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t eanc 0 VOL. 39, NO. 26

Friday, June 30, 1995



Noting that once the baby's full body is beyond the birth canal it is protected under murder laws in all 50 states, Canady said "the difference between the partial-birth abortion procedure and homicide is a mere three inches." At the hearing, Rep. Patricia Schroeder, D-Colo., Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., and Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., argued over motives for support or opposition to the bill. "It is all too clear that this bill is but one part of a concerted, multistep effort to effectively deprive women of access to abortion," said Mrs. Schroeder. She introduced several women who said they had the type of abortion being discussed because offetal abnormalities and said the bill's backers were proposing "governmc~ntalintrusion and governmental arrogance at its worst."

Hyde gave his own examples of people who survived severe birth defects and went on to live productive and rewarding lives. And he disagreed with Mrs. Schroeder's Turn to Page 13

THE CHAIUSMATIC movement has kept many Hispanics involved in the Catholic Church, saying they value the warm and close-knit charismatic community and the freedom th~y feel to express their emotions at prayer meetings. (CNS photo)

Hispanic leaders celebrate 50 years of evangelization SAN ANTONIO (CNS) - Fifty years after evangelization to Hispanics became a formal program of the U.S. Catholic Church, 450 ministry leaders reaffirmed that commitment in San Antonio at a spirited convocation June 23-25. They included Bishop Sean O'Malley, who was among 22 presenters of convocation workshops. Basing his presentation on Pope John Paul II's 1993 encyclical, "Veritatis Splendor," the bishop discussed the importance of living a faith-filled life. As the convocation concluded, a Declaration of Commitment outlined a pledge to show fellow U.S. Catholics that the faith of Hispanics is incorporated in their culture. "In this way, we will unite to fight the culture of death denounced by Pope John Paul II," the statement said. The declaration emphasized that Hispanic communi.ties have been in the vanguard of fighting for the family as the fundamental unit of society and the chutch. It included a promise to recognize the rights and dignity of the vocation of parents and the rights of women in all aspects of social and religious life. Also included in the declaration were commitments to: - Uphold the preferential option for the poor as an essential part of the Catholic faith. - Affirm the dignity of human

NOTICE In keeping with our 50-week publishing schedule, there will be no Anchor issue for July 7, 1995. Happy Fourth ofJuly to all! .\1.' • •

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$11 Per Year

Married clergy not answer to priest dearth

"Partial birth" abortion. bill is mulled WASHINGTON (CNS) -Just a week after the bill was introduced, a House subcommittee June 21 approved a measure that would ban a controversiallatle-term abortion procedure. Moving at an unusually quick pace, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution voted 7 to 5 on a party-line vote to ban what it called "partial birth" abortions. H. R. 1833 would outlaw abortions in which a fetus has moved into the birth canal, where the physician reaches in and severs the brain stem. The brain is then removed by suction, allowing easier removal of the fetus. The procedure, used after the 20th week of pregnancy, is described by supporters as a preferred method because it eliminates the risk of an unintentional live birth associated with chemically induced abortions. In opening an earlier public hearing of the house subcommittee, chairman Rep. Charles T. Canady, R-Fla., said "partial-birth abortion procedures go a step beyond abortion on demand."

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beings from the moment of conception until natural death. - Recognize the right to dignified work, a just salary, decent housing, education that respects cultural differences and access to decent health care. - Affirm solidarity with farmworkers, refugees, victims of political abuse and undocumented immigrants, especially in light of discrimination against immigrants. The declaration will be amended with suggestions from the convocation's final session and released at a later date, with an eye toward guiding preparations for events celebrating the beginning of the third millennium of Christianity. Pope John Pa ulll has called for a synod of the Americas to meet in Rome before the year :?000, but dates for it have not yet bt:en set. It will be designated as the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for America. "We are the logical bridge between the church in the United States and the church in Latin America," the statement noted. The "new evangelization" of the Americas has been a recurring church theme in the Western Hemisphere since 1992, when Pope John Paul II spoke of the need for re-evangelizing the hemisphere during his meeting with Latin

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American bishops in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The relationship between faith and culture has been the most significant contribution of the Hispanic community in the United States, said theologian Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. But there's never been a study of that relationship, he said, adding that the church itself has a history of having treated Hispanics as a problem, even to the point of having oppressed the culture. If faith and culture are not allowed to come together, the faith is what will be lost, he warned. And the Hispanic presence is a reality within the U.S. church, one that should be appreciated as both a privilege and an opportunity. Among the ways in which the U.S. church should be depending upon the Hispanic community is for what it can teach about the preferential option for the poor in Catholic theology, said Msgr. Albacete. The real "option" for the poor in the United States would be to stand against the culture that promotes death, separates families and Turn to Page 13 ,

MANCHESTER, England (CNS) - Married priests are not the answer to the crisis facing the church, says Bishop Daniel J. Mullins of Menevia, Wales. Writing in the British Catholic weekly newspaper, The Universe, Bishop Mullins said that the secular press was "constantly finding bishops who would seem to favor married priests in the church." His comments came two weeks after an Irish priest, Bishop Brendan Comiskey of Ferns, said in an interview with a Dublin newspaper that to end the drop in vocations the Latin-rite Catholic Church must allow a married priesthood. Bishop Mullins said the practical link between celibacy and the priesthood was much older than the legislation introduced into the Latin-rite church in the Middle Ages. And he said there is a scriptural base for the link between celibacy and the priesthood, "even if Scripture does not impose it." He added that it was strange that a married priesthood should be proposed as an answer to a crisis in the priesthood. "The most serious crisis in the church today is precisely in marriage .... One crisis in the church cannot be solved by appealing to another, more fundamental malaise in Catholic life." he wrote. He said the Catholic Church had never been revitalized byadapting to the spirit of the times. "The church is at its most effective, most reforming, when it openly challenges the world by its teaching and by its members living out that teaching in trust and in joy," said the bishop. Bishop Mullins said the sacrament of holy orders places the ordained priest in a special relationship with Christ's people. He said that to live celibately as a priest is to be chosen to be at the total service of the Christian people. "More than anything else in our time, the church needs the prophetic witness of those who joyfully give all to Christ. In calling us priests to celibacy, the church is not asking us to give up something good and holy; rather is it inviting us to give all so that God may be glorified, so that the love of God may touch the lives of all who are in this world. "At this time, the church does not need the voice of sweet reasonableness discussing our problems in secular categories. To the nations, the Cross has always been foolishness. "The world needs to hear the voice of challenge and of contradiction, the·call to salvation," The bishop added that priests unfaithful to their celibate commitment are just as likely to be unfaithful in marriage.


The Anchor Friday, June 30, 1995 .

Adoration is magnet for Maronite monks PETERSHAM, Mass. (CNS) - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament seems to be what most draws men to join the Congregation of Maronite Monks of the Most Holy Trinity in Petersham. "I came on retreats over a sevenmonth period and I fell in love with the place. I like the monastic atmosphere and the secluded area," said Father Martin Ferland, one of seven monks ordained priests in April. Priests, religious brothers, permanent deacons and laymen can spend a day to a week at the monastery, paying what they can and joining the monks for Mass, prayer and meals. "I was looking for a monastic community living a traditional, simple monastic life," Father Jean Marie Choiniere, also newly ordained, told the Catholic Free Press, newspaper of the diocese of Worcester. . He said he could not find a Latin-rit~ community centered on eucharistic adoration, but initially felt a nervousness about Easternrite Catholicism. Now he calls such fear unfortunate, noting that Latinrite and Eastern-rite churches are equal in dignity and united in faith within the Roman Catholic Church. The Petersham community is believed the first Maronite congregation formed by non-Lebanese priests; the Maronite rite is Lebanese in origin. It was canonically approved by the Vatican in 1989, and is in the diocese of St. Maron, Brooklyn, N.Y., as are the Maronite parishes of St. Anthony of the Desert, Fall River, and Our Lady of Purgatory, New Bedford, in the Fall River diocese. Father Ferland said the usual monastic life of prayer and work does not include eucharistic adoration, but in Petersham each monk spends two hours a day in adoration. The community life answers the need to be social, and the opportunity to function as a hermit answers the need to be alone with God, Father Ferland noted. The monastic life is "not a running away from things we don't like - it's a running to God and a life of union with God," said newly ordained Father Maron Morgan. "People think we are making a big sacrifice coming here," he said. "If you have three meals a day, a warm room; sufficient clothing, camaraderie, security ... there are people in the world who are making far greater sacrifices than we do." Giving up television, parties and shopping malls is not a sacrifice to the monks, Father Morgan said. Father Choiniere said for him the biggest sacrifice is living daily life with no change of schedule, no days off and no vacation. He seems to find abstaining' from meat on Mondays and Wednesdays and following a Friday diet of bread and water less of a sacrifice. 1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription pri.ce by mail, postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722.

Abortion,' b.,east cancer have possible link OBITUA

With Catholic News Service reports Women under age 45 who have had abortions could have a 50 percent higher risk of developing breast cancer than other women in that age group, according to a new.' study. Although researchers stress that the latest findings are not definitive. representatives from pro-life organizations say the new information cannot be ignored. "Women should be made aware of the possibility of an abortionbreast cancer link as one of the many risk factors associated with the procedure." said Wanda Franz, president of the National Right to Life Committee. The study reports the results of seven years of research by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. The researchers. who interviewed more than 1.800 women in the Seattle area. found that induced abortion was associated with a 50 percent increased risk of breast cancer. They also found that women under 18 years of age who had abortions increased their risk of breast cancer by ISO percent. while women over 30 increased their risk by 110 percent. . For the younger women. the risk was higher if the abortion was performed after eight weeks of gestation or· if the woman had a family histO'ry of breast cancer. No increased brea~t cancer risk was associated with spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. the study said. One of the study's authors. Noel Weiss. said the suspected link between abortion.and breast cancer was the proliferation of breast tissue early}p,pregnancy. "The concern is that induced. abortion, especially toward the end of the first trimester of preg- ' nancy, might leave a woman with [breast] cells that are...developed to a certain degree but not fully, and those cells might be more prone to develop cancer later in life," Weiss told the Reuters riews agency in a telephone interview. Downplaying the potential link between abortion and breast cancer is nothing new, according to Ms. Franz. She said that since 1957,24 other studies have been published showing evidence of a link between, breast cancer and abortion, but have received little or no attention. Connections Also presenting evidence that abortion may be connected to a dramatic rise in breast cancer among women is a survey of studies of the subject compiled by Atty. Scott Somerville of Paeonian Springs, VA. Titled Connections and issued in 1994, the booklet draws on 66 U.S. and foreign studies and reports published in professional medical journals. To the question "Is there a link between the termination of a first pregnancy and the onset of breast cancer?" Somerville's answer is a resounding yes. Among the findings he cites.is a 1986 'study of 3,315 Connecticut mothers which concluded that those who had an abortion before their first live birth, after adjusting for other known risk factors, inCreased their risk of breast cancer by 250 percent. Other countries where studies reached similar conclusions include Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Denmark, Italy, Japan, Britain, Taiwan, Slovenia, Finland, Israel, Greece and China. Discussing at greater length the

Henry W. MedE~iros

ABORTION OF THIS FETUS MAY MEAN BREAST CANCER FOR HIS MOTHER findings also arrived at by Noel Weiss in the Seattle study, Somerville said that if a woman has never been pregnant, her breasts are largely composed of connective tissue and a branching network of ducts with few milk-producing cells. But when a child is conceived, specialized hormones kick into action,causing the breast cells to enlarge and the ducts to increase branching activity, developing more ducts and new structures known as terminal end buds. The end buds in turn form alveolar buds which will develop into milkproducing glands. This period of rapid growth also seems to be the time at which the breast cells are most at risk of being affected by cancer-producing agents. But research also shows that if a first pregnancy is carried to term, further hormonal' activity takes place, significantly and permanently reducing the mother's risk of breast cancer. Another study, by Janet Daling and others, appeared in the Journal of the National Cancer InstituteforNov. 2,1994. It reported a 50 percent increased risk of breast cancer for all women under age 45

with a history of induced abortion, with women aborting prior to age 18 facing a 110, percent increased risk, and those under age 18 who aborted while between eight and 23 weeks pregnant facing an appalling 800 percent increased risk. Of the 1806 women studied, 12 women reported having both an induced abortion prior to age 18' and a family history of breast cancer. All 12 women had breast cancer and the'''calculated relative risk" of other such' women was infinity. This study is conSidered likely to represent a previously unidentified' group of women at extremely higtt risk of developing breast cancer. Further information on the relationship of breast cancer to abortion is available both in Conneetiq,ns and in Before You Choose: the Link between Abortion and Breast Cancer, also compiled by Atty. Somerville. Both pliblications, as well as a mini-poster leaflet and a set of overhead transparencies on the subject with a speaker's guide are available from AIM, PO Box 871, Purcellville, VA 22132.

Rev. Arnold R. Medeiros, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Nortc;m, was the celebrant of the Mass of Christian Burial June 27 at Santo Christo Church, Fall River, for his brother, Henry W. Medeiros, 44, who died June 24 after a long illness. He' was the husbilnd of Carol Ann (Waters) Medeiros. Born in Capelas, St. Michael, Azores, the son of Albert and Odilia(Chaves) Medeiros of Fall River, he had lived in Fall River for 40 years. He was an assc'mbler at the former Sarama Lighting Cci., leaving in 1990 due to illness. He was a parishioner and catechist at Santo Christo parish. Besides his wife and Father Medeiros, he is survived by a daughter and son, Kira Marie and Shane Adam Medeiros, and a sister, Maria F. (Mary) Mello, all of Fall River; three more brothers, James. and Joseph Medeiros of Fall River and .J.ohn Medeiros of Westport; and nieces and nephews.

Pope plans Mass in Central Park CHICAGO (CNS) - Pope John Paul II will celebrate a Mass in New York City's Central Park when he visits the United States and United Nations this Oc:tober, Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore has aimounced. Tile cardinal, president of the NB.tlonal Conference of Catholic Bi:.hops, announced tbe general outUne of the pope's Oct. 4-8 tr~p during the spring meeting of the U.S.bi.shops in Chicago. The pope was originally slated t9 visit the United Nation.s and four East Coast dioceses in October 1994, but the trip was postponed because his broken leg was healing too slowly. In the revised itinerary for this October, the Centra:i Park Mass is the most 'notable departure from last year's plans. Also notable is a plan to celebrate Mass at Aqueduct Raceway ill the Brooklyn diocese.

·Greatest Art "The greatest of all arts is 1he art ofliving together."-William Lyon Phelps

Reaction to Foster defeat depends on abortion views . WASHINGTON (CNS) - Opponents and supporters of the nomination of Dr. Henry Foster as U.S. surgeon general reacted to his defeat June 22 according to. where they stood on the abortion issue. "Dr. Foster's destructive policies would have shredded the moral fabric of our nation," said Beverly LaHaye, president of Concerned Women for America. "It's wrong fora man as qualified and committed as Dr. Foster to be denied this chance to serve our country," said President Clinton, who had nominated Foster in February. In identical 57-43 votes June 21 and 22, the Senate failed to cut off debate on the Foster nomination, effectively killing the possibility of a vote on the nomination itself. Foster, 61,. a Tennessee obstetrician and gynecologist, had said he performed 39 abortions during

his medical career. He was criticized for his connections to Planned Parenthood and for having overseen a study of an abortion drug. On June 23, Foster said on the "CBS Good Morning" television show that abortion "was clearly a factor from the very inception of this process. Within 72 hours [of the nomination] there were senators who had staked out their claims that they were against me. "They knew nothing about me, they knew nothing about hundreds of kids I had taken care of in my programs, the thousands of babies I had delivered, the hundreds of students I had trained. They knew nothing," he added. "Their minds had been made up, and it was because I was an obstetriciangynecologist who had protected the right of American women to choose." , Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind., said those who oppose abortion were

unfairly characterized .durillg the debate over Foster's nominlltion. "They are not fanatics to be demonized," he said. "They understand that this administration disagrees with them but what they do not understand is. why this administration has chosen to actively assault their deepest belie:fs, to disdainfully dismiss their hi,ghest ideals, to treat them as ifthey were beneath civility." White House spokesman Mike McCurry said Clinton would begin looking for another nominee to succeed Dr. Joycelyn Elders, who was fired as surgeon general in 1994 after she said it might be a good idea to teach schoolchildren about masturbation. But McCurry said another nominee might be hard to find "if rightto-life is a litmus test." He suggested that prospective nominees might not want to be consiclered because of what happened 'to Foster.

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Prelates'seek aid for 'Church in former Soviet Union COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (CNS) - A plea for American help to heal the deep wounds of what one prelate called the "Golgotha of the 20th century" was issued in Colorado Springs during the first International Conference to Assist the Catholic Church in the former Soviet Union. A cardinal, an archbishop and two bishops from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan told powerful stories of their people's struggles to survive 70 years of communism and to rebuild a church facing incredible odds. "A parish today can be an entire country," said Bishop Jan Pavel Lenga, apostolic administrator of Kazakhstan, whose jurisdiction of 4 million square miles includes eight different countries, some with no priests at all. Bishop Lenga was s,ecretly ordained a priest in 1980 after training in underground seminaries in Latvia and Lithuania. For 10 years he served 80 villages, traveling by train at night so his movements would be less noticeable to authorities. "During the [Nikita] Khrushchev administration, many p'riests were imprisoned and killed," he said, adding that "conditions now are favorable for the expansion of the church in Kazakhstan." Bishop Joseph Werth faces similar staggering challenges in Siberia. He serves 4.2 million square miles - more than 10 percent of all of Earth's land mass -- extending through nine time zones. "Catholics are scatH:red in this whole big territory," hi: said. "Before the war','we had 400;00Q Catholics served by 179 priests. Now we have almost the same number of Catholics, but the area is served by only 50 priests." In Poland, a priest may serve an area of around seven square miles, Bishop Werth said. But his priests may be assigned to territories as large as 415,400 square miles. Archbishop Tadeusl. Kondrusiewicl., Moscow-based apostolic administrator of European Russia, called the Russia of the past 70 years "a spiritual desert" and "the Golgotha of the 20th century," noting that "persecution, weeping and suffering became the lot of millions." Of the ISO existing Catholic churches in European Russia before 1917, 148 were closed, destroyed or converted into factories. clubs or offices. Only one

church remained open in Moscow and one in St. Petersburg, known in the communist era as Leningrad. European Russia had but two priests and six parishes to serve 300,000 Catholics in 1991. Moscow now offers 18 Sunday Masses in 10 languages to its 65,000 Catholics, including separate FATHER KILLILEA Masses for the city's 5,000 Koreans and 1,500 Spanish-speaking students. But in Moscow, as many as five parishes share one church building for services. Masses are celebrated outdoors, in rented halls or in parishioners' apartments. In the 1960s, Khrushchev had declared he would soon show the Soviet Union's last priest on television. His boast nearly became reality. R.ussia, Belarus and Kazakhstan today have few indigenous priests. "Today, there are 75 registered FATHER MARGGRAF parishes [only 13 have their own church] with 62 priests from 16 different countries working there," Archbishop Kondrusiewicz told the conference's 300 participants. "There are more than 90 nuns, of which 10 are from Russia, the In mid-July Sacred Hearts remaining from 17 different coun- Fathers Patrick J. Killilea and tries." Brian Marggraf will leave posts in "There is only one priest left Fairhaven parishes for new assignfrom 1939, and I am standing ments in the Bahamas. before you," said Cardinal KaziFather Killilea has been pastor mierz Swiatek, apostolic adminis- , of St. Joseph's parish. Fairhaven. trator of Minsk, Belarus. for seven years and was parochial He was arrested by the KGB in vicar for two years previously. He 1941 and imprisoned on death has also served at Our Lady of the row. He escaped, only to be ar- Assumption parish, New Bedford; rested again in 1944 and punished St. Francis Xavier, New Bedford; with 10 years of hard labor in Si- and St. Mary's. Fairhaven. Durberian concentration camps. ing h,is tenure at St. Joseph's, he "At thattime;:who wanted '10 do' oversaw renovations that included anything for us?" Cardinal Swia- repairs to the church interior and tek asked. "Absolutely no one. addition of an elevator, rest rooms They gave us up, to the commu- for the handicapped and a reconcinists. But the words of the Bible liation room. He al~o purchased a were fulfilled that the ,gates of hell building to be used for a rectory would not prevail against us." and parish offices. The cardinal said, "There is a Father Marggraf came to St. great religious vacuum irj people's Joseph's after some 30 years of hearts. We have to bripg the Chris- service at parishes in Japan and a tian Gospel back into those hearts. year at St. Mary's parish, Fair"The Protestants are building haven. He has been parochial vicar many houses of worship. In every at St. Joseph's for seven years. village and every town, this is happening. We Catholic!, are asleep. The Protestants are going to take over the whole continent. When we awake, it will be too late." The late Patrolman Thomas J. Archbishop Francis T. Hurley of Anchorage, Alaska, who has Giunta of the Fall River Police traveled to the Russian Far East Department was among fallen eight times, urged Catholics to Massachusetts police officers honsupport the church in the former ored at the 12th annual George L. Hanna Memorial Awards for Soviet Union. Bravery ceremony held June 27 at vo~ations' the Boston State House. Hanna was a state trooper killed in line of bishops, vocations directors, a seminary rector and the priors of duty in 1983. Patrolman Giunta, a member of two Idaho monasteries. Sacred Heart parish, Fall River, "The bad press the priesthood, was shot last Aug. 24 by an apparreligious life,the church and relig- ently deranged man while distriion' in general receive all too often buting parking permits in connecis enough to strike fear in the tion with Fall River's annual Holy hearts of men and wc;>men, regard- Ghost Feast. less of their walk in life," he wrote. The State House ceremony in"But we must listen to the words of cluded presentation of the Hanna Jesus so often repeated in the Award to Giunta's family by MasGospels: 'Fear not,' he said again sachusetts ,Governor William F. and again. I believe that Jesus is Weld and Public Safety Secretary addressing those same words to us Kathleen M. O'Toole. today." The patrolman's funeral Mass, Bishop Treinen is making the which drew 4,000 police officers booklet available free of charge by from seven states representing single copy. Bulk copies also are about 200 departments, was celeavailable to vocation directors and brated by then Sacred Heart pasothers at a minimal charge. tor and Fall River police departTo order copies, write Bishop ment chaplain Father Edward J. Sylvester Treinen, Nazareth Re- Byington. Bishop O'Malley pretreat Center, 4450 North Five Mile sided and 10 priests were conceleRoad, Boise, ID 83704. brants.

Retired bishop writes about BOISE, Idaho (CNS) - Retired' Bishop Sylvester W. Treinen of Boise has published a booklet that he hopes will end up in the hands of "all those people God is calling to the priesthood or religious life." The 32-page booklet is called "Speak, Lord, I Am Listening Perspectives on Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life." Bishop Treinen said he felt he had already written volumes about vocations over his 27 years as bishop of Boise and t:ven after his retirement in 1988. But at the persistent urging of Father Gerald Funke, Boise diocesan vocations director, he agreed to visit the topic again. To reformulate his ideas and add new thoughts to what he had already written about vocations, Bishop Treinen consulted several

Salve Regina

Two Sacred Hearts priests to serve in the Bahamas,

POSthUR10US award to Patrolman Giunta

NEWPORT, RI - Mark Cardelli and Sheryl Lynn Grant, both of Fall River, achieved dean's list honors for the spring semester at Salve Regina University.

The Anchor Friday, June 30, 1995




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Communicate: Health! A Month Of Healthy Learning At Saint Annes. Bereavement Support Groups· For anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one. • July 11 & 25 • 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon • Clemence Hall 'Pre-MgistratiOl'l is required. Contact Hospice Outreach at (508) 673-1589.

Cancer Education Series· For patients and family and friends of patients with cancer.

Sunday Senior Luncheon • July 16 ·12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. • Berube Plaza Acasual, outdoor barbeque to be followed by a presentation entitled: "Communicate Health" Mobile Mammography Unit Tour guide will be Dina Mello, R.N.C., B.S.N. and Donna Ellis, R.T. Pre-registration is required. There is a $4.00 charge for this program which includes lunch and the presentation. Contact the Food & Nutrition Department at (508) 674-5600, Ext. 2635.

"Financial Avenues And Medical Coverage Upon A Diagnosis Of Cancer The Question Of Advance Directives" presented by Don Vinette, Social Security/ Administration, Fred Barbosa, L1CSW and/or Curtis P. Wilkins, ACSW, L1CSW. ·July19 ·4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Nannery Conference Room "Re-enterlnll Main StreamCancer Survivorship" presented by Sandy Pacheco, American Cancer Society and Barry Brown, MSW, L1CSW. For more information contact Fred Barbosa, MSW at (508) 674-5600, Ext. 2279. • JUly 26 ·4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Nannery Conference Room

Children's lirlef Education Series· For children in the community who are dealing with the death of a loved one. • July 19 & 26 ·3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for children ages 6 to 13 ·4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. for children ages 14 to 18 Pre-registration is required. Contact Hospice Outreach at (508) 673-1589.


"A Spiritual Response" presented by Sister Lorna Riordan, O.P. • July 12 • 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Nannery Conference Room

Breast Cancer Support Group· Therapeutic support group for women with non-metastic breast cancer disease. ·July 22 & 25 ·5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required. For more information contact Ann Mitchell, L1CSW at (508) 674-5600 Ext. 2270.

SaintAnnes Hospital

Caring for our community 795 Middle Street Fall River, MA 02721 (508) 674-5741

'Free and open to the public. J


.4 THE ANCHOR ~'Di'oceS'e of Fall River-'-' Fri.;June·30, 1995 .


the living word

A Voice from the Past The name of John Tracy Ellis is not so readily recognizable in today's American Catholic Church as once it was and as it . still should be. Thus it was heartwarming to read a wonderful article in America magazine on this priest and his efforts to upgrade the intellectual life of Catholic colleges and universities. Over the many years of his involv~ment in the history of the Church in this country, Father Ellis became a pixiesh idealist, applauded by many who sought to improve the scholarship standards of Catholic higher education and feared by as many more because of his honesty. Due to this dichotomy, he was held suspect by many in the Church, most notably by some influential members of the hierarchy. The real problem was that, like most people of his stature, he was much ahead of his time. In the 1950s, his writing foreshadowed.the post-Vatican II period. Although critics considered him the ecclesiastical gossip columnist. of American Catholicism, his tireless attention to detail and devotion to research proved that, far from being a mere antic character, he was a serious scholar. He had the gift of presenting his work with wit as well as scholarship. Too often criticism is presented negatively, but Father Ellis wrote an9 spoke with charm. It is true that some, especially in his latter years, thought him overly garrulous, but this was often a defensive attitude on the part of those unwilling to be confronted by truth. In 1989, for instance, on the 200th anniversary of the official establishment of the Church in the United States with the appointment ofthe nation's first bishop (whose diocese was the entire country), he presented an overview of our American Church that was distinguished by its honesty. It is sad that many built self-defensive walls that shut out Ellis's contributions. What he tried to do 40 years ago has yet to be accepted by many Catholic schools and universities. Indeed, the name of today's game seems si.Jl1Ply to keep the college doors open. So often the job mirk'et determines the curriculum and mediocrity is the hallmark of too many educational institutions. The goal of intellectual development is lost sight of in the effort to be all things to all students; in a time when money is the measure of almost everything, too many schools are merely grinding out narrowminded graduates who have never been challenged to go beyond the constricted horizons of their environment. Too often it's what's in vogue at the moment that determines curriculum development. In this light, it is desperately important that the American Catholic Church attempt to restore faith not only to campuses but also to minds. As the commercial says, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste," and Catholic colleges arid universities have all too often been guilty of such wastefulness. As we reflect on what our schools could and should b~ in the intellectual life of the nation, let us also consider the challenge that Father Ellis gave our church family. His 1955 essay, "American Catholics and the Intellectual Life," has even greater meaning today than when it was written. One statement is more haunting than it was 40 years ago: "In no Western society is the intellectual prestige of Catholicism lower than in the country where in such respects as wealth, numbers and strength of organization, it is so powerful." The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above

EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore

GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~ leary PH~SS- rail Rive',

eNS/ Middleslaed. photo


"As the garden causeth h~r .seed t«;» sh,oot forth, so shall the Lord. God make justice to spring forth, and praise before all the nations." Is. 61:11

Roman rumba: doing the Vatican shuf1t1e VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The beat goes on at the Holy See, Job rotation for you and me, Archbishops in, cardinal out, That's what the music is all about. Come on everybody, get up and dance! It's time to do the Vatican Shuffle. Like pieces on a chess board or a dance floor, Vatican officials are trading places and moving up the Vatican ladder, as Pope John Paul II updates his administrative staff. It happens every few years, usually in batches, when cardinals or archbishops hit retirement age or get new jobs. But unlike corporations that go headhunting for outside talent, the Vatican finds most of its replacements from inside its curial ranks. "It's kind of like switching the chairs around," commented one longtime curial official. But some of this year's changes or rumored changes have highlighted trends about the Roman Curia. For one thing, it is aging. No one seemed surprised, for example, when the pope moved Archbishop Alberto Bovone from secretary of the doctrinal congre. gation to the head of the Congregation for Sainthood Causes. Yet he is 73 - only two years from normal retirement age. Overall, there's been a graying of the Curia under Pope John Paul II. When he came to office in 1978, the average age of the top Vatican administrators was about 66; today it is over 70. Some observers suggest a sim-

when he got the call to h:ad the Pontifical Council for Socinl Communications. But most Curia leaders started their Vatican careers early. Half of Yet statistics reveal that this the 27 current heads of curial pope, while he has internationdepartments, for exampll:, have lized the Curia, has not filled the logged over 35 years' experLence at top echelons with "outsiders." the Holy See. .Indeed, almost two-thirds ofthose Job advancement is usually latholding the top positions today not straight up and down eral, were already curial officials when t~e Vatican Shuffle is a sideways the pope was elected in 1978. kind of dance. It is com,idered Nor did the pope clear the deck unusual, for example, for t:lle No. when he arrived. It took a few 2 man in a department to.s·lJcceed years before he began naming new his boss. And when a young preheads of Vatican congregations, late moves up too fast and too councils and commissions. directly, he grabs attention - not Those who made it to the top all of it good. generally did so without fanfare. One of the up-and-coming VatiGetting ahead at the Vatican is a can officials this year is said to be and delicate task. As one patient Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, 52, curial official put it, "The bold and who seems to many ready teo gradcourageous are not necessarily uate from his position as sec:retary rewarded." of the Congregation for qergy. Unlike political administrators, At the other end of the ag,: scale popes do not try to load up their is Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini, 79, staffs with the best and brightest of wh'o appears destined for retirethe world's bishops; in fact, only ment as head of the Pontifical one-third of the Vatican's current Council for Pastoral Assistance to top administrators have been resi- Health Care Workers. dential bish'ops. The lo-year-old council is ,mown' There are exceptions, of course, to insiders as the creation of Cardiincluding several U.S. prelates. nal Angelini, who has spent his life Cardinal Edmund C. Szoka was in the health care field. But ,Jne of archbishop of Detroit when he the strangest rumors float:ing awas tapped to head the Vatican round the Vatican is that when budget office, mainly because his Cardinal Angelini goes, his counfinancial management skills came cil may be merged with the Counto the pope's attention. cil for the Family. Archbishop John P. Foley, the That would be a most unusual youngest department head at age shrinking of the Curia. And it 59, was a Catholic newspaper ediwould add a new step to the Vatitor and seminary professor in 1984, . can Shuffle. pie reason: The pope. brought on board many of his own people at the start of his pontificate, and naturally they have grown older.

J'esu's' asks us to break from world

Curtis Wilkins a nominee for social work award

I Kings 19:16, 119-21 Galatians 5:1, 113-18 Luke 9:51-62 As we settle into the more leisurely routine of summer, today's readings shock us by their blunt demands that we break from the ways of the world in responding to God's call to follow Jesus. "You are my inheritance, () Lord" (Ps 16). Only those who (:an pray the words of today's psalm response are capable of the radical commitment of Christian discipleship. I n the first reading from I Kings, the great prophet Elijah calls Elisha, the son of Shaphat, to succeed him in a prophetic ministry which will demand a fearless commitment to struggling against pagan influences in Israel (see I Kings 17-19). The encounter between the two emphasizes Elisha's willingness to break from his past life and to embrace his mission. As frequently occurs in the Bible, Elisha is called out of his ordinary routine. He is plowing with 12 yoke of oxen, the mark of an extremely wealthy family. But despite his wealth, when invested with Elijah's mantle, Elisha responds with exemplary eagerness. He "left the oxen" and "ran after Elijah." Although he does ask to bid farewell to his family, his destruction of his plow and slaughter of his oxen represent a complete break with the past and a total surrender to God's will. Neither wealth nor family ties can keep Elisha from

Daily Readings July 3: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1-2; In 20:24-29 July 4: Gn 19:15-29; Ps 26:2-3,9-12; Mt 8:23-27 July 5: Gn 21:!5,8-20; Ps 34:7-8,10-13; Mt 8:28-34 July 6: Gn 22:1-19; Ps 115:1-6,8-9; Mt 9:1-8 July 7: Gn 23:1·,4,19;24:18,62-67; Ps 1-6:1-S; Mt9:9-13 July 8: Gn 27:1-5,15-29; Ps 135:1-6; Mt 9:14-17 July.9: Is 66:JlO-14c; Ps 66:1-7,16,20; Gal 15:14-18; lk 10:1-12,17-20 July 10: Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-4,14-15; Mt 9:18-26 July 11: Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1-3,6-8,15; Mt 9:32-38 July 12: Gn 41:55-57;4,2:57a,17-24a; Ps 33:2-3,10-11, 18-19; Mt 10:1-7 July 13: Gn 44:18-21,23b- . 29;45:1-5; Ps 10!i:16-21; Mt 10:7-15 July 14: Gn 46:1-7,28-30; Ps 37:3-4,18-19; Mt 10:16-23 July 15: Gn 49:29-32;50:1526a; Ps 105:1··4,6-7; Mt 10:24-33 July 16: Ot 30:10-14; Ps 69:14,17,30-31,33-34,36-37; Col 1:15-20; lk 10:25-37

By DR. PATRICK V. REID following Elijah and becoming his attendant. In the second reading, Paul is clarifying for his Gallttian converts what he means by Christian freedom. On the one hand, Christians are "freed" from "the yoke of slavery" represented by adherence to the Mosaic law as a way of salvation. But on the other hand, Christians are not called to "a freedom which gives free rein to the flesh," i.e. "fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like" (see 5: 19-21). Christian freedom is a gift of God's Spirit which calls us to serve one another in love and thus to fulfill the purpose of the law. In the end, this is both more demandin~nd paradoxically more liberatIng than submission to a legal ·code. Paul reduces the whole of' Christian ethics to the following exhortation: Out of love, place yourselves at one another's service. The whole law has found its fulfill.ment in this one saying: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (5:13-14) This Sunday's gospel begins Luke's unique account of Jesus' long journey to Jerusalem (9:5119: 17). He begins the journey in a solemn way by noting, "As the time approached when Jesus was to be taken from this world, he firmly resolved to Proceed toward Jerusalem..." (9:51). For Luke, Jesus is beginning his "exodus," his divinely prescribed fate to go to Jerusalem to suffer but also to enter his glory by being "taken" into heaven (see Luke 24). In the course of his journey, Jesus will teach his would-be disciples the requirements of following him. The radical demands of being his follower are evident in the opening incidents of th~ journey. Jesus is not received by a Samaritan village, which provokes James and John to ask, "Lord, would you not have us call down fire from heaven to destroy them?" In contrast to Elijah who did call down fire to destroy his enemies (see 2 Kgs I), Jesus lives but his own teaching on love of the enemy (see Lk 6:27-36) by reprimanding the disciples and moving on to another town. Three subsequent encounters with would-be followers provide Jesus with the opportunity to speak about the cost of discipleship. First of all, the disciples must be willing to abandon their earthly homes. "The foxes have lairs, the birds of sky nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head."

Curtis P. Wilkins, director of community and social work services of Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, was Massachusetts nominee for the Eleanor Clark Award, a national recognition sponsored by the National Society of Social Work Administrators in Health Care for innovation in provision of medical social work and related support services. Wilkins' nomination was based upon his leadership in development and of several innovative service programs, most notably Hope House, a IO-person residence for homeless individuals, and a regionally recognized pediatric sexual abuse program which provides assessment and treatment services to victims of childhood and adolescent sexual abuse. Other projects with which Wilkins has been involved include the hospit~I's cognitive disorder and growth and nutrition clinics, Project Help, a· personal emergency response system, the Greater Fall River Food Pantry, the CARES Program and numerous training programs including radiation therapy technician and an English as a Second Language medical terminology training project. Wilkins was nominated by the Massachusetts Society for Social Work Administrators in Health Care of the Massachusetts Hospital Association, a professional asso-

ciation of 120 administrators and directors of social services, discharge planning, case management and continuing care at Massachusetts health care facilities. The Eleanor Clark Award has been given annually since 1985 in honor of the late Eleanor Clark, a director of Massachusetts General Hospital's social services department who was an innovator in patient care programming. It recognizes National Society of Social Work members who develop clinicalor social action programs in her spirit of innovation and excellence. Wilkins is a licensed independent clinical social worker, a board certified diplomate in clinical social work, and a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers. He is a graduate of the Boston University School of Social Work.

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Jesus' followers cannot delay the call of the kingdom by waiting to be free of normal family obliga.tions. The man who wants to wait for his father to die before following Jesus receives' a challenge: "Let the dead bury their dead; come away and proclaim the kingdom." The final encounter is a direct contrast to Elijah's call of Elisha in the first reading. To the man who wants to tak€: leave of his family, Jesus says, "Whoever puts his hand to the plow but keeps looking back is unfit for the reign of God." Each of these sayings should be heard as a call, rather than a reproach. Jesus, who is "firmly resolved to proceed toward Jerusalem" where he will meet suffering and death, is the model for the disciple's commitment.

The Anchor Friday, June 30, 1995

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Diocese of Fall Riyer -

Fri., June 30, 1995

Evil's gaping holes I got a jolt the other day when I looked up a q.uote about good coming out of evil in Bartlett's "Familiar Quotations." I had been reading a lot of stories about the atrocious Oklahoma City bombing and found it healing to read of people who were focusing on the good that had come out of that horror particularly the kindness shown by people near and far.

The New York Times recently carried a story titled "Staring Into the Heart of the Heart of Darkness." It said, "Evil is back, but what does it mean: Violence? Mindless wickedness? Malignant weakness?" The author, Ron Rosenbaum, wrote of his discomfort with attempts at explaining evil. He spelled out the dilemma that crops up whe!1 we say God allows evil. How can that console the victims of bombers and murderers? Doesn't that make God very selective, manipulative and uncaring?


Harold Kushner, author o'f"When Bad Things Happen to Good People" on this one. "His b,)ok has undoubtedly been a help ':0 many people in pain, but it does so at the cost of diminishing God to something less than an omnipotent being," Rosenbaum wrote. In the end, Rosenbaum says, what we have when we deal with the problem of evil are painful "gaping holes." He's right. We can put the blame on Satan, but that doesn't answer the question "Why me?" when we are personally hit by evil. Why evil is built into creation remains Goel's mystery. We can't make sense of evil, we can only accept the myslery and, thus, find peace. If Jesus gave us no explanation for why evil continues 1:0 have power, he did give us a blueprint for dealing with it. Overcome evil by good, said Christ, whose own life was ignominiously taken by' his enemies. To take his ad vice is, I believe, the only way to flourish in a world where evil, from the beginning, took up residence. I know from experience that his approach, which puts good into practice, iii better than getting lost in a web (If''gaping holes" which, while very interesting to investigate, don't :;eem to lead to the completely clear answers we would like.

I wanted to recall what the essayists Ralph Waldo Emerson and John Burroughs had said in this AuthorRonRosvein 100 or so years ago: But what enbaum spelled out startled me as I consulted Bartlett's was, how often the word the dilemma that "evil" had been in the thoughts of crops up when we great writers. Nearly 200 quotes included the say God allows evil. ANNE MELONI and her husband, Permanent Deacon word "evil," among them lines H ow can that confrom the Bible and lines by our James J. Meloni Jr., celebrate her just-earned Providence contemporaries. sole the victims of College master's degree in religious education at a backyard' Perhaps I was affected by this ' bombers and murbarbecue at their Attleboro home. Mrs. Meloni is a religious because of the tragedies we have education teacher at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. seen on news broadcasts in the 'derers? Why evil is past few months: a mother ,kills (McGowan photo) her two young children by strapbuilt into creation ping them in her car and rolling remains God's mysthem into a river to drown;' in Norway, as people celebrate a tery. We can't make During the conference, national , major church anniversary nationCOLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. sense ofevil, we can (CNS) - Equality for women, lay ministry advocates outlined ally, more than a dozen churches are torched and destroyed by evilonly accept the myssocialjustice issues and adult relig- their concerns and visions. "Radical reform continues to be doers, who leave satanic symbols ious education are among the top tery and, thus, find ' challenges facing laity in the Cath- necessary now and in the future," in churchyards. olic Church today, said lay leaders said Bishop Raymond A. Lucker The sense of evil set loose and peace. ' at a national conference in Colo- of New U1m, Minn. "We're seeing gone wild is all around us. Never can I remember so many a growing concentration of hierarrado Springs. Then there is the dilemma raised Hundreds of professional and chical and clerical power and its people talking about the horrors volunteer lay ministers gathered misuse in the appointment of bish- like these and then going on to link by those who believe God is not in them with that unknown destruc- control of evil, not able to stop it. recently at the 19th annual confer- ops, the silencing of theologies. Rosenbaum referred to Rabbi ence of the National Association "Jesus talked about service, not tive force labeled "eviL" power. We're losing the'distincfor Lay Ministry. Discussions were based on the tion between what is of faith and association's study of92 lay minis- what is of human aspect." ters from 10 focus groups in five He predicted the grassroots reBy regions nationwide. David L. Denewal of the church "is here to Dear Mary: I believe in the 4. Develop more than one exerstay" and said· the church must importance of regular exer- cise activity and change your activLambo, of Pastoral Research and Dr. JAMES&' Consulting Inc., the Indianapolis- find ways to fund education for lay cise. I have tried brisk walk- ity regularly. You might make based firm that conducted the ministers. brisk walking your core activity study, said: "It's the first study that Bishop Lucker also discussed ing, and I feel better after I and do that three or four times per MARY have been walking regularly week. In addition you might bicyallowed lay ministers to say what's compensation for lay ministers and on their minds as part ofa national the need to foster a spirit of for a few weeks. But I always cle or join an aerobic dance class KENNY forum.·.. community. once or twice a week. Finally, in seem to slack off. Top priorities identified by con"Feminism is a blessing to the Something happens - the bad weather you might have a step ferees were: church," he said, "and we all need exerciser, a simple piece of indoor - Recognizing and affirming to fully recognize the equality of , weather is bad, I get very busy equipment. bicycle tour. You will continue to the ministry of women. - and suddenly I haven't women." exercise in order to prepare for the - Allowing women meaningful Father Philip J. Murnion, direc- exercised for a week or, ,two. event. participation in decisions affecting tor of the National Pastoral Life Then I find it very difficult to 7. New exercisers often become the life of the church. Center in New York, said there is a Set a regular time enthused because they exp,:tience - Preaching and teaching Gos- strong need for continued devel- start again. Any suggestions? for exercise each day. - Pennsylvania dramatic physical improvements. pel or social justice values in daily opment of lay ministry proposals Their blood pressure drops; they Many people share your problife. set by the Second Vatican CounDevelop more than sleep better; their weight gr2.d ually - Raising the consciousness of cil, and that future changes need to lem. Unused exercise equipment comes down; they increase the one exercise activity Americans about societal issues. be "more theological than prac- , fills the country's a~tics, base,qtents speed at which they walk ,)r jog. and garage sales. ' . ' ' - Providing more adult relig- ticaL" :'a~d change y()ur "Then they plateau. Speed and ious education. , You believe in fitness, and you One encouraging sign of growth, weight, level off. have already 'started a ·program. acti~ity 'regularly. Other priorities included: af- he noted, is the increasing number Don't be dis~ouraged. AphysiYou made a good start. Here are of adults becoming Catholics; firming and supporting laity and Chq,nge scenery. Set cal plateau means that you have some suggestions to help you,.with 165,000 did so last year. priests in their changing ministesuch a high level of fitBut he also pointed out some perseverance. rial roles; training and properly a goal. Exercise with , achiev.ed ness that your exercise no longer \. Most exercise advisers agree utilizing the talents of lay volun- discouraging statistics. Only 65 demands so much from your body. a friend teers; ministering to special chu'rch ' percent of Hispanics today claim ~hat the No. I way' to persevere is If you wish to reach a higher fitto ~xercise with a friend. When they are Catholic, he said, and populations in their own languages; ness level, you must exercise longer you have a fixed time to meet your even less participate in lay leaderand influencing Catholic youth. Cross training is an excellent or more intensely. In this case, Association president Linda ship. Another concern is the thou- friend for a brisk walk, it is not Perrone Rooney told The Catholic sands of Catholics who have stop- easy to skip. Each of you encour- ' way to improve fitness and moti- seek guidance so that yo~ can vation. You will be exercising dif- increase your exercise level withped participating in sacramental ages the other. ' Herald, newspaper of the diocese ferent muscles with each activity. out injuries. Even better, enjoy the 2. Set a regular time for exerdown from the highs of threelife, of Colorado Springs, that the orquarters or one-half of the number cise each day and stick to that To avoid injury, start at an easy current high level of fitne!:s you ganization would use the study to of Catholics to only one-tilird, he time. You avoid the "I was too level of effort in each activity and ,have achieved. foster discussions with U.S. bishops work up gradually. A Kennys pamphlet, "Exercis' said. busy" excuse. and possibly produce a book for ing Well," is available to readers. Decay of the church's moral 5. Change scenery. Walkers freCatholic adult education. 3. Build some days off into your teachings, less clearly defined roles plan. Instead of exercising seven quently develop two or three routes Send a business-size, self-addressed In introductory remarks, Coloin parishes, the absence of priests, days a week, plan to exercise four starting from home, and they use stamped envelope to the address rado Springs Bishop Richard C. below to request one free cc,py. Sundays without Eucharist and to six days. When you miss a day those routes over and over forever. Hanifen said, "The key ministry of other concerns "make dialogue On occasion drive or bicycle to a lay people is to transform the or when you simply choose to skip Reader questions on famEly livcrucial," Father Murnion said. world. It is our job as clergy to a day, the missed day is within new neighborhood or a park and ing and child care to be answered reinforce and support them. 1 beyour schedule. You need not get walk a new route. in print are invited by The Klmnys; lieve God will gently lead' us fordiscouraged, feeling you have failed 6. Set a goal such as entering a 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaelr, Ind. GOD'S ANCHOR HOLDS ward - together." your plan. road race for walkers or joining a 47978,' • v ..

Lay ministry concerns discussed

Keep exercise ,on track

I. _


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Masses for parishioners' intentiolls Q. I have noted that in some parishes one Sunday Mass is specifically for the intention of the parishioners. Is there some reason this practice isn't universal? In these times, I know at least I need all the help I can get. (Ohio) A. All bishops and pastors of parishes are required by church law to offer a Mass each Sunday and holy day for the intention of the people under their pastoral care (Canons 388, 534). I'm sure this is being done in your parish just as in the others you speak of. Don't overlook the fact, however, that every Mass, wherever it is offered, includes your intentions as part of the body of Christ. Q. Your column !iOme months ago attempted to respond to a reader concerned about "the lack of common sense among parents of small children at Mass." When our pastor built a church, he decided to build without a "cry room" because, he said to us, children's formation into good Catholics was the responsibility of all the parish. My own observations as bachelor, as' parent, as single parent and widower confirm the wisdom of his decision. We baptize our infants and give them early introduction to the Euch!lrist. It seems dear our customs require that smull children be present in church. We must accept them and do our bes.. (California) A. I agree with you. I'm sure your words will provide a little encouragement to parents, perhaps particularly single parents, who try to bring their children to Mass, sometimes only with heroic patience and effort. It is important, (If course, for parents to be thoughtful of others and not permit behavior during Mass that makes it impossible for people around them to hear or

I'm not one to dandelion whine


attend to what is going on in the liturgy. Most parents are intelligent and courteous enough to do that. And my experience is that most other people feel very much as you do. As you obviously are aware from your own experience as a parent, it isn't always easy for mothers and dads to know how to make things happen in church the way they would like. People in our parish always find many helpful suggestions in a small pamphlet titled "Taking Your Toddlers to Church," by Mary Ann Kuharski. The publisher is "Our Sunday Visitor" (1-800-348-2440). Q. Your answer on how the books of the Bible were decided was really interesting and enlightening. You mentioned a book called the "Didache," the teaching of the Twelve apostles. What exactly is that? Is it availnble today? (Florida) A. The full name of the document to which you refer is "The Teaching ('didache') ofthe Lord to the Gentiles Through the Twelve Apostles." Written in Greek, it seems to have originated in Syria, sometime in the first half of the second century A.D., around the year 125. Apart from some references in other literature, it was almost completely unknown until just over 100 years ago, in 1883, when a metropolitan of the Greek Orthodox Church published an II th century manuscript of the "Didache." Despite the name, the document of 16 chapters contains much more than a list of apostolic teachings. Also included are sections on


I know this will make some of you wince and think less of me. But here it is. Blunt. I love danYou can stick the blossoms in delions. your eyes, grin like a maniac, and For beginners, I love them for the traditional reasons which of do a pretty good likeness of Ronald McDonald high on french fries. course include: blowing the seed You can make bets on whether pods into the wind to set good or not you can blow all the seeds wishes a-sail; holding the blossoms off the pods in one breath. You under my wife's chin to see if she can make dandelion bracelets, still loves butter; gathering them necklaces and ear decorations. for Mother's Day bouquets; makYou can lie on your back, place ing dandelion soup (one cube them over your eyelids and play bouillon, one soda pop bottle dead. You can stick them to your water, one handful dandelion stems belly button with gum and tell minced with pocket knife, brought to near-boil over an illicit fire of your mother it's growing there. Give me a good patch of dandetwigs, topped with three blossoms); lions and a sunny afternoon and I smooshing yellow stains onto your will be pretty much self-tending sister's forehead; and creating a for several hours. A cookies-andmusical instrument from the holmilk snack helps. low stem. Yet dandelions are the acne of Note: I have not tried dandelion wine, but only because there are so . lawns, deprecated on wanted posters in lawn-and-garden centers many others that appeal to me more. OK, OK, I admit I cannot across the land, and, alas, disparaged by my neighbor, Bud.· quite reconcile stomping grapes Have you seen those clear acrylic with stomping dandelions. block paperweights with a whole Non-traditional n:asons fordandandelion seed pod captured indelion affection also abound.

the organization of the church, some sacramental liturgies, a remarkably recognizable description of what we now call the liturgies of the Word and of the Eucharist at Mass, and instructions concerning charitable and social works of mercy. It also contains, incidentally, the earliest explicit condemnation of abortion and infanticide in any Christian document we possess. Since the apparently full document has been available, it has become a major source of information about the early decades of the Christian church. The complete text of the "Didache" is available in the Ancient Christian Writers series of Paulist Press, Volume 6.


Your comments are welcomed by Uncle Dan, 25218 Meadow Way, Arlington, Wash. 98223.


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side? Bud adores those. Matter of fact, he'd like to see my whole yard captured in an acrylic block. You might remember: Bud has a lawn. I have a yard. Lawns preen and sigh. Yards stretch and burp. Lawns are manicured. Yards are cut. Lawns feature landscaping, shrubs and flowers. Yards feature fertilizer burns (OK, OK, dog spots), wading pools and - dandelions. As a concession to Bud and as a health (mine) precaution, I really do make a legitimate attempt at discouraging dandelions from cavorting around the front yard. Bud claims they cavort right over to his lawn and spread sin among the blue grass roots. Bud claims I have aided and abetted in the past by blowing seed pods his direction while pretending to be making wishes. The' back yard is another story. Science might some day declare our back yard a genetic watershed for dandelions. I call it a place of miracles. You see, this spring Bud caved in and admitted he doesn't really hate dandelions. We celebrated by making some dandelion soup in my back yard.


Fri., June 30, 1995


A free brochure answering questions Catholics ask about cremation and other funeral regulations and customs is available by sending a stampe.d self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to the same address.

The Society of the Sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus, will celebrate its centt:nary of arrival in the United States Sept. 10 at its United States provincial house at St. Philomena School, Cory's Lane, Portsmouth, RI. The sisters serve in the Fall River and Providence diocese, in Fall River working at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, and St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, as well as at Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton. The community, founded in 1820 in Amiens, 'France, worked in Canada before coming to the United States in 1895, working first in Wisconsin and then moving to Fitchburg. All are welcome at the September celebration which will have "Courage and Confidence" as its theme. Further information is available from Mary Alexandre, St. Philomena School, tel. (40 I) 683-0268.

Diocese of Fall River -

Part-time position open in 1600 family parish. Responsibilities as part of collaborative team are to: Train two choirs & cantors; plan & schedule music; oversee musicians & Youth Choir Director; attend staff & Uturgy Committee meetings. Related college degree/Music Ministry experience determines salary. Diocesan benefits available. Send resume and three letters of reference to Search Committee,

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Diocese of Fall River -

Seminar topic is "BouitdariE!s"

Fri., June 30, 1995

Rudner Oncology Center • • gIves compaSSlonate care •

mastectomy. If a woman prefers, or if a lumpectomy is not an option for her, she may undergo a mastectomy, which involves removil).g the entire breast, along with the lymph nodes. This procedure is often followed by breast reconstruction surgery, if desired. In order to address all aspects of breast cancer effectively, the medical oncologist considers utilizing systemic l'emedies such as hormone treatments and chemotherapy. The factors determining this choice include the size of a tumor, whether it has spread to neighboring lymph nodes or other organs and its level of estrogen and progesterone receptors (two proteins found in breast cancer). In addition, the age anc! :>verall health of the patient art.. considered. The Hudner Oncology Center is an active participant in clinical trials sponsored by the National Cancer Institute and leading uniFATHERS JAMES McLellan, pastor of St. Joseph's versity cancer centers. Participaparish, North Dighton (left in top photo), and Father Joseph tion in these trials assures patients D. Maguire, pastor of Sacred Heart parish, Oak Bluffs and St. of access to the latest treatment Elizabeth's parish, Edgartown, have the honor of a private advances available in the country. The Center also offers seva.udience with Pop.e John Paul II and of conceleb,rating Mass eral breast cancer support groups, with the pontiff during a recent trip to Rome. Both priests are a cancer hotline and educational celebrating their 25th'anniversary of ordination. (L'Osservaprograms to provide support and tore Romano photos) understanding to women and their families. "The ultimate goal is to encourage women to strive toward early detection of breast cancer. It is, certainly, a much more curable disease the earlier it is discovered, LANCASTER, Pa. (CNS) by a chaplain, who conducts interIt is crucial for women to have' Bible bikers alert: The fourth an- faith worship service during the nual Biblical Bike Ride takes place trip. They spend the nights in hosmammograms on a regular basis Nov. 3-12. tels or tent camps. and to perform monthly breast It takes the long route fr9m The organizers also provide self-examinations," emphasized qualified guides at the various bibNazareth to Jerusalem, 240 miles Raymond Dugal, M.D., chief of by way of the Sea of Galilee, the lical and historical sites along the radiation oncology. . Jordan Valley, Jericho, and Dead route. For more information on Sea, Massada and Bethlehem. Ms. Hooley said many of the the Hudner Oncology Center, Last year's event drew 116 riders participants in the bike ride's first please call (508) 675-5688. and raised more than $400,000 for three years got involved because of the benefit of Nazareth Christian a medical connection or their Hospital, a district general hospi- interest in the international expetal founded and run by Scotland's rience that the ride offers. They Edinburgh Medical Missionary have ranged in age from the 20s up to 70, and the average age of the Society. Participants are required to raise American participants last year at least $3,500 in donations for the was 43, she said. hospital, but they rec.eive round She said the donations that partrip air fare from New York to Tel ticipants give or raise are taxAviv as well as .food, lodging and deductible and The Nazareth Probike rental and full medical and ject has resource materials to help technical back-up on the ground. applicants publicize their involve.f', Jane L. Hooley, program assis- ment and raise contributions from . tant of The Nazareth Project in their congregation, workplace or Lancaster, which coordinates local community. North American partiCipation in Some participants pay their own the ride, said organizers are hop- air fare so that the hospital will ing to get up to 60 U.S. and Cana- receive more of the donated money, dian participants this year. she said. Because of the logistics Most of the other bikers come involved, there is an initial regisfrom Great Britain, with a few tration fee of $150, and registrants 'from places like Switzerland, the must remit at least half the minNetherlands and Australia, she imum donation by Sept. I said. . For more information contact She said applicants need to be at Jane L. Hooley, The Nazareth A RECENT undertaking ofthe Hudner Oncology Center least 18 years old and capable of Project, P.O. Box 1213, Lancaswas co-sponsorship with several other hospitals of "Face to bicycling 40 miles a day or more. ter, PA 17608-1213. Telephone Face," a moving display of photographs of breast cancer She said cyclists travel in groups (717) 392-4365; fax (717) 394-1963;' of about 40 and are accompanied e-mail Nazproj@aol.com. patients, living and dead. (Hickey photo)

For a woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, her first visit to the Hudner-Oncol-. ogy Center at Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, is accompanied by fear and anxiety. But the Center's integrated approach to the treatment of this cancer helps alleviate those feelings by providing compassionate, advanced and .comprehensive care to her at each step of the process. During her initial visit a woman meets with medical and radiation oncologists, doctors who specialize in the treatment of cancer, to discuss treatment options. The medical oncologist treats cancer with medication, including therapeutic and systemic treatments, while the radiation oncologist treats it with X-rays and various other types of radiation. In addition to meeting the oncologists, a woman is introduced to the oncology treatment team of nurses, dietitians and social workers. The team provides support and counseling to patients throughout their treatment. "The staff of the Hudner Oncology Center is committed to treating breast cancer as effectively as possible, which includes maximizing truth and minimizing myths, educating women and detecting breast cancer as early as possible," said Richard Hellwig, M.D., Chiefof Medical Oncology. Over 80 percent of patients are candidates for a lumpectomy, which includes surgically removing the cancerous tumor from the breast and removing the lymph nodes from the armpit, followed by a series of outpatient radiation treatments to the breast. This therapy minimizes the possibility of the cancer recurring in the breast and is equalry effective as a


la. &U " ..,


Biblical bike ride planned for Holy Land hospital

"Establishing and Maintaining Boundaries," a three-session seminar conducted by Dorothy J. Levesque, will be offered at 7 p.m. Aug. 9, 16 and 23 at the di,)cesan Family Life Center at 500 Slocum Road, North Dartmouth. Explaining that many persons have no boundaries in their lives, creating "confusion, chao sand concern" for themselves and others, while others have overly-rigid boundaries, and yet otheni have no respect for the bounda::ies of those around them, program planners say the seminars will discuss establishment and maintenance of "healthy boundaries." Lack of boundaries, to be discussed at the first session, can cause one to feel "like a mou.se in a maze - surrounded by evt:ryone else's boundaries"; "cement··block boundaries," the topic of the second session, can keep a person "locked in and everyone else I.ocked out"; while healthy boundaries enable a person.to grow and to help others to grow. A registration form for the seminar is available from the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry, 500 Slocum Road, North Dartmouth 02747. The advance registration deadline is July 31; walk-in registration will be on a space-available basis.

Diocese plans to enter cyberspillce DAVENPORT, 10wa(CNS)Bishop William E. Frank:lin of Davenport may soon start to meet two or three times a year with every parish council in his diocese, all at the same time and with the give and take of question:, and answers. It's called "interactivity" in today's communications jargon and it follows the decision of a c!iocesan planning group that a priority should be use of modern tec:hnology to improve communi<:ation throughout the diocese. In the planning group's vision, the technology would have three main purposes: relief of administrative burdens in parishes, interparish networking, and efficient delivery from diocesan cent,~rs of. educational and other servic,~s, including ministry training.. The Davenport Diocese serves about 105,000 people in 106 parishes in the southeastern quarter of Iowa. The city of Davenport is about 200 miles from some of the most distant parishes. Msgr. Michael Morrissey, diocesan vicar general, said a network would be a boon to training programs for people acrosH the diocese and for training of permanent deacons and formati-:>n of catechists and parish members involved in social action. A uniform system tied in to a network will become increasingly important "as we look into the future and lay administrators" in parishes, he said. It will "give more bang for the buck" in the accounting system parishes use and the reports they send to the diocesan chancery.



Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., June 30, 1995



Our Church at work in Bangladesh Growing up in Bangladesh can be a challenge. One of the world's poorest countries, and also one of the most frequent sites of natural disasters such as floods, Bangladesh struggles to feed and care for its people. Among those who suffer most are the young. Two out of three Bangladeshi children are malnourished, less than half I;omplete five years of school, and one out of four works for a living, often doing hard manual labor. Sadly, the terrible poverty means that when times are hard, few have extra to help others. For an abandoned or orphaned child like little Antara, poverty can be a death sentence. She was only a few days old when someone brought her to St. Peter's orphanage in Chittagong. Told that Antara would be thrown in the trash if the sisters couldn't take her, Sister Mary Nicholas gladly welcoml~d her to the warm, bustling world of the orphanage. She has now been living happily at St. Peter's and attending school for several years. Bangladesh can tell all too many such stories of forgotten children, but like Antara, they too can have hope. St. Peter's and many similar places are reaching out to Bangladesh's abandoned, neglected, and orphaned children, providing homes, meals, medical care, and education that are changing lives - one child at a time. Catholics everywhere can be proud of our Church's efforts in Bangladesh and many other developing countries where missionaries are bringing the good news of Jesus Christ. These priests, sisters, brothers, and lay missionaries are the feet of Christ that bring a message of hope, the hands of Christ that heal, the eyes of Christ that shine with love for children. But the good work done at places like St. Peter's wouldn't be possible if it weren't for some






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A 2-YEAR-OLD girl, a victim of floods in Bangladesh, sits with her food ration. (CNS/ Reuters photo) essential contributions from a surprising source: other children. For almost 150 years, U.S. Catholic children have been supporting the mission work of our Church through the Holy Childhood Association, the Catholic Church's official mission agency for the young. These kids pray for children in need a nd sacrifice their own money to help provide milk, rice, vitamins, vaccinations, shoes, schoolbooks, blankets, and other

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necessities to children growing up in desperate poverty. To find out how you can help HCA's young members reach even more children in Bangladesh, Somalia, Mexico, Haiti, and other countries, contact your diocesan mission director, Msgr. John J. Oliveira, Propagation ofthe Faith Office, 344 Highland Ave, Fall River, or write to the HCA National Office, 1720 Massachusetts Ave., NW,Washington, DC 20036.

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THIS PORTRAIT ofthe late Fall River Bishop James L. Connolly was painted in 1965 by the late Sister Marie Eymard, a Religious of Jesus and Mary. It was recently presented to Bishop Sean O'Malley bY"Mr.a.o5i Mrs. Frank Reis, at right in photograph. Both retired, they are active members of St. Mary's Cathedral parish in Fall River, where Mrs. Reis is a lector and Eucharistic minister.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri'" June 30, 1995

Will this marriage last?




~ ~~

By Mitch Finley What makes a lasting marriage? Is there any way for love-struck couples to know iftheir decision to marry is a sound one? You may be surprised to learn that the answer is yes, according to David G. Myers, a social psychologist at Michigan's Hope College. Myers explains in his 1992 book "The Pursuit of Happiness" (Wm. Morrow & Co.) that sociologists and demographers have identified seven predictors of a successful marriage, They are stated in the form of seven descriptive sentences. A couple is likely to stay married, Myers says, if most of these statements are true. Let's take a look at them. I. "You married after age 20." Personal maturity is important. You need to know who you are before you can give yourself to someone else. The outlook on this point is good: The national average age for marriage is 21 for women, 23 for men. 2. "You dated a long while before marriage." It's important to get to know each other well before marriage, and on this point there is more good news. In 18 years of helping engaged couples prepare for marriage, I find that most date for a year to two before marriage, some longer. "Living together" short-circuits the dating process. 3. "You are well educated." The primary purpose ofa good education is to help you grow up and become the person you are meant to become. The outlook on this point is also good. In my experience, many young. couples are college graduates or have at least some college experience. 4. "You enjoy a stable income from a good job." This one is tricky. In an unstable job market s~me couples have difficulty with路 this one. Still, I would say that most young couples understand the need for stable employment at w~rk they enjoy.

5. "You live in a small town or on a farm." I assume the reason for this one is that in a small town or rural setting there will be less stress and more of a social support network. Most young couples today do not live in such circumstances, so they must make greater efforts to deal creatively with stress and to find support for themselves and their marriage. 6. "You did not cohabit or become pregnant before marriage." This is one that more young couples today would find difficult to understand. Isn't "living together" a superior form of marriage preparation? My good spouse and I help with a church-sponsored marriage-pre-' paration program attended by some 3QO engaged couples annually. In recent years about half have lived together for at least one year prior to marriage. . Premarital pregnancies are not as common, but they happen regularly. Myers summarizes seven recent studies which indicate that divorce is far more common among couples woo cohabit prior to marriage. So dating is still a healthier approach to marriage preparation than living together. 7. "You and your spouse are religously committed." Religion brings into focus the most basic values in life, and if husband and wife share a religious commitment, they share the same basic values. 1'1 my experience, maybe' 25 percent of engaged couples share a sincere religious commitment. Cohabitingcouples almost always have a superficial or uncertain religious commitment. Ditto for half of the noncohabiting couples. Often, however, the decision to marry in the church is a time to re-examine religious values and connections. If the couple has a positive experience of the church during marriage preparation, they may be more likely to return for meaning and support when the answers no longer ,:ome so easily.

FAMIL Y AFFAIR: Terry and Penny Shields and their 10 adopted children pose at St. Patrick's Church in Ottawa, Ill., after joining the Catholic Church last month. (CNS photo)

路Family of12 becomes Catholic OTTAWA, Ill. (CNS) - Terry and Penny Shields "just couldn't say no." As foster parents, they found themselves unable to say no to children in need of homes, so they adopted I 0 of them. AI' parents of children enrolled in a Catholic school, they couldn't say no when their youngsters wanted to attend Mass, even though neither they nor their children were Catholic. Once they started attending Mass as a family, they couldn't say noto becoming Catholics - all at once. Twelve members of the Shields family were received into the Catholic Church at St. Patrick's Parish in Ottawa on May 4. Pastor Father Robert J. Creager baptized Mrs. Shields and the four youngest children, Mackenzie, 3; Matthew, 4; and 6-year-old twins Jordan and Jesse.. . Father Creager also confirmed the couple and their sons, Terry Jr., 14; Nathan, 13; Greg, I I; Luis, 10; and Jonathan, 8. Jonathan

received his first communion the following Sunday with his class, while the older boys and their father received communion right after their confirmation. The 10th child, Angela, 7, had been baptized earlier in the Lutheran Church and. will receive first communion with her classmates next year. And to complete the day's round of sacraments, Terry and Penny Shields repeated their wedding vows to bless their 17-year marriage within the church. "I have a feeling of great relief and contentment," said Shields, 42, a maintenance worker at St. Columba parish and school in Ottawa. His wife, 40, said receiving the sacraments for the first time "was very emotional at times, but a very good feeling. I felt a closeness to God." Being able to join Jonathan when he went up to receive communion "made that day extra special," Mrs. Shields said. "We've received so many cards and comments from

the people at St. Pat's, and it just makes us feel very welc:ome. It's a real good feeling," she told The Catholic Post, newspaper of the Peoria diocese. Receiving the whole family into the church was one of the most joyous occasions of his 40 years as a priest, said Father Creager. "This is the fruition of what their life was before they came into the church," he said. "They are a very personable family, certainly very Christian in their attitudes about daily life." Terry and Penny Shields are both natives of Climon, Iowa. They say their large adopted family "just seemed to happc:n" because they never wanted to turn away anyone in need. All oftheir adopted children have physical or developmental problems such as cerebral palsy, brain and spinal defects, asthma or other conditions. - "We started out as foster parents in Iowa," Shields said. "But we were never able to adjust to having to give them up, We would finalize an adoption and then get calls about another needing a home. We just couldn't say no." The family moved to Ottawa from Iowa seven years ago and initially had all the c:hildren in public schools. The parents were dissatisfied with what the kids were lea.rning and two years ago, enrolled Terry and Nathan in St. Patrick's School. . "The kids started ask,ng to go to Mass," Mrs. Shields naid. Once the whole family began attending church, making Catholic friend~ and participating in school-related activities, "we saw how close the Catholic family was." "The entire belief system" and rituals most impressed Mrs. Shields. "The sacraments are so special, such celebratio:ils. We felt so welcome in the church," she said. Her husband said Cat holic morals and education drew him. "Family values and life values are stressed and put into your conscience through daily reminders" like prayer, the sacraments and Catholic schooling," he said. Currently, five Shields children are at St. Patrick's and three are in special education programs at public schools. Terry Jr. will attend a Catholic high school in the fall. Before the family got involved at St. Patrick's, everyone: was being raised as Lutheran. Ter:ry Shields' college-age daughters from a previous marriage, Kristen, 22, and Jennifer, 20, chose to remain Lutheran.

$1 gets $2 for disabled in July WASHINGTON (CNS) -Two national disabilities leaders have offered to help a "small national office with a gigantic mission" raise some money. Evan J. Kemp Jr., former chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and Janine D. Bertram, an advocate for those with hidden disabilities such as emotional illness and alcoholism, said they would match any contributions to the National Catholic Office for Persons With Disabilities by individuals or families during July 1995. . The fundraising campaign will allow expansion of the office's services and resources to encourage access and welcome of those with disabilities in Catholic parishes and programs, said director Mary Jane Owen, herself blind, partially hearing and wheelchair-bound. She describes the office as small, but "with a gigantic mission -assuring that the 10 million Catholics whose civil rights are protected by' the Americans With Disabilities Act will not be forgotten when they approach their church." Tax-deductible contributions to the office may be sent to NCPD, PO Box 29113, Washington, DC 20017.

BRIDGE-BUILDERS at Our Lady of. Lourdes School, Taunton: (standing, from left) Rebecca Harper, Michael Moniz, Michael Shaw and (fr~HlJrow) Michael Amorim and Nichole Pereira built the sturdiest bridge in a building contest:Their toothpick and gumdrop construction held six encyclopedia volumes. Monica Vieira of Berkley (right) was Student of t:le Year.

Letters are welcome but the editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be typed, signed and Include a home or business address (only the city na me Is used In print). Letters do not necessarily reflect the editorial views of the Anchor.

Head and hands Dear Editor: Your coverage of MotherTheresa's recent visit to our area was excellent. Like so many others, 1 sat mesmerized by the vision of God's goodness in the presence of Mother Teresa. The factors which most captured my eye wen~ her constantly bent head and uplifted hands. While. reflecting on these two aspects of Mothl~r Teresa's demeanor, it struck me that one cannot truly see the lowly without gazing down. As a housewife, I often find bits and pieces of lost items or things which need my attention when I have my eyes downcast. She sees not "items," but lost souls who need her love and kindness. Her uplifted hands are a. beautiful Indian greeting, but to me they also represent a petition to God to help her see the needy ones and to bring them His peace. J(:an Quigley Rehoboth

Objectionable education Dear Editor: A few days ago I got a phone call from AT&T. The caller told me I should change my business back to them, not to Metromedia Co., which I have. We talked and I finally said "No matter what you say, I'm not going to switch back to AT&T because they support Planned Parenthood with money. "What we do is just educate," to quote AT&T. Metromedia, Lifeline and companies like that provide good service at reasonable rates. Margaret Sanger started Planned Parenthood. Get her books from the library. Study them. At the elementary school age, [Planned Parenthood] teaches girls it's okay to be sexually active and [their] mothers are taught the same. That's the "education" they get! And the government will pay the abortion bill! Not much longer, I pray. Is that what you want your taxes to do? Think! Mary Rita Crowe Rochester, NY

Seminarian replies Dear Editor: I feel it is necessary for me to respond to Robert Rehm's letter concerning the shortage of vocations (The Anchor, 6/9/95, p. II). As a seminarian, I am also at times frustrated by what appears to bea lack ofrespe(:t for the sacraments and the Church's teaching by some people today. However, . . I M r. R e h m IS not accurate 111 p ac.1I1g th e bl arne f or thOIS on Va t'Ican II. Trl,le, Vatican II did change some things, yet these changes were done withi'n the tradition of the Church. In Lumen Gentium, we are reminded that the Holy Spirit is with the Church, "guiding ...

.. ..


The Anchor Friday, June 30, 1995




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the Church in the way of all truth" (#4). Mr. Rehm's observations are of the behavior of some individuals, not the actions of the Holy Spirit. . There is a vocation crisis in this country because we live in a society that is afraid to commit. Vocations to the priesthood are in no more of a crisis than vocations' to the married life. We live in a society that tells people to look for the easy way out. If your marriage requires some work on your part, get out of it and try it with someone else. If there are some struggles in your priesthood, society expects you to bail out. The Church has constantly taught through all this that these two vocations are gifts given to us by God and when there are struggles (and there will be) we need to make the effort to make the commitment work. Mr. Rehm, I applaud you for your concern for the Church and your witness to the faith. Please pray for me and my brother seminarians and also that more men will answer God's call to priesthood.

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July 1 1993, Rev. Fernando A. Veiga CM, Vincentian Mission House, Fall River . 1967, Rey. Gerard A. Boisvert, Assistant, Notre Dame, Fall River July 3 1942, Rev. Thomas P. Doherty, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford July 4 1955, Rev. James A. Coyle. S.T.L., Pastor. Holy Name. Fall River July 5 1943, Rev. J.F. laBonte. Pastor. Sacred Heart, N~w Bedford 1985. Rev. Edward P. Versailles. M.S .. LaSalette Shrine July 6 1963, Rev. Edmond Francis. . SS . CC ., P astor. S t., M ary. F a1rhaven

BISHOP SEAN O'Malley, priests of the diocese and Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate were among some 750 participants in a June 18 Corpus Christi processign through flower-petal strewn New Bedford streets. Benediction services were held at four stations along the 25-block procession route: St. Lawrence and Our Lady of the Assumption churches; the porch of the Sisters of Resurrection convent; and Our Lady's Chapel. During the procession hymns were sung and the rosary was recited. Top picture, part of the procession; bottom, the exterior of Our Lady's Chapel, decorated for the feast. (Studio D photos)


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Regional meeting of catechists set

The eighth biennial New England Convocation for Catechetical Leadership "Parish and Family Partners in Faith," will be held Aug. 15-17 at July 7 the Springfield Marriott. The convention is co-sponsored by the New 1965. Rev. James E. Lynch, First Pastor. St. Joan of Arc. England Conference of Diocesan Orleans Directors of Religious Education July 8 and the National Association for Parish Coordinatorsl Directors of 1887, Rev. Edward J. Murphy, Religious Education. Pastor, St. Mary, Fall River Keynote spe:akers are Dr. Doris July 10 Donnelly, professor of theology at 1938, Rev. Pie Marie Berard. John Carroll University, University Heights, OH; and Dr. Gerard BaumO. P.. Dominican Priory. Fall River bach, vice president and publisher at 1972. Rev. Maurice E. Parent. Pastor. St. Michael, Fall River William H. Sadlier, Inc. Father Richard W. Beaulieu, director of the Fall River Diocesan Depart1987. Rev. John E. Morris. M.M, d' Retired Maryknoll Missioner; Rev. ment 0 f Eucatton, WI'111 ea d a wor kTheodore M. Morin, M.S., Lashop on "Civil Law for Catechetical Salette Shrine Leaders." Other workshops will be: July 13 "Concepts of Marketing: Essential 1979, Rev. Arthur P. Deneault. to Religious Education," with speaker M.S .. LaSalette Fat'her Judy Sparrow, associate director of the National Center for Improving July 14 Science Education, Boston; "Equip1938, Rev. Nicholas Fett. ping' the Saints: Volunteerism in SS.Ce.. Pastor. St. Boniface. Fall Religious Education," Betsy Aldrich River Garland, executive director of Volun1949, Rev. Edmund J. Neenan. teers in Action, Inc., Providence, RI', "The Art of Influence: NegotiatAssistant, Sacred Heart. Oak Bluffs ing in Religious Education," Ray Borders, TraCon Partners, Trumbull, CT. The deadline for early registra. tion is July 7. For information contact the Diocesan Department ~~~~~~~~~~~~ of Education, 678-2828.



• Rosaries • Gifts

David C. Frederici Harwich



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SECULAR FRANCISCANS St. Francis of Peace Fraternity monthly meeting 2 p. m. July 9, Holy Trinity Church, W. Harwich; Father Cornelius Kelly, OFM, will celebrate Mass. Business meeting and refreshments will follow. Rosary recited 1:30 p.m. for end to abortion. Inquirers welcome. Information: Dorothy Williams, 394-4094. ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO ST. MARY, SEEKONK ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Blood drive 5 to 8:30 p. m. July 19, Summer fun program for children following 7 a.m. Mass July 7 until9 parish center. ages 3 to 8 will be offered 9 to II a.m. a.m. Mass July 8 in chapel at rear of Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays church. Prayers at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. CURSILLO for five weeks beginning July 5. ProInformation: Joan Provost, 699-2430. Coastal Communities Ultreya gram includes art projects, music, plans a family picnic July 23 at Ned's ST. ANNE, FR games, stories, playtime and occaA Shrine cleanup will take place Point Park and Lighthouse, Mattasional field trips. on July I. poisett; information: Jo Pannell, 758-2654. CATHEDRAL CENTER of AFTERNOON OF . RENEWAL, E. FREETOWN RECOLLECTION REFLECTION DAY Emmaus-picnic July 9. An afternoon of recollection for The New England Sisters of Mercy women will be held July 10 at St. CATHEDRAL CAMP, will sponsor a day of reflection for Theresa's Chapel, Rt. 6A, Sagamore. E. FREETOWN single women from 10 a.m. to j p.m. Confessions will be heard before Summer camp begins July 3, with from 2:30 to 3 p.m. and afterward at Saturday, Oct. 28. To be held at no session July 4 in observance of Mercy Lodge, Cumberland, RI, it 5-p:6t. by a priest from Opus Dei. the holiday. Information: 763-8874 will include prayer, sharing and socialization. Further information is CYO SUMMER BASKETBALL, available from Sister Aliceann Walsh, FR RSM, tel. (401) 333-6333. A summer basketball league for students entering grades 6,7 and 8 in Est. 1962 the fall will run July 3-Aug. 2 at the FR CYO on Anawan St. Girls' games Religious will be played at 9:30 and boys' at 10:30 a.m. Mondays and WednesArticles days. Registration 10 a.m. to noon sales and Service today and tomorrow at the CYO. Books • Gifts for Domestlc and Industrial Information: 672-9644. all Bumers Church Supplies LaSALETTE SHRINE, 995-1631 ATTLEBORO "A Time to Heal: Remembering 428 Main St.. Hyannis, MA 02601 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE the Holocaust" ecumenical program NEW BEDFORD 508-775-4180 Mon.-Sat. 9-5 2 p:m. July9. Summer Garden Concert Series will open 6:30 p.m. July I with performer Father Andre Patenaude (Father Pat); lawn chairs and blankets are suggested to supplement shrine seating. Concertgoers may attend a 4:30 p.m. Mass before the performance. Holy. hours IHeheld, ·7: 15 p.m. .t9 Wednesdays, with novena ~asses to .Our Lady of LaS.alette at 12: 10 and 6:30 p.m. The intention for July will FOR CANCER VlCI1MS ANDTHEl%LPV-pD.ONES be "For OtirCoiinfry's'Fidelity' to God."· Bible study, led by Father Every Thursday. 9:30AM. Joseph Ross, is held 10 a.m. and 7: 15 p.m. Wednesdays in the:clllssroom ST. LOUIS CHURCH above the gift shop. "Tiberlas Expe420 Bradford Avenue • Fall River riences," informal gatherings for youth of all denominations with prayer, music and witness around a campfire, are led by Brother David Dumaine, MS, 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays,' beginning July 12. Information on any of the events: 222-5410. APOSTOI;ATE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES There will be no Mass and social in July. The August gathering will be at noon Aug. 20 at Our Lady of Fatima parish hall, NB; participants should bring their own picnic lunch, lawn chairs and blankets. The International Catholic Deaf Association's 46th annual convention will be held at the Radisson Hotel, Utica, NY, July 9-15; information: 735-8184 (TTY) or 738-1592 (voice). Father John Murphy, formerly of the- Boston School for the Deaf, celebrates Mass at noon first SunOur 31,000 readers are days at the South Regional Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, looking for your weekend Holy Ghost parish,.518 Washington St., Whitman, tel. (617) 447-4421. and vacation fun events Other Sunday Masses have sign interpreters. Father Murphy is also available for sacraments and pastoral counseling. A mission for the deaf and hard of hearing will be given at the center Sept. 12-16 by Father Richard Luberti, CSSR. Sister Florita Rodman, COP, of Brockton offers information on joining or forming a Faith and Light Community, a support system for This Message Sponsored by the Following persons with mental retardation, their Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River relatives and friends. Small groups meet monthly. For information contact Sis~er Rodman at 586-7772. FALL RIVER TRAVEL BUREAU O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Vincentians' Harvest Sunday food GLOBE MANUFACTURING CO. collection July I and 2. Father Dick GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INS. AGENCY Lavoie will celebrate Mass and healing service 7:30 p.m. July 5. First Friday Adoration of Blessed Sacrament July 7 from 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. Benediction. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 30, 1995



JON POLCE will inaugurate the LaSalette Shrine series "Bethany Nights," evenings of music, prayer and witness, at 7:30 tonight. To continue each last Friday of the month, the gatherings will be held at the outdoor chapel, weather permitting, or in the Shrine chapel. Lawn chairs and blankets are re~ommended to supplement Shrine seating. For information or a summer-fall calendar of events call 222-5410.






Dual enrollment funding restored When Governor Weld signed The dual enrollment program the state budget last week, aca- was initially established by the Edudemically motivated high school cation Reform Act 'of 1993. It students from across the state won allows qualified high school juna victory - a program designed iors and seniors to earn both high especially for them, the dual enroll- school and college credits at local ment program, had its funding not public colleges and the University only restored but increased from of Massachusetts system. In its FY 95's $500,000.00 level to first year, 253 studenls partic$1,000,000.00 in FY 96. Addition- ipated in the program during the ally, the governor and-state-Iegisla- fall and 475 students in the spring. tu.re approved .Ianguage which The program expended :1 total of allows all academically qualified $370,000:00 in FY 95; $1:50,450.00 high school students from both for participants attending commupublic and nqn-public schools to ;nity colleges, $ J0 I,325.00 for those . be eligible ..to participate in the enrolled at state colleges, and program. $114,080.00 for those in the UniThe year~old.program'ssurvival versity of. Massachusetts system. was especially significant since its Perla lauded the efforts ,:>fCathofunding was in jeopardy early on lie school parents and stal:e elected in the budget process, as the House officials in successfully working had voted to zero fund it. together to restore and enhance However, Catholic school par- the dual enrollment proBram and ents from across the state tele- added"As we approach the twentyphoned and met with their state first century, we have 10 invest senators to advocate for renewed wisely in our resources - and our funding and an amendment to students must be a top priority, we enable all students to participate. can no longer afford to have tunEligible public and non-public nel vision, public versus private school students will be able to . school students. As just demonenroll in courses at nearby public strated by Catholic school parinstitutions of higher education ents, all students can benefit when with the. tuition being paid for by the real goal is the betterment of the state's Executive Office of Edu- the child, regardless of where the cation. child is enrolled."


For Information Call 675-7151 or FAX 675-7048

FALL RIVER Diocesan Council of Catholic Women president Kitsy Lancisi and Msgr. Henry T. Munroe, Cape and Islands District V moderator, make plans for the a.nnual Bishop's Night on Cape Cod, to be held Tuesday, Aug. 8, at Tara Cape Codder Hotel, Hyannis. Bishop Sean O'Malley, Diocesan Council moderator Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, Msgr. Munroe and Mrs. Lancisi will greet guests and hors d'Ol:uvres will be served. Proceeds will benefit Catholic Charities and tickets are available' from pastors or presidents of parish Councils of Catholic Women. (Lavoie photo)

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., June 30, 1995




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<f BILINGUAL bereavement specialists at St. Lu~e's Hospital, New Bedford, were among volunteers recently honored at a graduation and appreciation ceremony. Pictured with Perm~nent Dea~on Leo Racine, bereavement coordinator, are,.from left, Theresa Brune, Mary Paiva and Sister Dorothy Costa, New Bedford, and Maria Angelina Machado, South Dartmouth. The volunteers offer support to families coping with the death or terminal illness of a loved one.

Community has best welfare strategy WASHINGTON (CNS)- Solutions to the current welfare crisis are in communities, not in governments, said Paulist Fathe:r Robert A. Sirico. "Government is compassions's least able practitioner," he said at a recent Washington conference that brought together theoreticians and practitioners of private charity to explore "Welfare That Works." Stating that "a moral vision for private provision of welfare is required," he said the principle of subsidiarity - solving problems at the most local level possible is a critical element in reforming

"The future is with the private sector," he said, with responsibility for welfare going to communities of caring people in local institutions such as churches, synagogues, mosques and neighborhood organizations. ' Under the current system, "gov- . ernment benefits carry no concrete responsibility on the part of recipients," Father Sirico noted. He also said the size and scope of the welfare state have lessened direct contact with recipients At a food pantry, he suggested, people could help bag their own groceries, or people with mechanical skills could be paire~ with area

businesses that could make use of those skills. By participating in their own betterment, the poor would gain a better sense of identity, with more meaning in their lives, he said. Father Sirico has cited the St. Martin de Porres House of Hope, a Chicago shelter, as a private charity that works. In an article by Father Sirico in the Wall Street journal, the priest said the shelter "'accepts no state funds and operates on an average of $6.73 per person per day," well below the national average of $22 spent per person per day at mostly subsidized hom,cless shelters.


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Our Lady's Monthly Message From Medjugorje June 25,1995 The 14th anniversary of Our Lady's appearance Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina "Dear children, today I am happy to see you in such great numbers, that you have responded and have come to live my messages. I invite you, little children, to be my joyful carriers of peace in this troubled world. Pray for peace so that as soon as possible a time of peace, which my heart waits impatiently for, may reign. I am near to you, little children, and I intercede for every one of you before the Most High. I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call."


Hispa][lics mark 50 years of ministry Continued from Page One otherwise diminishes faith and traditional cutlure, he added.

timent that led to the bill's passage remains strong, he warned. Meanwhile at a session on Women in the Church and Society, participants looked at their own role at the convocation. All the major speakers were men, including lectors, the women noted, and few mentions were made' of the important role women have had in developing Hispanic ministry, said Dolores T. Florez, national coor-

Workshop Sessions Legislation aimed at eliminating benefits for immigrants or otherwise discouraging newcomers is a phenomenon that has spread beyond California's Proposition 187, said participants in one of 22 workshops held at the convocation. At another workshop, the mostly women participants decided politely to put their feet down, calling for a bigger role for womcn in such Continued from Page One events. suggestion that she was speaking The immigration session brought up for women and trying to protwo speakers from Calilfornia who, tect a constitutional right. helped lead church efforts to fight Frank said he found a bill proProposition 187 when it was before posing federal intrusion into a voters in 1994. legal medical procedure in conflict Jesuit Father Allan F. Deck, with the Republicans' notiqn of director of the National Catholic personal responsibility and reducCouncil for Hispanic Ministry, said ing the governmcnt's tole in peoin many ways the effort to elimi- ple's lives. Rep. Bob Inglis, R-S.C., said he nate many tax-supported benefits available to immigrants helped was baffled that anyone would rise bring together a Hispanic commu- in defense of the procedure. "I would have thought that surenity. "I had never before seen the ly this is a type of abortion we Catholic Church respond in such a could agree to do away with," he creative, organized, focused man- . said. At a press conference preceding ner," said Father Deck. Because of requests many bishops the hearing Rep. Tony Hall, 0made that priests speak out on the Ohio, said "It seems moderate to subject, some priests "were forced even call this cruel," adding that to look at their role, to look the while there are laws against cruelty poor in t.he face and takc a stand," to animals, there are no such prohibitions on cruelty in abortions. he said. Speaking at the press conference Tom Chabolla, director of the Office of Justice and P,eace for the before testifying at the,hearing was Los Angeles archdiocesf:, said Prop- Dr. Pamela Smith, director of osition 187 is still held up in court medical education for the obsteand may never pass challenges to trics/ gynecology department of its constitutionality. But the sen- Mount Sinai Hospital in Chicago,

dinator of Las Hermanas, a Catholic Hispanic women's group. The workshop participants drafted a letter to the convocation organizers noting that only one workshop addressed women's issues and that despitf: the presence of several hundred women at the event, none were major speakers. They asked that at the next convocation at least one keynote address be given by a woman.

"Partial birth" bill horrifies and president-elect of the American Association of Prolife Obstetrician-Gynecologists. She said she had only learned about the disputed technique two weeks earlier. . "It's a perversion of normal obstetrics," she said. "In fact, when I described the procedure of partial-birth abortion to physicians and lay persons who I knew to be pro-choice, many of them were horrified to learn that such a procedure was even lega1." She said the procedure is not a widely accepted medical technique and lacks even a commonly accepted name. The bill would impose a sentence of up to two years in jail for physicians convicted of performing the procedure. Women who had the procedure would be exempt from prose:cution, and could, in fact, sue any doctor who performed such abortions on them. The bill also includes exemptions allowing "partial-birth" abortions if no other procedure will suffice or if the life of the mother is in danger.



Friday, June 30 - ' 7:30 PM Good-will offering SUMMER GARDEN CONCERTS

Saturdays at 6:30 PM July 1 - Fr. Pat July 8 - Madonna Chorale HISPANIC HEALING SERVICE

Sunday, July 2 - 2:00 PM Fr. Leo Maxfield, M.S. BIBLE STUDY

Wednesdays, July 5, 1210:00 AM & 7:15 PM Fr. Joseph Ross, M.S.


Sunday, July 9 - 2:00 PM Fr. Richard Delisle, M.S. TIBERIAS EXPERIENCE

Wednesday, July 12 - 8:30 PM Ecumenical Youth Prayer Bro. David Dumaine, M.S.



Our Catholic Schools • Our Catholic Yout Bishop Stang High School

stopped and soldiers taking people away, but I wasn't scared. I was too happy to be home. I had a sense of belonging. I wanted to see everything and anything," Baccelli recalled. During that first visit with his mom, Baccelli "did all the tourist things, mostly sight-seeing outside the city." The first night he slept at Valiente's home, however, firecrackers awakened him. ','The next morning Juan's mother asked me if I had heard the machine guns. A bomb had gone off in the middle of the night only about half-a-mile away," said Baccelli. The beauty of his homeland



TAUNTON - For the fourth marking period, 249 students were on the honor roll. Senior Laurel Goj and freshmen Megan DeSouza and Anne Goj received headmaster's list honors for earning all As. 23 students earned highest honors, 109 high honors and 114 honors. Spring Sports The spring sports season was one ofthe most successful in school history, with three teams making it to post-season play. Under first-year coach Lionel Larivee, the Lady Warrior softball team won the Provincetown Tourney and took home the conference championship against Somerset. Junior Kerrie Robbins, with more than 120 strikeouts, was one of the state's top pitchers, and Jaime Leonard, Sheryl Marshall, Katie Morgis and Lana Garzone were among the conference's leading FALL RIVER - The following hitters. awards were given to this year's The Warrior baseball team, led graduates: by third-year coach Brian Nichols, St. Anne Home and School Assoreached the MIAA tournament ciation $200 Scholarships to Leanne for the first time in 10 years and DaSilva and Leslie Drumonde; placed second in the EAC. The trophies for scholarship and achieveteam was bolstered by strong pitchment to Jessica Brewer, .. Kevin ing from Nate Ferbert, George DeSa, Micha~1 Fernandes, KerryMedeiros and Justin Lombardi, Beth Leatherwood, Lisa Miranda all of whom recorded ERAs under and Tanya Pavao. 4.00. St. Anne Credit Union OutstandIn a game against Bishop Coning Citizenship Award to Daniel WE.~HTY .MAT'(ERS: Bishop Stang High, School, nolly, Ferbert tied the school record Boardman, Kerry-Beth Leatherwood. Ernest J. Lavoie/ Roger ,~orth Dar!mouth, recently held its annual Weightlifting 18 strikeouts. Medeiros had a 14Competition with b~th dead lift apd b~nch press categories. 10 game hitting streak during the seaMercier Memorial Award ($'200) to Kelly Medeiros. ' of 37 lifters bench-lifted over 200 pounds; 10 of.35 lifted 400 son, Jack Brown had one of the league's top batting averages, and Christian Living Award to Daniel pounds.:ill the de~d lift: " . , 't -, . ' , . ',~ :, Jack Taylor was named one ofthe Boardman, Andrea Teves. PrinciWinners pictureQ are, from left: Mike Sullivan, freshman EAC Players of the Year. pal's Award 'to Sara Lopes. ' division; Ray LeBlanj::,' Division I (under 140); Kyle HarringThe golf team played in the allAlbert H. and Irene L. St. Marton,. Division' II (141-165); Nick' Pacheco, Division III ,(166- state championship for the second tin Scholarship ($250, desk se~ and' consecutive spring under coach __...., ~_ I~ , ... !lJ 190); Carlton Jorge, Division IV (191 +). ' name plaqu~) to "'uisa Sousa. PreJim Jackson. The Warriors took GOo'i>. SPORTS: Standsidential Academic Fitness Awards to Daniel Boardman, Leanne DaSil- the capital, with Valiente's sixteen- comes to life during' a cO!lv~rsa~" third in the Division II Eastern tion with Baccelli. He talks of vol- regionals and placed third in the 'outs during etl;1e spri~g sp~rts va, Kevin De~a,Leslie Drumonde, year-old nephew,' Roderigo. season at Coyle-Cassidy High "Most studentslin EISalvador] canoes, mountains, the ocean', "and conference. Michael F~rnandes, ,Kerry-Beth Senior Tim Sheerin finished iil ' 'School' included, fro-m top, Leatherwood, Jasqn Martins, Kelly don't finish highschool unless they tjle countryside. He alsospeaks ~t the top 10 in the state individual 'softball senior captain Jaime city streets with towering highcome from wealthy families," said Medeiros, Daryl Q~elette, Tanya round. Mike. Silvia recorded t~e' Leonard, golfer Mike: Silvia, Pavao. ' Ba¡ccelli. "A lot' of families need rises 'Yhere blocks away families their children 'towork~ arid help build 'rri~ke-shift h'ous'es from dis- lowest sc?re In the conference th!s singles tennis, pIa er 0 '. Senior Citizen Awards: $100 season With a 35. Kyle Jacques hit M I Y ggle ' support the' houseliold.--Roderigo, carded building materiais. bond to Daniel Boardman, $50 a 38. Mike Neves, Matt McArdle, eo. though, is going to graduate and bonds to Jesse-Lynn D'Amico and , "Every tim~ I leave EI Salvador: wants to attend an American Heel a sadness. I feel like I'm ieav- , Bob Famulare and Mike Peters Tanya Pavao.. Altar Boy Award ~o also played in the~tate champion'ing home. ' college.'" ' Daryl Ouelette. ' , The Central' American nation Class Officers Awards to Luisa , "For the rest of my life; I'm ship. ' Under first-year coach David Sousa,Kerry-Beth Le~therwood, has remained' under martial law going to try togo back as much as since Baccelli's first'visit. Baccelli' possible: I want to keep in touch Casavant, the Warrior tennis ,team Kelly Medeiros, Kevin DeSa, Anrecalls seeing high school 'and jun- \Vith the people I consider to be my won three oftheir last four matches. drea Teves, Daniel Boardman. Perior high aged boys in' Salvadorean EI Salvador family," Baccelli said" Senior Rick Thomas was 'named a fect Attendance Certificates to Army uniforms. . Scott Fortuna, Christopher Luci'then paused.,:'I will forever be,try- conference all star at first singles, and Oggie Melo was 'strong' at ano, Andr,ea Teves, Sophia Teves. "I, remember seeing eight buses" ing to find my real family.:> second. 'singles., ' T~m McGarry and Ryan Powers had a winning record at first doubles and were named the team's , MVP,s:: Tim Devlin and John O'Da'y placed strong at second doubles. ' Under first-year coach Steve I'uhst, the Lady Warriors track team broke seven school' records, SUZANNE MADDEN, a with junior sprinter Christine Enfifth grade teacher at Holy sko accounting for three of them Family-Holy Name School, (100, 200 and 1600 meter relays). She, along with Patricia Milrphy, New Bedford, has belm choCaryn Domingos, Julie Peecha sen to be a Tier 2 Teac:her for and Erica Fitzgerald represented the Buzzards Bay RIM ProCoyle-Cassidy at the Class C chamject, a UMass-Dartmouth and pionships. Warrior boys who qualified for Woods Hole Institutt:-sponthe all-state championship meet sored program for devc:loping were Art Silva, Rich Aaron, Mike hands-on science teaching. Ms. ..... -,.. --~ ... ~, ~.. , THE ST. ,MARTIN Scholarship, ,presented by Albert H. and Irene L. St. Martin, was Martinez, Eric Herbert and Kem Madden will attend a twoNwosu, who shattered the school awarded at St. Anne's School, Fall River, to Luisa Sousa. The $250 scholarship goes to a record in the 100 meters with a week seminar this summer and graduate who will attend a Catholic high school. Citizenship Awards went to Kerry Beth time of 10.7 and finished sixth at additional seminars th.roughLeatherwood and Daniel Boardman. " the regionals. out,the year.

NORTH DARTMOUTH Adopted before his first birthday by Robert and Beverly BacceIli, junior Chris BacceIli has returned to his native EI Salvador four times since 1990. His most recent trip, taken during Febrliary vacation, included five days working for Fusal, a health organization. "I wanted to do service hours in a place close to my heart," Baccelli said. Working in a small valley village, Baccelli traveled by jeep into remote mountain villages to dis. pense health education. Urging villagers to avoid polluted water and encouraging parents to get their children innoculated, Baccelli was the only English-speaking person in the region.

St. Anne's ,School

"I speak a little Spanish and my partner, ClaudiQ, learned a little English," said Baccelli. , The 12-day trip was the first Baccelli has taken by himself. He was accompanied by Beverly Baccelli on the previous trips. Since establishing a friendship with Salvadoroan Juan Valiente in 1990, Baccelli tries to visit Valiente and his family on a regular basis. In the summer of '93, Bacelli attended Valiente's wedding. In February, Chris stayed with Juan, wife Claudia, and their child, Alejandra. Baccelli, though, spent most of his time in San Salvador,

By CMrlle Martin

I BELIEVE Walk blindly to the light And reach out for his hand Don't ask lilly questions And don't try to understand Open up your mind And then open up your heart And you "ill see That you and me Aren't ver), far apart 'Cause I bdieve Love is the' answer I believe That love 'will find a way Violence is, spread worldwide and there lire families On the stnlct And we sell drugs to children now Oh why can't we just see That all that we do Is eliminate our future With the things we do today Money is our incentive now So that makes it 0 K But I believe That love is the answer I believe That love will find the way I believe That love i!l the answer I believe That love will find the way I've been !.ceing Lisa now For a little over a year She says that she's never Been so happy But that she lives in fear That one day Daddy's (:onna find out She's in love With a brother from the streets Oh how he would lose it then But she's still here with me 'Cause she believes That Ion will see it through And one day he'l understand And he'l see me as a person And not .just a black man Please love find a way Please love find a way Written by Eliot Sloan/Jeff Pence/Mall Senatore. Sung by Ble~sed Union of Souls (c) 1995 by EMI Records

TWO "BELlEF"songs made their way to the Top 40 recently. Not long ago I reviewed one of them, Elton John's "Believe." The other is Blessed Union of Souls' "I Believe." The group's debut chart hit speaks honestly about suffering in our world. It focuses on

judgments heard about interracial couples. But it also mentions that "violence is spread worldwide," and that "there are families on the street" and "we sell drugs to children now." Confronted by such pain in society, the song pleads: "Why

can't wejust see that all we do is eliminate our future with the things we do today?" The song offers much to consider. Because of space limitations, I've chosen to emphasize only the song's important challenge: "Open up your mind, and then open up your heart, and you will see that you and me aren't very far apart." These words encourage us to live with more compassion and understanding. They ask us to recognize every human being's dignity. We must not become blind to human dignity as we encounter differences in race or in age, for example, or different ways of viewing the world. Each of us can ask ourselves: What are some specific ways of seeing that my differences from others do not necessarily mean that we are far apart? Here are a few guildelines. I. Realize that l:very person has a dream. We all have much in common when it comes to our dreams. When we pause to listen to what another wants in life, we take a significant st~p toward realizing that "you and me aren't very far apart." 2. Don't judge others by outward appearances. The way a person acts may be designed to mask his or her pain. Perhaps you cannot approve another's actions. Yet, disagreeing with behavior doesn't give us the right to condemn the person. Instead, remember the pain you have endured and how, at times, this hurt influenced your own choices. 3. Recognize that violence, no matter what the souce, hurts all of us. Whether it takes the form of racial prejudice or seIling drugs to children or everyday types of hurts that we dump on others, all violence violates the human spirit. Do you gossip about classmates? Do you put others down because they are different from you? At home, do you take advantage of younger brothers or sisters? Do you think violence is present in any of your actions or words? Start today to root out these behaviors. In the song, Lisa believes that love will guide her relationship beyond all its problems - love will even find a way for her father to recognize that her boyfriend is "a person and not just a black man," What will you do today to demonstrate that the members of God's family "aren't very far apart"? Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.

AT DOMINICAN ACADEMY, Fall River, students crown the Blessed Mother (left) and first communicants exchange a sign of peace.

THE ANCHOR-Dioc6se of Fall

River~Fri., June

30, 19!15


Congratulations Winners

AWARD WINNERS at the end of the school year at St. Anthony's School, New Bedford, included proud secondgraders (from left) Corey DeSousa, Sarah Fortin, Christopher Ferreira, Sonya DaPonte and Rebecca Greene.

By Christopher Carstens Psychologists have been writing for years about the developmental stages of childhood. That gives parents a way to explain the often puzzling and sometimes unpredictable behavior of their kids. "She's just going through a stage - she'll get over it," a mother might say about her kid. I've decided that it's time to identify the developmental stages of a Mom, so teens can also explain the puzzling and sometimes unpredictable behavior of their mothers by saying, "She'sjust going through a stage - she'll get over it." The first stage in the development of a Mom is exhaustion. During this stage of small children, Moms aren't much fun. But a little kid doesn~t mind because he's so busy trying to put the football in his mouth that he doesn't notice Mom going bonkers on the sidelines. Mom's second stage is "angel goddess." Frankly, this is as good as Mom ever gets. While the child is between 3 and 10, mothers become really intelligent. Almost everything they say or decide is OK. When your Mom is an angel goddess, all you want to do is get along with her and make her happy. Later, when she is grumpy, teenagers will say, "\ wish she was like her old self." What they really mean is, "\ wish she could still be an angel goddess." But she can't. In the third stage something happens, starting when you are in fifth or sixth grade, and then it gets really bad in junior high. Moms turn dumb. Perhaps most important, they start wearing really dumb clothes, and then they want to go out in

public looking like that. Now everybody in the mall can see that your Mom is wearing black shoes with a brown skirt! If that isn't bad enough, she insists on going into the store at the same time you do. Couldn't you just die? The only reasonable solution would be for you to go into the store, pick out some really cute clothes, leave the stuff with a clerk and then have your Mom go back and pay for it while you got some. thing to eat. Unfortunately, Moms at this time also get really hung up on money. For example, you go into The Gap and they have this really cute pair of jeans for $85, and there's nothing else in the store that anybody in your school would wear to school. Does your Mom understand this? Think again. And when you tell her she can just put it on her credit card, she gives you that really nasty look, and you know: She hasn't got a clue. Luckily for everybody, that stage doesn't last forever. That's because at some point while you're in high school Mom starts to get her brain back. . This fourth stage is Mom as a regular human being. Now her point of view is a lot more understandable. Mom never gets to be the angel goddess again, but she starts "having a clue" - and in time and with grace and good luck, she can even become your friend, someone you like hanging around with. Trust me. It happens. Your comments are welcomed by Dr. Christopher Carstens, c/o Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth St" N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017.

CLIFTON REHABILITATIVE路 NURSING CENTER'S 500 Wilbur Avenue, Somerset, MA.(508) 675路7589


.. Public is irivited to attend this year's Summer Concert Series CommemoraUng Clifton's 15th Anniversary starting at 6:30 pm Bring your own Blankets and Lawn Chairs and Enjoy an Evening Program of Musical Entertainment That Also Includes The Launching of a Hot Air Balloon (Weather Permitting)'

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