Denies O. K. Of Exhibit FORT LAUDERDALE (NC)An internationally known pharmaceutical company has denied any advance knowledge or approval of an exhibit on fetal experimentation displayed during the recent national convention of the American College of ObstetTics and Gynecology held at Miami Beach. In response to a letter of pro~ lest sent to Ayerst Laboratories of New York by Dr. Matthew Bulfin, local obstetrician who heads the newly formed American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Dr. John B. Jewell, executive vice president of the firm stated that the appearance of the firm's name on a plaque accompanying the display prepared by the department of obstetrics and gynecology ,at the University at Kansas only acknowledged a grant of unrestricted funds from Ayerst. Expressing understanding for Dr. Bulfin's concern, Dr. Jewell wrote: "I give you my word I have never supported such research." According to Dr. Bulfin, physicians participating in convention sessions found the display which depicted experiments on human trimester fetuses aborted by hysterotomy, "repulsive." The plaque read ~'Funded by Ayerst Laboratories." Meanwhile, the number of physicians across the nation who aTe signifying their support of the new pro-life group continues 10 increase, Dr. Bulfin said. He stated that recently he has received correspondence from pathologists across the country who are outraged by the size of Jive fetuses being sent to them after abortion. He cited Oklahoma City and Maryland as two of the areas from which pathologists have written.
Back To School For Bishops 0/ U.S. WASHINGTON (NC) - Sixtyfour U. S. 'bishops attended a theological seminar at the Theological College of the Catholic University of America here July 9-12. ' The fifth annual theological seminar for bishops, cosponsored by the Bishops Committee on Doctrine and the Catholic University, focused on theological developments since the Second Vatican CounCil. Among the topics discusseCi were medical ethics, the apostolic succession of bishops and the virginity of Mary. The four-day meeting was directed by Archbishop John F. Whealon of Hartford, Conn., chairman of the Bishops' Committee on DoCtrine. It was limited to Bishops and all sessions were closed. Among the bishops participating in the seminar were Cardinals John J. Carberry of St. Louis, Humberto S. Medeiros of Boston and Lawrence Shehan of Baltimore.
Theologians Talk
The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and Flrm-St. Paul
,Fall River, Mass., Thursday, July 19, 1973 ~I 29 © 1973 The Anchor $4.00 'per year Vo I• 17, 1""l1lI0. PRICE lOt. I
,17Ui"fiol1.s i,! I'eligion re
fated sch(J()/s are lIotairls
to re figion. Thtrefore tuitions are nqf tlJJ< tleductih/e, •
7k~ :;TAIX r.r.-ur-
About Docuh1entWASHINGTON (NC) - The Doctrinal Congregation's recent "Declaration in Defence of the Catholic Doctrine on the Church Against Certain Errors of the Present Day" drew mixed reactions of approval and strong criticism from American theologians. Although the main focus of the Vatican statement was the Church's position on infallibility, theologians contacted by NC News expressed strong interest in the section in which the document describes the "historical condition that affects the expression of Revelation." While asserting that the "meaning' of dogmati~ formulas ... remains ever true and constant in the Church," the doctrinal congregation declared that such formulas may be incomplete and "depend partly upon the expressive power of the language used at a certain point in time and in particular circumstances.'" Anyone interpreting dogmatic formulas must also take into account the particular questions being answered or the errors being corrected by the formulas, the congregation said. The congregation's statement on historical conditioning of dogmatic formulas "seem to me exactly the kind of thing that most of us (theologians) have been
Catholic Schools Told to Develop Alte,rnate Plans for Financing • ST. PAUL (NC) Catholic schools in the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese were told to sta'y open but develop alternate
financing plans for the 1973-74school year in case the Minnesota Tax Credit law is declared unconstitutional. The 1971 Minnesota law allows parents to deduct tuition costs from their state income tax, up to $100 'per elementary school child and up to $140 per higb school child. It is similar to a New York tax exclusion law that the U.S. Supreme Court recent"One of the big problems with ly declared unconstitutional on our kids," he says, "is that they the grounds that it had the pri· don't have' real close friends in mary effect of advancing religion. The Minnesota law is still in whom they can confide. They don't quite trust their compan- effect, but a challenge to its ions. Maybe it's due to the way constitutionality has reached the the' townspeople have always Minnesota Supreme Court. The taken advantage of the rural court is expected to rule on the case sometime tbis fall or wincampesino." Father Murray's duties, how- ter. In guidelines publish~ for the ever, do not end with the CFM and the high schooll:irs. He is 129 Catholic schools of the St. also director of the Maryknoll Paul - Minneapolis archdiocese, Fathers' Center House and chap- the archdiocesan board of education said that: lai~ of the Puno Hospital. Hospital fadlities are limited, All Catholic schools "should he notes, and healing is slower plan to remain in operation for because of the altitude. "I f.ind, the 1973-74 school years." however, that the people are Pastors and school personnel used to suffering and more pashould make every effort "to tient than the sick in the States." work for full enrollment for the Father Murray has been coming school year." working in the Puno area since Every school "should present his ordination in 1951. The Puno Department is a state about the an alternate financing plan for size of Ohio. It has been listed as the 1973-74 school year ... by a permanent disaster area by September 15, 1973, based on the possibility of the loss of the MinUnited Nations' experts. During! the cursillos for men nesota Tax Credit benefit." and women of the PUIlO area, the , Budget· deficits could be offIndians study their situation and set by short-term loans, a rereflect on it. "We believe they ordering of parish budget, fund are, trying to change it," says raising events, and voluntary their' Director, "and they will, if contributions from families who the rest of the world gives them are financially able to give more, a fair shake." it added.
Damned either way'
New Bedford MQryknoller Introduces CFM In Altip~ano 'Area of Southern Peru A busy New Bedford mission- i1y, and I mean the family at all ary priest in Puno, Peru is help- levels." , Father Murray's CFM groups ing Latin American women regain their dignity and rightful concentrate on the apostolate to p1l1ce in society, especially wom- other families and to youth. en of the most neglected areas Some couples give sex education and social classes. courses in the local high school. "In the past, the Latin .AmerThe New Bedford Maryknolican woman has always taken ler is also a counselor at St. the back seat," says Rev. Charles Ambrose High School. He studied Murray, M.M., son' of Mrs. Mary . clinical pastoral counseling at St. E. Murray, 11 Chestnut St., New John's Hospital in Lowell, Mass. Bedford. in 1971. ."We are trying to help the people become aware of both the woman's role in society and the family's importance in that same society," related the 51year-old Maryknoller. Father Murray is Diocesan Director of Cursillos and moderator of various Christari Family Movement (CFM) groups which he has founded in the two-mile high antiplano of southern Peru. The first Quecna Indian language CFM group in the world was started by him several years ago in Azangaro, where he worked for 17 years. The CFM is not just for middle <:lass families, according to Father Murray. "It is impossible to transform society without emphasis on its basic unit, the famFATHER MURRAY
saying," said Sulpician Father Raymond Brown, an American Scripture scholar and member of the Vatican's Pontifical Biblical Commission. Father Brown's comments on this topic at the National Catholic Educational Association's annual convention earlier this year provoked accusations of heresy in the pages of The Wandered, the conservative national Catholic weekly. "On an initial reading, 1 don't think the average, middle-of-theroad theologian is going to have any trouble with this document," Father Brown said. The section on dogmatic formulas was described as "a very nuanced treatment" hy Jesu·it Father Avery Dulles of Woodstock College in New York. "It is striking how many reservations they built into the affirmation of faith contained in dogmatic statements," Father Dulles said. The congregation's emphasis was on the permanence of such formulas, he said, hut it was "nuanced in such a way that theologians will be able to work with it." Jesuit Father John H. Wright, professor at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkley, Calif., and immediate past president of the Catholic Theological Society of Turn to Page Two
Chile Extends
THE ANCHORThurs., July 19, 1973
SS Benefits To Religious
Prepores Attack On Pornography TRENTON (NC) - An all-out campaign against pornography in New Jersey in the wake of the United States Supreme Court's June 21 decision has been launched by George F. Kugler Jr., state attorney general. Kugler met. ,in 'Tren:ton with the st!lte's 21 prose~utors and advised them his office was preparing a set (,If guidE'lines for helping the prosecutors determine what they can prosecute 'as por,nographic or obscene. "There will ceitainly be more strict prosecutions and more of them in number," Kugler told a press conference after the meeting. He added that "everyone agreed ,it is going to mean easier prosecutions." New Jersey already has moved to set aside an injunction by the U. S. District Court that bars Kugler's office or the prosecutors of Monmouth and Essex Counties from prosecuting cases involving a theater chain accused of distributing "allegedly obscene mater.ials to adults." They also have pending, Kugler said, an appeal to the 3rd U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals that,would upset a finding by a three-judge U. S. Distrkt Court pimei that the "adult portion" of New Jersey's obscenity laws was unconstitutional. The guidelines his office will distribute, Kugler said, could be used to confront those they believe to be violators and warn them that they should cease seIling or exhibiting the material. Ignoring these warning~1 could then lead to seizure of the materials, said the attorney general, adding: "That's one way to getting the smut. off the streets."
. APOSTOLIC DELEGATE ARRIVES: Archbishop Jean Jadot, right, new Apostolic Delegate in the United States, is introduced to Bishop James Rausch, general secretary of the U.S. qatholic Conference and 'National Conference of Catholic Bishops, by Msgr. Francescd De Nittis, charge d'affair df th'e Apostolic Delegation. In the background is ·Cardinal Johri Krol of' Philadelphia, president of the N.C.C.B. They met at Dulles International Airport outside Washington, D.C., T!iursday night with no pomp and circumstance.
New Apostolic :DelegateAr,rives I
WASHINGTON (NC) - There liam W.' Baum of Wa:;bington, were no brilss bands to -greet Bishop J,ames S. Rausch, genenil Archbishop Jean Jado, new apos- secretary of the NCCB; and Bishtoiic delega:te in the United ·opWalter F. Sullivan of Rich, States, but that's the way it was mond, Vll., along with priests of the apostolic delegation. planned. The new delegate met each The archpishop arrived at Rhodesian Mission Dulles 'International Airport out- person briefly, then .in the comside Washington,. D. C., July 12 pan~ of ,Cardinal Krol and the Students Kidnaped without the 'IPomp and circum- other prelates, went to a waiting SALISBURY .(NC) - African stance which surrounded the ar- black limousine .which Move him to the ~postolic delegation in nationalist guerrillas kidnaped rival of his i predecessors. northwest Washington. 244 black African school childThe welcome was' quite offiBrief Greeting ren, aged 13 to 18, and 22 other cial, although deliberately sim, The greeting took less than 10 persons from a German,·Jesuitrun mission in northeast Rhodesia pIe. Cardinal iJohn Krol of Phil- minutes. There were no speeches, about 120 miles from here, the adelphia, president 0(- the Na- no television lights, no reporters, tional Confetenceof Catholic mission superior said. Bishops (NCqB), was the first to Rhodesian security forcE'S have shake hands with the tall, almost Te~chirig Authority recovered 191 of the hostages,' gaunt, -new Iapostolic delegate. Of ,Church Shown an unconfirmed report said. Also on hand Iwere Cardinal PatVATICAN CITY (NC) - Two Camouflage-clad. and armed rick O'BOYle,1 retired archbishop guerrillas entered .St. Albert's of Washingtop, Archbishop Wil- recent neWs events that received international attention reflect mission and ordered the students the teaching authority of the attending night school to gather Church, Pope Paul VI told thouFriars outside their classrooms, Jesuit Atoneme1nt I gathered in St. Peter's Square Father Egon Rogek, head of the Elect Councilors July 8. mission, said. The first event was the parGARRISONi (NC)-The Atone"The guerrillas toid me they had come to liberate Rhodesia ment· Friars Ihave elected the ticipationof the Vatican in the and they were taking the stud- youngest councilor in their his- 35-nation European security conents across the Mozambique tory and the filrst Brother ever ferente in Helsinki to set the stage for '11 Geneva Meeting 'in border, 35 miles away, .for train- to hold a councilor post. Father Robert Norton, 28, is September to improve relations ing," Father Rogek said. the youngest c\ouncilor ever elec~ among nations in Europe. The second event was the isted. He has been the Catholic uanceby the Vatican's Doctrinal staff member 6f the Metropolitan Necrology Interchurch Ministries in Akron, Congregation of a declaration correcting certain erroni proJULY 29 Ohio.' ; Rev. Mathias McCabe, 1913, Brother Raymond Saville's pounded by some theologians, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River. election to the Friars general primarily concerned with the council marke,d the first time \ manifold aspects of papal infalJULY 31 that a'Brothe~ has been chosen libility, . , Rev. 'Daniel Hearne, 1865" Pas- to fill such a The Pope said he did not wish ppsition. He served tor, St. Mary, Taunton. in the Graymobr- missions in Ja- at that time to enter into the pan prior to Ibeing designated merits of either event, but mere......,'Il.Il"....".. ..,,'''''''''''''..'''II'''""""""..........., _ ly to mention them. "Their >,imsecretary general ,in 1967. THE ANCHOR Father Mich~el Daniel, super- portance is well known to 'all," Second Class Postage Paid at Fall Riv~·. Mass. Published every Thursda'y at 41/1 ior general of the Atonement the Pope said. "They are both Hiihland Avenue. Fali River. Mass. 0272'Friars for the P'flst six years, was a testimony to the truth ... of by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid re-elected to a ,four-year term. the teaching of the Church," M.8ll plr yelr. \ "'~I""""'"'',tt,
just two .photographers. The 63-year-old archbishop, exhausted by his travels, reportedly, dined with a small group at the delegation and then retired early. He had broken ground in a number of ways. The Belgian native is the first non-ltaHan to hold the job. And he is the first to arrive directly in Washington without an extended greeting in New York City, where brass bands, scores of bishops and clergy and thousands of other persons' had turned out in the past. Role as Medium In a prepared statement, the archbishop said he hoped to bli: a link between the Pope and the· U. S. Church, other Christians, JE..'Ws, "all who believe in God and every man of good will. The future of the world ·demands that all who seek justice, truth, liberty and lov..e must unite," _ He empha:sized his special role as a medium between U. S. Catholics and the Pope, whom he called "the center and foundation of unity in the Church. "In fidelity to the Pope's teaching 'we must promote dialogue and exchange.. The Church is a community. There is real community only when there is a deep will for communion. The deepest communion is our coming together in Christ."· .Archbishop Jadot, who had been Pro-nuncio Apostolic in Cameroun and Gabon and Apostolic Delegate fot Equatorial Guinea since 1971-all posts in Africa-also held other Vatican diplomatic posts in Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, and Singapore. He succeeds Cardinal Luigi Raimondi, prefect of tbe Vatican Congregation for Saints' Causes.
. SANTIAGO (NC) - President Salvador Allende signed into law social secur.ity benefits for Catholic priests and Religious, as well as Protestant ministers and Jewish rabbis. Several priests and nuns accompanied Cardinal Raul Silva of Santiago to -the Red Hall in La Moneda, the government I:-:mse, for the signing ceremony. The law will eventually cover health, retirement and other oldage benefits for 2,300 priests and . for close to 6,000 men and women Religious. In the same ceremony President Allende also signed social security coverage for 140,000 miners, teamsters and others not yet protected by such legislation. Among those influential in prepaoring this legislation was Father Jose Kuhl, secretary of Mutual Pax, a priest's self-help and retirement organization with 700 members over and $100,000 in assets. C~rdinal Grateful Health and ,old-age benefits for the clergy hi Latin America are of recent concern of Church, authorities. In the past care of old or priests was I left to relatives or Religious congregations. In June the'Pontifical Commission for Latin America heard a report on the Church's responsi-· bility for the support of the clergy, prior to an October meeting expected' to produce some action~ Many of the recommendations were drafted at a meeting in Petropolis, Brazil, in May 1972 of the Congress on Social Aid to Priests. Cardinal Silva thanked President Allende for bis governinent's move' "to include the humble workers of the spirit" in the social security. system. The cardinal also said h'e prays . that Chileans will find soon "the path to peace within justice,"
Infallibility Continued from Page One America (CTSA), said 'he thought . the congregation's attention to the historical conditioning of dogmatic statements was "somewhat new." "A short tim~ ago people were quite willing to speak of historical 'conditioning in biblical studies, but there has been a hesitaocy to allow this in Church pronouncements," Father Wrigh.t said.
Vincenticlns to Meet A general meeting of the Fall River Particular .Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be held at 3 Sunday afternoon, July 22 at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Adamsville Road, Westport. Vincentians are invited to bring their families to enjoy the camp ~acilities.
Michael C. Austin Inc.
Funera,1 Service Edward F. Carney 549 Cou1nty Street New Bedfe'rd 999·6222 Serving the area since 1921
Military Ordinariate' Is Worldwide Diocese for Individuals, Families NEW YORK (NC)-The Military Ordinariate is housed in a modest building at 30 E. 51st St. here, just between Madison and Fifth Avenues. On the front of the building is a modest bronze plaque, well polished, designating it as the Cardinal Hayes building. The designation is most ,appropriate, because the then Auxiliary Bishop Patrick J. Hayes of New York, on Nov. 24, 19'17, was named Bishop Ordinary of the United States Army and Navy Chaplains,a new office made necessary by World War I, and since that time the archbishops of New York have been the military vicars. No one can possibly be unaware of the countless trips Car-' dinal Francis Spellman and Cardinal Terence Cooke have made to military bases around the world, especially at Christmas time. The Military Ordinariate is, in a very real sens~, a worldwide diocese for individuals and families in the U. S. military service. No Physical Property It was canonically establ,ished on a permanent basis by a decree of the Sacred Consistorial Congregation on Sept. 8, 1957, stating that the Ordinariate comprises all priests who are chaplains for the U. S. armed forces, who are chaplains in Veterans Administration hospitals, and al\ the faithful who serve in the armed forces, their' families, those in various Guards and Air fatrols, those employed by the military ... 'but that will give you an idea of its scope. But the Military Ordinariate is unique in one respect: it has no physical property-no churches. no chapels, no schools of its own'. Msgr. Joseph F. Marbach, chancellor of the Military Ordinariate, says it has "jurisdiction over all these people personally, not over any territory. A military base is not withdrawn from the local bishop; he certainly has jurisdiction also, but the military vicar, who is Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York is considered the ordinary of the Catholics belonging to that base. "We have no legal title or ownership· of a military chapel or equipment," Msgr. Marbach added. "It is a diocese for people ,in military service. We try to give them everything they would have if they were back in a civilian parish. . "This is our big point," he stressed. "That is basical\y the
legal reason for chaplains, even though we have separation of Church and state in this country: The military does not want to , deprive a person of anything he would have if he were a civ.j)jan, so each base has a theater, a library, recreation facilities, a chapel, hospitals. You can't think of anything a man is really deprived of from the material or spiritual viewpoint because he goes into military service. "The governtnent is very generous," he added. It provides the chapels and all the necessary things for the services on that same rationale-that the people in military service would be de· prived of something if they did not have' Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Orthodox, etc., services and chaplains." Provides Chaplains The headquarters of the Military Ordinariate here, under Cardinal Cooke of New York, is headed by Auxiliary Bishop Phil· ip J. Furlong, who is delegate of the military vicar, and Bishop William J. Moran, who is auxil· iary to the military vicar. In addition to Msgr. Marbach, there are three other priests on the staff, 20 full·time secretaries and 15 part-time workers. The latter, Msgr. Marbach said, are young ladies from nearby high schools and colleges who come in two or three days a week. Speaking of the Military Ordinariate, Msgr. Marbach said: "We provide the chaplains. "If a priest wants to be a chaplain, he needs the permission of his bishop or Religious superior. He writes to us, and we send our application form, which is to find out whether he qualifies. For example, we would like a priest to be ordained at least three years before we permit him to be a chaplain on active duty. There "is no age minimum, but the maximum would be 39 since he has to get into the service before his 40th birthday. "They go first to ,chaplain school for six or eight weeks to learn the military regulations," he said, "then they are assigned-but we have nothing to do with that."
New Jersey Actions .Limit Abortions
JERSEY CITY (NC)-The decision or' a .hospital board of managers and the continuing prosecution of several persons for the performance of abortions indicate a tendency to limit the availability of abortions. in New Jersey. . By a vote of 7 to 4, the board of managers of the Jersey City Bishop Comments Medical Center, a city-operated On Recent Elections institution serving a heavily MEXICO CITY (NC)-Bishop Catholic area, voted not to perSergio Menlez Arceo of Cuerna- mit abortions. Board chairmal\, vaca said that the recent elec- Jack Finn said the vote' was toral campaign has been "ful\ of . taken because of numerous inambiguities," commenting on the quiries to the hospital, one of the July elections for the Mexican largest in the state. Subsequently, state Atty. Gen. House of Representatives. F. Kugler Jr. issued an George Speaking during the homily in the Mass the day of the election, opinion stating that the hospital Bishop Mendez Arceo said that has the right to adopt such a the campaign had been ful\ of poHcy even though it is a p).lblic commercial and childish propa- institution. Kugler said that the ganda, which probably destroyed opinion he. issued last January after the U. S. Supreme Court's' the people's desire to vote. "The voters have not been pre- ruling on abortion is still applisented with clear options for cable and that "no hospital or them to choose, and the dis- clinic is compelled to permit cussion of the issues has lacked abortions to be performed on its premises." depth," he said.
Thurs., July 19, 1973
Chavez Receives Niebuhr Award
SING-ALONG ENDS INSTITUTE: A love balloon soars skyward imd song fills the air as Father Davjd O'Neill wraps up two weeks of teaching at the Sixth Annual Catechetical and Pastoral Institute of the South with a picnic sing-along at a New Orleans park.The New Zealand priest taught"Sociology of· the Community" at the Institute which drew staff and students from around ,the world. NC Photo.
To Study 'Youth and Church' WASHINGTON (NC) - The United States Catholic Conference will establish a task force on youth that will examine and make recommendations on mat· ters concerning young people and the Church. ' The task force on youth was called for by the Administrative Committee of the National Con-
ference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB). It is an outgrowth of a large number of proposals coming from the bishops' regional meetings this spring. "Youth and the Church" and "Christian Marriage and Family Life" were the principal topics considered at those meetings.
LAMONT (NC)-The Reinhold Niebuhr Award for 1973 was presented to Cesar Chavez, president of the United Farm Workers Union (UFWU), at a rally here in California. Chavez said that he was honored to receive the award "in the name of the members of my union." In keeping with- the Chavez sentiment the award, with II grant of $5;000, was made at II UFWU strikers' rally in the public park here. Dr. John Bennett, retired president of Union Theolog,ical Seminary in New York, where Dr. Niebuhr taught for most of his career, made the presentation along with James I. Loeb, president of fund for the Reinhold Niebuhr Award and former U. S. Ambassador to Peru and Guinea. The award in memory of the renowned American philosopher and theologian who died over two years ago ·is made "to the person .~r persons whose contrib.utions in the area of social justice, public life or world affairs best exemplify the spirit of Reinhold Niebuhr." Last year's two inaugural awards were made to Father Theodore Hesburgh, president of Notre Dame University and former chairman of the U. S. Ci.vil Rights Commission, and West German Chancellor Willy Brandt.
Support Boycott DENVER (NC) - Archbishop James V. Casey of Denver has urged for the second time that the people of northern Colorado support the current lettuce and grape boycott of the United Farm . Worke/s Union.
102nd Ii
SOLEMN NOVENA: July 17 to 25 DAILY NOVENA DEVOTIONS: 3:~0 and 7:30 P.M. PREACHER: Father Jean-Louis Bouchard, O.P. of Saint Anne's Shrine
FEAST OF SAINT ANNE THURSDAY, JULY 26 HIGH MASS: 8:00 A.M., Shrine OTHER MASSES: 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 A.M., noon and 6:30 P.M., Upper Church DEVOTION SERVICES AND P·ROCESSIONS: 2, 3, 4 and 7:30 P.M. Veneration of the Relic of Good Saint Anne at any time
Saint Anne '8 Shrine 818 Middle Street
Fall River, Mass. 02722
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of ~all RiverLThurs. July 19, 1973 I
.Opposes Re-establishmen,t I Of Old Bracero P'rogram I '
The problem of illegal entry of M~xican workers into the United States has gotten cQmpletely out of hand in recent years, and no one seems to kno1w exactly what' to do about it. The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Se.rvice is under serious fire for l its continued failure to stem citizens to make a tho~ou~h , . . study of the program for hiS mthe flow of 1llegals. Tl)e Ser- formation land guidance. I was vice ha,s been accused, not privileged to serve on,that Comonly of inefficiency, but also 9f bribery and other forms of corruption. One gets the impression" however, that even if the Service
were, to triple or quadmple its efficiency and, at the same time, eliminate from its ranks all forms of corruption, the problem of illegal entry would still be with us for some time to come. Given the obvious diffIculty of policing a wide-open border which extends for hun'CIreds of miles and given the high rate of unemployment in Me}1ico and the abject poverty of millions of Mexican workers, thew is no easy answer, no simple solutio!,\ to this problem. Delayed Solution
mittee. I say "priv.ileged" advisedly, becaJse it was indeed an honor and I a pleasure to work with a mart of Mitchell's caliber. He was a great humanitarian. When I first came across tr.':l New York ITimes story referred to above, II immediately dug up a copy of the lengthy report l which our Committee submitted I to the Secretary. If I may say so with prope~ modesty, its findings and recommendations are just as valid todayl as they were when the report was written in October 1959. 'Dhe, Committee felt it would be impractical at that time to recom~end the immediate termination! of tbe bracero program. i . Accordingly it recommended a temporary renewal of the program, but ohly on the condition that; enablirig legislation (Public Law 78) be I drastically amended so as to prevent any adverse effect on IAmerican workers, ensure utilization of the domestic work force,land limit the use of Mexican contract workers to unskilled seas6nal jobs. That was ,a holding o~eration on the part of the Committee. What we were really aiming at was the complete abolition of the program at tb3 earliest ~ossj.ble date. Progrartt Terminated Six month~ later the substance of our recommmendations was incorporated I in H.R. 11211, which was ! introduced by the then Congre:ssman George McGovern of ,South Dakota. As Director of' the Social Action Department ~f the old NCWC, I submitted written testimony in" favor of that bill. My testimony read, in part,l as follows: . "I wish to Igo on record as favoring the e~actment of this bill .......with one reservation. Whereas the McGover!p bill (and anum· ber of com~ani()D bills) would extend the Mexican farm labor program until June 30, 1966, I would recommend that it be terminated in' 1963 or 1964 at the very latest. In my opinion, this two- or thtee-year period of grace would give all of the interested parties 1mor~ than enough time to adjust their harvesting plans accordiI~gly and, more specifically, to rbcruit an adequate supply of Workers from the American ~gricultural labor' force." j, ' The rest ofl the bracero story is a matter of history. In, 19f?4 the program I was terminated once and for I all by' an act of Congress. :
This much is certain, however: the solution being proposed by the Mexican government-;-however well intentioned it may beis completely unacceptable. The New York Times reported. on June 17-in a dispatch filed from Mexico City by correspondent Richard Severo-tbat Mexico is expected to ask the United States next ,month, for' a new system of contract labor not unlike the so-called bracero program which was brough t to a halt by the Congress-but only after a bitter struggle - at the end of 1964. Under that program, hundreds of thousands 0( Mexican workers entered tbe United States annually, under contract, to help harvest crops in California :and the Southwest. The labor movement; and many religious organizations, including the U. S. Catholic Confer~nce (then known as the National Catholic Welfare Conference) fought for years to put an end to ~he bracero program. They opposed it not becau~e they were unconcerned about the . problem of poverty and unemployment in Mexico, but bacause they 'felt that providing American growers, at government expense, with a guaranteed and very docile labor force WIlS un, fair to American agricultural workers and would delay indefinitely anything like a rational same:. Criticism solution to the agricultural manTo re-establish even a modipower problt:m in this country. fied version 6f the original proThe one public officiaX who gram at this: late date, would fought against the bracero pro- have an extremely adverse effect gram most vigorously was, the on American farm 'workers. For late James P. Mitchell, Secr.etary 'one thing, by furnishing the of Labor under President Eisen- growers with ~ steady supply of hower. Mitchell appoint(~d a Mexican farm 'workers, it would three-man committee of private make it almost impossible for I
, ....'.,.
, GO; FROG, GO: From left~ Michael Cummings; Jack O'Hare and Peter Downey race frogs in practice session for Southeastern New England Regional Frog Jumping ~ Championships, to be held Saturday, Aug. 18 in co~junction with fair at St. Mary's Church, South Dartmouth.
Frog Jumping Contest at Parish Fa,ir M~rk Twain's Celebrated Jumping Frog of' Calaveras County inay be reincarnated in South Dartmouth come Saturday; Aug. 18, if organizers of the Southeastern New England Re· gio!,\al Frog Jumping Ch~mpion sbips have their way. The event will be held in conjunction with an old-fashioned country fair to take place on th~ parikh grounds of St. Mary's Church, says <;hairman John Do",\ney, whose bullfrog Jere· miah was "the class of the East" in frog jumping contests a generation ago. Three Jumps Downey announces qualifying: rounds for the championship will '''"Il1I1I1II,I'Il/'llI11llmmlll1l1lllm,,,mmlllllllltrltlllllllllllU,mmlltlltl1lll1111U"UlIIUII
the United Farm Workers Union to oIiganize .the domestic agricultural<, labor force. Furthermo're, thereI'is no reason to believe, on , the record. that an updated bracero I program would stem the flow, of illegal workers from across the border. In 'summary, the 1974 version of the bracero program now being proposed by the Mexican gove~nment is subject to the same criticism directed at the original program by the Mitchell Committee and, in my opinion, shoula be rejected by tbe Congress: In the long run, the only way to solve the problem of illegal entry' is to improve the econom.jc- condition of Mexican workers. The ,United States can and should cooperate with the Mexican government in this regard, but it should not an'd must not be permitted to do so at the expense' of American· agricultural workers, That would be robbing Peter to pay Paul-and besides, as indicated above, it would pre'dictably fail to acbieve its stated purpose, namely, to stem the flow of ilIegals into this country. (. ~ 1973 NC Features)
be held throughout Saturday, with finals beginning at 6 P.M. Each competitor will be given three official jumps and judging will be based on 'their total dis-, tance. All frog owners, regardless of age, are eligible for tb3 event and entries, are expected from Rhode Island, and Connecticut as well as from Massachu-
setts. Television coverage is a possibility, said Downey, who noted. that entries should be made as soon as possible by contacting him at 997-27'79 or Richard Cummings at 994·4496. It is to be hoped, said organizers solemnly, that no competitor croaks. '
Archdiocese Challenges· L'egality Of Teachers Union Repre!ientation NEWARK (NC)-The Newark archdiocese has announced it will appeal a court decision affirming exclusive bargaining rights for lay teachers in 13 regional high schools to the Lay Faculty Association (LFA). Msgr. William J. Daley, superintendent of Newark archdiocesan schools, said the main objection by'the archdiocese is that LFA refuses to represent Religious Sisters and BJ;'others who make up 35 ,per cent of the faculty. , Msgr. Daley said that the Religious are Ibeing discriminated against by the LFA which does not allow, them to be members. "The LFA position," said Msgr. Daley, "is that the Religious act at the wiil of their superiors. It overlooks the fact that Religious of today have much, more autonomy than that." The school superintendent said that many of the Religious teaching in the 13 high schools have signed private contracts and bave as much right as lay teachers in seeking benefits. The Essex County Superior Court a year ago directed that bargaining rights for all lay teachers, librarians and guidance counselors be vested with the LFA after a court'ordered election which itself was contested by the archdiocese, The dispute was over who should bave been permitted to vote.
Despite the continuing dispute, which has been' in the cqurts for more than two years, the archdi· ocese 'has continued to bargain with the LFA. Negotiations for tbe 1973-74 school year are still in, progress. Msgr. Daley said that the archdiocese has never refused to bargain with the LFA. But he said the question must be resolved whether the LlF'A ,can continue as a bargaining agent when it reo fuses to represent all teacherslay ~nd Religious. He said the archdiocese will pursue. the case by taking its appeal to the state Supreme Court. This move stemmed from the recent decision of the National Labor Relations Board not to handle the case "at this time." The delay has permitted the archdiocese to re-enter the case into the court system.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 19, 1973
Accuses Saigon Of Torturing SAIGON (NC)-A Vietnamese Catholic priest accused South Vietnamese authorities of torturing political prisoners after the cease fire and thereby causing 14 deaths and more than 500 injuries among prisoners on Con Son island in the South China sea. The priest, Redemptorist Father Nguyen Tin, who has been sentenced to prison twice by South Vietnamese courts, made the charges in a letter handed recently to the international peacekeeping commission. The government 'rejected the charges of Father Tin, also known by the pen name of Chan
Tin, as untrue. "Father Tin committed a sin ... He told a lie," a South Vietnamese spokesman said. In his letter to the commission, Father Tin charged (hat a police battalian was ordered to throw tear gas grenades into prison cells on April 29 and May 1 and 2. Two hundred women and 16 children were among the inmates, he said, 14 died and more than 500 were injured. The government said it had investigated Con Son and found that nobody died during that period and that the report of injuries was not true either.
When people ask why priests in India are working to find water I go to the faucet and return with an empty glass.
CARDINAL RETURNS TO PARISH HE SERVED AS PASTOR: Members of St. Michael's Parish, Fall River attended Masses offered on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning by Cardinal Humberto S. Medeiros and then attended a reception to the newly elevated member of the College of Cardinals held in the parish school auditorium. Among the hundreds greeting the Cardinal were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Arruda and their son, Raymond, Jr.
Vatican Coverup Doesn/tBug ,Anyone VATICAN' CITY (NC) - The great Vatican coverup - unlike Watergate-is an annual affair, cost.s taxpayers next to nothing, and, to judge from a hasty spotcheck early in th'3 season, seems to bug people less each year. The coverup is actually a black plastic raineoat which the Vatican loans to scantily attired people who wish to enter St. Peter's Basilica. Most tourists t.urned away at the door by Vatican guards are scantily-clad in the sense that they are wearing summer walking shorts (both men and women) or that women and girls are dressed in sleeveless blouses or skirts that are the style of the day: short. An occasional tourist is closer to being, skin-clad than scantilyclad. The Vatican provides what they call coverings for those
Response Falls Short Of Pl,edged Amounts JEFFERSON CITY (NC) - A 56 per cent ,increase in contributions pledged during a stewardship program here in Missouri bas failed to materialize. The pledged response amount.ed to $4.98 per week per adult envelope holder. This is a 56 per cent increase over the $2.79 which was given prior to the stewardship program. However, the actual increase -as opposed to the pledged ancrease--has only been about 25 per cent. The pledges were made during the personal contact phase of the program.
whose attire is not in keeping with sacred places." A multilanguage sign at ,tt'.':) door of the basilica describes such people as "men in shorts or women in
Workshop Promotes Black Leadership WASHINGTON (NC) A workshop sponsored by the Josephite Pastoral Center to promote black leadership in the Church was held here. Twenty-five people from 14 parishes throughout the country attended the meeting that focused on, leadership through the parish council. Josephite Father Robert Kearns, director of the Pastoral Center, initiated the workshop to help parish leaders understand the role of the parish council, present suggestions of leadership at the parish level and propose recommendations to make parish councils effective instruments of renewal in the parish. - The workshop also offered sessions designed to aid participants in evaluating "their leadership skills and aiding them in running parish council meetings.
minigowns or sleeveless dresses." Such people are directed to the first aid station some 200 yards away where they are given a "covering," 'asked to return it and asked to make a freewill offering for its use. The Vatican introduced the practice at this time last year as a compromise between its desire to keep the basilica sacred and the attire of tourists which would be acceptable on tbe street. Intial reaction last year ranged from refusal to don the raincoat (and not enter the basilica) to going along with what the Vatican wanted "because, after all, it's their church." A brief spot-check at the basilica door, inside the basilica and at the first aid starion indicated that none of those asked to cover up resented the request. "How much should I give him?" an American teenager asked ,a companion, on turning in the raincoat in the vestibule. "I don't know," said her companion. "Try him with a quarter." The Vatican employee took the coat, and the' quarter, and thanked the young American.
"Save Witlll Safety"
People, too, we sometimes take for granted. In 'India there are 530 million-more than twice as many people as in the U.S.A. and Canada combined. The average Indian's take·home pay is less than 50¢ a week.
INDIA: DON'T What can you do about it? Write to me. WAStE THE 'We'll put -you i~ touch with the person in India you can help to help himself and others. For WATER instance, the deserving young lad who wants to become a priest ($15 a month, $180 a year).,Or the prayerful young teen-ager who feels called to be a Sister ($12.50 a month, $150 a year). Or the orphanage child, saved from the streets, who needs only an even chance (and $14 a month, $168 a year) to become a responsible, self-supporting grownup. Catholic Near East is person·to·person. We acknowledge your gifts pron;Jptly. We forward your gifts (and your letters) to the person you are helping, and that person will write to you. You'll have someone new in your family praying for you gratefully. Write me or phone me (212/986,5840) for our full-information leaflet.
..••,. Archbishop Mar Gregorios of India wjll write personally to say where he'll locate it if you . enable him to'buy ($975) two acres of land as a LAND model-farm for a parish' priest. Raising his own MEANS food, the priest can teach his parishio'ners how LIFE to increase their crop production. (A hoe costs only $1.25, a shovel $2.35.)
-----------------~ e
Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ Monsignor Nolan: FOR . Please returnwith coupon your offering
--==C;..::O'--_ _ _
Water, like breathing, is something we take for granted. Without it we cannot eat, or drink, or wash, or be baptized.
TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/986·5840
THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-lrhurs. July 19, 197,~ ,
Eth'ical Behavior
Volunteers Work To Aid Prisoners
, WASHINGTON (NC) - The Washington Theological Coalition (WTC), including over 20 The Watergate hearings have call~d forth for a remetropolitan area Catholic semnewal in ethical behavior. People 'on ail sides are asking ·inaries, recently granted academthat they are' for rules of conduct. Would we dare'say , I ' ' ic credit toward a master's deasking Congress and the Courts to legislate morality? gree in pastoral ministry to semOne sad aspect of Watergate is that people are so inarians who work on a project established to help prisoners and . surprised at it. And yet-why should th~y be? their families. The communications media are filledI with all sorts of The Washington Disnuls Projexamples of treach~~ry and deceit and lack of fidelity. Becomes much more scandalous ect 'is made up of volunteers of Divorce is seen as the easy way out; pre-marital and many professions who aid prisextra-marital experiences are looked upon as glamorous · oners and their families through When the sinner is honored and romantic; deceit is called one-upsmanship and is apcounselling, job placement, legal advice and community education. ,I plauded for its ingenuity. ' Volunteers work in various penal Television and !nagazines have beln filled with this for his position institutions . in the District of sort of business. And! then when people 00 the same thing Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. in real life and in the political arena there is horror. There _The WTC course, devised and should be horror, of course, but hardly, surprise. implemented by' two Josephite The Supreme Court has said that it is all right for seminarians who are Dismas members, wiilfamiliarize the members of the medical profession to br~ak into the womb --Pope St. Gregory 1 seminarian with the duties of the and destroy an unbom living human fet¥s simply because prison chaplain and liturgies at the mother does not choose to support i~ any longer. Why , the D. C. jail. It will also give should there be surprise that men brea~ into other men's, them some opportunity to counoffices to look at papers and records? The latter is represei inmates and be 1nvolved in a "buddy" program with inmates hensible, of course. But isn't the former also evil, and ! who are on parole. worse.? ' '. Washington Dismas Project was Evil is evil. When people start to ~hoose what evils by Father Robe'rt M. founded they wish to perpetrate without legal sartctions and which · Kearns, S.S.J., director of the they do not wish to see in use, then tHey fail to realize Josephite Pa:,toral Center. that they have fracturred the whole fabri9 of human ethics. , "The Josephite Fathers is an order committted to the.,black ::apostolate," Father Kearns said, I · "that:',s why in a'~city like WashEx-POW CredIts Prayer for Sustaining ington wherE! the population in The r~cent1y issued Church document on papal infallithe city and in the prisons and His Catholic Fciith bility has brought forth some strange reaction. jails is primarily black, it is necIt is Catholic faith that when the Pbpe speaks as suessary for us to be involved in consider, himself a particularly this of work." B~LTIMORE (NC) - Changes preme teacher in thel Church 'and 'teaclies the people of in the Catholic Church intensif- religious person before he went God in that role on a matter 'of faith aqd morals and by ied the shock of returning to the to, Vietnam. He had, a Catholic the authority he possesses as visible head of the Church United States for Maj. Bernard high school education at Loyola, iver~iity , L. Talley, Jr., who had been a a Jesuit school in 'Baltimore, ' and successor of Peter he cannot err.,' POW in Vietnam for six and one- however, and thought of the This is Catholic teaching. halt' years. Church as having high standards SEATTLE (NC) - Jesuit-run As a prisoner he was committ- for its members. "It wasn't the' The recent document issued by the Holy See merely Seattle University has received, to the Church's high ideals, ed easiest thing in the world to be ! reaffirmed this teaching. $414,802 in federal educa.tion which he said he feels have been a Catholic," he said. This he I viewed as a desirable condition. grants. Now some voices have been raised regrettting this undermined by liberalization. The university received seven Major Talley said he did not: After· he was shot down in action. It is difficult to understand the atgument that the grants from the United States 1966 the .major was kept in soldocument should not have been issued lat ,a time when itary confinement for a long Department of Health, Education Catholics were exploring' with non-Cathdlics various ecu- Seeks Reinstatement' time. It was at this time that he and Welfare (HEW), totaling menical aspects. It is surely not in the ~interests of ecu- Of State Aid Plan began to compensate for his sQI- $707,602, and two faculty reitude by prayer, saying rosaries search. grants from the Nation-. menism to try to sweep a cornerstone of Catholic faith under TRENTON (NC) -, Gov. Wil·, and other formal prayers fre- al Science Foundation (NSF), any theological rug. This would be doing a' disservice to Iiam T. Cahill has directed that amounting to $7,200. quently. ecumenism and would be insulting to our non-Catholic an appeal be made to the U. S. ,The largest HEW grant, Th~ough these prayers, the brothers since it would imply that they Cio not recognize Supreme Court in an effort to re- major told the Catholic Review, $349,537 will combine the reinstate New Jersey's $19.5 million the dogma for what it is, essential to Cat~olicism. Baltimore archdiocesan paper, sources of Seattle University and prog~am of state aid to parents he developed a strong relation- Eastern Washington State Colof students attending' nonpublic No discussions on E~cumenism can be carried on in an , I ship to God. It was a, very per- lege, Cheney, Wash., to form the schools. atmosphere o~ make-believe-of pretending that what is The state' attorney general's sonal faith that no one could Northwest Regional General Asof the esssence can be put aside even for ~ a while. Discus- office said it 'would file legal take away from him. At times it sistance Center. It will help desions must, of course, treat with issues bne by one. But briefs by July 15 with the high was the only thing he could hold velop multi-cultural and multithe concept of the whole must be kept e~er in mind, and court. The court is expected to on to under the pressures of the ethnic education for the elementary and Secondary schools in truth must be spoken--with courtesy, always, and with all decide in October whether to North Vietnamese, he said. Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Maj. Talley also developed a grant a full hearing to review the respect-but spoken in all its dimensions: so that there is constitutionality Other HEW grants will impleof New Jersey's particular devotion to St. Joseph. never the hint of a watering down or ~ compromise in program. He wanted to make his prayers ment a desegregation training , areas whiclt can not and do not admit ofl compromise. A three-judge federal court more effective by having some- and implementation program for had declared the New Jersey aid one personally, interceding with educators, a four-year continua• All Christians of good will long for tIle time when all program unconstitutional; a God for him. He thought that tion of the university's special may be one. But the oneness is that which ;is built on Peter. temporary stay of the order was Mary would be too busy with so services for disadvantaged stuThere is no other way. I ' obtained on May 25, but on June many other intentions, so he dents, and a program purchasing materials to enhance the univer25, the day the Supreme Court chose St. Joseph, he said. overturned parochial school aid The major chose St. Joseph as sity's black studies, women's programs in New York and Penn- his patron,' the result of seeing studies and Asian studies resylvania, the nation's highest that his sister had great success sources. court reinstated the lower court's with this saint, he reported. On injunction preventing any distrib- New Year's Eve, 1967 Maj. Talley Property ution of aid to nopublic schools composed a prayer. Though he We are not our own, any in New Jersey. had never written one before, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER New Jersey previously had the prayer came' easily to him, more than what we possess is our own. We did not make Publish~d weekly by The Catholic Press of the Dibcese of.Fall.River filed an appeal to the U.S. Su- he said. preme Court to test the constituIn the next few years the ourselves; we cannot be su410 Highland Avenue tionality of the New Jersey pro- prayer was distributed to other preme over ourselves. We Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 gram,. and this is what Cahill has prisoners, often by means of per- cannot be oUlr own. masters. PUBLISHER I , directed to be pursued. There had sonal contact in which each perMost Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., I S.T.D. been some uncertainty whether son who was taught the prayer We are God's property by GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GE~ERAL MANAGER the appeal would be pressed in in turn taught it to someone else: creation, by redemption, by light of the high court's June 25 In time it became popular with regeneration. Rev. John P. Driscoll Rev. Msgr. Da;'iel 'F. Shalloo, M.A. . decisi<;lOS. . ~ Leary Press-Fall River many Catholic POW's. -Cardinal Newman I
Built on Peter
St. Joseph, Patron,
Un Gets Federall Grants
@rbe. ANCHOR
Catholic League Praises Michigan Aborton Stand
Catholic Official Says 'Respon'sibility For Relief Rests on Local Agencies·
NEW YORK (NC)-A recent UNITED NATIONS (NC)-Thc Michigan Supreme Court decibasic responsibility for providing sion upholding the validity of relief when disaster strikes is Michigan statutes which make that of local agencies in the afabortion of a viable child manflicted country, a Catholic relief slaughter has been praised by the official said here. Catholic League for Religious The official, Msgr. Andrew P. and Civil Rights. (CLRCR). Landi, assistant executive direc"The probable consequence of tor of Catholic Relief Servicc.> this Michigan Supreme Court de(CRS), the overseas aid agency cision," said Stuart D. Hubbell, of U. S. Catholics, spoke to parexecutive director of CLRCR, ticipants .in a seminar sponsored "will be to reopen the discussion by the U. S. Agency for Internaof the protection of human life tional Development (USAlD).on by the United States Supreme disaster relief and preventive Court and thereby the possible measures now being developed. limitation of the drastic ramifiParticipants were government cations of its earlier abortion diaster relief officials from 19 decision." countries. The U. S. Supremc Court ruled Immediately after the major last January that even in the last catastrophes that have struck on three months of pregnancy states the. average of 15 a year. in the can prohibit abortion only if the past few decades, neighboring. pregnancy does not endanger thc countries have sent specialists, "health" of the mother. In the tons of relief supplies and generfirst six months, the court said, ,aus amounts of money to the the state may not prohibit aborscene, Msgr. Landi said. tions. Sooner or later, however, he Capacity for Life pointed out, emergency relief The Michigan statutes which personnel depart and local volwere upheld, however, state that untary agencies take over adminan abortion-even one perform- istration of the rescue and reed by a physician - is man- habilitation phase. slaughter if the fetus has the Follow-Through. capacity for life. Focusing on the Managua, 'Nic"The (Michigan) court made aragua, earthquake last Decemclear that physi~ians'who do perber, Msgr; Landi described the form abortions on a viable child follow-through operations of Nicafter the first trimester, in violaaragua Caritas, the Nicaraguan tion of the law the (Michigan) Catholic charities agency, as court upheld," Hubbell said, "are typical of tb~ routine work done subject to the loss of the license on behalf of CRS wherever disto practice medkine in Michigan in additiol1 to being subject to , criminal prosecution." The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that viability cannot be determined .by length of pregnancy ,ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC)but must be proved by the prosA proposal to provide town ccutor in each case. Criminal court action was houses and garden apartments brought by Lorraine Beebe as a for moderate and low income class action seeking to overturn families in the Wyandanch comMichigan's abortion &tatues. A munity has been endorsed by drcuit court ruled in her favor Bishop Walter P. Kellenberg of thus causing an immediate ap- Rockville Centre. In a letter sent to the secrepeal by the state to the Michigan tary of the Wyandanch CommuSupreme Court, bypassing tbe nity Development Corporation, state appeals court. Father Andrew P. Connolly, the bishop voiced his strong support for the corporation's CommonDeny Church-State wealth Housing Proposal. Conflict in Zaire The proposal will provide'182 KINSHASA (NC) - President town houses and garden apartMobutu Sese Seko of Zaire de- ments needed in the Wyandanch nied that there is any Church- community. Under the New York state conflict in the country, de- State Urban Development Corspite difficulties in relations with poration guidelines, approxithe Catholic Church for more mately 70 per cent will be open than a year. to moderate income families, 20 In a speech given at nearby per cent to low income families Kinkole ·on the anniversary of and 10 per cent to senior citithe establishment of a national zens. currency, Mobutu' said: "The Commonwealth Housing "In Zaire, there is rio state re- Proposal recognizes the demands ligion. If there have been diffi- of the commongood and the loculties with the Catholic Cburch, cal community's right to selfthese have cropped up since our determination," the bishop wrote. recourse to authenticity, since "I think it is important to note we have put in the constitution that first tenant priorities will that all are Zaireans by birth be given to local residents living and members of the MPR (Pop- in substandard and overcrowded ular Movement of the Revolu- housing. As these people. move tion). Not· one Zairean can back into the new housing the subout of the constitution, neitb~r standard units vacated would be priests nor Religious." eliminated, thereby effecting a Last year, Cardinal Joseph general uplifting of total housing Ma'lula of Kinshasa spent four in the Wyandanch 'community," months in exile in Rome as a re- he added. "Let me assure you and the sult of differences with Mobutu, particularly over the president's members of the Wyandanch program for a return to African Community Development Corauthenticity, especially through poration of my wholehearted changing Christian names to support of your housing proI?osal," he said. African ones.
Bishop Supports Housing Project
aster strikes. Whether they are members of Caritas or of other Catholic organizations, these long-term workers are the real heroes and heroines of relief work; Msgr; Landi said. "We give them the support and tbe means," he explaint;!d. "But it is these organizations on whom we depend. We must. I was in Managua only a few weeks ago, and they were still hard at work, and will be for a long time to come. There is so much to do." Msgr. Landi described briefly how CRS responded in providing help for the victims, working in collaboration with other religious and non-sectarian organizations. One of the casualties of the
quake, In noted, was a CRS warehouse in mid-town Managua, leveled by the blast and , later looted. By mid-April, he said, "we had regained control of our facilities and stores." At that time, also, Nicaragua Caritas was again in full swing. Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, CRS executive director, announcing that a total of $5.5 million in cash ·and in kind was received by CRS for relief and rehabilitation in Nicaragua, called the response of the U. S. bishops and tbe generosity of the U. S. Catholic laity truly inspiring." Appeals in Churches Of nearly $3 million in cash r,eceived by June 15, 1973, he said, almost 90 per cent came from appeals to parish churches in 82 dioceses, and 32 other dioceses mage donations from diocesan funds. He noted tbat U. S. government~donated foods valued at $1.6 million figured importantly in the initial CRS response. CRS spent $3.13 million to meet the basic physical needs of the several hundred thousand individuals whose lives were directly affected by the disaster, Bishop Swanstrom reported. In the initial three weeks after the disaster, CRS had delivered or had. en route 7,764 tons of supplies. . In the present reconstruction phase, priority is being given to' restoration of housing, clinics, dispensaries, social centers, convents, rectories and churches in Managua. CRS has brought $200,000 worth of U. S. government surplUS bUlldozers, dump trucks, and well-drilling rigs.
THE ANCHORThurs., July 19, 1973
Endorses Lettuce Gra pes Boycott LOS ANGELES (NC) - Fiftyfour Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in the Los Angeles province endorsed the boycott of iceberg lettuce called for by the United Farm Workers Union (UFWU), as well as the boycott of table grapes. The nuns, members of the Social Action Secretariat of the Los Angeles province, unanimously agreed to support the boycott of iceberg lettuce not marked with the UFWU label, the black Aztec eagle. Quoting from the Second Vatican Council's Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, and the Committee on Social Development of the U. S. Catholic Conference, the secretariat ·affirmed the right of the migrant seasonal farm workers to 'have a truly representative labor union. "Farm workers have undertaken a heroic and non-violent campaign, under the Christian leadership of Cesar Chavez, to gain self-determination in organizing the union of their choice, a right long recognized by the Church," the secretariat said. Noting that "significant gains" have been achieved in those areas where farm workers have been organized through the UFWU, the secretariat attributed, "economic pressure ... by sympathetic consumers throughout the nation who have clearly recognized the Il)oral issues at stake ... dignity, self determination, and justice," for the success of those unionizing efforts.
Camp Director
5 to 14
REGISTRATION-Registration will be for the period of Monday through Friday only. Boys must register at least one week in advance. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION-A written statem'ent from the , camper's doctor indicating camper is physically able to attend. FEE-$15.00 a week, 4 weeks for $50.00, 8 weeks for $90.00 (must b~ paid in advancel. TRANSPORTATION-Campers are transported by bus which will pick them up at designated stops. All campers are insured from the time they board the bus until they return at 4 P.M. PURPOSE-For the spiritual, educational, and recreational well being of boys in this age bracket. To keep boys occupied in wholesome outdoor activities during the summer months. EQUIPMENT-All types of athletic equipment is available along with boats with our water safety program. Also a fine arts and crafts program is offered. MEALS-Cam'pers carry their own noontime lunch. They are provided with milk.' In mid,afternoon they ar~ provided with milk and cookies at no extra cost. PROGRAM-Campers .engage in all types of athletic events and water safety instruction at our new pool. A field trip is arranged once a week which is included in the $15.00 fee.
JULY 2 . TO AUGUST 25, 1973
BUS ROUTE NO. 1 Somerset, Swansea & Southern Part of Fall River 8:00 County Buffington-8: n3 St. Louis de France 8:05 Bark & Bilffington-8:10 St. John of God-8:12 Brayton Avenue & Hillside-8:15 Kaufman & Lepes-8:20 Venus de Milo-8:25 St. Dominic's-8.30 Wilbur Avenue 8:35 Our Lady of Fatima-8:40 Ken'1edy Park & St. Anne's-8:42 East & South Main-8:45 St. Patrick's & Our Lady of Ange 1s-8:50 Blessed Sacrament-8:52 Shove Street-8:55 Zayre's-8:58 Stafford Rd. & Tiverton BUS ROUTE NO. 2 Somerset & Fall River (North, Center & Maplewood) 8:00 Foley Avenue-8:05 Riverside & Luther-8:08 St. Patrick - South Street-8:10 Americana Terrace & County Street-8:11 Bourne & County-8:13 Pottersville School 8:15 Somerset High School-8:17 Stop & Shop-8:20 Brightman Street 1St. Michael's & St. Mathiew}-8:25 President Avenue & North Main-8:27 Durfee Street8:30 St. Mary's-8:32 Second & Middle-8:35 Flat Iron & Niagara Fire Station-8:37 Warren & Rodman-8:40 Rodman & Brayton Avenue-8:45 St. William's-8:48 St. Jean de Baptiste-Stafford Road to Camp BUS ROUTE NO. 3 Fall River (North, Highland, Ruggles, Columbus & Lafayette Areas) 8:05 President & Highland Avenues-8:07 Morton Jr. High 8:10 St. Joseph's-8:13 North Main· Tru Value-8:16 North Main & Herman-8:18 Highland Avenue & Robeson 8:20 Nazareth Hall-8:25 Robeson & President-8:28 Ruggles Park-8:31 Small School· Columbus Park-8:35 Immaculate Conception (County Street}-8:37 Eastern Avenue (F'1rmer Site of Prevostl-8:39 Eastern Ave. & Pleasant-IS:';l Kerr Mills-8:46 Our Lady of Grace8:50 Westport High School-8:55 Westport Town Hall
For Information for Nazareth Day Camp for Exceptional Children Call 636·4375 ( !
THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River~Thurs. July 19, 19'73 '
Study American Cathol-i-c Fomi Iy
Agele!ss, Vital' S,eniors Give Eve!ryone H,ope, fOlr Future ,
RIO DE JANEIRO (NC)-"Future generations of American Catholics will not be likely to accept their family values solely on the basis of" authority or tradition," said a working paper presented at the, Inter-American Bishops Meeting here. The family is the main con'cern of th~ gathering of 25 prelates, from the United States, Canada and Latin America. "in describing the tensions and adjustments imposed on the family by a changing society, the working paper saw Catholics as members of a religious minority influenced by a majority. 'J1he U. S. team of theologians, sociologists and pastoral 'experts who prepared the paper, stressed the need to. know the changing social mores ~nd' pressures "in order to understand the problem of the Christian family." "The American Catholic community will encounter special difficulties in providing the understanding, motivation and sup· port that ar,e required for the effective maintenance and transmission of its marriage and family vallies," the paper stated. "In particular, the faithful must acquire a clear understanding of the religious foundations of these values, that is, of the subordinate system or set of distinctively Catholic beliefs, which gives these values their significance as norms, and makes them matters of ultimate concern."
, .
It has long beEm thought that the ~outh of a country were the ,hope pf that country's future, ,but after viewing our senior citizens at close range, I truly believe that they give each one of us a hope for our owri future. They are truly an inspiration, living , each moment of life to its her hair w~s worn in a becoming cluster 'of curls on the top fullest, keeping a young out- of her head and she certainly look despite advancing years, was not typ'ical of what we once and in these days of encroaching inflation managing to dress meticulously and well on a very fixed income. 1~~N1il~*UitlJnt:s%~~
envisioned a' gcilden agel' to look llike. Pant suits, mostly with long overblouses,1 appeared to be very popular, and these were most becoming as.rell as' comfortable looking. Not to bel outdone, the senior gentlemen also looked very dapper, particularly one attractive man who was wearing a deep green shirt ~nd a striking madras jocket. I If one hopes to judge age by clothes he'll I have ,problems, because our Se,nior Citizens appear ageless! I
My grandmother, who passed away seven years ago was a woman who loved clothes and ' she dressed very well right up until she passed' away at the age of 82. However, if she could see the way the grandmotheril of today dress, only seven short years, later, she would be very surprised and I think plea!ied. In fact, it's very hard even to tell who the grandmothers awl Women remain much younger much longer and it could very well be attributed to their outlook and a change in attitude toward some rules or' dress. In my grandmother's day one stopped wearing red and other bright colors after age 50, slack!; were for the very young and even the design of dresses for the mature figure did more to accent age than soften it. , Yellow OK The other day I attended a Senior Senate luncheon with my mother. She looked lovely in a yellow knit with white accessories, a combination that com· pleinented her becoming light ,tan. Not too many yean; ago yellow would have been taboo for this age group. The other women I encountered during the' afternoon also looked lovely. Mariy wore pastel, knits or even the patriotil: red, white and blue that has been so popular this year. One very attractive woman had on a lovely lavender long dress with a decorated bodice,
Bishops Lash Dropping " Bars Aga:iJ;st Abortion PARIS (NG)-The French 'Qishops warned !that extending the legal possibilities of abortion may create ,'lower esteem for human life. ' . The perma1nent council of the French Bishops' Conference issued its statement on abortion' here after gqvernment's council of ministers ,approved and sub· mitted to pa~liament a bill that would allow: abortions if <the mother's health is endangered, if it is certain.that the child abnormal, would be I)orn , . . in cases ,of rape or mceest, or where there is serious risk to the mother's mental health, The new bill must still be approved, by p~rliament before it becomes law. ' France's prhent laW on abortion, dating from 1920, makes abortion a crime except when the life of th~ mother is in dan· ger.
Amnesty fbr Political Prison'ers in Bolivia
Director o·F Relig'ious Education Appointed DESERT DECOR: A Sacred Heart statue is set 'against a desert painting in St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Pboenix, Ariz. Artist: Paul Coze painted the background as well as church stations of the cross with desert decorations. Above the Sacred Heart figure's head are cactus flowers and desert produce such as oranges. Behind are· saguaro, cholla and barrel cacti. Pastor, Father John Doran commissioned' the paintIngs by Coze whose murals are in the Phoenix airport. ~C Photo.
on Display. 13 U.S. Students Win Prizes in Vatican
LA PAZ (NP - The Bolivian Bible Contest bishops' Justice and Peace Com" mission and ~ group of priests VATICIN CITY _ The VaticPrize·winners from the San and Religious! known as "The an has awarded prizes to 13 U.S. Antonio archdiocese are Yvonne 99" called here for amnesty for schoolchildren for artistic works Fernandez, Deborah Johnson, paliticai prisoriers. depicting scenes from the Bible Cindy Skrodarcek, Cathy Marsh, The call was made after 70 and placed their works on dis- Julie Langehenning and Mary women, relati~es of the 300 pol· play in the Vatican Library along Clancey. itical prisoners, in Bolivia, offered with winners from 19 other naWinners from the Buffalo dithemselves as I ho.§tages if thei~ tions. ' " ocese are Carol Pawlawski, Ka· The American winners, all thy McKernan, Deborah Stachelrelatives are not allowed to be Housing for the Poor, tried. Some ha~e been held with- girls, are from the Archdiocese of ski, Linda Woziak, 'Anne Marie Opened in" BoliviQ out hearing oritrial for over two. San Antonio and the Diocese of Oswald, Nancy Sikora, and Joan SUCRE (NC) CaJrdinal years. I . Buffalo. Kucia. Clemente Maurer of Sucre reThe women decided to hold off The'Vatican launched an intercently opened a new housing pro- on their threat ~fter Interior Min- national art contest among childj~ct here. The project is a ister Walter! Castro assured ren from nine to 19 in order to Church·funded developmen.t of them that those political prison- interest them in reading the Bible 100 low-cost homes, plus a ers arrested f~r ,"minor crimes'" during 1972, praclaimed by Pope school, clinic, market, sports would be freed and the others Paul VI as the "Year of the BQok field and church. Franciscan would be giveiJ, trials. of Books, the Bible." priests donated the land. - There has been strong criticPope Paul in turn was cooperThe Cardinal also recently ism" from Religious and lay, a'ting with an initiative of the opened a 36-home subdivision groups over I President, Hug United' Nations Educational, Sci· for large f~milies of modest in· Banzer's government's handling entific ,and Cultural Organization come, 'who will repay 10aJ'\s in of political oPP'osition to his re- (UNESCO) to emphasize the terms. " gime. The Ju~tice and Peace ue and use of books -during the The new project has an eBtim· Commission, established by the International Book Year. of 1972. ated cost of $260,000. Bolivian Bishops Conference but . The Vatican display of prizeCardinal Maurer, born in the , given full autol1omy, has repeat- winning works, opened July .10 diocese of Trier, Germany, has edly denounced' the -jailing, tort· by Pope Paul's secretary ()f state, obtained funds from Catholics in uring and killing of political Cardinal Jean Villot, will remain that diocese. opponents. open until Dec. 31. .
OAKLAND (NC) Fatl1er Martin Courtney Waldron has been named to the newly created position of director of religious education for Catholic schools in the Oakland - diocese. He will coordinate religious programs, serve as a resource person in in-service training for teachers, interpret Church doctrine to the parental community and "hopefully stimulate ,stu· dents and to an awareness of the challenges of the gospel," he said. A native oj' Dublin, Ireland, Father Waldron was educated there and ordained in 196;4. He , also recieved a degree in sacred theology from Catholic Fribourg Universit~ in Switzerland.
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M,om's N,ot .SiO SUire About
THE ANCHORThurs., July 19, 1973
Camping with Eig,ht Kids
Father O'Connor InCARA Post
We are seriously considering going trailer camping with our family this summer. More accurately, my husband is "serious." I'm "considering." In his enthusiasm he sent for a directory of campsites, which I read in the dry, bugfree comfort of my living ." room. The ads sounded en- for two weeks is rather wearing tieing. "Drive across the on your nerves. It bri~gs them 'k th h N closer together all nght ... to ~oun t ry. H1 e roug a- poke each other. tlOnal .Parks. A ?reat, historic,
ed~catlO?al expenence for your
chIldren. t~Cmw.'t:%1~l(&:&1:W'K:])f
"Catch fresh trout at daybreak' and cook them over an open fire right there by the stream. A breakfast you'll never forget." "Magnificent. Your children will always remember the view from the top of this mountain." "It will bring your family close toge,ther." Not QuIte True But I have friends who have gone camping. That's not what they say. "When it" rains every day, two weeks in a tra,i1er is just too much togetherness." From another friend, "All the way across the country I listened 1.0 'when are we going to get tr.·ere?' We finally arrived at the Grand Canyon. ' "Do you know what the kids said? 'Why don't they fill this thing with water. It'd make a neat beach!' " Another mother's opinIon: "The best part about camping is coming home, taking a show~r. and .sleeping in my own bed. Two weeks in the trailer makes me appreciate my home all year long!" But the most candid story about camping came from a friend who has a better memory, or perhaps is more honest than 1hose who write the camping brochures. "We went camping. Once. "Now, III admit I'm not a particularly handy person; but com· pared to my husband, I'm an absolute whiz. You know, not one of the campers' manuals tells you that un-handy people just should not go camping." "She went on, "Having to climb over five kids in a trailer
"Two days out, and the kid sleeping in the top bunk didn't feel well. That lasted for about a half-hour. From then on, she' was out and out sick. "Everyone raves about cooking over an open fire. But these fires have to be put out. For two weeks, all I could smell was wet ~shes ... then I wasn't feeling too well. One Good Thing "And wr..:m you have ·trouble, you can't call a local plumber. I got up during the night, and found we had a problem. The toilet had overflowed. ."I'm just too old to go running up a hill ,ill the middle of the night. Those 'convenient park facilities' are only convenient when you aren't in a hurry! "There was one good thing. We had rented all the equipment. The best part about the trip was returning all that stuff to the rental place!" " The more I think about mv trying camping with my eigh"t kids, the less enthusiastic I become. Yet, there seems to be a sim· i1iarity between camping and marriage. It's not for everyone. .But if you're going to do it anyway, don't make plans ... 'because they won't work out. Plunge in, make the best of it as it happens. There are bound to be some pleasant surprises along the way. And whatever you do, don't forget your prayers. You'll need all the help you can get!
Criticizes Clinic For St~rilizations
WASHINGTON (NC) - Msgr. James T. McHugh, director of the Family Life Bureau of the U.S. Catholic Conference, has called the reported sterilization of black girls by a federally. funded birth control clinic in Alabama unjustified a)ld "evidence of the utilitarian etl)ic." , Reports have said that as many as 11 girls may have been involuntarily sterilized by the clinic. Two 'young black sisters who allege that they were sterilized without consent have sued the clinic for $1 million. In a statement released here, Msgr. McHugh maintained that the promise by Department of Clergy Converts Health, Education and Welfare LONDON (NC) - Twelve for- officials to formulate regulations mer Protestant clergymen in was not reassuring because presBritain are now studying for the" ent regulations had "failed to Catholic priesthood, the Converts control OEO (Office of Economic Aid Society was told at its an- Opportunity) workers or to pronual meeting here. Most of tbem tect poor women from ,a coercive are at the Beda College, the violation of their rights." British seminary for late voca"The Alabama case," Msgr. tions in Rome. One of the soci- McHugh said, "is a classic exety's aims is to help convert ample of how family planning Clergy and Religious and any can be used to violate the rights other converts who through their of poor people by government becoming Catholic suffer finan- workers intent qn eliminating the cial distress. It does this by "unwanted child." It dramatizes finding them jobs, accommoda- the potentiality for coercion that tions, training and financial exists when federal funds are ingrants. volved".
WASHINGTON (NC) - Jesuit Father John V. O'Connor, former provincial of the New England province of .the Society of Jesus and since 1968 executive secretary of the Jesuit Conference, has been named program coordinator for Religious 'life research and planning at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). Father O'Connor, 56, was born in Cambridge, Mass., and earned philosophy and theology degrees at vy:eston College in Weston, Mass. He did post-graduate studies at the Gregorian University in Rome. CARA was founded and staffed mainly through the efforts of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men with support of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. The scope of the center is the ,total mission of the Church, including research affecting the needs of dioceses, Religious orders and lay organizations.
.EI Salvador Bombings Involve Catholics SAN SALVADOR (NC) - A resurgence of bombings followed by arrests of political opponents of President Armando Arturo Molina of El Salvdor has involved Catholics engaged in social action. Esteban Godin, a Belgian so-
PROUD OF HER HERITAGE: An Indian child is dress- . :ciologist working for the Provided proudly in the traditional grab of her people, who com- ence Social Action Center under bine Indian customs with Catholic practices in the De Smet Father WaIter Guerra, had to Indian Center, a parish in Denver. About 60 Indians from spend a weekend in jail before several midwestern tribes attend a weekly Mass celebrated being released for lack of evidence that he took part in the there. On the altar is a peace pipe-an Indian symbol for bombing. God's presence. NC Photo.
In New Plant Tribulations Strengthened Catholic Paper In Bolivia LA PAZ (NC) - After many trials, including bombings, the Catholic daily Presencia has moved into a brand new plant that it hopes will boost its circulation. . The new plant includes modern machinery and an offset press that has a printing capability of 22,000 copies per hour. The shop is run by the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Paul. Presencia was founded in 1952 as a weekly by leaders of Catholic Action. It became a daily in 1958, and since then it has grown to be the biggest daily in the country. Presencia' gained a great deal of prestige by publishing the diary of the late Argentine-born guerrilla leader Ernesto "Che" Guevara. The paper has suffered strong pressures from both left and "right-wingers, especially during the regime of leftist President Juan Jose Torres in 1971. Two successive editions of the daily were burned at the time by mobs and the paper's regional office at Santa Cruz was vandalized. The offices of Presencia were machinegunned and stoned several times during the administration of the National Revolution-
ary Movement (1952-62) by leftists and rightists alike. , Auxiliary Bishop Genaro Prata of La Paz said. that in addition to printing Presencia the new plant will also produce low-cost school textbooks for poor students. The new plant is in a building belonging to the Catholic University of La Paz, founded by the "Bolivian Bishops' Conference a few years ago.
Three leaders of the Christian Democratic party at Santa Ana, also action in social action, were jailed on charges of exploding bombs. Vanguardia, a new rightist publication' edited by two former priests, has been fanning con· servative fears against "com· munist Catholics" and the.renewal and social reform efforts of the Latin American Bishops Council (CELAM).
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Govern,or Signs Conscic!nce Bill
THE ANCHORThurs" July 19, 1973
Colombia Plans New Concordat With Vatican
BOGOTA (NC) - The Colombian Congress has begun discussion of a controversial new concordat with the Vatican. The new agreement will replace the presE:,nt concordat dating back to 1887, which gives the Church a strong say on education, m'arriage, and missions and also regulates civil prosecution of priests. The 1887 document has b~en strongly criticized by progressive priests, politicians and government officials as being outaated and in "radical opposition" with Colombia's constitution. But the contents of the! new Concordat, which were lealeed to the press, has been equally opposed by many groups. The text of the new concordat was published last May by the daily EI Tiempo, but the bishops dismissed it as a mere "working 1 document." . The existilJ.g concordat 1'0rces Catholics to renounce their faith publicly if they want to have a civil marriage only. It gives Catholic missionaries a practicar monopoly on the schools' in Indian territory. The new text voids both of thase provisions. . Freedom of Religion Although stating that the "Catholic -religion is a basic ingredient of the common good," the new agreement allows other denominations to operate fully under a clause establishing "just fre'edom of religion for all citizens". The early publication 01' the text came as a surprise to Church authorities and prompted strong reaction from the general public. The main criticism has been that it does not make any substantial changes. Some leading Ca-tholics have maintained that no concordat is necessary. Public discussion of the concordat issue has displeased the conservative elements in. the Church.
Dutch Sunday Mass Attendance Drops THE HAGUE (NC) - The number of Dutch Catholics ful-' filling the obligation of weekly Mass attendance on SunlJily or Saturday evening has dropped, but there is a remarkable increase in attendance .at Mass at other times. A Catholic agency reported. A recent survey indicated that the number of Catholics 'attending Mass on the weekend is nine per cent lower than 1972, said Dr. William Kusters, director of the Dutch Catholic Social Ecclesiastical Institute (KASKI). However, Kusters said, there are still 1.75 million Catholics who attend Mass regularly. That is 37.5 per cent of Catholics over the age of seven. There arl) about 5.3 million Catholics in the Dutch population of more than 13 million. Kusters said the percentaglJ of Catholics attending Mass in the Netherlands is still very high in comparision with many other countries. He also said that the degree of involvement of Dutch Catholics with their Church cannot be accurately expressed in figures and percentages.
BOSTON (KC)-Massachusetts Gov. Prancis W. Sargent has signed a controversial "freedom of conscience" bill giving private hospitals the right to refuse ·to perform ahortions, sterilizations, and contraceptive procedures. Gov. Sargent, who was under pressure from the Massachusetts unit of the American Civil Liberties Union and pro-abortion forces to veto the hill, signed the measure after Atty. Gen. Robert Quinn ruled in favor of its constitutionality. The governor said he acted so "th'at we can address a delicate and sensitive moral issue and still permit as many citizens as possible to act in accordance with the dicta.tes of their conscience." The new law will allow personnel in private and public hospitals to refuse participation in the controversial procedures when they base their objections on moral and religious grounds.
Stress EV(llngelisM As Major Effort VISIT NOTRE DAME: Visiting historic Notre Dame Church in Fall River as part of newly-re~amped requirements for Marian Medal are Camp Fire Girls Michelle Duquette, Christine. Nadeau, Carlene' Fournier 'and Girls Scouts Paula Henman, Kim McCann and J",nine Landry, I
Girls' Clubs Members Begin Work On iNew Projects for Maria'n Medal Girl Scouts do more than sell important difference from forcookies! So do: Camp Fire Girls, mer d~ys' is that aU projects are Junior Catholic Daughters and team affairs, with participants Junior Daughters of Isabella. All contri1buting to each other's enare eligible for the Marian Medal, richment as they wbrk together, official religiofIs recognition of rather than each working septhe Church for Imembers of these arately for the medal. ' organizations. The Marian Medal The hook is', div,ided into five has been arounr for a long time, sections, with a choice of projbut requiremeIits for earning it ects to be accomplished within have just been! revamped to put each. The first chapter concimthem more in line with ideas and trates on the girl as .~ person interests of spJce~age .misses. and seeks to help her develop Mrs. Paur Dumais of Immacu- herself by means of exploration late Concepti6n parish, Fall of her feelings and a study of River, is among adults working Mary in her daily life. with Fall River area girls on the The second section aims to year-long program at the end of teach girls "how to grow in and which they rE!?eive the award, build upon their friendships," not to be confused with the using "Mary as the model of Marian Medal awarded to adults Christian' friendship. One project in the Fall River:diocese who have ·suggests that a girl write an rendered outstanding service' to imaginary letter from Mary to a tI-,-eir parishes :01' other church friend ,"in which sl].e expresses organizations. The local honor her feelings on Jesus' reject-ion is in the form lof a miraculous by his, own townspeople." A medal bearing ~he diocesan coat follow-up letter gives the friend's of arms on its reverse side, while response, then the question is the national girls' award depicts asked, "How do' we respond to Mary 'with the infant Christ. our friends during times of suffering and need?" A Mass witb Visit Shrine Among projedts Marian Medal the theme of friendship is sugcandidates may jchoose is that of gested .to cl9se work on this visiting an area Marian shrine, section. which Fall Rivet Girl Scouts and Welfare Day Camp Fire Girls:did recently, atConcern for others is emphatending. Mass at historic ~otre sized in the third section of the project ,book. Among suggested Dame Church. I After Mass they learned a lit- activities is the planning of a tle of the history of Notre Dame day's menu on a welfare budget and the significance of that par- and a study of the sources of ticular title of Mary. They also welfare funds. "Some families gathered impres'sions of others send thEil money tbey save on a who v,isited t~e church with Welfare Day to an organization them, seeking added insights and . that helps to feed, the very appreciations. I poor," notes the bopklet. The church visit, however, was Also listed as possible projects only one of many Marian activ- are making of a costume cart for ities in which candidates will en- children in a day-care center or gage during their year of prep- orphanage, participation ,in ecolaration. They will work within ogy or recycling drives,and or.guidelines set down in a "Marian ganization of a hymn-singing and Medal Project Book" and one Bible-reading program for elderly
nursing home patients. Getting to know older people, "adults who are willing to share their judgment, experience and insights. and know-how with you," is the topic of the fourth section. Girls are told to watch two continuous hours of television, focusing on the· commercial images of women and men presented, then to give their reactions to what they have seen. They are also asked to make l'ists of "the ten people they admire most," compare lists, and discuss what they feel are the most important qualities for a person to have. "Do the qualities you find attractive reveal something about yourself?" queries the project book. A wrap-up session asks participants to consider their ,ideas of vocations, particularly with regard to following Christ and I~ading others to him. Place of Mary The final section concentrates on Mary, her place in the Church and in the life of the indiv4dual, and her "unparalleled influence on all of mankind." A final Mass with the theme of "Looking Forward" is suggested to climax work on the Marian Medal. "Are you afraid of some of the tbings you see ahead? What will the world De like when you are 20? 30? 50? BO? What do you expect to be? to do? to create? to contribute? ... End the Eucharist with a song to Our Lady. A song of memories, further hopes, prayer, thanks and love." ' Young recipients of the Marian Medal; traditionally awarded on the feast of Christ the King, should, after completing this project book, have' a fuller awareness than ever before of Mary's part in the economy af salvation.
'TENAFLY (NC) - The' American province of the Society of African Missions (S.M.A. Fathers), taking note of current controversies over whether development or .evangelization is the primary role of mission activity, reaffirmed the primacy of evangelization in its own work. During a two-week provincial meeting at national headquarters here' in New Je,rsey c\elegates to the chapter voted for a declaration asserting that "the very reason why we are missionaries" is that "the designs of Christ with regard to all men might be accomplished." For that reason, the declaration said, "every effort should be ensured that the priest has sufficient time to devote himself to his essential sacerdotal duties." Nineteen delegates attended the chapter, which came as an aftermath to the general assembly of the S.M.S. Fathers held earlier this year in Rome. Delegates reelected Father Kevin Scanlan to a five-year term as provincial superior.
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State Attorneys B'egin Crackdown On Pornography MIAMI (NC) - Florida's state attorneys have begun a crackdown on pornography under the state's new anti-obscenity statute which supplements the old statute whose status awaits the decision of a Jacksonville federal court. On June 26, the U. S. Supreme Court reversed the judgment in the Meyers-Austin case and sent it back to the Jacksonville court for reconsideration hot inconsistent with its decision in the case of Miller v. California. The earlier decision in MeyersAustin has held that the state anti-obscenity statute was unconstitutional. The June 21 Miller v. California decision by the Supreme Court gave several examples of what states may define as obscene, rejected the requirement that a work must be found "utterly witoout redeeming social value" before it is judged obccene and rejected national standards or expert testimony as criteria for obscenity. Praise Decision Meanwhile, a Californian was convicted in a federal district court here of interstate transpor,tation of obscene material and of interstate transportation of obscene material for distrrbution. Several months ago, FBI agents had arrested'uthe defendant at Miami International Airport. He had in his possession more than 600 reels of 8 mm color film, which the jury viewed. As law enforcement officials and citizens throughout Florida praised the Supreme Court decisions, owners of adult book stores and theaters in seven counties have filed suits challenging the constitutionality of the new state law. Conduct Seminars The suits seek injunctions against the seizure of allegedly obscene materials, temporary restraining orders against prosecution or damages for the arrest of employees. Calling the suits "premature," Leonard Rivkind, special assis, tant state attoriney general in the area of pornography, emphasized that state courts have not yet had an opportunity to construe the Florida statute in accordance with the recent U. S. Supreme Court decisions. He said he believed that the Supreme' Court "intended, that state courts be given this opportunity." Since June 21, state attorneys in counties throughout the state have conducted seminars to provi~e guidelines for police to follow in enforcing the new state law.
Adds Support WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. James Eastland, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has announced his support of the proposed amendment that would protect the life of the unborn. Eastland's announcement that he would co-sponsor the amendment, introduced tby Conservative Republican James Buckley -of New York, had great significance. As chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Eastland could be chairing hearings on the amendment as early as this fall, some congressional observers believe.
THE ANCHORThurs., July 19, 1973
Wounded Knee Church Burned
- .~ ", a
PINE RfDGE (NC)-"Wounded Knee looks just like any other small hill now that Sacred Heart Church has disappeared as its identifying mar,k," said Father Theodore Zuern, director of the Holy Rosary Mission here, which had jurisdiction over Sacred Heart. The church, which overlooked the site of the 1890 Indian massacre, burned to the ground in a three-hour fire July ~. The small 60-year-old wooden structure had become wellknown to most Americans as the most easily identifiable landmark of Wounded Knee, through thousands of feet of TV film and newspaper pictures take!l during the American Indian Movement's occupation from Feb. 28 to May
'FISHER OF MEN, CHICAGO STYLE: Father James Keating celebrates Mass aboard the Vishva Dharma of Bombay, India, for Catholic crew members. The liturgy was celebrated in the ship's galley only 90 minutes before it sailed from Chicago. Father Keating (at right in his office) is national director of the Apostleship of the Sea, and port chaplain in Chicago. His goal is to see that world traveling s~amen do, not become "spiritual orphans." NC Photo.
Port of Chicago Chaplain Makes Certain Seamen are Not Spiritual Orphans CHICAGO (NC)-Father James Keating keep his eyes toward heaven for more than one reason. Unless he pays attention a swinging cable or a Volkswagen car may knock him in the head. His parish is the Port of Chicago and his flock are the men of the sea His black shirt and white collar stand out beside the rusty steel fixtures of the Calumet Harbor dock as he zig-zags gracefully between huge crates of ,cargo, smiling and waving to everyone he sees. Salty old timers, fresh young faces and, hardened dock workers all respond generously to the man who looks so obviously out of place. But a priest is a "fisher of men," and as long as men continue to flirt with the sea, Father Keating will be there to comfort them. As national director of the Apostleship of the Sea, Father Keating's goal is to see that world traveling maritime seamen do not become "spiritual orphans." Clubs for Seamen Father Keating is not alone in his role of port chaplain. Teamwork is important to the apostleship since sailors spend most of their time bouncing in and out of ports, loading and unloading the ship cargo. As national di~ rector of the port chaplains' group; the priest makes sure a man with a problem in Chicago has someone to talk to when his ship arrives in Milwaukee. The Apostleship of the Sea can be found in ~very port across the nation where there is a church nearby. In the United States alone there are 'over 80 port chaplains who run about 40 clubs for seamen~ All of the chaplains are connected bya series of newsletters and magazines wnich are circulated under Father Keating's direction. Once every year fhe
chaplains get together for an annual convention to discuss their work and formulate new ideas for their mission. Visits Docks Some ports· are busier than others and Chicago is one of the busiest. As many as 40,000 seamen come to this city yearly aboard 650 merchant ships. Foreign ships bring mell both curious, and sometimes afraid, of an imposing city such as Chicago. "We try to provide little con-
Compares Pastoral Work in Big Cities MADRID (NC)-Cardinal Vicente Enrique Tarancon of Ma..ceIrid visited Church leaders in Paris and Lisbon recently in order to compare notes on Church problems and pastoral work in big cities. Of his conversations with Cardinal Francois Marty of P,aris and Patriarch Antonio Ribeiro of. Lisbon, the Madrid archbishop said that "one thing came out clear as day: our problems 'are very similar regarding clergy, university life, the workers, the Church stand on modern issues. "Therefore the' advantage is obvious of a joint evaluation of our pastoral experiences," Many laborers from Spain and Portugal are migrating by the thousands to northern European countries, France included, in search of job opportunities.
Father Zuern ~aid that there had been several break-ins in recent weeks into 'the abandoned structure; mostly by youngsters. He theorized that the fire might have started accdentally or intentionally. The church had been heavily damaged by more than 300 bullets that hit its structure during the occupation, and had been temporarily abandoned because of this. The parish community had decided to f.ix it up two weeks ago, as a center for worship and prayer, as well as other community acts. The FBI and South Dakota's fire investigation units are looking into the fire to establish its cause. The FBI has jurisdiction because the church was located in the Oglala Sioux Indian Reservation, under federal administration.
veniences ~o the men," says Father 'Keating, "because the little things mean a lot to !l1en who have been at sea for weeks at a time. Sometimes we drive them t'O a shopping center or we take them to some of the museums in the city." Father Keating meets his sailors during his ship visits. A well-known figure on the docks, he needs no identification card to get througb the tight security of Balance of Terror the ha,rbor area. Not Real Security' VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Only Conta~t Vatican's representative at the When he finds a new ship it is only a matter of minutes before 35-nation European security conhe is on board and in the office ference in Helsinki warned that a balance of terror does not offer of the 'officer of the deck. real security. Seconds later he is weaving in Archbishop Agostino Casaroli, and out of corridors and door- in a discourse published in the ways on his way to see the Vatican daily newspaper, L'Os"skipper." Not a man passes servatore Romano, also appealed who is not greeted by the priest. for freedom of religion as an Some stop to chat, others only element of international security. . smile, but for a brief Jnstant each It inevitably leads to an essailor knows he has' a friend in calation of weapons both offenthis strange and bustling town sive and defensive; The accumuof Chicago. lation of military weapons and "I drive down here everyday the growing reciprocal mistrust and try to spot some new arriv- ,inspire poorly considered. gesals, but sometimes I may miss a tures that can touch off the sitship." It seldom happens though, uation. because he knows the importance of his mission. As the Maritime Newsletter of his group recently stated: "Many seafarers have only one contact when they are in port,' Over 35 Years that of the chaplain, and this one of Satisfied Service human encounter , this one huReg. Master Plumber 7023 man who is really interested in JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. the welfare of even one man, can 806 NO. MAIN STREET make a world of difference jn the Fall Rive; 675-7497 outlook of that one man."
'Monlle Plumbing & Healing Co.
Art Stolen BOGOTA (NC) Robbers took four paintings from the colonial church of St. Augustine here valued at $25,000. They depicted the, Holy Family, the Immaculate Conception, St. Augustin and a kneeling Madonna. A foreign market for religious art has spurred a rash of robberies throughout Colombia.
Casey-Sexton, Inc.
.•. Cleansers
Tel. 822-0621
67 Middle Street, Fairhaven
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 19, 1973 i
parents' Speech Patterns Betray Children's Ages I
We all know how children develop. We study their speech- patterns to learn how old they ~re. At age two, for example, the child's chief word is, "Mine." No matter what a two-year-old grabs, be it his security b1anket, his mother's hair, or the cat, he hangs on "Hello, doctor? This time it's fiercely and shouts,. "Mine, his foot. .:." mine, mine!" If. he-does this, "Eat it or no dessert" we know he's a normal "Because I said so." healthy two-year-old. If he doesn't, he has a normal healthy . mother.
But what about. a pal'ent's development? In the plethora of hooks about chiidren~B speech patterns, I haven't discovered a single one on the development of a parent as shown by his spe~ch. Yet, I hold that by listening in on a parent's daily chatter, we can discover, not his develo\)ment, but the age of his children. _- Here are my stages in a normal parent's speech pattern. . "Now, now, ·don't cry. The bottle will be ready in a minute." "Smile for da-da. That's a good boy. Oooops, somebody bring a towel." "Bye-bye. Wave bye-bye." "Hello, doctor? His fever is up to 104.'. ." "Num-num. Isn't this g-o,o-d?" "No, no. Don't eat that. D-i-r-t-y." . "Upsy-daisy. Here, Mommy will kiss that away." "Don't touch that. 1\ o! No!" "This is the last time I'm going to say that." "Hello, doctor? He's still bleeding a little." "Good boy. Big boy. We'll tell Daddy about that when he gets home."
Yes, No, Do, Don't "Say hello to Aunt Mae' on the phone-no, this end." '''Pick it up" ."Put it down." "Because big - boys don't do .: that."
Private Schools Form Association PHOENIX (NC) - An Arizona organization modeled after the national Council of' American Private Education (ArizonaCAPE), made up of eight private· and independent educational associations, will serve as a means to communicate and share information between the various school associations. Arizona-CAPE will also provide communications with public school counterparts and governmental bodies; encourage vigor. ous diversity in education and foster a closer sharing by private schools in the nation's edu·. cational tasks. Its members include th(: school systems of the Phoenix and Tucson dioceses.
"I already answered that." "Hello, Emergency Room?" "Here's your milk money." "Ask your father." :'He did! Wait till his father gets home} "I don't care what the other kids get ,tol do." ."No TV until your math im· proves." I "Look at this room!" "Hello, is this' the orthodontist's office?" I "Oh, motherrrrr yourself." "Whady~ mean, yuck?" "Get 'Off: the phone." "You're jgrounded until your math improves." . "No, you can't go out with that bunch!" "We 'arert't voting on it."
IWe'lI See.
"Why don't yOIl get your hair cut?': I "Turn down that music." "Who ate our supper?" "We'll s~e." "No, we Ineed you to babysit for us tonight." "Remember, it's the only car we have." I "Yes, officer, we understand." "Get off the phone." "No scholarship, no college." "Write u~ every week." "No mor~ checks until your math improves." "We're s6 proud of our graduate·... i I "She's loyely, son. Have you set a date?j' "You are? When? Call us as soon as it'~ born." "Now, n6w. The bottle will be ready in a minute. Grandma's hurrYIng."
I Miami priest Joins Diplom~tic "Ag~ncy v ATICAN CITY (NC)-A Miami priest I who is a Vatican oareer diplomat has joined the staff of th~ influential Council for the Pu'blic - Affairs of -the Church, the:Vatican's agency for dealing with civil governments _ and fostering diplop1atic relaI tions. Msgr. Ambrose' De Paoli, 39, a priest of the Archdiocese of Mi· ami, report~d for work at the council July 9. Previous I diplomatic assignments for I the Rome-educated priest included: secret,ary of the nunciature -in Ottawa, 1971-73; secretary ofI the nunciature • in Ca.racas, VeJ?,ezuela, mid-1968-71; and attache and late secretary to the nunciatJres 'of Zambia and Malawi (based in' Lusaka, the capital of Z~mbia):o I 966-mid-68. Msgr. DePaoli also worked for six months in the internunciature in Ankara, ~urkey, in 1966 while completing his second year at the Vatican's diplomatic academy, a training schoool in Rome for future Vatican diplomats. I
MARK SILVER JUBILEES: Seven members of LaSalette community celebrate 25 years of religious life in ceremonies at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro. Seated from left, with R~v. Armand Proulx, provincial superior, are, Rev. George Dube,' Father Proulx, Brother George LeBel; standing, Brother Richard Denomme, Rev. Emery DesRochers, Rev. Jean Berube, Rev. Fernand La.ngevin, Rev. Raymond Robida.
Saw Few Workers in Coachella Fields COACHELLA (NC) - There. were probably "no more than 1,900" grape pickers in the fields of the Coachella. VaIley at the height of the picking season, ac· co~ding to Father Eugene J. Boyle, director of the justice and peace ministry of the National Federation of Priests', Councils. Father Boyle and two United Farm Workers' Union (UFWU) officials flew over the entire area for three and a half hours, to as· sess the Teamsters' claims that more than 3,500 workers, more than last years's top figure when they were under the UFWU, w.ere employed in the .fields this Summer. The United Farm Workers and the Teamsters' Union' are strug· gling for control of the representation of thoe farmworkers in the lettuce and grape fields of California and other Southwestern states. Sweetheart Contracts Cesar Chavez, UFWU chief, has: accused the growers of signing "sweetheart contracts" with the Teamsters in a move to destroy the United Farm Workers' Union, which would enable tt,'2m to deal with a more "cooperative union." Chavez called for a strike and a _consumer boycott of grapes and lettuce against the growers, and widespread picketfng of farms by workers followed. The picket lines were the scene of violent incidents recently after Teamster guards attacked the striking workers. Catholk officials and priests have been active in support of the UFWU's position. Father John Bank, acting as a press coordinator for tIn UFWU, was attacked by a Teamster guard last May, and suffered some injuries. Father Boyle has been close to the farmworkers' quest for im·
proved working conditions for some. eight years. He has spent most of his time in the Coachella
Valley since the April.
st~,ike'began last
Covered All Vineyards
Flying a Cessna 182 with two men who were in ch;lrge of the . United Farm Workers Union Graymoor Friars strike, Father Boyle, a licensed Call for Amnesty pilot, said that he was acting at GARRISON (NC) - A policy "the direct request of (Cesar) of amnesty for men in prison or Chavez," UFWU chief. The in exile because of their positions three·and-one-half-hour flight on the. Vietnam War has been covered all grape vineyards of urged by the Franciscan Friars the valley between Ind~o and the of the Atonement Salton Sea. In a resdution adopted unanimously at the closing session of the order's eighth general chapter here in New York, the friars called upon the President and the Congress to take the steps necessary to grant "an immediate, universal and unconditional amnesty." The general chapter is a quadrennial meeting of the society's representatives which reviews the progress of the order's works and sets policy for the following four years.
"Maintaining the legal height," said Father Boyle "I flew Frank Ortiz, the strike director, and Marshall Ganz, his assistant, over each field for a sufficient time for them to count fairly accurately just how many were actually wor:king. "These men are famil,iar with .the fields, and knowledgeable when it comes to the work the people would be doing. They did not allow me to proceed to the next field lintil they had made a final determination for. each field."
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Whites Wonder About Future In Rhodesia
THE ANCHORThurs., .July 19, 1973
Priests Councils Initiate Studies
SALISBURY (NC)-Beginning to doubt the certainty of his fu'CHICAGO (NC) - Studies on ture in Rhodesia, the Rhodesian prison reform, vocation recruitwhite man is groping anxiously ment, and celibacy have been inifor a magic formula to keep the' tiated by the National Federation reins of power ill his hands for of Priests' Councils. ' as long as possible. The Boston province of priests' The white man's former slogail senates has been assigned the was "to keep power in civilized responsibility for developing a hands for alI time." statement on penal reform and Since the rejection last year of its related theological and socioa proposed settlement to end logical ramifications. the dispute between Britain and Rhodesia, which declared itself The task force was also asked independent in 1965, the British to come up with models for acgovernment has been advising tion for local priests' councils to adopt. ' Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith to talk to the blacks in Delegates at the 1973 conven路 Rhodesia ,in order to come to tion called for member councils .;ome compromise on the constito support local and national eftutional issue. forts at prison reform. They also Deadlock Continues mandated, NFPC's justice and Rhodesia's constitution guarpeace committee to research a antees control of the country by working paper "on the death the white minority. penalty.and prison reform to he But, for fear of making a slip presented as an educational tool or further concessions, Smith has for the affiliated councils." heen refusing to meet the blacks ilnd has been demanding that the NFPC's Research and Developproposals be accepted as they RECEIVE AWARDS: Forty geriatric aides at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, ment Committee has set June nre. The blacks have rejected this receive pins and certificates at ceremonies presided over by Mother M. Anthony, Home 1974 'as its deadline for a comLind the deadlock has continued. puterized and written analysis The proposals would keep the administrator. From left, Rev. William Collard, principal speaker; Mrs. Joan Cyr, R.N., of a project tb3t will study vocountry's 250,000 whites dom- among supervisors of aides; Mrs. Mary Braz and Norman Theroux, aides; Mother An- cation expectations and recruitinant over its 5 million blacks thony. Those recognized had completed in-service training course preparing them to ment at all levels in the U. S. for at least another century. care for aged. Church. Accepting the blacks' rejecClergy, vocation directors, pertion of the proposed settlement, onnelboards and seminary offiBritain has refused to recognize cials will be called upon to proRhodesian independence. SAN DIEGO (NC) - Christian While mergers do not "guar- feasible in every culture of civili- vide various viewpoints. The Rhodesian bishops recentThe information gathered will iy accused the government of unity should be seen in the con- antee" Christian unity, Dr. zation and raise the question of adopting un-Christian, racist leg- text of the Church's social gospel Moede said, they provide a stim- what structure the "new church .aid in deciding what future minislation that prevents whites and of serving all people in need, a ulus ,for more far-reaching re- should take in this particular isterial forms can he expected to evolve. hlacks from worshipping togeth- world Council of Churches ex- sults. Mergers are not always time and place.", crand hampers missionary activ- pert on the ecumenical move,ment has d,eclared. ities. The Christian hope of unity Economic Sanctions -., Recently, a three-man delega- cannot be separated such tion from the British Foreign world situations as social justice, discrimination, handiOffice came to Rhodesia and met racial Smith; Methodist Bishop Abel capped people and cultural difMuzorewa, leader of the African ferences, said the Rev. Dr. Gerald National Council (ANC), which F. Moede, a United Methodist led opposition to the proposed from Eland, Wis. Problems of unity become settlement; leaders of the multiracial Center party and the new more complicated when related Rhodesia party and a number of to divisions in society, he said, prominent black and white Rho- and cannot be separated from social conflicts. desians. He spoke at the University of Rlmdesians whose hopes have been dashed a number of times San Diego on "Concepts of Chrisbefore feel there 路is rIO reason to tian Unity" in connection with believe the visit will bring settle- the regional School of Christian ment with Britain, that economic Missions sponsored by United sanctions against Rhodesia will Methodist Churchwomen. Secretary of the WCC's Faith be renewed in November. It also suspected that the visit was and Order department, Dr. made' because the British govern- Moede outlined recent Christian ment has to make a number of unity developments on two decisions on Rhodesia before the fronts-Church mergers anddia路 Commonwealth Conference in logue among denominational Ottawa, Canada, in August, and "families" on the international that the officials wanted to see level. Bishop Muzorewa and get to Cites Agreements know his terms for a settlement. Since 1925, he observed, there have been 63 major Church unions involving 181 Protestant -Cathoiic Daughters groups in more than 20 countries. At present, at least 125 Meet in San Juan, A "Natural Gas Comfort Home" utilizes Natural Gas NEW YORK (NC) The 1974 denominations are involved in convention of the Catholic merger conversations. On the world level, he said, bifor the jobs it does the best - at the lowest prices - such as' Daughters of, America (CDA) Day, and the future of the Junior lateral theological talks between Day, plans for the third annual , Protestant "families", or between heating, water, heating, cooking, clothes drying and incineration. National Catholic Daughters of Protestants and Catholics have America and the future of the ' resulted in agreements on such Juniqr CDA will be discussed at previously irreconciliable docGas, energy the CDNs national board meet- trines as baptism, the Eucharist ing San Juan, P.R., on July 24-26. and the ministry. for today and tomorrow. He pointed to agreements on The 1974 biennial convention .will be held in ~os Angeles, while the Eucharist between the worldthe CDA Day will be officially wide Anglican Communion and observed at the Shrine of the the Roman' Catholic Church and Immaculate Conception in Wash- between the Lutherans and Catholics in the United States. , ington.
Calls for Unify Through Social Justice
introdUCing: The natuIQI
GAS comfort
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The Parish Parade
THE ANCHOR-·Diocese of Fall River-dThurs. July 19, 1973
The Babe Need,n't ,\Decrease ,i ' As Hank Aaron Increases
Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town' should be Included. as well as full dates of all activities, Please send news of future rather than past events.
By ,Joe and Marilyn Rod~rick
ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET , The parish- will sponsor a lawn party Friday through Sunday" July 27 through 29, with Portuguese and,American foods being served from 4 P.M. Friday and Saturday and at 1 P.M. Sunday. Music throughout the event will be by the Bebe Alves group and special features will include a nightly raffle and penny sale and an auction and bazaar on Sunday. To be raffled are $100. in cash on Friday. a portable television on Saturday and $500 in cash on Sunday. Admission to the lawn party is free. General chairman is Arthur Provost, aided by Jack Cabral as cochairman. The Holy Name Society will sponsor a pre-lawn party dance at 8 Saturday night, July 21 in 'the church hall, with music by Art Perry and his band. Portuguese and American dance music will be offered and refreshments will be served.
As a long-time baseball fan, I have le~rned to appreciate the game,· not so much in terms of heroes (for years I lived on the exploits of Ted Williams a'nd Johnny Pesky) as in terms of the quality of play. I find ~yself appreciating a particular player for his retained anCI passed down from' outstanding ability without 'generation' to generation. Howreference to his personality. 'ever, I can ~see why this is hapThis is why I find it quite pening, for unless you can spend
disturbing to read all thll stories defending Babe Ruth as Hank Aaron approaches his home. run, record. The two men cannot be 'compared and I think it is unfortunate that so many writers are trying to downplay Aaron in attempting to, preserve the unique qualities of Babe Ruth. possibly the greatest b,dlplayer of al1 time.
ST. MICHAEL, SWANSEA The parish will hold its annual ' Summer bazaar Friday through Sunday, Aug. io through 12. in . the schoolyard on Pinehurst Avenue. Features will inclule refreshments. hourly raffles and 20 booths with attractions for all ages. Books for a special $500 raffle have been distributed to all parishioners and returns may be made in Sunday col1ection baskets or through the mail slot at the rectory. Additional books are available from bazaar organizers, including Rev. Joseph Martineau, honorary chairman; Rev. Edward Sharpe, Edmund Banville, Henry Dion and Leon Wojtowicz. Additional volunteers are needed to aid in preparations and may contact any of the above. Proceeds will benefit the school.
some time ih the kitchens of the p"eople who; do thz native' cook; i'lb ing, you are: not going to get the. SR, MARIIE AMANDA ALLARD recipes, at least you're not going to get therP correct.' Many of ' these cooks Iseason with a pinch of this and, a dash of that, tasting all the timel OUR LADY OF ANGELS, ' But-all is ,not lost. There are a ~INSINA WA (NC) Sister FALL RIVER few good por.:tuguese cookbooks Marie Amanda Allard, O.P., was and one of the best that I have The Holy Ghost Feast will be re-elected to a second term as come across! is "A Taste Of Por- Prioress General by the Dominobserved at Flynn Street SaturOnly One tugal" by Shirley Sarvais, pubday and.Sunday. July 28 and 29. ican Sister of Sinsinawa at ceJ~ There was only one Babe Iished by Scl-ibner and Son. The Feast of 0ur Lady of Angels emonies here in Wisconsin .openHere is one of her recipes, ing'their fiftee[lth General ChapRuth, but similarly there is only is' scheduled for Thursday thru one Hank Aaron, and when and very, similad· to one women in t e r . · Sunday, Aug. 9 thru 12. ,if he surpasses Babe Rut};,'s home this area serve. ' The parish council will meet Sister Marie Amanda will at 7 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 19 in run record it will be a monu_ Meat of IWineand Garlic serve the American Congregation mental feat for which he' should I the church hall. of the Most Holy Rosary of Sin- ST. PATRICK, be given tremendous accolades. 2 pounds iboneless lean pork, sinawa, whose 1,600 sisters SOMERSET He posseses natural talent cou- cut into 1 Y2' inch pieces OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, serve in 26 states, the District of pled with outstantling endurance . 1 cup dryl white wine Parish families will hold a Columbia, and three forE;!ign which has allowed him to play Y2 cup white wine, vinegar retreat tomorrow. BREWSTER COuntries, for a four-year period. camping and play wel1 for many, many 3 cloves garlic, minced· Cape Cod-Memos will, be feaSister Marie Amanda made through Sunday at La Salette years beyond the expectations of' 1 ,bay lea~, crushed Enfield, N.H. . tured at a Summer bazaar to be her' profession as 'a: Sinsinawa Campgrounds. the normal player. His ability 1 Y2 teasp60ns salt be Rev. held by the Women's Guild beDominican in 1947. In addition Spiritual directors 1 teaspoon each dry savory to her work in the Congregation, Robert McGowan a~d Rev. Jos- ginning at 10 a.m.• Wednesday, even as he has grown older has, not diminished, any· mOlie than and marjor~m July 25. Also available 'will be she ~ serves as a member of the eph Maguire. did Ruth's at the end of his Y2 teaspoon black pepper The Women's Guild will oper- gift items, homemade foods, Education Commission of the career. /4 whole cloves U.S. Catholic Conference-Confer- ate a booth at a flea market to white elephants, jewelry. aprons, lard IFor many years Babe Ruth. ence of the Major Superiors of be sponsored Sunday, Aug. 12 on Christmas ornaments and felt was synonymous with super bread crisps goods. A luncheon will be served Me~-Leadership Conference of the grounds, of Somerset liigh feats in: baseball. It was in his 1) Marinate meat, covered Women Religious. School by the Somerset Friends from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. image that the superstllr was and chilled, for 8 hours ina mixShe' chairs the Education Min- of Music. Donations for the born. His was a personality that ture of the ~ine, vinegar, garlic, istry Committee of.- the LCWR booth are welcome and parish- ST. JOSEPH, saved the game in a time of bay, salt, sa~ory, marjoram, pep- and helped draft the Bishops' ioners are also urged to visit on AITLEBORO stress and he made great press. per and cloves. Pastoral, To Teach As Jesus Did, the day of the sale. Further in: Hank Aaron is a colorleBs ball2) Drain Imeat, saving mar- which gave direction to Catholi(~ . formation is available from LuThe Gala Summer Festival will player who says very little of inade, and brown meat in a large edu~ation I in this country. cille Souza, telephone 2-2917. be held on the weekend of July interest, ·but who has ,done an frying pan in a small amount of 27 through July 29. Opening ST. JOHN BAPTIST, outstanding job in c;loing what he' lard over medium heat. iimeon Friday, July 27 will be ST. STANISLAUS, CENTRAL VILLAGE is paid to do. He is not saving 3) Add half the marinade, at 4, on Saturday at 10:00 A.M. "'ALL RIVER ' h e hero-wors h"Ip cover, and sirbmer for 30 minutes baseball , nor IS A lobster supper will be served and Sunday at 1:00 P.M. ' The 12th annual parish Sum·, materi~I, but he is accomplishing until meat lis tender, turning mer festival will take place this from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 01. Winners need not be present a feat for which he should be meat occasi9nally, and adding Saturday and Sunday at Malo.. Saturday, July 21 in the church for the cash prizes. given recognition, not .disparage- more marinade if necessary. wa's Grove, formerly Urban's hall. Tickets are available from ment. 4) Turn meat 'onto serving . Mrs. Lynwood Potter or Mrs. ST. HEDWIG, platter and garnish with 4 or 5 Grove, in Tiverton. Attractions Arthur. Denault. In the Kitchen NEW BEDFORD slices of ,bread that have been will include booths, games, Polish : and American· foods and HOLY NAME, Joe's grandmother celobrated cut into four !triangles each. This Last week's yard sale has been dancing Saturday night and Sunher 90th birthday last week and bread should be moistened in the day. A free bus shuttle will oper- FALL RIVER rescheduled for Saturday, July her nine children and their fam- meat pan ~ripping, and fried ate from noon to 10 p.m. Sunday The sacrament of baptism will 21 from 3:00 to 6:00 and Sunday, ilies were all present. It was the quickly in a stPall amount of lard. from' the' Fall River Shopping be administered at a 2 p.m. Mass July 22 from 2:00 to 5:00. The I first time she had ever had all Center. Admission to the event Sunday, July 22. All paris'hioners sale will be held in the Parish of them together, so it was a Parking Lot on Div.ision Street. are invited to attend. is free. Seminari!es Linked very exciting day for her. . One of the delights of t!;le day In Australia was the delicious native Portu-, MELBOUR11.lE (NC) - ProtesProfE~ct your home while, ! guese dishes that the wornen of tant clergym~n and seminarians the family prepared: turltey in may now' take some courses at a wine sauce, a delectable soup Melbourne Catholic ~eminaries with tiny egg yolk dumplings, as part of a! new bachelor of I bacalhau (codfish), squid and too theology program.. many others .to mention. ,Catholic College in Clayton I feel it's a shame that more and Yarra Theological Union in such native dishes are not being Box Hill, a tooperative institution in whic~ six Religious orders participate, are the two Marks 40 Years Catholic semirtaries involved. ~:.:-"_.. With Newspaper Last Decerrtber, Victoria state Sentry -- Timer BELLEVILLE (NC)-Thoman- parliament aJthorized the Melaging editor of The Messenger, bourne College of Divinity to diocesan publication of the Belle- grant the d~gree and allowed • Turns lights' on and off automatically villle (Ill.) diocese, recently the Catholic d:hurch in the state marked his 40th anniversary of to affiliate itself with the college. • Discc)urages burglary and vandalism' working on the newspaper. Redemptori~t Father Humphrey Robert J. Welzbacher, alon$ ·O'Leary, pre,sident of Yarra with his family and former and Theological Union, predicted "a present staff members of The great increase in collaboration Messenger, attended a l!inner between Catholic and non-Cathheld 'in his honor. olic theologiarts." '
Prior·ess' Given
Second Term
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. July 19, 1973
Says Social Responsibility Is Part of Education
The Bishops ask that educating Christians for justice should be in the deepest and most authentic sense practical. What do they mean? In the first place, we have to accept the perfectly realistic fact that throughout the affluent Christian - or rather postChristian-world and in the needs of, say, Tampa, Florida. since every kind of example enclaves of wealth in devel- But cannot be given, let us look at oping Christian societies a personal response.
(largely in Latin America) it is possible for children to grow up in total ignorance of the misery in which the majority of their
fellowmen are condemned to live and die. In suburban houses and well situated schools-all the way from Brookline to Bue: nos Aires-they can grow up seeing no more of a slum or a favella than can be glimpsed from a 'car window as they flash past on a super-highway (which may well have been built after the destruction of hundreds of poor family homes). It is simply useless to talk to these young people about justice and poverty and sharing and hunger and deprivation at the theoretical level. They simply have no deeply real and strongly felt sense of what Christian teaching is trying to tell them. They do not feel they should feed the hungry because they have never encountered a hungry person. They do not know what clothing the naked means because they have never seen a beggar in rags. They cannot conceive of a personal responsibility to shelter the homeless for, where they .Jive, most people have a garden and' a garage, as well as a home. They have a beach house and even a ski chalet, too. Moral Tragedy
One of the moral tragedies of suburbia is that it repeats the moral disaster of Versailles before the French Revolution. It takes the fortunate so far away from even the sight of miserable that riches and fortune are taken for granted and responsibility and stewardship totally forgot,ten. One incidental result can be sudden adolescent and "the Establishment" is blamed. But drop-outs do not reform society or even themselves. They lack the tools and understanding. What can be done? Every school, every Religious teaching order, every pastor must make the appropriate local response because what is needed in an affluent parish in Rio de Janeiro can ·be quite different from the
Conquest To conquer a motive or tame an imagination is at once more arduous and more far-reaching in its effects than a victory in merely outward matters. -R.H. Benson
Between the 1920s and the 1960s, the United States was served by a very great and very good politician. It is perhaps especially useful to remember, just now, that honest men of total lintegrity have served and do. serve the American Republic. His name was Herbert Lehman. As Governor of New York State, he was an innovator in social reform. As Director General of the United Nations Relief and Rehahilitation Administration (UN RRA) he saved millions from despair and starvation after World War II. As Senator from New York State, he was known not only for his dedicated work for America's underprivileged and oppressed min'orities, but he came to be called "the Conscience of the Senate." He died on the day he would have received the nation's highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom. But this honorable, upright, compasionate and supremely unpretentious statesman never made any secret of the source of his extraordinary record of public service. He hardly needed to excel. He was born into one of New York's great Jewish fortunes. He was allied with a society of unique wealth, power and culture. But in his schooldays, he began' to work every week in the Henry Street Settlement. He, the child of fortune and privilege, confronted face to face the children of misfortune and oppression. ~e learnt, to ·the marrow of bones and mind, the contrasts of rich and poor ,of opportunity versus trappedunder-privilege, of doors opening on the future and the closing trap. Herbert Lehman took from this profound educational experience a dedication to the .cause of the needy and unfortunate that sustained him throughout a great and honorable political career. He accepted, in the full.est measure, the profound ethical tradition which is perhaps Christianity's greatest heritage from the Hebrew prophets-that the poor are, in a special sense, God's children and the rich redeem their wealth only by the degree of their service and compassion to those who, in God's inscrutable wisdom, enjoy none of the ease, choice, comfort and security the more fortunate en· joy. The lesson of all ·this? No education can be called a Christian education in which the child does not confront, as part of his or her direct experience, the contrasts of poverty and priv· ilege. A family or a school which gives no such training is not Christian. Its children grow up blind and do not even know it. In the deepest sense, they are maimed, prematurely, in their ability to serve their Lord.
NAUTICAL BLESSING: Father Joseph Stolz of Louisville sprinkles holy water on one of the craft docked at Turner Park on the Ohio River during the annual blessing of the boats. The scene is enacted in many communities around "the country as the recreation season moves into full qperation. NC Photo.
Pilgrim,age to Lourdes Shows Oneness DARMSTADT (NC)-A U. S. Army battalion marohed through the streets of Lourdes, France, to a mHitary cadence to mark the first unit-size participation by American servicemen in the annual Interna.tional Military Pilgrimage. Paratrooper volunteers of the 2nd Battalion, 509th Infantry, stationed here in 'IV est Germany flew to Lourdes on C130 trans· ports and bivouacked in an international camp overlooking the famed Marian shrine city. The GIs and their counterparts from 15 n~tions "lived side by side in Christian friendship," reported Protestant Army Chaplain Maj. Jack E. Brown Jr. In a letter to the European edition of Stars and Stripes, the military daiiy newspaper published here; Chaplain Brown said: "We worshiped God together, marched and paraded together, danced and sang together, and ate and drank together." Chaplain Brown described how the serv,icemen swapped uniforms and insignia and 'Said that "one of our troopers returned to Mainz wearing a complete French Navy uniform!"
"We who experienced this religious and friendship pilgrimage . . . will never forget these rich and memorable experiences. "We had come together from different nations : . . speaking different languages, and yet we were able to express our Christian oneness in friendship in many ways."
About 30,000 military from 16 European nations, the United States, and Canada took part in the 15th International Military Pilgrimage. . For the first time most of the American delegation was able to go by special tour train from such points as Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Mannheim, and Karlsruhe.
The Fall River lrust brings you
will be open from 9a.m. to 4p.m.
All TEN banks will be open
with full service
'Greatest Gift' The chapl1ain told of an Italian military policeman who ended up with an American field jacket and was "so happy he kissed the American flag." When the Italian also received an American helmet as a gift he kissed the helmet 'and said 'This is the greatest gift I have received the whole year.' " "Later that evening," continued Chaplain Brown, "the italian was seen walking through the streets of Lourdes proudly wearing his. American field jack. et and GI helmet ... with a big smile on' his face." The chaplain concluded:
CorporatIon. Federal
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River':'"Thurs. July 19, 1973
The Met~odDst Religion'
Methodist Faith In- Experience "If your heart is as my heart then give me your hand," Smiling John Wesley stretched out his hand to his opponent. Taken aback momentarily by this surprising move after' an hour-long heated argument, the other man finally shook hands. Their intense theologioal debate about whether people are predestined to heaven or hell or go there because of their free . choiCes ended, if not in agreement, at least in a sense of fellowship.
The established Chun:h' of England in the 18th centur,Y desperately needed reform and renewal. Morals, church attendance, and evangelism had sunk to low .levels. The working man rarely took any interest in the worship and life of the Anglican Churc~. It:fu~~~''~·rntmIifu~n%11m~·:~~t:·--· By
Into this situation came two remarkable brothers who sought to invigorate the Anglican Cburch of' which they were priests. They crisscros~led England and Ireland organizing Bible classes and taking the gospel to the common man. Eventually what started as a movement of spiritual renewa~ within Anglicanism became a Beparate church: Methodism. John Wesley was born in 1703, the 15th child of the Amglican rector at Epworth; his brother Charles was the 18th. As students at Oxford University the pair organized a H~ly - Club whose, members agreed 1.0, form PORTRAIT OF JOHN WESLEY: "Fired with enthutheir personal lives through regsiasm, Joh~ WesJey would spend_ the next 50 years traveling , ular prayer, Bible study, fasting, . Holy Communion, and service to over 250,000 miles by foot and .horseback preaching and others. Their methodical regimen organiiing IMethodist societies." ,NC Photo. of devotions andascetical practices won them tbe name' Meth- , crossing thel Atlantic they had May 24. At this meeting be ex·· odists. been impressbd by the calm faith perienced a conversion'of heart After graduation from Oxford of a band ofi Moravians, follow- which is the real birth of Meth· the Wesleys were ordained and ers . of the Bohemian reformer odism. \ set off for the colony of Georgia John Hus. I Fit-ed with enthusiasm John in 1732 to convert the Indians. Birth Jf Methodism Wesley would spend the next 50 Their missionary efforts were year~ traveling over 250,000 disappointing and they were disBack in England in 1738 John miles by foot and horseback satisfieq with the fervor of their Wesley happbned to drop by preaching and organizing Methown spiritual lives. -But while prayer meetiI~g of Moravians on odist societies. The Anglican I churches were usually closed to 1"1::;';=:========:======='= ==;I=======jj Wesl:ey and hi~ fellow preachers ,-but they preached instead in 'IIC fields, factories, and mine pits. Wesley urged all Methodists to Suffering and survIVIng a se- sometimes e~pressed, often run· remain in the Church of England. rious heart attack frighrens a through a petson's mind. Wh-il~ Chflrles V{esley also became person more than enduring the fortunately less common today, famous as the author of some ordeal of' a crash airplane land- they should '~e even more infre- 6,000, hymns, including "Hark, ing. In the latter case, once safe- .quent when the revised rite for the ~erald Angels Sing." lyon the ground, the danger of anointing of the sick soon is inOptimistic Teaching death is over; but after a coro- troduced thro:ughout the United Wesleyis theology turned away nary arrest, th~ f.ear of Huture, States. I from the strict predestination perhaps fatal InCidents .lingers. Triplr Purpose taugh,t by the .Calvinists. He beThis sacrament has always lieved that a Christian'could acserved a triple purpose: to for- tually aspire to perfection, comgive sins, if n~cessary; to enable plete .freedom from sin. Wesley By a seriously ill1individluar to bear never claimed to have reached weli present 'and future suffer- the state of perfection himself, FR. JOSEPH M. ings; to restore health, if that but he insisted it was possible. be God's' will.: However, the em- His interpretation of the Gospel CHAMPLIN phasis given to each aspect has was more hopeful, universal, and varied over th~ centuries. optimistic' than that of many The curretit ritual formula other Protestants. stresses the temission of sins: 'Methodist missionaries carried The priest who arrives at a "!VIay the Lor,d forgive you by the movement to the American hospital's intensive care unit this holy anointing and his most' colonies, although' most major with ritual book in hand and oil loving mercy Whatever sins you Protestant denominations there stock in pocket mayor may not have committ~d ..." . had. a ISO-year head start. After be well received by the shaken Emphasis on Healing the Revolution a majority of Ancardiac patient. In addition,: the anointing of glican clergy. returned to En"Am I' about to die? Are you various senses! (eyes, ears, nose, gland 'and few remained to adgoing to give me the last rites?" lips, hands) arid the words con· minister the sacraments to those Anxious thoughts like these, Turn to Page Eighteen Turn to Page Seventeen
•• 0f the S'• k AnOlnting
John Wesley, who is known as the .founder of, Methodism, was an- Anglican priest and theologian at the time. His adversary in that argument some 250 years ago was a Calvinist theologian. Both were convinced that doctrine mattered, that theology was important. Experience: Doctrine But what characterized Wesley and the subsequent Methodist tradition is symbolized by his gesture, He felt that if his heart and that of the Calvinist were in tbe same place, there was no
reason why they should ,be separated by doctrinal or theological differences. Doctrine was indeed important, but the experience of Christ, the experience of, the Holy Spirit, provided a deeper and more vital bond than doctrinal agreement. Methodist tradition has continued that placing of priority on experience over doctrine. There has been less stress on theology than on devotion, although theology has not been ne· glected. Methodists from Wesley's time to the Present have paid particular attention to the action of the Holy Spirit in the experience of the individual as well as in the 'Church. The beginning of the Methodist revival began with such an experience. It was 'May 24, 1738 during an evening religious meeting in London. John Wesley later recalled: "I felt my heart strangely warmed. I feit r did tr.ust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation." Revivalist Deeply moved by tl1,e experience, he and his brother, Charles, also an Anglican priest, went out into the fields and into private homes to preach a revivalist, practical religion of hope, salvation and free will. Today American Methodists need not subscribe to any set creed, but need to promise loyalty to Christ. Turn to Page Seventeen
In the Lands of the Bible The eastern coastline of the Mediterranean, where it curves gently northward from Egypt to Turkey is known as the Levant. The word comes from the French verb "lever" to rise, and refers to' its easterly location from which the sun rises.
Because of the close relationship of the two cities, known as Tyre and Saida today, they are almost always mentioned together. . . Sidonians Sidon is probably the older of the two cities, dating back to the beginning of the second millenhim.before Christ. It is generally acknowledged as the mother- of Tyre. Sidon is mentioned in By the Table of Nations in Genesis 10:15, and Tyre is not. STEVE Both cities were seaports built LANDREGAN partially on an island and partially on the mainland. Both were great centers of commerce, but after about 1100 B.C., Sidon Because of its proximity to the yielded pre-eminence to Tyre. centers of ancient civilization This was possible due to 'the capthe Lev-antine coast was the ture of Sidon by the Philistines. home of the world's first great The Sidonians were great mercommercial seaports and its sea- chants and great sailors but hisfaring men ranged the width and tory testifies that they were not breadth of the Mediterranean and such- great· fighters. Sidon fell beyond. successively to the Assyrians, The waters of the Levant yield the Babylonians, the Persians. the famous purple 'die taken Alexander the Great, the Seleufrom the murex shell. The cids of Egypt, the Ptolemies of Greeks, who were alw-ays nam- Egypt,the Roman, the Crusaders ing things, 'called the' area Phoe: and the. Mongols. During the Crusader years it nicia; from the Greek word phoewas something like a ping-pong nix, meaning purple. Among the most famous of ball. It allied itself with the Cruthe Phoen'kian cities were Tyre ' saders in 1107, and over the and Sidon. The cities are located next 200 years it changed hands on the coat of Lebanon today, six times prior to the final defeat Sidon about 28 miles south of of the Templars in 1291. Tyre,' on the other hand, manBeirut and Tyre about 50 miles' south. Turn to Page Eighteen
Intellectual Establ ishment Ignores Catholic History
Thurs., July. 19, 1973
The Methodist Continued from Page Sixteen who belonged to Methodist societi'es. Wesley agonized over the problems of ministering to American Methodists and finally decided that he himself would ordain ministers. He had been persuaded that the New Testament church saw no distinction between priest and bishop.
It is fashionable to believe that anti-Catholicism vanished in American life in the 1960 election. In a certain senSe it did. Most Americans are no longer suspicious about or opposed to the Catholic Church. But curiously enough, anti-Catholicism has survive,d and is as virulent as If this -is not bigotry-deep and, if unconscious and unever among American intel- profound intended - then I don't know lectual and cultural elites. what bigotry is.
It is a subtle, sophisticated, dis-
ingenuous sort of anti-Catholicism-though by no means an altogether unconscious form of prejudice.
I do not intend to criticize
either Cogley or Catholic Amer· ica. He is a good and decent man, and the book is a good and decent book. Despite the ritualistic ending that suggests the Berrigan brothers are the wave By of the future for the American Church-an ending that is now REV. absolutely required for any book by a Catholic liberal-Cogley bas ANDREW M. summarized smoothly and intelGREELEY ligently some of the high points of the history of the American Church (though scarcely the history of the' American Catholic The furious attacks by the in- ' population). _There may be tel1ectual' elite on Michael No- nothing new or original or invak, for example, are fundamen- sightful in the book, but it is not tally aimed at his premise that a bad book. I think that togetber there might be something in with Theodore Maynard's Story Catholic ethnic culture that the of American Catholicism it would rest of society ought to attena be a good book for a freshman to. The even more furious at- college course in American Cathtacks on Novak by "kept" Cath- olic history - if there were any olic intellectuals like the Calla- Catholic schools left that both· hans are a sign that they quite ered with "ghetto" courses. correctly interpret the new in: Nor can one fault Mr. Cogley terest in ethnic heritages as a for not being Martin Marty, just judgment on them for having as no one would presume to sold out to the intellectual estab- criticize Marty' for editing _ a lishment. magazine that fell short of the standards of Mr. Cogley's jourWhen you make a nice living reassuring the elites that their nal from the Santa Barbara Cennegative judgments about the ter. One really faults the editors American Catholic public are of the series' and Dial Press, valid, you deeply resent anyone's however, for tbinking that the suggesting that you might be in history of American Protestanteffect as anti-Catholic as the ism required serious scholarship and the history of American elites. Catholicism did not. What's Evidence of Bigotry more, one can fault American Catbolic intellectuals for not The evidence of sophisticated criticizing such editorial judganti-Catholicism is all around for ment and for jumping all over anyone who has become sensi· me (as ,they will) for suggesting tized to it. A recent, almost clas- that Catholic America is not sic, example is the Dial Press quite up to the standards of Bicentennial History of the' Righteous Empire. United States. The volume on Kind of Bigotry American Protestants was assigned to Martin Marty, Ass!>ciOne of my colleagues In the ate Dean of the Divinity School history department at the Uniat the University of Chicago. versity of Chicago has pointed Dean Marty, one of the most out to me that even if the comdistinguished of contemporary mission were given to a distin~ church historians, not only wrote guished Catholic historian and a brilliant book, Righteous Em- even if he had the native intelpire, ,but won the National Book lectual ability of Martin Marty, Award a year ago for his efforts. he would still not have 'come There is no Catholic historian close to Righteous Empire. of Marty's stature and compeThe detailed monographic work tence, but there is an increasing on the history of American Cathnumber of Catholic historical olics (which ,is something more, scholars who are capable of writ- be it noted, than histories of dioing a book that at least might ceses or biographies of bishops) have honorably shared a sh~lf simply has not been done. In with Righteous Empire. other words, American scholar~ But. Catholic America was sbip has practically ignored the written by a journalist, not a past one-quarter of its populahistorian. John Cogley is a jour- tion. If blacks can argue that it nalist who has specialized for was prejudice that led American decades in interpreting American historians to act as though there Catholicism to the liberal and in- were not black history, Catholics tellectual elites in such a way can with equal logic argue tbat as to do very little to disturb it was prejudice that has led the their prejudices. The ejitors of intellectual establishment to igthe bicentennial series wanted a nore Catholic history. Some day in the not too disdistinguished reinterpretation of American Protestant J-.·istory and tant future, I hope, a group of a confirmation of the popular Catholic intellectuals will arrive cliches about (4ltholic history. on the scene who will raise
LOVE IN SECURITY: "The object of faith, as no less a theologian than S1. Thomas Aquinas pointed out, is not doctrinal formulations about God, but God himself, known and'loved in a personal relationship." A baby experiences a foretaste of God's love in the security it finds in the love of its mother. NC Photo.
Methodist Faith In Experience
The Met hod i s t Episcopal Church was organized in Baltimore in 1784. Two leading ministers were given the title "bishop" although Wesley was displeased at the use of this title. The Methodists drew up 25 Articles of Religion, abridged from the Anglican 39 Articles. Their form of worship was modeled after the Book of Common Prayer. Methodist circuit ridersBibles and hymn books in their saddlebags--carried the Wesley-an teachings to the frontier. Like the Baptists, the Methodists won many converts in the West and South. Black Methodists formed the African· Methodist Episcopal Church. in 1816 as well as the A.M.E. Zion Church (1821) and the Colored (now Christian) Methodist Episcopal Church (1870). These three churches now enroll about 2,500,000 black Methodists. Divisions
American Methodism also sufabout Christ ultimately rests on Continued from Page Sixteen fered divisions over tbe nature of The Methodist empbasis on ex- experience of him and his spirit. bishops' authority and over the periencing Christ as more impor- Methodism can help us be question of slavery, but the three tant than adhering to certain mindful of that as all Christians major Methodist -bodies reunited doctrinal definitians about Christ reach out their hands to fellow in 1939. Latera church founded is admirable and radically sound. Christians in efforts at closer by German-speaking Methodists Roman Catholics may have seri- unity. known as the Evangelical United ous problems with tbe complete Brethren merged with the Methdoctrinal openness of contempo- Stresses Spiritual odist Church to form the United rary Methodism, but may learn Methodist Church. This church from the Methodist focus on ex- Struggle in Korea reports about 11 million memperience. Actually without relinWASHINGTON (NC) - "The bers. quishing its geunine concern for - Church in Korea is the centrifMethodists have not placed doctrinal definition, the Second ugal point of the spiritual strug- much emphasis on 'matters of Vatican Council restored experi- gle against the Park dictator- doctrine. Wesley hi!1'lself said: ence to its proper place in th~ ship," said Kim Dae Jung, the "The distingunishing marks of a Church. defeated 1971 Korean presiden- Methodist are not his 'opinions tial candidate; , of any sort." 81. Thomas Aquinas Kim, who obtained 46 per Methodism in this country has In a very traditional sense cent of the popular vote against been characterized-as middle doctrine is the expression or President Park Chung Hee, made class, activist, well ",organized, definition -of the experience ,of his statement in an, interview and theologically liberal. The - church still discourag'es smoking , God by the Christian community. with NC News here. The strong stand' of the 'Cath- and drinking but is'less inclined St. John in his First Epistle says he and other Apostles preach olic Church against the govern- to make total abstinence the test "what we have heard, what we ment's dictatorial policies' has of Christian fellowship. have seen with our eyes ... and "encouraged me to 'the point that our hands have touched," name- I have left my family in Korea AnLEBORO'5 ly the Word of God, Jesus Christ as virtual hostages sustained by this Catholic spirit," added the (1 Jn 1:1). leading Garden Center The experience of Christ nec- political leader. The former presidential candiessarily precedes the definition of that experience. The object of date, himself a Catholic, added faith, as no less a tbeologian that the million Catholics in South Main & Wall St•. than St. Thomas Aquinas point- Korea wield enormous -moral ed out, is not doctrinal formula- power and that they are widely tions about God, but God him- respected among the 33 million 222-0234 self, known and loved in a per- people of that Asian country. sonal relationship. Doctrine is important for many reasons, one of which is as an objective community check on one's experience. But doctrine Aluminum or Steel
bloody hell about this kind of bigotry. Until then, the bigots will go on in their serene war. totally undistrubed in their prejudices - indeed reinforced in them by tb::! self-proclaimed Catholic liberal intellectuals. © 1973, Inter/Syndicate
The Falmouth National Bank FALMOUTH. MASS By the ViliaRe Green Since 1821
Lands of the Bible
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:Thurs. July 19, 1973
Continued from Page Sixteen
Plunkett's Book on Ireland i
Of Rare C,har'm, Eloquence' James Plunkett's The Gems She Wdre (Holt,路 Rinehart and Winston, 383 Madison Ay"'e., New york, N.Y. 10017. $6.95 Illustrated) is a book of rare charm and eloquence about Ireland., Its title is taken from a Ipoem by Thomas Moore, concerning "a young present 'by la reference to "the lady of great beauty adorned Brazen Head, the oldest tavern with jewels and a costly in Dublin, where 'the men of 1798 dress," who did not fear to plotted and Robert Emmet was a wander the length of Ireland, because all the sons' of Er,in loved honor and virtue mOl'e than beauty or booty. Mr. Plunkett
had his tongue in cheek when he chose it. He is Irish and, he cherishes Ireland. But, strange man, he does not consider the Irish to be perfect. And he is vexed with the "honor and virtue" mentality which views the Irish as secure, if. not supreme, in both, so long as the modern world is prevented from corrupting tbem, In the book, he makes a tour of Ireland, but not a complete tour. He gives considerable space to Dublin and its environs; moves to selected spaces in the south and the west, and ends up at the prehistoric sites in County Meath. ' Irish Sampler He also ranges over millennia of Irish history, sampling and testing the legends of pagan Ire-' land, coming into the early Cbristian era, touching on the successive invasions, outlining the English conquest and its consequences, suggesting the steps which led finally to! independence, and sampling the developments of the past 50 y~ars. This is no dry rehearsal, nor is it continuous. A place, or one spot in a place, is cited and described, its ambience communicated, and its historical ~iignifi颅 ca'nce ,concisely given. Oftener than not,' a pungent personality, ancient or modern, connected with the place and the events, is brought to life in a vivid ilketch or anecdote. And literary illusions may add their special sheen, along with a photograph or a drawing. Links Past, Present The reading is easy and delightful, although this readHr, for one, can never get through an account of the many hard times, such as the famine in the iniddle of tJ1e nineteenth century, without experiencing a pang, no matter bow many times he ha~i read virtually the same thing in dozens of other books. . Mr. Plunkett can catch the special quality, for examp: e, of Dublin not only by his own unerring touch on what is most characteristic, but also by quoting a snatch of a poem by Louis MacNeice which is definitive of that distinctive city. He can sbow the linkage of the past and
frequent vis!tor." Monastic Ruins He can bting out a feature of Ireland which is not often recognized: such tas, for exampl2, the abundance of ruins ,that attest' the extent 4nd the influence of monasticism in Irish life centuries ago. I He can verify features which one had thought p~rhaps one's own subjective impression: for example, th~ speech of the people of Cork ("They speak with a rapidity which, can leave ,a , stranger in ~ifficulties and they b::tve a habit of expressing an opinion by 'canvassing yours"). He can pirpoint the effect of bad weath~r: ' "Houses, when I they dared ~o show themselves, looked huddled and uninhabited. The hens ha'd disappeared from the farmyards, the birds had no heart to sing:. A solitary bullock, half smother~d in the ,fog of his own breath, I gazed at notl1ing over a hedge:and waited patiently for the eJ;ld of the world. A day, you would think, when the - damp must s~ep into the head, to be dozed aVfay in some hotel bedroom or pushed to its dismal end with vJhiskey." 'And the cause, or at Ileast the sure portent, of bad, weather? Dolphins frisking off. the coast. Sharp Eye, Subtle Wit Here you V{i11 meet all manner of folk, some famous, some obI scure. For ex~mple, James Joyce who, in youth, proved himself no I gentleman, because he asked forwhiskey,' when propriety dictated that he Ishould have asked for sberry. pr Buck' Whaley, who, in the 18th _century, journeyed to Jer~salem just to play handball against its walls. Or St. Kevin of l Glendalough who prayed so long with his arms outstretched' that a bird, built a nest in one of his hands. This is a book by a man of discrimination', learning, a sharp eye, and a subtle wit. But can he be forgiven duch -"statements as this: "Irish saints and heroes, pagan and Christian, seem to b::tve had unending trouble with' I women"? He c,an. _ , Across the Channel We must cr6ss the Channel to reach the scehe of Storm Jamesan's excellept, compact new novel There }Viii Be A Short Intermission (f1arper & Row, 49 E. 33rd St., INew York, N. Y. ,10016. $5.95). Its characters are Londoners. The chief oi these is' Sergeant J ebb, who has ,a house in London although most of his time is spent at Cambridge, where he is in line for a prestigious chair at the universitY'j He is 52, ~nd has just had word from his doctor th::tt he must undergo! a serious oper-' ation. Recover;y from it is not certain, but refusal of it might insure death. He must 'make his ., I de<;l~lon.
FUND RAISERS IN ACTION: Local fund raising chairman Ed Balcerak, center, of Holy Ghost parish, South Holland, 111., discusses a follow-up program with Dan Chorney left, and Tom Hanrahan of the Chicago Archdiocesan Of,fiee of Development. Their programs have been used to increase parish, iI).comes from 20 to 200 per cent. Chorney said, "with our help an effective ,program can be started and completed in six weeks, all free of charge." NC P~oto.
Anointing of the Sick Continued from Page Sixteen connected to that gesture accentuate' ~his penitential notion. Distracting him from it are his son Simon, aged 19, and his 7?year-old mother, Dame Retta Sergeant, ':Vho is a well-known, but not well loved, woman of letters. Simon is implicated in a nasty suicide. Dame Retta is involved in several sorts of nastiness. As Jebb attempts to cope with these problems, he reviews his own life and 'gives us glimpses of those of hi,S son and his mother. Truth or Fantasy , He confronts his mother's obvious and monstrous egotism. And he perceives Simon's different kind of egotism as exemplified in his attitude toward the pathetic suicide. But has he not hims~lf been egotistic in his own way? His mother died suddenly. The circumstances are faintly suspicious. Simon had had reason to be angry with her. Could he have had a hand in this? Jebb acts dishonestly in order to protect his son. But his son has cooly taken up with a girl younger than himself, and shows no concern about his grandmother's fate, his own jeopardy, his father's ,protective reaction. The narrative ends with Jebb in the hospital. He' has been passed over for the ,university appointment.路 He faces the dangerou~ operation. He is given a sleeping potion. An unexpected thoug/1t, shocking to the reader, passes tbrough his head. Is it truth or fantasy? Stimulating, Tale The characters are' authentic, the narrative tight and plausible. Buth what gives this novel special merit is its demonstration of contrasting, but not disconnected, 'va'lues in closely interrelated lives. The values of one generation are shown to stem, if only by way of recoil, from those of the previous generation. "Place the responsibility' for nihilist <;hlldren where it belongs, on the shoulders of their fathers,' he told himself with icy bitterness." It is not often that a novel so dramatically sound is so stimulating to the intellect as , well as to the ima~ination. ,
aged to stave off all the attack's except that of Alexander the Great. Alexander besieged the' city in 332 B.C., because it refused to open the gates to him. The Greek general destroyed the mainland city and used the debris to build a causeway about 200 feet wide out to the island stronghold. Then he moved his war machines over the causeway to attack the city's walls. The , Tyrians .poured pots of burning naptha and sulphur over the wall onto the Greeks, and hurled redhot sand on the attackers with catapults. Finally, after seven months, Alexander captured the city with the aid of a fleet of more than 200 ships and floating battering rams. The causeway still exists today, making the city a peninsula instead' of an island. , Tyre exercised considerable influence upon ancient Israel, both cultur,al and religious. The civilization of King Solomon borrowed more from Tyre than any other nation. '
"May the' Lord forgive you ... whatever sins you have committed by the use of your sight ... bearing . . . sense of smell . . . sense of taste and the power of speech ... sense of touch."
Often Denounced
, That Apostle wrote: "If any one of you is ill, he should send for the elders of the Church, and they must anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord and pray over him. The prayer of 'faith will save the sick man and the Lord will raise him up again; and if he' committed any sins, he, will be forgiven."
Tyrian craftsmen designed and built Solomon's Temple. Jezebel, the queen of 'the Northern Kingdom was the daughter of a Tyrian, king. Under the reign of her The, renewed rite, without husband, Ahab, the cult eliminating 'or denying that ele- of Tyre was introduced into Isment, emphasizes instead' the rael. Elijah the Prophet conhealing power of this sacrament. fronted Jezebel's Prophets of A different "form" to accom- Baal on Mount Ci:\rmel, and depany the actual anointing reads: stroyed them. "Through this holy anointing an'd Both Tyre and Sidon are his most loving mercy may the threatened and scored by Amos Lord ,~ssist you by the grace of, (1:9), Joel (4:4), Jeremiah (25:22, the Holy Spirit, so that when 27:3). Ezekiel (26), Isaiah (23), you have been freed from your and other prophets. sins he may save you and in his In the Christian era, Jesus visgoodness raise you up." ited the neighborhood of Tyre and Sidon (Matt. 15:21. Mk. 7: Change in Anointings 25-31) and Paul visited both That formula is recited only cities in his mi~sionary journeys once while the priest anoints the ' (AA27:3, 21 :3-7). . forehead and the hands (a' Both cities thrive today, and change from the previous anoint- many of the inhabitants still ing of all the senses.) practice the famous craftsmanship of their ancestors. This reform brings the ritual . The Crusader castle on the back closer to the words of St. island fortress of Sidon is one of Jam'es (5:14-15) which is consid- the outstanding medieval monuered the scriptural recommenda- ments in Lebanon. tion and promulgation of the sacrament.
Jesus-St. James A small but signficant modification in the rite路 directs the priest immediately before the blessing and anointing of oil to "impose his hands upon the head of the sick person, saying nothing." , The older ritual included a somewhat similar ceremony, but this power version to accentuate a bit more clearly St. James words. "pray over him." It also recalls the example of Jesus. St. Luke (4:40) tells us that "all who had friends wbo were sick with various diseases br.ought them to Jesus; he placed his hands on everyone of them and healed them all.
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Pope Warns of Dangerous Innovations in Church
Thurs., July 19, 1973
VATICAN CITY(NC)-Change "(We) take note of .the brazis not necessarily renewal, and eness and superficiality with those who try to change the which not a few disperse dangChurch superficially with "dan- erous and frequently inadmisgerous innovations" destroy sable innovations not· only aftrust in the Church, Pope Paul fecting the lower structures of VI told a general audience in St. -the Church but the consitutional Peter's Basilica. structures as well." The Pope's words of warning Such innovators, the Pope con· were issued one day before the Vatican's Doctrinal Congrega- tinued, create not a renewal, but tion-responsible for safeguard- destroy trust in the Church. ing the faith-cracked down on On the contrary, the Pope con· "certain errors of the present cluded, the kind of genuine reday" propounded by some theo- newal he proposed in calling for logians. a Holy Year will strengthen the Admitting that present day' faithful as never before. civilization is ripe for renewal, At.a press' conference in the perhaps "revolutionary renewal/' the Pope said that religion will Vatican July 5, the Doctrinal reiterated the survive any such renewal by ad- Congregation Church's traditional teachings on hering to its own authenticity. Stating, as he has done often infallibility, the oneness of the in the past, that' not every Catholic Church and on the change is the same as renewal, necessity of priestly ordination to celebrate Mass. the Pope declared:
TRENTON (NC) - The New Jersey State Department of Health issued voluntary guide· lines for hospitals to follow in performing abortions during the first three months of pregnancy.
Issues Guidelines For Abortions
The new guidelines were announced 24 hours after Superior Court Judge Philip A. Gruccdo in Bridgeton 'ordered two Cumber· land County hospitals (Bridgeton Hospital and Newcomb Hospital in Vineland) to provide abortions for two women whose lives were not endangered by pregnancy. Judge Robert A. Mathews of tbe state superior court's appellate division ordered a stay of the order, so that the abortions were not carl'ied out. The case was then appealed to a three· judge federal court. The American Civil Liberties Union, which represents the women, contends the state is making it difficult for women to obtain abortions 'on demand by not drafting regulations in compLiance with the U. S. Supreme Court ruling. One of the areas of dispute is New Jersey's -refusal to approve Medicaid payments to the poor for abortions. The health department emphasized that its new guidelines are not mandatory and the department is not ordering hospitals to provide abortion services if they do not want to. "The department hopes that the guidelines for health care facilities offering termination services during the first trimester of pregnancy will gain general acceptance and voluntary compliance to assure medically safe practice," the department stated. The department asserted that the guidelines are not "binding requirements and therefore do not have the force and effect of law."
Bolivians Call for Help Abroad. In Fightng Repression at Home LA PAZ (NC)-After repeater! appeals to the Bolivian government to show respect for human rights, the Justice and Peace Commission has called for help from similar groups abroad. The commission, established carlier this year by the Bolivian Bishops Conference but given full autonomy, charged that political opponents. of President Gen. .Hugo Banzer had been jailed, tortured and killed. In the last 20 months, the commission said, some 2,000 have been arrested, and many sent to prison. "Estimates are that some 20 persons have died as a result of torture and other forms of mistreatment," it said. The commission told the juslice and peace commissions of other nations that it wants to counter "the false image created by the government of Gen. Banzer in the international community, that all those Bolivians eX'i1ed or in jail are criminals and armed subversives." Political Prisoners The government has faced "·armed opposition from small guerrilla bands," the commission said. "But this does not mean that all political opposition is limited to the guerrillas, which play an insignificant role as organization and ,numbers are concerned." There are some 300 political prisoners in jail, including 30 women, the commission said. Among them are military men, professionals, students, peasants, labor leaders, teachers. The rightist government admitted in May that a former in-'
Priests Released BILBAO (NC) - Four Basque priests charged with illegal propaganda" -against the Spanish government were released after Bishop Anaveros of Bilbao said the charges were false and refused to grant Church permission for their trial. Fathers Anastasio Munarriz, Roman Landert, Jose Goni and Angel GaramenOi returned to their J1,?rish of Portugalete near here after spending two weeks of "house arrest" at the diocesan seminary.
terior minister, Col. Andres Selich, died from torture while under interrogation. At the time the Justice and Peace Commission, restating earlier. protests, oalled for dismissal of several members of the secret police found responsible for Selich's death, and for the torture of others. . 'Death of Liberty' The commission, headed by former President Luis Adolfo Siles and American Dominican Father Erick de Wasseige, said "press freedom is muffled, political parties are being suppressed, labor unions manipu=" lated by government agents, the priv,acy of home life and of demoeratic institutions crushed, all of this leading to the death of liberty and human rights." Banzer has said that the government is fighting leftist revolutionists. The appeal to other Peace and Justice Commissions said that for several months government officials are denying reentry to Bolivians suspected of opposing Banzer's policies. When extending them passports, signatures are made in red ink, a sign for immigration agents to stop them on return.
Fictional Fr. Brown On British TV LONDON (NC) - G.K. Chesterton's famous fictional detective, Father Brown, will be fea· tured in a 13-part British television drama series next year, with Kenneth More in the title role. The one-hour weekly series will be seen on Britain's commercial television network. The 'original character was based on Msgr. John O'Connor, a Bradford parish priest and one of Chesterton's closest friends. It was Msgr. O'Connor's advice that eventually led to Chester-. ton's bec'oming a Catholic in 1922. . Of the title'role, Kenneth More sa,id: "It is a challenge. I've got to keep as much of me as I can in the part because the public expects that. But I've go to make him believable as a priest."
PROTEST OF A LONG DISTANCE RUNNER: A long way from his native Tipperary, Olympic runner John Kelly, was scheduled to start a walk across Death Valley July 14 protesting British occupation of Northern Ireland and what his sponsors call "U.S. complicity with Britain." Sponsoring group is the Friends of Ireland which says "England has made Northern Ireland a valley of death." The group claims that British marines have been training in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and Irish Americans sympathetic to its cause have been jailed in Fort Worth, Tex. and San Francisco. NC Photo.
Refuses 'To Pay Incom·e Tax BETHLEHEM (NC) - A Richland County farmer here in Ohio is refusing to pay income taxes "until our government passes and enforces law to protect the -unborn from abortion." The Internal Revenue Service so far has sent notices that his taxes are past due and penalties mounting. Brendan Finnegan, 37, father . of three, said: "they're going to have to come after me." To the IRS and the state tax office, Finnegan wrote: "I cannot; in good conscience, make any payments to any gov· ernment, federal or state, that condones the murder of its peo· pie, bor-n or unborn." Finnegan promised payment
the day abortion is outlawed. His letters referred to a bother who in 1945 died in World War II. Finnegan added: "Today, I am willing to pay any price, even his, to combat a worse evil than nazism, namely abortion ... I will continue to trust in my God and in my country, in that order."
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