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t eanc 0 FAll RIVER, MASS., THURSDAY" JULY 14, 1977

VOL. 21, NO. 28

lSc, $5 Per Year

Delegate To Be Celebrant At Falmouth on Sunday


Note Leper Priest Virtue Fairhaven representatives of the internafional congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary have expressed jubilation at last week's action by Pope Paul VI advancing the cause of sainthood of Father Damien de Veuster, the leper priest of Molokai. The Pope officially recognized the heroic virtues of the Belgian-born missionary who was ordained a Sacred Hearts priest in Honolulu in 1864. The recognition means that the life and writings of Father

Damien have been examined and found exemplary by the Vatican Congregation for Saints' Causes and that his process of beatification can begin. Among vice-postulators for the missioner's cause is Father Francis Larkin, long stationed at Fairhaven but now based in Milwaukee and presently leading a pilgrimage to France in honor of the Sacred Heart. Father Fintan Sheeran, former provincial of the Eastern United States province of the Turn to Page Seven

Catholic. Is Named Envoy From U.S. to Vatican WASHINGTON (NC) - David Walters, 60, a Miami attorney, will become the first Catholic


ever to serve as personal envoy to a pope for a U.S. president. He will replace Henry Cabot Lodge, who has served as personal envoy since 1970. Waiters has spent 27 years in the field of international law and has served as a fundraiser for both the Democratic Party and Catholic Church agencies. He was recommended for the Vatican post by key political and church leaders, including Archbishop Coleman Carroll of Miami and Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York. Walters, a member of the Knights of Malta, served as cochairman of the Archbishop's charity appeal in Miami in 1975 and is chairman of the development committee for Barry College, a Dominican school in Miami. He is also a member of Serra International, an organTurn to Page Seven

Archbishop Jean Jadot, Apostolic Delegate in the United States, will be principal celebrant at the Mass for the Dedication of a Church to be celebrated at 4:30 Sunday afternoon at St. Elizabeth Seton Church, North Falmouth. Bishop Daniel- A. Cronin will be homilist for the solemn occasion marking the full inauguration of the new Cape Cod parish, replacing the former Immaculate Conception mission church in Megansett. Father Joseph L. Powers, pastor, will be among the many concelebrants at the liturgy. Archbishop Jadot: 67, titular Archbishop of Zurin, was appointed to his present post in 1973. As the principal representative' of the Pope to Am~can Catholics, he is the normal channel of communications between the Vatican and the U.S. bishops and it is his job to keep the Vatican informed of the condition of the Church in the United States. The delegate has served in the papal diplomatic corps since 1968, previously holding the posts of apostolic delegate for Laos, Malaysia and Singapore,

Rev. Mr. Oliveira To Be Ordained Ordination ceremonies for Rev. Mr. Robert Arthur Oliveira will take place at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 23 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, with the Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin officiating. Born in Fall River, Rev. Mr. Oliveira is the son of Arthur and Hilda (Botelho) Oliveira. He attended St. Michael elementary school and Bishop Stang HighSchool, then entering St. Thomas Seminary and continui~g to St. John Vianney Seminary. He completed his studies for the priesthood at the North American College in Rome, he was enrolled路 from 1973 until this year. He holds a bachelor of arts degree. and bachelor and master's degrees in Sacred Theology. The ordinand has served as a deacon at St. John of God parish, Somerset, and at St. Mary's parish, New Bedford. Rev. Mr. Oliveira's first Mass is .scheduled for 4 p.m. Sunday, July 24 at Our Lady of Health 'Church, Fall. River. Priest friends will be his concelebrants and Rev. Arthur de Mello will be the homilist. A reception will follow in the parish hall. (Picture on Page Seven)

pro-nuncio in Thailand, pro-nun- military chaplain at the Royal cio apostolic in Cameroun and . Military School of Brussels, and Gabon and apostolic delegate for from that time until 1960 was Equatorial Guinea. chief chaplain to Congolese The delegate, born in Belgium, forces in the Belgian Congo. is the first non-Italian to serve The delegate was then apin the United States. He suc- pointed to head the Belgian Soceeded Cardinal Luigi Raimondi. ciety for the Propagation of the Archbishop Jadot, ordained Faith, serving in that post unfor the Archdiocese of Malines- til his ordination as archbishop Brussels in 1934, served as in 1968. His American headquarters are an assistant pastor in a Brussels parish for five years, then as at the Apostolic Delegation in national chaplain of the Young Washington, D.C., from which Catholic Students for five years. point he travels extensively From 1945 to 1952 he路 was through the 50 states.

Vatican Backs Aid To Church Schools VATICAN CITY (NC) - In a major document, the Vatican's top education department has backed state aid to Catholic schools as the ideal way for governments to guarantee pluralism in education. In an indirect reference to unionization in Catholic schools, the document defends the rights of school personnel to seek proper pay and work conditions "in strict justice." It stresses, however, that Catholic school employes are also carrying out a mission of

evangelization, required of them by Baptism. It urges them to take into consideration their evangelizing mission as well as their rights as citizens when formulating union demands. The document, though generally positive in tone, deplores the "nearsightedness" of some governments which have not provided financial aid for Church schools. In some countries, the document asserts, Catholic schools Turn to Page Four

Fr. Tosti Is Administrator; Name Associate, Chaplain His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, hit's announced appointment of Father Ronald A. Tosti as administrator of St. Francis of Assisi parish, New Bedford. Father Tosti fills the position of administrator left vacant by the recent death of Father Alexander Zichello. The Bishop has appointed Father Stephen A. Fernandes as assistant pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Parish, Fall River, replacing Father Tosti, and has given permission for Father James W. Fahey to serve as a chaplain in the United States Navy. Father Tosti, recently appointed coordinating chairman for the 75th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Fall River diocese, will assume ~is new duties on J'uly 20. Among the many talents that he brings to St. Francis of Assisi parish is a fluent knowledge of Italian, which will serve him

in good stead as he ministers to the Italian-American community of New Bedford. Turn to Page Seven


.. 2

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 14, 1977

ill People· Places·Events-NC News Briefs <D OK, No'~ OK

WASHINGTON Three church groups have praised President Carter's dedsion to halt production of the B-1 bomber, but criticized his related decision to step up production of the cruise missile. The church groups are Clergy and Laity Concerned, the National Federation of Priests' Councils and Network, a religious lobby on social justice issues. The three groups urged that money saved on the B-1 bomber be used for human ne~ds programs.

Closely Wedded VATICAN CITY - In a warm personal letter, Pope Paul VI has told Orthodox Patriarch Dimitrios I of Constantinople that the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches are already closely wedded in sprit and sentiment.

Boston Preservataon BOSTON - The archdiocese of Boston has qualified for $18,200 in federal funds to preserve its historical records. The funds will be used to hire a professional archivist to arrange and describe the records and to make them available to historical researchers.

Protests Persecution WASHINGTON - The president of the U.S. bishops' conference has strongly protested against El Salvador's persecution of the Church for its efforts to achieve social justice. "The lines have been sharply drawn" in El Salvador, with "the landless peasants and the ministers of the Church" on one side and "the national security forces and the landed oligarchy" on the other, Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of Cincinnati, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, said in a statement.

. Bolivcan PeHtion LA PAZ, Bolivia - The Assembly for Human Rights, an ecumenical group of Catholics and Protestants, has petitioned the military government of Gen. Hugo Bnazer to hold elections according to the constitution and give all Bolivjans a fair share in decision-making.

Warns of Western Bias NOTRE DAME, Ind. - Those who attempt missionary activity in Maoist China must not fail to see how Western

the Christian religion and church are, Langdon Gilkey of the University of Chicago's Divinity School warned some 35 scholars attending a conference on "China: The Religious Dimension" at the University of Notre Dame.

Murder Attempt JUTI~ALPA,

Honduras Father Richard Preston escaped a murder attempt by unknown gunmen by speeding out of a spray of bullets near Juticalpa. The 34-year-old priest from Detroit has been working in the prelature of Olancho since 1974.

Father Mayor CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wisc. - Father Jeremiah Cashman, pastor of Holy Ghost parish, was elected mayor of Chippewa Falls by a 7-1 vote by city council members. Father Cashman had served as acting mayor since May 18 after the sudden death of Mayor James W. Buchanan.

Ruman:an Talks VATICAN CITY - The Vatican's roving ambassador, Archbiship Luigi Poggi, has left Rome for two weeks of talks with Rumanian officials. The archbishop was accompanied by Divine Word Father John Bukovsky, a Slovak-American official of the Council for the Public Affairs of the. Church in Rome. Conditions are very difficult for the about one million Latin-rite Catholics in Rumania.

TV Beats Churches NEW YORK - Telev.ision stations hold the lead on good performance over five other community institutions, including churches, according to a survey by The Roper Organization.. Seventy percent of those polled said television stations do an excellent or good job, while 66 percent gave churches this, rating. Telev.ision stations were rated higher in terms of performance than police, newspapers, schools and local government.

Government Chair NOTRE DAME, Ind. - An endowed chair in government has been established at the University of Notre Dame with an $800,000 gift from Joseph Robbie, managing general partner of the Miami Dolphins.

Dinna Want It EDINBURGH, Scotland - A government education committee in predominantly Protestant Scotland has rejected a $2,400-a-year scholarship bequest for Scottish children because it excluded Catholics. Observers noted that the decision was indicative of the marked change in Scotland's interreJ.igious climate in recent years.

Thousands Rejoice PHILADELPHIA Thousands of Philadelphians gathered to witness the color and pageantry of the final liturgical celebration marking the canonization of St. John Neumann. Police estimated the crowd at the Mass of Thanksgiving on Benjamin Franklin Parkway at more than 30,000, as 50 area priests, led by Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia, concelebrated.

Ostpolitik Scores VATICAN CITY - Pope Paul VI's Ostpolitik - his policy of negotiating with Eastern European Communists has scored a diplomatic victory jn western Poland. The Vatican has announced that Pope Paul has named Msgr. Alfons Nossol, 44, to be bishop of Opole, a diocese which has a large number of German-speaking residents.

Illegal Aliens SAN DIEGO, Calif. - Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall estimates that 500,000 to a million aliens enter the United States each· year; Sen. Robert Packwood (R-Ore,) said illegal aliens are "the greatest source of tax strain today" and are "taking Americans' jobs." But several priests from San Diego parishes along the Mexican border disagree. They say it is imposs~ble to make an estimate of the number of illegal aliens. And they deny that the illegals are a tax burden or take jobs Americans want.

Next Congress VATICAN CITY - The Vatican has announced that the 42nd International Eucharistic Congress will be held at the Marian shrine in Lourdes, France, in 1981.

France Aids Schools PARIS - The French National Assembly has voted by a large majority to pro-

vide schools with financial aid for building programs and to extend to private school teachers social benefits provided to public school teachers.

No Death for Rape WASHINGTON "A sentence of death ,is grossly disproportionate and excessive punishment for the crime of rape and is therefore forbidden by the Eighth Amendment as cruel and unusual punishment," the U.S. Supreme Court said in a 7-2 vote. The court ruled last year that death was not cruel and unusual punishment for murder in all instances.

Defend Jesuits PANAMA CITY - The bishops of Central America have rallied in defense of 47 Jesuit priests threatened with death by rightists in El Salvador. "We vigorously regret that those who fulfill their pastoral commitment in the' social field, with loyalty to Christ and the Gospel, are being called Communists and subversives in order to silence them," said the steering council of the Central American Bishops Secretariat (SEDAC) at ~ meeting in Panama City.

USCC Secretary WASHINGTON - Dominican Father Thomas Kelly, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference and National Conference of Catholic Bishops, has been named a bishop by Pope Paul VI. He will be an auxiliary to Cardinal William Baum of Washington and will occupy the titular See formerly held by CardinatBenelli. . . ... ~, ;.; - .

Look to Pastoral DETROIT (NC) - The bishops of Detroit have urged Catholics to seek guidance in sexual morality from the 1976 pastoral of the U.S. bishops, "To Live in Christ Jesus," rather than from "Human Sexuality, New Directions in American Catholic Thought," a recently released study by five theologians which, they said, contains many conclusions "not in conformity with the curr,ent teaching of the Church." In a joint statement, Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit and his auxiliaries, Bishops Thomas Gumbleton, Joseph Imesch, Arthur Krewozak and Walter Schoenharr, termed the controversial report simply "a speculative study" lacking authodty.

Necrology July 23 Rev. Patrick F. Doyle, 1893, Founder, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River Rev. George B. McNamee, 1938, Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River . July 25 Rev. Michael J. Cooke, 1913, Pastor,' St. Patrick, Fall River

July 26 Rev. Msgr. Alfred J. E. Bonneau, Pastor Emeritus, Notre Dame, Fall River _UIlUl"""'IIII11 """".._Itl,,, ,

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THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 0272' by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpala '5.00 per y••r.

MORE THAN 17,000 couples and some 600 priests participate in a Mass for Vocations at Los Angeles Coliseum, climaxing international convention of Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Cardinal Timothy Manning, principal concele-

brant, called the stadium "for one holy hour a ciborium of love," with each individual like a host designated as a sign of enduring and faithful lifelong love for his or her partner in marriage. (NC Photo)



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 14, 1977

Stonehill Senior Gets F'ellowship David Rioux, a Fall River biology major at Stonehill College, has been awarded an American Cancer Society Junior Research Fellowship. 'Rioux, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rioux of 26 Hill St., Fall River, is a graduate of Bishop Connolly High School. His fellowship is intended "to provide gifted science students an oportunity to work and train with experienced cancer investigators." Rioux is working with a senior investigator in a leading Massachusets research laboratory for a 10-week period this summer.

Peer Pressure's What's Needed STEUBENVILLE (NC)-A lay charismatic leader told the 1,250 participants in the second Catholic Charismatic Con. ference for Young People that young charismatics must "create our own peer pressure" to draw others to the movement. Jack Brombach of Minnespolis warned the young people not to "fall and be trapped by the peer pressure of this world." Instead, he said, "Let's make the other people want to join us." Brombach defined the conference, held at the College of Steubenville, by saving, "This isn't a prayer movement. This isn't a charismatic movement. This is restoration. This is the rebuilding time. This is the intervening of the Spirit of God to put the flame of Christianity blazing once again."

Abortion Fund Ban Gets Initial OK

FATHER JOHN W. PEGNAM prepares for Mass at Marine Corps base near Twentynine Palms, Calif. On leave to the Military Ordinariate from the Fall River diocese, he has been a chaplain 13 years. Feature story about him is on has been a chaplain 13 years. (US Navy Photo)

Not One Moinent ofRegret Says Father Pegnam

TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. - "Have Mass Kit, Will Say Mass" might be the motto ot Rev. John W. Pegnam, of the Fall River diocese. Father Pegnam is a lieutenant commander in the Chaplain Corps of the U.S. Navy who's had assignments with the Marine ·Corps. He's served for 13 years and traveled to many places across the United States since leaving St. Francis parish, Hyannis, where he was an assistant pastor. "Actually, I'm a transient," said Chaplain Pegnam in an unmistakable New England accent. His mother, Mrs. Marion SpellKnights Make Grants man Pegnam, still lives in Duxbury, Mass. He is the nephew of To Pro-Life Causes the late Cardinal Francis SpellNEW HAVEN , Conn. - The man of New York. Knights of Columbus have reafLt. Cmdr. Pegnam was Cathfirmed their commitment to the ,olic chaplain at the Marine hierarchy's prolife apostolate by Corps Base near Twentynine making a third grant of $50,000 Palms from September, 1974 unto the Prolife Activities Com- til last month when he was mittee of the National Confer- transferred to San Diego. ence of Catholic Bishops "Counseling takes a large a· (NCCB). mount of my time," he said. He· At the same time a sum of was one of six Navy chaplains $10,000 was earmarked for the assisting over 12,000 Marines Canadian Catholic Conference and their families. (CCC) for the bishops' prolife "Military people live an abprogram in that country. This is normal life, you might say," the the second year such a grant is 45-year-old New Englander com· being made to the CCC. mented. "There is constant sep-

Diocese of Fall River


The U. S. Supreme Court's June 20 ruling that states can refuse to pay for elective abortions performed on welfare women has brought about a flurry of activity in state legislatures and courts. In Massachusetts, where Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston called the Supreme Court's decision "only an infinitesimal movement in the proper direction," a non-therapeutic abortion funding ban was submitted to the House by Demo· cratic Reps. Charles R. Doyle of West ~oxbury and Raymond L. Flynn of South Boston. Among its cosponsors was Rep. Edward Coury of New Bedford. It received initial approval, with final action expected in early August, when legi'slators return from their summer recess. According to Flynn, the gov· ernment "got into the business of abortions to exterminate poor people." Doyle charged the state administration of Gov. Michael Dukakis with creating "a legacy of infamy" by spending money on abortions with no legislative authorization. The proposal was bitterly at-

aration and rejoining of families. In the civilian community, there's a pattern of the husband having regular working hours and being able to help his wife with her problems or those of their children. This isn't routine Strip Mining Law in the military. WASHINGTON (NC) - The "So there's a tremendous burU.S. Catholic Conference (USCC) den on the wife, when the hus- women attending boot camp Office of Social Development band returns, the couple has to training. has asked a House-Senate con"It was a wonderful thing to get to know each other all over ference committee to adopt again. work with them and help them strong regulations for strip min"In pre-marital counseling, we adjust to a new life they had ing, the removal of coal from emphasize what separation will chosen. They seemed to come the surface of the land, caution· mean," Father Pegnam said. from backgrounds with little ing that "without adequate safe"But even then, people don't discipline into one which, all guards, any substantial increase really know what separation is of a sudden, made stringent de- in coal production could cause until they actually experience it. mands." havoc to the environment as The camp atmosphere there of well as to many communities in "In most ways, however, assignments are not really differ- enthusiam was compared by coal-producing regions." ent from a regular parish," con- Father Pegnam to that he extinued Lt. Cmdr. Pegnam. "We perienced while working as a have a military responsibility for seminarian at the St. Vincent de administration of a parish in ad- Paul camp in North Westport. The chaplain joined the Navy dition to the one to the bishop." in 1964. Since ret:eiveing his He is a member of the Military commission, His travels have Ordinariate, which has no geo- taken him to Corpus Christi, graphic boundaries, and is on San Diego, Vietnam where he loan to the military from the merited a naval Commendation leadership Fall River Diocese. Father William J. for Achievement for his service under combat conditions, New "My challenge is to serve my Pastor, 51. Joan of Arc parishioners the best I can," he London, Pearl Harbor, Orlando, Parish, O~leans and now back to San Diego, said. where he will serve on a desA broad smile lights his face troyer repair ship. when he recalls establishing a Summing up his career, he Catholic Youth Organization in said the members of the military !Hyannis, during his days at St. have the right to chaplain serFrancis Xavier. Working with vices wherever in the world they young men and women is among are stationed. his favorite activities. "Why I have this vocation, I During a tour at the Recruit don't know," he said. "Only God $1428 8~~~~o Sept. 26th Training Command in Orlando, knows that, but in 13 years I Ireland France . Fla., the priest innovated a con- have had not one moment of Italy Vatican temporary service for men and regret." "" •. """""""""'111111111111I.111111I1'1111"""""11""""1""","1"1111111I11;1111""11111'.

furORean U9.0aa 0' v McMAHON


Father Ronald A. Tosti to Administrator of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, New Bedford, effective Wednesday, July 20, 1977.


Father Stephen A. Fernandes to Associate Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul Church, Fall River, effective Wednesday, July 20, 1977.

Featuring-PAUL O'DONNELL. Incomparable Boston Comic KING OF THE CORDOVOX • Singing Sensation JOE CO NT'


Father James W. Fahey to the Military Ordinariate as a Chaplain in the U.S. Navy, effective Tuesday, July 5, 1977.

tacked in the state Senate by abortion backers. Sens. Edward L. Burke (D-Framingham) and Jack Backman (D-Brookline) mounted an effort to block Senate consideration of the latefiled bill, but lost 27-4, more than the four-fifths needed to introduce bills after the filing deadline. Seven Massachusetts medical school professors signed a statement attacking the bill as "discriminatory against the poor." Passage would "increase welfare needs" the signers said, adding that "unwanted children do not fare well socially, econ· omically or psychologically:' The statement was signed by Drs. Michael and Mona Bennett, Theodore and Carol Nadelson. Malkah Notman and Derek Pol-' onsky of the Harvard Medical School, and Cathie Ragovin of Tufts New England Medical Center. Groups opposing the DoyleFlynn proposal included the League of Woman Voters, Americans for Democratic Action and Planned Parenthood.


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An audience with His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, is scheduled, .as well as a comprehensive tour of Vatican City. These are only a few of the high spots! W,ite 0' call toelay ,.. - - 10' you' detail.d itine,a,y' - hiii 1 I Rov. WIlliam J. McMahon "I




IOriana. Mm. D2ll53

1~:::s:o~hne;:yOU' colorful






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 14, 1977

themoori~ New


The announcement last week that the diocesan program for the restored order of deacon is now well underway with the selection of the first class of candidates is indeed exciting news. As a new community of faith-inspired men undertake the studies that will lead them to ordination as deacons serving the Church in this diocese, we must do our best to give them the ~ncouragement and support they deserve. We can do this best by understanding what the Church intends by this restoration: to bring a dimension of service to the people of God through the order of deacon. The chosen are already busy in t4eir own parishes serving the needs of their brothers and sisters in the Church. What this now means for them is that they have a chance of sacramentalizing their works not only for their own sanctification but also to form in the diocese a faith dimension that now does not exist. The three-year course of preparation will not be easy for these men. Most will have to make sacrifices of time, some will have to journey great distances to classes and others will struggle with the complexities of returning to the classroom. They will do this that the Church through their witness will be better served in this diocese. All the men of this first class are married. Their wives and children are an integral part of the program that will help them in their pursuit of the diaconate. There will be days when difficulties will beset them; there will be times when questions will seem to have few answers. To help these men and their families as they begin this unique journey that will take them to ordination as deacons, it is imperative that we make every attempt to understand the Permanent Diaconate through our own study and reading. No one in this diocese should walk in the darkness of . ignorance as' far as this subject is concerned. From our pulpits to our classrooms, every effort must be made to inform and instruct the faithful in all aspects and ramifications of this restored order of deacon. The main part of this work rests, of course, with the clergy. They themselves must first give witness to the fact that these men will be their deacon brothers in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. They must realize in actions and words that there is no such person as a lay deacon. Upon ordination these men will be clerics of the Church and sharers in the sacramental life of orders. The restoration of the order of deacon will not be effective unless every priest of this diocese not only understands this fact but also is willing to witness to it in the expression of his ministry. If this can be accomplished, this diocese will have a most effective pemianent deacon program. But the task of support is not the task of the ordained clergy alone. Deacons are ordained to serve the people of God. In this service they will be expressing their ministry day in and day out among the laity of this diocese. They will do this of their own free will with love and devotion. Thus it is most important that each and every person in turn pray for the new candidat~s as they undertake their studies, that they may be faithful to their call of service in the community of the Church. They will need not just token approval but rather a support built on understanding and love. A time of new beginnings is a time for new hopes and dreams. It is our hope that the Permanent Diaconate candidates will dream dreams that will bring to their lives the beauty of God's love in a ministry of service that fulfills the expectations not only of their own lives but those of each member of our diocesan community.

ph'otom,editation . A young boy gazes steadily . . . but somewhat apprehensively . . : over the back of a chair . . . He half hides . . . wanting to see . . . to be seen . . . but not completely . . . Something inside him . . . holds him back . . . keeping him read:y to hide ... if the risk gets too great. In this he is not unlike most of us . . . We want to know . . . and be known . . . to love,. . . and be loved ... but something inside us ... tugs us back ... afraid of the risk ... fearing that what is glimpsed by another . . . may not be understood . . . or accepted · .. anxious that what is seen by another ... may not be loved. What is marvelous about Jesus ... is that people lost this fear ... as He gazed at them . . . In His eyes · . . they sensed . . . that whatever He might, see . . . He would accept and understand . . . He would love them as they were ... They sensed . . . that with Him · .. nothing need to be hid ... nothing to be feared ... in being seen and known. People still feel that way . . . in His presence . . . and in the presen~e of people .. ', . whO love as Jesus loves. "There is no room for fear in love; ... perfect love banishes fear" (1 John 4:18-19).

Vatica.n Backs Aid Continued from Page One "are more or less closely associated with the national system and are assured of an economic and juridicial status similar to state schools." "These solutions," it says, "are an encouragement to those responsible for Catholic schools in countries where the Catholic community must still shoulder a very heavy burden of cost to maintain Catholic schools."

aged by the issuance of the recent Document by the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education. It brings to our attention the values inherent in Catholic education for both the church and society. In addition. it provides timely motivation for seeking ways by which the continuance of Catholic education may be assured.

in some places Catholic schools are becoming available only to wealthier families. The Document states, " . . . (some) governments have appreciated the advantages and the necessity of a plurality of alternatives to a single state system:' Government aid to Catholic and other private schools would enhance education by encouraging the continuance of diverse, competitive educational systems. Such diversity would· serv~ to strengthen all schools and to benefit their students. The recent Document stresses parent rights when it mentions "the rights of parents to choose an education for their children which conforms to their legitimate requirements." As costs of private education increase, the only option open to many parents is, in fact, public education. Let us hope that avenues may be discovered'to enable parents to be truly free in selecting schools for their children in accordance with their conscience. Vatican Council II exhorted pastors of the Church and all the faithful "to spare no sacrifice in helping Catholic schools to become increasingly effective especially in caring for the poor . . . " (Declaration on Christian Education 9). The recent Vatican statement points out that without financial assistance to carry out its educational endeavors, Catholic schools may give "the impression of social and economic discrimination in education:' Data are available which indicate that many poor faQliije$,~.poth. Ciltltolic; .!J!'\c;! !,\on,c.at.~o.Uc:wh!:1 i~ve".iQ;,Qur ,,~a.­ tlon'sCities, . desire' aCatho'llc school education for their children. Aid to private education would assist them to realize, in increasing numbers, a dream now out of their grasp. The Sacred Congregation for Education has presented for our consideration the values of Catholic education and the difficulties it encounters in 'some nations and societies. It should give us citizens of the United States pause for thought and should act as a spur for further effort on behalf of Catholic education.

,Seven from Here At Meeting

Although directed to the Church Universal, the Document Seven diocesan Cursillistas Diocesan Statement makes comment upon areas of were among those attending the A statement by Father George especial note to Americans. It third national Encounter for Coleman, Diocesan Director of refers to the need for a plural- . Cursillo leaders, held at DeEducation, on the Vatican docu- ism of educational philosophies, Kalb, Ill. and attracting 650 ment, follows: stresses the rights of parents delegates from 80 dioceses. They Catholic educators in the Dio- to choose schools for their chil- were Father Giles Genest, MS, cese of Fall River are encour- dren and expresses regret that Father Edmund Fitzgerald, Dr. Joseph Ryan, George Denmark, Mrs. Norma Oliveira. Mrs. Cecilia Vera and Terrence Russell. The theme of the three-day meeting was Evangelization in the Modern World and speakers included Bishop Bernard F. Law, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Bishop Arthur F. O'Neill, Bishop Thomas Tschoepe, and Rev. Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River Alvin Illig, esp, director of 410 Highland Avenue evangelization for the Washing-' Fall River. Mass. 02722 675-7151 ton, DC archidocese. Thos~ in PUBLISHER atendance were asked to proMost Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.O. mote study of the apostolic exhortation of Pope Paul VI on EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR evangelization on local and diRev. John F. Moore, M.A. Rev, Msgr. John 1. Regan ocesan levels. ...~\f''' leary Preu-· Fall Riv.r


The Parish Parade SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Cub Scouts will hold a cake sale following all Masses the weekend of July. 23, with proceeds sponsoring a frip to Boston for the pack members. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE A lobster supper will be served at the church hall from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, July 16, by members of the Women's Guild. Tickets are available from all members or may be reserved by calling 636-2367. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Mrs. Charlotte Santos has been named CCD coordinator for preschool through sixth grade classes. Ronald Bergeron is the new Webelos leader for Cub Pack 37. Knights of the Altar and Junior Corps members will visit the Seekonk Speedway at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, July 16. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Holy Rosary Sodality will sponsor a penny sale at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, July 17 at the parish hall. Parishioners are asked to donate garden flowers for weekend Masses. They may be brought to the church on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER A parish picnic, postponed due to rau,; -WiH·take·1>laee·Sunday, J~ly -24 at St. Vincent de Paul Camp,' North' Westport. Mass will be offered at the camp. Payments are due by tomorrow at the rectory for a trip to a Tanglewood concert planned for Tuesday, Aug. 9. Parish youth will hold a picnic from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 30 at Cathedral Camp, Lakeville. Reservations may be made by today with Susan Nicoletti, telephone 672-4114. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The annual parish summer festival will take place tomorrow through Sunday at Westport Fair Grounds, with free bus service from the Fall River Shopping Center starting at noon Sunday. Tomorrow's hours are 6 to 11 p.m., Saturday from noon till midnight and Sunday from noon until 10 p.m. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER The annual parish picnic, cosponsored by the Women's Guild and Men's Club, will take place from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 7 at Our Lady of the Lake Camp, East Freetown. Swimming and games will be on the pt.:ogram, refreshments will be available and door prizes will be awarded. Canned goods and groceries may be left in the parish center. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski, pastor of St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River, will speak at the opening of the annual solemn novena in honor of St. Anne, to be held at 3 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday, July 17.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 14, 1977






•: •


Polish Festival Friday Night, July 15th Saturday, July 16th - Sunday, July 11th WESTPORT FAIR GROUNDS Rt,e. 195 Take Reed Rd. Exit 17 from Fall River From New Bedford Exit 175

YOU HAVE SERVED US WELL was the theme of a concelebrated Mass and reception at Immaculate Conception parish, Taunton, honoring from left, Sister Gertrude Margaret, Sister James Marie, Sister Dorothy Therese, who remained in parish ministry after Immaculate Conception school closed in 1972. After 80 years of service, the Holy Union community is now leaving the parish.

Deacons Share Evangelic Task The National Permanent Diaconate office will present a workshop on the evangelization aspect of the diaconate as part of a National Congress on Evangelization to be held in Minneapolis from Aug. 26 to 28. Other congress workshops will address problems of Hispanic Catholics and methods of evangelizing the estimated 80 million unchurched Am,,:ricaps-.. . . '~Because we have already 1700 permanent deacons. Catholics are getting used to seeingthem work in their churches," said Monsignor Ernest J. Fiedler, Executive Director of the Bishops' Committee on the Permanent Diaconate. "Within two years they will make up 7% of the clergy, and then everybody will be getting used to seeing them evangelize."

bly heard more "confessions" driving my cab than many priests sitting in the box. To me, my taxi is a wonderful place to bring Christ to others."

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Something For Everyone Bring The Entire Family !

Deacon John Fairfax, featured on the CBS program "Look Up and Live," summed up his ministry when he said: "I've proba-

Future View "Most men prefer and strive for the present, we for the future." 51. Ambrose




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how do you keepup with them! That's a question missionaries often ponder.

How do you keep up with growing appetites-

Talking about the service deacons give, Monsignor Fiedler said: "They are active in such a wide variety of ministries that my office is no longer keeping count." He described a few of their more unique services: Deacon Ben Black Bear is a Sioux Indian, who, at 30, is the youngest deacon in the country. He preaches in the Sioux language in South Dakota. Deacon Jack Zillmer heads a staff of 250 volunteers teaching 1550 children in a Virginia parish. Deacon Harve LeMire has. seen his 51. Philip the Deacon community in downtown Phoenix grow from a handful of Spanishspeaking gathering in a small room to several hundred meeting under damp burlap sacks stretched over wooden poles to protect them from the Arizona sun. Deacons Paul ,Pernicky and Don Parker service the deaf in Washington, D.C.

: •

growing hungers of mind and body?

It is true, "God will provide"-but it is people like us whom God uses to further His work around the world. Please be His "providing" instrument-help support His missionaries -as they try to keep up with growing needsand the growing search for God!

r----------------- -, Yes, I want to be God's instrument of help for missionaries. I enclose 0$1,0000$5000$2000$1000$500$200$100$5 OOther .,...$--



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riyer-Thurs., July 14, 1977

Self-Hatred Principal Reason for Anti-Catholicism By


One of the most Important Catholic speeches of the century went unnoticed the other day. The United States senator from New York, a certain Daniel P. Moynihan, joined public forces in a commencement speech at Canisius College with those who have been saying not only that anti-Catholic nativism

persists but that it may be the _ last lingering bigotry which will persist indefinitely in the American soul. Furthermore, the senator charged, Catholic self-hatred is a principal reason for the persistence of anti-Catholicism. Our own elites accept the judgments of the "best people" about us. There was immediate proof of the accuracy of Moynihan's devastating talk. The Catholic press ignored it almost completely. No ponderous editorials iil' "America," "The Commonweal," or "The National Catholic Reporter," no cautious statement from Archbishop Bernardin ( I bet his' staff did not even call Moyni-

han's talk to his attention), no shrill outcry from "Network" or The Center for Concern. Senator Pat had better be careful. I can testify that pretty soon you get clobbered by your own kind for suggesting that there are people in this country who hate Catholics and discriminate against them. Its not a proper ecumenical attitude. We are not prepared to accept the fact, the senator said, that there is a legitimate Catholic agenda, that we have the right to push that agenda, and that there are enemies of Catholicism who will resist not only our agenda but even our right to have an agenda.

We are excluded from serious planning about the future of American education because those who dominate American education don't believe Catholic schools ought to be there. So they proceed as though they are not there. We meekly let them get away with it. They can safely ignore us, Moynihan observes, because they know we won't protest. How pervasive is this antiCatholic bigotry? I' would not contend that the majority of the members of our elite academy hold it - some, particularly the younger ones, are sufficiently open-minded to be surprised when they find a good Catholic

who is also a good scholar. However, among the older generation, and especially among the dominating power groups, the legend of Catholic inferiority is unquestionably dogma. Our leadership, hierarchical, clerical, and journalistic, must share in the blame; they, accept the place of second-raters. They seem unaware that we do have first-raters now, that our heritage has something unique and special to offer, and that Catholics have rights too. The Moynihan thesis, terrifying but persuasive, is that our cultural experiences in this country have bred diffidence and self-hatred into our collective personality.

Eternal Tria,ngle: Man, Wife, Air C,onditioner By MARY CARSON

Electric blankets allow wives to sleep in civilized comfort while husbands can have frost-rimmed sheets., But air conditioners are something else. I spend from September. to May wondering if there is life beyond my knees. When the spring thaw comes and the ice



The International Labor Organization (ILO), a United Nations Specialized Agency, has adopted many human rights agreements during the past half century. Following are some of the procedures used to supervise these international agreements or "conventions." Countries which have ratified

on my toes melts, I fit into shoes two sizes smaller. Summer heat starts and I finally put away the long-sleeved flannel pajamas, the dacron comforter, the wool blanket, and discover that I can roll over in bed. Delight is having the windows open, warm summer breezes, cotton pajamas, and only a sheet for cover. Every year, it's on one of those nights, a half-hour after I'm asleep, that Nanook decides the temperature is 40 degrees too hot. He "gets up, closes all the windows, turns on the air conditioner . . . and returns to sleep without' even the decency to get me four blankets.

I now understand how you can freeze to death before you know "how cold you are. The only thing that lets me know I'm still alive is that a corpse doesn't shiver that hard. The intelligent thing to do would be to get up and get some blankets, or at least my warm robe that I keep handy for summer emergencies when the temperature drops below 85. But to get up, I'd have to abandon the sheet that is the only thing defending me against a white-out. If I try to make a dive for the closet' I kn'ow for certain "that I'll tum into a' block of- ice' and Pro Ecclesia will interpret it as

a second coming of the pillar, of salt. I'd freeze to death rather than offer them such solid evidence of the penalities of modernism. Freezing all night has one advantage. It makes the night very long. I can count on one hand the times I've felt like getting up in the morning. When anyone wakes me, I don't ask what'time it is, or even what day it is. My only concern is why I can't sleep five minl,ltes longer. If one of the kids told me the house was on fire my first rea<;.tion would be,"GiVe' me 'jusft('few more rmnuteS",to' sfeep."" When I'm that cold, it's for-

ever till morning. As daylight comes, and I've had all the "rest" I can stand, despair takes over. I run for my robe and head for several mugs of hot coffee to take the chill out of my stiff fingers. St. Thomas did a great deal of study regarding the natural law. Much of man's behavior, and what God expects of man can be determined by natural law. But St. Thomas wasn't married. He knew nothing of the cold, hard reality of sharing a bedroom air conditioner. It's obvious: if God intended men'and 'w~meri to get married He 'wdutd'ilaVe '~reaiitlttierti'w/tli matching thermostats.

How ILO Agreements Are Supervised, Enforced ILO conventions are required to report regularly to the ILO Committee on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, a body of high-ranking jurists from all parts of' the world which reports on countries that may be violating ILO conventions. Its findings are reviewed by a tripartite Committee of the International Labor Conference, where representatives of workers, employers and governments discuss remedial actions required. Member states persistently disregarding their obligations may be put ~on a Special List by the conference. Obviously such action requires

persistent vigilance of workers' representatives, the free trade unions, such as the AFL-CIO, and interested governments and employer organizations. Of course, in the nature of things, the main burden for such policing falls to the free workers.

regarding a convention that both have ratified, with a request for a Commission of Inquiry. Delegates to the conference may also file complaints; in fact, such complaints led to a Commission of Inquiry into the trade union situation in Greece.

The Special List practice by itself has secured amendment of a country's laws or practices in hundreds of intances. In a recent report some 70 cases were mentioned where changes in national law or practice had been made as a result of this procediJre.

Special ILO machinery has been set up in consultation with the UN's Economic and Social Council for examining alleged abuses of freedom of association.

Other procedures may be set in motion when necessary. One state may lay a complaint, of non-compliance against another

The influence of these supervis9ry techniques is felt in all parts of the world. After one country of Western Europe retified the Abolition of Forced Labor Convention, the Committee

of Experts drew the government's attention to provisions in its maritime laws which authorized imprisonment of merchant seamen for breaches of discipline. In a reform of the law, the features criticized by the committee were eliminated. In 1968, a Far Eastern country repealed legislation which had permitted compulsory labor for public workers after adverse comments had been made by the Committee of Experts. In 1970, an Eastern European country withdrew a decree under which workers might be directed to employment by a people's councli, after it had been pointed out that the decree violated an ILO convention.



With the intent of having summer bloom in July and August without overcrowding the garden with foliage, we have been planting more and more lilies in the past few years. They give excellent bloom

with a minimum of foliage. very floriferous clone which reFor years we avoided lilies produces quickly and stands because we had read that they about three feet tall. It is bright were very susceptible to disease orange with a stippling of black and because they were rather 'dots. expensive. Since we have been Since then we have invested growing them we have had no in five or six lilies a year and disease problems and have lim- now have 20 or more blooming ited oUr purchases to those that each summer. sell for no more than $3 per bulb. 'Results have been very Fall Planting satisfactory. We began five years ago with Lilies should be planted in the one of the most famous of the fall when they are least likely recent introductions, Enchant- to be hurt by moving. Most lilies ment, an upright lily which are never dormant, so the sooner flowers in early July. This is a they are in the soil in the fall

the better. Most plants are hardy and their only requirement is that they should be planted in places with adequate drainage. Too much standing water will cause them to rot. Bes~des the upward facing blooming lily, there are the trumpets similar to the Easter lily. These come in colors from white to gold and pink as well as in a whole range of pastel shades. Another group features outward facing flowers which ring the main stalk. A variation of this group has lovely nodding pendant flowers. In the

largest sized lilies we find outward-faCing flat faced flowers which may measure as much as 10 inches across. These are late flowering, in this area in late July, and are stunning as display plants. Flower form is really a matter of personal choice, but if you have hesitated to get into lilies because of what you imagined to be a limited number of types, this is far from the truth. The range of style and color is increasing yearly and makes growing lilies truly exciting for the gardener.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 14, 1917


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Fr. Tosti Is Administrator Continued from Page One Born in Taunton, Father Tosti attended the public schools of that city before he entered St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield, CGOn. Following studies in theology at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, he was ordained in May of 1962. , After earning a master's degree in religious education at Fordham University, Father Tosti served as diocesan director of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. For the past six years he has been associate pastor of SS. ,Peter and Paul Church where he has been ac-

Envoy Continued from Page One

iiatio~' 'whkh ':en;~~rAgea ~Y.o~~g, people to enter' religious life. He has been a major fundraiser for every Democratic presidential candidate since John Kennedy in 1960 and is vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee's Finance Committee. Walters told NC News in a telephone interview that he sees no conflict in a Catholic representing the United States at the Vatican. He said his top priority would be human rights. Asked about the Vatican's support for Carter's human rights policies, he said "It's more the other way around, isn't it?" The United States has had informal relations with the Vatican since 1797. It established full diplomatic relations with the Vatican in 1848, but in 1867 Congress voted to prohibit use of federal funds to continue the relations. The Senate recently aPl'roved an amendment offered by Sen. Richard Stone (D-Fla.) to repeal that prohibition. The House is currently considering the amendment, part of a State Department authorization bill. This means that Carter may soon have the option of upgrading tQe personal envoy post to a full ambassadorship. The Vatican now has full diplomatic relations with 89 countries. The United States and Mexico are the only major Western Hemisphere nations without such representation. If full relations are to develop, the move would have to come from the United States because the Vatican never initiates such matters.

tive in renewal of the parish community following the disastrous fire of several years ago which destroyed the magnificent church designed in the Spanish Baroque tradition by Ralph Adams Cram. Father Fernandes Born in New Bedford in 1950, Father Fernandes attended Bishop Stang School and St. John's Seminary. He was ordained in 1976 by IBishop Cronin and has

served until now at Holy Name parish, New Bedford. Father Fahey Father Fahey was ordained in 1970 and has served at Our Lady of the' Assumption, Oster· ville, and Immaculate Conception, North Easton. He is the son of James and Irene Fahey of Taunton, and he attended St. Columban's High School, Silver Creek, N.Y., 'and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore.


Hundreds of readers of this column have built chapels and churches in .India, Ethiopia, Lebanon, throughout the Near and Middle East in countries where our Holy Father has said one is desperately needed. Why have so many people, at great personal sacrifice, provided the funds for the construction of mis,sion churches? ... The answer is easy: they welcome the opportunity to do something needed where it's THE needed. Sometimes, besides, they build the PERFECT church in memory of their loved ones, name it MEMORIAL for their favorite saint. . . . Where is a new church needed? In hundreds of towns and villages in our 18·country mission world. In Am· madom, in the Diocese of Trichur, 'for instance! The Church of St. Antony is very old and without fight or ventilation. It is in the words of the pastor, "like a dungeon"! The faithful, attending Mass, often can not even see the celebrant. The relatively few Catholics there are all poor dirt farmers. Yet, poor as they are, they did raise $1,500 to reconstruct their beloved St, Antony's. For just $3,500 more you can complete the church for them as a Mem· . orial for someone you love. You will be doing something for Christ-and for people who can not do for themselves, If you can not build a church on your own, at least share what you can to help build one where needed.

Leper Priest Continued from Page One Sacred Hearts Fathers, with headquarters in Fairhaven, now th~/congregation's vicar general and stationed in Rome, is in Fairhaven.this summer. His statement on Fathe.F Damien follows: "We are delighted at the definitive declaration of the heroicity of Father Damien's virtue. It is an important step toward what we pray and confidently hope will be his eventual canonization. "Naturally, as members of the same religious community, we are particularly interested in Damien's cause. At the same time, we are keenly aware of Damien as a man of great significance not just for the Sacred Hearts community but for aU men and women of good will who are concerned for the world's suffering and oppressed. "Damien was by any human standard an ordinary man. He did not come to his life and work with any extraordinary gifts or talents, any pre-established heroic dimensions. But he . . . placed what gifts he had totally at the services of his suffering brothers and sisters." Father William Davis, present Sacred Hearts provincial, said, "We are very happy that the cause of Father Damien is advancing in Rome and it is our hope that before too long he will be c8J1onized. He is a tremendous example' and an inspiration to our young men of today." "Missioner's Life After his ordination in Hawaii, Father Damien ministered to the native population, building several churches with his own hands. His apostolate became specialized when he discovered that a leper colony had formed on the island of Molokai and he received permission to become its resident pastor. His flock of 600 lepers was

given little attention by the Hawaiian government and for a long time Father Damien was the only person who cared for those debilitated by the disease. After 12 years at Molokai the disease struck the priest himself but for three more years he con~ tinued his work with. the help of two other priests and two Brothers. He died from the illness on March 28, 1888, at the age of 48.

Adoration Shrine In Fairhaven A concelebrated Mass at 7 p.m. Monday, July 18, with Rev. Jeremiah Casey, ss.cc. as principal celebrant and Rev. Martin Lucis, ss.cc. as homilist will officially open Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel at Sacred Hearts Church, North Fairhaven. The Fathers and Brothers of the Sacred Hearts want to make this a Eucharistic Shrine of devotion and reparation, said Father Casey. Building slowly, their eventual aim is to have perpetual adoration in the chapel. "Could you respond to Our Lord's love by spending an hour daily, weekly or monthly with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus," asked Father Casey in an appeal to diocesan Catholics. He explained that adorers are "delegated to adore, praise, thank, repair, amt intercede" and said that application blanks for those who wish lo promise a regular adoration period will be available at Sacred Hearts Church. "The obligation is not binding, no membership or dues but only your time freely given to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus," he concluded.

Tell your lawyer, when you discuss your Will, our legal title is Catholic Near East Welfare Association: • Stringless bequests are used where the Holy, Father says they're needed. WHILE • The Masses you arrange for will be offered by YOU poor missionaries. CAN • $1,080 will train a native priest, $300 a native Sister, who will pray for you always. • $10,000 will help build a "parish plant" (with completed church) somewhere overseas ... a Memorial forever!

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 14, 1977



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Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM and 11 :00 A.M. (Except Wed. at 11:00 AM. and 7:30 P.M.) Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 P.M. & 6:00 to 6:30 P.M. First Friday-7:00-7:30 P.M.

Schedule effective weekend of June 25-26 Masses: Sunday-7:00; 9:00, 10:00, 11:15 and 5:30 P.M. Saturday Eve-5:30 and 7:00 P.M.. Daily-7:00 AM. - Saturdays 8:00 A.M.

584 Main Street West. Falmouth, Mass. Harold W. Jenkins, Jr. Director






Masses: 'Sunday-8:00, 9:00,10:00, 11:00, 12 Noon and 7:30 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 6:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-5:00 and 7:00-8:00 P.M.

Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, and 12 Noon and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 12:10 P.M. Confessions: Saturday- 4:00-5:00 P.M. and after 7:30 P.M. Mass


1,1asses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday-6:30 P.M. Daily 9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday:-3:30-4:30 P.M. and after 6:30 P.M. Mass OUR LWY OF VICTORY


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Schedule effective weekend of June 25-26 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, \1:15 A.M. Saturday-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.


Masses: Sunday-9:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 P.M. confeSsions:.B"efOre '~cn' Mass


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Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 and 6:00 P.M.

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Route 28 • MacArthur Blvd.

Pocasset, Mass.

Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45, 12 noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. . Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. First Fridays-Ultreya-8:00 P.M. First Friday Masses at 7:00 and 9:00 A.M.

WEST BARNSTABLE OUR LADY OF HOPE Masses: Sunday-8:45 and 10:00 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M.

Schedule effective July 2 - Sept. 4 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:15 A.M. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:30 AM.


Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday-8 AM.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M.


Schedule effective July 2 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.M. Saturday Evening-5:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM.


Schedule effective July 2 Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM.


Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM. and 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. and 12:00 Noon Rosary before Daily Masses Confessions: Saturday-4:00-4:45 P.M.


Masses: Sunday-8:45 AM. July and August


J~~ frederic '8 .~ ,flowers


Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:30 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. ' Confessions: Saturday-3:30-4:15 Weekdays Anytime by Appointment


Masses:'Sunday-7:45, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 an~ 5:30 P.M. Confession: 3:15-3:45 and 7:30-8:00 P.M.



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Masses: Sunday-9:00, 11 :00 AM. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. (Mon.-Fri.) Confessions-Saturday 11:00 AM.-Noon


Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:15, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-6:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., July 14, 1977



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Mass Schedule for Summer Season ORLEANS ST. JOAN OF ARC Schedule effective June 18 - 19 - Labor Day Ma!lSes: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions-Saturday 4:00 - 4:50 P.M. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena-Wednesday Morning Mass at 8:00 AM.

NORTH EASTHAM CHURCH OF THE VISITATION Schedule effective June 18 - 19 - Labor Day Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Confessions-Saturday~:30-6:50 P.M.



ST. AUGUSTINE Masses: Sunday-8:00, 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-4:00-4:30 P.M. and 6:00-6:30 P.M.

SANTUIT ST. JUDE'S CHAPEL Masses: Sunday-9:00 and 10:30 AM. Saturday-5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15· 5:00 P.M.


•. . ,;;: QUEENOEAU...SAIl~TS Masses: Sunday-8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M.

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Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00 11:30 AM. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 6:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 A.M. Confessions: Saturday-3:00-3:45 P.M. and 7:007:30 P.M.

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Schedule July and August Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:30 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Confessions: ~ hour before Mass

Schedule effective June 18 Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00. 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. . Daily-9:00 AM. ." Confessions: Sat: 4:30-5:00 P.M. and before all Masses. Tuesday Eve.: 7:30 P.M. Mass followed by Charismat.ic Prayer Meeting


SANDWICH CORPUS CHRISTI Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 AM. and 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 A.M.

Schedule effective June 18 Masses: Sunday-9:00, 10:00 & 11:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Confessions: Before Masses

WEST HARWICH HOLY TRINITY Schedule effective July 2 • Sept. 11 Masses: Sunday-7:30, 9:00, 10:30 & 12 Noon Saturday Eve.-5:00 & 7:00 P.M. Daily-9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday 3:00 and 7:45 P.M. First Friday- Additional Mass at 11 :00 AM. and Benediction at 2:00 P.M.

SAGAMORE ST. THERESA Masses: Sunday-8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 AM. Saturday Eve.~:OO P.M.

SOUTH YARMOUTH ST. PIUS TENTH Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 AM. 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 A.M. (9:00 AM. Mass Mon.-Fri. only)

BASS RIVER OUR LADY OF THE HIGHWAY Masses: Sunday-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM. . Daily~:OO AM. (Mon.-Fri.)


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Schedule effective June 18 Masses: Sunday-9:30 AM. Saturday-7:00 P.M. Confessions: Before Masses


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ST. PETER THE APOSTLE Masses: Sunday-7:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-7:00 AM. and 5:30 P.M. (except Saturday) Confessions: Saturday-4:00 - 5:00 P.M. and 6:45 P.M.

The Falmouth National Bank



POCASSET ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Masses: Sunday-7:30, 8:30, 9:30,10:30,11:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Saturday Eve.-4:00, 5:00 and 7:00 P.M. Daily-7:30 AM. Confessions: Saturday-3:00-3:45 P.M. and 6:156:45 P.M.

626 MAIN ST. (RTE. 2') FALMOUTH, MA. 02S40 TEL. 54.-8809

IN(OI'O''''U 0

OSTERVILLE OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Schedule effective June 25 thru Sept. 4 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. -_ Saturday Eve.-5:00 and 7:30 P.M. Daily-7:00 and 9:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday-4:15 - 5:00 P.M.


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DENNISPORT UPPER COUNTY ROAD OUR LADY OF THE ANNUNCIATION Schedule effective July 2 • Sept. 11 Masses: Sunday-7:00, 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 A.M. Saturday Eve.-4:30 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. Confessions: Saturday 3:00 P.M.









Masses: Sunday-8:00, 10:00 AM. Saturday Eve.-7:00 P.M. Daily-8:00 AM. (9:00 AM. Sat. only) Confessions: ~ hour before Sunday Masses










THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 14, 1977


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For Information Call Toll Free: 1·800·372·2740 or write Box 336, So. Attleboro, Mass. 02703 FALL RIVER - Tuesdays 6 PM Retail Clerks Union Hall, 291 McGowan St. FALL RIVER - DOWNTOWN - Wednesdays 9:30 AM Holiday Inn, Milliken Blvd. ATTLEBORO - Mondays 1 PM & 7:30 PM V.F.W. Building, 196 Pleasant Street FAIRHAVEN - Wednesdays 8 PM VFW, 126 Main Street NEW BEDFORD - Tuesdays 6 PM & 8 PM, Thursdays 10 AM VFW, 929 Ashley Blvd. NEW BEDFORD - DOWNTOWN - Wednesdays 10 AM YMCA, 25 South Water Street NORTH ATTLEBORO - Thursdays 7:30 PM K of C Hall, '287 Smith Street NORTH DARTMOUTH - Wednesdays 7:30 PM Smith Mills Congregational Church Parish Hall, 11 Anderson Way (off Rt. 6) PORTSMOUTH - Tuesdays 9:30 AM & 7:30 PM Ramada Inn, Jet. Routes 138·114 SOMERSET - Mondays 7:30 PM, Thursdays 9:30 AM, 6 & 8 PM, 970 County St. SWANSEA - Tuesdays 7:30 PM Knights of Columbus, 143 Old Warren Road TAUNTON - Wednesdays 10 AM & 5:30 PM YMCA, 71 Cohan net Street WESTPORT - Thursdays 7:30 PM Westport Grange, Main Street

Moral Choices: Education By Abp. Joseph L. Bernardin

The subject of morality is the use and abuse of freedom. Moral education is therefore education by which we grow in our ability to use freedom rightly. One approach supposes that children, the first subjects of moral education, are so naturally good that they need only be left alone to do as they please in order to become morally good adults. Immortality comes from outside us; but if we were allowed to grow up following our natural inclinations, we would naturally do what is right. This would be true if human morality were no more complicated than animal behavior. In following their natural inclinations, animals spontaneously do what is right for them. But human beings are not simply animals, and human morality is a complex matter focused on freedom. A very different approach assumes that moral education consists simply in acquiring good habits through a pl'ocess of conditioning based on rewards and punishments. Good ha!>its are certainly desirable and should be encouraged. But purely automatic actions which result from imposed conditioning are n9t free acts. So, although conditioning is suited to training animals, it is not appropriate to the moral education of human beings learning to make good use of their freedom. Moral education has much to learn from contemporary developmental psychology. People .grow and mature in stages, and

education - including moral education - should suit the particular stage reached by a particular individual. At the same time, it is important to be aware that there are different schools of developmental pyschology; that they do not agree in all respects; and that anyone approaching the task of moral education as a practical matter is well advised not to suppose that only one school has all the answers. .It is also important to bear in mind that moral education concerns more than just the autonomous, isolated growth of individuals. It is an aspect of socialization - the process by which we grow in our ability to-- assume roles and responsibities as members of communities. One problem for moral education today is a tendency to overemphasize individual, isolated self-fulfillment apart from fulfillment in and through communal obligations. By contrast, a sound system of moral education places individuals in their social context and encourages them to assume their obligations not only to themselves but to others. Young children begin by accepting more or less uncritically the moral standards presented to them by other people: parents, teachers, peers, and a host of others. Typically, a child's morality is a morality of obedience. To act according to other people's standards and precepts is to be good. . Soo'ner or· iater ~ost peo~ outgrow this simple equating of morality and obedience. Then they must determine their own attitude toward moral ideals.

"YOUNG CHILDREN BEGIN by accepting more or less uncritically the moral standards presented to them by other people," writes Archbishop Bernardin. The . young boy is getting first-hand indoctrination in Northern Ireland violence; the little girl is absorbing prO-life point of view. (NC Photos)

Two are possible, and the difference between them is the difference between shaping ourselves according to moral standards and shaping moral standards to suit ourselves. First, while refining the ideals proposed to them early in lif'e by others, or even substituting other ideals, individuals can adopt a basic attitude of willingness to submit their lives and behavior to moral standards. This attitude recognizes that, while we can and must use our freedom, we are not free to create, alter or manipulate moral standards. However, an individual can also take a very different attitude, based on the assumption that moral ideals are merely external factors to be manipulated as one goes about the business of doing what one pleases and getting what one wants. This attitude implies the repudiation of authentic community, which is based on recognition of the fact that the fundamental values to which moral standards point are as deserving of respect in other people as in ourselves. The work of moral education is 'complex and time-consuming. What has been said here only skims the surface. It is important to bear in mind that the outcome of even the best system can never be entirely certain as long as human freedom endures, as it will and must.

ArcW>iSb,0t'''til. Ber.lllU'tUn. i$. Dr~sl • .¥ '~''1 11" ·,..q·~··!!!4<T ..... w uent 01 t e a onal. \.owerenee. of Catholic Bishops and the U.s. Catholic Conference. His article concludes the 16-part Moral Choices series.


, ,, ,, , Question (orner "


By Father John Dietzen Q. A friend of mine was told that the Catholic Church would not ordain a man if he did not have all five fingers on his right hand. Two other priests said they had never heard of the situation. I know of one priest ordained when he was paralyzed and in a wheel chair. Why should hav· ing all one's fingers determine Whether you are allowed to serve God as a priest? (Tex.) A. According to Church regulations, a physical defect such as you mention could be an impediment to ordination. The reason for this, insofar as it applies at all today, seems to be simply to assure that a priest be capable of performing his liturgical and other duties in a proper and seemly manner. As long as a man is able to perform duties the bishop would assign him to, dispensations re'lated to physical defects are regularly given. There are, after all, for more important qualifications for the priesthood than the number of one's fingers.

Q. About five years ago, a young man near our small town


mings. Now this priest is mar· ried and can receive the sacra· ments. Our daughter married a div· orced man about a year ago. He is a wonderful man and they have a ehIld. When he was in his teens, he got a girl pregnant. Her mother said he had to marry her or pay for an abortion. So he married her, and they lived together for three or four months before they were div· orced. I would like to know how that faUen-away priest can reo ceive the sacraments and our daughter cannot. This hurts very much. She is too shy to talk to a priest. When she was little, the priest always scolded the chil· dren, and she has been afraid ever since. (Ohio)

-A. First, let's talk about your daughter. If you have related all the basic facts accurately, this case should unquestionably be presented to your diocesan tribunal with a petition for anullment of the first marriage, and the sooner the better. Regardless of her shyness, urge her to speak with a priest she can feel reasonably comfortable with. If she cannot do that, at least help her write to the diocesan tribunal (I'm sending you the address privately) and ask them for help. The priests there will be happy to help all they can, I'm sure, and will advise' your daughter concerning further steps that might he taken. Considering your concern for your daughter, I understand your feelings obout the priest. Re-



member, howevet, that the rule that a priest may not marry, as serious as it is, is made by the Church. The Church can, therefore, dispense from that rule, as it does when it "laicizes" an ordained priest. The permanance of marriage, however, is outside the power of the Church to change. Hence, while he has failed to follow through on his commitment to the priestly ministry, the man you refer to should not be labelled a "fallen away priest." That implies a judgment which none of us has the knowledge or the right to make. Apparently he followed all the procedures the Church requires in changing to his present state of life.

Ask Mindszenty Be Canonized DENY,ER ~C) About 50,000 persOns in Europe, the United States and Canada have signed petitions seeking the canonization of the late Hungarian Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty. The petitions are being circulated by Paul Machalik, a Den. ver resident who fled Hungary in 1956 after the aborted uprising against Communist rule. He has gained about 10,000 signatures in the United States, and close to 40,000 await him in Austria. Machalik said he plans to take the petitions to Pope Paul VI in October. He said Cardinal Franz Koenig of Vienna has promised to accompany him to see the Pope. The petitions ask the Pope to consider Cardinal Mindzenty, a foe of both Nazis and the Communists, for canonization "as recognized reward for his holiness of life and his unremitting service of God and His people."

Questions for this column should be' sent to Father Diet· zen,. c/o The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.


No matter·where you live in the Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes near you! *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BEDFORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *ATTLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALL RIVER, South· way Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BED· FORD, Rodney French Blvd., *SOMERSET, Route 138.

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Monogamy Si; Promiscuity No WASHINGTON ~C) -_ When President Carter held a press conference June 30, most peo~ pie wanted to know what he was going to say about the conttO\i'ersiaia~IBomber, but Father Lester Kinsolving, an Episcopalian priest and reporter, had something else on his mind. He wanted to know Carter's position on sexual promiscuity on his staff. Carter said he's against it. Here's the full exchange:

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 14, 1977

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Kinsolving: Mr. President, John Turnbull, Episcopal Panax Newspapers have the . priest and past associate ditape-recorded statement by Dr. rector of the Washington of· Peter Bourne (a White House fice of the National Council aide) that even though your own relationship is monogamous, you of Churches, is the new di· never held anything against peo- rector of the Boston Theple in your organization who ological Institute, succeeding were involved promiscuously Sister Mary Hennessy. The with other women. And my institute is an ecumenical as· question is, is Dr. Bourne right or wrong in this recorded state- sociation of nine Greater Boston seminaries, including ment? Carter: He's certainly right in Boston College Department part of it, my relationship is of Theology St. John's Semmonogamous. inary and Weston School of Kinsolving: But what about Theology. the rest of it? He has stated that you never held anything against people in your organization who ' were involved promiscuously with other women. Carter: My preference is that those who associate with mein fact, all people-would honor the same standards that I honor. But I never held it against people who had a different standard from myself. I've done everything i could - well, properly and legitimately - to encourage my staff members' families to be stable and I have also en,couraged the same sort of thing in my Cabinet. If there are some who slip from grace, then I can only say that I'll do the best I can to forgive them and pray for them,






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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 14, 1977


Outpouring of the Spirit By Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin Every Sunday afternoon in Rome about 100-200 persons make their way to the Gregorian University located near the city's central square. They assemble in the "Aula Frascara," a small conference hall, for an hour-and-a-half of worship. . This gathering, called the Lumen Christi or Light of Christ community, is an English-speak.· ing Catholic charismatic prayer group started at the Eternal City in 1970. The participants, residing temporarily in Italy for study or work, hail from every continent and many countries. Their meeqing is filled with song, public prayer, silent reflection, scriptural readings, personal testimonies and a restrained type of "praying in tongues." I heard one Sunday afternoon some rather impressive testimonies by a few persons whose religious lives had been radically altered by their contact

with and experience in this charismatic prayer group. A man around 45 described his previous alienation from the Lord for over two decades and how Lumen Christi simply had changed that around a few years earlier. Now God, Christ and the Church. are central concerns in his life. Another person around the same age spoke of a similar "conversion" from a God-less to a God-filled style of living. However, he stressed how gentle and patient the Lord was with him. Engaged in business practices that were, to quote him, "lucrative but not honest," he did not immediately abandon them after his change of heart. However, in time and by a strange process the Father in heaven led him to the termination of that questionable activity. . I grew uneasy during the Sunday prayer meeting when references were made to receiving "baptism in the Spirit." As CarTurn to Page Thirteen

Biblical Images of the Church By Father Avery Dulles Surprisingly, the Bible lacks any proper term for "church." The Greek word usually transJated as "church" is "ekklesia." But "ekklesia" means "assembly" and is used in the New Testament itself to signify a town meeting (Acts 19, 32, 39, 41). If we were to translate "ekklesia" as "assembly" or "convocation" we could have a New Testament in which the word "church" did not even appear. Does this mean that the Bi:.Jle has nothing to say about the Church? By no means! It speaks much about the Church but does so in metaphorical terms. By saying "assembly," for instance, where we would say "church," the Bible teaches us that the Church may be regarded as an assembly convened by God. Vatican Council II, in its Constitution on the Church, asserts that the Church, as a strict mystery, eludes all definitions. The nature of the Church, however, is intimated to us by a great

variety of images, drawn from many different spheres of life. Among those examined by the Council are: the flock of Christ, the vineyard of God, the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the Bride Of Christ, the Body of Christ, and the People of God. How can the Church be suit· ably represented by realities that differ so greatly from one another? This would be impossible if the images were exact replicas, but they are merely suggestive comparisons, each of which 'illuminates one aspect or another of the Church itself. Almost all the biblical images emphasize both the divine and the human aspects of the Church. They make it clear that the Church is not a purely human society, but one fashioned and sustained by the triune God. And yet the Church essentially includes a human dimension too. It is never constituted simply by individuals relating themselves to God. Christians are related to God through associaD Turn to Page Thirteen






How Do We See The Church? By Father Alfred McBride Draw a geometric design of what you think the ChUI;Ch is like. Did you sketch a pyramid or a circle? If you chose the pyramid, you tend to think of the Church in administrative and institutional forms. If you selected the circle, you lean to seeing the Church in community terms. The choice makes a difference in how you relate to the Church. Should you prefer the pyramid, you stand for the values of order, law, direction, authority and system. You admire the results of continuity, the strength that comes from belonging to a goal directed group and the identification of performance that oomes from a knowledge of the distribution of roles. Should you prefer the circle, you stand for the values of community, interpersonal behaviors, support systems, growing Christian maturity, responsible behavior, personal paritipation in decision making and the ideal of human togetherness in an all too' nomadic society. You THE CHURCH: PYRAMID OR CIRCLE? appreciate the radical need in a lonely world for a center where people can gather in love and of years, gave them specific ing. He showed the apostles that affection and find 'a sense r of gUidelines fot·1Jter preach!ng-an'd tirga8fza1tm;~isa~t~itw.';etve ministry. He was not unwilling the needs of communal growth. future and hope. to evaluate their performance He advised them to make sure Is the Church a pyramid or a nor to criticize them when need- that communal development occircle? Must one make a choice? Or can the church be both an ed. At the same time, Jesus up- curred even as the administrative institution and a center for com· held the value of community. groundwork was being laid. So put your pyramid inside munal gathering? Is the parish At the Last Supper in particular He devoted His final exhortayour circle. Integrate the ideals church of a Sunday morning an of -organization and community tion to the subject of love, unity, assembly of people with conflicting expectations some community and fraternal bond- for a total vision of the Church. wanting a pyramid and others wanting the circle? And if so, is this an unbridgeable divide? Perhaps the answer is self evident. A total view of the first three Gospels present this By Father John J. Castelot Church includes both organizaas the heart of Jesus' message. tion and community, stressing ·Ever since Vatican Council "From that time on Jesus began one aspect or the other depend- II's historic Constitution on the ing on need. When barbarian Church, Catholics have become to proclaim this theme: '''Re· hordes were sweeping across increasingly aware that there is form your lives! The kingdom of Europe, the Church responded much more to the Church than heaven is at hand' " (Mt. 4, 17). One thing is quite clear: Jesus by strengthening her administra- meets the eye. It is not just a tive bonds. Today, when the pro- worldwide religious organiza- did not come to establish an cesses of dehumanization and tion, certainly not a multinat- empire. In fact, many reputable impersonalism threaten to crush ional corporation, not even a scholars feel that in most inthe individl!lal person, the Church kingdom in the political sense of stances the word should be translated not as "kingdom," offers the consolation. of com- the term. but as "reign," signifying God's munity. Unfortunately, the Church has active rule in the hearts of man. Emphasis on one does not projected all of these images in By the time the Gospel of mean denial of the other. Any the course of its long history, time people group together they and the Council made inspiring Matthew was written in the late need some organization. What efforts to correct them. The very first century, "kingdom" was administrators must watch is first chapter of the Constitution being interpreted in terms of that they do not eclipse the val- is entitled, significantly, "The the Christian community, but us of community in their enthu- Mystery of the Church." In the even this "Gospel of the Kingsiasm to organize. At the same rinal analysis that is precisely dom" insists on its being fundtime, when a group assembles what it is, a mystery, and as amentally a mystery. This is it has the right to expect some such it defies definition. To para- not to say, of course, that the humanity, some feeling for com- phrase St. Augustine, if anyone community has no relation to munity, some esprit de corps. thinks he can define it, he hasn't God's reign, but it is not to be identified purely and simply as But comunalists must not be so really comprehended it. sanguine about their personal The New Testament -writers the kingdom of God. It is the needs that they spurn all insti- attempted no such definition, sign of God's mysterious reign tutional activity as mere inter- and the Council recalled the in the hearts of people and the ference. many different images. they used instrument of the ultimate realJesus approached the matter in their efforts to capture dif- ization of that reign at the end at both levels. He organized the . ferent facets of the mystery. of time. This is just one of the many apostles, taught them persistent- Prominent among them was the ly and gradually over a period image of the kingdom, and the Turn to Page Thirteen

Can We Define the Church?

A Verdade E A Vida Dirlgida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego


Outpouring of the Spirit Continued from Page TwelVe . dmal Suenans and others have . d " . d Ch' t' men~lone, InItiate ., rlS la~s recel~ed the Holy SPirit at their Baptism through water. That once only event cannot be repeated and it would be erroneous to assert we must receive another Baptism to live as full Catholic Christians. The printed handout for Lumen Christi, however, does not speak about baptism in the Spirit, but employs the terms release of the Spirit or outpour. ing of the Spirit. ..1 find ~se, p.referable, ~pecj.. ally the second one. There can be no question, however, that the Spirit has indeed been poured out upon many persons in uni-

Biblical Images Continued from Page Twelve tion with one another. Thus the branches must be mutually united in order to be part of the vine; the sheep must stay close to one another in order to belong to the flock. By metaphors such as these Holy Scripture teaches us that our spiritual life must have a corporate dimension in order to be truly Christian. 'In many ways it is fortunate that we do not have a satisfactory definition of the Church. Definitions satisfy the mind, but they do not speak to the heart and to the will. The biblical images, on the other hand, are warm and appealing. They also have a wide variety of applications to new and unexpected situations. In times when the Church is rapidly growing we can reflect on the wheat and the mustard seed. When as Christians we feel weak and hopelessly outnumbered we can remember Jesus' consoling description of his "little flock." When Christians are in a position to influence the course of human events, we can recall the image of the leaven in the dough, In short. God has given us in the biblical images a rich storehouse out of which to draw lessons for every kind of situation. We should keep these images alive in our memory and meditate upon them frequently.

que ways during our days. One sees these impulses in remarkbl f t d f d f h' a y as an pro oun as Ion building up the Church, which is both the Body of Christ and the Temple <>f the Holy Spirit.

Define Church Continued from Page Twelve images encountered in the New Testament. The Council refers to several others: the sheepfold and the flock (In. 10, 1-16), a cultivated field, the tillage of God (1 Cor. 3, 9), a choice vineyard (Mt. 21, 33-43). In an especially moving passage in Ephesians, the Church is described as Christ's bride, whom He loves and cherishes (5,25-33)" One of Paul's favorite figures for his communities is that of the human body. A typical passage is this one from Ephesians: "He (God) has put all things under Christ's feet and made him, this exalted, head of the church, which is his body; the fullness of him who fills the universe in all its parts . . . let us profess the truth in love and grow to the full maturity of Christ the head. Through him the whole body grows, and with the proper functioning of the members joined firmly together by each supporting ligament, builds itself up in love" (Eph. 1, 22-23; 4, 15-16). Wonderful though this image is, it cannot stand alone. It is just one 'Of many New Testament figures employed to describe the profound mystery of the Church. All of them must be cons1dered in any attempt to understand that mystery.

Credit Unions MADISON, WI - More than 652,000 Catholics, including many in the Fall River diocese, owned and operated credit unions in the U.S. as of the end of the 1976 calendar year, according to preliminary figures released by the Credit Union National Association, Inc. (CUNA), publishers of the 1977 Credit Union Yearbook. An additional 67,000 members belong to Knights of Columbus-sponsored credit unions.

Nos n~o somos apenas esp{rito. Somos corpo e alm;. Urn falso espiritualismo pode chegar a refletir-se nas nossas rela~5es humanas, descuindando pormenores e deveres relativos a vida corporal. Alem disso, cada urn de nos na vive sozinho na terra. E Deus quer que se estabelecam la~os afectivos entre as pessoas. Manifesta-nos a sua vontade, neste particular como em outros, por meio das tendencias da natureza humana que foi assim criada por Ele. Da{ que, como pessoas humanas e como filho de Deus, temos deveres a cumprir para com os nossos semelhantes. 0 exerc1cio deste dever concretiza-se ern algumas virtudes humanas, uma das quais e a hospitalidade. A hospitalidade e hoje uma virtude particularmente dif{cil. Ha uma grande instabilidade e consequente desconfian5a entre os homens. Sao tantas as not1cias de assaltos e roubos que, por principio, e sem darmos por isso, ficamos de pe atras corn as pessoas. Tambem as dificuldades economicas, a subida ern espiral do custo da vida, tornam-nos mais culculistas insens{velmente e fechados no nosso mundo de interesses. 0 receio do que nos pode apresentar a vida amanha constitui urn serio obstaculo para muitos, neste particular.


cinema, a televisao e ate 0 desgaste que a vida causa nas pessoas sao outras tantas vias de acesso ao comodismo, urn incentivo que leva cada urn a organizar os tempos livres depois do trabalho ou num fim de semana sem con tar com o seu semelhante. A facilidade de transportes faz corn que muitos se sin tarn atraidos pela voragem do viajar anonimos e descontraidos, sem estabelecer verdadeiras relasoes sociais. E no entanto, e preciso enc~ntrar tempo para os outros, para visitar e ser visitado, para formentar e alimentar lasos de amizade. Como formas de viver hoje urn esp{rito de hospitalidade, alem das ja conhecidas tradicionalmente poderei sugerir: Andar mais atento aos outros, mesmos desconhecidos, diante dum pedido de esclarecimnto, da necessidade de uma ajuda, mesmo que esta nao tenha side pedida. Saber libertar-se dos proprios trabalhos, gostos e preocula~oes para ir aO encontro dos outros, dos da casa, ern primeiro lugar, para lhes pres tar aux1lio. "Quando tiveres terminado o teu trabalho, faz 0 do teu irmao, ajudando-o, por Cristo, corn tal delicadeza e naturalidade, que nem 0 mesmo favorecido repare que estas a fazer mais do que ern justi~a deves. Isso, sim fina virtude de filho de Deus~" (Escriva) Encontrar tempo para visitar corn calma uma pessoa que sofre ou celebrar urn acontecimento alegre na sua vida. Continua a ser valida a queixa da raposa ao princepezinho, "Os homens ja nao tern tempo de conquistar amigos." (Saint Exupe~i) E, ern parte, verdade, a queixa de alguem: As pessos conV1vem mas nao se amam. N'os encontramos nos encontros mundano~ a falta muitas vezes da verdadeira hospitalidade porque se abrem as portas, mas os corasoes continuam fechados. Jesus Cristo fez muitas experiencias de hospitalidade na sua vida terrena, para nos ensinar como havemos de proceder. Desconhecemos como ern Nazare se viveu esta virtude da hospitalidade, mas podemos ter a certeza de que era vivida corn normalidade. A Sagrada Familia nao era uma "ilha" na sua terra. E assim nos preparemos para ser recebidos urn dia na Casa do Pai, onde 0 dia nao chegara ao fim nem a alegria se esgotara.






THE ANCHORThurs., July 14, 1977


Cornwell Memoria' Chape' Dignified Funeral Service WAREHAM 295-1810

COUGHLIN Funeral Home Inc. 308 Locust Street Fall River( Mass. John J. Coughlin Michael




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 14, 1977




By The Dameans



I got the feelin', the feelin's gone My heart has gone to sleep One of these mornings I'll be gone My heart belongs to me. Can we believe in fairy tales? Can love survive when all else fails? Can't hide the feelin', the feelin's gone My heart belongs to me. CHORUS But now my love, Hey, didn't I love you? But we knew what had to be Somehow my love, I'll always love you, But my heart belongs to me Put out the light and close your eyes Come lie beside me Don't ask why Can't hide the feelin', the feelin's gone My heart belongs to me• Sung by Barbra Streisand Written by A. Gordon, (c) CBS Inc. 1977 Few people can communicate emotion like Barbra Streisand. She enters the soul of the music and calls us to join her. In her latest single, she uses an already beautiful melody and practically cries the words so that we, too, can experience genuine sadness. Because this song is so well done, we may be tempted to accept it wholeheartedly. However, there may be some subtle dangers in what it asks us to believe. The message here depends on your interpretation of the title, "My Heart Belongs to Me." If the title simply refers to the fact that a relationship has not been successful, this is just another sad song. However, if "my heart belongs to me" becaus~ I am unable or unwilling to give it away, then the song IS more than sad. It is tragic. . This latter meaning seems to be the true one. The relatIOnship seems to have stopped at the feeling level with no deeper commitment made. . . . To give your heart away, you must be Willing to .ns~ .. It is true that this can open you to being hurt. But It IS also true that without such a risk, no lasting relationship can be established. The singer asks, "Can love survive whenall else fails?" The answer is yes only if you are willing to risk giving it away. . The singer's sadness comes from wantmg .some~hi~g badly but being unable to pay the price to get It. ThiS IS much' like the Gospel story of the rich young man Jesus told to sell all and follow Him. The young man went away sad. He could not let go and so he could not know the joy of commitment. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to love. The only way to receive it is to give it away first. Because of that, love will never really happen as long as "my heart belongs to me."

"BUCKY" The Television King


APPLIANCE 1196 Bedford Street Fall River, Mass. Dial 673·9721 SALES AND SERVICE Se"I". the lrel far aver 25 yean



LINCOLN PARK ROUTE 6 • between Fall River and New Bedford

- ,..


OPEN DAILY For The SEASON at 1:00 P.M.

liThe kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field."


focus on youth • • •

by Cecilia Belanger

that on the one hand they are everydayish and normal, while A disconsolate student came to on the other' hand, it is the me recently telling me that he Kingdom of God that is said to felt too sensitive about certain be like this. things to live in the day and' For me this is the fun part. age in which we hang our hats! It is this contrast between the He carries a small New Testa- kind of thing about which the ment with him most of the time; parables speak - the Kingdom however, he has found that many of Heaven - and the kind of church-going people scoff at the thing to which it is compared parables, putting them down as which puts in motion THE nothing but the stories of "sim- SEA:RCH. We are summoned! ple-minded people." The problem, I believe, for I for one don't happen to some people is that they conthink that when one teaches, fuse the people with the Kingpreaches or discusses the para- dom of God-for instance, the bles that one is talking about a Kingdom of God is not comlost cause. pared to a man or woman or The argument that they speak beast but to what happens in about situations typical only in the story. We have to look closea rural existence which an urban ly at the story itself, to identify Civilization cannot understand, what may be paradigmatic in it. is pure nonsense. They are not What makes sense are not the "dead metaphors" borrowed situations, but the plot. from the agricultural life. Let us look at the shortest, "I wouldn't teach about the parables of Jesus on a bet," the most condensed of all the said one teacher to me. Perhaps parables: Matthew 13, verse 44. she could not teach them be- Three critical moments emerge: cause she was never astonished, finding the treasure, selling struck, renewed or put in mo- everything else, buying the field. The same threefold division may tion by them! be found in the two following People Like Us parables: Matthew 13: 45-47-49. What is wonderful about If we allow these critical them is that they are about moments to expand in our imagpeople like us: Palestinian land- ination, in our feeling, in our lords· traveling and renting their thought, they begin to mean fields, stewards and workers much more than the apparent, sowers and fishers, fathers and practical, professional, econosons, women sweeping floors mical transactions told us by in a word, or~inary people doing the story. ordinary things. Finding Something But the paradox for many is Finding something: this sim.pIe expression encompasses all the kinds' of encounters which make of life the contrary of an acquisition by skill, by work or by cunning. Encounter of people, encounter of death, encounter of tragic situations, encounter of joyful events. Finding the other, finding ourselves, finding the world, recognizing those whom we had not even noticed, and those whom we don't know too well and whom we don't know at all. Cannot this parable apply to all times and places? The man who found the treasure sold everything he had and bought it. Reversal and decision. Before decision, reversal. First, encountering the event, then

changing one's heart, then doing accordingly. This succession is full of sense: the Kingdom of God is compared to the chain of these three acts: letting the event blossom, looking in another direction, and doing with all one's strength in accordance with the new vision.

Look at the so-called Parables of Growth: Matthew 13: 31-33. This unexpected growth of the mustard seed, this growth beyond all proportion, draws our attention in the same direction as finding. The natural growth of the seed and the unnatural size of the growth speak of something which happens to us, invades us, overwhelms us, beyond our control and our grasp, beyond our willing and our planning. Once more the Event comes as a gift. What is the kingdom of Heaven? Where is the stumbling block for those who are confused? For those who see the parables as mere fairy tales? One would have to say: "be prepared to receive the following answer." 1. The Gospel says nothing about the Kindom of Heaven, except that it is like ... 2. It does not say what it is, but what it looks like. For many this is hard to hear, because all our scientific training tends to use images only as provisory devices and to replace images by concepts. We are invited here to proceed the other way. Surely one remembers the lesson in which Hosea speaks of Yahweh as the Husband, of Israel as the Wife, of the Idols as the Lovers. No translation in abstract language is offered, only the violence of a 'language which from beginning to end, thinks through the metaphor and never beyond. The power of this language is that it abides to the end within the tension created by the images. Youth must be taught the meaning of the parables. We rob something precious if we make them dull. If teachers butcher them, then best to leave them alone.

THE ANCHORThurs.. Julv 14. 1977






Assumption Hoopsters Honored


Our Lady of Assumption parish, New Bedford, honored its basketball teams - junior and senior - at a banquet in the church hall. ,Paul Gomes, pilot of the senior team, and coaches Bob Grace and Russell Monteiro of the junior team received special awards. In the junior division, the Benjamin Rose Sr. award was presented to _Mark Dias in recognition of his selection as most valuabre player. Given in mem-

ory of Rose, the award was presented by h~s son, Benjamin Rose Jr.


Most Improved Player award was won by Glen Enos, and the Sportsmanship award was presented to Mark Dias. In the senior division the Joseph Rozario Memorial Award for the Most Valuable Player was given to Jeff Martin. Brian Grace, Kevin Santos and Steve Mello were recipients of All-Star awards.

1150 JEFFERSON BLVD. WARWICK, R.I. (Rt. 85 South路 Airport Elit)




New Bedford High Stars In Europe Mark Thornhill, former New Bedford High track star who is also the state's 600-yard run champion as well as outdoor state and New England 400 titlist, has returned, with team mates Dale Whiting and Harold Miller of New Bedford High, from a 15-day tour of Europe with an American high school all-star track team. Mark won the 400 meter race in London. In Heidelberg, West

Germany, he was nosed out in the 400 by a mere seven-tenth seconds by a German contestant. In Geverslberg, another West German city, Thornhill posted victories in the 100 and 400 meters. Thornhill, who reportedly is being scouted by some colleges and could end up with a scholarship, will next' compete in the New England AAU meet in Boston on July 27.

_Fall Spqrts Creeping Into News Summer is not yet half over but signs of fall are appearing via the release of schedules for high school fall sports. Durfee High of Fall River, the first school to make its schedule available to this column. will open its varsity football schedule at home to Somerset on Sept. 24. The remainder of the schedule reads: Oct.l, -at Coyle-eassidy; 8, at Falmouth; 15, Fairhaven; 22, Dartmouth; 29, at Attleboro; Nov. 5, Bishop Stang High; 12, Taunton; 24, at New Bedford High. Hilltopper varsity soccer gets underway on Sept. 16 with Durfee at home to Bishop Connolly High. Thereafter it is: Sept. 21, Falmouth; 23, Westport; 28, Taunton; 30, at Barnstable; Oct. 5, at Diman Yoke; 7, at New Bedford; 11, bennis-Yarmouth; 14, at Falmouth; 19, at Westport; 21, at Taunton; 26, Barnstable; 9, Diman Yoke; Nov. 2, New Bedford; 4, at Dennis-Yarmouth. Durfee will play its home football games at John P. Harrington Field at Diman Yoke. Britland Park is the Durfee soccer team's home field. Other schedules will be published as they become available and space permits. The CYO diocesan championship golf competition will be held on July 25 at the Pocasset Club, Cape Cod, it has been announced by Rev. Paul F. McCarrick, diocesan CYO director. The Southeastern Mass. Conference Division II All-Star softball team includes Debbie Fleet, New Bedford High, catcher; Chris Torpey, Somerset,

first; Carol Lynch, Durfee, second; Dawn Antone, Somerset, third; Carol Souza, Dartmouth; shortstop; Diane Cournoyer and Cheryl Rasieleski, of Durfee, and Sue Sheppard. Somerset, outfield; Pamela Comstock, Westport, and, JoAnn Medeiros, Durfee, pitchers; Debbie Miller, utility. The conference's Division III golf team lists Ken Daniels and Steve Williams of champion Wareham; Pat Kelly, Taunton; Joe Wagner, Norton; Rene Choquette, New Bedford Yoke; Dan Donovan. Holy Family, Brad Lepage, Westport; and, Wally Gagnon, Diman Yoke.

Close Registrations At Cathedral Camp Registrations have now been closed for the second session at Cathedral Camp for Boys, East Freetown. The camp will operate at full capacity of 300 during this next session. Applications are now being accepted for the third session, starting Aug. 1 and the fourth session, starting Aug. 15. There is space for all sessions at Our Lady of the Lake Camp for Girls. The camps can be contacted by writing to Box 428, East Freetown, Mass. 02717 or by calling the camp office at 7638874. This week many campers were bussed to Hyannis for a special showing of the musical "Peter Pan" at the Cape Cod Melody Tent. This was one of many optional trips the camps offer during the summer.



Complete Line Building Materials 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN 993-2611



Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072

Brother Dennis Is Super Public Relations Man ,ARI:.INGTON, Va. (NC) Over the past 12 years, Brother Dennis has inspired parishioners at St. Agnes Church in Arlington, Va., to give nearly $450,000 to 700 needy missions and other programs in the United States and 66 foreign countries. But Brother Dennis doesn't exist. He is a chubby, smiling cartoon character, created in 1965 by Mrs. Vanita Hinkle, head of a Virginia advertising firm, and Father J. Barnard Moore, then pastor of St. Agnes, to handle the "money talk" that nobody likes to hear and no priest likes to engage in. Each Sunday, the parish gives one-tenth of its total parish contributions to a needy mission. A bulletin from '~Brother Dennis and associates, public relations house for Our Lord," tells the parishion~rs each week who is getting the day's tithe. Usually the recipient mission is suggested by a parishioner, who sends details of the mission's circumstances in a personal note to Brother Dennis. Sometimes the appeal comes directly from a missionary in distress, who has heard about the Arlington parish's program.

People in' many countries think Brother Dennis is quite real. They send him letters calling him "a great Christian," "the soul of generosity," and "the one who saved us from starvation." About $500 is sent every Sun-day to a foreign mission. On holy days, Brother Dennis tithes to a United States mission. Before the program began in 1965, the average Sunday collection was about $1,800. Although the parish had not grown, contributions in 1968 were ranging between $5,000 and $6,000. Brother Dennis convinced the people of St. Agnes to make regular contributions of five percent of their take-home pay to the church. In return, there has been only one special collection for the parish - when Brother Dennis got behind a Christmas Day drive for $25,000 to make an extra payment on parish indebtedness. The drive went over the top. A visible symbol of the -Brother Dennis program sits in the St. Agnes Church vestibule. A large globe, revolving slowly under a soft light, displays a silver-headed pin at every point where a Brother Dennis tithe has been received.


MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer licensed Funeral Director

OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE 936 So. Main St., Fall Rive!' (Corner Osborn St.)

1977 ST. JOSEPH GUIDE For Christian Prayer And Religious Articles

Tel. 673-4262




550 Loeust Street Fall River, Mass. 612-2391 Rose E. Sullivan WUllam J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan

HALLETT Funeral Home Inc. 283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass. Tel. EXeter 8路2285 Director-Norman A. Hallett

eo., ..9nc.

OIL BURNERS 992-5534 I 999-1226 I 999-1227

Funeral Home






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 14, 1977

A Modest Proposal, 1977 Style WASHINGTON (NC) - Greater love hath no man than this -that he lay down his life for the federal government. A top federal health official has said "living wills" - directives from patients to physicians telling them to withhold extraordinary treatment in case of terminal :illness - could save more than a billion dollars a year in federal health care costs. The official, Robert Derzon, Administrator of the Health Care Financing Administration, also suggested the federal government might pressure states to adopt "living will" legislation by withholding federal funds


from states. which do not have such laws. Derzon's comments have drawn strong criticism from the National Right to Life Committee. He made them in a lengthy memorandum listing a number of ways to save money on government health care. In a cover letter to the memo, Derzon said "This memorandum was merely an idea paper for reflecting the many thoughts of new and long-time HEW staff in the Health Care Financing Administration. It did not, nor does it now, represent formal or even informal recommenda-

tions to the Secretary. It does not represent HCFA policy." 'Encouraging states to pass living will laws, Derzon said, "or, more strongly, withholding federal funds without passage, would serve to heighten public awareness of the use of such resources and would also lower health care spending when such wills are executed. "The strong response to the Karen Ann Quinlan case demonstrates that such encouragement would result in some negative public reaction," Derzon said. "Although the Catholic Church ruled that extraordinary measures need not be employed, there is still religious resistance to this concept." "The cost savings from a na~ tionwide push toward 'living

wills' is likely to be enormous," Derzon said. "Over one-fifth of Medicare expenditures are for persons in their last year of life Thus, in Fiscal Year 1978, $4.9 billion will be spent for such programs and if just one-quarter of those expenditures were avo oided through adoption of 'Liv· ing Wills,' the savings under Medicare alone would amount to $1.2 billion." Derzon's memo also included figures on the cost savings involved in Medicaid abortions. He said every unwanted birth prevented by eiijler abortion or contraception saved about $1,000 a year in welfare payments and another $100 in Medicaid payments. "Covering abortions under Medicaid would be more effec·

tive in preventing unwanted births and have far greater sav· ings, but also far greater ramifications," he said. "In addition to being contrary to the President's current stand, it would incur the anger of the Catholic Church, the 'right to life' groups, etc,"

Chile Vocations Up, Defections Down SANnAGO, Chile (NC) Despite seven years of turmoil, Chile has seen the number of religious vocations, particularly for the priesthood, increase. There were 125 seminarians in 1970. Today there are more than 300.

Church sources also say the number of priests have stabil· ized as desertions wane.

Last year in Washington, D.C. more babies were aborted than born'

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses I yearning to breathe ",' free •.• '


r,f . !.

Get the government out of the abortion business • .. DO YOU KNOW?

You are paying for abortions. Last year the U. S. Government spent $50 mllllon of your taxes to pay for 275,000 abortions. Many concerned legislators are trying to stop this national tragedy. On June 17 the House passed the Hyde language of the Labor-HEW Appropriations BIJI which would prohibit the use of tax funds for abortions: "None of the funds appropriated under this act shall be used to pay for abortions or to promote or encourage abortions." WILL YOU HELP? Senator Edward W. Brooke (R. Mass.) is siding with the proabortion forces to defeat or weaken the Hyde language. Sen. Brooke is a member of the conference committee that will draft the final version. WE URGE YOU to write Senator Brooke and persuade him to get our government out of the abortion business. HUMAN UFE IS NON-NEGOTIABLE. His address Is: Senator Edward W. Brooke U. S. Senate Washington, D. C. 20510 You may want to clip this advertisement and send it to him. GET GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE ABORTION BUSINESS Contributions to help the effort to



YOU STOP IN TIME IF NECESSARY? It's vacation time and the children are out in the streets and they don't always look for the oncoming cars. It is your responsibility to be extra careful and alert at all times. You certainly would not want to be the cause of bringing some child's summer vacation to a screeching halt.

the unborn may

be sent to:

Massachusetts CItizens For Life, Inc. Greater Fall River Chapter 592 Stevens Rd., Swansea, Mass. 02777 Name Address. City


Thjs Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River ,.. .






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