Cardinal O'Boy~~ Advises'
Enemi s of Religion Come From Within
WASHINGTON (NC) The enemies of religion to day are "more likely to come from within" than from without, Patrick Cardinal 0' Boyle of Washington declared here. "Religion has always had its '(OJ~~ u ,1"IhIllJlrsday, enemies," the prelate said. $4.00 II'>eII' V_r "Mostly they were easy to rec @ U91&7 1r~ Anchor 11, PIIlICIE Uilk ognize, and most of them came ~ -:-_____ f('Om without. "Today the enemies of religion' and of the Catholic Church in' particular, , are more likely 'to come' from within. "Driven at times by intellec tual pride, unable to adjust to '711 ,.1'7 .If I~-I. ,an age that is impatient of aU, ,.,S l'J.Cl ~ u (J}jJ. ,UJJ a 0 T1 er3 'virtues 'save 'its own concept of freedom, they are easy victims of the cancer of ~oubt wbich ill . , r 'JI: • ' , the forerunner of 'complete 1088 of faith." , BUFFALO (NC)--:Bish~ James ,A. M~Nulty of BUl!. Ca'rdinal O'Boyle spoke Sun :Wo has announced that beginiling with the Nov; '3 edition,' 'day at' Ii pontifical low MaS1l the Magnificat,' diocesan newspaPeI', will be', sent 'into "which, he o£f~red, in'S,t: Ma t,",
llFIery Catholic home the diocese. ' ' ", • thew's cathedral. It was the first CAR~INAL O,'B~"UC
, '1'he N'e',w York dJ'o'ce's'e' 'beco~""a ,~'he' ~6th l'n' the oo.. ""t""'. ,":pubi'ic' function in wh;'ch'he itil(ll , " ~., "'.. n Jjarticip'afedsinc'ehis' returm ,the ca'theti~al ancf.s~at~!i. il{~be 81t, aend its official newspapell' into everyh.ome~:' from Rome, where be was 'ele- :sanctuary duripg ,the Mass. were, Although the paper has a;eiI'culatiou of'ne.ar1i,60,-' .vated 'to the College of Cardi- a, nUplbtr.r, of ,:prQt~!!~flnt ,~n.d, , .. ~ copies a weeic~ it ,is received by ,less,-third nal~ by Pop~ Paul VI.", '; " '. Jewish t:eligioUl, Jea_<ier~"an~ . . the· Catholic' families AllI. ,the Buffalo diocese, it W-a8 ' Marching' in the pro~ession illil. laymen,,' .' . ' . ..
July 13, 1961
River, Masso
No. 28
,u. s.
The 56th, In
•• h QP
I ty'
0 d
;Diocesan NewsnallJer in Eve, ry Home','
IJePO~,~~~ Magn~ficat
is a good of professional foornalism gauged to serve the updated Church and 1;0 fJtrengthen the Christian telCtllllre of society," ,Bishop Mc Nulty stated in a letter to aU pastDrs in the diocese. "Our best cooperation of bishops, priests, Religious hd laity," the bishop's letter continued, "is to build the ®onciliar Church in the diocese of Buffalo. Since Sundav Jllireaching is restricted because of time, we must provid~ G), text for our People of God in the Magnificat. This is a Gmust' in the work assigned to us. "We plan to make the Magnificat easily available. :n:t be delivered by m~~il every week to every home," Bishop McNulty said.
F~d~ ~i\7er M;$sicne~ Me~;can Maryknoll P@IrB~h
FQther , Dufour
In' ~,e~, ,'Post
The' Chancery Office a~ nounced' today the transfeJr of . Rev. Clement E. Dufoult" from St. Theresa's Church in New Bedford, where he hM been assistant since DecembeP:' of 1958, to St, Anthony's Church in that city where he will serve NEW YORK. (NC)~The failure of major Christian Ii###~################'#######l as an assistant. Father Dufoul!' will report to his new assign organizations to speak in de ment on July 20th. fense of Israel during the Son of Gedeon and Albertina recent war in the Middle East The traditional brochure pub (Cote) Dufour, Father Wail "will haunt the agenda' of future lished on the dedication of each born on June 12, 1929 in Fall Jewish-Christian dialogues for new Diocesan High School is in River, a member of St. Mathieu years to come," according to a the final pre-publication phase Parish. He attended the Parish prominent Jewish ecumenist. in order that it will be available school, Msgr. Prevost High Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum, di for the dedication of the new School, mid took his college rector of Interreligious Affairs Bishop Connolly High School in classical studies in Assumption for the American Jewish Com Fall River. College in Worcester. He studied mittee, told the 19th annual Scheduled for this 1"all, it is philosophy and theology at St. meeting of the Religious News confidently expected that the John's Seminary in Brighton wl'iters Association that "no new Apostolic Delegate to the and was ordained on Feb. 1. futur'e Jewish - Christian dia United States, Archbishop Luigi 1958 in St, Mary's Cathedral. logue will take place without Raimondi, will preside and ad Fall River, by Most Rev. JameD Jews insisting upon the confron dl'ess the gathering, L. Connolly, D,D.
t~tion on the part of Christians All donors who fulfilleC: their
Father was assigned to St. of the profound historical, reli- pledges will be listed in this Turn to Page Three booklet. Turn to Page Eighteen
'Rabbi 'T~n:enbaum~'Deplores Christian Silence on Israel·
School Brochure i '
Maryknoll Father Leo J. at Merida's archdiocesan semi Melancon of Fall River has nary for 10 years. He said that, though he en been named pastor of The Turn to Page Twenty M~ya Indian parish in ruml Yll!catan, Mexico. ' Father Melancon was teaching
philosophy at a seminary in
Mel'ida, the capital and largest
city of the state of Yucatan, un
till receiving his new assignment.
'rfne 60-year-old missioner who bas licentiate degrees in philos The program and schedule for ~hy and theology had taught the 1967 New England Congress for all Christians is nearing . completion according to Thomas H. Menten, general chait'man. The congress, sponsored by the ConfraternUy of Christian Doc trine, is slated for Friday tht:ough Sunday,' Aug, 25 to 27 at the Universit'y of New Hamp shire, Durham, It will feature Most, Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, Ph.D., S.T.D: Bishop Sheen will deliver the keynote address at 10:30 Friday morning at the Field House, Ad ,missioii . will be by registration' to the' Congress at New Hamp· shire Hail. Registt'ation fee at . the, university is $3 but only $2 . if registration is made bef,oJ'e Aug; 25 through the University Extension Service, U,N,H" Dur hilm; N.H. Following the general session, Bishop' Sheen will address the , clergy at a s~ecial lun«heon, lFA'l'UER MELANCON
Cardinal O'Boyle express~ special greetings to the Protes tant and Je'wish leaders "who have been our co-workers in seeking solutions to some o( the moral and social problems which confront our community." He said he hopes for "a con tinuing relationship in the sel!' vice of almighty God, of ouE' neighbor and of this capital city of our nation." The cardinal then turned t@ the 'current problem facing "all religions but which is particu larly painful to us as Catholics." "Some call it extremism; some, defiance of authority; still!. others, the youthful revolution," he said. "But I think the term ,tha~ comes .closest the roo~. cause of this restlessness is 'tM .Crisis of Faith.' ' '''For without faith there ia n~ star, to steer by, no rudder, t. hold us on course, no ,incentiw Turn ,to Page Twenty
Seminars will 'be 'held from 2 to 4 Friday afternoon. Mass
will· follow
Friday Speakers ' Friday afternoon speakers and topics include Rev., JohI;l Har mon, Episcopal priest· from 'Packard Manse, R9xbury, Mass. His subject is "Suburbia and the I11ner City-One in ,Christ." Dr. Gerald Pine of the tTniversity of New Hampshire faculty will dis ,cuss how to put gro\.1p dynamics ,to work.
August Harassed high school level teachers of religion will find helpful Eileen' E, Anderson's guidelines "for when the text doesn't seem to work." A cate chetical consultant she will re peat this session Saturday after noon and Sunday morning. Editor of the Living Light, a national catechetical review, and author or' many books, Mary Perkins Ryan will speak to those interested ·in pre-school children on what constitutes an atmo sphere of love. Repeats of this session, are also planned for Saturday afternoon and SundaJ' morning. ' Discussing use of, visual aids, Sister Francille; C.S.J., of the faculty of ,Regis College" and Father Da",id Gawlik of .Mtl waukee will panel a session OD picture, song and film. It is re .schequled for· Saturday altef'o .noon. TW'IIl to Pa~e Six
'. ; I.,
'Bmshop:s: A'ppr~ve
2 ' " .HIE' ANC,HOR"';'Diocese. of. Fall River-::Tht>rs.. , Jur,r 1 ~(.~ 9§7, '\' :.
',' '.\ .'
'. CoUege'!M~rs/Jr
DUBLIN"" '(.NCh -;ITe]and"tl bishops, meeting at'll national seminaty at 'Maynootho announced that they had agreed to give conditional· approval 1Je Il government plan'to merge the mation's two universities. The approval followed a gO'i'o" emment announcement that the eolleges should be merged be- cause they could operate mORi efficiently as one unit. Just a few days before the · merger announcement, Dublin'. Archbishop John' C. McQuaid, C.S.Sp., had warned CatholiC8 that they could not attend the tradiiionally Protestant Trinit;~ College. . ,' Although no official po1i~ governs the ariangem'ent, Trin-: ity is considered a Protestant school, while University College is generally Considered' 'to b«J Catholic. Both 'schools have both Pr~ estants and Catholics in the~ faculties and student bodies.
of Fall River
OFFICIAL TRANSFER Rev. 'Clement E. Dufour, assistant at St, Theresa's Church, New Bedford, to St. Anthony «ld' Padua Church, New :Bed ford, as assistant. Transfer effective July 20, 1967.
Seminary 'Dmre~iors Discuss Formation of ~r~e$ts NIAGARA FALLS (NC)-The rapid change in the mentalitY,and.D,eeds of the .modern seminarian was'a prime concern ;of group of 65 seminary administrators and spiritual directors from all..'parts of the U.s.; participating in· a workshop on the spiri-' . '., tual formation of ·future essity for .new; forms of prayer, priests at Mount Carmel Col- both liturgical' and private, to· meet the needs. and desires of lege here in Ontario. the modern ·:Re~igious. Seriiina-
. Necrology' .
This topic, along with others, was in~ludedin da bset of eigkht resolutions '· adopte .•~ y the d ,wor h' hs h op part IClpan"" an w IC were to. be admitted to the bis~ops and to major religious supe riors. The participants stated in their resolutions that "position papers and discussion revealed this 'rapid change that has and will continue to take place in the' mentality of modern youth, and recognized ·the need for rethink ing the role of the seminary.'
ries must be constituted of Christian' . communities . that': achieve unit.·.·' of mind 'and hea¥.• .t in the Christian encounter' 'of prayer."
JULY. 23
Rev. Patrick F. Doyle', 189Sl,
. YEAR OF FAITH: Pope Pa 1 VI opened the Year of Faith from the throne it St. Peter's, square. after conceJ.ebrating Mass outdoors wit the new Cardinals. NC Photo. " . '
Founder, . SS. Peter' a'nd' Paull, Fall River. '. Rev. George B. McNamee, 1938, Pastor, Holy' Name, Fail IUver. ' JULY25 ' , Rev. Michael J. Coo)<e, 191~ Pastor, St. Patrick,' Fall . River. . I
, Joint ,Center
' ' , "The ability on the part 'of the WILMINGTON (NC) - ThrE® private social agencies haWl seminarian $0 maintain healthy JE tFi\ n::J Jl L tnl ~ ~ 00 6'l!l interpersonal relationships both "W1.1 Q€ J lin! ~,JI1lli.J"~ . • \.S !HII I!i!UI El 'YI jointly established a community service center in a Catholic P3Jll with. those inside and outside' of ~' ish in inner-city WiimingtOilllo his immediate 'community," the ~n'$llui;~s, ·1l"~,\1(eOn@.~ntm,lnlS BSC.LlJS$ 'Res\1Jlts The agencies are Catholic Socioll resolution went on, "is an essen-' Services, .Jewish 'Family Serv tial for a balanced prayer life (j)f V iIl1S'gC~lIrn Il1cd U .' ices and Family ServiCe Gi2 and for an effective apostolate..' . I · . "
,"The fact that such interp~rNEW YORK (NC)-Some 28 TIle Cardinal. Bea Instltute, · Northern Delaware: Their cen .sonal r~~atio~ships are. held ~n "of" the'U; S.· bishops who tQok . fOUJltled at Fordham in 1965,01' ·.tel' is located at 'Sacred Heari 'OI;Jtimistic Piicture' I such high est~m .by today's . part in Vatican Council II met gani' j:I the seminar. " ,.. Church. ; , Tfte .. paJ;ticipants ~ave ' been,.. Ylmth ~s a. sign,. of hig~' .hope for":it" 'Fordham 'Univeniity for lj'. ,Sbjects discussed ·included: ;':"'1. impressedby'this'mentality aJ:ld, tpe ql,lality o~ t~e fjJture -::lerIDI::' 'week,.long . seminar .'with thea-, the 'Iilst-cenciliar cr.isis;.ecclesial by the generosity, sincerity arid. F~t~er ,BreJ1~,an', R.'. ltill, O. 'iogian'g to discusil the results Qf .. oi n!>lons of unbelief;;.'Chtis , C" t C· arm~I ., their ' t'Ian. R eveI a t'Ion 10 .' con t e.mporaI"Y,. "", ", " openness of modern seminarians, arm., d'ean 0 f' M" oun. ", , '. handiwork. 'i. • ,',md see ~)lese"9ualities as highJy, .col.~eg~; d.ireft~4· t~e ,~orkshOP,...· ''fpe :'seminar ,was i~e first' of', theo gy.; .. Scripture, lIJlld: :.tradi-. . indicative' of an optimistic pie- w~ch was, unde~ the p<lt,fonage, , its }>ind. between episcopal lead .tion, New, ,Testament, ;witness 'of ., ture for the Church of the f"-, ~the U.~. Bi~h~p,s:C~~mit~. ·.·ers and, theologians, Fordham . the wledge of Christ.' ;:;, .. ··tUre;"·" . '\ ,.,- .. . " "on Priestly F0!'Wl!tj.,oJ1•.. '. .:.." 'SIlid-;it stemmeC: from the univer "AI 0' the 'Resurrectionin' bibli Wy~an "Because of the rich potential . . .' ·~ity'S efforts to inak~ a .Catholic cal' .exegesis;· Protestant and .. ' ,3..6592 of these candidates and because . Ordo" . university the place where the' . Cathplic in 'contempoary',Am~~of'the challenge of their fu~,., ;,. : . . ' ,. Cllurch does its .thinking. . .ica; {urrent problems! in·;Eucha.., CHARLES' 11. VAR~";S woon""'AY -:-:-: St", B onaven t.....· apostolates ," the resol u t·Ion con-.. ~........... ~ •...; In the last 18 months, Ford . risti ,.theology·, catechetl'cS'I'n the' . tinued, "it is imperative tha-t Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor. ham has jaunched a cooperative ·life f the Church; ·levels,of SO: 254 ROCKDALE' AVENUE there be an understanding, in. of the' ·Church.. III Class. . graduate program with the Prot cial change in the America!)
NEW BEDFORD, ,MASS. volved and trained staff for the White. Mass Proper; Glory; estant Union' Theological Sem Chu ch.
eeminaries. no Creed; Common Preface-. inary and has appointed Prot Al the council 'eonstitution "There is an urgent need that SATURDAY-St. Henry,· Em.,. 'estant clergymen and a Jewish on t e Church in the modern highly professional training be per?r and Confessor. III Class., rabbi to its 'faculty in theology wer!; the changing structure of m~de' available for those who' White. Mass ~roper; Glory; . and philosophy. '. , . .
the hurch's legal life; 'dynamics are involved in programs of' no Creed; Common Preface.
of I' sponi.ible .reform; questions spiritual formation. Such men . SUNDAY - IX ·Sunday After.. r ~o reco~h~~': ,Oft::: on ~arriage and celibacy; theel ~hould receive special prepara Pentecost.. II Class. .Green. ec 1;lres or e .IScusslons a ·J?tgyY .-, jethics, and situa.tio.n. m,oral tion in sociology, psychology and Mass Proper; Glory; Creed;. seml.nar, accordmg to Fordham ,
theology. Religious superiors Preface of Trinity. . . ' f.res~~nt:ath,:~ ~ McLaugh should contact Catholic univer ,MONDAY - 1'4ass of previoUs., . m~. ~'b '~d ~a\; 'd' ur/urpose sities who will do a great service Sunday: .. IV Class. Green. ~as.. , Uld at rl ~e tf or o~~m I ~ for the .Church:. by sponsoring Mass' Proper;' No Glory nor ~?q~ry a.~. no" a p a orm ,or. programs ·that this' prep Cr«;!e,d;.. Preface. " Ixe POSI Ions.. . aration." TUESDAY - S~. Camillus, Con, IFllJ ERAL .HOME; ,,~NC. lessor. III Class. White. Mass Marce. Roy - &. lOl'r'al~ Roy Unity of Mind. Beali. Proper; Glory; no Creed; , Roger lafrrie " Common Preface'. fUNERAL DIRECTORS :.•.. ,"The participants," the reso--:. WEDNES . ' Funermrl "110·....·... Jution stated; "realized the nee. DAY"-:-c St. Vincent De ••..., 15. l!'Yington', Paul, :Confessor. . III Class. 559 Locust Street. White.' Mass Proper; Glo~; ·995-5166 no Creed; Common Preface. Fall Riv~r; Mass.' New Beclford' THURSDAY~St. Jerome Aemi
FORTY. HOURS .. .. lian,' 'Confessor.' III Class..
Rose lEo Sullivall
~ite. Mass l!roper;' Glory;
I I DEVOTION" ". ..,'no ~effrey E~ Sllllivaln
Creed; Common. Preface. .
s~V~ MQNE~,.ON
ea«.. . l
" ,-,
," ,,'
.""',""'.1 . ' , " .... 8
L' .... Qa_a_a_o_a_._D_
July 16-8t.· Pius x" South Yarmouth. St.. ,stephen, Dodgeville. July 23-;-;::;t.. Francis of Assi~ si, New Bedford. Holy Redee~er, Chath;pn;' lHE AllCH01I P!lstalle Paid
."Second: CI~$S. ~... F'aU', RI"~ Mlls~. Publlsheo every Thursday at 41u tli~hlano ~venue. Fall Rive, Mass.. 02722 tiy 1110 catholic Press 0' the Dioce'se of' Fell . River, SUDscriplion pri", ~ IIliII, poslpaMl $4.00 per year. ...., .
LEVESQUE'S OFFla 'EQUIPMENT O'ROURKE funeral Home 571 Second Street
fall River, Mass.
679-6072 '
licensed FuneraLDirector"" Registered' Embalmer ;:
I.D. SullUvan·& Sons
.~ " ," "
469 LOCUST ' 1STREET 1 .
612-3381 '.
c. '.'
E. ..'
: :Suillvan, Jr.
0 ... ,
Desks, and Chain !.
f-:.'·· ;'.
SHAWMvi"STR~T . 'NEW.'Bt:DFORD, MASS. P. O. Box 2062,1);~rv~' L Le,v~~'···: . "'·t~leph~~,m;.1264·" ' . " ..' •
tiIlM-t\---------.. . . . ---...----------ii
" ,p .
THI; ANCHORThurs., July 13, 1967
Christians, In Joint Service For Peace
Genial Fairhaven Sacred Hearts Missioner
Has Young lapan~se Pagans as Aco{rtes U.rge
BERLIN (NC) - J 0 i II t By .Patricia Francis Jewish - Christiali. Sabbath
MitJo, in the prefecture of Ibarnki, Japan-"an agricultural area about 100 miles gel'Vices were conducted fOr
northeast of .Tokyo" -is some 7,000 miles from F'airhaven, Mass. However, to the peace in the Middle East "in
Rev. Daniel R. Perry, SS.CC., son of the late Frank R. and Rose (Mello) Perry, dis • West Berlin synagogue. Side by side with the presid tance is :relative.. To him, the two communities he calls "home" a:re, different only in ing rabbi of the Jewish commu "change of atmosphe:re." He nity in Berlin, Dr. Cuno Lehr grins as he explains that mann; Lutheran Bishop Kurt Scharf of Berlin and Msgr. Erich here he can watch su<;h tele Klausener of the Catholic diocese vision p:r'ograms as Laredo of Berlin read from the Scrip tures, led prayers for peace and eave short sermons calling for peace and understanding on the part of all the countries of' the Middle East. Rabbi Lehrmann made a plea to the Arab nations to grasp the outstretched hand of Israel and to reach an accord through 11 mutual cooperative effort.
Vince.ntians Plan General Meeting Particular Council of Fall River, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will observe the Feast of iJts patron saint at a general meeting at 3 o'clock Sunday, luly 23 at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. President Edouard W. Lacroix bas invited members to bring . fiheir families with them to en ~y the camp's facilities. To celebrate the Feast, which ~curs on Wednesday, July 19, £t is customary for members to attend Mass and receive Holy Itommunion in their own parish ehurches on the Sunday before the Feast, on the day itself, or within eight days after. Plans for the annual retreat to be held Sept. 22, 23 and 24 at Our Lady of Round Hill Re treat House, South Dartmouth and other matt"ers of interest to members will be discussed at· CI1e, meeting.
p'arish:' picnic
Parishioners of Immaculate Conception Church, Fall River, hold a Pllrish family picn~e, .... Sunday, July 23, from noon to Ii o'clock, at Camp Welch in Assonet. " There will be games for the families, swimming for all and a raffle conducted. All must bring their lunches. Members of the Holy Name Society and Women's Guild are' requested to bring their dona tions for the food baskets to the murch hall on Sunday, July 16.
will .
Father Dufour Continued from Page One Michael's Parish, Ocean Grove, tmtil December of 1958 when he became assistant at St. Theresa's m New Bedford. Father's transfer is occasioned by the death, on July 2nd, of Rev. Gerard Boisvert, assistant 11& St. Anthony'~.
and Bewitched in the original language instead of with Jap anese dubbed in, not always precisely. A six-footer who weighs in at 230 pounds, 22 pounds added since his return home on leave
in with the help of such treats as "real milk and real ice cream," Father Perry's speech now bears a trace of an Irish brogue picked up from. his fel low missionaries in Mite>. A graduate of Fairhaven High
School-he was here for his 25th class reunion in late Spring Father studied for the priesthood at the iormer Sacred Hearts College i~ Wareham and at Sacred Hearts Seminary in Washington. He was ordained in Washington on June 7, 1949.
After two years service as a member of the Sacred Hearts
faculty in Wareham, he was as
signed to the Mito mission in
October 1951. He expects to
stay there, with normal home
visits, every seven years. Took aYeall'
When he first arrived in
Japan, Father Perry recalls, he
and two other newcomers were plunged into a study of the ,Japanese language. "A Japanese
professor tutored us," he says.
"It took about a year to learn to
REV. DANIEL speak Japanese, about three to
read it."
of students-"an almost crO· As Father was learning to of 120' teen-agers who come to speak his new language, he also the mission at n~ght to study was "teaching" Japanese stu "English, religion and dancing.dents to speak English. "When I "It's CYO," he says wryly, first got to Mito," he explains, "except only nine of the~ are "tile professor of English at the Cathoiics." wUversity could not speak EnThe. Catholic populat~on of " gUsh: My voice was' put on tapes Mito s'till is small, Father Perry ilor him to use in bis classes." admits, but it is increasing , '.As a city of some' 160,000, slowly. Established in 1896, the Mito is 'educational center of the original 'mission t,ook in the prefeCture, or state~ of Ibaraki. whole prefecture. It had 324 In addition to the university, Catholics. Within the last 15 which draws students from a years, 'however, the original wide geographical area, there mission territory has been di also are 13 high schools in the vided four times and there now city, to which students travel are more than 300 Catholics in from far distances. the Mito area itself, less than 1Il Five of the high ,schools are sixth of the original territory. private. Only one is co-educa Despite the small Catholic tional. All run on a schedule of population, though, "we have 8:30 A.M. to 3:30 or 4 P.M. Mon ,400 to 500 people at Mass in the days' through Fridays, with Sat main church every Sunday," urday classes held from 8 until Father Perry says, "pagans who 1. "There are close to 2,000 chil want to pray. dren in each school," he says. "It is difficult for the Japan ese to become Catholics," he Varied Work Father Perry's work in Mito is expl~ins, because of their tradi,tion of ancestor worship and lIlI varied as his students, who range from kindergarteners to other cultural differences. "But some pray more than most Cath university students. He teaches olics," 'he says, citing the case En,glish to both. _of a pa'gan family he knows In his kindergarten class, he explains, he has approximately . "who' never think of sitting down to eat without saying JMO pupils. "I teach them, the , grace before meals, no matter sounds that are most difficult for Japanese' to learn," he says. where they are. One of the sons picked it up in }dndergarten and "'When they get into junior high now the whole family says it. It school it shows up. They can Pagan Altarboys pronounce the 'th' sound and the He also finds that young difference between 'r' and 'I' Japanese boys-pagans-"think very well." it's wonderful to be able to ex In his English speech compo sition classes at the university, plain what is coming next in the be has about 110 students, "most Mass and put their feet inside going to be English teachers," the Communion raiL" The glory is such that the he says. He adds proudly that young pagans "teach themselvelJ "'almost every school in the pre how to serve Mass - and do fecture now has one of my stu dents. U's good J)ropaganda for serve for us." Although Father Perry ar UIe Church." rived in Japan in 1951, a rela Bnr:Risb, Religion, Danclo« tively short time after the end , With more and more Japanese of World War II, he says be . interested in learning English, "never has found any antagon l'aUtle.r also baa a third jroup ism, from the beginning until
Chartges In Third Order
PHILADELPHIA (NC) Young members of the Third Order of St. Francis urged the venera~le organization at its national convention here to change its name and its style. A panel of Junior Third Order members from Cincinnati said that the organization suffered from too much control by priests, from a "too monastic character," from an "ancient and juridical" constitution; and from the pub lic impression that it is a club for "pious, hamlless let-things-be as-they-are"people.
Members of the panel were Donald Weinkam, junior at Xavier University; Charles Hill. graduate of St. Francis Minor Seminary, and Mary Wuest, sen ior at Mother of Mercy High School, all in Cincinnati.
Weinkam called for a "con temporary sign, perhaps a medal," to replace the tradition al cord and scapular. He also said the rule ought to be written in "a layman's language" and that the term "tertiary" was "ancient and monastic."
"Let's call ourselves lay Fran ciscans," he suggested.
Where A
GREA 7T' DEAL PERRY, SS.Cc.. . now, in Mlt~ven though ~r aircraft had severely damaged the area. About 90 per cent of it was raZed. ' "There have never been any sarcastic remarks of the 'Yankee, go' home' type from the studentl or anyone...·, The traditional family life of, the Japanese' is. changing, be says, and the change is not alJI.. to the good. ' Part of the "drastic break down" in family relations, he feels, stems from "factory dor mitories" set up in large manu Turn to Page Twenty
CHEVROLET, 1001 ',Kings
NEW BEDFORD Open !Evenings
IRENE R. SHEA, PROP. Prompt, Free Deiirery in FALL RIVER, $OMElIa, TlVERT. & 202 ROell( ST.
orrlJon Vincentians Get Federal G[]'@ ft' for Head StaR tp[]'~g!'am
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., July 13, 1967
Re(Qlm o
mJ5[(®<6fr@~ !KJ@@w~f1' A$$~[(g.$
period in 1966." This rise was
WASHINGTON (NC) ---,. The "the sharpest recorded since the
Increase in crime in United States is very real, J. Edgar publication of quarterly reports
Hoover, director of the Federal began in 1958,1' he added.
.The increase was distributed
Bureau of Investigation, insists. "quite evenly" in all geographic
He also contends that "sure de tection, swift apprehension and regions, large and small cities,
suburban and rural' areas, he
realistic treatment under the said, adding by way of emphasis
law" are essential to the preser vation of law,. order and decency. that "these crime increases are
Hoover has said these things real and the law enforcement "_
before, but he has retu rned to machine!') . needs the fun sup
them in recent days in reporting port of government aDd citizens
that in" 1966 there ,,'ere more alike." Hoover - makes his .personal
than three million serious of fenses in the U. S. for the first message in the July issue of the
FBI bulletin an expIJession -(j)f
time on record, and that re ported crimes shot up in the first disgust over the "moronic -be
havior" of those who .desecrate
flhree months of 1967. NEW DIRECTOR: Father Observers were quick t~ see and burn their country's flag. Joseph J. Walter, 5.J.,. has these and other statements by They are "surely lest in the been named 'director of the depths of depravity':' be says, the FBI chief as healthy swats at adding that "obviously, their Cat hoI i c Medical Mission crime commissions and high of Board, New York. Founded ficials who have been inclined to first loyalty is not ro- the United States." , discount the crime figures re 40 years ago, the C l\i ]vi :B Ji)y ing Fa triotism. ported by the FBI. helps the world's sick and He says there may -be many These critics say the Hoover needy by providing medi-' explanations for such action, but figures do not accuratcly reflect "dying patriotism is one major cines, drugs, equipment and the crime situation in the coun cause." volunteer medical personnel. try because of different methods "Love of country is b"eing 'de of reporting employed by vari NCPhoto. emphasized and excluded from 'ous police departments. several p'l~Jases 01 life," he <as~
Hoover says; however, that sects. "Many educators and other crime "is gl'owing in both size leaders seem to feel' it is ,no and intensity," and that this is longer nec~ssary for boys .and "uncontestably clear despite the gids to be concerned with ,how .efforts of some self-proclaimed our country came ~nto -being SAO PAULO (NC)-A world 'experts' to minimize its growth." what it stands for,. and the 001:11' In a speech to lawyers, later ageous and noble deeds of our wide "da.y of silence·' t~ fecus interest on freedom and oppesi repwduced in the Congressional forefathers to preseive it." Record, he spoke of "the shallow There are those 'who try to tion to' war is the goal of a cam pronouncements of that 'select' downgrade Hoover and' call' the paign launched' here by a group of impractical theorists erime'statistics published by the DominiCan priest. who ,would 'define-away' and FBI unrealistic. -Some would Father Francisco de A Faujo, reduce the crime ·prElbtem by have him retired or even ilut.,out In a sermon at.a Sunday Mass wielding a heavy eraser on sta of office. earlier in June, invit~ his con tistics concerning the number But the FBI chief is tremen gregation to rise if the worship of offenses reported to the dously pop~lar in Congress and ers favored· a proposal he had police." " with very large sections of the made for "a worldwide strike' He said crime' iJ1creased ".an population, indudKrg toosewoo ·of 24 hour.s of' silence against alarming 11 pel' cent last year," feel the need for60ul!l1e -ane war and for' ,froeeclem." The and that it "jumped 20 per oent triple locks en the -doors -af' their whole I;OngEegatiOfl stood up. in the first three months of 1967 homes, and -who sel'deR1, VentUft A. C()mmittee was erganized· WI when compared with the same out on, the streets at .flight. promote the idea, into a cam
POR (NC) - A :Head Start pr gram sponsored by the Society f St. Vincent de Paul will be onducted for 140 chil dren at vacant Catholie school here un er a grant from the U. S. o]ce of Economic Oppor tunity. Volunt ers of America will operate family day care pro gram un 'er the same grant. The R~V' George E. Carter .Jr.. vice cba rman of the Portland Metropol tan Steering Commit tee, tbro gh which the pmposal was SUbi·tted to the OEO, said the fede I grant for the total program was $121,452. ' Of this amount, he said, '$87,023 wiD go 110 the Society of St. Vincent e Paul for of a child I velopment center, and $34,-429 the Volunteers of America to. operate the family day care rogram. The progFams are fund through Dec. 31. Remod ling and improving of
HE The first plal1es of the Holy Father's Peace Mis sion ~f MeFCY arrived In the Middle East to aid victims of the recent Arab-Israeli war. Under the TOO E1irection ()f Msgr. Nolan, urgently needed 1000, elothing, medical supplies and bedding are belna mstribu~ to tfrE,mnocent victims (mostly diD eren) CIt the war --wretched human be~s no body wants. Estimates put the total numb« cinJ2ht in tIIis web of misery at ~early two m» lien. They .as:e, in critical condition - overrun, their work 41ppcrtunities gone, their food atlpo plies i3itt <Iff. Tfteusands are wounded ane S'ielf, witlwut medica! attention. Some roam the burfto ing 4eserisseeking hospice. Latest word from 1.15gr. NOIartIR' the- war·zone is that. "The evl dence FIClW available,IRdicates that the situation is moch moregrsve·.than anyone Imagined."
,Publication Sees Ber'lin .As Voice of East BERLIN (NC)-The ele"CItion of the bishop of Berlin t~ the rank of cardinal was called "an upgl:ading by the Pope" of an ·independent bishops' conference '''in communist East Germany by a . Catholi~ magazine oJl East :Berlin.
The bishop of Berlin, Alfred Cardinal ,Bengsch, resides in East Berlin <and was made ,a cardinal June 26. A11lhougb there is only one Gennan Bisbops' Confer.ence, which includes the bishops ef beth East and West Germany, - the' magazine, Encounter, has' been calling for the establish ment of separate bishops' con ferences in the two zones of the' .country. , !fhe magazine, which supports the East Gel:man regim~, has adopted the position that there are n&w two distinct Germanys. Communiea.tion Difficult " Encounter claimed that before the appointment of Cardinal Bengsch as a cardinal the Church in East Gennany had no
opportunity to make i1s veice heard directly in the college of cardinals.
Communicatwn via West Gel: many, it said, had been very dif-
Double Jubilee ST. CLOUD (NC} - Bishop reter W. Bartholome of St. Cloud marked a double jubilee here in Minnesota on Junc 29 the 25th anniversary of his con sec..·ation as ;] l);shop and the 50th annivers~!> ''''is ordma tion to the priestnuod.
Priest Promotes Day of Silence
paign to obtain wide support for the "strike," set for Sept. I. A CordinGI~ representative was assignedte present !t,e plan personally to Ge~any , Pope Paul VI. Thousands ·of let ters have been sent to countries ,ficult and" not always sattSllac tory, but now "Ule voice .ef· all over the world seeking sup Catholicism in East ,Germany port for the the movement. The will be heard directly in the Sao' ~aul" state' government has m.idst of those who wear the given its approval <and active Stlpp<.!rt. purple." However, Agnew' Car-dinal Earlier in June t-he East Ger man press had taken ne ,notice Rossi of Sao Paulo, in -2 letter of the' appointment of Cardinal to Father De 1\rauj&, teok -ex ception to the ·WJe ~f the Church Bec:gsch to the college ef cardi nals, althoughFlans ~wasser, for, the pro;jeet aJ'lcli ~,,~t,",,~r ob jected to the ter-m "strike" ap East German state seeretary for plied to the plan for 24 ROUI'S of church affairs, -held congratu silence. lated him. Emcounter went on to say that The cardinal said he believed Cardinal Bengsch has a he<Jvy other terll)inology soould be burden to bear because theFe is used, although, ·i:n general', he no solid bloc of Catholic ~pinion said, he favored the, pmffiotion i.n East Germany but rather of' movements for freedom. a legitimate di~ltSity_.{)f·opinion en theological, pastoral ,and so Po~r Ups Price cial questions. BALTIMORE {NC)-For the Destro~'ed Unit]!' '" . -','"... ',- 17 years, T.he Cath In this connection,. the maga zine said, "it should not ,be~'ve!'' olic Review, Baltimore areh Idi:WsjJaper, has in looked that our faithful increas ingly subscribe to the kirnJ ,of creased its single-copy .priee progl'essivrsm in social .affairs from 10 to 15 cents.' The rate for maiJ subscriptions, $4.50 'a year,
that is' indicated in the encydi will IIot change.
cals Pacem in Terris and the Development of Peoples. . ."
The magazine ea~lier had
chaTged that the 'Vest German
bishops want to, retain the ,pres
ent bishops' oFganization be
cause of their close p(Jlitical ties
with, the West German govern
ment. It alst) claimed that the
situation as it exists has de stroyed Catholic unity ill East
Germany rather than advan~ed
it. In the past the East German
government has prevented the
bishops there f!"Om atten'ding
meeting, of tht> r:"'·'!'Tl,..n Q'~hops' ~tP\6J(~!
r:onfel'ence held in the West.
the former school building-Imoo mas:ulata Academy-and razing of the old Dominican convent to provide playground'space beg= recently. Classes will start tn August. Immaculata Academy was dig.. continued in 1958 when the Dominican Sisters opened Mary crest High School. The SisteJ1l moved their convent in 1962 to a new building on the high school campus. The St. Vincent de Paul S0 ciety will supplement the Pl1'o gram with a $24,448 ,"in kind contribution principally by pVO viding additional playgrouJMll and parking space. The remodeling ,and razin~ program, being fmaneed entirely I>y the s~ciety, will cost $90,~ according to Charles E. R.eyer. executive secretary. He said the men expect to raise $15,405 by gifts and borrow the remaining $75,000.
1 I,e huly hHlIt:' has expressed his concern for these "RUfflafl· beings without dignity, without loVE," through his personal gifts 01 money and relief assistance.' He has expressed "urg~nqo and dEEp -concern ·aIIout emergency relief In the Holy Land." this cantinues to be a grave emer . ~ncy. The Holy father looks to you for help. GAlli recently he apoke movingly of his app,.. ciatien for. the' heJp of many private AmerieaM in zMtill8 HolY7 LaRd refugees•••• One priest from 11 lleJY poor., parish mailed us every last penll!l fie received,at-'tris recent 25th Ordinatien AnniwfSClJY. A~ lady' MUte, "If I have- money tD 5pemJ olin Il fan and diet soda, -I must send yeu this. D t:tas !ioing to btq 8 summer drell~ with it. Use it for tM mnacent war victims."
t',.. "_ po.., lor a fasting peace in the Mfd~ last 2nd an end to BUffering. Please give wh&~ evev yew GR, but please give somethIng, IDllI !let" in Setj!s"t18me now!
Dear. or Nolan: - Please
reWI~i~~~ offering 1
_ _ _
8TR££f eITY'_ _......
aTAn-ZIP ~ D £
famous for
MSGR. JOHN e. NOLAN, National Secreta"
Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAsT WELfARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10011 Teleph()ne: 212/YUkon 6-5840
Iowa Leg~sJation to lend Dispute
Between A~;shl1. 1P(llJ1b~5(: Sch1J~I$
tHE ANCHORThurs., July 13, 1967
~ES MOINES (NC) - The j)inn: "j[~ would be a kindnestl to c~ B"cdHft)@ ~ oot7a House of Representatives the~ people to have them be U.OO voted to exempt the Amish oom~ a part of the bro~der com ~m~$~~5 ~~®®(f iIlrom the state's school stanm&ll"ds munity." GLOUCESTER (NC)-Richard 1!a1:7. T~e I<indness was stubbornly Cardinal Cushing of Boston M i~ receives the .sign~t\nJre of refused by the Amish; however, turned seafarer here at the bles @a'll. Harold Hugjles a llllear sometimes with tragi-comic re sing 01 the !Iishing fle<!t, one of 0ertainty - the House bill win sults. In one famous confronta this port's most colorfUl annual ~nnit the Amish to send their tion, state truant officers chasecl events. ehildlll'en to their own sehools, a group of black-hatted Amish where they are tuught by' their children into the cornfieldls. It WG:S far from a quiet cere own uncertified teachers. The The chase was fruitless. Action mony after the Boston arch ebilolren will al50 be permitted [rn tt.e courts was no more suc bishop imparted his collective wend their schooling with the cessilJJl for the school officials. blessing from a wharf to several <aighth grade. Severa1 Amish fathers were hundred vessels in the fishing The law wot.::ol affect about j:olHed and fined, but they COIll fleet. 500 Amish pupils. tiltmed to resist the public schoo:! Some 25.f}aO along the wharves Passage of the hill-b:v a lop manclates. and crews aboard ships cheered, aicled 81-35 vote, which surFinally Gov. Hughes, with the ship whistles and horns tooted I\Ilrised even its most optimistic help of the Danforth FoundatioZil as t:le 71-year-old prelate, m,\pporters-signaled the end of of 51. Louis, proposed an-interim aboard a trawler, cruised around o two-year dispute between the settlement. Hughes named a the harbor. He appeared ship Amish and Iowa's public school study commission to discover a shave and in good spirits rnnthorities. pemlanent sOlutiOZl; the Danthroughout the event. Must lComfoll'IIWl forth Foundation provided $15,Among the Portuguese-Amer Two years ago school authori 000 to pay state-certified teach ican fishermen here the fleet Cles decided tha~ the Amish ers for the Amish children who blessing has been an annual tra Dchools did not meet state re were also acceptable to. the dition ior years. It climaxes a illllilirements. Their teachers are Amish. four-day Fourth-oi-July observ aot certified-most do not have 'StDp-GaJljl' ance and is capped by a proces more than an eighth grade eduThe new law was recom sion through the principal iCation--and their curricula are mended by the commission, and UNftQUE IN K OF C ANNAIT...s: JFDur blood brothers of streets of the town and a fiesta less advanced than those of the contained most of the proposals St. Isidore Council, Westport-][lIartmouth, became fourth in honor of St. Peter, patron of I\PUblic schools. Moreover, the of t~~ American Civil Liberties degree Knights of Columbus in ceremonies held in Boston. fishermen. Amish never bothered to send Union which had taken the The cardinal toured the port ®leir children to school after the Amish side in the dispute. ]Left tG right: Jose, Jacinto ancl N~ L. Ferro, all of Mt. aboard the trawler of Capt. ~ghth grade. William B. Ball, general counCarmel Parish, New Bedford, ~md GHl:Dert Ferro from St. Thomas Favazza, son of Salva For their agrarian, family sel to the Pennsylvania Catholic' John the Baptist Parish, New Bedford. tore J. Favazza, 30, who vears and God - centered life, which' Conference and a vice chair ago purchased the 500-Jl:nund llillB not changed significantly in man of the National Committee statue of St. Peter which in car noo years, such an education was for Amish Religious' Freedom. ried by fishermen in the pro ~med enough by the Amish. pl'aised Gov. Hughes' efforts 13 cession which precedes the an But not by the public schoo1 find a solution, but said he was nual blessing. llUthorities, who told the Amish afraid that the new Iowa law Offidal Says Union Lacks Jurisdiction
etta! their teachers must be cer w()U~d turn out to be a "stop-gap @lified; that their children must measure.~ Introductory Course
3ttend classes until age 16; and &U cited the bill's provision Utat they must follow the public f.or' initial two-year exemptiona re:atative' Joom Curan says nit At St. PJlilipNeri
WASHiNGTON (NC)-Cath ilCbool. curriculum. for Amish schools, which would 9}lc University's Vice Rector for bad- akeadoy cards indi lEOSTON (NC)-The School 'Make y.our schools eonform, then have to seek one-year ex lBusiness. and Financial Affairs eating- tbei r desire to be repre !he,. told the Amish, or close tensions. Thlis, he said, seemed sented- by the- union. CUI'an said of 51. Philip Neri for Delayed ll1Ias challenged the right of • f.bem and send your clrildreB to ' to indicate that. the state wiH local union to aJI:range a demon the affair at Catholic University Vocatic>ns will intmduce an in troductory course in August. 9Ublk schools. Much 9f the stillf attempt to move the Amish stration. brr the university's is ni).t a st-Tike but a "demonstra lFath~ Walter J. Martin, S.J.. argument was stated by an op towacd compliance with the maintenance and janitorial tien." director, said the program will ~ t of the recently passed sble school law. Ms.,-. Magner issued the fol workers. be geared to provide a solid l!owing public statement: Msgr. James A. Magner's com prepaTation for men who will ment came as maintenance 'No Conclusion' begin the regular nine-month workers marched on the univer "University business officials course- in September. sity campus. The demonstration have- had collversations with the !Established in 1946, the school was organized by the Interna futernalj;iona! Brotherhood of furnishes ~he education needed STICKNEY (NC) - alB there than that. We have not been t·ional Brotherhood of Firemen Firemen and Oilers about their by me:a Who want to become IIIOOm in the Religious life fO'l' wish to ~ganize the campus called upon just to tinker, but to and Oilet'S, who represent em ,priests but who lack the aca ployes c>f the university's powell' maint~ance and .housekeeping charity?" ~rt')be deeply, to bring to this demic background to be ac This is a question which wiUll enterprise .aU of our goodwi~ plant-but have thus far .been f.oJllCe. These talks have as yet cepted into a seminary. unsuccessful in a five-week eome to ~ conclusion. be posed to the Oblate:; of St. ·the best that we have. This year's incoming studenta effort to· bring the maintenance "Since this union at present lP'rancis de Sales at their generaU "'If startling ideas are .pre has- no jurisdiction over the include an airline sales agent dlapter meeting in Annecsr, sented, they simply cannot be workers under their wing. Negotiations between Magr. maintenance and housekeeping a navy yard pipe fitter's helper, summarily rejected. They must lP'r-ance, beginning July 2l}. Magner and union officials, with fQrce, it- has no right to call them a hospital orderly and a retired 1ft has already been aRSW~i'eIil' be considered on their merits, .. the affirmative by several and there is a case for making ·a· view to union membership for IiloUt O:ll strike, university officials manager of a department store. IlDembers of the order's t _ roem· for charity in.the Religious the maintenance work~rs, came cORtend. They say that until the to- a halt when the priest notified 1Hlion, is recognized as the bar JIKOvinces in the United States Hfe." gailllHlg agent for these em woo would like to see a vow of Father Lange ~erts that "it seme 25 of the· work~rs the, Enjoy eharity given precedence 0'VCll' is charity 911ld charity alone would no longer be employed by pl~, it has no business inter theuniversity as the result of a feriag in- their affairs. ..ehe 1>1'aditional vows of povert7, which motivates (or should me IN THE "Soule employes have received d\astity and obedience. ti-vate) the practice of po:vert~ new contract with an outside I'ather Joseph Lange, OAl".s., cbastit.!f, obedienoo, silence, etc. cleaning. firm. He urged the two-week termination n1>tices as JOLtY WHALER worke1'\'l to- seek elnP'loyment a result of a new contract be • IlDember of the Wilmington lsi 'Jt<hat -W~ do is not done f6l' wittl· ~be firm. -AND-it;w:eea the un3¥:ersity; out PlKtadelphia Province aDd' .in the 10"l"<e- &f Gcd, it is ·useless." The union responded by ar side- cleaning agency (Space residence in St. Pius X pal'isb sanee tms ·han always beeR· ranging: SPOUTER INN cilemoDl3tratioDs, in three CleaBers). 'F.hey have been itel'e iR ntinois, both posed ami tFtte, he- claims, there iBno rea BePlH"ateshifts,of the remaining 'HEged to- seek employment with IIUTAUftANTS IIIWwered the question ia Ia 'SOH. it should not be reco~ KHtPer circulated to aU mem ia U.l~· actual -eonstitutiOD 01·:Be membe«'s M the .maintenance this firm- and .some have .already ferce-. The entire force numbef'a tMways Free Parking beeD- hired·. AU· employes -en t'.Ienl eI. the order in the United !igj04tS orders. 122 werkers, and union 'xepre- titled· under university policy to 'Deeisive Step" States. Father Lange em:plained -.that tenmnal and vacation pa,r have "'One 1M the advantages crt reo received it.... -.e idea was introduced iD this deMing tile llleligious life ia Mass Fo.r Gypsies count'!"y by Father Bemllrei teems of a vow c>f eharity," ~ COLOGNE (NC)-Joseph'Car Donahue, O.S.F .5., of Brissoo continues, "is that it would >be IHnal Frings ·of Cologne cel (O'l' could be) the cBecisive Seminary, Center Vall.e;r, PI). ebrated Mass at nearby Alten lP'atbet' Donahue, a member of in liberati ng the constitutions of berg here in Germany lor an Religious institutes from the Che Wilmington - Philadelphia inlecnational pilgrimage of WfrHOUT T-RAFFle & ,PAilKING PROBLEMS PIl'.ovince, suggested at a retreat !eg,aHstic spirit, which, at pres about 1,500 Gypsies fro~ Bel .iscussion last Summer that the ent, they tend to foster. There at the gium, France, the Netherlands, is ceetainly IlIO suggestiOll\ being Cbll'ee traditional vows be re Gennany, Spain, Hungary and duced to the level of promise; m2de here to do away with law. and (»f'ecept; but legalism is- fall' Italy. \IIIlder a vow of charity. SOMERSETJ MASS. 'il'aking up the idea, Fathel!' from the spirit of Christianity. lLange circulated his paper. "Reducing the Religious life 1I1ll it he admits that 1he J:!'ro to the sterile burden of 'follow The most friendly, democratic BANK offerIng (;)0331 is "far reaching" and nil 8l i~ the -rule' is one of the most iJellBe even "radical.Of dan-gerous tendencies which oU!' One-Stop America's Economy King He maintains however that i~ oonstitutions tend to foster." F"T the Best Deal Come To Club Accounts Auto loans "'t:oes to the heart of tbe matter·' JEl[e further maintains that the Checl<ing Accounts Business Loans 1m considerlng tlhe adaptation s~.iJIic obligations of poverty, lINC. tild renewal of ReligiGUS life chastitsr and obedience "could. . Savings Accounts Real Estate loans be wor1l:ed out more clearly and., Qlrged by Vatican Council H. 768 B'ROADWAY At Somerset Shopping Area-Brightman St. Bridge '"Vatican II," be said, "expects wh~ ii5 important, more mean 1 ItAYNHAM/ MASS on Rt. 138 laIOre than superficiality and the ingtiuUy" if the)' were Pl1'omisea Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation CJV,RLF.~.l 01[Tl\tATS. P"ps. llIeUgious life 4ieservea m.ore wuie.r a vo'''' of charity.
Dis.putes Right to Picket Over CU Employees
Oblates of St. ·Fronc·is de Sales To Consider Vew of Charity
New Bedford Hole'
) /Broadway Rambler
THE ANCHOR-DioCese Of Fall River-Thurs., July 13,1967 ' . , .
-.e .-elF
II found . .
Rlilious HIe. To offer
Sister M. EmIl Penet, I.B'" Pb.D., will meet With Reli~ Superiors in the morning 8ID4 will conduct an afternoon IleSoo sion for an Religious. S i _ A priest speaking in a Protestant pulpit at the Epis Emil is President of Marygro~ copal Church. of the Ascension in New York City, quite College, Detroit, and is a ~ eorrectly pointed out that the image of the Catholic as founder of the Sister FormatiQlll Movement im. the United Sta_ a monolithic authoritarian stucture was not v'alid.· But From the Lay Formation CeD-I he also implied that before Vatican Council II Oatholics ter in West Andover, Mass. ~ were not encouraged to think for themselves and that those Matthias Pastore, O.F.M. and pre~Council day were days of "excessive conformity" when several lay panelists will shan) a new approach to adult learning the layman was supposed to "pray, play and pay." and growth in the Christian We" It is tiresome to hear these super-ecumenists who Finally, V. Rev. Reginald ~ seem to feel that the bridge to non-Catholics lies in sweep Redlon, . President of Bonaven:> ing criticism of all Church activities prior to Vatican ture College will questioo whether Catholic adults ara Council They are not content with pointing out the really adult Christians in thfi obvious--that since Church membership is made up of way they relate to people, to thG people these are always in need of becoming better; that community and the liturgy. since people are human there is always ~eed of correct He will share more insight) ing emphases, of purifying attitudes, of maturing along into the nature of Christiam maturity when he gives a majOlj spiritual lines. No, not satisified with presenting these address at the 4 P.M. generali obvious "aspects; they imply that somehow the Catholic session in Snively Arena. , Church was a failure before the Council, was not doing Besides the 11 repeat semioo . its work, was wrong in some radical sense. nars, Father McCall will develo~ a new subject, "Getting the Just a few months ago the distinguished BeljpanBish Teenager Where the Action Is.1ll op Emil Joseph De Smedt of Bruges, one of the most dy Father Gengras will take a ne\ti: namic orators of Vatican Council II, said:. "Any unbiased approach to the problem of meDoo observer must recognize that even before the Council tal retardation and maturity. Maturity for .Priest the Church showed a real fidelity to Chri'st's message Finally, seminarians will stu~ , and an undeniable Christian vitality. At present she is If"l the question of Christian matup.. making a real and generous effort to purify and' renew ~@li1lvention.n ugllJlst, ~ty for the young priest whelli . her fidelity to Christ. In the light of the Council's teach I ' they meet with Most Rev. RoJ)., Continued from Page One sion tic;ket to the concert. " ert F. Joyce, D.D. and Most Re'lA, ing, bishops, clergy, religious and laity are seriously trY "What is the next step toward Mornfg seminars on Satur- Peter L. Gerety, D.D. The panei ing to live the. niessag~ of· Christ in a new world-in a· Christian unity? The partma day wi feature Mary Perkins,. is entitled, "Ask Your BishopsP more 'personalist' culture." . ture Christians can play in the Ryan.s ggesting how adults can The "Coffee - Conversationl!a This Council Father sees the present unrest among ecumenical movement will be edu.cate. themselves without. lounges will be open again from some in the Church not as a crisis that would justify real, the topic for discussion by pan texts or classes. Father Walsh' 9-11 on Saturday evening., , anxiety but as' a crisis. in growth. And so it is. It is not elists V.Rev. Placidus Riley, will. coptinue to share his in-. The final day of the CongrellID O.S.B., S.T.D., President of St. sights i to the faith crisis and will see 10 morning seminars. the part of maturity to divide Church periods. into the Anselm's College, Manchester;' Rev. Jo n R. McCall, S.J. Ph.D., Newcomers to the scene ,will' be 6'bad" days before the' Council and the "good" days' after' Rev. Gardiner M. Day, D.D. for noted oston College psycholo Bishop James K. Matthews OO! the Council. Th'is is typical black and white childish think": mer Episcopal rector of Christ gist wi I attempt to close the the New England Methodi~ ing. I,t reduces the matter to a simplification that may Church, Cambridge, Mass.; and commu ication gap between Church and Brother Christophew be satisfying to some people but is-as a matter· of fact Rev. George Papaioannou, pas adults nd adolescents by shar von Wachter of the Taize Com- tor of the Manchester Hellenic ing a aturer understanding of munity in Chicago. BrotheJl1 -'-wrong. . Orthodox Community. the tee ager. Christopher is presently engagecll In every age the Church is always purifying and re Morality 4)f )L4)ve Conf ees will have 8 first in an experiment involvingj hand 0 porunity to learn from other Taize monks and several newing her fidelity to Christ. In every age there is al Rev. Carl J. Pfeifer, S.J., of the ·tee ager as James A. Bou Franciscan Catholic priests. Tha ways need of this renewal. A Council depicts the issues the National CCD Center in dreau, ~\Jr.,. Newtonville, Mass, two speakers will panel the se~ in bold relief and dramatizes the needs and places em Washington will analyze a sub ~laine emers, Suncook, N.H., sion "Christian Unity-The Next phasis upon the work to be. done and gives an added im ject timely for all conscientious Paul L plante, Ghicopee Falls, Step?" Cardinal to Preside petus and a concerted push to accomplish this purification· Christians. "From' the morality Mass. a d Michael A. Morgan, of law to the morality of love." Berlin, ~. H. share their thoughts· Most Rev. Bernard J. Fllina- process. It' is inevitable that some people are too timid He will repeat this session twice if . on Saturday and again on Sun-' about e fectiv: .and ine ective, gan, D.D. will speak in Sil'I:"elY, to act on Council directives just as others are not cautious ways 0 learmng how to be all Arena at 2:30 Sunday afternoon" enough. But, as Bishop De Smedt has said, there is "real da~ister M. Pauline Chabot, matureJ~h.ristia~. T~ey will' re:-' su.ggesting where the conf~teet1 goodwill and a. sincere desire to answer to theexpecta peat this diSCUSSIOn m the after-, might apply their enriched _ 'derstanding and growth ~ tions of Christ. In these circumstances ••. it is impossible . R.S.M., a native of Keene, N. H. noon. on leave from a mission post 'in Rt. Rev. Russell R. .Novello, Christian maturity. A Bible Selloo to be a pessimist." . , . South America will describe re Ph.D., clmfraternity of Christian vice especially prepared by' DL . This is the mature approach-know that the Church ligious education in theinissions. Doctrin~ Director for the Arch- . Douglas Horton, former head .. Rounding out the seminars for diocese Boston, will eonduct· . Harvard Divinity School, will is Christ and His members; faithful and otherwise; rec first afternoon will be Mrs. a special session on group dy follow. Richard Cardinal Cush ognize that there is always need of renew'al; realize that . the Marguerite Mer rill, Frank .. '11 b ' . the Church lives in a changing world and' so .must make Hirsch, Dr.' Murray Bolduc, John namlcs. IS WI • e gIven agam i?g will preside and represent& ' mormng. tives of the State Councils CilIl constant. adjustments in non-essentials and in language Nadeau arid Rev. J. Raymond on Sun ay For Retarded' Churches and Catholic Commis-. McKenna, all of Holy Cross par and psychology to make herself understandable to pres:. ish in South Portland, Me. They Noted editor-author, Gerard sions on Christian Unity wiI,1 ent-day man; see that the Church is always looking deeper will discuss parish lay boards A. Pot ebaum, Dayton, Ohio, participate. Rooms and meals on campoo into herself and seeking new' implications and ramifica and demonstrate. how they make' will foe s in on the pre-school tions ,of her nature. parish renewal practical. They will conduct this meeting four' hini off to a good start toward who register before Saturda~ It would be foolish to sit back and say. that things times during the congress. a matur Christian life. Aug. 5. There are four lodging are wonderful in the Church and have always been so and Rev. J seph C. Gengras, active plans. Plan A includes 2 nighto Restless Believers on grass roots' and national lodging (double room), all 'il. will always be so and that Vatican Council II has meant Completing the Friday sched levels for. the retarded child will meals and registration for $16.5@. little. It is just as foolish to take the opposing attitude, .' ule, Rev. Joseph L. Walsh, C.S.;!? meet with parents of retarded Plan B includes lodging for 1 that all was wrong and that only with Vatican Council n of Brandeis University will con children and others engage~ in night (double room); 4 meals has there been anything done. . duct a general session in Snively helping these special children. (Sat. noon through Sun. noo~ Arena at 8 P.M. He will analyze Assistin him will be a faculty and registration for $10.00. Plazi today's restless believers, what of eight persons nationally and C includes all 7 meals and' regis. their experience is and how regionall prominent in the tration for $10.50. Plan D is ~egc. maturity can develop from it. field. istration for $2.00. Deadline fa;r A unique feature will cap th~ 'At a t'me when the Church is '. plans A, B, and C is Aug. 5. Reg first congress day as seven beginnin to ask its members istration during the congress ID lounges located at on-campus to be m ' ure Christians, can or $3.00. residence halls and the spacious . ganizatio s for Catholic adults Checks should be made out OOJ Catholic Center will open for survive? A panel of four laymen the University of New Hamp-. coffee . and conversation from represen ing Serra International, shire and sent to Extension Sep.. vice, U.N.H., Durham, N.m. 9-11' P.M. All speakers will be The Ch istian Family Move Off~CIAB. INIIEWSI?AIPIER OIF iHIE IDIOCIESIE Of fAIl.ll. ~IV.IER encouraged to join conferees in ment, T e Holy Name Society 03824. Children six years of age 8M ,",ublished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River private discussions. Folk singers and Lea ue of the Sacred Heart, will add to the informality and and the Catholic War Veterans over are welcome to stay at ~ 410 Highland Avenue
relaxation of the evening. will hav an opportunity to ,give University during the Congre~ Two rounds of seminars will their ans .ers and have a spir The cost of meals and room b Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151
be held on Saturday morning ited exc ange of ideas. the same as for adults and ~ from 9 to 11 and in the early Two re panels of eight lay pervised swimming i~, a largo PUBLISHER
afternoon from 1:30 to 2:30. The persons epresenting the. Cur outdoor pool near the arena JltJ Mqst. Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., PhD.
Eucllarist will be celebrated in . sillo, K ights of Columbus, Chi available at a eost of ~O ~ seminar rooms at 2:30, followed Rho, St. ius X Secular Institute, perday. lGENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER by a general session at 4 o'clock. Daughter .of Isabella, Catholie Further information an~ ~ ~9. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll At 7:30, following supper, a con Daughter of America and istration forms are available lai!lJ cert 'will take' place in Snively C_ouncil 0 Catholic Wonie~, will writing to N. E. Congress, ~ MANAGING EDITOR
Arena. All who register for the a1;tacls: th same question in the Ash Street, Manchester,' N. ~ Hugh J. Golden
~ng,,~ will ,,"';vo an a<lm;'" aftoroOOl m~d. 031'"
Right Picture
I. :01
'., ·A:.. .de, "., .~~.~/I~
. ":I""r.
t:ME . ANCHO.l~-"
:·~O:f.:"two:\Col1eges ";I~
·','Kent.ucky, ',',:, .
, - Lou.rSVILLE (NC~BeIn2Jl'mine, an all men's college here, and Ursuline, an all women's college here, may
Thurs., July 13, 1967
T ece~(ll~,~[JIS' Run
farnm Jl".([@n®.<et BROOKLYN (NC) - Threeo man teams of local teenagero will run a film project here this Summer, wita the hope of reach ing "t~'le people 'we never see at Church," according to one of the teenagers leading the project.
( I
I merge to produce a single col J lege located on the Bellarmine eampus. Bellarmine officials have ap proved the merger and the Ur The teams will go from home ouline board of trustees will con to home, showing the "The Good Cl!1.der the matter soon. News of Christ" film strip in Strong impetus for the merger i' both English and Spanish and cmm.e from a study made by : leading discussions. Sacred Raymond F. Hart, a member of Heart Mission is sponsoring the Ursuline's board. The study was pilot project, with teenagei' coornmissioned by the two Map.uel Ramirez and Father cchools. James A. Boyd leading the At one point in the 50-page group. report, Hart strongly recom The teens know that they may mends 'merger in these words: be less than welcome at many "'Only by a complete merger of houses, but they hope to "keep a:te two colleges into one insti loving and smiling regardless oi %vUon could there be efficiency oi operation and resulting sav HONORED: Lawson B. Mooney of Somerville, until JreCently director of Catholic what's said," Ramirez said. fogs." , At 11 preparation meeting, He also says: "All logic points Relief Services program in Vietnam, was a warded severai honors and citations by the Ramirez told the group that ".if Vietnamese government and other groups on his leaving the war-torn country. The ladies, \';0 a rombined Catholic institu the guy seems to be getting mad tion of higher education in left to right, are daughters Lausine, wife Lisa, and daughter Celange. NC Photo. and it looks like it might come Louisville." to blows, leave. I'm sure he's got When asked if Ursuline Col 12 neighbors willing to help . lege I:Qn go it alone in I:ase they throw you out if you don't. Just vote against the merger, Sister remember to go back next week M. Angelice Seibert, tk'ie Ursu and try again. Let's be persist line College president,' re ~t." marked: "I don't see ~ow any The first I:ontacts will be witk1 (Catholic college can operate efSAIGON (NC) _ A former Father Sievers saw' action as hooklets.. He has also asked fectiV'ely' in the future with Vi. S. Air Force chaplain and a Marine during the' war in several chaplains here to write the families of some 90 children who recently made their First fewer than 2,500 students." Marine Corps veteran has been Korea, where he was wounded their views on the Vietnam situ (Communion at the mission. If the merger should. take Visiting. chaplains and military and received the Silver Star far ation. !)lace the enrollment based on units in Vietnam to encourage Bravery at Wonsan in Decem Many chaplains, the St. Louis These children are familiar with current figures of the two the reading of religious inspira priest said, have noted that there the teenagers because many ber,1950. oohools would be close to that tionml literature among serviceHe was ordained March 1'1, is Ii shortage of good reading served as catechists during the preparation' dasse:i for First figure. men. 1~, at Kenrick seminary ami matter for the troops. He made Communion. Building Pro/rram He is Father Paul Sievers ef served for three years at S1:. many rontacts here to which he Ramirez advised the groUllt The Hart report does cautien, the St. Louis archdiocese, the Luke's parish, st. Louis. 1ft will send foundation booklets. I'aowever, that the move into /I spirtiual director of the Chapel 1951 he was commissioned as with the hopes that they will be not to expect "to go sit in com fortable, beautiful living roonw single school would require Foundation, Inc., founded in St. ·a chaplain in the Missouri Na passed. around. tional Guard, and in 1959 went and chit chat. Let's remember Q(tending some $21,000,000 in the Louis in 1965. we aave a message to get across [led decade. Major sums would The foundation distributes GO active duty as a chaplaift fll'Gndscol1lS Slate and that is that Christ is ali Vel be used for tl student center, a religious booklets by mail. The witm the U. S, Air Force. Gathers Material today and is still loving." library, tl fine arts building, a booklets are aimed principally After six years he was retired Vocations Meeting ..omen's residence and a Sisters' at the Armed Forces and pa MOUNT VERNON (NC)-The for physical disability because residence, classrooms, ami of- tients in Veterans Administra flees. tion hospitals. The literature is of wounds received in Korea. 22nd annual American Francis ELECTRICAL After a back operation he was can' Society for Vocations con The merger would include a distributed without cost. Contracton two-phase building program, acsf;. Louis area businessmen appointed spiritual director of vention will be held next week in Calgary, Alta, . Delega.tes from . <rording to the Hart report, with ,support the ~hole operation, and the Chapel Foundation. One of the main reasons for every 'U. S. state and every , ,~ final. building completed by the !ounda~lOn conducts no fi .the, jFal~ ,of 1974. He estimates ,~ncI~ drIves o.r subscription his visit to Vietnam is to gather Canadian province are expected ~aterlal for more religioUlJ ~ attend; the' society headquai' f.b.a~ about half the .total can be . ,~~mpalgns. ters. here announced. oo~ained froIJ1. federal loans and. A p'rin<;Jpil~ speaker will be "ar~nts. Therestmustcome.from,:i'",p'. I!'ather Bede Ferrara, O.F.M., ".", ,', II .. : "'ottter,l!()l.Irces." . provincial vocation director for ...At pr~,seJ)t UrsuHne and Bel- .. ·, ," ,. \ . . the Franciscans 'here in New llanni!,~ colleges have been "," ll~tired Mall'lin~ C@trlJll~ Comone~ Wife York, who has been a leader in worklllg under n .program. of . . lI'" .'. . , ' . 9 944 Cou~~· St. the communlty.'s vocation, worll: 'New 3edlfol1'd ,"'coordination," whereby the, , Children J@Uml '~rnl«llii<mml Mission foil' neal''! ~. decade. ~o roUeges share faculties and
WORCESTER (NC) - The their children still at home
facilities. Hart describes the Worcester diocese is sending 15 aged 10 to 20-are going with
GUccess of the present coordiaa tion system this way: "The pres-' persons to the missions this year them and will study in the In
Gmt arrangement is half-fish and -eight of them "from the same di1!-n school on the reservation.
A seventh child, Sister Damiea.
half-fOwl and is not rompletely . family. A priest and a Sister are join is a Passionist Sister, teaching
aatisfactory to either college." ing another diocesan priest in in Providence, R. I. Sicuani, Peru; five young adults "My wife and I plan to stay Catholic - Metho«!lli~t are joining the Extension Volun there the rest of our lives," Bar teers Home Missionary program, natt said. "However, the chil Dialogue Contill'lll\lle~ and Mr. and Mrs. William Bar dren will always be free to make LAKE JUNALUSKA (NC) 'natt and their family, of Black their own decision in that re Thirty Catholic and Methodist stone, are going to Rocky Boy spect," he added. PIER ANNUM scholars and religious leaders Indian Reservation in Montana. "Most of the Indians on the met here in North Carolina to The Worcester diocese is cur PA.ID QUARTERLY PAID-UP
rontinue the Catholic-Methodist rently sponsoring one priest and reservation are baptized Cath dialogue begun at earlier meet three lay missonaries in Latin olics," he stated, "but very few SHARE CERTIFICATES
!ngs in Chicago. America, and has sent more than of them practice their faith. Most of them still believe in and live Deposits Weicom<ad on MuOtop9es of Main topic for the sessions 30 lay people to work in the by the n~les of their tribal gods." here included "The Presence of home missions through the Ex
$200.00 up to $30,OOO-on SDlllga~ and JIl»DlAt Accounts the Holy Spirit in Individuals tension Volunteers program. lVII'S. Barnatt, a trained hos
Up to $60,000-foll' CIl»Ir\lJOINllteOIl1lS and in the Church" with. papers Barnatt, a reUred lieutenant pital technician, said she felt the
'Il:UVIDENDS PAID 4 TlMIES A YEAR on the theme presented by colonel in the U. S. Marine children would help "tremen-·
Father James Burns, S.J., soon Corps, who is now a sales repre dausly- in our catechetical work.
february, May, August CllIlI1ld November f:o join' the faculty of Gonzaga sentative for the Catholic Digest, Since. the children will be going
University in Spokane, Wash., said the family decided to make to school with the Indian chil
All Deposits Insured Dill IF,,,gu /lnd the Rev. William R. Cannon a life commitment to the Indian dren, we hope to be able to meet
,J'r., dean of Candler School oj( missions after talking with m the Indian families through
Theology at Emory University, them."
Ilriend several months ago who Atlanta, Ga. had visited the Rocky Boy .res
Bible studies during the ses ervation and described the [p'l1cpose Election IJhms were led by the Rev. Ches "deplorable conditions" under ter A. Pennington, senior paster which the Indians live. MADRID (NC)-A group oi (){l Hennepin Avenue Methodis~ The Indians on the reservation women in Spain's Catholic Ac ~llIll1l:h, Minneapolis, Minn., lUld are building a new home for tion movement have asked that l1ather Rollins E. Lambert, !1S the family which is being paid they have a voice in the selec Ilistant chaplain at the Catholic by the Worcester diocese, Bar tion of officers' for their organi .!AaiQ'1l Office: 4 Winitl1iro~ Str~~. Taunton atudent center at the University natt said. zations. At present, the officero \a:ranch Office: UOO fOlIO River Ave., Seekonk <;ril (Chicago. Barnatt stated that all sm of are appointed by the bishops.
Priest in yietnam to Encoura,g,e Reading .Former Air !Force 'Cha,plain Directs foundation
C·.O· mm:t.m·'en' t
Taunton co-operative bank
Nuns DO SUmmer'
, 'THE. ANCHOR-Diocese of Fail River-Thurs., July, 13,. ._. -1967 • • _ t ,
Work, in Mexico
It's FuU ,Time Job looking
For 'Jo'b;
SAN'ANTONIO (NC)-Twen ty-six Sisters of ' Divine Provi dence .left here by 'bus,for 'Mex ico where they will work during the Summer. , Nine are native Mexicans, ioe ,eently received into the congre gation, who will be statione4ll Permanently in Mexico. ' " .', ',rhe, othei-~uns 'f~om Texas, . Louisiana, and Oklahoma will .: ~J,l~~q:, t.h.e : ~up1m~r"d()i~g m,is , ',:sionarj' work. Eight of these will, work in' the area of Mexico City under the direction of the _- Oblate' priests and eight othenl in, the catechetical center m Queretaro ami in the Ahuacatlan mission. The w()rk of all the mission. aries will include visiting homeS, taking a census, setting up cate chetical centers, instructing lay catechists, and preparing the people for the I;:eception of the sacraments. In accordance with the wishes of the Mexican bishops, all the nuns will wear lay clothing inn , Mexico.
"G~rnny Discovers""
By Mary Tinley 'Daly' intbe language of the Twittering Twenties, when'legw ,
~re "U111bs" and were covered with "hosiery,"',~ younK' ,
person ,~~'had completed his education" after: high school or' coJ]egeand thereupon annoQ~ced willingness to "accept " ';, , ' '. , . ":position", iri'the b~:s)ness,' :, " .' , " : " , world, or l;\t the corner drug out ,to be utterly: routine, dead' etore. Or, in the case of a end as'to advaricimient; 'requ'ir-' ing undue, amounfof time girl,., "stay home and help sp'eni'in 'iransportlition, or pay Mama." 'Not so with the grown- :,ing an inadequ'at~SalarY. .. .1'> "War Babies;' of t o d a y , ' ' among whom is ' Basi~Asset ...,. ((an 'll'Y~ our Ginny. They "Thanks for making, me learn bave ,no more to type, Mom," Ginny told, us. esc o'm p l'e ted," , , "Without that skill, I'm afraId their education my other qualifications would be with acquisi pretty nebulous." lion of a high (Learning to type the' summer school diploma following eighth grade has al er a baccalau ways been a must at our house, reate de g r e' e like it or not at the time.) than has our
It's an experience, this job granddaught e r
seeking. At one agency; Ginny Lu Anne, just
was told that the employer stip graduated from
ulated the applicant positively the eighth grade. In the fast must possess a "B.A. degree" Sail' Aside loan Funds paced world of the '60s, and with and she had put doWn on her f h I sights, set on achievement into application that sJ:1e has an A.B.! 011" Cot 0 ic Colleges the 21st Century, these young
At another, she was given a WASHINGTON (NC) - Cath. people realize that education is ' slip indicating a 9:30 A.M. ap olic universities and colleges are 8 continuing process, a lifetime
pointment had been set up for PEACE MISSION: Msgr. John, • Nolan of, New, York, among a large number of schools of learning to foresta~l stagna herby the 'agency with a Mr. president of the Pontifical Mission or Palestine and ex- for which college 'housing loan tion, and boredom. So, it's on Jackson (not-his real name)'l1Vho . . t f h C th r N 'E WI'" . ,funds have been reserved, an to graduate school-fulltime if was, piring for an air~i~e., ' ~u~lve dlrec or 0 • t e a .01C, ea . ast ~ fare, Asso~, , nouncements by Secretary Rob eircumstances permit, but usu Cl'atIon, confers WIth some of the st ff ,of th~, Jerusalem' .. ert C. Weaver of the U. S, DeThe, down on her' . .. ally on a part-time basis and way <to car keepbroke the appointment, so 0 ff'ICe. Th oug h f orelgn s t a ff member 0 f th e mlssl,On were' pa rtment of Housing and Urban lelf-financed. . Girmy phoned Mr;' Jacksonior ordered to leave during recent hostili ies, Mrs. Elsie Priest, D~velopment'show~ I " " Oh, they're "willing to accept II position" as the oldsters so 0 postponement. center, convert widow who had' come to spend ~he rest of The federal fund reservation, . b th' Id "We don't make definite ap her life in the Holy Land, refused t leave. NC' Photo~ e.~ta.blished on.the, basis of a preeoyly put ut f ey pOI'ntrn'ents," Mr. Jackso'n's, sec I Immary app1Icabon for assist '1 t th It, ' t th wou ' ros
" '~ " , BIYlI e a, e naIve e 0 e ,P, h retary answered'- "Applicants are' ' ~ ' " " ' " 'ance u,nder the College Housing pect implied as much' as at t e quaint wording', of ,the phrase. interviewe'd' one moriling each ~" ~' ,Program, sets the money aside, 'No, they?refrankly and, 'openly week from 9 o'clock until noon;' -l?r the schoo~s _~ntil the,ir proj~ 'first come, first served. And we .' , '" " " " ",'", ects are approved by the U. S. '"'.looking for a-job." " , I, . ,Finding Right spot ;ueriot list~d with an empI9Y~", ~ 'By MARILYN RODERiCK .:,.~ Department of Housing and Ur , , X ment agency!" " ' ,
'. 'panD~velopment. Approval if Not just any,job, either. Cost . of, fi'xing .....e ea'r w"as f II " . " besitate to use' the overworked mo're' than ,b'ala' nc-~' by .....e' fee" . ' ., , " ' : ' , gIven, 0 ?ws. reVIew of a com.-:. term "image," ~lmost as 'thread ' .,..". " '"L . " plete applIcabon. blue as,' itscQmpanionpiece which ,otherwise would probably ,0ne 'can buy Christmas tree~ NO,t kbo\Ving the ~lidy of the " Scho~ls ~ll ~upplement the '.. • challenge," but the"fact is these h,aveto be, pa~d. ' , , . Bill ,July (artificial, that is),- fur store" I"l~as uncertain 'whether,: ,':g.~v~I;"Jlme!1t loans, wi~., addi., YO\,J~g people' have a realistic,' Agai l1: "We'll ,get you ~job ,coats in August, and Halloween they meant,they had beenserit- tlOnal funds of theIr own: : unage of themselves. They know b~t you have to put up $25, just ,Candy in Septembe~, ,but try to, ,bac~ ,to ~~e, manufact~rers or to. their strength and weaknesses, ,to, sho"Y your.. good, fai~." buy a decent Summer outfit in' , theIr, m ,lD, store, whIch ,has a '1hei'r achievements and 'their SO~,\!times, ,at the ,end af the Summer. At the moment,world famous pargain basement.- ' ":, ins T Award , t' I w·th th' k I d ,long weary day Of job .bunting, the maJ'or stores Either J.ay, there were, no ,signs NEW ORLEANS (NC) -'Th-e ~a .. 1 IS nowe ge ,we, w,onder, if,' Ginny w,'ouldn't ~ ' 'apoten s a measuring rod, they seek ,in the area are' of them anywhere, within my, ~larjon 'Herald, New OrleaDfl employment that is meaningful, "settle for tpe: Tw~tteringTWen- featuring what's buying ange. I ended buying a archdiocesan newspaper, re II challenge to the best they have ties, announce a "willingness tG new in Fall and leftover sweater type, jersey that ,ceived a top award from the in 'them. ' accept a position" - or, even' Winter clothes. s,tretl?heA. down to Lisa's knees, Southw,est Regional Council of This is perhaps why the Peace ~stay hoIi1~ to help Mama!," This is marvel and a Jair of tan denims that.. the 'National Association of Corps, VISTA 'and like 'progr"ms' GUS if you plan after onf washing went up the Housing and Redevelopment 'of lDave such an appeal to youth. B C /I pn,ll1ll a head start on other WI' " fjcials for its community efforts Our',own presently-unemployed 0 rry ,0 ege UOl'1l 1ll9 you r Winter ", An ~ ~pected soci~i 'event' in behalf of Urban renewal and lis job-shopping in various areas, FaciHty for' Nursu'ng' wardrobe, ~t, during' uly and August can' hOl,.lsing. ,The, ,award was. noted ' , keeping her own counsel while ,'MI!<MI SH0R:ES, (NC): ~ it does very, :e?lly thow you ~nto a ,ti,~~ ~s-, ,~t "the. gr<~u~ s conventIon m 1M) , doing, but obviously 'weigh'-'Grant of $106,940 for construc- "little for your you, sea ch franbcallythrough-' Corpus ChrIsti, Texas. 'log factors one' against another. ~9n of a"imrse b-aining faCility. fashion image. the stoie~ ,for something that, , Whereas formeriy lite,our, ,~uld '$27;000, .for trairiing ,'iii its ·for July and do~sn,'t have .long ,l'!leeyes ,or a, " .' , ilmise 'oilly newspaper' s;ections "schooi of social ,work bave~ii 'August~ I, for OI'le;: still can't' definite ';lW'inter look, Of-course . having to do with world and aWl;lrded Barry College' here' ,get used to doing my" Summer' you hay a, much better chance ioeal news,' women's features, Florida by the 'Public HeaitiI' buyin~ in February, and ~a~ch. of, succe ding in your quest for sports, financial~and of course Service of- the U. ',So Department Durmg those months ,It JU!!t , an appropriate outfit if you can the' funnies ...:..- were of 'interest; 'of Health, Education and Wel-' ,doesil't.~eem'~s if ,the su',1' wiU'· 'seW. Th~n your only difflci:Jlty: DOW the most carefully scanned fare., ' ,- , ' " ",.. :e:,er shme WIth enoug~ mten is matc~in,g the right pattern eohimns are "Help-Wanted _' ," ' Slty to warrant ,wearIng the with the right material. ' Sister, Mary Doro,thy., pr,esid,ent Women" 'or "Men and Women." deeply ~la~hed sun dr~sses or the The only' other solution other 273 CENTRAL AVE. Some of the glamour-jobs de ~f the 27-year-old college con- ,bare mIdrIff fun outfItS that are 'I', " , • 8Cribed in glowing terms tum ducted by Dominican Sisters of part of 'this season's fashions. In than. resl~rtIng to, your sewmg Adrian, Mich., sa'ys the nursing' ,th e same veIn, ' h0 t' h umI'd S'um machIne, 991-6216
to h . IS to f acclImate ' yourself ' ' facilities will be part of, the d ff l'ttl t' 't s oppmg or cottons m Janu ays.o er I ~ en Icemen, l!ry and I woolens in July and' 'Nun's Classes Improve science and language ,Center ,mer to tryon Itchy-lookmg wools or th uI 'II t I t 'h tli NEW 8EDFORD
'which will begin construction , , heavy weight coats, even though ,e~ yfo thWI a eas ave e Academic Climate early ,next year. ' you're aware that there is more pIC 0 I e crop. , , ' ',._ _"..,..".".".".".".".".".".".".".".".".".".•• MENLO PARK (NC)-Sister ,variety and choice when the new ' Roseanne Murphy's classes in Catholic Relief A,ge, ,lI1le,y, season's clothes first appear than' introductory sociology have . ,there be later on, ' 'added much to the academic Fights Polio iEpidemic' , Nothlng,forChildren climate at St, Patrick's Seminary , I " " ' '.' ' Even, the children's departNEW YORK, (Ji!C)-,-P()lio ,vac-, ments, this year ,seem to have here in California, according to cine for 16,500 p'eople, five res": stocked a limited ,amount of Father Paul Purta, rector. pirators imd an iron lung,' h,av,e,"', According to the seminarians, 'Summer wear. July 1st I was in' been ,flown to ~aJlague, Nica ,the nun's presence has- also ragua, by Catholic ReHef' Ser,,':' the children's department of a, belped rub off ihe rough edgeS branch of one of New England~s"" ., , ' " ef : the' all male community - , ,ic~ k?, hell>, a, ,¥>Oli,o' ,.largest department stores and: it whicp: has, alr~illlY" ' not: enough however to keep the epIdemic taken the lives of 24 eo Ie. was like looking tor a ~eedle in ~BANK students from dubbing her, Sis , ,', ' , I I.. ,P" " ~ haystack to try and ,fmd Sum- . ter "Murph." Hal'vey Leach;, CRS' field,' ,', mer 'slacks or shorts amid the ' . The first nun to teach ,at the worker'in Nicaragua,. reported, ,vast array &f back ,to school THE' AREA'S San ,Francisco archdiocesan, sem that there are 200 known polio, elothes. The, salesgirls 'seemed to . . M'OS1T . ACCOMMODATING .' ' . . .lANK . inary, Sister Roseanne -is acting cases and perhaps as many' 38' indicate that, what. they did ,have AT1I'ILEBORO FALl$ 'academ~ dean at the College of 300 unreported cases in 'the epi. -left of name brands bad Q&em, 'NoRTH ,ATTLEBORO .. MANSFIELD 'Notre Dame, Be~ont. 'liemic. rent back.
W 0 R"LD ',' O'F " " 'F','"ASHIO ,' .,' ,', ,N',:: "..
t' "
.iURJlSTOJL tOUNTY', .. ' "
S~ff'aying' Rs'dr0J(C,es Probl~m
~@D~oru :,,'~~W Qtn G@[fd!~~
VHE ANCHOR1J'hurs., July 13, 1967
By J~leilDlll
Honors Parents Of Sh< ReHg~ous
~rralili IyJall'iillY1lll RO(]]ell'klk
) I
I .~
NEW YORK (NC)-Mr. llnrll Mrs. James Kiniry of Johnstown. Pa., parents of 10 children-six of whom are pursuing religious vocations - received an awarrll Jlrom -Fordham University here. Father John F. Gilson, S.J.. · , presented the· couple with II scroll at the conclusion of the university's 17th annual Institut0 on Religious and Sacerdotal V~ cations. The citation honored them for having, "accepted, fearlessly th0' religious· vocations of sin:. of their. children to the service of God-two daughters in the rell... gious life, two sons in the Broth erhood and two sons in th0, priesthood." "They . have regarded theBe) vocations as a singular privilege and as a mark of the special! predilection and providence of God," the citation said.
In the busy adult world' tt is easy ~ wax nostalgic
wer the happy carefree day.s .wh~n we were children en
joying our Summer vacations. The other day I took my ewn children for a walk. thJrougTr!. some woods near our
home where I played as It. child, and could not help'but think of those times when . I would wander off alone, and
not have held my attention for long, but the young boy' selling . the cucumbers at such a reasonable price certainly made me !JI)end hours tryin~ ~ ~ the,· 'stop in my tracks. The site of birds I could hear smgmg III the " 'this unusual method .of food sell i;rees.. " '. ,: '.' ing was the open air market in We 'enJoyed our walk., al..,. ':Boston opposite historic Waneuil though there were a few com-·, ""Hail . l)laints . about mosquitos .. an"d . "scratchy plants on the gr~~nd," This was my first trip into the \:Intil we came to a .veritable, exciting. atmosphere where the tangle of poison ivy. At t~is., owners of each little stan of Meryl was quite alarmed 1;le-" fruit, vegetables or meat are ~use she remembered. last competing for the buying public :year's bout with the itch. She in a carnival-like setting. It's was quite ready to get to more crowded, warm and noisy but urban surroundings immediately! much more fun than the sterile My nostalgic bubble burst be- supermarkets; with their soaring eause I remembered the terrible prices and impersonal clerks. ~nvite Summers sitting half-naked in 11 Here there seemed to be a bit of ~cond skin of calamine lotion humanity that actually cared 'before a window (hoping for a about the products it was selling. ~ling breeze) while I could The Fall River Diocesafill bear the voices of my friends Prices were amazing. Lettuce Council of Catholic Nurses will. playing games without me. that was selling in local grocery hold t!teir lOth annual opea stores for 59c. ~ould be picke(l up house on Saturday, July 22, aa Ubiquitous Pest for 25c D head, celery was 25c the Summer home of Mr. and! Poison i"7 is one of those for a generous bunch whose Mrs. Francis P. McCabe, 23 Pil Illbiquitous pests which spring Ll.9 ' twin I had paid 4Sc'for the daY' PREPARES FOR MISSION WORK: Missionary and grim Terrace, Mansfield. 10. any garden in July and Au- 'before. Every item was like this The proceeds will be appli~ midwife on Okinawa is the goal of Sister Mary Delores /lUBt. It is • constant nuisance.' and the only regret that I had tA» the Mary E. McCabe Nursinl: of the Daughters of Mary Health of the Poor, of Ellen When I was I. boy I remembe-r' .was that we had parked the car SCholarship Fund. ayfather burning plants wi.t~ , quite far away, prohibiting us ville, N.Y. At Holy Cross hospital in Fort Lauderdale, Fm.. All Catholic Nurses and tbei!i' • dose of kerosene or pulling from' carrying many bundles. she improves ·her delivery room skill,s as a guest of the friends are invited to come an<i them out by the roots in the . They're 'Undertakers participate in the swimming anci . Pittsburgh Sisters of Mercy as the first step toward ser Iaope they would disappear for.. . games program that will precedet ever; but they would alwaya' ~ow CaD they pOSS1blY' ~ ving in a maternity center her 6rder plans on Okinawa. NC the barbeque scheduled :lZor i a ar the following Summer. their produce so reasonably.
Photo. .'clock. R ppe .. X asked Joe. "Why, they hudl,.
Although poison Ivy Win nat seem to be making a profit _
pow in • wen-tended ~arden. . it....
Catholic Center Tours there are always places tn /lilt " • " ."
large yard where it wlli flour:I m not sure, he repbed, . ~ Attrad Visitors· ish: behind • stone wan, ander my fath~r would know: ThiS W BATON ROUGE (NC)-Soow Newark Archdiocese Facility. to Include iIlrge spreading trees, al901: where hI! faml~Y sold. l.ts ..,~ge 2,600 persoDII' toured the ne.... ......nces almost any out-of-the- tables from theIr fann 1ft Dlgh Catholic Life Center for the .."" , tlon ,. Treatment for Mentally Retarded way place where it ean (Jet Il ,.'.. : Baton Rouge diocese during four ioothold. "Undertaken llre what we . NEWARK (NC)-Construction _, eenter for mentan" retarded, '. preview tours. ' . . '.
," , . I lJsed the people who.seU will begin soon on two buildings, emotionally' "disturbed lJOCl The' fonnal dedication' ·of' the'
Nowadays there are very ei'- at. 'those portable stands," . said in a projected three-buildi~g, brain-damaged ,children. bU~~(iing :will be held at a future.
lective poisons for treating poi- my father-in-law. "They bUT health center to be erected. on, undetennined date. At that'sal1W
Alliamb'ta RelPl!l lIOn ivy and no need for' leftovers that the wholesalem urban renewal land surrounding time, the St. Joseph Prep Scbooi,;
The' mental health and child ine(fective bW'lling or uprootinjJ. don't pick up. They buy and sel! the Newark arclidiocese's chan-, now under construction, and tIM care centerS' are' expected to be 'I'b~ best of these is 2,4,5:-Tp,·, reasonably, they have no over cet'Y office here. cathedrili in' operation' 'by late 1968. The' recently renovated ~Silvex) which has several, cOm-:head and .therefore need only a Approval of a $472,500 grant U. Departme'nt of Hea1th. will be officially dedicated. mercial.n,ames but which usuallY' small margin of profit." The' administrative offices of ,by the National Institutes of' Education Welfare ap wiU be labeled as a weed killer.
This mllY be sprayed on the foli,..: Well, no matter if these huck
Health, .announced in Washing proved a 'grant of $99,940 for the the Louisiana diocese have al! moved , . . to the Life CenteJ.r., . ,
age pf any poison ivy pl;mt and stet'S' are labeled with such an ton, released $526,500 in state child-care" center" toward whicilJl ready will effectively kill it. Anima.te . uni'clmimtic name, their wares funds for .theproject, it was dis the Order of the Alhambra, fra
ladies Guild
{ammonium sulfamate) maYalS@, are fresher than any I've seen in closed at a press conference. ,. temid '. Organization oi the 00 used as n killer with very supermarket bins, they have an. The Ladies~ Guild of St. John of Columbus, has The health center is being Knights good results. old-fashioned charm and they erected by the Mount Carmel pledged $250,000, according t§ the Baptist Church, Centrsii arc well worth the trip to this Msgr. Dooling. Village, will meet at 8 tonight Both products may be found historic section of Boston if yOIll Guild, soCial welfare agency of He also said' ar'rangements in the parish hall. the Newark archdiocese. fn garden shops under various happen to be in town on n have been made with St.
I1rade names, since they havla shopping trip. Msgr. Joseph A. Dooling, guild Michael;s 'and St. :James hospi,. ~~a~ •••• mB.~Wm~g~
~ director,' said it would consist of tals, both located. near the ~ been produced by several chemIf you happen to pick up Dl !cal companies. Look for a w:eed a seven-story mental health fa pIilnned' facility, for hospitaliza killer and read the label to find basket of blueberries on yoW' cility, a seven-story speech and tion of. mental helllth patients ~ ~
~he above-mentioned chemicals. trip to this open air market, the hearing diagnostic and treatm,ent
ne~ding that serv~ce. ,. Merely follow directions for ap- following recipe is a delightful unit; and a one-story child-care", He said the mental-health plication and take the precaution wl;lY. use them. . ~ center will operate on a 24-how:' ~ ~ of storing the container well out lRlLUIEBIElllRY CAOCTIi: day basis with no patients ~ Dartmouth m of the ''reach of children. . turned away for lack of funds. III Marian CoHege Seeks l%"~ups sifted flour Ill! . IlII The child-care center, he said,' !II an d Hyanms, !II The Day Lily Show which llwi l. teaspoon baking powde-r will offer rehabilitation pro-' lLiClymoU1! President lbeen mentioned in this COhillIlIllllll ¥.i teaspoon salt , grams for 'the handicapped. He : in lIJast yeal'S will be held MilOs S~. Dartmouth 997-93114 : 2 eggs, separated INDIANAPOLIS (NC)-Msgr.. said the entire complex is ex year from 1 to 7:30 Sunday all :Ih' cup shortening Hyan,nis 292~ III Francis J. Reine has resigned as· pected to be in operatiolIl by' • *eli'noon and evening, July llS at . l'cu'p sugar president of Marian College here mid-1970. . Ule Unitarian Church, IEm % cup milk If'. II II II • • • • • • • • • • 811I'1
lmd the college's board of Street near Main, Dighton. 1'1lIlDl!J 1 teaspoon. vanilla trustees has announced it is
year's theme is' Antique K~tcl!il 1'f.! cups floured blueberries seeking a layman to replace him.
enware and Old and New Chilllll~ 1) Sift together the fiour;bak The college is operated by the
and all lilies on display win 1Ill<e ing powder and salt. . RESIDENTIAL Franciscan Sisters and two
arranged in such eontailll01l'li. 2) Cream the shortening and weeks ago added two lay peII'
. SCHOOLS. CHURCHES Tbere is DO admission charg0 00 sons and a priest to its previous sugar until very creamy the show aDd it is well wol'\\fiIl a ly all-Sister board. then beat bi. the egg yolks. ~NDUSTRIAl • BUNKER S'!oday trip. -3) Add. ~vanina ~nd miUlX Mother Marie Dillhoff, chair
In the 1(itcben alternately with the sifted d.t7 man .of the board, announced,
D ADSON 'OIL BURNERS '"Hi, honey, who's handling the ingredients. mixing well. that Msgr. Reine's resignation C@mpleie Heating InstallatlonG
money today?" bantered the 4) Beat the two egg whites because of the "growing pres
~4 H~ur Pil Burner Service ./. smiling greyhaired hawker lL!I he and fold into the batter. sures" of the post and a' "per
attempted to turn my attenttotll so~al health problem" was ac-'
$) Fold im!. the blueberries. to the array of meat he was di.s Sprinkle ~ top of thla batterr cepted "r~luctantly.~
!)laying outside bis store. with sugar. . She, also said the board -will
'"Cukes. 39 cents • d02leDo.. .G) Bake im II wellt-greased ~ seek a lay president because of,
0 YiIIouted anothelI' barker. i!,\ch square pan in III 350 ()Vetll m critical shortage of qualified
640 PleasantStree~ '1l'ell. 99.6-827.1. New Bedfoil'l1i
. '!'be 111M with the c:harm llI8,J ':€or'3Q minutes. priest-educators.
Nurses To Open House
Plans Health Center ••
:'lUM.BER COo g
.' •
. •
Re~~!fts U~f~m!'f [L@!b>@[[ [¥>[[@Cf:{fo~®~
THE ANCHORThurs., July 13, 1967
LUBBOCK (NC)-One of t~ world's largest cotton processoro engages in 'racial discriminatiolilf and unfair labor practiCeD against union members, accorQJ.." ing to a hearing examiner f(J;;? the National Labor RelatiOn!) lBoard.
ce©l1OUl)~D~ fP[{@D$@S)
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WASHINGTON-(NC) The Catholic Interracial Council of suburban Prince Georges (Md.) County has praised DefEmse Secretary Robert Mc Namara's moves designed to in tegrate housing near the mam moth Andrews Air Force Base. The day after the council re leased its statement, McNamara IIIso took similar action ,against ' segregated hOllsing ill tlle vi~in ity of Fort George G. Meade in mearby'Anne Arundel,Coullty, McNamara issued orders de <elaring segregated houliing near both installations ' off.,limits to incoming miptary', peJ;sonnel; lifter surveys shOWed tJ:lat only five per cent of Negro service men were able to secure homes mear the posts. The orders affect only trailer eourts and apartments, not one lYamily houses. The Prince Georges CIC caned McNamara's action "a gOQd first IIltep," . and 'said it', hoped the Andrews order,would, be fol lowed ,br one for: ,Fort ,Meade. It was\:: th~,J;I,ext day. ; , , ' Check 'With Officer MeNamara estimated' that 1 729 ' new' , Army' ' "personnel, ";ould be ,moving:' intd Fort Meade in the"next three' months,', , slightly, more,than 'W'per i cent'of tile total number' statioMd' there., . All incoming personnel' must eheck with the post' ho'lisihg of ficer, who will maintain lists of desegregated facilities, and they must report their addresses to iheir commanding officers. A Pentagort spokesman said "disciplinary measures will be iaken" against those who violate ,the order. But he did not spec Hy what those actions might be.
Examiner Alba B. Martin saiB the Farmers' Cooperative COJll1l= press threatened union membeli'lD with loss of their jobs if th~ went on strike; promised noiJl=o striking employes permaneri~ jobs; encouraged employes i(l vote out their union; promiselll raises if the union was voted ou::l and questioned employes abou9 their union activities and their? intentions to strike. ' ,Miss Martin also reported thlll& two members of the union nego tiating committee-both skilleell Mexican-Americans -were as- signed to menial outside jooo in "bitterly cold weather in re prisal against the union anell against these two men for serv ing on the bargaining commitF> 'tee."
Even in Reereation BUSY MAN'S }l~AMILY: Here's the ha ndsome, family of ichard Fontaine, 'newly ,She also found that wage#) elected president of 'New Bedford Serra Club. Firstrow, from 1 ft, Delia, 2; Richard Jr.,' paid to" Negro 'and Mexican 5. Second row, Ba~bara;' 9; Mr. and Mrs. FontaIne with Natali, 5 months; Joan, 1. American workers, were oftell lower than those ,paid Anglos Third row, Mary, 11; Edward, 10; Anne, 12. ,I.: . whites-for the same,work, and that even in recreation the \CO=o operative discriminated. , ~heg'ave the ex~n1Ple;, of all} . aJmual employes fishing tJii) which was divided)nto two see-: tions-one' for Anglos and one By Patri'cia FranCis " for Mexican-Americans an(l "Negroes. .... : "rhe,'new, p'resident of, the Bedfo;d Serra ,Club epitomi es the truth 'the old Locai 1206 of,the United Pack adage: If you w'ant 'something done, find a busy man. Richard C.F9ntaiiui, ,37; 'of 171 inghouse, Food and Allie&! Butler St., is the,' fath~r of eightch.ildren-a fulltime job in i~elf' ~e i~ an avid s~il Workers" Union has been OIl or, with a 23-footEnsIgn that goes mto the water as early a: possIble m the Sprmg strike since Sept. 13, 1966, when coniract negotiations broke and comes out again at the ' . ". It' 'bl t 'n the contagious in Serra, Mr. Fon theIr 'ay III or out of the house. down-mainly over the issue of as pO~SJ e momen .J taine explains each Serran "has Ric ard Fontaine grins. discriminatory practices. The Fa)]. He supports famIly and certain obligations he must live ':0 e of the things I find is union is 'composed 'mainly dl boat with a job that keeps up to." , that ~anY people don't appreci Mexican-Americans and Negl'oe:J. him hopping. He's administrative Included are daily prayers for ate t e administrative Problems assistant to the general manager vocations, a speCial Mass month of th Church as much as I do of a bakery. ly, four Holy Hours during the with big family," he says.' However, he still finds time year, participation in three or "ce~tain rules have to be set fop C.·v.·c Ac't•.on ' Continues Education -as do other Serrans~to'work four nocturnal adorations dur down for the good of the whole, • ~ wholeheartedly for something, ing the year. All have the,same even if at times a rule'seems, EVANSVILLE (NC)-A pilo~ frOr ergymen he considers vitally important: purpose-fostering more voca injuri us to the in~ividual," he program in the civic-moral re , LORETTO (NC)-A program vocations to the priest tions. ,. scahYaso's.\'?, th~rw, ise; ,t,h,e,r,e w",O,Uld ~ sponsibility field to be carried ef continuing' education for One of the biggest "boosters" out in parishes is being mapped o elergymen:has been developed by' Mr. ' Fontaine is a charter 'of' vocations in· the Diocese now,
Mrs Fontaine, having fed the through the Indiana CathoJi4: St. Francis Se'minary' here in memb~r of the New Bedford he feels,' is the jUnior Serra younger 'members of the i~mily, 'Conference. ' JPennsylv:,lnia and the Pittsburgh club" whi,ch was organized, ,with Club network now established takes [a, breathe~ befC?r~, ~ettirlg The planning got und'er way Theological Seminary, an 'inter:", 55 members on March 30,,1959, in DjoCesa'n ' high schoolS: These back to preparatIons for a~ adult here wheJ;l representatives from ;', " lilenominational institution. to promote. vocations. ,He served units are krlOwn as ": Ji.inipeI"o dinne~,party wIth familr :guests. 17 parishes met with Jim Bren , A most successful pilot project as trustee and as vice-president Clubs.. Both groups' take' their " SheJ is younger looking and nan of the ICC, who outlined the Jast Spring has prompted' the de before ,his election this year.' name 'from' Fra Juniper6 Serr:i, 'considerably less flurried' than plan for a communications net:, , , esion to enlarge the program of Is Serra worthw/l'ne7 , , " , a pioneer Franciscan missionary one wb'~ld expect the. mother wOI'k feeding up from the' paJ' e1udies. ' , Settling back in an easy chair , in California.'
of a drrdly' of eight th'at rangeS ishes, through'deaneries into v~ Father Roland Faiey,' T,O,R'., 'in his' comfortable iiving room, ' "The' 'example me~bers' set," fro m~nne, 12, Mary, , Jot; Ed-, rious ICC ,departments. JM!ctor of St. Francis Seminary, with his daughter Delia, 2, he feels; gives teen-agel's "a dif ward, 1.10, Barbara, 9, Joan" 7, Brennan suggested a numbeD' , Jreminded, that the Vatican standing close by .'Until paged ferent idea. Lots 'of peo'ple have Richard 'Jr.,"5,and 'Delia, ·2, to ""-uncl'l stresse'd t'he'l'mportance ,f rom th e k't th e wrong 1'd ea' 0 f th'e va I ue 0 f "'t'he ""j"d of ,ideas -to develop the group,':their whidiOWl! be , ....., I c h en' b y M rs. F on" ~ I gl,'t'",,0f' th, e c I" .an" N' a't" a I",I~ -said, must .r a continuing education. pro'-. ,taine, the formet Eleanor Smith a vocation. They think it's some , Bridg~t, 5 'months. " , aims, objecti.ves and methods of I/ram for the clergy because of of New Bedford, Richard Fon thing you accept if no'thing else'Nat'~iie , , "Bridget's nante,' , " inci:" operation" to .-make ,the' projed ti!e rapi~ ,~e.velop'ment of, th~:,! :taine admits, ,"There's no way com,es along.'" 'dental y; is pro,of positive of'the .logy in recent years:" ", 'to prove what Serra' does." More' Lay PartiCipation wa)' R chard Fontaine' inte'riocks effective. . In the', continuing program, ' Largest Number' Ever .. Along' with w'orking for more familya~d.fu~. '. ' ".. ,, , ~veryone's ,Aboar'd' Father Faley wHl teach a course' He quickly adds, ,thougl:l;, that 'priestly.vocations, Richard 'Fon:. f i l "Recent Trends 'iif ,Gospel ,"within' the la'st ,few years, we've taine' is' a' strong'ad~ocate of, ,The "family boat 'is" riaryled' , ,Studies" and' Rev. Dr. Donald G." 'had the,'lai'gest number of ,1iemi greater 'lay' partiCifiatioi'i ' in JAMEBERD, with' o'ne' letter' Millet,' p~eside~t' of Pittsburg~ narian's ever entering, their first, church' activities-eventhough ' frome eh Fontaine' narn'e,; ',' ' Co~ ' Whe the new addition' was Theologi~aISeminary; wi'll teach .:year.'" ," he, styles' himself "a conserva Over 35 Years at, coul'se on '~Biblical Preaching: Getting a 'young ma'n ,into a tive.'" on the'twaj., one of the pr,oblems of Satisfied Service'
,Today," each, Tuesday for eight ': .semimirY;howev,er,Is ,not the ,"If the laYman takes a more, ,the F,o, taiiles' face,d,'.'was·how' to Reg: Master, Plumber 7023
weeks f!'Om Oc't. 10 to. Nov. 28. end of Serra's joo; he feels. active role, in the Church,", he change the, boat:s name" and ',' Clergymen, of 'Protestant, ,01' "One of the big' problems," he says, :"the ,Church is going to ' still ha e it make sense. ' , , JOSEPH RAPOSA,' JR.
thodox and Catholic churches in says, "is that while you get' 12, have to answer his demands.,
The ,~OIi.Jtion was simple. 1)n 806 N'O., MAIN STREET
the general area have been in-' or 15 into that first ye~r, statis'-' "If ,the layman communicates der J ,MERBERD on the bow, foil River 675-7497
vited to pal'ticipate in the pro tics show, many of them don't· more with his pastor, the pastor R.ichm' carefully painte,d N, B., sram. ; make it. We feel there should is going to be made mOl'e aware which 'erves a dual purpase in be better rapport between Serra of the problems a layman faces boatin circles: designating the and the seminarians. We want in today's world. It's a two home art of New Bedfoi:d and, giving Natalie Bridget her, Ordination Sa'turday to let· them know there is an edged sword."
, angle 'other' than official chan ' The real answer to a strong, 'proper place in the sun. Of Governor's nels to discuss problems." vital and meaningful "new wha happens to jAMERPUTNAM (NC) :...- Gov. and Consequently, in the coming Church," he thinks, "lies in the BERD, N. B., if another new ~'ear, h'e'says, New Bedford Ser layman and pl'iest working to Fontail e is 'launched? ' , Mrs. John N. Dempsey will at rans ~'will maintain close" com-' gethei: to fiJld a mutual solution Rich4rd pauses briefly and tend ceremonies here in Connec ticut on Saturday, July 15 when munication with seminarians. to pl'oblems, not the layman then grins. "There'll' be room "Some may feel the only ones ,hying to run the priesthoo'd or for fOut more kids jf we add their son will be ordained to the priesthood, who appreciate .their vocations .the priest trying to dictate to 'MASS.( he says. PRINTED AND MAILED
. EdwardM. Dempsey' will be are their parents :arid relatives.: th< layman." , His 'ife looks at him amcll We . want 'them to know 'the During his conversation, ,va 'volunte rs' an altel:mite' sug'ge... ~rdained' for the Norwich Dio "Write or' Phone 672.-,1322
whole' Catholic 'community a'p-' ,rious' 'yoi.!;1germembers of the tlon;' F iiI' n'ames for oile child.' lCese by Bishop Vincent J. Hines at St, Mary's,Chll~ch, the Demp predates, what they are cjoing.., Fontaine fainily pop into 'the
That ouldbe the one destined '23~ 5ec~nd' Street''::' F~" Rivei'
sey family's home parisll. ' 1mb~e~' With. a:,f~,~VQr ~at is liv!~g1'O,:m\,t~ s~¥. "He~lo." on' for ,tbe ~ri~stho~
Eight' Children Plus Serra~residency 'Add·~' " ;,,' ,,'P t()Ori~",Busy Dad, Ne~
Studies p'arish Plan
:Montle' Plumbing' It Heating
.... "
S)efffi'~~ Education
~@\:j V@f1
!PM [;Q)D ~g)
July ] 3, 1967
@V [(~CC'Lij)
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Nearly 130,000 pupils in Louisiana G.:'\tholic schools will be getting a better edu
VATICAN CITY (NC)-PopO Paul VI has granted diocesan bishops and Ordinaries the rigM to impart the papal blessing willi ~ plenary indulgence attached con one occasion during the Yeali' of Faith which began June Zg. The permission to impart thitJ special blessing, which wns con tllined in a decree publish cd bw the Apostolic Penitentiary, spe cifies that i t is to be impnrtetll during <l celebration' of the jubilee year. . The faithful also ma~y gnin ~ plenary indulgence by· recitin(l the Creed together on a specifieclJ feast day.
Also a plenary indulgence caJli1 be gained on a specified feast fliay by the recitation of the Creed in each single·' family. Clltholic association, school, of fice, hospital and other plac6::J where people are gathered.
cation next year with the help of federal funds. But it took more than six months of negotiations before the 111. S. Office of Education would approve the desegregation plans of the state's four diocesan school systems - the act which freed the money. . Four Dioceses Benefit 'The approval, given' by U. S.
, Education Commissioner Harold
( lHfowe II,' means that' federal funds will gO to 23,000, pupils in the Lafayette Diocese ,for the • first time since last October,
when they were cut off for failure to comply with the Of fice of Education's desegregation guidelines. It also means that the Alexa~ .... .. _.. . dria diocesan schools will again lHIEAIDS SERRANS: The new president of Serra International, James A. Scatena Cllf receive the funds which were
San Francisco, and his family are greted by Archbishop Philip Pocock of Toronto, as the
~ut off late in 1966. The Baton Rouge and, New 25th annual Serra convention concluded. Serra International is a federation of business Texas Conf~rence Orleans Catholic s·chools re
an~ p'rofessional men's' clubs' interested in promoting' ;religious vocations. NC Photo. . Schedules ceived 'federal aid 'this' year but AUSTIN (NC)-The" bishlliXI , ~nly' on the strength of' "condi of Texas have called hie fir~ tional" approval giveri tHeir de general assembly of' the' TeliOO regl'egathm' pians last Fall. , '. Catholic Conference here Sept. 'Teacher Integratio':' Itl and 20. Howe's new order, , 'assures Callan Graham, TCC' execlJoo them of 'receivfng fur'ther aid. "' ~ve director said the ·brolld PUll' , The' Alexandria schools-lo HAll of us are greatly co,,': pose of t,he assembly is to brinrl TORONTO (NC)-Some 2;651 whose theme was "Concern for cated 'in the larg'e1y Pr'o'testant, delegates from 20 nations at Vocations Communic.ation," also ~rned about how tine .priest .~ ;lll the bishops of the s.tate an() heavily racist northern' part of tending the recent 25th annual expressed· great concern to back today, and particularly the priellt membeI:s of departments ,of the t\he state-were' the last' 'to re , convention of Ser.ra Interna... the leaders, of the Roman Cath of tomol'l'ow; will serve the conference together for ·.the fintl Il.'eive Howe's approval.' That tional-Catholic laymen's organ people of God." olic Chl11'ch. time for <l general meeting" clearance was granted on the ization devoted to promoting Year of Faith The convention passed a reso,.. The bishops will hold thew basis of desegregation plans sub James A. Scatena, newly vocations to the priesthood - . lulion on the occasion of the regular Fall meeting as the TC~ mitted and the understanding agreed here to enter into greater elected president of the organi inauguration of the Year of board of directors during the as "that you will continue to make dialogue and discussion with zation, declared at the closing Faith, proclaimed by Pope Paul sembly. In addition there wiJ!] and implement further plans di collegians and young adults 'on session "we must do all in our VI, and which began June 2g, be representatives from the V2l ll'ected toward the elimination of problems rel(jted to vocations to power to preserve, enhance and extending to the Pope "prayer rious departments, including so all vestiges of the dual school the priesthood'. increase the relevance and dig ful best wishes and warmest cial action, education, ecumen system." IDelegates to the convention, nity of our priesthood. expression of filial esteem. ism, information, legal, Confra According to Washington "]n this vitally important ternity of Chrisian Doctrine an~ sources, one of the major stum soda! welfare. Year of Faith, we wish to pledge bling blocks in Alexandria w·as our loyalty·to :rou, the successor teacher integration getting of St. Peter, to reaffirm our faith white and Negro teachers, as MOlrOI!1l6tl'e Catholics; in the teaching authority of the 'Well as students, in the same rltlittll"oclk Cardonal of Washington Church and in the abiding pres oehool. . , . HOlfdJ Convention ence of the Holy Spirit," the Acknowledge }mort ImlIllcks Maryland Faml!' Housing Measure DETROIT (NC)-About 3,000 resolut.ion said. But, the solution wasn't illS . Arab Catholics, members' of th~ room-only crowd during hearResearch Study simple as shifting lay te'a,chers, WASHINGTON (NC)-Wash Nat.ional Association of Mal'Oll In other action, the convent.ion ites, took part in a cOlwi:mtioll The diocese also makes use of .'tngton's Patrick. Cardinal ings on a fair housing bill proby the Montgomery ~pproved the proposal of out-. at Cobo Hall here. Theco'nven several orders of Negl'O ~uns to O'Boyle, just back from ROITle posed teach Negl'o pupils. Full faculty and his investiture 'as a cardi-. County Council. It was. read going pI"esideilt Jan M. J. Ber tion featured la concel~IJI'atoo called· integration would have required nal, has '. . ' On . . sUburba,n loy Msgr. James A. Caulfield of bel'S of Montevideo, Uruguay, to Mass in Syriac. Bet.hesda. establish a $1 million capital
shifting Some nuns to' schooJIl Montgomery COUl~ty In. Mary Festivities included a 'Detl'oi% Montgomery County; one of fund, the interest from whic~ . Rjver cruise for the flt'cwo'rIm where members of other orders . land to enact a fall' houslrg or: the nation's fastest-growing would be used to produce the display, :md singing and' foll!: taught. . ','.. 'dinan~e "as a. declaration. ~~ an As one sourCe sumrried it up;, . ~me:1Can standard of .equal JUS areas, includes such rich Wash-· tools and talent necessary to 'dancing byparticipant,s'weal'inl1 ington. suburbs as Bethesda and· spread the Serra movement to traditional Mideastern costumet1. ·"Have you ever heard of Bene~ tlce. new nations and cities,· to pro dictines and Dominicans teachThe Cardinal's statement was Chevy Chase. There are 250,000 Maronit~ "Housing discrimination in duce films, radio tapes, TV. pro ing in the Same school and liv,- delivered !Defore a· standing in the United ·Stat~s; includin£ .any community is a pernicious grams;. seminars and, symposia' ing in the same convent? The ..bout 20;000 in the Detroit area. form of racial injustice,"said on college and university cam 'ecclesiastical problems are just The Mal'i>nite ~ishop of tM' .the Caridinal. "Many. of our puses. Marine Killed too great." United States, Bishop. Francm-e Negl'O .. servicemen .who defend Serrans ·and 10me,trop,olitan' M. Zayek, Jives in nearby :Gro~ . Alexandl'ia didn't solve the While Se~.vmng Mass:' freedom in' distant, hmds siJffer area vocations directors agreed ecclesiastical pI·oblems. But the Pointe Pai·k. ' .. from the artificial divisions of. to launch an in":depth moti\'a Office of Education accepted the DONGHA (NC)-Marine Cor poral George . A., Pace, 23, .of, . ,our, American .society imposed 'tional research· study ·to survey fact that they exist, acknowl .edged that the diocese was tr,y-, Det.roit wa.s fatally wounded' by by'. segregated homes. ·Inevitable the attitudes of young m'en to '" ing' to integj'ateits Schools· and a .communist·. shell . fragment l;>arriers., of .misundeFstanding wal'ds a career in religion. ' ,granted ·approval. while serving Father Cmdr:. and prej'oldice must· arise when . Psychologists and S6CiolQgis~ PlUMBING & HEATING,INC. ., .Joseph E. Ryan's Mass here in. such. arbitrary divisions are en- in Toronto, New Orleans, Miami, Sales ana ServIce , . Vietnam: . forced." . . Providence, Chicago, San Fran:' . tor :Jomestit Atonem~nt Fr~ars Freedom of Residence cisco, Washington, D. C", Denver~' . Corporal Pace was 'Father anCl' InClustflal St. Paul-Minneapolis. and Co;Ryan's assistailt. He and others' Oil Burners Choose Superior "As our nation is nowstrug... , lumbus, Ohio, will be invited to 995-1631 GARRISON '(NC) - Father had received' Holy Communion gling to achieve new patterns of participate in. this project to 2283 ACU:iHNET A VENUe , Michael (Camillus) Daniel, S.A., at the chaplain's afternoon Mass community life to make them survey high school studerits and collegians in their respective was chosen sixth father general and the priest had begunt,he more consistent with our demoNEW 9EDFOR.D of the Frial's of the Society of Post CommuilioJl prayer when crat.ic haditi.ons,' I call upon cities. a shell burst nl)ar the chapel. you, then to make freedom of the Atonement, Graymoor, N. Y., at the general chaptet· concluded Corporal Pace 'was the only· one residence or open occupancy a hit out of a congregation of 22. matter of civic and social re here. The new father general suc Father Ryan, a priest of the sponsibility so as to render to ceeds Father Alexander Beaton, Boston archdiocese, was knocked the minority citizen the exe'rcise S.A., who was fatally' injured in to the ground by the blast. The of his rights and to assist our a plane crash near Blossburg, chaplain and . other Marines community in the growth which we all mutually desire to see." Pa., June 23. The late Father brought the corporal immedi Beaton had recently been elected ately to nearby D medical com The Cardinal was joined by fat.her general of-the. society at pany, where he receive!l surgical 26 other speakers favoring open the same general chapter. treat.ment but died four hours housing, among them U. S. Sur Father Daniel, a. n'ative of later. Corporal Pace had served geon General William H. Stew Meridel'!, Conn., was born in , seven ~onths in a line company art. Therc was no opposition ]925 and came to GraYffiOor in of the Ninth. ·Marine Regiment 10 the ol"dinance which would 1949. He was ordained' here 'in forbid dIscrimination jr, the sale with wnsiderable combat ex 1957, and has 'served: as novice 'perience before joinine Father or J"entnl ·of almost all hOt,lsin,. 'AFTERNOON AND NIGHT .' ~ master iimd on the mission bOaEQ. R,van as his assistant. Ml the c9unty;
_-_ _ _
Serrans E~press' Concern for Vocations Establish Fund to Spread Movemel1lt
.', ,.,
'. "THE
ANCHOR Thurs., July 13, 1967
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On Sch@o BDlJU COLUM:I;lUS (NC)-Ohio
(Citizens for Education&
rreedom .·has called for amendment of the school
iJoundation bfll' now being con
"~':'''' .
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WASHiNGTON (NC> - ' The U.S~ Supreme Court haa refused 'to hear a challenge to aNew York state voting
.-. said the council, with' expenses 'of from $700 to $1,000 a month. is flat .:broke. .. ··The priest's stafement came as 'the youth coun'cil- added to its· expenses by.: :,opeil'ing a secon!!.· Freedom House: The council .. operates the Freedom ·Houses in.' .blighted areas' of .the <;ity to in terest young l'fegroes in working with the counc~l on its civil:
BllSlIllOP llISU
lr~ame$ ~f.l.nUl1m«nlf)'
:N'~W'" RDINARY:'Bish op::·.Fdi:nc sX. Nguyen van Thtian; 39, was consecrated h native City, hav in Hue,'l ing been amed by Pope Paul VI to be ishop of Nhatrang, where he ill be the first na tive Viet amese' tQ occupy that See. C Photo.
rights acti"ities•.. Father. Groppi indicated, how-·. ever, that the council has no intention of ·going out of business, nor of curtailing its campaign for open housing.' . Food Major Expense
I'LJ1 V lJU@mJ~ lA.@Irn~ He said support for the council CO is obtained mostly from small WITH 1 L CUT _ ..donations by individuals, most HONG KONG (NC) W1·th of them Negro and white work the naming of Father Francis ing men. The priest added that
Hsu; a Chinese priest of the one businessman, who wished to Hong Kong diocese, vicar general and the .first auxiliary 'remain anonymous, had donated bishop'of this See, Chinese Cath- $500. olics are joyful and proud and The second Freedom House already predicting that the next was opened to expand activities Ordinary is likely to .be Chinese. to'il wider area, Father Groppi - ·Asked about his qualifications. stated. Another reason, he said, Father Hsu laughingly told NC is that the first house is small News.Service that "they are and' overcrowded. usual-=-r am a convert and 'know - 'Faih-er Groppi said one major little Latin, no Greek and even expense was food. He said the less calion law:" youth council tries te feed . But II Western. assoeiate everyone' who 'comes tetbe , said:. "Father Hsu has a remarI~.,. treed9m H.ouses to help GU.t. able gift Of thinking. _to and . . ~~~:~:~:~::~1~::':1:: evaluating' 1he ·pi"opler#w.:.. a~ ~e~ates' ,to'" Lead.' .. oonceptsof cmeculture io:itB &IU1ts if the SChool foundation bill ... l ' , . d b' k' .~ -F°1° .. .; Laymen (two anguage an ac 'grOWl"" I Iplno lJllSSes: then with the greatest ease mak"It will increase the am(tunt ing these'problems and concepts MANILA (NC) - Three bishlbr each c~ild in .public sChOols perfeclly intelligible to the other (tps will lead a delegation of ~ by $85, to an average of $375 fol' cUlture'ilf its own language and Filipinos to the World Congress • e bienniuhl...··. . backgrouild/'~::: ,. of the Lay Apostolate in Rome "It will gUarantee the richest .' -. . ""! . 'Oot, :11':'18.,.;"': ,:. i;, ·ti ." "th . '·'The·new bishop has a pene-:. oommUDl es:an e state II mim..: . tra.··ti.... <S..'nund, iara tireless worker' They are Bishop Vicef}te P. "'um 0 f $100'. P ~r' s.t u d,en. t.. ,.. ' . I d'1 ... ._ . . 'art(i:a:,perfectionist and has _, :Reyes 0 f Borongan, nattOna "It will guarantee kin4ergar:- . Ii velys~~se ~f ,humor'. Among ! i'ec.t~r! ~f Clith?liC Action &~the ~ pupils, :whose attendance J. . scholars'·Father Hsu is ·known 118 Phl1ippmes; B1Shop Artem10 G. \JOluntary, $50:;' . "'. .'... C f I be f t..a rimkingauthority :on Chinese asas a. mus, a mem r 0 ."" . "It will guarantee childre!i,' ia historY ·arid.literature and among : . BiS~oP$' Cpmmission on Catholic Independent schoo~s, whose '.II~· businessmen as an excellent ad- Action, and newly consecrated
Cendance at,school ~ ~andatOi"y~ ministratoi'. l Bishop Teotimo C. Pacis, C.M.,
IlOthing." .! " ". f' Pl' . . During recent years as a di;. ,0 :liI,q· ,l ocesaiJ. consultor he ·has been Among the three priests who lisbon ,yniversit, ilctiv'ei y · assisting' Bishop Law-.. are part of the delegation iD. renceBianchi, :P.i.M.E:, admih"; Fath~r, ,. George J. WiUfuann, ~orners:tone Ister the !ast-gr'owing Hong- S:J., of New York, who i~ PhiliP-: LISBON ; (Nc')-,-O~. the' Ifeast . Kong dioCese, He -has' also been PUle deputy of the Knaghts of <Jf Sts. Pet~r and ·Pa,w., Manuel. instrumental in' organizing· the Columbus. <Cardinal G,onca:: lYes Cerejeiril; eu'ria an'd senate committee and The lay delegation is comPatriarch of Lisbon; blessed··arid in' - -aep~rlmentaliziiig: diocesan posed of officers of national ..llaid the cornerstone:Of 'the.Cath.!. 'Ilc,tivj tf e's : -' ., " . Catholic Action and heads of Qlic Unive~sity of Lisbon, after Since 1961, he has been direc- various religious organizations
eelebrating: Mass at an open aii
tor of the Catholic centir, which involved in the lay apostolate, altar. has a popular chapel of which such as, the Catholic Women's The ceremony was held .~ he is rector. Bishop-elect Hsu League; the ·St. Vincent de Paul II site near :the new buildings of : also directs the Catholic Truth Society, the Sodality of Ow' Lisbon UniYersity and the teach Society, a press bureau. a reli- Lady, the Apostleship of Prayer. ing hospital of Santa Maria in gious goods shop and a Catholic and the Legion of Mary. tlhe northe~n part of the city. club.
In his s~nnon, the Cardin~
f!JIUlIIIIII"III!11l11l11l1l11l11ll11l1l1tlllllltlllllllllllllll~ Illaid that tne aim of every Cath ~ IDRV' CLEANING .§ 0lic univef,sity is to "formulate lFamiDw .Movemt!D1llt
.~ and ~
the faith .in adequate terms, § fUR STORAGIE §
which. are understood by the To Meet Au'g. 24 modern mEjntality, and to reply ·NOTRE DAME (NC) - The '
to the many problems raised by 1967 convention of the Christian .
the progrelis of religious studies Family movement will be held
and by the; development of sci at Notre Dame University's Cen
ootific thought." ter for Continuing Education,
He said the survival of the Aug. 24 to 27. Glundamentlil rights and values - The convocation will feature
of man depend on the Church. leadership training courses, a , ~11It1ll11lt111lt1ll11l1l1l1ll1ll"llllIIlllIIllIIllIIlIIllliIiC~
The Catholic university, he communications workshop,. and
aaid, must ;:ilot become a ghetto sessions: for chaplains.
af purely !ecclesiastical studies' Speakers will include Hatvey
without wl\ys of communicat,iop Cox, theologian from· Harvard
()R:rIINS.~ University; Joseph" . Cardinal
with conte;rpporary human be ings. He expr.essed the hope that Cardijll_ .of ~~lgi.W?l, .~.o.un.d~r. of
it would speak to all "intellec-, . the Young Christian Workers;
tual young persons . . . and that author Sidney Callahan; Kath
245 MABN SillElE1J' they will have the desire to .erine Oettinger, chief of the
~rry with them the message of Children's Bureau, Department
fALMOUTH-5481-U9Ua . kuth, love and joy, which the of Health, Education and Wel ARMAND ·ORTINS, ~~ world hopes for, perhaps fare; and Father Gregor;y BaWD,
O.S.A., theologiaIl" ...... .
out kriowini it."
.IPlan E, perimelnllhtd School Districli's BROO YN (NC)-Our Lady of the Pres ntation Church here
in New Yo k has been awarded
11 grant of $44,000 by the Ford Foundation as part 'of a plan to suppOrt, '. hree' experimental
school di~tr~cts in. the New York metropolitan area. : : The ,graJt was given :to the
parish ,in ~ts capacity of fiscal agent for planning the Ocean Bin .BrQWDsvi.lle experi mental district .here. ·The unit ~ili eoY~r. eig~t· '~ub~ic schools in the-sect J'unior high school, one intermediate school and six ele entary schools.
F. Cham ion Ward, vice president in ch rge of the founda tion's diVis~n of educatiOn and ;~:;ll'ch, ..s id,;~e mo!!el. school units woul "break new, ound . illl America urban education.
: ~ ~~~~X,'~~:::~ala::::OOtel a~~ietsn' would be
• Photo
more authority in local
:::~lt:p~~r ~:e:s. h~~'
ppr· ve
Bus~ BiU
'MADISON (NC) _ The Wis consin ~sseLbly here passed and 'forwar.ded I~U the Senate a bill to implement the constitutional amendment which allows public school, dist ·cts· to provide bus transportati n for private and parochial p pils. The. vote woo 87 to. 8. . l
I~~~~~~ I
C~HiMr~ :\1j [9i\}n@B<dJ§ .
MILWAUKEE (NC) Father James E. Groppi, ad visor to the youth council of ';' ~.:the Milwaukee~ branch of the - ational Association for· the ,~ ... dvancement of Colored People,
. lIidered by" the Ohio General 4ssembly. In a letter; ,to Catholic pa$rs, litate CEF i' president' GeOrge :Worsdall note4·the bill, ~n. provide an additional $200 .ini}, llion for public school education ood a tax increase to pay for it." He said the measure "does·not llnc1ude any benefits for students attending Catholic," Luth~ra~. Jewish and other: nonpublie achools," .but the parents of these children will be faced with mcreased taxes. ~. Worsdall claimed that, in ad';' ~ition to the new taxes, the bill would cause increased costs for P rivate education: "For example, when public school teachers reeeive salary increases, it's awfully difficult to tell the nonIlmblic school teachers to be con"-nt "'" wl'th the 10'wer satan·en." The CEF official noted "there lls little chance that this bill will IaOt pass." In: the Senate, the bill was introduced by 22 senators; lm the House, by 41 representa0ives. There are a total' of 33 aenators and 99 representliltivcs' fin the Ohio General Assembly.' CEF stated that the Fair will account for only '$5 IJJlillion of the $881 millionpro. IolOSCd for the sehool founda.tioa !Jrogram. -
~®®<dJ~ I?MmJ<dJ~
A$~$ AWil®~<&m:mcelJi)'tt·
; 'I
[0) fl !?®~fr@1f
If @illlli'lru
~DfrDg®[{i)~ @{j ©JGuD©
': ••.•
law winch' permits the of ehurcp-oymed, buildi~gs as poll ing plac~.. The challenge was made b,. Morris. Berman, an Orthodox . ;Sew who objected to the use 01. a building owned by St. George'. Ukrainian' Catholic ,Church ia,. New York·a 'polling place in 1;964.·".,: ,. , Be'rinan 'liaid election offici ala . '. refused"to cover a crucifix when. he asked them to, and charged ., that"be'wa'!l' "disturbed" and un ablEnto 'cast' his vote properly. He said the use of a churCh' buiiding" 'violated First Amend ment safeguards against estab lishment of religion and sought $100,000 in damages from the New York City board of elec
tions. The suit was dismissed by
the state Supreme Court and
was affirmed last October by the New York Court of Appeals. The U. S. Supreme Court re
jected. Berman's appeal "fOI1'
want of jurisdic'tion" in a brief unsigned opinion.
Name Nun' Youngest
Methodist Mother' ~EL1NG (NC)-A Catb
oli~,ny~ .~as voted the title 01.
"Youngest Methodist Mother'" during the family week celebra tion of the Elm Grove Methodist Church her.e in West Virginia. Sister M. M¢lyn of the Silt ten: 01. St. ;Soseph of Wheelinlllo who is assigned to the St. Vin eent.. Home. for' Boys and Giria here, was ·.invited to attend the eelebratioll along with eight Methodist ehildren who reside lit tbe..home. During the· program, Sister '.' Marilyn, was 'voted the ·"Younl est'Methodist Mother" because of .. the 'eight 'children' in her charge. _She·was awarded a special pri_ -il'pair"of ear plugs· and a box ' of ·,aspirin.
'Real: .Estate
~~ne .L" Poyanl, Inc•. HYClnnas
279 BarnsfCllbGe Ilead ·SP 5-0079
5: -
2tHour Wreck,er Service 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven· 994-5058
~'Yo~ .Can Whip Our' Cream, but y,)U Can't Beat ·Our 'Milk !" ,Your
Gulf Hill
. Always at
Route "Man is
Your Service.'! .
FOR HOMIE DEliVERY <;AU '998-5691
Asserts Bishops Moving Steadily Toward Renewal HUNTINGTON (NO) ......
Those who, deny progiees ill
being made in Church . ,
form '" come dangerously
close to slal1der," Bishop ~ A.
Pursley of Fort Wayne-SouD!
Bend charged in eeremonie!l
opening the year of Faith in :bi\,
He insisted that U.' S. bishopiJ
are "moving steadily" toward
fulfilling "every provision of ~
Second Vatican Council for the
renewal· of the Church." '
The bishop offered an evening
Mass and preached at Sts. Peter
and Paul Church here. After
the Mass, he met members of the
parish individua))y in an hour
long informal session on the
school playground.
It was the first of some 100 appearances the Indiana prelate . will make in a)) parishes and re ligious institutions in the diocese during observance of the world wide Year of Faith proclaimed by Pope Paul VI. In several comments on the
current "criticism of the human
side of the Church," the bishop
advised that "the purpose of re
form is to make something bet
ter than it was, than it is."
"It is sheer blasphemy," he asserted, "to try to improve Ollll the work of Christ. We can im prove the Church only by im proving ourselves." "If the current critics had more of the spirit of Jolm XXIII," he said, "there would be less tension and dissension than there is today." Most DifficlllU Task "That there must be change b evident, beyond argument," be acknowledged. But in the com plicated ,'process· of determining "what change," he charged that those contributing to "an atmos phere of suspicion and mistrust'" are functioning in a manner "plainly contrary to the wOl'd and will of Christ." Making a public profession of "my faith in you" during the "situations which currently pre vail in the Church," the bishop observed that "in 40 years of preaching, the present task hl more challenging and more d~f ficult than any I have ever un dertaken." He recommended "faith in Christ, faith in the Church, faith in faith and all its mysteries.· There is nothi ng but blind alley!! and closed doors for the man without faith," he said. "Why should we assume," he asked, "that 'of all the ChristiaJil virtues,: faith is immune u> temptation?"; He reminded the congregation that "our battle it! not against flesh and blood, but against prjn~ipalities and pow ~rs.:' ,,', 'Fruitful Program Earlier, in announcing the Year of Faith observance in the diocese, the: bishop said "0Ull' public prog~am will be simple but it can be fruitful." He urged ;all Catholics of the diocese "to receive Holy COlD munion at ieast every Sunday and holy day and to participate, if possible, in a weekday Mass, praying always for an increase of faith." . Other points of the program include a daily "profession of faith in the :Apostle::: Creed" by teachers 'and~ students during the school year ~nd the insertion of an appropriate petition in the daily ~rayerlof the Faithful. 'For his own extensive part bl. ~ year-long program, Bish8l> Pursley said/he will schedule _ 'evening MaS19 and homily ial each parish and religiOUlJ insti tution in the diocese. "After the Mass," he added" ""I will be happy to spend aa:l informal hour with those wM> wish to, remain."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., July 13,1967
. . .. piCniC.
for you· maybe ••• ' b~t Jiffil a Brazilian" town ealied Fatima do
Suli there are 8,OOOdestitu.te residents. Nearly aU are sick of eIther malnutrition, wormrD.S, .aJrnemi31'or malaria. Ove:r half of the chil~reH1l. helle
t~Wn: is n~t
die before -they are ,5. 'rhis .
unique. It is typical f4?r South
Share some ~pi~Di~ .olley"to
help them.
_ .... ~----
._-=-:-",,"-,- - - - - -
]jUlY. liiAYMOND CONSllill'E, 116S N. MAllO ft.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., July ~.,
., H"i IfI
$> ,
n, 1967
Open Gotham OHice 1111 IJoh,m(ou'll Relations ."NEw YORK (NC) -lI!'rancl{)
Prie$t~~ Vo~ation
Cardinal SpellmaQ. has estab lished the Office of the Aposto late of Human Relations for the New York Archdiocese. He haJJ appointed Msgr. Gregory Eo. Mooney as its director.
Hterr(Q)o~~ DITU" [Lcm~in, [L@[fi)~~' From "Social RevoiUJltiolll m the New Latin Amemca" Edited by John J. Considine, M.M. While foreign missioners have been doing outstanding work, native-born priests have not been lacking in productive activity, notes Juan Oardinal Landazurl Ricketts, ~rch bishop of Lima, Peru. The splendid apostolate of Monsignor Joaquin Salcedo, who has or- , day obligation and the Easter ganizeda vast network of Duty with more exactitude, and radio schools to reach thou it is particularly noticeable that
s'ands of rural people in men are going to church more
The apostolate's purpose is ~ pursue a broadly based program of education and the formation of responsible leadership to im plement the teachings of abQ Church in social justice.
regull;lrly. .
~~M~~~'~M~~S·V~USV$ No lFatal Complacencv
IPIE~JS~(!J)IMS - (!J)IlUiANiZAJUIl~~$ However, this optimistic ex-, position of some of the recent ~@~~O~AlE"PERSONAL . progress of the Church in Latin . America should not lull us into 'SAViNG'S a fatal complacency. The prob , lems that we still face are monu-· ' As. @i ·~anuarr 1st mental. It would be very easy to recite a litany of the Church's problems, but I would prefer to assemble them under two gen eral headings:' first, the enor mous religious ignorance of the great masses of people; second, the appalling shortage Of voca ~-~\\"" ~',:::~~A~~:<:~: ,,:':~~::~' ,1,,,,, • • ~~ Per ' tions to the priesthood and the Year religious life. MffSSION HELPERS: Mission Help.. These are not uniquely Latin American phenomena, but it is en now in Calabar, a city in, the pew1i 'proclaimed state, ·true that in many parts in Latin of Biafra, which Nigeria is seeking to· reclaim, are, left America the religion ,of the 1;0 right, sitting: Emily Kulchyski or' Saskatchewan, (~an-' people ill divorced from their ada, and Dianne Tucker, Los An eles; standing, Linda everyday lives. Almost.everyone is baptized a Catholi~ but few Licon, Los Angeles, and Lucille 1\11 Donnell, Scranton, Pa. comprehend what the profession Photo. of their faith implies. In some regions, more than half of the children are canonically illegiti mate, because less than half of the couples are married by the ~ $1000 Multiples, held for Church. This obviouslT cuts Six Months or longer drastically into the sacramental • Dividends p~id twice yecarOy life of the people. Court on gregation ~ No Notice Required for In large areas of Latin Amer Withdrawal . WASHINGTON (NC) - Dr. "track system and making ica, the Church has only a slight influence on' the educati0ll of Carl F. Hansen, a veteran of the other recommendations to enc[ ~ Dividencls not subiect eo strikinc Progll'eSS youth. In many countries the District of Columbia pubUc de fa to segregation. Mal.!s. income Tax
Han en instituted the track
It is in the field of education Catholic religion is taught, by school system, has resigned as law, as part of the curriculum in. superintendent of schools ~ a sYstefu'?-d~r w.hich pupils are' ~at the Church has made some result of a recent court decision grou 'acc~rding toa.bility-in
qd her most striking progress, the public schools. However it 1958." . . : and on all levels. Catholic not infrequently happens that ordering an end to de facto Lat iIi June, Judge Skelly'
achools in Chile are supported the religious classes are taught, school segregation. The 61-year-old educator had Wrigh of the U. S. Court'e~' 'jn grelOlt part by the government by' professors who know little about the subject themselves, or, been ordered by the board of Appea s for the District 'of Co.'( I . and most parishes have some .~education not to appeal a court lu:mbi .ordered. its abolition on ,l1r;ind of s~hool. Fifteen yea~,~g,o, " who are even enemies of 'all- re decision abolishing the .district's the gr· unds that it discriminated '&here were no pansh schools in ligion. The situation is particu agains poor students and told
Peru, but now there are several larly serious in many of the in- . the sc 001 board to begin bal-
dozen; three years ago there was stitutions of higher learning IPll'eBate Per '. ;imcin the~ Negi-o and white where enemies of the Church' only one Catholic college or uni ions i of at: least some of Year H'omes .: '. . .popul versity, and now there are five. control the preparation of teach... :its sch 015;" - , One of the most important ers, of lawyers, of.;'. doctors' and 'BALTIMORE (NC)-'-LawrEmcre "; ';l'he ashingt.on public schoolll of future' leaders. . :::, . lleatures of the Church's advance ,Cliroinal 'Shehan of . Baltimore are 92 per cent,Negro.·· In Latin America in recent years N'~ From BadWm.' has'authorized' the celebration The sch'ool board' d.ecided not Is the changing image of the But doctrinal ighorance and of Mass in private homes for the' to ap eal Wright's ruling, but '(ou may save any amouni, corisequent lack 'of 'religioUs ChUl'ch in the eyes of t~e ge~,:" sick and '.'in connection with .or: ·Hanse who was named as an any time when you have QI <l!ral public. In recent years 'the practice do not come, in generaI; as part o.f \l program' 'of neigh lllierarchies in Latin Arri.erlea from bad will. It is dear that borhood, block, or community Indivi ual in. the suit, told the Regular Savings Account. Old board he would appeal or have taken an aggressive stand enemies. of the Church are ac- ' home celebration to foster de Fashioned Pass Book flexibility. would quit 'if ordered by the <!»n the urgency of social and live, but the vast majority 6f the votion to the Mass, closer par board ot to appeal. ' SAVIE BY MAIL ~nomic 'reform, with strong people are people of good will, ticipation therein, parish unity, The board issued that order public declarations. The bishops who want to do what is right. Christian fellowship; and' other and H nsen announced his resig-" We provide Postage-Paid enveU ~f Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Bo Time and time again,·!tis the pastoral reason~.» opes for convenience. Specify nation two days later. llivia and Peru, to mention a 'few, laymen who edify the clergy and Pastors were informed of the typo ~f account. have' sharply defined the need ~ho demand more and better new authorization in a letter for reform. Three years ago-,in spiritual attention. But we just from Father Charles K. Riepe, Lima, I prepared and ordered to do not have the priests, Brothers, secretary of the archdiocesan BEL EVILLE (NC) - Bishop be preached in all the parishes Sisters and lay apostles to assist liturgical commission. Albert R. Zuroweste of Belle . of the Archdiocese a series of 22 them. The letter stressed that the vllle h announced that teach sermons on social justice. I know Consider Honduras,' for in Masses other than those for the ing Sis ers in this Illinois diocese that the contents were effective stance, with only one priest for . sick "must be for the entire par because the series' had hardly every 12,500 Catholics! BraziJ., ish" and part of a program so will re eive a: salary of $1,500 a year, ~fective September, 1967.
hegun, when pressure buiit tip to the largest Catholic country in that "over a, period of time the Each P~risli will also carry hos
~ancel them. I am pleased to 'say the world with 77 million Cath entire parish will be covered." pitaliz~tion and major medical that the sermons continued, and olics, has one priest for every ! know that they were a source 6,400 Cath·olics. Despite the fact develop vocations today In a insurance on all nuns working of encouragement for the poor that Peru has received consider continent which has a very high in the parish. and a source of guidance for able help in recent years, it still illiteracy rate, a very high per those in positions of power and has only one priest for every centage of broken homes, and policy. 5,800 Catholi'cs, placing_it third very poor religious education. ON CAflE COD Even on the material plane, after Brazil and Venezuela in The povery and .isolation in the Church in Latin America is terms of shortage of priests in which many of our priests live is growing stronger. More and the entire. continent. T~ese fig-. another cause of the scarcity of more of our people are begin ures become much more mean-' ·vocations. Parents simply do not ning to realize that government ingful when we consider' that in want their sons to Ii ve the way support for the Church is uncer the United States there is one that they' have seen many of the tain and insignificant at best, priest for every 680 Cath~lics. local priests living. Since the and that consequently they 'A critical lack of vocations, masses of the people are poor in themselves must contribute. then, is the second of· the two Latin America, the Church too The sacramental life of the general problems which the is 'poor, and a vocation to the people strengthens from day to Chu~h confronts in Latin Amer religious life requires more her~ AMPlIE f A~IJ(~NG day. All over. Latin America the ica. The fact is that we are ism perhaps, than in many other people are fulfilline; their SWl faced with the task,yiag.1;Q parts of the globe. ' ,. Colombia, is spreading rapidly to many other countries. Bishop Al 0 n S 0 Esca
lante of Mexico has founded the :fl.i r s t foreign mission society in Latin Amer ica, and al ready has sev eral priests in Japan and over 200 Mexicansem· Inarians. Latin America is very proud of its. ; .', :. vigorous Christian Farnjly Move ment (CFM), so ably promoted by Argentina's Father Ped!:o Richards. The Legion of· Mary and the (Cursillos de Cristianidad have 1lteen planted and are thriving in most Latin American countries., The same is true of Serra Inter-. Illational, an organization aimed. at developing vocations. New seminaries are rising all <lver Latin America. Peru. for ~xample, opened ten ne~ sem 'maries in the last five years. These seminaries are modern in avery respect, With academic 'pregrams approved by secular <tducational authoritiea, and fac Ildties selected from various oountries around the world.
on ,'.
Superintenden Re'signs
fDo C. Public SchooO lHead Quits Following Decision
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THE ANCHC"-Diocese of Fan ·R'lver-Thurs., July 13,1'967
'M~Eru@®®[[ffi)~ntolab@!f ~~[p)@~e ~@[M)[9)ruJ~~@[{~7. ~~[Wofr[f@t1'o@Bl)
By Msgr. George G. Higgins
(Director, Social Action Dept., USCC)
The Washington Star came out recently in favor of
. eompulsory arbitration by special labor courts of all major industrial disputes in all industries. Judging from the tone of the Star's editorial, which took up al!UOst half of the first page of its June 18
Sunday Opinion Section and that "the fact that courts of. law
was illustrated with a very will not accept primary disputes
not, of course, in itself in simplistic anti-labor cartoon, does validate the suggestiqn that they
I gather that its editors are of the opinion that major strikes are always, or almost always, the' fault of <Illrganized labor end that labor ~urts would 21ways, or al most always, rule in favor of management. This is a very ell 0 u b tful as sumption, to say the least. No less doubtful is the assumption that compulsory arbitration would eliminate major indus trial disputes. The record shows, to .the contrary, that in those democratic nations which have tried compulsory .arbitration Australia and New Zealand, for example-the proportion of time nost because of strikes as about ¢he same' as in the United States and Great Britain, where strikes are unrestricted. Be that as it may, the Star, in
IMvocating the establishment of • system of labor courts, fails to ttake into account the crucial difference between labor dis putes on the one hand and prop erty or commercial disputes. for pample, on the other. The Star's June 18 editorial on CIlia subject says, in summary that since we have courts of law for the 'settlement of the latter ~pe of dispute, we should ;lls9 have labor courts in which. labor - management disputes, other means failing, would have to be settled. . Crucial Fact There is nothing new about this suggestion. It has been ~icking around for years. At first glance, it might appear to be a rather plausible suggestion, but, as labor economist Alfred . Kuhn points out, it is much too =lib. It overlooks, says ProfessGC lltuhn, "the crucial fact that courts enforce contracts but dG not write them. A court does not tell one firm what price it mould charge another firm and enforce that price. . .• Courts llecide secondary disputes, not primary ones. Parallel Not Val" "'Firms that cannot agree CN\ eontract terms do not take their dispute to court; they cease doinC businesS with each ather. It is precisely this inability of labor and management to stop doing business that creates the difficulty." Professor Kuhn hastens to add.
East Berlin \Bishop Ordains in West BERLIN (NC) - Auxiliary Bishop Heinrich Theissing of Berlin, who resides in cammu'" nist East Berlin, is nOl'lOalty barred by communist authorities from entering the western half of the city. But he has 'received permission to visit West Berlin to ordain two priests. Observers here speculate that permission was granted because Alfred Cardinal Bengsch of Ber lin is still in Rome following re eeption of his red biretta.
--or some special body differ ently constituted-should do so. "It merely !peans that the' parallel so often drawn between commercial and labor disputes is not valid." ("Labor: Institu tions and Economics," HarcoUl't, Brace and World, New York,
The point is welt taken, but . Kuhn might also have added, for good measure, that ~f the Congress were to establish a system of labor courts along the lilles suggested by the Star, it would .soon be under heavy pressure - and rightly so, of APPOINTED: Justinus course - to establish another Car din a 1 Darmajuwana. system of courts or administra tive tribunals for the regulation Archbishop of Semarang, In of prices and profits by compul donesia, has been named by StOl'y arbitration. Pope Paul to membership on That's what '1 meant when I the Congregation of Rites noted above that the Star, in and the Congregation for the advocating compulsory arbitra Propagation of the Faith. tion of all major labor· disputes, is running· the risk of cutting off its own nose to spite its face. Minority Opinion Realistically, however, there
is little reason to fear-for the moment at least-that the Con SAN ANTONIO (NC) - "In gress will follow the Star's ad terim Ecumenical Guidelines," • vice, for the Congress knows 24-page booklet aimed at assist that American management, by ing and encouraging Catholics te and large, is averse to cutting off cooperate with Christians of its own nose and it's just as other faiths, has been published. adamantly opposed to compul by the San Antonio archdiocesan sory arbitration as is the Amer committee on ecumenism. ican labor movement. Priests, ReligioUs, seminarians, 'To cite but one example, the laity, teachers, students and chil .official policy of the National dren are urged to participate .Association of Manufacturers, as acti vely in the ecumenical apos stated' by the president of that tolate in the guidelines, which organization ina 1963. lett~r to stress dialogue, common prayer Pl'afessor Kuhn, ·is that "no form and worship, a meaningful com of compulsory arbitration, in mitment to social programs .and cluding labor courts, .should be cautions that terminology ·0£ imposed or reqUired by law." fensive to other Christians be It would appear, then, that the avoided. Star-fortunately.for its sake as Designed to implement· the . well as for the sake of collective teachings of the Second Vatic3ll bargaining in this country-rep resents, at most, a minority point .Council, especially the Decree on Ecumenism, the guidelinN of view. on the subject of com pulsory arbitration and one were composed by a 24-membel' which is not likely to prevail, at committee, one ·of six which hM been established under the arch 'least ia the short run. diocese's commission for eaFIY ing out the directives of Vaticae
U:~W~~$ ~ SROQa.~In$
2Y2 to 3 LB Average Plump & Meaty
FAIRFAX (NC)-The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has voted unanimously to estab lish a committee to explore the possibility of providing public aid w students - attending paro chial schools. The vote came after C. Rich ard Boehlert,' .president of the Federation of Catholic Parent Teacher Organizations of North ern Virginia, told the board of flhe financial difficulties faced by parochial schools in the county. . Boehlert said that Catholic schools cannot afford to pravide modern health, cultural. cafete ria, physical education and li brary services :(or their students and at the same time expand their facilities to accommodate the growing number of student applicants. He said that as a result the pupil load in the county public schools will be heavier than it would be were Catholic schools able to expand aDd enroll an who desired.
Produce Special!
Red Ripe Beauties
Honoredlby French BONN (NC) - Bishop Isidoll' Markus Emanuel of Speyer, Ger many, has been awarded the titRe of Officer of the National Order of Merit of the Republic ol France for his work in promot ing Franco-German understand. ing.·
Super Saver
&ocery Specicds'
8 ·G........... Sect. . 4
Pres.... ::
MiIh- ~ ...; lOW·. 1'.Iow Eye, hcf GIn.,
The guidelines list nine pri& ciples of ecumenism which Cath .olics. are urged 110 observe. 10 eluded in these is recognition b7 Catholics that true ecumenisa calls f()(' Of. movement for the restoration of unity amonc Christians," acceptance of tile spirit of ecumenism, ecumenical activities, prayer as a basie ele ment, reform .and conversi9.ll of the heart and respect for Uie beliefs of others. In the practice of ecumenism, the guidelines suggest that Cath olics ptay for unity, study, en gage in dialogue with other Christians, cooperate in civic . and social action programs and participate in non-liturgical public religious services.
Issues ·Guidelines For Ecumenism
Explore Possibility Of Aid,ing Schools
6 $1·..·. 4 ~-:
lA ..... •
~te ,.......... 2.:.:. Juice 4' "l.::.... I 10 8 ~
~Fenasl Spaghetti 5 Nourishing
CAT .. DOG FOOD le uiar & Thin .
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rshmall~.i l\I.1lIDll Low w-s.m- Gtricles 10 .. _ --.111 'Atis y. . . ~ rtW- a - Rtie ~ 00 IIJnIIlI QoeneIiIIII
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fHE N': lnurs., July 13, 1967
Missionary Priest in Guatemala
Takes Short COlllJrse in Dentu$h'y
LIVINGSTON (NC)-EmaJina where the slow, green-gray Rio reached up with the towel to Dulce emerges from the trees to wipe the wet brow of Father join the sea. With the sun, the ~, temperature in the morning Anthony Briskey. He gave 2 slight shake of his heaa, peered starts to climb. It is usually 85 degrees by 9 A,M. down, intently. Workable Chair Then there was the gleam oj! Father Briskey gave a carpen metal in his little office and he -.,..-' reached with a sure hand toward ter the job of constructing the the open mouth of a young boy dental chair which would oc of the parish. A slight grunt cupy the center spot in what from Father Briskey, then the usually is the parish' office, The gleaming metal-a pair oil dental man had never seen one before, t forceps--emerged in his hand but "thought about what it ~: with a tooth llirmly grasped in ought to be like" and produced a workable model whiC'h had a ~,\t~, its jaws. \~;'-7-: ,-~;r The story of how the Chicago sliding headrest. Work started at 8:30 in the .:~-~-~~ priest got into the dental busi ness begins two years ago in morning. ,At first, the array of Kansas City, Mo. It was at about tools and medicines which, Dr. that time that a Kansas City Kendrick laid out on his desk dentist, Dr. John Kendrick, meant nothing to Father Bris along with his wife and dental key. But as the dentist worked, assistant, Lila, decided to plan he explained and taught the ,priest. ' a vacation of work. The heat was oppressive, the There is in the United States a small organization known a!l humidity sweltering. A woman the Christian Dental Society. of the village was soon devoting Its primary function is to get most of her time to wiping off together dentists who are willing the brows and arms of the den to volunteer their services-and tist-and later of Father Briskey pay for the privilege-in places and Mrs. Kendrick, overseas which need dentists. Graduation Certificate In Steaming JungUe The second day, Father Bris As Dr. Kendrick and his wife key took the forceps in his hands LIFELINE: Refuges fleeing the west bank of the began to dump their pocket for the first time, and under the Jordan River have crowded into King Hussein's Jordanian change into a piggy bank each direction of Dr. Kendrick, pulled day, they also began to look his first tooth. kingdom by the thousands, making it all but impossible t() around for a spot which ap "The student worked hard and l<eep up minimum standards of health and sanitation. Re pealed to them and which had learned fast," Dr. Kendrick said lief agencies are providing food, clothing and medicines in 'the need for their skills. later. "When, in a couple of increasing volume, but the situation remains critical. NC About six months ago Father days, he was beginning to get Photo. Briskey and his colleague in the physical feel of pulJing a Livingston, Father Gregory tooth, I knew we could leave Zimmerman, also from Chicago, him at the end of oUl: stay and received a mailing from the- s0 he would be able t6 earry, on ciety, invitirrg applications fur the work." the services Qf a deflnst. On the last of the nine days, Father Zimmerman wr-ote back Dr. Kendrick turned over tG Mak~l1l9J
immediately. Then, spurred by Father Brisli:ey a particularly favorable reports about Guate hard extraction and the priest, mala from a professional friend, with only a little co:o:ching, did ESSEN (NC) - The Cathelie every possible way how bo1l1 Dr. Kendrick and his ""ife de the job without fault. cided that Livingsron would be "If I weren't wet from my Church and the World Councin sides can work together." Dr. Blake said that the readi the location of their vacation of work, I'd take off my jacket of Churches (WCC) "are making wi)ldt. and present it to you," Dr. Ken serious attempts to examine iD ness for collaboration between the' WCC and the Catholic Livingston is carved out 61 drick said. "It's your grooaation every possible' way how both the steaming jungle at the- peint certificate." sides can work together" for the ,Church was already quite sub cause of peace, the secretary stantial. He pointed out the general of the wce said l:iere iJ:l WCC and the Vatican are col laborating "'to a certain eJltent" Germany. in Middle East aid and that an In an interview with a Luth ecumenical Institute is being eran paper, Del' Weg, and the established jointly in Jerusalem. Catholic weekly of the Essen He said that theological dia HOUSTON (NC) - A long white Catholics m. the IlUburlle diocese, Ruhrwort, the WCC al logue is being conducted by ;) range project has been ~unched and' the poor, min0ri1.y-gnmp ficial, Dr. Eugene Carson Blake joint committee consisting f)!l by the Catholic Interracial Com Catholics in the ifH'ler-eity," of the U. S., was asked if he three standing subcommittees:, 'believes the WCC's Commissior1 for humanitarian aid, for justice ~ mittee on Community Relations Yeager stated. The CIC monthly forums are of the Churches on International and peace, and for the over-C!llll of the Galveston-Houston diocese to acquaint suburbanites witb intended to provide a bearing for Affairs (CCIA) and the Vatican problem of the catholicity ;100 Secretariat of state sboulf3 es the plight of Negro and Spanish all sides of issues in h-ealth, heYs apostolicity el the Churctl. spealdng eitizeRS in -the inner iog, education and empleyment tablish a joint bureau for com mon efforts for world peace aoo that concern social justice as a city. to prepare projects fer bl.lm.mi "moral responsibility of eadl in As part of the project, reJWe tarian aid. sentatives of minorities win have dividual Catholic," Yeager ex plained. 'an opportunity to air their griev He replied: "There are severa! A controversy OVf~r the pro ances in monthly ferums on ra difficulties to be eonsidered. cial understanding. Panelists will gram arose when Ken Fairchild, The WCC represents COMPANY discuss such issues as education, an assistant t8 the HOl.lsten Churches. The Roman Catholie housing, employment and heaHh, Mayor, Louie Welch, protested in Church is one Church. We have a letter to Bishop John L. Mor with a question and answer ses no diplomats; the Roman Church Complete line kovsky that the CIC is "provid sion following the discussions. has a diplomatic corps. We bave , The forum idea was proposed ing ·a forum to spread batred of Building Materials not so far received any proposal as a result of the disorder at the administration." and therefore I cannot make 2lny Vitally J[nteIrllsted Texas Southern University that statement at this time m Sbi!l • SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEIID Fairchild's letter was released respect. left one- policeman dead, two other policmen' wounded, three to the press before it was !'e 993-2611 Conduct Dialoe students wounded and two men's ceived by the bishop. Bishop Morkovsky said that be d'ormitories damaged. "But I wish to emphasize o:Ilft According to Dr, Fmncis S. regrets "that Mr. Ken Fairchild again that we are makinl: llleri did not give me the 'opportunity Yeager, co-chairman of the OUB .attempts to elIamiBe M1 forum, the program's goal "is to to investigate his complaint con help Catholics in Houston te get tained in a private letter, and a better understanding of racial the opportunit)· to· make a l'eply before he took the matter te the problems of all their fellow cit public forum. izens." "Mr. Fairchild, as he says in bis Ignorance of Facts CO. Minorfty groups in Houston, letter, has known me as biBboJl of both Amarillo and Galveston particularly Negroes and Span ish-speaking, total some 20 to 30 Houston. He states that be 'has per cent of the population, and known me, as a sincere, dedicated are discriminated against by the and most of an fair peTS9n.' "He should therefore realize white majority in matters of ed ucation, jobs, housing and health, that I am vitally. interested in 365 NORTH FRONT STREE1I' promoting what is best for the he said. NEW IiDFORD welfare of our great city, and "There is a great deal of ig Dorance about the facts of these that we stand ready and willinl: 992-5534 issues, and there is :lJmo~t ;1 total to discuss this matter wiUl tbe lack of communication between city administration."
,Cooperation for Peace·
Cutholic Church, World Council Attempts to Work Together-
Minority Representatives 1t'o Ail!"
Grievances at Public Forums
DEBROSS OEl Heating Oils and Burners
O~ ~ P1C'P~[]'i)@tl'8@tn VATICAN CITY (NC) -Reo ports that Amleto CardinaY Cicognani, 84, Vatican Secretary of State, plans to resign in mid August were denied by a highly placed Vatican source. The source denied the cardinal! 1;l/ould resign in the foreseeable future. Secular news services hatiJ carried reports of the cardinal'l!! impending retirement. 'These sources reported th~ CC!lrdinal Cicognani would resigt:l ;liter visiting Brazil's Sanctuary of the Madonna of Aparecida 0[) Aug. 15 to present the papall award of the Golden Rose. Cardinal Cicognani, who Wall apcstolic delegate in the Unit~ States from 1933 to 1958, h~ been Vatican Secretary cl State since 1961.
Aft S«»sfr@[)i] CoUege CHESTNUT HILL (NC)-<> Rudyard Kipling was wrong. The twain met, and very COJ7'o dially, here on the campus 6!l Boston College where 38 Japan ese students from Sophia Uni vernity in Tokyo, Japan, ~I'\!! participating in a reverse "jun ior year abroad" programs. The students, who arrived hl in Los Angeles, made the trilll across the country by bus, ...isit mg the Grand Canyon, La!J Vegas, Dallas, New OrleaJl!\, Birmingham and New York City. III each place they stayed at pri 'Vate homes and increased theilr knowledge of the American W2>!I ef life. Eoth Boston College aMl &phia University are conductoo by Jesuits. Father John M~ Kecbney, S.J" of Sophia, whe erganized the program, accom panied the students, lIIlakinc housing accommodations acrOSll the country through the Chr}!> tian Family Movement. The stu dents will stop off in Honolu~ ~ their way home next monti:l.
5.50 0/0 l(
• _tblJ IletGsib
5 • 00 0/;to
eo dar INltlce f.. wltlldrlMMl
Bass River
Savings Bank
Bank By Mail
We Pay The Postage
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July I
,Catholic,'~lithera~ Leaden
In IReformation Commemoration
Deli'g'htful,,'Book Describes
History, Folk'iore of Kasos , ~ By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy If you have never heard of the island of Kasos, you Bhould not necessarily braJ!.d'yourself a pitiable ignoramus: It is probably one of the least known places in the world. Or has been up to now. Things may change with the pub !Bication of The Feasts, of Memory by Elias Kulukundis culture, is, as Mr. Kulukundis (Holt, Rinehart and 'Yin maintains, something of a rBton. $5.95; 383 MadIson miracle.
to Join
Moving Description :Ave., New York, N. Y. 1001'1). Mr. Kulukundus, an American , The author was born in Lon don, came to the United States 0f Kasiot" an
when he, was three. London and ~stry, will put
New York both have their Kasiot 'ihe island on
coloO:ies because some Kasiot Qhe map for
families became shipping mag many re'aders.
nates and gravitated to world 'Kasos is one of
centers for this business. Most the Dodecanese
Kasiots are men' of the sea and !slands, a little
of ships, since no living is to be west of Crete.
made on, the largely barren Xl is small (its
island, and some have prospered . Mea is 30 miles), more than others. B'Ocky, boasting But the Kulukundis did not go lilInly five towns, directly from Kasos to London. WI tiny. The AClIIllSnSlBlOlP' ,McGEOUGH \'first people known to have been There was a way station at ihere were the Phoenicians, and Syros, another island some 200 lit was they who gave it its' name, miles north of Kasos. Hence it ~n((lJm, meaning "isle of sea-foam." . was to Syros that' the author I~ Later came Hellenic settlers, went, at 17, in his first journey ood thereafter the island re-, to the Greek world and his own II 0 rL fll...11 II rOSlJl1' IJ~U snained staunchly Greek despite roots. Only a decade later, at 27, VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope did he venturE:! to Kasos, a trip ebe vicissitudes sketched below~ Paul VI has named an Ameri At the end of the first century inade in the company of, his can, Archbishop ,Joseph F. Mcuncle George and a' cousin also ~ the Christian era, the island, Geough, to be Apostolic Nuntio ihickly populated and bustling; called Elias. to Ireland. For the past seven There is something moving, was a part of the Roman empire. years the New York-born Vat lIts bishop attended the ecu~ and even a touch mysterious, ican diplomat had been Apos menical council of Nicaea 'in 325. about his description of his first tolic Delegate in South Africa. From 330, the island was ruled sight of Kasos, suddenly emerg Archbishop McGeough was ing fcom the, sea and' the mist. lb'om Byzantium, the eastern im born in New York City Aug. 29, One of the island's two automo perial capital. biles carried him to the house 1903. After attending Cathedral Fief, to Venice College and 'St: Joseph Semi In 828 the island fell to Islam owned by his grandmother, a' nary, he - went to the' North house painted blue and White, and was an outpost of Arab American College in Rome, pirates. About 150 years later it the Greek 'colors. He was greeted where he was ordained in 1930. was reconquered by Byzantium. by an ancient servant of the He also attended, the Pontifical At the begil)ning of the four family" incongruously named . Lateran University in Rome and 'lieenth century, Kasos was seized Aphrodite:' "Kyrie eleison" was earned degrees in theology, civil by Venetian forces and for the an exclamation often used by , ,and 'canon law. " , next 200 years ,was a fief to' her. In New York he served as :Venice. ,', ,Marriages ArraDgec1l teacher at St: Mary~s High' . By,1573, it was in the hands of Mr. Kulukundis explored' the School, Katonah,N. Y., assistant ~e Ottoman Turks. It was 'grad ,island; explored his own family pastor at Our" Lady of ' Mercy '.ally',depopulated, and,' by. the historY. The 'first undertaking .Parish, Bronx, and assistant dose of that century, was uriin was simple 'and short as com-' chancellor. itabited. Ll'lter Albanians' re pared' with the second. Why, for In 19:J8 he came to Rome as -.ettled it, along with refugees example,' was' the' old house an official for the Congregation from Turkish or Venetian perse identified-as' his· grandmother's, of,the Eastern Church and later au.tion. It. was quite literally an not his grandfather's? Because the Vatican Secretariat of State. 'imknown place until, in 1788, a houses in Kasos are owned ma In .1945, he took part in the papal French traveller 'had to take "ternally. mission charged, with distribGhelter there, and his record of How so? Well it is a standard uting relief for the Holy See in what he found still exists. feature of the marriage arrange- Germany and Austria. The Greeks revolted against ment. A house is part of a bride's He also took part in delega'the Turkish empire in the 1820s, dowry, and the bridegroom tions ,that took the Golden Rose and after the fleets of England, comes to her house, rather than to Archbishop Joseph Vieira AlFrance, and Russia destroyed the bringing her to' his. bernaz of Goa and the closing, Turkish fleet' at Navarino Bay in He does not choose his bride. of the Marian Year in Nigeria, 1827, Greece re-emerged as an In fact, the initial move is made presided over by James Cardinal 1ndependent nation. But Kasos by the men of the bride's family. McIntyre. was not freed. They seek' a forma.! intervie~ , On May 9, 1957, after serving Part of Greece with the family of jhe man On as temporary charges d'affaires in 1911, Italy, went to war whom they have decided. There at the internunciature estab-' with, Turkey and seized ,the follow negotiations and cere lished at Addis Ababa, he was Dodecanese Islands. As, part of monies, which are ,intricate in named first Apostolic Internunthe agreement' which' brought deed. " tio to Ethiopia by Pope Pius XII. Italy. into World War ,I on the Mr.. Kulukundis has gathered. In September 1960, he was lIide of the Western Allies, the' many intriguing stories of his named Apostolic Delegate to Islands were granted to Italy, relatives' and of other island South Africa to succeed anothand after the war the, islands notables. There was Old Yia-Yia, er American, Archbishop Celes.ere formally ceded to Italy, by who hated children and, de tine J. 'Damiano, who had been ,"urkey. " s t c o y e d in a particularly dis- named 'bishop' 00:, Camden, N.J. Under Mussolini, the Kasiots graceful way the precious jour were considered Italian subjects, nal which her husband had care Dot Italian citizens: The Fascists fully kept~ were bent on destroying ihe, Then there was Old Yia-Yia's tional 7,000 blankets and 1,000 Greek cuiture of the island and mother, known as Old-Old-Yia toppling 'the Orthodox Church.Yia and also as the Virago. She cases of canned beef have been Orthodox clergy were forced ,did not demean her husband but, donated to war victims in the out, Uniate clergy were p'ut, in rather, demanded and secured Middle East by the Catholic Re lief Services. The shipment, their places. All shameful but to b!oody vengeance for his mur valued at $50,000, was a supple- little effect. ' ' 'der. ment to almost $1 million worth Italy lost the'Dodecanese 'as ,a Not a relative, 'but surely de of relief supplies and cash that result of World War n. A Greek serving attention, is Dr. Niko CRS had already sent. military adnlinistration ~ad lakis, who, through inadvert charge of Kasos until 1948, when ance, got ,engaged to two girls at Materially, it is very pOQr. the island became - at last! once and was scheduled to marry But it is rich in history and ' . a part of Greece. This concluded them both' on the same day. folklore. Mr. Kulukundis makes six centuries of being, under How' that' problem ,was s,olved it come alive, in past and 'in non-Greek' rule, preceded" ,of ,I shall leav~ ~ the ':reader; no present, and, allows us to share oours~, by sporadic spells of the, sense in spoiling a good story. '. his quest of the, antecedents of same. That Kasos retained·,its Kasos 'is' now" reduced to a, his own identity in a book which identity, its Greek character and' population, of a ,few hundred. 111 idiosyncratic and 4elightf~'
ted American nt.·o
Life in Worship," "The Role aIf the Bible in the' Church," and. "The N~turegf the Churc~." Scholars will also probe Be ,formation issues from th~ per-, spective of contemporary society 'and are expected ~ explore the possibility of closer cooperation among churche~ to meet com mon challenges. 'Cordian lInvntatlon' Commenting on the invitation extended by the Lutheran Re formation anniversary commit tee to Catholics and asking them to' take part in the commemo ration, Bishop J?~ '~. Carberry of Columbus, Ohio, saId: "Our committee responds most prayerfully and sincerely to the ve~y cordial and prayerf~l invi tabon of the representatIves ~f the Lutheran Churches and nt recommends the proposed con ferences and ecumenical prayer gatherings to be conducted un der the guidance of the local '~utheran ?nd Catho~i~ authori tIes, and In the spIrIt of ,the Decree on Ecumenism of the Second Vatican Council." Tlle bishop, who is chairman of the BCEIA, ad~ed that the commemoration. coincided with th.e Year of Faith declared b7 Pope Paul VI and c.oncluded: Based on S«:rlptull'es "It is our sincere prayer that the observance of these occa sions will hasten the fulfillment of our Lord's own prayer 'that all may be one.'" In a joint statement issued with Dr. Malvin Lundeen, chaill' 0 man of the 450th Reformation Anniversary General Commit iii . tee, Bishop Carberry com Confmued from Page One mented: "These discussions are giouS ~nd liturgical meaning of to be based on the Scriptures as the la~ of Israel and of Jeru the basic authority and on the 'salem the Jewish people." 'historic doctrinal confessions of He a knowledged the individ the Roman Catholic and Luth ual ~tements of support by eran Churches. 'Catholi~ ,and pro~es,tant leaders., ..As befitting followers of but cr ticized what he called Jesus Christ, partiCipants bl "the fa lure of the 'diplomatic' these discussions are to meet insiitutJonsof Christendom to their' tasks' with attitudes gf speak'~ an unequivocal word Christian love and patience, m in defense of, the preservation tellectual honesty, cOnfessional "of the Jewish people • • "'". 'loyalty, doctrinal integrity, and 'Opposes Proposal',' , openness to the power and guid "No Christian," lie said, "can" ance of the Spirit of GOd as He truly llnderstand the' depth of bestows these gifts through HH JeWish ~ligious existence with;' word." " out, faCipg up 'to the overwh~lming roltthat' Jerusalem'" •• has meant f r more than 3,000 years to the broken structure and charadJr' of Judaism and the' Jewish people." ONE STOlP Rabbil Tanenbaum:. ,said that SHOPPING CIEHUR Jews' wpuld now be more re _ Television _ Gll'ocery sponsive to the plight of the - Appliances _ !Furniture Arab ~fugees, "which has be come s4ch a preoocupation on 104 Allen St., New Bedford the paI1 of' so many Christian 997-9354 institut~?ns and leaders." But ~e also urged Christian leaders 0 be increasingly aware 'of the 'r ghts of Jewish refugees from Aab. countries "who are being'sJbjected to ruthless per INSURANCE AGENCY, INC.
seCUtion\ and oppression." ~e sal' internationalization of M WILLIAM STRE~.
Jerusale ,..:... the proposal of NEW BEDFORD, MASS.
many orld'leaders and Pope Paul V~-.wOUld intensify the' 998-5153 997-9167 present roblems and "increase PERSONAL SERVICE the diffi ulties' for peaceful set .tlement'l
(NC)-With one long leap-a joint announcement outliding combined, theological, diSCUSsions-Lutheran and Cath olie l~aders cleared what looked 'like ~ big ecumeniciu hurdle: this ear's' commemoration of' :the L theran Reformation. , AU . ough Lutheran leaders have een making plans for the anniv rsary for several years, Catho ic participation was as sured only last April. It was then hat the 'National Confer ence of Catholic Bishops ap pro've cooperation under the leaderrhip of the Bishops' ~ommittel1 for Ecumenical and In terrelilgious Affairs (BCEIA). Thel official discussions, as well'1S less. ,formal celeb,ration.s plann d on local levels; will mark the, religious revolution begun in i517 when Martin Luthe nailed his 95 theses to the d or of Wittenburg's castle churc~., , Bec.~use, the discussions will be SC~OlarlY rather than Popu lar , t ey will be centered in cities aving facilities for inten sive r search into' Catholic and Luthe an theology. Cities sug gested for the dIalogues include Austin Tex.; Atlanta; Baltimore; Boston; Chicago; Columbus, Ohio' Denver; Detroit; l~lJ:in, neap~l s; St. Paul; New" York; Philad Iphia; St., Louis; San Franci co and Seattle. Topi s cho&en for the discus sions i£clude "The :\3iblical Con": cept Of' Faith," "The Church's "
Denmoll'es Silence
N~:~~~K~:~~~i.~ddi_ IIIli¥rr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~§~]i1
. ~~~~~~§§§§~~~l
Stres$esl'· Rea li~ 'Of:"Ec"~~~nis", .' . .'. '
'Thurs., July 13, 1967 '-------~ ..
PHILADELPHIA (NC) .A w<>rld Methodist leader said here that Roman Catb ... oHe and major Protestant ehurches are bound to achieve aome form of unity. Billhop Fred Pierce Corson of Philad.elphia, past president of the World Methodist Council, said at a news conference here that "ecumenism is already a fact and, its practice a reality. No POPe has received as many representaUves cd: all faiths as (has) Pope Paul VI." Bishop Corson, who had re turned from the Vatican where he was the guest of John Cardi nal KIol of Philadelphia st the e()nsistory at which he was raised to the cardinalate, said that "one 'great ehurch' is not D matter of principle but of util ity - a common association ~ Christians who will accord 'One another end possibly recognize the Pope as a chief spokesman." The Methodist leader said the Catholic ,Church in the U.' S. holds the key to the future of the ecumenical movement, while , the addition of '27 younger more vigorOl~s ~ardinals in Rome win bave a liberalizing effect on the , viewpoint of the Roman curia the ChurCh'S central administra tive booy. Comments 011I Celibacy In answer to a question Bishop Corson said he does not believe that the q!1~stion of celibacy bJ 1) major factor illl any supposed "retrenchment" in the ecumen
!cal movement. The bishop said he does not think a married clergy would nolve the problem of a shortage of clergymen in the Catholic
Church: He cited the fact that
the Methodist' Church has a mar
ried clergy, but that it too sui
.fers from a critical shortage of ~rsorinel.':" ~.' . ' . : , He 'blamed. the ~secularism.of . the ~ay'; ~or pie lllek. of lnterelJt , o.n' the .part :o~ m!lDyin. ~e life . &Jlita~v~tiesIP~. a clergyman, fill. .". ~. ,ma~~r: wp,at ·~rsuallion,. • ' •..:' ',I' .• : :" .,~
do not doubt that the time win
eome 'when the Church of Si· rence will again speak out, and the Romanian people be restored to their rights. Until then, for these purposes will we sacrifice, struggle and pray," said Father Die Crihalmean, newly elected president of the Association of Romanian Catholics of Amerie;l, on the occasion of its 19th an nual convention and Romanian Catholic Day festivities here. The two-day program, held m 'St. ' Nicholas parish hall, began with a general meeting of priests 81ld lay' delegates' from the 1'1 parishes comprising the associa ti~. Later, the Divine Liturgy was 'concelebrated at St. Deme trius Churcn; host parish for the eonvention. Msgr. Stanley Zja winski, viclllr general of the Gary diocese, represented Bishop Andrew G. Grutka. , As part of the Uturgy, the aparastas," a memorial service for the dead, was celebrated for former members of tbe associa tion, and martyrs of the Roma nian Church and nation. Mea sages of congratulations read lit the convention banquet included one from Pope Paul VI, who sent apostolic' blessings.
BUFFALO (NC) - Bisholll James McNulty of Buffalo has joined critics' of a plan to re place the Meyer lVIemorial Hos pital, an Erie, County facility in the city of Buffalo, with a new hospital on the Amherst campus , of the State University of Buf falo. Bishop McNulty said sucb ~ move would be "a tragic mis- , take." "The ]ogical location for thiB facility," be said, "is the inner city areas; otherwise" these people, many of whom do noS , have private means of transpor - tation, will be effectively de , prived of hospital facilities."
AW€.1lfrdJ RedrJ)nen t
JERSEY CITY (NC)-Ambas<>, fl3dor Sol lVI.. Linowitz, Unitecll States representative, to the Or ganization Of American .States, has been selected, by ,the St Peter's College board of regents as the recipient of its first Excel sior Award. The award was instituted by the Jesuit college as "an annual! acknowledgmeht to an fndivi dual, or institution, in recogni tion of a recent, significant, un selfish service' to mankind thaS bore witness to and advancecll the concept of all men as hrotb 'ers."
Ambassador Linowitz, Whlil was selected by a panel of judges, will be presented witlm the award Oct. 24 at a dinneI? in New York.
,BANklNC; ,
'AUDIENCE 'WITH POPE: 'Choirboys, from 'the.c<mg~;":-w.e~J:'i~lg their ,pation~ ; eostume$,"sang',the'Oteed' for, Pope Paul':VI jn '~~~<Kwang~ ~gu~ge, as theY,.Were re" , eei'ved','ln ,~udl~~ceby the ,Holy:Father.. They were'in Rome,io"attendan international:' eoJlg~ess ,:~f. chQ~ boya. NC Photo. "1' '", ,; '" d,' ...· .', .... .
Romanian Catholics,. .'
U !'I'gjes ~@~~o{fa ~ Stay i'n' Cotyo ,
Expect Struggle
""',m., ANCHOR~
'Mefhodist Bishop,:'
. . 1·
; •. ',.'
,,~""Provide~' Relief ~~ .,·,'B~sis' of""'Need
NEW, TORJr.: (N€ ) The Catholic Near lEast Welfare Asso ciation vowecll" to eontinue its operations despite ,the war which ripped through the middle East. "We are going to stay in the Mid-East lllS ,long as we can, and eontinue to provide relief to ref, agees ,and non_refugees on the basis of need, not creed or poli tics," said Msgr.,eJohn G. Nolam; director of the organization. - But even'as Msgr. Nolan spoke, his agen4:Y" was' fOl'ced to with.;. draw two English staff members from tM· .Jordanian sector 'of Jerusalem, as.' an artillery duel' broke .. out .scross the J ordan Israel .border that splits the city. Clothing Supplies But two Spanish members of a secular institute called the Ter esians remained in the 4:ity to operate the organization's.libr;uoy there-the only public library in Jordan. :Msgr. Nolan admitted he did not know how much longer they eould stay-or even if the lib~ry had survived the initial artillery baII'rages. Also nn doubt was the status' of the association's clothing sup plies. It oWns a Warehouse near Bethlehem in J'ordan' where
Switch to layman dothing frolllll the U. S. bishops'
ST. Pl\UL (NC)-William B. thenksgivi~ clothing drive w
stored'. ,,\ , . . 'llalevich, 34, has been named Worried About 'NUDs lieu of students lit the· CoDege "But the government·, co~clI of St. Thomas here in MiDnesota. He is the first )a,ymaD lie boW l!leize that • any time," said the post. IIsgr. Nolan.
The association also had twe ships full of clothing en route to the Gulf of Aqaba, and the "uestion remained whether they would be permitted through the Arab blockade of the gulf, even though they were headed for' Jordanian ports. ' The association'. J'el'Wlalem' staff was withdrawn • to Beirut, , . ~
• to
. for Bristol County • \ • I •
,,. N'ea"-EasfWelfa're ,·Work,'C()"tinU.e$:: .
.', ";.
Bristol' Couflty
•I ~ ,
Trust'.. Compa'ny
LeNliion, where they 'oiried five
other workers, and foui"' U.;S. nuns' from Albany, N. y~ WDG are' establishing a .gramm'ar llCbool in a village near the city. -We have been' flooded with ealls" 'hom Albany about thOse nunfi;" l!iaid Msgr. Nollln. 'But he' hali received no news from the 'eity. , '~ the first day of the war.. " . \ -I , . . - ., \,
THE JANK ON tAUNTON GREEN ,or i'edel'aD Deposfi
InsoI'anee Corporation
Bolsum Btearl. iSlniIk goodl .'
Ie: , .
• • • • • ,
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Ca rd inaI O'Boyle
THE ANCHORThurs., July 13, 1967
Continued from Page One to help another in need, no relb
son to lead a decent life." Decrying the influence 01 "elm Continued from Page Three emies of religion," Cardind O'Boyle noted that nevertheleB9 facturing cities. Young people Pope Paul, "deeply anguished from a quiet agricultural area though he must be, especially full like Mito cannot find jobs they the loss of a number of priests like there, so they move to the and Religious C * C has spokeml cities and close-knit family ties not one word of rebuke." are ruptured." Instead, he said, the Pope "hoo Once a family did everything ·.·turned to prayer~' and has pro ~gether, he says, now the young claimed the present Year oj( people are breaking away and Faith as a time for "the faith some of them, in large cities, ful throughout the world t4» find the "freedom" trouble. strengthen their own beliefs anell "Many are rowdy," he says. . to pray for the return to the They like to emulate the A m e r - s h e e p that were lost." ocans in everything." The cardinal called on "aJlll Food is changing,' too, he' 0& men of good will" to pray "that oorves. God. may grant 'this nation,. anell "Real milk-not the reconsti-.· every nation, a resurgence off fluted kind-and beef" are begin-. . faith that will sweep away our .doubts, calm .and redirect OUl' Illing to find a.plac~.on thcfam fly dinner table. Bread is be. . rebellious' spirits, and rekindle ooming. a more common sight. the dying embers of our Chris"The Japanese are getting VIETNAM AND VATICAN: Pope Paul VI kisses flag brought by '50 Vietnamese tian charity." .bigger now"~ he says; "th,e aver. .. Specifically he made fouf sugCatholic·' pilgrims during. their, audience. The group, on a pilgrimag~ to the Portugese "gestionsto Catholics: . ~age ~eight cif those.15 or young; Shrine of 'Fatima" was l)l'omised by the pontiff that he :would ."continue to· WOrk and '. ·Te.....a ch Us Humim...' etr has increased 4 inches ill 15 \ . vea·rs." pray for a'lasting,·. peace in Vietnam.," NC Photo~ ..' '.' . " "They key'. to'a strong faith iii ·the grace' of the sacraments. ][ Language May. Chl'lII!:'~ 'urge you therefore to increase
w:~te~ml~n~eUVaeg~ :~/~t~~~s:.
l .:' '. :.
Bishops' . B . 'ac~ ·Te,xas C.ouncil of, Churches :'ir:~;,d~~~~~~s~~,,~urLord'illtbe'
e-rhe're are some now who are "Pray· for the Holy' Father as · pushing .use of the . ,·..·S.· m. ·yoU 'would pray' for your OWR ph'abet," Father says, in -lieu of . ·father.- Seldom ·has.· a pope t~'!ldi~iorial"picture'! symb@l!' '. AUSTIN '(NC)-Tl1e. Catholic job i~to observe the labor strife . "The 'R'a' gers' have· come iil""pE;gged . for-. our' praY,ers more (!hat so .few .understand todll!. . bishops' 1'1' T~xas' taken' 'aod' '''aid and -cbu'nsel. all parties" and Placed~~hemselves's(iuarely . ea!1'estly .;;:.;, or,. needed them· . In Japan, Fathe~ Perry occa- .. sides with,.tije T.exas.Coun~H'0'£ . in ,the dispute. on the sid of the employers'''' - ·more.". ......,. ": .'
The day the: bishops J;elealled .. sai.d:Wflli. . t . ' Kirchel'; di.£e.·~~'.:. ."Renew .your. filia.~.:de
. Yo'tiO.ft· ~. · :r~allY see~ ~ome ~assachuset~ ..Chu.rches; .in' .a Jaw suit against ne~gl'!bors, .l.n.cludlng R~v. Mt-, . the' Texas Rang~ril'lmd oth~r law' their. stat~ent the, AFL:-CIO . tor of· orga 'zation for the.AFL,.:·' ~e.l:ioly Mo.ther of G~,.tl,1at:9~ · ~ael .Annunz~~t?,...~S.CC·,.of enforcement .ageIicie~in t\Ie ~i~ whose United Farm Worker~. CIO~' .\.... : . : may· irlterced¢ for the proud and · 'lJaunto~, :Wh~ ,1S statlo~ed abo!Jt G.rande ..VaI1eY. .' , . .Org~~jziJ:H~ (~Qmi?i~tee ,il!. repre-. . ,:';. :. Pollee. Stat.e , . .~".: t~e' ~t~~borri among us, .teach.-1.IIS .' ~. mdes from MIto,:: ~nd: :. The sUit,' filed iIi Federal Dis~ sentmg. the :.strlkmg workers I" - . humilIty arid· rene~ .those· who ... Brother.' Albert KaszytlsJn· of triCt Court in' Brownsville seekS charged that the Rangersbeat:r~:Rangrr~~ l;lctions:were !1Jso '" may be falt!lring in· their: faitbr. N.e ...... Bedford.. : . an. inJ'uncti'on" preve~ti,i'g tliestdke leaders and literally cntl~lzed . oY.Tel,'~s ~tat~ .~,n: .-:.' \'Ifinallr . I invite yo~ ,t~ pat . An atemic research plant ill\ Rangers' and 'jocal, lawmen in s.hO'ved workers bllck into the Joe Bern~l, thl:! saId t.he off!~e!'S. ticip~~e more. often in the H~ly. Mito alllO 4ra;ws.avarlety of Starr. County from intel'fering f~eld .when .they tried to join used P?IICe\state tacttc£!. aga~~s.t Sac~lfICe· of the Ma~. As yOU "'foreign" visitors. to the city. with the activities of the Rev. plcketmg strlkers. the stnkers ". . have learne4 to know the M llSll . . As' he speaks' of his Japanese Edgar Krueger lmd his wife. ' . - ' T h e labor dispute has received· .better, through the new liturgy, ow g "'borne," . Father' Perry glows The Rev. Mr. Krueger is the tgorn. iAn tahte~en.etnidonOfl.·nJ' unwaeS,hsinegn-. . m90orle'Uarngde mYOoUrenoawpatrOt mOfakyeo':~ t with an' enthusiasm unquenched Council of Churches' observer in "'~ by his 1~ years duty there. the Lower Rio Grande vaHey Harrison Williams of New Jel'- daily lives." . . , Continued from p. age One t k h l b . " Until September, however, he where Mexican-American fann sey 00 tS su commtttee on !:IS relaxing with his brother workers have been on strike for joyed the seminary work, he migrant labor into the' Rio Alexander in the family home at union representation and higher was delighted with the' change Grande vallJy to hear testimony.. . LONDON (NC)-Twenty-one 124 Chestnut. Street, Fairhaven, pay for more than a year. of pace entailed in a pal'ish as Among tJ-los e offering. testi... British Catholics chosen from nnd catching up with other The Catholic bishops who al'e signment. Yobain is located not mony was 1~irchbishOP Robert E. the country's 19 dioceses will be members of his family. not parties in the suit, ~ongl'8tu- far from the Gulf of Mexico, and Lucey of an Antonio, who named to a National EcumenicB1ll Among his brothers and sis lated the Council of Churches on in fact includes an outstation at called for nionization of the Commission designed to imple ~rs are Antone of Fairhaven, filing the complaint "to proted a popular Summer resort on the farm worke and improved pay ment the Second Vatican Coun John of New Bedford and Frank their constitutional rights and coast. The parish is easing into and living c nditions. cil's Decree on· Ecumenism. of Holbrook. His two sisters both those of Edgar Krueger," the 20th century. are nuns. Sister Mary' Rose, Charge Manhandling One indication of that is that 5S.CC., is stationed at Sacred The statement issued by the Father Melancon's predecessor Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, and Texas Catholic Conference here, as pastor of Yobain wired the Sister Mary Ancilla, RS.M., is said that Krueger and his wife church and the rectory there for at Marian Convent in Worcester. "in the course of performing electricity. Power lines are now Being "home" i good. But in their duties were arrested and being strung to the town and dications are that Father Perry jailed by the Texas Rangel·s. are expected to be completed is looking forward to getting "Rev. Krueger reported to the soon. back to work in his other home Texas Council' of Churches that Most of. the residents of Yo ,in Mito, Japan, where his Irish he and his wife were rudelv bain and its outstations are fellow missionaries will keep manhandled by the Ranger~, Mayan Indians or have Maya adding to the Perry brogue. subjected to degrading vet'bal blood. Father Melancon reports • and physical treatment, publicly that a good number speak the humiliated and unjustly impris Mayan language, but that the oned," said the bishops' state majority also speak Spanish. The ment. missioner should have little !Fund T@!l~~ "In addition to the serious trouble making himself under LAWRENCEVILLE (NC) question of individual human stood; during the 35 years he Some 230 corporations doing rights, which is involved in has been a priest (ordained Dec. business in New Jersey have do these reports, there is also a 8, 1932) and in addition to work nated $326,713 to the New Jer question, inherent in the re ing in Mexico and the U. S., he Be}' College Fund Association's ported accounts regarding the has had assignments to Peru and 1966-67 campaign. Donald P. possible use of the pollce force . Bolivia,both Spanish-speaking Kil'cher, association president, . in the state. to unduly interfere countries. said this was $22,000 more than with the churches in cal'l'ying Father Melancon has three last year. out a legitimate ministry." brothers and three sisters. He. Five New Jersey Catholic col On Employers' Side now lists his home address as leges are among the association's The Rev. Krueger is the coun that of a ~ister, Mq;. Adelard 12 member colleges and univer eil's minister at large in the Sirois of 46B. Maple Gardens, sities. Sixty 'per cent, of the Lower Rio Grande valley. His Fall' River. funds collected are divided on I .. '. .. . equal basis arid 40 per cent OD ~1Il11l"1111111II"1I11111111111111111111111111111111111l1ll1ll1l1111l1t11ll1111t11111111IIIIIIIIIlIIIlIlIIIIIlIIIllIlIlIllIllIIllllillllt.=::. Uie' basis of enrollment.
:u. it· es.. . R.·(lng·'ers'. Actions
'b:iive ..
Fr.'. 'Melancon
British Commission
• '. A(A'~@~ LOAN$!
!New Je'[J'sey CoUege Climbs
Elect Sencitors DODGE '. CITY (N~)';"" The .eIei-gy of the Dodge City dioce.3e have voted to accept the c.onsti ~tion. of t~e proposed priests' lJenate . on Ii temporary basis.. They also elected representatives · from each deanery to serve for three years. One additionll1 llIlember will be c:hosen' by the p'riestsin the diocese who belong to rEiligious' coinmunitie&. .
I. ~
Moriday, l:uesday, Q~d Wedn~sday 9 .a.m~ to 5 p.m.
Thurs. & Frio 9 ·a.m, to 5:30
Sat. 9 a.m:· to' 5 p.m.
~ '.
Closed all doySundoy,
.• "
.-ltlzenS-:i'::;: .. i
.:i~~~AlE~ FA~_ RIV~~'~:.FAMILY BAN~. ': .,'.
4. so. fet 997-9358
cc»rner Of. Bedford
Evenin~s' Until·.8