dJThe ANCHOR Vol. 20, No. 27-Fall River, Mass., Thurs., July I, 1976
An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
Our fathers' .God, to thee, Author of libertY, To thee we sing;
LQng may our land be bright .With freedom's holy light; Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King!
Happy Bi rthdayI America ! .----In
Sell Taunton Parochial Schools To City
Bicentennial Gardens, Recipes
Red, White and Blue Madonna?
Have We Missed Mark?
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Youth Celebrate Jesus '76 Page 14
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 1, 1976
SMALL SffiPS: Ships were small, not tall, but annual Blessing of Fleet ceremony drew hundreds to Provincetown as Bishop Daniel A.
Two Schools to City of Taunton
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Cronin blessed fishing boats cruising past municipal wharf. Rite was preceded by Fisherman's Mass at St. Peter the Apostle Church.
The Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin,Bishop of Fall River, had the foMowing comment to make Monday evening on the occasion of the purchase by the City of Taunton for $300,000 each, of two former parochial schools in that City, Sacred Heart School and Saint Joseph School. "The transaction which is taking place this evening between the Diocese of Fall River and the City of Taunton is a very positive indication of the cooperation between the Diocese and the commnity. "Sacred Heart School and Saint Joseph School closed several years ago when we instituted a plan designed to maintain a sound and realistic Catholic educational ,system in Taunton. Rising costs and declining numbers of teaching Sisters compelled us to take that action. I am happy to note that the resulting system, which includes
Saint Mary's and Our Lady of Lourdes elementary schools, the Taunton Catholic Middle School and Coyle-Cassidy High School, continues to show considerable vitality. "We have come, during the past several years, to the conclusion that it is no ~onger reasonable to entertain the hope that Sacred Heart School and Saint Joseph School can be reopened. When preliminary inquiries about the possibility 'of the purchase of the two buildings by the City of Taunton arose, an extensive consultation was begun. Priests and parishioners of the two concerned parishes, representatives of the Chancery Office and of the Diocesan Department of Education, and the Diocesan Board of Consultors all participated in the consultative process. "Our concern was not only to be of assistance to the City of Taunton, which, as a result of
No matter where you live in .the Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes near you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *ATTLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, Southway Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.
the transaction will be acquiring two sound, usable buildings for "ess than the cost of new construction, but also to have the two schools put to the use for which they were built, namely the education and training of the youngsters of the community."
Bishop Cronin Trustee -Cardinal Humber:to Medeiros has announced the election of Bishop Daniel A. Cronin to the :board of trustees of St. John's Seminary, Brighton, which the Bishop attended before entering the Gregorian University in Rome. Also elected to the board were Sister A. Catherine Murphy, CSJ, former academic dean at Regis College, Weston, and now president of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston; and Rev. James F. Hawker, director of religious education for the Catholic schools of the Boston archdiocese and a member of the archdiocesan priests' senate.
Necrology JULY 10 Rev. Pie Marie Berard, O.P., 1938, Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. Maurice E. Parent, 1972, Assistant, St. Michael, Swansea JULY 14 Rev. Nicholas Fett, SS.CC., 1938, Pastor, St. Boniface, New Bedford. Rev. Edmund J. Neenan, 1949, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs THE lNCHOIl
Second Class PostaIe Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Hlehland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 bV the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price o,y mail, postpaid 15.00 per YI...
THE ANCHOR-Oioc~se of Fall River-Thurs., July 1, 1976
IGod Shed· His Grace on for the direction in which American society is moving. PI'ogress made "in combating Though we have come from many lands and though we pray discrimination of various kinds, to God in many diverse ways, especially racial discrimination," ,we are, nonetheless, one people, drew warm praise from the an American people, whose Pope. But he attacked current democratic principles exempli- threats to human life. fy the greatest hope for man"We assure you . . . we are kind. My prayer for the nation one with you and all American on this great weekend is that citizens of good will in facing America may look into its soul the special dangers to your and come· to realize with the country and society from aborzeal of our Founding Fathers tion and euthanasia," the mesthat the Declaration, whose two sage said. hundredth anniversary we celeThe Pope quoted his own re'brate today, is, in the words of marks of two years ago: "The Woodrow Wilson, "not a thesis for philosophers, but a program· rights of minorities call out for of action." Then true liberty protection as do the rights of and justice for aU will be no the poor, the handicapped, the mere slogan, but rather the very incurably ill and all those who live at the margin of society and circumstances of our lives. are without voice. Above all, God bless America! God bless the preci-ous right to Jife . . . us all! must be affirmed anew," he reDevotedly yours in Christ, iterated. Daniel A. Cronin Calling . for an "increased Bishop of Fall River holiness of life - holiness that will be manifested at every leve'l of the Church," Pope Paul pointinhabitants thereof." (Lev. XXV,
Bishop Cronin Bicentennial Statement Dearly beloved in Christ, On this most significant weekend, amid the festivity and the joy of our Bicentennial Celebration, prayers both of thanksgiving and petition spring spontaneously to our lips and hearts. The recollection of the bounties of Providence in our land and among our people during these past two centuries prompts our prayer of thanksgiving. The anticipation with which 'we enter our third century as a people united in one nation, under God, prompts our prayer of petition. OUt nation has been in existence now for two hundred years. We have not attained perfection; there are still many flaws; we must continue to travel a long hard road before we can begin to be satisfied that we are reaching our goal of liberty and justice for all. Nonetheless, on this Bicentennial Weekend, we can well make our own those wonderful words of one of the greatest Catholic Churchmen our nation has ever produced, the venerable and saintly John Cardinal Gibbons. "From my. heart," . wrote the Cardinal, "I say:. America, with all thy faults, I love thee stilL" On this Independence. Day Weekend, as your Bishop and Pastor, I pray for an abundance of God's blessings upon this good land 'and upon all its people. I pray that this nation, on its two hundredth birthday, will continue to sustain the principles of our Founding Fathers and proclaim with fervor the Scrip-. tural injunction carved on the Liberty Bell: "Proclaim liberty throughout. the land unto aU the
Pope Paul's Message To U.S.
ed. to the crucial roles of Catholic education and social communications in ac~ieving that aim. He also called foor a renewed appreciation for "the importance of the contemplative vocation." Turn to Page Five
All Stops Out For Diocesan Celebration Bells will ring and a special Eucharistic liturgy highlighting the American Ca'tholic Bicentennial theme of "Liberty and Justice for AB" will be celebrated in diocesan parishes this holiday weekend. Readings from Isaiah, St. Peter and St. John will speak of liberty and justice as conditions for peace, willrecogniz~ that despite the presence of evil and injustice, "we have through Jesus a hold on hope," and will
describe the new life in the Spirit offered to believers. Suggested music for the pa-' triotic liturgy includes the National Anthem, America, America the Beautiful and Faith of Our Fathers. The Prayer of the Faithful wiU intercede for the nation, for oppressed and excluded peoples and for dedication on the part of the people of God to liberty and justice for all. The Bicentennial Liturgy will conclude with a prayer asking the "God of all nations, who has blessed this celebrating nation with good things" to "accept our petitions and by your Spirit add the flesh of our lives and our efforts to the prayers of our hearts." Ring Bells Parishes with outdoor bell or tape systems are asked by Rev. Peter N. Graziano, Diocesan Bicentennial Coordinator, to ring their bells for two minutes, beginning at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 4. The Bell ringing will be a Tum to Page Five
WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope Paul VI praised the U. S. bishops for their "commitment to the social teaching of the Church in various fields,"· -in a special bicentennial message. • . "We thank you," the Pope wrote, "for promoting liberty and justice and for your concern with the many needs of your people: for food and housing, for health assistance, employment and education, your preoccupation for farm labor, for the condition of migrants, for the dignity of immigrants and for the promotion of peace through endeavors favoring development." The Pope's message contained comments on and· suggestions
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE to the 41 st International Eucharistic Congress PHILADELPHIA, AUG. 1 to AUG. 8, '76 UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF MOST REV. DANIEL A. CRONIN BISHOP OF FALL RIVER DIRECTED BY MSGR. ANTHONY M. GOMES Aug. 1st One Week $289.00 Four Days 122.00 Aug. 3rd Aug. 6th Three Days 109.00 CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 1, 1976
As America Has a Birthday "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that ail men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. . . ."
Photomeditation • .f
The ANCHOR The Healing Power of Prayer
* * *
Brother Bill: One of a Kind?
At this time there is the call on all sides for Americans to return to the spirit, the ideals, of the Founding Fathers.
Small wonder that there is in the nation a wave of nostalgia, a longing for the "old days" when, surely, human nature was not so different as regards faults and failings in the lives of men, but there was the realization at least that ideals had to be kept high. No one would attribute absolute purity of intention (or living) to those involved in the founding of the country. But these persons knew and spoke of ideals. And that might be the worthy resolution on the part of this nation's citizens as the country enters its third Century: let us not let down the standards, not sell out ideals under the pretext of a "new honesty" that vulgarizes all it touches and stains all it speaks of and coarsens all it looks upon. In this respect, all people must look to themselves, their views, their lives. Advertising has become synonymous with lying; entertainment is equated with ridicule and suggestiveness and vulgarity; selling is done on the basis of a pandering to the senses; the beautiful people and the good life are made to mean a slick external package of ceaseless enjoyment. without effort and indulgence without control. The founding ideals of this nation spoke of accountability with responsibility, independence with integrity, liberty with inner control. Life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness are gifts from God and so held and exercised and followed under His laws. Some might call this "the sense of the divine" which must be carefully nurtured in the hearts of, men lest the human alone takes over and debases. But it is certainly the ideal of the beginnings of this nation. It is the ideal to whicli not only lip service must be given on solemn occasions, but the ideal to which this latest generation of Americans must pledge lives and fortunes and sacred honors.
Letters Welcome Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address. '
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River -410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John Regan
ACTING EDITOR Rev. John R. Foister, SJ.l.
Pres$-·FlII River
Thomas Jefferson's original title for this momentous document that launched our nation on July 4, 1776, was "A Declaration By The Representatives Of The United States of America, In General Congress Assembled." A ponderous title for so incisive a work that created a nation deliberately fashioned on belief in God and God-given rights.
Cynicism in the nation is directed at this hour toward every branch of government: the executive has been tainted with the lies and cover-ups of Watergate; the judicial has been hurt by the abominable condemnation of the unborn in flagrant disregard of the principle of life; the legislative' has come under recent clouds with the violations of the basic standards of decency on the part of some of its members.
Boston Auxiliary Resigns Post FREEDOM'S PRICE An old graveyard . . . from Revolutionary War days . . . gravestones cracked and crumbling after 200 years . . . quiet monuments to felled freedom fighters. The flag . . . han~ing listlessly in the breezeless afternoon . . . celebrates the freedom . . . for which these men died . . . and· their families suffered. We gaze at their graves ... free men and women · . . free because they counted dying in freedom . . . worth more than living under oppression. Was it worth their lives? ... Is our freedom that valuable? The sight of their graves ... the memory of their values and deeds . . . stirs feelings of admiration . . . and thanks . . . and surfaces challenging questions · . . about freedom's worth . . . and freedom's price. What does it mean to us to be free? . . . How do we measure the value of freedom? . . .. Do we do as much to keep it . . . as they did to win it for us? · . . What are we willing to do . . . to guarantee every American a full share in those freedoms . the worth of which these stones silently suggest?
St. William's Church
The American Church The Catholic Church in these United States is an immigrant church. For the last 200 years peoples from all over the world have sought hope in the American dream. Fleeing the poverty, hate and warfare of their native lands, millions have and are still finding this land a haven of personal op- White Anglo-Saxon Protestant mentality was in complete and portunity. Yet for the Catho- firm control of the national lic the last 200 years in this mind. The Germans. Irish, Pol-
land of promise have not been easy. We are apt to forget so very easily the difficulties, trials and even persecution Catholics have had to face in this land of the free. To be sure, there were Catholics who fought in our original revolution and even a Catholic who signed the Declaration of Independence. However, they were for the most part members of the early aristocratic establishment. Not until the mid 1800's did Europe empty its masses on these shores. By that time the
ish and Italians were to be used, not assimilated. They were to be kept in their place, mere tools in the hands of the WASP establishment. For a hundred years this mind was the rule, not the exception. It was not until after World War II that Catholics in America began to be recognized as Americans and not as some strange foreign religious sect. Despite the outward persecution of the Catholic Church by the Know-Nothings - the KKK and the insidious discrimination of the ruling WASPS, the Am-
WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope Paul VI has accepted the resignation of Bishop Thomas J. Riley, auxiliary of Boston. ,Bishop Riley, 75, had been an auxiliary in Boston since Dec. 21, 1959. He was rector of St. John's Seminary in Brighton, Mass., from 1951 to 1958. Announcement of the resignation was made by archbishop Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate in the United States. Born in Waltham, Mass., Nov. 30, 1900, Bishop Riley was graduated from Boston College in 1922 and ordained a priest in 1927. He earned a doctorate at the University of Louvain, Bel· gium, in 1933. He taught moral theology and philosophy at St. John's Seminary from 1933 to 1951. He was appointed pastor of St. Peter's parish, Cambridge, 'in 1958. erican Catholic found success and prosperity in this land. From the factories, the railroads, the steel miUs and the farms came an opportunity to learn. Unifying Element The unique and unifying element that made the Church in America what it is today was education. From city to town the "Catholic" school brought to the sons and daughters of immigrants the hope often denied them. If there is one single factor in the last 200 years of our national history that has helped American Catholics to take his rightful place in American life, it has been the education system of the American Church. High schools, colleges and hospitals built and sustained by Catholic immigrants gave their children the rights often denied by the majority. They made the Church in America. They gave American society a diverse people united in faith and in loyalty to these United States. Now, as we begin a new era in our national history, it is fashionable for so many Catholics "who have made it" to knock and deride this achievement of the past. Of course, in doing so they are in turn denying the new immigrants the very advantage they themselves possess. Where the Church in this land will be in another hundred years is pure speculation. Yet, if we as a people and a Church forget the past struggles of our ancestors in the faith, then the future will not only be cloudy but dismal. The future of the Church sti:ll lies in its ability to teach and help new Americans to be American Catholics.
THE ANCHORThurs.. July 1. 1976
Pope Paul's Message to U.S. Continued from Page Three Evangelization, "the inheritance of the Holy Year," demands increased emprasis, the Pope noted. "Within this context we pray that the Church in the United States will generously keep alive the missionary spirit," he went on. Certain innovations in murgical practice drew the Pope's cautious endorsement - along with admonitions. The use of lay ministers of Holy Communion must be "in accordance with the precise norms of the Holy See," the Pope wrote. Concerning the "renewed discipline of the Sacrament of Penance . . . we pray that the element of spiritual conversion, so necessary for this sacrament, will playa great role in the life of your people and that they will never lose a sense of sin and therefore of the need for confession and forgiveness." Furthermore, the necessity for auricular confession should "be held in honor by all." The Pope aiso asked "that the heritage of Latin be revived and sedulously pursued in the seminaries."
All Stops Out Continued from Page Three nationwide action, said Father Graziano, explaining that the 2 p.m. time, selected by an Act of Congress, "will be exactly 200 years from the precise moment that the Liberty Bell proclaimed the independence of the nation. The two minutes," he added, "will commemorate the passing of the first two centuries of the American experiment." Other Observances Many diocesan parishes will also hold other patriotic observances this weekend. In the Attleboro area, parishes have been invited to join a two-part ecumenical program this Sunday, involving individual churches and community-wide participation. On an individual basis, churches and synagogues are asked to decorate their places of worship in patriotic style, while congregants are asked to wear costumes depicting various eras of national history. Also, worshipers will sign documents at their churches accepting the Declaration of Independence, as was done 200 years ago.
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Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, expressed "profound gratitude" for the Pope's message, saying: "Your Holiness' words provide us with further incentive to seek the authentic renewal of Catholic life in the United States besides continuing the work of liberty and justice. . ." According to Archbishop Bernardin, "It is precisely in union with the See of Peter that the Catholic Church in this land has . . . sought and found much of its spiritual vitality."
Sister Eileen Mary, Sister Eileen Ann and Sister Margaret Eleanor of the Fall River provincial house of the Sisters of Providence are among more than 300 Sisters attending a five-week General Chapter of their congregation, which opened Sunday at the motherhouse, St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind. Three major areas will be studied during the meeting: the mission of the congregation, its ministry and life style, and its form of government. At the conclusion of deliberations a new superior general and general officers will :be elected and installed. Each phase of the chapter will involve all Sisters in attendance as participant-observers or observers. Participants will meet with the 36 chapter members of the congregation to study recommendations with regard to life and ministry made by study committees, whHe observers will be present for general sessions. Decisions, say congregation officials, will be made with the aid of "prayerful reflection and open dialogue."
HALF AS OLD AS NATION is Mrs. Josephine Lemay, who celebrated her lOOth birthday this week at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. Centenarian attended Mass celebrated in her honor by Msgr. John A. Chippendale, then was feted at party with patriotic theme.
Sister Annette ,To Lecture
Sister Annette Rafferty, Fall River area director for the Sisters of St. Joseph, wiII speak at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 6 on "Women, Religion and Society" during a lecture series to be presented at the College of Our Lady of the Elms, Chicopee. Many diocesan Sisters will be in attendance at the series, part of a summer enrichment program at the college Sister Annette's lecture will be followed on July 8 by a multimedia presentation by Rev. Patrick Mooney of Bridgeport, Conn.; on JU'ly 13 by a discussion of the future of women in minstry by Sister Elizabeth Carrol of the 'Center for Concern; and on July 15 by "Blueprint for a JoyFilled Retirement," presented by Sister Eileen Driscoll of the Massachusetts Council for the Elderly. '
No Foree "God never draws anyone to Himself by force and violence. He wislles all men 'to be saved, but forces no one."-St. John Chrysostom
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Let's Hear It For God PINOlJE, Calif. (NC)-If James J. Fiatarone has his way, at high noon on July 4, every American will step out of his door, look up to the heavens, and shout, "Thank you, God!" Fiatarone operates the Fiat Music Company here, and said he got the idea several months ago, after composing a poem symbolizing the theme. "I ' was wondering how we could all join in the great bicentennial celebration in a way that would mean something and not cost anything," Fiat said. "The idea came to me as an inspiration. I see it as a symphony of gratitude that God would never forget - God would smile the entire day." Fiat describes himself as a patriotic Catholic and said he composed his poem last Ja,nuary while thinking about the significance of the .bicentennial, and felt "this idea that God has blessed us has been one of the greatest reasons why we have become so great." Fiat sent the poem and his suggestion for one great shout to God by all, on July 4, to President Ford, but received no r~nly. He did better with Bishop Floyd L. Begin of Oakland, who sent 400 copies of the poem to his priests. He told Fiat he was accepting the suggestion of thanking God at noon on July 4 "as a diocesan policy."· Bishop Begin also wrote to President Ford and to the United States Cathdlic Conference, urging adoption of Fiat's idea by all the Catholic dioceses of the nation.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 1, 1976
Gard,ens, Cookboloks 51hare B,ic,entennial Spirit
Wle,ek,e,n,d Fined wit'h Joy, Tlears-We,e,kend of Love
In keeping with the Bicentennial Year, many gardeners are attempting to devise red, white and blue combinations for their gardens. For most of us this is difficult, since we do not have a ready stock of flowers at our disposal to use in large plantings. I remem1800s, there are many dishes ber as a child being taken to late that are personally ours. Roger Williams Park where The Yankee housewife devised the gardeners took a great many tasty and nutritious re-
This past weekend my husband and I traveled 500 miles to attend a wedding. The bride's parents are among our dearest friends, and the trip gave us an opportunity to visit other friends in the area whom we have not seen in years. I was particularly anxious to She was a beautiful young see the bride's mother. woman, and married a strikingly We've been friends for over handsome man. Saturday she twenty years, since our old- danced with another young man est children were toddlers. Now our youngest are becoming adults and in many ways this is one of the happiest times in
MARY CARSON our lives. But a year and a half ago, without warning, she suffered a massive heart attack and nearly died. Her recovery has been slow, and there was some question in my mind if she would be up to attending the wedding. I didn't see her before we went into church and while sitting there waiting for the wedding party to arrive I realized I was more anxious to see the bride's mother than to see the bride. So you can imagine my joy when she was escorted down the aisle, just before the ceremony began. To see her well and smiling confidently - made my heart feel like it was bursting with pleasure. Traditional, New The wedding itself was beautiful. The bride was radiant. The ceremony was a balanced blend of the traditional and the new. It is delightful to see a bride so thoroughly enjoy her own wedding. And during the ceremony, I noticed the bride's father. As the bride and groom were vowing "in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad," instead of watching his daughter" he was looking at his wife of thirty years. The open love, devotion, and thankfulness that poured from his eyes ... to still have her standing there beside him ... I'll never forget. At the reception, another moment etched its mark. Twenty-two years ago one of the bride's aunts was married. I remember that wedding well.
... the image of that groom from twenty years ago. Mother and son dancing wouldn't be unusual, except that twenty years ago, when that boy was still a toddler, her young husband died suddenly ... some strange ailment that struck without warning. I will not forget seeing her dancing with her sori . . . the image of her husband. The wedding was on Saturday and we stayed overnight with another friend whose wife died and is raising his children on his own. The teen-age girls run their home beautifully. But they've had no one to do things for them in a long time. Sunday morning, I started making the breakfast. One of the girls came into the kitchen, iooked at me at the stove, and said, "Gee ... a mother.", That afternoon we visited another friend we haven't seen in years. Six months ago, her husband died. She, too, is doing very well, but there is a different emptiness ina home without a father from the home without a mother. Remembering, Renewing And that contrast made the meaning even deeper of the day before ... of how the father of the bride had looked at his wife ... the wife who almost wasn't there with him. It was a beautiful weekend, a weekend filled with joy and tears, remembering and renewing ... a weekend of love. It was like a beautiful retreat. The traveling forced my husband and' me to get away from our regular lives, to detach ourselves for two days. Those same poignant moments touched our minds, forcing us to th~nk ... to recognize how fortunate we are just to have each other. It's impossible to fathom why God does things, but He does have some purpose in His work. Our friends have suf~ered severe trials, and through that suffering have given us a treasured gift ... gratitude to God that we still have each other. But how can I thank them?
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deal of pride in setting out stunning flower arrangements. I really don't know whether they have continued this work or not,
MARK JUBILEES: Sister Frances Ann Luddy (above) of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, a Fall River native, has marked 50 years in religious life. The former Sister Paul du St. Esprit is the daughter of the late Owen and Elizabeth Luddy. Sister Marjorie Furze (below), the former Sister Catherine de Notre Dame, is also a Fall River native, the daughter of the late Charles and Kathryn Furze. She has completed 25 years as a Daughter of the Holy Spirit. Also honored at ceremonies at the communityis provincial house in Putnam, Conn., was Sister Imelda Ste. Marie, a golden jubilarian who has served in Fall River a total of five years during her religious life.
Radio Program Attleboro clergymen will sponsor a radio program, "Heritage and Hope: An Ecumenical Tribute to America" from 8:15 to 9 a.m. Sunday, July 4 on Station WARA. Participants will include Rev. Normand Boulet and Rev. Robert Donovan of St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist parishes.
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but one can visualize large formal gardens done in the Bicentennial theme in large parks with greenhouses. In the home garden, small plots could be arranged with red, white and blue flowers. For instance, a pretty -arrangement could be made using white and red cascade petunias with a border of blue alyssum. I have my ,wi.ndow boxes done in red geraniums, white cascade petunias and bluish purple petunias. (fhe petunias are not really blue, but gardeners must be allowed a small dash of poetic license.) Not Too Late This is an excellent time to buy annuals, :s'ince most of the heavy buying is past and the green houses are eager to get rid of what they have left. A trip to a greenhouse might produce some interesting combi,nations of annua'is which could be used to set out little gardens .with patriotic overtones. The point is that we have at least three more months of annual bloom and it is n'ot too late to think about planting these flow'ers. We are still in the process of getting our dahlias, marigolds and petunias set out and this can contit:lue as long as plants are available and energy lasts. Here isa partial list of avaHable plants with varying heights and growth habits: Whites: petunias, delphinium, dahlias, canna, alyssum, asters. Reds: impatiens, geraniums, petunias, dahlias, rock cress, zinnias. Blues: delphinium, asters, alyssum, bachelor buttons, veronica. These are only a few of the plants which should be readily available' and could be useful. Imagination is necessary to combine flowers effectively for a colorful and patriotic effect, but the attempt could be a fascinating summer project. In The Kitchen In this the year of our 200th birthday, when we are remembering and commemorating all the outstanding events that have happened in and to our young country, food is one of the most pleasant memories. While many would argue that many foods we fancy as American are actually imports from Europe, brought to this country by the large immigration of the
cipes which have come down to us from the early Colonial times. Cooking under very difficult circumstances with minimum cooking implements, our foremothers created wholesome, mouth-watering foods. From Cape Cod clam chowder to fried clams, from apple pie to blueberry slump, there are recipes and foods that shout America. Salmon, green peas and new potatoes are the Fourth of July meal, a celebration .no other country claims. Our peas are already out and if I do want to keep them for the Fourth of July I may have to resort to the freezer (as路 an extra tip I must menUon that we cook our peas in the pod, with a small amount of water and a little piece of bacon. This way the flavor is retained). Salmon is very often hard to come by and of course it is expensive but it certainly is worth the search. While I enjoy many different types of food I must confess that those that are part of our own tradition appeal to me the most. One Fan Riv~r church, the First Congregational, has published its ,own Bicentennial Cookbook and while recipes include many of the exotic dishes we adopted as our own there are many authentic American dishes. , A hardy fruit-filled fruit cake, Somerset Scalloped Clams, Sa'lmon Croquettes and Anadama Bread are just a few of the good basic New England recipes within its covers. This church published its first recipe collection in 1871 when the congregation was fifty-five years- old, and members felt it only fitting that they publish a new recipe collection in this, our hicentennial year. We who are avid collectors of cookbooks are very glad that they did. This recipe for salmon croquettes is one of the 76 ~n the First Congregational Cookbook, and it's from the kitchen of Mrs. Florence Barker. Salmon Croquettes 2 Tablespoons melted butter 2 TaMespoons flour 1 large can of salmon 1 egg beaten Cracker crumbs 1) Put melted butter, juice from can of salmon, and flour over a low heat. Stir until thick. Remove from stove. 2) Flake salmon and add to above mixture. Put in refrigerator until cold. 3) Shape into finger croquettes. Roll in the beaten egg and cracker crumbs. Saute in Yz inch hot fat until brown.
Life of Saints "For whence should the City of God originally begin or progressively develop or ultimately attain its end unless the life of the saints were a social one?"St. Augustine, "The City of God," xix, 426.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of.Fall River-Thurs., July 1, 1976
Atolnlemlent Society Depicts Mary I:n Rled, Whit/e, Blu'e GRAYMOOR (NC)-What was once a devotion among High Church Anglicans will become incorporated into Catholic piety on July 9 as the Church officially honors the B1essed Virgin with the title of Our Lady of the Atonement. In an article slated for publication soon Atonement Father Titus Cranny of Graymoor N.Y., points out that the title and the timing have special significance in light of the 200th anniversary of the United States' independence from British rule. "Mary is garbed in red, white and blue," Father Cranny points out. "Red for the mantle she wears in honor of the Precious Blood; a blue tunic beneath the cloak, and on her head a white veil." According to Father Cranny, "With these colors, she is the American Madonna." The devotion began in the United States at the turn of the century under the founders of the Society of the Atonement, at that time a small order of Ang1icans following the rule of St. Francis of Assisi. In 1909, the 17-member group was received into the Catholic Church by permission of Pope St. Pius X. Mother of Unity In his article, Father Cranny points out that the title of Our Lady of the Atonement is "somewhat limited to -the religious communities at Graymoor" headquarters of the order, which has as its principal goal religious unity. "But the concept of Mary in her role as Mother of Unity is
growing throughout the world," Father Cranny contends. "All the Marian sanctuaries in the world are of special meaning in the me of the Church," he writes. "Czestochowa in Poland is the heart and soul of that nation; Guadalupe in Mexico gives energy and courage to the people of that country; Lourdes (in France) is a spiritual home for all the world: St. Mary Major in Rome is the source and center of Marian devotion in the west; and our national shrine in Washington is a symbol of the 'love that came with the first explorers and settlers generations ago." According to the Graymoor priest, "Our Lady does not impede . . . unity: she points the way to it. Pope Leo XIII called her the guardian of unity. Pope Paul has often used a title begun by St. Augustine, 'Mother of Unity,' " A mother's role is "to unite the members of her family, to bring the chi'ldren together even after they have become estranged," the article notes. Despite the red, white and blue and their connotations, "the Atonement Madonna is not just for us in America, or just for 1976," Father Cranny writes. "She is the mother of all the world, for all times,"
Scout Committee
New members of the Attleboro-Taunton Catholic Scouting Committee are Al Adamczyk, Taunton, chairman; and Al Manson, Attleboro, and Mrs. Helen Silvia, Taunton, vice chairmen.
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SIMPLE LIFE: Franciscan Sisters Mary Raymond (left) and Nancy Leddy feed chickens on their Ohio farm. They have left traditional convent routine to return to simple life style espoused by 51. Francis. (NC Photo)
lin Bic,ent.e;nnial Ye·ar They Retu·rn To Simplicity o.f Natioln's" Youth By RONALD S. MILLER LOGAN, Ohio (NC) - Their sow had farrowed 13 piglets at two in the morning, just seven hours ago, and the two nuns, dressed in blue jeans and flannel shirts, were sti'll in awe at the process. In a Bicentennial return to the naked simplicity of birth, growth and death patterns, the two sisters are searching for the "peace which passeth all understanding" not in a convent or in competitive society, but through a life of simplicity. Like the founder of their order, St. Francis, Sisters Mary Raymond and Nancy Leddy have abandoned a life of comfort to return to the basics on a farm outside Logan, Ohio. "We had evangeHcal, pre-conceived notions of service in moving here, but our neighbors' way of life - their generosity and care - taught us the gospel of Jesus can become your way of life without high theorizing," said Sister Raymond. "By their ~xample alone they know more Scripture than any of our Scripture experts," The two Sisters share homemade cookies on a table made from a barn door supported on four locust posts. A galvanized meta1 tub serves as the bathtub, while on chilly days a coalburning stove fills the dining room with warmth. 'Desert Day' Finches pass time in the birdfeeder just outside the window, and behind the farm, past the pig pens, over the rise leading into the woods, is a natural
cave where, Sister Leddy said, one could spend a "desert day" in reflection. Sister Raymond is a horticulturist at a nearby greenhouse, while Sister Leddy teaches hyperactive, neurologically handicapped children at Union Furnace ~School (not too far from Monkey Hollow and Grease Ridge). They rent the homey farmhouse - once thought to be haunted. Their garden produce, hogs and beehives pay for upkeep and give some support for the motherhouse. Much excess produce goes to the needy in the area. The completely self-supporting nuns were not expected to survive the first cold winter, but now, four years later, they remain on the land. The life of "getting and spending" most people attempt sad-
dens them. "I feel sorry watching people accumulate, trying to pursue happiness according to the standards of society," Sister Leddy said. "Your hands in the earth, the miracle of the birth of a baby chick - these things make you aware of your dependence on God. "This attitude of 'I must achieve for myself alone' puts me at a loss, keeps me from being the instrument that could respond to the Higher Will that seeks my companionship," she said. "You must renounce identification with such preconceived ideas of work in order to be happy,"
Ever the Same "0 God, who art ever the same, Iet me know myself, let me know thee,"-St. Augustine
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.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 1, 1976
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-This Cape Cod Directory
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Open Daily - 10 A.M. To 11 P.M. ROUTE 28 2 Miles South of Bourne Bridge
Mass Schedule for Summer Season BREWSTER OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Schedule effective June 27 - Oct. 10 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. . Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. except Wed. 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 P.M. and 6:006:30 P.M. First Friday-7:00-7:30 P.M.
The Merchants on
Leica· Nikon • Bolex • Hasselblad Ampex • Sony • Panasonic
EAST BREWSTER .IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Schedule effective June 27 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11 :00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 and 6:00 P.M.
Div. of Manomet Auction Gallery Jack Dabrowski, Manager
Joseph 'Costa
PHONE 548·6339
Costa 's Auto BOOy
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BUZZARDS BAY ST. MARGARET'S Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00,10:00, 11:00, 12 Noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 'and 7:00-8:00 P.M.
Rte. 28. Otis Circle Pocasset, Mass.
564-4617 Family Crested Items Irish Imports Waterford Belleek Aynsley Porcelain Connemara Marble Musical Cottages Jewelry Records
Leprechaun Gift Shop TOM & FRAN DALLAS
ONSET ST. MARY-STAR OF THE SEA UIasses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:30 P.M. and after 6:30 P.M. Mass
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WEST BARNSTABLE OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunuday-8:45 and 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. CHATHAM HOLY REDEEMER Schedule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
FALMOUTH HEIGHTS ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 .Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, \1: 15 AM. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
HYANNIS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 12:10 P.M.
YARMOUTH PORT SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.
MARION ST. RITA Schedule effective July 3 - Sept. 5 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:15 AM. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:30 AM.
MATTAPOISETT ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday-8 AM.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
NANTUCKET OUR LADY OF THE ISLE Schedule starts weekend May 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. (Saturdays 9:00 AM.) Rosary before 7:30 A.M. Mass daily
.J 0
CENTERVILLE OUR L <\DY OF VICTORY Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. . First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M. First Friday Masses at 7:00 and 9:00 AM.
FALMOUTH ST. PATRICK Schedule effective weekend of June 26-27 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. - Saturdays 8:00 AM.
SOUTH CHATHAM OUR LADY OF GRACE Schedule effective July 3 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30. '10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. EAST FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A~. Saturday Eve.-4:00 & 5:00' P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZABETH Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-5:00 P.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 2:30·3:30 P.M.
SIASCONSET UNION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:45 AM. July and August
OAK BLUFFS SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.
ORLEANS ST. JOAN OF ARC Schedule effective June 19-20 - Labor Day Ma:!'ses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. . Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 AM.
Page Gladly Sponsor
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 1, 1976
. . "artie NUitrribJJili1 (Circa 1750) , Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge
of Churches and Masses
Falmouth 548-5500
Mass Schedule for Summer Season NORTH EASTHAM
CHURCH OF THE VISITATION Schedule ef(ective June 19-20 - Labor Day "Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M.
ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-9:00 and 10:30 AM. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M. MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS
COMMUNITY CENTER Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M. POCASset
ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Schedule begins June 20 - Aug 29 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30,10:30,11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. Confessions: Saturday - 4:00 - 4:45 P.M.' and following 7:00 P.M. Mass for half-hour PROVINCETOWN
ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM., 7:00 P.M. . Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 5:30 P.M. (except Saturday) Confessions: Saturday-4:00 - 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M. SANDWICH
CORPUS CHRISTI Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M, Daily-9:00 A.M. SAGAMORE
ST. THERESA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. SOUTH YARMOUTH
ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. (9:00 AM. Mass Mon.-Fri. only) BASS RIVER
OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) VINEYARD HAVEN
ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions: Saturday-2:30 - 3:30 P.M.
Schedule for July and August Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 9:00 A.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows the 7:00 AM. Mass and continues until 5:00 P.M. on 1st Fridays Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses & Sat. 3:00 P.M.
Jones Rd. at GiHord St.
OUR LADY OF LOURDES Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: Sat: 4:30 - 5:00 P.M.
"When did God's love for you begin? When He began to be God. When did He begin to be God? Never, for He has always been without a beginning and without end, and so He has always loved you from eternity." -St. Francis de Sales
The TraditionalNew England Inn
Schedule July and Aligust Masses: 'Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. - Confessions:· Y2 hour before Mass
Always God
ST. PATRICK OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-4:15· 5:00 P.M.
Te!ephone 295·1691
We Buy & Sell Anything Old or Used Rte. 28 • FALMOUTH, MA. 02540 (617) 540·1738
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Furniture Stripping And Refinishing 10% DISCOUNT With This Coupon NEW & USED FURNITURE FOR SALE Gifford Street ~ Falmouth, Mass.
Tel. EXeter 8-2285 Director-Norman A. Hallett
SACRED HEART Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-9:30 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M. NORTH TRURO
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Schedule effective June 12 Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. WEST HARWICH
, HOLY TRINITY Schedule effective.May 16 - June 27 Masses: Sunday-8:00,9:30 & 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00 and 7:45 P.M.
"On The Cape" "WE BEAUTIFY OUTDOORS" Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Trees Lawn Fertilizer - Loam • Annuals Landscape Design 442 MAIN ST., EAST FALMOUTH
The Falmouth National Bank
ViliaRe Greeo Since 1821
SANDWICH HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE • HOUSEWARES Pittsburgh Paints • Greeting Cards SANDWICH, MASS. Tel. 888·0292
Schedule effective May 16 - June 27 Masses: Sunday..,...s:30, 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday--3:45 P.M. WOODS HOLE
Cornwell Memorial Chapel Dignified Funeral Service'
LUNCH - Tues. To Sat. 11:30·2:00 DINNER - Wed. To Sat. 5:00· 10:00
ST. JOSEPH Schedule effective June 19-20 thru Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. (9:00 AM. Sat. only) CQnfessions: Y2 hour before SundaY,Masses
Fresh Seafood House
LUNCH & DINNER Served From 11 A.M. to 10 P.M.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Schedule effective June 19-20 thru Labor Day Masses: SundaV-8:00, 9:30, 11 :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:15 and 5:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday Masses
Tel. 394-0331
Have We Missed
Mark? THE FOLLOWING EDITORIAL by Marty Harrison, news editor, appeared in Today's Catholic, the San Antonio archdiocesan newspaper~
A funny thing happened on the way to the bicentennial. What should have been the most festive of occasions -the 200th bit1:hday of the -greatest democracy the world has ever known - is falling short. . What should have been a joyous celebration of freedom hasn't measured up. Somehow, we have managed to miss the mark.
And there is something grotesque about seeing our national colors draping the ugly physique of fire hydrants. Greed, ignorance and bad taste are running rampant. It was inevitable in an economic setup such as ours that the bicentennial was to be celebrated, to a great extent, in the marketplace - to be recalled in future years by dusty mementoes on the shelf. But it also should have been celebrated in the lives of our people - in the joys of a¡ Godfearing citizenry free from prejudice, moral corruption and the pain of poverty.
The bishops of Florida; iIi a bicentennial pastoral, put it into focus. Calling America a "powerful but confused nation," they attributed this confu~ion to "the forces of history, the collapse of culture, the erosion of traditional values and the disparagement of major institutions."
We have inundated our shops with an endless stream of bicentennial souvenirs and trinkets.
"Power tends to confuse itself with virtue," they say, "and a great nation is peculiarly vulnerable to the temptation to think of itself as empowered with near-divine attributes."
And alas, a number of ciUes could find no better way to squander badly needed monies thim to trot out red, white and blue buses and fire hydrants.
We have packaged and sold our nation's birthday party in every commercial form, from red, white and blue caskets to tricolor wigs.
What went wrong, America? Did we lose our integrity? Did we lose our goals? Our purpose? And most frightening of all, did we lose our faith in God and in the living of His Commandments? If we haven't, we 'surely need to take.a fresh look at our interpretation and implementation of these priceless treasures. If so, we as a people certainly possess the heart and the stamina to reclaim them. Discovering and calling attention to our shortcomings does not accentuate the negative for the sake of negativism. It is the mark of an alert populace striving to eradicate the evils within. It may be too late to set our house in order for the bicentennial. But it is not too late for the tricentennial. Perhaps by 2076 we will at long last truly see to it that our people live up to the aims of our God, our heritage and our Constitution - and that we will in actuality be a nation of liberty and justice for all. If not, there probably won't be a tricententennial to fuss over anyway.
"Our nation is 'under God.' It is not God itself." Truly, we do not have as much to celebrate on this bicentennial as our Constitution guarantees we should have -,and much of the celebrating we have devised is hardly worthy of a great nation. We have packaged and sold our nation's birthday party in every commercial form, from red, white and blue caskets to tricolor wigs. We have inundated our shops with an endless stream of bicentennial souvenirs and trinkets. And alas, a number of cities could find no better way to squander bady needed monies than to trot out red, white and' blue buses and - if you please - red, white and blue fire hydrants. Not only is this ari inexcusable waste, it is an insult to citizens squeezed by inflation and picked clean by outrageous utility ripoffs.
Somewhere between the dream of 1776 and the reality of 1976 we lost our way. In recent years the two highest elected officials of the nation - the president and vice president - were driven from office due to misconduct of the most profane nature. Top leaders of giant corporations have been found guilty of giving bribes to obtain contracts. Labor leaders, in some cases, have been convicted of stealing from pension funds. And the two agencies charged with protecting our freedoms - 'the FBI and CIA - have been found to be as threatening to these very freedoms as any foreign despot, if not more so due to their cloak of respectability. And now there is the unfolding sex' scandal in Washington which, by the time it winds down, may make Watergate seem like a misdemeanor.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 1, 1976
Should Church Establish Social Research Center?
Says Indians Criticize Gandhi Regime Too
I hear rumors round and about the ecclesiastical network about a strong possibility that, as a reaction to the publication of "Catholic Schools in a Declining Church," the American hierarchy is going to set up its own social research center. Well, like I always say, it's an ill wind in empirical methods, have long contracts,' and be given great that doesn't blow some sil- flexibility in the objects and ver lining. I gather that the methods of their research; they reasoning goes something like this: There are a fair number of bishops who are convinced that social research is a good
should be committed Catholic lay people. All their reports should go on the public record, and their budget should not be less than a half-million a year, and probably closer to a million. Anything less and one should conclude that the hierarchy is simply not serious about what they are doing. Now, the Catholic tendency in this country is just the opposite. When they want a "consultant" to validate something (or to invalidate someone), they call in elderly non-Catholics who have long since stopped publishing, and who, despite impressive reputations, are not qualified to talk about what they are supposed to talk about.
idea. The astute power brokers who are currently holding the Church together will argue to enough of the others to get a majority that one way to keep the NORCnicks off your back is Paper Operation to have your own research staff. Recently, a major Catholic It might fly. university offered everything The idea is kind of unfair, but its football field to. one of however, to CARA (Center .for sociology's big names. The whole Applied Research in the Apos- profession knows that this partolate) which has tried with al- ticular big name has devoted most no hierarchal help to play most of his time in recent years this role for the past decade. to academic politics and has a The diligent efforts of the CARA very meager publication list crowd deserve more recognition . during' those .years. It would than they' have received - and - have been a "prestige" appointmuch more in the way of re- ment because it would have search funding. gotten the university a lot of The big question about such publicity, but it would also have an official church research cen- gotten it a lot of trouble and no ter-and I personally will be: publications. That is what a nalieve it when I see it-is whether tiona1 research center doesn't it will have the budget and the need. freedom to do what it ought to If I were one of the leaders do or whether, like a lot of of the Church, I wouldn't vote other captive agencies of the Church, it will be underfinanced, for a free and well-funded reunderstaffed, and under control. search operation. Such a unit would find many unpleasant Close Look at Stafr things about the performance of One will want to take a very American Catholicism. And you close look at the kind of men couldn't dismiss its findings and women who are appomted nearly a,s easily as you' can disto staff such an operation. Since miss NORC's research. After I would not run if nominate<t, all, if the findings come from an and would not serve if elected "official" center, they have (not that anyone would think some "official" impact - and that possibility anyhow), I per- then you are in trouble with haps might be excused for de- Rome. So what the hierarchy scribing the kind of staff which really wants is a paper organizawould give a National Catholic tion that provides a nice front Research Center some credibil- but which doesn't really do anything. ity. The staff members should be And that would be very typyoung, ambitious, well trained ical of American Catholicism.
In a recent column, I respectfully expressed regret that Mother Teresa of Calcutta had, perhaps unwittingly, left the impression during a press conference in 81. Louis that she is happy about the way things are going politically in India. I felt this was unfortunate May issue of the French Cathbecause the Indira Gandhi olic documentary magazine, Inregime has little regard for ternational Catholic Informatiorr basic human rights and can (ICI). The author, B.M. Aguiar, only be described as an authoritarian government. Many correspondents took exception to my column, saying
TAUNTON: Rev. Richard W. Beaulieu of St. James Parish has been appointed Moderator of the Taunton Serra Club. (Hookailo Studio Photo)
New Councilors Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception province, which serves St. t.ouis parish, Fall River, and St. Kilian parish, New Bedford, as wel1 as staffing a friary in Buzzards Bay, have named seven members to the provincial council, following a chapter meeting in Wappingers Falls, N.Y. To serve for three years are Father Francis de Sales Paolo, Father Francis S. De Lorenzo, Father Alan Caparella, Father John Bavaro, Father Rocco Famiglietti, Father Cletus DelIo Iacono and Father Peter D. Nuzzo.
World Peace A rosary for world peace will be recited at 1 p.m. Saturday at St. Patrick's Church, Falmouth, under auspices of Council 813, Knights of Columbus. The public is invited and free rosaries will be distributed.
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a correspondent for the Bombay Tablet, is much more critical of the Indian government than I, as a foreigner, would dare to be. He reports that Prime Minister Gandhi stated last January at a路 Congress Party meeting that the Indi~n government, By with a view to promoting limitation of births, was prepared to MSGR. take "vigorous measures which would not be to the liking of GEORGE G. alt" HIGGINS There are a number of indications, Aguiar maintains, that the central government in New Deleither that the Gandhi regime is hi is ready to require compulnot, in fact, repressive, or that, sory sterilization for couples, even if it is, Americans have no throughout a'll India, who have right to pass judgment on it. In more than two children. summary, most of our correIt is true, he notes, that Vice spondents seem to think that we President M.G.S. Pathak of InAmericans should leave it to the dia, told a 1973 international Indian people to handle their congress on demography that own political affairs and respect for the human dimension should not expect India or any is the central objective of the other developing nation to be government's population proguided or governed by our own gram. The government, he said, less than perfect standards of always accents the fact that the democracy. cooperation of the people and For the sake of argument, let . their decision concerning the us .concede that point and, in路 limitation of births must always deference to our correspon- be voluntary. . dents, cite only Indian sources by way of corrobqrating our Right of Progress criticism of Mrs. Gandhi's govAs Aguiar pointedly remarks, ernment. Our first source is a statement however, this was said before by the International League for the present "state of emergency" the Rights of Man calling upon took effect in India. At the presthe United Nations to launch a ent, as Prime Minister Gandhi full-scale investigation of what herself has . stated, "certain it charged was "a consistent rights must give way to the right pattern of gross violations of (sic) of progress." human rights" over the past The Archbishop of Bombay, year by the government of India. Cardinal Valerian Gracias, has A 73-page dossier documenting vigorously protested against the the League's charges was based government's population proon data compiled by the People's gram, noting that compulsory Struggle Committee, composed sterilization constitutes "a violaof four major opposition parties tion of a fundamental human in India. Violations documented right and an affront to the digby the committee included arbi- nity of the human person." trary arrests, "official' policy of Aguiar uses even stronger lantorture, brutality and other mis- guage to characterize the govtreatment of political prison- ernment's sterilization program. ers," and. the suspension of free "In a totalitarian state," he said, speech, press and assembly. The "the nation is supreme. The peoreport puts the number of polit- ple don't count." ical arrests in India at between Those who still disagree with 30,000 and 75,000. our criticism of the Gandhi re" Vigorous Measures gime are advised to address' Our second Indian source is their complaints to Cardinal a lengthy article, "Towards Com- Gracias and Aguiar, both of pulsory Sterilization," in the whom live in Bombay.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July I, 1976
KNOW YOUR FAITH One-to-One Pre-Cana BY FR. JOSEPH M. CHAMPLIN One of my bigger surprises and disappointments in the priestly ministry has been preCana or marriage preparation sessions. I looked forward a few years after ordination with great anticipation to my first experience before a group of engaged couples. After all, they were young, in love, and presumably anxious to hear words of w\sdom about the sacrament of matrimony; I, too, was young, supposedly related fairly well to people of that age bracket路 and enjoyed speaking on this topic. Then came the shock. Most of the 50 plus couples sat sullen and silent, arms folded, eyes on the clock, feet shuffling back and forth under the chairs. Jokes which normaHy drew strong laughter hardly brought a smile. Questions were few and far between. There was no applause, no thank-yous, no warm fuzzies at the end, only a rapid departure from the auditorium. That painfu1 opening encounter has repeated itself at many pre-Cana meetings since then; Anonymous feedback forms indicated that despite the hostile and nonresponsive atmosphere
and reception, the couples in fact liked our presentations and 1)enefited from them. But it was certainly difficult to judge this from the initial reaction or external appearances. Aware of such an apparent re路luctance, even resentment upon the part of engaged persons, we invited with some hesitation married couples at Holy Family to join in a special one-ta-one marriage preparation program. The results, however, have been extremely positive. We present a young man and women several options when they come to the rectory and set a definite date for their wedding: travel to Syracuse or Oswego for a diocesan pre-Cana conference; participate in an Engaged Encounter weekend; meet with one of our own couples for a few hours. Most select the latter. After the engaged make this choice, the married couple assigned contacts them and invites the young lovers to their home at a mutually acceptable time. Tension Dissolves , The format for that afternoon or evening is quite unstructured. During the several hours they visit, the married couple attempts to guide the easy, free Turn to Page Thirt.een
Early Church History BY STEVE LANDREGAN
The Acts of the Apostles is really a continuation of the Gospel of Luke. Together Luke and Acts form a two-volume work. The Gospel relates the proclamation of the Good News by Jesus that was finally accomplished by His death, Resur-' rection and exaltation. Acts tells the story of how the Good News spread from Jerusalem to the "ends of the earth" after the Resurrection. In depicting the emergence of Christianity from a Jewish sect to a catholic religion, Luke places great emphasis upon the work of the Holy Spirit in guiding the spread of the Word, forming the early community of believers and in adding to its numbers. Luke also emphasizes the importance of Jerusalem as the place chosen by God from which the Good News would be spread as the center of the Apostolic Church and Apostolic authority.
路But Acts is something of a .travelogue and the action moves steadily and definitively from Jerusalem through Palestine and Syria, to Asia Minor, Greece and finally to Rome itself, the "ends of the earth" to Palestinians but the center of the world to Luke. Despite its title which reflects . a Greek 'literary form that recounted the deeds of heroes, Acts is in no sense a recounting of the deeds of the Twelve Apostles. ~t centers on Peter and Paul. Nearly one-third of the Acts is devoted to speeches or discourses, particularly of Peter Turn to Page Thirteen
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373 N.ew Boston Road Fall River 678-5677
Signs of the Spirit in Today's Church BY FATHER PETER J. HENRIOT, S.J.
"The Spirit is a'moving, all over, all over this land!" How often have I heard that popular folk song in recent years? And how often have I reflected on the reality of its message? Truly, the Spirit is a'moving in our Church in the United States today. I believe we are experiencing that "New Pentecost" which Pope John asked us to pray for back in the early 1960s when the Second Vatican Council was beginning. It has not always been an easy experience. Like the early Christian community at the time of the first Pentecost, we've been shaken, disturbed, confused. But the Spirit has shown itself in both dramatic and quiet ways: renewing, refreshing, recreating. One great sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit, it seems to me, is in the increasing dedication of the Church to the works of social justice. Some have feared that the spiritual renewal movement in recent years -retreats, liturgies, charismatic movement, houses of prayer, etc. ..,..-might turn people away from an active concern for social issues. Occasionally there does seem to be instances of this turning inward on the part of some people in the Church. But I really don't think it is possible for a genuine inspiration, "blowing," of the Spirit to turn us away from that "action on behalf of justice" which the 1971 Synod of Bishops said was an absolutely necessary element in the preaching of the Gospel. It simply would not be the Spirit of Jesus that moved me if I was distracted from a strong commitment to justice. Five-Year Plan The truth of this can be seen from a look at the fourth chapter of Luke, verse 14-21. There we learn that when jesus began His ministry immediately after His Baptism, "the power of the Holy Spirit was with him." Coming to Nazareth, He began His first public homily by making His own the words of Isaiah: "'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me" And He tells us the consequence of that anointing with the Spirit: preaching the Good News to the poor, proclaiming liberty to captives, giving sight to the blind, freeing the oppressed. These are the works of justice. This is the ministry of whoever is moved by the Spiri,t. And so we can look around the Church today in the United States and see much of the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit. Responding to the insistent call of the Church's recent social teaching, Catholics are becoming more and more involved in efforts to bring justice to the structures and conditions of our society. Let me mention just a few of these "signs of the Spirit"
THE SPIRIT IS MOVING throughout the Church, writes Father Peter J. Henriot, giving examples of Christians in action, such as these high school youngsters spending study period helping to exercise brain-injured child. (NC Photo) that I see around us at this time. 1. The Bishops Bicentennial celebration, "Liberty and Justice for All," has involved large numbers of Catholics in discussions about the Church's role in meeting today's great prob'lems. When the special "Call to Action" conference meets this coming October in Detroit, a five-year pastoral plan will be drawn up to assure that the Spirit's call for us to "preach the Good News to the poor" is really answered in our country. 2. The tremendous response of Catholics to the global food crisis has ,been marked by a growing recognition that at issue is justice and not simply charity. If hungry people are to be fed-in the United States and in the poor countries of the world -we have to pay attention to social welfare legislation, corporate business practices, foreign policy, and so forth . 3. Recently' Catholic bishops have acknowledged that the movement for women's rights is a key social justice question that the Church must address. Bishop Dozier of Memphis, for example, has emphasized that equality, freedom, dignity, and opportunity are such basic rights that a denial of them to women
"would be a grave injustice to the People of God." A sure sign of the Spirit's presence is that more and more women - and men-are recognizing this and working for justice. 4. The needs of racial minorities, of the Spanish-speaking, of white ethnics, of the elderly: These are a few of the challenges which have given rise to numerous peace and justice centers across the country, with official and/or unofficial Church sponsorship and support. The growth of these centers seems to me to be a great instance of the movement of the Spirit. The list certainly could go on. But the lesson is clear. We know that "the Spirit is a'moving alI over the land" because we see similar results in our Church as were experienced by Jesus when He was moved by the Spirit. The works of justice are great signs of the Spirit in today's Church. '
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Early Church History Continued from Page Twelve and Paul but including the speech of Stephen before the Sanhedrin which led to his martyrdom. Each discourse, beginning with Peter's Pentecost sermon (2-14-19) and concluding with Paul's address to the Jews of Rome (28:17-20) marks a decisive step in the spread of the Word. Acts can be divided into two portions. The first, of which Peter is the principal figure, describes the spread of the Good News in Palestine, and includes the first nine chapters. The second portion, which centers on Paul, is concerned with the spread of the Good News to the Gentiles and includes the books' concluding 18 chapters.
Spirit, and ours too," (15:28), the Spirit speaks to Philip (8:29) and to Peter (10:19), and the Spirit selects Paul and Barnabas (13:2).
Theological Themes
(u:2) and primary witnesses to
Luke's principaI sources of material were Paul, to whom he was a companion, Mark, who was Peter's companion and scribe, Philip the Deacon, and others with whom Luke came in contact in Antioch, Ephesus and Caesarea. The "we" sections of Acts (16:10-17, 20:5-15, 21:1-18 and 27:1-28-28:16) attest to Luke's own experiences as being one of his major sources. Salvation, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Church are the great theological themes of Acts. The themes of the Holy Spirit and the Church, are distinctive to Acts which could well be described as the Gospel of the Holy Spirit or the Gospel of the Church. In the Old Testament the Spirit was seen and understood as the impersonal power of God but in Acts the Spirit is depicted as a divine being, personal and distinct from the Father and the Son. Following the Council of Jerusalem, the Apostles write that: "It is the decision of the Holy'
Thurs., July
Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates of all !ctlvities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news ,tem can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an announcement several times.
Acts refers to the disciples of Jesus as the "ekklesia" or church, a term used to describe the People of God in the Old Testament (7:38). The life of the Church is described in the context of the early Jerusalem community, centered around Apostolic teaching, breaking of the bread (Eucharist), prayer and the common possession of property (2:42-47). The Church in Acts possesses a definite hierarchical structure but also has those whose roles stem from special charisms or gifts of the Spirit (11:27, 13:1f). Apostles are the first teachers the life, teachings and resurrection of Jesus (1:21-22). Peter is clearly the leader. Episkopoi (bishops) and presbyteroi (priests) are leaders of the communities with diakonoi (deacons) appointed to care for widows and children and to participate in the ministry of the Word. ' Jesus identifies Himself with the Church (9:5) making it clear that whatever is done to His disciples because of Him is done to Jesus Hlimself. The Acts come' to an end in about the year 63 A.D., while Paul is imprisoned in Rome. It is not certain why Luke chose to end his narrative at that point. Some speculate that he carried it to the moment of composition and simply stopped. Others feel that he concluded the narrative with what he saw as the fulfillment of Jesus' words: "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you; then you are to be my witness in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, yes, even to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8).
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RESPONSE TO TRADITIONAL pre-Cana programs for engaged couples is often hostile, says Father Champlin, who describes an alternative "one-to-one" marriage preparation program used in his parish. (NC Photo)
One-to-One Pre-Cana Continued from Page Twelve flowing discussion over about 10 topics which inC'1ude love, communication, finances, inlaws, sex, children, forgiveness and religion. It is hard to say who is more nervous at the beginning - the engaged or, the married couple. Nevertheless, the tension qickly seems to dissolve, common bonds are swiftly discovered and the conversation proceeds from one subject to the next without much difficulty. Our 10 pre-Cana couples happen to be marriage encounter persons. They were the only ones who volunteered, although the opportunity was and is open to any married individual in the parish. Their weekend and later encounter experiences seemed to help these couples with our oneto-one program. Having discussed at 'length with each other
"BUCKY" The Television King
and with similar people in the movement the basic issues of marriage, they felt more comfortable in articulating those questions to the engaged couple. In addition, they allowed the young lovers to talk and avoided lecturing to them. Moreover they conveyed genuine interest and joy in the couple, indicating how much they benefited from the engaged persons' sharing of their inner selves with them. Married couples like this are able to make points about the Church and religion more effectively than we as priests can do. Those who seldom participate in Sunday Mass expect the clergy to say something about that -it is our "job"; similar words from concerned lay people have greater impact. Larry Morrell and Barbara Pisano were all smiles after a one-to-one marriage preparation "visit" with the Foleys. They smiled all over again when, in response to their invitation, that couple came to the wedding and the reception which followed.
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1, 1976
ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Parishioners are asked to wear colonial costumes to the 10:30 a.m. Family Eucharist on Sunday, July 4. The summer schedule for daily Mass is in effect until Aug. 2. One Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. each day except Tuesday and Wednesday, when an additional 7 p.m. Mass will be offered. The Men's Club will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday, July 11. Plans will be made for a cIamboil. Also on July 11, those planning to travel to Poland and Russia on a parish-sponsored excursion this summer, willI meet at 4:30 p.m. in the school hall. Confirmation candidates will meet for Mass at 7:30 a.m. Monday, July 12, and wiH then spend an "apostolic day" working with retarded youngsters. l'he annual Summer Festival will take place Saturday and Sunday, July 17 and 18 at Westport Fair Grounds. ST. LAWRENCE, NEW BEDFORD The Parish Club will hold a membership drive during July. All parishioners are urged to join.
FOREIGN & DOMESTIC RETAIL· WHOLESALE • PARTS Full Line Df Accessories & Tires 23&0 CRAN, HWY. W. WAREHAM, MASS. CHARLES WOODWARD, Owner·Mgr. 16171 295·2577
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JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Home 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. 672-2391 Rose E. SuUivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan
O'ROURKE· Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer licensed Funeral Director
THE ANCHOR-Di~cese of Fall River-Thurs., July 1, 1976
-basic youth page Life
By The Dameans
CHRISTIANS ALL: Young people attending Jesus '76 rally near Disney World in Florida raise hands in praise. Three-day celebration attracted 15,000 youth from across nation.
'Jesus '76' Youth Celebration Attracts Thousands to Florida Field ORLANDO (NC)-"We're all Christians," said Rev. Roy Harthem, opening Jesus '76 here. The three-day celebration attracted about 15,000 persons from all parts of the United States to a 105-acre field near Walt Disney World. Seventeen ministers and preachers, including Catholics, taught and spoke in tents and arenas across the field. Between 8,000 and 9,000 persons camped in the field for three days, and according to organizers of the event, sunburn was their most serious problem. Jesus '76 is third in a series of Jesus celebrations, the first of which was held in Morgantown, Pa. Other Jesus '76 celebrations are scheduled for North Carolina, Canada and Pen~sylvania.
C. J. Mahaney, 22, and Larry Tomczak, 25, of Washington, D.C., were two Catholic preachers at Jesus '76. "Years ago we held what we helieved in private, almost in secret," Tomczak said. "Now" we boldly proclaim .and witness to Jesus." He called on the audience to respond by raising hands, Bibles and voices.
New Order "Toe way we live, different from most people, as a counterculture, is a sign or the new social order brought about by Jesus," he said. Mahaney said, "When the Jesus movement began, many young people's lives were changed, but the movement did
not seem to be stable or solid. We are trying to give mighty witness to Jesus." Both Mahaney and Tomczak are full time preachers associated with Take and Give, a teaching ministry in Washington. Mahaney has a daily radio program and Tomczak has writ-
ten a book, "Clap Your Hands." Mahaney said he became a preacher "because I was asked to preach. We are all given gifts and called to share them. It is important that we do not preach our own opinions, as so many ministers do, but that we preach the word of Jesus."
focus on youth. by Cecilia Belanger We continue with letters from concerned readers - concerred for the youth in distress in our midst who seem to be overlooked. Why are they overlooked? Because they, too, are concerned and it seems that a worried brow does not always attract. However many people have shown that they do care and are doing something about it-quietIy. "Thank you for shaking up some of us parents." As they say in the commercial "I needed that." How little do. we realize when we are close to someone how unhappy that someone can be, even though they have a nice house, clothes, eat well, and that sort of thing. We don't bother to .Jook beneath, do we? Believe me, I'm turning over a new leaf. My kids won't know what happened to me and it will take time to get things together again, but we are praying and I know things will be better now that I am awake. We're the ones that are really blind. A miHion thanks for opening up my eyes."
• •
Kids Better than Parents "My children are grown up and married now, but how they Turn to Page Fifteen
Essay Contest WASHINGTON (NC) - "SelfReliance and Solidarity of Peoples" is the theme of the second International Justice and Peace Essay Contest, sponsored by the Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace and open to students at Pontifical academies, Catholic universities, faculties of ecclesiastical studies and seminaries throughout the world. Contestants are expected to develop thoughts, in essays of five to eight thousand words, on how the themes of "self-reliance" and "solidarity of peoples" can be mutually reinforced. First prize is $1000, second prize $700 and third prize $400. Brochllres further describing the contest are available from Department of Social Development and World Peace, U. S. Catholic Conference, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., 20005.
The prose following this introduction is unique. In the first place, the work is not a very good one, but it's moving faster than any other entry in the top 100 chart songs. Secondly, it is not a song at all, but a monologue spoken with background musical accompaniment. Thirdly, for the first time since we have been writing this column, the "song" is going to be longer than the article. If there is some explanation for the success of so different an entry, it is that "IOU" hits the markets at a timely moment. Its theme gives thanks for motherhood in a season when more people leave home than any other time of year. Summer is the season of graduations, marriages, summer camps and new careers. And suddenly many people realize they have taken for granted the generosity of certain special individuals, especially mothers. If this musical monologue is not artistically memorable, at least the experience to which it points arouses memories that are considerably more profound. You know, most people look through their wallets or their pocketbooks and way down at the bottom past the credit cards and baby pictures and green stamps you usually find a little old dog-eared piece of poetry. I was cleaning out my wallet the other day and I ran across a whole bunch of IOUs, some of them 30 years overdue. Funny thing is that all these IOUs are owed to one person. And I feel like right now might a pretty good time for an accounting. Mom, you listening? Mom, lowe you for so many things, a lot of services, like night watchman, for instance; for lying awake nights listening' for coughs, cries,creaking floor boards, and me coming in lat~. You had the eye of an eagle, the roar of a lion; but you always had a heart as big as a house. lowe you for services as a short order cook, chef, baker, for making sirloin out of hamburger, turkey out of tunafish, and two big old strapping boys out of leftovers. lowe you for cleaning services, for the daily scrubbing of face and ears, all work done by hand, and for the frequent dusting of a small boy's pants to try to make sure that he led a spotless life. And for washing and ironing no laundry could ever do, for drying the tears of childhood, and for ironing out the problems of growing up. lowe you for service as a bodyguard, for protecting me from the terrors of thunderstorms and nightmares and too many green apples. . And Lord knows lowe you for medical attention, for nursing me through measles, mumps, bruises, bumps, splinters and spring fever. And let's not forget medical advice either, oh no, important things like: "Don't scratch it or it won't get well," "If you cross your eyes they're gonna stick like that," and probably most important of all was "Be sure you got on clean underwear, boy, in case you're in an accident." And lowe you for veterinarian services, for feeding every lost dog that I dragged home at the end of a rope, and for healing the pains of puppy love. And lowe you for entertainment, entertainment that kept the household going during some pretty tough times, for wonderful productions at Christmas, Fourth of July, and birthdays, and for making "make-believe" come true on a very limited budget. lowe you for construction work, for building kites, confidence, hopes and dreams; and somehow you made them all touch the sky. And for cementing a family together so'it would stand the worst kinds of shocks and blows. And for laying down a good strong foundation to build a life on. lowe you for carrying charges, for carrying me on your books for the necessities of life that a growing boys just gotta have, things like a pair of high top boots with a little pocket on the side for a jackknife. And one thing, Mom, I will never, ever forget; when there were only two pieces of apple pie left and three hungry people I noticed that you were the one who suddenly decided that you really didn't like apple pie in the first place. These are just a few of the things for which payment is long overdue. The person lowe them to worked very cheap. She managed by simply doing without a whole lot of things that she. needed herself. My IOUs add up to much more than I ever hope to repay. But you know the nicest thing about it all is that I know that she'll mark the entire bill "Paid in Full" for just one kiss and for little words: Mom, I love you. By L. Markes and J. Dean Sung by Jimmy Dean (c) Plainview Music, Inc. (BMI)
THE ANCHORThurs., July 1, 1976
focus on youth... Continued from Page Fourteen put up with me when they were younger is beyond me. I drank a lot; I was mean when I was drunk. The ki4s suffered more than t1ley let on. They couldn't bring anyone home because they never ]mew what condition I would be in. I have no excuses for what I did. I am guilty and I know I can never make it up' to them. "Your column was tom out and given to me to read at work. Do路 you know, I had a hard time to finish the day? After I got home I called up my children and began talking to them in a way I never talked to them before. We both cried. "You know something? Sometimes children are better than their parents. I know mine are better than I am. We blame kids for their parents' mistakes and how wrong that is. Thank you for a column that is of help, not only to youth, but to parents as welL" Horrible Nightmare "I'm a heart-broken mother who, if she had taken the time to understand what her son was going through, might still have that son alive today. As I look back I recall all the times we fought-his father and I-with him. How we never understood what he was telling us because we thought only our generation knew anything.' "How dumb we were! I have to now live with my ignorance. One night when we were in/one
eyo Golf Match Set in Attleboro An Attleboro Area CYO Golf Tournament will take place. the week of July 11 at the Norton Country Club, with competition open to all youth, Catholic or not; from ages 12 to 26. Girls wil1 compete Monday, July 12 and boys on Wednesday, July 14, with tee-offs on both days beginning at 8:15 a.m. for the senior division, 8:30 for the intermediate, 9 o'clock for the junior and 9:30 for the cadet. Trophies will be presented to first, second and third place finishers in each division. Application blanks are available at area rectories or at the club and must be returned by Sunday, July 11 to the rectory or club.
of those donnybrooks with him. and I can remember his last word, So long-this is the last time we're getting into one of these hassles. He left, angry, got into his car, drove off in a blind rage, and just a few hundred feet away from the house, the car hit a tree and he was dead. "I am living with that horrible nightmare and each day is a struggle. His father and I are to blame for his death. We know it. No one can tell us otherwise. "I hope this letter will help some more intelligent parents to take it easy with their children. To discipline, yes, and to teach right from wrong, yes, but to sit down and listen, too. Not' to make fun of what the child is saying-not to be sarcastic and leave nothing for that child to remember but hard feelings and angry words when he or she leaves the house. "We are the ones who have made this crazy society - not they. We sat around letting things happen while we had. our drinks and good times. The few who dared or cared to speak out were laughed at. There were too many of us on the wrong side and what chance did the good ones have? "Where I worked it was impossible to think a good thought. All the people cared about was what were they going to do for a good time over the weekend. Their children came last. I was one of those guilty ones. I felt my son was in the way. Oh, if only I could do it over again. I'd give my life for him, because he deserved to live and I don't. "I'm having a hard time getting over this. It's the guilt that bothers me. And my own stubbornness and hard head. I feel better just writing this letter because I know that someone like you, if anybody, understands. I wish my son had had you to talk to. Thank you and God bless you." (All letters to this column are answered personally by Mrs. Belanger, in adidtion to any com路 ments she may make for publi. cation. She may be addressed in care of The Anchor.)
Parish Parade ST. JOHN BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE The parish will sponsor a lobster supper from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, July 17 at the parish hall on Main Road. Reservations may be made with Lauretta Potter, telephone 636-2367 or Mildred Porter, 636-2882. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Parishioners are asked to save box tops from Post cereals for the parish school. They are exchangeable for a wide variety of recreationaI equipment. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD In observance of First Friday and in preparation for the Philadelphia Eucharistic Congress, 7 p.m. Mass tomorrow will be followed by a half hour of adoration. Benediction services, which have been held at 3 p.m. each Sunday, have been discontinued for the summer and will resume in the fall.
ROCKETS' RED GLARE: Fireworks at Capitol and around nation will fill the sky this weekend in celebration of America's 200th birthday. (NCPhoto)
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