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An -Anchor

0/ the Soul, Sure and Firm - ST. PAUL

Fall River, Mass.

Five Jail Inmates

Are Confirmed

BishOp Connolly has administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to five men confined, in the House of Correction at New Bedofrd. The ceremony marked the first time the Sacrament had been conferred in the in­ stitution.· '

In his talk, to the newly confil:med, Bishop Connqlly pointed out that Our Lord indicate His care for men in

Thursday, July 4, 1957

instituting the Sacrament. Re­ ception of Confirmation makes men Apostles, whose aim should Mail Priv~.g" Aulhorized PRICE. 10c be to do good for others as well Vol. 1, No. 13 Second Clan al rail River, Mass. . $4.00 per Yr. as fo~ themselves, he said. The Bishop pointed out that many people in the world are in trouble'and difficulty because they feel the world owes them a living. II). the face of injustice Inspired by Our Lord's assurance that "Whatsoever and crosses, they refuse to face you do for these, My little ones, you do unto Me," a group up to facts, they do not aim high of parents, teachers and therapists in the Attleboro area enough, and as a result their have formed an Association for Retarded'Children, affili­ lives are not all God expects tl.ted with the state and na­ them to be. The Bishop urged the recipi­ tional associations. ents to have a more definite goal Officers of the association in life, reminding them that they are Mr. a'nd Mrs. Leon O'Brien and MI'. and Mrs. Fred­ have the Grace of God, Who erick Proulx, who formed the 'expects something in return. iroup last January under the 'Noting that it is easy to slip and guiCiance of Michael Laurie of feel sorry for oneself, the Prelate Newton. They regard the chil­ asked the men to set an ideal dren as exceptional, not only be­ before themselves, to aim higher cause they requIre exceptional than ever before in their lives. care and kindness, but also be­ Very Rev.' Humberto S. Me­ cause they lire the source of ex­ deiros, S.T.D., Diocesan Chancel­ ccptional graces for those who lor, was master of cel'~monies. care for them. All parents and Chaplains to the Bishop were friends of retarded children ar8 Very Rev. Huga A. 'Gallagher, invited to join the association. ' pastor of St. Janles Church, and Meetings begin with recitation Rev. John J. Mui'phy, assistant of the prayer of blessing, com­ at St. Lawrence Church. posed by Bishop Connolly, on Rev. John F. Hogan, director those who help retarded children. of the Catholic Welfare Bureau Included in group are Sister Wil­ of New Bedford and chaplain of liam Mary, Missionary Servant St. Mary's Home, and Rev. John of the 1vIost Blessed Trinity; Wil­ P. Driscoll, Episcopal Secretary. liam Janse, teacher of the special were seated in the sanctuary. g~ade at Willet School; Mrs. Lena, George Vigeant of New Bedford Mustillo, music teacher; Wilfred was sponsor. Lefebvre, physical director of Boys of St. Mary's Home Pawtucket schoo'ls, and members and able to do so received their served as altar boys and music of the Missionary Cenacle Apos­ was by members of St. Lawrence First Holy Communion and Con­ tolate, conducted by the Siaters Parish choir. I at the Holy Ghost Missionary firmation this year. In the congregation were A speech therapist has been Sheriff, Patrick H. Dupuis, De­ Cenacle. Cross of Christ puty Master Roy K. Holland and Turn to Page Seven Through their efforts valuable inmates. ' aid has been given the children in the spiritual. social and intel­ lectual fields. Facilities of the Attlcboro YMCA have been avail­ able for the children's physical improvement, and assistance has been promised by Dr. Adolf Ben­ del' and Dr. Everett Pierce of Attleboro. Progress has been evidenced by six mongoloid childrcn pQl'tiCi­ pating with their parents in physical therapy; 13 older girls now havc their own Girl Scout Troop; those who are old enough

Form Association to Aid Attleboro Area Children

TEE;.NS PLANNING CONVENTION: Entering na­ tional headquarters of the National Catholic Welfare Con­ ference are three representatives of the National Council of Catholic Youth, ,Diocesan Section, part of a group who are in Washington, to plan their national convention in Philadelphia in November. From left are William G. Potter, Cincinnati, national president; Carolyn Tighe of Philadel­ phia and Patrick Dennis of Charleston, national treasurer. NC ,Photo.

Diocesan Confirmations More Than 5,230 in 1957 With the conferring of the sacrament of Confirma­ tion on five men in the Bristol County House of Correc­ tion in New Bedford, the number of those confirmed in the Diocese this Spring and Summer reached 5238 persons. The Bishop visited 53 par­ ishes and institutions in ev­ ery part of the Diocese, Of the number confirmed, 306


Reds Deceive By Strategy, WASHINGTON (NC) ­ The American Communist party carefully staged its February convention to fool' Americans into believing it had broken with Moscow, the Senate Internal Security Sub-committee has charged. The sub-committee said a stl'll­

WilY 'of "guile and deception" to

trick tbe public was carefully

planned, according to FBI Di­

l'ector J. Edgar Hoover.

The Senate unit charged that

the convention ·"was used to

pl'Omote the myth that the party

no longer advocates overthrow

of I{overnments by force and vio­

lence." thus hoping to thwart

prosecution by the Dcpartment

of Justice under the Smith Act.

But the sub-committee said,

tl'reliable evidence shows the


tQ :PagO


were adults, some of them con­ verts, and the rest were boys and girls. Confirmation was confer­ red, from March 17, in 50 parish­ es, in the Myles Standish School. Taunton; in St. Vincent's Home. Fall River, and at the House of Correction for the first time In its histOl·Y. At the present time there are 105 parishes in the Diocese. Thl) Bishop visits these for Confirma­ tion every two years. There are several parishes where the Sacra­ ment Is conferred every year.

New Parish On Cape Cod The Parish of Our Lady of Victory has been estab­ lis h e d at Centerville on Cape Cod by a Decree issued

START TRAINING AS MARYKNOLL NOVICES: Sister Christiana Maria, the former Honora Felix, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Felix of Attleboro, kisses the Episcopal Ring of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen following the ceremony at which the Sisters received their Maryknoll habit. Other Novices in the photograph are, left to right, Sis­ ter Marie Claudette of Portland, Sister Miam Andre of Millbury and Sister Miriam John of Worcester.

by Most Rev. James L. Connolly. D.D.. Bishop of the Fall River Diocese. Rev. Ho~rd A. Waldl'On was appointed Administrator by the Bishop. Parish boundaries have been set in the Decree as follows: North - Mid-way Cape High­ Way; East-Route 132, Phinney's Lane, StraWberry H1l1 Road and Old Town Road; West - Center­ ville River, Scudder Bay, Bump'. Turn





.. ,'


C~mmon Good So~e Basis

For-Invading ,


, I think Mark BrandleI', the Ho!JywQod municipal, judge, made a bad decision the other day when he fined actor Anthony Franciosa $250 and gave him a 90-day jail sentence for kicking a Los Angeles newspaper photog­ rapher. . For all I know, Franciosa wonder how many publishers are may be a first class cad, but guided by it. The question is: the pUblication of this story that has nothing to do with "wm or photOgl'llPh - admittedly an


'rilE ANf]HOR

Socon,1-c1n88 mail privileges nu­ thQrlz<ld at .I!'all River, MaS8. Pu'b­ JI8hed every Xh'Jl"su"y at 21 Bod­ 101't! Slreet., Fnll River. Mass., ]JY the CnthoHc Pre'J8 of the Diocese of 1;',,11' .Inver: S\i"8""11JttOll twice by ·... a.\.l. j)tlstjJnld $~.OO PC1' year.

Diocese o·f FaU River

July 7-St. Francis Xa.vier, Hyannis Holy Trinn,y, West Har­ wich July 14--St. Joan of Are, Or­ Jeans, "Our lAldy of the Assump­ tion, Osterville , July 21-St.· Hyacinth,New Bedford fit. Mary, South Dart­ mouth St. 'Plus, South Yarmouth July 28-8t. Stephen, Dodge­ ville St. Francis of Asslsi, New Bedford Holy Redeemer, Chatham

By Donald Mc][)ionald

invasion of a citizen's. privacy ­ help 01" hinder the common goOd?" Candidates for Office Let us take the citizen who Is addicted to alcohol, or even one who is valiantly trying to over­ come such an addiction. This individual 'enters the field of politics and finds himself run­ ning for an Important political position, one in which clear thinking, reliability and integrity are of. the utmost importance so far as the comJ:l1on good Is concerned. • A newspaper ,may well decide that disclosure of this individu­ al's aberration Is clearly justified under the circumstances. An­ other Individual with a similar problem, but with no such public aspiration or potentiality for great good or evil so far as so­ ciety Is concerned, Is entitled to utmost privacy as he works out his particular problem.· A person' retains the' right to his reputa­ tion and good name so long as such retention does notsubstan­ tially Injure the cOplmon' good. Right to Good Name I fail·to see why entertainers, simply because they are enter­ tainers and in the public eye, lose their right to their good name. I have heard some' pUblishel's maintain that an entertainer forfeits the right to his reputa­ tion when his actions do not square with the reputation.' But If that be the argtlment for in­ vasion of privacy, then who of .us, including newspaper publish­ ers, wlll cast the first stone? Let u~ then have the full disclosure of all the vices. of all citizens, not forgetting the'vices of those parasites". the gossip columnists who make their living by the , amount of scandal and salaclous­ 'ness they ,can' find or insinuate. Getting back to Franciosa, his quarrel should not, have been with the news photographer. It should have been with the em­ ployer- of the photQ!i-i·apher. 'The latter was simply' carrying out orders. But then It seems to me, the publisher, not Franciosa, should have been made to pay for the damaged camera, 'and he could have profited. too, by a little lecture on the social- respon­ sibilities of a free press.




Davenport Catholic Messenger

the case at all. Divorced from his first wife, the actor got himself engaged to actress Shel­ ly Winters, also divorced. The two of them w ere p h o,t 0­ ,graphed by a Los Angeles Herald - Exam­ iner press pho­ tographer a few days be for e they went through their wedding ceremony. Franciosa objected to being photographed by the Los Angeles newsman and reinforced his ob­ Jections by roughing up the photographer. dam a gin g his camera and generally creating quite a disturbance. Judge Brandler, In the subse­ quent court action, denied Fran­ ciosa's request to change his , original plea from "guilty" to "innocent" and imposed the fine and jail sentence. ' Point Overlooked As I say, Franciosa may be just an undesirable kind of fellow to liave around, but his protest, after receiving Judge Brandler's sentence, was right on the point that the Judge seems to have overlooked. "This Is not justice," shouted Franciosa. "Who's going to pro­ tect me from people like him?" he' asked, referring to the news photographer. , I think that Is a very good question, nobody In the Holly­ wood courtroom tried toanswel' it.By what right may a news­ paper invade the privacy of an individual? If a per~on desires that his picture. or some element of his private life, not be' dis­ closed to the general public, on what basis maya newspaper, or any other communication med­ ium, override the person's Insist­ ence on privacy? Cle'arly Necessary It seems to me that the only legitimate basis for making pub­ lic the private life of an individ­ ual Is' that such disclosure Is clearly necessary for the common good. When certain, features of the private life of a citizen are clearly and directly related to the common good. when' the knowledge of such private mat­ ters is essential to the safeguard. ing of the common good. then public disclosure Is not only permissible, It Is mandatory. A newspaper's invasion of pri­ vacy cannot be justified merely on the grounds that such prac­ tice helps the' publisher sell his newspapers. It cannot be justified on the grounds that'-"the public wants" such material. Nor can It even be justified with the ritual­ istic appeal..to the First Amend­ ment guarantees of a "free press." Against the press' freedom to publish we have the Individual, citizen's freedom not to be published. And the only principle that can reconcile these .two J j'reedoms with justice to both the press and the cl"Uzen is that principle that has reference 'to the common good. The question that the newspaper publisher J:/lmt ask himself is not a compli-­ cared Question, but I sometimes

THE ~NCHOR­ luiy 4, 1957


Mass Ordo FRIDAY - St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria. Confessor. Double. White. Mass Propel'; Gloria; Sec­ ond Collect for Peace;, No Creed; Common Preface. Votive Mass in honor of Sacred Heart of Jesus permitted. Tomorrow Is the Fir,st.Saturday of month. SATURDAY - Mass of the Blessed Virgin for Saturday. Sim­ ple. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect for Peace; Preface of the Blessed Virgin. SUNDAY - IV Sunday after Pentecost. Double. Green. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect SS. Cyril and Methodius. Bish~ ops and Confessors; Creed; Pre­ face of Trinity. MONDAY St. Elizabeth, Queen and' Widow. Simple. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect for Peace; Pre­ face. TUESDAY - Mass of previous Sunday. Simple. Green. Mass Proper. No Gloria 01' Creed; Sec­ ond Collect for Peace; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY - The Seven Holy Brothers, Mal~tyrs, and SS. Rufina and Secunda, Vil:gins and Martyrs. Simple'. Red. Mass Proper; GlorIa; Second' Collect for Peace; Common Preface. THURSDAY-,-Mass of previous Sunday. ·Simple. Green. Mass Proper; ,No 'Gloria or Creed; Sec­ ond Collect St.. Pius I. Pope and Martyr; Third Collect for Peace' Common Preface. '

DEeRE'! Establishing Our Lady of Y.;c:tory Perish Centerville, Mass. By the authority vested ill us, 011 advice of the Diocesan Board oj Consultors, Qnd having cOl/sulted the Reverel1ll' Postors of St. Frtmcis .Xavier Church, Hyannis, and Our Lady of the' Assumption Church, Osterville, we hereby establish and constitute the Parish of Our Lally of Victory at Centerville. The bOlinds of the parish will be the Mid-lVay Cape Highway o.n the North; Route #132, Phinney's Lane, Straw­ berry Hill Road and Old Towne Road on the East. All f~ithful residing North and East of these boundaries belong to St. Frant;,is Xavier Parish, Hyannis. All parishioners re­ siding South ani[ West of these boundaries belong to Our Lady of Victory Parish. The Westel'll boundaries of the parish are limited by the, Centerville River, Scudder Bay, Bump's River, Prince Fuller' R.oad and Shoot Flying hill Road. All faithful residing West of these limits belong to Our Lady of Assumption Parish, Osterville; all residing East belong to the new parish at Centerville. The endowment and benefice of the parish will con­ sist of the voluntary offerings of the faithful. The parish has ' ·the privilege of keeping the Blessed Sac~al1lellt in reserve, with proper. provision for reverel1't devotion; 2) of possessing a baptismal font, -3) of administering the sacraments and 4) having all other rights associated with a parochial estab­ lishment. . With this Decree we appoint the Reverend Howard A. Waldron to st;rve as Administrator of the parish of Our Lady of Victory, Centerville, this .appointment being effec­ • tive July 1, 1957. Given at Fall River, this 28th day of Julte, 1957. Roman Calholic Bishop of Fall River,

$100,000 Grant WASHINGTON (NC) - The Georgetown University School of Medicine has been awarded a grant of $100,000 by the Com­ monw~alth .Fund for, strengthen­ Ing Its program in medical eduea­ tion, university officials an­ nounced.

. Present Tncllmhent


James f.- O'Neill



Mission P,riest Builds School Cafeteria . .


• WY 3-5762

PINE!.]3LUFF, Ark, (NCr - A Divine Word Father, who be­ came pastor' of a Negro mission parish here, wears overalls almost as often as he wears clerlool garb. . Father Joseph Kehrer, S.V.D., is not one to sit idly when things· have to be done. Even though his parish is pr'actically penniless, .he . has personally started to supply .two 'pressing needs. With used wood gathered here and there he is singlehQndedly'building a ~ew r~ctory and school cafeteria.


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Everybody Joyously Busy Preparing for Wedding By Mary Tinley Daly Preparations are swinging into high gear at o~r house, with all the joyous preliminaries, flurry of eXCItement, and everybody in the act, Even a comparatively small wedding has, we find, a multiplicity of detail, with Kind of sentimentally decisions to be made by Margaret. nice-and economical-is the bride-elect-Eileen and our­ bride's decision to have her at­ selves, 0 f ten e l' than our tendants in their Visitation gra­ neig'h'borhood shuttl<! bus passes duation dl esses, with an addition tht' corner. of blue in ,honor of the Blessed .. "What color, " Mother. Mom and Dad, We're all happy with the real do you think wedding details. As of now. re­ ception problems are headaches would be pretty Numbers one. two and three. The for the living' roo m walls rented club hall is not air-con­ ditioned (but people were mar­ in our new ried and had parties before the house?" "00 you know era of ail' conditioning). its phy­ sical capacity is limited, It·s dis­ anything that'll get rid of these sunburn blisters appointing not to be able to in­ llnd turn 'em Into tan before I vite all friends, but Tony's and llUve to put on that bridesmaid's Eileen's have preference. Others will understand. dress?" A few days ago we were talk­ "What music do you want played at the reception?" (The ing with Mrs. John J. Hearne, Head of the House came up wife of the' Irish Ambassador. with a natural on that when he and mentioned the July 13th wedding and its probably attend­ ~uggested selections from Victor ant 90 :degTee heat. Herbert's Eileen,) "What difference does that "'fou want them hams to ba make?" she asked with'charming !boiled or baked. Ma':un'?" "What time shall we deliver Irish wisdom, "all that matters is that they're still In love on thv the flowers to the church?" ··Heavens. we forgot to send 12th."

Uncle Ed an invitation, Is there

,another one around?"

"Will you decide on an extra llYmn in case the service runs a

little long?" '.7hank goodness. by divldinl! CINCINNATI (NC) - Mora ourselves into committees. the decisions are parceled out. res­ Catholic writers especially ponsibility and worlt reduced to mothers - ought to help fill the' .. minimum. need for good children's stories, Behind Schedule accordinl\' to a nun who is an We've tried to keep up with the autho~'ity on the subject.

ealendar in the guidebook. The

She Is Sister Bernice of the American Bride. Twelve weeks Sisters of St. Francis of La before the wedding we should Crosse, Eng'lish teacher at Mary­ have done this-and-that; eleven cliff Hig'h School, Spokane. and weeks before. ten. ',' sounds al. author of feature columns in the most like counting ollt a prize magazines. Cat h 0 Ii c Miss of fighter in the ring. At this stage, America and Catholic Libral'y we feel a bit like the poor punch­ World. " drunk fellow in the corner as Writing children's literature is the count continues. We're still "an Important apostolate." shit catching up on details that said in an Interview. but pub­ should have been attended to lishers are unable to find enough weeks before. competent authors. "The book" allows for human One good source, according to procrastination by stating t~lat Sister Bernice, is mothers. be­ now we may "continue shoppmg cause "mothers know how to teU -if necessary." It's necessary, all a story so a cl)ild will understand right. Bridal shopping Is more It." exten.sive-and more expensive Stressing the importance of -than we had reali7.ed. encouraging youngsters to read at an early age, Sister Bernice , Mass Bouklllls the followirg things to sugg'ested Thanks to "the book" and to the extremely helpful b,ooklets look for in' children's books: art published by the Family Life work that is strong and attrac­ tive, not sentimental and weak; Bureau (NCWC. 1312 Mass., A~e .• that offer in addition to stories Washington 5. D.C') the weddll1g patriotic, aesthetic 01' religious itself is well in hand. • entertainment, the enrichment of Nuptial Mass is to be offered values; vocabulary suited to the by our pastor himself. the be­ child, offering new words for loved Msgr. Edward H. Roach; him to learn. music Tony and Eileen's favor­ "If a child is given a good story ite hy'mnS (guidance supplied by with good illustrations, he keeps Paul Bume's helpful new book. It and treasures It. reading It Catholic Music) and including over and over again," the nun "Cor Jesu," Georgetown Visita­ said. tion's school hymn; flowers sim­

ple. Invitations veer from. the

"rigid conformity" of Amencan

Bride. But they are what Tony

TREAT YOURSELF TO and Eileen want. They are more

llturg'ical-asking friends "to

participate in the offering of the

Nuptial Mass." If this be anti­

Emily Post, so be it. Mass book­

lets have been ordered to help

You'll friends. both Catholic and non­ be Catholic, to participate. tickiedl

Miniature Procession

And that's that. With all the

personnel at our house-at Bren­

Washed, flllffed, /' lIalls' and at ,Johnny's and Lu's MothlJroofed Ea, -we could ha ve a procession

that would be a miniature of New

York's st. Patrick's Day parade:

flower girls, ring bearers, junior

-and senior bridesmaids. No th~nk

373 New Boston Road you ,Best man, TOllY'S father;

Fall River OS. 8-5677 'n!shers, his cousin and friends;

maid of honol'. Mal'lde; bridesl{;ajds~ .N!f!.ry • ~l~d. :I:'O~ln i}~t~r•••".'-••-.I!.I.III!•••~.~.~.II!.~.~.~.~"~_~.~.~_ "','


Need Stories

For Children

BISHOP BLESSES NEW CHAPEL: Bishop Connolly with his assistants kneels at the foot of the altar during sing'ing of the Litany of the Saints as ho blesses the new chapel at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River.

Church and Hospitals' To Cost 23-Million' NEW YORK mCl-Final steps wel'e taken toward completion of three major building- projects In the New York archdiocese. . His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York. blessed the cornerstone fO!' the new Misericordia General Hospital in the BronK. the new New York Foundling Hospital and the' Church of Our Saviour. both In Manhattan. The two hospitals represent the largest single building' project in the history of the archdiocese. Total cost of the three buildings is estimated at $23,350,000. The new Church of Our Sav­ iour will be completely air­ conditioned. the first of its kind in the New York archdiocese.

------------------ffiii~lt~mmFm!l,"I)~ff.."~:!i@~~; ;S~i~~r~~i~:;~~€%~:%,»~~~t~~§~*~y~:t:gwpm~w.\~im~R~l:%1I·1i$E~ t~,




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A Little a Day

God Love You, By Most'Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.





Thun., luly 4, 1957

UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR GENERAL PATRONAGE Admirable Crichton Giant Claw God Is My Partner I UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR ADULTS Land Unknown Parson and the Outlaw Triple Deception OBJECTIONABLE IN PART FOR ALL Love In the Afternoon Sweet Smell of Success

Mao, the Communist Dictator of China, has just admitted li­

quidating 800,000 of his people. This figure is perhaps only a frac­

tion of those whose lives, like unripe wheat, have been untimely cut

by the Communist sickle. Mao has said that the. Catholics amo~g

this number were not perecuted or liquidated, because of their rell­

'gion, but because they were "unpattiotic". The same charge wa~ di­

rected against Our Lord in the court of PUate: "Thou art not a fnend

of Caesar." Now the name is Mao instead of Caesar. Even the f~rces

of evil know that the Faith is so sacred and thatit should be attacked

under another name; just as, Judas knowing that Christ was the

Son of God, prefaced his betrayal with a sign of affection,. the !llls­ tering kiss. '

Number of Negro Clergy Increases BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. (NC)­ There has been a 100 per cent in­ crease In the American Negro clergy since 1950, accQr9ing to the June issue of St. Augustine's Messenger. Sixty-two priests are working In the U; S, There were only 37 Negro ,priests in 1950. The maga­ zine says there are' 20 living Ne­ gro Catholic bishops throughout the world, all of them appointed by Pope Pius XII. Since the preparation of 'the list, two other Negro bishops have been named by the Pope.

There are two possible reactions to thisliql.lidatlon and perse­

cution of the Faith: one, inspired by the·newspaper. the other' by

the life of Christ. If the first, our reaction Is

to say, "Oh! aren't they terrible, those Com­

munists." It the second, we say, "Oh, how

terrible, am I, not to feel their pain, their

5ufferlng, and their death as.my own."


While these people are striped of life, can­ not w'e like Christ be stripped of a garment for their redemption. During the entire yeat' of 1956 the Catholics of the United' States , gave only 30 cents apiece to the Holy Father to aid the persecuted and suffering In Asia, Africa and Oceania. This is not sharing either the passion of the Chinese or the Pas­ sion of Christ. When Our Lord was stripped , of His garments it was to put on the' nakedness~of our ~hame, our holding comforts to ourselves and our luxuries. , My good people, why not practice self-derial ;- - - just a little, a day; only a few cents. At the end of the month send ,it to us and we will send It to the Holy Father. That is where all the sacrifices go that you send to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith because It is his Society, the offcial society of the Church for all the missions of the world. 'GOD LOVE YOU to E.R. "Because I have a bill that must be paid this lonely $1 is the most that I can give just now." . , . to Anon for $45, "As part of my job, I had to work on another assignment for one day a week. It was so difficult and til-ing I decided to send my pay to the missions as a sacrifice." ... to J.H.D.. "A little mite we

hope_might help establish God's light in the missions. So here's ~1,"

... to M. and Mrs:C.P. "We stayed away from a club dance ~ send

this $10 for a very special thanksgiving."

Most Americans spend a great deal of· time before their T.V.

sets. They can spiritualize the time in -watching 'telecasts and

to help them do that a statue of Our Lady of Television should domi­ nate the top of the set. The statue Is yours at your reque5t sent with a $3 sacrifice:. Address: Society for the' Propagation of the Faith Order Dept., 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y., or your own Diocesan Director.

Cut out this column: pin your sacrifice to It and mall It to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for the PrOJl('lgation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New YOrk I, N. Y., or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T, CONSIDINE, 368 'North Main Street, Fall River, Mass.

Family Contributions, to .Catholic High Campaign. Average $465 .








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and Sonl. Inc.

OSTERVILLE GArden 8-6509

this isolated villare bal bad Mass iD a tiD)' underground room (10 by 15 feeU wblcb bolds only a few faithful. Ten yearl ago they be&,an a real chapel. After put­ + ting up little more than tbe foundations, they were hit with a series of bad harvest years ""hich set them back so that they can't continue on their own. We need Tht Holy Fathtr's Mission Aid $2000 . to complete it. Won't you help1







951 Slade St. Tel., OS 5-1836


John B,

Tbat's what's In store for SALVATORE, at tbe Greek college In Rome, and ANTHON~ and MATTHEW in India, If friends will help os guarantee the $100 needed yearly durin&, tbelr six yearl In tb. Ieminary. MAKE SURE GOD 'SHARES IN YOUR EARTHLY POSSESSIONS







The New Testament speaks of' "a kingly priesthood," In truth our Near East pi:lests are God's noblemen. But often their tattered cassocks belie their royalty. -Won't you help us give a simple, but decent, cassock to a poor missionary. One costs us $25.

yf~' OK;



It'll a 51uaU village of MaronHe Catholici lJl the mountains of Lebanon. For yearl

KOdwo Amissah is the first native Bishop in new West Africa. He has been named Titular Bishop of Bencenna and Auxiliary to Archbishop Thomas Porter, S.M.A., of the Society of African Mis-, sions, Cape Coast. NC Photo.




NATIVE BISHOP: ,Newly consecrated Bishop J 0 h n

WATERLOO (NC)-In an un- legation in this. community. precedented appearance at a Good ~itizensh.ip 'is inherent .in

" Cathollc teachmg and Cathollcs

Michael and Edward Na8l!er Cathollc campatgn rally f~r fU~ds here ha-ve demonstrated that Proprietors for a new Central CatholIC High they feel an obligation to sup­ School, Go.v. Herschel Loveless of port a superior educational SYS­ Iow.a, prals~d the wor~ers for tem for all chlldren." their lXImpalgn and the 11' inter­ est In youth. MARKS ANNIVERSARY "This is truly a magnificent NEW YORK (NC) The achievement," the Governor United Press announced that a stated. message in the name of His Holi­ The $1 mi1lion, goal for the new ness Pope Pius XII was received 1732 So. Main Str•• t Ilchool, which will serve eight here extending felicitations on Fall River parishes In this Iowa a-rea, was the 50th anniversary of the OSborn. 4·2047:"'3·9381' ovei'subscribed by $820,339. news-gathering agency. 'rhe 4,000 family subscriptions

averaged close to $465 per fam­

lly. One Jl('lrish had an average

family gift of $763 and a-nother

$617. In stlIl another parish In

pel' cent of the parishioners sub­ scribed. Two parishes exceeded the $300,000 mark. The successful campaign

prompted the Waterloo Dally

Courier to remark that "taxa­

tion for public school purposes Is reduced considerably because MAIN STREET members of this Faith assume (On the H~annlll IIldi of the CeJitervllle Traffic Lights)

the burden of educating their children. Catholic students at­

tending these parochial schools

could not be absorbed into the public schools without the em­ Sunday Masses: 7, 9, 10, 1~ A.M.

ployment of many more teachers and the building of many more

Morning MJ!ss 7:30 A.M.

classrooms, Thus, tax rates for

5upport of the public schools are

materially teduced by the exis­


tence of the parochial schools.

Sat1,!rdays 4 to 5:30 P.M. '-7:30 to 8:3.0 P,M. "The allegatlQn is sometimes

First Fridays " ",

advanced that Catholics, because

they 5upport their own schools,

Before Holydays U -" vote against bond issues for pub­ lic schools Bnd oppOse public Rectory Telephone - 1990-W-l K Ilchool improvement," the Cour­ ier said. "We have never ob­ served any Ilubstance to thisl.. al­ .











Our original and artistic GIFT CARD is Ideal for all these oeca­ sions. It "spiritualizes" yoor gltt by *elllng friend or relative, re­ Il«lous or lay: (1) tbat yoU arranged, for a N,ear East missionary to offer Mass for them: OR (2) you enrolled them In tbe rich spiritual benefits of tbis I!slloclatlon: OR (3) in their name you gave a sacred article to I mission chapel-like, Masl bell $5, altar stone $10, IInenl o~ &anctuary limp or holy picture $15, eruclfix or Masl book $25, elboriom, chalice or monstrance 140, vestments $50, Itatue $30, aUar $75. Write fo.r particulars.



Our wonderful missionary sisterll are truly "ladies In waiting" to Our Lady, the Queen of Heaven, These live young ladies are "wait/nit' word from us that someone "adopted" them by prol'nls­ ing one the $150 needed yearly for the t.....o years training-In Lebanon SISTER PAULINE, In Sicily SISTER VICTORIA, and In , India SISTERS THOMAS, MARCEL and MARY NICHOLAS.


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FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President Mlgr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat'l Sec', Send all communications to:


480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St.

New York 17, N. Y.


Thurs.• 'uly 4. 1957


Supreme Court Bans Obscene Literatu~e

Court's Anti-Obscenity Decisions Reaffirmed Public Morality

Constitution Assumes Moral Code Exists

SCRANTON (NC)-Convictlon of a Newton Lake, Pa., drive-in movie theater manager for show­ Ing an obscene motion picture has been upheld by the Pennsyl­ vania Superior Court. Regarding the constitutional Issue raised, Judge Wright said that "the words used in the sta­ scene material is material which tute here under consideration deals wIth sex in a manner ap­ have well settled connotations peallng to prurient interest." which can be applied by the It T t f Ob exercise of ordinary common. 6S 0 seen y sense and reason. Obscenity and The test for determining ob­ indecency have always been con~ scenity was given as: "whether to sldered ,offensive against the the average person, applying con­ temporary community standards, public whether covered by sta­ the dominant theme of the tiJtes 01' not." The court held that Federal materlltl taken as a whole ap­ peals to prurient intel'est," _ and State Constitutions assume that the moral code, which is Who's to represent the "aver­ part of God's order in this world, age person?" The court cited the instructions exist as the substance of ·soclety. "The people of this State have of the trial judge to the jw'y in . one of the two cases before it, the aeted through their Legislatures on that assumption," J u d g e challenge to the Federal antl­ Wright's decision asserted. "We obscenity law. have not cast ourselves so far· "In this case, ladies and gentle­ men of the Jury," the judge had adrift from that end, nor are we said, "YOU and you alone are the so far gone In cynicism, that the exclusive judges of what the word 'immoral' has no meaning common conscience of the com­ for us. Our duty as a court is to munity Is, and in determining uphold and enforce the laws, not that conscience you are to con­ to seek reasons for destroying sider the community as a whole them." young: and old, educated and un~· educated, the religious and· the The Perfect Gift iITelllrious - men, women and children," for Your Loved Ones ------------­

WASHINGTON (NC) . The executive secreta·ry of the National Office for Decent Literature said the U. S. Supreme Court lire-affirmed the concept of public moral­ Ity" in its decisions upholding three anti-obscenity laws. Msgr. Thomas E. Fitzger­ ald in a statement from his who wrote the majority opinion Chicago office, said also the ,for the two cases, said that "ob­ cour t




h 0

ave se


definite standards which will aid both the government in deter­ mining positive procedures" to tight the problem of indecent reading material. "In its rulings, the Supreme Court reafIil'med the concept of public morality that Is funda­ mental to a continuation of the American way of life . . . The cause of decency has been atrengthened," he said. Another comment on the court's action came from Post­ master General Arthur Summer­ field. A Federal anti-obscenity law prohibiting the mailing of Questionable material was olle of those upheld by the court. Welcomes Decision "The Post Office Department welcomes the decision of the Su­ preme Court as a forward step In the drive to keep obscene materials out of the malls," the Postmaster General stated. "We have been doing our best vigorously to protect our people­ particularly our young people­ against the effects of obscene publications which to a very considerable extent are sent into homes wit h 0 u t even being ordered." Mr. Summerfield said. Abe McGregor Goff, who Is the Post Office solicitor or legal ad­ visor to the Postmaster General and principal department offi­ cials, said in a statement the department now will be able to put more peddlers 'of lewd pic­ tures and printed matter out of business as a result of the decision. But he said the department .will not become a "puritanical censor" or do "anything unrea­ sonable" because its hand has 'been strengthened by the deci­ sion. Senator's Comment Sen. Estes Kefauver of Ten­ nessee. chairman of the .8enate subcommittee on juvenile delin­ Quency. hailed the court decisions as a "sound move to protect our foung people" from obscene literature. The Benator said too much lascivious material is being de­ livered through the mails and the court's rulings "may give us the gl'ound to close legislative loopholes involving this pel'lli­ clous literature," Who's to say what's obscene? This simple question has crip­ pled man y efforts to deal effectively with the problem «If Indecent reading matter ilnd other lewd material, such a.q filnt". Justice William J. Brennan Jr.,

,.···············_-·····i HERVE I.. . A GAS S E




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DUBUQUE (NC) - Bishop James V. Casey w1Il be installed as the sixth Bishop of Lincoln, Neb., .on Sept. 4. The installing prelate will be Archbishop Gerald T. Bergan ot Omaha who will also preach the sermon.



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WASHINGTON (NC) - The nation's highest tribunal scored three telling blows against ob­ scenity in literature. "Obscenity Is not within the area of constitutionally protect­ ed speech or press," the U. S. Supreme Court ruled in uphold­ ing a Federal statute· which prohibits the mailing of indecent literature. At the same time, the court declared valid a California law dating back to 1870 which makes it a crime to write. advertise or distribute Indecent literature, and also upheld a New York law which permits a court to bar the distribution of obscene printed matter. Another decision by ihe Su­ prenw Court upheld by a 5.. to-3 vote the "anti-strip tease" law of Newark, N. J. The court re­ affirmed the decision handed down by the New Jersey Supreme Court.-


OSborne 7-9388

,'Weekly ,Calendar Of Feast Days TODAY - S5. Osee and All'· geus, Prophets. St. Osee. also called Hosea. lived in the eight.h century B.C. and prophesied the OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER destruction, of the Killlt'dom of Published Weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese'.f Fall River Samaria. St. Aggeus, also called, 21 Bedford Street , ,Haggai lived in the sixth century Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151

B.C. His prophecy called on King PUBLISHER

Darius of Persia to forward the Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., Ph.D.

rebuilding of the Temple of CENERAL MANACER ASST. CENERAL ,MANACf,R Jerusalem. ,Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. ~ri5coll TOMORROW - St. Anthony MANACINC EDITOR Mary Zaccarl~,. Confes&\:)r. A na­ AUorney Hugh J. Colde" tive of Cremona, Italy. he studied medicine but abandoned this pro­ fession for the priesthood, In 1530 he founded the Congrega~, tion of Clerks Regular of St., , ~very newspaper, m~gazine and book publisher, every Paul, called t.he Barnabites, and radio, television and movie company is dependent upon' a women's Congregation called the Angelic Virgins. "He died in you for survival. Their business is to serve you. 1539 and was canonized in 1897' You are the viewer, the customer. You hold the purse by Pope Leo XllI. SATURDAY St. Thomas strings. You are the judge, you decide what to buy and More. Martyr, Born in London in w~t to ignore, what to view and what to shut of~, what 1478, he studied at Oxford and ,to praise and what to condemn. became one of England's out.:. standing lawyers. He was married , " You donlt go to the sponsors, they come to you, hat and deeply devoted to his family. In hand, asking the privilege of your tiine and considera­ He became the first layman to> hold the office of Chancellor of tion for their product. ,They must take theif chances with England. Faithful to his con­ you, they must depend on your judgment, your liking science. he declined to support; King Henry VlII's divorce and , to be a success or a failure. If they are a.success, it Js due refused to sign the oath of su­ to you and they must be grateful. If they are a failure it premacy to the ~ing. He waal Is due to you-they took their chances and didn't make Lesl' Others Misunderstond imprisoned and after 15 months was beheaded on Tower Hill on the grade, and they can't cry about it. You h~ve noobliga­ July' 6, 1535. He was canonized tion to support them if you judge them unworthy. by Pope Plus XI in 1925.-Every minute that you spend reading or hearing or SUNDAY-S8. Cyril and Me­ viewing, every dollar that you spend buying, can be a vote thodius, Bishops - Confessors. Vep.erated as "the Apostles of

foror agaiRst decency. Your power to be selective in what the Slavs," they were brothers:

By' Joseph A. Brieg you read and buy can be a decisive one. Your approval ,or who were born in Greece and ed·,

disapproval can raise or lower the standards of literature Clevel,and Universe Bulletin ucated in Constantinople. They, and entertainment. ' 'began their work as missionar., The newspapers say that people have been thronging ies to the BUlgarians and on com­

Don't be afraid, then, to voice your approval of the the 'American pavilion at the international trade fair Ing to Rome were consecrated!.

into good in television and literature, and to speak out qUickly in Poland, and cold-shouldering the Russian and other Bishops by Pope St. Hadrian lI.

against the vulgar, the indecent. A post card or letter to St. Cyril, who died In Rome in

a sponsor with a werd of commendation or disapproval iron curtain exhibits. 869, labored in Moravia, Dalma­

can mean a great thing to the cause of good. Cure Is Redistribution' tie. and southern Russia. St. Me­

What specially interests One of the errors of Marx and thodhJs, who died in 885 in Mo­

It is amazing what attention a' sponsor pays to a the Poles, says the newspa.:. Lenin; and the others, was their ravia, labored in Moravia, Bo­

post card or letter; We may underestimate its impQrtance; failure to see the plain fact that hemia, Poland and neighboring

he never does. If no one wt'ites, he assumes that the pro­ pers, is a model American the cure for over-concentration countries. Their relics are ven':'

gram is being well-received. If one person writes in to home with modern conveni­ of wealth is not total concentra­ erated in the Church of San , Clemente, Rome. complain in a well-balanced way, then J;le sits up and ences - the kind of home tion of it, but redistribution. takes noti~. If one will write, then there are many more owned by millions of ,American , Because they worshipped the , MONDAY - st. Elizabeth of state rather than God, they com­ Portugal, Queen-Widow. She wa~ "workers today. of the same mind. All these cannot be offended. mitted the colossal foolishness of born in 1271, the daughter of The newspa­ Make sure, of course, to be constructive and positive, pers, I am will­ handling all the means of pro­ King p'eter III of Aragon and ,not merely negative and critical. Give pointed advice on ing to predict, duction over to bureaucrats, .

was married at the age of 12 to The slave state is the sicken­ King Denis of Portugal. She dis·' what you and your family want, what you enjoy, what will 00 saying

ing result-the anthill commun­ tinguished herself as a peace­ something else. you expect of the sponsor. ity which enslaves even its crea­ maker between the rulers of A1'6,.' will be Is this censorship? Nonsense. It is' ~imply buying There tors and managers. Khrushchev gon, Castile 'and Portugal. After' pious editorials what you like and refusing to buy what offends you. It on the theme and Bulganin in Russia are' not her husband's death she took the free. They are prisoners of the habit of the Third Order of St. Is simply stating your preference. If the sponsor doesn't that this is one more demonstration of the !iU- system. Francis. She died in 1336 and like it, then it is up to him to please you. Whether slowly or swiftly. was canonized by Pope Urban periority of capitalism over com­ communism impersonally and VIII in 1625. munism. TUESDAY-St. Maria Goretti. The editors then will lean back anonymously grinds everybody's in their chairs, hook their thumbs rights to pulp, because the state Virgin. The 20th century girl everything - including the martyr of purity was born of Independence Day means that we celebrate not only in their vests, and congratulate owns police and the armed forces. farm parents on October 16. citi­ themselves upOn being good our country's' independence from something but its inde­ 'zens, good Americans, good Khrushchev may be comfortable,' 1890. at Corinaldo. Italy. Het ,pendence for something. The Fathers of this country de­ Christians and whatnot. but he is not his own master. He father died when she was 10 and , cannot so much as call his trous- I Maria shared the family respon­ sired freedom from England so that they and their chil­ Our Way of Life ers really his own. That is what sibilities on the farm. The son of dren could enjoy a way of life in peace and with, freedorri. total-capitalism does to human a tenant farmer, corrupted b:f I trust they are all those things. The air still rings with the Fourthot. July orators But ' , one thing they certainly are beings. parental neglect,imd reading in. ,who have investigated and proclaimed on every aspect not. They are not clearheaded de­ SOme communists, I suspect" decent literature, became enam­ orfreedom and democracy., They have extolled the bless­ fenders of our way of life against are beginning to sense some' of ored of .. the giJ'l'and made lewd these truths. Questions are troub­ advances which', she repeatedly ings of. freedom, and ri/thtly so, but freedom means free-:­ communism. ling meri like Mao in China, Tito repuised. In july, 1902, a few Our way of life is not the way ,doni for something. Men must use their freedom wisely of capitalism - not in the sense in Yugoslavia, Gromulka in Po- months after she had made her' and for truth, else it becomes a stale concept. Independ­ in which that word is understo:ld ,land. ' First Co'mmunion, the youth at';' ence means the right to live according to the truth and by communists, by Polish Catho­ Let Editors Explain tacked her and when she re.,,' , But our newspapers cannot In­ lics, or indeed by most Ameri­ sisted his advance, he stabbed under a government that guarantees such a right. telligently 'and successfUlly de­ her 14 times., She died shortly Would it not be the' part of wisdom and' strictly in cans. The editors are wasting' tlleir fend the Ideas of our way of life, ' afterward, forgiving her mur": accord with our country's Constitution to teach to all time if they are trying to mak,e or show the errors of commun­ derer. The youth was sentenced children in all our schools, public and private; the truths "capitalism" mean the same ism, by glibly praising "capltal­ to 30 years in plison, was released for which this country sought its independence? This thing as Americanism, as western ,ism." after 27 years because of good lf by capitalism the editors behaVior, and' continued to lead country was founded that men might have freedom for civilization, as the free world, or mean that men have the right a life of penance and devotion as Christendom. these truths: , For the vast majority of hu- to own something, let them say to the girl he killed. St. Maria, God exists.

'm.an beings, capitalism means so. Goretti was beatified in 1945 and Man was created by God.

lf they mean that men should canonized in the Holy Year 1950. l!iomething for which no sensible person would shed a tear, Jet be free to Initiate enterprises, let Her mother, Assunta Goretti, was Every individual is of infinite value.

them say that. alone a drop of blood. present at her canonization. All our rights come from God.

word conjures up visions If they believe in making it WEDNESDAY - The Seven All men inust obey the natural moral law implanted of The possible for everybody, by honest Brothers and SS. Rufina and Se­ 'dollars, in astronomical nUm­ In them by God. ' bers concentrated in few hands. work, to become a small capitalist cunda, Martyrs. The Seven Capitalism in that sense is as well as a worker, let them say Brothers were the sons of St. Fe­ . The Ten Commandments are'binding upon aUmen)' neither good, nor American, nor that, too. licitas; Martyr. They were JQ": The 'government derives its authority from God. Indeed, capitalism in What we are achieving in this nURrius, Feliz and Philip, who, The purp9se of governmerit is the, protection of the Christian. that' sense is a kind of half-way country 'Is. an economy in which were scourged to death; Sylva·, rights of individuals. ' communism."·' ,' ,-, 'more-and more millions of work­ nus, thl'i)\vn from aprccipice, anlli ,'Are not these the basic principles for which this coun­ Communism, e c o,n o,m ically ers can afford'to,own nice mod- Alexander, Vitalis and ,Martial. founded? Are not these truths in the tradition of speaking, Is capitalism in its mOl3t 'ern homes. That-not "capital, who were beheaded. They died!, ;iheD~clai'at1on of Independence, the 'Constitution of the vicious form. It is Whole-hog ism"-is our economic boast! about 150. 55.: Rufina and Se­ It is the idiot's, trap ,That-not "capitalism"~ls wha~ cunda were ,Roman women who :United ,States, the various Constitutions'o(the individual 'capitalism. 'of all-out capitalism into which we' ought to be telling the Poles were, put to death by ValeriaJll ' ;states? This is why we 'are free"-for these truths. ,the founders of communism fell. about-and all the other, people/:.: about'257. I

Speak f ~r Decency


Def'inition of Capitalism Should Be, Made Clear

Fourth ·of July


''try was


Studelfflti (Of f@~~ Rawelf

Sponsor Tuesday !N~ght Dancce§

,C@[i1'Jrom(lunliSlrl1'ft Con~Uuued

lFmnnn Jl"~0 ({])ue

\party remains loyal to the pI'ln­ ciples of Marx, Lenin, tlnd Khrushchev which justify the use of force and violence for tho overthrow of non-communist Jovernments." It also declared that despite a "great mass of available evidence to the contrary, Impol'OOnt seg­ ments of the American press naively and uncritically accept­ ed the party handouts (press re­ lrasell) at face value and report­ ed: a) that the party was no longer controlled by Moscow; b) that the party barred spies ' and violence; c) that It permit­ ted dissent."

Schools Can Attain Peo(e '

Continued From Page One

Itiver, Pl"ince Fuller Road and Shoot Flying Hill Road. The new parish has all rights associated with a parochial es­ tablishment, Including the priv­ ilege of keeping the Blessed Sacrament In reserve, with pro­ per provision for reverent devo­ tlon; of possessing a baptismal font, and of administering the Bacraments. Father Waldron, a native of Taunton, was graduated from St. Mary's High School In that city, and after two years at Providence College attended St. Bernard's Seminary In Roc'hester for six years. He was ordaIned In St, Mary's Cathedral on June 10, 1933, by the late Bishop Cassidy, Father Waldron has served In churches in Hyannis, Taunton, and New Bedford. Before being named administrator of this new parish, the 105th of the Diocese, he was stationed as assistant at St. Mary's Church, North Attle­ boro.



WASHINGTON (NC)-Bishop Michael J. Keyes, S.M., 81, spirit­ ual leader of the Diocese of Sa­ vannah, Oa., from 1922 to 1935, quietly observed the 50th annl­ vr.rsary of his ordinatIon here. The event was marked only by members of the Marlst Fath,ers community in Marist College at the Catholic UniversIty of Amer­ lea, where Bishop Keyes has been a professor of moral theology since hIs retirement from the OeOl'ffla See. Many priests of the Fall River Diocese who studied In St. Mary's semiI'lary, Baltimore, received Minor Orders from Bishop Keyes.


Plumbing'- Heating

Catholic Students' CouncIl of Recollection fOI' Fall River ~e(lQ Fall River Is sponsoring a series agers. Rev. Robert L. Stanton, assist~ of Summer dances Tuesday ant at Immaculate Conception nights fromr 8. to 11 in the Catho­ . · Parish, Is moderator. Officers ar0 lie Community Center to provide Edward Lyons, president; SylvilI. good entertainment for teen­ Houle, vice-president; Catherinlt agers, Costa. secretary, and William W. The Council Is composed of Nort9n, treasurer. eight Catholic students from ,each of the cIty's high· schools He~p and academies and from the st. John Berchmans Club and Epsl-:­ Ion Sorority. V A TIC A N CITY (NC) Included In its membership are students at Mount St. Mary Schools have an indispensable Academy, Dominican Academy, role to play in the achievem::nt Sacred Hearts: Academy, Jesus of world peace, Pope Pius XII Mary Academy, B.M.C, Durfee ,told delegates attending Jhel High School, Monsignor Coyle third annual assembly of the At­ High School. De La Salle Acade­ lantic Treaty Association meetincr my and Monsignor Prevost ,High In Rome. . School. ' In praising the association for , Recent activities of the organ­ Its plan to use schools to Instmct ization have Included a dance to youth on "the deeper, closer, and raise funds for the Catholic most secure union existing be­ Charities Appeal and a Day' of tween their peoples and all the peoples of the world," the Pon­ tiff said, "The school indeed has an in­ dispensable role to play in thll Continued From Page 01Wl achievement of world peace • • • employed to give 24 lessons to t.\ let (YQuth) drink in the invigo­ class of nine this Summer. rating all' of unlveroo.! chartiy. "For the encouragement' of purified by a faith which teaches those who read this article," that In God's plan every man 18 states one of the-members of the his neighbor's brother - every association," we would like to re­ people a member in the Family mind them that mental retarda­ of Nations, which forms a ~Ingla tion is simply another form of community for a common end the C.ross of Christ: it Is a physi­ with. solemn social obligatlol1Ill cally fourided handIcap-the soul l'esting on all." of the child Is perfect. Such chil­ These are truths, he continueOl. dren can usually be taught right which require Instmctlon and from wrong, can receive the Sa­ study. He assured the delegatem cram~nts, and some day enjoy tho of his hearty endorsement of thQ Beatific Vision of God Hlm.self program. In Heave.rr; as well as becoming more useful members of the hu­ man family."


PLAN TEEN-AGE DANCES: Officers of Fall River Catholic Students Council discuss arrangements for Tues­ day night d~nces in Catholic Community Center. Shown in photograph are Treasurer, William- W, Norton, Vice­ president Sylvia Houle (left) and Secretary Cathedne Costa (right). President of the organization is Edward Lyons, ­

, ScienceJ and Theo!ogy Can live Together NOTRE DAME (NC)-Science and theolog'y, instead of tryIng to "scuttle" one another, "should learn'to live together," Father Theoq.ore M, Hesburgh, C.S.C.. observed. "They don't even speak the same language any more, But 'almost unconsciously, there have been some tentative attempts at brIdge-building from both sides of the divide," the Holy Cross priest said. , A bridge between science and theology must be bu1\t, Father

Hesburgh declared, "for anyone today with a sense of our times cannot miss the advances and the challenges of modern science, and anyone with a sense of hls­ tory of western man cannot Ignore the riches of inspiration, moral enlightenment, hum an dignity and destiny that have been derived prImarily from theology." p,;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l






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THE ANCHOR­ July 4, 1957

Archbishop S'cores

Unfair Criticism

Despite Husband's Absence'

LONDON (NC) - "No unfair or unworthy criticism of the way we trY'to carry out the mandate of Christ can be allowed to check or slow our efforts." This answer was given by Archbishop WiIllam Godfrey of Westminster to charges by Angli­ can prelates that the Church is using "aggression" and "totali­ tarianism" in "openly waging war against the Church of Eng­ land." , These charges were made In recent addresses by the Arch­ bishop of Canterbury, Dr. Geof­ frey Fisher, and Anglican Bish­ ops Gerald A. Ellison of Chester and F. R. Barry of Southwell• They were made, In the opinion of Catholic observers. here, be­ cause of the Increase' in the number of Anglicans being con­ verted to Catholicism. "We are bidden by Christ to teach the Gospel ·to every crea­ ture. Whether we proclaim God's truth in oUf own land or send .missionaries all over the world. our preaching is in obedience to this command," the Archbishop replied.

By Rev. J



John L. Thomas, S. J. st. Louis University

My husband's work takes him from home most of the week. I don't have m~ch trouble ~eeping busy because we have three children aged five, four and two. It does get lonesome at times and I .miss his companionship. He says it's the work he can do best, . that maybe he can get a job take many forms, Louise. Some at the home office in a few couples live together all their lives, yet "never get to really know· years. I'm worried about our each other.. .some, absorbed In

lack of formal family life. Aren't raising a family and earning a we losing something valuable? living, seem to drift farther apart MISSION INSTITUTE UNDERWAY: Plans for the '1 don't have as life goes on. Yes, any husband to t"e II you,

and wife can lose something fifth annual Institute of Mission Studies at Fordham Lou i s e, that

.valuable in married life If they University s'tarting Friday are discussed from left, by Fath­ modern Indus­

are not careful to grow together er'Richard E. Va~ey, O. P., DireCtor, Dominican Foreig'n trial society of­ as a couple. Your problem is es­ fers many jobs' sentially,the. same as that of all Missions; Father J., Franklin Ewing, S. J., Director of the which· place a married couples. Your husbimd's Institute and Jame~ R Oumpson, Director, Bureau of heavy strain on job merely requires that ,you take Child Welfare of New York City's Department of Welfal:e. family life. Em­ a different approach In meeting NC Photo. ployment which It. keeps the hus­ band away from So. Dartmouth Man home for days Plans Law Career f ()r weeks at a time Is bound to Richard M. Coleman, son of NEW YORK (NC)-Any standing faults as lack of paren­ be trying for all memQers of. the Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Coleman, tal and public Interest, absentee­ family. Such absences are per­ 72. Chestnut Street, So. Dart­ day but Sunday is a better ism and: a tendency to categorize ·haps most keenly felt In the early mouth, will begin graduate stu­ years of marriage when the chil­ dies at Harvard Law School in day for "Sunday school," the pupils as second-class parish­ dren ,are small and their care . the Fall. acco'rding to Jesuit Father ioners. "The closer we can integrate Since 1922 confines you closely to the home. graduated last Coleman was Joseph H. Fichter, sociologist the teaching of religion with the It wourd be .ideal, of course, to month from the College of Arts Fabricators of maintain your llttle family circle and . Sciences of Georgetown stationed at Loyola University of teaching of other school sub­ Father Fichter said, "the jects," always Intact. The daily com­ University with a bachelor of the South, New Orleans. panionship of husband and wife arts degree' summa cum laude Father Fichter contends that more llkely are we to make in the home Is one of ,m.arriage's and was third highest in his Sunday is "the poorest time that religion meaningful to elemen~ and could oe chosen for religious tary school children."· most pleasing rewards. But men class. . . Likely. IUsult "must make a liVing as best they Regarded by both faculty and instruction to Catholic elemen­ Expressing his views in an ' can under modern conditions. students as an outstanding leader tary school children." He said Your husband's job is only one of iIl his class, he attained Dean's' the solution would ·be to "abolish article In' The Catholic World, 5-7471 monthly magazine, Father Fich-' many which may put some strain List honors all four years and Sunday school and :to give reli­ ()n family life. membership In the Gold Key glous' instructions during the tel' said that although the U. S. 7'53 Davol St., Fall River Supreme Court has outlawed What's the best way to handle Honor sOOiety. In both junior school day in school sup'ound­ teaching religion in pub I i c your problem? First, it is not ad­ and senior years he was listed In .·lngs." visable to persuade your husband Who's Who in ~merican Colleges "More than half the Catholic schools, there is a growing inter­ to change his job unless he can and Universities. children of elementary school est among some public school find other employment equally At Tropaia exercises during age in the United States are now officials for instructions of Cath­ satisfying for him. He eVidently Commencement Week Coleman attending public schools," Father olic, Jewish and Protestant public likes his work and feels he stands received the' Henry Backman Fitcher' said, "and during the school pupils in their respective a. good chance to better his posi­ next decade this percentage will religions. He. said: "When the Coakley Medal, the most dis­ current phobia concernlng the tIOn If he stays with it. He may tinguished award given to a probably rise to two-thirds." use of public school property for Building Problem • not find It easy to settle down In member of the graduating class, _ the teaching of. religion dies I another line of work. so the de­ He said that even if the teach­ for manifesting above all others cision to change jobs should the qualities of Catholic leader-, er 'shortage in Ca tholic schools down, this system will probably come from him. ship in all departmen.ts of college couid be 1l:'Gt. the school .building be widely employed." program could not .match'. the Keep Him Interested life. In his senior year he was . steadY: growth of the young Second, although your com­ Electrical panionship Is restricted,' it need elected president of the Yard, Catholic population. This argtleS The not suffer In depth and quallty. the . highest' college o1fice. He for bigger and better Sunday Contractors Learn to make the most of the served on both Student and Class schools with trained personnel as time when he Is home. 'Let him Councils for three years and was teachers, Father Fichter said, but .feel that he Is very much a part Junior Class president. He was Sunday schools have such out()f the. falJ1ilY circle. If necessary, on the Philodemic,debating team put off some 'of your work untll which won the New York Uni­ of New Bedford Mass. THE later so that you can spend more versity Hall of Fame Tournament Main Office

in 1954. tIme together. Keep him Interest­ Union and Pleasant Sts.

ed in what goes on around the North End Branch

home wh~le he is away. Set up Prelate Urge's Early PRESCRIPTIONS som~ regular custom of'com­ 1200 Acushnet Ave.

944 County St. Thos. P. Selleck, Reg, Ph.

mUl11catlng either by letter '01' Saving for Mar:riage Member Federal Deposit

New Bedford. telephone while he Is traveling. DURBAN <NC)-Young peo­ Insurance Corporation


~Is may seem to be a smalL ple should start saving for mitr­ 1 ST. MARY'S SQUARE

pomt, but In the long run it' Is riage and a home from their TAUNTON VA 3-3300 not. The old saying. "absence ' makes the heart grow fonder". very first pay checks, according to Archbishop Denis E. Hurley, se~ms. to be' based on Wishful O.M.l. . ­ thmkmg..In real life, a sensible' "The ideal is for the young couple will make use of all practical means to maintain couple to have a home of their own to move Into when they're­ communication during separa­ and turn from their honeymoon. tIon. Their home becomes the symbol Children's Attitude ~ , 'All WYman Third, a problem to which yOU' of their stable and permanent \§CWIl 3-6592' should pay considerable attention life. together, of the division of TIRES • DeLCO BATTERIES duties between . husband and in your circumstances is your wife." . CHARLES F• VARGAS • PERFECT CIRCLE RINGS children's attitude toward their' He stressed "the. duty of both 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE father. Because he Is away so. partners to plan inteIIi'gently to " fALL RIVER-NEW BEDFORD-.HY ANNIS-NEWPORT NEW BEDFORD, MASS. much-, they will tend to focus the economic requirements their affection on you. This may meet of marriage," and before he <:on­ I b"e flattering and rewarding for eluded his talk he reminded };lus­ you, but It is not healthy for any bod y concerned. Children bands that their wives sometimes need to go out. need mother and father. With a little thought, you can easlly bring father into the picture. Bulld up their expectations When yofl are expecting him home. 'Show him how to deal with them. Provide ,.opportunities for him to MA~KET be with them. Rerpind him how . much he means to them. Suggest tliat he remember them with a D little tOY or trInket when he re­ turns from a trip. In' this way you can build him into the family FRANCIS J. DEVINE circle and the famlly will grow ARTHUR J. DOUCET around you as a couple.

Sunday School More' Effective If Conducted on. Different Day

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Bishop Stresses Power of Faith At State Legionnaires Mass

Jesuit Backs

Labor Unions

DUBLIN July 4 - An American Jesuit sociologist declared here that despite some corruption, organized

labor In the United States Is "socially sound, politically cor­ rect, ethically earnest and eco­ nomically necessary." Father William J. Smith, S.J., director of St. Peter's Institute of Industrial Relations In Jersey City, said Amerclan labor un­ 10ns have established a record of "numberless, unprecedented ac­ c:ompllshments" in the past two decades. Exploiters Few Dealing at length with the c:urrent exposure being made by the special Senate labor-man­ agement . investigating commit­ tee in Washington, F\'lther Smith maid: "Actually what we have had In America for some years has been n dual labor movement. One of legitimate labor activity, consti­ tuting about 95 per cent of the movement, led and Inspired by relatively good and honest men, the other five per cent a con­ glomeration of unscrupulous ex­ ploiters of the needs of the work­ 1ng people, trading upon the democratic nature of the trade llnlon organization."



of Massachusetts Department of the American Legion leave St. Lawrence ChurCh, New Bedford, following Mass for deceased Comrades during State Convention. Bishop Connolly presided' and preached at the service.

Minnesotans Would Reveal Preference

RecaJls Past

Denying that the "vicious ele­ ments" whose names are now In the headlines are typical of the leaders of the American labor . movement, Father, Smith said, "The recent turn of events merely confirms' me In the be­ lief and conviction that the workers should have more de-' fenders among the clergy rather than less." Asserting that for 50 years prior to the Franklin D. Roose­ velt administration, America's llnorganized workers were "vic­ tims of It sustained calculated lluppression," Father Smith de­ clared: "Much of the maladjustment which today exists In employer­ employee relations can be traced to It common source in the far dim past of American industrial experience. It was not until 1935 that the Wagner Act gave to the American worker any­ thing like an adequate legal pro­ tection for his nlltural right to ()rganlze Into legitimate trade unions. The very principle was ruthlessly resisted for more than , 60 years. "Today, under the guise of averting socialism, protecting a private free enterprise system that Is partially at least at vari­ ance with Its own principles, and preserving an old order which had never proved Its right to prevail, there are Influential forces In my country still subtly endeavoring to undermine this basic right of free workers In a free country." Father Smith declared that a Iltrong labor movement Is neces­ Ilary tor the hefllth of the Amer­ lean economy even though the use of power brings with It the danger of Its abuse.


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TORONTO (NC) - The Na. \ tional Legion of Decency has been a "cOtlst.ruct.ively signifi-. cant factor" in the development of the movie industry In NIlrt.n I, America, a government official ! said here. W. J. Efans of the Ontario Province Motion Picture Censor. ship Board made the point that the "effect of motion picture en­ tertainment on children is of continual concern" to his board. especially now when the film producer "is directing his efforts largely to the adult mentality." . The Board of Censors also scrutinizes all advertising asso· elated with motion pictures and realizes its effect can be as per· ! niclous as films. .:




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courage In safeguarding the'\ Ideals and values for which they: fought. I The Bishop was escorted from; Fall River to New Bedford by I State Police and qJ.et at the New, Bedford line by Father Moreau, and the State Commander ot the American Legion.




• Luncheonette • Beach Supplies • Hospital Supplies

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Full Time Member DUBUQUE (NC) - The board of control for mental hospitals In Iowa has authorized the addi­ tion of a resident Catholic chap­ lain as a full time staff member of the therapy team at the foul' mental health Institutes.





Hyann<~s, Mass.

REGIS ALUMNA: Miss Pauline L. Demers, daugh­ ter of Att. and Mrs. Hector Demers, Taunton, and a member of st. Paul's Parish, was awarded a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Regis Col­ lege, Weston. Miss Demers majored in Chemistry and has accepted a position with the Bell Telephone Labora­ tories at Murray Hill, N. J.


.---------------------­ ••• DUMONT'S •

Depot Sq.

MINNEAPOLIS (NC) - Most Minnesotans would not object it . they should be asked about their religious preference by Federal censu~ takers in 1960. This was revealed In a state­ wide survey conducted by the Minneapolis Tribune. One adult in every three questioned (34 per cent) thought It would be u' "good idea" for the census to col­ lect this information. , Forty-two per cent said it did not make an-y difference to them, and 22 per cent thought a ques­ tion on religious preference would be a "poor idea." Of the 34 per cent in favor of the ques­ tion 37 pel' cent were Catholic and 33 per cent Protestant.


The Most Reverend Bishop presided and preached at the Memorial Mass for deceased Massachusetts Legionaires In St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford last Saturday morning. The Mass was helq In conjunction with the State Convention of the Ameri­ can Legion held in New Bedford. The Memorial Mass was cele­ brated by the Re·v. Aurelian L. ¥oreau, pastor of St. Hyacinth Church, New Bedford; deacon was the Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau; assistant at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River; sub-deacon was the Rev. Alfred R. Forni, pastor of St; Francis of Assisi Church, New Bedford. All three priests are former service chaplains. The Bishop spoke to the sever­ al hundred Legionnaires present on the power of their faith over the fears that pervade tl1e world. He urged them not to be carried away in the hysteria that sweeps the country and world a stampede In the face of com­ JDunlsm - but to have fa'ith in God, in themselves, in our coun­ try and what'ti'ue freedom stands for. Courage Needed The Bishop pointed out that a body of men like the American Legion, in making resolutions and setting down policy, must be motivated by trust in their con­ Victions, confidence in what real freedom means. Fear of ignor­ ance, of disease, are counteracted by education and vaccines. Fear of c'ommunlsm must be counter­ acted not by panic but by the setting forth of the "American story" which Is written not 1n material possessions but In prin­ ciples and ideals. The men of the Legion. who know what fear In battle Is, and who did their duty in the -face of fear, must use that same

New Bedford, Mass.

GET ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR COLLEGE Visitors Are Always 'lfelcome


..--------------------_ ... _----------- .. _-_. Rev. THOMAS C. DUffY, C.S.C· Director of Building Fund Stonehill College


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Ann, Blyth in' Morgan ',~ole

8-ringsRaslr of Criticism'

M~rray Consultant To' Congressmen ,WASHINGTON (NC)-Thom. u E~ Murray has been named 's consultant to the Senate-House Atomic Energy Committee. Mr. Murray's term as,. member of the Atomic Energy Comll'iisslon expired Monday.. Mr. Murray 1. sdlstingulshed engineer and hal .some 200 patents to his credit. A dozen Senators and Repre. sentatives on the Congressional committee joined in a letter last spring asking President Elsen. hower to reappoint Mr. Murray to the AEC. The President, how· ever, recently asked the Senate to confirm his appointment· of John F. FIoberg of this& city to succeed Mr. Murray on the com· ll1lssion. At the same tlliie. the Pi'esident appointed John, ·S. Graham to fill an AEC vacancy occasioned by-,the death of Dl·.' John von Neumann.

By WiIliam,H. l\fool"ing

, You cannot please all the people aU the time, Nothing, was ever, mote true and Ann Blyth knows it. Some'think she should cut down "the. sweetness and light." Others that she should never play' a· shady lady. So Am). was neither· surprised nor dis. " turbed when news that she than lift both th.e character and· was impersonating the late the story above any cheap ex­ a:elen Morgan in' Warner's ploitation of degrading circum­

stan,ce. Then again, of course, sc;:reen biography of the piano- Helen Morgan had a fine singing squatting blues-singer, brought a voice. So has Ann Blyth. Before rash of criti- criticizing her choice of the part, cism. Why we should. 1 think, 'see the pic­ should Ann tl!re: of which, incidentally,I : Blyth play a hear good, inside reports. It will w 0 man like be' screened long before Timothy this? 'McNulty, ,aged three, and his It was, L sister Maureen, 'now going on think, charac- two. greet their new brother or teristic of Ann, sister around' Christmas time. whom 1 have TV Tension known for several years, that her. reply took charitable, yet . Have you heard this on your realistic account of Helen Mor- TV set, "Hey, you.... . . YOU look gari's failings and redeeming terrible. 1 mean It.·You're suf­ q\lalities, as well as shrewd fering from T.T., which means measurement of the environ- Television Tension. "Why don't mental circumstance which you stop looking at this silly box, helped condition them. stop straining your eyes on this As 1 sat talking with Ann bleak, foggy picture, "Tear your­ Blyth and her husband, Dr. Jim self away from these nauseating, McNulty, in their tasteful, un- wavy lines; .. put on your shoes, ostentatious' North' Hollywood grab the little woman and take home, 1 realized that what had her out to some REAL entertaln­ to happen sooner or later, has ment. the movies." This stirring happened. Stereotyped Holly-. commercial, facetious or factual . wood thinking' which has' cast ' as you please, was concocted for A11l1 Blyth in "innocent" charac- Paramounts new Bob Hope pic­ tel:isations for no other reason ture. "Beau. James" which, come than that Ann herself is a high- to think of it is not that good. ly virtuous person. has at last CBS-TV turned it down, cold; given under pressui·e. Stars, no said it would be "detrimental to matter how talented, strangely the best interests of TV," This Is enough do not win Oscars, nor sad because' the idea suggests even long endure in totally in- light Summer entertainment well ahead' of most of the re-plays nocuous screenplays. now driving thousands back to Virtue fn I>rallla Neither Anilnor hubby Jin~, the movie theaters. whose loving companionship Built Schools runs ~to good. shrewd advice On "Lamp 'Unto My Feet," a about motion pictures and peo- story dramatizing the efforts of pie, has any rash plans to make Jesus Parades to re-establish her -a new "scarlet woman" of Jesuit schools in the Philippines the screen. Both have better after the war will be followed by s~nse. Each has a more solid a discussion. Father James concept of moral responsibility Meany. direct6r of Jesuit educa­ tO'self, f.amily, Faith and public tlon. Vice-Province of the PhHip­ It is not that human virtue, in pines will tel1 more-about Para­ terms of the drama. is insipid, des, exemplary, Catholic layman although it often becomes so. It who perished with Filipino Presi­ is rather that virtue in drama dent Roman Magsaysay h.). a can be more powerfully and -ef- plane crash earlier this year. fectively expressed-to an- ex­ tent extolled-When, in characJ.ike '1'0 Buy One, Announcement in New York tel' and theme, a scr~enplay poses direct conflict between, "good Times. "1 have perfected an in­ and evil. The weaknesses- of the strument which, ,by themera indiVidual (and each of us has pressing of a button while seated some) are to be explored. not comfortably in one's' arm chair least by and fQf Catholics, with at home, will spank precocious implicit recognition of what Is' children who appear on TV meant by the :Free Will of man. "And when 1 say 'spank' 1 mean This. in a way, typifies Ann WAlLOP.;' Hav'ing 'quoted the Blyth's approach to "The Helen inventor, 1 wish he would quote

Morgan 'Story", already seen' on .. me, or better still send me' a free

TV with Polly Bergen starring, sample. Any other takers?

but according to wliat' 1 heal'

,. Named Rector

vastly improved upon by thiS full. screen version.

MENLO PARK, Calif (NC) ­ Father Edward J. Wagner, S.S.., Rich InS1Ji!'ation "Helen Yearned for affection has been named rector of st. in her early life," says Ann- "and Pati'ick's Seminary here which later, when great professional is· conducted by the Sulpiclan success came to her, it was as' if Fathers. He has been a professor: she thought to buy her wavinto at the selJlinary for 21 years. people's hearts." That 'Helen Morgan gave blank checks to casual acquaintances in need, let her heart run away with her Memorial. head in much more important

FUNERAL ,HOME, matters and finally became a

chronic alcoholic is show-land Arrangemel~ts & Services history. Some of her mis-steps Personally Supervised. by and misfOJ.:tunes may not lend MRS., JOHN .F. DOLAN themselves to close-up stUdy on

123 Broadway Taunton the screen. A misguided life

VAN DYKE 2-2181 which still yielded great happi­ ness to thousands of people, .ls lIot. ~owever, to be spumed as valid, dramatic material. To the ~olltrary it may be rich In in­

spiration as well as provocative

g gN(~ ~nterest for can we not often 'earn better by mistakes than by R. Marcel Roy--C. Lorraina' ROlf accomplishments? . . Roger Lafralllce To entrust, such a complex FUNlERAl' IilIRIEClI'OIlS , ~haracterisatton to Ii Catholic 'i5 iRV'iNCTON CT. ~ctress 'of sensitive perception NIEW BEDIFORD and high moral Integrity may WW 5-7930 less likel$' degra,do the artiste





Tlltll! ANCIlfOR~

'Thun.. 'uly 4. 1957

GIFT FROM SECRETARY DULLES: Georgetown University President, Very Rev. Edward B. Bunn, S. J., at left ,and Father Avery Dulles, S. J., examine a volume presented to the University library by ·Father Dulles' fath­ er, Secretary of State John Foster'Dulles. The book, a vellum-bound testimonial prepared for the 80th birthday of His Holiness Pope Pius XII, was given to Mr. Dulles by , the Pontiff. NC Photo.

Junior High Students Indicate Preferences DAYTON (NC) - The pr~est­ hood is the second most popular, career among boys of junior high school age in parochial schools, according to a Young Catholic Messenger survey. Only engineer­ ing' proved more popular. Conducting a "Youth Market Survey," the Messenger learned that 14.5 per cent of i.350 boys want to study feW the priesthood. Among the girls, the survey showed. the sisterhood ral'lks fourth in popularity, with 8.7 per cellt of 1,418 girls girls- indicating ,a desire to enter convents. Survey questions on reading habits indicate 31.7 per cent.of 2;838.YOlmgsters prefer to read mystery stories while religious' and saints' stories are listed as' favorites by 3_5 per cent. Of al­ most ·3,000 students, 67.2 said they expect to enter college.


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Ascendant Protestantism Harms Foreign Relations By


Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D.

Bishop of Reno

Bishop Bromley Oxnan has long called attention to bis own curious combination of bad temper and worse judgment. Both were painf~]]y conspicuous iII his address, the other day, at the corner-stone laying of a new school of foreign service of the Ameri­ can University, Was h j n g­ Cathollc. They do not ask a ton, D. C. He offered gratu­ religious test; they ask for under­ standing. And there have been itous insult to the work of many such men In the diplomatic

the Jesuits along similar lines at Georgetown University. Now it Is altogether likely that the poor Society will survive his displeas­ ure; what Is dlstUl'blng is that he Is spokesman for a rather noisy pressure group whose In­ fluence In our foreign relations, has already done serious harm to the national reputation. America's· diplomatic relations, both In EUl'ope and Latin Amer­ ica, are very largely with nations which are Catholic in background and culture. Their governments may not be specifically Catholic, It' Is true, and In cases may be Etrongly anti-clerical. But they are deflnetly not Protestant and they are not in the least tempted to appreciate what might be called, In the phrase that every Irishman understands~ the "Pro­ testant Ascendency." Goal Is Destruction The characteristics of this mood are a smug self-righteous­ ness, an arrogant assumption of liuperiority, and a loathing for everything Catholic. It is ignor­ ant, provincial, and childish. It must be clearly distinguished from genuine Protestantism sin­ cerely held as a religious belief, for it has very little if anything to do with religious principles, and Its proponents, generally EPeaking, are not particularly Interested in creed or cult. Their Interest is far less the advance­ ment of Protestantism than It is the destruction of Catholicism. To the extent - a distressingly large extent - that men of this ilk have found their way Into the American foreign service and have handled the business of representing America throughout the Catholic world, they have fostered the Impression that the United States is their kind of country. They have built up an­ other black legend of the "Colos­ EUS of the North" as a letter-day champion of the Protestant EPlrlt, not, again, as a religious manifestation, but as a kind of Eocial snobbery. Their abysmal Ignorance of Catholicism and their total inability to appreciate the meaning of Cathollc culture have colored theh: dealings with the Catholic world and have made it practically impossible for any satisfactory meeting of minds to be achieved. . Arouses Disgust We In America have long pondered the mystery of why our dollars, so laVishly laid out for foreign l'ellef, have met with EO little gratitude. There are many reasons, psychological as well as political, but among them the factor of disgust for this "Ascendent Protestantism" is by no means negligible. It has cer­ tainly played its part in the Italian reaction to American aid, and volumes might be written about the bungling of the pro­ gram in Western Germany' 'on this very score. As for Latin America, the story reaches back to our first patronizing contacts In the early 19th cenury, and the ensuing hundred years seem to have taught the State Depart­ ment amazingly little. Is this to suggest· that Protes­ tants are Incapable of handllng our relations with: nations of Cat hoi i c culture and back­ ground? Emphatically not. An educated Protestant whose sym­ pathies are broad enough to pel'mlt him to respect the reality and depth of the Faith, planted In the people among whom he Is to represent America, is certainly as acceptable til ,.. them· as a

service and they have brought honor to Its name. A Washington Irving at the Court of Spain may not have been a great diplomat. but he had the wit to realize that he was not dealing with Yahoos. One Hugh Gibson is worth a hundred little men with little minds. Offends Protestants Back in 1919 the Georgetown school of foreign 5ervice was founded for the specific and pa­ triotic purpose of educating a personnel equipped to handle Am&ican relations with Intelli­ gence and. comprehension. Reared under the tutelage of that colorful figure, the late Father Edmund Walsh, S.J., the school has· made a notable contribution. It has tried to Impress upon its students the cardinal necessity of some understanding and ap­ preciation of those world cultures with which they are to deal. The last thing It has tried to· be or wanted to be is an agency for the propagation of Catholicism. It is content to see Its graduates go Jnto the field with a sense of cultural realities and a saving humility in the face of the enor­ mous compelxity of human rela- . tions. The strong likelihood is that those most offended by the remarks of Bishop Oxnam are not Catholics like ourselves, but those Protestant alumni of the school who owe to it their aware­ ness of civlllzation. It is not that his exhibition of bad manners Is Important In it­

self, save as ]t reflects the

maladjustment of men of his

type. The danger Is that America should ever be victimized by the "Protestant Ascendency" psycho­ logy to the point of embittering the rest of the world beyond hope of reconciliation. The good Bish­ op might be reminded that the Protestant Ascendency died In Ireland at the time of the Clare elections.

A-l Films Exclusively

Shown at Matinee ST. LOUIS (NC) - ,For the second straight year a neighbor­ hood theater here Is showing a matinee series of "A.-I" films exclusively; David Ganz, spokesman for the Roxy Theater, said only films rated A-I by the National Legion of Decency are being shown" so that parents can be·assured their children will receive Wholesome motion picture entertainment.



CONFIRMATION AT HOUSE OF CORRECTION: B Ish 0 p Connolly administers the Sacrament of Confirmation to five men confined In the County institution at New Bedford. He is assisted by Rev. John F. Hogan (left),· Very Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher (sec­ ond right) and Rev. John P.. Dr~scoll (right. Sponsor (extreme left) is Mr. George Vigeant of New Bedford.

WASHINGTON (NC)-This capital is holding out two grave warnings to the world. These are, one, that Soviet Russia is still the impacable enemy of the demo­ cratic nations and, two, that Moscow is not to be trusted. To some, these may seem anachronistic, in view of the at In London regarding the re­ disarmament talks in Lon­ duction of armaments must in­ clude some fool-proof system of don. Actually, they could Jnspection. not be more timely. There are in the Government here otIicials who have made careers of the study of the Soviet Union. They seek to know not only what Moscow does, but why it does it. They note the obvious Implications of every communist move, and they strive to dig out the hidden meanings. Two Faced These students of Soviet Rus­ sian communism have steadily warned this country and the world not to be misled by the "sweetness and light" generated by the "smiling facade" policy adopted by Khrushchev and Bul­ ganin. They pose the question, Is the Soviet Union still an ene­ my dedicated to our destruction?, and they answer It in the affirm­ ative. They advise, look closely and you will see that only the

tactic has l?een changed. While Khrushchev and Bulganin may seem to say one thing to the outside world, they warn, other Red leaders are telling their own people at honie that "co-exist­ ence" with the West means to communists struggle and hosti­ lity. Some people wondered why th~ nations of the free world· chose· this time to· repudiate the 1953 Korean armistice agreement with the communists. Weren't the dis­ armament talks ·in progress in London, and didn't this look like a lack of confidence In the Reds? The answer Is "yes." It would ~eem a good guess that it was intended that way. Basic Safeguards The cleal' meaning would seem to be that any agreement arrived






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Reportedly some of the top officials here hold varying views as to the extent to which the R u s s I a n communists can be trusted. Some, apparently, would not trust them at all. Others would be Inclined to make an agreement if there were proper safeguards for its enforcement. But the safeguards, Including en­ forceable inspection, seem to constitute the basic minimum of trust. The American people are not likely to accept anything less.





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The Yard.tick ,

Obvious Flaws in Spain'. Labor Relations System

THI ANCHOIl­ TIt...., 4., 1951


St. Mary's, M'ansfleld Honors Fr. Jordan

. Rev. William R. Jordan, re­ cently appointed administrator By Msgr. George G. Higgins

of St. John the Baptist Church, Dlrectoj NC-WC Social Action Dept.

Central Village, was. guest. of honor at a testimonial sponsoreel Generalissimo Francisco Franco, Spain's Chief of by parishioners of St. Mary'. state, recently gave an extensive interview in writing to Church, Mansfield, where he hael the Madrid correspondent of the N.C.W.C. News Service, served as assistant since October. Francisco De Luis. It ranges over a wide field of religious, 1937. social, economic and politi­ George C. Shields was chair. held up as .the perfect ideal to cal problems in 'present-day man of the program, held in the be copied by other nations. Spa~n. high schooi auditorium. Eugene In the final analysis, the ~Irst From the point of view of of these three weaknesses or de­ R. Fan:ell Jr. welcomed the gathering and presented the Catholic social teaching, some of fects. in the Spanish system of parish gift. Dr. Carl J. DePrizl() Franco's carefully prepared re­ labor-relations-namely, the ab­ spoke for the parishioners, and plies to Senor sence of free and autonomous Rev. John E. Boyd, supervisor of De Luis' writ­ Catholic Charities, brought greet. unions and employers' associa­ ten Questions Ings from the Class of 1933. tions-is crucial. Whether or not, . are undoubt­ The follOWing tribute from the the Spanish regime is justified. edly beyond parishioners of St. Mary's was in tem· for emergency reasons, criticism or published.in the souvenir 'pro. porily denying freedom of asso­ . dispute; but gram: ciation to labor and' manage· others, in, our "For almost 20 years you have ment, is, for the purposes of this NEW ALTAR, AT NATIONAL SHRINE: Shrine of opinion, are served St. Mary's Parish as discussion, substantially' beside Our Lady of Consolation, at Carey, Ohio, has just seeri open to serl-. . the point. completion of an unique outside altar pictured above, . assistant pastor with dedicated ous question.

devotion to your priestly duties. For the lim­

Sh~l~ ~~~ntbe iSta:~:t ~~:u~~; that is 75 feet high, topped by a 12 foot bronze statu~ of "Uncounted are the blessings

Ited Rurposes when he claims that the Span­ . Our Lady' of Consolation. Base of the altar measures 40 we have received through your

o'f this column, we are particu­ ish system of labor-relations, by 80 feet. Franciscan Conventual Fathers, conduct the . ministry here in Mansfield. We

larly concerned about that sec­ meet tonight to give grateful 82-year old shrine. NC Photo. , tion of the interview in which 'which does not permit the estab­ testimony of our appreciation of lishment of 'genuinely free and }';SDCO sets forth and v.igorously all that you have done for. us. autonomous trade unions and Should Deiay Judging Jesuit Heads Detroit c!ct(ends the labor-relations phil­ VVe assure you that our-prayers employers' associations (and osophy of his regime. With all will follow you to your new Prisoner Confessions Civic Com'mission dlie respect to the' Generalissimo, therefore has to resort to com­ pastorate. "conforms· (NC)-People DETROIT (NC) Father WASHINGTON pulsory arbitration) it must 'be' said that this is one of "May God ever love you, Father with the soUndest principles of who find it easy to' condemn im- John E. Coogan, S.J., has been

the weakest sections of the inter­ Jordan."

and i~ a model for other head of Detroit's Com'

re-elected justice" view and certalniy one which nations to copy or to imitate. prisoned American .,troops who mission on Community Relations.

ought to be discussed ver·y frank~ From the point of view of 'sound sign "confessions" or .betray seFather Coogan professor of

Insur. In Sure Insurance ly in the Catholic press, social ethics, this is an extrava- crets to the communists should sociology at the University' of

Extravagant Apololria . gant' and totally unwarranted spend a month in a Red prison Detroit, has been chairman since

In Oul' opinion, Franco tries to claim.

or court. 1948. The commission seeks to

This remark was made here correct unjust and discriminatory

prove too much in his def~nse, of

the Spanish system of labor-re­ Academy Announces by Franciscan Father Fulgence situations through education and

Gross of Omaha. Neb., who was negotiation.

lations. He will not admit' that there are any weaknesses or Scholarship Awards released last March after almost F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;

flaws in the system. On the con­ six years' imprisonment in China.

Five girls who attended gram­ "Those who too readily con­ trary, he flatly' asserts that , mar school in the New Bedford demn our American soldiers who "Spain is a. long way ahead of Yvonne Lajeunesse Vaudry CO., I!'c. area have· been awarded full found their way into communist other nations" in the field of la­ Owner

at Sacred Hearts scholarships SHEET METAL prisons and made confessions. or

bor-relations. The Spanish SYS-' Capitol Bldg. Rooms 1-4-5 1428 Acushnet Ave. tern, he says, provides "perfect A cad e my. Fairhaven. Seven who even might have revealed CONTRACTORS New Bedford WY 5-7381 protection". for the worker and others have been granted partial sec l' e t s ....committed to them, 253-261 CEDAR ST.

should pass just one month in a "conforms with the soundest scholarships. NEW BEDFORD communist.. prison or court,"

principles of justice.", , As the result of competitive You'll Fall lu Love Wllh Jacob Teser, Pres. & Treas. There are several things wrong examinations awards have been Father Grolls stated. WY 3-3222 . with this extravagant apologia made to the following: ""ORMAND'S DONUTS for the Seanish system of labor­ Full scholarships: Gardenia Portuguese Mission

relations. ~n the first place, for Wojtl\szewski, Sacred Hearts Bishop Consecrated

all practical purposes, there is no Academy Grammar School; Mad­ NAMPULA, Mozambique (NC) l'eal freedom of economic asso­ eleine Lavoie, St. Joseph SChool. -A bishop for the new n1isslon- .

ciation in present-day Spain. In Fairhaven; Doris Lemaire, St. ary diocese of Porto Amelia in

other words, there are no genu­ Joseph, New Bedford; Yvette Portuguese East Africa was con­

inely free or autonomous unions Therien, St. Theresa; New Bed­ secrated in the cathedral here..

and employers' associations. ford; Mary Oliveira, Our Lady He is Bishop Jose Dos Santos

1744 Acushnet Ave. 22 lUXUS - OPEN El'EXINGS System Defects of Mount Carmel, New Bedford. Garcia. The new 44-year':0Id AT BAnlES SQUAR' The so called "Syndicates" in Partial SCholarships: Susan prelate is the first member of ~~~~ which labor and management Pepler and Deborah Odiorne, the Portuguese Society for Over­

New Bedford 299 Ashley Bh'd. WI' 4-0984 are jointly represented are, to a ,Sacred Hearts Academy; Ann seas Missions to be elevated to

WY 4-5186' 111 Ashley BI>'/I. WI' f-D2IH large extent, directly controlled Wojcik, St. Joseph, Fairhaven; a bishopric. . by the government. Surely this Jeanne Gingras, Center School, is a major defect in the Spanish Mattapoisett; Janet Blanchette, GUARANTEED system of labor-relations. To St. Ann, New Bedford; Celeste argue that, it is a necessary or Zerbonne, .. St: Hyacinth, New T.V. and RADIO inevitable defect under present Bedford; Rita Thivierge, St. SERVICE circumstances would be one Theresa, New Bedford: thing; but' to characterize it as· AUTO ,RADIOS Evangeline Negron of Aguas an asset 01' a positive virtue ra­ Buenas, Porto Rico. has' regis­ Member R.T:T.G. ther than a fundamental weak­ tered at the academy for the GREEN ROOM CHARIOT ROOM ness in the, system is something coming year. She replaces Eva­ else again. rista Cardona of the same town. . 46 MIDDLE RD. 'WEDGEWOOD ROOM Secondly, strikes and lockouts who was graduated in June. ACUSHNET '!Iy 5-7$48 Business Breakfasts, Parties are absolutely prohibited in Available for Social Organizations Spain at the present time. Fran­ co defends this prohibition on & .PHONE OSborne 6~8221 the practical grounds that Spain, in her present economic predi­ ONE STOP

cament, simply cannot afford SHOPPING CENTER

the luxury of work stoppages. They are, he says, "contrary to • Television • Furniture the common good' which states NEW BEDfORD • Appliances • Grocery are called upon to defend." Even assuming that this is true. we are 104 Allen St., New Bedford Anthracite & BnlumnnOllD1I still faced with the stubborn fact WYman 1-9354 that an absolute prohibition of strikes and lockouts- while it may be temporarily justified Automatic C08l1 Stoken

MEN~S under a given set of circumstanc­ Bag CoaD - Wood

es-is certainly not to be recom­ Cillarcool mended as the perfect ideal. Major Defect 1'~NG Reg.

Thirdly, the government in present-day Spain Is much too $30.00

deeply involved in the field of Funerals • Weddings • Corsages • Hospita~ With 2 pri. PantlS $26.00 industrial relations. In the ab­ sence of free trade 'unions and O~l liJJR~U[RS free employers' assoclation.9. this TIE1LIEIPIHIOlNlIE 2082 ROBESON ST. of course, is inevitable; but. 640 PILIEASANT ST. again, it is obviously a major 55 William St. N. Bedford OS. 5·7804 F,AL~ RIVIER. defect in the system and should WY 6·8271 ......28-3 ,Open AU Day Wednesday not be pabned off as an asset or



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Theology for laymen

Third Person Proceeds From Both Father and Son :1 By F. J. Sheed.

The production of a Second Person does not exhaust the infinite richness of the dIvine nature. Our Lord tells us of a Third Person. There isa Spirit, to whom Our Lord will entrust His followers when He Himself shall have ascended to the Father. "r the love of Father and son will ask the Father and He should be called their Breath. will give you another Para­ Breath and Life Let us note two things. It is clete, that He may abide of universal experience that love

with ~ou" (John xiv.16) The Spirit, like the Word, is a person,. He, not It. "But the Pa.raclete, the Holy Spirit, whom the Fa­ ther will send in my name. He wllI teach you all t h f n g s" (John xlv.26). As we have already see n there Is one

huge and Instant difference be­ tween God's Idea and any idea.

we may form. His Is Someone,

ourl! Is only somethini. With an

idea which is only something,

there can be no mutuality: the thinker can know it, It cannot know him; he can admire Its beauty, It cannot admire his; he can love it, it cannot return his love. But God's Idea Is Someone, and an Infinite Someone; be­ tween Thinker and Idea there Is an Infinite dialogue, an Infinite Jnterflow. Father and Son love each other, with Infinite Inten­ liity. What we could not know, if it were not revealed to us, is that they unite to express their love and that the expression is a third divine Person. In the Son, the Father utters His self-knowl­ edge; in the Holy Spirit, Father Ilnd Son utter tJleir mutual love. Love Is Infinite

Their love Is infinite; Its ex­ pression cannot be less. Infinite love does not express Its very self finitely: it can no more produce Jnadequate expression than in­ finite knowledge can produce an inadequate Idea. Each gives Himself wholly to the outpouring of His love for the Other, holding nothing -back-indeed the very thought of holding back Is ridi­ culous; If they give themselves at all, they can give themselves only totally-they possess nothing but their totality! The uttered love of Father and Son Is Infinite, lacks no perfection that they have, is Ood, a Person, Someone. As the one great opemtion of .pirlt, knowing, produces the Second Person. 80 the other, lov­ ing, produces the Third. But be careful upon this-the Second Ill'OCeeds from. Is produced by. the First alone; but the Third, the Holy Spirit, proceeds from Father and Son, as they combine to express their love. Thus In the Nlcene Creed we say of Him "qui ex patre filloque procedit"­ who proceeds from the Father and the Son; and In the Tantum Er~o we sing to Him "procedentl ab utroque"-to Him who pro­ ceeds from both. We have seen the fitness of the names Son and Word for the Second Person. Why Is the Third called Spirit? Meaning of Spirit Here the word Spirit-like the old English Ghost-is best un­ derstood as "breath." This is the root meaning; our ordinary word . Ilpirit comes from it. because Ilpirit Is invisible, as air Is. It Is in its root meaning that Spirit Is the name of the Third Person­ He Is the "breath" or "breath­ ing" of Father and Son. That is Our Lord's chosen name for Him: and It Is more than a name: He breathes upon the apostles as He says "Receive ye the Holy Ghost"; when the Holy Ohost descends upon them at Pentecost. there Is at first the rushing of a mighty wind. We may wonder why the Third Person who h< the utterance of

has an effect upon the breath­ ing, it Is a simple fact that the lover's breath comes faster. And there is a close connection be­ tween breath and life-when we stop breathing, we stop living. In the Nlcene Creed the Holy Spirit is called "the Lord and giver of life." The link between life and love Is not hard to see, for love Is a total selfgiving, Rnd so a giving of life~ One final reminder.' We saw how the Second Person is within the same nature, as an Idea Is . always within the thinker's mind. BLESSES FISHING FLEET: Bishop Connolly ,chats with Rev. Leo J. Duarte, (left) So with the Third Person; the pastor of st. Peter the Apostle Church, Provi~cetown, and Rev. Francis M.· Coady, as­ utterance of love by Father and sistant pastor,. following traditional ceremony of blessIng captains, crews and boats at Son fills the. whole of their na­ ture, producing another Person, Provincetown Town Wharf. . " . but still within the same identi­ cal divine nature. Try to see the Catholic Colleges Shareiri Grants nature of God. Wholly expressed NEW YORK (NC)-The Ford ment grants given the Catholio as Thinker, wholly express'ed as Foundation has mailed final Ichools is about $38 million. The Idea, wholly expressed as Loving­ . payment checks totaling about total for the bonus grants to ness. $19 mlllion to 160 Catholic col­ them Is about $13 million. leges and universities benefiting Number of Employed from Largest amount of aid to a its $260-milllon program of· endowment grants to raise Catholic school went to the Uni­ Women Increasing versity of· Notre Dame. It re­ faculty salaries. ST. LOUIS (NC) More ceived an endowment grant of In addition, the foundation mothers will be working outside $1,897,500 and a bonus grant of the home In the next decade than sent checks totaling about $6,­ $1,177.00. today, the National Catholic 800,000 to 16 Catholic institu­ Council on Home Economics was tions sharing with 126 othe1Tin "bonus" grants given in recogni­ told here. Miss Marie C. 'Harrington, past tion of their leadership in their State President of the American own regions in Improving college Dietetic Association, told the teachers' compensation. , The total amount of endow­ council's 10th annual conven­ tion: "A few years ago a young woman had to decide whether D.ine In Cool Comfort she would marry, or work for & wages. The new woman of to­ morrow will probably do both." .SALES - SERVICE - INSrALLArlON

"In fact, women make up about RESTAURANT MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE ST., FALL RIVER one-third of our labor force to­ Delightfully day," she continued. "The pros­ AIr CondItIoned pects are that their emploYment Open SUndaYR

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will increase still' more before lISG Aeus'uet A'· .

1975. More than one-third of N .... r Ualon Sh . For RIO•• WY ~1703 the women over 14 years of age are In paid employment today _ -21 million of them." Miss Harrington noted that NO JOB TOO BIG the Catholic married woman's first duty Is to her children' and NONE TOO SMALL home - "Whether she thinks it is Interesting or imp 0 r tan t enough or not:" . WJ.lAT ~~"'" ~ PRE.S/DeNT ~R. A. WILCOX CO. OF TI-I£ OFFICE FURNITURE' Main Offlq and Plent UNITED STATES. In Stock For Immediate Delivery SIGNED TJ./£ BILL LOWELL, MASS.







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800ks of the HOiUr

Levenson's Henry Adam's Good Introducto~y Study



Perfect Average

By Rev. D. Bernard Thean, O,S.B.

One of the most many-sided and brilliantly perceptive of American thinkers is the subject of 1.. C. Levenson's The, Mind and Art of Henry Adams (Houg-hton Mifflin, $6.00) The opening- sentence of the book says that "Henry Adams offers his fellowAmericans the richest and Russia and China that Adams 'most challenging' imag-e of saw as so important for tne what they are, what they world's future is the subject of a



htwe, been, and what they may become," and, considered from the purely na-' tural point of view, this is not far from the truth. , In the history of Amer ican thought and lit­ erature, Adams has an impor­ tant place, in manf different categories. He is the author of one of the best pieces of histori­ cal writing in, the English lan­ guage, and perhaps the most bl:Uliant done by an American Ruthor.The Education of Henry AdAms ranks next to Franklin's Autobiography as the' best Amer­ ican example of writing about self. Mont S~. Michel and ,Char­ tres is one of the best historical )andartistic surveys of the high point of the Middle Ages, though a Catholic will alwaYii have to Qualify very stl'Ongly its religious and philosophical worth. As a letter~writer, Adams was perhaps the best America has to offer. of those Whose familiar epistles are published. Finally, he would seem to have been one of the country'S great teachers, dur­ ing his short but very infh.iential period at Harvard. Prophetic Insight All of these aspects of Adams' life and work are touched upon in this new study which, perhaps because its author is young, as students of Adams go, is not as deeply perspective as one might wish, where religious thought is concerned - but which is never­ theless, a good introductory study. Perhaps the most striking. thing about Adams was, the pro­ phetic nature of his insight into the American future. At a time. toward the end of the nineteenth century, when England, France, and Germany were great world powers, and the potentials 'of Russia and the United States unknown, 'Adams was warning his correspondents that, within 50 years or so, the destinies of the habitable world would be in the hands of America and Russia -and, further, that China would, at the Same time, be a world power to reckon with, because her destiny in -the foreseeable future was inexkicably linked with that of Russia.

Atomic Power

Adams even dared to prophecy that twentieth century develop­ ments in China would be preced­ ed by military action in Korea, and this at a time when most of the world had hardly any know~ ledge of that little Oriental land. Again, it is a commonplace today to point to the last stanza of Adams' "Prayer to the Dynamo," Which complemented his "Prayer to the Virgin," as highly pro­ phetic of what the unleashing of atomic power would mean to the world. The stanza reads: Seize, then, the Atom! rack his joints! Teal' out of him his secret spring! Grind him to nothing'!-though he POilUS To us, and his life - blood anoints Me-the dead Atom-King'! This was wl'itten in 1901-but it has been only withitl the last decade that it has been quoted time and time again as a'sum­ ming-up of one dreadful aspect of life in the modern world. Russia and China 'That relatio~ls~i9 bet wee D

detailed account' by Generalis­ simo Chiang Kai-shek, Soviet Russia in China (Farrar, Stl"aUB & Cudahy, $5,00) An introductory section des. cribes a 25 year experiment in . "peaceful coexistence" between China and Russia, lasting from 1924 to 1949. How 'thatexperi­ ment ended, we all knOw well•. , though on this side of the world the argument will long rage as to whose responsibility was the outcome. A second section outlines, as the Genel'alissimo sees them, "The Successes and Failures of the World's Stl"Uggle Against Communism." .i\ third, and per­ haps leas~ original part, des­ cribes "The Communists' Stra­ tegy for World Revolutiori." Of United States' figures, Gen­ eral Joseph Stilwell is criticized most openly for failing to understand communist aims and strategy. By implication, Gen-. eral Marshall is also criticized for his part In the Chinese­ communist negotiations of 1946. A much more favorable account is given of the work of General Patrick Hurley. Tangled Problem The rights and wrong's of the activitie;> of Chaing's. Kuo-min­ tang government present a, very tangled problem indeed. but it is certain that a careful reading of this book will help the American reader understand a good deal more than he has hitherto known of the situa tion.· It 'is /one more addition to worthwhile contemp­ orary literature on the problem of Russia's plans for the world under her domination.

Urges Vets' Interest In Military Matters WORCESTER (NC) - Ameri­ can soldiers are among the most "spiritually sensitive" the world has ever know!)., Bishop John J. Wright of Worcester, declared here, Speaking at a convention of the Depaltment of Massachu­ setts, American Veterans of World War II and Korea (AM· VETS) , the Bishop urged soldiers and veterans to pay close atten­ tion to military matters because the )'li"esent arms race may soon make possible a war from which no one will return: He sUggested that veterans particularly watch the debate now being waged on the outlaw­ ing or limiting of nuclear tests because the opinions of ex-mili­ tary men have so great an­ influence on the public.


ThU".. luly 4. 1957



There are no flies In the oint. ment of one of Manhattan College's graduating seniors, now enrolled at the College of Physi. cians and Surgeons at Columbia University. A perfect scholastia average, straight "A's" for four years at coli e g e, has been achieved by Peter E. Dans of Riverdale, N. Y., It has been announced by Brothel' Gregory. F.S.C., Dean of the School of Al:ts and Sciences. Dans majOred In chemistry.





FINDS CHURCH AT 84: Frank Futrell was 84.years old and confined to a wheelchair in st. Louis Chronic Hos­ pital, before he found Christ's true church: Leg-ion of Mary Members first interested the senior citizen in the faith. He was confirmed by Auxiliary Bishop Leo C. Byrne of St. Louis, assisted by Father David Eckelkamp, O.F.M., hos­ pital' chaplain. NC Photo.,

Coronation Ceremony At Central Village The' symbolic coronation cere­ mony commemorating an event in Portuguese history was con­ ducted Sunday at St. John tha Baptist Church, Central Village, by Rev. William R. Jordan, pastor. ,The gesture of placing the cl'O'wn o,n Kathleen Cabral, repre­ senting the queen in the historic ceremony, was made priOlo to the 10 :30...o'clock Mass. 'Crown bear­ el'S were Veronica Viera and Joan Camara.. Mass .was followed by a pro­ cession to, the .H 0 t'y G h 0 s t grounds, where dinner was served undel' the auspices of the Holy Ghost Association.







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Race May Go Down To Wire in National League By



July 4th is an important date in major league base­ ball. Tradition has it that the team in first place on that date stands a better than even chance of annexing the pennant. At this writing it appears that first place,in the, American League can be at­ tained on the historic date lour consecutive shutouts held by only two teams, the jointly by New York and Cleve­ Yankees and the White Sox. land. The l'eturnol George Kell After last Sunday's games the Bronx Bombers moved into the league lead over Lopez & ·Co. Cleveland was In third place five games on', and the on-rushing Red Sox had moved into fourth, 1 ',2 games ahead of the faltering Tigers and 3 Y2 up on the reJuvenated Ol:ioles. Two weeks ago this time, th8' Pale Hose was riding the crest of the wave some five games out In front. The trading deadline came and went and '10, the indispensable but very disputant Billy Martin had been traded off to lowly Kansas City by the Yankee front office. Whethei· this action serv­ ed to allay the fears 01 the admittedly apprehensive Copa­ cabana combatants, 01' whether It put a burl' under the compla­ cent champions is at best an academic Question. Subsequently, however, the Yanks settled into a take charge drive that erased the five game deficit and brought them into the present deadlock. Malzone Sparkles Meanwhile the Red Sox, off a. tremendous showing in their current homestand, have again tUl'ned Fenway from a form ida­ ble to a friendly base of opera­ tlons. The Sox are now over 'the .500 mark at home and have won 10 of their last 12 games. More than a modicum of credit for this showing should gO' to Frank Malzone, the Sox' power hitting rookie. Frank had been leading off in the order early in the l5eason and the spot didn't agree with him, eVidently. At the end of April he was hitting .204. Piersall Pressing Dropped in the lineup, his hitting picked up and by the end of May Frank was at .275. Final­ by ensconced In the sixth slot, the rookie had a torrid streak 1n June hitting .407 and driving In 34 runs. His Infield mates, shortstop Billy Klaus and second baseman Ted Lepclo, began to respond equally well upon retul'l1­ 1ng home and the net result has brought the Sox from 'way back Into contention once again. The locals have a pronounced catching weakness, though. Sam White the No, 1 receiver is hit­ ting an anemic .224, glasses and all, and his replacement, Pete Daley, is even lower at ,143. This department and a pressing Jim­ my Piersall In center field appeal' to be Manager Higgins' main causes of concern at the moment. Piersall could do well with a rest. A notorious slow ,starter, Jim is still fighting to get over the .250 mark. With the junior

to the lineup is still problemati­ cal. When he does, however, the Orioles will have as good a hlt­ ting Infield trio as there Is In ti)e league. Goodman will likely move over to second, with the. ,345 hitting Boyd holding down first. Only two teams appeal' definitelY out of the running, Kansas City and Washington, but the former is certainly strong enough to be ALL·STAR STAR:' One cast In a spoiler's rol\l. Sixteen of the top vote getters in the of the Athletics are former Yan­ all-star game to be played kees or top drawer Yankee farm­ hands. They must still have fond in Busch Stadium, St. Louis feelings for their original spon­ , next Tuesday,' is 'Stan the SOl'S, however. The A's have lost Man" Musial of the St. Louis all nine games to New York this Cardinals. In off - season, .season. "The Man" is one of the Six Figure leaders in lay activity in St. In the National League, It's anybody's guess. As in the juniol;> Raphael Parish, st. Louis, circuit, only two teams, Chicago and a member of the Chris­ and Pittsburgh are obviously out­ tian Brotl;).ers' College Fath­ classed. And ,yet there's no cer­ ers' Club. tainty regarding them, Talking with Gene Hermanskl the other Catechists Complete day, th.e formel' Brooklyn out­ fielder, now selling construction Training Course . equipment, made the observation LOS ANGELES (NC) The that the Dodgers of '47 came" from 'way back on July 4th to Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine, "right hand of the arch­ annex the title. And. of course, there's the case diocese," has graduated 361 lay of the Miracle Braves who were catechists from -its 40 - week lodged In last place on July 4, training course. The catechists 1914 only to make an unparal­ leled stretch run to the title and came from 157, parishes. There a World Series crown. The first were 149 qualified to -teach In six teams in the National League parish high schools of religion, are definitely in contention. The and 212 f<;>r the elementary level. Giants in sixth place are only "I have a great deal of sym­ six games behind league leading pathy for your work, for my own Milwaukee. The first diVision, as early catechetical instruction was a matter of fact Is as close as obtained from workers like your­ your next breath. Cincinnati is selves," James Francis Cardinal only half a game out, st. Louis McIntyre told the gl'aduates, "It was on Sunday afternoons a game and a half, and Brooklyn' -at a very inappropriate hour. and Philadelphia three games be­ hind. This arrangement could It wasn't in a classroom either," change overnight and very likely the Cardinal recalled. "It was In wlII as a result of the week-end a large church in, groups of 10 activity. It's hardly likely, then, or 12, That's the way we got our that the old maxim-July' 4th catechetical instruction, I hope it leader eventual pennant winner was fruitful." The work of the Confraternity, -wlII gain any more than pass­ the Cardinal said, "enlarges the Ing attention. family of God upon earth, You Plaudits for Rigney are a medium of God's grace Philadelphia, New YOl'k, and bringing knowledge and appre­ st. Louis have been surprisingly ciation of union with God." he strong to date. Pre-season fore­ added, casts looked toward Brooklyn, • If God's blessings' are to con­ Milwaukee, and Cincinnati to tinue upon the country then they battle for the pennant and .It is must not tic defied, but rather not unreasonable to assume that the people must live in union one of them wlII yet come with God, the Cardinal declared, through. Philadelphia has a woe­ saying that, under the guise of fully weak hitting team and isn't academic freedom, doctrines were expected to remain in contention. being proposed that rejected the The Giants' surge is in a large order of nat1,lre and rejected the . manner attributable to the great authority of God. play of WlIIie Mays, their only splinter, Gene Stephens, avall­ .300 hitter, and the effectiveness flble for duty. the Sox could of Reuben Gomez, currently 9-5. afford to let Piersall sit out with­ Manager Bill Rigney Is conceded out losing stride,

to have doile a marvelous job but Overlooked Orioles

the Giants' story ends there, ' Lost In the cornel' of the Ahead of Schedule nation's sports pages has been the meteoric rise of the Baltimore That leaves St. Louis, the Cin­ "It's a whale e,' a drink" Orioles guided by the astute Paul derella club, featuring the Mc­ o Richards. The acquisition of Billy Daniel brothers, Lindy and Von, 17 DEUCIOUJS FLAVORS

Goodman from the Sox plugged 'Stan Musial, and a supporting BEST SINCE 1853

a glaring third base weakness in cast that owns the best batting the Bird's infield 'and gave them average in the circuit. The Cards ~ WE DELIVER

atdditlonal thump at the plate. were on top early in tlle week but CAILL.

The Baltimore mound staff, led since have backed off a bit. This' by ex-Brooklynite Billy Loes is a young club that Fred Hut­ WY 9-6264

(8-3), fired four consecutive chlnson directs and its move to ClInd 9·,6265

Ilhutouts this past week and came the front has come a couple of within two Innings of tying the years ahead of schedule. Cardi­ American League record of 47 nal fans fondly recall the ex­ 1J1ol'aight scoreless innings Bet by ploits of the Dean brothers; Cleveland In 1948. they're hoping the McDaniels SQlInJS, Ironically, It was a former can emUlate them. They may in o }' I III 1e, Dick Williams. who time. Whichever of these leading 45 SCHOOn. SI" ()i'088ea the plate m the fifth clubs puts together an extended At Se>. !:ijn'st ~t •

.Irm:lng of Saturday's game. to streak Js going to run away and 1l011.P the streak. At that, the hide on the rest. If that doesn't NEW Elf.DFORD

P!·lp.l,f~ .c.~1116Jlefl. ~:l1e_ Jt.:c.?-!:ct. .(\! •• ~a.PP!1.t\-,.:Itl;\ tiC!. ~~\~~ ~o. \b.f .'~tt1;




Hiram Wheaton and Int.

I.,QS ANGELES mc) - Con­ 5truction has started here on the sixth archdiocesan high school 'to he established since the suc­ cessful Youth Education Fund drive in 1956. The new boys' school will be located in one of the most densely populated areas in Los Angeles. It w111 be named for Bishop Francis Mora, who head­ ed the diocese of Monterey and Los Angeles from 1878 to 1896. Salesians of St. John Bosco will conduct the IIchool which is scheduled to open with the ninth grade in the fall of '1958. One grade will be added each ensuing year up to the 12th grade. Business and trade training will be offered in addition to

the regular high school CUlTI­ culum and cellege preparatory subjects. There are now 48 high schools operating in this archdiocese. Three more will open next Sep­ tember. Bishop Mora high school will be the 62nd.

. Queen Decorates Nun For Care of lepers

,s PAN ISH TOWN, Jamalcl\ (NC) - Sister Mary James, su­ perior of the Marist Missionary Sisters at the Hansen Home for lepers here, has been decorated by Queen Elizabeth II for her work among the lepers. Sister Mary James, who was bom in Philadelphia, was made an honorary Member of the Conformity Study British Empire in the annual "Queen's Birthday List:' PACHMARHI, India (NC) ­ The Hansen Home is a Bl'Itish Ways of adapting certain church government - operated leprosa­ aspects to conform to Indian 'tra- ' rium staffed by the Marist Mis­ ditions are being studied. Many sionary Sisters, Catholic observers believe a large number of Indians who are in­ terested in the Church· do not EUROPE $885 become converts because they For the DISCRIMINATING find some of its customs too TRAVElER ••• "westernized." II Cauntrlo.-6 W.oh·AIl Expon,o








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Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm "Your Life-What Shall it be?" wm you offer it to God? WIIJ you care for the for­ gotten people of the world-the Aged? • :' ,( They need your love-your youth! They ,~ c '-' :: need you to help prepare them for Heaven, J~ ~. and to bring JOY to their last years on I -\@fJ U earth. As a Carmelite Sister you have St.

Therese to teach you her "Little Way" and

you wear the cherished scapular that as­

sures you of Heaven if you wear It faithfully. For further in­

formation you may, write to: Rev. l\fother M. Ange,Une Teresa.

O. Carm. st. Teresa's Motherhouse and NO\'jtlate, Avila on the Hudson, Germantown, N. Y.




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DOMINICAN S C U L P TOR S FATIMA STATUE: ! Sculptor-priest, Father Thomas McGlynn, AmericanDo~-

\ l.

! inican,

celebrates Solemn Mass of Silver Jubilee in his studio at Pietrasanta, Italy, beside a huge statue of Our' ; Lady of Fatima which he is carving for Portugal's Fatima , Shrine. The statue is 15 feet, six inches high, of white \, l\TersiJia marble, and will be trimmed. with gold. Our Lady will be carrying a Rosary of ivory. Gilt of Americans, the : huge ,statue will be dedicated in October. NC Photo.

'Jesuit Aids Alaskan Air Command Set Up Difficult Ice Skate Task ." the location onc~ or twice durmg the year. There could be no mistake in He trained the pilots In meth­ selecting a landing field suitable ods used to determine a safe for heavy aircraft on the shifting landing spot and then went with ice in the Arctic. them to make their first landing. This was one of major prob-' The, men' set. up a ,temporary lems in establishing Ice Skate camp in 40 to 50 below zero Task Group,' a project of the weather and started work on the geophysical year. The Air Force landing strip. L,arge chunks of knew just the man for the Job. ice had to be blasted away-not . Jesuit Father, Thomas Cunning- too much and not too little. A ham, stationed at Barrow, Alaska small tractor, dropped in parts -so. naturally. they sent for him. and assembled on the ice, was Father Cum'tingham was called used to smooth the runway. in as a special' advisor to 'the Three weeks later"the first giant Alaskan Air Command, The Air C-124 landed· bringing perma­ Force depended upon his judg- nent buildings, men and scienti­ ment in seiecting the floating fic instruments. Ice Skate Task site. equipment and methods. He Group ~as off and skating. knows his Arctic ice, And everyAward Commendation Today a sm.all group of mill­ ohe in the Arctic is aware of , Father's knOWledge~ His experi- tary men and scientists are es­ • ence goes back through the years tablished somewhere 600 miles from service on Diomede'Island. out from Point Barrow, tip of where he once had a close escape Alaska. about 300 miles from the from the Russians. to the barren North Pole. wastes above Barrow. "Father Tom" is convinced Toughest Job from his own experiences that , ' any man with ordinary-stamina, Durmg w:orld War. II and the well-prepared and well-trained. ye~rs followmg. the All' ~orce has can survive and work under the called on him to sh~re h~S know- most difficult Arctic conditions. le~ge of the Arct,lC WIth :~en After ,taking part in the pre­ gOl11g through Alcttc slllvlvai. carious initial landing and mak­ cO,u~'ses. Recently" ~e served the ing landings in a plane loaded mlht~ry and civlhan personnel with dynamite, propane and drawmg the long net of radar aviation gas. Father Cunningham across the northern reaches of remarked: "I think I' could ac­ Alaska and Western Cana~a. He company an uncrated A-bomb has traveled hundreds of mIles ,bY now." ~la~e to offer Mass for Cathohcs By direction of the Secretary III Isol~ted area~. . of the Air Force. Father (Major) He,lpmg to establIsh the 'geo-. C un n i n g ham recently' was Phys~cal. yeal' science center on 'awarded the Commendation Rib­ float~~~g IC~ w,~s the most danger- bon for his meritoriotls achieve- ' ous Ice Job to be tackled by ment on the project. "Father Tom," as he is popularly known. Precarious Work Ice selected fOl' the landing field and opemtions base would have to be surrounded by at least 15 miles of packed ice which would serve as a buffer to keep New Bedford's Only'

tbe landing field from sinking. The weight of large planes would Authorized

exert strong pressure out from the center. The spat could be so -Chevrolet Dealer

precarious that more than one '545 Mill St.,'

plane of the C-124 type could tip New Bedford'

the Ice off center. "Father Tom" estimated that changing condi­ WY 7-9486

tions might make,it necessarf to FAffiBANKS, Alaska (NC) _







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