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VOL. 49, NO. 26 • Friday, July 1, 2005

Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Catholic Charities Appeal tops record $4 million mark FALL RIVER - When the 64th annual Catholic Charities Appeal drew to a close it had realized a level of support never achieved before. The final total of $4,072,724.06 is the highest total ever reached in the annual endeavor by the 96 parishes of the Diocese of Fall River, and the first time the Appeal has ever eclipsed the $4 million dollar mark. This figure is an increase

BEFORE A magnificent painting of St. Thomas More, Msgr. John F. Moore poses in his office for a final portrait as executive editor of The Anchor. After more than 35 years with the diocesan publication, it's anchors aweigh for the pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in North Falmouth. (Anchor! Jolivet photo)

Msgr. Moore hoists his Mooring as he sets sail from The Anchor 4

But not before looking back and remembering. By DEACON JAMES



FALL RIVER - The office of the executive editor of The Anchor, newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River, located in the front room of an old mansion on Highland Avenue, offers a panoramic view of the Taunton River and its entrance to the east passage of Mount Hope Bay. There is a large, dark oak captain's desk with brass accoutrements that fronts two plain guest chairs in leather, between which is a table with various up-

to-date magazines having to do with tQeChurch, the. faith, and Catholicism. . Neatly arranged are the day's mail, copies of the U.S. Bishop's opinions in Origin and the Vatican newspaper L 'Osservatore Romano, as well as assorted texts and almanacs that include copies ofVatican II documents, the "Catechism of the Catholic Church," a study version of the Bible, and reference books on rites and rituals. St. Thomas More gazes solemnly from his portrait above the mantel on the quiet room done in dark gre'en with a velvety matching carpet. A place of candid seriousness, Turn to page 12 - Sail

of $125,727.07 (3.2 percent) over the 2004 figure. "This milestone is the culmination of a truly focused effort on the part of parish volunteers, pastors, and parish secretaries to get the word out once again about the wonderful work of Catholic Charities here in our diocese," stated Mike Donly, director of Development. "The phones never stopped ringing on

Bishop to ordain two men as diocesan priests July 9 FALL RIVER - Rev. Mr. Karl C. Bissinger of Fall River and Rev. Mr. Thomas E. Costa Jr., of Seekonk will be ordained priests for the Fall River diocese by Bishop George W. Coleman on July 9, at 11 a.m., in St. Mary's Cathedral. Rev. Mr. Bissinger will celebrate his first Mass on July 10 at 10 a.m., in St. '~.j! .-:iA Joseph's Church in Fall River. He will give the homily Rev. Mr. Costa will celebrate his first Mass on July 10, at 10 a.m., in St. 'Stanislaus Church in Fall REV. MR. KARL C. River. Father Bruce M. BISSINGER


Neylon, pastor, will be the homilist. Rev. Mr. Bissinger, 34, a native of Fall River, is the son of Andrew Bissinger, a native of New Rochelle, N.Y., and Therese (Clement) Bissinger, a native of Fall River. His father is ,a retired Fall River fire fighter, and his mother works as a secretary in the Fall River Public School Department. Educated in Fall River public schools, he graduated from B.M.C. Durfee High School in 1989, where he was a ,member of the concert, REV. MR. THOMAS marching and stage bands. E. COSTA JR. Turn to page seven - Ordain

Stonehill College to host two-day Catholic Family Conference Gathering geared to bolster Catholic family life By DAVE JOLIVET, EDITOR

NORTH EASTON - The late Pope John Paul II knew it. Pope Benedict XVI knows it. Many parents across the diocese, the country and the world see it every day. The family unit is under constant attack from all sides, and in some instances family life crumbles under the pressure.

For these very reasons, Stonehill College here will host the first-ever Northeast Catholic Family Conference July 16- 17, with the sole purpose of providing families with the weapons necessary to combat the daily destructive forces they encounter. Themed "Making the Faith Visible," the twoTurn to page seven - Family

Somerset pastor readies to assume leadership of diocesan pastoral care SOMERSET - For Father Marek Tuptynski, the July 4 holiday sets offa whole new set round of responsibilities.' Beginning today, the busy pastor of St. Patrick's Parish in the north end ofSomerset - as well as the director ofSt. Patrick's Cemetery there - officially takes over the new dioceSan director ofPastoral Care ofthe Sick, succeeding Father Edward J. Healey. Asked how he felt about the new added


the last day of the Appeal with parishes calling in large and small donations they had just received. Their desire to bring this to a successful conclusion was, as usual, truly inspiring," he said. Seventy-one percent of the parishes exceeded their previous year's total, with numerous parishes registering very significant Turn to page six - Appeal

duties, the 38-year-old native of Poland flashed a broad smile and said candidly, "It's definitely a challenge. But I'm ready and very willing to accept it. Like any assignment, there is a lot to leam. But new duties mean new growth; and in the process make for a better priest." It was only lastJuly 7 that FatherTuptynski took over the pastorate of St. Patrick's and the cemetery following four years as chap-

lain at Charlton Memorial Hospital. "But it was those years at Charlton that give me the experience of pastoral care for the sick, and I am grateful for having had those as I take on the neW-job; in reality one more of administration that anything else," he explained. While the full scope of his new assignment is being compiled, he said the outline Turn to page 10 - Pastoral

Friday, JUly 1, 2005

Notes from the Hill Senate .approves bill that will punish nurses, doctors for practicing their. faith BOSTON - Voting 37-0, the comply with the emergency conMassachusetts Senate approved a traception mandate in abortifa'bill on June 16 that, besides threat-; cient cases, would be stripped of ening Catholic hospitals with'the . their medical license and sued in loss of their license to function, . court for damages. Allthis was made crystal clear would make it an act of medical malpractice for a nurse or d<;>ctor . when the Seriate debated and then to refuse to abort a child con- rejected by voic~ yote, refusing to ceived by rape. Senate Bil1 2073 put individual members on record, would require rape victims to be a series of amendments that. offered contraceptives even in 'would have offered some proteccases where the contraceptive acts tion to religious facilities and conas an abortifacient, failing to pre- scientiollsly opposed individuals. vent conception and then killing 'To be sure, as one Senator put it,: the embryonic child by prevent- even with the amendments, "it's ing implantation in the womb. Fa- not a question of can a Catholic' cilities, nurses and doctors op- hospital skirt their way out ofthis. posed to abortion, if they don't They can't. If they don't distribATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS GROUP DENTAL COVERAGE AVAILABLE No SUBSCRIBER MINIMUM FOR INFORMATION CONTACT' JOSEPH A. O'NEIL INSURANCE AGENCY




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ute it [abortifacient contraceptives], they're violating the law and the department of public health could take their license away." But now it is more than said that the issue "is not who apparent th.a~ th~ bill, if not delivers the treatment but ensuramendedaf all, 'wil1 go also after ing this treatment is delivered." individual heaJtQcare personnel, . Sen. joyce' said he supported a in both Catholic. and puhlic .hos- conscience clause because it is pitals. . "simply respect and tolerance of Last year a differently written people who have competing bill zippe~l through the Senate views." He warned that those with no debate. But this year, af- seen as liberal on this issue will .ter the Massachusetts Catholic be seen as intolerant toward reConference (MCC) testified in ligion. Sen. Nuciforo urged supco'mmittee andJnotified senators port "to protect the individual that the new version of the bill liberties of people." would punish individual nurses Sen. Resor claimed that a conand doctors, for the first time in science clause "undermines the the history ofthe Commonwealth main purpose ofthis legislation." turning an employee's act ofcon- Senator Barrios argued that a right science into an act ofmalpractice, to emergency contraception "canSenator Scott Brown filed a "con- not be compromised." This right science clause" amendment. should "ensure that women will Senators Hart, Pacheco, Joyce, have access to this medication rePanagiatakos, Creedon, 0 'Leary, gardless of where they go." S~n. and Nuciforo added a further .Lees said that while he believed 'amendment clarifying the opt-out that "people have a right to their procedures. own religious beliefs in their own During the heated debate on . family ... when it comes to pub. the Setlate floor, Sen. Brown lic policy we're not going to carve told his col1eagues that "it is out an institution." He warned that wrong to force individuals to do Catholic hospitals should not resomething against their will." ceive any special treatment when He reminded the others that a I "those same facilities want to get virtually identical conscience money from the uncompensated clause was included in the re- care pool and want grants" from cent1y~passed cloning bil1, althe government. Sen. Fargo lowing lab workers to opt out of warned that if a woman "goes on embryo research if they believed to get pregnant" ifan abortifacient that life begins before, and not is not provided out ofconscience, after, implantation. Sen. Hart . then "she will be part of a huge social and economic cost to all of us." Most of the opposition skipped over, the impact that the Daily Readings JUly 4 July 5

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July 6

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JUly 9



~4~ it tiWrfor tnfJle JO" {qw

JUly 10

Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-4,14-15; Mt 9:18-26 Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1-3,6-8,15; Mt 9:32-38 Gn 41 :5557;42:5-7a, 1724a; Ps 33:23,10-11,18-19; Mt 10:1-7 Gn 44:1821,23b-29;45:15; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 10:7-15 Gn 46:1-7,28-30; Ps 37:3-4,1819,27-28,39-40; Mt 10:16-23 Gn 49:2932;50:15-26a; Ps 105:1-4,6-7; Mt 10:24-33 Is 55:10-11; Ps 65:10-14; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:123 or 13:1-9

bill would have on individual nurses and doctors, including those in public facilities. These professionals will be individually 'liable for malpractice for refusing to participate in abortifacient procedures. Several senators were dismissive of any attempt to protect religious freedom. Sen. Tisei called the conscience clause idea "gobbledy gook." Sen. Barrios likened the question of religious freedom to a debate over "how many angels dance on the head ofa pin." Sen. Creem ignored entirely the religious mission of . Catholic healthcare when she reduced the premise of recognizing the right ofconscientious objection to nothing more than "allowing people not to do their job." The Senate gave final approval of the bill with no conscience clause, sending it to the House. It is not known yet when the. bill wil1 be brought up in that branch. Please, especially if you are a healthcare professional, contact your state representative now to urge him or her to oppose S.2073.

Letters can be sent to Rep. [Name], State House, Boston, MA 02133. Phone and E-mail addresses are available online at http://www.mass.gov/Iegis/ memmenuh.htm. Go the MCC Website for more information at www.macathconf.org.

In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming weeks July 4 1955, Rev. James A. Coyle, S.T.L., Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River fJuly 5 1943, Rev. 1.F. LaBonte, R~tired Assistant, Sacred Heart, New

Bedford. \ \ .--::;2 1985; Rev. Edward P. Ver~le. ~.,~MfS.,..ta Salette Shrine, North "",r-;;V vi(.• Attleboro ..• July\6\ 1963, Rev. Edmond FrnnCiS~::~~" Pastor, St. Mary, Fairhaven ~

1965, Rev. James E. Lynch, Founde.r, St. Joan ofArc, Orleans

July 8 \ . 1887, Rev. Edward Murphy, Pastor, S{.\\1ary, Fall River 1995, Msgr. Patrick 1. O'Neill, Retired'Pastor, St. Julie Billiart,

North Dartmouth I11II11111111111111111111111111

THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-o20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for two weeks in July and the week after Chrisnnas at 887 HigWand Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.


July 10 1938, Rev. Pie Marie Berard, O.P., Dominican Priory, Fall River 1972, Rev. Maurice E. Parent, Assistant, St. Michael, Swansea 1987, Rev. John E. Morris, M.M., Retired Maryknoll Miss'ioner, Former Assistant, St. Joseph, Fall River; Rev. Theodore M. Morin, M.S., La Salette Shrine, North Attleboro

Friday, July 1, 2005


Local college students' expertise helps coffee farmers in Honduras' mission By ALrREBELLO AND

coffee!" said Dominican Sister Faye Medina. "Each student DARTMOUTH - Imagine would volunteer two or three being able to buy a one-pound weekends of their time to speak bag of high-quality, organic at parishes about their expericoffee for only one dollar. Now ence on the trip and sell coffee. that would be a bargain. But The few parishes that we have imagine being a coffee farmer, visited in the dioceses have employing dozens of workers, been very supportive of the cofand only making one dollar for fee sales." a pound of coffee. You would The money raised will help also need to be able to support contribute to continuing your entire family on these projects that already exist, and minimal profits. This, believe it funding others to be impleor not, is the reality in Hondu- mented. For instance, Dominiras. Coffee farmers are only can Sister Maria Ceballos, who able to sell their coffee locally works at the mission in Hondufor fifty cents to $1.25 per ras, established a medical clinic pound. which is often running low on College students Jason supplies. Part of the money raised from Cleary and Brilh~nte and Patrick Cleary have come up with a way to Brilhante's project will be a help these coffee farmers. This source of funding for medical past school year, the two were supplies to the clinic. among a group of local univer"Jason Brilhante and I set up sity students participating in an the process so that there is alternative spring break visiting minimal cost to us to expedite the Fall River Diocesan Mis- the coffee orders, and have a sion in Guaimaca, Honduras. maximum amount of coffee sale Their experience in Guaimaca proceeds sent to the mission," inspired them to contribute explains Cleary. "We know first their time, talent, and business hand how beneficial this money expertise to help a coffee is to the coffee farmers and the farmer's cooperative sell their work being done by the mishigh quality product back home sion." Currently the coffee is purin Massachusetts. Cleary is a business informa- chased from the farmers at a fair tion system major at the Univer- amount. The coffee farmers resity of Massachusetts, ceive $5 for every pound of cofDartmouth; Jason Brilhante is fee sold. The other $5, and any an accounting major at Bryant additional donations, are sent diUniversity. Cleary and rectly to the mission. Sister Brilhante met more than a year Maria sheds some light on the ago through Catholic Campus impact this project will have: "This is ao wonderful opporMinistry at UMass-Dartmouth, when they first prepared to visit tunity for both the coffee co-op the mission together in 2004. and the mission to succeed in They now have teamed up to our mission. The proceeds contribute their efforts to sell from the coffee sale will benorganically grown coffee on be- efit the coffee farmers by enhalf of the coffee farmers of couraging them to continue to farm organically and receive a Guaimaca. "We have organized a pro- fair price for their hard work. cess to have coffee sold to cus- Also the mission can use these tomers through advertisements funds to help with other where they can mail in their or- projects like a soybean farm ders to a P.O. Box, and then we which can produce the beans mail them their coffee," said for soymilk to distribute to the Brilhante. "While visiting a malnourished babies." Both Brilhante and Cleary, coffee farm in Guaimaca, I learned about the process of who have each visited the misgrowing, harvesting, and adding quality to coffee. I was so EDICTAL CITATION impressed with the effort and DIOCESANTRIBUNAL skill needed to grow and roast FALL RIVER. MASSACHUSmS such a high quality product that Sincethe actual place ofresidence of I want to share this treasure DOUGI..AS8JWARDMACOMBERisui<rKMn with friends and family back We cite DOUGLAS EDWARD MACOMBERtoappearpersonallybeforethe home. I have received such a Tribunal ofthe Diocese of Fall RiveronTuesgood response about the taste of day, July 14, 2005 at 2:30 p.m. at 887 the coffee that Patrick and I beHighlandAvenue,Fall River,Massachusetts, lieve others will appreciate the to givetestimonyto establish: skill and quality of this coffee." Whether the nullity ofthe marriage Before coming up with the exists inthe Mashoke -Macomber case? Ordinaries ofthe place orotherpastors idea, the group of 10 students havingtheknovvledgeofthe residence ofthe from both Bristol Community above person,Douglas Edward Macomber, College and the University of mustsee to itthathe is propertyadvised in Massachusetts had returned regardtothis edictal citation. from their past two trips to Hon(Rev.) Paul F. Robinson, O. Carm.,J.C.D. duras with hundreds of pounds JudicialVicar Given atthe Tribunal, of coffee to sell. Fall River, Massachusetts "In 2004, for example, we on this the 23rd day of June, 2005. returned with 800 pounds of JASON BRILHANTE

sion on' three separate occasions, have left Honduras longing to do something more. Although they were only able to spend about one week a year in Guaimaca, they knew they could make lasting contributions. This project will enable

them to do just that. You can buy a pound of coffee for only $10 -less than an hour's work for many of us. They are persuading people to purchase this product for several reasons. First, they guarantee that the coffee farmers are receiving a just and fair fee for their coffee. Second, the proceeds of this sale are directly donated to the Diocesan Mission of Fall River, which helps to provide

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Editor's note: A coupon for ordering coffee to help the diocesan mission in Guaimaca is on page 12 ofthis Anchor edition, and will appear weekly throughout the summer.

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Friday, July 1, 2005


the living word

Now it is farewell In October of 1967, "The Mooring" came to print in The Anchor as an op-ed column. Then, in January 1977, I was named editor of the diocesan newspaper and "The Mooring" became the weekly editorial column. Digging b~ck through time, I resurrected the words put into print on that occasion. In a reflection titled "Goodbye, But Not Farewell," 1 se,t forth some -Qfthe thoughts I had at that time. What I feh then has not been quelled by time. So, in this last editorial, I thought it well to reprint that column: , : "This week brings a change to 'The Mqoring.' We are just , moving over ,one column. In other words, the editorials of The Anchor, as of this issue, will-be written, by yours tru~y. After all, it would be rather difficult, considering the'circunistances"to write an editorial, and'the,n on the same page be forced torefute it. One could be suspected of a conflict of interest. Thus, to eliminate any embarrassment, while maintaining a sense of humorous selfcomposure, the efforts of 'The Mooring" will be directed to the editorials. ' It really has been an enjoyable experience writing this column for the past 10 years. To be sure, there were days when I wondered 'what I would tackle this week.' There were days when I could have filled an entire paper (little did I know what the future had in store). We have given a few punches' here and there; and, I assure you, I have taken a few in return. , However, this is to be expected when you attempt to comment on the events, people and places of our times. And what days' these last 10 years have been in our history! In a few more decades, when the jaundiced eye of judgment can see a bit more clearly, I feel that this past decade will be considered to be one of the most important and interesting times in the life of man. To be able to offer some reflections on these days in the form of the printed word from the viewpoint of my own frame of reference, was as exciting as the events themselves" : To all readers of The Anchor who might have found 'The Moor.ing' dull, I assure them that I will make a sincere effort to remedy the'situation in the future. To those readers who sometimes were a mite upset or found 'The Mooring' stirring them to reply, I say 'Wonderful.' It would be an exercise in futility if a columnist couldn't stir up the stew once in a while. To all the faithful and devoted members of our diocesan press, especially those who were confronted with my spelling, I say, 'Thank you.' As 'The Mooring' takes new direction, I sincerely hope that each and every one of our subscribers will continue to support the efforts of The Anchor. The honesty and freedom ofexpression that were mine in 'The Mooring' will certainly be a hallmark for ~he editorials that will be part of my new responsibilities. In my own mind, I do not feel that 'The Mooring' as such, is coming to an end. It's just a beginning. I do hope that you will be as interested in the future editorials 'of The Anchor as you have been in the comments of 'The Mooring.' So really, it is 'Goodbye,' but not by any means !Farewell. ", All that being said in 1977, the last 28 years as editor have been a grand run. But a time comes when all must say, "Farewell." The 38 years have been a unique time in the liyes of us all. One learns much about life and living, especially when you have to face the challenge of a weekly editorial. Yet, in all ofthis there is a great lesson to be learned; namely, do not take yourself too seriously. Keep your reflections objective, and remember that, virtue is not to be found on the left or on the right, bu~ as St. Thomas Aquinas taught us, it is always in the middle. Above all, I always felt that it is imperative for an editor of a Catho'lic newspaper to have a love of and devotion to the Church. Editorials should not be "Churchy." Yet, they should reflect Church in all dimensions of her cares and concerns with honest fidelity. This has been my primary rule of thumb. I can'truthfully reflect that I have done my best, given these limited talents. In this regard, the conscience is at peaceful rest. The day of my retirement from The Anchor, July 1, is also my nnd birthday. It is hard to imagine that I was a mere 34 when pen went to press. I have no regrets, and it is now time to say "Goodbye." I have a treasure house full of memories that I am sure will hold me in good stead as I seek 'new directions and challenges in the years to come. Once more, as I said in 1977, it really is a new beginning. Thank you for being so supportive, , and now it is time to say "Farewell."

The Executive Editor





Lowering the nets again When I began this column and we all remember the seven months ago, I took as its , out9ome: such a quantity of fish theme Jesus' words to St. Peter, waS' captured that their nets were "Put out into the deep and lower at the breaking point. When your nets for a catch" (Lk 5:4). Peter returned to shore, Jesus This was the imperative that told him that from that point forward, he would be casting his Pope John Paul II chose as the Church's motto for the third nets on the sea of the world. Christian millennium - or The reason why Pope John loosely, for the rest of our lives. Paul II wanted all ofus to take The Holy Father wanted the whole Church to understand her mission within the context of the encounter between Christ and Simon bar Jonah, whom ';o/p,';';,jJ,o"i!JJi!j' the Lord was going to make a fisher of men and the rock on whom he would build his Church. Simon, a professional this episode as our thematic ' fisherman on the sea of Galilee, marching orders is because he had just seemingly wasted ail sensed the fatigue in so many of entire night with his employees, us, especially in the Christian with only dirty, fishless nets to / West, who in our attempts to show for their fatiguing labors pass on the faith to others as they returned to the shore. sometimes feel like shellJesus asked to 1;>orrow one of fishermen during red tide. The Simon's boats for'a short term pope wanted us, like St. Peter, to pulpit in order to do another trust in Christ and, at his word, type of fishing. When he was launch out again, boldly, against done, the carpenter from the pessimism of common Nazareth turned to the fisherwisdom, in unexpected tilJ1es man and told him to 'head back and places, for a big catch. out and cast his just-cleaned nets The successor of Simon bar into the deep water. Jonah spent his 26-year pontifiSimon didn't bother to tell cate doing that. Who would Jesus that his command broke have ever thought that an every convention: fish were octogenarian with Parkinson's caught in shallowwater during disease could attract hundreds of darkness, not in deep water thousands of young people, at during broad daylight. He great sacrifice, to World Youth merely stated how tired and Days across the 'globe? Who frustrated he was after a useless would haye ever thought that by night's work. But he had enough the power of prayer and the respect for this preacher of persistent example of praying Galilee that he did what he said, for persecutors that the Iron

Curtain would come down? He consistently trusted in the Lord, put out into the deep water ' during daylight and the Lord did not let him down. With regard to our own Diocese ofFall River, the Lord wants us to be as apostolically audacious. There are so many fish in this part of the Lord's sea,' many who have been in the net and swum out, others who have yet to be captivated by the message ofthe Gospel. The Lord has given us all the joint mission to be his fishermen all along the shores and inlands of southeastern Massachusetts. , The Anchor is one of his fishing nets. For more than 37 years (and 27 as editor), Msgr. John Moore has beel) casting it out well and faithfully. He's a tough act to follow. But as I move to the left-hand comer of the page next week, I trust that the same Lord who helped him will guide me. I'm 'also happy to announce that Father David Pignato, secretary to Bishop Coleman and chaplain at Bishop Stang High School, will be joining , our crew next week to take over this column. The sea is stocked. The fish are waiting. May the Lord help all of us to trust in him, cast our anchor into heaven and launch out for a catch. Father Landry is the new executive editor of The Anchor and parochial administrator of St. Anthony's Parish, New Bedford, effective July 2.

'the anch~

Friday. July 1, 2005

Being Catholic: A m'ountain experience I spent four days just south of the Canadian border last week, in the absolutely gorgeous Green Mountains of Vermont. The weather was in the 80s and 90s, sunny and beautiful. As wonderful a vacation as that sounds, it wasn't like that at ail. In fact, I had precious few moments to savor the surroundings. The reason for my being in the great north was to attend the first-ever Catholic Press Leadership Institute, held at St. Michael's College in Colchester, sponsored by the Catholic Press Association and supported by a grant from the Catholic Communications Campaign. Maybe it's because I haven't experienced the classroom environment for some time, or maybe it's because I'm still in shock from the Red Sox winning the World Series; but my head is still spinning from all the information I was fed for four days (and nights!). It will take some time to actually sit down and disseminate the information, and having to make up for three lost days in the office, it will take a bit longer even. But what immediately surfaced from the experience

was how truly catholic the Catholic Church is. There were nearly two dozen editors, directors of advertising and/or communications directors at St.

My View From the Stands By Dave Jollvet Michael's last week, and they turned out to be some of the finest folks I've ever met. We came from Florida, Mississippi, South Carolina, Colorado, Texas, British Columbia and points in between. All of us so completely different, yet so much the same. So Catholic. Despite the fact that among us were Indianapolis Colts fans, Chicago Cubs fans and New York Yankees fans (yes I actually spent four days with Yankee fans!), we were united in our love and concern for the Catholic Church, our publications, and those who read them. We may have our roots spread across this country and Canada; but we have the same concerns, problems, obstacles, successes and visions.

To break up our busy days, we gathered for Mass, and in the Green Mountains of Vermont it was the same wonderful Mass that we would find in Vancouver, Savannah, Ga., and St. Paul, Mo. The Catholic Leadership Institute was home for four_ days to some of th'e brightest Catholic minds in North America, yet the same humble Catholic heart beat in each of us, knowing full well why we do what we do. More than 2,000 years ago, Christ enlisted the help of simple men and women to establish his Church on this planet. He's doing the same thing today, and among those called are members of the Catholic press in the U.S. and Canada. . Four long days crammed with instruction, guidance and information was not very restful for the body or mind, despite the heavenly surroundings. But it sure rejuvenated the soul being in the company of dedicated men ~nd women called to bring others the Good News in a world that's not so good at'times. That's being Catholic. Comments are welcome at dave;olivet@anchornews.org.

Priestly role'must mirror sanctity of Christ, pope says By CAROL GLATZ CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

. VATICAN CITY - Priests must remember to always mirror the humble, personal sanctity of Christ and not assume a political or other secular role in society, said Pope Benedict XVI. Bishops must help priests uphold their "unique identity" and ensure that it "never be likened to any secular title or confused with civic or politiCal

office," the pope said in a speech to bishops from the South Pacific nations of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islarids. The pope's June 25 address came at the end of the bishops' "ad lim ina" visits to the Vatican, required of heads of dioceses every five years. o Pope Benedict reminded the bishops that concern for their priests' well-being was of "the utmost importance."


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Of l"RE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by the CathdRePressof the Dio~seOf Fall RiveI' 887 Highl~r1d Avenue P.O. BOX 7' Fall River,MA 02720 Fall River, MA02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX 508-675-7048 E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchomews,org Send address changes to P.O. Box, call or use E,rnail address

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore EDITOR David B. Jolivet


The special relationship between a bishop and his priests must be marked by "assiduous care to uphold the unique identity of your priests, fo encourage their personal sanctification in the ministry, and to foster a deepening of their pastoral commitment," he said. "The daily, devout celebration of Holy Mass" also lies "at the heart ofthe priesthood," he said. A priest's identity must be "configured to Christ" and his life should be one of "simplicity, chastity and humble service which inspires others by example," the pope said. If evangelization is to be successful, priests and religious must have proper formation, he said. The pope encouraged the bishops to carefully select candidates, to "supervise your seminaries personally and to provide regular, ongoing forma, tion." Continued formation is necessary, he said, "for deepening priestly and religious identity and enriching joyful commitment to celibacy."

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Friday, July 1, 2005

Appeal Continued from page one

gains lead by St. Kilian's's in New Bedford with a gain of 66 percent (140 percent gain over two years); St. Jacques Parish in Taunton - 56 percent; St. Mary's in North Attleboro - 39 percent; Holy Cross Parish in South Easton - 31 percent, and . St. George's in Westport - 23 percent. Other parishes with double-digit increases include St. Theresa's in Attleboro; St. Mary's, Mansfield; St. Mary's, Seekonk; Our Lady of Victory, Centerville; Corpus Christi, Sandwich; St.Peter the Apostle, Provincetown; Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet; St. Joseph's, Fall River; Our Lady of the As- . sumption, New Bedford; Our Lady of M1. Carmel, New Bedford; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford; St. Mary's, So. Dartmouth; S1. Mary's, Taunton; and S1. Ann's Parish in Raynham. Obviously the dollar amounts are important, but equally as significant are the percentage gains in the areas of revenues and numbers of donors. There were some parishes, a few that are extremelysmall, that did not reach their previous year's total but may have actually increased their number of dono.rs. However, due to economic circumstances in their geographic area of the diocese this unfortunately did not translate into an in.crease in revenue. The Appeal's office staff unanimously echoed the sentiment that these parishes had as successful an Appeal as did those with revenue increases, and under extremely difficult circumstances, especially those in the inner-city sectors of the diocese, by possibly accomplishing the most important and difficult task of all; increasing the number of donors to the Appeal. "The tremendous generosity of parishioners from all across the diocese is truly remarkable," stated Donly. "At the same time it points out that the diocese has done well conveying to its parishioners that the work of the Church is their work. As Scripture says, 'Faith without works is dead.' These generous people, well over 40,000 of them, have shown they understand the message of the Gospel and are doing what they can to enable their diocese to address the needs of the tens of thousands who come to us for aid each year and are ministered to through the dozens of Catholic Charities Appeal-funded agencies and apostolates. As always, our thanks for their generosity .is echoed by the thousands who will be ministered to on their behalf but will never be able to express their gratitude personally."


TOP FIVE PARISHES: Attleboro Area: . Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk S1. Mary, Mansfield . St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro St. Mark, Attleboro Falls St. Mary, Seekonk

C~pe Cod & the Islands Area: St. Pius Tenth, South Yarmouth $ 186,849.51 125,806.00 Our Lady of Victory, Centerville 116,721.81 Christ the King, Mashpee 104,870.00 Corpus Christi, East Sandwich St. John the EvangelIst, Pocasset f03,890.00

Fall River Area: . Holy Name, Fall River . St. Thomas More, Somerset St. John the Baptist, Westport St. Stanislaus, Fall River Santo Christo, Fall River


New Bedford Area: St. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth St. John Neumann, East Freetown Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford S1. Mary, South Dartmouth S1. Patrick, Wareham


51,412.00 46,460.00 41,050.00 39,593.00 36,753.00 72,522.00 63,995.00 62,280.00 59,572.00 56,650.00

Taunton Area:


St. Ann, Raynham St. Anthony, Taunton Holy Family, East Taunton St. Paul, Taunton Annunciation of the Lord; Taunton

90,242.50 43,633.00 38,856.00 35,480.00 32,377.00

LARGEST DOLLAR INCREASE: Attleboro Area: St. Mary, Mansfield St. Mary, North Attleboro Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk St. Mary, Seekonk St. Mark, Attleboro Falls

$ 11,287.50

11,213.00 9,746.00 4,958.00 4,078.00


'Cape Cod & the Islands Area: Our Lady of Victory, Centerville $ 14,735.00 Corpus Christi, East Sandwich 10,4~1.40 St. Joan ofArc, Orleans 6,055.13 Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster 5,374.00 Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet 3,557.67 Fall River Area: St. Joseph, Fall River St. Michael, Swansea Santo Christo, Fall River St. John of God, Somerset St. Patrick,' Somerset New Bedford Area: St. Mary, South Dartmouth Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford St. George, Westport Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford St. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth Taunton Area: St. Ann, Raynham Holy Cross; South Easton St. Jacques, Taunton St. Mary, Taunton St. Paul, Taunton


Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster

$ 166,876.00 82,467.50 69,097.00 53,443.00 48,625.00


3,187.00 2,850.00 1,912.00 1,684.00 1,579.00


8,039.00 7,543.00 4,274.00 2,260.00 2,027.00

$ 12,487.75 7,080.00 6,515.00 3,047.00 2,633.00

LARGEST PERCENTAGE INCREASE: Attleboro Area: St. Mary, North Attleboro St. Mary, Mansfield St. Mary, Seekonk St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, South Attleboro St. Mark, Attleboro Falls

38.95% 15.86% 11.35% 9.93% 8.26%

Cape Cod & the Islands Area: St. Peter the Apostle, Provincetown Our Lady of Victory, Centerville Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet Corpus Christi, East Sandwich

18.37% 13.27% 12.89% 11.03%

Fall River Area: St. JosepQ, Fall River St. Michael, Swansea St. Michael, Fall River St: John of God, Somer~et St. Louis de France, Swansea

12.70% 8.43% ~ 8.25% 6.18% 5.85%

New Bedford Area: St. Kilian, New Bedford St. George, Westport Our Lady of the Assumption, New Bedford St. Mary, South Dartmouth Our Lady of Mount Carm.eI, New Bedford

65.77% 22.97% 17.12% 15.60% 13.78%

Taunton Area: St. Jacques, Taunton Holy路Cross, South Easton St. Ann, Raynham St. Mary, Taunton St. Paul, Taunton

56.16% 31.53% 16:06% 13.79% 8.02%

FINAL PARISH TALLIES: ATTLEBORO AREA: Attleboro Holy Ghost Saint John the Evangelist Saint Joseph Saint Stephen Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus Mansfield Saint Mary North Attleboro Sacred Heart. Saint Mark Saint Mary Norton Saint Mary Seekonk Our Lady of Mount Carmel Saint Mary


8,300.00 69,097.00 28,401.82 22,812.00 35,034.00 82,467.50 30,880.00 .53,443.00 40,003.00 22,252.00 166,876.00 48,625.00

CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS AREA: Brewster Our Lady of the Cape $ 66,362.00 Buzzards Bay Saint Margaret 25,107.48 Centerville 125,806.00 Our Lady of Victory Chatham Holy Redeemer 60,715.84' East Falmouth . Saint Anthony 72,755.00 East Sandwich Corpus Christi 104,870.00 Falmouth Saint Patrick' 48,630.44 Hyannis Saint Francis Xavier 81,660.00 Martha's Vineyard Good Shepherd 23,000.00 Mashpee Christ the King 116,721.81 Nantucket Saint Mary's/Our Lady of the Isle 41,535.56 North Falmouth Saint Elizabeth Seton 73,499.00 Orleans Saint Joan ofArc 77,092.13 Osterville Our Lady of the Assumption 71,122.00 Pocasset Saint John the Evangelist 103,890.00 Provincetown Saint Peter the Apostle 22,220.00 South Yarmouth Saint Pius Tenth 186,849.51 Wellfleet Our Lady'ofLourdes 31,167.67 West Harwich Holy Trinity. 103,768.38 Woods Hole Saint Joseph 58,500.00 Continued on page 11


Friday, July 1, 2005


Archbishop O'Malley and Bishop Reilly will concelebrate COlllilllledji-om page one Mass each day. day event is the collaboration of adoration program crafted by the "Each of the speakers we several faith-based Catholic orga- talented Father Antoine Thomas. have lined up have enthusiastinizations. The Massachusetts "It should be noted that all of cally agreed to join us for this Chapter of the Knights ofColum- the children's activities will be event," said Father Harrington. bus is the catalyst for the event. supervised by a trained staff, and "Many have enlisted without In a recent interview with The parents should know that their requesting a fee, offering their Anchor, former Massachusetts K children will be in a safe envi- time and talent for the families of C chaplain, Father Mike ronment," said Wallace. "The that come." Harrington said, "The Knights felt children will have proper idenWallace added that this is not the need to provide families a way tification and the staff will know a money-making event. "The to promote models offamily life." at which event the parents are conference is purely missionThe conference is a direct result. at all times. And there will be oriented," she said. "We've Realizing that this would be many events, including meal worked hard to keep costs down a large undertaking, Father times, when the families will be and allow many families to Harrington and the Knights en- together enjoying each other and come join us. For the price of a listed the help of several other the surroundings." couple offamily dinners at a resorganizations that more than Teen events scheduled in- taurant, they can come to North welcomed the chance to get on clude: testimonies, music, skits, Easton for two days and experiboard. interaction regarding faith chal., ence a tremendous fami Iy-af"We approached the Daugh- lenges, and other fun events. firming event." The cost for an ters ofSt. Paul, and they quickly The adults will be able to entire family is $95. said 'yes,'" said Father enjoy personal faith enrichFor families that want to stay Harrington. Also invited and en- ment programs, thought-pro- over night, Stonehill College is thusiastically jumping on board voking formation sessions, and offering dormitory rooms for a was the Catholic Daughters of inspirational programs "for the minuscule $11 per night. the Americas. heart and for the head," fam- Wallace mentioned that families The four Catholic bishops in iIy growth exercises, encour- that stay in the dorms should Massachusetts also warmly em- agement, communication, rela- . bring their own linens, towels braced the idea of a large fam- tionships and Family Prayer and pillows. Arrangements have ily conference. At the suggestion 101. also been made with the nearby The groups have enlisted doz- Radisson Brockton Hotel for of Fall River Bishop George W. Coleman, the collaboration ens of talented and inspirational rooms at $99 per night. Those sought permission to use speakers including former wishing to secure reservations at Stonehill College as the site, and bishop of Fall River and now the college or the Radisson with that Holy Cross Family Archbishop of Boston Sean should contact Kathleen Dolan Ministries readily agreed to par- O'Malley, OFM Cap.; Bishop at 781-396-4435 or E-mail ticipate. "It was a perfect fit for Daniel P. Reilly, bishop emeri- i n f o@NE Family Ministries to become a tus of Worcester and state chap- CatholicFamilyConference.com. Families should also note that part of this great event," said lain for the Knights of Colu~­ Susan Wallace, marketing direc- bus; Carl Anderson; supreme there are several camp grounds , tor for Holy Cross Family Min- knight of the K of C; Clinical in the area: Massasoit State istries. "Everyone here and all Psychologist Ray Guarendi; Park, Middleboro Avenue, East involved are very excited about Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, Taunton, 508-822-7405; PlySuperior of the Sisters of Life mouth Rock KOA, 438 Plythis event." Obviously the conference founded by the late Cardinal mouth Street, Middleboro, 800will be "family friendly," with John O'Connor of New York; 562-3046; Myles Standish State scores of events scheduled for actor and outspoken witness of Forest, 508-866-2526; and Caall ages. "Parish youth groups his Catholic faith, Clarence noe River Campground, 137 are also more than welcome to Gilyard; several married couples Mill Street, Mansfield, 508-339with expertise in family life; re- 6462. attend," added Wallace. "This conference will be a musicians Bernie Events scheduled for children nown include crafts, prayer, learning Choiniere and Andy Flathers; wonderful opportunity for all experiences, play time and a and more lay and religious pre- Catholics to come together and be rejuvenated in the faith," said beautiful children's eucharistic senters.


COlllilllledfrom page one

Upon graduation he enlisted in the U.S. Navy. After boot camp in San Diego, Calif., he studied Modem Hebrew at the Defensive Language Institute in MDnterey, Calif., and was stationed for more than three years at Fort Meade, Md. He also served on the destroyers U.S.S. Haylerand U.S.S. John Hancock during a six-month deployment to the Red Sea. Following completion ofactive duty in 1994, he attended UMassDartmouth, where he earned a bachelor ofarts degree in philosophy in 1998. During the summer of 1997, he studied French at the Language Schools at Middlebury College, Vt. Deacon Bissinger became a seminarian for the Fall River diocese in 2000. He attended Mt. St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md., for a year before being sent to the Pontifical North American College in Rome in 200 I. During the summer of 2002, he studied

Ancient Greek at the University College of Cork, Ireland. He received a bachelor of sacred theology degree at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome in 2004. He was ordained a transitional deacon by Bishop George W. Coleman at St. Mary's Cathedral in Fall River on July 17,2004. He is currently· pursuing a licentiate in biblical theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He will return to the North American College in the fall to complete requirements for the degree. Rev. Mr. Costa, 35, is the son of Mrs. Ann Marie Costa of Seekonk, and the late Thomas E. Costa Sr. His home parish is St. Mary's in Seekonk, where he was an altar server, and participated in youth group activities. He has a younger brother and sister. Following graduation from Seekonk High School·in 1988, he entered the University of Hartford

in Connecticut and received a bachelor's degree in political science in 1992. Entering the working world, he became a full-time youth minister in New Jersey. After that he worked in an audio and video teleconferencing company in Colorado for a few years. He then returned to this area and was employed as an administrator by a courier service in Boston. . Having discerned a vocation to the priesthood, he entered Blessed Pope John XXIII Seminary in Weston in 2001. His field training and p~rish assignments were served at St. Michael's Parish in Swansea; St. Patrick's Manor in Framingham; St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Provincetown; St. Mary's Parish in Holliston; and most recently at St. Stanislaus Parish in Fall River. He was ordained a transitional deacon on Jan. 8,2004 by Bishop Coleman.

Father Harrington. "People of all ages are invited to come together and glory again in the Lord and his Church. "Anyone truly seeking God will benefit from this event. The family is under attack, as is the dignity of the human family, and we must protect it. The family is the foundation for future vocations."

Wallace also mentioned that individuals who would like to volunteer to help during the conference could contact Kathleen Dolan at 781-396-4435. There is no charge for volunteers. For more information about the Northeast Catholic Family Conference, call 781-551-0628 or visit the Website at NECatholicFamilyConference.com.

In honor of Sister Lucia dos Santos, seer of Fatima, who died February 13,2005, age 97. Lucia pray for us.

Our Lady's Monthly Message From Medjugorje June 25, 2005 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina "Dear Children! Today I thank you for every sacrifice that you have offered for my intentions. I call you, little children, to be my apostles of peace and love in your families and in the world. Pray that the Holy Spirit may enlighten and lead you on the way of holiness. I am with you and bless you all with my motherly blessing. "Thank you for having responded to my call." Spiritual Life Center of Marian Community 154 Summer Street Medway, MA 02053· Tel. 508-533-5377


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Friday, July 1, 2005

Church helps Indian tsunami victims restart livelihoods By ANTO AKKARA


For Revati, 19, the daily visit to the traIning center is' helping her DEVANAPATIINAM, Inctia- forget the bitter memory ofthe tsuThe effects of December's tsuna- namis that killed her mother and mis are still being felt in this small sister and destroyed her house: "I am happy here. I hope I will village, but with help from Church agencies, families are optimistic be able to earn a living with tailoring," Revati told CNS. about getting back on their feet. K. Thankamani, who lost two Although the family of a woman named Chinnaponnu did of her five children, said the tsunot suffer any causalities - about namis helped residents "learn to 100 of Devanapattinam village's share each one's sorrows." "There was not much interacresidents were killed - the saltwater dried up her jasmine plants, tion. But things have changed now. depriving her family of its sole We know each other much better," source of income. Each jasmine she said. Thankamani is a member ofone plant was used to make hundreds of garlands that were sold in the of the 360 self-help groups the society has initiated in villages. The market in Cuddalore. However, the 'Pondicherry society extends loans to the Archdiocese's tsunami rehabilita- women's groups for members to tion program came to the aid of launch employment-generating Chinnaponnu, 65, and other tsu- programs. nami victims. With the society planning to disThe Pondicherry Archdiocese's tribute 200 fiberglass boats to fish~ social action wing, the Pondicherry ermen, the sprawling compound of . Multipurpose Social Service Soci- St. Joseph's Industrial Training Inety - working in collaboration stitute in Cuddalore has become a with Caritas India and Catholic boatyard with more than 60 sailRelief Services, the U.S. bishops' boats scattered about. international relief and developV. Radhakrishnan, another ment agency - gave $70 grants Hindu beneficiary of the Church to help Chinnaponnu and hundreds relief work, said that the Church of other mostly Hindu Indians re- was "promoting unity" among the start their livelihoods. people. He said that instead ofdis"With this money, I am now tributing fiberglass fishing boats to buying flowers from the market to individuals the society was distribmake garlands. Though the profit uting the boats and nets to groups 'is less, we have been able to re- of five fishermen to share. "With this system of sharing, start our lives," Chinnaponnu told Catholic News Service in late May. our' aim is to promote The society also has provided communitarian living among the .:. families with cows, sewing ma- people," he said. This message has not been lost chines, fiberglass fishing boats and nets in 19 villages adopted by the on the villagers, many of whom Church for rehabilitation. had hardly ~y education. 1. "More than 160 women are be"With the arrival of the social ing trained here in tailoring and workers, our concept of life· is handicraft work," said Rocky changing. We want our children to Pushparaj, the society's general be educated so that they can go for .'J manager. better jobs instead of carrying on 1 When the women leave, nearly the traditional job," Kumar said. t I i 600 schoolchildren fill the "Devanapattinam would have been Devanapattinam hall for special' miserable' without the Church's . classes Church workers organized. help." CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE



MANILA ARCHBISHOP Gaudencio Rosales blesses the body of Cardinal Jaime Sin during a service at the cathedral in Manila; Philippines, June 21. Cardinal Sin died earlier the same day at the ag~ of 76 after a long illness. He was an outspoken voice against governme~t abuses of power. (CNS ph.otofrom Reuters) .., .

C:ardinal·Sin"leader.of 'People, Power' movement, dies at 76 By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE MANILA, Philippines - A prime motivator of the "People Power" movement that led to the ouster of two presidents, Cardinal Jaime Sin ofManila died June 21 at the age of76. The cardinal had been in poor health for years, suffering from kidney ailments that forced him to undergo daily dialysis treatments even before his retirement as archbishop of Manila in 2003. His health prevented him from participating in the April conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVI. Father Jun Sescon, Cardinal Sin's spokesman, told Philippine Radio that the cardinal was hospitalized June 19 with a high fever and suffered multiple organ failure before his death early June 21.


In a telegram to the Archdiocese of Manila, Pope Benedict recalled the cardinal's "unfailing commitment to the spread of the Gospel and to the promotion of the dignity, coinmon good and national unity of the Philippine people." The pope offered his prayers "that God, our merciful father, will grant him the reward of his labors and welcome his noble soul into the'joy and peace of his eternal·kingdom." L 'Osservatore Romano, the :Vatican newspaper, dedicated an entire page to Cardinal Sin's life and death, saying the cardinal was SHOPS IN front of the Basilica of Our Lady of Good Health "one ofthe most powerful figures in Vailankanni, India, have reopen-ed following the Decem- in the history of the Church_ in Asia." ber 26 tsunamis. ,More than 1,000 pilgrims, local vendors Over the years, Cardinal Sin and fishermen perished around the shrine when 40-foot had been an outspoken commenwaves hit. The surging waters did not enter the basilica com- tator on public life in the Philippound even though they submerged nearby areas on a higher pines, one oftwo majority-Catho.elevation. (CNS photo by Anto Akkara) lic nations in Asia. He played a

leading role in the 1986 "People Power" nonviolent movement that sent former President Ferdinand Marcos into exile. Born in New Washington, Philippines, he was ordained a priest at age 25; named a bishop,in 1967; and was appointed to head the Diocese of Jaro in 1972. Two years later, Pope Paul VI transferred him to the Archdiocese of Manila. Pope Paul named him a cardinal in 1976 and Pope John Paul II accepted his resignation as head of the Manila Archdiocese in 2003. After the 1983 assassination of opposition leader Benigno Aquino, husband of future President Corazon Aquino, Cardinal Sin became more outspoken in his criticism of the Marcos regime. In 1986 elections, both Marcos and Corazon Aquino claimed victory and had themselves sworn into office in separate ceremonies, putting the country and its predominantly Catholic population on the brink of civil war. After top military leaders de- . fected to the rebels, Cardinal Siri broadcast an appeal on a Catholic radio station for Filipinos to take to the streets in support of the rebels. It caused a million unarmed Filipinos to place themselves between rebel leaders and military loyal to Marcos, thus preventing a -bloody confrontation. Marcos fled the Philippines and Aquino was installed as president. During the Aquino administration, Cardinal Sin said government corruption remained widespread. But he said the president, whom he strongly supported, was "honest and sincere." Cardinal Sin reportedly enjoyed the

joke about his name, and would welcome visitors to his residence by saying, "Welcome to the house of Sin." Cardinal Sin's continued pronouncements against corruption, social injustice and other moral issues affecting the life of the nation, however, drew criticism from politicians and other critics who believed Church authorities should not be involved in politics. Cardinal Sin explained his view at the Synod of Bishops in October 1987 in Vatican City. The Western concept of separation of Church and state is ''unthinkable'' in Asia, where "religious traditions form the basis of the establishment, growth and development of cultures and nations," he said. He cited "particular emphasis on nonviolence as a Christian value" as something lay people could contribute to political life in the Philippines. The late cardinal's body arrived at the Manila cathedral, the Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, in an open bronze casket June 21. Ten priests rolled the casket to the front of the altar, and Aquino, four bishops, 91 priests and other dignitaries viewed the body before Mass, UCA News reported In his homily, Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales of Manila expressed hope that Cardinal Sin would '''whisper'' a prayer in God's ear for peace in the Philippmes. Cardinal Sin's body remained in the cathedral until the June 28 funeral Mass, after which it was entombed in a crypt in the basement of the cathedral with the bodies ofother previous archbishops of Manila.


Friday, July 1, 2005

Pharmacist sues over requirement he dispense morning-after drugs

HUNDREDS OF thousands of people, including Catholic bishops, nuns and priests, march recently in Madrid in protest against the Socialist government's plans to grant gay unions the same status as heterosexual marriages. (CNS photo from Reuters)

Spanish bishops join protest.of bill legalization of gay marriage By JULIUS PURCELL CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

Spain's abortion laws. Together with Cardinal Rouco, 19 bishops from across Spain MADRID, Spain - Senior joined the protesters, including Spanish clergy joined hundreds of bishops' conference vice presithousands of protesters in central dent, Archbishop Antonio Madrid, calling on the governCanizares L10vera of Toledo. ment to withdraw a bill that will For Father Charlie Bell ofScotallow homosexual couples to land, the march coincided with his marry and adopt children. visit to Madrid for a meeting. Under the slogan "The Family "I'm lucky to find myself here Matters," printed on a massive with all these people today. Spain banner held aloft by helium-filled is one of the first countries in Euballoons, the demonstrators filed rope to act in this way slowly through searing heat against the family, and so to a rally at the city's central plaza of Puerta del Sol "I'm lucky to find myself here with we're here to say that's enough - stop these attacks last week. all these people today. Spain is one on the family." About 500,000 people While not responding ofparticipated in the demon- of the first countries in Europe to act stration, organizers told in this way against the family, and ficially to the protesters' deMadrid's public television so we're here to say that's enough mands, the ruling Socialists station. - stop these attacks on the family. " criticized the presence in the march ofthe Popular Party's Praising the "remarkable secretary-general, Angel size" of the protest, Cardinal Antonio Rouco Varela of loons bearing the rally's slogan. Acebes. The demonstration against Madrid, who marched at the head "Zapatero, I am a child not an gay marriages was the third conof the demonstration flanked by experiment," read one banner that secutive Saturday in which senior his three auxiliary bishops, later was pasted onto a child's buggy. opposition leaders had joined mass suggested the government take Others noted the Church's role in anti-government rallies. Spain's left-leaning press had the opposition to the note of the show of discontent. harsh words for the presence of government's social policies: "Be The gay marriage and adoption bill is en route to Spain's upper courageous, bishops, you are not the bishops on the streets of Madrid. . alone." house. "Cardinal Rouco has never, The Spanish bishops' conferThe bill "would be better off withdrawn," Cardinal Rouco told ence had formally thrown its never marched against the war in weight behind the demonstration Iraq or world hunger," said the nareporters after the march. The government of Spanish some days before. This marked tional daily El Periodico. Heralding the high turnout of Prime Minister Jose Luis the latest move in the war of Rodriguez Zapatero has said it words between the Church and the march as a "huge success," the will not formally respond to the the government over a wide range Spanish Forum for the Family protesters, although it has criti- of social policy proposals, which hailed the tens of thousands of cized the participation of senior also include the relaxation of families who participated. members of the opposition Popular Party. The march was organized by the Spanish Forum for the Family, a nondenominational umbrella group that is made up of sizeable Spanish Catholic organizations. The forum spent months coordinating the travel of tens of thousands of people from across the country. Homemade posters were scattered among thousands of bal-


MORRISON, III. (CNS) Pharmacist Luke Vander Bleek has put his entire professional life on the line to protect his beliefs. His conscience will not allow him to dispense drugs such as morning-after emergency contraception pills called Plan B. And he does not think Illinois' governor should dictate his conscience, so Vander Bleek has filed a suit against him. Vander Bleek is the owner and pharmacist ofFitzgerald Pharmacy in the small town of Morrison and is the owner of three other stores as well, in Genoa, Prophetstown and Sycamore, all of which are in the Rockford diocese. "I got involved in pharmacy to treat pain and suffering and to preserve life. I object to the idea that I would be involved in the termination of life because I am being forced to do something outside my moral circle," Vander Bleek told The Observer, Rockford's diocesan newspaper. Americans United for Life recently filed suit on behalfofVander Bleek against Gov. Rod Blagojevich over his emergency rule issued April 1, requiring pharmacies to dispense drugs such as the so-called morning-after contraceptive, which can also act as an abortifacient, ''without delay." Americans United for Life is a leading public-interest law firm in the field ofPro-Life legislation, litigation and public education. Based in Chicago, the firm handles cases involving abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, human cloning and research that destroys human embryos. The suit alleges in part that the governor's emergency rule violates the illinois Health Care Right ofConscienceAct by compelling pharmacy owners who do not want to carry drugs such as the morning-after pill to act against its ethical and moral beliefs in dispensing such drugs. The suit also challenges the ability ofthe governor to require health care providers to violate their conscience or choose another career. Edward R. Martin Jr., attorney and director of the Center for the Rights ofConscience at Americans United for Life, said: "Luke Vander

Bleek is suing to protect his rights as an American - his right to build a business, contribute to society as a health care professional, and to live according to his principles. The governor is trampling the rights of health care professionals and small business owners through his emergency rule." Vander Bleek's lawsuit is the third to be filed against the governor's order. Vander Bleek said he refuses to dispense drugs such as Plan B based on the science of the drug taken as directed. The Plan B drug is actually two sets of two pills. The first set must be taken within 72 hours ofunprotected intercourse. The second set is taken 12 hours later. Depending on what stage a woman is in her menstrual cycle, the pills can prevent the embryo's implantation in the uterus or prevent the egg from being fertilized. "First ofall, I don't believe pregnancy is an illness to be treated. It is a natural thing, not a medical emergency," Vander Bleek said. "My wife and I have other work than to be involved in the abortion industry. We've worked 20 years to build a career and business that other people depend on. I am putting that at stake, but I cannot let the governor force to do something outside my moral center," he said. He said that in the four years since the morning-after pills have been available, he has had only four women present prescriptions for the drug. In two of those instances, Vander Sleek said he was the pharmacist on duty. In each case he said he politely told the customers that it was against his store's policy to dispense or procure the drug. Only one of the women asked why. "I told her, 'I have a policy of conscientious objection because the drug could abort the fetus you might be carrying,'" he said. He recalled the woman thanking him and leaving. What stands out in Vander Bleek's memory is that same customer called him the next day to say thanks for explaining what the drug was. She also informed him that she did not fill the prescription.

ute 6)

Friday, July 1, 2005

Video/DVD releases "Bugtime Adventures: A Giant _volving the bug characters. (CNI DistributionlWillowcreek MarketProblem" (2005) Whimsical second video in what ing, 905~984-3168, ext. 224) "HoopDogz: Stealing's Uncool" will be:a 13-episode animated series (2005) . . (from the Christian-based Lightning Lively computer-animated series . Bug Flix) which teaches Bible lessons through cartoon fun. Each epi- which brings the TenCommandments sode follows the adventures of a to life in a way that is fun, fresh and group oflikable bugs who learn im- accessible to young viewers. Each' portant lessons at the feet (literally) episode is designed around one ofthe of some of the Good Book's most Commandments and involves a group beloved figures. The parallel plots . of hoop-shooting, Bible~quoting of the insect and human characters pooches who use. God's truths to resometimes intersect, allowing the solve moral dilemmas. By the end of zany jnsects to apply insights gaint:d each story, the characters - along to solve their own dilemmas. In "A with the viewers - find out how the Giant Problem: The David Story," particular Commandment applies to the creatures' village is threatened their daily lives. In "Stealing's with total destruction when a water Uncool," one ofthe pups learns a lesdam springs a leak. Above their tiny son in right and wrong when he is tragedy the army of the Israelites is tempted to swipe his friend's prize in equally dire straits as it face off Ultra Dunkinator 3000 basketball. HEATHERLo"CKLEAR, left, Aria Wallace and Hilary Duff star in a scene from the movie against the Philistines. Inspired by The message is reinforced by a sub"The Perfect Man." (eNS photo from Universal) the heroics of the young shepherd plot involving the wacky hosts of a boy David in overcoming seemingly family-values TV show who face their impossible odds and slaying the own Eighth Commandment conunPhilistine's champion Goliath, an drum involving taking home office Culling romance advice from ing career ambitions for her chiladorable ant named Meghan fi~ds supplies. Created by David Campbell NEW YORK (CNS) - "The the courage and faith to save the day. and Jim Jinkins ("Doug," "Stanley," Perfect Man" (Universal) is any- a classmate's restaurateur uncle, dren. TV-savvy kids probably won't be "PB&J Otter" and "JoJo's Circus"), thing but perfect. By dividing the story focus be. Ben (Chris Noth), Holly creates. wowed by the rudimentary anima- the Christian-flavored series helps Breezy but forgettable, the ro- an imaginary suitor also named tween Holly and Jean, the film tion, but the series conveys positive makes morality. relevant in a kid- mantic comedy centers on the ef- .Ben (though the "real" Ben re- may alienate young audiences moral messages while providing a friendly way. The DVD bonus fea- forts ofhigh school student Holly mains clueless to the identity there to see Duff-who will find fun and accessible way for young .tures include. a catchy music video Hamilton (Hilary Duff) to find a theft)... all the ·to-do about Jean's dating viewers to leam about the Bible. Nar- : which translates the Ten Command- :mate for her single mom, Jean Aided and abetted by new best doldrums boring. Conversely, rated by Willie Aames. Bonus fea- mentS into age-appropriate language. (Heather Locklear), a pastry chef . friend Amy (Vanessa Lengies), adults may view the film as tures include puzzles and games in- . (Cartoon Pizza, 212~8,75-7300) with a history of being luckless Holly sends flowers and amorous strictly 'tween fluff. In the hands ofa moreaccome-mails to her mom, who falls for ,at love. Holly has a vested int.erest in her the secret-admirer ruse. Predict- plished writer and director, "The 'Conttmiedfrom ~age one. mom's long-term happiness. Every able complications ensue, leading Perfect Man" could have been an he ,has 1?een given "points out many" '.. meetllig~¢fariiilies and·others'af~··· time one ofJean's doomed relation- to an even more contrived happy a much more textured .~ and en~ tertaining - mother-daughter duties in "a wide area;" he noted. He " fected with thebirth, illness 6rd~ath ships ends (usually badly), she ending. There is also mushy puppy movie. But as it is, the film's anepacks up the family - including has met with Father Healey to re- ofloved ones. ceivean orientation. . . "But my new job will be more kid sister Zoe (Aria Wallace) - and love subplot involving a high mic, cliche-riddled script has only "But Ihave yet to meet those in- administrative, and I think that hav_moves to a new city, making a "nor- school cartoonist (Ben Feldman) Duff's buoyant charm to keep it afloat. volved at each hospital site," he said. ing been on the scene first-hand, will mal" teen life virtUally impossible. and Holly's own perfect man. Can anyone really believe that Though the film's premise . He said his concems will include givemeabackgroundinwhateverI Before the Internet, Holly Charlton and Saint Anne's hospitals do and the decisions I have to make" :." would have chronicled her no- hinges on deception, the time- the radiant Locklear has a hard in Fall River, St. Luke's in New Father Tuptynski stated. "I think' I·' madic travails in a diary; here she honored device of a do-gooder time finding men? One of Holly's using "untruthful" means to nur- blog entries lists "seeing the New Bedford, Tobey Hospital in understand the needs ofthe sick and has her own blQg. . Wareham, Cape Cod Hospital in theirfamilies,andIhavesomething. After Jean's mos.t recent ture romance is as old as York skyline" as one of the things Hyanriis, and Morton Hospital in to offer in that respect. Yes, it's also breakup lands the ga~s In Brook- Shakespeare. And director Mark every person should do before Taunton. going to involve assignments, re- 'lyn, N.Y.,~olly declde~ to take Rosman clearly shows the emo- they die. Seeing this movie is not. The film has some mildly sugEach hospital has a full-time placements and of course making a matchmakmg matters Into h~r tional pain caused by Holly's gestive content and thematic elewell-intentioned hoax. priest chaplain and others who are just wage for the work they per~ own hands to ensure that thIS Ultimately, the film imparts a ments. The USCCB Office for , "fresh start" is their last stop on part-time to ensure the sacrament of form." the sick is available at all times and But he was quick to add, "I don't . her mom's Lonely Hearts Club sweet pro-family message. In one Film & Broadcasting classificaof the few honest moments, Jean tion is A-II - adults and adolesin case of emergency, he said. _ see this as a great burden: 1am very tour, an~ to see her mom, happy. thinking she is chatting with cents. The Motion Picture Asso. And If her mom. c~n t find a "And there are religious Sisters optiinisticand upbeat.'.' It has been a steady road fcir the good man, Holly WIll Invent one "Ben" on the Intemet- confides ciation ofAmerica rating is PG involved and a deacon or two also, that she had no regrets sacrific- parental guidance suggested. who assist them in the admiriistra- young man who calls Kwidzyn, for her.

, eNS movie review"- 'The Perfect Man"




tion; as well as extraordinary minis- Poland, his birthplace and where ters of holy Communion, who min- he graduated from the high school ister every day, all part ofthe pasto- and later from the Society of the ral care family," he added. Divine World College with a de."My responsibility will be to ad- gree in philosophy. His theologiminister and coordinate the activi- cal studies were done at SS. Cyril ties at the various hospitals, as well and Methodius Seminary in Or-' as the budget. Ofcourse each hospi- chard Lake, Mich., where he retal has its own Catholic pastoral care ceived a Master ofDivinity degree. director or someone in charge of He attended classes at the Universcheduling and planning." . sity ofMichigap where he received While Mass is said in all of the ~ master's degree in religious studhospitals on Sundays, there is also ales. monthly Mass said for those who He was ordained a priest for the died during the month. Fall River diocese on June l4, 1997 "However, in Saint Anne's Hos- by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley in St. pital, a Mass is said daily," Father Mary's Cathedral here. His fIrst asTuptynski reported. signment was as a parochial vicar at He said he has a certain confi- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish in deuce in taking over the assignment, New Bedford. He was named chap"because all of my service and min- lain at Charlton in 2000 and was in istry has been in pastoral care." residence at Notre Dame Parish in It has involved many hours not Fall River; subsequently he was only administering the sacraments to named pastor of St.Patrick's last tho Sf in the hospital setting, blJt .' year. _. _ "_~. ..' __~_

photographer-daughter (Elizabeth Banks) and fiance (James Marsden), an aspiril1;g actor (Jesse Bradford) and a journal. ist (John Light) - whose lives intersect during a 24-hour period. Director Chris Terrio's adaptation of a play by Amy Fox is well-acted, but the setup is I~~'()~ie contrived. Profanity, rough language, some sexual banter and lca_[)£J~les foreplay, gay themes, premariNEW YORK (CNS) - The tal relationships,' a same-sex following are capsule reviews of kiss, a violent episode, some movies recently reviewed by the' voyeuristic activity. The Office for Film & Broadcasting of USCCB Office for Film & the U.S. Conference of Catholic Broadcasting classification is L Bishops. . . - limi.ted adult audience, films "Heights" (Sony Classics) whose problematic content Reasonably absorbing if not . many adults would find trouquite b~lievable story of New . bling. The Motion Picture AssoYork creative types - including ciation of America rating is Ran actress (Glenn Close), her : restricted.


"March of the Penguins" (VVarnerlndependenQ Exceptional nature documentary which details the annual mating migrations of emperor penguins in Antarctica, during which they endure treacherous treks across inhospitable terrain, facing sub-zero temperatures and starvation to insure the survival of the species. Beautifully directed by Luc Jacquet and narrated by Morgan Freeman, the captivating film is as emotionally gripping as it is visually spectacular, and imparts a heart-warming message about the enduring power oflove. A briefpredatory image and some sad moments. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-I - general patronage. The Motion Picture Association 'of America rating is G general audience.

FINAL PARISH TALLIES: (Continued from page six) FALL RIVER AREA: Fall River Saint Mary Cathedral· Espirito Santo Good Shepherd Holy Name Holy Rosary Holy Trinity Immaculate Conception Notre Dame Our Lady of Health Sacred Heart Saint Anne Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Joseph Saint Michael Saints Peter and Paul Saint Stanislaus Santo Christo Assonet Saint Bernard Somerset Saint John of God Saint Patrick Saint Thomas More Swansea Saint Dominic Saint Louis de France Saint Michael Westport Our Lady of Grace Saint John the Baptist

$ 18,191.00 27,012.00 17,200.00 51,412.00 17,577.00 31,489.00 4,718.00 19,155.00 8,185.00 10,692.00 19,689.00 21,314.00 28,277.00 20,148.00 13,603.00 39,593.00 36,753.00 18,352.00 28,947.00 31,464.00 46,460.00 21,078.00 26,083.00 36,674.00 17,381.00 4t,050.00

TAUNTON AREA: Taunton Annunciation of the Lord Holy Farnily Holy Rosary Immaculate Conception Saint Anthony Saint Jacques Saint Joseph Saint Mary Saint Paul Dighton Saint Peter North Dighton Saint Joseph North Easton Immaculate Conception Raynham· Saint Ann South Easton HolyCross

Fall River East Falmouth Acushnet . St. Mary Cathedral: $700St. Anthony: $100-Leon Knights ofColumbus-Council #86; St. Francis Xavier: $1,OOO-M/ M David Fredette; $150- Dusoe/Mary Fothergill. $200-M/M Joseph P. Kennedy. East Freetown Nicolangela Filippone; $1 OO-M/M Espirito Santo: $200-Holy RoSt. John Neumann: $500-M/ sary Society, M/M Jose Varao; Edward Chase, M/M Wayne M Charles J. Millington; $350-M/ $100-Anonymous. Poitras. Assonet M Stephen Perry McGraw. Holy Name: $300-Dennis E. St. Bernard: $200-Dennis & East Taunton Dunn; $200-M/M Mario Oliveira; Margaret Read; $100-Mary. Holy Family: $lOO-M/M Paul $135-M/M Michael Coughlin; Andrews, St. Bernard Columbiettes. Desmarais, Janet Picard, M/M $100-M. Viveiros/I. Nunes, M/M Attleboro David Podgurski, M/M David St. Joseph F. Doran, M/M Joseph B. Holy Ghost: $400-St. Vincent Yves, M/M Glen Gregory, M/M Bouchard, M/M David Normandin. de Paul Society; $300-Richard Peter Luttrell, M/M Edward D. Holy Trinity: $300-In Memory Castro, Sr.; $1 OO-George Fredette, Cohenno, M/M Thomas I. Goggin, ofThomas Cadima; $150-In AppreDr. Rudolph Pierce. . M/M Patrick McNally. . ciation ofHoly Trinity Parish; $100St. John the Evangelist: $350East Sandwich Donalda Arruda. M/M Thomas Castro; $300-ElizaCorpus Christi: $3,000-M/M Immaculate Conception: beth Brosnan; $200-In Memory of Peter Dietrich & Family; $500-Dea- $100-M/M Richard Barboza. Lawrence P. Birch, M/M Gerard . con/M David Boucher; $240-Clare Our Lady of Health: $200-0ur Hickman; $150-Joan Cooper; Bradley, M/M George W. Streeter; Lady of Health Prayer Group.. $lOO-Helen Bruen, M/M Ronald $225-M/M John Hackett; $200-M/ St. Anne: $1 OO-Donald & Lena Mendes, M/M Russell Morin, Jr., M Brian I. Clifford, M/M Anthony Teixeira. Mrs. Alfred Paille, M/M Peter W. P. Caputo; $150-M/M Roland W. Sacred Heart: $300-M/M Sauer, M/M MarkE. Sturdy. Breault; $125-M/M L. Chris Shawn Geary; $1 OO-M/M ChristoS1. Joseph: $600-M/M Philip Richardson; $IOO-M/M Thomas pher C. Cotta, Letitia Lynch, MIM Sirois. Ball, M/M David T. Tierney, Bar- Bernard McDonald. S1. Stephen: $100-Thomas & bara Salamone, M/M Robert J. St. Michael: $200~Tony Sousa Celeste Conlan, Paul & Gloria Guerin, JD, M/M George Anzivino, & Family; $1 OO-A Parishioner. Gaudreau, Mrs. Sharon Hewitt. E1iane Thomas, Carol Whitney, SS. Peter and Paul: $100-Mrs. St. Theresa ofthe Child Jesus: Deborah Searle, M/M John S. Por- Ralph Craddock. $1 ,200-Rev. James W. Fahey; $600- ter, M/M Charles O. Burch. Continued on page 13 St. Vincent de Paul Society; $400St. Theresa's Youth Group; $150Eileen Morris; $125-M/M John Friedlander. Brewster Our Lady of the Cape: $100*Subject to change M/M Leonard Reed. Buzzards Bay If You Are Not Earning This Rate, St. Margaret: $1,200-Virginia Call For More Details Marchand; $500-Anna & Bryan Marini, Kathleen & Gerard Coyle, MJP FINANCIAL SERVICES Bourne Pharmacy; ,$300-Charles Sheridan; $250-Elizabeth & Lee Stephens; $200-Josephine & Eugene Sweeney; $150-Ann & Richard Coyne, Carol Mazzarelli; $125Bay Motor Inn; $llO-Linda & Patrick McGuire; $100-Gerri & Victor Barrows, Mary Hough• Prompt 24 Hour Service • Automatic Deliveries Gosselin. • Call In Deliveries • Budget Terms Available Centerville • Free Estimates Our Lady ofVictory: $400-M/ M Robert Smith; $250-M/M RichYou Never Had Service ard Powers; $IOO-M/M William Until You Tried Charlie's Bussiere. We're located at ... Chatham 46 Oak Grove Ave., Fall River Holy Redeemer: $250-Paul or call ... McGrath; $1 OO-Mrs. Richard Dart, M/M James R. Deignan, M/M 508-675-7426 • 508-674-0709 James B. Haley, M/M Francis X. Perry, M/M Paul Ralston.

Don't Renew That CD,!!

NEW BEDFORD AREA: New Bedford Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Immaculate Conception Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. James Our Lady of Mount Cannel Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Francis of Assisi ·Saint John the Baptist Saint Joseph-Saint Therese Saint Kilian Saint Lawrence Saint Mary Acushnet Saint Francis Xavier East Freetown Saint John Neumann Fairhaven Saint Joseph Saint Mary Marion Saint Rita Mattapoisett Saint Anthony North Dartmouth Saint Julie Billiart South Dartmouth Saint Mary Wareham Saint Patrick Westport Saint George


$ 38,295.00 48,756.00 10,605.00 22,623.00 21,977.00 62,280.00 22,437.00 10,119.00 ·13,895.00 25,801.00 20,690.00 3,836.00 30,118.00 47,632.00 25,222.00 63,995.00 28,774.00 15,846.00 23,695.00 33,265.00 72,522.00 59,572.00 56,650.00



Charlie's Oil Co., Inc.



$ 32,377.00 38,856.00 28,524.00 18,798.00 43,633.00 18,115.00 24,011".50 25,142.00 35,480.00 10,640.00 20,977.00 26,753.00 90,242.50 29,535.00

ATTLEBORO 10 MAPLE ST. 508-226-4780

FALL RIVER NEW BEDFORD 1600 BAY ST. 238 BONNEY ST. P.O. BOX M - SO. STA. 508-997-7337 508-674-4681

CAPE COD 261 SOUTH ST. HYANNIS 508-771-6771



TAUNTON 78 BROADWAY 508-824-3264

112 Sail

Friday, July 1, 2005

Continuedfrom page one

fonnal interviews, and announced decisions, there is no TV set, no computer or monitor, or even a I~ptop.

While the brass nameplate identifies this as the bailiwick of "Msgr. John F. Moore, Executive Editor," it has hardly been his customary workplace during the 38 years he has been affiliated with the diocesan weekly. Because as the top editor who the same time wore the hats of secretary and director of the Diocesan Office of Communications, as director ofthe Pennanent Diaconate Program, and as the pastor ofSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in North Falmouth, Msgr. Moore's regular working space has been wherever his myriad duties have taken him. Whether at the parish or on assignments, his E-mails and faxes with editorials or news tips and his telephone messages andcommuniques of breaking local news have beat a steady technical path into,the newsroom. And 'so it was something of a surprise when'oon a recent Tuesday morning just before deadline, . he bOUI.lded up the back stairs and into my office to personally announce he was leaving as 'editor. In his shirtsleeves and with a' single page of notes reflecting what he wanted to say, he was at ease, the working newsman,. this time giving the interview, getting the job done and giving me plenty of time to pull it all together. "It's time," he said with a smile, his elbows 0!.1 the edge of my desk. Like so many of our meetings, it was the kind of personal, reflective style between newsmen that gets lost in the formality of a posh office. "My start and my first piece for The Anchor was Nov. 23, 1967, some seven years after being ordained a priest in January 1960," he said. "It was an op-ed piece and . why I came to calling it "The Mooring," which I guess is a play on my name, is a funny story. At- . torney Hugh Golden, the manag-

ing editor of The Anchor and longtime newspapennan, took me to lunch in Hyannis and asked me to write for the paper. I was a curate at St. Joseph's in Taunton at the time. As we mulled a name for the column, he looked up and said, 'this place is called the' Mooring. Let's call it that. '" 'Realization that this is probably the time to retire comes now, the monsignor quipped, "because I see that they just ripped dow~ that restaurant and made it into a parking lot." While he had not done any. newspaper writing until then, Msgr. Moore. said that Golden's request came at a time when he just completed his master's degree in Education from Bridgewa~er State College, "where the bishop had sent some ofus to get an education." So it was every other week for the Mooring column until he became 'editor of The Anchor 'in 1977, "and Ijust moved the'Mo'oring over to become my weekly editorial column," he explained. But he made it clear that "I'm only retiring the Mooring and the executive editor's job. I will be 73 next year, and depending on my health I will remain as' pastor at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton until normal retirement at age 75 or after 50 years as a priest." Those first years as editor "were remarkably interesting because they were post-Vatican II and a lot of things were flowing in more directions than one, and not always happily. Many in the clergy did not like the changes it brought, while others lived the changes - and we were caught in-between. There was much to write about." He said that when he became editor, "one had to be conscious of who was the publisher. And de facto, it is the bishop who is the publisher of the newspaper. "While I began writing under Bishop James L. Connolly, it was Bishop Daniel A. Cronin who appointed me editor," Msgr. Moore'

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said. "It happens when I expressed an opinion, he sometimes did not agree with me. And he let me know that. He never interfered with what we wrote. But if you wrote something and he didn't particularly care for it, he would tell you.'" . He said "it was delightful to write for the 10 years when Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., led the diocese after 1991. And so now with Bishop George W. Coleman, the fourth' bishop I have served while at the newspaper, and it seems that spans a little bit of the history of the diocese too." Msgr. Moore was quick to recall, "The wonderful people we worked with over the years past. The pap~r began with energetic Bugh Golden in 1957. Along the way we bad Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, at the helm of the paper, and he had, a wonderful sense of humor. We also had Father John P. Driscoll, who had a marvelous mind; and we can't forget Rosemary Dussault, who put the glue to the whole concept of a newspaper. In Msgr. John J. Reagan we found a business manager, and Pat McGowan was a superb writer. And our fonner office manager, Barbara Reis, was delightful to work with." Then, with'a wink and a smile he added, "And how pleasant now with our current newspaper staff." Looking back, he said, " it is a lot of memori~s ." reflecting how many people; have affected your lives who had died ... and we remember them in certain, different ways." Then the twinkle returned to the monsignor's eyes and he said, " it will be interesting to see the memories pop up as I begin to clean out the drawers." The 1960s baptism of fire came when he and staff pasted up columns of print created on hot press linotype machines and then added headlines and pictures and their captions. Earlier, they had banged out their Copy on typewriters. "Paste up and printing was at Leary Press on Second Street, and we spent many hours there," he recalled. 'Making changes was a long chore too. We had to learn to read the print in metal upside down and backwards." , Asked what were the "big"stories or events that draw sttarp memories, Msgr. Moore recalled being named Editor of the Year, a unique, national award from the .Catholic Press Association. "That was quite an unexpected honor," he said. "Of course the most exciting part always is to bring news ofthe local Church to our families 'across the diocese. The local news is what the diocesan papers must be all about. Sure we carry international and national issues. But it is local things like the naming of bishops, pastors, men being ordained, the religious life, changes too, and of course teaching the faith and making it a reality. And we can't forget all that must be done for the common

good, for justice too, as we live weekly newspaper that actually our daily lives in God here in our 'stays around longer," Msgr. Moore noted. "Our policy at The own diocese." In the 1960s, he recalled, there Anchor from the very beginning was "massive immigration into was good: we mailed it to the the Portuguese community, and home. It is not sent out in bulk. The Anchor found that telling that Bulk things can sit in the back of , story and the events and the ar- the church where a janitor can toss riving community of faith, was them out." But for the busy editor, other needed. About the same time there responsibilities were just ahead. In 1977, Bishop Cronin wanted came a flow ofCatholics from the Boston area to Cape Cod, "which to create a Diocesan Office of we called 'White flight' and this Communications "and it became another post, another ha.t, as it had to be covered too." But there have been times were, and while it was part-time "when having to breaking the for me at the start, it developed news hurts," Msgr. Moore added. into full time, as it is today. It is a "Our recent crisis in the most important office." And when in the mid-1960s, Church because of the clergy abuse scandals is some~hing not the pennanent diaconate was reonly the U.S. bishops have had to stored by Vatican Council II, "it face, but so too the Catholic press. became even busier for me," the It affected tremendously the rela- monsignor recalled, when he was tionship of bishop, priest and la- made program director. "We beity. The Catholic press had to deal gan in this diocese in 1976. But with that in truth and bring the is- then again, I never minded worKsues to the fore and explain them. Ing. It was exciting to be running There is still a lot of anger, and a parish, editing the newspaper, we have to address those issues running the diaconate and the 'Communications Office all at the in our publications." Anq h~ mad~ it clear that as his same time." tenure in the news business ends, And parish assignments "the style and manner of report- changed during the years for then ing has changed," he said. "It used Father Moore. He began after orto be objective, telling the story dination at Holy Name Parish in as it is. Now it has become most Fall River. He also served as a subjective, and as we are all parochial vicar at St. Joseph's in aware, newspapers aren't getting Taunton, SS. Peter and Paul in Fall all the facts before they break their River; was in residence at St. stories. They don't do their home- Mary's Cathedral from 1977 to work, and it amounts to a disser- 1980; then to St. Mary's in New vice." . Bedford, before becoming pastor And while there is a certain at St. Elizabeth Seton in 1995. amount of discretion needed, esIn August 1999, Father Moore pecially when it deals with a was named a Chaplain to His person's good reputation, "the Holiness, Pope John Paul II, with newspapers of today are quick to the rank of monsignor. publish a story filled with untruths With a change in deployment without regard for the person, of newspaper personnel" Msgr. causing irr~parable hann." Moore was named executive diAs the various news media rector in 2001. compete for "scoops," what's Last year, Msgr. Moore retired happened so frequently "is that from directing the diaconate prothe secular media tries to be first gram, and in recent months also in interpreting canon law and left as director of the Office of Church teachings, always getting Communications. something wrong." With only a few weeks left in . Lastly, he said, wherein news- the editor's chair, the monsignor papers once were the sole source sat back and folding his notes into of information, "all that has his pocket, talked of the future. changed with radio and TV broad"I think the biggest thing we casting of the news around the have to do now in our Church is clock. Newspapers were a major to become missionaries in our buyer in the early days ofmy news own diocese. We need to evange- , career, but they aren;t any more. lize, to reach out through our comYou can get it from satellite or on munications and through our the Website. And The Anchor will newspaper to really try to restore soon also be going that route too." - not what was ... I don't think With people preferring to we can do that - but to realize watch the 30-second newsbytes our mission is to our own people," on TV or the' Internet, or even the monsignor opined. tales based on the classic readings "We live in a Church where once handed to students, the mon- . people want to do their own thing, signor said, "People aren't read- but surprisingly, as we learned on ing like they used to; and sadly Cape Cod in the summers, really more importantly, many of our want to attend Mass. The cities are young people are not learning to hurting badly for many reasons, a read at all. Even after completing . whole new set of circumstances fonnal school, we're finding their there, including the drug culture reading skills are limited. It has and its challenges, and as Cathoaffected newspapers to the degree lics and a newspaper, we always that subscriptions and readership have to keep them before our eyes are dwindling." and as our mission." But for those who still look to As for his own plans? "We'll the newspaper as the record' of just wait and see," he said, addevents when the TV blurbs are ing, "Have you got it?" "Got it," r over, "what's' interesting is the answered.

Friday, July 1, 2005 Continued from page JJ


New Bedford Osterville Holy Name of the Sacred Our Lady of the Assumption: St. Stanislaus: $2,700-A Friend; $I,OOO-M/M Thomas Heart of Jesus: $300-First Med, $2,000-Anonymous; $1,000Pasternak, M/M Raymond Inc., New Bedford c.YO.; $100- Maryellen & Francis Lacroix; $300Romagnolo; $800-ln Memory of Antone Amaral, M/M Roger Anonymous; $2S0-Anonymous; Pope John Paul II; $7S0-A Denault-In Memory of the Denault $200-M/M Henry Ciampi, M/M Friend; $600-Louis & Cheryl & Lecomte Famili"es, June Dias Gerald R. Curtis, M/M Leo F. Mazurek; $2S0-A Friend; $200- Medeiros, Richard W. Patnaude, M/ Gildea, Miriam E. Owens, M/M Ann Kulpa, In Memory of M Kenneth Vercammen, M/M Richard 1. Perry; $1 OO-Anonymous, MIM Vincent R. Byrne, A. Fallon, Pauline E. Niewola; $ISO-John George Viveiros. Our Lady of the Assumption: Jim & Mary Hines, Mrs. William 1. Mazurek; $12S-Mrs. Ernest Joyce, Vincent & Jane LeGendre, Edwards; $IOO-Anonymous, $100-Lawrence Drayton. Our Lady of Mount Carmel: MIM Edward Machado, M/M John Rose Forczyk, Mary Beth T. Talma, M/M Robert Welby. Timberlake, Paula Gagnon, A $180-A Friend. Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Friend, Shawn & Julie Mills. Pocasset $2,000-ln Thanksgiving for Graces St. John the Evangelist: $SOOFalmouth St. Patrick: $300-M/M Joseph Received, In Memory of Deceased M/M Robert Armour; $200-Donna $120-M/M Norman V. Charyk,'M/M Raymond F. Mar- Parishioners of the Former St. Carr; tin; $12S-Mrs. Mary Salachi; $100- Casimir Parish; $1 ,OOO-Our Lady of Therriault; $1 OO-M/M Eric James. Raynham Doctors Frederick & Barbara Lowe, Perpetual Help Bingo, Summertime Polish Fest 'OS, Jamsat; $SOO-SpeSt. Ann: $200-M/M Dennis John MacDonald. cial Intentions; $400-M/M Carvalho, M/M Marc Deshaies, M! Hyannis M Dennis Doherty, M/M Francis St. Francis Xavier: $800-Mary Frederick Kalisz, Jr. & Ricky. St. Anthony of Padua: $100- Ferioli, M/M Richard Kellogg, M/ O'Neal; $SOO-M/M John Annessi, M Robert McCormack, M/M John M/M Americo Poliseno, M/M Gerard Gaudette. St. Francis of Assisi: $100-M/ McMullen; $ISO-M/M James James Spalt; $400-Charles Riley; $2S0-Richard W. Peckham; $200- M David Chase, Atty/M James Williamson; $100-M/M J. Scott Alexander, Talen Carvalho, M/M Mary Heidimann, Beverly A. Stein; Henry, M/M Joseph Morra. St. John the Baptist: $3S0-ln Brian Colburn, M/M Mark Gocal, $ISO-John Alberghini, Rose & Germaine' Bouchard, M/M James Thanksgiving; $300-ln Memory of M/M Christopher. Madden, M/M Hegarty; $120-M/M John Crosby; Irene Reiniche & Mary J. Espinola, Robert Perkins, Louise Scanlon, $10S-Mrs. Dorothy Tobin; $1 OO-M! In Thanksgiving; $ISO-A Friend; M/M John Thomas, M/M Barry M Nicholas Alberti, M/M Paul M. $100-Anonymous, M/M John Arpin, Joanne Mathews, M/M Casassa, Sr., Dorthea L. Ellis, M/ Rodrigues, Mary Ann Lomba, Hilda Michael Monaghan, Mary M Sal Gentile, David W. Ganshaw, Couto, M/M Manuel Martins, A McGrath. Seekonk Holy Name Society, M/M John Friend, M/M Glenn Forgue, MIM Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Hurley, Joan Juechter, David T. Fred Langevin, M/M Antonio F. . • $20,000-M/M Anthony Andrade; Koss, Sheila O. Luttazi, M/M Rob- Cabral. St. Joseph-St. Therese: $200- $2,SOO-Mark Andrade; $1 ,OOO-M/ ert Manning, Swanson Nominee Trust, M/M Philip D. Wrin, Peter M/M Raymond Belanger, M/M M Richard LaPorte; $SOO-Lori Andrade, James Araujo; $lS0-M/ Bennett, M/M Jorge Bosch, MIM David Lira; $1 OO-Anonymous. St. Lawrence: $3S0-William F. M John Mulvey, M/M Anthony Richard Corbin, M/M John Collucci, Hilda E. Crowley, Will- O'Donnell IiI; $IOO-M/MJamesD. Spagnolo; $100-M/M Richard Costa, Marlene Paradis, M/M Peiam P. Daly, M/M Charles Dever, Hunt. St. Mary: $12.S-M/M Timotli~ ter Pizzarello, M/M' Wayne Robin, M/M Robert Dyka, M/M Wa'yne Cornelius & Nancy Shackett, M/ LaChance, Tim Lovelett, Mary M. Rezendes. M David Sweet, M/M Sydney North Attleboro Manwaring, Frances H. Meyer, M! M/M Francis Sacred Heart: $l,OOO-M/M Bauman, M Spencer Rochfort, Dr/M Melden Warren Boehling, M/M Dennis Harrington. Smith. St. Mary: $1,SOO-Matthew & Dion; $SOO-St. Vincent de Paul SoMansfield St. Mary: $SOO-M/M James M. ciety, MIM Philip Fote; $400-M/M Joanne Quirk; $1,330-Joseph & Riley; $200-M/M William Flynn, Edmond Goulet; $300-MIM James Eileen Hodge; $SOO-Timothy M/M David A. Guadagnoli; $100- Dulude, MIM· David Winn; $200- McGinn; $lS0-James & Deborah M/M Stephen Bouchard, M/M Tho- M/M Roland Dion, M/M Herbert Bolton; $IOO-Keith & Kathleen mas J. Carey, M/M Robert F. McEvoy, M/M David Mello, Ms. Boivin, Henry Cutler, Alfred & Cavanaugh, M/M James Coyne, M! Ann Ritchey; $lS0-MIM Norman Diane Tremblay. Somerset Rogers, MIM Alfonse'Vitagliano; M Sean F. McCarthy. $IOO-M/M Walter Kiryla, M/M St. Patrick: $1 OO-St. Vincent de Marion St. Rita: $400-Jame~ & Mary James Carroll, MIM James Carley, Paul Society, John Whittington. St. Thomas More: $200-MIM Baron; $2S0-Mary Doherty; $200- MIM Paul Guimond, MIM George Frank & Margaret Cafarella; $100- Diebling, M/M William Ryan, !3ar- Bryan Andrew, M/M Nonnan F. Harry 1. Schmitt, Nicole St. Pierre, bara Shannon, M/M Paul Bessette; $1 OO-Mrs. Rose Herndon. South Dartmouth Pinsonnault, M/M Francis John & Marie Quinn. St. Mary: $7S0-M. Mello/P. Giacoppo, MIM William Larocque, Martha's Vineyard Good Shepherd: $3,000-Reli- MIM Paul Sauve, Patricia & Donald McKnight; $600-Mary H. Sylvia; Lamothe. . $100-MIM Edward Barros, Knights able Market, Inc. St. Mark: $200-Dan & Ellen of Columbus, MIM John Quinn. Mashpee South Easton Christ the King: $7S0-Rita Parkinson; $1 OO-Richard & Regina Holy Cross: $4,000-Edward M. Behnke; $SOO-M/M Daniel Boffi, John & Veronica Murray. St. Mary: $100-MIM Stephen Duggan Trust; $200-MIM Edward Goggin, Justin Guidi, Marcia M. Duggan, MIM Gary Donahue, Hackett; $300-Dr/M Edwin Tho- Bengtson, M/M John Spas. MIM William A. Lovely, Jr.; $lS0North Dartmouth mas, M/M John Leahy, Jr., M/M St. Julie Billiart: $SOO-M/M Mrs. Mary O'Brien; $100-Wanda & James Radloff; $2S0-M/M George Wezniak, M/M James Kelley, M/ Emidio1. Raposo; $100-lnMemory Dana DiMartinis, M/M Antonio .Volpe. M C. Farrell Galloway; $200- of Jeffrey Oliveira. South Yarmouth North Easton Hubert Raymond, Mary Draheim, St. Pius Tenth: $SOO-M/M ThoImmaculate Conception:' M/M James Lyons; $180-M/M John Flynn; $12S-M/M George $ISO-M/M Robert Peterson, Laura mas Keller; $2S0-M/M Eugene Laliberte; $120-M/M William Fontaine; $100-Timothy Cremin, Mahoney; $IOO-M/M William McDonough, John Miskinis. Gately; $1 OO-M/M John Walsh, M/ M/M Gregory Lynch. Swansea North Falmouth M David Scott, M/M Richard St. Dominic: $300-M/M' St. Elizabeth Seton: $1,OOO-M/ Sullivan, M/M William Murray, M! M Daniel Grady, M/M Robert M Tom Fahey; $SOO-M/M Dennis Antone C. Pavao; $2S0-William F. Girard, William Kvaraceus, M/M Hurley, M/M Glen t<:ashuba; $200- Sullivan. St. Louis de France: $IOO-M/ Stuart Hemingway, M/M Fredy William Black; $IOO-MIM Robert Dimeco, Patricia Dunne, M/M Ron Burke, M/M Barry Kent, M!M An- M Thomas Foley, M/M Ronald Simpson, M/M Gerard Williams, dre'w McIsaac, M/M Anthony Caisse. St. Michael: $IOO-M/M Larry Mucera, M/M Frank Tymula. . M/M James Martin. o Orleans Bywell, Lorraine Cusick, Our Lady Mattapoisett St. Joan of Arc: $400-M/M of Fatima Seniors. St. Anthony: $17S-M/M Taunton Edmund Butler; $IOO-M!M Mark George Jonie; $1 OO-M/M Michael Annunciation of the Lord: 1. Day. Brogoli.

$100-M/M John Costa, M/M Holy Trinity: $120-M/M JoFernando. Freire, M/M Manuel seph F. Murphy; $100-Edward J. Andrade, M/M William Silva, M/ . Cox, Jr., M/M William M. M Claude Comaglia, M/M Robert Heffernan, M/M Normand V. Tutino. Methe, M!M Thomas' Peterson, Jr. Holy Rosary: $200-M/M John Westport Canto;. $12S-Mrs. Victoria Sivicla St. George: $IOO-Joyce & Stanley. Patenaude. Immaculate Conception: St. John the Baptist: $12S-Dr. $lS0-Jeanne Campbell; $12S-ln Deborah Almeida; $IIO-M/M Memory ofAndrew Isaacsen; $100- Michael Coleman. MIM Alfred Correia. Woods Hole St. Anthony: $900-Anthony E. St. Joseph: $200-Robert & Ann Medeiros; $120-Maria Medina; Sears, 'Michael & Mary Joyce; $100~M/M Joao Alberto Nunes. $120-Dr. John Beckerle; $IOO-Pat St. Joseph: $400-Phil & Carol & Mary Kavanagh, Charles & Bois; $2S0-DavidBisio; $130-Deo Helen Murphy, Frank & Margot Gratias; $12S -Catherine Machado; Hagan, John Valois. $100-MIM Stephen A. Correira, M! M Thomas Donnelly, Manuel D. BUSINESS & COMMUNITY Garcia, David Lima. ATTLEBORO AREA: St. Mary: $600-Joseph & Gail $2,7S0-Bacon Construction Co., Sousa; $2S0-Eva T. Gaffney; $200- Inc., East Providence, R.I.; $SOOOrlando & Judith DeAbreu; $100- Knights of Columbus-Council Stephen & Jennifer Smith, James # 11690, Norton; $1 OO-Curran 's Moran, William H. Sullivan. Curtins, North Easton. St. paul: $2S0-Peter & Alicia CAPE COD AREA: Kullas Mozzone; $100-Ruth $2S0-Robert F. O'Rourke Plumbing & Heating, Hyannis; Soderberg, Jane Williams. $200-Little Harbor Studio, Wareham St. Patrick: $2S0-St. Vincent de Osterville. Paul Society; $200-M/M Joseph TAUNTON AREA: $200-Holy·Cross-St. Vincent de Giella; $lS0-Christine Sylvia; $100-Anonymous, Dennis Filkins, Paul Society, South Easton; $100M/M Francis Ward, St. Patrick's Mail Room, Etc., Raynham. NATIONAL: Pro-Life Ministry, MIM Theodore $50,OOO-Maurice C. Duchaine Von Euw, John Maloney, In Memory of Miguel Campinha & Charitable Remainder Trust. Myrtle Cleveland, In 'Memory of Evelyn E. Gonsalves, Tom & Kathy Hogan. Montie Plumbing West Harwich & Heating Co.

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St. Anne's Prayer "Good St.Anne, Mother of Mary, and Grandmother of Jesus, Intercede for me and my petitions. Amen." PRACTICE THE DEVOTION OF THE FIRST SATURDAYS, AS REQUESTED BY OUR LADY OF FATIMA

On December 10,1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessaryfor the salvation oftheir souls, all those who Oil the first . Saturday of five cOllsecutive mOllths shall: I. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Commullioll; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 millutes while meditating Oil the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intelltionof making reparation to me. " In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.

Friday, JUly 1, 2005

Futsalleagues battle toe-to-toe FALL RIVER - Inter-league games in the Catholic_Youth Futsal and Fall River Futsal League were recently played and yielded 'the following results: The Green Machine coached by Cindy Phillips lost to Dean Carlson's Fall River Fire by a score of 5-2, Mikayla Dreyer scored both goals for the Green Machine while brother Kurtis Dreyer played outstanding as the Green Machine's goalie. The Fall , River Fire played well as a team with Zachary Carlson rocketed two balls into the net while teammates Keith Costa, Raphael Camara and Andrew Lopes each scored one goal. The St Michael's Stingrays took on Notre Dame w:inning 2O. Superstars Kenny Paiva, Noah Cordeiro and Patrick Cunha

THE EIGHTH-GRADE Class at St. John the Eva'ngelist School in Attleboro recently gradu- , PflatYhedoutrtstaGndinlg ~t bthoth Set~dns . . . . . 0 e cou. oa s ,lor e 1ate~ 26 students. at Its 2005 commence~ent. Ceremonies were held at St. John t~e Evan- grays were scored by Tori Borges gehst Church. With the graduates are eighth-grade teacher Jay Hoyle; Msgr. Daniel Hoye, and Britini Alexander. Although pastor; and Sister Mary Jane Holden, principal. scoreless, Notre Dame had many good shots on goal. This was a very defensive game with excel-

lent goaltending. The Notre Dame team came up short against St Stanislaus losing 7-2 but not before Daniel Correia and Kyle Barbosa put two shots ~way in their opponents net St. Stanislaus scoring was h,ighlighted by Adam Flaherty, Trevor McGrady and Sean Cunningham who each enjoyed a great game but not without the outstanding defensive support provided by Nick Amaral and Keegan Larue. The Sandwich Jets team came out on top against a tough Holy Name team with the Jets edging them 3-2. Players for Sandwich improved as ~he game progressed with'better ball movement and passing as the game wore on. Sandwich goals were scored by Greg Howell, Sam Ellis and John Simkins. The under-14-girls team from Holy Name provided a very evenly matched contest with goals scored by Kate McDonald and Sara Carey. Jordan Prescott played outstanding in goal while Katie Darmody displayed great passing skills.

AT COYLE AND CASSIDY'S National Honor Society Induction Ceremony 50 new members from the Taunton schoql, as well as new offic~rs were inducted. From left front: Cristina McConnell, secretary; Jennifer Tonelli, vice president. Back from left: Brian Correia, president and Michael Bliss, treasurer.

EIGHTH-GRADERS Megan Rilkoff, Kristina Valentine and Morgan Cirillo of St. Francis Xavier School, Hyannis, display checks students will donate to tsunami relief efforts. Members of the student council, social action club, class officers 'and National Junior Honor Society organized a family and friends fund-raiser that brought in more than $2,300.

BISHOP STANG Senior Anne Barry was recently named State National Honor Student of the Year at the North Dartmouth school, by the Mas~achusetts Secondary School Administrators.Along with the award, she received $1,000. She will attend Boston College this fall to study nursing. With her is Starr Pinkhos, chairman of th~ state National Honor Society.

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Friday, July 1, 2005


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Children's books guaranteed to chase away summer doldrums REVIEWED BY BARB FRAZE


The following children's books are guaranteed to chase away summer doldrums. HELP WANTED STORIES, by Gary Soto. Harcourt Inc. (Orlando, Fla., 2005). 216 pp. This book has a multifaceted appeal to middle-grade readers: First, it's great story-telling! The main character ofeach tale is of middleschool or high-school age and faces a problem common to teens, from feeling too gangly to appeal to girls ("Teenage Chimps") to feeling ashamed of siblings and parents ("Sorry, Wrong Family"). Moststories include Hispanic characters and Spanish phrases, and the book includes a three-page translation list in the back. Stories are told from the perspective of girls and boys, yet the problems cross gender lines. The short stories make the book easy to read in short spurts - a fine competitor to TV and computers. (Ages 11-14) THE PRAIRIE BUILDERS: RECONSTRUCTING AMERICA'S LOST GRASSLANDS, written and photographed by Sneed B. Collard Ill. Houghton Mifflin Co. (Boston, 2005). 72 pp. This latest in Houghton Mitllin's "Scientist in the Field" series features scientists and their work at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge in central Iowa. Collard's photography captures multiple aspects of refuge life: a controlled bum, animal activity, workers, wildflowers and butterflies, to name a few. His text tells a good story, but the nature and people photography will open many readers' eyes to a whole new world. (Ages eight-12) MY VERY FIRST BIBLE, by James Harrison, illustrated by Diana Mayo. OK Publishing Inc. (New York, 2005). 80 pp.

Mayo's colorful illustrations make this book, but special children's features add to its charm. Large-font story type blends well with the pictures, but some pages contain even larger type with simple phrases or sentences for beginning readers. Each story has a Bible citation on which the tale is based, and some stories have small matching or sorting games for nonreaders. For example, "How'many colors can you see?" is under the illustration of Joseph's coat of many colors. The book works especially

how Chance Taylor finds his way. , (Boston, 2005). 133 pp. (Ages 12-15) The star siblings of tennis offer PLEASE BURY ME IN THE value-based and inspirational adLlBIlARY, by 1. Patrick Lewis, il- vice on topics from that range from lustrated by Kyle M. Stone. Gulliver "Beware of Dream Stealers" to Books (Orlando, Fla., 2005). 32 pp. "Don'tRush a Crush" to "Love the This is possibly the most clever Skin You're In" and "Step Back, book of poetry I have ever read in Setbacks." Each of the 10 chapters my life! From acrostics to haiku to has a "sister rule," such as "Trorhymes to free verse, Lewis proves phies don't tell whether I'm a winhimself to be an accomplished ner. I win by doing right by me." wordsmith with an unlimited imagi- The Williams sisters offer some nation. Each poem has something frank advice based very much on to do with reading, books or stories. family values. The book is incredStone's colorful and humorous ibly teen savvy: colorful photo-

THESE ARE the covers to the books "Venus and Serena, Serving From the Hip," written with Hilary Beard, and "God Made Creepy Crawlies," by Sally Anne Conan and illustrated by Becky Radtke. (CNS) well if older readers read along or read aloud. (Ages three-eight) RUNNER, by Carl Deuker. Houghton Mifflin Co. (Boston, 2005). 216 pp. From the opening paragraph, this first-person tale of a teen-age boy fighting poverty and an alcoholic father will draw in the reader. Deuker addresses additional issues of friendship, survival and values with realism. Acompelling plot will keep teens turning pages as they see

paintings make this book, to steal the title ofone poem, "Ab-so-lu-tasti-cal!" It is billed as a book for beginning readers, but, as Lewis writes, "A children's book is a classic/If at six, excitedlyNou read it to another kid/Who just turned sixty-three." (All ages) VENUS AND SERENA, SERVING FROM THE HIP: TEN RULES FOR LIVING, LOVING AND WINNING, with Hilary Beard. Houghton Mifflin Co.

graphs and graphics; pull-out, inspirational quotes; sections with quizzes and advice. Even teens who don't like to read will pick up this book. (Ages 11-16) GOD MADE CREEPY CRAWLIES, by Sally Anne Conan, illustrated by Becky Radtke. Augsburg Fortress Publishers (Minneapolis, 2005). 35 pp. Conan accomplishes the unlikely task of weaving together interesting facts and praise for cre-

ation in a book about - you guessed it ~ insects and other crawling creatures. Simple, rhyming verse and colorful, humorous illustrations combine to make a fun book for early readers or a readaloud for nonreaders. The back few pages include games and recipes ("Tasty Spider Cookies") as well as "Fun Facts About Creepy Crawlies." Your child will be bugging you to read it! (Ages three-six) GOONEY BIRD AND THE ROOM MOTHER, by Lois Lowry, illustrated by Middy Thomas. Walter Lorraine Books (New York, 2005). 76 pp. When in doubt, go with a Newbery Award-winning author: Lowry's Gooney Bird Greene character makes her second appearance, this time as Mrs. Pidgeon's secondgrade class gets ready for the Thanksgiving pageant. Gooney Bird, who likes to be right in the middle of things, finds a room mother so she can star as Squanto, but the room mother's identity remains a secret until the end. Lowry captures the give-and-take of a classroom full of characters and a very patient teacher. (Ages sevennine) MORGY COAST TO COAST, by Maggie Lewis, illustrated by Michael Chesworth. Houghton Mifflin Co. (Boston, 2005). 132 pp.. "Morgy" is a tale of a boy and his dog. It's a tale of friendship, families, hockey and bravery. Lewis' strength seems to be finding the humor in everyday life: coaxing a greyhound down the steps, reading aloud the lunch menu. She also catches the humor in family dynamics, and some ofthe "dialogue" between Morgy's twin siblings is priceless. Chesworth's black-and-white illustrations add to Morgy's series of little adventures as he adjusts to life on the East Coast. (Ages eight-l 0)

Sometimes my opinion isn't needed By KASE JOHNSTUN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

On the day of Michael Jackson's acquittal, I find it difficult to not go on a babbling tirade, restating all of the millions of quotes, opinions and guesses that have been bounding through the media, the office, at home and at school. J have to step back and realize that by the time this column reaches your mailbox, you probably will be just about sick of all the Michael Jackson coverage, saying to yourself, "Everyone has an opinion, do J have to hear one from my diocesan newspaper too?" I completely understand this,

and that is why'I offer a fresh, new opinion that has not been on television. My opinion is that I have no opinion. At least, I have no opinion that I plan to share with everyone. My reasoning is simple. What good will it do? This is a good opportunity for us all to realize that we don't need to share, or even to have, an opinion about everything. Sometimes opinions are of no importance and will help no situation, as in the case ofthe Michael Jackson trial. Our opinion won't change anything. It won't bring the jury back. It won't present new evidence. It won't, after hours of opinion swapping, bring clarity to the situ-

ation. It will just drag the discussion on into judgmental overload. Phew! Here are a couple examples of situations in which it was a good -~~


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flge idea for people to keep their opinions to themselves: 'I. When Jesus needed to feed so many with just a few loaves and a few fish, you didn't heart

Matthew saying, "It's my opinion that you don't really need to feed all these people, and I really don't think it's my job to clean up after them." 2. When Abraham took Isaac up the hill to sacrifice him to God, he wasn't quoted as saying: "Um hmm. Na. It's my opinion that a better idea would be to sacrifice our dog Spike instead. Thanks, God, have a good one." The commitment shown that day as God held the hand of Abraham solidifies a commitment from God to us to this day. Now, let me be clear that I am not comparing Michael Jackson to either Matthew or Abraham, but I

am saying that we ought to let God make the final judgment call in this case, since his track record has been exemplary so far. I think God's record is something like eight gazillion to none to this day. With a record like that, our judgmental opinions in the hallways, at the office or on television really don't help much except to annoy everyone who already has heard enough. I offer no opinion on the subject of Jackson's guilt or innocence, but I do offer a prayer of hope. I pray that the jurors are right, that Jackson did not hurt any child and will not do so in the future.



, Friday, July 1, 2005

Offic.e ofAdult Education/ Evangelization launches book discussion forum FALL RIVER - For many, summertime is an opportunity to slow down the hectic pace oftheir lives and enjoy the beauty of nature, often with a good book in hand. The Office ofAdult Education/Evangelization has launched a' book discussion forum group, which is held on Wedilesday eve~ nings from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. at scenic Cathedral Camp. "The vision for such a forum," states Lisa M. Gulino, director ofAdult Edu'cation, "is to cast the net wide and discover the great contributions secular literature makes in understanding the human condition in its light and darkness, in its virtue and vice." The facilitators, Deacons David Pepin and Maurice Ouellette, taught English for many years together at New Bedford High School. For this first book forum, the deacons choose a Shakespearean classic, Othello, because, as Deacon Pepin says, "Nobody does it better than Shakespeare. I can think of no writer who depicts the human condition in all its magnificent nobilityand woeful depravity any better than William Shakespeare. To use Hamlet's words, Shakespeare's works make wonderfully clear that man is both 'the beauty ofthe world' and 'the quintessence of dust. ", .

In the first class, held June 22, Deacon Pepin gave an overview ofthe life ofWilliam Shakespeare and his plays, allowing the par-' ticipants to better understand this great poet and playwright and the . impact he made upon the world of literature. Deacon Ouellette stated that "For a person to be great, two essential elements are necessary, personal talent and the support of the culture. Shakespeare had both of these." Ouellette described the rich cultural milieu of the Elizabethan period, which was fertile ground for Shakespeare's greatness. Before the evening concluded the participants were introduced to the play with a dramatic reading performed by the deacons. "I marveled at the great enthusiasm, knowledge and sheer talent of these two men as they invited us into the mystery and drama of this Shakespearean play,'" Gulino commented. Christin Jezak, recent theatre graduate of Bridgewater State College and participant said, "I look forward to using this forum as a way to deepen my understanding of the Christian values and influences contained within Shakespeare's writings." . Future forums will include contemporary authors.

ATTLEBORO - The National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette will present a healing service in Spanish Sunday at 2:30 p.m. On the weekends of July 8-10 and July 15-17 the Shrine will welcome thousands of teen-agers for the Steubenville East weekends. For more information call 508-2225410 or visit lasalette-shrine.org.

of Carmelites will meet July 17 for the celebration ofMass at Christ the King Parish at 11 :30 a.m. A teaching will follow in the conference room. Evening and Night Prayer will be held in St. Jude~s Chapel.


BREWSTER - Mass will be celebrated by La Salette Father Richard Lavoie July 6 at 7 p.m. at Our Lady ofthe Cape Church, 468 Stony Brook Road. A healing service will follow. For more information call 508-385-3252. FALL RIVER - Holy Name Church, 709 Hanover Street, hosts a holy hour every Tuesday from 78 p.m. consisting of rosary, reconciliation, reading and Benediction ofthe Blessed Sacrament. A prayer meeting follows. For more information call 508-679-6732.


FALL RIVER - First Saturday devotion will be held tomorrow at St. Mary's Cathedral. Mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will follow. MASHPEE - The Third Order

NEW BEDFORD - The Donovan House of Catholic Social Services is looking for vol- . unteers to oversee the maintenance of the children's play space as well as mentors and drivers to assist families with doctor appointments and everyday activities. For more information call Barbara Tavares at 508-999-5893. NORTH EASTON - The Northeast Catholic Family Conference "Making Faith Visible," will be held July 16-17 at Stonehill College. Thousands of Catholics are expected to share in prayer, learning and celebration of their faith. For more information call 781-551-0628 or visit NECatholicFamilyConference.com. NORTH FALMOUTH The St. Elizabeth Seton Cancer Support Group will meet July 20 at 7 p.m. at the church, 481 Quaker Road. For more information call 508-563-7770.

FATHER THOMAS E. Morrissey, left, pastor of St. Jacques Parish in Taunton, and Deacon Philip Bedard, right, greet missionary Bishop Doraboina Moses Prakasam, of the Diocese of Cuddapah, India, follOWing a recent Mass at St. Jacques Church. Bishop Prakasam is touring many dioceses in the United States soliciting funds to build three orphanages and two chapels in his home diocese this year. Donations' may be sent to Bishop Prakasam through Father Morrissey at 249 Whittenton Street, Taunton, MA 02780, or by calling Father Morrissey at 508-824-7794 for more information.

St. Mary's Education Fund . pinner set for July 22 MASHPEE - Bishop George W. Coleman and others will gather at Willowbend Country Club here July 22 for'the eighth annual St. Mary's Education路 Fund Summer Dinner Event. A cocktail reception and silent auction will begin at 6 p.m. followed by dinner and entertainment. Dave Read, morning host on Ocean104 and weatherman on 99.9, WQRC, will be master of ceremonies. Attendees will be able to bid on spectacular auction items such as a Newp.ort getaway at the Marriott on America's Cup Avenue, or escape to Edgartown and stay at the Harbor View Hotel on Martha's Vineyard Island, or cruise around Grand Oyster Island with friends. Other items include golf for four at the Oyster Harbors Club, Woods Hole Golf Club and Willowbend Golf Club. Tickets to a Red Sox game and an autographed jersey from . Tedy Bruschi are sure to be favorites at the auction. The St. Mary's Silent Auction has something

for everyone. Entertaimnent will be provided by The Legends; international entertaiilers with a unique, classic musical style, featuring Sharon Zee, Sigy Moller and Ronnie Howe. The award winning performers will ench,mt the audience with powerful vocals in high energy, up-beat renditions and soulful ballads. The non-profit St. Mary's Education Fund provides "need-based" scholarships to children and their families. All proceeds will benefit children in need of financial assistance to attend diocesan schools. The success of the dinner and silent auction fund-raiser is vital in order for the St. Mary's Education Fund to financially offer scholarships to the children and their families. For more information and tickets please contact Jane Robin, executive fund-raiser, St. Mary's Education Fund at 508-759-3566.

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CATHOLIC MEMORIAL Home Employee of the Quarter Therese Chicca is all smiles after being presented with the award. The administrative secretary has worked at the home since 1989 and in addition to the certificate, she received a cash award and reserved parking space and recognition pin. With her are Assistant Administrator Erin Kanuse and Administrator Tom Healy.

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