Provincial Assigns Sisters of ' Mercy For School Yeo r
.ttl AtIOMr of t~, lOllI, .......... ,.. III
lor. PAUL
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, July 22, 1965
Vol. 9, No. 29 ©
1965 The Anchor
'4.00 per Year
Jioly Union to Participate In Co~perative Education WASHINGTON (NC)~Eight communities of nuns have agreed to sponsor a cooperative education center here for their members, the purpose of which, said Sister Joan Bland, who is coordinating the) project, is "to continue the religious education and The center will operate In a professional preparation of building to be constrUcted near young Sisters after their Trinity College, which will have v.ows." academic jurisdiction over the Communities participating in Gte project include the ImmacU late Heart Province of the Reli gious of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River. Members of the particpating eommuni-ties will live at the center and take courses there and at other colleges and uni versities here. Plans for the cur riculum were worked out recent ly by representatives of the COm munities in nearby SilVPI Spring, Md.
The following appointments have been announced by the Sisters of Mercy, Province of Providence: From Naza reth-on-the-Cape, Hyannis: Sister Mary Joel as superior to St. Joseph Convent, Pine Harbor, P'ascoag. To Holy Trinity Convent, West Bar. Eva to St. Kilian School, New wich; Sister Marie Celeste Bedford, Grade One; Sister as superior and principal Joan Marie to St. John Baptist from St. Joseph Convent, School, New Bedford, Grade
center and will award degrees. It will be a two-year senior college, offering courses in ele menta,ry teaching leading to either a B.S. degree in education or a B.A. in teaching, Sister .roan said. Members of the com munities will complete two years of general liberal arts prepara tion before coming to the center, where they will do work in their m'ajors. The center's faculty will be . Turn to Page Four
Duration of Fourth Session Now Topic of -Speculation How long will the Fourth Session of the Vatican Council take? We know it will·begin on Tuesday, Sept. 14 but when will it end? Pessimists hold that the session will be a long one going even into Spring of 1966. Optiniists hold that they'll be home ther debate nor any added for Christmas. The all im amendments. . portant question is : "How Semi-Final Sta~e , can all that remains .to be Two other documents have
New Bedford; Sister Margretta One; Sister Mary Johnelle tit Cathedral Convent, Providence; form Mt. St. Rita Convent, Cum Sister Mary Brian to St. Louis berland, R.I.; Sister Marie Leo School, Fall River, Grade Two; from St. Leo's, Pawtucket; Sis ter M.. Margaret Ann from St. Sister Mary Madeline, to SS. Peter and Paul School, FaU Joseph, Pascoag. From Cathedral Con v e n t, River, Grade Three. From Mt. St. Rita Providence: Sister Mary Rose From Mt. St. Rita Convent, SISTEER MARIE CELESTE Angela to Bishop Feehan High Cumberland: Sister Mary Elene School, Attleoro. From Holy Name Convent, to St. Patrick School, Fall River. Grade Seven; Sister Mary Pas New Bedford: Sister Mary Con cepta to St. Joseph School, Fall chaline to Bishop Feehan Higb. River, Grade Four; Sister Mary School. From Our Lady 'of Lourdes Immaculate to St. p, a t ric k Convent, Taunton: Sister Mary School, Cumberland. From' Immaculate Conception Roselle to St. Mary School, New Convent, Westerly: Sister Mary Bedford, Grade One. From Our Lady of Mercy Con., . Sister Marie Celeste, R.S.M. Hope to Bishop Feehan High vent, Attleboro: Sister Mary School. born in Marystown, Newfound Placide to St. Kilian School, From Mt. St. Mar,. land, has been appointed first From Mt. St. Mary Convent, New Bedford, Grade Six; Sister principal and superior of the Mary LaSalette to Mt. St. Mary Holy Trinity Elementary School Fa~l River; Sister Mary Char lotte to St. James School, West Academy, Fall River; Sister Turn to Page Two Mary Emeline to Holy Family Warwick; Sister Mary Assump High School, New Bedford; Sis ta to St. Mary School, North At tleboro, Grade Eight; Sister ter Mary Ambrose to St. Joseph Mary Margaret to St. Mary School, Pawtucket; Sister Mary School, North Attleboro, Grade Kateri to Holy Family Higb. Three and superior; Sister Mary School, New Bedford and supe· - Edouard W. Lacroix, president Dolores to St. Patrick School, rior of St. Joseph Convent. of Fall River Particular Council Fall River, Grade Two; Sister Sister Mary Dolorine to Holy of the Society of St. Vincent de Mary Dunstan to St. Mary Con· Family Grammar School, New Paul, announces a general meet vent, Warren. Bedford, Grade Eight and prin ing to be held Sunday, July 25, cipal; Sister Mary Rochelle to Sister Mary Silveria to St. Jo in connection with the feast of seph School, Fall River, Grade St. Xavier Academy, Providence: St; Vincent, at st. Vincent de Two, superior and principal. Sister Marie Walter to Bay View, Paul Camp, North Westport. Sister Mary Julian to Bishop Riverside; Sister Miriam Josepb. . . Members are asked to receive Feehan High School; Sister Mary Turn to Page Sixteen Holy Communion in their parish churches on that day and to at, tend the meeting, sChedulJ!d for
3 in the afternoon. Families are
invited to enjoy the camp facil ities and plans for the annual retreat and other matters of in terest to members will be dis VATICAN CITY (NC)-P.ope P'aul VI lamented th8 cussed.
Principa I
On Cape
Meeting Plann'ed For Vincentians
Pope Pau_1 Laments Absence Of Respect for Authority
: Location Change
. ,The Offiee of the Catholie done be accomplished in a rea nQt gotten quite as far as the Welfare Bureau of the Diocese sonable amount of time?" Pessi previous five. These are: The. has moved from 344 Highland mists, remembering the record of Lay Apostolate and Divine Rev· 'Avenue, Fall River, to 4'7 Un achievement to date (5 docu Turn to Page Eighteen derwood Street. FaD River. ments in three sessions, nine "months of five day weeks), are Doored by the prospect of fin ishing 11 documents in one ·short" session. However, the optimists-those who want to be home by Christmas - see it differently. There are not 11 new documents to tackle. Five of the eleven documents are nearly finished; two are in the "semi-final" stage and only four must be tr'eated as Three Massachusetts-born ·newly born." Final Stage Passionist priests will play The five documents that are major roles in the 20th trien nearly done are: The Pastoral nial chapter of the Holy Office of Bishops, Religious, Cross (Western) Province of the Priestly Formation, Christian C<'ngreg'ation of the Passion July Education, Relations with Non 26-27 at the Mother of Good Christian Religions. These await Counsel Retreat House in War only the immediate and final renton, Mo. vote of the Fathers. Each has They are the Most Rev. Theo been debated and voted upon section by section. Each has dore Foley, C.P., of Springfield, been returned to the appropriate Mass., superior general of the commission together with the 111 0 r ethan 4,000 Passionists around ,the world; the Very Rev. suggestions for changes or im provements desired by the James Patrick White, C.P.; of Boston, Holy Cross provincial;
Council Fathers. The amend ments for each' have already and Rev. Joyce Hallahan, C.P., of Taunton, provincial econome.
1been drafted. Father General Theodore is The only work that remains, therefore; is to accept or reject coming from his headquarters the amendments and then accept in Rome to preside over the w reje<;t the whole document u· chapter meeting which involves " •• :Whole. ·There· will be ·~of,",- . U. S•. Pa,ssioaist .c:ommuni~ies, BEV. ;l9~CE.~AL"'AIIAJ(
lack of respect for authority in the Church in a speech at his weekly general audience, noting that obedience is con. stantly being questioned "as' being contrary to the develop. ment of the human person" . He urged that the idea of and "unworthy of free, ma authority in the Church be deep. ture and ~ d u 1t human ened and purified. Experience and bistory, he said, offer ex beings."
Bay Staters Play Major Roles
Passionists Plan .20th 'Triennial Chapter
Taunton Native Is Provincial Econome west of Pittsburgh and in Korea and Japan. NinetEien administra tors and superiors and another 19 deleg'ates-at-Iarge will attend the chapter. An important function will be to elect a new council, con sisting of four consultors to the Holy Cross provincial, whose term continues until 1968. The new council will then elect superiors for the 15 communities of the province. HoI y C r 0 s s province was founded in 1906 by the Passion ists who came to America in 1863. Headquarters of the orig inal U.S. Passionist foundation -St. Paul of the Cross Province named for the order's founder is at Union City, New Jersey. It serves the East, Southeast, Canada, West Indica and The P~Ii.PPiRello
amples of the Church's author ity "which are not always faith ful and are not always hapP1 ones., "It is necessary to deepen the idea of the authority of the Church, to purify it of fol'lM which are not essential to it .•• and to return it to its original and· Christian priniCiple." A Vatican official explained that the Pope's talk centered on the concept of authority in the Church at all levels of the bier. archy and was not intended as insisting solely on papal auth ority. He noted that Pope Paul urged those at the audience to have understanding and com passion for everyone who has the office of priest, teacher or shep herd. This, the official added, shows' that the Pope was speaking not only of papal authority but 01 the authority of the whole Church, centered in the papacy but exercised at various levels by bishops and priests.
One reaction to the Church's authority, the Pope said, is "fear
and diffidence, as if this hier achial and authoritarian order worked toward abasing the per sonality of the ;follower, as if it :were a human invention con· , ~ TUJU to Page Twent): _ .. <
,THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fan Ri\-er-Thurt., July 22, 1965
. .
. ~.'.
SCores POAU'i' Anti-Catholicism On Bus Bill
Diocese of Fall River
PHILADELPIDA (NC):' An "appeal to anti-Catho licism" injected into' the controversy over the Pen~
I}ylvania school bus' bill by Pro te:rtants and Other Americ8J'W United for Separation of Church aDd ,State fPOA U) was COD dE'mned here by the :Fellows~ Commission. The commission's committee _ community tensions headed,' bJ' .a t tor n e y Emil F. Goldhaber scored POAT] for distributing during the controversy "certaiJl brochures and pamphlets" which conveyed "an appeal to. anti Catholicism through content and tholicism through eontentanf1 . pTovocative tItles," The state Lelnslature passed the bill which provides tax-paid school bus tn:or.sportation f~ pTivate and parochial school stu dents. The bill has been signed into law by Gov. William W.
Rev. George W. Coleman to St. Kilian Church, New Bed ford, as assistant. . Assignment effective Wednesday, July 21, 1965
~"""~~-;;:gBishop of Fan River
Proper of the Mass'
For Seventh Sunday After Pentecost INTROIT: Ps. 46, 2 AD you peoples, clap your hands, shout to God with cries of gladness. Ps. ibid., 3 For the Lord, the Most High, the awesome, is the great king over . all the earth. V. Glory be to the Father. All you peoples, clap your hands, shout to God with cries vf gladnes_s. GRADUAL Ps. 33, 12 et f Come. children. hear me;
1 will teach you the fear of thf" Lord. V, Loc'k to him that . you may be radiant ,with joy, and your faces may not blush with shame. Alleluia, alleluia. V. Ps. 46, 2 All you peoples, clap your hands, shout to God with cries of gladness. Alleluia. . '. OFFERTORY Dan. 3, 40 As thoug-h it were holo causts of rams and bullocks, or thousands 'of fat lambs, ~o let our sacrifice be in your presence t"day, that it may please you; for those who trust in you cannot be put to shame, 0 Lord. COMMUNION = Ps. 30, 3 Incline your ears to me, make haste to deliver me.
HOOTENANNY: The, annual mid-Summer songfest performed by clerks attending Summer school at the Cath S.'ranton. oUe .University of America, Washington, D.C., was held '-rile Fellowship Commissioa Saturday evening, July 17, while neighborhood children and not only respects but suppor1ll tourists mingled with 2,500 Brothers, Sisters, priests a;nd the rights of Olganizations and seminarians. Here two Oblates of St. Francis de Sales on .' citizens to prec;s their respective guitar and bass belt out "When the saints come marchin' points of view. but it also ·can. . upon all parties to avoid the m in," as the audience joins in. NC Photo. jection of irrelevant, unwar ranted and !latE>-making argu ments," Gold'laber stated. Debate NeceslU'7 The Committee not e d' that Church-State questions' I.ikely ate to be inv'llved in a number of, public issues-the anti-Pciver. tY war, aid to education law., mer for 250 underprivileged s~lared-trme, textbooks to pri vate schools. The committee said children in downtown St. Turi it is necess:iry for open and bius parish. public debat'." on such questiol'lll , The largest contingent of vol unteer teachers was obtained for while guard:ng against use' of the program through California materials, a p p f!' a I B and argu State College. Another group of ments which becloud 'Issues and five are public school teachers alienate religious groups. GOldhaber in referring to the from the Boston area who were recruited through Regis College POAU literat'lre Said: "Memben ,of tlie committee Qn community in Weston. Response of the children to tensions, representing some'. 30 publie and private age n c.l' ~ .. the program has been enthusi have agreed that religious biaJr astic. ''They say 'it's cool,'" re was rejected ~ the debate OR ported Sister Marie, an elemen the bl,lS bill." tary school tel!-cher from Port land, Ore., who is acting as prin ~~Iy cipal. '-rile first few days were some
SANTIAGO (NC)-Represent. what strained," admitted Sister atives of nearly all EuroPeaB Marie, whose fellow volunteers anmes attended the internation include Catholics 'aDd non-Cath
al military pilgrimage held here olics, Negroes and whites.
In Spain to mark the Santiago Holy Year. Grant From Fund The -St. Turibius program is operating on a $5,000 grant from Enjoy Dining " the Arehbishop'sFund for Char ity. ,The teachers receive $5 • IN THE day. Overhead to the school is thus $155 a day in wages or J()LlY WHALER $4,650 for the term, leaving $350 -AND for materials. The school maintains a pupil SPOUTER INN teacher ratio of. eight-to-one. .115 pupils, ranging in age from '. , RESTAURANTS 5to 15~ receive instruction in Always Free Par~jng liturgy, remedial and enrich ment reading, English, spelling, ' mathematics, science, drama, in strumental and choral musie, erafts, dancing. sewing and.
Teach Underprivilege.d
Volunteer Interracial Faculty Conducts Enrichment 'Program for 250 'LOS ANGELES (NC) - An interreligious, interracial faculty of 31 volunteer teachers is con ducting a six-week educational enrichment program this Sum-
Mass Ordo
FRIDAY-St. Appolinaris, Bish op and Martyr. III Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd ColI. St. Liborius, Bishop and Con fessor; no Creed; no Creed; Common Preface. WASHINGTON (NC)-While "Deliberately to bomb civil-' pressing for a negotiated settle- ians or to seek to match the Viet SATURDAY - Mas s of the Blessed Virgin for Saturday. ment in Vietnam the U. S. must Cong in terrorist tactics would IV Class. White. Mass Proper; be prepared to see the war be, in our judgment, an immoral Gloria; 2nd ColI. St. Christina, through to the end, the World use of legitimate power. The use Virgin and Martyr; no Creed; Order Committee of the Cath- of American troops as advisers Preface of Blessed Virgin. olic Association for International and defenders of South Vietnam or Peace has declared. we applaud. St. Christina, Virgin and Mar "We cannot abandon South "We believe that the use of air tyr. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Vietnam under existing circum- power should be realistie but 2nd ColI. Blessed Virgin for stances and without the promise limited. Past evidence of the ef Saturday; no Creed; Gloria; of negotiations," the CAIP fectiveness of bombing as re group said in a statement. vealed by surveys casts doubt. SUNDAY-VII Sunday after Pentecost. II Class. G r e en. The statement voiced support in our minds even as to its mil Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd Coll. for the use of U. S~ armed'force itary merits. We oppose the use St. James, Apostle; Creed; in Vietnam, "provided always of nuclear weapons in Vietnam." Preface of Trinity. that this force, 18 measured and Chairman of the CAIP World ta calculated to bring about a Order Committee is Charles MONDAY-St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed VirgiJ:'. Mary. n negotiated peace." it added: O'Donnell, associate dean of the Class. White. Mass Proper; Georgetown University foreign Gloria; no Creed; Common service school. ' Preface. ' . The statement described the
reLY 31 situation in Vietnam as a ''trag TUESDAY - Mass of Previous Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass . :Rev. name! Hearne, 1865, Pu edY" inherit~ from French eo
Proper; No Gloria or Creed; tor, St. Mary, Taunton. . lonial rule and' one from which
2nd Coll. St. Pantaleon, Mar there is "no easy way out." AUG. i tyr; Common Preface. :Rev. Martin J. !'em, 191'1, or I'ounder, St. Paul, Taunton. St. Pantaleon, Martyr. Red. Rev. Thomas A. Kelly, 1934, Mass . Proper; Gloria; ,De Continued from Page One Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall Creed; Common Preface. and Copvent, West Harwich, River. that ia opening this September. WEDNESDAY - SS. Nazarius' and Celsus, Martyrs, Victor 1, She received her secondary Pope and Martyr, and Innocent education at st. Xavier Acad I, Pope and Confessor. Gloria; emy, Providence. no Creed; Common Preface. The new west Harwich prin THURSDAY - St. Martha, Vir cipal received her B.S. in Edu gin. m Class. White. Mass cation from the Catholic Teach Proper; Gloria; 2nd ColI. SS. ers College, Providence, and is Felix and Companions, l'riar Aug. !-St. George, Westport. now studying for her Master's tyrs; no Creed; Common Pref Degree in Administration at· Aug. 8-8t. Theresa, New aee. RIC. Bedford. Before her present assignment Our Lady of 'Victory, as principal and teacher at Holy Centerville. Family Elementary School of MUNICH (NC)-Bishop Franz St. Lawrence's Parish, New Bedford, she has taught at St. Hensbach of Essen, Ordinary for German armed forces, blesses a Louis and St. Joseph's Schook tHE AllCHOI second Class Postage Paid at Fill liver. in Fall River, and has also cross on top a ~,800-foot moun Masa. Published every Tbundly .. 411 served as a teacher in the St. tain in Bavaria to commemorate IIlDlIInlI Avenue. Fall Iltftr ...... bJ . . talllolic Press of the DIocese of Fall Illvu. Kilian and Holy Name Sehooll German Alpine troops who diecl IIIbSCl1ptl. " . . . ..w. .........
ill New Bedford. GuriDl maneuver-. " , VIII.
Catholic Association Stresses Negotiated Peace in Vietnam
Cape Principal
Soldiers' Cross
New Bedford 'Hotel
Children enrolled in the school
are of Mexican, Oriental and
Negro ancestry. They were ac
cepted without regard for race or
) C:(). C
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Tel. 458-6333
Urges More Nuns- Work In Newman Apostolate
Thurs., July 22, 1965
Cha rge Society Distorts Study Of Animals
BOULDER (NC)-The che.,plain of the National New ma)1 Apostolate predicted here that there will be an "ex plosion" of nuns engaged in New man work on sectdar campuses. "Vatican Couneil II will provide the impetus f<.,r this new force in the "If we do nothing else but Newman apostolate," de make it obvious that we have clared Msgr. John Bradley. chosen to belong to God, that it He noted that at present is no sterile choice and that we there are only 10 nuns engaged are hilariously happy in it, we fulltime in Newman work. have a·ccomplished_ more than enough." Msgr. Bradley stressed in an interview that through the New Msgr. Bradley, underlining the man apostolate nuns can influ importance of Newman work, ence a far larger number of pointed out that there are pres t!:atholic students than would ently an estimated 820,000 Cath etherwise be the case. olics on secular campuses, com "For example," he said, "a pared with 390,000 at Catholic group of 30 nuns might staff a colleges. By 1970 it is estimated € a tholic college with 600 stu that the figures will be one dents. If two of those nuns were million at non-Catholic schools to leave that campus for a sec and a half-million at Catholic ones. ular one, they would be in con Ideally, he said, there should tact with far more students than those back on their original be one priest-chaplain for every 500 students and one assistant eampus." a nun or a lay person-for every Pilot Project 700. But there are at present Msgr. Bradley, Newman chap only 250 fulltime and 700 part lain at the University of Mich time Newman chaplains, he'said, igan, was among a group of 41 far below the desired number. chaplains and six nuns at a New man chaplains' training school on the University of Colorado eampus. Two Sisters of St. Francis from Omaha-Sister Mary Con 1eth and Sister Mary Violette VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope are taking part in a pilot project at the University of·Colorado for Paul VI has authorized the Con gregation of Rites to publish de work by nuns in the Newman crees proclaiming that three field. candidates for beatification have They have been at the univer practiced virtues to a heroic de sity since last Fall, helping· the gree. . Newman chaplain, Fat Ii e r The decrees, which are an im eharles Forsyth, O.S.B., conduct portant step in the beatification programs for more than 2,000 € a tholic students. They also process, proclaimed the heroic carryon a Confraternity of virtue of Benedetto Cardinal Christian Doctrine program for ·Dusmet, who died on April 4, 1894, at the age of 76. t!hildren of married students and Pope Pius IX named him arch l'UIl a Newman library. bishop of Catania, Sicily, in: 1867 820,000 Catholics "The first job of the nun on . Created a cardinal in 1888, he was active in working for the eampus," said· Sister· Mary Con leth, "is the same as the first job reform and confederation of dif ferent Benedictine congrega of the Christian in the world: to tions. His cause was introduced be happy and make the happi before the Congregation of Rites ness obvi?us. in 1948. . . Another decree proclaimed the heroic virtues of Father Ab dallah Sharbel Makhlouf, a Leb anesese Maronite priest of the Order of St. Anthony, who died BOSTON (NC) - Discrimina a hermit in 1898. His tomb at tion in housing is the major the monastery of St. Maron at problem facing Negroes in Anaya, Lebanon, has been the America today, declared Father scene· of many pilgrimages. Robert F. Drinan, S.J., dean of A third decree concerns the the Boston College Law School. heroic virtues of German-born Open housing, he said, "is the Mother Mary of the Apostles enly way the next generation (T ere s a von Wullenweber), will get the real feeling that foundress of the SisterS of the the yare being considered Divine Savior. She died in 1907. - ~ually." . At a luncheon of the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Com mittee of the Greater. Boston chapter of the Arrlerican Jewish MARYK.~OLL (NC)-An un Committee, Father Drinan pre dicted: "The situation of the usual entrance .hymn greeted and Negroes in the North will get startled . worshippers in the worse rath!!'r than better because Maryknoll. Seminary e hap e 1 here. they are continuing to live in As the priest genuflected to islands of poverty in a Sea of af begin Ma~s, the loudspeakers fluence." Racial imbalance in Boston blurted out,"Car 21, please go IlChools, subject of long-standing to Spring Street * .. *" This; it turned out, was not a controversy here, could be· met new change in the liturgy, but by making attractive, low-cost a routine broadcast from the po housing available to Negroes, he lice department in nearby Ossi suggested. ning. The reason. for the vernacular WHEELING (NC)-Lawrence greeting at Mass? A new wire less microphone, worn by the eardinal Shehan of Baltimore priest under hi.s vestments, has accepted an invitation to dedicate St. Joseph's Preparatory which opf'rates from a transis Seminary in Vienna, W. Va., on torized FM transmitter. May 30, 1966, Bishop Joseph W. Hodges of Wheeling announced. The new $4 million semi~ary is Holy Cross Associate Family V'irtually completed except for is holding weekly whist parties some final work on the chapel. at 1 :30 Wednesday afternoons The seminary has facilities for at St. Joseph Hall, 800 Tucker 200 students in addition to fa Road, North Dartmouth. Prizes eulty members. Work was started are awarded and refreshments en the project· ill November, served. In charge of arrange 1962. ments ia Mrs. George F. Gifford.
ROCHESTER (NC)-The board of directors of the National Society for Medical Research adopted a resolu
Advances Cause Of Fr. Sharbel
Housing Negroes Chief Problem
Mike Brings Police Calls to Church
Dedicate Seminary
Holy Cross Family
CCD PREPARATIONS IN FULL FORCE: The 19th New England Regional Congress of the CCD that will be held in August in the Diocese is .reaching the stages of final preparations. Participating are, seated: Rev. George E. Amaral, the press, left; Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Diocesan CCD Director and general chairman. Standing; Rev. Roger J. Levesque, h~ll and ushers; Rev. Clement D. Dufour. information.
S.O.S!t Volunteers Sisters,' Teenagers Conduct Summer
Of Service Project on Dusty Lot
ELIZABETH (NC) -For 10 years, Sister Madonna has taught in upperclass communities. But today she is supervising youth activities on a dusty 'dirt lot near a dreary-looking hous ing project in the Elizabethport section of this New Jersey city. She-and dozens of other Sis ters like her-is there because the section last Summer was the scene of interracial disturbances. Sister Madonna and her co workers, including 30 teenage volunteers and 40 Neighborhood Youth Corps workers, wear bright-pink paper badges iden tifying :them· ·as "S.O.S. Volun teers." S.O.S. in this case stands for
Religion Ignorance Rife in Ecuador IBARRA (NC)-An interdi ocesan conference on religious instruction here .found ignorance of religion widespread in Ecua dor among children and adults in both urban and rura.l regions. Among reasons for the prob lem the conference cited out-of date and childish teaching meth ods; lack of religion teachers, programs, textbooks, and train ing centers; inactivity and lack of financial aid on the part of diocesan centers, and poor distri bution of the few clergy avail able. Also contributing to the diffi culty are: opposition by state teachers, Indian distrust of white people, an inhuman standard of living, great distances between towns and villages, frequent mi gration of the people and alco holism. .
Summer of Service, a project conceived by the city's clergy men, youth leaders and citizens. It is designed to give the chil dren from underprivileged areas a full-day of supervised recrea tion and cultural activities. By the time the eight-week program has ended, some 60 Sis ters from four religious commu nities will have participated in the program, which finds every abondoned lot and possible play area being utilized. Dust and Sand While supervised play 1s the program, it's not regulated play, as a half-hour spent with Sister Madonna indicates. . At times, for example, she can be found sitting on a dirty card board in the middle of the court yard· that is her recreation area while nearby grimy barges lum':' bel' down the . Arthur . KHl, entrance· to the Port of. New. York. . And at. these times, a half dozen children surround her, some sitting in the shade. of her veil to draw pictures, after the youngsters had spent the morn ing playing volleyball, and jump rope in'the dust and sun.
tion commending deans of med ical schools at four Catholic un'T versities for opposition to the National Catholic Society for Animal Welfare. The society headquarters here in Minnesota said the resolution commended Dr. Robert FeliX, dean, St. Louis Uni.versity med ical school; Dr. John C. Rose, dean, Georgetown Uniwrsity me d i c a I school, Washington, D. C.; Dr. John F. Sheehan, dean, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University, Chicago, and Dr. John S. Hirschboeck, vice president, Marq4ette University medical school, Milwaukee. With Dr. Richard L. Egan, dean, Creighton University Med ical school, Omaha, Neb., the four medical school ·officials, the resolution s aid, documented "distortions and misrepresenta tions about s·cientific study of animals published by a group calling itself the National Cath olic Society of Animal Welfare." No Official Standing The resolution added that the medical school officials con demned "these misrepresenta tions" and brought them to the attention of Catholic Church authorities with the result "a public statement was issued pointing out that· the National Catholic Society for Animal Welfare does not and never has had official standing within the Catholic Church, and is not its spokesman on scientific study of animals;" The society said that the five medical school officials previ.;, ously had adopted a resolution. of their own in which they said the National Catholic Society for Animal Welfare "is not a part of or endorsed by the Catholic Church"; is a dangerous instru mentality because its name could give credibility and authority." "In every problem
there is an opportunity."
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fo'll River-Th~rs., July 22, 1965
Dutch Seminaries Now More Open
Suggests Americans Thank God for Many Blessings
UTRECHT (NC) - The open ing of sevpral Dutch seminaries to women and students with no intention of becoming priests re flects growing openness of the attitude of Dutch Church au thorities t('\ward the. seminaries. Most Dutch mi!)or seminaries have for s')me time had contacts with other Catholic secondary schools, and students from botb mix freely on such occasions as joint meet;ngs of student soci eties. Students in major semi . naries ha\'C similllr contacts with Catholic students at Dutch uni versities. The theology department of \ Nijmegen University currently admits lay students as well as priests and those studying for the priesthood. Vocations Recently the dioceses of 's
By Joseph T. McGloin, S.J. Circuses are getting to be rarities indeed-except, of course, for the watered-down versioJ1S you can catch in "y'our own living room" on the boob tube. And it's too bad, because they used to be really kl'.::ks. Maybe, you remember all act where this We take ourselves for granted, man standS, perfectly bal too-not just for our awesome anced, on jU"lt his in d ex potentialities and powers, such fjnger? This act never failed as our senses and our intellect, to bring down the house, as it truthfully should have. We're great applaud ers, we Amer icans, but some times we ap plaud at the wrong time and fail to at the· right time. We applaud a man who can stand on one finger, and we applaud clogs trained to imitate men, and sometimes even men who imitate dogs. And these things are, indeed, worthy of some applause. But how tremendous it is, too, and how little applause we give the far more earthshaking facts that a man can walk on his feet (or that he has feet, for that matter), and that dogs can indeed consis tently act like dogs and men like men. If the exceptional things men ean do are worthy of applause how much more awesome and laudable are the amazing things we take for granted every day beginning with the very fact that we and these other things even exist in the first place. Miracles Are Marvelous We bring much the same at titude to our reading of the New Testament. It is truly tremen dous that Christ cured the nat urally incurable - the crippled, the deaf and the blind. But how _much more marvelous it is that the vast majority of men have been able to walk and hear and see. No doubt about it, miracles are marvelous. And they have their purpose-like jolting us out of our complacency and our taking things for granted, forc ing us to notice the gifts God has given us without the use of "miracles." You could-and experts do spend a lot of time exploring jnst one sense organ, the eye, for instance, noting how skil fully it functions, and the minute-to-minute miracles it performs. What intelligence and planning is involved in the func tion of a blood stream, and of a heart which pumps efficiently whether I wake or sleep. For that matter, what a mys terious and marvelous thing is sleep itself, and how tremen dous is its counterpart, con sciousness. Other Surprises It's wonderful that an astro naut can ci~cle the earth, but how much more wonderful that the earth is there to circle, and that the universe has an unde terminable number of other sur prises left for us when the my_s- teries of our earth are reason ably well solved. A California Redw09d, with its incredible size and age, is an awesome sight. But so is the blade of grass, or even the weed, which .we see every day.
Day of Prayer SYDNEY (NC)-Catholic and lJ.on-Catholic students attended a Mass offered by Norman Card inal Gilroy of Sydney in St. :Mary's Cathedral here in Aus tralia marking the world student day for pray::-!".
but our very existence. How in credible that this complicated body of ours could come from two infinitesimally small' cells. But how incredible-squared that these two cells should exist in the first place. Yes, when we stop and really see things instead of only look ing at them, they take on an en tirely different aspect and an importance we never let our selves dream of otherwise. It's impossible to do much thinking along this line, though, without recognizing one whole category of things we Americans especially take for granted, our country itself. America's Blessings We take for granted a certain amount of comfort and peace. We seldom worry at least those of us who are reading this -where our next meal is coming from or if it is .coming at all. We have nice homes. We have a job, at d we have insurance on just about everything, just in case. We aren't slaves of a state. We can vote for a candidate for of fice' and then gripe about him throughout his whole term in stead of being under the thumb of someone who has powered his way into office by killing his predecessor or driving him into exile. , We can choose our own schools (though it costs a lot in some cases to do so) and see that our children get the kind of educa tion we feel they should have. We can worship God publicly without being carefully observed by some clod dressed like a soldier. Surprise God I haven't done anything to de serve citizenship in this coun try; and not many others have either. And it is a great mystery to me, for example, that so many much nicer people than I have been subjected to the cruelty of a Hungary or the brutish imbe cility of a Castro. We tend only to notice our head when we have a headache or our eyes when they hurt, or our country when she does some thing we don't like. God, cer tainly, would be pleasantly sur prised if we'd notice His gifts even as they function smoothly, instead of only when some hitch. develops. There's a nice old song called "Count Your Blessings." Try it sometime. You'll come up with quite list. And see if you can't shock God sometime by thank ing Him instead of always ask ing for something.
Bans Distribution Of' Gideon Bibles' SALEM (NC)-Oregon Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton has ruled that distribution of Gideon Bibles on school premises vio lates the first and fourteenth amendments of the U.S. and Ore gon Constitutions, The state department of edu cation notified cour.ty s c h 0 0 I offices and school boards of the ruling. The state department's legal office had requested the opinion. Distribution of New Testa ments to fifth grade pupils has been a practice of the Gideons here for many years.
A DREAM: Fr. John F. Gough a Salisbury, Rhodesia, priest has the dream of training young Africans as broadcasters, TV cameramen and technicians-fields now closed to these young people. The need is great but money is lacking, while Moscow and Peking beam their propa ganda through Africa, he says. "Now is the time, while TV in Rhodesia is in its formative stage." NC Photo.
Sisters Center Continued from Page One drawn from the communities, and all faculty members will hold Ph. D. degrees, Sister Joan said. Sisters wishing to' major in fields other than elementary education will live at the center dnd take courses at other institu tions. Follow Community Life All Sisters will live in their communities at the center and follow the community's life. To "keep the fresh breezes blowing," Sister Joan said, those t<tking courses at the center will also be required to take some ('ourses elsewhere, in mixed groups with lay people. Faculty members will be required to teach part-time at another insti tution. All the participating commu:' nities either maintain junior colleges or have access to junior colleges. No communities with senior colleges will be allowed to participate, Sister Joan added, The center's building will be built by the Religious Educators Foundation, an independent group whose president is Sister Mary Daniel Turner, Maryland provincial of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.
Hertogenbosch and Breda open ed a joint orientation center to offer information on vocations. Though it will try to cultivate vocations, the center's major aim is to offer objective information to parents. teacheIS, youth lead ers and all others who can help strengthen and improve the structure of the Church. Three minor seminaries and one major seminary recently an nounced they will admit men not aiming for the priesthood, but who wish to study theology and philosophy. The major seminary and two of the minor seminaries will alSo admit women. Students completing the sem inary courses can obtain a cer tificate after takir.g an examina tion, that author}zes them to teach religion at Catholic see ondary schools.
things will happen in Karuvatta, southern India, If the Poor Clare Sisters have their way. "We're here to give poor children a chance," says Sister Superior. "Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." ..• The Poor Clares began last year to build, a Catholic school. With their TO own callous!!d hands they helped dig a founda GIVE tion, lug stones, mix cement. The building now POOR stands unfinished because the money for sup CHILDREN plies is gone.••• "We can complete the building A before school opens this fall for only $980." CHANCE Sister says. "00 you think someone will give us 8 hand?" ••. Meanwhile, the Sisters sleep at night on the hard mud floor In 8 noxious mud hut. A convent for them will cost $1,750. The chapel they need will cost $375 more.••• Help the Sisters make things happen In Karuvatta? Name the school, convent, or chapel for your favorite saint, in your loved ones' memory, if you give the full amount. Give at least as 'much as you can ($100, $75. $50, $25, $10, $5. $2. $1). Wonderful things will happen If you help! Please send something now. ~~
SHE Thanks to a grafted cornea, 8 girl blind since SAW childhood saw Pope Paul at the Eucharistic THE Congress In Bombay•••. $25 will provide one POP! month's training for l!l blind youngster In the Gaza Strip. $5 will give her clothes, $3 new shoes.
"If you X-ray the heart of His Holiness. Pope Paul VI, you will discover the Image of India: when he talked to me of India and her people, some kind of deep, spiritual radiance lighted his gentle and noble face."-R. K. Karanjia, 80mbay editor. , C~
Lepers. the blind, the homeless In anguished HOW Kerala State, south India, and In 17 other THE countries-can be helped by Pope Paul when POPE you send your gifts to this Association. He uses HELPS your "stringless" gifts where they're needed INDIA most. Tell your lawyer, when you make a will, that our legal title I. CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WEL· FAR~ ASSOCIATION.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -&f
Cardinal Recovering LISBON (NC)-Manuel Car ainal Gon':alves Cerejeira, Patri arch of Lisbon, has had a suc cessful ooeration for a cataract on his left eye. The! cardinal ex pects to go to Rome for the fourth sess;on of the ecumenical council as planned.
Tuition Hike CANTON (NC) - Tuition at Walsh College here in Ohio has been hiked from $325 peJt se mester to $350, it was announced by Brother Thomas Farrell, F.I. C., college president. Despite the increase, Brother Farrell said, the college will need $55,000 in "philanthropic support" to meet costs during the coming year. The college is conducted by Brothers of Cbristian InstructioD.
Dear "onsl,nor Ryan: Plees9 return coupon with your offering
_ _
NEAR EAST IVIISSICNS FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MSGR. JOSEPH T. RYAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 100li Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840
Authority Basis Must Be love 'Says Fr. Haering
THE ANCHORThurs., July 22, 1965
Chinese Press Attacks Right Of Conscience
DUBUQUE (NC) - "Au thority must be based on love and obedience on gratitude/' Father Bernard Haering, C.SS.H., told Sisters gathered at Clarke College here in Iowa. Father Haering is professor of moral theology at the College of St. Alphonsus in Rome, author of "The Law of Christ" and secre tary of the subcommittee in charge of the schema on the Church in the modern world. His latest book is "The Johan nine Council." Speaking on "Freedom and Authority in the Religious Life," he said that authority had its origin in God and should take its example from the manner in which God exercises authority. God is the author of life which He created out of love and this is His authority. Crea tion's response, then, is loving obedience, not slavish obedience. The Christian who obeys the let ter of the law out of fear of punishment is not obedient but servile, he held. He .said Christ demonstrated the t!'ue practice of authority not in saying you must or must not take a certain action, but in the Sermon on the Mount saying. -Blessed are you • .. "''' Good human authority rules not by passing laws to cover every situation, but by allowing spontaneity in its subjects. Too many precepts lead to rebellion, Father Haering continued. He said the Church in past eenturies has been a closed so eiety and Catholics led a pro tected life regulated by a grow Ing system of laws. But in the modern fast-chang ing world, every person, includ ing the Christian, must stand on his own fpet. The Catholic can DO longer expect protection of a .losed society. Father Haering urged the etergy to convey to the people "'at the Church is not becoming )
Pastoral Week MADRID (NC) - A pastoral Week will be held here in Spain Sept. 5 to 12 to mark the fourth centenary of the intro duction of Christianity to the Philippines and the fourth cen tenary of the death of Bishop Tasco de Quiroga, first bishop ef Michoacan, Mexico. Bishops from the Philippines and Latin .America are planning to attend.
HONG KONK (NC)-Re cent articles in the Red . Chinese press haven taken the line that the conscience
NORTH EASTON BIBLE CAMP: Mrs. Charles DeFeo, Jr., supervisor of arts and crafts at the Immaculate Conception Parish Bible Oamp, No. Easton, conducts a project in tree making.
Race Bias Causes tnner City Problems Urban League Director Scores Disc-riminotion WASHINGTON (NC) - The executive director of the Wash ington Urban League urged an "Operation Rolled:'Up Sleeves" to help end "the decay and de cline of the inner city." Addressing a seminar at Trin ity College here, Sterling Tucker charged that racial discrimina tion is "a major cause of the depth and nature of many inner city problems," and said the problems will remain as long as discrimination remains. Tucker attacked charges of communist infiltration of the civil rights movement, saying, "Today it seems we look for a
Honor Priest, 85, On Golden Jubilee HAYS (NC) - He's 5-feet-4, weighs around 105 pounds, but bas been rated one of the most active men over 40 in Kansas. He's been called "a one-man Legion of Mary," specializing in works amonz fallen-away Catholics and among the sick. Father Cyprian Gehrling, O. F.M., Cap., is assistant pastor of St. Joseph's parish here, one of the large9t in th.e Salina d·io cese. The bearded, white-haired Capuchin, who was born m Stienfeld, Bavaria. Germany, 85 years ago, celebrated his 50th anniversary in the Capuchin priesthood. He came to the U.S. in 1892, and joined the Capuchins on July ]6, 1900. Newly enthroned Bis .' hop Cyril J. Vogel of Salina was among those who took part in a civic reception here honoring Father Gehrling on his anniver sa·ry.
Voting Rights Bill Moves Forward
WINNER: Michaelene A. Leary of 481 Ridge St., Fall River, a Dominican Academy Alumna, has been awarded the Mary E. McCabe Nursing Scholarship by the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses.
WASHINGTON (NC) - Final congressio"1al approval of the administr::>tion's voting rights bill seemed assured after it was overwhelmingly passed by the House of Representatives. Next st~p in the measure's progress is a House-Senate con ference to iron out differences between the House bill and the version passed by the' Senate May 26. Major difference is that the House-passed bill outlaws poll taxes in state and local elections, while under the Senate's version the govemment 'would file suits challenging the legality of sllch
communist under the bed of every civil rights worker. This should insult the intelligence of every American." He asked: "Do we think a
Negro needs a communist to tell him when his children are segre gated in schools in Birmingham or Chicago, or when he is gouged by a slumlord in Jackson, Miss., or Washington, D. C.?" Share Responsibility Tucker said preferential con sideration "must be given the disadvantaged if the sores of long years of deprivation are to BUENOS AIRES (NC) - A heal and the scars of neglect are religious order has joined forces with a. commercial' producing to disappear." team to make a film for inter The inner city is not an island, national distribution. he added, "and therefore the rest Father Joseph J. Perozzi,' of the metropolitan area must share a responsibility in helping S.D.B., vice-provincial of Sale to solve core-city problems * '" • sian Fathers in the United States, and Robert J. Flood, producer "If as a national community writer have arrived in Buenos we can and will accept these and Aires to begin shooting "Prince other truths, and if we are will of the Pampas," Ii film biography ing to make the necessary in of the South American Indian vestment of desire, energy and mystic, Ceferino Namuncura. know-how, we can achieve last Namuncura was the son of an ing and proper solutions to inner Arauncanian Indian chief whose city problems even in all of these tribe was converted by Salesian coml?licated aspects." missionaries. He died while still 'in his teens in a school operated Boy . by the Salesian Fathers. WINCHESTER (NC)-An al Father Perozzi, who is editor tar boy}ailed to llhow up for a of the Salesian Bulletin ot New memorial Mass in St. Mary's Rochelle, N. Y., said: "We want to underline that this is a com church here. So one of the pa mercial venture, and that it is rishioners lltepped up and served. being planned to attract all kinds The parishioner-Gov. John A. Volpe of Massachusetts. of audiences. The Salesian inter est is, of course, apostolic, since the cause for the canonization of Ceferina Namuncura is very dear to us."
Religious Order To Make Movie
Baltimore Cardinal
Council President
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI appointed Lawrence Cardinal Shehan of Baltimore to the Second Vatican Council's Council of the Presidency. Cardinal Shehan takes the post left vacant by the death of Al bert Cardinal Meyer of Chicago. The Council's 12 presidents are responsible for ensuring that council proceedings follow regu lations.
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of the government determines the conscience of its people. The Youth Daily, the official organ of the Communist Youth Guard in Shanghai, featured an article recently on "The Reac tionary Aspects of Conscience." "We hear talk about such ideas as every person has a con science," said the article. "Some people are even afraid to offend their conscience by revealing that a friend, or rela tive, or teacher is opposed to socialism and class struggle ... some even think that our en emies may have a conscience." Capital Thought All such thoughts are but the efforts' of "capitalists and land lords" to hide behind, world "humanism" in their desire to play down the "essential contra diction between the deprived and the depriving classes," said the article. "The laboring class must make this distinction clear even though the depriving class tries to blur it wit". the slogan, 'We are all men and all have a conscience.'" The Youth Daily warned its readers to avoid the trap of con science. "A revolutionary must never hold conscience dear," it said. "Capitalist members of the depriving class are still trying to restore the monarchy. We must not be beguiled by their talk of conscience and humanity. but resolutely hold to our pro letarian position. and tear up the deceiving cloak of consci
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THE ~NCHOR-Dincese of Foil ~iver-Thurs., July 22,1965
Devil's-Eye View
Pope to Visit U. S. South
'Grace of Language Quite apart from any political implication the late Adlai Stevenson displayed before his fellow Arrie;icans and the world ,a grace in the use of the English language that is worthy of admiration and emulation. He had respect for. language. He made it work for him instead of his being its captive. He could express nuances and subtleties of thought with such felicity and exactness that the language in his hands and from his mouth became a living and sparkling thing that delighted even those who 4lid not agree with his ideas. It is unfortunate that such a use of language is so rare as,to be noticed and marked outstanding. It is too bad that Americans have been content to let the news magazines and ad-makers coin their phrases for them, phrases which are more often catchy than correct. A joint meeting of American and British chemical engineers just heard the statement, "Frequent complaints from industry about obscurity, ambiguity and unreada bility in scientific writing are justified." And time and time again one reads of pleas from leaders in the world of science for men and women to translate scientific data into clear and correct and easily read English. The statement before the meeting of chemical engineers went on to say that "the outstanding weaknesses are lack of logic in arrangement of material, failure to sort out ideas, and inability to discriminate between what is relevant and what is irrelevant for a give~ purpose." The schools must be encouraged to get their pupils to write more. This, in turn, puts an added burden on a teacher so some further provisions must be made to give the teacher assistance in correcting and commenting on the papers passed in. Some high schools and colleges are using part-time assistants for this-men and women who have the knowledge and talent to take on such a task for a few hours added work each day. Some colleges use house wives, college graduates, for this. But it should be the goal to equip more persons with the ability to use English well, with the all too rare talent .ef .grace of language.
ATLANTA (NC)-Ralp)t ,MeGiJJ, publisher of the A*"' lanta Const;tution,has de e)ared t hat it W 0 u'l d be "helpful and socially therapeu tic" for Pope Paul VI to visit the South if his proposed trip to the United Nations takes place.' McGill said in his nationally syndicated column that there would be opposition to the Pope's presence ,in the United States, and "some of it will be strident, some ugly." "But these qualities of the dissent will identify it for w.hat it is - unreasoning prejudice handed down and made more grotesque with each handing down" he said. Present Rectory
1\ ~,\~ \
Explains Gompers' Position On Policy of Voluntarism
(Director, Social Action Dept., N.e.W.e.) By Msgr. George G. Higgins On June 3 the writer of this column testified before a subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and ~abor in favor of repealing Section 14(b) of the National Labor-Management Relations Act, better known as the Taft Hartley Act. Section 14(b) farewell address on "voluntar of the T.H. Act authorizes ism" as an argument against the . the several states to enact union shop? The answer is that apparently they do not under- ' s'o-called right-to-work legis lation p'johibiting labor and stand what he meant by volun management from negotiating tarism. ' T~e a union s~op Government Interference agreelllent. ' 'The old A F of Vs traditional ,The last decade In the Church h;lS brought about a , policy ~f voluntaril!I11, which,haS . bl 1 ... - A surprising "erlta e ava aJ;lche of prmtoo.. material. Authors of every number of thoSe long since been radically re- 0 description are rushing into print, encouraged by the Vati- . who have writ vised in the Ught of chan'gfng : economic and political conditions' ,'ean'Council and its stated 'purpose to interpret Catholicism ten in to ex in the United States, was based to the world in terms fresh ,and clear' a.nd relevant to press disagree , ' m e n t with our , on a fear of governmental iilter modern-man's thinking and way of speaking.' l' est i m 0 n y vention in the field of indus All this is stimulating ,and thought-provoking. against this sec trial relations; , Occasionally one has the' feeling that he is being en tion of the act Gompers in particular was op posed to' governmental regula gulfed by so much writing and talking. That is when there cit e as their tion of and interference with the is a deep appreciation of those who are neither speaking principal argu . b . I ment a speech affairs of organized labor be nor Writing ut qUiet y doing. which Samuel Gompers, found cause he was convinced that the The English newspapers have had their fancy caught ing father of the contemporary government (in his day) was recently by a priest in a'southeast English harbor town American labor movement, de unfriendly, even hostile to labor. who is almost literally starving himself in order to build livered in EI Paso, Texas, il'l He was also convinced that a new church for his people. There is nothing spectacular 1924, just a few days before his political government is not death. in his approach of intent-there is no seeking after publicity The same speech, entitled "The equipped to deal with industrial relations. The government, he or playing the gallery-he is simply limiting himself to Voluntary Basis of Trade Union held, should stay out of the pic a little more than four dollars a month for food so that" ism," has also been cited by a ture and permit labor and man he might achieve what he feels his people need and deserve. number of columnists and by at agement to solve their own prob He is no quaint eccentric, no delightfully simple oddity, least one congressman as an arg lems through the slow-but'-sure but a top honors student in history from Cambridge. ument against the union shop. process of free collective bar Defended Union Shop gaining. This priest illustrates that when all is said and done Old Sam Gompers, first presi Support of the open shop is the work of God is that-a work, a sacrifice, a total com dent of the original American obviously consistent with volun,. , ,Federation of Labor, would turn mitment of oneself. All the speaking and writing in the over in his grave if he knew that tarism in this sense' of the wotd. Opponents of the union shop world is but an exercise in rhetoric unless it moves to act. his farewell presidential address would be well advised, then; 'to was being so, completely misin- ' let poor Gompers rest in peace. terpreted. Rightly or wrongly, old Sam From his earliest days in the would ' undoul>tedly , be' leading labor movement until the day of the fight against H(b) if be his death in 1924,Gompers was were siill alive and kickin'. a strong defender of,the union shop. The record is so abundant ly clear on this point that it Storm Fails to Halt would be foolish to waste any Prelate's Reception time arguing about it. Why is it,-that, more than 4Cl SALINA (NC)-'-A storm blew 'OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER years after his death, so many up here in Kansas while a civic Published weekly by The Catholic Press of .the Diocese of Fall River people are invoking Gompers' reception was being held for newly enthroned Bishop ,Cyril 410 Highland Avenue
:So Vogel of Salhia. . Fall River, Moss. 675-7151,
K of C Chaplain The microphone failed, lights COLUMBUS (NC - Bishop flickered off, shutters banged, PUBLISHER John :So Carberry of Columbus hail and rain pelted the building. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD., has been named Ohio state chap The imperturbable bishop di lain of the Knights of Columbus, gressed from his prepared ad GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MA"JAGER Leo Stark of Columbus, K. of C. dress, and quipped: "Gabriel, Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll state deputy, announced. Bishop don't blow your horn, I've just MANAGING EDITOR Carberry is the first Ohio bishop arrived." The program continued with the aid of candle light. Hugh J. Golden to hold the post.
,Quiet Doer:
Edifor Urges'
Noting the change in U.S. attitudes toward Catholicism in the past 40 years, McGill re calle() that in the 1920's Atlanta was the site of an "imperial palace'" of the Ku Klux Klan', a hotbed of anti-Catholic propa ganda. Today, he' said, the fonner "palace" is the rectory of the Catholic cathedral, and the ca thedral itself stands in part on land once owned by the KKK,' McGill said people today find it difficult to imagine the "ig norant bombast and religious bigotry" that flourished in this country in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Recalls Prejudice
"It was a prejudice stemming largely from organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan that linked anti-Semitism and anti-Catho licism as their two best money and m e m b e r s hip promotion rackets," he said. He said "many ,pulpits" ill those days "thundered against 'the Pope'" altQough, they ''knew little about ~tbe' Pope' or' the Roman C~~holic religion." He noted that such anti-Ca~ olicism reached, a peak with the presidential ,ca,ndidacy of' A I Smith, a Catholic, in 1928. One of the .religious slogans of that year, McGill said, was "A Vote for Al ~mith is a Vote for the Pope.'" Smith, he added, was "swamped" as, eight southern states went Republican in pro test agai~st his religion.
Pope Says World Moves Backward VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul IV observed that the world is "moving backward instead of forward on the road to civiliza tion and peace." ' Once again using his regular Sunday appearance at a window above St. Peter's square to speak of peace, the Pope said that the "ideology of peace" is under going a crisis. "There is a decay of principlefl and a diminution of the very resolutions of brotherhood, sol idarity and mutual trust' which aUer the ,war. s!*!med to consti tute a program for future history and ·to pave the 'wa-r for interna tional dis~rmament, nego,tiatiOil and collaboration. "We are moving backward in stead of forward on the road te civilization." As if to explain his constant return to the question of peace, the Pope said: "This is too seri ous a matter not to mention it again."
Cancels Audiences VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has canceled all regu lar audiences for a two-week period beginning July 19. One exception was a general audi
ence scheduled for y'esterday,
held at 10 A.M. instead of noon.
Of Magqzine,'
BELLEVILLE (NC) .:... ,:'be public library bo~~ of this' Illi nois community is considering : censorship' 'charges against •
,Catholic librarian by a' Prote'St ant organization. ' . .
o Protestants and Other'Amer Icans United for separation :,of Church and State chargedliora 'rian Robert B. 'KlI'chgrabei' with
'banning its periodical Church
and State.
Kirchgraber ,said at a hearing before the library board' that the magazine was banned be ;cause it is "not a sound factual 'authority." , Eugene Seubert of Lebanon, ',Mo., a POAU board member, "challenged this claim and said ,banning the magazine violated ,the American Library Associa ,tion bill of rights. Harlin H. Schwengels, library broad chairman, appointed a four-man committee to study the Protestant group's complaint and draw up policies.
Plans Summer Stay At Castelgandolfo , ROME (NC)-Pope Paul VI is expected to go to his Summer home at Castelgandolfo toward the end of July. , The Pope has delayed travel ing to the Summer residence in 'the Alban Hills outside of R,oq1e because of the pressure of wprk 'during recent months. However, he has been advised that he 'needs a period of rest, and it is expected that audieI;lces and public speeches will be cut to ; a minimum during the, first half 'of August. pope Paul has been observed to be looking somewhat tired at recent public ceremonies and Eugene Cardinal Tisserant" in his address to the Pope on the anniversary of the papal coro nation, expressed the concern of the College of Cardinals that the oHoly Father might be overwork ,
St. Louis PubUshes" ,Ecumenism Guide' ;;' ST. LOUIS (NC)"":"AdireCtory to guide clergy and laity of the st: Louis archdiocese in the prac tice of ecumenism has been is sued by the Archdiocesan Com mission on Ecumenismo ' The directory covers joint prayer and joint worship for Catholics and other Christians. In line with the Vatican Coun eil's decree. on ecumenism and the guidelines of the U.S. bishops' ecumenical commission, it rec ommends both with specifc res ervations. • The directory also says that -at this time" neither the arch diocese nor any of its parishes will request membership in the state Council of Churches or lo Cal church federations.
:Wichita to ,SPOnSOr Venezuela Parish'· wIcm'i'A '(NC)-The Diocese 'Of Wichita will provide person liel for a second'parish in Bar . qUisinieto, Venezuela, Bishop Leo C. Byrne, Apostolic Ad mhlistrator' of Wichita, has an "nounced. ' ' The, Kansas diocese now has til1:ee priests at Christ, the King parish in Barquisimeto. The new parish, St. Augustine's" will be headed by a diocesan priest, Father Thomas Reilly, who re turned from Latin America in February after four years there. Arrangements for the Wichita sponsorship were made between Bishop Byrne and Bishop Cris pulo Benitez of Barquisiineto. Bishop Byrne has been to Vene zuela for visHs to each parish.
This Stang High ~School Graduaie's. Not Afraid' '~U::Nf~~~~, 1965 ' 7 Of. Mice.~They're Shaping Her Career Ju~ge Musical·, ,By Patricia Francis
Church Forms With Calm'ness
When LiliAnn Motta left home last Fall for her first year at the ColIeg~ of New' Rochelle in New YOrk, a semblance of normalcy returned to the Motta home at 40 Mandell Street, New Bedford. Because, when LiliAnn moved out, so did her 61 living, breathing squealing "pet~"-50 mice and.' 11 pedigreed rats. "I missed LiliAnn," her mother, Mrs. Joseph Motta says, "but not ' ' the- mice." An attractive young woman with dark hair and eyes, an unquenchable sense of humor and a perpetual eraving for peanut butter and bologna sandwiches on dark rye bread - "They're tremendous, try one . • • "LiliAnn, now 19, does not look like the stereo typeq picture ofa budding scientist. '. But the' young, student, who "got a science book when I was 12 or 13 and started doing pro jects," already has made her mark in the wotld of science. A winner in the Greater New Bedford Science Fair, LiliAnn received national honors as a 15-year-old Stang High School student when the American Med ical Association named her top winner in' the medical and sci ence category at the National Science Fair International in Seattle, Wash. Began Mouse-Work Along with the award, LiliAnn was invited to Chicago the fol lowing month-as a guest 'of the AMA-to show' off her winning exhibit: "Experiments With Skin Grafts on Mice." Her mouse-work began while LiliAnn was at Stang "and we had to get something ready for our Science, Fair." Her "something" turned into a major project that saw failure after failure before LiliAnn had her first sucess. Beginning with a handful of mice housed in makeshift cages, the project grew into a cellar size one with the help of her parent~ and her younger broth er, MiChael, an 8th ,. Grader 'at St. John School, from which LlliAnn also graduilted. ,Mrs. Motta admits theI:e were times when she would like to have tossed out mice' and cages, but she gritted her teeth and LiliAnn kept on with her skin grafting experiments. As the scope of the experi ments grew, the number of mice grew, too. Soon LiliAnn had de signed custom cages for her large brood. "Mice seem like children when you know them," the college stu dent said this week, sitting in the living room at the Mandell Street home. "I like them. But I don't like rats." "Mice sometimes will eat their children," she admits, "but rats, es~cially the males, eat each other." , , When LiliAnn went to New Rochelle, she had hoped to take her rodent family with her. oHowever, school o~cials decid ed there, wasn<? place t9. keep them properly, so LiUAnn gave 'away some of,the critters Iqld sold ot~ers. , ,, Maggie the ~ousekeepeJ: She still remembers them with fondness, though, especially her real pets like "Maggie the House keeper."
East Falmouth Fair Mrs. Arthur E. Andrade Jr. and Mrs Elizabeth Gray are co chairmen of the annual coun try fair and bazaar planned by parishioners of St., Anthony C h u r c b, East Falmouth, for Saturday and Sunday, July 31 and Aug.!. Games, refreshments, booths and an auction will be among the features. Donation ar rangements may be made by calling the rectory.
CAMBRIDGE (NC)-The secretary of the U.S. Bish ops" Commission on the Liturgical Apostolate·, said
SCIENTIST AND FAMILY: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Motta, Michael, and the Stang scientist LiliAnn. Maggie, so the Mottas insist, was a very tidy housekeeper who did not. like ,arrangements in her ~age disturbed. , ' '~'When I'I>ut in food," LiliAnn says, '~he'd wait until I closed . tlie cage door and theii..move the food and her children around to the 'spots 'she thought they should be in." However, although LiliAmi at the moment doesn't have any "real. mice she has hundreds of replicas given her by friends. "After the International Sci ence Fair," Mrs. Motta says, "she received 400 to 500 congratula tory cards and many of them had pictures of mice. , During the "mouse" period at the Motta home, before the day of the custom-designed cages, that is, a, mouse occasionally would escape. All-Family Project Capturing the elusive rodents was a whole-family project in ·the course of which something or other usually got broken. Mrs. Motta still remembers the day the marble top, of a table she was refinishing went the way of 'all furniture in the way of a family on the, tear, "Smash." Since LiliAnn and rodents both have been missing from 'the " household, Mrs. Motta also finds . she can' keep a jar of peanut butter for at least a few days. "When LiliAnn' and, the mice were here,'" the ,scientist's, moth ',er explains, "I couldn't keep
peanut butter in the house. Be . tween LiliAnn's sandwiches and
the mice-she fed it to them be
'cause it was good for their fur
it just disappeared."
Mrs. Motta might just as wen
relax while she can. Indications are she may have a rodent fam
ily back under the roof in an
other year.
New Family
The College of New Rochelle is building a new science build
ing which "MAY" have facilities
for private projects liki} Lili-
here there is no need for Cath olics to fear "startling" new musical forms for Mass. Father Frederick R. McManus said that in' the Church's litur gical life this is a period of ,"transition and growth" and standard music settings, such as polyphony. "once sounded new and strange." He cautioned participants· in the Liturgical Music Study Week sponsored by St. John's Seminary, Brighton, to find a middle ground between "horri fied rejecnon of anything new because it is new and the whole sale acceptance of music merely bec~use it is new." Calmness "One principle, already ac cepted in some places, is to judge the new forms calmly according to circumstances and occasion, the nature of the congregation small or large, young or old, its background and capacity, and' so," he said. ' Experimental music, he said, should not be feared "so ml,lch as we should tear the trite, me chanical and uninteresting- in sacred music." . ,Father McManus, who is pres ident of the national Liturgical Conferenc", also said there can be a place for Latin in sung Masses which need not be sung entirely in English. "The use of the language" of the people is somehow supposed to be a prohibition of Latin," he said. Obviously, with the recent concessions, Latin'texts are not likely to be the usual thing for parish congregations. , 'Sense of Texts "Yet in the future the use' of Latin for one, or othel' of the parts of the parish Mass is more than possible, once the sense of the texts is understood. ' ''For example, a Latin AgDits Dei may well be chosen on oc casion-provided .always that the . musical setting is in harmony with the liturgical context as is so often not the case."
Ann's. If so, the Stang graduate undoubte<;lly will be raising a new family of mice during the .school year-and bringing them, home to care for them during Summer vacations. ' Next year, LiliAnn hopes to' 'work part-time at Sloan-Ket-, tering Research Center in New' York. She thinks_ it would, be a "tremendous opportun'ity." Theil, after college, she hopes to enter medical school at Johns Hopkins, Northwestern Univers ity or the Medical College of Pennsylvania. Named for Nun "I'll take medical boards in March or April of my Junior PALAI (NC)-A school named year and I hope to take extra lor Sister Alphonsa, an Indian courses before then to get ready Clarist nun whose beatification for them." cause was introduced 12 years LiliAnn started her scientific ago, was blessed here in India career with mice. by Bishop Sebastian Vayalil of Now she is thinking of human Palai.
She is not sure yet what
branch of medicine she wants to
specialize in but thiOks it will
be either plastic surgery or re
See Us search. "probably experimental About pathology." '
And, 'as she studies, she has
a permanent reminder on her desk of how it all began: A small mouse, not live, that went to college with her. Some day, small mouse may share a spot of honor with her Wareham falmouth medical degree .in Dr., LiliAnn
Mottars ,office.
CY 5-3QOO 1<1 8-3000 She. 'hopes So. 0
Plan To Build? low Cost Fincmcing.
ltIf ANCHOR-DIocese of,ott RIver-1!wN., JuIJy 21,
.North 'Eas"fhoria Guildls Pions
Retirement Opens Door to Ease But It's Hard to Leave Job
The Guild cJlthe VisitatlClft will conduct a Pei:1ny Sale in the Visitation Hall on Massasoit Rd., No. Eastham, at 8 o'clock OIl Wednesday night, July 28. :Mrs. Leroy Babbitt is chairlady. 'l1be Fair Committee will meet Thursday night, July 29, at 8 o'clock in the Visitation HaD. The regular monthly meeting of the Guild will be held Monday night, July 26, at 8 in the borne .of Mrs. Babbitt on Nickersoa Rd.
By Mary Tinley Daly
-rou'lllove it!" to be bored tG extinction!" These are the extremes of reaction when one announces rermquishment of a "regular" job: Shades of opinion in between grow tem- ... PSY· hi t . ts t·t, ddi 'h more . "TIT} carlS pu 1 a n t · pered, 611 elt e~ SIde: "e - up to "separation anxiety." come to the leIsure class ~ During final days on the job, .And, from the skeptical, each morning brings the pro -yoou're going
"I'll give you three months--or less." This ill happening • around, every day, as men and women annOUDce they are leaving the factory, the shop, 1I1e office the classroom,'to live 1ft a quieter, JIlOre secluded and freer atmoBPhere. Man-agement is usuany surprised, 1D'1comprehendmg. Some co-workers understand the need of the human spirit to break away from pressure and :regimentation to give up one'. place on "the 'team," if you will, and live independently while 1I1ere is still time, physical and mental stamina. . As a neighbor, recently retired from government service told . . ''I've just begun tollve in. the past year-and-a-half after i Quit .the job. Gardeni~g, golf and swimming have changed the outer-me from a thick-middled IItoop shouldered fellow, not t~ . an Adonis certainly but toa well-preserved 'senio~ citizen' No Real Vacation . •A walk to daily Mass and home again gives a lift to my days, in more ways .than one. And then I have precious hours to do as I want-the weliIth of reading I've always been too busy· or too tired to enjoy the travel that can be leisurely: an~ less costly, than frantic racing about on vacation time. Vacation?" he laughed, "Why I never bad a real vacation before. Carry-over of worries hung OIl for the first part of the vacation, trying to see as much and do as much as possible filled the rest -and I came back to work 81most as tired as when I left. Now, the wife and I can travel where and when we please, modestly perhaps, but it's more fun." This neighbor and other friends who have retired or semi-retired agree that there are eertain yes-no emotions involved during the process of "sepa rating"-a syndrome, or pattern of symptoms occurring together
gressive count-down: ''Ten more days, nine more, eight • • Last Day Cleaning out the desk for one's IUccessor unearths many mem ories: letters kept because the7 held worthwhile suggestions, constructive criticism, or just because they were from profes sional associates. Same goes for dearing out of personal memo rabilia: books, pictures, the papeJ;Weight from Arizona, the
pencil holder from Sweden - - • Final report to the boss pre pared, signed, sent to his office. A vague sense 01. nostalgia combines with a deepening sense· of esteem and affection for eo .workers, especially when they drop by the office, write or tele p~one t~eir good wishes. And this portion of the syndrome, as everybody agrees, reaches its peak at the friendly farewen fting when misty eyes and a lumped throat are standard
equipment of the new retiree. The umbilical eord with the job is still throbbing, is stretch ing, but it has not 81 yet been levered - - Comes the final day wh~n threads must be tied, knots dipped an on-going work before relinquishing responsibility. (It's like going away for a family trip, driv;ing around the block and returnmg to the house to make sure the irOJl • 1111 plugged. Finis by mid-afternoon, unrealistically strange time to be leaving the office. Pu~ nameplate off tile doOE, inter lD wastebasket. Unhoo~ the office key from the keyrmg, -leave it in the cen ter of an uncluttered desk. .Wa~k out and close the door, WIth Its automatic lock. It happens somewhere every day. End of an era.
Adresses to Address Catholic Conference NEW YORK (NC)-Actressei Julie Harris,. Mildred Dunnock and Maureen O'Sullivan will dis cuss their careers at a National Catholic: Theater Conference convention session OIl "Women II( Theater," Tuesday, Aug. 24.
The NCTC convention will btl held Aug. 22-26. More than 2,000 delegates from secondary sehoo:bt colleges and universities, com munity theaters, CYO and ebild :ren's theater groups. from . . sections of the Counb¥ are ex pected.
Whfst Party FOOD AT LAST: 'The poor in the Valley of the Mez. flUital, Mexico have long been hungry because· of the dry ness of the land and the enmity of the other Indian castes, but fi~I1y, Bishop Jose de Jesus Sahagun of Tula, Mexico, has originated a system of aid that is now at work. lW Photo.
,. Bt. Cecelia Mission Club wlJl sponsor a public wbist at 7:30 Wednesday night, July 28 at 19r Whipple Street, Fall River. MH.
Emma Pereira, chairman, ... nounces that proceeds will be~ efit the Franciscan Sisten ell Ma~. .
Five Franciscan Nuns Le.ave for Missions
NEW YORK (NC)-Five Sis ters of the Franciscan Mission aries of Mary of Roslyn, N.Y. have left here by ship for their motherhouse in Rome on the way to assignments ... foreign missions. Sister Mar)' Philippine Du mesne, medical and surgical U.S. Nuns Open First :resident at St. Francis Hospital House in Colombia here, will work in. India. Sister CALI (NC)-A U.S. congrega- " Mary Paulita, social worker lUld tton of nunS, the Dominican Sis teacber at several of the order'. ters of St. Catherine de Rieel houses, will go to Australia. have opened their· first house' . Assigned to Malaya were Sis ter Mary Liberalis, director of· here in Colombia~ Founded iil 1880 by a convert ftUrsing .ervice at· Kennedy from ProtestantiSlll-:-:-Luey Eaton· Memori81 Hospital, Brighton, Smith, who took the name oi. :Mass;; S~ster - Mar)'. Clcopbas, Mother Catherine de -Rieel·--. :registered nurse at St. Francia' .. the congregation's u.s. mothet' Hospital; and Sister MarY Bar bouse is in .:Nedia, Pa. bara Assunta, supervisor of the acute care ~nit at Kenned7 Memorial HospitaL
North Fairhaven
Ladies of St. Anne of Sacred
Hearts parish, North Fairhaven, .will receive new members pre ceding 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, July 25. Members win receive corporate ::ommunion at the Mass and meet at Gaudette's Pavilion immediately afterwards for breakfast. It is also an nounced that registrations are being accepted for the parish kindergarten.
At Jubilee Rites
ST. MARY-OF-THE-WOODS (NC)-Twenty-seven Sisters of Providence of the St. Mary-of the-Woods community were hon-' ored on their golden jubilees in. religious life. Highlight of the celebration was a solemn Mass of thanksgiving in the college campus Church of the Immacu late Conception· here in Indiana.
Oven Fresh Daily
At Tour .Neighborhood Store
'?tIE ANCHOR Thurs.,' luiy' '22, 19.65
Frag~.ance, ~fBaking
Beats Airspray for, Kitchen '
Prelate 'Praises:, ,IntegrdtionPlan
'By JOseph 'aftd Man1yn Roderick 'Now that the gaiji~,has entered its mid-Summer full, • is time to begin planning for Fall planting. This is the time when the gardener must be critical of his garden in order to determine where the weak spots are so that he may correct them fOr the air-spray manufacturer has been following year. One problem able to duplicate. The fragrance that a great many of us of spices, raisins etc., which go have is that our gardens are into the baking of cookies per-,
too colorful in Spring and Sum mer and begin fading in the Fall. An answer to this kind of problem' might be found in using a broadleaf evergreen such .. pyracantha. , Pyracantha, commonlycaIied firethom. is an evergreen which ~es a strong showing of ~r;ight orange berries in the Fall; It'can be' ,used very effectively against .: .sunny Wall or fenCe to. fin, BeCtion of the' garden with S()JDe thiDg other than flowers 'and' then can be depended upon to make an eye-catching display after the annuals have lost their freshness. Firethom is hardy in the' North but although it is consid ered evergreen it 'may lose'most of its' leaves by' Spring. These,' however, -are, quickly" replaced' by new growth. The plant ,likeso a sunny exposure in slightly al kaline soil and will grow slowly to a height of eiglit feet ,br more. I, have a small one which, I plan to train on a trellis ,and 'theJ.e£ore I expeCt to prune it rau\~rlieav; Hy"tO keep it in bounds. If ,t~ unattended, firethom has a t~d-, ency 'to, grow" to enornio~' widths', sometiines as much: as '10 feet,' iIi' which 'caSe it m8kes".: seedy appearance. Mine is the Laland ,firethom, which grows quite tall, but there are other varieties which remain bushy. Among the most hard)- ia Kasan, which also makes a great deal of
Pyracantha Is difficult to transplant, even when bought at the nursery, so one should be very careful in handling them. in fact, the smaller the plant can obtain, the better.Nur eeries often plant them in tubs, 80 be sure that the tub is cut before you get it home if it is Irlade of metal. Before planting, • is. a good idea to set up a strong trellis or support for the plants so that you will not have to disturb them once established. In the Kitchen Ever since the day the ginger bread man leaped out of the oven and ran away from the little old man and little old woman, children have adored stories about cookies, and have enjoyed eating them even more. There is a fatal attraction for a child in a filled cookie jar which resists all adult warnings of moderation, while the aroma of freshly baked cookies can fill a kitchen with an odor that no
New Hampshire: Asks School Prayer Law CONCORD (NC)-The' state Senate has concurred 1Il[i~ the House of Reptesentatives ,by passage of'.· resolution calling OIl New Hampshtre'a .tonal delegation to . support • constitutional amendment allow Ing recitation of the LoI'd'apray • in public. schools•. Sen. Paul A. Rinden of Con eord said ne introduced the reso lution in the Senate beeause the Bouse-passed measure ,Walt • -ample" resolution' 'that did DOt require Senate agreem~t.
Fairhaven Supper 'l'he Association of the Sacred Hearts, St. Joseph'. Church, l'airhaven, will sponsor a ham and bean aupper from • to a Saturday night, July 24 in the ehurch ban in conjuncUoa. with • Midwll7 Fiesta. '
NEW IBERIA (NC)---Alixn iary Bishop Warren L. Bou dreaux of Lafayette has praised school desegregation plans sub mitted by the public school board of Iberia parish (county), and asked citizens to help iInple ment them. The plans were approved by U. S. District Judge Richard J • Putnam, who said the plans were unique in the state of Louisiana. They allow Negro pupils to transfer to white schools in any grade and school. in contrast to other parishes where only one or two grades are to be desegre gated each year. The plans were generally con... sldered to be, in large part". result of work by the commun ity human relations council.. of which Bishop Boudreaux is chainnan, and several Catholic civic officials, including district attorney Knowles Tucker, school superintendent F. F. WiInberly, school board president J. Patout Bu~ and New Iberia Mayor Allen Daigre. Bishop Boudreaux wrote 1ft his parish bulletin: "We do not thirik any civil parish in Loui.9 lana· has submitted a ,better or, more - equitable Or more realis tically intelligent plan in .aDJ: similar case.
• sonifies the New Eng I and kitchen. Many of the cookies that have become our favorites originated in New England or were brought by sailing men to New England ports. For example, Joe Frog gera, a delicious molasses cookie, were originally baked by an old Negro man named Uncle Joe Who lived on the edge of a frog pond in Marblehead. The story goes that the fishennen of that town would give him a jug of rum to make them a batch of these cookies. The recipe was passed on by his daughter and they became a special treat at Marblehead Sunday night sup pers. .Hermits were first baked' on Cape, Cod, when the clipper ships 'brought in the spices nec eiisary for baking them from the 1J).dies. Dennis Dainties, a wal , MOSAIC FACADE: The Benedictines' Blue Cloud nuty, brown sugar wafer, were Abbey Church, Marvin; S:D;, fe~tu~s Mary, Mother of the first made by the women of Den nis to nibble on at their quilting · Church, a title Pope P.a~l VI officially: proclai~ed last year. beeS'while their men were away ,Conlposed of 15 g~anite: panels -with 392, individuaJ pieces, at sea. 'And, of course, •no list· of , the mosaIC has six predomi:nant colors in various finishes cookies which originated in', New Notre Dame Sisters '\ . England would be· complete, 'and topes. NC fhoto. ScheduIe Conference without mention of the delicious . Tbll Hd~ COOkies that were ,wILTON (NY) -The School first baked in the kitchen of the Sisters of Notre Dame 11th an Toll House Restaurant in Whit nual Educational Conference wU1 man, Mass. by its owner, Ruth be held here in Connecticut Mass of Thanksgiving to Mark Founding Wakefield. starting Monday, Aug. 16. Theme of First Convent in Colonies The marvellous, thing about of the conference will be "The School Sister in the Modem cookie recipes is the ease with and stayed for 41 years, untn,the PORT TOBACCO (NC)-The which they may be prepared and World." community moved to Baltimore. the resulting quantity one has to 175th anniversary of the found . Keynote speaker will be Fr. please a hungry family. Here ing of the first convent in the When they left in 1831, they sold Gerard S. Sloyan, chairman of English speaking colonies of: the land and it was used for are a few cookie baking tips for the religious education depart those who do succumb to the America will be commemorated farming for the next century. ment, Catholic University . of with a Mass of ,Thanksgiving :rrivileg~d Shrine' urge: (1) do not grease the Some area residents, dete~ America, Washington, D.C. More cookie sheet unless the recipe Sunday here iIi Maryland. than 1,000 delegates are expect The Mass will be offered by mined to, buy the site and re says to (2) always use a straight, Archbishop Patrick A_ ,O'Boyle ed to attend the session at the store the two remaining convent' unwarped cookie sheet (3) If of WashingtOn in Our Lady'. northeastem provincial mother bulldings in 1935 fonned the Re your cqokie sheet has turned a Chapel, which stands on the site of Mount Carmel for that house here and at Sacred Heart dark brown, line it with foil (4) of the original· convent chapel storers University in Bridgeport. purpose. use all-purpose flour unless cake and was dedicated by Archbish Philip H. Frohman. lirchiteet flour is specified. and (5) keep op O'Boyle in 1954. of Washington Cathedral, as soft cookies soft by dropping Mount Carmel Convent was sisted in the restoration and into the cookie jar an orange or officiallY opened in 1790 by four drew the plans for Our Lady's
an apple cut in half. Carmelite nuns who came to Chapel. He is also designing a
This particular recipe origi-' Port Tobacco in that year from new convent to be built at the Prescriptions called for nated in the days when eggs Europe. During their first three site when funds are available. cost 10 cents a dozen and butter months in Maryland, they stayed and Delivered Mount Carmel has since been
vvas spread with a generous LOFT
at a temporary convent at Chan raised to the status of a privi
. hand. The housewives of that dler's Hope, one, of the oldest leged shrine by the Holy See. It,
CHOCOLATES day ground their own spices by homes in Maryland. is the second oldest convent in 600 Cottage St. WY 4·7439 hand and always kept a well They moved into the perma the present 50 states. An earlier New Bedford filled cookie jar. These cookies nent convent on Oct., 15, 1790, convent was founded in New Or
are still baked in the bakery leans in 1727 by Ursuline nuns
shop at Sturbridge Village. They from L'Orient, France, while
Dedicates Marianite go so quickly in my house that Louisiana was still under French I generally double the recipe. rule. , Home in Louisiana 4, O'Clocks 3 Savings, Plans OPEJ...OUSAS (NC)-our Lady 'h cup sugar . of Prompt Succor, first nursing Home Financing 'hcup butter (or margarine) BEFORE YOU home to be, establisl;Led by the, ',1 egg , Marianite Sisters of the Holy, . BUY-TRY 1 teaspoon baking soda · Cross, was dedicated here by 1 teaspoon salt Auxiliary Bishop Warren L. 1 Tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated' lemon 'peel · BoudreaUx· of Lafayette. In de~iicating the $585,000 nur-,
';I¥.. to'I'h,.CUps flour ", 1) Cream the' shortening and sing home, Bishop Boudreaux
OLDSMOBILE 2et Main St., Wareham, MaIL 'said 'it "represents, one of the sUgar unitl very light. ,Ofdsmobik jot· Renault ' ,. Telephone 295-2400 ' trUly great sOcial needs of our , 2) Add the egg .(well beaten) " 17' Middle Street, fairflMl 1 time." , lad:"'''' .... lftlllrlil . ,arid the lemon rind. Opelowms . is, also the site of
: 3) Start with 1 cup of flour, ceight-year;:Olq Opelousas Gen
lifted' with the soda m,d salt, eral, J:{aspitat. first hospital 0( and add to the creamed mixture. ,, the Marilmltes. ' 4) , Add . the lemon juice, and up· to cup additional flour, bellting between additions. 5) Dip your fingers in granu at , lated sugar and pinch off a small 'ball of dough, rolling each ball FOR YOUNG WOMEN in sugar. 196 Whipple St., Fall River 6) Place the unbaked cookies Conducted by Franciscan
on a greased baking sheet, tW'0 Missionaries of Mary
inches apart. These cookies lOOMS - MEALS
spread out flat as they bake. 115 WILLIAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. OVERNIGHT KOSPITAUTY
7) Bake in' 375 deil'ee even hHluir. OS lor 12 to 15 minu~
17Sth, Anniversary'
,OHering You
St. Francis
"Save With Safety"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 22, 1965
CATHOLIC BOYS' DAY CAMP: A record enrollment of over 200 boys has been chalked up this season at Adamsville's Catholic Boys' Day Camp. Left, youngsters try for a big one. Center, well-protected boys
Continue Survey Of 19th Century Catholic Press
enjoy rowboat ride with counselor. Right, popsicle stick craft engrosses Michael Boucher, Blessed Sacrament parish, Fall River; Michael Miozza. Sacred Heart, Fall River; and Richard Petit,. St. Michael, Ocean Grove.
Believe Canonization Aid to Unity Urge Sainthood for 40 Reformation Martyrs
Deplores .Plight Of Soviet Jews
STRASBOURG (NC) - Jews LONDON (NC)-The procla ance by the Holy See of two It added: "The evidence of one in the Soviet Union are treated WASHINGTON (NC)-A mation of sainthood for 40 Brit miracles shown to have been remarkable cure now awaits the worse than any other ethnic 01' religious minority in,that nation. major Catholic press re ish men and women who died granted through the martyrs' judgment of the tribunal of the according to Dr. Nahum Gold~ for their Catholic Faith during intercession. Sacred Congregation of Rites, search project to guide mann, president of the World the Reformation would advance and there are high hopes that it librarians, historians and the movement toward Christian will satisfy the congregation's Jewish Congress. students of American Church. unity rather than hinder it, ac Goldmann spoke at a meetin, rigorous requirements. It will history is nearing completion at of the executive committee 01 cording to a manifesto read in not, however be submitted to the Catholic University of Catholic churches throughollt this final scrutiny until a second the congress here in France. America. added that the plight of, Soviet
England and Wales. ease is ready. Both will then be The current publication of the Jews may improve since Soviet The statement, isSued by· the CADIZ (NC) - Plagued by dealt with together." .,olume covering Massachusetts London office in charge Of letters, books and newspaper officials have recently told the Two Canonized· marks the 40th state completed pressing forward the· canoniza 'United Nations Human Rights reports dealing with the, ecu.... The 40 martyrs up for saillt .Commission that the U.S.S.B. thus far, i n the 15-year":01d tion cause of 40 of the beatified menical council and other issues, . hood are among the 199 beatified 'favors fair play tor minori~ • pro~ect .entitled: ."Catholic Seri English and Welsh inartyrs who Bishop Antonio Anoveros Ataun als of the 19th Century in the gave their lives· between 1535 . of Cadiz said he has come to the English and Welsh martyrs--'136 grouPIl· of t hem declared blessed by United ·States - A Descriptive· and 1680, urged .Catholics to re Meallwhile, in Geneva, Israel's Gpinion that the common denom Pope Pius XI in 1929; Only two' ambassador Bibliography and Union List." to". Switzerland, new'their prayers· for ·the success· $Jiat9r, is human Vanity. of the Reformation martyrs have· -'Moshe Bartur, accused the Soviet The work is the joint project of the joint canoniZation cause. "Human . vanity," , said , the. .been canonized-8t. John· Fisher, Union of subjecting Jews to "at of Eugene p;. Willging, director The manifesto, issued with the SpanisI:t, prelate, "does not heed of libraries at the· Catholic l,fni approval ·of the hierarchy, said the voice of reflectiOn, of con-,: cardinal, bishop· of Rochester,"'· tempts at forced assimilation." and St. Thomas More, Lord, He told the U.N. Economic and versity of America, and Mrs. that only one major stage· re 'structive and fair dialogue. It is Herta Hattfeld, library research mains to be completed:-accept- walled iit by predetermined Chancellor of England; who social Council there that the assistant. U.S.S.R.'s policy toward Jews . judgments. Those who allow were both beheaded under ,'Henry VIII in 1535.' The survey has produced 1,200 is "flagraritly incompatible" with themselves to be captured by titles of Catholic newspapers, The list of 40 was selected the universal declaration of vanity have lost much of their magazines and annuals pub when the English hierarchy de . of human rights. balance and objectivity." lished during the period 1809 He added that Russia's Jewish B ish op Anoveros suggested cided to seek resumption of the community is ,denied all ele to 1900. More than 60 per cent canonization cause in 1960. of these were not previously re CHECHON (NC) Father that more people should listen to m,entary facilities in the field I€ I Among the 40 are such well corded in major library refer Jewish culture." Robert Kerwin of St. Aidan's the advice of Thomas a Kempis, known figures as Blessed Cuth the 15th-century monk who ence works, such as Gregory's parish, Williston Park, N. Y., was bert Mayne, Blessed Edmund Union List of Serials, and Amer a long way from home when he wrote: Campion, and Blessed Philip Do not trust too much in your ic'an Newspapers-A Union List· Visited St. Aidan's parish here Howard. own opinions, but willingly lis for the United States and Can;" in Korea., "SPECIAL MILK ada. But he Came with a purpose. ten to those of others. It is safer to heed someone else's advice Father Kerwin blessed and ded 38 Dailies From Our Own icated St. Aidan's, a church built than to follow your own. Even· The Catholic University sur if your opinion is good, you Tested Herd" vey reveals that about 60 per here with the money his parish Paint and Wallpaper ioners donated to Father Gerald gain merit if you accept the Acushnet, Mass. WY 3·4457 cent of the imprints are in En Dupont Paint opinion of another for love of Kennedy, M.M. glish and 40 per cent in foreign • Special Milk God." cor. Middle St. Ten years ago Father Kennedy languages, French papers totaled • Homogenized Vito D Milk '22 Acush Ave. 164; German, 120; Polish, 60; and was the first priest ordained • Buttermilk from the New York parish. Since the others represented 14 addi New Bedford • Tropicana Orange Juice coming to Korea he has re
tional languages, It also lists 38 PARKING • Coffee and Choc. Milk Catholic dailies published in the mained in close contact with the Rear of Store • Eggs - Butter priests and parishioners of St. United States in the 19th cen GOA (NC)-A Catholic-spon tury . Of these only three were Aidan's. sored Boys Town intended main iii English. When he was home on vaca ly for chi I d r e n of backward The present undertaking lists tion last year, the people of the (;ommunitieshas been opened parish gave him $16,000 to build FOR FAMILY BANKING all the titles (including variants) here in India by Father Edwin of each paper, the frequency of a church in Korea. de.Souza. issue, the type and degree of The institution, named after Catholicity of the p·ublication, Father Joseph Vaz (1651-1711). and the libraries or other depos BOGOTA (NC) - Archbishop Goa-born "Apostle of Ceylon," itories where they may be lo
cated. A chronological chart tells Jose Paupini, apostolic nuncio, will include a residential school ATTLEBORO
to Colombia, in a speech here which will offer training in at a glance what papers were agriculture, carpentry, farmpng
alluded ~ the possibmty that published at any given period. SO. ATTLEBORO - SEEKONK
Library holdings are indicated Pope Paul' VI might be present C1nd bookbinding, besides aea
.remc SUbjects.
by symbols, such as used in the for the opening of the 39th In Mi:MBER FDIC National Union Catalog of the ternational Eucharistic Congress The Goa cathedral wll donate
Library of Congress. .ere ill 1968. land for the town,
Asserts Opinion Mask for Vanity
Brooklyn Priest Bless'e's Church
White's Farm Dairy
Boys 'Town in India Catholic-Sponsored
Visit Possible
THE ANCHOR-Dtocese of fGlt '~""".MrQ"
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CAMP: There's a lot going on at St. Vincent de 'Paul Camp, Adamsville, where Diocesan youngsters are participating in a resident camp experience, ~any for the first time. 'Left, boys work in 'craft shop, from left" GeratdGosselin, St. Theresa's, parish, South Attleboro; David Gerrard, Sacred Heart, Taunton; Scott Davis, Holy Fam-
ily, Taunton; Joseph Schien, St. Mary's, Taunton. Center, boys meet
horse. From left, Lucien Gosselin, St. Joseph, Attleboro; Robert Bedard,
St. Jacques; Daniel Meier, Sacred Heart; John Rocha, Sacred Heart;
Vernon Perry, Our Lady of Lourdes, all Taunton parishes. Right, expres
sions mirror satisfaction at man-size food servings.
'Cardinal Cushing, Newspaper Rejects Red Di~logue Sch~me Asks Lutherans Vatican City Publication Says Appeal Insidious Unite in Love VATICAN CITY (NC)-The it was advanced on the pretext , ventionlf such as the speech «
Name Editor
ST. COLUMBANS (NC)-F~ ther Owen MacElroy, S.S.C" has been appointed editor of The Far East, magazine of the Co Fathers, He is now giv BOSTON (NC)-Boston's V~tican City newspaper has,re o,f defending the "laicism" of ,Pope Paul VI at Pisa on June lumban ing retreats to Columban mis-' Richard Cardinal Cushing jected the latest in a series of, the state against "undue inter- 11 is said to be." 'sionaries in K 0 rea and the Cry lor Constancy made plea for "unity of rec-ent appeals by Italian com P'liilippines and has been spirit The reference was to the ad love" in an address here to munists to set up a "dialogue" lIal director at st. Columban's w~th Catholics. oress by the Pope at a National Major Seminary, Milton, Mass., Commenting on the suggestion 1,000 delegates at the mitional , Eucharistic Congress in Pisa io-r lbe past t,hree years. convention of the Lutheran Lay- of a communist member of par appealing to the people of the men's League. liament, Allessandro Natta, L'city a~d the surrounding region In the, firSt address ever'" Osservatore Romano said "ele-" , TEGUCIGALPA (NC)':""'TweIve ' ,pi Tliscany to preserve the Faith liven by a Catholic prelate to a. ','mentary common sense should Catholic university stu den t s of their ancestors. The Pope had from the United States are said:, "We would wish our cry, nati~?al LLL meeting, ~ardi.nal, , ,put an ,end once and for all to Cu.shing warned tha~ atheIsm appeals' which either directly spending their Summer \Taca- for constancy in the Faith to is on the 'march," that "Chris-., or indirectly, call us to work, ,tions here ~elpiiIg Honduran , leach across ~he Tyrrhenian Sea families provide themselves with t<l tM bE;~oved and hard-working , tianit~ is losing, out" and that" against our aspirations, convic Chry~ians BlUst .unite, "ir riot tions and prerogatives, that is' better housing.. island of Sardinia with which, organIcally, then, In the UnIty oj, " to say against ,ourselves.~ , The students are under the Pisa JIas for -;:enturies had spiri of IO,ve." " ' .lotn Forces ~Urection of Ji'ather Vincent J. tual,8I;ld civil exchanges." ~.-n WYm'an ;Prestera, N<:!wark missionary, This solitary reference to Sar He , reminded 'the Luth~rans", Nattahad suggested in • re . " " , 3-6592 that. "yoU.Md I agree mQre thlm "port" to a f!ommunist Central founder of the new local Hu- (jinia"lIince it came on the eve. O'f irnp9rtant regional elections,·" CHARLES f. VARGAS we djsagree.", He cO~eI;lde<l" Committee meeting that ,his mannarian AssoCiation. The students began planning Of) that island where the com theD;l. for their ,Viork and asked pnrty should press far 'the dia 2 54 ROCKDALE AVENUE their prayers for the success of 'logue with Catholics and colla- ' and 'raising fund~ toward, their' munist vote is a significant NEW BEDFORD, MASS. the fourth session of the Second boration even in problems which venture several months ago at factor, was roundly critized by Vatican Council to convene Sept. "imply ideological aspects," such Vma Madona College in Coving- the Italian communist press as 14. as educatiofl and freedom of ~on, and Seton Hall University undue clerical interference in in South Ora.:ge. Their presence ' politics. It was revised in the Absurd Attitude 9lJeech. "The Church always needs and The comqlittee's published here is a follow-up to a similar Central Committtee report. always will need reformation," communique went a step further undertaking last year by stu he said, "because we are human. and appealed to Catholics "who dt?nts from the same schools. We could have had the reforma- to fulfIll the teaching of At that time students helped on tion without a revolution 400 ;Pope John XXIII" to join forces' the housing project known lo cally as "Colonia Popular No.2," years ago if there had been a with the communists in con Maintenance Supplies
pope like John XXIII." fiemning American policy in originated by Father Prestera a~d Father Pius Hawley of An SWEEPERS - SOAPS
Vietnam. He stressed the need for dia- ! L'Osservatore said the Natta tigonish, .Nova Scotia. DISINFECTANTS
logue at the grassroots level and The students this year mix declared: "I am spreading the appeal was insidious and that mortar, make bricks and lay FIRE EXTINGUISHERS
fll/Clt ecumenical spirit among the fOllndations, working side by common people, like you and side with future home-owners me." on a project called "Colonia 1886 PURCHASE STREET
"The time was when we didn't Popular No.1," started over a NEW BEDFORD
even speak to each other," he VILLANOVA (NC) - Father year ago by Father Jose Manuel said. "At least now we are talk Joseph A. Flaherty, O.S.A., has Molina-Sierra. It is designed WY 3-3786
ing. The whole attitude of the been named president of Villa according to 'lelf-help principles past was absolutely absurd, es ~ to provide decent housing for nova University here in Penn pecially for Christians Who sylvania. families living in rough lumber should love one another whether alongTegucigalpa's He succeeds Father John A. shacks we are in complete agreement Klekotka, O.S.A., president since waterfront. ON CAPE COD or not." 1959, wbo has been appointed superior of the Augustinian com munity at Monsignor Bonner High School in Drexel Hill, Pa. Parishioners of St. Joseph's Father Flaherty, 49, has been Church, Fall River, are collect vice president for academic af Inc. ing items, ranging :Crom antiques fairs at the university since 1963. to weathervanes, for an auction A native of Philadelphia, he FUNERAL SERVICE to be held at 10 Saturday morn joined the Augustinians in 1938. ing, July 31 in the' school hall. He holds an M.A. from the NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Donations may be left at the Catholic University of America AMPLE PARKING 549 COUNTY STREET school at any time prior' to and a Ph.D. in English from Friday, July 30, Harvard University.
Collegians He I p ,Honduras Poor '
Name Fr. Flaherty Villanova President
deIM" II
Plan Auction
Michael C. Austin
SPring 5-0700
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fait River-Thurs , July 22, 1965
Knees and Hands "
GodLove 'yOU By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen.
neighborhood is blown to bits or set afire. Real Little Boy . In this hour of horror, doughty little Morris proves himself a hero, and Sandra doesn't do too badly, eitt;er. It is then, too, that Morris is called "the great est 'thing since sliced bread," a' compliment he richly earns. In the main; Mr. Robertson has ' performed astonishingly well. In Morris 'Bird m be gives us a real little boy, nrJt just a' comic cut-out. ' The, reservation one would enter has to do with the youngster's verbal formation of his intentions and desires; they strike this reader lIS being artic ulated too precisely to be cred ited. Otherwise, Morris is believ able and delightful, as are most' of ,the people, large and small, who cluster about, him: in this memorable book. Low Man on Pole .In You, Can't Get There from' Here; ,the principal character is 16-year old Wes Scott,' returning to New York City after a visit with his paternal grandparents in Schuyler, Virg:nia. Wes lives in Brooklyn with his father. Joe, and his stepmother Meredith. Theirs is a happy hous,ehold. Well, fairly haptiy. The three love one another dearly. But there is always an undercurrent of uncertainty and worry be cause of Joe. H~ fa a radio writer, who enjoyed great suc cess and made big money in the days when he was writing for Fred Allen and other luminaries of the radio age., He has never been able to manage the transi.tIon to televi sion writing, and is barely hang jng on at NBC doing scriptS for religion program.c;. That, it ap pears. is low man on the com munications totem pole. Shy Beaver Joe drinks. And he broods. He talks a lot about a place called Shy BeavE'r. No one knows just where Shy Beaver is. Probably, Joe once saw the name on a highwaye:gn It seems to be the Shangri-la or Utopia which he hopes ultimately to reach. At any rate, he has told friends that if ever he disr'overs the way to get there, he will paint the directions on the George Wash ington Bridge. As a result of Joe's wobbly job ::tatus, he, his wife. and his son live in circumstances which are reduced in comparison with what they enjoyed in his best years. But worse than, the relit tlve poverty are the shadows of failure and fear. Sure Fire for Movies Father and son both lose their lives in the climactic scene, and each has something· to do with saving the other. Joe, it turns OUt, has D':!en assidUOUSly look ing for the way to Shy Beaver, and, in the denouement, he, his son,' and lus wife have found it. This novel could easily have Blopped over into sentimentality, but the author's good taste and sharp sense of humor prevent !Ouch a fiasco The tenuous nar rative is skillfully sustained, a modeSt meaSure oi suspense' is preserved, and an array of agree able characters is adroitly han dled. Althougb far from being a profound work, this expertly performed minOl' fiction has a point for t~e thoughtful reader. It looks lik(' a sure fire thin, for the moviea.
, The, anti-Chrisi bas ~ '«lOme! His bIaek wInp are presstn~ upon us. His advent hastens because he has alread7 «lOnvinced us that he does not exist. In the dayS of ChrIst, we had to send missionaries to the naked in far-off lands. In the days of anti Christ, we have to send missionaries to clothe the naked In Amer Ica. Satan tears Christ from the cross and then flings that cross less Christ to a spineless Christian West and throws the Christ less cross of discipline to the Reds. He then erects the anti-cross the twisted cross, on a "rock" that Is not Peter and a "roll" that 'is not bread. He denies immoraliiy, but stuffs Lenin with Immortal paraffin and wax. He draws paintings of paint, that man may never see himself as an image of God. He roots ou~ of the soul eompassion for the raped and the martyred and bids his sob sisters show eompassion for the rapist and the mob.
Elmer Von Feldt
Names Columbia Magazine Editor NEW HAVEN (NC)-Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt has an nounced the appointment of Elmer Von Feldt, news editor of the N.C.W.C. News Service in Washington, as editor of Colum bia magazine to succeed John Donahue upon his retirement at the end of this year. Von Feldt will join the staff of Columbia on Sept. 1. With a circulation of 1,200,000 Colum bia is the largest Catholic mag azine in the world. It is pub lished oy the Knights of Colum bus, a fraternal benefit society of more than a million Catholic men. Director of Panel A native of Hays, Kan., and a Knight of St. Gregory, Von Feidt has been with the N.C.W.C. News Service since 1944 and in imme diate charge of its news program since 1956. Prior to that he served as the agency's foreign editor. He has been on journal istic assignments in Europe, Latin America and Asia. In 1963 and 1964 he served as director of the U. S. ,Bishops', Press Panel for the Second Vati can Council in Rome. Because of his work there he was one of eight journalists given official consideration this year by the Catholic Press Association of the U. S. and Canada for its annual award for distinguished contri bution to Catholic journalism.
Manufacturer Gives Shoes to Latins NEW YORK (NC)-More than 16,000 poor people in South America will have new shoes on their feet-many of them for the first time in their lives--because of the generosity of a Michigan shoe manufacturer. The Wolverine Shoe and Tan ning Corporation of Rockford, MIch. has donated 16,841 pairs of new shoes,' valued at $80,000, to Catholic: Relief Services--Na tional Catholh:Welfare C.onfer"" eoce, ,-officials ,of the agency announced here., The shoes will be shipped from the CRS warehouse in Brooklyn to South America for distribU tion'to the needy there. C~· NCWC 'c1irrently conducts relief programs in 21 LaUn American nations. " '.' ,
Duquesne Program PITTSBURGH (NC)-Sixty five l'rosppctive youth workers began training (July 12) at Du quesne University in the prob lems of disadvantaged youth' under an E'ight-week program. The program, which will run un til Sept. 4, is being financed by a $75,000 grant from the Bureau of Employment Security of the U. S. Labor Department.
Michael! Draw thy sword once more. Mary! Lift thy heel to erush the serpent! You faithful!' Save souls where souls are save able. Repent! De-mammonlze yourself! Evil is a parasite which feeds· on good n~nce . On 'morsels, now on chW\ks. God gave' us two weapODs: - knees and hands. 'Knee~to spend an hour a day in reparation for sins.. Han~to reach alms to 'ChriSt starving on a thousand streets. With this column, we begin a national plea for one hour' a day of continuous p ray e r before the Blessed Sacrament (the laity may include Mass). How many of you will answer? How many will open. thek h~ds' too? GOD LOVE YOU to' a teenager for $50 "to express my thanks for makin~' 'me more aware of sufferin&' mankbid and tbe De,eds of the Church. You helped me to see Our Blesed Savior's eross In the erumblin&' adobe flomes Ulat hous'e an Impoverishec1Latin American family; to s'ee . Our LOrd's bloody' sweat' over those 'Who slanghtered the Congo missionaries: to see Christ's tea1'll for sinner over' Cath oDes who harden their hearts' .and refuse to I'ase upon the cra eifiX. But most' of all you helped me look at my soul as It ,is and inspired me to say, 'Lord, help me to be lID instrument of ;your peace, I. the sinner.' ..... to a eonvert for $300 "I want to offer some of what rve «lOme to, know to others. I ~ve accepted a tremendous dft, I hope to retnra at least a small one. What I am III God'. PIt to me: what I become is m7 alft to Rim."
Do you know w~at the 30th parallel Is? l't .. aD Imaginal7 line that girdles the globe. Below it are Central and South Amer ica,' Oceania, India half of China, most of Africa. Above it are the well-endorsed, the well-fed; those below Dve and die in wretchedness. Those above cannot envision the horror and an guish of those below. Hunger is not merely an economic problem; it .. a moral and spiritual one--a greater danger to our future than atomic warfare.' It .. around thia searing theme that Bfa hop Sheen has fashioned his new movie, "The 30th Parallel.~ It runs 26 ~utes and fa available, through your local Diocesan Director. For more ~ormation, write ,your Diocesan Director or to The· Society for the Propagation of. the Faith, 366 FiftIl Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001'. Cut out thfS eol1UllDo pin your saerifiee to It and man It to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. Y. 10001, or to your Diocesan Director, Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Con aidine, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Massachusett&.
Deposits Welcomed in Multiples of . '$~.oo .uP to $30,~n Single and Joint Accovnts Up to $6O,OOO-fo.... Corporations
February, May, August and November
.AIJ Deposits lniured in Fun
opposite Post Office on WintbrOlt st.
rDocument Shows 'H Red Destructioa Of Religion WASHINGTON ~' The Soviet Union has sys tematically ann i hila ted churches within ~ borders
except for the Russian Orthodox which reached a "truce" during World War II, a study prepared for the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee says,. Prepared at the request CIIf Sen. Thomas J. Dodd of COlUlee ticut, the study was done by the Law Library of the Library of Congress. It is volume one, paris two and three, of a subcommit tee-sponsored document called "Church and State Under Com munism." The new study reviews the ealculated destruction of reli gious organizations from shortly 'after the Red revolution in 1918 until a few years after the con elusion of World War II. Related in detail is the, "perse eution of Eastern Rite Catholi dsm in the Ukraine where an 10 bishops were arrested. Only one, Metropolitan Josyf Slipyi of Lvov, survived and he reside. today in Rome. Formal Extermmatlon It says that of the 3,040. pa.. ishes, all were either'seized by the government or ~ven to the Russian Orthodox. Nuns were dispersed, p r i est s imprisoned, seminarians made refugees and 811 Catholic associations ended. The study says that the 4.3 millJorl'-member rite was sub jected to the "severest persecu tion and finally to formal exte~ mination." The study also says that m sevf:!ral areas of Eastern Europe which were taken into the Soviet Union during and after World War II, the population was pre dominantly Roman Catholic, the people members of the Latin Rite. Most of the populace of those areas was evacuated into Poland. "Therefore," ,the study says, "only a few Catholic churches remained and they, according to the reports of travelers, are stiD open."
· ' .' ,.. AHCHOR-"",,s., 'July 22, - ~ Start Participant Come. to",Fall·, ,R.f;t)eJ'
" .
From Ireland via Liberia
Teaching in Operation Head Start's FaD .River program tB but anot1ler tnterestln« chapter ill the life of Sister Nivard, F.M.M. ,Thi! soft-spoken Franciscan Missionary of Mary, a native of Ireland, was for six years an eighth grade teacher in Monrovia, the eap italof Liberia, Africa. This S'tint was followed by three years in her nati"e Ireland, wheN she completed undergradu ate work for a bachelor's de It Is vel'Y valuable for the c:hftd gree. Until next June, Sister ren." Nivard will be based in Bos The Head Start program is in
ton, w~rkirig towards a master's degree in educational adminis tration; then she expects to re turn to Monrovia. But for a month this Summer, she be longs to Fall River's Head Start, where she is aiding Sister Que ranus, second grade teacher at Espirito Santo School, at the program's Wixon School unit. Next month she said her place will be'" taken b; her, "twin" Sister Deirdre who has been ~sisoned with h~r the past 11 years. "It's the first time we've been separated in the 1J. years," me said. 80Peaeelui Liberia, explained Sister Nt vard, was founded as a republie ' in 1847, having been started as a settlement for freed Amer! can slaves in 1817. Its govern ment is modeled on that of th United States and, summed u: Sister, ''you hear very little about it because it's so peaceful." The Franciscan Missionaries have had 8 girl's school in Mon rovia for 30 years. Running from kindergarten through high school, it has an enrollment of ' nearly 1,000. One graduate, ad ded Sister, is now at the Francis can Missionaries' provincial house in Providence as a novice. She will return to Liberia OIl completing her training. Returning to her Fan River assignment, Sister Nivard des cribed the 31 children bt the Wixon School Head Start unit as "mostly cooperative, although
tended f~r pre-school. tots who need enn~h~ent expenences be fore begInmng regular s.chool work. They learn games, SImple tasks. suc~ a~ bru~hing.teeth and washmg Jumor-slze dIshes, and how to play in a group. They wiU enjoy m~y fiel~ trips to placea such as ~Ire stations and parks. The children take the presence of Sisters in the program very much fo~ granted" said ~i8ter Nivard. They aren t, afraid of us." .A;lso participating in the Fa~l RIver program are Re ligIous of the. HoW Umon, but t~ey, are assIgned to another school. Siste~ Nivard s8ld she was glad to be III the. United Sta~s few study f?r one very ~ood reason; a marrI~d sister, livmg in New ~ork ~Ity. She h~. two other sIsters who are religIOUS and a b~other ~ priest. While in, Fall River,. SIster i~ sta~in~ at the FranCIscan MiSSIOnarIes convent OIl Second Street.
Cathol'ic Course At Vanderbilt NASHVILLE (NC)-A Chatr of Roman Catholic Studies wiD
be established at Vanderbilt University here in Tennessee. Coadjutor Bishop Joseph A. Durick of Nashville announced lIOIDe are withdrawn.· I didn't the project at a joint meeting of really see the value of such a Church and university officials. project until I started work,· Vanderbilt officials said funda she added, "but now I 8ee that are being sought to support the professorship on a yearly basis until a sufficient endowment i. secured to perpetuate 'the chair. The bishop made the an nouncement at a meeting at which he was presented with a WASHINGTON (NC) -Pub eners in Asia that "the anti-U.S. copy of the Catholic Edition of. lic debate in this country of policy which has shaken U.s. the Revised Standard Version of United States foreign policy ha. embassies and agencies in over. the New Testament by J. Philip produced debate as to whether 50 countries throughout the Hyatt, profesJlOr in the Vander Interfaith Clergy or not it is a good thing. Mean world now is shaking the very bilt divinity school. Hyatt is a while one thing is obvious; our den of the U.S. imperialists so member of the Standard Bible Fight Alcoholism enemies abroad are using what violently that Johnson himself Committee which ill responsihle BOSTON (NC)-The equiva lent of five jet planeloads of we do and say as ready made had to admit" it had "reached for the RSV translation first a climax." published in 1946. Americans are killed every week propaganda. "teach-ins,· rallies, The broadcast said many Talks, on our highways, it has been re "Mutual agreement has been picketing, demonstrations, and thousands of "male and female reached between Church and vealed in a survey by an inter so forth, have not served to U.S. citizens" converged on university authorities on the faith organization formed to clear the atmosphere in the U.S., university stadiums, bringing broad outlines of this project," combat the evils of alcoholism. Several hundred clergymen of but have led to subdivisions, blankets and sitting Ua whole said Bishop Durick. "It win all faiths attended a conference sharp differences of opinion day and night" listening to and make available the Catholie between individuals and groups, -acclaiming orators who pro stance in theology and philoso held by the North Conway Insti phy on the graduate school level. tute, and were told that 7,000 and possibly more confusion, tested against the Johnson ad study of the phenomenOll has ministration's aggressive and We thank the Vanderbilt author clergymen throughout the na war-seeking policy." ities for opening this avenue of tion were planning more active shown. On the other hand, thOlle who Hanoi told its listeners that . greater understanding and mu participation in the campaign to oppose us on the international a good majority of the membera tuel enrichment of spirit.· prevent automobile deaths. The Institute survey shows that stage pick and choose from of the U.S. Senate committee on only 23 per cent of the nation'. what is said and done In 1hls foreign relations disapproved of clergy have had any special eountry, and pass it 011 with 1he Johnson' administration's their own interpretation .. policy, and quoted one senator training in alcohol education. wide areas lIItd many people. as saying "it is the United States Radio b~casts or!ginatiftl, and no other country which Leader Tells Hindus , III Hanoi in North Vietnam 8Ild bas 1/Iolated the U.N. Charier beamed ,into Soutll' Vietnam, and aabotaged the Geneva ... Christians and elsew~; aPe a ease Ja' eords,'" ., KOTTAYAM (NC) -A eatI point. Some broadcasts recentq The Hanoi redio CheB COR to Hindus to imitate, the Catholic monitored 1ft Saigon bave be flded to listeners that this ChurCh and open educational eome avellable· here. Persons Enator "was right," and' ~w ~stitutions attached to templell Mturning froin Saigon .,. 1bet" • the further advice that "the was made here by a noted HIn are familiar with them. U.s. administration ill unworthy du leader. 'A HanOi broadcast deaUD« ., tile VA people-" ' M. Vasudev811 PiDal, member with the much publicised of the Hindu Religious Board '"teach-inio ill tIds eountry and el Kerala, said that 1be reasOJl with demonstrationS 'at lOme T~ust The for progress of the Christian American lllniwr&itiell told .... eommunit)? is· that 1here are TAUNTON, MASS. schools and collegeaunder the auspices of chuchee. Pillal's statement is m at! '"ATICAX CITY-8ec:ond Va THE BANK ON
eord with a trend among Hindus, tican Counc:n, the press office, TAUNTON GREEN
which has become pronounced has offered prizes amounting to more than $1,600 for' the photo since the International Eucha Member ,of Feder~l Deposit
graphs which best portray the ristic Congress held last Decem Insurance Corporation
ber in Bombay to match the Council's '"ap e cia I historical, For Your Car Church. 1lPirjtual. aDd ecumenical fta1i~" ...~,. sJ,STBa N1VARD, F.II.M.
Opponents Abroad Capitalize On Foreign Policy" Debates
To Copy
fOr BriltolCounty;
Bristol County
Best Photo
See'. T raini",
Program Gets
Federal Funds
A work training center :far
DlJedy students in Cath<llil high schools will be estab lished with Federal funds III De Porres Center here, a youth
center conducted by the archdio
cese of Cincinnati. Archdiocesan officials said fM U.S. Labor Departmellt's $13t1, 954 grant is the first instance in the archdiocese of direct Fed eral aid to students in Catholte schools. The Federal funds wiD be supplemented DY $26,000 pro- ", vided by the program's sponsortl, the archdiocesan board of ed ucation and the De POTres Youtla Educational Center. The money will finance a stall fIl eight persons directing a work training program to "pro vide meaningful employment opportunities" for the teenage. and enable them to retul'll .. JlChool in the Fall. , Increase Potential ,Raymond S. Payne, directol' 01. the progarm, said it 15 de signed to help alleviate incident al'school expenses such as food, clothing, books and bus fare by , means of Summer jobs provided b5' the ,Youth Corps program. He said it will also attempt· "'to increase the employmeQt potential of these same youths.... through instruction and coun leling in work technicques and attitudes, job efficiency, respon ability and deportment. Tutor!'" assistance in remedial reeding, Ilnglish and mathematics be offered to the enrollees OB a voluntary basis in the hope of further increasing their ac ademic employment pot,ential.• In Hamilton County, the aree llerved by the program,' there are 7,900 youths in the affected age bracket in Catholic schools, the archdiocesan board of ed. cation said.
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THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River~T,h~rs..July22,1965
Welfare Official
Latin Bishops Show Concern Over Problems of Poor
Explains Vietnam Refugee Problem
From "The Church in the New Latin America" Edited by John J. Considine, M.M.
By 1921 the attitude of the Chilean hierarchy, towards the proletariat began to change from its earlier position that the poor should accept their lot with resilroation. Archbishop Errazuriz of Santiago, speal,dng of the suffer. f th It' t d mgs 0 e pro e arIa an serious problems of our Indian of their justified protests peasantry r~main almost unagainst injustice, declared: touched." "These evils are great evils. And then, preoccupied by a ipdeed, especially for the pro- retardation 1hat may lead events letariat. The rising cost of living, along a path other' than the the lack of reChristian 'one. His Excellency sources and the adds, "The rate of present sofrequent disrecial and economic change is exgard of their ceeding~y slow. need give the "A strong political action is of working people the utmost urgency. This must the rig h t to restructure the judicial and press their just social patterns of th,e country in claims. the light of principles more in "The present agreement with the social docstate of affairs trine of the Church, and shorten must come to an the stages ,necessary for social end, and since and economic development of the the victim is ,nation.'" ly unable to'·mak e h·IS ord" marl The entire Peruvian hierarchy complaints heard,·the Church, his shares this disquie~. In its colnatural protector,· is pleased to· pastoral of the same foster the fo rmation of associa- lective month and year it states: tions· which might enable ,work"It is urgent that a gre~t social ers to help themselves, giye as- effort be made so that such consistance to each other, and be ditions may, be elimiJiated. If defended from the cruelty of pit- they are not solved through an ness employers." effective process of improvement Similar reactions began to appear in other countries 'almost and development, they will . simultaneously with. what caine prove an ~ver.increasinglyactive to pass in Chile, until' today 8. virus that will lead to social , vigorous fight for' soCial ju..sUce collapse." for the entire population char- B raz iI' s B"IS h ops C a II F or Change acterizes the program of the A similar urgency for change Church. ' ill, pointed out by the Brazilian The worsening of living con- ,bishops through the message of diti6ns in Latin America entails '. . thei~, Nation5l.1 Conference 'of the direst poverty for the ma-: 1963; "We ·are faced with the:' jority of the population, almost. 'need for. decisive and urgent entirely without economic re- . tran~f07l'\tion. 'This.:etan~ the sources. Great numbers suffer a" pass~ng rom one S~l, s ru ure scarcity ,~f vital energy due ~o , toan?ther ~~ere the h~an permalnutritIon. A consequence IS sonahty .~il.-l,~eco:ver:Its huma!). substantial inadequacy in. intel-, dimension in th'euse of freed?m lectual and moral capaClt~, to and o~ t~~ resQ,urces .~el~ngIng, which the absence of educational to a dIgnIfIed way· of· life. facilities must be added. Hence Continuing, they refer to spethe Church raises her voice in effie Teforms and speak of the her concern and anxiety for her land problem, for they deem children. "man's natural right to 'oWner-:Call For Social Revolution ship to be unpostponable.!' They Because of the gravity of the call for reform of the bUsiness situation, Churchmen through- enterprise, for a "growing in-' out the continent in varying de- tegration of all those who share grees favor a true revolution, in the enterprise, its life, its not in a violent sense, but in one property, its profits, its decisof rapid, profound and overall ions." They recommend a tax change in the basic political, ,reform, "to make income tax of juridical, social and economic a more efficiently· progressive structures. nature, adopting strong measToday, throughout Latin ures that will inhibit the various America the voice of the shep- kinds of tax evasions or concealherds of the Church is clearly ment." heard, denQuncing the social ills They note the need of adminof the hour. istrative reform because "we all "In other nations," states the feel that the Brazilian adminArchbishop of Arequipa in his istrative machinery does ~ot. re~ .. pastoral letter of May, 1963; spond sufficiently to the present .' "liberal capit;Ilism has undoubt- requirements of a country strugedly evolved, ,becoiniilg more· "'gling 'in: an ·immenSe effort for social and Christian. In Latin social and economic developAmerica, and specifically in ment." They speak for electoral Peru, it must be admitted that reform, "decisive in the current this evolution has o~ly started. process of purifjc:ation qf demOur social. legislation, for >hi- oci'ative'institutions."·' . . . s~ance"h~ be~p.}nching.i~!!,way "These reforms," says· the SInce the beg1nnmg. of the cen- Brazilian bishops "are mere, tury. ~ut is-evident '~at OU1" I 'stages iii 'it 'global trimsfoj:mation evolutIon IS too far behind that towards which we must progress of nations and is ~till su- They cannot be used as pretex~ perflclal. It has not achIeved a to confirm the existing order"
better distribution of even con• sumer goods, much less of pro duction goods, that is to say, land College Gets Grant and capital. Most especiaij.y, the BOCA RATON (NC) - 'MarY- mount Junior College here in Holy Year Stamps Florida has been· awarded a SANTIAGO (NCl--St. James $55,000 grant by the Office of the Apostle will be depicted on Economic Opportunity for an a new set of Spanish commemo action progmm for migrant fam rative postage stamps to com ilies which is currently under memorate Santiago's Holy Year way. The grant is believed to be of 1965. They will ,be issued the first granted by the OEO to a Sunday, the feast day of the college or university for a pro saint. graIn among migrants.
Refugees in, South Vietnam currently total some 350,000, the assistant executive director of Catholic Relief Services National Catholic Welfare Con ference told a Senate hearing. While refugees along the coast are in general "tolerably well eared for," said Msgr. John F. McCarthy, those in the interior of the country "need help bad ]y."
LEADERS AT CHAPTER: Most'Rev. Theodore Foley" C.P., of Springfield, superior general of the Passionists, and, Very Rev. James Patrick White, C.P., of Boston, provincial,·, will play major role in order's triennial chapter. Story on page one.
Stevenson Lau d e d Ch urc h's' Stan d 0 n Communism; Praised, Popes, Pope Paul VI mourned the "great loss" to the world through the death of Adlai Ewing Stevb assa d or to the . enson, U . .S am Unl'ted Nat·o sa . In nd 10n gt.1me . 1a b orer f or worId peace. . The Pope's tribute came in a message .to .President Johnson,. who also received a message of grief from Amleto Cardinal' Cicognani, papal· secretary 'of' state. The 65-year-old statesman, who was the unsuceessful Detnocratic candidate for the presi-, dericy. in· 1952 and .1956 died in' . London, Ei;lgland.. He'·~Qltapsed on a street not far"from'the U. S. embassy imd died before medical aid' could be administered. Death apparently resulted fron~"a 'heart attack. . 'Voice for Freedom' ,
Throughout his public career, Stevenson frequently lauded the Catholic Church for its 'stand' agam's t commUnIsm . . d' an d praISe· popes for thel'r efforts toward world p··eaee. In a speech delivered ·at the University of Notre Dame in the' 1952 presidential campaign, Stevenson emphasized that leaders, of the Catholic Church for more than a century had 'opposed communism, . '. The Church had prescribed that . "tlie 'only permanent cure foJ.:. this disease lies in the ~rad ication of 'its" causes-in the achievement ':Of, social justice," Stevenson· stated. :.:.:.: )\dmired· ,,~pe John Stevenso~ '. was :-an 'avid ad mirer· .of the bite Pope John XXIII. On '. several occasions, Stevenson pr~;sed Pope' John ~ for his social teachings in the Mater et Magistra and the Pacem in Terris encyclicals, and for his tremendous efforts in be half of world peace. In February, 1962, when Stev enson was presented with the, Patriotism Award by the Uni versity of Notre Dame's senior class, he asserted in his acceptance address that "of all the leaders in the world at this mo ment seeking to give guidance and counsel to the human race, I know of none who radiates a sense of paternal regard for all God's children as Pope John
Boston's Ric h a.1' d Cardinal Cushing said "every friend of liberty in any part of the world will share this loss." "An authentic voice for free~om and peace has been silenced in the untimely death of Ambassador Stevenson," Car din a I Cushing said. "Every American is saddened by this event, and every friend of liberty in any part of the world will share this loss that is so ,universally felt by his countrymen. "While his name fa written large in the, hi.story of his own country, men will remember al- xxm." ways his unique contribution to Stevenson was reCeived in au- ' the parliament of nations; he dience by Popes Pius XII. John : cl'\mbined a.talent for sound XXIIl and Pa~ VL ideas with a gift of graceful expression so that men found in him a leader of inspiration even 1n days of extreme crisis. We CAPE COD'S offer, ou~ prayers for this LARGEST BANK em ~atrlOt and a;sk God to glve
hi?1 eternal rest;'" the cardinal
'Smear Tactic
.At the outset' of Stevenson's first campaign for the presidency ,per:annum In 1952.. a "smear" tactic was . being directed ,against the Dem- . Ou~ Investment Savings Plan ocratic ,candidate on the ground : Divide'nds Paid Quarterly that he was a divorced man. The . late Samuel Cardinal Stritch of
Chicago came to Stevenson's aid.
The cardinal issued 'a statement,
which was widely publicized.· It
emphasized that the divorce was
sought and obtained in 1949 by ,
SOUTH YARMOUTH Mrs. Stevenson, the former Ellen Hyannis • Dennis Port Bor:den, and not by the presiden 'Yarmouth Plaza tial candidate. '
Bass Riv·er Savings Bank
Msgr. McCarthy testified be fore the Senate Subcommittee on Refugees and Escapees hold lng hearings on the ref u gee problem in Vietnam. He said the 350,000 figure supplied by the South Vietna mese Ministry of Interior and the U.s. Operations Mission applies to ."tactical" refugees, those who have fled their vil lages· to escape the Viet Congo Tremendous Job About 60 per cent of the total are in coastal provinces, while the remaining 150,000 are spread throught the rest 0f the count ry with heavy concentrations in th~ interior. Ms gr. McCarthy noted that Catholic Relief Services began its program in South Vietnam in 1954, andln that year aided 800, '000 refugees from North Viet nam. 'Cunently the agency is assisting 450,000 per son s in . South Vietnam, inclUding refu gees.. H 'd . e Sal the main responsibility • £!.or . aiding the coastal refugees ,IS In .the hands of the U.S. ~rations Mission, which is ,domg" a tremendous job against many odds."
Christmas in July VALLADOLID (NC) Al though there is still half a year till Christmas, this city has been ,experiencing a real Christmas atmosphere in midsummer. The National C!u"istmaa Creche Con vention has just been held here, attended by more than 200 Span ish creche-builders and some 50 delegates from other European countries.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive~-Thurs" July 22, 1965
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 22, 1965
Sisters of Mercy Assignments Continued from Page One to Bay View, Riverside. Our Lady of Mercy From Our Lady of Mercy Con vent, New Bedford; Sister Mary Georgine to Diocesan School Office, Fall River, Assistant Di ocesan School Supervisor; Sister Mary Michaelyn to 51. Patrick School, Fall River, Grade One and superior. From Our Lady of Mercy Con ~ent, East Greenwich: Sister Mary Charlene to Holy Family High School. From Sacred Heart Convent, East Providence: Sister Mary Vincent to Holy Family School, Grade Four, New Bedford. 51. Aloysius Home, Greenville: Sister Mary Basil to Nazareth on-the-Cape, Hyannis. From St. John Baptist Con vent, New Bedford: Sister Mary Grace to St. Patrick School, Fall River, Grade One; Sister Mary Joelita to Cathedral School, Fall River, Grade One. From St. Joseph Convent, Fall River: Sister Mary Mauritia to Cathedral School, Fall River, Grade Six; Sister Mary Scholas tica to St. Kilian School, New Bedford, Grade Seven; Sister
Mary Peter Francis to Holy Family School, New Bedford, Grade Six; Sister Jeanne Marie to Holy Name School, New Bed ford, Grade Five. From New Bedford From St. Joseph Convent, New . Bedford: Sister Mary Christina to St. Joseph School, Fall River, Grade Six; Sister Mary Anselm to St. John Evangelist School, Grade Four; Sister Mary Kilian to Bishop Feehan High School; Sister Mary Fredella to SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, Grade Eight and princi pal. From St. Kilian Convent, New Bedford: Sister Mary Immacu lata to St. Mary School, North Attleboro, Grade Three; Sister Mary Lucia to St. Joseph School, Fall River, Grade Eight; Sister Marietta to St. Xavier Convent,' Providence. From St. Mary Convent, North Attleboro; Sister Mary Cecile to Mt. St. Mary Convent, Fall River, superior; Sister Marie Therese to Holy Name -School, New Bedford, Grade One; Sister Mary Romana to S1. Vincent Home and School, Fall River, principal and Grade Three; Sis ter Mary Olive to St. Brendan School, Riverside; Sister Mary Xavieria to St. Patrick School, Cumberland. From Bristol From St. Mary Convent, Bris tol: Sister Donna Marie to Our Lady of Lourdes School, Taun ton, Grade Six.
From S •. Mary Convent, New
port: Sister Mary Everett to St.
Fordham Professor Signs Declaration UNITED NATIONS (NC) The final declaration of the UN conference on the rights of land locked countries was signed by Charles J Walsh of Fordham University, a member of the Holy See's delegation to the con ference. The 111£l?ting, called on the rec emmendation of the UN Confer ence on Trade and Development, produced a treaty ensuring 25 land-locked countries unre stricted acc.ess to li:oastal ports. Professor Wal$ said after wards that it waf' essential for countries without a coast to have free access to the sea. if they were to develop their eco nomies. The Holy See, through Walsh anel other representatives, expressed throughout the con ference its concern that all de veloplllg nations be given full opportunity to imDrove their economies.
John Evangelist School, Attle boro, Grade Eight. From St. Mary Convent, Bay View, Riverside: Sister Mary Protase to Bishop Feehan High School; Sister Mary Jane to Holy Family High School. From House of Studies: Sister Madonna Marie to Holy Family School, New Bedford, Grade One; Sister Regis Mary to Mt. St. Mary Convent, Fall River; Sister Marie Lourdes to St. Pat- . rick School, Fall River, Grade Four; Sister Mary Michael An thony to St. Mary School, North Attleboro, Grade Four; Sister Marie Luke to St. Mary School, North Attleboro, Grade One; Sister Marie William to 51. Mary School, New Bedford, Grade Two. Sister Dominic Marie to St. John Evangelist School, Attle boro, Grade Six; Sister Maria Thomas to St. Mary School, North Attleboro, Grade Five; Sister Francis Mary to St. Pat rick School, Fall River, Grade One; Sister Maria Immaculata to St. Louis School, Fall River, Grade Seven. Grade Seven From St. Michael Convent,
Providence: Sister Marie Chris
tine to Holy Family School, New
Bedford, Grade Two.
From St. Patrick Convent, Fall
River; ~ster Mary Carolyn to St. John Baptist School, New Bedford, Grade Four; Sister Mary Edith to St. Vincent Home and School, Fall River, Grades One, Two; Sister Mary Sean to St. Matthew School, Cranston; Sister Mary Danella to S1. Mary School, North Attleboro, Grade One; Sister Maria Rita to S5. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, Grade Four; Sister Mary Michaelanne to Mercymount School, Cumberland. From St. Patrick Convent: Sister Mary Alicine to St. Mary School, New Bedford, Grade Six and principal. From St. Peter Convent, War wick: Sister Mary Claude to Bishop Feehan High School. From St. Philip Convent, Greenville: Sister Mary Howard to Nazareth-on-the-Cape, Hyan nis. From St. Theresa Convent, Pawtucket: Sister Mary Ellen to Our Lady of Lourdes School, Taunton, Grade Two. , From St. Vincent Home, Fall River: Sister Mary Ralph to Cathedral School, Fall River, Grade Three; Sister Mary Steph anie to St. Ignatius School, Be lize, British Honduras.
Jane Parker, Large 8 Inch 1 Ib 8 oz Size
AWARD: Chauncey D. Stillman, New York, has been named to receive the 1965 Car din a I Newman Award by the National New man Apostolate. NC Photo.
More Decency
Groups Needed
NEW YORK (NC)-An inter religious c!.ecency group here has called for the organization of similar, permanent organizations elsewhere in the coul)try to fight CJbscenity. The bOf'.rd of directors of Op eration Yorkville singled out Chicago ,and Los Angeles, "two m a j 0 I' T-ornography centers," which it said are in need of such organizations. The board's statement was signed by its chaIrman, Rabbi Julius G. Neumann of Congrega tion ZichronMoshe, who founded Operation York\'ille together with the Rev. Robert E. Wilten burg, pastor of Immanuel Evan gelical Lutheran church, and Father William '1". Wood, S.J.. I' _.:tor of St. Ignatius Loyola church. The statement expressed con cern that "the traffic in obscene and atheistic propllganda among our children has not noticeably abated but has indeed worsened in the rast two-and-one-half ' years. It said Operation Yorkville was turning its attention "to the formation of a permanent organ ization, to work under OUI inter faith dire elion, to garner publie opinion anr'!. channel it to proper focal poirds, and to exert pres sure and lobby for our children."
House Condemns Nuns to Open Retreat Red Persecution House in Pittsbu'rgh WASHINGTON (NC) - The House of Representatives has adopted a resolution condemning religious persecution by the gov ernments of the Soviet Union and the East European satellite countries. The House resolution said there is "abundant evidence" of persecution "in varying degrees" of "elements" of the Christian, Jewish and Moslem populations in these countries. It said the persecution has been in such forms as "confisca tory taxation and closing of re- ligious institutions, deliberate suppression of religious educa tion, interference 'with religious and related cultural practices, denial of regular contacts ·be tween religious bodies in their countries with 'similar bodies in other parts of the world, and through persistent discrimina tion against persons professing and practicing their religions." The resolution also said Jews in the Soviet Union are being "singled out" for "extreme pun ishment."
PITTSBURGH (NC)-The Re ligious of the Cenacle will open a retreat house here which will be in full operation in 1966. Bishop John J. Wright of Pitts burgh said the Sisters' program . will include religious instruction of children, spiritual direction of married and single women, pro viding retreats and religious counseling, and the fostering of educational and liturgical pro grams.
St. John of God Parishioners of St. John of God Church, Somerset, are plan ning their annual lawn party and observance of the feast of the Holy Ghost for this week end. Dancing will begin at 7 to morrow and Saturday nights, and a parishola is also scheduled for Saturday night. A procession at 1 Sunday afternoon will pre cede a penny sale, auction and band coneert. The public is in vited to the three day celebra
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Tobacco products & II.... proIllblllel '" law ..... pt fr. . Pia" II. ., oflor.
THE ANCHORThurs.. "July 22, 1965
Law School Dean Proposes Increased Rights Acti_on
DelayedVocation Students Have Summer Jobs
MILWAUKEE (NC)-A Catholic law school dean believes it would be a "tragic" mistake for Negroes to slack off in their campaign of non-violent direct action in the field of civil rights. Father Robert F. Drinan, S.J.. Dean of the Boston College whites are hQlltile to such sug Law School, has called in gested solutions as preferential 8tead for continued and hiring, a raciel quota system, stepped-up civil rights dem and compensatory re-training enstl"ations to impress the urgeocy of the Negroes' cause em whites. Monumental Victories "The Negro has concluded and all of history supports him -that the white majority in America will not be cured of its blindness toward the negro until the Negro forces the white power structure to recognize and to act upon the presence and the problems of the Negro," the Jes uit Dean "asserted in an address at Marquette University to a faculty and student meeting on interracial justice. Father Drinan said the Negro freedom movement in the nast 10 years has achieved "monu mental victories." the most re ~ being the voting rights bill, for which he said the Selma Montgomery, Ala., march earlier this year was "directly respon sible." White Hostility "Virtually all of the spectac ular gains made by the Negro in the last decade have come about «Inly because of intense pressure by Negroes and civil rights groups on the complacent white m a j 0 r i t y," he pointed out, adding: "The concern of whites for the Negro race will fade away if Negro militancy declines"'.· the progress of the nation's 21 million Negroes will continue to come about in direct propor " tion to the intensity and per vasiveness of Negro militancy." Father Drinan stressed that pressure by Negroes in the com ing decade should be centered em two- major issues--jobs and education, and, he noted that many Negroes face the "phasing out" of their jobs" as a result of automation, and, said most
finaneed by unions and employ ers. However, the .Jesuit empha sized his belief that there is "legal and moral justification" for special assistance to Negroes in the matter of jobs. Symbol and Substance "That justification," he said, "is grounded'" '" '" in the undeni.., able fact that American society has a moral and, to some exent, a legal "duty to give indemnifi cation, restitution or reparation to today's Negro because his present predicament is the re sult of immoral attitudes and illegal activities on the part of American society over a very long period." The Boston College dean pre dicted that segregated schools would be "even mor(' of a burn ing issue" than jobs in the years ahead. Stressing the inferior educa tion generally offered in all Negro schools; he said that "for both white and the Negro raci ally balanced school will be both the symbol and the substance of their conflicting views of _ the place of the Negro in American society."
Hungarv Jails S~v~n Priests
WESTON (NC)-Students in the first class of Pope John Seminary for Delayed Vxations hen are currently
ANESTHESIOLOGIST: When Sister M. Dominica Zuzek, M.D., of the Medical Mission Sisters was assigned to Holy Family Hospital, Karachi, West Pakistan, she decided the best way to learn Urdu, the local language, was to go back to the classroom with the children. NC Photo.
Mass Dismissal Postcounciliar Liturgy Commission Lists
Translations of 'Ite, missa est'
VATICAN CITY (NC) -The varied approach in translating parts of the Mas~ into the ver n'~cular was ')m in bold relief by the bulletin of the postcon ciJiar liturgy commission here. The just-released issue of No tHiae published a list of approv ed translations of the familiar "Ite, missa est" at the conclusion of the Mass.
BONN (NC) - Seven priests have "een sentenced to long prison terms after a secret trial in communist-ruled Hungary. The seven - forbidden earlier by the government to carry out their priestly ministry and forced to earn their livings as BARCELONA (NC).....,.An in workers-were accused of giv ing religious instruction to ternational conference of sociol ogists stressed the "e:lormous in youths illegally and of having fluence of communications me illegal contacts with the West. dia" a1.its meeting here in Spain. They were the second group of priests to be jailed recently in Approximately 200 sociolo gists took part in the eighth in Hungary. Earlier in .July it was ternational assembly of religious reported that six .Jesuit priests sociology, sponsored by FERES had been imprisoned for spread IPSWICH (NC)-Richard Car ing religious prop3ganda in the '-the International Federation of dinal Cushing of Boston, outlin Institutes for Social and Socio ing travel plans that will take" factories where they worked. Religious Investigation. Protes All seven were members of the . him to Ireland and Rome in the Regnum Marianum. a society of tant as well as Catholic sociolo next two months, said he re gists 'attended the conference. diocesan priests dedicated to re mains "in constant pain" from In its resolutions, the confer ligious education. Regnum Mari major intestinal surgery last ence emphasized the "enormous anum headquarters were taken February. over by th(' government in 1951, i n flu e nee of communications Cardinal Cushing spoke infor but the society was not banned. media" on the Christians of to mally to crowds which congre day. "It is not through the par gated around him on the grounds ish that one learns of the prog of the LaSalette Fathers' semi- . ress of the Vatican council, but nary. He visited the seminary on through the press, radio and the 20th anniversary of his ded television," asserted one confer ication of its shrine of Our Lady ence member. of LaSalette. Kneeling before the outdoor statute of the Blessed Virgin he p rayed for "the necessary DRY CLEANNG
strength to carry out my duties." and'
The cardinal said he will go FUR STORAGE
to Dublin in August as papal delegate to the consecration of a new cathedral and to Rome in September for the fourth session of th~ ecumenical council. 34-44 Cohannet Street He said he had permissiol} to stay away from the council ses Taunton VA 2-6161 sion because of his health but would go "for at least a few weeks because I am tremendous ly interested in the work of the council." QUEBEC (NC)-Two couples married 60 years renewed their ONE STOP
marriage vows ~t the annual SHOPPING CENTER
CHICAGO (NC)-Saint Xavier Christian marriage renewal cer College here has successfully emony at St. Sauveur church. • Television • Furniture completed a three-year $3 mil Among 52. couples renewing • Appliances • Grocery l ion development campaign their VOW" were Mr: and Mrs. ahead of schedule, Sister Mary 104 Allen St., New Bedford Joseph Chamberland and Mr. Olivia, college president, bas and Mrs. Joseph Poulin, who WYman 7-9354 announced. :were married 60 years ago.
Stress Importance Of Communications
Cardinal Cushing In Constant Pain
Mark Anniversaries
on Summer leave--many of them in paying jobs undE'r an unusual arrangement for seminarians. Msgr. G e 0 r g e A. Schlichte, seminary rector, said the policy would enable the men to earn money to help further their trainig for the priesthood. "But more important," he add ed, "they will be keeping in contact with people and the world, and as diocesan priests this will be one of their chief concerns." New Applicants ..&'mong the 20 members of the group, who range in age from 30 t.o 58, are a former beer sales man, a former English-Ianuage advisor to the Turkish army, a Blue Cross supervisor, a correc tional school headmaster. Pope John Seminary was founded by Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston. It is the only Catholic seminary' in the wes 1E"rn hemisphere intended speci fically for men with delayed vocations. Msgr. Schlichte said 24 appli cations have already been approved for new students to enter the seminary in the Fall and 30 others are being proces sed.
Aside from "Go, the Mass is er.ded," which is used in the United States,Canada, Australia and New Guinea, Notitiae lists the following in English: "Go, this is the dismissal" England and Wales. "You may go. The Mass is SYDNEY (NC)--The director ellded"-ScotJand. " of the Jesuit Seismological Ob "Go in peacl'! and the Lord s~rvatory here in Australia will be with you"-New Zealand. work for a Master of Science de "Go, you arf' sent forth"-else gree in geophysics at St. Louis where where Eng-lish is spoken. University, Missouri. Tn Ireland thf' Latin has been Father Lawrence Drake, 33, ill r,~tained for the dismissal. In the youngest director that River France, the usage is equivalent view Observatory has had in its t( "Go. in tl1e peace of Christ." 56-year history. In Italy, it is' "The Mass is fin ished: Go in peace."
Jesuit Geophysicist
To Study in U.S.
Plan Tourist Mass In Summer Camps MUNICH (NC) - Julius Car dinal Doepfner of Munich has had distributed throughout his archdiocese here in Germany more than 120,000 let t e r s te hotels and camping places, urg ing tourists to fulfill their Sun day Mass duty. For the first time Masses are now allowed in camping sites, and "tourist" priests have been ilssigned to take care of the spiritual needs of vacationers.
.Funeral Home 1~3
Where A
VA 4-5000
Reaches Goal
New England's Playground 2.ROLLER COASTERS - BIG NEW MIDWAY AMERICA'S FINEST RIDES - AMUSEMENTS Special Group Ratas For Picnics - Outlnrs
ANCHOR-· Socialists Explain 18 THE Thurs., July 22, 1965 -------- - - - - Views on Church
Fourth Session
. Continued from Page One elation. Both the schemas have been accepted by the Fathers in general. Now the Bishops must vote on them section by section and offer whatever amendments they deem worthy for each section. However, there will be no further debate on these schemas. The proposed amendments will be sent to an appropriate com mission. It shall draft them if they are significant and in keep ing with the spirit of the docu ments. Then they shall be sub . _mitted to a simple "Yes-No" vote and shall be in the same state of perfection as the above mentioned five schema-await ing only the final vote of the .Fathers. The four remaining schemata will be the chief floor work of the Bishops. These will occupy the main attention of the Fathers in their debates and discussions and they,will deal with the pre viously mentioned seven "on the side"-votes taken before or at the end of the daily sessions. These f 0 u r to-be-debated . schemas are: Religious Liberty, The Church in the Modern World, Missions, Priestly Life and Ministry. These schemata must -be taken from the begin ning and go through tHe entire eouncil process. Yet they are not ~mpletely new documents fo'r they have already been debated in council but it was decided that each of these-as they were written - did not reflect the mind of the Council Fathers and had. to be completely rewritten. It is of eourse possible that the Bishops could completely disapprove the suggested texts lIS they did once before. But that is extremely unlikely. They eould lack the % majority vote; the Pope might refuse to ap prove or promulgate. All of these possibilities, however, in the -light of the past debates and council Fathers' suggestions are extremely unlikely. Since the debates, therefore, are to center on only four doc uments-which themselves have beeri seen and commented on be fore-most of the real council work will fall on the council commissions and their speed in incorporating the demands of the eouncil Fathers. Council sessions might be shortened or suspended to give these commissions - on which the Bishops themselves also serve-greater-time to com plete their work. The idea is t6 get the revised or amended ma terial back to the council floor as fast as possible for de1initive votes. When will the council end? Well, the fourth session might end earlier than the pessimists think but the council will be around for centuries to come as the debates of -St. Peter's in Rome are put into effect throughout the world and in the lives of each individual Catholic.
Prelates Announce Music Competition FATIMA (NC) -A competi tion for music for the new ver nacular parts of the Mass was announced during the annual meeting of the Portuguese hier archy. Bishop Joao da Silva Campos Neves of Lamego, secretary of the Episcopal Liturgical Com mission, stated that any com poser may send in his composi tions for the Preface, Sanctus, Our Father and the other ver nacular parts which would nor mally be sung at High Mass. The bi~hops' meeting took place after the annual episcopal retreat which was preached by Pere Voilleaume, the French Superior-General of the Little Brothers of Jesus,
BONN (NC) - The German Socialist party, looking for Cath olic support in a general election scheduled for later this year, has issued a book detailing the sim ilarity of its aims with those of the Catholic Church. The book states that the en cyclicals Pacem in Terris and Ecclesiam Suam have paved the way for better understanding between Catholics and socialists. It particularly emphasized the desire expressed by Pope Paul VI in the latter work that the Church maintain dialogue with all social groups. This was the second book is sued by the German Socialists on relations with the Catholic Church. In 1959 the party de clared it had never been hostile to the Church and was ready to cooperate with Catholics in a loyal partnership.
Methodists Accept Anglican Union Report; Hear Catholic Bishop PLYMOUTH" (NC)-England's Methodist leadership at a week long meeting here accepted the Anglican - Methodist report of 1963 for union with the Church oj' England and for the first time were addressed by a Roman Catholic bishop. Bishop Cyril Restieaux of Plymouth told the annual Meth odist Conference that it was "a proof of the goodwill and fra ternal charity now becoming in creasingly evident these days" that the invitation was gladly given and as gladly'" accepted. This applied to all the religious denominations, he added. "We rejoice in this new ecu menical movement," said Bishop Restieaux. "We do wish to be united and are anxious to achieve this end." But it would be foolish, he added, to think
that unity was just around the corner or could be obtained without difficulty or heart searching. "We have not even said what we mean by unity yet, but it is obvious by statements of leaders of all the Churches that we are aware that men are in danger of falling away from Christ, His teaching and moral values. All of these are in danger of being rejected. This certainly concerns us all and we cannot remain complacent." When the Methodist delegates came to discuss their own imme diate problem of unity, that of union with the Church of En gland, they accepted by the un expectedly large majority of 488 votes to 137 the proposals of the union program contained in the Anglican-Methodist Report.
Qtangn Came Too Quickly NELSON (NC)-Changes ill the litur:gy may have come too quickly for people' to absorb them, a specialist in liturgy suggested at a press confereRCe here in, Britisll Columbia. "I think we oversold the idea of the unchanging Churoh," said Father Godfrey Diekmann, O.S. B., editor 'of Worship magazine and professor en theology at st. John's University, Collegeville, Minn., who was named for the annual Cardinal S p e 11 man Award as the outst'anding theolo gian of the year. The result, he said, was that "people were not prepared" for such changes as the use of the vernacular and the celebration of Mass with the priest facing the congregation. This unpre paredness, he said, caused some of the initial objections to the changes.
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THE ANCHORThurs., July 22, 1965
Priest Scores
.Morally Unobiedion':lble for Everyone Apache Gold Ab'agon Boy Ten Feet Taft Cheyenne Autumn COnquered Citr . Dear Brigitte Disorderly Orderly Duke Wore Jeans Emil and the Detectlws Fall of Roman Emplr. Family Jewels' Fate Is the Hunter Father Goose First Men hi tile Mooll . Fluffy , GIT. '. Go, Go Mania . Hallelujah TraO
Hercules, SampsOll 8lId Sergeants 3 Ulysses " Shenandoah
Indian Paint Sons of Katie Elder
Magnificent Men II Summer Holiday
Flying Machines Swingers Paradise
Man From Button Williow Sword of Ali Baba
Mara of the Wilderness Those Calloways
Mediterranean Holiday Train
Murder Ahoy Truth About Spring
My Fair Lady Tapa Gigio
Only One In New York Up From the Beacll
Outlaws Is Coming Von Ryan's Express
.Romeo & Juliet Voyage to End Universe
Sandokan the Great When the Clock Strikes
Santa Claus Conquers ttIe World of Abbott and Costello Martians Yank in Viet Nam, A Secret of Magic Island You Have to Run Fast Seaside Swingers .Zebra in the Kitchel
PIllLADELPmA (NC) A Ukrainian Rite Catholic priest has protested what he says is the practice of some
Unobiectionable for Adults, Adolescents .. Agony and Ecstasy Apnrodit _ . ' Arizona Raiders Baby the Rain Must fill Black Sours Cat Ballou Coast of Skeletons Convict Stage Crack in the World Curse of the Fly Curse of the Tomb nark Intruder Dr. Terror's House of Horrors Fool Killer Gunfighters of CasI Grande
Glory Guys . Seance on a Wet AftenlOOft Gorgon . Secret of Blood Island Harvey Middleman, FIreman Secret of Success High Wind in Jamaica Seven Slaves Ipcress File She Ivanhoe Donaldson 633 Squadron Ximberle) Jim Ski Party love and Kisses Skull Masquerade South Pacific Mirage Taxi for Tobi'uk Moro Witch Doctor That Funny Feeling Night Walker TIckle Me
Nobody Waved GoodbYi 36 Hours
Overcoat· Tomb of lIgeia
Revenge of SpartacUl Unsinkable Molly BrowII Ring of TreasOll World of Henry Orient Roustabout Young Fury Satan Bug
Morally Unobiec:tionable for Adults Ape Woman Backfire . Battle at the Villa RorIta Bay of the Angels Bebo's Girl· Blind Corner Brainstorm Bus Riley's Back III Towa Coda 7. Victim 5 Crooked Road Die, Die My Darling Dingaka Finnegan's Wake Genghis Khaa Goldfinger Guide
Having a Wild Weekend Horror Castle. How to Murder \'our Wife Hush, Hush, Sweet Hys~eria
II Bidone'
n Successo
I Saw What You Did los Tarantos Luck of Ginger Coffer Nothing But a Man . Once a Thief Operation Snafu Pie in the Sky Rage to Live Ship of Fool'
Slave Trade in the Wortd Today Strange Bedfellows Soft Skin 'These Ahe the Damned Third Day Tl)ree Penny Opera Two on a Guillotine Umbrellas of Cherbourl . . Very Specia: Favor West Side Story Wild Affair . . Woman of Straw Young lovers
For'Adults (With Reservations) This classlflcation Is given to certain films, which, While not morally offensive III themselves. require cautio" and som e analysis and explanation as a protectlOll to the uninformed against wrong Inter pretations and false conclusions. Anatomy of I Marriage Lilith Suddenly last Summer Best Man love a I. Carte . Taboos in the World Black like Me Marriage, Italian StyI. This Sporting life Divorce, Italian Style Martin luther . Under Yum Yum Tree· Collector' Organizer Victim Cool World Nothin~ But the Best Visit, The Dr. Strange love Pumpkm Eater Walk on Wild Side Girl With the Green Eyes .Sky Above & Mud Below Yellow Rolls Royce Knack Strangers in the City Young & Willing
Morally Obiectionable in Part for Everyone' . Americanization of EmIly Joy House Sex and the Single GIrf Amorous Adventures Kitten With A.Whlp Small World of Sa/lllllf . . Black SabbMfo lost World of Slnbad The Devil and the· Blood and Black lace les Abysses ~ 10 Commandments
Diary of a Bachelor love. the Italian w., TIme Travelers
Diary of !I Chambermaid. Male Hunt Under Age
4 tor Texas Masque ot the Red Dealla V"1Ce and Virtue
Get Yourself A Collel! GIrt Moiley Trap toung Dillinger
Girls 011 The Beach Naked Prey . What A Way To Go
Harlow Nutty. Naughty CIIate. What's New, Pussycat
House Is Not A Ifome Pajama Party· Nhy Bother to KnocIl
How to Stuff I Wild Psyche 59 Yesterday, Today -.I
Bikini . Quicll. Before It Melts Tomorrow . III Harm's Way Racing Fever Zombie John Goldfarb, Please Raiders From .8eReatII Come HOIIlt tbe Sel
. NUN 'FOR THE ROAD: A Little Sister of the As~um ptionaPi>eared with crash helmet and motor scooter in a "" staged as a part of a Vocations Exhibition held in Lo:ndon with scores of Religious communities taking part. The' "fashion show" depicted graphically the updating of some religious habits and the variety of. works engaged \n by priestS and nuns. NC Photo.
Latin Rite priests of "rebaptiz ing" Eastern Rite Catholics. Father Basil H. Losten, public relations director of the Ukrain ian Catholic Archeparchy' of Philadelphia, said "rebaptism" in such cases is "sheer nonsense and a sacrilege." Writing in the Way, the arche parchY'lI wee k I y newspaper, Father Losten said the objec tions raised by Episcopal Bishop . James A. Pike to the conditional baptism administered to Lucl Johnson, the President's younger daughter who recently became a Catholic, have "won our sym pathies." Father Losten declared he had been "greatly disheartened man,. times to find Eastern Rite Cath olics who have been 'rebaptibed' by local Latin Rite priests. The "fear that they would have to submit themselves to re baptism" has also kept man;, Orthodox from seeking unioll with Rome, he commented.
A Flat No
Orthodox Archbishop Chrysostomos Rejec;ts Vatican Council Invitation
ATHENS (NC) - Orthodox Archbishop Chrysostomos of Athens, Primate of the Church of Greece, has declared that "as long as I live there will be no rapprochement with. the Romf\n· Catholic Church." Ethenos, Athens daily news paper, said this was the 85-year old archbishop's reaction to an invitation from the Vatican
Urges Prayers
For Captives
MENOMONEE FALLS ~C) -A special plea for prayers dur ing Captive Nations Week for the victims of· communism was issued here in Wisconsin by Auxiliary Bishop Roman R. Atkielski, executive director of the League of Prayer for the Captive Peoples, "'While we 'are hopelessly sep arated from these captives by an .~ Condemned human yardsticks, we must not lose hope. What is impossible to Sambole let's Talk About WOlIlII Sweet lid Solr man is possible to God," . Terrace Circle of LM love Goddesses . Bishop"· Atkieiski especially Emoty Canvas Magnificent Cuckold . To love &a New Angels WoIIian III tile Dulles recommended prayers 'of inter Monda PIZZO IfiIIl II fideItl7 M!iti·VoIcts . cession to Our Lady of Guada Sllenc. lupe, patroness of the league. -We know'that abe, as mother ' . of all America, will accept ten derly any prayer we have for the persecuted," he said. The league sponsored a special SOtrrH ORANGE (WC) between 8th and 9th Iiwte .. Mass. in observance of Captive '!'bere', 8Jl unusual Bead Start where the child toea OD. to a Nations Week on Sunday at St. school in operation lit Seton Han new and bigger environment. 11 Josaphat'll Basilica in Milwau Univeiiity here ia :New Jersey. he is not prepared to cope with kee. It', for pre-high aool stu It, this is the point at which be dents from disadvantaged areas, eBJl become di&couracecl -.d rather th8Jl for pre-Jdndergarten drop out. youngsters.-tbe cmIJ' meh school in the state. CrIteria fur admission to . . Architect and dIredor Df the program, ill which most ol the lIChool Is Albert W. Relnel'l of enrollees are Negroes, included Seton Hall University's IChool Df Jeal financial need, a weaknea education and director oi the III ODe or more skill subjects, 1InivendtT' edueaUoGal ftIellrCh and a desire-on the part ol botIl program. . . . )"OUDilIter mel his parent& Exp1alD1Dc the _ _ tor . . .. participate Ja the proer-, . . . . h. _ enrolment" - . ~ 1M laid: ..". periolI
Seton Hon Conducts Unusual Head Start Summer School
Secretarlat-tor Pr~moting Chris tian Unity to send observers from the Orthodox Church of Greece to the fourth session of the Second Vatican Council. The Orthodox patriarchates of Constantinople and of Moscow and other Orthodox churches have sent observer-delegates to Rome for the Vatican council but the Church of Greece has adamantly refused to do so.
Flavin Held Record For Longest Punt' NEW YORK (NC)-Requiem Mass for John H. (Jack) Flavi.o, 65, holder of the record for the longest punt in collegiate foot ball history, was offered in Ho17 Spirit church here. Flavin, a three-sport star at Georgetown University, estab lillhed the record of an llO-yard punt against Holy Cross in 1921 at Worcester. Flavin also was. star in basketball and baseball at .Georgetown, where he wu graduated in i922. He played pro' football and minor league baseball; taught in public schools here for many )'ears, recently was associated with a paving company. He died (July 8) of cancer in Jacobi Hospital here. He is survived by his widow, a daughter and tWQ brothers.
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·THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-lhur~., July 22,1965
Diocesan Priest Aide to Nuncio In Domincan Crisis
Father James A. Clark, a Fall River Diocesan priest serving as assistant in the Latin America Bureau of the
National Catholic Welfare Con ference in Washington, has re turned from Santo Do min g 0 where he was an aide to Arch bishop Emanuele Clarizio, apo s.tolic nuncio to the Dominican Republic during the height of the revolutionary crisis. Father Clark relates the nun cio's experiences in the following articles written for N. C. W. C. News Service. -Archbishop Emanuele Clari zio, the Vatican diplomat who 111ayed a crucial role in the early days of the Dominican revol·t, was in Puerto Rico attending a bishops' conference when rebel lion erupted April 25. The first days were filled wHh t<"nsion and uncertainty. No one knew exactly wha~ was happen ing on the island 75 miles away. All normal transportation had been stopped. For four days he f;<"arched for a way to get to the country he served as apostolic nuncio, until, finally, he set off in a single-engine plane loaded with medicine and plasma. "As soon as 1 arrived," he said, "the president of the military government told me he had been trying to reach me since Sun day to use the good offices of the nunciature to seek an end' to the fighting. Speaks to People "My arrival coinCided with a meeting of the military junta. I was anxious to return at once to the nunciature, with which I had had only telephone contact, but they insisted I should speak lothe Dominican people." In tha·t first brief radio talk, Archbishop Clarizio revealed he had been asked by "various groups" to work for an end to the fig h tin g that was then lSpreading death through the streets of' Santo Domingo. He let it be known he was' available to "everybody for any service." After reading his radio ....m es sage, the nuncio flew by heli cupter from San Isidro, a mili tary-held sector, to the center &f the city. Priests Attacked liThe pilot landed i9' an open field, fearing to land in a de veloped area where there might be an uproar," he l' e call e d. "Many people were there aod many of them had machine guns. Upon recognizing the papal nun cio arriving with medicines, they greeted me cordially and begged
Lack of Respect Continued from Page One trary to the brotherly equality which is found in the teaching of the GospeL" . Without specifying of whom he ""as speaking, the Pope noted "there are those who think it worthwhile to run the risk of a liberating disobedience and that it is a praiseworthy trick to con front authority with an accom plished fact. "And there is no lack of able persons who, perhaps without saying it openly, delude them selves that they can be excel lent or at least sufficiently good Catholics while reserving for themselves an absolute auton omy of thought and action, cut ting themselves off from every positive relationship, not only of subordination but also of re spect and connection, with who ever in the Church bas the of ficeS of· reaponsibilit)' and directiono" ....
me to do something for the ceasefire for the military junta." ed," said the archbishop. "There people. The helicopter flight, he said, fore, I went to the embassy in an ambulance accompanied by "A priest from the nearby was authorized by U.S. Secre Claretian seminary offered me tary of State Dean Rusk in a representatives of the military junta and of the insurgents. a car to get to the nunciature. phone call to the American am "On our way we found some The people told us that priests bassador, William T. Bennett. of the U.S. tanks and I gave the were being attacked by snipers In the meantime. however, Ben and warned us to be careful. nett had sent the text to the officer in charge a copy of the They suggested that I take off miUtary· forces by radio. The text of the ceasefire. "Suddenly we were attacked my cassock. I did not follow junta answered by referring the by snipers, and we threw our the suggestion, but 1 did drive nuncio to the' Red Cross. the car myself to protect the Said the archbishop: "I went selves to the ground until we priests." to the local Red Cross which could seek shelter in a nearby house while the U.S. Marines It was evening when Arch had already unsuccessfully re bishop Clarizio arrived at his quested a six-hour truce for that answered the attack." residence. Almost immediately Sign Text . day to collect the dead and he was visited by a representa wounded. But hope of a possible When' he arrived at the em tive from the rebel-held area solution was shattered for a mo bassy, Ar"chbishop Clarizio in of Ciudad Nueva.· The visitor ment when we received an ur formed ·the OAS of the ceasefire, wanted to know why the nuncio gent communication from San then left by helicopter for a had spoken over the military Isidro.. They (the military lead meeting with the' military lead radio station. ers) informed us that if a tank ers. After a long discussion the "I gave him a copy of my under command of the insur text was signed by the junta speech and noted that R a d i 0 gents continued' to harass Forta REV. ,JAMES A. CLARK members and by Ambassador San Isidro was the only station leza Ozama, they would attack Bennett. The nuncio broadcast operating," said the archbishop. by air, with a resultant high the ceasefire text and an appeal from Jose Mora, secretary gen "I told him I was ready to speak number of deaths among the for peace over the radio. On eral of the Organization of Amer ever any station that invited me. the next day the text was signed ican States, asking him to act population and great destruc Ht> was satisfied. _ tion of buildings, including the by the rebel leaders. on beha·lf of the OAS to achieve "I told him something should cathedral, which 13 near Forta For the work he has already be done to stop the fighting as a ceasefire in Santo Domingo. leza Ozama. done, the archbishop has been I·t proved impossible to arrange soon as possible, even that same . "They aUowed us 12 minutes thanked officially by govern night. He told me his powers in a meeting with the rebels that to effect a quick negotiation. ments of the United States and this matter were very limited, daY. But on the following day, Brazil, both of which main4lin April 30, the lU'chbishop set off Thank God, we were able to do peacekeeping forces in the Do especially at night 80." for the rebel zone along a pteMediation Task minican Republic under 0 A S Agree Oft Cease-tire . determined route in a car flying authority. "He showed such good inten the papal flags. Upon arriving, At last, after a three-way con tions that I placed him in con versation by tel e p h 0 n e, the tact by telephone' with Gen. he was welcomed enthusiastical Despradel, the chief of police. ly by rebel supporters and talked CE'.ase-fire was agreed upon. It Guarantee Religious with their leaders on a balcony was to go into effect immediately We knew that ·about 20 police Freedom in Ceylon of a house until sniper fire drove at 11:45 a.m. on April 30. men were in' immedIate danger them inside. COLOMBO (NC)-Ceylonese However, the problems of t1:te of being killed by the insurgents. A few minutes later, Col. Fran negotiators were not over. They Minister of State J.R. Jayawar They spoke of this matter and dene told leaders of all the re both agreed to do everything cisco Caamano arrived to act as were a d vis e d that American ligious groups in this country the chief rebel spokesm'an, and tanks were entering the city. possible to make sure that people that while Buddhism would re under their control did not shoot ceasefire negotiations began in "It was urgent that we com ceive special patronage by the earnest. A two-point formula municate with the U.S. embassy government there would be no that night." guaranteeing the safety of all and inform them that the cease A meeting between rebel and persons and requestfng 0 A S fire had already been establish- interference witil other religi military leaders scheduled at the ons. mediation was worked out. Rebel nuncia·ture that night failed to Jayawardene said that Bud leaders approved of the formula , materialize, but on the next day dhism inspires the cultural her after conferring by telephone Sees' Persecution l:he archbishop resumed his task itage of this country where more with Juan Bosch. former Domin of mediation. Once more he than half the population is Bud ican president, in Puerto Rico. As Visit of God spoke over the San .Isidro radio dhist. AUROR..-\. (NC) Romanian Hope Shattered station, letting all know he was ~homas Cardinal Cooray of Catholics of the Byzantine Rite "Immediately.." said Archbis willing to confer with all fac gathered here in Illinois for the Colombo told the church leaders hop Clarizio, "1 went to the 1.7th Romanian C~tholic Day and that while truth forms the basis tions. American embassy and requested heard. a rreacher .declare that of every religion, the essence o( Agree on Formula On the same day, Archbishop a helicopter to fl~' to San Isidro "God has visited us" in·the per religious freedom lies in non Cia I' i z i 0 received a telegram with a copy of the text of the . secution of their church. interference with the convictiona "God h'ls visited the human of others. race through the prophets and St. Stanislaus tlie judges," said Father Gabriei '-Ivascu, pastor of St. Basil's The St. Stanislaus Church, in Trenton N. J. Fall River, annual Summer Fes Bridgeport Diocesan p'riests Endorse Plan chuJ.:ch "He has visited us ·through His tival will be held Saturday and Son, who healed the servant of Sunday at Urban's Grove, Tiv To Take Latin American Assignment•. the centurion. God has visited us erton. A bean supper, booths and en BRIDGEPORT (NC)-Priests approval of the plan were that throughout history. God has vis tertainment will be featured at of the Bridgeport Diocese have the diocese and its 'parishes be ited. us in the persecut~on un endorsed a proposal that 10 per adequately supplied with priests; leashed against the Catholic the affair. Proceeds will benefit that the spiritual welfare of the Church of the Byzantine Rite ia the St. Stanislaus School build cent of their number take mis Romania 17. years ago." people not be impared; that few ing fund. sion assignments in Latin Amer erpriests be assigned to high ica. Bishop Walter W. Curtis of school teaching and that voca Bridgeport said the estimated tions increase at. a higher r~te target date when the 10 per cent than the. increase in the number of the clergy will be serving in of Catholics in the diocese. SHEET 'METAL The already has seven Latin America is 1975. J. lESER, Prop. priests either working in Latin Est. 1897 Bishop Curtis announced a poll America or preparing to take up RESIDENTIAL was taken on the proposal among work there. Builders Supplies INDUSTRIAL the diocesan priests. He said the 2343 Purchase Street
COMMERCIAL results showed 43 voted "yes," 54 New..Bedford'
253 Cedar St., New Bedford voted "yes, with reservations," Minister Asks End WY 6·5661
WY 3.3222 and 41 voted "no." Priests will be accepted for the To Anti-Catholicism OTTAWA (NC) - A leading mission assignments strictly on a volunteer basis, the Bishop Orangem~n called <m local mem bers of tho;) Orange Order here said. Among the reservations listed in Canada to drop anti-Catholic by the priests wbo qualified their attitudes. The Rev. John V. Mills, past DADSON Oil BURNERS· Grand Master of Ontario West 24-Hour Oil Burner Service Orangemen and pa~tor of Toron Quits Chaplaincy to's Hi~!' Park Presbyterian NIJMEGEN (NC)-Father W. church, said at the annual Or Famou, Reading HARD COAL F. H. Hensen, O.P., has resigned ange servi.'e that many persons NEW ENGLAND COKE ~s student chaplain at the Catho stay out of their order because lic University of Nijmegen here they think it has a negative at in The Netherlands. He ex titude. , "True Protestantism is not an plained that he found distasteful what he called the mentality of anti-Catholic spil'i1 or move conformism and the "lukewarm ment he said. "A Protestantism New Bedf0r4 and sterile" atmosphere'm the ·.which is largely· anti-Roman 640 Pleasant :5t..... Tel. WY 6-1271 ." - - '. . Catholic is a pitablethina."' 5tudent bod)' of, 5,~OO.· .
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