Hits Sterile Teaching of Religion
OTTAWA (NC) - Archbishop Joseph A. Plourde of Ottawa has blamed the number of Catholics leaving the Church on a sterile teaching of religion. "One of the reasons why this happened is the fact that religious teaching w.as aimed mainly at training children to memorize answers to questions that summed up the theology contained in seminary textbooks, and at training their will by imparting a set of moralistic values to abide by," he said. "This was all right for a given time and certainly contributed
An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and flrm-St. Paut
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, July 10, 1975 PRICE 15c Vol. 19, No. 28 漏 1975 The Anchor $5.00 per yur
Publishes Guidelines On Local Ecumenism VATICAN CITY (NC)-The Voa:tican, ~SiSuing .papaHy approved guidellines for ecumenic1rl action at ,the ",regional, national and 'local 'levels," 'has emphasized that looal needs and probJems determine ecumen'jca:l action. The document, published July 7 by il!he SecretaTiiat for Promoting Chrisltrlan Urrity, aIso oaUed it "the responS!ibility of the regiona'l or national episcopal conference to decide on the acceptability and the approp'l'iateness of all forms of local ecumenical action." Such decistions by the bishops shouJ!d be made "tin coopera,tion Wlith rthe appropriate organ of the Holy See, to wit the Secretarlat for Promoting Ohristian Unity."
A foreword to the 30-page, lSeven-.ahapter booklet sdgned hy Oar'Ci'inal Jan WtiHebrands, pres,idenrt of rtlhe Secretariat, sta,tes that tlhe Pope had -it "sent to alI episcopal conferences as an wid to ,1Jhem in carrying OUit their ecumenIc'a'1 responv~bi':!1~ies." 'While encouraging ecumenical aotivi~ity on rthe loca'l Jevels the document cautiollJs that ecumendcal endeavors must rema,jn tin the bonds of OathoHc commu-
to forming outstanding Christians. But it would not be sufficient today." Archbishop Plourde said the new approach in teaching religion has resulted not only in knowledge of the truths of the
Religious Education Consultants of Ontario, Archbishop Plourde said the need to change the approaches to the teaching of religion resulted from the changes in contemporary society.
"The catechetical renewal was geared, not merely to imparting a body of truths, but-and this is the capital point-to handing down a life-giving message. oIts concern was not mere knowledge, but conveying a spirit; its goal was not only to provide the Church with members free of doctrinal error, but also to raise' dynamic men and women capahie of assuming more responsi-
bility in the Church and of preparing the Christian community of tomorrow." The archbishop observed that
this called not only for a new approach and a new methodology in teaching religion, but also a new formulation of eternal truths. "For some people, this spelled near disaster and they are all the more disturbed as not all teachers, not all priests even, were prepared to do that in a true and prudent fashion." "On their own initiative and of their own authO!l"ity, they went from a needed change in
formulation to changing ecclesiasitical laws and the official teaching of the Church. This proved most damaging against the catechetical renewal and the Canadian CllItechism." The NatiollJal OatechetJicaJ1 Directory now being prepared in rthe Un~ted Sba'tes with ~nput from aU segments of the CathoNe commun'ity aims at presenting both contellJt and a method of impading and dmprov~ng the teaching.
n1jon." J,t oontains '11 series of illustrations of IDeal ecumenical arttempts ,such as pr,ayer _groups, istudy. of the ScrJiptures, joint pastoral oare, collabomtion dn education and ~n communications media, appl'Oaohes to soTurn to Page Two
f faith "but also in astonishment and thanksgiving on discovering God's gifts and presence to mankind." Addressing delegates attending the convention of the Catholic
LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL The momentous year of 1776 lauched an era of new freedom and expanding horizons, not only in the Anglo society of our eastern seaboard but in our Mexican~Hispanic Southwest as well. Recent research has dispelled some of the dark legends of royal oppression in the Spanish colonies of our borderlands, and it has also revealed sympathetic activity, promoted in the Southwest by the Spanish crown it路 self, aiding the cause of the American Revolution. The Catholic Church played an essential role in fostering this activity, in expanding frontier horizons, and in increasing frontier freedoms generally. lin May of 1776, two months before the Declaration of Independence, Spain granted local government to the frontier prov'inces of New Spain, and urgent appeals no longer had to go all the way to Mexico City. High-level decisions, pending royal approbation, could be made in the city of Arispe 'and affect our borderlands from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean. Arispe, in present-day Mexico near the Arizona border, and
tion at Arispe listed some thirtyfive Indian missions for Spanish Sonora, including Arizona, and twenty-eight for New Mexico, administered by Franciscans from Mexico City, Queretaro and Guadelajara.
By FR. KIERAN McCARTHY other Spanish settlements in the Arizona-Sonora desert, had also been hampered in Church matters by distance. Their episcopal See, Durango, was 800 miles eastward on the opposite side of the Mexican Rockies. In May, 1779, th!1"ee years after the designation of Arispe as civil capital of the northern provinces, Pope Pius VI declared' Arispe the headquarters of a new and independent diocese. The Southwest was mainly mission territory at this time, and would be for a long time to come. The new civU jurisdic-
The dream of independence from Britain in the Atlantic coast colonies coincided in the Mexican-Hispanic- Southwest with dreams of new horizons and new beginnings. Catholic churchmen played an outstanding part in this heroic task of exploration and new settlement. Such were the Garces路Anza colonizing expedition from Tubac (Arizona) and the Dominiguez-Velez de Escalente expuoration trek from Santa Fe (New Mexico). Both were. taking place in 1776, the year of our Declaration of Independence. Father Francisco Garces, Franciscan missionary at Mission San Xavier del Bac near Tucson, was pathfinder fo~ th.e expedition that founded the first Spanish colony 011 the shores of San Francisco Bay. Earlier in the decade he had explored southwestern Arizona and southeastern Turn to Page Ten
BLESSING OF FLEET: Bishop Cronin blesses one of the 35 boats of the Provincetown fishing fleet during the 28th annual Blessing of the Fleet at Provincetown. At the Bishop's left is Rev. John A. Perry of St. Peter the Apostle - Parish, Provincetown and a Provincetown youngster enthralled with the event.
tHE ANCHOR-Dioces,e of Fall River-Thurs. July 10, 1975
Will Not Aid Segregation, Closes Parochial School
One Issue MeetingHuman Life First DENVER (NC)-The National can improve your moral courRight to Life Committee (NRLC) age you can never be President is a "one-issue organization, and of the United States." that issue ,is human 'life," Dr. Attorney Kenneth Van Ocr· Carolyn S. Gerster told the hoef, NRLC 1974-75 president, NRLC convention in her keynote told the convention that in oraddress. substantial revider to effect About 840 persons attended sion of the 1973 U. S. Supreme the convention held here. Court decision overturning most "Human life must take prece- state restrictions on abortion: the dence over all personal loyalties right to life movement "must and over all political affiJia- not be judgmental or self-right,tions," said Dr. Gerster, an in- eous... The most we can do is ternist who is vice president and explain why we feel so strongly. chairman of the board of NRLC. He called on pro-life groups She said that the organization to become educated in health can wield influence only through care, to be visiable and to stand unity. The theme of the conven- together. "tIf this country is to tion was "Strength Through turn around and if people are Unity." going to 'be willin'g' to listen . . . A warning to Sen. Edward it will only be done if we ask Kennedy (D. Mass.) was sounded through prayer, the assistance by Dr. Mildred Jefferson, newly of God." elected president of the NRLC, for his efforts to kill the socalled Bartlett amendment, Continued from Page One which would have blocked the Department of Health, Education o;al problems, dia'~ogues and and Welfare from using its funds jc.int churC':' councils. The document cau~;oned that for abortions. The amendment the local churO:, mu£t "take care was offered to a health care bill hy Sen. Dewey Bartlett (R. that its free iniUat'ives do not go beyond its competence and Okla.). are a-lways under:Jaken w,it,r.':':l the (Sen. Kennedy had said that he is personaHy opposed to abor· lim;'ts of the doctrine and d'i:::i::ition but believes that the amend- 'pline of the whole Oathol;:; ment was discriminatory and Church partlicuJoarly 'as it touches that courts have said there are the sacraments." Rev. Roberto Tucci, Ii'll ex~ serious constitutional questions whether federal funds can be de- pla'ining the document to newsnied for abortions when they are men stated t:,'at, "We mu£t llsed to supply maternity care ,avoid wildcat ecumenicm on the part cf Ispontaneous group.>, and to pay for deliveries.) whose actiV';'ty should be encourDr. Jefferson declared: "Senaged but proteoted 'aga1inst ti:le ator Kennedy, you think you dangers .impliCit in their 'action." have the Catholic vote sewed up. Roman Oa:J:lOlics ,as parl~;c But there 'are some Catholics Iipants dn ~nterdenominaHona'l' who are not standing in your councils were oautioned -to "encorner any more." ter int'o such discUissions only lin In words addressed to the ,conformity wilth the teaching of senator, she sa'id: "Unless you their church." _ Th'is was par:ticularly 'true, the document went on, when discussing moral 'issues, "in particula,r ,those whioh concern popul-a1tion, f'amily life, marriiage, contraception, abortion, euthanasi,a and others." The document urged Roman CathoUcs to wo.k closely wilth otJhe'r churches on such subjects as justice, reNef work, youth problems and drug addition,
IS PROFESSED: Brother Arthur W. Buckley, SS.CC., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Buckley, Jr. and grandson of Mrs. Mildred Dunlap, 380 Belmont St., Fall River, has been professed in the Sacred Hearts community at Our Lady of Assumption parish, New Bedford, where he has been assigned the past year. A graduate of Bishop Stang High School, he entered religious life in 1969. He majored in music education and voice at the College of St. Theresa, Winona, Minn. and, Boston University and has worked in campus and retreat ministries. He wiU begin studies for a master's degree in theology in September at the Washington Theological Coalition.
••_ ....""""""""~""I""""''' ......,'''".'''''''''''.,'''''''''.,,'''...,,........THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass Published l!very Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, .Mass. 02722 by the Cathol,ic .Press ,of the DIocese of Fa,lI River. Subscropt,on proce by mail, postpaid $5.00 per year.
Rev. Adalbert Szkl'anny, 1968, St. Patrick, FaH River JULY 19
Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, D,D., 1934, 2nd Bishop 'Of Fall River 1907-34 JULY 23
Rev. 'Patr.ick F. Doyle, 1893, Founder, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall Rliver Rev. George B. McNamee, 1938, Palstor, Holy Name, Fall River
"Every type of discrimination whether sodal or cultural, whether based on sex, race, color, social condition, language or religion, is to be overcome and eradicated 'as contrary to God's intent."-Second Vatican Council.
MOURNED: Msgr. Josemaria Escrive de Balaguer, ; 73, founder and president general of Opus Dei, died in Rome. Opus Dei, claims 56,000 members in 80 nations, its priests and lay members operating schools, universities, clubs and training centers.
Rice, president of St. Philomena's parish council. Rice said the decision to close St. Philomena',s school was made after long and difficult discussion and consulta,tion. The final decision was reached unanimously by the council, he said.
Pope Paul Stresses Role of Religion VATIC~ CITY (NC)-Christians'must learn about the saving relationship between religion and life, a relationship often severed today by disbelief and radical secularism, 'Pope Paul VI told a general audience. Speaking to an estimated 29,000 persons in the course of three large-scale audiences, the pope asserted: "We must learn about the saving relationship between religion and life. Life stands to gain from this relationship, meaning nobility, vigor, hope, and joy at being saved, freed and defined .in such a way." The Pope admonished his ,listeners: "We must learn about the transcendence of Christian teaching. Those who reject this higher wisdom through unbelief or radical secularism blowout Christ's light shining on our lives. Their lives seem free from difficult, strange' and binding dogmas, while they are really deprived of faith and vital knowledge, lovingly and freely cast in our path."
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A salesperson to sell advertisi ng space for THE ANCHOR. Terms negotiable. - ApplyThe Anchor P.O. Box 7 Fall River, Mass.
Biblical Association DENVER (NC) - The 38th general meeting of the Catholic Biblical Ass'ociation of Amedca will be held in Denver Aug. 1821. Cohosts for the meeting are St. Thomas' seminary and the Iliff school of theology, a P110testant school, Denver.
DETROIT (NC) - St. Philomena's School it! Detroit's east side will close in order to avoid becoming a haven for families try,ing to sidestep court-ordered desegregation of public schools. The Supreme Court has ruled that Detroit puMic schools must implement an integration system, most likely busing, by the beginning of next school year. Parochial schools would not be immediately affected by the court order. In a letter to archdiocesan priests, Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit sa,id: "I have made it very clear that our Catholic' schools will not discriminate against any child because of race, color or national origin. "Priests and mini'sters have a pastoral obligation to assist their people in'coming to grips with a desegregation order and they must participate with their peopie in peacefully implementing that order." Three other Catholic schools in the Detroit area - St. Margaret's grade school, St. Rita's grade school and Sa'cred Heart high 'school in Dearborn - also will not reopen in September, but they are not in areas directly affected by the desegregation busing plan. St. Philomena's school, however, is in an area directly involved in the proposed busing pl,an. All four schools were experiencing finandal difficulties and St. Philomena's could have kept its doors open by taking a substantial number of transfer students. "There's no doubt we could have sustained operation if we accepted all the applications we received this year," said Norman
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 10, 1975
28th ANNUAL BLESSING OF THE FLEET IN PROVINCETOWN: Bishop Cronin, celebrant and homilist at the fishermen's Mass of Thanksgiving offered in St. Peter's Church, is driven in: the proce~sion to McMillan's Wharf for the blessing of sea crafts. Present in the limousine are, rear: Bishop Cronin, Rev. John A. Perry of St. Peter's Parish; Rev. John J.
Announces National Day of p'rayer WASHINGTON (NC) - Presiden Gerald Ford has proclaimed Juiy 24 the 1975 National Day of Prayer. On June 12, 1775, his proclamation said, Americans were asked to address their prayers to the "Great G'overnor of the World" to preserve their new Union and secure civil and religious liberties. "As we begin the celebration of our Bicentennial, it is fitting to recall that it was a profound faith in God which inspired the Founders of our Nation," the President said. "Two hundred years ago, on June 12, the Second Continental Congress called upon the inhabitants of all the Colonies to unite, on a designated Thursday in July, in 'humiliation, fasting, and prayer.' This was our first national day of prayer."
Anti-Christianity "Anything that has any remote resemblance to discrImination is not only anti-American, but anti-Christian as well. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, declared that second only to the supreme law binding us to love our God is the law binding us to love our neighbor."-Franc'is J. Haas.
For some of those ancient delights that you Just cannot find In any other storeCOME TO-
L'Osservatore Romano, in a front-page editorial marking the anniversary of Pope Paul's election, asserted: "This 12th anniversary .is in fact marked by a witness of joy, of affection and of veneration which, in the name of Christ the Redeemer, is direct· ed principally toward the person of His vicar, in a measure never before recorded up to now, for its intensity and duration." The editorial was unsigned but in a typographical stylethe cursivo (italics)-usually reserved for authoritative comments. It appeared to mark a departure from the policy of the newspaper set down by Pope Paul himself in a handwritten note he sent to the newspaper early in his pontificate. The Pope warned against overplaying his own person in photographs or using grand language about him. The Holy Year, L'Oservatire Romano noted, has brought a
• Sassafras Bark . • Slippery Elm • Snuff • Mustache Wax • Rock Candy • Franklin Stoves • Bay Rum • Glycerine Rose Water Many, Many, Others-
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Oliveira, secretary to Bishop Cronin. Front seat, Rev. Philip J. Higgins, assistant at St. Peter's and Rev. William J. McMahon, pastor of St. Joan of Arc Parish, Orleans. The official limousine was accompanied by Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. Right: Three of the more than 35 fishing boats and 50 pleasure boats line up for the blessing.
Sees Unprecedented Affection for Pope VATICAN CITY (NC) - Signs of affection, unprecedented in their intensity and duration, have been shown to the person of Pope Paul VI by Holy Year visitors to Rome, the Vatican daily newspaper has commented.
new discovery among pilgrims "of the Church of Rome and of the 'sign of unity' which the Lord has placed there, the Roman Pontiff, point of references which cannot be ignored by all those who understand the salvation of Christ exactly as He willed it." The thous.ands surrounding the Pope at papal ceremonies and at weekly general audiences "represent the whole community of believers," the paper said. the Chuch, ask ever more abun· the world." "The pilgrims show Pope Paul their gratitude, pray for him, ask God to give him a long life for dant graces .for his ministry and pledge to back his directives in
order to give .new life to Christian witness in the world at a time when, even socially, the Gospel leaven is an element of vital necessity for the survival and the coexistence of men in Following the. "fleeting, so very incisive appearance of Pope John who later was so greatly mourned, the Cburch needed a shepherd who could bring t9 term the programs initiated by the council's first session for profound renewal, the paper said, referring to the Second Vatican Council. "Twelve years later that first inspiration finds its broadest confirmation in the work accompJoished with ceaseless tenacity by Pope Paul."
Sandal Wood at New Seabury Sandal Wood, one of our newst villages, offers an excellent selection of Y2 acre to 1 % acre homesites priced . from $8,500. Property owners in Sandal Wood may apply for membership in the Golf Club, Tennis Club, Beach Club and Cabana Club of New Seabury. New Seabury offers several finance plans-one for every budget. Down payment as low as 15 percent; interest as low at 7 percent. No closing costs. DIRECTIONS: From the Mashpee Rotary at Rt. 28, follow Great Neck Road 2 miles to the entrance to New Seabury.
Black Magazine Goes National PUITSBURG (NC) - Black Catholic Life, the magazine published here by the Black Catholic Ministries and Laymen's Council, has gone national. After two editions distributed regionally, tbe magaine has begun national distribution. During the next year it plans five issues, one of them dealing with Black Catholics in Afrioa.
* ** *
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The Parish Parade
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 10, 1975
World Achievement
PUblicity chairmen of oarish orlanlzatlons are ,sked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, fall River. 02722. Name of city or town should be l'r.luded,as well as full dates of III activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.
World public health officials have revealed that smallpox has finally been controlled in India and that only Bangladesh and Ethiopia give cause for concern. When the disease is eradicated in these two nations then the world will be free from smallpox-a monumental tribute to science and technology but, above all, to the dedication and determination of health personnel the world over.
SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER Aug. 8,9 and 10 are the dates for thUs year's SS. Peter and Paul Piarish picnic tn be held for .the first time since 1972 on church propel'ty, Snell and o.over Streets. A chowder-fritter supper, prepared by No,rm and Dot Hathaw,ay, will highlight opening night. Otller fe,a;tures will be a mewt pie supper the second night; an auction, penny sales, Las Vegas and a midway full of hooths wi':1l aUractJions for young and old.
This is. a monumental' accomplishment but one that rated only an inside page on the newspapers that bothered to print the report. It is not that people are unthinking or uncaring. It is that there always seems to be more emphasis on the tragedy than on the triumph, on the", sensational bad than on the, remarkable good. .
ST. ANTHONY, EAST FALMOUTH The Coundil of Catholk Women will sponsor a summer fak Saturday and Sunday, July 12 and 13, in the church hall. Proceeds will benefit parish projects. Fe'atured will be handiwork, pi'ants, baked goods and white elephant items, and ,refreshments will be available. Mrs. Norman P. Thayer'is chairman of the event.
It is true that the public media is in business to disseminate news and it is true that the sensational is all too often along the lines of violence and pain and turmoil and difficulty. But it is also true that failure to present the positive side of the human race's accomplishments is an uncomplimentary reflection on the media and the work it is called upon to do.
. The free press, and this includes radio and television and other communication media, is one of the great bulwarks of civilization. It would be unfortunate if it were to neglect one of civilization's great achievements.
Rock Warning
Bicentennial Theme Is IFamily Life l
One of the phenomena of Summer is the rock concert. Along with rock concerts, however, comes a warning. It is not a warning about litter and pot and violence. It is a warning concerned with hearing. The Journal of the American Medical Association has written that the noise levels produced by rock musicians with the aid of high amplification are much higher than those considered safe for prolonged exposure. Mr. J. A. Bell of the Association's Department of Environmental Public and Occupational Health warns that at the sound levels of some rock groups within the confines of a theater some of the Jisteners could suffer permanent hearing loss. Another comment might the 'songs are so swallowed lose their individuality, their to blend together in merely a
also be added-that many of up in loud sound that they own character, and all begin noise to a beat.
So from the point of view of both safe and aesthetic' appreciation, rock fans might do well to refuse to accept the slogan that louder is better and to insist that noise is no substitute for music and throbbing no substitute for hearing.
@rbe ANCHOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River
410 Highland Avenue 675-7151
Fall River Mass. 02722 PUBLISHER
Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan
Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shal/oo, M.A.
ReI,. John P. Driscoll la.. .
"'Any time now."
...- .,Leary Press-·Fall
WASHINGTON (NC)-C3tholic Church of,iiidais in this country wiU hear lt1wee days of testimony at AiUanJ3 lin August highHghting soda'l justlee concerns centering on f,amily. . "I;iherlty and Jw:<tice f'or All: .the Family" is the main 'kcus of the fourth in a 'serfes of regi::m:l] .bicentenni'a'llhe3of'l!1g, being sponsored by 'the NaJJlonal Conference of Cath'olic Eljshops (NCCB) Commibtee for Ithe Bice::1tenn;al. ~he Atlanta heJ31'iings will be held Aug. 7-9 at two l'ooati'ons to lincrease l,ocal par,ticipati::n. The Civic Oenter will be the 1>ite Aug. 7 and 9, and a more rural 'setting at nearby OJ.arksvljJJe, Ga., for the 'hear'Ings Aug. 8.
Ear)ler . hlcentenrr;'3l hearings were held in W,ashingtcn, D. C., in February, San. Antonio, Tex., ,in April, and St. P,aul-MinneapoHs ,in June. Others 'are sl3'ted
f.or S,acram,ento, Calif., Oct. 2-4, and Newark, N. J., Dec. 4-6. The bicentennial program of the U. S. Clli:IDolic Church will cHmax with ,a n31~1:mal just:ce oonference scheduled fDr Detw:'t an October 1976. Speakers sahedul'ed for the AUanta hearings i'nclude Fa'~her John Finneg.aJn, president of the Canon Law Society of Ameri::a, Dr. and Mrs. Thoma5 Hilgers of St. Lou;,s Universi,ty, and Mr. and Mrs. Heman Mac~icado of the Mov,imientJo F'amil'iJar Chrisibiano (Ohn~5tian Family Movement for Span:ish speaking). The AUania hearings will be chaired by Archb'ishop Peter L. Gere'ty of Newark. Arohbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati; president of the NCCB and the U. S. Cath:olic Conference, and Bishop James S. Rausch, NCCB/USCC geneIlal secre,tary, will be among the panelists.
Pope Receives Russian Orthodox; .Prays for End of Divisions VATICAN CITY (NC)--Pope Paul VI, receiving a delegation of Churchmen and laymen from the Orthodox patriarchate of Moscow, told them he pmyed that the "divistons of centuries will be overcome." The delegation, led :by Meropolitan Nikodim of Leningrad, had been meeting with Catholic ,representatives for :a week~long discussion in the North Italian town of Trent. The theme of their meeting was "The Chrishan Proclamation of Salvation in a world of Transf,ormation." . Metropolitatn ' Nikodim and other members of .the delegati'on had also attended the ordination by Pope Paul of ·359 new priests in St. Pet'er's Square Sunday, June 29. They met the P,op'e July 3. Speaking t'o the de)egation in EngHsh, Pope Paul sa'id:
"We cordialyly welcome you after the completion of the f.ourth encounter in a series of pr,oviden:~ial meetin~s beltween the OalthoHc Church a,nd the Rusian Orthodox Church." Of these talks Pope Paul said: "We realize what an important and complex subject you have treated in a spirit of S'incere effOIlt to be bett'er equipped to bring the 'liberating and uplifting me5:sage of salvati,on to the men and women of our ·Hme ... ''It is our ardent prayer that these joint efforts may bear la,sting fruit. We pray that the divisions of centuries will be overcome in the tmth atnd charity of ChrIst, and that the Holy Sp.irit wHi bring to completion a work :that has begun under his inspiration~ work that is indeed manifest among the signs of our times."
OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER A meeting .to plan parish observ,ance of the feast of Our L'ady ·of AngeLs will be held Sunday, July 20. The feast will Itake place the weekend of Aug. 8. lP.aI1ishioners will also p3rt'ic'ipate ,in the Holy Ghos.t Feast observance of the Holy Ghost POJ'1tuguese Sodal Club, to be held Saturday and Sund,ay, July 19 and 20, on the club grounds ,at Flynn ,and Bay Streets. Activilties will include a Mass and crowning ceremony, a procession. hand music, auctions and "Soupas." HOLY TR.INITY. WEST HARWICH The Ladies' Associat:on will hold a IsummeT fwir on the parjosh school grounds from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, July 16. In case of rain .it will take p~ace within the school. Features will include pJ.ants, Chrlistma,s gift items, kni,t goods, stuffed dolls and 'animals and a white elephant .table. Home-baked goods and other refresments will be avaiable. A basket of cheer wiJ,J be 'awarded as a door prize and a handmade 'afghan will be raffled. ST. WILLIAM• FALL RIVER A supper and auction for Women's Guild members wiB be 'held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 23 lin the all-purpose room. Fall activities w'ill open with ,a ooffee hour fo,JJow,ing 7::30 p.m. Mass Wednesday, Sept. 10. Members may register for' the coming year at this time. 'Pl'anned for Saturday night, Oct. 25 is a dance. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Card parties for senLor oitlizens will resume at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow In the pa,rish haU. Knights of 'the Alt'ar and the'ir faothers will hold the'ir annual excursion to Seekonk Speedway S.aturday evening, July 12. A parislh-sponsored bus ibrip to Boston f'Or a Red Sox game us planned ,for 'f.hursday ni~ht, July 31. Reservations may be made at the rectory.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 10, 1975
CRS Donates to Vietnam Relief Fund
Hispano-American Staff At Eucharistic Congress PHILADEIJPHIA - Two lead- Oonfetence f,or Interradal Jusing spokemen for Hispiano- ,tice and ,the iNational Conference Americans have been named to of OaJtholic ChariUes. key posts for the 41st Interna'In 'addition, he is a member, tional Eucharilstic Congress. of the, executive board of the They are the M05t Rev. Rob- White HOU5C Conference on Agnt F. Sanchez, Archbishop ,of :ing and serves a's chairman of Sante Fe, N. M. and P,aul Sedillo, the Na'tional Spanish Speaking Jr., dIrector of the Division for Ooalition Ta:sk Force. the Spa'nish Speaking of the Mr. Sedillo graduated from U. S. Catholic Conference ,in New Mexico Highlands UniverWashington, D. C. 'sity, in lJas Vegas, N. M., where Archbishop Sanchez be:::omc.s he 'also did graduate work. He a member of the Board of Gov- has also s,tudied at the Public ernors of the Congress, while Administra:tion In;stitute of F'ordMr. Sedillo joins the Committes <ham Uni~rsity in New York. on SpirRual Renewal and PrepThe 41!'o't Intematianal Euchaaration. Tohe Euchar,istic Congress is a ristic Congress marks the first major spiritual a's5embly of time in 50 years :thCl't ,the event Catholics and other ChrisNans has been held in the U. S. More than one million people, repreme£~I:ng .in 'Philadelphia Aug. 1-8, senting many races, naUons and 1976. The 44-member Board cf Gov- ethnic and cultural 'groups, as ern OIlS, comprised of Church, well 'as sev,el'ial Christian den ombusiness 'and civic leaders from ,inations, 'are expected ,to attend. throughout the country, overHunger sees the planning and ,implemenThe Congre5s will focus on tation of all Congress programs "The Eucha'rist and ,the Hungers and e~nts. His Eminence John Cardinal KTOI, Archbishop of, .of the Human Family," theme of Philadelphia, heads the policy- 'the event. making group. These hungers' ,include the physical hunger for food, and Archbishop the, more hasic iSp~ritU'al hungers At 41, AI"Chbishop Sanchez is fior God, ,f'reedom and jUSItice, the youngest prelate in the as well as ;the hungers of the U. S. and 'the first native New 'soul fur the Spirit, truth, underMexican aI"Chbishop in the his- 'StJanding, for peaCe and love and tory of the Sante Fe Archd,i- for Jesus, the Bread of Ufe. ocese. Noted for his work among 'During each of .the eight days the H~span.jc and Lndian people of the Congress, participants-in :the Southwest, he .i:s a dedicated champion of :the poor and in their lirturgies, conferences, oppreSlSed, especially migran't ,seminars and workshops--will concentrate on one of man's par.farm workers. . 'ticuLar 'hungeriS. 'Special days Mr. Sedillo will he 'set a'side to pray f.or Mr. Sedillo, also a native cf lSu~fering people, illS well a5 the New Mexico, has served as na- elderly, youth, ethnic and national director of the Division tional gl'OUpS, Ithe f'amily, and for the Spanish Speaking of :the clergy and religious. In, addiU. S. CathoHc Conference since tionto the devotional and the1971. ological a'spectJs of the Congress, Mr. Sed'illo serves on the boards special music programs, perof the Mexican American Cultu- forming arots and exhihits will be ral Center, the National Catholic avaHable for thdse attending.
NEJW YORK ~NC) - U. S. Catholic charitable organizaCatholic Relief Services (CRS) tions, Bishop Swanstrom said. has pledged $100,000 to buy In addition to CRS, other orfood and medicine as part of an ganizations at present contribinternational, Catholic-sponsored uting to the relief program are program to provide urgent relief Catholic aid agencies, in France, needs in Vietnam today. Germany, Spain, the NetherIn announcing the CRS contri- lands, England, New Zealand bution, Bishop Edward E. Swan- and Luxembourg. Others are exstrom, executive director of the pected to join the program. overseas relief agency of AmerA first shipment of haby food, ican Catholics said the program aims espechllly at helping the shelter mater,i'al, and medicine hundreds of thousands of return- valued at $200,000 left Luxemees to the provinces that were . bourg May 24, bound for Hanoi. abandoned by the South Viet- A similar air shipment followed - namese government during the on May 28. Three sea shipments are last days of the Vietnam war. The over-all effort is being planned. The f,irst will leave mounted by Caritas Internation- Hong Kong soon and will consist alis, the worldwide federation of of approximately 1,000 tons of
TheV ha~e dedicated their entire Ii~es.
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canned meat, lard, condensed milk, and vitamins and antibiotics. A second shipment was to leave Bremerhaven, Germany, on June 19, consisting of approximately 2,600 tons of baby food. milk powder, and fertilizer. A third shipment will also leave Bremerhaven for Danang on or about July 4, and will include 22 ambulances, 100 !'oets of physicians' equipment, and 100 tons of baby food. It is estimated that the total value of this series of shipments will approximate $3 million. ORS maintained a large relief program in South Vietnam during the war years, but had to pUll out when the South Vietnamese government fell.
, State ANCH-7-10-75
THE SOCIETY FORTHE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Send your gift to: Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street New York, New York 10001 Fall River, Massachusetts 02720
Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara The National Director OR:' Dept. C, 366 Fifth Avenue:l
More Sponsors Than Refug1ees
tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-lhurs. July 10, 1975
·Easy Answers Don't Help When Chips Are D·own
ST. PAUL (NC)-There are more Catholics offering to supply homes, jobs and hospitality to refugees from Vietnam and Cambodia in the St. Paul area than there are refugees to accept the offers, S1. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocesan figures indicate. The figures released by the refugee resettlement· office of archdiocesan Catholic Charities show that of the 43 parishes and six parish organizations in the archdiocese that have volunteered their assistance, about 20 parishes and Catholic groups are still waiting to be assigned refugee families or individuals. Up to now, 140 Cambodian and Vietnamese refugees have arrived in the archdiocese. This figure includes 27 families and 10 individuals. Those who have alTeady arrived are sponsored by five par,ishes. three parish organizations and 16 individuals or families. In addition, 107 refugees are on their way to the ,archdiocese under the sponsQrship of 14 parishes, one parish organization and 12 individuals or families.
A friend of mine is watching her mother die slowly from cancer. The illness was diagnosed as "terminal" more than two years ago. The suffering endured by both mother and daughter have been indescribable. Unfortunately, tbe ordeal has also eroded the daughat,' eroded, knocked ter's faith in God. During a ch!ipped down. Every time ,she forces herrecent conversation she told 'self to hope, she ,is tossed anme she no longer believed in . 'other disappointment, another
God because, "if there really were a God, He would have to be some kind of mon~ter to let someone die like this.'~ I realized she was overwrought by the stra·in she has been under oand tha1t oa reasonable discussion about God would not help at that tt'ime. I decided to let her '!'emark pass in the hope that we could discuss it 'a,t >some future .time when her emot!ions were not dr;iving her to despai,r. But her '!';emark kept haunting me beoouse I kn1lw that now, while she ~s undergoing this teI'.I:~!e . tri-al, is the t:me she needs ,fw;t'h in God most of all. I've read oa number of thealogical explanations about why a God who lis good allows eVlil to exist ,in the world. They have been !i:nteIHgent, reasoned, and ~ucid ... but practically worthless to this woman who is watching her mother waste away. What To Do? I'm sure many people have been in the same situation ... a friend desperately needing help, and I 'ha,ve the opportunlity. But What should I do? nespair is a sin. I could ,lecture her about Ithis evil. That would be 'about oas Christian as soamping on the fingertips of someone desperately dinging to the edge of a cLiff. My friend's' faith· has been
setback. :She needs no lectufC's. She needs her spirits Iiftt.d. When my own daughter was seniously .ill, one of the s'aving ,fol'Ces for my spinits was the kindness shown by friends and neighbors. Offers to bake a cake, drop off dinner, m'ind the kids provided material comfort. They oalso ,raised my sp'irits. Friends cared. So I baked oa oake and took .i t to my f~iend. It's a cunious thing. When I am doing something like that, I feel I oam doing noth'ing. But having also been the recipient in othe'!' times, I know that it d\Oes wonders. Conversation is diffdcuU. Outside of some pLatitudes about the possib'il.ity that the exper·imental medicine being used on he'!' mother may save someone else, there isn't muoh tl() say. Needs Faith I just hope my being ,there tells her I oare. And I pray. More than anythling, she needs f'a1th at this time. Those who have never' known despair may feel it's a vi~tue she should cu'1tivate >herself. Tho"e whoo have been in the depths know t'hat you 'are helpless in helping yourself. So lean pI1ay my fr,ienct receives the gitit of fuJith. Whether her mother continues it'o olive and sutifer, or if she d'les soon, without fa'1th it's a'll fut-ile. Despair parches and d~ies ,the fields ·,in whdchtiaith is s'own. Attempts by my friend to '!'estore faJith wiIl tiaU on barren g'l'ound. 111e ·best I c'an ,hope to do .is to ~estore the ferti'lity to that ground . . . restore her spirits wath any help that will bulild her belief in herself heoause someon~~ else oares about her, someone -loves her. l1hen pray that God will once again plant the seeds.
Food is our product ... Se~vice is our pride! There's a lot to
Wealth "Wealth, which is constantly being augmented 'by social and economic progress, must be so distributed among the var.ious individuals and c1as'ses of society that the common good of all ... be thereby promoted." - Pope Pius XI.
CHURCH DESTROYED: Mournful statues look even sadder among the charred ruins of 80-year-old St. Anthony's Church which was destroyed by fire caused by poorbox robbers. The church, founded to serve a German community, is in San Francisco's Mission District, now an ethnically mixed poor area. NC Photo.
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 JEFFERSON STREET Fall River 675-7496 ~ ~
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DAilY MASSES: 7:30, 8, 11:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. DAilY NOVENA DEVOTIONS: 3:00 and 7:30 P.M. PREACHER: Rev. James Cornelius Hahn, O.P. Molloy College Rockville Center, N.Y.
32 Stores in Southeastern Massachusetts OPEN DAILY 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. MONDAY thru SATURDAY
Saint Anne '8 Shrine 818 Middle Street
Fall River, Mass. 02722
Mulc,hing Will Help Garden Retain N,eeded Moistur,e
New Superior ROME (NC) - The Pauline Fathers, who have f<>unded and sOOff a netw<>rk of mass-circulation publications and other media throughout the world, elected a new 'superior gentral July 1, Falther Raffaele Maria Ildef<>mo Tonni, an ltaHan.
'J1he annual Holy Redeemer F'lIIir of Chatham hecomes the Bicentenn.i'a'l FaJir this year of the 200th anniversary of our nation. The affair will start at 10 o'dock on Friday morning, July 18 and continue unt'il 3 in the afternoon. Specialrties will ~nclude ,boutiques uniques, white elephants 'as-goad-as new fior the buyer, t.oys, jewelry ",finds" and mouthwatering foods. ,Famous for handcrafts, the Association of the Sacred Hearts offer showcases of knitted and crocheted creations. Books, old favorites and best . sellers will be ravaH'able ,both hard cover rand paperbacks. Aprons, bursting grab bags ,and snack bar will also be featured. Pa~ish
wIth these men we .felt to be of this oalibre being revea'l'ed a 5 Hawed. That's why irt's so delightful Ito oome across even imaginary heroes in books and movies.
I just returned from seeing "The Wind and the Lion," a truly good movie complete wi,~h heroes, heroines and aU the other ingredient'S tha1t go ,in1to two forgetfUl hours. There was no blatant sex, a ,bit of gore, but norllhi:ng uncalled for, and the're was even a touch of old-faJSihioned American patr.iotism. H was a perfoot movie for the Fourth of July weekend, based as j,t w.as on a true oinddent occurring during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt. While I very seldom review movies 'in this column, when you come across one today rt'h3!t you oan recommend to the whole ,f'amlily, it's so unusual thalt it's wor:t'h writing about. No sex, no psydhology, only a good action story! When Sean Connery came riding over the dunes Ito save the heroine it brough back memories of Dennis Morgan in "Desert Song," and as his delightfUl and coul1a,geous captiv'e Candice Bergen WIaIS believable and of course very beautiful, everything a hero1ne should be. 'Perhaps there wrill be a change ,in ,the mOVlies ,and a return to the era of the "good guy" winning, for even jf this type of hero 'is made of celluloid, he's still better than nothiing and eel't'a;inly a better model for youth than a psychological misf,it. This is III fan.tastic appetizer reclipe from a dear fl1iend, Mrs. Theresa 'Iv.eson, who eortertains like a dream:
SILVER JUBILARIANS: Sister Therese R. Laplante, formerly Sister Marguerite de L'Eucharistie, a Daughter of the Holy Spirit who formerly served at St. John's Day Nursery, Fall River, has marked 25 years of religious life in ceremonies at her community's provincial headquarters, Putnam, Conn. Right: Sister Jeannette Levesque, the former Sister Alvarez de Jesus, a Fall River native, has celebrated her silver jubilee as a Daughter of the Holy Spirit. She has served at Annhurst College, So. Woodstock, Conn., St. Elizabeth's, Hartford, and St. Anne's, Swanton, Vt.
British Bible Society In Financial Troubles
Sisters toOrganiz'e Lay Program OHAiRLESTON {NC)-The Sistel'S of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy, at their 'annual as,sembly here, voted to 'Organize a lay aSISOCiate pro~ram for Catholic laywomen who would n'c,t be obligated by vows or by the community's consti:tujIon. The laywomen would sign an annual contra'ct clearly stating
their purpose in participating in the progt"am. 'J1he Sisters also considered locating the initial thrmllilion program dn Middlelsex, N. J., said Mother Marie Daniel. The formation plan will include some' pha'ses of training and experience in South Carolina where rthe maJor )'Vorks of the community are localte:l.
LONDON (NC) - Distribution of 300,000 Bibles is being delayed because the Bri'Ush· and Foreign Bible Society lacks the money to distribute them. The Bibles, printed in 42 languages, are mainly intended for Africa, hut the society said it needs $800,000 in order to send them out.
Sharing "Man ought to possess external things not as his own but as common, so that he is ready to oommunicate them to ()thers in their need." - St. Thomas Aquinas.
Toasted Onion Canapes 20 <two-inch bread rounds (Theresa ruses a gJlass to cut hers) % cup minced onion Y2 cup mayonnaise or sallad dressin,g % cup parmesan cheese 'I) Set your oven at broil. 2) Place the bread l'ounds on a oookie sheet and toast on one side under the broiler un.til golden brown. 3) Mix onion, mayonnaise and cheese and spread on !the untoo'sted side of the -bread. 4) Broil 3 linohes from heat £or 2 :to 3 minutes or until golden bl1Own. Makes about 20 canapes.
Chatham Parish Fai'r, July.18
By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick .The dry weather we have been having thus far this Summer leads to a great many problems in the garden, and aside from mulching and watering there is not much that can be done about them. Mulching helps, however. We like to use pine needles because In the Kitchen we have clay soil and as the Noone would argue ,tJhat there needles deteriorate they tend to make the soil a little more is a Jack of heroes in our Hves, acidic. This year we bought a shredder and we have been t'lrowing everything ~nto. it. ,,~Jter a period of deterioraltion 'Jle put the resulting semi-comi)osed matertal T'ight onto the larden as a mulch. This has to be done with some !'.auUon because the decompl1sIng materlial needs nitrogen in order ,to be broken down by bacteria 3pd if .it is not pI'Ovided chemically 1t can take it out of the soil, resulting i'n nitrogen def,iciency. This 'is the danger, hy the way, of using fresh grass dipp.ings as a mUlch r Mulching, however, helps preserve the moIsture ,in the soil so that when rain does come, it is retained under the' mulch because it ,is protected from direct rays of the sun. Water Deeply Some watering must be done, though, if pl'aIlJts are to be maintained ,in the hot summer. We have written about this many times in the past but tlhe initial rule is :to water 'deeply rather than in small repeated doses. 'In this way the pl,ants gt:lt a full bath and their 'TOots c,an reach down \into the ,soil for water rather than >up to the surla'ce where tlhey are more susceptible to the 'intense. summer heat. If walter.ing has to be limited, let the }.awn,.go since browning OUit will not hurt it ,to any extent. Ria,ther, ,water those plants which reqUlire a great deal of moisture and which may suffer from prolonged drought. Aza,leas and rhododendrons fall ,into thi!l category, as well as ,ros'es and many of the perennJ.a'J,s. 'If you have anything in the garden which is particularJy valuable or which you cherish for any reason, Ithen special wat.ering is warranted durilllg Ithe hot days of Summer. This year the early part of the summer hals been exceptJionraJ.ly dry rand if ,this continues through the month of July and ~nto AugUSJt we could have considerable difficuI'ties not only in our gardens but al'so in our forests.
Thurs., July 10, 1975
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 10, 1975
THE ANCHOR-Oiocerre of Fall River-Thurs. July 10, 1975
Four Sentenced in Vatican VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vatican City State's tribunal has sentenced four men, two of them former papal gendarmes, to a total of almost eight years in jail for stealing Vatican stamps valued at about a quartermillion dollars. The sentence was pronounced "In the name of His Holiness, Paul VI happily reigning," by the chief' judge of the Vatican'3 lower Court of Justice. All four men involved in the theft remained free pending hearing of their appeal to the Vaticim's court of Appeal which, unlike the lower court, comprised entirely of laymen, is composed mainly of clerics. This is the second verdict pronounced by this court on thefts in the Vatican in jU5t over a
year. Last year three former Vatican telephone technlicians were given jail terms ,for stealing gold medal'S and coins from Pope Paul's apartments in the Vatican and at his summer residence at Castelgandolfo.
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Mass Schedule for Summer Season BREWSTER OUR LADY OF THE CAPE Schedule runs June 28 - Oct. 12 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. except Wed. 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 P.M. and 6:006:30 P.M. First Friday-7:00-7:30 P.M.
EAST BREWSTER IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Schedule runs June 28 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 and 6:00 P.M.
IUZZARDS lAY ST. MARGARETS Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 and 7:30 P.M.. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Conlc""ivu:>. 3tt\.unJay-4:o0-;>:vv ana 7:UU-lS:OO P.M.
ONSET ST. MARY-STAR OF THE SEA Masses: Sunday-8:30. 9:30. 10:30. 11:30 A.M. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:30 P.M. and after 6:30 P~M . .Mass
CENTERVILLE OUR L~DY OF VICTORY , Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15. 9:30. 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M. First Friday Masses at 7:00 and 9:00 AM.
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449 Main Street West Dennis, Mass. Flowers for All Occasions Funeral - Weddings - Social 398-3863
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This Cape Cod Directory of Churches and Masses
Geo. F. Sheehan
Doane' BeaJ ·Ames
Sandwich Hardware Co.
The Merchants on This Page Gladly Sponsor
OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunday-8:45 and 10 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M.
CENTRAL VILLAGE ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Masses: Sunday-8:00. 9:00, 10:00. 11:00 A.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Sunday Mas~es Parish Hall: 9:30 and 10:30 AM.
CHATHAM HOLY REDEEMEK Masses: Sunday-8:00. 9:00. 10:00. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evening-5:oo P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
SOUTH CHATHAM OUR LADY OF GRACE Masses: Sunday-8:30. 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM.
SULLIVAN'S Hummels - Belleck - Waterford Crystal Religious Articles, Church Goods Greeting Cards, Gifts, Armetales, Bibles
EAST FALMOUTH ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00. 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
428 Main Street
Hyannis, Mass. 02601 775-4180
OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-9:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.
EDGARTOWN ST. ELIZABETH Schedule begins June 14 Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 - 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 P.M.
FALMOUTH ST. PATRICK Schedule effective weekend of June 28-29 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00.' 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M. DaiIy-7:00 AM. - Saturdays 8:00 A.M.
FALMOUTH HEIGHTS ST. THOMAS CHAPEL Schedule effective weekend of June 28-29 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 A.M. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.'
HYANNIS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Masses: Sunday-:-7:00, 8:00, 9:00. 10:00. 11:00, 12:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and '1:30 P.M. DaiIy-7:00 A.M. and 12:10 P.M.
YARMOUTHPORT SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-9:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M.
MARION ST. RITAMasses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:30 AM. Friday-Benediction & Rosary 7:00 P.M.
.Mass Schedule for SUn1mer Season NORTH EASTHAM CHURCH OF THE VISITATION Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M.
OSTERVILLE OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. DaiIy-7:00 AM. . Confessions: Saturday--4:00 - 5:00 P.M.
SANTUIT ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 AM. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M.
MASHPEE QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M.
POCASSET ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Schedule begins June 22 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30.9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 A.M. Confessions: Saturday - 4:00 - 4:45 P.M. and following 7:00 P.M. Mass for half-hour
PROVINCETOWN ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00. 11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. DaiIy-7:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (except Saturday) Confessions: Saturday-4:00 - 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M.
ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-.7:00, 8.:30, 10:00 (Folk Mass), 11:30 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Satu·rday-8:00 A.M. - 4:30 and 7:00 P.M. DaiIy-'-8:00 A.M.
CORPUS CHRISTI Masses: Sunday-8:00. 9:00. 10:00. 11:00 AM. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. DaiIy-9:00 A.M.
OUlt LADY· OF THE ISLE Schedule starts weekend May 31 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:30. 11:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:oo and 7:00 P.M. DaiIy-7:30 AM. (Saturdays 9:00 A.M.) Rosary before 7:30 A.M. Mass daily
SIASCONSET, MASS. UNION CHA»EL Masses: Sunday-8:45 A.M. July and August
ST. THERESA Masses: Sunday-8:30. 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M.
SOUTH DARTMOUTH ST. MARY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. _ Saturday Eve.-5:15 P.M. DaiIy-7:00 A.M. Saturday only-8:00 AM.
OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30 AM. Daily-8:00 A.M. (July and Aug.)
CHILMARK COMMUNITY CENTER Schedule begins June 29 Masses: Sunday-7:00 P.M.
WAREHAM ST. PATRICK Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 6:00 P.M. DaiIy-7:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows the 7:00 AM. Mass and continues until 7:00 P.M. on 1st Fridays Confessions: Y2 hour before Masses Schedule for July and August
WEST WAREHAM ST. ANTHONY Masses: Sunday-9:00 AM. Confessions: Y2 hour before Mass
WELLFLEET OUR LADY OF LOURDES Masses: Sunday-8:00. 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-6:00 and 7:30 P.M. Dail~-7:30, 9:00 AM.
TRURO SACRED HEART Masses: Saturday-7:00 P.M.
HOLY TRINITY Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. First Friday-Mass and Exposition 1.1:00 A.M. and Benediction 2:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday 4:00 and 7:45 P.M.
DENNISPORT UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION Masses: Sunday-7:00. 8:30. 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-3.:45 P.M.
WESTPORT ST. GEORGE Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:45, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.
Saturday Eve.-5:15 & 7:00 P.M. DaiIy-7:00 AM.
ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. (9:00 A.M. Mass Mon.-Fri. only)
ST.IOSEPH Schedule from June 21-Sept. 1 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. DaiIy-8:00 AM. (9:00 A.M. Sat. only) Confessions: Y2 hour before Sunday Masses
SACRED HEART Masses: Sunday-8:00. 9:15, 10:30 AM.
ST. lOAN OF ARC Muses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Mornin, Mass at 8:00 A.M.
ST. AUGUSTINE Schedule begins June 14 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:oo A.M. (Mon.-Fri.) CO!1fessions: Saturday-2:30 - 3:30 P:M.-
ST. LOUIS (NC)-"A great in.iustice to parents and child'ren" is the wayan official of the Lutheran school system in Missouri described the May 19 U. S. Supreme Court deci5ion that stmck down most of a Pennsylvania law providing state aid to nonpublic schools. Dr. Al H. Sensek, secretary for elementary and secondary schools of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. aiM> said the ruling in the Pennsylvania decision, which did uphold the lending of textbooks to nonpublic schools but rejected provisions 'for other auxiliary services, fails both the test of faimess and the test of logic. "It is an injustice that 5hould not be allowed to stand ... It is impossible to understand why providing a secular textbook is constitutional and a secular filmstri-p is not, or why a map in a textbook is acceptable whereas that s·ame map hanging on a wall 15 in violation," he said. But Dr. Senske said he took consolation in the strong dissenting opinions issued by Justices
DWMACULATECONCEPnON Schedule from June 21-Sept. 1 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11 :00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M. Confessions: % hour before Sunday Masses
William Rehnquist and Byron White, and Chief Justice Warren Burger. Like other proponents of a policy of state aid to nonpublic schools, he views their dissents as a clue that the ruling may eventually be overturned. "l1hose of us committed to non public eduoation, and Lutheran schools .in particular, "he said, "can take much hope from the justices" dissenting opinions. They do provide hope in the future for more enlightened and less biased decision-making on the part of the court."
. ..
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!West Falmouth, Mass.! Directors Harold W. Jenkins. Jr. Clement E. Walsh
THe ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 10, 1915
Urge Grumblers to Learn Mea~ing of 'Gin; Ratio' "Twenty percent of the people earn 40 percent of the income in the United States." How often have you heard that dictum in recent months from pulpits, read it in Catholic magazines, and had it drummed at you by some justice-and-peace type celeand Korea (.26) have lower Gini brating either the Bicenten- ratios. That means there is more nial or the Holy Year by tell- inequality of income in the other ing you what a rotten coun- fifty-one countries than there is try America is?
Indeed the United State~ Catholic Conference recently issued a booklet on inequality that was based on that statistic, arguing
REV. ANDREW M. GREELEY that ours was a horrendously unjust society. Since most of us don't feel like we are the victims of inequity, it must follow that we are the victimiers and should do a ha5-ty penance to expiate our guilt. O. K., the next time some cleric or messianic nun hurls that statistic at you ask him if he knows how the "Gini ratio" of the United States compares to that of other countries. That will stop him because he has never hear of the "Gini ratio." Anyone who doesn't know what it is shouldn't be discussing complex problems of economic equity. The Gini ratio is a statistic used·· by economists to describe the distribution of income in a country. The closer to 1.00 the number, the higher the inequality; the closer to 0, the less the inequality. The Gini ratio of the United States is 0.34. Is that low or high? Well; in a table prepared for "The U. S. and World Development" (Praeger) by the Overseas Development Council, there is a list of the Gini ratios for fifty-six countries. Only four of those countries, the United Kingdom (.30), Surinam (.30), Australia (.30),
Help Wanted - Apply To Jesus Christ TOLEDO (NC)-"Job opportunity - Ufetime. Hard work, low pay. Career as guide and servant - friend to people who are IMt, poor, hungry or burdened because they cannot find God, themselves, love or their fellow man. Applicant must bring supply of dedication, laughter, intellect, and hope to share. Compensation left entirely to the discretion of employer. Apply to: Jesus Christ." That is one of Father Dan Zak's unique help-wanted advertisement posters intended to promote Church careers here. Father Zak, director of the Toledo Diocesan Office of Vocations since 1973, deals with persons who are interested in church careers, whether as a priest, nun, permanent deacon or ...tay volunteer wOf$er.
in the United States. Let's look at the' ratio for some of the Third World countries. Tanzania, presided over by that saintly Christian Socialist, Julius Nyerere has a ratio of .54. Peru, which sends us liberation theologians, weighs in at .61. Venezuela, that progressive kingpin of' international oil ripoffs, 'Scores .42. In the "developed" world of such ~upposedly "flat" income distributions, Holland, France, Denmark, and Sweden have Gini figures of .38, .50, .37, and .39 respectively. Why don't we hear those data from the justice-and-peace boys? Or the Campaign for Human Development crowd? Let's suppose that you don't go for Gini ratios; you just want to know how much of the income of a country goes to the top 20 per cent of the population. Just flip the page to 212 of "The U. S. and World Development" and find ,a li~t of sixtyfive countries. Only four countries are lower than the 38.8 per cent of American income that goes to its top 20 per cent of population. Czechoslovakia's percentage is 31, Hungary's is 34, Poland's is 36, and Bulgaria's is 35. In other words, the explicitly sociali~t countries with an avowed program of eliminating all inequality frum their societies are able to shave a few points from the American proportion which goes to the top 20 per cent. The rest of the nations do worse. For example, the Netherlands' figure is 49 per cent; Sweden, 42 per cent; Denmark, 47 per cen t; France, 54 per cen t West Germany, 53 per cent; Tanzania, 61 per cent; Venezuela, 65 per cent. The USCC booklet told us that the distribution of income in the United States wa~ the same as that in India, but in India the top one-fifth of the population earns more than half the income. Was the USCC lying to us, or was the author just inept and unin,formed? The issues are complicated. Income equality grows with economic development-though it may fall in the early stages of that development. Still the United States has the lowest Gini curve of the three richest nation~ in per capita income in the developed world (Sweden, Denmark, and the U. S.). There are obvious injustices in our society, and they ought to be corrected. But there is some question about how low the Gini curve can fall in any industrial society which still has political freedom. To shave a few points off it at the cost of single-party government such as exists h1 eastern Europe seems foolish indeej. And until the USCC can put out something comparable, it ought not to do anything at all.
BEFORE FIRST FOURTH OF JULY: Mission San Jose de Tumacacori, founded in the Tucson, Ariz., area 86 years before the Declaration of Independence. The Church in the Southwest helped America win its freedom from Britain, said Father McCarthy. NC Photo.
Liberty and Justice for All Continued from Page One Califurnia to estab~ish the route for 240 men, women and chilo dren, to cross some of the harshest terrain in North America. In 1770 Captain Juan Bautista de Anza, commander of the royal Spanish fort at Tubac, discussed with Father Garces a dream of an overland route to California. Word had reached them recently through the Indian grapevine of the arrival of Spaniards in upper California. Two expeditions resulted: the first an exploration in 1774 and the second a colonizing trip in 1775-1776. Father Garces did not accompany the second expedition all the way to the coast. Hoping for still another route further north to connect Santa Fe, New Mexico, with the newly founded port of Monterey in California, he left the second Anza expedition on the lower Colorado river to head northward along its shores, then westward all the way into the San Joaquin valley of California, then eastward onto the Hopi rocks of present-day northern Arizona. Exploration for New Route July 4, 1776, found Father Garces at the Hopi village of Oraibi and at the end of his noriliern explorations. It also f<>und an Acoma Indian, named Lazaro, hurrying eastward with a Garces letter, written the day before at Oraibi, to the Franciscan missionaries at Santa Fe. Neither knew that at the other end was a fellow explorer who was not only dreaming of but actively engaged in the same project, a northern route from Santa Fe to Monterey.
Father Silvestre Velez de Escalante and Father Francisco Atanasio Dominguez had planned their departure from Santa Fe for July 4, 1776. Circumstances delayed ilieir leav,ing long enough for Lazaro to arrive with Father Garces' letter, containing helpful infortna!tiQn. Later in July, the two friars left Santa 'Fe with a handful of Spaniards and Indians and ,spent nearly four months on the trail. They did not reach Monterey, but they brought back valuable information on the Great Basin country of the West. Spanish Contribution to Freedom But the Spanish empire in the New World was not acting in isolation from other world events. The important role of Spain and her colonies in the American Revolutionary War has long been underestimated. Without ilie Spanish offensive along our southern seaboard and her patrols up and down the Mississippi River, protecting the Thirteen Colonies from rearguard action by the British, the outcome of the war might have been very different. In addition, recent research has revealed a monetary contribution, a freewill offering, made by both Spanish and Indian settlements in the Southwest to defray Spain's expenses in the war. In August 1780, berating "the insulting tyranny of the English nation," Charles III of Spain appealed to his New World colonies for a "donativo" or free-will offering of one or two pesos each. An instruction to the commissioners of the collection strictly forbade them to use any
coercion or even show any sign of displeasure if the prospective ' donor gave nothIng at all. The royal decree urged the Church's involvement by publicizing the collection fromilie pulpit and by giving good example in donating. • At the time six to eight pesos would buy ~n excellent riding horse. In the final tabulation in Arispe, ilie Spanish settlements and Indian missions of our greater Souiliwest had donated 22,429 pesos to the war that won U.S. independence. Recommended reading. Much of the material in this article is from primary and unpublished SQun:es, soon to be published by the Arizona Historical Society, Tucson, Ariz., tn Spanish and Mexican Arizona: A Desert Documentary," edited by (Father) Kieran McCarthy. (Father McCarthy is Arizona state commissioner for the national bicentennial, Franciscan priest, Ind'ian missionary, and resident historian at Mission San Xavier del Has in Tucson.)
992-5534 I 999-1226 I 1"999-1227\
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs. July 10, 1975
Resents Drinan's Charges Against Religious Leaders Last October Fr. Robert Drinan, S.J., who was then the only Catholic priest U:S. Congressman, publicly ~x coriated the nation's religious leaders for allegedly havmg neglected their duty by failing to get involved in politics. Addressing the American Academy of Religion, he prayer as other issues which have been brought to him by went out of his way to create Church people, again I'eaving the false impression that the completely false impression
Church leaders have been completely -and culpably - silent on almost every major socioeconomic and political issue fac-
MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS ing the American people. In my Nov. 4, 1974 column, I said bluntly that I was not impressed by that kind of pot-shot rhetoric. What I meant to say was that, in my opinion, Drinan either didn't know what he was talking about or - perish the thought - was simply looking for headlines, as even the best of politicians are sometimes wont to do. I later sent Drinan over 100 pages demonstrating that the nation's Catholic leadership, as represented by the U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC), is publicly supporting progressive legislation covering a wide range of problems comple~ely unrelated to the Church's so-called in-house or institutional concerns. Actually it should not have been necessary to send this material to Drinan since it is a matter of public record. Through a subsequent exchange of correspondence, I got the impression that Drinan might be willing at least to reconsider, if not to withdraw, his earlier attack on the organization I am privileged to work for. Unfortunately I was wrong - to put it mildly. Far from having modified his ill·tempered and mean-spirited criticism of the USCC, Drinan, within rec'ent days, has restated it even more recklessly and irresponsibly. Addressing the 'annual legislative conference of Network, an organization of nuns and other church people lobbying on social ju~tice issues, he said it was "a fundamental duty of a Christian to be very, very active in the political order." In developing this point which, though it 4s rather simplistic in its present form, is obviously well taken - Drinan said, "It annoys, baffles and angers me when people say we are going to commend moral principles, but stop at the edge of poliNcs." In-house Issues "The -bishops," he continued, "love to come to us whenever they want something that bene· fiits the insUtutional Church. I hear fram the Church lawyers, and even the bishops, when they want to protect Church tax exemptions." Drinan cited abortion, parochial sc;:hool aid and school
,..• . '..•.•......... Q.. •
•• I
that the USCC is concerned exclusively with in-house or 4nstitutional 'issues and is totally un· concerned about socio-economic problems. In response to this intemperate and almost compulsively emotional outburst, I can only say, by way of returning the compliment, that "it annoys, baffles, and angers" me when, against the background of more than 30 years experience on the USCC staff, I find 'a man of Dl"inan's stature crudely distorting the record in such a patronizing manner. I hate to put it 50 bluntly, but that's precisely what he is doing. The record shows that during the past -few years Drinan has received no less than 15 official INDIAN UTURGY: Dressed in an Indian headdress and vestments made of leather letters from the USCC (copies and beads, Archbishop-elect John Roach of St. Paul and Minneapolis is chief celebrant at are before me as I write) urging him to support progressive legis- a Mass at St. Stephen church, Minneapolis, on the second day of a three-day justice hearlation on the following subjects, ing by the bicentennial committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Among among others: school busing, topics discussed at the hearing were justice for native Americans and rural people and world hunger, amnesty for ilIe· justice within the Church. NC Photo. gal aliens, voting rights, prison reform, the Middle East crisis, a minimum wage for sugar workers, international development, assistance to the poverty strickNEW YORK (NC) - An ac- study out of balance. It would press today:' he said, "knows en people of Appalachia, sanc- cusation that coverage of social have heen feasible, since only very well that almost every issue tions against Rhodesia, Vietnam. concerns in Catholic newspapers 139 papers were involved to of almost every paper devotes ese refugees, abortion and fedis inadequate was called "un- study the whole group. And that space to these subjects." eral aid to parochial schools. To justified and misleading'" by thz might have produced some relimy personal knowledge, repre"The Catholic press," Doyle executive director of the Catho- able results." sentatives of the USCC have acsaid, "is ready to' accept conlic Press Association (CPA). In addition, he said, the study structive criticism of its work, tively Iobbied on behalf of most The criticism of Catholic paof these measures as well as is weakened by paying less at- and- even to cooperate in profespers was in a study by the Na· other progressive measures. sional, complete studies designed tional Catholic Conference for tention to local coverage-speto improve its efforts to serve Interracial Justice (NCOIJ), a cial features, local stories, colFasle Statement .the Church and its people. Unforlay human relations organization. ,umns, background pieces-than The record also shows (I have tunately, this study is seriously James J. Doyle, CPA- execupersonally checked the files) that tive director", said his reading to news service copy. flawed and it certainly creates Drinan responded to only one of of the NCCIJ study reveals that "Anyone who is at all familiar an unjustified and misleading these letters. His failure to re- its. conclusions are based on with the Catholic. newspaper impression." spond to others is readily un· "out of date and incomplete inderstandable, given the exces- formation drawn from an inadesive demands which are made on quate sampling." every Congressman's time. On "The conclusions of the study the other hand, there can be no are not valid and the impression excuse for his pretending in his it leaves is simply not true," he recent grandstand play at Net- said. work's legislative meeting that Doyle pointed out that the he has never been contacted by study was done two to two and USCC on 'anything but so-called a half years ago, that it covered institutional Church' issues-tax only 53 out of a possible 139 exemption, abortion, and federal papers, and focused primarily on aid to education. He has every news service material and only reason to know that this state- incidentally on locally originated ment is completely false. Why materials. he mad~the statement in the face "The sample itself is not adeof so much evidence to the con· qu'ate," Doyle s,aid. "Newspapers trary (and I have cited only a are not homogenous; they are small part of the evidence) is a distinctive and unique, each mystery to me. Speaking as one serving a different audience in who has known him for almost the Church in a different way. DEACON SMITH'S HOME a quarter ofa century, I can't Selecting only 53 leaves out figure out what's eating him and many papers which are doing WEST BARNSTABLE - A lovely restored cannot possibly understand what excellent work in this area, antique Cape on big country acre, with views he is trying to prove or whom whose elimination throws the he is'trying to impress by snidely across the great marshes and Sandy Neck. impugning the reputation of t-he Many fireplaces, baths, 4 Bedrooms. . USCC and its professional staff form stacks. up against that of Priced at $75,000 -not once, but twice within the USCC and vice versa. I am sure past nine months. he will not be surprised to learn In any event, since he obvi- that, while I 'happen to think that ously has an over-sized chip on making comparisons of this type his shoulder, I might just as well is a ridiculously childish pastime, be the one to knock it off. I I also think that, if such comknow (and lam sure he knows parisons have to be made, he 'has I know) how his oWn perform- no reason to cast stones in our 10 EAST MAIN STREET. HVANNIS. MASS. 02601 TEL. 775-3544 ance in the field of social re- direction.
Catholic Press. Study Called Misleading
tHI: ANCHOR-Diocese of 1'011 River-Thurs. July 10, 1975
Theology Gets Brief Glance In Pamela Johnson's Book Theology is mentioned by Pamela Hansford Johnson in t.he brief introduction to her book Important To Me (Scribners, 597 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 254 pages, $7.95). She says, "It is hard for me to believe in divine forgiveness if one has not the forgiveness of the living. reasons. They are not. They are made for a certain public which Poor theology, I suppose. It revels increasingly in blood and was never my strong point." violence, and they are good boxNot only is it not her strong point, but it would seem to be not one of the things important to her. For it gets but the brief·
office. . . . And along that roat! lies Auschwitz." What one sees as one reads through Miss Hansford Johnson's book is a tortured inconsistency. There are in her some remnants of Christian belief, and these account for her refusal to go the whole way with the "liberal" philosophy which she professes. Reaching Out ·Father Henri J. M. Nouwen's book Reaching Out ~Doubleday, 245 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 120 pages. $5.95) deals with what the author calls the three movements of the spiritual "life. He holds the spiritual life
c~t glance in this set of essays which apparenHy have been written over a period of several to be "a reaching out to our innermost self, to our fellow huyears. Their author descri.bes them as "reflections upon things man beings, and to our God." that have been important to me There are here three converin my life, and some acknowl- sions. Where self is concerned, edgement of people who have the conversion .is from loneliness enhanced it." . to solitude; where others are Miss Hansford Johnson (in concerned, the conversion is from private life Lady Snow, wife of hostility to hospitality; where C. P. Snow) tells us that she is God is concerned, the conversion a.Christian believer, but not now is from illusion to prayer. Each a churchgoer. Most of her is treated in turn. friends are agnostics. She was The change from loneliness to baptized in the Anglican Church, solitude, for example, is shown in youth went frequently to Con- to be "the movement from the gregationalist services, turned restless senses to the restful back to Anglican services for spirit." The change from hostilaw~le. ity to hospitaJi.ty "means 'priShe is a Socialist in politics marily the creation of a free and a "liberal" in general out· space where the stranger can look. Yet she is "liberal" with enter and become a friend ina difference. stead of an enemy." The change She shares many of the "lib- from illusion to prayer brings a eral" prejudices. For example, departure from platitudes and she writes, "I cannot achieve trivialities and the attainment of any love for General Franco (in a "loving relationship with Him fact, I have never been to Spain Who transcends all our underand will not, while he is living)." standing." But she has made a number of trips to the Soviet Union, some Silent Pilgrimage to God of them, it appears, in the time The solitude which Father of Stalin. Nouwen advocates may be Miss Hansford Johnson is "Hb- achieved ina crowded city. A era'l" in the matter of pre-marital man who sought literal solitude sex, although not for children of was F.ather Charles de Foucauld. fourteen." She endorses contra- He spent 15 years as a hermit in ception. She favors ·abortion in the Sahara Desert before his certain circumstances. Yet she death in 1916. His spirituality is says that the general idea of anaolyzed ,in Silent Pilgrimage to ahortion "fills me with repul- God by an unidentified member sion." And to the notion that' of the Community of the Little marriage is outdated she replies, Brother of Jesus (Orbis Books, "Nonsense." Maryknoll, N.Y. 10545. 100 pages. $4.95). Tortured Inconsistency The anonymous author defines She has one particularly strik- the faith of Foucauld, singles out ing piece called "The Liberal the various insights which charPackage-DeaL" The "liberal" acterized ,it, and then gives faithful are. required to accept. some excerpts from Foucauld's every item in it. But she says, own writings. "There are some I find unacceptIn his preface Rene Voillaume able." One which she rejects is says that a transfiguration of sterilization of the "unfit." An- man ",is possiblie only if faith other is the mocking of Christian seizes the very heart of his bebeliefs by "intellectual tiddlers." ing and renews his powers of She refuses to buy the propo- knowing, loving, and acting." sition that anything at all is per- This is what happened to Foumissible in popular entertain- cauld, and even to. experience it ment. Of the defenders of vio- vicarously, through the reading lent movies she wr·ites, "Art! of this book, is to be convinced They cry. Integrity! Arid the of its necessity as weB as its worst of all cant - these films possibility in one's own case are moral, and made for moral if only one will use the means.
PRINCIPALS AT CEREMONY: Kathleen Medeiros lights engagement candle from Paschal Candle in presence of her fiance, Alired F. Almeida, Jr., left and Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Church, Fall River. .
Engagement Rite in Our Lady of Angels Church ,Following ·a grow1ng custom, Miss Kat:lhleen Medeiros and A'Ifred F. Almeida Jr., hc,th of Our Lady of Angels .panis~, F,all River, solemnized their eng3gelIlleDit 'at a ceremony conducted by Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, pasto~.
Bach Ht a candle from the church's Baster candle, exchanged the tapers, then pl'aced them on the altar. The engagement ring w.as glen blessed by Msgr. Gomes and given to t'he future bride by her fi'ance. The wedding will take place ,in September.
Sends Condolences VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI, ,in a telegram to the' secretary general of Opus Dei through this secretary of state, has expressed sadness at the death of the founder of Opus Dei, Msgr. Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer. Opus Dei, an association for priests and laymen, is 'active in various charitable and educational works in 80 countries. It has 'about 56,000 members.
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Both young people a're ac~ive in Our Lady IOf Angels parish. Mis'S Medeiros is secretary of
New Pro-Nuncio VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul Vol has named Archbishop Mario Tagliaferri, 48, to be the new pastolic pronuncio to Cuba. He has been apostolic pronuncio to the Central African Repub,lic new apostolic pronuncio to Cuba. and the Congo. (A pronuncio, instead of a nuncio, is named when the papal representative is not the dean of the diplomatic corps).
the OM-Idren of Ma~ Sod,al1ity and a teacher in Ithe Confratern~ty of ChrisHan Dootrine program. Almeida ,is Holy Name Soc'iety treasurer, a lector and a ~0l'IJl& a'lta'r boy.
J. TESER, Prop.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs. July 10, 1975
KNOW YOUR FAITH Tater Knob, Appalachia
Carolina Mata, Migrant By James P. Bechler (Jim Beehler is studying for the priesthood at the Paulist Seminary in Washington, D.C. He is also a staff writer with the Secretariat for the Spanish Speaking at the United States Catholic Conference.)
My conception of a migrant farm worker was immediately challenged when I met law student Carolina Mata, an attractively dressed and poised young woman. While her speech was quiet and articulate, she spoke with a rapidity that conveyed a curious anxiousness. And I thought of myself, "She just can't be one of 'them'." The knowledge I had of mi.grant farmworkers, admittedly, was limited - a U. S. Catholic Conference report entitled "Migrant Farmworkers and the Church," newspaper stories and articles on the subject. But I had never actually met any of these people. I asked Carolina if she had a home base. She replied, "We are actually from Cry!>tal City, Texas, but every year during the farming season, we go to Nebraska and work ~n the fields." "How many are in your family," I asked. She smiled imd said, "All together, there are 16 of us. My parents and 14 children. We make quite a bunch traveling to Nebraska hy truck." Then she added quietly, "But there are lots of people who really don"t ,like us,. so we use the back roads." Portal Home She went on to tell me that the truck is a practical necessity when there is such a large family. And the majority of the m'igraft'ts do have large families. They can travel as a family unit in a truck and it's a lot cheap'er. But there is little comfort. Since they could not possibly afford the luxury of a motel, the truck is their portable home.
Then Carolina made a statement in a .matter-of-fact tone of voice, "I can't imagine our family driving into one of those nice motels even ~f we did have the money. They wouldn't want us." Then she paused for a moment and said, "Besides, we're lucky to be given as much a's $50.00 advance from the grower for gas expenses and minimum needs along the way." "You know, when we stop for gas, we're usually ignored. We never are made to feel wanted or that we are simply people traveling. Nobody stops to think that we have to refi,ll our gas tanks and go to the ,rest rooms like everybody else." I remarked that this should be common courtesy. She replied, "People look upon us an an 'inconvenience.' They don't stop to think that we are just struggHng to live. Almost everyone enjoys the foods we plant and harvest, but they never seem to think about the people who work to put that food on their tables." "What's it like when you reach your destination?" I asked. "We are treated like farm equipment. Our living accommodation is usually one long room, some cots or old mattresses if we're lucky. Sometimes there is only the floor for sleeping. You see, the growers don't want to invest in fac.j)jties because we are only there for a season. They provide only what the law requires. And often even those laws are not enforced." Litany of Injustices I asked her to clarify that point. She answered, "Sometimes we are promised work that is nonexistent. Then again, we find that the pay rate is less than we had been told: In either circumstance, we are helpless. And when we try to get food stamps, we are told that we are ineligible for welfare. We know help is' available, but we don't Turn to Page Fourteen
Good路 News for the Poor
"The poor you will always have with you." How often have you heard that statement - or used it yourself - to justify not taking any action to improve the lot of the poor in our nation and in our world? And yet, isn't it true? No matter how many dedicated efforts have been made
Iy FR. PETER HENRIOT over the years, there always seem to be poor people in our mid!>t. So maybe Jesus was correct in telling His disciples not to get excited about poverty.
Let's be honest with ourselves. We know very well that Jesus did not intend to propose a policy to be followed - keeping the poor always around us - but was simply reprimanding Judas for his' dishonest criticism of generosity. We certainly aren't justified in drawing any practical consequences or political p~ograms from these words. Christian Concern We Christians, as a matter of fact, have no excuse whatsoever for being indifferent toward the poor. Both the Old and New Testaments are filled with strong injunctions to show concern and special consideration' for the less fortunate. It is the rich who are continually warned to watch out lest their wealth bring them to destruction. The Dives and Lazarus story makes quite clear what awaits those who are TU~ to Pase Fourteen
. By Grace Cottrell Tater Knob, a peak high in the Appalachians in eastern Kentucky, offers a spectacular view. An expanse of green is corrugated into a sculpture softer than ,the Rockies. It is varigated with steep shadows and ,stretches as far as the eye can see. The panorama sends poetry cC?ursing through the veins. It makes the soul sing and Scrip. ture almost audible. "I Nft my eyes toward the mountains; whence shall help come to me? My help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." But stop! Who lives in this land of wondrous beauty? Who are the people privileged to walk ,and talk closely with God the Father in the midst of one of the most beautiful settings on the continent? Tater Knob is surrounded by a six-county mission parish populated by 56,690 people. Only 12,000 of those people are members ofa church. Only 825 are Catholic. This is not to say the other 44,000 never lift their eyes toward heaven. It does mean that more than 75 per cent of the residents in a l,700-squaremile area do not belong to a church. , Does spiritual poverty undermine material poverty, or is it the other way? In Appalachia the two walk hand-in-hand. In this Glenmary parish one-third of all families have an annual income under $3,000. A mountain woman has hot water. on a woodbuming stove and cold water' from a spring or well. She makes do or does without in a thousand ways. Not only are churches and pastors, cash and convenience in short supply, schooling is a commodity generally inferior. Glenmary Arrives Into this scene around Tater Knob came a GJenmary priest 14 years ago. Like other members of ,the Glenmary Home Missioners,he had a mission - to help needy people maintain themselves and to grow in faith. He came to bring Christ and apply His love through visits along the creekbeds, finding medical as'sistance, distributing clothing, and intro'lucing the power of prayer and the kindly touch of the Catholic Ohurch. The G1enmary missioner opened day care centers, started tutoring programs, launched feeder-pig farining, organized Bible schools, and brought in volunteers to extend these activities'. He found an abandoned garage, converted into a simple chapel, and began offering Mass. He taught the good life in Jesus. The priest pumped lifeblood into an anemic economy by revivingan i~terest in crafit'ing furniture and .fireplace mantels from curly walnut and other woods plentiful round-ahout. He en路 couraged ,respect for a cultural heritage that has' survived the centuries. Three Glenmary missioners
NEED TO KNOW GOD: The people around Tater Knob, Ky., have their own peculiarities and local customs but their deep need to know. God and their place in His love, is common in 88 parishes in 13 states where Glenmary serves. Virgil Royster, suffering from a back ailment because of a sawmill accident, wants a better life for his three motherless boys, including Zeke who is retarded. His home at Tater Knob, Ky., was repaired by volunteers from Glenmary even though he is not Catholic. NC Photo. oontinue the work begun around Tater Knob 14 years ago. Fathers .John Garveny and Chet Artysiewicz offer Mass to a packed house in the parish base ~n Morehead and for small congregations in ouNying West Liberty and Owingsville. Brother
Mike Springer works with children and youth. They strive to bring a new vitality, a renewal of life and hope for a springtime that lasts year-round. As long as 44,000 people wait, they have plenty to do. Tum to Page Fourteen
A friend of mine said one day; "'Almost' is one of the hardest words we can say." That perception set me back. It made me think, "What can she mean?" "A':most," how can it be one of the hardest words? It is true, though, very true. For example, think of the struggle in statements such as "My father almost made it through heart surgery." "We almost paid our bills this month." "Our son almost made
it through hisj)ar exams." "Almost" has an edge of bitter disillusionment in it. Its significance is that -it ,is not clearcut failure. It is the marginal zone where there was possibly achievement. The poor are often immobiHzed gradually by the "almost" situation of their lives. More rigid perSons say of the poor: "They can get jobs if they really want them badly enough." At this stage of cultural recession or depression, comments Turn to Page Fourteen
... OPEN DAILY For The SEASON at 1:00 P.M.
THE ANCHOR-Oioces-e of fall River-Thurs. July 10, 1975
Good News for the Poor Continued from Page Thirteen comfortable in this life while their brothers and si5ters suffer from poverty. The Apostle James tells us in his epistle that the Church must give deferential treatment to the poor, not to the rich. And in its social teaching, our Church has repeatedly em· phasized the obligation that we have to promote a just society which helps the poor. One Out of Six Poor But 'are there really any poor people in thi5country? Isn't the United States an "affluent society" where poverty has been done away with? We know that this is not the case. The elderly, residents 'in inner cities, members of minority groups, small farmers, residents of Appalachia, migrant workers, native American5; these and others in the United States know the meaning of an "affluent society" only through advertisements. Rising unemployment and rising inflation has meant that poverty has touched the lives of many in this country who have not previously experienced it. The Campaign for Human Development, the U. S. Catholic Bishops' program to .fight poverty, estimates that one out of every six Americans, over 36 million people, suffer from being poor. Poverty: Powerlessness Being poor in this country means lack of good food, decent housing and clothes, adequate medical care, and proper educational opportunIties. But it also means in particular a powerlessneS5 that makes people less than .human, that hinders any real exercise in responsibility, and that holds people in a cycle of degradation and despair. When the Catholic bishops of Appalachia issued their pastoral let:ter last spring about the Church's respon5e to the social, economic, political, and cultural conditions of that region, they called it a letter on "Powerlessness." This aptly pointed to the root of the problems. Meeting the Challenge What can ordinary Christians do to meet the challenge of poverty in our country? Let me suggest several concrete steps. (1) Get better informed about the facts of the situation. A good source of information is the office of the Campaign for Human Development (1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N:W., Washington, D.C. 20005). This church agency provides excellent reports on conditions in this country, suggestions for school curriculum, and references to where
more 'information can 'be found. Beware of statements like, "There really aren't any poor peopl'e in the United States, just a lot of lazy people." This simply isn"t true. And be especially suspicious when this kind of '5tatement comes from more comfortable and well-to-do persons or groups! (2) Share woith groups that are working to make a difference. There are many charitable organizations, church and secular, that do much toward helping the poor. St. V'incent de Paul Society, Salvation Army, Red Cross, etc., all need help for their work. But there are also groups that work to change t:he situation by developing economic strength and political power among the poor. Such self-help groups as the Campaign for Human Development especially de5erve strong support from all of us. 1(3) Vote for candidates that are sensitive to the needs of the poor. Ultimately, the problem of poverty in this country is' going to be tackled with ef,fectiveness if we get some political action that ·is just, realistic, and long-term. Elected officials mur,t be held accountable for their actions and evaluated on whether or not they work to improve conditions in this country which give rise to poverty.
Tater Knob Continued from Page Thirt~n A modern church building in Morehead has replaced the an· cient garage and become the focal pOiint of community life. Catholics worship there and the troubled of any or no persuasion find refuge there. The Glenmary . evangelization program has resulted in conversions.
Need to Know God The people around Tater Knob, Kentucky, have their own peculiarities and local custom5 but their deep need 0 know God and their place in His love, is com· mon in 88 parishes in 13 states were Glenmary serves. Conversions have many patterns. Two mountains from Morehead, Hank Battles telephoned the Glenmary priest one day after reading a new5paper column written by the priest. Could he come and worship with the Ca·tholics, he asked. That was seven years ago when there were only 30 persons attending Mass at the trailer chapel in West Liberty. Anyone wanting to worship was not only welcome hut an answer to prayer. Hank arrived in his truck. He Peace-Keeper WASHINGTON (NC)-Despite explained he had not felt welits limitations, the United Na- come in other churches because tionS' stm fUlfills an important his clothing was not nice enough. peace-keeping function in the Instructions ensued until the world ~nd it deserves the sup- priest was reassigned. Six years port of the Church and the later a telephone call came from United States government, said Hank's son. Would the priest Bishop James S. Rausch, general come to Kentucky for Hank's secretary of the United States funeral? Catholic Conference. The supTwo mont:hs later that same port of the Catholic Church foe.... priest returned for Easter and to the "vision and work of the baptize Hank's daughter. Father United Nations has been con- Ted said ·it was the best Easter stant and consistent," Bishop of his whole Hfe. The story has Rausch observed, in' a statement not ended. Other members of issued to mark the 30th anni- the family are taking instrucversary of the signing of the tions. Other' 'Baptisms are sure to follow. UN charter.
POOR NOT LAZY: "After you spend 12 or 14 hours in the field, from sunrise to sunset, you don't have much strength left. That's not being lazy, is it? ... We are people. We want to be treated like people. Is that too imich to ask?" Migrant worker, Carolina Mata, who is studying to be a lawyer to help her people, dresses in Mexican-American garb for an interview.
Carolina Mata, Migrant Continued from Page Thirteen know how to get it, or it is denied." The discussion then turned to the Church. She said that the Church helps some but that the prj-ests do not really understand .them. "It's the missionaries," she said, "who usually become inVOlved. The others say they have their own communit'ies and they don't see us as a pa!'t because we are there for a short time." Million Migrant Workers I asked her how it was that she was ahle to study la,w. She replied, "My ~amily is making a great sacrifice for me. fm still a pre-law student. They do without the money I could earn so I can go to school. But I still work with them a little while in the summer. _ When I finish law school, I can help my people because I know what it's like to be a migrant farmworker." Determination marked her soft features as she continued, "I go with my family when I can because we're together, and no matter how hard it is, it's something I treasure deep inside myself when I'm out here. People think we're happy with this kino of life, but our happiness comes from being together and working together. It's a desperately hard life. You know, our life expectancy is 49. The average American lives to be 70. And people think, we're lazy. 'Well, no one
who is lazy spends 12 to 14 hours in the fields day after day. When the sun sets, we're exhausted. Yes, the sacrifice my family is making for me ,is enormous." She walked to the window and said, "Do you know that out there there are more than one million American migrant ,farm workers? The majority are Mexican-American5', but they include almost every race. Everything is substandard for them - health care, housing, education. I've a long way to go. I still am very uninformed about what is available 'to my pe0J;>le." She turned back and said, "We are people. We want to be treated like people. Is that too much to ask?" Behind those dark, young eyes, one could sense the hurt she had experienced. And her convictions spoke more of age than yout'h. Through Carolina and others like her lies hope for a people ,long mis~nderstood and mistreated.
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Continued from Page Thirteen such as that smack of lack of real human awareness. The poor are often long victims of erosion. That is, they almost succeed so many times that they wonder if indeed it is worth while to do as Saint·Exupery says, "to keep taking the same step, even if it is the same one over and over." Human spirits grow tired and worn down by lack of success. In Eric Berne's Ianguage, we need concrete success and the "strokes" that it gives to us. In our day the forces of oppression are so subtle and technologically executed that it is hardly feasible to even venture into them in an article as short as this. Corporate moneys swallow up farm land. Technology, very good in itself, replaces man's energy because of ",ast exploitation. (See the works of Jacques Ellul or Lewis Mumford). Church: Source of Hope Jesus was concerned about the poor. The Old Testament called the poor who ate the grain left in the fields "the anawim." The anawim trusted God to provide. They were sure that God would care for them if they were faithful to Him. Jesus places a new dimension, not necessarily opposed to the Old Test'ament dimension: the ethic of doing all that we can do to give a more human life to those in need. He sought in His historical life to give the poor the courage to believe in the power of their succeeding, of reaching out beyond the "almost" conditions of their existence. It is lovely to hear the overtones in the words of Jesus, the consistent overtones of "you can do it." The Church's radical claim is to be Jesus' body united in time with mankind. The Church when true to its nature is forever reaching out-a colossus of hope, t.rying to establish new possibilities of justice and well-being. When it does not act with this nature, it becomes a devastating force of indifference. Communal Obligation There are many reasons for some persons' poverty. There are also many reasons for personal prosperity. The evangelization of any community (concrete living of Gospel) guarantees that each man may choose his destiny. He may acquire wealth without guilt. He may in justice also share that wealth. Yet when poverty is thrust upon a man by structures which stifle his spirit or initiative,· it is the Christian communal obligation (not simply ·extraneous finesse) to reach out and reconstruct hope in whatever way the community find.
Ruthless.,ess "Our lack of compassion, our ·ruthlessness towards other men, is an impenetrable curta'in between ourselves and God."-A. Yelchaninov.
CONRAD SEGUIN BODY COMPANY Aluminum or Steel 944 County Str••t NEW lEDFORD, MASS. 992-661.
Interfaith Text On Mary Hailed By Vatican Daily VATICAN CITY (NC)-The Vatican daily newspaper has hailed a text on Mary's role in redemption, signed by Catholic and non-Catholic participants in a Mariological conference, for its theological and ecumenical impoitance. The text also defended the practice of offering prayers of intercession to Mary, pointing out: "Prayers of intercession directed to the Virgin have as their foundation, besides the trust in the Mother of God stirred up by the Holy Spirit among Christian people, the fact that Mary remains always linked to the work of redemption and therefore to its application across time and space." The Vatican daily, L'Osservatore Romano, pointed out June 13 that although the signers acted in an unofficial capacity, the text "has its importance 'both from a theological point of view and from an ecumenical one." Meeting Point In an editorial comment, the newspaper said: "The text places a fundamental theological importance on theology and specifically on Mariology, taking account of the diff.iculties that in some communities. of separated !brethren are met by according a specific role to Mary next to and subordinate to that of Christ. "In rediscovering the role of Mary, separated Christian communities have a meeting point with the churches that attribute to the Mother of God a veneration equal to her exceptional dignity and efficacy," the newspaper said.
Sister of Poor Becomes Physician CINCINNAT,I (NC) - A Franciscan Sister who was recently graduated from the University of Cincinnati medical school thinks women have special gifts as physicians. "I think women have a natural tendency to help those who are hurting," Sister Dorothy Twell· man said in an interview with the Catholic Telegraph, newspaper of the Cincinnati archdiocese. She became June 15 the first woman in her congregation, the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, to become a physician. One of only five women in her graduating class of 120, she said she thought women physicians "take a little bit more time to listen and understand than men do." 'She added that men c'an probably get more things accom· plished and see more patients in a day, "but I want to give them more." Scholarship Winner Sister Twellman, 28, entered the Franciscan Sisters in 1965 and two years iater began premedical studies at Xavier University here with the advice from her community, "Let's see how this goes. Then we'll talk about medical schoo!." After earning bachelor's degrees in the natural sciences and theology, Sister Twellman was accepted at the University of Cincinnati medical scbool and awarded a scholarship. She will soon begin a threeyear residency in f.amily practice at St. Elizabeth hospital in Covington, Ky., and said she is eager to take the final steps in the process that will prepare her "to heal all the wounds that I am able to heaL" She chose to take her residency in family practice, she sa·id, because it will give her tbe wide
SR. DOROTHY TWELLMAN variety of skills and opportuni. ties she needs to help all people. She said she enjoyed her courses in obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, internal medicine, surgery and pediatrics while in medical school and that she feellS a residency in family practice is the perfect way to combine them. Eyes Mission Field Sister Twellman said she has her eye on eventually working in Appalachia or in her congre· gation's missions in Bra7.i!. She said it would not do much good to set up a pediatric practice in Brazil because general pbysicians are badly needed by the entire population there. She ,said her life as a nun is compatible with a medical .career. She said that complete care of a patient also includes ministering. to his psychological and spiritual hurts. There are always emotional strains with an illness, Sister Twellman said, and a physician must appreciate "how
these factors fit together in the patient." "I hope as a Religious and as a woman Utat I can combine my talents to meet all needs of patients, not jus't concentrate on anyone particular illness or hurt," she said. Sister Twellman said she also feells her religious orientation will enable her to minister effectively to the dying. She said that although she feels comfortable in talking about death and the afterlife, many physicians, fearing their own inevitable death, may not be able to offer the same measure of consolation. Rarity: 'House Calls' Sister Twellman said she is not sure where she will be practic'ing medicine three years from now, but added she is certain to be where the need is. Last year, she said, she took an elective course in community medicine and for a month she spent her time in the mountains of Huden, Ky., riding around in a jeep and "loving" the experience .of making house calls. Now Sister Dorothy will concentrate on learning new skills in family medicine. She will also continue to play softball with a· local women's team and hopes to stay with the winter group that plays basketball.
Carmelites Elect MUNDELEIN (NC)-Mem15ers of the Can'adian-Amenican Prov,inee of the CarmeLite Order at ,their 29th triannual convention 'here in llIinois reelected Father 'Paul T. Hoban, 57, provindial superior. Fa~her John Russell was reappointed assist'ant provincial by Falther HoblliIl. Father Russell is 'Supenl'Or of Whitef1':a1's Hall in Wa3hngton, D. C., and a theoIogy profemor wl,~h Ithe Washington Theological Coalition.
THE ANCHORThurs., July 10, 1975
Bishops Welcome Income Plan OTTAWA (NC)-The Canadi· an bishops, welc'oming proposed laws to guarantee income, called such legislation "one step toward an equitable distribution of in· come in this country." They underlined the word "one," and continued: "To be ef· fective, it is important that such legislation be oriented toward the goal of closing the income gap between the poorest fifth and the wealthiest fifth of the Canadian population." The statemen,t of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Catholic Conference (CCC) called it "imperative that the level of a guaranteed income be adequate for a decent human living and full participation in Canadian society." This statement is· a continuation of the Canadian bishops' position paper of 1972 in which they called for a "sharing of national income." They pointed out then that "the riches of Canada are unequally shared," and called this inequality "a social sin." Encouraged hy attempts at the provincial and federal levels to introduce a program of income supplements for the working poor, CCC makes specific mention of the small farmers, the small fishermen, the non-unionized 'laborers, the casual or seasonal worker and others whose plight has been worsened by spiraling inflation.
Evident Evil "All the arguments which are brought to represent poverty as no evil show it to be evidently a great ev,il. You never find people laboring to convince you that you may live very happily with a plentiful fortune."-Samuel Johnson.
Vis can'f cuf your bil/g in hall But, we can gure workalittle magic to make them eagier to payl
CANDIDATE: Jeff Hays, managing editor and advertising manager of The Message, diocesan weekly in Evansville, Ind., is leaving his job to run for mayor of Evansville. NC Photo.
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