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anc 0 VOL. 32, NO. 29

Friday, July 22, 1988



$10 Per Year

Operation Rescue on hand at convention ATLANTA (NC) - An "Operation Rescue" protest at an Atlanta abortion clinic July 19 resulted in the arrest of 134 anti-abortion protesters, the first mass arrests made during the July 18-21 Democratic National Convention. The protesters were arrested at Atlanta SurgiCenter, more than a mile from the Omni Hotel, the convention site. A variety of protests and outbreaks of scuffling

·and clashes took place during the convention. "Operation Rescue," a Binghamton, N. Y.-based group, has sponsored protests in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania this year resulting in more than 3,000 arrests. The protests are aimed at drawing attention anew to the abortion issue, and, if possible, preventing abortion clinics from doing business on the day of the protest.

With police already nearby at about 7 a.m., protesters attempted to block the entrance to the Atlanta SurgiCenter. They were carried to waiting buses by police officers. The clinic remained open. According to Marion Lee, information officer for the Atlanta Public Safety Department, the 69 women and 65 men arrested would be charged with unlawful assembly. "Any time a large number of

people assemble or march in Atlanta they have to have a permit," she said. Many of those arrested were expected to give the name Baby Jane Doe or Baby John Doe to police. This could result in the additional charge of giving a false name, according to Ms. Lee: Those arrested were taken to Lakewood Fairgrounds in Atlanta

for processing for hearings by a city judge. Ms. Lee said one of those arrested was taken to Grady Hospital but refused treatment. Craig Hoffer, who witnessed the July 19 protest but was not arrested, took part in a July 18 anti-abortion march near the Omni that had a permit. He said the group was harassed and physically jostled by Turn to Page Two

Semina;y study nearly done, Vatican letters expected, bishop says WASHINGTON (NC) - An almost 7-year-long Vatican-commissioned study of U.S. seminaries is nearly complete and a Vatican report on the college seminaries studied is expected by year's end, said Bishop John A. Marshall of Burlington, Vt. Bishop Marshall made his last formal report July 5 to Pope John Paul II and U.S. Cardinal William W. Baum, head of the Congregation for Catholic Education. Pittsburgh Bishop Donald W. Wuerl, a consultant to the study, and Msgr. Richard Pates, vicar for seminaries in the archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis and executive secretary of the commission, participated in the Vatican meet-

ings regarding the study of 221 U.S. institutions that prepare candidates for the priesthood. Msgr. Pates said the commission members have been reporting to the pope annually since the st.udy began. "He has been following it very closely" and has been pleased "with the thoroughness and collegiality involved." In addition to "general letters" from the Vatican on each of the three segments ofthe study, Bishop Marshall said, individual letters from the Congregation for Catholic Education have been sent to the institutions studied. The study's three segments focused on free-standing post-college

seminaries, college seminaries, and theological unions and related houses of formation. Msgr. Pates said that although all on-site seminary visits were completed in October 1987, some work remains on the final written reports on a few formation houses. The on-site visits were conducted by about 40 bishops and 80 seminary rectors, faculty and staff members, he said. Bishop Marshall told National Catholic News Service that he could not discuss the content of the reports on college-level seminary visitations, which were completed two years ago, nor the reports on theological unions and formation houses, completed in 1987.

"We send over the raw material," the bishop said, and the Vatican congregations for education and for religious and secular institutes "make the judgments." The first segment of the study, on free-standing theologates, was completed in 1985 and a Vatican report was released a year later. In addition to the letter on college seminaries, the Congregation for Catholic Education, working with the Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes, will collaborate on an "expected letter to religious communities" concerning the theological unions and formation houses where their candidates are trained, Bishop Mar-

shall said. The letter would be released "probably next year." Commenting on the post-college seminaries, the Vatican report already issued called them "basically good." However, in some seminaries it noted confusion and even dissent with regard to authoritative church teachings in moral theology; inadequate preparation in philosophy; need for better recruitment of minority students; and lack of clarity about the distinctiveness of the priesthood. The report praised seminary leadership, community life, liturgies, pastoral formation, biblical studies, attention to spiritual life and preparation for priestly celibacy.

Following bishops may cost your political home NEW YORK (NC) - U.S. Catholics who follow the public policy approach of their bishops can be left without a "political home" in either of the major parties, said John L. Carr, U.S. Catholic Conference secretary for social development and world peace. Speaking on a recent national teleconference Carr said the bishops' starting point and basic principle - a concern to "enhance" the human person - leads them to speak for both the unborn and the poor. Republicans talk about abortion but not the poor, and Democrats do the reverse, he said. He added that those talking about an issue may not be doing much about it. Carr was a panelist in a teleconference on "The Church and the Elections: Political But Not Partisan," broadcast to Catholic dioceses and organizations through the Catholic Telecommunications Network of America. Carr said the position laid out in the U.S. bishops' statement for the 1988 election year, "Political Responsibility: Choices for the Future," is "countercultural" rather than a tilt toward one party. Immaculate Heart of Mary Sister Nancy Sylvester, another panelist, said the church in its official teaching role should "raise up"

moral issues and their practical implications, but not try to calculate a "scorecard" for an individual candidate as some groups do. Father Philip Murnion, teleconference moderator, asked her if. issues highlighted by Network, the social justice lobby she directs in Washington, showed more "consanguinity" with the overall Democratic stance than with the Republican. "Neither party does what needs to be done," she replied.

James Finn, editorial director of Freedom House, said 'that "all political issues are moral issues," and that the bishops should call attention to moral principles. But specific application should be left to the laity, he said, because they are better equipped for that task and because activity at that level becomes divisive and partisan. He said the bishops ought not to advocate some ofthe specific causes found in their election-year state-

ment, such as an increase in the minimum wage, because there were good arguments on both sides. He also said the bishops' statement was "incorrect" in asserting that Americans had "a moral obligation to take the lead in helping to reduce poverty in the Third World." The lead, he said, should rather be taken by the people of those areas. Discussion of how the abortion

This George is a Democrat

ATLANTA (NC) - Flags, patriotic anthems and a special appearance by George. the par-

ish donkey, brought some oldfashioned spirit to a pre-convention Mass at Sacred Heart Church in Atlanta for Democrat delegates. Atlanta Archbishop Eugene A. Marino asked God's blessing on convention delegates and assured the approximately 500 people at the Mass that the church of Atlanta would pray that their work would be effective. "It is good for us to be reminded," the archbishop said, "that there is a Christian dimension to our political responsibility that binds us in conscience to participate in the process... It

for us to be reminded that it is our responsibility to be informed and participative." The church gives "a moral framework to which our conscience must be informed," Archbishop Marino said, calling on people to be informed on the issues and to register and vote. George, the parish donkey, who usually leads Palm Sunday processions, made a special appearance outside the church before the Mass wearing a straw boater and carrying baskets filled with flags. George spends most of his time on a farm owned by a Sacred Heart parishioner. IS Wt:U

issue related to the overall approach of Catholics to politics was woven throughout the discussion among the panelists and the questions telephoned in to them by listening groups. Finn said it would be useful for the bishops to write a pastoral on abortion, spelling out the argument that it is not a specifically Catholic issue but a human issue. Carr said nobody was "confused" about the importance given to the abortion issue by the Catholic Church. Sister Sylvester said Network did not have abortion among its key issues because when it was organized, abortion was being addressed by other groups. . Carr said he anticipated that candidates would be appealing to Catholics, considered to be a "swing vote" in this year's elections. "I hope the appeal is based on substance rather than symbols," he said. Issues with moral content such as abortion, nuclear arms, poverty, Central America and South Africa, he said, should get attention in the campaign. "A lot of candidates are giving us poetry on these issues without much substantive discussion," he said.


The Anchor Friday, July 22, 1988

R CIA topic of workshops

Dissident nuns leave order WASHINGTON (NC) - Sisters Barbara Ferraro and Patricia Hussey have resigned from the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, which had refused a Vatican request to oust them for their views on abortion. The two women, who publicly opposed official church teaching by arguing for a woman's right to abortion, announced their resignation July 13 in a letter to their order's Boston and Connecticut provinces, to which they belong 'respectively. They took the move, they said, to reach "equality with" other'women and because their own treatment by the order created "insurmountable barriers to the reconstruction of a positive covenant relationship." The move came six weeks after the order's top superiors in Rome said that for the good of the church and the order they would not follow through on threats they had made'to dismiss the two women for disobeying superiors' directives to consult with province leadership before speaking publicly on abortion. At that time, Sisters Ferraro and Hussey had said they were "elated" with the superiors' decision and said it had made the pain RECENT ASSIGNMENTS in the Sacred Hearts comthey had felt during the controversy "all worthwhile." munity have seen (top picture, left to right) Father Frederick The resignation by the two wo- LaBrecque and Sisters Claire Bouchard and Gail Fortin mismen, who head a Charleston, sioned to Lawrence; and (bottom) Sisters Marie Claire W.Va., day shelter for the homeless, followed four years of con- Dumont, Muriel Ann Lebeau and Dolores Marie Pavao troversy sparked 'by their signing named to an East Coast regional team. (Motta photos) an advertisement in The New York Times which stated there was more than one legitimate Catholic position on abortion. Two Sacred Hearts sisters and a arrivals to the United States mainAfter the ad's publication, during the 1984 presidential campaign, Sacred Hearts priest have been land, predominantly from the Domthe Vatican demanded that the missioned to ministry among poor inican Republic and Puerto Rico, more than 20 men and women re- and Hispanics in Lawrence, while and will also seek to develop a ligious who signed the ad clarify three sisters have been named to youth ministry. Father LaBrecque in Texas and their position on abortion or be leadership positions in the East Framingham, and Sister Fortin in dismissed from their orders. All Coast region of their community. At a ceremony earlier this month Peru. Father LaBrecque will also but Sisters Ferraro and Hussey did so, but the Sisters of Notre at the Sacred Hearts Sisters House continue as communications direcof Prayer in Fall River, Father tor for the Sacred Hearts Fathers Dame declined to dismiss them. In their letter, the two former Frederick LaBrecque and Sisters and Sister Bouchard will remain nuns said they had to "renounce Claire Bouchard and Gail Fortin vocation director for her commundifferences, privileges, and even received mission crosses from Fath- ity. limitations that are part of mem- er William Heffron and Sister KathThe Lawrence mission conforms bership in a religious community erine Francis Miller, provincial with community decisions to work superiors for the Sacred Hearts in a patriarchal church." more closely with Hispanics and They also said they felt unable . Fathers and Sisters, and Sister the poor. On Aug. 15, Bishop Alfred to overcome differences which the Brigid McCoy, outgoing regional Hughes of the Boston archdiocese four-year struggle had created superior. The trio will work among recent will preside at a Mass at which between them and the order. Father LaBrecque will be installed as pastor of Assumption parish in Lawrence and he and the sisters will be commissioned to their new WASHINGTON (NC) In a 5-4 decision in Bowen vs. ministry. Church and anti-abortion groups Kendrick, the Supreme Court Regional Team have praised a U.S. Supreme Court found that the role given religious Also named earlier this month decision upholding participation groups in the Adolescent Family by religious organizations in a fed- Life Act does not violate the U.S. were East Coast regional leaders for the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts. eral program to discourage teen- Constitution. age sexual activity. Under the 1981 law, the federal They are Sisters Marie Claire DuThe groups, which had all filed government funds efforts by social mont, superior; Muriel Ann Lelegal briefs in the case, cited the service agencies to foster self-dis- beau, vicar; and Dolores Marie ruling's implications for religious cipline and sexual abstinence Pavao, councilor. All are gradusocial service efforts, for the pro- among teen-agers, promote adop- ates of the former Sacred Hearts life movement and even for the tion, and offer various educational, Academy, Fairhaven. - significance of Vice President counseling, and health services, George Bush's presidential aspira- except abortions. Listening tions. A National Right to Life Com"Speak, Lord: thy servant hear"The court has affirmed our position that religious organiza- mittee spokesman termed the rul- eth." - I Sam. 3:9 tions have an important role to ing "a major pro-life victory, with .................. .....- ...... ......--....- .................. play in the delivery of social serv- important implications for the presidential election." ices to those most needy in our GOO'S ANCHOR HOlDS society," said Msgr. Daniel F. The next president is expected to have the opportunity to name Hoye, general secretary ofthe U.S. new Supreme Court justices. Catholic Conference.


Hearts assignments

In preparation for implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) in U.S. dioceses, scheduled to take place this fall, the Fall River diocese will hold three workshops. Theological and catechetical aspects of the rite and diocesan policies and procedures regarding its administration will be presented at the sessions, all to be held from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown. Priests of the Fall River, Taunton and Attleboro deaneries will attend a session on Tuesday, Sept. 20; priests of the New Bedford and Cape and Island deaneries on Thursday, Sept. 22. Sisters, directors of religious education and laity involved in the

program will attend a session Saturday, Sept. 24. A planning team has as members Sisters Eugenia Brady, SJC, and Elaine Heffernan, RSM, and Fathers Stephen J. Avila, Jon-Paul Gallant, Robert A. Oliveira and John A. Perry. Msgr. John J. Oliveira, chancellor and secretary of the diocesan Divine Worship Commission. will be liaison to the team. Also under Msgr. Oliveira's aegis will be RCIA sessions to be presented by the postgraduate concerns program of the diocesan Office of the Permanent Diaconate. The series, to be held at the Family Life Center in North Dartmouth, will begin in October and will be held at 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday.

Operation Rescue Continued from Page One some 'groups but was finally escorted by police to complete the legal march. "You can throw rocks, bottles, break car windows but if you sit in front of an abortion clinic you get arrested," he said. Gordon Wadsworth of Roswell, Ga., who continued to picket the clinic after his wife, Janet, was arrested, said about 40 or 50 people took part on the sidelines as the others were being arrested. Clinic supporters, including National Organization for Women president Molly Yard, took part in a counterdemonstration. Earlier in July, Operation Rescue netted almost 850 arrests at two Philadelphia-area clinics. Auxiliary Bishop Austin B. Vaughan of New York was among 591 people arrested and charged with criminal trespass after block-

ing access to the Women's Suburban Clinic in Paoli. Bishop Vaughan was arrested at previous Operation Rescue protests in Manhattan and Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. "I came to Operation Rescue, in a sense, out of frustration and desperation," Bishop Vaughan said. "After 15 years we still have oneand-a-half million babies dying each year. My hope is with God's help - and we are sure of God's help - we will be able to say in the near future, 'no more and never again.' " In an interview with The Catholic Standard and Times, Philadelphia archdiocesan newspaper, Randall A. Terry, founder of Operation Rescue from Binghamton, N.Y., said the project's purpose is "to save children from death, women from being exploited and to inspire more vision and hope so that this type of activity will occur all across the country."

Chastity ruling is welcomed



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NEW YORK Auxiliary Bishop Austin B. Vaughan is carried away by police as he participates in Operation Rescue anti-abortion protest in, Pennsylvania. (NC photo)


Renew program revives parishes, say leaders OMAHA, Neb. (NC) - The Renew program brings new life to parishes, agreed some 140 participants in the movement's recent national convention, held in Omaha. Renew, in place in more than 100 dioceses in the United States, Canada, and other nations, is a series of small-group, six-week programs intended to deepen faith, develop lay leadership, revitalize the parish community and bring back inactive Catholics. "I've seen thousands of people come alive in terms of their faith and spiritual growth," said Father Bill O'Brien, director of Renew in Canada. "Renew has led to a new faith life for these people." Margaret Weber of St. Pius X parish in Louisville, Ky., said 130 of 150 parishes in the Louisville archdiocese are participating. "Renew has led to deeper spirituality, greater appreciation of Scripture, a higher level of participation in worship and new awareness of social needs," she said. Msgr. Thomas Kleissler, director of Renew's national office in Plainfield, N.J., said Renew shows that small groups can be the building blocks of the future church. "The small-group thing works," .he said. "It really does help people get committed and related to life." In the diocese of Salina, Kan., Renew has helped develop lay leadership and led to projects 'to help the poor, said Edith Pierce, a diocesan Renew team member. "There was very little opposition to Renew in our diocese because most of the people saw it as a way to help revitalize their parishes," said Sister of St. Joseph Nancy Fischer, Renew director in the diocese of Erie, Pa. Renew has been both praised and criticized over the years. In December 1986 the U.S. bishops' Committee on Doctrine recommended various revisions to give sufficient attention to "the full gamut of Catholic theology and doctrine." Those changes had been made by this past April, the committee announced in a letter to Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick of Newark, N.J., where Renew began in 1978. Renew is one way the Catholic Church is "rediscovering the power ofthe Spirit,"-said Father Richard Rohr, director of the Center for Contemplation and Action, Albuquerque, N.M. In an convocation address, he said "Renewal is the recognition of what Jesus said, that salvation comes from the bottom, not the top. We tend to idealize the top. We assume what is of value is up there. People have transferred this concept to their spiritual lives with disastrous results." The priest described power, prestige and possessions as "three main enemies." "We must let go of what we think we have for what God is promising," he added.

Prescription "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all they soul and with all they might." - Deut. 6:5 ---





of Fall River -

United States and among those who are younger, better educated and more affluent. A native of Elizabeth, N.J., Father Gonzalez was born June 2, 1950, and completed his elementary education at Academia Santa Moni'ca in Santurce, Puerto Rico, after which he attended St. Joseph Seraphic Seminary in Callicoon, N.Y., and Siena College in Loudonville, N.Y. Be was ordained May 8, 1977, in Holy Cross Church in the Bronx section of New York.


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FATHER PAUL DENTE, 0 FM Conv., was ordained to the Franciscan priesthood last Saturday by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at Holy Rosary Church, Taunton. At right, Conventual Franciscan Provincial Father Daniel Pietrzak. He and Father Bonaventure Jezierski, OFM Conv., Holy Rosary pastor, concelebrated the ordination Mass with Bishop Cronin. (Kearns photo)


Fri., July 22, 1988

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Hispanic auxiliary for Boston WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope John Paul II has named Franciscan Father Roberto O. Gonzalez of New York auxiliary bishop of Boston, raising the number of Hispanic bishops in the United States to 20. Bishop-designate Gonzalez, 38, a member of the Holy Name province of the Franciscan Friars, is co-author of a national survey of Hispanic Catholics published in 1985 by the New York-based Northeast Hispanic Catholic Center, where he is part-time pastoral research director. The bishop-designate, who is of Puerto Rican descent and has a doctorate in sociology from Jesuitrun Fordham University in New York, also has been pastor of Holy Cross Parish in New York since 1986. At a July 19 press conference in Boston,-Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston said he welcomed his new auxiliary with "a great deal of joy and hope." At the press conference, Bishopdesignate Gonzalez said his appointment made him "acutely aware of [my] own sinfulness and limitations." He also spoke.ofthe "depth and intensity of commitment" of Hispanic Catholics. The archdiocese of Boston is home to an estimated 175,000 Hispanic Catholics, the majority of whom were either born in Puerto Rico or are of Puerto Rican heritage. Calling Bishop-designate Gonzalez "an l;xcellent choice," Pablo Sedillo, director of the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Hispanic Affairs, said the new bishop "will serve as a model for Hispanics in the Northeast - especially Puerto Ricans. He is a very young priest who can identify strongly with youth." He said Father Gonzalez will be "an open bishop and a strong advocate for the Puerto Rican Catholic community," adding his belief that the bishop-designate is "socially attuned to the needs of the poor." "He is a dedicated, conscientious, scholarly person who is also very involved with (addressing) problems of the community," said

Jesuit Father Francis X. Santiago, a co-worker of Father Gonzalez at the Northeast Hispanic Catholic Center. Father Santiago, director of special projects at the center, said the bishop-designate will serve as a "bridge" between Puerto Ricans with strong ties to the island and those who are more culturally linked to the U.S. mainland. "He was born here, but his parents live in Puerto Rico. He is very Puerto Rican," said the priest, "and at the same time he knows what's going on here." The national survey of Hispanic Catholics completed by Bishopdesignate Gonzalez and Michael J. LaVelie, president of Diversified Research, a private firm in Irvington, N.Y., found that the traditional religious commitment of Hispanics remained strong but less so among those born in the

Saturday, July 23 - 7:30 P.M.


VIETNAMESE MARIAN PILGRIMAGE DAY Wednesday, July 27 - 7:00 . 10:00 P.M.

• WORKSHOP: CONFIDENCE - HOW TO SUCCEED AT BEING YOURSElF Dr. Bary Fleet of the LaSalette Shrine Pastoral Counseling Services

Saturday, July 30 - 10:00 A.M.. 5:00 P.M.


·These programs require pre-registration. Please call at once for details.

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The preceptors for the program will be qualified instructors as well as professionals trained in the ministry of the care of the sick.



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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., July 22, 1988

the moorin&.-,

the living word

We've Reached the Peak Recently Howard T. Odum, an internationally recognized scientist, urged people to learn to cope with a declining standard of living. His point was that the American lifestyle has peaked and has no place to go but down. As a professor of environmental sciences and engineering, he points to some basic facts: our waterways are increasingly polluted, traffic on land and in the air is more and more congested and we are almost literally being buried alive in our own garbage. Such problems, taking place throughout the United States, indicate drastic changes to come. It is imperative that we take these projections seriously. When we look at daily life, can we doubt that decay has begun its destructive course of action? Take the quality of urban life. We have basically abandoned our cities. The core commercial community might on the surface seem quite glitzy. But living in the dark shadows of our skyscrapers are the poor, the abandoned and the addicted: those who sleep in doorways, who eat in soup kitchens, who wash in public facilities. The crime rate is appalling, much of it unreported. What we do read and see is but a surface reminder of the trends and directions with which we are trying to cope. In the seventies, many abandoned the cities for the country. Now they can't get out of their own driveways. They have fenced and walled themselves into prisons, with alarm systems, watchdogs and private police forces guarding them from the people with whom they once lived. The basic reason for this is, of course, money. If there is one thing Black Monday taught many people, it is that only with the buck can you live and fly high. The increasing greed that has permeated our social structures has left millions of Americans on poverty row. As the gulf widens between the rich and poor, the balancing force of the middle class is being decreased. Middle class values and morals were the cornerstone of urban life; but as the ability to accumulate wealth increased, so also did the situation ethics attitude to life and living. If people are disposable, so is everything else. Because we must have everything new, we throwaway things j.ust because they are old. Indeed, our economic system is based on this premise; we make things with the inherent notion that they are disposable. Industry depends on this, Madison Avenue sells it as a necessity. Thus we can no longer bury our garbage, shred our cars or burn our plastics. We have become victims of our ownjunk. We can no longer use our beaches, dig our clams or fish our streams. Nor can we farm our land or breathe our air. Toxic trash, pollution and contamination are oft-heard words. Decay, decline and depravity accompany us. What makes all this so frightening is that we seem to, be doing very little to reverse these trends. Perhaps we have not sufficiently hurt ourselves. If that be the case, the day of reckoning will be black. We must become prophets, loudly proclaiming that we must change our lifestyles, our interpersonal relationships, our use of the goods of this green Earth. We cannot abandon one another any more than we can live apart from the natural order. And it may be that as our so-called quality of life declines; we may for the first time know our neighbors better and treat our land more lovingly. The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALl. RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most RflV. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., U,D.


EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore ~

leary Press--fall River

NCIUPI photo

"When the sun shall be hot, you shall have relief." 1 Kings 11:9

Fully alive in Christ By Rev. Kevin J. Harrington One of my favorite Scripture passages is that describing the aborted stoning of the woman caught in the act of adultery. There are several theories of what Jesus was scribbling in the sand while the people were preparing for the execution, One of which I am fond is that he wrote the names of several sins. When the people did not desist from gathering stones, he bent down a second time and played the match game, matching sinners with sins, beginning with the sanctimonious elders. The view of women and sexuality prevalent in biblical times reflected the cultural mores of a patriarchial society. Husbands were expected to provide for their wives and wives were expected to be faithful. There was a very narrow tolerance for deviation from these norms. While Jesus admonished the woman not to commit adultery again, he rejoiced that none of her potential executioners felt free to condemn her once their eyes had been opened to their own sinfulness. Unfortunately, in our sophisticated age we may believe sin does not really matter. In fact, our era has been rightly accused of ignoring it. However, we'desperately need a healthy balance between awareness of the goodness of the Lord and of our own sin and need for repent-

ance. A normal Christian (which we all should aim to be!) can always find reason to thank God, and reason to confess his or her shortcomings. Our basic turning away from God was a "felix culpa," a "happy fault," that won for us the coming of Jesus to redeem us. As marvelous as is creation, yet more marvelous is our re-creation in Christ. Beautified by his' grace, but disfigured by our sins, we are always in process. Our collective experience affirms that forgiveness of our sins and mending of our brokenness are the most wonderful manifestations of God's love, Whenever I urge greater consciousness of the reality of sin in our lives, I am at the same time acutely aware of the devastating role of guilt in the lives of so many Christians. Somehow we need to keep in focus the two poles of the same mystery. We are redeemed yet we are sinners! . A gladness that focuses solely on our redemption and ignores our poverty before God will make us grateful but neither contrite nor fully grateful for the work God still needs to do in us. Conversely, a gloomy preoccupation with sin without recognition of what God has already done for us will make us contrite but neither grateful nor fully contrite, (or we will never really trust the power of God to heal our sinfulness.

Whenever we find ourselves too wrapped up in ourselves to acknowledge our sinfulness, it becomes imperative for us to examine our consciences. Our profoundest obstacles are not usually grave sins because most of us lead lives lacking occasions of such sins. However, like the would-be executioners of the woman caught in adultery, we often believe that as long as we conform to conventional morality we are not engaging in sinful activity. But none of us is free from deeply-rooted selfishness, fear and greed, often much harder to tackle than such lurid sins as theft, murder and adultery, because ofthe depth of their roots. A proper sense of sinfulness hinges upon an understanding that we are called to be more than just ordinary human beings. Sometimes we let ourselves off the hook too easily by asserting that our shortcomings are due to our personalities or temperaments. Worse, we are often ready to dismiss our shortcomings as not very serious and unavoidable anyway. We forget that a true follower of Christ is called to be more than just an ordinary human being and should never content himself or herself with mediocrity. Striving for moral excellence is not a demonstration of sinful pride but an acknowledgement that the best way to glorify God is to be fully alive in Christ! .

Unemployed dad Recently I heard from a mother who wrote, "We have three children, 12, 15, and 16. My husband's company folded three months ago and he hasn't been able to find work. He is trying very hard and has had several interviews but he's getting discouraged. "We've had to cut back severely and the kids complain constantly in front of him about not having money for clothes, activities, and pizza. He goes silent and gets more and more depressed. How can I get the kids to stop complaining and support him?" My first reaction was anger toward the kids and, I admit, I still feel some. But when children are reared to expect clothes, activities and pizza as their entitlement, they are bound to react with dismay when these are taken away. They need remedial parenting information - that the good life is not their right but their responsibility. Thousands of middle-class families are moving into a lower middle class lifestyle as a result of our economy. As more parents are locked into minimum wage jobs for life in our socie~y, Reeboks and pizza are going to have to disappear as rights taken for granted. When a family is faced with

sudden unemployment, it begins to appreciate, often for the first time, what its wage earners have furnished them. They can react in several ways: retroactive gratitude, bonded ness and support, or complaints and criticisms. The tone can be set by calling the children together, laying out the situation, asking for affirmation and support and stating the simple rule that there will be no complaining about cutbacks in front of whoever is unemployed. More than anything else, an unemployed parent needs family support to keep his or her selfesteem high in order to continue searching confidently for a job. It is tremendously discouraging to job search fruitlessly day after day. If a spouse or children show disappointment and anger, the will to continue the search diminishes. When the chief wage earner loses his or her job, everyone in the family needs to "go to work" - by economizing without compfaint, by furnishing emotional support, and by going to work themselves. If I were that mother, I would not be popular with my children. I would let them know unequivocally that if there's any more complaining, there will be no more lovingly served meals, clean laundry,

Writing at leisure What would be a rewarding way to while away the leisure hours of a well-deserved summer vacation? Some might recommend doing nothing, but that gets boring. Others like to catch up on novels and doze between chapters. This definitely has advantages. One possibility most people don't envision is to write. It could be a letter, not necessarily long, or a post card. There are a thousand excuses for not writing. But as long as one has pencil and paper and knows how to write a sentence, they all fail. So go ahead and prove this to me, some of you might be saying. I'll try. In all of us there is a bit of the artist. We need not be good with paints or music, but we care about form. We dress in a certain fashion, our choice of a car or a home is based on form. Writing is the opportunity to give form to words. The words need not be complicated. All that is needed is to arrange them to the best of your creative ability. Take the phrase, "Some people ask why. Others ask, why not!" It contains simple words, yet it has a special twist that makes it quotable and new thinking is stimulated by it. Handwritten composition is linear; in most languages it moves from left to right across an imaginary straight line. Yet it is anything but a straight line. A sentence curves with each letter. So too do thoughts that are translated into written words. We can write flatly, "The day is beautiful." Or we can tell how it is beautiful, speaking of f0ses, blue sky, of falling fountains, of mountains and ocean. Our descriptions set a mood, aiding the desire to be creative. Writing acts like a cal1}era. It

focuses on a subject, creating a snapshot of it in words. If the subject of which we write holds beauty for us, writing about it enables us to cherish it. Writing is an excellent way to make a lasting imprint on our memory. Writing to others is an act with additional meaning. How we love to receive a letter! It says that someone IS thinking about us. Similarly, writing to others' com-

Pastoral followup urged in booklet



gassed cars or pleasant motherliness. And I would stick to it. When children are callously disresp~ectful of an unemployed parent, they do not deserve respect in the form of parental service. I would go' further and ask each of them to get ajob and contribute to the family coffers - to become givers rather than takers. Unemployment is a family affair. In families where emotional and financial support are shared, the wage earner finds reemployment faster than in families where it is absent. There's another more insidious result of these teens' behavior. When their father does get another job, he will not easily forget their lack of support. They are building a resentment in him that can be lifelong. He's not likely to be as supportive of them and their dreams in tae future as he would be if they supported him when he needed it. They need to be told that.


municates love. Often we receive a return letter and thus a caring relationship is created. Are you convinced now that writing is a way to enjoy leisure? If not, try to write at least one postcard and send it off, even if it's to yourself. You might be pleasantly surprised a few days later as you read what you receive!

WASHINGTON (NC) - Catholics are being asked to pledge prayer and action for economic justice. A U.S. Catholic Conference booklet, part of efforts to implement teachings of the U.S. bishops' 1986 pastoral letter on the econJuly 23 omy, includes a pledge card. 1893, Rev. Patrick F. Doyle, Signers promise to pray daily Founder, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall for the needy, reflect on the moral River dimensions of economic life, serve 9138, Rev. George B. McNaothers and work for a more just . mee, Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River economic life. July 2S The booklet, "A Pledge of Com1984, Rev. Raymond R. Mahomitment for Economic Justice," ney, SS.CC., Retired, Our Lady of provides questions for reflection the Assumption, New Bedford and offers examples of how read1913, Rev. Michael J. Cooke, ers can implement the pastoral. Pastor, St. Patrick, Fall River In addition to suggesting that July 26 meals include prayerfor the needy, 1974, Rev. Msgr. Alfred J.E. it propos~s that families ask their local welfare office how much mon- Bonneau, Pastor Emeritus, Notre ey a family their size receives month- Dame, Fall River July 27 Iy, then discuss how one could live 1981, Rev. Damien Yeary, on that sum. The booklet is designed for study SS.CC., Former Pastor, St. Angroups, schools and other gather- thony. Mattapoisett ings following up on the 1986 letter. It is available from the USCC 11111I11111I11111I1I1I11I1I11I1I1I1I11I1I1I1111I1I1I1I1!1I11111111111111 Office of Implementation, 13 12 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Wash- Published weekly except the week of July 4 ington, D.C. 20005. and the week after Christmas at ~IO High-




GOO'S ANCHOR HOlDS ~~-----~~-

Diocese of Fall River -

Why can't Gospels agree?

Fri., July 22, 1988



Q. Last Holy Week the Gospel of Mark about the denial of Peter deeds of the Lord in a different was read at Mass. In the Gospel of order and express his sayings not Matthew, Luke and John, the deliterally but differently, while prenial of Peter was three times, but serving their sense." in Mark two times. Thus, as the instruction indiThis confuses readers. Why not cates, the first principle of the correlate the Gospels so as to have church in interpreting the Scripthe true meaning? (California) tures is: Seek out the meaning A. Your question raises a sig- intended by the evangelist in narrating a saying or a deed in a cernificant point that is frequently raised. Perhaps it is one aspect of . tain way or in placing it in a certain the conviction among many Catho- context. What did the writer intend lics and other Christians that every- to say? That is the first question to thing in religion should be black ask. If the evangelist or any other and white. Any evidence that this is not always so is met with disbe- author of Scripture intended to give us poetry, or a fable, or a lief, if not confusion. When we read the New Testa- short fiction story, we will miss the ment, especially the Gospels, we whole point if we try to read and easily tend to think we are reading understand such a selection as a a life of Christ much like any mod- historical document. Insofar as the Gospel authors ern biography. We feel that the first job of Matthew, Mark, Luke knewabout each other's writings, and John was to get the facts as Luke and Matthew seem cerstraight or, as you say, correlate tainly to have known about the the accounts to get to the "true earlier Gospel of Mark, they obviously had other concerns besides meaning." But aside from the fact that meshing their facts. Their message was bigger and scientific historical scholarship as we are familiar with it is a rela- deeper than that. tively modern invention, factual A free brochure answering many details were of no critical concern questions about Mary, the mother to the Gospel writers. Their inten- of Jesus, is available by sending a tion was rather to explain the stamped, self-addressed envelope meaning of the message of Jesus; to Father Dietzen, Holy Trinity what he stands for and what his Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomfollowers are expected to be. ington, III. 61701. Questions for Evidence for this abounds in the this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address. New Testament. We know, for example, that the Eucharist, or the Breaking of the Bread, held a high place in the OUR LADY'S minds of early Christians. One RELIGIOUS STORE would assume that here at least they would have their facts straight. Mon. - Sat. 10:00 - 5:30 P.M. Yet the quoted words of Jesus in GIFTS the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper are different in all CARDS three synoptic Gospels (Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22; John does not directly refer to the Eucharist at all in his account of the Last 673-4262 Supper. 936 So. Main St.. Fall River The differing readings perhaps reflected variations in the liturgy from one place to another in those early decades of the church. Whatever the reasons, the Gosp~1 writS~AWOMET ers had no problem adding or subtracting ideas they thought necessary to express what they wanted 102 Shawomet Avenue to say about Jesus.. What I am saying is not a minorSomerset, Mass. ity opinion of a few biblical scholTel. 674-4881 ars. It is the official position ofthe Catholic Church about the forma3Vz room Apartment tion and character of the Gospels. 4Vz room Apartment In 1964 the Pontifical Biblical Includes heat. hot water, stove reo Commission issued an instruction friprator and maintenance serYice. on the historical truth of the Gospels. From the many things handed down to them, says the commission, the Gospel writers "selected ALWAYS MONEY AVAIlABLE some things, reduced others to a FOR HOME PURCHASE OR synthesis and explained yet others as they kept in mind the different IMPROVEMENf situations of each of the churches. "They selected the things which




were SUIted to the varying situations of Christian believers and to the purpose they had in mind, and adapted their narration of them to the same situations and purpose.

land Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid SIO.OO per year. Postmasters send address . . . The truth of the story is not at changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall all affected by the fact that the River, :-'L\ 02722. , evangelists relate the words and




The Anchor Friday, July 22, 1988


Pax Christi award to Father Jenco ERIE, Pa. (NC) - Servite Father Lawrence Martin Jenco has been named recipient of the 1988 Pope Paul VI Teacher of Peace Award, given by the national Catholic ·peace organization Pax Christi USA. While serving as Catholic Relief Services director in Beirut, Lebanon, Father Jenco was taken hostage in January 1985 and held until July 1986. Before taking the Beirut post, he had worked with aborigines in Australia, with the poor.in Yemen, and with refugees in Thailand. In a citatiQn, Pax Christi commended Father Jenco for his "patience [and] long-suffering and unshakable trust in God" during his captivity, for his protest of any attempts to free him by trading weapons to Iran, and for his "insistence on reconciliation, rather than retaliation, in dealing with his captors." Other award recipients have included Seattle Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen in 1987; the four American churchwomen slain in EI Salvador, honored posthumously in 1984; and Dorothy Day, advocate of the poor, in 1978.

Vacation thoughts

MAKING PLANS for the annual conference of New England diocesan Councils of Catholic Nurses are, from left, Sister Rachel LaFrance; Betty Novacek; Barbara Gauthier, president ofthe Fall River Diocesan Council; and Delores Santos. The meeting, to be held Oct. 7 through 9 at the Sheraton Regal Inn, Hyannis, will feature a speaker and four workshops on Oct. 8 and will conclude Oct. 9 with a Mass at St. Pius X Church, South Yarmouth, with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as principal celebrant. (Rosa photo)

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Wedding bells ring only briefly' for Japanese tourists in France


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NIEDERMORSHWIR, France (NC) - The picture-book wedding in a picture-book Catholic church in a picture-book village in the Alsace region had only one confusing element - the couple was not Catholic. Lying behind it was a story of Japanese soap operas, enterprising travel agents, romantic notions and ultimately, canon law. After a recent wedding, arranged by a Japanese travel agency, church authorities discovered the religious discrepancy and barred Catholic ceremonies involving non-Catholic tourists. The story began with a soap opera on Fuji TV, Japan's largest private television broadcaster, set in Niedermorshwir and featuring its church, which became famous among Japanese TV viewers. The travel agency then began promoting a tour-wedding package which included nuptials in the little church in Alsace. The agency arranged transportation and contracted a local catering service for the wedding break-' fast. The couples were coached to


say "oui" (yes) at the appropriate places in the ceremony. The wedding of the first couple was presided over by the parish priest, Father Joseph Sturm. The couple was identified publicly only as Mr. Nishimura, a pharmaceutical laboratory director, and Miss Tsukamoto, a music teacher, both of Kyoto, Japan. Father Sturm reportedly began having doubts about the wedding and contacted local Bishop Charles A. Brand of Strasbourg. That resulted in the realization that the applying couples were not Catholic and a ban on further such weddings. Auxiliary Bishop Jean Hergele of Strasbourg outlined canon law in such matters: "To celebrate a Catholic marriage outside the diocese of [the couple's] origin, the rule is that the future married couple transmit to the diocese in which they wish to marry" documentation of their standing from their home diocese. However, Christian-style weddings with candles and altars are

eo., ..9nc.








so popular among non-Christian Japanese that many hotels and wedding halls in the country have built Christian-style chapels. Tokyo's Miyako Hotel, for instance, has a chapel featuring a cross and an altar decorated with white roses. Although only 1 percent of Japanese profess Christianity, 18 percent of all couples opt for a Christian-style wedding. Most Japanese are Buddhist or Shintoist. In 1986, Bishop Anthony S. Apuron of Agana, Guam, ended a 15-year-old practice of Japanese tourists being married at civil ceremonies in local Catholic churches with a priest presiding. He said the desired effect of gaining converts had failed to materialize. The local church usually received a $50 fee. The couples paid less for the tour and wedding package than they would have for a wed. ding in Japan. The Guam tour included transportation, the wedding and a honeymoon at a beachside hotel.

Project 13 WASHINGTON (NC) - Seminaries may need to pool resources to prepare Hispanics for ministry, says Father Gary Riebe, director of the U.S. bishops' Project 13 for Hispanic vocations and priestly formation. Project 13, a collection of five· vocation and eight formation projects for Hispanics, is funded by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Knights of Columbus. Father Riebe, a member of the Divine Word Missionaries, estimates there are now about 1,600 Hispanic priests and 2,000 'Hispanic nuns in the United.States.

Dear Editor: One day the disciples returned to Jesus from a ministry expedition. The power of God had been with them and they were jubilant. But tired also. Jesus realized it. So he invited them to relax: "Come by yourselves to an out-of-the-way place and rest a little." (Mark 6:31) Observe how Jesus, as a good leader, is careful to provide times of quiet for himself and his apostles. The immensity of the task doesn't seem to bother him. He is realistic. If you exhaust the shepherd, who will care for the sheep? So Jesus withdraws regularly, morning and evening, to be alone with his Father. Thus he replenishes his spiritual energies. And he also spends time in quiet relaxation with his Apostles. Once he took a holiday with them to Caesarea Philippi, away from the crowds, in pagan territory, at the foot of Mount Hermon. I visited that beautiful spot in 1981. As I was admiring the snowcapped Hermon, the streams running down the mountainside to form the Jordan River a little way south, I couldn't help thinking: what a beautiful place for Jesus and his apostles to make a picnic! And that's probably what it was. We all need moments of physical, emotional and spiritual renewal. Each day is balanced between work and sleep; each week we have a day of rest: the Sabbath. The purpose of the Jewish Sabbath was not worship, just plain rest. And annual vacations have become a general custom. Life, to be fully productive, requires a wise balance between work and leisure. Leisure is not a luxury. It is eminently productive. . Like Jesus and his disciples, we need to separate ourselves from the crowds, from the pressures of daily work or ministry, not for selfish purposes, but to be renewed, the better to serve. A timely application of this: as the number of priests decreases today, the needs' of the flock do not, and so, as men dedicated to their people, we priests are tempted to extend ourselves and become exhausted. Some speak of "burnouts." Nobody gains in the end. There will always be more work to be done in the Church than we can possibly accomplish. Jesus never attempted to reach all the people of Palestine! He went about in a very leisurely fashion, preaching, healing . .. Meantime, he trained his apostles to some day take over. I guess he realized that busybodies, always on the go, never accomplish much. We can give only from our inner riches, which need to be continualy renewed. Jesus didn't tell his apostles: "Get busy, work harder. .." but "pray the Father to send more laborers into his vineyard." (Matthew 9:38) Father Pierre E. Lachance, O.P. St. Anne's Church, Fall River

Love's What Counts "The Lord does not look so much. at the magnitude of anything we do as at the love with which we do it." - St. Teresa of Avila

The Anchor Friday, July 22, 1988

Lay Lefebvrites' posi~ion hazy, says top canonist VATICAN CITY (NC) - While schismatic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the bishops he ordained were excommunicated, one cannot make a similarly clear-cut pronouncement about his lay followers, says the Vatican's top canon law official. The president of the Pontifical Commission for the Authentic Interpretation of the Code of Canon Law, Cardinal Rosalio Jose Castillo Lara, said lay followers of the archbishop must be fully aware of what they are doing before they would incur excommunication. Archbishop Lefebvre ordained four bishops in a June 30 ceremony in Econe, Switzerland, against the wishes of Pope John Paul II. Cardinal Castillo Lara said the archbishop and the new bishops were immediately excommunicated. Cardinal Castillo Lara said it was "more difficult" to say that the followers at the ordination ceremony were excommunicated. '''Until now they probably have not taken into account that they are about to enter into a schism," he said. "They have followed blindly he who told them he was defending tradition. One would need to speak with them." A canon law commission official, Dominican Father Joseph Fox, said that the criteria that apply to every mortal sin apply in determining whether lay followers of Archbishop Lefebvre are excommunicated. For a mortal sin, a person must know the action is wrong, it has to be serious and it has to be freely chosen.

"N 0 one can fall under the penalties" for schism "unless they. are aware of what they are'doing and freely choose to do it," Father Fox said. He added that those who know what they are doing when they attend a Mass celebrated by a Lefebvrite priest, yet do not intend to separate themselves from the Catholic Church, are trying to "have their cake and eat it too." If one attends such a Mass "out of curiosity," he said, the conditions for excommunicaton might not apply. However, he noted, "you are putting yourself in an occasion of sin" by attending such a service. Cardinal Castillo Lara said Archbishop Lefebvre and the bishops he consecrated have been excommunicated twice: for the offense of schism and for consecration of a bishop without permission. The first excommunication can be absolved by a bishop or a priest he has delegated, the cardinal said, but the second could be lifted only by the Vatican Congregation for Bishops or the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Offenses incurring automatic excommunication "are few," the cardinal said. They include offenses against the faith such as apostasy, heresy and schism, priestly violation of the secrecy of the confessional and procuring of an abortion. Certain excommunications are "reserved to the Holy See," including profanation of the Eucharist and violent attacks on the pope as well as unauthorized ordination of bishops.

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JAMES A. NANNERY, seated, with his wife, is honored for 16 years service on the board of directors of S1. Anne's hospital, Fall River, by dedication of the Nannery Conference Room in the hospital's Clemence Hall. A portrait of Nannery and a dedicatory plaque are behind Robert Stoico, lay board chairman; Sister Dorothy Ruggiero, OP, board chairman; and Alan D. Knight, hospital president, who participated in the' tribute.

Notre Dame nuns plan congress Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame will hold their firstever congress July 29 to Aug. 3 at the Palais des Congres of Montreal. The sisters, represented in the diocese at S1. Vincent's Home and the Diocesan Department of Education, both in Fall River, will have as the congress theme their mission in the church and in the world at large.

They will study their community history and the charism of their foundress, Margaret Bourgeoys, in order to gain inspiration for planning of future educational projects.

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The congress is designed to lead to revitalization of the apostolic mission of the community, say organizers.


PARISH GROUNDS BRAYTON AVE., SOMERSET FATHER ROY YURCO, SS.Ce., center, local vicar econome for the Sacred Hearts Congregation, breaks ground for an addition to the order's East Coast provincial house in Fairhaven with architect William G. Saltonstall Jr., left, and Glenn Parker, president of Doric Building Associates. Planned is a nine-bed infirmary/residence to include two hospital-equipped rooms, a chapel, sunroom, physical therapy room and a porch and courtyard. The east end or'the existing house will also add recreation and dining rooms. Sacred Hearts priests, brothers and sisters, including visiting Hawaiian sisters, were present at the groundbreaking, as were longtime provincial house secretaries. (Motta photo)


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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., July 22, 1988


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FATHER BRACONE shows Paula Cooper some of the Italian magazine articles on her case. Two million Italians have asked Indiana Governor Robert D. Orr to grant clemency to Miss Cooper. Now 18, she has pleaded guilty to stabbing a 78-year-old woman to death in 1985 when she was 15. (NCjWide World photo) OfFlf ., OAI GlOW AVI., fAll IMI

Pope aids case of condemned teen


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WASHINGTON (NC) - An attorney for a teen on Indiana's death row believes a Supreme Court decision restricting use of the death penalty for juveniles and Pope John Paul II's interest in the case will help his client. The teen-ager, Paula Cooper, was sentenced to death after pleading gui!ty to stabbing 78-year-old Bible teacher Ruth Pelke to death with a butcher knife in 1985. She was 15 years old when the crime was committed. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled June 29 that states may not allow the death penalty for juveniles who are under 16 when they commit a capital crime, at least not unless the states adopt new laws specifically providing that people under 16 may be executed. The decision reversed the death sentence of William Wayne Thompson, who was 15 when he participated in the murder of his sister's ex-husband. The justices the next day said

they will decide next year whether the death penalty for anyone who was under 18 when the crime was committed violates the constitutional ban on "cruel and unusual punishment." Miss Cooper's attorney, William Touchette of Merrillville, Ind., said "things look pretty good after [the Thompson] case" although "it doesn't automatically end the need for appeal" to the Indiana Supreme Court for Miss Cooper. The interest shown by Pope John Paul and by Catholic groups also helps Miss Cooper's case, Touchette believes. During his visit last September Pope John Paul used private c_hannels to appeal for clemency for Miss Cooper, according to Vatican press spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls. Miss Cooper's sentence has become a public case in Italy, which outlawed the death penalty after World War II.

Italian Franciscan Father Vito N. Bracone has twice visited the United States to appeal on Miss Cooper's behalf. In June he brought a petition signed by about 2 million people in Italy asking Indiana Gov. Robert Orr to grant clemency to Miss Cooper. The governor did not meet with Father Bracone: Archbishop Edward T. O'Meara of Indianapolis also has opposed the death penalty for Miss Cooper, saying it is in keeping with the U.S. bishops' general opposition to the death penalty. "I think it would be an atrocity to execute someone who committed the crime while still legally a child," he said. Touchette said another participant in the crime of which Miss Cooper was convicted of received a 30-year to 60-year sentence. He sai~ Miss Cooper's supporters are not seeking that she be set free. "All we're asking is to commute the [death penalty] sentence and impose a sentence somewhere between 30 (and) 60 years."

You put Priscilla to work! Thank you! By Joseph Motta Last April 15 the Anchor profiled Priscilla daRosa of St. Mary's parish, Fairhaven, and her Prayer Parent Network. The feature, "Praying the children home," asked Anchor readers interested in praying for missing children to contact Mrs. daRosa. "Let's put Mrs. daRosa to work!" the story urged. Well, friends, you did. We appreciate your response and so does Priscilla daRosa, who has doubled the number of children being prayed for. "I'd like to thank everyone who did write to me," Mrs. daRosa said. "I've gotten some lovely letters." She has received over 75 responses to the feature story and says letters continue 'to trickle in. There was correspondence from shut-ins with much time to pray for youngsters, she said, and notes from mothers who explained their own children were so precious to them they wanted to pray for those who are missing.

One woman, Mrs. daRosa said, "sent me one big envelope with 13 smaller envelopes inside, all stamped," and ready to be filled with photos and names of children in need of prayer. Another lady sent 16 stamps to help with postal expenses. Some individuals forwarded additional photos of missing children. Although many diocesan communities were heard from, Seekonk, Attleboro, Taunton, Martha's Vineyard and Norton residents really came through for the children, Mrs. daRosa said. A few responses came from Pawtucket, R.I., and one from a reader in Port Jervis, N.Y. Mrs. daRosa was pleasantly floored by the whole thing. "I told my husband," she said, "that I didn't know what was happening!" Of the over 75 youngsters she has since matched with prayer parents, at least 10 are already off the missing list, she said. They include a child who hadn't been seen since 1979.

"The power of prayer;' Mrs. daRosa said, "is working here." If you want to pray for a missing child, send your name and address (a self-addressed stamped long envelope, while not mandatory, would be appreciated) to Priscilla daRosa at 23 Wilding Street, Fairhaven 02719. You'll receive a welcome letter, prayer suggestions and a picture of your child.

Motta photo

Priscilla daRosa

. '


The Anchor Friday, July 22, 1988

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BREWSTER, Our Lady of the Cape, Stoney Brook Road: (Schedule effective July and August) Sat. 4:00 & 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:00, 8:30, 10, II :30 a.m.; daily 8, II a.m. (Mon. - Fri.) no II a.m. on Saturdays; Confession, Sat. 3: 15 - 4:00 p.m. EAST BREWSTER, Immaculate Conception, Route 6A: (Schedule effective July and Aug.): Sat. 4:30 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30 and II a.m. Confessions, Sat. 4:00 - 4:25 p.m. BUZZARDS BAY, St. Margaret, 141 Main St.: Sat. 4:00 p.m.; Sun. 8, 10, II a.m., daily 8:00 a.m. Sat. 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00 - 3:30. ONSET, St. Mary Star of the Sea, Onset Ave.: Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10:30 a.m.; daily Mon., Tues., & Fri., 9 a.m. Confessions, Sat. 3:30 - 4:00 p.m.

FALMOUTH, St. Patrick, 511 E. Main St.: Sat. 5:30, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:45, 10, II: 15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; daily, 7 and 9 a.m., Sat. 8 a.m.; confessions: Saturdays 3:45 - 4:45 and following 7 p.m. Mass. FALMOUTH HEIGHTS, St. Thomas Chapel, Falmouth Heights Rd.; Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 8,9,10,11:15 a.m.; daily 8 a.m. HYANNIS, St. Francis Xavier, 347 South St.: Sat. 4:00, 5: 15, 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7,8,9, 10, II :30 a.m., 5 p.m.;daily7a.m.,12:lOp.m.;confessions, Sat. 3:00 - 3:50 p.m. and following 7:30 p.m. Mass.

SOUTH YARMOUTH, St. Pius X, 5 Barbara St.: Sat. 4, 6 p.m.; Sun. 7,9,10:30,12:00 noon; 5 p.m. daily, 7, 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00 - 3:45 & 7:30 - 8:00 p.m.

MARION, St. Rita, 113 Front St.: Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:15 a.m.; daily, Mon., Tues., Wed., and Fri., 8:30 a.m.; confessions, Saturday, 4: 15 - 4:45 p.m.

BASS RIVER, Our Lady of the Highway Rte. 28: May 21 - Sept. 10 - Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. -June 23 - Sept. II - 9:30, II a.m.; daily (Mon. - Fri.) 8 a.m. (June 27 -Sept.

MATTAPOISETT, St. Anthony, 22 Barstow St.: Sat. 4:30, Sun. 8, 9:30, II :00 a.m. daily 8 a.m.; Confessions 3:30 - 4:00.

WEST BARNSTABLE, Our Lady of Hope, Rte. 6A; Sat. 4 & 5: 15 p.m; Sun., 8:45, 10, II: IS a.m. daily 8 a.m. confessions, before each Mass.

NANTUCKET, Our Lady of the Isle, Federal St.: Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7,8:30,10 and II :30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.; daily, 7:30 and 9:00 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4 - 4:45 p.m.

CHATHAM, Holy Redeemer, 57 Highland Ave.: Schedule July 4, Sat. 5 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9, 10, II a.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; Confessions, Sat. II :30 a.m. - 12 noon; First Friday -Mass 8 & 9 a.m., Adoration ofthe Blessed Sacrament after 9:00 a.m. Mass. Closing at 10:30 a.m. with Benediction.

SIASCONSET, Union Chapel: Sun. 8:45 a.m. during July and August.

COTUIT/MASHPEE, Christ the King, Cotuit, St. Jude Chapel, 4441 Falmouth Road, Rte. 28: Sat. 4:00 p.m.; Sun. 9, II a.m.; daily, Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. Confessions 3-3:30 Sat. St. Jude's Novena-Thurs. 8 a.m. MASHPEE, Queen of All Saints; Great Neck Rd. (towards New Seabury): Sat. 4:00 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.; Daily 9:00 a.m. Mon.Fri. Confessions 3-3:30 p.m. Sat. EAST FALMOUTH, St. Anthony, 167 East Falmouth Highway: Sat. 4:00, 6:00 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 9, 10: I 5, II :30 a.m.; daily 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00-3:45 p.m., weekdays, any time by request. EDGARTOWN, St. Elizabeth, Main Street: Sat. 4 and 6 p.m.; Sun. 7,9, II a.m.; daily, Mon.-Sat., 8:30 a.m.; confessions, 3:30, Saturdays. Rosary: 8:15 a.m. weekdays, 8:30 a.m. Sundays.

SAGAMORE, St. Theresa, Rte. 6A: Sat. 5:00 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 10:00, II :30 a.m., First Friday 5:00 p.m., confessions Sat. 4:00 4:45 p.m.

YARMOUTHPORT, .Sacred Heart, off Rte. 6A: Sat. 4:00, 5: 15 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.; confessions before each Mass.

CENTERVILLE, Our Lady of Victory, 230 So. Main St. Sat. 5, 7:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8: IS, 9:30,10:45, 12 noon and 5:15 p.m. daily, 7, 9 a.m., Confessions, Sat. following 9 a.m. Mass and 4 - 4:45 p.m.

SOUTH CHATHAM, Our Lady of Grace, Rte. 137, off Rte. 28: schedule July 4, Sat. 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 a.m., daily, 9 a.m. Confessions Sat. after 7 p.m. Mass.

PROVINCETOWN, St. Peter the Apostle, 11 Prince St.: Sat. 5:00, 7 p.m.; Sun. 7,9, II a.m., 5:00 p.m.; daily, 7 a.m., confessions, Sat. 4:15 - 6:15 p.m. and by appointment. SANDWICH, Corpus Christi, 8 Jarves St.: Sat. 4, 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7,8:15,9:30,10:45 a.m., 12 noon; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:00 - 3:45 p.m.

NORTH FALMOUTH, St. Elizabeth Seton, 481 Quaker Rd.; Sat. 4, 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7:45,9,10:15,11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily 9 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3:15-3:45,4:45-5:15 p.m. OAK BLUFFS, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Massasoit Ave.: Sat. 6 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30, 11:00 a.m.; daily (Mon. - Thurs.) 7 a.m. confessions, Sat. 5:15 - 5:45 p.m. ORLEANS, St. Joan of Are, Canal Road. (Schedule effective through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8, 9:30, II a.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 4 - 4:45 p.m.; Our Lady of Perpetual Help novena, at 8 a.m. Mass Wed. NORTH EASTHAM, Church of the Visitation (Schedule effective through Labor Day): Sat. 5, 7 p.m.; Sun. 8:00, 8:30, II :00 a.m.; daily Mass 9 a.m. Mon. - Wed. -Fri. During July and Aug.; confessions, Sat. 6:30 - 6:50 p.m. OSTERVILLE, Our Lady of the Assumption, 76 Wianno Ave.; Sat. 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon; daily, 8:00 a.m., confessions, Sat. 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. POCASSET, St. John the Evangelist, 15 Virginia Road: Sat. 4, 5: I 5 p.m.; Sun. 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:45 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 7:30 a.m., except Thursday and Saturday; Tues. and Thurs. 9:00 a.m.; Sat. 8:00 a.m.; Confessions Sat. 3-3:45 p.m.


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5) VINEYARD HAVEN, St. Augustine, Church and Franklin Sts.: Sat. 4:00 p.m.; Sun. 8, II a.m.; daily 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3 -3:45 p.m. Novena to O.L. of Perpetual Help, Monday, after 8 a.m. Mass. WAREHAM, St. Patrick, 82 High St.: Sat. 4, 6, p.m.; Sun. 7,8:30,10, 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.; confessions, Sat. 3 - 3:45 p.m. WEST WAREHAM, St. Anthony, off Rte. 28 Sat. 4 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10 a.m.; confessions, before each Mass. WELLFLEET, Our Lady of Lourdes, 56 - 58 Main St.: Sat. 4 and 5 p.m.; Sun. 8,9, 10, II a.m.; daily, 9 a.m., confessions, before all Masses. Miraculous Medal Novena Tuesday before Mass. Novena to St. Jude Friday before Mass. Rosary before daily Mass - 8:45 a.m. NORTH TRURO, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pond Road: Sat. 4 p.m.; Sun. 9, 10 a.m.; confessions before Masses. TRURO, Sacred Heart: Sat. 5:15 p.m. WEST HARWICH, Holy Trinity, Rte. 28: Sat. 4:00-5:30 p.m. Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:30, 12 noon; daily 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; confessions, Sat. 2:00-3:30 p.m. and 7:30-8:30 p.m. First Friday - Mass at II a.m. followed by Exposition of Blessed Sacrament closing with Benediction at 2 p.m.; confessions eve of 1st Friday 2:00-3:30 p.m. DENNISPORT, Our Lady of Annunciation, Upper County Dr.: Sat. 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 8:30, 10, II :30 a.m. Daily 8:00 a.m.; Confessions, Sat. 3 -_4 p.m. WOODS HOLE, St. Joseph: Sat. 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 7, 9:30, II a.m.; daily 8 a.m.; Confession Y.! hour before Sunday Masses. .

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., July 22, 1988



BERTHA JONES displays the Golden Cane. (Rosa photo)

New Bedford's Golden Cane to Holy Name parishioner New Bedfordite Bertha Jones, 105, senior member of her home city's Holy Name parish, has also been recognized as the Whaling City's oldest resident by Mayor John K. Bullard. Mayor Bullard presented the city's Golden Cane to Miss Jones at Sacred Heart Nursing Home. The cane originally belonged to Latham Cross, a New Bedford whaling captain. When he died in 1864, he was the city's oldest resident. His cane was handed down through New Bedford's Pierce family and eventually donated to the city by Ann Fitch, granddaughter of Erskine H. Pierce, whose initials the cane bears. Pierce was a grandson of Captain Cross. A tribute to Miss Jones on the occasion of her most recent birthday, January 17, by Sacred Heart Home's Peter A. Wilmont· and Loretta F. Benedetti ran in the January 29, 1988 Anchor. An excerpt follows. Born in 1883 in Johnnie Bull, Manchester, England, Miss Jones was one of II children. Her father worked in a publishing house, much to her delight, as he frequently brought home a children's book for her to read. This early love of reading remained with her until recent years when her vision became impaired. The family came to this country in 1893 when Miss Jones was 10 years of age. They settled in the south end of New Bedford and were thrilled to be able to look out their window and see the water. Theirs was a family full of love. Her sister Emily was in need of support and help when her husband died leaving two young daughters, so Miss Jones moved in with the family and worked at var. ious textile mills to support them.

Her niece Mary remembers her as someone who was "always there." Her faith has always been a very important part of her life. Her family felt that she would enter a convent to become a nun. But now her niece realizes that in many ways she was one without the official title. She devoted her life to her sister and nieces, Bertha and Mary. She is full of the love of Jesus and would share that love with those in need. Just a few years ago, when Miss Jones was 10 I, her niece Mary lost her husband. Miss Jones was there for her again. She said "Take my hand and we'll cry, then pray; then we won't talk about it anymore." Love and caring are her trademarks, as anyone who has ever been touched by her can share.

Going home Last Sunday they had an oldtimers picnic at Fairview Park, near where I grew up. So I drove to the north side of town on a freeway that replaced hundreds of homes, making it easy for drivers to race to the suburbs and flee the city's problems. I wanted to see the problems so I left the freeway and drove slowly though the old neighborhood. Only a few residents were moving in the 90-degree heat as I pulled up in front of my childhood home. The two-story white-frame house sat on a corner in the changing neighborhood, looking about the way it did 50 years ago, when my widowed mother and we five kids called it home. I discovered it wasn't the same when I got out to take a look. Weeds had taken over the lawn; the high banking was rutted and bare; no shades or curtains graced the windows. There was no sign of life. I quickly learned why. A yellow notice on the front an'd back doors bore the word "CONDEMNATION" in large type. The horne where we Casserlys had spent much of the Great Depression had been condemned. "Lack of maintenance," the sign charged, "raw sewage from broken main, soil stained." The place was abandoned. Broken glass, soda cans, rusty mufflers, ripped mattresses, empty rum and wine bottles told the story. Shading my eyes, I peered in the windows. I half expected to see

By some little kids reading, playing games or eating Sunday dinner. Where was the pot-bellied base- BERNARD burner that kept us warm? Or the upright in the parlor that Mother CASSERLY loved to play? The house wasn't much to look at even when we "corner kids" lived there. It was cold in the winter and hot in the summer, but it . like ours from the Minneapolis sheltered us. It was there when housing authority for SI, lot and Dad died, when we got our first all, but you have to bring them up radio, when I finished high school. to code. I guess I'd hate to see the We kept together in the darkest old place bulldozed when it prodays of the Depression. We were tected at least one growing family never evicted, though we went for long ago. months without paying the rent. We were a single-parent family May the good Lord remember Mr. most of the time, the kind that Larrabee of Wisconsin, our patient appears in all the statistics on and generous landlord, who never crime, drugs and welfare problems. put the fatherless Casserlys out. But we had other things going for I thought of Joyce Kilmer's us, things that can't be bought or "House With Nobody In It," his doled out by the state. tale of an empty farmhouse "along We Casserlys were aided by Mothe Erie track." It needed glass and ther's family: a strict grandfather, paint and shingles, he wrote, but a loving brother and generous siswhat it needed most was "some ters. We attended a superb parochpeople living inside." ial school staffed by gifted sisters "If I had a lot of money," and a tough Irish pastor. Kilmer said, I left the old house and drove to "And all my debts were the reunion in the park. We sang paid," the old songs and stood in the I'd put a gang of men to shade of trees that didn't even exist work when we played ball there long With brush and saw and ago. spade We peered at each other's name I'd buy that place and fix it tags and tried to match the names up and faces. "Casserly," one oldtiThe way it used to be, mer said. "I remember you. You And I'd find some people lived in that house on the corner of who wanted a home Colfax and 26th. My folks always And give it to them free" told us to stay away from you You can buy condemned houses corner kids."

".S .~ ·

· ···.31.· ...·.·.·..·.· '

..V oter Hall of Fame Have you voted in every election for which you were eligible for the past 50 or more years? Will you urge at least two nonvoters to register and vote? If so, the Commonwealth of MEXICAN NATIVES Victoriano Nuno Olivares, 88, and his wife, Maria Cedillo de Massachusetts wants you in its Voter Hall of Fame, joining some Nuno, 92, are sworn in as the oldest couple in the United States to become temporary legal 1,800 other pqblic-spirited citizens. r.esidents. (NC photo) Induction applications are available at the office of your local registrar of voters. They must be certified by the registrar and subFRESNO, Calif. (NC) - With lived their employers. They had nine children and have 11 grandmitted by Aug. II to the Voter a combined age of 180 years, a resided with relatives, thus had no children, 22 great-grandchildren Hall of Fame Program, Office of Catholic couple has become the rent or utility receipts bearing their and three great-great-grandchildthe Secretary of State, One Ash- oldest married couple in the Uni- names. reno . burton Place, Room 1612, Boston ted States to receive temporary However, two persons were willReceiving their green tempor02108. . residency cards under the 1986 ing to verify that they saw the ary residence cards means they can Nunos regularly during the years visit a daughter in Jalisco, MexFurther information is available immigration law. from Secretary of State Michael With aid from Catholic Chari- in question. They were former rec- ico, whom they have not seen in 17 Joseph Connolly's public affairs ties of the Fresno diocese, Victori- tors ofthe Fresno cathedral: Arch- years. office, 727-4596. ano Nuno Olivares, 88, and Maria bishop' Roger M. Mahony, now Both Nunos were born in Jalisco. head of the archdiocese of Los Their courtship was carried on Cedillo de Nuno, 92, received Angeles, and 87-year-old Msgr. largely in secret. "green cards" at the Fresno ImmiFrancis X. Singleton, who died gration and Naturalization Service Maria's brothers, who did not only a couple of months after sign- approve of the courtship, were legalization office. Their case was particularly dif- ing an affidavit on the Nunos' looking for Victoriano to try to the home building to its grounds and credit went to the kitchen crew ficult to put together, said Sister of behalf. persuade him to stop seeing their The Nunos live with a great- sister when the couple eloped. At and chef John Chicca for their St. Joseph Marian Freeman, who coordinates the Fresno Catholic granddaughter and her family. the time, Victoriano was 17 and cooking expertise. They have outlived seven of their Maria was 22. "We are here to make life more Charities legalization program. The alien amnesty program repleasant and to share the joy ofthe Lord with you," summed up Doro- quires proof of continuous residthea Levesque, Sacred Heart's activ- ency since 1982 but the Nunos, SALUTING ity director, in inviting residents to who worked in the field until 1979 - when he was 79 and she was 84 the picnic. SENIORS - were paid in cash and have out-

Oldest couple gets temporary residency

Sacred Heart residents enjoy picnic Complete with a blue and white tent, a menu featuring hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, coleslaw, watermelon and ice cream, and music courtesy of musicians' union members, residents of Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, recently enjoyed a picnic. Volunteers and famly members assisted activities department members in transporting residents from ;

. 3. < ~ the anchOI\Y

Getting tough with teens By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: I felt compelled to write in response to your column on when teens won't listen. Like the parents who wrote to you, we too felt we had provided a loving home and that the problems our son was having could be answered with more love. We were so used to having him display emotional highs and lows that we thought he was simply a high-strung teen. We overlooked a lot of destructive behavior such as putting holes in the wall, inappropriate sleeping, lack of appetite and other symptoms. Then the day came when the mental health counselor telephoned to tell us that our only child was heavily into drugs and alcohol, and was suicidal. I will not go into the pain and horror that followed, but it was important for us to know that we had not caused it, we could not control it and we could not cure it. We had to turn this over to God. Meanwhile we were guided to ToughLove and learned to work on his behavior rather than his mind and attitudes. We learned not to give attention to negative behavior and we learned to allow him to suffer the consequences of his own actions.

This meant letting him fall behind in his schooling and experience poor grades. This meant letting him lose his car because he could no longer make the payments. This meant letting him do his own laundry when he left his clothes on the bedroom floor. We did reward positive behavior. We were guided by the counselors in the treatment program, the psychiatrist who insisted that we stay with the ToughLove approach and, of course, our support groups of AI-Anon and ToughLove. Now it is two years later and all of us are healthier. Our son is in college. More important, he feels good about who he is. We are closer as a family. I would tell the parents of teens that your child may not listen to you, but don't give up on him. When he falls, no matter how far down, allow. him to get up by himself. Meanwhile, go to ToughLove, seek professional mental health help and ask for God's guidance. Let him know you are available and are loving him. To do nothing is the worst thing you can do. (Illinois) Thank you for an excellent letter. I believe it speaks for itself. You are correct to point out that some firm action must be taken in

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., July 22, 1988

the face of such obvious and serious misbehavior. You cannot simply stand by and hope things will get better without intervention. Alcohol, drugs, sex and the fast life are too immediately rewarding. They must be stopped. At the same time you are taking a firm and realistic approach to stop the bad behavior, you must give your attention and focus to what is good. As you so nicely write, stopping the bad and attending to the good is not doing nothing. Yes, teens need to experience the consequences of their behavior and not be protected from a temporary hurt by well-meaning par- . ents. This means they need to pay their own speeding tickets, earn their own money and not be excused from trouble at school or with the police by parents. The ToughLove approach (UToughLove," by Phyllis and David York and Ted Wachtel, Bantam. 1983) is a sound response to teens out of control. Congratulations to you and other parents of teens who are willing to take a stand. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address The Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 41918.









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"I didn't ask to be born By Antoinette Bosco A teen is suing his parents for bringing him into the world without his consent. Now, that's a story you have to notice! Allan Grahn, 11, of Finland sued his parents for allegedly depriv. ing him "of the bliss of non-being through a willful and wanton act of conception," according to newspaper reports. "Life is painful and fraught with hardship," his lawyer told reporters. "Grahn genuinely thinks his parents were not within their rights to expose him to such suffering without his permission." Preposterous? One might think so. But I was taken aback by public opinion polls where one-third of adults and a whopping 91 percent of young people supported the boy's position. Next thing you know, thousands of unhappy youth will be suing their parents. I remember when I was 9 listening to my Aunt Gracie complain bitterly ~bout being born female in a man's world. "I didn't ask to be born," she used to say. Sometime later my mother asked me to do some chores that I didn't want to do. I remember how angry she got when I decided to try Aunt Gracie's line on her. "None of us asked to be born," Mother fired back. Twenty years later my children were throwing that same line at me. Has it a place in the law courts? Of course not. It is intrinsically wrong to make this a legal issue. Noone can say that being given life is wrong. That's God's territory. Yet there is nothing wrong with the questions such a case raises. Is it good to be alive even when there is so much suffering? Why do so many children resent their lives? How do we communicate to our

children that life is a gift? What is a parent's responsibility to a child? Ask a handicapped person, or someone who has suffered terrible loss, or victims ofthe Holocaust or of war whether it is good to have been born and more often than not the answer is yes. Why? Because despite the suffering, we are awestruck by the mystery and beauty of life. We need to believe that life is a gift and to keep a sense of wonder about existence itself. Grahn will probably have children of his own one day. Then he too will probably be amazed by the miracle of reproduction. But perhaps he can't yet be

expected to experience his life as a precious gift. That's why his case points out the tremendous responsibility of parents to do whatever they can to create conditions in which children can find happiness and joy.

"I think the requirements for giving the driving tests are that you be a U.S. citizen, be conversant with state transportation laws and have three years experience as a ghoul," my daughter said irritably as I was driving her to take the written segment of her driver's license test. "You still think your friend Abby flunked just because she caught that officer's elbow in the power window?" I asked. "Yeah, how unfair," she said. "And he had the nerve to claim she strayed over the center line, signaled wrong and ruined eight or nine marker cones parallel parking." "Harsh dude," I said with a straight face. "Abby told me the guy even tried to make her nervous by sucking in his breath and1making little whimpering noises all the time, kind of like Dad does when he lets me practice parallel parking." "Be fair to your father," I said. "He's been better since he started his deep breathing exercises." ~







If children don't find joy, they may not find God. And without a sense of God's presence, they may bring crazy lawsuits like Grahn's.

She shook her head. "Hyperventilating is more like it. He's an infarction on its way to happen. Last week when we were practicing merging into traffic on the freeway he put the shoulder harness in his teeth and pretended to bite it until he passed out." "He was mentioning to me something about seeing his own reflection out the back window in the grill of a semi-truck and trailer," I noted. "Remember Rene?" she went on. "They flunked her for using both feet 'On the pedal during the emergency stop. So what's the big deal?" "The gas pedal?" I ventured. "Only for a second," she said. "You'd better glance through your manual one more time before we get to the station," I suggested. Her eyes narrowed. "Is that really why you wanted to drive, so I could study?" I put the shoulder harness in my teeth. Send comments to Hilda Young, 25218 Meadow Way N.E., Arlington, Wash. 98223.


A banner in the 1960s said, "Joy is the sign of God's life within us." Why do we forget this wisdom? All too often we raise our children without opening our own hearts enough to let them learn the joy of life.

Teaching daughter to drive By Hilda Young




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., July 22, 1988

Vatican issues "ad limina" guidelines VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican has issued guidelines for the mandatory "ad limina" visits which heads of dioceses make to the Vatican every five years. The guidelines were published "to regulate the fulfillment of the ad limina visit," as well as "the preparations which precede it" by both the bishops and the Vatican departments they may visit, according to a directory containing the guidelines. Preparation should involve not only "reflection and prayer" on the part of a bishop, but also the filing of a detailed report every five years describing his diocese, its problems, and its relations with "nonCatholic and non-Christian religious communities, with civil society and with the public authorities," the directory observed. Such reports should be filed at least six months in advance of an ad limina visit so that a summary can go to the pope and extracts to interested Vatican departments, the guidelines said. Ad limina visits are a "visible foundation" of the unity of the bishops with the successor of Peter and a way in which the bishop of Rome can obtain "reliable and authoritative information on the actual situations of the various churches," as well as direct contact

with the world's bishops, the document said. The 43-page document was signed by the prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, Cardinal Bernardin Gantin. Ad limina visits include a private meeting with the pope, veneration of the tombs of Sts. Peter and Paul and usually meetings with curial departments. Included with the directory were "Theological Notes" by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head ofthe Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; "Spiritual-Pastoral Notes" by Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves of Sao Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, former secretary of the bishops' congregation; and a "HistoricoJuridical Consideration" by Msgr. Vicente Carcel Orti, an official of the Supreme Tribunal ofthe Apostolic Signature. The directory outlines procedures for arranging dates and schedules for visits and procedures for meetings with the pope and curial officials. Meetings with the pope involve "personal conversation" and whenever possible a group meeting. Visits with curial departments should be done "in a spirit of communion in truth and in charity," the directory said. Bishops should present problems, ask questions or seek infor-

mati on or clarifications during these meetings. Although responses of departmental superiors have no official status until they are "written and registered in the customary manner," it added, they "can still serve as information, counsel, orientation and guide for general pastoral practice and as a solution for" particular problems'. Cardinal Ratzinger's theological notes, prepared fQr a 1986 summit meeting between representatives of the Brazilian bishops' conference and the Vatican, emphasize that "ad limina" visits are "not merely some kind of administrative procedure" but "an instrument and a real expression of the catholicity of the church, of the unity of the college of bishops embodied in the person of the successor of Peter." In their visit to Rome, the bishops "express their recognition that collegiality needs the Petrine center and becomes an unreal idea without that center," the cardinal observed. In a summary of the history of ad limina visits, Msgr. Carcel Orti traced the tradition to the fourth century. The format of the visits has evolved. he wrote, but a constant factor has been the need for bishops to report regularly to the pope on their dioceses.

Pope's on vacation but Rome carries on

THE POPE imparts a blessing as he and the cardinals he installed June 28 enter St. Peter's Square the following day to concelebrate an outdoor Mass. (NC/Wide World photo) -

Marian Year closing set VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II will close the Marian year Aug. 15 during Vatican ceremonies including Eastern-rite rituals. The Vatican announcement said the ceremony would be "in the spirit of that communion of liturgical patrimony of East and West which has guided" the entire Marian year. The Vatican announced the general schedule for the closing ceremonies July 15.


The pope will celebrate the closing Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on the feast ofthe Assumption. It will be preceded by a procession from the Pauline Chapel of the Vatican's Apostolic Palace to an icon of Mary in St. Peter's. The litanies to the Madonna will be sung according to the Greek and Albanian Byzantine Catholic rites and the Mass will incorporate a responsorial song from the Ethiopian Catholic rite, a Gospel reading from Egypt's Coptic Catholic rite, and a communion song from the Chaldean rite. On Aug. 14, the eve of the closing ceremo'ny, the pope will celebrate a "prayer of incense" with Patriarch Stephanos II Ghattas of the Coptic Catholic Church in the Basilica of St. Mary Major. Throughout the Marian year, which began June 7, 1987. the ;:Jope has paid particular attention

to the liturgical traditions of the Eastern rites. In September he celebrated Greek Byzantine vespers at a monastery near Rome. For the feast of Mary's presentation in the temple. Nov. 21, he inaugurated the new Armenian liturgy in the Roman Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere. On Feb. 2, the pope .presided at a celebration of the Antiochene rite in St. Peter's. It was concelebrated by the Maronite patriarch and the archbishop of the SyroMalankarese rite in India. In March the pope marked the feast of the Annunciation by presiding over a celebration of the ancient Byzantine Marian hymn, the Akathistos. Cardinal D. Simon Lourdusamy, prefect of, the Congregation for Eastern-rite Churches, told Vatican Radio last April the incorporation of Eastern-rite oeremonies into the Marian year celebration revealed "the enormous spiritual riches" and the "vitality of the Eastern Catholic churches." On July 15, the Marian year central committee released a reflection on the year. It called Marian piety a "privileged 'instrument of reform" and said that the "chief aim of the renewed attention to the Mother of the Lord on the threshhold of the third Christian millennium is the commitment-of every single church to its own authentic renewal."

ROME (NC) - For centuries, Roman emperors, popes and patricians have scurried to beaches and mountain resorts to escape Rome's steamy summers. Contemporary Rome is no different, except that nowadays plebeians join the elite in seeking cooler climates. And Pope John Paul II continues the papal tradition of spending most of July and August at the papal summer villa in Castel Gandolfo, 15 miles south of Rome. But enough people are left in Rome to take care of its hundreds of thousands of tourists. Besides the daytime fare of museums, churches and famous fountains, there is an imaginative program of outdoor concerts, operas. movies and ballets, with most events taking place after 9 p.m., when the air is cooled by a breeze. One of the most spectacular settings is the Baths of Caracalla, containing the ruins of the bestpreserved imperial Roman baths and named after Caracalla, the

Michelangelo's ramp leads to his 16th-~entury square, flanked by public buildings. By day, the square is filled with people entering its museums or lining up at City Hall for a marriage license. By night, it is filled with chairs, part of its transformation into a concert hall under the stars. The Tiber River, around which Rome grew to the city that dominated the Mediterranean, is also the scene of summer evening activities. On boat-shaped Tiber Island, located in the center of the river, the city offers modern and classical ballet, popular and classical concerts, and an all-night outdoor disco. For less energetic fun-lovers, there are free board games, on tables along the railing that borders the river. The stone "Ponte Fabricio," the bridge that joins the island to the side of the river where Rome was founded, is the oldest Roman bridge still in use, dating from 62



series of bathing structures built in 212 for Rome's elite. The baths are a public park. Pine, laurel and cypress trees have been added to the brick archways, walls and vaulted passages that remain of buildings once catering to 1,600 bathers at a time. Amid the ruins, Rome's opera company stages its summer program. This year the feature attraction is Verdi's"Aida," the story of an Egyptian general whose love for a captured Ethiopian slave girl leads both to their death. Unlike the winter opera season, the atmosphere at the baths includes vendors hawking beer, soft drinks, popcorn and potato chips. Concert lovers can climb a ramp designed by Renaissance artist Michelangelo to attend classical music programs atop the Capitoline Hill, the center of religious and political life in ancient Rome and since the II th century, the seat of Rome's civic government.

Hadrian's Tomb is a huge circular medieval castle along the banks of the Tiber near the Vatican, used in the past by popes as a defense against invaders. The castle was built over the mausoleum of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who died in 138 A.D. In Italian the monument is called "Castel Sant'Angelo," the Castle of the Holy Angel, because atop the castle is a gigantic bronze statue of a winged angel sheathing his sword. The statue is a reminder of the legend that Pope Gregory I, while praying in the year 590 for an end to the plague depopulating Rome,

had a vision of an angel sheathing his sword atop the fortress. The pope interpreted it as a sign that the plague was about to end, which it did.

There are more and more of us VATICAN CITY (NC) - The latest Vatican figures show a worldwide Catholic population of nearly 879.4路million, almost one-sixth of the world population. The figure is contained in the 1986 Statistical Yearbook of the Church, the Vatican's annual collection of global church figures, and is based on Dec. 3I, 1986 statistics. The population figure includes an estimated 15 million Catholics in countries, mostly under communist ruJe, where it is impossible for the Vatican to get accurate information. The 1986 figure shows an overall Catholic population growth of almost 13 million from the previous year. The region with the highest percentage of Catholics includes Mexico and Central America with 94.4 percent, followed by South America with 89 percent. The region with the lowest percentage of Catholics is Asia with 2.5 percent. The countries with the largest number of Catholics are: Brazil, 122.67 million; Mexico, 76.49 million; Italy, 56.11 million; the United States, 53.55 million; and France, 46.18 million.

Pope praises Cory VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II encouraged Philippine efforts at land reform and at reaching a "negotiated settlement" with separatist movements in recent conversations with President Corazon Aquino, making her first state visit to the Vatican. The pope also praised political changes that followed the 1986 ouster of President Ferdinand Marcos.

Medjugorje book brings "agony" to priest By Joseph Kenny ST. LOUIS (NC) - A priest whose book disputes claims that Mary has appeared to six young people in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia, said its publication has brought him rejection and "agony." Franciscan Father Ivo Sivric, a native of Medjugorje who lives in S1. Louis, said, "I am going through agony. Even some priests are calling 'me all sorts of names. I'm getting calls every day" from people who believe the apparitions are real. According to Father Sivric, because the alleged apparitions have led to an economic boom, the people of Medjugorje will not admit publicly that the apparitions are fraudulent. He said several people told him privately that they felt obligated to tell him of their disbelief. "But to make your doubts known is dangerous. They will call you an atheist and you will be ostracized," Father Sivric said. Now that the book is out, "I don't think I would dare go there," he added. The book, "La Face Cachee de Medjugorje" ("The Hidden Face of Medjugorje"), was published in conjunction with a psychological study of Medjugorje by Louis Belanger to be released this fall. Belanger is a psychology professor at Montreal University. Father Sivric, a theologian, formerly taught at Duquesne University. "The Hidden Face of Medjugorje" was written in French because other literature on the subject was published in that language, Father Sivric said. He said he would like to see it published in English. The Marian apparitions reportedly began in 1981 in a field outside the town and later moved to a small chapel. According to supporters, the young people see, hear and touch Mary during regular

visions in the chapel. The young people say they have been given secret messages from Mary. The church has neither endorsed nor condemned the activities and claims of Medjugorje but is still studying them. Father Sivric finds numerous theological problems with the claims, such as a polarization between Christ and Mary that he said he has found in people's accounts. "According to some of their stories, she's saved the world," he said. The theologian said he has no grudge against those who believe the reports and said that he believes in miracles and the possibility of Marian apparitions. "I just wanted to examine the Jacts and present them to the church - not only the bishops but ordinary people t90," said Father Sivric, who went to Medjugorje for about two months in 1983, another couple of months in 1984 and three months in 1986 to do research. "The book is geared in such a way that a reader can form his or her own judgment. I don't want to impose mine on anybody:' he said. The local culture, which he has studied extensively and written about in tile past, features an easy transition from fantasy to fact, according to Father Sivric. "A miracle or visions are not so strange to them," he said. Father Sivric was ordained in Mostar, Yugoslavia, in 1941. He later was sent to a communist concentration camp and eventually escaped from Yugoslavia. He earned a doctrinal degree in Rome and came to the United States in 1947. He serves at a Croatian parish in S1. Louis.


, MOTHER TERESA of Calcutta (center) attends Mass at a Managua church during a recent visit to wartorn Nicaragua. (NCj UPI-Reuter photo)



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., July 22,1988

By Charlie Martin



I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you . And I think to myself What a wonderful world I see skies of blue and clouds of white The brightness of day, the darkness of night And I think to myself What a wonderful world The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky Are also on the faces of people going by I see friends shaking hands Saying how do you do They are really saying I love you I hear babies cry, I watch them grow They'l learn much more Than I'll ever know And I think to myself Yes, I think to myself What a wonderful world Written by George Weiss and Bob Thiele. Sung by Louis Armstrong. From the orignial motion picture soundtrack, "Good Morning, Vietnam". (c) 1988, A and M Records Inc. Let's reflect on the song's larger The sound of Louis Armstrong is not what you would expect to challenge - the need to recogfind in today's Top Forty. Arm- nize the goodness in the world strong died in 1971 but his "What around us. a Wonderful World" recently Taking the time to carefully climbed the pop charts. The song notice the world helps us to diswas released as a single from the cover that we are richly blessed. soundtrack of the popular movie Few experiences can match the "Good Morning, Vietnam,". splendor that nature provides or

What's on your mind? Q. What is the purpose of life? This question bothers me and I can't seem to figure out the answer. Most people seem to be just stumbling through life trying to make money. But I feel there must be something more. (Maine) A. You are asking what is really the most important question you'll ever have to answer. A great thinker, St. Thomas Aquinas, said that the greatest thing a person could achieve is lasting' happiness. Lots of people agree. The trouble is, some people search for happiness in the: wrong places. Some, for example, go to Wall Street, thinking that vast sums of money will give them lasting happiness. They become greedy. But when you make that passage through death, you can't take it with you. Money fails you in the end. How about making pleasure the main goal of your life? Will that give you lasting happiness? No. Pleasure too fails you in the end. Fame won't bring you lasting happiness. It is so elusive. So is power. Where now is Adolf Hitler? What about drugs, booze and

the rainbow of smiles "on the faces of the people going by," The song reminds us that we should not 'take the world for granted. And the movie shows how beautiful Vietnam was before the horrors of war destroyed its countryside and people. While war remains the ultimate threat to life, there are other ways that our earth is hurt daily. We each need to do our part in taking better care of the planet. Teen readers of this column might consider the immediate environment of their schools. Do you try to do your part in picking up the debris that gathers around the buildings? Even more important, do you avoid any careless littering that adds to the problem? Another way teens can help care for the earth is to take an active interest in understanding the problems that threaten the worldwide environment. Consider asking your science and social studies teachers to address these issues. Even better, plan a class project that raises others' awareness of environmental problems. God asks us to be stewards of this wonderful world given to us. In the words of another song I recently discussed, responsibility begins with the man or woman that you see in the mirror. What can you do to show more appreciation for the gift of the world? Your comments are always welcome. Address Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Ave., Evansville, Ind. 47714. As you move into adulthood, reading about your religion in books, magazines and newspapers and above all in the Bible, will deepen your understanding of God's plan for you.


Faithful prayer also will help you achieve intimacy with God and understanding of his plan. So will conversations with a wise spiritual director.


illicit sex? Surely you've heard enough of the tragedies connected with that trio to know they can't give you permanent happiness. So - just say no. Is there anything that will give lasting happiness and make your life rich, rewarding and meaningful? In New Orleans, when Pope John Paul II spok~ to thousands of young people like you, he gave us all a memorable idea, "Just say yes to God's plan," . But that's not very specific, is it? What is God's plan for you anyway? You can discover God's plan and make your life meaningful mainly in a very gradual way. Some of it you can. learn about now in your religion class and as you listen to homilies at Sunday Mass.


As you come to a deeper and more explicit understanding of,how God would like you to live your life, you then will be able to "just say yes to God's plan.... And you'll be well on your way to meaningful life and lasting happiness.

By Christopher Carstens It's great to be with friends. Nothing special has to be going on - the real pleasure comes from being one of the gang, whether shopping at the mall, going to the beach or lounging in so mebody's living room complaining that there's nothing to do. Everyone has his or her own set of friends, a personal place to feel comfortable and accepted. But the healthy pleasure of being with friends develops a problematic side when the "Let's all be the same" mentality sets in. Some groups gradually decide that since they're all friends, they ought to be alike in every way. So they begin, by tuning in the same radio station and soon they're wearing the same clothes, combing their hair in the same style and holding the same opinions on almost every topic. There is nothing wrong with being in style. And any group of people the same age will share the same ideas in many areas. But sometimes being true to yourself means deciding not to go along with the crowd. That can seem risky because you start thinking things like, "If I don't stick up for 'rap music,' I'm not being loyal to my friends." Or, "If I tell them I like math, they'll think I'm weird." Fortunately, expressing yourself rarely leaves you friendless and alone. Most teens want friends who are real people, not Xerox copies of somebody else. Developing your own style and sticking up for your own principles now and then is a lot safer than you might think. - The pressure to be identical comes from within: Nobody is telling you that you have to be just like your friends. You're telling yourself. Friendship is very important to teens, and it can feel as if the pressure is coming from outside. Most teens can't really recall a single time when

their friends said, "If you don't like the Top 40, you can't be our friend" or, "We only like prowrestling fans," - Friendship goes deeper than style: A friend is somebody you like even if you think her new haircut is dumb' or his taste in music is dreadful. Those things are superficial- style rather than substance. Tastes change and the group may need a little time to catch up with you: Teen preferences change quickly. Last week's top music video is ancient by this Tuesday. Maybe you'll be the first in your group to learn about a new fashion, or to decide that doing your homework really matters. Express yourst:lf with conviction and you're likely to turn out to be a leader rather than a reject. - You may be ready for a new group of friends: It is improbable that your best friend in seventh grade will still be your closest ally in your senior year. Most teens move through several groups of friends as they develop new interests and values. If you are fascinated by astronomy and your current friends are still into freestyle bikes, you may find yourself with new friends in the science club. On the other hand, your group may go in some direction you don't like - some crowds get into fashion design and others get into drugs. If the group's new interest leaves you cold, you probably have started to outgrow them. That's a natural part of teen life. It feels great to be accepted in a group, but now and then you need to let your individuality show. The risks are smaller than they seem and the benefits are deeper friendship and greater self-respect. You can hardly lose. Dr. Carstens is a clinical psychologist in San Diego, Calif., and a writer who has addressed youthministry groups.

St. Joseph School St. Joseph's School in Fairhaven will soon celebrate its 80th anniversary and as part of the observance is forming an alumni group. All graduates are asked to contact the school in care of principal Sister Muriel Ann Lebeau, SS.CC., at Spring and Delano Streets, Fairhaven 02719 with name, address and telephone number. Alumni in touch with classmates no longer in the area are asked to send along their information, too.


on youth ~

TAUNTON VINCENTIANS John Connors, with dark glasses, and Walter Plonka see youngsters off to fun times at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. (Kearns photo)

tv, movie news NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local listings, which may differ from the New York network schedules supplied to The Anchor. Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Films Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-13-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or young teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; 4-separate classification (given films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive. Catholic ratings for television movies are those of the movie house versions of the films.

New Films "The Great Outdpors" (Universal) - Chronicles the botched summer vacation spent by two mismatched brothers-in-law (John Candy and Dan Aykroyd) and their families in the Canadian North Woods. Some vulgar language. A2, PG "A Taxing Woman" (Original Cinema) A woman (Nobuko Miyamoto) rises to the top as a tax inspector in Japan, where tax evasion is fast becoming a national pastime. Satire in Japanese with English subtitles. Some nudity within several graphic sexual encounters of an illicit nature, rough language and a brief sequence involving the physical battering of a woman. 0, no Motion Picture Association of America rating. "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" (Touchstone) - Brilliant, landmark detective film encompassing the seamless interaction of animated and human characters. Set in Hollywood circa 1947, it features an investigation of a downand-out gumshoe (Bob Hoskins), who attempts to clear the name of animated murder suspect Roger Rabbit. Some scary violence and humorous sexual references. A2, PG "A World Apart" (Atlantic) Set in South Africa in 1963, this fact-based drama focuses on the anti-apartheid work of a white journalist (Barbara Hershey) and her inability to give her three young daughters the same love and devotion she channels into the political arena. Implied and briefly visible emotional and physical political torture, an off-camera aborted suicide and some verbal and attempted physical abuse of the film's adolescent protagonist due to her parents' political activities. A2, PG

subtitles) made in 1967. Transpires just after the Bolshevik Revolution in a Ukrainian village where a pregnant commissar has been sent to live out her pregnancy and delivery in the home of a poor Jewish tinsmith and his family. Shows compassion for the Jews whose lives are threatened because they are Jews and because they hid the commissar, a member of a rival faction. Stunning black-and-white cinematography and a symbolic imagery. Incidental rough language, an intense childbirth scene and a harrowing child's game that reproduces the type of torture to which Jews were subject. A3, no Motion Picture Association of America rating. "A Handful ofDust"(New Line Cinema) - Based on the 1934 Evelyn Waugh novel that satirizes the very rich upper classes in the guise of a beautiful young couple (James Wilby and Kristin Scott Thomas) whose contented life is destroyed by the wife's adulterous affair. A3, PG "Short Circuit 2" (Tri-Star) The return ofendearing robot Number Five, now known as Johnny Five. Sent from Montana to help his co-inventor Ben (Fisher Stevens) launch a toy-robot company, the lovable erector set gets caught up in all sorts of mayhem, including a jewel heist. Some harrowing villainous attacks on the robot. Rough language. A2, PG "Absolution" (Trans World)A priest (Richard Burton) at a Catholic school commits a murder after his teenage protege goes bad and torments him in confession with lies about sexual trysts and murder. Some profanity and a gruesome murder scene. 0, R "Arthur 2: On the rocks"(Warner Bros.) - The continuing comedic saga of perpetually drunk millionaire Arthur(Dudley Moore). Since alcoholism is simply no laughing matter, there's a limit as to how funny Arthur's behavior can be. Some vulgar language. A3, PG "Boyfriends and Girlfriends" ("L'Ami de Mon Amie") (Orion Classics) - Tracks the shifting romantic alliances between four young men and women living and working in a suburb of Paris. A sparkling, delightful tribute to the uncertainties of modern romance. In French with English subtitles. Implied cohabitation by unmarried couples. A3, PG

"License to Drive" (20th Century Fox) - A 16-year-old (Corey Haim) fails his drivers' exam, but before he can admit his failure he borrows his grandfather's mintcondition Cadillac for a spin with the girl of his dreams. Highlights the positive and negatives of peer pressure, puberty and power brakes. Fleeting rough language and a brief tasteless attempt by "Coming to America" (Para- , one boy to photograph a drunken mount) - The pampered heir to girl's cleavage. A2, PG-13 an African throne (Eddie Murphy) travels to Queens, New York, to "Shy People"(Cannon) - Hotfind a bride he can both love and house drama set on the Louisiana respect. Some nudity and much bayou brings a brash story-hunting profanity. A3, R New York photojournalist (Jill "Commissar" (International Clayburgh) and her teen daughter Film Exchange) Long-sup- to their backwater relatives, a wornpressed Russ~an film (with English out matriarch (Barbara Hershey)

"Last Temptation" protest is called inaccurate of the criticism is "inaccurate and exaggerated." "In terms of the publicity surrounding the film, a good deal of what has been discussed is inaccurate," said Hirsch, who specifically cited material about the movie circulated by the Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, a Methodist minister spearheading the criticism. Hirsch said' he had "some concern" that well-meaning people including Catholics - would get "on the bandwagon prematurely" and said such publicity "could promote the film." He also questioned "whether this film, if reviewed just as any 1111I111I11I11I11I11111111I11I11I11I11I111I111I111I111111I11I11I1111I and her four wild sons. A classy- other film, would be a success at looking film, but Russian director the box office" without publicity Andrei Konchalovsky fills it with from protesters. The film is based on a novel, American stereotypes. Some intense violence, cocaine-sniffing, an ex- "The Last Temptation of Christ," plicit striptease sequence and teen by Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957). It stars William Dafoe as Jesus sexual promiscuity. 0, R and other characters include Harvey Keitel as Judas, David Bowie Film on TV as Pontius Pilate, Barbara HerSunday, July 31, 8-11 p.m. EDT (NBC) - "The Killing Fields" sheyas Mary Magdalene and Verna Bloom as Mary. (1984) - Powerful and visually Kazatzakis' book, written toward overwhelming film about the friendthe end of his life, presents Jesus as ship of an American correspondent (Sam Waterston) and his Cam- struggling with his humanity before reluctantly accepting his role as bodian assistant (Haing-S. Ngor) Messiah. set against the background of the fall of Cambodia and the slaughter Catholic officials at the July 12 of millions by the Khmer Rouge. screening for religious leaders inA fact-based extraordinary human cluded Hirsch; Bishop Anthony document. Graphically realistic' G. Bosco of Greensburg, Pa., chairbut not overdone scenes of car- man of the U.S. bishops' Commitnage. A2, R tee on Communication; and Henry Herx, who reviews films for the Religious TV Sunday, July 24 (CBS) - "For communications office. Morality in Media, founded by . Our Times" - CBS producer John Santos reports on the'spread of Jesuit Father Morton Hill, had AIDS from the homosexual com- two staff members at the screening and said in a statement that the munity into the poverty-stricken movie was an "intentional demeanurban black and Hispanic communities and the work of the AI DS ing of Christ," portraying him as a Minority Task Force of the New "colossal wimp." He said the production shows the "distorted thinkYork City Council of Churches. ing of anyone who had anything to Religious Radio do with the film." The studio said it hoped AmeriSunday, July 24 (NBC) "Guideline" - Jesuit Father John cans "will give the film and filmNavone is interviewed about grad- maker a fair chance." Mr. Wildmon, founder of the uate theological studies at the GreNational Federation for Decency, gorian University, Rome. By Sister Mary Ann Walsh

WASHINGTON (NC) - Much protest against Martin Scorsese's "The Last Temptation of Christ," due for release this fall, is inaccurate, said a U.S. Catholic Conference official who viewed a working copy of the movie July 12. Richard Hirsch, secretary of the U.S. bishops' Department of Communication, commented July 14 as several Christian groups campaigned against the movie, which has been called an "intentional demeaning" of Jesus. Universal Pictures has said much

_ _/t;

The Anchor Friday, July 22, 1988

now called the American Family Association, said after reading a script that the production is "the most perverted, distorted account of the historical and biblical Jesus I have ever read." He was invited to the screening but did not attend. He has urged supporters to call Universal, boycott theaters showing the film, and boycott all subsidiaries of MCA, Universal's parent company, which has publishing and rec'ord divisions. A petition circulated by Mr. Wildmon's group described scenes, including one it said "has Jesus marrying Mary Magdalene and allowing his guardian angel to watch while Jesus and Magdalene engage in sex." Hirsch declined to comment on the yet uncompleted film but said scenes related to Jesus having sex with Mary Magdalene are part of a dream sequence as the crucified Jesus undergoes his last temptation. Joseph Reilly, national director of Morality in Media, said his staff reported that the film showed "sex between Jesus and Mary Magdalene at a distance" and also presented Jesus as having "fathered children by Mary and Martha." According to an article on Kazantzakis in the Catholic Encyclopedia, the author's life was marked by a tortured spiritual quest to find God. "The Last Temptation of Christ" and a second work on St. Francis "mark the author's harking back to Christianity...to seize upon its human aspects," the encyclopedia said. It added that Kazantzakis' writings reflect "the stages of his chaotic spiritual quest through the great religions, philosophies, and political theories of mankind." Scorsese, raised in an ItalianAmerican family, attended New York Catholic schools and entered the seminary for a year at age 14. He often uses church imagery in his movies. Many of his characters "concern themselves with the existence of God, guilt and expiation, and man's ultimate end," said Mary Pat Kelly, author of a Scorsese biography.

Jeb'tdt tlltdltlol1J..,....._

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of Fall River-Fri., July 22; 1988

Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY CHAIRME!II are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activIties. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not normally carry news at tundralslng activities. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675路7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford.

APOSTOLATE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Outing to Jericho, Holyoke, Aug. 28; information: office 679-8373 (voice/TTY). NOTRE DAME, FR Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeMello are celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary. Sick and elderly wishing to receive communion at home may contact Father Ernest E. Blais, pastor, 679-1991. HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO A Portuguese priest will conduct a series of Marian meditations following 7 p.m. Mass Aug. 15; and at 9:30 a.m. Mass and after 7 p.m. Mass Aug. 16 and 17. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN The parish welcomes six new eucharistic ministers. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON Choir cookout Aug. 7; information: Jan Smith, 823-5563. Altar boys' outing (swimming, bowling and mini-golf) 1:30 p.m. Monday; meet at rectory.

ST. JULIE, N. DARTMOUTH Rosary and Benediction 4 p.m. Sunday follows exposition which begins after 11:30 a.m. Mass. HOLY NAME" FR School Advisory Council cookout 6 p.m. Thursday, rectory; meeting follows. Altar boys' trip to Pawtucket Red Sox game Monday. New Women's Guild members welcome' information: Pauline Pacheco, 678~ 4683; new members' tea and reception Sept. 25.

ST. J()HN EVANGELIST, POCASSET Church open for prayer and adoration until noon weekdays, throughout day on weekends. Altar servers' pizza party 2 p.m. Tuesday, Craigville Pizza. ST. STANISLAUS, FR A representative of the White Fathers missionaries will speak at weekend Masses. CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN Community Gospel Center, Mattapan, church picnic 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow. St. James, New Bedford, church picnic noon to six p.m. July 24. O.L. ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE Viatorian Missions Father Francis E. Williams, CSV, will speak at weekend Masses.

ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET William and Claudette Courville are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, Marcelo and Fran Laz- CATHEDRAL, FR Eucharistic ministers meeting 2 aro their 30th. Fellowship meeting 7 p.m. Sunday, rectory. p.m. Sunday, parish center. CHARISMATIC RENEWAL Life in Spirit seminar 9 a.m. to 4 DIVORCED AND SEPARATED, p.m. July 30; 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. NB New Bedford area support group (including Mass) July 31, St. Mary's parish center, Seekonk. Informa- for divorced and separated Cathotion/ registration Pauline L'Heureux, lics meetings 7 p.m. at Family Life Center, N. Dartmouth, except as 336-6349. July 25: changing values and noted; FAMILY LIFE CENTER, roles video; Aug. 10: Sister Jane N. DARTMOUTH Lamaze natural childbirth class Hogan talk, "Looking at Myself," in Monday evening. Divorced and sep- St. Joseph's Church basement, Fairhaven; Aug. 22: Clayton Barbeau arate~ program meeting Monday. video, "Surviving Loneliness." SACRED HEART, NB Meeting for present and prospec- BLESSED SACRAMENT tive altar servers 9:30 a.m. tomor- ADORERS, NB row, church. Holy hour 7 p.m. Monday, St. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Theresa's Church, New Bedford with Altar servers will a.ttend a Paw- . Father Mark R. Hession, parochial tucket Red Sox game Aug. 16; new vicar at Mt. Mary's parish, New servers grades four through eight Bedford; refreshments follow, church welcome; information: parochial vic- hall; all welcome: Exposition of ar Father William F. Baker, 399- Blessed Sacrament follows 9 a.m. 8440. Adventure youth group mem- Mass and ends with 7 p.m. Benedicbership meeting 7 p.m. Monday, tion Fridays at St. Theresa's. parish center.

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Sister Marie Edward Age: 33 Native of: Pennsylvania is home, but raised in a military family and lived in a number of foreign countries and several states. Education: B.A., Immaculata College, Pennsylvania; AD in Nursing, Cochran School of Nursing, New York Outside Interests: Reading, Art. . "My interest in nursing developed concurrently with my desire to make a lifetime commitment to God. My vocation, a gift from God, isa means ofgrowing closer to Christ."

DOMINICAN SISTERS OF HAWTHORNE A religious community of Catholic women with seven modern nursing facilities in six states. Our one apostolate is to nurse incurable cancer patients. This work is a practical fulfillment of our faith. The most important talent, highly prized by us, is the talent for sharing of yourself - your compassion, your cheerfulness, your faith - with those who have been made so vulnerable and dependent by this dread disease. Not all of our sisters are nurses, but as part of our apostolate, all directly help in the care of the patients. If you think you have a religious vocation and would like to know more about our work and community life, why not plan to visit with us. We would be happy to share with you a day from our lives. Write: Sr. Anne Marie DOMINICAN SISTERS OF HAWTHORNE Rosary Hill Home 600 Linda Avenue Hawthorne, New York 10532 or call: (914) 769-4794

Please send me more information about your Congregation. ANCH/7/22 Name






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"Parish linkage" for Iowa diocese SIOUX CITY. Iowa (NC) With fewer priests than ever available. Bishop Lawrence D. Soens of Sioux City has announced "parish linkage" plans to combine pastoral services of smaller parishes in his diocese. The plan also envisions that some larger parishes may be turned into "centers for ministry to a cluster of parishes." Bishop Soens stressed that the pairing or clustering of parishes does not mean that the smaller parishes will be closed, although some may no longer have a resident pastor. In official statistics for 1987 the TOM Kendzia of Westerly, diocese listed 155 active priests R.I., a Christian composer, serving nearly 104.000 Catholics keyboardist and vocalist, will in 136 parisheS' and missions. The diocese lost seven priests in perform at a rain-or-shine Twi- the past four years and expects to light Garden Concert 7:30 p.m. lose 10 more over the next five tomorrow at LaSalette Shrine, . years. "Such needs as religious educaAttleboro. Concertgoers may tion. care of the elderly. sacramenuse garden seating or bring tal preparation and youth ministry lawn chairs and blankets. In- . .. might well be strengthened formation and directions: 222- and improved through linkage of 5410. parishes." Bishop Soens said. Larger diocesan parishes. with 900 to 4.000 members. may be asked to be the central parish in a ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO cluster. in which a pastor and one Healing service with Father Wil- or more associates would coordiliam T. Babbitt 2:30 p.m. Aug. 14 concludes with 4 p.m. Mass. Mass nate pastoral care and programs and prayer meeting 7 p.m. Thurs- for all clustered parishes. Bishop Soens said there is no days throughout summer. specific timetable for establishing O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE or clusters around the linkages Mr. and Mrs. Philip Loughlin and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cuddy are diocese: "For example. when a marking 50 years of marriage, Mr. pastor retires may be the proper and Mrs. Gerald Ott 25. time to review a situation."

Cathedral repairs put on hold in Erie ERIE. Pa. (NC) - Bishop Michael J. Murphy of Erie has put a $1.1 million cathedral renovation project on hold. suggesting the money would be better spent to meet educational and social needs. At a news conference, the bishop said Pope John Paul II's new encyclical, "On Social Concerns," plus lack of adequate funding for the project prompted him to postpone plans for interior renovation of Erie's St. Peter's Cathedral. Bishop Murphy said he would seek advice of diocesan consultative bodies regarding whether the $1.1 million budgeted for the renovation should be allocated instead for "necessary educational, charitable or social service works." "Faced by cases of need, one cannot ignore them in favor of superfluous church ornaments and costly furnishings for divine worship," Bishop Murphy said. "On the contrary, it could be obligatory to sell these goods in order to provide food, drink. clothing and shelter to those who lack these things," he said. In the encyclical, the pope discussed church interest in social development and raised the possibility of selling some church pos~ sessions to provide for the poor. Through a diocesan appeal begun in 1985, $2.5 million was collected for the renovation. About $1.5 million was used for exterior repairs. Remaining funds were to be used for interior renovation. Bishop Murphy said if the appeal funds are reallocated, donors will be able to state whether or not they still wish their money to go for cathedral renovation.

REV.DAVID E. Farrell, CSC, a 1964 graduate of Stonehill College, North Easton, has been elected provincial superior of the Eastern Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross whose headquarters are in Bridgeport, Conn. He will serve for six years. Father Farrell, 48, a native of Pittsfield, has been assistant provincial superior since 1987. Previously he served in social action programs in EI Salvador, Peru and Chile. He holds a master of science in sociology degree from the University of London. He succeeds Reverend J oseph F. Callahan, C.S.C., also a Stonehill alumnus.

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