Holy See Publishes Instructions About Special Groups Masses, • Distributing Holy Com munlon ('
WASHINGTON (NC) - Two new liturgical instructions have been received by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops here. The instructions come from the Roman Congr~gation for Divine Worship. The first, dated May 15, describes the circumstances for celebrating Masses in special gatherings such as home Masses. The other was sent to the presidents of episcopal conferences on May 29 and insists
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An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Finn Fa~~ Rh'~r, M(1)~~.,
V@L ] 31, N@. 27
strongly on maintaining the traditional manner of giving communion. At the same time it recognizes that in some countries the practice. has grown of placing the consecrated bread in the hand of the communicant. In such cases it provides that the conference of bishops may present their reasons for continuing the practice if they should so desire. The instruction on Masses for special J:roups lists the various
ThMlrsdlt!ly, July 3 D 1969
© 1969 The Anchor
$4.00 por. Year
Papal Letter Gives Supporft to Cardina; WASHINGTON (NC)-Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle revealed at a news conference that he had offered 41 dissident Washington priests a new chance to return to the exercise of their priestly ministry if they would reconsider the,ir position and accept the Pope's encyclical on artificial contraception. Cardinal O'Boyle also made public a letter he received from Pope Paul VI expressing encouragement and support for the cardinal in the long standing constroversy ~ over the encyclical and exhorting the dissidents to "reconsider" their position. But the dissident priests, led by Father John E. Corrigan, followed the cardinal's news conference with one of their own, held on the steps of St. Matthew's Cathedral here, and anTurn to Page Thirteen
Bishop Medeiro~ Lauds D'education Of Serrans
Bishop to Bless Parish Center
HOUSTON (NC) - Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, Bishop of Brownsville, Texas and former chancellor of the
Bishop Connolly will bless and dedicate the new St. Francis Xavier Parish Center in Hyannis on Monday night at 7:30. Following the ceremonies, an open house will be conducted for parishioners and visitors to the Cape Cod Center. George Cross, chairman of the Selectmen of the Town of Barnstable, of which Hyannis is a part, will speak and then G. Arnold Haynes, contractor, will present the key to the new center to Rev. Msgr. William D. Thomson, pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish. The center will meet the need for CCD classroom and will accommodate educational, social and recreational activities.
Fall River Diocese, praised members ()f Serra International at their 27th convention here for their continued dedication "in the midst of the turmoil of the day." Bishop Medeiros stressed that "not a few Christians are now going lhrough a crisis of faith, that the temptations of this scientific and technological age have been too strong for many good followers of the Crucified and Risen Son of God." He continued: "Even the noblest of human sciences, which is theoiogy, has had in recent years a divisive influence upon many priests and laity when it has been motivated and en IightTurn to Page Six
occasions when Mass may be celebrated, with the local bishops' permission, for small gatherings even outside churches and chapel~. Detailed rules are given, but these do not substantially change the concessions and variations permitted by the publication of the revised Order of Mass last April 6. The readings from the Scriptures are not restricted on these occasions to the usual series but "readings adapted to the 'particular celebration can be chosen from approved lectionaries." Encouragement is given to a period of meditation or instruction prior to Mass in special circumstnaces, as well as to the preparation of intentions for the prayer of the faithful by the individual participants. No changes are made concerning the vestments of the priest or the use of sacred vessels. The other Roman document describes the background of recent requests from episcopal conferences and individual bishops that "the eucharistic bread be Turn to Page Five
[B@~ti~m ~Bte
For Infants VATICAN CITY (NC) After 19 centuries and more of Christianity, babies will receive the sacrament makAPPROVED MANNER: Cathedral's Rev. Mr. Thomas McMorrow gives Communion as prescribed by Holy See.
Sft~ten ~s~and
Speck Triggers Tax Query WASHINGTON (NC)o:-Tax exemption for Church property! The rash of publicity on the churches and taxes has made many speculate that it would be only a matter of time for this issue to reach the Supreme Court. No one, however, guessed it Under challenge in the Walz would originate with an al- case is the constitutionality of most phantom figure, a re- state laws exempting Church cluse New York lawyer, who property used for religious purmade his challenge not by a flamboyant courtroom appearance but by mail. Not only that but this time honored exemption involving land valued at many millions of dollars is contested by a man owning 638 square feet of Staten Island, bought for $100 and presently taxed at $5.24 a year. Such is the case that is properly known as Walz v. The Tax Commission of New York. Frederick Walz contends that the exemption enjoyed by religious organizations increases his property tllxes and thereby forces him to support churches in violation of the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. Walz's arguments were rejected by the state courts of New York but the U. S. Supreme Court has agreed to review the issue.
poses from state taxes. At issue is a tradition dating from colonial times, actually antedating the Federal Constitution. The basic issue centers on the following question: Is there a contradiction between federal constitutional provisions against the establishment of a religion or the use' of public funds for religious purposes and state statutes exempting church property from taxation? The Federal Constitution makes no reference to tax exemption. There was no discussion of the issue in the Constitutional Convention nor in the debates on the Bill of Rights. The historical fact is that at the time of the founding of our country churches were not taxed. After the ratification of the ConstituTurn to Page Eighteen
ing Christians' of them in a rite that recognizes their babyhood. The new baptismal rite for infants, published June 20 by the Holy See, is the first such in the history of the Catholic liturgy. The present ritual, promulgated three and a half centuries ago, is an abbreviation of the rite for the Baptism of adults. Under the new ritual, which goes into effect Sept. 8, parents are given a more active role to play, while godparents continue to have an important part. The responsibilities of both couples are made clear. The chi I d's incorporation through Baptism in the people of .God is given gr~ater emphasis, and the rite is oriented toward the participation of the parish community. The new text, in the words of Father Annibale Bugnini, C.M., secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, is "much gentler." It understands the infant's "real condition." Gone are the long interrogations to which the baby-cooing or crying or sleeping-:-has been subjected "as if he should or could reply" (again to quote Father Bugnini). Gone is the hairraising exorcism. And though the book of the ritual still offers the traditional renunciation of Satan, . his pomps and his work-which always rang discordantly when addresed to a child fresh from the hand of God-there is an alternate choice. This alternate renunciation is "more in harmony with the modern mind," Father Turn to Page Five
York Parochial School Costs T~ipled and Will Double
, - - - - - - - - - - - - ------
Asks Educa.tion Commissioner Cooperate in Implementing Law ST. PAUL (NC)-The St. Paul dents, both public and nonpublic, and Minneapolis archdiocesan hi the 1970-71 school year." superintendent of schools said ' Father Gilbert urged Mattheis the state commissioner of educa- "to see the clear intent of this tion would seem to have "the legislation, namely; one of coduty of implementing laws to the operation in busing all students best of his ability.". where state monies are inFather John Gilbert was re- volved," and to urge local school sponding to reports in St. Paul districts "to cooperate in the daily papers that State Educa- spirit of this law:" , tion Commissioner Duane Mattheis told state board of education members to postpone implementing the transportation aid for private school studl~nts in, the coming school year. TUCSON (NC)-The chancery. The president of the state'federation of, Citizens for Educa- office of the .Tucson diocese retional Freedom, meanwhile, sug- lea,sed 'a fuJr statement of income gested that Mattheis should re- and ,expenses as part of an annF. B. Daniel accused ,ual ,report on the state of the sign. Mattheis of showing personal ,Arizon'l diocese. According to ·the report, 66 prejudice by electing "to testify against equal treatment for all per cent is spent in some form of school children" in the 1969 service to the people of the diolegislative session. cese, 27 per cent is directed The law passed by the 1969 ,'toward . the debt service and legislature provides that public ~even per cent is spent in adminschool districts now receiving istration. aid for public school students The report, com'piled from an must provide transportation to independent audit conducted by private and parochial pupils a firm of certified public accounafter Aug. 15, 1970. But the law tants, show the total income for may be implemented prior to 1968 at $1,613,298 and total exthat date if a school district so penses to be $1,620,444 with a chooses. deficit of $7,146. Mattheis said in a memoran"This is a full detailed report dum to the state board that ,and accounting of diocesan school boards could find them- , monies," according to Donald ·C. selves spending money under a Cozzetti, administrative assistant law which might 'be invalidated to Bishop Francis' J. Green, under by the courts at a later date. whose supervision chancery perIntent of Legislature sonnel carried out the project. Mattheis' view is that the financial condition of many school districts "makes it imperative Priest Tells ,Youths that each school board carefully review the availability of local To Seek Education 'funds before assuming'a nonSAN FERNANDO (NC)-The mandatory financial obligation." priest who helped found CaliforFather Gilbert said bills simi- nia's first adult bilingual public lar to the new Minnesota law school told 500 youths of Mexi"have already been declared con- can' descent here to develop' a stitutional in 24 states, and the positive attitude through church most recent appeals to the U. S. and school to attain their capaSupreme Court challenging this. bilities. kind of law have been refused Father Luis Valbuena, O.M.I., a hearing." pastor' of Santa Rosa Church, The archdiocesan school head addressed the Latin American said "the clear intent of the Civic' Association's youth conlegislature is to urge voluntary ference ,at San Fernando Valley cooperation in the 1969-70 State College. school year in preparation for . "Latin Americans have been . the m!lndatory. bt,Jsing of all stu-, gifted by God. History proves it. Why then," Father Valbuena asked, "are we still last in edNecrology ucation?"
Issues Detailed Fina,ncial'Report'
July 14. Rev. Nicholas Fett, SS.CC., 1938, Pastor, St.. Boniface, New' Bedford. Rev. !=:dmund J.. Neenan, 1949, Assistant, Sacred HI~art, 0 fc Bluffs. ' July 16 . Rev. Bernard Pereot, O.P., 1937, Founder, St: Dominic, Swansea. July 17 Rev. William J. Smith, 1960, Pastor, St. James, Taunton.
Day of Prayer JUly 6-St. Mary, South Dartmouth. St. Elizabeth, Fall River. JUly l3-St. Pius X, South Yarmouth. St. Stephen, Dodgeville. THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass, Published every Thurs(lay at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $4.00 per year.
Mass Ordo
FRIDAY-Ma'ss of 'Fifth Sunday after Pentecost. IV Class. Green. 'SATURDAy ----- St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, Confessor. III Class. White. Mass Proper. Glory; Common Preface. SUNDAY-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost. II Class. Green. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface of , Trinity. MONDAY, - SS. Cyril and Methodius, Bishops, Confessors. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Glory; Common Preface. TUESDAY-St. Elizabeth of Portugual. III Class. Wh ite. WEDNESDAY-Mass of pr.eceding Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; Common' Preface. THURSDAY Seven Holy Brothers and Other Martyrs. III Class. Red.
PROMOTED: Rev. Jude Francis Mcirgan, SS.Cc., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Morgan of 24 Manton St., Fall River, and a priest stationed in several areas of the Diocese with the Sacred Hearts Fathers, has bee promoted'to Lieutenant Commander in the Chaplain Corps, U.S. Navy Reserves. He is presently on active duty.
Father Madden Funeral, Rites Most Rev. Walter P. Kellel}berg, Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Center, was the principal concelebrant of the Mass of Requiem offered on Tuesday morning at 11 in St. John the Baptist" Church, Wading River, N.Y., for the' repose, of the soul of Rev. John J. Madden, late pastor .of tne Long Island parish and a native of 'Fall River. On Wednesday morning a Mass of Requiem was offered in Holy Name Church, Fall River, for the repose of' Father Madden's soul prior to, interment in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Fall River. . 'Father Madden, 68,' son of the late John J. and the late Bridget Freeman Madden, was born in' Fall River. A graduate of ,Durfee '. High Sch,ool and Holy Cross College, Worcester, he also at. tended Harvard and Boston College Law Schoois.' . Ordained June 6, 1936 in Brooklyn by the late Bishop' Mal. loy, he served as an assistant at Holy Redeemer" Freeport, Long Island for 26 years and has been pastor of St.· John the Baptist Church, Wading River for the past seven years. . Father Madden was chaplain for the Catholic Lawyers' Guild of Long' Island, and a member of the board of St: Charles Hospital, Port Jefferson. He is survived by one brother, Herben F. Madden, and two sisters, Misses Margaret M. and Mary A. Madden, all of Fall River. .
NEW YORK (NC)-A study of study the best employment of Catholic education in the New educational resources, personnel York archdiocese disclosed that and facilities of the Church in per-pupil costs in parochial this archdiocese. Among the recommendations schools have tripled in the past, 10 years and are expected to' advanced by the committe was double again by 1972.· an archdiocesan board of education, the majority of whose Moreover, the cost of parochial school. education is rising members would be lay persons, to function as an educational pol- . far more rapidly than is the income of the Catholic family. icy making body. In addition, it was recommendThese are among the findings .of a study announced by the ed that a Catholic teacher corps Committee on Catholic Educa- consisting of volunteers who tion, an independent, nonsectar- would work for a stipend rather ian group of educators and civic than a regular salary, be organleaders appointed by Terence ized. The report specified· that Cardinal Cooke last year to members of the corps would be persons who wish to engage in service to their fellow man even Criticize Vatican at personal sacrifice: "It is mandatory," the report Press Fractices emphasized "that all' such per. GRAZ (NC) - Vatican press sons be appropriately qualified information policies and practi- for the work undertaken; and ces were sharply criticized here that recruitment of them be a in Austria by Catholic journal- creative appeal to draw concernists of German-speaking coun- ed persons from the entire country into assignments of most critries at areas meeting here. The journalists complained in tical need." a statement released at the end , The committee also recommendof the meeting that the coop- ed that a "transference mechaneration between the Church and ism" be developed by the archthe . press initiated with such diocese so that some of the fipromise during, the Second Vl,lti- nancial resources of wealthier can Council has lapsed and re-_ parishes will become available verted to an apparent pre-con- to poorer parishes. ciliar attitude of mistrust toward Another recommendation was the press. a proposal for a central scholarThe 100 journalists and pub- ship fund for assisting needy stulishers from Austria, Switzer- dents to attend Catholic sehools. land, Germany and GermanDuring a news conference speaking parts of Italy, France, here, T. Murray McDonnell, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yu- chairman of the committee, said goslavia sent a message to Pope "the widening gap between risPaul VI voicing the hope that ing educational costs and revencooperation between the -Church ues results in cash deficits which and the press will not be limited may threaten the stability of the but' extended for the good of school system." the'Church.····' " ": .. #; -• • 'j •.': ..
.' "
,"'AttendMciss 'SAIGON (NC)-The President of Vietnam and, Mrs. Nguyen Van Thieu attended the anniversary Mass in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception here, marking the sixth anniversary of the coronation of Pope Paul VI. The Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Paul Nguyen van Binh of Saigon.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 3, 1969
Institute at Stonehill Asks Awareness of Black Needs
"As an organization professing to be universal, extending to all areas of the world, encompassing all peoples, the Catholic Church must demonstrate its awareness of the black man's needs and demands." This is the essence of a position paper presented by the Black Religious at- priests, black Sisters and black with black people. tending the fourth annual Brothers The paper concluded with the Brothers Institute at Stone- observation that unless black
hill College here in North Easton. The paper was drawn up by a caucus of 12 black Brothers among the 200 representing 50 congregations in attendance at the institute. It was presented at the closing session by Brother Regis Lake, S..-\., of the Atonement Friary of Cumberland in nearby Rhode Island.
Freedom to Mature Two questions considered by the caucus concerned means of increasing black vocations and means of increasing black awareness ,in the religious life and communities. The black Brothers feel that response to their questions generally centered around the need for realization among all Catholics of the difference existing in the cultures of black and white even the ugh they speak the same language, share· the same coun· try and look for similar goals. The Brothers' formation systems were cited as an example of the disparity where the pres· ent system is based upon white middle·class values which literally force black religious aspirants to adopt white values at the expense of adulterating their own. The answer to this probe lem, th~ black Brothers feel, lies in permitting the black Religious freedom .to mature in his religious life in his own 'black awareness. Fostering Vocations A mid-Western Franciscan Friary, which uses African-style vestments designed to orient black clerics and Brothers in religion in terms of their own culture, was cited as an example of an environment conducive to black religious formation. More of this type of innovation should be encouraged, the paper said. Forcing Out Blacks Brothers, whose pI'del' has had greater contact with black youth than that of most religiou'i communities, strongly suggested that black Religious become more involved in the housing problem apostolate. Such work among the laity, they are convinced, could provide exposure to an awareness of the needs of black Catholics while simultaneously stimulating a fostering of vocat.ions. Noting the fact that· the Church has placed ethnic-related over other ethnic prelates groups, Italians with Italians, Germans with Germans, Irish with Irish, the black Brothers pointed out how little has been done in terms of placing black Jos~phite
Layman to Head Cleveland Schools CLEVELAND (NC) - Msgr. William N. Novicky, assistant superintendent and 'director of secondary education since 1949, has been named superintendent of schools in the Cleveland diocese. He succeeds Msgr. Richard E. McHale, who was appointed vicar for education and pastor of Epiphany church. Msgr. McHale will also work on a new study of diocesan elementary and secondary education.
leadershtip and control are in· troduced within the Church as they are within the black community, there twill be no blacks in the Church.
Education Board Issues Statement Of Policy WASHINGTON (NC) The board of education of the Washington archdiocese issued a policy statement
BIRTHDAY, KOREAN STYLE: Archbishop H::Jrold Henry, decked out in traditional "Hwanpledging renewed commitment to "the concept of Catholic gap" (Korean-style sixtieth birthday celebration) costume, gets his ceremonial pipe lit by Archschools as a vital part of the bishop Ro of Seoul, as Bish~p Choi of Pusan looks on. Archbishop Henry went to Korea ~s a total educational effort of the Columban missionary in 1933 and was named bishop in 1957 and was elevated to head the Catholic community." Kwangju Archdiocese in 1962. It also said Catholic schools are in financial trouble and deserving of support from both Catholic and other sources. WASHINGTON (NC)-Propos~ other states, are being contested, intendents, and from both CathThe policy statement, issued in the wake of widespread re- als for state aid to non public principally by the American Civil olic and non-Catholic groups striving for educational aid. ports of Catholic school closings schools are gaining ground de- Liberties Union. spite strong opposition in some Mounting financial burdens on Father Koob attributed inthroughout much of the nation said publicity about such c1os: quarters, the president of the creased interest in state aid to private school systems. Realization by state public ofings and criticism of Catholic National Catholic Educational non public schools to the following factors: ficials that state public schools schools has had a damaging' ef- Association (NCEA) said here. Grassroots support from par- cannot accommodate the growfect on teachers, both lay and . "There is clearly an upswing of interest in the entire quesents who. have children in pri- ing numbers of private school particularly Religious . . . who have been led to wonder whether tion of state aid to private vate schools, from school super- students seeking enrollment. the life to which they have dedi- schools," said Father C. Albert cated themselves . . . is being Koob, O.Praem. He made the statement in conjunction with ' phased. out." "We believe that the time has the release of an NCEA survey come for the Catholic community describing laws, programs or to think positively and creatively proposals of such educational aid about the role that Catholic in .33 states. The survey was announces sch0C!ls and Catholic teachers compiled by Harmon Burns, the acquisition of can play in the age in which NCEA Administrative Assistant for Governmental Affairs. we live," the statement said. Of the 33 states, 12 have a law But at the same time the or laws giving some form of board of education warned that "unless the support for the state aid to nonpublicschools. After July 1, 1969 all inquiries concerning transchool'i can be increased and Pennsylvania leads in the num· broadened, their very existence bel' of laws pertaining to such scripts, courses, and student records should be is threatened" by the rising costs aid. It has a purchase of services directed to Plus-Kinyon School of Business, 688 act, a school health servfces act, of operation. Pleasant Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740 and a school bus act. The pur.Deserve Support chase of services act inPennsylThe policy statement proposed vania, as well as laws in some that Catholic schools adopt ac+ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• procedures. which counting would make possible disclosure to the public .the fUll cost of operating the schools, including the extent to which some of them have to be subsidized by the archdiocese. "We feel confident that such information will not only point --------------------------------_.---------_.---~--------~-------~---~ out the need for increased' supNew England's Most Elegant port, but it will also make clear Dining Rooms that the financial problem is not beyond solution," the board's Dancing in Our Redwood , statement said. Cocktail lounge OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK The statement said Catholic Wedding & Banquet schools are deserving of the supJeT. RT. 24 & RT. 138-TIVERTON, R.t Facilities for 25 to 650 port of 3:11 Catholics, not just those with children in the 624-8423 schools. .. It added, moreover, that Catholic schools are also deserving of public support since they perform the public function of education. 122 MODIERN .UNITS 1 "It is our conviction that there :t , • Free Advance Reservatiom ••',.:-:: .•"," l\"l ~1 ~.lJl.\d'-/t-;;I'ID is sufficient ingenuity to find • Meeting Facilities For :re..,. . "",,' All Occasions ways to provide federal and • Cocktail Lounge • Laundry & Valet Service state funds to underwrite the Swimming Pool costs ')f services provided for the :!. Free Television (Some Coior) state without in any way violat• Air Conditioned FINE FOODS ing the letter or the spirit of • Telephone in Evtry REG.U.S. PAT. 0".. Room COCKTAILS this nation's constitution," the board maintained. It said it supported legislative W. HOWARD ST. 'NEWPORT, R. I. 997-1231 efforts to secure such aid and called un "all fair-minded citizens" to do the same.
Sees Nonpublic School Aid as Gaining Ground
me Coachmen
. . . . NATMHIr.
I .• _1111.....•
Educator Aslc$
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 3, 1969
$100 P<ew
E[ffid E~pe[fimenh211 5cchool lP'l'ogB"@m i~ N<ew J®w§er C@mmuW1loif'y VERONA (NC) - An experimental program with wide reIigious backing ended here with the revelation that the Verona board of education would not renew a contract with the Newark board of education for schooling up to 40 black children from a poverty area. in Newark. Spokesman said the program was being discontinued because it did not look as if the Verona system could handle more than 19 of the Newark children in the 1969-70 year. Privately, . however, board members admitted that the progranl," which tfiey termed a so-. ciological and academic success, was being ended because of the opposition it engendered. When. first proposed in April, 1968, the plan drew public support from the Verona Clergy Club, the Verona Council for Inter-Religious Activity and ministers from six of the seven churches in the community, including Our Lady of the Lake Catholic church. Opponents of the proposal brought suit, however, organized Citizens for Fair Decisions and elected ~n opposition candidate to the school board in February, leaving the majority with only a 3-2 control and throwing public board meetings into turmoil. Although the program was .experimental, supporters indicated that it would be continued if experience proved it to be successful. When it was begun last Fall, 38 children from grades one through five from Hawthorn Avenue school in Newark were bused to three of the four -elementary schools in Verona daily. Early this year the courts dismissed the suit challenging the . practice. The program at a cost of about $1,000 per pupil, was funded by Newark and by the state and federal governments. Above Average A preliminary report issued in late June indicated that a majority of the -parents of Newark children, and a majority of the Verona parents who took the children into their homes for lunch, thought highly of the program. Testing, which has not yet been completed, showed that 78.4 per cent of the Newark children showed an average to superior
WASHINGTON (NC) The chief spokesman for the nation's Catholic schools called here for federal aid to
level of growth in reading: t~at 83.8 per cent showed Similar growth in language arts; that 76 per cent showed such growth in mathematics, and that 96.4 per cent made the same growth in social adjustment. .. '. I~ .a statement explammg the deCISIOn to drop the pro~ram, John McDonald, board p~eslde.nt and one of the program s chief supporters, said "the lack of sta!e initiatives and expressions of mterest by other local boards has truly been disheartening."
both public' and private school children reaching a level of $100 a pupil per year over the next four years: "Anything less threatens the stability and growth of the total education effort," Msgr. James C. Donohue, director of the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, United States Catholic Conference (USCC) said. In a statement before the subcommittee on education of the Senate Committee on Labor and GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY: Former President Harry S. Tru- Public Welfare, Msgr. Donohue ST. LOUIS (NC)-In an un- man, 85, is. seen with his wife of 50 years, the former Bess precedented meetin'g, 13 local Wallace, as they observed a quiet golden wedding anniversary said. "unless the federal government and the state government religious leaders, three of them come forward with more aid at their home in Independence, Mo. NC Photo. bishops, discussed how they than is presently available," then might jointly "anticipate some the priavte sector of educationof the needs of the community including the parochial schools and meet them before problems which enroll more than 85 per • • * arise." . cent of all students in private Although the substance of ,Jesuit Tells Jersey Catechetical Congress schools·-"cannot survive." their talks was not detailed, a The priest told the subcommit'They Can Do More Harm Than Good' spokesman said church disruptee t\1at the enrollment of Cathtions and demands by black miliDARLINGTON (NC) - Much Potomac from Virginia to Wash- olic elementary and secondary tants were major topics of disschool,> decreased by more than controversy - surrounding new ington." cussion. . catechetical texts stems from The Jesuit opined the Church half a million students in the Discussants, gathered by the human problems rooted in com- finds itself in the position of pas~ two years and that more Metropolitan Church Federation munications, a catechetical ex- struggling to forge a unity deep than 250 Catholic schools will of Greater St. Louis, included pert has told the first statewide enough to sustain the new plural- not open their doors this SepJohn Joseph Cardinal Carberry congress of the Confraternity of ism.. tember. He said this was due to of St. Louis, Episcopal Bishop Christian Doctrine here in New the rising costs of education and Secular Humanism George L. Cadigan and Methodist Jersey'. To do this, educators "must the shortage of adequate teachBishop Eugene Frank. . As a result, "there is a lot of be careful of fads; they can do ing personnel. Also in attendance were rep- confusion, a great deal of polari- more harm than good. Parents Sees Financial Chaos resentatives of the Rabbinical zation. People are no longer can be rightfully concerned when . "But the crisis facing private Association, the Greek Orthodox talking with each other," accord- a teacher of religion gets too education is a crisis for public Church, Lutheran Church-Mis- ing to Father Carl Pfeifer, S.J., involved in secular humanism." education as well," Msgr. Donosouri Synod, Presbytery of Great- assistant director at the national The task of the catechist, he hue warned. "It is becoming iner St. Louis, United Church of CCD crmter in Washington. noted; is to show both parents creasingly clear that the failure Christ, Disciples of Christ, AfriHe spoke to 200 priests, Sis- and the Bishops "that .what we of the Federal and state legislacan Methodist Episcopal Church, ters, Brothers and lay people are doing grows from traditional American Baptist Church, Chris- from throughout the state who roots, just as we have to show tors to provide help to the finantian Methodist Episcopal Church came together for an intensive liberals that we are aware of cially hard pressed parents of and the Metropolitan Church four-day program of talks and what is going on in the world rlOnpublic school children will spell not only the end of the Federation. workshops. today." private school system as we now Dr. Paul McElroy, president At the same time, he said, it know it, but financial chaos in He said the problem today is of the church federation, said the to build bridges between the past is the. teacher and not the text the public schools as well:''' meeting was held "to discuss experience of people and the cur- which 'is most important. These "As a specific example," he pressing social needs and the ne- rent way of life. are the questions which should said, "the closing of any 350cessity of the churches to de"Where once the Church was be asked, he itldicated: pupil private school would invelop an interfaith response that marked bystabiiIty,.. · he said, Important ·to People will serve the best interest of "by a 'mity in creed and moral"Is the teacher capable of re- crease state and local taxes by a the whole community.... ity, this is no longer true. sponding to the contemporary qliarter of a million dollars a world? Is he sufficiently . year." to look at "You have only \ Paul VI's Credo and the Dutch grounded in theology to forge Catechism, at the various posi- ahead? Does he have a sufficient tions an such ethical matters as knowledge of people? Does the war and birth control. Even in aspect of faith grow out of the worship: I have to ask how to whole of his life, dOj:!s he live STANDISH (NC)-Bernard P. say Mass when I go across the his life catechetically?" Currier, administrative assistant The reason so many modern Gives Arnden~ Text to the president of Stonehill texts emphasize secular things, . College, has been named presi-' 1F1i'~1@~~ .A1b©~i~!}u@$ V@ V~(t9C~Uil lobl7@Ii'V Father Pfeifer said, is that this dent of St. Joseph's College here is what is important to people VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope in Maine, Mother Mary Denis, 'fli'@<dlD!l'D@rru(Ql~ [f@@$ today. Paul VI has personally handed to president of the college board of DUBLIN (NC)-Catholics in the Vatican librarian, Eugene trustees, has annaunced. the diocese of Killaloe will no Cardinal Tisserant, an ancient St. Joseph's, which is conduct- longer pay a fee to the parish papyrus text of St. Peter's two T~ap[j) epistles which -~as given him by ed by the Sisters of Mercy, is clergy for a marriage ceremony. Maine's only Catholic liberal 'In announcing this, Bishop Michthe discoverer of the manuscript, SHIE~T M~TAL ael Harty of Killaloe also abolSwiss Protestant Martin Bodmer. arts college for women. Currier received his bachelor's ished the practice of making a: J. TESER, Prop. The text, known as "Papyrus RESIDENTIAL Bodmer VIII," dates from the and master's degrees from Siena voluntary offering for a baptism. IDEAL LAUNDRY These marriage fees were an third century and is the most. College, Loudonville, N.Y., and INDUSTRIAL . ancient known Greek text of has done advanced graduate accepted source of revenue for COMMERCIAL 373 N.ew Boston Road St. Peter's epistles. This text is study at the Catholic University priests, but varied greatly ac253 Cedar St., New Bedford of America. the circumstances of cording to of special interest to scholars beFall River 678-5677 993-3222 He has taught in New York the bride's family. In making the cause its. early date and the fact assistant . state, and served as changes, the bishop hoped. to that it contains both epistles tend to confirm the authenticity registrar of St. Anselm's College, add to the inadequate of some of the second epistle, which has Nashua, N.H., and as director of parishes, and establish a more been disputed. . admissiJns and financial aid a't equitable system of contributions. He said that "in Ireland there Bodmer gave the papyrus to Siena College, prior to his ashas been a tendency to· leave Pope Paul June 10 during the signment at Stonehill. support of the Church and the papal visit to Geneva. He had priests to parents and .housediscovered it in Tunisia.. Protest Ousting ait . holders. It is imperative that all BANGALORE (NC)-The oust- unmarried wage earners make Useful Life ing of foreign missionaries from an appropriate contribution." . Indolence is the dry rot of India was· alleged to be a vioeven a good mind and a good lation of the "secular character" Fall' Above All character; the practical useless- of the country and its tradition ness of both. It is the waste of of religious tolerance by the There is a certain majesty in what might be a happy and user Catholic Union of India, repre- simplicity which is far above all 115 WILLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. ful life. -Edwards senting seven million Catholics. the quaintness of wit. -Pope.
Discuss Needs Of Community
·Warns. About Fads
Lo.yman to Head
Catholic Colleg·e
N@rris Ho
Directives on Home Mass, Communion Continued from Page One placed in the hand of the faithful who communicates himself by placing it in his mouth." The development of the present usage, now prescribed by custom and confirmed by the instruction, is explained as arising from a better understanding of the Eucharist, as well as a sense of reverence and humility so that the minister (priest or deacon) properly "places the particle of consecrated bread on the tongue of the communicants." While acknowledging the an-
tiquity of the other usage which some wish to restore, the instruction from the new Congregation for Divine Worship insists that the usual practice does not detract from the personal dignity of the communicants. It also cites the results of a survey taken among all the bishops of the Latin rite.. The response of the bishops opposed (1,233 to 882) any change in the present usage, even by way of experiment in small communities (1,215 opposed, 751 favorable). Decision Against In the light of this reaction
Thurs., July 3,
., ., ., .,
It pertains to the bishop to examine accurately the circumstances in order to judge whether in each case pastoral reasons dictate a Eucharistic celebration, or if instead it would be better to suggest another religious celebration.
The special gatherings for which permission can be given to celebrate the Eucharist are: Gatherings for a retreat, religious or pastoral. studies, for one or more days,or for'meetings of the lay apostolate or similar associations. Meetings for pastoral motives in certain sections of the parish. Gatherings of the faithful who live far away from the' parish church and who periodically come together to enrich their religious formation. Gatherings of young people or of persons of the same condition or formation, who periodically come t.)gether for religious formation or instruction adapted to their mentality. Family gatherings around the' sick or aged who cannot leave their house and who otherwise
would never participate in the Eucharistic celebration. Included with these are friends and those who look after the sick. Those gathered together for a wake or for some other exceptional religious occasion.
The permission to celebrate the Eucharist for special gatherings, outside of a sacred place, can be given only by the local Ordinary. In cases of celebrations in private houses or institutions, he will give his permission only if the group gathers where there is no chapel or oratory and only if this i::; a fitting place for such a celebration. Celebrations in bedrooms are always excluded. =!:
No Mass may be considered as an exclusive action of a particular group, but as a celebration of the Church, in which the priest, exercising his office presides as a minister of the Church over t:1P. entire liturgical action.
WASHINGTON (NC) Nearly a fourth of the membership of the U.S. House of Representatives has ap-
A ;nore complete and perfect participation in the celebration is had with Eucharistic communion. Fot communion under both species the disposition in the Instruction on Eucharistic Worship must be adhered to (cf. n. 32). This type of communion is excluded when Mass is celebrated in houses. Giving commun-. ion to oneself and receiving it in hand are likewise excluded. For celebrations of the Eucharist for special gatherings outside of a sacred place, especially in private houses, these conditions are required: The faculty may not be given for Sundays and holy days of obligation. The necessity of obtaining the
permission of the local Ordihary should always be kept in mind. If the celebrant is not the pastor, the pastor should be notified. These, then, will give a report to the bishop concerning the celebrations. The norms for Eucharistic fast should he observed; in no way can the Eucharist be preceded by an agape. If one should follow, it will not be at the same table on which the Eucharist is celebrated. Bread for. the Eucharist remains unleavened bread, the only kind permitted In the Latin Church and not without grave reasons. It will be confected in the customary form. The celebration should not occur late in the night. Even in gatherings with family ties no one is to be excluded who desires to participate.
* ::
The furnishings of the altar (cross, altar cloth, candles, Missal, purificator, corporal, hand towel and communion plate), the sacred vessels (chalice, paten, pyx), the vestments (amice, alb, cincture, stole and chasuble) should be, in number, form and quality, as desired by present legislation. :i:
* ::
Those who wander from this line, even if it is alluring, finish in creating bewilderment in the faithful. At the same time they are killing and rendering sterile their sacerdotal ministry. .
This Instruction, prepared at the request of higher authority by the Sacred. 'Congregation for Divine Worship, will regulate every type of Mass celebrated in special gatherings until the Apostolic See disposes otherwise.
Excerpts From Instruction on Giving Communion In view of the state of the Church as a whole today, the present manner of distributing Holy Communion must be observed, not only because it rests upon a tradition of many centuries but especially because it is a sign of reverence of the faith toward the Eucharist. The practice in no way detracts from the personal digr,lity of those who approach the great sacrament, and it is a part of the prepar~lt.ion needed for the most faithful reception of the Lord's body. 'J 0:0 .~ ~. In addition. this manner of communicating, which is now to be considered as prescribed by custom, gives more effective assurance that Holy Communion will be distributed with the appropriate . reverence, decorum, and dignity; that any danger of profaning the Eucharistic species, in which "the whole and entire Christ, God and man, is substantially contained and permanently ;Jresent in a unique way", will be avoided; and finally that t.he diligent care which the Church has always commended
for the very fragments of the consecrated bread will be maintained: "If you have allowed anything to be lost, consider this a lessening of your own members."
After he had considered the observations and the counsel of those whom "the Holy Spirit has
to ImlPlemerJilt Approved ChalTJge§
placed as bishops to rule" the Churches, in view of the seriousness of the matter and the importance of the arguments proposed, the Supreme Pontiff judged that the long received manner of ministering Holy Communion to the faithful should not be ' changed."
The core of the ceremony, consisting of the administration of the sacrament itself, is immediately preceded by the blessing of the baptismal water and by the renunciation and profession of faith (uttered on behalf of the child by the parents. godparents and entire congregation). It is followed by the anointing and the giving of the white garment and a candle lighte.d from the paschal candle. The rite is concluded before the altar with the Our Father and the blessing of the priest, bestowed separately upon the newly baptized, the parents and all present.
pealed to President Nixon for a formal expression of concern "over discrimination against Roman Catholics in Northern Ireland." Speaker John W. McCormack and 100 other representatives of both parties signed a letter to the President saying they are "disturbed that intolerance and discrimination are encouraged by and rooted in the laws of Northern Ireland." The signers asked the President to relay this concern to Prime Minister Harold Wilson of Great Britain and Prime Minister James Chichester-Clark of Northern Ireland. Fear for Safety Rep. Philip Burton, D-Cali.f.. who with Rep. Thomas P. O'Neill Jr., D-Mass., solicited the signatures, told a news conference the appeal was made public because of fears for the safety of Irish Civil Rights Association members. Burton said the group was to rally at Strabane, a predominantly Catholic area, for a planned peaceful march to Derry. He said "we are concerned that they will have violence visited on them by the Northern Ireland police." Burton said the signers' concern was aroused by last Fall's violence in Northern Ireland. where, he said, laws and customs effectively limited land ownership by Catholics, barred them from :iobs and deterred them from voting in local elections.
NIAGARA FALLS (NC)-The Carmelite Fathers of the Canadian-American province elected a "committee of eight" to set up commissions and involve all members of the province in carrying out the changes voted at their provincial chapter meeting here in Ontario. The committee is also charged with studying the role and composition of a senate; the extension of a definitory (council); a personnel board; an institute for study of Carmelite community life, and a structuring of the provincial chaper itself.
Virtllle and Nature The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts, therefore guard accordingly; and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. -Antonius
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Infant Baptism Rite Continued from Page One Bugnini said, and centers around Christian aversion to evil. Warnings by t.he minister are directed at the parents and godparents and congregation, to engage their responsibility. With regard to the child, the minister emphasizes that grace is a sheer gift. The new baptismal rite begins with the ceremonial welcome of the infant or infants and their family at the door of the church. There follows t.he liturgy of the word, which sheds light on the meaning of Baptism, That finishes with a common prayer of intercession for the child or children to be baptized.
Express Concern Over Situation In Ireland
from the bishops, Pope Paul VI decided against the petitions already presented. The concluding section of the instruction, however, explains that where the "new" practice has already developed, the conferences of bishops may vote on the matter and their Jecision would be submitted to t.he Holy See. The Holy See in turn "will weigh the matter (of introducing the usage of Communion in the hand) with care, keeping in mind the bonds which exist between the several local Churches among themselves and with the entire Church."
Excerpts From Instruction on Special Masses Pastoral care is directed also to special gatherings, not with the scope of engendering a tendency towards a separate or privileged class but with the hope of meeting special needs and of deepening and intensifying the Christian life according to the needs and the preparation of the persons in these gatherings. It achieves this by taking advantage of the opportunities which emanate from a common spiritual or apostolic commitment and from the desire for mutual edification.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 3, 1969
Universal View It is not too often that a person or a group gets a
unique idea. This is evidenced by the recent Instruction from Rome regarding Masses for special groups. Encouragement is given for Masses offered on the behalf of special conditions or classes of people - students, the aged, specific guilds or organizations. And the many variations that people have thoug~t up for these Masses have likewise been considered' by those in Rome. . The conclusion drawn by the Instruction is tnat the Mass belongs to the whole Church community and so it must keep its character as the offering of the whole Church and cannot tie disjointed and changed at the whim of an indivdual celebrant or at the wish of a small group. There is much opportunity - in readings, in the homily, in preliminary explanations, in the prayer of .the faithful - for the Mass to assert its relevance to a specific group. But the Mass always and ever must remain the Sacrifice of Christ and of His whole Church. It is'not a drama that can be shifted and changed to suit the feelings of the moment of an'individual or group. It is THE drama of Christ offering Himself in union with His Church throughout the world. The Mass is a means of union of people with God in and with and through Christ. It should draw those participating closer to one another, true, but not at the expense of alienating them and separating them from all others. For it also draws those participating closer to every other person in the Chur~h and in the world in the deepening of belief in the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all men. Because the whole matter is one of faith, of belief in God as the Creator and Father of all, in the belief in Christ as Brother to every person,. in the. belief路 that every person' in the world is brother and sister to Christ and to every other pesron. This is the universal and truly catholic view that one brings to Mass and finds strengthened through Mass..
Old Glory-
A name for the American flag is Old Glory. It is said to have received this name from the ancient custom of sailors who would present to their skipper, at the outset of a voyage, a flag folded in the form of a trianglea custom observed to this very day. The flag would be , raised over the ship and dedicated to the Trinity, to the Father and Son and Holy .Spirit. And as it unfurled the sailors would acclaim, Glory, Glory, Glory. This, thread of God and religion has been in the American heritage from the very b~ginning. The very first 'constitution drawn up in this nation, that of the Mayflower Compact in 1620 signed. in Massachusetts Bay off Plymouth, was based on God. And the United States is the one' country. in the world that was deliberately founded, in its Declaration of Independence, in its national Constitution and those of its' States, as a nation holding fast to belief in God as the Author of all men and of the rights . of men. No one in this nation would want to force belief in God upon the fastidi<;>Us atheist. But, likewise, no atheist should be able to force the posture of public atheism upon the majority of those in this nation who believe in God. No atheist should be allowed to banish from the American scene a national heritage that is inextriCably linked with belief in God and in the rights of men deriving from God.
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 . 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly,路 D.O., PhD. Rt. Rev. Daniel F. 5holloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden, LL.B.
~ leary
Press-Fall River
Trustees Reject Faculty Censure Of President EMMITSBURG (NC) . The board of trustees of Mount St. Mary's College here rejected the recent fac-
mooRlnCj Rey. John F. Moore, St. Joseph's, Taunton B.A., M.A., MId.
Free,dom to Worship One of the fundamental freedoms that we possess as Americans is our freedom to worship God in peaceful assembly. Yet, in every century of the short history of this country, this freedom has been imperiled. The states were de facto religious empires Of Development' Conference is totalitarian dictators in the harsh and brutal. The group deearly days of this nation. The mands $500-million in reparation infamy . of this natavist to the negro people of this counmovement-in the 19th century -still lingers in the ~earts and minds of many of the nation's citizens. Highly organized groups, such as the "know nothings," terrified religious minorities by their open and bl~tant bigotry. Remnants of this mentality still persist in the fringe 'mentality of the Klu Klux IClan. And now, in this century, the churches of America are being threatened with violence and disruption by an extreme militant minority. The minority seeks its freedom by deny'ing freedom to others. The message of James Forman and hi" National Black Economic
try from the "white churches"Protestant, Jewish and Catholic. . ' Mr. Forman says openly that the churches face disruption and seizure if the demands are not met. This violent expression of militancy has already been- attempted in Riverside Church in New York. Other congregations have been intimidated. Historically, this is a rather ironic twist of fate. When one ponders the fact that 300,000 men gave their lives in the Civil War to help alleviate the suffering of the slaves in the South, one does wonder why the North must be the battle ground of such efforts.
ulty censure of the college president and acting dean, and criticized the faculty for not affording the two administrators the same right of due process they claim for themselves. The board also rejected three of five students demands stemming from a campus boycott last April. A student demand for permission to live off campus was accepted. In an apparent compromise move, the board announced the appointment of Dr. John J. Dillon, Jr., as acting vice president in路 charge of "internal" affairs at the college. The board said the appointment would free the president, Msgr. Hugh J. Phillips, for "representative work in external affairs." Officially, Dillon succeeds Father Paul V. Redmond who asked to be relieved of administrative duties to return to philosophy teaching. Voted Censure Sources speculated that Dillon, a member of the English department, might effectively take over the running of the college while Msgr. Phillips engaged in public relations work. The board said it was rejecting the censure because of the lack of due process in the faculty proceedings. Board members expressed dismay that the faculty did not afford the college officials the same privileges it advocates for the tr~aUnent of its own grievances. The board also said it had considered the five student demands 'arising from last Spring's campus 'boycott and the recommendations of Msgr. Phillips and a college committee formed to study them.
Bishop Medeiros Continued from Page One ened not by faith but by the rationalism of the times. "It has happened and it is happening that many in' the Church are foilowers of the popular names among contemporary theologians and not of the Son . of God." Stresses Strong Faith Theology is important, the Brownsville Bishop continued, but it is not a substitute for faith. "A good priest is and must always be a man of strong faith," Bishop Medeiros said. Bishop Medeiros cautioned Serrans not to be discouraged by the deciine in vocations in recent years but to take it as "an incentive to pray more fervently, to sacrifice more selflessly and to love more ardently the mission assigned to you by Christ Himself."
Atmosphere of. Hate and Retribution It is
true that, many local churches in the South - even Catholic churches - practiced segregation. It is true also that many local churches in the North practiced de facto segregation. However; it is true also that churchmen are successfully ending this prqctice. One has only to reflect on the courageous late Archbishop Rommel of New Orleans. There may be locales, where churchmen are not moving as fast as some would have them. Also, there may be isolated incidents (,I' indifference. and neglect.
However, in the total scope of the' historic reality of the religious bodies in the United States, Mr. Forman is not justi-路 fied to' create such a climate of hostility and violence. The churches of this country must work together in concrete and determined action to see that every man, regardless of his color or ethnic group, lives in dignity and true freedom. But, this must be done in the spirit of peace and brotherhood -not in an atmosphere of hate and retribution. Mr. Forman's manifesto will
not achieve this end as it presently exists. It will "only serve to widen the void that he supposedly seeks to bridge. It will also endanger the constitutional freedom of religious expression that so many have died to preserve. May our heritage from the past provide, guidance to the problems of the present and encouragement to strive for an understanding that is fair and just and the imperative necessity of defending our freedom to worship God in peace and harmony.
Migrant Worker Family Survey Set in Ohio
Nursing Director af St. Luke's Hospital Admits First Love Is Maternity Ward
By Patrica Francis DAYTON (NC)-A study Mary C .Halloran, R.N., only stands 5 feet 2, but she carries a very impressive title: of the problems of the migrant-worker-family in the Associate Director in Charge of the Nursing Division at 51. Luke's Hospital, New BedCincinnati Archdiocese will , ford, and Director of Nursing. She wears a few other titles, too, including that of presbe' conducted this Summer by ident of the Catholic Nurses' Guild of the Greater New Bedford area. But, despite her the Catholic Poverty Commission long titles and big desk, of Dayton. The project will provide a Mary Halloran retains the basis for formulating a 1970 plan gaminish quality that has enof action to meet migrant needs. deared her to thousands of \
The study will focus on the patients through the years. possibility of permanent settleShe also can laugh at herself. ment of migrant families, vocaAsked if the "over 500 emtional training, conditions of em- ployes in the Nursing Depart路 ployment, housing, financial ana ment" jump when she cracks spiritual needs. her whip, Mary, Halloran sat It also is expected to explore back and howled. a proposal by Ohio Migrant Min"It depends on how long they istry ~hat a new statewide com- have known you - and how mission be formed, composed of well," she admits. "Some of the migrants themselves, Catholics people here remember me as a and Protestants involved in mi- 'little girL'" . grant programs and representaA native of NorWOOd, Mary tives of appropriate government Halloran was graduated from agencies. St. Luke's School of Nursing in Volunteers Aid Nun 1941 and has spent most of her The !>urvey also is expected nursing career at the hospitalto provide guidance on the feasi- with time out to pick up bachelbility of government funding of or's and master's degrees at Bospossible programs as well as to ton University. determine what programs and "On and off" for some 20 courses of action the migrants years she spent "most of my themselves desire. time in maternity. That's why I At kast 5,000 migrants work know so many people in New in 10 of the 19 counties of the Bedford." archdiocese. Half are employed Happiest Place for seasonal farm tasks in Darke The maternity floor is "the and Mercer counties. More than 90 per cent are happiest place in the hospital," Spanish-speaking American citi- she says. "It's a wonderful place zens. There are a few Negroes to be." And babies, far from being and Indians. Figur"s on the number of mi- fragile, "normally grow up in grants in Ohio, including the spite of their parents," she says, estimates for the archdiocese, flashing a grin. Miss Halloran-to be formal, are generally considered conservative. One migrant population and few are with her-lives with estimate in' the state'~is 66,000. her mother, Mrs. Thomas HalThe latest report of the Ohio . loran, and her sister Irene at Governor's Committee of Mi- 377 Arnold St. They are comgrant Labor estimates the num- municants of St. Lawrence ber at 35,000. The same source Church. She also has a brother Rayless than 10 years ago gave the total as 15,000, indicating that mond, who, she announces prouddespite mechanization on the ly, is town treasurer of Norwood. This Summer, her niece Barfarm, the migrant population may have more than doubled bara is working at St. Luke's as a nurse's aide. Mary Halloran within a decade. The reason is that most of thinks that's great. Although she has no children those agricultural enterprises, which employ migrant labor, of her own, Mary Halloran have !leen expanding rapidly. has a mushrooming family that The state's tomato business has sprouts from her years in the experienced a period of growth. maternity department. "Some of my babies are 'in colOhio llf)W leads the nation in the lege now, some are married with proces'iing of tomato juice. In charge of the survey will be children of their own. I have a Sister Pauline Apodaca of the godchild, a member of the faSisters of Charity, a member of culty, who's getting married. the faculty of Good Samaritan "In other words,' I've reached Hospitel school of nursing, Day- the grandmother stage," says ton, who has served as a volun- the ebullient top nurse, who teer in migrant work. Of Span- looks anything but, ish-Amt'rican background, she is No' Problems familia, with Latin traditions She also has words of praise and (;ulture and is fluent in for the younger generation. Spanish. She will conduct the "We have a School of Nursing study with the help of the volunwith over 100 in residence, We tary workers. have no problems with them. We have college kids working Exiled f'ortuguese here for the Summer who get up at 6 in the morning to come Bishop Returns to work and who work hard LISBON (NC)-Bishop Antonio when they get here. Fereira Gomes of Oporto, exiled "I think we're not giving from Portugal for the past 10 enough play to the kids who are years, has returned to this coun- gOOd." try and is expected to resume auNursing itself has changed in thority in his See within the the more than a quarter century near future. since a younger Mary Halloran The bishop was banished by put on her R.N.'s cap for the former Portuguese Premier Anfirst time. "Gigantic," is the tonio de Oliveira Salazar after way she describes the change. he had sent the premier a letter "Today there are opportunities criticizing his policies. for nurses to go into many difAfter reentering the country ferent fields," she says. he was a guest of the Portuare Hospitals themselves guese Dominicans at Fatima changing, if St. Luke's is any example. and was to attend the annual general meeting of Portuguese "We're growing so fast. We're bishops there. He celebrated a becoming almost the medical Mass of thanksgiving at the, center of the community and spreading out from it. Dominican chapel at Fatima.
THE ANCHOR-Thurs., July 3,
Jersey Nuns Reject S'ecular Dress Plan
CALDWELL (NC) - The Dominican Sisters of Caldwell believe that the wearing of secular dresses by members of their Religious community would be an "expensive digression from the serious concerns of the Church," While nuns in some other c(~mmunities have already adopted, or are considering, the wearing of secular dresses, the New Jersey Sisters-at a general chapter meeting - quickly rejected the secular dress propos~I, without debate, Mother Dolorita Absbro praised the community's degree of stability in the post Vatican Council period, noting that only 34 professed Sisters have been dispensed of their vows in the last six years. There are presently about 400 professed nuns in the Dominican Sisters of Caldwell, with .:lbout 100 more junior professed Sisters.
Study Establishment Of Parish Councils
MARY HALLORAN, R.N. "We're more and more involved in programs outside the hospital. Today, to give the care that's needed, you have to be really involved in the community. "Because of growth, we have to be able to utilize the nurses we have to the utmost capacity. We're developing nurses as team lead,ers, supervising practical nurses, aides and orderlies. "We have unit managers, who relieve nurses of a good many of their non-nursing functions so they can get back to bedside nursing and give the best possible patient care," As she speaks, Mary Halloran's enthusiasm for her chosen career lights her face. It's hard to imagine her being anything but a nurse. Today, weighed down somewhat by her large office and big desk and phone calls and mountains of administrative :work, Mary Halloran still finds time "to get out on the floors and visit the patients and talk to the nurses," She also finds time for other assorted duties-like supervising the events of the Catholic Nurses' Guild, an organization devoted to the spiritual and professional betterment of Catholic nurses of the area. She is a member of the Board
Lutheran Leaders Laud Pope's Visit GENEVA (NC) - Lutheran Church leaders in four countries viewed the visit of Pope Paul VI to Geneva as an event that had forcef'.;1 impact on ecumenism. The churchmen, officials of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), which has its headquarters here, gave their reactions in radio interviews, to the Pope's one-day visit here to address the International Labor Organization (ILO) and visit the World Council of Churches (WCC) headquarters. They were present during the Pope's visit at the WCC Ecumenical Center and were in Geneva for a meeting of LWF officers scheduled for the same date.
of Directors of the State Nurses Association, the Advisory Council for Regional Medical 'Program the National League for Nursing. She occasionally gets back to her first love, the hospital's babies-in advance-through her work with an Expectant Parents' group sponsored by the hospital. And, however busy she may be-and she always is-Mary Halloran never is so busy she can't sit down and listen to someone who has a problem. . Somehow, after a confab with her, problems seem lighter. Then Mary Halloran gets back to her desk and the chores that continue to pile up.
High Schools Chief Cause of Deficit BUFFALO (NC) - A report disclosed here that operation of the diocesan high school program was the chief cause for a $2,463,277 deficit operation in the Buffalo diocese last year. The statement issued at the first meeing of the new lay steering' committee for ,diocesan finances said the deficit operation will continue in 1969路70 "unless positive programs are devel路 oped." A follow-up meeting involving all pastors in the eight-county diocese, with the steering committee and other. diocesa/1 officials, has been planned to develop programs designed to stem the deficit operations. Meanwhile members of the Olean public Board of Education have scheduled a meeting with diocesan officials to discuss the future of Archbishop Walsh High School in Olean. It has been reported discontinuance of the Catholic high schcool is under consideration.
Better Use Any piece of knowledge I acquire today has a value at this moment exactly proportfoned to my skill to deal with it. Tomorrow, when I know more, I recall that piece of knowledge and use it better. -Van Doren
SAGINAW (NC) Bishop Francis F. Reh has promised there will be a continuing study leading to establishment of parish councils in the Saginaw diocese. In an address sponsored by the Saginaw Association of Laymen (SAL) at St. Paul Seminary, the Michigan prelate stressed the necessity of a common effort to, come up with proper guidelines for parish councils-but added "this does not mean councils can't be formed now," "We are not engaged in delaying tactics," the bishop said. ' "If you .feel you can set up one now, well and carefully, go ahead." Bishop Reh, former rector of Rome's North American College, said a parish council should be marked by openness, a real representation of the parish community, and by freedom of action.
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P"opose Chapel Of Astronauts
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv.er-Thurs., July 3, 1969
Asks Aid in Id,entifying
CAPE CANAVERAL (NC) Five Episcopalian and four Cath· olic laymen with the ap'proval of their bishops have proposed building at Cape Kennedy Space Center here a million dollar in· terfaith Chapel of the Astronauts, to be paid for by public. subscription. Edwin F. Trevor, executive secretary of the sponsor group, known as Chapel of the Astronauts, Inc;, said the men who conceived the idea of an interfaith chapel were inspired by the reading of Genesis during the Apollo 8 flight last Christmas. The interdenominational house of worship, although essentially Christian inorientation,will be designed to accommodate Jewish services, Trevor said. Target date for opening of the chapel has been set for Christmas Eve, 1969, the anniversary of the Apollo flight.
Pr'etty Purpl,e W,hat'samlt By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick This week I would like to ask my readers ·for some help in identifying a plant I have in my garden. When I , was in college majoring in biology, the one subject which I found boring to the nth degree was taxonomy, and as a result I am completely ignorfortably settled with their grandant of plant classification. r mother and all seemed right with am paying for my laziness the world. At least,- that was now by being unab~e to find what ( thought.
Our motel was located on the the name and classification of a plant I have running amuck in dunes in Truro just before Provmy own garden. How(wer, pas- incetown. Because of the view, sersby have inquired about the the units were set up in groups plant several times and I really of four, each one quite apart from the other groups. What an don't know what to tell them. This is a tall, spiky plant of ideal situation thought naive approximately two feet which is little T, just the thing for peace capped by a cluster of flowers. and quiet. What I didn't reckori The flowers are purple in color with was the motel manager and are borne one cluster to a who used very little discriminaAsk Vatican Approve stem. Each stem is long and tion in his renting procedures, and a group of wild teenagers Election of Nun straight and grows directly out of the base of the parent plant. who lacked consideration for CALDWELL (NC) - The DoThe flower clusters are about anyone else, but themselves. minican Sisters of Caldwell have The lid blew off about 11 that. two inches in diameter. The petitioned for the election of a 'flowers are striking, grow in night when boys and girls ran nun who is five years younger rampant -from one unit to' anclumps, and reproduce of their than the canonical age for a other. They banged on furniture own accord very-rapidly. mother general. and, almost broke the ,doors Delegates to the community's Maybe Mint? down, but when I saw the knob 10th general chapter here voted My untrained eye suggests of our door turning in an atby more than a two-thirds mathat this may be one 0 f the mint tempt to enter, that was the last jority for the election of Sister family, the leaves and stems straw. Vivien, a member of the Caldbeing similar in shape, but my I have no idea where the manwell College faculty who has ennose denies this since they have ager was during these procedgaged in extensive work in the no odor. The flowers have been ings but the way the telephone inner city. BALANCING ACT: A little Ugandan girl who offered to help in bloom for approximately three system was set up no one could At 35, Sister Vivien is five weeks now and will be close to reach the ~ain building or the with the building of a church smiles as she carries some bricks years younger than the required fading by the time this article outside world after 11 o'clock, on her head. NC Photo. age for major superiors, accordappears: They are perennials so any attempt to call for assisting to a spokesman for the chap- and are very striking when ance was fruitless: We put up ter. In order for her to be grown with yellow perennial with this disturbance until long elected, approval must be given primroses. after three in the morning and by the Congregation for ReliAs I mentioned earlier, these by that 'time my nerves' were so gious at the Vatican. President No. 3 Man in Washington; plants tend to reproduce very frayed that I tossed our clothes rapidly via underground runners back into the suitcases and we Williams No. ( Lombardi No. 2 (1. think) and must be uprooted headed for the peace and quiet Newark Pastoral each year to make room for of home. WASHINGTON (NC) - A when the Washington Redskins other plants. I usually rip out Council Organized strange thing happened here in pro football team moved into the Frightens Adults any number of them, about half the nation's capital back in aet. The Skins signed Vincent CLARK (NC)' - After six manager When I called the of what I have in bloom each Janualy. Stranger· still, the Thomas Lombardi as coach. months of preliminary work and the next morning from home he year, so that they do not take One of the "seven blocks of a series of elections at the parish said that they had tossed said phenomenon is growing. over the garden. As 37th President of the granite" in, Fordham's football and district level, the Newark teenagers out and that they were Which brings me to 11 curious a chaperoned church group-I United States, Richard Milhous heydays, Lombardi worked mira- Archdiocesan Pastoral Council point. I have had any number would hate to hazard a guess to Nixon and his family on Jan.. 20 cles in boosting the Green Bay~ held its organizational meeting of people ask about the plants where the chaperones were. moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Packers to football's' top spot. here in New Jersey. \ and I have confessed my ignorArchbishop Thomas A. Boland Well, the next time I head for Avenue, N.W., more popularly Then he gave up coaching for a ance of their origin and then ex- the Cape I'll make sure that known as the White House. year, tried general managing but of Newark conducted the meetplained that they would be wel- there is a desk clerk on all night In the ordinary course of discovered the coaching urge ing and told the 80 delegates and come to take as many as they . and that our phones connect events, it might be expected was too great. the 300 observers that the counwould like for their gardens, with the outside world. President Njxon would "own" Of course, aided by incidents cil is to act in an advisory rather after having gone into an exNantucketers are making an the front 'page of newspapers, like the new Vietnam war policy, than a legislative cap·acity. planation that I would be dis- effort to keep undesirable guests the top spots on TV and radio, the ABM missile system procarding them :anyway, and I have away from their island and as while his new administration gram, taxes, inflation, new Sunot had any takers. Court appointments, ELECTRICAL far as the money-spending tour- began to unfold policies and pro- preme I am sure that to anyone in- ist trade is concerned, they're grams. But 1969 has proven an President Nixon occasionally has Contractors bounced back into the No. 1 terested in taxonomy, this de- making a smart move. The unusual year. scription is completely lacking money that is spent will come Two things happened, and sud- spot, but Ted Williams and in detail and, will not be a very from satisfied adults, not from denly the new President found Vince Lombardi are making it worthwhile beginning. But I am the beachcombers who exist on himself, before being comfort- difficult for :him to keep a firm also sure that some of my read- $6 a week, yet the uncontrolled ably settled in the White House, hold on the spot. Stranger still about this 1969 ers probably have what's-its- atmosphere on the Cape at the ranking as the No. 3 man in name growing in their gardens moment is frightening the adults Washington. It's been more or Washington phenomenon is the 'less like that ever since. fact that President Nixon apand can supply the information away. President Nixon first was pears to relish the situation. In needed. Now that fresh swo'rdfish is coming to our shores, this is a ousted from the No. 1 spot by addition to being the 37th PresiIn the Kitchen 944 County St. Ah, two full days with nothing delicious and easy 'way to pre- none other than Theodore Sam- dent of the United States, Richuel Williams, erstwhile "Splen- ard Milhous Nixon is a red hot New Bedford to do but relax was my thought pare it. did Splinter" of the Boston Red baseball and, football fan. Bass River Swordfish as our car headed for Cape Cod 'Sox and baseball's last 0400 the Friday 'afternoon that school liz lb. swordfish per serving gJlII III III III II111111III III III III1111111III1111111I111III III11111III III11111III1I111II III III III II III III II III II III II III III II II III II 1111111111 1:, hitter. closed. The children were com- oil to moisten paprika .Defying an "it-can't-be-done" pinch of salt situation, Robert Short, new ,3 teaspoons cornmeal owner of the Washington SenaRabbinical~Coundl 1 teaspoon flour tors, persuaded Williams to Rejects Manifesto I) Wipe swordfish. Pour the come out of retirement, signed FLASSBURG (Nt)-The 33rd oil in a pie, pan. 'Color the oil him as manager of the cellar annual convention of the Rab- with just a dash of paprika, a dwelling Senators. binical Council of America, larg- pinch of salt. and then blend. The battle cry became "it's a 2) Place the fish in the pan whole new ball game." And, at est body of orthodox rabbis in the nation, unanimously rejected and turn so that both sides are this writing, Williams has moved well coated with oil. Place in a into a sort of miracle man status. the' Blflck Manifesto. The manifesto, sponsored by clean pie plate and sprinkle with With the seaso'n now nearly half the National Black Economic a mixture of the meal and flour. completed, Williams has his . 3) Place in a 350 oven about Senators playing close to .500 Development Conference, seeks 15 minutes. Remove from oven ball and attendance is soaring. $500 million in reparations from == New Bedford, Mass. == churches and synagogues of the and place under broiler until fish , The luster of Williams' advent topping is golden brown. country. to Washington still was bright 1111111111III III II111111111III111111III III III II1111II III II III III III II III III II III II III1111II111111II III IIi III III1111II II111111111111111
iColora:::;:: . I i1-17 :::::!N:~P~IN~:seS~::::~:~:·9421 I ookS aro::::e:
THE ANCHORThurs., July 3,
Original Home Decoration P,ossible on Small Budg,et
Copit'O~ Educator
Aword Winner
By Marilyn Roderick
WASHINGTON (NC) - The president of the Washington Archdiocesan Board of Education has received the 1969 Faith and Service award from Kappa Gamma Pi, national Catholic college women's honor society. Mrs. Theresa B. Posey, principal of La Salle Elementary School here, has been Cited for her dedication and service in interfaith and interracial activities, carried out especially with the archdiocesan Office of Urban Affairs and the Sodality Union of Washington.
My first impression upon entering the apartment was of the striking use of color, my second was admiration for the gal who had decorated it. The gal who is the proud owner of the apartment is Mrs. Artemisia (Artie) Anderson of St. Anthony's parish in Yes, this is the amazing part of Fall River, part-time secrehome-love, not money, tary and full-time mother of Artie's has created it. "Oh I paid $3 four children. I had heard for that, $12 for that," she com-
Artie had done a spectacular job in redoing this third floor apartment in one of the older Victorian homes, that was at its peak when the cotton industry was king. But no amount of advance "wordof-mouth" publicity had prepared me for the beauty of each room and of the individual pieces in those rooms all lovingly chosen and refinished by Artie. Antiquing and refinishing furniture is her hobby and in this charming group of rooms she has a suitable setting for her finished work. French Kitchen The kitchen is the first room you enter and its white plaster walls and bright yellow. and black accents give it the look of a French country setting. Artie explainp.d that she hadn't really finished all the furniture and built-ins that she wanted for this room but to this columnist's eye it w~s perfect as it was. At the tall old-fa:;hioned windows were:the. shl,ltters that. she had found in the eves of the house and through hours of patient refinishing had restored to their original beauty. Plants of every description filled these windo\Vs, adding just that right touch of, greenery. As we left the kitchen we en'tered a hall-way dining area that contained some beautiful pieces of refinished furniture, including a large chest with a matching hanging shelf over it done in tones of blue. This area is papered in a red and blue pattern in soft colors that looks as if it had come from the lining of an old East Indian tea chest during the whaling era. Two ladder backed red chairs stand on either side of the crest and opposite it is a satin smooth table and chairs, with caned seats (Artie also does her own caning). Each room that we entered was more perfect than the last.' Artie's bedroom is dominated by the handsomest brass bed imaginable - one that this treasure hunter had picked up for a pittance, had re-brassed for $30 and is now worth in the vicinity of $500.
Rehabilitate Bishop In Czechoslovakia VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican City daily newspaper has reported "with lively satisfaction" the rehabilitation of former Auxiliary Bishop Stanislav Zela of Olomouc, Czechoslovakia. Bishop Zela, L'Osservatore Romano said, was among a group of laymen and clergy rehabilitated by a court in Czechoslovakia. The newspaper said they had been unjustly convicted in 1950, and that all charges against them has' been declared unfounded by the rehabilitation court.
mented as we toured the rooms and when she told me that her most expensive find was a fiftysome dollar chest in her living room, I couldn't believe my ears. The Goodwill Stores and unlikely junk and antique shops were Artie's hunting,grounds for fine objects to redo and her sharp collector's eye can spot fine lines and beautiful workmanship even in a piece that has had its beauty hidden under years of bad paint jobs and neglect. Seeing the possibilities of individuality in even the most unexpected spots, Mrs. Anderson has decorated the closet door in her ll-year-old son John's room with a full door British flag, using red racing stripes, blue paint and white contact paper as the medium. A perfectionist to the most minute detail, she even added this combination to a clear light over the door and called it a Ben Franklin lamp. Girls' Room Every room in the house just bubbles over with thi!\ attractive girl's talent,1 and nowhere is this more evident than in the large room occupied by Marybeth, 13, Martha, 8 and Jennifer, who is almost 7. Brigh.t shades of orange; yellow and green have been picked up from the paisly printed wallpaper &nd carried over into even the smallest accessory, even the paper Tiffany shade that covers the overhead light fixtures. Artie again commented that this room was far from what she wanted it to be, but I couldn't help answering that to me each room looked like a page out of a magazine. If this tour of Artie's apartment taught me anything, it taught me that one can't bemoan what her house looks like because of lack of m0l1ey. This girl has taken possibly the smallest furniture budget imaginable and ended up with a home that a shelter magazine would be proud to photograph. Also I must add that this gal has missed her vocation - she's a born home decorator!
Mexican-American Problems Studied SAGINAW (NC)-The Michigan Catholic Conference, organization 'of the state's Catholic bishops, is increasing its efforts to improve living and working conditions for Michigan's more than 200,000, Mexican-Americans. MCC's ad hoc committe on Mexican ~ American, problems, headed by Bishop Francis F. Reh of Sagh1aw. met here with representatives of La Raza Unida, a statewide coalition of Spanishspeaking organizations, and' discussed what the Church can do to help Mexican - Americans achieve dignity and equality. La Raza Unida representatives said in the past the Church has been concerned primarily with the spiritual needs of MexicanAmericans, and urged that it now direct greater attention to the "",ultiple social problems confron:ting the Latin community in Michigan."
9 1969
Declines to Comment On Commission Work
PROCLAIMS SAINTHOOD: Pope Paul VI reads the proclamation naming the 19th century French nun, Julie Billiart, founder of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, a saint, during ceremonies in St. Peter's Basilica. Hundreds of members of the Order attended, fhe ceremony. NC Ph~to. .. -
Time' Cardinal Heenan Says Life of Church 'Has Never Been So Healthy' ROCHESTER (NC)-John Cardinal Heenan of Westminster told piocesan priests here that although "things never have been worse, in our lifetime, in 'the Church," in many ways, the life of the Church "has never been so healthy." The English cardinal conducted two retreats for priests here at the invitation of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. He was en route to London, after a visit with Westminster priests serving as missionaries in Peru and Chile. Cardinal Heenan said that although the Church establishment "is in a very pitiable state," there are bright hopes. "By comparison with other periods in the Church's history, we're really in a glorious age. Consider the confusion in the Church after some of the other councils. "We must keep some sense of proportion," he continued: "We are 1,000 times better off than in past centuries." The cardinal based his retreat conferences on the Second Vatican Council's decree on the priestly life and ministry. He said: "Priests have a special obligation to perfection." "Because we must be the living instruments for the sanctification of the family of God,"
Cardinal Heenan said, "priests must discipline their lives to a much higher spiritual plane of perfection than even the finest of the laity." Despite the bitterness of internal controversy distressing the body d the Church and the current "rash of defections" of many clergy and Religious, the cardinal said he believes the post-counbl era is "a happy time." "If it had not been for the (Second) Vatican Council, coming precisely when it did, we might have ended up pretty much as badly as our predecessors in the 16th century, when the Protestant Reformation broke the Church," he asserted, "I believe that is why God allowed the council to be called."
Heavenly Food Riches, honors and pleasures are the sweets which destroy the mind's appetite for heavenly food; poverty, disgrace and pain are the bitters which restore it. -Horne
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Set Installation SAN ANTONIO (NC) - Archbishop-designate Francis J, Furey will be installed as archbishop of San Antonio at San Fernando Cathedral here on Aug. 6. feast of the Transfiguration.
DENVER (NC) - Archbishop James Casey of Denver has "declined t.o make comment" on the work of a special pontifical commission which is examining the renewal program of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Archbishop Casey is chairman of the commission which was appointed last year to investigate a dispute over the modernization program that arose be路 tween the order and James Francis Cardinal McIntyre of Los Angeles. He said the commission has not yet filed its report with thE! Holy See. The commission, appointed as a result of the order's appeal to Rome, initially ordered the separation of those nuns desiring to maintain the traditional habit and way of life and those who wished to make modern innova路 tions. About 450 of the more than 500 Sisters chose the experimental group. The commission said the Sisters would be permitted to con路 tinue their experimentation for "a .reasonable time." The commission planned to study the reo newal program and make recommendations to the Holy See as to final decisions about the order.
THE ANCHOR-Dibcese of Fall River-Thurs., July 3, 1969
Youths Occupy Caracas Church
~@Špi'e8 N~" Chur(h o H@ve Fai~e<dl; W~ekly New$p~per Editu' AS$ewts ST. PAUL (NC)-"It has not terrible scandals and wreaked been the Church that has failed such irreparable damage in the us but it is we who have failed lives of clergy and faithful alike the Church" the founder of the and which even now is moving Wanderer Forum. has told his ,toward what many feel will be organization members at their the final catastrophe of unholy fifth annual meeting her'e in Min- schism, splitting the Church in in the U. S. into ,two fratricidal nesota. Alphonse, J. Matt Sr., who camps? "If these things shake you to edits the Wanderer, weekly newspaper, reminded delegates the roots today, always rememthat the Second Vatican Council bel' they are not new," Matt "has been rightly hailed as a pointed out. new Pentecost, a new descent of Cites Papal Warning the Holy Spirit to fill the hearts "Throughout the centuries of the faithful and renew the there have always been heretics face of the earth." and heresies and schisms in the He cited Pope John and the Church. The heresy of, AmerCouncil Fathers as "declaring icanism and modernism has been the purpose of this new Pente- with us, now covert, now open, cost to be no more and no less for many decades. than to reaffirm, whole and en"Leo warned against it 70 tire, without dilution or omis- years ago," he said. "But the sion, the sacred deposit of the vast majority paid .little heed and faith." , t h e erosion of doctrine, faith Matt scored "the wild novel- and morals continued without ties and blasphemies of our pause." avant-garde liturgical experiIf the warnings of the Popes' mentel'S and new age icono- had been heeded, Matt conclasts." tended, "the world might have The weekly newspaper editor been spared the blood and tears is convinced that had Catholics of two world wars and the conlistened to the many pronounce- tinuing scourge of the materialis~ ments of the Popes "the People tic heresy of communism. of God would have come to un"Had they been listened to, the derstand and love the sacred Catholic people would have liturgy and sacred 'music as the turned away from the manifold supreme earthly expression of manifestations of the' modernist man's worship of the Most High heresy which today infects' our God." schools and seminaries, our cate, lUnmistakable Language chetical textbooks and so many Matt empressed concern about of our teachers of situation modern deviations from ancient ethics and 'anything goes' sexual Church teachings, but was opti- morality," he declared. mistic that the Church will be Council Message able to cope with them. Matt told the delegates that The Church, he said, "knows \'whatver else you may do, do all about new theologies and dis-not leave here without casting senters and heretics, for she has out of your mind, once and for been confronted with them anew all, any notion that the second in every century for upwards of Vatican Council has changed one 1,900 years-and every conflict iota of the deposit of truth dewith them has served only to livered to the Church by her confound the dissenters while Divine Founder and taught by vindicating and confirming the the magisterium from the time ancient faith of the Chuch." of the Apostles right down to Matt recalled that Pope John this moment." "insisted again and again on the He admonished his audience Council's intention to safeguard to "love the Church. This is the and defend the Church's heritage basic intention and the final of truth in unmistakable lan- message of Vatican l1." guage." 'They Are Not New' He declared that in charging Cardinal Endorses the Council with this duty, Pope John restated the admonition of Res~lts of Study NEW YORK (NC) - Terence Pope Leo XIII which is the theme of this year's Wanderer Cardinal Cooke of New York endorsed key recommendations of Forum: "When a society is perishing, a study on Catholic education the true advice to give to those made here and announced sevwho would restore it, is to recall eral appointments to implement it to the principles from which them. it sprang." The recently completed study Matt emphasized that Pope was made by the Committee on Leo, "almost 70 years (ago, fore- Catholic Education, an indepensaw in our own beloved country, dent, non-sectarian group apthe beginnings of that dreadful pointed by the cardinal last year heresy of modernism which in to study the best employment of our own day, has caused ;uch educai:ional resources, personnel and facilities of the Church in this archdiocese. Ford Grant to Heip Among the committee's major recommendations were the esSchool P'rogll'om tablishment of an archdiocesan WASHINGTON (NC) - The board of education'with a majorNational Catholic Educational ity of lay members to function Association has received a $250,- as an educational policy making 000 grant from the Ford Founda- body; the formation of a voluntion to develop plans f(~r a va- teer Catholic teacher corps; and riety of programs to help meet a central scholarship fund to the current needs of Catholic help needy students attend Catheducation. olic schools. Among the areas in which projects may be developed, are, Mastel!' of CreatiOinl planning and decision-making in Catholic education, financial reVATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope porting, inventory of Catholic Raul VI, receiving members of, educational personnel, Catholic the council of the World Wildeducation in the inner c~~y, life Fund and wishing them well training for administrators, hew " in your admirable efforts," reinstruclional methods, attitudinal marked that although man "is studies, adult education and pro- the master of creation, man must fessional assistance to teachers. not destroy it."
CARACAS (NC)-The Christian Left group has occupied the Caracas church of Santa Teresa here in Venezuela to press for Church renewal and "pry the bishops out of their conservative position." Forty-five youths arrested durthe ensuing melee were released by police at the request of the Church authorities. Some of the youths had reached the pulpit after the pastor, Father Hortensio Carrillo, pleaded in vain for order. The group, which also calls itself ''The People of God on the March," says it seeks a faster pace in following the Second Vatican Council directives for Church renewal and the guidelines on social reform issued by the Latin American bishops at Medellin, Colombia, in 1968. "This is a movement against those Church leaders who do not follow, or stall on, the decisions of the ecumenical cOflncil, the second general assembly of the Latin American bishops (at Medellin) and Pope Paul'.s encyclical, The Development of Peoples," said a spokesman for the Christian Left. About 20 priests are reported to have joined the group, made up mostly of university and highschool students and a few workers.
forUMS Commissiotl'il
F,or Social Changes BAPTISM: Godparents participate in the Baptism of little Gerard Noubakenga, while the child's mother, at right, observes the ceremony in the Benedictine Monastery at Gihinda, Burundi, in the diocese of Butare in Central Africa. NC Photo.
Quiet, Successful Louisville Archdiocese Builds Mission Churches With Contributions
CLEVELAND (NC) The Cleveland diocese has announced formation of a 65-member commission, which is to be "an instrument of major social changes" in the areas of race, poverty, peace and human relations. The permanent, widely representative Diocesan' Commission 'on Catholic Community, Action includes priests, Religious and laymen reflecting a broad range of viewpoints and organizations, among them the controversial Christians Who Care. CWC, a coalition of members of several peace and civil rights groups, criticized diocesan officials early this ,year for alleged lack of involvement in social projects. Some CWC members took part in an unauthorized Mass in the St. John's cathedral last January which resulted in the arrest of two priests on charges stemming from the incident.
LOUISVILLE (NC) - One of where there are few Catholics? the most enterprising real estate One reason is that each of the , firms in the 31-county Louisville churches is within range of one archdiocese is also the most of Kentucky's burgeoning vacaquiet, had three successful open- tion areas - areas which are ings in the past two months, but packed with Catholic tourists employs no salesmen and de- from early Spring u'ntil late Fall. pends entirely on voluntary Another reason was cited by goodwill. Father John J. Molloy, C.P.M., .The firm is LAMP, which pastor of St. Helen Church in stands for Louisville Archdio- 'Glasgow, who serves the new cesan Mission Promoters. "Mis- mission church at Tompkinsville. sion" has meaning in this See, He was asked why the new for several of the 31 counties in church was needed and ,whether the archdiocese have but a hand- it wou~d serve a purpose. ,full of Catholics. "When I came here to St. Enter LAMP. Through volun- Helen's there were four Catholic tary contributions, LAMP has families. Now there are more ST. ANNE raised funds to purchase land than one hundred," Father Molfor church buildings.. The past loy replied. CREDIT UNION two months have shown the re43 RODNEY FRENCH BLVD. sults of their efforts. . NEAR COVE RD. NEW BEDFORD New Diocese New churches have been All Your Money Insured Against Loss VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope blessed in Jamestown, TompAll Personal Loans Lile Insured kinsville, and near Monticello, Paul VI has created the Diocese Home Mortgages on Easy Terms Ky. In each case, sites of five of Andong in Korea with terri-Special Deposits Double at Death Bank In Person or by Mall acres or more were given by tory taken from the Archdiocese Welcome into Our Credit Union Family of Taegu and the Diocese of LAMP. But the generosity doesn't Wonju. Father Rene Dupont of Open Daily 9 am-2 pm Fri. 6-8 pm stop there. Two Louisville par- the Paris Foreign Mission So-Parkingishes in relatively affluent neigh- ciety becomes the first bishop, CLOSED SATURDAYS at the age of 39. borhoods paid the complete costs of building ,two of the churches -Louisville's Holy Spirit parishioners paid for the Jamestown church and Lauisville's St. James parishioners gave the money for the Tompkinsville church. Funds to buila the third church near Monticello were contributed by,' Mr. and Mrs. DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS Edward Hartlage of Louisville, who operated a' truck garden near Louisville for years and gave the money "to pay back ,MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER the Lord" for the material blessing t!ley have shared., Why build churches in areas
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Phone 675-7484
THE ANCHORThurs., July 3,
Cardinal Cooke Cites Encouraging EI'ement arll Student Values JAMAICA (NC)-Terence Cardinal Cooke of New York said in an address here the "most en.couraging, element in student values today is the search for the sacred, and here, students are playing a truly prophetic role." Cardinal Cooke delivered the keynote address at the commencement exercises of St. John's University here. He was • also awarded an honorary degree 'by the university. The cardinal said "the young are indicating in word and in act that man is truly, in his deepest nature, religious." They are, he went on, "plaintively asking a civilization which is materialistic in fact if not in theory, if there is not more to life than the size of one's income, or automobile, or swimming pool." Discussing the concept of life, Cardinal Cooke said, "it "alienation" in contemporary can be good to be alienated, in the sense that we become more aware of our need for God and each other. It is the human condition to be alienated. Sense of Alienation "The very definition of any believer is one who is a,way from his true home," he continued. "In this life we are pilgrims, not permanent residents. Our restlessness, our yearning for perfection, our ultimate dissatisfaction with any material thing are all signs of our alienation, implanted by God Himself " A sense of alienation, the cardinal asserted, "can lead to positive, valuable, even prophetic insights..We must not refuse to listen only because voices we hear are young vOices; we must not become encrusted and .immobile," he said. • "We who are older in time," Cardinal Cooke said, "have a duty to our own experience to tell it 'like it was,' and always will be ... I think that as mature persons it would be helpful if we reflected calmly on the following points: That memory and a knowledge of history, of past failures and past successes, is necessary to any true reform. Mankind is not born anew every 30 years, and cannot be expected to reconstitute all of his political, economic and moral systems without drawing on the wisdom of past experience. Historical Source "That while the Church, made up of human beings like ourselves, is always in need of reshaping," he continued, "it is indeed relevant to a world full of hatred, 'injustice and fear;
Religious Approve Individual Rights ELBERON (NC)-The Sisters of St. Joseph of Newark, by an almost three-to-one vote, today are on I ecord as recognizing the right of the individual nun to join in social action or social protest. A community spokesman explained that an individual nun now m:lY engage in such activities without prior permission of superiors. The spokesman emphasize::J that the vote is not an endorsement in advance, of the means ot protest or the espoused cause. The individual will be responsible for her own actions. The resolution the rights of individual community members is related to a decree on race and poverty which was approved by the first chapter session here in New Jersey.
Stability Vitai F@11" Prie$t$
Omaha Studies Pastoral Needs OMAHA (NC)-A target date of Jan. 15, 1970, has been set for completion of the Omaha Archdiocesan Study. The study will focus on the pastoral needs of the archdiocese and the resources available to meet them. Father John Flynn, archdiocesan director of education and study director, said the study has three purposes: Identifying archdiocesan priorities and resources in such fields as education at all levels, administration, worship, communications, ecumenism, charities, social action and mission work. Drawing up a detailed plan of religious education for all age levels. Preserving quality Catholic education through such means as sharing personnel, consolidation, reorganization and improved financing. A central planning committee has been named for the study. Its 32 members represent various interest groups in the archdiocese. Area and parish planning committees will-also be formed and will meet in the Fall.
Compares Crash To Bombings
that it is the historical source of the very virtues that are held most dear by the young; that if it sho.uld appear irrelevant, it is only because Christian norms are exactly the norms taken over by the, state in its educational, welfare and civil rights programs . . . . That 'instant paradise' must always remain an i1\usion; that outrage may be the necessary origin of reform but never a permanent state; that reasonable men demand answers, not obscenity, violence, or rhetoric in reply to the question, 'What must be done?" The cardinal concluded: "There are two great elements in any society-its permanence and its progression. The just society tries to keep the two in balance. At different times, depending on circumstances, it will emphasize one or the other."
WORCESTER (NC)-Stability may b~ the most important qual· ity of Christ for priests to imitate "in our moment of history," John Cardinal Wright said here. Cardinal Wright made the comment in a homily delivered during a concelebrated Mass in St. Paul's Cathedral here, his last public appearance before leaving for Rome to take up his post as prefect of the Congregation of the Clergy. Cardinal Wright, formerly bishop of Pittsburgh and first bishop of Worcester from 1950 to 1959, said a Jewish survivor of a nazi concentration camp recalled later that priests stood up best under imprisonment there. "Why?" he asked. "They' had never studied counseling. They were ''lOt psychiatrists. All they knew was the Epistle (from the Mass of Jesus Christ the High Priest) and the Gospels and the Scriptures and the concept of the priesthood contained there. "But when all others went mad, they stayed sane. There was no question of roles in their minds. It didn't cross their minds lo quit because they knew exactly who they were and they knew exactly why they were there and they made themselves useful to 'men and pleasing to God."
. ~'
MORNING MASS: An open air Mass is offered by a missionary priest in early morning to beat the heat of th~ day in the humble mission station in Portuguese-governed Angola in West Africa. NC Photo.
Quit Hospital Bon Secours Sisters Cite Difference In Phi'losophy BALTIMORE (NC)-A lingering "difference in philosophy" was given as the reason for seven Bon Secours Sisters' termination of work at Good Samaritan Hospital. Differences between - them and the administration were not specified, but termed as an "unworkable" situation by Mother St. Urban, provincial. . The three-way hospital "experiment," of eight months, which involved the Baltimore archdiocese, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions,' and the Bon Secours Sisters jointly running the hospital for those with chronic illnesses ended officially with a joint statement. It said: "Representatives of Good Samaritan Hospital and the Sisters of Bon Secours have announced that by mutual agreement the Sisters of Bon Secours have withdrawn and have been released from the terms of an affiliation agreement between those institutions and the Johns Hopkins medical institutions. "Because of a difference in philosophy, the terms of the affiliation agreement were found ' to be unworkable. The seven Bon Sccours who have served
at the Good Samaritan Hospital have withdrawn effective June 20, 1909." Nuns Reassigned Last month, Dr. Thomas Harvey, the hospital's chief executive, had verified rumors that Sister Mary Ruth would resign as director of nursing. At that time the Sisters would make no official statement. Howlwer, after publication of the joint statement that the Sisters had stopped working in the hospital June 20, Mother St. Urban said they had also left the hospital convent June 24. Besides Sister Mary Ruth, others wllo left are four Sisters in nursing services, one medical technologist and one in physical therapy. "All the Sisters have been reassigned to other Bon Secours institutions of their own choosing," said Mother St. Urban, who said she was disappointed in the outcome of the Good Samaritan arrangement.
MIAMI (NC)-The devastating scene which followed the recent crash of a DC 4 cargo plane in a Miami busines district was likened to the aftermath of wartime bombings by the first of three priests to arrive at the site. The accident killed 10 persons and injured 11 others. Father Francis Fenech, pastor of Corpus Christi Church, who rushed to the area minutes after the crash of the ill-fated plane, said the scene was reminiscent of his native Malta where he ministered to the dead and injured during the World War II bombings. Amid the screams of sirens from rescue units and ambulances, fires on both sides of the street, and the shouting police, firemf.:11 and medical teams, Father Fenech and two other Miami priests, Father Emilio Martin and Clemente Seoane, recited the prayers for the dying and administered last rights to victims. Included were the three-man crew and one passenger aboard the Dominican Air Lines plane which was bound for Santo Domingo when it plunged to earth minutes after taking off from Miami International Airport. "When planes crash, you expect t.o see charred bodies but one can never become accustomed to the heartbreak of this type of tragedy," Father Fenech said. He added that some of the bodies removed from ruined blllldings and automobiles were not: immediately identifiable.
New Plan Equalizes Pay for Clergy PARIS (NC)-Beginning Oct. 1 all priests in the Parish archdiocese will receive the same monthly pay of 350 francs ($70), plus cost of living allowances depending on the nature of their work. The new pay regulations, also adopted in the suburban dioceses of Creteil, St. Denis and Nanterre, are designed to reduce inequalities between the standard of living of priests in well to do parishes and those in poor parishes. '
famous for QUALITY and SERVICE I
Government Rejects Foreign Teachers CALCUTTA (NC)-West Bengal's cammunist-led United Front government has refused permission for missionary-sponsored educational institutions in the, state to appoint volunteers from abroad as teachers. Clearance was sought by the institutions for 17 volunteers from Britain who offered to serve them for specified pe~iods. foillll 1111111111111III111111III III III III III III111111III III III11111111111111111111III III II III III111111111111III III III111111II II11111III III III ffi
Miss,ionaries Discuss Current Tensions in .Brazil
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 3, 1969
Cites Favorable Reaction To Popens Geneva Visit By Msgr. George G. Higgins Division of Urban life,U.s.C.C.
I had the good fortune to be in Geneva,' Switzerland, on June 10 when Pope Paul VI paid his historic visit to the International Labor Organization and to the World Council of Churches. When I discovered, upon my return to Washington, that the de-' tails of the Holy Father's out of touch with what is going the ILO. fantastically busy day in the on Bein that as it may, I would be city of Calvin had been so willing to give almost unlimited widely covered in thir; country by all the media, I didn't see any point in commenting on the Pope's trip in t his column two wee k s after the event. I simply took it for granted t hat anyone who had read a newspaper or listened to a radio or turned on his television set that day, or on the following morning, was aware of the fact that the· trip had gone off remarkably well from almost every point of view. It wasn't until I caught up with Patrick Riley's post-mortem NC report on certain anonymous Roman reactions to the'trip that I changed my mind and decided that it might serve a useful purpose, after' all, to jot down some of my own first-hand impressions of the Holy Father's visit to a city which has come' to be known over the centuries as the Protestant Rome. Anonymous Sources I must say that I found' Mr. Riley'c; report, rather disturbing, but, before saying why, let me hasten to add that my criticism of the report is not to be interpreted as a personal criticism of Mr. Riley. On the contrary, I have the highe3t possible regard for Riley'S professional competence, and I am proud to be able to add that he has been a cl6'se personal friend of mine for many years. I have no quarrel with Mr. Riley, then, or with his report as such, After all, a report is a report and not a personal essay. I am only concerned with the opinions expressed by Riley's anonymous Ro~an sources. Mr. Riley's NCS dispatch of June 13 reports, in summary, that Vatican circles are increasingly doubtful about the_ value' of the Pope's visit to the World Council of Churches and, to my surprise-I almost said to my astonishment" that' th'ey are not very excited' even about his visit to the International Labor Organization. With regard to the latter point, Mr. Riley's cabled dispatch says that "few, if any Vatican. officials contest the value, .01' at least, the harmlessness of his visit to the International Labor Organization, the announced goal of his trip to Geneva." .
odds that Mr. Riley's an~nymou~ iN NEW POST: James McVatican sources were not speak- Divitt, the first astronaut to fly ing for and were not represent- the Apollo lunar module in ing the views of the Holy Father space, has been nC!med manhimself or the members of his ager of lunar landing operaofficial party. , tions at NASA's Houston Space Immediately after ,the' pope's Center. This removes McDivitt, address to the 50th' annual Conference of the International who commanded the Apollo 9 Labor Organization, I had an flight last March, from space opportunity to compare notes fight crew status. NC Photo. with several members of his official entourage at a small and very intimate luncheon hosted by that, with perhaps one or two David Morse, director-general of exceptions, the leading Swiss the ILO. newspapers, including' those of I found them to be very enCalvinist inspiration, were very thusiastic about the Pope's visit, favoraoly impressed by the Holy to the ILO, imd I am ·certain that Father.'s "style" and were of the they would completely disagree opinion that his trip to Geneva with the half-hearted reaction of was highly successfuUrom every the anonymous Vatican officials point of view. who were interviewed by Mr. I must have in my files at least 15 editorials and columns from Riley. Enormously Helpful the Swiss press expressing such' For my own part, I couldn't ,a favorable reaction to the Holy disagree more with these un- Father's visit. . named Vatican officials. On the FinaUy Mr. Riley's anonymous day of t.he Pope's appearance at Vatican sources seem to be conthe ILO and during the next two cerned ab6ut the way the Pope days 3S well I had occasion to was received in Geneva by th~ talk to many of the top officials general public. , We are told that the sparseof the c'rganiza'tion'andto many, of the delegates to the ILO Con- ness of the crowds and the ferenc~-men of every religious .coolly correct atmosphere perand political persuasion. vading the thinly populated Again, I found them to be ex- streets have given rise to comtremely enthusiastic about the ment and questioning in Vatican Holy Father's address to the circles and have given new delegates and unanimously of urgency to the question: "Is tl1e opinion that the longrange there hny way for him to demoneffects of his appearance at the strate his personal care for the ILO would be enormously helpful . denizens of distant lands without to the work of 'the organization. exposing himself to indifference During the intervening weeks, or eve;) to rebuff-avoided only I have also received a number of narrowlv in Geneva. . .?" reports from ·Geneva indicating Peace Pilgrimage that favorable reactions to the Once again; I can only surPope's visit are still pouring into mise that the anonymous VaHILO headquarters from qualified' can officials who are tormenting themselves with this question observers around the world. WCC Delighted were in Rome on June 10 and So'much for the ILO part of not in Geneva. The reception the Holy Father's' trip to Geneva. given the Pope in Geneva was What about his visit to the head- really better than they think it quarters of the World .Council of was. Churches? As previously noted; But whatever of that, to 'exMr. Rilzy reports ·that his anony- pect that the Pope' will always be mous Vatican sources are in- welcomed. with a snow of oldcreasingly doubtful about the' style Latin (or Irish American) triumphalism Whenever he takes vafue of this part of his trip. Again, I completely disagree' to the road is rathet naive, in' with them" but, not being pro- my opinion. fessionally' involved' in the' ecuThe Pope can perform his mis-, menical movement, .I wouldn't sion very effectively' without argue the point, 'except to' ·note benefit of huge masses of people, that, in my opinion, they are put- cheering him along ,the way. ting too much stock in. news- After <ill, he is not a conquering paper rumors about the afleged. . hero or a politician running for unhappiness of' WCC officials office;')r celebrating his election and of the, Calvinist segment of to office. He is a pilgrim and the Swiss press to the Holy . has repeatedly indicated that he Father's speech at WCC head- wants to be known as such. quarters. By definition: pilgrims must be , Newspapers. Impressed . ready to expose themselves to Going on information .which I "indifference or even to ,rebuff" Disagree With Officials was able to pick up in a seri~s if that's what the situation seems This is a class'ic case of· damn- of ,conversations with Catholic to call for at any particular time ing an historic event with the and Protestant observers in or place. faintest possible kind of praise. Geneva,1 have the impression I really don't think it calls for In my ()pinion, such a lukewarm, that our friends 'in the World anything of the kind in the case half-hearted reaction to the Holy Council of Churches were, on the of POPe Paul VI, but, even if I Father's visit to the ILO could whole, delighted with the Pope's ,thought it did, I would want him only have come from men who address and regarded his ,visit to him to keep on traveling as long were .1ccupied with other mat- their headquarters as a truly his- as he is persuaded that by doing ters in Rome on June 10 and torie :lIld enormou~ly, significant so he can advance the cause of , were not in, Geneva that day- event. . peace and human brotherhood Moreover, I know: for a fact· throughout the world. , and, I might also suggest, are. IUtlllllll"I"11111111111111111111l11IUI"I"II"111l11111II1III1Itl1llllllt1IIII1lUllltlllllll'lm""""m
CHICAGO (NC)-It's easy for a Catholic priest to be branded a "subversive" or a communist in Recife, third largest city and biggest poverty pocket in Brazil, say two Oblate of Mary Immaculate missionary priests. One. had been expelled from Brazil on subversive charges, the other is temporarily here to study. One said it works like this: "You preach to your people: 'God gave the world to all men, not to a few people'," said Father Darrell Rupiper, O.M.I. He was given 30 hours to leave Recife on Christmas day, 1968. He said he 'has received 300 letters asking l1is return to Christ the Redeemer parish, where he was pastor for 35,000 Brazilians. But until the military dictatorship of President Arturo da Costa e Silva has a change of heart, Father Rupiper will, be a Newman club chaplain at the University of Illinois. . Illustrating current tensions, . Father Boniface Whittenbrink, O.M.I., recalled a funeral he attended shortly before arriving here for two years of sociology studies. "It was for Father Henrique Pereira Neto, the first Catholic priest to be killed in Brazil., He was a jovial man, student chaplain for the whole city, which has two colleges, one Catho·lic." Father Neto, 28, was found hanging, from a tree on the campus of the university 'of Recife May 26. His body showed signs of torture. "The government said they'd arrest anyone who showed up to make the eight-mile non-violent funeral march to the gravesite," said Father Whittenbrink. Yet the wooden' coffin' "was carried 'past m'ore' tHan 7,000' mourners waiting for it. No one was arrested. $70 a Month • Both priests look with respect to Archbishop Helder Camara of Olinda and Recife, an outspoken leader for social reform who has drawn the wrath of the
Names Vatican City Commission Head
government, some Cat h a I i c clergy and many conservative Protestant clergy in the country. "He's 60 and not afraid," said Father Whittenbrink. "Before I left, he said his name was first on the list of 32 persons in Recife who've reportedly been ,condemned to death by a guerrilla group called the Communist Hunt command." Terrorist activities have been going on the last two years against the lives of well-known progressive leaders throughout the country, the priests said, And they added some say the death of the Brazilian priest proves a shift from political to religious terrorism. . Father Whittenbrink said 70 per cent of all Brazilian families don't make $30 a month. Gov-' ernment statistics show that $70 a month is minimum for food purchases. Father Rupiper said he doesn't pretend to understand the intricacies of politics or economics. "But I do know that the Brazilian people are suffering."
.:Criticizes Meddling Laymen, Religious MADRID (NC)-A top member of the cabinet of Gen. Francisco Franco has stressed the need for "sound cooperation" between Church and state and at the same time criticized Catholic laymen and Religious who "interfere" in temporal affairs. Minister of Justice Antonio Maria Oriol y Urquijo did not elaborate on a recent document sent by the governmeT\t to the Spa~ish, Bishops; .:Confere!1ce that :~epor~dIYI' d i,~ c.:U,s s·e dl, changes to the 1953 conco.rdat' betwen the Holy See and Spain. His department also handles church-state relations. The official said that the political community and the Church each has "its own sphere, mutually independent." Therefore, he added, "it is not proper for the members of sacred orders, and for laymen acting in the name of the Church, to engage in action regarding temporal affairs."
VATICAN CITY (NC).- Pope Paul has named a seasoned VatiHard to Overcome . can administrator pro-president Poverty often deprives a man of the Pontifical Commission for and virtue, it is hard of all spirit Vatican City State, and filled out commission, membership for an empty bag to stand up-Franklin with five cardinals, including. right. John Cardinal Wright, former bishop of Pittsburgh." . \ Sergio Cardinal Guerri, as propresident, will take the burden of administration, 'from Amleto Est. 1897 Cardin.al Cicognani, president, who at 86 retired this Sprin'g Bui/ders Supplies as Papal Secretary of State. Car·2343 Purchase Street dinal Guerri, before being created cardinal in the 'most recent conMew Bedford sistory, had been an interim s'ec: 996·5661 retary of the commission.
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New Saint!' Founded Congregation Though Bedridden 22 Years VATICAN CITY (NC) - A woman who founded a congregation of teaching Sisters, although she herself was bedridden, has been canonized. Julie Billiarti the foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, was canonized in ceremonies that were substantially , shortened. The Holy See announced that the ceremonies had been "reviewed and simplified according to the criteria governing the entire liturgical reform." ' One of the most notable changes was that Pope Paul VI walked in procession into St. Peter's Basilica instead of being carried on a chair. He wasaccompanied by about 50 persons. It had been customary for members of a new saint's Religious order to display a tapestry depicting the saint, but this was deleted in the new regulations. Also missing were the tapestries that traditionally depict miracles attributed to the new saint, and the red silk draperies that usually hang from the ceiling of the basilica. St. Julie's congregation devotes itself to the religious education of the young. A Belgian cardinal who lived during her time once described the founding of her Order as "the breath of the apostolic spirit upon the heart of a woman who knew how to believe and how to love." St. Julie was the daughter of peasant farmers who also ran a little shop at Cuvilly, France, where she was born July 12, 1751. She received her basic education from her uncle, the village schoolmaster. Beatified in 1906 She contracted a mysterious i1ness which gradually deprived her of tile use of her limbs.
Seeks to Alleviate Blood Shortages PROVIDENCE (NC) The Providence diocese has begun a state-wide blood donor program to alleviate blood shortages in the two Rhode Island Catholic hospitals. The program involves a week campaign conducted by either a large parish or combination of smaller parishes. Its goal .is to obtain 50 pints per week, which is the amount needed at St. Joseph's and Our Lady of Fatima hospitals in Providence. John H. Albanese, diocesan blood bank chairman, said more than half the 157 pastors in the diocese have appointed parish chairmen to direct campaigns in conjunction with the program. The program was started when 30 parishioners of St. Philip's church, Smithfield; contributed in the first of what is now an ongoing series of drives.
Serra International Elects Officers HOUSTON (NC)-New officers of Serra International elected for 1969-70 include the following: President-Paul Noelke, an attorney from Milwaukee, Wis.; Vice-President for quality control-Dr. Charles J. Weigel, M.D., of River Forest, Ill.; Vice President for extension - Peter F. Pugliese, an attorney from Wayne. Pa. Vice President for ProgramFrank C. Byrd, an attorney from Memphis, Tenn.; SecretaryFrancis C. Doyle, a banker from New Orleans, La.; TreasurerVincent V. DeMarco, a builderdeveloper from Toronto, Ontario, Can.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 3, 1969
Pope Supports Cardinal
From her bed she would often teach catechism to children, although .she was unable to walk for 22 years. During the French Revolution she aided fugitive priests. Her activities so incensed the ruling revolutionaries that they threatened to burn her alive. Smuggled out of her house and hidden in a hay cart, she was taken to Compeigne. A hunt continued for several months, and she had to be moved from house to hous.e to avoid being captured. After taking refuge in Amiens, she met Francoise Blin de Bourdon, later Mother St. Joseph, who was to become her close friend and associate in all her work. St. Julie founded the Sisters of Notre Dame at Amiens in 1803. The motherhouse was transferred to Namur, Belgium, in 1809. St. Julie died April 8, 1816, while she was praying. She was beatified by Pope Pius X on May 13, 1906.
Continued from Page One nounced they would not accept the cardinal's "conditions" for an end to the dispute. The separate news conferences followed a meeting held the previous evening at the ini.tiative of Cardinal O'Boyle. At that meeting the cardinal ,read the Pope's letter and proposed once again to the priests that they accept the Church's teaching. At his news conference, Cardinal O'Boyle said that while in Rome this Spring he had sought an audience with the Pope to seek his "advice and guidance" on the dispute in Washington. He said the letter was Pope Paul's response to that request. "We have had occasion to appreciate and admire your selfdedication and devotion in defending the truth of Christ taught and proclaimed by the Church," Pope Paul wrote the cardinal. "Of this fidelity we have had particular proof on the occasion of the publication of the encyclical which we deemed it our grave duty' to address to the Church and to mankind, in defense of the supreme values of life and conjugal life. Acceptance "Not only did you give immediate acceptance to the teaching of the magisterium, but you also strove, with exemplary ap-
Di rector Scores TodayD s Movies SAN ANTONIO (NC) - John Ford, one of moviedom's all time great directors, said here he would consider it "a mortal sin to direct the dirty movies of today." Ford, who won four "Oscars" in a career in the movies dating hllck some 40 years, came here for" the HemisFilm_ Festival at St. Mary's University, at which he was honored. "Today's movies are inferior to those of two decades ago and so are the current' box office stars," Ford told newsmen. He ~alled the current output of sex, violence and off-color movies a "disgrace." Ford added: "They really aren't making any money. The people in the Midwest won't go to see them." Ford was asked how the current stars compared with those of the pllSt. He replied: "I should say no comment, but they don't compare." John Ford won his first best director "Oscar" in 1935 with "The Informer." He repeated in 1940 with "Grapes of Wrath," 1941 with "How Green Was My Valley," and in 1952 with "The Quiet Man." A number of Ford's pictures are regarded as classic western films, notably "Stagecoach~' produced in 1939.
Exposes Weakness Of Social Action .
ENTERS CAMP: A wounded South Vietnamese soldier enters a. Special Forces camp during the recent heavy fighting at Ben Het.. South' Vietnamese paratroopers pushed out from the besieged Green Beret camp trying to break the North Vietnamese encirclement. NC Photo
Says Sin of Age Is' Unconcern NEW DELHI (NC)-The greatest sin of the age is not poverty, but "unconcern," Archbishop Angelo Fernandes of Delhi said here in a talk marking the centenary of the birth of the late Mahatma Gandhi, father of the Indian nation. People everywhere, said the prelate, need more roads and more wells and more pumps and more fertilizers. But more than that people all need the spirit of concern to share with others and make a chain reaction of such concern grow all over the country and the world. The archbishop said in the talk, broadcast over the All-India Radio network: "We must talk about it, write about it, publicize what is being done about it, create public opinion in favor of stepping up the pace and quality and extent of a full, integrated harmonious developnwnt for each man and all . men in the country."
CLEVELAND (NC)-The first comprehensive study of social action work among the poor and racial groups in the Cleveland diocese has resulted in these major findings: The number of people involved in social action groups is "quite small," with some 895 "hard core" members listed in 41 reporting agencies. Bish'ops to Prepare Relatively little money is being raised, directly for social action For World Synod purposes. ROME (NC)-The bishops of Few parishes have adequate Italy will meet Sept. 2 and 3 organization machinery to meet to prepare for the following anti-poverty and intergroup re- month's world Synod of Bishops. This was decided at a meeting lation problems. Parishes generally do not have leadership' of the Italian Bishops' Confertraining programs in these areas. ence's council of the presidency Few minority group or poverty in Rome. The extraordinary Synod of students are enrolled in Catholic Bishops, which opens Oct. II, schools. will discuss relations between the Holy See and the national Last Refuge and regional bishops' conferAmbition is the last refuge ences, and. relations among the episcopal conferences. of the f!lilure.-Wilde.
Forum Honors Bishop, Editor ST. PAUL (NC)-A bishop and a Catholic journalist were among five persons.honored here at the fifth annual National Wanderer Forum for distinguished service to the Church. Bishop William L. Adrian of Nashville, Tenn., was honored for his "truly exemplary zeal , and courage in guiding and fortifying the religious faith of the thousands of readers who eagerly await your weekly column in the Wanderer (weekly newspaper)." ~'Your tireless devotion continuing far beyond the burden of years and the call of duty has earned for you the well-deserved gratitude of countless faithfUl Catholics," the award citation said. Bishop Adrian, who recently suffered a stroke, was not· present to accept the award. It was accept~d by Father Robert Burns of Boston who reported that the bishop is doing well and is offering Mass each day for nuns in a Nashville hospital. Paul Hallett, an associate editor for the Register system of newspapers in Denver, was honored for "consistency and steadfastness of purpose in your long and distinguished career as a Catholic journalist." ,
ostolic and pastoral concern, that all the priests and laity should give the same acceptance," Pope Paul wrote. "We know the instructions you have issued for the purpose, and the wise directives you have given the clergy. We are familiar with the firm, but pastoral approaches you have made to those priests who have found it difficult to give assent to the teachings of Humanae Vitae." "We wish to testify to all this," Pope Paul told Cardinal O'Boyle, "for your comfort and for the encouragement of all who, with you and like you, grieve at a situation that is a cause of disturbance for the conscience of good Catholics." The Pope asked Cardinal 0'Boyle to convey to his "direct and faithful collaborators, as well as to the priests who give cause for some anxiety, our fatherly greeting and the assurance of our constant prayer and our sincere affection." Responsibility "To the latter in particular," said Pope Paul," we wish to send, through you, cordial, sincere word of exhortation to reconsider their position, to reflect on their responsibilities, and generously to provide their collaboration in order to reach at last, and speedily, the solution that all so ardently desire." "We trust that these words of ours will not be in vain, and that the priests in question, animated, as we like to think, by a sincere desire of absolute fidelity to Christian truth, will seek a meeting with their own bishop to re-establish full communion of sentiment and of aims with him, in the supreme interest of the Church and of souls." Cardinal O'Boyle told newsmen that his meeting with the dissidents had been "friendly," and that he had hopes of a settlement. He said the priests could have as much time as they need to think the matter over. Asked why he was optimistic of a settlement in light of the priests' apparent rejection, Cardinal O'Boyle replied: "There was free and open discussion, back and forth, for two hours and I thought that was good." Pope Paul's letter to Cardinal O'Boyle was dated May 15 and bears the Pope's own signature. It was not received until about 10 days later.
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,- - - • - , •
... 14
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., July 3,
RockefeUer's Veto Jeopardizes f . . 1" 'Higher Educ/Cltion Program Aid
Christian Challenge Lies In Aiding Family Life
WASHINGTON' (NC) - Gov. Rockefeller's veto of, a New York Assembly-prepared measure to clarify the provisions of the 1968 Bundy college aid bill has placed the whole program of grants to non public higher education in jeopardy. The measure would have specified precisely how grants made under the state's $20 million program of aid to private institutions of higher learning could be used. The governor's veto means, among other things, the potentially troublesome question of whether the grants can be used for "religious'~ purposes remains unresolved.
By Barbara Ward
Few of those concerned with the fantastic growth of population in recent years have really grasped the full extent of the crisis. It is not simply that the world's population may shortly be growing by a billion every. decade. The deeper danger is that three quarters of that billion out of wedlock and with a .life expect?tion of five years, is very will be born in the stagnation far from the ideal of Christian of unreformed country-sides marriage which the Church upor in the workless, shelterless miseries of vast urban sprawls. T his b a c kg r 0 u n d has been very largely dIsregarded by the supporters of birth control in the devel. oped I and s. They have concentrated so strongly on family planning that they .. barely asked under w at conditions families can live in such a way that "responsible" decisions about family size' can in fact be taken. Nor have they made it clear that even the most successful progr<lms of birth control can do no more than slow down future growth. The next two billion' "earthlings" are, as it were, already locked in to the numbers and fertility of present-day mothers. And at least two-thirds of those billions will live below the poverty line. Money Needed In ether words, every argument for population control put forward by its supporters should, to be convincing, be accompanied by' as 'strong a plea for a vast increase.,in economic assistance to give families the decencies and hepes which make "responsible parenthood" a geQuine possibility. Otherwise, as we have already noticed, advocacy of family planning can look suspiciously like the advocacy of fewer poor (and usually colored) children, with no care for how they live now and only the desire to see that in the future there are not enough of them to be troublesome. But the critics of family planning have shown just the same myopia. Those political leaders who want large populations for prestige' reasons-they are to be found all over Latin Americadisplay little realization of the fact that millions of adolescents crowding into great cities, without education or work blow up the state long before they strengthen it. Even when we leave behind these essentially trivial and degrading arguments of power and' come to the deep concern expressed in Humanae Vitae for the quality of human relations and the preservation of family life, the problem has to be faced that to produce a child every year in the favellas, all too often
Accuse Government Of Persecution
PARIS (NC) - The French Young Christian Workers (YCW) have a.::cused the Brazilian government of persecuting the Brazilian YCW. In a petition it invited its member;;; to sign and send to the Brazilian ambassador in France, the French CYW said repression "rages ferociously" against the Brazilian YCW.
holds. Yet this rootless, feckless procreation is all too. likely to be typical of population growth over the next bitter decades unless a vast effort of investment and development is made to reform agriculture and humanize the cities. Facts of Life HUincmae Vitae does not, of co~rse, condemn responsible parenthood. It simply limits parental choice to the rhythm method. But one may ask how such methods can be learned and applied 61 teeming slums with no calendars or thermometers, indeed with almost no knowledge of biology, with no settled homes or jobs, with illegitimacy rising to more than 50 per cent of births and the terrible hemorrhage of abortions continuing year after year, as mothers by one means or another get rid of children they cannot hope to rear. These are the existential facts of liie below the margin of subsistence in the great cities of the developing world. These are the facts now. These will be the infinitely more terrible and pathetic facts 10, 20 years from now-unless a' real and vast effort of aid, development and reconstruction is made over the next decades. In other words, the pre-conditions necessary for responsible family life must be a profound Catholic concern, if' anything convincing is to be said on methods of family planning. It is for this reason that it should be possible for Christians and humanists of all persuasions and convictions to work together in the field of the preservation of the family. Vast efforts of money, and of trained work are needed if the rural economy is to be made productive enough to feed and hold at least part of its people while the cities are to be "civilized" in the true sense of giving homes and jobs and hope to all their inhabitants. Every stagnant countryside needs its ~eform of agrarian str.uctures, its .extension services, its marketing and credit unions, its regional centers for storage, marke~s and' processing units. Every favella needs its school, its church, its credit union and self-help housing scheme. Unending Field The ,f ield here for missionary activity is unending. The health centers require marriage c'ounsellors, child care experts, nurses and visiting doctors. There is no reason why,-as in Mauritius, the' Christian community 'as a whole cannot cooperate in setting them up to ensure a deep. respect for family life and instruction in acceptable methods of responsible family planning, Catholic parents following the dictates of their conscience without coercion. But the point is that, over vast areas, nothing of this kind exists. Nor will it, without a new effort of aid on an unprecedented scale. Here is the real field of effective cooperation, the direct challenge to the Christian conscience.
Keating Named To Commission WASHINGTON (NC) - Presic dent Nixon has named Charles H. Keating Jr., founder of Citi'zens for Decent Literature, to the U. S. Commission on Obscenity and Pornography. Keating, member of St. Vivian parish, Finneytown, Ohio, sUEceeds former U. S. Sen. Kenneth P. Keating of New York, who has been appointed ambassador to India. They are not related. . . Authorized by Congress in commission was 1967, the formed early last 'year by President Johnson to study the effect of obscenity and pornography on anti-so~ial behavior and to find a constitutional. means of controlling its distribution. It is to prepare a report by the end of next January. Among the 18 members of the commission are psychiatrists, judges, civic leaders and Clergy-' men, including Father Morton Hill, S.J., founder of a New York anti-obscenity campaign. An attorney and former swimming champion, Keating is legal counsel for Citizens for Decent Literature, whose major headquarters are in Cincimlati, Los Angeles and Philadelphia.
Reaffirms Support Of Projecf/' IEquali·ty CHICAGO (NC) - John Cardinal Wright, recently named prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy and former bish" op of Pittsburgh, has reaffirmed his support of Project Equality, nationwide interfaith program, sponsored by.the National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice with headquarters here. Project Equality places th,e purchasing power of religious organizations behind a drive for fair employment practices. The program insists that all firms doing business with participating religious jurisdictions maintain a strict policy of non-discrimination in hiring and purchasing . procedures.
Moreover, Rockefeller's reasoning in his veto message has left Catholic educators in New York puzzled and dismayed. The governor said that while he personally favors aid to church-related colleges, he doubts the present bill can survive court . tests of its constitutionality. He mentioned New York's Blaine Amendment which prohibits state aid to sectarian institutions. Catholic educators say the Rockefeller veto failed to take into consideration the· new possibilities opened up by the U.S. Supreme Court, and the New York State Court of Appeals in its most recent decisions on the use of public funds for use of the secular education of students in church-related schools. It also failed,' they claim, to take note of the avenues opened by the decision in the East Greenbush textbook loan law case that it was legal for public authorities to lend textbooks to all students without regard to
Schedule Reception For New Prelates LOS ANGELES (NC)-A reception for Coadjutor Archbishop Timothy Manning, and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph P. Dougherty of Los Angeles is scheduled for Aug. 2 in St. Vibiana's Cathedral here. They will be concelebrants of a Mass with .James Francis Cardinal McIntyre and Auxiliary Bishop John Ward. . The new prelates have been electetj to the archdiocesan board of consultors and assigned parish posts. Archbishop Manning will be pastor of St. Brandan's, a mid-town parish. Bishop Dougherty has been named to St. Alphonsus parish in East Los Angel0s, an area whose residents are predominantly of Mexican descent.
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their religious affiliation or. the kind of school in which they were studying. . Muddy Situation The vetoed bill was aimed at clarifying the somewhat muddy situation about aid to private colleges approved by the legislature last year. That law (based on a study by McGeorge Bundy of College needs in the state) cited the do-or-die necessity of directing public funds to non public as well as public colleges. With about 50 per cent of collegian s in the state .in nonpublic schools, the study pointed to the potentially chaotic possibilities of not aiding all the colleges. Since the bill provided for "unrestricted" grants, however, there was always the possibility that a non public college receiving the aid might run afoul of the First Amendment if it chose to use that aid for a religious purpose-to 'pay for the services of a campus chaplain, for example, or the maintenance of the chapel. With this in mind, an amendment to the bill was drafted and passed. This amendment would have specified that the grants under the college-aid bill "not be used for any impermissible' purpose." That's the legislature's way of saying don't use the money to support religion. Lack Guidelines However, with the Rockefeller veto, the situation is as it was before. The State Education Department, which must administer the grants under the 1968 law, is faced with the problem of handling this program without. sufficient guidelines from the legislature. ' Gov. Rockefeller's dragging in the issue of, the Blaine Amendment as he did in his veto message is the most puzzling of all. The law has nothing to do with Blaine. The Su- , preme Court and the New York State Court of Appeals decisions in the last Greenbush textbook loan case made it obvious that· secondary benefits to schools are incidental to the real purpose of aiding students. The amendment to the Bundy program would have done precisely that-made it obvious that the purpose was to aid students-and thereby avoid the consitutitional red herring that now exists, and which the education department rimst- handle as it administers the program. I
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Named !President
SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-Father Albert R. Jonsen, S.J., an assistant professor of theology and philosophy' at the UQiversity of San Franciscon here, has been named president of the university, effective July 1.
4% % on all Savings Accounts 5 and 5 ~ % Time Certificates Attleboro - New Bedford
THE ANCHORTh'!fs., July 3,
Church Replies To Militants In St. Louis
FClvors Programs To Aid Migrants
ST. LOUIS (NC) - The Catholic Church in St. Louis owns no slum property or corporate stocks and bonds, a Church spokesman said here in response to demands by Negro militants. But the spokesman, Richard J. Childress, dean of the St. Louis University law school and a member of the St. Louis archdiocesan commission on human rights, said the archdiocese "does have a substantial debt." Almost $1.5 million is spent by the Church annually on inner city schools, where "3D per cent of the students are not Catholics. This is something the Church is contributing," he said. The militants demanded that the Church reveal ownership of slum properties and remove its ' investments from certain local corporations which. they accused of discrimination. The militants, members of ACTION, also have demanded in church confrontations that the archdiocese turn over to ACTION 75 per cent of its revenues for black路operated community programs to help the poor. Whil~ the Church owns real estate, Childress pointed out, it is used for Church-related functions :;uch as schools, hospitals and rectories. He added that the archdiocese "owns no investment real es'ate." Childress emphasized that he was speaking for the archdiocese and not for Religious orders, but added: "I don't know of any they own." Father Edward J. O'Donnell, editor of the St. Louis Review, archdiocesan newspaper, and a member of the archdiocesan commission on human rights, said he will soon make public reports "on the extent of the Church's involvement in the community." Will Surprise Critics The reports, now being drafted by the commission, "will honestly try to tell people the extent of the Church's involvement in the inner city, and will surprise some critics with what the holdings of the Church actually are," Father O'Donnell said. John Cardinal Carberry of St. Louis replied to militants in a pastoral letter issued June 15 stating that the archdioces~ "cannot and will not condone planned interference or disruption of sacred acts of worship." He also gave specific guide路 lines to priests for handling church demonstrations, and ordered that pastors refuse to allow demonstrators to read their demands during Church servic~s.
The cardinal's statement followed .'} threat by some demonstrators that they would defile consecrated bread and wine as "symbolic protests" at future demonstrations. Since the cardinal issued his pastoral, demonstrators have been arrested at confrontations at St. Louis Cathedral and at Central Presbyterian Church. Action and the Black Liberation Front-another civil rights group -have said that demonstrations will continue despite the arrests.
Papal Audiences VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI received in private audiece Paul Emile Cardinal Leger, the former archbishop of Montreal who has been working in the missions in Cameroon since his resignation from the See of Montreal late in 1967.
15 1969
DAYTON (NC)-The time has come to de-emphasize paternal路 ism in the migrant worker apostolate a"nd to give active support to programs of collective bargaining and resettlement of migrant families. This is the view of Father Albert H. Ottenweller, leader in migrant assistance in the Toledo diocese, upon which h,e expanded at a meeting of the east-central region of the Conference of Major Religious Superiors of Women's Institutes here in Ohio. He asserted migrant families "want to get out of the hole of paternalism and don't know how." An apostolate centered around "programs of paternalism," Fr. Ottenweller added, may well "keep them down in that hole." "If we are really Christian, we must help bring them into a life of dignity and self-respect," he said. The paternalistic programs are the easiest, the priest said, but not necessarily the best.
FIVE FATHERS BLUETT: When Father Anthony Bluett, center, arrives in the Orlando diocese in August, it will be the first time that three brothers have served as priests in Florida parishes. The brothers, left to right, are Fathers Patrick Bluett of. Middlesbrough,' Yorkshire, England; John J. Bluett, vice-chancellor of the Orlando diocese; Anthony Bluett, ordained this year in Thurles, Ireland; Garrett Bluett, dean of students at St. Munchin's College, Limerick; and James Bluett, assistant pastor of the Cathedral in St. Augustine, Fla. The five brothers concelebrated Mass in the parish church of Effi n , Kilmallock, Limerick, where their parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Bluett, live. NC Photo.
NCEA Holds Public Relations Workshop
WASHINGTON (NC) - Some 65 Catholic school personnel from throughout the nation took part in workshop on school relations sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) at Georgetown University here. They participated in four days of training sessions devoted to the practical aspects of starting and conducting public relations programs emphasizing the positive aspects of Catholic education at a time when the paroPaul was very much a Jew, chial school system is underMsgr. Oesterreicher ~aid, and his going widespread re-evaluation message "is based in Judaism." and criticism. The program included a panel He noted that many Christians believe the God of Israel is a diseussion on "What the Newsharsh God in contrast to the papers Are Looking For" in Christian God of mercy. He said school news by Harry Bacas, this is traceable to discreditted city editor of the Washington Evening Star; William Ryan of theories. NC News Service, John Benedict Justice, Righteous of the Suburban Record newsExplaining, Msgr. Oesterreich- paper, and Father William F. er said that in the earliest trans- O'Donnell, editor of The Catholic lations, the biblical word "tse- Standard, Washington archdiodakah" was rendered as "jus- cesan paper. tice." Because the Romans were taken up with the idea of justice, the God of Israel was viewed as Now Consultor a harsh and demanding God be- . VATICAN CITY (NC)-Bishop cause He was just. Aaron Marton of Alba Julia, a However, Msgr. Oesterreicher prisoner of the Rumanian comsaid, "there is punitive justice munist regime for nearly 20 and saving justice, and tradition- years, has been named a consultally for the Jews, justice meant or of the Vatican Secretariat for salvation, the saving of a wrong- Non-Believers. doer by arbitration." So the God of Israel was seen as harsh because the word "justice" was viewed in the Roman father than the Jewish tradition, he said. A r>etter translation, he said, Over.35 Years would have rendered "tsedakah" as "righteous." of Satisfied Service "To the Jews," he said, rightReg. Master Plumber 7023 eous was what their God . . . JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. was . . . one who feeds the 806 NO. MAIN STREET hungry and clothes the nakedFall River 675路7497 a compassionate God."
Discuss Jewish-Christian Relationships See No Scriptural Basis for Anti-Semitism wanted converts circumcised, SOUTH ORANGE (NC) Scriptural references to the Jews said, "Beware the dogs, beware and uncritical scriptural inter- the evil doers; the champions of pretations were discussed in a . incision, circumcision I will not series of lectures being given call it." However, Msgr. Oesterreicher here as part of a program focusing on Christian-Jewish relation- said, Paul was- denouncing the practice rather than the men. ships. One of the basic themes being Paul himself was Jewish, Msgr. struck during a week-long Men- Oesterreicher said, and boasted orah Institute held at Seton Hall of it, saying his "claim was University under Christian and strong" and that he was withJewish auspices is that there is out fault as far as the Jewish no scriptural basis for holding law was concerned. the Jews in contempt. The institute' is being sponsored by Seton Hall's Institute of PaD Group Wants Say Judeao-Christian Studies and Bishop Choices the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation PITTSBURGH (NC)-A small League. group of Pittsburgh Catholics Delving into the New Testament treatment of the Jews, have asked that the laity, clergy Msgr. John M. Oesterreicher, in- and Religious be given a greater stitute director, denied that the voice in the selection of future New Testament is contemptuous Bishops for their diocese. The Ad Hoc Committee for the of them. Language which appears to be Selection of Future Bishops for contemptuous, he said, is merely the Catholic Diocese of Pittsthe "language of deeply com- burgh--a group of 18 members mitted men" writing in the of the laity-says it wants to strong idiom which was char- reach "the almost one million acteristic of the period. The Catholics within the diocese of authorc; of the New Testament, Pittsburgh" 'in their appeal for a he said, used strong language voice in choosing future bishops. The group emphasized it is not to express strong beliefs, and scholars who claim their writ- critical of the appointment of ings are contemptuous of the Bishop Vincent M. Leonard as Jews fail to take this into ac- the successor to John Cardinal Wright. They said: "We think count. the appointment is fine. PreviPaul's Message ously Cardinal Wright said that In one instance, where John if the' people had had a voice, quotes Christ as calling the they would have chosen the same leaders of the Jew thieves, man. We're in agreement with Msgr. Oesterreicher said, Christ that statement.'.' was in fact castigating not the They explained they want to men but their manner. But "to set up some mechanism by which our ears," he added. "this sounds the whole Christian community like invective, offensive to our can have a say in future selecimage of Christ as the Good tions of Bi1\hops, suggesting that Shepherd." another Auxiliary Bishop might Taking up the Pauline writings, be appointed to the Pittsburgh he noted that at one point in diocese in the near future and his letter to the Philippians, Paul the community could have a in criticizing Christian Jews who voice in that appointment.
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.... 16
Serra President Cites Devotion 'Of Members
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 3, 1969
Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11 :30 A.M., and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-8:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.
Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. BUZZARDS BAY
Masses: Sunday-6:30, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12 noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. \ Saturdays and Holydays-8:00 AM.
Masses: Sunday -
6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00, 12:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 8:00 AM. MELODY' TENT
Masses: Sunday-9:15, JO:15, 11:15 AM. YARMOUTH PORT
Masses: Sunday-9:00 and 10:00 AM. MATTAPOISlEn
Masses: SUJ1day-6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. Confessions-9:00-10:00 AM. and immediately following 7:00 P.M. Mass on Sat.
Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Daily 9:00 AM. '
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. WEST
Masses: Sunday-9:30, 11 :00 AM. CENTRAL VILLAGE
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:30-5:00 and 7:30-8:00 P.M. ·ST. JOHN THIE BAPTIST HALL Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00 AM. CHATHAM
HOLY REDEIEMER Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. SOUTH CHATHAM
Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. ' Daily-8:00 A.M. EAST IFALMOUTH
Sunday-7:00, 8':00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 noon, 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-.7:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. EAST ~REETOWN
Masses: Sunday-9:00, 11:00 A.M. Daily-5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Schedule from June 30-Sept. 1. 'Confessions before all Masses. EDGAR,TOWN
Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday- 4:00-5:00 'P.M. and after evening Mass: FALMOUTH
Masses: Sunday-7:00, ,8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15, and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. FALMOUTH HEIGHTS
ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11: 15 A.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
HOUSTON (NC)-"When Serrans listen to voices of debate and dissent about the priesthood, when Serrans
Masses: Sunday-9:30 and 10:30 A.M. Schedule-July 6-Sept. 1 NANTUCKET
Masses: Sunday-7:00, R:30, 10,00, 11:30 AM., and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-7:00, 8:00 AM. Benediction-Sunday: 7:30 P.M. SIASCONSET, ·MASS. COMMUNITY CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-8:15 AM. OAI{ BLU~~S
SACRED HEART AND, OUR LADY STAR 9F, THIE SIEA Masses: Sunday-6:30,' 8:00, 9:15" ,.10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M.: Daily-7:00 AM. ' OR.LIEANS
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Saturday Eve. and all Sunday Masses in St. Joan of Arc School N,ORTH EASTHAM
Masses: Sunday.-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30,111:30 AM. Saturday Eev.-7:00 P.M. OSTERVILLE
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-7:00, 8:00 AM. Confessions:. Saturday-3:30-4:30; 7:30-8:30 P.M. SANTUIT
ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00, 11 :00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 'i':30-8: 15 P.M. MASHPEE,
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 3:30-4:30 P.M. POCASSET
Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 P.M. and following 7:00 P.M. Mass PROVINCETOWN,
Masses: Sunday-7:00; 8:09, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00 AM., 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.·-7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.
HIEADS UNIVERSITY: President of the. University of San Francisco is Father Albert R. Jonsen, S.J., 38, succeeding Father Charles W. Dullea, S.J., who has held the office for the past 11 years. Father Jonsen has taught at USF since 1967, when he earned his Ph.D. at Yale. NC Photo.
tBl@~k NUtiHi
~®~©lfi)<d] M~®li'o D'n~ PITISBURGH (NC) - The schedule and discussion topics for the second annual National Black Sisters Conference, to be held in Dayton, Ohio, Aug. 6-16, , were announced here this week by Sister Martin de Porres Grey, president of the NBSC. The 10-day program will be in two parts -Phase One, "The Black Experience," and Phase Two, "Black and White Christian Confrontation on the Black Experience." Phase One, beginning the first day of the meeting, will include a welcome address by Sister Martin de Porres, who initiated the first meeting last Summer in Pittsburgh; business sessions; , seminars;, workshops; and small group confrontations. During the second phase, beginning Wednesday, Aug. 13, and open to white Sisters as well as the black conference participants, a panel will discuss "Driving Whites Out of the Ghetto Will Solve Nothing." An evening "Confrontation" will involve black and white Sisters in 20 small group discussions. Aug. 15 white participants will depart in the morning. For the remainder of the conference black participants will discuss "Where Do We Go From Here?"
Best Physician Hope awakens courage. He who can implant courage in the 'human soul is the best physician. -von Knebel
learn more about the priesthood, and when Serrans love the priesthood and communicate this love and respect, then the future holds no problem," Louis A Arru told over 800 persons attending the 27th convention of Serra International here. Arru is president of Serra International, an organization to promote vocations to the priesthood. He addressed the convention participants on "The State of Serra." Bishop John L. Morkovsky of the Galveston-Houston diocese welcomed the participants to the "Mother Diocese of Texas." He gave his a:5dress first in English an,d then in Spanish. Miguel Cardinal" Miranda y Gomez of Mexico City spoke to the group on the 28th Serra International convention scheduled to be held in Mexico next year. Frank R. Young, convention chairman, gave a "Texas" welcome at the morning session. Arru called the members of Serra International "dedicated, devoted and determined men. I know, for I met them throughout the world." "I've seen Serrans, young arid old, trying to do a professional job on behalf of youth, on behalf of the ministerial priesthood, on behalf of the Church. 14 New Clubs "I've seen the faith and devotion of hundreds of Serra chaplains, and ladies and gentlemen, if anyone has a small doubt about t!le priesthood, about its strength and its spirit of service, just look around you at your own chaplains-they're men of God of whom we can all be proud." The Serra president reported that there are 327 chartered Serra Clubs representing 13,000 men in 23 nations. Arru noted that ;;;ince the last year's convention, the .international board has granted charters to 14 new Serra Clubs, inclUding seven from Latin America. "This past year of Serra has been one directed toward professionalism-with 'men deeply interested in acquiring new knowledge in order to serve their organizat ion with greater enthusiasm, 'stronger energy, and increased efficiency," he continued. The Serran president read the encouraging words of Pope Paul VI who said: "Serra's work for pries~I:" vocations is the most important in the Church today.
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HiE ANCHORThurs., July 3,
Prelate Asks Cooperation in Surveys C~rdB[ija~
I mporh1Jfmt
WASHINGTON (NC) - John . their priests of a letter explainCardinal Krol of Philadelphia ing the nature and purpose of has requested all diocesan bish- the su:-vey. ops and major religious superiors The diocesan bishops a.nd maof priests to cooperate in brief- jor religious superiors were sent ing the entire U. S. Catholic an advance copy of the letter Clergy on the sociological and which the committee is having psychological surveys about to printed in Washington for disbe launched in connection with tribution through the offices of the current NCCB comprehen- the bishops and superiors. The two surveys will be carsive study of priestly life and ministry in the United States. ried out by the National Opinion Cardinal Krol made the re- Research Center (NORC) of the quest to the Ordinaries (all dio- University of Chicago and Loycesan bishops and major reli- ola University in Chicago. Give Prior ExpIanl:<tion gious superiors) in a letter sent in his capacity as Chairman of "At the Spring meeting of the the Bishops' Committee on Pas- NCCB held last year in St. Louis," sa'id Cardinal Krol in his toral Research and Practices. Cardinal KroI's committee is letter to the bishops and reliresponsible for the comprehen- gious superiors, "the general sive study which was authorized membership voted to include in by the National Conference of this overall study (of priestly life and ministry) a sociological and Catholic Bishops (NCCB): The letter asked that the bish- psychological survey. After careops and superiors take responsi- ful planning, both of the surveys bility tor the circulation among are about to be launched. Sev-
eral thousand diocesan and Religious rriests will be contacted during the course of the surveys and will be asked to cooperate. "The bishops and scholars participating in the general study are quite anxious that all the clergy be informed of these coming surveys and that they be given some prior explanation as to their natur~ and purpose," Cardinal Krol said. Accordingly, the cardinal continued, a special letter has been prepared. An advance copy of the letter was included in the Cardin'al's letter to each diocesan bishop and major superior. Cardinal Krol said copies of the letter are being printed and a sufficient number will be sent to the offices of all diocesan and Religious Ordinaries in the United States, "with the earnest request that they see to its circulati.on among those priests working under their direction."
Schedule for Summer Season SANDWICH·
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:30 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 and following Evening Mass and from 7:30-8:30 Eve. of First Friday and Holydays. SAGAMORE
ST. THERESA'S CHURCH Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 and following Evening Mass and from 7:30-8:30 Eve. of First Friday and Holydays.
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. WELLFLEET
OUR LADY OF LOURDES Masses: Sunday-7:00 8:00,9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30, 9:00 A.M. TRURO
SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:00 A.M. NORTH TRURO
Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30, lO:30, 11 :30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-:-6:30 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00, noon, 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:15 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M.. Saturdays only-8:00 A.M.
Masses: Sunday-9:30 A.M. WEST HARWICH
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, II :00, 12:00 noon and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. . Confessions: Saturday: 4:00-5:30, 7:30-9:00 P.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M.
Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11 :30 A.M. VINEYARD MAVEN ST. AUGUSTINIE Masses: Sunday-8:00, !>:15, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Devotions: Sunday Evening Rosary and Benediction at 7:00 P.M. CHILMARK
ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :30 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. Monday-7:30 P.M.: A Mass for Peace Confessions: Saturday 4:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:00 P.M. WEST WAREHAM
ST. ANTHONY . Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 A.M.
State in
Masses: Sunday-6:30, 7:30, 8:45, 10:00, 11:15 A.M. ,. 7:00 ?M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Schedule July 6 - Sept. 1. WESTPORT
ST. GEORGE Masses:' Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. and 12 noon. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M.
Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:30, II :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.·--6:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 A.M. Benedicti?n: Sllnday-7:30 P,M. NORTH FALMOUTH (Megansettl
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, II :00, 12 noon Saturdav Eve.-7:00 P. M. Daily-8:00 A.M. July - August
OV'~lf P~@n to AJd Privat® ~(hool$ BOSTON (NC) - Legislative machinery has started Dperating to provide the people of Massachusetts with :1 vote on whether state aid should be provided for private and parochial schools. As the operation got underway Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston cautioned that if the U. S. Supreme Court should rule in favor of taxation of church property, most of the parochial schools and some churches in the Boston archdiocese would be PRESIDENT: Father Paul M. forced to close. Boyle, c.P., has been elected Shortly before Summer adpresident of the U.S. Confer- journment, the Supreme Court ence of Major Superiors of Men agreed to rule on the constituat the 12th annual assembly tionality of exempting church of the organization of Religious property from taxes in a case superiors held recently at the raised by a New York lawyerUniversity of Santo Claro, Cali- landlord involving a small parcel fornia. Fr. Boyle is the provin- of land located on Staten Island. The Constitutional Convention, cial of the Passionist Fathers' a unit of the Massachusetts legisHoly Cross Province, with headlature, by a vote of 190 to 75, quarters in Chicago. NC Photo. approved a measure which would provide payment of the salaries of private and parochial school teachers in grades from 1 through 12. Publicity chairmen of parish orThe measure must be approved ganizations are asked to submit by the 1970 legislature, and then news items for this column to The would be put out before the Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River voters in the 1972 elections. 02722. Advocates of the state aid plan have warned that failure of ST. PIUS X, the private and parochial school SOUTH YARMOUTH system, already in a dangerous New officers of the Women's position in the state, would Guild are Mrs. Bernard Mulcah- "reak havoc" with municipal ey, president; Mrs. John Houst, budgets. vice-president; Mrs. Leslie Ryder State Rep. Joseph langone, and Mrs. Shirley Johnson, sec- one advocate, declared: "I deretaries; Mrs. Elliott Martin, plore the religious aspects of this treasurer. They will be installed controversy. It· isn't a problem in September ceremonies. of being Catholic or Protestant. The guild's annual bazaar will It's a problem of education." be held Wednesday, July .16 ACLU to Fight under sponsorship of the inOpponents of the measure cumbent officers. claim it would "open the door to the possible breakdown of separation of church and state." ST. HEDWIG, The Massachusetts unit of the NEW BEDFORD American Civil Liberties Union The annual parish summer already has given notice that if bazaar will be held at the church the aid is approved, it will instigrounds today, tomorrow and tute a i;ourt fight. Saturday. The menu on Friday Boston municipal officials alwill feature fish and chips and ready have shown concern over will be served from 4 to 8. Sat- the problem. In this city the urday and Sunday menus will value of church exempt property feature Polish and American has been estimated at $50 milfoods. lion. If the property were taxed Other attractions will include at the going rate, it would yield games for young and old, a about ~6.5 million annually in white elephant stand and many city revenue. booths. The public is invited. But if the parochial schools were dosed and the city were ~©c~~ll' Hill's C«:afrlh©~o«:: forced to absorb the 35,775 parochial !>tudents into the public school:;. officials estimate the S~~(!)@~ O!ril Saigo,ll'il city would need $41 million in SAIGON (NC)-For the fourth time in about two and. a half new ;·evenue. It has been said that Boston, years, the Christian Brothers' a number of other large like school here was hit by a Viet cities, slands to lose no matter Cong rocket. what Ll-.e Supreme Court decides In the latest hit, a classroom the tax exemption case. in in a one-story building was destroyed and a few windows were broken by flying debris. The UP,DATED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM students are now on vacation, TIMELY RELIGIOUS FORMATION and no one was injured.
Parish Parade
17 1969
BRoth€R OR PRI€st
Let us tell you how you can serve. Write for free literature at no obligation.
Prescriptions fo, Eye!'llosses Filled Office Hours 9:00·5:00 except Wed Fri. Eve. DY Appl. Saturday-9·3 197 BANK ST., COR. PU~CHASE SI. OPP. F. R. TRUST PARKING LOT 678·0412
Fr. Aidan, O.F.M., Cap. ST. LAWRENCE FRIARY 175 Milton St. • Milton, Mass. 02188
Address Brother
Age_ _
.... 18
THE ANCHORThurs., July 3,
Urge President To' Help Insure Relief F~sghts
Tax Query Continued from Page One tion tax support for established churches was discontinued but specific tax 'exemptions were promptly enacted by individual states, for example, Maryland in 1798, Virginia in 1800 and North Carolina in 1806.
NEW YORK (NC) - The three leaders of Joint Church Aid-USA sent Persident Nixon a telegram urging that "the United States government, all concerned nations, the United Nations and the Organization of Afric1jn Unity take the strongest possible action to obtain from both Nigerian afld Biafran leaders the necessary safeguards to insure completion" of nightly relief flights to secessionist Biafra. The telegram was sent to Mr. Nixon by Betram H. Gold of the American Jewish Committee, James MacCracken of Church World Service, and Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom of Catholic Relief Services, representatives of the three agencies comprising Joint Church Aid-USA. The religious leaders told the President they were "enheartened by news of plans to implement a new route for increasing relief _supplies by river and land for the suffering women and children in blockaded Biafra." They also noted that some three million civilians are still dependent upon the mercy air flights to sustain their lives:
Challenge During the early 1800's when' Congress imposed direc,t taxes, 'it specifically exempted from federal taxes the properties whicfl were exempt by the laws of the states. After the Civil War by law the Southern states were obliged to rewrite their constitutions and have them approved by Congress. In the Constitution of five states there was provision for the exemption of church properties. The first major challenge to church property exemptions was initiated by the so-cal1ed Liberal League in the 1870's. It reached the point that President Grant included the recommendation in a Stat2 of the Union Address in 1875, stating that church property should bear its own proportion of taxes. The plea fel1 on deaf ears in Congress, but there was some support for the idea at state levels. The exemptions, however, continued to survive various chal1enges. " Today 36 state constitutions contain either mandatory or perJ;Tlissive provisions for church exemption. In all other states there :lre statutes providing the exemption. Litigation There has been much litigation through the decades challenging this special exemption but most of it has focused on whether a particular property satisfied statutory requirements. Few have focused on the strictly constitutional question, whether directly under the First Amendment, or indirectly under the Fourteenth Amendment. And these few cases would probably be interpreted as an affirmation of the constitutionality of the church property exemptions. The Walz case again call,S the church' exemption into question. As is their custom, the Supreme Court justices gave no explanation for accepting the case. Attitude The history of the _United States demonstrates a' common accord on the question of property tax exemption for religious organizations. From the beginning a long-standing attitude that such an exemption is consistent not only with the thinking of the majority of the people but has had the endorsement of all state legislatures and on occasio~ from Congress. Neither the concensus of the majority nor the approbation of legislators, however, is a guarantee against a countermand by the U. S. Supreme Court. The famous New York prayer case left no doubt of that. This is why there will be much concern over how large in history might become a tiny speck of Staten Island.
Study Week'
.- .....
SAN ANTONIO (NC) - Cat~ chetical scholars and communications experts are participating in an international study week here in an effort to establish a dialogue between religion and mass media.
Nigerian Harassment With no stockpiles available, the message stated, and only one relief flight completed since June 15 because of Nigerian Air Force harassment, "there is imminent danger of a rapid escalation in the death of thousands of children by starvation." The burden of bringing in ~e lief supplies must still be carried by the two mercy airbridges "My Dear Brother In Christ: operated by the churches and "Thank you for your letter of the International Committee of June 20 and the ,reply which- the Red Cross. your church has made to the "Therefore, we urge in the Black Manifesto. name of humanity that the "I must keep your letter and United States government, all the copy of the Malden Evening concerned nations, the United News which contains your full Nations, and the Organization of page ad entitled 'Black Militant African Unity take the strongDemands.' est possible action to obtain from "Congratulations! Well done! both Nigerian and Biafran lead"Wit.h all good wishes to you ers the necessary safeguards to persona!ly, I am yours fraternally insure completion of "relief in Christ, Richard Cardinal Cush- flights at their former nightly ing." levels immediately," the telegram said. A Red Cross mission in Geneva, meanwhile, estimated that as many as 1.5 million Biafrans have died of hunger in the two NEW YORK (NC)-A group years of Nigeria's civil war. The of 60 Russian Orthodox in the population of Biafra is estimated Soviet city, of Gorky has petibetween 8 million and 14 miltioned the United Nations for -lion. assistance in obtaining permission from the Soviet government to open a new church in the city. A copy of the document, signed by 60 representatives of the estimated 120,000 "believers" in the Gorky area, was received by the office of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox CITIES SERVICE Church Outside of Russia here DISTRIBUTORS through, the Orthodox InformaGasoline tion Center in Meuden, France. The petition was addressed to Fuel' and Range UN 'Secretary General U Thant and was described as representing the culmination of long attempts by Orthodox in Gorky to OIL BURNERS get permission to open at least For Prompt Delivery one new church to augment the & Day & Night Service operation of the three churches now authorized to, function there. G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS Before the revolution, it was said here, Gorky (formerly Rural Bottled Gas Service Nizhni Novgorod) had more than 61 COHAN NET ST 40 churches for its 110,000 inhabitants. At' present, the city TAUNTON has a population of 1.2 million, Attleboro - No. Attleboro with the three existing churches TauntCln able to accommodate no more than 1,000. /'
FOR VOLUNTARY ACTIOI'\!: An affectionate hug is bestowed upon Miss Cecilia O'Neil in the White House Rose Garden. Miss O'Neil, president of the National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA), came from San Jose, Calif., to pledge the support of her organization ,to help achieve the objectives of President Nixon's National Program for Voluntary Action. NC Photo.
Express Opposition to Black Manifesto Cardinal Supports Congregationa,lists' Stand BOSTON (NC) - Opposition cropped up' along several fronts here against the militant Black Manifesto demand for $500 million from churches in reparation for past injustices to the blacks. The Rev. Dr. Ben Mohr Herbster, president of the United Church of Christ, told the general synod of the 2-million member denomination, he would have "no truck" with the philosophy behind the Black Manifesto. • The Rev. William P. Gray, minister of the First Church -in Malden, Congregational, and the deacons of h'is church, took a full page ad the Malden Evening News, disputjng the Manifesto and its demands. Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston, in a letter to Mr. Gray, support-;d the stand of the Congregational Church, declaring: "Congratulations! Well done!" The United Church of Christ synod was thrown into turmoil at its ol)ening session of the twoweek sessions when black churchmen demanded the denomination withdraw from a court injunction being sought in New York:tgainst the National Black Economic Development Conference, which 'issued the Black Manifesto. James Forman appeared as spokesman for the black group. After considerable heated discussion, punctuated by some namecalling, the synod voted to instruct its board of world ministries to withdraw frbm the suit, but still later in the proceedings, the iSSue was forced back to the floor. Threats Offensive At one point, Forman declared the Catholic Church was not "exempt" from the Manifesto reparations demands. And a bit later the Rev. Albert B. Cleage Jr., of Detroit, said: "They just have to be patient." At a later session, Dr. Herb-
. ; .:- + .... ,.
.,' ~-.,'.',
ster declared he would have "no truck" with. the philosophy behind the Black Manifesto. He said he was concerned for racial and social justice, but found" "threat of revolution," of "armed confrontation" and of "sustained guerrilla warfare inside this country" to be "offensive." Mr. Gray disclosed the support expressed by Cardinal Cushing at th.e UCC !iynod. 'Most Barbaric Country' Mr. Gray and his deacons, in the newspaper ad, said their church could not support "any group regardless of color, that declares the United States is the most barbaric country in the world" and cannot give financial aid to "a militant group that proclaims it is committed to a society where the total means of production are taken from the rich and placed in the hands of the state.'! Mr. Gray said he received a letter from Cardinal Cushing which said:
Prelate Addresses Buddhis1l' Meeting SAIGON (NC) - Archbi'shop Paul Nguyen van Binh of Saigon addressed the closing session of a meeting of Buddhists from 19 countries here and read them a message from Pope Paul VI. In his message the PQpe thanked the World Buddhist Convention and the World Buddhist Association for Social Service for inivting him to send a representative to participate in the meeting, but explained that their invitation had arrived too late at the Vatican to allow him to do s9. Pope Paul added that he had requested Archbishop Binh to attend the meeting and' personally extend his good wishes for its success.
Plea 'for Church In Soviet City
H. RILEY & SON, Inc.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 3, 1969
Repetition Mars 'Tales~'s Story of New York Times
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy One has to have not only strong eyes, but also wrists, to get through the two books up for consideration this week. The first, The Kingdom and the Power by Gay Talese (World, 2231 W. 11Oth, Cleveland, Ohio' 44102, $10), is 529 pages long. The second, A Long Row of Candles by C.L. Sulzberger (Macmil. lan, 866 Third Avenue, New It was not, of course, as the k NY 10022 $1250) senten-::e suggests, the parents Yor, .. , . , who were being put to bed, but is 1,027 pages long. Mr. Ta- their daughter.
lese, a former staff writer for Disentangled from the cat's The New York Times, gives us cradle form of the book, the some account Times' story in the eras of Adolph Ochs and his descendof the history and workings ants, begins with Ochs' purchase of that paper. of the then faltering paRer in 1896. Ochs paid $75,000 for it. Mr. $ulzberger, ,., It is now worth incalculable milfor many years chief foreign lions, has some 6,500 employes, corresponde n t and is at least one of the most for The Times' influential papers in the world. and now one Ochs died in 1935, to be succeeded as publisher by his sonof its columnREVIEWS PROGRESS: Archbishop Emmanuel K. Nsubuga of Kampala, Uganda, who will be in-law, Arthur Hays Sulzberger. ists, makes us privy to his On Sulzberger's retirement, be- host to Pope Paul VI during the Pontiff's visit in late July, inspects progress in building a new cause of ill health, in 1961, Orvil shrine to the 22 Martyrs of Uganda. The shrine, whose altar the Holy Father will consecrate, memoirs and Dryfoos, his son-in-law, took is being built on the site of the martyrdom. When completed, it will seat 2,000 people. diaries from 1934 to 1954. Mr. Talese begins by setting over. Dryfoos died in 1963, and the scene in the managing edi- his successor is the present pubtor's office as the four o'clock Iisher, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, daily conference is about to be son of Arthur Sulzberger and convened. He keeps coming Iphigene Ochs Sulzberger. back to this conference at interStruggle for Power vals. They are often very This family dominates the She pointed out that some fering for the migrant," she WASHINGTON (NC) Milengthy, and are filled with re- book, as it does The Times. But pleaded with the senators, "give construction of the paper's ca- more interesting than the dynas- grant workers described their growers use migrant housing fapowerlessness to improve the cilities for their cattle during the them an opportunity to up-rate reer and those of many persons tic detail is what Mr. Talese has themslves and give their children inhumane working and living Winter and "then when the famconnected with it. to tell us of the unending strugOn page 353, Mr. Talese refers gle for power among the top- conditions they are forced to ac- ilies come they have to get a hope-hope for a better tomorrow, hope for a bright future." cept, and warned Congress that hose and wash out the filth." -to attempted change in the most employes. if traditional processes are not these workMrs. Krueger said Juarez described the "rat and Times' style in 1965. "The emStill more interesting is the roach-infested pig pens" he and phasis was shifting," he says, "to picture which Mr. Talese gives plit to work to alleviate those ers "do not migrate just for sharper writing, faster reading, us of the putting together of the conditions, then "the poor will the fun of it. They migrate be- other migratory workers have saying more in less space, saving daily paper. He makes us feel find other ways to make their cause they have to, not by choice been forced to live in. He told needs'knownand to gain power." .or chance. It is a case of just how parents, holding a dying time for"readers:":"; .:" ..... , ". the' ilt'rriospnerc"of the newsroom Minnesota Sen. Walter F. Mon- 'have to' and it certainly seems child, have pleaded before docOne could wish that Mr. Ta- and the pressures which obtai~ lese had followed some such there. He gives only incidental dale's Senate Subcommittee on to me that growers shOUld be tors and nurses for help. "Many children and parents have died principle. Not only is much of treatment of the Sunday edition, Migratory'Labor invited workers forced to provide decent wages while searching for a sympahis book prolix, but it is marred which is read by far more people . to tell the lawmakers about their and housing to these unfortunate people who are classified as thetic doctor or hospital," he problems. by unconscionable repetition. than is the daily. said. Thus, the retirement of Arthur Mr. 1 alese's overblown book Rudolfo Juarez of Okeechobee, migrants because had it not been "And if they succeed," Juarez Krock seems to happen over and is informative. It offers numer- Fla., a former migrant worker for the migrants before the auover again, and Max Frankel's ous enlightening or amusing who was able to find better em- tomatic picker machines came pointed out, "then the more rescinded resignation occurs anecdotes, and a series of por- ployment, said "the bad working into existence, the economy of reason why children should conthree times over. traits, ~ome of them etched in conditions and low wages for our country would not have tinue to stay out of school to help pay that big bill." Mr. Talese betrays no great acid. Certainly, it is not, nor generations have maintained a been as great as it has been. Society must understand that Hope for Tomorrow a<;lmiration for Theodore Bern- . does it pretend to be, an exhaus- slave labor system which insures the migrant worker, "even stein, the man who has a sharp tive history of The Times. that the migrant farm worker's "After so many years of sufthough tired, uneducated, hunchildren will have to live the eye and pencil hovering over Useful for Historians gry, and sick," 'Juarez said, "has same way he did and will conTimes copy, reading to correct Cyrus L. Sulzberger, author of contributed and s<;lcrificed just poor usage and sloppy style. But A Long Row of Candles, is a tinue to be slav.es to agriculture Criticizes Bishops', as much as anyone else and more his book could, at least occa- nephew of Arthur Hays Sulz- and business." Alleged Inactivity than most to' this nation." sionally, profit by that kind of berger.. hence not in the line of The subcommittee, Mondale MUNICH (NC)-The Internascrutiny. descent from Adolph Ochs. He said., "is examining the degree Family Dominates "did not begin his newspaper to which, and the ways in which, tional Paulus Society has accused On page 322, for example, he career with The Times, but it migrant and seasonal farm work- the Spanish. bishops, of being writes, "One night before being was The Times which gave him. ers are deprived of political passive onlookers while their countrymen are "robbed of their put to bed in the Sulzberger his matchless opportunity. power, deprived of economic home on East Eighth Street, her In the span of 20 years cov- power, deprived of cultural iden- rights, beaten, and imprisoned." The society, which fosters parents had promised that their ered by the first volume of his tity .or pride, deprived of rights Christian - Marxist dialogues, dinner guest, Admiral Byrd, memoirs and diaries, he was al- and privileges that most Amerclaimed that the bishops in would later come up to say most always in spots where icans take for granted." _A// WYman Spain had created a "Church of good-night to her." major trouble was breaking or e,",t3-6592 silence. " Live as Cattle brewing, major decisions were "This Church," the society's being made. Discuss Diocesan The 'picture painted by the statement said, "looks on pasCHARLES F. VARGAS He saw most of the movers workers was not pretty. WorkCouncil Structure 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE and shakers at. close quarters. ers, declared Mrs. Ed Krueger of sively where men for years have been robbed of their rights, CASA GRANDE (NC) - Pre- He interviewed presidents, prime Pharr, Tex., "have lived as catNEW BEDFORD, MASS. beaten and imprisoned, in a land liminary discussions on the for- ministers, kings, popes, generals, tle, in unsanitary conditions. in which the Catholic Church, mation of a diocesan pastoral and WHS fairlv intimate with They travel as cattle and they according to the system of govcouncil in the Tucson diocese some, including Dwight Eisen- feel that some growers treat ernment, bears 0 b) i gat ion s hower. were held here in Arizona. then like animals." toward the state." He l<ept a journal which, he At the invitation of Bishop Housing for migrant workers, Francis J. Green, representatives says, was never intended for she said, is "horrible." Most of organizations in the diocese publication. But we can be grate- housing, Mrs. Krueger added, is CONRAD SEGUIN met to explore ways and means ful for its publication, because it "not fit for human beings." of establishing a council to ad- affords us a review, from a priviBODY COMPANY vise the bishops on administra- leged point of view, of determin~. Aluminum or Steel ative events and personalities, tion of the diocese. 944 County Street O'CONNELL Bishop Green explained that as decisive happenings and people NEW BEDFORD, MASS. parish councils were an out- who, in their wisdom and their ALUMINUM CO. 992-6618' growth of Vatican II, intended to folly, had much to do with the Aluminum Doors and Windows free pastors from sole respon- shaping of the world today. Awnings - Jalousies One doubts that many will sibility of temporal concerns of Overhead Garage Doors a parish, so a diocesan council read this massive book straight Bathroom Tiling a Specialty would share responsibility of through, but, if dipped I into, it 12 BAY ST., TAUNTON the bishop and his immediate ad- will bring one back again and Tel. (617) 824路8918 visors, for the welfare of the again. Historians are bound to EDWARD G. O'CONNELL, Prop. diocese as a whole. make 拢' eat use of it.
Powerless to Alter Inhumane Conditions Migrant Workers Describe Problems
",fllkk del/rll1 tI
Don't Clown Around Behind 路The Wheel! ,
ACCIDENTS ARE NO lAUGHING MA i'il'ER~ An automobile' is no place for you to be the life of the party or play the clown! Every time you get behind that wheel you take upon yourself the r~onsibility for your life as well as the lives of, others . . . that's why driving is a privilege, not a right. Don't ab.use your privilege by risking human lives through silliness or carelessness . . . remember, there's no fool like a dead fool!
gMi. . . . . .
Thus Message Sponsored by the FoDlo'Wong Individuals and Business
In The Dioces e of Fan Rover Cape, Cod and The Islands
New Bedford