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Draft rejects US .nuclearpolicy

By Jerry FUteau NC News Service Important elements of current U.S. nuclear deterrence policy are condemned as immoral in a draft national pastoral letter written by a committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The document, specifically' re­ jects, on the basis of traditional Catholic moral pr:inciples, any policy that holds out the' option of nuclear response to a non­

nuclear ai:t..ck, or any strategic ination. way, the authors say. They em­ deterrence policy that involves Saying that "we face . . . a phasize that the principle of tol­ the targeting or even the threat deterrent that is in place and eration invoked is not "a com­ of targeting of nuclear warheads which we cannot, according to forting moral judgment, but an OQ civilian popul,ations. . Catholic moral principles, ap­ urgent call to efforts to change." The former policy is part of prove," the authors conclude. that The draft pastoral letter, writ­ the U.S.-NATO defense policy in the only justification for poss­ ten by a committee of five bish­ Western Europe. The latter is a ession of nuclear weapons is the ops headed by Archbishop Jo­ policy operative in current global principle of temporary "tolera­ seph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati, . tion of moral evil.". The principle was distributed last month to U.S. nuclear strategy. The document sharply ques­ , of toleration, however, demands about 250 U.S. bishops attend­ that all efforts be made to get ing a 10-day assembly at St.. tions even the possession of nu­ out of this "objectively evil situa- . John's University in Collegeville, clear weapons ,without substan­ tive progress toward their elim­ tion" in an orderly, controlled Minn.

Liberty's lover

By Pat McGowan Two years ago The Anchor ran a Fourth of July feature story on Charles DeLeo, self-styled Keep­ er of the Flame of the Statue of Liberty. It was not an Anchor exclus­ ive. The Reader's Digest, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The New York Daily News, many other newspapers and tele­ vision programs: all have had their fancy caught by a 34-year­ old 'vietnam veteran who's con­ ducted a lifelong love affair with Lady Liberty. For the Fourth of July, 1982, in a world torn by wars, terrified of nuclear annihilation, not very sure of anything anymore, it seems a good idea to run another story about DeLeo, who has his priorities extremely straight: cross, flag, Lady Liberty. Born on New York City's Low­ er East Side, he quit high school to join the Marines, served in Vietnam, then drifted from one job to another before, 10 years ago, destiny caught up with him. Out of work and visiting the statue that dominates New York harbor, he impulsively applied for a National Park Service job on Liberty Island. Hired as a maintenance mechanic's helper, he cleans the island grounds and performs other routine chores. But before long he was drawn to the statue itself, where he now also checks the four 10,000 candlepower bulbs in Lady Lib­ erty's torch, cleans her 200 win­ dowpanes and keeps her interior paint shipshape. Members of the public climb to Liberty's crown, 26 stories above the harbor. But DeLeo climbs four more stories, up a cramped ladder within the statue's right arm, to' re'ach the torch, where he begins each day with prayer, perched on a breathtakingly in­ substantial catwalk surrounding the "lamp beside the golden door." He feels ~is work is a religious vocation. When Pope John Paul I( spoke at nearby Battery Park in 1979 he lit Liberty's torch and prayed for the suc­ cess of the papal pilgrimage. Un­ married, he uses most of his $18,000 yearly salary on such projects as sponsoring overseas orphans ~nd helping the missions of Mother Teresa.

To date he has given away over $22,000, responding to quer­ ies such as "Are you crazy, Charlie, giving all your money away when times are so unsure and money is so tight?" with a simple, "I don't give my money away, but put it into God's bank." DeLeo is generous with time as well as money, answering let· ters, of which he receives hun­ dreds, mainly' from schoolchild. ren, promptly and at length. Among his correspondents is Luella Wagner of St. Dominic's parish, Swansea. Some time ago she heard of the Keeper of the Flame and sent him a Statue of Liberty commemorative medal her husband had obtained in .France during World War·II. .The gift sparked a regular cor­ respondence and recently Mrs. Wagner received a gift in re­ turn: two small pieces of one of the original gl!lSS panes protect­ ing Liberty's torch. DeLeo explained that the torch .was earlier this spring hit by lightning, shattering glass which had been in place since 1892. He collected the shards and has sent them as precious relics to special friends. He also sends correspondents copies of his poems, many of which have' been brought to­ gether in pamphlet (oim. He is especially proud of a prose poem about Lady Liberty, which he recently recited on "Real to Reel," ·a nationa11y syndicated Catholic television program. It follows:

The document was not made public. Nevertheless, stories on it appeared in the general press and elsewhere. They were ap­ parently based on what reporters were being told about the docu­ ment, however, rather than on a reading of the document itself. The document itself reveals tightly reasoned applications of moral principles which, if agreed to by the rest of the U.S. hier­ archy, would make the final Turn to Page Seven


anc 0


Fall River, 'Mass., Friday, July 2, 1982

20c, $6 Per Year

A Prayer of Liberty Dear God, there's some-, thing I've been meaning to tell you, which is thanks. Next only to the Cross that your divine Son did bear for the sins of all mankind and my country's flag, no symbol means more to me than the Statue of Liberty. Turn to Page Three


For theconvemence of sum· mer visitors, our annual listing of Cape Cod Mass schedules ap­ pears on page 8. It will appear every other week during the sum· mer months.

DON'T LOOK DOWN: 30 dizzying stories above New York harbor, Charles DeLeo tends the torch of the Statue of Liberty. (Washington Post Photo by Donald F. Holway)


THE ANCHOR - .Diocese of Fall River - Fri.; July 2, '198,2

SCARSDALE, N.Y. (NC)-Paulist Father Alvin A. IIHg has been , reappointed to a four-year term as naVionaJ director of the Paulist Catholic Evangelization Center, which he founded five years ago. The center seeks to ra'ise interest among American CathoHcs in evangelization of 180 mill,ion unchurched Americans and 15 million !inactive Catholics.

LACROSSE, Wis. (NC)-Sister Paula' Ripple, former executive

director of the NaNonal Conference of Separated and Divorced Cath­

olics: has been elected president of her religious community, the

Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration of La Crosse.

FOSTER GRANDMOTHERS Nellie Casilli, Angelin~ Rodriques, Martha Lambert,' Jane Keezer, Oliva O'Neil and Mary Miozzameet witJ:1 Father Thoma~ L. Rita, director of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, at annual ceremony recognizing their dedication to children with special needs.

PHILADEl.;PHIA (NC)-Tnomas M. Flatley, 62, promotion director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, lis reNring this sum­ mer after 16 years on the job. In }lis work, he has dealt with the society's priest-directors lin 165 dioceses. "I've visited all of them," he said, "I've probably slept lin more rectorlies than any layman."

MAPUTO, Mozambique (NC)-The Christian Council of Churches in Mozambique has appealed to the government to reopen mission stations closed in a crackdown on church institutions soon after independence was won from Portugal in 1975. Mission stations, many of which had schools and hospitals, couId play a signHlicant role in the development of Mozambique, said the Rev. Isaac Mah· ,Ialela, council general secretary. ~

VATICAN CITY (NC)--'Papal Secretary of State Cardinal Agostino Casaroli has been named by J.>ope John ,Paul oIl as the pope's dele­ gate to' the forthcoming celebration of the centenary of the found­ ling' of the Knights of Columbus. An internatioI)al organization of over 1 miHion members, the organization promotes apostolic works and community projects. ~

LA PAZ, Bolivia (NC)-The Bolliv,ian bishops critioized ,the econ­ omic policy of the miHtary government which "hurts the poor most," and urged an end to church take-overs by anti-government demon­ strators. 'We are deeply concerned by the economic cr,isis, made worse by unfair foreign pressure, for lits adverse effects are keenly felt by the working classes and the poor," the steering commiss:ion of the ;Bol'ivian Bishops Conference said. The statement also lament­ ed occupat'ion of chur.ches by anti-government demonstrators at La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, the three main cities in the country.

FATHER PAUL PARKER, newly orc;lained for the Boston archdiocese, joins his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Parker, after celebrating Mass at St. Michael's parish, Swan­ sea, where they are communicants.

NlEW YORK (NC)--'Dominican Father Edward Schillebeeckx, Dutc.h theologian and author, has called for Christians to support unilateral nuclear disarmament from a theological basis. ,In a lecture at Fordham UnJivers'ity he said, "Opting for a deterrent stategy means a strategy of threat to humanity, and, the coLlective certalinty on this point ,leads to a decisive choice,"

WASHINGTON (NCr-The U.S. Catholic Conference supports the South Kor~an Cathoi'ic Church in its "defense of human rights and social jusNce," The support was expressed in a telegram to Cardinal Stephen K'im of Seoul, South Korea, sent by Msgr. Daniel Hoye; usec secretary general. The telegram followed several months of church-state tensions in which groups have asked for the resigna­ tion of the current government and the government has troied to portray ·the Catho\.ic and other Chr.istian churches as training grounds for subversive groups. "The Korean church's defense of human rights and social justi'Ce has earned 'it the persecution' promised by the Gospel," sa'id the USCC telegram.

SOl\1E TREES eat kites but this one has a taste for signs. "To Church" remains a good direction, however.

CHICAGO (NCr-Pax Christi USA, the U.S. branch of the inter­ national Cathol1c peace organizat'ion, has called for immediate with· drawal of Israel,i troops from ·Lebanon. "The United States bears a special responsibility to the Lebanese and Pa'iestinian refugees," Pax Christi said, "because of our vicarious partiCipation lin the killing through supply of arms." Pax Chl"isti said ,it supported the position set forth in a 1973 statement by the National Conference of Cath- , olic Bishops. The 'Bishops ca'1led for "recognition of the rights of the PaJlesllinian Arabs, especially the refugees: Thlis involves, in our view, inclusion of them as partners iin any negotiations, 'licceptance of :their right to a state and compensafion for past ;Iosses to be paid not only by Israel but also by other members of the 'internationall community responsible for the 1948 partitJion plan."


Pope studies Vatican • grIevances VATICAN CITY ,(NC) - Pope John Paul II will reply personalIy to grievances of tht;l 1,670-mem­ bet Association of Vatican Lay Employees. The papal secretary of state, Cardinal Agostino Casaroli met last Friday with association rep­ resentatives and read a letter written In the pope's name. The pope' said the worker's problems merited "an examina­ tion deep and organic" and promised to review them himself and reply to them. The workers' grievances near­ ly caused the first strike in the history of Vatican City State. The association held a silent pro­ test on May 3 inside the Vatican to demonstrate workers' solidar­ ity with their elected represen­ tatives. On June 14, workers planned a strike during the first two hours of each shift, but the action was postpo~ed because of the pope's pressing schedule ,of trips to Britain, Argentina and Switzer­ land within a two-week period. Vatican sources said that the strike has now been deferred in­ definitely and that another meet­ ing between Cardinal Casaroli and worker representatives is planned for today.• Among worker demands are wage and benefit increases, pen­ sion plan modifications, a 36· hour work week and an end to a Vatican policy prohibiting hiring of employees' children.

Liberty Continued from page one Men have made her out of copper, iron and steel, but you, Dear God, have given her an immortal soul of her own. To me, dear Father, she's real and I love her as much as I loved my own dear mother while she was with me In this world. I feel for Miss Liberty and worry for her safety. o God, from the time of your good servant Abraham ,and up to our present troubled days, thy children everywhere have fought and died for liberty. And I truly

know, 0 Father, that if

there be the one time that

men should take up arms

against their brothers, it should be for the cause of liberty. For did not the an­ cients of Israel say 'tis bet­ ter to die as a free man than to live as a slave? ' o God, thank you so much for hearing my prayer and even more, 0 Lord, thank you for the Lady with the body of iron and soul of fire. Yes, in a cynical, what's-In-in­ it-for-me world, Charlie DeLeo is definitely a standout.

NOTICE The Anchor will not appear on Friday, July 9, due to our new

50-week publishing schedule. The next Issue win be dated Friday; July 18.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., July 2, 1982

Arithmetic Lesson Happiness multiplies by div­ ision.


The Difference God does not abandon us ­ we dismiss him.,

Belgium Fatima Lourdes ,Andorra Spain Portugal

Two Glorious Weeks You'll Never Forget!

, under the spiritual direction of


Father Manuel


St: Michael Parish. Fall River


OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE: At Washington's National

Museum of American History you really can'see the origin­ al star-spangled banner that inspired the national antheqt. Few Americans' realize that its designation as the nation's official song did not come until 1931, although it was writ­ ten by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812. (NC/UPI Photo)

$1699 ~~~m~~~ Sept. 17th


Father Callahan is provincial ,Father Joseph F. Callahan, CSC, has been elected provincial of the Eastern Province of the Holy Cross Fathers. He was named for a six-year term at a provincial chapter meeting which concluded last week in 'North Easton. Born in Bridgeport, Conn., where the Holy Cross province is headquartered, Father Callahan holds a bachelor's degree from Stonehill College, North Easton, and a master's degree in theology from the· University of Notre Dame. Additionally he has stud­ ied at the Gregorian University

in Rome.


Brussels Paris Limoges . Lourdes lGavarnie Andorra Barcelona Montserrat Zaragoza Madrid MelJ"ida Lisbon Batalha Fatima

. Ordained in 1970, he taught at Notre Dame. High School in Bridgeport until 1972, when he was appointed to the Eastern

Province mission band in North Dartmouth. From 1974. to 1977

he was engaged in rural minis­ try in Ke~tucky. In 1977 Father Callahan was named Eastern 'Province director of justice and peace issues, a position he held until tQe pres­ ent. In' 1979 he was appointed assistant provincial. In his new post he succeeds Father William

R. Ribando, CSC~

Send this coup'on today for your


I· ~ev. Manuel Andrade (phone 1 SI. Michael Rectory 6721 189 IEssex' Street 6713) 1 Fall River, Mass. 02720 1 Dear Father: 1 Please send your brochure to: I, Name"" ","'" , ' , " " " " " " " " 1I Address , , ,; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .,

I 1







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One out of nine



of every nine U.S. school child­ ren attends a private school, ac­ ~ cording to the Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics. p About 5 million students at­

tended private schools in 1980­

, 81, or 10.9 ,percent of the coun­

try's 46 million elementary and

MAJOR PROGRAMS secondary students, the center's

survey found. co U N S ELI NG : ' ADOPTIONS Nearly 84 percent of the pri~

Individual Marriage - Family RNFORMATION ! REFERRAL vate school students, or 4.2 mil- . ..: UNWED PARENT SERVICES lion, attend reiigiously affiliated ~ INiFANT FOSTER CARE schools. Catholic schools enroll ~~EFUGEE RESETTLEMENT 3.2 million students or 63 per­




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1441 RTE. 132


M.S.W. DIoc.... D/roCI",


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THE ANCHOR - Diocese o{Fall River - Fri., July 2, 1982· . ~.

_ .' •



the living

-the moorins.-,

Electronic Warfare' The battlefields of Lebanon and the Falklands have indeed shown the world that the outcome of modern combat d,epends on electronic gadgetry. It is ·also evident from these encounters that war is very good business for firms that design and package electronic arms. As one observer stated: "Electronics have gone to war and' war today is good business." . Companies such as IBM, RCA and GTE, along with uncounted other concerns, large and small, are providing the electronic gimmicks that make modern weapons so deadly. Because of these so-called miracles of technology, electronic warfare has become a staggering force in our social order. This year alone, it is estimated that American sales of electronic weaponry will exceeed $7 billion. Keep in mind that similar business deals are being measured in francs, marks and rubles. Electronic warfare as seen nightly on television is actually an international business venture as ins'atiable ·in its greed as it is deadly in its design. International competition in the sale of these weapons is as fierce as is their ultimate purpose. The IBM/ Japanese cloak and dagger disclosures are typical. However, no matter what is said and done by other nations, there can· be little doubt that American electronic gadgetry' is a most ,popular export item. U.S. aircraft and other electronic items are the backbone of Israeli success in the' Mideast. Texas Instruments, McDonnell Douglas and Grumman,to cite.a few, are major suppliers of armaments to Israel. Due chiefly to American electronic . ingenuity, it seems, Israel has been extremely.successful . in its encounters with the PLO and Syrian forces. Although it is known that American-manufactured equipment was used by both sides in the Falklands,· its influence in determining the outcome of the struggle has not as yet been determined. But in many ways the Falklands were a'proving ground for 'the hitherto untested destructive capabilities of electronic warfare. The lack of available information in this area indicates that the electronic weapons business is shadowy indeed. What we do know is that electronic arms have changed the methodology of warfare. We also know that this country is one of the world's prime suppliers of such arms. As the generals and corporation boards evaluate the effectiveness of their strategy and weaponry in Lebanon and .the Falklands, we should be well aware that we have in' many ways taken a step backward in our so-called process of civilization. Once again, man has. lessened in importance. The machine, the gadget, is everything. We have entered an era in which machines are beginning to oppose not men but other machines. He who controls the machine, be it a com­ puter or a Sidewinder missile, will control man. In face of all this, may we 'hope that the human spirit will not falter. The world of the microchip has much to offer. But it must be permitted to become more than a sophisticated means for one nation to visit death upon another, as evidenced by the civilian casualty totals in Lebanon. Our world has become a testing ground for deadly' electronic games. Simply because we currently hold tech­ nical superiority, we should not assume that these games will never be played' in our own backyard. .



Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.

EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR !lev. John F. Moore, Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . . . I.eary Press-Fall River

i 'Behold, the king's 'son shall'reignl' 2 Par. 23:3

• .Prayer In By Father Ke.vin J. Harrington Massachusetts has had as many laws concerning prayer in . public schools as any state. After the 1962 Supreme Court ruling that such prayer was un· constitutional, in violation of the First Amendment prohibition a­ gainst establishment of ~eligion a 1974 Massachusetts statute man­ dated publ.ic school teachers to provide for a minute of silent meditation at the beginning of the school day. Since this pro­ cedure bypassed oral prayer, it was deemed COllstitutional by the Supreme Judicial Court. . But in 1979 Massachusetts passed a statute calling for vol. unteer-Ied classroom prayer: It was clearly contrary to the let­ ter of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling and was struck down by the state's high court. Since then the following con­ stitutional amendment has been proposed: "Nothing in this Con­ stitution shall be construed to prohibit individual or group prayer in public schools or other institutions. No person shall be required I;ly the United States or by any state to participate in prayer." However sincere the propon­ ents of this 'amendment ~ay' be, they seem ignorant of the diver­ · sity of religious: traditions,. the · nature of personal piety, and the · vulnerability of the young to peer pressure. Because of these fac­ tors, I could never support this amendment. There are 90 religious organ­ 'izatiorisin America with a memo bership of at least 50,000. How can one prayer be acceptable and in no way offensive to all these gro'ups? In a classroom in our own diocese there might be


Cambodian-American Buddhist, EvangeI.ical Protestant, Universa­ list, Roman Catholic, Jewish and Muslim children. While such di­ versity in one classroom is ad· mittedly unlikely, .it is possible. No child should be forced to choose between lip service com· pliance with or conscientious ab­ stention from a ritual. This is far too much for most children to handle. Similarly, it is beyond expectation that a prayer could be composed that would be like. ly to express the piety of a group of children of diverse religious backgrounds. Jack Danforth, an ordained Episcopal priest, active in polio tics, has astutely observed: "Prayer that is so generiil and so diluted as not to offend those of most faith is not a prayer at all. True prayer is robust prayer. It is bold prayer. It is almost by definition sectarian prayer."

schools classroom. A period of silent meditation seems the best way of protecting a child from being coerced into joining in .a set prayer that may have little or no meaning to him or her. Children should learn their prayers at home and should feel free to say them without impos­ ing their personal piety upon their classmates. It would, in fact, behoove the public schools to provide "released time" for students enrolled in sectarian re­ ligious training programs. Concern over public school prayer seems at present more the concern of politicians, than of 'church officials. This should indicate that the matter is really more a political .than a religious issue.


July 3 . It is my opinion that prayer Rev. Thomas P. Doherty, 1942, can truly be voluntary only when it comes from the individual and . Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford not any authority figure in the July 4 Rev. James A. Coyle, S.T.L~, 1955, Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River July 5

Rev. J. F. LaBonte, 1943, Pas­ tor, Sacred Heart, New Bedford July 6

Rev. Edmund Francis, SS.CC., 1963, Pastor, St. Mary, Fairhaven July 7 Rev. James E. Lynch, 1965,. First Pastor, St. Joan o(Arc, Or­ leans July 8

Rev. Edward J, Murphy, 1887, .Pastor, St. Mary, Fall River

: THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., July 2, 1982

Busy-ness won't do

Remember Maureen, the woman who wanted a deep­ er relationship with her non­ communicative husband? Well, I got lots of mail on that one. It was evenly divided be­ tween those who, like Maureen, felt her pain and despair over facing 25 years with a husband who never talked or listened to her and those who had little pa­ tience with her complaint. These latter, almost to a per­ son, said, in effect, that Maureen needed to stop feeling sorry for herself and get involved in some meaningful vOlunteer work. "There are all kinds of organiza­ tions out there waiting for wo­ men like Maureen to help," wrote a representative writer. "Let her get off her duff and over to the Red Cross or the soup kitchen to get some mean­ ing out of life." Others sent long lists of local agencies looking for volunteers. I hear what these writers are saying but it bothers me because it emphasizes what i see as one of the major blocks to good per­ sonal communication: an accept­ ed cultural attitude that says that busy-ness and activity can com­ pensate for lacking intimacy. It's this attitude that drives men (and now, women) to workahol­ ism to make up for empty rela­ tionships in personal lives. And that isn't any response to those

who expect and want more than a physical marital relationship. The irony in Maureen's case is that she already over-volun­ teers. That's how I met her, in fact. She spends most of her time and gets most of her interperson­ al satisfaction from chu-rch work, an activity in which her husband shows little interest. asked her to respond to writers' suggesti.ons that she be­ come busier to alleviate her mari­ tal loneliness and she said, with evident anger, "Don't tell me to get more involved. I'm volunteer­ ing too much now. What I want is some sharing with my hus­ band, not one more activity. I didn't marry to find intimacy in the Red Cross." I

I've noticed that when couples begin to lose their relationship, their activity level with others· rises, whether it's in work or organizations. They join more clubs, take more courses, work more overtime - all of which alleviates the need and opportun­ ity to focus on' the problem in the first place, which is a dwind­ ling interest in one another. If they volunteer together, it's an· opportunity to relate, at least, but that's a rare move for these couples. Rather than telling a Maureen to get more involved we should encourage couples to strip them­ selves of these artificial outlets

The problem here is complex. First, the Motion Picture Asso­ ciation of America, if it wishes to maintain the credibility of its classfications, must find sOme how he managed to gain en­ way of cracking down on thea­ trance to R-rated movies. On the ter managers who don't enforce same day I received a letter from the "under 17 must be accom-, a gentlemen who indicated he panied by parent or adult guard­ thought the matter was very ian" provision of the R rating. much my business. This first aspect of the prob­ He was writing, he said, to 'lem is largely ouf of parents' ask me to give special emphasis hands, short of writing Jack Va­ in my film reviews by NC News lenti, head of the NPAA or band­ to the R-rated movies designed ing together to start working to appeal to boys and girls for a government-sponsored younger than the age limit of 17 classification system that will imposed by that classification ­ have legal sanction. movies such as "Endless Love," But a second aspect is not. "Private Lessons," and the re­ Parents must become a lot more cent "Porky's." aware than they seem to be about the kind of material that He concluded with a percep­ tive observation: "I am disturbed gets into movies these days and when I think how effectively they must have the courage to·. such films neutralize the act upon that knowledge. church's efforts at evangelizing Would you want your 11 or 12~ the young." year-old daughter to. see a movie in which a giant contraceptive I've had many experiences· cor­ is used ina comic sequem;e, a roborating the situation he de­ movie that has a nude ,shower scribes. room sequence of some length, I spoke at a Catholic girls' a movie that plays a graphic school, and noticed in the ques­ tion period that many in my sexual encounter in a locker room for laughs, a movie that audience, most of whom were .treats virginity in either sex as sophomores, were quite familiar with "Dressed to Kill," one of ludicrous, a movie, ,finally, that the horrible examples I had given is filled with some of the foulest language I've 'ever heard in a in the talk. movie? Well, unless you're care­ One question almost floored ful, she'll do so when the gang ·me. "But, sir, if you go to see gets together to go see "Porky's." somethin~ like "Dressed to Kill" The Catholic press also has a with an open mind, not looking for anything nasty, isn't it OK?' .. responsibility in this area.· In

Recently an indignant 13­ year-old told me in re­ sponse to my question that it was none of my business



Cox 10 years late]}



He is the picture of the and focus on their deep human upright Yankee gentleman: hunger for each other. I think it , blue-eyed,' crew-cut, bow­ was indicative that few of the tied, rosey-cheeked, He writers so impatient with Mau­ speaks without self-conscious­ reen were impatient with her ness of "honor in government." husband's lack of communica­ But the air of invincible amity tion and interest in their relation­ covers a sharpness for facts and ship. They echo our society's be­ a passion for law that were lief that busy-ness and activity Richard Nixon's undoing. make up for missing love, and Ten years after Watergate, that if they aon't, it's the per­ Archibald Cox at 70 has receded son's fauit for wanting more. into the general background. He That simply doesn't work. The teaches at Harvard Law School. most frenetic people are still un­ As he walks through the streets happy and seeking. Adding to of Washington he is recognized their calendars only masks tem­ by ,none of the passers-by. It is porarily their need for intimacy. only. when he gets to the Dupont Plaza coffee shop that someone In an era where too many at a nearby table hails him. It is middle-age couples are breaking Derek Bok, the president of Har­ up after 20 years of marriage vard, who reminds him jocosely and Little League, we need to that he was on Nixon's enemies look at the basic relationship, list. not the activity schedules. We Cox is observing the 10th an­ need to focus on the partner who niversary of Watergate in his refuses to nurture intimacy, not own way: He is explaining the the one who wants it. And that significance and the conse­ means changing some deeply quences of those dizzy, danger­ rooted attitudes in us that say. ous, suspenseful weeks, months that if we're busy e!lough, we and years of coverups, bomb­ don't need love. shells, tapes and "inoperative" statements from the "zero-de­ fect" White House of Richard Nixon. The period was a triumph for a system that could expose wrongdoing at the highest levels of government. It was a glory of democracy. Through a random selection process, the republic produced the very people needed to save it. Special Proscutor Cox, the star of the "firestorm" of October 1973, meets about 20 hard-core Watergate addicts at a press order to help parents discharge breakfast and logically, mildly, their responsiblity it must give describes that hazardous, heady the kind of coverage to the lo­ time. cal movie scene that my corres­ "What if?" he is asked repeat­ pondent asks for. edly. What if Nixon, had burned The really frightening aspect the tapes? What if Alexander of all this is our contemporary Butterfield had not "spilled the environment that makes young­ beans?" sters feel they have every right "There are so many possibili­ to see movies of the most offen­ ties and coincidences," he 'ob­ sive kind. I fully 'realize that say­ serves. "What it comes down to ing no is tough when "all the is that we have a good fairy sit- . other' kids are going," but it's ting on our shoulders most of an essential first step. the time," Could Watergate happen Finally let ··me say this:reii­ again? gious formation and cultural for~ . "Of. course it could happen mation must go hand in hand. If again, the abuse of power is in­ teen-agers are cultural illiterates, herent in human nature. But the the moral precepts they learn in immediate' likelihood is reduced school will be resting on thin air because so many remember it and they'll never feel the need all, and the reforms which came to apply them to the movies and about make it measurably less television shows they see. likely." Gallagher Is on the staff of the On the down side, he finds it U.S. CathoUc Conference Depart­ that the Reagan "troublesome" ment of Communication. administration is silent about the need for high moral standards, that it seeks to weaken the re­ forms and speaks disparagingly THE ANCHOR (USPS·545·020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published about financial disclosure re­ weekly except· the week of· ~uly 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven· quirements as "an overreaction," ue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River. that the attorney general fumes Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 about the special prosecutor act. per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall !lIver, MA The whole handling of the 02722.

question of Labor Secretary Ray­ mond ponovan puzzles him. "I don't mean to convict Ray Donovan," he adds, "but I find it disappointing, almost shocking, that when the FBI told White House cOllnse! Fred Fielding some disquieting news about Donovan's past, Fielding said, 'Don't pursue it.'" Fielding was "part of the Nix­ on period" - deputy to John Dean. "There was never anything that rubbed off on Fred Fielding, but I, would have chosen some­ one else." Cox 'has done more than speak of the insensitivity of the Reagan White House to the Watergate experience. Reagan has named two Water­ gate figures to obscure public posts: Frederic W. Malek, a Hal­ deman aide and author of the chilling "government responsive­ ness" memo, to the board of governors of the U.S. Postal Corp., and CREEP' Finance Chairman Maurice Stans to the Overseas Private Investment Corp. Cox, who is now chairman of Common Cause, announced im­ mediately on hearing of 'Stans' appointment that he would testi­ fy against it. Various friends of Stans have importuned him to accede to Stans' oft-repeated re­ quest to "give me back my good name." Cox is adamant, and the nomination has not been resub­ mitted to this Congress. Cox minds most the prosper­ ity and celebrity of the richly rewarded reminiscing perpetra­ tors of Watergate. "I ask myself if my Uncle Max would have published these books - -he was Maxwell Per­ kins of Scribner's, you know. And I tell myself that no repu­ table publisher would. I am puz­ zled what it tells us about our­ selves." He finds it "amazing" that Charles Colson, the born·again prison reformer, should have been conunencernent speaker at Wheaton College, while Elliot Richardson, the 'Boston Brahmin who heroically refused to fire Cox at Nixon's bidding, hardly figured in the commemorative roundups. , Ruefully, he recounts an ex­ perience at Tulane University. Through a series of mishaps, Cox found himself addressing some 25 embarrassed students in a hall that had been packed to the walls the week before to hear G. Gordon Liddy, the rat-eating, pistol-packing, tight-lipped CREEP heavy who served the longest jail sentence of them all. "That is the one th!lt worries me most. X asked what the fas­ cination was for young people - did they want to hear a rebel? But I was told that he is pursu­ ing the right course."

• , \ \


• \.

~. ~"J." ~



THE ANCHOR - Diocese oHall River - Fri., july 2, 1982

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Ripped apart by war in Leb'anon and elsewhere in the Middle East! Most are children. Others .. are sickly,' aged, handicapped. The rest, are farmers without land, workmen without work. All cling to the shreds of dig·nity. Each seeks a chance to begin anew. A hot meal, a blanket; a tent" a few tools for the bread-winners. school­ ing for the children-:-any .of these can start whole families toward piecing their shattered lives together again.





There are now countless victims from- the con­ tinuing fighting in the Middle East-and the number increases daily. Some have already worked their way out of poverty. Someone cared enough to train them for new jobs, or help school their children, or. piece together scat­ tered families. But some are still huddled in open camps, or town slums, or crowded fn with relatives equally poor. The refugee colonies teem with destitution and a poisonous sense of futility.

.. ..

Through the Holy Father's Pontifical Mission for Palestine, the Catholic Near East Welfare Asso­ , ciation has already mended tens of thousands . of refugee families through edu.cation, new jobs, new housing, medical and orphan care, food, clothing. Any kind of helping hand is eagerly grasped by those eager to help themselves.

•• • r


Choose the gift you can afford to repair any of these torn lives. Mail the coupon today: ' 1. 0 $........ My 'Stringless Gift' use it where.' it's needed most ' 2. 0 $352~ Equipment for Pediatrics 'Center 3. 0 $2475 Training equipment for deaf mutes , 4. 0 $ 525 Helps provide a three-room ~ome for a refugee family 5. 0 $ 400 Two-year vocational training for refugee youngster 6. 0 $ 210 One-year hospital care for an aged refugee ' 7. 0'$ 75 Sewing machine for a refugee girl 8. 0 $ 25 One year's medical care for a refugee family 9. 0 $ 10 Braille books for blind children 10. 0 $ 5 Two 'dresses for an orphan girl' 11. 0 $ 2 Blanket for a baby 12. 0 $ 1 Lunch for a 'child for one month

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TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. , 1011 First Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826·1480

" A TRIP to Washington to confer with area legislators on needs of the handicapped testifies to Arthur Connelly's concern. From left, Woody Woodruff, Worcester, a De­ velopmental Disabilities Council member; District 12 Representative Gerry Studds; Con­ nelly; Melvin Ritter:- Brookline, a director of both, the national and state Association for Retarded Citizens. (Jewell Photo)

Cape man .aids handicapped By Pa* McGowan "The saine Jesus who heard .the cry for recognition from the handicapp~d of Judes imd Sam­ aria 2,000 years ago calls us, his follow~rs, to· embrace our re­ -sponsipility to our own handi­ capped brothers and sisters in the United States." On-e man who has taken seri­ ously those opening words of the 1978 Pastoral Statement of the U.S. C.atholic Bishops on Handi­ capped People is Arthur M. Con­ nelly of St. Francis Xavier par­ ish, Hyannis. The immedi~te past president of the 10,OOO·member Massachu­ setts Associatio[l - for Retarded Citizens, (MARC), he is the

father of 18-y.ear-old David, a student at Dennis-Yarmouth Re. gional High School. When David was born, his parents were told he would be "a vegetable." They didn't agree. Today David is active with the Dennis-Yarmouth baseball team, which presented him with an "Outstanding" .award. He func­ tions well in many other areas, said his father. Growing up, he was helped by an array of...§tate 'and federally financed educational and develop· mental programs fought for by MARC members. But now, his father fears, David and others of the six per­ cent of the state's school popula­ tion estimated to be retarded and in need of services, stand to lose many of. their hard-won gains, due to cuts in human services budgets. A longstanding problem for 'the retarded and their families, ,not properly addressed even in time~ of less austerity thim now, he added, is that of "turning 22." There' are' a few programs for the adult retarded and "what hap­ pens after we die?" is the ques­ tion that haunts parents. The U.S. bishops share these

concerns, noted Connelly. The prelates admitted in their 1978 pastoral' "that at times we have responded to the needs of some of our handicapped people only after circumstances or pUblic opinion have compelled us to do so." To redress such oversights, the bishops have designated minis. try to the handicapped as a "special focus for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the U.S. Catholic Confer­ ence." They said their action "repre­ sents a mandate to each office and secretariat . . . to address the concerns ,of handicapped in­ dividuals." ­ Should the bishops be looking for specific ways to express their concerns, Connelly has some suggestions. He' wO\Ald like to see the church "take more leader­ ship in disseminating news on advances and hopes for handi­ capped, people." He also feels that, the moral problems and principles involved in many cases should ,be recognized and studied. , He thinks that churches should be involved in opening group homes for the handicapped, pos­ sibly on the model of the Cana­ diim l'Arche homes, where adult retarded . persons are guaran­

teed a home for life, cared for ' by people who have made a per­ manent commitment to such an apostolate. Locally, ,he pays tribute to the work accomplished by ~he Cape Cod Nazareth Hall school for re­ tarded children. "It provided ser­ vice when no one else did," he said, noting that public school , prograJ11s are now "drying up" government funds -that used to be channe!e~ to the Hyannis school. ' A service Connelly' would like expanded is that of signed Masse~ for the deaf. Occasionally celebrated now on the Cape, he

would like to see them become a regular thing. Those interested in this project. he said" could contact him at 362-2109 or Peter Kirwin, director of Catholic Social Services of Cape Cod, at 771·6771. Kirwin ,is vice-presi­ dent of the Cape MARC chapter, which has some 250 members. Mainly, Connelly would like Catholics to remember words of the late Cardinal Richard Cush­ ing: "The exceptional child gives an exceptional opportunity to commune with Christ."


Sisters mark jubilees Among Daughters of the Holy Spirit recently celebrating .jubi­ lees in .the religious life at their Putnam, Connecticut, provincial house was, Sister Ida Poisson, 50 years, who served at the former St. John's Day Nursery in !Fall River for six years. Other sisters whose religious life included service in Fall River were Sister Rose Alma Gaudette, diamond jubilee; Sister Annette Houle, golden jubilee; Sister Jeannette Berube, silver jubilee.


THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., July 2, 1982

Draft rejects U.S. nuclear policy

Continued from Page One statement one of .the strongest moral condemnations of nuclear deterrence yet issued by a major church body in the United States. As a first draft, the document is still subject to committee changes based on comments and criticisms by the bishops. Are· vised draft will then be subject to further debate and amend. ment when the country's bishops hold their annual general meet­ ing this November. It would reo quire approval by a two-thirds vote before becoming a national pastoral letter expressing the collective moral guidance of the U.S. hierarchy on war and peace issues today.

It lists six "immediate" princi­ ples applying to the morality of nuclear weapons in the present context: - "Under no circumstances may nuclear weapons or other instruments of mass slaughter be used for the' purpose of destroy­ ing population centers or other predominantly civilian targets." - "We do not perceive any situation in which the deliberate initiation of nuclear warfare, on

doned, even if it "is not intended to be carried out at all," for several reasons. Among these are the "degradation it produces" in relationships between the two sides and the danger of loss of control over events regardless of the original intent. - "Christians and others of goodwill may differ as to wheth­ er nuclear weapons may be em­ ployed under any circum­ stances." But even if a categori.

The key section of the draft calls reliance on nuclear weapons "fundamentally abhorrent." It says they would have "no place" at all in a world of peaceful reo conciliation towards which all people should strive.

Conference At a Conference on Nuclear Disarmament held last Satur­ day in Boston, Bishop Ber­ nardin elaborated on concepts included in the draft version of the bishops' forthcoming pastoral letter on the nuclear arms race. He said American Catholics should make theirs a "peace church," declaring that be­ coming such a church "means shaping the public posftion of the church as an institution and the personal consciences of the members of the com­ munity of the church into a coherent, consistent force for acknowledging and respecting the dignity and rights of all the members of the human family, reversing the arms race and redirecting resources to the human needs of our citizens and the poor of the globe." Archbishop Bernardin said he sees in the church's cap­ acity to create a constituency for peace a uniquely Catholic contribution to the peace· making process In America to­ day. He said that the public con­ cern over the nuclear peril has created what he called an "open moment in the history of the arms race, an oppor· tunity to use ideas, ideals and public sentiments to reverse the race, reduce its dangers and rescue the world from the threat of destruction." Dr. Helen Caldicott warned conference participants that mankind may be afflicted with a fatal illness - nuclear wea­ pons. The president of Physi­ cians for Social Responsibility said the illness was rapidly spreading as more and more nations threatened to join the nuclear club and as the super. powers added to their already superfluous arsenals.

' : i>



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possess such weapons." The com­ of most attention, but that sec­ mittee confronts the paradox of tion is only part of a broader having laid out a weighty moral overview on the scriptural, mor­ reasoning against any use or al and pastoral aspects of war threat to use nuclear weapons, and peace questions. versus the evaporation of the de­ The draft document analyzes terrent value of the possession the Christian commitments to of nuclear weapons if use is re­ life and to peace, then discusses nounced and backed by guaran­ in detail the just war theory, tees. It warns against "rapid, which has been a cornerstone of abrupt" abandonment of nuclear the Catholic moral approach to weapons on grounds that the in­ war and peace issues since the stabilities that would be created fifth century. could themselves lead to catas­ While noting that the theory rophe. "But a temporary tolera­ sees the right of self-defense as tion of some aspects of nuclear "an extension of the command­ deterrence must not be confused ment of love," the authors com­ with approval of such deter­ ment, "It is too often forgotten rence." that the 'theory' of just war - Finally, "we have hereby elaborated through the centuries outlined what would be at most was an evolving effort to dis­ a marginally justifiable deter­ courage war" by placing strict rence policy," but "we find our­ limits and conditions on it. selves at odds with elements of The draft document also ad­ current deterrence policy" and dresses other issues of warfare are "skeptical" of the basic ar­ today. It notes, for example, that gument of deterrence. Faced "far too little analysis has been with a "deterrent that is in place made of the moral issues involv­ and which we cannot, according ed in revolutionary-counterrevo­ to Catholic moral principles, ap­ lutionary .or insurgency-caunter­ prove,'" the committee invokes insurgency conflicts." It also the principle in Catholic moral notes that the. right to self-de­ theology of "toleration of moral fense "does not include the mere evil." It notes that this is a tech­ defense of all material possess­ nical term for dealing with what ions, seizing the possessions of is "objectively a sinful situation others, or the imposition of rule . . . yet movement out of this on others." objectively evil situation must It calls for a shift of military be controlled lest we cause by expenditures to the easing of accident what we would neither misery in the world, noting that deliberately choose nor morally true peace must be based on jus­ condone." tice and humnn dignity. On the pastoral level it calls The document rejects immedi­ ate, unilateral disarmament as a on Catholics to form their con­ morai" requirement, saying, "We sciences on the moral dimension, do not think the facts are so of war and peace issues, to de­ clear, or the moral imperatives velop a reverence for life, to so compelling that we can ad. pray and to do penance for vance a judgment .that is more peace. stringent than toleration of the deterrent.'" But it' emphasizes that this "toleration" does not mean ap­ proval and is conditioned on sub­ stantive efforts· to modify' the current state of affairs and move out of the "objectively evil situa· tion." It calls for controlled, negotia·

ted and verifiable multilateral

disarmament process, at the same

time warning that past efforts

at "gradual" disarmament have

made that term "relatively


THR~FT STORES The document's section on nu­

'00 COLLETT. STREiT clear weapons, which represent

NEW BEDFORD, MASS. an advance over previous church

1150 JEFVERSON BLVD. teachings in making specific.


moral judgments on nuclear de· .

(Rt. 011 Soutll· Airport bit)

terrence, is likely to be the focus


however a restricted scale, can be condoned. Non-nuclear at­ tacks by another state must be deterred by other than nuclear means." - "Our· objections to the use of nuclear weapons against civi­ lians and to the initiation of nu­ clear warfare apply equally to the threat of such use." The threat of such use cannot be con­

cal moral condemnation does not seem . required from Christian teaching, "it is difficult for us to see how what may be ligitimate in theory may indeed be justifi­ able in practice." - "If we were to reject any conceivable use of nuclear wea­ pons, we would face the very difficult question whether it is permissible even to continue to








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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., July 2, 1982,


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ONSET, S1. Mary Star of the Sea, Onset Ave.: Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, ~:30, 10:30 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 5:00 'to 5:20 p.m. .

Call 563-2203 • 563·2318 550 MacARTHUR BLVD., CATAUMET 673 MAIN STREET. DENNISPORT


YAlR.MOurHPORT, Sacred Heart, off lRte. SA: Sat. 4:00, 5:15 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m.; confessions before Mass, 4:00-5:00 p.m. Thursday before 1st Friday; First Friday Mass, 7:00 a.m.,12:10 p.m. 5:30 p.m. MARION, St. Rita, 113 Front St. Sat. 5 p.m.;' Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily, 8:30 a.m.; confess­ ions, Saturday, 4:30-5:00 p.m., MAITAPOISEIT, S1. Anthony, 22 Barstow St.: Sat. 4:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30, 11 :00 a.m., daily 8 a.m.; 'Confessions' 3:30-4:20 p.m. NANTUCKET, Our Lady of the Isle, Federal S1.: Sat. 5, 7 p.m. Sun. 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.; daily, 7:30 and 9:00 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-4:45 p.m. SIASCONSET, Union Chapel: Sun. 8:45 a.m. during July and August.

CENTERVILLE, Our Lady of. Victory, ,122 Park Ave.: Sat. 5, 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon and 5:15 p.m. daily, 7, 9 a.m., confessions, Sat. following 9 a.m. Mass and 4-4:45 p.m.

NORTH FALMOUTH, St. Eliz­ abeth Seton, 48i Quaker Rd.: Sat. 4, 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:45, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:15-3:45, 4:45-5:15 p.m.

WEST BARNSTABLE, Our :J,ady of Hope, Rte. 6A; Sat., 4 & 5:15 p.m.; Sun., 8:45, 10 a.m., daily 8 a.m. confessions" before each Mass. '

OAK BLUI"FS, Sacred Heart, Circuit Ave.: Sat. 6 'p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:15, 10:30 a.m.; daily (Mon.­ Fri.)' 7 'a.m.; confessions, Sat. 5:15-5:45 p.m.

CHATHAM, Holy Redeemer, 72 Highland Ave.: Schedule July 4, .Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 8 a.m.

ORLEANS, St.' Joan of Are, Bridge Road. (schedule effective June 26-27 through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8,9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. '4-4:50 p.m.; Our Lady of Perpetual Help novena, at 8 a.m. Mass Wed.

SOUTH CHATHAM, Our Lady of Grace, Rte. 137, off Rte. 28: Schedule July 4, Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m. EAST FALMOUTH, St. Anthony, 167 East Falmou~ Highway: Sat. 4:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m; 'daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30-4:15 p.m., weekdays; any time by request.

We're Durfee ~ Attleboro .

BUZZARDS ,BAY, S1. Margaret, 141 Main St; Schedule effective June 20; Sat. 5,7 p.m.; Sun. 8,9, 10, 11 a.m., daily, 8 a.m. Mon.­ Fri.; ~onfessions, Sat. 4-4:45 p.m.







BREWS1rElR, Our lLady of the Cape, Stoney Brook lRoad: (Schedule effective July and Aug­ ust Sat. 5, 6:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:30a.m.; daily, 8, 11 a.m., no 11 .a.m.on Saturdays;' confess­ ions, Sat. 4:15-5 and 6 to 6:30 p.m. . BREWSTER,' Immaculate, Conception, Route 6A: (Sched­ ule effective July and Aug.): Sat. 4:30 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30 and Il'a.m.













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NORTH EASTIlAM, Church ,of the Visitation (sche~lu1e effective June 26-27' through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.;, Sun. 8:30, 9:30,­ 10:30 a.m.; daily Mass 9 a.m. Mon.-Wed.-Fri during July and Aug.; confessions, Sat. 6:30-6:50 p.m.

EDGARTOWN, St. Elizabeth, Main Street: Sat. 4 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 11 a.m.; daily, Mon.­ Sat., 8:30 a.m.; confessions, Y2 hr. before Sat. Masses.

OSTERVILLE; Our Lady of the Assumption, 76 Wialmo Ave. 'Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 7, 9 a.m.; - confessions, Sat. 3:30 to FALMOUTH, S1. Patrick, 511 E. 4:00 p.m. Main St.: Sat. 5:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:45, 10" 11:15 a.m., 5:30 SANTUIT, S1. Jude Chapel, Rte. p.m.; daily 7 and 9 a.m., Sat. 8 28: Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. a.m.; confessions:' Saturdays 9, 10:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:45-4:45 and following 7 p.m. 3:30-4:00 p.m.' Mass. ' MASHPEE, Queen of All Saints, IJIEllGHTS, S1. New' ~eabury: Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 FALMOUTH Thomas Chapel, Falmouth p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; Heights Rd.: Sa:t. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. confessions, Sat. 3:30' to 4:00 8, 9, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily 8 a.m. p.m. HYANNIS, S1. Francis Xavier, 347 South St.: Schedule effective May 36 - Oct. 10-11, Sat. 4:00, 5:15, 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8, 9, 10 11:30 a.m.,5 p.m.; daily 7 a.m., 12:10 p.m.; confessions, Sat. 4:00-4:50 p.m. and following 7:30 p.m. Mass.

POCASSET, S1. John the lEvan­ gelist, 15 Virginia Road: Sat. 4, 5; Sun. 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7:30 a.m.; except Thursday and Sat­ 'urday; 9:00 a.m., Tues. and Thurs.; 8:00 a.m., Saturday; con­ fessions, Sat. 3-3:45 p.m.

PROVINCETOWN, S1. Peter the Apostle, 11 Prince St.: Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 11 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m., confessions, Sat. 6:30-7:00 p.m. and by ap­ pointment. SANDWICH, Corpus Christl, 8­ Jarves St.: Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., 12 noon; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-4:45 p.m. SAGAMORE, St. Theresa, Rte. 6A: Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m., confess­ ions Sat. 4:30-5:15 'p.m. SOUTH YARMOUTH, St. Pius X, 5 Barbara S1.: Sat. 4, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7, 9 a.m. BASS RIVER, Our, Lady of the Highway, Rte. 28: Sun. 8, 9:30, 11 a.m.; daily (Mon.-Fri.), 8 a.m. VINEYARD HAVEN, S1. Augus­ tine, Church arid Franklin Sts.: Sat. 4:00 and 7:00 p.m.; Sun. 8, 11 a.m., 5:00 p.m.; daily 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45 p.m., No­ vena to O.L. of Perpetual Help, Monday at 8:30 a.m. W AREHAM~ S1. Patrick, 82 High S1.: Sat. 4, 6 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 8 ' a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45, 7-7:30 p.m. WEST WAREHAM, St. Anthony, off Rte. 28 (schedule effective July and August): Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10 a.m.; confessions before each Mass. WELLFLEET, Our Lady of Lourdes, 56-58 Main S1.: Sat. 4 ahd 5 p.m.; Sun. 8,' 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m., confessions, before all Masses. TRURO, Sacred Heart, Rte. 6A: Sat: 7 p.m.; confessions before .Masses. NORTH TRURO, Our Lady of

Perpetual Help, Pond Road: Sat.

4, 5 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10, 11 a.m.;

confessions before Masses.

WEST HARWICH, Holy Trinity, Rte. 28 (schedule effective July 3-4): Sat.' 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:30, 12 noon; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3, 4:30 and 7:45 p.m. DENNISPOR'll', Our Lady of the Annunciation, Upper County Rd. (schedule effective July 3-4): Sat. 4:30 p.m..; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m. Daily 8:00 a.m.; Confessions, Sat. 3-4 p.m. WOODS HOLE, St. Joseph: Schedule June 26-27, Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9:30, 11 a.m.; daily 8 a;m.; Confessions Y2 hour be­ fore Sunday Masses.

THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., July 2, 1982




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THERE WAS TIME FOR FUN at the bishops' meeting. A highlight was this Ger­ man-style picnic on the grounds of St. Mary's Cathedral, St. Cloud, Minn. Enjoying brat­ wurst, sauerkraut, German potato salad and apple pie are, from left, Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York, Bishop Joseph Madera of Fresno and CQadjutor Bishop Michael Murphy of Erie. (NC/UPI Photo)

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U.5. bishops pray· together


"It was a wonderful experi­

meditation aM group discus­ sions. "The collegial nature of the bishops~ conference has been en­ riched immensely by this experi­ ence," Archbishop Roach said. "That's very 'important. We.will find it easier to address dlifficult questions, and to do it colleg1ally and prayerfully."

ence." That's how 'Bishop Dan­ iel A. Cronin summed up last month's meeting of 252 U.S. bishops atSt. John's University, CollegeVlil1e, MUnn. Despite breathless speculation in the secular press that the bishops would discuss such con· troversial matters as abortion, birth control and ordination of As is customary at the end of women, the JO-day meeting was, a retreat, the bishops will come exactly as planned, an "assembly away with some resolutions, said for prayer and reflection on epis­ Bishop ·Malone. "We wouqd like copal ministry." . to see ourselves emphasize the High1:ightiing each day, sa,id spiritual dimension of our role. Bishop Cronin, were morning, We want to present ourselves as evening and nigh~ prayers re­ men ·to pray for the people we cited in community. Cardinal serve and try to lead in a loving George Basil Hume of Westmin­ spirit, not dn a coercive way," ster, England, was spirHual mod­ he said. erator for the meeting, opening Five papers were presented to dt on June 13 wlith a major con­ the bishops during the 10 days. ference and following with dally The papers focused on the bishop homilies at the morning prayer as builder of community, as evan· period. gel'izer, dn colleglial sharing of Bishop Cronin said the meet­ ministry, as sanctifier, and.in the ing was outstanding for "murgy American pol'ltic and economic and hospitality," both cherished aspects of the Benedictline tradi·

tion. Monks of the nearly 1,500­ year-old Order of St. Benedict staff St. John's Un:iversity and Cardinal Hume is a Benedictine of Ampleforth Abbey ~n England. The gathering built community among partJidipants, noted the

bishop, aNowing them to relate on a deep spiritual level dn con­ trast to interchanges at· their annual meeting~ where prac1Jical matters must often take prece­ dence over the purely spiritJuaI. At a press conference held on the last full day of the College­ ville meeting, Archbishop John Roach, president of the National

Conference of Catholic Bishops,

and Bishop James Malone, NCCB

vice-president, said that the bish­

BISHOP CRONIN: "A ops' role in church and society

was the focal point of !individual wonderful experience."

context. Providing the basis for daiily discussions in sma:ll groups of seven, the·papers were not an­ tended to fuither a consensus on

any issue.

. The two conference leaders In­

sisted that the Collegeville meet· ing was not convened to result in action by the bishops. "Even today as we conclude, we are not indlcating any call to the confer­ ence of bishops to adopt a par­ ticu;lar plan of action or to adopt a corporate stance on any issue," Bishop Malone said. And Archbishop Roach agaJin affirmed the a'im of the 10-day assembly. "'We deal with issues and actions at the annual plen­ ary meetings in Washington. We purposely avoided that format here. Rather we. reflected. And . it worked." He said the bishops feel that meetin·gs on "the Collegeville model would be valuable every three or five years, but could not replace the annual plenary meet­ ings and their format.

Planning for the Collegeyljlle assembly was carried out by a committee headed by Bishop Ma­ lone. ·Preparations included a series of regional and provincial bishops' meetings at which the assembly themes were chosen.

Although no decisions were made dUriing the assembly,· sug­ gestions and proposals by l>ish­ , ops dU1'1ing its course will be com­ piled and sent to aU the bishops. They wHI also be submitted to the administrative committee of the bishops' conference for pos­ s1ble referra'l to the bishops' gen­ eral meeting next November.


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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., July'2,'1982 /'

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In announcing his willingness As a special appeal was made The press conference partici­ to New Englanders to give poli­ pants described the affected to go to Lebanon, Pope John tical and financial aid to Leban­ areas of Lebanon as devoid of Paul said the search for peace by Christians is especially need· on, Pope John Paul il offered to such basics as 'pure water, elec­ visit the wartorn nation if it tricity, sanitation services or ed "in the Middle East where peace, so compromised but so would help the cause of peace. health care. Food is in short sup­ He made the offer Monday in ply, bodies remain unburied and necessary, has a religious charac­ ter, a spiritual dimension." a talk cardinals and members the threat of epidemics is grow­ A visit to Lebanon would in­ ing, with some typhoid cases al­ of the Roman Curia. The pre­ clude prayers and an' "appeal for vious day he had grieved over ready reported. Ms. Mahoney, a Catholic, was the hoped-for solution to the what he called the martyrdom of problems," of the Middle East, the Lebanese capital of Beirut in the Middle East on a fact·find­ he said. and asked for recognition of the ing tour when Israeli troops be­ The pope added that he would rights of Palestinians and of all gan their eariy June invasion of involved in the current hostili. . southern Lebanon. Seeking only undertake "any' other initiative ties in Lebanon. to determine area medical needs to help those people, as impelled At a press conference held on behalf of U.S. relief agencies, by my ministry as a father and a pastor." last Friday at the Arlington she was pressed into nursing ser­ More than 40 percent of Leb­ Street Church in 'Boston, the vice in Lebanese hospitals as '.'desperate need for Americans casualty lists grew. anese citizens are Catholics. She described in particular the Lebanon has been caught in to respond to the need to Leb-. plight of children aboard a schoq~ the middle of the Palestinian­ anon" was emphasized by Sha­ ron Mahoney, RN, just returned bus hit by U.S.-manufactured Israeli conflict which involves from volunteer service with the cluster bombs. 'The bombs, Palestinian demands for a home­ Palestine Red Crescent, the which the Israelis had pledged land and Israel's demand that equivalent of the American Red would be used only against mili­ its existence as a state be recog­ Cross; Joseph Gerson of the tary targets, dIsintegrate upon nized and respected. American Friends S'ervice Com­ firing -into many small "bomb­ Palestinians have been seeking mittee; and' Dr. Anthony Sah- lets" which in turn shatter into a homeland since the creation in . youm, a Palestinian on the fac­ metal fragments "useless against 1948 of the state of Israel in ulty of the Harvard Medical anything but people." territory that once formed Pales­ School. Gerson, quoting from AFSC tine. The fight to regain'a home­ Financial aid, channeled onsite reports, described areas of land has included formiition of through organizations such' as Beirut as "like the Warsaw the PLO, a coalition of Palestin­ the Catholic Near East Welfare ghetto in World War II" and said ian liberation organizations. PLO Association and the Lebanon that a camp outside Sidon that activities include guerrilla at­ War Recovery Fund' of Catholic \ had housed 60,000 refugees had tacks in Israel and international Relief Services, both at 1011 been "totally razed" by satura­ diplomatic representation of First Ave., New York, N.Y.-I0022, tion bombing. Palestinian interests. is needed, a~ is political press­ Dr. Sahyoum declared the situ­ The PLO has been using bases ure aimed at supporting efforts ation could .be termed "Holocaust in southern Lebanon to stage towards an equitable solution, to II," with Israel cast in the role guerrilla raids across the border the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. of aggres~or. into Israel.



rational emphasis. The general failure of Ameri· ' " ,, . can media to be concerned with .~~~_!'l_.Q_..I~ ~_!?_.~e_L the. legitimacy of the unprece-' - '=- ---.- - - ----=---=-dented savagery of vengeance o.r with the. human misery perpe­ letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves trated by Israeli State. policy the right to' condense or edit. If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and only tak~s us ever further away Include a home or business address. from a solution to the- agonizing problems of the Middle East conflict. ' Dear Editor: More 'ilnp,ortantly, this faiiure' i would like to acknowledge to deal with' the crucial issues of the editorial "Lebanon, A Matter human concern insures continued of Survival," wpich appeared in terror and destruction by en· the June 18 issue of The Anchor. trenching their acceptance as a Though I do not agree with all common and necessary feature of . ., of the suppositions contained in human life. the article, I must commend its' Your article not, only holds· theme and the issues addressed. out a ray of hope in a rather disUnlike most articles dealing with mal array of' American reporting the Israeli invasion and destruc-' of the invasion,. but its thought­ tion of Lebanon, it is almost ful presentation keeps alive those unique in its humanitarian and principles which are mandatory for human survival and which thOse of us who are Christian hold dear. •, . ,


' •








Lebanon I


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Raps McGrory Dear Editor: Mary. McGrory's column (An. chor, June 18) inSinuatiing that our Holy Father's behavior is

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something less than .sincerewas . extemely offensive. . 'The world is, indeed, explod­ ing with social problems wh~ch

'every Chi'istian must work to­ ward alleviating. McGrory neat­

Iv overlooks the fact that for

. centuries the diiv'-ision of Christ­ endo~ has been a major cause of injust,ice, as it so obviously still is ~n Northern Ireland. Yet she cannot bring herself to credit the Pope for the ad­ vancement toward Christian unity occasioned by his visit. It's not her cause. Even the Holy Spirit takes a kick from McGrory! Her state­ ment that the Pope's visit to England "suggests that his gifts border on the supernatural" in effect denies that God could have had anything at all to do with it.


We can still pray for Mary McGrory and ourselves in, our efforts for social justice ·lest we too undermine the power of God 'and end up, like McGrory, as disgruntled causemongers. , Mary J. Phillips Raynham

Msgr. Cournoyer Dear Editor: I am writing this note in the name of my family to thank you . for the lovely article in The An­ chor (June 11) concerning my uncle, Msgr. Cournoyer, on the occasion of his 60th anniversary in the priesthood. We received many compliments about it from family members and friends. Sister Louise M. Torpey, CSC Pitssfield, N.H.

uestion corner By Father John Dietzen Q. The priests In our parish have begun to ask us not to sing 'or play some music we have used for years. They say It itsn't liturgical. It seems to m~ that If we have done It, and It makes people happy, there's nothing wrong with It. How can priests act· this way? Is there wnythIng we ean do? (pennsylvania) A. The size of a really ade­ quate answer to your question would be staggering, far byond the scope of this column. Your concern is far too important, however, not to respond to at least in some way. My first reaction to your letter (which was considerably longer than ·the part I quoted) is that your parish is lucky to have the priests you describe. While in­ dividual judgment always enters into music, it sounds as if they know what they're doing. The fact that a musical com­ position sounds passable and that it makes people - choir or con­ gregation - happy, does not by itself make it sacred music. As Pope John Paul said two years ago, "It cannot be said that all music becomes sacred from the fact and at the moment in which it is inserted into the liturgy." The church has very explicit and clear criteria on what music maybe used in liturgy, and also how it should be used. These criteria appear, hi our own time, in the section on sacred music (Chapter 6) of the Constitution on the Liturgy of Vatican Coun­ cilll, and in numerous documents by the U.S. bishops and others. Briefly, any music must meet three tests before It may be used in the Eucharist or other official liturgies. 1. The first is artistic. Of the three tests this is the one most offended against in many par­ ishes. Whether traditional or modem, organ or guitar, choir or folk-group, music does not become appropriate for the litur­ gy simply because the notes hang together and the composers or performers have well-intentioned hearts. 2. Second, music must be litur­

gically correct. That means, among other things, that the mu­ sic must fit the liturgical seasons and feasts, and must give oppor­ tunity for the whole. congrega­ tion to participate in those parts of the Mass which are theirs. A solo "Our Father," for ex­ ample, or a response to the Pre­ face ("Holy, Holy, Holy") sung by a folk group alone, would offend against this requirement: 3 Third, the music must be pastorally appropriate. That doesn't mean it has to be some­ thing the pastor likes, but that it be music which will help this particular congregation, at this particular time, pray and worship God well together. Lots of conc;erns enter here: the musical experience and pro­ ficiency of the people, the econ­ omic, social and family cares they bring to that celebration of the Eucharist, and. so on. Obviously, few parishes meas­ ure up fully to all of these re­ quirements all, or even most, of the time. But as St. Augustine 6nce remarked about liturgical music.-(l,600 years ago - it's no new problem): "Do not allow yourselves to be offended by the imperfect while you strive for the perfect." What can you do? If you're serious about your interest·, get a copy of the booklet, "Music in Catholic worship," published in 1972 by the American Bishops' Committee on t~e Liturgy. A good study of this very readable document is a bare minimum for any competent Catholic musician or music director. It's available from USCC Publications, 1312 Mass. Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. (There Is a chapter of the Na· tlonal Association of Pastoral Musicians In the Fall River di· ocese. It frequently offers work· shops and other programs on parish music. information on Its activities is available from Glenn Gluttarl, Its director, telephone 252-4304. Editor) Questions for· this column should be sent to Father Dietzen, 113 W. Bradley, Peoria, 111. 61606.



THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., July'2,'1982

Wifh 27,000 Subscribers, If' Pays To

Advertise In The Anchor

"God doesn't make junk; He builds temples," is the theme of a Youth Mini-Conference to be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 14· in Providence on the State House lawn. The charismatic gathering is an interdenominational meeting to be held in conjunction with the New England G~neral Charis­ matic Conference at the Provi­ dence Civic Center Aug. 13 through 15. It will be open free of charge to all high school and college age youth. The music of Jon Polce and Antioch Ministries, a drama pre­ sentation by Living Waters, and a sharing by Barbara Wright of the pastoral team of St. Patrick Parish Community, Providence. will highlight the program. Also making an ap'pearance will be Dion, 60s rock-and-roll star who is now one of the brightest stars in the Christian music arena. Master of Ceremonies for the afternoon will be Father Ross Frey, BSO, founder of Teen En­ counter in the United States and Canada. He is a member of the Eastern Basilian Salvatorians, an order devoted to youth for the past 300 years. Living Waters, whose mem­ . bers range in age from 16 to 35, have been performing together since 1975 at prisons, coffee houses and CCD programs. They have appeared at a World Wide Marriage Encounter Conference, the National Charismatic Con· ferenc;e at Yankee Stadium, and the annual Youth Conference. in Steubenville. Jon Polce and Antioch Minis­ tries also began performing in 1975, appearing regularly at the Coffe~ House, a ministry of the Community of Brotherly Love at . St. Margaret parish, Rumford, R.I. More recently the group has appeared in high schools, col­ leges and at other parishes. Barbara Wright is an interna· tional speaker whose ministries include evangelizinB and healing. In inviting youth to attend the Aug. 14 meeting, organizers said, "What the Lord desires to speak to his young people is an exciting message, and we invite you to be part of it. Come and bring a friend." . Contact: Patricia Fogarty (401) 461-2977.


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F~!I Rive~ - Fri:, ~uly 2, 1982

'The spirritual quest begins now, where we are, UI'Il frhs messiness of ordinary human life.'

II Real life




Hungering for spirituality

By Virginia Finn

By !Dolores R. Leckey

As president of two companies and chairman of the board of a third, ' Jack O'Donnell runs a marathon in his career. But he also runs a spiritual marathon, carefully cultivating a spiritual life. He is intensely committed to both. ,O'Donnell, a layman from Wellesley, Mass., is a technolo­ gist. From childhood, he enjoyed taking things apart. That skill plus his ability in math, physics and chemistry earned him a doc­ torate ,in chemical engineering at MIT. , According to O'Donnell, what Rome is to Catholicism, Boston is to high technology. In Boston, early in his ,c~reer, he' worked on projects such as de­ veloping industrial membr~e units to purify industrial waste­ water. Subsequently, he started three companies in which purpose as ~uch as profit provides the ra­ tionale. If they succeed, the earth should be a little freer of pollu­ tion and hazardous health risks. One company is working on a process for removing sulphur from coal, while another com. pany is developing techniques to destroy toxic organic chemicals in industrial waste. What accounts for the _career ~hoices of a person like O'Donnell? " Coming from a strong religious family, he credits his undergradu­ ate education at the University of Notre Dame for his Christian perspective; He has consistently an deli~erately turned down lucrative career' offers -!luit he feels compromise his conscience. Over the last Ip years, he has reflected seriously arid often on such 'questions as "What talents did God give me and how can I use them?" "What does God want me to do?" "O'Donnell measures his faith journey not by years or places but by the impact of key people who have affected it along the way. His family, he says, "has sought people and places that, have fed our spirit." ' What does a week in O'Don­ nIl's spiritual life look like? It Turn to page thirteen

People are hungry for, bread in many parts of the' world, but , for God's spirit in all parts. This universal hunger can be seen in the variety of spiritual quests witnessed in our age.

Another' view is that spirit­ uality is esoteric, associated with the occult and with psychic \ wonders. Then there are those, who ,equate spiritual wholeness with power, money, improved inter­ personal relations. All these viewpoints have seri­ ous limitations. First, it is important to re-' member that the spiritual life does not belong to the chosen

few. , In their statement on the laity, "Called and Gifted," the U.S. bishops wrote "Lay men and women hear the call to holiness in the very web of their exis­ tence in and through the events of the world, the pluralism of modern living, the complex de-, cisions and conflicting values they must struggle with, the richness and fragility of sexual Turn to page thirteen

By Father John J. Castelot

Mark's story about the man, with the withered hand pulsates with tension and emotio'n. It is, the Sabbath and Jesus, faithful to the eS'sentials of the law, is at the synagogue service. Also present is a man with a Some spiritually hungry peo-, withered hand, perhaps a form pIe are held back by the mis­ of infantile paralysis. taken view that a spiritual per­ , The cast of characters is com­ son must somehow, be different pleted by an initially unidenti­ from ordinary mortals. fied group which introduces a note of tension. As Mark tells us, these people "kept an eye on Jesus to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath, hoping to be able to bring an accusation By David Gibson alone to hear what my wife or I conclusion that spirits have against him," want to impart. something to do ,with the dead. Eleven spirited 14-year-olds One knows there will be 1\ couple of our teens sug-, But there have been enlightencome to our house every Monday trouble. And Jesus doesn't dis­ gested that what makes a ~pirit ' evening. They are preparfng for ing moments. appoint. Sudenfy he cal1s out to Preparation for confirmation unique is its, ~apacity to ,float. confirmation. the afflicted man: "Stand up And what does a spirit do? here in ,front!" They could not be described as calls for some probing of the That was a puzzler. But it also role of the Holy Spirit in one's a sedate group., They have so The poor fel10w has probably provided a breakthrough in our life. much to say -- to each other -­ gone through life hiding his de­ that it is doubtful there are ever But for a number, of our 14­ discussion. formed hand. "You are a verY spirited

two consecutive IJ.loments when year-olds, he word "spirit"- con­ Now, he is ordered to stand group," I told them. They knew all are' still enough to hear what jured up images of spooks. up front while Jesus addresses just one of them has to say, let Flowing from that was - the Turn to Page Thirteen the congregation. ' Suddenly Jesus says to him: "Stretch out your hand." Ordin­ arily, such a command would have shocked him, but he real· izes that Jesus means to help By Janaan Manternach in Nazareth, he had come each Then their 'mood shifted from him. Sabbath, to the familiar syna- amazement to puzzlement. They David sa~ in the Nazareth gogue. Hoping against hope, he stret­ ' could not understand how Jesus synagogue. He had come early ches out his hand and stares in­ Now the: rabbi 'invited ,him to could speak with such authority. Qecause his old friend and neigh­ read from the Torah" -and tal~ After aU, 'they had known him credulously at it. It is perfectly J:jor, Jesus, was in town and to the, people about God's word. as' child, a .teen~!lger, ~ young noma!! Tears of joy come to his would be in the synagogue that eyes. '" , b~vid felt proud of his friend.' 'man: dQ. • , ' However, 'the group has been , , Jesus' finished reading: He be­ ~'Where did he, become, so When Jesus and his disciples gan' to ;te~ch about God's word. watching. They feared that arriv,ed, eyeryone was happy to ' David was astonished at Jesus' learned?'! David overheard one Jesus intended't'o heal the man see them. It was like old times. wisdom 'and authority. Everyone man say.~·What kind of wisdom and they were angry. All the years, JesuS had' lived else looked amazed too. His effrontery! Bad enough he ', Turn :..to Page Thirteen should break the Sabbath laws in the seclusion of a grain field, but to flout them' publicly, right in - the Synagogue, was too much! , ; Healing was work, and work was forbidden on the Sabbath. Jesus' answer to their un· spoken objections was not ex· actly 'pertinent, but his point was clear: "It it permitted to do a good deed on the Sabbath -­ or an evil one? To preserve life -- or to destroy it?" Actual1y, Jesus was not con­ fronted with a choice between doing good or evil -- but to neglect the opportunity to do a Turn to page thirteen







Continued from page twelve relationships, the delicate bal­ ance between activity and stjJJ­ ness, presence and privacy, love and loss." Clearly, church teaching situ­ ates the caU to holiness in the midst of ordinary life. Guidance is critical in the prac­ tice of spiritual disciplines. It re­ minds us to heed the warning of the anonymous author of "The Clo.ud Unknowing" who said that individuals embark upon a serious and demanding task when they begin to bring their lives into relationship with God. It is a task that leaves no leeway for self-deception or illusion. How then does one undertake the spiritual journey? The life of Jesus offers the Christian three basic patterns for growth in holiness: - Solltude. From time to time; Jesus withdrew to be total­ ly alone in God's presence. Some degree of solitude ha~ long been recognized as an essential of the creative life, whether it be artis­ tic creativity, creative family living or ministry. An important part of solitude, of course, is prayer, full of our own needs and those of our world. - Intimate Friendshlp. Chris­ tian spirituality demands the sharing of life and .faith, prayer and work with others. Spiritual direction, a one-to-one relation­ ship, is certainly part of this. Small study and prayer groups can also be part of spirituality. Family, neighborhood, parish and workplace - aU can become places of spiritual growth. ....; Publlc Worship. In the gos­ pel accounts of Jesus, public worship takes a vital place. It seeins that participation in a wor­ shipping community is as impor­ tant for Christians as solitary meditation or intimate sharing with one other person. At the same time, we cannot encounter the Jesus of the Scrip­ tures without meeting the Jesus who reconciles, frees and heals. Spiritual strength and power cannot be contained; they over­ flow, touching all who will ac­ cept them. The spiritual life, then, in Christian terms, is a whole life, involving the mind, the body, the spirit, the emotions. The spiritual quest begins now, where we are, in the messiness of ordinary human life.

For children Continued from page twelve is he endowed with?" asked an­ other. David could fe~1 tension. Puzzlement was turning to anger. Someone mentioned the mar­ velous cures Jesus was doing in Capernaum. A man jumped to his feet. He asked angrily, "Is this not the carpenter we aU knew?" David looked at Jesus. He no­ ticed his face had become very said. Here were the people with whom he had grown up turning against him. David felt sorry for Jesus, but he too wondered, "Where did he get this wisdom and power? He went to classes right here with


ning of an answer. THE ANCHOR ._. 13 The difficulty our teens had Friday, July 2, 1982 with the' word "spirit" is not unique to their age group. Plenty . of adults have similar difficulty and reserve a special place for O'ROURKE spiritual things, outside the con­ FuneraD Home text of real life. 571 Second Street

Some of us may tend to think Fall River, Mass.'

that anyone with time to ponder what "spirit" means can't be 679-6072

very busy. Yet many people are MICHAEL J. McMAHON

looking for ways to locate God's Registered Embalmer

Spirit in the midst of their ca· Licensed Funeral Director

reers, their family lives, their lives with other. people. For many, the spiritual life will not mean moving away from the world, rather, it will mean FUNERAL HOME, INC. moving within the world. ROGER A. LA FRANCE

The spiritual life, like prayer, CLAUDmE A. MORRISSEY


may well be as individual and C. LORRAINE ROY

as varied as· we are ourselves. FUNERAIl. DIRECTORS





Continued from page twelve good might be considered tanta­ mount to doing evil. , 1. Existing (Luk. 16,2J) Montie P'lumbing 6. Uppemoet (1 P.ter 2,13) Again, strictly speaking; this 8. Koney

& Heating Co. 9.' Saint

was not a matter of life or death. 11. Sacond per.on pronoun (llatthew J,7) 12. A mortyr in P.rgemo. (Revelationa 2'13) The man had. lived with the de­ Over 35 Years

15. Center or ...n'a apirit (Matths.. 10,2&; of Satisfied Service

formity for years; he could have 16. A tomboy 16. The b.ginning of dUO' (natthsw 28,1) )1. DAtnUred . wait~ u~til' the next day. But Reg. Master Plumber 7023

20. A mothsr chick.n (Matthew 2J,J7) , 32. Fog or ",I.t (ScotU.h) . 21. Title or Babiem founder

36. B.nefit (Col0••iana 1124)

there was an urgency about JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR.

2J. Hebrew month

112. A:lcient name or Uio

Jesus' mission to combat evil 2". A gaint (2 Ssmu.l 21,18)

hJ. Fruito ofa tree (Song of Solomon 6:11)

432' JEFFERSON STREET 27. Chief Phoenician God (llumber. 22,hl) ",. One (Scott1oh)

and he was eager to' accomplish 28. 16th book of the bibla 47. a......b.r (2,Thsaaalonlana 3,14) Fall River 675-7496 31. Feminine pronoun (Mark 16,10)

48. ~iting insect (Matthew 2J'24) it. J3. King or Ell1Pt (2 King. '17,4)

50. Rdongl n~ to ...

34. Il1drtrf or diaphrBg1ll (Exodu. 29,lJ)

Jewish authorities permitted ,2. 7th 1.ttor of Oreek alphab.t

J'. Proph.t (1iacipl. of Elijah (1 Kinga 19.16) '3.,To exiat (R........ 12,16) '.

working on the Sabbath in emer­ J7. Interrogativo pronoun (~.ark 15,7)

55. Skyward ' , J8. Kalta of .m '

56. Tolluriu" gencies'and Jesus simply was ex­ J9. Cavid'. acriba (2 Semuel 8'17)

40. !lypoth.tical foroe pervading netur. Religious

tending the principle. The fact 41. Body cov.r (Exodua 22,27)

that the group's only answer was 4h. Son or Ram (1 Chronicl•• 2,27)

h5. An ....ticl.

Gifts Books

silence indicated that he had 46. Not old (Acte 7.,8)

h9. Edward or Edwin

made his point. SO. 1.t per.on pronoun (Matthew J,14)

,1. Rock (Katthow 4,6)

, Mark then identifies this group for every occasion . .. 'J. N..... (Mark h ,I)

54. La.. (Laviticu. 2h'9)

some of Jesus' implacable as ,7. Oi.tanc. morchsd in a day

Baptisms enemies who "immediately' began First Communions to plot with the' Herodians how Oawn Birthdays . they might destroy him." 1. Large vehicle Confirmations 2. Ten ....r. (Exodua 16,36 This story ,climaxes five con­ J. Shuppim'. fathor (1 Chronicle. 7,12) Weddings 4. 1I0t, nor (Katthsw 10,9) flict stories, representing a bat­ S. General motors Anniversaries tle throughOl~t Jesus' ministry. 6. 1.t Icing of Iara.l (1 Semu.l l1,lS) 7. To watch or look (J.remiah h8,19) The omi!lous reaction of his foes Ordinations 8. Advi•• (John l1'5J) 10. Young child anticipates the final outcome of OPEN DAILY 11. Day or f.ant and fanting .the battle. 10:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. IJ. A charged portical 14. Eld.at aon or Cuah (Ooneais 10,7) Already we see· the shadow of Q La Salette Shrine the cross growing' darker across Park Street - Route 118 Jesus' path - just what Mark Attleboro, Massachusetts me and our neighbors." newal. 'Center in Weston, 0' wants us to see. Finally, Jesus spoke. Everyone Donnell has met regularly with a became quiet. "No prophet," he spiritual.director. He is a, direc­ said sadly to his townsfolk, "is tor himself and is part of a without honor except among hi's small spiritual' discussion group., own kindred and in his own Color Process Twice daily, O'Donnell takes Year Books house." 15 minutes to meditate and Booklets Brochures With that Jesus walked out of pray. I begin each session by the synagogue. David thought he asking the 'Lord to reveal· himself seemed more hurt than angry. to me," he said; "Then I either The next few days David move where the, Lord, leads 'me watched Jesus from a distance. or· I. bring him a specific prob­ lem and ask hfm to help me He saw him cure a few sick peo­ OFFSET PRINTERS - LmERPRESS ple who came to him but few solve. it." people came. Most people in Naz­ As a technologist, O'Donnell 1-17 COFFIN AVENUE Phone 997-9421 influences ,his world. Through areth put little faith in Jesus. New, Bedford, Mass. ,of his spiritualiiy, he cultivation A couple of days later he and his disciples left Nazareth. "The invites God to share the "diffi-.' , people here don't believe in him," ,ctilties that pervade this complex. -----~-------_.....-"..,........--------~ . David ,thought as he watched life." ,', Jesus leave, rejected by his rela­ tives and neighbors. Across

1,. ·ri•• cond.nte or Shaba (Joel J,8) " ' 17. A.... on' a brothar-in-la.. (Exodua 6.2J) 18. Jump for joy (Eccl.aiaste. J.h) ­ 19. Scoute (!lobr.... 11.Jl) , 22. Lif. au.teining fluid (John 1113)

2,. To b. (Exodua J:14)

26. ,To dra.. or drag (Luk. '12,,8)

27•. ~xiat (~_na 12.16) '.

29. Strong or burly 30. TO'employ (Ilatthew 20:1)



m nT

American Press, Inc.


Real life Continued from page twelve includes daily Mass and Com~ munion as often as possible. Twice a week, he works on a spiritual journal. Once a week, he engages in spiritual exercises modeled on those of St. Ignatius Loyola. Since his involvement in a training program for lay spirit­ ual directors at Campion Re­

. Continued fro~ page twelve what that meant. . Certainly it meant they weren't dead, unless, the dead have begun to poke each other wpile whispering and giggling at the same time. To be spirited is to be very much alive. ,So what does 'a spirit do? It enlivens a person. It is a spark in the midst of. what is happen­ ing right here and now. At least that was the begin­

F.L. '. Collins & Sons, Inc.


THE ANCHOR - Diocese o.f Fall, River - Fri., JU,ly. 2, 1982

Albany Pro-family Federation we'd like them to be. But do you know what trilth said she S'ees the popularity of the song' as indi~ative of a is? changing attitude in society. It's the little baby you're hold­ "Women are beginning to real­ ing And'it's that man you fought ·ize that motherhood has been put By Sister MarY Ann Walsh down as a vocation," she said. with this morning , ALBANY, N.Y. '(Nt) - "I've The 'same one that you're goo. "Women are beginning to see Never Been to Me," 'a current ing to make love to tonight. th~t there's something missing song which endorses marriage from their lives." That's truth. and. motherhood, has become the That's,love." . latest battleground for pro-and Ron Miller, who .wrote the anti-feminist forces. It was dis­ song, told the Evangelist, the cussed in Charlie Martih's col­ Dean's list students from the newspaper of the Albany· Dio­ umn in last week's Anchor. that complaints came from Fall River diocese at Salve Re­ cese, ·Already a, number one hit in areas "where there is a lot of gina/Newport College are Roger at least 15 countries, .the song Bisaillon and Pamela Rapoza, pro-ERA activity." .has provoked so ~uch U.S. con­ New Bedford; Lisa Brazil, South He said the company reacted troversy that its producer, Mo­ Dartmouth; Filomena BotelhO to the complaints because it was town Records, has issued an 'ed· and Nancy Castro, Attleboro; afraid it would lose money if if ited version. Mary Cordeiro and Karen Prag­ The' edited version includes an didn't. na, Westport. . Miller said he was not making instrumental section in place of the third stanza of the song, a statement about motherhood which is spoken in the original or any other specific issue. "I was concerned about what release. Laura Sunderland of Bishop Words edited out of .the song, happens· when we come to the point of no return," Miller said. Connolly High School, Fall River, which tells of, a woman's fruit­ was among 169 Massachusetts' less attempt to find happiness "We a:ll do things which can mess high school sophomores selected through a series of illicit sexual, up our lives, such as drink, gam­ by fellow students to participate liaisons, '. stress .the emptiness ble or become involved in prosti­ in the 5th annual Massachusetts which, the singer has found on tution, but we can come back Youth Leadership Seminar. from all of them. her journey. The program, recently held at "I wanted to do a character She tells her listeners: Boston College, brought students study of someone who can't "Hey do you know what para­ in contact with leaders in busi­ come back and to say 'Don't put dise is? .. ness, the academic world, the yourself' in that position." It's a lie - a fantasy we cre­ media and government. Mildred Breitenbach of the ate about peopie and places as

.Controversial .song

Dean's list

Youth leader

Saluting the flag

long' time ~go," said' a high school girl. All over the world, young and "Whr?" old are crying out for a ban on. "Because I don't think we nuclear weapons, a ban o~ war! really stand f~r what the pledge More and more people are be­ says we stand for. I don't think ginning to realize how frail, how . we stand for liberty and justic'e fragile, how vulnerable is our for all. I see some doing all ·the planet. work and all the f.ighting and it Even those who are cautious doesn't seem fair."

and careful in what they say are

"It's one thing," I said, "if you predicting dire consequences if the' pledge to be a de­ consider senile social systems do not mend scription of our collective be­ the error of ,their ways. They see havior as a country, in which world disintegration with society case you're right. It doesn't de­ being pulled into opposing camps and posed like angry dinosaurs. scdbe what we're like individ­ Our youth, who' fight the battles, ually. There are still many things we ought to be. But the pledge see it better than anyone el~e. does describe what we truly Instead of pulling together as 'want our country to be and a nation we seem to be splitting .stand for." apart and it is increasingly diffi­ It hurts when one sees young cult to .liste~ ,and 'to hear. people so disillusioned. This It is evident that we are living cynicism began during the Viet­ . in a time of moral and spiritual nam war and is still with us. 'But, I feel badly when a young crisis. There is nothing wrong in going back to fundamentals, the person .refuses to salute the,flag. fundamentals from which we've I see the imperfect politicians, strayed, because we've seen' in the grabbers of power, the abuse. many a ball game that if you of tax dollars, the parasites, the don't adhere to 'fundamentals . thousand and one things that go you don't win too many. on in a bureaucracy, but that We need to speak more and does not obscure for me what· more about what it means to t~e flag stands for. I think we must un-sophisti­ be a Christian. For that is the only word for those of us who cate ourselves; .as though we follow Christ. It is a word out of .. were just beginning, trust each our very tradition, out of our other, resist the', temptation to very experience and out of our be pulled apart, work -together very commitment. . instead of lobbying against one As we survey 'th~ 'present another, analyze what kind of world situation, the lack' of people we have become, what statesmanship in' the Congress, we believe in and what kind of we_ are being torn apart. Where world we wish to' create. do we stand? Does. anybody We must raise· up again the stand for? old virtues, have patience and know? 'What do Is winning elections the only not be scared .of a little sacrifice. thing that matters, so that no .We must forget ancient wrongs. one dares to talk'about the hard There is enough healing balm to issues or ta~e a. stand on them?, go around lmd nations at war "~ ~t,~p~ed saluting ,the flag a must apply 'it. " . By Cecilia Belanger


By Charlie Martin

RUN IFOR THE ROSES . Born in the valley And raised iJ:l the trees Of western Kentucky On wobbly knees With Mama beside you To help you along . You'll soon be a-growing up strong. All the long lazy mornings In pastures of green The sun on your withers The wind in your mane Could never prepare you For what lies ahead The run for the roses so red. And it's run for the roses As fast as you can Your fate is delivered Your moment's at hand It's the chance of a llfetime In a lifetime of ch~ce , And it's high time you joined in the dance It's high time you joined.in the dance. . . .From sire to sire It's born in the blood The fire of a mare And the strength' of a stud It's breeding and it's training And it's something ~nknown That'drives you and. carries you home.

Writte~ and-~ung by Dan FOg~l~erg, (c)' 1980 1981 by Hickory ~rove Music; A~inistered by April Music Inc.

DAN FOGELBERG'S "Run for the Roses" describes a young horse preparing to run in the, Kentucky Derby."But a second reading reveals "an additional dimension' of 'the song's message. . The song applies to us as we try to reach. our goals. . 'FogE,!lberg speaks of "a lifetime of chance." But"how rri~ch

does luck guide our: lives? Does succcess -boil down' to meeting the light people at the right time? Are health and happiness in,the hands of fate? . c~ance, People .win contests by meet people by chance and . sometimes . seem to be in just the right. place at jUlit t~e right time. J.... _; .

Yet life does not depend on chance alone. We can make our own luck by working to create opportunities. Those who sit back. and wait for the right mo­ ment may wait a lifetime. But we also cannot say that our lives are totally under our control. A quick glance at a newspaper proves the opposite. We cannot control natural dis­ asters, freak accidents or when and how we will die. If we try to cOI?~rol everything or everyone, the effort will lead to anxiety and fru,stration. Fogelberg mentions "somethin unknown that drives you an carries you home." This. specia inner quality is known by man . names. 'But we might describe it as belief in oneself. Certain periods of life may go smoothly while at other time things seem uncertain. What cah carry us through both periods is the confidence that we can bounce back and even learn from the hard times. , That kind -of confidence de­ . velops when,' in trying some­ _ thing new, we discover more of who'we really are. That does not mean, therefore,' that we should take foolish risks ·or try . out foolish' acts. But neither is winning the "run for the roses" of life achieved through over­ . caution. Christians possess an extra in­ sight called faith, with it, our run for the roses is more than just an effort to attain earthly good fortune. , Sometimes we' get discouraged 'by what happens to us. Luck, we may think, isn't with us. Christians are not immune to human {eelings yet faith widens our perspective, gives us hop a~d expa'nd~ our trust. . Your comments are welcomed Write Charlie Martin, 3863 Bene mea~ Ave., ,Evansville, Ind 47715. ."



THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., July 2, 1982


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ST. MICHAEL, SWANSEA Knights of the Altar officers who, will serve for the coming year are Steve Cardinal, gmnd knight; John Silveira, vicegrand knight; Robert Silveira, knight scribe; Raymond Prevost, " knight treasurer.

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. VINC~NTIANS, FR COUrtT~lU.. o' Vincentians and their fammes are invited to visit St. Vin~nt de Paul Ca'mp, Westport at. 3 p.m. Sunday, Jul~ 11. Benedi~' ·tion conducted by Rev. E~-voon(l· R. Le n ," .-' . m be f, d refre, -~



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ST. ju The family p July 18, at Camp, Westp ST. M&RG • BUZZAlRJDS BAY Priests, of, the parish will join area Protestant ministers in an ecumenical Blessing of the Fleet ceremony at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, July 4.

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ST. MARY, NB The parish property at 359 Tarkiln Hill Road is now avail­ able for use. Those wishing to volunteer assistance with needec;l car.pentry, painting and sewing are . asked to call Sister' Rita, 995-6168. Volunteers are also needed for a projected Explorer Scout troop. . A statue of Mary: will be the center of the ·parish's Mary Garden, a project memorializing departed persons dear to parish­ ioners. The statue is available as a separate memorial which may be donated by an indivi­ dual, family or group. Informa­ tion: Father John F. Moore, pastor.

HOLY TRINITY;·W. HARWICH The Ladies' Association will provide a folding curtain to be ·installed behind the altar .to sep­ . arate the main church from the parish center. New association off·icers are Imelda Macdonald, president; Margaret Scully, vice-president; F'rances Glynn, treasurer; Hilda Dagenai and Mary Musto, sec­ retaries.



ST. ANNE. FR Fr.iday exposition of the Bless­ ed Sacrament will be resumed in September. New parish committee officers are Donald 'Valcourt, president; Joseph Toole, vice-president; Lola Valcourt and Cecile i(!nno, secretaries; Albert Vezina Jr., treasurer. New com­ mittee members are invited to contact a ,present member or call the parish office, 674-5651. The parish ultreya will meet at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, July 11, at the home of Roland and Lor­ raine Dumas, 65 Bellevue Ave., Somerset. ST. JOSEPH, NB A healing Mass followed by a prayer meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. each. Wednesday of July. A holy hour will be sponsored by the Legion of Mary at 5:30 p.m. Friday, July 16. The annual picnic f.Qr 8t. Jo­ . seph's Seniors will be 'held at noon Thursday, July 15, in :the school hall. Reservations: Aline Breault, 999-5754. Members are asked to bring prizes for a raffle. There are openings, including a youth membership, on the parish council. Those interested may call Rene Saulnier, 995­ 7693. O.L. GRACE. WJE~TJPORT A parish picnic is planned for Sunday, Aug. I, at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. Foods will be available and ·there will be musical entertainment, games, swimming, pony rides and play­ ground activities. Chairmen: Rene Lachapelle and Lionel Pa­ quette.

SS. PETER & PAUL. FR The .par.ish Rosary-Makers' Guild presented 144 rosaries to Father Matthew Farrelly who recently spoke at weekend Masses on behalf of missions in Banjul, Gambia. Sister Mary Conrad will leave the parichial school faculty for a new assignment in Providence, while Sister Mary Raymond, a CCD .teacher while a faculty member at Bishop Connolly High School, has been re­ assigned to a New Jersey post. Altar boy, lector and eucharis­ tic minister schedules are avail­ able in the sacristy. HOLY NAME. FR Vacancies exist in grades one through four in the parish schOOl. Sister Lina Nadeau, principal, will be in the school office from 9 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays In Au­ gust to accept inquiries. JESUS-MARY CONVENT. FR Before relocating to other liv­ ing quarters, the Religious of Jesus and Mary invite friends, benefactors and alumnae to an '''au revoir" social, to be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, July 24,8t the convent, 138 St. Joseph Street.· ST. RITA. MARION An 11 :15 a.m. Sunday Mass will be added to the schedule for the summer, beginning this weekencJ. Altar boy classes are held al 9:30 a.m. each Saturday. FIVE-HOUR VIGIL A five-hour vigil held month­ ly in churches. of the diocese will take place from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight at Immaculate Conception Church, F'all River. The service will begin and end with Mass and will· include a holy hour and recitation of the rosary. A coffee break will take place at 10 p.m. All welcome. DOMINICAN LAITY, FR st. Rose of Lima chapter will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday. July 9. at Dominican Convent, 37 Park St. Mass will be celebrated and a speaker from Providence Col­ lege will be heard. New 'Officers of the chapter that meets at St. Anne's rectory are Camille L. Audette, prioress; Yvonne Quintin, subprioress; Juliette H. Boule, mistress of novices; Helene Demers, secre­ tary; Loretta Moreau, treasurer. Gilberte S. Letendre has been received as a novice. Members plan a picnic Tues­ day, July 27, with a rain date of July 28. The next regular meeting will be Monday, Sept. 13, at the rec­ tory.

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By Bill Morrissette

portswQtch Area CYO Golf Tourneys Set '\

Area tournaments from which qualifiers will be chosen for the 23rd CYO Diocesan Golf Tourna­ ment will beheld for the Fall River area 'on' July 13, at the Fall River Country Club; and for the New Bedford area at the Country Club of, New. Bedford, on July.' Qualifying tourneys . will also be held in the Attle­ boro, Taunton and Cape Cod areas. There are four divisions; sen· iors, born on or after Jan. ·1,

tv, movie news

NO·TE· Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list­ ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules supplied to The Anchor.

the plight of tile ,Jews 'and an overtly hostile act against a power with whom we have diplo­ matic relations. Because of its ambivalent morality and its vio­ lence, .including three men beat­ en to death, it is .c1assified A3, PG; .

1956; intermediates, born' on or On TV after Jan. I, 1963; juniors, born ,./ Perking up 'a . dull sumer of on or after Jan. I, 1966; cadets, 'Symbols following film reviews indicate network reruns are John Will­ both general and Catholic Film Office· iams and the Boston Pops Or­ born on or after Jan. I, 1968.' riltings, which .do not always coincide. '-~,' ches'tra in a series of 10 lively Each area of the diocese will b& allowed two entries iri each Gen~ra! ratings: G-suitabl~ for. g~n· 'concerts' as "Evening at Pops" division of the diocesan tournaeral viewing; PG-parental gUidance su g, ·. premieres Monday, July. 5, 8-9 gested; R~restricted, unsuitable fo ment, which will be held on Monchildren or younger teens. . • "p.m; on PBS. day, July 26, at 1 p.m., at the . Gatholib-' ratings: AI-approved for ". Beginning its 13th season on Pocasset Golf Course in Pocasset, child~~~ and adults; A2-ap~roved for . public .television the Boston adU1ils and adolescents; A3--approved for 0 . . . ' • ; . Mass. Boys and yo~ng men I~- ad.Iffis."s~lli~':A4-.separate ~Ias~ification\' Pops . Orche~t.ra conyn~~s .to terested should contact their (g~."erf tofTlms' :not morally offensive: please a .nahonal audience With CYO'director. ,.w)iich, however, require some analysis; its exuberant brand of musical Po ex lanati9nJ~ O-morally offensive'" varietie~ .that range' from the' classical to the contemporary and - Many D;ocesan All Stars anything in between. The genius .'behind .this. mi~ was the late sophomore Many players from diocesan Susan . Correira, Arthur ·Fiedler who was basic­ catcher Terry Travers, sopho­ high schools have been named to ally a popularistwith a flair for various all star' teams Of the more infielder Karen Pontbriand. showmaf.lship. Southeastern Massachusetts Con· Division Two baseball - senior ; now what Continuing that tradition for ference. Listed by schools they pitcher Jeff Palmer (who now ', J' h T ·a···· ''''''a the past. thre~ years has been . b t holds the state record for most th e pI0 t s a ou, 0 n r Vvu. are; h W'II' b k and Oilvia Newton-John hav~ ,:-.Jo n I lams, est now~ as Bishop Feehan Division career victories, 36), senior col' composer of scores for such films Two baseball - senior 'catcher utility infielder Steve Mendonca. move d on"t0 s 0 m.e J'un'or I ­ "J" d "s W " lege and the spotlight falls upon as aws an tar, ars. . Rene Gagne and junior first· Small Schools· Division .spring As ,example ,of hiS eclect.lc. Moe Levesque" 300 Michelle Pfeiffer and Maxwell baseman Neil Schmidt.' Division track ' Id tastes, Monday s concert will meters, and, the 4x220 relay Cau IfIe Three Softball senior out­ . , f eature t h e K'mg S'mgers, an E ng­ " . fielder Tricia Buzzell. Division team of Steve Gagne, Adan Ru­ MISS ~felffer .I~· the leader, of lish group. Their six voices, in­ cando, Dan Palumbo and Chuck the. T-Blrd ~uxII~ar~, the Pmk cluding two counter-tenors, have B-West boys' spring track ­ Ray Bosh, 400 meters, Frank Hodkinson. Division Three golf Ladles. Ca~lfleld IS reserved a~d extraordinary clarity and versati­ Mitchell, mile. Division Two ...:.. Ron Daley. very E~ghsh ,:"hen h~ falls m lity that comes across most Wendy girls' spring track Bishop Stang - Division Two lov~ .With MISS Pfeiffer a~d strongly' in their encore, the Anderson, 3,000 meter; Claudia baseball - freshman utility' out-.' learns that the only way to wm Overture from Rossini's "Barber Cistenelly, 100 meter; Erin Bren­ fielder Marcel Sirois; Division her is' to le~rn to ri~e a mo~or- of Seville." Mimicking the sounds non, 400 meter. Boys tennis West Three softball - freshman 'in-· cycle, he qUickly acchmates hlm­ ,of an entire orchestra, it's a tour­ Division - Tom McNulty, No.2 de-force performance that brings self and captures the lady. fielder Danielle Bertrand. Divis­ singles. Boys' doubles West Div­ It is hard to take anything too down the house. iq,n Two girls track Nina ision - Steve Torpey and Eric The rest of the· program con­ Weeks, javelin, all-conference seriously about a movie so bland Delisle, No.1. Girls' tennis West sists of Rossini's "Tancredi boys tennis - Scott Facchetti, and synthetic, but its moral vac­ Division - Sharon Wisnersky, uum and emphasis on conformity 'Overture" and the premiere per­ no. 3 singles. Girls' tennis Wesf no. 3 singles. ,Girls' tennis ­ formance of the jubilee "350 Nicki and Lisa Demakins, nos.. 1 at all costs make it highlyques­ Division - Ann Ison and Mar­ tionable material for younger Fanfare". written by Williams and 2, respectively, singles. Div­ tha Jane Healey. Division Two viewers. Because of this and be­ for Boston's 350th birthday. ision One golf ~ Mike Stone. golf - John Doyle and Pat Cun­ . . caus,e of the. se~ual inue?do~s i.n Religious Broadcasting Coyle and Cassidy -'- Division ningham. many of the witless Iyncs, It IS . S nd . Jul Al WLNE y Bishop Connolly - Division '\ Three golf - . Mark Lavigne.. rated A3, PG. ,. Ch u la ·, 'IO'30Y -." D' anne , . a.m., locesan 6 Division Three baseball - sen­ Three softball - sophomore pit­ "Author; Author" (Fox):' In Television Mass. chers Michelle L'Heureux and ior shortstop Barry Greaves. "Confhienee" 8 a.m. each this uncertain .ve!1 ture into light comedy, ~I Pacino is. an Arineni· Sunday, repeated at 6 a.m. each. St. William'CYO Leader a~ American playwnght. In the Tuesday On ChaDnel 6, is a As of last Sunday St. William, ball League games last Sunday ml~st of. a new play, he .faces panel prOgram moderated .by 4-1, was se'tting the pace in the South End defeated Kennedy, · twm ~nses, one. pr~fesslonal, Truman Taylor and having as 8-7, and North End romped to a the other domestic. HIS seco~d permanent partiCipants Father Fall River CYO Baseball League. 15-4 victory over Somerset. On .act has grave problems, and hiS Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di­ The leaders suffered their first Monday, Maplewood nipped wife.,(Tue~day ~eld? wal~s out, rector of social services; Right loss last Sunday, 4·1, to Swan­ Somerset, 9-8. sea. Also last Sunday Immacu­ 'Ieavmg him. With five children, Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal late Conception pinned a 22-11 · for whom he determnes to main· BishoP of Rhode Island; and setback on St. Patrick. ·tain a home. The star of his play: Rabbi Baruch Korff. This week's (Dyan Cannon) attempts to help topic: Are We Losing Young The standings after last Sun­ . day's games: St. William 4·J, LOS ANGELES (NC) - Two by moving. in ~ith him and the People in, the Church? Our Lady of Health, 4-2, Im­ "The Glory of, God,'" with Catholic .priests and two pro­ ·children, but it turns out to be maculate Conception 4-3, Notre ducers are sharing an Emmy , more than' she can take. ~ Father John Bertolucci, 7;30 pm. Dame 3-2, Swansea 3-2, Colum­ Award for an information pro­ Given its. ambivalent moral each Sunday on Channel 25. bus 2-2, St.Patrick '0-4, St. Mi­ gram and special they developed · outl~ok, .its ~e~icti?n of adultery Sunday, July 4, (ABC) "Direc­ chael's Club 0-4. on gang violence in Los Angeles. and ItS slmphstl~ VI~W o~ a man­ tions" _ A rebroadcast of a re­ "Streets of Anger, $treets of tal breakup, th.ls fJlm IS rated . port on . Nazi war cri'minals in Games next week: Monday ­ Hope" wo'nthe Enimy for Paul­ Columbus vs. St. William, Maple­ A3, PG. . America. ist Father Ellwood Kieser, 'presi­ wood Park, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday ­ Sunday July 4 . (CBS) "For "Firefox"(Wamers):. In ·this dent of Paulist Productions, who plodding, unexciting movie, Clint Our Time:r _ An'Independence Our Lady of Health vs. Immacu­ late Conception, ,Lafayette Park, ' was executive producer for· the Eastwo~d is an .~me~ic!in pilot, Day look" at religion and the shOw; Jesuit Father Terrance ·traumatized' by hiS Vietnam ex­ St. William vs. St., Patrick, Ken­ Revolutionary War. . Sweeney, the program's pro­ nedy Park, 6 p.m. Wednesday ­ periences, . who,steals a vastly ,.. superior Rl,lssian plane. His. path On RadiO Our Lady of Health vs. Notre ducer and writer; and Vin Di­ is made' smooth ·because the sci­ Ch!lrismatic' programs are Dame, Kennedy Park, 6 p.m., Bona and Michael Gladych; co­ . entists who designed the plime heard from Monday through Fri­ Swansea vs. St. Michael's Club, producers~ .. For the special, Father Sween­ are dissident Jews eager to have day on. station WICE, 1290 A.M. Lafayette Park, 8 p.m. Thursday Immaculate Conception vs. ey went to the streets of 'East it stolen. What I found distaste- " Father John Randall is heard' ful about. this simpleminded from 7 to 8 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. . St. Patrick, Kennedy Park, 6 Los' Angeles to document possi­ ble causes of and solutions to melodrama is that it dews inept- and Father Real Bourque is· heard . p.m. gang violence. In Bristol County CYO Base­ Iy with "ery serious issues' from 8:45 to 9 a.m.

Priests' Emmys

. I'

Frid.ay, July. 2, 1982



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