Pope Explains Renewal
The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and FIrm-St. Paul
Fall Riverl Mass., Thursday, July 5, 1973 $4.00 per year Vol. 17, No. 27 © 1973 The Anchor PRICE 10¢
'Begin Preparations For 1974 Synod WASHINGTON (NC) An extensive document posing wide ranging questions has been sent to the bishops of the world by the Vatican as part of the preparations for the fourth International Synod of Bishops to be held in October 1974. The theme of the 1974 Synod is "The Evangelization of the Modern World."and some 200 bishops representing their episcopal conferences are expected to attend.
The last International Synod of Bishops was held at the Vaican in 1971. The Synod is an institution recommended by the Second Vatican Council as a· means of promoting more effective consultation between the bishops of the world and the Pope. The document distributed - by the Vatican as a "working tool," encourages the bishops to begin preparations for the Synod now. Turn to Page Six
Vatican Extends 23 Norms For U.S. Marriage Cases WASHINGTON (NC) - The Vatican has extended for one year the experimental marriage court norms which have been in use in the United States since July I, 1970. The 23 special norms, which have simplified and sped up the procedures for dealing with the annulment of marriage cases in U.S. Church courts, were originally granted' for. three years on an experimental basis. Without the extension they would, have expired on July 1 of this year. .
Msgr. Berub~ Was Priest 54 Years "Monsignor Berube's services to the Church have not ended," preached Rev. Rene G. Gauthier, pastor of St. Theresa Parish in New Bedford, "they have only changed." After pointing to the work done by the talented priest, the pastor emphasized the Christian's faith and hope in the resurrection. as is reflected in the Preface of the Mass for Christian Burial. Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube, former pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in New Bedford, a priest for 54 years and associated witlt that parish for 37 years, died on Tuesday, June 26. His funeral was celebrated in St. Anthony of Padua Church with Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, as Turn to Page Three
Last November at their annual meeting in Washington the U.S. bishops requested a threeyear extension of three of the norms which they considered the most important. The streamlined annulment procedures cut down on paperwork, shorten appeal procedures, and allow fewer judges to hear marriage cases. In the first two years that the new norms were in effect, 19701971, the number of marriage cases that were opened .in the United States more than tripled over the previous two years, and almost four times as many decisions were given. Some of the 23 norms dwell on minor points involving the courts or the functions of court cers. But the major steps, aimed at simplicity and speed in processing a case, include: . -One judge, instead of the usual three to five judges, may hflndle a case if there is "grave reason." A diocesan bishop can get single-judge permission from the NCCB. -A definite time limit of eight months has been set for anyone case to be completed in a court of original jurisdiction. If a case moves up to appeals court, the time limit is an extra two months when no new testimony is involved and an extra seven months when new testimony is introduced. -The advocates (lawyers for one or both parties in the marriage case) have greater recognition status in the eyes of the Turn to Page Two
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VATICAN CITY (NC) - Renewal is a beautiful word and may have excellent uses, but it can also conceal "a perilous equivocation," Pope Paul VI told a general audience. "It is a happy word, renewal," he said. "Even the Holy Year has adopted it. It 'is used by everyone, in all fields: laws, customs, ways of thinking and of living. It is applied to culture, art, social structures. . . Everything must be new, everything must be renewed. "Clearly it is a law of life. Life is continual newness: breath, the beating of the heart, the following of one day upon another and of one season upon another." From such observations, the Pope continuE:d, stems an "obsessive" idea of progress. "Everything must change, everything must progress. Evolution seems to be a law that frees. _ "Now there must be much truth in this outlook, and much
good. That is, because even in the moral and religious field a tension toward further develop-
ment ... spurs us to greater perfection." But he warned: "We must take care not to fall into a perilous equivocation. Renewal can mean many things. It can mean repudiation of values which cannot' be renounced. . . - "Renewal can mean change, conversion, metanoia (change of heart). That's fine. But not every change is good and useful. Man - has a heritage he cannot renounce: life. The Christian possesses a fortune he cannot neglect: the faith." Pope Paul then made the point: "The renewal of which we are speaking cannot be reached through the loss of the very heritages that render it possible. Rather it is reached through the tenacious defense of these heritages, and by sagely taking the lid off the .healthy energies they contain. "In this sense: you cannot be progressive without being conservative."
Ask Human Life Am'endment Hearing WASHlNGTON (NC) - Three senators, co-sponsors of an amendment to the Constitution to restore legal protection to the unborn child, urged Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind.), chairman of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments, to hold hearings on the measure at an early date. Senators James i.. Buckley (R-N.Y.), Mark O. Hatfield (ROre.) and Harold E. Hughes (DIowa) said in a letter to Sen. Bayh: "Given the gravity of the issue, and the deeply felt concern that so many Americans feel about it, we would like to urge you to call hearings." The proposed 'amendment was introduced in the' Senate May 31, and it is intended to restore. legal protection to unborn children aM to all others whose
lives may be endangered as a result of the recent Supr,eme Court rulings. The three Senators also circulated letters to all members of the Senate saying that "it is time to stop this sensel.~ss killing of unborn human beings." "Since abortion laws were liberalized in only a handful of states a few years ago, the toll of violence and destruction has been devastating. This kind of carnage cannot go on without inflicting mortal damage to the moral sensibilities of our people," they stated. Saying that the Supreme Court's ruling' ran counter to a
Tells Catholics Seek Protestant Support in Opposing Abortion
KENOSHA (NC) "Catholics should challenge Protestants more on the abortion issue," according to a Lutheran minister involved in the pro-life movement. Interviewed by the Catholic Herald Citizen, the Milwaukee Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, archdiocesan newspaper, the S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, has Rev. Eichhorst expressed his confirmed the assignments of views after a speech to a group two religious to serve the pas- of anti-abortion leaders at Cartoral needs of the faithful with- thage College here in Wisconsin. in the Diocese of Fall River. Even though Protestants are Rev. Hugh Cleary, C.S.C., has opposed to abortion, they're not been assigned by his Provincial accustomed to speaking out on Superior, Very Rev. William issues, Mr. Eichhorst said. He Hoga,n, C.S.C., to serve as as- said that Catholics, on the other sistant at Holy Cross Parish in hand, must become less self-conSouth Easton. scious about carrying the burden Father Cleary replaces Rev. and urge others to express their Robert Brennan, C.S.C., who. views. He's convinced, he 'added, that takes up duties outside the efforts of opposing forces are Diocese. concentrated to make abortion Rev. Nicholas Swiatek, O.F.M. appear as a Catholic issue, even Conv., has been assigned by his more than it is. Provincial Superior, Very Rev. It's a matter of stratergy for Edmund Szymkiewicz, O.F.M. pro-abortionists to do this, said Conv., to serve as assistant at the pastor of Atonement LutherSt. Hedwig Parish, New Bed- an Church, St. Cloud, Minn. He ford. was a featured speaker at a conFather Swiatek replaces Rev. vention of Alternatives to AborCyril Augustyn, O.F.M. Conv., tion, a world-wide federation of who has been elected to the Pro- pro-life emergency pregnancy vincial Council and will take up services. residence at the Provincial Head"It's easier for the opposition quarters in Baltimore. to focus their attack on a single
Bishop Confirms Appointments Of Religious
growing and widespread popular revulsion against liberalized ahortion·, the senators noted that "in the few short months since the court's ruling, at least 10 states have petitioned Congress to enact a constitutional amendment." Several state legislatures have also passed "right of conscience" bills in an effort to diminish the impact of the sweeping Supreme Court ruling on abortion. The "right of conscience", legislation allows hospitals and'medical personnel to refuse to participate in or perform abortions without legal ot administrative reprisals.
bishop or two than on the rest of us, even though I'm involved," he explained. "It seems Protestants opposed to abortion are not accustomed to speaking out on the issue and the tragedy is that many Catholics are used to speaking upalthough some do not do so inteHigentiy. "But it would he a tragic mista'ke for Protestants to back off because it looks like a Catholic issue. Yet, if the Catholic issue falls into the hands of extremist groups, such as the John Birch Society, it would hurt their cause." Mr. Eichhorst noted that the Lutheran Church in conventioll had difficulty dmfting a position statement but he finds "tremendous grassroots support" against the January 22 Supreme Court decision liberalizing abortion laws. The clergyman said one of the differences between Lutherans and Catholics is that members of his Church might be willing to allow abortion in "exceedingly rare instances"":'" another reason they do not speak out as vociferously as they feel." To help change the image of the issue, he stressed that Catholics must become less self-conscious abou~ car~ying the burden.
tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive~- Thurs., July' 5, 1973
Marriage 'Cases Continued from Page One diocesan tribunal, with greater leeway than they used to have in questioning witnesses and examining court records.
-The basis whereby a judge decides a case is shifted, giving major' new. weight to evidence from both sides. Under tne old norms he could not grant an an· nulment unless he had "moral certitude" that -a marriage was invalid; under the U.S. norms his moral certitude should be "generated by the prevailing w.eight of that evidence having a recognized value in law and jurisprudence,"
II. 1
Bishop Cronin has confirmed the assig~ment of' Reverend Hugh Cleary, C.S.C., as Assistant at Holy Gross Parish, South Easton. r Bishop Cronin has confirmed the assigrtment of Reverend Nicholas Swiatek, O.F.M., Conv., as Assistarlt at Saint Hedwig Parish, New Bedford. ; . Bishop Cronin has accepted the resign~tion of Reverend Donald A. Couza fro~ the pastorate of Saint Mary's Parish, Norton, for reasons of health. : Bishop Cronin has accepted the resignation 'of Reverend Lucien Jusseaume from the pastorate of Sai~,t George's Parish, Westport, for reasons of health. I Bishop Cronin has appointed the Very Reverend Luiz G. Mendonca, V.G., as Chairman of a s'pecial c:ommittee ,to plan and coordinate the Diocesan observance of tpe Holy Year. Bishop Cronin has appointed the Reverend Barry W. WaU as a special liason member of the Diocesan: Holy Year Com· mittee,. to coordinate the celebration of tHe Holy Year at Saint Mary's Cathedral. ; . I
·+~~tl,~ I I
Have Catholic Status .
Ukrainians Taxes App,roved ~or Support Of Ontario Separate Schools I THUNDER BAY (NC)-·Ukra· nian-rite Catholics of the' 'Ontario province can' assign their education taxes to the Separate (Catholic) school system, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) has decided. . The decision was handed down af~er an appeal by the Lakehead District Separate (Catholic) School Board of a decision by the District Court here. A. H. Arrell, vice-chairman of the OMB, stated: "In the board's
Necrology July 14 Rev. Nicholas Fett, SS.CC., 1938, Dominican Priory, Fall River.' Rev. Edmund J. Neenan, 1949, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs. July 16 Rev. Bernard Percot, O.P., 1937, Founder, St. Dominic, Swansea. July 17 Rev. William J. Smith, 1960, Pastor, St. James, Taunton July 18 Rev. Adalbert Szklahny, 1968, St. Patrick, FaU River July 19 Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, D.D., 1934, 2nd Bishop of Fall River 1907·34. .,....".......,"""1"""'."+1"""""",,,,,,',,,,.,,,.,"",,;"""""""",,,"'",,,,"',,,_ THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall RivP', Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 HllIhland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid
M.ell ,Ir year.
LAY MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE: Two lay members have bben named to the Communication Committee of the U.S. C~tholic Conference and will thus join members of the -hierarchy, which includes Bishop Cronin who was elected at t~e ll~st meeting. Robert Hyland, left, general manager of KMOXIRadio in St. Louis and Elmer Van Feldt, right, editor of Coluntbia magazine, New Haven. (NC Photo) , I
Maj:9r Superiors' Conference Debotes _An1nesty Statement CHIC~GO (NC)-A statement on amnesty for war resisters issuedin 1V):ay by ,the national executive board of the CCIIlference of Major: Superiors of Men was botH pra'!sed and criticiz,ed at the CMSM annual assembly here.
Defender of Bond -Dropped is the old mandatory requirement that the "defender of the hond" (the court official who acts as lawyer against the annulment·seeker, or defense lawyer for the marriage itself) must appeal whenever an annulment is granted. If he is convinced that the appeals court would uphold the annulment decision, he need not appeal. -Flexibility is allowed on the geographic question of where a case is started. The diocesan court first getting the case can . be in the diocese of either party, ,the diocese where the marriage took place, or even a diocese where a tribunalhelieves his court "is better ,able to judge the case ,than any other tribunal."
'Symbol of Division'
That statement, approved by all CMSM board members, stressed that the most urgent need facing the United States is the need for~reconciliation, and The diScussion ended without the status of war resisters is a a vote btit members welre asked "symbol and a cause for division to add t~eir, signatures to the .in our country." The board said that amnesty should not involve sta't~ment: if they agreed with its any penalizing coriditions, such -. position on amnesty. .,.....A case can be transferredThe executive board's Memo- as a\lternative service or record- 'rial'Day statement called on the ing the facts of the cases in. pub- from one court to another at any President :and' Congress for "an lic records, because any condi- time during ,the .trial "for grave immediate', universal and uncon- tions would undermine the pur- reason." ditio~al a~nesty" for the "thou- pose of restoring harmony to the After the experimental norms sands of ):oung men c.urrentIy in nation. were first granted for the prison or4in e1{ile from the U. S. The board's statement added United States in 1970,Pope because of -the positions they that the amnesty should affect 'Paul VI in 1971 simplified the t.ook on the Vietnam war," those who have avoided the marriage case rules for the - Cohferertce president, Father draft through going underground whole Church, including some Paui Boyle', C.P., originally ruled or leaving the country, those but not all of the norms in use in that diSCUSsion at the assembly who have been imprisoned be- this country. here:woultl tie limited to the cause of non-cooperation, or methodology of the statement forms of conscientious objection and not its content unless the not recognized by the courts, and assembly voted to discuss the .. those who have left the military . contents. ';The assembly then service or have been imprisoned overwhelmingly approved by . because of refusal to take part voice vote la discussion of bo:th in combat. methodology content. , and ,
opinion, since the appelants are members of d church which ac: cepts the sup~emacy of the Holy Roman See, their legal status is that of Romdn Catholic of the Eastern Rite :and they are entitled to be er;ttered as Separate school supporters,'~ The British North America Act of 1867 gJarantees Catholics in Ontario the Iright to their own schools. Sectil:m 53 of the later Separate Schobls Act of Ontario specificaUy an!p solely refers .to "Roman Catholics" as having the ~eal Issue right to their ~wn' schools. Discussion centered on the Government I workers called enumerators vi~it homes through- . content of ~the executive board out the provirtce to determine statement as well as its timing in how taxpayers; money is to be relatiol1 to Jhe annual assembly. "I find it inappropriate," one used for schoo) support. If the taxpayers. say Ithey' are Roman mem\>er objected, "that the teo Catholics, thei~ taxes go to the lease came so close to the amnual support of Catholic schools. The assembly. The statement asks taxes of person's saying they be. for 'opening an umbrella' over, long to other denominations go too .many p'eople and motives," .1, to the support ?f public schools. he said,., "Do ,not tell us urgency com, At present, ~he publicly suppels us to action," he continued. ported Separate, or Catholic school system operates fro~ "I am not~eady." kindergarten tol grade 10. Another member said thatt the :1 In the OMB dbcision, a Roman statement is~ued by the execuCatholic was defined as "a Chris- tive bo~rd gives the impression tian who admit~ the authority of that th~ board was speaking for all the members. the Pope," : "The ireal issue," a third memThere are aboiJt 200,000 Ukranian-rite Catholics in Canada ber said, "is not amnesty . . . and 60,000 in the Ontario prov- but all-encompassing ... reconince. I • ciliation. W~ have no right to In Toronto, Father R. Danylak, judge thousands' of sons who chancellor of the;Ukrainian Cath- have left thef,r cquntry," olic Eparchy (diocese) of To"Unless we receive them," he r:onto, said: "I think it is the ad~ed, "we are the lost ones." right decision and what we have "If reconciliation is not made," been working at for the past few he warned,'~we have met the years," enemy and thby are us,"
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Rightists Placed Under Interdict LA RIOJA (NC)-Bishop Enr.ique Angelelli of La Rioja placed under interdict 14 persons who called him a ,jCommunist" during the patron saint celebrations at Anillaco, a rural community. Interdict means that these persons "cannot attend celigious services or receive the sacraments; nor can they be given Church buri,al," he said. The hishop known for his strong defense of the poor; was accompanied by 10 priests, six nuns and several lay leaders when a group of rightists entered the parish rectory at Anillaco crying out "down with Red bishops and priests." The group, calling themselves the Committee for the Defense of the Faith, demanded that the bishop and his priests leave town immedtately. After calls to police failed to bring protection, Bishop Angelelli and his company left Anillaco for the neighboring town of Tinogasta, taking the consecrated Hosts with them. The Committee for the Def.ense of the Faith then closed the church at Anillaco, St. Anthony's. Later Bishop Angelelli explained that he attributed the attack to looal opposition fmm large landholders to a diocesan plan to convert a large farm into a cooperative of small .farmers. Argentine law allows the break-up of unproductive farms.
Vocation A good vocation is simply a firm and constant will in which the called person has to serve Godin the way and in the place to which almighty God has called him. -St. Francis de Sales
Msgr. Berube Dies in 55th Year a's Priest Continued from Page One principal celebrant and more than 30 priests concelebrating, on Friday, June 29. It was hy. accident that the Monsignor became a priest, of the Fall River Diocese. Ordained for the Quebec Archdiocese, he had become ill .during further studies aM came to recuperate with his uncle who was at that !time pastor of St. Hyacinthe Parish, New Bedford. After some time he transferred to the Fall River Diocese where he devoted himself in a multifaceted ministry. He possessed a fabulous memory, a keen mind. He was a born leader, interested in all and everythingmusic, art, literature, sports. He was an omnivorous reader, an organizer par excellence. He loved to write and was a ghost writer of many a speech given on important occasions. He loved to write letters. He was a man who was not afraid to speak his mind, a wise man to whom many priests came for advice and counsel; a tremendous host who respected authority and required respect. Father Gauthier especially cited Monsignor Berube's avid interest in the education of youth. The Monsignor was the founder of two high schools in the Diocese: 'Prevost High School in Fall River and St. Anthony's High School- in New Bedford. For years, as the director of the "Caisse des Ecoliers" of the Union St. Jean Baptiste d'Amerique, he sought scholarships for youth to various schools' and colleges. "My vocation was teaching," he would say, "I like children and I love teaching." While assistant . pastor at Notre Dame Pari!ih, Fall River,
Mansfield Divine Word Missionary To Pursue Studies in Italy Rev. William J. Kelley, S.V.D., son of Mrs. J. Spencer Kelley, Sr: of 25 Bella Vista Ave., Mansfield, and the late Mr. J. Spencer Kelley, Sr., will spend six months in Nemi, Italy, a small town near Rome, studying various branches of theology. Prior to his departure for Rome, Father Kelley will spend a few days at home visiting relatives. Ordained in 1967, Father Kelley was first appointed Editor of the "Divine Word Messenger", a magazine published by the Divine Word Missionaries
on their work in the Southern Missions of the United States, and Co-Vocation Director. Two years later he was appointed Vocation Director of the Southern Province of the Div.ine Word Missionaries, a post he still holds. He is a Senator on the Priest's Senate for the Diocese of Natchez-Jackson, and a member of the continuing education committee for the Senate. lie was elected last December to a two-year term on the Senate. During t~e past years, Father Kelley has served as: a guidance counsellor at St. Stanislaus High, Bay St. Louis, where the high school seminarians attend classes; a public relations director; a participant in various civic organizations; and Chaplain for the Hancock County Sheriff's Office and the Bay St. Louis Fire Department. The Divine Word Missionaries is an international Roman Catholic Order of nearly 6,000 missionary priests and Brothers working in 36 countries, with headquarters in Rome. " Father Kelley, enroute to 'Rome, will visit his order's seminaries and .institutions in Dublin, London, Paris, Cologne, Munich, and Zurich. He will return to the country in December and resume his duties as Vocation Director in January.
Thurs., July 5, 1973
10,000 Att,nd Papal Mass
MONSIGNOR ALBERT BERUBE he was instrumental in founding Prevost High School. "I had 90 students graduating from elementary school and no Catholic high school, so I said to them; 'Let's pray to have a high school.'" It was impossible, but it came to be and was a great asset to the city and diocese of 'Fall River. His artistic abilities will also be part of the diocese in the magnificently renovated St. Anthony of Padua Church in New Bedford. Born in AuSable, Mich., son of the late Ernest and the late Georgine (Paradis) Berube, he studied at the Grand Seminary in Quebec and was ordained in 1919 by Cardinal L. M. Begin, Archbishop of Quebec. In 1945 he was named pastor of Holy ,Rosary Church, New Bedford, and served in the same capacity at St. Hyacinth there in 1947, returning two years later to St. Anthony as its pastor. He served in the diocesan matrimonial tribunal as Pro synodal judge and was a member of the diocesan commission on sacred -liturgy. Msgr. Berube directed the scholarsbip fund of I'Union St. Jean Baptiste for 12 years and was its spir.itual director. In 1952, Pope Pius XII named
Named Consultors ·To Secretariat VATICAN CITY (NC) - Four Americans are among the 22 new consultors named by Pope Paul VI to the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity. They are Bishop Francis -J. Mugavero of Brooklyn; Father John Hotchkin, director of the U. S. Bishops' Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs; Msgr. ~ichard Mahowald, director of the North American College's graduate house in Rome; ,and Father Thomas Stransky, president of the Paulist Fathers.
him domestic prelate and 14 years later, Pope Paul VI named him pronotary apostolic. The French government awarded h1m the Chevalier des Palmes Academique .in 1963. Surviving are a brother, Gerard Berube of Amherst and six sisters,., Mrs. Georgette Bourque, Mrs. Bella Bernard, Miss Bertha Berube and Mrs. Antoinette Desjardins of Montreal, Mrs. Lauretta Trepanier of Lachine, Canada and Mrs. Jeanne Mallo of Dover, N.H.
Priest Searches For Progress Spur WASHNGTON (NC) ~ The problem of awaking the people of a young African nation to the need for progress is the challenge of intense-looking Father Aloysius Zwane, a priest expert. in communications. "You see, Swaziland has been almost like a paradise, and the Swazis are contentedly numb," Father Zwane told NC News during a visit here. "But the challenge of being a new nation, the basic needs of the people no longer allow such indulgence. We must work very hard," he added. Swaziland, a .former British protectorate in South Africa, gained its independence in 1968. "Unlike other underdeveloped nations, the Swazi's challenge is not oppression but the need to awake to self-determination and - growth," Father Zwane said. "For instance, the cooperative movement so successful .in other Third World areas did not get response among the villagers. "The same thing happened to efforts to organize such movements as the Young Christian Workers."
Error Error may flourish for a time, but truth will prevail in the end. The only effect of error ultimately is to promote truth. -Cardinal Newman
ROME (NC) - Ten thousand persons attended an outdoor Mass in Rome celebrated by Pope Paul VI on the Feast of Corpus Christi, also the 10th anniversary of his election to the papacy. During his noontime talk to the crowds in St. Peter's Square earlier in the day he mentioned his anniversary and spoke of it again the following day in a lengthy address to the cardinals present in Rome. At the outdoor Mass in the square fronting the Roman parish Church of St. Silvia, however, the Pope confined his remarks to the mystery of Christ present in the Eucharist. "Christ is with us" Pope Paul repeated several times, recalling that the Prophet Isaia had foretold that a "virgin will bear a child who will be called Emmannuel, that is, God with us." "Jesus has remained among men. We, his followers and believers, know this. Jesus is still present. Every time a priest celebrates Mass on earth, THAT Jesus of the Gospel ,and that Jesus now present in HEAVEN SEATED IN glory WITH tHE Father is present here on earth," the Pope continued. Christians should hunger and thirst after the Eucharist because of its tremendous import'ance to tQe spiritual life, the Pope- concluded.
Discuss Christian In Changi'ng World VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Christian, living in a changing world beset with crises, must work for that world and for his neighbor, Russian Orhodox and Catholic repre~entatives agreed during "conversations" near Moscow June 4-7. According' to a joint communique issued here June 15, the talks, with the theme "The Church in a World of Transformation," were a continuation of similar theological meetings held in Leningrad in late 1967 and Bari, Italy, in December 1970. As he had done at previous meetings of the two groups, Cardinal Jan Willebrands, president of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, took part in the final sessions. Orthodox Metropolitan Nikodim of Leningrad declared in the opening address that the Christian, while obligated to seek per~ fection, must find it "not in isolation from the surrounding world and from one's neighbors, but with a necessary lnvolvement with them for service in the spirit of Christ."
Admire So good a thing is virtue that even its enemies applaud and admire it. -St. John Chrysostom
:,;'N""':"'H""T"~""; orriS • rlpp ,: METAL ,= ,:, SHEET J. lESER, Prop. , : : RESIDENTIAL : INDUSTRIAL _ : : COMMERCIAL:
St., New Bedford', ,,, 253 Cedar993·3222 , ,,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaII.Rivel--Thurs., July 5, 19n
C'ommittee Asks Seminaries Adopt
Master of Divinity Degree
Sees Danger in Excessive Concern for Envitonment
Pointing out that the D.Miil. WASHINGTON' (NC) - The U. S. Bishops' Committees on should represent a "demonstraPriestly Formation. has urged bly 'higher" level of professional I st1minaries and theological competence than the basic M.Div. schools in 1Jhe United States to degree, the report urged that "no World Environment Day was obser:ved in this country .adopt the Master of. Divinity institution should consider . . . -by Presidential proclamation-during the early part of (M:Div.) as "the most appropriate the degree until it has assembled June. It occasioned the usual round Of doomsday statedegree for general preparation faculty and staff resources that .ments 'on the imminent threat of a world-wide ecological are adequate to meet the defc;>r the pastqral ministry." crisis. While I· found many , . The recommendation came in' mands of the professional doc. of these statements rather going 9 ut ~f business. That evea joint memorandum from Bishop torate." ning all of the local television For schools that have an adeLoras J. Watters of Winona, persuasive, I am glad that stations in: the Bay area interMinnesota, chairman of the Bish- quate general faculty, "tJhe instiCalifornia's Senator· Alan - viewed a number of the workers ops' Committee, and Father Jo~n tution planning to offer -this deCranston chaHenged the ecolo· involved. They were completeiy Donaghey, chairman of the Foi:~ gree must be able to furnish a gists to take a hard look at the bewildered [by the tragedy which mation Committee of the Confer- trained field supervision staff," . other side of the question. had hit them, without warning, ence of Major Superiors of Men. the report noted. like a ton lof bricks. My heart The two committees 'last year Play Integral Role went out! to them" for their called for a moratorium on the future is :v~ry bleak indeed. According to the report, the establishment of new degrees in Catholic seminaries until they D.Min. program can take "either Heavy Price of two major forms: could study the situation. MSGR. I realize, I of course, that eco· DR. ,JACINTO CONVIT "The in-ministry doctorate, In their new recommendations logical reform is an absolute awarded after ordination and 'of their reporting the conclusions I als6 realize that we will must. GEORGE G•. study, the committees said that one or more years in active have to p~y a price-ir· some the M.Div. degree should be con- ministerial service. cases, a very heavy price-to HIGGINS sidered the basic professional de"The in-sequence doctorate, eliminate air pollution, to clean up our rive~s' and lakes, and, in NEW BRUNSWICK (NC)-Dr. gree for pastoral ministry in this awarded in continuity with the .lllIIl!ml!li:~ general, to lavert an ecological Jacinto Convit of Caracas, Vene- country, in accordance with the· student's originai ministerial Cranston accused the environ- disaster in this country. . zue\a, p~esident of the Interna- standards of the American Asso- education. . ." mentalists of being "elitists." He The report recommended that ·But Senator Cranston's point tional Leprosy Association (ILA), ciation of Theological Schools charged them with being insenti- is that the ipoor should not be has. been, named the recipient of (AATS). in-sequence degree programs tive to the needs' of the poor and penalized· ill the name of e::o- the 1973 'Damien-Dutton Award. should be established only in a Discuss D.Min. accused them of espousing a no- logical refor6. His point is well A Master of Arts (M.A.) de- few places where "exceptionally . growth philosophy which would taken,and I! am glad he made it The announcement was made . gree in theology, or its near sound" programs can be devel-' f f II' . h' bl" by tJowa,rd '~. Crouch of Wan- equivalent, a Master of Theology oped. favor the haves and penalize the so orce u YI In IS recent pu IC 'tagh" N. ,Y., founder-direc.tor of have-nots in our society. statement on this issue.. In some general observations (M.Th.) degree, should maintain This no-growth philosophy, The same IPoint is made even the Damien-Dutton Society for "its character as a degree with on sentinary programs the report the Senator pointed out, "says more forcefully and in much Leprosy Aid at its headquarters academic emphasis," the com- noted that supervised field eduto the many men and women' greater detail in a recent book here. The society, for ,the past mittee report said. cation and more properly acawho depend totally on jobs in by two youn'g economists, Peter 30 years,: has provided, under The report discussed at length demic theology both play an inthe defense, aerospace, construc- Passell and! Leonard Ross, en- Catholic· auspices, funds for re- a more ad~anced degree, Doctor tegral role ·in any pastoral traintion and highway industries that titled "The Retreat from Riches: search, medical assistance, re- of Ministry (D.Min.), for which ing program for candidates to their jobs-and their very live; Affluence and its Enemies" (The habilitation, education and recre~ the,AATS recently set standards. the priesthood." lihoods-are less important than Viking Press;, New York:, ,$6.95). atio~ fori leprosy patients, rea clean environment, a city park, Passell and ~oss are willing to gardless qf race or creed, in all a few thousand acres of wilder· admit that unlimited and un- parts. of I~he world. , . ness hundreds of miles away." regulated ~conomlc growth Presenfation of the award to ~ospital Need Coalition would be harmful and possibly Dr.Con~it will be mClde by , 'I 18 at the concluThe Senator also called upon even disastrous, but, like Sena- Crouch Aug. BALTIMORE (NC) - Cardinal 'Bon Secours is now a;>pealing 'I ' environmental leaders "to cast tor Cranston,1 they are unwilling sion of a week-long conference of Lawrence Shehan of Baltimore' the decision. off the stigma of elitism and to to settle for an elitist policy or· The International Leprosy Asso- expressed "deep concern regard"These conditions, (abortion no - growth. ciation ih Bergen, Norway. ing the rationale" of the state of and sterilization operations and be more sensitive to the needs philosophy I of and desires of working men and "GroWlth,". thl;ey conclude, "has . Crouch will be the Damien-Dut- Maryland in making abortions referral service) are consciencewomen. We need to encourage had disagreeable side effects ... , ton Society's: delegate to the and sterilizations a condition for' . shattering conditions," said the a coalition of organized labor, but this can: best be attacked ILA congt~ss., granting building rights for a cardi!1al. I minorities and environmentalists head-on. Economic abstinence is new hospital in Howard County. He· expressed great concern Sin.ce the day he received his which i!) strong enough to insure too harsh a. remedy imd often letter to Gov. Marvin for the country's CatholichosIn a degree of~octor of medical sci· that the benefits of a clean en- an inadequate I one." Mandel, the cardinal asked the pitals because "these hospitals What Passell and Ross' are ences; in IOctober, 1938, from vironment accrue. to everyone Universidad de Central Vene- governor to investigate. the sev- have the same standards as Bon and that the job tights of mil- saying, in effect, is that the af- zuela, Dr. ~ :Convit has been en. en month old dispute between Secours." lions of workers ue protected." fluent upper-middle-class should "These standards aren't new," I gaged' in work in behalf of the Bon'Secours and Lutheran Hoserjlnston's criticism of the not be permited to penalize the 'victims odeprosy. A Knight of pitals. The governor promised he continued. "What is new is ecologists and environmentalists poor in the n'ame of ecological Malta, he has headed the Inter- that he would examine the con- that an undesired pregnancy is may' have 'been overstated, pos- reform or in t~e name of popula- national Leprosy Association troversy. considered a disease which can sihly for' rhetorical effect. Nev- tion control. lJpper-middle-c1ass ' I Bon Secours, a' Catholic hos- be cured by abortion or preventertheless' I think his statement ecologists and lenvironmentalists, since 1968, i , pital here, was given tentative ed by sterilization in the guise was. very. timely and desen'es to they point out, spend a lot of approval to a general hospital in of health care." time complaining about Amer- Pope P~ul Recei,'es be taken seriously. . Howard County until it stated Stressing that these new ·stanican materialism and about the .. ' Hundreds Jobless that it would not· perform abor- dards are endangering all presArab Deaf Childr'en shoddy and tasteless character tion or sterilization procedures ent and future hospitals that re" II I 'don't know what occasioned of American c6nsumer products. VA1;'ICAt!' C,ITY (NC)--Pope or operate a referral service. fuse to' perform abortions and the Senator's blast at- the enviThen they mbve in for the kill. Paul ~I rec,E;!ived three Arab chil- Certification was then taken sterilizations, he was parNcularronmentalists, ,but it could have "A less charita;ble interpretation dren from a school for th,~ deaf away from Bon Secours and ly concerned about the. Catholic been prompted by the recent de. upper-middle-class criticism started in Bethlehem and spoke given to Lutheran Hospital. of hospitals in Maryland. ' mise of a cement factory in the of growth," they point out, to them through three Italian little town of San Juan Batists in nuns Who I'interpreted in sign his own State of California. The "would be thati the elite realizes language.' , t6 lose than gain it has more ,I owners pf the factory-the bigThe ,chilQren, two Christians gest source of employment in the from the enmb~>urgeoisement of town-reluctantly decided to go the United States. Wealth pro- and one Moslem,and the nuns, . out of business on very -short no- vides membership privileges in Sisters of StJ Dorothy, were from "THE DIFFERENT 90 DAY ACCOUNT" tice because, in their best judg- a rather· exclu1sive club. And, the Epheta~chdol in BethleheIll.. per annum min. $500. opened in 1971. ment, they simply couldn't afford like most clubs,: the tangible and which was , I intangible benefits of memberto meet the stringent requireNo Notice required after 90 Also present at the audience ments imposed upon them by ship decline as the club exdays on withdrawals made withJune 20, Was Msgr. John Noon California's newly adopted en- pands. . . . Suth are the rules in 10 days of each interest of a democratic \society that this lan of' Ne~ IYork, preside::lt of' , vironmental control a<;t. period. The result of their decision is loss of privilege is only rarely the Pontificil1 Mission for PalesHnterest earned from day of deposit to day of withdawal tine, which '~upports the s,:hool that several hundred able-bodied . marshaled as I an argument people in San Juan Batists are against growth! Rather, it is for the deaf,: built by Pope Paul currently without work of any transformed irlto generalized as a memento of his visit to the kind. Their chances of finding Angst about mkt"erialist values, Holy Land i~ January, 196:5. 1 North Main St. another suitable' job in the area a concern for the environment, 149 GAR Hwy, Rte 6 The Pope :~xpressed his affecan enthusiasm: for population Fall River are, at best, rather. slim. Somerset tion for' all ~ffec~ed children and control." I happened to be in San Franthanked, the ,Sisters for their deNew South End Office at the cisco the day it was announced Touche! , votion and as'sistance to the hanC~rner of Plymouth Ave. and S~ade St., Fall River that this cement factory was (C) 1973 NC Features dicapped. ..... . , I
Damien-Dutton R. ;". N d eClplent· clme
IExpresses Concern Over Abortion Issue in Dispute
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Says School Aid Ruling Legalizes Discrimination
Studies Reason 'of Religion, Ethnic Groups On History of Fall River
The overwhelming influence of religion on the history of Fall River is a major topic in a doctoral dissertation just completed by Dr. Philip T. Silvia Jr. of Holy Name parish in the see city. Dr. Silvia, who received his degree last month in ceremonies at Fordham University, New York, chose for research the development and interrelationship of labor, politics and religion in Fall River from 1870 to 1905. The period' covers years in which 'Fall River became the country's largest producer of cotton textiles and the home of' thousands of English, Irish and French - Canadian immigrants seeking unskilled mill jobs. Dr. Silvia traces the rise of labor unions and the fluctuations of political power in the 35 years covered hy his study, showing in detail how both were affected by the relationship between French and Irish Catholics of Fall River. Enormous Research An enormous amount of research lies 'behind the young scholar's 896 page dissertation. He undertook a day-by-day scanning of newspapers of the period, a time when Fall River had two and at times three daily papers; he studied New York Times files for stories bearing on the city's industry; and he went through records and statistics preserved at the Boston State House, the Fall River City Hall, the public library and the Fall River Historical Society. He says that he found most fascinating his research for the . section of his thesis dealing with French-Canadian immigration to Fall River. He notes that the French-Canadians were origin.' ally welco~ed to the city by mill owners becau~e as non-English speaking workers they "were docile pawns to be manipulated in the struggle with trade unionism." He then details how Fall. River SANTIAGO (NC)-In a state- ' ment related to Holy Year prepa- became the largest French-Canarations in Chile, the bishops re- dian community in New England peated for the sixth time in as and discusses the "relationship many months a call for domestic between French-Canadian and Irish, bound by similar faith, but peace. Their call came before a motor- separated by cultural and lanized il'egiment in Santiago at- guage differences in the pertempted to overthrow the Marx- formance of religious rituals." Father Bedard ist government June 29 by atDiscussing the founding of tacking La Moneda, the presidential office building. Loyal Notre Dame parish in 1874 in troops stopped the insurrection. the Flint section of Fall River, "We keenly feel the need for Dr. Silvia explains that for its reconciHation in our country as first few years the parish minisnever before in Chile's history," tered to both Irish and French the Chilean bishops' Conference Catholics, but in 1882 Irish memsteering committee said. "We al- bers of the congregation sepaways knew that sin', in whatever rated to form Immaculate Conform, me~ns rejection of love ception parish. and a deep rupture in human reIn the meantime Rev. P. J. B. lationship with God and among Bedard, pastor of Notre Dame neighbors. had become a "living legend': "But today hate among broth- among Fall River French-Canaers is systematically prDclaimed, dians, notes Dr. Silvia. "He was in many ways, as·a principle for a father figure whose people struggle and as the only way for trusted him in temporal as well us to reach a more just society." as in spiritual affairs. "We must liberate Chile from "It was common practice for this fratricidal whirl, for we can- fathers of families newly arrived not ever reach peace and devel- at Flint village to seek out Beopment by the extermination of dard, who would ararnge for livone group by another," they said. ing quarters and act as an interThe Marxist government of mediary securing mill work for President Salvador Allende is th~ children. The priest could be deadlocked with rightist groups depended upon to help h.is people as well as with striking miners pay debts by lending them money, over ,the mounting economic and and his was the final word when social problems plaguing this na- as arbiter he settled numerous tion of 10 million people. family disputes."
SANTA ROSA (NC)-The U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down several forms of nonpublic school aid "effectively freezes into ~aw a de jute discrimination in 'Our 'free' society," said Bishop Mark J. Hurley of Santa Rosa. "It is one thing to have to live' with the de facto discrimination which has always been the lot of Catholics and 'Others in our republic over the ·Years. It is quite another and much more serious matter when the discrimination and 'inequality is de jure, sanctioned by Iaw," the California bishop said. On June 25 the high court declared unconstitutional several forms of state aid to n'onpublic schools and to parents of nonpublic school children. Included in the laws struck down were forms .of tax credits, tax deductions and tuition reimbursements -the maJor forms of state and federal aid which nonpublic school proponents were pinning hopes on. 'No Longer Equal' "Parents and pupils in Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and other religiosuly oriented schools now face such a de jure denial of .their rights in education and liberty of conscience," Bishop Hurley declared. "They no longer stand equal before the law," - The bishop said that people "who believe in religious liberty and de jure equality and protection before the law" will not accept the court decision "which penalizes a youngster and his parents because they choose a school religiously oriented," "The Supreme Court has in effect, made a whole segment of Americans of all faiths secondclass citizens, ineligible to equal benefits under the law," the bishop said.
Bishops Stress Domestic Peace
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BIG JOB: Dr. and Mrs. Philip T. Silvia Jr. of Holy Name parish, Fall River, relax after his completion of 896page study of politics, religion and unionism in 19th century Fall River. Young scholar received doctorate at Fordham University ceremonies last month.
THE ANCHORThurs., July 5, 1973
Says 'Superstar' Is Anti-Semitic NEW YORK (NC)-The film "Jesus Chfiist Superstar," which is about to be released, is "antiSemitic . . . demeaning" and "nothing' less than a catastrophe" according to a prominent Protestant educatOil'. Gerald S. Strober, a Presbyterian authority in intergroup relations in Christian education, has charged that the rock opera, which depicts the events of the Passion, has "pressed into service, , every device of cinematic art to spread the old falsehood of the Jews" collective responsibility for Jesus' death." , Pointing out that the idea of Jewish collective responsibility for the crucifixion has been denounced as "historically and spiritually untenable, and is being discarded from church teaching and preaching and from individual belief," Strober accused Universal Pictures and the producer-director, Norman Jewison, of "exploiting a tradition that has scarred Jews and Christians from the time of the Church Fa'thers, through the Middle Ages, to the era of Auschwitz." Strober serves as consultant on interre)igious education to bhe American Jewish Committee, which is distributing his 'analysis of the film to religious and civic leaders. An example of what Strober cladms to be prejudice is the scene of the temple. "The holy site is shown populated by prostitutes, drug pushers, and sellers of machine guns," Strober writes. These "people (are) bizarre in dress and comportment, with no shred of humanity or dignity, and with never a sign of religious fee\.ing." Strober also charges that the film has made the Jewish crowd at Jesus' trial before Pilate much more responsible for the Crucifixion than the stage version.
Mills in the Flint area of the and social mobility, and weakencity closed on the day of his ing nationality ties. Its more imfuneral in 1884 and the doors of mediate effect was that the 'new' Notre Dame had likewise to be immigrant Catholics from southclosed against the hundreds of ern and eastern Europe who bemourners attempting to enter the gan arriving in large numbers .already overcrowded church. during the 1890's were 'assured National Churches of the familiarity of their own With his own money, Father church and language services." Bedard had purchased land and Dr. Silvia closes his consideraresold it at a profit which he . tion of problems of 'religion and used to build Jesus-Mary Con- nationality in Fall River by disFuture vent and academy, and he had cussing incidents arising in other also purchased a house which parishes. Most men prefer and strive was renovated for use as a recPreparation of his dissertation for the present, we for the future. tory. He was, however, a strong -St. Ambrose has taken most of Dr. Silvia's believer in the preservation of past four years, and time for the ethnic differences, and his polihe is now planning a summer of cies, together with those of other relaxation with his wife, the forSINCE 1898 pastors, eventually "secured the mer Geraldine A. Holleran. He is permanent institution of nathe son of Philip T. Silvia and tional churches within this immithe late Rita Burke Silvia, also SINCE 1941 grant city. The long-range effect of Holy Name parish. His sechas been a present day plethora WEB OFFSET ondary education was at De La of churches brought about by a Salle Academy, Newport; and he SINCE 1967 population decline, geographical earned his bachelor's degree at Providence College. His master of arts degree, as well as his Bill Outlaws Live doctorate, was earned at FordFetus Experiments ham. 679-5262 LOS ANGELES (NC) - The California' Senate judiciary committee has approved a measure that would make it a crime to experiment with live aborted fetuses. The bill, which was approved INCORPORATED 1937 by an 8-0 vote, was sent to the full Senate for a vote. Sen. David A. Roberti of Los Angeles, author of the hill, said that "recent research work with live aborted fetuses has been carried on at the Stanford MediJAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres. cal Center and two other univerRegistered Civil and Structural Engineer sity hospitals here in California." Member National Society Professional Engineers The National Institutes of Health (NIH) acknowledged ear. FRANCIS L. COLLINS, JR., Treas. lier this year that it has been THOMAS K. COLLINS, Secy. considering whether to approve experiments on live fetuses reAC~DEMY BUILDING FALL RIVER, MASS. sulting from abortions. . , .' ~
THE ANCHOR-Oiocese of Fall River~ Thurs., July 5, 1973
Death - A Solution
1974 Synod'
Continued from Page, One .It has been distributed to aU U.S. bishops by the secretariat' of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) here. The NCCB administrativ.e Committee has also approved the establishment of a committee of bishops to prepare a tentative response to the study document, to be considered by the bishops at their general meeting here in November. '
There is a certain amount of discre~t rejoiCing in some hard-hearted New York circles over the fact that liberalized abortions have reduced the number of children on welfare by 24,000. These children would now be on welfare rolls I but abortion took care of that - and of Ithem. ' It is a frightening reality when s~ch means are employed to· solve a social problem. This is the same means used by Hitler to solve what he claimed I was a social problem for Germany :...- use death to reduce people and do away with irritations. I Many years ago the English writer 0. K. Cheste.rton put the matter· this way -- If you nave five heads and three hats the solution is not to cut off two of t~e -heads. It is a sad commentary on the richest nation in the world, one whose national budget is ovet two hundred and fifty billion dollars a year, that it cannot 'provide a decent living for several thousand more childreh. It is a darl.t day for New York City if it encourages people to slip the bonds of welfare not by enabling them to live in dignity and selfhelp but by attacking innocent unborn l~fe. When death is seen as the solutio~ of problems, the moral fiber of a community is in jeopardy. I
Place of God
I It is difficult to see how there can be any fair and impartial trials before fair and impartial juries as the aftermath of the televised Watergate hearings. But what is coming through more and more strongly ~s the tangled web of lies and maneuverings that enter the Iareas of both the illegal and the immoral. I There are all sorts of appeals, now for a return to what is right" a revival of standards of: right and wrong, and yet how can anyone talk of right a~d wrong without talking of ethical or moral values. Ther¢ must be the acceptance of God, for without God as the point of departure and return then right and wrong become I adjuncts of pragmatism, what is expedient or not at the. moment. ' And yet, God has not been well treated of late in . the United States'. . ; Fastidious atheists have managed r'ilther successfully to block Him from the public school classroom. No one wants religion inflicted upon people, but lis it so very bad that youngsters in public schools take a 1ninute or two of silence a day to take note that there is :a God and He is Supreme and He sets the standards of right and wrong? The Founding Fathers of this nation never ,had any, idea of banishing Godl from public life. I~deed, they delib'erately built this country upon belief ip God and Godgiven rights. They did not want an "established" or official religion for the nation with the religious group in the majority imposing its will' on th9se of different beliefs who. may be in the' minority. This is the historical context of the "establishment of religion" clause of the Constitutional Amendment. 'And yet it has been invoked to make the I atheistic minority'of a few empowered to disenfranchise the majority ~nd, even more, to turn thJ nation into one that is "officially" non-religious which sd often translates into anti-God. Certainly one in which Godlhas no "official" place. I The crying that is being done over the revelations of the Watergate affair should go beyond t~e 'symptoms and should get to the causes. What is needed ii,S someone to get before national television' and ask the b~sic ql:lestion'Where does God fit into all this? Or, on the other hand, if God does not fit, why shOUld these things not have happened? ! I
111I 11I11 l!ml~!mHl100llm~~,IIl!!~;[iIil:!I
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE qF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River I ' , 410 Highland Avenue I Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER I Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.OJ S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. ' Rev. John P. Driscoll I
!ii !lm'm1!!]!im:mtW!iii:li:1iiiimaz.•
Jeru~alem.CIBristian Information
'Center Aims at Religiou,s Peace JERUSALEM (NC) -:-- A new initiative; toward religious peace has been started in Jerusalem. In ~nevJ mood of openness, all the· Oht1istian Church,es have come together in a Chdstian Information Center. The ~ent~r is strategically poised a\ the sensitive meeting point of3'erusalem's me. A few yards fr?m the old cease-fire lines, it. faces the open Jaffa Gate, lod~ing from the Old City ontq .King David Hatel and the new part ,of,Jerusalem. lhe Gate, closed fo~ 10 years as a barrier between Jordan and Israel now stands open ,as a thorou~hfare where Israelis, Jews, and Arabs, Ohristian~ and Moslems, jostle together in the cosmopoI.itan life of Jerusal,em. The new center seeks to heal the scars lof conflict by an open dialogue through informaion. Hunger l for news brings men to a mode'rn kind of unity. Officials I from! government ministries and 'the mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek, mingled with the leaders ,!nd pastors of the churches in their colorful robes at the cEibter's opening. Orthod6~, Catholic and Protestant Christians can now share, on ','neutral: ground," a new friendship. ,. I Father Mancini "
_~Leary Press-Fall River
GU8lrdial' Angel
One of, the men who made it possible .~as Franciscan Father Ignatius ~ancini. The challenge was to cre'ate ,a modern c:ommunication <,:~nter out of a very traditional' people in an historic building. I The people problem was the toughest. Ancient divisiOlis have made each church live in a ghetto-like I isolation from each other.' Even the different Religious I orders, such as thE! Franciscans, Dominicans and Benedictines, often 'compete as rivals rather than brothers. ' Father Mancini saw th,at ma-
tual curiosity could bring them all out of their corners. The magnet of information was his key to a new ecumenism. 'Jihe money for the center came from that collection made in Catholic churches on Good Friday: Without this world support th~ center c,ould' neve~ have eXisted. , . The Church s cus~odlan of the Hol~ ~laces, Fr~nclsc.an .Fath:r Ernunlo Roncarl, s.~ld In ius speeCh ~f welco~e: Man ha~ a right t.o informatIOn: Informatl~n true l~ .content,. respectful . In manner, information as a service fou?ded o~, truth which is founded In love. Press Center
The preparatory document defines evangelization as "the activity whereby the Gospel is proclaimed and explained, and whereby living faith is awakened in non-Christians and fostered in Christians." "A new way of life is coming into being," the document said, and "the very judgment and scale of values in men's consciences are undergoing ohange." The document stressed that "in lhis new form which the world is taking on, Christ who suffered and rose again must be present; he must be present as the principle of eternal life, to which we are all called, as the meaning of- 'history, and as the model of the new man." Mission Problems , Also discussed in the document are the declining- interest in missionary work, the relationship hetween spiritual evan· gelization and human development, and the 'importance of ecumenism. , The bishops are asked to evaluate a number of "apparent contradictions" in order to arrive at sQme sort of "synthesis." The document' points out the apparent conflict between those who view ,evangelization "only on' the spiritual and religious level" and those who consider that "the Gospel is ordered only towards human development." The problem of "the theology of politics and of the theology of liberation and revolution," is tied up with the question of whether evangelization or human development should have top priority, the document says. The document asks bishops to address themselv~s to specific methods and problems connected with evangelization, including the use of communications media and involvement in intellectual, scientific and artistic fields in which contemporary thought is formed.
Ina blend' of Franciscan spirituality and modern reality he put the new center at the disposal of all. "This is an open house; open to all who wish to participate, to all who wish to give, and to all who wish to receive information." The means of achieving this new vision were outlined by Father Ronciui. A direct person- Anglicans to Study to-person service will be availa,ble daily to the public in the At Rome Seminary LONDON (NC)-Two Anglispacious modern reception hall. The center also has facilities for' can seminarians will live at the experts and scholars. By acting Venerable English College, the as a link between the, resident British Catholic seminary in experts in Jerusalem and the Rome, for six months starting in academic world abroad the cen- October. This historic step will enable tl;!r aims to, help research and the students, both graduates of consultation at every level. Oxford University, to mix with The building is also a press e,entel'. By press conferences, bul- the 60 Catholic students at the letins, press releases and docu- college while studying at Rome's mentation the center aims to Pontifical Gregorian University, concentra.te in one place and dif- an international seminary and fuse to the rest of the world center of Catholic theological idormation about the Holy Land. and philosophical studies. The Anglican seminarians are :Barry Hammett and Nicholas Unconventionality , Sagovsky. Unconventionality is all very In Rome they will be under the well in thought; in fact, it is the pastoral care of Dr. Harry spice of life.' But it must be a Smythe, director of the Anglican philosophy to think by and not Center there and a lecturer' at a rule to act by. the Gregorian University on -R.H. Benson Angl4can theology.
THE ANCHORThurs., July 5,
Interfait"h Group Issues Statement On Israelis CHICAGO (NC)-"The only road leading to peace is trust in an understanding of neighbors and partners" not a "balance of military power and the use of fear," 'an interdenominational • study groupdecIared. The statement was issued here by the Israel Study Group, which began about five years ago as a discussion group. Later it deCided to present some of its findings in the form of a statement. _ The group is made up of 18 clergymen from ,the United States, Canada, and Switzerland. "The overriding concern of the majority of Israelis," the statement said, "is peace, not more territory." "The age-old human yearning for security" was cited as the reason for I'srael's "anxiety about national defense." The group also saw a relationship between modern political considerations and theological considerations. Chosen People The book of Genesis and certain passages in the New Testament, the statement said, imply a relationsh'ip between "the chosen people and the territory' comprising the present State of Israel." Therefore the Jewish state can be seen correctly in theological light, it said. This would be "merely recognizing that modern Israel is the I homeland of a people whose political identity is sustained by the faith that God has blessed them with a covenant." Indifference to the State of Israel among Christians was called a major obstacle' in contemporary Judeo-Christian relations. The 'statement then asked churches to consider the questIons of "the Jewish state, the rights of the Palestinians, and the problem of the refugees Jewish as well as Arab." False Charge The statement also said that the Jews had been the subject of "fratricidal strife" and condemned to wandering the earth on the false charge of having killed Christ. The validity of Judaism did not end with the heginning of Christianity, the statement said, because "the assumption con· f1icts sharply wivh St. Paul's declaration that God did not annul hts promise to the chosen people since God never takes back his gifts or revokes this call." Thus, ",the abiding validity of Jewish worship and life as authentic forms of service to the true God," cannot be denied the statemen said.
Alcoholism Council Has Board Meeting CHICAGO (NC)-Father John P. Cunningham, of Chicago, executive secretary of the National Clergy ~oundl on Alcoholism, stated here at the current meeting of the NCCA's board of directors, that the main goals of this organization are to deal effectively with the problem of alcohol and related drug dependency as they affect the lives of American clergy and Religious. NCCA also strives to promote pastoral concern for more effective programs to meet the needs of society in this area of concern, Father Cunningham said.
Deplore Omission Of Processions
PICKET LINE STRIFE IN COACHELLA: Sheriff's deputies break up fights between members of the Teamsters Union and the United Farm Workers Un ion in Coachella, Calif. 'The farm workers have been picketing against new contracts signed by Teamsters with grape growers. At right is Marshall Ganz, a top UFW official, who had ju.st been knocked down. Another UFW member is being subdued, foreground. Another fIght occurs right, background, while Teamsters left, background; watch. (NC Photo)
Protest Treatment of Soviet Jews CHICAGO (NC)-Thirty-three prominent Catholic leaders were· among 56 signers of a newspaper ad which vowed that "Christians will not be silent" over th.e treatnlent of Soviet Jews, The heading on/ the ad read: "Memo to honorable Leonid Brezhnev," The ad appeared in the Chicago Tribune (June 25) near the end of the Soviet Communist party leader's ~isit to the United States. Catholic signers included Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton of Detroit; Father Reid Mayo, president of the National Fed· eration al Priests' Councils; Mother Gretchen Berg, president of . the Sisters of St. Francis; Father Francis Filas, professor of theology at the 'University of Loyola of Chicago; Father Paul Bechiholcl, president. of the Catholic Theological Union. Among Protestant -leaders who signed the ad were Thomas C. Campbell, president of the Chicago Theological Seminary; Dr. Franklin Sherman, professor of Christian ethics at the Lutheran School of theology; the Rev. Waren Young, professor of the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary. "Christians will not be silent," the ad began. "Russian Jews suffer psychological, spiritual and physical oppression. The signers gave their support to the Jackson-MiHs legislation. The proposed bill in the U. S. Senate denies preferred trade status to any country that reo stricts emigration or 'imposes more than nominal exit fees. The memo portion of the ~d ended with a request to Brezhnev to allow Jews to have more fr,eedom in leaving the Soviet Union. "Mr. Brezhnev," the ad stated,
"we speak of basic human values, not internal policies. We Christians ask you to let them live as Jews or leave for the country of their choice." In New York, the American
Jewish Committee (AJC) expressed "deep disappointment" that the Brezhnev-Nixon meetings "have apparently not brought any improvement in the plig1}t of Soviet Jewry."
PAMPLONA (NC) - Corpus Christi processions were omitted here and at San Sebastian, and traditionalists quickly protested to the bishops of the two dioceses. The Priestly Brotherhood of St. Ignatius, active in both Basque cities, said leaving out the street parades for the Blessed Sacrament "is a new contribution to rapid secularizaion" in Spain. An independent group of priests and laymen ran an advertisement in the local newspapers calling the omIssIon "monstrous, and irrationaL" Archbishop Jose Mendez Asension of Pamplona and Bishop Jacinto Argaya of San Sebastian held open-air Corpus services in front of their cathedrals, but said the down-town parade would only run into traffic jams. '" Flyers distributed by traditionalists answered: "Is it that our people are so de-Christianized that they cannot see Christ in the sacrament through the streets?" The Catholic daily Ya said in Madrid that both bishops followed canon law norms in "avoiding possible abuse and securing the reverence due such religious festivities." Observers saw more than traf· fie jams as motivating the bishops moves. Pamplona has been shaken recently by a labor strike at the local truck factory" followed by- a general strike. Authorities arrested several leaders as agitators, including a priest. Political repression related to other labor confHcts has also affected San Sebastian and other Basque cities.
Camp Director
5 to 14
REGISTRATION-Registration will be for the period of Monday through Friday only. Boys must register at least one week in advance. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION-A written statement from the camper's doctor indicating camper is physically able to attend. ' FEE-$15.00 a week, 4 we~ks for $50.00, 8 weeks for $90.00 (must be paid in advance). _ TRANSPORTATION-Campers are transported by bus which will pick them up at designated stops. All campers are insured from the time they board the bus until they return at 4 P.M. PURPOSE-For the spiritual, educational, and recreational well being of boys in this age bracket. To keep boys occupied in wholesome outdoor activities during the summer months, EQUIPMENT-All types of athletic equ"ipment is available along with boats with our water safety program. Also a fine arts and crafts program is offered. MEALS-Campers carry their own noontime lunch. They are provided with milk. In mid-afternoon they are provided with milk and cookies at no extra cost. PROGRAM-Campers engage in all types of athletic events and 'water safety instructio.n at our new pool. A field trip is arranged once a week which is included in the $15.00 fee.
JULY 2 TO AUGUST 25, 1973
BUS ROUTE NO. 1 Somerset, Swansea & Southern Part of Fall River 8:00 County Buffington-8:'l3 St. Louis de France 8:05 Bar~ & Buffington-8:10 St. John of God-8:12 Bray· ton Avenue & Hillside-8:15 Kaufman & Lepes-8:20 Venus de Mil0-8:25 St. Dominic's-8.30 Wilbur Avenue 8:35 Our Lady of Fatima-8:40 Ken'1edy Park & St. Anne's-8:42 East & South Main-8:45 St. Patrick's & Our Lady of Ange!s-8:50 Blessed Sacrament-8:52 Shove Sueet-8:55 Zayre's-8:58 Stafford Rd. & Tiverton BUS ROUTE NO. 2 Somerset & Fall River (North, Center & Maplewood) 8:00 Foley Avenue-8:05 Riverside & Luther-8:08 St. PatriCk - South Street-8:10 Americana Terrace & County Street-8:ll Bourne & County-8:13 Pottersville School 8:15 Somerset 'High School-8:17 Stop' & ShoP-8:20 Brightman Street (St. Michael's & St. Mathiewl-8:25 President Avenue & North Main-8:27 Durfee Street8:30 St. Mary's-8:32 Second & Middle-8:35 Flat Iron & Niagara Fire Station-8:37 Warren & Rodman-8:40 Rodman & Brayton Avenue-8:45 St. William's-8:48 St. Jean de Baptiste-Stafford Road to Camp BUS ROUTE NO. 3 Fall River (North. Highland. Ruggles. Columbus & Lafayette Areas) 8:05 President & Highland Avenues-8:07 Morton Jr. High 8:10 St. Joseph's-8:13 North Main - Tru Value-8:l6 North Main & Herman-8:18 Highland Avenue & Robeson 8:20 Na"areth Hall-lL:25 Robeson & President-8:28 , Ruggles Park-8:31 Small School; Columbus Park-8:35 Immaculate Conception (County Streetl-8:37 Eastern Avenue (Former Site of Prevostl-8:39 Eastern Ave. & Pleasant-8:41 Kerr Mills-8:46 Our Lady of Grace8:50 Westport High School-8:55 Westport Town Hall
For Information for Nazareth Day Camp for Exceptional Children Call'
fall 5, 1973 a THE S,ays Fall' Will Se e Return Of Sw,eate'rs in Alii Styl,es ANCHOR-Oiocese of
POW Bands Form War Memorial
River...lThurs.,' July I
SPOKANE (NC) - An exPOW, incarcerated for more than eight years in the "Hanoi Hilton," brought in more than 600 bracelets for the national memorial proposed by the Inland Register's associate editor, Ellen Ewing, honoring the maimed, the killed in action and the missing in action of the Vietnam War. The Inland Register is the Spokane diocesan weekly. Asking that he receive no national publicity, the USAF officer for the first time met the Northwest sculptor who will execute the memorial-at no charge-Harold Balazs Jr. and saw the artist's "conceptualiza· . tion." The sculptor, whose work graces numerous Northwest churches of all denominations, public buildings and civic struc- . tures, said of his design: "It is meant to show the openess of the world we live in and the fact that in war nobody wins, everybody loses."
Sweaters will go, are going, and have gone to any lengths. With the return to classic cloth~s, naturally there was a return of the cardigan. It wasn't actually the cardigan of the fifties arid forties -t.hat was part oi the t.win sweater i set era. It was more updated as w,ell as the domestic -in some cases longer, in knits, ready-to.wears, will be quite others as brief as possible, bulky and 'from all indications imitating another fashion of they too will be worn with heavy, the forties-the Eisfmhower jacket. From all indications the new rage for sweaters is not going to
gathered ski~ts. This look will be great if you'are real slender, but a triflehardl to wear if you're on the tubby side! ' One of the nicest things about the sweater', revival is that because of their popularity mostly every sports~ear designer is including some in his or her line; this means Ithat a .woman will not have to search all over town to find a sWeater that matches those slacks she just bought.' Also, somd of the designers are creating their lines around a sweater typ~ .jacket with coordinating piJces. These jacket sweaters are Ilonger, warmer, and give more ~of a put-together, costume look. . Just rem~mber what that sweater did for , Turner!
Cities Personal Reasons
poW MONUMENT DESIe:iN: Sculptor Harold Balasz subside; in fact, the first glimpses of fall fashions to appear this Jr. explains his proposed design for the national memorial For Removing Priest early show every indication that BATON ROUGH (NC) - Bishhe plans, to build in Spokane, 'Nash., with prisoner of war the sweater look in every way op Robert E. Tracy of Bat,on bracelets. "It is meant to show the oneness of the world is going to be more popular than Rouge has callectfor the removal we live, in and the fact thaI: in war nobody wins, every- from his it has ever been. diocese of a Marist body lo:ses.~' NC Photo. . ' , priest who has been doing social More Character , I Sweaters will be seen in hip work among sugar cane' workers Catholic cDrganizations length, very often tied rather in the Baton Rouge diocese and . than buttoned, full coat length, Plan for WN Year the New Orleans archdiocese. trimmed even with real fur, and ESCORIALI (NC)-InternationMarist Father Vincent O'Conthen the ordinary shorter version al Catholic organizations meetLl:lwyer's GClal Is Nationwide S!Jpport nell charged that he was asked that we're familiar with, only . ing here in Spa'in to plan particito leave because of pressure on : :For Human life Amendment these too will have more char- pation in the United Nations the bishop by sugar cane plant,I acter and chic than' ever before. 1974 Population Year said they ST. LOylS (NC)--Qne layman, "We are not fighting for what ation owners. Bishop Tracy denIf you're handy with the purl will favor some limitation on encollraged by the U. S. 'bishops' will go through Congress but ied the charge and cited personal one, knit two, then this summer birth rates. ! pastoral letter urging laymen to what should go through Con- reasons for his action. would be a good time to whip . "Preventing unwanted births act to protect the lives of the gress," Durand said~ In 1952 Father O'Connell had yourself up one of these classic could be a p'roject of our con- unborn, 'has put together a For this reason. he is against been involved in a similar disshapes. I've never been partic- cern, provided interpersonal rela- $35,000 ptoject to get massive an anti-abortIon amendment pro- pute because of his efforts to orularly good with this type of tions are s~feguarded within the supp<;>rt for ani amendment to the posed by Sen. James Buckley ganize sugar cane workers, but needle; my sweaters very often demands of individual conscience U. S. constitution overturning (R-N. Y.). This amendment al- diocesan officials said that the end up with one sleeve longer and freedom,l" some 140 dele- theSupr¢me Court's albortion lowing abortion to save the life two incidents were not related. than 'the other, enough dropped gates from 28 countries stated. decision. , of the mother would make the Sources close to the present stitches to make the whole thing Gilhert IDurand, founder of the doctor according to Durand, controversy told NC News that The meetinkalso saw the esairy, and a mottled look that can tablishment of a "Faith and Committee, of Ten Million, used both "judge and executioner." Father O'Connell had been living orily be achieved by overhand- Commitment,,1 team that will fo- $35,000 D,f his own money to in Paulina, La., which is in the Durand says he has concenling. Baton Rouge diocese, for "over cus on i'justiJe for all in society send lett¢~s and petition forms However, if you do find knitt- in the pursuit Iof human develop- to 30,000 'pastors, heads of reli- trated on Catholics in the first a year" without the bishop's stage of his drive hecause the ing 'relaxing then why not take ment." The t~am 'is to produce gious institutions 'and leaders in knowledge or permission. He is grea~est potential is there. As . it to the beach with you this educational arid action programs the anti-ab,ortion effort. head of the Plantation Adult Edsummer and end ~p in fashion based on prllClJical applications' . The co~mittee's work is done that stage progresses, he says he ucation Program in nearby plans to direct similar efforts for the fall. There is nothing of Christian tenets. These will by him, his wife and two emThibodaux, La., which is in the toward other denom.inations. '. .1 ' more attractive than -a hand- be 'taken up by the 35 affiliates ployees, New Orleans archdiocese. and his one of whom is partknitted sweater, if .made well. work extends across diocesan of the International Conference time. Since Easter, they have In fact, many of the better sweat- of Catholic Organizations (ICCO), collected :1,500,000 signatures. Benedictine Nun Named boundaries into the Baton Rouge ers that you will see around for diocese. Their' goal i is ten million' signa- School Superintendent I fall will be hand-knits from tures. , abroad. LITTLE ROCK (NC) - BenWithdraw Injunction Durand, ~a -lawyer and former Many of the imported handedictine Sister M. Consuella p~esident Rf Durand Door SupBALLROOM Against Di,ocese Bauer was named superintendply Inc., of Los Angeles, Calif., CLEVELAND (NC)-The CathDANCING of schools for the Little Rock Adapt Chinese Customs olic Elementary Lay Teachers launched tj1e drive because lie ent 'EVERY. SAT. NIGHT diocese by Bishop Andrew J. McAssociation (CELTA) withdrew was convinced that the constitu- Donald. .' For Catholic Liturgy July 7 - The Big Sound of its request fot a temporary in- tional' ·amepdm.ent proposed by Jimmy Brock and His Orch. She taught English this past TAIPEI (NC) - The Chinese Rep. Lawr~nce Hogan (R-Md.) Your Host-AI Tremblay Bishop's Conference approved junction reco~nizing it as sole is the 'best way to end abortions. year at St. Anne's High School the adaptation of certain Chinese bargaining'agent for teachers of The ~ogal'\ amendment would in Fort Smith, Ark., which closed customs to the Catholic liturgy diocesan elementary-schools here. protect the' lives of all :numan its doors in June. She succeeds Rte. 6, N. Dartmouth The heal'ing :on the request for at a recent meeting here. beings "from the moment 'Of con- Father William M. Beck. a temporary I injunction was A deep bow before the Blessed ception." " Sacrament will be permitted in- to be held before Judge Eugene Dur~nd feels that an organstead of a genuflection. A mem- Sawicki and vJ,as withdrawn be- 'ized, national campaign aimed to orial for "our ancestors" will be cause diocesan officials agreed get grassroots support will asadded in requiem Masses, in: con- to informal : discussion with sure passage of the amendment. sideration of the deep-rooted CELTA and AFL-CIO officials, . "It's' a fa1talmistake to think according to Michael T. Honoand traditional respect that ChinCongress o~n be persuaded to han, attorney for CELTA. ese show to ancestors. The lay teachers association do something just because it's a During Mass, when the priest parts his hands as he says, "The has filed a $2 million damage good thing; 'to do," Durand told Review, arcMiocCleveland dio- the St.iLouis Lord be with you," he will be suit against the l : I • permitted instead to raise: his cese and has named as defend- esan newsp~peJ;"here. "It's Irlecesjoined hands, fingers over,lapp- ants Bishop Clarence G. . Issen- sary t9 persuade Congress that ing, in the habitual Chinese man- mann of Clevel,and, Msgr. Wil- their constituency demands it." liam N. Novicky, diecesan superner. Durand, who was here seeking In addition, two special Mass- intendent of education, the mem- support for. i his campaIgn, says es were approved, one for the bers of the Board of Catholic that abortio~ opponents need to Chinese Autumnal Festival and E?ucation and ~II pastors in the be on guar~ against efforts' to ' compromise I their position. one honoring Our Lady of Clhi~a. dIOcese. "
OPEN DAILY For The SEASON at 1:00 P.M.
~ ..··"
i .....................••••
, THE ANCHORThurs., July 5, 1973
M,oth,e'rs N'e,ed FI,exibility And Attainable, G,o,als
Street N'omed For Card i no I
I've heard it said that if you expect very little .you'll never be disappointed. Then again, some people say .you should set your goals. high ... you'll accomplish more. -These two platitudes seem to contradict each other, and possibly are at the root of . much misery. Each sounds tion, too: setting goals that are within reason; and a flexibility believable on its own; but if the goals aren't achieved. each is too much of an extreme. Suppose you set a goal of One of the most difficult tasks in life is to set reasonable goals. .1tt. .mm.w:~wr
Suppose you get up in the morning and decide you're going to clean the whole house thoroughly-curtains. windows, polish, wax, and vacuum. You've set the gQal high. In theory, this should lead you to more accomplishment than if you planned to do just one room. But what happens? It's too high a goal, an impossible goal, and at the end of the day you have finished only three rooms: And you're disappointed. By contrast, if you had expected to get very little done, and did three rooms, you'd be elated. Except that it doesn't work that way. Two·Part Problem When I expect to get very-litt.le done, that's what I accomplish-very little. According to the platitude, I shouldn't be disappointed ... but I am! So the conflict that causes the misery becomes a two-part 'problem: if you set goals. too high, you can't meet them, and are disappointed; if you set them too low, you accomplish very little, and again, are disappointed. But there is a two·part solu-
Episcopalian Services In Catholic Church MARTINSVILLE (NC) - Ecumenism is a Sharing experience in this Watchung Mountain com~ munity in the diocese and the Episcopal diocese of New Jersey, an Episcopalian congregation is using a Catholic church for its worship services. The 35 families of St. Marti'n's Episcopal Parish-now four years old and without a house of worship-are attending services in Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church on Sundays at 9 A.M.• within minutes after the conclusion of the 8 o'clock Mass. Three later Masses are attended by Blessed Sacrament communicants in the adjoining parish center since the original church now will accommodate only the most sparsely attended Mass, and that is the 8 A.M. on Sundays. For this the Rev. Carroll B. Hall, St. Martin's vicar, is grateful. Since his appointment in Februar:y, 1972, he has been looking forward to officiating "at a real altar."
cleaning three rooms, but there are many interruptions. They may be only minor things . . . scraped knees, conflict between playmates, phone calls, and errands you hadn't counted on . . . but they all t~ke time away from the cleaning project. You can either modify your goal for the day, and simply take care of what's most important at the moment, knowing that the cleaning will be there the next day; or you can bull-headedly push through with the cleaning, shortchanging the time the interruptions deserve, and probably getting ill-tempered with everyone and everything! In short, you make yourself and everyone else miserable.
No Willpower? Now you can say that giving in on the goal is a sign of no willpower, no determination. "Flexibility" is rationalizing spinelessness. Is it? Or sometimes does it take more willpower to give up your own plans? And is our "willpower" sometimes a nicer nartie for self~centered stubbornness? Flexibility is the tree that bends with the storm. . . and rights itself; willpower is its root~.
Flexibility is a sailboat tacking into the wind and current; willpower is staying at the helm. And flexibility is a mother, giving up her own· plans for something more important; will power is doing what's more important... graciously.
Maine Legislature Passes Pro-Life Act PORTLAND (NC) The Maine State Senate passed an "act to provide protection of fetal life and the rights of physicians, nurses, hospitals and others relating to abortions." The legislation, signed by Gov. Kenneth M. Curtis provides protection from civil suits, disciplinary actions and other liabilities to hospitals and personnel who refuse to perform or assist in an abortion. It also provides fines and imprisonment for "whoever shall transfer, distribute or give away any live human fetus." It likewise bans "any form of experimentation" on a fetus. A group of pro-life clergymen had previously said in a statement to the legislature that "the Supreme Court, aside from having nullified God-given rights to ,life of a whole class of Human beings, ha!) contributed immeasurably to the already wanting power of conscientious action in America. As men of God, we believe and feel compelled to tell you that Americans are less human for what the Supreme Court has done."
ROME (NC)-The Eternal City now has a Cardinal Frands Spellman Street. 'J1he street is more or less a path in a public park near the ancient Roman Church of SS. John and Paul, the titular church of the late archbishop of New York. The mayor of Rome, the caretaker premier of Italy, and Cardinal Spellman's successor, Cardinal Terence Cooke, were on hand June 26 f,or the dedication of the street - Viale Spellman. Also present was U. S. Ambassador to Italy John Volpe. Premier Giulio Andreotti, who is technically only in office until a ,new Italian government is formed, paid tribute to the late Cardinal Spellman for his assj.stance to Italian prison~rs of war in the United States during' World War II and for his efforts in helping Italy regain it'S national well-being after the war. The premier referred to the "precious contacts and help" Cardinal Spellman gave Italy after the war. He also singled out the New York cardinal's aid in providing mail and personal contacts with "tens of thousands of families" in Italy who had sons or fathers held in U. S. . prisoner-of-war camps.
BAKING AT "HOUSE OF BREAD": Sisters Karen Marie Brown, left, and Mary Clare McQuade bake bread at their contemplative country residence, the House of Bread, in the diocese of Brownsville, Tex. The Servants of Mary rarely leave their home where th'ey spend many Praises Pope Paul hours praying for the poor, the sick and others in spiritual On Anniversary need, but they welcome visits from persons looking for a WASHINGTON (NC) - Carplace to pray. They support themselves by baking altar dinal John Krol, president of breads for parishes in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, extended to making greeting cards and gift boxes. NC Photo. Pope Paul VI "congratulations
Women Protest 'Nucl€or.liesting LIMA (NC) - Fifty women's organizations, including several Catholic ones, protested to French President Georges Pompidou against his government's nuclear tests in the Pacific. "Such atom explosions threaten the future and the physical and mental integrity of generations, as concluded by many scientists," their message read.
The women's protest followed repeated representations by Peruvian <>fficials before French au.thorities to stop the June test at the Mururoa attoI. The Humboldt current in the Pacific travels from the area to Peru's coasts. Several world Catholic organizations, including Pax Christi and the Young Christian Workers, have also protested. the tests.
and heartfelt 'best wishes" on his 10th aniversary as Pope "on behalf of the bishops and Catholic people of the United States." Cardinal Krol praised Pope Paul for being "steadfast in proclaiming changeless truth ... and bold in charting innovative directions." He labeled the past 10 years as "dramatic and inspiring ones for the Church," emphasizing the Second Vatican Council and the years of postconciliar implementation.
REGISTER NOW! Cathedral Day Camp For Boys. Our Lady of the Lake Day Camp For Girls Both located on the shores of' Long Pond Sponsored by the Diocese of Fall River CAMP FEE' $40.00 for 2 wk. period & $5. Registration Fee Fees Include: Transportation, Insurance, Arts & Crafts, Swimming, Boating, Horseback Riding, etc. 2 week periods beginning July 2nd ending Aug. 24th
CATHEDRAL RESIDENT CAMP FOR BOYS 54th Season - July 1st till Aug. 25th 2 week period $100 plus $5.00 Registration Fee For further information write or telephone
P. O. Box 63 East Freetown, Mass. 02717 Boys Camp Tel. 763-8874
Girls Camp Tel. 763-5550
From Fall River Tel. 644-5741
Steal Equipment
THE ANCHOR....; Thurs., July 5, 1973
From Blind
London Church Fund Drive Gets Poor Response ,LONDON (NC)-A fund ap: peal for $600,000 for the Westminster Catholic Cathedral in London has been closed bHcause of a poor response from the Catholic population. The fund-initilited to stave off the "alarming effects" of inflation - had reached $120,000 after. t~o years, and half of that will go to advertising, administration and other expenses. "We had hoped for a wide national response to enable us to invest to get an 'annual income to carry out the divine liturgy every day throughout the yeal路,.. a cathedl1al spokesman said. The money was needed, he said, to pay the daily cost of the professional choir, the choir school, full-time sacristans, heating, lighting and structural maintenance. He said that people are paying less attention to the cathedral. Fewer Catholics now make ~egular visits to the cathedral for the sake of the, singing anc! the ceremonies and the sermons; the spokesman said. People, he said, do not see the cathedral as so essential for their material, spiritual or cultural welfare. Dit,fieult to Convey "I do not blame, the people," the spokesman said. "It' is El climate of opinion. But the cathedral is essentially a house of prayer. Continual liturgical prayer day by day is its contribution to peace and justice in the world. This element is very difficult to convey to people today." The fund's organizer, John JacKson, said: "I am' sure that had we appealed for starving children the response would have been hetter. Bri~s and, mortar do not have the same appeal and people seem to have the incorrect impression that the cathedral is enormo'usly' wealthy." The great Anglican churches have been more successful in raising funds. St. Paul's Cathe~ dral in London raised about $5 million in two years, the York Cathedral about $3 million and Westminster Abbey, a couple of million within one year.
BELLEVILLE (NC) - The meanest thieves in town stole from the blind, making off with specialized recording' and radio equipment and office ,machines. The burglary took place at the central office of radio station WMRY's Talking Book program. Some of the stoJen' machines were unique to the broadcast program which. was inaugurated here in the past year.' WMRY's Talking Book airs" programs of interest to the 20,000 blind and physically handicapped persons in the Greater' St. Louis area. Volunteers read the d~ily newspapers from the studio located at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows near Belleville. Books, articles, features, sports and financial information are read throughout the daytime hours-all by volunteer broadcasters who, want to help those in less fortunate circumstances. The program is non-profit. Friends and, organizations donate the special wave-length receivers which are presented free of charge to eligible blind or handicapped persons.
Dominicans Elect Youngest ProvincJal ,
IRISH HANDWRESTLING WINNE~: A victorious smile lights the face of John Seing, 16, of Dublin,1 a pupil at St. Columba's Abbey School, as he defeats Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia in a brief hand-wrestling imatch on the school grounds. -The cardinal stayed at the: abbey in his first two ,nignts in Ireland" Gratitude to the Irish people was his main theme in talks at the abbey and other places he visited. (NC Photo) .
Stonel(lill Award t9 Hon.or Slain Priest, I , " 1964 !Graduate of North Easton College, ,
I '
1 '
The family ofl Rev. Richard J. Novak, a Holy Gross Father who was killed in East' Pakistan in 1964, has establ'ished a scholarship fund in his memory at' Stonehill College, North Easton. I Father Novak ras a 1958 graduate of the college. He was Public Broadcasting st~dying Islamid philosophy at the University lof Dacca, East Funds Approved Pakistan, when I he was killed WASHINGTON (NC) - The during rioting oetween Hindus Communication Committee of and Moslems. I the U.S. Catholic Conference' Initial financiI~gof the Schol(USCC) has 'given its support to arship fund is be,ing provided by a bill which would authorize gifts from Mr. aI;}d Mrs. Michael funds for the Corporation for J. Novak Sr., of lrohnstown, Pa., Public Broadcasting for two the priest's pare'1ts, and Michael years. Novak Jr., of Bayville, N. Y., his Bishop John L. May of Mobile, brother. 'I Ala., chairman of the committee As income from the fund said, "The promise that public 路grows, it willalsb be used to inbroadcasting holds for the American public is very much crease the colleg~ library's holddependent upon adequate and ings in the area ~f Asian studies. long-term financing that lIot These scholarly acquisitions wilf only allows for the planning so be known as the! Father Richard' essential to public broadcasting Novak Collection.! The Novak family welcomes but also removes publi~ broad-, casting itself from undue influ- contributions to the scholarship endowment from !friends, alumni ence upon it." The two-year funding author- and interested pe~sons. Gifts can Father Richized by the bill "is, in our esti- be addressed to the I -. , mation, the minimum funding ard Novak Scholarship Fund; Of... that Congress can responsibly fice of the President, Stonehill 1 authorize at this time," Bishop College. May said. Explaining his family's gift to
the college, Michael Novak Jr., said, "My fMnily has wanted to do something to honor my brother's memory, for a long time. Both my brother and lowe our ' educations tq Stonehill College, so it was na~ural that the fund should be established at the college." Michael Novak graduated :from Stonehill in I H156. A speech writer for Sen. George McGovern and Sargent Shriver in the 1972 presidential campaign, Mr. Novak is currently working for the Rockefelier Foundation. 1'I ' After grad~ating from Stone,hill, Father Npvak was awa:rded a theological, degree from the' Universi~y ()~ Angers, France. In preparation for his assignment to Dacca, he ,studied missiology at the Holy Cross Foreign Missionary Semihary in, Washington, D. C. , At the tim~ of his death on Jan. 16,1964; the priest wa.s a .part-time instructor in philosophy at Notre Dame College, Dacca.' 1
News 'accounts at the time stated that o,n J:an. 16, when Father Novak 1eft by bicycle for an area wher~ riots had erupted two days earlier, he told friends he intended to' see what he could,
do to' help Hindu cotton mill workers who had taken refuge at the town of Narayaganj. The cotton mill had been under attad: by Moslems with heavy casualties resulting.
CHICAGO (NC)-Father Gerald Cleator, 34, was elected provincial at the chapter meeting of the St. Albert the Great Province of Dqminicans here. He is the youngest provincial in the 34-year history of the province, which covers the midwestern and south central United States. A native of Flushing, N. Y., Father Cleator joined the Dominicans in 1958 and was ordained a priest in 1965. He has master's degrees in philosophy and theol路 ogy from Aquinas Institute, Dubuque,la., and a master's degree in communications, from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Father Cleator was ele'cted ,to a four-year term. He succeeds Father Clement E. Collins, who was provincial from 1969' to 1973. r
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South Attleboro Man ReG:eives Religi,ous Habit
THE ANCHORThurs., July 5, 1973
Cursillo Appoints New Advisor
On Sunday, June 24, five young men received the habit of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart at Sacred Heart Novitiate in Harrisville, R.I. This cere· many marked the beginning of a fourteen-month period of study and probation in preparation for the profession of the three religious vows ,in the Institute of the Brothers of the, Sacred Heart. These five new novices are Brother Alan Aubin, S.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Aubin of Pawtucket, Brother Clifford King, S.C., son of Mr. and Mrs.• Harold King of South Attleboro, Brother Robert Bouchard, S.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Roberl Bouchard of Madawaska, Me., Brother Frank Pellerin, S.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petierin of Point Clair, PQ., Canada; and Brother Gerald Boisvert, S.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Gerald Boisvert of. Lewiston, Me. The parents, some relatives and friends, and approximately one hundred Brothers of the Sacred Heart of the New England Province attended the ceremony. The Eucharistic Celebration was concelebrated by Father Normand Courtemanche, Chaplain of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart in Rhode Island; Father Paul Lapierre of Montreal; and Father Albert Br,indamour of St. James Parish in Manville, Rhode Island.
Accuses Firestone Of Discrimination
MONROVIA (NC) - Luther~n Bishop Roland J. Payne charged that Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. has been guilty of religious discrimination against non-Catholics and lower-class workers at its rubber plantation at Harbel here in Liberia. Firestone officials in the United 'States categorically denied the charges, saying there is "complete religious freedom" on its plantations in Liberia and "at any other company installation throughout the world.
RECEPTION OF HABIT: Principals at the ceremony were, front: Bro. Denis Bessette, assistant director of Novices; Bro. Ronald Dupuis, provincial superior; Bro. Simon Hebert, director of novices. Second row: Brother Clifford King of South Attleboro, Bro. Alban Aubin, Bro. Gerald Boisvert, Bro. Robert Bouchard and Bro. Frank Pellerin.
Brazilian Poor IMerely Resist GOlAS (NC) - A diocesan study of conditions in the rural Goias diocese concluded that people here "do not live, but merely resist dying." In a random sample of '2,000 persons, 600 had jobs, 1,200 were unemployed, the rest worked on and off at odd jobs. Most farmworkers are sharecroppers in the big landholdings and earn from $1 to $1.50 a day. "If they demand fair wages, participation in production, better housing, schools and health they are branded as 'bandits' by the landowners, when not outright subversives," the study said. Father Francisco' Cavazzuti, it said, tried to promote a farmworkers organization and ended up under indictment as an agitator.
The landholders tell lay labor leaders that "if they keep demanding 'privileges' they will be black-balled in the area and will find themselves without jobs for years," the report said. $20 a Month Data gathered by the Goias diocesan research ~enter with the help of local pastors showed: A few men make $40 a month, but the average is $20 for a fam- . i1y of four, often five. Undernourishment is rampant, with high childhood mortality rates. Of every 1,000 families, 500 can go to a doctor, the rest rely on home remedies, are taken to hospitals when it is too late. A government social protection plan covers only a few. Four-fifths of those inter-
Anti-Pornography Activist Tells Parents S'ee an X-Rated Movie
ST. LOUIS (NC)-Qne way to formed to make people aware of fight pornography is to go to an the problem of pornography." X-rated movie, a national anti'Detailed Course' "We fight pornography within smut crusader told the St. Louis Archdiocesan Council of the the law," Dreher said. "Every Lai·ty (ACL) here. state in the country has a law "I mean it," said Ray T. Dre- saying that the distribution of her, national co-counsel of the pornography is against the law. Citizens for Decent Literature We work to ·see that these laws (CDL) and an activist in the fight are obeyed." against pornography for years. Dreher said he was encouraged "I certainly don't think that by the June 21 United States children should see X~rated Supreme Court decision that movies, but they are seeing them. tightened up the restrictions It's a good thing for parents to against pornography. "You will hear that in Densee one to know just what kind of material is being made avail- mark where they have legalized all pornography that sex crimes able to their children. "It won't hurt a mature per- have decreased to almost nothson to see one once," the CDL ing," he said. "What they don't official said. "And it's a good tell you is that they have done For 1976 Olympics idea to know what is going on. away with all the categories of MONTREAL (NC)-Archbishop But it also gives you an idea of sex crimes - there is no law Paul Gregoire of Montreal has what being exposed to this kind against rape, for example. This established an archdiocesan pas- of material 'constantly could to is like making murder legal and then saying that you've become toral committee to assure a a person." Dreher encouraged members a murderless country." Christian presence at the 1976 Dreher said the amount of porOlympic Games to be held here. of the ACL to inform themselves The committee will be respon- about pornography. He described nography that goes through the sible for the pastoral needs of. the Citizens for Decent litera- U. S. mails amounts to a "dethe thousands of athletes, offi- ture as being a non-denomina- tailed course in sex perversion cials and visitors at the games. tional and "non-vigilante group, for 50,000 persons a week."
According to an article by Bishop Payne in his newsletter "Echoes from the Bishop," two interdenominational chapels provided by the company "hold services in English for expatriates and other highly educated workers. No attempt is made to minister to the Kpelle and Lorna and other tribal people who are mostly illiterate tappers-among whom are hundreds of baptized Christians." . Bernard W. Frazier, head of public relations at Firestone's central offices in Akron, Ohio, said he had investigated the bishop's charges and found them untrue.
viewed could not read or write. "Such conditions explain the fact that throughout this country some 6.3 million rural workers have migrated in the last six years to crowded cities in search of work," the study observed. Masters, Serfs "A much publicized land reform is a joke," the survey said, pointing to land concentration rather than land distribution, along with increased government aid to big landholders. "Farms as large as 600,000 acres are getting bigger, for they can buyout their smaller neighbors by withdrawing contracts or forcing conditions on them," the study said. "Sharecroppers in turn must often pay three times their value for foodstuffs and agricultural supplies. Unemployment is the only alt.ernative if they refuse to work under such conditions. "There are two kinds of people here, masters and serfs." In actual figures, the study said, a handfUl makes over $400 a month while some 50 million stay under $40.
DALLAS (NC)-Qblate Father James Lyons, Cursillo director for the diocese of Brownsville, Texas, has been named national priest advisor to the Cursillo movement replacing Father Donald Byrnes of New Orleans. Father Lyons, who is bilingual (English and Spanish), has assumed his office for a two-year term. He joins Modesto Toledo Chaval'lri,a, national Spanish-speaking coordinator, and Gerry Hughes, national coordinator, in comprising the National Group at the National Cursillo Center here. The Cursillo movement is holding its first seminar on the movement here. This will be followed by the second annual reunion of the Cursillo movement's 12 regional working groups. Cursillos were developed in Spain in the mid 1950's and spread thereafter to other coun· tries, including the United States. They offer short lessons in Christianity which are taught in· a retreat-like format. Cursillos also encourage group discussion, par: ticularly on invidiuals' personal faith commitment. Members are pledged to implement their faith in their daily lives:
Bishops Denounce Racist Legislation SALISBURY (NC)-The Rhodesian Catholic bishops have threatened civil disobedience to protest legislation which, they say, prevents blacks and whites from worshiping together. The bishops aSked the government of Premier Ian Smith to remove the "offensive provisions" of the legislation. They said they would not comply with those provisions. Anglican Bishop Mark Wood Matabeleland and groups of the Methodist Church in Rhodesia joined the protest of the Catholic bishops. The Smith government has been battling with the bishops, particularly Bishop Donal R. Lamont of Umtali, president of the Rhodesian Bishops' Conference, over the use of Catholic schools and' hospitals by blacks.
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Accuse Diocese . Of Insensitivity
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 5, 1973 ,. , ..
When -It's Sun v~. 'Snow, Dolores Chooses i' Wind
CLEVELAND (NC) - Catholic leaders in the inner-city here have charged the Cleveland dio· . cese with insensitivity to the needs of the inner-city parishes and schools. The statement criticizing the diocese was signed by 11 "pastors, ministers and laymen involved in the life and future of the Catholic Church in the black community." It expressed "deep concern over the present moral and financial crisis facing the parishes and schools in the inner-city." Calling education "one of the most if not the most, effective means of self-improvement and self-determination" for blacks and the poor, the leaders criticized the diocese for cutting subsidies to parishes and schools in the inner city by one-third1\ and for closing one school therel "We would advise the diocese too that at no other time has the credibility of the Catholic Church in the black community been at such a low point," the statement continued. Msgr. William N. Novicky, .diocesan superintendent of education rejoined: "Nobody makes the claim that what is being done is enough ... but criticism which implies that the- diocese ... is doing nothing for the inner city or is insensitive ... is both 'invalid and uninformed." "For the things we are not doing, we accept criticism . . . (and) welcome any areas of suggestion, or cooperation that might help us achieve more results," he continued. "But for the things we have been doing, and are continuing to do today, 'we are proud and grateful."
We may have the scenery, clim~te and good li~e in Colorado but it costs. Besides the usual state tensionsDemocrat vs. Republican, liberal vs. tonservative and urban vs. rural-we have to choose be~ween the Snow and the Sun factions. On one side, there's our powerful ski parties abd after-ski wine tasting parties ~t the posh ski resorts. industry,' devoted to exSoon sprang up advertising ploiting the image of the agencies I specializing in Sun 6~ Colorado as a nation of snow and cold. For years, they've cuI· tivated a lonely weather-watcher on a high mountain in Fraser,
-By' _..... -, ., DOLORES - .:-
Snow; each waiting brinkmanship-like lito offset the damage of other's successful' manipulation of the riews. The Sun people, , thought ~ll was lost when Colorado w~s awardel the Olympics, but they ~re a hardy bunch. They began ke~ping count of the num· , ber of days a year that the Denver golf cburses were opened and used, an~ reported that as faithfully as the Snow men reported daily snQw depths. As I recall, the fact that people played golf here 334 days in 1971 swung a few 1972 conventions our way. I liiberla Image But alII good contests have a way of ending. After all their effort to persuade the tourists of America :to come here for the' Olympics,i the Snow men watch-, ed in despair as the Coloradoans voted thetn down in November. , And, after all the efforts of the Sun men to prove we are' indeed COPERNICUS HONORIED: This is a detail of a sculpa balmy ~isitors' mecc~, we:ve, ture df Nicholas Copernicus at the United Nations in New had about the worst wmter Im- .YQrk, a gift of the Polish people. AI~ the bishops of Poland aginable. Maybe the golf courses 'were open, but only to snow; plus Cardinal Franz Koenig of VIenna co~celebrated 'a Mass lin Frombork, Poland, this month. marking the 500th shoers .this year. The wh61e thing is getting con- ann~versary of Copernicus birth. NC Photo. fused with social issues as well. :1 Our ecology-minded citizens would as soon see fewer attracted t6 Colorado, so they're backing t~e Siberia image, while : I CHAS. F. land developers, wanting to rid Celfi!b'rations in Polan'd Mark Anniversary themselves of waterless moun'I tain prop~rty, are ba<:king the : Of Nicholas Copernicus Sun men. . , 'I I myself don't know whom to :FROMBORK (NC) - All the Wroclaw. (Copernicus-was born back. It's like a choice between bishop~, of Poland and Cardinal in the Chelmo Diocese, at Torun, OIL CO., INC. two mediocre politicians. .I think Frank IIKoenig of Vienna were then studied at Cracow and 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE I'll just 'prky for a Wind man to _ present ata concelebrated Mass Wloclawek, and he was an honJt.ine 17 in the old cathedral. of orary' canon at Wroclaw.) come along. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. , this Polish fishing port, markmg Before the 11 A.M. Mass, Prof. high point of celebrations for Stefan Swiezawski Of the Cath.Anti-O:bscenity Unit the the 500th anniversary of the olic University of Lublin spoke on the scientific work of Coperbirth of'I Nicholas Copernicus. Busier iThan Ever' I nicus and Auxiliary Bishop Jan HEATING OILS THOUSAND OAKS (NC)The .celebrated Poli!~h arstron- Oblak of Warmia spoke on his The Scientific and Legal Data other, Whose mathematical scruCOMPLETE Center here in California will be tiny oqhe sky put the sun firmly piety and faith. at the Thousands were present HEATING SYSTEMS busier th~n ever since the in l the penter of the solar system INSTALLED Supreme Court obscenity deci- and unseated the theory that the June 17 ceremonies and at a sion of June 21, serving as a earth Was the cener of the uni- symposium the previous day at 24 HOUR OIL BURNER national clearinghouse of infor- verse, was a canon at the old 'Pieniezno, near Olsztyn, on the mation for prosecutors of ob· c'athedriil church and is buried scientific work of Copernicus. SERVICE At the Mass, Cardinal Stefan scenity .ca~es, but an opposite there. Wyszynski Of Warsaw delivered BUDGET PLANS decision might have put' it out I the homily. of business. (The 'duties <l.nd right~ of a There were delegations from The Vargas ou Co. protects Project Director Philip Cohen canon have varied from, diocese the United States, England, Scotyour family's heating comfort insisted th~t the anti-obsc:n.ity to: <liocJse and country to COUIlall year round. fight will b~ a long one requIrIng trY, but~ he has generally been a land, France and Germany. Auxiliary Bishop Luigi Dardani of careful legislation and tough person~ho was 'appointed by a TRY US FIRST court battles, but, he indicated, bishop, to have a voice in the the Italian 'University town of Bologna, where Copernicus was the Supr~me Court decision cathedral chapter, a body that 3-6592 oUersa solidbac;is for the effort. advised: the bishop. A canon a student, was also present. If the high court had moved generally has had a I'ight to a in the opposite ' direction, he stall in the cathedral choir and have recommend- some h~ve shared in the church's said, "I would I ed that we close the center revenue; assisted the bishop in down. Now we will be busier governing the diocese and reer than ever"! . ommencled episcopal candidates The center, which is under w~en a !bis~op died.) DISPENSING OPTICIAN ,the school I of criminal justice Complete Optical Servic~ Cardinal Karol WujtyIa of of California Lutheran College, was started in January with a cdcow I presided at the com450 HIGH STREET $250,000 gtant from the Law memorative Mass, at which the FALL RIVE'R Enforcemertt Assistance Admin- corlcelebrants were bishops from For Appointments istration (LEAA), .an arm of the other dIoceses connected with Call 678·0412 National Institute of the U.S. the life,lof Copernicus: Warmia, Department' of Justice. Chelmo, ,Wlockawek, Opole and I I
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Anrone S. Feno Jr.
Wrongdoing This is ever the C~lse with men who do wrong; they quiet the voice within them by the imagination that all others are, pretty much what flley are themselves. -Cardinal Newman
..., Britons Growing More Sceptical About Religion LONDON (NC) - Britons are Ibecoming increasingly more sceptical about religious beliefs. according to a public opinion poll. About 70 per cent of those polled said they think that religion is losing its influence in British life. The' poll showed also that there ,is growing scepticism about God, heaven, hell and the devil. The poll, published recently in the Sunday Telegraph of London, showed that of the 892 people questioned 74 per cent today believe in God, compared with 77 per cent six years ago. Belief in heaven fell by three per cent in the same time to 51 per cent and belief in hell fell by a similar percentage to 20 per c~nt. Belief in life after death dropped one per cent to 37 per cent. The only belief to show an increase in reincarnation-from 18 to 22 per cent in th,e six years since the previous poll. Catholics showed much more belief than Anglicans. For belief in God the Anglican figure was 77 per cent compared with 90 per cent among persons calling themselves Catholic, for belief in heaven the figure was 52 per cent for Anglicans and 76 per cent for Catholics. Fifty-seven per cent of Catholics said they beHeve in life after death; 29 per cent in reincarnation; 47 per cent in hell and 40 per cent in the devil. Inte~est
in Astrology
Several weeks ago the Sunday - Times in a front-page poll along the same lines of thinking found that 12 per cent of the people it asked declared outright disbelief in God, with another six ,per cent uncertain. In the Times poll three per cent had attended church ser· vices the previous Sunday; 28 per cent had said a prayer, six per cent had meditated and four per cent had read the Bible. Tha poll also indicated that interest in astrology - usually reading horoscopes in newspapers-is considerably greater than ,interest in attending religious services.
Church Destruction· Causes Protests ,LOS ANGELES (NC)-J'he destruction of the only Christian Church in Afghanistan has prompted a strong reaction from U. S. Protestant leaders. In a "Statement of Concern" sent to 37,000 U. S. churches they called for prayers as well as for protest letters to the King of Afghanistan, President Nixon and members of Congress. The Afghan government took over the Kabul Community Church on June 13 and demolished the building June 15. The church, dedicated in 1970, served some members of the international and diplomatic community in the Afghan capital. It was built with contributions from all over the world, including World Vision, an organization based here. World Vision had also supported J. Christy Wilson Jr., the pastor of the church who was ordered out of the country last March.
THE ANCHORThurs., July S, 1973
.Pope Paul Lauds Rome Cathedral
r BROTHER IS A FATHER: Brother Farrel Lorio, S.C., right, and Father Edward Baldwin go to concelebrate Mass at the National Assembly of Religious Brothers (NARB). Brother Lorio of Brother Martin High School in New Orleans, is one of about 14 members of his order who are ordained' priests, although retaining the title "brother." The NARB held its first assembly in' Washington, D.C. NC Photo.
Religious Brothers Hold First Asseinbly WASHINGTON (NC) - One hundred and fifty members of the National Assembly of Religious Brothers (NARB), holding their first annual assembly here, voted to support unconditional amnesty "for all persons who refused to serve in Vietnam" and to support "honest, open elections hy secret ballot" for farm workers in the lettuce fields and grape vineyards. The Brothers at the meeting ·also passed resolutions in which they: "Affirmed their support of American Catholic schools. Affirmed their support and acceptance of the principles of Religious Life contained in Vatican documents on the subject. Established a liaison with Sisters Uniting. a national office which coordinates the renewal efforts of American Sisters. Established a temporary re-
Helps Spare Life Of Priest's Killer LIMA (NC)-A clemency plea from Cardinal Juan Landazuri of Lima is credited with saving the life of the condemned killer of a Spanish missionary here in Peru. Raul Madrid Flores, 20, killed Franciscan Father Lorenzo Quintana here last February during a robbery attempt. The priest had only a few pennies in his pockets. President Gen. Juan Velasco Alvarado announced he was reducing Madrid's sentence to life imprisonment a few, hours before the execution was to take place. The condemned man's' lawyer appealed for clemency and reo vealed Cardinal Landazuri had also asked for the commutation. Madrid said he has heen writing the story of his life in the hope publishers will buy it and give the proceeds to his mother.
search and development committee to explore ways of gathering and communicating information for Brothers in the United States. The assembly's meeting, which focused on the theme of "Minisry: Response to the Gospel," was held at the Theological College of the Catholic University of America.. In a keynote address Xaverian Brother Nivard Scheel, .vicepresident for student affairs at Catholic University, emphasized the religious dimension of God's inexhaustible goodness as the basis for hope in the turbulence of changes, drops in vocations
p'resident Grateful For Catholic Aid VATICAN CITY (NC) - The president of Upper Volta, one of the countries of Africa's Sahelian region stricken for the past several months by a disastrous drought, personally thanked Pope Paul VI for the "joy and comfort" Catholic organizations have brought the people of that area. President Sangoule Lamizana said that the Pope had "sensitized public opinion" to the dangerous situation in the Sahelian strip to the lower borders of the Sahara. He told the Pope during his audience: "I cannot finish without telling you of the joy and comfort the countries hit by drought are experiencing from the very important contribution being hrought by Catholic charitable organizations to the disaster-stricken people, thanks to your pressing benevolent appeal. "Let me take the occasion to thank Your Holiness for having sensitized public opinion to the serious threats hanging over the states of the Sudanese-Sehelian zone."
and departures from Religious orders. Christian Personalism The point of Christian hope, he said, is not to despair over the possible problems of the future. "It matters not whether our congregation exists 50 years from now. It does matter that our congregation exists now. And it matters that we are part of that "now," and the contribution our congregation makes to Chrillt and his Church is inextricably bound up with what I am and what I do." He told the Religious Brothers to adopt a position of "Christian personalism," of personal responsibility for one's own "spiritual and moral reform as a basis for apostolic ·activity." "The important thing is not that our congregation should grow, but that Christ should grow-in us and in the world," Brother Nivard said. "When viewed in this way, the present situation offers more reasons for hope than ever before."
VATICAN CITY (NC)-On the Feast of St. John the Baptist, Pope Paul VI who bears that haptismal name, turned his thoughts to the basilica th'at hears the name of St. John and is in fact the Pope's own cathedral. Pope Paul was born Giovanni Battista Montini. "Our thought goes today to St. John Latellan's" Pope Paul began his Angelus talk to crowds gathered in St. Peter's Square for his blessing on June 24. He said that although the Basilica of St. John Lateran no longer draws the crowds of pious pilgrims as it did in the past, it is still worthy of "high esteem." And he cited some reasons why. The Basilica of St. John Lateran is, he said, "the first historically recognized seat of the bishop of Rome and of his double religious function, as pastor of the Rome diocese and pontiff of the Universal Church." He continued: "In it we find history, in it we find liturgy ... "It has hosted several councils, and hosts the Church's archives both ancient and modern, the most deeply venerated relics. . "There the outstanding events of the Church of Rome find their first and genuine expression. There is the 'legitimate See,' the local base of the awareness of the apostolic succession, an awareness thaf -is evan· gelical, religious, ecclesiastical and civil." In a final salute to the basilica across town, the Pope repeated the words of Pope Clement XII inscribed on St. John Lateran's itself. "Omnium Urbis et Orbis Ecclesiarum Mater et Caput"-The Mother and Chief of All Churches of Rome and the World.
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Catholic Universities Document Gets Limited Praise from Vatican
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 5, 1973 I
Windowboxes, Flower Pots Need Daily MoistJre Check By Jloe and Marilyn Roderick
O~e way to enjoy flowers even iIi a small area is to bring them close to the house in pots or windowboxes. The latter especially are quite delightful if they can be enjoyed from inside the house. They are relatively easy to maintain, although they need. i.' . constant attention and are a mg only ~ da.J1y mOlstu~e che.ck ·' , I . _ and an 0fcaslOnal dousmg With source 0 f cont mua enJoy fertilizer. ment for those who appreci. i
ate the beauty of flowers. Pots and windowboxes have one obvious. disadvantage; they are not in the ground. This disadvantage ,leads to two major problems, both of whieh have to be compensated for in f;ome way. The first of these has to do with the fact that they dry out very quickly~ Drying is a relatively minor problem if the gardener is aware of it. But in the case of pots and windowboxes two or three days negh!ct can be devastating whereas in the normal garden there is substantial roo~ for neglect. . Replenish Nutrients
~ the Kitchen 'While s4mmer isn't exactly the ,best time to spend in the kitchen, for me it's the time of year wh.en the pressJres of work cease and I can spehd more time in meal planning,: fresh food shopping and the like. Now when my July Gourmet arrives I Ican leisurely- browse through it and really try those recipes that sound so appealing. The app:eal of fresh food I also find irresiStible. Swordfish, freshly caught, Iwa's selling at a market near the beach for $3.59 a pound. W~ile the piece I bought for $4.00 looked quite small, the fact that ithere was waste and very little, shrinkage still made it a gool buy as well as a very tasty dish. (We'll think about the mercury tomorrow.)
.P'la," Folk Group At ~a Sa let1~e :Rev.: A~dre Patenaude, M.S., music :director of J[.a Salette Shrine,i Attleboro, is conducting auditions for singers and musicians to form a liturgical folk group ~o appear at the forthcomirig New England Congress of Religious Education as well as at events planned by the shrine in connection with the Holy Year recently announced by Pope Paul VI. . Applicants should be between the ag~s of 18 and 2!;' and may obtain 'further information from F~ther ,Patenaude at the shrine, telephone 617-222-5410.
Constant watering leads to a second major problem and that is leaching.of the soil ill the containers which hold the plants. Since there is excessLvely fast I Summer Bounty drying there must a great deal of I • watering and this leads to reVery sO(~n the vegetable stands moving much of the nutrients will be filled with their summer from the soil. In ordel' to over- bounty: ripe tomatoes,' crisp letcome this problem I water the tuce and ~he lush berries that boxes every ten days or so with beg to bel made into pies. a water 'soluble fertilizer to rePerhaps! with July and August plenish those nutrients necessary listed as the time of the year for to normal plant growth. fruit piesl and fruit desserts, This year we set out geraniums some of the . , women of the dioand a double white petunia in cese will I share . their favorite Publicity chairmen of 'parish organizations those boxes which get normal fruit desert, or other summer re- ara asked to SUbmit news items for this amounts of sun and coleus with cipe with <>thers by sending it in column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7,' fall River 02722. Name of city or town should geraniums in one box which gets to The Andior. I I have already come across a be' Included, as well as full dates of all only early mornin.g and. late aft:Please send news of future rather ernoon sun. They form:' a pretty . delightful i sounding recipe for activities. than past i events. . adjunct to the house and are blueberry :scones that i can't relatively easy to maintain; need- wait to try, and if they are as O. L. OF THE ASSUlIIIPTION, good as they sound, I'll .print NEW BEDFORD ;1\ pi~nic and dance will be . ,the recipe lin the column., Senate of Priests Make this a summer when you held o~ Sunday, July 15 at the Pine HHI Pavilion, 588 Middle try at least one new recipe! Backs Two Unions This recipe isn't cheap, not ~ St., Acushnet. The day's affair WASHINGTON (NC) - The with the pt-ice of fish today, but will op~n a~ 1 o'clock and music Senate of ,Priests of the Washingby the! Creole Sextet will be ton archdiocese announced its it is good. I offered from 4 to 8. support of the United Farm SCRUMPTIOlJ.S SOLE Donation is $2.00. Children Workers Union and of the receive free admissions. will Amalgamated Clothing Workers 'I packag~ (10 ounces) chopped II of America. broccoli, thawed The UFWU (AFL-CIO) is lock4 fillets of sole (about 1 pound) ST. PErER THE APOSTLE, ed in a struggle with the Inter1 can medium size shrimp, PR~VIl'fCETOWN national Brotherhood of Teamdrained The summer schedule of Masssters over the representation of 1 .can (4 Iounces) sliced mush- es:is asifollbws: 7 o'clock, Saturrooms, , farm workers in California. The day night'and Sunday at 7, ,9; Amalgamated Clothing Workers 1 can co~densed mushroom 10, and. 11 A.M. and 7 o'clock soup , are on. strike and promoting a in the evening. 'boycott of the products of Farah 14 cup grated Parmesan cheese . Daily!Mass is at 7 in the mornManufacturing Company, proY2 teaspoop dillweed . . ing and 5:30 P.M. (El(cept Satducers of men's apparel, in a Y2 teapsoon salt urday)." conflict over the right to union- % teaspoon pepper ize its workers. . , 14 teaspoon ground nutmeg Sisters "Elelct 1 Tablespbon lemon -juice . The priests, citing Washington The -Sisters of St. 'Francis of 1 Tablesp60n Worcestershire Archbishop William W. Baum's '1 Philadelbhia who 'staff St. Mary's sauce I call for a "dynamic teaching and Home, New Bedford, recently courageous proclamation both in 1) In a i 9 x 13 baking pan held a provincial chapter in word and in witness of the social place a layer of foil and then Trenton; N.J. Proposails relative dimensions of the Gospel," stated layer on top of this the broccoli. to i religious life, formation, that "farm workers must have 2) Place Ifish with shrimp and apbstol~te and government were the right to seek membership in mushroom over this. discussed .and elections were a legitimate organization of their 3) Combine soup, cheese, dill- held. R.e-elected as provincial own choosing through election weed, salt, pepper, nutmeg, wa;s Sister Euthalia Calssidy and by secret ballot. We strongly lemon juice and Worcestershire seljVing I as 'councillors will be urge that the growers, the sauce in a I medium sized bowl. Sister ,Kathryn Mille-r,Sister UFWU and the Intemational 'Pour over ~ish. Top baking pan Mary Rita Barbernitz, Sister -Brotherhood of Teamsters coop- with a foil :sheet to cover. Dorothy Epple and Sister Mar-. erate'in achieving this ba:sic right 4) Bake in a 350' oven 1 hour garet Patrice Gurley. They will for the farm workers involved." or unm fish, is done. ,ta~e off~ce Aug. 15.
. The Pa~ish PCllrade "
WASHINGTON (NC) - The in the document were d.ue to "a Va,tican, in a special letter to considerable hesitancy (among Catholic Unhrersityheads, has delegates to the congress) to . indicated that a major statement spell these out because of the on Catholic universities "is a diversity around the world." pretty good document," according He cited the differences to Jesuit 'Father Robert S. Henle, around the world in culture, president of Georgetown Univer- mentality and "the rel-aUon of sity here and one of the drafters universities to governments." of the document. Members of the congress felt Father Henle, who introduced it was "a matter, of responsibilthe document in the United ity for .the individual university . States last year, pointed out that to see to it that it is Catholic," the Vatican letter on the docu- Father Henle said. "We didn't ment "doesn't criticize what the see how this could be done in a document says." The criticisms way that is universally applicthat the Vatican did have, he able." said, were leveled at gaps or "The document was as explicit omissions in the document. as we thought we could get at The document, entitled "The that time" on the matters of uniCatholic University in the Mod- versities stating their Catholic· ern World," was prepared last character and regulating themyear by the Second International selves," Fa'ther Henle said. "It's Congress of Delegates of Cath- very dangerous to get too exolic Univ~rsities. The result of plicit. Its (the document's). apyears of work, it was meant as plications will vary from place a basic statement of what a to place." Catholic university is and must be. "Valid but needing improvement" was the judgment of the document};ly the Vatican Con -gregation for Catholic EducaST. Lotns (NC)-Dr. Robert tion, which studied the state- M. Farrier of LaKe Forest, Ill., ment earlier this year. , has been named director of med'Makes Purpose Clear' ical affairs of the Catholic HosIn the letter to the presidents pital Association. of Catholic universities and diHe will be responsible for planrectors of Catholic institutions ning, directing and coordinating ,of higher' learning around the the medical affairs services of world, Cardinal Gabriel Garrone, the association. Specifically, he . prefe~t of the Vatican congrega- , ~ill assist Catholic hospital tion, says his congregation feels boards of ,trustees and chief exethat the document· "well 'defines cutive officers in their delivery and makes clear the purpose and of quality medical care in cochara,cteristics of the Catholic operation with .the organized .. university." medical staffs. . However, he said, the. congreDr. Farrier has been director gation I'll-so found the document of the Bureau of Professional lacking on two points: . "On the necessity for each Services of the American HospiCatholic university to set out tal Association in Chicago since formally and withoutequivoca- 1970. tion, either in its statutes or in Prior to that, he was assistant some other internal document, director, associate director and its character ,and commitment as then acting director of the CliniCatholic. cal Center of the National Insti"On the necessity for every tutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Catholic university to create He has completed 28 years with within itself appropriate and effi- the U. S. Public Health Service. cacious instruments so as to be ~ able to put into effect proper Dr. Farrier studied at The self-regulation in the $ectors of Citadel, Charleston, S. C., and faith, morality and discipline." Washington University, St. Louis, The congregation also pointed where he earned his doctor of out that the 'document must be medicine degr~ in 1946. considered "as a whole" with no With headquarters in St. Louis, single element taken out of con- the Catholic Hospital Associatext. tion represents 885 Catholic hosWhile ,the Vatican congrega- pitals and extended care facifi'tion accepted the document's no- ties located throughout the U. S. tion of "university institutions without statutory bonds linking them to .ecclesiastical authority," it-cautioned that "this in no way means that such institutions are removed from those relationships Over 35 Years with the ecclesiastical hierarchy of Satisfied Service which must characterize all Reg. Master Plumber 7023 Catholic insitutio'ns." . JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. Cites Differences 806 NO. MAIN STREET According to Father Henle the Fall River. 675.7497 gaps which the Vatican criticized •••••••• p •• , ••••••••••
Medical Affairs Director Named·
Monti, Plumbing & Heating Co.
"Save Witll Safety" at
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 5, 1973
'Only One Sadness, That Serra 'President Calls for Social Justice Of NQt Being A Saint' Every proposal made by the bishops in their Synodal' Document that is designed to increase the Church's own witness to justice suggests some change from practices which have become habitual in parts of the Church's structure. If we take grossly unequal power and grossly un- are designed to redress imbalances in power which prevent equal wealth as hallmarks responsibility from being widely of justice, then the bishops' shared and expose leaders at proposals all suggest how these inequalities can be lessened. Within the hierarchy some do live at a standard of ease and
WASHINGTON (NC) - Working to solve the problems of "huinan dignity, justice, poverty, housing" will be goals of Serra International during the coming year, the newly elected Serra 'president said. A vocations crisis was discussed also. Serra was founded to promote vocations to the priesthood and the airms of the Church. Addressing the 1973 Serra convention here, Albert E. Maggio, Serra's new president, laid the blame for many of society's ills on a lack of involvement: "When there is poverty, perhaps it is because we have condoned it. Where there is injustice, perhaps we have not demanded justice," , Maggio said that working to solve social ills will make the priesthood more attractive to the young, who, he noted, "de-' sire to help their fellow man." The past few years have seen 'a significant closing of the generation gap, Maggio added. Youths want peace, honesty, and understanding, he said. Serra must provide the opportunity for young men to work on these problems, he stated, "in the market place, in politics, in our homes,"
. plicitand explicit when we . . . discuss the matter of vocations." . The adding of just one more priest, Brother or Sister to a community anywhere in the world, Maggio' noted, "would mean so very much to our fellow Christians around the world." Father Jerry E. Hardy, director of vocations for the archdiocese of Atlanta, told the Serra convention that "the satisfying of the ministerial needs of the Church must be sought as much in the shopping centers of our society as in the clerical-churchyard of faith and structure," This need, Father Hardy said, implies that the real crisis in vocations may lie with the -layman and not with Religious.
every level to the temptation of arbitrary power. But it is vital not to make the Bishops' proposals into ends in themselves. We are not asked to be modest in our use of wealth and power or to be compassionate and. just with our By fellow men so that the Church, as a human community, will atBARBARA tract the interest and ,'adhesion of outsiders. We are asked quite Bishops Condemn WARD simply to be' the kind of Christians who would make their Cambodia, Bombing WASHINGTON (NC) - The community a Hving witness. U.S. Bishops' Committee on It is so easy to see the Chur.ch ~mu'mnlW~m Social Development and World in a diversity of roles-as de. service that earlier Prince-Bish- fender of order, as the most comPeace has condemned U.S. bombALBERT E. MAGGIO ops might have envied. The fortable source of certainty and ing in Cambodia as a violation . Bishops call for simpler and more reassurance, as the communion of "traditional Christian prinmodest styles of Hfe and here wi!hin which we hope to die. To do this, not only personal ciples," . the example of Pope Paul VI has But the Church is really one example most be employed, MagUnder these principles, the been one of steady pressure thing 'above all else--a frightengio said, but the media also. committee said, "weapons may towards less of the traditional .jng, exhilarating, all-but-unbe"The unique character and the not be used which are indiscrimceremonial splendours. supreme service of the priest," inate in their effects;" lievable thing. She is a school of Where priests and professed saints. Maggio noted, "must be both imreligious find themselves with a "It appears to us," the commitJust as, three or four billenia degree of security and comfort ago, organic life began to stir tee said, "that the carp~t bombfar surpassing that of the people on the warm shores of the receding techniques used in Cambodia among whom they work, they ing oceans, just as, perhaps a violate this principle in that it are asked to .strip their lives of hundred thousand years ago, a is difficult or impossible in pracEditor Sees Watergate as Acceptance the accessories human nature vast increase in the size of the tice to discriminate between loves and the consumer society homomid's brain was the prelude combatants 'and non-combaOf Machiavellian Principle obsessively provides. ants" in carpet bombing. to a consciousness and choice NEW HAVEN (NC)-The Wat- Han principle and contributing Lay people, too, are challenged in homo sapiens, so the fundaIn "carpet bombing'" flights undercutting traditional to make the same examination mental Chrisian purpose is a new ergate investigations raise the "to of B-52 bombers drop their carof conscience. "Am I beginning life, as far above mere conscious- question of how far society has nor~s of morality," ,"Large segments of the media goes of bombs from high altito take as necessities what are ness was above the instructive gone in accepting the "Machiain fact luxuries denied to two- strivings of organic life. This is , vellian principle that, the end gave favorable treatment to pro- tudes and cover large areas with thirds of my fellowmen?" And, the profound meaning of the justifies the means," according fessedly religious persons who a "carpet" of bombs. Critics say as the Bishops point out, the ap- phrase, "the second Adam," This to an editor of Columbia maga- broke into draft offices . . . that the technique causes indispeal for simpler lifestyles and is the possibility of rebirth in zine. Similar sympathetic treatment' criminate destruction to areas "a certain sparingness" in the every life of which the ResurrecIn an editorial ~ntitled, "What was given . . . to various 'peace that include large military taruse of material things is made tion 'is the symbol. This is the lies under Watergate?", Elmer demonstrations' some of which gets. much more relevant by the in- Pauline cry of triumph: "I live, Von Feldt, editor of the Knights ended in violence," he wrote. creasing evidence of global ,now not I, for Christ liveth in of Columbus magazine published This and a series of "shorthere monthly, said the "sin" of shortages and the possible ex- me." ST. ANNE sighted" rulings by the Supreme the cover-up machinations far haustion of critical materials ,beThe true Church is thus a comCREDIT UNION fore most of the human race mUl1lity of people trying, quite exceeded that of the original Court teach "the unsophisticated 43 RODNEY FRENCH BLVD. have had any share of them. simply, to achieve sanctity, to break-ins, because. the attempts that God is not important and NEAR COVE RD. NEW BEDFORD that religious principles are not Waste Less Energy live tjlis "new life." If they do involved perjury, lying and the All Your Money Insured Against loss an acceptable basis for national obstruction of justice. In passing, we could notice live it, like St. Francis,like Pope All Personal loans life Insured Home Mortgages on Easy Terms Noting that some of the Wat- morality," he continued. that America with about 5Y2 per John, like Mother Theresa, they No Penalty Clauses cent of the world's people con- radiate the justice and simpldcity ergate participants considered Von Feldt warned that withBank In, Person or by Mall their actions "not only justifiable sumes today over 30 per cent of for which the Bishops plead. out the religiously based moral Welcome Into Our Credit Union Famliy The difficulty with Christians hut just," Von Feldt charged discipline, this country is "on a the world's supplies of energy Open Dal:, 9 am·2 pm Fri. 6·8 pm and the main source--petroleum -and indeed with the followers some persons in the communi- dangerous road of proliferating -Partlinl- may not last more than of all great spiritual traditions- cations media and academicians Waterga1tes in all fields of social CLOSED SATURDAYS another 50 years. Yet in all the is not that the means of sanctity with encouraging the Machiavel- life," are unknown. It is simply that present discussion of the "energy crisis"-a real one--there is they are very difficult. All the official emphasis only on increas- prophets, sages and saints of Protect your home while away ! ing supplies. Nothing is said world history urge us to follow about the possibility of wasting virtually the same way-"selfless energy in a society whose. naughting," emptying out the per capita energy use is already drives and desires and resent50 per cent higher than that of ments that turn on me, my ego, my requirements, my claims, and Western Europe. Feople also eat high calorie in their place, through prayer diets, yet use little muscle power and quiet, letting in th~ new life and never walk. Less wasteful of the spirit. It is a process possibly as "energy consumption might offer a contribution' not simply to dJifficultand traumatic as that of justice, ·but also to better health. the very first men trying to Sentry -- Timer It is not only resources that coax coherent speech out of the can ,be misappropriated and vast flood of new sensations that abused. Power in the personal poured in through their enlarged • Turns lights on and automat!cally sense is also' at issue. Once brains. But it is the future way. again, all the Bishops' proposals Christians are, above all, men • Discourages burglary and vandalism -for fair and open judicial proc- and women who struggle for this esses, for close assocIation of new coherence. And of all of us all "the people of God" with the could be said what was once said Church organs of government, by Leon Bloy: "There is 'only for a: radical reappraisal of the one sadness, the sadness of not role of women in the Church- being a sadnt,"
On Dangerous Road
!.._--_.. ._-----
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THE ANCHOIt-Oiocese of Fall
·Rive~-Thul's., !
July 5, 1973
Luther and Faith'
"Man, God is not angry with you. You are angry with God. Dona you know that God commands you to hope?" The words have 'a contemporary ring. Actually they were 'spoken by a wise old priest to an anxious young man some 400 years ago. The young man's name was Martin Luther.
The Lutheran comur~ion is not not only the oldest 'protestant denomination but is also the largest on a worldwide basis., Seventy-five million Lutherans, are concentrated in Germany, 'the Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, Brazil, Argentina' and he United States, '
Like many a young person today, "Luther was torn with questions and doubts. He anguished over how he could ever 'be saved. His inner torment kept him awake at night, but he continued his search for meaning. He searched through the Bible, he prayed, he sought counsel from others. Finally one day he found the key to his search for peace. He was reading St. Paul's Letter to the Romans and stopped short at verse 21 of chapter 1: "The just man shall live by faith." At last he 'found an answer to his anxiety. It is 'through faith in God's grace, that it is
Except for small movem~nts, the unity of Western, Christendom rema'ined more or less intact un'til the start of the lGth century. Then this unity was broken by a German Augustinian friar, Martin Luther, who challenged the exercise and claims of papal authority and the condition of Church life at this time. Luther left the stud)' of law after a frightening e"perienc,~ , in a thunderstorm in which he vowed to enter a milnastery, Two years after joining the Augustinian order he was ordain· MARl'lN LUTHER: "What shattered the unity of the I _ I ed a priest and in 1512 he reo ceived a doctorate in Scripture. Catholic Church in Europe was tJle challc:mge of a German He was assigned to teaeh at the Augustiniim friar, Martin Luther, to I papal authority and new University of Wittenberg. I traditionalI doctrines." , At this stage of his Hfe MarI • 'I ., tin Luther was preocup[ed with Lu~eraD 'Theses rupt the unity of the Church by the question: "What must I do his i act but as the yea:rs passed There is a great deal the Bible to be saved?" He found no sure Along with specific criticisms answers in his prayers, penances, ' of abuses irl the Church he pro- the basic differences girew. Lut· doesn't tell us concerning the fasting and faithful adherence posed the rrtain elements of his er was e?ccommunicatedl in 1521. lands of the Bible. In fact the to the rules of his order. But theology in.his famous 95 theses. By the time he died 'in 1546 the sacred authors weren't interestwhile reading St. Paui's Epistle According to the custom of his Churche~ of ,the reformation and ed in relating information about to the Romans he ·was struck by time he nalIed a list of theses the Roman, Catholic Church everyday living, or geography, ' or history. unless it had a direct the passage "The just man lives or propostitions to be debated were sdarated bodies. , The d~tholic Church in Luth·, bearing on the mesage they by faith" (Rom.' 1:1,7). This on the chu~ch door at Witener's day: was vulnerable to at- were inspired to write. would be the cornerstone of his berg on oct. 31, 1517. tacK. Sdine bishops, priests, rereligion system. He had rio intention to dis- ligious and . laity lived saintly cmi!I;~~ 1
In the Land of the Bible
lives but others were corrupt. The, popes often acted more like 'I war lords or feudal ki:rlgs than By spiritua~ :fathers. Poor philosophy and the~~ogy produced 1I folk reo STEVE Sisters Marilyn Goulet and job descript~on we" offered them Iigion which promised forgiveMary Seeley last taught in Cath- and which they have followed ness of sins "and attaiIllment of LANDREGAN olic schools of the Syracuse di- 'attempts to Itake this approach. salvation I through purchased inocese. This year they work as It is definite and varied, but dUlg~nce~ and "bargains" with full time "Parish helpers" at open-ended,'! leaving room for God. They took for granted their Holy Family, coordinating the creativity and flexibility. I Faith Alone readers would be able to fill religious education program and Their majo~ efforts have gone , In the gaps from their own planning with others our Iitur- in these directions: Lutheranism rests ,on two knowledge, or by asking an eId'gical celebrations. Coordinati~m of religious edu- fundamental principles: man is er of the tribe. That might have cation classes for public school restored to friendship with God worked well 2,600 years ago, students in ~ grades 1"12. The by faith i~n J:sus Chri8t alone. but it leaves a lot to be desired New York State released time and the BIble IS the only source in 1973. provision and a most coopera-/ ' and i gUid~ of, faith and life. Bible . students today have By tive local 'board of education Luther rejected the a,uthority many questions. Some of them give us, tim~-wise, an excellent claimed by the pope, the neces· due to curiosity, some to the FR. JOSEPH M. ' arrangement.: sity .of having bishops, reduced J:ealization that' the more you CHAMPLIN Grades 7-12 meet in the in· the role Of tradition in c;ompar- Imow a'l;>out how a person or struction center on either Tues· ison ' with: the Bible, and regard- 'a group of people lives, the I .1 day, Wednesday, or Thursday ed only Baptism and Holy Com- more you understand a,bout mornings at 18:00, then walk to munion liS sacraments clearly them. their school for the second per-authorized by Sacred Scripture. You can learn much about These two Sisters enjoyed in iod class. The youngsters of Worship was conducted in ver- , people by their garbage. If you their previous positions excel- grades '1-6 eome on. Thursdays nacu~ar i~stead of Latin, c1ergy- sift carefully through a family's :lent reputations as competent (by foot or Ibus) from JO:30 - men were I aUowed to marry, and trash, you can learn how and teachers, but they felt strongly 1-1 :30 A.M. . the laity I' received both bread what they eat, what they wear, the need to enter a more diver· Profession~lism in such pro-and wine in Holy Communion. what they read, what they write, sified type' of apostolatlJ. The" Tum to Page Seventeen Turn ,to Page Ei8hteen ~liDd so on. _ __ .. -• .: .... .. . ._-· '.-.'.
Parish Helpersl
',~ f·_.~.:._:::_,,::--~: ~.~.,,~~~_:'.:=' ~
possible to be saved. Salvation -is God's gift, not the result of personal archlevemen1i. Therefore one needs to trust oneself to God's love. Grace: Faith What 'followed in Luther's life grew out of this radical insight Into the importance of faith in 'God, whose love andgrace reaches man through Jesus Christ. The two facets-faith 'and grace-are complementary. One can only place one's life trustingly In God's hands if one is deeply convince<;l of his love, his grace. His grace in turn enables man to believe." As St. Paul wrote to the Christians at Rome: "All depends on faith, everything in grace (Rom. 4:16) Insight into the .role of faith brought some measure of peace to Luther's anguished spirit. He shared his insight with his students and with his .fell9w theologians. Gradually for a variety of reasons, his teaching and preaching led to confrontation with Church authorities. Chris_tianity was divided in spite of Luther's intent. Heated argUment on both sides solidified mutual misunderstandings and false interpretations. . Childlike Faith Today, after the polemic fog is lifted,and serious afforts at ecumenism progress, it becomes , Turn to Page Seventeen
Definition of Archeologist Looking through your neighbors gar,bage or trash is frowned upon today. But if that trash happens to belong to someone who lived several thousand years 'ago, you're not a 'trash picker, you're an archeologist. Perhaps I will have to defend myself against irate archeologists who resent being compared to trash pickers, but the comparison may help us understand what their science is all about. Science of Past The word "archeology" comes from a Greek word "archaiologia". It means science of the past, and was first used by a Jewish-historian - turned - Roman, Flavius Josephus. Josephus wrote in ,about the year 93 A.D., and while his writings are recognized as somewhat slanted, nevertheless, they are fascinating and informative. Within the past few weeks an ancient manuscript, was discovered that quotes Josephus' writing about Christ. Scholars at the Hebr~ University in ,Jerusalem say it may be the oldest reference to Christ found to date outside of the Bible. It is an interesting conincidence that something written by the man who coined the term archeology, sheds new liglJt on the past 1,900 years later.: Of course there have been some publicized archeological discoveries like the Dead sea .Turn to Page Efshteen
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 5, 1973
Discusses Permanence
Of Priestly Commitment In a recent issue of the Thomas More Association newsletter Overview there was a "special report" by a former priest that was somewhat more interesting and poignant than most such articles. It was not altogether free from self pity. He tells us of Still a Priest the rude shock of having to used to be a The priesthood shop in a supermarket. Besacred office; it used to be somecause he was a member of a thing that one left only with
religious community, he may never have had to go to a supermarket before, but I can assure him (having just returned from
the gravest reluctance; and the title "Father" used to be an honor even if one were not a practicing priest. He may have changed his mind and his attitude, but his aunt has not, and .~ there is no particular reason to expect that she should or would. People like her may be sympa- . ., . [ ;"~ thetic with those who have left LITURGICAL PLANNING: "Sister Marilyn Goulet, one of the two full time 'parish the priesthood, but as far as they are concerned, a priest is he~pers' at Holy Family, coordinating the religious education program and planning with still a priest and that is that. others our liturgical celebrations." Visiting the Joseph' Stewart family in Fulton, N.Y., Is there any "right" or Sister Marilyn, left, plans a parish Mass involving all the Stewarts ex~ept the baby. "wrong" side to such a story? Is the aunt wrong to think that, once you are a sacred person you are- always one? Is the Continued from Page Sixteen In different houses for three eral hours determining the genauthor of the article wrong to think that one can shuck the grams takes money, tilne 'and consecutive months clusters of eral themes of Masses for the priesthood as one could taw. personnel. Books and equip- couples gathered for film strips, next period in the Church year. journalism, or truck-driving? ment mean substantial cash out- a movie, verbal presentations, With those established, each Should you' be able to just sign lays. Sizable numbers of stu- group discussion, explanations begins different tasks which will your name to a paper' and be dents demand extensive organ- of the children's text and, final- develop, appropriate liturgies for free of all the responsibilities ization and careful class plan- ly, ·a well received home Mass specific Sundays. This means for nuns. arrangand burdens' and charismas of ning.. A large staff of volun- with the young ones in attendthe priestly life? It is not a ques- teer instructors require faculty ance. We anticipate introducing ing gift bearers for four of the meetings and frequent communi- a similar series for First Con- Masses, assisting different famtion that is easy to answer. cations. fession and Confirmation during ilies who will take a unique One can agree that it was the year ahead. part in certain celebrations, deProeessionalism once too difficult psychologicalSacramental preparation proPlanning and executing Sun- signing a participation leaflet ly and organizationally to get out of the priesthood, and that grams. Our adult religious edu- day liturgies. Every few months and sometimes acting as lectors it still is a painful and degrad- cation activity this year con- my priest partner in the parish, in the service itself. ing process - when it ought centrated on the First Commu- these two sisters, and our orPreparing Services ganist choir director spend sevnot to be either. Yet on the hand, nion parents. Preparing worship services for can one not· also assert that the special occasions. These include, priesthood is inevitably and will for example, Advent ·and Lenalways remain a sacred function, and that departure from it can Continued from Page Sixteen Lutherans, we are mutually dis- ten penance celebrations, a "Family Day of Prayer," the never be easy or smooth. clearer how sound and tradition- covering that many of the dif- . Three Hour Devotion on Good Sees Bahmce al Luther's germinal idea really ferences rest on mutual misun- Friday, class Masses for the reOne can never leave the was. It is through faith that man derstandings. We can be grateful ligious education courses. priesthood' without scars-scars can hope for salvation. Faith to Luther and the great Luther Regular hospital and home for oneself and for others. Is it that trustingly opens the mind tradition for preserving so clearsomehow or other possible to and heart of God' saving grace ly a central part of Christ's Gos- visitation. We have divided each view the priesthood as a per- or love. In fact Luther's emph- pel, namely that the just man week between the two priests and manent commitment, a commit- sis on faith and 'grace is close lives by faith. Faith expresses two sisters in such ·a way that ment that does indeed mark a to the heart of the New Testa.- itself, for Catholic and Lutheran normally every day someone man (socially and psychological- ment (and Old Testament) mes- alike, in justice, love, and ser- from Holy Family visits sick parishioners at our local hosvice. ly at any rate) for all eternity sage. St. Paul, who anguished' and still concede that in certain Today Luther's wish is ap- pital. In addition, the nuns frequentsets of circumstances it is ap- through the same kind or inner proaching realization: "I beg ly stop at homes to call upon propriate to leave the priest- struggle Luther experienced, that my name be passed over in hood? Is .it not possible that we pointed out that it is not the silence, and that men will call shut-ins, discuss family particihave swung from one end of the law, nor ritual, that is most themselves not Lutherans but pation in a coming liturgy or pendulum to the other, and that important: The one thing that Christians. What, is Luther? My care for those myriad matters somewhere in between there lies counts for anything, he wrote teaching is not mine . . . . Let that arise in the life of a para balance in which the perman- to the Galatians is "only faith, us root out party names and ish. At the present moment, these ence of the priestly commitment which expresses itself in love." call ourselves Christians, for it Sisters are attending a fouris honored and yet men are per- (Gal 5:6). Or as he writes so is Christ's gospel we have." week pastoral institute in Ohio. mitted to leave with dignity and . clearly to the Ephesians: "I reThere they hope to acquire respect? peat, it is owing to his favor Truth-Telling some added expertise and learn I am not sure, though in prin- that salvation is yours through what imaginative things are beIt is better to remain silent ciple I don't see any reason why faith" (Eph 2:8). ing done in other parishes. Up~han speak the truth illRecaIling other New Testathis can't happen. Somehow our Episcopalian brothers seem to do ment passages we discover that humoredly, and so spoil an ex- on their return, we will plan for it better. One can stop being an a person becomes mature in cellent dish by covering it with the 1973-74 year at Holy Family, building on the present base and active Episcopalian cleric and faith by becoming like a child- bad sauce. pushing out into new areas. J.P. Camus still be considered a priest, still trusting and open. Faith recogbe called "Father," and still oc- nizes that there is more to life casionally perform clerical func-. than any man can grasp or contions. Ought there not to be trol. Faith admits that- God is some way 'in which we can imi- greater· than man's heart. tate them in this matter? Ought Mutual Misunderstandings there not to be some place in The person of faith places the Church for one who is no longer practicing the active min- himself, his life, his future in DOMESTIC & HEAVY' DUTY OIL BURNERS istry, and yet still proud to have God's hands, fUlly confident that his grace is sufficient. By faith his aunt call him "Father?" Sales ~ Service - Installation I hope so, because to tell you we recognize that God is not the truth, I have a sneaky ad- angry with us. Faith allows us MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER miration for the old girl, and I to hope. While differences still remain hope she keeps on calling him between Roman Catholics and "Father." .......
~L .....
Parish Helpers Coord.inate Programs
one myself) that many who remained in the priesthood have become familiar enough with the inside of supermarkets long ago. The most interesting part of the article is that which gives it its title: his aunt still calls him Father. Try as he may it is impossible to leave the priesthood behind. The tawdry conversation at the chancery office, the secret marriage, the "drumming out of the regiment" that seems to happen inevitably when one leaves the priesthood still does not affect what his aunt thinks. From her viewpoint he is still what he always was, "Father." There is nothing he will be able to do or nothing that will ever happen to him that will change her mind. The author seems not exactly angry but rather baffled and surprised by her response. Does she not understand that the priest really isn't a sacred person? Does she not realize that one can leave the priesthood if not quite as easily as any other profession, still definitively and irrevocably? Does she not realize that all of the old mythology about being a priest forever is myth, not intended to be taken literally and seriously? Does she not realize that a man can stop being a priest and should not be called "Father" any longer? The answer to that is no, of course not. His aunt will never be able to understand why he left the priesthood, and she will never be persuaded that he is not still a priest. Nor will she ever be willing to admit that he w'ill not be a priest forever.. After all, that is what she was taught by her priest, and it was what he taught others during his years as a priest.
Honorary Degree MJAMI (NC)-A Latin American priest who has devoted most of his life to educating the underprivileged masses in Colombia received an honorary doctor of humanities deo,ree from Florida International University. here. Msgr. Jose Joaquin Saicedo is director of Accion Cultural Popular (ACPO) which began in 1947 establ'ishing rad io schools to reach people in the remote mountain villages of the Andes.
Luth·er and Faith
Phone 675-7484
-- .......
.. ...
THE AN~HOR-[)iocese ofFal! RivertThurs., July 5, 1973
Wicker's Novel Illuminates . I Inner Workings of! Politics / Tom Wicker, who writes trenchan~ political commentary for The New York Times, has no~ produced a novel, Facing the Lions (Viking, 625 Madisoll Ave.; New York, N.Y. 10022. $7.95), which, unsurprisingly, deals with polI itics. It has three key figures. " . . f d Mo Senate, but he was a mmor, me · t ' R' h The f Irs IS Ie mon r- fectual figure there, drinking gan, 44, a newspaperman ever more :heavily, undermining ,who has progressed from a his health,~ and finally suffering small paper in his native Southern state to a paper of national importance. He now is a luminary of its, Washington office.
By RT. REV. .~
fatillcollapse. What w~s the truth about Anderson? Was he the dedicated man he professed to be, or was he a shrewd opportunist? Why had he fahed at the climactic moment? 'There had been a decisive secr~t incident at the convention; Mbrgan knew of its existence, but did not know what it involved.' I
Incisive Comments . , JOHN S. And what, of Kathy Anderson? What part had she played,in her KENNEDY husband's tise and fall? ,PRECIOUS COMMODITY: Drought has made water a precious commodity in a As Morgan summarizes Anderson's career, and ponders the gr~)Virtg number of African countries. People in Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Upper ~olt~, The second is Hunt Anderson, question of: the man's integrity, Niger and Chad have been suffering from famine because of the water shortage which IS whose father had been the dema· he puzzles and mourns over his bec;:omi:hg a problem in Nigeria as well. A Nig~rian mother hold~ h~r hand close to her gogic governor of the lInnamed own. He i~ famous, influential, baby's mouth as she tries to give him the few drops of water dnppmg from a faucet. state of Morgan's birth. The, well to do, !but he has somehow I ' , younger Anderson believes him- betrayed hts own youthful vision self to be completely different and high aspiration. His integfrom his father, and voices a rity, both personal and profesShechem. Instead of finding a Fills Gaps ContinJed from Page Sixteen wish ,to redress the hlum he did sional, will inot stand hiud scru' I . Now let's move the whole bleach bottle and a f.ood carton, Scrolls, but most archeological and to clean up the family name. tiny. It is process, rather than per- finds ate less spectacll1ar. But procedure ba'ck several thou- he finds a scrap of a pottery The third is Hunt Anderson's sons, whicH this novel illumin- nonetheless significant. ' sand years. The archeologist jar and a bowl. beautiful wife, Kathy. I It describes the inner worklives in 1973. He is digging in Anderson has died, at about ates. I Back to the idea of garbage. Because of the work of hunthe age of 50, and is to be buried . ings of that: process, the factors Two thOUsa!1d years from now, Isra~lat the site of ancient dreds of other scientists before which" to the ordinary citizen, on the family estate. Morgan some future archeologist may him, he can identify, from their heads south to attend the funer- are either Iunknown or unac- dig: up a plastic bleach bottle, shape and design. the date the Its. comme~ts on pocountable. al: As he makes his journey, and pottery jar a'nd bowl were made. wer and its leffects, on ambition, or a: food carton, that will help as events connected with the Continued from Page Sixteen identify: Ihis. find as mid-20th Along with the pottery, scraps on corruptibn, on the disaster funeral unfold, Morgan review~ century, 'probably betw4~en 1965 In retrospect Luther can be is a small stone with ancient Anderson's history, and his own, which -is se~ded by triumph, are and: 1975~ Such bottles and car- viewed as a conservative Rewriting carved upon it.. The i incisive. for they have been inteltwined. The novel lis very long, and at 'tons 'are I different today than former. He was repelled by the writing tells of an attack upon times becon;tes ponderous. But the)\ we~li! 20 years ago, or, than extreme postions of the Anabap- the City of Shechem by Habirus Theatrical Trick the thoughtful reader will glad- they will, be 20 years from now. tists who denied the validity of from the mountains and others Until he was 40, Hunt Ander- ly stay with lit; he will also wish Along ~ith the bleach bottle infant baptism. He argued with from across the river. Eureka! son had been outside politics: that Mr. Wicker had not found and, £oocl carton the archeol- the Calvinists over such ques- The find indicates that the IsBut then he decided to run for it necessary'(or expedient?) to ogist of I the future may find tions as predestination and the raelites joined forces with lothe U.S. Senate. He professed resort to thel ploys of Jacqueline some printed material that tells Real Presence in the Eucharist. cal tribes in attacking Schechthe highest motives, and he Susann. of the first trip of a president , Lutheran Immigrants . em during the conquest of I seemed to be seriously concerned of the United States to China. In Germany, Lutherans event- Joshua. Something suspected Lead or Mislead with vital issues. But when a poll Eureka! The· find my make it ually outnumbered the Catholics from the Bible, but never conshowed him to be in trouble, he' "The government . . . cannot possible' to confirm what had while in the Scandinavian coun· firmed. contrived a theatrical trick lead the people while misleading been suspected but never known tries the establishment of~state which was worthy of his father, it," These words of a former for sure ... that Presidl~nt Nix- Lutheran churches practically The point of the story is that delighted the voter~, and made White House official may well on Of th~ United States: visited wiped out Catholic influence.The archeology is a science that his opponent look foolish. A be said to be the point of David China in :the early 1970's. first Lutheran'immigrants came helps us to fill in the gaps left temporary compromise? Any- Wise's hl.ige~ heavily detailed, to America in the 17th century by the sacred writers. As such, how, he won. fascinating bpok The Politics of and were the Joreruners of the it is an indispensable aid to As a freshman senator he Lying (Random House, 457 Mad: P~ace Prize nearly 9 million U.S. Lutherans. find out all about the lands of headed a small subcommittee in- ison Ave., Ner Yorl<, N.Y. 10022 VIENNA. (NC) - Communist Among Protestant denomina- the Bible. vestigating the plight of migrant $8.95). party offi4ials in Yugoslavia are tions Lutherans rank after Bap. workers, to whose cause he had It is Mr. I Wise's contention pressuring! the country's bishops tists and Methodists. apparently made a pas!;ionate that, since about 1960, the year to s~pport a proposal that PresOnce hitterly hostile, the RoWEAR commitment. In the course of the of the 0-i intident, the credibil- ident Josip Broz (Tito) be nomman Catholics and Lutherans, in hearings he held, a governor who ity of the fi~deral government inated for this year's Nobel Shoes That Fit appeared destined to be the pres- has been in serious doubt. The Peace Prizt:!, according to reports t:1is country and In Germany are ''THE FAMILY SHOE STORE" probably friendlier now than at idential nominee of Anderson's situation he ~ttributes to the ac- received \:len! from Belgrade. / .any time during the 450 yj:lar party, was shown up as a hypo- tions of not· bne administration, Nearly aU! of 'the bishops have sl~paration. Basic doctrinal discrite and a liar. Was this incid- but of several. refus~ to icooperate, the reports agreements still exist but the gulf ental to the investigation, or its Why this tlamentable' condi- said, because they felt it runs has narrowed through theologi43 FOURTH STREET deliberate aim? tion? Becaus~ the government counter to the principle of the cal dialogue and efforts to erase Fall River 678-5811 liEid to the people repeatedly has separation pf Church and :state in misunderstanding. Secret Incident and almost it l seems as a matter Yugo~laviars constitution. In any case, Anderson there- of policy. This,was the case with -:::. + • • • • • + • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , ' after set out to win the presid- our progressively deeper and ential nomination himself. He en- deadlier invblvement in the while' the .American peopl~e were tered the primaries, a'nd, in large Vietnam war.! prevented: from doing so. part because of an innovative i Official Secrecy INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC He .is especially severe on the use of TV spots, was sensationI ' ally successful. The people were not told the exceSSive and really mad policy But he was not his party's truth, as Mr., }Vise demonstrates of official 'secrecy' which classifies myriads of documents and nominee. At the convention, overwhelmingly. which opened with no aspirant National sbcurity has been hides them away, when in fact in a commanding position,the cited as the r~ason and the jus- they do not deserve the dassifiprincipill powers in the party got ' tification for deceiving the peo- cation they get and should be ple. Mr. Wise demolishes this ar- much, mort:! generally available together to defeat him. After that, he was a changed gument, showing that our adver- if the' best 'interests of the coun312 Hillman Street 997-9162 New Bedford man. He won another term in the saries knew what was goin& on, try are to be served. eo" " " " " •• " • " •••••••••••••••••••• - " •••••••••• " - • " i
'In 'tt.e Land
the Bible
Lutheran Creed
John's , Shoe' Store
Diocesan CYO Golf Tourney On July 30 The Fourteenth C.Y.O. Diocesan Golf Tourney will be held again this year at Pocasset Golf Course, Pocasset, on Cape Cod. The date chosen will be Monday, July 30, starting time will be 12:00 noon. . l1here will be four divisions: Seniors who were born on or after Jan. I, 1947. Intermediates who were born on or after Jan. I, 1954. Juniors who were born or after Jan. 1, 1957. And cadets who were born on 01' after Jan. I, 1959. Each area of .the diocese of Fall River will be allowed two entries in each division. Golfers are expected from Fall River, Taunton, Attleboro, New Bedford and the Cape. Trophies will be awarded to the Champion and Runner-up in each division. The two finalists in each division will also represent the diocese of Fall River in the New England C.Y.O. Tourney to be held during August. Again ,this year, the Marty Higgins Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the outstanding golfer of the tourney. Boys and young men interested in the tourney should contact their local C.Y.a. Director.
Bishops Oppose Illegal ·School Aid
THE ANCHORThurs., July 5, 1973
Bishop Counsels Illegal Aliens
. TOP CHEERLEADER WITH MOM: Mrs. Joseph Johnson, left, looks over summer cheering program with her daughter Beverly, chosen one of nation's top cheerleaders after her outstanding record at Bishop Gerrard High' School, Fall River.
Gerrard High School Graduate
SYDNEY (NC)-Any method of payment of government assistance to independent schools that might run the risk of violating, or appearing to violate, the principle of separation of Pretty Bevenly J ohrison is Church and State" was strongly spending the summer doing wha~ opposed by the central commission of the Australian Catholic she likes best: cheerleading. As a result, of her accomplishments bishops. . "Per capita payments are by at Bishop Gerrard High School, defin1tion, ,payments made by Fall River, she was named one the government towards the edu- ' of 17 outstanding cheerleaders cation of each individual child," across the nation by the U.. S. the bishops' commission said. Cheerleaders' Association, and "Schools and/or ecclesiastical was chosen to help conduct bodies which receive per capita cheerleading schools at various payments clearly receive them locations this summer. At present she is in PennsyJvania. . as trustees for the child." The 17-year-old member of St. The bishops said that lump sums paid to Church organiza- Anne's parish, Fall River, gradutions for individual schools apart ated from Gerrard last month from the per capita principle and will attend Bristol Commu"confuse the relationsip 'be- nity College in September. She tween Church and state and, if began cheering as an eighth subject to legal challenge, might grader at St. Anne's school and prove of doubtful constitutional continued with the parish CYO validity. For this reason, the until she transferred from Docentral commission is unequiv- ,minican Academy to Bishop Garocally in favor of the per capita rard at the time that three Fall system, and opposes the system River gil1ls' academies merged to 'form the new high school. of lump payments." She had time for other activities than cheering, too, serving Politics, Marxism as class president both at Dominican and at Bishop Gerrard. Mar School Work SAN SALVADOR (NC)-The Outstanding Spirit parents' association of tlie Sister Mary Agnes, O.P., cheerJesuit-run St. Joseph High School here charged the priests leading moderator at Gerrard, with "teaching Marxist doctrine" notes that Beverly was "prominent in helping with the merger to the students. Spokesmen for the Jesuits, of three schools,and certainly dehowever, said their social studies serves recognition." With other program followed Second Vati- students, sne developed and procan Council directives, and that moted the idea ofa school masdevoting a chapter to Communist cot, "Gerry the Giraffe," to aid ideology and tactics was part of in generating loyalty and enawakening youth to social chal- thusiasm for the new school. Spirit days, pep raLlies and even lenges. Most of the students come a "giraffe birthday party" were from rich families who, 00- sponsored by the cheerleaders servers said, often resent efforts and figured in earning Beverly to show their youngsters condi- her "outstanding cheerleader" ,tions of social injustice in the award. She was also named an Out· country.
Is One of Nation 's
standing' Teenager of America, said Sister Mary Agnes, and received trophies for leadership
and spirit, in addition to the Judy Cote Memorial Trophy, at Gerrard's senior banquet, held prior to graduation.
Jewish Congress Urges Amnesty
Beverly, noted the nun, was a member of the first Bishop Gerrard Cheering Squad, which won the New England championship in 1972. She and co-captain Susan Rebello went on to lead this year's squad to win two trophies and 'a plaque at competitions held in Fall River, Rochester and East Bridgewater. At Bristol Community C()llege, Beverly is enrolled in the child care program. She hopes to find a career working with pre-school tots. While at the col,lege she also expects to join its pep squad, although she notes that there is little interest in collegelevel cheering on the East Coast.
NEW YORK (NC)-The American Jewish Congress called here for unconditional amnesty for "all those who were compelled by their conscience to refuse to participate in the Vietnam War." The organization's policy-making national governing council declared that "while historically Presidents have granted amnesty, court decisions and other interpretations seem to indicate that Congress has also the right to grant amnesty." Stating that "thousands of young Americans found that their conscence did not permit them to serve in an armed conflict which they believed to be wrong," the Congress governing council urged that, "in accordance with this historical tradition, amnesty now be extended to all those who were compelled by their conscience to refuse to participate in the Vietnam War." This amnesty for acts. of conscience, the council said, "should include draft refusers, deserters, exiles, those abroad, those 'who received a less than honorable discharge, and those who have dissolved their citizenship." The U.S. Catholic bishops issued a 'statement in 1971 favoring amnesty for "selective conscientious objectors." They said at the time th,at those with sincere objections of conscience who had been imprisoned or had emigrated should be permitted to serve in other ways to show t~eir responsibility.
Her high school cheering days, however, have given her "great satisfaction and-lots of fun. I'll remember them always."
LOS ANGELES (NC)-Auxiliary Bishop Juan Arzube of Los Angeles and a number of priests and lawyers met with the District Director of Immigration to express their concern over treatment of illegal aliens being apprehended here. The bishop said immigration authorities have been ,alerted to alleged ab,uses on the part of immigration officers toward illegal aliens and promised to look into the matter. Illegal aliens, the bishop said, should be aware of their rights. Immigration officers, he said, may not enter a private home against the will of the person opening the door. If the officers, after properly identifying themselves, ask permission to enter; permission may be refused them. In this, case the illegal alien may be apprehended only when he leaves the house. At places of employment immigration officers must also obtain permission to make a search. The only exception, the bishop said, is when an officer is chasing a suspect in "hot pursijit" and the person rushes into a lbuilding to liide. Apprehended persons may place a call to a lawyer, or anyone else, and must be allowed to make that call. Infractions or complaints about mistreatment should be made immediately to the district director's office. It is very important, said Bishop Arzube, that the name of the immigration officer involved be known.
Souls Souls are like athletes, that need opponents worthy of them, if they are to be tried and extended and pushed to the full use of their powers, and rewarded according to their capacity. -Thomas Merton
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Cardinal Defends Silent Majority Of Catholics
THE ANCHORThurs., July 5, 1973
MADRID (NC)-In an inter· view published here, Cardinal John J. Krol of Philadelphia complained that the media often overplay the radical actions of one priest while ignoring the . work of thousands of others. ' Saying he was defending "the silent majority" of Catholics in the United States, Cardinal Krol told the Spanish prielitly magazine Palabra (Word): ' , "The great majority, of ou~ Catholics are not silent nor passive. They do stand out by positive, Christian works. Yet communications media often keep silent about the moral and religious life of these good Catholic. citizens. "For instance, the press over· plays the desertion of a priest from the Church, hut fails to mention ,the daily works'of 45,000 othe~ priests in the country." On church attendance and the' sacraments, Cardinal Krol said "American Catholics can, be compared favorably with Cath·, olics in other countries." . Council DocumEnts The U.~. prelate disagreed that secula,rization is stronger in industrialcountries than in developing nations, and added that many affluent Catholics "are exemplary in the manner they share their blessings with the poor." Cardinal Kroi also discussed Vatican Second, "which was not an attempt to start an era of uncerta'inty and doubt." "On the contrary" he said, "John clearly explained that the Council was to have purely pastoralaims, while keepXng intact the doctrines of the Church. "But some people, showing more enthusiasm fOI' change than wisdom, publicize what they call "the spirit" of the Council but say little about its documents. Often they take liberties with the heritage of the Church! the integrity 01' her doctrine." He said that recognizing such trends the bishops of the United States are engaged in producing a series of documents on doctrinal matters, "ill order to in· sure fuII orthodox thin[{ing."
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Establish Per$onnel Office for Religlious
CINCINNATI (NC)--A new central personnel office for religious was established in the Cincinnati archdiocese. Named diretcor by Arch· bishop Joseph 1. Bernardin of Cincinnati was Sister Xavier Ladrigan, who recently com· pleted nine years as superior gener?l of the Brown County Ursuhnes, St. Martin, O. Sister ,Xavier, chairman of region six of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and a member of the conference's national board, will set ,up programs of occupational and vocational testing, job counseling and a directory of training programs and workshops for Religious. ' Sister Xavier recently was elected vice-chairman of the Cincinnati Archdiocesan Pas. toral Council. .
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