VOL. 24, NO. 29
20c, $6 Per Year
Papal trip
• meanIng Religious By Jerry Filteau
BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN greets Father Thomas Barrosse, CSC, superior general of the Congregation of the Holy Cross,. who is presiding at a general chapter of the international community being held this month at Stonehill College, North Easton.
uscc: I)o,n't aid EI Salvador
In the United States, a copy WASHINGTON (NC)-In a renewed attempt to convince the of the British bishops' letter proCarter administration to halt mil- posing the embargo was sent to itary aid to EI Salvador, the U.S. Muskie last week by Bishop Catholic Conference has urged Thomas Kelly, USCC general Secretary of State Edmund Mus- secretary, along with a cover Ide to support a proposed inter- letter restating usee opposition national embargo on arms ship- to U.S. aid. ments to that country. The usec is the civil action The embargo was proposed by arm of the American bishops. "In the three months since the the bishops of England and Wales, whQ expressed "dismay" tragic assassination and funeral that the U.S. government is con- of Archbishop Oscar Romero in tinuing its military assistance to San Salvador," wrote Bishop El Salvador even after the as- Kelly, "events in that country sassination in March of Arch- have only strengthened the conbishop Oscar Romero of San Sal- viction of many that present United States policy toward El vador,El Salvador. The British government, on Salvador is badly flawed." Bishop Kelly said many lives the other hand, is continuing a self·imposed ban on arms ship- are being lost in El Salvador bements to El Salvador. cause of an "undeclared civil The English and Welsh bish- . war" and added that U.S. supops' proposal for an intE!rnal port for "an increasingly unpoparms embargo against EI Salva- ular and repressive" government dor was contained in a letter by in EI Salvador "is widely perthe bishops' Commission fo:r In- ceived as contrihuting to the ternational Justice and Peace killing.''' in a May 22 letter to Lord CarHe also recalled that one of rington, the British foreign sec- Archbishop Romero's last reretary. quests was that the United
States halt its military aid to the government of El Salvador. In the letter to Lord Carrington proposing the embargo, the British bishops praised their government's opposition to aid to El Salvador. "Unfortunately, the ~ritish) government's principled stand is not at the moment being emulated by a number of other Western countries," the bishops said. "In particular we note with dismay the decision of the United States government, in the wake of these most recent events, to give further military assistance to EI Salvador," the British bishops said. They urged the government "to use its good offices with our allies to seek an embargo on arms shipments to El Salvador until such time as the situation is substantially improved." ,Bishop Kelly also sent Muskie copies of an exchange of letters between Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco, USCC Turn to Page Seven
VATlCAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul U's comments on the poor and on human rights and justice issues dominated world media coverage of his 12·day visit to Brazil June 30-July 11. But another story - less exciting in general media terms and a bit more difficult to follow - was the primary religious dimension of the whole trip. This is not to fault the media. Conflict and contrast make news. When a pope visits a slum in Rio de Janeiro or warns Latin America that it may fave violence unless it makes basic social reforms, it is generally far more interesting than the same pope urging devotion to Mary. When the world's mostimportant religious leader appears before 150,000 workers who have just gone through a bitter autoworkers' strike in Sao Paulo the Detroit of Brazil - and talks about union rights, it is bound to make front pages. When he tells Catholic families that religious education is important, the message may not make the daily paper or evening TV news at all. Besides the general difference between the social issues and the more strictly religious issues that the pope addressed in Brazil, there was another level where the meaning of the pope's trip could easily be lost on the international pUblic. This level was the strict link the pontiff consistently and repeatedly made between Catholic teaehing and the social issues he was discussing. Over and over he rejected political partisanship by the church or the identification of church teaching with specific ideologies. Again, the correspondents covering the papal trip for the rest of the world were, by and large, careful to report the linkage the pope made between provocative comments on specific issues and the Christian teaching behind those issues. ,aut such reports are inevitably buried a few paragraphs down in the story, rarely if ever making it to the lead paragraph or headline. As a result the casual reader skimming the papers during the papal visit might easily come away after two weeks with the vague overall feeling that the pope was, in the last analysis, meddling in Brazilian politics. That feeling might come out, for example, in surprise that a pope who was speaking out so
strongly on the rights of the poor and the need for social reo form would tell ,Brazilian priests: "Let it be very clear that priestly service, if it is to be true to itself, is a service that is essentially and par excellence spiritual." The key that made the pope's stands clear was the essentially spiritual, religious view of the dignity of man which he always referred to as the basis for his social comments. He made it clear when he addressed Brazilian President Joao Baptista de Figueredo in Brasilia on June 30, his first day in Brazil. "The trips that I am taking ... have a specific apostolic character and strictly pastoral objective, but in addition to this religious character, they carry also a message specifically about man, his values, his dignity and his social life,"" the pope said. It is because of the church's conviction about man's transcendental nature, he said, that "the church does not cease to proclaim the reforms needed for the safety and promotion of those values without which no society worthy of the name can prosper, that is, reforms that have in view a more just society and are in accordance with the dignity of the human being. . . Thus it does not cease to invite all men of good will and encourage their children to the respect and cultivation of these rights-the right to life, to security, to work, to a home, to health, to education, to religious expression both public and private, to participation, etc." The pontiff's call to priests to give a service "that is essentially and par excellenCE! spiritual," or urgings in a similar vein to bishops, nuns, catechists and basic Christian communities must aU be understood in this light. iFor Pope John Paul there was no conflict in this religious mission when he addressed a workers' rally in Sao ~Paulo one night and the next morning consecrated a national shrine to Mary and preached on devotion to the Blessed Virgin. At the opening of the 10th national Eucharistic Congress in Fortaleza July 9 - the event that the pope called the goal of his voyage - Pope John Paul called the Eucharist man's most intimate encounter with Christ. He then linked it to man's other encQunters with Christ, such as those in prayer and in one's Turn to Page Six
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 17, 1980
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (NC}-A priest who teaches international diplomacy at Florida State University tCllda presidential commission that a national peace academy is an idea whose time has come. After centuries of training for war, capabilities for peace-making should be developed, according to IFather William Kerr.
LOS ALTOS, Calif. (NC)-Vietnamese Catholics in the United States will hold their first national convention at St. Patrick's College, Los Altos, Calif., July 23-27.
SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador (NC)- Ten armed men placed two bombs on the campus of Jesuit-run Centrnl American University in San Salvador and the explosions heavily damaged its printing presses and the office of the students' organization.
BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN, followed by Father Edward J. Sharpe, pastor, blesses new St. John the Baptist Church and parish center, WestpOrt. The $500,000 church seats 475 persons and is built on land donated by the Costa family of Westport.
WARSAW, Poland (NiC)-The Polish bishops have criticized "the absence of fundamental progress" in the normalization of relations between Poland and the Vatican.
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (NC)-A six-member review board set up by the Diocese of San Bernardino 'has reprimanded teachers at a parochial school in Indio, Calif., for using "questionable forms of discipline." The board found students were tied to their desks, had their mouths taped shut and were punished in other such ways.
MANCHESTER. N.H. (NC)-The Diocese of Manchester has appealed to all New Hampshire residents for assistance in the return of consecrated Communion bread stolen from the chapel of St. Joseph's Hospital in Nashua. Nashua police said the chapel's small bronze tabernacle, containing consecrated Communion wafers, was taken earlier this month. Services of reparation were held in all parishes of the diocese.
TUCSON, Ariz. (NC)-An old man among those who survived abandonment in the Arizona desert after <being' smuggled into the United States from El Salvador said ., he took risks because, "I had no choice, ,I was going to be killed at home."
PROMISING TO BE as outspoken as ever, Bishop Donal Lamont, who was expelled from Rhodesia in 1977 for his stand against racism, said he plans to return to newly independent Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) this summer.
IlOME (NC)-Father Pedro Arrupe, superior general of the Jesuits, has denied reports that Jesuit priests are fomenting violence in El Salvador. "The Society of Jesus has never participated in violence or supported it," he said in response to what he termed "slanderous accusations" by the press, radio and TV in El Salvador.
ALBANY, N.Y. (NC) -- The New York State Catholic Conference was among groups recommending that Gov. Hugh L. Carey veto a bill intended to help parents reclaim their children from religious cults. The governor's office said the bill would "ultimately prove to be both unworkable and unconstitutional."
NEW YORK (NC)-Th~: American Jewish Committee has praised Msgr. George G. Higgins as a "constant friend of the Jewish people." Msgr. Higgins is retiring from his post as secretary for special concerns at the National Conference of Catholic Bishops-U.S. Catholic Conference.
SOUTH ORANGE, N.J. (NC)--'Edward R. D'Alessio, assistant secretary for nonpublic education in the U.S. Department of Education, has been named executive vice president of Seton Hall University, South Orange. ~.,
FROM THREE CIDLDREN crowded at a shanty window to' 500,000 following the papal entourage in Belo Horizonte, everyone in Brazil wanted to see "Joao de Deus." (NC Photos)
AUGSBURG, West Germany (NC)-The Catholic attitude toward the international Roman Catholic-Lutheran Dialogue "is, if anything, more favorable than it has eV61 been," according to the Lutheran co-chairman of the dialogue.
Fr. Graziano CCSM head .
At the annual meeting of the New England Catholic on Social Ministries, held in Bridgeport, Conn., Father Peter N. Graziano, Di{)cesan Director of Catholic Social Services and Special Apostolates, was elected council president. The council was formed in the early 1970's to convene the major helping and advocacy agencies and programs within the church in New England, including the Catholic Charities movement, the Campaign For Human Development and the Catholic Committee For Urban Ministry. The council also has membership from various religious communities, parishes and individuals involved in the social ministry of the church. Through one or more of its programs each diocese in New England holds official membership in the council. Serving with Father Graziano are Marion Evarista, Providence, vice-president; Mary M"Caffrey, Worcester, secretary; Richard Shannon, Manchester, treasurer.
Control "You cannot control the length of your life, but you call control the depth and height. Catholic Digest II
Most recently, she has been the Province representative to the Mercy Consolidated Assets Program, a collaborative effort among five provinces and the national office of the Sisters of Mercy aimed at social responsibility in the area of corporate investments. She is also a member of the New England Coalition for responsible Investments, whose purpose is to assist its members to express social responsibility with their investments. Sister Barbara holds a bache· lor's degree in business education from Bryant College, and a master's degree in religious education from Boston College. She has taught at St. Mary Academy, Bay View, East Providence; the former Mt. St. Mary Academy, AMONG THOSE REJOICING at the dedication of the new. St. John the Baptist Fall River; and Bish{)p Feehan Church and parish center in Westport were John Gwozdz, a parishioner for 60 years, High School, Attleboro. and his daughters, Mrs. Mary Lang, Mrs. Jennie Niles and Mrs. Stephanie Ashton. She was religious education coordinator at Immaculate Conception Parish, North Easton, and St. Joseph Parish, Taunton. Sister Barbara Riley, a Fall opened the ceremony at which Barbara will work with members Most recently, she has worked River native, has been named Sitter Theresa Kane, general of the Providence province in with the Family Assistance Cenby the Sisters of Mercy of the administrator of the Sisters of determining problems to be ad- . ter, a program. involving lowProvidence province to head a Mercy, gave the main address, dressed and in researching issues income and working class resi· newly established Office of Peace to which Sister Barbara respond- which may indicate future di- dents of Woonsocket in reo rections in social ministry. ed. and Justice. solving social problems affect· She will also plan workshops ing them. The new Peace and Justice The ministry was inaugurated Sister Theresa Kane, as well last Saturday at a para-liturgical Office will provide a vehicle to for local groups and develop ceremony and reception at Mt. assist Sisters of Mercy and materials for outreach on educa- as heading the Sisters of Mercy of the Union, is president of the St. Rita provincial house, Cum- others in interpreting Catholic tion for justice. Sister Barbara has been active Leadership Conference of Womberland, R.I. Sister Mary Noel social thought within the conBlute, RSM, provincial superior, temporary Mercy context. Sister in social issues for several years. en Religious.
Fall River sister heads new office
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs~, July 17, 1980
the living word
A New Politics As the Republican National Convention follows its more than predictable course, some interesting reflections mirror the temper of the times. Of course, the fact that this particular political persuasion is meeting in the city of Detroit is a contrast and somewhat of a contradiction in itself. The vast majority of the Grand Old Party delegates still reflect all that is WASP about America. They are convening in a city that is 60 per cent black and the home of the union that represents the American automobile industry - two elements that to date have been quite removed from the Republican mode. In such a setting rural isolationism confronts and even defies urban socialism. The exigencies of the times have also given rise to a party platform that deliberately dares to call into question all that Democratic liberalism has paraded before the American populace as salvific and redemptive. Somehow the voting public is realizing that big government does not have all the answers and cannot solve all of life's problems. There seems a growing awareness on all levels of national life that the dollar bill is not the ultimate fulfillment of the American dream. A persistent and developing antagonism to government interference and dictates in the areas of morality and religious belief is confronting many a politician. And an evergrowing tide of Americans is sick and tired of paying the tab for the millions of freeloaders who wish to live off the tax dollar. The unjustified welfare mess, the cancer of urban crime, the increasing lines of unemployed, the blackmail antics of the oil cartel, the conspiracies of international conglomerates and a litany of countless other irritating circumstances that are draining the American spirit are a driving force in changing the direction of the national mind. In 1980, it is obvious that there is nothing more obsolete and archaic than a liberalism that was the driving force of the late 60s and early 70s. The inevitable cycles of history have come full circle. The constant of change has engulfed the unprepared. The defeated are those who still mouth the outdated platitudes of a past generation. If there is one thing to be learned from the Detroit milieu, it is that there is a new politics of determination in this land. It will try to renew the dictums of the past while focusing in on the realities of the present. Where it will bring this nation no one knows with any degree of certainty. Yet one thing can be said. This new politics is developing with predictable conservative overtones. All will not agree with its spirit but all will have to admit its existence. For some it will be threatening in its fundamentalism, for others it will be hopeful in its anticipation. For all it will be a sign of our times. Anyone who desires to lead this nation as it nervously journeys into this decade must understand and adjust to this political pulse. The politician who promises a new deal is old; the politician who promises everything to everyone will have nothing. Only a politician who understands a people who seek direction will lead; only a politician who is seen as a sign of hope will overcome old fears. This new politics will demand a new mind from us all.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. John F. Moore •
~ leary
Press-F,,, River
My people, my people; what· have I done to you or in what have I offended you? Answer me! With great power I have lifted you up and you have raised me upon this tree. My people, my people; what have I done to you or in what have I offended you? Answer mel - The Reproaches of Good Friday
What,eve'r Became·' of Sin? By Father Kevin J. Harrington
A few years ago, an eminent psychoanalyst, Dr. Karl Menninger, wrote a best seller entitled "Whatever Became of Sin?" Dr. Menninger challenged the clergy to assume their rightful duty of reminding their people to be responsible for their actions and decisions. He noted that although it was not fashionable to speak of sin, it was still necessary. , Unfortunately, Roman ~ath olics have alternated between a too negative approach to an almost too naive approach to sin. This unfortunate situation arises when moral education is neglected on an adult level. Prior to the Second Vatican Council the church used a right and wrong approach to the formation of consciences. After the Second Vatican Council, the church relied upon a too simplistic approach. Neither approach blended the objective and the subjective components of moral decision making. Neither achieved a balance between God's mercy and justice. While one can rightly criticize the legalistic mentality that pre-
vailed toward sin prior to the All these abuses serve to Council, it should be noted that underscore the church's need to at least sin was recognized for assume more responsibility in what it was. Free will was real her teaching ministry. It is not and there was little doubt that hard to explain why either a salvation and damnation were legalistic or idealistic approach real possibilities for all. to the formation of consciences Perhaps the unnecessary by- has prevailed. Given the comproducts of scrupulosity and p~~ties .of. o~r acti~ns and deneurotic guilt could have been ClSlons, . It I.S ~mposslble to rely avoided. There was an over-em- . upon slmpllstlc approaches. phasis upon classifying sins acThe formation of an adult's cording to kind and number. conscience is a greater challenge Often too much emphasis was than is the formation of a child's. placed on offense against the Until this neglected area is atsixth and ninth commandments tended to, there will be little and too littll~ upon sins against acceptance of the new rite of charity, especially sins of omis- the sacrament of reconciliatiQn. sion. The change in the ritual only While mlUlY of these abuses occurred after many Catholics have been av·oided since the S~c- had abandoned the practice of ond Vatican Council, new prob- going to confession. lems have arised. People seem The church needs to remind less aware of sin. Confessionals its people that sin and redempseem less busy. Heaven, hell and tion are at the very heart of our purgatory are· discussed on~y belief. We must not only become speculatively. Salvation and aware of what we are prone to damnation seem remote from to- do but also what we are capable day's consciousness. There is a of doing with God's grace and tendency to escape moral re- with our best efforts. There must sponsibility by rationalizing all be an effort on the part of the sinful activities as products of church to teach the Christ-like one's heredity, environment or values on which her moral teachimmaturity. ings are based.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 17, 1980
Our responsibility? A recent news ;account told of a group of young boys who fell into an excavation basement at a. downtown construction site. One was killed, the rest seriously hurt. The tragic part of the story was that several adults admitted passing by, recognizing the inherent danger of their play, and walking on because they weren't their children and they didn't want to intrude. Those who study families tell us that one of the chiE~f differences between rearing ,a family in the recent past and today is that we no longer take a communal responsibliity in rearing society's children. Therefore, parents have to be w::th their childnm at all times to insure their safety. Parents call't count on other nearby adults to tell their children to get out of dangerous places, to stop bullying or vandalizing, or generally to behave according to society's rules. Dr. Raymond Leidig of the Colorado Dept. of Institutions spoke of this in an address before the White House Conference on Families. He said we have to give adults permission to be responsible for the welfare of all children, not just their own. He recounted that when he was a little boy in New York and playing with friends on the sidewalks, if he did something wrong or strayed too close to the street, there were a dozen
grandmas leaning on the windowsill ready to call down, "Raymond Leidig, you behave yourself or I'll tell your momma when she gets home:' Yet, when he cautioned a neighborhood girl against coming too close to his burning leaves, her parents overheard him and said, "Do you always tell other people's kids what to do?" That's why we're so reluctant to be the responsible adults that a caring society requires in order to rear society's children well. We're afraid of them and their parents. We witness abominable behavior but refuse to say any- . thing about it. A whole movie theatre will allow a few loud teens to ruin the movie because anyone who remonstrates will become a target. Kids on a bus will open a window wide without a thought of the discomfort of the people behind them. Loud transistor radios invade the harmony of public places and nobody asks the pre-teens to turn them down. If the rest of us would openly support the correcting adult, we wouldn't have any problem. One group that acts respon: sibly in monitoring other people's children in society is teachers. Recently, my son and I were in a tour with a group of terribly unruly Cub Scouts. Their leaders didn't seem concerned as the boys pushed and shoved but when one jammed into me, I
Catec]tleticJal brew Catechetics in the! United States, it will be no surprise to anyone, is in a mess. The brew that is currently being served up as catechetical wisdom is a mixture of wild sodological overgeneralization, naive pedagogy based on church authority and arrogant assumptions about its own success. Small wonder that half of the Catholic teen-agel's in the country decline to participate in high school "religious education:' If one wishes to peruHe a catalog of the cliches of conventional catechetical wisdom, one need only read a recent article by Francis Kelly, head of the "religious education" section of the National Catholic EdiucaUonal Association. He may have missed one or two of them but he still manages to present a (:aricature of the "religious educajjon" ideology. Like so many other "religious educators," he turns to church documents for his pedagogical method. His article is li"p.r"Uy spiked with quotes frOID various ecclesiastical "directories" ,,:.;)se understanding of the development of the personality and the imaginations is at least 30 years out of date. We are informed that "within the whole process of evangelization, the aim of catechesis is to be the teaching and maturation stage . . . " Now I ,:on't care whether that is a papal quote.
If it means anything
(and i'm not sure that it does), it's just plain wrong. American Catholic young people are not the proper targets for "evangelization:' The fundamental Christian images and symbols are deeply ingrained in their personalities from their family experiences (where evangelization takes place, if it takes place at all). The pose of the "religious educator" that he or she is going to "evangelize" these young pagans is nonsense - and pedagogically disastrous. Whatever the "directories" may say, the proper goal of religious teaching in the American Catholic context is to call forth the religious images and experiences in which the personalities of young people are already steeped. It is a difficult and delicate art. The "religious educator" who knows how to do it will have no trouble getting the young people to give up TV one night a week to listen to her/him. The educator may also learn at least as much as is taught - a difficult feat if you're posing as an evangelizer. Finally Fr. Kelly notes that "Cathechists generally have made a very good start in the 1970s toward leading .young people to a sense of social morality, to . . . do their part for charity, justice and peace." Oh? I doubt it. Social morality is extremely hard to develop in an instruction class if it has not
got angry. I grasped them and said, "Hey, you two, that's dangerous." I suspect the leaders glared at me but I didn't care. The gratitude from the others made up for it. Later, a woman slipped next to me and said, "I'll bet you were a teacher:' I laughed and admitted it and she identified herself as one, too, saying she had planned to step in on the very next shove. But teachers and other authority figures shouldn't be the only ones who parent society's children. When parentless kids are misbehaving in the pew, breaking into the front of the line, or spoiling a program, we should presume their parents would want us to correct them. When we see them swimming in dangerous places, riding bikes hazardously, and engaging in play that seems harmless to them, we need to risk censure and become caring enough adults to say something to them. Otherwise, we will become like those adults who walked by the children playing in the construction site, too afraid to save their lives by saying a word.
already been taught and modeled in the family and the larger culture. I have searched for years for a "social" impact of Catholic schooling and/or "religious education" and until recently found very little effect not because teachers were failing but rather because justice is so hard to teach. I began to teach high school CCD in Tucson this year and will continue to do it next year, God willing, mostly. because I enjoy teen-agel's. Catechetics is an extremely important aspect of Catholic life - far too important to be left to drafters of "directories" and "religious education" administrators like Father Kelly. Those of us who try to teach young people are not getting any help from the "religious education professionals."
THE ANCHOR (USPS路545.()20) Second Class Postage Paid at Fall RIver Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fa! River. Subscription price by mall, postpaic $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address ;hanges to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722
Rus.sian detent,e' pushed
Samuel Pisar is very much the suave international lawyer and man about the world. He knows everyone,
Samuel, a born advocate, got a Jewish major on the phone at UNRRA, and talked his way into a DP camp.
goes everywhere, gives wellfashioned, well-rehearsed answers to every question. He has a chateau in France next door to Valery Giscard d'Estaing, apartments in New York and Paris.
A French uncle, astonishingly, found him. His aunt importuned him to come to Paris. Then uncle Nacham and uncle Lazar, who had fled to Australia in time, sent for him and introduced him '.to down under family life, to the code of the British gentleman and the pleasures of learning.
Pisar has written a book called "Of Blood and Hope." It is making a splash, which is not surprising in one sense because of the author's connections and his perseverance in promotion - he'll cross the ocean for a television date. But it is hardly the ideal time for an eloquent appeal for closer cooperation with the Soviets. IPisar basically wrote the book once before. In "Coexistence and Commerce," which appeared 路in 1970, he presented the case for detente in thoughtful circles. This time, he has told it within a totally gripping account of his own life, which guarantees that attention will be paid. Who will not respect the views of a survivor of Nazi death camps? When he was 12 years old, the Nazis invaded Poland, driving out the Soviets. At 14, he began his odyssey through the extermination centers, Treblinka, Maidenek, Auschwitz. His father simply disappeared one day from Bialystok, a center of Jewish culture, where the family had lived for generations. The night before he was parted forever from his mother and eightyear-old sister, his mother carefully packed his bag. If he wore short pants, he would go with her. But if he had long pants, he might be taken for an adult - and spared. He wore the long pants and "passed" as a man.
His mother had given him a ticket to life - the living death of the Nazi camps. Samuel survived, with the help of two friends. They learned not to cringe before their captors, never show weakness, never express the slightest concern for anyone but each other. The boy evaded three fatal "selections" - one by simply sink路ing to his knees beside a pail and scrubbing his way across the floor to the "freedom" of the barracks. The terror ended one day when he flung himself into the path of a tank bearing the star of the United States Army, which was under German machine-gun fire. In occupied Germany, the three survivors became juvenile delin.:}uents. They set up a black market and were caught - and jailed by their' liberators.
Under the stricken, loving care of his uncles, the young savage was rehabilitated. He decided to study law. "Having lived under the most arbitrary regimes known to man, where the smallest deviation from the rules meant instant annihilation, I felt deep reverence for human rights, the claims of the individual against the state, and the freedoms that were guaranteed by due legal' process:' He was given a scholarship to Harvard, where he acquired a taste for celebrities, whose names and pictures dot his book. For his doctoral dissertation, he wrote about the legal aspects of trade between communist and capitalist countries. That, he said, should exonerate him from any charges that he came to his theory through self-interest - -the enormous fees he gets from representing U.S. corporations in their dealings with the Soviets. "Americans are obsessed with Russia's military strength. But I saw the Soviet army crumble like cheese before the Nazi advance. Their ideology was so brittle, many of them joined the Nazis," he says. "We live in the shadow of nuclear confrontation. It is in our interest to help the Russians develop the Siberian oil fields. If we don't they will be fighting for oil in the Gulf the way I saw men fight for a bottle of water in the camps:' He believes there cannot be "business as usual" in the wake of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. He approves of the Olympic boycott. "But we must understand that Europeans cannot sit there and snipe at the Russians - they do not think the Americans can guarantee their security. They need the trade, otherwise unemployment goes up - and they have elections, too:' An economic solution is not appeasement, he says. It's common sense. Americans may not currently be receptive to his theory, but they have to salute the year's most harrowing success story - and the survival of Samuel Pisar.
NARAL gets
THE ANCHORThurs., July 17, 1980
Anderson aid
Meaning Continued from page one rieighbor, "especially in the poor, in the sick, in those on the fringes of society." 'From that basis he was able to speak of the Eucharist as a "fresh impulse" to social justice. It was clearly a social message, but just as clearly it was primarily a spiritual, religious message. And it was because of that religious dimension that the pope's message .in Brazil had a different meaning than the same social message preached by a politician or a union leader. IWhen he ordained 7 new priests in Rio. de Janeiro and told them they were to be "men of God", not doctors or union leaders or social workers, he was not telling them to ignore iBrazil's serious social and human rights problems. He was telling them that they have a special dimension to bring to such concerns. And in his view that dimension is primary. On the plane from Rome to Brazil I asked him about the tremendous. rich-poor gap in South America, the world's most Catholic continent. "I am convinced that Catholic moral teaching is the only teaching capable of responding to this problem," he said.
Delegates Sacred Hearts Sisters Bernadette Hemingway and Brigid McCoy, who are stationed in Fairhaven, were among delegates to the first continental meeting of the Sacred Hearts community, held in San Fernando, Calif. They participated in a workshop on evangelization directed by Brother Edward Adams of the American bishops'. ad hoc committee on evangelization.
NASHVILLE, Teen. (NC) Saying "frankly I've had enough of the anti-choice zealots" and that he is "fed up with the zealots' attempt to impose compulsory pregnancy," independent presidential candidate John B. Anderson has signed a letter asking for memberships and contributions to the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). In a telephone interview with the Tennessee Register, newspaper of the Nashville Diocese, Susan Starr, press spokeswoman for the Anderson campaign, confirmed that the letter was signed by Anderson and that he is aligned with NARAL. In the letter, Anderson refers to the anti-abortion lobby as "a reactionary coalition of rightwing groups (which) has mounted a nationwide fund-raising and organizing campaign designed to ONE GAME NOTRE DAME DIDN'T WIN: A cross falls from the roof of 51. Ed- destroy the political careers of of the nation's progressive wafd's Hall at the University of Notre Dame as fire severely damages th.e campus's oldest some leaders. dormitory. (NC Photo) "Frankly, I've had enough of the anti-choice zealots and their ability to put fear into Congress, state legislatures and city counA theologian· commenting on productive organs, or the per- so will prevent a future preg- cils. I'm fed up with the zealots' the National Conference of manent thwarting of their func- nancy that may be hazardous to attempt to impose compulsory Catholic Bishops' reaffirmation tion, as in the tying of a wom- the life of the mother or th1t pregnancy on America . . . their of the immorality of contracep- an's fallopian tubes, is an action may result in the birth of a child attempt to destroy elected reptive sterilization has explained directed against a fundamental suffering from recessive genetic resentatives who have the courwhy the e~ical principle of to- good of the human person, May defects, and in this way (will) age to speak up for individual tality does not apply to such said, and is therefore morally contribute to the total well-be- liberty. "That's why I've decided to sterilization procedures. evil. ing of the person thus sterilized hefp the National Abortion and to his or her family. In a commentary prepared for He then discuss,ed the princiRights Action League in every distribution with the bishops' pIe of totality in relation to con"Were the view correct that way I can. That's why I'm writStatement on Tubal Ligation, traceptive sterilization. "A:ccord- we can deliberately intend to do ing to enlist your help also. You which dealt with sterilization for ing to this principle," he said, evil for the sake of good-tocontraceptive purposes, William "a part of a human person may come, it would be morally per- and I had better stand up to these bullies," he said. E. May, associate professor of be rightfully sacrificed when its missible to choose precisely to The letter outlines three steps moral theology at the Catholic continued presence within the kill an innocent person, should to accomplish this goal. University of. America, noted person endangers that person's a high enough good be served. "By joining with thousands of , first that direct or contraceptive existence." In fact, no concretely describ- other concerned citizens in sterilization is immoral because able human I:lCtS would be mor"Some theologians," May said, ally reprehensible, for no matter NARAL, here's how we can deits purpose is "to destroy a good fend a precious freedom: of the human person," that per- "have tried to extend the prin" - Recruit pro-choice citison's capacity to share in the ciple of totality to justify direct what the act in question might. zens to our cause; be, one might argue that some procreation of new human life. or contraceptive sterilization " Build a politically astute The destruction of healthy re... They have argued that doing 'greater' good could be served." pro-choice constituency through education . . . " - Demonstrate to members of Congress and congressional candidates that they cannot ignore the majority . . . and the majority is pro-choice . . . "We'll see to it that this voting majority knows exactly where each candidate in the 1980 elections stands . . . We will defend those leaders who have been marked for political execution by the reactionaries. We will mobilize the electorate in highly visible ways to send the unmistakable message of the majority to Congress; 'I'm pro-choice. And I vote!' "
Sterilization statement explained
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[necrolo<iY) August 5 Rev. Martin J. Fox, 1917, Founder, St. /Paul, Taunton August 6 Rev. Joseph P. Lyons, 1961, Pastor, St. Joseph, Fall River
the man pocket
Homosexuals no prohlem
Novena ads
Dear Editor: Paid advertisements Emtitled "Thanksgiving Novena to St. Jude" have recently appeared in The Anchor. WhilE! there may be some benefit to the newspaper for a paid advertisement, there is good reason to object to the copy as written, and that objection is of a theological nature. The published novenas, and other similar novenas that are encountered from time to time, have the common fault of promising the compliance of God with the will of the petitioner for whatever request, just 50 long as the novena ritual is properly performed. Typical promises are: "This novena has never been known to fail," "This miraculous saint grants all requests," "Your prayer will be answered before the last day of the novena, etc:." This sort of promise reduces the pious and laudatory practice of regular prayer for our personal needs to a magic rite. Let us pray with faith;; let us pray with confidence; let us pray with perseverence; but let us also pray with heart, S::lul and will submissive to whatever answer God may wish to make to our prayers: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heavE'n. Rev. Martin BUI)te New Bedford
Dear Editor: . Two columnists commanded my attention as I read the Anchor of Thursday, July 3. Father Andrew Greeley correc:tly insists that Father Cornelius Buckley, S.J., of theC~llifornia Province, has been unfairly treated in being "silenced" by his Provincial. Father Buckley's offense consisted in complaining in print about alleged liturgical and teaching excesses at thE! Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley. What Father Greeley d:oes not express is of almost eClual interest. Why did the New England Jesuit Provincial or the General never silence Congressman Robert Drinan, who repeatedly made flipPll1'llt proabortion speeches to pro-llbortion organizations. Apparentl:f, some in "the new Society" do not embrace the old Jesuit lU:iom of "first things first." Mary McGrory, despite her Emmanuel education, has consistently bedeviled the pro-life cause and served as an apologist for the pro-abortionists. She surprised me by her pre:;ence in that issue of the AJichot'. Joseph J. Reilly East Orleans
She wonders why Dear Editor: Is it true that all the holy feasts of obligation will be taken out except the Immacublte Conception, our patron saint of our country? Why? I'm shclcked if it is true. What can we believe? Mrs. Josephine Patenaude Taunton
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs., July 17, 1980
SISTElt BERNADETTE LAPRE was honored last Sunday at a celebration following a concelebrated Mass at St. Roch's Church, Fall River. The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lapre of Fall River was anticipating her silver jubilee as a Religious of St. Joseph of Cluny. A native of St. Roch's parish, she entered religious life in 1953 and made her first vows in 1956. She and one other sister were the first Americans to enter the St. Joseph community, founded in France 200 years ago by Anne-Marie Javouhey and now numbering over 3500 members, serving on all continents. Sister Bernadette has served in Rhode Island retreat houses and at various convents in France. On Tuesday she joined North American members of the community in Newport at an observance of the 200th anniversary of their foundation. Also from St. Roch parish is Sister Rachel Philippe, the former Diane Racine, who entered the community in 1956.
usee Continued from page one president, and Cardinal George ·Basil Hume of Westminster, England. Cardinal Hume's letter said that continuing military aid and arms sales are helping perpetuate repression and tension in El Salvador. He called an embargo "vital."" In response, Archbishop Quinn cited his personal efforts to get the aid stopped. He praised the statements by the British bishops, "for they illustrate an international perspective which supports the position we have taken here." Archbishop Quinn was among several world church leaders who attended the violencemarred funeral of Archbishop Romero. More than 40 were killed and scoJ'~S injured when bombings and shootings erupted in the square where the funeral / Mass was being celebrated.
Wagner said, "We have people WASHINGTON (NC) - Homosexuality is "the least of our working in every camp, and we problems in the camp," in re- . think less than 700 homosexuals settling Cuban refugees, accord- have to be resettled." More than 115,000 Cubans ing to Dave Lewis, U.S. Catholic Conference (USCe) camp have come to the United States director at Fort Chaffee, Ark. in the recent boatlift from Cuba "Frankly, it doesn't even con- and USCC Migration and Refugee Services officials say they cern me," he added. News stories in the Washing- have resettled 60-70 percent of ton Post have said that national them. homosexual rights groups and Lewis said in a telephone insome federal authorities have terview that the USCC has been estimated that up to 20,000 of responsible for resettling 65-75 the Cuban refugees awaiting percent of the 19,000 refugees at sponsors are homosexuals. Fort Chaffee. Of those, Lewis Lewis called'that estimate "tosaid he was aware of 200·300 tally out of line. I don't know homosexuals. He added that where they get those numbers." some homosexuals from the USCC officials said that what they see as inflated estimates of camp have been resettled. the number of homosexual refu"We're not trying to judge gees are hindering efforts to re- people - we're trying to find settle refugees. a working relationship with the sponsor," Lewis said. "If there "I'm not saying there will be is a problem, we work it out or a problem of finding sponsors get a new sponsor." for homosexuals," said George Wagner, assistant director of Adding that the usec works MRS, "but labeling 20,000 through the dioceses, Wagner people as gay could give us said the organization does not problems for the group as a directly resettle refugees and has whole. It does color the whole no policy on resettling homopopulation and that will influ- sexuals. ence opinion." Some officials have said that
many Cuban men lied and said they were homosexuals on their exit permits in the hope that this would lead to their expulsion from Cuba. Wagner called that one possible answer. He noted that homosexuality does not preclude refugees from entering the United States.
About the elderly A 1980 study, "Aging in America: Trials and Triumphs," conducted for the Americana Healthcare Corp., revealed the following about people over 60 years of age: 89 percent call on their faith for support in times of stress and unhappiness; 50 percent report they attend reljgious services almost every week; 94 percent believe God responds in some way to prayer; 74 percent expressed belief in a life after death; 83 percent expressed no fear of death.
The Secret "Holiness increases in proportion to the deVotion that one possesses for Mary." - Father Faber
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 17,1980
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Defending religious freedom
Catholic Rights League A priest serves the poor of his formulation of public policy. neighborhood as an attorney for At the command center of the Legal Aid Society. He views this civil rights campaign is the this work as an integral part of League's general counsel, Robhis priestly ministry and, accord- ert Destro, a 30-year-old graduingly, wants to wear his clerical ate of the University of Califcollar in the courtroom. But the ornia School of Law at Berkley. district attorney objects, claim- His experiEmce in defending stating that the Roman collar will utes that restrict the availabibias juries. A judge agrees, and lity of abortion has earned Desthe priest is denied his right to tro a reputation as one of the leading legal strategists of the practice law. A group of students meets for pro-life movement. His expertise prayer in a public high school extends much farther, however, classroom before the start of as evidenced by the fact that the the official school day. Even former cooperating attorney for though this practice is explicitly . the ACLU now teaches in conauthorized by their student hand- stitutional law and civil liberties book, and even though other at Marquette University Law groups of students are meeting School. Destro and his two young in classrooms voluntarily for other non-academic purposes, the staff attorneys rely for advice local school board tells them and direction upon a seasoned they are no longer permitted to Legal Advisory Committee of pray on the premises. five prominent attorneys and .A:n Evangelical couple find law professors. Among them are that neither the public nor pri- Destro's former professor, John vate schools in their area offer Noonan, and Stuart Hubbell, a their children instruction which practicing attorney in Traverse is compatible with their under- City, Mich., who serves as the standing of the Bible. They de- League's director of legal sercide to teach their children at vices. home through a reputable corOther legal positions hold little respondence course. The mother allure,for Destro, who gave up is a qualified teacher, but she a career in corporate law to take refuses to seek state certifica- his position with the League. tion because she sincerely be- "This is a lawyer's dream," he lieves that to do so would vio- explains. "The cases we're worklate her religious principles. The ing on have a direct impact upstate files criminal charges on the most crucial issues in our against the parents for violation society today." of truancy laws. For example, in three separThe parties above were aided ate cases, Destro has successful in pressing their legal claims by ly countered the ACLU's arguthe Catholic League for Religious ment that restrictions on aborand Civil Rights. Their cases tion, such as the Hyde Amendwere among a score the Cath- ment, are unconstitutional beolic League took on in 1979, and cause they establish as law the so far at least one of them, that religious views of a particular of the couple who sought to minority -- Catholics. provide their children education Calling the ACLU argument in conformity with their own re- "flimsy but extremely dangerligious beliefs, has been brought ous," Destro noted that if the to a successful conclusion. argument had been accepted, Legal defense of religious free- Catholics and other religiously dom rights - of non-Catholics motivated people would have as well as Catholics - - is one been effectively excluded from of the primary purposes of the the political process. "You could Catholic League. Since it was encourage your representatives founded in 1973, the Milwaukee- to pass a law," he said, "but based Catholic civil rights organ- once the law passed, it could be ization has put together an im- declared unconstitutional as an pressive string of legal victories. establishment of religion!" In its first legal battle, the Destro said he also takes great League helped to overturn a satisfaction in helping to vindiColorado law that violated the cate the right to freely exercise First Amendment's freedom of religious beliefs. "You wouldn't speech guarantee by making it think anyone would tamper with a criminal offense to send a right as fundamental as the through the mails litrature that right to worship," he says, "but "might cause alarm" to its reci- it does happen, especially to pients. The client in that case people who are out of the mainwas a Protestant physician, Dr. stream of society. In several Frank Bolles, who had been cases, the League has helped prosecuted and convicted for elderly residents of publicly sending right-to-life literature to subsidized housing regain their right to have Mass on the premhis fellow citizens. Since then, the League has ises, and in another case the gone to court to defend the right League has assured that Cathto freely exercise religious be- olic prison inmates are permitted liefs, to fight against employ- to worship on a basis equal to ment discrimination, to protect that of inmates of other faiths." As exhiliarating and important the rights of conscience of people opposed to abortion, to champion as the League's legal activities the rights of par,~nts to educate are, Destro acknowledges that and care for the:.r children, and the organization is much more to assure Catholics and other than a civil rights union. As dereligiously motivated people of fined by its founder and presithe right to participate in the dent, Father Virgil C. Blum, S.J.,
"The League's overall mission is to do for the Catholic community what the Anti-Defamation League, the NAACP and the ACLU have done for their respective constituencies." Father Blum, who is professor emeritus of political science at Marquette University, is a veteran of more than a quarter century of fighting for the civil rights of Catholics. As far back as 1953, Father Blum began distinguishing himself as one of the few Catholic educators who would not will'ingly submit to government discrimination against parents whQ choose to send their children to church-related schools. "I began to speak up for the right of parents to decide where and how their children will lie educated," he recalls. ".A:nd I began to speak against the state monopoly in the use of education tax funds. I believed. then, and I believe even more firmly now, that as a matter of elementary justice, people should not be denied a fundamental civil right just because they happen not to be wealthy enough to bear the double burden of taxation and tuition." Year after year Father Blum traveled the country, speaking to hundreds of groups. In half a dozen books and more than 150 articles, he expressed his views on freedom of choice in education. But to little avail. "We fought for bus transportation, textbook loans and auxiliary services for children in private schools," he says. "And every step of the way we would meet with the same basic opposition from those who resented the fact that their fellow Catholic citizens might derive some benefits from the education taxes they were paying." According to Father Blum, whenever laws were passed, the same anti-Catholic bias would again come into play, making it difficult to get them enforced, so that children would still be deprived of the benefits to which they were legally entitled. "Before long," he said, "the laws would be challenged. Then, no matter how carefully the law may have been drafted to meet the established tests for constitutionality, the Supreme Court would create a new constitutional test to strike it down." After struggling nearly in vain for 20 years, Father Blum concluded that it was pointless to keep arguing in a vacuum for educational freedom. "The only way we could solve that problem," he says, "was by solving the more fundamental problem of the place of Catholics in American society. Catholics need to organize to defend their rights and to secure their just claims, and everyone in society has to work together to protect religious freedom and stamp out such prejudices as anti-Catholicism. This is what the Catholic League is all about." (Continued next week)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 17, 1980
Msgr. Higgins to Catholic U. WASHINGTON (NC) Msgr. George G. Higgins, 64, secretary for special concerns of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops-U.S. Catholic Conference (NCCB-USCC), is leaving that position in September and will teach at the Catholic University of America in the 1981 spring semester. A conference spokesman confirmed that Msgr. Higgins, who will be 65 next January, is retiring from the conference after 36 years and that he will con· tinue to be a consultant ,to the
conference for the next year. Father Carl Peter, dean of the School of Religious Studies at Catholic University, said Msgr. Higgins will teach a course in the next spring semester in that school's theology department.
What's needed Faith is required of thee and a sincere life, not loftiness of intellect nor deepness in the mysteries of God." - Thomas a Kempis
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AT A PASTORAL VISITATION to St. Patrick's parish, Falmouth, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin greets parish youngsters (top); blesses four-month-old Christine Diggins, niece of Susan Romiza, holding her; and meets parishioners, including Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morris, at left. He is flanked by Msgr. John J. Oliveira, left, episcopal secretary; and Father James A. McCarthy, St. Patrick's pastor. (Poisson Photos)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 17, 1980
It pays to advertise in The Anchor, the largest weekly newspaper in Southeastern Massachusetts, reaching 27,000' subscribers and an estimated 100,000 actual readers.
The grandmother's role By Dr. James and Mary Kenny
Q. Dear Mary: In two months our daughte.r-In-Iaw is due to give birth to our first grandchild. I'm planning to go to their home and help out for the first week or two. You are great supporters of relatives helping each other. Any suggestions about how to be a good grandmother? (DIinois) ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford A. Dana Raphael, an anthropologist, studied child care and breast-feeding in several culOpen Daily For The Season at J:OO P.M. tures. In her book, "The Tender Gift," she notes that many cultures provide the new mother with a "doula," a person to "mother" the young mother. The FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER - 636-2744 or 999-6984 "doula" takes care of anything that might bother the mother, leaving her free to get acquainted with her baby in a peaceful, secure atmosphere. Our culture frequently expects the young mother to go it alone. She is expected to take up normal duties almost as soon as "HOME 10_ COUICI. ....... she gets home from the hospital. She is to cook, clean, even enFOI HOM'T 24 HOIl' ~itw tertain, and still learn to know Charles Velolo, Pres.· and mother her baby. Like all COMPlEn "AM sysn.~t" I Americans, she is prized if she INSTALLEO . is efficient. "YOU HIVE' HAD SE'VICE The young mother's main task UNTIL YOU TilED CHA'LlE'S" in the early weeks is to get acquainted with her baby and learn to meet its needs with confidence. She needs peaceful, 0ffU OAi GlOVE "boY
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~ Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
I am interested in religious life as a ( ) priest, ( ) brother, ( ) sister. Name ,-Age _ Address _ City State Zip _ Education Phone _ Vocation Director, Sacred Hearts Community, 3 Adams St., Box 111 Fairhaven, MA 02719. Telephone (617) 993-2442
unhurried time with her baby. A helpful grandmother's most likely mistake is to take over the baby, supposedly to give the mother time to rest. This temptation is hard to resist. The good grandmother is enthusiastic about her grandchild. She agrees that this is the most marvelous baby ever. She rec~ ognizes that her role is to support the mother. Here are some practical ways: 1. Encourage the new mother. Point out how well the baby eats, how contented it is. If the baby is fussy, do not add to the mother's conc:ern but try to reassure her. Do not insist on your way when her way is as good. If she refuses paper diapers and you prefer cloth, if she feeds on demand and you think babies should eat on schedule, don't force your opinion. Such decisions are hers. What difference do they make so long as mother and baby are happy? 2. Take care of necessary tasks such as the wash and cooking. Freeing the new mother from those demands is the greatest practical help you can give her. 3. Find out the new mother's feelings about phone calls and guests. Cong:ratulations add to the family's happiness, but some guests overstay. their welcome. If she has too many visitors, 'deal with them tactfully.
4. Support her especially on "down" days. The happiest, healthiest mothers have days when they get tired and easily upset, when everything seems to go wrong. If you give her plenty of time to rest, see that she eats well and stay calm and supportive, you can be a great asset. 5. Enjoy that grandchild. Letting the young mother learn how to mother does not mean you must never touch the baby. Hold and rock it to your heart's content. Bathe and dress the baby occasionally if the mother welcomes your help. You cannot spoil a baby. 'Most newborns like to be held whenever they are awake. There is plenty of time for both the mother and other family members to enjoy the baby. Your role demands maturity. Your experience will stand you in good stead. If you do your job well, you will aid your daughter-in-law, you will help your grandchild to a wonderful start in life and you may develop a closer, warmer relationship with your son and his family than you would ever experience otherwise. Questions on family UvIng and child care are invited. Address to the Kennys c/o The Anc:hor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass, 02720.
In fashiolls, it's fall By Marilyn Roderick It is one of those lovely summer days when one should pick daisies. Tall yellow daisies were the order of the day, to be gathered in the early morning cool and arran,ged in an old brown bean pot that is perfect for this purpose. Joe is building a fence in the side yard and staining it a deep olive that will be a perfect background for the lovely spring gardens he plants so well. All In all, it's one of those golden summer days when school and fall seem very far away that is, until you enter any area store. Fall is there en masseI I still find it difficult to think fall when I have just got'ten Into the routine of summer. I for one enjoy buying summer clothes in summer and fall outfits when the first chill hits the air. However, by that time holiday clothes and resort wear crowd the racks and one is hard put to find a winter coat later than October. If you do want the pick of the fall crop of clothes, now it the time to buy them, for the racks are filling up with the deep rich tones of this year's fall styles. If this early preview is an indication, then also dust off last year's models because the classics are still strong. _There are beautiful sweaters as a very strong statement for fall 1980, These have the look of handknits and many of their price tags would be equated with
the handwork:, hovering around the $60/$70 range. Perhaps it would be cheaper to knit your own! Shirtdresses, blazers, plaid skirts and pullovers will still be big fashion news with changes very minor. Shorter hems will encourage you to do the same if you want to keep within the framework of what's new, but the basics are still essentially that. If you do some browsing early and fall in love with one great outfit for fall, you really should make it a suit because they are with us forever. Add or subtract blouses and sweaters and you're set from dawn until dusk. I was in a very lovely fabric store in Maine recently and judg-
ing from their shelves, quilts will still be very popular, especially short quilted packets with full, full skirts topped with frilly blouses for that very romantic look. Good buys at the moment are items that can add to your summer wardrobe and still carry into Indian Summer. Many of the cottons are in the darker shades and look as if they have no season. Another bonus you may be able to pick up at -this time of year is the sale-priced top or jacket that can be worn in other seasons. This does take some scouting around, but the savings are well worth it. And who said dressing well was an easy job?
He wants peers to stand with poor NEW YORK (NC) - American Catholics "more and more" need bishops who are willing to lead and "take a stand with the poor and voiceless," in the view of Bishop Matthew H. Clark of Rochester, N.Y., 42, who was consecrated less than a year ago. Bishop Clarllt reflected during a Shepherds Speak lecture at St. James' Cathedral, Brooklyn, that In his travels among the 400,000 Catholics of the Rochester Diocese, he found Catholics looking to their bishops to be a "sign of unity in a relationship that is human and loving." ':fhat model of bishop is "extremely Important for the whole church."
"(We bishops) have to be willing to stand up and lead, knowing full well someone may not like the package we offer," he said, answering an audience question about how the American bishops will respond to pastoral crises in the church in the 1980s. Bishop Clark has met twice with the people in each of 11 regions of his western New York See. He has put 22,000 miles on his car visiting 116 of its 160 parishes. Regional meetings have a "town forum" fonnat. He has found these open exhanges both "well received" and "demanding" because "you can get burned" when people ask anything they want.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 17, 1980
ue~stion corner By Father John
Q. Recently you described the conditions for a mortal :5in. You said that the psycholOl:ical requirements for mortal sin are normally probably not present until the middle of late teens, and maybe even later tl1an that. Isn't this Just eDCl>W'llging chlldren to sin? Isn't a threat that they may sin the thing that oftE!n helps them act right? Don't YI[)U think If children learn this thElY would Just use it as an out f,)!' doing something that is wrong? (Ohio)
A. If I understand your question correctly (and I'm afraid I do) it reflects an attitudEl toward sin and conscience that should be unthinkable, but which has been all too prevalent in much of our past religious education. First, and most important, we have no right to lie to children to make them behave. Particularly we have no right to thus play God, and say, in effect: "Even if they haven't cClmmitted a serious sin ,it's better that they think they have. It will train them to do what is right." This attitude is, or at least has been, not uncommon among some well-meaning religion teachers. It is, however" a gross injustice to both God and to the individual we're dealing with, and can do irreparable damage to a young person's understanding of his relationship with God. Of course, if by some mental gymnastics a young person does reflect so fully and completely on the meaning of a serious sin that he consciously figures it is an "out" for him, it would be a good sign he knows what he is doing. The point I made in the previous answer was that until some considerable maturity is attained, a young peirson psychologically and spiritually cannot adequately comprehend the radical commitments and rejections involved in a mortal sin.
Iteering pOint,
has been a real problem for me to accept, since I see our Blessed Mother as a human being like myself. She was blessed by God but completely hwnan. If she was more than human, where then would Jesus receive his human nature? We know that he was totally God and totally man. (California) A. You certainly have a fine grasp of the basic theology concerning 'Mary and Jesus. She is completely human as we are; she is not some sort of "demigod" that would place her somewhere between God and man. The doctrine of the assumption in no way detracts from that total humanity. It simply says that after she finished her life on this earth she was taken body and soul to heaven. This does not imply that she was not totally human, any more than our own final resurrection will mean that we are not fully human.
BETfE J. BELANGER, New Bedford, has been named director of development at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. She will implement a new long-tenn development program for the 182-bed hospital.
SACRED HEARTS, FAIRHAVEN Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament will hold their monthly holy hour from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday. Mass and a homily by Father Henry Creighton, .SS.CC., pastor, will be followed by re路freshments in the church hall. All are invited.
For the poor
The reporters, about to leave Brazil and unable to spend their leftover Brazilian cruzeiros, cleaned the money from their wallets and pockets.
In that position, he will be involved with detennining policies and programs of the state health care bloc. Lyons is involved in many Fall River organizations. He is vice-president of Hospice Outreach and serves on the boards of the United Way, the Fall River/New Bedford Center for Alcohol Problems and St. Anne's Credit Union.
He is also a director of Ithe New England ConferQ. Is it permJssablc! for a ence of the Catholic Health Catholic to Join the YMCA? I am nearing retirement and am Association and active with considering taking out a memo the Greater Fall River Task bershlp, mainly for w:e of the Force, the Acute Care Task swimming pool. I l:'eIIlember Force of Health Systems "He's collecting money for the some opposition to the YMCA Agency V, and the subarea many years ago. Whnt is the poor," the friend said. present position? (pennsylvania) council. The TV correspondent paused. A. Membership in the YMCA was formerly discouraged for Catholics because SUI::h membership was' much more closely identified with the religious aspects of that organiatic'n than it is today. Members were encouraged, and sometimes expected, to share in the Protestant religious activities and wo;rship provided by the YMCA. The organization was, of course" founded by a group of Protestant men for religious as well ~lS recreational purposes. Nowhere in our country, to my knowledge, is this still true of YMCA centers. Under these conditions, many Catholics, including many priests, hold membership in the YMCA. Q. The doctrine of tho Assumpdon of the Blessed ViI~n Mary
are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included as well es full dates of all ,ctlvltles. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng projects may be advertised at our regular rates obtainable from The Anchor business Office, telephone 675-7151.
Ms. Belanger was. previously coordinator of devel- BREAD OF LIFE opment and public' relations COMMUNITY, FALL RIVER Meeting at Blessed Sacrament at St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford. She is active with Church, Fall River, the Bread of Life prayer community will bethe Greater New Bedford gin Life in the Spirit seminars Questions for this column Unit of the American Can- tomorrow night, following a 7:30 should be sent to Father Diet路 cer Society. prayer meeting. The seminars zen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, are open to members of other In another appointment prayer groups. Fall River, Mass. 02722. affecting the hospital, its exAt 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 25, ec1.ttive director, James F. Father George Harrison will be Lyons, has been named to the featured prayer meeting MANA:US, Brazil (NC) - Re- the board of directors of the speaker. porters from the Vatican press Massachusetts Hospital As- ST. MARY, corps contributed several hun- sociation. FAIRHAVEN
dred dollars to Brazil's poor just before they left Manaus to return to Rome on the plane with Pope John Paul n. As they were stapding in the Manaus airport, Nereu de Castro Teixera of the Brazilian hishops' Social Communications Department who had traveled around the country with the journalists, started up a collection.
An American TV correspondent saw the collection plate and dropped in a 100-cruzeiro note (about $2). Then he turned and asked a friend, "What's that all about?"
"Well . . . I guess the poor is what this trip is all about," he said. He pulled out the rest of his wad of cruzeiros - easily $50 or $60 worth - and dumped it into the bowl.
S'r. Visitation A funeral Mass was celebrated Tuesday at Jesus Mary Convent, Fall River, for Sister Marie Visitation, RJM, 77, who died last Saturday. Born in Manchester, N.H., the former Marie Anne Richard had taught voice and piano at Jesus Mary Convent and in Goffstown, N.H. Interment was in Jesus Mary Crypt on the convent grounds.
. The Cross "Wonder not then that all the true followers of Christ, the saints of every age, have so gloried in the cross of Christ, have imputed such great things to it, have desired nothing so much as to be partakers of it, to live in constant union with it. It is because 'his sufferings, his death and cross were the fullness of his victory over all the works of the devil. Not an evil in flesh and blood, not a misery of life, not a chain of death, not .a power of hell and darkness, but were all baffled, broken and overcome by the process of a suffering and dying Christ. Well therefore may the cross of Christ be the glory of Christians!" - William Law
The Pilgrim Virgin statue will be honored the week of July 19 through 26, with services scheduled at 4 and 4:30 p.m. daily. LES DAMES PATRONESSES, NEW BEDFORD The annual summer outing for the residents of Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, will be sponsored from 11 :30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday by the Dames Patronesses auxiliary group. Busses will transport residents to Buttonwood Park for a cookout, served by members of the sponsoring group's board of directors. Residents unable to leave the home will be served a special dessert. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Healing services at St. Anne's shrine will be suspended until Sunday, Sept. 14. A novena honoring Good St. Anne will open today, with devotions led daily at 3 and 7:30 p.m. by Father John R. Foister, pastor. Guided tours of St. Anne's Church are conducted daily from 1 to 4 p.m. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL .RIVER
The 19th annual summer festival will be held tomorrow through Sunday at Holy Ghost Grounds, the former Dave's Beach in Fall River. Entertainment, refreshments and games will be featured and a shuttle bus will be in operation from the Fall River Shopping Center to the festival grounds on Sunday. Tomorrow will be the deadline for dates of activities to be inserted in the parish calendar through August, 1981.
CATHOLIC DEAF APOSTOLATE, FALL RIVER DIOCESE A Mass for the hearing impaired will be offfered at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at St. John the ,Baptist Church, New iBedford. It will be preceded by a 2 p.m. workshop for children to explain the meaning of the Mas.s and the vestments and vessels used in its celebration, and will be followed by a social hour. Those participating are asked to contribute pastries. A summer family program for the deaf will include a trip to the JFK -Library Wednesday, July 30; a games and crafts program at Clemence Hall of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, on Wednesday, Aug. 6 and a Freedom Trail field trip Wednesday, Aug. 13. Those interested in participating in any event should contact the Apostolate at 344 County St., New Bedford. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD The Legion of Mary will sponsor a holy hour from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. All are invited. SECULAR FRANCISCANS, NEW BEDFORD Our Lady Queen of Angels Fraternity will meet for 10 a.m. Mass Sunday at Our Lady's Chapel. Carpooling will follow for a trip to La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, where the annual provincial picnic will take place. Members may bring lunch or obtain refreshments at the shrine cafeteria. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FALL RIVER . The parish spiritual life committee has placed a suggestion box in the vestibule, intended for'comments on how parishioners can grow as God's people. A bus trip to Fenway Park is planned for 5:30 p.m. Monday. Sunday, July 27 will be Parish Spirit Day, with a picnic planned from noon to 6 p.m. at Cathedral Camp, preceded by 11:30 a.m. Mass at the church. A rosary making meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the church hall. ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild will hold a board meeting at 7:30 tonight to plan activities for the coming year. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN
The parish' council at the rectory at 7:30 baptismal seminar is p.m. Thursday, July rectory.
will meet tonight. A set for 7 24 in the
The Young Couplell Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. SIGN members will take a boat trip to Martha's Vineyard Wednesday, July 23. All confirmed young people are invited to participate.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 17,1980
A challenging time
By Rebecca Christian Alicia Morrison was divorced at age 40. She left the home she had made for herself, her husband and six children for over 20 years. Her children went off to jobs, schools or marriage in rapid succession. With her cat and her adolescent son, Alicia moved into an upstairs apartment in a strange new town. Despite the changes and the disapproval of some who argued against the divorce, Alicia is not unhappy. But during the six years since that milestone birthday, Alicia has worked hard for serenity. Realizing that her youngest son would soon be leaving, she knew she needed to plan for a future alone.
Her work, spiritual life, friends and far-flung family help her to master the difficult' times. Lively correspondence and phone calls keep her dose to her mother and sisters. Alicia is determined not to be a meddling in-law. She only occasionally sees her married sons and three grandchildren, who all live near her. "I'm not intimately involved with my children in a day-today way. I never drop in on them. I wait to visit until I am asked," she stressed. In the quiet of her new life, Alicia sometimes misses her children and the good years of her married life. She cannot have a big garden and with no man around the house, she was
forced to learn skills, such as the maintenance of cars and appliances. Alicia works full tim~ and is taking courses in social work. This leaves her little time or inclimUion for an active social life. "There are times, certainly, when I miss doing things as a couple with other couples. Sometimes I miss male companionship, when I would just like to go out to dinner with a nice man. "I haven't met anyone I would like to go out with since the divorce, though. But I have to admit I am too busy to worry about it." Alicia compensates with good relationships at work and in her Turn to page thirteen
The dynamics of prayer
By Father John J. Castelot
The single life is a vocation in its own right.
New horizons for singles uality at Duquesne University as a ministry as well as a professEveryone asks certain key ion. questions: Where did I come Sometimes singles have much from? What am I doing here? free time. The question then is: Where 'am I going? Who am I What do I do with this time? in relation to God? How do I make it available to These questions are asked by the service of others and of the the older single person with ac- church? celerating intensity. Singles ask, Singles can orient their lives in addition: What does it mean toward self-giving service, humanly and spiritually to be possibly within new areas of single? How can single persons ministry opening up in the give witness in a way that sup- church. ports the rest of the human One such area is spiritual forfamily? mation. For too long, this has I want to suggest four areas. been associated almost exclusof witness that offer new hori- ively with religious sisters and zons of meaning to the single brothers and priests. But laity vocation. Single myself, I hope too need formation, in prayer, to address these areas in a conTurn to Page Thirteen crete, experiential way rather than as a teacher speaking about issues. 1. The first area involves transforming the pain of loneliness into the joy of solitude. BeBy Janaan Manternach ing alone is a kind of neutral condition. We can degenerate One day the diseiples asked into feeling sorry for ourselves Jesus to teach them to pray. or even into depression and de. After teaching them the words spair. Or we can use this situation as a graced opportunity to to what is now known as the experience union and commun- Our Father or the Lord's Prayer, Jesus told them a story. ion with Christ. "One night," Jesus began, "a 2. The next area touches upon singleness of heart. The texts man was fast asleep. Suddenly of the spiritual masters and the he awoke. Someone was poundGospels frequently call people ing on the front door. "The man leaned out the upto be pure of heart. This seems to mean that people should reo stairs window and saw a good main open to the words of friend of his at the door. The Christ and to the needs of people friend smiled up at him and in order to become a healing asked: 'My friend, lend me three loaves of bread. A friend of presence in the world. For example,' single people mine just arrived from a long can help heal loneliness through trip and I have no food in the their own warmth and joy. They house." "The man's response was can soothe some of the hurt they find among the married, angry. 'Leave me alone,' he shouted. 'The door is locked and divorced and widowed. 3. The third realm is that of we are all in bed." He slammed apostolic service. For instance, the window shut and climbed I experience my own work with back into bed. Turn to Page Thirteen the Institute of Formative SpiritBy' Susan A. Muto, Ph.D.
II For children I
A relationship with God is warm and personal and impossible to maintain without communication. Prayer is communication. In human relationships, people must talk with each other. If they stop, friendship and love shrivel and die. It is similar with prayer. It may seem selfish to talk with God about our needs and wants, but don't friends and lovers, children and parents share such concerns? In such prayer, we acknowledge God's love for us and his power to
help. We also are telling him, at least implicitly, that we really want him. The evangelist, Matthew, discusses the subject of prayer in chapter 7:7-11. A similar section appears in Luke 11:9-13. Matthew's Gospel contains five long instructions of Jesus. He composed them by arranging detached sayings of Jesus, so it is not surprising to find the sayings in quite different contexts in other Gospels. Matthew encourages confidence on the part of those who pray The triple admonition - to ask, to seek, to knock - wakes for emphasis. The section also
translates into action: "If you ask, you will receive; if you seek, you will find . . . " A slight contradiction almost seems to exist between this urging and a passage at the end of the preceding chapter: "I warn you, th'en: do not worry about your livelihood, what you are to eat or drink or use for clothing." If God already knows our needs, why tell him? But the emphasis in the last passage is on excessive concern, on lack of trust in God's loving care. Therefore, the two passages complement rather than contradict each other. Turn to page thirteen
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ The herd mstmct By Father JobD Cusick People succumb to the herd instinct almost unknowingly. People categorize other people. Single adults experience this. Singles often feel excluded and adults, for example, often felt uncared for, even in the church. Yet 49 million single adults make up nearly one-third of the adult U.S. population. Given such a statistic, the church needs to provide single adults with a real sense of belonging. First, it ought to provide an alternative to what people experience in their everyday lives. If the world provides pain, alienation, rugged individualism, unhealthy competition, fear and isolation, the church should offer
an alternative. The church, the people gathered in the name of the Lord, should offer and live out a sense of wholeness, hope, community, cooperation, care and companionship. This is what Jesus was about. He offered people a new way of looking at and living daily life. As a result, people came to appreciate (:ompassion and forgiveness, belonging and caring, as elements in the best way of living. The church became the alternative to what the majority of people considered important. Today, fol' the single adult, the church can be that same alternative structure. If society presents a world organized around couples, the church should s¡ig-
nify it has a place for singles as well. The church takes its stance from the Lord and his acceptance of people. He was uninterested in their position or status in society. Similarly,- the church should strive to be as welcoming as the Lord. People in the ministry may want to find out how welcome singles feel in a particular local parish community. It may be discovered that singles, as well as other groups which do not fit the American sterotype, feel unwanted. The church has a second function to serve. The church can challenge its people to share Turn to Page Thirteen
know your faith
A Verdlade E A Vida Dirigiml pelo Rev. Edmond Rep
Cristo, Principe Da Paz Cristo, com a Sua Incarnac;ao, intentou reconciliar 0 ceu com a terra. Ele e a mao boa e paternal de Deus-Pai estendida para os homens num gesto de paz e amor. Ele e 0 Pontifice, a Ponte o Mediador entre 0 filho pecador e 0 Pai abandonado. Ele e 0 verdadeiro Arco-iris, sinal da verdadeira Alianc;a ~ pacifica entre Deus e os homens. Ele e o grande Sim da misericordia do Pai e a grande revelac;ao dos seus pIanos de amor sobre os homens. Ele veio para pacificar com 0 sangue da Sua cruz todas as coisas, tanto as da terra como as do ceu. Isaias ch.ama-Ihe "Principe da paz'! E Miqueias: "Ele sera paz". Quando na.sceu em Belem, os anjos cantaram jubilosos: " ••• e na terra paz aos homens por Deus amados". S. Paulo diz: "Pois Ele e a nossa paz, que fez de ambos os povos urn so". E tambem"Porque 0 Reino de Deus nao e comida nem bebida, mas justic;a e paz e gozo no Espirito Santo". Cristo tinha constantemente nos labios essa s:uave palavra "Paz" para saudar os ami.gos, 0 povo, os A.postolos abatidos depois da Sua Paixao ••• Na ultimcL ceia disse com um enfase particular:. 'IIDeixo-vos a minha paz, dou-vos a minha paz". E ordena aos dis· cipulos que levem essa paz como 0 maior presente de Deus a todos os homens, saudando sempre: "Paz a esta casa! Paz entre vos!" A paz e ~~ dos frutos especificos do Espirito de Cristo, como nos diz S. Paulo~
Nao podehaver a menor duvida: . Cristo e paz:: veio do ceu como nossa paz; viveu essa paz com todos os homen quer que os Seus discipulos a vivam: "Bem aventurCldos os pacificadores!", 'e deixou a Sua Igreja como defensora eterna da paz entre os homens e os povos. Entretan1:0, esse Cristo, existencialmente pacifico, promulga ao mesmo tempo a lei marcial para todos os homens e para 1:odos os tempos:. "Nao penseis que vim trazer a paz a terra; nao vim trazer a paz, mas a espada.• " A histor1a do homem sobre a terra poderia muit() bern sintetizar-se apenas nesta palavra: guerra. Cllerra entre 0 homem e os elementos; entre 0 homem e a miseria, a incultura, a pobreza, 0 subdesenvolv:Lmento, a dor e a morte. E todos os esforc;os e inventos humanos sao expoentes claros desse constante e universal cornbate do homem contra os inimigos que 0 ameac;am de morte. Tudo se reduz a wna guerra entre 0 bern e 0 mal, dentro E~ fora do homem: tal e 0 resumo de toda a historia. Cristo faz-Se homem para veneer definitivamente todos os inimigos do homem, inclu:Lndo 0 maior de todos que e a morte, tE~mporal e eterna; e 0 pai da morte e 0 pecado. Suposto 1:.udo isto, que temos de fazer? 0 que ja fizemos uma vez, irreversivelmentE:!, no Baptismo: aceitar plenamente Cristo com todas as suas consequencias.
For children Continued from page twelve "The man had hardly rested his head on his pillow when he heard more knocking at the door. He knew it was still the· same friend down there. He turned over, hoping his friend would go away. But the knocking continued. Finally the man got up. He drew his robe around him, lit a candle and went down to the kitchen. His friend kept pounding on the door. The man found three loaves of bread. He went to the door and gave them to his friend. Then he went back to bed." Jesus' disciples were beginning to get the point. Jesus was telling them to be like the friend pounding on the door when they prayed. Their prayers would be answered if they kept begging God's help, just as the friend kept knocking on the door. "Here is what I am trying to tell you," Jesus said. "Ask and you shall receive; seek and you
New horizon
. shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For whoever asks, receives; whoever' seeks, finds; whoever knocks, is admitted." Jesus had made his point and . his disciples understood. They were to pray continually, sure that God would hear their prayers and respond to them.
Dynamics Continued from page twelve Prayer keeps people aware of the all-knowing, all-loving Father to whom we can tum with absolute trust. We pray, not to change God, but to change ourselves and to maintain an open line of communication with our Father. People do not always get exactly what they ask, or get it immediately. The Father gives "good things." But humans are not always the best judges of what is good for' them. In any event, things will never satisfy our longings or fill our loneliness. Only God can do this. In the meantime people can reach out to others. If people really strive to be perfect as their Father is perfect (Mt. 5: 48), they must, like him, hear the call, even the unvoiced call, of the lonely. In many parishes there are people for whom no provisions are made. Older single adults, for example, often felt the loneliness of being left out. . Where do they fit in parish families? When they seek, is there a place for them?
Continued from Page Twelve spiritual reading and understanding God's will. In the context of service, the importance of the ordinary, everyday situation should be stressed. The life of the spirit begins in the situation where God has placed each person. God calls on people to serve in this house, this parish, this hospital, this school, this office. He places people in a given situation for a reason. In solitude, in prayer, in purity of heart, people can dicover what God is asking in their unique situations. Continued from page twelve 4. Finally, the single person, their lives with others. In this striving to live a celibate life, way, the church avoids becoming can testify to a joyful spiritual- - a club separating people from ity. Too often, spirituality is as- each other. The Lord indicated sociated with gloomy faces and through his own example that endless rules. Yet the life of the people become most fully alive spirit should radiate the joy of by sharing with others. the good news. When the church reaches out Joyful witnessing is especially important to the single person. to singles and calls them toOur witness can reflect grati- gether in the name of the Lord, tude to God for giving us the it supports them in their own ability to serve him wherever development. It also challenges them not to tum in on themhe has placed us. selves, but to give a part of their lives to others.
Continued from page twelve parish for the gaps in her social life. And she likes spending time alone. She is an avid indoor gardener and enjoys puttering in her spotless apartment. When Alicia gets her degree and ultimately a job in social work, she believes her experiences will give her empathy with clients. Besides her divorce, she has weathered the illegitimate birth and adoption of her first grandchild, a car wreck involving a son, and the sudden death of her father, to whom she was very close. Although she feels the pinch of inflation on her secretary's salary - and sometimes hears the echo of empty rooms Alicia wastes no energy fearing the future. She faces the challenges of each new day with confidence.
CFMinRome ROME (NC) - Delegates from 46 countries will meet in Rome Nov. 16-24 for the international general assembly of the Confederation of Christian Family Movements. The meeting's theme will be "Back to the Roots" and it will take place after the 1980 world Synod of Bishops. The synod theme is "Duties of the Christian Family in the Modem World." The confederation also plans to sponsor a three-day assembly of family organizations, but details have not been made final.
THE ANCHORThurs., July 17, 1980
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THANKSGIVING Novena To St. Jude o Holy St. Jude, Apostle, and Martyr,
great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ. faithful Intercessor of all who invoke l.0ur special patronage in time of nee , to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known, and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers. three Hail Marys and Glorias. Publication must be promised. S1. Jude pray for us all who invoke your aid, Amen. This Novena has never been known to fail. I have had my request granted. Publi· cation promised. A reader. CAdvt.)
THANKSGIVING Novena To St. Jude o Holy 81. Jude, Apostle, and Martyr,
great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful Intercessor of all who invoke l.0ur special patronage in time of nee , to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known, and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorias. Publication must be promised. S1. Jude pray for us all who invoke your aid, Amen. This Novena has never been known to fail. I have had my request granted. Publi· cation promised. A reader. CAdvt.) R.M.C. & D.M.V.
The purpose of the assembly would be to respond to the synod dis'cussions, to deal with issues of concern to families worldwide and to build a network of groups with similiar goals. ~---------_~
THE ANCHOR, Thurs., July 17, 1980
The pope speaks to youth,
By Cecilia Belanger
on youth
During his recent trip to France, Pope John Paul II spoke at length to French youth on topics of interest to teenagers everywhere. In the coming weeks, The Anchor will present excerpts from his talks. Young people of France, you want to talk with the pope. And this is of great importance for two reasons. The first reason is that/this way of acting reminds us immediately of Christ. In him there is a continual dialogue, the conversation of God with man and of man with God. Christ, as you know, is the word, the word of God. He is the everlasting word. This word of God, as man, is not part of a "great monologue," but is the word in a "never-ending dialogue" which is taking place in the Holy Spirit. I know that sentence is difficult to understand, but I am saying it all the same, and I leave it to you to think over. The second reason is this. It is my personal conviction that to be a servant of the word means "announcing the word," in the sense of "answering." In order to answer, one must know the questions. That is why it is a good thing that you have asked questions. Otherwise, I would have had to guess them in order to speak to you, to answer you. I became convinced of this not only from my past experience in classrooms and workgroups as a teacher, but als9 from my experience in giving homilies and retreats as a preacher. Usually I was addressing young people, helping them to know the Lord, to listen to him, and also to answer him. In addressing you, I wish to speak in a way that will answer all your questions, at least indirectly. Let me, then, pick out the question which seems to me most important, and at the center of all your questions. Your main question concerns Jesus Christ. You want to hear me speak of Jesus Christ and you ask me who Jesus 'Christ is for me. Let me put it the other way round: Who is Jesus Christ for you? In this way, and without trying, to avoid answering your question, I will give you my an'swer and tell you what he represents for me. The whole Gospel is a dialogue with man, with the different generations, with nations, with different traditions. But it is, and always will be, a dialogue with man, with every man, each unique, single one. There are many dialogues in the Gospel. One that I find particularly eloquent is the dialogue between Christ and a young man.
POPE JOHN PAUL II embraces a little girl in a Brazilian slum. (NC Photo)
By Charlie Martin
THE ROSE Some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed' Some say love it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed Some say love it is a hunger, and endless aching need I say love is' a flower And you its only seed. It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance It's the dream afraid of making that never takes the chance It's the one who won't be taken who cannot seem to give And the soul afraid 'of dying that never learns to live When the night has been too lonely And the road has been too long And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong Just remember in the winter Far beneath the bitter snow lies the seed That with the sun's love in the spring Becomes the rose. Sung by Bette Midler, written by Amanda McBroom, (c) 1979 by Fox IFanfare Music, Inc.
WHETHER LOVE is called a river, Ii' razor, a _hunger or, as the song suggests, a "flower," all people need ways to talk about this need within them. They reach out to be loved and to share thei::o own love. As easy as this should be, people some-times get lost in their complex feelings. In a competitive and achievement-oriented society, people can forget that certain aspects of life are not won or achieved. Each person bears the dignity of the God who invited all of us to life. Part of this dignity is the power to be co-creators of life, to direct one's own future and influence the lives of others. This power is most apparent in the ability to love. No matter what other gifts people possess, all have the power to love. The song uses the image of a rose to show that love's power can remain hidden. To remove this "snow" and unlock hearts to the power of love is the goal of a follower of Jesus. The Christian believes in his or her own power of love and affirms this power in others. Each person ought to ask: What have I done today to help another know the worth and power of his or her love? Love will change tlle world only when individuals become more aware of the power they possess. It is a great mistake to undervalue one's personal contribution to others' lives. The power of love dwells within all of us.
It is our conviction that Christ has brought us to the sacrament of the Eucharist not only to be refreshed by remembrance and enriched by great hopes, but that we might know here and now - here in this present world, and now in the midst of our days - the reality of the Presence that abides with us. What does this mean to you and to me? It means one thing a companionship of grace in all our loneliness. We are lonelier souls than we commonJy care to admit. And I guess that for that matter there is a strange and exciting loveliness about life with its peaks and valleys. Indeed, there are solitudes in our hearts into which no' one can come, save Christ alone. So the discIples found. You know they never spoke of Jesus as they spoke of the prophets that is, in the past tense. Often they spoke of Him in terms of the future, not as someone confined to the past. Always He was about them, above them and beside them, as He is with us. Even when their faith called them to lonely places; even when their faith confronted them with lonely problems; even when their friends drifted from them one by one, they finally came to know that there was no loneliness as long as they had Jesus. Listen to Paul's testimony. "All men forsook me - neverthless, the Lord stood with me and strengthtened me." So, indeed, they found of old - so have men and women found in every generation - so may we. "Go, therefore . . . " says Christ to you and me today. Go "to your lonely thoughts, your lonely struggles, your lonely ways, your lonely hopes, to the inescapable and challenging, loneliness of human life - and 10, I am with you always." It is a great source of strength to know that Jesus is truly with us in our sorrow, our illness, our aloneness. When the crosses of life are shared with him, they are halved, and we carry only half the load. "Comfort" in the Bible is a strong word, not a weak one. It does not mean to relax. It means the strengthening of weak hands, weak wills, of trembling knees, the reviewing of faint hearts. For the Biblical Comforter is one who makes us brave and strong by being brave and strong beside us. We do not look to the weak to be strengthened. For the Christian, faith in Christ means that we always have more than adequate resources for the duties and responsibilities demanded of us. Somehow the fear of failure vanishes, and his Spirit and Grace give us abundant strength and abiding sufficiency. One is impressed by the very few times the words "problems" or "difficulties" are used in the New Testament. The early church was oblivious to its difficulties, blind to its problems, because it was dazzled by the immensity of its resources in Christ. Where has this faith gone?
THE ANCHORThurs., July 17, 1980
Bias still exists By Bill Morrissette
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (NC) - "America has not resolved the problem of anti-Catholicism," according to Michael Schwartz, executive director of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. He told a Youngstown group that anti-Catholicism existed in colonial times and persists today.
porlswalch New Bedf:ord Qualifies In CYO Golf The New iBedford area qualifying round for the :n st CYO Diocesan Golf Tournament was held last Friday at thE~ Whaling City Country Club under the direction of Bill Doyle of New Bedford. In the senior division, for players born on or after Jan. I, 1954, Bob Hickman fired a twounder-par 72 and Mike Gonsalves had a 77 to bl~come the Whaling City's reprE!sentatives in that division in thE~ diocesan tourney to be held o:n July 28 at the Pocasset Golf Course, Pocasset, also under th,e direction of Bill Doyle. In the intermediatEl division, for players born on or after Jan. I, 1961, the qualifier!! were Ed Hogan with a 77 .and .John Connor with an 80. Mike Stone, with a one-under-par 73, and Gary Boucher, .81, will represent New Bedford in the :iunior division, for players belrn on or after Jan. I, 1964. J'ohn Coleman and' Andy VaHey, 89, and Tim Tobey, 91, qualified for
berths in the cadet division, for players born on or after Jan. I, 1966. Qualifying play for the FaIl River area was held at the FaIl River Country Club on Monday. Facilities were made available through the courtesy of club officials. Qualifying for the diocesan tourney were Wayne Wood, Jerry Silvia, Don Salmon, Greg Cabral, Gilbert Gabriel, Mike Carberry, Joseph Reilly and Ron Nery. Salmon, with a 74, was low scorer for the day. Trials were held yesterday at the Norton Country Club for the Attleboro area and at the Herring Run Country Club for the Taunton area. The qualifying competitors will end next Thursday, July 24, with the Cape area golfers vying at the Dennis Pines Country Club for cadet and junior divisions and at the Bass River country Club for the senior and intermediate division, all under direction of Dick MaxweIl, West Yarmouth.
Skelley Wins Mt. Carmel Race Ken SkeIley, of lBarrington, was the winner of the first annual Mt. Carmel 4.6 mile road race in Seekonk last Saturday. Leading a field of 135 participants, KeIley covered the course in 23:52. On July Fourth he finished second in the Somerset 5.5 road race, only 18 seconds back of the pace. Hl~ was also first finisher in the Masters, age 30 to 39 bracket, in the Seekonk race. Although finishing 47th JoAnn Sincero, of Seekonk, was
the first woman to crosS the finish line. Her time was 29:52. John Hurley was the winner in the Masters, 40-49 bracket and George Silva led the runners in the Masters 50 and over division. Chris Mishinis led the field in the female masters, 30-39 bracket. The top ten finishers were: SkeHey, Jeff Sanborn, Don Morse, -Chris Harrison, Bob Maloney, Matt Fisher, Carl Peccha, Tom Walsh, Steve Ingram and Steve Reiff.
Stang; Fail'haven Launch Night Football Followers of high s:chool football who like night f()otbaIl will have some on tap virtually every weekend in the fall, :particularly in the New Bedford, Middleboro and Cape areas. In a season opener the Bishop Stang Spartans will host the Fairhaven Blue Devils at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 12. Other night games, already amwunced and a II a t 7:30 p.m. are: Sept. 19, Wareham at Middleboro; 26, Dom Savio at Middleboro; Oct. 10, Ct:>hasset at Middleboro; 17, Coy1E~-Cassidy at Wareham and New Bedford High at Dartmouth; 24, Quincy at New Bedford High; 31, Dartmouth at Attleboro; Nov. 7, New Bedford Voke-Tech at New Bedford High. Alrea4Y in the see:ond half of its schedule the Bristol County CYO BasebaIl LeaguE! has a twin bill scheduled for Chew' Field, Fall River tonight. Somerset will meet South at 6 o'clock. A:. makeup game is set for 8:15.
Play continu~s Sunday night with North vs. Somerset, Central vs. South at Chew Field. Monday's doubleheader has Central vs. Kennedy, Maplewood vs. South at Chew Field, where on Wednesday night it will be South vs. North and Central vs. Maplewood. A single game is set Wednesday night at Hanson Memorial Field, Somerset High School, with Somerset hosting Kennedy.
Papal aid asked UNITED NATIONS (NC) .Friends and feIlow U.N. employees of Alicja Wesolowska are mounting a campaign to get her freed from ,Poland where she was arrested while visiting her parents last August and accused of working for the U.S. Central IntelIigence Agency. Among the world figures being asked to speak on her behalf is Pope John ·Paul II. The pope and the young woman, who works at the U.N., are both native Poles.
Kung censure .J"
"SON-RISE: A Miracle of Love," featuring James Farentino, Michael Adams and Kathryn Harrold, was among 1980 winners of the Humanities Prize, awarded by the Human Institute for television programs best communicating human values. The drama, to be rebroadcast July 31, details the efforts of a mother and father to help their autistic son. (NC Photo)
VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican censure of Father Hans Kung resulted from the church's desire to protect "a fundamental right of the human person the right of truth," Pope John Paul II has told the West German bishops. In an eight-page letter, the pope strongly affirmed the December 1979 censure of Father Kung.
WAL~ALL tv, movie news GARANT
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analYsis and explanationlc C-condemned.
New 'Films "Can't Stop the Music" (AFD): This vehicle for the disco singing group, The Village People, is a high-energy, low-IQ, wholIy synthetic product which will amuse only tliose fanatically devoted to disco music. Adult situations, sexual jokes and the homose iXUal sheen of the production numbers rule it out for younger viewers. PG, A3
"How To Beat the High Cost of Living" (Filmways): Three housewives decide to get their finances in order by stealing the money displayed in a huge plastic balI as a stunt to promote a shopping center. All turns out happily in this mediocre comedy which has a few funny lines, but too many that are either mean-spirited or offcolor. The adult nature of some of the situations, the vulgarity and profanity, and the benign attitude toward crime make this mature viewing fare. PG, A3 "Oh, Heavenly Dog" (Fox): A detective is murdered and is reincarnated as a lovable brown mutt with a mission to solve the crime. The dog is played by Benji, but this sometimes amusing but slow-paced comedymystery is definitely aimed at an adult audience, with much vulgar and profane language and a large dose of sexual innuendo. Parents should be on their guard. PG, A3
on TV Monday, July 21, 9 p.rn. (ABC) - "The Little Girl Who Lives Down the tane" (1977) - Jodie Foster plays a mysterious, selfsufficient 13-year-old in a Maine village who is befriended by a teen-age boy (Scott Jacoby) and threatened by an unstable adult (Martin Sheen) against whom she has difficulty defending herself because she has something to hide. A pat, unbelievable melodrama, the film offends because it condones teen-age promiscuity and makes a 13year-old the object of sexual titillation. C
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Fathers and Mothers/Singk Parents/Youth
t, !
"Always keep your eyes on the Sacred Hearl: of Jesus, King and Center of all hearts. "From Him you will learn the great lesson of love, of goodness, of sacrifice, of piety, so necessary for every Christian family. "From Him you will obtain strength, serenity, authentic and profound happiness for' your married lifel You will draw down His blessing, if the image of His heart-besides being impressed on your mind-is always exposed and honored on the wall of your homel" POPE JOHN PAUL II L'Osservatore Romano June 15, 16, 1979
"The Heart of the Fam~ly" First Image of the Sacred Heart Enthroned in Visitation Monastery Paray-Ie-Monial, France By St. Margaret Mary, 1685
The Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D. C. 20036. August 22-25, 1980 Theme: "The Sacred Heart-'Hope of the Family" Under the patronage of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, "Mothe,. of the Domestic Church," and St. Joseph, Guardian of the Family.
HEAR Parents, Single Parents, Newlyweds, Youth, Priests, Bishops witnessing to extraordinary help received ftom the Heart of Jesus in the solution of personal and family life problems. I Los fami,lias de hable espanola son bien recibidasl
, • SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Cardinals Carberry (St. Louis) and Otunga (Kenya); ArchbiShop Elko (Dayton); Bishops Welsh (Arlington, Va.), Gagnon p.s.s. (former President, Vatican Committee for the Family) (Montreal); Peter C. van Lierde, O.S.A. (Vicar General of His Holiness, John Paul II); Maria von Trapp (Stowe, Vt.); Father Larkin, SS.CC. (Fairhaven, Mass.); and others. • Panel Discussions, Workshops in English and Spanish.
• All-Night Vigil, Friday, August 22, '10 P,M., Crypt of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, for God's blessings on all families and in atonement for attacks against family life. Final Mass at the Shrine Monday, 10:30 A.M., Cardinal Carberry, Homilist. Other Masses at St. Matthew's Cathedral~
• Combine the Family Life Conference with a Family Visit to the Nation's Capital!
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I~-~_~---------------------------------------------~ Sponsored by the Congregation of the Sacred HeartAof Jesus and Mary, Fairhaven, Mass•