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te8nc VOL. 38, NO. 26


Friday, July 1, 1994



Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly


$11 Per Year

Back in Time Sisters of Mercy from the regional community of Providence portray their foundresses for a horse and buggy ride commemorating their 1851 arrival in Rhode Island. The Sisters of Mercy mark 150 years in the United States this year. See story pages 8 and 9. (Hickey photo)

Bishops protest death penalty Today the Criminal Justice Committee of the state legislature is holding a hearing at the Boston State House regarding possible reinstatement of the death penalty in the Commonwealth. Among those testifying in opposition will be Atty. Gerald D'Avolio, executive director of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, who will present the stand of the four bishops of the Commonwealth. , Concurrently, the bishops have issued a statement on capital punishment. Signed by Cardinal Bernard Law, Archbishop of Boston, and Bishops Sean O'Malley of Fall River; Timothy Harrington of Worcester; and John Marshall of Springfield, it follows:

CATHOLIC BISHOPS' STATEMENT ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Once again, legislation regarding the restoration of capital punishment in Massachusetts has been put before the Great and General Court,

In the past (1982, 1984 and 1985), the four Diocesan Roman Catholic Bishops ofthe Commonwealth hllve publicly opposed such a move. This position remains the same in 1994. We affirm the traditional teaching of the Church that the state has the right to inflict capital punishment in cases of extremely serious crimes for the sake of the common good. It must be noted, however, that the Church has never taught that the state has an obligation to exercise this right. We understand the mounting pressure there is in our Commonwealth for passage of this legislation. We, however, are concerned that the exercise of this right in our society at this moment in time will feed into the escalating cycle of violence which all of us deplore. We maintain that society has a serious responsibility to find the

_ - - - I n This Issue-_-

Turn to Page 13

Human cost of arms sales called gaping wound VATICAN CITY (eNS) - Behind the Vatican's recent document on the arms trade lie some disturbing statistics on weapons sales. And behind those statistics lie human suffering and sorrow. It's the human side of the problem that matters most to the church, which wants its ethical arguments taken seriously because, as just one example, hundreds of civilians around the world will die this week when they step on land mines. The document, "The International Arms Trade - An Ethical Reflection," was issued by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. It was the Vatican's first comprehensive statement about the $20 billion-a-year global arms industry, which it described as a gaping wound afflicting humanity. At a press conference, French Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, pontifical council president, vented outrage at the conse-

quences of weapons sales. He picked out land mines as unique offenders. The cardinal, often sent by Pope John Paul II as an emissary to troubled regions, most recently to Rwanda, said he has seen firsthand the tragic results of mines in Asia and Africa. "Mines mow down human lives long after the cessation of hostilities. These treacherous weapons should be banned," he said. A 1994 U.N. Human Development Report noted that mines fit many of today's drawn-out, low-intensity wars in which one goal is to demoralize civilians. In former Yugoslavia, for example, some 60,000 new mines are laid every month. The report said' that 105 million unexploded land mines are believed to remain buried in at least 62 countries. In Cambodia, they kill or maim 300 people a month and in Angola an average of 120 people. Turn to Page 13




Hasidic School Called Unconstitutional Page 3

We Need Civic Virtue

Page 4 ;

Ministry Survey

Pro-Life Lawyers'


Answer to ABA


Page 12


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Diocese of Fall River -

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Fri., July I, 1994

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In Portuguese, English

Bishop will lead rosary twice daily on WHTB Beginning next week, Fa!l River radio station WHTB will sign on each broadcast day with the rosary in Portuguese led by Bishop Sean O'Malley. The morning rosary will be heard Monday through Friday at 5: 15 a.m. as of July 4 and weekends at 5:45 a.m. At night, the rosary in English already follows the II p.m. news at approximately II :06 p.m. Station co-owners brothers' Robert and James Karam said they were honored that Bishop O'Malley accepted their invitation to record the rosary. '

"I n this hectic and stressful world," Robert Karam noted, "some time is needed for a respite, a moment of prayer and reflection." , Members of Our Lady of Fatima _parish, Swansea, St.. Anthony of Padua parish, Fall River, and St. John of God parish, Somerset, participated with the bishop in the rosary recitations, recorded under direction of station operations manager )ay Elliot. WHTB is located at 1400 on the A M dial and reaches listeners throughout most of Bristol County.

Respond to AIDS with care, not fear, says nun HELENA, Mont.(CNS)-Compassion and care, not fear and rejection, is the appropriate Christian response to persons with AIDS, according to Sister Elizabeth Henry. As a hospital nurse and home h'ealth care worker in Helena, Sister Henry has ministered to persons suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome and to their families. As a mem bel' of the Lewis & Clark County AI DS Project, she has tried to reduce fear and promote understanding among the public about the disease. The fear of AIDS in society "is still pretty significant," the Sister for Christian Community said in an interview with The Montana Catholic. That fear is often coupled with a stigma because of the means ,by which AIDS is most commonly transmitted - through homosexual activity or intravenous drug use. For many people, said Sister Henry, those factors cloud any sense of sympathy or compassion for those who have contracted , AIDS. "If they're rejected and not cared for, that makes them sicker," said Sister Henry. "Care and concern helps persons with chronic illnesses do better, because it seems to stimulate their immune system and have a direct physiological effect." Because the AIDS virus suppresses the body's immunity, the person is susceptible to all kinds of. ailments and' infections and dies a gradual, painful death, she .said. Sister Henry said she is proud of the leadership the Catholic Church has shown in caring for AIDS patients. "I think the official church has,

Named chaplain Father Roger LeDuc, pastor of St. George parish, Westport, has been elected chaplain of the Southeastern Massachusetts District of Union Saint-Jean-Baptiste, a division of Catholic Family Life Insurance. Union members will participate in Franco-American Pride Day Sept. II at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. An outdoor Mass will have Providence Bishop Louis E. Gelineau as principal celebrant and homilist and attractions will include 90-minute show, a book fair, film shorts in French and English and the opportunity to picnic under "cathedral pines."

in my opinion, been above reproach," she said. "They've been ahead of their time, as far as their teachings and general presence." In the Helena area, the greatest sign of that leadership has been the participation of clergy in the ecumenical prayer service for persons with AIDS and theirfamilies, held each year in St. Helena Cathedral. AIDS sufferers and their families truly appreCiate that show of support, she said. After sensing rejection elsewhere, "they come and see the caring concern and acceptll;l}ce of the church," said Sister Henry.

PATRICIA BENOIT, for 10 years a teacher and administrative assistant at SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, has been appointed, principal of Espirito Santo School, also Fall River, effectiv.etoday. She holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Rhode Island College and before teaching at SS. Peter and Paul was religious education coordinator for Our Lady of Mt. Ctirmel parish, Seekonk. She is the mother of three adult children. Mrs. Benoit expressed her intention to further the Espirito Santo educational programs introduced by outgoing pri nci pal CharlesM oreira, who is joining the faculty of Mercymount Country Day' School, Cumberland, RI.

Churchgoers .will be asked to sign

Prevention"love stressed in HIV/ AIDS declaration

Food for the Poor asks aid to meet shipping costs Imagine being offered tons of free school supplies and hospital equipment desperately needed by the poor and having to refuse ':he donation because the cost of shipping the goods is too high. Then, imagine being offered a $500,000 grant to pay those shipping costs - but only if the Christian community makes a matching contribution before the foundation's July 31st deadline. '''Now you can imagine our e:lation and frustration. We have a window of opportunity opening, and we're scrambling to collt:ct matching contributions before the chance slips away," said Ferdinand Mahfood, founder and director of Food For The Poor. "For every dollar we can raise before the July deadline, the foundation will provide an extra dollar for shipping expenses. This means we will be able to ship millions of dollars worth of goods we would otherwise have been forced to refuse. If we succeed, those items won't he wasted." According to Mahfood, the potential value of matching contributions is extraordinary. H $500,000 in public support is n:ceived, it will allow Food For Tt:e Poor to ship nearly 330 extra tractor trailers full of donated good,s valued at approximately $7 million. "This matching grant repn:sents a very impo....tant opportur.,ity for us and for the millions cf needy families we are trying to help in Christ's name," Mahfood said. "By making a $50 contribution to this campaign, a donor is actually providing $100 to our cause." Since its inception in 1982, Food For The Poor has provided mon: than $150 million worth of food, medicines and other goods to tht: poor of Haiti and the Caribbean. Tax-deductible contributions t(l the special matching grant cam.. paign may be sent to Food For The Poor- Dept. 9337, 550 S.W. 12th Ave., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442.

WASHINGTON (CNS) represented the Central ConferChurchgoers across t'hecountry ence of American Rabbis Joint will be asked later this year to put Committee on AIDS, said even their names on the line, signing a within one town, various religious declaration on HIV / AIDS, anorganizations working on AIDS nounced the AIDS National Interprograms are often not in touch with one another. faith Network. At the conclusion of a May Marist Father Rodney J. Demeeting, the network of AIDS Martini, of the National Catholic ministry leaders said the declaraAIDS Network, said he was pleased tion would bolster efforts of thouand impressed with the way advosands of church-affiliated procates from diverse denominational grams fqr care ()f AIDS victims backgrounds collaborated on a and education about the virus that declaration that respects varied causes it. religious teachings on subjects , The Rev. Kenneth South, execsuch as the use of condoms. utive director of the WashingtonMany advocates encourage use based network, said the declaraof condoms to prevent the spread tion would be presented. at 'the of AIDS, while Catholic teaching United Nations on World AIDS is that abstinence is the only apDay, Dec.' I. It will be d issemipropriate way to prevent the spread nated for signatures by AIDS minof sexually transmitted diseases. istry workers and volunteers from Father DeMartini said particidozens of different denomi nations, pants found common ground in he added. their basic respect for life. The draft declaration says, in Also on the meeting agenda was part, "We are ci,llled to promote a discussion of how activities of prevention: Within the context of some groups have left a public our respective faiths, we encourperception that religious instituage accurate and comprehensive tions are hostile to AIDS victims information for the public regard- and do little to help them. ing HIV transmission and means "U nfortunately the religious reof prevention. We vow to develop sponse sometimes gets identified comprehensive AIDS prevention with those who speak in the name programs for our youth and of religion but in words offear and adults." . hate," said Father DeMartini. It also says: "We are called to Even within denominations, love: God does not punish with there often are widely divergent sickness or disease but stands to- perceptions about what the church gether with us as the source of our should be doing, said Father strength, courage and hope. The DeMartini. God of our under~tanding is, in "My role is to reach out to the fact, greater than AIDS." The Mass of Christian Burial A bout half of all social, pastoral best of my ability, even among was offered Tuesday for Sister Catholics with vast differences in and support programs for victims Alma Hartley, RSM, 87, who died attitudes," he said. of AIDS are run by church-related June 25. As a young sister, she The priest said the Catholic organizations, said Mr. South, a ' taught in the Fall River diocese AIDS Network has a ministry rosMetropolitan Community Church from 1928 to 1944 and from then . minister. Yet the public perception ter of more than 3,500 names, until she retired was stationed at some individuals and some organis that religious groups are mostly St. Mary's Academy/ Bay View, izations. But there's no accurate a thorn in the side of efforts to East Providence, R I. count of all church-related efforts, address AIDS. A native of England, she was the For example, he said at a press some as 'large as d iocesanw,ide daughter of the late James and the Catholic Charities projects or as conference, th'e single largest prolate Mary Ellen (Walsh) Hartley. small as committees of parish vider of housing for people with She is survived by a brother, volunteers who visit the sick. CurAIDS in the San Francisco area is rent programs offer shelter, medi- ' Joseph P. Hartley of Augusta, Catholic Charities. Ga., and by many nieces and cal care, education, and hospice AIDS ministry representatives nephews. and pastoral care, among other of Catholic, Presbyterian, Methoservices. dist, Jewish, Episcopal, Unitarian In Fall River Diocese and Church of Christ churches In t~e Fall River diocese, Krysten attended the' conference, with an NOTICE Winter-Green coordinates the Ofeye toward sharing their successes fice Qf HIV / AIDS,Ministry, which Thue will be no Anand resources and creating some offers patients and families pascentral goals. chor on July 8, in keepThe network also plans to kick toral and clinical counseling, spiring with our 50-week itual support, including days of off a collaborative effort with the publishing policy. Our reflection for both caregivers and Centers for Disease Control to next issue will be dated patients, information and referral gather and disseminate informaJuly 15. Happy Fourth tion about how religious institu~ services and support groups for tions are working with A IDS' patients, caregivers, parents of of July to aU! patients, married couples, men, victims. women and significant others. Rabbi Marc Blumenthal, ~ho

O~ITUARY Sister Hartley

, ,THE ANCHOR -Diocese of Fall River -


Fri., July 1,1994

Letters Welcome Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address. Please type if at all possible. :A-- ------------------







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390 YEARS in the service of God are represented by these jubilarian members of the Dominicans ofSt. Catherine of Siena. In front row from left are Sister Marie Anne Cardin, 60 years; Sister Marie Gonzales St. Denis, who will be 100 years old in August, 75 years; Sister John Dominic Girard, 75 years. At rear, Sisters Angele Morin, Celine Thiboutot and Irene Plourde, all marking 60th anniversaries. The sisters were feted at a Mass and following reception. (Gaudette photo)


Friday, July 15, 1994 8:00 pm Saturday, July 16, 1994 8:00 pm Sunday, July 17, 1994 3:00 pm Musical Direction by

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Hasidic school found unconstitutional WASHINGTON (CNS) - A school district creat.ed to meet the special education needs of a Hasidic Jewish community violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled June 27. In a 6-3 ruling, the court said the New York Legislature effectively endorsed a particular religion when it created a public school district for the Satmar Hasidic village of Kiryas Joel. In writing for the majority in Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District vs. Grumet, Justice David Souter said the legislature's unusual action was "tantamount to an allocation of political power on a religious criterion." Although not addressed directly in the ruling, five of the nine justices noted that t.he Kiryas Joel problem existed only because of what they called the court's faulty 1985 rulings that ended the practice of public school districts offering special education programs to parochial school students on the grounds of their own schools. Those rulings meant that students from the strictly orthodox Kiryas Joel village had to attend special education programs in neighboring public schools. Because of problems the children faced, such as harassment for their conservative style of dress and other traditional behaviors of the Sat mar Hasidim, parents eventually took the children from the public school programs and petitioned the state legislature to arrange for them to be taught in their own community.

Altar girls OK'd WASHINGTON (CNS) - The National Conference of Catholic Bishops has "overwhelmingly" supported the Vatican's March ruling permitting females to serve at the altar, according to an NCCB announcement. The bishops' action was taken during their retreatstyle June meeting in San Diego. "It is the opinion of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCC~) that the option of having women and girls serve at the altar is a welcome one, subject always to the guidance of the diocesan bishop," said the motion approved by the bishops.

The 1985 ruli ngs also ended si milar arrangements for state-funded programs at U.S. Catholic schools. The U.S. CathOlic Conference had been among organizations urging the court to rule the Kiryas Joel district constitutional. It also encouraged the justices to reverse the Grand Rapids and Aguilar decisions. In Kiryas Joel, Souter wasjoined in the majority by Justices Harry Blackmun, John Paul Stevens, Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Justice, Anthony Kennedy concurred with their conclusion, but wrote a separate opinion about the legal path to get there. Justice Antonin Scalia sharply dissented from the majority, sarcastically saying the legislature's act of religious tolerance was elevated by the ruling to 'a state "establishment" that would surprise the founders of the United States as well as the founder of the Satmar Hasidim. "The Grand Rebbe (Joel Teitelbaum) would be astounded to learn that after escaping brutal persecution and coming to America with the modest hope of religious toleration for their ascetic form of Jud-

Production Direction

aism, the Satmar had become so powerful, so closely allied with Mammon, as to have become an 'establishment' of the Empire State." His dissent was joined by Justice Clarence Thomas and Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

FATHI~R CRAIG A. Pregana, parochial vicar of St. John Evangelist parish, Attleboro, has been appointed by Bishop Sean O'Malley as assistant director in the Diocesan Office for Vocations. In that capacity, he will work with Msgr. John J. Smith, VE, director of the office. Father Pregana, a native of a St. Louis parish, Fall River, was ordained in 1989 and since that time has served in the Attleboro parish. As a seminarian he was a counselor and in 1988 head counselor at the former St. Vincent de Paul Camp in Westport.



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THE ANCHOR'- Diocese of Fall River -


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Fri., 'July I, 1994

.the moorin~


the living word I

Let's Pull Together For years the Woods Hole, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Steamship Authority has been the subject of controversy. Because of its unique political status, it has also been either the pet peeve or pampered pet of local politicians. As a result, a somewhattunnel-·visioned attitude has characterized the Authority. Realizing this and being aware of the rapid development ofthe areas it serves, an independent study oft.he organization was undertaken by the federal government in conjunction with the Urban Harbor Institute of the University of Massachusetts at Boston. Two important facts were brought out by the institute's in-depth report: that New Bedford should be reestablished as a harbor facility for the Authority; and that the communities served by the Authority benefit both economically and socially. For decades, New Bedford was a principal port for the "isiand' boats'~; then,. with the reason given that the arrange;. ment was a "loser," all mainland departures for the islands were shifted to Woods Hole and Hyannis. It is well known how' both the Cape and islands boomed in the 1980s and the Steamship Authority shared in the general prosperity. Indeed, in many ways it has become too prosperous. . . Anyone who has tried to get to Woods Hole on the old tourist road knows the nightmare one experiences with the congestion of truck and passenger car traffic. If the ferry service is to be a true lifeline to the islands, it is in need of an expansion of service which would not place even greater burdens on its present ports. The logical answer is use of 'another port and that port should obviously be New Bedford. Few question that the present ferry system needs rethinking. Ifit is to continue serving the increasing number of motorists iJsingour highways, it is imperative that it broaden its vision. New Bedford and Southeastern Massachusetts in general need all the economic renewal possible. Thi~ ar~a of the state has long been a loser, regarded by the powers on Beacon Hill . merely as a burden. Recognized only in election yeats, it deserves better treatment from those it has helped put into the legislative driving seat. There is no doubt whatever that New Bedford would benefit by a return of the Steamship Authority. Jobs and an incr'eased demand for a wide variety of services' and supplies would certainly help the community but the Authority too would benefit from alleviation of the highway bottlenecks' now caused by its car and truck service. New Bedford is an ideal port with easy highway and rail access. Its pluses far outweigh any of the minuses that have been emphasized by vested interests. . There are some who are adamant in their desire to preserve '. the status quo. Much ofthis mind-set flows from the Authority's internal d.ifficulties. Noone wants to give up what is felt to be a secure thing as far as personal interests are concerned. However, the needs of our area are ever-increasing and will never be met by isolationist and narrowminded attitudes. As days pass, the pros and cons of this issue will be examined in depth~ but regardless of how heated discussion may become, we must not lose sight of the benefits that would come to a city ,in desperate need of economic renewal and waterfront expan,sion. In other words, all of Southeastern Massachusetts should 'pull together in this matter.

eNS/Philadelphia Vlslton B.r.au



"There came down fire from heaven." 4 Kg. 1:10

Civ.ic virtue By Father Kevin J. Harringto~


to our society

the demise of moral values while depicting their opponents as immoral' slobs. Conservatives do this when they label their adversaries as permissive, empty-headed multiculturalists, liberals when they affix labels in the manner of Dr. Elders. If we could make talk of virtue less partisan we might even be able to make politics more virtuous! The United States could learn a great deal from other cultures. Believe it or not, societies exist that feel no need for the multiplicity of regulations that exists in the United States.: Can you imagine a nation with no need· for· an Environmental Protection Agency because its people respected the Earth? Can you imagine.a society where tenderness toward children and respect for the elderly were such that there was little need to create special laws forbidding the:abuse of the most vulnerable? .This may sound like Utopia, but in fact many citizens of our country are unaware that our undesirable social trends are not so pervasive elsewhere nor were they so pervasive in our own nation forty years ago.

Surgeon 'General Joycelyn EIders, at a New York Lesbian and Gay Health Conference, attacked the "un-Christian religious right" for opposing education programs on subjects like AIDS and sex. She was quoted as saying: "We have to take on those people who are selling our children out in the name of religion." Whatever efforts President Bill Clinton may make to distance himself from his outspoken surgeon general, it is obvious from his policies that he is doing everything to promote her agenda. President Clinton promised to bring this country together by striving to gain a const;nsus on the major controversial social issues of our day. The social contract in a democracy is built on two p,illars: The Editor .the importance of rights as encoded in our Bill of Rights, our Constitu-' tion and the rights we have come to understand in more.recent times; and the pillar of civic virtue. I think we have come to a point in society where we may have so focused on rights that we have OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER blinded ourselves, our young peoPublished weekly by The Ca~holic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ple and the new peoples coming to this country to that very important 887'Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 second pillar, the responsibility to Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 I1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II111111111111111 practice civic virtue. Telephone 508-675-7151 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Certainly 'the surgeon general of Class Postage Paid at Fall River," Mass. _ FAX (508) 675-7048 the United States has a right to . Published weekly except the week of July 4 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above exercise freedom of speech, but and the week after Christmas at 887 Highshe oversteps her limits when she land Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 by . Catholic Press of the Diocese 'of Fall GENERAL MANAGER resorts to rhetorical skills that re- the EDITOR River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid duce debate to simply them versus $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address Rosemary Dussault Rev. John F. Moore ~ Leary Press- Fall River . us. Politicians frequently portray changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722. themselves as being concerned with




The United States could learn a great deal from its own rich history. In the founding docume:nts of this country, such as the 'Federalist Papers, one finds important assertions about civic virtues. In order for people to guarantee rights they must practice civic virtues. One of the most crucial civic virtues in a democracy is tolerance. Ifthe public discourse of 1'0liticalleaders lacks civility, there is little hope for listening or understanding. Fights have winners and los(:rs. If you're fighting to win,ithe temptation is great to deny facts that support your opponent's views a nd present only those that support your own.. The abortion and animal rights issues provide examples of intolerance on two totally. diffen:nt controversial matters. The federal government is placing more restrictions on the ways in which th'ose who oppose abortiolJ in our land can make their views known. While liberals rejoiced at court deCisions to come down agair.,st right-to-life advocates, they wincl:d when other laws prevented animal rights' activists fJ;om demonstrating in front 'of Stores selling clotiJing utilizing the pelts offur..ibearing animals. Unfortunately, too few of our political leaders on' whatever side of the fence avoid the rhetorical excesses that breed an atmosphe:ie of animosity precluding respect and poisoning interpersonal r,elationships.

Did Moses write the Pentateuch? Q. In a recent column you related that the church formerly said that the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament) was written by Moses. Now, you say, the churcli says this part of the Bible was not written by Moses. You have a great problem if you deny Moses was the author of these books. Either (1) Christ was ignorant of the true author when he quotes Moses in these books, or (2) he lied or (3) we cannot trust John's'or Luke's words when Jesus quotes Moses. How do you explain all this? North Carolina A. There is at least a fourth possibility which you neglected to mention. Jesus, according to the Gospels, was simply reflecting Hebrew tradition by referring to Moses as the author of the five books to which you refer, but had no intention of deciding a technical question of authorship for future Scripture scholars. Even though a few passages apparently do go back to somewhere around his lifetime, numerous parUi of these five books indicate one way or another that Moses, who lived probably in the 13th century before Christ, was not their author. To take just one particularly superficial instanc:e, Moses could not have described his own death and burial (Deuteronomy 34). Your question and comments are a good reminder that we 'need to understand remarks of this nature made by Jesus or other biblical figures in the way the people

Daily Readings July 4: Has. 2: 16, 1718,21-22; Ps 145: 2-9; Mt 9: 18-26 July 5: Hos 8:4-7,11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38 July 6: Hos 10:1-3,7-8,12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7 July 7: Hos 11:1,3-4,8-9; Ps 80:2-3,15-16; Mt 10:7-15 July 8: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4,8-9,12-14,17; Mt 10: 16-23 July 9: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:12,5; Mt 10:24-33 July 10: Am 7:12-15; Ps 85:9-14; Eph 1:3-14; Mk 6: 7-13 July 11: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9,16-17,21-23; Mt 10: 34-11:1 July 12: Is 1:1-9; Ps 48:28; Mt 11:20-24 July 13: Is 10:5-7,13-16; Ps 94:5-10,14-15; Mt 11: 25-27 July 14: Is 26:7-9,12,1619; Ps 102:13-21; Mt 11: 28-30 July 15: Is 38:1-6,21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10··12, 16; Mt 12: 1-8 July 16: Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:14,7-8,14; Mt 12:14-21 July 17: Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6: 30-34

Speakers, survey results announced by Sister Blute


Diocese of Fall River -- Fri., July I, 1994

Our Lady's Monthly Message From Medjugorje

Sister Mary Noel Blute, RSM, Episcopal Representative for Religious, has announced speakers for this fall and for spring, 1995, as part of an ongoing enrichment program for religious men and women cosponsored by the Fall June 25th, 1994 River and Providence dioceses. To conduct a 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina workshop Saturday, Oct. 22, at St. Mary Academy/ Bayview, East Pro13th Anniversary of Her First Appearance vidence, is Sister Barbara Fiand, SND, author of"Living the Vision: Dear Children: Religious Vows in an Age of Today, I rejoice in my heart in seeing you all present here. I By FATHER JOHN Change." bless you and I call you all to decide to live my messages which I DIETZEN Planned for Saturday, June 3, give you here. I desire, little children, to guide you all to Jesus 1995, is a presentation by Rev. because he is your salvation. would have understood them at Diurmed O'Murchu, MSC, an Irish Therefore, little children, the more you pray the more you that time, not as "proofs" of some religious and the author of "Reliwill be mine, and of my Son, Jesus. I bless you all with my question we are attempting to gious Life: A Prophetic Vision." motherly blessing and I thank you for having responded to my Further details on both programs answer today. call." will be forthcoming. Let me give just one example Suney of Religious OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE PRA YER GROUP from the Gospel according to MatSister Blute has also reported on ST. DOMINIC CHURCH. SWANSEA, MA thew (12:40). Jesus says, "Just as EVERY WEDNESDAY. 7 P.M. Jonah was in the belly of the whale a survey of religious living and/ or working in the Fall River diocese. three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of It shows that there are 471 sisters. 121 priests, 33 brothers and, of the earth three days and three course, one bishop engaged in varnights." There is no reason to conclude . ious miniStries. The areas in which they are that by these words Jesus was active include administration, declaring his belief that the man community and volunteer service, Jonah was actually swallowed by a contemplative prayer, education, large fish, spent three days living day care, diocesan service, health and breathing in the whale's insides care, Hispanic, parish, campus and and then was spit out on the beach. SUMMER GARDEN CONCERT retr'eat ministries, music, secretarHe was simply using a story, a ial work and social service. parable from the prophets with WITH FR. PAT which his listeners would have Saturday, July 2 - 6:30 P.M. been familiar, to make a point about his own death and resurBIBLE STUDY CLASS rection. In additio,n to the election of Wednf!sday, July 6 - 7:00 P.M. One more.p<;>int. If you are at all Father John Corriveau, OFM Cap., familiar with biblical literature, Fr. Joe Ross - Classroom Above Gift Shop you know that attributing certain as general minister of the worldwritings to a popular figure, per- wide Order of Friars Minor CapuSUMMER GARDEN CONCERT haps long dead, was a common chin, reported in last week's MADONNA CHORALE & Anchor, the order's general chapliterary device. ter, meeting in Rome, elected King Solomon, for example, BLACK MINISTRY CHOIR who died about 920 B.C., was the another North American friar as From BrOOklyn, NY its definitor general, representing preeminent wise man in Hebrew English-speaking Capuchins throughSaturday, July 9 - 6:30 P.M. tradition. renowned even beyond the borders of his kingdom, as we out the world,. BIBLE STUDY CLASS read in I Kings and 2 Chronicles. He is Father William J. WieLater writers in the Jewish wis- thorn of the Capuchin province of Wednesday, July 13- 7:00 P.M.. dom tradition d'id not hesitate to St. Augustine, to which Bishop Fr. Joe Ross - Classroom Above Gift Shop name Solomon as the author of Sean O'Malley also belongs. Father Wiethorn. 53, has until now been their work, even though it was Call or write for the Summer-Fall minister of the St. Augustine written centuries later. Calendar of Events province. The Book of Proverbs (I: I) idenHe, like Father Corriveau, will tifies itself as "the proverbs of Solomon," and the Song of Songs serve a six-year term in his new says (I: 1) it was composed "by position. Solomon." Yet both of these Old Testament works were written or put together, at least in the form we now have them, more than 400 years after the old king's death. No deception or dishonesty was intended or suspected here. EveryCAPE COD FALL RIVER ATfLEBORO NEW BEDFORD one recognized it as a perfectly '783 SLADE ST. 261 SOUTH ST. 10 MAPLE ST. understandable way of uniting 59 ROCKLAND ST. P.O. BOX M· SO. STA. HYANNIS one's work with traditions that 226-4780 'J97-7337 674-4681 771-6771 preceded it. In the same manner, no one had a problem calling Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deu• ADOPTIONS • INFORMAnON/REFERRAL teronomy the "books of Moses" • CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN • PREGNAN>:Y SERVICES since they all intended to clarify DEVELOPMENT and enlarge on the law and coven• PRISON MINISTRY ant which God originally revealed • CATHOLIC AIDS MINISTRY • REFUGEE RESEITLEMENT to this heroic figure of Hebrew • ST. FRANCIS RESIDENCE FOR WOMEN history. .' COUNSELING • SOCIAL ADVOCACY A free brochure answering ques• INFANT FOSTER CARE tions Catholics ask about baptism practices and baptismal sponsors SPECIAL APOSTOLATES is available by sending a stamped SPONSORSJDP: ABOSTOLATE FOR PERSONS self-addressed envelope to Father ALCOHOUCSANONYMOUS wrfH DISABILITIES John Dil~tzen, 704 N. Main St., SOUP KffCHEN APOSTOLATE FOR SPANISH SPEAKING Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to the same address.

Capuchins elected



...... ... - ... ... - r>,..... ~



Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., July I, 1994

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SUPER SHOWER: Women survey some of the more

than 2,000 baby items donated to an 'event billed "the world's largest baby shower" at St. Mary's Hospital in Brooklyn, NY. The gifts, as well'as hundreds of dollars received in cash and check donations, will be distributed throughout the year by social workers at S1. Mary's. (eNS photo)

Another Schindler By Mitch Finley "Schindler's List," the Steven Spielberg movie, portrays a man who saved the lives of some 1,100 Polish Jews during the Nazi reign of terror in Eastern Europe during World War II, The film also is the true story of a man's conversion from a deeply self-centered individual to one who sacrificed enormously to save others' lives. But Oskar Schindler wasn't the only "righteous gentile" who saved people from Nazi death camps. One man, who is equally deserving of attention, is Raoul Wallenberg, an obscure Swedish diplomat who abandoned the comfort and safety of home for an impossible rescue mission. The man was Wallenberg, and his destination was Nazi controlled Hungary, where the Nazis planned to murder all of the country's 750,000 Jewish people. U oS. officials asked Sweden, the most influential of the neutral countries left in Europe, for help, Sweden still had fairly good relations ~ith the German government', and Swedish leaders agreed to do what they could to save Jews .. When asked to accept this task; Wallenbergaccepte<;t'- as lon,g as he could bend any rules he needed to. He knew he was entering a viper's nest where ordinary diplomacy would be useless. Wallenberg traveled to Budap-' est. His government gave him money to provide "safe houses" and food for thousands of Jews, plus money to bribe Nazi officials. It was Wallenberg vs. Adoif Eichmann, the mastermind behind the Nazi plan to murder all Jews in Europe. Both knew th~ war'was winding down and that the Nazis would lose. Eichmann wondered if he could rid Budapest of every Jew before the advancing Soviet armies entered the capital. But for Wallenberg the question was simply how many Jews he could rescue. He designed an impressive-Iook-

ing document that looked like a Swedish passport, but actually was a marvelous fake. Because the pass looked so genuine the Nazis accepted Jews who held it as Swedish citizens. Wallenberg's staff - including· many of Budapest's mosto'iltstanding community and business lead" ers, some of whom were Jews produced "schutz" passes at a, terrific rate. Wallenberg got permission from the Hungarian Foreign Ministry to issue 1,500 "schutz" passes. Then by bribery, clever threats and cajoling the number increased to 5,000, and Wallenberg actually gave away more than three times that many. A slight, balding, unremarkablelooking inan; Wall~nberg would personally run' to Budapest's train station to distribute the p~sses. Finally, when h.e ,cbuldn:t get any more "schutz" passes printed; Wallenberg began giving away Ii simplified document ,printed on poor-quality paper that worked to protect the holder. Other f~reign emb"assies in Buda, pest, seeing' Wallenberg's success, issued their own phony passes. 1 n the war's final days, Eichmann decided to kill all inhabitants of Budapest's Jewish ghetto. Hearing of this, Wallenberg sent a message to the Nazi general charged 'to carry out Eichmann's order. "If you do not stop this now," Wallenberg wrote, ".1 can guarantee you will be hanged as a war criminal." The general thought it over, then backed down. ... When the Soviets entered Budapest, they viewed Wallenberg as dangerous because by this time he also' had American money to spend. On Jan. 17,1945, Soviet authorities arrested Wallenberg, and he was never heard from again. "Raoul Wallenberg ... fought evil because it was there - there was no other choice," writes Danny Smith in "Wallenberg: Lost Hero" (Templegate Publishers). He risked his life because the Jews, "his people," God's people, had to be saved."

Made for mutuality My son Paul was married this Somehow, in those simple but spring at the time of Trinity Sun- eloquent words, the sense of"trinday, and the .officiating priest, a ity" came through - the mystery longtime friend of Paul's, took that speaks of fullness, connec'note of that fac.t - smilingly reas- tion, completion and unity, bound suring us at the same time that he beautifully by love. was not going to try to explain the Sister Prokes uses the word "muTrinity. tuality" to bring us closer to understanding how the Trinitarian Interestingly, I had just finished reading a book that actually helped relationship of Father, Son and me better understand this "central Holy Spirit applies to human existence, mystery," as the author put it. , Titled "Mutuality, The Human "Mutuaiity signifies a principle Image of Trinitarian Love," (Pau- , , of unity in which there is neither list Press) the book is by Sister domination, nor exclusion, nor MaryTimothy Prokes, SSND, who loss of personal identity," she notes that "yearly, on the feast of writes. the· holy Trinity, many homilists Moreover there is a "universal express difficulty relating this cencall to union .... We are gradually tral mystery to the experience of coming to appreciate the interrethose who celebrate it. Some allude latedness of all things~" Sister . to it almost apologetically, as ifthe Prokes maintains. ' doctrine is too abstract to have . '10 d al'1 y I'f Armed with the information re- , , ,any re Ievance 1 e. " . The priest at Paul's wedding vealed by Jesus, that the one God made the Trinity relevant in this is not self-absorbed and isolated, "but a personal communion: way: First, he said, there was the love that took root in the hearts of Father, Son and Holy Spirit," she Paul and Sue; then there was the affirms: "To be created in the, nurturing that made the love grow image of God, then, is to be created and solidify; finallY,there was the for interpersonal communion." "coming together" of all the family The Trinity is the "perfect comand friends to share.with them. the munity," and since we are created truth and,the joy of this love. in the image of the Trinity, the

Single parent woes Dear Mary: I am a single mother. My son is 15. Lately he is being influenced by a group of friends. These kids are totally unsupervised and sometimesdon't go home until·ll p.m. I decided to contact our local juvenil~ office,only to be told that unless he does somettiing legally wrong there's not much that can be done. I need a little positive input, a word of advice. I am really frustrated with the system! - Texas

Parenting alone means that you' are on the job every hour of every day. No one can work those hours. The black community has a wise saying, "It takes a community to raise a child'." . , You need to look for ways to share the challenge of raising a teen. Here are some suggestions. Develop a support system. Look for other single parents in your neighborhood, at your workplace, at your church, at clubs you belong to, among your own relatives. Starting with one other single All teens want to run free, away parent, try to' arrange ways to from adult supervision, rules and curfews. Your problem is greater share supervision. As your friendbecause, as a single parent, you ship develops, you may find ways to share other problems and recreamust~do all the supervising. tion as well.' '. ' , You are right to emphasize curInstead of or in addition to a few and enforce it. We cannot single support person, you might supervise a teen every minute. We try to establish or join a parentcannot expect a teen to admit to support group. doing thing~ or being with com, You might even consider chang- , panions that'parents don't approve. ingYour,livingarrangements. Select. .' But we can enforce curfews, thus' 'adjoining apartments or share a limiting the time' teens have on dupiex or a house with another 'their own. :. single-Pli~ent family. In thi,s ,way. , Curfe~ one of the' m~steffec­ you each have your own nousetive tools for control of teens. For hold, but you are available to each that reason it is often questioned, other regularly. debated and challenged by teens. Today police departments are


(:amp-gear comes to' life "What is that thing?" my neighbor Bud asked with poorly disguised disgust, pointing at a dull orange boxlike object on a shelf in my garage. "Oh, that's Mr. Snarl. My tackle box. See, if you push back the hooks and monoline, you can see, the handle." Then I explained, "You gotta be careful" though, 'cuz if you pick it up wrong the top springs open and the inside shelves kind of explode open and shoot lures and sinkers and stuff. I always try to open it away from the kids in an enclosed area, like in the trunk of the car or maybe in Oldy Moldy." He grimaced. "I know I 'don't wantto know but, Oldy Moldy?" "Ah," I said. "Oldy Moldy -

'.' ,-,. .- •.


human vocation is mutua1.ity intt:rrelatedness with each other and all other created matter, she writes. She relates as an example the story of the founding in Rome in 1968 of the St. Egidio Comm unity by 10 boys and girl~, students at a school there,.who by mutual agree'ment.began to pray daily and then set out to "act upon the Gospel m'essage" by befriending poor children.. Today the community has 15,000 members serving the poor, Writes Sister Prokes, who grew up somewhat poor herself on a S,outh Dakota' farm. Sister Prokes shows hoVi the Trinity is Christ's model for how we're supposed to exist as human beings: in "oneness" with God and with one another. Then we would be, like the Trinity, a perfect community.


gene,rally overwhelmed with se::ious offenses. Instead of criticizing the systl:m, think of ways to make it work better. Se:e if you can start to impf(lve a Big Brother/ Big Sister program. Support a Neighborhood Watch program. Perhaps the probation department, which does not have time for at-risk children, m.ight supervise a program for such children ·if volunteers can be enlistl:d. If you want to change the system, you need to get political. Talk to local police and sheriff departments not as an adversary, but as a concerned citizen. Get the support of other ,concerned parents. Take your con~ernsto elected officials. . S€;t.~p support for yourself and try to enlist the concern of your community. It might be one of the most important things you ever undertake.


also known as Fort Tick, or Bug DAN Heaven. Our tent.", Other families nickname their kids and their pets. We name our MORRIS camping gear. ' For the most part, the nicknames were earned. The propane lantern, for example, is called Three the tiine one meticulously places Mile Island. The frying pan is OJ: ice packs, margarine, eggs, bacon, Branding Iron. , franks, bologna, cheese, sausage The 'camp stove is Puff (as in links, milk and soda in the cooler 'Magic Dragon). The spatula is at home and the moment the cooler Bug Wacker and the ax is Dullard. is opened. The can opener is called Mr. Food. "What did you name the cooler, ' Pull a can of soda from the cooler, Burp Buffet?" kidded Bud. "Actu- and its comrades riot. ally," I told him, "we "call it PanI was about to tell Bud how my dora's Box." , folding camping shovel had earned , Those familiar with camping the name Rubber Crutch, but he would understand. An interesting had disappeared. He never was phenomenon takes place between one for the outdoors.


. THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., July I, J994

1iustServices Excommunicate them Dear Editor: It never seems to end. Now we have another Catholic politician changing h.is mind and becoming pro-choice - or more accurately should I say anti-life, Mr. Joseph Malone, OUT state treasurer. As, one who works in the trenches' Witb the ordinary people of the parish, 1 am well aware of the tre· mendous scandal this is giving to the good Catholic who is wholeheartedly trying to follow the Church's teachjngs For this reason I feel compelled to ask you to publish my request thaf the bishops of the United States find the courage to publicly excommunicate all Catholic politicians in their respective dioceses who cooperate in, vote fOT or further the cause of abortion. Perhaps it will be stated that all those who cooperate in abortion are already automatically excom~ municated. But this is not evident, and confusion reigns among our people. Let's make it clear the 80called Catholic politicians such as Edward Kennedy, Joseph Kennedy, Kerry, Cellucci, Malone, Moynihan and others of like mind are not following the teachings of their Church and are not really members. Just this week we have celebrated the feast day of a gre~t Catholic politician, St. Thomas More. Would toGod that more of

our Catholic politicians were ready to stick out their necks as he did. As a priest who has been ordained for over 38 years, I beg our bishops to consider my request for public excommunication of politi-. cians who give great public scandal. The people have been waiting too long. I have been waiting all my priesthood. To paraphrase St. Paul: "UChrist is for us, then who are we afraid of!" (Rev.) Gerald T. Shovelton West Harwich

prayers!orpi'ieslS Dear Editor: You're the one who can tellyour priest friends who were transferred that all 38 ofthem are being prayed for, including my pastor Father Kaszynski. and I also included myself for prayers. For the next 18 days all 38 priests are put in a special time of day for prayer because it's very difficult to make new adjustments after being in the same place for a number of years. All I ask now is for them in turn to pray for my Benedictine friends as some are being transferred also. I pray for you daily and please pray for me. Eleanor Pavao Fall River Editor's note: Father Kaszynski was not among priests transferred, althoup be is undoubtedly grateful for prayers.

Support group July 2 1967, Rev. Gerard A. Boisvert, Assistant, Notre Dame, Fall River July 3 1942, Rev. Thomas P. Doherty, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford July 4 1955, Rev. James A. Coyle, S.T.L., Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River July 5 1943, Rev. J.F. LaBonte, Pastor, Sacred Heart, New Bedford 1985, Rev. Edward P. Versailles, M.S., LaSalette Shrine July 6 1963, Rev. Edmond Francis, 5S.Ce.• Pastor, St. Mary, Fairhaven July 7 1~65, Rev. James E. Lynch, First Pastor. St. Joan of Arc, Orleans July 8 1887, Rev. Edward J. Murphy, Pastor. 51. Mary, Fall River July 10 1938, Rev. 'Pie Marie Berard, O.P., Dominican Priory, Fall River 1972, Rev. Maurice E. Parent, Pastor, Sf. Michael, Fall River


1987. Rev. John E. Morris, M.M., Retired. Maryknoll Missioner; Rev. Theodore M.- Morin, M.S., LaSalette Shri~e - July 13 ' 1979, Rev. Arthur P. Deneault, M.S., LaSalette F~ther July 14 1938, Rev. Nicholas Fett, SS. CC.• Pastor. St. Boniface. Fall River 1949, Rev. Edmund J. Neenan, Assistant. Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs __-"l'.·'


Dear Editor: On June 3rd, the Anchor printed an article which said Support Groups would become increasingly important in churches as people continue a ·"quest for community." A Support Group is a place to share information and struggles. to find a sympathetic ear. accep-

Call Citizens-Union Savings Bank at 508 675 4316

JU¥er, recently passed the 1Jl"c ternational Assn. for Healthcare Securilyand Safety (IAHSS) examination, making her a certified healthcare protection administrator. IAHSS is a nonprofit organization promoting professionalism in development, practice and administration healthcare security and safety programs. Ms. Wallace is one of 100 persons in the nation who have passed the associa-




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She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology and nursing from Salve Regina U niversity, and a master's degree in criminal justice from Anna ·Maria College. Additionally, she is a special officer in the Massachusetts State Police. tance. encouragement. and to make friendships. Information about Catholic Home School Support Groups can be obtained by calling Mary Ann Booth at 508-636-4903. This is the perfect time to learn more about the rewards and realities of teaching your children at home. Mary Ann Booth South Dartmouth

Rep. Christopher Smith, R-N.J., said Dr. Elders "advocates reckless policies that will endanger the health of all Americans, especially young people, and then spews out hatred towards anyone who disagrees with her radical views." The surgeon general also has been the target of criticism by Washington Cardinal James A. Hickey, who several times has urged Clinton to disavow comments by Dr. Elders, particularly for her attacks on churches for their opposition to promoting use of condoms. Also calling for Clinton to take some action on Dr. Elders is the Catholic Campaign for America, a nonpartisan organizat~onfounded by prominent Catholics including former education secretary William J. Bennett and Eagle Forum founder. Phyllis Schlafly. InaJune24statement. Thomas' V. -Wykes, the campaign'. execu' tive director, said "a-clear signal is being sent to the Clinton administration that it has been extremely negligent and disrespectful of the common values of most of America and that Dr. Elder's continued ridicule arid scorn have pushed people to their limits." "






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~ Walsh







tion's examination.

They want her out WASHINGTON (CNS) Eighty-seven House Republicans have called for U.S. Surgeon GeneraIJoycelyn Eldm to be removed from her'post because of her outspoken views. At a Capitol Hill press conference last week, the members said Dr. Elders is "a menace to public health"and-"anembarrassment to the Clinton administration." A letter is circulating among the members of Congress asking President Clinton to remove the surgeon general, saying she uses her post "to advocate views antithetical to the majority of citizens." At th e press canfere nee, R e. P Cliff Stearns of Florida assailed Dr. Elders for a speech a few days earlier to the Lesbian and gay Health Conference. in which she referred to the "un-Christian religious right" and attacked its oppositian to education programs on sex and AIDS. The letter from the tepreseRtatives does not specifically mention that speech. but refers to remarks she has made since taking office encouraging use of condoms by high school students to prevent the spread of AIDS and calling for a study on legalizing narcotics.

~~.J"'1IrA.l "'-'__ tL.&:.l~- '--'l~~

SHEILA L. WALLACE, director of security and safety at Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall



THOMas paSTERllall








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Fall Rlyer

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By Marcie Hickey Had the Anchorexistedin 1851. the fol/owing would have been headline news: Providence is the neW home of a group of religious sisters from a community founded in Dublin, Ireland, and first established in the U oited States of America in Pitts· burgh, PA. They are known as the Sisters of Mercy. Mother Frances Xavier Warde and Sisters Paula Lombard. Josephine lombard. Mary Camilfus O'Neill and Joanna Fogarty arrived by stagecoach on the evening of March II and have set up resi--dence-in-a sparsely f:mnisne4-twostory wooden building on High Street.: As the structure has no chapel. a· te1I)Porary altar was arranged for celebration of Mass the morning of March 12, marking the foundation of the first Sisters of Mercy convent in New England. The sisters come here at the invitation of Bishop Bernard O·Reilly of the Diocese of Hartford, of which Rhode Island is a part. They Were accompanied on their journey by Rev. James O'Connor, brother of Bishop Michael O'Connor of Pittsburgh. ~- Though their counterparts in 1n=land wear a religious ha bit, these "American" sisters are called"black hats" for'their secular garb of btacl< bonnets and cloaks, which arelllOf"ft~cceptableto the populace. ~ ".~ ". :,' - Sister Warde, who led- seven"sist~rs to America in 1843. was ten years before that the first woman professed as a Sister of Mercy by the order's foundress, Mother Catherine McAuley, in the first M-ercy convent in the world in Dublin. Sister Warde still speaks reverently of her inspirational foundress and dear friend, who died in 1841. MOllIer McAuley inherited a fortune iii her forties which she used to esta~lish on Baggot Street in one of Dublin's finer neighborhoods a center for impoverished women and children. She invited others with charitable inclination to join her though, Mother Frances explained, she had no intention of founding a religious order, seeinl the cloister as an obstacle to ministering directly to the poor. The' Archbishop of Dublin was

able to secure permissron from "We will leI Ihe word of God be attended the national celebration with five other Providence memRome for a religious congregation our continued nourishment and Ihal would nol be bound by Ihe put our~l~es without reserve in bers. It included portrayals of various eloisler, and on Dec. 12. 1831, God's hands." Mother McAuley and two assoThe Sisters of Mercy are here to regional foundresses by their biographers, guest speakers. conferciates professed the traditional stay in New England. ences and concerts, Sister Lali* ,. • * religious vows of poverty, chastity berte said. Another highlight was Back to the future: and obedience, adding a fourth of a series of dramatic presentations '~Me,cy knows no autumn 0' service to the poor, sick and oth-dance, poetry, music and arterwise underprivileged. Their vis- winte,·time/No death or dying by new members, articulating what ibility among Dubliners gained except to what is not Mercy...Its ministry encompllSses all need of led them to Mercy. Providence them the name "the walking nuns." candidate Rayleen Giannotti perAt age 23, Mother Francesjoined any kind and de,,,e/Seekin, only formed in a clown persona. the three founding sisters.••As a to provide, to uplift, to console Drama was also a part of Sunconfidential secretary to Mother ...Mercy is lin annuncilltion and day's Providence celebration, which Catherine, I shared in all.the plans incarnation oj eternal love made began in the first New England and works of the institute," she present within the circle ofour liti~"s~~t.~~!.Q.'!.fQ~~d.ectI;ty_ ~h~~!~!~!~ .tle histadesuL" r~l;~lls. __Evemllall-y_ sh~ wa.s_sent to. found institutions elsewhere in IreDuring a 1981 celebration in of Mercy, the former St: Francis land, so Ihat bylheliine of MOlher Fall River of the l50th anniver- Xavier's Academy in Providence. McAuley's de,ath the sisters num- sary of the founding of the Sisters It was a nostalgic morning for the bered 150' in 14 foundations. of Mercy order, the above was nearly 100 sisters gathered in the In 1843 Sisler Warde mel Ihe read as part of ,. A Testament of Academy's chapel-some of them had taught for as many as 40 years bishop of Pittsburgh, who ·'spoke Mercy." in the school before it was closed of the spiritual and physical needs This year its words echo again of his people-in America-the want as Mercy communities of the Insti- in 1983 and Ihe building sold 10 of religious instruction for both tute of the Americas mark another Johnson and Wales University. After narrating the history of children and adults, and the need chapter in their ··little histories"; the local Mercys, six sisters, cosfor care of the sick and poor, parthe 150th anniversary of the estabticularly among homesick Irish lishment of the Sisters of Mercy in tumed as their 19th century forerunners, boarded a waiting carimmigrants," recounts Mother North America by Catherine Mcriage and a pair of jaunty Belgian Warde. Auley·s indomitable protege, horses carried th~m seven miles Arriving in Pittsburgh Dec. 21, Mother Frances Warde, who, acthrough the streets of downtown 1843, "We took immediate charge cording to 'Mercy archives, ,of the Calhedral Sunday school of ·'founded personally more con- Providence to 51. Mary's AcademyBay View, in East Providence, over 500 girls who occupied the vents, schools, hospitals and instiopened at its present site in 1874. second floor.... Mother Frances contutions of social welfare than any There a large contingent of Mertinues. "On the first floor I inother religious leader in the westcys waited amid shady trees and structed adults in Christian Docern world:' blue and white balloons, craning trine. By the grace of God, I was She arrived-..in Pittsburgh just their necks for a certain carriage able to teach in such a way that before Christmas 1843, and a yearwhose passengers would join them many asked to ee])aptized." of Mercy celebrations began in for lunch and-Irish music. Coming to Providence, these that city last December with dediThe re-enactment proceeded in sisters have left a close-knit and cation ·of a historical marker by not quite the same fashion as the flourishing ·community i'n Pittsthe city of Pittsburgh and the arduous trek of Mother Frances, burgh to labor in an -uncertain Pennsylvania Historical and Mu- who might have welcomed a police scene where the church struggles, seum Commission. escort, not to mention an entourthe needs of immigrants are many The Providence regional com:' age of two limousines and a dozen and dire and prejUdices are deep munity. which has 464 members and ingrained among the-Know- and 25 lay associates based in cars full of Mercys, setting off to horn blasts. Nothings, who oppose, sometimes Rhode Island and Southeastern The buggy arrived. wilh 19thviolently, the influence of all Massachusetts, held an anniver- century horsepower, over an hour immigrants and Roman Catholics. . sary observance June 26 which later; but while the original founNevertheless, their vision and included a horse and buggy ride dresses were "smuggled" into the foundation are strong, Mother commemorating the journey which city quietly and in darkness due to Warde says determined that the brought Frances Warde and four ahti-Catholicism~their portrayers ideals of Mother Catherine will companions to Providence on were welcomed in bright sunshine March 11,185!. spread and take root. with much fanfare. The dramatists The regional celebration told tales of passing motorists both "Is not holiness a long- time followed on the heels of a week- mystified and enthused by the specsearch and is God Himself not the source of grace? IS not the voca~ long "Mercy high" in Piltsburgh. tacle, and declared that though it said Providence regional president had been lots of fun they were now tion of the religious to live the life Sister Rosemary Laliberte, who ready to shed their heavy ~ black oftheSpirit?" says Mother Warde. cloaks and bonnets. It was moving. many commented, to see Mother Frances and her companions receive a well-deserved tribute in Providence.

* • ,. *

CARRIAGE arrives at St. Mary's Academy-Bay View. (Hickey photo)

At St. Xavier's chapel, a narrator and the six dramatists had recaBed those early years when . Sister Warde began planting the seeds which eventually brought Mercy Sisters to ministries all over the United States. The dramatists' costumes, part handmade. part borrowed and supplemented with items from costume shops. were representative~of the secular dress of the mid-19th century. While sisters in Ireland wore habits, the first sisters in America did not because the public .was unfamiliar with, even hostile toward, the custom. Standing beneath handmade banners, representing Mercy foundations, the costumed sisters charted the progress as the community expanded from Piltsburgh 10 Providence and on from there. Special

Catholic and non-Catholic alike. increased. " Hostility culminated in an attack on the convent in 1855. The bishop was there to defend the sisters. as was the estate's former owner: M r. Stead. When the mayor read the Riot Act, the rioters dispersed. The Know-Nothings had not accomplished their goal, and the sisters were free to go about their ministries. -They opened night schools, conducted children's choirs, and gave private lessons in music,languages and needlework. Classes were open to adults, with particular attention

Mother Fraum :xa.ier Warde

guests represented the three foundations Frances Warde established from Providence: Hartford, CT; Rochester, NY; and Manchester, NH. Portraying the foundresses were Sister Mary Higgins as Mother Calherine McAuley; Sister Mary Pendergast as Mother Frances Warde; Sister Eva Lalla as Sister Josephine Lombard; Sister Rosellen Gallogly as Sisler Paula Lombard; Sister Evangela McAleer as Sister Camillus O'Neill; and Sister Ricarda Wobby as Sister Joanna Fogarty. Sister Carol Mary Morrison narrated . St. Xavier's, the Providence sisters' first endeavor, began in two rooms with 20 pupils' and within months moved from its original sile on High (laler Weybossel) Street to its present site, the former Stead Estate on the corner of Broad and Claverick streets. "The small lUition." said Sister Josephine, "provided food for us sisters. Within the year, when we had space to accommodate boarding students. young ladies came from Massachusetts, Maine. connecticut and Montreal as well as Rhode Island and gradually St.

Xavier's ... became one ofthe select schools in the East. " The sisters opened an orphanage for young girls, the second Catholic institution of its kind- in New England, and immedialely began parochial and Sunday school classes. By fall of the first year, the Mercy community had grown in number from five to 22 members. Following Catherine McAuley's preCedent, Frances Warde mad~ the reception of the habit a public ceremony. The solemn occasion at which the women exchanged their worldly allire for Ihe habil of a Sister of Mercy impressed some 'and was ridiculed by others. -From the beginning, in fact, the sisters were harassed by the KnowNothings, insulted and even pelted with stones. "Mysterious noises 'and shouts disturbed the sisters at night. One midnight all the convent windows were shattered with rocks... One sister was raised bodily in the Slreet and dashed to the ground by a young man. to the applause of his companions. Children threw mud at the sisters. " recounted Sister PtluJa. "But we carriedon. And the number ofJhose who loved us.

MOl'HER CATHERINE McAUUY (Patricia McLaughlin)·drops in on the Mercy celebration. (Hickey pfIDto)

Joanna. "Her eyesfilled with tears; the convent was the perfect realization of Sister Martha~ vision. "-

• • • •

erhouse in Fall River. At that time America. Guam and the Philipthere was no parish in It hode pines to form the Sisters of Mercy Island or in the Fall River diocese of the Americas. in which the Mercys did not minis. The communily founded ISO ter in some capacity. They also years ago by Frances Warde is operated for many years the Naza- today the'largest institute of women reth schools for special needs chil- religious in the United States and "dren in Fall-River, Attleboro and one ofeight Mercy institutes in the Hyannis. world. Its 7,000 members-half of The Mercy communities in the the world's Mercys-minister in two dioceses were united in 1929 202 U.S. cilies, 46 stales and 25 under the Sisters of Mercy of the countries, ., ., Union. For about 35 years the order experienced growth and The luncheon that concluded strengthening of its works. Salve last Sunday's festivities ended with Regina College. now a university, a surprise visit from a special guest: in Newport, RI, opened in 1947. another incarnation of M other Cath- --Central Amencaii mlsslons-Vie-ie erine McAuley~ho-:-completewith added 10 Ihe fold: Belize in 1931 full habit and brogue, was alterand Honduras in 1959. nately touching and hilarious as With Vatican II and changes in she assessed what has become of society, the Sisters of Mercy the little band of sisters she founded responded in new ways to the on Baggot Street. needs of the poor for food, shelter "1 used to say, postulants drop and nontraditional education. in here out of the sky, and here I A Peace and Justice Offtee was am doing it myself!'" Mother Cathestablished to analyze issues and erine declared delightedly, adding project future direction'S in social that today such action usuaIJy ministry. Health care remains a means assistance from ·'TW A." priorily al MI. SI. Rila Health The "cloister" oftoday's Mercys Center nursing home in Cumber- - is quite different from her world in land, R I, among other institutions. Dublin, Mother Catherine observFood and shelter efforts include ed, marveling at such "newfangled Amos House and McAuley House contraptions" as computers and in Providence and Market Minis- faxes that ··take the thoughts out tries in New Bedford. Among other of your head before you even think ministries, in Rhode Island, Mcthem!" and appalled at the "KnowAuley Village offers housing to Nothings who instead of rocks single parents as an alternative to carry machine guns." welfare, the Family Outreach CenBut Mercy endures, she said, ler (FOCus) helps inner cily fami- "because the poor are alw"a~ with lies; Dorcas Place ofrel'Q home- you ... Mercy is how we walk based tutoring and other social about.·· All of today's new and services. creative ministries·"will come to The Providence Learning Cen- nothing unless your eyes are soft." Mother Catherine (later revealed ter prepares women for the G ED exam, promotes education and as Patricia McLaughlin, a Mercy teaches parenting skills for teen- Associate from St. Louis, MO). age parents. The John Boyd Cen- surveyed the eyes of Mercy all ter in Fall River provides day care. around her and was pleased with In the Fall River diocese, the what she saw. "It does my heart good." she Mercys minister at five schools, provide pastoral care at seven said, "to know the poor are in such hospitals. and serve on the staffs of good hands slill." On that note adjourned a day of seven parishes. They serve on the diocesan level in the Office for celebration, a day as satisfying, Religious, Catholic Social Servi- . Mother Catherine would say, as a ces, Diocesan Department of Ed- "comfortable cup of tea." With info'n1ation from "The ucation and Diocesan Department FoundationoftheReg'ionaICanlof Pastoral Care for Ihe Sick. In 199I,lhe Sisters of Mercy of munity 0/ Providence" by Sister the Union joined with members Catherine Felton, RSM, regiolUll from Norlh. Soulh aod Central community archivat.

Sisters were also sent from Providence to St. Augustine. Fla.; Nashville, Tenn., and Newfoundland in Ihe lale 1800s. Meanwhile. in 1872, Providence was established as a separate diocese from Hartford and .the Mercy community, which had grown to 140, was divided evenly betwe.:n the two dioceses. The Mercys first came to what is now the Fan River diocese in 1873, when Father Lawrence McMahon, .given those who COllld.not-read-Of pastor -of -5t.lawrence parish, write. New Bedford. entrusted St. JoOther sisters visited various sep!)'s Ho.pilallo Ihem. Disabled public imtitutions, including the seamen were a large proportion of prison and hospitals, and also the the patients, and few clients were sick in their homes. able to pay for services, so within As the Providence community 10 years the pastor was forc~d to began to flourish, Mother Frances close the facility. missioned its members on request The Sisters of Mercy also opened from various bishops as early as the first Catholic school in what is one year after their arrival in Provnow the Fall River diocese. St. idence. In 1852 the sisters founded Mary's Cathedral school was two convents in two days in Hart- opened in 1874 iri a tenement that ford and New Haven, CT. In 1857 doubled as a convent until a sepfoundations followed in Little arate residence was purchased for Rock, Ark., and Rochester. NY. the sisters. There were actually "Arkansas was still a slave state. two schools: a free grammar school Imagine the chagrin of Sister Paula and an academy for which there when, a few weeks after she arrived, was tuition. The convent and acashe answered the door of the con- demy were called St. Catherine's. vent, only to find a tan black man The grammar school, when it who offered to sell himself to her! burned in 1891, was replaced by -When Mother Frances received the present brick str~cture at Spring such news she was fired with in- and Second streets. dignation about the abomination The' hislory of SI. Mary's Caof slavery,'· recounted narrator thedral notes, "The coming of the Sister Carol Mary Morrison. Sisters contributed further subIn 1858. MOlher Frances lefllhe stantial benefits to the parish. From Providence communi,ty with six the beginning they instructed the sisters from St. Xavier's to estab- children in preparation for their lish a new foundation in Manchesfirst Holy Communion and they ter, NH. where she remained until made an effort to organize all her dealh in 1884 at age 74. groups in the parish:' Mother Frances was convinced Soon other Mercy institutions to personally undertake the Manchester foundation after an en- followed: S~. Vincent's Home for counter with a dying lay sister orphans in Fall River in 1885 and Bethlehem Home for Infants in named Martha. Taunton in 1909. There is also a "[There was] Sister Martha. like one risen from the dead. standing nole Ihal during Ihe 1918 flu epibe-side me. "recalled Mother Fran- demic the Mercys nursed the sick ces. "She said solemnly, ... '/am not at home, as hospitals were overflowing. in the habit of dreaming. Last When the Fan River diocese Night. as I was wide awake. I saw you in a newly built convent, with was established in 1904, the Sisters a great number of sisters around of Mercy in Southeastern Massayou. The house was large and chusetts opened their own mothhandsome, with long corridors; it was on rising ground. and it was built ,all for God. You are to go there and you wilt do more for God than you ever did before. • " Said Mother Frances, "/ told Sister Martha I would go wherever God appoints me 10 work for His glory." Sister Joanna recounted the arrival in Manchester: «Father McDonald led us to a comfortable residence close to the church. We thought it was the convent. After dinner. one of the sisters went 10 the window and exclaimed, 'Mother Frances, come and see the grand building at the a/her side of the church. ' " Mother Frances was startled when the priest offered to conduct them t9 their new home. "Are we not in it now?,j she asked. But Father McDonald led them to the buildin, they had been SISTERS OF MERCY pertray their foundresses in ceremony at St. Xavier's chapel. admiring and. "At the door. he From left, in costume, are Sisters Ricarda Wobby, Eva Lallo, Mary Pendergasl and Mary lold Mother Frances to take posHiggins. (Hickey photo) session ofher convent, "said Sister



Caring'f«-th~dyiDg atbome

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., July I, 1994


Countering the impact of media violence HOLLYWOOD (CNS) - This "Top Ten" list isn't from David -----tem:'malr.-!t's from Sister Eliza. beth Thoman, director of the Centee for Media and Values. Sister Thoman, a memherofthe Congregation of the Humility 0 [ / Mary, suggests 10 ways to reduce media violence and its impact on children: - Raise the issue and conduct discussion groups with parents, teachers, pastors and community leaders. The issues are complex and require study and reflection by responsible adults. "Help peopIe become critical thinkers," she said., -- Help adults overcome denial or ignorance about the issue. Combat the myths of media violence, especially the attitude that "I saw violence when I was a ~ child and I turned out OK. H - Help parents learn how to define and take a stand on the kinds and amount of entertainment violence they will permit in their home. . - Work with young fathers and young men to promote resp,onsibility and self-discipline when watching action-adventure entertainment. Most violent entertainment is designed to appeal to men ages 18-49. - Understand that "iolts per minute" is the first law of commercial TV. - Help parents understand the limitations of the current movie rating system. - Promote alternative storytelling that resolves conflict without violence. Two suggestions Sister Thoman made were getting books and videos for children -, including starting parish video libraries - and promoting positive programs on TV. - Organize action fo challenge media that brings vio,lence rnto the homes; for example, a postcard' campaign to improve local newscasts. - Make the connection that the problem 'of media violence today is the result of up tQ 30 years of eroding public policy:aswell as the general lack of public awareness and education about media's role in society. - Realize. that [l'JaSS media does not cause violence but ,rainforces the myth' and imagl!S, btIiefs and attitudes that support a culture of violence and ·'sexploitation" based on materialism. Sister Thoman said media liter~ acy programs need to be widely introduced in Catholic parishes, schools, youth ministries and adulteducation. The Center for Media and Values has been offering daylong media literacy workshops this year with the help of a grant from the Catholic Communications Campaign. The concept is catching on. Sis-

ter Thomas said a 90-minute workshop she gave during the recent Nalional Catholic Educational As.saciation convention drew "'a standjng-room-only crowd ... fOUf or five deep in the hallway_ In years gone by, we wouid have ~d 12.'" But she emphasizes that it will be a difficult task to reverse a cuJture of media violence. . ··Y ou begin to gain critical mass over .time. You plant seeds and they're beginning to bear fruit," Sister Thoman said. She compared it to recycling soft-drink cans. "Somewhere in our heads, we thought, 'This pop can makes a difference:" hence recycling, Sister Thoman said. "if 20 million people are recycling pop cans, it'll make a difference." The same kind ofthinking is necessary to counter the "video wallpaper" she said pervades homes today. Sister Thomas estimated the effort will have to last 15-20 years, "We djd..not get into this problem overnigJii,H she said. "We will not get out of this problem overnight."

Chernobyl children aided by mission board, relief fund The New York-based Catholic Medical Mission Board reports shipping a magnetic resonance imager (MRI) 10 Chernobyl, Ukraine, via a military cargo plane from Dover Air Force Base, Dover, Del. Sent last week and the first such equipment to reach Ukraine, it will provide non-invasive diagnostic testing, primarily for children suffering radiation poisoning following the world's worst nuclear power plant disaster which took place in April, 1986, in Chernobyl. The SI.6 million MRI airlift, which included large amounts 'of medications, wasajoint undertaking of Ihe Catholic Medical Mission Board and the Children of Chernobyl Relief Fund. Over the past four years the childre.n's fund has.organized 10 airlifts and four sea shipments, delivering a total of over 526 million in medical supplies, equipment and medications to the Chernobyl victims. Need for the MRI and other supplies was underlined by recent reports of sharp increases in thyroid cancer and other severe iIl-, nesses among chil4ren exposed to the Chernobyl radiation. .Father Edward J. McMahon, SJ, Catholic Medical Mission Board director, who plans to he in Ukrainefordedication ofthe MRI, noled that in 1993 the board provided $21 million of medications and supplies to S8 countries, all of which were free of charge to patients, whatever their creed or political affiliation. ''"I

By Monica and BiD Dndds For the first three-quarters of Ihe 20th century in the United States, a seriously ill person usuaUy left home and family and entered a hospital to die. But in recent years that practice bas begun to change, raising new questions and concerns for adult children and their aging parents. Hospice care and sophisticated new medical equipment that can be used almost anywhere make it possible today for some dying persons to spend those last few months, weeks or days at horne: How does one decide whether to stay home or go to the hospital'! What will a decision to stay home entail for the adult child providing care: In her book "Dying at Home: A Fa-mify-----c;--mae--fOt C8reglvln-g--(Johns Hopkins Uniyersity Press, Baltimore, 1991, S22.95), author Andrea Sankar lists four benefits of home over hospital: -There is more control over the daily schedule, which can· be better tailored to the patient's needs and wants. - There is more privacy for the person who is ill. -It is easier for the patient to maintain a seAse of his or her dignity. -Someone who is dying at home



is able toretain more contact with only -with t~ warning: Ms. Sanfamily atd friends. kar writes for the general public Ms. S13nkar'$ book is unusual in and so t'-e Catholic perspective that her suggestions are based a' and teaching on a variety of end..; great dell on the experiences of of-life issues are not there. For families !hat chose to bring a dying example, ;he Hemlock Society-a member home. And the mix of group promoting suicide - is listed stories rru.kes it easier for the reader simply as another resource. (caregivt:r or family member) to We debated whether to review focus ona situation that is similar this book and decided to do so to his OTher own. only if our review included another For example, in some cases it is book clearly spelling out the Catbthe wife vho is dying and the hus- olic Church's teaching on suicide, band Whil is the primary caregiver. Jiving wills, extraordinary means; In othen that role is reversed. In removal of nutrition and. hydraone case it is a 4aughter caring for tion, and the other complex moral her dyi~ mother; in another, a and ethical questions that families mother cuing for her young son. are facinl today. But more than just presenting ·Care of the Dying: A Catholic emotjom, the book provides the Perspective" is that book.. Pubnuts andbolts ofcaring for a dying lished by the Catholic Heakh As~~on.l!~~i~i(:m to talking about sociation (St. Louis), it includes a financial' issues~ aDoufformaTana --cTear-expTariatTonofTerms that are informal support, about the care- being used more frequently such giver's ven-being, it includes in- as "euthanasia," the "right to die" forrnaticn on pain medication and and "assisted suicide:' It provides how to ~dminister it, 'On transfer- information a Catholic family rteeds ring a person from a bed to a to make_ some very difficult deciwhee1chtir or wheelchair to bed, sions and offers theological r-eflecand so m. tions on the value of life and the In.a !ection titled "Demystifymeaning of death as well. ing De.:th," Ms. Sankar writes "Dying at Home: A Family about he signs of approaching Guide for Caregiving" and "Care death aid who needs to be con- of the Dying: A Catholic Perspectacted ater the person dies. She tive" tackle a subject that is diffiwrites d funerals and grief. cult for many families to discuss, We recommend this book but but one that many are facing.

Scouts' experiences have value for the whole family By Father Eugene Hemrick -What especially impressed me when I visited a Boy Scout jamboree in Washington recently was the involvement of the boys' parents. At a time when we hear so much about family members passing like ships in the night, the scene of the jamboree on Washington's mall was uplifting. Scouts proudly clad in uniforms adorned with merit badges were everywhere. The uniform signifies belonging; in my view, it also symbqlizes the value of smaller communities in which people band together for self-improvement and in order to better serve their larger community. ] marveled at the ingenuity of the Scouts' projects. There was, for example, a water-propelled rotisserie with cups affixed to a wheel; above the wheel a bag of water·dripped slowly into the cups, forcing the wheel to move. Attached to the wheel, a small chicken was cooking over hot charcoal.

In aIDther project, pizzas were cooked In a solar oven. The Scouts were di;playing the kind of inge~ nuity s(,ciety will need to meet its energy conservation challenges. The yollthful enthusiasm exhibited that da" made me wonder if some youngs1er in the crowd might one day perfect a solar-driven car or some other yet-to-be-imagined energy-sa"er. As J itrolled around the mall, I saw a lumber of games designed to chalenge the human spirit and encounge its expansion. It seemed that the boys were being offered opportlnities to learn balance, coordinarion and courage. Ofcourse they w~re also learning to work togeth~r in teams. And needless to say, they had the opportunity to release lots of pent-up energy. Many nfthe Scouts had camped out ovtrnight. As anyone who ~as ever gone camping knows, there are many responsibilities to carry outift~e event is not to turn intoa disaster. Someone, for example,

must dig a smaU trench around the tent in case of rain. Otherwise you could easily wake up rather wet. Someone must ~ responsible for preparing the food, another must tend the fire and then there is the least-desired task of cleaning up afterward. Nothing brings out a person's personality like camping out. It· has the power to unleash one's potential for responsibility, teamwork and coping. 1 thought its 1 left the jamboree that parishes without a Scouting program are missing something. Here is a proven program for teaching sound principles, Jeaming basic skills and capitalizing on youthful energies. And it has a family value that deserves reflection in this Year of the Family. Parents who become involved in the progam may well come to know their children much better. Though their children might not admit it, they would welcome that.

ALTAR BOYS from St. Mary's, Seekonk, take possession of the first place trophy after a day of sports and swimming at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, June 28. Second place in the annual event went to St. William', and third to Sacred Heart, both Fan River parishes. (Hickey photo) ".














Priest outlines educators' role in sex abuse issues

NEARL Y 20,000 Southern Baptists conven,e in Orlando, Fla. Among discussion topics was dialogue with Catholics. (CNS/ Baptist Press photo)

Baptists, Catholics move toward dialogue ORLANDO, Fla. (CNS) -In a landmark resolution the Southern Baptist Convention, reaffirming its commitment to ecumenical relations, specifically encouraged the "ongoing Southern Baptist-Roman Catholic conversation." . The resolution was approved by over 90 percent of 7,500 delegates at the annual national convention of the Southern Baptist Convention, held in Orlando. The resolution spelh!d but areas in which Baptist.s and Catholics share the same faith and those in which they differ. The Southern Baptist Convention and the Roman Catholic Church are the two largest U.S. Christian bodies. The Baptist resolution noted a need for cooperative efforts by all Christian organizations to address moral and social concerns. It also noted the problem some Southern Baptist officials had with a recent unofficial Catholic-evangelical statement of shared belief and concern that was signed by some Southern Baptist officials, but it said that obstacle should not cut off ecumenical discussion. After affirming "the benefit of conversation with any religious group which is willing objectively and openly to discuss their faith," the resolution added:' "We encourage the Interfaith Witness Department of the Home Mission' Board to pursue ongoing Southern Baptist-Roman Catholic conversation while maintaining our Southern Baptist confession without compromise." "This represents the widest affirmation of the official conversation of over 25 years yet to have been made by the Southern Baptist Convention as a whole," said Christian Brother Jeffrey Gros, associate director ofthe U.S. Catholic bishops' Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. He said the resolution also "clarifies that Southern Baptists, like the Roman Catholic Church, base their outreach in conversation and common witness in the Christian faith, the truth claims of each church and common witness to Christ in the world." The principle of uncompromising adherence to one's own faith in ecumenical dialogue and common witness is one that the Catholic

Church has consistently upheld for itself and asked of all partners in dialogue. Glenmary Father Frank Ruff of Nashville, Tenn., field representative to the Southern Baptist Con: vention for the U.S. bishops, attended the Orlando meeting. . "I think any Catholic church that doesn't have ecumenical work really loses, because these are our brothers and sisters in Christ," he said. "If we Ignore them, part of us is missing." The most recent round of Southern Baptist-Roman Catholic conversations sought to promote local Catholic- Baptist discussions of faith and community concerns by producing five leaflet-size study guides on environment, life issues, poverty, racism and healing. Father Ruff cited as another example of cooperation "True Love Waits," a 1993 Baptist program encouraging young people to abstain from sex until marriage. With help from Baptist officials, Father Ruff got the. program incorporated intp Catholic youth ministry circles this spring through a packet sent out nationally by the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministers. Two dozen other church bodies have also adopted the Baptist program. Signaling the success of "True Love Waits" was the prominent display at the Orlando convention of 102,000 chastity cards signed by Southern Baptist youths who have pledged sexual abstinence until marriage.

Lay groups listed WASHINGTON (CNS) - A listing of more than 100 lay movements and organizations and secular institutes has been published by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Secretariat for Family, Laity, Women and Youth. The Directory of Lay Movements, Organizations and Secular Institutes includes names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers identifies each group's leader and gives a brief description of its focus. The NCeB secretariat expects to update the directory annually. For information call (202) 5413040.

WASHINGTON (CNS) -Catholic religious educators have an important pastoral role in dealing with issues of 'sexual abuse of minors, says Conventual Franciscan Father eanice Connors, a leading expert in the field. In an article, "What Religious Educators Should Know About Pedophilia," Father Connors said parish religious educators can contribute to preventing abuse and replacing myths about child sex abuse with factual knowledge and understanding. In a parish trying to deal with an experience of abuse, "religious educators can play an essential role in moving the community from pain to hope," he said. Father Connors is president of St. Luke Institute in Suitland, Md., a psychiatric hospital for priests and religious that specializes in treating addictive disorders. His article appeared in The Living Light, the U.S. Catholic Conference Department of Education's quarterly for catechists and religous educators. The church has suffered a significant "erosion of trust" from 10 years of revelations about sexual abuse of minors by priests, Father Connors said. "In fact, the decade bracketed by the 1983 Gauthe scandal in Louisiana and the 1993 sentencing of James Porter defines a period during which the church worked through its state of denial, exhausted tactics of ad voidance, paid enormous damages in out-of-court settlements, generated convincing policy and became restrictive about returning treated abusers to ministry," he sa.id. In the past, he said, "much of the pastoral chaos in crisis situations' wail the outcome of futile attempts to manage the damage by controlling who knew the facts." He called for religious educators to advocate for openness on the part of church leadership, "insisting that accurate information, which does not do personal damage to the accused or to the victim, be made available to members of the faith community." A parish where an abuse case has arisen or where a convicted abuser once served "requires a lengthy and systematic period of grieving followed by healing" in which the religious educator's role may be essential, he said. Father Connors warned against "backing away from or diminishing youth ministry programs" as a way of coping with the crisis. "It is astonishing," he said, "that some church professionals h~ve made public avowals never to touch a child .... We must not abandon our youth at a time when the pope has dramatized their pastoral needs. 'Suffer the little ones to come unto me' cannot be a risk taken only by Jesus." "Part of this task is addressing unfounded or reactionary fears among parishioners.... While this past decade has not been a glory story, we can find some consolation that the Catholic Church in Canada and the United States is doing more about treating, researching and preventing the problem of sexual abuse of minors than any other institution, fraternal organizations or profession," he said. He urged religious educators to learn the facts about sexual abuse and disseminate them in the par-

The Anchor Friday, July 1,1994


child abusers, but "all of us can become more responsible agents of identifying persons in ministry who create a sense of unease in us about the way they relate to children." "I have never experienced a follow-up to a scandal in which there were not several persons who declare that they are not surprised by the incident," he said. When those on pastoral teams sense something may be wrong, they need to address it instead of ignoring it, he said.

ish. Among suggestions he made were: - Teach parents how to recognize signals of abuse and "how to intervene without evoking further emotional trauma." - "I ncorporate sound scientific information in sexual education efforts." - When religious educators are part of a team monitoring pastoral interns, provide "honest feedback to a seminarian about his behavior with children." - "Create safe environments where children can share their concerns, worries and pains" in an atmosphere of loving care and respect. "Children who are respected generally demand respect and that's the most effective prevention of aIL" - Ground all strategies in "sound pastoral principles" that keep the good of children as the primary focus. Father Connors said that "there is no foolproof screening technol" ogy" to screen out all potential

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Pro-life .lawyers organi.ze alternative to ABA

HE'S NOr COMING ~'~tii'October,~butalready preparations are underway at Camden Yards ballpark in Baltimore, where Pope John Paul II will celebrate Mass while in the United States for an address to the United Nations. Msgr. Robert N. Lynch, gen~ral secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, talks t.o reporters as Baltimore Archbishop William H. Keeler, NCCB president, looks on. (CNS photo) ,

Maronite bishop heads new diocese

WASHINGTON (CNS) Lawyers fed up with the American Bar Association's abortion position have geared up efforts to establish a pro-life ABA alternative, according to one of the new group's organizers. Following its founding last October, the group has changed its name to the National Lawyers Association, said its president, Mario Mandina. In mid-June, the organization's board "officially decided to become an alternative to the ABA" and to change its name to National Lawyers Association from i~s original working title, National Lawyers for Life. "Once it ge'ts off the ground and gets going," the association intends to provide members with computer and database services, referrals and dissemination of information through publications and conferences, said Mandi!1a. The ABA 'has flip-flopped on abortion over the last several years, causing it to lose some members and deal with resultant controversy. In 1990, it temporarily became "neutral" on the issue, but in 1992 it scrapped neutrality in favor of its earlier position opposing legislative efforts to overturn laws legalizing abortion. In August 1993, the ABA's policymaking House of Delegates voted 313 to 128 to defeat a proposal demanding that the association poll its 3110,000 members on

In the latter part of the fourth century, a community of disciples assembled around the hermit St. Maron, a Syrian priest who had retired to a mountain of Taurus, near Antioch, and transformed a pagan temple into a shrine. Maron and his community prayed, healed and preached Catholic doctrine to heretics in central' and northern Syria, where many died for their beliefs. Persecutions drove them in the seventh and eighth centuries to Lebanon, where most Maronites live today. The United States and Australia have the largest Maronite populations outside of Lebanon. The lit,u~gy used qy the,riteis the . . • : . ,.. ... .1._ Syriac liturgy of St. James the WASHINGTON (CNS) -The Less, fi,rs,t bishop of Jerusalem. Vatican has ratified for a five-year The wors,hip service, not called period the U.~. bishops' d.ec!sion Mass, but the Divine ,Service of that confirmation should ordInarthe Holy Mxs~eries, includes com- ily be administered betwe~n t?e munion under the forms of both ages of? and 18 am.ong Latln-nte bread and wine. Leavened br~ad is Catholics in the United States. ordinarily used. , The bishops had voted last June The Maronite church is one of . to adopt a f1~xible policy beca.use 17 Eastern-rite churches in union of the diversity of current practIces with Rome. They trace t~eir ori- and the lack of church consensus gins to Eastern Europe, Asia or on the best age for the sacrament. Africa, and each has its own disWithin the wider age range a tinctive liturgical and legal systems. bishop may choose a specific range Eastern-rite Catholics world- for reception of the sacrament in wide number more, than 12 mil- his diocese. lion'. The Eastern rite is considered The decree established the fivefully equal in dignity to the Roman year period as starting July I, rite, although the latter dominates 1994, and ending July I, 1999. in number of members. ' Cardinal Bernardin Gantin, preEastern-rite churches ad mit .fect ofthe Congregation for Bishmarried men to the priesthood in ops, said approval was given.for their regions of origin but do not five years "in order that the bIshpermit marriage after ordination. ops, with the lapse of time and the addition of new perspectives, may Pope says. at Sunday blessing again raise this question and bring a norm once again to the Holy See for review." In 1984 the bishops voted to leave the age of confirmation up to v ATicAN CITY (CNS) - The a positive vision of the human truth, 'which is also clear in the each bishop in his own diocese; church is not against sex, but being that recognizes the "signifi- light of reason, that so-called 'free but in what NCCB officials termed love,' homosexuality and contrainsists that it be understood as a cant and precious role" of sexuality. true language of love that goes The pope described sexuality as ception are morally unacceptable," beyond ins~inct, Pope John Pa\ll a "language in the service o(love." he said. "These are behaviors that II said at a blessing talk last Sunday. It canpot be treated as simply an distort the deep meaning of sexuBecause responsible sexuality in- instinct, and it must be governed, ality and prevent it from serving volves a commitment betwe'en>a he said. . the person, communion and life," man and a woman and is open t o · he added. Sexuality possesses "its own . remar ks new life, there is no moral basis for The pope concluded hIS a "free love," homosexuality and ps¥chological and biological struc- with a prayer that delegates at· the 1994 InternatlOna . I C oncontraceptive birth control, the ture" that is ultimately aimed a t tending communion between a man and a P ' D pope said. ference on opulatlOn and eve I,The pope, who has dedicated his woman and at the birth of new life, opment later this year WI'11 rna ke 1994 weekly talks to the family, he said. He emphasized that ask- decisions based on true .human said the family unit is based on ing that this structure,be respected values. . The pope has strongly criticized reciprocal, unselfish love between does not indicate an overly morala man and a woman. Among ways istic or biological understanding a preparatory document for the of expressing this love is sexual of sex, but awareness of the truth meeting because of its treatment of ,human sexuality" abortion and union, he said, noting that over about hum!ln beings. centuries the church has developed "It is on the strength of that birth control. '

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - The creation of a new diocese, also known as an eparchy, for U.S. Maronite Catholics "shows the growth of our church, and this is an object of great joy," said Bishop John G. Chedid, the first bishop of the new Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles. In an intervjew with The Tidings, Los Angeles archdiocesan newspaper, prior to his installation last week, 70-year-old Bishop Chedid admitted he had been hesitant toward the idea of a diocesan split in the United States. "Given that there are divisions in Lebanon among various religious groups," he explained, "I was afraid that people here might get the wrong idea that division is also occurring in this country 'among our faithful, if we were to divide into a separate diocese. "Now, howeve~, I see that this division is also an opportunity for growth. ,Th~ Holy See always looks ahead and clearly believes that now is the time to establish a new diocese," Bishop Chedid con,tinued. ' "It means more responsibility for the laity and the clergy, and will require more sacrifice in order to build the diocese, but it will be good for us." The new diocese, which includes 34 states, was created March I by Pope John Paul II and w.?s carved out of the Brooklyn, N. Y.,-bas~d Eparchy of St. Maron. The St. Maron diocese, which formerly.


covered the entire United States, retained 16 northeastern and Atlantic seaboard states. Among parishes within the diocese are St. Anthony of the Desert:Fall River; and Our Lady of Purgatory, New Bedford. Before being named to head the new diocese, Bishop Chedid 'had been auxiliary bishop of the St. Maron diocese since 1981. Born July 4, 1923, in Eddid in northern Lebanon, he was ordained to the priesthood in Rome in 1951. He came to Los Angeles in 1956 and has lived there ever since. The population between the two dioceses is split roughly 50-50. There are 25,000-30,000 Maronites in the new diocese. "And that includes only the registered people," Bishop Chedid ~aid. "We have received many Lebanese immigrants in recent years, who are ~not accustom~d to registering in " , parishes.." ' Bishop Chedid's installation came at the op~ning of an international Maronite Congress June 23 to 26.in Los Angeles. The congress was two years in the making. Issues discussed at the congress i'ncluded asserting Maronite~' fU7 . ture in postwar Lebanon; defining the laity's role in a changing church and society; galvanizing international, support for, Maronites and all Middle East Christians; and preserving Maronite traditions and values am.ong Lebanese emigres 'and their descendants. Maronite history goes back roughly 1,600 years.

isa true language' o~ love

Vatican OKs U .8. .\;~.;.~



whether they back its abortion stance. Mandina acknowledg<:d that, given the ABA's large membership, his group faces no easy task. Right now, he said, the new group's goal is to reach "as .many people who want to join as possible." Currently, the nondenominational association has 158 members in 37 states, and membership potential is high, he said. Mandina als,o stressed t:Jat the National Lawyers Asso(:iation won't compete with any eKisting pro-life group, since it is s.olely a forum for attorneys with prO-life views. "This is a professional organization for attorneys to join. It's not meant to be an advocacy gJOUp," he explained. "We're not going to go out and take cases." - However, he said that h<: himself provides pro bono legal assistance on the side to variou:. prolife causes. Nancy Slonim, ABA dl:puty news secretary, said that the ABA had no official response to formation ofthe National Lawyers Association. But she added th,at in general the ABA welcomes members of all viewpoints while n:cognizing that those with similar hackgrounds or practices 'often se,~k to form specialized associations as well. "We view ourselves as inclusive and certainly encourage other organizations, but also invite their members to maintain membership in the ABA," she said.

c~l1Ifirmation ag.~s • '. • •

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an "admimstrative overSIght," the U.S. conference failed to submit the 1984 decision to Rome for the necessary'confirmation. When this was discqvered in 1991, the NCCB submitted it to Rome. But Rome had stopped approving decisions. that' set no specific age range. .It asked the bishop~ to make a more specific decision.

Iitcreas-e presence VATICAN CITY (CNS) - A greater Catholic Church presenceis needed in university communities to guide students and guarantee that faith and knowledge are in dialogue, saysa new Vatican document. The church needs the university research because the faith it proclaims is one "that must pen~­ trate the human intellect aM heart, that must be thought out in ord<:r to be lived," it said. "The Presen(:e of the Church in the University and in 'University Culture," was released by the Congregation for Catholic Education and the pontifica'l councils for the laity and for culture. It focused on Catholi,: ministry and outreach at both Catholic and' seCUlar universities.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River"':':-Fri., July I; 1994

BIGGEST ARMS SUPPLIE;RS The five perrnanent rnelnbers of the U.N. Security Council account for 86 percent of the arms sales to developing countries.



8% ·'1


United States



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United Others Kingdom Source: U.N. Development Program

Bisho~s protest Continued from Page One best means to f,oster protection for its c:itizens and regard for the law. We are not convinced that the restoration ofcapital punishment of itself affords an adequate response. Moreover, we recognize that the application afthis penalty historically has Impacted more adversel)' the poor and minorities. In Its stead, we advocate swift and sure justice and approlJriate sentencing for the protection of all

GOLDEN JUBILARIAN: Sister Evelyn Kelly, the former Sister Marie Claire, is among 24 Sisters of Providence who celebrated 50 years of religious life last Saturday at the community's motherhouse in Saint Mary of the Woods, Ind. An Everett nativc~, she taught at the former Nazareth Hall School for special needs children in Fall River and was a homemaker and respite care provider in New Bedford. She also served at schools in the Boston archdiocese and in Indiana, Illinois and California.

Teen abstinence programs at risk WASHINGTON(CNS)-Supporters of programs that promote teen chastity are gearing up for a battle this summer over the Clinton administration's elimination of all funding for the Title XX Adolescent Family Life program. The program, which received $7 million in fiscal 1994, funds local programs that promote abstinence and adoption, as well as other programs aimed at preventing teen pregnancy. The fiscal 1995 budget proposed by President Clinton for the Department of Health and Human Services ends the Title XX program and replaces it with a new Office of Adolescent Health. The office, created by Congress in 1992 but never funded, would

death penalty

people. We renew our call for both prison and judicial reform in the Commonwealth. Any reasonable doubt concerning the imposition of capital punishment should be resolved in favor of the right to life possessed by each and every human person. Groups Protesting Members of Pax Christi chapters in the Fall River diocese are among groups protesting possible return of the death penalty. The groups scheduled a vigil from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. today at the State House.

Organized by Agape, a Catholic lay community based in central Massachusetts, the vigil will be joined, in addition to the Pax Christi representatives, by members of the Catholic Workers, The Worcester Peace and Justice Coalition, Sisters of St. Anne and Project Hope. It is scheduled to continue throughout the day at the State House, with participants periodically leaving to attend the hearing and many persons choosing to fast for the day. At noon a Mass will be offered at Boston's Paulist Center for both victims and victimizers in homicide cases. The celebrant will be Father David Gill, SJ, of Holy Cross College, Worcester.

Human cost of arms sales Continued from P~ge One Because clearing mines is so difficult and costly, it will probably take generations to remove those already buried, the U.N. report _ said. Nevertheless, they remain a hot seller on the arms market. More than 300 typeS are manufactured by some 48 countries. Among top producers are China, Italy, Romania and the United States. The Vatican document emphasized the high human. cost of weapons purchases in de'veloping countries, which have little left to spend on such basic services as health and education. Here, too, the statistics are eye-opening. According to the 1994 U.N. report, more than half of global arms sales today are to Third World countries, which on the average are spending eight times more on the military than on health care, and 20 times' more than on education. This is true despite the fact that the chances of dying from social neglect, such as malnutrition or preventable diseases, are 33 times greater than the chances of dying in a war from external aggression.

The human expense is illustrated by the following example: In 1992, China purchased 26 fighter planes from Russia at a cost that could have provided safe drinking water to most of the country's 200 million people now without safe water. The Vatican is particulary sensitive to this waste of resources, in part because Third World church agencies often must supplement poorly financed governmental educational and health care programs. In the African nation of Burkina Faso, for example, the church in 1992 operated more than 400 welfare institutions, including hospitals, orphanages and homes for the h·andicapped. The same year, Burkina Faso - which has never fought a war, and .where annual per capita income in under $200 -- spent about $100 million on weapons, making it One of the biggest per capita Third World arms buyers. The Vatican's latest document is a pointed reminder that without meeting basic human needs, a security buildup does little good. Behind its 36 pages are the real-life stories of millions who hope the weapons industry is listening.

receive $6.8 million next year to carry out its mandate to fight teen violence, substance abuse, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and mental health problems among teenagers.

Good Guesses "A leading authority is anyone

who has guessed right more than once."· ·Anonymous


Norris H. Tri pp



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Bishop Stang High

DO MINICA N A CA DEM Y, graduates at class awards ceremonyare (front row,jrom left) Jennifer Jones. Stephanie Pacheco; (standing,jrom left) Karen Carreiro. Jennie Wrobel. Jennifer Degagne. KellyCabral. Erica Followwill. Sarah Goodwin. Paula Elbert. Amanda Fernandes. Alsorecejving an awardbut not'pictured is Maria Moura. , '

,Dominican Academy FALL RIVER - 1994 graduates received diplomas at a June 5 graduation. liturgy celebrated by Rev. John J. Oliveira of St. Anthony of Padua Church, Fall River.. During her address, to the graduates, principal Helen Miller reviewed some of her memories of their time together at DA. She concluded by advising the graduates to maintain the valuesthai were nurtured at the academy. Valedictorian Jennie Wrobel of Fall River thanked those who h~ve guided the Class of'94 through their early years. She recognized Donimican Academy's 100 year tradition of academic excel,knce and charged her classmates to follow the right path as they leave DA and'to' uphold the ideals which they have acquired at the ," academy. At the class' June 2, Awards Assembly, members received recognition for their achievements duringihe past two years. Award recipIents were Paula Elbert o(Tiverton; RI, , and Amanda Fernandes of Westport for HOJ.lor Roll Eight Consecutive Terms; Jennifer Jones and Jennie Wrobel of Fall River for High Honors Eight Consecutive Terms; Jennie Wrobel for Presidential Academic Fitness Award; and Paula Elbert and Jennie Wrobel for the Light of Christ Award. Jennif~r Jones delivered the salutatorian address.

Bishop Connolly High FALL RIVER - At the recent senior banquet, 1994 graduates received awards and scholarships as follows: Rosemary Abardo: Newport Naval Officers Wives Club Scholarship. Linda Aguiar: Connolly Alcohol and Drug Awareness Team ICAA T) senior certificate. Joseph Aleardi: Ignatian. Most Admired Student. Student Trainer and Salt of the Earth awards: Old Rochester Professional Educators Association Scholarship. Melissa Amedeo: C AAT certificate, Kimberly Atwood: Bronze medal and Massachusetts Foreign Language Award for Spanish: CAAT certificate. Judd Berube: Drama Society Award: American University. George Washington University Presidential. Quinnipiac College Dean's and University of Rhode Island Merit scholarships, Tanya Cabral: C AAT certificate. Teresa Carreiro: CAA T and Massachusetts Bar Association certificates: Boston College. Federal Work/ Study. Federal Pell grants: Federal SEOG: Massachusetts State. National Elks. St. Anne's Credit Union. Paul Golden Citizenship scholarships. Chris Ciosek: Salt of the Earth Award. Suzanne Cote: CAA T certificate; AssiJmption College Academic Scholarship, Jennifer Currier: Salt of the Earth Award. James Damiano: SEMA hockey scholarship. Melissa David: National Honor Society Award. Joshua de la' Fuente: Salt of the Earth Award. Matthew Doyle: Milliken-Silva Basketball League scholarship. Fall River Catholic'Women's Club scholarship. Lebanon American Society grant. Christina Erwin: Massachusetts Bar Association Certificate. Drama Society Award. University of Notre Dame Club. of Southeastern Mass. and RI Scholarship. Covahne Fales: University of Maryland Presidential Scholarship. Kerie Gendreau: C AAT certificate. Salt of the Earth Award. Sheriff Nelson's Drug Awareness Scholarship, Kathleen Giblin: C AA T ccrtificate, University of Rhode Island Grant. Patrick Griffin: Massachusetts Bar Association' Certificate, Salt of the Earth Award. University of Rhode Island Merit scholarship. . Jefferson Guimond: Most Admired Student. Salt of the Earth awards: Massachusetts Bar .Assciciation Scholarship: MillikenSilva Ba,ketball League Scholarship: Student Body President Award. Amy Hess: National Honor Society Award: Loyola University New Orleans Academic, Spring Hill College Academic, Tulane University and National Peace Essay scholarships. Garth Holman: Warren Wilson College Sutton and Naval War College Civilian scholarships. Robert Javonillo: Bronze medal for phy~ics, Century III Leaders Program Sylvan Scholar: Boston University. College of Charleston, Newport Naval Officers Wives Club scholarships. Rita

Kane: B'ronze medal for psy'chology, American Psychology Association Award; Fairfield University Merit Scholarship. Matthew Keane: Bronze medaHor law: Salt. of the Earth' and Greater Fall River Art Association awards; Emerson College De~n's Scholarship: Stonehill~ollege Work/Study Scholarship and Grants. Laurie'Leal: Most Admired Student, Yearbook. Literary Magazine/ Journalism. Salt of the Earth, and Harvard Book :awards; Catholic School Counselors Association Commendation. Xerox Award in Humanities/Social 'Sciences; University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth Chancellor's Merit Scholarship. Joseph Librera: Milliken-Silva Basketball League Scholarship. Lauren Mack: Bronze medal and Massachusetts Foreign Languagc Association Award for French; Drama Society Award: Bentley College Presidential, DePaul University Dean's Business, Nichols College J and Francophone Association scholarships: selected for DePaul University Strobel Honors Accounting Program. Kathryn Marino: Gold medals for biology. AP English. U.S. history, math: Class Valedictorian, Outstanding Senior and All Around Student. National Honor Society: Drama Society and Bausch and Lomb Science awards: 1994 National Merit Scholarship Finalist: Tandy . Technology Scholar: Presidential.Scholar Semi-finalist; 1994 All ,American Awards honorable mention; Fall River Elks Scholarship. . Andrew Mona~tess: Massachusetts Bar Association Certificate. Colleen Nolan: Ignatian, Most Admired Student and Salt of the , Earth awards. Elizabeth Peters: Massachuse.tts Bar Association Certificate. Max Peterson: Boston Globe Scholastic Art Silver Key Award. Derek Potvin: 'Bronze medal for computers. Jaime Rebello: Bronze'medal for religion. Milliken-Silva Basketball League Scholarship. John Roderick: Class Salutatorian, Most ". Admired Studen!' and Senior Class President awards. Kevin Roy: Bro'nze medal for chemistry, Massachusetts Bar Association Certificate. United States 'Air Force Academy Scholarship. Nicole Rubano: Drama Society Award. Katherine Santos: National Honor Society Award, University of New Hampshire Dean's Scholarship. Elizabeth Smith: Salt of the Earth and Drama Society awards. Susan S'oares: Most Admired Student, Literary Magazine! Journal- ism, Salt of the Earth, Drama Society and Best Actress awards: Eastern Nazarene College A~ademic Achievement and Presidential scholarships: Messiah College Academic Achievement, Presidential and Dean's scholarships and Minority Grant. Alison Subin: Bronze medal for art: C AAT certificate. Boston Globe Scholastic Art Silver Key Award, Regis College Dean's and Alumni scholarships. Elizabeth Sylvia: SI. Lawrence University Scholarship. Shannon Tavares: Shaw's Supermarket Scholarship. Amy Texeira: CAAT certificate, Tiverton Women's Community Club Scholarship, Michael Terry: Student Trainer Award. Sarah Thiboutout: Bronze medal for world literature, CAAT certificate, Drama Society Award. 1994 National Merit Scholarship Commended Student, Presidential Scholar Semifinalist. University of Hartford Regent's Scholarship. Matthew Tracy: Bronze medal for AP English: Outstanding Senior and All Around Student, Drama Sodety. Best Actor, College of the Holy Cross Book awards: 1994 National Merit Scholarship Commended Student. Tandy Technology Scholar and Outstanding Student in Mathematics. Science. Computer Science: Fall River Elks and Citizen's Scholarship Foundation scholarships, Joshua Uebelherr: Syracuse University Dean's Scholarship. Named Tandy Technology Outstanding Teacher was Eileen LaFleur, and Brother Roger Millette, FIC, received the Connolly Alcohol and Drug Awareness Certificate of Administrative Support.

NORTH DARTMOUTH - Head football coat:h Jim Lanagan has been inducted into the Massachusetts Football Coaches Hall-of-Fame, and offensive coo:rdinator Tim McCarthy was honored for his many years of coaching and service to youth. Lanagan has been coaching high school football :for 36 years, 29 as a head coach, at Coyle, Wareham, Fairhaven and Bishop Stang high s<:hools. His teams have a combined record of 166-102-8. Included are 10 league <:hampionships and a superbowl appearance. McCarthy has been an assistant coach at Stang since 1976. He is best known for his work with offensive linemen in Stang's "wishbone attack." Since he became offensive coordinator three years ago, the Spartans have averaged 25 points per game. The third and final sports banquet of the year honored spring sports participants as well as the year's' major award winners. Among the honorees were: Jessica Bl,ron, recipient ofthe John O'Brien Award as Stang's outstand- , ing scholar-athlete; John Cooney, Carlin Kynch Award, outstanding male student-athlete; Anne Marie Desrosiers and Andrea Sorrell, Theresa Dougall Award, outstanding female student-athletes; Pete..- Kelly, Gi:!bert ,Barboza Award, unsing student-athlete. ,..

"SONGS FOR SAFETY" were performed at Our Lady of Lourdes Schoo.l. Taunton. by Curtis Coleman. whosi!topics include "Fire in the Home." "Strangers" 'and "Smoking." Assisting with a demonstration of "Stop. Drop and Roll" was first-grader Molly Gadry.

For the fourth quarter marking period 86 students received highest honors, 57 earned high honors, and 37 earned honors. All were presented certificates of merit.

ACA -Educational FundLaurie Catherine Poyant of New Bedford, a 1994 graduate of Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton, is one of 89 students recently awarded financial.aid by the Association Canado-Americaine. She will attend the , Catholic University of America. Founded in 1924, the ACA' Educational Fund has awarded over $850,000 to Franco-American and FrenchCanadian college students. This year a total of $35,000 was granted.' '

KINDERGARTEN CAPS: New graduates of the St. Marv-Sacred Heart School. North Attleboro. kindergartin include (from left) Brian .Endler. Geoffrey Lewis. Lauren Smith. Christinr Foley. Lauren Konrath.

( ,

By Charlie Martin

AND OUR FEELINGS We fell in love And who would blame us The word was we were beside ourselves And everybody said it wouldn't last Now they wonder Why we didn't last We fell in love It seemed so righteous Couldn't compare our love To no one else And everybody thought We could not win It's no wonder I"ove came to an end And our feelings Just aren't feelings any more They are just words That come from whispers From people we don't know And our feelings Just aren't feeling!; any more' They're just words without emotion From people who don't know We fell apart The bond was broken Should've kept ollr thoughts Between ourselves And though they said they cared They didn't help Makes me wonder Should we blame ourselves So here we are Brokenhearted What in the world Have we done to ourselves When everybody says To let it end It makes me wonder We can't let them win If we'd only just try We could make it by And maybe in time We could make it right If we only had done What we should have done We'd both be here still making love I want to know that we can go back Back to a time When the loving was all that When no one would come Between our love. Written by Babyface, Daryl Simmons. Sunl: by Babyface (c) 1994 by Sony Music Entertainment I THINK of Babyface more as a prolific writer than a singer.. H o~~ver: .his "~nd Our Feelings IS rISing qUickly up the charts. The song's story describes a ~ouple whose romance is breakIng apart. Ma ny people told

them that their relationship "wouldn't last." , The guy believes that they are ending up brokenhearted when they did not need to be. He sees their mistakes as listening to other opinions instead of their own feelings.

,"the An-ch6r

: ; E "I.i

In fact, their genuin~ ie~iings for each other are now lost, buried by "words that come from whispers from people we don't know." This hit raises an important question: Whom should you listen to when falling in love? Certainly, others can influence how we feel about a relationship or about any aspect of life. Consequently, we need to know whom to listen to or when to ignore anuther's advice. In assessing how much significance to attach to another's opinion about your romance, consider these guidelines: I. Be wary of those who give unsolicited advice. Often, such individuals have their own agendas, beyond helping you make a good decision. 2. On the other hand, consider carefully the perspective of those you seek out for guidance. If you have received valuable insights from such individuals in the past, most likely these people have become trusted friends. What they perceive deserves your attention. 3. Lean more toward those who have known you over a length of time. Longtime friends, parents, teachers who have related to you t.hroughout,your school career -- these.are people who have observed you in a variety of life experiences and situations. They are.more likely to reflect back to you your deeper values and interests, qualities of life that sometimes get lost in the rush offalling in love. 4. Consider how much experience with relationships the person possesses. Someone who has been through the ups and downs of maintaining a love relationship understands more about romance than a peer whose dating history is as brief as your own. 5. Finally, I really encourage you to ask God to help you when making a decision about a relationship. God's hope for all of us is that we will make decisions that lead us to enduring happiness and satisfaction. God's guidance is available to us if we open our hearts to receive it. Ultimately, we must come to a sense of peace within ourselves about a relationship decision. Go slow. Take time to examine your doubts, fears, hopes and dreams. Trust yourself, and trust God to help you make a good decision. Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.



Friday, July 1,1994

By Christopher Carstens "You must love ruining my life. I can't believe you were ever young. You just don't get it at all!" "Ok, young lady. You're grounded for two weeks. And you can forget about those summer dance lessons too." "Thanks, Mom. I can hardly wait till we get what we both want, which is for me to move out of this house forever." Doors slam. There is an empty silence while mother and daughter try to figure out how to undo the damage. There's a big difference between an argument and a discussion. In a discussion people express their ideas and opinions, hoping to reach . a common understanding and decide on an agreeable solution. In an argument, each party tries to bully the other into submission with threats and intimidation. The unspoken understanding is, "I may not be able to get my way, but I'll make you so miserable that next time you'll give in." There's an old myth that arguments help "clear the air," that they let people "get it off their chest." I don't believe it. I think that the hurtful things people say in arguments accumulate and can do long-term damage to family relationships. A hurtful argument says, "I care more about getting my way than I care about your feelings'and about our relationship." That's not a message you want to send your parents. You may get your way in the short term, but there's a price to pay down the road of lost trust and eventual retribution. Your long-range plan should involve developing a relationship of trust with your parents, one where they feel safe letting you make more of your own decisions. Arguments won't help. So what are you supposed to do? Smile and do everything they say, whether you agree with them or not?


Probably not. Some adults may not like it, but the days of simple submission to unquestioned parental authority are gone. You need to express your differences, and there are ways to do so that will diminish the likelihood of hurtful confrontations. First, sit down to talk. If it's worth discussing, it's worth sitting down. A seated position is conducive to keeping things calm and rational. . Next, when you state your opinIon, make sure that it isn't framed as an indictment. If you jump your parents with charges and accusations, you can be sure they'll jump back. "It seems to me that chores aren't fairly distributed" is a statement of opinion, and it invites discussion. "You make me do all the work around here" is an accusation, and it invites a defensive argument. One of the best ways to engage your parents in a constructive discussion is by asking them to clarify their position. "Help me understand how that's fair?" "How did you come up with that?" . Finally, accept compromise. Remember, you're working on a longrange plan of helping your parents give you more freedom. One of the best ways to get there is by demonstrating the maturity it takes to settle for part of what you want. If you and your parents can discuss problems and achieve compromises, you'll get more and more of what you want as their trust and respect for you grows. Your comments are welcomed by Dr. Christopher Carstens, c/o Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017 "New Eng14n4 hospitality with a European F14i'"

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THE'A'NCHO'R~rii';~~'s~ ·of'FaiiRi~~r·:":":Fri., July I, 199~r . O.t: t~P'E', IJREWS'iER


Healing service with Mass celebrated by Father Dick Lavoie, MS, of the Association of Christian 'Therapists 7:30 p.m. July 6. Informat.ion: 432-4934. Vltreya 7:30 p.m. July 8. Vincentians Harvest Sunday July 3. SAINT ANNE HOSPITAL, FR The hospital announces a program providing diabetics with equipment SECULAR FRANCISCANS for safe collection and disposal of St. Francis of Peace Fraternity insulin syringes and/ or lancets. The monthly meeting 2 p.m. July 10. first of its kind in the area, it offers Holy Trinity Church, W, Harwich. patie!'!ts a biohazard container, eduFather Cornelius Kelly will celebrate cational material and a membership Mass and speak on "The Splendor. card entitling them to three free conof Truth." Business meeting and tainer exchanges annually. Further refreshments follow. Rosary'recited information is available from Maria I:30 p.m. for end to abortion. In- Cabrales. patient education coordiquirers welcome. Information: nator. at 674-5600. ext. 2390. Dorothy Williams. 394-4094.

fteering pOintf SOMERSET PARISHES Meetings will be held to discuss the Family Life Curriculum proc posed for Somerset public schools 7:30 p.m. July II at St. Thomas More, July 12 at St. Patrick's and July 13 at St. John of God. ST. MARY, NORTON· Vincentians will sponsor returnable bottle and can drive July 9 and 10 to benefit St. Joseph's Food Cellar. HOLY NAME, FR . Holy Name School scholarships were awarded in memory of Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo to Michelle Boutin and Richard Grundy.



LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO The Summer Concert Series opens 6:30p.m. tomorrow in the Garden of Worship with a performance by "Father Pat," Father Andre Patenaude. Those attending are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets. 'I n case of rain. the concert will be held indoors. Bible Study classes with Father Joe Ross continue 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays in classroom above gift shop. Class dates are July 6.13.27 and Aug. 17.24,3 I. Information: 2225410, ST. ANNE, FR Father Pierre Lachance will preach l23rd annual St. Anne novena beginning July 17 with services 3 and 7:30 p.m.




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Catholics, Jews decry "Holocaust revisionism" .' WASHINGTON(CNS)- V.S .. Catholic and Jewish leaders have warned educators not to be taken in by"Holocaust revisionism" campaigns of neo-Nazis and hate groups on the nation's campuses. "The Holocaust deniers have adopted a new tactic, placing advertisements in college newspapers," said the J oint Statement on Dealing w'ith Holocaust Revisionism by the Synagogue Council of America and the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. . The statement urged all publications of educational institutions to "unconditionally reject any efforts to deny the horrifying realities of the Holocaust." The Catholic-Jewish statement said the Holocaust deniers began their advertising campaign after ed ucators grad ually learned to recognize and turn aside their previous efforts to create respectable academic forums for their ideology under the guise of symposiums or academic debates. "Again hiding their true intent under more respectable guise, such as so-called committees for 'open debate' on the Holocaust, the unsolicited ads deny the reality of the gas chambers and of Nazi genocide," the statement said. It said those behind the ads seek to pressure or force college and university publications to publish their material by appealing to First Amendment rights of free speech. "This is a perversion of the First Amendment," the religious leaders declared. . "Ever since World War II various extremist, often neo-Nazi, groups have sought to deny the crimes of the Nazis, particularly the attempt to exterminate the Jewish people," they said. "We condemn these prej1.!diced efforts and the racial hatred they would incite." The statement was approved at a Catholic-Jewish nati'onal consultation in New York. Cardinal John J. O'Connor of New York, NCCB episcopal moderator for Catholic-Jewish relations, hosted the session and was co-chairman, together with Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, president of the Synagogue Council of America. The council coordinates rabbinical and lay synagogal organizations of the main branches of U.S. Judaism: Orthodox,Conservative and Reform. In the past, the Catholic-Jewish consultations have issued statements urging restoration of moral education in public schools and renewed efforts by educators, parents and religious communities to stem the increase of pornography.


Libreria Editrice Vaticana L~,

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Catechism sales may hit million , WASHINGTON (CNS) - It's Of 2,500 copies ordered for the Dedham store, 1,500 soc,n were not exactly the type of light, entergone by mail order or o'ler-thetaining summertime reading or a counter sales. "Veritatis Spl~ndor," good "bedside" book, as one religPope John Pauill's 1993 encycliious communicator noted. cal, "came a close secor-,d, but But the new "Catechism of the Catholic Church" could become a nothing national ever sparked this kind of interest," she said. million-seller in the United States. Sister Marilyn Kerber, prtesident Not only did the catechism spark sales as soon as it appeared, it also of the National Conference of generated enthusiasm from church Catechetical Leadership, affirmed officials and catechetical circles. her organization's strong support Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua for the catechism. of Philadelphia termed the publiBut she also cautioned against cation of the c~techism "an occainappropriate use of the catel:hism, sion of particular joy." Along with which she noted "is not inttended the previous publication of the to be used directly as a teaching instrument with children" but inSpanish-language catechism, the appearance of the English version stead "was meant to b~ ~ major "affords the archdiocese of Philareff:rence work for bis!\t)p~: and delphia an indispen"sable tool to " their staffs, publishers" and others jump-start our Catholic faith," the in catechetical work. The catechism also has drawn cardinal said. Apparently, many would-be attention from leaders and scholreaders were eager to get their ars of Judaism, with a recent Antihands on the new book. Defamation League of 8'nai l\'rith Heavy ~arly sales prompted a publication featuring'commentary second printing of 340,000 copies' by an assortment of Catholic and in addition to an initial printing of Jewish writers. 560,000, according to Dan Juday, Rabbi Leon Klenicki, editor of Interfaith Focus and director of director of the U.S. Catholic Coninterfaith affairs for the ADL, ference Office for Publishing and praised the catechism for how it Promotion Services, the cateportrays Judaism in several a:reas cbism's main U.S. publisher. but said the ADL also was (:onA third printing is planned later cerned that the catechism tn:ats this summer, and the catechism's the Old Testament solely as a 15 U.S. co-publishers are also preparation for Jesus' coming and readying reorders, he added. vocation; depicts biblical episodes Dennis Klotz, owner of the only as indications that Jesus is the Catholic Book Store in Detroit, fulfillment of God's promises to said he had sold 1,100 copies by Israel; and incompletely portrays midday June 23.' He had ordered the role of Jewish law in daily Ue. 3,000 copies and advertised the Meanwhile, . missionaries from book's availability in Catholic and Peru and Mexico joined 44 V $. secular newspapers and through parish bulletin inserts. One parish . partici pants at the first national worksh,op for Hispanics on the ordered 146 copies. new catechism. "I've been in this business 19 years and I don't think there's ever .The Anchor will begin a series been a book where we've had this of five explanatory articles on the demand. Never," said Klotz. Catechism of the ·Catholic Churc:h "It's incredible, the response in the issue of July 15. Editor we're getting," said Sister Bernadette Reis, a Daughter of St. Paul Genius and assistant manager of her "To do what others.cannot do is order's bookstore in the Boston talent. To do what talent cannot suburb of Dedham'. do is genius."- Will Henry

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