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diocese of 'fall river

t eanc 0 VOL. 23, NO. 28



20c, $6 Per Year

,'Obsession with Abortion' Hit by NCCB President By Jim Lackey

VIETNAMESE BOAT PEOPLE wade ashore at Bidong Island; Malaysia, but the nation has announced it will not accept any more refugees. To meet the emergency, the U.S. government and the U.S. Catholic Conference are stepping up aid efforts. (NC Photo)

Refugee Prob'lem Likened To Holocaust of Jews Tens of thousands of Vietnames refugees are drowning, thousands more are huddled together in filthy camps, thousands of Cambodian refugees' are starving to death. And goverment officials are planning and meeting and discussing the problem. 'President Carter has expanded the U.S. quota of refugees and urged other nations to do so also, but resettlement officials warn that aid is coming too slowly, too sparsely to avert what they call another Holocaust. Religious leaders and heads of service agencies called for governments to cut the red tape holding back the flow of refugees. Experienced resettlement officials compare the situation to the Holocaust which took millions of Jewish lives in Nazi Germany not only because of the hundreds of thousands who are dying and the racial overtones of the expulsion, of Vietnam's ~thnic Chinese, but because C?f the bureaucratic red tape th;at prevents outside nations from averting tragedy. -I

John McCarthy, director of the U.S. Catholic Conference's Migration and Refugee Services, was one who compared the plight of the Indochinese refugees today to the thousands of Turn to Page Seven

Bishops Prepare ,For World Synod VATICAN CITY(NC) - The church has begun the final consultation stage in preparing a "working 'instrument" for the 1980 World Synod of Bishops, which will discuss the Christian family in the modern world. Cardinal Ladislaw Rubin, general secretary of the Synod, said a preliminary document on the theme has 'been sent to the world's bishops, and other top church officials. The document, he said, will be the basis for discussion and suggestions from the bishops, major religious superiors, and "to the extent possible" from "priests and laity throughout the church." Turn to Page Seven

WASHINGTON (NC) - The president of the National Confer,ence of Catholic Bishops has sharply criticized the U.S. Supreme Court's decision that parents do not have to be consulted before an abortion is performed on an unmarried minor. "Parental rights and family relationships have become victims of the Supreme Court's obsession with abortion," said Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco about the Supreme Court's ruling that pregnant teen-agers must be given the right to bypass their pa~ents and go to a judge if, they want permission to obtain an abortion. Archbishop Quinn said the court's decision "goes a long way toward tearing apart the fa,bric of the family:' The Supreme Court, in striking down the Massachusetts law requiring unmarried minor females to obtain the consent of their parents or a judge before undergoing an abortion, said that "every minor must have the opportunity - if she so desires to go directly to a court without first consulting or notifying her parents:' The 'court said the Massachu-, setts law was unconstitutional because it required parental consultation or notification in all cases where abortion was being considered. The court's decision expanded upon' a 1976 ruling striking down a Missouri law which required parental consent for abortion. The Massachusetts law differed in that it allowed minors to go to a court for permission to obtain an abortion if the parents refused to grant such permission. But the court ruled that did not go far enough in ensuring unmarried minors the right to obtain an abortion. "If she -(the unmarried minor) satisfies the court that she is mature and well-informed enough to make intelligently the abortion decision on her own, the court must authorize her to act without parental consultation or consent," the court ruled. The vote was 8-1, with only Justice Byron R. White dissent-' ing. There had been hope ~at the court, while earlier striking down the Missouri law, might uphold the Massachusetts law because it did not grant parents an ab-

'SOlute veto over abortions. The U.S. Catholic Conference was among those who filed "friendof-the-court" briefs in the case asking that the Massachusetts law be upheld. "While this is true that this court has held ... that ,a parent does not have the right to control the abortion decision of an , unmarried minor, it did not hold that a parent has no right~ to participate in such a decision," the brief, filed last January, said. Even if a pregnant teen-ager,

is unable to satisfy a court that she is competent to make the abortion decision alone, the Supreme Court said 's,he "must be permitted to show that an abortion nevertheless would be in her best interest." The court then must authorize the abortion if it is persuaded that the abortion is in the minor~s own best interest, but it may also decline to authorize one if it is not. "We are concerned here with Turn to Page Seven

'We've Only Just Begun' Father Fred Guthrie, a priest KENT, Ohio (NC) - 15,000 married couples, priests and of the Boston Archdiocese and nuns, including delegates from liaison for Worldwide Marriage the Fall River diocese, attended Encounter in Washington, D.C:, the Worldwide Marriage En- added, "As a priest, if I want to counter convention held last.. know what a parish ought to be week at Kent State University in and how it should- be growing, then my primary resource would Ohio. Even with a national fuel be couples like Fred and Barb:' At the closing of the liturgy, shortage, the meeting drew participants from practically all the Jesuit Father Charles Gallagher 50 states, including Hawaii, as of Long ,Island, a developer of well as from Spain and a mili- the encounter program in the U.S., was interrupted often by tary base in West Germany. The encounter banner stret- applause as he delivered a homily the convention's ched across the main highway reiterating into Kent proclaimed, "We've theme. only just begun:' He spoke primarily of the need And it was evident that these for a more enthusiastic priestenthusiastic people, all of whom hood, and came back to the everhad participated in Marriage En- present theme ,of interdependcounter weekends, had truly ence when he told the Massjust begun. goers, "You have to constantly They had been taught how be anointing us priests, calling communication with and- lin in- us. Our concentration must be terdependence on their spouses on you." would enrich their married life. Now they were ready to go out and spread their message of openness and love to all. The Marriage Encounter movement, begun in the 1950s Mrs. nolor~s Curra.n, nationin Spain, has brought couples ally-known author, lecturer, and from being "just two people lay theologian, will be the keymarried to each other" to a hus- note speaker for the New Engband and wife relying more on land Congress of Religious Edueach other, 'learning to talk with . cation, to be held at the Unione another. versity of New Hampshire, DurFather Joseph Champlin of ham, Friday through Sunday, Syracuse, N.Y., a noted lecturer August 17 to 19. and author, provided the link "Family: A Catechetical Chalbet~een family and parish by lenge on the '80s" will be the explaining that just as success- title of Mrs. Curran's address. ful marriages can't be self-cen- In it she will ex'amine the Cathtered, successful parishe~ must olic family in a changing reach out to others., -Church, exploring its strengths, Frank and Barbara Jelinek of needs, hopes and ministries, and Columbus, Ohio, past national offering practical suggestions board members of Worldwide for religious educators. ' Marriage Encounter and members - The congress theme, "Famiof the planning committee for the convention declared, "We lies: Living, Learning, Serving," (in Marriage Encounter) are the is particularly appropriate, since strength of the church," Turn to Page Seven

Dolores Curran On CCD Program


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thur., July 12, 1979

ill People-Places-Events-NC News Briefs ill New Car for P'ope

Jesuits Detained

Won't Go

Irish Survey

VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II concelebrated Mass with 10 Polish and Polish-American priests, including a delegation from Orchard Lake, Mich., in Rome to present the pontiff with a painting of a 1979 Lincoln Continental he will receive later this summer.

IBOGOTA, Colombia - Jesuit Fathers Luis A. Restrepo and Jorge A~ango of the People's Research Center have been' detained for over a month on charges by military investigations that they were involved in the killing of a government official. Jesuit superiors have" tried to obtain the release of the two priests, saying they are innocent.

ASUNCION, Paraguay - The Catholic bishops of Paraguay have refused to participate in an anti-communi'st meeting held in Asuncion and they abstained from welcoming Cardinal Julio, Rosales of Cebu,Philippines, who took part in the meeting. Paraguayan churchmen denied assertions made at the 12th Congress of the World Anti..communist League that Pope John Paul II condemned liberation theology as Marxist inspired.

NEW YORK - An informal survey of Protestants :and Catho~ics il1l Ireland, made by Jesuit Father David J. Bowman of the National Council of Churches, indicates dissatisfaction with the progress of the Catholic Church in ecumenism. Respondents in the unscientific poll, taken during two trips last winter, also came out heavily in favor of women's equality, called the question of beatings of wives and children "an increasing shame" and did not' see real progress toward a political solution in Northern Ireland.

Rural Li'fe Head DES MOINES, Iowa - William J. Schaefer, Jr. has been named executive director of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference. The 40-year-old native of Minot, N.D., is the first layperson to head the 56-year-old agency.

'Taon't So NEWARK, N.J. - Oaims by opponents of tax credit legislation that nonpublic schools cater principally to wellto-do families were contested in a massive study made by the school office of the Newark Archdiot;:ese, which revealed that 22 percent of parents replying had incomes of $10,000 or below and only 14 percent reported incomes of $25,000 or more.

SmaU but Unique VATICAN CITY - Piacenza is a small northern Italian diocese almost completely unknown outside Italy. But it claims the unique distinction of having f.ive living Roman Catholic cardinals.

Brazil Visit路 BRASILIA, Brazil,-- The head of the Brazilian 'Bishops' Conference said that Pope John Paul II :has responded favorably to an invitation to visit Brazil and asked that tentative plans and s'uggestions for a date be' made.

.Illicit Ordinations ECONE, Switzerland Dissident Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre ordained 30 new priests at his seminary in Econe. A similar ordination in 1976, in defiance of orders from Pope Paul VI, led to the Archbishop',s suspension from aU proiestly functions. ' I

Tortilla Curtain

SAN DIEGO - A group concerned with ministry to illegal aliens has called for a national boycott of contractors and companies involved with construction of the "Tortilla Curtain," a proposed' fence designed to stop Mexicans from illEigally crossing the U.S.-Mexican borders. The United States has begun clearing land near San Diego for the fence.

On ,Hit List? ROME-Italian newspapers are speculating that Chicago-born Bishop Paul Marcinkus, president of the Vatican bank, was on a "hit list" of the Red Brigades. The speculation began when it was learned that the address of Villa Stritch, where Bishop Marcinkus lives, was written on a scrap of paper found in the home of two suspected terrorists of the Red -Brigades.

Prime Parking

,Gri'm T-Shirts

WASHINGTON - The U.S. C'atholic Conference has put a pastoral letter on the rights of the handicapped in action by reserving one of its prime downtown Washington parking spaces for handicapped use.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Opponents of capital punishment can display their opinions on T-shirts sold by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and ,by the Southern Christian Leadership, Conference (SCLC). The SCLC shirt shows a crucifix over an electric chair, wJth the words "Thou Shalt Not Kill" on the front and "Stop the Death Penalty" on the back.

LONDON - Britain should immediately consider路 admitting an increased quota of IndOChinese refugees, said a joint statement by Cardinal George Basil Burne of Westminster, Anglican Archbishop Donald Coggan of Canterbury and the Rev. A. Raymond George, moderator of the Free Church Federal Council.

MEMBERS OF SOMERSET-SWANSEA area parishes examine plans for "We Care - We Share," an evangelization-census program. With the lay leaders are left, Rev. Timothy J. Goldrick, program coordinator; seated,

Br;tain Cal-led Upon

4-Point Plan WASHINGTON - Consumer activist Ralph Nader has urged consumers to strike for one day next fall to protest the rising inflation rate. Nader made his proposal at a teach-in sponsored by a consumer coalition which unveiled a fourpoint plan it said would cut inflation in the necessities of energy, food, housing anCt health care and reduce the inflation rate by three percent, in the ,next, 18 months.

Heresy of .Racism . WASHINGTON - Cardinal William Baum of 'Washington, D.C., has issued a pastoral letter attacking "the heresy and the sin of racism" as "one of the most serious violations of justice dn our church." In the pastoral he promised "an increase in our struggle against racism" next fall when路 he said he will respond in detail to recommendations that he reexamine archdiocesan structures in light of Pope John Paul II's encyclical, "The Redeemer of Man."

Father Daniel L. Freitas, pastor of St. John of God parish, Somerset;- and right, Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan chancellor. The meeting was held at the Cathedral school. (Torchia Photo)

THE ANCHORThurs., July 12, 1979

Hospital Unveils New Weapon In Cancer Fight Cancer patients at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, are now be路 ing treated with a linear accelerator machine, providing the safest, most effective and most efficient therapy currently available. The machine, the only one in the commonwealth south of Boston, is a vital addition to the medical services of Greater Fall River, according to George Bounakes, M.D., chairman of the cancer treatment coordinating committee at St. Anne's. Patients who previously traveled to Boston or Providence for daily treatments are now receiving comprehensive care in Fall River. St. Anne's oncology (cancer care) clinic has developed a specialized diagnostic and therapeutic program in partnership with University Hospital, Boston University Medical Center. Radiation therapy, note officials, has long been recognized as an effective treatment for many forms of cancer. It is used either alone or in combination with surgery or chemotherapy, in about 50% of all cancer casEls. The new linear accelerator, which replaces an older cobalt unit previously used, has numerous advantages for both patient and physician. Instead of using a radioactive material as an energy source, the linear accelerator trimsforms electricity into a beam of radiation,' reducihg patient discomfort, increasing ease of路 operation for technicians and giving physicians more freedom and flexibility in planning treatment. Dr. Simon Kim, a radiotherapist, will prescribe radiation medicine and direct operation of the machine. He comes to Fall River from Pondville Hospital and Boston University Medical Center. The linear accelerator will serve increasing numbers of patients from Southeasiern Massachusetts. While a similar machine is being installed at Cape Cod Hospital, patients from the Cape and Islands will also utilize the service, according to James F. Lyons, 'executive direc.tor of St. Anne's Hospital. Two .large donations aided ac. quisition of the linear accelerator, said Lyons. The Thomas Anthony Pappas Charitable Foundation of Boston made a substantial donation in memory of Bessie Bounakes Pappas. The St. Anne's Hospital medical staff offered a donation in memory of Mother Pierre Marie, O.P., a leader of the hospital and of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, who died of cancer in 1970.

Finding God "If we' cannot find God in the

day duty or the night musing; in the general laugh and the secret grief . . . I do not think we should discern him any more on the' grass of Eden or beneath tl1e moonlight of Gethsemane." - James Martineau


Sr. .M. Margaret Sister Mary Margaret Gregson RSM, 75, who died last Thursday in North Kingston, .R.I. in an automobile accident which also took the life of Msgr. .Thomas V. ,Cassidy, former superintendent of Catholic schools for the Providence diocese, was buried Tuesday in St. Patrick's cemetery, Fall River. Sister Mary Margaret, born in England, entered the Sisters of Mercy in 1924. She had been principal of St. John's School, Attleboro, and SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River; and taught at St. Patrick School, Fall River, St. Mary's School, North Attleboro, and Holy Family School, New Bedford. Her funeral Mass was at Holy .Qhost Church, Tiverton. She resided in Holy Ghost convent and taught in the parish religious education program.

Successor to Francis FATHER CULLEN

'You Always Remember What Yo~ Love' By Pat -McGowan Around August 15 the cheer quotient in 'Fall River will take a sharp drop, directly related to the departure of Father William J. Cullen, SJ from the faculty of Bishop Connolly High School. As Father James O'Brien, acting principal, expressed it: "He seems to be t~ first person who comes to almost everybody's mind when he or she thinks of Connolly." Small wonder. In his 12 years at the Fall River boys' school, Father Cullen's community outreach has taken him to all but one of the area's 32 parishes for weeltend ministry or for celebration of uncounted weddings and baptisms. (The holdout is St. Elizabeth's, Fall Rivet- but there's still time to bat 1.000.)

Additionally, he's always been available to speak at such activities as retreats, Cursillos, Marriage Encounter weekends and information nights, charismatic meetings and workshops. This year he added the diocesan permanent diaconate program to his - ~hedule, giving candidates an intensive course in homiletics and public speaking. At Connolly itself, he has taught .religion and over the years has directed a scintillating series of dramas and musicals. '.'1 started ouHeaching history and social stUdies at ,Boston College High School," he related, "but when I got to Connolly, a drama coach was needed." With characteristic enthusiasm he plunged into the world of theatre, paying special attention to the works of Gilbert and Sullivan, among his favorites since childhood. ' "What a time they would have had with Watergate," he observed. In all, ,Father Cullen' has produced 19 full-length plays at

Connoll3C, plus grooming students for entrance in 15 drama festivals. His all-time favorite production, he said, was Thornton Wilder's "Our Town." His new assignment takes him to Fairfield University in Con-. necticut, where he will be campus minister and where he expects to use even'more frequently than he now does his extraordinary gift for counseling. -Born in Cambridge, one of six cltildren, with a father making $21 a week, young Bill Cullen couldn't afford to attend a Jesuit high school. But he made it to 'Boston College and this year celebrates his silver jubilee of both graduation from BC and membership in the Society of Jesus. From the experience of those 25 years he offered some thoughts on youth at the recent diocesan Catholic education convention, beginning his discussion by addressing his audience of teachers as "fellow heroes." He said that in 1967, when he began his Connolly career, "kids were obnoxious but very exciting" as they protested Vietnam, the draft and the "slow-moving Church." The period of unrest continued until about 1973, he said, then "all id91s were down, replaced by easy slogans. "That was the time of such sayings as "Grow where you're planted' and 'Things go better with Jesus,'" he recalled. "Textbooks were vacuous and 'The Little 'Prince' and 'The Velveteen Rabbit' all but replaced the Gospels as subjects for .homilies." Then, said Father Cullen, he was in England for a sabbatical year and "returned to find a placid' generation, more open to religious values." But while some young people are involved in prayer groups and various retreat movements,

he noted, others are absorbed in the struggle to get into "good" colleges, angry over the shrinking \ job market or just bored, apathetic and almost impossible to reach with the message of God. "In general," he said, "young people find it hard to talk about themselves, even to each other and there is much emotional isolationism.. "Many youngsters don't confront the normal crises of adolescence until they're in college," he said. For Catholics, he feels, a lot of such immaturity has to do with the lack of the , sacrament of penance. "Confession made you confront yourself and name your sins. You might have hated doing it, but it made you aware of where you were," he said, adding that many youngsters in talking to him make the equivalent of a confession, showing the need they feel for the sac'rament. As an understanding counselor, a man who never says no to a request and a plain delight to be with,Father Cullen will be missed. The true reason why shone clearly through the answer he gave someone who asked him, . concerning his phenomenal memory for names and faces, "How come you know everyone's name?" "You always remember what you love," said Father Bill Cullen.

Beginning Ceremony MILWAUKEE (NC) The church's renewal in liturgy and art brought praise from an internationally known architect, William Conklin of New York. He described the renewal as "a beginning ceremony, a rehearsal for the renewal of art and achitecture."

ASSISI, Italy (NC) - Franciscan Father John Vaughn of Oakland, Calif., has been elected minister general of the Order of Friars Minor, making him the 116th successor to St. Francis. He is the third American to hold the highest office of the order. With a membership of approximately 23,000, the Order of 路Friars Minor is the second largest" group of Religious in the Catholic church.



July 23 Rev ,Patrick F. Doyle, 1893, Founder, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River Rev. George iB. McNamee, 1938, Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River' July 25 Rev. Micheal J. Cooke, 1913, Pastor, St. Patrick, Fall River July 26 Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. E. B,onneau, Pastor E~eritus, Notre Dame, Fall River

SISTER YVONNE COMEAU, the former Sister Heloise, marked 50 years as a Daughter of the Holy Spirit at a celebration at the coptmunity's provincial house in Putnam, Conn. She served at the Holy Ghost convent in Fall River from 1948 to 1949.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 12, 1979

the living word

them~orin~ The Madness of It All This country is presently in an uproar. The gas shortage has tempers enraged; inflation has the housewife frantic; the shrinking dollar has the marketplace in total turmoil. Headlines herald the vast wealth of oil sheiks or the fact that the tourist industry has become another victim of the energy crisis. People grumble at their inability to sun themselves on vacation or because they find it too expensive to take a European holiday. In general, it seeI\ls that everyone has been caught up in the insanity of the moment. Many Americans in this ~ mental situation have somehow forgotten that we as a . nation still' have it pretty good. For example; our ability to solve our energy problems is unquestioned; the 'inflation battle can be won if we are willing to roll up our sleeves and work at it. The potential for bounty is very real; the actuality of solutions is indeed in our grasp. Yet seemingly most Americans are casting a dim eye on the future. Dark thoughts of nightmares to come seem to blight the nation's conscience. Someplace along the line of our national development we have mislaid our ability to meet problems with positive solutions. In fact, the mentality of the negative certainly is the gloomy beacon of the present. Perhaps one reason for this pessimism is that we as a people have had it justa bit too easy. The comforts of unbridled capitalism have crept into all our lives to such an extent that yesterday's luxury is today's necessity. Examples, are only too numerous. The family driveway. that once had two cars has become a parking lot, with every driving member of the family owning his or her personal car. Few homes have less than two teleVision sets and radios and stereos are uncountablt. Schoolchildren have their own telephones. {Country clubs are jammed. Health spas flourish as they remove the fat of the land. Even some who demand welfare support from tax dollars do so not just to be sustained but to be pampere~l.

In short, most Americans have become dependent on a philosophy of life that is geared to gratify every whim of self-indulgence and personal comfort. Only in recent days, because of recent events, have we as a nation begun to realize that life cannot be lived to its fullest unless the, ego is controlled; that national existence of its nature demands self-denial and that common sense demands selfsacrifice. Until this country gives up the philosophy of eat, drink, be merry and charge it, the insanity of a marketplace gone mad will rule every aspect of our social living. People must once more realize that they can control their appetites. As the boat people of Asia die on their open rafts, as dictators continue to bomb villagers, as famine stalks the hungry places of the third world, it is about time that we stop our moaning and groaning and return to a vision of reality that will help us to become a nation whose perception of the democratic way of life is no longer limited by the hedonistic philosophy that is now driving us mad. The litany of luxury must come to an end.

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Ri~er 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 . PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD.


EDITOR Rev. John F. 'Moore, ~

leary Press-Fall River

'You shall draw waters with joy out of the Savior's fountains.' Is. 12:3

Church Situation in Asia Discussed HONG KONG (NC) - The young people of China "are just not interested in Marxism," a veteran observer told a group of journalists meeting here to launch the Union of Catholic Asian News (UCA). Jesuit Father Laszlo Ladany, editor of China News Analysis, said that China's Communist Party "is essentially a secret society" that has little appeal for the country's youth. The party teaches, he said, that "not every superstition is religion, but all religions are superstition." Mass is permitted in only one place in all of China, he said, and he held out little hope that outside missionaries will be readmitted soon. In this he was supported by Maryknoll Father Robert Astorino, native of New York who studied 'at the Maryknoll seminary once located in Glen Ellyn. Father Astorino, who lives in Hong Kong, shares the direction of UCA News with Jesuit Father' Fred G. Parpan of the Philippines. . "China's doors are unlikely to open to missionaries in the foreseeable future," he said. "Evangelization will not be done by non-Chineses." A five-day UCA News seminar brought together jour.nalists from Catholic and secular publications in_Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, Malay-


sia, the Philippines, Singapore Hong Kong, with 250,000 and Thailand. Journalists in Tai- Catholics, was described as the wan were unable to obtain exit largest diocese in Asia. There are more than 100 newspapers visas to attend the seminar. Reports on East and Southeast in the' British crown colony on Asia, which will be served by the edge of China. UCA News beginning next The Philippines, under martial month, covered religious and law for nearly seven years, are media concerns. Some samples: more than 80 per cent Catholic. It is virtually impossible for Missionaries are going from the a citizen of predominantly MosPhilippines to serve in Hawaii lem Malaysia to become a Catholic, the group was told. Mission- and Canada. aries are not welcome, and must iUCA News, .which will proleave after 10 years. Most of vide weekly reports in English the Catholics in the country are for subscribing periodicals Indian and Chinese. throughout the world, was formSingapore imposes immigra- ed in response to a growing intion restrictions on foreign . sistence in the Third World that missionaries. Replacements are news of the area should be reallowed only for missionaries' ported by local journalists. who die, and the process is not The UCA News stories, 'F~ther easy. The laity help provide' Astorino said, will be written and funeral and Communion services. edited from an Asian perspecThere are censors in newspaper tive. offices. The new organization is modIn Indonesia, the largest country in Southeast Asia, eled on the National Catholic there is fear that the govern- (NC) News Service, which has ment will take over all Catholic its headquarters in Washington, D.C. school~. The population is 90 Moslem, and there are about 4 million Catholics in a country that includes 30,000 islands and THE ANCHOR speaks in more than 1,000 dia(USPS路545-G20) lects. Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Thailand is struggling to Mass. Published every Thursd~y at 410 handle the problems caused by Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 some 500,000 refugees. One by ,the Catholic Press of the Dioqese of Fa II refugee camp of 50,000 was call- River. Subscription price by mal', postpaid ed "the biggest city in the dio- $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Ilox 7, Fill cese." River, MA 02722


Mt. St. Joseph Offers Thanks To Fr. Madore Father Lucien Madore retired last month from the directorship of Notre Dame Cemetery, Fall River, and 19 years of service as chaplain at Mt. St. Joseph School, also in Fall River. He has taken up residence in Florida but he is far from forgotten by the Mt. Joseph communitY, where the Sisters of Charity have prepared' a testimonial in his honor. It reads in part: "We witnessed daily how he distinguished himself by his priestly obedience to the authority of the Church, his sincerity of mind and heart, his deep and constant concern for justice toward all, his modesty in speech and his industrious, humble and simple ways of living. A happy spirit as well as a spirit of selfdenial permeated his whole life. "As a highly qualified spiritual father", Father Madore lovingly guided the children and all who came to him. He tirelessly and faithfully taught the doctrine of Christ, emphasizing obedience to God's commandments, daily prayer, the sanctification of Sunday, the importance of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the regular reception of the Sacraments. "Father Madore helped countless people in endless ways. He shared his gifts and talents on' the spiritual, intellectual, and material levels with anyone in need, especially the lowly and poor. "He planned and developed ways to reach the children and to spread God's message by installing microphones and visual aids and providing the teachers with abundant materials. Our' very walls are a constant reminder of Father Madore's kindness and presence among us. However, our lovely chapel towers high as our benefactor's masterpiece. "He spent hours in the confessional counseling even the children, for everyone was important in his eyes. "That is why we now say with heartfelt gratitude: to Father Madore: • We love you and. pray for God's blessings upon you as you continue to build material and living spiritual temples with the Lord.'''-

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Future Shock? "But mom, think what the kids will say,' especially the boys - I'll be socially ruined!" cries the young girl. "Not really, just in the eyes , 9f those without understanding and those who choose not t,o understand, like some of your companions. Most people, good people, will not shun you. We'll help you. Those others shouldn't matter anyhow. You're not going to have an abortion!" "That's right! We're your parents, so we should have some say in what you do and in how you are raised. Remember - your CathoHc' tradition teaches you the great value of human life; no matter how the child is conceived, he is God's ultimate and most precious gift to mankind, the fruit of the future. No, we won't let you commit murder! It's our responsibility to guide you in saving this child!" demands her father.

Later in the courtroom"No! No! Darn! You nave no right! I'm her parent, you're not! Doesn't that count for anything, anymore?" sobs the child's father - falling to his knees. His wife collapses and cries in his arms. "They've taken away my little girl, my little princess," whispers her father. "My baby," utters her anguished mother. The gavel is knocked three times. "If I hear anymore interruptions, I'll have you two for contempt! The court is adjourned!" orders the judge. "Thanks judge," says the youngster. "You're welcome, kid. Why, who do those parents think they are, anyway?" Just a silly story? Unfortunately, it is not. The Supreme Court has struck down the Massachusetts law requiring parental consent or

Armed Neutrality

APPOINTMENT Rev. Jay T. Maddock from graduate studies to Assistant, Immaculate Conception Parish, Fall River. Effective Wednesday, August I, 1979

With the commissioning last month of Mrs. Annette Pineau as a special minister of the Eucharist, Mrs. Henry J. Dion of Swansea has four children, all ministers. Three are members of St. Michael's parish, Ocean Grove and the fourth is a permanent deacon of the Providence diocese. From 5t. Michael's are' Henry A. Dion, commissioned in June, 1978; Mrs. Irene Lake, commissioned in December, 1978; and Mrs. Pineau. Their brother, 'Bernard H., Dion of Bristol, R.I., was commissioned in 1975. He is an assistant chaplain at the Bristol Veterans' Home, where he is assigned as a permanent deacon. For Mrs. Pineau last month's commissioning occasioned a double celebration: It was also her 36th we~ding anniversary.

A Needle "Meditation is like a needle after which comes a thread of gold, composed of affections, prayers and resolutions." - Alphonsus

·Prlest •••please.

Since there is no priest in this area ofthe Congo, the catechist gathers the community on Sundays for prayer and meditation on God's word. Vocations in Mission areas are plentiful- but the cost ofa seminary education, low as it is, is beyond the means ofmany young men aspiring to the priesthood. Could you help one ofthem ... so that he might bring the fullness ofChrist's message to his people? Please?

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (NC) - Auxiliary Bishop Stephen Naidoo of Cape Town deScribes church-state relations in South Africa as "a state of armed neutrality." The Catholic hierarchy "is a steady voice for change and progress, and for long-term solutions," he said in an NC News Service interview.


Joseph A. Jenkins Jr. Forestville, Md.

Four Ministers In One Family

He~p thelD ~ ~

Lonely Reader Dear Editor: I introduce myself as a Jesuit missionary. I am alone here in this lovely mission station without much reading material. Therefore I will be very much grateful to you if you could kindly ask the readers of The Anchor to 'send me old Catholic books, magazines and papers and also religious articles like rosaries and medals. I asure you of my prayers and thank you in anticipation. Fr. Alexis Fernando, SJ Catholic Mission, Sengudi Via Salaigramam 623710 Ramnad Dist., Tamil Nadu India

Diocese of Fall River

notification prior to an abortion. It is no wonder the family structure is faltering. Our nation has become its own worst enemy, committing (under the guise of justice), physical, social, moral, and spiritual suicide. Would a secular court really understand th~ situation? No! We must petition ,our congressmen and other public officials to action. If we can't deter. those misled' old judges, then perhaps we can alter the Constitution 'itself. We must otherwise, not only will the unborn suffer; but we ourselves will face an even more uncertain future. In a time of the so-called human rights crusade, our most basic 'freedoms like living and raising our families are being violated, stolen from us - what will be taken next?


THE ANCHORThurs., July 12, 1979

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 12, 1979_


,I have resigned myself to the .fact that antagonism to empirical social science will nevex: disappear from the Catholic church. All that the em· pirical social researcher wants to do is to study as objectively and systematically as he can the way things are. I can't figure out why this bothers Catholics, but it does. I have been told that the Catholic church does not need sociology because, it has Scripture, or the infallible teachings of the pope, or divine providence, or God's grace' or, more recently,



Redecorating a room in our house is like trying to paint and paper the Grand Canyon. The walls are high and the 'plaster is crumbling. Nothing matches and the end is never' in sight. I try to get all the kids working ori our redecorating projects. I think it is good for them to feel a sense of pride in helping maintain their home. I also have the faint hope that with so many

The Learning, Church vs. the Teaching Church the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I have always suggested that these aids, the importance of which should not be minimized, are very good sources for" description of the social reality as it currently is. The unfailing response is to look at me as though I were a heretic. A few weeks ago, Father James Schall, S.J., a political theorist from Georgetown University, ~newed the charge that sociology and faith are incompatible, and said quite bluntly and explicitly that as a sociologist I believe the norm for morality depends on the way things are and not the way things should be. I'm not quite sure how seriously to take Father Schall (though heaven knows his modest contribution to scholarship

is not burdened with empirical amining the behavior of the evidence). "gentes," the "peoples" or "naMy colleagues at NORC and I tions." Now, studying the moral have repeated ad nauseam behavior of the "nations" (the through the years that we do .so-called "jus gentium") is surenot believe that the way things ly an empirical exercise. Yet are is the appropriate norm for neither Father Schall' nor any devising moral principles. Either other Catholic natural law theFather Schall has read our work orist that I know of is willing carefully enough to know that to discuss the teaching of. Aqis our position and hence is de- uinas in this respect. The natural law condemnaliberately deceiving his readers, or he has not read our work tion of birth control, for exam· and is writing irresponsibly. In pie, is derived not from a study either case, his reputation for of the behavior of the "gentes" but from the "deposit of faith." intellectual honesty suffers. The church's natural law But it will not do merely to say, as Father Schall does, that theorists have failed to address the proper norm for morality themselves . to the problem of how such a condemnation can is the way things should be. He surely knows, for example, be made in the name of a natthat natural law theorists from ural law when they completely Cicero to Thomas Aquinas have ignore the natural law methodsaid that "third level" moral pre- ology prescribed by the most cepts are to be discovered by ex- distinguished philosopher in

church history. I can· only conclude that writers like Father Schall ignore the dilemma because they believe that no one reads Thomas Aquinas anymore. Furthermore, Father Schall also knows that traditional Catholic theology asserts that a locus theologicus is the "sense of the faithful" or the belief of the "learning church." Indeed, we were all taught in the seminary the ancient Catholic doctrine that the learning church is infallible in its beliefs. How do theologians cope with the disagreement between the teaching church and the learning church, between the magisterium and the sense of the faithful on the issue of birth control? Neither Father Schall nor anyone else that I know of seems willing to address the question, or even to admit that it exists.

brushes traveling, eventually everything that should, will be covered with paint. 'Unfortunately, too many other things get covered. If all the paint on the kids were applied to the woodwork, we wouldn't run out so often. This summer's project was the front hall. It has a big open stairwell with a balcony above. It also has a high wall over that open stairwell that you can't reach even with a long-handled dust mop. The mechanics of reaching that wall were simple. All we had to do was place a big ladder on the stairs, leaning against the wall; put a box on the opposite ledge; and lay a plank between the two.

We set it up beautifully. I walked out to see if I could reach the ceiling. It was fine going out, until I looked down. It was obvious I didn't have the stomach for aerial work. I drafted my teenage son for' that part of the job. He pranced around like a squirrel in a tree. Just watching him, I felt sick. He'd call, "Hey, Mom. Watch how the ladder sways when I bounce on the plank!" . "Just watch what you're doing. Get done. And get down before you fall!" While he was swinging in the breeze, the others got to work on more solid ground. When they started to remove wallpaper, there was gooey, wet slop dripping from everything, parti-

cularly the kids working below the ones up on the ladders. When' the preparation was finally finished, enthusiasm doubled. They all love to paint. As I began crawling around on the floor, I realized that my knees were much older than the rest of me. ,But somehow we got paint over the miles of woodwork. Now all we had to do was wallpaper.. It kept falling off the wall and wrapping around heads. Everytime I tried to straighten a strip, it would spin down with the accuracy of a· boa constrictor. / But at last it got done. Now for the finishing touches. In the high wall over our stairs is a stained glass window where. we

have a statue of the Immaculate Conception I inherited from my grandmother. I was. giving it a scrubbing when one of the kids knocked on the bathroom door and yelled, "What're you doing?" "I'm giving the Blessed Mother a. bath." "You're what . . . Oh, never mind, no one would believe it anyway." The following Sunday, our little daughter greeted our pastor after Mass. She gave him a blow by blow description of the whole job. "And we' hung pictures yesterday, and put down the carpet and everything . . . and it's· beautiful." That sense of pride was there. The job was worth it!


Roles of Influence, Intervention By JIM CASTELLI

Should the United States have tried to prop up the Shah of Iran and avoid revolution in his country? Should the United States be planning a take-over of Middle Eastern oil fields? Should the United States have tried' to save the government of President Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua, or should it have done more to force him out? These are questions being

asked in Washington as the Congress, the administration and others carry on an often murky debate abqut the U.S. role in other nations' internal affairs. The Nicaraguan situation is a, case in point. Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza's supporters in Ameri~a say that 'President Carter's human rights policy undermined Somoza, whom they see as an ally against the communists. Yet others, such as Bishop Thomas Kelly, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference, reject direct U.S. intervention in Nicaragua but want the United States to break off relations with Somoza and pressure him to resign.

Catholic social teaching on foreign affairs helps put this position in perspective. In congressional testimony in Jan. 1976, Archbishop Peter Gerety of Newark said church teaching holds that nations may and' should criticize human rights violations in other nations and should use their- influence to stop' those violations. "When the internal conduct of a nation with whom the United States has insignificant association becomes blatantly and seriously restrictive of human rights," he said', "the moral integrity of the United States is challenged." But Catholic leaders oppose U.S. intervention in Nicaragua


Human Rights

for two 'main reasons accord· ing to Franciscan Father Joseph Nangle, political adviser in the USCC office of international justice and peace. First, he said, Nicaragua's people have a right to solve their problem by themselves. Second, he said, the long U.S. influence in Nicaragua suggests that unilateral U.S. intervention would be directed toward American interests.

efforts to overthrow Somoza. More recently, ,Father Nangle said, :Archbishop Miguel Obando Bravo of Managua - sounding desperate in a telephone conversation punctuated by gunfire in the background - asked' the USCC to provide aid for refugees and to urge the, U.S. gpvernment to make Somoza stop bombing civilian areas. The USCC has responded on aid but did nothing on the other request Father Nangle said, But Father Nangle points out partly because it is thought that that there are two different such a U.S. effort would have types of pressure for U.S. inter- had no impact on Somoza. What , would be needed to stop the vention. On one level, he notes that bombing of civilians? That's ansome of Somoza's opponents in other tough question that illus- , Nicaragua hinted to hi~ last fall trates the moral dilemma of inthat they would welcome U.S. fluence versus intervention.

Style Aw,areness


culty in .keeping up with' young mothets around town... lovely slacks and dresses even anyone at all, never mind would take a leaf from the sen- for daytime. Jeans are still


the Joneses, I 'find it amazing that senior ,citizens look so great all the time. My mother, for instance, 72 years young, 'always looks as if she had just stepped out of a bandbox. I wish some of the

Despite the heat, highcost of living, and the diffi-

ior book and throwaway the short shorts and curlers that seem to be the outfit they love for shopping. ' Nevertheless most of the young have come full circle travelling from sloppy jeans to

worn but now many of them proudly display a designer's label on the rear pocket. While many of us could take a tip, from the young as far as dressing is concerned their shopping habits have been acquired

in a very mobile society that may be changing. With gas at a premium and the cost even more 'so, one-trip shopping sprees may become the rule. Many women already shop this way and find it convenient, easy to coordinate' pieces and a deterrent to impulse shopping.

Dolores Curran


Thurs., July 12, 1979

Continued from Page One 1980 begins a "decade of the family" in the church. Seminars' and programs will address all kinds and ages of families and lifestyles: nuclear, extended, large, small, parish, convent, intact, broken, foster, surrogate, troubled and happy. The congress will include programs of interest to everyone, from religious education professionals, to volunteer CCD \ teachers, to concerned adults who realized that everyone is called to .be a religious educator. The three-day congress will feature special events and workshops of interest to parents. Youth ministries and outreach programs to alienated Catholics and multi-cultural groups will also be studied during the c-..i j.' weekend. It.. flY! Father Michel G. Methot, diocesan director of religious edJUBILARIANS MARKING diamond, golden and silver anniversaries as Dominican Sis:ucation, has arranged for bus ters of St. Catherine of Siena are, from left, seated, Sisters Gilles Marie, Jean de Verceil, transportation to the congress. . M?rcolin, ~rancois Marie; standing, Marie du Rosaire, Mary Thomas, Christine, Louise, Reservations should be made with him at the Diocesan Edu- Ahne, Mane de I'Assomption, Gonzales, Jean Dominique. Not pictured, diamond jubication Department, 423 Highland , larian Sister Marie Damien. Avenue, Fall River, telephone 678-2828. '




Obsession With Abortion

The Joyous Book "The word joy is found 164 times in a concordance of the Bible, and the word rejoice 191 times. Truly the Bible is a book of joy- and gladness because it is a record of God's relationships with man." Kirby Page

PARISIDONERS WILL HONOR Father George Saad, pastor of Our Lady of Purgatory Church, on the' occasion of his 25 years as pastor of the New Bedford Maronite rite parish. Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, vicar general, will be homilist at a Mass of thanksgiving at. 10 a.m. Sunday, at which Father Saad will be the principal celebrant. A reception will follow at 1:30 at White's restaurant, North Westport. , Among guest!; of honor will be Bishop Francis Zayek of the United States diocese of St. Maron and Archbishop Joseph Khoury of the diocese of Tyre, Sidon and the Holy Land. Cochairmen of arrangements are Atty. George 'Thomas and Professor Anthony John.

Continued from Page One a constitutional right ,to seek an abortion," the court said. 'It said that while "deference' to parents may be permissable with respect to other choices facing a minor," no third party should be given "an absolute, and possibly arbitrary, veto over the decision of the physician and his patient to terminate the patient's pregnancy." The Supreme Court said many parents would obstruct the rights of their daughters to seek court permission for an abortion under provisions of the Massachusetts statute. "Many parents hold strong views on the subject of abortion, and young pregnant minors, especially those living at home, are particularly vulnerable to their parents' efforts to obstruct both an abortion and their access to a court," the Supreme Court said. While the decision to overturn the Massachusetts law had an eight-vote majority, no five justices could completely agree on why the law should be struck down. Four justices Lewis F. Powell Jr.; Warren E. Burger, Potter Stewart and William H. Rehnquist joined in the court's plurality opinion ruling that judges should be able #to veto a minor's abortion request i,f the pregnant girl is not mature enough and cannot prove the abortion would serve her best interests. BuCfour others, led by Justice John Paul Stevens, said 'the Massachusetts lav.; should be held unconstitutional because there should be no third-party veto of any abortion ,decision, no matter what the maturity of the minor involved. Justice White's dissent said he thought it "inconceivable" that the right to an abortion was so overwhelming that it forbids at least some notice to parents. Commenting on the decision,

Katherine P. Healy, director of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, declared it was "one more legal' hoax designed to bring about acceptance of abortion as the status quo by means of raw judicial power. "Parents have been deprived of their right to due process or equal protection of the law when it comes to caring about their minor daughters who may face this difficult problem. The custody of their daughters has been

given to the abortionists. "Freedom of choice is a farce when information explaining the immediate and long-term medical complications of abortion are concealed from women. We call upon the Massachusetts legislature to act as soon as possible to stop this exploitation of .women by enactment of a law which would require that informed consent be given by all wom!!n before they submit to an abortion."

World Synod Continued from Page One U.S. bishops have been asked to comment on the document by mid-October. Their responses will be compiled in a single paper to be sent to the Vatican for use in preparing the actual synod working materials. The synod, an advisory body to the pope which consists of representatives of the world's bishops along with other selected individuals, was established in 1965 by Pope Paul' VI. It meets in general assembly every three years. Previous synod topics have included priestly ministry, world justice, evangelization and religious education. The preliminary document includes:

- A study of "the actual situation of the family" in the church and in the contemporary world. - Basic doctrinal background on the subject. Practical considerations concerning the mission and function of the Christian family. These include its duties with regard to educating children, transmitting the faith, preserving spiritual values, and promoting and anima~ing life in society at large.

Secret Conversation "Mental prayer is nothing else . . but being on terms of' friendship with God, frequently conversing in secret with him." - St. Teresa of Avila.

O~ Co.,

Refugees Continued from Page One Jews who couldn't find an open port during World War II. McCarthy quoted acounts of conferences held to discuss the resettlement of refugees after the Nazi invasion and the quotas applied to Jews fleeing Germany. "It's just like now - meetings, conferences. People are dying," he said. The American Jewish Committee called a decision to hold a United Nations international meeting on refugees "a welcome beginning, but only a beginning." The committee said that so far the response of the world community to the tragedy has been "so insufficient and ineffective as to border on the barbarous." The Vatican daily, L'Osservatore Romano, has asked participants in the U.N. meeting to "take the declarations of solidarity as a matter of course and instead apply themselves to finding ways of international collaboration." ' In the United States the State Department met with heads of various religious and service agencies to find ways to bring the increased number of refugees to this country. The U.S. refugee quota has been recently doubled' from 7,000 to 14,000 a month. McCarthy of the usec suggested using ships to ,bring refugees to the United States. A staff member of Ambassador~at-large Dick Clark called the plan inefficient. Paul Cushing said the United States will charter more airplanes to handle the increased' flow. "I don't care how they do it. If they can fly them out, God bless them," McCarthy said. "I'm not an expert on the mechanics but we have moved people by ship and by plane before. Now we just have to get them over here. We have homes and jobs for them here. Over there .they're dirty, they have no clothes, no food." McCarthy emphasized that while governments, talk about the refugees, thousands drown or starve. His solution to the red tape is simple. "We'll take them," he said. The usec Migration and Service Office has taken over 120,000 refugees since 1975 and McCarthy said the organization, through the efforts of U.S. Catholics, can resettle anyone who needs help.




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THE ANCHORThurs., July 12, 1979

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The Mystery of the Heart of Jesus During the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Rome, participants braved steady rain to attend a general audience in St. Peter's Square, FoUowing are excerpts from the Holy Father's remarks on that occasion: It is well-known that the' month of June is dedicated particularly to the Divine Heart, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We express to it our love and our adoration by means of the litany which in the single invocations speaks with particular depth of its theological contents. I wish, therefore, at least briefly, to stop together with you before this Heart, which the Church, as a community of human hearts, addresses. I wish, at least briefly, to speak of this mystery, such a human one, in which God revealed himself with such simplicity and, at the same time depth and strength. Today let the texts of the Friday liturgy spea~ for us, beginning with the reading of the Gospel according to John. The Evangelist reports a fact with the precision of an eye witness. "Since it was the day of Preparation, in order to prevent the ,bodies from remaining on the cross on the sabbath (for that sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their " legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away'- So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first, and of the other who had - been crucified with him; but when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood . and water." (In 19:31-34.) I. Not a word about his heart. The Evangelist speaks only of the piercing of his side with a

spear, and the coming out of blood and water. The language of the description is almost medical, anatomical. The soldier's spear certainly penetrated the heart, to make sure that the Condemned Man. was already dead. This heart - this human heart - has stopped working. Jesus has ceased to live. At the same time, however, this anatomical opening of Christ's heart after his death - in spite of all the historical "severity" of the text - drives us to think also at the metaphoricill level. The heart is not just an organ that conditions the biological vitality of man. The heart is a symbol.· It speaks of the whole inner man. It speaks of the spiritual interior of man. And tradition at once re-read this meaning of John's description. In a certain senSe, moreover, the Evangelist himself' gave an inducement to do so when, referring to the attestation of the eye witness that was he himself, he referred, at the same time, to this sentence of Holy Scripture: "They shall look on him whom they have pierced." (In 19:37; Zc 12:10.)

-So, actually, does the Church look; so does humanity look. And 10, in the One pierced by the soldier's spear all the generations of Christians have learned and learn to read the mystery of the Heart of the Crucified Man who was and is the Son of God. Different is the measure of the knowledge that many disciples, men and women, of the Heart of Christ have acquired of this mystery in the course of the centuries. One of the leading figures in this field was certainly Paul of Tarsus, who, from being a persecutor, was converted and became an Apostle. He, too,

speaks to us in the -Friday liturgy with the words of the Letter to the ·Ephesians. He speaks as a man who has received a great grace, since it was granted to him "to preach to the ~ntiles the . unsearchable . ricl~~s of Christ, and to make ail men see what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things" (Eph 3:8-9). Those "riches of Christ" and at the same time 'that "eternal plan of salvation" of God are addressed by the Holy Spirit to the "inner man," that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith" (Eph 3:16-17). And when Christ, with the strength of the Holy Spirit, dwells through faith in our human hearts, then we will be able "to comprehend" with our human spirit (that is, precisely with this heart") "what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge . . . " (Eph 3.18-19). For such knowledge acquired with the heart, with every human heart, the Divine Heart of the One who was· condemned and crucified on Calvary was opened at the end of his earthly life. Different is the measure of this knowledge on the part of human hearts. Before the power of Paul's words, let each of us question himself on the measure of his own heart. " . . . (we shall) reassure our hearts before him whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts,' and he knows every thing." (1 Jn 3:1920.) The Heart of the God-Man does not judge human hearts. The Heart calls. The Heart "invites." That was the purpose for which it was opened with the soldier's spear.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 12, 1979


Sponsored by the Merchants on These Pages <:-----~<::-:::======::> BREWSTER, Our Lady of the Cape, Stoney Brook Road: Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 8, 11 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4:15-5; First Friday 7-7:30· p.m.

MARION, St. Rita, 113 Front St. (schedule effective June 30Sept. 2): Sat. 5, 6:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily, 8:30 a.m.; confessions, Saturday, 4:305:00 p.m.

EAST BREWSTER, Immaculate Conception, Route SA: Sat. 4:30, p.m.; Sun. 9:30 a.m.

MATTAPOISETT, St. Anthony, 22 Barstow St.: Sat. 8 a.m., 4:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; daily 8 and 9:00 a.m.

BUZZARDS BAY, St. Margaret, 141 Maln St.;Sat. 5, 6:30 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., 12 noon; 7:30 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-5, 7-8 p.m. ONSET, St. Mary Star of the Sea, Onset Ave.: Sat. 6:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30-4:30 p.m., after 6:30 p.m. Mass. CENTERVILLE, Our Lady of Vietol'y, 122 Park Ave.: Schedule June 30-July 1, Sat. 5, 7:30 p.m. Sun. 7, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon; daily, 7, 9 a.m., First Fridays, Masses 7, 9 a.m., U1treya, 8 p.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-5, 7-7:30 p.m. WEST BARNSTABLE, Our Lady of Hope, Rte. 6A: Sat. 4 p.m.; Sun., 8:45, 10 il:m.;' confessions before each Mass. CHATHAM, Holy Redeemer, 72 Highland Ave: Schedule June 30, Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 8 a.m. SOUlH CHATHAM,Our Lady of Grace, Rte. 137, off Rte. 28: Schedule June 30, Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m. EAST FALMOUTH, St. Anthony, 167 East Falmouth Highway: Sat. 4:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m; daily, 8 a.m.; confession~, ·Sat. 3:30-4:15 p.m., weekdays, any time by request. EDGARTOWN, St. Elizabeth, Main Street: Sat. 4, 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 11 a.m.; daily, Mon.Fri., 8:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 11 a.m.-12 noon, 3-3:45 p.m. FALMOUTH, St. Patrick, 511 E. Main St.: Schedule June 23-24, Sat. 5:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:45, 10, 11:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. FALMOUTH HEIGHTS, St. Chapel, Falmouth Heights Rd.: Schedule June 2324, Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily 8 a.m. Thomas

HYANNIS, St. Francis Xavier, 347 South St.: Sat. 5, 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m., 12 noon, 5 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m., 12:10 p.m.; confess~ons, Sat. 4-5 p.m. and following 7:30 p.m. Mass. YARMQUTHPORT, Sacred Heart, off Rte. SA: Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m.; ~onfessions, Sat. 4-5 p.m., Sun. before 9 a.m. Mass.

NANTUCKET, Our Lady' of the Isle, S Orange St.: Sat 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m., 7 p.m.; daily, 7:30 a.m., 12 noon; rosary before daily Masses; confessions, Sat. 4-4:45 p.m.

SANDWICH, Corpus Christi, 8 Jarves St.: Schedule June 23, Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, P a.m., 12 noon; daily, 9 a.m.


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SAGAMORE, St. Theresa, Rte. 6: Sat. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m. SOUTH YARMOUTH, St. Pius X, 5 Barbara St.: Sat. 4, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7, 9 a.m.,

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NORm FALMOUTH, St. Elizabeth Seton, 6 Shaume Rd.: Sat. 4, 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:45, 9, 10:15, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:15-3:45, 4:455:15 p.m. OAK BLUFFS, Saerecl Heart, Circuit Ave.: Sat. 6 ~ p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:15, 10:30 a.m.; daily (Mon.Fri.) 7 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 5:15-5:45. p.m. ORLEANS, St. Joan of Are, Bridge St. (schedule effective June 23-24 through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 8, a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4-4:50 p.m.; Our Lady of Pe.rpetual Help novena, at 8 a.m. Mass. Wed. NORTH EASTHAM, Church of the Visitation (schedule effective June 23-24 through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 6:30-6:50 p.m. OSTERVILLE, Our Lady of the, Assumption, 76 Wianno Ave. (schedule effective June 23-24 through Sept. 2): Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; daily, 7, 9 a.m.; confessi§ns, Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. SANTUIT, St. Jude Chapel, Rte. 28: Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 9,. 10:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4:15-5 p.m. MASHPEE, Queen of All Saints, New Seabury: Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 p.m.

VINEYARD HAVEN, St. Augustine, Church and Franklin Sts.: Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; SU,n. 8, 11 a.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat., 4-4:30 p.m., 6-6:30 p.m. WAREHAM, St. Patrick, 82 High St.: Sat. 4, 6 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45, 7-7:30 p.m.



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WEST WAREHAM, St. Anthony, off Rte. 28 (scheduIeeffective July and August): Sat. 7 p.m.; ,Sun. 9, 10, 11 a.m.; confessions before each Mass. WELLFLEET, Our Lady of Lourdes, 56-58 Main St.: Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m.; daily, 9 a.m. confessions, Sat. 4:30-5 p.m. and before all Masses; 'Tues. 7:30 p.m.; charismatic prayer meeting; Holy day Aug. 14, 5, 7 p.m.; Aug. 15, 8, 11 a.m., 6 p.m. TRURO, Sacred Heart, Rte. 6A: Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 9:30 a.m.' confessions before Masses;' Holy day, Aug. 14, 7 p.m.; Aug. 15, 9:30 a.m.

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NORTH TRURO, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pond Road: Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10, 11 a.m.; confessions 'before Masses; Holy day, Aug. 14, 5,7 p.m.; Aug. 15, 8 a.m., 6 p.m. WEST HARWICH, Holy Trinity, Rte. 28 (schedule effective June 30): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m., noon; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3 and 7:45 p.m.; 1st Friday - Additional Mass at 11 :00 a.m. and Benediction at 2:00 p.m.

POCASSET, St. John the Evangelist, 15 Virginia Road: Sat. 4, 5, 7 p.m; Sun. 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3-3:45 p.m.

DENNISPORT, Our Lady of the Annunciation, Upper County Rd. (schedule effective June -30); Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3 p.m.

PROVINCETOWN, 8t. Peter the Apostle, . II Prince St.: Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9, 11 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m., confessions, Sat. 6:30-7:00 p.m. and by appointment.

WOODS HOLE, 8t. Joseph: Schedule June 24 Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9:30, 11 a.m.; daily 8 a.m.; First Fridays, 7:30 p.m.; confessions Y2 hour before Sunday Masses.






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 12, 1979

New Special Ministers The following special nunlSters of Holy Communion were .. commissioned June 26 in ceremonies at St. Mary's Cathedral:

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St. MarY's Cathedral, Fall River: Michael M. Arruda, Michael J. McMahon, Mrs. Joan Melvin. Blessed Sacrament, Fall River: Sister Emma Guenette, S.S.J., Ernest Larue, Richard Martel. Holy Name, Fall River: James F. Duffy, Paul A. Dumais, Jr., Mrs. Veronica Dunn, George D. Kelly. Sister Romana Murphy, R.S.M., Miss Maureen O'Rourke, William A.. Renaud, Sister Barbara Walsh, S.U.S.C. Notre Dame, Fall River: Mrs. Claire Allard, Mrs; Aline Belanger, Sister Eugenia Belcourt, R.J.M., Miss Helena Chace, Paul Chouinard. Mrs. Lucien Dumais, Paul Dumais, Joseph Gallant, Mrs. Jeannette Lambert, Edward M. Lambert. Cecile Masse, Raymond Morrissette, Normand Paul, Mrs. Claire Pelletier. St. Anne, Fall River: Raymond Brodeur, Roger Dumont, Mrs. Celeste Marciszyn, Mrs. Edna Morin. Mrs. Jacqueline Plante, Mrs. Rita Raymond, Robert Raymond, George Sherman, Normand Valiquette, Brother Fernand Senechal,O.P. St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River: Raymond Banville, Sister Cecilia Downing, O.P:, Mrs. Frances Lee, Miss Claire Mullins, Sister Alice Ouimette, R.J.M. Sister Jean Therese Rivard, O.P., Mrs. Lorraine Silveira, Donald Souza. St. Joseph, Fall River: Gerard B. LaChance, Hillard Nagle, . Daniel O'Connell, ~lfred P. Raposa. St. Mathieu, Fall River: George J. Collard. St. Koch, Fall River: Mrs. Doris E. Bernier, Julien Gamache. S1. John the Baptist, Westport: Charles Gumkowski, Antone D. Oliveira, Richard Reis. St. Louis de France, Swansea: Mrs. Florence Lachapelle, Mrs. Lucia C. Marcille, Edward J. Ward. St. Michael, Swansea: Mrs. Yvette Dumaine, Mrs. Annette Pineau, Mrs. Lorraine Silveira, Mrs. Lillian Woulfe. St. Thomas More, Somerset: Mrs. Josephine Dube, Donald J. Hussey, Francis R. Lussier, Roland D.' Marcoux, John J . Moynagh. Union-Truesdale Hospital, Fall River: Sister Evelyn Blanchette, S.U.S.C., Sister Barbara Walsh, S.U.S.C.

New Bedford Area St. Mary, New Bedford: Gordon Baker, Antone Quintal. St. Theresa, New Bedford: Mrs. Jeanne Bourassa, Albert Caron, Mrs. Joan Cyr, Gerard Despres, Larry St. Onge, Mrs. Florence Savoie. Holy N.ame, New Bedford: Terence F. Beehan, Charles A. Cabral Jr., Richard L. Curry,

Our Lady of the Cape, BrewJames A. Flanagan, Charles F. ster: Elinor C. Along, Paul R. Foley. Sacred Heart, New Bedford: Bernard, Mrs. Jeanne M. Bubier, Mrs. Elizabeth M. McCullough, Sister Rita Thibault. Mrs. Kathleen P. O'Day. Our Lady of Assumption, Mrs. Karyl T. Scrivener, Mrs. . New Bedford: Mrs. Marjorie Corchada, Mrs. Donna Cruz, Nicho- Mary Stackhouse, Ronald Thilaus Cruz, Antonio Gomes, Mrs. bodeau. St. Anthony, East Falmouth: Mary Teixeira. Immaculate Conception, New John R. Janerico, Thomas Wood. Bedford: Henry Rodrigues, EuSt. Patrick, Falmouth: Mrs. clides Cabral. . Mary Gill, Richard F. Lopes, St. George, Westport: James Mrs. Constance McDonald, James Collard, Mrs. Nancy Collard, Lu- Nidositko. cien Rego. Mrs. Judith Rebello, Thomas St. Rita, Marion: James Jack- M. Roache, Mrs. Mary Jean Simson, Maurice Lavallee, Sandra oneau. Parsons. St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis: St. Anthony of Pallua, New Richard J. Murphy, Robert C. Bedford: Sister Marie Eva For- Thornton. gues, C.S.C., Sister Helen LaSacred Heart, Oak Bluffs: Mrs. londe, C.S.C. Patricia Corey. St. Julie Billiart, North DartSt. Pius X, South Yannouth: month: Peter J. Junge, William J,ames H. Kennedy, Miss Marjorie L. O'Neill, Michael P. Smith. E. McCready, Mrs. Helen MulSt. Luke's Hospital, New Bed- laney, James H. Quirk, Jr. ford: Sister Miriam Patrice DonHoly Trinity, West Harwich: nelly, O.S.F., Sister Marie PoMrs. Clotilda P.. Blackmore, Russeph Leblance, S.J., 'Sister SuE. Brennan, Mrs. Ellen sell zanne White, R.S.M. Clark, Kenneth R. Desmarais, St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet: Mrs. Alice Doherty. Paul Bedard, Mrs. Joyce CesoMrs. Leona Donovan, Mrs. Iini, Leo Coons, Mrs. Pauline Croteau, Sister Mary Martin Marguerite G. Ferreira, Arthur Frost, Mrs. Ruth Frost, Richard Delahanty, O.P., Sister Jane Kirby, O.P., Sister Gomes. Bernard P. Hanlon, Jr., Mrs. Mary Mancini, O.P., Ronald Nolin, Joseph O'Neill, Paul Robert. Judith Kelly, Mrs. Sally McRobert St. Laurent, Mrs. Di- Cabe, Richard Meaney, Jack A. Pena. ane Sleight. Mrs.. Mary ,P. Snow, Dominic S1. Joseph, Fairhaven: Miss Idalina Airoza, Mrs. Marie Al- V. Tonucci, Mrs. Doris Walsh, laire, Mrs. Joan Benoit, Miss Donald Wolf. Martha Bisaillon, Donald Green. Our Lady of the Assumption, Mrs. Helen Green, Norbert Osterville: Bernard Beveridge, Gregoire, Irene Harding, Edwin Eugene Fournier, Miss Margaret McQuillan, Mrs. Mary MCQuil- Kelly, James O'Brien, George lan. Wyatt. 1\1rs. Ann Mitchell, Mrs. Anna Miss Sarah Fordham, Leonard Morris, Roger Picard, Mrs. Jean Gobeil, Mrs. 'Patricia PemberSilver, Mrs. Anne Silveira. ton, Warren Volk, Mrs.MarMiss Roseanne Staffiere, Mrs. garet Mullin. Louise Tyler, Philip Tyler. Corpus Christi, Sandwich: William Martin. Taunton Area St: Joan of Arc, Orleans: BenImmaculate Conception, Taunjamin A. Bartolini, Roland J. ton: Sheldon Ehrenzweig, Thom- Frechette, Francis L. Smith, as Hoye, William F. McGowan. Charles B. Sweeney. St. JaCques, Taunton: Mrs. Attleboro Area Jeannine Andrade, Mrs. Jeannette Carney, Camille Denis, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, SeeMiss Yvonne Labonte, Leo Mur- konk: Mrs. Kristine Durkay, phy. S1. John the Evangelist, AttleMrs. Rita Murphy: Roland Pelboro: Mrs. Mary Endler, Mrs. letier, Mrs. Kathleen A. Slavick, Carol Giles, Salvatore Gulino, Richard J. Slavick. Paul Scanlon. St. Mary, Taunton: Robert DiSt. Stephen, Attleboro: Roger Maio, John Keating, Daniel LeDaneau, Raymond Metivier, Sr. Brun, Mrs. Dolores Larocque. Sacred Heart, North Attleboro: Mrs. Alice McDermott, Sister Lucien Brousseau, Robert Margaret Mary Rommal, S.u..· Edward Chabot, Paul Deschenes, S.C.' Dion, Richa'rd Dion. St. Paul, Taunton: Mrs. LouRoland Dubuc, Normand Forise McCarty, Dennis M. O'Neill. tier, Raymond 'Gingras, Joseph Coyle and Cassidy High, Landry, Normand L'Homme. Taunton: Sister Mary Elizabeth Leo Meunier, Bernard MiraMurphy, S.U.S.C., Joseph Scanmant, Romeo Villemaire. lon. St. Mary, Seekonk: Joseph Immaculate Conception, North Easton: Mr. John Gibbs, Mrs. Chandley, Lawrence A. Michaud. Dolores Gibbs, Mrs. Virginia Sturdy Memorial Hospital, Reganu, Mr. Jacques Tre~blay. Attleboro: Sister Regina Coughlin, RS.M., Sister Pauline GoodCape, Islands all, R.S.M. Holy Ghost, Attleboro: RaySt. Margaret, Buzzards Bay, mond Guilette, Helen C. Pinson, Mrs. Joan F. Berger, John B. Bourne, Mrs. Rita A. Lopes, Jeanne Twedt. St. Theresa, South Attleboro: Miss Marian J. Rose, Joseph F. Roland LePage. Upton.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 12, 1979






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Question (orner ?





"pray" to any other 'Christian when we ask them to pray for Q. If a person is not con- us. We simply follow 'a basic scious or having committed a human and Christian instinct mortal sin during the past year, that there is a bond between us is he exempt from the oblig~ that even transcends death. tion of yearly confession? You will notice that the praySbouldwe wait. to go to con- ers to our Blessed Mother, again fession until we have something as our prayers to the other to say, at least a more serious saints, always ask her to use her venial sin? Or is it aU right to own words of prayer to her Son mention some sins or the past or to the Father or to the Holy . . in order to receive this sacra- Spirit and these always end with ment? I would like to go to con- our common formula for prayer: fession a little mo~ orten, but _ "Through Jesus Christ our Lord." Pm confused. (Mass.) As long as we keep this perA. The obligation of annual spective (and our Catholic traconfession only applies if one is dition certainly does) the prayer conscious of having committed and honor that we give to Mary a mortal sin. In this case, con- can be nothing but a source of fession would be necessary be- joy and pleasure to her Son. fore Communion during the Eas- Beginning with the Gospels ter season. Otherwise there, .is themselves, she has never been no obligation to receive this in any competition with him, nor has he been with her. sacrament each yea~ Questions for this column I'm happy however, that you see 'more to the sacrament of shoul~ be sent to Father Dietpenance than simply taking' zen, c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box TWO SISTERS of the Saaway sins. One of the insights. 7, Fall River, MasS. 02722. cred Hearts stationed in that the church has gained more Fairhaven celebrated their clearly is that this sacrament golden jubilees of profession has as one of its major effects a at ceremonies on June 24. strengthening. of our minds and hearts and wills in developing Sister Alphonse Joseph the virtues that can make our Eighteen women and men reBeillevaire, top picture, a nalives more Christian, and in help- ligious from the Fall River dioing us deal ·with the sinfulness cese were among delegates to a tive of France, came to the of selfishness, pride, greed and New England Convergence/Soli- United States in 1929. Until the other things which are the darity Conference that drew the closing of Sacred Hearts source of our actual sins. . representatives from nearly 60 Academy, Fairhaven, in i suggest that when you re- religious communities. Father 1973, she taught in its priRobert Nee, SS.CC. of Acushnet ceive the sacrament of penance you focus attention on these was a program committee mem- mary grades. She then taught first grade at St. Joweaknesses and tendencies to- ber. The meeting, held at Mont seph School, Fairhaven, unward sinfulness, rather iha~ simply on the actions that you Marie Center, Holyoke, had the til May 1978. In all, her think might be sinful, whether goal of increasing commitment teaching career spanned 49 venial or mortal. The forgiving on the part of. religious to a years. and healing love of God are ministry and community life marked by justice. present in a unique way in this Although now retired, SisSpeakers included Father sacrament and I'm glad you are Peter J. Henriot, SJ of the Cen- ter Alphonse Joseph is very concerned about using it well. ter of Concern, Washington, active, engaging in arts and Q. You said recentiy that D.C. and Sister Marie Augusta crafts and aiding' in the care early Christians referred to Mary Neal, SND of Emmanuel Colof an invalid woman. not primarily to honor her but lege, Boston. to honor lesus. If this is tnle, Auxiliary Bishop Peter A Ro-· Sister Ancilla van der how can the church urge that sazza of Hartford was homilist Kraan, born in Holland, aidwe pray to Mary, as the pope for an evening liturgy. ed the ministry of the Sarecently did when he recommended prayers to her for an cred Hearts Fathers in that increase in vocations to the country, before entenng repriesthood and the religious ligious life. She came to' the Alice Bourassa, director of life? Isn't it tnle that Catholics volunteer services at St. Anne's United States in March, pray to Mary? I don't believe Hospital, Fall River, has issued 1932. At first she was recepthere is any place in the Bible a request for care in addressing that says that she is divine. tionist at Sacred Hearts patient mail. (La.) Academy then for 35 years "Please use the full legal she served the students in A. In the column you refer to, name that would be used on I said that the church has' guard- hospital records in addressing the dining room. From 1989 ed jealously the title mother of cards or letters to patients," until the academy closed, God for Mary not primarily to she said. "Nicknames should not her main work was superhonor her, but to preserve and be used and a married woman vision of boarding students. proclaim our belief that Jesus is should be addressed by her own both God and man. first name, not that of her husAt present Sister· Ancilla We do not believe Mary is band. Return addresses should ministers to an invalid womdivine. She is a human being be included in case the patient an and works in the Nationwho needed the saving graces of is no longer in the hospital. al Office of' the Enthroneher Son just as we do. We do "Volunteers take great joy in ment. In her spare time she pray to her in much the same delivering mail and following way as we pray to the other these suggestions would make cultivates flowers and house saints, or for that matter in their work much easier:' added plants. She now resides at much the same way as we Miss Bourassa. 44 Hotch Street, Fairhaven. By Father 101m Dietzen

Justice Subject Of,N.E. Parley

Hospital Mail

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July .12, 1979


I C. S. Lewis

II Saying Goodbye

By Father Jerry Fuller

By Father Joseph Champlin

Clive Staples Lewis would have passed on as an obscure Cambridge professor were it not for his religious writings. One of his most famous books is "The Screwtape Letters," an imaginativeaccount of an older devil's letters to his nephew on the psychology of winning souls for hell. C. S. Lewis is gaining new readers because of Charles Colson's mention of "Mere Christianity," and its effect on Colson's becoming a Christian. "Mere Christianity" is Lewis' attempt to trace logically the thinking of a see~er of truth from agnosticism to belief. Moderns who find themselves un· sympathetic toward, established Christianity, _ yet yearning for God, find a responsive chord in Lewis' unflinching honesty. With scalpel-like clarity he takes his reader from a consideration of the reasonable bases for positing the existence of God, through the more familiar practices and virtues of Christianity, right into consideration of the Trinity itself. Another Lewis book that appeals to many is "A Grief Observed," almost a diary of Lewis' feelings on the occasion of his wife's death. By Father John J. Castelot Lewis was a bachelor most of his 61 years, getting married One of the most familiar only toward the end of his life, paintings in Christian art is that to a divorced woman, his equal of Jesus surrounded by little in honesty and intellectual children, laying his hands on sharpness. When Joy died, Lewis them in blessing. The picture is first printed "A Grief Observed" based on a scene in all three under - the pseudonym N. W. synoptics (Mark 10, 13-16~ Clerk two years before his own Matthew 19, 13-15; Luke 18, 15 death in 1963. -17). "People were bringing their This book begil!s: I "No "ene little children to him to have ever told me that grief felt so him touch them, but the dislike fear. I am not afraid, but ciples were scolding them for the sensation is like being this" (Mark 10, 13). afraid. The same fluttering in Jesus' reaction to their selfthe stomach, the same restless- importance was not just mild. ness, the yawning. I keep swal- annoyance. He "became indiglowing. nant" (Mark 10, 14). Matthew "At other times it feels like and Luke chose to ignore this being mildly drunk, or con- violent reaction. Even in their cussed. There is a sort of in- day, they were betraying a tenvisible blanket between the dency to avoid things that would world and me. I find it hard to make Jesus appear "too hutake in what anyone says. Or, man," a tendency which grew perhaps, hard to want to take as the centuries passed and is it in. It is so uninteresting. Yet still with us.. He said to them, I want the others to be about "Let the children come to me me. I dread the moments when and do not hinder them." the house is empty. If only they Why would the first Christwould talk to one another and ians have preserved this particunot to me. lar bit of tradition about Jesus? "Meanwhile, where is God? Undoubtedly it is charming and ... Why is he so present a com- gives 'a heart-warming insight mander in our time of prosperi- into his gentleness, his love for ty and so very absent a help in children. But they were not just time of trouble? fuzzy sentimentalists. They had "Talk to me about the truth hard questions to answer: quesof religion and I'll listen gladly. tions about Jesus' identity, his Talk tQ me, about the duty of, meaning in their lives here and religion and I'll listen submiss- now and the practical implicaively. ~ut don't come talking to tions of all that for their daily conduct. ' Tum to Page Thirteen

Jesus and the Children.

Children and the Kingdom


One of those questions may have concerned the place of children in -the Christian community. Should they be fOl1)lally admitted into the group by a rite of initiation? After all, it was an adult community, made up of people who had heard. the good news, had accepted it with mature faith and' commitment, and had been joined to the local church. Inevitably, the question of children would have arisen. They may have found· the answer in this story" especially' in the phrase: "Do not hinder them."

The Greek verb used here turns up elsewhere in the New Testament in texts dealing with baptism (Acts 8,36; 10,47; 11,17; Matthew 4, 13-}4) and in early church literature treating the same subject. We may have here a reflection of the ritual question: "What is to hinder this candidate from being baptized? As far as children were concerned, the people of New Testament times possibly found the answer, in this story: "Do not hinder them. Let them, too, enTurn to Page Thirteen

For Children ,

By' Janaan Manternach On day Jesus and his disciples were sitting by the roadside resting. People from the nearby town noticed them. A small crowd came out to see Jesus. They brought their children. Since Jesus was admired as a rabbi, a religious teacher and leader, it was natural for these parents to want him to bless their children. But the disciples were annoyed. They felt Jesus - and themselves - deserved some peace and quiet. They especially did not want Jesus bothered by a lot of small children. So Jesus' friends told. the parents to let Jesus alone. "Can't

you see he is tired," they scolded. "He shouldn't be bothered, at a time like this." The parents were disappointed and hurt. Jesus noticed what was going on. He heard the disciples' harsh words and became very upset. "Let the children come to me," he said angrily. "Don't try to keep them away from me." His friends felt bad. They were just trying to see that Jesus got some needed rest. They didn't seem to know how much He loved children. They stepped back and let the parents take their children to him. The children who were old enough to walk ran to Jesus. Turn. to Page Thirteen

After nearly eight years as pastor at Holy Family Parish in Futon, N.Y., I recently had to say goodby. The departure was painful, even though my new position offers t!'te opportunity to accomplish good' for ,others in the diocese. As I worked through the clos, ing up anl\. moving out stages, it seemed I went through a sort of death. IImmediately afterwards, during vacation, I recognized how my sadness and grief were parallel to the sadness and grief which accompanies a death. Those 10 days of rest provided healing, the kind of gradual therapy any mourner requires after a deeply felt loss. Many readers are familiar with Dr. Kubler-Ross's stages of dying, the states of mind which a critically ill person often experiences. They include denial of death's imminent possibility, anger, bargaining with the Lord for a postponement, sadness over impending loss and peaceful acceptance of this reality. Some of these sentiments crept into my life during the days of departing. It appears that my period of pain not only parallels the death experience, but other similar events ~n peoples' lives of breaking away, leaving behind and losing something cherished. The breakup of a marriage, move to a new city or new job, loss of a friend are examples. So I offer these reflections on my farewell to the parish since they have universal application. · .. "We reluctantly come to grips with the need or the reality of a break with the comfortable past or present." The notion that a change may be good for us or for others can be a difficult pill to swallow. We like to think of ourselves as ·indispensable and working at maximum efficiency. Time to move on sums it up, but accepting and acting out that conclusion is a more difficult. · .. "Indecision and inbetweenness are perhaps two of the greatest causes for tension and misery in life," No one relishes the turmoil 'involved with making a major decision· about our lives. More over, moving away from the familiar entails a certain rootlessness. Until we feel settled, our inner selves remain anxious and restless. . . . Taking the responsibility for our own lives is highly desirable but rather frightening," When I decide on my own, I must accept the responsibility. Looking for others to make the decision often is a running away from facing the issues. · . . "The pain of loss directly Turn to Page Thirteen

A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego

A LEI DO AMOR EM CRISTO A boa nova do &mor que Cristo

impae, &bastante desconcertante no momento da sua promulga~lo; hoje mes~ mo, no nosso tempo, continua a produzir verdadeiro desconcerto. Jesus alarga os limites do amor para alem dos limites naturais. em que 0 amor surge esponstaneamente e instintivamenteJ irmlos, parentes, amigos, vizinhos, benfeitores ou aqueles de quem se espera receber alguma coisao o &mor de Cristo preceitua deve ser '~at6lico", universal, amp 1 amen.te compreensivo; deve ter as dimensaes de todos os homens. Hoje, de modo especial, todos os homens se transformaraa '~r6ximos", pelos meios tecnicos de comunica~lo social que os aproxiaam de n6s cada vez mais, com os seus problemas reais. Hoje, mais que antes,. podemos dizer que t odos os homens slo pr6ximos. Podemos e devemos viver os seus problemas com eles. o procedimento com os inimigos, as situa~aes desfavor!veis (pobres) e aleijados), as limita~oes (coxos e cegos) nlo slo limita~oes .ao amor, mas antes motivos crist los para amar slo ocasioes para as preferencias da amizade cristA. Essas categorias de homens nlo desapareceram'actualmente; podem ser 0$ marginais da sociedade actual: os mal-pagos, os pretos os pa!ses do terceiro mundo; os 0primidos pelas ditaduras pOl!ticas ou econ6micasJ pelas institui~aes ou estruturas. o motivo profundo- que urge 0 amor cristAo, , essa sempre impressionante palavra de Jesus: "A Mim o fizestes ", e cujo realisllo nenhuma teologia tea direito a esvaziar ou a diminuir com uma concep~ao p~­ ramente moralizante. t que 5e trata de uma motiva~lo religiosa, orientada para 0 homem e que tende a construir 0 verdadeiro humanismo cris~ tlo. Aceitar que todo 0 homem, em que Deus e Cristo estlo necessitcUtdo de nos, significa wa real dis..farca de Deus vivo, , 0 princ!pio dt~ toda a atitude verdadeiramente humana e cristl,para 0 outro e para 0 tu. Tudo isto se aplica de modo e!ipecial no caso do amor-perdlo para aquele que nlo se portou bem connosco. Neste caso, 0 lema especial de S. Paulo ''vence 0 mal com 0 bem" e o imperativo que o~pr6prio Deus praticou com 0 Seu povo, com os homens, e que Jesus pratica e impae aos Seus disc!pulos •. "Nesta situa~lo-limite, encontramo-nos com 0 aaor como dom que reverte a favor de quem perdoa: Perdoai e sereis v6s perdoados. l 0 que se pede no Pai-nosso.


Children And ,Th·e Kingdom Continued from Page Twelve ter into sacramental union with the risen Lord and into vital union with others who share his life." But even if they did not see this application, they could hardly have missed the implication of the words: "It is to just such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. I assure you that whoever does not accept the reign of God like a little child shall not take part in it." The implications were far from childish or sentimental. They were a demanding call to total dependence on the Father. In Jesus' day especially, a child had no "right" to anything, strictly speaking. He was completely dependent on the love and generosity of others. This heroic abandonment of self-reliance is what Jesus is asking of those who would have a share in the reign. This is why

For Children Continued from Page Twelve They liked him very much and they could feel he liked them, too. The mothers and fathers held out the smaller babies to Jesus. Jesus took the children into his arms, one after the other. He hugged them and talked with them.. He placed his hands on the head of each child and asked God to give him or her health, happiness and a long life. Still holding one of the babies, Jesus turned again to his disciples. Loudly enough for the parents to hear, he said, "God's kingdom belongs to people who are like these children. Whoever does not accept God's love like a' little' child, shall not share in it." The disciples remembered that day for a very long time. They slowly realized what Jes~!! meant. He was telling them to trust God the way a child trusts its father and mother. They could not earn God's love. They could just accept it with thanksgiving, the way a child accepts love from its father or mother.

c. S. Lewis

Continued from Page Twelve me about the consolations of religion or I shall suspect that you don't understand." At the end of the book he seems to have reached some peace through his agonizing. His wife makes a promise that reminds us of some of the "life after death experiences" we read of today: "Once very near the end I said, "If you can - if it is allowed - come to me when I too am on my death bed,' 'Allowed!' she said. 'Heaven would have a job to hold me; and as for hell, I'd break it into bits,' " He ends: "How wicked it would be, if we could, to call the dead back! She said not to me but to the chaplain, 'I am· at peace with God,' She smiled, but not at me," Without "A Grief Observed," we would have admired Lewis as a master logician and defender of the faith, with it, we know him as one of us.

the child is the model of one who would enter the kingdom. He knows he has earned nothing; he accepts what is offered with simple gratitude. Rather striking is the fact that this story is followed by that of the rich young .man who asks Jesus what he must "do" to share in everlasting life. The answer is that he must "do" nothing; on the contrary, he must relinquish the grounds of his self-reliance and "be" like a little child: stripped, helpless, dependent, trusting.

Saying Goodbye Continued from Page Twelve relates to the intensity of our love for the person(s) lost." An easy wily to avoid tears and heartache is to avoid loving. But that means a disastrous, joyless, sterile life. Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. "Feelings of sadness and grief are like waves in the ocean which rise and fall, unevenly and unexpectedly." A word spoken, a face, a memory may cause my throat to tighten, tears to stream down my face, or a surge of sadness to fill my being. Time heals much of this. Intervals of serenity become longer and the waves of grief less intense. "Things will never be the same," We say, "Keep in touch." And we do. But in most instances neither we nor they nor our relationship remain the same. But the pain of our loss is eased by the love, goodness,' and opportunity in a new situation, if we but open ourselves to the possibilities.

THE ANCHORThurs., July 12, 1979


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Reminds Lawyers Of Covenant LAFAYETTE, 'La. (NC) "America, as a Christian nation, has a covenant with God and the Law Day observance is a re-. minder that we who are lawyers and judges, responsible for up: holding and interpreting the law, have a personal 'covenant with God," Louisiana's Catholic Gov. Edwin Edwards said at the annual celebration of the Red Mass in S1. John's Cathedral, Lafayette.. Bishop Gerard L. Frey of Lafayette was principal celebrant of the Mass sponsored by the diocesan Catholic Lawyers Guild at part of the city;s law program. Noting that he was speaking not only as governor, but as a lawy~r, Edwards Catholic stressed, "We should try to remember as lawyers and businessmen that we cannot live or conduct our lives as we please on six days a week and then come on Sunday and say we have fulfilled our covenant," He concluded by saying that ceremonies such as the Red Mass are an occasion for lawyers to renew their commitment "to the rule of law, the basic principles of justice, love of mercy and humility. In doing so we Oawyers) serve not only ours~lves, but our nation and our' God," \


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 12, 1979

Television Facts for Parents The following commentary is reprinted by courtesy of the Parents' Committee for Children's Values in TV and Movies. It represents the concensus opinion of 131 parents who, at the request ~f the New York archdioceses, monitored and critiqued prime time television over a seven month period.





As a summertime parents, The Anchor their comments on programs during the weeks.

service to will carry individual next few

But with all this it would be odd to ignore the most powerful and 'obvious factor of all mass media. In the last decade young people have spent on average, more than 25 hours a week listening at home to total strangers who are contemptuous of, if not hostile to, their parents' ideals. If you think television and movies are neutral or indifferent, you haven't ,been listening recently.

A private testing on word association among young television 'viewers recently discove.red that We are considerably more con- the word they most associate cerned in 1979 than we were in with "Christianity" is "hypoc1969 about the effect on children risy." (Observers of television of television and movie-viewing, and movies ,know that this is a and for two reasons: (1) both constant theme). Why would television and motion pictures such youngsters want to attentl in the last few years have be-' Mass? ' gun to attack Christian stanFour years ago the television dards openly and directly; and "good guys" with whom young(2) in 1979 we now have evidence that their destructive im- sters identify - the lawyers, pact on the faith and morals of detectives, doctors, policemen youngsters is greater than any- and policewomen began, as if one anticipated. Relatively few some~n~ gave a signal, to parents realize how deeply these "sle,ep a-round." If the chief shows are affecting children's heroes and heroines appear to be happy,' successful anl sexminds. ually promiscuous, - and viewBefore making a judgment ing A~erica seems to approve please consider some facts. - why would a teenager be inThe television set is "on" in clined to be strict with himself? the average American home 41 Television dramas and movies hours a week. The average American school in 1979 often create for youngchild watches television almost sters bizarre and corrupting 25 hours a week. (The same sources of wisdom: prostitutes, child spends less than 30 hours pimps, ,criminals, addicts and other "street people." a week in the chlssroom).

sadistic, brutish father of the satioQs about values. This is heroine, sports a University of most important. Obviously, reNotre Dame jacket. There have ducing the offensive shows seen been dozens of examples of this in your home will not protect kind of discrimination over the your child from the pervasive last few years. immorality of the late 20th cenWhy then would a child who tury in America, hence it is most attends movies of his choosing important that you find opporand watches television freely,' tunities to discuss' with your value the views of parents or children everything we have priests over those of his at- written here, and much more,' tractive fantasy heroes? .Because regarding their faith and perparents are more real? You may sonal Christian values. have forgotten your own youth The stakes are very high and your heroes. For many the our children's minds and charintrighing world of television is , acters. their real world.

With this in mind we offer you a short review of what is regularly found in most current television shows. We remind you: this is a service for parents who wish to judge a program. The judgment is the parents'. We are not here concerned with adult viewing habits. But we make two observations: adult dispositions are affected by viewing habits more than many think; and children who know that their parents watch vulgar programs are bound to be demoralized.

And there is an even more powerful influence, on millions of American youngsters' values. Rock heroes and rock lyrics are very frequently obscene and bitterly anti-Christian. What you hear (and likely don't understand) on radio and television is bad enough; what your child sees at a rock concert and listens to on recordings at home is often incredibly foul and vicious. Yet millions of parents, in all innocence, are pleased' to see their earphoned 12-year old enjoying music at an early age. Consider just the titles of some recent best sellers. "Please Go All the Way," "Tonight's the Night," "Lay Lady Lay" and "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad"all are immoral: "Only the Good Die Young" ridicules Christian morality; "Macho Man," "YMCA" and "Its Great to' be Gay" celebrate homosexuality. "Love to Love You baby" stimulates sexual activity. These songs bathe youngsters' minds in obscenity. How can they not be affected?

By Charlie Martin

WE ARE FAMILY We are family, I got aU my sisters with me We are family, get up everybody, sing We are family, I got all my sisters with me We are family, get up everybody, sing Everyone can see we're together As we walk on by And we flock just like birds of a feather I won't tell no lies All of the people around us they say Can they be that close? Just let me speak for the record We're giving love and a family name Living life is fun and we just. begun to get our share Of this world's delights High hopes we have for the future And our goals in sight We know we don't get depressed Here's what we call our golden rule Have faith in you and the things you do You won't go wrong 'f!tis is a family jewel

What about qualifying factors A recent study reyealed that parents across the nation talk like the views of their parents, seriously to their children less parish priests and teachers? than three minutes~a week. ReThe picture of parents, priests ligious parents may do better and teachers delivered by telebut perhaps not as well as they vision to this generation of believe. What we are suggesting to youngsters is very poor indeed. In addition to those statistics, In television drama parents very you is not easy. Many, many a major study of the changes of frequently appear as dull, de- children intimidate their parents values in America over the last fensive, narrow, insensitive, ra- witH demands for nearly total twelve years has told us some- cist, self-centered persons, less freedom' of choice, especially in thing even more arresting. , well informed than their child- the apparently innocuous field Twelve years ago Americans ren. Some times they are hostile of entertainment. drew their values mainly from to children. In devastating conWritten by Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards The time has come for a serifour sources: family, church, trast the attractive figures of ous reflection on contemporary sung by Sister Sledge, (c) 1979, Cotillion school and alT immediate circle prime time and in the movies movies, television and rock lyof friends. In 1979 those four who are often promiscuous, vul- rics as' a steady persl!asive The group "Sister Sledge" is exactly what their new album sources are far down the list. gar, rude, lawless, and succeed stream of pagan suggestions bins them to be, "We Are Family." The fO\lr sisters, Kathie, Debbie, Youngsters today overwhelming- without education or V(ork, are washing out the natural and Kim, and Joni, have two singles in the Top 40, plus a best selling . iy draw their values from three also articulate, far minded, "with spiritual protections that every album. Their sound, witil qualities of both disco and soul, is packed quite different sources: mass it" and appear surrounded by the healthy, normal child requires with spirit and enthusiasm. media, the new folk heroes and most beautiful music, cars and and deserves. RemembElr these "We Are 'Family" is expres&ive in stating-the closeness of a family the peer pressure of their gen- settings. If you don't believe programs are not like the proeration(which largely confirms this, watch. prime time, go to ductions of the 1960's or early bond. Outsiders remark of the visible unity and closeness, and even t,he first two). Parents, are ,not the movies. In 1978 several mov- 70's. These are aggressive and wonder if this bond can be as close as it appears. The Sledges a prime source of values for mil- ies introduced priests who were' seductive. If you allow strangers assert the power of this unity and openly declare, "We Are Family, lions of children who watch a weak, nearly moronic or sex- to enter your child's mind 25 I got all my sisters with me." great deal of television:' ually confused. In the highly en- hours a week and shape his Families are a significant part ,of our lives. Whether we are tertaining "Mash" series on tele- . ideals' you must not logically . part of a natural family or another unit, all of us need to belong With these two sets of facts vision the priest is nearly an expect him to reflect or even to a small supportive group. Sadly, though, we sometimes take this in mind consider what we know . idiot. respect your views. If you know gift of belonging for granted. :Because we are often' with our falllily, and hear frequently: that youngthat those strangers are ad- familiarity tends to dull our appreciation for each individual's sters brought up in excellent A steady diet of such conCatholic families, graduates of trasts must affect the thinking vancing immoral and cynical special gifts. -It is easy to take these people for granted. Consequentconcepts, you have an even ly, we may work less at family relationships, judging that they will Catholic schools, and good in of youngsters. more serious responsibility. grow automatically. Catholic parents in particuso many ways, announce that Difficult as it may be, parents they don't want to attend Mass. lar fare very poorly. They are . If we allow such thoughts to guide how or when. we will share Later some say they have re- easily identified as ethnic or must consider their obligation ,with 'family members, we. will discover we are with a group of jected the moral code of the white middle class people or the to eliminate from their children's emotional strangers,. Church. script openly ridicules their Cath- regular diet of entertainment If we mant to find meaning in the declaration, "We are family," Many factors are involved: olic origins. Youngsters are re- programs that explicitly under-' we must find opportunities for sharing with members as' individuals, perhaps a weakening of family pelled by their boorish, reaction- . mine faith and morals. That protection probably in- and with the group as a whole. Such a deoision will mean a com路 ties, a Jess resolute teaching 'of ary views, their narrowness and religion: cynicism in politics and meanness. Movies are even more volves a general reduction of mitment by all tile family members away from some pri\:,ate inbusiness, and many other ele- explicit. .In "Looking for Mr. television viewing by youngsters terests or activities. As with most aspects of life, some roads must ments. Goodbar," a路 morbid movie, the and will usually lead to conver- be less explored if we are to know others fully.


~Interschol astic



tv, movie news


Bristol County Loop At Halfway Mark regular schedule the week of Aug. 5, after which there will be a playoff series. In the quarterfinals the teams finishing first and second will have byes but the thirdplace team will meet the sixthplace team, fourth will meet fifth in best two out of three series. In the semi-finals, first place will meet fourth or fifth, second place will take on third or sixth. After tonight's game - Beagles vs. Boxers - St. Anne's Junior Baseball League of Fall River will be idle until July 23 because of Boy Scout Week Sunday through Saturday 'next week. The league's annual awards banquet is scheduled for Sept. 23 in, St. Anne's school hall.

Attleboro Golf Tourney The Attleboro Area CYO's annual golf tournament will be held Wednesday at the Norton Country Club. The tourney is open to all males and females, ages 12 to 26, Catholic or not, according to Father Norman Boulet, the director. The entry fee is $2 per person and applications are available at the Norton Country Club and at rectories in the area. 'In other golf news young golfers wishing to participate in the 20th annual CYO Diocesan Golf Tournament should contact their local CYO directors without delay. The tourney will be held July 30 at the Pocasset golf course on Cape Cod. In last week's column mention was made of the five girls of Apponequet Regio.nal High School who were named to the New Bedford Standard-Times all star softball team. Because of space limitations it was not possible to ~ention all selectees so here is the complete list: Catcher: Rita Bevilacqua, Apponequet. Pitchers, Joan Allison, Apponequet, Sharon Jeff-

rey, Dartmouth, Rosemary Paquet, Wareham. Infield: Voncia Costa and Lynne Maguire, Apponequet, Kathy Fearing, Wareham, Nancy Sullivan, Dartmouth. Outfield: Robin Grant, New Bedford High, Mary Crowe, Old Rochester, Cathy Donegan, Apponequet. . The reserves, or "the bench," are catcher, Darcy Pina, Old Rochester; pitcher, Janet Routhier, Westport; infielders, Laurie Sirois, New 'Bedford High, Denise Fisher, Wareham; outfielders, Jackie Seguer, Dartmouth; Laura Ainslie, Old Rochester. Coach: Peter Looney, Apponequet. Aide: Sue Waletkus, Wareham. Looney piloted the Apponequet girls to the state championship. During his six-years at the Lakerette helm he had previously led them to the finals five times. This year his Lakerettes were unbeaten in 26 outings. Ms. Waletkus led Wareham's Vikings to the Southeastern Mass. Conference crown and into the quarter-finals of the state tourney. The Vikings were 12-4 in conference, 15-5 overall.

Sullivan Fenway Park Winner


John Sullivan, 11, a student at ten, John was waiting for word the 'Dartmouth Middle School, on whether his score was high was the winner of a Pitch, Hit , enough to advance him to the and Run competition at Fenway national finals. Regardless, the Park, and may yet get into the youngster. has something to be national competition to be held proud of having gained the in conjunction with the All-Star northeast regional competition baseball game in Seattle's King- crown at Fenway. dome on July '17. As this is writ-

lona Island for Sale INVERARAY, Scotland (NC) The cradle of Scottish Christianity is for sale, reports Reuters British ~ews agency. The island of lona, where St. Columba landed from Ireland in the six~ century, has been placed on sale by trustees for the estate of the 10th Duke of


A Mystery "It is one of the many things


Swinging into the second half of its schedule the Bristol County CYO Baseball League has a doubleheader tonight at Chew Memorial Field in Fall River. Pace-setting South is home to Somerset at six p.m. and North opposes Maplewood at 8:15. Other twin bills at Chew Field over the next week are: SI,mday, Somerset vs. Maplewood, North vs. Central; Monday, Central vs. Kennedy, Maplewood vs. South; Tuesday, North vs. South, Central vs. Maplewood; Thursday, Somerset vs. Central, North vs. Kennedy. There is also a single game - Kennedy vs. Somerset - at Hanson Memorial Field, Somerset, Tuesday evening. The league will wind up its

Thurs., July 12, 1979

Argyll who died in 1949. It is called the cradle of Scottish Christianity because monks from the island converted the Picts and the Scots. '


Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children' or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation!; C-condemned.

New Films "In "Moonraker" (United Artists) - number 11 for '''007'' James Bond takes a giant leap, without a parachute, to catch the audience's attention even before the opening credits identify the familiar Roger Moore (Bond) and Richard Kiel (Jaws). Moore, in his classy manner, keeps one jump ahead of crises, in unruffled control whether dueling with a kendo-stick wielder or wrestling a boa constrictor. Bond is mandated to locate a hijacked space shuttle ripped off en route to England. Drax, Mr. Bad .Guy 1979, is the aerospace genius (Michael Lonsdale) whose grandiose scheme embodies a super race to be spanned in space, to repeople the earth. Part of his plan includes wiping out all of the earth's present inhabitants with germ-laden missiles'. Despite a detached treatment of sex and a stylization of violence parents should know that both elements are present in the "001" set piece. PG, A3

"Breaking Away" (fox): The maturing of four late-adolescent Hoosier boys gives Peter Yates a chance to illustrate how challenges separate men from boys. Some appealing acting by Dennis Christopher (Dave) and his parents (Paul Dooley and Barbara Barrie) and the excitement of "The Little 500" bike race on the Indiana University campus recommend this first effort by scriptwriter Steve Tesich. The resolution of the conflict between native stonecutters and the university students, however, is too facile. PG, A2' "Bloodline" (paramount): Audrey Hepburn stars as a woman who inherits a vast business empire, then is stalked by a killer in this adaptation of the best seller of ,the same title. A plodding, unsuccessful thriller, the film reeks of sexual exploitation, with several kinky scenes that should prove especially revolting to feminists. R,C "The Frisco Kid" (Warners): Gene Wilder is a Polish rabbi who joins forces with an affable outlaw (Harrison Ford) while getting to San Francisco in Gold Rush days. The comic misadventures are not as funny as they should be, due to poor direction, and the result is mediocre entertainment. Some violence and rough language make this adult fare. PG, A3 "The Main Event" (Warners): High-pressure perfume dealer (Barbara Streisand) is ripped off

by her accountant, left only with the "ownership" of a phony prizefighter (Ryan O'Neal). In an attempt to recoup her finances, Streisand forces O'Neal to train and fight. Two fiascos later she is richer only by "owning" 0' Neal's love. Sexist and vulgar. this film is a loser. Only Patti 'D'Arbanville, O'Neal's uncouth girl friend, provides a few light moments. PG, A3 Films on TV Sunday, July 15, 9-111 p.m. (ABC) - "The Gambler" (1974) James Caan is a college teacher whose compulsive gambling jeopardizes the future of one of his students, a star athlete. The film's sordid backgrounds call for an adult rating. A3 Monday, July 16, 8-11 p.m. (ABC) - "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963) - The "Gone With the Wind" of slapstick comedy. A frantic search for hidden riches starring just about everybody. Repetitious and tedious, with a few diverting moments. Al Tuesday, July 17, 9-11 p.m. (CBS) "Don't Look Now" (1974) - An English couple Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie - distraught about the drowning of their child, attempt to regain their emotional balance as he helps restore a crumbling church in Venice. Sutherland's "gift" of second sight is pivotal to both the dead little girl and the deteriorating marriage in this psychic potboiler. The theatrical version of this film was objectionable :because of an extended scene of explicit love-making. B Wednesday, July 18, 8-11 p.m. (NBC) "Little Big Man" (1970) - Dustin Hoffman, as sole survivor of Custer's Last Stand, relives the story of his life and times on the frontier. Although not tightly conceived or executed "Little Big Man" is ,. a major treatment of the ,Old West and its conflicts. A3 Friday, July 20, 9-11 p.m. (ABC) - "The Reincarnation of Peter Proud" (1975) - Peter Proud (Michael Sarrazin) dreams of his own murder in a previous life and falls in love with the woman (Jennifer O'Neill) who was his daughter in that life. Nudity and' explicit sex scenes make this film unacceptable. COn Radio "Guideline" (NBC) presents a new series of programs on the needs of handicapped people. The guest will be Franciscan Brother Joseph Moloney, executive director of the National Aposto-late with Mentally Retarded Persons. (check local listings for time.)

in God's dealing with us, that seems so very mysterious, that he should have made suffering a condition of sanctity," - P. A. Sheehan

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Never Happy Again .LANOASTER, Pa.-"Once you seE! someone in the third stage of malnutrition, you can never be happy again," Msgr. Robert Coli said. The pastor of St. Thomas More' Parish, Allentown, Pa., Msgr. Coli is the co-founder of Operation Rice Bowl, the lenten sacrifice program promoted in about 130 dioceses in the United States.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., July 12, 1979

• steering points

Ecumenism Requires Dedication to Truth 'LONDON (NC) - The road to Christian unity requires "total dedication to the relentless pursuit of God's truth," said Cardinal George Basil Hume· of Westminster in the first address ever given to the United Reformed Church 'by a cardinal. Cardinal Hume addressed the

spring general assembly of the URC, which unites English Presbyterians . and Congregationalists. The prelate praised formation of the URC as a' step toward full organic unity in faith and worship. Common baptism is

the starting point of URC unity, he added. "The realization by the baptized that they have this baptism in common means they recognize or should recognize that the logical outcome must be full organic unity in faith and worship," said the cardinal.

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PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN Ire asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. as well as fUll dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675-7151.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL,GREATER FALL RIVER Greater Fall River Vincentians will meet at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 22 at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. -Benediction will open the meeting. Members are invited to bring their families .to enjoy camp facilities. SSe PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER Parish CYO advisors will hold an appreciation night at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Father Coady Center. ' CYOers will spend Monday, Aug. ,6 at Rocky Point Park. Events will include a complete shore dinner, admission to all park rides and use of the Olympic pool for members in good standing. Permission slips signed by a parent must be returned to the rectory by Aug. 3. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Among parish needs are additions to the corps of ushers, collectors, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, home :visitors, bingo workers, OCD teachers and aides, school volunteers, ocasional handypersons and office aides, sports coaches, sanctuary workers and persons who would .volunteer to make sure that no one is alone at a funeral. The annual novena honoring Good St. Anne will open Tues, day, with services at 3 and 7:30 p.m. Father John R. Foister will be the speaker. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER, FALL RIVER DIOCESE . Marriage Encounter information nights will ,be held at 8 p.m.. Saturday, July 21 at St. Joseph church hall, Fairhaven, and at 8 p.m. Sunday, July 29 'at St. Patrick church hall, Wareham.

OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK The first festival in honor of the parish patron will be held tomorrow through Sunday, beginning with a procession and recitation of the rosary at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. Highlighting the. weekend will be a second procession ·and special closing Mass at 4 p.m. Sunday. Father Thomas Mayhew, pastor, Father George Harrison, associate pastor, and. Joseph Macedo, chairman, head a large arrangements committee. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Team members are sought for the 1979-'80 confirmation program and may contact Mike Cote, parish coordinator of religious education, to volunteer their services. A collection to benefit the Holy Ghost Fathers' mission activities' will be taken up at all Masses this Sunday and Father William Joyce, C.S.Sp. will explain the community's work. ST. MICHAEL, SWANSEA A St. Michael's Follies rehearsal will be held at 7:30 tonight in the church hall. The production will be staged Saturday, Sept. 29, the feast of St. Michael.. ST. RITA, MARION ,The parish council will meet at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow. At 8 p.m. the Light of Christ Prayer Group will meet at the rectory. The gathering will conclude with special pray~rs for physical; emotional and spiritual healings. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Priests visiting the parish include Auxiliary Bishop John D' Arcy of Boston, Father Leo But_ temir, SJ, and Father Herve LeBlanc, CSC. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD

Father Joseph Richard will conduct a holy hour from 3 to 4 p.m. Friday, July 20. The public is invited.

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