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.VOL. 50, NO. 29 ~ Friday" July 2~, .2006

Southea~tern MassJchusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year








Dodging manl-iage a~t shields legislators;silbnces electorate. By DEACON JA~ES


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the amendmen~, but were narrowly edged BOSTON - Within days of the Massa~ out 100 to 91, 'ras something of an encour, chusetts ~upreme' Court~s ,ruUng that legi4 agement to supporters of the measure that lators could vote on a coristitutional amendL" would defme marri(ige in Massachusetts as ment to defIne marriage in' the Bay Statd,r between one man and one woman. the state's lawmakers opted to adjourn o~ , . Buftheir vote to.stay,is in noway indica' , ' II July 12 aI\d put off the vote until after the , tive 'of which way they would vote 'Vhen November elections. ' II the amendment, one of 11 unaddressed items . That many legislators in the region en'i . on that day's 21-issue agenda,comes up " , , compassed by the Fall River diocese vote4, again. to continue.with the agenda that included Tum to page three - Marriage




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FATHER JOHN Noone, pastor ofAnriunciatiol1: Parish in Kiln; Miss., examines' a restored crucifix, a gift jrom, Annunciation of the Lord Parish in Taunton. The plaque commemorates the spiritual bond between the sister • parishes. Whoto by Susan Finney)

Taunton 'parish "is spiritually ,linked with sister parish in Katri11;a-to'rn Mississippi . . -

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ordinator of Faith Fonnation at Annuncia. TAuNroN '~'For~ost of us "in South- tion of the Lord Parish in Taunton. "And eastern Massachusetts,:Hurricane Katrina is many of the childifm and teens are confused justa distant memory of disturbil).g images -. an(angry w~th God as to why he let this " ' and sound bites, on televisiori,news broad- happen.": casts, an~ in newspapers. But the effects of' Finney knows fIrst-hand of the struggles the category-four monster continue to haunt , in Louisi~a an9 Mississippi, having rethe folks in the Gulf Coast who are trying to cently returned from the region to visit Annunciation Parish in Kiln; Mississippi,' to regain at least a small bit of nonnalcy. • ''Ten months after the stonn hit, many of drop off a few gifts and some well wishes the adults ill Hurricane Katri:t:la's path, are from her Taunton parish. Kiln is less than Tum to page 10 - Sisters still shell-shocked," said Susan Finney, co:' By'DAVE JOLIVET, EDITOR

IRISH SINGER/SONGWRITER!! Dana, right, M(;ii'k Girardin, 'music di- ' rector at 5.1. Pius XParish, South Y~rmouth, and Kathy Harum, of S1. John' the,Eva':!gelistParish, Attleboro, p'~rform Dana's powerful, award-winning Pro-Life song, ''This Is My Body," at: the S1. Mary's Education Fund Dinner at Willowbend in, Mashpee last Fri~ay evening. The event drew a r~cord crowd of 285 people. (AnchortJOli~rt p~oto) , .

Diocesan priest has ~lways answered. .the bell: .Wheth~r it be Church or ,fire



FALL RIVER ~ When young' Tom Harrington was growing up in the shadow of St. Lawrence Church in New Bedford, he was a very impres.sionable lad. A stone's throw from his house was St. Lawr~nce Rectory ~here pastor Msgr. John F. McKeon, and Fathers ' John J. Murphy, John' F. Hogan, and John P. Driscoll - "the four Jacks," as they were .known in the 1940s, lived. A stone's throw away in another direc~on was the area fire station. - "I loved the priests at St. Lawrence," Msgr. Thomas'" J. Harrington, 68, told The Anchor in'a recent interview. "They in- ,

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FALL RIVER - Even though the 200~ geographic areas, parishes where great spired me a,great deat. And I used to love Catholic Charities Appeal missed its goal work was accomplished in this year's camto visit th~: firemen, as we called ,by the slightest of margins there were somJ ' paign," he added. fIrefIghters back then. My grandfather, "We are eXtremely grateful to them, very signifIcant increases in revenue and John Harrington, was a fIreman, though many in small innerparticipation levels ' II ~, . not at that station." , city parishes whose registered in parYoung Tom never, percentage gains , ishes all across the forgot his love for, his and levels ofparticiFall River diocese. parish priests, nor his pation are among "The totals that , admiration for those. the highest in the " comejn fr9m many, brave fIremen. He was of our larger pardiocese year~in a , ordained a priest for year-out." ishes frequently g~t the Fall River diocese the most visibility, St: Kilian's Par- , l by Bishop James L. ' ish in New Bedford I especially those that Connolly on May 30, realized an amazing i bring in over I ,1964. While assigned ,56 percent increase I $100,000, and cerat his very fIrst parish, in revenue, while , tainly we are thankSt. Francis Xavier in Holy Name in Fall ful and very depenHyannis, then pastor River amassed an, dent upon these exMsgr. William D. ,increase of. more tensive and vibrant Thomson, along with than 30 percent, and parish commuiliFather (later to beties,;' stated Mike Sl. Mary-Our Lady. come Msgr.) Arthur W. of the Isle Parish in Donly, director of" '. Tansey, convinced Nantucket increased by nearly 28 percent. ' Development for the diocese. Bishop Connolly that Two other parishes eclipsing the"20 "How~yer, we must recognize wi~ Tum to page 14equal enthusiasm, a good number of. percent mark were Sl. Joseph's i.n North Chaplain smaller communities of faith in several Tum to Ji,age 15 - Increases



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Outstanding increases by m~ny parishes' ( in ailnual Charities Appeal draws praise \

Reception in NewBedford tonight launches Msgr: Thomas J. Harrington's new book on his memories of a fire chaplain across the diocese" ,


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New Mar9nite pastor eager to meet New Bedfqrd parish; but not winter

Lebanese cardinal urges Maronite Catholics in U.S. to evangelize ,





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CHICAGO (CNS) - The 'transfonnedbyit.LetusbeshinMaronite Cath()lic patriarch, vis~ ing examples in the darkness of iting from Lebanon to com- the world as we bring the light memorate the 40th anniversary of Christ to every soul." of the first Maronite diocese in The 86-year-old cardinal is the U.S., thanked the United recognized by Christians and States for its efforts to support Muslims alike in Lebanon as a Lebanon and urged American moderating voice between Maronites to "be shining ex- Christians and Muslims in the amples in the darkriess of the' Middle East and is also an outworld." spoken advocate for Lebanon's Cardinal Nasrallah Pierre independence, sovereignty and Sfeir, patriarch of the Maronite freedom. Catholic Church, was a special Bishop Gregory J. Mansour guest at the recent convention of St. Maron of Brooklyn, of the National Apostolate of N.Y., called the cardinal "a Maronites in Chicago, attended symbol of hope and a beacon' by more than "of reason for "Let us stand equal to all religions 2 , 0 .0 0 Mar 0 nIt e s . . in the Middle from around our reputatIon by openmg East and in the U.S. our hearts, minds and Lebanon." Cardinal In his wel- ~hands to everyone, and let coming me~- no one be a stranger in our Sfeir told the sage, the C~dl- midst." gathering that nal descnbed "neighboring co un t ri e s Lebanon' as a country "that is still looking for continue to ,interfere among true and everlasting peace ... a Muslims and Christians in our country that keeps close to its , country, preventing a reunificaheart the words of Pope John tion" of the Lebanese people. Paul II: 'Lebanon is more than a As the convention came to a country, it is a message' of love close, Cardinal Sfeir reminded and conviviality.'" the faithful that one outcome of hi a homily July 4, Cardinal the'Maronite Catholic Church's Sfeir said, "We rejoiCe in this patriarchal synod, which conland offreedom and opportunity cluded in june, is that the laity that opened its doors for our are expected to do more evan' people to find Ii better life and gelical work. wher~ our Church has grown "Our missionary activity stronger along the years, espe- should become part of our cially since the establishment of Maronite identity, expressed by the eparchy(diocese) '40 years your attachment to our Church ago." , and service to the cormimnity," During the coiwention, Car- Cardinal Sfeir said. "Let charity dinal Sfeir also reiterated the ' embellish your character,. let message of.the late pope calling prayer nourish your heart; let for boldness in preaching the faith strengthen your knowl~ Gospel. edge; let hope freshen your soul "As priests, religious and to always loo~ beyond this dedicated Christians, we face earthly world toward the heavvarious struggles that challenge enly one: our faith," he said. "Violence, "We are known as injustice, indifference, pornog- Maronites - to have big hearts raphy,' materialism ... are just and to be hospitable," he added. so~e o~ the problems we face "Let us stand equal to our repudaily. EIther we surrender and ' tation by opening our hearts, lose, or we keep the faith, and minds and hands to everyone, stand firmly for the principles of' and let no one be a stranger in Christ's message of life and sal- our midst." The patriarch also was vation. " "We need to be the coura- scheduled to meet with U.S. geousvoice that awakens the Maronite Catholics in Detroit conscience of the people," Car- Lawrence, Mass., and Ne~ dinal Sfeir said:, "We are called York before returning to Lebato transfonn the world, not to be non.



In a play on words, he said that he's'ready ."To NEW BEDFORD - Fathe'~ John "Jack" go to Purgatory" - the parish. Noting that Father Morrison has not tasted the cold of a New England Semaan had just left there," Father Jack quipped; "One soul leaves and another enters in." , winter in more than eight years. 1:. ,,' .' He said tlie parish inNew Bedford is reportedly "So I'm looking forward to a warm reception at Our Lady of Purgatory Parish in New Bedford in larger than his parish in Fayetteville, which had hopes it will carry me through frigid times'ahead," approximately 160 families. "I understand there are as many as 250 families the Maronite Rite pastor mused en route 'from the warm climes of Fayetteville, N.C., in a telephone' in Our Lady of Purgatory Parish, and I am eagerly looking to going there and meeting the parishioi' ' interview with The Anchor. He is expected to arrive' . ners." But, he added, "I have dethis weekend. cided that winter and I don't Father Morrison succeeds like one another. I think that Father Charbel T. Semaan, after Christmas services I who served for 14 years as will stay inside and not come pastor of the Maronite Rite out until Easter. But I'll get parish in New Bedford and used to it over time and I who becomes pastor of Our know the warm hearts of paLady of Lebanon Parish in rishioners will certainly Waterbury, Conn., on Sunhelp." day. Although of Scottish heriA native of Litchfield, Conn., Father Jack, 56, is a tage' Father Jack said he convert from Anglicanism speaks Arabic, although most some 25 years ago. , of it is based on the liturgical parts of the Mass and not so "I was somewhat dissatismuch conversational. "But 1 fied with the theology of the can still be understood in resEpiscopal Church, and began ' taurants." attending St. Ml,l.fon's Church in Torrington, Conn., which While he still maintains a is a ,Maronite Parish of the great interest in music, he said "with the new parish in Catholic Church," he said. .New Bedford I think I'll be "They wanted me to bebusy enough to stay out of come their organist. I did, and trouble for a while." fell in love with their parish He is also in charge of dea- . and the Church," he said. "I cons and subdeacons for the ended up convertiQg and then Maronite eparchy, and probatte~ding Our Lady of Leba- ' ably will maintairi that renon 'Maronite Seminary in . Washington, D.C. to study FATHER JOHN Morrison will be- sponsibility. Father Jack said he would cOrJ1e the new pastor of Our Lady of for'the priesthood." . He was ore:taine? a priest Purgatory"in New Bedford. (Photo by probably get to meet with Cardinal Nasrallah Pierre 10 th~ MaroOlte Rite of the The Fayetteville Observer) Catholic Church in 1992 and ". Sfeir, the Maronite Catholic his first assignment was as assistantto Maronite. patriarch from Lebanon, w~o is currently in the ' Auxiliary Bishop John Chedid i.p Beverly Hiils, United States to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the first Maronite diocese in the U.S. Calif.: The patriarch is scheduled to meet with U.S. , He -was then assigned as pas~or to a parish" in Maronite Catholics this coming week in Lawrence, Troy, N.Y., where he spent six years. '~Then I was sent as pastor to' St. Michael the and then in Detroit and New York before returning ' Archangel Parish in Fayetteville, N.C., where'I to Lebanon. The Maronite Catholic Church is a worldwide have been for eight years." :! father Jack leaves after some recent publicity Eastern Catholic Church that traces its roots to a ' fourth-century Syrian monk named Maro'n, whose in the news media. ". ! i , "We had in our church building a bell ca"t in followers fled to the mountains of Lebanon to es1831. St. Patrick's Parish in Pierr~ is going to build cape persecution. There are approximately 100;00 Maronites in a new church and so we gave them back the bell which came from their formet church, which the United States and more than four million worldIi . burned down in 1831.'" , l wide. , ' ~!




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Sf. Mark Parish is a dynamic parish in Cehtral Massa:chusetts with about 1,200 f~milies. -Applicant should possess a diocesan certifidlte in catechetical studies or an equivalent degree from ~n accredited college or university. Applicant must h~ve experience in whole parish catechesis and faith :formation. Applicant must possess requisite knowledge of computer and communication technology. This is alifull time 'position, involving som'e weekends and evenihgs, depending on the needs of the parish. We offer a cqrnpetitive salary and benefit package commensurate wi~h education and experience.


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Frlday;;Uuly 21, 2000"

Marria'ge, But was the second maneuver by Senate President Robert Travaglini in as many months to recess the Constitutional Convention without taking up the marriage amendment a flagrant disregard for the will of the people? Or was it to insulate incumbent lawmakers from reaction by voters until two days after state ano national elections on November 9? The answers depend on whom' you ask. "The Protection of Marriage Act was next to last on the legislature's 21-item agenda for the ' Convention, and after four-and-ahalf hours legislators had only finished with the first 10," reported, Edward'F. Saunders Jr., executive director of the Massachusetts Catholic Council. "Although Travaglini has said publicly four days prior to the Convention that he hoped all 21 items would come up for a vote, he also was skeptical that they would'," recalled Saunders. The MCC is the, public policy voice of the four Catholic bishops of Massachusetts, who have supported the amendment, which in essence, would ban any same-sex marriages in the Bay State in the future. "Wednesday was a disappoint'ment. But the vote on the Amendment is still viable and will be on the calendar for November 9," said Saunders. "We need to take a deep breath, and gear up for November 9 and continue to hound our legislators and make our views known." Saunders said "the issue of protecting legislators whose votes on this volatile issue is considered by some as 'crucial to their political futures ... may have somehow played in the decision to adjourn," he said candidly, "but we're not sure." However, Kris Mineau, president of the MassachusettS Family Institute, was more adamant, accusing the legislators of sidestepping the issue. "Trying to get legislators back two days after an election is really asking for the moon. I think that is really disingenuous to pick that date," Mineau told VoteOnMarriage.org. To get on the 2008 statewide ballot, the amendment must twice .win the backing of 25 percent or 50 - ofthe state's 200 lawmakers; once during the current session and again during the session beginning nextJanuary. Rep. Phil Travis, D-Rehoboth, a firm supporter of the Amendment, and in the minority which voted to stay and keep working, said, "They (representatives and senators) walked away to vote themselves back into office. The majority decided to duck the issue again." Rep. Robert Correia, D-Fall River, a veteran of the political wars, who is seeking a 16th term in the House, and who also voted to stay and work on the agenda, said the decision to adjourn, "Is complex and involves many issues




Continued from page one

... depending on who you are and what side you're taking." Did the vote reflect uneasiness on the part of incumbents to make a controversial decision when reelection this fall was on the line? "Absolutely," asserted Correia. "It was part of the mix. But there is more." . He said that while it was "a long and tedious day," legislative leaders, including Travaglini and House Speaker Salvatore Dimasi, "have not hidden their views. They are absolutely not in favor of the Marriage Amendment. Opponents of the amendment didn't

want a vote to take place July 12, journment "in one way teflects that coming on the. heels of the state the 50 votes needed t6. move the Supreme Court's ruling that we 'Amendment are there.t could vote on it. This vote showed He also believes those who that." voted to remain "doesllnot reflect The high court's ruling, Correia that all 91 are in favor of the said, "Was affirming in many ways Amendment. Some oftbem are for of the people's right to determine gay marriage. But they want the the rules of their own society." matter to go to the people to deThe right of the people to vote cide, and I give them dredit for at was first put iIi by ultraliberals who least bending to the will:pfthe elecwanted people to have a better so- torate." II . ciety, stated Correia. "Now some Massachusetts Gov.IMitt Romofthose same people, because they ney, a Republican seen!las a likely disagree with the substance of an 2008 presidential contender, and II issue, want to change the rules. who strongly backed tlie AmendThat's not the way democracy ment, told Reuters that thelegisla.[ should work." tors have not escaped the issue by Correia also noted that the vote delaying the vote. II of those who voted against ad"Ina democracy,.thilpeOPle are

sovereign. The issue won't go away until the people are heard," Romney said. , In recent weeks, Romney has cited other high court rulings that "it is the constitutional duty of every legislator to give the Amendment an up or down vote during this legislative session." . In addition to Travis and Correia, area legislators voting to keep working July 12 included: Representatives Demetrius 1. Atsalis, D-Hyannis Stephen R. Canessa, D-New Bedford James H. Fagan, D-Taunton Susan W. Gifford, R-Wareham

Co!/-tinued on page 10 .


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Friday, JUly 21, 2006

Navarro-Valls On July 11, Pope Benedict acceded to Joaquin Navarro-Valls' "oft-expressed, readiness" to retire from the position of the director of the Holy See Press Office and de facto papal spokesman. PopeJohnPaulllin 1984 gave this Spanish layman the mandate and IeS9urces to bring the Vatican's press relations into the communications age. In addition ,to a thorough modernization ofthe offices ofthe Sala Stampa, Navarro and his Polish boss thoroughly changed the way the Holy See handled the news. Prior to Navarro's appointrtJ.ent, the traditional Vatican approach was, basically, the less said about something, the better. Navarro brought a whole new openness to media relations. He saw his task as notjust responding to queries - sometimes curious, sometimes hostile - posed by reporters from various world news outlets, but to inform the world, with positive enthusiasm, ofall that the Church was doing in service of God and mankind. He proactively wanted to take ,the bushel basket off the Church's good works and let their light shine for the whole worldto see. His press strategy is the one consciously adopted by this newspaper, as can be seen in the way we try to cover news stories,' as well as features like the Person of the Week. Navarro was also an icon ofa new type ofChurch leader. He was not a priest or religious, but a thoroughly formed layman. He was a specialist in internal medicine, a psychiatrist, and ajournalist. As a lay celibate member ofOpus Dei, he took all the same courses in philosophy, theology, Scripture and canon law that priests do. All that training proved providential and useful when, after a Stint as Vatican and eastern Mediterranean correspondent for a Spanish daily, he was tapped by John Paul II. Navarro was supreq1ely capable of translating the dense thoughts of papal encyclicals into journalistic sound-bytes intelligible to the modern world. He was deft and factual in relaying medical.information about an often-ill pope, especially during the later years. And his psychiatric background, he often joked, was great preparation for dealing with members of the Vatican press corps. He was more than a "Renaissance man," but a thoroughly 21steentury lay 'Catholic, whose example will remain both archetypal and inspirational.

On to November 9 - and 7 There wasjustifiable outrage last week when Massachusetts legislators, by a vote of 100-91, pusillanimously adjourned the Constitutional Convention. The original vote on the Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) was s~pposed to occur on May 10, but legislative leaders delayed it until July 12. Now they have postponed action until November 9. ' . All sides agree that had a May 10 or a July 12 vote been taken on the Marriage Protection Amendment, it would have safely surpassed the 50 of 200 votes necessary to send it to the 2007 legislative session and closer to the 2008 ballot. This new four-month delay, like the original three-month postponement, was agreed upon not because legislators have no time in $e next 120 days to take up what remained <?n the Convention agenda, but because it was pushed by MPA opponents 'in the hope that it will change the outcome. Same-sex marriage activists were delighted with the delay, declaring that it would give them time to try to change the votes of legislators currently in favor ofgiving Massachusetts citizens the final say on the meaning ofmarriage. They have stated that they believe that their commitment to defeating the MPA will prove greater than the resolve ofMPA supporters. In a game ofperseverance in the day-t<Hlay grind oflobbying politicians and the public, they are convinced they will triumph. That's wh짜 the first challenge for MPA supporters after last week's Beacon Hill chicanery is to prove this supposition wrong, by recommitting themselves to the long-haul and to match and exceed the dogged day-today exertion of the gay lobby. ' Also happy with the delay were the 100 Machiavellian legislators who thought, in adjourning until two days after legislative elections in November, that they would thereby insulate themselves from the electoral consequences of , a controversial and potentially politically-damaging vote. If they're going to cast a vote displeasing to the majority within their districts, so the misanthropic logic says, better to do it tw.o days after an election - when voters will have almost two years to forget it- than in the months immediately leading up to an election. But this cynical strategy will succeed only if voters permit it. They can make the scheme backfire on the legislators by turning the November 7 election into what these legislators are afraid of: a referendurn on their position on the MPA. If that occurs, then these two delays may prove very beneficial. For decades, supporters of traditional morality in the Bay State have relied almost exclusively on a lobbying strategy to defeat harmful measures. When Billy Bulger was Senate president and Thomas Finneran was speaker of the house, these tactics generally succeeded, as these leaders were able, sometimes almost single-handedly, to derail noxious legislation. But with Robert Travaglini and Sal Dimasi at the helm, that approach is no longer viable. If supporters of traditional morality in the Commonwealth want to prevent future disgraces like May 10 and July 12,they need to develop an electoral strategy to replace or at least complement the lobbying one of yesteryear. That strategy should begin this year. By their actions in May and July, state legislative leaders in support of same-sex marriage have shown they fear that a vote ' against the MPA before the election would come back to haunt theni in November. Moreover, by trying to derail the MPA before it can 'get to the people in 2008, they have also shown that they believe the majority of their fellow citizens will vote to eliminate same-sex marriage, like citizens of 19 other states have, if given the chance. If November 7 is made a referendum on the MPA, then these indications imply that in most districts of the Commonwealth candidates who support it will have the upper' hand.

the living word









Toward the top An'annual reunion of seminary classmates landed me in Colorado last week, for a challenging adventUre in hiking. The goal was to climb one of the!"fourteeners" - those mountain peaks in the' U.S. that exceed 14,000 feet in height. And the target chosen was the Mount of the Holy Cross, named for: the distinctly-shaped ' cross of snow that remains on the face of the mountain after the spring melt. These reunions are always a welcomed time of communal prayer, priestly fraternity arid outdoor adventures, but this year's turned out to be one of great spiritual lessons, as well. The first day involved a shorter hike, beginning from 10,000 feet, ascending 1,700 feet to cross the first pass, and then descending 900 feet on a steep, zig-zag path, to set up camp by a creek. Throughout the descent, the summit loomed off in the distance, seemingly unreachable. At this point, the only problem was the heavy packs we carried on our backs, with all of the necessary supplies. These packs weighed us down, and slowed our progress, as do many unavoidable burdens in life that must necessarily be carried and endured. With dark, threatening clouds moving closer, we pitched tents, and began to wonder what the night would bring. I suppose we could have survived a bad storm, but we knew we were only amateur hikers and campers, and we began to worry a little about what might happen, as we sent up more than a few prayers. How true the same is on the pilgrimage of our lives, as we face the unknown, with occasional signs of danger, that cause us to turn to God for help.' . The next morning, we rose ~3!ly.t9 begi~ our ll~cent t,othe

summit, but before heading out, we celebrated holy Mass in the beautiful cathedral of God's creation, overlooking the valley between the mountains. Just as in the adventure of our lives, our Lord's real presence in the Eucharist was true food for the "journey. Our patron for the hike was Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, the young Catholic layman from north~rn Italy in the, beginning of

the 20th century' - a great outdoorsman, witQ a special love for the mountains that was surpassed only by his love for the poor, from whom he contracted , polio, ending his life at age 24. , Blessed Pier Giorgio's motto was "verso l'alto!," or "toward the , top," signifying, not his love for climbing mountains, but his desire to climb the heights of sanctity. As our stamina waned throughout the hike, each of us called upon Blessed Pier Giorgio for courage and assistance. During the final ascent of almost 3,000 feet, with the weather threatening once again, and the Sl.!.mmit always seeming so far away, each of us voiced our increasing doubts that the goal , could be reached. We were running out of time and energy, with p~n, exhaustion, cold and thirst setting in and tempting us to give I,lp the fight. We thought of the analogous obstacles that always surface in life and in our efforts to be faithful to Christ, but we alsQ thought of the power of

hope, and the grace of perseverance that God promises to those who are faithful, and we continuedon. Toward the top, the path faded away, leaving only large boulders to be surmounted by sore hands and feet, with the summit now completely out of sight. As many saints have known, even those who are faithful can sometimes find themselves plummeted in darkness and confusion, seeking the way to Christ, and. struggling to persevere. But finally reaching the peak, and standing at the top brings a joy and sense of achievement that is hard to describe. We know it will be the same at the end of our pilgrimage, if we persevere in faith, to reach the summit of heaven. We know that then, we will not think of the pains and struggles involved in getting there, but only of the one whose perfect love abides and fulfills. "A life lived by faith resembles more an expedition up a mountain than a quiet evening spent reading in front of the fire." These are the words of our Hoiy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, and they are the words that came to mind during our climb" of the Mount of the Holy Cross., Although we all might welcome the thought of a peaceful, pleasant, and comfortable evening, without trials or challenges, we know that being' faithful to Christ is much more of an adventure and an upward climb that requires faith, hope, love and final perseverance. It is an adventure that often requires us to put into the deep, trusting that God will lead us and bring us to the end. Father Pignato is chaplain at Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth and is secretary to Bishop George If. Coleman.






. :Frld~y, July 21, 20~


Mother Nature gets."Sirius" It seems it was just a few deck for awhile. Like'bears that had been weeks back when I complained hibernating for the winter, about the incessant rain pelting neighbor after neighbor popped our area. The mantra heard out of their abodes to join us. We .around Soutbeastern Massachuhad a pretty good time "chilling" setts was, "A little bit of sun, please." in the muggy 80-degree evening air. But here I am this morning, If you recall a few weeks back still wringirig wet, but this time it's because we did get our little bit of sunshine. Ii's 'dog day time.. Frankly, my pooch isn't too thrilled with this either. Supposedly the "dog days" of summer refer to' the period from July through August when Sirius, the Dog Star, I also wrote about the impending rises. That makes sense because emergence of flocks of skeeters I find it very "Sirius" when I get up in the morning, take a shower heading our way. I also menand find it impossible to dry off. .tioned that for some reason they have labeled me as skeeter bait. And by the looks of it, Igor, my As the glowing ball of fire canine companion, finds it . "Sirius" when she pants in dipped below the horizon last night the temperature became perfect rhythm to the back beat quite refreshing. ' of a Beach Boys song. At the same time, squadrons Last night, when Mother' Nature dropped down her of skeeters began flying sorties around my deck mates and me. oven temperature to warm, Igor, my wife, daughter and I ': The scored hit after hit. Finally I headf:d out to "chill" on the held up a white flag (I should

have used Black Flag) and screamed "enough," excused my self, and went inside trying desperately not to scratch the direct hits. . As I ran for cover, my deck mates scratched their heads, arid it wasn't because of skeeter bites. "Funny," one said, "I don't see any mosquitos." Of course not. He was sitting next to a human Citronella candle. As long as I was out there, no one became a target. I know in the large scheme of things that God knows what he's doing. But for the life of me, I can't figure out why he created things like mosquitos, ticks, and, I know this is going to upset a few good friends, cats. But I do have a good sense why he created me - quite simply, to entertain mosquitos, ticks and cats. Despite the itching, "tick checks" each night, and the sneezing when cats are around - and they always seek me out to rub against my ankles - it's nice to know God put me here for a reason.

Mr. Weigel might contribute more to this disSanctimonious legislators ''Taking a St~nd with Christ" was dazzling in . cussion by attempting to find out why the other 'options for containing tyranny, see Burma, Libya, its presentation of clear and unflinching tru~. It is offensive to all practicing Catholics to know Sudan,South Africa etc., were so quickly cast aside that most elected legislators in Massachusetts - , in order to promote this tragic and bloody effort state and federal- sanctimoniously profess to b~ on our part. Peter Conroy, "Catholic" while pandering to anti-Catholic speOnset cial interest groups. It is even more disgusting to . receive the hply Eucharist a few steps from someIn happier days one who has just voted in favor of sameisex marHow sad that Catholic Charities of Boston must riage. Christ gave stem warnings to those who choose close the doors to. its adoption program, the core to be lukewarni. in offering "politically correct" .of its spiritual mission. How sad for so many infertile couples whose legacy is o~e of parenting. rationalization for disregarding his teachings. Our relationship with Catholic Charities' adopIn the Ten Commandments we are called to "Honor thy Father and thy Mother." Seems pretty tion services precedes the 1973 Roe V. Wade deciclear that the almighty intended every child have sion, after which, because .of abortions, numbers , of babies available for adoption rapidly dwindled. one of each and (be) in a stable married home. We were truly blessed; a beautiful daughter in Your wonderful defense of our Church's teach1964, a son two days before Christmas in '65 and ings gives us a standard for all to emulate. Patricia Stebbins ~mother son two weeks prior to a Feb. 1, 1970 deEast Sandwich' cision that barred a third placement. ! Our children are grown now. All are the most War wiggles loving and caring adults we could ask for. Not a Mr. Weigel, in his June 23 column, sounds,: day goes by that we don't realize our blessings as' piqued that all of the clergy, and laity by exten-' '. parents of these children. The joys I experienced sion, do not share his opinion on the validity of 'as their mother was unimaginable. our unprovoked attack on the State of Iraq .The T I can understand the conflict Boston Catholic fact that two Jesuit members of the Boston Col- Charities faced, but how sad for the multitude of lege faculty see the unprovoked attack on the sov- ,young couples that cannot afford the rising cost of ereign state of Iraq as an error in moral judgment c;>Verseas adoptions. . on the part of our government is, in my opini~m, a j Just where is the solution? Must the world confurther proof that our government erred badly when tinue to know us as a throw-away society ... which as Mr. Weigel says "what should be done ... about throws away our greatest assets, our babies? There a genocidal maniac" turned out to be an invasion ate many agencies, which offer free, safe and conof Iraq by armed forces of the ,U.S. fidential.services, one of which is "A Women's This "solution" to a problem that seems in hind- Concern" with six locations in Massachusetts. sight to be based on some exaggeration by the per- Their Fall River number is 508-646-2665; or on sons charged with prosecuting a foreign policy that the Web at www.awomansconcern.org. " Terry Heman is in the best interests of the country, did not and does not h~ve a necessary moral motive. Mashpee ,


Letters ar~ welcome but the editor reserves the right to cot,dense or editfor clarity if deemed necessary. Letters should be typed, no longer than 100 words' andshiJuld include name, address, and telephone number. Letters do not necessarily reflect the editorial views of The Anchor. , Letters should be sent to: The Anchor, Letters to the Editor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722-0007, or E-mailed to fathe"ogerlandry@anchomews.org. ' ("_ It

Montie Plumbing & Heating CO. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Services Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 JEFFERSON STREET FALL RIVER 508·675-7496 PRACTICE THE DEVOTION OF THE FIRST SATURDAYS, AS REQaESTED BY OUR LADY OF FATIMA 1

On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima>:land spoke these words: "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the s~lvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first SaturdJy of five consecutive months shall: 1. Go to confessiJn;2. Receive'Holy Communion; 3. Recite,the Rosary (5 decades)~~ and 4. Ke~p me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of . . II making reparation to me." In a spirit of repa~ation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." . Confessions maYl1be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday. .


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Friday, July 21, 2006



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Those in authority have a great responsibility toward their subjects, yet they are also subject to the tempta- ' ~ion of abusing their prestige, and promoting them.. selves in the process. The Book of Wisdom admonishes: "Terribly and swiftly shall he come against you, because judgment is stern for the exalted. For the lowly may be pardoned out of mercy, but the mighty shall be mightily put to the test" (Wisdom 5:5-6). Today, Jeremiah , (Jeremiah 23:1-6) condemns harshly the politicalauthorities of his day, .because they ruined the sheep entrusted to them. Then he promises that one day the Lord will provide, from the' hoqse of David, a wise and JUSt king, who will be a true shepherd of his people. I'n his Gospel, (Mk 6:3034) St. Matthew shows us that shepherd. He is Jesus of

¥$1iip~lefd's' :vbice


Nazaieth,~~nt {;y the'#!

~e,y.rho ;father, ~o,~.i .are lost, like sh without a .shephef(t }e§q~.Jll!fi:'!Jed this mission thr6i(ghliis' Word, a Word ~1lich~ontil1:­ ues to be proclaiinecf'foday" in thecomplUnity of his disciples. In Mark (5:30-32), the Apostles report to Jesus all they had done and taught, and Jesus invites them to '''come away by yourselves to a .deserted place and rest a while .... Then they went off in a boat by themselves." Mark is teaching us that all who offer any ministry in the Christian community should do it with an extreme generosity: "they had no . opportunity even to, eat." Jesus does n.Qt suggest' tha~ his disciples engage themselves'in aCtivities to the point of neg~ecting thei,r own responsibiijties toward


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"'tlgathered together" wIth""" lesu~'1¥and.~eported their activities arid teaChings, r¢presented the com-, .they > . • .,' >~<"

munity in need ofcontact with their master. A good worker must learn what his boss expects from him; and after accomplishing his job, he must report the succes~ of his mission. . Mark's Christian commu,nity, then,must avoid the danger of elaborating projects' orpri:>grams, without fIrst confoiming with the Lord's word~andmi.nd.1I?he same· t'(" ",


happens today: Jesus' disrqiples work tirelessly, engage ill innumerable activities, ~uggest all kinds of activities. Sometimes,however, they ac.t on their own impulses and . ioeas, forgetting to conform, , with the community, or, worse still, with the word of the Gospel. This happens because there is neither patience nor courage to stop a while to pray and reflect with Christ on what has been done, or needs to be done. Leisure time is important. The Rule of St. Benedict has advised society for 1,500 years to live' according to the threefold rhythm of prayer,'.work and recreation. Yet Jesus' suggestedrest only lasted while he and his llisciples crpssedthe lake in the boat, because the crowd Jr"hastened on foot from all the towns, and arrived at the place .Iibefore them"(Mark 6:33-34).

Those in the boat represent the Christian community reflecting and confronting their own ministry with the Lord, before returning to the midst of the people. This community, bearer of a word of hope and of salvation, is anxiously awaited , by the crowd: "Jesus was moved with pity .for them, for they'were like sheep without a shepherd." Mark, therefore, has Jesus reassuming the image ' of a shepherd. The master , sat down and began to teach them many things; he dialogued with them, understood their concerns, and, with God's patient endurance, he taught them about his and our Father. ' Remember, Jesus-themaster-shepherd, knows our human nature well, and knows exactly how it works. Just follow his voice.

Father Arruda is pastor of St. Anthony's Parish in Taunton.

Truth at the 50-y:ard line In a series of talks and ,that evening, of what led up to interviews surrounding the them, and of what followed. The Clinton White House announcement of his retirement as archbishop of Washhad rather brashly informed ington, Cardinal Theodore the Holy See that the president McCarrick frequently told his would meet the pope at the door and escort John Paul up favorite John Paul II story: the the aisle of the cathedral. The story of the pope walking up the center aisle of Newark Holy See politely replied that cathedral in October 1995, the pope would enter touching people on both sides. the cathedral the way This, Cardinal McCarrick he entered every suggested, was how priests and other church in the bishops ought to act world - without the sticking to the "middle," in guidante of politicians. The Holy See order to be in touch with everyone. Or, as he told prevailed, and John National Public Radio, "the Paul did indeed touch job of a priest always forces some of the many you to the middle ... We've got people reaching out to him as he walked' to be in the middle so that we don't let those on the left or to the sanctuary 'to preside the right get lost." over Evening Prayer. At the I have other memories of end of the service, two people events in Newark's magnifiwalked down the aisle of cent Sacred Heart Cathedral Sacred Heart Cathedral,

i I


Please note. Thg finchor will not publish on )uly 28 and fiugus't 4. 2006. The office will remain open from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. on weekdays during that period. Thg finchorwill return to your homes with the August 11 edition.

yard line. Is the "ancient . goctrine. Shortly before the Holy See announced that Pope dogmatic formula" which attests to "Jesus Christ, His Benedict had accepted Cardionly ~on, our Lord" true? Or is rial McCarrick's retirement, R. it false? To stand in the center Scott Appleby wrote in the of the aisle and claim to be in Washington Post about three communion of mind and heart Catholics, representatives of a with people who both affirm !'people's Church," which Dr. and deny that formula is to Appleby described as , confess to severe intellectual "Catholicism's great confusion. Is a validly orhope" in the 21st dained priest necessary for the century: "a Jakarta valid consecration of the' nun who describes ,Eucha,rlst, or isn't he? It's hard herself as both a devout Catholic and a '. to believe that Cardinal McCarrick would have wanted devout Muslim; a Sri his archdiocesan vocation Lankan Jesuit whose director to stand in the center Asian-inflected theology of Christ and of the 'aisle on that one. That priests and bishops the Church has little must be able to minister to room for the ancient people across the spectrum of their thing, the priest and dogmatic formulas preserved reasonable theological and 'by Rome; the president of a bishop being a priest and political opinion goes, or Benedictine college in Manila bishop. It was a striking, and should go, without saying. ! telling, difference. "who has no qualms about That priests and bishops can It's not easy to know what celebrating Mass without a be true, ministers of the priest." Cardinal McCarrick means by Gospel by thiriking and acting his oft-repeated admonition:to : Is this the 50-yard line? Or, as if every question were a moderation. He certainly . to vary the sporting metaphor, football field on which truth wasn't moderate - he wasn't :is this somewhere out in the lies at the 50-yard line is ready to split the differences at parking lot, way beyond the , another matter entirely; see ileft-field bleachers,?' the 50-yard line, so to speak. Revelation 3.16. when things he believed in ! Jesus of Nazareth is the George Weigel is a senior 'Christ of God or he isn't; were at stake. To take one fellow of the Ethics and Mohammed is the final example: students from .Public Policy Center in prophet or he isn't; you can't impoverished families in Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C., can use t~­ split the difference at the 50funded vouchers to attend Catholic schools because In honor of Sister Lucia dos Santos, Cardinal McCarrick was thoroughly immoderate, seer of Fatima, who died indeed relentless, in lobbying February 13,2005, age 97. Congress on their behalf. Lucia pray for us. Then there are questions Of craftily shaking hands on 3;11 ~ sides: President and Mrs. ' Clinton. John Paul II departed by a side aisle in order to gray at the Blessed Sacrament chapel. New Jersey public! television juxtaposed these simultaneous events on a split screen: ~e politicians doing




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Friday, July 21, 200~<

7 -



opposite the frontdoqr? It has to be visibly central,put not .necessarily at one end or even< on axis. Where do yoh put the resider's chair? WhJt,ever , P II works. What about tlie tabernacle? This is a hot-bhtton issue. It must be visitile and well-sitedfor its put]pse. That's .about all the directive says. How about the Baptismal font? That's wide op~p. It doesn't even have. to be in the .- 11 church building per se. Where to put the pulpit? Be dreative. . Newport liturgica~ de~igner Aide Berthume had private audience with Pope i;bhn XXIII during the Secbnd Vatican Council. She ~sked what he thought a' pos~- Vatican· II chur~h should lookl~like. His' Holiness supposedly answered: "I'm the pope. My joB islo issue the decrees. YoJ're the church designer. You~Uob is to create the concrete expression." There are thousands of other options: the artwork, ;llie . sacred vessels, the vdtments; , I the sound system, special. purpose areas, shrine~~ chapels, ambry. for.the Holy Oils, , . sacristies, -etc. You end'up with a vast array of choicd. Build a 'I Bear, you've been trumped. A parish building cbmmittee would be established to review' options. Bishop George W. ' Coleman and his staf'fi would be directly irivolved. 'This' includes the Chief Firilmcial Officer (Father Mikell ' McManus), the Diocesan . Liturgical CommissioA (chaired by Msgr. Steve AVila):~ and the staff contractor/architect II (Deacon TomPalanz~), among others. It's hard work. iiThere are, thankfully, some guidelines: the General Instruction of the Roman Missal on In international level, "Bbilt o( Living Stones" on the hational le,vel, and,.lots of 'opinr6ns I

Stuff~it·yourself Wednesday 19 July 2006 station. In between you will adding several hearts. Did I Pori ofNew York - The 200th , ' find colored stuffing, clothes, mention Build a Bear Work'fashion accessories, food, shop last year netted $361.8 day of the year furniture, eyeglasses, and ev~n Here I stand in the mother million? house of stuff~it-yourself camping equipment. At the ') When you've finished . 'mear Me" station, decide what .' s,hopping, your bear is issued a projects. ,Cabbage Patch Dolls birth certificate and sent and Beanie Babies are home. If this everyour mother's, toys. _ talking bear snould Welcome to the "inter:' .' "actidentally"\get lost, active shopping' . not to worry. It has a experience" of Build a barcode tied irito the " Bear Workshop. This flag-ship store is . computer data'base: When found, it will be a merchandising frenzy. retuned to youiThere's There are eight stations, each' offering a gazillion no way you car get rid bear essentials. Besides of it. I legions of pint-sized Build a Bear is I . individual shoppers and their child's play compaiedlto Build you want your bear to say . families, there are inJitationa Church. Church builders have forever. At the "Name Me" far more Qptions. station, enter information in a only parties happening as well. Party-goers build bears; What·is the church exterior computer or shell to lQok like? Is there a The process is similar to an Don't forget the heart. Of all-you-can-eat buffet. Begin favored style of architecture? course it needs a heart. Who with the '.'Pick Me'~ station. would be so foolish as to hug a No, there's not. What about the Plush' coverings are available. heartless bear?! like the purple interiorspace? The di~ectives 'are minimal. Does the assemfor $10. The kids; of-course, all one. If one heart is good~ more bly have to sit in straight rows? want the high-end $30 shells. i~ better. -You can make many', ' End·at the "Take Me Home" . . No. Does the altar hav~ to be ~ishes for the recipient by ,


In theplidslL 'sitl~il- ' family it is eas et ri! .• weighed down with just the. basics ofchildc~l1 and lqse the joy of-watching our4.; children grow and mature. Our kids are br;i&ht and,full of . life, as I'Ia1ow every par~'s children are, and I want to do my bestto laun"~them,into this world. The ploblemis that I often feel like I'm not making any headway. My primary modus operan9i is to go flat out and just get the job done. Nothing makes me happier than crossing something offmy ''TQ'!E)o List," which is . probably why I find it so demoralizing:t,qL; 'full of";;'i~d'chetty1 waking up to the 'same "to ", their onlY foodsourc do's" on my mothering list each morning.·;;:' .'·:;fyoui.:Q9ldI1't.~~.en. 's;,' "Why does everyonefiave to ~at, again, today? Didn:t I just feed them yesterdaY?i:; Didn't I just Clean that floor and fold those socks? When do I get to m~)Ve onto the big things, like teachin::g them to be good grown-ups? I'm trying to raise a family, hete, wpa!i.§ . with the messy little details?" Anyone with childr~n can relate, I'm sure. ,But I have _'4"": _ ,,:,;;)#, hope to share, hop~ that was given to me by some giant Cecropia moth c~ferpil1ars: Early one August, my! husband brought home about forty of these ca~fllillar~ta.nd everyone was eifger to watch them change from caterpillar to cocoon to mo:th:: Each tiny,

offered by experts. . Since the Second Vatican Council, an exclusive club of diocesan priests have found themselves inviting the bishop' to dedicate a brand new church. These include: Msgrs. Chris · Broderick (Sf. Pius X), Ron · Tosti (Christ the King), John Moore (St. Mary), Fathers Dan Freitas (St. John of Ood), John Hogan (St Julie), Ernie, Blaise (Notre Dame), Tom Mayhew (Mount Carmel), George Harrison (St. John' Neumann), Jack Andrews (St. Joan of Arc) and Marcel Bouchard (Corpus Christi). · Let's not forget St. John the Baptist Church, Westport. The · rarest member of the club ' would be right now Father Joe ,Powers.:- two churches (St. ,Mark and St. Elizabeth Seton). Any priest who builds a , .church has earned his Purple Heart. Nationally, heart attacks among priests who have ' 'recently built churches run ' , high. There is much stress. Father Dan Freitas and thenDeacon Arnie Medeiros actually lived in a rectory as it was being moved to provide space for a new church. Every morning they woke up at a . different address. Talk about the Pilgrim Church. Next up to 'build a church is Father Henry Dahl and St. Peter's'faith community in Provincetown. There is talk of Father Mike Nagle building on Martha's Vineyard. Rumor also has it that Father Jack Andrews may be building his second church on the Cape. Pray for those who build, not bears, but churches. ' " Father Goldrick is pastor of St. Bernard Parish, Assonet. Comments are welcome at StBernardAssonet@aol.com.. Previous columns are at www.StBernardAssonet.org.


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Friday, JUly 21, 2006





POpe to, visit Bavarian cities, ' where he taught, studied, served VATI~AN CITY (CNS) When Pope Benedict XVI visits Germany this September, he will ,make stops in his hometown of Marktl am Inn, a nearby town that houses a Marian shrine, and cit, ies where he studied for the priesthood, taught theology and served as archbishop.' , On September 9 Pope ~enedict will fly from Rome to Munich, where he will stay until September 11. He served as archbishop of Munich and Freising, 19771981, before he was called to Rome by Pope John Paul II to be prefect of the Congregation for the ' Doctrine of the Faith. On September 11, he will travel froni Munich to Altotting.

As a boy, Pope Benedict often went with his parents to Altottirig to pray at the shrine of the Black Madonna, As an adult;hereturned to Altotting frequently, sometimes for private, low-key visits. ' Later that same day, the pope will head to Marktl am Inn, where he was born. From there, he will travel to Regensburg, where he will stay for four days. Pope B~nedict taught the()logy at RegeIisburg University, his par~ ents are buried in the city, and his brother, Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, stilll1ves there. Oil SepteI:Ilber 14 the popewill go from Regensburg to Freising, where he went to the seminary, finished his undergraduate stud, ies and was ordained a priest.

Eastern' Television

He wilJ then head back to Munich to fly back to Rome.'

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VATICAN SPOKESMAN Joaquin Navarro-Valls, right, accorilpanie~ Pope Benedict XVI as he speaks to reporters before flying to Valencia, Spain, from Leonardo da Vinci Airport in ~ome recently. Navarro-Valls, who became known around the world during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, is stepping down.after 22 years of service. (CNS photo/Chris Helgren, Reuters) . ' "


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Pope accepts 'resignation of longtime . Vatican spokesman, Navarro-Valls.


St. Anne's ,Prayer


\vith such "exceptional ability, He was named program direcintelligence and deqication." tor of Vatican Radio in 1991 and VATICAN CITY - P,ope " In a written statement ad- was appointed general director of Benedict XVI accepted the resig- ' clressed to journalists accredited the radio in 2005 by Pope nation of longtime Vatican with the Vatican press office, Fa- Benedict. He became general dispokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls ther Lombardi said they could rector of the Vatican television July 11 and named Jesuit. Father count on him to dedicate himself, statio,n, CTV, in 2001. . , Federico Lombardi to replace hiin t'withiIi my limits but with all the Navarro-Valls, who is a medias head of the Vatican press of- power at my disposal, to serve the cal doctor by training, an !luthor fice. Holy Father and your good work." of books on the family and fluent , • Prompt 24 Hour service '. Automatic Deliveries " ~'Like you, I have been work- in several languages, was ap~ Navarro-Valls, who turns 70 in " • Call In Deliveries j ' • Budget Terms Available November, had asked to retire ing :for some time to make sure 'pointed in 1984 by the most me• Free Estimates from his post after spending the the activity of the Holy Father and dia"'conscious pontiff in history, past 22' y~ars as director of Pope John Paul II. You Never Had Service what turned into one of the " In naming Navarro-Valls Until You Tried Charlie's Vatican'smos'tvisiblejobs. ' Navarro-Valls oRen provided col'his spokesman, Pope John We're located at ... , The Spanish journalist ortu/, picturesque detaiis concern-' Paul chose a professional lay 46 Oak Grove Ave., Fall River and medical doctor said in jourrialist ,and a' Spaniard orcal/ :.. a statement that he was' ,ing Pope Jo.hn Paul's activities and who was also a member of 508-675-7426 • 508-674-0709 pleased the pope had ac;- daily life. He also actedmany times the influential Catholic qrgacepted his "oft-expressed as an adviserto thepope on the me- nization opus Dei. Navarro-Valls often proreadiness" to step down arid- dia impact ofpapal decisions. ' . . . - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - , , that he felt he received vided colorful, picturesque much more than he had details concerning Pope - ,'.'. \ .',I~ .,,' The Franciscans' been'able to give to his job over the Church be known and objec- John Paul's activities and daily' .~.~.\t·!: Immaculate Conception Province ,~,,:-"'\', '\ 'I' (OFM)'" the years; , , tively and adequately under-, life. He also acted many times as , ;"1.' .'~ 't...... . ., The ,appointment of 63-year- "stood," he said. ' an ~dviser to t:J:1e pope on the me, .,,; Vocation Director: ,old Father Lombardi not only puts :' The Italian Jesuit stQpped by dia impact of papal decisions. Dr. Charles Gingerich, ofm a religious journalist at the helm the press office just minutes, be- ' , He traveled with the pope on Email: Charles848@aol.com of the Vatican press office; it also fore his appointment became of- almost all of his apostolic jourll1ll!ks another reorganization of ;.fici~ July 11 to illformally meet neys and became a well-recog- , Website: 'Vatican offices under Pope !journalists working in the press nized figure especially when Pope WWW.FRANCISCANVOC.ORG Benedict. 'office aild to answer questions John Paul fell ill in 2004. He regu- , The Italian Jesuit will remain 'about his background. larly held press conferences to 1~800-521-5442 (days)' , as general director of.Vatican Ra- ,Fluent in Italian, German, relay news to the world of the 1-888~521-5442 (evenings) dio and the Vatican Television ,French and what he described as pope's deteriorating condition. , , 978-863-0042, Center as he heads the Vatican passable English, Father· In 1992, Navarro-Valls over978-863-0041 (evenings only) , press office, therebY,merging the Lombardi was born In northern hauled the press office with a $2 FAX: 978-863-0172 leadership and coordination Qf. Italy near Turin In 1942: .million technological face-lift 459 iI~e~ Road ' , these three media outlets. 'After he became a Jesuit priest along with much needed, modernAndover, MA 01810-4213 ' ' In a statemen~, he thanked the: in 1972, he worked for the influ- ized facilities. He also revolutionope and other Vatican officials ential Jesuit-run magazine, La ized the distribution of material by P , CANADA ' , and served as making . archives, documents and '''for the trust th,ey place in me" CiviltaCattolica, 2210 Lawrence Ave. East, '. . . th e pope ' s • 11 ONT MIP2P9 and,expressedappreciationforthe supe~or of. the Jesuits' Italian, statistics concernIng

,"Good St. Anne, Mother of Mary; and' , Grandmother of Jesus, Intercede for me and my' petitions. Amen."

Charlie's Oil Co., Inc.


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2006 CATHOLIC CHARITIES ApPEAL FINAL FIGURES . . I Top Five Parishes by Deanery

Attleboro Area Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk $ 152,788.00 S1. Mary, Mansfield 88,757.00 . S1. John the Evangelist, Attleboro 65,723.00 S1. Mark, Attleboro Falls 55,290.00 S1. Mary, Seekonk 47,279.00 Cape Cod & the Islands Area S1. Pius Tenth, South Yarmouth $ 182,557.49 113,949.00 Our Lady of Victory, Centerville Christ the King, Mashpee. 106,978.00 S1. John the Evangelist, Pocasset 105,900.00 Corpus Christi, East Sandwich 98,932.50 Fall River Area Holy Name', Fall River $ S1. Thomas More, Somerset S1. John the Baptist, Westport Santo Christo, Fall River St. Stanislaus, Fall River

66,986.00 40,215.00 39,935.00 36,683.00 34,617.00

'Attleboro;:::-:' . :Holy Ghost Saint John the Evangelist . Saint Joseph Saint Stephen Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus.; . , M a n s f i e l d ' N·, Saint Mary .North Attleboro Sacred Heart :d ,Saint Mark .••.SaintMary Saint Mary Seekonk Our Lady of Mount Carmel Saint Mary

98,678.00 43,708.00 41,534.00 32,502,00, 29,020,00


22,416.01 ,.28,042.00

33,132.00 5.5,290;00,'



26,425.00 152,788.00 47,279.00

CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS AREA Brewster "Our L\idy of the Cape, . zzardsBay


ervllle. "f.Lady ,Holy Redeemer

.' 61;061'.00

::East Falmouth Saint Anthony . EastSandwich . rpus Christi outti· ):t~ ;Patric~ .

6,289.50 4,173.00 2,252.00

Wes Otit' y Of Grace 'I . St: Ge:ptge Saint-John the Baptist '. It


'15,849.00 23,017.00 39,935.00


New' edford Holy


eoftheSacredHeartofJesus $ 33,236.00 .Conception. . ,. 48,712.,00 ftheAssulllpti'on,, '.. , )J1,120.00 F~tirna" '.' "~'., '. '" w:;'::',:ZZ;838.00 (Guadalupe st:Jame;::~,~)~j9,840.00 !1"ofMount Carrn~l '63,662.00 (iYof Perpetual Help 27,220.00 'tl:tony of Padua 11.317.71 tMCis of Assisi . 1'4,499.50 hnthe Baptist 26,115.00 20,051.00 seph;Saint Therese 6,009.00 .29,896.55 00



LarKest Dollar Increase

Attleboro Area S1. Mary, Mansfield S1. Mary, Nbrtori. S1. Mary, North Attleboro




26,111.00 29,252.00 40,215.00

.;t Norton

New Bedford Area S1. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth $ 68,759.00 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford 63,622.00 . 60,393.00 S1. John Neumann, East Freetown 57,295.00 S1. Patrick, Wareham 50,047.00 S1. Mary, South Dartmouth Taunton Area S1. Ann, Raynham S1. Anthony, Taunton Holy Family, East Taunton Annunciation of the Lord, Taunton Holy.Cross, South Easton


. 71,523.00

Cape Cod & the Islands Area St Mary/Our Lady ofthe Isle, Nantucket $ 11,484.00 5,320.50 Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville Our Lady ofthe Cape, Brewster 3,752.50 Fall River Area Holy Name, Fall River' S1. Louis de Frarice, 'swansea S1. Mary Cathedral, Fall River

• ,26,071.00 14;209.00

$ 15,574.00 2,319.00 1,533.00

. New Bedford Area . Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford $. 4,783.00 St. Kilian, New Bedford 2;173.00 Our Lady of M1. Carmel, New Bedford 1,382.00 Taunton Area St Ann, Raynham St Joseph, North Dighton S1. Joseph, Taunton


8,435.. 50. 4,572:00 3,294.50·


LarKest PercentaKe Increase

. Attleboro Area S1. Mary, Norton S1. Mary, Mansfield' Sacred Heart, North Attleboro


..:,;v~15iQ:88.qO , ;:'::,;;.:~';4?'Z,306.00 :",'~2~';Z1 0.00 "27,3,51.00 .,

;,. 10,658.00 30.29% 8.89% . 8.43%


New Bedford Area 56.65% S1. Kilian, New Bedford Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford 21.32% 5.59% S1. Anthony of Padua, New Bedford Taunton Area . St. Joseph, North Dighton St. Joseph, Taunton S1. Ann;·Raynham ....... - ,-; ---


9.00 .00

·18.75% 7.63% 7.29%

Cape Cod & the Islands Area , S1. Mary/Our Lady of theIsle, Nantucket 27.65% 7.48% . Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville S1. Patrick, falmouth . 5.92% ; Fall River Area Holy Name, Fall River S1. Louis de France, Swansea S1. Mary Cathedral, Fall River



0.00, ....

2.64 '1..... •

21.80% 13.72% 9.35%

A(SaintJoseph t·, . . . . ,;",SaintMicbael


,123.00 28,775.00 :/:.;;:':<i.Jt;;~::::t:;..:" 20.223.00


:;:#$aint;lP~wr ap9,p,~q1~..l.ii' J1~~~i·{··(J\j\4,906.00 ,/.)<{" .,':-',',',/(i"'./J. ,", . L. j


006 Catholic Charities Appeal -t. of the Fall River Diocese , ," . all the generous donors





i,' !

ACUSHNET M&M John Carty,' M&M Harold DownBUZZARDS BAY St. Francis Xavier: $1,OOO-M&M ing, Adela Dudovicz,M&M Malte Ebeling, . St. Margaret: $1,250-James Feeney; David Fredette; $600-Piping Systems, . M&M David J. Foley, M&M JotID Kelley, $1,OOO-Richard Gurnon; $SOO-Kathleen & Inc.;$SOO-St Vincent de Paul Society, Bill Marguerite Stringham; $124-M&M Victor Gerald Coyle, Timothy McDonald, Port Paul & Pauline Lally, M&M Joseph Bonneville;,$l2O-M&M Joseph DeStefano; O'Call, Inc.; $300-Madeline O'Leary; Teixeira, Natalio & Doris Gomes, Marg\l- $llO-M&M Salvatore Ciccio; $100-Ann $250-Francis & John Saccone, Anna & ret Ferreira; $4OO-Jean Pelletier; $300-The Balser, M&M Joseph Caponigro, M&M Bryan Marini, Carol Mazzarelli, Karen & Castelo Group; $250-Mark & Mary Hadley; Donald Desvergnes, M&M David Downey, Robert Buckley, Joseph Zeadey; $200$200-M&M Joseph Souza, M&M Paul Agnes Frederickson, M&M Robert Anna Shea, Elizabeth & Gerald Hough, Penha, M&M Thomas DeBarros, M&M Haggerty, M&M Joseph Hall, Edward Cape Cod Nursing & Rehab Center, Stephen Eubanks; $160-Bemard Ppyant; . Kelley, Laura LaPerche, M&M Frederick Fernanda & Edward Secher, Jr.; $150$150-Arthur Perryman, Lemieux Electric; Marshall, Robert Mayer, M&M Richard Mary Fuller, Barl>ara & Joseph Smolinsky, $125-Raymond & Dorothy Pepin, Thomas Pimble, M&M Robert Robichaud, M&M Elizabeth Stephens; $125-Edith & Gordon & Kathy Rayner, M&M ;David Trindade, Michael Smons, M&M Donald 1\vedt, Oliosi, Lorraine & John Viveiros, Bay Barl>ara Mello; $120-M&M James Poirier; M&M Robert Vandal, Alison Wood, Louis Motor Inn; $120~George Reid; $100$llO-Manuel & Anne Medeiros, Jr.; $105- Aracri, M&M Daniel Blake, M&M George M&M Manuel Subda, Judith & Calum Ron & Jan Pimental; $100-Yvonne Adams, Chalhoub, M&M Thomas Fenton, M&M MacLachlan, Anne· Lonergan, Frances Laurinda Camara, M&M Jose Franco, Jose Eli Mulligan, Celia Ney, Suzanne Ney, Zlogar, Lucille & Leo Bergeron, Bridget Castelo, M&M William Frates, M&M J. M&M Robert. O'Donnell, Sandra Parker, & August Christofari, Richard Consoni, Arthur Ross, Donald & Germaine St Gelais, Roberta Tmkham, M&M Kevin Arvisais, Anonymous, Ruth & Charles Mason, William & Frances Kennedy, Sandra P\ltricia Bischoff, M&M David Chace, Ramona Lynch, Martha Monaghan, Helen Holmes, Matthew & Tracey DeMello, Ron M&M Edward Gagnon, Andrea Giordano, Smith, John & Dominga Andrade, Jeanne & Jeanne DeMilio, M&M Normand Mrs. Ralph Giordano, M&M Gerard McMahon, John & Marie Bellissimo, _ Laporte, Ron & Anne Nolin, Gary's Best, Kenton, M&M Peter Lynch, M&M John Walter Eno, Richard & Teresa White, Ruth Walter & Zoraida Bohn, Walter & Simone Mungo, M&M William D. Petersen, M&M & Paul Caldwell, Mary Hough, NickersonDalton, Jr., Alice Veary, M&M Avelino David Stadolnik, M&M Robert P. Turcotte, Boume Funeral Home, Groundwater AnaDeSouza, M&M Paul Desrosiers, Joan M&M Leroy Yarboro, M&M Marcel lytical, Inc., Cape Cod Filling Station, Gerri Dion, M&M Isaac DeResendes, M&M Charron, Paula Flynn, Angela Galligan, & Victor Barrows, Noemi & Dana Lymon, Ronald Piva, M&M Artur Vilacha, Romeo M&M Robert Girling, M&M Frank Dot & Gerard Hannon, Dr. & M Patrick . & Oaire Jodoin, Stephen & Jeannine Watts, Marchione, Helen Shanley, Elsie Walsh O'Reagan, Judith M. Plummer. Raymond & Paula St. Pierre, Dianne Spellman, Rosemarie Tinory, Aurora CENTERViLLE Jacques, M&M Nelson Cardoso, William Arevalo, M&M Brian Banner, M&M Our Lady of Victor:y: $1,OOO-M&M & Irene Morin, M&M Edward Cabral, Stephen Blazejewsld, M&M Charles Joseph Ippolito, M&M James Murphy, Sr., M&M Charles Marshall, David Bozzi, Clarke, In Memory of Mary & Herman W1lIiam Zimmer; $SOO-Ralph Babusci, Jr., M&M Wayne Poitras. Costa, M&M Tyler Foster, M&M George Patricia Cahill, Kathleen Condon; $4001. Geisser, Julie Hammond, Kevin Holley, Jacqueline Crowley, Veronica Mooney, ASSONET St. Bernard: $500-Michael & Dr. M&M Robert J. Lane, M&M Al!thony M&MRobert Smith; $350-lrene Knapp, Diane Patrick; ·$300-Michael & Jane Magina, M&M Matthew Savastano, M&M M&M Glenn Gavin; $300-Mrs. William Mailloux, Douglas & Cynthia Michaud, D. Tunothy B. Sullivan, M&M John White, Cotter, Donna Cafolla, Veronica Lee, M&M Patricia Powell; $250-John Piekos; $200- M&M Thomas 1. Carroll, M&M Ronald Barry Sturgis; $250-M&M Richard PowWmifred Canulla, Dennis & Margaret Read, Churchill, M&M Paul Escobar, In Memory ers, M&M Joseph O'Brien, Sr., Our Lady Maurice & Maureen Beaudoin; $150- of Larry Keating, M&M Andrew Nyzio, of Victory/Our Lady of Hope Women's Wilfred & Patricia Canto; $125-Vilma Donald Pelletier, M&M Robert Raymond, Guild, M&M Edward Kirk; $200-Kathleen Medeiros; $100-Charles & Gertrude M&M Garry Wheelock, Annette Brown, , Catrambone, M&M Albert Long, M&M McCarthy, Mary Andrews, John Demetrius, M&M William Hannigan, M&M Giuseppe Joseph Donohue, M&M Harry Evans ill, Helene Reddy, Normand & Margaret Lepore, M&M Michael Janicki, Raymond M&M Michael McManus, M&M John . Laurianno, George & Carole DuBois, Jo- Langlois, M&M Steven J. Panicci, M&M Roriayne, Dr&M Kenneth Scalera, M&M seph & Patricia Benevides, Joseph & Sonia Scott L. Scales, Carlo Restituto Sunga. Alfred Zervis; $150-M&M Peter Atcheson, Connolly, Gary & Louise Guinen, Mary St. .Joseph: $3,OOO-David Beaupre; Dr&M Richard LeJava; $125-Mrs. William Motta, Timothy & Francelina Santos, Jo- $400-M&M Albert Dumont; $300-In Kenney; $100-Mrs. William Fleming, seph & Maria Miranda, Albert & Jacqueline Memory of Olivia Albergaria; $100-Doris Stephen Goveia, M&M John Grady, M&M Remy, Cross of Christ Council Dubuc, Arthur Mondor, M&M Adib· John Thomas McInerney, M&M Richard Columbiettes, Scott & Leslie Blevins, Zeind, Elaine Courbron, Alphonse J. Silva, Jurkowski, Deacon&M Joseph Stanley, John Antrim, Sr., M&M Eugene Binda, Leonard & Denise Boyer, Paul & Carol Maria Cote. St.Stephen: $l,OOO-St VmcentdePaul M&M Thomas Fosbre, Ann Hills, M&M Levesque, Brian & Elizabeth Lawton, Antonio & Denise Branco, Donald & Paulette Society; $750-Thomas & Colleen Boffa; Vincent O'Keeffe, Carol Quill, M&M Howarth, David & Donna Levesque, Walter $700-Gerald & Vrrginia Fortier, Leo Roy; Daniel Severino, Kathleen Besse, Donna $600-Gene & Barl>ara Morris; $SOO-Paul Oark, M&M Michael Evaul, M&M Will& Elizabeth Wmarski. AITLEBORO & Sandra Cing-Mars, Stone-E-Lea Golf iam Lord, M&M Robert Miller, M&M John Holy Ghost: $8OO-Constant Poholek; Course; $4OO-E. Dennis & Michelle Kelly, Colon, Dr. Peter Crosson & Melissa $450-Charles Fox; $150-John A. Charles & Patricia Messier, Joseph & Eileen Caughey, Mary James, Robert Morin, BarCaponigro; $140-Mariano Castro; $100- Hodge; $200-M&M John Richer, Jr., Claire bara Driscoll, Mrs. Millicent Earls, M&M Richard Kettle, Lawrence McNally, Flo- Beauregard; $160-James & Gail Cassidy; Gordon Norton, M&M John O'Connor, rence Teixeira, John Friedman, Manuel $135-Ted H. & Marie Charron; $100-Rob- M&M Cornelius O'Sullivan, M&M ert Richard, Thomas & Helen Brown, Atthur Costantino Sabatini, M&M Stephen Amaral, George Fredette, Rudolph Pierce. St• .John the Eyimgelist: $1,000- Cate, Anthony & Nancy Vieira ill, Norman O'Brien, Jr., Elizabeth A. Quinn, Arlene M&M Richard Barry, M&M Thomas H. & Lee Anne Todd, Armand & Irene Fair, M&M John Fritts, Linda Hennigan, Cuddy, Jr.; $600-M&M John Costello; Frechette, Robert & Michelle Soares, Mrs. Stephen O'Brien, Sr., Dr&M William $Soo-M&MEdward Casey, M&MThomas Sandra Gagne, Michael & .Suzanne Johnston, Jr., M&M Donald Capobianco, DeMarco, M&M Robert Force, Sr., Del Donovan, Paul & Gloria Gaudreau, Marie M&M Richard Goral, Barl>ara McLean, Malloy, M&M John Reardon, Peter M. L'Etoile, Mary Jeanne Blanchard, Robert M&M Paul Pacella Silvia, M&M Francis LaPlante, M&M Ed- Foley, Dr&M Joseph Ochab, Normand CHATHAM ward Bayly, Veronica Maher, M&M Paul Johnson. Holy Redeemer: $l,800-In Memory St. Theresa of the Child Jesus: of Raymond Kelliher; $1,OOO-Holy ReScanlan, Emerald Consulting Partners, LLC, Mrs. Alfred Paille, St Vmcent de Paul $1,000-Terri-Lynn Paquette; $700-St. deemerGuild; $6OO-Rev. James F. Buckley; Society; $350-M&M C. Guillette; $325-Dr. Vincent de Paul SocietY; $500-M&M Troy $500-James Amsler, M&M William John J. Killion; $3oo-Mrs. William Goff, St. Onge; $425-St. Theresa's Youth Group; Brennan, Dr&M David J. Farrell, M&M William Hannan, M&M Charles Falugo, $300-Dorothy Brochu; $200-M&M Paul Kirby, M&M Richard Mack, Robert" M&M John Kane, M&M Greg Geer, Mrs. Rodolphe Bergeron; $150-Robert . & Judith Carberry, Patrica M. Fuller, Jean R Russell Morin, M&M Robert Rovzar, Bonacorsi; $125-Christine M. Clegg, & Joseph McCarthy; $4OO-M&M Philip M&M SA Gulino, M&M Tim Cowgill; M&M Robert Goodreau, M&M Norman Ripa, M&M Michael Heartlein; $300$280-M&M Arthur Bolarinho; $250-M&M Guilmette; $100-M&M Gerald Brillon, M&M Alan Daly, Paul McKenna, M&M James Rocha, M&M Armand Brunelle, Flo- M&M Donald Burch, Linda Hood, M&M Robert Townsend, Matthew P. Ryan, M&M rence T. Gasior, M&M Donald Smyth, Ernest Jordan, M&M Robert Vezina, W. Thomas Whiteley, A. Paul Cravedi, St. M&M Gerald R Foley, Mrs. John P. Lee, Knights of Columbus-#5876, Dorothy Vmcent de Paul Society; $250-John Bush, M&M Mark S. Cuddy; $200-Marilyn Blake Stafford, M&M James Garlick, M&M Blanche Clavin, M&M Paul K. McGrath, Cobb, M&M Mervell Cronin, Jean Dieterle, Henry Lumbra, M&M Aime Thrgeon. Dr&M Richard Weiler, John R. Perry, M&M John Dolan, M&M Victor F. Larkin, M&M Francis J. Gorman, Jr.; $200-M&M BREWSTER M&M Edward Mellon, Mrs. Edward Our Lady of the Cape: $600-M&M Philip E. Doyle, M&M Leonard Fougere, O'Donnell, fuanSilvia, Robert Edwards, Frank Hart; $500-Mary Bond, Anony- M&M Alfonso M. Quintans, M&M WillYvonne Gagliardi, M&M Robert Hoyle, mous, Barl>ara Bilek; $300-James Christie, iam Sheehan, M&M Martin Siddell, M&M M&M Richard Marsh, Mrs. Richard Smith, Mrs. Charles X. ,Sampson; $280-M&M Jack Zilliox, M&M James Plotner, M&M Frank C. Bellomo, M&M Gerard Henry G. Bowen; $200-Michael Divito; Constance Gormley, Rosemary Farley, Hickman, De;;iree McNeil, M&M Joseph $150-Kay Coleman, M&M William T. Dr&M M.J. Soares, Richard Spitzer, M&M Collins, M&M Dan· Ison, M&M Shawn Butchar<!, M&M Lou Dufresne; $100- Keith Nicolasi, M&M Renald Paradis, Jorde, Robert Schwensfeir, Jr., M&M Paul Delia· O'Riordan, George & Frances . Donald & Lorraine Nolan, M&M Leonard Rockett; $160-M&M Richard Coffey; . Malone, Diane Thibault, Mary Ann S. Japowicz; $175-M&M Richard Griffin; $150-M&M Eugene Goulet, Sr., M&M Cotting, Dr&M John F. Curran, Jr., M&M $150-Mrs. James Robinson, M&M RichAlfred Lortie, M&M Daniel Nolin, Mrs. John Keamey, M&M Anthony Solomita, ard Rochette, M&M Peter Taylor, M&M Victor Vaughan, M&M Peter.Gay, M&M Michael Nicklaw, M&M George Sarto, T. George H. Mitchell, Ed & Eddy Brown; Gerard Lefrancois, M&M Terrance Arthur Racine, Sarah & Anna Callahan, $125-M&M John Miklus, M&M Peter McCrosson, M&M Jerome Wolter, M&M M&M Arthur Silk, M&M William Acton, M&M Thomas Groux, M&M Robert Fife, M&M Stephen Fontneau, Mrs. LeMaitre, M&M Lawrence Furey, Dr&M Charles W. Dixon, James J. Augstell; $120John Souto, M&M James Pin<icci, M&M William Doran, M&M John S. Mrs. Paul F. Murphy, M&M Douglas Wells; Thomas Walsh, Diane M. Blaha:, M&M MacDonald, M&M Peter Gerardi, M&M $l00-M&M Martin D. Buoniconti, John Roger Cicero; M&M Gary Trudo, M&M James L. Nash, M&M Frederick Little, Jr:, Allison, M&M Joseph Bolus, M&M WillKi.evin 1!ur.ley....Joan.";wopeF,...Elizabeth M&M-MichaeI..li·erragamo" M&M Will, iam J. Dunn, Jr., M&M Robert bFord; Robey, M&M Joseph Schwetz; $125- iam Waas. M&M.Louis Knight, Dr. Joan Maloney,

M&M Robert E. Pelletier, John Roy, M&M & Patricia Kennedy, M&M Glenn A. Thomas Sheehan, M&M Dale Tripp, Eileen . Demanche, M&M Brian S: Thompson, W. 1\vomey, Mrs. Craig Vokey, M&M WilM&M J. Armand Dupont; M&M John liam Erskine, M&M Richard A. Klein, Jr., Lafreniere, Janet Bousquet,M&M Neal M&M John MacDonald, Dr&M John F. McCabe, Jeannette Tisdelle, M&M Nunzio .. Mancini, Mrs. Andrew Mikita, M&M Romano, M&M Joseph Avila, M&M Horst David O'Connor, M&M Laurence Stevens, Hesshaus, M&M Michael Kelley, M&M Mrs. John F. Taylor, M&M Norbert William Collins, E. Robert & Diane Garde, Tunmins, M&M Kenneth Gallagher, M&M· Gertrude Wood, Gregory & Janet Jasinski, Robert Ledoux, M&M Norman L'Heureux, M&M Joseph Benevides, M&M Alvin M&M David Coupal, Gerald & Regina Magnett, M&M James Whitehead, M&M McDowell, Dr&M Jean Paul Aucoin, James Steven Westgate, Sky Maynard, M&M & Jane Drew,·Mrs. W1lIiamMachie, George William Dziura, M&M Jeffrey Riendeau, J. Norberg, Jr., M&M Francis X. Perry, Atty. Donald & Jane Barnes, Armand &. Walter & Jacqueline Pollack, David Tho- Denise Houde, M&M Richard Martin, mas, Michelle L. Boutin, M&M James E. Faith Moynihan, M&M Alan Burgess, Cullen, Kathleen A. Juan, M&M Thomas M&M Patrick Curneen, M&M Mark F. Siegel, John F. Walsh, M&M Henry Pepin. Welch, Dr&M David Beauchamp, Jane C. EASTSANDW/CH Colby, M&M James R. Deignan, Mrs. EN. Corpus Christi: $3,500-M&M Eric Jordan, M&M John F. Regan, Jane Griffin, Vander Mel; $2,800-M&M Thomas F. Fr. Charles D. Logue, William E. Manley, Murphy; $2,OOO-M&M Richard D. RobVera Mazulis. erts; $1,500-M&M Dante F. Gallerani; DIGHTON $1,200-St. Vincent de Paul Society; St. Peter: $125-Joseph & Alice $1,OOO-Mary C. Gleason, Thomas G. Dumenigo, Emile & Pauline Lamontagne; Judge, Jr., M&M James F. Sheppard, $100-Alice Borges, Eric & Judith Araujo. Dr&M Warren D. Woods, M&M Gregory Yaroch, M&M Stephen D. Montalto, EAST FAlMOUTH St. Anthony: $1,OOO-M&M Richard M&M Robert Buckley; $700-M&M John Reilly; $750-M&M Daniel Bailey; $500- L. Stebbins; $650-M&M Philip J. M&M Richard Carroll, M&M Charles Cardarople; $600-EleanorGaffney; $520Mahoney, In Memory of Muriel Hanson, M&M Steven Prendergast; $500-M&M M&M Joseph Haynes, In Memory of the John Beatey, M&M Gerard Brigham, Rev. Reis Family, M&M John Collins, M&M C. Rodney E. Thibault, Patty Whalen; $400Robert Schroeder; $401-St. Anthony's M&M Michael M. Amrich, Dorothy Council of Catholic Women; $4OO-M&M Neary, Dr&M David A. McQueen; $350Anthony Briana, Mary Jane Chisholm; M&M Paul H. Garrity, M&M Michael Peluso, M&M James M. Koloski, Louise $360-M&M Joseph Losi; $350-Judith A. Godin, St. AnthonY's Couples Club; $330- Karandy; $325-M&M Timothy Cole; M&M Joseph A. Soares; $300-M&M $300-M&M Nicholas Karukas, Dr&M Donald Hoffer, Thomas A. Murray; $250- Kenneth P. Scalera, M&M James Radloff, Frances Barry, M&M Richard L. Corey, M&M William J. Lyons, Mary Robinson, M&M John J. Thlka; $200-M&M Stephen Joan Donovan, M&M Paul H. O'Brien, P. Holmes, M&M Joseph Paruti, M&M M&M John Shay; $250-M&M Mark G. Gerard Cahalarie, M&M Peter J. Hoefler, Bergeron, M&M Anthony P. Caputo, John M&M Paulino P. Rodriques; $150-M&M Kime & Jane Curran-Kime, Doris Thomas Jones, M&M Richard G. McNamara, Timothy E. Tracey, M&M Vitagliano; $125-Nancy Andrade, Leon John P. Barrera, M&M Walter Lesiak, DusoelMary Fothergill, M&M Ralph Katherine Howes, M&M Daniel Botti, Chasse, M&M Ed Dudley, M&M Anthony M&M Thomas F. Timlin, M&M Robert R. Solimine; $120-M&M Thomas C. Dilorio, M&M Richard Jack, M&M Donahue; $100-M&M John Burke; Sandra Kevin Fitzgerald, M&M John T. Lynch. Almeida Serchuk, M&M J. Kenneth Corpus Chrisit Women's Guild; $230Deignan, M&M Anthony V. Scancella, M&M William Pansire; $220-M&M M&M Fred Ravens, M&M Joseph Tierney. Donald W. LaFler; $200-M&M Paul F. M&M John 1. Jordan, M&M Charles Haley, Dawson, M&M Peter A. Donahue, M&M Evelyn Roach, M&M Michael Touhey, Ol- William P. Bodio, M&M Peter J. Hannon, ive Marks, M&M Richard A. Giardi, John M&M Robert Marino, M&M William E. Grinnell, Joseph Andrade, M&M George Murphy, M&M James N. DeFrancesco, Howarth, M&M Dwight Evans, M&M Henry Lynch, M&M Francis J. Noonan, John W. Smith, M&M David J. Gibbons, Francis J. Kelly, M&M John A. Reine. Thomas Donahue, M&M John Switzer, EAST FREETOWN St..JohnNeumann: $2,OOO-M&MJo-· M&M Robert Bangs, M&M Donald V. seph Correia; $1,800-M&M Cornelius Cianciolo,M&M Thomas M. Feeney, Murphy; $1,OOO-Msgr. Stephen J. Avila, M&M Peter G. Lemire, Sr., M&M Brian Michael & Jamie Cody, M&M Robert J. Clifford; $187.5O-M&M David Madden; Gallagher; $800-Dr&M A. William $180-M&M Comelius J. Keohane; $175· Mercier, $750-M&M Edward V. Haggerty; M&M Robert D. Wentworth; $160-M&M $700-Fred & Constance Tuffile; $600- George W. Streeter; $150-M&M Joseph Pauline Chace; $505-A Friend; $500-In Koudelka, M&M John Dankert, M&M Loving Memory of Yvette & Lily Roland W. Breault, M&M Henry B. DeMorariville, Dr&M Gerald Masaitis, Wojnar, Thomas Riley, Hazel L. Rybicki, Robert & Barbara Smith, M&M Peter M&M John A. McArdle, M&M Robert G. Lafreniere, Dr&M James Tracey; $400- Melzer, Mrs. John Handrahan, John Van M&M Russell LaBrie, M&M Harvey Nostrand, M&M John B. Cahalane, M&M Brooks, John & Theresa Rita; $365-Dr&M Henry J. Graebener, M&M Lloyd W. Robert E. Breen;$350-James & Gina Raymond, M&M Robert G. Fitzpatrick, Hodgson, Lizotte's Machine & Welding, M&M Leo D. Diotalevi, M&M Thomas M&M Stephen P. McGraw; $300-Atty. E. Fair, M&M John A. Wegman; $130Paul & Janet Mathieu, M&M Daniel Dube, M&M Robert W. Eggert; $125-Rita A. M&M Peter Gross; $250-Guy & Sarah Behrle, M&M Edward A. Maybury, M&M Cousineau, Jeffrey & Suzanne Storms, John McCorkle, Katherine E. Currie, M&M ArthUr Blais, Ernest & Mary Lou M&M Edward F. McCann, Joan F. Joyce, Frias, Virginia Dawson, M&M Dennis Nancy O'Leary, M. Joyce Sampson, Medeiros, M&M Malcolm Hathaway, Raymond Barr, M&M HenryJ. Rioux; ¥&M Ralph Brown, M&M Richard Tro- $120-M&M Herman W. Thiesing, Jr., land; $200-Paul & Janet Hodson, M&M M&M Richard D. Boudreau, M&M JoRoger Lamy, M&M Raymond Bedard, sepli Habeeb; $llO-M&M Elias Habeeb; M&M Dennis Brightman, M&M Michael $100-M&M John A. Sullivan, Rosamond: Conway, M&M Gregg Lacasse, M&M Najjar, M&M Richard F. Doolin, M&M Ryan Levesque, M&M Jeffrey E. Fisher, John L. Roberti, Bridget Powers~ M&M Michael & Cathleen Bruno, Jeffrey & Daniel DiGiandomenico, M&M Robert D. Nancy Besse, M&M David McGinn, Jo- Whearty, M&M Victor M. Devine, Marie seph & Cheryl Paulo; $175-M&M Jose· R McGrath, M&M Tello Tontim, M&M GOnsalves; $170-M&M Joseph Herman; Paul Arsenault, M&M Edward Kelleher, $150-Mack & Jori ,Craveiro, Maurice M&M William O'Connell, M&M William .Bruneau, Richard & Dolores Ketchie; . Moran, Dorothy M. McFarland, Patricia $130-M&M Eric Johnson, M&M Douglas Oberg, M&M Donald F. Price, M&M Robert E. Corradi, M&M Kenneth Corbin, ~ylvia; $125-Gerald & Joann Tripp, M&M Fred Tavares, M&M Maurice Manny; M&M Paul W. Keefe, M&M George $120-M&M John Bastoni; $100-M&M Anzivino, M&M Paul 1. Chicco, M&M Daniel J. Costa, Jr., M&M Richard Motta, John F. McHugh, Barl>ara Sullivan, M&M M&M Joseph RW. Constant, M&M Rob- Matthew Gagnon, M&M Chaseley ert R Dupre, Kevin & Leslie Boyle, M&M Friedrichsen, M&M Robert F. Rogers, Michael Hogan, In Memory of. Tiberio M&M Robert Winters, M&M John 'F. DoCouto, M&M Elton K." Ashley, Jr., Shea, M&M Robert E. Farrell, Leona Demor;m1!ille,,,M&MF.ranc.ir.:r. Sendker; fvl&M JBasil! W. Bartl~tt(.tM&M,.D~is ])ube, M&M Francis G. Poitrast, Thomas M&M MichaeI" J. Miller, Francis C.




¥i I~·"·'



Prendergast, Anne O'Rowke, M&M Tunothy Kennon, In Memory of Father Plichta & Mabel Rigazio, M&M Richard E. Tavares, Ellen Sweeney, M&M James P. Walsh, M&M J. Ward Harrigan, Joanne. Leary, Anonymous, M&M Terrence F. Brown, Jr., M&M Charles A. Peterson, Barbara Oliver, Dorothy Costello, Robert P. Stavrakas, Catherine Breen, M&M John Bums, Maureen B. Oliver, M&M Albert F. Vozzella, M&M Jerome Tremblay, M&M William H. Johnson, M&Dr William Gould, M&M Brian Whicher, Patricia A. King, M&M Junius Hopkins, Gloria E. Pomelli, Margaret Giannasio, David W. Judge, Jr. & Margaret Lurate, Jean Cook, M&M Thomas S. Casey, M&M Albert J. Skirius, M&M Ronald A. Downing, M&M John F. Crowley, Sr., M&M Michael K. Ayer, M&M Robert J. Fitzpatrick, Clara Mitchell, Priscilla Streeter, M&M Donald Burgess, M&M Roger C. Mazerolle, M&M Joseph T. Marone, M&M Joseph E. Jacinto, Patricia DeConto, M&M Richard E. Nycz, M&M John Gillis, Arlene Garacik, M&M Richard J. Isabelle, M&M Richard Hill, M&M James W. Conlon, M&M William Rizzi, M&M Robert G. Quinn, Mrs. John Connolly, Barbara J. Hadley, M&M Lyman S. Godin'g, Margaret Cosgrove, M&M Edward T. Beatty, Joyce Bruce, Janice Goodwin, M&M James Connolly, M&M Frederick A. Twomey, M&M Thomas Falkowski, M&M John Schulte, M&M Joseph F. Keenan, M&M Walter E. Alvezi, M&M ·Robert F. Leahy; M&M Paul Schrader, M&M Jeffrey Wright, M&M Luis Cordero, M&M Terence Kenny, M&M Robert C. Fielding, M&M Jeffrey D. Youngquist, Deacon&M Arthur L. LaChance, M&M Mario F. Scialdone, M&M John F. Coffey, Doris Bourgeois, June C. Robie, M&M Clement DelFavero, Paul Ponte, M&M Stephen S. LaMarca, M&M Robert Hilton, M&M Antonio R. Cambone, M&M Edward f Walsh, Lena Aleksandrowicz, M&M Donald L. Work, Dr&M George C. Willenborg, VIrginia Baker, Jane Harding, M&M Kevin S. Kelly, M&M Joseph Ferullo, M&M Paul F. Anderson, M&M William P. Hafferty, M&M John Howard, M&M David T. Tierney, M&M Patrick Lynch, Knights of Columbus, M&M Mark J. Melchionda, M&M Robert Nichols, M&M Philip J. Dolan, Jr., M&M Frederick B. Dempsey, M&M Stephen Demianczyk, M&M Anthony LaRocco.

EAST TAUNTON Holy Family: $2,OOO-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; $1,200-In Memory of James & Madalaine Maddock; $1,OOO-M&M Mark Sabina, Holy Family Women's Guild, Holy Family Knights of Columbus; $SOOM&M Jo~ P. Chagaruly, M&M Mark Murphy, M&M Edmond St. Yves; $300Janice Pomerleau; $250-M&M Paul A. Lamoureux. M&M Gary Silvia, M&M Richard Martin, June Strojny, M&M Alan Grady; $225-M&M Francis Perry; $220M&M James Withers; $200-M&M AlvaR. Cowan, M&M David Mello, M&M William Emsley, Anne Bettencourt, M&M Femand Medeiros, M&M Robert Kelleher, · M&M Thomas Goggin, M&M David Cardoza, Mrs. Joseph Mozzone, M&M Michael Costa, M&M Mario Bettencourt; · $180-Frances Winterson; $150-Denise Shea, M&M Kenneth A. Poole, Jr., M&M Maurice LevasseUr, Paul Soares, Don Parish, M&M William Woodward; $140M&M Gerard Ducharme; $125-Peter Luttrell, Barbara Rutherford; $12O-M&M Michael S. Callahan, Christiano VIctoria, Olinda Davidson; $l1O-M&M Nemesio Bettencourt, Joseph Castro; $105-M&M Joseph Crowninshield; $100-M&M William Ernsley, M&M Paul Loura, M&M Barry Pond, M&M Richard Torres, M&M David Cardoza, M&M Peter Andrade, M&M Ted Labrecque, M&M Robert Leavitt, M&M Dennis Perrault, M&M John WIlson, M&M David Podgurski, M&M Joseph Abreau, M&M Bradley Fitzgerald, M&M Rui Silva, M&M Robert F. Mayers, M&M Leonard Peavler, Kenneth Rose, Gail _ Mitchell, Edward Digits, Helen Kay, Mrs. Louis Bonaparte, .Mrs. Raymond Prunier, M&M Stephen Ricketts, M&M William Therriault, M&M Robert C. Camara, M&M John Grenier, M&M Stanley Baran, M&M Ronald Gordon, M&M Henrique Sousa, M&M Raymond Seekell, Jr., Richard Palazzi, Edward Fowler, Sr., Stephanie 1\ukalo, Marguerite Morin, M&M Kenneth Poole, M&M David Willette, M&M Paul Matthews, M&M Anthony Demara1, M&M .:r .1~:[;1J' ' ",::rbiM M£~,'

Brian Dutra; M&M Steven Crovello, M&M Brian Korlacki, M&M Paul Desmarais, M&M Michael O'Handley, M&M Theodore Lippold, Dorothy Barros, Ronald Souza, Barbara Paul, Stanley Slavick, Mary Murphy, Mary Greer, M&M John Wiencek, M&M Joao Ventura, M&M Alexander Pratt, M&M Howard Sousa, M&M David St. Yves, M&MJoseph Vmcent, M&M William Ambrose, M&M Ronald Silvia, Theresa Gomes, Ann Marchitelli, Robert Larkin, In Memory ofVtrginia MacLellan, M&M Vmcent Barrett, M&M Raymond F. White, M&M Stephen C:. Knight, M&M Anthony Lacourse, Claire McMaken. . FAIRHAVEN St. Joseph: $300-Edwin & Stella Marnik;$200-Ann Dessert, M&M Alcide Pelletier, M&M Jeffrey Oliver, M&M Robert DeTerra; $150-Mrs. John Staffon; $125M&M Roland Seguin; $100-Joseph Begnoche, M&M Antone DeTerra, M&M Lionel Dulude, Stephen Foster, Rev. Christopher Santangelo, SS.CC., M&M WJ1liam Serpa, M&M Donald Bachand, Leo Tremblay, M&M Lawrence Bizarro, Gloria McGreevy, Alice Mayer. St. MaO': $1,OOO-Raymond Martin; $500-M&M John Botelho; $300-In Memory of Fr. Matthew Sullivan, SS.CC.; $250-M&M George E. Boucher; $200Congregation of the Sacred Hearts, M&M Kevin Lucidi, Lillian Dernanche, Lillian Dernanche; $150-M&M John Roderiques, M&M John Roderiques; $120-Miss Blanche Pepin; $100-M&M Lyles R. Bourgault, Mrs. Gloria Mello; M&M Charles K. Murphy, Paul Novak, M&M Paul PhaneUf, M&M Lucien A. Provencher, Mrs. Margaret Rudler, M&M Raymond E. Vary, M&M Paul A. We~ly, M&M Richard Manzone, Leo J. Charbonneau, M&M Leo A. Surprenant, M&M Paul R. Higgins, Elizabeth Fisher, M&M Daniel J. Costa, M&M Edward R. Allaire, Sr., M&M Daniel J. Costa, M&M Edward R. Allaire, Sr.

FAURIYER St. Mary Cathedral: $2,500-Brazilian Apostolate; $1,500- Spanish Apostolate of Fall River; $700-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; $SOO-Knights ofColumbus-Fall River Council #86; $45O-CIaire McMahon; $150Ruth Hurley, M&M Jesse Martin; $100Eleanor & Daniel Shea, Gertrude Mullen, Mrs. John Koska, Theresa Ryan, Carol Cioe, In Memory of James W. Coyne, Sr. Espirito Santo: $750- M&M Jose Varao; $500 - M&M Adelino Pereira; $400Anonymous; $3OO-St.-Vmcent de Paul Society, Maria Massa; $250-Holy Name Society; $200-Holy Rosary Society; $150M&M John Tavares; $130-M&M David Jordan; $100-A Friend, Anonymous, Martinho Antunes, M&M Walter Amaral, M&M Jose Larguinha, M&M Emanuel Pacheco, Carlos Medeiros, M&M Jose Pavao, M&M Alan Souza, M&M Jose Albemaz, M&M Carlos Vultao, Anonymous. Good Shepherd: $500-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; $3OO-In Memory of Manuel Velho & Louis Silvia; $25O-Deacon&M . ,John Branco; $200-Augustine Gonsalves; $160-Alfred Almeida & Sons; $150-In Memory of Levesque & Thorpe Families; $125-In Memory of Joseph A. Levesque, Frank Tinsley; $100-Dorothy Rys, In Memory of M&M James Judge, Robert Aubin, Jr. Holy Name: $1,oOO-In Memory of M&M Gerry Fortin, M&M Thomas . Carroll; $600-Dr&M. Kevin Kilroy, Maureen O'Rowke; $500-Dr&M Maurice Bernard, M&M Nicholas Christ, Lynn Garant, Atty&M William Patten, M&M Milton Rebello; $300-Dr&M Steven Belanger, Michael Sullivan, M&M Marie;> Oliveira, Tedeschi's # 357; $25O-M&M Patrick Lowney, M&M Robert Margetta; $200-Janet George, In Memory of John & Margaret McDermott, M&M David Delisle, In Memory of Joseph & Kevin McGuill, Yvette Paquet. Mrs. John Grant; Mrs. lE. Delaney, M&M John McDonald; $175-Mrs. Wilson Curtis, Jacqueline Stapleton; $150-M&M Jose DeMelo, Mary Ann Dillon, M&M Reginald Cousineau, M&M Joseph Vieira, Constance Morrissette, Dr. John Carvalho, Atty. Roger Morgan, Philip Silvia, M&M Joseph Stanton, M&M Mark Gauvin, M&M Charles Hodkinson, M&M Fred Czerwonka; $145-M&M Michael Coughlin; $130-M&M Thomas Stanton; $125-M&M Herman Mello, Annette Borden, Eileen Higgins, Mrs. Thomas Burke, M&M John Britland, Mrs. Louis Shea,· M&M'Joseph Reilly, M&M iI"uno~£rncJn'


.~.I t'.;:'d·:d~



thy Breidegam, M&M Frederick McDonilld; $110-Theresa Ryan; $100-Jean Troia, M&M Wilfred Desruisseux, M&M Rene Lavoie, M&M Robert Kitchen, M&M Rene Garant, Mrs. Edward Abisla; M&M Michael Welch, Mary T. Carvalho, Raymond Levesque, M&M Edward Witkowicz, Dr&M Robert Guimond, In Memory of John W. Toulan, Jr., Mrs. Warren Wood, M&M Antonio Castro, Mrs. John Fanning, In Memory of Christine Gagliardi, William Keating, Jr., M&M George Luzitano, Mrs. Manuel Maitoza, M&M Thomas McHenry, M&M William Mello,M&MJamesMelvin,Dr&MAndre Nasser, M&M Robert Rebello, M&M Paul St.Louis,M&MRogerSullivan,Jr.,M&M Donald Sylvia, Richard Wood, M&M Joseph Doran, M&M Stephen Terceira, M&M Gerard Mack, M&M Ronald Gagne, Elizabeth Soares, John O'Brien, Marie Nasser, M&M Rodney Bergeron, M&M Joseph McGrady, M&M Maurice Ouellette, M&M Thomas Dunn, Jr., M& Donald Rogers, -M&M Bruce Hague, Phyllis Monte, M&M Donald Spellman, Bernard Ryan; M&M David Normandin, M&M Christopher Gagnon, M&M Albert Roy, Jr., M&M John Scanlon, M. VIveiros & J. Nunes, Richard J. Cloutier, Jr., John Medeiros,M&M Barry Bibeau, M&M Santi DiRuzza, M&M John Feitelberg, M&M Gerald Coulombe, M&M Arthur Donovan. Holy Rosary: $310-M&M Antone VIveiros; $3OO-M&M Albert D' Ambrosio, Peter Lanzisera, Italian American War Veterans; $200-M&M Lawrence Talbot; $150-M&M,Rui Diniz, M&M Rosindo Sasso; $130-M&M Joseph Guidotti; $125M&M Raymond Cousineau; $100-Lincta Bertoncini, M&M A. Bert Caron, M&M Anthony Imbriglio, In Memory of Joseph Leite, M&M Jeffrey Maronn, Mrs. Ralph Sasso, Alphonse Saulino, John Saulino, MichaelSaulino, In Memory of George A. Wrightington, M&M Daniel Coroa, Ms. Kathleen Costa, M&M Robert Plourde, M&M Mark Rose, Alice Sullivan, M&M Everett Nunes, In Memory of Lewis Sarti, IQ. Memory of Elizabeth·M. Smith, Catherine Sullivan, M&M Robert W. Janelle, Dr&M James Brosnan, In Loving Memory ofRev. Vmcent F. Diaferio, Marge Lima, M&M Paul Miniacci, M&M Juvencio Silva, M&M.Armand Boudria, M&M Robert Sousa, M&M Steven Leite. Holy Trinity: $2,500-A Parishioner; $1,OOO-In Memory ofManuel G. Andrade; $900-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; $525Holy Trinity School; $500-SJB Federal Credit Union, M&M Albert Beaudoin, M&M Robert E. Allcock ill; $350-M&M Donald Vezina; $325-M&M Dan Araujo, In Memory of Thomas Cadima; $250Corinne Demers; _$200-M&M Gilbert Faria, Paul Martin; $180-M&M Daryl Gonyon; $150~M&M Ronald Correia, Holy Trinity Women's Guild, M&MLionel Dupont; $125-M&M Raymond Charest, M&M Dennis Hickey; $120-M&M Vmcent Campbell; $110-Anna Chlebek, Holy Trinity Pro-Life Committee; $106M&M Gary John; $100-M&M John Church, M&M Edward Horan, M&M Robert Proulx, Bertha VIeira, M&M Albert Belanger, Joanne Fernandes, M&M Albert McCoy, M&M Jeffrey Melo, M&M Eugene Smith, Muriel Cote, M&M Michael Langton, Cecile Phillips, M&M. Maurice Bosse, M&M Ronald Hipolito, M&M Steven Gagnon. Immaculate Conception:$2oo-In Memory of James A. Partridge; $175M&M Raymond Lafleur; $125-Mary Lennon; $100-Margaret Wiles. Notre Dame: $4,OOO-In Memory of Richard Cloutier; $700-Rev. Richard L. Chretien; $4OO-M&M Gerard Duquette; $25O-M&MReneLachapelle,Jr.,Annette Frascatore; $200-Brothers ofChristian Instruction, M&M Paul Levesque; $175Normand Belanger,Msgr. Prevost Council-Knights of Columbus; $150-M&M. Paul Berube, Mrs. Cecile Cloutier, M&M Norman Lamontagne; $140-Paul Dumais; $125-M&M Alfred Dupras, Jr., M&M Paul Oliveira; $100-M&M Robert Chouinard, M&M Armand Dallaire, Rena Desmarais, M&M Marc Duquette, Dr&M Raymond Fournier, Grace Souza, M&M Theodore Bemier, Dorothy Cloutier, Claire Levesque, M&MWayne Yee, M&M Julien .. Lafontaine, M&M Ronald Salmons, M&M Roger Labonte, M&M Edward Ahaesy, Richard Cloutier, Jr., M&M ~omeo Roy, Mrs. Laurence Demers, M&M Armand Raiche,. . ' , . ~ ,'''L'' , ' I I "



Sacred' Heart: Memory of Tyrrell; $loo-M&M William Hyland, ParMichael, Margaret, Paul, Iiugene & Charish Women's Club, Mrs. James Sunderland, lotte Grace; $4OO-M&M Jqseph Donnelly; Rosary Society, M&M David Raposa, $250-M&M Shawn Geary, John H. O'Neil, M&M John Force, In Memory of John Patricia Healey; $200-M~ Christopher Budzisz, Karen Plichta, M&M Michael Moniz,' Irene Price; $150-M&M Kenneth Dumont, Mildred Hall, M&M Robert Hoole, In Memory of Lil Raposa. . Price, M&M Raymond Rbsa; $125-John T. O'Neill; $120-Dr. Eliz~beth Sullivan; St. Stanislaus: $3,000-A Friend; $100-Maureen Guilmette, ~ce Harrigton, $1,650-A Friend; $1,500-Eileen Hadfield; M&M John Patota, M&M Manuel Soares, $1,2oo-Rev. Bruce M. Neylon; $1,100Fern White, M&M Daniel Duffy, M&M M&M Dennis Cunningham; $1,000Marcel LaFond, Bern~rd & Karen M&M Richard Paquin, M&M Thomas McDonald, Donald & Agn~s Black, Emily PasternaklWalsh Pharmacy; $750-A Buckley, Letitia Lynch, M&M Thomas Friend, M&M Louis· Mazurek; $600Murphy, Helen Piper, M&M Eduardo M&M D. Leguyader; $500-A Friend, Costa, M&M Robert Rav~nscroft. M&M Scott Issacson, Rev. Mr. Frank Mis, St. Anne: $1,200-Rev. Marc H. M&M Thomas Skibinski, John Polak, Jr., Bergeron; $1,OOO-Henry S~ Laurent; $300M&M Charles Joerres; $450-M&M Manuel & Jacinta DaSilva!I$250-Michelle Michael Souza; $440-M&M John Beauchesne, Paul R. Di~m, Loridas & Deveney; $4OO-Gail Noonan; $360-MarEmilie Jolivet, Danielll& Margarida garet Peart; $350-A Friend; $310-Maria Barbosa; $200-Lorraine & Roger D' Alu; $300-M&M Phillip Lapointe, Richards; $150-Mary MU-aPda, St. Vmcent M&M Thomas Wrobel, Dr&M George de Paul Society; $100-Lucille A. Gauthier, Solas, In Memory of Pauline E. Niewola; $260-Mary & Josephine Niewola; $250Rachel Toole, Philippe:1 R. Gregoire, Edmond Peladeau, In Memory of M&M A Friend, Jan & Honora Torres, M&M Dan Joseph O. Beauchesne b~[ their daughter Faria, M&M Matthew Cunningham, Marguerite Boyer, Andr\(, & Jacqueline M&M Gilbert Benard, M&M Scott Plante, Richard & Theres arhall, Abilio .Szczupak; $227-M&M R()nald Feijo; Filipe, Paul E. Pelissier. $225-In Memory of Edward Cunningham, St. Anthon of : $1,OOO-Rev. A Friend; $200-A Friend, M&M Stanley John C. Martins; $750-Holy Name SociPruchnik, In Memory of Joseph F. ety; :$600-St. Vincent d~! Paul Society; Gromada, Jean Willis, M&M Joseph Cichon, Caroline Dawicki, Helen Conrad, $500-M&M Almeida; ~M&M Joseph T. Cabral, Jr.; $250-Charles J. Cullen; M&M J. O'Connor, Alice Kret, Anne $160-In Memory of Frankl'B. Silva; $150Kulpa, M&M John Minior, M&M Adrien Confirmation Class-2006, M&M Jose Perry, M&M Robert.Wilbur; $180-Lucille Sardinha; $120-M&M Liberal Silva; Carvalho; $170-In Memory of Dora $100-Sociadade Do R6sario, M&M Sokoll; $160-M&M Jan Grygiel; $155Manuel Antonio, M&M Dihnisio DaCosta, M&M Joseph Minior; $150"A Friend, M&M Ferllando Rego, Norberta Denis Butler, M&M George Wrobel, Claire Rezendes, M&M Joao Tev1es, St. Anthony Ponte-Goncalves, M&M John Polak, of Padua Federal Credit IUnion, M&M M&M Henry Paruch, St. Vmcent de Paul Fernando Benevides, Portugalia Imports & Society, M&M .Leo Dube, John Mazure, ExPorts, Padaria Barcelos! A Parishioner; $125-A Friend, Miss Valerie St. Joseph: $1,OOO,tM&M James Butler, Barbara Dubiel, M&M Scott Boulay, Miss Alma E. Foley, M&M Fred Mitchell, Lois Walkden, M&M Casimir Iwanski, Holy Rosary Sodality; $100Bopp; $500-Rev. John J. ¥urphy, M&M Frederick Sullivan; $4OO-Mary Whittaker; M&MEdward Couto, A Friend, M&M Richard GilUthier, Stanley Rys, M&M David $375-Chris & MaureenliAudet; $250St. Laurent, M&M Gilbert L'Heureux, M&M Daniel:Wilkins, M&M Edward LeBlanc, Jr., M&M Jaines b. Salvo; $200Joanne Bozzuto, M&M Steven Rys, M&M Robert Polak, Jennifer Teves, M&M JoM&M Robert Gagnon, M~M Charles St. George, Mrs. Bernard Tompnson, Atty&M seph Ozug, Boyko Memorial Funeral DanielO'Connell,M&MEdmondBerube,' Home, M&M Peter Homen, Emily A Friend; $175-Joseph Harrington; Przewoznik, In Memory of Jennie & Ed$150-Mary Nugent, Paul J-apointe, Robward Neylon, Cheryl Mello, Caitlin ert Berube, M&M MichaeliMoreira; $125LeClair, Joan LeClair, M&M ArthurSilvia, M&M Thomas Corey, M&M John T. Beverly DeMoura, M&M Timothy Smith, M&M Miuk Sevi~y; $100-M&M Arrance, M&M Michael Banalewicz, St. G.Stephen Blltcliffe, M&M Charles Stan's Seniors, M&M Walter WISniewski. SoUza, M&M James Gibrley, M&M Paul Santo Christo: $850-Rev. Gastao Oliveira; $500-Santo Christo Holy Rosary Costa, Artemesia Andersoh, M&M Tunothy Bennett, M&M Na¥lio Almeida, Sodality, Santo Christo Cl\urch FelIIit ComM&MStephenDuhancik,CarmellaMello, mittee;$400-Rev. Brian R Albino, Santo Rick Sahady, Dr&M An~ Nasser, M&M Christo-St. Vmcent de Paul Society, Santo Belisario Almeida, Atty&M Raymond Christo Faith Formation Program, In Pic3rd, Robert Accettullo! M&M Gerald Memory of Alice Paiva-Freitas, Oliveira . Funeral Homes; $3OO-John Moniz; $250Fournier, M&M Maurice Desmarais, Dolores Larsen, Wayne Cabeeeiras, Shryle Antonio, Irene & Evonne Mendes, In Borges, Mrs. John Kiley, LdcilleG. Aguiar, Memory of Patrick Joseph Mello; $200Fall River Sport Club, Regina Oliveira; M&M Lawrence Hickey,IIM&M George Yentz, M&M James Considine, M&M $160-M&M Carlos Pavao; $150-M&M KevIn Blythe, M&M Jo~ph F. Arruda, Antonio Pacheco, Carlos & Helena M&M Robert Ravenscroft, M&M Paul Botelho, Alexandra Porto; $120-Aurelia Barrette, Robert Dolan, j;pamela Lima, Ferreira, Dolores Mowery, M&M Dominic M&M Christopher Boyle. Camara, M&M Joao Ferreira; $100St, Michael: $1,025-Rev. Luis A. Manuel Alves, Maria Alves, Lucia Cabral, Cardoso;$SOO-KennethM1ehado-Manuel Mary Carreiro, Maria Mendes, Francisco Moniz, Jr, M&M Nivaldo Ricardo, Joao Rogers & Sons Funeral Hdlne, In Memory & Maria Gomes, Silverio & Lidia Almeida, of Augustine & Mary Gdnsalves; $400M&M Gerald Silvia; $300!\.\ Friend' $250Tony Tavares, Jose & Liduina Cunha, Anonymous; $2OO-St. M!chael's Prayer M&M Jose Medeiros, Albertina Pimentel, Manuel J. Silva, Maria C. Silva, Judite Group, Evelyn Almeida; $125-A Friend; $12O-AFriend;$I00-Anonymous,M&M Medeiros, M&M Robert Primo, Nuno & Espirito Santo Pacheco, Odilia Medeiros, Antonio Botelho, In Mempry of Mario & Ana Freitas, M&M Fernando Correia, Mrs. Regina Silva, M&M Altino Alberto, Antonio Amaral, Maria 1 Amaral, M&M John Maria C. Dias, A Friend, In Honor of St. Michael, Mrs. Maria S. ~onseca, M&M Brum, Jr., M&M Duarte Costa, M&M FlorianoD. Freitas, Mana & Horace Steven Leonardo, M&M Gwilter Lopes, Goncalo, M&M Guilhenrle Goncalves & Susana Lopes, Manuel & Fatima Moniz, Faniily, M&M Emile J. Qregoire, M&M Maria Paulo, Luis & Maria Pereira, Maria James Kuchar, A Parishioner, M&M Amaral, M&M Raul Camara, Valter & ManueIS.Medeiros,M&MGilbertMello, Paula Carvalho, Joao & Maria Dias, M&M M&M Gregory Moniz, IIi Honor of Our Silvio Marques, Carlos & Judy Pavao, Luis Lady of Fatima, Phil Pereifa, M&M Cesar' . & Maria Pereira, Maria Pereira. Antonio & Maria Porto, M&M Carlos Silva, M&M Sousa, Mrs. Mary Wick & Mr. Sean Burns, M&M Antone Souza, IIi Honor of St. Manuel Silva, Jose & Connie Arrenegado, Michael, In Honor of Our Lady of Fatima, M&M Jeremias Carvalho, Virginia In Memory ofM&M Mwrtede Almeida. Cavaco, Antero Costa Family, Oliver SS. Peter & Paul: II $1,500-Rev. Couto, M&M Antonio Furtado, M&M Stephen B. Salvador; $64)9-Mary Tyrrell; Helder Fernandes, Jose & Maria Faria. $SOO- Catherine Bigos;~Joseph Sabat; FAlMOUTH $200-Anonymous, Walter;r Bucko, M&M St. Patrick: $5,OOO-Rev. Francis X. Joseph Stankiewicz, M&M Arthur Wallace; $1,500-In Memory of Gertrude Pregana, Joseph & Jun~ Stan)ciewicz, E. & Albert S. Perry; $1,OOO-Rev. James M&M Joao Costa; $175-Raymond Kret; A. McCarthy, Marianne E. Keevins, M&M $15O-M&MWilliamO'N~il; $140-Louise Keith:D"J~ombaugh,,Jan~{D.unn; .$300-; II .;:r,J~Vl mr.i .r:,"l:tf: ;sJoWrl:.>G rlqJwl rl.~t.f .'{:Jdo5I





2006 CATHOLIC CHARITIES ApPEAL FINAL FIGURES M&M Michael J. Markow; $500-M&M David S. Ament, M&M Richard L. Kinchla, John J. Norton, Rev. Msgr. John , J. Regan, Mrs. Robert Snyder, M&M William Perry; $46O-M&M Louis A. Tessier; $400-M&M Joseph V. Charyk, Dr&M Sam Donta, M&M Edmund 1. O'Connor, Dr&M William Schutten, M&M Peter Carr; $300-Catherine Holmes, M&M Joseph C. Gallagher, M&M John Molongoski, M&M William F. O'Connor, M&M James Sughrue, M&M Raymond F. Martin, Florence M. O'Connor; $250M&M David Carr, Mrs. James L. Conley, Nancy & Donald G. Craig, Mrs. Robert J. Henley, Dr. Robert A. Prendergast, Teaticket Auto Body, M&M Jesse Enos; $200-M&M Edward G. Enos, Jr., M&M Charles V. Fay, Dr. Edward Fitch, Mrs. Chester Frazier, M&M William Harvey, Martha Hearn-Cunningham, M&M Michael W. Herlihy, Mrs. Richard P. King, Ann E. Reeves, Anne Vieira, St. Patrick's Council of Catholic Women, M&M Tho. mas L. Matthews, Jr., M&M Francis W. Lipp, James H. Smith, Jane Hopewood, M&M David Miller, Mrs. Cornelius J. Shea; $150-Margaret A. Frederick, M&M Joseph Kehoe, M&M Leo J. Lachance" Rachel Mooney, Robert Fallon; $140Edwin Medeiros; $125-M&M Richard Lopes; $120-Paul Olenick, M&M Robert Simons; $100-Mrs. Daniel Bartolomei; Marian Brown, Chapman, Cole & Gleason Funeral Horne, Teresa H. Chisholm, M&M Ralph J. Cowie, M&M Richard DeMello, Mrs. Russell A. Doucet, M&M Henry Dulude, M&M Robert Ellis, Cyril & Olga A. Fennelly, Mrs. Joseph Golden, M&M Michael Goulet, M&M Walter Juszczyk, Mrs. Adam A. Kaspar, Mrs. Bernard P. Lawrence, M&M Joseph Libbey, M&M Edward V. McCarthy, M&M James McDevitt, M&M William J. McEachern, Dr&M Walter L. McLean, M&M Frank Medeiros, James Nidositko, Mrs. John Nochella, M&M James Schwab, Robert C. Silva, M&M Milton R. Steele, M&M Robert J. Ferris, Mrs. Albeit E. Fetters, M&M John 1. McGhee, John W. PelhamlVaierie Belcher, M&M Theodore Tavares, M&M Terrence J. Thmer, Wmston's Restaurant, M&M Roland W. Chalifoux, M&M Larry D. Flick, M&M Daniel P. MacDonald, Eve M. Rouke, M&M Amancio Correia, William V. Donohue, Mrs. Thomas J. Walker, Jr., M&M Michael R. Grady, M&M Philip F. Mackey, Mary A. O'Connell, Francis J. Ward, Kenneth Benoit, M&MJohn Condon, Mrs. Joseph Costa, M&M Robert Morrissey, M&M Joseph P. Connors. HYANNIS St. Francis Xavier: $2,500-Brazilian Community at St. Francis Xavier; $1,500M&M Daniel Appleton, Jr., Charles W. Riley; $1,OOO-M&M Raymond Cataloni, M&M Kenneth Colmer, Dennis Farrington; $750-M&M Leo Rainville; $700-M&M John Welsh; $5OO-Mrs. John P. Garrahan, M&M William Hackett, George & Susan Kovatch, M&M Arnerico Poliseno, M&M ·James Spalt, Deborah Wear, M&M John Annessi, Dorothy Morin, M&M Robert Ryan; $4OO-M&M George Cronin, M&M Michael Santos, M&M William Godfrey, Robert Fougere, M&M Charles Hurley; $350-John Corbett; $3OO-M&M Donald Margraf, M&M Paul Shea, M&M William Cericola; $250M&M Richer K. Peckham, M&M Paul Goyette, Mrs.Henry Stein, M&M Lucien Poyant, Ir., Kathleen Charboneau, Ronald & Frances Turowetz; $200-Ruth Arsenault, M&M John Best, Noel Bouvier, Sr., Mary Cavanaugh Michael, Anneva L. Smith, Mrs. lean Berry, Mary Heidimann, M&M Ioseph Mahoney, M&M Ioseph Mendes, M&M Robert Potvin, Greg & Donna Smith, Rose & Germaine Bouchard, M&M Edward Salvas, M&M David N. Selfe, Marie McKenzie, Mane Lonergan; $175Edmond W. Dery, Ir.; $160-M&M 'Lawrence 1. Kane; $150-Robert Cotell, Thomas 1. Walsh, M&M Charles Hoffses, Robert Kelley, Richard Mitchell, Capt&M Robert O'Brien, M&M Delbert Patton, Mrs. Mary Walsh, M&M Iohn M. Keith, Ir., Mrs. C.E. MacAdoo, Iohn Bradley, Dr&M Paul Canniff, M&M Michael Noonan, M&M Frank Roderick, M&M Donald Reid, James W. Hegarty; $135Marjorie Chipman; $125-Mary Donahue; M&M Thomas, Loughlin, Dorothy Clark, M&MRichard Dresser, M&M Spencer Rochfort, M&M Iohn Alberghini, M&M Stephen Cote; $120-0yde Hanyen, Russell Lawton, M&M Edward Mastrangelo, M&M Paul Chapdelaine, M&M Ralph

1$1 -"1i:!:7';

LoVuolo, Mary-Ann Kinley-Pickul; $110- . M&M Vmcent S. Mallozzi, M&M Charles Carmine Marchillo, M&M James Lyons, M&M Ciaran McCloskey, M&M 1. Amold Edward Bennett, Sylvia Adams; $100- E. O'Regan, M&M H. Salerno, M&M Or- M&M Joseph Mazzucchelli, M&M Rob- Teasdale; $575-Eileen McGrath; $500M&M Francis Rendulic, M&M Richard lando D. Souza, M&M Denis J. Villiard, ert Chandler; $150-M&M Anthony Ghelfi, M&M James D. Conniff, M&M Walter Williamson, Aurelia Borges, M&M Ed- Barbara Cedarfield, M&M Thomas Conte, M&M Thomas O'Keefe, M&M Donald Folger, Daniel R Childs, Denise Olsen; ward Cusick, William P. Daly, Joseph G. M&M Richard Curley, M&M David McCarthy, Roberta Cota, M&M Richard $360-M&M Richard Lewis Congdon; Dolaher, M&M Ioseph Donahue, William Degirolamo, M&M Paul D. Jepsen, Steams, M&M James Pender, William $300-Robert Mooney, Linda Yates, Durkell, Judith Fratus, M&M Bertrand Atty&M Charles Mulcahy, In Memory of . Malone, M&M Marcel Lizotte, Lean Edmund Ramos, Sr., M&M Lawrence Fournier, M&M Theodore Galkowski, ' Timothy & Helen Barrett, M&M K. Ledwith, M&M Edwin Karp, M&M John Goode, M&M Jesus Dimas Lopez; $250M&M Albert Grenis, M&M Gerald Sullivan, M&M Paul A. Brassard, M&M Manton, M&M Paul Kranz; $125-M&M M&M Peter D. Hicks, Dr. John 1. O'Neill, Hocker, Mrs. Chester Henderson, Elsie S. Robert Q. Hogan, M&M Gary M. Lewis, George Laliberte, M&M Paul Simonetti, Mrs. H. Flint Ranney, M&M Theodore 1. Hudson, M&M Donald Johnson, Betty I. Bridget E. McBarron, M&M 1. Dr&M Robert Welch, M&M lames Giletti, Helen M. Goode, M&M Richard Jenkins, M&M Edward Morreo, William McConnack, M&M William E. Moore m, Danforth, Mary Rodrigues, Janet Cincotta; Mack; $200-M&M Charles Dragon, Murray, Shirley Schirch, M&M Ioseph M&M Michael T. Stallings, Ianet M. $120-M&M Raymond Masce, M&M An- M&M Richard Kotalac, M&M Dale Rausch, Iohn B. White, Henry Arden,Ir., Sullivan, M&M John A. Testa m, Marjorie tonio Brum; $100-M&M Gerard Labute, Waine, M&M John Topham, M&M RichMrs. William Conlon, Barbara Corcoran, A. Vamerin, M&M Thomas Fitzgerald, Alice Mullen,M&M Robert Everett, David' ard A. Calacci, M&M Reginald C. Stella Diffenderfer, Alfred Fournier, M&M Mrs. Richard Jagelski, M&M TImothy E. Netzer, ,M&M Robert Tuohy, M&M Harmon, M&M Richard R. Congdon, A. MacIsaac, Mrs. William McTague, Mrs. Kehoe, M&M Richard F. Leary, M&M Stephen Lempitski, M&M Robert Iutstrom, M&M Michael Feeney, M&M Albert lames Murray, Marilyn Snow, Stanley A. Thomas 1. Nicholson, M&M Arthur M. Louise Kainis, Mrs. Frank Bottos, M&M Brock; $150-M&M Richard Herman; Tulchowski, M&M Leo Berard, Helen F. O'Neil, Mrs. Dana 1. St. James, M&M O. Joseph Dorsey, M&M Neil Sullivan, M&M $100-Mrs. Joseph Agostino, M&M John Bolderson, M&M Iohn Boyle, Hilda E. Scarpellini, M&M Guy Tomase, M&M Carl Iohn Walsh, M&M Ronald DaSilva, M&M McDonald, M&M Thomas Fusaro, Billie Crowley, Anthony DiNatale, M&M Ken-' F. Vamerin, Patricia L. Coyne, M&M AiJ.- Donald MacMillan, M&M Lawrence Olson, M&M Charles Toombs, M&M neth Eubanks, M&M James Hobert, M&M drew E. Arnold, M&M Leonard R Grimes, Souza, Adele Labute, M&M James Diggins, Michael, Angelastro, M&M Norman Dennis Mahoney, ML Morrison, M&M Jr., M&M Daniel Kennedy, M&M Michael Artgelo Massa, M&M Howard Lane, M&M Gauvin, M&M Richard'Hardy, M&M WilShane Peros, Daniel Bemis, M&M Jorge . E. Koury, M&M David R Martin, M&M Jeremy Johnson, M&M John Cadoret, , liapl Hays, M&M Kenneth W. Holdgate, Bosch, M&M Philip Finnegan, Frederick Joseph F. Meawad, Carlos Medeiros, M&M M&M Jeffrey Cameron, Joseph Cobb, Jr., M&M George Hull, M&M William • & Sheila Glennon, Francis Keough, M&M James E. Monticello, Stephanie M. & J. M&M AngeloTomasini, M&MJohn Reilly, Knight, Larry Lacey, M&M Lawrence Donald Quinlan, M&M Thomas Bache, Motyl, M&M John R Murphy, M&M Gor- M&M Edward Kelly, Deacon&M Robert Manchester, M&M William 0' Keefe, ThoM&M Paul Bannon, Peter Bennett, M&M don Penman, Judith C. Post, Helen Sheehan, Lemay, M&M Anthony Camerota, M&M mas D. Trapasso, Francis X. Farrell, Emanuel Bianculli, Mary E. Campbell, M&M Joseph Souza, Jr., Deborah Manzo William Alexander, M&M Philip Weber, , Eleanor Ferreira, M&M John Fee, Sr., Katherine Chase, Eileen M. Duane, M&M Gorhan. Violet'Slate, M&M William Gately, M&M M&M Donald W. Holdgate, Georgina David Ganshaw, M&M Timothy Lovelette, MARION Jciseph McDonald, Elizabeth Shea, Carol Winton, M&M David Dunham, M&M Alfred Nelson, Joan Silvera, M&M St. Rita: $200- Frank Cafarella; $125- Malone, M&M Joseph Casey, William Robert Garrabrant, M&M Charles Fisher, Frederick Thome, M&M John Collucci, M&M Victor Dubois; $120-M&M Brian Iohnston, Thomas Curtin, M&M William M&M Michael Velsmid, Blanche Bums, M&M Richard Corbin, M&M James Fitzpatrick; $100-M&M Vmcent Malkoski, Geick, M&M Joseph Lynch, M&M Joseph Janet Duane, M&M George Kelly, Jr., Hussey, M&M David Maher, Eileen Mrs. Daniel Murphy, M&M Albert Costa, O~Donnell, Louise Snyder, Anne Antonelli, M&M Bruce McBrearty, M&M Francis McVeigh, Adele McKeever, Frances H. James M. Verni, Sr., Arthur Lyons. Carol Daniels, M&M PalmiroBisio, John McGarvey, Shirley Watts, M&M Michael Meyer, Virginia Phillips, M&M lames Scanlon, Mary Ann Watts, M&M George Wodynski. MARTHA'S VINEYARD ' Sullivan, Nicholas Alberti, M&M Charles' Good Shepherd: $200-M&M Christian Kelly, Patricia Dunne, William Curley, NEWBEDFORP Dever, Ieannette C. Doherty, M&M Rob- L. Meyer; $100-Mrs. Nancy M. Kingsley, M&M David Scott, M&M Kenneth Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of ert Dyka, Salvatore 1. Gentile, Beryl Miller, M&M Fred Thifault, M&M Henry Shelley, Babcock, Sheila Yates, Leonard McNeil, Jesus: $1,200-Rev. Clement E. Dufour; The Paddock Restaurant, Raymond & M&M Remo L. Ful\in, Eileen G. Cronin. M&M Iohn Beaudry, M&M William $1,OOO-M&M Sean R. lackman, M&M Patricia Sherman, Robert & Leurenda Kelley, Ruth Ionis, M&M RT. Saunders; $750-M&M David Nelson; Thornton, Mark & Trish Richard Sullivan, M&M $500-M&M James Flanagan; $4OO-M&M Wojnar. Daniel Goggin, Anne Lane, Robert Carlsen, ir., Carol A. Duphily; MANSFIEUJ M&M Lester Lee, Edith $300-M&M Joseph Finnerty, George St. Mary: $2,500HiJrley, M&M Edward Rogers, M&M Stanley Weiner, M&M Eric M&M Francis X. Pirozzi, Mary Burridge, Erickson, M&M Charles Cabral, Jr., M&M Maloney;$I,900-Thomas M&M lames O'Brien, Donald Houle; $275-M&M Edward J. Keams, Ir.; $1,300-1n M&M Daniel Coon, Souza; $25o-M&M Salvatore Giamma\vo, Memory of William & Valerie Falese, M&M John Mrs. William Bancroft-In Memory ofWiIAnna Palanza; $1,250Kinville, Mary Quinn, liam Bancroft; $200-John Correia, DeaM&M Robert C. Rubino; Coletta Foote, M&M con/M Eugene H. Sasseville, Patrick $1,200-Carl Garofano, Arthur Morley, Cecelia, Wilkinson, Leta A. Philips; $160Catholic Charities Appeal- 2.006 M&M Michael Zonghetti; Agnes & Patricia McHugh, Constance Menard; $150-M&M Ioseph $1,OOO-M&M Stephen Carol Saunders, Dr&M Jo- Brunette, Eileen Landry, M&M Joseph Scala; $8OO-M&M lames D. Collins; $600MASHPEE seph Viglione, Edward Amesbury, M&M Landry, Mrs. Gilbert Medeiros, Mrs. Henry M&M James J. Darragh, Jr., M&M Robert Christ the King: $3,OOO-Msgr. Ronald A. Edward I;>olan, M&M Stephen Brady, Collard, Helen·Mclntyre, Edith McIntyre, Pietrafetta; $500-Margaret S. Dunmire, Tosti; $2,500-M&M Edward Larkin, M&M M&M John Burdulis, Roberta Sibley, Bar- M&M Ernest L' Abbe, M&M Edward L. Theresa Garofano, M&M Paul Hubrich, Robert Wilkinson; $1,ooO-M&M Frank bara Connolly, Christine Perrault, M&M Smith, Jr., M&M Bruce Torres; $130M&M James M. Riley; $48O-M&M Alan Angelis, M&M Joseph Blanchard, M&M John Richardson, M&M David Laird, M&M Charles McKenna; $125-M&M 1. McKenna; $4OO-M&M Francis Baldini; Gregory Dunn; Deacon&M Frank Fanta- M&M Ben Arkinson, M&M Samuel Arnold Avellar, M&M Terence Beehan; $35o-Edward Sliney, Sr.; $3OO-M&M John sia, Edward Daly, M&MIoel WIlder, M&M Pl,ltellos, M&M lames Parenteau, Mary Lou $100-M&M Robert Arruda, Joan Bessette, 1. Rush, Mrs. William Morton, M&M Kevin Foley; $825-Rita Behnke; $600- Crowley, M&M Stuart Hemingway, Mar- .Mrs. Rene Boutin, M&M Kenneth Raymond Pitocchelli, Lena Garofano; M&M Raymond Long, M&M James garet Smith, M&M Robert Iredale, Mrs. Camara, M&M Iohn P. Donovan-In $270-Mrs. Domenic Macaione; $250- Remillard, Jr.; $500-M&M Robert Glennon, John Connor, M&M Marshall Atwater, Memory of M&M Jeremiah Donovan & M&M Walter L. Wilk, Patrick F. Villella, M&M Jack Gurlcin, James Souza, M&M M&M Nick Drepanos, M&M Iohn Harris, Sons-Jeremiah Donovan & John & Mary M&M Frederick Conlon, M&M Brian Brendan Brides, Joan McDennott, M&M k, M&M Gerard Keen, M&M Joseph Pedro & Son, John Gordon, Jr.~ Mrs. Ralph Healy, M&M John Latu, M&M Iohn 1. IohnAgricola, Deacon&M Greogry Beckel Slattery, M&M lack Lynch. Louise McNutt, Hanks, M&M Lawrence Harney, Jr., Tanous, M&M James H. Locke; $240- M&M Robert Franey, Mary Burlce, M&M M&M Arthur Mulrain, M&M George M&M John Mulligan, M&M Carlton George Morelli; $225-M&M Eric E. But- Walter Kennedy, M&M Joel Wilder, M&M . Mackoul, M&M John McNamara. Pimentel, M&M Howard -Ricketson, ler; $200-Vrrgini.a Simoni, M&M Steven J. Daniel Lindberg, M&M Patrick Murray, MA17APOISEIT M&M Laurier Rock, Americo C. Araujo, Theroux, Margaret Boldrighini, M&M M&M Philip Fina, M&M Peter Bartek, St. Anthony: $1,OOO-M&M Raymond Mrs. Leo Cole, M&M Abel Leite, M&M David A. Guadagnoli, M&M John F. Ellen Hooley, Marcia Hackett, M&M Kevin Harrington; $700-Rev. Leonard M. Michael Longo, Richard Patnaude, Lynette Hanewich, M&M James Hindman, M&M Hargadon, M&M George Hults, Iustin Mullaney; $500-M&M Dennis Fusco, Robitaille, Yvette Vaudry, M&M Charles Iohn MacKinnon, M&M Ronald C. Reeves, Guidi, M&M Edward Defoe; $4OO-M&M M&M William Saunders, M&M Carl Taber, Xavier, Mrs. Stanley Baron, M&M John Dr. Robert F. Siblia, Shirley DiCorpo, Michael Howley; $350-Mrs. Stephen M&M Edward Sylvester; $350-Dr&M Kavanaugh; M&M John E. Macedo, M&M Iohn Walgreen, Karen Petty, M&M O'Connor, M&M Robert Boccuzzi, M&M .Lawrence Olivl<ira; $3OO-Charies Crowley, M&M Pierre C. Sequin, Cecile Aulisio, Thomas F. Crimmins; $150-M&M Bernard' Mark Linse; $3OO-Mrs. lames Donahue, Catherine F. Hassey, M&M Maurice Kathleen Coholan, Louise Coholan, Mrs. S. O'Malley, Mary Tynan, Linda M. M&M Robert lYder, M&M James Hurton, ' Downey; $250-M&M George Charette, Henri Daigle-In Memory of Henry Daigle, Anastos, Clara J. King, M&M Mark H. M&M Dante Lancellotti, M&M Edmund M&M Robert Teixeira; $200-Iane Breton, Frances Muldoon, M&M Leonard Souza, Payson, Ir., M&M Robert F. Cavanaugh, Polaczak, M&M David Chadwick, M&M Helen Gardner, Dt:&M Ioseph A. Costa; M&M Lawrence Almeida, Charles M&M Bryan 1. Hill, M&M William Iohn Leahy, Ir., M&M Freddy Dimeco, $175-M&M Edmund Butler; $150-Mrs. Lafleur, M&M Fred Scott, M&M Kenneth Maider, Nancy Titus, M&M Andre 1. M&M Dwight Giddings, M&M Iohn Fox, Barbara Bodge, Mrs. Charles Caires; $125- VerCammen, M&M Paul Bouthillette. Charpentier, M&M C.M. Fillmore; $135- M&M Donald Chabot; $25o-M&M Walter M&M Frank Cooper; Mrs. Charles Immaculate Conception: $1,000M&M Richard D'Onofrio; $125-M&M Carlson, Jr., M&M ,Louis Dimeo, M&M Rodrigues; $loo-Richard Duffy, M&M Rev. Daniel O. Reis, Charismatic Prayer Iohn Wilkinson, Edmund 1. Tierney; $100- Peter McEntee, Sr.; M&M Michael Leahy, Iohn Perry, Dr&M Dennis Barley, M&M Group; $850- St. Vmcent de Paul Society; Mrs. Dennis Alland, Thomas 1. Crimmins, Deacon&M Paul Roma, M&M Carlton. William Carter, M&M Carlos DeSousa, $6OO-M&M Victor F. Rebello, Ir.; $500Mary E. Harney, Margaret A. Lavanshy, Meredith, M&M Constabile Cipullo, M&M M&M Matthew Downey, Mrs. Jeanne Holy Ghost Society, A Friend; $400-A Linda 1. Mercier & Steven L., Ianssen, Francis Lipari, M&M- lames Laughlin, , Eagle, M&M Iohn Vaughn, Mrs. Mary' Friend; $3OO-M&M Oliver M. Cabral, A M&M Steven D. Muller, M&M Mark N. M&M Martin Henry, M&M Farrell Gallo- Blanchard, M&M Robert L. Carvalho, Friend; $250-Rev. Antonio Medeiros, O'Brien, M&M Michael Placido, M&M R way, M&M George Leach; $240-Iane M&M Paul Downey, M&M Patrick Doyle, M&M Mario Correia, M&M Antonio Vantassell. Francis A. Ditaranto, Albert H. Stockbridge; $220-M&M Iohn Sorcenelli; M&M Robert M. Dupont, M&M William Alves; $225-M&M Hermano S. Medeiros; Decele, M&M Patrick R Carroll. M&M $200-M&M Edward Flaherty, M&M Will- Goetz, Dr&M Clayton King, M&M Mark '$200-Noe Medeiros, M&M Antonio D. Iohn H. Nagle, M&M Francis Alberto, Mrs. iam Wise, M&M Paul Gaudin, M&M Parker, M&M Richard Bousquet, M&M Vasconcelos, In Loving Memory of the Bert Courtemanche, Elizabeth H. Eagan, DanielMurphy, M&MPaul Tedesco, M&M Gary Cunningham, M&M Robert 1. Gonsalves & Raposo Families, M&M M&M Peter 1. Gosselin, M&M Richard H. Arthur Desrosiers, M&M Kenneth Pedicini, Saunders, M&M Bruce Lemieux, M&M Francisco Goncalves, M&M Guilherme Harrington, Mrs. William Holske, M&M M&M Ioseph Kilmartin, M&M Robert Armand Texeira, M&M lack Van De Medina, A Friend, M&M Nuno M. Edward 1. Keohane, 'Marie E. McGann, McNamara, M&M Stephen Cannavo, Kerckhof, Timothy Watterson/Cathleen 'Mendonca; $150-M&M Manuel Sousa, In M&MJohnM. Moran, RobertShaw, M&M M&M FrankMaboney, KarlYn Curran, Jean. DUpont, M&M Frederick A. Rioles, M&M Memory of Luis & Deolinda M. Cardoso, Edward 1. Underwood, M&M William Blevins, M&M George Balch, M&M John Bertrand Allain, Jr., M&M James Machado, Kathy Amaral; $130-A Friend; $125Adie, Mrs. 1. Baroncelli, M&M Rene C. McQuillan, M&M George Gillmore, Jr., Maureen McCarthy, M&M William J. Theresa Fidalgo; $120-M&M Jeremias Barrett, M&M Vmcent Botti, M&M Tho- Mrs. Joseph Henry, M&M Charles Hickey, Quiil\an, M&M RL. Gran, M&M Arthur Camara, M&M Antonio M. Lopes, In mas J. Carey, M&M Paul Chotkowski, Anne Kilroy, M&M Frank Wellman, M&M Short, M&M Kenneth Clarke. Memory of Antonio & Maria Francisco; M&M John Cleary, M&M Ioseph B. George Logan, M&M David Ryan, M&M . NANTUCKET $100-M&M Mario 1. Oliveira, M&M EdColletti, Iennie Dimmitt, M&M Frederick , Ioseph Crowe, lane Delea, M&M Edwin , St, Mary/Our Lady of the Isle: ward Souza, M&M Gilberto Mendonca, G. Gibbs, M&M Michael Healey, M&M Thomas, Ipanna Pitocchelli, Agnes $5,OOO-William& Sheila Donovan; M&M Iason Camara, M&M David Sa, Craig A: Kennedy, M&M George Knight, McGuire, M&M lames Kelley, M&M Iohn $1,500-St. Vincent de Paul Society; . Holy Rosary Society, Anonymous, M&M Richard 1. Lutz, M&M Sean F. McCarthy, Gormally, M&M William O'Brien, M&M $1,2oo-M&M Tyrone Featherly; $1,000- Augustus Rapoza, A Friend in Christ,



M&M Carlos Borges, M&M Jose B. Tavares, M&M Manuel C. Duraes, M&M Manuel C. DeMelo, M&M Manuel D. Machado, M&M Jose Soares, M&M Joaquim Coutinho, A Friend, M&M Jose P. Noia, M&M Antonio A. Camara, M&M Raul Vultao, In Memory of Angelo Brandao & Manuel & Maria Lazaro, M&M Antonio N. Alves, In Memory of Mitchell S. Jasinski, M&M Antonio Mimoso, Laura Constant, In Memory of Honorato Medeiros, George Soares, Deolinda daSilva, M&M Michael Correia, M&M Jose Moniz, M&M Jose Clementino, M&M Jose DaSilva, M&M Manuel Francisco, M&M Joao C. Arruda, M&M Pedro Ferreira, Valentina B. Miguel, M&M Ernesto A. Moura, M&M Ernest Pacheco, M&M Adelino B. Marques, M&M Joao Pereira. Our Lady ofthe Assumption: $500M&M Antonio Costa; $200-Joaquim Livramento, Our Lady of the Assumption Club; $150-Donna Duarte Fielder, Pedro . Sanchez; $125-Everett Lobo; $12O-Joseph Silva; $l00-M&M David Andrade, Henry J. Barros, Isadore Barboza, Gordon Entwistle, M&M Joseph Rogers, Mary Faria, Gloria Faria, M&M Manuel Barros, M&M Thomas Pina, Lorraine Gagne, Rose Marie Sanchez, Margaret Sheffield, Marylyn Ramos, Lawrence Drayton, M&M Raymond Chandler, Theodora Carpenter, M&M John Oliveira, Eugenia Sylvia, Mary F. Tavares, Earle Bargasse, M&M David Dubois, Dorothy Lopes, M&M David Houtman, Shirley Magnett, PauliQe Garcelon, M&M Julio DePina, Alice Moraes, Elizabeth Duarte, Janice Fernald, St. Martin de Porres Guild, M&M Joseph Monteiro, M&M Carl Figueiredo, M&M Manuel Lobo, M&M Antonio Rodrigues, St. Vincent de Paul Society, M&M Thomas Lopes, Joann Monteiro. Our Lady of Fatima: $700-M&M Paul Pelletier; $SOO-M&M Louis LeBlanc; $350-M&M Anibal Medeiros, Jr.; $250St. Vincent de Paul Society, In Memory of John S. & Helen Ozug & Matthew J. Wright; $200-M&M Mike Murray; $100M&M Ronald Cormier, Michael Frey, M&M Gilbert Rebello, M&M John Amaral, M&M Roma!n Payant, Florence Caron. Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. .lames: $2,OOO-Rev. Herbert T. Nichols; $1,300- Rev. Richard Wlison; $l,200-Rev. Martin L. Buote; $600-Rev. Michael S. Racine; $250-M&M Gerald P. Lewis, M&M Ramon Alegria Flores; $200-In Memory of Alphone J. Spoor-Love Son Dave, Gerald W. & Rosalie Stabell; $150Marianna Massoud; $l20-Jeanne R. Bowden; $100-M&M Rudolphe A .. Blanchard, M&M Charles W. Carpenter, Roger O. DesRoches, M&M Donald . Medeiros, Bertila Solano. Our Lady of Perpetual Help: $2,000-Conventual Franciscan Friars, OFM Conv., In Memory of Fr. Sebastian Slesinski, OFM Conv., In Thanksgiving for Graces Received; $l,OOO-QLPH Bingo, Summertime Polish Fest 2006, In Memory of Deceased Parishioners of the Former St. Casimir Parish, In Memory of Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski & Rev. Sutula; $5OO-M&M Lionel Dubois & Family, M&M Frederick Kalisz, Jr., Special Intentions; $300Fryderyk Gorczyca; $25O-Helen Arabasz, M&M 'Richard Machnowski; $225Anonymous; $200-Anonymous, Frank Michalski; $l60-M&M Steven Hunt & Family, M&M Edward Jarosik; $150M&M Mitchell Gacek, M&M Thad Irzyk, Helen Koss, M&M Robert Cyr; $135-Joseph A. Sobolewski, Jr.; $125-M&M Tadeusz Blecharzyk, M&M Mitchell Koczera; $120-In Loving Memory of Walter & Jennie Piorkowski, Jr.~Theresa Crouch $l00-Anonymous, M&M Rodney Cejka, M&M Ronald Correira, Jeanne Gauvin, Startley Grabiec, M&M Edward Jablonski, In Memory of Frank & Rosalie Jeglinski, M&M Robert Koczera, Genevieve & Nancy Kondziolka, Helen' Los, M&M Joseph Michalski, OLPH Ladies Society, M&M Paul Pabis, Mrs. Walter Palys, M&M Alfred Pelczarski, M&M Felix Witkowicz, Dr&M John Wolkowicz & Fainily. Our Lady of Mount Carmel: $1,600A Friend; $1,200-Rev. Martin Buote; $l,OOO-A Friend; $8OO-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; $700-A Friend; $500-M&M Michael DeAlmeida, M&M Vincent Fernandes, In Memory of Gil Moniz, Edmund J. Sylvia, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Youth Group, A Friend, Cacilda

Sacuno; $400-A Friend; $300-M&M Manuel Mendonca; $250-A Friend, Holy Ghost Society; $225-A Friend, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Woman's Club; $200M&M Florimundo Alcaidinho, A Friend, M&M Carlos M. Farias; $l90-A Friend; $175-A Friend; $170-M&M Hildeberto J. Sousa; $155-A Friend; $150-A Friend, Maria Angelina Medeiros, Maria C. Pereira, M&M Gilberto M. Tavares, Mrs. Laudalena Azevedo, M&M Arthur Caetano; $l25-M&M Albino E. Silveira; $120-M&M Jose Figuerido, M&M Dinis Madeira, Maria dos anjos Tavares, Julieta Ferreira, M&M Jose Carlos Vieira, A Friend; $100-M&M Fernando Abreu, Carlos Alberto, M&M Robert Almeida, A Friend, M&M Edgardo M. Barbosa, M&M Paulo N. Bicho, M&M Richard Cabral, M&M David M. Cardoso, M&M Joseph M. Cardoso, M&MVictorino Carrelha, M&M Alsuino B. Cordeiro, M&M Jose Manuel daSilva, In Memory of M&M Antonio Felix & Maria C. Macedo, Gina Maria Ferreira, M&M Horacio Ferreira, Evelyn Hendricks, M&M Carlos Isidoro, Maria do Carmo Lima, M&M'Eduardo I. Melo, Maria C. Moniz, Rose S. Moura, M&M Jose Custodio Nunes, M&M Eduviges Oliveira, Lionel Pereira, Elizabeth Raposo, M&M Jose Julio A. Rego, M&M Luis M. Reis, M&M Henrique Rouxinol, M&M Liberio Sabino, M&M Jaime Silva Santos, M&M Joao V. Soares; M&M Manuel Sousa, M&M Pedro M. Sousa, M&M Eduardo Teixeira, M&M James P. Walker, Sr., M&M Gabriel Barbosa, M&M Joao S. Cabral, M&M Jose Moniz Cabral, Jr., A Friend, M&M Manuel S. Costa, Paula Marie Farias, Maria G.Fonfinha, M&M Aires Furtado, Natalia Madeira, M&M Jose A. Medeiros, M&M Antonio Miguel, Natalina Pacheco, M&M Joao Matias Pereira, M&M Manuel F. Rapoza, Mary Santos, M&M Pedro Silva, A Friend, Ricardo Victoria, M&M Antonio Vitor, Emilia de C. Amaral, M&M Gary Cunningham, Luis M. Ferreira, M&M Joao L. Machado, M&M Ernesto Medeiros, M&M Jose Melo, M&M Jose Pine, Manuel Rapoza, Jr., Maria Ligia Sousa, Irene Varao, Lilia Amaral, M&M Victor C. Correia, M&M Manuel Narciso Costa, Holy Name Society, Victoria Madeira, M&M Victor Sousa, Odete Cabral, M&M Nelson A. Campos, M&M Rui Ferreira, M&M Larry Grieco, M&M Daciano M. Melo, M&M Antonio Oliveira, Portuguese Prayer Group, Berta Malhinha, Mount Carmel Seniors, Luis da Costa Soares, M&M Luis Torres, Violante Pimental, M&M Jose Manuel Pavao, M&M Antero L. Coelho, M&M Steven Garcia, Eduardo S. Lima, M&M Carlos Alves, M&M Jose Eugenio, Rita A. Eugenio, Jose Manuel Eugenio, M&M Joao Moniz Soares. St. Anthony of Padua: $3OO-David· Lira; $25O-GiselePappas; $200-Donald& Pauline Dumont, Timothy & Patricia Greene, Robert & Sue Levesque, Patrick Robitaille, Bernadette Robitaille; $150Gerard Gaudette, Louise Parent; .$100Tadewsz & Jeanne Swiszcz, Dolores Masse, Raoul & Yvette LeBlanc, Evariste Lafrance, John 8i Emily Gobeil, Roger & Janice Fortin, Claire L. Cournoyer, Joseph Estacio, Roy Araujo, Leo Rousseau, Louise Parent, Joseph Carvalho, Pauline Venancio, Bernard Torres. St. Francis of Assisi: $l,5oo-Rev. Albert J. Ryan; $SOO-In Loving Memory of Frank Garcia, Moira TIerney; $350-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; $JOO..In Memory of Marty Crovello; $25O-M&M Jeffrey R. Poyant, M&M William N. Whelan III; $230-In Memory of Lalira Joia by St. Francis of Assisi Men's League; $200Isabel'Perry, In Memory of David Gerrior, In Memory of Louis Bono, Donald Neves; $150-M&M David B. Souza, Women's League of St. Francis of Assisi, Christopher & Kimberly Saunders, St. Francis of Assisi Men's League;. M&M David B. Souza, Christopher & Kimberly Saunders; $l25-Kathleen Henry West; $lOO-M&M Davis Balestracci, M&M Harry Peitavino, M&M Charles Tarpey, M&M James Ventura, M&M David Cabral, M&M John V. Costa, M&M Robert Maccini, M&M Steven E. Ptaszenski, Marguerite Dunham, M&M Rudolph Caruso, Judith Ann Belli, Kathleen Treadup, M&¥ David Chase, M&M Terence McDonough, Steven Beauregard. St.John the Baptist: $SOO-In 11tanksgiving, Anonymous; $300-Anonymous, In

Thanksgiving, In Memory of Mary Espinola & daughter Irene Reiniche; $250Anonymous, A Friend, M&M Edward Macedo, Holy Rosary Sodality, Portuguese Charismatic Prayer Community, Holy Name Society, Confirmation Class of 2006; $200-In Memory of Joseph & Mary Ferreira, A Friend; $150-In Memory of Michael Pateakos, Anonymous, M&M Joseph Avila; $140-Anonymous; $132M&M Antonio Alves; $l25-Anonymous, A Friend; $12O-Maria Freitas, M&M Jose A. Sousa; $lOO-M&M Manuel Rodrigues, M&M Jose F. Carreiro, Hilda Couto, Eugenia Matias, M&M Luis A. Furtado, Anonymous, A Friend, M&M Manuel Sousa, M&M Walter F. Amaral, M&M John Carvalho, M&M Victor Valente, M&M Jose V. Frias, M&M Manuel Brum, M&M Antonio Felix, M&M Norberto Pacheco, M&M Dimas Farias, M&M Octavio Medeiros, M&M Jose da Silva, M&M'John Rodrigues, In Thanksgiving, M&M Jose Araujo, M&M Deodato Raposo, M&M Carlos Raposo, M&M Jose de Frias, M&M Carlos Aguiar, M&M Richard Carreiro, M&M Inocencio Santos, M&M Dinarte Aguiar, M&M Joaquim Mouco, Constance Mello, M&M Jose S. Avila, Ida Santos. Ioseph-St. Therese: $1,000Anonymous; $500-Anonymous; $400M&M Dennis Bowen; $300-Anonymous, Deacon&M Leo Racine, M&M Liberio DaSilva & Family; $250-Anonymous, M&MAntonio Vieira; $225-Anonymous, M&M


David Fernandes, M&M' Gerard Diebling, Gladys Driscoll, M&M Philip W.. Gonneville, M&M Manuei: Lima, M&M Fote, Barbara Shannon, M&M Joseph . Pi\vao, Jr., M&M Andrew E. Bennett, Wayne A~da, John M. Duffy, M&M M&M John Adams, Maureen Gonnon.· James Hunt. II St. Mary: $l,OOO-In Memory of John St. Mark: $4,500-Rev. Thomas L. 1. Oliveira; $500-St. Vmcent de Paul So- Rita; $2,200-Paul &. Janice Danesi;' ciety, M&M Maurice Sabson; $320$1,100-Richard & Patricia Gundlach; M&M John H. LeBoeuf; :$3OO-Anony$500-Paul & Barbara Briggs; $250Charles & Loretta Roland; $225-Thomas mous; $275-M&M EdWilrdllsantos; $250M&M David W. Britton,1 M&M Mark & Patricia Guppioni; $200-Robert & . Pittman; $200-Celina C. Oliveira, M&M Patricia Guillette; $12S-Frank & Linda Arthur Villeneuve, Jr., M&M Charles Ausiello; $l00-Elaine Carlos, Daniel &. Jodoin, M&M Robert Hebe&' M&M RobLorraine DeYoung, June Neely, Christopher &.Shawn Sweet, Olga Santos, Kenert Petitjean, M&M John liPimentel, Jr., neth & Patricia Silva, John & Susanne M&M Mario Braga, M&M Mario J. Melo, M&M Michael R. Bessel $150-M&M Wignall, M&M Fred Butterworth, John William Constant, M&M TIlomas Darling, Murray, James & Elaine Basque, Paul & . M&M Darryl Aviza, Nt&M David Kara LaBelle, William & Loretta Romero. Beaulieu, M&M Donald J.!iMarshall, JoSt. Mary: $l,OOO-Judith & Nelson seph F. Rapoza, M&M Arthur Caron, Chaffee, Leslie Doire; $500-Louise M&M Michael Soares, M&M Edward T. Farrands, M&M Joseph Doran, Frank & Francine Leary, Bradford & Noreen Kiff, Gall, M&M Timothy Re~ndes; $135M&M Norman L'Heureux; $125-M&M Paul J. Roche; $400-Pauline Dewitt, Walter Jaworski, M&M JoSeph O'Neill, Francis Mello, M&M Francis Gallagher; $300-Sylvia & Steve Eighmy, Arlene & M&M Raymond G. Bouras~a, Mrs. Lionel James Hall; $200-Jane Shepard, Ginny & J. Martin, M&M Marc D. Ferreira, M&M Edward Lambert, Edward & Marie Lee; . Emanuel Aurelio, M&M Enc R. Corrie, Henry G. Fortin & Jane Martin-Fortin, $150"Lee Beatrice, Howard & Marlene M&M William R. Silveit~, Jacqueline Gaudette, Diana & James Gray, M&M. Bowden; $12O-Sally DaR~~a, M&M RiArthur Spencer, Patricia & Robert chard C. Brennan; $UO-M&M Robert Carvalho; $l44-M&M Alan Waugh; $140- . Dupont, Marilyn Collins, jiMary Jardin, William Brunell; $125-M&M John M&M Manuel J. Ribeiro, ¥&M Norman Conlon, Dorothea Donnelly; $l00-Amy Nadeau; $100-In Mem!lry of Rev. Bratsos, Helen Brauner, M&M William Raymond Robida, M&M IJrank Condez, Roy, M&M Stanley Prokop, Laurent c.. Alice Mercier, Dolores ~raga, M&M Doire, Colleen Buckley, George Darrah; Arthur Hardy, M&M David Caron, Helen M&M Joseph Smith, Anthony Velletri, Ann Baillargeon, M&M Stevenil Lirrni, M&M & James Allen, M&M Leo Cloutier, Debra Thomas Walsh, Angelina Camara, 'June & Robert O'Donnell, M&M Joseph Rodrigues, M&M John!IK. DeTerra, Clayton, Christopher & Elise Servant, M&M William Ochab, IM&M David Brian & Mary Signoriello, Elizabeth & Ed- . Silva, M&M Roland Roy, Joan ward Velletri, Karen & Stephen Bengtson, Desrosiers, M&M Robert PenIer, EdM&M Gerald Lafontaine, M&M Charles ward MacLean, Miriam ¥cCoy, M&M Sedlak. Christopher Vardo, M&M Michael NORTH DARTMOUTH Dakin, M&M Jose S. C06to, Jr., Louis St..Julie Billiart: $2,OOO-St. Vincent Sylvia, M&M Normand Ahdette, M&M de Paul Society, David J. Creamer; $1,500In Memory of Jesse & Antone Matthews Paul Marashio, M&M Rqger Fredette, & Evelyn Santos; $l,OOO-Julia & Robert M&M Roland Benjamin, M;~M Mark Richard, M&M Dunstan Whitlock, M&M Nixon; $800-M&M Victor Reis; $500William Reilly, M&M De~s Desnoyers, Beverly A. Arruda, Mary C. Halloran, St. Ronald Silveira, Rose Harris, M&M Julie Ladies Guild, Agnes Lange, Atty&M Daniel Costa, M&M Mar/tiel Carneiro, Roland Giroux; $400-M&M Robert John Higham, Jr., M&M Il.\rtur Matos, Bolduc, Arthur R. Dray, M&M Antomo M&M Alexandre Nunes, M&M Diarmuid Pacheco, M&M Harding J. Carrier, M&M Maxc Griffin, M&M Mario Fogaren, M&M Robert W. Machado; $317-M&M I4ni; Louis Trial, M&M Michaell!"" Briand, N. Thaddeus Karcz; $300-Lillian Perron, . $200-Anonymous, St. Vincent de Paul Dorothy Newsham, Su~,an Richard, M&M Sylvester Sylvia, In Memory of Society, Anonymous; $17O-Anonymous; Jacqueline Vardo, Gail A. ~ouza, Joseph Larry Weaver, Viola Osborne; $25O-Dr&M $150-Anonymous, M&M David Burr, . F. LaFrance, M&MLarry ~parks, M&M Ronald P. Hantman; $225-Jane M. Anonymous, M&M Jorge Correia; $140David M. Fitzsimmons, M&M Daniel Brightman; $200-M&M Albino Santos, Anonymous; $125-M&M Richard Drolet, Fortier, Gerri Mello, M&M Robert R: Atty&M Richard I. Moses, M&M Peter M&M 1. Rene Dufresne; $12O-In Memory Piche, M&M Afmand Aughstine, M&M Washburn, M&M Wtlliam Synott, Beatrice of M&M Raphael Beaulieu by: Therese, Dennis Femarides, M&M Jbse Carvalho, Gracia, M&M Robert Ouellette, M&M Simone & Alice Beaulieu; $l00-AnonyDiane & Bill Fryer, M&M !}\Ivey, Smith, Steven Figueiredo, M&M Joseph mous, M&M Paul Carrier, M&M Charles M&M George Mello III, M&M Michael Medeiros; $17S-John Robinson, Jr.; $150- . Desj~dins, M&M Alfred Frade, M&M Farias, M&M Paul J. Costk, Dolores T. David Bolton, Hazel Dupre, M&M ThoMaurice Galipeau, M&M Conrad Furtado, M&M James LaCroix, M&M mas Keriny, Eugenia Matthews, M&M Letendre, Lucien Robert, M&M Wtlfred Dennis Amaral, M&M I~oseph EA. Raymond Souza, M&M Donald Zekan, Aubut, M&M Alan Gibb, Christine LeBlanc, M&M George Mello, M&M RiM&M James E. Costa, M&M Stephen Hatfield, Roland Jodoin, Sandra Wing, chard H. MacBain, M&MliJaime Costa, Braz, St. JuIfe Billiart Couples Club, Anonymous, Carol Bolton, M&MEdmund M&M Marco P. Sanguinetti, Annette Karmen Grech-Simons, M&M Melvin· Voisine, Sr. Paradis, M&M Emile Btigger, M&M Levine;$125-Norma Winsper, M&M St. Kilian: $U5-Francis M. Devlin; Dennis Wilkinson, M&M Francisco Raymond Coderre, M&M Paul Rioux, $l00-Zoraida Pascual. Carol Peters, M&M Robert H. Michaud;. Pimentel. . St. Lawrence: $l,200-St. Vmcent de NORTHAITLEBORO . $l20-M&M Robert Lavoie; $105-M&M Paul Society; $1,100-Rev. John M. . Sacred Heart: $l,500-M&M Dennis Jorge M. Melo; $l00-Nomlan McKenna, I Sullivan; $l,OOO-M&M Richard Saunders; Dion, M&M Russell Kenney; $1,000Jeanne M. Paquin, M&M Paul Busse, $800-Rev. John P. Driscoll; $500M&M Warren' Boehlirtg, Eleanor . M&M Tl1llothy Su, M&M Joseph Jacmto, . Jacqueline Smith; $400-Dr. Cynthia Buchinski; $750-Rev. Da~id A. Costa; M&M John Saraiva, Lucille Dussault, BerKruger, M&M Albert L. Fisher; $365$6OO-M&M Wtlliam Mountighan, Steven tha Cabral, Philip V. Baker, M&M Steven M&M Jeffrey Marden; $350-George & Terese Reynolds; $5OO-M&M George Bastoni, M&M Patrick J. Breault, M&M Lavoie, M&M Richard Riley, M&M Jo- .Hope, St. Vmcent de Paul S&:iety, Ronald Kennetll E. Brook, M&M William G. seph Harrington; $315-M&M Thomas J. Tondreault; $4OO-M&M Edlnond Goulet, Carreiro, M&M Bradford Cashman, Inese Long; $3OO-Mary Downey; $280-M&M M&M Donald Lacasse; ~Leo Heaney, Almeida, M&M Peter P. Healy, Donald Thomas Ryan; $275-M&M Anthony M&M David Winn, M&M Ernest King, Dr&M PaulO. LaBelle, M&M Ferreira; $240-M&M George Walker; Collamati, M&M Roland ,oion, M&M David LaPalme, M&M. Matthew A .. $225-M&M Donald Racine; $200-M&M Walter Landry; $250-M&M Robert Midura, Beverly Morrisseau, M&M John Edward T. Butler, Irene '0. Hamois, M&M Schroeck, M&M Keith Lac~; $200-M&M Nunes, Eva M. Perles, M&M Thomas D. Matthew Grime; $l60-M&M Louis A. Joseph Howard, M&M Alfo~ Vitagliano, Sbordone, M&M Ron Xavier, M&M Robillard, Jr., Suzanne Sullivan; $150- . M&M David Mello,· M&M Daniel Steven J. Giampa, M&M Bernard Audette, M&M Philip C. Beard, M&M Arthur B. Morrison, M&M Vmcent Asanza; $175M&M Richard H. Brown, In Loveing Walsh, M&M PeterMcCoy; $l40~M&M M&M Normand Cloutier; 1!$lSO-Dr&M Memory of Joseph & Agnes Soares & John Fletcher; $13S-M&M Martin Antonio Soriano, Stephen Daneau, M&M Manuel & Christine Rodrigues, M&M Treadup; $130-Marjorie Parent; $125James Carroll, M&MNo~ Rogers, The Alexander Nicholas, Margaret-Mary Theodore Calnan, Genevieve Baillargeon, Nichols Family; $125-Ms. Kathryn Cabral,M&M Joseph Wmterha\ter, M&M M&M Daniel F. Pires; $121.80-M&M Orren Robins, Elaine N. Carolus, M&M . DelGrosso, Deacon&M Jo~ph E. Regali; Adriano Almeida, Jr.; $l20-M&M Paul $100-Ms. Norma Ellis, M&M Mark John Bennett, M&M Charles Toomey, Baptista, Florence Coleman, M&M Lareau, M&M Leo Piette'I'M&M Brian Manuel Nunes, Leo W. Worden, M&M George Swansey; $U5-Mary G. Whalen; Marcel L. Dumont, Patricia Gonet, M&M Coyle, Ms. Gertrude RoY,,1 M&M John $10S-Mariette Rose; $100-M&M O'Neill, M&M Donald Charlebois, M&M Douglas Pfeninger, M&M Antonio Cabral, Raymond Bolton, Rosemary P. Lucas, George Karcher, M&MW~am Larocque, Irene Law, Frederick Burrell, M&M James F. Murray, M&M Mark C. Durant, M&M William Tansey, qinre Faherty, Raymond Vincent, M&M Martin King, . Mary Harrington, Mrs. Edward K.· M&M Frank Coelho, M&M William M&M Herman Couto, M&M Raymond McIntyre, Lisa M. Lemieux, M&M Ramon Ryan, M&M Ryan O'Heir, 'M&M Roger Lake, M&M Thomas H. Lemieux, M&M Tarini, M&M Raymond R. Pires, Given In Corriveau, Therese L'Hofiune, M&M Thomas Sullivan, M&M Ernest Vieira, Memory of Ellen L. Calnan, Mary Norton, James Howard, M&M Thooks Ramundo, Dolores Augustine, Lois A. Perry, M&M Edward Hynes, M&MJames Dee, M&M M&M Paul Sauve, M&M George . MatthX~ Pay~tte, M&M Willili!" Cyr,














_. /'

Violette Powell, M&M Shawn Eusebio, M&M Jasper Pam~ll, M&M Richard St. Denis, Claire Ni¢holas, Alice Gracia, M&M Robert La(lino, M&M Michael Berard, TheresaABrum, M&M Anthony Furtado, M&M John J. Harland, M&M Roland L. Savaria, M&M Frederick Toomey, M&M Dt(nnis E. Vezina, Steven R. Vieira, M&M P~ter Ricardo, In Memory of Aurore Dion, M&M John P. Ford, M&M James Collins, r.1&M Joseph Raposo, , M&M Mark W. Robert, Lucia Scott, .Charlene Proto, N.I&M Edward Ouellet, M&M Dennis P.: Bruce, 'M&M Kevin Barrett, M&M Gerald Huston, M&M James E. Tooley, M&M Ronald R. Carando, Annette.~. GagIle, M&M James J. Donnelly, Susan ,Pawlak-Seaman, M&M Gary Chouinard, M&M Vincent Aidala. NORTH DIGHTON St. .Ioseph: $2,000- In Memory of Alfred & Mary C9sta; $1,500-In Memory of the Brown & iCosta Families; $SOOM&M Joseph Correia, Vincent Scully; $200-Francis '!forres; $125-David Schnopp; $100~Arthur Costa, Regina Bourgault, Kat~leen McGuirk, Robert Murray, Joseph Jackson, Thomas Pruneau, Harold Charter, 'in Memoriam-Raymond Boffetti, M&M Carl Sanderson. NOIirH EASTON Immaculate Conception: $1,300Rev. Thomas C) Lopes; $6OO-M&M Anthony Ceice; $S9O-M&M Robert Peterson, Theresa Pratt; $3OO-M&M Joseph Ingala, M&M James Tljrasher, M&MLeo Harlow, M&M John Fresh; $2S0-M&M Travis Rhodes, M&M Richard Rhodes, M&M Lewis Chapmah; $200-M&M Scott Faust, M&M John Norton, Jr., M&M Robert Garrow, M&M!oavid Strong, M&M Douglas Martin; $175-James Gorman, Rose Friedeborn; $f?O-Knights of ColumbusEaston Councij #238, Robert J. Wooster; , $125-M&M (:harles Crivellaro, Jean Larkin, M&M Christopher Vaughan; $120-M&M Edward Lindback; $100M&M Philip TarallO: Mary Pratt, M&M Angelo Ziino,;Dr&M Christopher Corey, M&M Charles McCarthy, Jr., M&M James Friesen, Jean Ahlorim, M&M Dan Zwerle, Teresa Wolffe;1 M&M Jacques Tremblay, Helena Luxton, M&M Joseph Camara, Alvaro Sousa, ~therine Richard, Vrrginia Corte, M&M,;Mark Fisher, Mary-Rose Garfagna, Daljghters of Isabella, M&M Alfred Beech,:!M&M James Mullen, Jr., M&M BenjanrlnPugatch, 'M&M James Bwke, M&M <jiary Twiragl\. M&M Brian Nagle, Nobert!Duhamel, M&M Edward Olsen, M&M ~obert Jones, Mrs. Albert Dacy, M&M ,William Griffiths, William Malone, Lis4 Day, M&M William McAndrews, ~atguerite Wallin, Cecile Laroche, M~ William Culleton, M&M Wtlfred Roberge, M&M John Amorim, M&M Walter qhojnacki, M&M Thomas Clarke, M&M;Edward Welch, Charles McMenamy, qoris M. Downey, M&M Robert Pratt, ~&M Lewis Aries, Jr., M&M James Coughlin, M&M Michael Peterson, M&M Robert Almeida: • NOR7iHFAlMOUTH St. Elizabeth Seton: $5,000- M&M GeIaId Camero~; $2,OOO-Atty&M David Gay, M&M Joseph Clerico; $1,800-Msgr. John F. Moore;1 $1,ooo-Louise McCarty, M&M George P.ower, Robert Williamson, Stephen Clark, ~&M William Maher, St. Elizabeth SetonlMen's Club, M&M Tom Fahey, M&M "l.P. Janovitz, June Duggan; $6OO-M&M Ra)ph Vaccaro; $500-M&M Robert Chisholin, M&M Chuck, Moran, Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan, M&M William Kelley, M&M J:lerbert Sullivan"Mrs. Pat Heath, M&M Dominic DiMartino, M&M Dennis Hurley; $4OO-Deacon&M William Martin, Mrs. Joseph Dixon, Dr&M Paul Spj.nale, M&MiLeonard Roberge; $360M&M Robert A,verill; $35o-M&M Gustav , Swanson; $3OC),-Mary Lawrence, M&M Richard LeDuc! M&M Flory McCarthy, M&M Peter Connolly; $2S0-Edward Cogliano, M&M William Dillon, Richard Tracy, Mrs. Jaines Ganci, M&M Tom Murphy, M&M iJoseph Coughlan, M&M John Sullivan, J~dge & M Roger Champagne; Robert l1Iallgring, Jean Langley, M&M John Sullivan, M&M Joseph Tamucci; $24S-M&M Robert Wray; $200Dr&M Andrew iDorr, Eleanor Flaherty, Elaine LeLaclieur, M&M Richard O'Brien, M&M George Pelletier, M&M Richard Pierce, M&M Richard Giere, Ed Hannon, M&M TImothy DeIlIll3Ik, M&M Keith Sonnabend, Bill Black, M&M Thomas Bushy, M&M Ed Dahlborg, M&M John Leddy; Robert McCusker, Richard F. : ,.~;I-].1 , .. I 1,'(:) J~uguA t/!J>1Y! ,20Jf!J;2 :>lIJll

Nissi; $150-M&M Robert Antonucci, M&M David Bercovici, M&M Edward Marcheselli, Bernard Nee, M&M James Quill, Dr&M Fouad Yazbak, M&M Peter Celi, Mrs. William Stone, William Hendel; $125-M&M Eugene Roche, William Lynch, M&M Glen Solomon, Katherine McElaney, Mrs. Paul Halpin, M&M Raymond LeBlanc; $100-M&M Robert Bouchie, M&M John Callinan, M&M Eugene Connolly, Edward DiPietro, Theresa Garvey, Paul Geary, M&M Michael Gwynn, M&M Jack Howard, M&M Robert Inman, Mrs. Charles innis, M&M William Kirk, M&M John Laurendeau, Dr&M John Manning, M&M Arthur Miller, M&M Arnin Missaghian, M&M Kevin O'Neil; M&M Lawrence Regis, M&M Vincent Robinson, M&M John Segadelli, Dr. Elliot Taylor, Joanne Ward, Dorothy Weiss, M&M Francis Bagarella, M&M Russell Bishop, M&M Paul Carney: M&M Glenn Chalifoux, M&M Robert Desmond, M&M William Finigan, Elizabeth Leavey, M&M Carlos LoChiatto, M&M Paul McAllister, M&M James McCabe, Mrs. John McCarron, Dr&M John McCue, Susan MorrowShayne, Margaret Murphy, M&M James Musto, Clare O'Brien, M&M Ralph Pellegrini, M&M Richard Renwick, M&M Joseph Studley, M&M William Sullivan, M&MJames Ulwick, M&M John Bearce, M&M Vmcent Bordonaro, M&M William Connors, M&M William Dalton, M&M Daniel Dennehy, M&M Barry Kent, M&M John Kern, Daniel Lynch, M&M John McArdle, M&M Joseph McCarthy, Margaret Morse, M&M Robert Shaw, Mary Sullivan, M&M Paul Surette, Charlotte Conchieri, M&M Andrew McIsaac, Nancy Peterson, M&M James Ward, M&M Eugene White, Mrs. Richard Woodward. NORTON, . St. Mary: $5OO-Richard & Sheila Jones; $250-M&M Joseph McGinley, . M&M John J. Ribeiro;$200-Donna & Doug McBride; $IS0-M&M Norman Corriveau,'Edward & Sue Tamul, Gregory & Elizabeth McCann; $12S-M&M Paul Broderick; $100-Elizabeth E. Berry, M&M Paul Vamum, Mrs. Douglas MacMaster, Kathleen & Joseph Travers, M&M John McLaughlin, Mary A. Beattie. ORLEANS SL .Joan of Arc: $1,500-Rev. Richard Roy; $1,OOO-Thomas Lawson; $7S0M&M Joseph Conlan; $700-M&M Lawrence Nugent; $600- M&M Paul W. O'Connor; $500-M&M Michael 1. Day, M&M John T. Corcoran;$400-M&MJohn Dickson; $300-M&M Thomas Prokop; $275-Julianne Sullivan; $250-Francis Lajoie, M&M Joseph F. Moran; $200Brian Michaelan, Mrs. Harriet Royal, M&M Donald Seymour, Dr&M Larry Hartung; $150-Ms. Patricia Clock, Ellen Carey; $135-M&M Hector Robitaille; $100-Mrs. Dorie Bicknell, Dr&M Frederic Flach, Miss Gertrude MUrray, M&M Wl1liam E. Stempsey, John Preu, M&M John Dowman, M&M DonaidE. Liebers, M&M Lem Skidmore, M&M Ernest Largey, M&M Frederick Fenlon, M&M George Jonic, Teresa Rew, M&M Wayne Hastings. OSTERVIUE Our -Lady of the Assumption: $5,OOO-Anonymous; $3,000- M&M Joseph Abely; $2,400-Anonymous, Anonymous; $2,OOO-M&M Ernest J. Gavel, Robert & Danielle Grady; $1,OOO-Anonymous, M&M Minos Gordy, M&M John C. Scully, M&M Desmond J. Heathwood, M&M Paul J. Myrick, Anonymous; $750Anonymous; $650-M&M Maurice F., McCormack; $600-Anonymous; $SOORev. Roger Nolette, O.S.B., AnOliymou~, M&M John J. Cloherty, M&M John MacKinnon, Our Lady of the Assumption Guild, M&~ Paul J. Ryder, Mrs. Barton Tomlinson, M&M David McCarthy, M&M Daniel A. Cronin, Jr., The Bentivegna Family, M&M William, Christie, Anonymous; $400-Francis L. Swift; $3SO-Anonymous, Patricia Finn, M&M John D. Sullivan; $325-M&M Jo'seph Monteforte; $300-Anonymous, M&M Robert J. Doyle, M&M Thomas J. Grady, M&M James Ryan, Lawrence,K. Bwke, M&M James Costello, M&MFelix D'Olimpio, M&M Wilson Perry, M&M Robert McCool, M&M Edward O'Brien; $2S0-Anonymous, Mary A. Callahan, Dr&M Anthony F. Milano, Kathleen Gralton; $220- M&M David Herlihy; $200-Anonymous, M&M Charles Baxter, Patricia Brackett, Kathleen M. Bradley, Marie Butler, M&M Robert C. D,auer, .;.tifhJhiG;-IOnnA-IlIIS.,f ;:.JIr.;·.1 :nob05flT

.. '~

David & Patricia Foster, Yvonne DeSousa, M&M Daniel Leite, M&M Robert . M&M Robert Elskamp, M&M James Bessette, M&M Danit:! Keating, M&M Ingram, M&M Paul T. Lebel, Grace, Andre J. Passomato, M&M Edward Perry, O'Connor, M&M Richard 0' Keeffe, Rob- . Richard Cappotto, Joan Roderick, Nancy Andrew Mihailides; $900-Hendricks Pools, Inc.; $800-M&M Charles Brett, ert F. O'Rourke, M&M Melvin J. Pauze, Stefani-Blacksmith Shop Restaurant, M&M Henry Ciampi, M&M William Adams Pharmacy, Kevin & Carol M&M George Casey; $750-M&M Henry Foley; $6So-M&M Kevin Hamey; $600Downey, M&M Joseph ,Logue, M&M O'Flaherty, Jeanne Galvin, Doris Nitti, Gerald P. Cassese, Gordon, & Beverly M&M Edward Barbehenn; $520-M&M Harold Scherer, Jr., John E. & Patricia E. Edward Martin; $SOO-M&M Robert ' Ingraham, M&M John Maffei, Jr., M&M ,Ferreira, Mary Ann Costello. RAYNHAM Brady, M&M Michael Harrington, In William Callahan; $IS0-Anonymous, , , St. Ann: $1,300-M&M Joseph Memory of Angela Medeiros, Joanna M&M Terence Dewsnap, M&M Lawrence Drago, Catherine F. Haggerty, Dorothy Harnois; $1,OOO-Catherine St. Martin; Medeiros, Mount Carmel Women's Puild, M&M Alan Sherrerd, M&M Jeffrey Kashuba, Therese Reynolds, M&M $82S-Theodore Kapala; $800-Francis George Rucker, M&M Alfred Sem, M&M Campbell; $600-M&M Peter Joyce; $500~ Blaisdell; $450-M&M Robert Tobiasz; Francis J. Madigan, M&M Richard J. . Catherine Bryant, Frances Bumila, M&M $4OO-M&M Stephen Falco, M&M Joseph Perry, Anonymous; $12S-Anonymous; John Donahue, M&M William Tripp; Tavares; $375-M&M Thomas Castle; $120-M&M Howard C. Llewellyn; $115- $450-M&M Joseph Bettencourt; $430- $350-M&M Richard Johannis, M&M M&M James Wtlliam.s; $110-Anonymous, M&M Mark Karsner; $42S-M&M Mark Canuel; $3OO-David Andrade, M&M Robert Perreira, M&M Jose Reis, M&M Mrs. Jerry Momoe; $100-Anonymous, Salvatore Oliveri; $400-Francis Balfe; $37S-M&M Roland Rondeau; $3So-Alma Jesse Hendricks, M&M John Kelleher, M&M Charles Barber, David C. Bayer, M&M Michael Kelly, M&M Alfred Mor'Philip M. Boudreau, M&M David Cordeiro; $300-M&M Patrick Cady, ris, M&M Manuel DaSilva, M&M John Bradford, M&M John Broderick, M&M M&M Henry Crombie, M&M Joseph Vmcent R. Byrne, IdaM. Cary, M&M Rob- Fernandes, M&M Theodore Sargent, Gregorek, M&M Kenneth Parisi, M&M Kenneth Patterson; $280-Robert Propatier; ert P. Cronin, Ruth Cunnion; John M&M George Gould, Dr&M Michael DaLomba, Mrs. SA Dean, M&M Walter . Scanlon, Stuart O'Brien, M&M Donald $275-M&M James McDonald; $250F. Delorey, Mrs. Frank Dick, M&M Toner, M&M Edward Chickering; $2S0- M&M Anthony Alves, M&M John Kenyon, Glen Larrabee, M&M William Celestino DiGiovanni, M&M James A. M&M Joseph Finucci, Sheilah Reardon, O'Gara, Kathleen Connors, M&M Gilbert Doty, Alice Fitzgerald, M&M James ¥&M William Rota, M&M Joseph Frame; Frances Gaumond, Mrs. William Santos, M&M Dennis Carvalho, M&M Devine, Frances Gorman, M&M Thomas Kerwin, M&M Ralph Castino, M&M WilGinns, M&M Mitchell Goodhue, Marga- Arthur Whittemore, M&M Richard ret Haggerty, M&M James Hynes, Mrs. Labonte, M&M Jeffrey Lortie, M&M liam Cuddigan, M&M Joseph Manion, Dr&M Ri'ck Varieur, M&M David Patrick C. Horkan, Eileen A l:Iurley, Mrs. Jonathan Hallman, M&M John Leddy; William J. Joyce, LUke P. Lally, M&M $240-Paul Fountain; $22S-M&M Agostini, M&M Carlos Braga, Christopher Joseph J. Lyons, M&M Edward Machado, Raymond' Cooke, ,M&M Donald Jeffrey, M&M Harry Gianlorenzo, M&M M&M Edward A. Mason, M&M Gilberto McKinnon; $200-M&M Wayne Barlow, Michael Studley;$240-M&M Joseph M&M Richard Bourget, M&M John McCabe; $225-Elaine Barboza, M&M C. Medeiros, M&M Theodore Mochnacki, John Murphy, M&M Robert J. O'Brien, Dolim, M&M Edward Goodrich, M&M Frank Santoro; $200-Sandra Almeida, Rose AnnO'Connor, Phyllis O'Toole, John McMullen, M&M George Milot, M&M Anthony Azulay, Jane Barker, M&M Neil Joseph, Helen Lounsbury, M&M Ray Corrigan, M&M John Costa, M&M John F. Savage, M&M Joseph T. Scanlan, M&M John W. Sheehy, John T. M&M Mark Wheeler, M&M Dennis M&M Mark DiPetrillo, Paula Fernandes, Shingles, M&M Francis R. Staffier, Sheila Doherty, M&M William Raynolds, M&M M&M Frank Mooney, M&M Joseph A. Thomas, M&M Tedd Wtlliams, Virginia Karl Vrana; $175-M&M Darrin Thibault, Mullen, M&M Michael O'Connell, M&M Worthington, M&M Paul Beaudreau, M&M RMichael Whitty, M&M Thomas Lebro Palazzi, Antonio RibeiIo, Jr., M&M ' Mary Joan Carson, Jane F. Davis, Ken Zaks; $16S-M&M Alan McRae, M&M Ronald Souto, M&M Robert'Stefanik, Gavin, Sarah Manning, Susan McLean, Edward Tokarz; $160-Mary Ann Kelly; M&M Richard Veader, Russell Ymcelette, M&M Otto Plescia, M&M John R. $ISS"M&M Harold Frantzen; $150-Irene Susan Miller, M&M John Fontes, M&M Barden, M&M Edward C. Conrad, Will- Cobb, M&M James Gramm, M&M James Rassol, In Memory ofLaura Walker, iam T. & Mary H. Donahue, M&M Ber- Lawrence Roland, M&M Leo Schleicher, M&M William Ward, M&M Steven Fuller, nard J. Foley, David Guerra, Carol A. & M&M Henry Foley, M&M 'Gerald M&M Harvey Mace, M&M Martin O'Loughlin, M&M George McCauley, SuWilliam J. Hurley, Susan Russo, Catherine Williamson, Josephine Kapala, M&M White,. Fred Bean, Charles H. Donald, Edward Whelan, M&M Leopold Fillion, san Chellel, M&M John Ware, M&M Neil M&M James Machado, M&M E. Jason Farren, M&M Kevin O'Flanagan, M&M M&M Michael Fitzgerald, Jane B. LeGrende, Mrs. Arthur'E. Mayo, Evelyn Oldfield, M&M Edward Powers, M&M . John Pacheco, Nancy Shackett; $17S& Marie Rapoza, M&M Edward T. Thomas Porter, M&M Paul Quigley; $135- M&M Bruce Bennett, M&M Michael Sullivan, John Entwistle, M&M Paul E. Margaret DeGrenier; $130-M&M Richard Quaglia; $ISS-Elizabeth Marsland; $ISoFair, Mrs. James J. O'Leary, Jr., Mrs. Paul Emery, James Mansfield; $125-M&M Ed- M&M William Adair, M&M John Furtado, M. Ryan, Mrs. William Thompson, M&M ward Brush, M&M Michael Gorey, M&M M&M Robert Karewa, Charlotte Mello, M&M John Petraitis, M. Lois Quirk, Jeffrey Clark, M&M Allen Donaruma, Edwin Mahoney, M&M Joseph Saia, M&M Frank Cabral, Joseph LaLiberte, ' M&M Raymond Silva, M&M Ralph M&M D. Jeffrey Ehart, M&M Harry E. Ekblom, Leone F. French, George & Ann M:&M William McCaffrey, Darlene Costa, Tomei, M&M John Whittaker, Dr&M David Quigley, Eleanor Mills, Seekonk Oil , M. Mahon, M&M Benjamin Perry, M&M Robert McCabe, M&M Robert Reilly, Craig Riley, M&M Lawrence Welch, M&M Boyd Ander~on, M&M John Company, M&M: Michael Ppmerleau, Cronin; $120-M&M Mark Gocal, Paul M&M Robert Vandal, M&M Terrance Anonymous, M&M Norman D. Gilmartin, Perruzzi, M&M Vui Le; $1l5-M&M 1. W. Charest, Kathryn:Warish; $140-M&M M&M Philip McCartin, John Murdock, Leroy Latimer; $l1o-M&M Kenneth S1. Harold Devine;$125-M&M Joseph M&M Thomas Rahilly, Nancy Whitely. .Martin; $IOS-M&M David Yelle; $100-I!t Brennan, M&M John Carney, M&M POCASSET st. .Iohn the Evaneelist: $6,OOO-Rev. ~emory of Msgr Armando Annunziato, James Drapeau, M&M Fred Guarino, Anna Robert C. Donovan; $5,000-St. John's M&M Donald Bernard, M&M Brian McAuliffe, Angie: Mello, M&M Frank Bingo; $2,OOO-InMemoriam; $500-M&M Colburn, M&M Roland Lecuyer, M&M Rapoza, M&M Rosaire Marcotte, M&M Andrew Maguire, M&M Michael Eric Hamel, M&M Joseph Costa, M&M Robert Armour, M&M Angelo' J. DiModica, St. Vmcent de Paul Society; Monaghan, M&M John Moulaison, Elinor Alfred MacTavish,' Luis Bolieiro, M&M $4OO-M&M Ralph A. Brown; $3OO-M&M Reiffarth, M&M Carlton Sylvia, M&M Robert Tompkins, Marlene Zollo; $120Jeffrey Davis, M&M John Migliaccio, James Burke, M&M Brian Gregg, M&M Dorothy Downes, M&M George Oliveira; $Uo-M&M Norman Galimberti; $100M&M Michael D. Kelley; $280-Anony- John Manganaro, M&M Russel mous; $250-M&M Harry J. Borden, Martorana,M&M William Morton, M&M M&M Leonardo Alves, M&M Antonio Marilyn Powers, Rose Cavanaugh, Mary John Palmer, Beatrice Sa, M&M Gilbert Amaral, M&M Paul Berube, Irene Cheval, Moran; $200-M&M Brenton Miller, Santos, M&M William Sartre, Carolyn Joan Creighton, M&M William Curtis, M&M Francis T. Seery; $IS0-M&M Schindelwig, M&M John Vickery, M&M Carol Frattaruolo, ,Glenn Giuttari, MarGorgon'WlXon; $125-M&M John Knutila; Brian Bubluski, M&M Paul Dooley, guerite Hanley, M&M William Jarvis, $II1O-M&M James K. Barrett, Monica Theresa Flannery, M&M Bruce Hebert, Martha Johnson, M&M Harold MessenLayton, David & Lynn Trocchi, Diane M&M Gordon Luciano, M&M Edward ger, M&M George Mmailides, M&M JefWl1de, M&M TImothy Andrade, Julius A. Murphy, M&M Shane O'Hara, M&M Ed- frey Moitoso, Genevieve Motta, M&M ward Roster, M&M Scott Thomas, M&M Donald Nokes, Constance Partridge, Ghio. Frank Ventura, Donna Clark, M&M Albert M&M Richard Pinelle, Dr&M Peter PROVINCETOWN SlretertheA,postIe: $2,700-Knights Correia, M&M' Jonathan Geggatt, M&M Pizzarello, M&M James Rennick, M&M of Columbus-Walter Welsh Council; David Hutchinson, Louise Scanlon, M&M Carleton Skinner"M&M David Souto, $1,200- Michael Leger; $6OO-Jacqueline Eduardo Arruda, M&M Francisco Marilyn Toole, M&M James Torres, M&M B. Rozza; $SOO- Provincetown Trolley, DeAndrade, M&M Frlincis Dillon, M&M Richard Vermette; James Viara, M&M Yvonne Cabral-Edwards, Cabral Enter- Lee Dillon, M&M Robert McLaughlin, Joao Vicente, Catherine Walsh, M&M Anprises DBA Fisherman's Wharf, Seamens M&M Philip Noonan, M&M George thony Andrews, M&M James Blythe, Bank-Long Point Charitable Foundation; Phillips, Loretta Wood, Mary Zubel, Arthur Cabral, M&M Manuel Campos, $400- John Mulcahy; $325-M&M Robert Kathleen Burt, Catherine Courtney, M&M M&M Raymond Hayes, M&M Gerard F. Silva; $3OO-Francis A Obert; $260- Paul Farrell, M&M Thomas McAuley, LaFleur, M&M John Larkin, M&M Mary & Peter Codinha; $250-Christopher M&M Patrick Murphy, M&M Paul Bertrand Ledoux; Ernest Mansolillo, J. Snow, Diane & Jim Schermerhorn; $200- Riendeau, M&M James Taxiera, M&M M&M Thomas Miller, M&M Raymond Robert & Clarise Dutra, M&M Robert . ,William Zolga, M&M Fred Crossman, , Murtha, M&M David Pitassi, Robert SellRussell, Robert & Yvonne Cabral, M&M M&M Robert DeBourke, M&M Bradford ers, Amelia Silva, M&M Rolland St Pierre, Thomas Dahill; $150-Walter Harding, Gomes, M&M Frederick Gurnmow, Rob- M&M John Tretton, Florence Turner, Elaine Cabral, Kim Levesque, Francis & ert Keith, M&M Richard Kellogg, M&M M&M Constantine Vavolotis, Christine Christopher Madden, Otilia McDonald, Vmbateiro, M&M David Berube, M&M Mary Peters; $125-Marguerite V. Lopes, M&M Edward J, Goshen; $100-James J; Marie Pickering, Diane Connell, M&M William Carden, M&M Raymond Clement, M&M Thomas Clifford, M&M RobMeads, Tim McNulty, Ruth C. Walsh, 'John Moran. SEEKONK ert Gagliardi, M&M A!fred George, M&M Mildred Bent, Joseph Patrick, William & j,: Our Lady ofMount Carmel: $2,500- David Gering, M&M Joseph Percy, M&M Charlotte Gordon, Annette S. Merrill, Marcey Oil Co., John T. Grace, Coastal Mark Andrade, M&M Frank Casarella; Robert Riccitelli, M&M Jorge Rijo, M&M Acres Camping Court, Inc., Joseph Ma- , $2,OOO-In Memory of My Loved Ones, Thomas Rose, M&M James TIeman, Violet Wilkinson, M&M Stephen Wujcik, roon, Joseph Andrews, John Corea, M&M , M&M Edward Reall, In Thanksgiving; Basil Santos, Irene C. O'Sullivan, Dolores, $1,OOO-Dr&M Stephen Conway, M&M M&M Stanley Bienkiewicz, Mary Roderick, Fireside Insurance Agency, Richard Laporte, Dr&M Anthony Potenza, Gamboa, M&M William Heaney, M&M l~I;;r~C M~!lt-~!..!.~ ;il::-H:q~ !I. ~u~} r,l ~ ,', : 1/1' .~ ...?r.ffl(I.; . ..,:i ,,~~; .. '; . " . {) L"'Jl)~l r/;/'lfi .r,:' ;'''-is.I!'':'~''':.,


I~ John Mulvey, M&.M Kenneth Rampino, M&Mhwin SetZer, M&M Joseph Galego, M&M Jeffrey Griffin, M&M -John Krasniansid, Bernice Lusignan, M&M· Kenneth Mason, M&M Nelson Matos, M&M Valentim Mendes, M&M pavid Mitchell, M&M Samuel Mulholland, M&M Joseph Oliver, M&M John Resendes, Catherine Silva, M&M Nick Titone, Susan Aguiar, Elaine Baasch, M&M Richard Costa, Jose Doro, M&M Kenneth Greene, M&M Francis Harrington, M&M Kenneth Marcil, Marcel Nadeau, Manuel Ormonde, M&M Raymond Pickett, M&M Peter Quin, M&M Phu Tnin, M&M Anthony Silva, M&M Everett Almeida, Cynthia _Arago, M&M Peter Donnelly, M&M Bernard Gorman, M&M Edward Irons, M&M Matthew Keenan, Vera Maceda, M&M Dennis O'Grady, Alice Pickett, Dr&M Jesus Valdepenas, M&M Paul Archambault, M&M Raymond DiMeo, M&M Mario Lagoa, Dr&M Ronald Ricco, M&M Scott Simmons, M&M Anthony Spagnolo, M&M Tom Chamecki, M&M· Joseph Faria, M&M Wilfrid Garand, M&M Charles Gaylor, M&M Edward Mota, M&MJohn Nunes, M&M Daniel Rijo, M&M Kenneth Robinson, M&M Michael Soares, Anthony Soboda, M&M Donald Sunderland. S1. Mary: $1,660-St. Vincent de Paul Society; $1,400-Joseph & Eileen Hodge; $l,OOO-Gerard & Sandy Matton, David & Cindy Mullen, Timothy McGinn, David & Cindy Mullen; $600-George & Mary Agostini; $SSO-Rev. George B. Scales; $SOO-Russell Ferland, Beatrice Amos, David & Lisa Spencer, Joseph & Gloria Hodge; $4OO-Barbara Harrington; $300John & Eileen Murphy, Joseph & Dorothy Palana, Paul & Maureen Rego, Raymond & Paula Roberge; $265-Catherine Sinotte; $250-John & Patricia Harwood; $200Frank Padykula, Bill Dentch, Ronald & Donna Paris, Gary·& Louise Alaownis, Michael Mullen; $175-Gerard & Claire Cinq-Mars; $160-James & Deborah Bolton; $150-Aithur & Karen Bergeron, Louis DeIPapa, Eleanor Lalime, Charles & Nora Sirois, Thomas & Denise Drury, Eugene & Yvette Wallin, John Francis, Anne Schiller, Gerard & Rosemary Lavoie, .St. Mary's Senior Saints, Paul & Judy Hodge; $145-Robert & Judith Araujo; $125-William & Kelly DeBlois, Steven & Nancy Semple; $1l0cGerald & Monica Lanoue; $lOO-Mrs. Robert Gravel, Keith & Kathleen Boivin, Robert Burroughs, Martin Carr, Antonio & Elaine DeAguiar, Louis & Joan Emond, Janet Nerbonne, Jeff & Linda Seyboth, Thomas Silva, James & Evelyn Traynor, Richard & Carol Carignan, Eugene & Elizabeth Harvey, Francis & Donna Laliberte, Richard & Jeanne Goyette, Paul & Mary Ellen Keating, Raymond & Helen Keough, George Labelle, Roy Lambert, Doris Murray, Virginia Philbert, Jerry & Carol Raposa, Salit Family, Fred & Liesse SIemon, Mike & Christine Hanley, Thomas & Marie Heaney, Charles & Deborah Langevin, Ro)Jert & Lori Lebeau, Paul Oliveira, Angela Robertson, David Turinese, Clifford & Louise Wallace, James & Janet Wollish, Dennis & Mary O'Brien, Stephen & Nancy Tracey, Thomas & Sherry Ustas, Anita Vallett, Fernando Almeida, Joseph Banas, Michael Dichristopharo, Robert & Lindy Goudreau, Eugene & Catherine McGovern, Mildred Mounteer, Paul & Laurel Racine, Paul & Ellen Goulet, Sharon & John Barry, Ann & Earl Hultzmann, Olympia Martesian, Sharon & John Barry. -SOMERSET S1. .Iohn of God: $1,380-10 Memory of the Santos & Ferreira Families; $5OG-1o Memory of James & Sarah Ventura, John O'Donnell; $4So-M&M Richard Torres; $4Oo-Maria McCoy; $3OO-Maria Chaves, M&M Arthur Carvalho; $250-M&M Kenneth Machado, M&M Camilo Viveiros; $200-Linda T. Laflamme, M&M Carlos Tavares, Rose-Machado; $170-Francis Bri1lo; $lSO-Mrs. Diamantina Machado, M&M Ronald Miranda, M&M David M. Destefano; $12S-M&M Russell -A. Desmaris, M&M Edward B. Medeiros; $l20-M&M Luis Ramos; SlOG-Margaret Medeiros, M&M Robert Lerna, M&M Antonio Alberto, M&M Joseph Amaral, M&M Leo Barboza, Mrs. Albert Bernardo, M&M Robert Correia, M&M Nelson Santos, Janice Partridge, M&M James Pereira, M&M Raymond Mello, M&M Manuel Benevides, Elizabeth Mello, M&M David





Thvares, Mary Martha Murphy, M&M Robert DaRocha, Rosemary Ferreira, Maria Mendonca, M&M Michael Mello, Rebecca Kresowaty, M&M George Nicolan, M&M Russell Golden, Richard Tavares, M&M John Camara, M&M Ritchie Machado, John Lerna. S1. Patrick: $8S0-M&M Leonard Worsley; $6oo-David Dunne, Jr., Joseph Manhews; SSOG-In Memory of Elizabeth & Patrizia Darcy; $300-M&M Alfred Benoit; $200-M&M Robert Ciosek, Deacon&M Edward Hassey, M&M Edward Leonard; $lSO-M&M Donald Mayer; $l25-M&M Richard Brisbois, M&M Denis Gaudreau; $llo-M&M Gilbert Bouchard; $lOG-M&M Edmund Lima, M&M Robert Lotrionte, M&M John McCarthy, Mary Pacheco, M&M Ronald Richard, M&M James Sullivan, Richard Whittington, M&M Edward Camara, M&M Ernst Cummings, M&M-Normand Heroux, . Lorraine Judge, M&M Terrance McAvoy, Mrs. Walter Palmer, Mrs. Charles Brown, M&M Allan Fisher, M&M Maurice Rousseau, St. Patrick's Men's Club, M&M Raymond Leboeuf. 81. Thomas More: $3,sOG-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; $l,200-Dr&M Francis James; $l,OOO-Rev. Edward J. Byington, M&M Leonard Burgmyer, M&M Eugene Pepin; $SOO-Barbara A. Dunn, M&M Michael Stubbs, Frances M. LaSalle; $300Barbara 1... Dunn, Dick & Mary Kelley, Jean O'Brien; $25o-Dr&M Eduardo Leonardo, M&M Dominic Massas, Noreen L. Cotter; $240-Sarah T. Silvia; $200-M&M Richard P. Coute, M&M David P. Johnson, Atty&M Stephen C. Nadeau, M&M Walter Pierce, M&M Gerald Driscoll, M&M Philip Roderick, Jr., M&M Norman F. Bessette; $17S-M&M Joseph Reidy; $lSO-M&M Kenneth J. Beaulieu, Mary P. Daley, Josephine Dube, Philomena Joubert, M&M W1lliam Bradbury, M&M John F. Daley, Jr., M&M Charles Leary, Gertrude O'Neil, David & JoAnn Gauthier; $12S-M&M Albert Capeto, Louis E Fayan, W1lliam H. Kirkman, M&M Daniel P. McDonald; $llO-Eliza Sabra, M&M Eduardo Saraiva; $Uo-M&M Neal E. Cadorette, Erickson Plumbing & Heating; $lOO-M&M Joseph Albernaz, Jr., M&M Norman W. Almeida, M&M A. Roger Archambault, M&M Eugene Belanger, Mrs. Vincent A. Coady, M&M John D'Ambrosio, M&M Paul Donnelly, Clement J. Dowling, M&M ElVio A. Ferreira, M&M Shaun Fitzpatrick, Sr., Kathleen Gunning, Elizabeth A. Manning, Bemice M. McCusker, M&M Francis J. Mullins, M&M Francis J.Murphy, Barbara M. Pallas, Leona G. Shea, M&M James R. Watts, M&MThomas Chippendale, M&M Joseph Diogo, M&M Roger A. Gaspar, Jane McDurman, M&M Frederick J. Ducharme, Jr., M&M James Mullins, James F. McIntyre, M&M Thomas Quinn, M&M Edmund F. Silva, M&M Bruce Beaulieu, Mrs: Frank J. Boyko, Jr., M&M David G. Driscoll, M&M Thomas M. Gastall, Joan Cuttle, M&M Raymond Karnasiewicz, M&M Michael St. Laurent, M&M Steven P.Sabra. SOUTH DARTMOUTH St. Mary: $lO;OOO-M&M Patrick Carney; $2,OOG-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; $l,OOO-Dr&M Roger Pocze; $600M&M Richard T. Saunders, Jr.; SSOG-Rev. Terence F. Keenan, M&M Ronald Dias; $240-JohnFolan, Esq.; $220-ConnieJesus, Joshua Jesus; $200-Karen Medeiros; $180Stephen & Barbara Connulty; $lSo-Olivia M. Luiz, In Memory of Mary T. Luiz, St. Mary's Guild, Margaret Alves; $100Theresa. Almeida, M&M David Pimental, M&M Joseph Cherry, M&M Andrew_ DeFrias,Dr&M Mark Ventura, M&M Edward Barros, Bishop Stang Council 4532Knights ofColumbus, Christopher & Kelly Demanche. SOUTH EASTON Holy Cross: $S,OOO-Edward M. Duggan Trust; $800-M&M Colin MacDonald; $600-M&M John E. Whelton; SSOG-M&M Frederick Dolloff, M&M James O'Sullivan; $400-M&M Jonathan Chase, M&M Edward Mabry; $3OO-M&M Robert W. Sullivan, Jr.; $250Mrs. Edward O'Brien, William O'Connell, M&M George' Zarella, M&M Thomas Madden; $2OG-Drs. Peter Levesque, M&M James M. Sullivan, Mrs. John Oliveira, Jr., M&M Henry C. Hobaica, M&M Thomas Madden, M&M Ray Smith; $lSO-Mrs. Jiunes Azevedo, M&M James Breton, M&M Paul DiNicola, Robert J.. Kane, Knights of Columbus, Katheril}e Bird, Dr. & M Guy A Spinelli; $l25-M&M Daniel

. .






J. O'Reilly; $l20-M&M J. Kevin Burns; Pelissier, Ligaya S. Chan, Laurie Walters, $lOG-M&M Charles Delpidio, Mrs. Donna Patrick A. Gouveia. II Florence, M&M Donald R. Henderson, S1. Francis of Assisi: $l,200-AnonyM&M Barry Hilliard, Joseph Macrina, rnous; $800-M&M WaYrle Gray; $SOOM&MEugene Signori, M&M Arthur Wil- Rev. Michael Ciryak, Rev. Paul E. Canuel; liams, M&M John Welch, "Spirit Within $300-DorValino Carreir6; $2S0-M&M Us" Prayer Group, Mrs. Thomas KennethJ. Thorpe, Paul J. Martelly; $200Gallagher, M&M Timothy Heffernan, Mark & Lory Libby, II Veronica T. M&M J. Charles Hurley, M&M Daniel McConnell; $lSO-Arthur F. Turcotte, Knappenberger, M&M Raymond Lawson, Claire McMahon, Russell B. Cochrane, Dr&M Charles Smallwood, M&M Anto- Anthony Santoro, Wollastbp Morin; $125nio Volpe, M&M Richard 1... Arkuszewski, M&M Joseph Bushell, 1'1&M Frank N. M&M William Carroll, Mrs: .M. Tina Clegg, Dr&M Robert Wllcqx; $llO-M&M Castaldi, Patricia Gentile, M&M Charles Daniel Azevedo, M&M Manuel Silveira; Hanegan, M&M Charles Leonard, M&M $lOO-Roger Lamonde,!1 George W. James McGuigan, M&M Paul J. Jenkinson, Nomert Flores,1 Nancy Heslin, DeCristofaro, M&M Eugene Alfonso, Ronald Fontaine, Bill~ Dolin, Ann Patricia Brophy, Thomas Denesha, M&M Tschirch, M&M Harold U. Senay, Alice Paul Sullivan, M&M Joseph R. Cleary, Pe- Henrique, John Lyons'f Edward S. ter 1. Farrell, M&M Craig Mello, M&M McNerney, Leonard C. Copnors, Michael Philip Gilbride, M&M Robert Cunha, G. Sullivan, M&M Joseph Goyette, Oscar M&M John D. Curran, M&M Stephen M. Nadeau, Alice Henrique!! A.J. Gabriel, Lyons, M&M James McGuigan, M&M M&M Robert E Leite, Paul J.V. Parente, Brad McMenirnon, Irene M. Sinteft, M&M Antone Abreu, William I Gray, Arthur John DiSantos, M&M Manuel Domingos, Arruda, Our Lady of Fatima Seniors, JoShirley St. John. seph D. Salpietro II, John E:Punn, Blanche Prevost, M&M Michael J. McGee, M&M SOUTH YARMOUTH S1. Pius Tenth: $3,sOG-James Dooley; Raymond WaIst)., Harold I:Higgins, John $l,OOO-M&M Lester Albee, M&M Rob- Silveira, Herbert E. Chace, Carlos ert Janek, M&M William Yoo, Judith Carvalho, Carol Hanley, Gilbert Mathieu, Maguire; $SOO-Carole Maroney, M&M M&M Craig J. Sherwin!1 M&M Larry Augustine Gouveia, Claire Murphy, M&M B)'well. II St. Louis de France: $l,OOO-M&M Charles Salerno, M&M Edward Murphy, M&M Richard Angelini, Stephen Nocrasz; Normand LeComte; $SOO-Edward $4OO-M&M Edward Oberlander; $3S0- McCann; $4S0-M&M George Blaser; Ruth Mulford, M&M John Mullen; $300- $4OG-M&M Darryl Doand, St. Louis de John Boyd, Joseph Fallon, Dorothy But- France-St. Vincent de Paul :~ociety; $300ters, Arlene Rossi, M&M James Daven- M&M John G. Wmters; $25P-M&M Roger port, Virginia Fortuna; $2So-Rita Black, Paquette;.$200-M&M Hugh Kenworthy, Deborah Black, M&M Robert Cullen, M&M Alfred Mello, M&M Terence M&M Edward Gallivan, Mary B. Hanley, Tyrrell, M&M Timothy Th9mpson; $150M&M William Hogan; $240-Salvatore Barbara Bell; $13S-M&M Joseph Rizzotti; $200-Mary Dempsey, M&M Belanger; $120-M&M Chhrles Pelissier, John Feeney, M&M Robert Leary, M&M M&M Gerald Fontaine, M&M Richard Gordon Dutra, M&M James Burns, Regina Levesque, M&M Danie~ Berthiaume; Kennedy, M&M James Moynihan, Mar- $l1S-M&M Edward Sullivan; $100garet Flaherty, M&M William Mahoney, M&M Gary Thrpin, M&M !oseph Pere~ Mrs. Harold Jarvis, M&M Robert Welsh, M&M Edward Sullivan, Lillian O'Hearn, Jr.; $lSO-Betty ~olgan, M&M James M&M Alfred G. Souza, M&M William Donovan, M&M William Parry, Richard O'Neil, M&M Manuel S. kvedo, M&M Bronski, Peter A81orosi, DDS, M&M Rob- George T. Costa, Mrs. ~o St. Denis, ert Fleischer, M&M Richard Precourt, M&M John R. Torres, M&M Bruce E. M&M Donald Hatkenrider; $12S-M&M Coray, Mrs. Raymond FeUhauer, M&M Paul Long, M&M John McKenna, Beatrice Paul Doucette, M&M Gil-ald E. Costa, Medeiros, M&M Emerson Snow, M&M M&M Roger G. Chaftvin, Alfred Robert Routhier; $120-M&M Robert Bouchard, Vivian MorroJi M&M Louis Kohr, M&M Edwin Kelley; $lOO-M&M W. Benevides, M&M Michael Azevedo, John Murray, M&M Edward Curley, Mrs. Nancy Gendreau, M&MiI Normand C. William Russell, M&M Stephen Fortin, M&M Michael Vieira, M&M -EdHarrington, Alice Arone, Mrs. William ward J. Violette, M&M RoI5ert Desrosiers, . 'I Conley, Mrs. Joseph Bartos, M&M Francis M&M Daniel Buckley, M&M George Shea, M&M Gerard Heffernan, Haynes Hattub. . . TAUNTON II Mahoney, Evelyn Maxwell, Claire McCoy, Edna Newell, William Tracey, Edward Annunciation of the I!\ord: $1,000Eckland, M&M Ralph Burgess, Maureen Holy Ghost Society; $600-Yirginia Wade; Cremen, M&M Joseph Mirisola, Mrs. $SOO-Thomas Whalen, M,&M Anthony James Williams, M&M James Wyse, Nunes, St. Vincent de Paul ~ociety; $4OGM&M Darien Terrile, M&M Piwl Bridgeo, Bruce Blunt; $32S-M&M Brian Carr; M&M Dennis Redding, Edmond Janson- $300-Anne Bettencourt; '$200-DarIene LaPalme, Daniel Desantis, Edmund Wyse, Lucas, M&M Kenneth Pen)., Evans Lava, M&M Paul Rooney, Mrs. Paul Rand, M&M Robert Martin, M&M Robert M&M Thomas Fiala, M&M John Mendes, Ann Rogers & family, M&M Fitzgerald, Jr., M&M Francis Sullivan, . Antero Oliveira; $lSo-Mrs~ James Fahey, M&M William Bullock, M&M William M&M Joseph Miu'tin; $l40~M&M Gilbert McKenney, M&M William Collins, Dr&M E Coute, M&M Edward Trucchi; $12SWilliam McKenna, M&M Donald T. M&M Francis Souza, C~rmen Sousa, O'Connor, M&M John J. Cassidy, Enrico . M&M Robert Thtino; $lw.:Maria Correia; Demaio, M&M John Cormier, M&M Ri- $lOO-Barbara Keough, Eill\en Curniskey, chard Neitz, Richard Quirk, M&M Charles M&M Manuel DaCosta, Helen Laranjo, E. Tompkins, Helen McCright, M&M M&M Gilbert Perry, M&M IAdelino Paulo, Michael Fitzgerald, John F. McDonough, Oscar Maynard, EdnaLin~oln, Rev. Mr. Jr., Marybeth Christensen, M&M Gerard Robert Faria, M&M James!!Lynch, M&M Hayes, Alan Kazarian, M&M Anibal Albert Mendonca M&M Gilbert Matheus, Matos, M&M Edward Oetheimer, Diane M&M Jose Andrade, M'&M William . Moudouris, Megan Foran, M.&M Peter Bezok, M&M William Silva, M&M Arnold, Mrs:Joseph Tierney, Mrs. Frank Daniel Jil, M&M Manuel mSousa, M&M Librandi, M&M James Athy, M&M Frank Robert Brady, Ezilda DaR6sa, M&M JoSherman, M&M John Power, Mrs. Vmcent seph C. Silva, M&M Jos~ Lima, Frank Fowler, Kevin O'Leary, Christine Schott, Mendes, M&M Adelino IIReis, Arleen Nancy Anderson, Mary McGowan, M&M Booker, Teresa Cabezas, Mliry C. Sylvain, Jean M. Miller, Sylvia Fern:andes, Cecilia John D. Crockett. Reams, M&M Fernando <I:abral, M&M SWANSEA St. Dominic: $SOO-M&M Armand Joseph· Silveira,· Ida Baptiste, M&M Berube; $3So-M&M Antone Pavao; $300- Manuel· DeSousa, Paula A;1egi, Americo M&M Donald Souza; $250-St. Dominic's Alegi Family, Stacia Tokarz, Lillian Women's Guild, St Dominic's-St. Vmcent Pinheiro, Phillip Couto, rVt&M Russell de Paul Society; $200-M&M Leo Reed, Mary C. Sylvain, Jear! Miller, Sylvia Desmarais, M&M Harvey Lenon, M&M Fernandes, M&M Richard Martin, M&M Paul Nadeau, St. Dominic's Holy·Spirit Kirby Sessums, M&M Leq Conroy, Tma Society; $lSO-Claire Carty, Helen Tackett; Westgate, M&M Fernando Medeiros, $130-Lawrence Violette; $12S-Frank M&M Ioseph Cambra. I Flynn, Jody. Kirker; $lOO-Joan Kelley, Holy Rosary: $l,sOG-rvt&M Daniel M&M David Turkalo, M&M William H. Yetman; $SOO-Franciscan Friars, M&M Lapointe, Lawrence Barnwell, St. John Biedak, Dr&M Thaddeus Figlock, Dominic's Confirrnaton Program, AIigela Michael J. Tabak; $300-Katll'erine Kiernan, Nystrom, M&M Gerardo Chiavettone, M&M William Powers; $25O-M&M Brian Friilry, M&M Gilbert Lev~sque, M&M I),I:~MJa!ll!l~ .M,J~!1!5l<r,.Ma,rgi!re! V. O'Grady, Barbie Lomas, M&M Roger Thoodore Koble; ""'oc,m~




Susan Holland & Family, Theodq~e·_ Biedak,John Keams, Jr., M&M Jcihn· Canto, M&M Antonio Cabral; $175.~ M&M James D. DiVmcenzo; $lS();'Heleil.. Licbacz, Stephanie Slapik; Mrs. Marcel)uS ' Lem;lire, M&M John Zak, M&M George Straub, M&M Richard George, M&lv,l _ John Lopes; $l30-M&M John Keams, Sr.; Jean Maclary; $12S-Stella Leonard, Stephanie Souza;$lOG-Slf:phanie Sh~,' M&M WalterTaraska, Anonymous, Enilly Pelczarski, Mrs. Roland Guillemette, Lode Kalacznik, M&M Walter Gazda, Walter. EBiedak, M&M Edwarct"Goldrick, M&M Angelo Arieta, M&M Louis Tokarz, Stephen Arcikowski, M&M John Pniyn, M&M Theodore Dykas, M&M Thomas Burke, M&M Rboert Dziekiewicz, Anne B. Sowiecki, Shirley Czepiel, M&M Raymond Yelle, M&M Charles Sanford, M&M Henry S. Milko, M&M James Dykas, M&M Kevin Gregg, M&M Janies Lukaszewski, Lydia Trow, M&M Robert Nichols, Paula Chase, M&M John S. Biedak, Jane McManus, M&M David Snigier, M&M Gregory Glynn, M&M Robert Estrella. Immaculate Conception: $SOO-In Memory of Rev. Thomas O'Dea, In Memory ofGilbert Simmons; $4Oo-M&M Norman Belanger; $3S0-M&M Sheldon Ehrenzweig; $2S0-M&M'Paul LeClair, M&M Gary E. Enos, Ronald Leger; $200Immaculate Conception Women's Guild, Michael Flanagan; $lSo-Mary Masterson, M&M Thomas Hoye, Jeanne Walker, M&M Paul Fitzpatrick, M&M John Amaral; $132-Ms. Margaret Higgins; $l30-M&M Manuel Coelho; $12S-Peter McDonald, M&M Kevin Quinn, Susan Rogers, M&M Jason Raposo; $12o-Ms; Naomi Karol, Genevieve Lecuyer, Leslie McNulty, M&M Richard McGuire, M&M Frederick Boehner, Linda & Daniel LeBrun; $lOS-Adolph Ulak; SlOG-Claire Hathaway, Patricia Boyle, M&M Robert JohnSon, Mrs. Donna Oluoch, M&M Anthony Costa, Roland Dubois, M&MCarlos Silva, M&M Ernest Camara, Theresa Leonard, Dorothy Welch, Bridget Morrison, M&M Robert Dutch, Eileen Haggerty, Anne Waterman. S1. Anthony: $l,400-In Memory of Joao & Emilia Arruda & Son John; $1,1OGSt. Anthony Portuguese Charismatic Prayer Group; $l,OOO-Cynthia Abreau, St. Anthony Holy Ghost Society; $7So-Rev. Jeffrey Cabral; $SOO-A Friend, M&M Joseph 1... Amaral, Holy Rosary Sodality, St. Vincent de Paul Society, M&M Joseph deMello, Anonymous; $4So-Deacon&M Jose H. Medina; $4OO-Anonymous; $300M&M Manuel J. Camara, Anonymous, In Memory of M&M Manuel Gomes, A Friend, Beatrice Pereira; $250-A Friend, In Memory of John C. Correia, M&M Severo Alfama, M&M Stephen Correia; $22S-A Friend; $200-Emrna Andrade, M&M Arthur J. Cabral, Rose Aleixo, A Friend, Dolores Nunes, St. Anthony's Youth Group, Atty. Gayle A. deMello Madeira; $lSO-M&M Manuel· Jorge, John Barros, M&M Herculano Costa, Anonymous, Margarida Jacinto; $12S-Laura Montecalvo, M&M Antonio Leite; $120- . M&M Manuel E Oliveira; $110-M&M Francisco Fagundes; $lOO-M&M Francisco Aguiar, M&M Manuel Arruda, M&M Jose Correia, Laurentina Craven, M&M Daniel dosSantos, M&M ErneSt Enos, Raymond Mendonca, M&M Manuel Paulo, Deolinda Rocha, Rosalina Simoes, M&M Adelino Torres, M&M Alfredo Arruda, M&M Mariano Carroca, Maria Duarte, Justina Ferreira, Otilia Ferreira, M&M Antonio P. Reis, ·M&M Leonard Rocha, A Friend, Anonymous, Jose Bota, M&M James Copeland, M&M Brian 1... Desmarais, Deacon&M Jose Medeiros, M&M· Manuel Moura, M&M JO,se Peixoto, M&M Manuel Sousa, Herbert Jacinto, Dorothy King, M&Mjorge Matos, M&M Jose Moitoso, M&M Jose Pereira, M&M Joao Reis, M&M Francisco Rodrigues, M&M Rui Roque, M&M Jose Serodio, Maria Vieira, A Friend, Helena Bairos, Wilfred Benoit, M&M Joseph Pimentel, M&M Jose Cabral, M&M David Cabral, Charles Ferreira, M&M Jose Cabral, M&M Antonio Chaves, M&M Iose Moitoso, Maria Fernanda Correia, M&M Antonio Sousa, Theresa Camara, M&M Gary Volpe, M&M Lawrence DePaula, Rodrigo Albernaz, M&M Jose Borges, Thomas Camara, M&M Manuel DeSousa, Lidia M. Pina, Em Louvor dos Pobres,_Ke~th F.Lima,.M&M~cott.RoIfe,

Jane Santos, M&M August Chaves, M&M




~I '~

Paulo Bento, M&M Peter Camara, M&M Souza, M&M Thomas McDonald, M&M Robert S. Bossman, M&M Joseph F. McDermott, M&M Roger Melanson, ings Bank; Slade's Ferry Bank; $',500-Fall Dinis Chaves, Aida A. Dias, Anonymous, John Moniz, Ann Moss, Eleanor Nunes, Murphy; $l00-M&M J. Alan Burleson, M&M Thomas Peters, M&M Kevin River District Council-St. Vmcent de Paul Jose E dosSantos, M&M Alvaro Medeiros, M&M Richard Nunes, M&M Paul O'Boy, M&M A. Chotkowski, Constance Collinge, Saulnier, M&M Jason Theriault, M&M Eu- Society; $1,300-Venus de Milo Restaurant, M&M Manuel Narciso, A Friend, Carolyn Kathleen &Martha Peterson, M&M Frank Patricia A. Concannon, M&M Paul Cuddy, gene P. Carroll, Caroline Cooper, Sheila Swansea; $1,2S0-Silva-Faria Funeral Nickols, M&M Vincent Camara, Maryann Sousa, Norma Wade, Kathleen Duarte, Mario A. DeSantis, M&M'Richaid C.V. Kelleher, M&M Donn Robidoux, M&M Home; $l,200-BankFive; Sawejko EnterJacinto, In Memory of Raymond & . M&M James McGovern, M&M Brian Fish, Carol Gordon, M&M Rudolph Grua, Piml.Sullivan, M&M Lawrence Travers, prises; Somerset; Tlie Robert F. Stoicol Catherine Sidos, Special Intention, M&M McNulty, M&M Walter Sowyrda, M&M M&M John}; Hanratty, Helen M. Hargrave, M&M Christopher Perry, Atty. Dorothy P. FIRSTFED Charitable Foundation; $1,000Dennis D. Reis. M&M Manuel Travassos, Ralph Cabral, M&M Brian Dalrymple, M&M Robert Johnson, Roy Johnson, Tongue, P.C., M&M Carlin Lynch, M&M Atty. Frederic & Elizabeth Torphy, Little M&M Jose Tavares, Maria Medina. M&M Steven Studley, M&M Donald M&M Brian T. Kelley, Anne Kennedy, Paul Dennis Orsi, M&M Michael Prior, M&M Compton; Center Place Realty, Swansea; St. Jacgues: $300- M&M· Dana Duncan, M&M Joseph Flaherty, M&M T. Kirk, M&M William J. Maloney, Mrs. Michael Sullivan, M&M Paul $800-Ralco Electric, Westport; $7S0Higginbotham; $22S- Yvonne Labonte; John Huggon, M&M Michael Phillippino, Frank Matrango, M&M Richard A.. Heywood,M&M David McClure, M&M Borden & Remington Corp., St. Anne's $200-In Memory ofFr. Thomas Morrissey . Adele White, M&M Frank' Peloquin, O'Connor, Mary O'Reilly, M&M Peter Richard Landry, Ed Ferreira & Mary Credit Union; $700-K.R. Rezendes, Inc., by Michele Bums, William Waldron; $lSo- M&M William Reid, Joan Silva, M&M O'Rourke, M&M James E Powers, M&M Hallene, M&M Charles F. Kinnane, M&M Assonet; $600-Piping Systems, Assonet; Mayor&M Robert Nunes; $12S-In John Southam, M&M Edmund Teixeira, Edward Roth, Alice Saudade, Ruth Sheehy, charles Martineau, Dr&M Joseph J. D9Crr, $SOO-Colonial Wholesale Beverage Corp., . Memory ofFr. Thomas Morrissey by Louis M&M David Ponte, M&M Dennis Berube, MaryD.Stoddard,Mrs. Thomas 1. Sullivan, M&M Philip Pelletier, M&M Michael Gold Medal Bakery; Lecomte's Dairy, ' Donnelly, Corrine Wagner; $100-M&M Theresa Moss, M&M James Murphy, Mary Sylvia, Mrs. Albert Tessier, Deacon Coleman, M&M Norman Sorel, M&M Somerset; Montle Plumbing &Heating Co., Ernest Charette, M&M Raymond DePonte, M&M Joseph Novak, M&M Vmcent Ring, Vincent P. Walsh, M&M Paul Donohoe, John A. Winters. !ric.; Dr. Carmela A Sofia; St John of God M&M Paul Ferris, M&M William Grundy, M&M William Camillo Ill, M&M Allan M&M William E Flynn, M&M LaWrence WQQDSHQLE Women's Guild, Somerset; James Clarkin, In Memory of Fr. Morrissey, M&M Rob- Colleran, M&M David Perreault. V. Folding, M&M John J. Gay, M&M St. Joseph: $2,OOO-Mrs. Josiah Lilly Esq.; $4OD-Mrs. Mary C. Gomes & Sons; ert Souza, In Memory of Fr. Thomas Frederick E. Giannelli, Jr., M&M William Ill, Frances Weiffenbach, Mary Jane Burry; $3So-Holy Rosary-St. VIncent de Paul SoWAREHAM Morrissey by Maria Donnelly, Joseph B. St. Patrick: $1,800-Rev. Arnold R. T. Kiley, M&M Richard T. Mapes, M&M $l,500-Gerard & Barbara Boyle; $1,000- ciety; Atty&M Robert 1. Marchand; $316Dugas, Mrs. Roland Laflamme, M&M Medeiros; $l,ooO-Dennis Kissell; $800- Albert McEntee, M&M Lawrence T. Mary Jane Burry, David & Jean Donahue, Espirito Santo 2006 Confirmation Class; Norman Gaouette, Claire Urbanus. Raymond Fava; $6OO-Claire Gordon; $SOO- McKevitt, M&M Raymond Miles, Marga- Craig & Nancy Gibson, Gerald & Dianne $300-Dr&M Paul P. Dunn; Engineered St. Joseph: $l,OOO-M&M Michael Christine D'Acci, M&M Ronald Floyd, ret Murray, M&M Edwin Roderick, M. Lynch, Peter & Jayne Romano, Alex & Yarns Co.; $2So-Conlon Electrical ContracEscobar, Joseph A. Medeiros, Joseph M&M Richard Higgins; $400-M&M Claire Sauvageau, Joan Sullivan, Joseph M. Karen Heard; $7S0-William Macaluso; tors, Simon's Supply Co., Inc.; Fall River O'Hare; $SOO-Rev. Timothy P. Reis, M&M Leonard Salafia; $3S0-M&M Kenneth & Alice Y. Wall, M&M Russell Wedge, E. $600-John & Elizabeth Stegeman; $SOO- Municipal Credit Union; St. John of God Robert P. Hartung, M&M Lawrence Ferreira; $330-M&M David Barreiros; Joan Whitney, Mrs. John Berry, M&M Rob- Leonard & Helen Beford, Jeffrey & Patricia Holy Rosary Sodality, Somerset; Lafayette Masterson; $400-Phil Bois, Paula $300-M&M Michael M. Bernique, M&M ert Gilmore, M&M Ed Goggin, D. Agnes Connell, Harley &Carole Knebel, Jonathan Federal Savings Bank; Feitelberg Insurance Burgoyne; $36S-M&M 1. Thomas Leo McGowan; $250-Elaine Bartie; $200- Gorsuch, M&M John Hayes, Bernice H. SWord, William & Jearine Hays, Phyllis Agency; $200-Knights ofColumbus-Cross Coulombe, Betty Tigano; $300-David Mary Savignano, M&M James Billotte, Johnson, M&M William F. Kane, M&M MacNeil, Kerner & Patricia Smith; $400- ofChrist Council, Assonet; St. John ofGodBisio, M&M Mark Jussaume; $290- M&MCharles Galligan, John Grenda, Mrs. Robert McLaughlin, Mrs. Stanley Nowak, Charles & Lauri McGowan, Honorable&M St. Vincent de Paul Society, Somerset; Jay Michael Wojcik; $27S-M&M Lawrence J. Dante Fava, In Memory of Gardner Rob- M&M Richard Pickett, Mrs. Clement E Lawrence Cameron, Mark Lidinsky; $3OD- Vee's, Inc.; $lS0-Amaral's Market; Clover' Scanlon; $2S0- M&M Joseph Teixeira; erts & Jose Cordeiro; $17S-M&M Michael Smith, Carlota Pena, Kevin & Lorraine Walter & Kathleen Murphy, Adrienne Club of Fall River; $100-American Wall$200-M&M Robert Crossman, Anna 'Coryer; $lSo-M&M Richard Zopatti, St. Blute, M&M Edward Brady, Harriet Perruzzi & Dennis Okon, Elizabeth paper Co.; Durfee-Buffinton Insurance; Giimore, M&M Williiun McCarthy, Jr., Patrick's Respect Life Committee, M&M Chadik, Alice Cushman, M&M Herbert 1. Cfrnpanella; $250-John & Barbara Cook, Klear-Vu Corp.; Potter Funeral Service, M&M Charles Smith, M&M Joseph Alan Collins; $12S-Mrs. Roy Franklin, Delaney, M&M Donald Devine, M&M James & Mary Kelley, Robert A. Westport; LaCava & Sowersby; Lavoie & Connors, M&M Stanley Saladyga, Jr.; M&M Thomas Mitchell; $100-M&M Thomas F. Eddy, M&M Joseph Jolly, M&M Prendergast, Neil & Brenda Scannell, Tavares Co.; Chaves Market; Sacred Heart $lS0-M&M John Pereira, Mrs. Theodore George Munroe, Mrs. Fred Feriloi, Mary PaulF. Kelly, RobertJ. Prew, M&M Vmcent Michael & Carol Larkin; $200-Edward Seniors; Somerset Floor Surfacing, Bob's Wojcik, M&M Alfred Borges, Anna Ann Marshall, Michael Cox, Mrs. John Rescigno, M&M T. Robert Reynolds, Fitch, Peter & Lindsay Hopewood, John & Appliance Repair, Bristol County Precast, Champney, M&M Thomas J. Donnelly; Lambiase, M&M Robert Cahoon, In . M&M Walter Bosworth, Eileen M. Bourke, Eva Marie Macaluso; Dr. Frank Egloff, Inc., Westport, Atty. Francis L. Collins, $l25-Dorothy Garvin, M&M Eugene L. Memory of Francis E. Vming, M&M John Arley M. Cline, C. Lee DeStefano, Rose- Norman & Jayne Starosta, Daniel & Ann D.E.G. Associates; Rua-Dumont-Audet InGorey, David Lima, Jean Garvin, M&M Sullivan, Priscilla Cassidy, In Memory of mary T. Frizzell, William & Marguerite McNichol; $l25-David & Catherine Cary, surance Agency, Inc.; Knights of ColumPaul Rego, M&M Richard Simmons; Juli M. Babbitt, Marie Murphy, M&M Heffernan, Catherine Keamey, Mary Banks Eleanor Nace, Phyllis Taylor; $l24-Charles bus-Msgr. Furtado Council #12348, $l00-InMemoryofAngelinaAnnunziato, Frank Krystoflski, M&M Manuel Garcia, McLean, Mrs. Walter Mulhall, William & Doris Clarkin, Barbara Kazlauskas, Somerset; Atty. John M. Brum, Jr.; Holy RoJoan Frazier, M&M Paul Mulhern, Therese Theresa A. Williams, Marilyn Wilbur, Dr. Murray, Aian A. Ward, John H. Nolan, Daniel &Christine O'Connor, Mark'&Ruth sary Women's Guild; The Proper Fit; St. Santos, Thomas Traghella, M&M Alfred Joanne Mongeon, Beverly Lake-Guinen, M&M Marcos Miranda Patterson; SUO-John &Tess Clarkin; $100- Bernard-St. Vincent de Paul Society, Baptista, Paul Frazier, M&M Manuel Corinne Fernandes,Emilie & Deborah WESTPORT David & Ellen Chapman, Chapman, Cole Assonet; Plante Jewelers, Swansea. Garcia, M&M Robert Moitoso, M&M Rose, M&M Paul Cayer, M&M Joseph Our Lady of Grace: $l,OOO-M&M & Gleason, Emil & Eleanor Tietje, Brenda NEW BEDFORD AREA: Harold J. Rose, Jr., M&M John Doehler, Cardoza, M&M Francis Ward, Mrs. An- Joseph Moniz; $6OO-Rev. Roland Bousquet; Dugan, Mary Lou Canepa, Ruth Metell, $2,OOO-New Bedford District Council'M&M Kenneth Alves, M&M Joseph drew Dobbins, M&M Brendon Forrest, $3So-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; $300- Redwood & Mary Wright, Daniel & Ann St. Vincent de Paul Society; $1,000Zrebiec, Jr., Alice Maynard, Deo Gratias. M&M Santiago Gonzalez, M&M Manuel M&M Manuel 'Vale; $l25-M&M Geo~e McNichol, Susan Gilliagher, Clarence Lernieux Heating; Inc.;' St.'John the Bap-' St. Mary: $l,2So-Dailey & Maryann Cunha, Joan Behan. Duclos, Our Lady of'Grace Council of fleufelder, Gene McAuliffe, James & tist-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; $700-Holy Hill; $6OO-Joseph & Gail Sousa; $SOO-JoWEUFLEEI Catholic Women; $12D-M&M John Duclos; Kathryn Johnson, Patrick & Mary, Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus-St. seph & Justine Correia, Evelyn Rice, John Our Lady of Lourdes: $2,OOO-Rev. $l00-M&M Ernest Silva, M&M James Kavanagh, Ann Lehan. Vmcent de Paul Society; $SOO-Perry Funeral Rice, St. Vmcent de Paul Society, Anony- John E Andrews; $l,945.34-Joseph & Dor- Rebello, Allen Levrault, M&M Normand Home; St. Patrick-St. Vmcent de Paul So-' mous; $4OO-Holy Cross Priests & Broth- othy Bunting Duffy; $l,OOO-M&M Frank Michaud, M&M Kenneth Souza, M&M ciety, Wareham; Holy Name of the Sacred . BUSINESS & COMMUNITY ers of Taunton, Charles & Carolyn Hoye; Szedlak, Jr., M&M George Ryan; $600- Russell Olson, Natalie King, M&M A11'LEBOROABEA: Heart of Jesus Couples qub; $4OO-New $3OO-Tunothy Downs, Gregory & Mary M&MRichardL.Synoradzki;$SOO-Dr&M Raymond Lavoie, Constance Rousseau, $2,7So-Agostini Construction Co., East Bedford Catholic Wornan's Club; $3SoJane Shaw; $27S-Robert & Louise Drake; John McGovern, Judy Mills, Phyllis J. Mary Ann Rousseau, M&M Russell Olson, Rrovidence; $l,500-St. Mary-St. Vmcent de Chapman, Cole & Gleason Funeral Home, $2S0-In Memory of Bruno Mozzone; Fleming; $25o-Jane Hopkins-Fisher; $200- M&M John Cabral, M&M John Haggerty, ~aul Society, Norton; $l,200-Jeweled Cross Wareham; $3OO-Daughters ofIsabella-Hya$2OD-Michael & Jeanne Gibbons, Miriam Eleanor C. Landry, M&M John Monahan, M&M Leonard Silvia, M&M Philip Co., North Attleboro; St. Mary-St. Vmcent cinth Circle #71; St. John Neumann-St. Sullivan, William Silva, Rene Levesque, M&M Robert Donahoe, VIrginia Sanning, Mercurio, Huguette Soares, M&M James de Paul Society, Mansfield; $66O-St. Mary- Vmcent de Paul Society, East Freetown; Sr., Eva Gaffney; $lSo-Robert & Diana M&M John Buckhoff, M&M John Ferro, Henry, M&M Fernando Farinha, Doris St. Vmcent de Paul Society, North Attleboro; Rock Funeral Home; Carlos & Susan Costa, Sullivan, William &Joan Clifford, Carlton M&M Donald D. Walwer, George R. Mendes, M&M Bradford Perkins. $SOO-AttleboroDistrictCouncil-St. Vmcent Westport; $~State Road Cement Block .& Shirley Caron, Elizabeth Raposa; $100- Earley; $l50-Irene Lehan, M&M Stanley St. GeoW: $l,OOO-Rev. Gerard A. de Paul Society; Chartley. Beer & Wme, Co., North Dartmouth; Predator Fisheries, Helen Quigley, Tony & Kim Chaves, Rose Kuzia, Virginia Parker, M&M Joseph Hebert; $750-M&M Francis Flynn; $SOD- Norton; Smith Rental Properties,' North Inc.; Fairhaven Lumber; $200-The Pine Gordon, James Chiesa, Madeline Cosgrove; $l00-M&M Kenneth Marshall, M&M Roger Garant, M&M Jose Nunes; Attleboro; St. John the' Evangelist-St. Framery; Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Hathaway, Delphina Grimfield, Peter H. JaneM. Lee, Mrs. Joseph Dunn, Mrs. Walter . $3OO-M&M Paul Dion; $250-M&M An- Vincent de Paul Society; Morin's, Inc.; Jarnes-St. Vmcent de Paul Society; Bishop Corr, Claire Perry; Joseph & Anne X.Kane,M&MThomasFlynn,M&MWIl- drew Quinn, M&M Michael Vmcent; $200- $400-Knights of Columbus-#5108, Stang High School, North Dartmuth; $150Medeiros, Alice Dooley, Robert & Joan liam Corcoran, Mrs. Helen Wallace, Dor- M&M Normand Ouellette, M&M David Seekonk; $300-LaSalette Fathers and St. John Neumann Women's Guild, East Doherty, Charles· Sanford, James & othyLundberg,EleanorDevlin,MaryMan- Spiteri, M&M Paul Methot, M&M Joseph Brothers; $2S0-A&A Fuel, East Providence; Freetown; Cabral-Lamoureux Funeral Patricia Moran, David & Jacqueline ning,OliveBlaisdell,M&MChesterStagg, Mc~onnell; $17S-M&M Stephen Silvia; EADion,Inc.;St.MaryCatholicWomen's Home; $100-Sisters of Charity; New Medas, Eduino & Carolyn DeSousa, Mar- Mary E. Fox, M&M Ronald Thureson, $l50-M&M Joseph Lavallee; $12S-Edward Guild, Mansfield; Richardson-Cuddy Insur- Bedford Credit Union. tin & Luz G~boa, William & Veronica M&M Ronald DeCamp, M&M Joseph K. McGinn, Suzanne Lavallee; $l00-Armand ance; St. Mary's Women's Guild, North TAUNTQNABEA: . Watson, James Reid, Richard & Mary Kane, M&M John Kuebler, Lorraine I. Goyette, M&M Bruce Fernandes, M&M Attleboro; $200-Supply New England; $2,500-Taunton District-St. Vmcent de Slein, James & Alice Pacheco, Ronald & Kmiec, Sandra Stocker, Pearl C. Horigan, Steven Torres, Mrs. Ronald Perrier, M&M $170-Knights of Columbus-#1l690, Paul Society; $l,500-St. Joseph Bingo, Marylou Taurazas, Jean Farrell, James & M&M Edward P. DeCourcey, M&M Rob- Louis Cangiano, M&M Thomas Rafferty, Norton; $lSo-Knights ofColumbus-Coun- North Dighton; $l,l00-Immacullite Con'Debra Sunderland, Vti'giniaHoye, Edward ert Robida, M&MJ. Charles Cataldo, St. George Women's Guild, Neil Chirico, cil #330, North Attleboro; $l3D-Contraet- ception-St.Vmcent de Paul Society, North &Lucille McGaughrim; Richard & Noreen M&M EdwardJ. Bresnahan, M&M Vmcent Alice Harrison, M&M Lawrence Medeiros, ing Specialist, Inc.; $l00-RA Reinbold In- Easton; $1,000-St. Ann-St. Vmcent de Paul Mendes, James & Jane. Reid, Kenneth Alfierl.Maureene E. Corrigan, EliSl\betl1 M. M&M Jason Breault, M&M Gregory Davis, .surance Agency, North Attleboro; Our Lady Society, Raynham; DavoVThunton Printing, Souza, Orren & Eva Hellwege, James & Grunig. M&M Manuel Camara, M&M Carlos ofMountCarmel-St. VmcentdePaulSoci- Inc.; $7So-Holy Rosary Sodality of Holy Sandra McDermott, Ronald & Rosemary WEST HARWICH Ferreira, M&M Joseph Figueiredo, M&M ety, Seekonk.. " Rosary Parish; $65o-St. Maximilian Kolbe Bettencourt, Edward & Barbara Laughlin, Holy Trinity: $l,500-Raymond Fontaine, . Joseph Rusin, Lucille Pimentel, St. Jean CAPE COl> & THE ISLANDS AREA; Guild-Holy Rosary Parish; $625-St. Ann's Albert & Lorraine Sullivan, David & M&M Lewis H. Milkey; $l,OOO-M&M Baptiste Society, M&M Douglas Giusti'; I $3,000-Our Lady of Lourdes-St. Women of Spirit, Raynham; $SOO-Polish Jeanne Deimis, Morino' & . Yvonne Paul Coughlan, Holy Trinity Thrift Shop; St. John the Baptist: $3,500-M&M Vmcentde Paul Society, Wellfleet; Hispanic American Citizens Club; $400-St. Turinese. .$7So-Hon&M Gerald EO'Neill; $500- Richard Lafrance; $l,OOO-Rev. Leonard 'Community of Cape Cod & the Islands; Anthony's2006ConfirmationClass;$3s0St.hYl: $l,500-St. Vmcent de Paul Catherine F. George, M&M John J. Hindsley; $700-Peter Ouellette; $SOO- $l,OOO-St. Pius Tenth-St. Vincent de Paul Knights of Columbus-St. Ann's Council Society; $l,OOO-Bristol County Savings Mahoney, M&M John W. Joyce, Dr. Ralph M&M Richard Brewer, Eric Thorgerson, Society, South Yarmouth; $SOO-St. Joan of #10289, Raynham; $25o-Annunciation of Bank, Atty&M Francis M. O'Boy, Alice M. Porter, M&M Thomas Connolly, Holy M&M John Souza, Elizabeth Souza, Dr&M ) Arc-St. Vmcent de Paul Society, Orleans; the Lord Womell's Guild; Congregation of . Day O'Shea; $SOO-Eileen Martin, Susanne Trinity Women's Guild; $4OO-M&M Rob- Michael Corbett, M&M John A. ~hrist the King Women's Guild, Mashpee; the Holy Cross; North Easton; Silva Funeral Egan McGlynn; $3S0-M&M John crt A. LeBlanc, M&M Harold McKenna; McDonough, David R. Sheahan; $4So-St. Stover Engineering Ass~iates, Nantucket; Home; St. Joseph-St. Vmcent de Paul SociDubena; $300-Hon&M Kevan $300-Alice Bahnsen, M&M Glenn John the Baptist Women's Guild; $300- . $300-St. Elizabeth Seton Women's Guild, ety; $200:In Memory of Rev. Thomas Cunningham, Rep&M James Fagan; $250- Boudreau, M&M Everett Boy, M&M John Leonard Rock; $27o-Joseph C. McGuillIll; North Falmouth; Spanish Apostolate of Morrissey-Taunton District Council of Peter & Alicia Kullas Mozzone; $220-St. W. Rooney, Marjorie C. Tivenan, M&M $25o-M&M John Ledwidge, M&M Ken- Cape Cod; $25o-Association of the Sacred Catholic Women; Holy Cross-St. Vmcent Paul'sCouncii#12252-KnightsofColum- Michael Margotta; $25o-M&M John R neth Pattie, M&M Sean Lafrance; $200-R. Hearts, Chatham; St. John the Evangelist de Paul Society, South Easton; $lSo-AleiXo bus; $200-Rosalie Connors, M&M Joseph Black; $200-Margaret Anderson, M&M .Dorothy Jendry, M&M Ralph McManus, Women's Guild, Pocasset; $200-Cape CIXi Insurance Agency; St. Joseph's Knights of Kuper, St. Paul's Council of Catholic James R Fitzpatrick, Ameilia & William M&M Richard Zanrucha, M&M Harry Nursing Home & Rehab Center, Buzzards Columbus-Council3II914; Jim Dorsey & Women, John Ferreira, Madeline Beauvais, Marcin, Patricia Gallagher, M&M William Green, M&M John L. Lynch; $lSo-Denise Bay; $lSo-Good Shepherd-St. Vmcent de Son. $l00-Leahy's Liquor Store, Biss LumMarie Rawson; $17S-Mary Cormier; C. Hickey, Jr., ThomasF. Kelly, M&M Toohey, Dr&M Curtis Mello, M&M Paul Paul Society, Martha's Vmeyard; Thomas ber Co., Inc.; Trocchi's Supermarkets. Landry, M&M Ron Vien; $13S-Rita if. Peterson, Inc., West Harwich; $12S$lS0-M&M James Casey, M&M Leo Ralph Lliedeker, Wallace ~eo, James R NATIONALS; Marcoux, M&M Robert Jose; $l2S-M&M Cavanaugh. Atty&M Brian Wall, M&M Pat Morotti; $l25-M&M Jose Rego; $100- Stage Stop Candy; $lOO-Hart Farms, $l,500-Congregation of the Sacred Michael Eason; $120-Linda Rihbany; Vacca, Tun &Ellen Wolcott, Dennis Equip- M&M Todd Baptista, M&M Christopher Dennisport; Hunt & Doherty-Attorneys at Hearts, Fairhaven; Rev. Arthur K. Wmgate, $100-M&M Frank Almeida, Helen' ment Co., Paul Maloney, J. Joseph & Joan Canepa, Mrs. Margaret C. Cody, Raymond Law, South Harwich; Saints Margaret and Fall River; $1,300-Rev. William J. Annunziato, Rosemary Bettencourt, Rob- E. Pasquale; $lSO-M&M Bernard R. Elias, M&M VIctor Faria, Mrs. Linda Mary Guild, Buzzards Bay; Jack Sullivan Shovelton, Lady Lake, FL; $1,200-In ert Burns, Rita Castle, M&M Joseph Beriau,RuthS.Walicki,AliceBonatt;$12S- Franklin, M&M James Hartnett, Virginia Painting & Decorating, Harwich. Memory of Clementina & Francisco F. dos Conlon, M&M Robert Fielding, M&M Rita Mischler, M&M Raymond L. Hel;lett King, M&M R. Christian Lafrance, M&M FALLRIVERABEA: Santos; $l,OOO-Rev. Msgr. Henry T. Gllnton.LawtPII,J;>r,.Jean.LeirnettJ>aul.B. L..$S,noo..lheJarabek.Eamily_Chari1ab1lL.-MUDtQe..£A..SllgamQI'U5~1IS<b~~Rev. Jplm,,~s M&M F,dward Gmta..B.il:b=..J2r&M~~mb.M~!t! ard Hooben, In Memory of Manuela. Terralavoro; $12D-Robert E. Welsh, M&M Thomas, Agnes McCloskey, M&M John . foundation; $3,OOO-Citizens-Union Sav-· Daniel L. Freitas, Melboume, FL.

• I


. -..... ,

Friday~, JUly 21, 20~',



Church leaders pray for peace, dialogue ~ Mideast violenc~ escalates , JERUSALEM ,(CNS) forpeaceandjusticeinlheregi~ri," Catholic Church leaders prayed for said the cardinal, who later said he peace and dialogue as Mideast vio- . would U'y to meet with U.S. govlence escalated, and churches and ernmentofficials to discuss the situlocal govemnient buil~gs opened. ition. their doors to the displaced. Israel blockaded Lebanese' Father Michael McGarry, rector ports, .repeatedly. bombed the of the Tantur Ecumenical Institute·, Beirut airpOrt and hit cities it con~ for Theol9gical StUdies. in Jerosa- sidered Hezbollah strongholds. It lem, said he did not know why the, also bombed major roads and radical Shiite militia Hezbollah kid- bridges., napped ~o Israeli soldiers'and was . At a parish rectory in Sidon, firing rockets on Israel, but he said. Lebanon, a man who asked not to the force of Israel's retaliation was be identified said-all Catholic "not appropriate." , churches were opening theirdoors 'j thinkIsraelhas to react. They to people who needed refuge, but can't tolerate the taking'ofsoldiers, that Church officials 'did not know the Katyushas," said Father how long they could hold out. He McGarry,. referiing to' the roc~ets said churches were seeking relief Hezbollahhas been firing into Is- supplies and food. qlel--:Theyhave to.do something RosieAkl,anAmericanmanied in response, but killing civilians is to a Lebanese, E-maih:d from not appropriate." , ., Lebanon to let her American famLebaneseofficials said the num- ily and friends know that her famber of civilian deaths had passed Uy members were safe on the 165 by midday July 17, while Is- mountain where they lived, but said raeli officials reported 12 civilian ,th~ situation was "extremely serideaths since the cross-border at- ous and critical." Shespokeoflong tacks began July 12. lines for food and groceries and Vacationing in the Alps, Pope said the Lebanese were moving en Benedict XVI spoke of his "seri- . masse from the south and from ous concern" for the escalating vioo . parts of Beirut,up into the mounlenee and said that ''neither terror- tains to seek some semblance of , ist acts nor reprisals can be justi-, safety. fied, especially when there are 'The Lebanese have nowhere tragic consequences for the, civil- ,to go," she Wrote. "Soon there will ian population." be no fuel.The damage'to theioads , . ';The United States conside.rs Will prevent fopd'supplies being ' Hezbollah, backed by. Syria and delivered. Iran, a terrorist organization. How'The Lebanese army is ajoke ·ever, the Lebanese government re- and everyone knows .it," She s3.id. gards Hezbollah as a legitimate re- "After the (1989) Taif accord," sistance movement fighting Israeli whichendedLebanon's civil war, occupation ofLebanese territorie$. . "they were riot a,Uowed to reann: Israel withdrew from S~)Uth Leba- They have no warplanes. non in May 2000, but it did not re'The Israelis have the latest Flinquishthe disputed "Shebaa 16s. They have;: nuclear warheads: Farrns"borderarea, wherethebor-They havemilitary satellite capaders of Israel;,Lebanon and Syria bilities. Lebanon has nothing. What converge,soHezbollahkeptupthe . does the Lebanese army have? A few U,S.-built heli~pterS from the. resistance. . In Beirut, Lebanon, July 14, the. .Vietnani era," she said.' Hezbollah sent rockets· into IsMiddle East Council of Churches urged regional powers to pressure rael, particularly targeting the port all sides to stop the' violence and city of Haifa July 16,apd 17. The start dialogue. The council "raises attacks Sent residents of northern high its voice, calling on the inter-Israel streaming along roads headnational community, especially on ing south. the (U.N.) Security Council and in"'On July 17, Hezbollah rockels ternational pOwers, for an irnme- also hit areas around Nazareth. diate intervention to cease fire," it . Eisam Abu Nasser, a Catholic sai<J in a statement . . lawyer from Nazareth and the faLebanese Cardinal Nasrallah P. ther of i:hree young children, said Sfeir, patriarch of the Maronite residents mid theireyes glued to the ·Catholic Church, waS visiting the . TV and ears glued to. the radio. · United States as the attacks began. ''Until last night we didn't feel Speaking July 16 at a Mass at the scared," he said July 17. "We felt Cathedrai of OurLady ofLebanon very safe. But (the Katyushas ) fell in Brooklyn, N. Y., he said, 'These very close to our area. days have been tragic for us 'in 'There is war anddestroction. Lebanon. It seenu; that the world 'everywhere, and there are innocent has lost its peacemakers. It is mo~ civilians (00 both sides). The relidesirable to fight. and wage. w~ gion and nationalitY of th~ person than to make peace." 'isn't important ,We worry about 'Three days earlier, at a press humans. My father's cousin and conferenceinLawrence, Mass., the ,my mother's aunt live in Beirut," cardinal saidLebanese understood he said· . waf on their,soil, . , "We.b:ave.more culturally in , "Wehave had enough. We need common with LeBanon butwe live the help an<r support of all our ~ Israet After all, we llreIsraelis," friends in the world, especially the he said "It is difficult. We want this United States. We are determined to endonce and for all and for there ,to work together through dialogue. 'to be ~ in our region." . '. ..... ~ "'J-·~ .• h.!t~"FY1.l'l'-:;_

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MICHAEL DOUGLAS, left, Kate Hudson and Matt IDillon star in a scene from the movie "You Me and Dupree." For a brief review of this film, seeCNS ~ovie Capsul~s below: (CNS photo/Unive~) .

. ,IC~i



, lCall[)§Ulllte§"

p~ves ~elf

self out' and useful. Direcr<>rs Anthony and!Joe Russo's uneveneomedy starts but irritating and contrived, but ~roves as it goes along, while the ~eads are excellent. The vulgar corinc elements (less pervasive than in rltost films of' this type) are not entirely outweighed' by the movie's h~tic tone, the characters' ultimately ~nt behav.c ior, and feel-good affirmations 'of love, marriage and fri,.e.~dship. Some ~ . ~


profanity, rough erode language, implied premarital kinky sex,·brief ' .rearandpartial nudity, and a drug reference. The USCCB Office for' Film & BroadCasting classification is L -'- limited adult audience, films whose problematic content inany . adults would find troubling. The MOo tionPietureAssociationofAmericarating is PG-13 - parents strongly cau.tioned. Some material may be inappropriate for clii1dren under 13:

NEW YORK (CNS) - The folloWing are c~ule reviews of movies nx;ently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting.ofthe U.S. . CHRISTIAN P~O-UFER Conf~rence of Catholic Bishops. " ''The Groomsmen'" APOSTOLIC HELPER . (Bauer-Martinez) . A\~>VISOR' Intermittently engaging, New TRUE DIESI~ORER YorK drama about a writer (Edward n: I' Burns, who also directs) wreStling HOLy. MEDICATOR, with anxiety over his impending ONE A!NTI;.ABORTIONIST marriage to his pregnant girlfriend n. (Brittany MUrphy) during a week, LO'uING ' dREGI\IER leading up to ·the wedding, of male 'v I~STRucroR bonding. with his groomsmen (Jay' INFALLIBLE II .' Mohr, Matthew Lillard, Donal. , SrEOALIST .' Logue and John Leguizamo), each 'CHARITABLE THERAPEUTIST ofwhom is dealing with personal d i - , Ii . lemmas as well. As with past Burns' I. TheNlllonll CalIloIc Pl1InnICIIIa GulIdalt.. UnIlId SIal. films, the movie ~ set in his usual ~ ~ worlring.:class;IriSh-Catholic milieu II





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l:1 -friend$ip, explores themes of family and I ~~~~~~~=~~~~~=~~:~::::: love andcomrnitment, re- i-r;lationships and responsibility, but while it has moments ofhonestemOo tion; the talky script lacks focUs and much of the banter is banal. Perva-. siverough anderod6language, some profanity, an uncritical view of homosexuality, tacit approval of premarital living arrangements, and a scene in a ·strip club. The USCCB Officefor FIlm & Broadcasting clas.sification is L -limited adult audience, films whose probleniatic content many adults would find' troubling. The Motion Picture Association of Ameqca rating is R --.:. restricted~ Under 17 requires accompanying parenfor adult guardian. ,''You, Me and Dupree" '(UniverSal) . After: losing his job, home and car, the boorish best friend (Owen· WIlson) ofthe groom ~oves in with the newlyweds (Matt Dillon and Kate Hudson) creating havoc untiL midway.through, hest:r;aightens him~ qd9f.

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Friday, JUly 21, 2006


'.i;'~. news briefs

Continued from page one

30 miles from Gulfport,Miss., that was flattened by'Katrina, and 60

and despair in her wake. "Father Mast traveled to the area to'visit . miles from New Orleans, that e~- friends who were affected by the perience,dIIiassive flooding. storm," said Father Gomes. ~'DurThe two faith communities, one ing his travels, Father Mast came in the Diocese of Bilcixi~ and the across Annunciation Church in other in the Fall River diocese, . Kiln. Knowing that he was comhave recently become sister Par-' ing back to Taunton to help celishes through an interesting series ebrate our ftfth anniversary as Anof events and characters. nunciation of the LOrd Parish, FaThe path to the relationship ac- ther..Mast came up with a plan." ,When Father Mast returned to . tually'began ftve years ago. "In 200lOur Lady ofLourdes and Sa- . Taunton hepiesented a challenge. ,cred Heart parishes in Taunton "I am going to invite you to put . merged to become Annunciation of into practice your namesake Parthe Lord Parish," pastor Father ish of the Annuriciation and let God John A. Qomestold The Anchor useyoutothinkbig,"hes~d."One in a re'4eJif interview. "During' 'of the parishes' badly affected by, 2001, I irivited Father Pall) 'Mast the fallqutof the storm was' An:from the Diocese of Wilmington, ~unciation Parish in Kiln.: They. to preach a mission at the new par- need books, Bibles and classroom . ',ish. The missIon theme, stressing materials for their catechetical pro!the importance of unity; was'1\\'o grams." . Shall Become One.'" Father "Right away our parish council, ,Gomes said the'mission was very approached the idea and enthusi-, well attended. "About 300. people . astically agreedto accept ~e chal,took part in the three-day event," .lenge," said Father Gomes. "From 'f there we ofi'ered'the idea to the par'he said, . It wason Aug. 29, 2005 when ish as a whole and again" i~ was . Katrina slammed into the Gulf enthusiastically embraced.'" The pl~g stage began very 'Coast leaving death, destruction

quickly. "Father Mast offered the suggestion of producing aDVD to send to our'brothers and sisters in the Kiln parish," said Father Gomes. "We ftlmed interviews' of parishioners and,explained what ministries we have and their responsibilities,'~ added Finney. "We., wanted the DVD to give the people inMississippi a good sense of who we are and how much we wanted to help them." Father Gomes contacted Father John Noone, pastor of Annuncia~. tion Parish, who was very reeeptive to the idea. "I remember con- : tacting the director of Religious Education in Kiln, Maurice Mallochee, and asking him, :what do you need most right now?' His fIrst response 'was 'prayers,'" said Finney. Finney added that ~e plirishioners in Kiln considered th~mselves very fortunate compared- with neighboring parishes and towns. ''The church building in Kiln sustained·wind and water damage," Finn~y told The Anchor. "But the damage was nowhere near the to, Continued on page 16

.ItWecannot direct the wind, but we can adju~t the sails."





fCardinal: Ethi~ sciencedemand defeat ofembryonic stem-cell bill WASHlNGTON - Cardinal William H. Keeler of Baltimore called

lontheu.S.nS¢nate "in. the name of sound ethics and responsible sci· !enCe~~to rejeCtlegislation that would expand federal funding of stem;ceUresearch that destroys embryos. The cardinal, chairman ofthe U.S. ps' CoIilmittee on Pro-Life Activities, also urged passage of two stem.oeell·relatedbills expected to come before the Senate. ''The Senate has an opportunity to approve two bills that respect both sci;ence and ethics - and to reject misguided legislation that ignores ~e~9al. de~ds in its ]>,\lfSuit ofan ever more speculative and elusive f'pt6ifess,"'eardinal Keeler said in a letter to senators. "Technical ,progrl<..SS that makes humans themselves into mere ra~' material is in "fa~ta regress in our humanity." Under the terms of a unanimous con!~~~!!agreeme9t, the Senate was toco~ider three stem-cell b~s. at the ;same time, WIth no amendments pertmtted and a 6O-vote maJonty re" . \ ' ,. , quired for pass~ge. . '" • . I ,iin·,. ., ..' :, . t ,,' of.SJ£i~osephcriticize

Busli policies

I .

'AUKEE - At a national meeting in Milwaukee, leaders of .S. Fea~ration ofSisters of St, Joseph sharply criticized polif ' " ent GeQrge W.ll.ush ,"that continue the war in Iraq, violate umanrights along our borders, that intensify pov,'erty, that pollute our earth and that deny our interdependence with 'a ,," e..Rt)les.'1~e ~.<;?~$nreligious~meeting at Milwaukee's Mid. Airline$ Centet:'issued ~"statementaddressedto Bush when hey learned'that the president was, to speak that afternoon across treet at the Hilton Milwaukee City Center, at a fund-raiser kGf~~n~a"R,~publican<;ongressman from Wisconsin who .. ningforgovemor of the state. Nearly 1,100 nuns and assodates, rep~senting 1,000 U.S. Sisters of S1. Joseph and 2,500 fat~s~'~!re at the Milwaukee 'meeting. More than 60 sisters ...................... tfi~l'~S of th~world were also there. "Committed to re11a~onships'grounded in compassion and love, we call upon you . d your adIDinistration to change your policies and practices," unssaid., . "'.. . ," ,','.- -- .-" -'''«"v'···_' .

'FirSt African NationalEucharistic Congress to be held in D.C ,r,

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WASHINGTON - African Catholics 'living in the United States are jpew.giil.vi~,to visitSVashingto~ September 2-3 for ~e ftrst African National Eucharistic Congress. The tWo-day congress will be held at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and The P~!holic University of America. Participants are invited to wear the nativ~~ttire oftlieir African homelands. The congress is being coordiriated by the Office fortlie Pastoral Can< ofMigrants an" Refugees ofthe U.S. Conference ofCatholic Bishops. Sister Joanna Okereke, the office's ,b9Q(dinatdrQt,~thnic ministries, told Catholic News Service tha~ there Pmybe as niMy as 100,000 Catholics from Africa living in the United States. Sister Joanna, aNigerian-bom member of the Handmaids of the ;II<;?lr Child J~~us, estimated that there are about 1,000 African nuns and :900,:African'priests ehgagedin ministry in the United States. ., F·'"'~L

World Peace 'Day theme with focus on human dignity

iM .... CAN <;St:rY ---- A~the thernefor the 2007 World Peace Day, Pope . . .et XVI has chosen: ''The Human Person: The Heart of Peace." 'Ihe theme refleCts the pope's "conviction that respect for the dignity of thehuinan person is essential condition for peace in the human famsiUdaN~tican announcement World Peace Day is celebrated Janu1 each year. The pope's message for the celebration is released in ~ly December and sentto heads ofstate around the world. The Vatican 'ment ODthe pope'~~hosen theme said human dignity is being "threat.by abemlilt ideOlogies, attacked by a distorted use of science and t ology,'(and) contradicted by widespread' incongruent lifestyles." dignity must be promoted and defended, it said, because human tn~ty','is the se.al of ,God," who created men and women in bis likeiles's; it is "thesign ofthe common destiny ofhurilanity (and) the founda.~on of love fqr God and for one's neighbor."


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Fall River: • W.Bridgewater • Somerset Plymouth • Da~outb • Blngbam

',- Continued from page three , Barnstable Area legislators who voted to , ., Shirley Gomes, R-South adjourn included: Harwich " Representatives . .' RobertM: Koczera; D-New .Antonio F. D. Cabral, D-New 'Bedford Bedford . )phn R. Lepper, R-Attleboro Patricia A. Haddad, DElizabeth A. Poirier, R-New , Bedford . Somerset Matthew Patrick, D-Falmouth John F. Quinn, D-Dartmouth Eric Thrkington, D-Falmouth ,Michael J. Rodrigues, 'D~ Cleon Turner, D-Dennis \y'estport , . Senators ' William M. Straus, DJoan M. Menard, D-Somerset Mattapoisett Mark C. Montigny, D-New DavidB. Sullivan:D-FallRiver Bedford ~ Senators "Mark R. Pacheco, D-Taunton. Robert D. O'Leary, DI


Friday, July 21, 200E) .





EWTN anniversary cel~bration in Philadelphia draws 4,OQO' ,


PHILADELPHIA (CNS) Father Richard John Neuhaus, a speaker at a Philadelphia celebration for the 25th anniversary of the { Eternal Word Television Network, called the event a "remarkable occasion" marking a milestone for "a most improbable adventure." The priest, who is ,editor of the monthly magazine First Things, called,the founding ofEWTN by Mother Angelica "a high adventure," and said the nun made herself "a vessel of what God can do beyond our imagination." The recent celebration drew more than 4,000 people from the Philadelphia region arid from around the country to the Liacouras Center at Temple University. Other speakers included Father Benedict Groeschel, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, as well as Marcus Grodi, Raymond Arroyo and Scott Hahn. They all had audience members on their feet, askCARDINAL J~STIN Rigali ing questions and shouting answers to the speakers' questions. of Philadelphia delivers his . EWTN was started in the ga- homily at Mass <:luring a celrage of a Birmingham, Alabama, ebration sponsored by the , monastery 25 years ago by Mother Eternal Word Television Net, Angelica, a Poor Clare of Per- .work in Philadelphia recently. petualAdoration. It is now seen (eNS photo/Greg Tarczynski) in 125 million homes and 144 countries, and its radio and to do well, living a life of quiet In.ternet service reaches at least contemplation in the cloister, Ar200 million more. royo said. And she hasn't lost any The network, which was built of her feistiness, he added. solely from donation~, carries proIn September 2001, Mother gramming 24 hours a day and has Angelica, now 83, suffered a extensive live coverage ofCatho- stroke and in December' of that lic events worldwide. year suffered a second stroke, EWTN has held anniversary which partially paralyzed the right events in five cities over the past side of her body. i 'year to mark its silver anniversary. According to. the EWTN One final celebration is planned Website, she spends most of her in Birmingham. time praying and resting quietly In his address Father Neuhaus in her room. , talked about what it means to be According to AIToyo, her bioga Catholic in a world full of scan- rapher and the post of the dals, dissension and leadership network's "The World Qver," problems. Philadelphia has a Ispecial place In the face of all that, he held in the heart ofEWTN's foundress. out to the crowd the invitation of She first mentioned the 'concept Pope John Paul II: "Settle for that became E\YTN during a notru!1g less than moral and spiri- speaking eQ-gagement in the city, tual greatness." he said. ' , "Our task is not to be success"Jesus drives Mother Anful, but to be faithful," Father gelica," he told the crowd. Neuhaus said. "Our task is to en"Mother has alw4ys fought an gage the culture with joy. EWTN uphill battle," he said, but she has bespeaks the joy of the high ad- never wavered "in her rock-solid venture of being fully Catholic- triIst" in Christ and "ithe power of not of being a ~good enough' prayer of her nuns before him in Catholic; but rather understanding the Blessed Sacrament." that what it really means to be During his homil~ at that day's Catholic is an audacious invita- Mass, Father Francis Mary, host tion to adventure." of "Life on the Rock," said that, Saying that EWTN has been an like St. John the Baptist, Mother instrument of necessary criticism, Angelica's ,mission has been to Father Neuhaus added that it has bring the good news .of Christ been "always at the service of the without equivocation - to anyChurch, and in an invitation offi- one who would listen. delity and holiness." Mother Angelica has lived her Mother Angelica, who personi- life radically, said the priest, who fies what Neuhaus called "the is a Franciscan Missionary of the holiness of feistiness," was not at Eternal Word. And today, he the celebration, but she continues added, just living the Catholic


faith authentically is radical and necessary. Father Groeschel, noted author and EWTN program bost, spoke ,before the closing Mass cel:1 ebrated by Philadelphia Cardinal Justin Rigali: I ' He said the Catholic Church has been pulled apart by arguments and battles between Catholics on opposite sides on such issues as liturgy, liturgical practices and different applications of , Catholic teaching. I But the Church should not be " a place where the faithful expect I to feel comfortable because their preferences are the accepted pref; erences, he added. The Catholic Church follQws Jesus Christ, and so each Catholic must follow Christ, "even when he leads me where I do not wish to I go," Father Groeschel said. "We I: must renounce our own wishes to Ii follow him. It's part of the crucifying character of discipleship, in which,~e abandon our own tastes, and submit ourselves to God, rumIi self, acting in the Church." : Being a good Catholic does not I mean refraining from criticizing , the Church's flaws; rather, it . II means that criticism should be il kindly and charitable, he said. 'I Father Groeschel said Catholics who want changes in the :, Church should work from inside , the Church. I








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Scholar-athletes recognized at !Jishop Stang ceremony


NORTH DARTMOUTH Salem State College in the fall. Senior Scholar-Athlete Awards Dumas received the Carlin were recently a'nnounced at Lynch Award as outstanding seBishop Stang High School. Out- nior male student-athlete. He is standing seniors who were recog- the son of Roland and Elizabeth I nized were- Brendan Good, Dumas of North Dartmouth and Marielle McCarthy, RyanDumas will attend Bridgewater State Coland Michael Abdur-Rahman. lege this fall. Good received the 2006 John McCarthy and Dumas were C. O'Brien Scholar Athlete Award chosen for being strong team leadpresented to the student athleteers and encouraging their team• who best exemplifies the qualities mates on and off the field. that the formet(.athHitic director, Abdur-Rahman was presented ··,ie~cher and coach believed and with the Gilbert Barboza Unsung practiced during his life. The re- Hero Award as the student-athlete cipient must also be a top student who best exemplifies the spirit of and outstanding athlete who cooperation, generosity, and beshows a strong spirit of generos- hind-the-scenes work that the late ity. Gqodis the son of Teresa and Barboza represented. It is. Gerard Good of Marion and will awarded each year to the student.be a freshmen at St. Michael's athlete who is an important memSTUDENTS AT St. John the Evang~list School, Attleboro, dance in a conga line during a College ~s fall. . ber of a team but usually does not recent after-school program. Music was provided by Rick Morin and represE;lntatives from McCarthy was awarded the receive the recognition he or she his company, Innerythms. Students lea1rned about music and rhythms from a variety of cOLm- Theresa E. Dougall Award as an deserves. Abur~Rahman is the son outstanding senior female student- of Salahuddin and Cathy Abdurfries over a six~week period. II athlete. She is the daughter of Rahman of New Bedford. He will . Jacqueline and Michael McCarthy attend the University of Tampa of Mattapoisett and will attend this fall.

THESE CHILDREN get ready to participate in the fifth annual Holy Trinity Parish annual road race through West Harwich. The race and a spaghetti dinner the night before at Our Lady of the Gape Parish, Brewster, raised.more than $3,500 to support the education of children at Holy Trinity RegiQnal School. The children ran a one-mile race.

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If your parish has a summer Bible Study or Religious Education program or event this summer, The Anchor would love to share your photos. Submit them to TheAnchor@AnchorNews.org, or send to The An- . chor P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722




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Ft:iday,,:~uly21, 2006



It's cool to be Catholic, teens told'at Catholic Family Expo BALHMORE (CNS) because they should, said Hill Just as athletes have a personal and Stover. trainer to get them in shape for "We must use our talents to a big game, Catholics have a fUlfill God's will," said Stopersonal trainer called the Holy ver. Spirit to get them ready for Stover used Pope John Paul heaven. At least thars how 17- II's life as an example of how year-old Mary Hill and 18- these teen-agers should strive year-old Katie Stover see it. to live and love the Lord. Hill, a parishioner of St. "When your family and Alphonsus Rodriguez in friends are taken away, all you Woodstock, student athlete and have is Christ," said Stover. fourth of nine children, and "What made (the'late pope) Stover, a pa- - - - - - - - - - - - persevere was rishioner of St. "I like finding out about Christ." H i I I Mary in An- b' C th f d' napolis and e~n!J a OIC, rea ~ng stressed the honors gradu- religIon books, learnmg importance of ate from Im-' Church history and go- opening up to maculate Con- ing to Mass," she said. the Lord in cepti?n Acad- "It's a great feeling being prayer and being open to his emy m Rho.de Catholic." Island, dISword and cussed "how commands. cool is it t9 be Catholic" with "God's will is more important teen-agers at the Catholic Fam- . tha~ our own; always, have ily Expo July 7 at the Baltimore flexibility with God," she Convention Center. said. "The Holy Spirit is our per"People are looking for sonal trainer that helps us step. happiness in things," said Sto'by step to get to God," said ver. "We find happiness in Hill. God; he is calling us by Through personal stories, name." Hill and Stover helped thel Although she is not. yet a teens examine their relation- . teen-ager, ll-year-old Rachel ship' with God to become Denhartog of New Jersey apstrongly rooted in his love. parently did,not need any con"What's important is to love vincing that it was cool to be God and do what he says," said Catholic. Hill. "We have to love our "I like finding out about faith." being Catholic, reading reliBy loving our faith, believ- gion books, learning Church ers learn more about their faith history and going to' Mass," and begin to do things for God' she said. "It's a great feeling because they want to, not just being Catholic."



Getting . ,

By CHARLIE MARTIN LOVE AND MEMORIES Lovely, you're always lovely A vision You were the one Now I am stuck inside a memory You forgot about our destiny You buried me Didn't you? Didn't you? Refrain: Love me faster than the devil


our destiny." With oJViOUS hurt and anger, he says, "You buried me, didn't you?" II Given the emotional distress he feels, his reaction is tihderstandable. Yet, being "stuqk inside a memory" robs him ofl[the potential that resides in tne present moment. Most likely, the grief he is experiencing is necd\;ary. However, there isa differente between II

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A vapor That I couldn't see Here I am stuck inside ayesterday Everything has given way You fell from me _ Didn't you? Didn't you? Maybe I am a crowded mind I watch your eyes glaze over . Stared down at the floor You were amazing t(l me I was amazing to you But here we go again Didn't you?




dealing with grief and being "stuck" in it. II Getting unstuck requires several positive steps to~ard recreating his life. This be~ns by being connected to those' who care Sung By: O.A.R. about him. Fortunately, love enCopyright 2005 by Lava ters our lives along mby paths, They were five frat guys at not just by being roma4tically inOhio State who decided to form volved. Yes, there is an'inner'\foid a band. That was 1998. After sev- when a romantic partner 'exits eral years of gigs at college bars,' one's life. However, it :~oes little O.A.R. (Of a Revolution) has good to focus solely on the emprisen to national recognition. The tiness and to overlook lhe caring group also has a chart hit in "Love still available from othhs. . and Memories" off its 2005 disc . Further, he should :clk himself "Stories of a Stranger." what really l!ttracts ,~Pt in life. The song presents a guy's re- God made us with an incredible action to his girlfri~nd's decision ability to ~nteract withlln;tany ~to end their relationship. He feels peets of life. Sure, relatlMships lik~ "now I am stuck inside a are important, but they!~e only a memory" since she "forgot about portion of what life offers. What

we choose to put energy into depends on the'passions within our souls. The song's character can rediscover what areas of life offer him renewed zest and meaning. True, he now feels down and perhaps depressed about losing his girlfriend. Yet, he can find new energy for life through "doing" instead ofjust "thinking" or "feeling." While giving appropriate

:::~~~~~s:~~~~~~~~s~o~~~ ~:~;p~~~~~~~~r~~~=,~; "doing,''' he can be distracted for a time from "feeling" and thus, lessen the intensity of the hurt. While acting in new ways will help him. past "l(>ve and memories," he will also need to be patient. His new 'resolve to get unstuck and to r~ngage life does not mean that ail the hurt magically disappe~s'. Some days definitely will be better than others. Surprise occuqences may trigger the pain. If he can be patient with himself, accep~ the hurt when it arises and still remain open to life, he will find himself living more and more in the present. . Finally, he should ask God for guidance in healing the hurt in his ,life. God is always with us, but . the very act of asking opens our hearts to receive this guidance. Taken all together, these steps will lead him beyond being "stuck inside a memory" and into living today.

Your comments are always welcome. Please write to me at: chmartin@swindiana.net or at 7125W 200S, Rockport, IN . 47635.

Fun in the Son! Summer Vacation. I've been focused on trying to enjoy life . Lord. And they had so much waiting all year for this. fun on that retreat. a little more? Teachers are not unlike' The first few days of When we clear out the students in this regard. This is clutter that sin has placed summer vacation I was on the time of family, friends, retreat with 48 high school within us, there is more room beach, .sun, and fun. You don't students. These even have to travel to have a students opted to take vacation when you live so near their first three days the ocean. I love the summer. of vacation and spend Life slows down a bit for me. it at school on retreat. , Balance is more easily During that retreat, achieved, especially in my many of them had an prayer life. As much as I love incredible experience the sun and the beach, the of God through the difference in my prayer life is sacrament of reconone of my favorite aspects of ciliation and spending summer. . some quiet time in Vacation is a time away front of the tabernacle. They for God. When we offer those from study or work, for travel, didn't just learn about his pieces of ourselves that have relaxation, and/or recreation. presence among them, they felt been broken by sinful thoughts, However, none of us should words, or deeds, he will make , his presence ... they knew his ever take a "vacation" from presence ... they heard him them whole and holy. When we God. How ludicrous would and were loved by him in ways come like a child and simply that be ... to move away from they were not used to, because ask God to hold us, we will feel the source of life during the his arms enfold us and his . we seldom take the time to tjme ot-year when we are most Spirit fill us, and we can rest stop and simply be with the'

gently in his heart. I' I want to encourage all of , II you who are on summer vacation from school Ito look at how much more tinie you I' could have for prayer right now. Eve~ though you may have spmmer jobs, you do not have the added time tommitII ments of homework, II student govern11,1ent, after-school activities, etc. Is daily Ma~s a possibility in y6ur . schedule duringl the , summer? Is eve~ing prayer something YOUllCOUld make plans for? Summer is a great time for strengthening relation~hips II that often get short-changed 11 because we have so many things demanding our hme. . th路IS11 sumH ow are you usmg .., h II.

merume ,0' 'ttengt erg yo.r

relationship with God? While we are trying to refresh ourselves with time of vacation, could we also refresh ourselves with the sacrament of reconciliation? It could be a great way to refocus our spiritual lives so that God is on vacation with us. I beg you, don't take a vacation from Mass because it's summertime; make more time for M;lSS. Don't take a vacation from your prayer group, or youth group, or your own personal prayer. Now is the time to kick it up a notch. Fun in the sun is meaningless if we don't include fun in the Son.

Jean Revil is director of Campus Ministry at Bishop Stang High School, ~here she has taught for 27 years. Comments welcome at: jrevil@bishopstang.com.


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Friday, July 21, 2006


Continuedfrom page one


Father Harrington should become other firemen. You can't do that ,a fire chaplain for the' Hyannis today, but we did it back then." Msgr. Harrington credits area. "Bishop Connolly gave me much of his knowledge and inthe OK," said Msgr. Harrington. sights to Father John R. FoIster "He told me, 'As long as you're who was chaplain of the Fall not up on the end of some lad- River Fire Department. "I der. ,,, worked as an assistant to Father That was in 1966. -Forty years FoIster, and he was one of the later Msgr: Harrington, still an best," Msgr. Harrington told The _active fire chaplain, has col- Anchor. "As a matter of fact, Falected a serIes of vignettes in a ther FoIster was instrumental in book he authored called, "A Call bringing Emergency Medical to Save .:..- The Memoir of a Fire Services to an advanced degree Chaplain," published by Spinner . in Southeastern Massachusetts. Publications. A reception He was also -the one who launching Msgr. Harrington's wouldn't hesitate to climb high new book takes place this on a bridge to calm a potential evening from 6-9 at the New jumper and bring him back." _ Msgr. Harrington relayed a Bedford Fire Museum, 51 story of a man in New Bedford Bedford Street, New Bedford. "Since I've retired, I've had who holed himself in an aparta great deal of time to think back ment with a knife and a can of on the last 40 years as a fire , gasoline. "I was told he was a chaplain," he said. "I thought it religious man, and I tried to talk might be a good idea to put those to him about his faith and convince him not to harm himself - memories in print." FIRE CHAPLAIN Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, wearing helmet, assists firefighter in se- Msgr. Harrington's fire chap- or anyone else. I couldn't do it." curing an oxygen tank in this file photo from 1989. (Photo by Dick Arikian) end tragically, The story didn't lain career has taken him from the Hyannis Fire Department to however. "The fire chief sent in "Some of the most difficult chaplain from Southborough. chaplain in Fall River, Msgr. the Taunton, New Bedford and one of his men who aimed a fire , Fall River Fire departments as hose at him, doused him and ren- moments were dealing with Deacon Da~id Akin, District Harrington is -also a qualified dered him temporarily dis- teen-agers threatening suicide," One chaplain, from St. Pius X member of the Critical Incident well. His fire training actually be- abled." That was the end of that he said. "But not all the memo- Parish, South Yarmouth, re- Stress Management team of Bristol and Norfolk counties. ries are bad. I've been part of ceived the award previously. -gan as a young boy. "When threat. In his book, Msgr. Harrington some great ceremonies with the " "I was surprised and honored "We're trained to counsel men hanging around the fire station ,as a kid, I saw the firemen as notes the Notre Dame Church firefighters, and I've been a part to receive the Father Judge and women of the police and fire ,kind to kids, and I admired conflagration in Fall River in of the training of new Award,'" said Msgr. Harrington. departments and EMTs who them," said Msgr. Harrington. May of 1982 as one of the most firefighters, 30 just this year. father Marc R. Tremblay, have experienced a traumatic "I've also seen some incred- District Three chaplain, and pas- event," Msgr. Harrington ex"Later I joined the New Bedford devastating fires he's seen. The ,Protecting Society which was an fire completely destroyed the ible works of heroism that were tor of St. Mary's Parish in plained. "Sometimes these men adjunct to the New Bedford Fire magnificent granite church just dismissed as ordinary. I've Norton said, "It's a wonderful and women see and hear things Department. We received fire along with nearly a full city seen men and women risk their thing that Msgr. Harrington re- that affect them greatly. "One-third ofthese individutraining, and we would respond block with many three-decker lives to enter a burning building ceived this award. I have the to alarms, with large canvases homes. "It got to the point," re- _to save trapped individuals, pull deepest respect for that man. als can deal with it on their own. and cover as many items as pos- called Msgr. Harrington, "that them out alive, and just say to Whenever we've worked to- One-third are mildly affected, sible, hoping to salvage prop- Chief Louis Shea had to aban- me, 'It's no big deal Father.' It 'gether, he was always suited up, and one-third are affected by imwore his oxygen tank, and fully ages they find hard to expel from erty. We also dealt with water re- don the idea of saving the homes is a big deal." Ten years ago, Msgr. participated as best he could. their minds. We're there to talk on Bedard Street, and instead set moval." Years late~, as a priest, he re- up a defense area one block be- Harrington became part of the Even now, while not in the best to all of them. We let them know that they're not superman or su_ceived more intense training hind the homes, on Pleasant Massachusetts Corps of Fire . of health, he's there helping." Illnesses have slowed the perwoman. What they feel ~nd Chaplains. "The Mass. Corps of with the Barnstable County Fire Street. "The fire wiped out most of Fire Chaplains has brought a . monsignor down a bit. In 2004, experience are normal reactions - ,Academy. "We drilled with the _': department," he said. "When the the homes on Bedard Street, and much higherlevel of profession- he had surgery for a rare lung to abnormal situations." Msgr. Harrington told The live alarm sounded, I would ride started to cross Pleasant Street, ali,sm to fire chaplains," ex- disease called Idiopathic Pulmo. nary Fibrosis. Treatments of Anchor he loved his call as a on the side, of the truck with but Chief Shea's men were plained Msgr. Harrington. ready and halted The Rev. Larry Provenzano, chemotherapy follo\yed. Now priest and a fire chaplain. "I the spread. It was chief chaplain of the Mass ... he's required to take steroids and can't thank God enough for our just so tragic to see Corps of Fire Chaplains, told, immune suppressant drugs and firefighters," he said. "May God so many people The Anchor, "Tom is a great guy. he follows a rigorous rehab pro- watch over all of you always." lose everything We've been blessed to have him gram that includes exercise at a It seems very appropriate that they had." Remark- as part of our organization. He clinic and at his home at the his book is titled, "A Call to ably there were no is a prime example of the self- Cardinal Medeiros Residence in Save." Whether he's delivering lessness and service that is the Fall River. . fatalities. a terrific homily from the pulM s g r He also is saddled with macu- pit, celebrating the Eucharist, 'hallmark of a good fire chaplain. Harrington sadly l'm proud to be associated with lar degeneration that prevents hearing confessions, or performrecalled a tragic fire him." him from driving a car any ing the duties of a fire chaplain, years ago in New The organization recognized .' longer. "I could have a more ag- Msgr. Harrington consistently Bedford. "It was a Msgr. Harrington last May with gressive treatment with the answers the call to save. house fire and a its top fire chaplain award, "The macular degeneration, but it Much has happened to that mother, failler, and Mychal Judge Award," named wpuld have an adverse reaction impressionable lad in New three children were after the fire chaplain who lost to my fibrosis treatII)ent," he Bedford who admired his parish lost." Just a few his life serving others during the . said. priests and firemen heroes. It weeks ago, Msgr. _ carnage of the September 11, Has all that slowed him makes one wonder where Msgr. Harrington was at 2001 terrorist suicide attacks oil -down? Maybe a bit. Has it Harrington would be today had the tragic fire at the the World Trade Center in Man- stopped him? No. Msgr. he lived near a church and a railHarrington is still an active fire road station. St. John's Holy hattan. The award reads, "In grateful' chaplain with the Fall River Fire Ghost Association All are invited to meet this refire in Fall River acknowledgment of the-time, en- Department. "When an alarm markable priest at the New that claimed the ergy and faithfulness given to i sounds, Rick Aguiar, chief of Bedford Fire Museum tonight Ii ves of four the men and women of Fire Ser- Federal Emergency Manage- from 6-9 Msgr. Harrington's women inside pray- vice, this award is presented to ment Agency in Fall River, picks book, "A Call To Save - The ing and preparing Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington." me up and off we go," said Msgr. Memoir of a Fire Chaplain," will FIRE CHAPLAIN be available in local bookstores for an upcoming Also receiving the award was Harrington. MSGR. THOMAS J. HARRINGTON Holy Ghost feast. Along with the job of fire or .at www.spinnerpub.com. the Rev. Craig Lister? District 14 '

Con'innedft"""'g, one I ·

LECTURES/PRESENTATIONS ACUSHNET - "Macbeth: A Study of Evil," a critical reading of· . Shakespeare's play will be presented by Deacons Maurice Ouellette and David Pepin on July 24,25, and 31 from 7-8:45 p.m. in the basement of S1. Francis Xavier

Daily Readings July 22 July 23 July 24

July 25 July 26 July 27 July 28'

July 29

July 30

July 31 Aug 1 Aug 2

Aug 3 Aug 4

Aug 5 Aug 6

Aug 7

Aug 8

Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 11

Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:14,7-8,14; In 20:12,11-18 Jer 23: 1-6; Ps 23: 1-6; Eph 2: 1318; Mk 6:30-34 Mi 6:1-4,6-8; Ps 50:5-6,8-9,1617,21,23; Mt 12:38-42 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1-6; Mt ' 20:20-28 . Jer 1:1,4-10; Ps 71 :1-6,15, 17; Mt 13:1-9 Jer2:1-3,7-8,1213; Ps 36:6·11; Mt 13:10-17 Jer 3: 14-17; (Ps) Jer31:10~13; Mt '13:18-23

Dighton and' Our Lady of Perpetual Help in New Bedford. S1. Mary's Parish in Norton and Church. A copy of the play will be St. Joseph's Parish in Taunton also provided. It is sponsored by the Office ofAdult Education. For more saw double digit increases with revenu(fs cliIftbing by nearly 19 percent information call 508-678-2828. and 14 percent respectively. ''To have literally tens of thouMISCELlANEOUS. ATTLEBORO -A tent revival sands of donors, and to' realiie a will be held July 24~26 at 7 p.m. at total of nearly $4 million dollars the National Shrine of Our Lady of speaks volumes to the credibility La Salette. Themed "Lord, You are' of the pastors, parish committee Our Hope," it will include witness workers, the Appeal, and the talks, a procession and adoration. Church itself as they all attempt Attendees are asked to bririg a food donation for the St. Joseph's Food in their own way to do the Lord's Cellar. For more information call work," Donly noted. "As we said in the beginning 508-222-5410. of the campaign when we quoted SUPPORT GROUPS St. James, 'Faith without works is NORTH DARTMOUTH - A dead.' How as a parishioner, pardiocesan Divorced-Separated sup- ish community, diocese, or port group will meet July 31 from Ch~rch could we say we were liv7-8:30 p.m. at the Family Life'Cen- ing our faith if we were not conter,500 Slocum Road: Itwill fea-. f d . . .. t o F' m d SClOUS th 'd "TheRoda · . · 0 . an active 10 Ill1illstertureeVleo Healing." Refreshnients will be 109 to the needs 0; the most v,uI,~ served. For more infonnationcall nerable among us. We couldn t, Bob Menard at 508-965-2919. concludes Donly. "Sincere thanks are extended to ORLEANS -:- A diocesan Di- all who worked so hard and were , vorced-Separated support group so generous in making this year's will'meet July 30 at 7 p.m. at S1. Appeal such a success. The thanks Joan of Arc Parish, 68 Canal Road. are echoed by the tens ofthousands Refreshments will be served. For of families .and iridividuals who more information call 508-255- will be assisted and ministered to 0170; , I

Jer7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6,8,11; In 11 :19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11,1516,17~18; Eph 4:1-6; In 6:1-15 Jer 13:1-11; (Ps)' Ot 32: 18-21 ; Mt 13:31-35 Jer14:17-22; Ps 79:8-9,11,13; Mt 13:36-43 Jer15:10,16-21; Ps 59:2-4,1011,17-18; Mt 13:44-46 Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1-6; Mt 13:47-53 Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5,8-10,14; Mt 13:54-58 Jer 26: 11-16,24; Ps69:15-16,2021; Mt 14:1-12 On 7:9-10,13-14; . Ps 97: 1-2,5-6,9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mt 9:2-10 Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29,43,7980,95,102; Mt 14:13-21 Jer 30:1-2,1215,18-22; Ps 102: 16-23,29; Mt 14:'22-36 or Mt 1.5:1-2,10-14 Jer 31 :1'~7; (Ps) Jer 31 :10-13; Mt 15:21-28 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2,5-9; In . 12:24-26 Na 2:1,3;3:1-3,67; (Ps) Dt 32:3536,39-41; Mt 16:24-28

Special air time for this Sunday's. . ':' TVMass .,


by the Appeal-funded agencies and apostolat~s," Donly s~id. ~'Your generosity, and the fact that 94 . I cents..qf every dollar dqnated will go directly to these ag~ncies and apostolates guarantees the Diocese of Fall River will be a~le to continue to assist those whd tum to us in their~e of need." II While this year's {\:ppeal has officially concluded, ~ifts, dona~ tions, and bequests for the. Catholic Charities Appeal ate always gratefully accepted. Fo~ information call the Appeal Offibe at 508675-.1311 or visit the II Catholic Charities Website at WW1W.frdiOCcatholiccharities.org.


. FALL RIVER ...:..,. The weekly Television Mass sponsored by the Fall River diocese on WLNE-TV, Channe16, will be s~en at a spt<cial time this Sunday, July 23, only. n~ Mass will air at 7 a.m. '. The special time is necessitated'by the station's live broadcast of the British Open golf tournament. The Television Mass wilt return to its regular 11 a.m. time slot on Sunday, July 30.



SERYI9E•..By car;ntJJatnq~'alldsefvicel(Jjnil{profes~i~nals TRUST... l-ftthepeqple):vuJJioW . ': Gfi()J¢E;•.. ;C'ustOl1i~e.\'ign'e#,.pers·oniJlifetltr,iblite~.



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In Your Prayers .


Please pray for 'the following priests,during the coming weeks July 25., 1913, Rev. Michael l Cooke, Pastor, S1. Patrick, Fall River 1984, Rev. Raymond R. Mahoney, SS.Ce., Former Pastor, Our Lady ofAssumption, New Bedford July 26, . 1974, Rev. Msgr. Alfred lE. Bonneau, P.R. Retired Pastor, Notre , Dame de Lourdes, Fall River . July 27 1981, Rev. Damien Yeary, SS.Ce., Former Pastor, S1. Anthony, Mattapoisett . . July 29 1913, Rev. Mathias McCabe, Retired Pastor, Sacred Hemt, Fall River 1947, Rev. Charles 'r: Trainor, S.S., St. Edward'Seminary, Seattle, Washington. u1y 30 '. , Pastor, Sandwich, New Bedford, 1838, Rev. Francis Kie

Wareham 1865, Rev. Daniel Hearne, '2003, Rev. Hugh'l Munro,


1917, Rev. M ,Foun 1. Paul, Taunton SS. Peter &Paul, Fall River 1934, Rev. Thomas A. Kelly, Pas ". Aug. Joseph, Fall River, 1961, Rev. Joseph P.,Lyons, Pastor, . Aug. 7 1986, Rev. John F. Hogan, Pastor, St. . Billiart, NOlth Dartmouth . .1987, Very Rev. Roger L. Gagne, V. . astor, St. Mark, Attleboro Falls .



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Continued from page 1q

.Taunton are doiJig is so Christ-like tal devastation in nearby Gulfport, and kind. It's going to take years where only slabs offoundation re- to recover, and'another stonn not main, or the expansive flooding nearly as big could break the hearts 'experienced in New Orleans:The of some.'" , Father Noone'informed his church remained pretty much intact, but most of their Religious northern neighbors that they dOlft Education materials were de- know what they need yet. Slowly st;royed., ' . the parishioners are returning, but . '~orthepeopleofAnnunciation _ "many, people are'still in a transiParish, most of Katrina's ,affects· ' tory stage," said Father Gomes. "It's an eye-opening ex.perience were felt by individual parishioners. Many, many ofthem lost their. to go there," said Finriey. "A lot of homes,jobs, schools and any sense the businesses; although' still se-" ofnonnalcy." , verely,damaged are still open, but "In one day, the parish went there are feW' people to work befrom 500 families to less than half' cause some have nO homes and that," added Father Gomes. others sunply moved away: Nearly a year after Katrina, people are still living in tents and sheds like we k,eep our lawn mowers in up here. And ~s year's hurricane season , has already started." To help raise"some funds for their sister ,parish in Mississippi, . Father Gomes said the Taunton parish has produced aT-shirt that' on the'frontreads, "AnnunCiation of the Lord Parish, Taunton, sending hope from the Bay State," and , on the reverse side reads, ''To AnSOMETIMES STRANGE nunciation Parish, Kiln in the Mag- , , . things happen when south no}ia State;" "Sales have been pretty good," , meets north, and east meets added Father Gomes: "But right wesr:"'- like this' priest from . now we're in a wait and see mode, Ireland who is.a pastor in Mis~ When we have a better'idea of : sissippi and bears the colors w'~at our Mississippi sisters and -9fthe Boston'Red Sox. (Pho- , brothers need, then we'll take more ,action." . tos by Susan Finney) The Taunton pastor also added ''Ten months after the disaster, that he's very proud ofhis~parish- . JPany of the adults are still reeling ioners. ''This is a wonderful sigri from the effects; and many of the, of the Church being involved in ischildren still question why," said sues of justice and ministerfug to, Finney. "But instead of ,Worrying t.Qose in need," he said. "Some- '. about their own situations, many , times the local Church can become. of the folks are seeking ways to close-minded, but something like help others in the area who are far , this gives us the chance to live out less fortunate. I find that incred- .our faith in words and action. It's . ible that at a time like this, they're an awesome challenge." . Annunciation of the Lord Parstill thinking of o1:hers."" Th~ Taunton paush completed . ish in Taunton will hold a speCial its DVD movie and packaged it Mass on or near the August 29 an- .. along with a crucifix that was re- niversarydateofKatrinatoprayfor cently restored by a Taunton pa- those stillaffected by the aftermath. pshionerand a plaque that read in Eventually the needs ofAnnun-" part" ''This cross is presented as a dation Parish iri Kiln,"will become gift in faith and friendship to the clearer. When that happens, Father Annunciation Parish in Kiln, . Gomes expressed a desire to let Miss., from your sister parish, the Anchor readers know what those Annunciation of ,the.Lord in needs are, so perhaps others too, Taunton, Mass." can live their faith in words and Finney offered to deliver the action. packag~ to Father Noone because 1'""""-----------, she, was traveling with her husband, Paul, to retrieve a collie the· Finney; adopted after it had been ' abandoned or lost during Katrina: Ironically, Bubba, the collie, ''was found abandoned, roaming the neighborhood near Annunciation Parisli in Kiln;" smd Finney. "And that-}Vas before the sistership ofour' pariShes was even thought of." In a telephone interview with The Anchor, Father Noone said, "It ' is very good ofthe people from Annunciation of the Lord Parish to do this. "Tlli'-s is the Church working as it should:, We weren't hit as' hard as some others in this area, but it , is so good to know that people are '. still caring about us nearly 11 months after the'stonn." "Many people's lives were disANNUNCIATION CHURCH rupted and what the people in IN ~ILN, 'MISSISSIPPI

Maur~en ,Ross d:emonstrates




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the'fiRe art ofvolunteerism '_ ,-. I ~Y DecoN JAMES,N. PUNBAR Christmastime. ' "We have 240pieces fn the permanent colATTLEBORO -.::.. What Maureen Miconi Ross took away from her education'at the lection right now, and we're always looking, Rhode Island School of Design has helped her for donations, especially from different coun'polish the skills of the'artist $at is so much a· tries. We like to show' how people in cultures II. all across the world depict the birth of Jesus." part of her nature. Ross gives tours to adults and groups at , But it has been her own irtitiative aggressively and willingly to do s~ much for the the Exhibit, arid also offers ~orkshops for cemmon good 'jl . children. Someof mankind that times it 'means 14 has taken her hours a day. far from the Recently she coworld of art . ordinated a ,yard and, teaching sale when' one of the and hOned her Shrine's ' older success as a buildings was "professional" , 'II crosed down: It "voliniteer with raised $9,000. many endeav-' And she is also ors to her. the djrector of the .credit. many talent shows '''Maureen is for adults hosted by the untitled asthe Shrine. "Last sistant to every year 'I played director at our, Elv,is," she said, Nat ion a I laughing. "The Shrine of Our shows are' fund. Lady of La raisers for the soup Salette, and is kitchen 'we' operate ,every Monday. I'm the go-to ,person everyone on the board of dicounts on to rectors for the get the various Attleboro Council tasks done," of'Churches - ' said La Salette which operates six soup kitchens Brother Robert Nichols. and I'm currently , "She is the coordinating a September banquet one 'we all call' upon, and her ,, fund-raiser to celrei i a b iii t Y, HOSTI~G A party for' visiting ,Japanese st,u- ebrate"the Council's know,~ow and dents she;s teaching to speak English gives. Na- 50th anniversary. personal touch tional Shrine·of Our Lady of La Sarette volunteer It's going to be big seem unlim- Maureen Jv1iconi Ross a unique opportunityto do andI'v~managed'to ited," he the evangelization she does so well. Undaunted bring in philanthroby distanC'e she follows up with E-mails when they pist Alan Shawn added. In the midst 'return ,hom~. ' . Feinstein as keyof planning " , '. note speaker." Is there any time for anything else? : -for the arrival of 6,000 y6'ung people over the next two weekends aSj,the Shrine hosts .' "My parish is Sacred Heart in North the Steubenville Youth COJ;lference, provid- Attleboro, where I do a few things 'too," she ing tent sleeping areas and food and ready- '·said. ' ing for offering thesacraII;lent of reconciliIn reality, she is a member of its busy Ecuation, scheduling Mass and concerts by rock menical Committee, 'and is a lector, as is her 'groups, Ross calmly, told The Anchor, "Cer- husband, a member of Knights of Columbus tainly I have 'a few minutes to' talk with Council.330 in North Attleboro. ,. you." , . . , 'i.. ', All of Maureen Ross's volunteer advenMarried to Geoff Ross, the mother of one, tures seem to have shelved her 37 years l,lS 'a 'grandmother to three and the busy "mad~iiia" teacher "of many things." or godmother to many SpaPish children, she "I'm,semi-retired right now, but I taught says she keeps her inaiden n:ame, Miconi, "be- l!rt and a,rt h.!story at AttlebQro High Scpool, cause I'm proud of my Italian heritage~" the 'the King Phiiip Schoof-in Wrentham,'and at my alma mater, R.I. School of Design." She North Attleboro resident dplained. As for her I5-year relatio,nshipwith the Na-. also taught English As a Second Language, ,tional Shrine, the 57-year-o.ld Ross describes and lectured at Massachusetts College of Arts it as "one.of a volunteer" w.bo began visiting in Boston. '' t~e Shrine as a young person with her par-' Even with all those worthwhile endeavors, ents. ' . it seems. that no matter what' hat Maureen, "When I ask what my title is; I'm told, 'Oh Miconi Ross currentlywears"the one that fits best is always labeled "Volunteer," ~he said. Maureen, you're just you. T' She said that relationspip "escalat~d or "An4 it's the one I like the best." The Anchor encourages readers to nomisnowballed over the years ,jl•. Q'ecause my philosophy is: 'when you seei,a need, fill.it.'" nate:othersforthePersonofthe Week---':who She h;ls d~)lle just,that. Qurrently she i,s the and w.hy? Submit nomi"ations,at our E-"'4il curator. of the Nativity Exhibition at the address: theanchor@anchornews.org~or Shrine, which hosts thouslIDds to its region- write to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, ally-known' Christmas tights Exfiibit at MA 02722.. I














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