
Page 1

~lnterfaithDiologue i


Bishop SheenT0




An ecumenical meeting. co-sponsored by the Cape Cod Deanery of the Fall ~iver Diocese and the' Cape Cod Council of Churches will be held at g o'clock Sunday afternoon, Aug. ,,8 in Barnstable High School, Hyannis. The public of all dEmominations is invited. . . Speakers will be the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D., National Director of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith and Auxiliary Bishop. of New York, and Rev. J. Robert Nelson, D.D., Fairchild ProfessOf' of Systematic Theology in the Gl'aduate School of Theology at Oberlin Colleg.e. Co-chairmen will be Rev. William F. Vandever of the Cape Cod Council of Churches and Very Rev. William D. Thom­ son, pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis and Dean of Cape Cod. A musical program will be offered by a Falmouth interfaith 'choir directed by Rev. John Carajanes of Christ Lutheran Church,


Fall River, Mass., Thursday, July 15, 1965 1965 The Anchor

Aug. 8,

Falmouth, with'Rev. William ·C.· Canipben of St. Patrick's, Falmo'uth as· organist'­ Members are ffom 12 Protestant and four' Catholic churches'. . On Nov. 1, 1950, Bisj,op Sheen (then Monsignor) became National,DirectOr of 'the SoCiety for the Propagation ~of the Faith, which, according to the'Pope, is the Church's principal mission organi~ation.· To devote full time. to this duty and 1;0 secure the needed funds which the Pope alone can administer, Bishop Sheen resigned his professorship of philoBOphy at the Cath­ olic University of. America, where he had taught for over 23 years. When the National Oouncil of Catholic Men decided to spons6r the Catholic Hour Sunday evening broadcast~:in cooperation with the National Broadcasting Company, . Bishop Sheen became the program's first regular speaker on tlie program following Turn to Page Nineteen


Vatican Paper Says Dioces'e

Judge of Conditional Baptism


Vol. 9, No. 28 ©


in- Hyannis


PRICE tOe per Year

VATICAN CITY (NC) The Vatican City daily news­ paper in a brief statement OIl the rel:eption of Luci Johnson's entrance into the Roman Catholic Church in effect said that it is up to diocesan authorities to decide whether conditional baptism is in order. The same s~~tement, published on 'the front page of L'Osserva­ tore Romano Monday, said that published statements in the con­ troversy attrIbuted to Vatican officials sho,Jld be considered· "entirely personal." , The paper was not specific' in its reference to· "Vatican oHi­ . dais." But' Father Thomas Stransky, C.S P., U.S.-born staff member of th~ Vatican Secretar­ iat for Promoting Christian had declared four d~ys , t~nity, after Miss Johnson was given conditional baptism in Washing­ tQn on July.:! that no Catholic would question the validity 'of the baptisma~ritual of the Book of Common f'rayer of the Epis­ copal Church-in which Miss Johnson wa'i baptized as an in-

Classma,te ·Lauds· Fr. 'Lynch As Chaplain, Cape Pastor

Rev. George' E. ~ullivan, pastor of St~ Joseph's Parish, "all River, and :a..classmate of Rev. James E. Lynch, eulogized the first pastor of St. Joan of Arc Parish, Orleans, 'as a "priest who accomplished much without show and ostenta­ aion." Following a solemn school, convent, rectory and hall. Pontificai Requiem Mass' In referring to Father Lynch'. eelebrated by. Most Rev. Turn to Page Five lames I:r. Connolly, Bishop of

fant-and th,>t it was "unfortu­ nate" that the American Presi­ clE'nt's daughter had been given cunditional baptism on entering the Roman Catholic Church. . L'Osservatore Romano's state­ ment said: "Stories recently appeared in H).e press regarding the' entry ir.to the Church of Miss Luci Jchnson, daughter of the Presi­ dent of the United States, with

particular refE'rence to the cir­ cumstances in which it took place. "In this connection, statements attributed to Vatican circles have been publishE'(I. These statements if genuine-must be considered entirely personal. It is obvious that, under circumstances such as those involved, the diocesan ecclesiastical authority is com­ petent to express a judgment.'~

Maryl.s.. Place in Church Source of, Confl ict .

' .


DAYTON (NC)-Although' Catholics and Prot~ta'llts are in opposite camps on the Blessed Virgin's place in Chris­ tian belief, they may someday find agreement. That is the opinIDn of Father WiHam J. Oole, S.M., of the theology department· at the Univer­ said he believes a "break­ sity of Dayton, all instit~­ logy, through" already has been m.ade tioit' con due t. e d by the on' the' question· of Mary, "at Society· of, Mary. The Mari-· least on the' scholarly level." anist priest, a scholar·in Mario-

the Diocese, in Our Lady of the Visitation M1ssion Church, No. Expect Changes in Calendar and Breviory Eastham, Father Sullivan traced the tremendous accomplishments of Father Lynl'h as assistant and then developed the service rec­ Both Pope Paul himself and' the Post-Conciliar Liturgicl:\.l Commission have deemed ord of Father Lynch as Army chaplain during World War II in it necessary to warn that careful attention must be paid to the reformation desired and the South Pacific Theatre of hoped for by the church. It is important that it be made' clear that the Church is not € ) perations. abandoning her position' of divinely-granted authority nor are 'general permissions being This great priest, Father Sulli­ .an said, was recognized by the granted to do just any experimentfltion imaginable. At the same time, it was pointed government as a leader caring out that some changes, are expected in the liturgical calendar and in the Breviary. for the ooys away from home at war. This rE:('ognition was not True Reform No Generalities just a print.~d citation but an Army appointment to serve on In an audience in St. 'Peter's Basilica, 1'ope The Vatican Council's Liturgical Commission the faculty of the Chaplains Paul insisted that aggiornamento does not mean a has warned that there have been no general perSchool at 'Harvard. His ability "weakening of the moral. temperament of the missions given to e:icperiment in liturgical matters. was recognized to such a degree modern Catholic." It is und"lrstandable-though The only time ·such a permission was given that the apPt'intment really sig- not laudable-that in such times ,of change, 'tra­ was between July 3, 1964 and April 15, 1965. This nified the naming of a chaplain ditional norms .are. often placE'd in question.' .. concerned concelebration and the reception of to serve as the ideal for all Such an action could be laudable only if it were Holy Communi.n 'under both species. clergymen preparing to enter the accompanied by great and cautious study, always At no other time and concerning no other 8Crvice. according to the guidance of those who have liturgical affair was any kind of general permisWhen appointed by the late knowledge and the authority to lay down laws sion granted. Thus "when rites or ceremonies or Bishop Cassidy to serve as the of. Christian living.'; innovations of any kind seem out of harmony first pastor of the Orleans parish, There .is .a. tendency today, .the Pope pointed with today's laws in liturgical :rnatters,- all of this great churchman established out, to follow "sheeplike the mentality. of the them are to be considered 'personal' innovations,'. the first parochial .school on ,. current fashion," t9·be "the friend of. the world... · , arising. from 'private agitation'" .• and by that eapeCod. In 17 years he saw the All this certainly "is not how· we must conceive very .fact ·disapproved· by· the' Constitution and. «evelopment of a complete par~ the 'aggionamen.to' to wMch the·CouncilcalJ,s Uo" . *be Consilium (Oommission)" " , . . . 1Illit-parlah church, miuioa,. , . Turn ~Pale ·Seventeea;I.... Tum ~. Pa"e Seventeea·~·~.

Papal Warning' on Experimentation


He acknowledged,. howeve~ that the great majority of Pro­ testants, including Protestant. ism's most respected theologians, "possess no real interest ill Mary" at the present time. He asked:

"Is it "not strange that the vert'

woman whom God chose to be Hut mother should be the source of the greatest difficulty be­ tween Catholic and Protestants, who both acknowledge her SoD. as their God and Saviour? '-Strange, yes, but it is an

indisputable fact that it is so.

C e I' t a i n I y most Protestants

would agree with the European

Calvinist theologian Max Thuri­

an, who claimed that 'Catholic

theology poses the most agoni"

zing problem for ecumenical


Father Cole said that the in­ fluential Protestant theologians

Paul Tillich and Reinhold Nie­

huhr have also criticized Catho­

lic teaching on Mary. "Tillich and Niebuhr are lead­ ers in a new movement which might be called neo-Ptotestan..; tism," he said. "It tends to inter­ 'pret theanci~nt creedsymbo­ lically . and' to rule .out the TUi'1t to' Paae T"oVel,.. .

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 15, 1965 .. ,'_.


Pope Pa.. I, Warns

Of ~vasiYeness'

Proper of: the Mass For Sixth 'Sunday After Penteco'st

VATICAN CITY (NC)-P~ Paul V! offere<i Mass in' st. Peter's basilica before 10,000 young girls' who had come .• Rome for the 20th anniversa17 of their branch of Italian Cath­ olic Action. . ,. ."Be strong," hS' urged the~ "'Be strong for your dignity and for your calling as women look­ ing ,for the conquest of evel'J' . right, every development and every. perfection to which the modern Christian life of womell entitles you to aspire. Be stron, in order to be productive bl your . family, m your school, in your parish, in your wor" and in your associations." He warned them against the spirit of modern youths whe have taken "evasiveness":. their slogan. "It is fashionable to show one­ self skeptical, disappointed and decadent," he said. "In order to live, these young people have a need to evade, to reject, any obedience, any commitment, any service, any real love. They indulge in ir­ responsible freedom and in way­ ward· selfishness."

INTROIT: Ps. 27, 8-9 The Lord is the strength ,of his. people, the saving refuge of his anointed. Save your people, o Lord, and bless your inheritance; and rule them forever 1. Ps. ibid, 1 To you, 0 Lord, I call; 0 myG9d, be not 'deaf' to ­ me, lest, if you heed me not, I. become one of those 'going .down into the pit. V. Glory be· to the Father. The Lord is the strength of hiB people, the saving refuge of his anointed. GRADUAL: Ps. 89, 13 and 1 Return, 0 Lord 1 How long? Have pity on your servants! 0 Lord, you have been our refuge through all generations. Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 31, 2-3 In you, 0 Lord, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame. In your justice ~scue me and release me, incline your ear to me, make haste to deliver me! Alleluia. OFFERTORY: Ps. 16,5 and 6-7 Make my steps stead­ fast in your paths, that my feet may not falter. Incline your ear to me; hear my word. Show your, wondrous kindness, 0 Lord, 0 savior of those who trust in you. COMMUNION: Ps. 26, 6 I will go round and 'offer in his tent, sacrifices with shouts of gladness; I will sing and chant praise to the Lo:rod

Bishop Asks Pastor to Resign For Delaying New Liturgy., B~GEYK

(NC)-A Catholic pastor here in The Netherlands who has t'leclined to introduce the revised -liturgy '-until com­ pletion of a new parish church -has been asked by his bishop to resign. Father G.M.A. van Elderen, 57, pastor of st. Peter's parish, earlier had been asked to resign by a group of his parishioners. They requested his resigriation in an open letter, and sent a copy of the letter to the local Ordinary, Bishop William Bek­ kers of's Hertogenbosch. Bishop Bekkers himself has now re­ quested Father van Elderen's resignation as pastor. . The reviSed liturgy was in­ troduced -in the Netherlands last November in ~onformity with the ecumenical council's Con­ stitution on Liturgy. Father van Elderen said he 'Was postponing the changes until

N!!crology JULY 23 Rev. Patrick F. Doyle, 1893, Founder, SS, Peter & Paul, Fall River. Rev. George B. McNamee, 1938, Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River. JULY 25 Rev. Michael J. Cooke, 1913, Pastor, st. Patrick, Fall River. JULY 29- _. Rev. Mathias McCabe, 1913, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River. Rev. Charles P. Trainor, S8., 1947, St. Edv'ard . Seminary, Seattle, Washington.

FORTY HOURS DEVOTIO~ _ July 18-St. Pius X, South Yarmouth. st. Stephen, Dodgeville. JULY 18-St. Pius X, South Yarmouth St. Stephen, Dodgeville. July 25-St.franc~s of.Al1s1si,. New Bedford. Holy Redeemer, Chatham g. 1--St. George, Westpo~ Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven. St. .T1;leresa, So. Attle­ boro. .

nil ANCHIII second Clasa Postage Paid ItFI" RI¥I~ "'ass. Publlshed Ivery Thursday It 41u HlghlanO ~venuel Fill River MIss, by tile Clt!IOlIc Press 0'1 tile Diocese of Flit Rlvtr. SubscrilltlOll PIlei "" iItIt, . .tpa.. ....

.., ,..,.

.Greets Aylesford Carmelite Reviva'l

the new St. Peter's. church was finished, and the church dedi­ ~ation had been set for July 7. .rhe rite, was postponed by Bish­ op Bekkers, however, because of the pastor's noncompliance.

Sister Mary Paulita Going' To AustralBa

PAPAL RECEPTION: Pope Paul VI greets an invalid pilgrim from Fiesole, Italy, at an audience in St. Peter's. NC Photo. .

Word has been received of the transfer of Sister Mary Paulita of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, who has for the past three years taught fifth grade at Es­ pirito Santo School, Fall River, to the community's missions in Australia. Sister Mary Paulita, a trained social worker, will be assigned to social work in Australia. Be­ PARAMUS (NC)-Qne of the fore traveling to her new post, times when a youngster most she will spend several months in needs a friend is when he has Rome at the Franciscan Mission­ . just been released from the Ber­ aries' motherhouse. She left Fall gen County Shelter for juvenile River Tuesday. delinquents. Thanks to the efforts of two priests and their lay collabo­ rators, that's just when he'. FRIDAY-Mass of precious Sun­ likely to have one. . day. IV Class. Green Mass The lay people, young adults Proper; No Gloria or Creed; for the most part, are members 2nd CoIl. Blessed Virgin Mary of a group called "Special. . of Mount Carmel; Common Friends" recruited by Father Richard' J. Holmes. Catholic Preface. chaplain to Bergen County insti­ or .Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount tutions, and his assistant, Father Carmel. White. Mass Proper; Michael J. O'Grady. They offer personal friendship Gloria; No -Creed; Preface of to those youngsters willing to Blessed Virgin. accept it. They spend at least SATURDAY-Mass of the Bles­ 'sed Virgin for Saturday. IV one evening a week with the re­ Class White. Mass Proper; leased youngsters and keep in Gloria; 2nd CoIl. St, Alexius, frequent 1elephone contact with Confessor; No Creed; Preface them. of Blesed Virgin. From Broken Homes or In the five years since Father St, Alexius, Confessor. White. Holmes started the program, the Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd CoIl. Special Friends have worked Blessed Virgin for Saturday; with 200 youngsters, many frolll No Creed; Common Preface. broken homes or lacking adeSUNDAY-V! Sunday after .Pentecost. II' Class. Green. Mass Propi!r; Gloria; Creed; Pre­ RABAUL (NC) - Bishop Jo­ face of Trinity. MONDAY-St. Vincent De Paul hannes Hophne, M. S. C., has Confessor.. III Class. White. ended a five-week trip through Mass Proper; Gloria; No his Rabaul vicariate here in New Britain, traveling by power boat, Creed; Common Preface. canoe anq. foot.. During the trip TUESDAY-St. Jerome Aemil­ lian, Confessor. III Class. he confirm'ed more than 2,000 - White. Mass Proper; Gloria; persons. '. 2nd ColI. St. Praxedis, Virgin; No Creed; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY - St. Lawrence of 'Brindisi; Confessor and Doctor. of the Church. m FUNERAL HOME, ·INC. Class. White. Mass Proper; .. Mlrcll Roy - G. Lorraine RllJ Gloria; 2nd ColI. St. Praxedis; Roger laFrance Virgin; No Creed; Common FUNERAL DIRECTORS Preface. 15 Irvington Ct. THURSDAY-8t. Mary Magda­ . lerie, Penitent. IIIClass. White. 995·5166 Mass Proper; Gloria; ,Ne ,·New Bedford Creed; Common Preface.

Special friends

New Jersey Young Adults Offer AJd

To Delinquents

Mass Ordo

Confirms 2,000


quate religious training. Case histories attest to the program's value. One was an iIi­ corrigible runaway girl. Her friend stayed with her for sev­ eral years, went bowling with her, took her on drives, met with her at least weekly, listened to her problems. Her friend was there the day she got married. And recently she was there again-as god­ mother when·the girl's first baby was baptized.

." L'ONDON (NC).:....P~pe. Paul .YI .expressed the hope that the "material ,rebuilding" of the famed Carmelite shrine of.. Ay­ lesford, in. Kent, "will be. • .pledge and herald~ of the re­ building of the Catholic Faith in England. 1~ a letter to the prior of. the shrine the Pope said: ."We desire with all our heart that pilgrims of all faiths, and not least those oppressed by doubts, indifferentism, scepticism' and prejudices, . may find their way to' the sanctuary of beloved Aylesford." 'The rededication of the shrine will be ·preceded by ali open-air ordination. John Cardinal Hee­ h'an of Westminister will preach at· a Mass on the day of the rededication.


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Itoee B. 8uW?all leffre7 B.' SulUm

Ier,lIkk d""~.



Cathol'ic-Lutheran- Meeting' Shows A,greement,' Dissent' BALTIMORE (NC) - Official representatives of the Roman Catholic Church and the -major Lutheran churches in the United States came together here for their first formal theological discussions -and determined to submit their areas of both agreement and disagreement 'to searching for Christian unity 'from one of ex'amination. The first meet­ the Lutheran liturgical books, and that all joined in reciting the ing brought together top Lord's Prayer. '

/lCholars in the fields of theology Bishop Murphy, who is chair­ and Scripture to analyze the in­ man· of the subcommission for terpretations given by both the dialogue with Luth~rans of ehurches to the Nicene Creed, the U. S. Bishops' Commission which is used in both the Cath­ for Ecumenical Affairs-which' olic and Lutheran eucharistic designated the Catholic, repre­ liturgies. sentatives - announced at the 'Deep Differences news conference that the group The experts agreed that Cath­ will meet again late next Feb­ olics and Lutherans "confess in ruary. eommon" the affirmation of faith

which developed from the first

ecumenical council, at Nicaea in

Asia Minor in 325 A.D., even

though it does not exhaust "the

richness of Scripture regarding

the person of Christ." TAIPEI (NC)-Four Chinese There were major areas in Moslems who recently had an which the participants agreed, audience with Pope Paul VI but there were disagreements as praised "kindness and magnani­ well. According to the Rev. Paul mity" here, which one of them, 1::. Empie of New York, executive Chien Yu-shu, said "will cer­ tlirector of the National Luther­ tainly bring all religions closer an Council-who with Auxiliary 1o~ether, and ""ill do much to Bishop T. Austin Murphy of Bal­ unite all Christians." timorE" served as cochairman of The M 0 s Ie m s-Chien, Pai the meeting - ''there are' deep Chien-min, Ma Huang-wen and differences of opinion between Abdula Timan-were welcomed .s:· back from a pilgramage to Mec­ Recalling that the talks stem­ ca at' a dinner given by Archbis­ med fr,om discussions he had had hop 'Paul Yu Pin, rector of the with Bishop John J. Wright of Catholic Fuj'en University here. Pittsburgh, Dr. Empie said, how­ Their audience with the Pope ever: "We have gone further Cflme during their return trip than either Bishop Wright or I through Europe. They were ac­ dreamed of two years ago." companied 011 the visit by Hsieh Fruitful MeetiD~ Shu-kang, Chinese ambassador Dr. Empie, at a press confer­ to the Holy See and Italy. ence after the closed session on Archbishop Yu Pin is chair­ the seventh floor of the new man of the Int~rfaith Amity As­ Baltimore archdiocesan chancery SQCiation, which draws its mem­ building, said that it "certainly bel's' from Formosa's four major was a very fruitful meeting for l'eligions - Buddhism, Taoism, which we are all very glad and Islam and Christianity: thankful." ' He said the whole tone of the Meeting was set by the "devo­ tional experience" with which it opened. He cited the fact that Bishop Murphy, who presided VATICAN CITY (NC)-Work at the first day's sessions, had l>as begun on a new terrace space read a passage from St. Paul ~top the Vatican Palace to pro­ from the Revised Standard Ver­ vide a recreational area near sion of the Bible. Pope Paul VI's private apart­ He added that the Lutheran ment. delegates were gratified by the The terra('e will be completed "further ecumenical note in that at the top of the part of the pal­ the bishop also read a prayer ace that surrounds the so-called Courtyard of the Holy Office. The courtyard is not even near the Holy Office headquarters, but takes its name from the fact that the Holy Office was located THE 1iAGUE (NC)-Celebrat­ there centuries ago. iog its 40th anniversary, the Workmen started on the pro­ Dutch Catholic radio and TV ject by removing roof tiles from station KRO will set up an affil­ iated radio station in Liberia the top floor, which is adjacent to the papal private apartments. • aBed "The Voice of Africa." The new station will not be The terrace is planned so as to exclusively Catholic in tone, it afford the Pope maximum pri­ was announced, but will work vacy but without substantially with all groups. Its programs altering the facade of the build­ will be in Swahili, English, ing. French and Arabic. Dutch Cath­

elics will be asked for funds for

It;, and a grant has already been

DJAKARTA (NC)-The new promised by the German Catho­

lic relief organization Misereor. Catholic daily newspaper "Kom­ The KRO jubilee will also be pas" has received more than 15,000 subscriptions in its first ~lebrated through gifts of TV recei vel'S to needy aged persons, two days of publication here in . and through a week-long series Iudonesia. ~ discussion programs-in c;urrent

~hurch problems, including mis­ MEMBERS AND' FRIENDS Of THE 8ionary" training, the priesthood' Way, and the Churell ift the FaN River Diocese'an Council

-.odern world. of Catholic Nurses

,Chinese Moslems Praise Pope

Pope Paul to Have Terrace on Palace

Broadcasters Plan Sta tion in Liberia


Passionist Sees

New Interest

In Bible

FARMINGTON (NC)-A noted scripture scholar who has been in the midst of the Church's "aggiornamento" said here that there is a gratify­ ing increase in interest among Catholics in the Bible. Father Barnabas Ahern, C.P., here to lecture at a Biblical imd Liturgical Institute for priests and brothers, said in an inter­ view that this trend is markedly evident in the United States. "We can't say that it has reached the 'grassroots' to a.ny extent yet," he said, "but the movement is being, strongly felt among Catholic lay leaders and in colleges and schools. It is bringing the Bible right to the fore in the life of the Church. "And this is as it should be. A meaningful faith must be ex­ pressed in the thought patterns of Sacred Scripture. The only language really meaningful to the People of God is·the Word of God." Father Barnabas does not at­ 'BLESSES PARENTS: Rev. George W. Coleman blesses , tribute 'the "really tremendous" his parents, Mr. 3'nd Mrs. George W. Coleman Sr. following renewed love of Scripture amOng Catholics to the second Vatican' his Solt~mn Mass in St. Patrick's Church, Somerset, on Council, although he emphasizes Sunday. ' that the council has without question given great impetus tc. it. In' this country 'he traces Scriptural renewal back to the early 1950's, when' Catholics .closely involved in the liturgical VATICAN CITY (NC) - Va­ Church certainly are not slight. movement "began to emphasize tican City's daily newspaper, Weare ,thinking of the needs the study of Scripture. PO responding to left wing news­ of the missions, aggravated to­ paper allegations that the Holy d~y by the tragedy of hunger See controls immense wealth, among people on the road to lWORCESTER (NC) - HoI,. deClared that the Church's goods development, and' of the needs Cross College has gone over the top in its first Development are given to it by the people of the representation and gov­ and are returned to the people ernment of the Church in evel"J' Fund campaign for $7.5 Il)illion. by'the Church. . eountry and on evel"J' continent." A total of $7,545,000 has beea raised since A ... ril 1962. L' Osservatore Romano' said:' "The least that can be said' of certain publications ... is that they seem to disregard complete­ ly the fact that those w.ho ad-' minister the Churcb's property are trying to make the Church's work for spiritual and materi­ al good broader and more fruit­ ful in the interest of all, even of those who do not accept the Church's higher motives." L'Osservatore Romano recall­ ed, Pope Paul VI's own recent reference to the Church's fi­ nances when he spoke of their "blessed restricted-ness." It con­ tinued: "The Church is a visible as well as an invisible society. It is embodied in men and as such it has its own structure and must provide also for needs of a temporal nature in the ful­ filment of a ministry as well as for a government which is uni­ versal. "If the financing of govern­ ment is so large, the total admin­ istrative requirements of a uni­ versal orgal).ization s.uch as the

Vatican City New~paper Replies

,To Criticism of Church Wealth

Over the Top

'41h AnnUli Noyena




Good Start

U.S. Tour BOSTON (NC)-Father Fred­ erick C. Copleston, S.J., profes­ If(U of the history of philosphy at Heythrop College, England, and at the Gregorian University, Rome, 'will visit this country next spring to lecture at U.S. universities. His first appearance _ill be M Boston Collele.


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THE ANt.liOK:......Oioces~ of Fan River-lhurs., July 15, 1965

Says Ecumenism Step to Peace

Believes Tod.ay'sYouth Has More Virtues Than Faults By Joseph T. McGloin, SJ. y &\1. may remember the high !!pirits &l a fun-loving \mneh &f collegians some month!! llack who caused. some $6,000 damage·1;o the house they ..vue using after a com­ ing-out party? "Justice" did a fine job in this ease for the y9tlng people, letting all of rior te everyone else. at this ripe them off without so much old age ef 11, though he does ~s a slap on the wrist, be­ nothing but play chess and read cause there was no proof that up eJl. palmistry, because that damage had been done with any conscious and deliberate in­ tent! One . 0" the defendants made this clear when he said that he was not ashamed of his part in the fracas, because he, Ii k e the others, had been drinking for two straight days wit h 0 u t food -or sleep, and, therefore, that none of the defendants w~ the same per­ son he had been when the d~ age was inflicted. But justice or injustice is not the point here and now. Of more importance here is the acknowledgment of this same defendant that "someone" was responsible for the damage, but he didn't know who! Seek Publicity Now how does a young per­ son ever fall for a blooper like this? Actually, there are many reasons - the overpermissive­ ness of misguided parents, the mouthings of unscrupulous and unthinking college professors who con the young into accept­ ing a fake set of values. This gives said professors a lot of publicity. And what's a tragedy or two in the young when a professor's sensational publicity is in the balance? Now this column has been in existence just about two years. And before it W:lS a column, the author's ideas about young people were showing up for some years in otl1er places. And anyone who has read any of those articles knows that kindly old Father is pretty darn sold on young people and knows very well that they are not represent­ ed by any group of kooks in one part ~f the country who take no responsibility for the $6009 damage, they caused, bec:luse they were drunk. At the same time, .t has M be admitted that teen-agers have their faults and potential faults, jUf"t as adults have, They are, after all, human beings, too -even though the press. some­ times makes them seem like a group from Mars who somehow man age d to land on earth through no fault of any adult. Confused Ideals Often enough, for inst:lDce, the ideals of youth can get con­ fused with things which haVe Bothing to do with their real purpose in life-money, first, and then comfort and pleasure and happiness sought in all the wronc places. The r e :Ire, unfortunately, teen-agel's like the "brain" who plays a little chess now :lDd then, who qua school at 16 be­ cause "nothing there was worth­ while" He also makes no bones about the fact that he is supe­

Liturgy Music ST. PAUL (NC)-A new re­ eording of examples of music for the Mass in English has been produced at St. Catherine's Coli e g e here in Minnesota. E n tit led "Sing Praise," the record featuring choral organi­ zations, is available from the school.

is "really :I science." You'd have to be blind not te admit the existence of young people like this--pleasure-seek­ ing, thrill-seeking, irrespon­ sible, shallow minded, complete­ ly immature. The papers are full of them. No .:me could possibly deny their existence. Typical AduUs But-its 'jme we adults gave the same credence to the head­ lines and the polls about youth as we give to corresponding articles abeut adults. We read about youth's escapades, and nod knowingly that this is typical of youth itself. But i'f we ever happen to read about a young person who devotes his Saturdays to helping the poor, or about the young Catholic boy and girl who attend daily Mass, we look 011 these young­ sters as only individuals and not "typical," Everyday we read about adults convicted of drunken driving or killing or rape or robbery. But we don't make the mistake of saying "There is the typical adult." We save this sort of uni­ versalizing for two groups­ teen-agers and those of some race we like to think inferior to our own because somebody somewhere just has to be infe­ rior to us. Someone has referred to a segment of our young people today as "the new breed." Now this is a handy term., one which has a certain amount of truth hidden in it. Treat as Intlifltlual But the fact is that every generation is, in a sense, a "new breed," and, in another sense, it isn't "a new breed" at all. It's just that we adults have only now discovered a few of youth's real qualities instead of only reading the headlines about them. This "new breed" is supposed to be a minority characterized by m:lDY very good qualities­ intellectual curiosity, solid study of anything :lDd everything, dissatisfaction with mediocrity 01' with "eXellS5' instead of an­ swers. But I feel that youth with these characteristics. at least potentially, is in the minority only publicity-wise. Youth, as a group, is endowed with far mere virtues than faults. Find the key to each one, treating him as an individual and Belt as P:lrt of some publi­ cized meG, and it is the rare young person, not the usual one, whEl will ·ltet rise to the chal­ lenee.

Ornate Monstrance At World's Fair NEW YORK (NC)-A sterling silver, geld-plated monstrance, symbolizing Catholic religious beliefs in the nuclear age, bas gone on display at the Vatican Pavilion at the World's Fair here. Nicknamed "the atomic mon­ strance," it was designed by Fr. Daniel Roach, S,S.S., and lent to the fair by the Blessed Sac­ rament Fathers of the American Province. The 16-pound mon­ strance contains more than 500 precious and semi-precious &tOllelio

OCEAN CITY (NO) -Ecu­ tf) sing hymns, recite the Lortl'll menisnl is nei1:her a historical "nyer, and hear addresses ~ event nor a psychological phen~ heth ]!Welates. omenon but a "step to peace 011. a Arekbishop Damiano called worldwide scale," Archbisholl . the eeumenieal movement "Bet, Celestine J. Damiano, bishop of. static but dynamic." He said: ... Camden, said at an ecumenical it! an enpgement; an evol"'~' fellowship service here in New meltt, a' vital and p..~lsatine DR­ Jersey. tiertaking lIDder the inspiratiea' The service, cosponsored Dy &f $he Holy Spirit'· Arehbishop Damiano and Meth­ 'l'he archbishoP addetl: "Pro. edist Bishop Fred Pierce Corsell mutual love, in God's good time, of' Philadelphia, 'drew a congre­ an authority acceptable to all gation ef almost 1,000 persona wiJl emerge. Our task is to leave sueh a future blessing in GoErIt hands, confident that it is iB LONDON (NC) Britain's goes h:lnds. All must be 'com... highest recognition of bravery, mitted hUmbly to God and God's the George Cross, was posthum­ t-emorrow. 1t is a firm step to ously awarded to a Catholic peace on a worldwide scale and newspaper reporter Michael demands our eal'lU!st and contin­ Munnelly, who was stabbed to ued dedication. How can we death after going to the aid of urge mankind to pursue peace a milkman attacked by a gang when religion itself is in a state of 14 youths in London on of civil war bordering on an­ Christmas Day. archy?"

Posthumous Award

SPEAK~R: Mrs. Joseph P Kennedy Sr. mother of our late president, John F. Kennedy, will give an illus­ trated lecture in St. Pa­ trick's School Auditorium, Fall Rivel', Sunday evening at 8. Proceeds will benefit the school and tickets may be obtained at the rectory.

Invite Educators T~> Conference In Washington




WASHINGTON (NC) Nearly 500 invited educators and persons from govern­ ment, business and labor will


g&ther here TUE'sday and Wed­ ll€ ' sday for 'Preddent Johnson's White House Conference on Ed­ llcation. Participants in a variety' of panel discussions reflect all le~­ els of publil> and private edu­ cation. Nine prominent Catholic school edu~'1tors are scheduled to be among sp",akers. President Johnson, who con­ voked the conference with a plea that "~erica needs not 'just mQre edue::-tion, but better education," will greet delegates at the White House on Wednes­ (lay. Vice Pr9iden+ Hubert Hum­ I,hrey will sneak to the confer­ enee at a luncheOn Wednesday. Catholi8 :Reprgentatives Particlp:lDts will include: Msgr. Wiliam 11.: McManus, Chi­ cago archdiocesan school super­ intendent; "ather Paul C. Rein­ ert, S.J.,pre;;irl~nt, St. Louis, Mo. University; Father Theodore M. JieSDurgh, C.S.C., pre sid e n t, Notre DaPJ,e University; Alse, .Fafter Joseph McCles­ key, head of social studies, Car­ dinal O'Hara High School, Phil­ &delpbia; Si ~ter Mary Corita, ,chairman, department of art, Immaculate HE-axt College, Los Angeles; SislP.r Margaret Louise, st. Joseph's College, Brooklyn, N.Y. Also, Fathbr Charles J. Lavery, president, St. John Fisher Col­ le~, Rochester. N.Y.; Sister Jae­ queline Grennan, pre sid e n t, Webster College, St. Louis, Mo.; ~nd George Shuster, assistant to the president. Notre Dame Uni­ lier-sity.


For Korean School BONN (NC)-The miSSion aid section of the German So­ ciety for the Propagation of the Faith, with the help of 1,000 volunteers, has filled 74 railway cargo cars with old paper, clothes and iron in Luxemborg, its first collection outside Ger­ many. Money realized by the collection - almost $20,000 ­ will be used to build a cateche­ tical sea4ilQl ill South Korea.





In HalhaJ, Eritrea, Father Waldemar Pietras cooks his meals outdoors, over an open fire. His "rectory" 15 a one-room thatched hut made of mud. His parishioners are increasing, but few of them earn more than five cents a dayl .••• A lonely, penniless pioneer, Father Pietrus does not complain. He could go elsewhere, if he wished. He stays in Halhal because "God and the poor need me here." • • • His dream is to build, before he dies. a church ($3,2QO). a school ($2,800), and eventually a rectory ($1,600) In Halhal. ·'It is little enough to give God In one's lifetime," he says•••• Will you give F.ather Pietros some help? If you have your sights set on doing something permanent fot> God, why not build the church, school, or ree· tory. in memory of'your loved ones. and name It for your favorite saint? Please send some­ thing ($100. $75, $50, $25, $10', $5, $2.. $1). 8S much as you can, rilht DOW. Father Pietras Is a priest tel be pitied.

Father Pfetros receives no saJary. To keep him... self in food am' clothii:lg, he uses the afferini­ HELP he receives when he celebrates Mass..... Send' A your intentions to us, and, we'll forward them PRIEST to needy priests. The Masses will I)e offered promptly. ROW


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THE ANCHORThurs., July 15, 1965

:Major Role for Parish Choirs

'In Supporting New Liturgy


Consider Making Convert Clergy Catholic Clerics

,HUNTINGTON (NC)-Cemposer-arranger Paul Weston said parish choirs must assume a major role in implementing the new liturgy if American church music is to meet the present demand "for a degree of musical commitment never before achieved in this COUll- their own splendid efforts to try:' He said many parishes comply" with participation. may' be trapped into dropHe emphasized that "speaking ping organized choirs in the is one thing, singing is anot.her."

LONDON (NC) - John Cardinal Heenan of West­ minister· revealed here that the Roman Catholic bishops

of England are considering plans face of current regulations conHe reported the ~~penence to have former Anglican clergy­ eerning congregational singing, o,?e church. mUSICIan who men' engage in pastoral work but insisted that "choirs are receIve~ nothing. but bla~k as clerics rather than laymen. needed to stimulate and to train stares, ,~f not o~tnght hos~l1e Cardinal Heenan referred to the congregations." glan~es, w.hen first a~em~ting the problem eonfronting former . " t o direct his congregatIon' 1ft a clergymen who are married in ''To disband a chOlr now, weH-known hymn. a speech he' gave at the annual 'Weston said, "is like firing the S f I ...... uccess meeting of the Converts' Aid -.cach er and I e ttin g " the PUP!'IS Th e mUSICIan .. I tu used th a er e Society. Declaring that the Eng­ educate themselves. choir to "help them along" and lish hierarchy intends "to use The composer-arranger made "the results were overwhelming­ the new powers given by the Ilis "~on't bre~k u~ those choirs" ly successful." Members of the Vatican council," he said: !,lea m an article m the J~l~ 18 congregation had readily ack­ "There are many excellent HSue of Our Sunday VlSltGr, nowledged a lack of confidence Catholic laymen in Britian who .~ational Catholic weekly pub­ in their singing ~bility, "but have been clergy in the Church Ji&Bed here. when the choir led them along, of England and dearly want New MeanDaC­ they weren't timid about join­ to serve the Catholic Churoh­ wr ...' ' rt d that . ing in." ROt as laity but as clergy. ~e..,;on asse e even 1ft Advising that "this practice LichteD Bwr.ea IlM'Ulhes where the vernacular .th' g ~w" Weston re­ CONGRESS: Planning various phases (i){ MS­ , tr d d ''un illi' I'" PO lit no m ....., "For the first time we are was ~ 6" uce . . w ng ", counted that New England Pur­ Cath~lics . are finding a new itans "found it necessary to use pitality necessary for the CCD Regional Cungress scheduled earnestly considering Jilow we fer Aug. 26-29, are, sea-ted: Rev. William E. Fa.rland, Priests; eaa lighten the burden of those .-eanmg m the Mass thl'Du~h a trained group apart from the Rev. Edward C. Daffy, general chairman of hospitality; who are called UPoR to make cengregation to 'line eut the tune,' as they put it. The choir Rev. Justin J. Quinn, lay speakers. Standing: Rev. Thomas .reat ,sacrifices by embracing the Catholic Church and leaving would sing out a phrase or line E. O'Dea, Sisters; Rev. Bertrand R. Chahot, Bishops. '. the Anglican Church that Utey of the hymn, wmch was theft must love. repeated by the congregatien. PO "We can provide them with Experiment SANTA FE (NC)-The Area­ the opportunity te serve as Weston also cited the "con­ aocese of Santa Fe is joiniAg e I erg y-not necessarily as with the New Mexico Council 9f trolled experimentation with priests. But there are 90 many Churches in a ~wide war ilung Masses in English that bas BATON ROUGE (NC) -Tile Modiiication of tile traditional things they can do, now that . . poverty program :eared heen carried out in various even in the Mass itself people southern provincial of the Br9­ dress of the Brothers was ac­ parishes in the Diocese ef Da':' e.pecially to help migrant fat'IR are so much more closely as­ thers of the Sacred Heart Bas complished by the elimination btlerersand underempleyeli "enport, Iowa." announced four major elumges of the scapular and the Rooded sociated with the priest; so much "The people have IiJeen t91d in the rules of the O['cier. lleasonal agricultur~ workers. they can do, if they even bad, cloak, The Council of Churehes, ef what it is they're trying to for example, the tonsure tet Brother Hubert, provincial, Lencthen Rome Visits accamplish," he reported, "and whicb the Santa Fe ,archdiocese make them clergy, to allow them said the changes are adopti90 Brothers will now wear a the choirs have been able to . . . member, received a ie remain what they have al­ of a shorter liturgical office, simple black cassock with Cnl­ assist the congregations ia tak­ $1,360,313 federal grant fO[' the ways been-men of past_a! modification of the members' cifix attached to the chest and ,i~g the first steps fa this im­ . anti-poverty program. dress, more frequent home visits, a white Roman collar. They may' work." fte pragram will he carried pctrtant effort." and ,the choice of retaining also wear a black business suit, evt in several multi-functional Itaptismal and family names. white shirt and black tie en eemmunity centers to be started The changes were authorized certain occasions. SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA 'lty the general chapter of the Brothers used to be permitted 1ft three sections of the state: (NC)-A motor-scooter lias heen the Pecos Valley, Rio Grande .Brothers last November in Rome two weeks at home &nce ever". Yaney, and Northern New MeJC­ and are being gradually intl'9­ five years. They may now presented to Fernando Cardiftal «:0. BRAGANZA (NC)-The Port­ auced in the various provinces. spend five days at home each Quiroga y Palacios of Santiago year plus an additional two days de Compostela during an unusual The centers' programs wiil. uguese ministry 'of public works / The southern province in­ ecooter pilgrimage here by meM­ _ _lye adult, youth, 81ld )K'e­ has rejected tqe design submit­ eludes Louisiana. Mississippi, at Christmas time. 8Cboe1 education, ~bild eare, te« for the proposed :Braganca Alabama.' and Texas. One Brother here said the bers of the European Vespa Club cathedral here, in Portugal. The Brothers' office had C()O­ former ruling had prevented observing the Santiago Holy _me-making, language sevelep­ ment, vocational counseliR', When plans were announced siste? of several litanies .and some parent./; from enc@Uf"aginc Year. The gift will De ~ven by the Spanish cardinal to a 'semill­ ...a. housing .and .sanitation. fer the construction of a cathe­ speClfiC prayers to the samt§. their sons' vocations ary. The new office is simply the Present membe' II Archbishop James P. Davis of aral. in Braganza, several arcbi­ office of the Claurch, to retal'n th rs ~ cthose S_ta Fe, expressing pleasure -tectural firms took part iR an liturgical ,. t th t d b · ' ts em e name !pVeR • pen competition in w hie 11. SImIlar 0 a use T pries. upon profession of their YOWS M the federal grant, pointed MIt that one reason why the priests and engineers acted as or to use their baptismal names. NO JOB TOO BIG ..-oRdiecese joined the state consultants. The winning design College to Admit They may also add their family NONf TOO :MALl eetll\cil was to cooperate in was sent to the ministry of pub­ Kames. Novices will simply ap­ MaCh phases oi the soei.al • ...­ lic works, which rejected it Women Students pend "Brother" te taek pvea 8tolate. after receiving a report from ttae AUSTIN (NC)-Wmnell atu­ Barnes. ministry of education. dents will beacimitteti to a PRINTBtS It is believed that the minieo-ordinate college to De epened IItry of education felt that the in the Fall of 1'96(; at St. Main Office antil Plant tiesign, a cube-like swucture, Edward's University here in T. Help Mission 95 .ritlge St., Lewal,MaM. weu1d not blend well with Texas. SOUTH ORANGE (NC) Braganza'.s numerous 17th aRd :Brother Raymond Fleek, C.S. Tel. 451-6333 Mece than five tons of medical 1-8th century buildings. C., university president, sai. the ...pplies have been stockpileti AlIJritiaryPilCNlts Bishop Manuel de Jesus Pere­ co-ordinate college will be staf­ M Seton Hall ·University llere ira of Braganza and Joliranda fed by the Sisters, Servants BOSTON . . New Jersey.for shipment te must now either stage another el the Il1'lImIculate Heart of Mary CAMDEN, N. J. Honduras where priests of iile cempetition or commissien some el Monroe, lIfich. st. Eliwarti'lil IJewark archdiocese sia« • OCEANPORT, N. J. individual architect to 8Ubmit a has been an institution for JIlea D'Hssion. ~IlR. .tudents only since it wufeUful­ MIAMI e4 in 1685. Tbe ceoperative ;project iM­ PAWTUCiCEr, I. ,L 'Mother Anne Marie, the _na' ~ved the Catholic Physicians PHilADELPHtA superior general, said a dis­ &vilds in the four el)Untries III tinctive college curriculum for -.e Newark archdioeese, ~ s C90tinuoo from' Page Gfte wernen -students is being plan6'_ four 'Craolic hospitals 4eeply religiOUS parents, . tile Iled. She said separate claSSeil _Ii seminarians from Immlrell­ eu-lo«ist lalld"'Ci them fer their fO[' women and men students We Cenception Seminary, Bar­ cam.paign for and net -camet will be maintained durin, freslt­ lkIgt6n, N.J. The doctors IlK­ eultu'izeft f e 11-0 w physicianil, the &:iving of two IIGDS to Ute man and sophomore years, but ~rviee in Christ's priestheed. will not be maintained ri§itH, lIt-{'es9in~ need for surplliS aR41 DADSON Oil BURNERS "To the ve:'~ end, H Fattaer Sul­ in the last two years. Mlftple medicines, while semi­ .arians collected the goGlis, llfl8 livan stated, "Father Lynch's 24·Hour Oit Burner Service aurses labeled andpaekace4 work wasoerformed without ostentation to such a degree that HILL lJiJ' 0= for shipment. Famous ReaC!ling I1ARD COAL'.' ~\lt it can tr~thfuUy be said that his Catholic Relief Serviees-Na­ ~~ ~'Y~'" INSURANCI: AGiNCY, INC. NEW ENGLAND COKf ~ ~ ~ 'tional Conference has arrangeti right hand never knew what .m left hand was doing." ~~~ fGc shipment and some di9td­ 96 WUUAMSTRI:ET

bution of the supplies. Other This spirit of sacrifice he NEW BEDFORD~MAS5.

material will be given to phy­ -paases on, the eulogist said, and acians in Tegucigalpa, HeA­ may we accppt it by offering WY 8-5153 WY 7-9167

duras, where the Newark JDU.­ Acrifices and prayers for pas­ .wn is -'located, for treat.e.t sage of his .>oul into its etel'li.M PERSONAL SERVICE

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Brothers of Sacred Heart Order Make Major-Changes in Rules

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ANc..110~-Oioceseof Fan River-Thurs., July 15; 1965

Wishful T~inking


Something is missing from the pages of the great

metropolitan newspapers these days. Time was, only a few

months ago, when every issue would have a large ad signed

by some of the nation's leading intellectuals and urging that

this country get out of Vietnam. These aos were followed

by those condemning the country for getting involved in'

the Dominican Republic. But of late, there have been few

of these.

It may be that the signers have run out of money. A

full-page ad in a large daily is no mean expense.

It may be, too, that the signers have come to accept

the fact that this country, according to the statements of

some of its more formidable policy-makers, has committed

itself to Vietnam and the Dominican Republic and will not

turn back until its hopes are realized in both places. And

such hopes, despite all implications to the contrary, are not

imperialistic ambitions but the containment of Communism.

Those ads, when they were running, were a source of,

irritation to many. Not that any group does not have a

right to criticize the government and its policies. But there

was a weary sameness in the assumption written into the

ads that this country was wrong and that, somehow, the

Communists were just waiting and eager to negotiate in a

reasonable way if the United States would only let them

do so.

It is disturbing to find such naivete in men and women

who are leaders in the fields of education and the arts.

Wishful thinking can never take the place of facts.

Still a Place



Assistant Director

latin American Bureau, NCWC

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD For the love of God Margie Ferguson sleeps under a mosquito net. For the love of God 'she rises early eac'h

Says King Over.Simplifies Vietnam Crisis Problem By Msgr. George G. Higgins

(Director, Social Action Dept;, N.e.W.e.)

On July 2 Martin Luther King, Jr., speaking at a civil rights rally in Petersburg, Va., called for a negotiated set­ tlement of the war in Vietnam and said that he may move his civil rights protests into the peace movement with tactics similar to the so-called teach­ red automatically to the field ins which have been held of international relations. recently at several major uni­ Complicated Problem versities. He told a cheering In criticizing Dr. King's pro­

It_was refreshing to read in a national news magazine a promotion in favor of the State of Kansafl with one of the leading points being that this state means "People who , believe in God." There was an era when civil authorities would dutifully write into Constitutions, procbmations ~md the like the community's acceptance of God and dependence upon Him. There is less and less of that now. It may be that people refuse to accept the hypocricy of lip-service without action. ' crowd of 2,000 persons, repre­ It may also be that there are more fastidi~lus atheists these senting the Virginia affiliates days who are mightily distu~bed that their beliefs-or lack of the SOllth­ ern Christian of them~are not made the standard of the comml1nity. - Leadership But it is good to see that God still has a place iIi the Conference', thinking of some civic officials-even when used in con­ that the civil rights m 0 V e­ junction with a promotional campaign.

Margie makes them sing songs and play games. She reads with posed 'peace rallies, I 'am not them and to them. Margie makes questioning his right to disagree sure they eat good meal with with the Administration's hand­ food sent down from the States. ling of the Vietnam' crisis. ' On ' She tells them about the fine the other hand, I do question life they can have if they devel­ his judgment in trying to create op their initiative. the impression that the moral Margie is the first new thing issues involved in this crisis to hit the Indians in the mount­ , men t should are so transparently clear that 'they can be, compared to the ains of Peru for over a thousand address itself , to the' problem moral issues .involved in 'the years. She' knows that she can't of war to stave struggle for racial eqqality in 'change customs of centuries in three years. But Margie is con­ the United States. off annihilation. fident that another will replaee There is still a great deal of public worry and concern "It is worth­ The Vietnam crisis is a tra­ her. • over broken homes and the ills these give l'ise to. At the less to t a I k gically complicated problem­ Margie misses the movies. She vastly more complicated than about integra­ same time, there is renewed effort to make divorce laws the problem of racial injustice misses pie and pastry. She misses ting," he said, ,"if there is no' more uniform' throughout the states and. this means, in world to integrate in." in the United States, It simply her family. But Margie loves the most writing on the subject, making divorces easier to Indian children. They still don't doesn't lend itself to self-evi­ Dr. King was at pains to em­ obtain.' , dent and transparently clear' say much but when they smile phasize that he is just as con­ slightly from under their som­ When will society face the fact that it cannot have it cerned about seeing the defeat moral judgments. ' breros she is glad that she made Kight to Opinion of Communism as anyone else. both / ways? As soon 'as the very principle of divorce is the tdifficult decision to volun­ All citizens of the United admitted, one must also admit with it all the ills following "But we won't defeat Commu­ States-including Dr. King 'and, teer. nism," he declared, "by guns on a divorce. And no matter what anyone may say, a' young or bombs or gases. We will do the members, of the Southern The parents and her charges couple entering marriage with the idea in the back of their it by making democracy work. Christian Leadership ConfereI1ce are being bombarded by Com­ -have the right and, if you will, minds that a divorce is possible will never endure the ad­ The war in Vietnam," he con­ munists. They want the adults to justments that can bring them into a harmonious family tinued, "must be stopped. There the duty to engage in a rational rebel and invade the plantations must be a negotiated settlement public dialogue' about the moral and riot and cause disorder. The if they make the effort and give the time. ' issues involved in the Vietnam Indians are still 'a silent people, even with the Viet tong. The The very idea of divorce attacks family life and stabil­ ,crisis and to make known their still somber and slightly sullen. long night of war must be stop­ ity. And there are many who like to think that the family ped." ,views as to how it should be They have not responded to the resolved. , appeals of the Communists. It's still remains the basic and most sacred' unit of society. It After the rally, Dr. King told Dr. King is alree.dy engaged in fortunate' because if ,they did is too bad more is not being done to preserve and strengthen reporters that he has discussed such a dialogue. He maintains their coOntry would be an easy with the directors of the South­ it. that the United States should victim for Communism. ern Christian Leadership Con­ strive immediately for a nego­ ference "the possibility of hold­ ,Margie didn't know'that chil­ tiated settlement in Vietnam ing peace rallies just like 'we . dren were starving. She didn't even if this means negotiating have freedom rallies." directly with the Viet COIlg know what a strong threat Com­ munism is. She didn't know that Ill-Conceived Plan guerrilla leadership. In my' judgment, Dr. King W,ell and good. He is entitled children' had never .spoken a complete sentence. She didn't will' do a great disservice to to this opinion and has a per­ his own reputation as well as to · feet right to advocate it as know that disease racked whole the cause of civil rights, which · widely as possible and in any ,settlements of Indians. Today she knows these things. Today she is he has served so effectively, if forum available to him; no mat'­ OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ' he rashly decides to go ahead ter- how m:any ~ually sincere hoPeful that her efforts will overcome some of these prob­ with this ill-conceived plan. . ,;lnd equally'peace-Ioving Amer­ He is a ~an of many, parts, ' · iCans may happen 'to disairee' :leffiS,fo]: these, people.. She, is ' , Pubtished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Dioeese of Fall River ,hopeful that when her children 'but he isn't Superman-and, with him. , ' 410 Highland Avenue ' are adults they will, ·remain more to the point, he isn't Pres~ , , " . Pressure Taetiea' fatl River, Mass. 67S-71~1 faithful to their ancient Catholic ' ident of the Jnited States" or . But' does he have' a right iG Commander - in - Chief of 'the 'try',lo forecloSe the debate..:..:.on' 'iaitti.' She' 'is 'hopeful that Jhey . ,PUBLISHER ' will resist Communism. She is "A.~med. Fo~ces~ : ' "a ,matter which is certainly' ,very 'hopetul thai th.et, will be an 'in­ M9;t Rev.' J~mes l. Connolly, D.O., ~hD .., He has demonstrated almost debatable from the moral' point 'tegral part of their, epuntry. _ ' .. , eharismatir:: 'gifts of leadership ': 'of view~by' resorting 'systema­ . . -"..... ,GENERAL MANAGER' ". ASST. GENERAL MA~'AGER ... Today, 'Margie' doesn't work ,tical)y to', high-powered, pres­

in. the 8~rUggle for racial equa­ It., Rev. DanielF. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John. "P~, Driscoll . .0nlY-for ,the love, of ·9od.. She ,: lity, but the gods have made ;:s-urefacticS deliberately :caicu­ MANAGING EDITOR him mad, 'if he, really, thinks -lated te force tile President'. works for -the love' of A'nit8;"'oi ~hanci?' " ·.luam, fIi' Pedro, 01: Maria, of'.:.'. Hugh J~ GOld... that these lifis ean be kansfw­ :.0. '


Not Both Ways





day. For the love of God she baa to be careful of the water she drinks and the food she eats. For the love of God she seldom sees an' American newspaper and never sees American television. For the love of God she is losing about $5,000 as a teacher in the states. For the love of God she never rides in a car but she has to walk where­ ever she wishes to go. For the love of God she is a Papal Vol­ unteer. Mar gi e has been in Peru for a year and has two years to go. She works among Indian children. Until they met Margie these children had never had a teacher. They spoke only in mon­ osyllables, thp.y didn't know· there was a place called the United States, they never tried to clean their teeth:







.•••• ~F'

fHE ANCHOR-DfoceM·of hi Rt¥w-1'hvrS., July 1 S. f961.

CATHEDRAL CAMPERS: Summer activities are in full swing at ·Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, where boys from all over the Diocese ·are enjoying Unequalled ·facilities. Left, on the rifle range with counselor Thomas Couto, St. Michael's parish, Fall River, are, from left, Robert Nuzzo, St. Patrick's, Wareham; Mack Toomey, St. John .Raptist, W~stport; Mack Bentley, Holy Rosary, Taunton. Center, boys prepare for craft session

Report Canto" Priest's Death In Red Prison


with counselor John Oliveira, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford. From left, Paul Mercier, St. Elizabeth, Edgartown; William O"Rourke, St. Law­ rence, New Bedford; James Nicoletti, st. Thomas Mol',,,", Somerset; Mr. Oliveira. Right, it's swimming time for Michael Nun€'s~ St. Peter the Apostle, Provincetown; George Mendes, Our Lady of the Assumption, New Bedford; Michael Smith, St. Mary, North Attleboro.

German Advocates Dialogue With World

Cardinal Doepfner Urges Missionary Zeal

Steady Increase In Escapees From China

MUNICH (NC) - Catholics stances, outright defense is re­ The Christian, said the Munich MACAO (NC)-The Jesuit must engage in dialogue with the quired, not a conversation that prelate, must always be ready to Fathers' Cas-a Ricci-a refu­ world according to Julius Cardi- weakens." accept signs of a genuine rap­ nal Doepfner of Munich. He stressed that there are prochement and only reject a gee Relief station in this . "Dialogue with non-Christians starting points for dialogue in conversation when "dialogue be­ Portuguese island territory Red China "hospital" as a result who believe in God," the Car- the pre-occupations that athe­ comes meaningless and impos- off the south Chi n a coast­ of communist persection. dinal asserted "is gaining in- iSts and Christians have in com­ sible." . received 1,930 escapees from The report was received by creasing significance nowadays." .. mon. The Christian must always communist China ip. the first The proper conduct of dia­ Father Joseph Madeore, M.E.P., In a time when the questi~n is see his partner in dialogue, the six months of 1965, as compared logue, the -Cardinal added, re­ pastor of Our Lady of the Ro­ on~ of faith or no faith, he said, Cardinai noted, as. a brother to 704 for the same period in sary. church here. He said .Father there is a need for a closer union called to Christ's salvation, even quires freedom, hone.sty and fair­ 1964. of those who believe in Jesus though the Christian must main- ness, as well as an absence of A craving for personal free­ died on May 11. calculation and early attempts At the time the communists Christ. .tain appropriate reserve. dom accounted for this nearly at conversion. And, he said, "the Dialogue with atheists sh.ould took control of Canton in 1949, three-fold increase in the num­ Christian must be filled with a ber of refugees, most of whom · Father Tam was an asistant at also be conducted, he added. missionary zeal which is unfor­ Pope Paul Praises' "The Church is putting the ques­ the cathedral there. Father Ma­ come from farming communities tunately lacking in many." deore said that ''Father Tam was tion of dialogue with non­ in the Canton area. Chi'lean Presid~nt Present Is Transitory often questioned and made to believers with extreme urgency Also, as in the case of the V A TIC A N CITY (NC) go to communist meetings de- today." "The Christian is called. upon 61 young farmers who swam Chile's Christian Democratic to give meaning to the world into the port of Macao on' the Missionary Zeal · signed to insult the Church. But The German Cardinal warned, president, paying a state visit from the basis of his faith. For morning of July 1, tighter food ·he kept intact his loyalty and to Pope P;lul VI, was welcomed him, the present-day world is restrictions' prompted flight. however, against being too gul­ the faith of the Chinese Catho­ lible in accepting dialogtre. "In with words of praise for his only transitory. In spite of that, Said one: "We used to get lics." ''love ior the humble classes." he cannot remain 'passive about 25 portions of rice a month­ After Bishop Dominic Tang, this case," he said, "prudent re­ President Eduardo Frei re­ it. We have been called to bear now we get 110 a year. We live · S.J., apostolic administrator of serve and, under certain circumplied that the Chilean govern- witness to our divine experience on bananas and vegetables." Canton, was arrested, Fat her 'ment and legislature are striv­ in conversation from man to Complained another: "No meat 'l'am ran the See. In 1959, the Asks for Prayers ing ior "the redemption of the man," Cardinal Doepfner said. for six months." . communists put him in a Canton Critical Hour In proletariat" as the best means prison and then transferred him VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope of serving the common good to YingTak prison. There his health began" to fail as a result of Paul VI asked ihousands of of the entire Chilean nation. Frei, wearing the Collar of enforced labor, poor conditions, faithful gathered at his weekly general audience to pray for him the Order of Pius IX Which the ill treatment and no prop e r and for the Church. Holy See had bestowed upon Dledical care. . After he was sent to a labor · Noting that he is celebrating him the. previous day, was, :re­ eamp, nothing further was' heard · ·the second anniversary' of bis ceived in the Pope'. private election as PontiH, the Pope library. Of him until the news of his "llaid: . . death.

"We take advantage of this t Consecration

Father Madeore said· that of the 30 Chinese diocesan' priests occasion to recommend ourself DUBLIN (NC) - President , Sel'Ying ·Room Hours your prayers and to recom­ attached to Canton, a fe.w are Eamon de Valera of Ireland at­ '9 a.m. to '10 p.m. • mend the entire Church, that still alive; but little news· is tended tlli: consecration of 'Bis­ '. iii this hour which is, c~ti~al hop Anthony McFeely Qf Raphoe Dia1WYB-5691 . heard of them. for the destinies of hum~nity, by WUliam Cardin'al Conway of South Dapimouth, MaD. this blessed and mysterious Armagh. The Church of Ireland Benedictine Heads' · ill hour of the ecumenical council. (Anglican) was represented' by ways of the Lord tow'ard Discuss Renewal ·the Archdeacon Crooka of Letter­ ·achieving holiness of. the people ·.kenny.. . . LISLE (NC)-Tbe heads 'of '. the 19 monasteries 'forming the of God, the unity of all 'Christ­ , American' Cassinese Congrega­ ,i;ms, and prOSPerity' an.d. peace clear and iion of Bi:medictines have agreed · ix:t,.t,he. world. may'be. . . .' . · to hold an· extraordinai.jgeneral ·full.:', . · meeting ·next· year to' dIscuss Summl!l!~.. Fe·st.·va·l· · ·monastic"rtmewal. l'" The' decision was taken .at . . St. Stanislaus. Parish,. .Fall the conclUsion of' the regularly . Rive:r:.. will hold . a Swnmer . scheauled 35th general 'chap~er . E:estiva). at.. U.t:baJ;!. lJ,rove .8atur­ . of the' 'cohgre·gatlon. 'Ordinarily .....day and,SuI;lday, ~y 24 and,,25. 273 CENTRAL 'AVE•. such general ineetipgs are 'held ,A parade.,fea.turing the. cast <>f .. '. ~..'.. "~~f .. BRISTOL . COUNTY' ", ~ ~> ~. .j oppe eyery., three. years.. ... . t;b.e. Old Fashioned Polish Village , .M~eting $1t,St. PrQcopiusrBen-Weddip.g. will. ..to~" the· city '''WY 2-6216 mE AREA'S MOs:r ACCOMMODATING BANft .' .r , • .' edictine Abbey, ~ in TIlinois, '. $tr.eets Sat\Jtday:, July. 24' start­ NORTH ATTLEB·ORO'·. MANSFIEL.D · the.~bl>o.1.\l~QD4.priors estabUshed . ing at the church at 1:30. The , . NEW" BEDFORD' . ATTLEBORO FALLS special committees to prepare affair will benefit the parish ~ports for next ~ear'a meetin£ buildin~ fund.

HONG KONG (NC)-Word has been received here that Father Dominic Tam of the Canton archdiocese died in a


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"Cdrmente Nuns

Mark Founding

Phyllis McGin·ley Champions

Happy Fulltime Homemakers


By Mary Tinley Daly

, That unabashed and eloquently frank exponent of Amer­

!lean housewifery, Phyllis McGinley, has, like good Pope

John, ."opened windows and let in fresh air" on' a way of

life many American women have been almost ashamed to

enjoy - that of fulltime homemaking. Assailed on all message Is coming through UI who in their hearts feel sides by the attitude that women as she does, that homemaking is homemaking per se is dull worthy of the best a woman has

roWSON (He) - Lawrenee CardiDal. Shehan of BaltimoJle will preside and preach at • Mass Saturday marking the 175th anniversary of the f01lllcl­ ing of the.Carmelite nuris in .... United States. The Carmelites were the fir. religious community of women in the original 13 colonies. The Discalced Carmelite Sisters 01 the Baltimore Carmel are direct descendants as a religious com­ munity of the first foundatioa: in 1790 at Port Tobacco in south­ ern Maryland's Charles County.. The anniversary Mass will be offered in the chapel of the com­ munity's convent. Father Albert Bourke, O.C.D., an international official of the Discalced Carmel­ ites in Rome, .will offer the Mass. The original group of Carmel­ ites came to the U. S. from Bel­ gium after the Revolutiona.,. War at the request of Archbishop John Carroll of Baltimore. The-)' remained' in southern Maryland untii 1831, when economic con­ ditions forced them to move .. Baltimore.

and boring, an unthinkable in her. morass for "the educated wom­ Few housewives, it's true, an," we note the . have the talent of a Phyllis Mc­ .oaring Ginley, and it was not her house­ success of Betty wifery that won her a Pulitzer CRS TRAINEES: Lay administrators in foreign ser­ Friedan's T h lI) . prize,' the Laetare Medal, many vice with Oatholic Relief Servlces-NCWC have grown to Feminine an honorary doctor-ate .and a number 150, supervising di1'ltrihution of f")()d, clothing and Mystique. Mrs. place as Time magazine's recent F.r i e dan's cover girl. Nevertheless, to have medicine in 73 countries around the world. Here trainees contention that a woman ~f this stature espouse Susan Fitzgerald, Belmont, Mass., and Stanley Garnett, educated wom­ the cause of. the dignity of house­ Kansas City, Mo., question Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, en could not wifery, to declare publicly that executive director of CRS, on their future assignments in possibly fin d (Time, June 18, 1965): the Philippine Islands. (NC Photos) fulfillment in 8my Guilt domesticity, that '"I feel so sorry· for this young­ auch fulfillment must inevitably er generation (of women). come from going forth into the They've' got this silly guilt. . . marketplace, seems to be echoed They've been told that they're Catholic Colleges Hetp and re-echoed. not contributing to the' world if Sister Mary Luke Urges More Participation

"Success stories of women are they relax into their normal New OEO Projed tied into their achievements in ocean of domesticity. 'If you're In Church, State Affairs

WASHINGTON (NC) - '!'we t hat marketplace: the "five­ not a grellt artist or writer, you Catholic colleges are among .. figure" salaries, width of their' shouldn't 'be made to feel guilty. DENVER (NC)-Greater par- . sciousness more play while mak­ public and private institutiolUl 01 lnfluence, the i r "nation-wide by having to be somebody be­ ticipation by women in Church. ing their collective voice heard higher education cooperating ill Ipeaking tours," their organiza­ lides a housewife." and State affairs was advocated with the Church and State." a new $2.2 million U. S. project tion of a business, or at least a .After reading Sixpence in Her here by' Sister Mary Luke, first Sister Mary Luke, who leaves . to help disadvantaged hisIl branch-of-a-business. To make Shoe, we picked up a previoua American woman auditor at the Sept. 1 to participate in the school pupils enter college. a "complete" story of these fem­ book of Phyllis McGinley, Times Second Vatican Council. fourth session of the Vatican Webster' College,' near 81. Three, pr~sented to 1IIIl by inine successes, the author usu­ The .mother general of the council which convenes Sept. i4, Louis, Mo., and LeMoyne Col­ ally illustrates' the article on the daughter-in-law Lu, with. an en­ Sisters of Loretto told a conven­ said the.perfection of the Church lege, Syracuse, N. Y., will coa­ •uccessful woman (if she was dearing inscription (Mo.ther'• tion of the Kappa Gamma Pi and the .world never would be duct .experimental programs thill married' somewhere along' this Day, 1961). Buried back in the honor society here: "Wome~ completed without the contri­ Summer to measure what can be highroad) with pictures of. her volume we read: should ~ represented on dioce­ bution of women. -done for high school pupils witll · family. 'Implication always is "And how I might, in IlOmetall' san, parish and local civie "The form and scope of. the special attention £tom a teaeheL town instead, . that she,Mrs. Success, achieved boards. They should be membera Catholic women's relationship to Webster, operated by ~he Sis­ . From nine to five be 'further­ It all in spite of her domesti. of commissions and planning or­ the Church and the world is • ters of Loretto, was granted duties. ing a Career, Dwelling unfettered _ ~. ganizaUons, and parti~ipate in subject that needs a great deal $77,940 by the U. S. Office of Ec­ CathoH., Colleges Too the wider areas of discussions.'" of research," Sister Mary Luke onomic OpportUnity. LeMoyne. single fiat, . Even colleges, Catholic eoi­ Sister· Mary Luke singled out said. "Both men and women operated by Jesuit Fathers, wa. leges as well, get' into ihe aCt, My . life Diy OWJi, likewise my' the current leadership institutes must take part in t~s research.­ giWJ1 $90,428. dally breadproudly boasting in their alum­ program of the National Council. When I consider this, it's Yery nae reports of how many grad­ of Catholic Women as "a step clear uates are "using their education" I might have done much worse. in the right direction." She said after a brief-sometimes all too these institutes provide an in­ I might,at that." b r i e f - interval of "faD)ily duties." . Mrs. Elmer Jones Oft· Elm sight into current problems and opportunities. It is. almost as though the hi- . Street, in whatever town, and "Women have their role and Mrs. John Daly of this colum atus of bearing and rearing chil­ the special place as wives and salute you, Phyms McGinley­ dren through their first depend­ ent stage were a necessary but our spokesman, Mrs. Charles mothers," she said, "but with their better education and a begrudging contribution to the Hayden. larger measure of free time, they perpetuation of the race, a duty take part in planning and to be rid of as soon as possible. Franciscan Nuns Elect should discussion . sessions at many Now, in a resounding rebuttal levels, giving their civic conto the Betty Friedans, comes an Superior General

extraordinarily able spokesman BALTIMORE (NC) - Mother Sing Along Technique

for those who like domesticity, Mary Alexander was elected su­ prize-winning author Phyllis perior general of the Franciscan For Church Singing

McGinley, in private life, Mrs. Sisters of Mill Hill, London, En­ SPOKANE (NC) - A man Charles Hayden, who sincerely gland, at the community's gen­ whose livlihood once depended believes that the educated wom­ eral chapter meeting here. on his ability to get movie an of today can be happy M Since 1962, she has been pro­ theater audiences to sing now home. vincial of the sisterhood's Amer­ has turned his attention to get­ In her book, SixpenCe in Her ican province. She succeeda ting people to sing out in church. Shoe, now on the best-selling Mother M. Bernadette. Jean Anthony Grief, organist lists for more than 28 weeks, Mother Alexander is a native and hymn writer, .recalled that with sales. soaring over the of Halifax, N. S., and was' he used to play the organ in 100,000 mark, Phyllis McGinley'. b r 0 ugh 1 to Washington, D. C., Chicago theaters during the in her infancy by her parents, heyday of movles. It was the" Presentation Nuns Ope" Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Gray. era of community singing at the 'l'he 191-member sisterhood has movieil and the oJ.:ganist's job New Mission in Mexico establishments in England and to get a.udien~s "to .raise 'th~ · . LOS ANGELES (NC) - The Africa, _ wen all in tbiB COUll­ roof"- in song, Grief said. Sisters of the' Presentation of by•. was either iPat or ioodby job. the Blessed Virgin Mary win The ~br.uquewas based on N~ighbOrhood · .Pen a' mission' in Mexico next Sees Chu'rch Position three thlDge-siinple melOdy,

I'all at the 400,:Year-old· parish easy-fiqwing''!iords and ~.not~

Favorable Iceland' 8f .SanJacinto in' the' mountaill above'lC.". .Now 1be. owne'r 01

REYKJAVIK (NC)Theapoa­ toWn of Ocosingo in Chiapas, the Northwestern Organ im4

tollc delegate to the Scandinav­ Mexico's sOuthernmost state. Chime Co., here, . Grief h~

"1'Iie 'Sisters Will staff a medical ian countries said that the Cath­ . adopted the same technique :101'

dispensary,' teach catechism. and olic Church here in Iceland is in ehurch . sin~ing. an excellent position due to Ice­ ;nart an adult education pro­ AUTO LOANS - HOME IMPROVEMENT land's "atmosphere of. freedom . 'IJ'~~ Jewi$hWoman Get, . "LOANS - PERSONA~ LOANS ..

and tolerance." Archbishop Bruno Heim visit­ Saint Agnes Award . ftNtER BANK-Purchase and WHliam S...

.Plan Rosary Crusade ed Bishop Johannes Gunnarson, MANCHESTER (NC)-A Jew­ NORTH BANK-Acushnet Ave. at CoHin Ave.

For Panama .Towns and conveyed the good wishes of. ish woman here in New Hamp.-· SOUTH BANK-Cove St. at Rodney French Boulevard shire is the first non-Cathol1e' PANAMA crrY (NC)-Many Pope Paul VI to President As­ geir Asgeirsson of Iceland. chosen to receive the st. Agnes LUND'S CORNER BANK-Acushnet Ave. near Lund'. Corner Protestants are expected fopar­ Asked at an interview about Award of the national Catholie ticipate with their Catholic WEST BANK-Kempton Street at Mill Stref)t . neighbors in • Family Rosary the situation of the Catholic War Veteran's Auxiliary. DARTMOUTH BANK-Dartmouth Street near Rockdale Ave. Mrs. Sarah Bresnick was Church in Iceland, the archbish­ Crusade to be held in the prin­ selected for the honor, given eipal towns' of Panama, which op answered that though Catho­ DRIVE-IN SERVICE .AT ALL BANKS for outstanding work in .civie will begin in this city early ill lics are few, the Church is never­ affairs. ill church and a~ home. ,iuq. &he leu in a "eood Ilituation."

Stresses Women's Role



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THE ANCHOR.... . " .. Thurs., July 15, 1965


Asks Bequests For Schools

By Marilyn and Joseph Roderick A month or so ago my wIfe talked me into taking a tour of gardens which were open to the public in the Back Bay area of Boston, the Beacon Street and Commonwealth Av­ enue section. This has always been a charming section of Boston, and is justly famous chaise . lounge, drink in hand, f()r its display of magnolias gazing adoringly at her Sir Gal­ which delight visitors in the ahad in Brooks Brothers ber­ Spring. However, I had never mudas and white chef's apron.

FRESNO (NC) - A lasting solution "can be found to the problem of Catholic education if parishioners bequeath a part of their estates to the Church . for education of Catholic chil­ dren, the Monterey-Fresno di­ ocesan superintendent of schools ~d.

Magr. James G. Dowling said: Like most people, who suc­ "In every parish there are cumb, eventually, to the per­ at least a few who could con­ suasions of the men in the grey tribute sizable amounts to pro­ flannel suits we too, joined the vide scholarships for need,. rllDks of "Revolving Rotisserie" students. There are many who owners. We started out slowly could make bequests for Catho­ with mundane hamburgers and lic education." such, with a moderate amount The "impoverished middle of success. Of course, a few pat­ classes" he added, "are being ties did find their way into the pressed to the breaking point coals but they say one does in' their heroic efforts to support lee. Qequire a taste for charcoal. • magnificent school system." The gardens as • whole are However, being a home maga­ The government, too, could best thought of as retreats or zine addict, I was constantly do more, he said. Although he sanctuaries rather than as flow- confronted by "the greatest l)ar­ sees "little hope" for its enact­ er gardens.' Asided from potted beeue recipes 0 fall times" and ment; he called for tax exemp­ ugonias, pansies. geraniums and ,~'hat woman with any interest tion on tuition paid at non­ other hot house plants, there in cookery could res i s t that profit· schools. was very little in the way of come-on for long. Our first ven­ ''The crisis," the California HISTORIC EVENT: St. Annets Hospital, Fall River, flowers. At most, the average ture was • barbecued chicken garden was no larger than 20 that gave us an opportunity to had history repeated Monday night, when triplets were Prelate noted.. "is real and very evident among ... the middle feet by 20 feet. What I fowid try out our electric sPit, or I born to Mrs. Robert Pacheco of St. Mishael's Parish, Fall classes. It comes into clear focus interesting was the use of struc- should say for Joe to try out, River, and thus a family tradition was prol0nged because in viewing· Cath01ic schools in ture which made. the gardens since I wasn't going to spoil his both pretty and comfortable.. male ego by taking those chef nine years ago, her mother, Mrs. Joseph Pascoal of the our whole voluntary educational Brick was used extenSively chores away from him; and I same parish, left, had triplet girls at St. Anne's. Mother ftlr paving (there was'only One oid have my eye on that chaise Marie Pierre, h 0 s pit a I administrator, l'ight, visits the Workshop for Catholic lfi:wn in the 12 gardens ~e vis~ IIJunge. mothers of two sets of triplets. Secondary Principals .ted), and although.it made·dif,.. Well, he rotated that bird for ,WASHINGTON (NC)-Father f!cult walking for women with about half a day, or so it seemed, Neil McCluskey, S.J., dean of tJigh he.els, it was very effective. with stops every now and then education, Gonzaga University, Brick was also Used forconstIvc- to squirt another dash of liquid Spokane, Wash., g a v e t h e ting raised be¢;, which gave' the fuel on the coals. This resulted keynote address Monday, July i gardens horizontal and yertic~ in., roaring flame that recalled Irish Registered ~urse to Work

at· a five-day workshop here for lleq;Pectiv~ neCessary in • smaU ''The Last Days Of Pompeii" but Catholic secondary school prin­ garden. The vertical dimension the heat produced would just At Good Samaritan Hospital

r ". , . cipals. ~as a],so gained.through the.uSe about toast. marshmallow. The The Jesuit was ·the fir I t SAN FRANCISCO (NC)'- follow, to help an~ate the of vines, hanging basl!:etIJ and final meal was quite • failure speaker at the July " to ·10 eon­ A young Irish nurse who. went hospital's eritical shortage of IInall trees. as culinary efforts go and thiI ference at Georgetown Univer­ to Selma, Ala., to participate in registered nurses. Plants of note were a Climbing fact along with succeeding one. voting rightlil demonstrations "As an Irish woman I feel I sity sponsored by the National bydrangea which covered .. 10 -resulted in our moving our- kit­ Catholic Educational Association. foot high wall for twenty. feet. cl1en back indoors, boosted b,. last MlU'eh is returning th,ere have a special obligation to go. His topic will be: "Is, the School to work at Good Samaritan The Irish should have a sense '!'he hyhrangea was not .blos.som- loud cheers from Joe. who' never Hospital, '\y"here injured d~moli~ of justice for others. We had to Overorganized?" Ing while we were there, but we did enjoy e;tting outdoors. Father C. Albert Koob, O. fight for our own independence ~ere told that it was truly apecThe following recipe 18 for atrators were treated. "All of us who went would and survival, so we can't be Praem., of the NCEA's Second­ tacular when in bloom. This one the majority who do cook out­ ary School Department, direc­ was particularly large and was doors successfully. I confess. I do like to return to Selma" said smug now. We have the respon­ tor .of the workshop, saId· 368 Mar y Connaughton f~r the sibility of l)elping other people estimated as being at least 50' this one in ~e oven. Catholic educators will attend. past three years a le~der of the get their rights. J'ears old. In one garden there were two Limed-Glazed Rock Cornish Catholic Interracial Council of "I came to this country and Diocesan' Nurses San Francisco. "I'm going for live where I choose, if I espaliered apple trees which Game Hens The eighth annual Open House 'Were only two years olt!. These 4 Rock Cornish game hens or all of us. I have qualifications can afford it, and go where I choose without being a citizen. for members and 'friends of the were shaped in the form of can- small chickens, 1 to 1:IM lbs. each . that are needed and no partic­ ular commitments here." But there are people who are Fall River Diocesan Council of delabra and tied to a wooden lh cup butter melted fp.nce. In several cases flowering 2 tablespoons brown sugar She hopes other . nurses will American citizens of a different Catholic Nurses will be held color who can't do this. This is Saturday afternoon, July 17, at dogwood was used very effec3 tablespoons lime juice a great injustice." the Summer home of Mr. and tively to fill a sunny corner and 2 teaspoons soy sauce these slight trees were perfect 2 teaspoons salt. Mother Miriam Heads Born in Galway and reared Mrs. Francis P. McCabe, 23 Pil­ for the small gardens. L Thaw Rock Cornish game in Roscommon, Ireland, Miss grim Terrace, Rexhame Beach, There were fountains in al- hens according to directions on Medical Mission Nuns Conriaughton became interested Marshfield. A barbecue will be served at most every garden and the quiet the package. These tiny, delici­ PHILADELPHIA (NC)-8is­ in the plight of Southern Ne­ trickle of water made the day ous birds are found in the frozen ter Miriam Hoover has been groes when the Little Rock; Ark.. 5 o'clock. The proceeds from the affair appointed provincial of the school iIitegration battle made seem 10 degress cooler than it food section of your market. will be added to the Mary E. Mc­ ~as·. These were truly pretty 2. Mix together melted butter, American Province of Medical headlines in Ireland. Cabe Nursing Scholarship Fund. little gardens flouishing under sugar, lime iuice and soy sauce. Mission Sisters. She succeeds dificult conditions. 3. Clean hens, rinse and pat Mother M. Benedict Young. Catholic Nurses In The Kitchen dry. Brush cavities with some of .The former· Miriam Hoover "'Backyard Barbecue Bonanza" the sauce. Members of the Fall River of Lousville, Ohio a nursing --Grills For Gourments on the 4. If you have a turning spit education alumna of Marquette Catholic Nurses' Guild will man Go" shout the Summer ads as .' on your grill, insert rod through University, Milwaukee, pioneer­ a first aid station at St. Anne's the Madison. Avenue ad men the hens, pressing tines of hold­ ed the' society's first medical Shrine Sunday, July 25, when COMPANY work overtime' to convince'Us ing fork into breast. Take a center in Latin America. From the feast of St. Anne will be ob­ that our status as the, a.irerage I'!~ce. of cord, about '20 inches 1951 Until 1961, she was admin­ served by hundreds of pi1grims~ American family on verY loD.g. bring it around the bird istrator of Our Lady 'of Coro­ 'Ihe unit. will be in 'ch!U'ge of Complete line

lIhaky foundations unless we and loop around each .wing, ty­ moto Hospital, Maracaibo, V~n';' Mrs.. 'Thomas'Fleming, gUild move our kitchens outdoors. The ,;ing with a slip knot. Leave equal ezuela. presiden.t: Members' a~o plah a B~ildi,ng . husbands of the family seems to ends of the string on each side. garden party Wednesday, Aug. As American proVincial, Moth­ be the chief candidate Jor back- Take a second piece' of cord and . er Miriam is responsiblEi'" for H at the home of Mrs. Francis ·8 SPRING ST., .FAIRHAVEN . ,.ard chef, as' most illuStrations . loop around tail and then around more tlian 400' Sisters stationed Quinn, 'Lakeville. In' charge' of show a handsome virile male crossed legs. Tie very ';tightly to in 22" hospitals : and medical arr~gements are Miss Helen WYman 3-2611 grilling handsome "~riJ:e' steaks .i<'eep bird on spit. Tie the two centers' in Uj;t"anda, Ghana, East Gould and Mis~ Katherine Nash. ~th apparent glee. The little pieces of core! together tightly. ~d West ,Pakistan, India, .Yen": 'Woman in the pictur~}s lo~;- Fasten .rem~ning birds on spit ezuela, . South Vietnam and" the lug gracefully on stu n n i n g in tbe same manner. trriiteil .states. . ' , ' , ..... S hi' h" . 5. B r u s h beps with butter .""ew C 0 arslp :'" mixture. Baste frequently with ST. LOUIS (~C)-A three,- ., b~~ter mb:ture and drippings, if , ., , ATTLEBORcYS ~ar, $1,500 scholarship haS been you are using a drip pan under Leading Garde.... Center made available to the Catholic 6. .A.~?ut. :one. hour. roasting Hospi t~ Association. by the time, .it .coals are good and hot. American Hospital. Supply. Cor- .Test for doneness by moving a poration for the use' of • lay 'leg g e n t I y,. drumstick-thigh student in the St. Louis Univer.. r joints move easily when' hens .. South Main & Wall Sts. sity prograni in hospital admin-" are done. New England's Playground iBtration. The· scholarshipia' :7. For the less adventurous, 2 ROLLER COASTERS - BIG NEW MIDWAY Damed after Foster G. McPaw, oven rt;)asting instructions are AMERICA'S FINEST RIDES - AMUSEMENTS 'CA 2-0234' chairman of the board· of Amer- 'found On packaee ·the birds come Special Group, Rates For Plcnlcs.- Outings lean Hospital Supply. iL

IlUSpected, although I attended college in the Back Bay, that it was possible t<, have gardens :worthy of display sandwiched between the apartment buildlugs which line the streets of BOston. I anticipated seeing a sreat deal of statuary (which was present in some gardens), but was not prepared for the extp.nsive gardening that we did

Returns to











THE ANCHORThurs., July'l5,' 196's

Kentucky Prelate Expects Increase In Converts

Calls Highways Proving Ground For Christians

LEXINGTON (NC)-The founder of the Guild of St. Paul, national organization of converts to Catholicism,

MUNICH (NC) - The archbishop of Munich has

taIled today's highways "a testing ground for human

said here he expects the con­ 'Tersion rate to rise again after its decline of recent years. Msgr. Leonard Nienaber, pas­ responsibility, and a place where tor of Mary, Queen of the Holy men can pro v e themselves Rosary church, said his feeling Christians." .bout the drop-off in convents Julius. Car din a I Doepfner is "one of concern but not anxi­ told a traffic conference in this et.y." German city that Christians "This is God's work and He should accept modern means of can sweep people into the transportation as a "gift of God." Church when He wants to," "There is food for thought." M::.gr. Nienaber said in an inter­ he said, "in the fact that 60 per ,·iew. But he added that Catho­ cent to 70 per cent of traffic lics in general have not been accidents are the driver's fault. "putting forth the effort" requir­ In modern driving people have a ed for success in convert work. fascinating opportunity' to put The 1965 Official Cat hoI i e their Christian faith and morals Directory, published by P. .J. into practice." n..enedy and Sons, gave the num­ The cardinal cited disrespect 1:.er of U.S. converts to Catho­ for the rights of others and for licism in the past year as 126,209, the Christian commandment of an increase of some 2,200 over charity as the main causes of the previous year. However, in· traffic accidents. He called upon 1955 the number of converts all motorists to look upon them­ w~s more than 139,000, even selves as members of a group though the total of U.S. Catho­ in which everyone is "a man for lics was only 33 milion compar­ tithers." ed with the current 45 milion. Msgr. Nienaber organized the Guild of St. Paul in 1942 and has specialized in convert work. The guild's motto, "Don't just make converts-Keep them!" under­ lines its function as a follow-up CANBERRA (NC)-A plan te organization to help new Catha. :put Catholic residential c.olleges lics adjust to Catholic life. tin the campus of the Australian He declined to attribute the National University may soon be decline in converts to the grow­ a reality. ing ecumenical spirit and said The university's request of there are "many reasons" for the Department of the. Interior . the phenomenon. Among those for additional land has been . which have been suggested, he granted. The university wants .. ::laid, are "ap3thy" on the part to use the land for three colleges, of Catholics, a contemporary tine Protestant and two Catholic. "lack of spirituality'" and the The Dominican order has in­ failure of the Church to speak formed the university of its '''with authority." willingness to. take charge of a Msgr. Nienaber said the 200-'student Catholic men's col­ Church should be willing to ac­ STUDIES STONE CUTTING: Summer School is the order of the day for thousands lege. They propose to call it cept a decline in the number of Pope John XXIII college, and of teaching nuns. Shown here, Sister Mary Liliosa Shea, C.S.C., of Manchester, N.H., has converts if that is in fact to told university officials that it included a course in the art of stone carving among her studies at the Catholic University be the price of ecumenism. But would "contribute to the Au­ he also predicted that there of America, Washington, D.C. NC Photo. stralian scene genuine univer­ W 0 u 1d be a "resurgence oi sity objectivity, autonomy and people joining the Church." love of truth, and that in an "I think this will come before atmosphere of t ole ran c e it ~uy un ion of churches." he should foster a Christian mind ~tated. . WASHINGTON (NC) pines. "Americans are tremen­ is rare even for a Bishop. "I and respect for Christian val.,. He said Catholics .are begin­ A Philippine Bishop, who says dously popular in our country," can promise American lay mis­ ues." ning to come into more active Meanwhile the Ursuline order he adopted the idea from the he said, "and Iurthemore all of sioners a similar experience cc,ntact with their neighbors and Peace Corps, wants young Amer­ · our people want to learn and of gratitude," he asserted. announced interest. in establish­ predicted that this would "pay ing a residential college for ican!! to teach in his diocesan · perfect the English lanuage." The prelate, who is also Sec-" off" in the conversion field. schools. Great 'Experience Catholic women along the same . retary General of the Philippine . Bishop Mari;mo Gaviola of lines as the men's college. He said some Peace Corps Bishops' Catholic Welfare Or­ Cabanatuan admitted the tre­ workers have been made hon­ ganization, said that other mem­ mendous success of the Peace orary citizens of Philippine bers of his country's hierarchy Corps in the Philippines prompt- municipalities, an honor which share his desire for American , ed him to seek American lay lay help.. "We will pay their help for his diocese in which transportation, if' they . wish, and a salary too-of course' it ST.. LOUIS (Me)-The' :i~~eO:~at~oli::~s'ts for half a . will be based on' a Phflippine :. $0. Dartmouth : Louis Archdiocesan Council· of . .. teacher's 'salary scale." Catholic men has completely . Preserve . Faith and Hyannis • re"ised it's constitution to achi-' ~'Of course, .m,any of them BRIDGEPORT (NC) - The Bishop Gaviola said that the • . • are .only' noininaI "Catholics," · Diocese of Bridgeport has agreed missioners . would 'be housed eve a Jmo~ inf~>rmal and flexi- observed ·Bishop. GaViola, !'but .50. • Dartmouth WY 7·9314. ble organ~zationai structure.. I really" can't blame them' for · to staff· a new mission parish with' some of the fine'st Catholic in Remanso, Brazil. • • families in' the . Philippines: One major change is to involve ,th~t-our.siJp~ly .train.ed per­ '. . Hyannis 2921 • : "Thei:rswill be a great human l"atherJoseph D. Potter; dio:priests directly in the> council's sonnel is so small. But as· the . .. '.. . experience." he pl'omisfild. . · cesan director of the Confra­ work for the first time by only Catholic country' in . the raising priest-moderators to the Orient, the Philippines has been ternity of Christian Doctrine, status of directors.' The new showplace for' Christi~nity. will be the parish pastor with board of directors will have 23 . If it is lost the cost' will be Father Edward J. McCall, prin­ ciRal o~ Stamford Cat hoi i e . .. .. . . . laymen and 1~. priests. ' . great,for it is often 'more' dif­ . With the approval of Joseph . ficult to re-Christianize- a 'coun­ . High Sc~ool, as _assist~nt. The WITHOUT TRAFFIC & PARKING PROBLEMS Cardinal Ritter of. St. .Louis, try than .to .evangelize it· the Connecticut 'diocese also staffs · a mission parish in Santa CruZ, .' . ~~e . . .' ·the board 'of directors also did first tinie!' Peru. .. away .with the committee and . Bishop Gaviola believes that· . ' . . ... district sYl'tem used in the past. Americans can play an importSOMERSET, MASS. The board also decided to ant role in preventing t}te de-:­ ~rop a formal "affiliates" an.d .. Christianization of the Philip­ 10 .cooperate with any .group ill The' "lost friendly, democratic .BANK offering .. 427 Second. St. Cor. Morgan

.any parish whether iUs formally erganized' or not.. Ed. McGinn, Prop.

.·C"mple~~ B~nlc;n,i WASHINGTON (NC) ........ The

Abandoned as well was a' OLIVETTI

. Club, Accounts. ,..... ' Auto Loans National Catholic ·Educational IIIan whIch established man­ . C~I~~lat~~r::Ad~ing & Ace't.,

dated programs 'at ·the archdio­ Association said here that 70,751 Checking ACEounts . - Business Loan. Machines

eesan level whIch were then .foreign students were enr,olled in ·-Savings ,AcEounts' . Real Estate loans . Catholic colleges and universities 10 be carried out by ·laymen We Do Duplicating

. -AiS~in~et Slioppin. A",a~lrig"""an St.: .~idge in the distric~'and parish organi.. last school year·. Ail 11 per cent '. Tel. zations. Most programs will now ~ncrease for· the third y~ar,' in . Member Federal Deposit Insurance' CorporatioFl 679·6712,675.7806 .7807 .".' , . ,row., " .be initiated in tbe P3'ri~~es•..

Catholic Colleges On Campus

Peace Corps Inspires Appeal for Teachers

••••••••••••••••••• :• J B :• : LUMBER CO.: •• • ••• • •• •• • •

Mens Council Format. Changed ·in St. Louis

Bridgeport Diocese Staffs Brazil. Parish


....r•••••••••••·• •••••'.





Tri-City ORiee' Equip.

Foreign Students



~-~. Suggests

TfiE A""CHOR:- , Thurs., July 15, 1965

Nuns Updote, to M'eet Modern Needs


Sees Advantages' In Development Of Family Life

SOUTH ORANGE (NC)­ Change is necessary if Sis­ ters are to be relevant in the modern world, an advocate of aggiornamento in the convent said here in New Jersey. Sister Mary Luke, president of the Conference of Major Su­ periors of Women Religious and an auditor at the Vatican coun­ cil, urged Sisters to be more ecumenical in their activities, find ways to contribute to the solution of current problems, and alter convent schedules to meet modern needs. Slle spoke at the Institute for International Service sponsored by the Association for Interna­ tional Development, lay mis­ sion-sending group, at Seton Hall University. She cautioned her audience "never to underestimate the power of a woman---even if she's dressed in mpdieval garb." Dialogue With Laity But while she urged Sisters to adapt their clothing to "the time and place and needs of apostolic work," she stressed that the need for change in dress is not as important as the need for change in other areas. Stressing the need for dialo­ gue with the laity, Sister Mary Luke noted that "sometimes Re­ ligiousdon't know the facts of life economically because we lire Uving in institutions." Failure to understand the eco­ nomic pressures on families can create problems in lay:'Religious relationships~,'she said.

Pope Addresses NATO Officers

VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope Paul VI expressed con­ cern with the development of modern family life but said

HERE TO SEE HOW cen 'PROGRAM WORKS: Tw~ p~'iests, frem northern Italy are in the United States fur three' 'months to study the Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine program, to see how it'can be employed in Italy. Msgr. ~ario Sas~atelli, left, of .the archdiocese of Bologna and Father Luigi Giussani, right, of the archdiocese of MIlan are shown with Archbishop Robert E. Lucey of San Antonio, Texas, who invited them to ,this country. 'Ne Photo.

Pa'mphlet .Tells of Vikings on Cape Cod ,Bishop Thorlak Runolfson, consecrated in Iceland in 1118" "who had the audacity to be descended from an American ancestor long before Columbus had a chance to show hini the way" is the subject Of a pamphlet by P.aul E. Remlinger and is of interest to members of, the Fall. River 'Diocese because his "American ancestor" was born on the Vinland Pro m 0 n tor y of , ' . a ,prominent Icelandic family, 'found the Cape Cod Promontory North America, now known: Thorfin Man _ of _ Destiny (or ""jthout difficulty. as' Cap~ C04· His s~ory, as Karlsefni) He could claim deWonderstrand told' by. Remlinger, begins scent from King O'Car)."oU of "As the party sailed ,southward

with the explorations 'of Leif Ericson about the year 1000. VATICAN CITY (NV)-Pope Paul VI told a group of NATO. Ericson, sailing' south fro~, military men and their families Greenland, "landed on a mar-, that it is part of his apostolic ginal, uninhabited promontory office to educate souls in the area where he Wintered and did­ love and practice of peace and . some over-cautious exploring. 'ille reported a warm, snow­ liberty. , " "We labor with all our might," less Winter with long hours of he said, "to secure true peace daylight-conditions found only and liberty' for all men. That on southern Cape Cod in the is part of our apostolic office, Dennisport-Hyanni!lPort a I' e a, especially since it is above all and a great profusion of wild a work of a spiritual character: grapes as can be found only in to educate souls in the love and areas" bordering on Nantucket practice of peace and liberty. Sound, as is testified to by sun­ This evidently cannot be done dry explorers. with external force." "On Leif's return to Green­ His audience con sis ted of land, his brother Thorwald, w!:to participants in the 27th course insisted that the' new lands had of the NA'TO College of Defense. not been sufficiently explored, He 'told those present represent­ obtained the use' of Leif's ship ing 15 nations, he was happy and sailed on to Leif's Vinland. to welcome them and wish them While exploring in an area north well in their activity since, as .of Vinland Promontory, he met their name indicated, they were his death resisting an attack of not at a school ,of 'war or 'agres­ hostile natives with a great fleet sion but at one of defense. , of war canoes. "And the aims y()u propose to "A year later,' Thurstan, an­ defend are among the most pre­ other brother, burning with en­ cious existing in the world: li­ thusiasm ,over reports about the berty and peace," he said. He, new discoveJi,es, set out on an told the NATO group that pc;>li­ ill-advised. honeymoon voyage tical or military' means used for Vinland with his bride for this purpose are outside his Gudrid-the-Fair: . The voyage competence, but .lie is in com­ met with failure from the start. plete accord with the achieve" Their ship was tossed about on ment of such aims. the ocean for weeks on end, till towards the end of Autumn ,it was'iinally'driveidar' up Green": land's west coaSt; where the ex­ ·hausted party ,took refuge in a VATICAN CITY (NC) - The, fiord to spend the Winter amid" Congregation' of 'Rites has met 'hunger and pestilence. One by here to' investigate ]he, heroic one all of the crew died and j Quality of virtues of Bishop Vital finally, Gudrid's skipper himself, Justin Grandin, first' Ordinary ihus thoroughly.. thwarting· for .,f ,the diocese of St - Albert, now Gudrid a once, prospectively the archdiocese, of . Edmonton, ·happy· honeymoon.· ,PermallelltCape Colon,­ Alberta, Canada. The invest'igation is a formal­ "On 'Gudrid's 'return to the ity which is the overture to main colony the :following Sum­ declaring a pel'SOn ','venerable" mer; three richly4aden merchant ,and setting· him· on .the .road ships- put into'pott'1o 'batter for, toward canonization.~ G~e.nland products' 'and, spenc;1 ,The cOngrt!gation's ,meeting' ,the Winter.. The flag ,ship was in .1so studied the virtues of Father, com man d" 'of" a, handsome,

Rites Congregation Studies Virtues' '

.Ado~l?~ P~~i~~ i~,~.~l~ap, o!e~ui~

,wealt~y, ~.a-f~uh1',;gl~I:c~l!.qt of

he saw advantages in many of the innovations being made in it. The Pope was speaking to par­ ticipants' in the International Conference on the Family who ,"ere present at his weekly gen­ eral audience. Twenty-eight na­ tirms sent delegates to the Rome conference. "In a world in complete trans­ formation," the Pope said, "it would be useless to close one's eyes to changes which are taking place even in the most stable :md most traditional institutions. No matter how great were the merits of yesterday's family, it is the family of today and tomor­ row which demand the attention of men who truly desire the good of humanity. Positive Aspects "These 'new families' are cha­ }':'<cterized by many new aspects which can give rise in some to legitimate preoccupations. But­ ;;nd we say it without fear-the Church happily finds positive aspects in many of these inno­ vations: the cessation, for ex­ ample, of some social and do­ mestic restrictions, more free and conscious choice of marriage partners, greater care in the for­ mation of the spouses; a more lively interest in the education f}f children, and many other as­ reets too numerous to list singly which are being or W'ill be stu­ ~ied by the specialists whom yO\! haVe invited to speak during ;your eO,nf~J:ence.. . "It is our. desire that from , ~ our deliberations there may ~.rise a stronger desire to influ­ t:nce public opinion and the authorities in 'each of your coun­ tries with 'thp. purpose of inclu­ ding, in the various laws that are PISSed, dispositions always more favorable to this essential and fuhdamental cell which is the family."

Dutrlin and Osory;from Halfdan 'along its eastern limb, all were Whiteleg, King of 'the Norway' in admiration of, the long Highlanders, as well as from a straight beach such as would whole raft of European royalty 'ha've been most extraordinary in and nobility. ' I c e l a n d . They dubbed this daz­ "This gallant merchant prince zIfng stretch of seashore 'WON-' ....as soon attracted to Leif's wid­ DERSTRAND'. Our own coun­ owed sister-in-law, Gudrid, who trymen have more, recently was declared to be 'the most placed the same under the Fed'" beautiful of her sex, highly era1 Government under the title gifted, and in every respect a of 'Cape Cod National Seashore.' very superior person'. A wed­ "A settlement was soon accom­ dihg, never to 'be forgotten fol­ plished on the south shore and lowed the long extended Christ­ it was to prosper for three full mas festivities. It was only then years without'difficulty amid the WEST DE PERE (NC)-Fa­ that the menfolk got their heads bounty nature provided. During ther James M. Darby, S.M., of together and. started planning the first Autumn Gudrid was Dayton, Ohio, was reelected the further development of Vin­ blessed with the birth of a son, president of the Conference of land. who was given the ~hildish pet Major Superiors of M;en (eMS "Three shiploads o~settlers set name of Snorre (Sound Sleeper). M) at the group's' annual meet-, ing here in Wisconsin. out the following Summer in a, This child, born in such extra­ serious' attempt to establish a ordinary circumstances, was to permanent colony on the attrac­ become the renowned ancestor tive Vinland Promontory. From of bishops, presidents of Ice­ previous, descriptions and from land, university professors, min­ first hlind pilot experience of isters of state, the celebrated several of, the' crew on the pre­ : sculptor, Thorwaldsen, and con­ vious VOyages, the little fleet temporary American a I' tis t , , Emile .Walters of Poughkeepsie, New York. More immediately, .' he became the grandfather of . ,one of" Iceland's most extra­ SYDNEY (NC)-'-A noted Jap­ ordinary churchmen, B ish 0 p ' anese artist has authorized an'.,' Thorlak, who ruled the diocese' . exhibition in Sydney of his -Wood ' of South Iceland from i118 A.D. falmouth NotiolKJI 8~ prints to help an, Australian to 1133 AD., as well as the great' Falmouth, Mass.

Marist mission. grandfather of Bishops Biorn .; tile Yillar' Creell 1I11e1 1121

IGyoshi Saito loaned the ~nd Brand." 'prih$!' to . l,\I!;irist ,missionary ,~~~OCllOC)OC)'C"Cc~:)oOCIOC)oOCiOC)04I)OOClOCX)(XllOC)QOOOC:Kl4)o~ Father Anthony Glynn when he . learned of the prl'est's desire to 'bri~g Japartese art to Australia. ' The' exhibit will benefit the Marist mission in Nara, Saito:s INC. "ho~e 'city in Japan.

Reelected President

Japanese Exhibition To Benefit Mission'



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., July 15, 1965

'Father, Forgive

'Making'" o'f' the P·resident' Review of 1964 Election

&ration, and greater attention considerations. In any case, this is reporting in g rea t e r depth. Not that that s h 0 u I d scare off anyone of m 0 r e than rudimentary i n tell i,gence. This is an even more .. 'f a sci nat i n g work than its .. _ predecessor. It begins with an 'account of the death and funeral of John -F. Kennedy, a pinpointing of what Kennedy's administration did for, and meant to, the country. Kennedy, says Mr. White, was, above all, a man of reason and succeeded in bringing the nation to a new understanding of its own times, in' persuading it to face its problernS and its future realistically and without dismay. ' Suddenly he was gone, and Lyndon Johnson was thrust'into his place. Johnson was, of course, a, very different sort of mlin. But he' came to' the presidency better prepared than anyone who had assumed it in like elrcumstances. Kennedy had given hi$ VicePresident more 'information, more responsibility, and more participation in the supreme task than' had any previous President. Ready for the job, and at his best when under a heavy burden, Johnson provided a dazzling display of leadership, knowledgableness, ' 'and 'effi" eiency right from the start. Great Change . An election loomed in the near future. Johnson would, inevitably, be the De moe rat i e nominee, and would want, in th~ short interval, -to project his own image and make his own record. He did this by taking over the Kennedy program practically in toto, but he exhibited his own high order of skill in getting the measures through the Congress, where they had long been .. stuck. If, as Mr. White says, Kennedy had found that "the domestic enemy was all the congealed past, all the native reluctances em bod i e d in the Congress," Johnson knew how to overcoJlle these r~lutances in one after another concrete infiance., " ,'It is Mr. White's opinion that a great change occurred in Lyndon Johnson once he was in the presidency. He· ;was' a : Texas liberal;, schooled, in 'the N'ew Deat, familiar with poverty an<l.disadvantage, and a believer iii .the' ability of law to effect better conditions for 'people and =eneralsochll -Improvement. ; c; '.' Republican _Primaries., .. : But real viSion came to him oniy aft~r: he ascended the 'uIt!mate peak. And that' viSion; 'of the' Great Society· is, in" rwtr. White's judgment", 'not'simply cornball stuff but something . genuine, incisive, and "pOwerful. The president has moved from the. politics of means' to the politics, of ends. The whole book, naturally, is not devoted to this kin4iof theoretical analysis. If abounds b1 the rough~~d-tumbleof pol-


the primaries in New Hampshire, Oregon, and California, and shows how the fortunes of the principal contenders were af­ fected thereby.

But these primaries were not

nearly so decisive as might ap­ pear to the casual observer. Bar r y Goldwater's prospects

seemed to plummet in New

Hampshire, revive slightly in

Oregon, and skyrocket in California. Reluctant Candidate Goldwater was, in many re- IIpects, a reluctant candidate. He was passionately convinced that America was on the wrong track altogether, abandoning its anci­ ent verities and imperilling its precious freedom. He wanted something done about this. But Whether or not that would in­ volve his trying for the presi­ dency, he was never consistently sure. ­ The so-called conservative movement preceded Goldwater, and its organization had been 'going on for three years before Goldwater was invested with its leadership. The man did not make the movement; the movement sought, the man. It involved extremists, undeniably, "but toward the center it involved hundreds of thousands of intenselY moral people who hated and despised not only adultery but Communism, waste, weakness, government bureaucracy, and anarchy." . Convention Pictures· The two conventions are brilliantly depieted. Mr. White has a sure hand in separating the significant from the insignificant and laying hold on what is essential. All the confusion of these gatherings is conveyed, and the surface drama is recreated. But none of this is allowed to conceal the decisive moves and the central meaning. So, too, with the respective campaigns. Mr. White spent much time on the trail with each of the candidates, and seems to have had an opportunity to see each not only in public but also at close quarters. He, therefore, has much original material to offer, as well as assessments based on immediate observation. Negro Revolution But he did not keep his eyes exclusively on the politicking. He also watched the background against which it was set. PrOminent in this is what he calls the Negro Revolution of 1964. To that he gives,some' 50 pages,

packed with grlq>hic incident

and rich in shrewd examination. I~ is just here, in presenting the

setting in depth' and with un­ common insight, that Mr;· White's second, book on presidential campaigns surpasses his first.. ' This' book is no' mere ent£rtainment, although _vastly en­ tertaining. It is no ,mere manual of practical politics, although it supplies, a whole education in that field. It is a, hard ,look at ~ei.;:a, the American' dilemma and op­ portunity in the seventh. decade 'of the twentieth century, and a' history of two radically. different approaches to the. problem as expressed by two radically dif':' ferent men and mentalities in a presidential elee:tion campaign.




God Love You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. The Little Flower, having heard of a condemned man in Paris who refused to become reconciled to the Church before his death, undertook heavy penances and prayers. Just before the knife of the _guillotine fell, the condemned man asked to be received into the Church. A similar incident has just come to light in the Missions. A Vietcong terrorist of Vietnam was found guilty of subversive activities and sentenced to death. At the time of his arrest he was carrying hand grenades, mines and an order from CommuniSt superiors. The Legion of Mary, having heard of the death sentence, _began praying for the conversion of the condemned prisoner. Dur­ ing his trial the youth had declared that, being a Communist, he had no religion. The court, to show partiality, asked him if he wished to receive any consolation before death from either a Buddhist bonze or a Catholic priest. "J; choose the priest," the condemned youth answered.

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy A remarkably good account of the very close 1960 election was given in Theodore White's The Making of the President-1960. Mr. White has now produced an even better book, The Making of the President-1964 (Atheneum. $6.95) concerning last year's itics. And this is nowhere better walkaway. The improvement seen than in the review of the is probably due to -experi- Republican primaries. Mr. White ence, a longer period of prep- goes into great detail concerning to philosophical and sociological


JUBILARIAN: Rev. Die­ udonne Ma~se, O.F.M. a Fall River native, celebrated his golden jubilee of his religi­ ous life as he offered a Mass of Thanksgiving in his home parish, Notre Dame, Fall River. Serving as curate in Quebec Province, he is a brother of the late Rev.. Al­ bert and Rev. Roland Masse.

Mary's Place Continued from Page One iniraculous as unscientific and to reject, all but the religiously . pragmatic in the Biblical rev,e­ lations." Their severe view of Mario­ logy is not surprising, he contin­ ued ,since from their viewpoint the question of Mary's divine motherhood does not exist, For them Christ is not God, but ra­ ther "God is revealed in Hia Christ," he said. But even more orthodox and conservative Protestants, with &:>me exceptions, are not prepar­ (;d to concede anything to Mary, he declared. The theologian said that, despite the adverse judgments of leading Protestants, Pope John XXIII ip 1960 viewed the mo­ dern development of "Mariology Gnd Marian piety" as a way to Unity. "What are we to say of Pope John's optimistic statement?" he asked. it would be a mistake, he said, to conclude that Protestant con­ sideration of Mary is completely and universally negative. He said recent Protestant wri­ tmg about Mary is far removed

in tone and content "from the

sharp and bitter diatribes of

even a decal1E' ago,"He noted that

Max Thurian, who described

Mariology as an "a go n i z in g

problem," has nevertheless made

a "positive contribution to Mari­

.ological dialogue" through his

book "Mary, Mother of All


That Is how a Catholic priest rode In a prison VlUl witll a Communist terrorist. All the way to the place of execution in , the Saigon central market he spoke to

the young man, tellin&" him consoling

truth'J about death. It is interestin&' that

the other Communist prisoners, who

stood with bandaged eyes' tied to a

stake in from of sandbags; all shouted

abuse before they were shot. But this

youth met death calmly in full assurance of forgivenes~ Once again Calvary was re-enacted as some condemned men

behaved like the thief on the left, while

this young convert chose the way ,of


If the spiritual outpourings of the members of the Legion of Mary converted a Communist murderer, then how many more good and holy people in Africa and Asia would be brought to the loving embrace of the Cross, if we but joined in the words of Our Lord: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do"? If you wish to add a dime or more to your prayers, to translate intercession into action, think of this. There is no alms-giving comparable to aiding the Missions. Why? ·1.- It spreads the faith in gratitude for your gift of faith. 2. It aids 'the poor in whom Christ lives and, therefore; the Lord Himself' will rewar~ you. 3. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith makes no investments; bUy.8 no real estate nor stocks or bonds with the alms which enter into the Holy Father. treasury. You might remember the Society in your Will. But until then, send us a sacrifice every month. God-·Love Youl


GOD LOVE YOU to Mrs~ S.~ lor "I am not ~ndinc tills money for a few (unnecessary) bathing suit because I ha..... been thinking of how many necessities It can buy for the poor." to Anon. of Corpus ChrisU. Texas for $400" • • • some of what God has dven to ine, to help those to whom He has dven much less of this world's goods. u'. • .' to M.E.R. for $1,500 "I have never done· anything -to spread the faith that means 80 'much to me. I want this to help train a native priest to do it for me."­ The color of each of the WORLD MISSION ROSARY'S decades symbolizes one of the five continents of the world where mission­ aries are laboring to bring souls to Christ. Those of you who cannot go to the Missions can strengthen those who work in your place by praying for them. To receive the WORLD MISSION ROSARY Which has been blessed by Bishop Sheen, send your request and an offering of $2 to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001. ' Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366.Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10001, or to your Diocesan Director, Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Con­ 4lidine, 368 North Main Street" Fall River, Massachusetts.


Audience Secretcirj

Receives Medal

ROME (NC)-':'A wo:man ,w.h~ has helped hundreds of thou­

sands I)f Americanl1. get' ~to

papal, atidie~ces :was honored

here with the Pro Eccles~a 6t

Pontifice medal. ' Miss Eleanor Caddel, who has

been secretary at the National

Catholic Welfare Conference

papal audience ,office for 16

years, was cited' for' "outstand­

ing, faithful and long service."

The presentation was made by

Bishop Francis Reh, rector of

the Nortb American College,;

during a reception the col­ lege's ,graduate house, where

the audience office ia located.'


Maclean's Sea Foods ~








.BISAI~LON~S GARAGE 24-Ho'ur Wrecker Service 653 Washington Street, Fafrhaven WYman 4-5058 ••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• ~ ••••• _•••••• ~~ •••••••• i~~

,',Jesuit Favon 'High "Schools

,~ "~HOR~ ," .. ','-13 ,}hurl., July 15, ,1965 "

Over Inadequate Colleges

Ontario Rectors

Report Increase

• ,In Dropouts

WASIDNGTON (NC) -The Med for good Catholie 80 great that money and manpower should be diverted from the college level to build them up, a promi- ' nent Jesuit educator said heN.,And if closing some colleges is necesSary, that should be done, said F'ather Neil G.' iea's Catholic high schools now McClusky, S. J.,' academic require admission tests and over per cent charge tuition. Very ,vice president of the Gonzaga 80 quietly the principle seems to be lrigh schools is

'University, Spokane, Wash. Of cutting back Catholic col­ , lege effort, Father McCluskey laid: "I am referring to the many second-rate institutions whose future as solid four year colleges is extremely doubtful. Dozens of them should revert to junior col­ lege status. Many others should be changed over and allowed to bee 0 m e first-rate secondary schooJ&" "The proliferation of Catholic eolleges, ..specially for women, has been the bewilderment of. the academie community," be said. "Without endowment, without adequately trained faculty, with­ out laboratory facilities and H­ brary , holdings, without clear academic goals, a number 01. these institutions have bravely established themselves during the past 30 years. inspired by lome vague apostolic mandate,· he said. "They eondemn themselves. for the most part, to tile Umbo of mediocrity; and in the aca­ demic marketplace they debase the general coinage of. Catholie higher education," he added. ' The Jesuit held that the "most liS n if) can t development" in Catholic high schools is their movement "in a elitist diree-. tion." "Some 88 Per cent of Amer-

Civil Authorities Remove Prelate


THE HAGUE (NC)-BeI'­ Jtard Cardinal Alfrink said that Pope Paul VI "will prob­ ably be confronted with far greater problems than those hill predecessor knew." Cardinal Alfrink spoke at a Mass commemorating the second anniversary of :pope Paul'll eor­ onation. He said: "Everyone who attended thf! coronation of Pope Paul' VI iii Rome got the impression that the Pope did, not experience this ceremony as a great joy or honor, but'aS a heavy burden. "One could obServe that the Pope doubted whether the triple erown could rightly be consider­ ed the symbol of the papal . si H t d JIllson. e accep e the papal erown only becau~e it was. long-standing tradition." "It is clear," CardinaJ Alfrink aded, "that, Pope Paul want8 to be only. a pastor, a shepherd, and the chief bishop among hill brother bishops. It is the un­ fortunate fate of Pope Paul VI that public opinion considen him to be merel:r the succesor of Pope John XXIII. But... Pope Paul will probably be confronted with far greater problems than those his predecessor knew."

BONN (NC)-The vicar capl­ tular of the Lithuani8ll arcb­ diocese of !":aunas, Father Juo­ saP8ll Stankevicius, has been removed from office for reasonS , of "age and condition of health." According to KNA, GerinaJl' Catholic news agency, govern­ ment authorities were respon­ sible for the removal of Father Stankevicius. His successor is Father Juozapas MatulaitisLabukas. Father Stankevicius attended the first two sessions of Vatican Council II as a council expert. When he was unable to go to Rome for the third session last Fall, it was presumed he had fallen into bad favor with the Soviet authorities. '• to The Church is having great difficulty administering to 2.3 :MADRID (NC)-Pope Paul JDl'llion Catholics in Lithuania, fi VI WI'11 be t herst priest to the only predoml'nantly Cath­ te M ass with a chalice olic area in the U.S:S.R. Three eeI e b.raed b 1'500 t· ~ of the four Lithuanian bishoPil acqmr y, pa lentil VI; are prevented from exercising Madrid'lI. Provincial Hospital ' eh 1 fo r the ho their duties;' Of the, seven Lith­ s pital s ape. unian ecclesiastical t.erritories ...... The chaliee will be presentect ' th P b h ·tal del '-two archdioceses, four dioeese-.'... e ope y a osp! e­ and an independent pre.late-, _ g~ti0:'l, ' ineludips ita ~aplain, J' th J CastUl' • d . a ~r ose only two have properly appoint­ ., 0 ~ ero" ed,, residential bishoftll, 8t a, special:"audllimce .. taM' ..... ... ti ' ~'It ill' ~ ~ 1be pOpe,:' the chalice will· be returned te the hospital',. Ch8peJ.. .



ope irst Use Hospital Chalice

Red Czechs Maintaill ,Guard, Over Sisters

VIENNA. (NC)-Visitoril Fe-" turning to Austria from commu­ nist Czechoslovakia report that a convent of Catholic nUDII in Broumov 111, under strict watch and the, Sisters ' eannot even .tsit their ehurchwithou& • guard. The Sis t e r II manufaeture hosts for an the churches ill Czechoslovakia. According to v1stors, however, only a small number of them are permitted to engage in charitable work. Most are compelled 10 wodE Joni boW'll ill. jae~,~


seminary rectol'S have

reported the dropout rate to

be increasing among candi­


operating that since there is not room for everybody in the Cath­ olic high school, we take the be tt er prepared youngsters whose families can afford to pay the tuition and fees," he said. There are in the nation today, he said, about 2,500 high schools enrolling about 1,095,500 stu­ dents. Yet some of them are small, he said, noting a report that the 12th grade enrollment in 4S per cent of the secondary llChools is less than 38 s~dents. Of high school students, he told the administrators that "the products of your schools more and more will have the responsi­ bility for preserving the values and virtues of Christian morality. They are destined to be a leavell in the mass."

Asserts, Papacy Heavy Burden

Catholic' ,,' ,Teachers , , SUppo~t .,Clea"










TIME-SAVER: Indexing the New Catholic Encyclopedia by computer will s'ave a year's time, according to Sister M. Claudia, I.H.M., index editor, and Father John P. Whalen, managing editor. Pat Heiser, coniputor supervisor, explaine operation of the machine. NC Photo.

C i tee10 n ..... "ears , omp Full-Time Staff of 130 Working Catholic Encyclopedia



WASHING'r ON (NC) - How mation on the Church. The C!Ut­ do you plan a new encyclopedia? turaI' basis ja much wider 1b_ might expect.· ' How do 'you go about putting down' 15 million words, one after The present staff and admift.. another, to make a new Catholic Istrative set-up were established

encyclopedia? Or, to be more , in the Fan of 1962, although'in­

explicit, to make ''The New tensive preparations had beea

Catholic Enr.ycIopedia," which 10nderway long before that tlme.'

will be published in 15 volumes by McGraw-Hill in September; 1966?


Irish to Haft More, Vernacular in Mass

Thie hu been the job of • full-time staff of about 130 per­ DUBLIN (NC) - The, Irish sons who are working in st. hierarchy at a two·day meeting John's Hall at the Catholic Uni­ ,'crsity of America here. The here approved more extensive names of the editors, headed by use of the vernacular in the Bishop William J. McDonald as Mass and decided to send trans­ editor-in-chief and MsgI'. James lations to the Holy See for con­ firmation. A. Magner, associate editor-in­ In addition they sent back chief, fill one column down the ,to their liturgical commission Bide of the Encyclopedia's letter­ head-and the staff fills St. for revision draft texts of the prayer of the faithful and of the John's Hall pretty much to capa­ funeral service. c\ty-and perhaps a bit more. The bishops named Father Authoritative Work l'atherJohn P. Whalen; who Patrick McGoldrick of Derry professor of sacred liturgy at managing editor of the Ency­ Maynooth, the national semin­ elopedia, ealls it "a Catholic en­ ary near here. A Maynooth cyclopedia for an ecumenical alumnus who was ordained ill ' age." Both Father Whalen and 1962, Father McGoldrick is to Dr. Martin R.P. MeGuire, the .enior editor, stress that it is an study at a liturgical institute before taking up hi. profeSBOr­ encyclopedia fQr the intelligent ship. layman. It 18 not for children,. they said. "It ts written in lailgu­ ..ge'that should be intelligible to the average eollegegraduate or­ the eQuivalen~for the intelli­ ,aent , layman!' ONE STOP 'An~theY ,'ai8~ point out' that SHOPPING CENTEI tile, New Catholie Ene,-clopedia " • 'i'elevisloli • Furniture ' 18 n~ exclUllively, for a d u 1 t •• Applianee. .• Grocery Catholics. "It is," the'Y note, ~'aJi' authori~tive, "rork on the Cath­ '.104 Allen Sf:" New Bedford olie Chureh ll1ld, all its as~ctI WYmafl 7·9354 everybody who wan~s inior-'


dates for the priesthood, the

Canadi8ll Register said in a

WIVey story.

, MsgI'. W.B. Kerr, rector of St.

Augustine's seminary in Toron­

to, said that "big salaries are

attractive in today's world. I don't think the boys ean really

ue the future clearly defineeL

In my time as a seminarian,

we were satisified with what we

had. I think students now are

insecure in today's world."

Msgr. A.P. Mahoney, rector of St. Peter's seminary in Lon­ don, laid that ' "40 years ago there was a 30 per cent dropout ill the minor seminaries-toda)' , it is 58 per cent. . "Thill is not alarming. The world has changed. We've gone through two world wars; there itI much temptation in the world today. The young people ani qpestioning evefY.thing. They' think their elders have made a b 1 u n d e r. They are acceptinc nothing without question," MsgI'. Mahoney noted that the

Jlew Regina Mundi College is

Londoll has switched policy ill

view of the changes in today'.


. That seminB!'Y, he laid, will

permit students to Continue their

studies through to eompletioll

even if they decide not to be­

come priests.

Father J. .,.~ Hochban, S._ ~

rector of the Jesuit Fathers' :He­

~s College in Toronto, who re­

ported that dropoutS in the final

yean ,of a priest's preparation

at his institution are' rising, said

that one problem has been 8Il

outlet for the young men's apo..

Rolie energi~.

"Young men who enter sernt­

Ilaries are basically very good,

idealistic men," he laid. "la

IIeminaries, they, have no oppor­

tunity to release pent-up aposto­

lic zeal so we give them outside

l!ssignments. They teach cate­

chism in the poorer parishes,

work in the Catholic Informa­

tion Center and conduct general

social worko"


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LONDOK (NC)-The Catho.. De Teac:hen lI'ederatlcin has, pledged its support for Britian'. current "clt>an-Up TV" campaign. ­ A' spokesman for the federa-' tlon, whieh • sending copies of a i>eti'tioD tor parliamentary action to all Catholie IlChools in England, said: ''It is our duty to support these people whose aim is identieal with our OWD: ' the protec:tioll 01. lOW18 people






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ANCHOR-.Diocese .1965 . THE ',. . '.' . .:,'... ' . .of.Fan.,'River::":l'hu"lt.",,July,.15, ,'. . .



Latin Church Shown Active In Social Action Programs From "The Church in the New Latin America"

Edited by John J. Considine, M.M.··

Manifesting the Church's new role in the Latin Ameri­

ean temporal order are an impressive array of social action

programs, promoting and implementing structural reforms

that have arisen in the past decade with strong acceleration

of spread and competence in

on the social injustices the past two years. Some of tion which are very near to a com­ this advance is due to re­ mon heritage of alt" these coun­ sources from outside, as tries. through the Papal Volunteers of A layman who has played a the Church in the United States major role in the· social action program in Chile is Dr. Sergio

and Catholic Ossa Pretot, Director of the

Relief Services,

Chilean Institute for Develop­

NCWC, in the

ment. Dr. Ossa has worked

social welfare

closely on socio-economic mat­

and r'elated

ters with Cardinal Silva of San­

fields. G rea t

tiago. He has been associated

credit must go

with the remarkable group of


clergy and laity who have pre­


,pared the effective studies on

the German

Latin America's social problems

bishops' develop­

that have captured a leading

ment programs.

VOCATION CITATION: Mr. and Mrs. George Price (if Baltimore received the place for the Catholic Church in li'ordham University vocation citation from Father John· F. Gilson, S.J., as five of their The German

this field in Chile and through­

Catholics have

out the continent. Dr. Ossa has children in religi,ous orde!'9 looked on. Left to right: Sister· Mary Josefa, O.S.P., Sister concentrated their generous re­ supplied much of the material Mary Benedicta O.S.P., Sls~er Mary Georgette, O.S.P., Sistf'!r Mary Patrice, O.S.P., 'and sources of more than eight mil­ following. '

lion dollars on setting up na­ Brother Eugene Price, S.S.J. Mr. and Mrs. Price have seven other children. (NCPho~os) We know the Church in Latin

tional systems of technical train­ ing and .leader formation, by America today for its keen

awareness of the monstrous eco­

underwriting the programs pre­ pared by professional centers nomic unbalance under which . . such as DESAL. DESAL and its great numbers of its members national affiliates like the live. The Church, "mother and teacher," cannot be silent on Chilean Institute of Develop­ ment, directed by Senor Ossa, such matters. We are proud of LONDON (NC)-The Catholic this country and its mission cen­ strangely unreal rei i g i ;, u s . also render valued assistance to the Latin American bishops for Chu.rch put itself on public show ters oversC!lS But It was also an themes of the various stands; the these social action systems in this stand. in London as it has never done open invibtion to non-Catholics nuns and priests ~nd monks in obtaining donations· and loans NoS ocial Sense . before, with an estimated 200,000 and to C~tholics not very sure often unrocognizable dress" the from governments, foundations, about things to see something ·of" background music, was dramatic But is was not always so. people turning out to see it. industry and labor. It hired a huge indoor stadium the inside work of the Church, . enough. Bishops at the turn of the cen­ Attention should be given to tury did not hold the views of and filled it with its wares fot to understand and to learn. . John Cardin·al Heenan told the the radio education movement, their successors today. all to see without obligation. For a Catholic just to witness 4,500 at the opening ceremony Accion Cultural Popular, pio': For 12 hours a day. for eight the swirling s<;ene with the of what he called "a great ..ad­ It seems useful to quote some neered by Msgr. Salcedo of Co­ venture" that "no one knows paragraphs from a document in days nearly 150 Catholic orders lombia and now spread into ten which Dr. Casanova, Archbishop and congregations as well as where it end * • .But this is other countries, and to the rural of Santiago, Chile, spoke.in 1891 secular grClUpS and lay societies fairly certain. Boys and girls and labor movement in North­ took over the maSsive EarIS who have not now seriously' of the "social problem," in ref­ east Brazil, Servicio de Asisten­ thought of being priests or· Re­ erence to "Rerum Novarum,". the Court aInphitheater, eacl. adver­ cia Rural, to Father McLellan's encyclical of Leo XIII. tising at its own booth or side­ ligious will have changed by the . LA PAZ (NC)-An American pioneer work in credit unions end of the exhibition.:.-something The Archbishop contended show the specialities of its own in Peru, to the housing cooper­ practice. , DOminican urged an audience will have happened to .them. God that the social problem origi­ atives of INVICA, Chile, to the nated in unwillingnesS of - the And Earls Court, home of prize of 30 priests and Brothers from will have spoken to them." Venezuelan Institute of Commu­ poor to accept as normal and fights, poli:ical rallies. and every the United States, Canada and nity Action, to the Mexican and just the social differences be­ sort of large gathering became a Holland to take an active role Schedule Liturgical vast temporary "cathedral" with in community. development pro­ other social action programs. tween the classes. grams. Christian Democracy thousands or visitors, many of Weeks in August "Some superficial minds,• Father Chrysostom H. Ge­ Importance must be given to Archbishop Casanova wrote, "are them non-~atholic. circulating BALTIMORE (NC) Two raetl, O.P., was the main speaker noisily among the attractions the increasing rwe of Christian easily convinced that the provi­ more Liturgical Weeks will be in the first of a series of meet­ radiating round a l:>i.g raised cen­ Democracy as expressed in the dential fact of th,e existence of ings of English-speaking priests held this Summer following the political, labor, managerial, uni­ social differences among men of tral altar. to the La paz archdiocese here first one here in Baltimore. The versity and ciyle arenas by· equal nature is unjust. This The show, backed by thehier­ second will be. in Portland, Ore., Latin American lay movements false belief gives l:>irth to a fatai archy wjth the appropriate title in Bolivia. Aug. 16 to 19, and the third in The Chicago Dominican told acting within the compass of antagonism between the rich imd "Challenge '65," was essentially Chicago, Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. their proper authority. This role the poor, between employers and a vocations exhibition, part of the missionaries that they should The national Liturgical Con­ seems unusual to Cathollcs of the proletarians, between the fortu­ the Church's drive to persuade be active in community devel­ ference decided earlier this year opment projects,· but acknow­ United States and often is diffi­ more boy'! and girls to join the nate and the unfortunate." that because of great interest in cult to grasp. Our own experi­ As a remedy to this dissatis­ ranks of priests and Religious in ledged they were sometimes the liturgical renewal three sep­ handicapped by a lack of imag­ ence has been so completely faction, His Excellency proceeds arate meetings should be held ination on the part of a "simple;" different; we tend to judge them to propose the practice of certain instead of the traditional single unlettered rural population. from the angle of our success­ moral virtues to be found in the "week." '"The priest's role is that of a ful "American way of life" Gospel. The poor, he says, should guiding missioner. The greatest which has operated from another practice resignation; the rich frame of reference.' . should practice detachment from LONDON (NC)-The arch- need is inspiration, for the prob­ St. Francis

lems and ideas are not seen, Christian leaders of Latin their riches. The latter must'con- bishop of Baltimore has con­ Residence

America, clergy and lay, have in sider the poor to be their broth- tributed $10,000 on behalf of and when seen they are not . the past five years pioneered and en and· succor them·in their Maryland Cathollcs towards the earrled out." FOR YOUNG WO~EN "We should study well before inspired social movements of need; the poor, in turn, should restoration of a historic 18th­ 196 Whipple St., Fall River taking on any community pro­ deep significance to their re­ find the means for their liveli- century English church. ~ndutted Franciscan spective nations, to, t~e cOnti­ hood in honest work. Lawrence Cardinal Shehan ject,• the. Dominican told hi. Missionaries of Mary, fellow priests, "especially prob­ nEmt, and indeed to all our hemi­ Speakin, of strikes and de- donated the money for the re­ ROOMS- MEAU . sphere. The Church is now be­ scribing the evidences of lOCial- building of the church of All lema of moral and intellectual . OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY coming known as the Mother of ism in Chile, Archbishop Casa- Saints at Wardour, Wiltshire. life, public temperance, public . Inllulre OS 3-289' the Poor, Champion of the Op­ nova says, "For _ long time now which was closely connected health and public recreatio~" pressed, Teacher and Protagonist we have Observed in Chile the with the foundation of the state of Social Justice and a HWJlan presence of deadly germs in the of Maryland. The chw:ch was Orde'r worthy of Sons of God form of socialist activities. More built in defiance of existing and Heirs of Heaven. Despite than once, unions have struck anti-Catholic laws by the devout dail~. headlined political insta,­ against' their employers, with' Arundel family, oOne of the fore­ bility and social near-chaos in serious consequences to industry· most. Catholic .families . of Epg­ some sectors, we have many and to themselves 'iii the· salaries' . land at that time, andcomp1eled reasons for hope and thanksgiv­ they have lost." .: I in 1776. ing. Thus a highly placed Church Anne Arundel, daughter. of Plea for Social Chanr~. prelate of. the ·1'890's interpreted Lord Arundel 'of Wal'dour tnar-' Seldom have· we witnessed .,th~ ;~rqwi~g,~~content then ap- ried the s~cond ~Q!q.~al~~ore,. _. such a multiplicity of pleas pearing \ili:iong the wage earners. . whose brother, Leonard Calvert. ,8 cause by the various' CathQlia It·is, not di!#cult to understand l~d tb~. ~x'peditil,)n.·Whicnresu1~-, . hierarchies of a. large segment how· such an attitude projected ed in the foundation of Mary­ of Christendom aa 'has' eome: out ,'an image"6f -the Church as pro-' land in tbe reign of King,Chatles' of Latin America during rec"nt .teetGI:.· Of . th~ wealthy. It is easy' I. The religious toleration Of years. We refer to the pastoral to see why entire. populations· 'M-aryland"s ccrnstittitio.r set-. the: letters issued bY. ilo· '" -hops in were gradually distanced from' pattern for the national consti­ almost every Latin, •..:an na- hel'. ~tion of the United State-.

Thousands at Britain's Vocations Show Orders, Congregations Advertise Specia'tties

Asks Active Role In Community"


Aid· in Restoring English Church




. - PHE ANaIOI-Diocese 01 foN rtiver-Thurs., July 15,~1965



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The fan

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fat! River-Thurs., July 15, 1965


Says Girl's Attitude First Step in Repudiating Faith


cSttue Plaid

By John J. Kane, Ph.D. "My 20-year-old daughter, whom we reared a Catholic, is about to marry a Protestant boy. We consider him a fine young man and he told us he would sign the pre-nuptial promises. But my daughter will not ask him to do so and intends to marry outside the More often it is a rationali­ Church. She considers the zation employed because they promises "stupid." I told her cannot bring their behavoir into that her sisters cannot be conformity with Catholic teach­ bridesmaids, as she wishes, and that her father and I will nGt attend the wed­ ding. Am I be­ ing unfair?" Des pit e the

strong ecumen­ ical movement, for which we all have high hop es, your daughter's po­ sition see m s incredible. I f the young man

is willing to sign the prenuptial promises, and so stated, why does she re­ fuse to ask him? Obviously, many persons who are not Catholic regard tile promises as unfair. So de some Catholics. Some would prefer an arrangement by which the boys become Protestants, the girls Catholics. This is absurd and can only lead to interreli­ gious conflicts within the family. The family cannot share its re­ ligious experiences. This remains kue when one of the spouses is not a Catholic, sometimes with quite dismal results. Spirit of Catholicism It is also true that some make the promises, only to break them later with the almost inevitable conflicts. When spouses encoun­ ter this kind of deceit in mar­ riage, they fear it is merely an example of other serious deceptions. Your daughter's refusal to ask her fiance to sign this agree­ ment seems to me a symptom ttf somethingmucl1more serious. I honestly wonder if she, her­ self. is still a practising Cath­ elic? Mere attendance at Sun­ day Mass is scarcely the criterion of sincere Catholicism. There is a spirit of Catholicism which involves honest efforts to prac­ tise the virtues, including the virtue of obedience t~ the Church. I fear you are witnessing ihe

first step your daughter is taking

in repudiating her .laith. Is she fully aware ,of the meaning of a marriage in which one party is a Catholic in a Protestant church? Seek Real Reason

In the eyes' of the Church,

she will not be married at all. This would not be the case if Both parties were p:rot~stants. In her case it is. Don't pull any

punches in so informing her.

My sympathy goes net lmlJ" to you, her parents, but also te her. Some people do a~andGl1 the faith for what to fuem are purely rational -reaSDAa. Theit' Dumber is few.

African Asks More Irish Missto..ries DUBLIN (NC) -The Prime Minister flf Sierra Leone aaid l>ere that Irish Holy Ghost Fath­ ers "save( my country from illiteracy when the country's British masters were endeavor­ ing to lower the standara of education." Sir Albert Margai, on a state ~sit to Ir~land, thanked the Irish missionaries for making Sierra Leone "one of the most literate countries in Africa." He added: "I wlsh many more Irish missioners would come ever.",


ing. This you may take as a clue and try prudently to un­ cover the real reason. If you do, the answer is within your hands.

I rather doubt. however, any frontal attack on her position will have happy results. All the logic in the world will scarceh­ convince this young lady ~t this point. At the moment she is stubborn. Outright threats of any kind will strengthen, not weaken her resolve.

Flaunts Regulatie. But you do have a problem of how to react to her. It will have to be a mixed measure of kindness and firmness. Don't allow your :feelings to be de­ flected to the boy. Apparently, he is not responsible for her attitude. In fact, he may become a helpful ally. Eventually, you will have to inform him that neither you nor your husband can attend such a wedding. Her sisters can­ not be bridesmaids. Make it clear this is not in opposition t9 the Protestant church, but to your daughter's quite un­ necessarily flauting the Church'. regulations. Neither ,can her sisters par­ ticipate in such a wedding. This may also prove a source of con­ flict within the home. You must remain firm but not harsh. And, incidentally, it is wise to inform your other daughters of this fact now. Please don't wait until they begin to get inv9lved in plans for being bridesmaids. It will be even more troublesome then. If your daughters decision seems quite definite and the pro­ posed marriage is not far off, you should inform the pastor or one of the parish priests. The pastor or one of his assistants must know of this. Perhaps they can help. But perhaps it is too late. Promises Are fteqllire41 The important step t9 he taken now is a careful investi­ gation of what it is really all about. Is she .merely trying to gain attention? Is she so fearful of losing this boy that she dare not ask him to sign the promises, even thOllgh he informed you he would? Has he told her some­ thing different.? What a dismal prospect a marriage has when the future wife is already afraid of her husband, if this be the case. But don't -use your refusal to attend the wedding as' a club. It is entirely undesirable that lIhe enter a Catholic marriage exclusively because IX social pressures. ~ 1Vould be a ~ of deceit.and quite wrene. Finally, although really it might have been mentionea first, pray that she may change her attitudes. Some believe that the Vatican Council may abolish or modify the prenuptial prom­ ises. But, atx:resent, this is the purest speculation, and I lear there has been much too much ef this kind of 1l'lpeculation. Under present regulations, these promises are required. Your daughter may consider these rules "stupid", but one may charitably inquire if her behavior does not more qualify than the regulatio'll$ for this epithet.

. .(W,..jf'~





Pontiff Names Council Juror Lawrence Cardinal Shehan. Archbishop of Baltimore and the newest U. S. member of the Papal College of Cardinals hu been appoint~d by Pope Paul Nl a Council President and the re­ placement for the late Cardinal Meyer. The Council Presidents are a board of Cardinals who, since the changes made by Pope Paul in the Council organization, serve as a jury. They are.to see to it that the rules of the council are always observed and they are to settle disputes concerning the Council rules. The Chairman of the Council Presidents is Eugene Cardinal Tisserant, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.

:til~ :;* :-:-:.6 •....•




COOKED HAMS tt 4ftc I~

NYACK (NC) - A Catholie priest is among the eroup 8f eight clergymen who left here Tuesday for Vietnam to inter­ view religious leaders in an ef­ fort to establish a basis for peace in the warto:cn country, • Msgr. Edward G. Murray, pas­ tor of Sacred Heart Churcb, Ros­ lindale, Mass., accompaniea the group, the Fellowship of Kecen­ ciliation, which plans to spend two weeks in SaigoR in talks with both Catholic and Buddhist leaders. The International organisation (IFOR) was founded in HH9, ill Bilthoven, The Netherlanti, and has 35,000 members. Its kead­ 'quarters are in London, with a North American office in Ny­ ack, N.Y., and a South Americall office in Montevideo, Uruguay.





Drumsticks I 3 7 c ~~ I




None Higher


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1-'" IJafl •• , hH'SC.,.. ..,

SaYe 4c O.

Baptist to Instruct At Catholic College

Gf 10"-


- - -u45 --

Priest With Peace Mission to Vietnam

WEST DE PERE (NCo) - A. Baptist scholar has been engaged. to teach theology at a Ca.helie college here in Wisconsin. Canadian-born Leslie R. Kq­ lock will join the faculty M St. Norbert College this Fall, Father D. M. Burk~, O. Praem., colleae president has announced. Key­ lock, a graduate of the Univer­ city of Alberta and Wheatoll (Ill.) College, presently is a dee­ toral candidate at the Univcraitr




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I II Iii lIIiUi i1ii11lf_


'No Generalities ' Dominican Academy Gradu.ate Spends Year . Continued from Page One

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., July 15,1965

Such experimentation can be granted to territorial bodies of bishops but only lJy the Holy See. The ('xperiments are to be eondueted ooly by d~finitely stated «F0ups and 1M • deter­ mined period of time. The C....missio. carefully peinte4l out that ~ neil experi­ ments are decided en, the Com­ mission "will always communi­ ate the faculty (permission) to the territorial ecclesiastical au­ thority (the bishops. of a partic­ ular place), and this in writing, with the addition of conditions and limits within which the ex­ periments may be performed." The Commission has not done such and any rumors to the con­ trary by those who have gone beyond the rubrics in force or the liturgical constitution are in error. The further suggestions for change in the reading of the Divine Office suggest the spac­ ing of the 150 Psalms over a two-week period instead of over a one-week period as at present. The reason for such a change, the Commission points out, is "not for brevity or relaxation (of the obligation to offer the prayers) * * * but for a spiritu­ al ,advantage. The length of the hours of :he Divine Office can be preserved by the addition of readings if it is desired." One of the suggestions men­ tions the reduction of Matins-­ the during - the - night - prayer (and the longest hour) from nine to three psalms--except for the more solemn feasts. It is al:w proposed that the calendar of saints' feasts be re­ vised "so that it is demonstrated that sanctity is diffused through­ out the universal Church, avoid­ ing making the Roman calendar a Mediterranean calendar." Spe­ fically proposed were the inclu­ sion of' the Japanese, Canadian and Uganda Martyrs. Several saints' feastdays could also be grouped together on one day, leaving an option as to which is to be celebrated in a particular place. Guidelines for change were proposed: -retention of all the Apostles and Evangelists; -retention of all the mor~ an­ cient martyrs who are univer­ sally celebrated or have a special uni versal import for the life of the Church; -retention of the "major" doctors of the Church (the "minor" are to be selected indi­ vidually); -a selection from all the areas of Church life--cle=-ical and lay.

Establish Center For Resea rch In Education




True Reform


Continued from Page One The Pope continued, "Today, unfortunately, one sees a weak­ ening in the observance of the precepts which up to now the Church has proposed for the sanctification and moral dignity of its sons. A spirit 'of criticism and even indocility and rebellion places in question the sacrosanct norms of Christian life, of ec­ clesiastical deportment and of religious perfection. "One speaks of 'liberation,' one makes man the center of every cult, one permits natural­ istic criteria. The notion of sin is altered, obedience is im­ pugned and its constitutional function in the odering of the ecclesiPstical community is con­ tested." Yet aggiornamento is neces­ sary-not to permit the above­ but "rather for the growth of his (modern Catholic) energies and to make him more aware and more responsive to his duties." The Pope concluded: "We must keep this in mind if we truly wish that Christianity, which the Catholic Church in­ terprets and lives, may bring light, unity. regeneration, pros­ perity, peace and salvation to

In .India, Hopes to Find Career There Dark-eyed Claudette (~l'lcciabeve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Caceiabeve of St. Ma1;:hieu's parish, Fall River, has heard and been entranced by the song of India. Just returned hom spending: h~r junior year of college a.t the Univereity of Delhi, she is hop­ ing to return tG the subcontinent af~r her graduation next June from the University of

NEWTON (NC) -Jesuit­ Boston College hae establj"'hed an educational research center here, said to eperate(l

Massachusetts. "1 might be able to W()rk with the Peace Corps at first," she ~aid, "and then possibly I could

be the first of its kind in the United States. It i!! known as the New Eng­ land Catholic Education Center and the regional unit is a co­ operative enterprise of the col­ lege's school of education and n dioceses in the six-state area. Director of the center is Fa­ ther Paul F. McHugh of Man­ chester, N.H. He is assistant superintendent of schools - in the Manchester diocese, and an inslructor at Mt. St. Mary's and St. Anselm's colleges. Pilot Projects The center is designed to co­ ordinate and disseminate re­ search relevant to Catholic ed­ ucation in the New England, area. Fr. McHugh sa~s 51)0,000 students are enrolled in Catho­ lic elementary and secondary schools in the six states. The center's program, Fath~1! McHUgh says, will include re­ s ear chin shared-time and shared-facilities with public ed­ ucation, use of data processing in school and student scheduling, and pilot projects in the latest administrative techniques of team teaching, upgraded class­ rooms, the use of multi-sensory teaching equipment and experi­ mental studies in new curriculm.

find a position with the Indian government." She mentioned as a field in which she is especially interested the education of In­ dian women to their newly-won rights as citizens. How did Claudette's interest in India begin? She said she made Indian friends at the Uni­ versity of Massachusetts' and be­ came so interested in their coun­ try that she decided to spend a year there as a student. She then learned about the "College Year in India" project sponsored by the UniversIty of Wisconsin, now in its fifth year. She applied and was accepted. Her adventure began with an intensive course in Hindi at the University of California and her study of ~he language, one of India's tWIJ .major tongues, con­ tinued at the University' of Oelhi. "I can get along in Hindi," she explained, "but all our classes were in English and all the In­ dian students have to speak English, so there wasn't mucli trouble anyway." Claudette, a government major at the University of Massachu­ setts, said that the poverty of India is appalling t.:r newcomers. "The clothes and living quarters strike you first," she said. "Many people live in a leanto propped Race Hiring Dispute against a wall-that's their home. Little children go around with BALTIMORE (NC) - Law­

no clothes at all, and it's taktm

rence Cardinal Shehan will

for granted that thousands have

mediate a dispute over hiring

no place but the streets to

practices between the local Con­ MUSIC INDIAN STYLE: A collection of' reeords is gress of Racial EqualitY and sleep." among souvenirs brought 'back by Clandette Cacciabeve, six· C€ l mmercial banks. Noibiq But "ice She said that food shortages Cardinal Shehan has met St. Mathieu's parish, Fall River. from year in India. The ~ven affect those with money. college student says American and Englislt records are also separately with bankers and "While I was there, we had a ,,\lith CORE officials. The latter very popular with people. shortage of flour and sugar and charge that the banks employ no matter how much money a only a "token" three per centl vailed' at Claudette's hostel. similar to rhe civil rights move­ person had, thes~ items were un­ number of Negroes and should ment here, however, and the Girls ltad to be in 'by 7 on Win­ obtainable." have a work forc~ "at least 28 ter nights and 7:30 during the general attitude seems apathetic. per cent" Neiro. Some people, said CI:audette, "Servants are treated as mere Summer. Lights went out at 10, live on a diet of nothing but James 111. Griffin, BaltimoF. machines," observed Claudette. rice, cooked with a little salt, with special permission extend­ CORE chapter chairman, said ing t9 12 during exam periods. and deficiency diseases run ram­ !\. graduate of Fall River's Cardinal Shehan "could be a, One overnight pass a month was pant. She Hved in a college hos­ ,'ery successful mediator W Dominican Academy, she is ac­ tel and there too, she noted, food permitted, one "shopping pass"1 tive in the International Club help the banks. make a mont was unappetizing. "We had meat and one "movie pass," all sUbj'ect at tbe University of Massachu­ positive effort to integrate mOM only twic~ a week:, and it wasn't to the housemother's approval. fully." setts. She'!> bound to extend its very well cooked when we did "She was called the warden," members' horizons this Winter. get it. Most meals consisted of commented Claudette wryly. vegetables and chipati-a pan­ Five Indian Sisters were eake-like !lread." ELECTRICAL Trains Counselors 'among residents and Claudette The Fall River girl made the Cantracters WINOOSKI PARK (NC) ­ and another Catholic student re­ most of college vacations, using St. Michael's College here ill cited the rosary with them them to travel around India. She nightly. New Hampshire will prepare made a pomt of visiting the fam­ Arranged marriages still are 70 counselor trainees for the ilies of' her University of Massa­ the rule in India, she noted, even U. S. De par t men t of Labor chusetts friends, receiving a through an eight-week program. among the educated classeS'. "royal welcome" from them. Under the program, supported '''A girl can say yes or no to "They were so excited t<;l see by a $56,932 grant, trainees her ~arents' choice, but after a someone who had seen their. sons will be- assigned chiefly to youth while many get tired of saying or daughters just a short time­ corps work and to the employ­ no and agree to a boy simply to ago." 94;4 County St. escape pressure." The typical Indian house is me!lt service, helping the 16-10 New Bedford built around an atrium, said There is, however, very little 21-year old gronp. Claudette, and is characteristi­ divorce, mainly because it il cally very scantily furnished. socially disapproved. "Pads on the floor are used in­ --:India has a caste system in stead of chairs." many ways much more rigid

Strict Rules than the barriers erected by

prejudice in the United States,

India is the third largest pro­ said Claudette. There is no

ducer of mothion pictures in the world, said Claudette, but the movement to eradicate castes country has no television at all as yet. The movies, nearly all hi color, and nearly all musicals, don't come up to Hollywood • BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • PARTIES standards, ~he commented. They are the source, however, of all • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS popular songs in the country. 1I0UTE 6, HUTTLESON AVE. "The songs are released fi ve or 1343 PlEASANT ST. FALL RIVER 'tix months ahead of the movie." Near Fairhaven Drive-In Also popular are English and OSborne 3-7710 Italian Dinners Our Specialty American records and, yes, the Service On Patio ubiquitous Beatles.

Extremely strict rules pre-


Prelate to Mediate

~~ ~~









THE ANCHOR­ Thurs" July 15, 196~

'The Parish Parade

.Father of'100 Orphans

Approve Disaster . Help fo~ Schools

WASHINGTON (NC) - The House Education Committee has approved a bill to provide as­ sistance to education as part of the federal program to help areas hit by natural disasters. OUR LADY OF PURGATORY, Passed on to the House Rules NEW BF1)FORD The LatHes Guild will sponsor Committee, the bill (H.R. 9022) their anuual· ·weiner roast on . would provide money for the Supday at the Summer home of restoration of public schools and would stipulate. that temporary Mrs. Selma Joseph; Winsagan­ sett Heights, Fairhaven. The provision' he made for continu­ tickets are 99c and will include ing the education of private door prizes and Arabic enter­ school pupils whose school is un­ tainment. usable. Parochial and other private ST. JOSEPH,

school pupils could be housed FALL RIVER

Women's Guilli members will for a maximum of five years in have an outing to the Summer quarters provided and equipped home of Dr. and Mrs. Louis by public school authorities. The Kroger in Plymouth, leaving bill would specifically bar use from the schoolyard at 3 Satur­ of any disaster funds for relig­ day afternoon, July 17. Those in ious worship or instruction. need of transportation may con­ tact Mrs. James Bradshaw by today. Donations for a parish auction may be left at the school begin­ ning Monday, July 26 and end­ ing Thursday, July 29. The auc­ tion itself is scheduled for Satur­ day, July 31.

Infantry Sergeant's Work for Japanese

Children Wins' Acclaim

Asks Voters to lack School Tax Boost

ST. LOUIS (life) - Catholics in the city of st. Louis have beeR urged in a pastoral letter to OSAKA (NC) - The n arne' Con~ributions po u red in, vote in favOl' of a 9Chool tax: O'Reilly is a legerid in this sec­ and soon the ramshackle shacks increase proposed by the St. ond largeo;t city in Japan. that served the orphanage gave Louis Board of Education. , . It all began on Christmas Day, way to comfortable living quar­ Cardinal Joseph Ritter said ia 1949, when Sgt. Hugh F. X. ters, and the delighted orphans the pastoral that "the best in­ O'Reilly was stationed here with began to dress and eat better. the U. S. 27th Infantry Regiment. For the 'pa~t years the men vestment a city cart make in ~e p!ayed .Santa Cla~s to the of the 27th have kept up their its future is to guarantee il good education for its young people." kids In the- Holy Famlly Home monthly contributions w hie h "As citizens we must show • that year, ~nd has carried on the have totalE'd about $400,000 to concern and interest not only in ro~; ever ')Jnce,. . date. Every year they send a These poor kId!. I? tattered Santa Claus team to Osaka. and our own schools but in all other clothe~, got so ~u~h kICk. oU!,?f send three childrf\n from "Holy community 9Chools as well. Thi. Santa, Sgt. 0 Reilly said, I d Name Home to Hawaii. is especially true in our con­ love to have adopted them all." cern for public education and O'Reilly did something better O'Reilly, now employed by the the thousands it serves. Thelfe still; he got the whole regiment Bank of Hp.waii, received an en­ to adopt Holy Name Home, He thusiastic welcome when he ar­ young people are our fellow began a monthly 9ayday collec­ rived in Osaka to discuss with citizens and we must do all we tion among the men of the regi­ Japanese officials a plan to can to give them every oPPQrtll­ ment. to which pradically ever~'­ speed up adoption of the orphans nity for a good education." one subscribed. by American parents.



The Women's League and Confraternity of Men will co­ sponsor a picnic Suilday,' July !5 ·at the Italian Literary Club grounds, 328 Parker Street. Various booths, games, rides and contests will be featured and there will be a boccie tourna­ ment for men. Accordion music will be heard and refreshments will be available.

Parents of 12 Win Vocation Award NEW YORK (NC)-Mr. and Mrs. George Price,. parents of 12 children, were presented with the Award of Vocation Citation ItJ' the Institute' Religious and Sacerdotal Vocations of the Fordham University School of Education.· The Prices, five of whose chil­ dren are members of religious orders, were cited as "models of an upright, industrious and pious life," and said they have made "a most precious contri­ bution to God, to His Holy Church and to countless souls." Mr. Price has been an active member of the Ames Methodist church in Baltimore, Md., fur 30 years. His wife, Lillian, is a member of St. Peter Claver's Catholic church there, and a member of the ladies' auxiliary of the Knights of St. J,ohn.


Pay Visit -- 73To Nuns Migrant Camp

TIFFIN (NC)-8eventy-three Runs from the Franciscan moth­ erhouse here scattered out for a visit to the migrants in their eamps in this northwestern Ohio area. "Operation Love" will become a regular Summer activity. The nuns have reserved Wednesday evenings for their visits with the migrants. They just chat with the adults, sing and play with the children. Father Thomas Wehinger, TO­ ledo diocese priest assigned t. the migrant apostolate for the Summer, was pleased the way things went the first night. ~heir very presence in the eamp is a way of saying they're interested," Father Wehingel' said of the nuns.

Educational TV LOS ANGELES (NC) A study week in educational television for teachers and school administratorS will be held July 26-30 at Loyola Uni­ versity's Foley Gommunicatioaa Cilenter her", .





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THE ANCHOR,·Thurs., July 15, 1965

.. ' Cape Cod' Dialogue Aug. 8

Continued from Page One tinues as a leader in this commu­ the inaugural broadcast March Dion, which is specifically con­ 2, ,19~0. cerned with church unity. He is

. Ftrd TV Servtee likewise a member of the execuThe program, which began Oft tive committee of the Faith and ' • 1'1-station network, was car- ,Order department of the Na­ ried in i~50 by 118 NBC affil- tional Council of Churches. lates and by short wave around From 1957 to 1960, Dr. Nelson the world, with an average was dean and professor of Theol­ .weekly listening audience esti- ogy .at Vanderbilt Divinity mated at four· million in the School, Nashville, but resigned 'United States alone. The Bishop in protest o>ver an issue of racial fl'equently received as many as segreg;ltion. In 1960-61 he was 6,000 letters a day from listenel'l, visiting prC?fessor of ecumenics ,about a third of them non-Cath- at Princeton Theological Semi­ ,olies., n~ and, from 1961-62, visiting In 1940 he conducted the first .p~ofessor for the Theological religious service ever to be tel- ~,ucation Fund, Leonard Col­ ~ast; the, next year he served lege in Jabalpur and United as narrator of the March of College in Bangalore, India. 'Time film, "The sto1'7 of the . Dr. Ne~on fa an editor-at­ 'Bishop Sheen began his "Life large of the Christian Century. J8 Worth Living" television BeHe 18 a contributor to religious J;ies In, ~e Fall of 1951. By 1956 and professional journals, has he wu appearing on 123 ABC written articles and chapters for felevision stations in'the United a number of books in his field, States and '300 radio stations. and has ed1ted four books. He is Aathor, Editor the author of The Realm of Re­ lt was estimated that he demption and of One Lord, One reached 30 million persons each Church which has been traan,s­ week. The telecost has an audi- ' la~ into German, Arabic, ence of persons of all faiths and Chinese, Japanese and was re­ he has received as many as published in 1962 under the title, 30000 letters in one delivery' he Overcoming Christian Divisions. n~rmallY .averages 8,000 to 10;000' A third book, Criterion for the letters pe'r day. ' Church, appeared. in 1963, as He also reaches millions well as a fourth, FIfty Years of through his writing, Including Faith and Order (with John E. the "God Love You" column Skoglund), • .. which appears in The Anchor ' Methodist MiDister and other Catholic publicatioris, D~.. Nelso~ has lect~red and and "Bishop Sheen Speaks," a participated m ecum~Dlcal con­ syndicated column for the secu­ ferences in. 32 countries, He was lar press.· In addition, he is ed­ a Methodist delegate to the itor of Wdrldmission,a quarterly Third Assembly of th~ World review arid Mission a bi-month­ Council of Churches m New ly, the' world's most widely cir­ Delhi in .1961 and also to the culated Catholic magazine World F81th and Order Confer­ . ence .in Montreal in 1963. A Dr. Nelson Methodist minister, he belongs Dr. Nelson has been Fairchild to the North East Ohio Annual ,Professor of Systematic Theol­ Conference. ogy was established as the proDuring the past decade he has Theology at Oberlin since 1962. '.lectured at more than 100 col­ He is the fifth person to hold the lege and theological schools in professorship. the United States and abroad. The Fairchild Chair of Theol­ In 1961 he was Peyton Lecturer ogq was established as the pro­ at Southern Methodist Univer­ fessorship of systematic logic sity and, in 1964, the Marrick and renamed following 'Presi­ Lecturer at Ohio Wesleyan. dent James Harris Fairchild's 39 Dr. Nelson is married to the year tenure. 1859-'98. Other oc­ former Patricia Mercer and the cupants of the chair have been couple has two sons. Charles G. Finney, 1835-58' Hen­ ry Churchill Xing, 1897-1925; and Walter M. Horton, 1925-62. The first three Occupants were also presidents of the college. KINGSTON (NC) -Laverne' A native of Winona Lake, Tart, former Bradley University Indiana, Dr, Nelson was gradu­ baseball star, is the first Negro ated from DePauw University in appointed a coac;:11 in the Catho­ 1941. He received the B.D. from lic Basketball League of the Yale University in 1944 and the Scranton diocese here in PennDoctor of Theology magna cum Sylvairla. laude from the University of Tart, voted the most valuable Zurich, Switzerland, in 1951. He in the 1964 National In­ holds honorary degrees from De­ play~r vitational Tournament in New Pauw, Ohio Wesleyan and Wil­ York in which the Peoria, m., berforce Universities. In 1963 he . university participated, was ap­ was eleCted to the American pointed physical education di­ Theological Society. rector and basketball coach at , Church Unity Kingston Central Catholic High From 1953 to 1957 he served u . School; largest high school in the executive secretary of the Com­ "diocese. munion of Faith and Order of Tart has been playing profes­ the WOl'ld Council of Churches ,sional basketball wit h the in Geneva, Switzerland. He conWilkes-Barre BarODa of the Eastern League.

Name First Negro Basketball Coach




Pres.-.dent to Ask Teachers Corps

Plan New Statue Of Pope Pius XI VATICAN CITY (NC) - It has finally been decided that the commemorative statue honoring Pope Pius XI in St. Peter's k not' worthy of that Pope's place in h i s t o r y . ' Without fanfare, the former statue, which has been in the basilica for a quarter of a cen­ tury, has been removed, IIi its place is to be installed a new, modern bronze work which HI said to capture the dynamitl spirit of the one time mountain climber, Achille Ratti. The new statue is by Italian sculptor Francisco Nagni. Pia. is shown seated, with 'his left hand on a book and his right hand lifted in ble~ing. He 18 vested in a cope, and wears a tjara. The new statue will oc­ cupy the same place as the older ~me, a niche directly across from • the bronze monument to Pi.

POPE'S GIFT: Eduardo Frei, Chile's Christian Demo­ cratic head of state, admires a silver statue of the Madonna and, Child given him by Pope P2ul VI, as the Holy Father praised him for his "love of the poor." Frf:'i replied that his government strives for political, 20cial and economic reform "to serve' the common good of the whole nation." NC Photo.

"Third Visit, Possible


,The old· statue was in mar­ ble, and the work of the famous I Italian sculptor Pietro Canonico. Critics generally agreed that the sculptor, who Was in his severi­ ties when he received the com:' lni'ssion 'to do the statue, failed tb catch the personality or strength 'of the late Pope. ' .

l,J Thant Invites Holy Father to UN , Came to United States in'1951, 1960' In the event Pope Paul VI does come to the U.S., it prob­ decides to visit the United ably will be sometime during States, it would be his third the' ~Oth UN session which be­ gins Sept. 21. ' visit to this country. L'Osservatore Romano, Vati­ He came here first in 1951 when he was Msgr. Giovanni can' City daily newsP'aper, has Battista M 0 n tin i, Substitute stated. it is premature to say Vatican Secretary of State, and whether or when the, Pope will spent two-and-a-half weeks visit the U.S. The 1951 trip of Msgr. Mon­ , tour~ng the country. tini was described as vacation As Giovanni Cardinal Mon­ He spent the first four tini, Archbishop of Milan, he travel. days of his trip visiting in returned in 1960 for a week's Canada. He stopped in Montreal, visit, during which the Univer­ Quebec, Ste. Anne de Beaupre, sity of Notre Dame awarded , Cap de Madeline, Ottawa, King­ him an honorary doctorate of ston and Toronto. laws. Cardinal's .Guest It has been confirmed that He entered the United States Secretary Gener~ U Thant of the'United Nations invited Pope at Niagara Falls, N.Y., continu­ Paul VI to ·visit' the' UN. Msgr. ing by plane the same day to Alberto Giovannetti, the Holy Washington, D.C., where' he See's permanent oQserver at the visited four days. He then vis­ UN, has said that if the Pontiff ited St. Louis, Denver, Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh and New York. • On hia 1960 visit, Cardinal Montini was the overnight guest of Francis Cardinal Spellman in New York. The following day he went by plane to South NEW YORK (N~) - Protes­ tant church leaders have hailed Bend, Ind. was awarded the the prospect of a visit to the honorary degree at the same United States by Pope Paul VI ceremony in which President D wig h t D. Eisenhower wu as a definite asset in the ecu­ honored. menical movement.

Had Prospect .Of Pope's Visit

Commenting on the .reports that such a trip was being con­ sidered, the Rev.' James Y. Mc­ Cord, president of Princeton

Casey-Sexton, ••'. Cleansers •••

Seminary apd head of the United Presbyterian C h u r c h Unity Commission, said the Pop e would be "received very warm­ M TREMONT STREET NEW YORK (NC)"-7'President . ly in America by all men of , 4'AUNTON, MASS. good will." .Johnson told the National Ed­ ucation Association he win NEWARK (NC) -Departure it would be "a dramatic in­ ceremonies will held be h Tel. VAndyke 2-0621 shortly propose to Congress a ' ere National TeachersCorps--vol­ ·In· New Jersey on Sunday next, dication not only of the Vatican's unteers to help regular teachers July 11 for 29 laymen who will interest in peace, but also of the in city slums and poor rural soon undertake work in mission new ecumenical spirit which areas. areas.. prevails throughout all Chris­ Twenty-three are from the tendoJ.D today," he added. Mr. Johnson also told the Newar~ archdiocese and- six ,. AnothJi prominent church~ ann~al convention the. na­ from the' Paterson diocese. They man, Rev. Franklin Clark Fry, tion s biggest educational gro~p have signed. on as Extension president of - the L u the ran ­ that he would support a federal" VolURteers; ~Papal Volunteers Church in America and chair­ program of fellowships to enable 'lor Latin America, Marian man of the central committee of elementa~ and secondary school Helpers and members of other the World Council of Churches, teachers to update their knowgroups engaged in the miSsion said: "Protestant leaders would ledge. . apostolate. ' ; gladly respond in Christian PRINTED AND MAILED

The program, he' said, would Among them is Susan MeAl­ friendship in all ways open also help teachel'B, especially van-ah' of . Westfield, who will to" them during such • visit. Write Or Pho... 672·1322

Negroes, ,displaced by school ,leave for her ~nd three-year· Anything that furthers m~tual integration. It would Jive them' "·term hi Argentina" member' . C h'd st i an acqllllintance and' 2S" Second Street - Pall liver

aew sk111a to find joba. ., Catholica 1'01: Latin America. friendship ill detinteIT IlIl aMeL· .•..• ' ••.•'•..•.• • • • • • •

Jersey Lay Workers Ready for Missions





as a





.. Gift from' Nuns ~ ,,~O~HlLL· (NC)-Rev. ~ox, .. ' Anglican, vicar


Hubert of St. Barnaqas pansh here in Eng,. land". has pre~ented Pope Paul VI with a stole made by An,. glican nuns of St. Margaret's convent. The Pope gave the vicar a silver medal in return, saying, "Anglicans are very near to our hearts; w~ pray for you every day." . '


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,tHE ANCffOR-l)ioceH of Fall Rtver-n,urs., July 15, "1965

GOLDEN JUBlLEE: Jubilee celebrations are in ord~r 'at Our Lady of Angels parish, Fall River, where parishioners are preparing for a gala round of festivities during the next two month~. Top left, Msgr. Anthony l\I. Gomes, administrator, congratulates Manuel Morris, who will be 98 Sept. 8, two da~Ts after the parish attains its 50th anniversary. Bottom left, par-

ishioners active in celebration plans:- Antone- Michaels~ rresident of golden jubilee committee; Mrs. Lillian M. Theodore; jubilee baH- committee chair­ man; William Rego Jr., president of Knights of the Altar. Right, view of church's main altar and reproduction of the Parish Patroness, Otir Lady of the Angel.

Our Lady of' An'gels Parish, Fall, River, ,Q'bs~rves Golden Jubilee Pilgrimage to, North American MartyrsS~rine ~ ~heduled for, Sept. 6 -

This Is the golden jubilee Children of· St. Agnes' Sodality, year of Our Lady 'of Angels Children of Mary Sodality, CYO, of the Altar. and the parish, Fall River. Founded .,Knights Ladies' Guild, Sept. 6, 1915, the parish will Nine Pastors eoncentrate anniversary observ­ ances in August, although special events began as early as last October and will 'lot end until Sept 6 itself, when parishioners will conclude a three day pil­ grimage to Auriesville, N. Y., the Shrine of the North American Martyrs. Prior to the formation of Our Lady of Angels, Portu­ guese families wor~hipped in the lower church of st. Patrick's I,arish , Fall River. First services in the new edifice were held Feb. 11, 1917. The cornerstone was blessed and dedicated by the late Bishop Feehan May 20, 1917. The Holy Name Society ante­ dates the church, being formed Aug. 20, 1916. Its members do­ nated the parish's main altar. Other parish organizations in­ _lude the Holy Rosary Sodality,

Unveil Portrait SHANNO~


(NC) - Irish and American government officials eame together at Shannon air­ port for the unveiling of a por­ trait of, the late President John 'oF, Kennedy. "

wedding occurred on. its found" ir.g day,. Sept. 6, 1915. It was the marriage of Jose 'Ferreira Minho and Maria do Rosario Melo. Years of effort by parishioners

. resulted in the recent renovation . of the interior and, evterior of - Om: Lady of Angels. Additional­ - ly, a hall has been built to ac­ ,commodate the many activities _ of-the bustling parish and a new parking lot has been constructed in the rear of the church. Year of Activities Parishioners began celeprating . the golden jubilee with a candle­ light procession last 0 c t I> b e r. Other jubilee events which have already taken: place include a mystery ride, a mardi gras and a special mission, condl1cted by Dominican Fathers.

Rev. Joseph G. Toledo was Our Lady of Angels' first pastor, serving from 1915 to 1920. His successors were Rev. Dario A. Raposa, 1920 to 1923; Rev. A.P. HANOVER (NC)-A concorSantos, 1923 to 1924; Rev. An­ dat on education drawn up betonio M. Fortuna,. 1924 to 1930; tween the Holy See and the P.ev~ Adriano Moniz, D.D., 1930 state of Lower Saxony has led to 1950; Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, to bittern~ss and mutual recrim::'951; Rev. Joseph L. Cabral, ination in this West qerman 1951 to 1959; Rev. James V. Men­ territory, leaving some doubt as des, 1960 until his death in 1961; to whether the concordat will lI/Isgr. Anthony M. Gomes, 1961 be approved by the state legis­ lature. Next to come is the annual until the present. The first curate, appointed in Intended to increase the a- 'feast in honor of the parish's mount of Catholic religious patron, Our Lady of Angels. Al­ 1!-l28, was Rev. Theophile Oli­ veira. Others have been Rev. A. training in the public schools, ways a highlight of the church C, Branco, Rev. ManuelAndrade, the concordat has resulted in year, this observance is expected Rev. Luciano Pereira, Rev. A. , a surge of anti-Catholic feeling, to top all oth~rs. It will begin M.S. Greaves, Rev. Joaquim A. and some Liberal party members 'Wednesday, Aug. 11, and end have demanded the end of all Snnday, Aug. 15, with the pro­ Furtuna, Rev. Ernesto R. Bor­ religious training in the s~hools. gram to include band concerts, ees and Rev. Robert J. Laugh­ German courts have ruled in a solemn religious procession, lin. Msgr. Gomes was elevated to the past education is subject 2nd features and attractions only to the states, not to the made .1!opular in past years. his present rank in .January, 1964. He was invested April 21, national government. This has In the days following the pa­ Ui64. He notes that in the first compelled the Holy See to pro- tl.'onal feast, Masses will be of­ vide for the religious, training ,fered for deceased parishioners ~ car of the parish's formation, there· were 20 baptisms. In 1964 of Catholic students. by nego- " and for parish benefactors, and there were 86~ , , .tiating directly with -the .states,' . Tuesday, Aug. 17 will be marked since there is nO .Catholic school as childrea's ·day. A candlelight First child baptized' was Mali­ procession -is set for Friday, AUI. \leI Raposo.: '.the -parish'5'; first ',system as such in, ~erniany~

Vatican Concordat :, Stirs Controversy,

20 and Saturday, Aug. 21 'wilt be general confession day for parishioners. A golden jubilee ball :will be held Saturday night at the Dwelly Street Armory. At 4:30 Sun day afternoon, Aug. 22 the Most Reverend Bis­ hop will celebrate a Pontifical High Mass at Our Lady of An­ gels. A jubilee dinner will follow at 6:30,' also at the armory. Th~ parish pilgrimage to the Martyrs' Shrine 'will close the cbservance. ,Faithful to Ideals Summing up the aims of the anniversary observance, Msgr. Gomes declares: "A jubilee is and has always been the com. memoration of a great event in the life of a people, of a race or a nation." , "It -brings solemn rejoicing in ,the celebrations of the accom­ plishment 'of ideals through la­ bor and sacrifices. Faithful to their ancestry. the Portuguese reople of Our Lady of Angell and in general all the Portu­ guese of the United States of America live the lofty and great ,ideals of Christianity, Portu­ . gl.lese traditions and customs, the faith of-the Catholic Church and the .laws and customs of the United ,Sta~ of Amel'lca."

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