe restraight victories, defeating the likes leased their final version ofthe state's of softball powerhouses Case and top 20 teams for 2000, and Coyle Apponequet High schools, culmi- and Cassidy sat alone at the top, ahead nating with the state championship of even some very fine Division I
teams. Well done girls. Congratulations. And oh, by the way, the Globe also released their list of the top 20 teams for boys baseball, and the Coyle and Cassidy Warriors were No. 20. Not too shabby! Coyle and Cassidy High SchooLis preparing a celebration for the slate champs, but at press time, nothing was shored up. While I'm handing out kudos, I have to mention a couple of friends. A few Anchors ago, I wrote a feature ab<;>ut a pair who were off to Alaska to run in their very first marathon. Neither was sure how they'd fare, but it's my pleasure to relay that not only did they finish, they did very well to boot. According to the Anchorage Daily News, Rosamaria Carlozzi finished in a time of 4:15:04, 212th out of 1,639 women; and Derek Raposo finished in 4:27:45, 428th out of 827 men. Again, congratulations! . With that being said, I think I'll go pack. I look forward to the time off. We'll be back in print on July 21, but the only thing that scares me about that is by then, the Red Sox may be mathematically eliminated! Summer, you gOlla love it. Dave Jolivet is a fonner sports
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P'ROUD GRADUATES.-- Mitchell Rodrigues and Leah Benoit share a moment of friendship at their recent kindergarten graduation ceremony at St. Anne School, Fall River.
My View From the Stan d
writer/editor, andcurrentstaffmemher of The Anchor.
THE EXECUTIVE board of the National. Honor Society at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, announced the election of senior officers for the 2000-2001 school year. From left are: Peter Amaral, vice president; T~resa Flynn, secretary; Jocelyn Lally, president; Amy-Marie Desrosiers, historian; Zachary l;3aumgart, treasurer; and MaLira Smith, parliamentarian.
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TIffiANCHOR- Diocese ofFal1 River-- Fri., June 30,2000 .
Continued from page 10
Mrs. Junius B. Hopkins, M-M Patrick . Downes, M-M Joseph T. Marone, Mrs. Joyce S. Bruce; M-M William E. Clark; M-M Albert Montani; M"M Donald V. Cianciolo; M~M Mark Wojnar; M-M Joseph J. Spinello; M-M John M. Burke; M·M Gerard Goodwin; Corpus Christi Church Youth Group; MM Frederick Bressette; M-M John Schulte; M-M John D. Kuchinski; DrM Arthur Kalil, Jr. EAST TAUNTON Holy Family: $250 M-M James Cohn; $225 Mrs. Terralynn Sullivan; $200 M-M Mario Bettencourt; M-M David-Cardoza; Mrs. James Melville; Kathleen Slater; $175 Frances Winterson; $120 M-M Peter Luttrell; $100 M-M James Withers; M-M Paul Berube; M-M Joseph JacInto; M-M Dennis Perrault; M-M Walter Karcz; M-M Dionisio Raposo; M-M Charles Woodward; M-M Frank Legere; Vince & Ann Barrett; Mrs. Theresa Gomes; Mrs. Lillian Stanley; James Quig!ey. FAIRHAVEN St. Mary: $100 M-M Robert Benoit. St. Joseph: Mrs. Robert Kelleher. FALL RIVER St. Mary's Cathedral: $100 Mary & Angela Foley. _ Espirito Santo: $250 Espirito Santo Holy Name; $200 Espirito Santo's Holy Rosary Society; $150 A Friend; $100 Espirito Santo Prayer Group; A Friend. Holy Name: $1,100 M-M Daniel E: Bogan; $500 Atty-M William F. Patten; $350 M-M Kevin Kilroy; $250 Michael Sullivan; $200 M-M George
Lavoie; $125 M-M FrederickWilson; $100 M-M Mark Gauvin, Thomas Ponton, M-M William Keating, Jr., MM John McDonald, M-M Kenneth Fiola, Jr., M-M Santi.DiRuzza, M-M Joseph Reilly; M-M James Santoro; M-M Thomas F. Burns. Holy Rosary: $250 Dr-M Kenneth C. Morris; $1 00 N1-MBernard F. Sullivan. Our Lady of Health: $1,100 Rev. Jose A. F. Dos Santos; $450 Our Lady of Health Holy Name Society; $425 Our Lady of Health Holy Spirit Feast; Our Lady of Health Prayer Group; $100 Our Lady of Health First Communion; Our Lady of Health Holy Rosary Society; Mrs. James 9arvalho; Joaquim Capela; Paul A. Dias. St. Anne: $2,000Dominican Fathers; $100 MaryEllen O'Neil. St. Jean Baptiste: $165 Maurice Milot; $125 M-M Lionel Dupont;_ $100 M-M Vincent Campbell, M-M Brian Hayden, M-M Bernard Paquette, M-M Lee Correa; M-M Donald Pineau. St. Joseph: $100 Denise Lamoureux. , St. Michael: $200 St: Michael St. Vincent de. Paul Society; St. Michael Holy Spirit Feast; $100 St. Michael Holy Rosary Society, Mrs; Maria T. Gonsalves,-M-M Mario S. Silva. SS. Peter &, Paul: $100 M·M Joseph Altobelli, M-M Michael Dumont, M-M William Tansey. St. Stanislaus: $500 M-M Robert Gaw; $250 Margaret Peart; $200 In Memory of Edward M, Cunningham; $150 A Friend, John
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Deveney, Jr; $110 A Friend; $100 Antonio Costa, M-M Julio Dias, MKenneth Medeiros, M-M Leo M John Lessa, Stacey Nelson. Lavoie, Paula Gagnon; M-M Joseph Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Raposa; A Friend. $100 M-M Luis Machado Pacheco; Santo Christo: $100 M-M M-M Edmund Salvador; 3 Friends. Anibal Lage, Jr. Our Lady of Perpetual Help: FALMOUTH $1,000 In Thanksgiving and graces St. Patrick: $5,000 The received; $700 O.L.P.H. Bingo; $300 O'Herron Family Foundation; $500 Intention of JAMSAT, SpeciallntenJoseph & Edwina Charyk, Florence tion for the Young Adult Ministry of M. O'Connor; $250 M·M Joseph P. the Parish; $125 Anthony S. Connors, M-M Terrence Dineen; Kopaczewski; $100 M-M Robert $200 Brenda M. Dugan; $160 M-M Koczera & Family. . Sylvester J. Sampson, Jr.; $150 EdSt. Francis of'Assisi: $250 St. ward R. McMahon, M-M Herbert. Vincent de Paul Conference; $100 Nyberg; $100 M-M Peter Carr, M-M James L. Henry, Barbara Chapman, Cole & Gleason Funeral Lewis. St. Johnthe Baptist: $100 M-M Homes, Robert E. Curran, Dr-M Samuel Donta, Mrs. Geraldine Jose Carreiro, M-M Jose C. Fortier, John Hayes, Francis & Elaine Pacheco. Lipp, Agnes McGrath, Thomas J. St. Joseph-St. Theresa: $170 Norton, M-M William J. O'Brien, M- Leonard Kane; $100 Anonymous, M William F. O'Connor, M-M James Carol Bolton, M-M Arthur Joubert; Webber, M-M T. Leonard Matthews. Lucien Robert, M-M Philip Viall, HYANNIS Robert & Janine Plante. St. Francis Xavier: $100 M-M St. Lawrence: $150 Hon-M Edward Lynch , Dr-M William F. David A. McLaughlin; $100 M-M Johnson, Mary M. Manwaring, M-M Steven Beauregard, Paul Walsh, Francis W. Shannon, M-M Robert Ms. Suzanne Sullivan. Dyka, Dr-M Paul J. Canniff, M-M St. Mary: $1,000 In Memory of John J. Oliveira; $125 M-M Diarrnuid Ralph Ames, Caroline H. Crosby. MANSFIELD Griffin; $100 M-M Paul Boutin, M-M St. Mary: $1,000 David & Joseph Burgess, M-M Christopher oSandra Rullo; $500 M-M Paul E. P. Giblin. Bousquet, M-M A. Daniel Geribo; . NORTH ATILEBORO $250 M-M William Cooney; $200 MSacred Heart: $200 M-M Mark· M John C. Hart; M-M William Horan. . Mahoney; Dr-M Francis J. Manning; St. Mary: $500 M-M Donald M-M George T. O'Neil III; M-M John McHoul; $325 In Memory of William F. Regan; M-M James Strickland; oJ. Fitzpatrick, Sr.; $200 Joseph Greer; $175 M-M Mark Canuel; $100 M-M $150 M·M Gerard Kaelblein;. $100 Francis Alberto, M-M Robert Carroll, M-M Jeffrey Bodak, Margaret A. M-M Andre J. Charpentier, M-M Finnemore, M-M John Brennan. James Greene, M-M James J. NORTH DARTMOUTH, St.·Julie Billiart: $1,000 AnonyKnipper, M-M Richard Pasakarnis. _ MARION mous; $500 M-M George Silva; $300 St. Rita: $2,000 Dr-MStephen Lillian Perron; $200 Donna Grenon, Heacox; $1,000 M-M Norman M-M Paul Mueller; $150 St. Julie's Shachoy; $500 In Memory of Ruth Ladies' Guild; $100 M-M Arthur Sexton Joyce from William Joyce; Almeida, M~M Raymond Barrows, $100 Peter Rezendes; M-M Albert M. M-M Gene Beaudoin, M-M' Gary Cordeiro; Ms. Pamela Franklin; Chouinard, Sheila Isherwood, Carol 'Marilynne Gaffey; ElizabethE. Durkin. Peters, M-M Paul Rioux, Edward MARTHA'S VINEYARD Rouxinol, M-M' Edward Sylvia, M-M Roman Catholic Parishes: Ron Xavier, M-M Bernard Audette; $3,000 Reliable Self-Service Mar- . M~M John Barros; M"M Peter ket, Inc.; $100 Mrs. Armando Grzegorczyk; Mary Ann Kaempf; Pacheco. Jane Williams. MASHPEE NORTH DIGHTON ChristtheKing: $l,OOOM-MW. St. Joseph: $100 Michael J. Douglas Hailar; $500'M-M James J. Delaney, Raymond Monteiro, EdLivingston, M-M Gregory J. Beckel; ward Santos,Jr., Christopher $484 Rita Behnke; $400 M-M Peter Ryding.. . . Lawrence; $300 M-M Ignatius Reed; NORTH EASTON $200 M-M RobertV. Crowley; $100 . Immaculate Conception: $200 Elizabeth Shea, M-M Frank M-M" Edward Casieri; $100 M-M D'Amario, Julia N. Lucy, M-MGeorge . Wayne Casey; M-M GregoryMills. M. Dooley, M-M Robert W. Hubbell, NORTH FALMOUTH M-M James Connolly, Joanne M. St. Elizabeth Seton: $1,000 MFitzgerald, M-M Joseph Henderson, M Gerard Boyle; $200 M-M Gary M-M Robert J. Courtemanche, M~M Deziel; $100 M-M Kevin O'Brien. Charles Michonski, M-M Joseph NORTON St. Mary: $500 M-M Louis Mazzuchelli, M-M ·Joseph Dunn, Mrs. Maureen Quinlan, Doris Tenore; $200 Ms. Tina Rose; $100 Donaghey, Kathryn R. K. Lapio, N. M-M Thomas Castello, Edna Oktem, M-M Louis DiMeo, M-M Frank Nelson. Angelist; M-M Michael Lahart, M-M ORLEANS Michael J. Musto, Dorothy Boyle, Mary St. Joan of Arc: $300 M-M RiCarey, M-M Robert X. Chandler, M- chard Page, M-M Paul O~Connor; M Ronald E. Primavera, M-M Robert 4200 M-M George Seaver, Mary Franey, Dr-M Norman Larocque, M- Keefe; $150 M-M James McGinnis; M Warren Fearnley, Rosemary $100 M-M Joseph Kelley, M-M ThoGannon, M-M Jack F. Gurkin, M-M mas King, M-M Kenneth Spengler, John Murphy, Nora Donahue, M-M M-M David Brown, M-M Robert William Malone, Mary Bums, William McCarthy, M-M John Menna, Walter Johnston. Pepple, M-M Thomas Creavy; M-M MATIAPOISETI Fred Fenlon; M-M Paul Perkowski; St. Anthony: $500 M-M Louis M-M Thomas Prokop. Vaudry, Jr:;$200 M-M Michael Dow; OSTERVILLE Our Lady of the Assumption: $100 McM Clark Bailey, M-M John McGarrie, Sandra M. Dawson; M-M $1,000 M-MThomas J. Galligan,Jr.; Paul Downey; M-M John Duff; M-M $500 M~M Peter M. Standish; $250 Burton Corkum; M-M RobertTapper, M-M Robert J. Doyle; $200 Charles Jr. H. Donald; $100 Marie Butler, M-M NANTUCKET John H. Garvey, Catherine Largay, St. Mary's/Our Lady of the Isle: M-M Edward Machado, M-M John F. $1,000 St. Vincent de Paul Society; Spillane, Jr. $500 Mrs. Denise Olsen, In Memory RAYNHAM St. Ann: $100 M-M John of Beulah & Edwin Scully; $150 MM Richard Pardi; $100 M-M Joseph Cockerham. SEEKONK Abdallah-Demby, M-M Stephen Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Lamb, Robert N. Lelle, M-M John Siavitz, .M-M Paul Kelley, M-M $250 M-M Richard Laporte; $200 Donald Allen. M-M Michael Bushell, M-M Kenneth Miller, M-M Douglas NEW BEDFORD HolyName: $150 Lynn Garnett; Laurence; M-M J. Peter $100 M-M Sergi lacaponi. MacDonald; $150 M-M Raymond Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe: Silva, M-M Reynold Paniccia; $120 Mrs. Aurea Perez, Beatrice Canuel. M-M Steven Rocha; $100 M-M Our Lady of the Assumption: John Krasnianski, M-M Norman $2,000 M-M Joseph Gomes; $120 Verville, M-M Gilbert Devine, M-M M-M Joseph Monteiro; $100 M-M Michael Harrington. M~M
St. Mary: $400 M-M Michael $250 M-M Timothy McGinn; $140 James· &'Deborah Bolton; $100' Manuel & Angelina Pontus, M-M' Eugene McGovern. SOMERSET St Patrick: $200 Mrs. Barbara Daley; $1"00 M-M Adriano Resendes. St. Thomas More: $275 Matthew G. Cadorette; $100 M-M Solomon Haddad, St. Thomas More Jr. High Youth Ministry, M-M Edward J. Blake, Jr.; Ms. Pamela J. .Greenough. SOUTH DARTMOUTH St. Mary: $500 M-MG. Albert Roy; $140 Jdg-M Thomas M. Quinn, Jr.; $100 Harry O'Neill: SOUTH EASTON Holy Cross: $300 M-M George Zarella; $125 M-M William Hadge; $100 M-M Donald Galante, M-M Robert Martin, Mrs. John Oliveira, Jr, Dr-M Guy Spinelli, M-M Joseph Struzik, Dr. Thomas Berry, M-M Anthony Ciuffo, M-M Timothy Connor, M-M Charles Hurley, Mr. Lawrence Pasalacqua, Florence Powderly, . Ms. Catherine Smith, M-M Walter Turley, M-M Francis J. Veale, Jr, Mrs. Douglas Porter; M-M Sean Cullen. SOUTH YARMOUTH . St. Pius X: $1,000 M·M Francis Arcikowski;$500 Dorothy Quinn, MM Kevin McGinness-Rossi; $300 Thomas Quinn; $100 Alice Boehler, Mrs. Peter Rizzeri, M-M Walter O'Farrell, Walter McGourty, Ann Morin, M-M Dennis DuVerger, M-M Rudy Iodice, Mrs. Douglas Porter; MM Sean Cullen. . SWANSEA Our Lady of Fatima: $200 M-M Anthony Santoro; $~ 00 M-M Nicholas DeMatteo,. M-M Paul Chagnon, M-M Roger Soares. St. Dominic: $·100 Admark Advertising & Marketing; St. Vincent de Paul Society. St. Michael:. $100 Ronald R. DesRuisseaux, Carolyn Hetherson, M-M Larry Bywell. TAUNTON Holy Rosary: $500 Dr-M Thaddeus A. Figlock; $100 M-M Robert Estrella. Immaculate Conception: $100 In Memory of Andrew Isaacson. Our Lady of.Lourdes: $100 Mrs. Rita Souza. Sacred Heart: $250 Virginia M. Wade; $200 M-M'Antero Oliveira, MM Horace Costa; $100 M-M Paul Saben, Corline Cronan, M-M Raymond Marsden;. M-M David Souza. St. Anthony: $225 In Honor of Saint Anthony; $200 A Friend; $125 M-M Gary Enos; $100 Jacqueline Rogers. St. Jacques: $100 Jean Conway, Norman Cote. . St. Joseph: $500 Phil & Carol bois;' $125 M-M J. Thomas Coulombe; $100 M-M Kenneth Alves, M~M Robert Clark, M-M James O'Donnell, Joyce & Edward Zimmerman and Denise Taylor, MM James Dorsey. ' St. Paul: $400 M-M Bruce Young; $250 M-M'David Nunes; $125 Alicia M. Kullas; $120 M-M Michael Eason; $100 M-M James Costa, Roland Desrosiers, M-M Robert Jose, M-M Ronald Benoit. WAREHAM St. Patrick: $350St. Patrick's St. Vincent de Paul Society; $200 Marilyn Wilbur; $100 Emilie Rose, A Friend, In Memory of Parents, Deborah Rose, Third Order Franciscans, Ms. Patricia Edwards; Peter & Marie Cavicchi. WELLFLEET Our Lady of Lourdes: $1,000 M-M George T. Ryan; $300 Barbara A. Fitzgerald. WEST HARWICH Holy Trinity: $200 M-M James Mischler; Wallace & Tina Raneo. WESTPORT Our Lady of Grace: $309 M-M John MacDonald, III; Avelino Mendes; $100 M-M Bradford Perkins, Carmelita Arnoe, Huguette Soares. St. John the Baptist:' $300 Jeanne Lewis; $100 Mrs. Margaret N. Ryan, Dr-M John F. Lentini, Ellen Sullivan; M-M R. Christian Lafrance. O~Donnell;