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Vol. 8, No. 28 ©


1964 The Anchor

$4.00 per Year

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, July 9, 1964

.Church -Dom~nant

·In Rights-· Vote

WASHINGTON (NC) - ).\fassive support from the ehurches played a major role in tipping the scales in favor m: the CiVil Rights Act of 1964. The ceremony at which .President Johnson signed into law the strongest civil rights b i I ] since' Reconstruction The moral issue has been recog­ days marked the culmination nized; the responsibilities have Gf a remarkably sustained been felt." 4Jffort on behalf of the meas­ Turn to Page Eighteen we. Among its most striking teatures was the virtually un­ precedented involvement of the ,ehurches, singly and in collabo­ a4ion.

From the time President Ken­ nedy introduced his Civil rights program a year ago untlll the waning days of th,e'.rights debate til Congress, Catholics and other Ileligious groups adively sup­ .ported the bill. Both backers and 'opponents of the meaSure have _testified to the impact of their dorts. Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota, Senate floor mana-ger of the bill, repeatedly called the 'lIhurches' support crucial. Typi­ -efal of his statement at the ~encementof the College of ... Theresa in Winona, Minn.: "It is the churchmen tOday 01. IIIl faiths who are turning the ~ on civil rigbts legislation.

:Solemn Mass ~On Sunday

_The Rev. Peter J. Mullen, son of JamesD. and Dorothy _(Buck) Mullen of 167 Cen­ '·ter St., North Easton, will .sing his First Solem'n Mass Sun­ day afternoon at 5 o'clock in the 'Immacul,ate Conception Church, Norbh Easton. Officers of the Mass will I>e: Rev. John J. Casey, pastor of -the North Easton parish, arch­ priest; Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, ,assistant at Sacred Heart parish, .T,aunton, deacon; Rev. John J. Steakem, North Easton assistant, sub-deacon. Rev. Edwin J. -Loew, -fopner '1'Wl'n to P8Jge Eighteen

New Assignments Effective T'oday for Three Priests , Transfer of two assistant priests and assignment of • third, effective today, have been announced by the Chan­ eery Office. Rev. Martin L. Buote, assistant at St. Joseph's, 1I\all River, is assigned to St. Joseph's, North Dighton, and Rev. Edmund T. Delaney is Father Buote transferred from Holy Name Father Buote, son of John A. Flall River to St. Joseph's, and Margaret J. (Martin) Buote, Fall River. Itev. Edward J. attended Somerset High School Mitchell, who returned recently from Rome where he received -a doctorate in Canon Law, has laeen assigned to Holy Name.

and studied for a year at Massa­ chusetts Institute of Technology. He attended St. Philip Ned Turn to Page Fourteen

AT GROUNDBREAKING: At groundbreaking for addition to former Hixon Hotel in North Attleboro, to be known as Madonna Manor and serve area aged, are from left, Bish­ op Connolly, Mrs. Joseph Marsden, whose family owned the former hotel, Mother Pierre _Marie, superior of Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation who will staff institu­ .tionj and Msgr. R'aymond T. Considine, director of Diocesan institutions for the aged.

Pope Follows John's Plan

Of Renewal and Reform

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Contrary to some published reports, Pope Paul VI is not departing from the program of reform and renewal initiated by Pope John XXIII, it Wail stated here by Augustin Cardinal Bea, head of the Vatic'an's Secretariat for Christian Unity. Cardinal Bea made his observation in an interview with the American correspon­ dent Winston Burdette, for -the Columbia Broadcasting vigorously to Pope John's pro­ "cultivated a vivacious and vig_ gram, which he made his own orous personal activity" in tho Sy·g.tem. from the moment of his first area of meetings with non-Cath­ '.'Wha-t has been written about the supposed yielding of Pope Paul VI and of his departure from the line and the proposals of Pope John is . • . out of place," said Cardinal Bea. "Pope Paul is undoubtedly proceeding in quite a personal manner, but at the same time he is keeping consistently and

radio message less than 24 hours after his elevation to the pon­ tificate." Cardinal Bea said Pope Paul has emphasized even more strongly than Pope John that the goal of Christian unity consti­ tutes one of the four principle aims of the Vatican council. The present Pope, he said, hal

Pope Paul Officio Ily Calls Third Session , By Rev. John R. Foister


olic Christians. As e,,·amples of '1'tn'n to Page Eighteen

Sister Madeleine Na med to Office By Nurses' Unit Members of the Staff of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, were among delegates to the Catholic Hospital Associa­ tion convention and the annual meeting of the Conference of Catholic Schools of Nursing. Turn to Page Fourteen

st. Anthony Church - New Bedford

His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, has officially convened the Third Session of the Vatican Council for Monday, Sept. 14, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The rescript, dated July 3, 1964 was made public on July 4 by Amleto Cardinal Cicognani the Papal sessions thus far. The First Ses­ Secretary of State. Last No­ sion lasted nearly two complete vember,it was indicated to months (Oct. 11, 1962-Dec. 8, the Fathers in council that 1962) and the Second Session a



this next session would probably begin on 'that date and would end in time for the assembled Fathers to take part in the In­ ternational Eucharistic Congress to be held in Bombay, India, at the end of November. The above mentioned rescript makes the opening date official but does not mention the closing date. The Third Session would





therefore -be .the shortest of the

little more than two months (Sept. 20, 1963-Dec. 4, 1963). The Fathers will not be at a loss for business. Besides the many schemata to be resolved, there are ticklish questions of procedure to be tackled. There must be an answer to the prob­ lem of slowness and repetitions and yet, the Fathers' freedom of expression must be preserved. It 'is thought that council busTuro 110 Pa,ge Eij:h~


'- 2

THE ANCH()~-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1~64

Sees Adaptation Key to Unity WASHINGTON (NC) III seeking Christian unity it is • mistake to attempt to impose 4he ways of the East on nationa ·of the West or vice versa, • Catholic bishop from Israel said here. Archbishop Georges Hakim, the only resident Catholic bishop in Israel, told a group of priests at a Georgetown University lit­ urgy institute that unity caB better be achieved by voluntar­ ily adapting one's own customs than seeking to impose them oa others. "If we are looking for unity we must go along as far as· ~ · possibly can with the Orthodox," he said. "I have no doubt but that the liturgical movement · will have salutary effects on aU · ...,...non-Christians as well as Or­ thod()x and Protestants. "I have been very happy to seethe exchange that has takea place among us."

Diocese of Fall River


Rev. Marti·n L. Buote, assistant at St. Josepih Church, Fall River, to St. Joseph Church, North Dighton, as assistant. Rev. Edmund T. Delaney, assistant at Holy Name Church, Fall River, to St. Joseph Church, Fall River, as assist­ ant. Rev. Edward J. Mitchell, J.C.D., to Holy Name Church, Fall River, as assistant. Appointments effective ThursdaY, July 9, 1964.

~. . . . . ~C:3;;5-



of.. FaIl River


Morally .Unobiectionable for Everyone,

Battle Hymn Brass Bottle . Bridge on River Kwal Circus World Day Mars Irlvaided' Dream Maker' Drum Beat Fall of Roman Empire Gladiators Gold Rush Great Escape Incredible Mr. Limpet

It's Mad Mad Mad World Lillies of Field

Romeo & Juliet Sampson & Slave Queen longesfD~y Sergeants 3 Modern Times Summer Holiday . MOUSEl" on Moon When the Clock Strikes NeverPut1t in Writing Who's Minding Store One Man's· Way Wild & Wonderful' Papa's Delicate Condition Windjammer Patsy, The Yank in Viet Nam, A Pepe. You Have to Run Fast Ready for the People Young Swingers, The

Unobiectionable for Adults, Adolescents Act'

Hamlet Advance to Rear Horror of It. All Black Zoo .King of Sun Blue Hawaii . lllwrenc;e of Arabia . Captain Newman, MD '. Man F~om Galveston Chalk Garden . Mary, Mary Children of 'Damned .. Miracle Wo'rker ,. . Charade Muscle Beach Party Citizen Kane Point of Order Come Fly With Me Ring of Treason Distant Trumpet Sanjuro . . Donovan's Reef 7 DayS' in May Evil Eye Secret Door fort Dobbs Secret· Invasion

Shock Treatment 633 Squadron South Pacific Surf Party . Twenty Plus Two' Twice Told Tales . .Unsinkable Molly Brown Voice of Hur.ricane Walk Tightrope War is Hell Weekend With lulu Wheeler Dealers World of Henry Orleril' .' Young Doctors, The·

. Morcdly Unobi$Ctionable for Adults A'iI Wight's Work

Anlerica, America Becket Bedtime Story ­ Bye Bye BirdIe Cardinal Darby's Rangers Flight from Ashiya Fun in Acapulco Globat Affjlir

Mud .

Hypnotic Eye -, loneliness. bf long Distance Runner Mafioso Mail Order Bride Man's Favorite Sport No, . My Darling Daughter Operation Petticoat Paris When It Sizzles Pillow Talk Pink Panther

Prize Term of Trial Thin Red line Third Secret Thunder of Drums To Bed or Not to Bed fown Without Pity Two Are Guilty West Side Story Woman of Straw Zulu

For Adults (With Reservations) . ~ classification is given to certai~ films, which, While not morally offensive III themselves, require caution and some analysis and explanation as a protectioll to ~ ~ I,IRinfonnad againSt .wrong interpretations and false conclusions. Best· Man Martin .luther Black like Me Organizer' Divorce: Italian Style Pressure point Cool World Servant Dr. Strangelove Sky Above & Mud Below 81fz Strangers in the City Girl With the Green Eyes Suddenly last Summer

This Sporting life Tom Jones Under Yum Yum Tree Victim Walk on Wild Side Young & Willing .

Mass Ordo'

SURPRISE VISIT: Pope Paul VI dishes out soup at a Seven Holy Bra. I home for the aged in Rome, conducted by the Little Sisters FRIDAY-The elf the Poor. He paid a surprise visit to the old folks there .. thers,Martyrs, and SS. Ruf­ . a~d Secunda, Virgins and em the occasion of the first annivers,ary of his coronation. .ina .., Martyrs. m Class. Red. Mass NC Photo. . ., .Proper; Gloria; Jl() Creed;

~~uxiliary '~Chul~ch

Bishop Finds Norway'. Prospects .,Fairly ".Good

NEW YORK (NC)-A youth­ ful Norwegian bishop surveyed t;l1e prospects of the Catholic Church in his overwhelmingly :Protestant country and termed them "fairly good." His note of cautious optimism was voic ed against the harsher realities of his country's geogra­ phy, history and culture, none of which is favorable to an en­ larged Cdholic preseJ;lce. Never­ t:l1eless, Coadjutor Bishop John Vl"illem Gran, O.C.S.O., of Oslo, ~,as prepared to answer for his faith in the future. "We must concentrate on :the

. VOid!i ··Sunday Law LINCOLN' (NC) - The Ne­ braska Supreme Couft hall sl;ruck ·do·wn as unconstitutional litate law banning unnecessarY Sunday sales enacted last year. The meai:u're barred the Sale of e<ertain items on Sunday, but did not require. the closing of any business ,~ablishment•



:". JULY 10 Rev. P.le Marie Berard, O.P., 11)38, Dominican Priory, Fall River JULY U Rev. Nicholas Fett, SS.CC;, 1!)38, Pastor, St. Boniface, .New Bedford. Rev. Edmund J. Neenan, 1949, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs. JULY 16 Rev. Bernard Percot,' ·O.P., 1037, Founder, St. Dominie, Swansea.

Morally Obiectionable in Part for Everyone Kissin' Cousins Kitten With A Whip lady in Cage long Ships Man in Middle Masque of the Red Death Night Must fall Psyche 59 Racing Fever Shock Corridor Small World of Sammy lee Soldier in the Rain Some Came Running

C'ondemned Empty Canv.


Splendor in Grass Strangler Sunday i.n New York The Devil and the 10 Commandments Three Fables of love Tiara Tahiti (Br.) Viva las Vegas What A Way To Go Where Boys Are Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow


D. D. Sullivan &Sons


I ',' ..,

.' Nuns in White"

'. Williams'- Funeral Home EST. 1870


1 Washington Square'




.... NEW BEDFORD Reg. Funeral Director and Embalmer PRIVATE PARKING AREA TEL. WY 6-8098


OS' 2-.3381 Wilfred C~' JamesE~ Driscoll Sullivan, Jr. .... -.

. '.!' .

St. Mary, South Dart­ n;louth. ,1uly 19,~St. Pius X, South Yarmouth. St. Btephen, Dodgeville ,:July 26--St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford HoI;, Redeemer, Chath;un Aug. 2-·St. George, Westport Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven . St. ~rheresa, So. Attleboro TIlE '''CHOI

Second el15S Postage Paid at Fan R1,"!,.! M<lSs. PublJ:;hed every Thursday at 4w Highland AVE nue. Fall RlvOI Mass. lit ... f:lttllollc Press or tile Diocese of Fall liver. Subscription price IIJ _II. poatpaM ....





July 12--St. Hyacinth, New


· '~MAJ.IGAt..ORE (!iC}::-Nu~s 9l ;t;he . ApOstolic' Cann~l at ~ Ann's Convent here in India have changed their habit' irom traditional 'brown to white.



mack Sabbath Cleopatra Comedy of Terrors Conjugal Bed Curse of living Corpse Female Jungle 4 for Texas Frightened City From Russia With Love GI Blues Honeymoon Hotel Horror of Party Beach Jessica

NorWegian . young people," he .said in art interView here. ."I 'believe our most important task is the formation 'of Our yd'uth and their introduction to Cath­ olic action. We must also make better use of the vast apostolic potential of our religious Sis­ ters." Bishop Gran, 44, who has been irt this' country since April on a preaching tour, with stopoffs at several Trappist monasteries fQr ordinations, will leave for home on Wednesday, July 22. .' . 'The Norwegian-born prelate left Norway when he' was i6 but returned at the end of World War II; during which he setved ·as a' security liaison officer be­ tween' the British; AtD.eriCan alid Norwegian forces.: Reared 8!( Lutheran, he wal converted ·to the Catholic Faith at'21' ann received' into the' Church' in Rome. ­ "I suppose I'm the only' Catli~ olic Bishop who has never been baptized a Catholic,'" he said, smiling. He explained that his Baptism in the Norwegian Lu­ theran Church was recognized as valid and did not, require a eonditional Baptism.. ' ...

Common Pref<l(:e. . . ,:' ·~TUR:pAY-Ma~ of the. B1ee­ .' sed Virgin for' ,Saturday. IY :. cta:ss. White.¥ass Prop~ ·Gloria; Second Collect SI. P~us . I, Pope and Martyr; ~ Creed; Preface of Blessecl ·.~·V~gin. '" '. '. ~ SUNDAY -VIn Sunday After · Pentecost. II Class. Greea. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY - Mass of previoUII Sunday. IV Class. Green, Mass Proper; No Gloria or creed; Common Preface. TUESDAY - St. Bonaventure, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor ,of.. the Church. III Class. · White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY-8t. Henry, Em­ peror andConfesror. III ClaSI!J. ·, 'White.. Ma'ssProper; Gloria; '; no Creed; Common Prefac~:­ THuitSpAY-Mass ()f previoUll , ·Sunday. IV Class. ·Green. Ma'811 " Proper; No Gloria' or Creed; , .Second Collect Blessed Virga ·Mary'of Mount Carmel; COra­ mOIl Preface. .,

'986 Plymouth Avenue

Fall River, Mass.

Tel. OS 3-2272




Michael C. Austin







Funeral Home

Funeral Rom..,

571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. OS 9-6072

550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass.

OS 2-2391 Rue E. SallivlUl

:lelfreT E. Sulllvaa

MICHAEL J. McMAHON Ucensed Funeral Director .', Registeren Embalmer

DAYTON (NC)-CathoIic, Protestant and Jewish lay scholars agree that a Christian understanding of the orole of Mary has been often obscured by cloudy terminology. Representatives of the three faiths met at the annual M~r­ ian Institute at the Univer­ standing more now-is a beauti­ sity of Dayton here in Ohio ful thing in that it is a way you tv discuS's their different get to Jesus Christ through ootions on the place of Mary Mary." itt the Church and in the ehristian life. Dale Francis, a Catholic jour­ nalist, declared that the ter­ minology used by the Catholic Church for many years "was so totally outside the terminology used by other Christians that we were fast ooming to a place where we were talking to our­ selves about Mary when we should be talking to the whole world." He urged Catholics to "return to a discussion of Mary that can be understood by all," and sug­ gested that the Scriptural ac­ count of the Marriage Feast of eana" is a plaee where Catholic and Protestant can meet." At the same time, a Presby­ terian, S. W. Becher, agreed that 1Ile meaning of the Immaculate eonception is not considered in most Protestant instruction. "I think you are using Mary to let to Jesus Christ more than we are," he said, "but I believe we are all going in the same direc­ tion, and this Is the ecumenical point. I definitely feel that the Immaculate Conception-know­ iPg more, and certainly under-

Roscoe Burger, a Lutheran, observed that Martin Luther de­ fended the idea of Mary's per­ petual virginity before and after the Reformation. But, he sa,id, devotional practices of Cath­ olics led evangelical Christians lJo turn their backs on the no­ tion. Some speakers at the day-long conference said they do not be­ lieve Mary had any part to play in the role of Christ or -His Church, or in the lives of Chris­ tians. Others said they were oonfused by such words as "adoration" and "veneration" when used by Catholics. " Speaking on the Assumption, Mrs. Harry DeWaire of the Evangelical United Brethren Church declared that how Mary's life ended is "irrelevant" and is not found in Scripture. Such a belief, she said, "would not be oonsistent with Protest­ antism." Father Thomas A. Stanley, S.M., dean of the university, said in oonclusion that the problems in terminology create fictitious differences that are "not with Mary, but with idols of Mary."

Chicago Divinity School to Offer Lectures on Catholic Thought CHICAGO (NC)-The Uni"In Cardinal Suenens we enyersHy ,of Ohicago divinity countered a man of profound 1'Iclt<l01 is planning to establish sensitivity lo the major issues •. professor~ chair of Roman that sustain Roman Ca-tholic­ Catholic Life and Thought. ' protestant discussions: Dr. Dr. Jerald C. Brauer, dean. Brauer wrote in Criterion, the . ~ school,sal'd school's quarterly' magazine. _..1-..... ."e d'Ivm..... . lec­ tures delivered at the school "We came to learn from one May 4 and 5 by Leon Cardinal another, we learned, and we Suenens, Archbishop of Brussels, came away friends. The relations Belgium, before faculty ~em- between Roman Catholic and hers and students were lIIO "ex- Protestant theological .insti,tu­ bilarating" that a way was nOM in the Midwest will nevet" eought to continue suell me:et- again be the same. Energies 'were DIgs. released that are now seekinc pl'Oper channels for expression Cardinal !uenens' lectures and oontinuation." eoncerned the Second Vaticaa Council's significance for the ehurch unity movement, and the Church's relationships 110 Western, religiously plUl"Qlilltic, .-tod non-Christian civilizatioos. . E~ouard W. Lacroix, president The university's d i v i nit y tlChool is American Baptist itt of Fall River Particular Coun­ . .igin, and parily governed. by cil of the SoCiety of St. Vineent • Baptist Theological Union, de' Paui, announces a general meeting to be held Sunday, but has professors and lrtudents trom a number of Protestant July 19 in oonjunction with the feast of Vincent, at S~. Yin­ denominations. Dr. Brauer is a ,Minister of the Lutheran Churell. cent de Paul Camp, North West­ port.

Members are asked to receive

Holy Communion in their par­

ish churches on that day and to

abtend ,the meetilig, scheduled

Key to Vocations for 3 in the afternoon. Families

MARYLAKE (NC) - Promo­ are invited to enjoy the camp tional techniques are needed to facilities and plans for the an­ ~tain religious vocations, but nual retreat and other matters even more important is that of interest to membeN wiUbe young people see "the image of discussed. Christ and of the Father iR Application blanks for the priests." last session of St. Vincent'. Coadjutor Archbishop P. F. Camp will be available. Pocock of Toronto gave this ad­

vice in an address to the closing

banquet of the first Canadian

National Conference of Diocesan

Directors of Vocations here in

Ontario. Vocations d:irecoors

from 36 dioceses attended.

Archbishop Pocock commen­

ded use of promotional liter­

ature, publicity campaigns and

similar techniques in the voca­

tions field. But, he warned,

whenever young people and

their parents cannot find Christ

The Falmouth NationalBanIc reflected in the priests they Falmouth, Mass. know, there wiW. be a shortage .. tIM Vlllal. Ir... Since 112f ~ vocations.

M.eeting Planned For Vincentians




Non-Catholics Find Marian Terminology Confusing

Thurs., July 9,


NCWC Director BacksCommunity Health Planning NEW YORK (NC) - A Catholic hospital specialist stressed here that "unjust­ ifiable fears" underlie con­ cern over possible loss of auton­ omy by private hospitals par­ ticipating in community health planning. , "If by chance there are dang­ -- -ers in some plans, then it is most important that we become in­ volved as soon as possible in order to protect our own inter­ ests and rights," added Father Harold A. Murray. Father Murray, director of the Bureau of Health and Hospitals, ­ National Catholic Welfare Con­ ference, said participation by private hospitals in community lanning efforts protect _"the voluntary concept which has been so important in the . past and which will be needed in the future." "We do not protect ourselves EASTERN RITE CHURCH ANNIVERSARY: Princi­ by staying away from planning pals in the Golden Jubilee celebration of St. John the Baptist meetings, but we do by intelli­ Ukrainian Parish, Fall Riv.er, were, len to right:.very Rev. gent planning and cooperation,'" Emil Manastersky, V.G.; Most R~v. Joseph M. Schmondiuk, he told a session of the 49th an­ nual convention of the Catholic Ordiriary of the Stamford Diocese· of the Ukrainian Rite; Hospital Association. Mr. Walter Romanowicz, genera:l chairll.lan, Rev. Michael In Self-Interest Kurylo, pastor of the jubilee parish. While hospital trade journals and planning literature "abound with" ,discussions about possible loss of autonomy by private in­ stiltutions Plirticipating in ,com­ munity planning, the priest said he personally has "never heard SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - A was completed before the temp­ of an institution or agency which res()lu tion opposing ~ discrimin- erature method for determining has lost its autonomy as a result 8'tion by hospitals against Negro ovulatio,n had been devised. of 'oommunity planning." doctors and Patients and a rec. N~d Information. "On the other hand, I have ommendatiqnurging physidan-' "Many ha,rbor doubts about witnessed and seen documented clergy programs on the rhythm . 'rhythm:" the report said.. It a growing list of hospitals and method of family· planning. is ~pparent that some of :the health agencies 'which are in­ highllghted the_executive -board· : oonfusion is the result of miscreasingly oommitting them­ meeting of the Na·tional Fede-' inf~rma,tion. . ' selves .to such plannin.g as a ration of Catholic J>hysicians' "Many couples seek the advice matter of enlightened self-inter_ . Guilds here. of priests and physicians on .the est, genuine concern to serve the The anti-discrimination reSo~ .' pradi~e of periodic contineQCe," .community and hope .for the lution noted that some hospital. the report continued., "It is, in­ future.... Father Murra,. said. deny admittance to Negro pa- conceivable that mem'bers ?f tieri:ts, and refuse to' 'accept qu'al_ either group eould counselor ified Negro physiCians on their advise coUples successfully with:­ staffs and in internshiJil and . out accurate informat.ion and CHICAGO (NC)- St. Xavier· residency training programs; confidence based upon experi- ,CoHege will dedicate a portion Such discrimination· is a civil .ence with its· proPer application.' of its new campus as Our Lady" and moral wrong, the r.esolution . '_!Since periodic continence ia Acre in ceremonies 'set for Sun- . day: About 1,000 ."deedholdeN'" said, concluding: uThe National the only method of fertility Con­ Federation of Catholic Physi- trol which is morally acceptable, who have donated funds for the project will be present for the ians' Guilds, in recognition of there is urgent need for the ex­ the Fatherhood <Xl God respect- change of info1'mation about the ceremonies and . the unveiling ing the brotherhood of man, determination <Xl ovulation by <Xl a 10-foo1 statue of Our Lad,. . goes on record as opposing disthe flemperll'ture method.'" . of Mercy. ._ _~----_------------­ ... _ crimination of Negroes in hospi- .... tals." . A report presented b,. the family life committee of the fed­ eration -noted that the training Gf many physiciaii6 and priests


Catholic Physicians Rap Hospital .Discrimi'nation, Urge Rhythm Study

'. Our, Lady's Acre

Sees Priest's Role









Prompt, Free Delivery in fALL RIVER, SOMERSET, TIVERTON 202 ROCK ST.





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1964

CatholicAlumnus 'Unique Asset' To Society

Sees Value For Teen-agers In Welt" Conducted Parties

SPOKANE (NC)-Catho­ lie colleges and universities produce a graduate "who is unique in his acquisition C1l

By Rev. Joseph T. McGloin, S.J. A weed is sometimes billed as a flower out of place. Unfortunately there are a lot of weeds going strong in life, even teen-aged life, long before the real flowers get to do much growing. Take that hallowed institution allied with dating, for instance - par­ up in an orgy rather than ties. Parties are great in aends party. themselves, but indulge in Plan it well, invite the right them too soon, too much, or crowd, keep out the drifters, in the wrong kind of party, and you've got a weed patch which will choke off any 1 0 vel i e r growth before it can even get started. Certainly par­ ties are not the right diet of the very yo ung. Even older teen-agers can ruin ago 0 d thing by be­ coming so wrapped up in partying that everything else-sucll as their religion, education, and home life- become annoying obliga­ tions wedged in between the parties. Some parents seem to think they're insulting their kids when they chaperon or even show up at their parties. But such par­ ents aren't even as smart as their kids--there isn't a teen-ager in existence who has even been to an unchaperoned party who couldn't wise them up. Types to Avoid Sometimes, you'll know right away that a party isn't for you. You get this-from the types in­ vited or from the v.ery way it's being planned and the attitude of those in charge. This type of party is easy to recognize and avoid - if your will' is any good at all. Much more difficult is the tactful handling of the inevitable lone Clod who has convinced himself that God created him for tile sole purpose of being "the life of the party." He's the character who turns out the lights for gushy, senti­ mental dancing, because he hasn't much of a personality even with' the light on. He's the one thinks that "party," and "necking and petting" are synonyms, because his IQ and his age aren't too far apart. He's the sparkling persl;mality who has to bring along some booze and ridicule others into drinking it - because this seems to make him a big man. Planning Important The most important prelim­ inary to a real party is that it be well planned, from the invi­ tation list down through the food, drink, and activities. It's the poorly planned party, "pre­ sided over" by some feeble ex­ cuse for a host or hostess, that

New Shrine Basilica To Open in August CAP DE LA MADELEINE (NC)-Formal opening of the new basilica of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary will take place h.ere Friday, Aug. 14. The occasion also will mark the 250th anni­ versary of the old Shrine Chapel of Our Lady. This shrine is popularly known as that of Our Lady of the Cape. Thousands of pilgrims visit it each year. The old shrine chapel here is n<lW the oldest Catholic church in Canada pre­ served in its original form. It has been a perpetual shrine ded_' icated to the Queen of the Holy Rosary since 1888. The new basilica, which can accommodate some 6,000 per­ Ions, will supplement the old .tone shrine and not replace it, \fficial.<: said.

and you have a ball. Let it be haphazard and invite or allow in any slob at all, and it's a disgrace to you. The planned party will include plenty of chance for good fun and entertainment and will leave no room for the immature antics, such as kissing games, which the unimaginative clod will invariably fall back on. (Even doting parents some­ times smile tolerantly at such stuff, until it becomes obvious that debasing a kiss to the level of a toy leads to the desecration of far more serious things as well.) Offer Opportunities There are plenty of party gaines which, far from being corny and infantile, are so much fun even the adults enjoy them. There are fun-dances, too, which have a lot more imagina­ tion. and less bad manners to them than the twist. . Even apart from the fun they provide, parties give you a chance to show what sort of or­ ganizer you are, how good a host or hostess, or how proficient you are at helping a group to enjoy each other's company. Parties give you a good chance to see how unselfish or self­ centered you really are, an occa­ sion to practice charity and self­ denial. The teen-ager who is maturing into man or a woman knows the place parties should have and what a good party should be. Closer to God Above all, know the "why" of parties just as you know the reason for everything else: to help you to get to God, who is your only Purpose. The party which takes you farther from God or even dis­ tracts from Him isn't the right kind. The one which brings you closer to Him, in the enjoyment of His life and the appreciation of His creatures, the party which makes you a better balanced, more alive individual-this is the party God wants you to en­ joy to the full. It's a foretaste of the eternal party awaiting you in heaven.


Assures Lithuanians Of God's Protection WASHINGTON (NC)-Dele­ gates to the Lithuanian Ameri­ can Congress were assured here that God would not forget their native country, oppressed poli­ tically and religiously by Soviet communism. In a sermon at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Con­ ception, Msgr. John Balkunas, pastor of the Lithuanian church of the Transfiguration, Maspeth,: N.Y., declared that "we are ap~ to lose sight of the fact that Divine Providence rules over the world's destinies, and that in our days--as in the days of old­ God is shaping the course of these events to suit His own pur­ poses." Msgr. Balkunas said religion jn Lithuania is being "slowly choked to death" by government pressures on the clergy and faithful. While he said political' action . was necessary, he em­ phasized that the final victory. would not come by political in­ tervention or armed might. "This concerns Christ more than us," he said.

Christian wisdom and hence GIl unique asset to society," a Jes­ uit educator declared.

CONFESSION BY BOOK: Father Charles F. Theobald, priest of '~he Archdiocese of Newark who works for deaf chndren, "hears" the confession of one 'of his charges with the help of an illustrated 32-page book, "Confession Aid for Children." They enter a special, well-lighted confessional and hand the book to the priest who points to the different .illustrations and awaits the answer. NC Photo.

T,,'ice Speed of Sound Forrner Air Force Chaplain Flies Jet 1,400 Miles per Hour ALBUQUB:RQUE (NC) - Fr. Richard E. Spellman, pastor of Our Lady OJ: the Most Holy Ros­ ary church here in New Mex­ ico, has piloted an Air Force F-104 jet fighter to twice the SPe4:!d of sound about 1,400 mil4!s per hour.

such speeds, Father Spellman said many priests are very ser­ ious about flying. We feel there is a definite use for aviation in the priesthood, in the Church and in' the field of relig·iolJl," he said. .

Father Paul C. Re; 'Sidem of St. Louis Y. told a conference o. .o:ie high schools, held at Gonzaga University here in Washington, that "only the Catholic college can produce the individual with the adaptability to meet the de­ mands of dynamic revolution in human knowledge and the sta­ bility to remain unperturbed in adherence to the God-given principles that alone can g~ve meaning to human existence." Urging the- 200 persons atten­ ding the meeting to forget the arguments usually given in fa­ vor -of Catholic colleges, Father Reinert said only the uniqueness of the product provides a ration­ ale for Catholic higher educa­ tion. Spiritual 'Investment' Catholic colleges cannot claim they have cornered the market in methodology or appreciation of liberal arts. But, said Father Reinert, "our education is based on the Catholic idea of human nature and the Catholic ideal of human development. "For us, the hwnanistic tra­ dition, philosophy and theology all come to the same conclusion: the highest and noblest level of man's life is his ability to know and to love." Father Reinert admitted that in a time of increasing costs Catholic colleges are expensive, but he called upon parents te make a material and spiritual "investment" in their childre.a.

A licensed pilot for 24 years and a former Air Force chap­ lain, Father Spellman took off from Kirtland Air Force Base_ with Maj. William Cato and took control of the jet plane about 30,000 feet over the Rio Grande River. Said Cato: "I never feU; quite so secure. I told him before we took off that if we got into any trouble he should contact his Bosll." B,elieved 10 be the first clergy­ man ever to pilot a plane at

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Doctor Predicts Changes in Care Of Menta lIy III NEW Y 0 R K (NC)­ Changes in the concept and eare of the mentally ill will produce the medical profes­ sion's "greatest break with tra­ dition," CatOOlic hospital ad­ ministrators were told at their annual conventiof' here. Dr. Jack C. Haldeman, presi­ dent of the Hospital Review and Planning Council of New York, Inc.. predicted that the large, traditional state institutions will give way to community merrtal health facilities which will pro­ vide preventive, diagnostic, out­ patient and inpatient services. He said such centers will make possible a 50 per cent reduction in the number of inpatient beds by 1975 if they are tailored to meet the medical and nursing needs of the patient so that men­ tal health facilities ''will no longer be a dumping ground for the senile aged." Dr. Haldeman spoke at the 49th annual convention here of the Catholic Hospital Associa­ Cion of the U. S. and Canada. Advocates Planning Dr. Haldeman praised the re­ eent action of Congress provid­ ing grants to assist in construc­ tion of ::ommunity mental health' eenters in connection with gen:.. eral hospitals. He said further grants would make Federal funds available for the renova­ tion or replacement of obsolete bospital facilities. , He urged all hospitals to estab­ lish a long-range planning and development committee to cre­ ate written programs which can be translated into architectural plans. '"Those institutions with well «tought-out written functional and architectural plans," he said, "'may well be in a favora-ble position in obtaining ~arce funds for capital construction." Dr. Haldeman also called 9n hospitals to cooperate in area­ wide planning programs which, be said, are designed "to make available the highest possible quality of medical care in health facilities with maximum effi­ eiency and ~conomy."

St. Bernard's Mission, Assonet, Otves Start

To Efforts of Women in Spring. of 1910

By Marion Unsworth The lay apostolate is considered relatively modern, but it was practised in its most effective sense in 1910 by two Catholic women whose efforts resulted in the establishment of St. Bernard's Church~ Assonet, administered by priests of St. Vincent's Horne, Fall River. In 1910 the community of Assonet, approximately five per cent Catholic, was wrthoutchurch, services, or eatechetical instruction. Many young people, as -a result of their parents' guid­

ance, walked eight miles each way to Fall River on Sundays to attend Mass at st. Joseph's, St. Matthew's or St. Michael's churches. Two Fall River teachers, the late Misses Mary E. G. Leat and Elizabeth Finneran, while walk_ ing in the Assonet woods in the Spring of 1910, discovered. by talking with some young boys that Assonet was without reli­ gious facilities and immediately promised to meet wiih the youngsters of the community the following Sunday. After consulting with the late Bishop Dani~l F. Feehan, Miss Leat was provided wiih a horse and carriage to transport her each Sunday. Lessons were held at the home of Mrs. Christine Ra[)oza of South Main Street near Crystal Spring !31eachery. Under direction of the older girls, preparatory classes were held each Tuesday night. Ap­ proximately 25 girls and boys attended. Sisters Come By that Fall, the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary from Fall River were assigned to instruct these children and they went to Assonet every second Sunday with classes at several different homes in the area. Rev. Bernard Boylan, pastor of St. Joseph's Church, Fall River, who played an important part in the beginnings of the mission, prepared the children of the first Communion class, going twice weekly to Assonet for this purpose. The first Com­ munion was held at St. Joseph's Church, the communicants walk­ ing eight miles and taking a street car the remainder of the way into Fall River. By 1912, the need for a Mass in Assonet, was evident, and Father Boylan agreed to cele­ brate Mass in the home where catechetical. instructions were . held. From that time until 1918 Prog~am Mass was offered in the homes UTRECHT (NC) - Bernard of Mrs. Rapoza, Mrs. Mary Ferry, f:ardinal Alfrink of Utrecht has Mrs. Rosanna Murphy, Mrs. Mc­ criticized a television program .,t the Dutch Catholic radio and Crohan and Mrs. Mary McHale at intervals of two or three TV station as creating "unrest months. IlItd confusion." It was May 8, 1916, before bus The program, called "The transportation was inaugura,ted 'l'urn Inside the Roman Catholic between Assonet and Steep Church," examined problems Brook, where people could get like tolerance, the contraceptive the street car. Tw() busses were pill, the authority of the Church used each Sunday. Children and many other issues. The tele_ were transported by Mrs. Alice Yision critic of the national C. Thwaites to 8:15 Mess at St. Catholic daily newspaper, De ,Joseph's. Tijd, wrote that the program Temporar~ Cbapf:1 made many sweeping statements. It was due to Mrs. Thwaites Protesting against the pro­ that arrangements were made gram's interpretation of the :for • tempol"Qry chapel itt • epenne9S of the late Pope .John, house north of the bleachery. Cardinal Alfrink stated at • Wi~ Rev. John J'. Ferraz, pastor public 'meeting here some opin­ tons were ascribed to Pope .John til. St. Michael's Church, Fall River, in charge of the mission, that he never entertained. the first Mass in the temporary chapel was held August 15, IIH8, and every Sunday and holy day thereafter. The simple furnish­ ings of an altar and benches WASHINGTON (NC) - Ttte were subsequeDtly increased by redel'al Housing and "inanre parish efforts. Father Ferraz remained in Agency has announced loans to Holy Cross College, Woreester, oharge ()f St. Bernard'. until MId to Mercy Hospital, Des Moines, Iowa, to eonstruet hOll&­ Ing. WATERFORD (NC) - Bishop Holy Cross was lent $2,300,000 Peter Dery of Wa, Ghana, the to finance construction of a reS'­ tim African named a bishop by idence hall for 386 men students Pope John XXIII, ordained here IlIld Mercy Hospital was l~t in New York, Father David L. $265,000 to help finance OOusing Clement, W.F., Woo will go to for 16 interns aDd man-led DeA­ the Afric·an missions as a mem­ 4Ieot doc~ . . Gi ~. White Fathera.

Cardinal Criticizes Television

Holy Cross College Gets Housing Loan

Ordains American


March 1, 1927, when Rev. Charles J. A. Donovan succeeded him. Two Sisters of Mercy from St. Vincent's Home attended all services, taking charge of the children during Mass, giving catechetical instruction, and training the choir. Some land at Ridge Hill wa,s purchased as a possible site for a permanent church but the depression inter­ vened and later the site was thought too far from the village center. In 1930, Rev. William H. Har­ rington was assigned to the mis_ sion, which expanded greatly with the establishment in 1934 and 1935 of Civilian Conserva­ tion Camps in the area. In spite of alterations in the temporary ehapel, there was insufficient room for parishioners and in 1936 the Grinnell pr()perty, for­ merly the Pierce estate on South Main Street, was purchased. The estate contained 24 acres of land and a large colonial dwelling. Originally, plans were conceived to remodel the dwelling but they were deemed impractical Mr. Charles Maginnis of Boston was engaged to draw up plans for a church. Honor First Pastor Work on the new church be­ gan in July, 1937, and was com­ pleted the following January with a seating capacity of 192.

On February 6, 1938, the church was dedicated to St. Bernard, patron of the first pastor to serve Assonet, and the first Mass was celebrated. Father Harrington remained at St. Bernard's until 1949 when Rev. John E. Boyd was assigned to St. Vincent's Home and St. Bernard's. In 1960 he bought the former Assonet Country Club and renova ted it for use as a parish hall and catechetical center. He was succeeded in October, 1962, by Rev. John P. Cronin, formerly of st. Patrick's Parish, Fall River. At present approximately 145 families comprise St. Bernard's mission. Three Masses are of­ fered each Sunday. Active or­ ganizations include a Women's Guild, Confraternity of ChriS'­ tian Doctrine, St. Vincent de Paul Society, and Catholic Youth Organization. Sisters from St. Vincent's Home and lay teachers are in charge of Confra­ terni~ classes.

With the slogan "read and unite our changing world," New Bedford Curia of the Legion of Mary has issued its Summer edi­ tion of "Worthwhile Books," a leaflet suggesting 20 books as meaningful reading.








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Inqui,. OS 3-2892

WILMINGTON (NC)-A lO-yeal'-old organization of Delaware Catholic, Protes­ tant and Jewish clergymen in its first public statement op­ poses required prayer and Bible reading in public schools. The Wilmington Clergy Dia­ logue Group's statement en­ dorses teaching of'the Bible and religion in public schools ''where they are relevant to the study of. literature and history." The statement, signed by 27 members, says no government should choose prayers and Bible versions for prescribed reading in the schools. The statement favors continued use of the word God on coins and also the serv­ ices of chaplains in the nation's armed forces. Cochairmen of the group, or­ ganiZed 10 years ago under aus­ pices of the National Conference of Christians and .Jews, are Father Francis J. Herron (Cath­ olic); the Rev. Robert E. Gro­ chau (Protestant) and Rabbi Jacob Kraft (Jewish). The statement expresses the following views: 'The specific granting of au­ thority to any agency of gov­ ernment . . . to choose prayers and Bible versions and passages for prescribed reading in public schools constitutes a violation of the principle of Church-State separation and a threat to the religious liberty as guaranteed in the First Amendment of the Constitution." "Religious practice is not sub.. ject to majority rule. The guar­ antee 'of religious dissent, with­ out pressure or stigma, is the cornersfone of the individual'. liberty in a free society. . ."


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Interfaith Group Opposes Prayer In Schools


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1964

Helping Hand

To End Divisions


. .After a year of argument and debate, the civil rights bIll IS now law. Its passage should be received with neither wild claims of victory nor with bitter' threats of defiance but as a measure that is morally right and the present la~ of the ·land. As President Johnso.n said at its signing, the purpose of the law is "not to divide but to end divisions ..• and to promote a more constant pursuit of justice and a deeper respect for human dignity." . A two-fold burden' has been placed on the nation by .this law: its provisionsnius-t be adhered to in every part of the land no matter how unpalatable this may be in certain areas of the nation; and-the advocates of civil rights must be gracious and patient in the working out of the law. Negro leaders are well aware that this is a crucial m0It:1ent in their long and righteous struggle. The principles of Christian charity and" reasonableness must not give way in this hour to a sense of power at seeing the hopes and dreams of a- hundred years come to realization. As the Trappist monk Thom~s Merton .has ·written: "It is ... possible that as the . movement ga:ins in power; the reasonableness and the Chris­ tian fervor ... will recede into the background and the move­ ment will become more, and more an unreasoning and intransigent mass movement dedicated to the conquest of sheer po~er, more and more inclined to violence." _ A striking aspect of. the long, slow, tedious climb ~ this hour has be.en the Negro's Christian charity and hope, his. truly Chr.ist-like patience and long-suffering in the face .of daily persecution. These qualities have enhanced his image and made his struggle a work of nobility and not of mere power. These qualities must be as much in evidence now and in the. future as they have been in the past. The erstwhile proponents of segregation must follow the law of God a~d the law of -the land. They must be helped to do this by all civil rights supporters. This. is _the hour for all men to end divisions audto go forward.in the .pursuit of justice and the deeper respect for human dignity that is the goal -of each individual and of. the natfon. . The lliw is clear-cut. It· remains' now for all men of good-will to put aside prejudices-arid pettiness and to make the law'work to end divisions and-to bring about the equality . that is before God and must exist among' men, an equality not. of talents . but of dignity and worth. -

There Ought To ·Be A phrase that comes to mind ·from .time to time is the one, There ought to be a law. Certainly such a thought came to many who read of the· indifference of. neighbors to the eries for help of a young woman being pursued and killed . . a while ago in New York City. As a matter of fa~t, many' of the countries of Europe have laws punishing the inaction of citizens 'who witness the mortal danger of another and do nothing to help. It seems strange that people have to be coerced into decency and concern for the commOn good. But perhaps there is no other approach that will work. . " The countries of Europe having s'uch a measure are countries with a strong Christian culture. A basic tenet of Christianity is love of neighbor and a legitimate concern with his welfare, physical as well as spiritual. And so a citizen who sees a neighbor in dire need and does nothing to help when he could act without serious difficulty is going against the whole fabric of Christianity and is endangering the spirit of family concern that each p~rson should have for every other person. . It would seem an ill day when Americans must be reminded of the basic decencies by the existence of laws threatening with sanctions their refu,sal to aid those in pressing need. But if men look with indifference upon the moral danger of others, more and more people are going to be repelled by such callousness and begin saying, There ought to be a law. .



Assistant Director

Latin· American Bureau, NCWC

Crowded Cali In 1900 Cali, Colombia had 18,000 people. Today it hal 900,000. This incredible g.rowth has oomplicated tbe problems of the' Church. Bishop Uribe 'of Cali, seeint flle problem de- . eided tlhat .he had to provide . parish services if he was to keep these' pe0­ ple in the' Church.' He funds 10­ eaUy . and - put a belt of 27 par.ish centers ;jll"Ound the city•. Through these the priest of the pari9h was- able to be among his people and keep tlhem close to the Church through these lay eott<luoted PM­ ish centers. When people lived in the high mountains they· could go to tIhe - Church, and even' though they , .Often lacked a priest they could



. C"(hJl.OU9



CW£dt CWith

th~ Chu.nch

By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA. Catholie University ..,

TODAY-Mass as on Sunday. IE. this not why we gather to­ gether,. at least every Sunday, ourselves, our works, our con­ tribution to the huma" enter­ pldse and to man's dominion over the world, and with' gifts of bJ:'ead and. wine gain for them in Gospel-dE,ed (we call it "sacra­ ment") a meaning and a value they could not alone possess? . TQMOltROW - Seven Holy Brothers,· Martyrs, SS. Rufina

and Secunda, Virgins, Martyrs. "If anyone does the will of my F;a:ther who is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother" (Gospel). Communion with Christ, identification with Christ, is the Father's will. He pointed to His disciples (Gospel), and all men are called to be His disciples. All are called to accept this relationship in faith, to be brother, sister, mother to the Savior of mankind. No accident of histor~' or of birth is a re­ quiremen'; for the life and fruit­ fulness pJ:omised by His resur­ rE!ction. MASS OF ST. MARY ON SATURDAY - Today's Gospel

te'aches the same lesson. Not even Mary's· exalted position and her gifts are to be envied by the perso:n. who hears the word of God and keeps it. The community of faith offers perfect happiness to the human perSQn, and in its ultimate con­ summation there is no want, and therefore no jealousies and no unfavorable comparisons. Mary is venerated as one who shows Ull what we can attain in Christ and through him.



Sometimes we get so involved in thi:! fine points of religion' and religious practice that we al- . most forget the great truth of God's love for man and the des­ tiny of - perfect happiness to which He invites us. The sacri­ ficial meal of the Mass is a fore­ taste, a sign, a pledge of heaven . where God feeds us no longer thro.ugh s!mbols but wit h

str~lght, direct, :unclouded ex-


MONDAY-Mass as on Sun­ day. The Gospel teaches that the view of life which appears to UIS in our celebration of Mass must be. the integrating factor in all of our planning, all of our pro­ vision for the future. It should give wholeness, sense, meaning to our activities and our expe­ riences. It should· tie together the loose threads of our lives. Our evil deeds as well as our good deeds have a' place in this view, because it is only in such a picture that our wrongdoing is clearly seen as sin. We are stewards, caretakers, managers of much more than our material possessions-of the whole direc-

tion of our lives, as well.

TUESDAY - St. Bonaventure, Bishop, Doctor. A great teacher in the Church who fulfills the task described in today's Epistle and Gospel is always a model of, as well as an instructor in, the life of integrity, wholeness. The light of his life is no less impor­ tant than the salt of his teaching. Both, EntranCe and Gradual Hymns speak of wisdom, a gift much more valuable than knowl-/ edge alone. If we get out of it wha,t we should, our public wor­ ship makes us wise, because it helps us see· the relationships EIGHTH SUNDAY AFT E R between things, helps us put PENTECOST. .We Christians have a view of life, an over-all things together. WEDNESDAY - St. Henry,

vi.ew of the basic meaning of human E~xistence, which our Confessor. The wisdom, which

regularly confesses and keeps a Christian view of life as

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER worship over-all master of every situa­

builds up and recallll to forgettion requires constant alertness, Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 'ful minds. So we sing in today's Ent.rance watchfulness (Gospel).

410 Highland Avenue

H y m n : "Gathered together, It ilS always easier just to let

Fall River, Mass. . OSborne 5-7151

L,()rd, wi1:hin your temple, we things happen and to coast along


cherish the thought of your . wIthout the effort to relate

Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD.

lEwing-kindness." For our view· things and to shape our lives.

of life grows from our knowl­ That is why the First Reading is

ASST. GENERAL MANAGER GENERAL MANAGER edge of 1he loving-kindness of SQ unstinting in its praise of the

Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll God as He has manifested it in man who achieves a certain in­


-tegrity and is not deflected

those saving deeds of His, re­ eorded in the books of the Bible. from a clear aim.

Hugh J. Golden



'provide SQme religioUs ceremOny 'for themselves. 'I'hrown into the eity and faced with the probl~ of survival they tended to wall­ del' from the Churclh's influen~. The morality of the city is so unlike their mountain existe~ that they are overWhelmed' and otten fall needlessly into sin and its consequent degradation.Layman HaS ~nswer -' Bishop Uribe thus .emnloy.-ed the famed catheC'his~ systeJ]1 -ill the city. Until now the arrange­ ment of having a "village ~,te­ chist" or religious leader, hQd been confined to the vast terri­ tories of 'the mountains. Now the Bishop has successfully transfer­ red this project te the cities. Another answer .to the short­ age of priests is tc> give a parish til the care of Nuns.. In Brazil several parishes have been tran­ sferred to the Nuns for every­ thing except the sacramental services reserved to the priests. This however can never be more than a partial answer, for in the planable future there is no sign of sufficient Sisters to be able to staff the many priest­ Jacking parishes. The answer then can only be the layman. Can this be why the Latin American Bishops at the Ecumenical Councll were eager to ga.,in approyal of a married diaeonate or at least a sharing of some priestly functions with the J.aity. Seeks New Solution In many sections of the LatiJl world the laity are much more engaged in Church activities than they are in other parts of the world. They conduct: semin­ aries, they run the bishop's dio­ cesan, programs and Catholie Action in its teclmical sense' is strong in many parts of Latin America. Now we hear that they are staffing the parish centers. Stunned by the staggerin. problems of modern Latin Amer­ ica, the Church is seeking new solutions. Overcrowding of cn­ ies, masses of poor, fantast:ie birth rates, unstable govern­ ments, concentration of wealth, lack of industrialization, fluct­ uating economies, lack of relig­ ious personnel, hunger, unsanlj­ tary living situations-the prob­ lems are seemingly endless. ­ We know the Ohurch cannot do it alone. Can you help?



Father Hesburgh Wins Highest . Civil Honor

Lutherans Ponder

Parochial Schools

PITTSBURGH (NC)-The ed­ u:cation board of the 3.2 million­ member Lutheran Church of America has officially discour­ aged the emablishment of more parochial schools, declaring that 'religion ·is best left to the home end the church. In submitting its report to the biennial Lutheran conv~tion here, the board stated that gen­ eral ed~tion should be pro­ ·vlded by public schools. How­ ever it did not recommend the elimination of the 16 parochial schools now associated with the religious group. The convention took DD action on the report, which will under­ If{) further consideration at .a meeting of the board in Phila­ delphia Friday, luly 17.

Navy Project Help~ Malta Institutions·

ST. JULIAN'S (NC) ...:.. T h' e United States Navy's "Project Banddasp" has provided 500 books for the library of St. Mic,hael's College here on Malta. Cmdr. H. M. Waddell of the U.S.S. Goodrich made the pres­ entation of the books, collected from various U. S. schools by 'a Norfolk, Va., unit. , , Meanwhile, not to be outdone by this latest example of the American Navy's continuing generosity, the British RGJ'al Navy donated children's pIa" equipment from its phased-out servicemen's family nurseries te 11 IIalta 0I'Pbanace&.


Ursuline Commends Australian System of Higher Education

WASHINGTON (NC) Father Theodore :M:: Bes­ burgh, C.S.C., president of University of Notre Dame, was one of 30 persons' whose names were announced by Pres­ ident Lyndon Johnson to receive the 1964 Medal of Freedom,' the highest civil bonO!' the President can bestow. . In making the announcement, President Johnson, said. "001­ ,lectively, they have made man's world safe, his physic;l!, pqdy more durable, his mind broader, his leisure more delightful, his "Standard of living higher' and his dignity important. " ',' "They are the creators; we are the beneficiaries." .. . At 47 Father Hesburgh is the second ~oungest of those to re­ ceive the medal. The date of the 'presentation was DDt announced. His citation reads: ,- , ~'Progressive educatox:, presi­ dent of the University of Notre Dame since 1952, Father Hes­ burgh has carried the university to high standards of academic excellence, and has become' a , most influential figure in the reShaping of Catholic higher edu­ 'cation. In addition to vastly' ,~­ ttroving the physical facilities at Notre Dame, he has drastically , revamped the curriculum; raised ,admission mandards; and,.. ,it,l­ . .creased faculty salaries. '. Recognizes Achievement " " "Among the others who y.rill receive this year's Medal of Freedom are Protestant theQlo­ gian Reinhold Niebuhr, former Secretary of State Dean Ache­ son, Walt Disney, composer Aaron Copeland, poet T. S. Eliot, Helen Keller, labor leader John L. Lewis, political commentator Walter Lippmann, Edward R. Murrow, Carl Sandburt and novelist John Steinbeck. The Medal of Freedom was ereated in 1945 to reward civil­ ian accomplishments in World War II. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy broadened the pro­ gram to make it an annual rec­ ognition by the White House of persons who have contributed significantly· to the quality· of American life.

ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., July 9, 1964

OPERATION WHIRLYBIRD: The helicopter brought a group of m~rines from Camp Lejeune who reconditioned a collection of old bicycles and delivered them to' Our Lady's Orphanage at Nazareth (Raleigh); North Carolina. Two of the happy youngsters ride. down' the ramp of the copter. The whole 9peration was spoll8Ored by local Knights of Columbus. NC I Photo. ' .

Establish Catholic Publishing '. Center at St., Thomas College ST. PAUL (NC)-The recent , :Louis A. Gales, president of the Catechetical Guild, who owned azine to the College of St. it as a private corporation. Thomas here has led to the es­

!f tablishment of a Catholic Pub­

"lishing Center at the St. Paul archdiocesan liberal arts college. '

The center includes the Cath­

.oUe Digest, the nation's largest

paid-circulation Catholic publi­

cation with 650,000 United States

subscribers and a circulation of

150,444 in four foreign editions,

and the following auxiliary en­


The Catholic Dige9t Book

Club; the Decency in Reading

Program, . associated with 70

other Catholic magazines and 98

magazines of general interest;

,the Junior Catholic Book Shelf,

which has a membership of

-about 10,000; Catholic Living, a

mQn,thly supplement for 813,000

diocesan newspapers;. the Cath­

olic Market, a bi-monthly man­

agement journal for 30,000 Cath­

olic administrators.

Largest Center The new center is believed to be the largest Catholic publish­ .ing center in the world. accord­ ing to Father Paul Bussard, pub_ lisher of the Catholic Digest and director of the Center. The Catholic Digest and its auxiliary enterprises were given to St. Thomas last month by Father Bussard and Father

gift' of the Catholic Digem mag­

NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Amer­ icans concerned about religion and higher education might do well to take a long look at Aus­ . tralia. While Ca"tholic religious com­ munities there do not run their own colleges and universities, 'they operate schools which are . affiliated with state-run univer­ sities, according to Mother The­ rese Walsh, provincial of Ursu­ line Sisters in Australia. Students attending the affiIi­ ated institutions take courses at both the state school and the church-related institution and receive their degrees from the state school. The Religious who operate the affiliated schools teach many subjects besides re­ ligion. The state helps pay for con­ struction of buildings at the affiliated schools,' subsidizes their libraries, and provides meals for ~udents. It also pays the Religious who are teachers. , Mother Therese said Austra-

lian Prime Minister Robert Menzies is currently pushing legislation which would increase the construction grants available to the affiliated schools, raising them to .a 50-50 matching basis. Federal aid in Australia is also available to nonpublic secondary schools, which since December have been getting grants for science buildings and equipment, the nun reported. Mother· Therese said the al.­ filiated school setup is popular with people generally. She said it makes it possible for students to be trained in their own reli­ gion while at the same time being a part of the larger pub. lie university. It has also helped to create a good ecumenical spirit and break down religious prejudice, she said.

Conducts Ordination Ceremony in English

ST. JOHN'S (NC) - English was used here in the ordination ceremonies for Father William Pomeroy, a Newfoundland ~u­ dent who trained at All Hallows College, DUblin, Ireland.' . CqLLEGEVILLE (NC~ - St. The fil'stpart of the ceremony 1-ohn's University here in, Minn­ was read ,in English by Arch­ esota has accepted bids totaling .. bishop Patrick J. Skinner, $1.77 milliOn for a new library - C.J.M., who officiated. The sec­ .'building; designed by architect· tion read in English dealt with Marcel Breur. Construction of instructions to the people and to the building, first step in a $12 the young deacon. The ceremony million bUilding program, began took place in the Basilica of St. -immediately. lohn the Baptist.

College' Library

.... -


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mE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaR River-Thurs., July 9, 1964

Dioceso'n Wo~n At DI Meeting

Three Generations of Daly's At Press Club Family Frolic

Some 2,000 delegates, includ­ ing several from the Fall River Diocese, will attend the 1964 su­ preme. convention of the Daug·h­ ters of Isabella, to be held ill Washington Tuesday, Aug. . . through Friday, Aug. 14. Purposes of the meeting jn­ elude election of officers, intro­ duction of legislation and plan­ ning future programs. Miss Julia F. Maguire, supreme regent, of Topeka, Kansas, is general chair­ man. This will be the organization'l!l first Washington convention, but officials point out that they have . contributed to the Catholic Sis­ ters' College in the nation's capital, as well as to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Con­ cePtion. Full-time fellowships have been established in the School of Social Service at Catholic Univers~ty . under the name of the Queen .Isa bella Foundation.

By Mary Tinley Daly A summer highlight at our house, and the hOl;lses of em children is the Family Frolic put on by the Press Club. Attended by 5,000 frolicking families' of newsmen, even to the third generation, it is an annual "must" for' anybody who ever has at,: "And, Grandma, they had air­ tended. Papa or Grandpop planes for big kids and airplanes Newsman would be in the for little kids and . . . : " doghouse permanently if he "'J:1here was a milk wagon, with failed to get tickets for this, the ell-out good time for everybody from· toddlers to the cane set. Torrid temp­ eratures, blist­ ering sun, four Iwurs on-your-' feet, upset tum­ m i e s , sticky hands and 'faces, lost children­ why, these are­ .'t drawbacks, they are part and parcel of THE DAYl . Honestly, during the 10 Yeail.'S ~e Club has put on this per­ formance the Family Frolic . grows in' popularity-now in its IE!cond generation at our house. .and every year :brings the same familiarll--ride on a fire engine, merry-go-round, special ride on a miniature train, pony and horse rides, with additions every year. Hot Ifflgs First Contingent going from our bouse today included the Head of the House and the famllies (all but'the babies) of Pat, John­ By and Eileen: seven adults and nine children. (Ginny and I baby-sat the twins, "Baby" Bren­ nan and Little JO'hn). Plots and plans have been widely discussed for days by 8Dlall fry who had previously attended: "We'll get in the hot dog line first-let's take two, that'll hold us while we're lining up for the fire engine. And, Kate, don't get lICaroo when the siren blowS." "Yeah, then f9r the popsicles end cotton candy and peanuts­ you can put the peanuts in your pocket-and we'll go for 1he pony ride." "No, the train!" "The airplane r,ide, that's for m-e," said Sean. Milk Wagon-With Horse The day. quite evidently, went off with its usual flair according 10 the sticky, sunburned and ex­ hilerated gang that arrived at our house to pick up the babies.. "Grandma,' I ate four hot dogs, end I would-.a got another but Daddy took it away from me." (Ed.: 10,000 hot dogs, complete with mustard and relish were on the menu, a veritable Niagara Falls of coke, plus peanuts, cot­ ton candy, potato chips and pop­ sicles--"All you can eat" and no­ . body went home hungry, (a bit squeamish, perhaps, but not hun­ gry).

a horse pulling it! Just like they had when you were young, Grandma, long time ago." "I liked the train," from husky voiced, brown-eyed Kate. "I got lost," giggled six-year­ old Mary. "And the man said­ real loud over the thing-'Here is a little girl who isn't lost, but her mother is!' Then Mommy came to get' me. See, she was lost!" Zoo on Wheels Some of the variety of features included in this well worked­ out performance· included: a barnyard full of live farm ani­ mals-eows, chickens, rabbits, ducks - animals city children seldom see; also a mobile dis­ play of animals of the. forest, "a zoo on wheels"; a s<>lid pro­ pellant rocket ('From NASA with love' as the program put it); canine corps and mounted patrol; and for music, the Navy Band and a Hootenanny.' Included also were an exhibi­ tion ()f jiu jitsu and karate, sports demonstrations from fly casting to tennis, races for child­ ren, horseshoe pitching, and a ladies parking contest. (We have entered this ovef' and over, never won.) Good Time for All Also among the no~-wins this year, as usu·al, were our 16 for the . assortment of prizes, 664 listed, "and other valuable p.riz­

es." This matters not at all. Every_ body had a good time-an ex­ cellent get-together for any or­ ganization, providing a camar­ aderie established OIl the family plan. "We'll go again next year, won't we, Grandpa?" were part­ ing words as three carloads of families drove off. For one, their parents tell WI, there was no response to the jingle of the Good Humor man.

SRO Crowds Greet

Cuban Refugee Show

MIAMI (NC)-It seems Father George Bez Chabebe, Cuban priest in exile here, has a hit on his hands. Four months ago he assembled a group .of Cuban refugees ranging in age from 14 to 20 years old. He whipped up a musical revue called "Remem­ brance of Cuba" with a cast of 50 members of youth organiza­ tions in Immaculate Conception parish, Hialeah. They have played to standiing'-room-on~ crowds in Miami's lar~est audi­ Assert Transfusion

toriums and have app.eared four times on local TV stations: Saved Mother, Child

Now. the priest-producer ba$. WESTWOOD (NC)-A blood booked 'the show in SanJua~, transfusion "administeredto Mrs. Willimina .Anderson over· her . Puerto Rico, and Santo Domi~­ go, Dominican RepUblic, and is protests and those of her hus­ band !laved. the woman~s life considering other offers, includ-. ing an appearance' at the New, . arid that of'.her· prematurely born son, according to doctors York World's Fair. • t Pascak Hospital here in New Jersey. : . Mrs. Anderson ·had carried her DRY CLEANING fight to avoid a blood trans­ and fUsion, considered necessary by FUR I\YORAGE doctors to combat 'h~r hemor­ rhaging, to the U.S; Supreme Court, which rejected .her appeal June 19. The Andersons sub­ scribe to the. Jehovah's Wi~­ 34-44 Cohannet Str.eet nesses teaching that blood trans­ 'fusions are forbidden by the

Taunton VA .2-6161 . Bibl.



...1. SOMBRERO IN LIEU OF DIPLOMA: Sister M. Jeane, O.S.F.• night supervisor at St. Anthony's Hospital,Mil­ waukee,has her head measured for sombrero by Juan B. De L::, Torre, instructor in Spanish, following completion of course in conversational Spanish as an aid to communi­ eate better with the many patients who speak nothing else.

'Real' .Moth·er Eal;t African Women ~ Visitors laud Church's

Concern f~rChildren.

WASHINGTON (NC) - The .. U. S. Gatholic Church struck. two EclSt African visitors as a­ "real mother who cares about· her children," they told govern­ ment and other officials at a luncheon here. Mrs. Kev,ina Tyaba, 29-year- . old leader of women's organiza- . tions in Uganda, and Miss Donata Iuka, 28-year-old sec­ ondary school teacher in Nyasa- . land, also asked that U. S .. groups which befriended them during a three-month visit send voluntE-ers to "help WI apply what we have learned." The two ended a toup of the. countrl7 at the luncheon. They. were sponsored by the United Nation:; Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and

the World 'Onion of. Catholic Women's·Organi:1;ations. Their trip was arranged by the National Council of Catholic Women.' Of Catholicism, tihey said: ''The' Church is a real mother who cares about her children, who· builds-' them parochial schools, . preserves family life through the establishment of family organizations and move­ ments, re-educates delinquents for a useful life and works with non-Catholics in solving mutual problems."




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Conege Awards Medal To Catholic Publicist CLEVELAND (NC) ' - Mra. Sara McCarthy, former corre­ spondent here for the N,C.W.C• News Service and longtime pub­ licist for Catholic organizations, was honored by Ursuline Col­ lege here. She was presented wi,ththe eollege's Ursula Laurus medal in recognition of the half cen­ tury she has devoted to "pro­ moting a Catholic culture through a dedicated woman­ hood." The presentation W38 made at the college's commence­ ment ceremonies. A newspaperwoman for· ... years, Mrs. McCarthy now is as­ sistant director of the Cleveland diocese's bureau of information. She served for 50 years as pub­ licity chairman for Catholic or­ ganizations from parish to na­ tional levels--almost alwQyS oa a voluntary basis.




. . .1#




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, .!

'THE ANCHOR'­ Thurs., 'July 9, 1964

,Says" Serious Problems Arise Fromlnt..erracial .Marriage , By John J. Kane, Ph. D. "I am a white girl, a Catholic, in love with a Negro who is also a Catholic. What is the Church's stand on such a marriage? I know society will not approve but it is too late to turn back. I love him too much. I have tried to discuss this with a priest but just means a loss of social status. can't do so. What do you Other relatives and friends are think about interracial dat- likely to feel the same way and ing and marriage?" frequently every device avail-


Ccis'fro's Sister Leaves Cuba MEXICO CITY (NC) - The eldest sister of Fidel Castro, Juana Castro 'Ruz, has declared that Cuban Catholics face' 'per­ seGution ,when they practice their Faith. Miss Oastro, 31, is seeking pol­ itical asylum in Mexico after fleeing from her brother whom she' called "a communist dicta­ tor." Newspaper accounts stated she has been acting as an anti­ communist agent in Cuba for, the past four years. 'At a press conference here, Miss' ,Castro said Catholics are ',dilily facing hardships in Cuba. ,"The pra~tice:of Roman Cath­ ,olicism bas not been banned,but ~ose who' go to church risk TO AID NOVITIATE: Friends of Presentation of Mary " b/iling'persecuted," she said. "On one, Occasion I saw a young fel­ Novitiate prepare for country,fair to be held on St. Anne's 'lOW shot to death in a ohurdl. Hospital grounds, Fall River from 9 to 9 Satu:rday, July 18. It ,was never determinedwbo From left, Mrs Stephen Mazzalini, John Cross, Mrs. - killed him." William T. Donnelly, Mrs. Paul Boy,:r. Miss OastN,l said she broke with her brothers, Fidel and Raul, in 1960 "when my brothel'll b~n to .d~liver (Cu~) to RU&­ sian imperialists," She, said there , :ire at leaSt 70,000 political ~ oners in Cuban jails, many' of Texas Widow Visits Former Servicemen. , whom are v.wtims of cruel treU­ ment. 'Adopted' ~n ,Wartime

The Catholic Church has DO able is employed to prevent such objection to interracial mar- a marriage. riages. As a Some white parents refuse to !Datter of fact, attend the ceremony, others con­ in many parts sider the child an outcast and' of the world will have nothing to do with the .here Catholicouple' in the future. eism is thereNegro parents tend to take a Ugion of' most more tolerant viewpoint, espe­ . perSons, inter- cially if they believe the white ., racial marriages party has some understanding of are' c <I m m 0 n, and feeling for the Negro in patticularly in America. ,At any rate, an interraLatin America. cial marriage frequently means I ron i' call y heartbreak for the white par­ enough, man y ents. of the' problems of interracial . Lists Problems lI1arriages in this country are In' the wake of such a mar­ alSo pro~lems stemming from riage there are social and eco­ .ixed, relIgious marriages which '" nOJl)ic ,problems. ' Some' inter­ would not be true in your~. racial couples report grave difBut in many of the states, ,par- ficulty in finding any kind of acularly in the South and the ',housing.' SOmetimes they are , ,Southwest., ,there are laws" quietly 'asked to move, some­ ,against miscegenation or ,inter- times they are actually evicted .racial marriages. Most of these, on some groUnd or other. YOUNGSToWN (Ncb' A 'was hostess at the USO-Natfonat involve white-Negro marriages "At times the white husband Mystery Ride

Catholic Community Service

, . ~~ in some states ~ey extend has lost his position when his Texas widow, who solved the Hyacinth ,Circle, New Bedford to Indians, Mexicans, and Orien- interracial marriage ,becomes problem of loneliness after her club in San Antonio, Tex. Daughters of Isabella, will hold Mrs. Cozart1Vas no ordinary a mystery ride leaving from tals... ' , k n o w n . The same may occur to ,husband's death by "adopting" 'It !1eems probable that i,f such the Negro husband or to the 184 servicemen, held a reunion hostess. She owned a chieken ,New Bedford post office at 6:15 here in Ohio with part of her ,hatchery and often' invited Tuesday night, July 28. Reserva­ ' . case were carried to the white wife. A great deal de­ grOUps of soldiers to her home tions must be made by Tuesday. United ~tates Supreme Court. pend:; upon.' the neighborhood in king-sized family. Mrs. Maude Cozart, a member for a chicken dinner. She took July 21. Next business meeting the ~aw w~uld IWt be upheld. In which they live, but even today fad, the Supreme Court of Cali- few neighborhoods are tolerant of Holy Name of Jesus parish, them on picnics, showed them of ,the circle is set for 8:15 fornia recently set aside such ,enough to accept such marriages. Ft. Worth, came here on her the sights of San Antonio, baked T~esday night, July 14. legislation regarding a white- Exceptions may be near military vacation and visited 15 World them birthday cakes and held

Mongolian' marriage. installations where laws success- War II and Korean War veterans a continual open house.

Two Married Daughters

Advises ~ld Realism fully. prevent discrimination in whom she befriended when she NO, JOB TOO BIG housmg. -r never looked on it as char­ Even ~h~u~h Chur.ch law ~oes But then there is the question NONE TOO SMALL Ity," she explained, ''because I ,aot prohibIt mterraclal man;lage of identity. Frequently this Yeshiva University got 90 much enjoyment from

and many state laws permIt it, means that the white party must their friendship. I did it

Awards Nun Degree illUch .unions IWt Infrequently rebe prepared to live in a Negro suIt In serious problems for the neighborhood at least in a mixed NEW YORK (NC)-Qne of the because people look down on PRINTERS servicemen, and they were just ~nts and particularly for the ,neighborhood:, and to identify 469 graduates at Yeshiva Uni­ eluIdren. ,pretty. much with Negroes. He versity's commencement here kids-19 and 20- years old-far Main Office and Plant away from their own homes." If two persons of different , or she will lose most of his or was Sister B,onaventure Krajew­ When her "sons," one by one, LOWELL, MASS• .-aces are sincerely in love. if 'her white triends. ski,a 23-year-old member of .left, San Antonio for overseas, 01852 they c~ face the fu~e prob-" But the really critical aspect the Religious of the Sacred Heart she gave each a steel-jacketed Jems WI~ ~ cold reahsm prior is the plight of the children. If of Mary. ,Bible to carry in a brea9t pOcket. .., Te,lephor,e lowen to marrIage and ~articularlY the Negro party is a mulatto, Sister Bonaventure,' first nun Mrs. Cozart never will have 458·6333 and 457·75OQ ,after marriage, and if somehow the children may be quite light "to receive a degree from the , .difficulty locating two of her or. other they can protect their and may even pass as whites. On Jewish university, was aWiarded "adopted sons"--CMfford MelAuxiliary Plants ebl1dren during the e~ly years, the, other hand, if the Negro a master of arts, degree in math­ ,drum of St., Louis and George BOSTON I 1VO~ld not oppose m~ed 'rac~ party is not ,a mulatto, the chil­ ematics. Rutkowski of Detroit. They lI1~rrlage. ~ut whether all 01. dren may be quite dark and con­ OCEANPORT, N. J. married her two .daughters. The

She said studying at the col­ thIS is possible in most cases ill spicuous for this reason in a Meldrums have g,iven her nine


lege helped in bettering under­ debatable. white neighborhood. grandchildren, the Rutkowskis,

. standing in two directions. "'I'he PHILADELPHIA ' You asked me about interThese children are frequently six.

I'8cial dating. The only point to the target of nasty names, even students I worked with got a be made here is that DO one ever physkal beatings. Sometimes better understanding of nuns,

lI1arried someone whom he or white parents will not permit and I think I have a better un­

She did not first date. True, all their children to play with the derstanding of the students who

go there." Her only regret, she

cklting does not lead to ,marriage offspring of a mixed racial mar­ but no marriage occurs witho~ riage. Some children survive said, was not having time to Rt. 6-Between Fall River and New Bedford dating. this quite well, especially if learn the Psalms in Hebrew. Contrary to folklore there is their parents can give them NEW ENGLAND'SPLAYGROUND absolutely nothing wrong, physi_ great affection and security. Special Rates for School Outings and Group Parties ologically speaking with mixed Others do not. ­ racial marriages, prOViding both Of course some of these mar­ 2 - ROllER COASTERS - 2 Where A parties are in good physical and, riagesare happy and successful, Thrilling Rides and Amusements lI1ental health. 'At the present but they are happy and success­ For, Complete information Contactr time there is not a shred of proof ful 'in spite of the most severe tb:~t one race is innately inferior handicaps an 'lntolerantsociety OUTING MANAGER or superior to, the other~ , imposes upon them. One soluPHONE WYman 9-6984 or MEcury 6-2744 Means A ; The first hurdle that intertion for such a problem is to I8cial marri<lge confronts is op- ' move to a foreign country where position by tile parents, usually 'there is leS(l prejudice against tile white parents. To most of Ne~. ' ' them, ,the marriage of a whi~ If' you in,tend to remain in the ,i ..... or daughter to a Nem-o United States, th~n by all means , WitHOUT'TRAFFIC,. PJUlKI,..G PROBlEMS" ~ plan to reside in a large metro­ , at the­ politan area. It will require . . , Receive Dorothean Habit ,heroic courage;prayer, and end­ ~ A' Vi'tia Fatima R,' ites " ,", less sacrifice to withstand the assaUlts' of present day SOMERSET, M~SS~ : ,: Three postulants of the Sisters, lean society toward interraciaJ. 'Assets Over $2,600,000 in 3 Years : ~ St. Dorothy have received: marriages. : Cheir rellgioua' habits at cere'U your love for each other is The most f~iendly, democ~atic ,BANK offering 'lI,Ilonies in the chapel of Villa deep enough and you are willing '.Fatima, Taunton. They are Phil- to' faee these terrible problems, omena Aguiar, Our Lady of ,then the decision is yours. Checking Accounts Auto Loans ,Angels parish, Fall River, and • • • Savings Accounts BU:iiness Loans ,Arlene Paiva and Mary MenDr~Kane Wlli be unable to Clul Accounts Real Estate Loans '40nca, Our Lady of Mt. Cannel answer personal mail. However, ,'farish, New Bedford. he welcomes your suggestions of At Somerset Shopping Area-Brightman St. Bridge Open Evenings . . At the same ceremonies Sister t9Pic, that would particularly Member Federal Deposit 'Insurance Corporation 'e.milleri 01. Malta made fiDM' Interest you. Address Dr. Kane ~iOJl, oC 'tlOw.. • care of ~ Dewspaper.


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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs.,' July 9, 1964

Ceylon to Expe', All Missioners

Alabama Mission Leader Inspires Giving in Japan

BATON ROUGE (NC) - 'l1he government of Ceylon will renew visas of foreign Christie missionaries or let new oneil .enter the country after May 36, 1965, a Jesuit missioner sai4 here in Louisiana.


KUWANA (NC)-A vis­ iting American priest got a new name here, and has a good collection to prove it. Father Thomas W. Sadler, di­ ~ector of the Societ~' for the Propagation of the Faith iI" the Mobile - Birmingham diocese, gave a sermon in English and took up a mission coll~tion at the Maryknoll parish here. He had ·to change his name to "Father Sado" so that the Jap­ anese Catholics could pronounce it, but they repaid him well for the effort. "He made a real hit," reported the pastor, Father Robert J. Reiley, M.M., from Pottsville, Pa. "The collection was about five times what we usually get ' em a Sunday." Both priests mounted the pul- , :pit together for the sermon. After the American visitor de­ livered one line, the American missioner translated it, word for word. Then Father Reiley asked the Catholics to contribute gen­ erously . for a collection for "Father Sado" to take to a less developed mission. Father Reiley pointed out that though the rhurch in Japan has many pressing needs, all Catho­ lics have an obligation to help the worldwide mission of the Church.

Lay Missionaries' Plan Cooperation GLENDALE (NC) - Delegates of some 25 org·anizations spon';' eoring or employing lay volun';' teers in U. S. mission work took steps here toward mutual c0­ operation and help. About· 50 representatives of ,the organizations met· a,t the Glenmary ,Home . Missioners' seminary' here for' 'a "mission lIemInar." After discussion of recruiting, screen;ing" field .. supervision, e1ergy~lay relations, publicity. and ~inances, they' formed ·a seven';member committee to "be­ gin a ~udimentary central clear­ ing hohse for information and co­ ordin,tion of the home mission effort.,' 'Equal Responsibility' Arohbishop Karl J. Altar of Cincitinati opened the seminar with an address on the general :principles of the lay apostolate. Noting that the Second Va,ti~ ean Council may adopt a stat~ ment on the subject, he predicted that nothing basic will be chan-. ged by it. "The lay apostolate is as old as the :Church itself," he declar­ ed. "All who are baptised have 'an equai responsibility to work for the extension of Christ's kingdom on earth, according to their state of life."

Name Layman Head Of Catholic School· LAFAYETTE (NC) The first layman to serve asfulltim.e principal of a Catholic high school in the Lafayette diocese is William Miohot. He was ele­ \rated to the top job after serv­ ing for a number of years as assistant principal and head coach at Father Teurlings 'High School. BishQp Maurice Schexnaydel" Gi the Louisiana diocese, in ap­ :proviIig the appointment, said "lay teachers are here to stay in our' school system and we welcome them." He added: "We are not about tQ close down our Catholic schools. -Our children must be taught not only how to make.~ living but how tQ live." .

LECTURESHIP FOR BC: Very Rev., Michael P. Walsh, S.J., president of Boston Col­ lege, receives grant. for lectureship in gerontology honoring Dr. A. Daniel Rubenstein, sec­ ond left, from Harold Widett, left. MiSE, Rita Kelleher, dean of Be School of NUTsing and Rudo'lph Astor smile approval. .

'Be School

~f t~ursing

Gets Lectureship

Associates, friends Honor Dr. Rubenstein The A. Daniel Rubenstein Lectureship in Gerontology has been established at the Boston College. School of Nursing by medical associates and friends of .the noted public health offic­


. The' grant for the series of lectures was presented to Miss Rita Kelleher, dean of the Bos­ ton College School of Nursing, and Very Rev. Michael P. Walsh, S.J., pl"esident of the Jesuit university, by Harold Widett in behalf of' the officers and direc­ tors of the Hebrew Rehabilita­ tion Cellter for the Aged and. by

qatholicSupport For··Bus Plan; j>ffiLADELPHIA (NC) -The archdiocese's ,re,. cently formed Commission 'on Human Relations has given its backing to a plan for busing some 3,000 public schooi stu­ dents' to schools outside their neighborhoods. . The '. plan, approved py. the Board of :EducatiOn, is scheduled to. go 'into effect in the Fall and will involve third, foUrth and fifth grade pupils~ The Commission on Human Relations, established in May by Archbishop John J. Krol, said tha·t the plan has disadvantages but "in the present circum­ stances is legitimate and justi­ fied and, therefore , shou~d be supported." Abuse of Concept While "only very serious rea­ sons would justify" weakening the concept of the. neighborhood school, the commission said, nevertheless th~s ,concept ,jean • • . be abused." "To insist' on the neighborhood ' school policy as an inviolable principle in every instance would be. effectively to promote segregated education," it said. "This·is contrary to the spirit of the law of our country and the custom of our community." Ph~ladelphia

Close. HighSchool BLOXWICH (NC) - A 60­ year-Qldhigh school for g.irls run by the. Sisters of Charity of St. Paul: here in .England is closing at tlheend Qfth_e term because its teaching nuns are going to the.foreign missions. The nlimber of· students was re­ duced· .to· 50 .last year when the decision. to close the school wu made•.

'I1he disclosure in an interview with Fa·ther Clair Cazayoux, S ..!. a native of this city who hall taught on the island south of India, app'arently marks another major step in more than Ii". years of harassment of Christ­ ians in the predominantly Budol dhist nation. ! 'I1he Ceylon government, urgel on by Buddhist extremists, be­ gan in 1960 to confiscate Catho­ lic and other private schools. Last reports indicate only about 40 remain open and they a-. forbidden to collect tuition. In addition, in March of tbtI year, the government culminated a long program to remove nurs­ ~g Sisters from their posts • refusing to extend their visas. Seek Popular Support .. "l1he last of the seven nur9hC CQngregations' to be forced out left in' March. They were 1he Franciscan Missionaries of Mal'J' who had arrived in the coun'" in 1886. .

F>ather Cazayoux said' the g09loo to raise the standards of nursing. ernment in Ceylon, where l~ home care in Massachusetts. . , than seven per ceIllf; of the pop. The citation accompanying the ulation is Ohristian, is experieno. grant said, "Because of Dr. Ru- ' -lng financial difficulties and evI­ benstein's comp'assion and de- . dently has been using aotiOll voted efforts, . Massachusetts . ",gainst the Church to win sup.. leads the nation in the standards port of the people, appealdng of the care of the elderly."

to them emotionally about flbe Bc~ck Dr. RUbenstein, who has had alleged abuses of "foreigners.· WINOOSKI PARK (NC)-A a distinguished career in public

. bishop urg,ed here that laymen health, is director of the Ma5Sa­

cultivate humility and give the chusetts Bureau of Hospital

clergy the benefit of the doubt Facilities and deputy commis­

Maintenance Supplies in arguments about theological sioner of the Massachusetts De­

partment of Public Health.

an<l. moral issues. ,SWEEPERS· SOAPS "We can be wrong, but we , He has been a lecturer in pub­ DISINFECTANTS ought to .be presumed right until lic health at the Boston College proven wr'lng," Bishop Walter School of Nursing for 17 years, FIRE. EXJINGUIS.HERS . W.: Curtis of·· Bridgport, Conn;,' and has·.been on the teaching.· stE1.ff at Harvard School of Public,­ said at- St. Michael's College. .fIealth,. Simmons College Tufts. tJniversity apd' M.I.T. .' .;; 1886 PURCHASE STREET A leader in professional and NEW BEDFORD ~iyiccit:~le~, he is native of . O~r St; ;~ ... Lynn aQd,resides a~ 164 Ward WY 3-3786 . MANCH:E:STER (NC)-Father Street,Newton, Pladdus ~. Riley, O.S.B. is the 111!• • • • • • • • •

six1!h president' of St. Anselm's ' College' here in New Hampshh'e. " He was a'ppointed to succeed Father . I,J;~rriard G.. Holmes, ,O.S.B.,.w~o is aSsuming new du­ ties as the assistant to the college chancellor. Father R:.ley, a native of Con­ cord,N.H., and an alumnus of the college, job.ed the Benedictines in 1943 and was ordained to the pril~sthood in 1946. He has been serving as dean of the coliege. Rudolph A:nor, representing the nUI'sing homes in Massachusetts. 'l'he gr·ant was made in recog­ nition of Dr. Rubenstein's work

Urges Laymen




Fr. Riloy 'President­







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Plan Obsetvance Of Millennium ,In Chicago

OTTAWA (NC) - More than 500,000 marriage prep­ aration courses distributed in Canada, the United States and 14 other world countries during the past 20 years owe their origin to the Catholic Cen­ ter of the University of Ottawa. In addition the Catholic Cen­ ter has distributed 15,348 spe­ cially prepared courses for mar­ ried couples, and another 7,371 courses dealing with domestic economy. These figures were contained in a sPecial brief prepared for the recent Canadian Conference on the Family held in Ottawa. Before the Second World War, the French-language Christian Young Workers of Quebec prov- , ince investigated home condi­ tions and found an urgent need for a marriage preparation course which would give young couples a good knowledge of all aspects of married life, spiritual, physical, economic and legal. In 1944 Bishop Albert Sancha­ grin, O.M.I., of Amos, asked the founder of the Catholic Center of the' University of Ottawa to edit and prepare a text of the marriage, preparation course. Father Andre Guay, O,M.I., founder of the Catholic Center, agreed and thus began whet was to become the most extensive 'and worJd famous marriage prepax:aticm course.. In Many Languages The -.COurse began as a cor­ respondence study with a series of lessons, followed by test papers. This later expanded into oral courses and courses given through private tutelage. Since the beginning the courseS distributed up 'to De­ cember, 1963, in French and, English in Canada and ,the United states totaled 231,496. The courses were translated also into eight other languages, German, Sesotho (Basutoland), Flemiph, Portuguese, Spanish, Du-tc~ Italian and Arabic.



500,000 Receive Ottawa Courses O~ 'Marriage

CHICAGO (NC) - Auxil­ iary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New York will be the speaker at a dinner SundaYt

GROWING PLACE OF PILGRIMAGE: 'The National Shri~e of the I~~aculate Con­ ception, erected by the Catholics of the United States, has in less than five years become one of the great places of pilgrimage in Washington, D.C. It is expected that 1,150,000 persons will visit the Shrine in, 1964, an increase of, 15 per cent ov~r last year, twice the increase expected for the entire Nation's Capital. NO Photo.

Expect More Than l,OOO,OOO Visitors in 1964

Lutherans Hear Bishop Wright


Visitors to the shrine fall into two general cIasses--those who come to Washington solely or • principally to see the shrine, and those who put the shrine on the. list of national mimuments they must 'see while in the capital.. The ebb and flow of visitors . to the shrine follows the general lo~al, and possibly national, pat­ ' tern. There are peak periods frOm mid-April to mid-May and in July and August~ Despite periods of heavy con­ centration, there is' a 9teady flow . of visitots through the shrine during 'the year,'The busloads of studentS 'who 'come in the Spring "may give way to the numerous carloads' of families in the Sum_ mer to the fewer number of buses and private cars at other times, but the regular tours of the shrine, starting every half­ hour from 9 to 5, are well pa­ tronized..

• stGUIN

Truck Body Builders

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Aid Literacy Drive

Shrine Leading Place of Pilgrimage

WASHINGTON (NC)-Dedi­ cated less than five years ago; the National Shrine of the Im­ maculate Conception has already become one of the great places of pilgdmage in the nation!. capital., The' great church erectM by I . the Catholics of the' United States as a tribute to the Mother of God is visited by more and m~re pe1'l'30ns each year. The in­ crease at least equals the aver­ PITTSBURGH (NC) The age. annual increment in visitors 10 Washington, and may pOS'Sibly first Catholic bishop to address exoeed it. ' . a Lutheran ChurCh conventiOn' The shrine was visited by a in this country told some 2,500 'delegates'" it is ~ssentiel that million persons last year, and it is expected that'1,150,000, or an Catholics and Lutherans "re­ increase of 15 per cent, will capture a common family feel;. lng." . come in 1964. It is estimated by Bishop John J. Wr,ight of Pitts- . ~l. authoriti~ .that 8,000,000 burgh urged studies toward this visitors will come to Washing­ ton this year, an increase of end at the second biennial con­ vention of the Lutheran Church 500,000, or about 7 per cent over 1963.. iri America, whicli has a mem­ The largest single crowd 90 bership of 3,227,000. far visi~d the national shrine It was the second time within recent weeks that Bishop Wright on May 3 la'st, for the dedication spoke before a major Protestant of the new chapel of Our Lady of CzesOOchowa. There were convention. Previously he ad­ dressed the General Conference more than 10,000 present, and the total exceeded even the ded­ of the Methodist Church here. ication congregation in .Novem­ "Brothers in Christ' ber, 1959, when tickets were Bishop Wright gieeted the required. Lutherans as 'brothers in Christ.' • Steady Flow He recalled in a quoiation from Pope John XXIII, the declara­ On May 3, Mass was offered tion of St. Augustine that Ohrist­ not only within the shrine, but ians, even though divided, will on the great exterior porches, to cease to be brothers only when take care of the huge throng. they cease to say the Lord'. Prayer. MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF THE He continued: "t quote 8t. Augustine a little wistfully at a Fall River Diocesan Council

gathering of Lutherans because of Catholic NUr$el

I have long tended to ~spect that it was our Separate readings 7th ANNUAL

of 81. Augustine, much more than of. Sacred Scripture, that intensified those theologiCal di­ Saturday, Jul.y 18, 1964 vergences which widened into McCabe's • Field St•• Rexhame Beach

BUcll unhappy mutual' iSolation Marshfield, Mass

after certain historical hiappen­ , ~immini' Sill..

ings that no one of us,' as' a Barbeque 'at 5 P.M.'

Christian, can think of without PROCEEDS • M3I'J E. McCaIIe

tears, remorse and af1lic~iOA CJlf Nursing Scho,la~hlp FURd

spirit. ••••' ,

Aug. 16, in McCormick Place on the waterfront here for the benefit of the Chicago observ­ ance of Poland's millennium of Christianity in 1966. , Msgr. Alfred Abramowicz, chairman, said that nearly 4,000 tickets already have been sold for the $25-per-plate dinner, which is part of a campaign to raise $100,000 for the 1966 ob­ servance. - Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, Primate of Poland, has accepted an invitation to speak at a cere­ mony scheduled for Aug. 28, 1966, at Soldiers' Field here. The celebration is being "'ar- . ranged under the, patronage of . Albert Cardinal Meyer, Arch­ bishop of Chicago, with Auxil­ iary Bishop Aloysius J. Wycislo ' of Chicago as honorary chair­ man. Msgr. Abramowicz said a com­ mittee of more than 2,000 is working on plans for the mani­ festation. It is expected that some 2!>0,OOO persons will con­ verge on Chicago for the observ­ ance. More than 150 archbishops and bishops have been invited to attend the 'ceremony which mark 1,000 years of Chris­ tianity for Poland.

The shrine, easily among the 10 largest churches in the world, is 90.per cent completed on the outside and about one-third fin­ ished on the inside. Work in progress will carry the interior building program. up to 1967, and will cost more than ,$3 million.

RIO DE JANEIRO (NC)-The ' Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture signed a new con­ tnlct with the National Confer­ ence of the Bishops of Brazil providing some $460,000 in state aid for the Basic Education Movement (MEB) being carried out by the Catholic Church in the northern, northeastern and' midwestern regions of the coun­


, ,.,ELECTRICAL : COntractors

J~, r~






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THE ANCHOR-,-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., J~ly 9, 1964

Bond BetwE!en Priests

"'New 'R.ussian N'ovel .Shows ~Faults

God Love You

.In Soviet: 'System

By Most Rev. Fulton J: Sheen, D.D. Out of love for th~ priesthood will you, if it is possible help

By Rt. Rev. l\tsgt: .lohn. S.. Kennedy

Alexander Solzhenitsyn's' novel One Day in the Life of

. Ivan Denisovich was something.of·aSensation. And this not

80 much because of its literary 'quaiity (thoroughly respect­

able but by no means extraordinary) as because of its

publication in the. author's

He soon learns the why. of native land, Russia. It dealt their coming. The new building

with the slave labor camps is not to be used by the school

in the days of Stalin, and af-. after all. It is to be pre-empted

forded a realistic picture of the' for a reSearch institute, just in

misery· and degradation charac- . 'process of organization and teristic of those . witboutquarters. · 'establishments. . The news has a shattering The novel saw effect on principal, faculty, stu­ .. "the I i g h t of dents; The only one in the school print only after community who defends the K r u she h e v switch is the. Communist Party had denoun~ secretary. The principal cannot the cult of perbelieve that· the 1)uilding is being IOnality which taken away, nor can he believe pre v'a iled in that the decision is irrevocable. Stalin's tim e, He finds, however, that the de. and has drascision is a fact, and an irrevers­ tically dow n- able fIlel Grachikov, Secretary graded his preof the town's Party. Committee, decesSor. But it was unusuai, If sides with him and accompanies · ItOt. at that time actually Jlnique, him to an interview with Knoro­ 'that anything should be brought "zov,the top Communist.author­ . out' in the U.S.S.R. w~ was ity in the town and "aleatUng critical of anything at anY time proponent of tbe'strong...wiUed. diU'ing the Soviet era. school of leadership.'" . Now another novel by Solz-' Im.p08~ Figure ~ 'henitsyn has been translate4 Kno.rozov ia imposing flg­ into English by David Floy~and ure, taU, lithe, with shaven head

.' MaX Hayward•. It. is called For a·nd mask-like face. He informs Good' of the Cause (Praeger. his callers that the ·comingof the $3.95) .. It, too, is controversial, institute is for the goOd of the' insofar as it is a criticism of tQWn. , It obvioumy is not sO much the, .eertain conditions in Russia. · )loieover, these conditions were gQod.of the town as his own im­ not confined. to the Stalinist portance that he has in mind. 'period, but, the author indicates, And he is adamant as to the .till prevail at least in some school's yielding its new build­ places. ing.· After the appearance of the By way of a sop, 'however, he new work in Russia, there were permits the school to have a sec­ Severe strictures on it and spir- ond structure on the same site, · {ted defense as well. The volume a structure which at this point in English contains not merely is nc, more than a preliminary the text .. of the novel, but a hole in the ground. .ampling of the opinions, pro And when the defeated prinand con, which it evoked.. cipal goes to view this conces. Faee Delay sion, he finds the deceitful Kha- . As to the novel itself, it con- balygin already there and having . eerns a technical school in a pro- workmen move bound'ary marks .vincial. town presumably remate so that the .property surrounding '. fr~niMoscow. The students, of the proposed second building is · about ,11igb school age, are re- reduced to almost nothing; to the . assembling after vacation. ·They . aggrandizement of the instiute. ,are delightedly looking forward .. ' Reactions to' Charge to ,immediate occupancy of n e w ''the principal has the last quarters both for the school and word: ''Why does it have to be? for themselves. For the goOd of the cause, I .The students had gone at the .,. suppose. Is that it? Well, just job with a will, and greatly .you wait!" And then, in the

sPeeded its completion. It was direction of the remote and un­ to have been ready for use at the heeding Khabalygin, "Just wait, resumption of school, but they you··pig! Just wait, you swine!" fiDd there is still some unac- " In the appendix of 37 pages eountable delay. are printed some of the reactions This results from the refusal to this indictment of faults in of Khabalygin, manager of the the Soviet system. local relay factory, to sign, as Leading off, is an adverse nominal owner, for the final opinion which seems to argue acceptance of the building. that anything so monstrous simLidia Georgievna, one of the ply could not occur in the teachers, set about recruiting. U.S.S.R., that the author has groups of students to move ~presumed to "pass judgments on equipment from the old building· people and theh: actions, with­ to the new. There is exultation out reference to actual, living at the prospect of imminent pos- relationships," hence "operates session "o£"' a structure specific- '. in abstract categories which are ally . designed for the schOOI'l$not lRvested with . a· concrete . needs and adequately'equipped;· social content." But then all the joy isda~ed. '. , Cardboard Cutouts . Purpose of Visit ,. WhiCh to be jargon or For a delegation of very 1m- doubletalk; although its burden portantpeople swoops down.~" • plain: tile kind of criticism inspect the old, building.. Kha- . voiced by' Solzhenitsyn is un­ balygin is one of the group, warranted and intolerable. which also includes some Others take up the cudgels for . brusque, properous-looking per- the author, and maintain that eonages from Moscow. The prin_ there was reason for his writing eipal, Mikheyevich, shows them as . he did. "He exposes," says through, mystified as to the pui'-' one def.ender, "those who, while pose of their visit. ~ing the intere~ of· the state

as a cover, look after their own

~ittle: affairs at th~expense of the state." LAKE MORAWK (NC)-Our It is interesting to eavesdrop Lady of the Lake High School on this debate.: But one would .' here in New Jersey, a Patef'SOD. Itave to say that, if the !Situation . diocesan regional institution,.has, P6sed by the ~velist is signifi­ been renamed the Pope John cant, the people whb ~et it xxm High School by Bishop I, are hardly m~ than cardboard ••va,eh of Pateaon. cutout&.


.-" the


Rename . School

" ......

some of our brother priests in Africa, Asia, Latin AmeI'ica, <keania and other parts of the world?

P AVIlA HEAD: Father Raymond Kevane of Sioux City, 12,. has been named national director of the Papal Volunteers for Latin .America (PAVLA). He will direct the Papal Volunteer program from its headquart­ e:rs in Chicago. NCPhoto.

EJoliv ian Prelate Slays Maga.zine. Jteport False PATERSON (NC) - An alllxiliary' bishop of La Paz, Bolivia, haS described as false a U. S. magazine's re­ port that some leading Catho­ li.;:s are acquiescing in an un­ publicized birth control drive in Latin America. Bishop· Gennaro Prata, S.D.B., who was residing at Blessed Sacramen t parish rectory during a visit here in New Jersey, strongly. lienied the allegation. The 41-year-old Italian-born prelate was asked for comment on an ~icle in Look magazine which alkged that "an unpubli­ cized eantpaign for birth con­ trGI is' 11ll4er way in Latin America with the acquiescence arid mea£ured support of key elements I,f 'the Roman Catholic CJ!lUrch." . He calleii the Look article "an insult . to . the intelligence of Latin Am.erica as well as im­ pugning .the. integrity and loy­ alty of our priests."

"Furthermore," he said, "how far can one trust a journalist who will not reveal his sources? What priest could cond(}De birth control b~cause it is 'a lesser e~il' than abortion? The author's logic deJ:ies description. An evil, ever.. a lesser one, is not pE!rmitted. n' N:el'd More People' The prelate, a roem'ber of the SEllesians of St. John Bosco stated, thSlt "if we have learned anything from the history of at­ tempts ~ solve complex social problems by .the simple expedi­ enrt o~ hi ~ control, we have learned that the country which dE!Cides on, birth control has lost itl! vigor, is ~ing, if not already de,ad." Bishop l?rata· said the article's iIIlplicatio:lltbat "our part of the world is dead or dying" is an insult. "V7e' don't need fewer people--we need more people. We need :iD).migration. We need people with, lJkills and the tech­ nilcal knowledge to help' us de­ velop . our na·tural resources." .

C:on'filrms in Prison 'STATEE.vILLE (NC)-Exiled Bishop . Rembert Kowalski, O.F.M.; of Wuohang, Ohina, who was . impr.isoned 28. months by th! Red ~~hineSe,' administered t1l<! sacrament of Confirmation to 101 inmates Of the minoU PeDitentiary lLer-


Here are the facts: 1. Many priests In Latin America e&1l suppOrt themselvfJll with four or five Mass intentions a month. Bu.t 80me have not had aJl7 for as long as six months to a

yea~ .

2. In other mission lands, where no

salary is paid to priests, they can live on

twenty intentions a month, though many

do not even average a .few a month.

3. Mass stipends generally are on the"

decline throughout the United States.

Many of the faithful will give mone,.· 'for

a ·'remembrance" and a card instead of

having Mass read for theill' special inien­

&ion. They forget that they are remem­

bered In ever,. Mass throughout the world

and that their Pastor reads, in strict jus_

tice, over sixty Masses' a year fOr their

intention. May we therefore ask, that aU

those organizations, mortuary establishment. and eocletifJll wile perhapS cet as much as $1,000 ·from·. people who contribute a dollar or more for a Mass-card remembr~ce, sent $500 of t.bM to the poor priests of the.;. world. 4. The Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faltll Rnds Mass intentions only to BishopS through01lt the world .. ....er to equalise dJstribliUons to need7 priesia, We priests bel~ng to the only profession In 1Ile world in wbich It is unnecessary to ~me ~quainted wi~ one another. Tbe moment ~e need a brother priest, no "breaking In" period is nec­ essary. We knoW. his. heart; he knows ours. The bond'is even closer when one is in n,eed. If you. can help· your brothers in Christ, may We ask you. to send US some stipends regularly. YOu may even be willing to give ali the stipends you receive to prove that as ChtDt the High Priest emptied. Himself sO you empty ;Yourself in tlhis respect that Christ may reig·n. in all.

GOD LOVE YOU &0 J.M. for $10 "In 'thanksgiving for many graces received: my religion, six fine children, a good job and the privilege of' American citizenship." • • • to a Seminarian for $11. "I promised that I would continue &0 send The Society a donation, be it as small as this one. One of the seventh grade &iris gave me one dollar to give to you, and I added the other &en." ••• to Mrs. L.D. for $12 "This. Mother's Day, our mother ,. requested we send her present-money &0 the Missions. Despite crippling arthritis, 'Mom has worked hard tor the Missions for mlUl7 Tears and we proud children cladly send &his to YOILH


You carry ihe Blessed Mother's'image in your heart, but why not show .it by wearing her GOD LOVE YOU medal? The ten letters of GOD LOVE YOU fonn a' decade of the rosary as they encircle this medal originat-ed by Bishop . SbeeIl ·to honor the Madonna of the World. With yoUr req,uelrt and a cottesponding offering you orUer GoD 'LOVE YOU medal in any oDe of tIbe following styles: . . .

$.2 smell sterliIig silver

$ 3 small 10k gold filled

$ 5 large sterling silver

$10 large 10k goht filed



Cut out this coupon, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N.Y., or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fell River, Mass.

"Save With 'Safety" at



·WN. T•. MANN·ING· (0.



..• DllcG BAnERtES."


Prelate Scores .Courts- Decision On Obscenity CLEVELAND (N C ) Archbishop Edward F. Hob­ an of Cleveland has criticized the U. S. Supreme Court's latest ruling on obscenity and

said it makes "even more diffi­

cult the task of protecting the

morals of the young."

The Supreme C()urt has re­ versed a ruling by the Ohio Supreme Court which upheld the conviction and fining of a Cleveland theatre manager for showing a French- movie called "The Lovers." Although . six . of the high court's nine justiceS favored re­ versal, they disagreed sharply on their reasons for doing so and were unable to produce a ma­ jor1ty opinion on ·the ease. Archbishop Hoban said in a statement that "by taking away local community standards as the legal test of obscenity, the decishm of the Supreme Court has unfortunately made even more difficult the task of pro­ tecting the morals of the young." He said Catholics are "point­ edly reminded" f>f the section of the national Legion of De­ cency pledge on avoiding "pla~es of amusement showing indecent and immoral films as Ii ...m atter of policy." He suggested that non-Catholics who· are "con­ cerned about declining moral standards" might find the pledge and ratings of the Legion of Decency to be useful guides. Hits Adversisements The Archbishop also expressed hope that newspapers "will be able to spare us from . . . ~la­ tant, suggestive, and highly f>f­ fensive" movie advertisements.Cuyahoga County Prf>secutor John T. Corrigan, who origi­ nated prosecution in the 'Lovers' . case, charged that the Supreme Court's action usurped the au­ thorIty of lower courts. He said the high court gene­ rally rules on whether lower courts have properly applied the law in a given case: But in the 'Lovers' case, he said, the. jus­ tices found the law correctly ap­ plied but "substituted their judgement of the morality of the film for that of the judges of the lower ·court." Corrigan said he will continue to prosecute similar cases in which a grand jury returns an obscenity indictment against a theatre manager or movie dis­ tributor.

Israel Seeks Curbs On Conversions JERUSALEM (NC)-Tbe Is­ raeli government has introduced a bill in the knesset (parliament) requiring that both parents must give their consent before a minor ehild can change his religion. The bill, introduced by Jus­ tice Minister Dov Joseph would also provide a six-month jail term· for persons convicted of "direct persuasion of minors 10 convert to another religion." The same day, the knesset de­ feated a bill which would pro­ ·hibit Christian schools from en­ rolling Jewish children.· The measure was introduced by an ultra-Orthodox member of the knesset, Rabbi Shlomh Lorencz. ·Supported by members of the religious parties, the. measure was defeated by the farge secu­ lar majority. .


Prepare Departure NEWARK . (NC)-'rhe first departure ceremony for lay vol­ unteers in the Newark archdio­ eese will be held at Sacred Heart cathedral here l\IIonday, Aug. 3 with Archbishop Thomas A. Bo­ land presiding. Nineteen pet:,­ sons will be presented tc the · archbishop before leaving fOr assignments in 'the U. S. aDd overseas.

'I'eehan First~Will Come for S'enior­ Class As They Plan Initial Graduation Rites

T'HE ANCHORThurs., J vly 9,

Very special seniol'S are Frederick Garland Jr. and Lea Meunier of Bishop ~eehaJl High School in AttJeboro. They belong to the first graduatin~ cla,ss of. the new. DIocesan institution and next year will be not only the wonderful experIence semor year:HI for. all graduates, but also a truly outstanding "Feehan First." Slogan of the Attleboro hIgh school is "Feehan First" in Sanctity, Scholarship,Sports-, manship!" and Fred and Lea have had lots of firsts in


Chicago Favors Shared Time Program SPOKANE (NC)--':Sha'ted time education deserveS a close look as a possible solu­ tion to some of the problems

of both public and nonpublie schools, the Chicago archdio­ their high school career. Even cese's school superindendent as freshmen ,they belonged to the said here. "top class" at the new school, Msgr. William McManus n()ted which took only ninth graders that a shared time program has in its first year and throughout been approved in Chicago by their four years at Feehan they the ·board of education and ill and their classmates have been scheduled 'to get underway·. HI school leaders and class officers. 1965. Never have they had .the expe­ ..''Will the Chicago experiment rience of being looked down succeed?" Msgr. McManus ask­ upon by lofty upperclassmen! ed. "I don't know. I approach it .. Fred, son of Mr. and Mrs. with - an open mind, eager-: to Frederi~k Garland of St. Mary's learn about the kind and qual­ parish, North Attleboro, isn't. ity. of: secondary education· :the wasting his time this Summer. sl1ared time pupils will -receive. He's attending Assumption Col­ I'm also· anxious to discover~­ lege under a grant from the Na­ whether the shared time pat­ tional Science Foundation. He'll tern is a - propitious way for be one of 50 boys from all parts public and nonpublic schools of the nation taking a math en­ to bear one another's burdene richment program. The only boy in a ·mariner acceptable to the from Feehan to attend the general public." . course, he "started college" Msgr; McManus spoke at • Monday arid will continue until session· of a conference "On Aug. 14. the Problems of the Catholie Darkhaired Fred has a young­ High Schools in _ the We,st" er sister, a future Feehanite. His held at Gonzaga, University and favorite subjects are math and attendeB by· Some 200 .Ca-tholie science and he hopes to attend. educators. Lowell Institute of Technology Increase Frequently and eventually become an en­ He discussed shared tim,: ed­ gineer. ucation plans urider which stu­ . He'll have a .busy senior year_ dents take some of their coursel'l being yearbook editor and stu­ in public Schools and some' ill dent council treasu-rer but he nonpublic schools. hopes to sandwich in time for He said the shared time idea golf, an interest since seventh' was first advanced by Arch­ grade days. bishop John Ireland of St. Paul, Future Nurse Minn., in 1890. Shared time Tousle-naired Lea hopes the: programs have been cropping ·up future holds a· nursing .career with increasing frequency in for her. She'd like to attend St.­ various parts of the country Elizabeth's Hospital School of­ since the early I 950s, be noted. Nursing in Brighton. She's at-­ Msgr. McManus said one po­ tended Feehan on a four year tential advantage of shared scholarship from Sacred Heart time to church-related schoola parish, North Attleboro. The is that it would permit them award,goes each year to the top­ to con~ntrate more on religioue ranking student in the parochial education..At the present time school. She's maintained her he said, "education in this area scholastk record and both she frequently does not make more Lea Meunier and Frederiek Garland; 1r. and Fred are .members of the than a superficial impression National Honor Society. tember, -following a fundraising is also varied,with baskeiban, and worse yet does not eVe7l - Lea's Summer plans inelude· drive among families from the football, baseball, golf, volley' reach millions of public schoo.l ball, 80ft ball and square dane­ babysitting and attendance ill 12 Attleboro area parishes. students." August at New York City's an­ Feehan spirit is encourage¢' in ing incuded on the agenda.

nual Summer SChool of Catholic every way and it reaches into The well-qualified faculty M Birthday Greetings

Action. She'll be a delegate of parochial life w1th the attend­ Feehan is headed by Sister Mary CLEVELAND (NC) - Arc~­

the Feehan sodality at this ance of stUdents at Mass the Urban, R.S.M.,. principal She bishop Edward F. Hoban, bishop

event. She has two brothers and fourth Sunday of each month in: holds an M.S. degree from Cath­ of Cleveland, was deluged with

a sister, all hopeful of future their uniforms for "Feehan olic University and has had ad:" letters, telegrams, flowers ·and

Feehan attendance. Her parents, Communion Sunday." ditional guidance training at gUts as he observed quietly hie Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Meunier, Fordham University. 86th birthday. A two year basic course is pro­ a,re active in Sacred Heart· par­ ~ ~ vided for all students with spe­ ish, with Mr. Meunier heading cialized studies coming in the the Holy Name Society and Mrs. Meunier a past president of St. junior and senior years. College prep, scientific, general and Anne's Sodality, and also a for­ Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport mer teacher at the patochial business curricula are offered and the school is affiliated with school. Science, languages and art are Catholic University. In line with modern trends, among Lea's favorite subjects vocational guidance and testing and she found time last year to Where The be assistant chairman for the . programs of a comprehensive. Can Dine . nature are available to students, junior prom. . and the school's sports lJF()gram Both· seniorS· are enthusiastic ~conomical-ly about the Hwonderful school 8pirit'~ art ~~han. They cite as an. example the wholeheal'ted efforts of the; Student body to .. ; raise - money for the - :K~nnedy :-~ Re~rvatioriS . ' ... Library. fund.i>onati~ns ~uld .' ~ made by ipdividual students Phone OS -5-7l85 or a~l. the result of group activ­ ities, they exp~iJ;led. Op~ home-. " . '. room sold a puppy, said Lea, :. and another extremely success- ' luI-activity was the preparation. : -FOR FAMILY BANKING by qualified st.udents.of English, . . .

chemistry and' milthematics· THOMAS F. MQNAGHAN J~ .

. notebooks for use in studying

Treasurer for exams. TheSe "cram books" sold like hotcakes at .a quarter apiece. Net result of all project:s T42 SECOND STREET ATTLEBORO . was a contribution of $700 10 the library. OSborne 5-7856 SO. ATTLEBORO - SEEKONK Shori but Stirring . Feehan's history as school is .

FALL RIVER ehort .but stirring. Dedicated in

MEMRI=R FOIC January, 1962, it actually open­ ed tel studentB the previous Sep-

r---------------WH ITE1S


Family Restaurant









THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., July 9, 1964





The Parish Parade

ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH A luncheon and fashion show will be sponsored at 12:30 Tues­ . day·afternoon, July 14 at Flying Bridge Restaurant by the Wo­ men's Guild. A social hour will be held before the luncheon. Mrs. Harold E. MacFadden and Mrs. Elmer Rose are co-chair­ men of arrangements and Mrs. Amand Ortins is in charge of tickets. ST. MICHAEL'S,


The Catholic Women's ClUb announces a cake sale Sunday, July 12. The annual cookout will be held at 6:30 Wednesday night,' July 15 at the home of Mrs. Harold Hopkinson, 35 Cedar Avenue, Swansea. Reservations should be made by Monday, July 13. The unit will hold its next regular meeting and corporate Communion in September. SACRED HEART.


CYO and CYAO organizations of the parish will hold study sessions this Summer to improve program and goals for the com­ ing year. Roger Achin will pre­ side at teen-age sessions sched­ uled for Tuesday nights and Beverly Code.n:e will lea? ~oung adults on Wednesday roghts. A leadership course will be offered members of both units following these .preparatory'.sessions and t:he Summer' proj~ will clost! with presentation of· a program: of activities for the Winter months and the election of new Officers.

ST. THERESA, NEW BEDFORD New Couples Club officers are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Arse­ nault, presidents; Mr. and Mrs. J. Simon Morency, Vice-presi­ dents; . Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Angers, secretaries; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Menard, treasurers. Activities will resume in Sep­ tember. ST. JOHN'S, POCASSET The Women's Guild announees pt,lblic sales' events for tomor­ row and Friday, July 24. In charge are Mrs. George Den­ mark and Mrs. ,Gordon Wixon,' aided by a "large committee. ST. MARGARET,


SS. Margaret-Mary Guild will have as re-eleoted president Miss Rosemary Sweeney. Other officers are Mrs. John McManus, vice-president; MrS. Anne Mc­ Carthy and 'Mrs. Martin Tomo­ lonis, secretaries. ~ unit will hold • public 881e at 7:30 tonigbf; in, the new section of the parish church. Regular meetings are suspended until September.' " VISITATION GUILD, EASTHAM An auction is set for Monday, July 13 on the church grounds· .·at Massasoit Road, North East-· ham. It will begin at 10 in the morning. Among iterne to be auctioned are a fishing trip far four, photographic equipment, a television, electrical appliances, furniture and odds and ends. Lunch and refreshment. will be available.

Fryers & Broilers ­ 2% l\IELKITE BISHOP: Bish­ Georges Hakim of Acre :in GalLee is visiting in the United States and will pre­ 13ide a1; the fifth Melkite Convention of North Amer­ ica, to be held in Akron, Ohio. He will represent the Melkite-rite Patriarch Max. imos IV Saigh of Antioch. NC Photo.


Orthodox to Use English, in RiQS

DENVER (NC)-The "limited lIse of English in the Divine 'Lit­ ;l1rgy" 'of the Greek OrthOdox Ohurch .in this country has been lluthoriz''ld, it was announced at 1lhe 17th biennial Ecclesiastical COngresH of the Greek OrthOdox OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, Clhurch here by Archbishop Iak­ OSTERVILLE , . ovos of bhe Church's North and A tour of homes is plann~ for i>outh arohdiocese. Tuesday, July 21 ~y the Wom­ The prelate said the change­ en's Guild. Proceeds will bene­ was authorized "to meet a need fit the parish: Continued from Page One in the church." He said it will' School and Cardinal O'Connell introduc,~ English in the Divine' Minor Seminary, Boston, and Liturgy Ilnd in administration of . eA .... completed his stUdies fot the 1:he sacraments. Continued from Page One '.: priesthood at St. John's Sem­ Meets Requests inary, Brighton. ' . "It shall also be permissible to . held in New York 'C;t '1 y. Sister Madeleine .Clemence, Ordained Jan. 30, 1960 by have certain prayers in English director of St. Anne's nur~ng Bishop Connolly~ Father. Buote, in the sacrament of Baptism, in" school, and Sister Irene attended served at Immaculate' Concep­ the marriage ceremony, in the the schools conference and tion, Taunron and Imma~ulate ~:ervice (If betrothal, in the fUn­ Mother Pierre Marie, hospital Conception, North Easton prior E~ral service and in the Epistle superior, and Sister Teresa were to his assignment to St. JoSej;i'h's ~tnd Gos;~el reading," the Arch­ present at the hospital conven­ in March, 1963. bishop Nported. tion. ., Father Delaney

"TWs decision was made as a Sister Madeleine was elected" 'Father Delaney, son of· Mr. J'esult, oJ our own convictions to the 15-member council of the' and Mrs. Joseph R. Delaney, 41lnd in ,order to meet certain Conference of Catholic Schools· Sacred Heart Par1sh, Fall River, justified requests of members of Nursing. She will IJe1"ve a' was ordained by Bishop Con­ (If our church, especially 1lhose ax year term, attending. two· nolly on Feb. 2, 1962 following 'iV'oo had come from other faillhs meetings annually, one in 'St., studies at Coyle High School, into the churoh," he said. ' Louis, headquarters for .the Cardinal O'Connell and St. Catholic Hospital Association, John's. He is a brother of Father and one in the organizatiOn's Joseph P. Delaney, assistant ~CENTER convention city for each year. superintendent of D i 0 c e san Paint and Wallpaper Discuss Automation schools, and of Sister Joseph Dupont Paint Automation in hospital ser­ Thomas, S.U.S.C. vi1:es and in schools of nursing Father Mitchell cor. Middle St. was a topic at both meetings. Following graduation fro m 422 Acush Ave. Future trends in hospitals, re­ Coyle High School and St. Q.«:.t;.." New Bedford lations with staff doctors, ac­ Charles College, Catonsville, . PARKING ereditation of nursing homes and Md., Father Mitchell studied federal legislation affecting hos­ philosophy at St. Mary's sem­ Rear of Store pitals were also among subjects inary, Baltimore and theology discussed at'the hospital con­ at North American College in vention. ' Rome. C:APE COD'S The nursing schools meeting The son of William E. and discussed programmed teaching, Ann C. (Grace) Mitchell, 1m­ LARGEST BANK the Roberts bill for federal aid maculate Conception Parish, to nursing education and meth-Fall River, Father Mitchell was PAYS ods of cooperation between 'fac- 'ordained Dec. 16, 1956 by Most ulties of colleges and universi- Rev. Martin .1: O'Connor iii the ties and nursing 'school'S: Hospi- ., North American College chapel. tal executives and chaplains He served as assistant at outlined standards for graduates Sacred Heart,' Taunton, and of Catholic nursing schools. taught religion at Coyle High Interest Compounded and School until the Fall of 1961, payable quarterly on our when he returned to Rome to Notice Savings Plan ST. LOUIS (NC)-Fifty Peace pursue further studies. Father Mitchell received the Corps volunteers will begin 11 weeks of training at St. Louis degree of DOctor of Canon J-aw University starting Sept. 20 for from the Pontifical Lateran Uni­ Sa,~ings eventual service in Costa Rica. versity, Faculty of Canon Law, • .sourH YARMOUTH The group will spend 60 hoUrs Rome.

His doctoral dissertation is

a week learning community de­ • DENIIIS PORT velopment, Spanish and Latin entitled; "The Obligation of 1Ibe • Hy'fINIS Confessor to Absolve AC<lOl"diDI American history at the Jesuit­ • YARMOUTH SHOPPlN8 PlAZA to Canoo. 88G.... run institution.


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Marquette Plans R·econstruction Of Historic Chapel on Campus MILWAUKE'E (NC)'- Mu­ quette Universiiy will recon­ struct an early 15th century French chapel - believed to be one in which Joan of Arc prayed before leading her countrymen into battle against the English in 1429-in the heart of the aca­ demic area of the university's proposed expanded campus. Father William F. Kelley, 8.J.,. university president, announced that the chapel is a gift from Mare B. Rojtman, New York financier and former Milwaukee industrialist, who maintains homes both here and in New York. "This unique and historic building," Father Kelley said, "will be a little jewel in' an academic setting - a place of worship, artistry, and inspira­ tion for our students, faculty and the entire community. "The 'JoPn of Arc Chapel' could become one of the most famous mo.numents in the. Mid­ west. It will, of course, be open to all students, faculty members and the public as an artistic and religious link with one of' the great moments in history." Stone by Stone T·he chapel, from a famous and historic region of France, will be moved stone by stone from the Rojtman's Long Island estate to Marquette this sum­ mer. Originally known as the Chapelle de St. Martin, it was located in Chasse, a town in the Loire valley of western France near the famed chateau of Chinon. In addition to donating the chapel, the Rojtmans have also provided the funds to dismantle the chapel and ship it to Mil­ waukee. The university will pay the cost of reconstruction. The work will involve removing and numbering the stones at Long Island and then replacing them in their original positions in Milwaukee. Legend and history connect the chapel to two of France's greatest warriors, St. Joan of Arc and the Chevalier de Sao­ tereau, who was companion-in­ arms of Bayard, heroic French knight of the Middle Ages.

quired by the Rojtmans in 1962 ail their New York residence. However, a few days before moving in a fire destroyed part of the chateau but left the chapel untouched. The Rojtmans donated the damaged chateau to the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York.

Name Provincial NEW YORK (NC) -Father Caesar Donanzan has been ap­ pointed pI:ovincial superior of northeastern United States and southeast Canada for the Pious Society of St. Charles (the Scal­ abrini Fathers), it was announ­ ced here. The society's largest seminary in the country is in· staten Island, N.Y., where young men of Italian origin are trained 14> the priesthood and apostolate.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., July 9, 1964


Couple Depart for Island Mission GENEVA (NC) - The first American lay couple to go to t.he remote South Pacific island mission of the Vicariate of Kavieng were among five mis­ sionaries honored in departure ceremonies at Sacred Heart Mis­ sion Seminary here in Illinois. The lay missionaries are Mr.

and Mrs. Roland Starszak of Milwaukee. They will work with Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in a mission area that consists of several islands scattered over 85,000 square miles of ocean and has 20,000 Catholics in a totai population of 60,000.

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Fire Spares Chapel

Mrs. Gert.rude Hill Gavin, daughter of the late railroad magnate James J. Hill, bought the chapel in 1927 and brought it to the United States, together with a chateau that had belonged to the sister of the wife of Louis XI of France. Both monuments were pains­ takingly re-erected on one of the highest points in Long Island by John Russell Pope, American architect who also constructed the National Gallery in Wash­ ington. After Mrs. Gavin's death, the 50-acre . estate including the chateau and chapel were ac-

Diversity Criterion " For Judging College ST. LOUIS (NC) - Diversity among separate institutions and within _the departments of each -was presented as a major cri­ terion for judging a "good col­ lege" at a seminar here on ac­ ademic quality. Dr. Manning M. Pattillo and Dr. Norman M. Mackenzie, d,i­ rector 'and associate director of the Danforth Commission on Church Colleges and Universi­ ties, also suggested a reconsider_ ation of the emphasis given to Ph.D. degrees among faculty members. The two presented the open­ ing paper for a week-long sem­ inar that began at S1. Louis Uni­ versity at the sug~estion of Fr. Paul C. Reinert, S.J., university president. It was held through the cooperation of Dr. Pattillo and drew some 50 administra­ tors from the U.s.

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Booklet as Guide To Interracial Harmony


By Msgr. George G. Higgins On Monday, June 22, representatives of the major reli­ gious groups of this country jointly sponsored an outdoor prayer service in Washington, D.C., within the very shadow of the Capitol, to give thanks for the passage of the Civil Rights Bill and to pledge Representatives of the churches themselves to do everything and of other organizations and within their power to prel)are agencies desirous of promoting their constituents to live up this worthy objective at the to the spirit as well as the letter ef this historic federal sta,lute. The distin­ lfUished partici­ pants in this unpreced'ented service-which wo uld have bee n literally u nth ink able less than a dec­ ade ago - had reason to be very proud of the role they had j 0 i n t I y played in bringing about passage of the Civil Rights Bill. As might have been expected, however, they were properly modest about their own accom­ plishments and, instead of pat­ ting themselves on the back, they apologized for being Johnny-come-latelies in the cru­ sade for interracial justice and pledged themselves to make up for lost time in the crucial days tha t lie ahead. The several prayers that were effered at this very impressive interreligious service were the yery opposite of pharisaical ill tone. Representatives of the major religious groups, in offering thanks to God for the passage of the Civil Rights Bill, did not pretend, like the Pharisee in the Gospel narrative, that they and their followers or constituents have been better than the rest of men on the matter of racial justice, but rather, like the Pub­ lican, they expressed contrition and regret for the past failures ef the churches and the church­ related agencies' and institutions and a firm purpose of amend­ ment. Dignity, Equality In summary, they said that the passage of the Civil Rights Bill is not the end but only the be­ ginning of their joint efforts as religious leaders to implement the teaching of their respective ehurches on the dignity and equality of all men regardless' of their racial origin or the color of their skin. This is all too obvious, of eourse, and, though it had al­ ready been said in another con­ text by the President of the United States and by other re­ sponsible public leaders since the passage of the Civil Rights Bill, it was well that it was said again, in a religious setting, by representatives of the churches, for it will be up to the churches and church-related organiza­ tions and institutions to take flte lead in preparing the Amer­ ican people to comply with the Civil Rights law and to go the law one better, 90 to speak, by YOluntarily developing in every eommunity in the United States an atmosphere of interracial ltarmony.

Mystery Ride Fall River Council, Knights of eolumbus, will hold a mystery ride Saturday night, July 25. Gino DiNucci will be chairman. Participants will meet at 7 at North Eastern Avenue and Bed­ ford Street. The unit also plans a chicken barbecue and family outing for Sunday, Aug. 30 at Camp Tom Welch, Assonet. In eharge of this event is Edmond L Metra&.




local level will want to pay careful attention to the common sense advice contained in a new booklet, "Guidelines: A Manual for Biracial Committees," which, as coincidence would have it, was published by the Anti­ Defamation League of B'nal B'rith on the very day tha,t the interreligious prayer service TARES VOWS: Sister mentioned above was held in Washington. Veronica Francis, daughter Lea.dership Myth of MI'. and Mrs. Francisco The author of this 96-page Ayers, St. Mary's parish, booklet, George Schermer, who New 3edford, has pronoun': is a recognized expert in the ced te:nporary vows as a Sis­ field of inter-group relations, says, among other things, that ter 0:: St. Francis at St. the popular belief that "racial or Elizabeth Motherhouse, Al­ religious groups can be con­ legany, N.Y. She attended trolled or managed through Northwestern University be­ leaders" is a myth. He warns that it is a delusion fore entering religion. on the part of government of­ ficials and prominent commu­ nity figures to assume that they have established inter-group communications by bringing leaders of the various population . TOKYO (NC) - Archbishop elements together. Mario Cagna, Apostolic Inter­ A local committee of "promi­ nuncio, presented a Vatican do­ nent, respected and wise people nation of $10,000 for relief of can decide what and how to Niigata earthquake sufferers communicate," Mr. Schermer during a visit to the Foreign continues, "but their mere pres­ office. ence or participation on a com­ Catho lie Relief Services ­ mittee does little to influence National Catholic Welfare Con­ the behavior of what is pre­ ference cabled the Foreign Office sumed to be their following. an offer of assistance. 'Followers' quickly reject the In in1;ensity almost as severe leadership if it deviates from as the 1923 Tokyo' earthquake, the wishes and opinions of the the recent one in Niigata left group." behind it a trail of death, suf­ Local Level Imp4>rtant Mr. Schermer's warning serves fering, and widespread destruc­ tion. Damage to Church prop­ to confirm the fact-which, as erty in Niigata City was exten­ we have already noted, was re­ peatedly acknowledged by all of live. The downtown Christ the King the participants in the Washing­ Cathednl was damaged se­ ton prayer service - that the churches are really just begin-' . verely and its bell tower is leaning precariously. The Bish­ ning to face up to their responsi­ bilities and opportunities in the ·op's hc,use sank down and moved three feet forward; the field of race relations. Up to this point they have .ildjoining minor seminary was done a reasonably good job at ;iolted away from it and lifted ,)ff its foundations, while tile the top level by issuing public statements and manifestos on ]llarish h.illl was damaged beyona lrepair. The grounds of the cath­ the morality of race rela·tions 'fral compound are a mass of but, by and large, they have yet ,:hl1rned up earth. to succeed in organizing and The nearby convent of the effectively deploying their re­ Daughters of the Sacred Heart sources at the local level. of Jesus is leaning at an angle Mr. Schermer's booklet should prove to be very helpful to them. ~and the interior heavily 'dam­ uged. in meeting this crucial challenge. Copies of the booklet can be secured by writing to: Anti­ Defamation League, 315 Lexing­ Clon Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016.

Vatican Assists

Qua ke Yictims




39~ LARO.

4 TO 5 LIS

Sa/". V lUu-abZ. Plaid Stamp.1





PEKIN (NC) - The Peoria (IlL) Diocesan Council of Catho_ lic Men will launch a diocese­ wide program of liturgical in­ furmation and instruction as a lay arm of the Diocesan Lit­ urgical Commission. With a mandate O'f Bishop John B. Franz and the approval of the liturgical commission, the DeCM will be givj.ng practical effect to the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy on the parish level. A combination of parish-level clinics, demonstration Masses, sermon outlines, and TV pro­ grams is expected to greatly assist the pastor in bringing to his people an awareness and un_ derstanding of the meaning of the Ii turgy in the life of the Christian.

NEW YORK (NC)-Auxiliary lIishop John J. Dougherty (jf Newark was guest of honor at a receptioll. here and met repre­ sentatives of Catholic organiza­ tions ana. agencies working wiUa the Unitt!d Nations. The Bishop, president of Se10a lIall University, South Orange, ~r. .I., was named in April at the 1I1eeting ()f U. S. bishops to suc­ ceed the late Bishop James H. Gciffiths as assistant for U.N. af­ flairs to the chairman of the Na­ tional Catholic Welfare Confel'­ ence Administrative Board. Guests at the reception, spon­ s:>red by the NCWC Office of U.N. Affairs, included the official U.N. representatives of 11 inter­ national Catholic organizations having consultative status with. the U.N. Economic and Social Council and of three national Catholic organizations accred­ ited by the U.N. Office of Pub­ lic Information.




45 C)


IUN G'roups Honor

IlIishoiP Dougherty

Laity Aid Diocesan Liturgy Program






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NCWC Assumes Ca utiousAttitude On Prayer Issue

Tells Canadians Resp'ect Rig hts Of Others

WASHINGTON (NC) ­ Legal Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference has adopted an attitude of caution and reserve toward the proposed constitu­ tional amendment to pennit Bible reading and prayers in the nation's public schools, the de­ partment's director had advised. William R. Consedine made the point in a statement sent to directors of Catholic bureaus of information in dioceses through­ out the country. . The statement accompanied issuance in pamphlet form of a series of articles written by George Reed, associate director of the department, on the prayer and Bible reading case. "The department continues to believe the present clauses in the Constitution are of incalcula­ ble benefit to religion," the Con­ sedine statement said. "The first amendment separates Church and State by prohibiting estab­ lishment of religion and also by prohibiting government inter­ ference with the free exercise of religion. "The government is thus un­ der a constitutional obligation to show special respect for the religious liberty of all citizens; forbidden to prefer one religion to another, or to prefer irreligion over religion." Add Confusion The statement said the House

Judiciary Committee hearings conducted by chairman Emanuel Celler of New York, "contrib­ uted to the confusion presented by the proposals themselves and provided added reason for cau­ tion." Among the principal Bible reading and prayer proposals was that sponsored by Rep. !<'rank J. Becker of New York, which would provide the con­ stitutional amendment to pennit school prayer. Catholic spokes­ men took different views in tes­ tifying before the committee. No position in the controversy was taken by the U. S. Catholic hierarchy. "There is too much uncertainty as to what sho.uld be none, let alone the possible ultimate effect on the existing guarantees," Consedine asserted.



Thuus., July 9, 1964

]\WNTREAL (NC)-Paul Emne Cardinal Leger of Mon­ treal has told French Cana­ dians they must respect the

FAIRHAVEN GIRL WINS CONTEST: Grand Prize inthe Ninth Annual Safety Poster Contest sponsored by the Massachusetts Safety Council has been awarded to Anita Des­ Roches, an eighth grade student at Sacred Hearts School, Fairhaven. Present at the special presentation ceremony at John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, Boston, are from left, Bruce Campbell, executive vice-president, Massachusetts Safety Council; Rev. Alexis C. Wygers, SS.CC.; Miss DesRoches; Mrs. DesRoches and Mr. Elphege DesRoches.

Dominican Nuns Provide Family .living for Girls

CHICAGO (NC)-The house on Chicago's northwest side is like any other home with teen­ age girls. Rock 'n' roll records are stacked on a table. A wilt­ ing corsage wastes its sweetness in the refrigerator. Bobby pins, jars of cream and magazines are strewn across a dresser ~op. But this is not an ordinary home. The eight girls, aged 13 to 18, who live here are directed by two Dominican nuns. The home provides an unusual ex­ perience in family living for the girls who for one reason or an­ other, cannot stay with their parents. The gids go to school, hold jobs and have parties under the guidance of the Sisters who share the home with them. All the girls were referred there by the Catholic Home Bureau. "We want cooperation from

the girl," explained Sister M.

TRENTON (NC)-GQv. R~h­ Elizabeth, who with Sister M.

ard A. Hughes has vetoed a bill Anthony is in charge of the home. "She must want to come which would have forced aU children in New Jersey public here, ,though we realize that every girl objects to being taken schools to participate in the salute to the flag and the Pledge from home. Before she comes, we try to give hera clear idea of Allegiance. of what jot means to live here." The bill was said robe aimed It means cooperation, for one at Black Muslim children. Earl­ thing. The girls share the chores ier this year the State Depart­ of running the house. It means ment of Education, .Iuling in a ' responsibility, for they are given case that developed in Eliza­ a clothing allowance and can beth, N.J., schools, held that decide on their own clothes and Black Muslims should be ex­ hair styles. ­ empted from the patriotic cer­ This Summer two of the girls emony if they request it. are working full time and four

The ruling was based on a others are going to school. Dur­

1944 law which said children ing the evenings they may stay could be excused from the two at home and have a party for rites if they held "conscientioUs teen-age boys and girls, or they scruples" against them. The bill may go swimming, or bowling, vetoed by the governor would or to a parish social. have repealed tHat section of the Free of Charge law. "Friday is the big night of the

week," Sister said. "It's the girls'

night out. They plan Fridays

themselves and tell us where

ST. PAUL (NC)-The College they'll be. We only insist that of st. Thomas here in Minne­ they be in by the 11:30 curfew." sota has received a $49,000 grant Sundays are family visiting from the Louis W. and Maud Hill days. "We encourage contact Family Foundation to start a with the families," Sister con­ master in education degree pro­ tinued. "We Sisters visit the gram in the so-called new math­ families and invite them here

ematics. The three-year program for special occasions like grad­ will begin next September and uations which should be family

involve 30 semester hours of affairs." course work. This home was founded in

1962 and is free of charge for the residents. It is supported

by Chicago's Catholic Charities and by private donations. While it is the only home of iu. kind in Chicago, the same community of Dutch Dominicans haa two

similar "group homes" in Miami,


The girls live here on an aver­

age of two to four years, during

periods when their families can­

not provide for them. They are DOt delinquents.

rights of other persons in their search for justice for themselves. The prelate said French Cana­ dians must imitate th~ir patron, St. John the Baptist, who "re­ jeeteo the temporal messiahship of the political agitators, as well as .the satisfied conformity of the ~::thorities of his day." Ris words apparently were di­ :-ected against exeremists seek­ :ng :ndependence for French­ speaking Canada. Declaring that St. John "set l~imse1:f at a higher level and ir.vaed all men of good will to bring about the necessary chenges," the cardinal con­ tinued: "There is imposed as a necessary preamble the study of the exact nature of our cultural and political community. There must also be an effort to deter­ mine and explain, with the greatest possible clarity, the legitima,te aspirations of the nation."



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Vetoes Compulsory Salute, Pledge Act

Math Grant

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cream you ever spooned. Why not'! It's famous. ~o.od

Peach Ice Cream ... and Hood is the good e~tm Ice cream. Get Hood Peach today! ..• in peachy pmts and, half-gallons. ~ -of"

•.. the good eatin' ice cream! . .



• Church Dominant In Rights Vote


Thurs., July 9,


Continued from Page One Even more telling, perhaPS, are the comments of Southern legislators. Sen. Richard Russell of Georgia, their Senate leader, was blunt in his final speech be­ fore the Senate's historic June 10 cloture vote to cut off the anti-rights filibuster. .Expressing "profound sorrow" at the role of religious leaders, Russell said those who had thrown their support behind the bill included "cardinals, bishops, elders, stated clerks, common preachers, priests, and rabbis." Prelates, Seminarians Active On the CathoHc side, certain­ ly, the Senator's assessment was accurate. The list of active backers of the rights bill ran the gamut from princes of the Church to youthful seminarians, and included as well many lay­ men and Catholic organizations.

Cardinal Cu~hing Lauds Pas!=oge Of Q iahts Bill BOSTON (NC)-Richard Cardinal Cushing said here Senate passage of the civil rights bill removes "a shad­ ow that has stretched across our American life for 100 years." The Archbishop of Boston said government leaders have given "a' new dimension to American freedom" and it "remains for us to . see this blossom and bear ·fruit in every neighborhood and home." .The Cardinal said that "for those among our citizens still unconvinced of the necessity of legislation insuring civil rights for' all people, we must continue the firm and patient task of per­ suasion and education." "To be successful," he said, "even good laws must have the confidence and respect of the community they regulate; grudg­ ing or half-hearted compliance will only generate new bitter­ ness and, encourage civil unrest.-

First Mass Continued from' Page One assistant at Immaculate Concep­ tion parish, North Easton, now pastQr of St. Joseph's Churoh, Woods Hole, will be'the preaoh­


A buffet w-ill be served im­ mediately after the· Mass in the parish auditorium. Father Mullen, who W3S born en J11n. 14, 1938, graduated from Msgr. Coyle High School ift 'l'aunton in 1956. He then at­ .tended Cardinal O'Connell Sem­ inary in Jamaica Plain and St. Sohn's Seminary in Boston be­ fore he went to Rome to complete Ilis studies M the North' Ameri­ ean College. The N()rth Eamon priest was .-dained in Rome at 1he Chut'oo etl .Christ the King by the Most Rev. Martin J. O'Connor, Sem­ &nary rector, on Dec. 18, 1963. Father Mullen, brother Of lames D. Mullen Jr. and Mrs. 9scar (Dorothy) Conceison, both e( Norbh Eamon, celebrated his first Mass in the chapel of the Notre Dame School in Rome im­ mediately following his Oi'dina­ tion.

Renewal,' Reform Continued from Page One

ibis, the Cardinal called atten­ tion to the 'Pope's January meet­ mg with Greek Orthodox Pa­ triarch Athenagoras and his de:­ eisioh to return a relic of the Apostle St. Andrew to the Or­ -.odox church' in Patraa in Greece. Responding to a number of tiuestions, Cardinal· Bea declin­ ~ to predict whether the wock el the council could be conclud­ ed in the session that· begins in September. He did say that h~ expec1led "imPIOrant· things" lr-om the upcoming session. Among them, he named state­ ments on the Church, the bisb­ eps, revelation and ecumenism.

Anglicans Propose

Separate Schools

WINNIPEG (NC) -Anglican churches from the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan have agreed to study establishment of separate schools. About 100 delegates from churches in the provinces set up a study commission after lively debate at a meeting at which it was charged there is increasing secularism and lack of religious background in public schools. :Roman Catholics already have separate schools, supported par­ tjally by tax funds, in the two ~nadian provinces.

Some rights opponents sought

to paint this religious involve­ ment as a violation of an Amer­ kan tradition on the role of re­ ligion in public life. But this argument was rebut­ ted by one of the leading Cath­ oHc figures in the interreligious effort, Father John F. Cronin, S.S., assistant director of the Social Action Department, Na­ tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ ence.

Heads Stigmatines SPRINGFIELD (NC)-Father Charles F. Egan, C.P.S., former missionary and administrative officer, has been appointed pro­ vincial of the American province of the Stigmatine Fathers. The native of Waltham, Mass., joined the community-Priests of the Holy Stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ-in 1933.


OLD FRIENDS WITH NE:W HOPES: Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston and ~rchbi8hop Iakovos, Greek Orthodox . Church leader in America, right, old friends, meet in Den­ ver, Colorado. The Cardinal addressed a meeting of the 17th biennial Ecclesiastical Congress of the Greek Orthodox Church of North and South America, stressing the need for unity in Chrig.tian endeavor. NC Photo. .

Holy Father Cans Third Session Continued from Page One iness will be reduced to the barest essential problems. Some new questions will be reviewed in full-scale discussion; some unresolved schemata will not be reopened to full debate. but simple votes will be taken and the draft will be arranged ac­ cordingly but without open de­ bate. Schema 17-as yet untouched by debate-promises to be most interesting and crucial. Herein are contained many of the prob­ lems-called "modern" by some -which Christians, the world over, find difficulty in solving. Here the Fathers will be under the scrutiny of the whole world - especially the non-Catholic world, it would seem. Some' of the probable topics to be treate~ are: Peaee, Racial· Equality, Population "Explosion," Birth Control Problem, Problem of Unequal Distribution of World's Resources, Family Life, Individ­ ual Rights, etc.. Most of the m()re enthusiastic Fathers in the Council, iii public statements, have stated that they think at least one more 'session necessary-aft~r.this third ses­ sion. For the CQuncil to end with thee third, much material would have to be dropped and too many questions would ~­ main unresolved. Other ·Fathers think that the Council has already taken on too much material and the Church has already treated many of the questions in her ordinary teaching. It should be enough that those interested re­ turn to learn better what the Church has already taught. The Holy Father had originally expressed the hope that the third session would be the last. However, in sta'tements since the closing of the Second Ses­ sion, even he has not only lef,t the door open for further ses­ sion(s) but has hinted of the real possiJbility of further work for the Vatican Council. Since the attendance at the council is a real hardship on both bishops and dioceses, many

Music Honor for Nun ST. JOHN'S (NC) - Trin~ty

College of Music, London, En­

gland, will confer an h()norary

fellowship in music on Sister

Mary Loretto Croke of the

Presentation Sisters at a c0n­

vocation Friday, ,July A'l.

prelate!: have sought for other' ways in which the business of the Council could be adequately 'treated without the bishops go­ ing to Home. Some of the suggestions have been a postal-council where all the business would be treated by mail, a permanent senate of representatives of the world's episcopacy established in Rome which would immediately aid the P()pe and participate in run­ ning th(~ world-wide Church, a ftequently-convened co U n c i I . which '",ould pass judgements on the work of commissions (a council every 10 years), a new' form of government of the universal church patterned OR the Eastern synooal governme.nt. At prellE!nt, indications are that tltiH Third Session will not be the last of this Council. It ,might u'ell jell the questiOns .[lOW before the council and draw the general lines for redrafting . according to the majority opi~- . ion of the Fathers. Then a fourth llession could possibly be co~- , Yened tel, give final judgment Oft the que:,tions and activate the c!Ouncil decisions under the l~uidance of the Holy Father.


About You?

FIFl'EEl\li BABIES ARE ALIVE l'ODA f IN KODAKARA, INDIA, because the Sisten 01 the Hoi, Famll, relused to let

them die ••• The infant. were 10UDd

abandoned, anemic and ClOvered wltb

81th and IOres. Now the, are elean

and replarl, led, thanks to the SI..

ten' loviq Cl!lre .• , The woman who

worb earDS u little • 8ve eents

a da, In India. Man, mothers can·

IlOt keep. their ehUdren . . • The

Sisten, therelore, look .. lIS for

belp. Tbe, need a lew rooms In

whleh .. keep these babies (anel

. more to ClOme), .. well .. bassinets,

f6. HoI, '.,hn', M;II;QfI AU eribi, ete. We can lin them every­ lor ,h. 0,;.",11I ChMe/) th.... the, need lor oDly $2,000 • • •

Win ,ou help? The Sisten are carinI lor 30 orphaDS, In addi.

tlon &e the babies. Imagine the expense, just lor lood anel

.Iothing! . ; . II ,ou'd like to build and equip th. "home" lor

babies In memOl7 of a loved one <'2,000), please 1V1'lte to lIS

80W. Send, at least, whatever 'OU ea. aft'ord-.$I, $2, $5, 'I'.

Wile .a. refiu. a belple81 bab,'l .

PERSONAL. TO' G~" .G. THANK YOU, G.V.G.-~our three)50 bonds will help build

a church in ETHIOPIA, tram a native Sister in INDIA. pro­

medical care for refugeea and Jepers.






tween EGYPT and ISRAEL) win be able to support themselves.

thanks to what the,'re leamln; In the Pontifical Mission Center

fer the Blind . • . '300 paYI the overall eost 01 a blind H,'S

tralniq lor one ,ear,. . ; '21 pa,s It lor one mODtia • • • Tile

-.at' rather ..b ,our lIelt.

WELCOME, PARTNERf Dear Monsignor, ' . I received the enclosed '211 for a Communion lIrealdalt talk about Lebanon and the MaronHea. We're partners. Whatever I receive for talkl like this, I'tI live you 101' tbe missioDI. .' (Mn. S. B.-Brooklyn. N.Y.) . .

WHATEVEK YOU GIVE Ie .... CathoJle Near East Wellare A.oclaUon It!' aseel, aDder the d.rectiOIl of the HoI, Father IIlmseJl, to help the Deed, III II ClOuntries In whloh CathoUes ... a Yery slim mlnorlt,. EGYPT, lor Instance, Is onl, .8% Cath­ e1to: CYPRUS, 1.1%; ERll'REA,·.8%: INDIA, 1.5% •.• Plea.. remember our prlelts allC1 Sisten when t'0tI make • will, • ftea 'ow waDt Ma.es offered.




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THE ANCHOR Thurs., July 9,

Jurist Urges Education To Protect Marriages

Golf Champion Voices Thanks After Victory

DAYTON (NC)-A practicing authority on family life advocated here a fresh emphasis on marriage counseling on the parish level coupled with appropriate courses in Catholic high school to prepare young people for marriage. Judge Vincent M. Shields Sr.. to remarry, but at times does of Montgomery County Do­ provide certain benefits and mestic relations court made protections, he said. Judge Shields said of 3,494 the suggestions during, an

interview in which he 'urged persons granted divorces in his Church leaders to buttress court last year, 315 were Cath­ against the tragedies of broken olics. He said a study of the 1,747 divorces granted disclosed homes. The Ohio jurist, a leader in that the greatest danger to Catholic lay activities, said pas- , wrecking a marriage comes within the first five year6 of toral counseling is needed to im­ married life. plement advice given in the' con­ Children always are the real fessional to couples plagued with losers in a divorce, he said. The marriage difficulties. He said competent guidance emotional and psychological ef­ for high school students is fects of a divorce on children needed in the classroom because are underestimated greatlY, the most parents either are not judge asserted. qualified to impart the kind of direction needed or shun the re_ sponsibility.. The judge said that because the Church holds the marriage bond is indissoluble, Catholics .WHITBY (NC)-The loyalty are reluctant 'to face certain and the faithfulness of the Brit­ facts dealing with civil divorce. ish Church to the See of Rome Few Catholics involved in· ciVil . was praised in an unexpected divorces seek prior permission message sent by Pope Paul VI from Church authorities 'befOl'e to. 4,000 Ca'f;lWllcs cele~ating taking sUch action. ,.am,id the gale-swept' cliff-top Children Real Losers ,: .ruins' of Whitby Abbey the . He explained that in certain' 1,300th annive1'S.llry of the synod cireun1stances the 'Church win", .held in the abbey in 664. permit a partner· in marriage· to ' . 1Q the message, read at the obtain' a civil divorce. The de­ POntifical High Mass celebrated cree does not entitle a Catholic by ,Bishop George Brunner of MiddlesbrQugh and attended ..by Archbishop . Igino Cardinale, 'apostolic delegate to Great Brit­ ain, the Pope emphasized the faithfulness asserted' and WASHIN(}TON (NC) - Rep. strengthened at Whitby which Hugh L. Carey of New York made reiigious life in England has criticized the U.S. govern­ most fruitful, "producting saints ment for silence on religious and scholars, noble institUtions persecution in the Soviet Union and admirable organizations." and Poland for such non-com­ Pope Paul said he rejoiced munistic countries as Viet Nam, that these celebrations recalled the Congo and the Sudan. an event of 13 centuries ago. Carey, introducirig a reso,lu~ ,\\·hiCh had confirmed the "loy­ tion calling for the imposition 'alty of the"British Chutch to the . by the United Nations ofsanc­ See of 'Rome" and added that tions on any member nation . "union with Rome is not a practicing religious discrimin­ 'serviture but a brotherhood." ation, 'said the U. S. Should sup-' The Pope called upon the in­ port religious liberty' "Where-' ter.cession of two English saints, ever in"the world it is SUffering" ",St.. John Fisher and.. St. Thomas and dying'"· . " MOre, .who "gave their lives.Jn But,' he 'said,.-itis· "iIad to re-. defense of unIty with the Chair late that our record as a nation O! Petez:' a~d prayed tha~ "con­ in recent years is one of sorry tinued fidelIty in the tradItion of silence in the face of aggressive ,_ Whit~y may bring abu~dant atheistic intolerance." : ' blessmgsof' peace and samtliness upon the Church in Brit­ Vie t nam Misa d ventu re ain." "No. high ranking . official in . .. either the State Department or our United .Nations delegation has ventured a statement on thia matter of great concem to ,~ free world," he said. DUBLIN (NC) -The bishops He said this record is "more of Ireland laid the groundwork deplorable" because of "our re­ fo~ changes in the cli!lebration of cent 'misadventUre in Vietnam,' the lltl.lrgy during their annual where we were duped by com-' Ju.ne meeting here. .,' munists who used alleged' re-' The bishops did not reveal ligious persecution as a ruse to . overthrow Christian 'leadership." . any of the changes· tM!Y had ar­ rived at. during, the. ·,two-day meeting except to say they had made a number of decisions re­ garding the use of the vernacu­ lar in the Mass and the Divine Office. Their deliberations' have WASHINGTON (NC) A young Carmelite Brother show"; been forwarded to Rome. '. The bishops did appoint the ed what made him a standout high school football tackle 10 first director of the Jrrish Com­ munications Center, follOwing years ago when he threw a purse· snatcher for a long loss the instructions of the Vatican council's decree on communi­ here. Brother Michael Stoegbauer, cations. He is Father Joseph O.Carm., 28, and four other Dunn, known here for several television productions. Brothers at the Carmelite White­ friars Hall were on their way to Mass when they heard a wo­ man scream. Rushing out of the monastery RICHMOND (NC)-Parochial building, Brother Stoegbauer en_ &Chool students in the Richmond eountered a husky 17-year-old diocese are going to be watching youth who had just snatched a educational television in the purse belonging to Dorothy M. classrooms this Fall. The diocese Sherwood. The monk tackled has joined the Central Virginia the thief with the same form he Educational Television Corpor­ showed when he played football ation which beams science, art, in hia hometowR of Appleton, ,music and language programs Wi&. to 155,000 public 8chool lIJtudenu.

Pontiff Recalls W·h·It by Synod

· 'S·1' Scores I ence

On Persecutl·on

Irish Prelates PI(ln .Liturgy "Changes

Shows Old Form In Tackling Thief

Educational TV

19 1964

CLEVELAND (N C ) ­ Champagne Tony Lema, golf champion and sometime altar boy, unabashedly poured out

PAPAL GREETING: At the College of Saint Peter­ Apostle, in Rome, Pope Paul VI greets, an African priest. He was there for the opening of a new wing of the college which is a residence for pries'ts from mission lands who are studying in Rome. NC Photo. .. .

Seminary for Delayed Vocations To Open With Fun Enrollment BOSTON (NC) Richard Cardinal Cushing, was as tick­ led.as a theatrical producer with the "SRO" 'Sign hung out before opening night. The Archbishop of Boston said "now we must study plans fo~ expansion" of the new Pope John XXIII Seminary for Delay­ ed Vocations in nearby Weston, which will open this Fall. , Fifty candidates already have been accepted for the seminary believed to be the first of its' kind in the Western world. This' is'double the number 'Which the Cardinal had planned original­ ly to accept and necessitated the' shIdy of plans' for expansion· even before the seminary open­ ed. "Vadety of Backgrounds A wide variety of experience is 'represented among the men' who have decided to study 'for



the priesthood at the seminary. They include two physicians;, a school superintendent and sev- . eralteachers, salesmen, a court reporter, store manager, public relations executive, advertising consultant, government employ­ ees, printers, journalists, air line executive, geologist, radio station engineer and a number of other professions. 'As ' the' 25th anniversary of his consecration' as a bishop neahi4, Cardinal Cushing re­ m!ll'ke'd: "I dpn't .. want any,. party. If anyone .wants to do an~ing they Oli\n. give .me something to help me pay for the' Pope John Seminary 'for" D~laYed Vocatio~" .

his thanks to God after he won the Cleveland Open golf tour­ nament here. At the presentation ceremony a:f.ter he had bested Arnold Palmer in a sudden-death play­ off for the tiUe, Lema bespoke' his thanks to the tournament officials and others who had contributed to his _success. Then as 20,000 hushed spec­ tators listened, Lema said: "But most of all I thank Almjghty God. Without the courage he gives me at the Communion rail, I would not be standing here ai this moment." Prized Possession Lema was at the Communioa railing during Mass at St. Dom­ inic's Church a few hours befQ~ the playoff. He. responded. "Amenh as' Father Fred RittY said "Corpus Christi" and re­ ceived Holy Communion. , During the presentation cere­ monies, 'Mrs. .Lema displayed one of her husband's prized pos-' sessions' - a medal which had been .blessed by Pope Pius' XII just.12 days before the Pontiff· died. The medal was given to­ Lema by a local golfer.

Nea'rly Five Million": See Vatican Pavilion, NEW YORK (NC)-The Vati­ can Pavilion at the New York World's Fair' drew 4,758,081 visitors by June 28, more than' 44 per cent' of the total number of visitors to the fair, since it opened in April, officials said. ., The average daily attendance­ at the pavilion, which features Michelangelo's Pieta, is running: about 70,000. ,­

. BUCK'$


,Montie': Plumbing &', Healing Co., Inc. Two .College StarS·,' ...

$ign ·.With Majors SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-Two' crack infielders on the Seton Hall University baseball team which had a 25-2 record and purl: the Pirates in the college world series have signed bonus major"league contracts. . Third baseman John Montel­ eOne, who 'batted in 25 runs and hit .357, signed with the New York Yankees. Second baseman Jack Tracy, who hit .320, cast his fortune with the New York Meta.






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.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1964

'Boys Love It, Parents Delighted'

Pilot Project for EXCel)tic»nal

Day Camp Termed SUlcc«ess



They were playing dodgeball on a court at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, North Westport, 13 boys casually at­ tired in shorts, sneakers, polo shirts. Backgrounded by green woods, enjoy­ ing the breezes of a perfect Summer day, they looked like any other gang of youngsters. But they weren't. "It took us a week to explain this game to them and get them to follow direc­ tions well enough to stand in a circle," said Joseph Ryan, during the Winter supervisor of special education for the Swansea school system and this Sum­ mer heading a pilot day camp program for exceptional boys: The Diocesan-sponsored program, using facilities of the North Westport camp, began last week and will con­ tinue through· Friday, July 17. "The boys love it and their parents are dl!­ lighted," summed up Mr. Ryan. For many of the youngsters, he explained, the camp, which follows a normal program as far as possible, has been their first introduction to, the woods and nature. Activities include hikes, nature rambles, singing, hand­ crafts, a daily chapel visit and games. The latter are carefully chosen to develop physical coordination, said Mr. . Ryan. Some boys have trouble walk­ inf{ and some cannot coordinate hand and eye movements. Games empha­ size practice of these skills. Splash Party A highlight of each day is a wading session. The boys do not as yet parti­ cipate in swimming with other camp­ ers, but enjoy splashing in a large plastic pool. "We get very wet as we supervise," said Mr. Ryan, "and they think that's very funny." Aiding with the program are John E. Kiley Jr., a teacher at Durfee High School, Fall River, a member of Sacred Heart parish; and David Turcotte, St. Thomas More, Somerset, and Thomas Dunn, Holy Name, Fall River. David and Thomas, junior counselors, are juniors at Bishop Stang High School. Mr. Ryan said that despite their youth they have developed an excel­ lent relationship with the campers and have learned quickly how best to handle each child. Assisting with handcrafts is Edward Haponik, principal of South School, Somerset. Items for the boys to make are extremely simple, said Mr. Ryan, but finished articles, such as comb and pencil holders, are neatly done. How do other campers react to this special group, which shares busses and some facilities? "There's been a good reaction," said Mr. Ryan, noting that boys have aided exceptional young­ sters with handcraft projects and

have in general been compa~ionable. "Our boys had a big adju ;tment to make in coming to camp," said Mr. Ryan. "They had to get usei to new surroundings, new people and totally new activities. They have done very well and we're pleased and encour­ aged." Next season, added the direc­ tor, it is hoped the camp se~sion will be extended and it will be possible to make some provision for !:irls. The program is the only one of its type in southeastern Massachusetts. Singing is an activity enthusiasti­ cally participated in by the ye,ungsters. They performed "Row, Row, Eow Your Boat" with vigorous gestures and sang "Old MacDonald" with appropri­ ate animal imitations. "They love animals," 'commented Mr. Ryan. "We visit the camp menagerie every day to see thl~ rabbits, goats, lambs and chickens." Ryan, a member of Holy Name par­ ish, Fall River, has for many years worked with exceptional chUdr,m as did his wife, Natalie, befo:re her narriage. Following the day camp session, he will spend six weeks at Palll Dever School working on a research project in the field of retardation. Excellent care is taken of the campers. "We often need a one to one ratio in worRing with. them" com­ mented Mr. Ryan. One boy, for in­ stance, has a tendency to stumble, and although he is encouraged 10 walk alone, there is always ~l counselor near him. "The boys'are never left alone," said the director. The youngsters, aged nine to 14, gather at Nazareth Hall in Fa:l River at Seach morning for transportation to camp, returning' a'bout 4:1'5. Some boys are students at Nazareth, others' are from public schools and some are tutored at home. "Some campers are sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul units in' their parishes," said Mr. Ryan. However, boys of ~Ill reli­ gions are accepted and it is still posi­ ble to register for the remaining week of camp. , In charge' of the entire project is Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, DiOcesan Family Life Bureau director. "He's out here every day and thl~ childmn love him," said Mr. Ryan. Applications for the camp arE' avail­ able at Father McCarthy's office, 410 Highl'and Avenue, Fall Hiver. The tele­ phone number is 676-8M3. The camp is made pos:;ible by Catho­ lic Charities and, as one faithful contributor to· the yearly appeal says, "This is the sort of place I like to see my money go."

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