Assignments .Give Leaders
To Taunton and Dighton
Ati AfWAor of tA8 1otIl• ...... CMtd ,.... " ",,",-IT. PA"
Fall Raver, Mass. u Thursday, July 21 1966 Vol. 10/1 No. 29
$4.00 per Year PRICE IOc
1966 The Anchor
Diocese to Celebrate ~Polish Millennium ltEV. WILLIAMR. O'RJ<:ILLY A Pontifical low lYIass ,will be offered by Bishop Con ,nolly at 7 :30 Friday night, August 26, in the Bishop Stang High School auditorium, No. Dartmouth, in commemoration' M the millennium of Poland's' ChrlstiaiIit;y. The Mass' will
Rev. Paul J. Dalbec, M.S., be sponsore.d bythe'six par:..- .. 'ishes in the Diocese .that are Monsignor Sypek, a graduate has been named Superior of , . of Our Lady of Perpetual Help La Salette Provincial House, made up Of more than 7,500 School, New Bedford, was or people of Polish ancestry: dained on Jan. 6, 1953 and cele- Attleboro. The announcement The six parishes in the Dio': brated his, first Solemn Mass at was made today by the 'Very eese participating in the 1000th Our Lady' of Czestochowa Rev. Roland R. Bedard, M.S., anniversary ,Of Christiaility 'iri Church, So. Boston, and one Provincial Superior ot the Mis Poland areSt. Stanislaus,' Fall week later celebrated a Solemn .sionaries of Our Lady of La Salette. River, founded in 1898; Our High Mass at Our Lady of Per Lady of Perpetual Help, New petual Help Church, New Bed : Son of the late 'Arsene and Bedford, 1906; St. Hedwig, New ford. . Amanda Dalbec of New Bedford, Bedford, 1908. " The jubilee preacher is a pro- Father Dalbec received his early Also, Holy Cross, Fall River, fessor at Emmanuel' College, education :in 'New Bedford 11909; Holy Rosary, Taunton, Boston, and heads the'Social Sci schools. He was graduated from 11909; and St. Casimir, New Bed.:. ence Department of the school. , Holy Family High -School in ford, 1926. June 1936 and then attended Rt. Rev. Stanislaus Sypek, :n :Assumption COllege, Worcester. native of Our Lady Of Perpetual' This was followe,~ by four years Help Parish, New Bedford, and if' the, Military Intelligence ta profes,sor at Emmanuel Col Corps ,Of the U. S. Army during lege, Boston, will deli vel' the , 'PROVIDENCE (NC):':""Bishop which time he attenqed the ~rmon. ' designate Ernest B. Boland, O.P., University of Utah at S;;llt Lak~ of Multan, West Pakistan, will CUy.. Pomona Co!Jege, Clare be consecrated Monday by Bish": mont, California 'and t!)e Mili,,:, op RussellJ. McVinney of t&ry Inteiligence SC~Qol, Mary,,; PiovidEmce in the Cathedral of land. SS. Peter and Paul here: ' He then studied at St.·'Miu:y's Co-consecrators ,'will be Aux": Seminary,. Baltim'ore, until 1950'. iliary Bishops Fulton' J. Sheen <I'he 'foRowing y.eaf' he j9il1ed of New York, national director the Missionades of Our Lady of La Sa1ette aed was ordained to Turn to Page Nineteen
The Most Reverend Bishop announced today the transfer of one pastor and the ap pointment of one adminis trator to parishes in Taunton and Dighton, respectively. Rev. William H.' O'Reilly, administra tor of St. Peter's Church, Digh ton to Immaculate Conception Church, Taunton, as pastor. Rev. James F. Lyons, assistant at the Immaculate Conception Church, Taunton, 'to St. Peter's Church, as administrator. The effective date of appoint ments is Thursday, July 28. ' Father O'Reilly The new pastor of the Taunton parish was born Jan. 21, 1910, in Fall River, the son of the late John F. O'Reilly and the late Ellen Perkins O'Reilly. He graduated from Durfee High School, Fall River, and Provi dence College. Following four years of the Turn to Page Two
Father Dalbec La Salette. Superior the Priesthood in September 1953. Father Dalbec has held sever~l posts, including that of
Polish Primate's Visit to U. s. Cancelled
Set Consec,ration In Proy'idence .
/Jrothers .at. Sio,="e·~tlZ;"lnstitute''Told They Lag 'Behind'Sister~ in Working, Toward Renewal By'Dorothy Eastman The Holy Ctoss Fathers',
S~rriinary in- Eri'ston
_. '
was the seene this month of the first
~iritual institl.,lte'for Brothers-,Superior that 'has -ever been held in this country. Sixty
Coming Issues
To Feature
This year marks the 1,000th anniversary of the conver'sion of Po Jlan~ to Christianity. On page 15, you will find a capsule history @f the 1000 years. In coming weeks, a dif ferent phase of the oontribution of the Po Rish people to Chris't ianity will be printed.
Provincial Secretary, a post
which he still holds. Fr. Dalbec succeeds Rev. Ar mand M. Proulx, M.S., who has been transferred to Worcester where he will serve as Director of La Salette Seminarians.
superiors from 12 different religious communities heard a noted expert on religious tell them that in his' opinion the majority of communities of Sisters. in -this country were far ahead of the Brothel;s in . working toward renewal. Th.e which is why it was such a tre mendous success," Father Hogan precedent-setting , institute,' saitl. ' which lasted six days, 'had as , The Holy Cross Father, who is i4s theme "The Role of, the' an authority on the theology of "~oiher' in the' Moderil Wor1d."~ religious'life, made the staJement . Rev. William 'HQg:,tn,: C.~,G.,: to the Brothers that in his work J.C:D., head of tlie -theology deas consultant to 20. reiigious partment at Stonehill College, com,nunities all over the country director of the institute. said it he has come to the conclusion covered theoretical and practical that Sisters are "50 per cent areas of spirituality, theology of ahead" in the work of bringing vocation, government and psyabout renewal. chology. The primary emphasis "We have to acknowledge that was on community and how it there are problems ami we have can be created within religious to try to solve them and not feel houses. that we have all the answers. He said that in the seminars We do not," the theologian throughout the six days there warned. was a great spirit of coopera tion and openness among the "We have to realize that we brothers in discussing the probmust be ready continually to lems of their vlu'ious comrritiniadapt and .experiment and that ties and sharing them with one this will have to be a continuing another. "Everybody opened up, REV. WLLIAM, HOGAN, C.S.C. 'T~rn to 'Page Four
CHICAGO (NC) In a telegram to Auxiliary Bishop Aloysius J. Wycislo of Chi cago, Stefan Cardinal Wys~' zynski, primate of Poland, said that he w:ll not be permitted to attend U. S. observances offthe 1,000th anniversary of Christian ity in Poland. The telegram to Bishop Wycis , 10, general chairman of the mil lenninm celebration, read: "Government authorities are holding to the January ban on refusing to' grant me a 'passport. Understanding the deep feeling of our brotherly oneness, please forgive my inability to bE' pres ent for the millennium observ ance in Chicago and elsewhere. "Please explain my absence to the cardinals, the whole American hierarchy, the clergy, the l~ity and the universities, as well as to all the Polish organ izations. I shall pray to Our Lady of Ciestochowa that much joy and God's 'b1essings come to all Americans of Polish descent." Bishop Wycislo sai<: that a delegation' headed by Bishop , Ladislaus Rubin of. Rome, the episcopal representative of erni Turn to' Page Two
Anchor Readers Will Enioy Pg. 6, Col. 3 It has been a rare occasion, during our 10 years of publication, that we have signalled out a particular story as must reading. But, today we suggest you turn to Page 6 and read the column of Msgr. George C. Hig gins.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese ~fFort River-Thurs., July 21,
,Ie'ations Good "In Vietnam
Diocese of Fall River APPOINTMENTS
Rev. William H. O'Reilly from administrator of St. Peter's Church, Dighton, to Immaculate Conception Church, Taunton, as pastor. Rev. James F. Lyons, assistant at Immaculate Conception Church, Taunton, to 'St. Peter's Church, Dighton, as administrator. Appointments effective Thursday, July 28, 1966.
~~/~;;:g-Bishop of Fall River
Clergy Appointments
WASHINGTON GREETiNG: Melkite Arehbishop Paul Achkar of Lattaquia, Syria, greets Auxiliary Bishop Edward J. Herrmann, of Washing~on, D.C., following a Pontifical B:rz~ntine Li~urgy celebratec;l by the Archbishop at the N'ltIonal ,Shrme of tJ:1e Immaculate ,Conception. Priest 'in center is the Very Rev. Armand J. Jacopin of the St. Paul B3'zantine Center in Washington. NC p~oto.\ '
SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - A Sou t h Vietnamese Buddhist leader said here that relationa between Catholics and Buddhists in his country are better thaD many news reports indicate. "Contrary to the impression given by many of the stories coming out of Vietnam, there is much cooperation between the Buddhists and Catholics," de clared Thich (Venerable) Nhat Thien. Thien is director of the social service department of the Na tional Buddhist Institute in Sai gon. He was here as a guest of the State Department. While ill the bay area, he visited the of fices of Catholic Charities of the San Francisco archdiocese. He stressed the need for c0 operation between Catholics and Buddhists in South Vietn3Jl' is betterin~ the lot of the people. "Buddhists and Catholics are friendly, they can wor}' together to help the people," he' said. "If is true that some CatholiCil oppose Budhists and some Bud dhists oppose Catholics in Viet nam," Thien added. "This ill probably because Buddhists are afraid that Catholics will take over the government. Am? the Catholics fear that the Bliddhistll will take over. • 'Sick of War" '''This represents a very few Catholics and Buddhists. Most of the Catholics and J;Juddhists get along well together, and they .
Conttnued from Page One A graduate of Coyle High ology at st. Mary's Seminary, School, Taunton, Father Lyons Baltimore, he was ordained on -took his classical courses at Holy May 22, 1937, by the late Bishop CroSs College, Worcester, and Cassidy. studied philosophy and theology During his years as an assist- at St. Mary's Seminary,Balti ...J • ant, Father O'Reilly served in more. , ~~lmumng ,parishes in Nantucket; Fall Following ordinatio~ on Nov. ~ver, Osterville, Tilunton and 27, 1943, by Bishop Cassidy in Melk, iil'e Prelat,e Sees Hope flo,r,. Dialogue ",' namese are for people.'" what is good Falmouth. ' St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, ' for Vie~ During his assignment as' Father Lyons wl,tS appointed to ;With Eastern Orthodox ChMrc:he$ ,,'" Vietnamese The' Buddhist monk said most assistant at st. ,Paul's Church, st. Patrick's Parish, Wareham, are "sick of thiIl T:::unton, the new Immaculate where he remained until April WASHINGTON (NC) _ The s'.:!parated in Europe and war." Conception pastor served as 1951, when he was given his -Greek Melkite archbishop ot' Near East do not exist to such' "Vietnamese people can be chaplain at the Taunton State present assignment of assistant Lat1aquia in Syria predicted a degree.,li~ve in a good govel"l1ment, anli Hospital for nine years. ' at the Immaculate, Conception hertl that the Catholic Church' "Here it is possible for Catha- .' WIth a good government the,. Fr. O'Reilly succeeds the late Church, Taunton. .' , in the United States will aSsume lics 'and 'OrthdolC ',to come 'can take care of themselves" be Rev. Thomas Taylor who died The newly appointed adminis':' , a leading" position, in ,the ecu together without govermnent8I said. "If we have a bad go;emo trato'r of the Dighton pariSh, 'is menical dialogue with the East ,political interferen<:e or familial merit, if they' cannot believe m or. June 12, 1966.' Father Lyons Taunton area moderator of the ern Orthodo;x Churches. social pressures," the arcqbishop , their government, it is very e~ '. . ' Diocesan Council of Catholic A!'chbishop Paul Achkar con said Already; "the hierarchy for them to become communisli P ~h: ne; ~dhlDJn~~r~~or of St. Women, and spiritual director celehratedthe Divine Liturgy' and people :of this I:Ountry have" ~ven though ,they don't, know b:r:, :.ray ~rl~9i9 i~gF~~~Ri:: of the di~rict's St. Vmcent de' of S to John, Chrysostom (Mails) 'caught the· -current ecumenical" anything about commUnism. ' " , Paul SoCIety " :' in the National Shrine' of the spark and are fanning it to gen:': ' "They would like to havv the son of the late James F . , . erate afir~ and he;ilt of charitY i>t;ace, independen~e for' Soutb Lyons and the late Mary .A. In 1960, Father Lyons served, ,Immaculate, Conception for stu as moder~tor for 'the verysuc- , denb: at Summer 'sessions of the ,'toward th~ Orthodox,~' he as- VIetnam, and freedom!' ' , , Foley Lyons. cessful dnve that was' conducted' C~tholic ,University of America; serted.. ' , ' :' 'Thien said the South Vietna-o for the erectior. of the' Bishop Co-celebrant was Father Ar "The est,ablishmEmt of the "mese like Americans personally. Cassidy High School for GirlS mand J. 'Jacopin, director of the Bish,ops' "Commission for Ecu..:: But ~e said, "when I was about Sill f.!)pftcefS SuplfbOJrt .. in Taunton. st. Faul Byzantine Information menical A.fta~rs with a comniis-' to leave Saigon, my' friends Proje«:t E«llMa~ity, CentE,r"here, which sponsored sion 'for _, dialogue with the Or..; ~ere were fearful for me. The)' , the Liturgy at which more than thodox as well as the numerous'" ,did not know If I would ever SEATTLE (NC) - Some 1200 '1,000 perl!~ms assisted. , local diOCesW.I ecum,enical com';' , be able to come back to Saigon. business firms, which supply goods and services to the arch Archbishop Achka,f told the rilission~ a.re SUre signs of the " The only Americ~ they know diocese cif Seattle have agreed to FRIDAY-St. Mary -Magdalene students that "in the. United determination of Am e r i' can are connected with boom-boom Penitent. III Class. White: States with its strong traditions Cathqli~ to, end the separation and guns, bombs and airplanes." participate in the Project Equal Mass Proper; Glory; no Creed; , ity program aimed at ending f 'd9. of reli gious liberty ,and freedom, s°W. years," the archbishop~ Workers for' Common Preface. ' ' , ' discrimination in hiring. the, political, so<;i.al, and histor The archdiocese is one of 16 SATURDAY ~ St. Apollinarls, 'ical dements which tend to Unity Incomplete PITTSBURGH (NC) - The Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and' Bishop and' MartYr. III ClaSs. keep CatholiC.s and 0l1hodox Archbishop Achk~lr stress~d ~eriC8D Federation of Catha Orthodox religious jurisdictions Red. Mass Proper; Glory; 2nd
that "already unity does exiSt: lie, Workers for the Blind wUI which, have initiated Project ~rayer St. Liborius, Bishop
one baptim:n, one Euc:harist, one' bold its 1966 conference he.. Equality, programs under the and Confessor; no Creed: Boston Is Planning Ho~y Motller of God, one creed, next Thursday. auspices of the National Confer Common Preface;
the same liturgical se'J:vices, are" ence for Interracial Justice. Sencnte of Priests all signs of our common heritage' SUNDAY-ViIi Sunday ,A f t e r BOSroN (NC) -A 'six-man and faith ;vith Orthodoxy. Pentecost, II Class. Green. "But unfortunately this unity Maintenance Suppl'les
Mass Proper; Glory;, Creed; committee of curates and pastors has dr~lfted a tentative constitu is incomplete. It must be Preface of Trinity. , tion foi' the Boston ,archdiocesan', erowned arid completl!d by our. Continued from Page One SWEEPERS. SOAPs-
grants of Poland throughout the MONDAY-St. James, Apostl~. priests' senate, Richard Cardinal prayers and unceasing efforts at a total reconciliation and theo DISINFECTANTS
world, will represent Caidinal II Class. Red. Mass' Proper: ' Cushing has announced.' FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Wyszynski in the United states. Glory; 2nd Prayer st. Chris The ti,raft will now be studied , logical agreement," he said. The'delegation will arrive in this topher, Martyr; Creed; Pref by "a working group of 30, more , He especially praised those c:ountry Aug. 19., ace Qf Apostles. ' or less, taken from pastors and who work, in this field of ecu It was reported that Bishop curates," the Cardinal reported meni!3D1. He added: "The work 1886 PURCHASE STREET Rubin will make the same' tour TUESDAY - St. Anne; Mother and the:i1 it will be sent to the of unity is not yet finished. of the Blessed Virgin Mary. II prelimin ary senate. NEW BEDFORD which was planned originally for Through study, prayelr, under Class. White. .'Mass Proper' Cardinal W;rszynski. ' standing and love, however it The Cardinal said the senate " WY3-3786 Glory; no, Creed; Commo~ "cannot come into existence too will be such for God wills it:' Preface. 'soon." He added he hoped "a WEDNESDAY-Mass of previ document acceptable to all" will FORTY HOURS EP..ECifRICAL ' ous Sunday. IV Class. Green. soon be ready and "the much .Conl'J'Gcfons DEVOTION Mass Proper; No' Glory or desired priests' senate will be I Creed; 2nd Prayer St. Panta- ' establish~d forthwith." ~ July 24-8t. Francis of Assisi, leon; Common Preface. New Bedford. '~~
OR Hoiy Redeemer, Chatham.' '~ Ve{~
St. Pantaleon, Martyr. Red. 1~®~[)'@~@®1? July 31 - St. George, West ... Glory; no Creed; Common port. .1f1IJlL1Y 29 Preface. Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven. " Rev. 'Mathias McC~b&, 1@13, THURSDAY-St. Nazariusa nd THE ANCHOR Celsus, Martyrs, Victor I, Pope Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River. aecond Class Postage PalO at Fall River and Martyr, and Innocent I; ~ass, Publishe.. ever) Thursday at 411) JJ1IJ1Y 311. Po~e alld Confessor. III Class.' llghlano I\venue, I'all River Mass,' 02722 944 County If the Catholic Press 01 the Diocese of Fall Proper; Glory; no, Red. Mass Rev. Daniel Hearne, 1865, Pas New Bedford' 0 " River Subscrlpllor. price by mall postpaid Creed; ~ommon Prefac~., to!:. st.. JllIaI'J{~ Taunton. :. , l4.00 pel year. •
n n for,.'. ' IIJ S· n..oue
r--...-------- SC HOOL
Polish Primate
Sl~' ~:>,
See Appointment As Papal Tribute To'Cardinal ROJ ~
THE ANCHORThurs., July 21, 1966
OrangemenBoo Prime Minister
, QUEBEC (NC)-Appoint ment of Maurice Cardinal Roy of Quebec as head of a special world committee to earry out decrees passed at Vat ~can Council II is regarded across this nation as a tribute to the notable career of the Pri mate of Canada. Pope Paul VI named Cardinal Roy to head ,a committee, com posed of other Church leaders and laity which has'responsibil ity in three areas-to encourage support for the United Nations; plan closer cooperation between the Church and laity ill the Catholic world, and set up an agency to fight world poverty. Working with the cardinal are Msgr. Achille Glorieux of Lille, France; Msgr. Alberto Catelli of Italy; Rosemary Goldie of Aus tralia; Dr. Johannes Schaul of Germany; Prof. Auguste Vanis tendacle of Belgium and Vittorio Veronese of Italy. Background of Interes~ The committee will be a tem PROFESSOR AND STUDJENTS: Father Leo J. Melancon, M.M., of Fall River, poses porary body, Cardinal Roy said with a group ,of his first philosophy students in Mexico. Six are studying for the area in an interview here. Its aim where Maryknoll is located on Yucatan. Father Melancon explains his white shirt (in 'will be to' prepare plans for carrying out objectives men stead of. a Roman collar and black suit) by ~ointing out, that priests in Mexico are for tioned in Article 23 of the coun bidden to wear clerical garb. ' cil Decree on the Lay Apostol ate and Article 90 of the Consti tution on the Church in -the Modern World. Cardinal Roy recalled that the Church'in Canada has a consid erable backgrOUNd of interest ia these topics. Canadian bishops had been ac ~ve in ~ouncl1 discussions on ley apostolate and ,the Churcla in the Modern World, mentioR log the work of such Canadians . A missioner looking for a life of leisure would be barking up the wrong pin~ushion as Paul Einile Cardinal Leger, of if he chose Yucat~n, according to Father Leo J. Melancon of Fall River. This is Father Montreal; Archbishop Maurice Baudoux ,of St. Boniface, Man.; Melancon'~ tenth 'year, in Merida. His first year there he was made pastor of Maryknoll's Bishop G. M. Coderre of St. only parish in town-a parish in "the worst section of the city:" He is a professor of .lean,Que.; Bishop W. E. Power , philosophy at the archdioce Antigonish, N',S.;Bishop P. val in Yucatan, and, accord Medical consultation is avail san seminary" and is' in arri ing to Father Mehmcon, they able to the poor without cost, E. Charbonneau of H~l, Que., charge of the M.arYknoll are well received. "The local according to Father Melancon. and Bishop Remi De Roo of Vie $oria, B.C. Center. This year the 59 Sisters are still struggling with "But they cannot buy medicine year-old missioner is teaching the problem of 'what to wear.' -it is a bit costly for' most of 'Universally Liked' ,'Canadian laymen such as the largest class he has had in The recent pronouncements of them. Infections and diseases Romeo Maione and Claude Ryan first year philosophy during the Holy See, shoulet encourage are, rampant because of malnu nine years of teaching. "Ordi-' them 'to .make ,a colorful deci trition. Charity is necessary, and 1)1 Montreal had been active in sion." " 'is, in fact, one of the' best ways tile lay apostolate work, he. said. narily," he says, "eight is con of showing gratitude for' favors, Waste. of Money During the eounci~ Cardinal sidered a big class. This year ' received.. Roy himself, as a member of the ]I have 20." The gardener at the Mar;v According to Padre Leo, knoll center in Merida lives in a ~octrinal commission, w~rked "However, it ca'l be a very with a number of lay auditors "Maryknoll c.an now boast of section of the city beyond the trying experience here. Once I itn joint studies, and these now having a 'native priest ordained seminary where Father Melan -...started to pay for prescriptions from our area. Another, will be con teaches. The priest often as my contribution to the cause. are members of the ,new com mittee which Cardinal Roy ctrdained presently, and we have, gives him a lift home on the I found that word spread so n 'Young men now studying at way to afternoon classes: Not fast that my funds-mostly of heads. Cardinal Roy will have to the seminary. Six are in my 'long ago the city introduced ferings from my folks and make frequent visits to Rome in ~ass in first philosophr. AU are traffic lights. The first time the friends back home - could not gardener' saw them he com match the demand. So I decided connection with his new work. studying for the diocesan priest hood." mented, "Now you can see, to call a halt. Not so easy." The Montreal Gazette, refer 'Mexican law forbids clerical Father, how wasteful the offi ring to his latest honor, said In spite of the "manana men dress and clerical activities, and cials are with our money-thEW this obviously was "a recogni tality" of some of thE people, evel. denies citizenship to turn lights on in the streets dur tion of his involvement the Fathe'r 'Melarrcon, whe is' the priests, according to Padre Leo. ing the day." modern worle. during his, i'e son of the late Mr. and Mrs. "So we do not wear distinguish ooarkable career in the'Church." Father Melancon reports that Leon Melancon of Fall River and The Canadian Press news ing apparel. But the people have a favorite trick of workers who whose sister, Mr. Adelard Sirois, agency described him as "a uni- . very little difficulty in distin don't like to work is to come lives at 46B Maple Gardens; versally liked man whose simply guishing us. We are not natives around ,Saturday morning ask Fall River, says he met one lit by .word, look, or action and and down-to-earth approach has ing if there isn't some little job tle boy who was prepared. there are very few foreigners gained him the respect of to be done. here who are not priests." The boy's aunt was a nun so sections of the community." "It'll be done in ~ jiffy," they Problem of Dress say, "we need such and such he was to have a solemn cere money for his First Communion. The missioner points out that amount of money to buy mate 'because of the law and the cli rials, then we'll be right back Father Melancon was asked to mate most priests do not even to do the work." Then they say the Mass. "I inquired," he Repeat Message own a black suit. "Most,'" he "skip" with the money. says, "if the boy had visited his FATIMA (NC) - Portugal's says; "have just one light-colored parish priest and made his con 'Goodbye, Work' bishops, at their annual meet suit for official visits to the fession, but, as he put it, "I "Many a time," says the mis ing, issued ~ pastoral letter con bishops, civil ceremonies, mar didn't tell the other priest eerning the 50th anniversary of riages and funerals. At other sioner, "I have neglected other everything-I kept a 'few sins tasks just to go with workers to for yo'll." the Blessed Mother's appearances times any type of sedate cloth get the materials. While in town at Fatima, 'which will be ob ing is acceptable. The semina served in 1967. , rians likewise dress lightly and they characteristically ask for 10 pesos (80 cents) for some The letter reminded the Por 'yourigly'-they wear the cas tuguese people of their respon sock only at Mass and liturgical thing or other. If it is near lunch time, they'll' 'just have a bite to sibility as natives of the "coun functions." tlry of Fatima," and asked that It seems that in this matter eat, say a word or two to a Inc.
1ihey renew the intensity of their of clerical clothing' Mexico has friend and be back to the job.' prayers, especially the rosary anticipated the "aggiornamento" "Wha~ they mean is 'goodbye, FUNERAL SERVICIE
and other prayers to Our Lady. of Vatican II. "I for one," says work.' My Fall River blood The bishops also asked for the Maryknoller, "am very used to race through my frame NEW BEDFORD, MASS
prayers for the strengthening of grateful for this." on account 0, this manana men 549 COUNTY STREET
the family, for vocations. and Maryknoll Sisters have been tality. But I've grown accus fJor world peace lNearing secular dress since their . tomed to it now."
Father Melancon 01 Fall River
ProfebSl!r' Of Philosophy in Mexico .Maryknoller Teae hes 'Largest Class
BELFAST (NC)-The prime minister of Northern Ireland, Capt. Terrence O'Neill, who last year broke precedents by ex changing visits with the Repub lic of Ireland's Premier Sean Lemass, was labeled a "traitor" during a major Orangemen's Day observance near here. Some 3,000 persons had march ed to nearby Finaghy for a tra ditional celebration of the vic tory of Protestaritism 'under William II over forces of the Catholic King James II at the Battle of' the Boyne in 1690. The name of Prime Minister O'Neill was booed because of his stand against the anti-ecu menical adopted by the Orange order-named after the Dutch Calvinist, prince 'who became king of Britain and Ireland as William III. But the Northern Irish prime minister,-himself a member of the Orange order-won' applause when he attacked extremism in the course of it speech he gave at Cullybackey, his home town in County Antrim. O'Neill warned that intoler ance viciousness in Northern" Ireland might result iri the loss of British citizenship for the people in this part of the United Kingdom. If the people' of Brit ain decided to end their union with North~rn Ireland, he said, "we would be a small insigni ficant body of people lost in the Atlantic 'and surrounded by en , en:t ies ."
Says Men' Needed In Social Work' ,
MIAMI 'SHORES (NC)-Dr. Henry McGinnis, dean of Barry College's new graduate School of Social Work, said the school hopes to ,enroll equal numbers of men and women in its first class next September. "We definitely want men be cause 'some people with prob lems tend to relate better to men and because men tend to func tion better in certain jobs such as probation and parole offi cers,"he stated.
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Pope Paul Urges I Lay Apo$tolate Update rr:unction
THE ANCHOR-Diocese 'of Fall River-Thurs;,July.21, 1966
• r..uns Lead Brothers In Renewal Continued from Page One along with Father Hogan, is a . process. We must have a willing- . Provincial' Councillor. Other speakers were Brother ness to adapt and experiment Elmo Bransby, C.S.C.; Rev. from now until the end of time. John Murphy, C.S.C., Superior Unless we have a ,mentality of the Easton Seminary; Brother wherein we desire to be always Robert Sullivan, C.F.X. from looking for the whole people of Middleton, Conn.; Brother Paci God, then a"ny efforts at renewal ficus Halpin, C.S.C., Superior of are a waste of time. We've got the Brothers Scholasticate at to be constantly, dynamically Easton; and Brother Austin looking ahead for new ways in Dondero, F.S.C., a clinical 'psy which to become /more alert to chologist a.t LaSalle College, the needs of our times." Philadelphia, who gave two Father Hogan is a well-known talks to the group. writer on religious life, contrib At various times this Summer uting about 20 articles year to there will be six different insti magazines for religious. He has tutes for Religious conducted writte'n six articles on his spe at the Holy Cross Seminary. A cialty for the Catholic Encyclo Holy Union Sister from the Dio pedia to be published by Mc cese and 36 Mercy Sisters from Graw Hill ir. the Fall. He is the author of two books: "Toward Albany, N. Y. are involved in a Vital Religious Life," a cqmpila . pilot program for renewal at the seminary for the next two weeks.' tion of lectures given to reli It has been described as new gious on the Stonehill campus in type of program for second no the last four years :lIld "N.o· Race Apart: Religious Life in the .vitiates. The DiocesaJi Sister participating is Sister C'eline Mystical Body" that will be re Andrew of Holy Name parish, leased at the end of this month. Fall River. Prominent Speakers At another institute for Sisters Among the 10 prominent beginning Aug. 15, Religious. speakers at the institute were from all over the world will Rev. Richard Sullivan,. C.S.C., gather to hear promil)ent speak Provincial 'of the Holy Cross ers discuss renewal, among them Fathers; Rev. Robert' Kruse, Sister Luke, Mother General of C.S.C., theologian from the the Sisters of Loretto and Sister Easton seminary; and Rev. Mary Augusta NellI. Francis . Walsh, C.S.C., who,
LONDON (NC)-Through his secretary of state, Pope Paul has asked leaders of the international lay apostolate
Educator Urges Broadening.
Control of .Ca·tholic Schools
SPOKANE (Nr~) __A Catholic educator said here the Catholic school system could obtain broader support among the laity if religious communities which administer and staff manl schools would abdicate exclusive .::ontrol over them. "If our kind of education is
worth supporting, we must broaden the base of that sup
port," Father Neil G. McCluskey,
S.J., academic vice president of
Gonzaga University, told 162 educators from various parts of the 'nation' at a Workshop for Secondary School 'Administra tors, spon~on';d by the National Catholic Educational Associa tion. "Just as the Catholic layman' today is becoming more and more conscious that it is his Church, so he is becoming per suaded that the schools he has helped to build and staff and populate belong' to everybody who works for them," Father McCluskey said. Open to La·ymen The priest said that the most "relevant" change in Catholic education in recent years has been in the composition of stu dent body, faculty and adminis tration. Few if any Catholic high schools would not claim
to be at least partially selective
in admission of students, he stated. Few can make provision for large r,umbers of applicants who are unable to pay their own way, he added. "The desire of the student of 1966 for a distinctively Catholic high school education' is largely conditioned by his' acade.mic potential as well as his ability to p.~y for it," Father McCluskey stated. . T!}t.priests said an increasing number of administrative posts
Better Ubrar.ies
in :atholic schools have been opened to laymen, as' the insti-: tutions have expanded in' size and c....mplexity. Among facul ties of Catholic schools every where, there is a rapidly grow ing interest in a larger role in everything that affects the op e'ration of the institution, he said.
Broaden Base "Here then is the clash. The old monastic and religious order forms of government are, in the nature of things, authoritarian '" " '" But can authoritarian' reli gious structures and attitudes be extrapolated from the cloister? "If our kind of education is worth supporting, we must broaden the base of that sup port," the priest said. He added many persons believe that gain ing such ~upport is contingent upon more religious orders vol untarily giving up exclusive control over the schools they conduCt.
The 'priest suggested that ,such a move would be in har mony with the new spirit in the Church "which urges coopera tion between lay ane clerical members as well as with men of good faith everywhere."
Russian Authorities
Ban Ba.ptists, Bible LONDON (NC) - A British Baptist and his American-born wife were expelled ft'om Russia for trying to smuggle Bibles into Russian territory., • Anthony Hippisley, his wife Anne Marie, and their three month old daughter were halted fn their·Volkswagen van at the Bre'stcheckpoin't near the ·Polish border. The van was searched and the Bibles and van .confis cated. The Hippisleys were then put on a train'to Warsaw.
WASHINGTON (NCl-Thir teen more grants totalling $53, Mr. Hippisley remarked that 659 have been awarded by the' the Russian>. must have' been r. S. Office of Eoucation to warned they were coming. Catholic colleges for purchase "They had a film unit and tape of library materials. The grants, . recorder waiting f<jl' us. The made under the Higher Educa Bibles were hidden all over the tion Act of 1965, require recip vehicle, but the customs men ients to m"t,.,h federal with non seemed to know what to look for federal fUi1ds. and where."
SClENCIE IN UGANDA:' An experiment in the physics lab at an African Catholic high school here engrosses the attenticn of, the students, whose contribution to the devel opment of their country depends upon their making a long stride f;:om a simple pastoral life to modern conditions. NC Photo. '
Medical Safari:s
Cincinnati Doctors Bring Modern Methods -To East African HospitaE CINCINNATI (NC) High amid the snow-capped Moun tains of the Moon in equatorial East Afriea, there is a general hospital which has grown pop ular throl'gh "medic'al safaris" made by 11. S. lay missioners. On a vi,;it 'here, Bishop Vin cent J. McCauley; C'-S.C., of Fort Portal, Uganda, greeted some of the physicians at Good Samaritan Hospital who have helped modernize Fort Portal's Holy FamLy Hospital and have gone on ~'medical safaris" into the East Al:rican bush. At Bishop McCauley's invita ton,. but at their own expense, local doctoJ's have been flying to Uganda b set up new hospital proce'dures, teach modern meth ads to hospital staff members, and bring up-to-date medical treatment to the area within J;'ange of the hospital's Land Rover. Average stay is a month. Dr. Imre Loefler, a Hungarian resident physician at Good Sa maritan; launched the interna tional medical aid progr~ two
Mission~III'Y Sisters Make Rc~colI'd Album NEW YORK (NC) ~Avant Garde Records has released an album of sonl~s written and sung by members of the Medical Mis sion Sisters cf Philadelphia. "Joy Is Like the Rain" con tains 12 folk songs' based on scriptural themes written by Sister Miriam ·Therese· Winter and performed. by a group of nuns under hl~r direction. Sister Miriam also provided accompan iment on the autoharp. It's doubtfuL there will be a repeat record.ng session how ever. The Sish~r who played the Indian dr'ums has returned to East Pakistan after a six-month furlough. The nun who provided the guitar. music leaves for Viet nam at the end .of July.
years ago. Interested in miSSlOn work, he asked the Medical Mis sion Sisters of Philadelphia if they could use a surgeon whose wife was a dentist. 'Tremendous Success' ~The Sisters suggested Holy Family Hospital, which they op erate in Fort Portal, and the Loeflers, with their three chil dren, went off to Uganda. "They've been a tremendous success," said Bishop McCauley. "Everyone loves' them, not only in Fort Portal. but for miles around."He said. the Loeflers not only helped modernize the hospital but they also "brought a very buoyant· spirit" to the place. Dr.' Loefler retun1ed last: year for a visit to Good Sam:lritan and did some home mission work. As a r~sult, thehoSI)ital's purchasing agent, Ed Kent, spent a month at the Uganda hospital last Summer. . Others who .responded bl the invitation of Dr. Loefler and of Bishop McCauley included Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Foldes, who just returned from a month at . Fort Portal; Dr. and Mrs. Bert H. McBride, and Dr. Patricia M. Doyle.
to adapt their structures' and functi~ns to meet the presssing demands of the modern world. The papal letter was addressed by .Amleto Cardinal Cicognani to the Conference of interna tional Catholic Organizations, opening its, general assembly here. This year's assembly takes on special importance, Cardinal Ci~ cognani said, because it comes in the aftermath of the ecumeni cal council. "It is in fact your task,'" he said, ". . . to meditate on its teachings and to apply them fruitfully in the light of the varieus experiences of each member of the Conference of Inte.rnational Catholic Organi zations as you meet in brotherly / and· fruitful di·scussions." International Level Citing the council directive tor greater organizational unity . of the lay apostolate on the in ternational level, he called the London meeting "a providential occasion for studying together these conciliar directives which must henceforth. inspire' your thought and action. "This meeting will also offer you the opportunity to prepare yourselves directly for tlie third WOrld Congress of the Lay Apos tolate, which will be held 'in Rome next year. It is certainly' not necessary to point out t@ you the capital importan~ of this congress for the deepen ing and expansion of the lay apostolate throughout the world. "This means that great care must be taken in its preparation; )'OU play prominent roles in this .tas\{ of the Church."
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400·Year Feud Ends in Mass For C~tholics, Protestants
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 21, 1966
Requiem Mass fo!' Protestant
Mother, Catholic DOL!lghter
THE HAGUE (NC)-A Pro t.he murder of 19 priests. "The ~estant minister, the Rev. W.S. 19 martyrs of 'Gorcum" were lOuvekot of Den Brielle, Holland, raised to Sainthood a, century advanced his Sunday evening ago. service an hour to enable his The site of their martyrdom strict Calvinist congregation to became a place of pilgrimage go to Mass in the nearby Roman for Dutch Catholics. To conform Catholic church, built on the with the spirit of the ecumenical site where their forebears had council, the local Catholic pas hanged 19 Catholic priests dur tor, Father Gerard, J.M. Ten mg the 16th century. Have organized a meeting of "For the first time in 400 years Catholics and Protestantes in his eatholics and Protestants gath 'church to replace the annual ered not to clash but to'look for pilgrimage, which engendered what unites," Pastor Duvekot mutual antipathy. said in his sermon. Den Brielle Father Ten Have's initiative is one of the few predominantly was heartily welcomed by the Protestant towns in The Nether Protestants, who joined with the Rands where the old hostile re Catholics at Mass, at which both lationship between Protestants minister and priest gave ser and Catholics had remained. mons. The Mass was concluded In 1572, when the town fl'eed with an Old Testament blessing itself from Spanish domination gi ven simultaneously by both anti-Catholic outbursts led t~ clergymen.
Stresses Element of Tradition In Declarations of Council WASHINGTON (NC)-Father John Courtney Murray, S.J., theologian and an expert at the Second Vatican Council, stressed here the element of tradition in Mte formation of the council's declarations. Speaking in a colloquim on the Church in t~e ModerR World at Georgetown University, Father Murray especially outlined the elements. of the Constitution en the Church in the World that had gr9'\'D from the thought &f ,Pope Leo XIII. Pointing out that Pepe Lee IHlderstood the Church as a re ality independent of civil gov ernments, but with a definite relation to them, Father MUl'ray said that this understanding con tinues. "But," he went on, "for Leo XIII, human s9ciety meant the Europe of the 19th ceil:tury. His interests did indeed range far ther, but their obvious focus was on European nations, chiefly the so-called Catholic nations, as they underwent the shattering impact of the French revolution, Continental laicism, and the In dust'rial Revolution." Nature of Religion "For Vatican II, human soci ety meant quite literally the whole world - and the whole world as it everywhere is under going the fiercely rapid changes characteristic of the 20th cen tury." . In the development of the na ~ure of religion as well, Vatican ][I brought a further widening of ]Leonine thought, he said. For Pope Leo, religion meant Cath «tlic Christianity. For the prel ates of the Second Vatican Council, religion meant not so much the deposit and specific doctrine as the recognition of the dignity of man and the unity .. mankind, he continued. Father Murray added, "More , ~er, the doctrinal Perspectives
Private School Aid
L0NDON (NC)-The British haspublisAed a parliamentary bill increasing state aid to Catholic and other denominational schools from 75 • 80 per cent. ' The bill, expected to have an (basy passage through Parlia-' ll1;tent, fulfills a pledge by the Labor party governme)1t last February and welcomed at the time by the opposition Conser vative and Liberal Parties. It will provide an 80 per cent' grant toward the cost of building new Catholic schools, enlal'ging existing schools or transferring schools to new sites. The bill also provides extended facilities for loans to cover the remainder « the cost. ~ov.ernment
of Vatican II are ecumenical. Not only did the council grate fully acknowledge the religious values in non-Christian reli gions, the heritage of faith handed down by the Apostles as found in the Eastern Churches, but the Christian and even ec clesial elements retained in the separated churches in the West." Accepts Pluralism In summary, Father Murray outlined the distinct contribu tions of the declaration to a new understanding of the relation ship between the Church and the world. The Church accepts the fact of pluralism, be said, and ac cepts it not merely as a histor ical circumstance that must be tolerated until a better arrange mentcan be worked out, but as a valid form of governmeftt. This is in contrast to the official position long sought for Catholi cism as the only possessor of full religious truth. . ' As a result, he ,noted, man's freedom and a nation's freedom are to be more hig1l1y regarded than the arbitrary imposition of truth. This too is a departure from the former principle that error had no r.ights.
Censure Opponents Of Church Renewal PARIS (NC) - The French bishops have warned the nation's Catholics against those who "in the name of fidelity to the past" oppose the principles of Church renewal adopted by the ecumen ical council. Those censured by the bishops have accused the French episco pate and clergy of betraying the Church by what they call "ex cessive 'modernism." The warning of the standing committee of the French episco pate-drawn up at a meeting here-was aimed at a number of periodicals that have published articles by leaders of the small group of "traditionalists." It was, released to the press Oft June 27 J:.y Msgr. Dominque Pichon, di rector of the, episcopate's public relations office.
1:.._ .._
Nuns, Archbishop Sue for $235,000 CHICAGO (NC)-Seven nunS have entered suit against the General Motors Corporation and ? Chevrolet dealer for $235,00& injuries suffered while driving a station wagon which they al lege was "defective and unsafe." The nuns are from st. Charles Borromeo parish in suburbaB Melrose Par.k.. Their suit charges that their 1964 station wagon swayed "severely and erratical ly" from side to side and went out of 'control and rolled off the highway near Bloomington, III., on Oct. 18, 1964. They claim it was manufactured with a de fective sway-bar. Also plaintiff in the' suit is the Roman Catholic archbishop of Chicago; who purchased the auto in January, 1964.
SPRINGFIELD (NC)-An ec umenical center will be built on the campus of Southwest Missouri State College here. The proposal for the center was made by Bishop Ignatius J. Strecker of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, who said the churches and the college "share a grave responsibility >10 • • in providing a very important element in the complete education and forma tion of young men and women." The spirit of ecumenism, the bishop. said, is one of the great est blessings of today. Some eigJ:It denominations have ex pressed interest in participating
NEW YORK (NC) - A priest and eight laymen have been as signed to overseas duty with Catholic Relief Servicee- Na tional Catholic Welfare Confer ence, Msgr. John F. McCarthy, CRS-NCWC assistant executive director, announced here. The addition of nine men to the overseas staff is part of CRS-NCWC's continuing expan sion program to bring more re lief supplies to needy persons throughout the world, the priest stated. CRS-NCWC now has a staff of 171 Americans stationed in 80 countries throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Good-Sized Grant WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic University of America has received $472,749 in training grants from the National Insti tute of Mental Health for under graduate and graduate study in clinical psychology, child psy chiatry and psychiatric nursing.
CENTEP. Paint and Wallpaper
Mass· at Shrine SEOUL (NC) - Archbishop Paul M. ROo of Seoul celebrated the first Mass at the partially completed shrine being built on the spot where hundreds of Korean Catholics were martyred £('1' their faith in 1866 and 1868.
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at St. Mark's with the Episcopal pastor in the sanctuary. Following the Mass, Father Hughes administered absolution over the catafalques. The, Rev. Mr. Sutton offered prayers: Both clergymen offered prayers at Loudon Park Cemetery. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Finn is survived by three children, two of whom were in jured in the accident.
MILWAUKEE (NC) - More than 2,000 are expected to attend the Fifth International Church Music Congress here Aug. 25 to 28. It will be the first such in ternational meeting held outside Europe.
Want to Lose Weight? Join Weight Watchers'
BALTIMORE (NC)-Catholic funeral services were held for Episcopalian mother and her Catholic daughter in St. Mark's church in nearby Catonsville through special permission from Baltimore's Lawrence Cardinal Shehan. . Mrs. Elizabeth Finn, and her daughter, Lois, 12, were killed in an auto accident. The husband and father, 'Thomas P. Finn Jr., a Catholic asked that a ,Mass for both be offered. A chancery spokesman said Cardinal Shehan granted per mission "in a spirit of Clfristian charity" because of special cir cumstances. At services in a funeral home, Father Henry J. Hughes of St. Mark's recited the "De Profun dis" as the Rev. C. Robert Hut ton, pastor of St. James Episco pal Church, attended. Father Hughes offered a Requiem Mass
0 _ " _ . _ . _. . . ._ . _ . _ . _ " _ . _ " _. . .0 _. . .
; ~ ~ o
AWARD: Rev. Edward H. Flannery, editor of the Provi dence Visitor, Rhode Island diocesan newspaper, and au thor of "The Anguish of the Jews: 23 Centuries of Anti Semitism," has been named to receive the top National Brotherhood n 0 n-f i c t i 0 H award of the National Con ference of CHristians, and Jews. This is the sixth award Father Flannery's book has received since its publication in 1965. NC Photo.
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~1~~:i~f~;~:::J~'~:~;:~::-r'::~r~:~'::~:~~:l::~:tKf::~,:~::~~::~:::~:~:;~:::;~:t:"~):=1~L;i{':::;;~ :iF;~:S::;X;J:J::::::~;~~.::.:;;:.~.:~::::~:::~::·-:-~i,~
6 " .'. THE ANCHOR-Oioc.ese of Fall RiV,er~Tburs., July 21; !~4S6
The Christian in the World .
Urge Pittsburg'~
·Schools to Avoid ·Bias in Books
A certain Christian minister in Germany 'has been .. PITTSBURGH (NC)-TJie quoted as saying. that he started' his ministerial. career Yrttsburgh diocese schootl asking only to be allowed to live the life of .faith. But put office has been asked by the . ,in prison by the Nazis he wrote these words that have Pittsburgh Catholic InteBoo been echoed by many another: "For a long time I thOUght .racial Councll to review teJdJ I could acquire faith by trying to live a holy life'. 0 • books in use in diocesan schoob Now I have dicovered that it is only by living completely.' so'that "prejudicial attitudes aJIIli in this world that one learns to believe." . not ·fostered" among studen1& This statement that finds such ready su'ppor,t in . The request followed a st~ the thought and lives of today's. religious activist is so by a special CIC committee' • three geography books appl"Ove4 filled with wrong assumptions that iti's frightening. by. the diocesan schools office , . Faith, after all, is a' gift of God and one does not find use in grades four, five and sbI. it .but rather accepts it from God and lives a life -that will The'books are: "My World cd strengthen it-a Godly life.·' Neighbors;" "American Neig& The minister's statement is another example of" the bors" and "Neighbors Across World." The three were publish. present popular religious ki~~· that .many: a,re on, . the . .. ed. by W.H. $adli~r, Inc., of New: secular city idea, the equating of Christianity with'an~' York ,an,d ~hicago and fon. economic and sociological system' that make' a heave'lJ 'out pan' of the Catholic Geogra~ of earth and keep man's eyes ,'focused not on God' and th.e . . Series. . hereafter but on himself and his present mateI:'ial ne~8, The CIC co.mmittee said thai "none of these books ought .. and their possible solutions. be condemned out of hand,'~ ad. Christianity is not unmindful of man's present co:n ing that !'there is much that • . dition of life-his c·ares, anxieties; emotional upheavals',: good in· all of them."Howeve9, economic and financial condition. It· teaches social justice th~'comnuttee commented. thai and brotherly 'love. and the concern we must have' for' one . "many aspects" of the bookll "seem to contribute to the foi another. The works of mercy are signs of the child of God. . But Christianity always' looks' to God, to' eternity',- to the 'f' mation of attitudes upon whldi ,prejudice ,can ·build in yoUD8 everlasting future tl'i'at one's .life arid works here on e:arth
minds." work' toward. Ch,ristianity is God-eentered. This i~ not
The committee .said·that an excuse -to avoid one's obligations to one's' neighbor.· .. . tures pf' Negroes in "Amerlcait . By' Msgr. George C~ Higgins '" '. Neighb6rs'~ run to "stereotypeil,ilI It is a call to see and, accept and help him because he ill ' S ' I A t' D t NC"WC) . , and it maintained. that ··\the dil a child of God, one for whom Christ lived and suffered a,nd (D .' . lrect6r, OCl3' 'c Ion . ep., J. #cuities and significance of the died and rose. '. .. ' On Friday', July .$, i .~as:pr.ivi1eged.:t;o shaI;~'.'the plat- ..Negro seem to be minlmiz~ , .for.m with "Bishop .Humberto·',Medeiros~'the· newly, installed .. Stress 'Religion" '·1·".· Ordinary 'of the, diocese ot-,Br~wnsville",at a dam-packed "'In . "World . Neighbors" file' , - ~. rally of Mexican~AJner:ic~nlam' workehfin 'san'auan, TeJi'.,'··eommitt'e-e 'deClared there' is . t1ti . The waye of· riots spreading.thIYughout many Qf the 'n:ot 'f~,r,from the'· Mexican ~ ~ :".'.: ',": • -:: ','.... ". ":' . "':. '~'~vereJilPhaSis:.on CathoJlci~6 , large cities of the nation can be attributed· in part to tlw:! ':botder.·The Bishop' hadjus{ fo.',ll1d~rQf..~~:~~tlOnal,:Farm ~nd ~ ,a~empt.to pre,a<;h.reiia;P f th }f f' .... . ": . .,' ,. Workers ASSOCiatiOn.. :. ous .doctrme wIthin the fraffl€;=> . .. d bl'f pent-up andquIt~ understan a e ury o· ,os.e. wo .. o.r offered Mass for them in the, r TIlE;" Deia!io::striitf (hhuelga'" work of geography.' , all too long. have been treated as second-class cltIzen.s. and. adJ·oiJling -Shrine of San 'io"Spanish) is· as Luis valdez' 'F' . '"M''' W' ld . J N .:", 'f God ~'-~ " ,.., ,. . .. rom y or VJ. e,g,..." I whose deman~s for what is just-b y th e ·aw 0·, iUlU ju~. It .w~!>.. one of the.'.most, '~~i~ts;~ut·in.a nl,?stperceptlve' '\!Or8" it cited' ~objeciionab_ the law of tins country-have been answered by. t)le ex- movmg, religlou,s-- ceremomes. L .'artlcl~ ..m the JU,ly ISSUE~.of .Ra~- . such statements as:' ' . ' hortation to thein to be patIent just a little while longer•. ~a.ve, ¢'ver ·at~ '.~~~~,: ~~ch.:~~r~.th.;:\n. a. strJke ,-"we know why p~op]e l i . .' ...' . : .. ' ,'. ' tended" and' I .. 'lD t~e,ordmary '~n.fi[lo-Saxo.n : . .'. . . . ~abence,strall~ed b~ .decade.s of frustratIon and oP-.· 'DlUSf s~:r thadi . '~ean~.fig o~ the · w o t d ; · , . m. .dl~et:ent· ways, but. w.e . . preSSIOn , can take " ,..". 'Th-e.e . D' I"ano "st'rt:'k ~rs, --' m . . th' not know why theylook dlffe.. .' Just. .so , much.. . ' •.. . . ... .'ta'ug'ht me' ..more . " ..... ' ,f} ent. We only know that God b '. But the present VIolence and notmg alsoqmte clear- about therela: words of Valdez, '''have- made I t . .d .. f . thO " : . ly contains another elenient~that of the common ~rdin~ry ~ t ion 3.h. Ip . mean a do~enothe~ t~ings·.Itill :~~ ,goo . reason or . IS hoodlum . ., between llturgy . a ';decl~rabo~; a ·ct~a~lenge, ~. . '" . . .' . .•... . .. and, life' than I , . feeling, a ,mo,!cme'?-t. ~ * * the "'~ Sister said that the. Induu~ . Those who marc~ .for raCial equalIty m~y w~lk m could ev.~r hope' . first '~alistic articulation of our' tried ~o be good Catholics aftel' the streets. They. certamly do not make theIr. pomt .by to' lelirIi. from need for. unity'" '" '" the ~gin-, the prIests were gone. They stiR smashing the windows of television and liquor stOres' and' reading books . ning of·a ,social movement in try t~ b~, good Catholics toda,.. carrying off loot· in the name of equality. or listening to .fact' . and "not in pronounce- But It. IS hard to b~ a .~ood .' . '. h h·· J learned lectures: ments." Cathollc. where there IS no one L est anyone at tillS pomt rIse up to say t at t]S A th d . .. . to teach religion They (the .]S ta k'mg a SWIpe . th h I N l t · t b 'd" s ose rugge ' . Chavez l\IYStlqUI~ .' . . at e woe egro race, e I e· sal ' but dowutrodden farm workers, '.' . .. boys and girls) can. help by glv · th t th' N . b' t t d . 'th " , Is It any wonder then ·that ' t th' . . tha t the surest SIgn a e egro IS emg rea e W] many of whom were on stnke, 'c' . Ch ,'. ,.,' h' 'hI' . _. mg money 0 e miSSIOns. They equality is that he is being subjected to exactly the same· respondE!cl so enthusiasti~~llY ~ :"spf?::::d a:;~~v:re~ b/:h/gr:t can help mo~t of all by their criticism for· misdeeds as would a person of any other the prliYE:rs of the Mass th,eu :Mass of Mexican farm workers prayers "". <p. 247,>. color . . . ow~ nat.lv~ toqgue .. ~md sa~g '. ,In' California ·.and· . the South . . .' .' their b.eaubful Spamsh hymns", ..,' ·t? A' V I '. . .. The Negro says that color IS Irrelevant. So says the 'I'f It f . th t th 'Ch rh we.s . . s .adez .POlptS out, own. One can only hope thai . , . e , . ()r. once,. ~.e .. ,U c , Chavez "is our first real Mex law of God, so says the law of the land.. Then he must could stIll claIm to be~he iean-American' leader' *' '" '" We the growers and. ranchers' wile measure himself against his "" . .. didn't know it unm, ~lm '. deeds. And if the deeds of Ch,!rc~. the'" poor, , " . . ' we met him ,.. .ernPJO~I· reconcl e thtehmemse ves grtaCef~!li' 0 s some ~ egroes are those o~" vlolenc~, let no one try to cl~~k ' Heartwarming :Exp~rienee but be ~~s the ~;ader we had,' fact instead of putting up a' last them m the mantle of raCIal equalIty. The esteemed Ph]lIp. 'And lat,~r on at the raJiy· next bee~walbng, for. ditch effort which, in ·the long
Randoph has said that a hoodlum is a hoodlum, no mat door' when the Bishop, :at the . ',Wh!lt 'Valdez says about Cha run, would be bound to fail.
ter what his color, and must be treated as such~ . end of a profoundly pastoral ad vez .has·!->eenconf!rmed b:y many It is only fair to add, in this
. 1 con d·t· . th t f 'N to l' . I· dress sUI:lported' their demoa.nd of t~e blShpps, pnests and Anglo connection that some of the
S OCIa 1 IOns orce '. · r d ' h· h aVI.'be~n farmers and '. . .a - . . . egroes . . . . Ive m sums . .
for hIgher wages and defended l.ab or;e~ ~rs ',V. o. growers are them must certaml~ be. changed. EdUcatIOn~1 oppor~u~]~]es' 'their rig9t to organize .arid, as a workmg With hlm~m Denano In selves barely getting by. Like heretofore demed hIm must be opened WIde. Job ·trammg last resort, to go out on strike, recent, months. }I rom aU ac-· Hie underpaid workers who har must be given him. . ] 'was thrLled,to be standing at' c~unts, he ~s a man of.e:draor vest their crops, they are caught And he must and will then contribute his responsible his side along with a score of dma~ gen.m,s a~d ummpea~h up in a bad economic systeJll part to the common good of the whole community. And he other prie,;ts f~0I.". Bro",:nsville able mtegnty. . . o:ver which they have very little . . . . .. and seveml adJolmng dIOceses. Cesar Chavez wasn't able to . control. wIll condemn VIOlence wherever It IS found. VIolence has It wasn 't th at th e B'ISh op Sal'd' attend the San Juan rally,. but F or thOIS reason some 0f th em·. no co1or. Except the color of doom. anything new. On the contrary, one ha~ the .f~elinl~ that be ~~' are scared to death of unions. as he himself pointed out, he there m. SPirIt. Moreover, ]t s They are afraid that the unions was .mere:.y restating certain doubtful' that the rally ever will price them out of the mar fundamenhtl principles of Cath woul~ have been organized if it keto This fear is understandable, _ olic social ';eaching. hadn t been for Delano. I suppose, but, in my judgment, And . yet for this writer .at The Texas "huelga," which the marginal growers will be least it w~ s a new and heart seems to have been organized making a fatal mistake if the.y warJ~ing el{perience. I had the rathe:r; haphazardly, may pro~e give In to it. feeling that, at long last-after to have been premature aJ~d, m The complicated economte more than 100 years of patient the. sho~ run, may fail to problems of the Rio Grande OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL R"VER suf~ring - the Mexican-Ameri achIeve I!S .stated goals, n~mely, VaUey will never be solved ~n Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Dioce~e of Fall River can farm •...orker who is one of a $1.25 nummum wage for rexas tll .....both the workers and the
the lo\V,est' ::>aid' ~orkers in the farm workers an? tJ;le estalblish- growers are organized. Organ
A10 ;ighland Avenue United States, was o.n the verge me~t o~ a bona fl<;ie .farm,work- ilZed cooperation between the
Fall R,iver, Mass. 02722 675-7151 , . of an: histor:.c breakthrough. ers u,mo~. two groups is their only. hope.
PUBLISHER , Bishop's A~vlce This is the point that BishOD Most Rey. JamesL. Connolly, D.O., PhD.,. Nee11. for Unity Like Delano, however, it Medeiros was trying to get over GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER It all staned. ellliier this year marked a crucial turnilJg point- to' them: at the SanJuan raUy. Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev.JohrP. Driscoll in Delano, Calif" under the'iri- 'a 'polnt, of no return. Soon,er or Let's hope' that they' ,will heed MANAGING EDITOR .' .; . p' "d' t,t . h' t" Texas' farm workers 'are' the Bishop's advice before' it· .. ,I. ,.,. "-"' -, ~·"lf~gCh··j.CLG~ldea·:"";·~-.~-,;"",,,--,·,"~,,,;,;,". c -i::d~~h(pno of0 ~:sa~ a~~~:e~ later going to have· a union of· their ioo late.
.B• I!; hOp..
Med'e.·.·r·o· 5.' B. .-ng··s. He'.pe· to Farm, W'orke'. I.rs.
Urges ,Re,volu",i,~n I'n' Education'" ;-'. Of Women NEW ROCHELLE (NC) 'A revolution in the education of women that will prepare · them for the role they wili "play in their own families was · advocated here by Dr. Luther Evans. The former director general of the United Nations Education,al, Scientific and Cultural Organ ization '(UNESCO) told' the World Federation of Catholic Young Women and Girls Con vention at the College of"'New · Roch'elle: "They are not' given '. a realistic picture and knbwl ,edge of strife, social struggles, 'economic greed, prejudices" in out'· society." . .; .Dr. Evans described 'the womatl who is not in position to ,understand and to explai'ri:oo her children' what life is all , about, is a woman who becomes "cynical arid isolates herself." . In women's education there 'is ,not enough psychology,' "hot enough on the social forces in , today's 'world, not. enough"':bf ., ~levance of religion, he stated. . Equality in Rights, " · ,,"1 am not in favor of teaching about life and leaving religi<Jn out. Education will not be 1nter esUng nor sustained unless it is ~pplied;" he said. Dr. Evans said he believes that .if.the idea of equality of women 4n rights is to be taken seriously, '~e~ their responsibilit.~r in the community as citizens also must be taken seriously. :' Some women, he $aid, liave more tiine than men to meet'· as neighbors and discuss and' work: out .political solutions,' to' arHire at a 'consensus. They are i!narae terized by greater rectitude, have an orientation toward pol · itics, and an ability to construct a .given policy as a' contribution ..to, human happiness. Changing, Role '" ,~r eat e·r participation by w.omen in community' action,-on ,the local, national and interna tional levels through individual ac~ion can make for a' unified .~iety," he said. , ' , , rn tracing the shifting pattern ,'of women through the ages ,'to ·toq~y, Sister Margaret, president 'Of' ,Trinity College, Washington ·D,. C., also cited the high poin~ iii the' 'changing' role of women kithe' Church. "Aris~otle's attitude," she saId, '"that woman is an incomplete or mutilated man was carried' over into medieval times, and al though religious women of that Period left a solid record of ae eomplishment behind the m women ':aeligious have' bee~ ,treated as children in the'eyes of churchmen. . . " "Perhaps one of the results Qf Vatican II will be an invitation to women to suggest and give ideas for changes in the rides by which they live," said' 'the Sister 'of Notre D~e de Namur. G
THE AMCHORThurs'., July 21, 1966
Dedicate ·Abbey At St. Anselm's , MANCHESTER (NC) - The first Benedictine abbey church in New England was consecrated at St. Anselm's abbey here. The structure, circular in de sign and with an unusual semi circular seating arrangement so that 1,000 worshippers can be accommod?ted without anyone being very far from the altar, was blessed in day-long rites with eight New England bishopsi and a dozen Benedictine abbots 'participating. Bishop Ernest J. Primeau of Manchester, offici ated at the consecration cere monies. ,Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston, who had been scheduled to preside at the event's' and preach the sermon; was unable , VQCAl'IONSAWARD: Fordham University',s Institute On Vocations honors Mr.' and ,to participate. His doctors ad against the trip because of Mrs.' JO,seph' Blackwell" Brooklyn; parents of eight children, five of whom are nuns. vised, recent illness. ' . From left,front': Father 'John Gilson, S.J., director ,of the institute Mrs. Blackwell Mr. 'The cardinal helped make Blackwell. St~ridini, f'r0lt:t left, are the five Blackwell' daughters: Si~ter Marian R:gina, , construCtion o~ the abbey church C.S.J.; Sr., Joseph Gabriel, C.S.J.;' Sr. Joseph Miriam, M.S.B.T.; Sr. GerardPerpetua, C.S.J. possible with a gift of $500,000 to the Benedictines of St. An and Sr. Rosemary Secour, C.S.J. NC Photo. selm's. The cardinal's gift, the , ,monks said, is regarded as a ,reply to those who claim mon , astic life has no place ~the 20th century. Total cost of' the ,I edifice was $1.5 million. ~ather Benno Gut" O.S:B., BROOKLYN (NC)-Mrs. Jo , home, life- that '.lheirs was just 'Marian Regina and RosemarY , ' Be~edictine abbot primate; visit ing this country from his Rome Secour all stationed in the gen seph Blackweltof arooklyn, who an ordinary Cath()lic home. headquarters, imparted 'i'h e eral New York area. The other gave five daughters to religious Husband ,Convert official blessing of Pope Paul VI is Sister Joseph Miriam of the 'life, has a simple' formula for Her' husband, who "oecaJrte' a at the ceremony. 'encouraging vocations-just ,pro," convert to the Catholic ,Faith 13 Missionary Servants of the Most Gov. John w. King of NeW' , vide a happy home~ years ago, said, he was highly Blessed Trinity, stationed in Hampshire, hea~ing a delegation Philadelphil;'. plea~d when each of ,his five Mrs. Blackwell and her hus ·The Blackwells also have five, of civic and business leaders 'barl'd were honored with, the A~ughte!s asked ~ispeqni~~~on from New England, gave' the to join a sisterhood. ' ,gran!f~hild,ren,. ' "' " 1966 award at' Fordham Univer 'official greeting" on behalf' of "I only wish I had five m~re . The five nuns agreed that th'e sity's 16th annual Institute on to give," Blackwell said. love and fine exampie gi~enby the,state. 'Religious and Sacerdotal Voca ,Four' of their daughters are 'their parents in their home life Abbot Gerald F. McCartlt:ll o .tions. The award' is" given to made it easier for them to decide O.S.B., of St. Anselm's; read the parents who have five or' 'more ,Sisters of St. Joseph of 'Brent sermon which had been prepared to, dedicate their lives to ,God's 'cnildren'in the priesthoOd or ,wood, N.Y.,;-Sisters Mary Jo by Cardin;!l Cushing. ' ,seph, ,Gabri~l, Gerard Perpetua, service. 'religious life. . ' And Mrs. Blackwell has some 'additional advice. She said par ,eritB at all times should be Con~ 'cerned where 'their children are 'and "with whom they assOciate. ! , :'She counseled when the ~inl cir~n are young" read to them often-not just spiritual books, but all kinds of good literature. It, Shapes their lives for the good, she said. Mrs. Blackwell said she never , yrged ,any of her eight children to careers in religious life. She left the choosing of vocations ,up' to each of her three Sons and five daughters.' And, she odd,ed, she didn't' feel there was anything special about their
Happy Homes ,Encourages ··Vocations Mother of Five Nuns Has' S~~p,I~, Formula
.~:>ALL, ,F'U N'
, I
. •
Pastor Starts Own
Pre-School Project
.. ·ORANGE GROVE (NC) ~A Texas pastor who' accused the Orange Grove school district of discrimination in hiring teachers and aides for its federally ft,md ed Headstart project has started own pre-school program for General Assembly " his predominantly Mexican-Ameri For Little Council ' can youngsters. Father Charles McNaboe, pas OKLAHOMA CITY-The Lit tle Council of the Oklahoma City tor of St. John of the' Cross par and Tulsa diocese will meet for ish here, and director of the Catholic Association of Social the first time in general assem Action (CASA) in the Corpus bly on Oct. 15. The Little Council, patterned Christi diocese; withdrew ,120 after the Second Vatican Coun "youngsters from the Orange Grove program. Then, with the eU is designed to unite Okla homa Catholics in a study of the help of the Sisters of Charity of problems of the Church and to the Incarnate Wo~d and teenage 1I1'\dertake a general renewal of girls and adults of the parish, he set up a pre-school program sim tb~ Church in O~lahoma. , ilar to the Headstart project; The. ~xecutive comxiuttee de elded that the general assembly , The program is operating on a $900 budget furnished 'by ~in «r0nvene in October fol", the CASA. The sisters. and the young ~e~~ion,of officers and the plan ['rls do the teaching, while par n~,n,~ of further detai'ls of organ ,ents" provide hot lunches., The IZatIon., ~ather 1 William Gartb chUdren have been' taken' on '~~fp~t;;, chancellor of t"e, ;dip, ~riPs)o Padre Island and CorpU,s ;~, ~ ~eneral ehail'm~ Qf,~ ~~ris~. " ,~c,." "i
Patio GAS Grill GAS GRILL SPECIAL Now barbecue the 'easy way-~,,jth controned gas-heat, Perm~nent ceramic briquets light instantly, give real charcoal flavor, eliminate messy ashes. Weatherproof aluminum hous ing.
CALORIC (Outdoor)
GAS GRILL ONLY 79.95 Instaned
Ponti ff Honors
THE ANCHOR~DioCes~ J)f Fan. River"Thurs., Ju~. 21, 1966
. .
U. S. Writer
Co~umnist Suggests Unusual lReccpes ~or Summer Meals
ROME (NC)...:-The papal medal ''Pro Ecclesia' et Pontifice" has been. bestowed on Benedikta Maria Kempner of Lansdowne, Pa., for her book on priests whG were executed by order of Hit ler's courts. . It was the first time this honor was bestowed on a laywoman for a literary work. , The citation, presented to her along. with the medal by Augus tin Cardinal Bea, said, "After long years of work in the ar chives of Church and State you · have marshalled a documenta tion of the many priests who be cause of their religious convic tions had to suffer the loss of their. lives. The Holy. Father recognizes your work with faith ful attention." The book has been published · in . Germany under the title "Priests Before Hitler's Tribu nals." Mrs. Kempner expects to publish in the United States also•. . Exhaustive List The book outlines the cases of 129 Catholic priests and. two Protestant clergymen who per ished under Hitler's courts. Mrs. Kempner'says this is an exhaus tive list of all clergymen, Cat~ olic and Protestant, sentenced to death for resistance·to the nazis. She describes it as "a begin : ning of a martyrology of' 4,000 European ppe~ who die.d un der the· nazis,'~ ;meaning thoae ·who . perished 'in concentration · eamps, . or were killed witho•
trial by eourt."
By Mary Tinley Daly
Devotees of "Crazy Cake" mentioned here last Sep tember . have been writing for other recipes a bit "differ · ent," f~m the sophisticated little cookbook, "A Little .Bit of Butter." So we went through the copy at our house and '&elected a few which seem pulp from melon. Cut in medium particularly appropriate ~pieces. Let stand overnight in this season of the year. salt water, two tablespoons salt These have all been tested, to one quart water. (This is a first by the contributors, then very important step.) In the by the cookbook committee, ft- morning, drain; cover with fresh Dally by the water. and boil until tender (20 . 25 minutes). Mix sugar, vinegar,
plain cook at water aild lemon. Add spices in
ClUJ' house who b certai:ply no cheesecloth bag and boil for five Mrs. Oscar-of- mintues.Leave spice bag in; add the _ Waldorf. the drained melon rind and cook
for about one-half hour or until
Dope you like nearly transparent. Turn in~o hot them! · First, a c~upsterilized jars and seal.
. For a Sunday breakfast or
Ie of cool and brunch while peaches are still easy appetizers . at their peak, you' can't beat (}EOGRAPHY LESSON: A Lay Mission Helper from delightful of a Gertrude Madigan. Burchinal's Los Angeles shows h,er students 'in Rubag-a, Uganda, where Summer even-. Fresh Peach Coffee Cake:. . ing: " . 1 she c<;.mes from ..Other Am~rican missionaFies work~ng with Mrs. Robert e. Rush's Blue egg the pt~ple of Uganda i~clude the Medical Mission Sist~rs Cauliflower, using 1 cauliflower, 1 cup sugar (PhilHdelphia) arid the .Holy Cross Fathers,. whoste Foreign a wedge of blue cheese, may()n-' 1. cup flour naise. and top milk;. Brealtcauli1 tsp. baking powder Mission'seminary is in Washington, D.C. NC Photo. flower into flowerlets; trying to lh tsp. salt leave a bit of stem on each. 1f4 cup milk Wash then store in refrigerator .3 tsp. melted' shortening in'. ic~ water for several hours. 1f4 tsp. lemon extract. ·.lusi be~()re serving, drain caul¥4 tsp. vanilla 2 cups fresh ,peaches, sliced'iflowe'r . and, arrange· .it .0n.1l . Pay :More' Food,· ·Special. · _ooden platter centered with the ¥4tSP. cii1l1amon " . . ' "
).. Assistant to ·President· . ~tollowing dip: . 2tsp. raisins or currants .' Crumble the small wedge of Beat the egg until fluffy, addWASHINGTON (Nt)· -:- The .ticein . low-income areas ill· blue' cheese; ~hen crea~ with ing.a half cup of sugar. ·Sift 'to
top milk until it is soft. Ad~ gether the flour, baking powder Ladies Auxiliary. of the Knights "shoddy merchandise 'with. too- . Discontinu. ~ .Bu.' S . Rid&§ :
mayonriaise .to make a'cllP in all. lind salt; tl1en.add, alt~rnately 'of St, '~rohn 'was urgea 'here to ·high·prices.· . : Parochi~1 ~p~pils
-]Seat w e l l . · . . · "with the.milk to :the egg ini](:' . .~ell) the government"rai~e. the ~ .. ' ,Consumer Eduea'"oD . . She also . ca.utioriedl . againSt '. . .. '. .': '
· Mrs: . Art.hur E.' Tarantino's. ture. Fold In ..shortening, lemon ilving standard of the "lloor. 'snd: vanilla, then spr~~4 the bat- ..Mrs. :H:sther. :Pete~~~lj, sJ.>ec~~l 'what she .ealledl '!conf(!ssions Of ' .~. SECAUCUS (NC).~Ar~l;1ur ~. Marinated Mushrooms; . ter 'into greased. ejght.,inchPiln. assistant to' the' President -, for . judgment,". in which' the cus- . Couch, superinte~dent:~f pub~c lh pound ,fresh mushrooms Arrange -the sliced fresh pe~che. ·eOnSumE·r .' affairs," .said' "."mer-' tOmer signs a sales con1tract giv- "schools here, ~~. ~otIfIed' .pa~ ¥4 tsp. salt .' top" Of. the 'batter, prellsin'g' thants of debt" prey' on the poor. 'ing up .his right to go to court . ~nts of private. sClIools~ude~~ shake 'of fresh ground pepper them in a.bit.. Sprinkle wit.h the ·by ~lling credittb thecreditl~sS. . and· under which his pay may be that Secaucus m~ lon?e! WIll pr~ 3 tbs~ wine' vinegar· remaining sugar which has Deeil . She fited recen't 'Lab~r . rill- garnished and his'. ~mployer vi~e b~s transportation for thea 112 cup olive oil' -. 'thO th ' . . d partmen'~ sta*tics.sh~wing. 'm'ade to pay the bill collector. ..chIldren.. Most. ~ .the.· s~udents lh tsp.. oregano; .. JJllxed WI e. c~nnamon.~ raisins or currants. . . · poor pay more .for- food., an~ pre.~ '. 'ADother thi~g to be' avoided, . ~fect~d attE;nd H~IY FamIly. and Cut ends from steins of mush": . Bake at 3.75. degrees from 30 to dieted another study currently -shEf said is the "tie-in s~lleliman," .St..Michael s schools in nearby ~oms' .. wash aild' ~slice the 40. minutes~ Cut in pie-shaped. ·underway would~ show the I»oo.r .' who co~tracts for a lIe and im- . Union City. mushr~oins. Mix the remaining wedges'. .... pay morl~ for value reeceived in . mediately' sel1$ ·the·. contract "to .;;l New Jersey l~w.· requires ingredients· "together; add the Hope these Summer suggest-' ·sucr areas asholising. ' . . ..finance company. If anything school districts to provide trans mushrooms and toss until all the ions help readers, .and that yO'll For thl~ poor;iristaliment buy": ,goes' wrong with the rnerchan- portation along existing public pieces are well coated.-Let stand got' as hungry-reading them ing can 1~0 on forever, she said, dise, the .consumer has no· re- . school routes for private school ·at room temperature for several I did ill :the. writing! with the down payment cover- course, since the finance com- '. students. Secaucus sends stu Ilours and serve with picks. ing the wholesale price and the pany is ·interested only in col- dents in grades 10 through 12 to. Now for a sauce that really 0 I. h S . profit co:ning in for as long as lecting its money. Weehawken and Union Hill: . : penetrates through the meat, . ,pen ns. e"!'mary the salesman can get the conTo prevent exploitation of the .Public transportation. route-" Mrs. Richard C. O'Hare's Deep To Nuns, ·laym.en sumer to continue payments. d t poor, she urge the. women. 0 used by the students run withi~ Down Barbecue Sauce: MAYNOOTH (NC) _ ArShe warned against products support the Truth In Lendmg a . couple of blocks of· both st. 1 cup prepared barbecue sauce magh's William Cardinal. Con that are marked up to make a bill pending in Congr)~ss, the Michael's and Holy Family. Stu I cup beer .way, attending the annual meet mark-dovm look like a discount. Fair Packaging and I~abeling dents attending those schools up ¥4 cup brown sugar ing of the Irish 1;lishops at May- She also warned against non- Act, which has passed the Sen- . to now had been given ticketa lh cup .catsup nooth, announced that Ireland's pricing, II practice she said is ate, and the gov,ernment's pro- provided by Secaucus: Combin~ all ingredientS a~d national seminary would be op- prevalent in low-income areail. posed consumer educati,on pro- . . simmer for a half hour; longer if ened to Brothers, Sisters, and lay The custClmer must ask what a gram.. Such education, she said, )'ou like a thick sauce. Use it people. product C1)sts, she· said; and the sholild pegin in the schools so t<' baste chicken, spareribs, pork The announcement followed price is dl!termined by what the eonsumers understand theintri.., chops and the like. the cardinal's praise for the gen- salesman 'thinks he. can get. cacies of buying. Now, while watermelons are erosity of modern youth, and his And ShE! said a common prae .till plentiful and cheap, is the expHmation' 0 fthe .neCessity for Aluminum S'teel . time to ready the perfect.accom- ~ theological faculty to train 11.:1" 'F' " AnLEBORO'$'
944 County"St~eet . paniment for any meat, especial- people not destined for the· ...., ycin.ms .. air Leading Garden Cent.-.
NEW' BEDFORD. MASS. 1» .' good fillip for. cUrry, Mrs. 'priesthood. . St. Francis Xavier' Guild, ByGeorge E..Bell's.Pic.kled WaterHe said that many requests annis, will hold its first annual .... wy. 2~61&' Illelon .lUnd: ' .. had been received from people' Summer fnirfrom. 10 until dark. . '3 pounds .watermelon rind allover Ireland for establish- Saturday, .rwy 30; on the church ~'., Cups-1iugar meni .of anew theology school grounds., at South ,Street and SOuth 'Main &. Wall stL· : 2 cups'v:inegar open' to all qualified can<l!~.ates.:High.School Road. :BQoths f.cup water: ."... '" . include .foods,· white elephant, .. 2 sti.cks cinnamon .. fancy work· and· refreshmen18. cA 2.02~ .... itbs.. wh6ie.allspice 'Stew fOi" a' Few' Pilot '-:nhc evel'lt is oPen to ·the publlc i tbs..whole cloves and in eaS(! of rain will be held ~ .\ ., . 1 leinQn, sliced . ProjeCt ift·.. Montreal _ tbe'lowllrehurch 'hait '.
. .. , :~_.,...~ ~_~_~ .....~ Jleinove skin and most of'reG MONTREAL (NC)-"Stew fo~ . . . ,
. . \ .. a Few,".isn't ",Mealli cm.WheelB"
21 DAY PILGRIMAGES TO: EU~9PE. r. . ~II' G' UI'Id' yet, but it's trying. '.' Wh,"t' ""airy:' ."~., .·:T· ~~. ·.r. ",entervl.e: •. Stewfor.aFew'·isa·pi1~t'proj-··· '. e' "s'".Far'm'" ' , ' .. ,.., .'. - our' .1' .:...·L·eg·.'·0'n"D.f M.~r.·'f 'pilg"rima.ge..'~.av.in.·g, Se4:.~12th ,...~ .. . ' - '. .ather Ed'-,~J' ard A•. OIiviera w.ill.· v.isit. Killa,,,ey, Qublin, P.aris.' "SPI:CIAl·MllK. . MemBers of Our, Lad3- of Vie- ect operated here 'by tiie:women · tory Church Guild, Centerville,.. of St. 'l\IIatthiasAnglican chi(rch .. 'f"" ... '0····: 0"" ,. Lourdes, Rome, . Madrid, Usbon,: ~d Fatima.~: Tour. 2-: 'willspoilsor 'a" Summer fashion in conjunction ,with ,theV:icto:'~ . 1r0",,) . ·ur .' W. HOly ..Cross -Father, Pilgrimage JeavingOd•.IOt~...with ..F,.
show Wednesday Aug. ·10. at East rian erder; of· Nurses ..and the·. : .. , . es ted. Herd!" .Robert E.' McDonnell will visit LisbOn, Fatima
Jlay Lodge,.0sterville. Chairman Montreal VoltillteetBureau.<·. Awsh.·Mt.~ ·M.~... wY ~.f· Madricl,"t'0me.. L~urdes;Par~-a·nd'.L~.ndon~.
it; Mrs. Francis Gillis. New offi. The'· women deliver stew: to '18 . '" jl. Total' IDOSt iI $829••. _. TNne 'aymenll .eers of the nnitareMrs: Stephen. eiderly Montreal ·sbUt:.iDs at .•. S~iarMilk . . .,.~ . ,. .'.,. '. ::. " .•'onged ·. ' . -' ·1)'Brien Jr" president; Mrs. John lunchtime eaeh'. day,' An experi.• Homogenized Vill•.1» Mmh ~ foR'-'• .'iOA.MU coRTAeT SYEPHi.. ,,' MAR~El': ' .. ~. Pendergast:Jr.-and:Mrs.JamesmentaI. project,itis :based·'. '. ButternliRc .: ,. ' .. :" - ..," ~"" ..... ... . ..... ,.. ,'. , . , "..... "/' .; ~, Murphy, ·.Vice:.pre~ide~ts; .:M;rs. the Meals· on Wheels project .• TropicClnC' 6runge Juice .•. : ·.f .. ~~hQlk, 'J. "Roger' Car~son;' treasurer,;' Mrs. 'lonl "operated~ iii.1 Britain 'and . .' (aHfie·ontf·Ehoc.: Milt.·" . Francis McKeima ,and. Mrs." 'Ed-- 'now in 'Austraiiaand-same;·part. ...• ''': '. "1\"> '. " , . , .) '. . 11. -28·-Butlock~·5t. c, HeW '8fldfor;J; Mass. -027:40 .' :~w~rd O~Neill,: ~~etllrie5. the V;~;aRd Cana~:' ,~~,~ ;vtt ,,> ' ,i,.."\ .·.:"., ".L",.. · ". . , ". -:. c ,;~ ~ .'~ _,_~ ~._~_.,.. ~ _~ .~.~ :i: :;. _"i· -'" ,_w.,,, -.... '
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Pltick Up You'rCou'rage:-Thin
THE ANCHORThurs., July 21,
Overgrown Summer Garden
Sister to Teach At Johns Hopkins
By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick There comes a time in:mid-Summer when most gardens are overgrown and need thinning. Perennials have bloomed and some have gone to seed so that new plants are flourish ing along with the old. Roses are leggy and have lost their
freshness by now and many they do not . disappear altogether of the annuals have spread so that any assist we can get out and are taking up more in the cooking department is space than originally intend- much appreciated. ed. All in all the garden takes on a jungle-like quality which must be kept in check. The place. to start thinning should be with the perennials. These usually make sufficient grQwth in one season so that they may be thinned out by cut.ting or uprooting without depleting one's stock to any great extent. Many of the spreading ground covers may be cut back and trimmed and taller plants may be pruned out or shortened. Mums may be moved, after 11 good soaking, to avoid crowding and to fill up any bare spots.. This is also a good t,ime tQ prune roses into' a reasonable fonn and to discourage new growth where it is not needed. Roses Will soon enter a period. of relative inactivity so the~r bushiness. should be kept. to ~ minimum. The thing to keep in mind is that rampantgrov.1;h· diminishes the beauty of the' gar':' .ci~n and shQuid be discouraged'. as JDuch as possible. .' . .'Keep in mind that almost anything may be moved if it is in: the wrong place. Soak the plant thoroughly and then try to get as much soil as pos~ible with the plant when movjng. Shade the transplant for a few days and continue to water. It may wilt but if it is shaded aiid watered, it· will most likely survive. This applies particularly to annuals. I invariably plant it few arinuals in the Spring to' fill up' bare' spots in the garden and then frnd myself' with overcrowded' spots. If' this happens to· you, and I am sure it happens tr most gardeners, then you dhould move' some of ·the plants to where they are needed. It is difficult to maintain a fresh look in the Summer heat,' but any device which fosters it should be employed. Overe-owding does not. So build up your courage and allow some bare soil to show i nthe garden. Pull out the overgrown petunias, the leggy pansies, the old sweet williams, the seedy phlox and let your eye concentrate on the flowers which are just emerging into bloom. . In the Kitchen If you have been avoiding "jiffy" foods because you feel
you'd be casting aspersions on
your capabilities as a cook, you'll find Summer a good time to re-evaluate your ·feelings. Days that start off with a fore- . east of 90 degrees and humid are enough to discourage even Jl1lia Childs .from spending the da7 in the kitchen, but we do have to eat. Appetites may wane in hot' weather but un.{ort~.mately
No one deplores packaged cake mixes more than my hus band and he can spot one at the first swallow, yet one of his favorites is that "Crazy Cake"
that has as its base a yellow cake mix; which goes to show
that a mix can be a starting
point for a good dessert even
though it may lack appeal in itself. When the first packaged cake mixes arrived in the market, just the idea of a cake being so easy to bake without much chance of failure was enough to sell them. However, as time passed and the novelty began to wear off, the test kitchens of ,the food companies realized that if they were going to keep their products selling they needed some ideas and new uses for the basic mixes. In true Madison Avenue style they responded with brochures and recipes on boxes using mixes as a' base for desserts. One manufacturer re cently .published an idea-filled brochure listing 11 variations on a single mix, such· as adding sour cream or peanut butter. to a banana cake. Now there are a thousand and one variations to even a 'pack-' age of oniotl soup mix, so take advantage of the research that has gone into these' recipes and shortcut your Summer cooking. The following recipe c.an be
made with fruit other than rhu
barb and is easy and. delicious:
Rh1llbarb UlJSide Down Cake .
3T butter
Ih c~p sugar
2 cups finely diced rhubarb
. fe~ drops of food coloring'
1 package of single layer
white l..ake mix.'
(1.) Combine the melted butter,' 'sugar, and food coloring. (2.) Add the rhubarb, toss lightly and spread in. 'an 8¥.txlo/-l inch round cake pan. (3.) Prepare package according
to directions. Pour over the
(4.) Bake at 375 degrees about
35 minutes.
(5.) Let cool five minutes and
(6.) serve warm with whipped cream.
ROCHESTER (NC)-8ister M. Gertrude Christian of the fac ulty of Nazareth College here
will teach at Johns Hopkins University starting next Fall. She is reported to be the first nun ever to join the teaching staff of the 'famed Baltimore university. Sister Gertrude has received a $2,000 Faculty of Philosophy Fellowship to lecture undergrad~ uates on English literature from
Chaucer to the 18th century. She was also awarded a Gilman Fel
low:ship valued at $1,800.
.The nun had completed two
years of course work leading to . the. doctorate. She' must take; oral comprehensives and write a dissertation before receiving the degree.
British Women's Group To Aid Parish Clergy
AT INTERNATIONAL MEETING: As the World Federation of Catholic Young Women and Girls held its 18th international council at the College of New Rochelle, Mrs. P.ilar Santander-Downing, Secretary of the United Nation Commission on the Status of Women, who addressed the convention, greets Sister M. Stephany of India and Dr. Rosemary Cass, vice-president of the federation for North America. NC Photo. .
LIVERPOOL (NC) - Father Francis Ripley, director of Liver pool's Catholic Information Cen ter; has announced that a' group of women will be formed to aid the parish clergy. Citing Francis Cardinal Spell.. ·, man's address during the third' session of the Vatican council,' Father Ripley said that we eX' pect too much cif our nuns when we' ask them to do parish work'· after a day in the classroom' or sickroom.. No' decision has been made whether to form the new group .. a religious foundation or a Sf:cular institute, and none will be until there' is a nucleus of women to asSist in making the' decision.
N'ew Procedure PI.TTSBURGH . (NC)-8i:J:teen young women will return to .their home' parish churches to profess perpetual vows as Sisters of Mercy on Aug.' 28.' . The Sisters will. make their profeSsion during one of the. Sunday Masses regularly attend-' ed by parishioners. The new pro cedure announced at the com munity headquarters' here reo:' .
II . • •
places the ceremony of profes sion which took place during Mass in· the motherhouse chapel, attended by family members and a few friends. The Sisters of Mercy said the new procedure was chosen to emphasize the place of the Sis ter's vocation in the whole Church. J
start using your· basement
Stamp Honors Parish
In Congo Republic
Bl,tAZZAVILLE (NC).,... The blessing of the new church at st. Peter Claver's parish here was marked by the issue of a speci~l Jlostage stamp bearing a picture of. the .ultra-modem building and by the use of a special' postmark. The parish was founded by the Daughters of America Holy Ghost Fathers in 1951, but the Blessed Sacrament Fathers' Honor Junior Officers 'of the Canadian' province took BOSTON (NC)-J'ean Roberts, over .its .administration .in 1957. executive secretary of the Junior It has more than 16,000 parish Catholic Daughters of America, . ioners and-there' are 2,000 youths and Mrs; Frances ParoUa, ad..· in its schools., .'. , ministrative asstant,· were gi yen ..· the Pro Deo et Juventute A,ward . of the Na~onal G9 uociC.. To Aid' Arabs Catholic Youth .here: . .., ,. 'l'o~ p~ui VI has named.MonThe aWard. is given to' !1dult. 'signor John G. Nofan of:Alba'ny, leaders with outStanding records' N. Y.. as president of the· Ponti of service to God arid·yduth. fical 'Mission fot Palestine,.·the The presentation!i 'weie made by: -'Holy': See's-' relief.'~mi to. Arab Bishop Vi~~nt S" Waters of.- reful{ees in' the :N:e~r ·i!~s.t;:~sgr.• · Raleigh' at the .Junior . Day pro-·' Nolan' is". JlTational: 'Secte~ry of; gram of the Catholic Daughters the Catholic Near. East, ·Wcliare ;t O!, ~eri~ natronai;' oo-n\;enti6D'. ~t:ia'U6ii,';' he-aded ·;by.-Francis; " 1Iere;~!" pc!.;;,",;,,,. '<:"'''.i!C :!!C:'::=.>!:=: .oJ. <>:··'--caitdiiiiil..-spellihaiF'ili"l'riiSiae~
N:ew quick-action Humidistat s'tarts Dehumidifier automatically ..when hu~ midity rises - stops it after selected humidity is reacheq. Saves you mo~ey by running only :When needed! Has AutomatiC' Water Overflow Control. 'R9llg oncaste.rs. Handsome design ,blends in with. any decor.' Five year . replacement guarantee on refrigera
End rust, mold, peeling- paint, wet walls and, floors with this all new Electric Dehumidifier! Just' pltii in" watch it 'wringup to. 4 gallons of MOisture from the air daily! Protects any normal size' 'room or basement ~a in Y0l.;lr ,hom~. ·Makes your damp basement usable ... pays :fQr \taelf. ill .savillgs from dampness damage.
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HIE ANCHOR Thurs., .Jl.!ly. 2.1, 1966
M'inister ~ Cites Oneness Spirit At Retreat
,Four Religious Members of, .Family .United. '~ope Paul MO;eI .To Summer ,Vllla For Firs'; ,Time in - Its H ~story',
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Foi . lowing' the papal eustom that A family originally numbElJ'ing 16 children was united Sunday for the first time ~ has endured intermittently sinet its histpry. The unusual event W~lS part of the silver anniversary celebration of Rev. Rene the 15tI:t century, Pope Paul W the intense heat of Rome Pare, O.P., of St. Anne's parish, Fall River, Father Pare's mother il'l Mrs. Wilfred Pare, left Saturday to spend the Summel' one of the 16 children of the Morin family, originally from :Blessed Saerament parish, Fall . in the nearby Alban hills. FAULKNER (NC) - A His residence, probably until Lutheran pastor who attend River.· Mr. Morin married sometime in September, is the ed for the .first tUne an' ecu twice and the children of the papal Summer villa in the sub menical retreat for Christia.n two marriages' were scat-· urban hill town of Castelgan clergymen said he was impressed tered among relatives as well dolfo, overlooking crater-formed .. by the spirit of oneness that pre Lake Albano on one side and the as covering a large span of years. . vailed-"even in moments when l"or this reason they never had steaming plain in which Rome we become snagged. on some di- . the opportunity' to come together. lies on the other. visive point." as a family. Tod~y, seven of the The schedule of papal audi! "I am not .sure it was. not a 16 are living,and they and their ences during hJs stay there has matter of' polite cooperation, or descendants . were among the been suspended, according k> being cautious not· to say too celebrants at Father Pare's jubi an announcement of the VaticaJn ., much. for fear of offending lee. Press office, except "for a weekly someone's feeling," the Rev. H.. general audience. This will be Four of the seven are in the Alvin Kuhn of Redeemer Luth held every Wednesday at 10:30 religious life: two are Brothers eran Church, McLean, Va., A.M. in the large audience hall of the Christian Schools, one stated. . on the grounds of the villa fOIl' Sister Marie Gabriel, is a Little the benefit of hundreds oJt "On the contrary, there was Sister of the Poor in Troy, N.Y. thousands of visitors from a]11 throughout the retre'at an atmo . and one, Sister Marie Hervey, over the world who flood Italy sphere of geT-lUine love and con is a Grey Nun at Sacred Heart during the Summer months. cern for one another. We were : Home, New Bedford. Another aware of our brotherhood in Grey Nun, Sister St. Philibert, The graduate house of the Christ," he added. North American College in is deceased. Pastor Kuhn participated in downtown Rome (Via DeJl1 Another sister an!l brother, the fifth annual Retreat for Urnilta 30) has an office for the both married, live, like Mrs. Christian clergymen, sponsored Pare, in St. Anne1s parish. benefit of Americans wishing to by the Gustave Weigel Society attend these audiences, obtain From Burma iI. cooperation. ~ith the Jesuit ing required tickets and in some The Christian Brothers, Broth Fathers' retreat house at Loyola cases providing transportation to ,~r Celestine and Brother Alban, Castelgandolfo. . on-Potomac. have given. a total of 79 years to The society, with an interna Aside from weekly audiences, tional membership that cuts the religious life. Both ,have the Pope will also continue his 0een stationed in Burma for. across all denominational lines, regular custom of reciting the was begun in 1965, a year after years, although never' in the noonday Angelus prayer with Father Weigel's death, to carry 'same houses.. Both now share crowds on Sundays and' holy on the work of the pioneering the grief of all non-native Bur~.: days. During his stay at Castel rna religious: they have been e,,-~ Jesuit ecumenist. gandolfo, he will do this from a balcony overlooking ·the villa Father Thomas Ambrogi, S.J., pelled from the country, by a pro-Commun}st government. square which opens onto the professor of sacramental theol main street of the town. " I left in April,'-' said Brother ogy at Woodstock College in Maryland, prellched the retreat. Alban, "and since then I have had no reply to my letters to the Primary Element Encyclica~S) . As the retreat progressed, native Brothers still in Burma. POONA (NC) "Nobody elsl!l All incoming and outgoing mail Pastor Kuhn said, he became , has Rerum Novarum or Mater et is censored. I do not know what convinced that the "primary el Magistra," a top-ranking Indialll ement of all ecumenical progress is happening and I am very trade unionist told seminarians worried." is an opportunity to get to know .. here in urging them to bring For'the last year of his stay and trust a brother in Christ as Catholic social teaching to the in BUl'ma, said Brother Alban, a friend. . Indian workers of all "religions. "We thought, ate, worshipped, the Brothers were forbidden to George Fernandes of the Bom talked and prayed together and 'teach religion, but defi'ed orders bay Labor Union, told the stu and taught secretly. "The chil found that our Christian tradi dents and professors of the papal tions have more in com~on dren never betrayed. us,'~ he said. seminary here that economic His last assignment before leav than we had suspected," he con rights of workers in. India are ing Burma was at a jungle or tinued. "'We need not be suspi denied and that their very dig phanage where he was prefect cious of each other's motives. nity as humans is trampled. We can cooperate in t:roclaiming of boarders. Previously he had the Gospel to all men," Pastor been at a school with an enroll ment of nearly' 5,000 boys. Kuhn said. "I taught 10th grade all alone, "The Body of Christ needs nROTHER ALnAN AND nROTHER CELESTINE more of this kind of exposure all subjects," he said. "One year to . the healing, unifying breath I. had 63 boys. We were very of the Holy Spirit," he com Prescriptions called for busy!" Most boys, said the missioner, feel a great relief of tension mented. «md Delivered Boys Reaction don't want to return to their since I' have been back in the Thirty-one clergymen fro m LOFT homes. When h,~ explained that In April 1965,' recounted States!" the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, CHOCOLAtES some mothers' idea of punish Brothn Celestine left Burma Episcopalian, Evangelical United Brother Alban, the' Burmese 600 Cottage St. WY 4-7439 ment is pouring boiling water slightly before his bJ:other, in Brethren, and Methodist folds government expropriated relig "'ew Bedford ious schools. "When our boys Septemb~r, 1965. "I saw the. over their children, it is easy to tnok part in the ecumenical re understand why. learned of this, they reacted by handwriting on the walL" He treat here in Maryland. breaking up the furniture, has been stationed in Guade - Following medical care, Broth ~..-smashing windows, and doing loupe, F::ench Antilles, blit has er Celestine hopes to retur~ to' "' SERVING as much damage as possible." returned t.o North America for Guadeloupe. Brother Alban, has medical treatment. been assigned to a novitiate of The Burmese people resent • FINE ITALIAN FOOD the cOJ11munity in Manglagiri, . their government, he said, but S'lcret of Success WASHINGTON (NC)-Auxil South India. He will probably are unorganized and have no ~ In Guadeloupe, Brother Celes iary Bishop Edward J. Herr go there in September. weapons with which to resist ,tine was ,It a re-education school RESTAURANT and LOUNGE mann of Washington dedi<;ated oppression. 'Many Catholics, he. Meanwhile the brothers are with an ImroIIment of 250 boys Anchor House here, two refin a»n Lake Sabbatia ' noted, are leaving. the country,' from age:; nine to 21. "Some of enjoying an unprecedented op ished buildings where discharged some going to Australia, some ~ . 1094 Bay Street portunity of relaxing. with each the boys "...ere a trouble at home mental patients can live in. coming to the U.S. other and their Fall River rela and to thl! police," he said, "but lTAUNTC)N VA 4-8754 home-like atmosphere while "Free speech is not allowed,'" they were no trouble to the . tives. ~ ~ making the transition from the he said. "No one can be trusted. Bi:others." hospital to full time independ Ii you spoke your mind on a The sel:ret of the Brothers' ent life in the community. bus, for instance, and the driver success? ,3imple,' according to A volunteer staff will be' on heard, he: might drive you Brother Celestine. "We keep hand at Anchor House to en straight to the police station. I them busy, feed them well, and courage the residents and offer everything goes o. k." DADSON OIL BURNERS common sense guidance to. help them over periods of discour 24-Hour Oil Burner Service
agement, especially when they DUBLIN (NC)-"Church and BEiFORE YOU
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flrst go back to work.. Eucharist," a collection .of es BUY - TRY
The new project gl'ew out of says on ecumenical. topics pub NEW ENGLAND COKE
the work of the Anchor Club, a lished here by 20 Catholic and volunteer group which aids the Protestant scholars, is said to be adult mentally ill. For over the first full-scale treatment of two years, the club has Qperated the ecumenical movement to be
. a mental health center to aid produced in Ireland. It is edited '
OltDSMbB~lE mental patients in their efforts by Father Michael Hurley, S.J.,
Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault tf establish themselves in so theology professor at Milltowil
640 Pleasant Sltreet Tel. WY 6-8271 . 67. Middle Street, .Fai~haYen ciety. I. Para O
Project to Benefit Ex-Mental Patients
Irish Volume
EEm [' I,. O:lt CO~, Inc.
Texan Calls' On K of C to Seek Negro Members
Mercy Sister Makes Plans for Five Years'
'In San Pedro Sulu, Spanish Honduras
AUSTIN (NC)-A Texas . Readying for an adventurous five yea~s in Spanish Honduras is young, enthusiastic official of the Knights ()f Sister Marie Bernarde, R.S.M. The daughter· of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sullivan of Holy Columbus feels members Name parish, Fall River, and the sister 'of Rev. Bernard Sullivan of St.. Patrick's parish, should resign from councils' Somerset, will be instructing 15 to 18 year old Hondurans in secondary school teaching which refuse to ~ccept Negroes. Speaking· to., state officers, i:ommitteemen and. district depu-' ties, Jack Barger of San Antonio, . state fraternal activities chair: man, asserted that K of C who practice raciai discrimination "are no credit" to the organiza. tion and "will be only slightly 1Il0tic!,!d in their passing;" Barger urged the organization to seek out Negro Catholics and .invite them to joiri the order. "Our wrongs," he added, "de mand that we pursue this re' «:ruitroent program with great vigor." . Failure as Catholics Reminding that a Knight of Columbus on joining the organ ization is sworn to social justice,' Barger asked: "Can we be permitted then to practice discrimination in ad mitting qualified men to our order? "The answer is an unqualified 'no'-not under the laws of man, the laws' of our order, the laws of our Church, the laws of God." "No longer can we be permit ted to recruit only that portion of our potential membership 'who come from the right side of the tracks.' It is in these modern times incumbent upon us to recruit new members wherever 'Catholic gentlemen' may be found," he said. "We must in brotherhood, fraternity and justice seek out. the Negro Catholic and invite him to enter our order. We must rE'cruit him into our brother hood," Barger emphasized. If the Knights fail in the re «:ruitment campaign, Barger ob': served. "our failure in the field -of fraternity will herald our failure as Catholic men. State Council Action "We will be judged as lacking by the Church, society and ulti mately by our Maker for this failure," he stressed.' . "This does not mean that we. can be completely successful,". Barger declared. "But let that not dissuade us from the strug gle. This year let true fraternity be the goal of every member of our order." Dr. Joseph Murphy of La Mat'que, head of the Texas K of C, said Barger's recommendation would be considered by the state' council together with suggestions from other committees and dis trict officers.
Jesuits Announce Closing of College GRAHAMSTOWN (NC) - St. Aidan's College, South Africa's only Jesuit-run school, will be «:losed down or handed over to other educators, Jesuit authori ties announced here. Located in Grahamstown, the school has been operated by the Jesuits since 1875. The reason for the withdrawal is the short age of Jesuit priests in the En glish province. The Jesuits will (Continue their other South Af lI'ican apostolates.
Science lecture NOTRE DAME (NC)-Brothel' Raphael Wilson, C.S.C., associate professor of microbiology at the University of Noh'e Dame, will present a two-week program in physiology at an institute for biology teachers sponsored by the National Science Foundation, at Loretto Heights College, Den ~er, Aug. 1 to 13.
methods. tiThe high 'schools in Honduras are. rather .like (}ur colleges,". she explained, "and the young people who
take Ii teacher training course
. go right into classroom work."
Students who want' college de
grees, she said, usually come' to
the United States for advanced
studies. Sister Marie Bernarde will be stationed at San Vicente de Paul Convent, San Pedro Sula, Span ,ish Honduras. Previously she spent a Summer in' Belize, Brit.;. ish Honduras, teaching one of her specialities, a methods course in remedial reading. She is of fering -the same course at Salve Regina College this Summer. . In Spanish The teaching in San Pedro Sula will be in Spanish, said Sister. To get in fettle for the assignment, she has been teach ing Spanish courses at Holy Family High School in New Bedford, where she was also a member of the English depart ment. In addition to Holy Family, the young religious has taught at schools in Cranston and Cumber land, R.I. She attended St. Mary's Cathedral School· and Mt. St. Mary Academy in Fall River be fore entering the Sisters of Mercy. Preparations for Honduras are a bit more extensive than for a routine charige of assignments, admits Sister. She has undergone a series of immunizations against various tropical diseases and is in the throes of obtaining a pass port and other needed docu ments. She expects to teach' catech ism on' weekends in addition' to
University Honors Chinese Educator JAMAICA (NC)-Dr. .Chang Chi-yun, founder of the College of Chinese Culture at Yangrriing shan, Taiwan, and' commandant of the Republic of China's Na tional War College, was honored at St. John's University here on Long Island. An honorary doctorate of let ters was conferred on Dr. Chang as a highlight of the ceremony. Father Joseph T. Cahill" C.M., . university president, conferred the degrees. Members of the Chinese Na tional War College Mission at tended the ceremony and toured the Vincentian Fathers' jnsti~u ~on.
Thurs., July 21, 1966
Censors Score Film ITrash l LONDON (NC) - The secrf!4 tary of the British Board of Film Censors said here that one fllf the board's main jobs at presem is coping with "semi-porno graphic trash" from the Unit~ States. John Trevelyan said the prevo> alence of objectionable films iii the United' States was causing Americans to consider a movie cl assification system. "There are 700 to 800 cinemas in America where children C3IQ go st.raight in and see this muck, and as a result there are noW pressures in the U. S: A. fo:! some kind of. classification ~ f:lms," Trevelyan said. He said the British censoli' board's main concern was to protect children. "We do not mean to shelter children too much, but we do not want to expose them too quickly to some of the activities of human life portrayed on the screen thesG days," he said.
Sncen.tive 'v@gram To Aid StMdlents SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-Re... cent federal and state education legislation will have a dramatie impact on student aid in New Jersey, Seton Hall University's director of financial aid feels. "Many of our better students were finding it more and more difficult to continue attendance at Seton Hall under the maxi mum ($500] alloweu by the state scholarship pro g ram. even thOUg:l the University has vastly increased its own student aid programs," said Alphonse Iiii. Rylko. "Now," he continued, "under the terms of the Scholar Incen tive Program, in combinatiOllil with a state scholarship. a stu dent who qualifies academically and meets a relatively simple needs test may receive up t{) $1,000 toward his or her tuitioJll and fees." .
German Clergy ·Ask. 'Central Parishes , HARDEHAUSEN (NC)-Cen tral parishes in rural areas to replace' the many small ones were called for at a meeting of priests here. . In view of the shortage of vo cations and of priests, many of the priests felt that the central parish could be a new instru ment in their pastoral apostol ate. Those at th~ meeting said they. would retain the facilities of the smaller parishes, but place them under the administration of the central parishes. In the smaller, parishes, such matters as visits to the sick and prayer services would be taken over by laymen. This, it was agreed; would call for a greater religious training for laymen t.nd for a' change il1" public opinion.
THAT'S WHERE: Sister Marie Bernarde, R.S.M., · shows her brother, Rev. Bernard Sullivan, where she'll be · rnissioned in Spanish Honduras. her regular courses. For these religion classes,' the Sisters travel into primitive jungle areas where living standards are ex tremely low. Another Mercy Sister will
Embassy Praises Church Agencies KINSHASA (NC)':"""American Catholics and Protestants relief organizations have been doing an "outstanding job" in aiding Congolese refugees, according to the U.S. embassy here. The embasy paid tribute to Catholic Relief Services-Nation al Catholic Welfare Conference and Church World Service overseas aid agency of the U.S. National 'Council of Churches in a message to the State Depart ment in Washington. It said that if the two organi zations "were not providing ma terial and know-how, . . . al most nothing would be provided for thousands of these needy people."
!Eastham Talent Nite Visitation Guild of Eastham will hold a talent show at 8 Thursday night, Aug. 4 at East ham Town Hall. Auditions will be held by appointment and prospective participants may cont;'Jct Mrs. James Bresnahan or · Mrs. John Connors.
travel to Honduras with Sister Marie Bernarde, bringing to six the number of religious at San Pedro Sula. Three of the Sisters are Americans and three are Hondurans, said Sister Marie Bernarde, but a11 belong to the Province of Providence and re ceived their training at the pro vincial house in Rhode Island, so they will have much in com mon. The Fall River religious ex pects to fly to Honduras Satur day, Aug. 20.
Obscene Calls Bin WASHINGTON (NC) - The Senate has passed and sent to the House a bill making it ~ federal crime to make an ob- scene or harassing interstsate telephone call. Sen. John O. Pas tore of Rhode Island is the chief sponsor of the measure.
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Tear Up Your Prayer Book
By M<l8t Rev. Fahn J. Sheen, .D.D.
We Catholics spilrituall7 bathe In devotion to the .8aered.
Dearl. But Wt! 'are apt to forget that tile' Deart of. Christ Is'"
symbolic way I\)f expressing Dis love for all h1llDaDlty. More thaD
· 80 ·tilDes Be called Himself the "Son of Man" which means
"humanity," "Inankinil," of whlcb. Be is the Be~. Evel'7 h1llllaD
in· the world, be be Commuidst or Confucianist, Buddhist or Exis
tentialist shares iii lthe human nature of Our Lord. But not
everyone by obedience to Christ receives the full benefits, juSt
1ll0t every student takes fuD advantage of the college he
attends.· Bence Our' ILord spoke of the ''narrow gate and uH,
straight way"-few there are who .enter 'hereby.
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy A new book entitled Mission to France: Memoirs of a Nuncio 1944-1953 (McGraw:'Hill, New York. $6.95) is bound to command much attention and interest because its author is the late Pope John XXIII. But it proves to be slim fare indeed alongside France at the beginning, of the the same pope's Journal of a Holy Year of 1950,he sends to SoU!, which deservedly. held each recipient a check (amount a high place on best· seller. excised) "which Your Excellency
lists for many months. The work . will· be' good' enough to distrib now published is really' not a ute, in -accordance with the boo.k at all, but Pope' august wishes, among the a very discreet' poorest priests and most unfor compilation of tunate children." speeches an d Roncalli Touch letters. Monsi A certain suavity is, surpris goor Loris Cap ingly, 'to be found. in the utter-' OUTS'fANDJING JUNJIOR: ovilla, secretary an,ces of the nuncio here repro to Pope John duced, along with the diplomatic Diane Milan, 16, of Roanoke, has e, to.d the conventions and cliches which Va., has been named the VQlum2 and have become well nigh meaning National Outstan<l,ing Junior It r 0 v ide s less after centuries of automatic -1966 by the Junior ·Catholic the preface. He repetition. But a distinctively tells us, ''These personal courtesy and kindness, Daughters of America. NC pages are ex a genuine warmth and a limpid Photo. tracts from .the private papers sincerity are also to be dis of a diplomat who became pope; cemed. The Roncalli touch is one must not therefore look for there, gleaming through the pro surprising and cClnfidential iD fessional verbiage. formation in a sphere whichre-' One gets no idea whatever of quires absolute secrecy.-. .. what life at the nlinciature was TOLEDO (NC) The '" '" '" This book contains'" '" '" like. The nearest approach is iii many little records of d;Uly life,., a letter to the then Monsignor. ChristiaIl:.family is 'under at .' testimony full of' nost81gia~' . Montini in which the nuncio de- . tack thl"o~ghout the nation, reflecting the daily tasks' of a; scribes his attemptS deciorite brother ,of' alien race :Who ·car-lus reSidence'more suitably.' For . today an~l '.'we are forced to· ied out his religious duties as this purpose, he used an artist defend it," a Boston obstetrician Nuncio with the heart of a from his beloved Bergamo, and asserted h!~re. Dr.. William Lynch, speaking I'renchmari.'~· one finds several allusions: to Too Impersonal Bergamo, which, after all his at a "Human Relations in a ChanIiingly put, arid disarm :v~~~etained first place in Changing Community" work . shop' in· Mary Manse College .lng. But while one ~annot rea sohably look for' "surprising'and Often he speaks of himself as here, emphasized that one of confidential information," one' "the humble nuncio," and it is the strongest weapons against does expect that in what' is plain that Pius XII was'a remote' the attack on .the family" is sex education for young resented . as a set of memoirs' figure, addressed directly but proper '. '.' . there will be much' more of'li' once. in . the cor-respondence aters. He said sex 'education 'must personal' sort;· much more in the. gathered here. Usually, the nun-, be related to the family; .' . way of incident. and color;' than' cio wrote to the then Monsignor is here supplied. . .' . ' . Montini, asking him, if he The attac::t against the fal11ily, 'If nothing 'of the' kind 'was thought· well· of it, to present this Dr. 'Lynch said, is mounting available frOm the 'papers of' or that proposal to .the pope. through .milgazines, . paperback bOoks; .radio and TV, .offering a' the fomer nuncio; then .someone Tleasant Surprises' . who was with him on ·themis": As his days in France' .were' forum for those who sniPe Irion to France, or who 'observed coming to a close, he said that . agalnstmotherhoOd and chastity, . . his' performance of it,should he'had arrived at the vesper hour and extol s~xtiality. have been asked to sU'pply an of .life, that the vesper bell was Parents Example essay depicting the manner of ringing for him, that he' was He also' ,:harged such birth the future pope's conduct of his preparing for de.ath. But he also control. proponents are pushing diplomatic office. Or the notes said to a churchman of like age beyond con'traception ,to abor,.,. should have been more· elden-· that the future was "still full of tion, euthanasia and artificial in' ave and more concrete. '. light and promise, no longer semination. For .example, as one reads the with the radiance of noon, but What children need, he said, is . texts of the various addresses shining with a true light which the example I,f a good father anell . h~re printed, one wonders may indeed prepare some pleas a good mothc!r. He defended the whether the then Archbishop ant surprises." right of pa:rents to have the Roncalli spoke French well. His election to the supreme number of children th'ey think' Some of the addresses are rather pontificate at the age of 77 did best. ..lengthy. Did they get over to bring a very pleasant, indeed "Attitude is the most .impor the people, hold them? stir an historic, surprise for the tant thing we can teach our them? whole world. And there' are in Pastoral Concept timations of its nature here, . children," Dr. Lynch said.
Stres!;es Proper
Sex l:dtDcction
But if this book is far thinner From his writings and ad:. and drie,r' than' one' 'might haVe dresses, we see that he was' wished, 'it is by.no means dull acutely concerned' about Chris"; and·.Perfunctory. From it c;ine 'tian . unity, about .presenting ean ,learn something about An Christianity as attractive ,and gelo' Gius,epp.e RoncalIi, his,.~tay opposite; ,about making the in Paris, and the seeds' ·-of his Christian apostolate one of love, . pontificate and - of ,his ..council about respecting the freedom of which were bl'lingso,¥,n at III all men .and .especially, that··.of til,De when his emergence and thos~ ~ot of one's own kind. IUs greatness were never dream }lllo)~imple J'easant eel o f . " ',' We see his .appreciation of the In the first place, it is clear spiritual .qualities of the Bud that he had' a pastorai concept dhists-: and Muslims, his regard of his role as nuncio: Again and for the Orthodox whom he had again, he acknowledges that a met while in the Middle East, nttnl;~~ ..is .Perfc:>r~e .•preoccupied.. his .reaohing out to·. non-Chds With diplomacy. But his objec- tia05 in French North. Africa. '; tive is, he says in an article adAlso, there is evidence" of a'· dressed to the French people, to richly stored mind in his quota.;,~ be "for you the Pope';> eye, hea1;'t" ~~ons from,. ,writers and hand." various epochs: He wasifar. ·from.
'And ~long with.a letter circu-'" being the simple peasant ~hich:' lated ~ t~e archbishoPs 'of legend has tried to niake' him, " ;; '."!,. , ' ! ' ", .. , i· . ' . , aJthough. ..hjs·origins were cher-' ised by him.', ;. ~: o~pl~ci . ing. While falling· short of the';\·PATERSON (NC) -J;:·St.·'Jo:' ;·,piolnise'of. its--titIe,<this':bo'O{ti .is:· ~ph!s Hospital he~e h!lll opened valuable -for' its new e'vidence' .'.'DeW fi've-storY wing lis ';art of of exceptional excellenCE alld;~ a~; $'1.5 million expansion progifts of the' greatest man of ourt
Guah~mCllla Students: Swing to Center
• I' W
The Sacred Hearl Q,r the Love of God revealed in human flesb 'is like the sun. 'rhe sw; shines on wax .~d softens 'it;' it. shines OIl mud' lind hardens it. He is thus, as Sim eon told His mother, s,et· for bothrestir rection and 'death, 'depending on our acceptance or rejection of His love. You see how devotion to the 'Sacred Heart is bound up with:ill man;lrind, with R.ussia, 'Africa, China, wherever there are humans .who bear the image 'I)f God, however blurred. In other words, he who' loves the' . Sacred Heart 10VE!S' all ~en and, therefore, the Missions. . . _We cannot be partah:ei-s of Divinity · through Christ without wanting others
to be "born agailll" in Him. As the Prot
estant theologian, Emil Brunner put .it: "As fire was mallie to
burn, so the Church was made to be'misslonary." Shall we con · tinuemaking Ollr .parishes ghettos and our dioceses fortresses, and our piety Individuailistic pleas of "Give ME,''' while the w!»rl~ Is going to hell and the vast Asiatic and African world Is learn- . ing the love of the almighty dollar and little of the love of Christ? Unbelief· and ignorance 'of the Sacred Reart among 200 million souls ..will ·not .be conquered' by: .pious leafl~ts in ·OUI', .. . worn prayer books, but only b~ .11. little crucifixion on our part ~ diffuse that love' ~f C:hril£ As Soren Kierkegaard expressed it': ' "A fire broke 01llt behind the scenes in a theater. The clown came on the stage to 'warn the audience They thought he W!'8' trYing to be fumlY and broke out in appiause. He repeated the warning. They onl7 clapped the more.·So I think the world will go to Its destruction amiid the general' applause of the 'wiseacreS who think it is D,I) more than a joke." I could .never put. m:y -peart and soul into an appeal to you for one area. of. the world, or for a group which made investments in Wall, Street with your alm,S, or which did not share its we.alth, with' every .other group :for: the sake of-the' common good. But, thank h~a"en, though. the Lord has condemned me to be a beggar,' it is for a Society <w1;lich serves. all areas, all mankind, all orders under the· dir~tion of th,e Holy Father. If .the. one.condit~on. of having. a true de,votion t,1) the .Sac..;ed Heart is to tear up your. nove~a book, then do it. Then reach . ~nd~r the bed and send some . of the securities in,tl!.e strong box to make that Heart known !lnd. loved.' Later, you can go back' to your leaflet, with enriched ~aitb, DO, longer .saying, "Give, Me," but "Make me Thy' servant to pro cl~im Thy love.to all mankind.". Write to me. Go~ Love You!
.GOD LOVE. YOU . te~ K .. K. for $1. "This isn't much from IL girl. of 10. but. I'm. lucky to. have this much. while others are starving." .•. k •. R.F. for' $20. "This was found. UD claimed. where I work. Since it is not really mine. I want yoU to do a lot of good with it." .•• to Mrs. E. R. for $100 sent to help build an African dispensa:ry. THE POwER OF LOVE, one 'of Bishop Sheen's most recent books, is availa~le in' a deluxe slipcased, hardbound' edition. It· shows how love belongs in every major area of our lives; how it can give us direction in tbe complexities and distractions of our time. This will be important contribution 'to your daily life and the lives of all to whom :rou give it-:'Catholic and non-Catholic alike. Price $3.50 hardbound. Write:' The . Order Dept: The Soci ety for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue; New York, N. Y. 10001. . '. .
Cut out this coDlJlmlll,JI'in your sacrifice to it and mall it to . Most Rev. Fulton' J. Sheen, Nationai Director of The Society for the PropagatioD of the Faith; 366 Fifth Avenue,.New York, New York ,10001, 01' to your Dic)Cesan Director, Rt. ·Rev..Msgr. Ray mond T. CoDSidillle. 368:NorthMain Street, Fali ·River. Massachu
GUATEMALA CITY (NC)..... Students of the San Carlos Uni' versity school of law and social setts.· sciences SWUll g to the political ..._...i... center in elec:tions for officers' of their studE nt association, EI . Derecho (La"';'). The .Social Christians WOIl the offices' of . pr~sidE!nt and Vice· president: the other offices went· to the United Revolutiona17' Forces, a lefti3t group. For the past' 20 years;' the leftists had
won. all offices in theseelectiorts.
San CarIo~, wllHe the .natIonal·
university, is autonomous;' .'
~,biplomc,'tic f.·O~h
·VATIeAN· CITy"(NC)-:';'Two' American prIesfs 'worki'ng 'in ·the; Vati~an S~creta::iat·o'f state 'haVe': field' ; assignments 'in .:African Missions Of 'the' Holy Se'e. Father Ambrose de Paoli 'Of tli~dioc:e~' of· Mian'li w1ll' ,~ork afi" a' 'dipl():.;.' matit. assistant''' iii .tile' ap(istoli~!' --·~.p~!JAt.~~~~;,.,.-.,.·~~"""..i:Ir:''!:'e~~"""ri'-~{ de1ei(ati6tl :itf::MaliffgilSclftr·'''·c',,''.....
':, ,H
God LOlve' You
'Mission to France' ·.Shows Excellence of.' Pope .John· .
,,;.;._ _
"PRINTERS.. . Main office and Plant····
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1'HEANCHOR-~e of ,aft~~:h4y2~.l906 ., .
SPIRITUAL ATTENTION AT HUSSEY HOSPITAL: Rev. Anthony Rocha, chaplain at the Fall River rehabilitation 'center and' hospital for' . chronic diseases~ offers Sunday Mass.. Center: t.he chaplain brings Holy'
'Salty Christians' Meeting Theme. -
. Communion to a patient inthe chronic illness section, while Mrs. Catherine Briggs, nursing aide, waits to .Jead the priest to other patients. Right: .'father Rocha-visits'with Thomas F. McCabe in the·rehabiIitationsection•
'Henning Asks Social Actio·n·. Program .
Reform Society, Un dersecretary :':Advises
COLLEGEVILLE (NC)~Bish @p Peter W. Barlholome of ·st. Cloud, Min!);, .will welcome' Protestant and Roman Catholic laymen at the 'Second Annual Laymen's Ecumenica~ Encounter, to be held at st. John's Univer sity here, Aug. 27 and 28. Th~theme for this year's con ference is "Salty Christians--the Search for Unity at the Grass Roots." This con fer e nee, which brought together some 200 lay- . men last year, is designed to find avenues by which Protes tant, Roman Catholic and Ortho dox laymen can show the rele- . vance of the Gospel to the needs of modern men. Keynate speakers will be Dr. Keith R. Bridston, professor of systematic theology, .p a c i f i c Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkley, Calif.; Father William B. Greenspun, C.S.P.,. of the Committee on Education for Ecumenism of the Catholic Bishops' Commission for Ecu· mencal Affairs, and William F. Hill, professor of religion at the College of st. Teresa, Winona. Minn.
Urges Atheists .To: Study Bible . BERLIN (NC) - Atheists ill" the Soviet Union have been - urged to gain a better kno'wl edge of the Bible by the 'news paper 'Sovetskay Rossiya. . The paper said that an athe ·ist propagandist makes a better' - impression on those who believe . in God if he knows the Bible and can quote passages from it. Sovetskaya Rossiya is the official organ of the Buro the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party Of the' Russian Soviet Federal So cialist Republic and of the Coun cil of Ministers of the RSFSR. Th'e paper also complained that the voluntary classes on scientific atheism at the univer sities and high schools are not well attended. As a result, it said, the young teachers, doctors and 'agricul tural experts who are sent into the village as atheist propagan dists are not prepared forthe1r.'·
WASHINGTON .(NC) , --..; A . ·"We are now committed to council decree 011 the laitY'.,. four-point program of social ac· . temporal·involvement;" he said. . your charter." . tion was' urged for the .Knightll - To avoid "the. waste and ·con. , "Througn .~he .decree 'we may ·of'St. John 'attheir annual con-' :tlict of dupli.cate~effort,:! he pro together 'present the Church of vention here by Undersecretary posed that· all lay organizations ·Compassi9n.' . to li~anity~As of Labor John F. Henning. . be' affiliated with "such' feder- Catholics,' YQubell,>ng with the Henning caIled on the Knightll . ated forces as ·the diocesan coun';' . scorned, the' poor and the re· to involve themselves with the cils of Catholic 'men and. the jected' Of the world.' '. . world and work to bring about 'diocesan councils of Catholie "Whatever the measure of 80cial justice. He suggested they: women. of "Work with Protestants, Jews But h~ warned, "only the in-' one's wealth, power, or position, will hear always, in hours of he. and all men of good will in the formed may instruct,' only the social areas of health, housing, informed'may teach'. . . ' solitude, that awful question of Cain which has haunted man education and civil liberties "to Decree oD Laity through the ages.' There is no insure that all Americans ben"The' conciliar spirit is often escape. You are your brother's efit from the values of national frustrated by those who would keeper. ' Your' 'Church- must be life, whatever their race, color, rush with indecent haste to' va creed or national origin." rious fields of secular action. the Church of Compassion." Sponsor programs aimed espe~ Indeed, they are frequently as cially at helping the Negro and similatedby the very world Names Consultor Spanish-speaking .communities. they would change. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope "MiHions of Negroes, Mexicans He told the Knights the Paul has appointed Brother Fer and Puerto Ricans now live out dinand. Clancy of the Irish their lives in the dreadful slums Christian Brothers a consultor of urban America," he said. Saginaw Implements to the ~ongregation of Religious. Aid poorer parishes in their Superior general of his order task. ·Work of Council' dioceses, with the approval of until seyeral months ago, he SAGINAW (NC) - A 100 the bishops. becomes the ,.first. non-priest Adopt a Latin American dio~ 'member Commission for the Im eese for missionary assistance, plementation of the Council ill among 55 consultors of the con again with the approval of their the. Saginaw Diocese has been gregation. bishops and mission authorities. ·divided into IS sub-committees Catholie Position . for detailed study of the docu.Heiuiing, citing the Vatican "ments of Vatican III. . .Williams~ funeral Hospital Gets Mentcil Council's Decree' on the Apos , Father' Kenneth J. Povish,
Health Center Grant tolate of the· Laity" declared, ·steering committee. chairman " ~ • EST. 1870,' COLUMBUS (NC) .:-. T h.e . ''We must not only advance the iaid: "Each subcommittee should
Reg. funeral. Director and Mount Carmel Hospital of' the.. cause of personal salvation, but regard itself· primarily 'as an we muSt, too, . reform . society. 'idea group.' : Refinem4mtil . and , ,. Embalrner '. Sisters of the Holy Cross has re This has been the Catholc posi ·compromises may. well·be neces .1 WashingtonSquci.. eeived a Federal grant of $395, sary;but· we should u:y to thin~ .. NEW,:8EDFORD 197 from the NaUonal Insfitute tion througli the ages." · ereatively. about, how' we might . . ' TEL. WY "-8091 . of Mental Health, for the con'" l!'ealize' the' eouncil!s objecti~ "'V ~ 'rE . PARKING'. AREA struction of a c.ominunity mental 57-Year-Old Gown: .. the Dioceae' Of ~alina~.'" health center.' ' . - ., The estimated total C(,)nstr~e~ ,W~rn at Bcip~isft.t· .'
lion cost of' the Mount Carmel DETROrJ;' (HC) ~They' just ;.City ~~ou.nCiI.Make_s:,
Comprehensive Ment8~· Health don't 'make ·baptismal· 80wns any Don-a.t.·on. to'·'. c·.h·u.r.ch
Center is $928,000. It 'will serve more' like' the cmeworn ~ • population of, more :~an 165,- . MichaelJ. Kerwin when he W8ll LIVERPOOL (NC)-The'Liv 000 residents of . industrial baptized lit St. Florian's (::hutch erpool City CounCil has voted Franklin County here)n Qhio. here. He' became the 50th baby 10 donate lip to $5,600.·for a pail' . ... The Mount Carmel,iloilpital ta. 10 be baptized.m a gown made. .Of gates fo;' the baptistry.. in the ,. '. •Rd.. hde~ Depeeit' Co,~,~, eooperating l'(ith various State by his l~at-grandmotber ..iIl British city's new' Catholic€ a .. · '".' .' '. " ,,1hedrai Of € h nst ,the King•.. .and local agencies to:· bring the . years as~., center to. the community; SpeHis maternal.grandmother·well .:' The'eity council is also gua~ . ,HE IANK'YHAT:'DOU'MORE FOR you ..••
. . .e ialized psychiatric s: e r vic e s . the first to be· baptized' the: anteeing. ·up to $56-,000 toward a neededfol' children win be fur... gown. Wbite. Mid embroidered, .. celebration for· the ,eathedral's
... ; .... '- . '. !,ND .ENJOY~' DOI~G. rr . Dished through: an exPansiOl1 of . the gow~ haiJJI)Ot )HleIl. alterecl' openinl .P..eJlteeost .Sunday, . ·f .,.', . the ColumbuS DiOce-,laD.. Child ,by~ m~h ~ II 1t,,"oatMOlJI!lIl :May .14, ·1967·;··-Five ·Protestant ._~ ..... ~.~~ItIm~.C~t~ .....·.:.,_·', .~ . . ~""';"' __':" ....:.'.. ", .. , .. ~·tIM de~;·
famous· for'
-QUALITY.' and'
.' SERVICE,! .
"1..-.-: -,Th,'First .National B.~nk - ". ~
of Attleboro
.,..... .. ::. ••.
H'itchcock~5 Film
T'tt£ AiiCHOR-DioeeN ol FaR Rivet-Thurl.,July 2 t, 1966
Prelate Scores Adminish:'ation' Of Food for, Peace Progra'rn NEW YORK (NC)-The head program," Bishop Swanstrom the U.S. Catholic foreign said. 'agency has warned that "partUnder the 12-year-old Food nership" between the govern- for Peace program more thari ment and voluntary agencies in $18 billion worth of U.S. food 'foreign food aid is nearing "total .has, been sold. or given away to collapse," " o t h e r countries. U.S. voluntary , Auxiliary BishOp Edward E. Mendes cooperate in food do Swanstrom of New York, ex:" nations under the program ecutive director of Catholic' 'Re' among voluntary agencies. lief Servies-National Catholic 'Currently pending in corigress Welfare Conference, gave' tllis is legislation to extend and' ex' warning in a sharply worded pand the' program. and change statement criticizing administra itS' 'name to Food for Freedom.. tion of, the U.S, Food for Peace . " 'Bishop Swanstrom called par' program, . ',' ,. Jicular attention, to a repOl;t en:" .. He said voluntary agencies co" ·titled "Food for Peace and the .operating in the program' are V6~untary Agencies" prep~red "over-audited, required to ,con by a special task force of the U. for.m with unenforceable. and S.'Agency for' International' 'De unrealistic regulations, embar:.. velopment's Advisory CtlIl)Illittee ,rassed by intermittent .foodon'Vollmtary Foreign Aid. . availabilities. and harassed ,for The report Eintails a number the payment of claims for 'mis ·of· problems in.· the administra
uses' or' program irregularities tion ,of Food for'Peace ,as it re
beyond their control." , , lates to voluntary agencies and
"Unless some of the proce ,m,a k e s reconimendations' fo I'
dures,' policies and regulations their solution.· .
under which ·voluntary agencies ; '.:.' Strain Partnership" '.
accept governmental support The bishop' charged that AI.,
drastacally revised, it will 'be has "given little' or no indicati'oil
cOme more and more difficult of the fact that this report even
'for us ·to continue to participate ·exists'." , "", . adequately in the Food fof Peace ' ,He said he recently distributed copies on his initiative'to l '5', .. , iL.' .i members' of 'the' Senate'and C ·etLJIQ·ue 'House committees on agriciliture .of
are .'
h·· · ed u ieD ·Ori'·.CEF'. Funds·,~:.:
" ,
' , '
Is' O·bjecHonati~.e
NEW YORK (NC) - ·"Tom Curtain," the 50th movie made by Alfred Hitchcock, "master of suspense," drew a Class B "morally objectionable in part for all) rating from the National Catholic Office for Motion Pic tures ,because, it is "flawed' by the gratuitous introduction ,of pre'marital sex." The NCOMP also alerted par ents against being misled by .the "Mary Poppins" image of Julie Andrews,. a star of the H;itchcock film relellsed. by Universal. . ,. The NCOMP objection against the film stated: "This pr~dict able .. suspense film is morally f I awe d . by the gratuitous introduction of premarital sex 'between its sympathetic protag oRists. Questionable also, :OR moral grounds is the detailed tteatment of a realistic brutal killing. "The, presentation of his 50th film ,should have merited con gratulations for Mr. Alfred Hitchcock; it is with regret then . .. that, the National Office is com pelled. instead. to censure him :" ' the. disheartening lack of PISAC PERU: Native· ~ostume of the area, in the for social responsibility to general valley of Machu-Picchu, the, well-preserved citade:l city of audiimces manifested on . this apre-lncan civilization..Recent archaeological expeditions , occasion. l:tave discovered other jmp,tessive, fortress cities nE~arby. A. ,·"Parents should be aware that the, 'Mary' Poppins' image hy~roe:!ectric plant has. ,1,>een ,·erected in the wild cou~try, of the female . lead (Julie An whi~h was difficult of access until 1947 when the ijirst rail drews),· shattered in this film, road was built in the area. NC Photo. cannot serve as· any criterion of ·the' film's acceptability 'for their children." '.
a?~ef:rr~: t::l~~~e who,sup "BUFFALO (NC)~"MaYPUb;.. , port ·the voluntary agencies'ap 'J ,'". llie funds assist children 'in lion:.. ' proach "help to, brirtgthis mat... • :"1 :' -. Plan Celebrations' VU:bHc schools?" is the :'in1,bject· ter -to the attention of· those"who LONDON (NC)""":'Celebrations '6f" l\' "face-to-'face confrontation represent you' in' Congress;'" " Bcsh)l~ Cordinc:i ~.;~lUlsh ing'Se,es Opportun "noting the 800th anniversary at the sixth national convention '~'Voluntary ,agenciesIDust' be the death' .of St.' Thomas 'a 0f Citizens .for Educational accorded a radically different FO,r Servicemen With .Vocatiolns ..' ;' 'Becket, .. : medieval archbishop, 'Freedom to be held here next type of relationship. if they are
. BOSTON(NC)~Richard Car hood and who want to ·be chap.. . Canterbury, ,. are b'eing plannea Thursday.' to .preserve their integrity,'~· he lains," . , ..
Upholding the negative posi ~ ,: .:. ~ ,.:.' .., ; , "dinar 'Cushing of Boston' has said. .' at canieroui'Y' for 1970.:" '. tion will be Joseph B. Robison, "Pyramiding.' ,'governmental · proposed that servicemen be re national director of the Commit regulations, whic:h a.hii<ist' com... · cniited· 101' . future . service as tee on Law and Social Action of pletely becloudvoiuniaj,y:agency · military 'chaplains.the American Jewish Congress, .. philosophy, . have .strained , the Under tile Card,irial's plan, ser and John C.: Broughton;presiJ, :.partnershipbetween, gover~ment · vicerrien HOW in uniform .or re .dent of the 'Lewiston-'Porter . and the voluntary 'agency tatoo · cently dii:char~ed; wOl,lld apply (N.Y.) ,School Board, which has point 'of almost ~~I;collapse,'~ . to. a seminary, undergo training' . declined to accept federal,·,aid. for the pr,iesthood arid, after or':" :. . o when it includes assistan~. ~tO: dinatiop-, :~eturn tQ ~he military chi I d r e n in church-related· ColI·ege.fo~, life as chaplains. . schools. , ·· ..As, ~ rllsult of. their military They will. deQate ,two officers, '.training, they would make ideal ef Citizens for Educational Free~ : LATROBE (NC)~t. Vin~nt chaplains," the Archbishop of
dom, Dr, Edwin H. Pal,mer, '8' Christian Reformed minister College here ill" Pennsylvania Boston ·as::erted.
Win inaugurate' a new academic .: ,Cardinal'. Cushing said he
who is chairman of CEF's, na tional board of directors, and, calendar affective ~his Fan ,with, , would be "pleased to accept any
. -officers or men who, have com-
William Ryan; a member of the' the 1966-67 school year. Chief effects of·the new p,ro- :pleted their military service or
Michigan State Legislature. Moderator of the debate will grain will inclUde:. completion" those' in 8(:rvice who cOuld ar
be Wade J. Newhouse, professor' of the ~rst' seme~er cl~sses .and, :ra'nge 'for, ,an. honorable dis .
of constitutional law at the State examinations before Christma,s , charge." He added he is sure there are University Of New York: at Buf 'recess, instead of havi~g examinations after Christmas with ,some delayed vocations among falo. the spring semester' beginning the ranks of the miiitary and ·F.eb. 1, and ending classes ,f~r that he would gladly "send them Prelate Heads Drive 'the year- nearly: a month ,earlier 'to out Pope John XXIII Nation For Salvation Arm,.·v,·:,' :than under t~e old schedule. ., -aJ SeminaI1' for Delayed Voca, Father-Ronald ,Gorka" O.S,B., :tions in Weston. .
LAFAYETTE (NC) -Bishop academic, dean said: "The new ..Aft '1 t' f th' f
.... 1en d ar WI'II e l'Immate . er comp e IOn 0 e our • HOMEIMI-ROVEMlENT LOANS £uaurice Schexnayder of Lafay ca unneces" h 'd "th '. ' . . year course, e sal, ey co uld , " ette l s sevmg as honoral'Y". ~r.y Interruptlon~, and crea~a " .then be: ordai d to th . t chairman of the Salvation Army.. tighter academic unit of 15 study hOod. f' 'tl ne 'l't e prI~s • PERS()NAL' LOANS building fund drive here' in' I weeks. At the same time, it will . '. or Ie mIl ary servI~, . , af~o d add·t' pastoral experI LOuI'sI'ana, ~ l' Ilona1 a d van t· ages to followmg . " f ' 'some . • VACA'Il'IONI LOANS Bishop Schexnayder, W:~~"; th~. students seeking. employ ~::e"or a lew months here at made a donation of $1,100 to the ment over ·the Christmas and " drive, commended the Salvation' 'summer holidays." ' '" The Cardinal noted he was ONE STOlP COMPLErE BANKING SERVICE AT ANY Amy for its. cooperation with . :" The revised calendar is" co . spurred to the suggestion by the Of OURI 6 HANDY BANKS every faith and denomination, ordinated with a similar pro--.. '.acute shortaHe of chaplains and elvie, social and welfare agency gram adopted at Seton Hill Col his belief that "for the rest of in the community during the lege for women conducted by the ?Uf' lifetim,e we will be living past 37 years. Sisters of Charity' at Greens III a war-tIme' economy." Serving as a co-chairman of bur-g, Pa. "Something must be done to the drive is R. J. Castille, banker, accept matu1"l~ men who have .• member of the Serra Club and E'c,um'e.n.-c'al R.-te genuine vocation for the priestKnights of Columbus, and also on the advisory board for the BOWLES, (NC)-A new An Southwest Louisiana Register, 'glicanchaPeI in this mountain . . NEVt.:SEDFORD . ~ IFraricos
4iocesan paper. '~wn was the SCene of a Mass offered by a Catholic priest., Residence
I ,~wiss, parishioners of Zermatt B . FOR ,YOUNG WOMEN CENTER BANK-Purchase and William Sts.
. T ra~lng. _ase!: .~. :,near the Matter!,~ sent a rep. NORTH 8ANK-Ac'ushnet Ave. at Coffin Ave.
196 'Il/hipple St., River SAN ANTONIO (NC) -,St. lica of their wooden Madonna cit:Rocineyfrench ioUievard
SOUT'''' BANK-Cove Conduded by IFranciscan Mary's University here in TexaS" fot the chapel. 'In return, ·'the . WEST BANK-Kempton ,Sflreet.at Milt Street. , ..../ Missional'ies of Mary , has ~een chosen as the national I ; B:ow 1e s: parishioners invjted LUND'S. CORNER BANII(-J~ushnet Ave. near Lund's, Corner", ROOMS - MEALS trai?lnl: center for. Extension ,~ather ,Joseph Sche~r, ,~h~plaiB ,,DARTMOUTH iANK-Dart'movth Street'near Rockdale Ave.: ' OYERIIIIOHr HOSPITAUn ~cletY. Volunteers, a domestU: " ito Swiss Catholics 'in Britain, 'to Inqul.. OS 3-289? oot=atholic Peace corps." '. help dedicate .. ~eir, ati'llctur.e. ' . ,1'.,' '. __ ' ~~'-:'.-_''''f..· .•._< ...... ;.:.l~·: .:.~
'of of
Have N.ew Cal'endar,
SAVE DOLLARS with the.
Aulo Loan Plan
~.h8'l~ME~RCHANT, S
C/'laJimute ,BAN·K
,n, "lUi
'Catholic Renef
'THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thl1rs., July 21,1966
Aids Refugees In Hong Kong
Votive Mass for Peace' Marks Anniversary of Heroic Prcest
HONG IroNG (NC)-Food distribution and medical and vocational training projects were major items in the
AGANA (NC)-A Votive Mass seph's church, Inarajan, whel'fi for peace was offered here in hI' was pastor at the time of ~ Guam to commemorate the 22nd execution. anniversary of the death of "No statue stands on OUJ' Father Jesus Baza Duenas, one idand as a memorial to the pa~ relief efforts o.f U. S. Catholics of the outstanding heroes of triot priest," Bishop Baumgart~ bere; according to the June 30 the American cause during ner remarked. "But there is a fiscal year report of the Hong World War II. memorial, as close to the site of Kong office of Catholic Relief Bishop Apollinaris W. Baum his execution as it was possible. Services-National Catholic Wel gartner, O.F.M. Cap., of Guam, right after the war, for us te fare Conference. offered the Mass in the Dulce acquire. Msgr. John Romaniello, M.M., Nombre de Maria cathedral Hong Kong director of CRS "The memorial is a school here. He was assisted by several where seminarians are trained W NCWC, ,commented 'on the :re Guamanians who were inspired , folJow. his example and other port, saying: by the life and heroic death of boys, too, are trained in i~ "Distribution of American Father Duenas al,ld followed him d uti e s of citizenship and food may not sound. the most into the priesthood Father leadership under the Capuch'iJi glamorous, but it remains just Juan ,L. G. Gamacho, who about the most' valuable and Fathers," the bishop continued. preached the sermon; Father practical expression 'the peo "That sort of memorial we Brigido Arroya, deacon'; and ple of the United States for the thought best to perpetuate' bn Father David Quitugau. refugees who still flee hom )i~e as a citizen and priest." communist China.'; Many in the packed cathedral The report stated tl:lat 9,792, remembered well the heroi'sm 480 sweet buns for refugee of Father Duenas, and the pro ehildren and 10,753,212 pounds found shock caused· th'roughout of noodles for refugee families, the island by his death. ha.d been distributed during the NEW HAVEN (NC) - Johl\ Father Duenas was taken past 12 months under the CRS VATICAN POLYGLOT, PRESS: Workmen bind and, pris~mer McDevitt, supreme knight of the iJy the Japanese after 'NCWC staff-of-life project. check this year's edition of. the' AnmiariQ Pontificio, the they invaded Guam during the J ,200,000 member Knights of Two major projectS made pos Vatican's official handbook-just one ,of hundreds of books, war He was accused of knowing Columbus, announced that the sible mainly through funds Knights will supply copies of the channeled through CRS-NCWC periodicals and documents produced by the 'small but highly the whereabouts and giving aid New Testament to the approxi to a number of Americans hid by the refugee migration unit organized printing plant administered by the Salesian mately 100 Catholics who enter ing out on the island. He stead (RMU) of the American consul Fathers in Vatican City. NC Photo. ·fastly refused to answer the the Navy Officers' Candidate ate general included: School each, month. questions of his captors. Homes lor Orphans .School Is Memorial The program was suggested by 1) An extension of the Mary \ After a summary trial, Father Father, (Lt. Cmdr.) Kevin Jo knoll ,Sisters hospital. When it l>uenas was belieaded and' bis Cortney, Catholic chaplain at the .was opened three years ago it ,t~., body 'tossed into' an- unmarked Newport school. Francis Car.' served a community of 250,000 refugees whose numbers are NEW,Yc;>RK (·NC)-"-'- Wholare, 1bey have lived since the out- ' grave. ~ater· his remains were dinal Spellman,. military vicar of the, arme.d forces, approve. now passing the half-million the best: friends 'of the poor?' ,:. break ol the Arab-Israeli War recovered and he was buried',be , 1m a r II: .. RMU is providing neath the, sanctuary .of 'St.Jo- ~ P~~Ject.' :"Other poor ,peQple;~"saYll - 'm 1948. :-:" $4~,OOO, the, Maryknoll Sisters Msgr. Jptin G. ,Nol,lln, ,~he 'p.i·es-· ". ll!ave r;lised $100,000,. ahd' the identof the 'Pontifical MissiOll' Mong Kong governmerit medical 'for' Pale,stine. tIllepartment aJso is provi~ing aid. , The ea~ly returns in the 'United " 2) A Good Shepherd Sisters States. on Pope Paul's appeal: Training Scl'iool, toward whOse for aid 1.3 million Arab refu-" cost AuxiiiarY Bishop. Edward gees· .iiidicate that: iow~income c. swaristro~ of New York, ex- . Americans are'"most" consi~teilt-· ecutive dire'ctor of CRS-NCWC, ly'resPonsive to the Jieeds of the ~. , contributed $.17,000 and the RM1:J poor elsewhere;" Msgr. Nolan', $150,000. The Hong Kong gov said. . ' , ernment department of welfare "In their daily wars on pov-: has promised $18,000 in equip erty,' the front-line soldiers need ment, and the 'Sisters themselves little coaxing to· help themselves: are raising the $50,000 balance and other people fighting the needed. same battle," he said. '. . The report said 24 orphans Msgr~ Nolan cited the foUow-' were placed in American homes during the year ending June 30. ing as typical of many responses: which the appeal has received:· An Iowa man,· enclosing $]0:' HI live in a one-room Quonset hut with no inside toilet, but 'y " enjoy helping the children of NEWBRIDGE (NC)-Michael God. If more would do as I ani Cardinal Browne, D.P., Irishb~rn doing" I ,think ,things could be former superior general of the better for the refugee children.", A Brooklyn widow: "1 am ai-, Dominicans who is now a mem most 82'y,ears' old, "ami on weI-- ber of· the Roman curia, ded·i cated the new Dominican church fare. ~, was h~rt in a fall, so I; of st. Eustance here.. ' .' ",. can't. get· to- Mass, but here is $2: His consecration of the high to help th~ hungry." Wi~h, $5 enclosed in school altar in the modern church was notepaper: "I feei 'that I should followed by a Mass he concele brated for a congregation of always share with other unfort-' 1,000. The new rectangular unate persons the many bless- If you're looking for the best in banking service, come on
building with a steeply sloping ings I have received." in to The National'Bank. With the opening 01 our Stafford
Msgr. Nolan said that the con-" roof is the fourth erected on the Square Office, we're now nearer to even more 01 you in
tributions of Americans, rich site since 1756. The first .was a and poor, are already at work· mud cabin put up by a Domini the Greater Fall River area, and each of our offices has
training young' people and the can friar. . just about every service you could want for yourself and
Cardinal Browne, who is now handicapped, in useful trades' your family. We mean it when we say we're your "Full
that can liberate their families 79, advanced his month's vaca tion in Ireland in order to dedi from camps in Lebanon, Jordan, Service Bank"~ cate the church. On his arrival Syria, and the Gaza Strip wher4f at Dublin airport hI' was wel comed by the Papal Nuncio to Ireland, Archbishop Giuseppe Sensi.
Knights Give Bibles
To Navy Officers
, .
,J" •..
Asserts Low.lncqme Americans .Respon.si:ve, ' Needs of' Poor
. .
.. ,.. " • ~. • OFFERING '-YOU
Cardinal Dedicates 'Chu,ch in Ireland
Travel Office Plonls
lourdes Pilgrimage
Honorary Policeman
NEWARK (NC) - p~pe Paul VI has been made an honorary member of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of the Newark Police Department. A hand-lettered plaque noti~ying the Pope of the honor was given Father John J. Walsh, police chaplain, for presentation to the Pontiff. Father Walsh will leave fr: an audience with the Pope during a trip te Europe late this month.
Catholic Travel Office here is
planning a national pilgrimage
for the 'sick' to the Shrine of
Our Lady of Lourdes, France,
under the spiritual direction of
Father Charles Bedard, S.M., a
Marist .priest from the Lourdcn
Bureau in Boston. .
The pilgrims will leave New.
York on Sept. 22 and will visit
London and Lourdes before re-.
turning on OCt. 4. A doctor and.
a BUrse wiIU accompany the·
aPOup. , ,
tl1001'pLEASANT ST.
THE AI"CHOR-Dioceseof Fall River-Thurs., July 21, 1966
SociG~ f?ositionDerr~rmined
Librc ry Gra nts
WASHINGTON (NC) - The mack, North Andover; Boston, Chestnut Hill; Cardinal Cushing U.S. Office of Education has ap proved 1,33!l grants of $5,000 College, Brookline; College of the Holy Cross, Worcester; Col each to colleges and universities, totaling $6,6\)5,000, :for purchase lege of Our Lady of the Elms, of library materials, The grants Chicopee. are madf! under the Higher Ed Emmanuel, Boston; Newton ucation 'Act of 196~i. Recipients College of the Sacred Hearl, are required tOo match the federal Newton; Stonehill College, North funds with non-federal funds. Easton; Providence College; Salve Regina, Newport. In another action, the depart ment approved 350 additional grants to colleges for the same , Japanese in Brazil purpose, in varying amounts, which total $1,030,4.04. SAO PAULO (NC) -A new Catholic colleges and. univer parish has been create..d by Ag sities listed to receive the $5,000 nelo Cardinal Rossi of Sao Paulo grants include: ' to fill the needs of the 60,000 Assumption, Worcester; Merri- Japanese in this city.
in, Latin lands
From "Social Revolution in the New Latin America" Edited by lohn 1. C~nsidine, M.M. There are clearly defined differences in the way the , societies of the United States and Latin America are struc tured. Let us remark that in'the United States, the original Indian population played no role because it was exterminated or driven 'out. Later, society this reason did not have a bal was structured according to anced development. In spite .of individual possessions or political independence, th~ con ability and scarcely at all tinent lives today in an economy
basen. essentially on the primary sedor (mining and agriculture), since it serves as a reservoir for industrialized countries. The secondary sector (indus try)' is relatively undeveloped. On the other hand, +.he tertiary DE~ACON:· Rev. Michael sector which'should have flowed from the development of the James Naisbitt, 27, has been secondary has reached enormous ordained·a permanent deacon .
proportions in urban milieux. the diocese of Bunbury, in But this is only the result of the Western Australia. Deacon population sur.plus coming from Naisbitt 'serves as: a secre the rural areas, where develop ment has been arrested because tary to Bishop' Launcelot J, of social immobility. GoodJ r of Bunbury, and as These considerations on the sists him at Mass; at other differences between' the two parts ~ the hemisphere help us· functions and on Confirma 'TKEHOLY I~ATHER'. MIUIDII AID TO TNI ORIIIITAL GNURCIf to understand two very impor tion tours. NC Photo; tant facts. The first 'one is the IF Have ,you ewrwisbed your family 11ad .nunt
essential need of profound struc YOU iliOWYOU can have a 'fIUft of your OWR'-an'
tural changes, in Latin America. CAN'T !lhare forever in all the good she does. ••• WhG
It is not too strong to speak :GO :is sh&1 A 'healthy Wbefesome, penn1lessBirrin
about' "social revolution" -, a Ne~, YOURSElF tl8l' teens or early twehtIes, she ·dreams oftM
concept which daes not inevi TlIIIdN clay she.can·brfns'God's.Jove:fD.fepen" orphlms.
PAR::S (NC) - The general tably imply violence-because a ,1\ the,aging•• ,. ,Hefp'u,rlbacome a Sist.erl To'pey
chapter of the Society of Priests rupture with the ancient regime SI$TEtt aM her HpaASeS . this·y.ear·andoAext sheMed.
of St. Sulpice has elected Auxil-· is a sine qua, non for develGp only $12.50. moath (flSO a ynr, $3OO'aJtoo.
ment. This need is 'based on, deep iary Bishop Jean Bninon, S.S., ,gether). Sfle'll wr:ite·you to tIllpqSS'Mrtbanfw,
Gf Toubuse as the new superior historical roots; it cannot be inet a Ad she'll pray for rooat-daUy Mass, tn just·two
YI~you'1l.ha¥ea '$ist9r,efyour.own.' ,oco'we"
merely by.a moralistic approach. general. The li3-year-old prelate, whe sund you her name,on recelpt.ofyour,glft. (All
Faulty Ideolo&,ies gifts are tax'ileductible, ,of COUI:Se.) As long as
The second fact is Latin became a bishop only last year, she lives you'll knowyou aefleJping.the pitiable
succeed; Father Pierre· Girard, America's need to aband(}fi so PtlOPle She cares for•••• Please write us ~
cial, economic' and cultural ide " S.S., as head Gf the 629'-man,or SG~ she<can1Jesjn her traifrinI. SIIe prays SOfllII
ologies. Faulty ideology has der. o~l8-win ·ltelp.
Fathe:r Girard resigiled fraM played and still plays a much greater role iB Latin America the life :post he was voted into in. than it has in' North America. 1952. HE! now becomes h(}fiorary TiELL In south India a1Gne 212 S:Sters·te-be IIe8lI We may not,', ef course; reduce superior general. Under new reg A sponsors• .$1,500 will. train fbe of them. • • _ 'FRIEND . Show this column to'a ffieRd.. ·We'u send him (4P Christianity to- an ideology, but ulations, Bishop ·Brunon wiH we cannot insist too much wHh serve a six-year term as head fuN infonnatiOA. . Christians that' they recognize of the society. ' Amonl~ those elected to the the spiritual and cultural argu Political Differences 'filM 'Babies usually are .the center of attentio~ ments for social caange and de-' Sulpicians' general council' was IIABIES meant to be cuddled .someone~s .arms. ,I'" :, The political systemsef ,cGlo vclopment. Father John P. McCormick, S.S., NOBOiI)Y PouYaRH1i, south findia such is not the case. i\izationwere also quite dissim Here you have then, briefly rector oj' the theological college , WANR Sister Augustine, stitl "need's your help for th. ~tar. In the North, the emigres and with a certain over-simpli at the Catholic University of babIes nobody wan~ ••• OoIY'$3,200 will finish' l1!ormed relatively independent fication of some of the phases, America in Washington. andl equip the sma" orphanage she needs fo' ¢olonies, British tutelage being a comparative appraisal of the' 25 ~ables. Name It for your favorit~ saInt (in . more economic than political. two societies. May it help us to lastlOg memory of your loved ones) if youbund Red Youth Reject
There resulted from this a cer understand better the problems It an by yourself. Send Sister at least as much L tain political relationship. which with which Christians of Latin as )'OU can ($100, $75, '$50, $25, $10" $5, $2). Proposed Meeting
was to find a natural expression America are at present con BERLIN (NC)-'l'he commu in the new situation'\!>of indepen fronted. It may also help to ~ dence. clarify the' problems - which nist youth movement of East For only $10,000 you can bUild a complete
In Latin' America, on the con Christians of the United States Germany has reiterated its re 'pariish plant' (church. school, rectory and con
trary, Spanish authoritarianism encounter in their dialogue with jection (If the appeal by the ~n~) In oouth India••• in memory1
union of West German student implanted itself with its entire their l-rothers to the South. organizations to join in organiz organization. Aft e r indepen dence, the new governments in Plan to Establish ing all-German student meet fRem9l1'lber the mIssIOns. OUr Legar title: CATH ings. spite of their liberal constitu OLIC NI!AR EAsT WUAIl£ AssoctATiOH. When you, tions maintained very similar .Senate of Priests The pr:>posal - sup.ported by. tell IllS to use your bequest .''where It's needed the Cathclic and Protestant stu systems, without integrating the GRAND RAPIDS (NC)-In a dent organizations of West Gel' most" you enable the Holy Father to take care masses into political life. at m1U1on .emersenoJea immedIat8Iy. . letter to all priests of the dio many-was made initially in III Economic Differences cese, Bishop Allen J. Babcock letter issued by the executive We ,have already said that the of Grand Rapids said he is con committet. Of VDS, the West; ~-~~~~~~-~-~-----value system oriented the North • CO , sidering the establishment of a German union of student groups." Americans toward economic de IIIICUIIID 1!UA8lI1i'iND. " _, . .1 senate of priests to aid him "with The SoviEt Zone's Free Germq .,U ..!~' velopment. One ,could sa}/' that Youth organization (FDJ) turD: .......1-.......=========-....._ ........._ ...1 industrialization was the fru-it M the welfare of the·diocese." He requested that the priests ed it down. a logical evolutioB. fill out a questionnaire which In Latin America, this was not proposed four different methods The Pmtestant and CathoDa' tbe case. Industrializati911 "was cf selecting members of the pro student organizations of- West -introduced from without; and for posed' Senate.-He revealed that Berlin then "urgently" asked the FDJ to re(:onsider. FDJ has ,DOW he had instructed a group of priests to prepare the question repeated.its'rejection. In a state Summons Bishop naire ,but did not reveal the ment in Forum, its official or PRAGUE (NC) - Czechoslo iaentity of the priests. gan, it saId that the VDS eaD vakian 'Health Minister' Joseph . ·"was not ~incere and honest." In his letter, the Michigan Plojhar, an excommunicated priest, has summoned Bishop prelate asserted that he was Francesco Tomasek of Prague to taking the action in accordance .. 'Captive Nations' IFRANCIS CARDINAL SPEU.MAN. President his office in an ,attempt to force with the wishes of the Second WASHIKGTON (NC)-Presi IMSCiIR, JOHN Q. NOLAN•. National secretary the bishop to use his influence Vatican Council~ dent Lynlion B. Johnsoll halll Write: CAmouc NGR EAsT WELFARE Assoc. " .in Rome to push closer Church designated this. week as Captiv-e 830 Madison AVenue -New York, N.Y. 1001,. Flood Victims State relations 'at home, it was Nations Week. In a message pre Tere,pbone: 212{YUkcrJJ -15-5840 r~printed by KNA, German SYDNEY (NC)-About $4,500 claiming tbe' eighth annual 0b Catholic news agency. The from Project Compassion, the servance of the Week, President Cz e c h ,0 s 1 0 va k ia n gov Lenten appeal for funds, will be Johnson asked Americans to re ern,ment would reportedly like. sent by' the Australian bishops new their elevotion to the asp~ rations of all peoples for nationall more of a say in ,the appoint to aid the flood victims at We ment of bishops. wak, New G~ea. independenee and hl4manliber~
according to the prestige of birth. There was great social Illlobility fro m . the very begin ning, Industrial ization certainly influenced the social structure, b t the demo eratic spirit of the' early days survived, 'nour ished by the suc ceessive waves of ; immigrants who wished, to earn lOoney, get an education at ieast for 'their children, become com pletely assimiliated and tbus rise quickly to the higher status ei'this new society. . Division by Ra~ In Latin America, the exis ~nce of aboriginal populations called 'for meeting the situation in different terms. Social strati fication 'was largely determined lty race. The European element formed the elite, while the cGl (ned or the assimilated pepula tlons (the Brazilian sertao for example) made up the masses, It is easy to understand that in such a situation .social, mobility was in the earlier. perioEl prac tically non-existent. Alth(}ugh this division was mitigated later lty intermarriage, it has str<mgly marked, the Latin American sa eial evolution. The absence of industrial development and tbe ---prolonged colonial econemy fes tered 'the rigidity of undifferen tiated social structures.
S.uIJ)icians Name ,Su;perior
..• ...
' 0
." .....
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 21, 1966
One Thousand 'Years of ,Christianity In Poland Summer lF~stoval To And Cen1lter
The Days of Glory and Days of Tribulation During the Millennium of Christianity In origin, the Poles are a Slavic people. They come whence all Slavs have C<lme: from the region north of the Carpathian Mountains in East ern Europe. Their nation, known in their tongue as "Polska," has been Christian for 1,000 years. In the 10th Century, the strongest and most influential of all tribes comprising the na tion of Poland was the Polanie -a name which literally means "dwellers of the field." Its ruler was Mieszko; and in 966 he ~bandoned his ancestral pagan ism 'to embrace the Catholic faith. His motive? Frankly, that Mieszko acted purely out of re ligious conviction seems unlike !y. This, however is not to ex dude entirely an appreciation of Christianity. Some consideration must be given the various ad vantages his reception into the Church would win. But in all probability, Mieszko's baptism was due to the influence of his Christian wife, Dabrowka, whom He had married in 965. At any rate, 1,000 years ago, MiesZko entered the Catholic Church-and with him came all of Poland. Plays Central Role One result was the drawing of Poland into the orbit of Western dvilization. The Catho!i'c Church ::lnd Latin culture began and con tinued to play a central role in all aspects of national' life. They affected the educational, cultural and political phases of Polish living. . Mieszko died in 992 and was succeeded by his son Boleslaw Chrobry-the first Polish leader to bear the title of king. During his rule Poland grew in power and prestige. But, after his death, the vast empire he built' was divided among his sons and grandsons into a group of four ind~pendent principalities a oecentralization of control which erought calamity. Partial restoration of unity came in tbe 14th Century under Wladyslaw Lokietek and his son Kasimicrz Wielki-"the k~ng of the peasants"-who codified the laws so that there might be "one Jaw for the whole land"; founded the first Polish university -in Krakow, and advanced relations with the Lithuanians, White Russians and Ukrainians.. Under One Relhdon These relations with neighbors to the East bore fruit ini382, t.hree years after Wielki's death. His successor as ruler of Pol3nd, his grandniece, Judwiga, married t.he Grand Duke of Lithuania, Wladys]aw Jagiello. Thus was effected the union of Poland ai1d Lithuinia under one dynasty, the Jagiellonian Dynasty, and under one religion-Christianity. The complete reunion of Po' land took place in 1569 with the Union of Lublin. The 16th Century is called Poland's "Golden Age" because of its advances in the fields of art, architecture, education and practically every phase of life. The Protestant Reformation made little headway in the land; in fact, Poland became the sym bol of resistance against Ortho (lox Russia and, Lutheran Ger many, and the tie between the Church and Polish nati~al feel ing was intensified. In 1656 the Black Madonna of Czestochowa - "Matka Boska" Czestochowa" was ,crowned "Queen of Poland." The "golden age" declined in
St. Stanislaus Parish, Falll the 17th Century as the Poles, River, will conduct its annual! engaged in debilitating wars with Summer festival on Sat. an4ll the Cossacks, the Russians, the Sun., July 23 and 24, at Urban'!! Swedes, the Turks and the Tran Grove, Tiverton. Polish an4ll sylvanians. The gradual evolu American' foods will be avail tion and development of politi able. A bean supper will be ,servetll cally unhealthy tendencies in flicted once more on the Polish Saturday night from 4 to 7 and State the curse of partition. dancing will be held from 8 f() 12, Dancing will start on Sunday Common Goal afternoon at 4. FO!I' more than 120 years On Sunday, there will be from 17'72 to 1914 - there was free bus service froin noon t@ no united ,Polish state, and no 10 from the Fall River Shopping free ~ife for the Polish, people Center and there will also be who lived divided, under three free parking there. separate alien governments per Prizes to be offered are a meated by a common goal colored TV, stel'eo-hi-fi, and ~ the destruction of Polish nation electric clothes dryer. alism and the formation of a new' Proceeds will benefit the generation unaware of their Po sehool and recreation center. lish heritage. During this period of partition, the Catholic Church, as the only Polish M;~~ennium unifying factor in the nation's internal life, became the back in bone of the nation's resistance LEEDS (NC):- Polish men, tc foreign rule. The Catholic women and children from faith, together with the contin . Northern England gathered ill ued use of the Polish language, moor near here for an open-air helped to 'deter the efforts of Mass to mark their country'", t.he invaders who tried to separ l,eOO years of Christianity. ate the Poles and destroy them Bishop Wladyslaw Rubin, del as a nation. egate in western Europe' Q! Poland's resurrection as a re Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, the public came in 1918 with the Polish Primate, was the cele , famous Fourteen Points of Amer brant. Bishop Gordon Wheelell' ican President Woodrow Wilson, of Leeds attended. the victory of the Allies over the Partitioning Powers and the mil De~egation SHRINE OF SIX CENTURIES: Ancient painting of itary genius of Marshal Pilsud Our Lady of Czestochowa, eJ1shrined~for nearly 600 years ski. Wash;l":!'1:l!fon on the hill of Jasna Gora (Bright Mouritain), where cere Leading Position WASHINGTON(NC)-A grouj!)
Poland regained its autonomy, monies celebrating the milJenium of Christianity in Poland of about 20 sign-carrying adults
and th~ Church, that institution were recently held. Polish government officials have and children (Catholic and Prot
'which had assumed the respon refused visas to many American bishops who had hoped estant) of the Catholic Tradi
Sibility of political leadership in tionalist Movement picketed the to attend. NC Photo. the absence of freedom, was Apostolic Delegation here foll' r'eady to support the existing about an hour. his position of leadership and the domina'tion and influence. government and was itself sup The signs asked Archbishoj) situation of the Church again Communistic ideology, so con ported by the same government. Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Del grew critical. In spite of cour trary to the Polish mind and to The Constitution of 1921 offi egate in the United St~tes, it> ageous protests by the hierarchy help retain the saying of Mass Cially recognized .the "leading the dignity of the human person, led by Cardinal Wysznski, the is rejected by the majority of position" of the Cath'olic Church communist regime is 'continuing in Latin as well as in English. Poles. The d..c.ep religious reviv "among the denominations en to harass the autonomy of the The archbishop was away at the al which stal"ted during the Nazi time of the demonstration. Joying equal rights." Catholic Church in Poland, a'nd rule continued in defiance of the September 1, 1939, w'as the also the freedom of the Polish beginning of World War II and most intense communist propa people. the new destruction of Poland. ganda, am: the Catholic Church
becanre the most powerful The Pole today is in a dilem
On that fatal mornin'g, Adolph ma; the communist government Hitler, without a declaration of stronghold of moral and spir ituaI- resistance. or no government at all. The war, flung all his forces against DUl'jng the first post-war reople struggle to make the best Poland, forces so overwhelming years, the communists, well of an unhappy situation, and the that the Republic was totally un Church is their unfiagging lead aware of the Church's status, ..ble to check them. In the strug er. gle and defeat, Poland literally avoided the mistake of openly ;lttackii1g it. This policy, how stood alone. Soviet forces -in NEXT WEEK vaded Poland on September 17 ever, soon altered itself after the POLAND'S CULTURAL LIFE death of the Polish Primate,
~nd went on together with Ger Cardinal Hlond. After 1951, the
many, to partition the nation. In German-occupied Poland, situation of the Church became :!.UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1111111111111111111111111111ll1ll1ll1llllHIHIHItIIIIIIIIll!
the Nazis openly conducted a extremely critical. Various gov ernment promises were broken, systematic extermination of the Poles as a national group, a :md eventually the' new Primate, plan which corresponded to that Archbishop Stefan Wyszynski, of the Soviets, An ~~1derground was arrested. resistance movement was soon 'Comlliete Eouality' organized and great numbers of' After three years of confine-, Polish I'eligious leaders partici ment, Cai'dinal' Wyszynski was pated. Many of them were, ex rein,stated in his office as a re ecuted or died in Nazi concen tration camps. The performance sult of a mass stud~nt demon of their routine duties during st:-:ation and also the need of ~ M".r.t~nl'\l'S ~ popular support for new Gom the pressure of the occupation ulk~ government. UNION WHARF. FAIRHAVEN Tel. 997-9358 was in its~lf an 3ct 'of heroism. A new spirit of cooperation Russian Solution :;1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111115 marked the relatIons between. In 1945 the war ended; how 'ever, some months before the the Church and State, although struggle with Germany was over, the undercurrent tension occa sionally rose to the surface. Poland's new tragic fate was al Archbishop Wyszynski became .,eady decided. At the peace con ference at Yalta, the Western the spiritual le1?der of the nation Savings Bank life Insurance Powers accepted the Russian fer which he regained a certain Real Estate Loons amount of religious freedom, and solution to the Polish question. a notable amount of freedom of This acceptance made Poland, Christr~as and Vacation CI. on whose conquest the control expression of speech, as long as it was not dil'ected against the of all East Central Europe de Savings Accounts pended, the open gateway for Soviet Union. Although the 5 Convenient locations communist expansion toward the , "complete equality" of the two countries was claimed in theory, West. I'oland's complete dependence NEW BEDFORD The agreements of Yalta rein forced by the decisions of the on Russia was still apparent in pnlCtice. Potsdam Conference placed Po By 1960 Gomulka consolidated land under the sphere of Soviet
Picket In
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TH~ ANCHOR-Dioces~
qf Fan River-Thur:s:, July 2l"l~66"'1
Conference Off';c~(d Sees Positive
Effecfl' of fFroject Equality SAN ANTONIO (NC) - An The archdioceses of Detroit, official of the National Catholic . St. Louis, Hartford ant Seattle, Conference for Interracial Jus- and the dioceses of Lansing,
tice. (NCCI;J) said here Project Saginaw, Grand Rapids and
Equality is having a "profound Marquette also participate in the and 'positive effect" on the atti- project. .
tudes')f employers, buyers and Company ]Policy
suppliers. Gibbons said Project Equality Thomas H. Gibbons of Chicago, hopes to move into the South
director of employment services, soon, thereby reaching every
NCCIJ, said more than 7,000 major area of the country.
~irms have sign.ed to t!articipate He said that hundreds of fav
In the plan, WhICh puts the eco- orable letters have been received
nomi~ power of. the. C~urch in from participating firms, 'offer
the fight for racIal Justice. ing congratulations for initiating
.' Gibbon!' was in San, Antonio the project. to check on the program's prog"These firms tell us in their' r~ss in this· archdiocese: Archletters that they have always op bishop. Robert E., Lucey' of. San posed. discrimination, but that
AntOl1.lO launched Pro J e c t they never had policies of equal
Equality here last August. employment. They point. out that
Project Equality showed them
how to spell out the creative
Semin~rotrnl1'il$' 1Falke program as company policy," he .
COUlIi'SeOl1'il V'<Ol@«I
KOTTAYAM (NC)-A course in yoga, the ancient Hindu dis-, cipline o'f body and mind, has been, started at St. Thomas' Ap 'ostolic seminary here in India, and the teaching swami told the Catholic students that their 'sere~e school life was ideal for 'yoga practice. ' Father Kurien Vanchipurakal,· rector of the four-year-old sem inary, exphiined that it was , proper ·that' his' students learn about yoga, whiCh he .described 'a~ one of the 'finest eontributions 'of India's culture. The yoga teacher is Hindu. Swami Bhodananda. He' de
'clared that the aim of yoga is "complete control of the func:" tions 'of the body and union of soul with God.'" He urged temperance in food habits and 'then introduced a disciple who Clemonstrated Yogic exercises.
"t•••~••• ~.~ ••••••••• ~••~••~":'~'.j
Day Camp For Exceptional Children Adamsvine
Gibbons added that he was not , solely interested in the number of firms signing ·up 'for the pro gram, but in "changing atti tudes." ' "Unconscious discrimination is 'a much greater problem than overt discrimination," he said. "Some 'people practice it without realizing it, perhaps because
U ey have never thought: about
it. It's been a way of ,life. It's
sUI:prising how many persons ,from minority groups have been hired . by Catholic institutions since the project started." . The response of Catholic lay
men to the program has been about 10 ~o one favorab1e, Gib
bons' said, citing questionnai'res
received from pastors. There
was::;ome dissent, he noted, "but
after two T:eeks when the pro
gram is launched in '8 diocese all
the crack-pot letters are gone."
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SENATOR VISITS HOSPITAL: Mother Marie Ascen lion, center, and Mother Marie Pierre, right, greet Senator Edward M. Kennedy on the occasion of his visit to the new' wing at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. . .'
... " TliEANCHORThurs., July 21, 1966
'Jesuit Educators Discuss Impact Of Vatican II
,Set 7th CYO Golf Tour~ey July 25
SPOKANE (NC) - The presidents and chief aca demic officers of the 28 colleges and universities
, The seventh annual Diocesar CYO Golf Tourney will be held starting at noon Monday, July 25 at Pocasset Golf Course, Po conducted by the Jesuits in the casset. Eligible are playerr United states and Canada met whose ages as of Jan. 1, 196C at Gonzaga UniverSity here to were under 13, under 16. under discuss the Second Vatican 19 and under 26. They will pla~' Council's impact on higher ed in four classes, according to age, ucation. Rev. Walter Sullivan, DiocesaJ1 "We agreed that much of the CYO Director, announces that unrest on college campuses entries must be received at hiE stems from uncertainty of goal office, P.O. Box 63" East Free and direction," Father Raymond town 02717 by Saturday, Jul~' J. Swords, S.J., president of 23. Holy Cross College, Worcester, U.s. Rnles and chairman of the conference, Eighteen holes will be played said. "Fragmentation of our with U.S, Golf Rules in force culture abets this unrest and In case of a tie, sudden death makes some principle of order ,Players reporting after thE more imperative than before." starting time are liable to dis qualification and all question' "Our discussions focused on KNIGHTS OF ST. JOHN: Officers reelected at the convention of the Knights of St. will be settled by an officia: the positive and imaginative ap proaches to inculcating values John held in Washington are, left to right: Frank C. Wopperer, Buffalo, N.Y., 1st vice ,committee whose decisions wi!' and commitment," Father Swords president; Mrs. Camilla Haszlauer, Rochester, N.Y., president of the Ladies Auxiliary; be final. In case of thunder (,9; said. John J. Mooney, Albany, N.Y., president; and John A. Baker, Evansville, Ind. treasurer. lightning, play will cease: Area directors in the DioceSl In a discussion of ''The Phil osophyof Man Underlying Vat may submit two entries in eac); ican n," Father Robert O. age class, preferably finalist1 Johann, S.J., associate professor in area tourneys. of philosophy at Fordham Uni Awards will go to champiON versity, s aid, "Freedom is and runner-ups in each division viewed less as a capacity for and the Marty Higgins Memorial submission than as a capacity for Trophy will be presented' to thf innovation; and intellect is less priest in an emergency. Sister Danielle of the Daugh DAYTON (NC)-At the Uni outstanding ,performer in tbf for recognizing what already is versity of Dayton this Summer, ters of Wisdom, l\.lontreal, is ' Brother Richard White of the three lower age groups. the case than for projecting and ' a French-Canadian nun is study learning the rudiments of flying Claretian BrotherS, Chicago, is' testing new possibilities." ing "pinch-hit" piloting for 'her so she can take over the con'" heading for a,'Guatemalan rebel post in a New Guinea jungle troIs from a flying missionary area so remote it can be reached Oneness With World only by boat~ There he will do "In giving her blessing to where cannibalism has not yet , catechetical Work and establish
modem man's new sense of been eradicated. BONN (NC)-In recent week~ a radio station.' Another missionary is prepar
oneness with his world, the' there has been a sUb~tial Study All Aspects' ing for departure to a remote Church has taken on problems,· Rosalie Ford of Springfield, drop in Mass attendance' amon[ Father Johann continued. ''The part of Guatemala where armed anti-government forces roam. FARRELL (NC)-Romanians Mass., represents a new 'mission German ~atholics in Czechoslo task of elaborating the philoso vakia because the Czech lan in the United States should be,' concept and 'a new society-the guage is now being used in the Still another is gaining in phy underlying the Church's Society of Our Lady of thE' Most Mass liturgy, it was reported b)' new insights-one in which they sights into improving her effec proud of their Christian herita'g' Trinity,' founded by' a Bos can be at home-is a work that tiveness as an inner city mission and iollow the religious example Holy ton priest, Fatl'lEir Janies Flari':' KNA, German Catholics neWf , worker among the poor o~, Kan- ' of their ancestors, Aux. Bishop agan. Thesoeiety's membership' agency. still has to be done." .Aifred M. Watson of Erie, told Father Bernard Cooke, S.J.. sas City. Previously, the Germans re The diversified group, giving Romanian Catholics here in is unusual: two priests, eight garded the use of latin as part head of the department of theol ",' seminarians, 12 nuns, six mar-: of, their own traditions. ogy 'at Marquette' University, rise to the impression that there Pennsylvania. ried couples, and 16 single lay, Bishop Watson was the prin- Milwaukee, said of the "Idea of is no "typical" missionary,' a,re Most of the 140,OOQ. Germ2rnl the Church and Vatican D,": members of the fourth Marianist cipal celebrant at a ,con-celEi.;:· persons, tJoth men and women. , who remained in' Czechoslovakia "While legitimate authority must Miss~on Institute, held here. brated Mass at St. John Church, They arc ,currently working in ': !lfter World War D are Catho exist,' the Gospel' view of ,the Practical problems they will marking the 18th annual Ramil;.. a pre~ominantly Negro section- lics. At one time there: wen! ' Church is radically opposed to face in the mission field are be:-" nian Catholic Day and sponsored ,of Kansas CitY.' ,a,bo,ut 3% million Germans in These are,a, few of the "typi'; Czechoslovakia, but only~ those ing discussed by the trainees, by the Asso~ation of Romaniah any authoritarianism or clerical ,cal" missionaries studying, ~l who could prove they had not ism within the Church. Instead, whose backgrounds and destina Catholics of America. of 'mission life at the' ''The Romanian people should'aspects " the Church is seen as a commu- ' tions suggest the broad range 'of supported the Nazi regime were wider the ,guida~c~ allowed to remain after,the Wa!'. nity of equals, even though their activities of the Canadian .and be proud of the Christian heri~' university,' of veterans. American mission apostolate. functions are different." tage which has been theirs for ' Others in the group will head The rest were expel;led., 'f
'''It is necessary to train young 1600 years, ever since their for- for 'such locales as Japan, the
people for free decision and the ipation as a nation," Bishop , ~ongo, Hondutas, and Pakistan.
Missiona~ies Watson said. exercise of initiative," Father "It WOUld be ironic," he con- TIRUCHlRAPALLI (NC) Cooke said. "Catholic Colleges Madras state Chief 'Minister M. must play a major role in tinued, "if the Romanian CathCHICAGO (NC)-The Catho Bhaktavatsalam p aid - tribute olics of the United States, in full achieving this objective." , :Die Interracial Council of Chi- freedom and with the blessing of Continued from Page One here to what he called the un 'cago ~as prai~ed Archbishop modem ,technology, were less of the Society for the Propaga rivaled services- of Christian John P. Cody ,here for' movipg de'll'oted to the Faith than their tion of the Faith, and Bernard missionaries over the past three the archdiocese of Chicago into ,ancestors who defended their M. Kelly of ProVidence. Bishop centuries to the cause of edu~ tion in India. ..: "the leadership ranks in the beliefs, against oppressors, and" Sheen also will preach. DAVENPORT (NC)-CathoUCli struggle for human justice and their relatives in Romania who, The bishop-designate w a II in this area for the first time , brotherhood." today, in the face of persecution born and reared here. After will participate in the annual! CIC president Richard J. and the official suppression of serving in the armed forces in "Festival of Faith" services Oct. Walsh and executive director their Church, remain steadfast ,World War II, he went to Prov 30 at Augustana College, S John A. McDermott praised the jn holding the precious her!"; ,idence College. He studied for the Dominican priesthood hi Lutheran institution in Rock archbishop's pastoral letter read tage." COMPA~Y Somerset, Ohio, and Washing Island, lli. at all archdiocesan Masses and a ton, D. C., and was ordained Msgr. Thomas J. Feeney, III statement read for the archbish June 9, 1955. Catholic representative on the op at the Freedom Rally at Chi He became a foreign mission BELMONT (NC) Father Faith and Order Committee of cago's Soldier Field the same ary in 1956 in Bahawalpur, West Walter A. Coggin, .O.S.B., pres the local Council of Churches, day. Pakistan. The Multan diocese ident of Belmont Abbey Col Baid plans for Catholic participa "We especially admired the South • Sea Streets tion in the ceremonies are, being fact that your Soldier Field lege here in North Carolina, said covers about 37,000 square miles and has a population of more made with approval of Bishop statement spoke not only of basic here that the college has re than seven million, mostly Mos Ralph L. Hayes of Davenport principles but also included ceived approval for a grant of Tel. HY 81 Hyannis lems. There are approximately and Bishop John B. Franz of clear and concrete commitments $5,000 under Title n of the 20,000 Catholics in the diocese. Higher Education Act of 1965 Peoria, Ill. of action by the archdiocese it to improve the college's library' The Festival of Faith, which self, and clear and specific ap in recent years replaced the peals for positive action by services for better research and study. Protestant observance of Refor businessmen, union leaders, mation Sunday, will be spon property owners and others," sored by the Council of Churches the CIC "okesman said. of Scott County, Iowa; Rock Island, m.; the Davenport die «:ese and the Rock Island Dean "IT"@ lE 1l'ill1'® rl S)~ rM!l UUn@Ii')j ery of the Peoria diocese, in c0 JOHANNESBURG (NC)-Ray operation with the Orthodox Weedon, South African Davis churches in the area. Cup tennis star, will enter the The principal speaker will be Beda College, Rome, to study IBSA~I[ mev. David Hunter, lm Episco for the priesthood. Weedon~ now studying at Oxford, has been ac palian priest and associate' gen TI ~ 5 WB[!,[!,O£AA ~uo ~lEW (Bj[E[D)I?©~[D). AA!.00~~. caral sacretary of the National cepted as a seminarian for the - LS@f W@!YJ1l ~ocese ox Johannesburg. Council of Churches.
Typical 'Missionary Doesn't Exist Diversified Group at Marianist Institute
Mass in Vernac'ular Germans' Probrem
Romanians Mark Catholic Day
Intenacial Council PrraisesArchbishop
Iowans to Observe
Festival of Faith
Gets Library Grant
NlEW lffiElIJ)IF((]) ~Do Ii CllJ§IHJNJE1r' , (C({J)c({J)PlEIltA\FJ[WIE" ,,
Thurs., July 21, 19.
Open poily , A.M. to lO
The Furniture Wonderland
,Jesuit· to Serve As Protestant Council Officer NEW YORK (NC)-Fr. David J. Bowman, S.J., will take office as assistant di rector in the National Coun
Including Saturdays
of the East
25 'o/c on Authentic Ethan Allen
cil of Churches Faith and Order Department here Sept. 6. Dr. R.H. Edwin Espy, NCC general secretary, s~id Father Bowman will become the first Roman Catholic clergyman to serve on the NCC's professional staff. The Jesuit comes to the coun eil from Loyola University, Chi cago, where he has taught theo logy for the past year. Dr. Espy said: "The contribution of Father Bowman's services to the work of the National .Council ·and its Faith and Order Department· is· a concrete indicator of the Ro {sf man Catholic Church's commit-' ment to the ecumenical move ment." . "This basic 'commitment is spelled out in the Decree on Ecumenism adopted by Vatican Council II. In making Father Bowman available to us, the So ciety of Jesus is laying another stone in the foundations of our common life which ha ve been grow.ing with astonishing speed in our time." Publication Co-editor "Father Bowman will join our staff as an ecumenical worker wit h Protestants, Anglicans, Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics alike," said the Rev. William A. Norgern, executive director of the Faith and Order Department. His duties ~ill include lec turing, writing, conducting study, projects in the area of faith and, order and counseling groups on ecumenical activity and dia logue; the Rev Mr. Norgren said. Father Bowman will be co editor with, the Rev, Norgren, 6f Faith and Order Tl'ends, a quarterly publication of the de partmet:J.t.
Specin1 SakI Selected. Ethan' Allen :Hetrlooni 'Bedroom Pieces' ~ ,.
Vocations Rise
Relief Drive NEW DELHI (NC) - India's Catholic bishops have decided t< launch 'a nationwide cam paign against hunger and dis ease. Funds will be" obtained mostly ttuough a collection drive to start on the' first Sun day in September. "
MANILA (NC) - There has , ' been a "significant" increase in vocations to the missional~y con gregations in this country, a study by Divine Word mission aries shows.' In 1956, there were only 249 seminarians among the 10 mis sionary congregations here.· To .say thp.re are 1,136. Another fact brought out in the study was t:lat there is a wtal of 23 Filipino missionary priests serving in Indonesia, Taiwan, Brazil, Peru, Japan, Hong :':ong aifd Argentina. There are 240 Filipina mis , sionary Sisters working if" other C!Ountries. A total of 38 Domin ican Sisters are serving in Tai wan; Japan and the U, S The Daughters of St. Paul have a total of 32 Sisters in Taiwan, North Borneo, India, Pakistan, and Nigeria. Three Filipina 'Ben edictine nuns are in Portugal. Nine Religious of the Virgin Mary, all-Philippines congrega tion, are serving in the U. S., at St. Viator's parish in Las Vegas, Nev. This same congrega tion is now setting up a founda tion'in Sacramento, Calif. '
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