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A CATHOLIC woman pl~ads with Pr,otestant Orange Order marchers as they make their way down Garvaghy Road July 11 in the town of Portadown, Northern Ireland. Catholic residents attacked police as they shielded marchers along the route. (CNSj Reuters photo) -
Unrest again stirs in Northern Ireland
tn Szuufay oj¡
inaTJ' tI'ime,
Chur h & World 12 Dail Readings 5 Edit rial 4 Necr logy 13 Obit aries 2 Salu ing Seniors .. 10 Stee ing Points 16 Yout News 14
PORTADOWN, Northern Ireland (CNS) - Irish Cardinal Cahal Daly said the British government abdicated its responsibility when it allowed a chief constable to make a decision on a controversial march through a Catholic neighborhood. The cardinal also said the decision virtually eliminated Nationalist confidence in the Northern Irish police force and questioned ifthere was a dual standard for ruling Northern Ireland. In a July 14 homily at the Church of St. John the Baptist, Portadown, Cardinal D,aly told Catholics that their futures were in the hands of God, noting that it was "easy to fall into the deepest pessimism about the possibility of any peaceful and just future in our society." And he also said that while he deplored the decision to allow the march, "I totally condemn all recourse to violence, all rioting, all throwing of stones, or, even worse, of petrol bombs." He spoke after several days that saw rioting and the bombing of a hotel, violence that threatened to ignite paramilitary warfare after a two-yeartruce in Northern Ireland. The disturbances began when Northern Ireland's police force, the Royal Ulster Constabulary, banned a traditional Orange Order march through a Catholic area in Portadown, setting off Loyalist violence throughout the province. The police then reversed their decision and allowed the march to take place, using force to clear the
streets of protesting Catholics. That prompted a new wave of riots. The march commemorated the 17th-century Battle of the Boyne, where the Protestant King William of Orange defeated the Catholic King James II in 1690. Loyalists, mainly Protestants, want Northf:rn Ireland to remain a province of Great Britain. Na-
tionalists want Northern Ireland united with the Republic oflreland. Two Catholics were killed in the week of violence, one a taxi driver shot to death and the other a demonstrator run over by a military jeep. More than 200 people were injured. On July 14 a hotel was bombed in Enniskillen, injuring 17 people.
The Irish Republican Army denied responsibility for the blast. "Many fundamental questions need to be asked and to be answered about what has happened to justice and to truth in recent days," Cardinal Daly said in his homily. "It is said that the police authorTurn to Page 13
Diocese responds to postcard campaign By Dave Jolivet Anchor Staff The Diocese of Fall River took part in a postcard campaign, sponsored by the Secretariat for ProLife Activities of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, to flood Congress with requests urging support of the override of President Clinton's veto of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban (HR 1833). Once again, the diocesan response packed a punch. According to Father Stephen A. Fernandes, director of the diocesan Pro-Lire Office, at the very least, 115,783 postcards were mailed from the Diocese of Fall River. Each parish was responsible for mailing the: postcards and then reporting back to Father Fernandes, and as of press time, 70 percent (82) of the parishes in the diocese responded. "This is a very encouraging sign of cooperation between the laity and the clergy in the diocese for the defeat of the Partial-Birth Abortion ban veto," said Father Fernandes. "This shows
that the people of this diocese can work together when they see something so obviously a threat to life as this procedure is." The campaign consisted of signing a postcard addressed to Senators Edward Kennedy and John Kerry (both of whom supported the veto) and to the U.S. House of Representatives congressional member for the district in which the sender lives. The postcard urges the receiver to vote to override the veto of HR 1833. The representatives in the diocese who cast prolife votes in this issue were Peter Blute and Joe Moakley. Still not too late to help The vote on President Clinton's veto scheduled for July in the House of Representatives has been postponed until September, consequently pushing the Senate vote back to sometime in October. This means there is still time for individuals who didn't participate in the postcard campaign in late June to do so now. For individuals who would like
to assist in the campaign and did not yet do so, they may obtain the postcards from the Pro-Life Office, 500 Slocum Rd., No. Dartmouth, tel. 997-2290. Hopeful signs While the battle for Pro-Life advocates is always a difficult one, occasionally a hopeful sign appears to raise the spirits. A bill was recently introduced in the House, seeking to lift a ban against federal funding of harmful embryo research. The bill was soundly defeated, 256-167. Rep. Blute was the only representative in the diocesan districts to cast a pro-life vote. The war against abortion will continue to be fought and the people of the Fall River diocese appear to be willing to support the battle. Whether it be on the front lines, or by voicing a concern to politicians, every little bit will help. And the most powerful weapon against abortion can be utilized by anyone, anytime, anywhere... prayer.
THE ANCHOR '- Diocese~ of. Fall. River. -." Fri.;.July.19, 1996'
Catholic Woman's Club The New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club recently announced its newly elected officers for the 1996. 97 business year. Board members are: Sharon A. Joseph, president; Mary C. Walsh, first vice president; Marguerite A. Ronan, second vice president; Maureen Lewis, recording secretary; Mary Mitchell, corresponding secretary; and Elea-
Saint Anne's Hospital gratefully acknowledges contributions to the Remembrance Fund received during )une1996*. Through the remembrance and honor of these lives, Saint Anne's can continue "Caring for our community."
nor Brazil, treasurer. The directors for the year are: Eileen Atwood, Dorothy Curry, and Barbara Nobreiga. Those serving as registrars will be: Ann Callanan (A-C), Alberta Paiva (D-G), Marylou Carvalho (H-L), Roseanne Moniz (M-N), Mary Staffon (O-R) and Evelyn Hendricks (S-Z).
Emil Amem Beatrice Capeto Lydia Cayer Ruth COllllery Gertrude H. Eatoll Walter J Eatoll Ralph Eatoll Dorothy Fillioll DOllald Flores Paulille Fourcher Marialla Franco Glftl Furtado Marioll L Giblill Willie Hol~es Edward F. McGlynll Lucille Berard McMaster Michael O'Brim Francis O'Neill Josephine Parise Raymolld E. Parise Blake A. Samsoll . Alfonso Saulino
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. MEMBERS 0 F the Diocese Council of Catholic Women are planning for" An Evening on Cape Cod - A Summer Reception with Bishop Sean O'Malley" to be held August 13 at the Tara Cape Codder Hotel in Hyannis. There will be music, dancing and hors d'oeuvres served and all proceeds from the event will benefit diocesan charities. Pictured here are: (front, from :left) Mary Mikita, Joanne Quirk, past DCCW presidents, and Pat Costa, district five president; (back, frQm left) Kitsy Lancisi, DCCW president, Betty Mazzucchelli, diocesan third vice president and chairperson, and Kathleen Maddison, historian.
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Father Lamontagne Father Maurice H. Lamontagne, 88, died July 2 at the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. PrincipalcelebrantoftheMassofChristian Burial, offered July 6 at Our Lady of Grace Ch~rch, Westport, w.as Ms'gr.. George w: Coleman, dIOcesan vIcar general, and many'. priests of the diocese w~re concelebrants. Father La~ontagne was the founder and fIrst pastor o~ Our Lady of Grace Churc~, ~hlch. he serve~ from 1954 u~tll hIS re~lrement In 1973. Born In Fall RIver Jan. 30, 1908, he was the son ofthe l~te Amedee and the late Robertine (Dussault) Lamontagne. He attended grade school at the ~ormer ~t. St. Joseph Academy In Fall Rlv~r,. then atten~ed ColI~ge de LeVIS In the CanadIan province of . Quebec.. . Father Lamontagne prepared for the priesthood at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, and was ordained May 21, 1932 by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy, third bishop of Fall River. Thereafter he served at the former St. Roch parish in Fall River and at Blessed Sacrament parish, also in Fall. River. He was also at St. Joseph parish, Attleboro; and St. George parish, West-
The National CathoDe Pharmacists Guild oltha Unlled Slales
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port, before assuming the pastorate of Our Lady of Grace.
Gagne of Fall River and J':nny Gagne of Pawtucket, RI, and a brother, Wilfrid Belanger of Las Vegas, NV, as well as nine grandchildren and nieces and nephl:ws. Interment was in Notre Dame Cemetery, Fall River.
EDICTAL CITATION DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSEHS Sister Marie Madeleine Boulay, 96 a Fall River. native and a Since the actual place of residence of m~mber of the Sisters ofSt. Joseph MARIA de FATIMA DIAS is unknown. at Mont Marie Holyoke . died We'cite MARIA de FATIMA DIAS to alpear June 24.' , ., personally before the Tribunal of the DiDcese In her earlier years she was a of Fall River on Tuesday, July 30,1996 a12:30 teacher and principal at several p.m. at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mas· Fall River schools staffed by her sachusetts, to give testimony to establi! h: Whether the nullity of the marriage community and in 1965 was named exists in the MOTA·DlAS case? superio'r of Foyer St. Therese, also in Fall River. She retired in 1973 Ordinaries of the place or other pastors and had resided at Mont Marie having the knowledge of the residence Ilf the above person, Maria de Fatima Dias, mu it see since 1992. Sister Boulay was a graduate of to it that she is properly advised in regnrd to . the former Sacred Hearts Normal this edictal citation. Jay T. Maddock School in Fall River. She entered. Judicial Vicar religious life in 1925. She is survived by nieces and Given at the Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts, nephews.. • on this 1st day of July, 1996.
Sr. Marie Madeleine
Beatrice o. Canuel
Beatrice O. (Belanger) Canuel, 81, died July 14 at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. The wife of the late Robert M, Canuel and the daughter of the late Alphere and Malvina Belanger, she 'was a. native of Fall River and had lived in Swansea for many years. Her Mass of Christian Burial was offered July I7 by her son, Father Paul E. Canuel, at Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River, with many priests of the diocese as concelebrants. A former member of St. Michael's parish, Ocean Grove, and Our Lady of Fatima parish, Swansea, Mrs. Belanger had been employed by the Imperial Knife Co. of Providence, RI, in her earlier years. ·She is survived by two sons, Rene A. Canuel of Citrus Heights, CA, and by Robert M. Canuel Jr. of Swansea in addition to Father Canuel, who is pastor of St. Hedwig and Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe parishes in New Bedford; and by a daughter, Claudette Canuel of Fall River. Alsosurviving her are two sisters, Alice I>e-
EDICTAL CITATION DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETT:; Since the actual place 'of residence of DEBRA (THIBAULT) JULIUS is unknown. We cite DEBRA (THIBAULT) JULIUS to appear personally before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on Wednesday, Jul!, 31, 1996 at 2:30 p.m. at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts, to give testimo,y to establish: Whether the nullity of the marriage exists in the JULlUS·THIBAULT case" Ordinaries of the place or other pa:itors having the knowledge of the residence of the above person, Debra (Thibault) Julius, must see to it that she is properly advised in regard to this edictal citation. Jay T. Maddock Judicial Vicar Given at the Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts, on this 1st day of July, 1996. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS·545·020). Perioclical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Publi:;hed weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after Chrisbnas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720.by the. Catholic Press of the Diocese of fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $13.00 per year. Posbnasters send address chang,:s to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
Diocese' of Fall River -
Baptismal sponsors An inquiry has reached the Anchor as to how many godparents are needed for baptism. According to Canon 873 of the Code of Canon Law, "Only one male or one female or one of each sex is to be employed."
Fri:, July 19, 1996
Sponsor{s must be Catholics who have been confirmed, have received the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, and lead a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken.
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'-------------... FALL RIVER
AM Vincent's special ed of honor C. Norto
NG NEARLY 100 attendees at a reception at Heritage State Park benefiting St. Home, I:all River, were from left, Father Joseph Costa, executive director of the cation facilitiy; Bishop Sean O'Malley; Mrs. Agnes Birmingham; her son and guest tate Senate President Thomas F. Birmingham; and Senate Majority Leader Thomas
Sen. Norton hosts St. Vincent's fundraiser State Se ate President Thomas F. Birming am, D-Chelsea, was guest of h nor at a recent fundraiser for St Vincent's Home, Fall River, host d by Senate Majority Leader homas C, Norton, DFall River, at the city's Heritage State Park. Nearly I 0 attended the event, including 0 er 15, other senators,. local mayor andjudg€;s, as well as representat" es of the Home and of the Dioc se of Fall River. Though e had never been to the new St Vincent's Home on
Fall River's Highland Avenue, Birmingham recalled that as a boy he visited the previous facility, located on North Main Street in the city, in the company of his grandfather, Peter McDonnell, who had lived at the facility for four years as a youngster, at a time when it was staffed by Sisters of Mercy. Birmingham, who was accompanied bY'his mother;'Mrs. Agnes Birmingham, was presented with a plaque by Father Joseph Costa, St. Vincent's executive director, both in appreciation for his sup-
port and in memory of McDonnell, who had visited the North Main Street St. Vincent's annually for most of his aduit life. Senator Norton said that he plans to make the fund raising venture an annual event for the residential treatment and special education center for youth. In addition tO,its main campus, St. Vincent's also operates other residences for boys and girls between ages 6 and 18 in Fall River, Westport and New Bedford. The facility is sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River.
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Knights of Columbus join postcard campaign The K'ni hts of Columbus is asking U.S. nights and theirfamily member to contact their senators and rep esentativl:s in support of overridi g President Clinton's veto of a bi ,I to ban most partialbirth aborti ns. The cong essional override vote is expected n September. "Partial- irth abortion is particularly ho rendous and brutal. We must do II that we can to put a halt to this practice now," said Supreme Kn ght Virgil C. Dechant. A first p inting of 1.2 million postcards 400,000 sheets with three cards each intcmded for a recipient's 0 senators and one representati e - is being distrib-
uted through Knights of Columbus local councils to its U.S. members. They are asked to sign the cards and send them to members of Congress asking them to vote to override. Of the organization's nearly 1.6 million members, about 1.2 million are in the United States. Additional cards may be ordered. The Knights of Columbus's effort is complementary to and in support of a similar campaign sponsored by the Catholic bishops in parishes throughout the country in late June. President Clinton last April IO vetoed H.R. 1833, the PartialBirth Abortion Ban Act.
Diocese of Fall River
OFFICIAL His E Bishop 0 Re'(er New Be
cellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.F.M., Cap., Fall River, has announced the following appoiritment: nd Gabriel Arce, lYE, to Parochial Vicar, St. Kilian Parish, ford.
Effective June 26, 1996
With the exc:eption of abortions deemed necessary to save the mother's life, the measure would have banned abortions performed by the "partial-birth" method, which involves partly delivering a viable infant late in pregnancy, then piercing the skull and suctioning out the: child's brain. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic family fraternal service organization long active in the prolife cause. In a messagl: accompanying the postcards being distributed to K of C members Supreme Knight Dechant said: "I beg you to join with me and with our bishops throughout the United States to urge your senators and representatives to vote to override the President's veto of H.R. 1833, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. "Our bishops have requested all Catholics 'to do all that they can to urge Congres,s to override this shameful veto.' Partial-birth abortion is a barbaric practice that must end now. Please act today. Complete and mail these cards now so that Congress will hear from us in time. _ "As Knights of Columbus we must take every reasonable step to bring us closer to that day when this country is transformed from a culture of death into a vibrant culture of life."
Procession Sunday • 2:30 p.m. • Accompanied By St. Anthony Band The New Alliance Of Pawtucket
FATIMA- September 17-23, 1996
HOLY LAND October 12 - 20, 1996
ALL STAR TRAVEL 1200 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, MA 02771
the moorins.-,
the living word
An Honest Patriotism As our nation hosts the Olympics in Atlanta, patriotism seems to be renewed across the land. The recent celebration of the "Glorious Fourth" clearly indicated that people are waving . the flag again, not burning it. In this election year, as the political parties prepare to do battle, it seems that Americans truly want to take care of the home front. Since the fall of Soviet Communism, the fear of a superpower enemy has been dissipating and save for the recent terrorist attacks on military serving abroad; the attention of the nation has turned from battlefield's to issues affecting the quality of life at home. There is rising concern for the preservation and conservation of our natural resources, not simply with regard ,to exotic or endangered species, but also with a holistic approach to healing the catastrophic scars left on the land by so many capitalistic undertakings of the past. More and more citizens are regarding stewa'rdship of the lan:d and its gifts as a sacred obligation. The greening of America is no longer the concern of a few. We are all beginning to recognize that we can no longer be buried in our own garbage and that irresponsible dumping of trash of whatever kind cannot be tolerated because such practices endanger the health and safety of all. This new type of patriotism does, however, have some side effects that are becoming real problems. For' example, the debate over immigration fires deeply divisive emotions, some of them reflecting a very hard-hearted patriotism that seeks to make America an exclusive concept rather than an inclusive reality. Indeed, our inability to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants has' done great damage to our national image, to the point where the task of.setting reasonable immigration objectives has been overruled by the obsessive and bigoted fear of illegal immigration. Too often we forget that this country is a nation of immigrants and that, save for Native Americans, all of us have immigrant roots. In our global society, we Americans, of all people, cannot retreat to our castles and pull up our drawbridges. Another threat to our national spirit is the increase of racism. When those of the right begin to wave the flag, they are too often reflecting a white American mentality. Even aside from the recent despicable rash of church burnings, there is in many areas a definite intolerance of those who are not white Anglo-Saxon Protestants; and the already existing difficulties ..of African and ijispanic Americans will 'in all likelihood become more intense as the nation deals with a huge increase in Asians wishing to become Americans when Hong Kong reverts to Chinese governance. In many ways the nation is not ready for a new influx. We are so caught up with problems on the Mexican border, we have forgotten the Asian situation. But as we prepare to enter the new millennium, our definition of patriotism must include respect for those we consider different from ourselves. If we can accomplish this, our flag waving will be genuine; but if we ' fail, our "patriotism" will become mere strident nationalism with all the evils of divisiveness that flow from such an attitude. So, as we sit by our televisions and watch the magic of the Olympic Games, let us be proud that we are the host nation, kind in our giving and thankful that we can give. This is true patriotism and a gift we should gladly share with the entire human family. The Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P,O, BOX7 Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 , FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P,O, Box 7 or call telephone number above
Rosemary Dussault
Rev, John F, Moore ~
"God looked at everything He had made, and He found it very good." Gen 1:31
--.........;---------------------20 years of dea(h',penalty changes littlfe WASHINGTON (CNSi~ Twenty years ago this summer, the V.S. Supreme Court upheld new capital punishment statutes passed by Georgia, Florida and Texas, reinstating state-sponsored executions four years after previous laws were found to be arbitrary and cruel. In the intervening decades, 331 people have been executed by 25 states, while 3,112 more sit on death row in 34 states and in federal prisons. It has become a standard tactic for politicians to portray themselves as tough on路 crime by backing capital punishment, along with about 80 percent of the country. Despite evidence of capital punishment's firm place in American society, abolitionists remain committed to ending the death penalty. V.S. Catholic bishops' regularly declare their opposition, recently relying on a 1995 papal encyclical and the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" to support their belief that executions are unnecessary in the modern world. But the' feeling remains that American society is too attached to the idea -of capital punishment to accept what its opponents have long contended - it's no deterrent to crime and it 'still is applied inequitably. . "Nothing has really changed;" acknowledged Steven Hawkins, executive director of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. "All the problems that the Supreme Court thought it remedied 20 years ago are just as virulent." " Just as when the court in 1972 tos~ed out the nation's death penalty laws, the vast majority of people convicted of capital crimes under the "improved" post-1972 statutes are African-American or . Hispanic or poor. Lack of adequate legal representation is a sig-
nificant factor in capital convictions and cuts in federal legal aid funds over the last two years are expected to worsen the situation. The July 3 release of four men whose convictions for a Chicagoarea murder were overturned when someone else confessed after 18 years showed that "there are still all the problems with the number of innocent people there," Hawkins said. Even ardent supporters of the death penalty ad mit it seems to have no deterrent effect with criminals, he added. Yet public support 'for capital' punishment has increased since the mid-1970s, Hawkins said. "Support for the death penalty is a mile wide and an inch deep," said Hugo A. Bedou, a Tufts V niversity philosophy 'professor who is working on the fourth edition of his book, "The Death Penalty in America." When asked the simple question, "Do you support capital punishment?" about 80 percent of Americans say yes. But when given a choice between execution and life imprisonment without parole, support for capital punishment . drops by half, Bedou said. "There is not a single important national spokesman opposing capital punishment today," he noted. Since former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo left office in 1995, no politician with any kind of a national profile has been a conspicuous abolitionist, he said. The release in 1995 of the Academy Award-winning movie, "Dead Man Walking," about Sister of St. Joseph Helen Prejean's experiences as a death-row counselor has been hugely successful in stimulating discussion about capital punishment, Bedou said. "But that will fade," he added. "In five years much more prominent in the minds of the public will
be the latest case of a paroit:d kidnapper who goes out and murders someone." Bedou attributes continuing public support of capital puni!;hment to a lack of education l:fforts, which he doesn't expect to ,:hange any time soon. ' In the absence of a strong political figure to lead such efforts, religious leaders have had the issue all to themselves. The Catholic conferences of more than 15 states have in the last few years issued public stateffil~nts or pastoral ,letters against l;apiial punishment. Several such statements have been updated since the 1994 publication of the "Catechism of the Catholic Church,'~ which says capital punishment iB inappropriate in a society when: alternate means are available to keep the public safe and punisli the offender. And based on Pope John Paul II's 1995 encyclical "Evangelium Vitae" ("The Gospel of Life"), even stronger reservations about the death penalty will be incorporated into a catechism revision, according to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In the encyclical, the po;?e said punishment "ought not to go to the extreme of executing tht: offender except in cases of ahsolute necessity: in other words, when it would not be.possible to otherwise defend society." Although the Catholic hierarchy has moved significantly in the last 25 years to oppose the death penalty, Bedou doesn't exp~ct the bishops' leadership to have much effect on Catholics, who support capital punishment at abe,ut the same rate as the rest of the nation.
unda}" s Message
Dioc~se' of Fall River - Fri., Jui y 19, 1996
by Dr. Patrick V. Reid
Please patronize our advertisers ntance, mercy are Mass themes
A pilgrimage to the Holy Land
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Romans 8:26-27 "Lord, y u are good and forgiving." The refrain from this unday's rl:sponsorial psalm (Ps 86) captures the t eme of today's readings. As we listen to the procla ation of the Lord's mercY,let us hear it as both an in itation to repentance and a call to show mercy our Ives. The first reading from Wisdom is a hymn praising and thank'ng God for his mercy. Although God is mighty an just, the author of Wisdom is especially overwhelm d by God's clemency. But tho gh you are master of might, youjudge with cI mency, and with much lenience you . govern s; for power, whenever your will attends y u. The lesson of God's mercy are twofold: God's people must ingle justice with kindness, and they always ha hope for repentance. And yo taught your people, by these deeds, that tho e who are just must be kind; And yo gave your sons good ground for hope that yo would permit repentance for their sins. . The sec nd reading continues chapter 8 of Paul's letter to th Romans with an explanation of how the Spirit help Christians pray while groaning inwardly in "weakn ss" as they await the completion of God's kingdom egun in Jesus. Paul understands the Christian ommunity as the first fruits ofthe harvest of God's ki gdom. Through Jesus' triumphant death and resurr ction, we Christians have been given the gift of God s renewing Spirit which "makes intercession for us ith groanings which cannot be expressed in speech." Although we may not even know how to articulate he deepest needs of our hearts, "He who searches h arts knows what the Spirit means, for tl1e Spirit inte cedes for the saints as God himself wills." The go pel reading continues Matthew's great parable c apter from last Sunday's readings with three mor parables: the weeds and the wheat, the mustard s ed and the yeast. hi order to understand the signifi ance' of these parables, it is helpful to recall wha has precf:ded this chapter in Matthew. In chapt rs 11-12 Jesus has clearly presented himself to the crowds and leaders as the Messiah, the very Wis om of God, and has invited them to respond. adly, they have rejected his claims and have accu ed him of being possessed by Beelzebul. Now Jesu speaks to his opponents in "parables" which "a nounce what has lain hidden since the creation 0 the world," but they do not understand them bec!, se their minds and hearts are closed to his message. Despite this depressing and potentially violent situation, esus' parables are filled with hOpe. Both the musta d seed and the yeast parables contrast the small, eve insignific:ant, beginnings of "the reign of God" with its triumphant growth and outcome. The mustard s ed "is the smallest seed of all, yet when full-grow it is the largest of plants." The image ,of the birds of the sky building their nests in its branches onnotes a traditional image of the tri-
during the observance of the
Matthew 13:24-43 ~mph
of God's kingdom (see Ezek 17:23; 31 :6; Dan 4:7-9,17-19). Likewise a little yf:ast is infinitesimally small in comparison with "three measures of flour," yet when a woman kneads it into the dough, "the whole mass of dough began to rise." Although the weeds and whf:at parable also ends with the hopeful image of a harvest in which the wheat is gathered into the barn, it makes another point for those who would like to immediately eliminate all opposition to the kingdom. This attitude is perfectly expressed in the spc:ech of the owner's ~Iaves who ask their master, "Do you want us to go out and pull them [the weeds] up?" The tolerance and patience of the master in the' parable is the same as that 'of Jesus in his ministry. Rather than responding violently to those who have rejected him, Jesus exerdses patience in the hope that they may change. He also extends this lesson to his d,isciples who might be tempted to hasten the reign of God by sorting out the good and the bad. The master answers his slaves: "No, pull up the weeds and you might take the wheat along with them. Let them grow together until harvest; then at harvest time I will order the harvesters; 'First collect the weeds and bundle them up to burn, then gather the wheat into my barn,''' In Jesus' allegorical interpretation of the parable we learn that the judgment will take place at the end of time and it will be the work of the Son of Man and his angels. This frees us, Jesus' followers, from the task of sorting out who are the saints and who are the evil ones. That will be the Son of Man's job at the end; we are free to be about the more productive work of extending the kingdom by proclaiming God's mercy and inviting people to repentance.
July 22: Mi 6:1-4,6-8; Ps 50:5-6,8-9,1617,21,23; In 20:1-2,11-18 July 23: Mi 7:14-15,18-'20; Ps 85:2-8; Mt .12:46-50 July 24: Jer 1:1,4-10; Ps 71:1-6,15,17; Mt 13:1-9 July 25: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1-6; Mt 20:20-28 July 26: Jer 3:14-17; (Ps) Jer 31:10-13; Mt 13:18-23 July 27: Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6,8,11; Mt 13:24-30 July 28: 1 Kgs 3:5,7-12; Ps 119:57,72,7677,127-130; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52 or 13:44-46
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933 Central Street. Framingham, MA 01701-4892 • 508-788-8000 On the Campus ofSt. Patrick's Manor
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., July 19, 1996
·Ministry inside prison gates -
LANDSCAPESERVlCE 276 Meridian St. • Fall River
673-9426 RICHARD S. AGUIAR,oWNER We are one of Fall River's oldest gardeners. Let us put over 36 years of experience to work for you. Contact us if you have a lawn problem or for a . free estimate. FUlly insured - No Job Too Big or Too Small
Fear of crime has gotten so bad that all a politician has to do to get noticed is to talk about more pun.ishment for prisoners. But I have never felt we should simply "throwaway" the persons who commit crimes. That's why I was happy to meet John McNamara and to be introduced to the volunteer prisonministry work he has been engaged in for many years. The program is called Residents Encounter Christ, and atthe heart of it is a retreat. Any inmate is welcome to participate in the weekend retreats which introduce them to Christ and the Bible and show how they can live the life of a Christian even behind bars. The retreat heavily emphasizes what it means to experience "metanoia," or a change of heart. Prisoners are treated as individuals who are worthwhile and able to make choices about their present and future behavior. A symbolic and touching service is one of the REC leaders call a "paschal vigil.': Slips of paper on which the prisoners have written their "sins"· are burned, symbolizing that their sins are forgiven. The ashes then are placed on the inmates' foreheads, and each is given a candle to light from a central candle that symbolizes the light of Christ. The ashes then are wiped away as a sign of liberation from the burden of painful sins. During the retreat former inmates come and talk about their own rebirth and the meaning they have found for their lives because they have found God. Eddit Vogt, who spent 19 years in prison, is one success story. Now employed in' upstate New York, Vogt's "ministry" isJo go "anywhere the Lord sends me," he says. He is especially devoted to giving talks
to youth, hoping through his own story to help them find the hope and courage needed to keep away from a life of crime. Prisoners are invited during the retreats to give testimonies. Some tell sad stories of abuse and neglect as children or how they became entangled in the web of drug addiction and subseq,uent crimes. It's
IiJ'lll.e B01l:1I:om. IIII.De By Antoinette Bosco not unusual to see a prisoner wipe away tears, McNamara said. After·one REC retreat at a New York state prison, inmate Robert Dement wrote that those who came had brought "rainbows of love into this bleak, love- . less environment." People may be cynical and ask what difference this program makes in the long run. Are the prisoners really 'willing to go straight because of REe' Certainly not all are changed, but many an:, and it would make alt"the work worthwhile even if only one is helped to reclaim life. I thirik people who bring the love of Christ in.to prisons are noble. By their actions, they witness to the belief that all of God's creatures are redeemable. Let's never forget that the first person to confess and to be forgive by Christ was a prisoner: the good thief.
Ways to help your unemployed new grad
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Dear Dr. Kenny: Our son graduated.from college this May, but still doesn't have a job. He's living at home and taking things easy, television during the day and out at night. He says he's looking for. work, but we've seen no evidence. What can we do to get . him moving? - Ill. ~. What would you do if this were yourb~stJrierid? . When our children reach a~ulthood,- ·ideally-they' should grow from the role of child into the role of friend. . . The primary responsibility a parent for a child is nurture and guidance. The primary bond between friends is one of mutual care. Think of the friendship .; model in dealing with your adult son. Your son is prolonging his dependency. If you participate in this'kind of relationship, you are enabling him to remain a <:hild.·You becomean enabler. Don't. How do you get him out of the house and into the real world? Let's starfwith what is not likely to work. Lecturing him, telling him to get going, to look for work, to take responsibility for himself, is unlikely to help. Why not? It sounds good. And, of course, it's right. Lectures are good at identifying goals, but unfortunately they are a poor strategy to motivate people to accomplish those goals. You must take action in an area where you have control. You can't determine if and when he can find ajob. Clearly, you don't control your son's behavior. Your should, however, be able to control your own. What is he living in? How does he get around? If you are providing him with spending money and use of the car, you are probably delaying the day he will leave. Money is a major motivlltor. If you don't make it available, he will have to earn it or do without. He should be paying all his expenses, gas, car insurance, clothes, entertainment, etc. Next I would set a deadline for living at home. Few true friends would live off your largesse for more than two weeks without doing something in return. Give him a 30-day deadline either to leave or to begin paying $20 per day.for room and board. This may be low, but it is something. If he says he still cannot find ajob, you may have some work around the house that he can do for $5-$7 per hour. You can be loving, but you must be firm. I once watched a momma robin push her baby out of the nest. It fell to the ground. The baby pleaded heart. rendingly, but the mo~her seemed pitiless on her perch. Then a cat came along. The momma attacked the .cat,'kept it away from her baby, but still offered no help. Eventually the baby flew away. A wise mother, protecting her offspring from mortal danger but riot trying to "help~' it grow up. '. I doubt that you can talk your son into getting a job a'ntJtIeavihg his cur-rent friendly,co'nfinesi But·y:-oul \.J
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We seek women who are growing in their love of God, and desire to join a community with a strong spiritual, apostolic and community life. Living our vows and participating in the life of the Church
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can eliminate care and money and perhaps even meals in an effort to make the home less nurturing and attractive.
ramllT iJ"
"'·. . .
Dr.' james & Mary Kenny
Such a program is not being mean. It is way for you to be wise and loving in the largest sense. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address questions: The Kennys, St. Joseph's College, 219 W. Harrison, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
TWO ROWS.of flags line the transportation route in the Olympic Village that will be used by the athlet.es to get to v~nu.es during the Summer OlympiC games begmnmg today in Atlanta: (eNS I Reuters ·photo) , ,:: b.·
Cre»sses without Christ's body Q. Will you please explain why some churches today have a cross wlithout the corpus on it? Several are even d corated. If the c ucifix is a most important part of our Catholic Ii es, what is the reason for this? Having t e body of Christ represented on the cross used to be one of th,e differences between Catholic churches a d Protestant churches. (Ohio) A. What you are s(:eing is not as new as you might think. Mo t Catholics probably are not aware that the practic of portraying the crucified body of our Lord on t e cross is relatively recent in Christian history. During t e first 600 years or so after the death and resurrectio of Jesus, crosses rarely showed the body of Christ. In fact, .until the time of Constantine well into the f urth century, the cross was still viewed largely as symbol of the Lord's degradation and apparently was not widely used publicly at all. The con iction that after dying he rose to a new life with t e Father .was so profound among the followers 0 Christ that the heaviest emphasis always was placed on the Easter event and the risen Lord. Particul rly in the fifth and sixth centuries, churches a d Christian homes displayed what was called a "cr x gemma.ta," or jeweled cross, symbolizing our Sa ior's triumph over sin and death. Even wh n the body of Christ began to appear on
more crosses, it was often the risen Lord that was snown rather than the dying or dead Christ that became common later. During the 13th century, Christian rheology, spirituality and art focused much more on the final sufferings of Christ and his death on the cross.
,Q• • •tlo••
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., July 19, 1996
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&as• • • • By Father John J. Dietzen As you may be aware, during the past several decades of this century, greatl:r emphasis is given once again to the climactic rol,e the resurrection of Christ holds in the paschal mystery, in the story of salvation. Given this history of the church through the centuries, it is not surprising that we increasingly find something like jeweled crosses and crucifixes representing the body of the risen Christ, even in our church buildings.
The season of the spin doctors With th presidential campaigns heating up, it has become th season of the spin doctors. These word wags fasci ate us with their language manipulation, putting ver al shine on the most oxidized of concepts. "Wise u e," for example, has been twisted to describe how we can continue to deplete threatened natural res urces. "Family' has become a catch-all adjective to justifyabout nything -- family clinic (abortion facility), famil values (varies with claimant), etc. Let's be air. We all marinate meanings a little in attemptin to make some ideas more palatable. Parents surely do. Example: "Go to your room and stay th re until you are 30" was a not-uncommon harangue sed by a parent at the end of his or her . rope. Now, h wever, we say: "Take a time out. Go see if you can f gure out how to become a better selfmanager." And the ids do it to us. We hear, "Mind if I attend the altern tive senior class function?" We do not hear, "So eone got their hands on a couple kegs of brew, and they're throwing an all-nighter down by the river." Our chu ch does it too. Confess on has become a rite of reconciliation. Confessio als have given way to reconciliation rooms. "Fund' rive" has taken a back seat to "stewardship." Some h ve backfired a little. We jettisoned Confraternity f Christian Doctrine in favor of "religious education" and for understandable reason. Howhas been so ingrained in American ever, CC Catholic c lture that youngsters still tell us they are going to CD class.
People employed in or near chanceries have come to understand it is unlikely they will be "fired." Their position, however, could just disappear in a "reorganization." Nor are people forced out or retired.
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By Dan Morris However, when the lines of authority are reconfigured, their lines can be left flopping in the wind. Chanceries don't say, "End of conversation." They ~ay, "It's time for us to pray and sacrifice." You don't often encounter "You are way out of line" in chanceries or parishes, but you will run into "We still need consensus on this." In fairness, we often "spin" language in the church in an effort to clarify meaning or to respect others. Certainly "renewing our covenant with God" has a ,nicer ring to it than "Sunday obligation," even if it sidesteps the issue a little. We are still working on some language: "nonCatholic," for example. We have come up with "fellow Christian," "fellow believer," "brothers and sisters in love for creation," etc. But it's a piecemeal work in progress. , On the other hand, so are we all.
St. Anne Parish and Shrine 818 Middle St., Fall River, MA 02721 Phone 508-674-5651 • Fax 672-0939
t25Ua Annual Solemn Novena in honor of SAINT ANNE Wednesday through Friday, July 17 - 19, 1996 and Monday through Thursday, July 22 - 25 at 3 pm -
repeated at 7 pm -
in the Shrine
The Rev. Robert S. Kaszynski Pastor of St. Stanislaus Parish, Fall River, MA
Saturday, July 20, 1996 Masses at 7: 15 and 11 :30 am and 4 and 6:30 pm Novena Service at 3 pm and Novena Prayers after the 6:30 pm Mass
Sunday, July 21, 1996 Masses at 8 and 10 am, noon, and 6:30 pm Novena Service at 3 pm including the Sacrament of the Sick
Friday, July 26, 1996 The Feast of St. Anne Grandparents' Day
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Special Blessing for Grandparents at all services. Mass in the Shrine at 8 am Masses in the upper church at 10 am, noon, & 6:30 pm Devotions in the Shrine - 3 pm and 6:30 pm Mass, DevoUons and Prot:esslon
with the Statue of SL Anne
Diocese of Fall River -
-New"head of ,Christophers says ,he was reared on group's message
Fri., July 19, 1996
Wins scholarship Kristi Garlington of New Bedford, a former junior volunteer and now an employee at St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, is among students planning a career in health
care who received a $500 grant at a recent hospital ceremony. She plans to attend Salve Regina University, Newport, RI, majoring in nursing.
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NEW YORK (CNS) - The new director of The Christophers said he was reared on the organization's message that "it is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." Father Thomas J. McSweeney, - sched uled to take office Sept. I, said the organization's message was intertwined with his earliest memories of home because of his mother. "When I was in a quandry about anything, invariably she would say, I just read something from the Christophers the other day that . might help you," the 50-year-old priest said in an interview at Christop hers headquarters in New York. He also was born the same year the movement was launched - 1945. "This is really where I belong," he said. Father McSweeney, a priest of the Diocese of Erie who has been teaching communications at Gannon University in Erie, will succeed Father John T. Catoir. His appointment was announced June 13.
A priest of the Diocese of Paterson, N.J., Father Catoir returned FATHER THOMAS J. McSWEENEY to his diocese last fall after leading the organization since 1978. He such as making special efforts to municator"able to tell the Ca tholic was the first director named from reach Asians or other groups in story and at the same time mainoutside the Maryknoll order. the way Hispanics have already tain a relationship with Judaism The late Maryknoll Father James been addressed. and Protestantism," Fathe;r McKeller launched the Christophers He also expressed hope that the Sweeney said. with an article published May 5, ecumenical and interreligious' 1945, and led it until he was suc- scopes the Christophers' outreach 'ceeded in 1969 by another Mary- could be expanded to groups such knoller, Father Richard Arm- as Muslims, Hindusand Buddhists. strong, w'ho resigned the post in The Christophers operate from a 1977. Maryknoll Father Ronald 'Judeo-Christian base, but can reach Sauci filled in as acting director out 'to adherents of other religions NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y.(CNS) without soft-pedaling that base, he - The prelature of Opus o,~i has until Father Catoir took over. In the interview with CNS, Fa- said. . established a site on the World ther McSweeney, whose father was Influenced by the Christophers' Wide Web. the son of Irish immigrants, said message from childhood, Father The web site address of his mother was reared in England McSweeney has also looked to the http:// www.opusdei.org cnn be as an Anglican and developed late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen reached by anybody with access to interest in the Christophers even as a model communicator. the Internet. though she was not Catholic at the For a doctorate at the UniverThe site contains answers to time. sity of Maryland in College Park, ' questions often asked about Opus She did not enter the Cath.olic the priest has just completed a dis- Dei, plus its apostolic initiatives, Church until he became a priest, sertation on Archbishop Sheen's the commitments its members and surprised him by coming to 1950s television broadcasts, "Life make, and brief biographies 'of its founder, Blessed J osemaria Escriva, the Communion rail for the first is Worth Living." The impressive quality of Arch- and' its current prelate, Bishop time on the day of his ordination in 1971, he said. bishop Sheen, Father McSweeney Javier Echevarria. It also includes the document He said he shared Father Catoir's said, was the way ,"a Catholic view that the work of The Chris- bishop with the whole patina of ,that established Opus Dei as:i pertophers through its broadcast, print Catholicism around him was able sonal prelature of the Catholic and other ministries was properly to transcend creedal barriers and Church in 1982 and the "Dedaration Concerning Opus Dei" from . understood as pre-evangelism. appeal to such a mass audience." The Christophers do not preach He said anti-co.mmunism was a the Vatican Congregation of Bishmajor theme of 'the .broadcasts, ops. Addresses of the prelature's the specific doctrines of religion, but seek to open up the question of and was handled in a manner that public information offices around meaning through the stories of today would make many people the world are also available. Opus Dei communications direchuman life they bring to public cringe. But he said Archbishop Sheen "made the distinctions" tor Bill Schmitt said that over time attention, he said. Father McSweeney said their ,between opposing communism and the Web site will be updat,~d to role was mediating between church loving the communists that were provide current information such and culture. But he stressed that not made by other people such as as press releases and news sumthe Christopher message did have Sen. Joseph McCarthy and Car- maries from Romana, the official content. dinal Francis J. Spellman of New publication of the prelature pub"This is not just positive think- York. lished in Rome. Archbishop Sheen's TV talks ing," he said. "It is communication The group counts about 80,000 grounded in our judeo-Christian ended in 1957, but not from lack of members worldwide. Opus Dei's moral and spiritual tradition." audience response, according to mission is to remind Christians Father McSweeney indicated he Father McSweeney. He noted that they are called the lives of holiness, was coming to the director's job Archbishop Sheen, then an auxil- especially through work and ordiwith no mandate or desire to change iary bishop of New York Archdio- nary life. cese and national director for the the Christophers in any major Propagation of the Faith, had a way. He ,said he was impressed with falling out with Cardinal Spellman the staff, who number about 50 over financial matters. After reviewand, he suggested, could qualify ing related correspondence, Father "If a man wishes to COUDe for better paying jobs elsewhere. McSweeney said he concluded that after me, he must dell.y "Their reward comes in the bags of "there is enough evidence to indihis very self, take up tlls mail every day from all over the cate Bishop Sheen was taken off cross, and follow In m,y the air in 1957 by Cardinal Spellworld saying tnank you," he said. Any changes, he said, would man." steps." likely come in'the form of extendArchbishop Sheen was' not a Mki~:34 of current programs,••••• "defensive apologist," but a coming aspects , •• .' , •• ... * ..... .... ..
Opus Dei opens site on WWVV
The Word of the LOl'd
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., July 19, 1996
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FAT ER PAT Bishop, pictured with his three basset hounds, says he is the personification of a c uch potato. The pastor of a suburban Atlanta church was one of 900 Georgia residents ho carric~d the Olympic torch on its last leg. (CNS/ Stearns photo)
atller 'couch potato' bears torch A, Ga. (CNS) Shortly afte being chosen as a 1996 Olymp'c torchbearer, Father Pat Bishop old his parishioners he feared the upcoming run would mean his ea y demise. "I'm afrai I'm going to drop dead," said t e pastor of Transfiguration pari h in the Atlanta subrub of Mari tta. "I'm 50 years old
AAR temporary Orleans re youths in t Catholic)
and the personification of a couch potato." When he was fresh out of the seminary, sneakers Were a trademark of a young Father Bishop when he taught at th~ former St. Pius X High School. "I haven't worn my sneakers in a long time," admitted Father Bishop, who recently celebrated 22 years
N NEVILLE and Father Jeff Bayhi record a conmeditation on the Way of the Cross in a New ording studio. Proceeds from the recording will aid e Baton Rouge area. (CNS photo from the Bayou
Reco ding star, priest to cut album BATON OUGE, La. (CNS) - Recordin artist Aaron Neville has teamed p with a priest from the Diocese of Baton Rouge to produce a n walburn of religious music that h s been selling well in south Louis ana. "Doing I Their Own Way," a contempora y meditation on the Way of the ross, has sold nearly 10,000 co pi s in a month's time. The reco ding features Neville singing vari tions of the spiritual "Were You There" while Father Jeff Bayhi, ocations director for the diocese, reads an interpretation of eac of the 14 stations of the cross. Neville, a Catholic, donated his time and ex ertise free of charge, as did Fath r Bayhi. "Our goa was to put together a presentation that would have meaning for the idest range of people
in today's world," Father Bayhi said. "The message is about life, on life's terms, but filled with hope." Neville's hit-making career has spanned four decades, from the 1960s single "Tell It Like It Is" to his 1990 duet with Linda Ronstadt "Don't Know Much." He also regularly performs with his three brothers as the Neville Brothers. They are touring to support the release of a new album, "Mitakuye Oyasin Oyasinj All My Relations." Proceeds from "Doing It Their Own Way" go to Metanoia, to a tax-free corporation dedicated to building a facility that will be made available to promote the welfare of youth in the Baton Rouge area. For details call (504) 336-8778 or send a query by fax to (504) 336-8710.
as a priest, but he planned to drag them out for some much-needed exercise soon. The torch, which began its U.S. odyssey in Los Angeles April 27, ended it in Atlanta with today's lighting of the Olympic torch and the opening of the Games. Olympic torchbearers have been advised they may walk, run,jog or roll their wheelchairs for up to a half-mile, a distance Father Bishop claims he hasn't walked in 20 years. Participants also wear standardissue running shorts, socks and shirt. ''I'm not thrilled about appearing before so many people in what looks like my underwear," Father Bishop joked to the Georgia Bulletin, newspaper of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. "It's not going to be a pretty sight." Despite his levity, the self-effacing pastor has been deeply touched by his Olympic moment. "I have a lot of mixed emotions," he said, explaining that two of his parishioners, Bob Ley and Mark Murphy, are torchbearers who have "done very inspiring things" to earn their berths. Ley is active with the Special Olympics and Murphy with the American Cancer Society. "Then there's me," Father Bishop said humbly. "It's an incredible honor." An anonymous Transfiguration parishioner nominated Father Bishop, citing the enthusiastic leadership and youthful spirit with which he inspires and unifies the parish. Eschewing such compliments, Father Bishop is nonetheless delighted that a Catholic priest "will be part of the home team." "I'm really proud that as I run, I run as a priest," he said. Across the archdiocese and around the world, he feels, most priests are "good, generous, loving people who have the Olympic spirit." "It's really affirming that a parish would think'enough of a priest to nominate him." Elsewhere along the torch relay that has involved about 10,000 Americans as torchbearers and covered 15,000 miles throughout 42 states: - Amy Hurley, an assistant
professor of business and economics at The Catholic University of America, Washington, ran on the Washington leg of the torch relay June 20. She was nominated by her fiance, Stefan Wally, for her many community service activities. Unaware that Wally had submitted her name, Hurley submitted his name to be a torchbearer. He too was selected. As fate would have it, his route immediately followed hers. - Also on the Washington leg, Sister Mary Popit, a Sister of the Holy Child Jesus who works with the homeless, handed off hertorch following her IOO-yard run to Gallaudet University President I. King Jordan, who then took it to the South Lawn of the White House for ceremonies there. - Bernie Helldorfer, St. John's University director of paralegal studies, did his run in Manhattan June 17. He was nominated for giving support to the family of one of his law students after her mother became ill. As with his life of service, Helldorfer's run took others into account. His three godchildren were there; the youngest, Nicholas DiBari, marked the start of Helldorfer's run by holding the Olym-
pic flag. Since Helldorfer has no children, it made the moment even more special. "And I thought it would be something he would never forget either," the professor said. Helldorfer dedicated his run to his four grandparents by praying at their graves at St. John's Cemetery in Middle Village, N. Y., before he set out. - Carrying the torch in Cincinnati June 7 were 14-year-old Emily Mittermeir, who started her volunteer service two years ago at a nursing home run by the Little Sisters of the Poor; Ruth Vogelpohl, founder and director of the Our Daily Bread soup kitchen, which serves about 300 people a day; James Kelleher, an activist at Holy Angels parish in Dayton, Ohio; and Sister of CharityAnn Loretta, who has done community service work in Cincinnati and in Santa Fe, N.M. "It's hard to explain how it feels to be representing the Little Sisters of the Poor," Mittermeir said. "I feel the carrying of the torch is a huge honor - not just for me, but for them, too." Vogelpohl said before her relay stint that she was no runner, "but I will be walking for a lot of people when I carry the torch,"
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FRIDAY, 26 JULY • 6:30 ·11 :00 P.M. Short Procession with C.L. Mount Carmel Statute from Auditorium to Church, followed by Food, Games, Raffle & Music!
I SATURDAY, 27 JULY I Food, Games, Raffle, and Group And Band Concert! I SUNDAY, 28 JULY
10:00A.M.· Pontifical Mass with Bishop Sean O'Malley 3:00 P.M.· First-Ever O.L. Mount Carmel Procession with bands along decorated streets with the statues of O.L. Mount Carmel, Santo Christo and Saint Peter, followed by Food, Games, Music and Drawing· of Giant Raffle. Come one and a/lf Vlnde Todss a Festal
It seems like enly yesterday Area schools celebrate anniversaries ':.'-
Diocesan nursing hom.?s earn accreditation spiritual care to the elders in our Our Lady's Haven, 71 Center communities has always been our St., Fairhaven, and Madonna mission. Accreditation with comManor, 85 North Washington St., mendation by the Joint CommisNorth Attleboro, have been asion is an honor that we will build warded Accreditation with Comon to carry out that mission," said mendation by the J oint CommisFather Edmund J. Fitzgerald, sion on Accreditation ofHealthcare executive director, Diocesan Health Organizations. Accreditation with CommendaFacilities. Our Lady's Ha.ven and tion is the highest level of accrediMadonna Manor are pa:rt. of the tation awarded by the Joint ComDiocesan Health Facilities system mission, which is the nation's oldsponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River. est and largest accrediting body. Formed in 1951, the Joint ComThe nursing homes an: among mission is dedicated to improving the 16% of accredited nursing the quality of health care through homes nationwide awarded Accredvoluntary accreditation. itation with Commendation. "Receiving Accreditation with The nursing homes' services Commendation isa significant include skilled nursing and rehaachievement, one that recognizes bilitative care in physical, occupaexemplary performance by Our tional and speech therapi,es; hosLady's Havenand Madonna Man- pice care; respite care, intravenous or," says Dennis S. O'Leary, M.D., therapies; pastoral care and family president, Joint Commission. support groups. "I would like to thank the staff for the hard work and dedication to the needs of our residents that they offer on a daily basis," said Jean M. Golitz, administrator, Our Temperatures of90 degrees and Lady's Haven. "Their commitment above can cause heat stre;,s, espeis truly what makes Our Lady's cially when the humidity is high. Haven special." Some early warning signs of heat "Accreditation with Commenda- stress are loss of appetite, lack of tion exemplifies our staffs com- energy, fainting and cram.ps. Admitment to creating t~e best,home vanced and serious symptoms ,we can for our r,esidents,~' said include chest pain,. dry skin (no Susan L. Caldwell, administrator, sweating) and dizziness. Madonna Manor. "We're proud These are signs that you are losto be able to offer high quality ing the battle against the heat. To nursing and rehabilitative care to protect yourself, spend time in elders in the North Attleboro cool surroundings, use fnns and community." airconditioners and drink plenty "Providing superior physical and of water.
Heat stress facts
THE CLASS of 1936, from Espirito Santo School, Fall River, gathered recently to celebrate its 60th anniversary. After attending Mass, numbers met for dinner at McGovern's Restaurant in Fall River. Pictured are: (front row, from left) Alice (Aguiar) Brillo; Rose (Rezendes) Medeiros; Francelina (Raposa)"Medeiros; Mary (Morreia! Golden: Mary (Pont.es) Perry; Francelina (Conreia) Antone; Mary (Silva) Antone, wheelchalf; and Sister Marganda Tavares. (Middle row, from left) Mary (Miranda) Aguiar; Lea (Cabral) Paulino; Tillie (Camara) Costa; Irene (Morrais) Silvia; and Alice (Furtado) Aguiar. (Back row, from left) Irene (Vital) Pacheco; John Perry; and Alice (Costa) Smyt. Missing from picture are Evangelina (Correira) Baptista; Mary (Pacheco) Mosher; and Frank Medeiros (who took the picture).
Council on
THE VERY first 'graduating class ( 1946) at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford, got together recently to celebrate its 50th anniversary. They gathered for Mass, then attended a dinner at ~,orden's Restaurant, Padanaram, and .finally a reception at the home of class president Louis DQmont. Classmates came fr.om as far as.Connecticut, Florida and California. Attending were-(front row, from left) Louis Dumont; ~ucinda (Oliveira) Frias; Sister Dorothy Costa, SSD; Edith (Rego) Nickell; Teresa (Ervoes) Fernandes; Donald Rodrigues; and Sylvester Luce. (Back row, from left) Mary de Lourde's (da Costa) Melo; Theresa (Correia) Ferreira; . 'Mary (Cordeiro) Sylvia; Veronica (Mendonca) Fagan; Natalie (Simmons) Kent; Mary (Britto) Homen; Mary (Amorin) M~el.o; Mary (Pimental) Gauthier; Philomena (Santos) Sbardella; ,Lillian (Cordeira) Pereira;Ml,l,fy'·.:r,.Q.~.~~~.~..(~.iJ.~!l~¥Sf!ne;U~; and Urania (Pimental)' Reska..
SANDWICH There will be a foot care program on July 23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Atty. Michael Lavender will be on hand to advise seniors on general legal problems, trusts, wills, or estate planning on July 24 from 9 a.m. to noon. . Need someone to stay with your loved one for a few hours so you can go out? Respite Coordinator Cathy Gallagher is in the office every Wednesdayfrom 12:30 to 2 p.m. Call COA office at 888-4737 Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to arrange ~ppoint ments for events. PROVINCETOWN If you are at least 55 years old, the COA is, looking for your memories to compose.a book. To contribute, write your true experience starting with "I'll never forget the time 1..." Any topic, any length. Send them to Council on Aging, c/o Char, 26 Alden St., Provincetown, MA 02657 by September 2.
to I p.m. in the multi-purpose room. Join us at the COA on July 30 from I to 3:30 p.m. wJlen the Osteoporosis Center in Attleboro will provide a speaker a::td slide presentation. Dr. Violin's office will hold their annual free vision and eye screening at the COA on July 26 from I to 3 p.m. Please sign up for all events at the COA office or call Gale Farrugia at 261-3768. REHOBOTH SHINE (Serving Health Information Needs of Elders) will provide counseling, by appointment only, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of the month. The program may be of particular interest to thosl: Rehoboth senior residents with questions regarding their h'eaHh insurance or those approaching 65 and Medicare.
CHATHAM Friendly Visitor Program - We MANSFIELD are eager to begin a group who The COA will host a 55 Alive would be willing to visit homeprogram sponsored through bound seniors in our community. AARP. It is !l defensive driving If this sounds interesting, call Roseprogram for seniors and will be mary at 945-5190. There will be a held August 1~.an.d.14 from 9 a.m.. meet!m~and train,irlg soon,
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THE CATHOLIC Association of Foresters awarded eight scholarship grants to high school stu ents entering college in Sept. (Front row, from left) Suzanne D. M<;:Naught; High Chief Ran er Ron Michaud; scholarship chairperson Janet King; and Raegan C. Santos of No. Dartmout . (Back row, from left) John Tweedie of New Bedford; Jessica Susannah; Martha R. Bunker; a d Beth Ann Casey.
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elevision is getting religion culture and politics in recent decWASHI GTON (eNS) - Alades. though the ommercial broadcast From the Rev. Billy Graham to networks ar a little slow tq recogrii1ze it, tele' islo'Ii is;ge:\tirig"a' hose : th'eR'eV.')erryFalwel1 to':Rafph Reed, dozens of leaders and grassof religion t ese daYs -- and in the roots activists tel1 the insi~e story days to co e. of the cultural forces and sociopoCable fra chises across the Unilitical aims that motivate what is ted States re making the most loosely cal1ed.the "religious right." popular rei gious cable channels PBS has also committed the even more opular. And PBS is rebroadcasting "The Wisdom of launching s veral ambitious proFaith with Huston Smith," which grams that xplore religion. received favorable reviews when it "Advent res From the Book of first aired this spring. I~ wil1 be Virtues," \l animated series based rerun either later in 1996 or in on William . Bennett's best seller, early 1997. will start i September on PBS. Interviewed by Moyers, Smith Each half- our show illustrates a takes viewers to the core of Hindusingle them such as loyalty, courism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoage or hon sty and describes the ism, Christianity, Judaism and acts of virt ous - and sometimes Islam. not-so-virt ous - characters. PBS's New York affiliate, The six pisodes ordered thus WNET, announced June 6 it had far will ai in one-hour blocks received a $2.55 million grant from three cons utive days beginning the Lil1y Endowme'-:lt, given over Labor Da , Sept. 2, at 8 p.m. three years, to produce a weekly EDT. half-hour report on religion a'nd "Genesis A Living Conversa- ethics. More funding would be needed, tion" featu es veteran TV journalthough, as the program is projectist Bill Mo ers discussing the releing and annual budget of $5.6 Book of Genesis for vance of t mil1ion. ' contempor ry society. "Religion and Ethics News WeekThe 10-p rt series, each of which ly," designed to cover news of all focuses 0 a different story in faiths and spiritual movements, Genesis, d buts Wednesday, Oct. would be hosted by onetime NBC 16, at 8 p. . and continues on sub- correspondent Bob Abernethy. It sequent S ndays beginning Oct. would air 39 weekly instal1ments 20 at 6 p. beginning with the 1997-98 broadActors andy Patinkin and cast year. Alfre W 0 dard will supply draOn the cable sid~ of the equamatic nar atives to the Genesis tion, the number'of homes receivstories prec ding interviews on such ing religion-based cable channels topics as ra ism, the role of women, is up. dysfunctio al families, environEWTN went up 3.5 mil1ion submental res onsibility, the' nature scribers, to 41 mil1ion, according offaith, th struggle between good to Broadcasting & Cable, an inand evil, and the path to re- dustry magazine. demption. The Faith & Values Channel registered even more dramatic gains "With G d on Our Side," a ser- a 25 percent jump to 25.6 milies of six ne-hour programs airlion subscribers, and an expected ing this fal on PBS, traces the histotal of30 million by year's end. In tory of an energetic, conservative January, the audience for Faith & Christ'~1) hrust into mainstream
Values increased 163 percent, from 8,000 to 21,000. To keep its new viewers, Faith & Values began two new weekiy docu~ mentary series this spring. "Heroes of the Heart," hostedby Mariette Hartley, profiles terminal1y ill patients and others coping with obstacles. It is shown 8-9 p.m. EDT Sundays,and is repeated 10-11 p.m. EDT Wednesdays. "Crisis Points," hosted by Michael Moriarty, addresses major social and spiritual dilemmas such as homelessness and war crimes. It is shown 10-11 p.m. Thursdays, with repeats 1-2 a.m. EDT Sundays. Z Music Television, which specializes in Christian music videos, reported a 30 percent subscriber gain to 35 rriillion from year-ago levels. The Trinity Broadcasting Network, which features a consortium of evangelical Protestant programmers, is growing at a rate of 2 million subscribers a year. It claims . more than 4,000 broadcast and 4,000 cable affiliates, including foreign outlets. Even religious cartoons are finding a place on video store shelves. Nest Entertainment has produced "Animated Stories From the Bible" and "Animated Stories From the New Testament." The I 980s-era "Greatest Adven" ture Stories from the Bible" series from Hanna-Barbera "sells year in and year out," Richard Pinson, vice president of marketing for Turner Home Entertainment, told Daily Variety, a Hol1ywood newspaper. The biggest splash is stil1 a few years away. DreamWorks, a new studio headed in part by Steven Spielberg and ex-Disneyite Jeffrey Katzenberg, are preparing an animated feature film about Moses titled "Prince of Egypt" for cinemas. As with virtual1y al1 movies these days, it wil1 eventual1y find its way to home video.
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Bisho'p 'calls KKK a 'vici"otis'circ'le of h=lte' SAGINAW, Mich. (CNS) - The Ku Klux Klan is "a vicious circle" built on hate and exclusion, Saginaw Bishop Kenneth E. Untener told a peace rally July 6, the same day two Klan rallies were held in the diocese. "The Ku Klux Klan is a circle, a vicious circle, built on exclusion, particularly - if you read its history - the'exclusion of blacks, Jews and Catholics," Bishop U!1tener said. He called the group "adolescent" for giving its leaders such titles as imperial wizard, grand dragon and cyclops. "It is childish, but it's no.t child's play," he continued. "The Encyclopedia Britannica, in its description of the Ku Klux Klan, begins by calling it a 'terrorist organization.' Read its history and you read an ugly chronicle of shooting, lynching, clubbing, whipping, kidnapping, mutilation, '" of burning houses, barns, and our most cherished Christian symbol, the cross." The Klan's foundations and activities, he said, are "biasphemous, murderous, racist, vicious, rude, crude," and most of all, he added, "evil." The anti-Klan rally was held in downtown Saginaw and drew about 300 people of all ethnic groups and denominations. The Klan rallies, at Midland County Courthouse
A NEGATIVE image ofthe Shroud of Turin shows a face believed,to be that of Christ. (NC file photo)
Professors say coins date shroud to time of-Christ TURIN, Italy (CNS) - Two Italian univ<:rsity professors studying the Shroud of Turin say they have discovered the image of a Roman coin that would date the cloth to the time of Christ. Using computerized instruments, the experts said July 6 they found the coin's outline over the left eyebrow ofthe human image imprinted on the shroud, which some believe to be Christ's burial cloth. Church officials in Turin, where the shroud is kept" greet.ed the m:ws cautiously and said further studies were needed. "I hope those who made this 'discovery' can submit their procedures to an examination by \heir (scientific) colleagues," said Father Giuseppe Ghiberti, a Turin priest in charge of preparing -the next public viewings of the shroud, in 1998 and 2000. Baima Bollone called the 'discovery "definitive" and said it was now "almost 100 percent" certain that the cloth was used to wrap Christ's body after the crucifixion. The researchers said markings on the coin indicated it was from
the 16th year of the reign of Roman Emperor Tiberius, or 29 A.D. Most experts now date Christ's death to around 29 A.D. In effect, said Baima Bollone, the shroud has dated itself. In 1988, a team of international scientists using the carbon-14 dating technique concluded that the shroud was a product of the Middle Ages. Some historians have said several such' burial cloths existed in medieval times, usually in connection with pilgrimage sites. Church officials have never made the claim that the shroud was actually used to cover Christ's body. But some have said the linen, because it bears the apparent marks of the Passion, has the religious value of a "sign" for Christians. In 1980, a U.S. Jesuit said he had found the imprint of a lstcentury coin above the right eye of the shroud's figure. Other experts contested the finding, raising a number of objections; for example, the practice of placing coins over a dead person's eyes' was unknown in the Jewish world.
Pope says Mary's virginity ,was not a m.yth VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John. Paul II says the church's constant teaching on Mary's virginity is not in terms of myth or metaphor, but as a biological fact. This runs counter to some recent . theories that would seek to reduce the virginal conception of Christ to a syrribolic expression of a theological truth, he said' at a general audience July 10. The pope, who has devoted a number of recent audience talks to the significance of Mary for the church, said MarY's virginity was affirmed in three of the gospel accounts, had been accepted by early church fathers and has been confirmed by ecumenical councils throughout history. These'authorities were speaking of a "real and historic virginal
FALL RIVER 783 SLADE ST. P.O. BOX M - SO. 'STA. 674-4681
VATICAN CITY (CNS)- The Vatican approved a miracle attributed to the intercession of Antoine Frederic Ozanam, founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, clearing the way for his beat ificatio,n. Pope John Paul II approved the decree June 25. Beatification, in which the church dedares a person bless'ed, is the main step before a declaration of sainthood. "The entire Vincentiah family
generation of Jesus and are far truth has been acc~pted by the from affirming a virginity that is church from the time of the first only moral or a vague gift of formulations of the faith,''' he said. grace," he said. He said that while the ,;hurch's The church's early teaching that, teaching ~uthority does not define the conception of Jesus was.caused the term "virgin," the normal by an intervention of the Holy meaning should be assumed: that Spirit upon the Virgin Mary,ex- of the voluntary abstenti':>n fr0f!! Cludes any possibility that it deve- sexual acts and the preservation of loped as a "pagan mythological physical wholeness. legend," he said. He said this teaching about ~ary It also e'xcludes recent explan- highlights the link betwe~n holiations that "would understand the ness and virginity. "Mary wanted a virginal life, virgin conception not in a physical or biological sense but merely in a because she was animated by the desire to give her whole heart to symbolic or metaphorical sense," he said. God," he said. ' "The Gospels contain the explicit Laterin the day, the pOlltiffwas affirmation of a virginal concep- scheduled to leave for a two-week tion of·a biological order, brought vacation in'the Northern Italian about by the Holy Spirit, and this, mountains.
Miracle credited to Vincentians' ·founder
and at Saginaw County Governmental Cemer, drew bigger crowds. Extra security was provided at each site. No arrests were made but the Saginaw Klan rally was not without incident. A group of anti-Klan protesters beat a man who allegedly bore a,swastika tattoo. The man wus bloodied but ran away from the rally. Bishop Untenee told his audience that the Klan has a legal right to demonstrate but said that does not make it right. "You have a right to overeat, drink to 0 much, chain smoke. You have the right to be selfish, greedy, amass a fortune and keep it all for yourself," he said, but asked the crowd, "Does that make it the right . thing to do?" The Klan needs to be educated about when exercising a right is negative and when it is positive. "Let us inform people oftheir rights," he said. "Let us protect their rights, but let us teach them right and wrong. Calling the Klan demonstrations in the diocese "a slap in the face," the bishop told the crowd that "we have a right to go over there and heckle, taunt, hurl invectives" at the Klan. "But it's not the right thing to do. The Lord taught ~s the right thing to do with a slap in the face: turn the othercheek.'" .
is overjoyed that the Holy Father has chosen to officially recognize the saintliness of our founder," 'said Joseph H. Mueller, president of the U.S. council of the society. "Frederic Ozanam was a devoted family man, and it seems particularly fitting that he be moved one step closer to canonization at a time when there is such an outcry to embrace family values." A 19th-century French historian and literary scholar, Ozanam is considered a model of the lay apostolate. His attention to the poor, on an intellectual and a concrete level, inspired his society, which today includes hundreds of ~
thousands of Catholic lay people worldwide. Born in Milan, Italy, in 1813, he was brought up and edul:ated in southern France. At the age of20, he and fellow students in Paris formed "Conference of Charity," an organization that two years later became the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. From the beginning, the: society offered assistance 10 Catholics and non-Catholics and promoted the transfer of charity resources from country to country. Ozanam died at age 40, and his sainthood cause was introduced in 1923.
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Build your own home now with aConstruction Loan from Citizens-Union Savings Bank. ROVINCIAL team of the Fall River Province Holy Union Sisters hosted ajubilee dinner in onor of Sisters celebrating 50, 60 and 70 years of religious life and service to the communi y. Honored were: Sisters Francis Sebastian Dwyer (front center) and Vera Herbert (front rig t), for 70 years; Sister Armande Marie Chabot (front left), Marie Louise Coutu, Mary Loise Samson (far right) and Elizabeth RickIe, for 60 years; and Sisters Marie Pauline Collette, uth Curry (back right), Mary Elizabeth Murphy (back left), Lucille Richard, Barbara Sully (back center) and Mary Zavacky, for 50 years.
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rest flares again in Ireland Continu d from Page One ities simply ould not hold the line against the verwhelming numbers of Orangem n," he said. "But surely the authorit es of the state have the responsibili y to protect its citizens in all ircumstances and in face of all threats from other citizens. "The ques ion must also be asked: Why were t e Orangemen allowed to assemble in such massive force in the days and hours preceding the march, hen the very purpose of their ass mbly ma.nifestly was precisely th t of overwhelming the police line?' he asked. "Are the e not powers at the disposal of olice and government to avert or revent assemblies for an illegal p rpose? Can the police not contro the public thoroughfares? "Many ationalists are asking whether t e R UC would have allowed a omparablc multitude of Nationa ists to assemble with the clear in ention of overwhelming the porlce by force of superior numbers," he added. "Are there two system of law in operation in this land?" The card nal noted that after the initial deci ion to not allow the march, "th re were all the appearances of an organized. campaign to destabilize this statl:," including illegal roa blocks and a murder. British ardinal George Basil H ume of estminstl:r sent a message to Ca dinal Daly, saying: "I share the eep anxiety you expressed to well and the sadness and disma you feel at the decision taken to al ow the Orange parade down the Garvaghy Road. Although I m obviously not informed on all the details concerning what st have been a difficult decision f r the Iluthorities, the anger of t e Nationalist community seems holly understandable. "I realiz the aftermath is likely to be extre ely diffi<:ult, and I will be appearng in the diocese here for renew d prayers for peace in Northern reland," said the message, date July 12 and made public in Lon on July 15.
Cardinal Bc;:rnard F. Law of Boston, a city with a large IrishAmerican population, said that "the hope for peace, fragile as it was, has been dealt a severe blow by what can most kindly be termed the ineptitude of the British government." Cardinal Law said the U.S. government should "use its influence on the British government to spare no effort to prqmote a restoration of trust and confidence." "A good beginning would be for the British government to admit that it was wrong to leave it to the chief constable to make a decision so fraught with political consequences," he added. Pope prays for peace Pope John Paul II prayed for peace and urged all sides to show respect for human rights. "I am thinking of the suffering of so many men and women who are tried in body aqd spirit," the pope said during a' talk July 14 while vacationing in northern Italy. "I ask you to pray in particular for peace in Northern Ireland, peace that respects the rights of every person and every social group. Mary, queen of pellce, intercede on behalf of that'dear nation," he said.
July 20 1983, Rev. Joao Medeiros, Retired Pastor, St. Elizabeth, Fall River July 23 1893, Rev. Patrick F .. Doyle, Founder, SS. Peter .and Paul, Fall River 1938, Rev. George B. McNamee, Pastor, Holy Name~ Fall River July 25 1913, Rev. Michael J. Cooke, Pastor, St. Patrick, Fall River 1984, Rev. Raymond R. Mahoney, SS.CC., Retired, Our Lady of Assumption, New Bedford July 26 1974, Rev. Msgr. Alfred J.E. Bonneau, Pastor Emeritus, Notre Dame, Fall River
Sponsor 3G~i1d at aCatholic mission site
his is Conchita. She lives in Guatemala in a one-room house with a tin roof, a dirt floor and no electricity. Only four years old, she must help her mother carry water for cooking and bathing. She gets very tired but finds little comfort on her stiff wooden bed with a straw mattress. Because her father earns only $25 per month as a day laborer, there is no money for playthings, and even basic necessities are a luxury to her family of six,
Through CFCA, you can sponsor a child with the amount you can afford. Ordinarily it takes $20 a month to provide a child with the life-ehanging benefits of sponsorship. But if this is not possible for you, we invite you to do what you can. CFCA works hand·in-hand with dedicated, trusted Catholic missionaries and lay leaders who know their communities and labor tirelessly to improve conditions for needy children and their families. Your sponsorship dollars help tl'em do the work Jesus has called us to do, When you become a sponsor you receive a photo of your child, their personal family history, a description of the country where your child lives, and the CFCA newsletter. Your new friend will write you - and you may write them as often as you lik But most of all, you have the satisfaction of helping a child in need. Please don't miss this opportunity to make a difference.
But there is hope! You can help one very poor child like Conchita-through Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA), a Catholic sponsorship program assisting needy children at Catholic mission sites around the world. You ca n help a poor child receive nourishing food, medical care, the chance to go to school and hope for a brighter future. You can literally change a life!
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Our Lady ofMt. Carmel
Bishop Connolly High School
Anthony S. Nunes, principal of through the Bank of Boston, ConBishop Connolly High School, Fall . nolly will also have access to a c wide variety ofeducational programRiver, has announced the appointment of Mary Lou Giannakoulis ing. of No. Dighton, as Dean of StuSummer vacation? dents at the school. Kathryn Lamontagne, class of Giannakoulis has been an edu- '97, will be attending the Internacator for 26 years, with the last II tional Relations Summer Program at Coyle and Cassidy High School, for high school students at GeorgeTaunton, where she served as an town University on July 21 through English teacher, coordinator of the 28th. She will be attending lecextracurricular activities, yeartures given by Georgetown Unibook moderator' and was selected versity professors on topics such to be chairman of the Philosophy as the Rise of Ethnic Movements, committee. She also served as a Managing Global Commons and member of the disciplinary board. Competing Ideologies. There will She earned her degree from the be visits to various embassies and University of Massachusetts, Am- a tour of Washington, D.C. herst, and is currently involved in Michael Vieira, of the Social the diocese's Potential Adminis- Studies Department, will be partrators' Program. ticipatin'g in a Summer Teaching Institute sponsored by the William THE OUR Lad'y of Mt. Carmel class ofl996 celebrates its Technology upgrade Several changes in the level of Joiner Center for the Study of grad~ation. ' . technology available for student War and Social Consequences. Teaching the Vietnam War: use at Connolly will be evident this September. "We've been taking . Historical and Literary Perspecgreat strides this year to address tives is the title of the institute. technological needs here," said There will ~e 30 high school hisNunes. "With the purchase of 30 toryand literature teachers partic, new state of the art computers and ipating., Forfour weeks, from July the SIRS Researcher CD-ROM 22 to August 16, they will work on computer in the library our stu- designing an interdisciplinary dents will have access to the latest course on Vietnam. Ten books will be read imd discussed. Leading in the computer technology." Tim Watters, the school's tech- historians on Vietnam as well as nology coordi!.lator, has announced leading fiction/ non-fiction writers that Connolty students will have will give lectures. Caroline Amaral, Grace Coelaccess to the Internet, and that the school will have a Web Site and its ho, Amanda Fernandes, Alex Medeiros, Kellie O'Connell, Stacey . own Home Page. With the wiring of cable sites in Tabicas and Jeff Soares have , the building an~:i new televisionsq chosen to路 be, back in school this DANIEL VASCONCELLOS,agraduate ofOLMC, was . acquired' at no cost to the schoof. sum'mer.' they are 'attending 'the
New Bedford
a guest speaker at the schooL Vasconcellos;an illusttator, has had works appear in children's b!Joks, poste.rs and advertisements.
"total immersion" summer program in Portuguese at UMass Dartmouth. For five weeks they will receive intensive instruction at all levels of language and literature. They will also devote time to cultural activities of the different Portuguese-speaking areas of the world: the Azores, Brazil, Cape Verde and mainland Portugal. Activities consist offilms, kctures, music and slide shows. Eve'ry Friday night, the music and dance of a different culture will bl: highlighted. Connolly students win awards Holly Brooder, class of '97, has been selected as a winner in the I997'Chancellor's Award for Academic Excellence c'ompetition conducted on the Amherst campus of the University of Massachusetts. Rachael Whitworth, claSH of'96, was awarded a certificate in the Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools Fourth Annual "Excellence in Psychology" Outst,ilnding Student Award sponsored by the American Psychological Association. For the. fourth quarter marking period,.83 students received highest honors, 30 students re:ceived high honors and 14 stude:llts received honors.
The Word of the Laird "You shall love your neighbor as yourselJr." ,
Mk 12:31
Getting to Know Our Seminarian
In the summer issues of the Anchor, we will be introducing the seminarians who are currently sl!rving the Diocese of Fall River. This gives us the opportunity to know who they are, and what they are doing. Please pray for them.
Hernando Herrera - Our Lady ofGuadalupe, l'fB . Hernando Herrera is a native of Falls Church, Virginia, where he attended Catholic schools until he graduated from Bishop O'Connell' High School in 1985. , His parents, Hector and Cecilia, are from Colombia, THE' OLMC class of 1946 is recognized by the New Sou'th America, .and he has three brothers: Carlos, Eddie Bedford City CounciL (From left) Louis Dumont, '46 class and Mario. . president; Ryan Pavao, '96 class preside.ilt; Councilor Victor Herrera attended the UniPinheiro ('79), his daughters Victoria and Maria, and wife versity of Virginia and ma, jored in psychology while he Maria Pinheiro. earned a Religious Studies minor. He was actively involved in the Resident Staff Program for three years and served as cochairman of the program during his final year. Herrera also dedicated time to St. ThOmas Aquinas parish where he began a high school youth group and served as lector and eucharistic minister. Herrera then attended Pennsylvania State University , where he received a Minority Scholars Award, studied clinical child psychology and in 1991 completed his SOME MEMBERS of the OLMC classes of 1946 and Master of Science degree. While at 1996 pose on the school steps. (See page 10 for another '46 Penn State he was an active member photo) . of the campus pro-life group and a
Catholic apologetics group. After graduate school, he was certified by the Virginia Catholic Education As-
HERNANDO HERRERA sociation and taught in a parochial school for two years. A member of, Youth Apostles since 1985, he has served the com-
munity as general secretary, c:ollege outreach coordinator, house director and formation director.. During that time, he was also the moderator of a Cathol:ic Life Community of high ;;chool boys. In 1992, he bec:ame a Consecrated Lay Full member , to dedicate himself totally to ministering to young people. He made his Lifetime Consecration on Jan. 21, 1996. Herrera has also served as the director of the Fall River Community of Youth Apostles for two years while studying philosophy an9 theology at St. John Seminary in Brighton. He has worked as a youth minister, catechist, as weI:: as in the diocesan Office of Youth Ministry Services and AIDS Ministry. When asked what a:ppeals to him about the prieslhood, Herrera explains, "It is the idea of bringing Christ to people, especially young people, through preaching, the sacraments and Christian witness. " In June, Herrera completl~d his second year of theology and for the summer is assigned to Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, New Bedford.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., July "19, 1996
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BAR ARA ROTH, (left photo) a teacher at Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, was selecte to attend the 1996 Teacher Seminar in })aris this summer. Jennifer Taylor and Eric Hager(rig t photo) were the recipients of the James and Helen Lamb Memorial Scholarships.
Coyle and Cassidy High Scholol Coyle and assidy High School, Taunton, w rId language teacher Barbara Rot has been selected by the Foundat on for International Education s a winner of the Career Teac er Fellowship competition fo the 1996 Teacher Seminar in aris to be held this summer. Roth has eceived a full tuition grant to atte d the seminar where she will stud the Frenc:h and Parisian culture nd academic life. She will spend 2 days with French university a d secondlary school teachers.
tion(CESAME), Northeastern University. The project that has been funded, called "Phys-Math For All," will expose all C-C students in grades 9 through II to introductory college physics through their regular mathematics course. Sister Mary Catherine Burns, project director, said, "We plan to integrate a full physics curriculum into the three-year math sequence so that every student will complete a course in physics by the end of the junior year. Every C-C graduate will have a credit in physics."
C-C Coyle an ient of a $ Center for Science and
Cable TV partnt.!rship TCI Cablevision of No. Attleboro and Coyle and Cassidy High School have formed a partnership through TCl's ongoing "The Edu-
eceives gl'ant Cassidy is the recip,600 grant from the he Enhancement of Mathematics Educa-
cation Project," to benefit the students and staff at the school. In addition to the free-of-charge cable drop to C-C, TCI is now feeding XChange from Ingenius to the school's tc:chnology center. XChange delivers breaking world and national news along with sports, stocks, entertainment and weather reports 24-hours a day. TCI has also been helping Coyle with the national Cable In the Classroom program which gives the school access to more than 500 hours of educational shows. Three new sports added C-C athletic director Bill Tranter has announced three new sports for the 1996-97 school year. The sports are: co-ed swimming and girls tennis appearing as varsity sports and freshman softball.
remembers the first child of SheristerlongBenedict "career": anewborn baby weighing only E:~~=s ~.'.~~% 'm--'
'. '.J
abandoned children i n ! ' ' ~ l f her homeM :f land Bangladesh, t1:t Sister Benedict has ::;'" been able to watch so very many other children grow up to crawl, to walk. • Living in Indonesia, not so far from Sister Benedict, is Adriano. As a young boy, he used to be a "helper" for his parish priest, carrying Father's bag as he traveled from village to village. Later, he heard Christ's call to follow Him, as a priest. ~
• Throughout the Missions, young men hear the Lord's call to serve as priest; young women, to enter Religious life. You can help them say "Yes!" with your own generous response through the Propagation of the Faith/St. Peter Apostle.
Peter Apostle
Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira, V.E. . 344 Highland Avenue • Fall River, MA 02720 "Attention: CQIUmn." No. 101 ANCH.7/19/96
$700, seminarian/year LJ $300, Sister/Brother novice/year LJ $100 LJ $50 LJ $25 LJ $10 0 $ (other) Name -'---:.. _ Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - City State Zip . _ Please remember The Society for the Propagation of the Faith when wrfting or changing your Will.
MIC AEL IIENJAMIN (left) and his father George Benjamin (right) !present a $25,000 pledge to F:rank Tosti, general c airman of the Campaign for Coyle & Cassidy High School. T e Benjamin family, who own and operate Benjamin's Resta rant, Taunton, have been long-time supporters of C-C. All four Benjamin children attended the School, and George B njamin declared, "I am proud to say that my grandchildren ill. be attending Coyle aI\d Cassidy.High School too."
THE AN'CHOR....:...Oiocese"i:)(Fall·Rive'r~Fri~,(July'f9,'1996"'·'tAUNtON8TAT.E ':. ' ". .
.HOSPITAL, TAUNTON The hospital is developing a music studio as part of its rehabilitation program. Individuals or groups willing to donate song books, musical instruments or other items are asked to call Sandy Epstein, (508) 8247551. Ext. 127-.
Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name 01 city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activIties. Please send news of future rather than past events. Due to limited space and also because notices of strictly parish affairs normally. appear In a parish's own bulletin, we are forced to limit Items to events 01 general Interest. Also, we do not normally carry notices 01 lundraising activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone (508) 675-7151. On Steering Points Items, FR Indicates . Fall River: NB Indicates New Bedford.
DEPARTMENT OF PASTORAL CARE TO THE SICK The Diocesan Department of Pastoral Care to the Sick announces its newly revised pastoral care education program for lay men and women, religious and deacons. The program is a five-week course to prepare participants for ministry to the sick. It will be offered at St. Julie's parish, No. Dartmouth, Sept. II. through Oct. 9. For a flyer and more information, call Sister Shirley Agnew, RSM: tel. 477-6170. Registration deadline is Aug. 15. OUR LADY'S HAVEN, FAIRHAVEN There are many volunteer opportunities available for anyone with a little extra time. Information:" Lillian LaFrance, director of volunteers, tel. 999-4561.
PRO-LIFE ROSARY A peaceful rosary and prayer vigil for unborn children is held from 10 to II a.m. every Wednesday at 68 Camp St., Hyannis. Information: 428-7281.
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The American Cancer Society needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from treatments. If you can spare as little as one morning or afternoon a month, call 1-800227-2345. CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC' GROUP We've moved our meeting night! Join us in our "New Life" Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group, every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. at Coyle & Cassidy High School, Taunton. All are welcome, bring a friend. Information: 824-8378. DIVORCED/SEPARATED SUPPORT GROUP Meetings are held each second Wednesday and fourth Monday of the month from 7 to 9 p.m. at the diocesan Family Life Center located at 500 Slocum Rd., No. Dartmouth. Upcoming programs: July 22, Sister Jane Hogan, OSF, "Moving Forward"; Aug. 14, Sue Dupuis, "The Power of Positive Thinking"; Aug. 26, Father Steve Salvador, "Grieving and Moving On After Divorce and Separation"; Sept. II, Atty. Befty Ussach will answer written legal questions pertaining to separation/ divorce. Those with questions may submit them at any earlier meeting, thus allowing time for Atty. Ussach to prepare answers: Sept. 23, Open meeting on any topics those in attendance wish to discuss.
Every Thursday • 9:30 A.M.
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WIDOWED GROUP, FR The Fall River Widowed Group will meet on Monday, July 22 at 7 p.m. in the St. Mary's School Hall on Second St. Robert Souza from Integrity Information Services will be guest speaker. All widowed are welcomed. For more information call Annette at 679-3278 .
CALL 508 675-7151
. 1.~._eQlOJ
LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Father Andre Patenaude, M.S. will lead a healing service with Mass on July 21 at 2 p.m. at the chapel. The service will include music, teaching, celebration of the Eucharist and the opportunity for persons to be anointed and prayed over individually. The 16th annual Polish Pilgrimage Day will be held on July 28. Beginning at I:30 p.m., the afternoon will include processions, a living rosary, the sacrament of reconciliation and an outdoor Mass with Cardi'na'i Jozef Glemp, Primate of Poland and Archbishop of Warsaw, as principal celebrant. The entire prQgram will be in Polish. People of Polish heritage from throughout New England are invited for this afternoondevotion and celebration. Forinformation on either event: tel. 2225410. FAMILY LIFE CENTER, NO. DARTMOUTH The Diocesan Office of Family Minis~ry is offering a prpgram entitled "Rx for Healing and Growth (of body, mind and spirit)" by Hugh C. B'oyle, Jr. on July 31 and Aug. 8 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Rd., No. Dartmouth. An all-new workshop entitled "Stress: Life's Unwelcome Companion" will be offered at the Family Life Center. Presentor will be Dorothy J. Levesque. Information on either event: tel. 999-6420.
33 Swindells Street Fall River,. MA 02723'
420 Bradford Avenue • Fall River
• I
VOCATIONS The Vocation Office is hosting an overnight of reflection August 9-10 at Cathedral Camp in East Freetown for young men in high school or college. Consider spending a couple of days with others your age to relax and reflect on the vocation we all share as Christians. Information: call Father Craig Pregana, 675-1311. CANCER SUPPORT GROUP The group meets weekly at Southwood Community Hospital, Norfolk on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. HEARTS & HANDS If you are an individ ual who has a giving heart and would like to help medically fragile children and their families, call 758-1300. ST. JAMES, NB Openings still available in grades 2, 5, 6 and 8 of St. James-St. John School. Information: Principal Edmund Borges, (508) 996-0534. A five-year pastoral plan for the parish will be inaugurated in October. In preparation a visiting team will evaluate a parish self-study. ST. ANNE, FR The annual novena honoring Good St. Anne begins today with services in the parish shrine at 3 and 7 p.m.
.COURAGE SU'P'PORT C:ROUP Courage is a support l:roup for homosexual Catholic men and women who are striving to live chaste lives. There is a monthly meeting at Holy Name rectory, New Bedford, on the second Saturday. evening of the month at 7 p.m. New members always welcome. Informati,)n: Monsignor Thomas J. Harrington, tel. 992-3184. ST. FRANCIS OF PEAC]~ FR'ATERNITY, WEST HARWICH St. Francis of Peace Fraternity, West Harwich, of the Secular Franciscan Order, will hold its monthly meeting on Sunday, July 28 at 2 p.m. at Holy Trinity Church, West Harwich. Mass will be celebratl:d by Father Cornelius Kelly, OFM, who will speak on "St. Bonaventure's Way to God." A business meeting, discussion and refreshments will follow. Recitation of the rosary for the end of abortion will begin at 1:30 p.m. Inquirers are welcome. Infor.mation: Dorothy Williams, tel. 3944094. SOMERSET/SWANSEA ULTREYA The Cursillo community of Somerset/ Swansea will hold an U:.treya on July 28, 7:30 p.m. at St. :Patrick's Church hall, South St., Somerset. The witness speaker is Claire Stevens, a member of the Somersf:t/ Swansea steering committee. All welcome. DIVORCED/SEPARATED CATHOLICS, CAPE COD The monthly meeting win be July 21,7 p.m., at the St. Pius Tenth life center in South Yarmouth. Julie Sachetti, a school adjustmt;:~t counselor, will speak on the topic of children and divorce. All welcome. Information: tel. 477-8913. SUPPORT GROUP FOR PARENTS & FAMILIES OF GA YS/LESBIANS The purpose of this group is to offer support to parents in a i;afe and confidential setting. Membe:rs in different states of the journey of accepting their gay children have an opportunity to share their experiences, concerns and interests wit:i1 other members. Conflicts with regard to faith and morals are referred to a religious advisor. Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month, 7 p.m., at the Catholic Social Services office, 261 South St., Hyanli.is. CATHOLIC ALUMNI CLUB The Catholic Alumni Club, an international Catholic singles club will hold a monthly social gal:hering, July 21, 6:30 p.m. at the Ground Round Restaurant located in the Silver City Galleria, Taunton. These meetings are held on the third Sunday of each month. Dress i!, casual and the meetings are open to those interested in joining the club. Membership information will be presented to interested non-members. Information: tel. 996-090 I or (401) 9445117. SEPARATED-DIVORCED! SUPPORT GROUP There will be a meeting July 22 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Rd., No. Dartmouth. Sister Jane Hogan will speak on "Moving Forward." All persons welcome. . ST. ANNE, NB The annual Triduum of Prayer in honor of St. Anne will be held July 24-26. The votive Mass for the sick with communal celebration of the sacrament of anointing of tile sick will be on July 24 at 7 p.m. On the 25th at 7 p.m. is the Mass for the Feast of St. James and on the 26th at 7 p.m. is the solemnity of St. Anne. All events will be at the chure:h .
The Word of the Lord
"I assure you that whoever does not accept the reign of God llke a little child shall not tuke partin it." Mk 110:15